Slave Of Heaven By Wizehkruzz

Slave Of Heaven By Wizehkruzz

By Mr in 28 Jun 2016 | 21:20
Mr kruzz

Mr kruzz

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Posts: 837
Member since: 23 Oct 2015
The first time I saw a Vampire I was only fifteen.
It had been in the dead of winter, sometime before Winter Solstice but after the first snow. Curled under a heap of heavy blankets, I was warm and deep asleep, probably dreaming pretty dreams about prettier things. The ear splitting air siren tore through the room, waking me with a start and causing me to try to franticly burrow out from under my hole of blankets. Heart pounding, I peeked out and stared at the winter frosted windows. The city lights had flared to life and filled my otherwise dark room with stark twisting white lines.
I flung back the covers, my bare feet touching the freezing hardwood floor. I dashed for the door. The air horn sounding at such an hour could only mean one thing: A Vampire was in the city.
I pulled open the heavy oak doors and blinked against the blinding harsh hall lights. Holding one hand up to cover my eyes I stood stunned as servants rushed by my door.
"Lilith," my mother breezed out of her room, pulling a loose wrap over her shoulders and hair. She pushed a thick fur cloak into my hands. "Come on," she lightly touched my arm, directing me into the hall. "We're going to the shelter."
I pulled the heavy cloak around my shoulders. "What's going on?" Servants darted by; doors opened and slammed as bodies rushed down the hall.
We paused at my sister's door but before Mother could try the handle the door swung open. Candace stood in a thin white nightgown, her long blond hair tangled around her furious eyes. "What the hell is that noise!"
Mother gently took her wrist and put the cloak into her hands. As calm and poised as ever, Mother softly stated, "There's a Vampire in the city. We're going to the shelter."
"What?" Candace looked dumbfounded, still rubbing her eyes as Mother hurried us to the stairs. "Seriously?" She glanced at me and her eyes revealed a wicked light. "Cool."
Mother slapped her shoulder. "This is not 'cool.' This isn't a game."
I fumbled down the stairs, my knees weak with fear and adrenaline. "But where's Father?" I asked as we walked through the Dining Hall. Valets flew by, some at a dead sprint. We couldn't run though—it wasn't lady-like. Nice to know that if we were to be eaten by Vampires at least we didn't break our etiquette.
That thought made me glance over my shoulder, fearing a wild-eyed Vampire would suddenly appear from the shadows.
"He's at work with your brother," Mother started to respond but the heavy sound of running footsteps and clanking armor made us all spin around.
From the courtyard several soldiers rushed into the main hall, their white armor reflecting the lights like shining stars and their red banners morbidly reminding me of slashes of crimson blood.
"My lady," the nearly winded Captain gasped out, dipping his head in proper respect, "the Duke sent us."
Mother pushed her full lips together but nodded curtly. Undoubtedly she had figured Father himself would have come to ensure we were safe and sound. Of course I do suppose that would be a lot to expect of the War Archon, given that he would be commanding troops in the hunt.
Once we reached the shelter, Mother stood by the door as Candace and I hurried down the stairs. It was only as I brushed by her that I noticed she was trembling. I stopped at the base of the stairs, turning to look back up at her. With shaking hands she smoothed the veil around her hair. Yet her tremor was shrouded by her perpetual quiet demeanor. She stepped onto the stairs, letting one of the male servants pull close the heavy metal door and slide the steel bars into place.
She glanced up when she saw me watching and came to me, curling one arm around my shoulders. "Don't fret, Lilith." The many bangles and bracelets she slept in clattered together in a soft music that was wholly her. "We'll be fine."
"Oh don't be such a baby, Lily," Candace dropped into one of the soft chairs with a huff. "We're perfectly locked away from all the excitement in here."
I glanced around the dark room that was slowly gathering light as servants shuffled from oil lamp to oil lamp. I was surprised to see so many crammed into the room. One forgets how many are employed until they're gathered all at once in one small place. There was hardly room to walk!
Even in the middle of the night, woken from a possible Vampire attack and shoved into a shelter surrounded by clearly panicking servants, Mother still managed to gracefully float down into a chair, primly poised. "Why don't you two girls rest. Close your eyes. The men will have this cleared up in no time."
Cleared up. Like it was something simple and easy. Somehow I was pretty sure hunting for a rouge Vampire through the streets of the White City was never easy.
"Do we even have a TV down here?" Candace whined, staring deploringly around the room.
"There isn't even electricity down here, how do you expect a TV to work?" I mumbled back, tugging the cloak closer around my shoulders. It was damn cold in here.
"We don't watch television," Mother stated as she opened an old book that must have been down in the shelter for eons. It cracked and protested as she flipped the pages.
We might not watch TV, but I was pretty sure Candace found a way to. She had a very odd fascination with the Human culture. Little did I know that I would too once I got a little older.
Waiting for something to happen can be terrorizing. But, after what seems an eternity, "terrorizing" just morphs into pure boredom. Even the servants had slunk off into sleep, some curled on the carpeted floor, using hands for pillows and cloaks for blankets. Mother too seemed to have drifted into a light sleep, her hand rested in her book and her chin tucked elegantly to her shoulder. Even in sleep she kept her head veil over her hair. Candace and I, in our hurry, hadn't even bothered to don ours. Of course I also hadn't bothered with shoes either. I rubbed my hands over my numb feet, trying to give them a little warmth.
"I'm hungry," Candace grumbled, glaring off into nowhere. "What the hell is talking so long?"
I shrugged my shoulders. "No clue but I could really use something to eat."
Candace glanced at me then, her beautiful face lighting up. A very dangerous mischievous grin tilted her lips. "Oh, my little sister! I can't leave you here to starve," she gushed out.
"Huh?" I responded dully, still rubbing my frozen feet. "Hey, what are you doing?" I asked as she jumped up from the chair. She hopped over sleeping bodies, grinning wickedly.
"It is my mission to see that you are fed," she giggled, darting up the stairs.
"Are you mad!" I hissed and shot after her, hopping over the slumbering hurdles. "I'm not that hungry," I whispered when she stopped at the massive metal door.
"Poor girl, hunger had made you delusional," she whispered back.
"There's a Vampire out there!" I cried, trying to stress my point without raising my voice.
She paused and glanced over her shoulder at me. "I know," she grinned. "That's the fun part." Her hands expertly traced out symbols into the stonewall. I was still too young to fully recognize it, but I was pretty sure it was a Silence Spell. When she was done, she threw all her weight against the steel bars, slowly shifting them to the side.
I'd always had a rather unnatural resistance to magic so I could still heard the metal groan and cry but it seemed no one else did. At least no one jumped up and demanded, "Are you trying to kill us all?"
Pushing open the door seemed another difficulty and I watched her twist her fingers and her lips flow—a Bull Spell for physical strength. After that she could push open the door with ease. She crouched down at the door jam, her white skin and nightgown glowing against the darkness behind her. "I'm going to be the scavenging party. Stay here."
But I jetted up the stairs, clutching my long nightgown in one hand and taking the stairs two at a time. I didn't give myself time to think as I darted through the door.
"What are you doing?" Candace hissed. "I just said stay here!"
I trembled—both with utter fear and sheer excitement. "What are you going to do, tell on me? I can't let you go alone."
Candace snorted but strained to let the door slowly slide shut. Even with the spell the door was clearly a heavy weight. "And what can you do? You haven't even Awoken into your power yet."
I grinned, moving to grab her arm. "I'll be moral support."
Candace snorted again. "Great," she muttered.
She locked her arm around mine and in the dark we slowly started to shuffle off in the direction of the kitchen. At every groan of the house or chirp of some imagined sound we jumped, issuing tiny shrieks. Candace would dissolve into giggles but my heart only pounded harder with each scare. Suddenly this really didn't seem like a good idea.
"Where are the guards?" I whispered.
"The who?"
"The guards Father sent. They were out here when we went into the shelter."
I felt her shrug even though I couldn't make out the gesture in the dark. "Goddess," she breathed back, "what is that smell?"
I wrinkled my nose as I got a whiff of what she was talking about. It smelled like someone was boiling copper. "I don't know. Someone's spell components?"
She shrugged again. No help there. We reached the kitchen, which was lit from the silver sheen of the moon. Candace dropped my arm and started opening cabinets.
As I stood, hands rested on the tiled island, I imagined I heard other sounds—like light footsteps, the shifting of paper, or the rustle of clothing in the very next room. I shuddered with each sound, fear crawling up my skin and forcing my muscles rigid.
"You know," I whispered at her as she dropped to her knees and rummaged quietly through another cabinet, "there was probably food downstairs."
I barely saw her blond head nod. "Probably," she agreed.
"One of the servants would've brought food," I continued, a cold sweat breaking out over my skin. I could have sworn I heard someone walk across the floor in the next room.
She nodded again. "Most defiantly."
"So why are we here!" I hissed.
She sat back on her heels and held up a bag of pumpernickel bread. "Found something," she grinned.
A jar crashed to the floor in the other room, shattering on impact.
Candace smile wilted at once and I clamped one hand over my mouth to keep from screaming. "What was that?" I gasped around my hand, staring at her with wide eyes.ll be fine.
28 Jun 2016 | 21:20
continue,pls.. or is this the end?
28 Jun 2016 | 21:42
Ride on
29 Jun 2016 | 00:47
No strength to follow this... Ride on
29 Jun 2016 | 01:04
ayam here for dx
29 Jun 2016 | 01:06
Haha always around
29 Jun 2016 | 02:40
carry on............ Am with u, all d way
29 Jun 2016 | 02:54
29 Jun 2016 | 03:10
With You All The Way
29 Jun 2016 | 03:23
Bring It On,
29 Jun 2016 | 03:23
29 Jun 2016 | 03:26
episode 2 Candace stood, one arm stretched out in front of her, steam still drifting off her skin. "Shit," she gasped, her blue eyes wide in shock. She had sent the Vampire through the wall, demolishing most of the windows and cracking through the thick red wood. Intent, she darted through the splintered wood and shards of glass. "Candace!" I yelped and raced after her into the night. The wood dug into my skin and the glass shredded my feet. I slide to a stop, staring at my sister. She stood facing the Vampire who was slow to get to his feet. Clearly he had taken one too many blows over the night. Her white blond hair whipped around her face in the winter wind and her eyes were viciously intent—I saw not a speck of fear in her. She stood with her legs braces wide apart; gripping her nightgown in one hand and exposing her bare white legs. The other was out in front of her, palm facing the creature. Blue near translucent flames wrapped around her bare arm, dancing high off her skin. The heat blazed so hot that the falling snow above her melted mid-air, covering her in a halo of white stream. She grinned a terrible grin—like that of some vicious pagan goddess and made a come-hither gesture with her fiery fingertips. "Bring it, Fang-boy," she snarled. He growled deep in his chest, dropping into a low stance. His bright eyes glared at her with such hatefulness it was fearsome. "Are you the daughter of Goddard St. Augustine?" He asked. Still clinging to my bread I trembled violently, huddled down so that he couldn't see me. What did he want with one of father's daughters? For her part Candace didn't so much as glance my way. She took the full danger. "The one and only," she said and hurled the spell. The fire tore through the night, burning through falling snow and raging across the courtyard. The Vampire lurched to the side, not fast enough to avoid the spell but quick enough that he missed the full brunt of it. It hit his shoulder, curling and charring both his coat and the skin beneath. If he registered the pain, though, he was too wild to notice. He ducked and lunged, crossing the space too quick for me to see. Candace gasped, yanking up the other hand to hurl another spell but she was too slow. I screamed, futile, poised to throw the damn bread if it came to that. A roar filled the courtyard and again the Vampire's body went flying through the air. He crashed into the stonewall, the stones shattering into shards on impact. Candace was crouched down, her hands pulled up to her ears, clearly shocked. "What in the hells are you doing here!" Father's bellow bounced off the stone walls. I yipped and ducked further. Father strode into the now broken and smoking courtyard, his crimson cloak flung over one shoulder and trailing behind him in a terrifying display. I trembled at the sight of him in his full armor, his furious blue eyes emphasized by his silver helmet. He jerked it off, glaring at Candace and me. "Get them to the shelter!" He roared and someone grabbed me by the arm, yanking me to the feet. I stumbled as the faceless soldier dragged me along. I glanced over my shoulder at Candace who, instead of being ashamed and chagrined like me, was just grinning wildly as another soldier pulled her along. She saw me watching and asked, "Do you have the bread?" Numbly I held out the squished and mangled package. My little contribution to the war effort. Candace just smiled. "Good girl." "What were you thinking," I said back and she beamed. "I was thinking that I had to do something. Maybe I have a little of that warrior blood in me." "Women can't be warriors." "Maybe I'll be the first." And I did so admire her then. My big sister—who, even if for a brief moment, was a warrior queen. I stared at her, wanting so desperately to be like her. I couldn't wait for the day when I would come into my power—to Awaken. I'll be just like you, I promised to myself. I would be adventurous and exciting and maybe even a little bit wild—all I would have to do is wait until I Awoke. But I never really got that chance. I was dragged, kicking and screaming, down the road less traveled. I never got to be that girl. And that nameless Vampire certainly was not the last one I would ever meet.
29 Jun 2016 | 11:46
episode 3 ★★★★★★16 years later★★★★★★ ♥ There was nothing I liked about Magical Physics class. Shove postulates, axioms, and Euclid's elements under my nose and its like something curls up and dies inside me. I cringed as the professor let out yet another string of theories that made absolutely no sense to me. I dropped my quill and stretched my hand, the fingers stiff and bent in a writer's cramp. I sighed, probably too loudly, and the student beside me shot a baleful glare my way. His hand hovered over his notebook, the words from the professor clearly writing themselves in scrolling gold onto the paper. He spared a moment from his notes to give a pointed sneer at my quill and paper. Ignoring him, I shook my hand lightly before returning to my torture of trying to keep up with the professor's lecture. I stared down at the paper of half scribbles, shortened words and ink smears. Unlike everyone else in the class, and unlike everyone else in the entire damn university, I was forced to record my notes by hand, like a common Human. I would prefer to use my laptop, but too many students had complained about the constant tapping of the keys, and my prized piece of technology had been banned from the classes. I heard a low hiss and I glanced to my left. One row below me and two seats down Constance threw me her best damsel-in-distress expression. "What are we doing?" She mouthed softly, her wide hazel eyes practically on the verge of tears. Good to know I wasn't the only one who was defeated by the class. I shrugged helplessly, flinching slightly when my hand panged. "No clue," I mouthed back mournfully. "Ms. Lilith St. Augustine, is there a problem?" I jerked my head up and found the professor pinning me with an icy glare from his podium. His already thin lips were pressed together in a fine line, and the years were slightly more evident in his face when he drew his brow together in his stare. Figures he would single me out. "No, professor," I mumbled, trying to duck down further in my chair. Professor Sharpe was an intelligent Nephilim, but probably the most pitiless man I knew. I did not want to be another one of his examples. He steppled his fingers on the podium, his sharp chin raised high in an elegant display of academic power. "I should hope not, Ms. St. Augustine, as I fear you're suffering enough in this class as is." I inwardly groaned as the class gave their collective soft chuckles at my expense and tried to sink lower behind the desk. "Yes, professor." "If you want to fail, that is your business, but do not distract my other students," he snapped, and with that he turned away, his professor cloak twirling around him in an impressive demonstration of poise. No doubt he had a spell tacked to the inside of the robe to make himself appear all the more menacing. I had the fleeting image of running up and snatching away said spell and watching his defiant cloak deflate. From the corner of my eye I could see Constance mouth an apology and I gave her the barest of nods. It wasn't her fault that my professors thoroughly enjoyed expressing their absolute displeasure of my presence in the university. Truth be told if I were a professor I wouldn't want me at Divine Angelic Sors and Magos University either. The student next to me pulled his notebook farther away from me, making sure that his papers didn't brush mine. As if my lack of ability was going to jump off of my books and onto his own. Nothing like a little bit of ostracism to lift a girl's spirits, right? He lifted his hand and efficiently answered whatever question Professor Sharpe had thrown his way. "Brownnoser," I muttered in English under my breath. After having spent a great deal of time in the Human city lately, I had a wealth of Human slang at my disposal. The student gave a sideways glance at me, his smirk faltering as he tried to understand the obvious insult. I was willing to bet my weekly allowance that his English was lacking. He turned away, obviously deciding not to try and pursue the comment. I glared back at his profile, noting the large nose yet well defined chin. One of these days I really should bother to learn his name, I thought, but threw it aside, hardly willing to give the effort. I tried to return to my dutiful mindset of taking useless notes, but my concentration was broken. With but a scant hour to go, the Physics class was my last one for the day. The mounting tension was amplified by the knowledge that I was going to sneak into the Human city soon and I started to tap my foot in a nervous habit of build up energy. That only earned me another spiteful glare, and I forced myself to stop. With a sigh I dropped my quill, abandoning all pretenses of taking part in the class. I'd just have to put a few extra hours in with my tutor to make up with my utter lack of attention today. The class dragged, as Magical Physics classes have a tendency to do, but at last Professor Sharpe closed his book on the podium (a full three minutes after the chime to dismiss class) and we were free to escape. "What was that?" Constance sighed when she reached my side. We climbed the aisle steps out of the lecture hall, and were forced to go extra slow by students who just didn't understand the urgency for ones need to flee such a class. "You got me," I muttered back, heaving my book bag strap higher up on my shoulder. "I think I died somewhere between postulate fifteen and proposition forty-four." "We covered proposition forty-four?" She cried out, freezing to rifle through her notes. "I missed that!" I grabbed her elbow and pulled her along up the stairs, desperate for the double doors that led to the university hallways. "I'm sure someone will share their notes with you." Which was true. Constance was practically the queen of our class. She was regal enough to earn the adoration of the other Nephilim girls, and pretty enough to peak the interests of the men. Constance finally dropped her notebook into her bag with a somber sigh. "Who ever made that class two and a half hours long was seriously sadistic." But within moments her mood improved as we walked down the halls. Students stumbled over themselves to bow their heads and offer greetings. "Good afternoon, Ms. Bray," they'd say. "Such a pleasure to see you, Ms. Bray," they'd smile; they'd grovel. The usual responses by the usual student body. Constance took them all with good humor, smiling, greeting back with the articulate form of a lady. Her poised smile raised a notch, and she moved with the easy confidence of one who is adored. I gritted my teeth, ignoring all the praise they threw at her, yet so effectively avoided giving me. By birth I was above Constance. But I've learned that while birth is a great deal, it isn't everything, and I'm left with the distain and bête-noir my flaws earn me. I was all too eager to push my way through the massive oak double doors that led out of the university. The bright sun assaulted me at once, and I blinked against its radiance. Next to strike was the heavy early September heat. Unnaturally hot for the month, the wet air pressed against my uniform and caused my shirt to stick to my chest nearly at once. "Can you believe this heat?" Constance groaned, gracefully pulling up her rich silk headscarf to pull the weight off the base of her neck. Tiny wheat-colored ringlets escaped the blue scarf at the edge or her hairline, and she swept them away artfully with her fingertips. The act was a conscious one, so that all could see her lily white skin and long swan neck. I tried not to roll my eyes at the obvious gesture. Instead I pulled my cell phone out of my bag and checked the face. I had one text message from Aubree. Are you still coming? It read. "So you're going to cover for me, right?" I curled my hand around the phone and practically skipped down the ivory marble steps from the university. As usual, leaving the prison was like being given a dose of liberty or a shot of pure sunlight. I breathed in deeply, noticing that even the air outside the school was sweeter, albeit a bit wetter. Constance dropped the scarf knot and swept the long tails over one shoulder. She gave me a sideways glance that was a peculiar mix of envy and appall. "Are you really going to the Human city?" "It's really not that big of a deal," I tried to downplay it with a shrug. She gave a short, very un-ladylike snort. "Says you. If your father ever found out…" She trailed off, raising her chin slightly. I didn't press her; she knew full well that my ability to leave the White City rested on her decision. Sometimes I wondered if she enjoyed the power she held with that knowledge. She pressed her lips together. "You're lucky our Finishing School class in large enough that Mrs. Peterson won't notice you missing." I broke into a smile, barely being able to rein back a grin. "Thank you, Constance! I'll make it up to you." I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, a friendly gesture of my gratitude. "If you really want to make it up to me, you can invite me over for tea," she said with a sly smile. The tall oaks of the trees that lined the university courtyard cast odd black and white triangles over her face and leaving one of her hazel eyes to blaze brighter in the light than the other. I blinked my eyes at the simple request. "Constance, you know you're welcomed any time at my house." She carefully pulled her fingers through the silky tails of her headscarf, glancing down at the white and silver cobblestone. "Some time when your brother is there," she elaborated. A small, sick shiver slithered through me, but I quickly brushed it off. "Of course," I pasted a smile onto my face. "Then we have a deal," she was saying, but I turned my attention to the two Erelim that were scurrying down the large marble steps. The girls huddled close together, their eyes darting from side to side in an accustomed fear. They were quick to dart down the stairs, but once they reached the stone walkway, their pace slowed and, with a blatant relief that was all too familiar, they left the school behind. "I have to go," I said to Constance, following the girls with my eyes. "You're really don't go with them, do you?" She spat "them" with obvious detest. "No, I just follow them," I corrected her. Constance seemed to shudder with relief. "I don't know how you do it. But then again, you're going to the Human city." She tiled her head slightly and narrowed her eyes a fraction. "You have very odd tastes. You know that, right?" I gave her my best smile, trying to humor her, but biting back my first choice of words. "I like a bit of adventure, is all." "I'll say. And everyone thinks you're such a good girl..." She turned to leave, and had taken no more than three steps from me when she was swarmed, surrounded by a group of girls that were desperate to be considered her friend. Constance had already created her own small court. And to her I had lost the court that had once been mine. I tried not to notice that no one was quick to run to my side, as they used to in the old days. I turned as well, fingers quickly punching out my response to Aubree in a text message and telling her I would see her soon. I had to half jog to catch up with the Erelim, something so un-Seraphim that I darted nervous glanced about to see if anyone was watching. But no one noticed me and certainly no one turned to glance at the two Erelim girls. But then again, no one really noticed Erelim, thus why they make the perfect accomplices—unwittingly or otherwise. I clutched my bag, and my heart rose at the very thought of leaving behind the White City for the wild freedom of the Human culture. It was all I could do to not force the Erelim to walk faster. One of them glanced over her shoulder at me. Her mahogany brown hair was a mass of curls that jutted out from under her scarf at every angle and her round glasses hid her otherwise pretty eyes. She was unfortunate looking in that she could've been pretty but somehow her features missed the mark. Instead she was an average girl, as mousy as her hair. She had a name, I was sure, but I couldn't recall it. She noticed me watching her, and she offered the barest of smiles before she turned away. Her friend, a tall, skinny girl with bright orange hair and gangly sharp features glared my way. She was as angry as her friend was quiet, but neither girl ever dared say a word to me. I was well above them in class and title, and neither dared the social reproach by broaching a conversation with me. It was my prerogative to speak with them, though that was considered far below me. Not only were they Erelim, the lowest of the Nephilim classes, but to make matters even worse they were tainted with Human blood. Half-breeds. Still, a Nephilim woman couldn't just walk the streets of the city unescorted. Girls were either picked up at the university gates or traveled home in packs. If I ever tried to walk to the Human city alone, I would be promptly stopped by a Patrol, a feat all Nephilim struggle to avoid. These particular Erelim, being half-Human, only had educational visas; they could only stay within the White City for as long as classes were held. It suited me just fine, for as long as I trailed close enough behind them, it would seem to anyone who was watching that I was a part of the small group. The Erelim clearly knew what I was up to, and had for some time now. Still, it wasn't even a matter for blackmail. No one would believe an Erelim over a Seraph, and the penalty for spreading rumors or lies about Seraphim were pretty severe. The girls bared my presence with an uncomfortable silence, spines straight and necks rigid as they struggled not to glance over their shoulders at me. I would follow them for the thirty-minute walk to the ferry station, and then sit one seat apart from them on the ferry. The rhythmatic beat of the waves against the ferry always lulled me into a near sleep, and I was tempted to close my eyes as I swayed in the seat. I so enjoyed riding the ferry. It was an experience I rarely had and Goddess knows what Father might have done if he ever found me sitting on one. I couldn't sneak into the Human City in uniform, though, so I forced myself up from the seat and crammed myself into one of the ferry's bathrooms. The walls were clean but the titled floor was covered with bits of toilet paper, and small puddles of water. Hopping on one foot, I yanked off the small blue, white, and grey plaid skirt. The blue sweater vest and white long sleeve shirt came off easier, and in bra and underwear I shoved the Divine Angelic Sors and Magos University uniform into my backpack. Dressing in human clothes took a little more tact, and I did a very graceless flamingo dance to make sure the bottom of my cave length pencil skirt didn't touch the grime infested tile. It ended with my shoulders against the wall and doing the hip wiggle to pull it up, all the while jolting with the erratic movement of the ferry. Very unlady-like, but with no one to watch me but several half soaked rolls of toilet paper, I felt myself safe from disgrace. I threw on a pair of dark brown boots and a thin long sleeve shirt. The entire outfit was a bit too warm for the weather but I took the heat in stride, more than accustomed to clothing that covered my skin. I re-emerged from the bathroom a changed woman; having gone in as a DASMU student and coming out a Human. Well, as close to a Human as I was ever going to get. I could try but I would never be able to fully pass for Humans. I think it's the light Nephilim bone structure. I have yet to meet a Human who didn't guess that I was some kind of Other Worldlie. The two Erelim watched me as I retook my seat and took off my bangles and braclets, dropping the clattering jewerly into my bag. The orange head's eyes were hard and angry while mouse-girl seemed more intrigued. The ferry shuddered to a halt at its last stop. I gathered my bag and followed the girls off. Here we would part ways, as they easily brushed through the city's Boarder Control check-point. They presented their visas and ID's while I lingered behind. I hesitated for only a moment, my eyes scanning the boarder guards in blue and black Nephilim uniforms. They were rather intimidating with their hard eyes and long black magic charged batons swinging at their hips. One guard who was casually surveying the boarder glanced at me, his dark brow furrowed until he recongnized me. Even still, his right hand casually reached down to rest on the hilt of his baton. I was sure it was out of habit but the defensive gesture was unnerving to say the least. I treid not to let the skin crawl on the back of my neck or my shoulders tense. "Mr. Evans," I said politely with a small nod of my head, giving my best smile, the one I had inherited from my mother. I may not be as beautiful as her, but I still carried some of her traits. "If it isn't the Lady St. Augustine," he grinned as he dipped his head respectfully. I did my best to ignore the gesture and my eyes darted towards the other guards, fearing they would hear both my name and title. His eyes also slide slightly to the ride, guaging the distance of the other guards on duty. Still, it didn't stop him from lightly holding up his palm and I already had the gold coins ready. I dropped them into his hand, careful for our skin not to touch. He wasn't a relative and there was no reason for the physical contact. He noticed, of course, and his eyes darkening in annoyance. Undoubtably he assumed my reservations were due to the disparity of our classes but I was in no mood to cater to the feelings of a stranger. "Always a pleasure doing business with the Duke's daughter," he said rather nastily, his hand closing around the coins. I simply looked over his shoulder, choosing to ignore the remark and the tone. "It's always a pleasure to deal with such civility, Mr. Evans," I breezed and I was sure the man flushed at my slight jab. He smiled to cover his mishap and I finally noticed that he was handsome, in a normal sort of way. He wasn't overtly striking, but his smile did make him dashing. "Of course. I'll walk you through the boarder." He snapped to a sharp attention and strode forward, leaving me to scramble with my backpack and trot after him. The boarder between the White City and the Human city of Stoneham wasn't even so much of a line but just the ending of the towering white stone walls. The finely crafted metal and wood doors that had so long ago sliced the Human and Nephilim worlds into two no longer existed, but the remnants of huge brass hinges still decorated the sides of the walls, as if a reminder of where the massive doors had once hung. Guards no longer strolled along the tops of the walls, as the Nephilim had removed them as a show of good faith towards the Humans. They did still walked between the spaces where the doors had once been, though, and carefully recorded those coming and going. Evans walked with me through the cut in the wall, the exit or entrance of the city. The world always grew dark as one passed through the thick passage between the wall, cast in the shadow of the alabaster stone. I always thought it an ominous sign, as if leaving the light for the dark, but when the effect was the same entering the city as exiting it, the image only disturbed me more. We entered into the light and away from the shadow, and as I blinked against the sudden brightness, I immediately felt as if some great weight had been lifted from my skin. An odd reaction, as the White City was supposed to be my home. The guard halted exactly at the line where the dark meets the light and gave what he must have thought was his best sweeping bow. It was overly flamboyant and gangly, and for some reason struck a cord of pity inside me. I dipped my head at the pathetic attempt and this seemed to pacify him. "My lady," he grinned and I left him with that, suppressing an ominous shudder when leaving him and the city behind. They say that the slide into hell starts with a single step from the light. The thought tickled at the back of my mind as I stepped away from the city of light for the Human realm.
29 Jun 2016 | 11:47
new ep. here @sonshine @kemkit
29 Jun 2016 | 11:48
Your vote counts... Vote @Softie as Miss Coolval THANK YOU [color =red] ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ [/color] [color =gold]VOTE @Softie as Miss Coolval[/color][color =brown]THANK YOU[/color] [color =red] ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ [color =red] ♥[/color] [color =blue]VOTE FOR @Softie (Absolute Boyfriend) AS MISS COOLVAL[/color] [color =brown] YOUR VOTE COUNTS…[/color] [color =brown]THANKS [/color] ★★★★★★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ★★★★★★★★★ N£w €pisode H€r€ Wond€rful P€€pz° @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdkingmaster @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @SONSHINE @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures 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@joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homestrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @emmablink23 @divathemmy @mavbirth @somisom @gsoul @oyeyemiomolola @peacebright @Sunny @damsyn @Fortune @tomilayoadebukola @Tommie @dbramo @Osaka @danco4real @delpiero @idrowest @omolara[color =red] ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★[/color] [color =red] She is beautiful she is honest She is friendly she is creative she is educative she is brave She is dedicated SHE HAS ALL THE QUALITY THAT IS NEEDED TO BECOME MISS COOLVAL..VOTE FOR @Softie (Absolute Boyfriend) AS MISS COOLVAL YOUR VOTE COUNTS… [color =brown]THANKS [/color] @Onahsunday631 @Paula4eva
29 Jun 2016 | 19:34
30 Jun 2016 | 05:10
30 Jun 2016 | 05:11
ep. 3 . I don't care for cars. Being locked up in all that metal and plastic just seems unnatural if you ask me. I was a bundle of nerves for the cab ride, one hand clutching the old plastic door handle and the other digging into the worn and torn seat. I tried not to crinkle my nose at the stale tobacco scent that lingered in the car or at the dry crumbs that were mashed between the cushions. To distract myself from both my stress and disgust, I glanced out the window, watching the Human city of Stoneham streak by. Humans are interesting creatures with an amazing talent for creating new and fascination technology. They clasp this technology as fiercely as we Nephilim clutch to our magic. Despite this, Stoneham in old by American standards and the classic feel of the city has maintained even if I could spot neon signs or florescent lights here and there. Being surrounded by two Other Worldlie cities has only helped Stoneham freeze in time, the streets still worn cobblestone and the buildings still not allowed to reach higher than the tallest cathedral. I had only been to New York City once and the massive, bustling city with its speeding cars and towering glass buildings had sent me scurrying back to the safe and comfortable embrace of Stoneham and my own beautiful city. I may sneak out of the White City to visit the Humans but Stoneham, with her timeless atmosphere and traditional architecture, made the transition easier for me. The cabbie had noted my headscarf and my slender stature with a sniff and he had refused to hit the meter —a clear indicator that he was going to charge me double. In retaliation when we reached the pub I paid him the flat fare, stiffing him the tip. He scorned the crisp bills when I dropped them in his hand. "Why don't you stay in your own fucking city," I heard him grumble as I swung the door shut. And what could I say to that? I ignored the remark. I had heard it enough times before and will undoubtedly continue to hear it again in the future. Instead, I took in a deep breath of the warm air, smiling slightly as I hopped up the stone steps of the Mermaid's Tale. Located in the upper section of the city, like those boutiques around it, the pub remained classy and quiet, a little sliver of undisturbed haven that I continually sought after whenever I could find myself into Stoneham. The outside of the bar may not be as impressive to some, with its ancient oak door and dark wood and stone exterior, yet nestled in the many windowpanes was a black star for all to see, clearly indicating that the bar took in Other Worldlie patrons. I pushed open the heavy door, which groaned at my touch and I had to shove my shoulder into it to edge it open all the way. I stepped through the foyer, the ward on the doorpost ignoring me, as all wards tend to do. I sighed when it failed to call my presence as I walked by, never pleased with yet another reminder of my unnatural resistance to magic. The cool air from the pub enclosed me in a comforting hug and I was immediately overcome by the scent of roasting lamb and sweet mead. The glass doors to the beergarden were open, adding to the pub a dash of freshly cut grass and wet earth. It was too early in the season for the fireplace to be filled with crackling flames though the wood sat perched and ready in the red stone hearth. If the Mermaid's Tale may not be exceedingly remarkable on the outside, it is doubly so on the inside. The floor was a dark wood that gleamed from tender care. The tables that sat in front of the huge pane windows were carefully crafted of carved wood and black metal with thick, high backed chairs. Amber and orange glass lanterns hung from the high cathedral ceilings and even though the heavy sunlight was enough to fill the bar the lanterns remained perpetually lit with flickering flames. The bar itself at the front of the pub was massive, the dark wood shelves lines with every kind of Human liquor but certainly not limited to such. The finest wine from the Light Elves of Álfheim sat contently beside the thickest whiskey from the Dark Elven land of Svartálfheim. Faerie liquor glistened in sparkling bottles and Dvergar scotch could be found on every shelf. Mounted on the wall, gleaming in pearl white and with a wickedly curved blade was the massive dragon bone sword complete with a thick, Dwarven iron hilt. The sword was a source of rumor and speculation in the pub and each Autumn Equinox, the pub filled to the gills with a multitude of races, a betting war would wage on the origins of the mystical weapon. As of yet, no one's won the war. As impressive as the bar can be, Abe easily dominates the room. He glanced up from polishing the bar wood when the brass bell chimed my entrance but the ward failed to announce my race. He worn face broke into a wide grin causing creases to appear at the corner of his dark eyes. "Lily, girl," he boomed in that deep, rumbling voice of his. I couldn't help but smile in return, glancing down at my hands that clutched my shoulder bag. I wasn't very comfortable with open attention and Abe was far too friendly of a man not to layer it on. "Come here, girl," he laughed, pounding the wood of the bar with one massive, meaty hand. Glass mugs danced under the vibrations, clanking together in a chime that always reminded me of the colossal man. His grin was nearly lost in the long dark curls of his black beard. "You've been gone too long, my pretty girl." I ducked my head, flushing and mumbled, "You're too kind, Abe." "Aye, and you be too modest by half. Sit, sit. What'll you have?" I perched on one of the stools, my hands gingerly resting on the edge of the clean bar. "Warm milk and honey, please." Abe winked one black eye at me with a friendly grin. "The usual, you mean." His hair might have been as dark and flowing as his beard if he didn't keep it shorn short, his scalp a near blue black under all that thick stubble. I smiled despite myself. "The usual." "Does that include food?" He asked, so accustomed to my regular grilled chicken salad, hold-the-dressing order. And normally that would be just what I would order. I despise salad with a passion, loath the very look of the wretched green leaves. But although I had inherited my mother's slender limbs, long neck and tiny waist, for out of nowhere I had also seemed to come into a pair of hips. Normal amongst Humans, or so I was told, it was a point of despise amongst the Nephilim, who so prefer the willowy, svelte female form. As if to add insult to injury I also had a bit of a bum, a round, perky butt that persisted despite hours of exercise and years of diets. Some time ago I had resigned myself to a life of rabbit food. Or so I had thought. I scanned the menu, my stomach cringing at the thought of anything green. As if by their own accord, my eyes resting on the steaks. Even the words made my mouth start to water and my stomach rumble in new found hunger. For the past couple of weeks, I was hungry, constantly hungry, driving-me-out-of-my- mind hungry. "Large New York steak," the words tumbled out by their own violation. Abe broke into a wide grin. "Good girl. 'Bout time you put some meat onto those skinny bones." I groaned at the very thought. "Potato, broccoli, fries?" He listed the sides. My stomach coiled at the very words, and repulsed, I nearly became seriously nauseous. "No, no, just the steak." I placed one hand over my mouth in hopes to calm my nausea then added, "cooked rare." I never had been crazy about steak. If I had ever fantasized about food (as I often did) my vices were more of the high carbs, heaping fat, and gallons of calories drizzled on top kind. Give me cheese ravioli with thick Alfredo sauce, coconut milk curry, peanut butter cheese cake, or fried mozzarella sticks covered in blue cheese any day. Of course, that was before. Now just the thoughts of those foods made me want to crawl out of my skin and hide. The only thing I seemed to want anymore was meat. Beef, duck, pig, chicken, lamb; anything that had once quacked, mooed, or bleated seemed to be the only things on the menu for me. The thought would've worried me if I weren't so damn hungry.
1 Jul 2016 | 06:44
ep. 4 . "You meeting your friends?" he asked, and he bent down, far too massive to disappear under the bar as he searched for the honey. "Any moment," I glanced down at my cell phone, checking the time. I had hoped Aubree would already be at the bar but at the moment I was the sole patron. I watched Abe, always amazed by the way the broad man was able to move with such grace. Whoever created the myth that Dvergar are short and stout clearly never met a true Dwarf. Abe was as tall and as broad as any full-blooded Dwarf though his skin lacked that white pallor that the race was so known for. Of course Abe was only half- Dvergar. He could never have a bar or even a piece of property in the Human city unless he was able to prove Human lineage of one parent for at least three generations back. Posted beneath the massive sword was an elaborate plaque, both with his photo and his Human citizenship papers but as well as a golden engraving of a family tree, the beautiful depiction of his Human heritage. Yet, perhaps tongue in cheek, he also displayed his father's lineage, tracing four generations back of Dvergar history, as if to out do the Human side by one generation. I was trying to read the names along the tree limbs when the door to the pub burst open with both the chime of the bell and an explosion of high laughter. The ward sang "Huuuuman" in a sweet falsetto voice and I turned in my seat, expecting to see Aubree. But while three Humans walked into the bar, they certainly weren't my friends. Like me they were in their early twenties though their skins glowed unnaturally for Humans, their bright eyes clear and filled with an eerie light. They strode into the bar, wide triumphant grins on their flushed faces. Each a shade of blond they looked like they could be sisters though their bone structure was off enough that I was sure they were simply chosen for their physical similarities. "One bottle of Fae wine," the leader giggled when she reached the bar, her fingertips rapidly beating against the wood as she waited. Very few things can make a Human glow so extraordinarily and I was willing to bet it was Vampire blood. Sure enough, as she brushed her soft pale hair from her shoulder I saw the blue veins that crept up the side of her jaw and down her neck, darkly circling around twin puncture wounds. The venom has burned through her veins, leaving the dark track marks across her skin in the very tell-tale sign of a Vampire Mark. I cringed, leaning away from her. The girl didn't even have the decency to try to cover it up! She turned her head, flashing white teeth as she smiled at me brightly. Her hazel eyes were slightly off, hazy, no doubt still in the last throes of the venom. It took her a moment to focus on me, to see my large eyes and easy to recognize delicate features. But really what gives it away is the headscarf, I think. It was her turn to cringe, leaning away from me with a curled lip. Most Humans don't have such a severe reaction but leave it to a Vampire Blood Minion to so clearly exhibit the racial hatred between the Nephilim and Vampires. She grabbed the wine bottle, throwing down the cash and rushing to her friends who had commandeered a table by the window. I watched as three heads leaned in, angry eyes flashing my way and pretty lips grimacing in thin lines. I sighed and turned back to Abe. "Ignore them," Abe said, his large hands expertly toweling down a mug. "They're not used to your kind." He winked one eye at me. "Nephilim women don't come around often." "Well I'm not used to their kind either," I mumbled back, taking a sip of the milk and honey he had placed before me. I hardly registered the sweet taste, more consumed with the thought of Blood Minions. I have met very few Humans who were so willing gave themselves over mind, body, and soul to a Vampiric master and their presence disturbed me. Abe chuckled, a low rumbling sound. "I'll never understand the Human's fascination with the Vamps. A damn dangerous thing." That's for sure. Getting bite by a Vampire can lead to far more than just a so-called unbelievable high and lost blood. Even if the Vampire didn't kill you, addiction is far worse a fate. I shuddered at the very thought. "I'm turning on the TV," one of the girls yelled in a high voice, snatching the remote control off the bar. She threw a glance over her shoulder at me, glaring but also staring. Abe was right. Nephilim women don't visit Human cities often and I wouldn't be surprised if I was the first she had ever seen in person. Curiosity almost won out over trained dislike. The flat screen television flared to life and she flicked through the channels, quickly turning back to the screen when she saw me watching her. A familiar set of cords flowed from the speakers and I recognized the brief music at once. She paused at the channel, as I was certain she would, and with a sneer directed at me she turned up the sound. She threw down the remote control, skipping back to her table as if she had won some glorious battle. Lucien Mesonger, the lead singer of Sons of Demons, filled the screen, his new video, "Narcissism is a Disease" filling the pub with his eerily beautiful music. Lucien had the voice of a fallen angel, and the dangerously dark good looks to match. I had yet to see the new video and found myself shifting to the edge of the seat, leaning on the bar and drinking in the sight with an obsessed devotion. Lucien's music started with a mix of angry guitars and sad violin, a concoction Lucien had created and then cornered the market with. No one could play both rage and agony like he could. His voice filled my world, a sad lilt with an occasional angry outburst. He was all harmony, every note he uttered was perfection and I dipped my head back, closing my eyes. As always his voice washed over me, causing my body to sway to his beat. He could break my heart with his voice, and the tone of his music so easily swayed my own emotions. It was the only music that could calm me, could pluck cords deep within my body and make everything else melt away. He brought me to this wonderful, blissful place where only his voice existed. I grew up on Nephilim musicians and knew they were the best in the world. Yet I had always found them lacking in some way, in some element that I couldn't quite name and most Human music was talented but boring. I've heard a Ljósálfar singer when I was younger, and she knocked the breath clear from my chest, but one memory of one Elven singer can hardly hold a flame to the sheer passion and raw emotion Lucian cried out or invoked in me. There was only one problem. One colossal, blaring problem. Lucien was a vampire. A Born Vampire, to be exact. "Don't tell me you're a fan," Abe interrupted, causing me to startle slightly. I open my eyes and blushed deeply. "Define 'fan.'" He shook his head, though he still smiled lightly. "I'd say anyone who becomes that engrossed in just a few minutes is a fan." I sighed, bringing the mug up to my lips and refusing to meet his eyes. "I do like his music," I shamefully admitted. "I don't judge," he added and he truly seemed like he was unconcerned. "And I thank you for that," I said softly, sipping the drink. I couldn't help but tilt my head slightly, being drawn back to the siren call of Lucien's voice. It was stupid, really. Stupid, dangerous, and most definitely wrong. And yet I was unable to pull myself away. I'd like to say it was some mystical Vampiric power but the sad fact is that Lucien is just that good. And I'm just that weak. It was a devotion I had to keep buried and hidden from my family and everything Nephilim. Listening to Human music would earn you a nasty look from a Nephilim. Adoring a Vampire's voice was practically grounds for exile from the White City. Two hands clamped down hard on each of my shoulders and I let out a very high screech, twisting away from the hands. The mug flew out of my grasp, spilling milk and honey across the bar in a splash of white. Aubree shriek and jumped to the side, two hands clamped over her mouth and her eyes just as wide as my own. "Good God do you have a set of lungs on you," she gasped, her face still stark with surprise. "Someone's going to think you're getting murdered in here" With one hand over my wildly beating heart I yelped "Aubree! You scared me half to death!" "I didn't know she was going to react like that," Aubree gasped behind her hands. She managed to hold back her outburst for a fraction of a second. Then she lost the battle and exploded. Throwing her head back she barked out a laugh, her slender shoulders shaking with the effort. I had come accustomed to the masculine habit, and thought it even charming on her. She clung to the side of the bar, ignoring the milk that trickled down the bar and dripped onto the floor. "You had to see your face!" She managed to cry out between breaths. Either she didn't see or she effectively ignored the scowl Abe threw her way as he wiped up the spilt milk. "I'm glad you find this funny," I growled, brushing off beads of milk from my brown skirt. "You practically gave me a heart attack!" Which was mostly true. My heart was still going to mile a minute, and my hands were shaking. I couldn't fault her for laughing though. Aubree and I were scared of very different things. Her parents would be possible irate to know their daughter was in a mixed-race bar and listening to a Vampiric rock star. The Nephilim world would consider my parents merciful if they only stripped me of my name, home, and title. "Aww, I'm sorry," she pouted, throwing her arms around my neck in friendly hug. "Don't hate me." I couldn't help but laugh lightly. "Never," I said. Aubree's pretty much impossible to stay angry at anyway. She practically glittered in the light. Her lip, brow, and ears were pierced, and around her neck hung variant silver necklaces to match the clattering bangles and bracelets around her wrists. To accommodate the heat she wore a shirt that barely could be considered one, and the lack of clothing boasted her artful tattoos as well as her slender frame. Her low-rise jeans might as well have been painted on for as tightly as they hugged her tiny figure. I myself could never even imagine being dressed in so little clothing, but Aubree seemed to enjoy baring large portions of skin to the world. She was as alive as they come, a veritable bundle of energy and her vibrant neon blue hair was a testament to her outrageously courageous personality. "You just missed Lucien's new music video, by the way," I baited with a smile as I turned the cup over and tried to help Abe mop up the puddle of milk. She would hate it if I saw the video before her. "First take this off," she said suddenly, snatching the headscarf off my head. My long, tawny curls tumbled across my shoulders and down my back and I yipped slightly, immediately trying to tame the mass. "I never understand you Nephilim women and these head things," she shoved the scarf back into my hands. "Now what were you saying?" I managed to sooth the curls though I almost immediately missed the comforting shield of my headscarf. "I was saying that you missed 'Narcissism is a Disease' video—" "Oh my God, I already downloaded it. Doesn't he just look like a god!" She groaned, splaying herself across the bar in a mock death. "What's with all the screaming," a male voice interrupted, causing me to jump yet again. "You guys are going to kill me," I grumbled, pressing a hand over my heart. "I surprised Lily," Aubree grinned up at her brother, finally plopping down into a seat. "I nearly gave her a heart attack. It was awesome." "Yeah, thanks for that," I threw back, my hands again fluttering to my hair, a bit nervous with it exposed. Caden shrugged one shoulder at the both of us. "I figure you can take it," he said with a playful jab at my shoulder and I tenses slightly. I wasn't used to males touching me. "You know, with you being Nephilim and all." I tried not to cringe when Caden made points of noting my half- angelic blood. He didn't mean it as an insult, just noting the vast difference between him and me. "Yeah well, Nephilim blood doesn't stop me from death by way of heart attack, so you might want to consider that the next time you let your sister off her leash." I grinned at her to let her know I was joking. "She's dangerous." Aubree gave a very distinct snort. "I'm about as dangerous as a kitten on crack." "Very colorful imagery, Aubree," I covered my smile with one hand. Aubree winked a bright hazel eye. "I try." Black nail polished fingers twisted at the ends of her hair as she adjusted her do Caden ignored the both of us, pulling out a stool and sinking onto it with a despondent sigh. "Scotch on the rocks," he demanded, running his hands wearily through his hair. Neither Caden nor Aubree were what one would classify as classically beautiful, and yet their was that something about them that tended to draw the eye. Caden's hair was a soft brown with fine red highlights, the color I could assume Aubree's was under all the dye. His eyes were just as hazel as hers, though, and he had his own share of piercings, though not nearly as much as Aubree. Yet he managed to look rough and tough with black metal glittering in his brow and lip, the claws of a tattooed dragon just barely peeking out from under his black t-shirt collar. He was short by Nephilim standards, only a few inches over my own five foot seven, but Humans weren't normally as tall as Nephilim so I couldn't be sure if he was short or average for a Human. Abe grabbed a bottle off the shelf and Caden interrupted him mid- pour. " Human scotch," he snapped vehemently. Abe shrugged, downed the half-shot of scotch before getting another glass and pouring Jonny Walker over ice. I arched my eyebrows at Aubree. Aubree shrugged one shoulder. "Him and the Bitch are fighting." I understood that well enough. Caden was on again off again with their band's lead singer and, from what I could gather, the off again times were rather vicious. A loud chirp interrupted my thoughts and Aubree pulled out her cell phone to check her text message. Her face brightened immediately. "Perce is on the way," she practically sang. "Oh, and speaking of band stuff," she perked, hopping up and down on the seat. "Let's see what you have." She clapped her hands, beamingly deeply. "Now?" "Sure, why not?" Admittedly I'm a bit self-conscious about my artistic work and shared very reluctantly. But when Aubree held out her hands imploringly, bobbing in her seat like an over enthused child, I was forced to shoved my hand into my bag and push aside my uniform, books, spare shoes and clothes until my fingers brushed a slender black folder. This was the whole reason I was here, after all. I just started to pull out the folder when the door chimed again and once more the ward sang out, "Huuuuman," for all to hear. Helena swept into the room like the queen she thought she was. A pretty girl, though perhaps lacking in true, natural beauty, she still managed to think herself the center of the earth. She flipped her curly peroxide induced platinum blond hair over one shoulder and proclaimed, "I'm here," as if the whole world was simply awaiting her presence to start. I caught Aubree rolling her eyes. Neither of us really cared for Helena, but it's hard to kick the lead singer out of the band. Especially when the small local fan base we had were all so willing to lick the silver heels of her boots. Caden scowled, his brow gathering darkly and he speared Helena with a vicious glare. The woman thoroughly ignored him, turning her back to him and leaning against the bar. "Do I have something for you," she purred, giving us the full benefit of her blinding smile and from her black bag she pulled out a thick magazine. "A gift from my father," she said with a triumphant smirk. Her father owned a string of popular bookstores, and though normally I never thought of his occupation, I suddenly saw the benefits of his position. The newly released GQ magazine rested in my hands with a very gorgeous, very nearly naked Lucien staring up at me. "Oh," I breathed out as I stared at the god like creature on the cover. I decided I might reevaluate my dislike for Helena. "Oh is right," groaned Aubree and the three of us leaned over the magazine, drinking in the sight. Lucien was giving the photographer a half smirk that looked so at home on his full lips. He was flashing just the barest amount of fang, enough to send a shudder of mixed emotions through me. His bright grey eyes all but glowed and I found my eyes raking over his bare chest, noting the perfect definition in his chest, the toned abs, and the very notable cut of his hips. The jeans were hanging low enough on his hips that I was thinking very un- ladylike things. I could envision running my hands across those broad shoulders or wrapped around that narrow waist. He was a lithe figure, the tight, toned body that was without the extra unneeded bulk I had seen on so many other male models. "I would do such dirty, nasty things to him," sighed Aubree and Helena nodded in agreement. A part of me, a very large part of me, wanted to agree with them, to just think like a Human, and to ignore the fact that Lucien was an evil creature that would kill me as soon as kiss me. Or maybe kiss me and then kill me. That seemed a little more likely when it came to Vampires. The problem for me was that Lucien didn't really look like a Vampire. His skin was a brushed russet, a dark tea color that was so different from the stereotypical pasty white vampire shade. His thick black hair was not quite long enough to brush his shoulders and cut around his face in an extraordinarily human, very cutting edge style. He was nothing like the one Vampire I had seen years ago, who had been white and cold and savage. To me Lucien didn't look like all the images I had conjured up in my head during all those long Nephilim lectures about our enemy race. For the most part, when I looked at Lucien, I pretended he was Human. I tried to tune out the guilt that washed over me whenever I gave his pictures such appraisal, and if I really concentrated, really pretended, I could convince myself that Lucien was no more than Human, and thus safe to admire. But it doesn't really work like that. And I could pretend all I wanted, but hopes and dreams weren't going to change Lucien from Vampire to Human or to anything else. And sadly I was setting myself up to learn that very painful lesson.
1 Jul 2016 | 06:47
new ep. here @kemkit @sonshine
1 Jul 2016 | 06:48
Hmm... Lets see how it goes. Ride on
1 Jul 2016 | 07:17
Your vote counts... 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@danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @emmablink23 @divathemmy @mavbirth @somisom @gsoul @oyeyemiomolola @peacebright @Sunny @damsyn @Fortune @tomilayoadebukola @Tommie @dbramo @Osaka @danco4real @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @jpresh88 @motunrijoy25 [color =red] ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★[/color] [color =red] She is beautiful she is honest She is friendly she is creative she is educative she is brave She is dedicated SHE HAS ALL THE QUALITY THAT IS NEEDED TO BECOME MISS COOLVAL..VOTE FOR @Softie (Absolute Boyfriend) AS MISS COOLVAL YOUR VOTE COUNTS… [color =brown]THANKS [/color] @Onahsunday631 @Paula4eva
1 Jul 2016 | 07:19


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