*Don't marry for sex.
*Dont marry because you are getting old.
*Dont marry because you are lonely.
*Dont marry because you mistakenly
impregnated her.
*Dont marry because you don't want to
lose the person.
*Dont marry because of pressures.
*Dont marry because you like the idea OF
marriage and admire every wedding you see.
*Dont marry because all your friends are
getting married;
But, -Get married because you want to fulfill
-Get married because you want to be a
helpmate to an
imperfect person who loves & accepts you
for who you are, not who you pretend to be!
-Get married because you want to fulfill your
I PRAY FOR YOU: May God help you in
choosing the right
person meant for you. And may the wrong
person be disconnected away from your
life in JESUS NAME.