A female Player will lie to you
about herself and
whereabouts, She will lie
about things just to hide
herself in case things goes
wrong between the two of
you. So If you find out she
has lied about things you
asked her about, then never
trust her not even everything
she once told you. Don’t ever
fall For her words or believe
what she says.
2. She Doesn’t ask Much
about your Life.
Female Players know what
they want, You will find she
is much interested in other
things rather than your life,
she won’t ask you much
about yourself or your past,
she won’t go deep to know
you cause she is just passing
by and not there to say with
3. She Doesn’t Show Much
Interest In You.
Some Of this female players
don’t have much interest in
you but in what you have or
what they want from you.
They Will send signals that
they are attracted to u just to
blind you but you get closer
they will push you away
without you noticing.
4. She has Less Or No Female
Female Player know Much
involvement with her female
friends May Cause her
problems to complete her
mission, she know most
women are betrayers and If
one Of Her friends find our
about her mission she may
mess everything about her
5. She Is not sensitive.
We all know women are
emotional, so if the women
your dating isn’t emotional
and sensitive to what you tell
her, definitely she is not
interested in you at all, she is
just their for her own
benefit so watch out.
Source: dennismaladit.com