Short story 4 (Happy weekend)

Short story 4 (Happy weekend)

By Flames in 25 Mar 2017 | 10:36
Flames Flames

Flames Flames

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"Welcome back" Mrs Nwaforaku said to us with an engaging smile. That kind of smile that says nothing but communicates something. That smile that always said "You have done well". But I knew that then was not the rightful time for such smile. That smile was supposed to be my source of encouragement, but it wasn't. It became a source of nervousness for me. My heartbeat increased and I couldn't exactly tell the reason. I have written many exams and came out confident but this one, "My God help me, help us" I prayed silently. "Thanks teacher" we greeted. She handed us two pieces of gala and lacasera each "Sit and eat" she said to us "We still have up to 25mins before the result is ready". "Thanks teacher" We greeted again. I took the gala from her but I couldn't open it, I've lost my appetite. I looked at Austin. I observed the way he opened his gala. He hit the end on his left lap and the gala propped up from the the top. He reminded me of my immediate elder brother, that was exactly his style. I observed the way he opened his lacasera, the slippery way the gas escaped. I watched him bite his gala and engulfed his drink. I imagined the way the lacasera flowed down his glottis like a gentle flow of a lake. I watched the way his Adam's apple propped up and down as he drank more. He wasn't nervous. Perhaps he knew what he wrote, but even at that, I expected he show some signs that he just took an exam whose result wouldn't exceed the next 20mins.

"How was the exam, I hope you knew what you wrote?" Ezenwa asked. That was a question I hated to hear that particular moment, but I knew it was definitely going to come. What were they expecting to hear from us other than what they expected to hear "We tried our best" Austin answered and continued with his drink. She looked at me, I simply answered "Yes". "You haven't taken your snacks Amara" Nwaforaku asked.
"I will still take it" I just chipped in. I just didn't want her to talk about that or me till the result was out. But I knew she would. She came closer and held my shoulder.

"You look so tensed up, is it because of the exam?" That was a question I would not love to be asked especially before Austin. Austin looked down and smiled, he knew I looked at him so he didn't look at me. Nwaforaku held me close.

"Whatever happens, just know that you have tried your best. You must not be successful in everything after all at the long run only one School out of the numerous secondary schools in Nigeria will emerge the winner. It looks free and fair now but you know that some schools must surely lobby it up. I just wished our School not to be left out okay! So I want you to relax. If you really know what you wrote, you have nothing to be afraid of okay!"

I answered "Thanks teacher". I must confess, those words were magical to me. I felt eased again. I stood up and made to leave and Ezenwa asked where I was going.
"To ease myself" I lied. I knew I wasn't pressed but I wanted to leave them. I wanted to avoid more questions. I wanted less sympathy. I wanted to walk around. I gave teacher my snacks and left.
I observed teachers at different corners with their students. Many were eating snacks. I got so deepened in thought that I hit someone, his math set fell down.
"Oh sorry" I said quickly and made to pick it but he resisted "don't worry" he said with a smile. I noticed his badge and his uniform.
"You must be Mathias from All Hallows" I asked impulsively. He smiled.
"And you must be Amara from Learning Field" I was amazed but I knew who was responsible. I imagined him refuting the automatic promotion offered to him. I was intelligent and I knew how glorious it felt to take the first position but I was never offered any chance of automatic promotion. Before me was someone Austin was always 20th after, and Austin was first before me. Then I knew that intelligent people existed. I knew All Hallows would be among the first 5th.

"Hope you wrote well? He asked
"I hope so" I answered "And you"
"I don't know, in fact I doubt" he answered smiling. I regretted asking him back because that was exactly the way Austin behaved when asked such question. He would never accept he wrote well till you see his answer sheet. I understood it simply that they don't usually brag about exams till the paper comes out.
"Mathias teacher wants to see us" it was his brother, the one that should be seconding him, Samuel. He looked at me "You must be Amara" and I returned back "And you must be Samuel". I knew he was amazed. He smiled. They always smiled, I mean seminarians. I knew Mathias never wanted to leave but he had no option.
"We need to leave, our teacher is calling us."

"Success as the result comes out" Samuel said.
"You too" I replied. I watched them leave together obviously talking about no other person than me.
"You have gotten new friends" I heard from behind me. It was Austin.
"I have heard much about All Hallows" I said as we walked together.
"Have you been inside the School? He asked
"Yea, but only once"
"You have a friend there"
"No! That was last year during the feast of All Hallows. "
"You have been to our feast? He asked amazed. I knew he didn't know when he put 'Our'.
"Yes, it was awesome. I never knew that Seminary people used to do magic"
"Which magic" he asked astonished
"There was this dance..... I have forgotten the name. It was the last dance for the day. They used to carry charms"
"Izuogu" he said
"is that what you call it. It was terrifying. Someone was cooked alive and he later came out. Someone was having flames on his hands and he wasn't burnt. The chief priest was sprinkling water from a basket. Someone was on top of a broom and he didn't fall neither did the broom break, and many others. I even saw a crawling masquerade how was that possible? But the one that scared me most was the casket. Someone was in the casket and when it was opened flies came out from it. It looked so real that I thought it was real. How was that possible? And after you will tell me that its not magic". Austin laughed scornfully and said,
"Ami, all those things you saw were just THE MORE YOU LOOK. The basket containing water was just constructed with two baskets and in between them was a nylon that prevents the water from escaping. The crawling,someone was always inside it but you won't see him. About the broom, they are tightened that they can't break and then someone can stand on them comfortably. The hands with flames, If you were observant you would have seen that he usually dipped his hands in a red bowl and after a short while dips them in another black bowl. The red one contained gum which he dipped his hands in and lights it, the gum will then start burning in place of the hands. When it burns the gum to an extent he then dips the hands in the black bowl which contained water and the flames go down. This is to avoid being burnt. About the casket, the person is spread perfume that attracts flies and when the casket is opened, the flies are released by the person and so those flies would be hovering around the supposed dead person. As for the person cooked alive, I won't tell you. Just know that he was cooked alive" I didn't know when I shouted "Oh my God, I never knew all these".
"How would you know when you were busy crying in the field", he teased and I hit him at his shoulder. He pretended it was painful, I knew it wasn't.
"Please tell me about the person inside the pot, how was that possible, was he really cooked?" I asked again
"I told you I'm not saying anything. ., he was cooked didn't you see it? "I knew he was joking. He just wanted me to beg him more.
"Tell me please " I said. Just then, there was announcement calling together everybody. I knew the time had come.
"We need to go back to our teachers, they will be looking for us by now" I said to Austin.
"Actually, I was sent to call you " he replied. I glanced at him. He laughed because he knew that that glance was a question to him. A question that suggested "And you didn't tell me?.
We all faced the big stage Tv, and on the screen was THE REGIONAL RESULT OF THE FEDERAL AWARD COMPETITION. It had other inscriptions on them but I saw only the one I felt was important at the moment. Just then a young light skinned man entered in. I wouldn't just say he was short but definitely I can't also say he was tall. Perhaps he was a middle man. He never had any hand microphone but we could hear him boldly and loudly. Of course his English was fluent and eloquent. However, he tried his best to be lucid and laconic.

"Hello everyone" he began puting up a large smile which filled his face as If he knew us one by one. I observed his suit it was neatly ironed. I presumed he was one of the organizers from the Federal government. They must be paying him a lot. "The result of the just concluded exam is already out and guess what? Everybody here made it." He was smiling proudly. I knew he just said that just to lessen the level of uneasiness people may feel. Myself I felt like squeezing his throat. We needed no sympathy nor sympathizers because it was some School or schools that would still go. So it didn't matter. Whoever was never lucky was never lucky. However he continued "The result was already out five minutes after your exams because the computer was programmed that way. There is no need asking you to go later and come back for your result. The result is already here with us. There is no room for tampering or altering of any result. The computer does that so do not be afraid of any malpractice or misplacement of any stuff. If you did well, you will know" he had a deep breath. "like I told you before, everybody, every School did well but what we need here is just the first fifth who are going to go further with the state level. And so at this juncture, we open the result. My name is Henry Johnson. I work in commission with the Ministry of Education under the Federal government" Austin held my hand and I looked at him. He said to me "I wasn't expelled from the Seminary. I left on my own. In

I left because...... I......."We shall begin from the School that took the 1st position" the sound of the mic interrupted him. I wondered why he chose that particular moment to tell me that. Mr Henry continued
"The School that took the lead has the total of 92.74% and its no other School than......." Immediately the screen of the stage Tv sweft over and on it appeared FEDERAL GIRLS COLLEGE ONITSHA". They shouted and jubilated with their teachers. I saw their teachers hugging them. I imagined Nwaforaku and Ezenwa hugging Myself and Austin. My enthusiasm exercebated. I looked hopefully. "God I need your help" I prayed silently. "The School that took the 2nd position came up with the total score of 91.78% and I mean no other School than CHRIST THE KING COLLEGE ONITSHA" I saw those boys on white and white rejoice. I have heard much of that School. If I had been a boy I would be there for my studies. I still waited praying silently in my heart for a miracle. Mr Henry continued "The School that took 3rd came up with the total score of 91.25% and by that I mean ALL HALLOWS SEMINARY" I searched immediately with my eyes and I saw Mathias and Samuel smiling. They didn't make noise like others and their teachers also were beaming with smiles. "The School that took the 4th position has the total score of 90.92 and that is REGINA PACIS SECONDARY SCHOOL ONITSHA" Those ones wanted to shout down the building. Then it done on me right that only one chance remained. I prayed and made promises to God. That was the last chance. I waited for the exceptional miracle. "The School that came 5th and the last of the selected had a total of 90.53% and that is GRUNDVIG INTERNATIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOL OBA" There was a high sound of jubilation among the School. "This is it" I whispered in my heart. I looked at Austin, it was obvious it wasn't easy for him. Many things went turbulent in my mind. We have failed the School. I have failed the School. I have failed my classmates, I have failed our principal, I have failed Mrs Nwaforaku... I have failed myself and I have failed Austin. I felt like disappearing. A gentle hand touched my shoulder. It was Nwaforaku. When I looked at her and she smiled. I looked down and tears filled my eyes. I thought about all the promises I made to God and yet he couldn't answer that simple request. I became disappointed in God. I felt like not to pray anymore. He couldn't answer my simple prayer.

"Look!" it was Austin. I tried controlling my tears. Anyway it wasn't too obvious. Mr Henry seemed to be dialoguing with another lady that was wearing suit and obviously was one of the organizers. She was showing something to Henry with her ipad. Another lady joined together with another man, all wearing suit. They seemed to agree on something then Mr Henry took the stage again. "We regret to say that there was inconsistency and breachment in exam conduct. It has been certified that a School here cheated during the exam and was captured by the camara. They were spotted with a phone and We therefore disqualify this School. The School that took the 5th position, Grundvig international School is thereby disqualified from the competition. Sequel to that, We have to replace the 5th position with the School that took the 6th position, and they are no other School than LEARNING FIELD INTERNATIONAL SECONDARY SCHOOL ONITSHA. Austin shouted "YES". I was still trying to figure out whether it was real. He continued "They have the total score of 90.05%". People started clapping. I was so amazed that I hugged Nwaforaku and Ezenwa and held Nwaforaku tightly. She was laughing and said "you guys have made it". Austin came forward and they hugged him. He looked at me smiling. "Austin!" a voice called from behind him. They were. Mathias and Samuel. They greeted Mrs Nwaforaku who hugged them both. I couldn't forget easily, she was their teacher and later began to teach them part time. Just then their teachers came forward and greeted with our teachers congratulating each other. They engaged themselves in some discussion. "Congrats" Mathias said to us looking at me. I simply replied "Thanks and you too". We laughed but I didn't see the need.
"You guys need to book mass of thanksgiving and give testimony in the church " Samuel teased. But I know it was true. And Austin replied "okwia". I told them not to worry that we would do so. Austin told them about myself and izuogu their scaring fetish dance. We saw ourselves discussing. I observed Samuel, he always made sure his eyes never met with mine. I didn't wish to say that he was shy. He contributed in our discussion. Our discussion was interrupted by their teacher who said "bia umuazia bianu kanyi naa" and she turned to Austin and said to him "Austin you didn't see me right" Austin went to her and greeted "teacher good afternoon, you were discussing so I didn't want to disturb you" she placed her hand at his back as he bowed besides her. I greeted her also and she patted my back and congratulated us. They left. Austin whispered to me "she is now behaving like a saint but then she only knew how to shout Austin kneel down" I chukled and commented "That was to make you a better person".
"Ezigbo mmadu "he retorted to me "Look at your mouth like a better person." I laughed.
I felt excited and somewhat proud as we drove back to School. Austin said to me
"Some minutes ago Someone was crying like a quawl but now she is laughing" He was talking about me. I tugged him at his arm and he whispered "awwwwwww". We smiled as we drove back to School. Many things came to my head. I first of all said "Lord I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I'm not disappointed in you. I shouldn't conclude before you. Forgive my impatience, you are a sweet God" I became confused whether I was a sadist, our success came from disqualifying some people. I was happy that they were disqualified. But it was never our fault they cheated. I laughed and Austin looked at me. I leaned on his shoulder and when I saw Ezenwa looking at me through the mirror, I sat up. She smiled.
............... Wait for season 5........
25 Mar 2017 | 10:36
Fillowing jejeli
25 Mar 2017 | 10:55
wow I wanted to cry when dey called the first 5th well congrats to u two..... impatience is really bad try nd wait bf u conclude anything. happy for u guys..... waiting for next week... .
25 Mar 2017 | 11:02
wow! I like this...
25 Mar 2017 | 11:25
Am so happy they were among the top five schools
25 Mar 2017 | 11:27
25 Mar 2017 | 11:29
Hmmmm following
25 Mar 2017 | 11:41
25 Mar 2017 | 12:30
I still haven't gotten the name ooo
25 Mar 2017 | 12:37
Why do you keep posting it this way..... Av not read 1,2,3, please do something about it...... Biko
25 Mar 2017 | 12:40
Interesting Congrat to them.. Thumb up dear @flames
25 Mar 2017 | 13:40
ena no knw book na.
25 Mar 2017 | 18:32
wow. so happy for you guys
25 Mar 2017 | 18:50
Wow.. Am happy for you guys Following
25 Mar 2017 | 18:52
That was Blissful
25 Mar 2017 | 20:21
@lexxxino I keep posting this way because I don't know the name to give it Here are the links to others: 2: 3:
26 Mar 2017 | 10:09
Wow! Am so glad u guys made it...God is always faithful, no matter de situation
26 Mar 2017 | 14:46
wow....u guys were very lucky
26 Mar 2017 | 15:21
Thanks bro @flames you made my day
26 Mar 2017 | 16:27
that is hope
26 Mar 2017 | 18:27
27 Mar 2017 | 15:36
Nice story.
28 Mar 2017 | 06:58
@flames hope u re okay what happen to dis weekend no update pls if u okay try nd post kudos to u
2 Apr 2017 | 16:17
@flames what happened I hope everything is alright
4 Apr 2017 | 17:31
I'm sorry guys... I had my last paper on Saturday. It wasn't easy at all but I'm through now. I thank those who prayed for me during the course of the exams. God bless you all...
5 Apr 2017 | 07:29


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