Welcome everyone
I just decided to teach my fellow coolvallers some Spanish Mexican Language which can be very useful in building your career.
I hope you get to learn it and understand the language very well
Here are some simple greetings you need to know first
Good morning
Buenos días
pronunciation BWEH-nohs DEE-ahs
Good afternoon
Spanish Buenas tardes
pronunciation BWEH-nahs TAHR-days
Good evening
Spanish Buenas noches pronunciation BASH-nahs NOH-tchays
Good bye
Spanish Adiós
pronunciation Ah-dee-OHS
Spanish hola
pronunciation OH-lah
See you later
Spanish hasta luego
pronunciation AHS-tah LWAY-goh
What is your name?
Spanish ¿Cómo se llama?
pronunciation KOH-moh say YAH-mah
My name is…
Spanish mi nombre es.. pronunciation Mee NOHM-bray ays...
How are you?
Spanish ¿Cómo estas?
pronunciation KOH-moh ays-TAHs
Fine, thank you.
Very good, thank you.
Spanish Bien, gracias
Muy bien, gracias
pronunciation BEE-ayn GRAH-see-ahs
MOOEE BEE-ayn GRAH-see-ahs
please if you have any questions or need to learn more whatsapp me on 09091253388.