Short story 6 (Happy weekend)

Short story 6 (Happy weekend)

By Flames in 22 Apr 2017 | 02:52
Flames Flames

Flames Flames

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Member since: 5 Nov 2014
It was scheduled that we leave for Awka at most by 8am for the competition at 10 am. The situation the previous day was devastating. Austin called and called but I didn't pick and he sent me a text I'M WITH YOU CYNTHIA. I was surprised how he knew my English name. Cynthia is my name but I rarely answered it in public. At school, I answered Obadike Amara C. That name was a special nomenclature for one person, I was still mourning him, my father. When I saw his text, a greater part of me felt cool and cozy. I wished he was near me. I heard my teacher was around but I refused to see her. I was restless I couldn't sleep. My mum called me
"Nne, you are not sleeping?"
"I don't feel like" I replied
"You know you have competition tomorrow, I want you to get some rest OK!"
"I'm going nowhere mum"
"Nne no, you have to go OK! You have gone a long way for this, you can't let go now"
"Mum I'm sorry I can't continue, she lied to me and you supported her. You wanted me to leave". She came closer to me and held my shoulder
"Nne I understand, don't blame your teacher for this, I was the person that called her and asked her to do what she did. I was surprised you came back. I did it to avoid all these. I want you to enter the exam hall with a relaxed mind, I don't want you to lose concentration"
"At least mum you should let me come home"
"Your teacher loves you so much, and you know that. She opted to help on my request. Please blame me for that." I held my mum for some time, I stood up and left to my room. Yet I couldn't sleep. I picked my phone and dialed Austin's number. It rang twice no picking till he started calling back. I picked it and glued it to my ear
"I'm sorry for disturbing you" I said
"Hey, its alright, I understand. Please do not cut the call. I know how you feel now"
"Austin you have no idea what it looks like"
"You think I can't but I can imagine that. Listen Cynthia, you have to be strong if not for anybody, for your mum. Some days are like that I must be sincere with you. Cynthia, I lost my dad when I was ten, when I needed him much. But who was I to tell God what to do. Remember what I told you, God disposes always when man proposes. God has a plan for you and you can't give up now OK. Cynthia please be strong OK!"
"Austin please call me Amara"
"You don't like Cynthia"
"Just call me Amara"
"OK, if you say so". I know Austin on a normal day would want to know why i asked him to call me Amara instead and would insist. He was considering me, he never wanted to add salt to the injury. I had to tell him
"Austin I won't be joining you tomorrow, I just want to let you know"
"You are not serious, are you"
"I just called to tell you that, goodnight"
"Wait wait wait...." There was a rush in his voice. Anyway I knew right within me that I didn't call to say that. He continued "please don't cut the call. Amara, do you know exactly what you are trying to do?"
"Yes I do"
"Why now Amara, who do you want to replace you?"
"Anybody, any person you like"
"I have not prepared with any other person, do you want us to mess up Amara"
"Do it your way"
"Amara you know I can't do this alone. Remember teacher Nwaforaku, remember uncle Mike, remember our principal, remember our classmates and all their sacrifices, remember all the students who depend on our success, remember Vivian"
"Austin I have made up mind.."
"OK wait, if you can't do it for anybody, please do it for me. I have never requested anything from you, can you grant me this one. OK if you can't do it for me, do it for your late father. You know how much he longed to see you appear on the television. Can you grant him this last wish". I knew Austin was an orator but I didn't know he could be that emotional. I started shedding tears. He noticed because I couldn't control my emotions any longer. I heard his voice said "please ". I cut the call.
Teacher had to call Lucy, another brilliant girl but Austin was sad. His face was moody. Teacher asked Austin to cover up as much as he could, Lucy would be of help. When uncle Mike came in the morning, he was to accompany them with Mrs Nwaforaku and was told what happened. He knew it wasn't easy for Austin and so he entered his car drove straight to my house. He commiserated with my mum and brothers. He asked of me, I went outside with him. I can't forget his exact words
"Austin has given up". I was a little bit perplexed and he continued
"He is going to hand over the school, if that's how you want it, you can always change your heart". He already made to leave when I told him
"I'm coming with you". He turned, looked at me, smiled, came back and said
"I'm waiting for you". I rushed inside, cleaned myself up and prepared the much I could. My mother wished me luck but before I entered uncle Mike's car she said "thank you" and I smiled to her.
I never knew that words had spread that I was bereaved and it rumoured around that I wasn't going to represent the school again. Nwaforaku was coming out when we entered the school, uncle Mike had to stop before her. When she saw me she was happy and when I greeted her she hugged me holding me tight. She whispered "my dear I'm sorry". That teacher was my role model, she had all the qualities I needed. Just then I saw Austin, he was bending besides the school bus but didn't notice me. Lucy tapped him and said
"Austin see". When he raised his head he saw me I was carrying my bag, our eyes met. He walked towards me and when he reached me, he threw his arms around me and gave me warm embrace. I have never hugged a fellow student before not to talk of doing that in the school premises. It was obvious he was happy. He looked revived and eager and he said to me
"You know what I told you about taking the 19th position, I was going to become the 20th" I laughed with him. I greeted Lucy who told me that she had been nervous since she was called to replace me. She thanked me for saving her and commiserated with me. Nwaforaku informed the principal that I would be going, he gave us his admonitions and wished us good luck. This time, we didn't go with school bus, we went with uncle Mike's car. Mrs Nwaforaku sat in front with uncle Mike, and I sat at the back with Austin.
We reached Awka in time just as other schools. The spectacle that time thrilled me. There were different TV and radio stations present for cover up. People were much. The commissioner for education was there. I later heard that she had to be there because this time the school that came would not only represents the school but also the state. Her presence was an endorsement. Of course uncle Mike would not have us do anything like revision or rehearsal, he believed that whatever we were to produce, were right within us. We were up to 20 schools from the four divisions of the state. I don't know exactly how it was divided but I could see other school that made it from their division. We were still looking around when we heard from behind us
"Here we are again". They were Mathias and Samuel. We greeted each other
"Mathias and Samuel, hope you are not here to intimidate us" Austin teased
"Odikwamma" Samuel commented
"You don't have any idea how you guys would look if you represent the state at the Federal level" Mathias also commented.
"What of you" I said "did your Rector send you here for sight seeing, perhaps the organizers would give you another automatic promotion to represent us". Mathias immediately glaced at Austin. That look was simply "you told her". Austin never minded, he was just laughing. I knew something of pride caught Mathias that I was able to recognize his intelligence. Perhaps because it was a girl.
"Anyway there's nothing much here. We are just here for the sake of being here afterall its obvious that this may be rigged somewhere somehow" said Samuel
"Amara lost her father just yesterday" Austin said immediately. He didn't mind me.
"My God" Samuel said sympathetically.
"You serious!" Exclaimed Mathias. I lost words. They showed sympathy as if they were directly affected. They promised me to remember him in their prayers. I looked at Samuel's face, his face was simply suggesting "Are you going to do this?" It was obvious and so I answered immediately "don't worry about me, I can handle it. I have no choice". Immediately the announcement went on just as was before. We were required to get settled at our positions. All the representatives occupied the positions provided for us. Where I sat with Austin, I could see the many spectators. The different stations that came lined themselves ready and the speculation of them made one seem like a celebrity. The way they positioned their camaras before someone when one is answering question would give you no option other than to get the answer correctly. I imagined people watching me fail questions. I just saw Mrs Nwaforaku sitting with uncle Mike. I had never thought of the relationship between them. I watched uncle Mike got up and left, he later came back. The commissioner was ushered in and Austin whispered to me
"His last son is a seminarian, his name is Damian". She made her opening remark. She said that the governor was supposed to be present but she was representing him. She then said that the state would sponsor the school that will emerge the best.
The same man that spoke to us the other time still addressed us. This time, due to the fact that only one school was needed, so we were divided into four groups. They made it in such a way that each school from each division would be represented in each group. Each group was made up of 5 persons. There were four stages in the competition. The 1st stage was the group stage. Only two schools were expected to proceed from the stage. The qualifiers would go over to the quarterfinal which would be made up of eight schools from which four schools would emerge for the semifinal. The semifinal would be competed by four schools from which two schools would emerge for the final, and then the winner would emerge. It was quite a substantial process but one can't use because of fear of death and refuse to fight. A fight not fought today is reserved for tomorrow. And thus, the competition began.
From the 1st group emerged the Federal girls and Regina Pacis secondary schools. The 2nd group had the CKC guys and one St Patrick's International school. From the 3rd emerged All Hallows seminary and one Charles Heery International school. And from our group, we could never carry last. We were followed by one Mainland international school. I wondered the reason for all the "internationals" inscribed in those schools, our school not excluded. But that school looked like the school of affluent people. They pay up to 250,000 naira a term, I heard. We had the first break and came back for the 2nd round. There was one spectacular observation I had in the 1st round. All the schools in our division made it, but I was that it wouldn't be so with the round. At least we have exceeded the 19th position as Austin would tease. The rule here increased in strictness. I knew it was definitely going to continue being stricter and stricter. This one was going to be elimination method. Only four schools were needed and so after the 1st and 2nd sets of question, two schools failed at least one question and they left the stage. Whenever it was our turn I looked at teacher, she seemed nervous till she heard CORRECT! We still remained six schools, and so after a round of question for all, the school that failed left and that time apart from federal girls and CKC, other schools including All Hallows and us failed. It seemed as if the hall was black. Austin whispered "We tried our best". I didn't say anything but I never believed it was going to end that way. What was delaying them for us to be dismissed wasn't much clear to me. I later understood that they were debating whether to go on with the final with the two standing schools. It was insisted that the competition be done as scheduled and no compromise. By that we saw ourselves at the rescue mission. Every school at the pending list was given another chance to prove themselves or be eliminated. This time, when the questions were asked, we didn't joke with that. At first, the four schools were successful, till the 2nd round of question which finally took away The Mainland International school. They were represented by a boy and a girl. They wanted to cry and Austin whispered to my ear " some days are like that". There are days when lucid things become elusive. Some days were really like that. It remained Regina Pacis, All Hallows and us. Since the seminarians never wanted to take last, we refused also. The Regina Pacis girls saw themselves out of the show.
After the break of about 10 minutes, we saw ourselves before the spectators again and all the media stations present with their camaras. Four papers were tossed for us and we picked. Unfortunately, we picked A, meaning that we would choose questions first. That was an unlucky situation because whenever the first school fails, others would be in a better position to win. We resolved to fight and never relent. Austin brought out the genius in him. We deciphered answers from questions. But one thing that baffled me was that other schools chose also not to relent. All Hallows seminary picked the last set and so they answered after other. Having in mind that only two schools were needed intensified the struggle. I watched Mrs Nwaforaku gasped in despair when we finally failed our chance. We were followed by the Federal girls and they answered correctly. Till that moment those girls from Federal never failed any question. The CKC guys also inherited their own failure, and then it remained the All Hallows guys to go. If they answered correctly, the game was over because they will automatically be going over to the final. I can't forget easily the simple question that was posed to those guys, and when I said simple I really mean simple. I saw those boys smiled as Mathias approached the center mic. But before then, Mathias had sat down a little bit and seemed to liaise with his brother Samuel before he went up to the mic. He was asked a question in biology which went thus "how many requirements were necessary for photosynthesis to take effect". Then the options were give in its sequence and the answer was crystal clear. Austin whispered to me
"Its over". Austin's words then beat my heart and continued ringing in it, its over, its over, its over, its over........ In fact, I then believed it was over, there are questions that can't be failed.
I only could lift up my face in surprise, when I heard Mathias give the incorrect answer, so also did Austin. I then noticed that our Federal friends were surprised also. Austin whispered to me
"Something is wrong"
I immediately asked back "and what could that be?". Austin looked at me and whispered again
"They failed this purposely...... I think they are giving us their chance"
"What do you mean?" I asked anxiously
"The fight is no longer with them". Immediately we were asked to choose our number. Austin did, he always chose the questions, I asked him to. The question was finally thrown but before Austin went up to answer he whispered
"I think they are doing this for you" he left. I wondered what was going on. Austin got the answer. The fight could have continued if the CKC guys answered correctly, but they didn't. Still pondering why they failed the first question, the All Hallows boys failed the second. They left with rounds of applause with the CKC guys, leaving us at the forefront with the Federal girls. I just watched them as they stepped down and wondered how purposely their action was. My mind only came back when it was announced that it was time for a little break before the final.
Mrs nwaforaku hugged us and told us that she was proud of us. In her words she said
"Ami, Austin, this is it. This is the final. I always believe in what you can offer and I know you can finish this. Remember all you are told and beware to trust your instincts". Uncle looked as if he never felt nervous, he was. He always did encourage us in a rather more broader way. Uncle Mike would make you have the notion that you are indispensable. That whatever you are doing can only be done by you and by you alone. The ten minutes break seemed like a minute. Announcement was made that we should take our position. Nwaforaku said at last before we left
"Remember to trust your instinct at a confusing moment" we went back. Our federal friends were already settled and they looked more confident. I knew something was special in them, since the competition they haven't failed at least one question. They usually qualify before others, and in this final lap if they qualify before us, then that would be the end. There's no room for second chance. And so we picked the toss, they picked the 1st, and we second. The final lap began.
There's something unique and peculiar in competitions, there are times when even the most confident becomes nervous, especially when your opponent is not ready to give up. We never gave up. I and Austin brought out the genus in us in every way we could. At a time it became a cross road. We were meant to answer eight questions each, and to be honest, I prayed they fail at least one. Eventually my payer worked and the Federal girls failed their 6th question. We answered our 7th question waiting to finish it up with the last question. When their last question was thrown to them they got it correctly and was so sure that we were going to end up with the final answer. Anyway I can't explain what happened but perhaps one of them prayed as I did against them and we failed our awarding question. I looked at the fair one that wore glasses and she gasped a heavy breath of relief. I felt like mad. We continued the tussle again. This time, they sought for the last man standing. So whoever loses first automatically has been eliminated and the other would be the winner. And again our federal friends failed their question. Perhaps they thought it was business as usual. I couldn't imagine one of them praying for our failure so that the struggle would continued. If she did, it didn't work again or rather, God didn't answer her prayers that time. Our question was
"a Wood coal or charcoal distinguished from mineral coal known as lignite is called?" Austin had no idea of the answer, neither did I. The options had no way of helping at all and they were
"A Briquettes B limestone C xylanthrax D Igneous rock.
We had to do elimination method and be as fast as possible to meet up with the time. Austin removed option D, igneous rock because he knew it was a group of rock from the earth crust which was formed from the cooling of the molten magma. I removed option B, limestone because I knew it was a rock from the fresh water which was made up of calcite and always amorphous. The time was already elapsing but I knew that I have met something like that before. It then ran into my mind again. On that day it was Vivian taking back the sanitary prefect's text book which he forgot on her locker after he finished his announcement. I remembered knocking out the book from her hand. The answer became clear and I said in my heart "I love you Vivian, thank you". The answer was xylanthrax. I stood up and left for the mic, and before Austin could call me I already said what was in my mind, bold and loud
"Xylanthrax!" The bell went and I concluded "the answer is xylanthrax".
Everywhere was silent because all were waiting to see if everything was over or whether the struggle would continue. I became nervous again because I was the person that failed the answer that kept us in the fight, but now I wish to end it. The qizzer then told me
"My dear, your answer was just a second before the time limit" I was just watching her and my heart was beating fast and thenbshe concluded
"Thank you for putting an end to all this, you have done nothing but to get it CORRECTLY!"
Immediately there was an effusive rounds of applause accompanied with standing ovation. I rushed back and threw my arms around Austin who whispered "its over". This was that particular term he used when the struggle wasn't funny, and now it has been used in our favour. I saw uncle Mike and Nwaforaku clapping loudly with lots of laughter. And when I looked besides us on the stage, it was our Federal friends, they were crying. My heart melted especially considering the fair one who was the brain behind most of their answers. They were the people that made the competition that emotional because they refused to fail any question till the very final. Even the organizers consoled them. Now something was going somehow, this was an applause that should be reserved for the final lap in the federal level, but it was rendered then. I stood with Austin on the stage with so many flashes of camara light pouring on us. We became celebrities, it was good to be one at least for once. Austin immediately went to our Federal friends and held the fair one and then I knew she was Cynthia. If Austin did, I had to myself, and so I went also.
Just then the man on suit invited the commissioner for Education on stage for the result and closing remarks. She came up, greeted everyone, the participants and especially our teachers. In her words she said
"Today, we are very grateful for the doggedness displayed by our ebullient students. Myself I was filled with emotions, you students made it so interesting, you made us proud. I'm personally proud of you and your teachers. Indeed we have hope for the country. The future is extremely bright. I wish to admonish that we hold on to this awesome academic tenets" she paused and then continued
"Left for me I would qualify all of you, I don't know how to say it but I mean you students are wonderful. What we need is only one school to represent us at the federal level and that we have gotten. And so for the state level, we have to our prizes for a nice performance". All the schools that came got something but ours was special, I mean the final participants. The lady was wonderful. When the federal girls came up she hugged them both and told them that some days are like that. When it came to us, she hugged us and said in her amazing voice" CONGRATULATIONS" and handing us our prize. Our teachers then came up the stage and threw myself on uncle Mike who held me close, then Mrs Nwaforaku, so was Austin. As was directed by the director, we waved at people. We became the Anambra best.
We got down the stage and our teachers were busy receiving the congrats, I slipped off their sight and went in search of the All Hallows guys. I finally found them talking, I went closer. When Mathias saw he shouted "Amara!" Samuel turned
"Hey Amara, congrats, I'm so happy you made it". I didn't smile at them nor replied their compliments. I was just looking at them. They were surprised
"Whats wrong Amara?" They asked anxiously.
"Why did you give up, why did you do that?" I asked immediately
"Did what? What did we do?" Said Mathias
"You failed that question purposely, isn't it? Why?"
Mathias gasped heavily looking at Samuel
"That's all we can offer" Samuel finally said.
"Offer what, At the detriment of your school?"
"Not at the detriment of our school, but to fulfill your father's wish for you" Mathias said
"My father's wish......." I was trying to figure out how they knew
"Don't worry we knew, I personally know how devastating it could be for you"
I knew it was Austin, how easy it was for him to tell them. Then I had to ask
"Austin asked you to purposely fail your answer for us"
"No it wasn't Austin" Samuel said "we did it ourselves, for you"
"That's all we can offer now, for your father's demise, we are really sorry" Mathias completed
"What if we failed" I asked again and both chuckled at the same time.
"We know you are not going to fail us" Mathias said
"There's something in you we know and feel will benefit the state when you represent us than when the federal girls do. That's what we saw in you guys the federal girls don't have, you only needed to close this path. We are glad you did" Samuel said
"Don't worry about us, we don't need this. The seminary is the seminary and nothing will make the seminary a federal school. We have given ourselves to Christ" Mathias laughed "So we are waiting to see you make our state proud, we must be going OK"
They wanted to leave and I called them back, I hugged both of them and said
"Thank you". Austin was at my back
"Austin" Mathias called and I turned to see him "You know you owe us at the federal level, please do not let us down. I wonder the academic enigma you are turning into, Jisie ike"
"Austin" said Samuel "congrats and thanks for being able to read the handwriting on the wall"
"I can't believe you could do that" said Austin
"We are going now, just prepare well, we will see you guys later" Austin shook hands with them and they left.
It may not be easy to understand well, those times when people hope in you, those people depend on you, those times people can only call on you, those times when even your opponent concedes for you, that's the time you have to prove yourself.
"Wait, Amara and Austin" it was Cynthia our final opponent. She ran towards us as we wanted to leave and she told us
"You guys have always found a way of surviving. Its amazing and I never hoped so. I hope you will find a better way to survive the Federal level. That was a dream I have fought so hard to achieve, and you have seen how it slipped my hands. Congrats to you guys, make us proud at the end"
"Cynthia, some days are like that" Austin said "we know what it means to miss a goal. In this competition we have done that twice, we failed twice. But I must admire your doggedness, you and your friend. You guys were awesome. Anyway thanks for your concern, you were our greatest headache and I hope there will be no other headache like you up there" we all laughed. I said finally
"Cynthia, you did your school proud"
"Not as you did" she retorted
"You are a great brain. Thanks for your wishes and support"
"There's nothing now we are fighting for, we have common opponents now as a state. We will always support you. See you then" she turned to leave and said finally
"You know that what gives concern most when you are representing some people in a competition like this, is not that you are not making efforts, but whether your efforts could appease their sacrifices. Remember that some people failed their answers purposely on the stage for you to be up here. Do not disappoint them" she left. I immediately glanced at Austin. We glanced at each other.
"She knew" I said at last.
Vivian saw me and hugged me congratulating me.
"Senior I told you that you will make it, you see, it has happened, I'm proud of you"
"Vivian" I said "you are a great part of our success". She thought I was just saying that to tease her, far from that, I was saying the truth. That evening I saw a text message from Uncle Mike and it said
"You know that the reward of hardwork is more work. Our preparation for the next section begins in earnest". I knew Austin also got the message. On Saturday as usual we went to his house, instead of studying, we went to Five Star restaurant. Success is celebrated. On the next Saturday, we were informed that the Federal level would also involve a spelling bee.
In fact what Cynthia said was true, what concerned me most were the people who hoped to be called a winner by my actions. The sacrifices of All Hallows guys, of the teachers, my fellow students and classmates, my father's wish to see me win on the TV. I sat in silence and wept for my father.
............season 07 loading....
22 Apr 2017 | 02:52
congratulations to you guys but there is a greater challenge ahead
22 Apr 2017 | 03:37
congrats to u guys happy for u guys.... Mathias nd Samuel did a great sacrifices nd u two should always make dem proud... wish u success... Vivian thanks to b part of dis success.
22 Apr 2017 | 04:12
Am happy for you guys... But u knw more challenge is coming on the way.. Wish you guys best of luck
22 Apr 2017 | 08:03
A sacrifice I must say
22 Apr 2017 | 08:10
22 Apr 2017 | 08:22
@sanctus4real at least I proved you wrong Anyone one that wants to be getting the update on whatsapp should pls pm this phone number: 08064520342
22 Apr 2017 | 08:28
so good
22 Apr 2017 | 08:45
it's should be title the sacrifice
22 Apr 2017 | 09:10
congrats to you guys. but know a greater task lies ahead
22 Apr 2017 | 09:16
This is lovely
22 Apr 2017 | 10:23
@agboaugust I love your suggestion but I don't think that will be the perfect title. I don't even know where the story is heading. I just wrote a short story but it's now turning to a novel. I think the perfect thing now is to wait till when it ends... Your suggestion has been noted tho. Thanks bro
22 Apr 2017 | 11:44
And to you all that came around, I say a big thanks. I don't what I'd be without u guys' support. @jummybabe I sight you @chilovely @sanctus4real and all those who have been following this story from the very start. Thanks for not giving up on me.. Till we meet again, bye
22 Apr 2017 | 11:53
wao,flames!i must commend ur effort in putting this togeda,tanks so much n more greese n ink to ur pen.Ami n Austin,m happy for you guys,kudos to dos dat layd deir back down for you to crossover,atleast they have written their names in d sand of time in your history.Vivian,tanks for dat coincident dat made Ami stumbled on you to atleast crossover.To uncle Mike n Mrs Okoroafor kudos to you all.I PRAY you get over the huddles of mourning for your late father n make your family,school and state proud atlast.MORE WORK AND MORE VICTORY AHEAD.
22 Apr 2017 | 13:19
well done bro. more grease to your elbow
22 Apr 2017 | 13:31
22 Apr 2017 | 14:17
hw did u prove me wrong bro @flames
22 Apr 2017 | 15:19
nice one my very first comment here
22 Apr 2017 | 15:37
Sorry for ur loss baby and congrats on ya success
22 Apr 2017 | 18:34
Congrats... Please try hard to make the All Hallow Boys happy for their greatest sacrifice
22 Apr 2017 | 18:38
Sorry dear
22 Apr 2017 | 19:07
Congrats to you both.. I hope you make the all hallows proud in ur next competition
23 Apr 2017 | 09:35
I think the name of this story should be the sacrifice or Victorious
23 Apr 2017 | 09:38
Wow! Dis is so good. Am happy 4u guys
23 Apr 2017 | 10:44
Congrats to A square. They did great
23 Apr 2017 | 12:57
pls u need d link to episode 5 @flames thankz
24 Apr 2017 | 08:25
Nice one bro, really enjoying it
24 Apr 2017 | 23:00
@damariseze here we go
9 May 2017 | 03:39


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