Short story (Happy weekend)

Short story (Happy weekend)

By Flames in 15 Apr 2017 | 02:43
Flames Flames

Flames Flames

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Member since: 5 Nov 2014

"You know that you barely escaped this time, we are not going to tolerate any lapses again. You need to sit up understood!"
"Yes teacher" I answered, but Austin remained quiet.
"Austin did you get me" she asked again
"Yes teacher" he answered back.
"Take a look" Mrs Nwaforaku dropped a carton of Yale cabin biscuit, well wrapped but guess what? Myself I thought it had something to do with our performance, but I wondered whether one was rewarded with cabin biscuit. She opened it and brought out wraps of sheets of paper containing written words. I had closer look at it and they contained not only puzzles but some questions, and I guessed, they were quiz questions for the four subjects we were to offer. It was obvious because our next competition was going to be quiz, we were no more going to write as was before.

"There are up to 5,000 questions here on the four subjects" teacher said looking at us.
"Teacher, what are we expected to do with them?" Austin asked out of curiosity. I knew that he knew what they were meant for, but his looks were suggesting "teacher, you must be joking" and yet, teacher wasn't joking, he could testify to that.
"They are all expected to be in your memory before the next competition" she retorted. Austin looked at me. I pretended I never noticed, but right within me I knew that it wasn't going to be easy.
"We have brought another teacher that will help you with that. I mean he doesn't teach in this school.
"A he?" I asked impulsively
"Yea a He, do you have any problem with that"
"No teacher"
"He will take you through your lessons" She paused and then said afterwards "you know the school has offered in much for your success, you must not fail us this time. We trust your capability. You will always be the best only if you wish"
"Teacher I ......" Austin called
"Austin!" Teacher interrupted "can you just shut up a little bit, unwrap those sheets and start studying, can you do that for me?"
"Yes teacher" he answered back
"Then make it happen" she said finally and left the library. We stared at teacher as she left the library.
"Amii" Austin called me and I interrupted back too.
"Austin! Could you do me a favor?" I asked politely.
"What's that" he asked anxiously
"Can you just shut up a little bit, unwrap those sheets, so that we can study them" he was taken aback and I didn't wait for his response "make it happen" He was still looking at me as I left him alone in the library. I knew he was just wondering whether everything was alright. I laughed when I got outside. As I wanted to enter the staircase I hit someone before me because I wasn't looking forward. Her books fell off her hands. I hurriedly tried to help her, it was Vivian.
"Vivian what are you doing outside?"I asked
"I was just going to return back this text book to senior"
"Which Senior?"
"The sanitary prefect, he forgot it on my locker after making announcement"
"Let me see" I collected the text book from her. It was biology text book. I opened the pages frantically and stopped at a page. It was drawn a wood which beneath it was written xylanthrax. After flipping through the pages I gave it back to her and asked her to be quick and return to her class.
"Senior" she called me "I haven't had the opportunity to say congrats to you and your colleague for your success. I knew you would succeed because you have been taking first position every time." I looked at her and smiled. I never blamed her, she didn't understand.

"Thank you" I managed to say
"Senior, sincerely speaking, I want to be like you" I turned towards her
"Why do you say that?"
"I don't know, but I wish to be like you" she maintained
"There's nothing special about me" I tried to convince her.
"Perhaps that's the other side of you you don't know". I remembered when I always took it for granted that I was to be the best, that I was better than others, than everyone. That I was indispensable, that I was always special, no one ever came to me to compliment me about those qualities. I thought it was just all about being envious. Many of my dear classmates took me for an arrogant lucky girl that you cannot talk to, chat with, play with or disturb. It was Paul who told me once that he never knew I was that good. Jude once bought me snacks during break, something I never thought of. I made noise in the class with my classmates, when authorities came in, I couldn't imagine people vouching for me, taking responsibility for my actions. I became approachable. But I know that the significance of my change began with someone. Someone I was afraid of, someone I hated, someone I admired, someone I felt like I loved.
"Senior!" It was Vivian, she called me back from the world of forms to the world of realities as Plato would have it.
"My dear!"
"Let me return this book, if you would be chanced, I meet you during the break"
"OK no problem". I watched her as she left. We were to meet our new lesson teacher. We normally stayed back after others had gone home for our lessons. Yet we are expected to continue reading and studying as we went back home. Mrs Nwaforaku informed us that our lessons would be at the computer room for more privacy and less distractions. We would make use of the white board there. I came in with Austin and we saw a dark skinned man or rather guy writing something on the board. He was wearing stock jeans and mucaseen canvass surrounded by white heel. As we entered the room, Austin closed the door with little meticulousness and it made some noise. He didn't turn around, rather he said to us still writing "Austin and Amara you are welcome, grab your seats, take the papers before you and begin to solve the problems on the board. You have only 5 minutes". Myself and Austin we just looked at each other and I know what was in Austin's mind "he can't be serious, is he?" It seemed to him as if we were still trying to figure out what he meant and then he said to us "3 minutes more"
"Oh my God" I didn't actually know when it came out from my mouth. I rushed to the supposed seat, took the paper and began to solve the question on the board. So also was Austin. There was no calculator so I called his attention "Sir can I get a calculator?"
"2 minutes more" was his reply. I went into work. Then I knew that Latin had gone beyond "Mensa". I managed to finish question number one and I was still trying to understand the 2nd question then he said "Time up". We pretended not to hear him when he said again "I'm no more going to mark those scripts, you can take them with you". We immediately stopped writing trying to submit those scripts then he said taking his side bag "When you are ready for lessons, your teacher will tell you where to find me". Personally, I thought he was joking, he left us in the computer room still having our so called script in our hands.
"This is ridiculous" I managed to say. Austin sighed and retorted "I hope those cows are going to make it to Umuahia with those legs". Myself I knew that whatever teacher he was, he needed discipline from us, but his demands were so strict. I believed that I was never going to like him. I didn't worry much then, his tutorship ends with the competition which we were unsure of its success considering those giant brains we were going to encounter again.
Nwaforaku was just looking at us while we complained. We were trying to let her know that it was none of our fault, we weren't informed before hand.
"Austin, Amara!" She called us
"Yes teacher"
"I expected you read the handwritings on the wall. If you have accuracy, I want you to tamper it with precision."
"But teacher" I asked "you can do this, you can do the lessons for us, why inviting another teacher. We are more comfortable with you". She smiled
"Amara, you really do not understand, do you? I already have much extracurricular assignments. If I decide to follow you guys up then it means that I will not be able to give you the necessary attention you need. Its simply means jeopardizing with our success and seriousness. And that's why you are going over to his house on weekends for lessons"
"His house" Austin retorted "why his house"
"Of course you are going to continue with your preparations during holidays, and you are not going to come to this school for lessons, it would be at his house. When you get to him, obey his instructions, OK!" We were reluctant in answering back. Teacher gave us his address "He will be expecting you guys on Saturday. Do not keep him waiting" she left.

Our exams were fast approaching, we were expected to pass anyway, and not just passing, making it to stage somehow. Austin had taken the 1st position for the 1st and 2nd terms, presumably, he was going to be the overall 1st position at the end but I didn't want it to be said that he took it for the three terms unopposed, I swore to distract that sequence. Perhaps I could manage taking 2nd, 2nd, 1st than to have taken 2nd throughout. I tried stealing out time every time for my further academic ambition, but the guy I was dealing with was robbing out time.
We got the address from Mrs Nwaforaku and went there at the supposed Saturday. I met with Austin at Agip junction and we got to his place. We found him talking with supposedly some students. We waited for him for like 45 minutes before he came to us. I was already grumbling, Austin simply kept quiet. I felt like beating the man, kicking him and asking him to kneel down. He approached us smiling. I was like "who is laughing with you self".

"You came, you are welcome" he said to us still smiling. "You couldn't pass the simple test I set for you" he said to us taking his seat.
"You didn't give us time" Austin defended sharply
"How many minutes did it take you to write one question?"
"I'm not so sure but I didn't exceed a minute and 10 seconds"
"Good! So how many were you able to solve?"
"I was at the 3rd question"
"Flaw no one, I asked you how many questions you were able to answer and not which number you were"
"OK I answered two and half"
"I mean those you answered completely" he interrupted
"Two" Austin answered
"Good, I could recall that I already said '3mins more' before you guys started writing right?"
"Yes sir"
"Hmmmm no sir please, I don't answer sir, the least you can call me is Mike. In your benevolence, You may add it uncle understood!"
"Yes sir" Austin flawed again
"Flaw number two, you will understand soon. It took you up to a minute and 10 secs for one question and you answered two which means it took you 2mins and 20 secs out of the 3 mins you had. If you add another a minute and 10 secs for a 3rd question it becomes 3mins and 30 secs. If you minus 3mins and 30 secs from 5 mins it remains a minute and 30 secs. Perhaps you could use that as your free time. You see, you had much time, even extra time but your problem was utility"
"Sir, we were trying to understand" Austin defended again
"3rd flaw, what were you trying to understand, the instruction or whether I was joking?"
"To be honest sir....oh sorry, uncle Mike, we didn't know how serious it was"
"You had your 4th flaw again calling me sir. But at least the instruction was clear right, just that you neglected it? And that would lead us to our 1st lesson, obedience to instructions. That's the 1st key to being successful. If you ever neglect any instruction, that's the beginning of failure because instructions are guidelines. Disobey them, you derail completely. The fault wasn't from me, but from you who failed to follow the simple instruction of 'grab your seat, take the paper before you and begin to solve the questions on the board'. No other thing was to perturb you other than following that simple instruction meticulously, which you didn't. Austin, I asked you not to call me sir and you failed it. In that you got 0/4. So our 1st lesson is instruction. When you go back, from now onwards, learn how to obey instructions, then success is yours. You can go now"
"Is that all, I mean are we not going to solve maths or write something on the the board? I cut in
"You know one thing about instructions, if you don't understand them, try and ask questions. Instructions are not followed blindly when they are not clear. You become culpable if don't ask any question. Your exams are already at the corner, go and concentrate on your exams and then while you write, practice our 1st lesson OK? We would have enough time during holidays, the competition is by October, there's still time. But I didn't say you should not be solving those questions your teacher gave you, they will help you much" He brought out his wallet and gave us 500 naira each "that's for your transport fare". A part of me became grateful. I knew that our going and coming wouldn't exceed 70 naira each, at least I had something.

Our students felt for us, our classmates were there for us, they copied our notes most time. I can still remember the words of Jude one time he collected my note to update it, he said "please remember to tell the world that I copied your note for you, when it wasn't easy". Austin told me that Lucy told him when he asked her why she opted to update his biology note for him, she said "If copying this note for you would make you successful at the competition, I will be happy updating all for you". Trust Austin, he gave her a warm embrace. For God's sake I can't tell the sweetness of our classmates then. Nevertheless, it was later we realized that it was a class meeting behind us, they planned to help us update our notes as part of their support to us. Uche later told me that the president beckoned on all to keep it secret. I imagined Paul with his little mouth commenting like I was told "Please try not to include all points", and when he was asked why he said again "Hope none of you is preparing to take the 1st and 2nd position", it was a joke, all laughed.
Combining exams with preparations for a competition wasn't easy but everything went well. I got my result, I opened it slowly, I couldn't believe it. He took it again. I sat down at a corner thinking, and I noticed right within me that I felt normal unlike how I used to feel before whenever someone scores above me.
"Hey, I have been looking for you, here you are", it was Austin behind me. He drew me up.
"You took it again" I said. He smiled
"You don't believe you could take it, do you?"
"I know I can"
"Then do it"
"You are always there before me"
"That's because you don't know the proper time to go" he drew me nearer
"Then when is the proper time to go" I asked. I could feel his cologne.
"When you know what you want"
"What I want?"
"Yes, i wish to ask you. What have you wanted, to be the best or just to be above me? To score the highest or to be the highest? If I were you I would focus on the highest point. I don't care if everyone scores 100, I care about me being among those that scored 100%. I prefer taking the last position but let me get 100, than taking the 1st position getting 60. You know what? I found out that while pursuing the highest point I become the best" He left. Austin was right. Even before he came in, my priority was to maintain the lead in all positions but not to get to the highest mark which is usually 100. All I wanted all those times was only to be above him. I told me the truth that forever changed my mindset.

We used to meet with uncle Mike at his place every Thursdays and Saturdays. He was somebody I could say that he was meant for teaching. I could still hear his strong and commanding voice asking to search for the answers in my brain. He was a tall guy, a little dark but phlegmatic. He had great sense of humour only if you know him. The first time we came he began by telling us how to decipher answers to quiz questions that have options. I watched him having his hands at his back, his voice resounding
"Its not your fault when you meet a question you don't know the answer in a quiz. But there are simple ways of approaching quiz questions with options. First of all know whether you could answer it or at least suggest an answer before you hear or see the options. If it doesn't work, then look for what the answer is from the options, if you don't succeed then look for what the answer is not. If you are caught up between two options, then trust your instinct. Do you get me?" We were affirmative. Thus our lessons began, intensified and intensified. We did finish the 5000 questions. There's something angelic about uncle Mike. We began by coming only two times a week, later it increased to three days, a week to our resumption, it became four days. Uncle Mike knew when were tired, just like Austin. He doesn't believe in strict principles. He knew when we were hungry and he gives us lunch. On a certain day, while we were studying, we fell asleep on our desks, myself and Austin, when we woke up, crunches foods were before us. While I turned my head, my hand touched something. I looked and in a blurred vision I saw CRUNCHES. You could imagine. I got and was sitting before and he said to us.
"Hey Austin get up, welcome back both of you. Take and eat. Over there" pointing behind us
"that's a bedroom, you can always make yourself comfortable OK!"
We didn't reply him. He left us. Austin was busy blessing his food. I was still looking at him. Myself, I don't usually eat anywhere. He turned towards me noticing I was looking at him.
"What! Amara, if this food is going to kill me today, please write a good tribute for me". I chuckled. He came to my table and made to carry my food.
"What are you trying to do?"
"Just wish to help you"
"You must be joking, ezigbo mmadu. Shift from my food joor" He laughed. That day uncle Mike took each of us home, and that day, Austin came to know my house.

It was just three days for us to resume school. The day was Friday, I was expected as usual to come with Austin for lesson, against our coming back on Monday. When I eventually came, they have done much. Uncle Mike wasn't blind to eventualities. He sensed something was wrong. I saw him with Austin. I greeted him, he asked me to sit and have some fruits. I was first surprised because I have to offer some explanations, but they didn't demand it. Austin whispered to me
"What was wrong?" I looked at him.
"My father is in the hospital"
"Oh I'm sorry, what happened?"
I looked at him. I needed someone to talk to and he was eager to listen, a quality I came to admire him for. And I told him
"My father is suffering from paralysis".
"I thought you said it was fine"
"It came back again. He couldn't breath yesterday so myself and my mother with my brother's wife, we rushed him to Borromeo hospital. I stayed there all night". I knew him, he looked sympathetic. He always did, expressing the same feelings with the person. He asked me
"You shouldn't have come at all, you could just have let us know"
"My mum asked me to. And besides, I wish to come. Don't bother yourself, the doctor said he is going to be fine again". Austin me at my cheek and looked into my eyes.
"I'm really sorry OK. He is going to be fine. Let it not affect you or your studies. I want you to be strong, nothing is going to happen OK. Next time call someone and don't bother yourself OK. I know you love your father, father's baby. Eat some fruits" He smiled at me and said he was coming. He later came back to join me. We continued with the lesson. When we were done he carried us in his and took us to 5star foods, and then to our houses. This time, he dropped Austin first and then me. When he reached my house, just as I greeted and wanted to alight from his he called me.
"Amara, how's your father doing?" I knew I didn't tell him because he hasn't asked. Perhaps Austin did. He didn't wish to bother me.
"The doctor said he will be fine" I answered again
"Don't bother yourself OK! I would have loved to see your father today but I have an urgency now. After lessons tomorrow we go and see him OK!"
I simply answered "Thanks uncle" I left the car and he drove off.
Eventually when he visited my father with Austin, they discussed as if they were old friends. Imagine Austin seriously contributing in a senior joke. My laughed in his condition. Immediately my mum came to like him. The way he called her mum as if he was her biological son, i immediately imagined Austin as my brother. Perhaps if he was my brother I would have been jealous, yet I don't want him to be my biological brother, I wanted him to be something more than that. He engaged her and my brother's wife with his funny stories and the experience we got during the competition. I would love to confess that their stay was awesome and didn't want them to go but they demanded to do so. My father called me
"NNE m, I want you to listen to your teacher. If you follow his instructions, you will succeed. I mean both of you" he included Austin in the admonition. My father whispered something to uncle Mike and he nodded in affirmative. Whatever it was I didn't care. Uncle Mike handed my mum the fruits he bought, of course she was joyous, she appreciated him. I escorted to uncle's car and he was answering call I held Austin's hand. He turned and I said "thanks". He was like "for what?" And I quickly replied "for coming". To be sincere Austin's presence made me happy. My usually selects friends for me but how she grew fond of Austin within some minutes was amazing. Teacher ignited his engine and Austin whispered
"I've got to go". We released our hands slowly and eventually my slipped off his. I watched him enter the car, I waved at them and they left. My mum asked me when I came in
"You say he is an ex seminarian" I answered "yes" and she commented lastly "He is too gentle". All in a day.
There's something special about this particular day of the next competition. First, it was in October, October 5th for Christ's sake is my birthday. I would be competing on my birthday. If I lose, it ruins my birthday. But that wasn't my major concern. In school we were subject of the matter. Announcements were being made as the date approached. Our principal would always ask the students to remember us in their prayers for success. Many wished us well. Students became nicer and nicer. One day a senior in SS3 bought us snacks at the canteen just to wish us success. As I was taking mine, Austin was laughing mildly to himself. I looked at him and asked
"what's that?" He whispered
"What do you think you are doing? You are busy helping yourself with people's benevolence right?" I was a bit confused, he continued
"Make sure after eating this you win the competition because if not, you are going to vomit all of them, I mean all" he said that and continued laughing. Austin could be funny. "So that was why he was laughing" I thought to myself. I began to laugh too. I said
"If we don't succeed, sorry for them, unless they will open my stomach".
"Stay there, there are up to 20 schools which only one school is needed. And you will come back here defeated, worse still the principal will announce that you took the 19th position out of 20. Amara, the type of fork they are going to use in opening your stomach, is still resting in North Korea". I bursted into laughter. I remembered all the copied notes and imagined all our classmates surrounding us and forcing us to copy their notes. I laughed, I knew it wasn't going to happen.

Uncle Mike was still teaching us privately in the computer room, and we still visit his house on Saturdays for further lessons. I was then counting on days. It was five days to go, when we visited uncle Mike, he said no lessons. We just joked and watched movies. We would stand before the class and they would throw numerous questions on us and we answered. It remained three days to go, Nwaforaku called us.

"I do not have any doubt that you have prepared well. I would love you guys to succeed, but I don't know whether you agree with me. Follow every instruction diligently and all that Mike taught you. Lastly, all we have done combined together is just 80% and can't exceed that. The remaining 20% lies on you and you alone. Use your common sense. Trust your instincts". We greeted her. There and then I became nervous again. I noticed something common with both teachers. They seemed to believe in us more than we do. Austin once told me, God disposes always when man proposes, if you want your proposal to be accepted, link it to God's disposition. I therefore resorted to prayers.
It was only a day to the competition, I was having my last preparation with Austin on accuity and time management when all of a sudden Mrs Nwaforaku came in and called me out. She hugged me and held me long which was unusual. She told me that I needed to have some rest. There was much uneasiness in her voice that I thought she had catarrh. She said to me
"Amara, I would not like you to go home today, you will be coming to my house with me today because...." She paused a bit and continued "I would not like you to be distracted so that you can concentrate tomorrow OK" I was surprised by the idea and I objected.
"Teacher, my mum is yet to give me her blessings before I leave tomorrow and she can't do that if I'm not around".
"Yes, I spoke with her and she said that you should come with me to avoid distractions".
"Myself and Austin".
"Hmmm no....Austin can manage himself" I never doubted Nwaforaku before or questioned her request, but that particular one was weird, yet I accepted. When I got to Austin I asked him whether teacher asked him to go home with her and he said no. I told him that teacher said that I would follow her home for less distractions, he started laughing and was like "you know you like movies maybe teacher doesn't want you to be distracted". I then asked him
"Why only me, it should be both of us"
"You should have asked her"
"I would like to speak with my mother because teacher said she accepted that"
"Then go with her naa"
"She hasn't wished me goodluck"
"She can always do that on phone"
"Who will I get a phone from"
"Ah ah, you of all people are asking me that". I knew exactly what Austin meant and so I moved to our social studies teacher in JSS2 and told her that I had an emergency. Anyway, I knew she wouldn't resist because she was fond of me. She gave me only two minutes. When the phone indicated that my call has been received, I glued it to my ear
"Hello mum, its me good afternoon" my mother was like
"Amara is that you" her voice was shakky and unsteady just like somebody who had cried.
"Mum your voice is not normal is everything alright?"
"Yes all is well, I walked through dust today so I'm having cough and catarrh. Amara I would like you to go with your teacher so that you will prepare well"
I felt convulsive. A kind of emotions engulfed me. She called me from the other end
"Amara are you there?" I answered
"OK mum, I have heard you, how's Dad?"
"He's fine, be a good girl and write well tomorrow OK!"
"Yes mum" I ended the call and handed the phone back. It was obvious something was wrong and they were shielding it from me. I wanted to see my mum. I have never disobeyed Nwaforaku before but I remembered what she said to us, we should trust our instincts. I decided to leave and I rushed to Austin. He was anxious but I promised to call him later. I left. While I was still on the step I saw people going up and down our staircase. I opened our door silently and saw my brother's wife, she was surprised to see me. Before she could call me Amara I already asked where my mum was. People were with her, I recognized some and I greeted all. My brothers were already there and I greeted them. When I got to my mum she said touching my cheek and neck
"Nne I asked you to go with your teacher" and I asked immediately without knowing my eyes were already wet.
"Why are you not at the hospital, mum why is everybody here? How is father?" I knew she was going to lie. My immediate elder brother was already behind me.
"Mum what happened" she told me
"Nne your father is gone, he died this afternoon" she started crying and I held her close. My brother separated me from her and carried me inside. He hugged me tight. My brother's wife came and my brother left. She stayed with me and laid my head on her breast. In the evening Austin was calling me on phone but I didn't pick. I sent him a text message.....MY FATHER IS DEAD. The next day was our competition and my birthday.
15 Apr 2017 | 02:43
I'm sorry for not making the past weekend. I seriously didn't know what to write. But thank God I've posted. Read and comment....
15 Apr 2017 | 02:48
okay dude
15 Apr 2017 | 02:53
too bad.. so sorry Amara
15 Apr 2017 | 04:33
This is the worst day ever sorry @Amii
15 Apr 2017 | 05:00
Uhhh... Sorry about that..... Hope you concentrate on ur competition ooo
15 Apr 2017 | 05:36
Hmmmm. Still following.
15 Apr 2017 | 05:37
Too bad RIP to your dad
15 Apr 2017 | 05:54
So sad amara, take hrt dear
15 Apr 2017 | 06:05
so sad why now
15 Apr 2017 | 07:14
eeh ya sorry for dat Ami......dats Y ur teacherwnts to take u to her home........ Bt @flames u got to appeal to d gods it ve b ages u updated.... From friday to sunday i kip checking for weeknd short story... So u go to post not till god knws whn u will post again....
15 Apr 2017 | 08:46
This story is just too good to be updated only weekly. Please do something about it
15 Apr 2017 | 09:00
what aTragedy and Emotional episode
15 Apr 2017 | 09:42
Hmmm...sorry dear Hope this will not distract u
15 Apr 2017 | 09:49
Ami I feel for u o
15 Apr 2017 | 12:04
No distraction Ammy Wish u success Too touching.... Still following.. Thumbs up bro
15 Apr 2017 | 13:10
@sanctus4real that I stopped posting wasn't intentional. I experienced a block... It's been long tho but thanks to you guys for hanging around for the story...
15 Apr 2017 | 13:38
ok @flames no problem but it will b nyc if u gv us sumtin for d easter celebration....
15 Apr 2017 | 15:48
So sad... Sorry for that Amara
15 Apr 2017 | 18:08
I missed dis story. Oh! Dis a'int good, Amara I pray it shld distract ur attention in de quiz
15 Apr 2017 | 19:12
Is no more a short story now
15 Apr 2017 | 20:30
15 Apr 2017 | 20:58
its educating
16 Apr 2017 | 08:31
What a lost
16 Apr 2017 | 10:56
18 Apr 2017 | 10:16


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