VAL'S Diary Series *SEASON 2B *moments before nysc & life as a corper

VAL'S Diary Series *SEASON 2B *moments before nysc & life as a corper

By Cool in 21 Jul 2013 | 22:16
Cool Val

Cool Val

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Member since: 17 Jun 2013
(Please The season 1 of this story is currently unavailable but was summarized in this season 2)

The Diary of an IMOSTAR Is the true life story of a young man whose sexual life and adventures almost cost him all he stood for.
At the end we are to find if he totally lost focus, got carried away by the wind of misfortune or simply got entraped by the courageous love of a strong woman.
The story has lots of adventures, annoying episodes and funny scenes.

Read as Val finally graduates from the university and steps up his wild life with more dangerous Adventures.....


Main characters of season2b are as follows:

{1} ADAORA> Val's wife to be. A spirited young lady with impeccable charms

{2} Chinwe> Val's campus girlfriend. A sweet young lady with lovely nature.

{3} Tessy> Val's sugar mummy.

{4} Elinor> Val's agent/ cold enemy

{5} Jenny> Val's corper friend

{6} Frank> Val's best friend and mentor.

{7} Joy> Frank's girlfriend.

previously on the Diary of An Imostar

However Adaora still remained my chosen future wife, but she finally returned back to abuja with my
sister after Dad's burial, {for the continuation of her nysc}, while chinwe still remained a friend to me, even though we both still felt strongly for each other....

Finally on the last
week of june 2012, chinwe called me on phone to announce the good news of my
posting to me...

I gasped when i heard
where i was posted, because it really
didn't work out the way i had wished.

“hmmm at last” was
all i could mutter weakly when i finally
found my voice.
But where really was i posted??

This story is rated well
Episode 1 *continues from the last Episode of Season 2A

"at last" i heard myself weakly mutter again, as sweat drenched my body like a person who saw an angry ghost,

"hello, what did you say?" Chinwe asked curiously. I swallowed hard, breathed heavily and shrugged with a shoulder.

"nne where did you say i was posted again?" i asked with a very faint voice,

"kano" she muttered quietly as if she even was scared to mention the name of that cool city, while her reply exploded in my right ear like the dreaded boko haram bomb.

"i don't believe you, how can i be posted to kano eeh?? Abeg check well please" i managed to mutter,

"i cross- checked your name several times and i'm very sure of what i saw, but you can come and check for yourself i already have done my part bye" she answered before ending the phone call. I really couldn't believe my ears nor breathe very well that moment because my heart was pounding very fast and furiously.

"kano!" i exclaimed again and again in total disbelief,

"no it can't be possible, there is a mistake somewhere" i muttered to myself because i knew the person who was contacted to handle my posting really {is} was very capable.

I spent the rest of that day with my thoughts wondering to and fro, because I knew nothing on earth would make me serve in kano,
"damn national unity, damn one Nigeria, damn boko haram" i cursed again and again.

"mum i will be going to owerri tomorrow to check my name, i heard 2nd list is out" i explained to mum later in the evening as she ate dinner. She just shrugged, searched my face for a while before smiling,

"can't you ask a friend to check it for you?? Anyway do as you wish" she muttered. I forced out a smile and left the dinning room quietly, carefully keeping my thoughts to myself.

The following day, June 28 2012, i drove into Owerri town very early, and headed straight to school nervously . Chinwe already was in GST block waiting for me just like she promised. I smiled in appreciation as we hugged.

"oh Chinwe if only" i muttered to myself as i held her tightly,

"leave me jare" she joked with a smile, while i stared into her eyes and said nothing. She soon grasped my right hand and led me to where she saw my name.

I used my second right finger to cross check the line my name was written, but truly she really wasn't mistaken, i was posted to Kano after all.

I soon felt her hand as she held my waist sweetly, i looked at her unhappily, while she gave me a very sweet smile which truly calmed me down, and It just looked that moment as if we were back together.

"let's go somewhere quiet" i heard her mutter,

"baby it seems i won't be going again oooo" i exclaimed like a child preparing to cry,

"sssshh don't say that" she muttered as she dragged me back to my car.

I was terribly heart broken that moment because i knew nothing would make me undertake an adventure or risk of serving in the north, but with Chinwe seated beside me just like old times, it seemed fate was trying to play another card which i really never expected nor bargained for........

To be continued...
21 Jul 2013 | 22:16
Continues "lets go to my lodge" i heard chinwe say to me as i drove out of GST unit. I gave her a searching look which made her shrug and smile, "i don't like hanging in school moreover it's too early for that so i think my lodge will be the most suitable place for us to stay" she explained. I drove straight to her lodge without another word and together we entered her room where her surprised sexy roomate Mirabel stared at us like someone lost in deep forest. "hi" i greeted polietly, "hullo" she finally found her voice and responded, before smiling at chinwe who was looking intently at her. "i'm off to school do take care" she sweetly said to her friend before leaving us alone. "so what will you do?" chinwe stared into my eyes and asked as soon as i sat on her bed, "i really don't know but i guess i'll have to speak with my mum first" i replied uneasily, she surprisingly held my two hands and drew closer to me, "i wish i could be of help but there is nothing i can do in this case, so please think over things carefully and discuss with your mum, i believe you and her can still work things out" she spoke softly and wisely which really touched my heart and aroused me. I stared into her eyes and swallowed hard, while the intensity of my gaze shook and made her uneasy. Her face instantly coloured, and she looked away, but i gently turned her face with my left fingers which equally played with her jaw at the same time. "what?" she asked with shaking lips "i don't know" i truthfully replied, "please stop it, you know this won't get us anywhere, we are no longer together, leave me jor" she muttered and made to stand up, but i instantly grabbed her with a little force, which made both of us land on her bed. I knew not how my lips closed in on hers nor when my fingers began caressing her hair, but all i knew was that my body was on fire and the only thing i wanted was her body and love to quench the burning sensation. "please stop it" she struggled weakly as i kissed her hotly, "you are making me hate you more" she added as she struggled, but i still continued..... To be continued.....
5 Aug 2013 | 11:19
Continues I really was extremely turned on as i kissed her soft delicious lips, and her struggles only aroused me more and more "val stop it, what are you turning into?, are you deranged or what?" she asked as she continued to resist me, but i still continued as if her questions were just moaning sounds. I finally felt a blow {thud} land on my head, which threw me out of her body as if a naked electric wire had shocked me. I stared at her silently and in shock while she stood up defiantly and faced me with both hands on her hips. "you better start going, since you are taking my simplicity for granted" i heard her bark angrily. I rubbed my right hand at the back of my head {where she hit me} for a while before standing up with a fallen face, while my eyes rested on the shoe which she hit me with, which equally was still lying where she left it on her bed. "chinwe you hit me?" i finally muttered as i raised up my face to meet her gaze, "so you now can hit me with a shoe heel?" i asked softly with red eyes which really was filled with bitter tears. She instantly turned and backed me, "please just go" she muttered quietly, "i know things are not the way it is supposed to be between us, but at least can't you consider my position?" i managed to ask, "consider what eeh? Do you know how many times you broke my heart, or the last time i cried for you? Or is it your never ending fake promises? Seriously i still do regret following my heart and believing in you, but i will never regret breaking up with you, so please kindly go back home since we can't have a decent conversation like matured adults" she poured out to me, while my heart grew heavier than it initially was. "Surely this isn't Chinwe i used to know, who always fumbled under my touch" i muttered to myself, even though i knew she wasn't at fault for the way things ended between us. "only if my body will learn how to respect itself" i reasoned as my eyes rested on her average sized behind. "chinwe" i muttered moments later, as i bravely drew near and held her shoulder, "please just go" i heard her mutter like someone in grief, "i'm sorry for everything, i do know i'm a big jerk, please forget about what just happened please" i pleaded softly which made her turn and face me with eyes filled with tears. "val you broke my heart and still breaking it more, what did i do to you eeh?" i heard her ask with an accusing face. I instantly felt as if an arrow has pierced my heart. To be continued our updates will soon start flowing like it used to, please do have a little more patience....
5 Aug 2013 | 11:21
*continues* I swallowed hard and looked away, but she surprisingly held my hands again and stared at me with eyes filled with tears, "i have to get going, i will call you later" i bravely muttered and made to leave her room, but she strongly held me which made me stop and return her gaze, "so you still havn't gotten an answer to my question till now?" she asked solemnly while i bit my lips nervously and stared at her with confused eyes, "chinwe please" i heard myself mutter, but it only made her smile in a funny manner which heightened my confusion, "just this once, and we part for good" she suddenly added as she stared into my eyes, "what?" i heard myself ask, but she just turned, walked to her bed and laid down, with her back turned to me. My joystick instantly raised it's head a bit, while i scratched my head for some seconds as i pondered over the whole thing, "damn" i cursed as i stared at her backside which truly was tempting as ever, but then i equally was wise enough to know that it might be a trap or test to know my reaction. "or did she mean every word she just said?" i asked myself. Even though i wanted her body badly that moment i equally didn't want it to be our last moment together, because just like food i knew i'll still get hungry for her again probably days or weeks after the deed. "i'm sorry but i have to get going" i muttered and turned to leave, but before i could open her room door, she called out to me "val come here" she commanded like a female commandant, i instantly stopped and turned, "i'm serious, just come" she spoke softly. I obeyed like a loyal dog, drew close and sat beside her on the bed, "so you were actually leaving?" she asked, "yea, i can't stand this scenes anymore" i replied. She breathed deeply and stared into my eyes, "i don't know what else to tell you, but you caused it all by choosing her over me" she accused sadly, which really touched my spirit and pushed me to lie beside her, "enough of that please" i pleaded, "isn't it obvious that you fancy me more as a mistress than as a girlfriend or lover?" she asked, but all i did was just to clean the remaining tears in her eyes before kissing her softly, "no one on earth can define how much i value you" i breathed, while she surprisingly clunged unto me, and my right hand instantly rested on her left To be continued....
5 Aug 2013 | 11:32
6 Aug 2013 | 07:55
*continues* One of the things i do love about Chinwe is her calm, calculative and understanding nature. She really sacrificed so much to make me happy, that till this day i do still wonder whether i have even been a little fair to her. We kissed hotly for some minutes, before i gently took off her clothes, after working all over her body with my magic hands. "Ouch" she moaned and wriggled as i gently bit her right ti.t, while the scent of her newly made hair filled my nostrils, driving me crazy like an enraged bull. Surely making love with someone you consider special do have it's own personal effect, moreover it also has been long we last made sweet love. Her hands were soon on my body working their own magic and driving me more enraged. My eyes rolled over and over as i enjoyed her caresses, and when her left hand finally grabbed my joystick, i was already in a space ship heading to pluto, "huh" she moaned and bit my ear, when she felt the weight of my manhood with her hand. Her moan instantly switched my tempo into hyper-drive sending me straight into unexplainable pleasure with speed of light. I soon crashlanded into her honey pot without knowing when i tore her pant nor when i pulled on a rubber {which i got from my wallet} she sang like a bird while i swam like a fish as we knacked each other furiously, and so we knacked and rowed until we got to Mississippi where i offloaded my cargo. "Nawaoo!" she exclaimed as we held each other gasping for breath. Her facial expression equally left a satisfying smile on my face, because i saw she wasn't disappointed with my display, even though i instantly began praying to be granted a second round. "hope you are now okay?" she asked moments later as i returned from her toilet after disposing the used rubber. I smiled and nodded in affirmative, even though i still wanted more. I laid beside her again, and played with her left hand, while she silently watched me with sparkle in her eyes "will this be our last time of making love?" i wondered as i stared at her speechlessly, "surely time will tell" i concluded with a calm smile, "what's in your mind?" she asked curiously. I tried to kiss her but she pushed me away gently, "is this truly the last time we will ever relate sexually?" i asked with a pounding heart.... But She just kept quiet and said nothing..... To be continued.... "Betrayal" comes Next
11 Aug 2013 | 10:42
*continues* "answer me nah" i softly pleaded, but my plea seemed only to provoke her, making her turn and back me. I rested my lips on her neck while my right hand gently rubbed her right shoulder. "i know all you care about is just the sex, after which you will go back to your chosen wife" she muttered quietly, while i kept quiet as i thought over the most appropriate word to use in replying her. "is that what you think?" i asked. She kept quiet and pretended as if she didn't hear my question. "you can't just conclude when you very well know that i'm engaged to no one" i heard myself say. "leave me alone jor, do you think i'm stupid?" she asked. I kissed her ear and slowly reached for her bosoms {with my right hand}. I softly squeezed them one after the other, she surprisingly kept quiet and allowed me to have my way. I breathed hot air into her ear as my excitement rose again, while she laid still as i continued caressing and fondling her. Fifteen minutes later, i reached for my wallet, brought out and wore another rubber, penetrated her {side-ways} from behind, and strongly held her aroused right bosom like a bicycle handle for support. "dog" she cursed, "mmmhhh" i surprisingly answered, "abeg don't wound me" she muttered with a cold tone. I said nothing but just continued with my slamming, which really produced a kind of funny sound as our {lower} sex organs brushed each other to and fro..... However i truly didn't enjoy the second round because she just laid very still as if she was sleeping and when i finally poured{came} minutes later, i just stared speechlessly at her with pity and remorse. "can that really be called love making? Or was it truly satisfying or worth it?" i asked myself with a guilty mind. Surely chinwe needed much more than sex and care from me, but that was all i could offer that moment. Moreover, allowing her to move on with her life just like a gentleman really was very hard to me because i so badly still wanted her. "Hope you are done?" she asked as i pulled out from her body. I said nothing, entered her toilet/bathroom freshened and dressed up before facing her again. She just sat on her bed and silently stared at me as i dressed up, which truly made me very uncomfortable. Without another word, i reached for my wallet, brought out five thousand naira and dropped it on her reading table, "i have to get going dear, i'll call you when i get home" i said to her with a smile, but it only infuriated her more and her eyes sparkled like two high tension cables that came in contact with each other, "do you think i'm a beggar or prostitute?, please take your money and disappear from here, i don't need your help again, this will be the last insult i'll ever recieve from you" she barked like an angry pregnant woman, which left me extremely surprised. "where did i go wrong again?" i asked myself and wondered.... To be continued... "Betrayal" part 2 starts shortly...
11 Aug 2013 | 10:44
*continues* I sat beside her again and stared at her for a while in silence, "nne stop all these nah" i pleaded as i touched her shoulder, "just go jor" she muttered quietly, "i'm not going anywhere again" i replied and relaxed beside her, took out my phone from my pocket and began playing football game with it. "are you not going again?" she finally asked thirty minutes later, "no i'm not" i replied with all my attention still on the football game i was playing, "you made me miss today's lectures" she complained, "sorry" i apologized with a smile. She snatched my handset from my hand which made me look at her with surprise, "you have to start going in order to reach home on time" she added quietly, while I shrugged and smiled, "don't worry Enugu isn't far" i replied but she shook her head and stood up, "bia come and start going jor" she insisted, "i won't be going back to Enugu today, i intend spending the night at my cousin's house" i finally explained, "hmmmm but it could have been better for you to rush home and talk things over with your mum" she tried to advice me, "what's there to talk eeh? I already know mum won't allow me to embark on such journey" i replied while she shrugged, "okay ooo oga i don hear" she replied, carried her mirror and backed me again. "lets go together to chinedu's place" i offered as i stared at her moments later, "why?" she asked, "i just need more of your company, i will bring you back here later" i explained, but she only just kept quiet in hesitation, "c'mon dear, i promise i won't be s.illy" i added as i tickled her ribs, which made her smile. Thirty minutes later we headed to world bank, where a happy Benita welcomed us, but then chinwe and i were extremely surprised with the sight that greeted us. Benita's stomach was a bit swollen like a pregnant woman which really left me speechless because it appeared like at last she has been able to cage my randy cousin with a very common but popular trick. Chinwe gave me a knowing look which i equally returned with a smile as we sat down in the sitting room. "hmmmm today is really getting more interesting" i reasoned as i wondered how Benita was finally able to achieve that feat and what exactly happened to Amara the young girl my cousin was very much obssessed with.... To be continued... Betrayal 2 comes next. Please if you are confused about any keyword or character, just type the name on the search box showing in your screen...
11 Aug 2013 | 10:49
*continues* "you didn't go to work today?" i curiously asked Benita minutes later, "nope" she casually replied with a smile without offering any explanation which truly heightened my curiousity, I stayed in the sitting room for a while before entering my room, thereby leaving her and chinwe alone to gossip like old pals. I used the oportunity to call Adaora on phone, with news of where i was posted, "whaaaaat" she exclaimed, "abeg better stay at home till next batch" she advised, "baby i'm seriously heartbroken, i just don't know what to do" i poured out to her, "don't worry dear, everything will be alright okay" she consoled me, "where are you?" she curiously asked seconds later in her usual way, "i'm at Chinedu's place" i replied, "bro chinedu?" she asked just to be sure, "yea dear, and i just wish you are right here with me, i really do need to feel your touch and warmth" i said sweetly just to make her happy. I knew my words found there way into her heart, because She kept quiet for a while before speaking up again. "baby me too, just hearing your voice is making me to lose concentration, please let's reserve it for night, i'll call you by 9pm and we will then spend the rest of the night together" she said sweetly. "okay big girl" i replied with a smile, "nonsense boy" she joked before ending the phone call... I was almost carried away by sleep and exhaustion, when Chinwe slowly entered my room around 3pm, "i want to start going" she said as she on my bed. I grabbed her waist and stared at her, "don't tell me you want to miss today's story?" i asked with a smile, "which story?" she curiously asked as if she didn't know what i meant, "didn't you see Benita's stomach?" i fired back, "e concern you? Abeg free the babe jare, Benita too much for that your cousin" she replied, "what did she tell?" i further asked, "none of your business" she replied, "please i want to start going, i'm very hungry and tired" she added with a frown, "isn't there any food in the kitchen?" i asked, "she offered me beans which i declined" she explained, "okay lets visit a fastfood joint, you ain't going till i say so" i said to her as i got up from my bed, while she just gave me an askance look before shaking her head. "what?" i asked, "i just don't know why you find it hard to accept that our relationship has ended" she replied and stood up. I drew close, held her and stared into her eyes. She instantly coloured up before looking away. "can you swear to that?" i solemnly asked with searching eyes, but before she could answer, the sound of Chinedu's car driving into the compound distracted us...... To be continued..... Betrayal comes next....
11 Aug 2013 | 15:06
*continues* I reluctantly dropped Chinwe at her lodge an hour later, because she begged and insisted, "do take care dear" i said sweetly as i handed her the five thousand naira she earlier rejected. She flashed a sweet quick smile at me before dividing the money, "i will only take 3k, buy fuel with the rest" she muttered sweetly before climbing out from my car. "oh gracious me!" i exclaimed. "Chinwe definetly is filled with lots of surprises, and a wife material" i reasoned before driving away. I headed back to my cousin's house without wasting any time, but before i could pull into the drive way, i spotted Amara with an attractive looking well endowed girl, standing across the street. I slowed down and stopped beside them without knowing why. Perhaps i stopped because i was captivated and drawn by the other girl's charm or maybe i stopped because i wanted to have a little chat with Amara. "hmmmm longest time" Amara greeted and hugged me as soon as i alighted from my car, greatly surprising me because we weren't really tight friends. Even though we have talked and gisted before. Anyway the manner in which she greeted me emboldened and boasted my morale, making me smile with a changed plan in my mind. I equally threw casual glances at her friend who pretended not to notice my charms, but truthfully i salivated when i closely saw her well curved anatomy. The feelings i had that moment were that of huge lust, desire and want because the pretty girl was looking so fresh and edible. "da.m.n" i breathed and swallowed hard. Truly nothing turns a guy so much than a ripe or well packaged food, and all i wanted that moment was just to grab a bite, disappear and make room for the next available man. With a smile on my face i slided my right hand into my right trouser pocket, felt the 2k chinwe gave back to me and muttered some silent greetings to her. "how have you been doing?" i managed to ask Amara with a smile, "i'm fine sha and i see you aint looking bad, we are looking for who will take us out, and since you are here, i know you won't disappoint me" she said sweetly like a runz girl. "hmmmm how can i disappoint you kwanu?" i asked with a smile. "wow really, olivia did you hear him?, ngwanu open your door jare let's start going" she said and jumped sweetly as if she has never been taken out before. I smiled in my mind as i opened my car doors for them. I knew in her mind she probably thought she has gotten another mugu without knowing i purposely accepted to take them out for a reason. Her smiles and happiness that evening really looked very sincere, but i wasn't decieved because i knew where i was, the "Eastern Heartland and headquarters of deceptive and eagle eyed girls". She might even be cursing or laughing at me in her mind that very moment, even though she really was very worthless to me because my cousin already has tasted her... Without any well constructed plan in my mind, i reversed my car and headed straight back into town.... To be continued......
11 Aug 2013 | 15:12
*continues* "i like your friend" i said to Amara with a smile after we settled down in a quiet fastfood joint within the neighbourhood. Instead of driving straight into town, i changed my mind at the last moment, stopping at a popular but quiet fastfood joint within the perimeter. The girls surprisingly settled for moi-moi, chicken and malt. "hmmmm are you sure?" she asked with a smile before throwing a quick glance at her friend, who still pretended not to notice my searching eyes nor smiles. "olivia is expensive oo, i don't think you can handle her" she joked, while i laughed. "i love competition, Olivia what do you have to say?" i asked, inorder to involve her in the conversation. "you are yet to introduce yourself, nor Amara introduce you to me, so what do you want me to say" she asked quickly like a very sharp girl. "oops sorry nne, meet Val a good friend of mine, and Val i don't need to tell you who she is nah!" Amara quipped in jovially. I nodded and smiled as i searched for an appropriate word or sentence to make. "just a friend?" she asked Amara, sized me up with her eyes before facing her friend with a look of feigned suspicion, "yes nah, just a friend, i once dated his cousin" she further explained, which made Olivia to nod and continue with her food. We really didn't spend much time before leaving the fastfood joint, because time wasn't on our side and by 6:30pm i was already in my cousin's house after collecting olivia's phone number. "we will get to know each other better, next time i visit Owerri" i explained to her as i dropped them at the spot where i earlier picked them... 9pm chinedu and i settled down in a small "drinking {bar} joint" opposite his house. He normally takes me there once in a while whenever i visit, especially when he has some stories to share with me. "so it means you won't be going with this batch?" he asked with a cup of "Star beer" in his hand, "it seems so, unless the govt comes to our rescue, i know i'm not the only person rejecting such frivolous posting" i replied. "okay oo, you are still very young and time is still on you side" he sipped her beer and said just to console me. "so what's up between you and Benita??" i suddenly asked. The exression in his eyes changed, instantly telling me that all wasn't well. "brother i'm still very stunned, i can't even tell how it all happened, but i still accepted responsibility because there isn't any other option, at least till she delivers, whatever i decide will then happen after that, whether its a wedding ceremony or kicking her out of my life for good, the painful part is that my parents are not even aware" he explained and lamented. His reply really shook me hard, leaving me to wonder how my own fate would be in future.... The miserably look on his face clearly told me, that he has accepted defeat..... "When it comes to pregnancy and child issues, most brave guys tend to chicken out just like my cousin, and desperate ladies equally has learnt to cash in on that to achieve their plan" "whatever would be will be" i muttered to myself as i stared at my cousin speechlessly.. To be continued... Next is Betrayal
11 Aug 2013 | 15:15
*continues* "oga where went you?" Adaora suspiciously asked when i finally answered her phone call around 10:15pm that fateful evening. I apologized and told her about my cousin and his problems, which really calmed her down. We were soon gossiping and joking like couples far away from each other.. The following day June 29 2012, i headed back to Enugu as early as 4am. I really had to rush back so early in order to make up for the wasted time and equally meet my mum at home before she goes out. She was extremely sad when i told her where i was posted, and as i expected she asked me not to honour it. "i can't allow you to take such risk, november is but few months away, so relax and wait for the next batch" she advised. However by weekend, news of mass protest and complains of graduates posted to core northern states began spreading like wildfire equally boasting my morale, because i knew it was just a matter of days before our government succumbs to pressure and probably redeploy us. Due to anxiety and my restless nature, i abandoned all my resposibilities and headed back to owerri on sunday morning. "i want to be in owerri and monitor the situation closely" was the lie and excuse i gave to my mum before heading back to owerri. Truly, having fun with Olivia was the only thing in my mind as i sped back to owerri that fateful sunday, and only picturing her shape in my mind as i drove made me speed like a crazy driver. Sometimes social networks do help us close some gaps especially with a new friend or catch, and i truly was grateful to facebook that weekend, because i was able to twist and turn Olivia's mind via its platform all through saturday night, that she was willing and ready to give me a try. By 12noon that fateful sunday, i stood in front of my cousin's house and waited for her to show up, "just call me when you get to owerri, if i'm not busy, i'll come and see you" she had replied the previous day before we ended our chat, and so When i drove into my cousin's compound that sunday she really was the first person i called, and since she was leaving closeby she accepted to show up thirty minutes later, which equally gave me the time to freshen up. My cousin and Benita weren't around that moment, so i figured they went to church together. She soon showed up, wearing a tight fitting jean trouser and a lovely smile, which made me lick my lips hungrily. The size of her bosoms made her look like a walking milk factory, watering my mouth and driving me nuts...... She soon drew close and we hugged calmly, while i happily felt the softness of her delicate bosoms which i knew would soon grace my lips. "lets go inside" i muttered innocently. She smiled and followed me.... To be continued....
13 Aug 2013 | 03:41
*continues* Together we walked into the compound, and slowly made our way into the house, but as we walked into the sitting room and i tried to lead her into my bedroom, she stopped and refused to follow me. I gave her a reassuring smile and tried to reach for her right hand. She drew back a few steps and stared at me with suspicion in her eyes. "where are we going?" she asked, "to my room nah" i answered innocently as if my mind was clean. "why what's wrong with the sitting room?" she curiously asked. I bit my lips and rolled my eyes. Seriously that's really the main reason i do prefer self contained student rooms to such apartment, because such a room is what we call "multi purpose", a room which could serve both as a bedroom and a sitting room, easily making your visitors{date} to sit on your bed without much stress. "the sitting room isn't mine" i managed to mutter jokingly, but my joke got nowhere nor had any effect on Olivia who still stood and stared at me with suspicion in her eyes. "but the bedroom is yours huh?" she asked quietly. "oh christ" i exclaimed to myself before drawing close to her. "are you scared?" i asked, she simply looked at me without saying anything, "do i look like a bad person?" i asked, but she still kept quiet, "are you having double mind about me?" i also asked before holding her hand. She looked down and said nothing. "this is my cousin's house and i like entertaining my friends in my room, because he may return with his own friends and i wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable" i quietly explained to her. She breathed deeply and looked up at me, "you could have said so earlier" she finally muttered, "i'm sorry" i replied calmly, she smiled and together we walked into my room, where i served her some biscuits and a bottle of malt which i later got from my cousin's fridge. We laughed, joked and watched a local movie for about an hour before i playfully pecked her. She instantly coloured and tried to pretend like an embarrassed virgin. "You smell nice" i muttered sweetly, "thanks" she calmly replied before trying to move away from me. I held her strongly and stared at her with hunger in my eyes. "i swear nothing will make me lose you" i said truthfully, with lust in my eyes, but i knew she misunderstood the fire in my eyes, and probably thought it was passion. She instantly blushed and looked away, "abeg stop looking at me that way, it's only meant for your girlfriend" she quipped in, "darling my girlfriend has never brought out this kind of fire or desire from my inner most heart before, seriously i'm beginning to have doubts about my true feelings towards her" i answered calmly. I knew she purposely mentioned "girlfriend", with the hope that i would deny or come up with something which she invariably would conclude as a lie, but then not every girl really deserves such an old lie nor effort, more over married men do catch fun more or less a young unmarried guy like myself... "why do you say such words about her?" she asked, "she does what other Imsu girls do, so there is no need defending her" i replied, "but i'm also an Imsu girl nah" she added, "yea an Imsu girl with fire" i replied before planting a kiss on her lips. "seriously i havn't met anyone like you" she muttered with a smile, while my hand cautiously and slowly made its way to her left bosom. I truly was very cautious because i knew just a single mistake from my part could spoil and probably end the whole show. I equally prayed silently as i gently closed in like a hawk. Surely having free first date sex is really really very hard.... To be continued...
13 Aug 2013 | 04:05
*continues* my hand soon rested on her left bosom, but she said nothing and pretended not to notice. I slowly squeezed her boso.m while my eyes expertly searched and read her reaction. She still kept quiet, which truly delighted me. I drew forward and kissed her lips gently. She didn't push me away nor reacted negatively which further encouraged me, making me increase the tempo of my kissing. "please it's okay" she finally muttered as she gently pushed me away seconds later, "what's wrong?" i innocently asked, "no just let me be, moreover it's my first time of visiting you, so i can't have anything with you at least not yet" she seriously muttered and folded her hands, leaving me with no other option than to play my last card which i really do hate using. "why are you behaving like a little girl? You already know i'm not a poor nor hungry student, we can start our relationship right here from this minute, i need not tell you, what i'm capable of" i rapped all and all like M.I bragging about being a chairman. "so you mean there won't be any relationship if i choose not to open my legs for you?" she curiously asked when i was done rapping, which kind of stunned me. However such question needed no answer because there wasn't any way i could answer it without compromising myself. I just smiled, kissed and held her softly. Most girls do go soft or easily develop feelings for young wealthy guys, especially cute, well behaved or dressed ones, and that really was my bargaining chip in most of my exploits even though i discovered it late {which was when i got my first car after breaking up with Christy}. So i really can't say it's love nor likeness which drew some of them to me..... "how do i know you arn't lying?" she managed to ask, but i continued, caressing and fondling her without replying.. She finally succumbed when she saw i wasn't ready to give up, "i'm just giving you the benefit of doubt" she muttered as i slowly penetrated her surprisingly wet honeypot. She closed her eyes and bit her lips when i finally buried the full length of my manhood inside her... The pretty well shaped damsel really tasted like an early morning tea filled with Milo, and when i finally graced her tempting backside in round two, all hell was let loose as i ravaged and knacked with full throttle..... "fikpia fikpia fikpia fikpia" was the only audible sound in the room as i whipped her. I knew not what made me turn and look back towards my door in round two, perhaps it was that unconscious feeling that notifies us when our privacy is breached, but when i did turn, i was extremely surprised to see my cousin peeping with a dark scowl on his face through my door, which he slightly opened..... To be continued...... Betrayal has been updated "always check *recent replies* in your page or "vforum" for forum updates"......
13 Aug 2013 | 04:07
*continues* He quickly withdrew his face and quietly closed my door when our eyes met. I breathed deeply and continued with the enormous task before me. I finally jerked ferociously as i emptied my seed into my rubber which was buried deep inside her pot, and it looked that moment as if a dark veil fell off my eyes, all i saw before me was a nervous looking chubby girl lying on my bed. All her beauty and attractive features just instantly disappeared from my eyes. Truly lust do make us see things differently especially when we allow our mind to be influenced, and as my lust and desire was spent that moment she instantly looked disgusting in my eyes. However i pretended as if all was fine, and polietly led her to the bathroom where she freshened up. I still waited upon her like a gentleman of noble birth, before courteously excorting her out of the compound minutes later. I knew her mind was filled with questions just like every girl after having sex with a new guy, but she said no word nor asked any question as we left the building. I still do remember Benita's angry gaze as she silently stared at us as i escorted olivia out till this very day. However she said nothing because it wasn't her business even though i was a bit scared she might tell Chinwe what she witnessed. "i will keep my promise" i innocently held Olivia's hand and whispered into her ear as i bade her goodbye when we got to the gate, she looked up at me, heaved a sigh of relief and graciously smiled before hugging me. Sometimes sweet and carefully selected words are good to be spoken even if its nothing but fallacy. The response that greeted me when i spoke those words made me smile happily, lifting a little weight off my heart. "will today be the end and last?" i asked myself as i watched her disappear into the street. With a sigh i quietly walked back to the house where i knew some angry folks were lying in wait for me... To be continued..
13 Aug 2013 | 20:27
*continues* I entered the house and walked straight to my bedroom where i quietly arranged my bed. My cousin came in moments later with hands in his pocket and a dirty smile on his face. "where did you get that girl from?" he asked, "from Amara" i replied with a smile. "i'm very serious, c'mon answer me nah" he urged as he stared at me with disbelief. "she's Amara's friend" i explained, "Amara??" he asked curiously, "yea" i replied, "nna mehn i still miss that girl" he confessed and shook his head. I kept quiet and said nothing because i really didn't know what to say. "but why didn't you tell me, you were coming with a girl? You can't imagine my surprise when i heard funny sounds coming from your room when we returned from church, Seriously the sight that greeted me as i peeped into your room has spoilt all the prayers i made in the church hours ago" he kind of scolded me. "i'm sorry bro, sh.i.t just happened without notice" i explained. He just shrugged and left the room..... Benita kept an angry face for me throughout that afternoon, which made me very uncomfortable that i was forced to apologize to her, "why are you guys like this eeh??" she bitterly asked after i managed to mutter an apology when we were alone in the sitting room. "i used to think that you are a nice but confused guy because of the way circumstances brought chinwe and Adaora into your life, but i have now changed my opinion about you, and don't look at me that way, your cousin already has told me your story" she added when she noticed the surprised look i gave her. "so what did you gain in having sex with that girl?" she asked, while i shrugged and thought it over. She really was right i gained absolutely nothing from it. "how do you think chinwe would feel if i tell her what you just did?" she asked, "we are no longer dating, so i don't think it will matter" i tried to defend myself. "abeg comot there liar" she muttered with a faint smile, "i'm serious, she broke up with me months ago" i tried to explain, "if that's the case why is she still following you around?" she asked, "because i do beg and insist" i replied, "and she obeys" she added, while i looked away. "chinwe just verbally broke up with you, she is yet to finish gathering the broken pieces of her heart which you scattered everywhere, and until she does so, she will keeping on hanging with you, hoping you come back to your senses and help her gather the rest of her broken heart".. She lectured, while i instantly felt guilty. Her words just made me look like a selfish, heartless, egocentric male that moment, but my eyes equally lit up hopefully because i saw the opportunity to ask some daring questions which could reveal chinwe's inner thoughts or little secrets she might have shared with her..... To be continued....
13 Aug 2013 | 20:30
*continues* "so it means i still have lots of chances with chinwe?" i curiously asked with a smile, "hmmmm what a question, i already have told you all you need to know, just figure out the rest yourself" she replied with a smile. I shrugged and asked no further question. Later in the evening {4:55pm}, i strolled out to buy airtime{recharge card} when i ran into Amara as she bought roasted corn across the street. "big girl" i greeted with a smile, "thank God i saw you at last" she muttered as she held my hand. "do you want to buy corn for me?" i asked jokinly, "you can take one if you want" she replied with a smile, "thank's ooo" i muttered and made to walk away, but she held me strongly which made stop and stare curiously at her. "was Olivia with you this afternoon?" she seriously asked without mincing words, while i stared at her with surprise and confusion as i equally tried desperately to read her expression which really was very blank. "ummhh is she missing?" i asked, so as to make her further reveal her intention or the reason she was asking such question. Answering a question with another question is very common and popular among we Nigerians, and its also a very effective tool or defence mechanism used especially when you deem a question outrageous, hard to answer or in order to buy more time and think properly. "she isn't missing, i just only want to know where she went this afternoon" she explained as she pleaded with her eyes, "okay she was with me" i finally answered quietly, but it seemed my answer surprised or shocked her, and her expression instantly changed. "bi.tch." i heard her curse faintly, leaving a curious look on my face, but i quickly hid it and managed to smile polietly, "okay dear let me go and buy airtime" i said with a smile before walking away..... Truly we guys can never understand girls nor learn all their behaviours no matter how hard we try and Amara's behaviour that fateful sunday left me with deep thoughts all through the rest of that day. Monday afternoon i found myself in Chinwe's room, where her roomate kept throwing provoking glances at me, as Chinwe curiously insisted on knowing what brought me back to Owerri..... My phone soon rang and it was Olivia calling me...... "please dear can you help me with airtime" i heard her plead soon after i answered her phone-call, while chinwe's curious eyes rested on me.... To be continued :-) ...
14 Aug 2013 | 06:56
*continues* "no problem" was all i could mutter without giving up my cover. "what do you mean by no problem?" a confused Olivia asked over the phone, but instead of replying, i ended the phone call, smiled at chinwe, before gently tucking my mobile phone inside my trouser pocket. "seems like something came up in school, i will soon be leaving, the caller is my coursemate" i explained innocently, but before Chinwe could mutter anything, my phone rang again, making me curse inwardly. I reluctantly brought out my phone again, and heaved a sigh of relief when i saw it was my mother calling, "try and meet Pa Micheal this evening in the village, it seems like some greedy folks already has initiated their land- grabbing scheme" she said to me while my mind flew. Even though i expected such thing to happen, i never thought it could manifest so soon, {couple of weeks after dad's burial}, moreover we really do not have much lands which kind of infuriated me. However my heart also flew because i really didn't have the nerve, nor appetite to confront greedy land grabbers, but as the first son of the family, it truly is my duty. "what's the problem?" chinwe curiously asked as she saw the miserable look on my face, "land-grabbers dear, i have to rush home fast" i explained, "hmmm so soon?, would you like me to accompany you?" she offered humbly, "no dear, thank's i think it's men's affair" i replied with a forced smile, "you/ man kwa??" she playfully sneered, "anyway just be careful, remember it's their opportunity to get at you with their evil plans, and remember to stop-by in school before going" she advised. "thanks dear" i replied gratefully before leaving with a heavy heart. Land-grabbing isn't really a new nor strange thing in Igbo land, and it simply means the situation whereby a villager, neighbour, friend or outsider tries to lay claim over a piece of land which he or she has no ownership right. Most times it's really brothers or friends who knew each other very well that often tries such affair especially when the original owner isn't available to defend his property or when a weak resistance is expected. Being the first son of my family, i really was well educated by my dad which really made my heart strong, but however i equally knew it really won't be enough because the crook already must have bought most of the living elders, one way or the other.... My thoughts kept me company as i drove to my village that afternoon, i soon passed my compound {village house} and stopped in front of Pa micheal's compound, even though my mind instantly rebuked me because i forgot to buy a bottle of local gin, hot drink or even wine, which to some folks may appear disrespectful... To be continued...
14 Aug 2013 | 07:00
*continues* Pa Micheal was really very happy to see me, and welcomed me like a son which truly calmed my nerves and made me a bit comfortable, "Onyia's eldest son Francis presented a case yesterday to the elders, asking them to intervene in respect of the land behind Eze's compound which has been under your family's control for decades" he slowly explained, "according to him, his late father used the land to borrow money from your dad during the {biafran} war and he now wants to reclaim it" he added while i listened carefully, "but why didn't he approach us first before tabling it outside?" i curiously asked, "oh yes, he claimed he did approach your dad before his death but he refused to honour his request" Pa micheal answered while i scratched my head uneasily, "Pa you very well know the land is my dad's only inheritance and share, i also heard you were among his brother's who were present when the lands where shared, why didn't you explain to the elders kwanu??" i asked calmly, "i tried but it's not in my place, the elders still insisted on seeing you or your mum in order for them to fix the date when the issue will be resolved" he explained, while i nodded sadly. My phone rang that moment interrupting us momentarily, It was Olivia calling again... I angrily switched off my phone without answering it, while the Old man stared at me with a weak but gentle smile on his face, "but Papa, my mum and i really don't have the time for such cases, i want to meet and have a little chat with Francis this evening" i muttered quietly, while his expression suddenly changed as if i said something outrageous, "don't talk like that son, first talk to your mum, i believe it's important to heed the elder's call" he advised. I smiled inwardly because the old man probably thought we still were in 19th or 20th century when elders do have unlimited power. "okay sir, i will talk to my mum just like you advised and then get back to you" i replied as i stood to leave, "okay do take care and be careful" he advised as i left. I drove straight to Francis compound without second thought nor fear and headed straight to a newly carved modern triangular structure which he erected after destroying his father's old "Obi"{a sitting room mostly built in front of the main house for recieving guests, though it's no longer popular}... He was with two guys who were equally his agemates, eating dog meat with palm wine when i walked in on them, he showed no surprise when he saw me, instead called his first son to bring one more cup for him.... I just watched them with disgust as i summoned more courage and rehearsed all i intended to tell him, "nna taste this palmwine, it's the best in the whole clan" he soon polietly offered a glass of palmwine, instantly breaking my thoughts with a sweet smile which masked his evil ambition... To be continued..
14 Aug 2013 | 07:04
*continues* As some of my friends were in various Nysc orientation camps doing one thing or the other, i was in my hometown because of an impromptu land dispute. "don't be rude, accept the palmwine being offered to you nah" his friends urged me, "no thanks i don't drink palmwine" i polietly declined, while they stared at each other extremely surprised, "hmmm you be woman oo" one of them muttered, the other shrugged, shook his head and stared at me, "you are missing alot" he said with a smile, i just folded my hands and returned his smile. "what of dog meat, hope you will eat?" Francis offered almost immediately, "no thanks, i came for a very important issue which can't really wait" i explained, while he nodded and listened, "it's about my land behind Eze's compound, i heard you are trying to claim it" i muttered gently as i studied him like a wild cat, "oh is that why you came? Nna! the case it's already in the elders hand, lets wait till they summon us before discussing it, moreover you are too young for such issues where is your mum?" he added and asked, as if i was but a boy, which really provoked me, "MAZI i also came to warn you to stop prying your eyes into something that dosen't belong to you, my mum and i are not appearing before elders neither am i dragging anything with you, just try me and see whether you will not spend most part of your miserable life in jail, and the rest of your poor income going to court. I'm really not using that land for anything, but dare step your leg into it and prepare selling all your properties fighting for it, you know i can afford taking this case to the highest level, but how about you? can you afford it??" i barked and stood up, while his friends stared at each other, embarrassed and surprised, "taa kwuche ónúgi,{close your mouth} who are you?" he stood up and fired back. I just smiled and left him totally satisfied with myself, because i knew i left him uttery confused and shaken. Moreover no one really do like Nigerian court {issues} nor police case, which i knew really frightened him.... I drove back straight to Owerri that evening without even stopping at my family home, and when i finally switched on my mobile phone as i got to orji{some kilometers away from owerri main town}, Olivia's text message greeted me. "just ordinary airtime and you switched off your phone, thanks all the same, i have seen the kind of person you are" it read, making me snap instantly.... I really was in a very bitter mood after reading her text message that i felt like hitting her violently, "where are you?" i asked, when she finally answered my phone call as it rang for the seventh time, "at home" she replied, "wait for me in front of that small shop where we met for the first time" i said calmly, "okay" she replied when i got to the spot, i waited extra fifteen minutes before she showed up. My temper was at boiling stage, when we finally met...... To be continued....
14 Aug 2013 | 11:45
*continues. Olivia advanced with a drawn face and angry look, obviously with the hope that i would beg or try to apologize. But that moment i really was beyond caring. she finally got to my side, with a careless good evening which she threw at me. I ignored her greeting, reached for my wallet, brought out five hundred Naira and gave to her without muttering a single sentence, which really shocked her. However her face instantly coloured with immense surprise and astonishment when i turned, opened my car and got into the driver's side. "what's the meaning of this?" she finally asked with burning eyes. I nodded switched on my engine and drove away rudely without caring about my manners. I do know my behaviour that evening was like that of a beast, but sometimes we all do behave like one, especially in extreme situations... "what did you just do??, did i send you to threaten Francis?? What is wrong with you? You have killed me" mum poured out to me over the phone as soon as i got into my cousin's sitting room, making my heart leap a hundred times over. My cousin just sat in his couch and watched me with a dry smile on his face. With the way he looked at me that moment i knew mum already must have reported my behaviour to him. "mum calm down" i pleaded, "shut up you si.lly boy, did you know what you just did? Francis is already threatening fire and brimestone in the village, infact i regret sending you home" she muttered and ended the call. "nawa for you oo, who gave you the morale to pull such stunt in the village?" he asked as soon as mum ended the phone-call, "didn't anyone teach you never to under estimate your enemy or opponent??" he further asked, while i sat beside him wearily. "don't you know that some village guys do see themselves as deities?? Moreover you compromised your safety by going to his house. The earth you stood on or the chair you sat when you went there is enough for him to do something terrible to you" he lectured, "he dare not, i know the God i serve" i muttered in defense, which made him laugh passionately, "sharrap, when last did you go to church?" he asked. I shrugged and said nothing, but just that moment my phone rang again and it was mum. "i just spoke to uncle Peter, try and meet him in his office early tomorrow morning, isi ökpùkpù{bone head}" she ordered. I smiled and accepted... I really was unable to sleep that night as my mind raced towards many directions. Truly i thought i did the right thing by confronting Francis and was expecting "a pat", but instead, my family thought i did everything wrong, thus making fear and regret jump into my heart, "but how could i leave mum to fight such battles on her own?" i wondered sadly, "probably francis was right i'm still a lad" i concluded sadly... I woke up very late with strong headache the following day, only to see Benita in my room, "you have a visitor waiting outside for you" she muttered and left, giving me no time to ask questions. I quickly freshened up, brushed and rushed to the gate where i was extremely surprised to see Olivia standing with a coloured face, "what again" i asked myself with a deep breathe.. To be continued...
14 Aug 2013 | 11:48
*continues* "here is your money, i don't need it again, thanks" she muttered and threw the five hundred naira i gave her the previous day, which left me speechless. She instantly turned and made to leave, i grabbed her right hand and held it strongly, "we need to talk" i muttered calmly, "we have nothing to talk" she replied and struggled to free herself from my grip. I quietly picked the money she threw with my left hand, and dragged her into the compound with my right hand. My surprised cousin who was about driving out that moment just gave us a curious look before shaking his head quietly, while Benita pretended not to see us. I said nothing to them, dragged Olivia into my room and quickly locked my door, "what's wrong with you?" i asked, "you should be the one to answer that question, i don't understand you any more, abeg just allow me to go, i don't need your insults any longer" she poured out, while i smiled and watched her. "this is no smiling matter, free me abeg" she added angrily, "do you know you made me very angry yesterday?" i asked, "how? i don't understand" she muttered with a searching look, "i was very busy in my hometown yesterday due to some family issues, you kept disturbing me with your phone calls and later sent an annoying text message, what even gave you the idea that i switched off my phone in order to avoid sending you a recharge card eeh??" i asked quietly. She looked away and muttered something to herself, "i'm not hearing you" i heard myself say to her. "you never told me you were in your hometown, and was that the reason you left me standing in road??" she asked, "i left you there so that you could feel how i felt as i waited for you to show up" i answered, "ok i don hear, it still dosen't change anything, i'm leaving" she threatened and walked to the door. "one more round with this girl won't be bad after all" i reasoned as a dirty smile appeared on my face. I stood up, drew close and held her waist. "are you sure about leaving?" i asked as i kissed her ear, "leave me jor, do you know how long i cried last night?" she asked. I didn't answer but instead quietly reached for her and fondled them softly, which made her push me violently away from her body, but i was soon back, caressing and fondling, while she hit, bit and kicked me until her fury was spent.... We finally made love again, like two adults in love, "please don't try what you did yesterday ever again?" she begged as i rode her. But i really didn't enjoy her like i wanted because mum called when i was still in the middle of the first round, making me instantly remember that i was ordered to meet uncle peter that fateful morning.... To be continued...
14 Aug 2013 | 11:50
*continues* I really couldn't answer mum's phone call that moment. So I ignored it and quickly rounded up the early morning sex i was having with Olivia. As we dressed up, i noticed she still was carrying a sad look, which made me carry her on my laps. "what's wrong?" i curiously asked, "i'm still not happy" she sulked, "i thought we have settled everything?" i asked with a show of surprise, "it's about the recharge card" she muttered quitely, "so what about it??" i asked calmly, "what i do need is #1500 recharge card to renew my BIS subscription, which is the reason i brought back the #500 you gave me yesterday" she explained. I swallowed hard in silence, while my mind instantly made some quick calculations. "why are you quiet?? Hope you still remember all your promises?, moreover my birthday is coming up in two weeks time, and i'm also counting on you for that" she added, My heart jumped. However in order to discharge her, i unhappily added one thousand Naira on the money she returned. she happily kissed me and left soon after. Minutes later I was in Uncle Peter's elegant office located at okigwe road, where his cute assistant ushered me in. Uncle Peter is a very old politican, who was very popular during the 2nd and 3rd republic {state level}. He really is a statesman with good breeding, though very cunny and never indulges in what he won't benefit anything from, hence my scepticism when mum ordered me to meet him. "good morning sir" i humbly greeted as soon as i stepped into his office, "young Val how are you?" he responded with a well spread smile, equally offering his right hand for a handshake. I polietly shook hands with him before settling down on an empty visitor's chair... "your Dad used to be my very good friend, but he suddenly started avoiding me and some of our colleagues since January before he later died. What i did to warrant such behaviour, i really don't know, anyway your mum told me everything currently going on in your hometown and i accepted to help. By the way what took you so long??, you kept me waiting for long" he complained as he stood up with his walking stick. I equally stood up with a look of confusion clearly written over my face. "don't give me that look boy, we are heading to your village" he muttered like an army general, my heart instantly skipped but i calmly followed him like a humble lamb... Minutes later, we were at the rear seat of his mercedes suv while his driver drove us to my hometown, i really was unable to relax because i couldn't help but wonder why he even was helping my family..... To be continued.... I'm so sorry friends, i'm still very down...
14 Aug 2013 | 11:52
*continues* we arrived my hometown by 10:45AM that fateful morning, and was soon at the Eze's palace where we were recieved by our traditional ruler who equally is my cousin{same grandfather/surname}. "i heard about what you did yesterday, who gave you the nerve?" he asked with a smile. I said nothing and nodded like a fool just the way Uncle Peter ordered before we got there. {Just like some parts of Igbo land, disputes especially land matters are first reported to the village elders before being transferred to the king or higher authority if aggrieved parties feel unsatisfied with the elders judgement, however most times the elders decisions are always endorsed by the king and it's very rare for a ruling king to pass a different Judgement}. Francis was soon sent for, he appeared fifteen minutes later with a drawn jaw and angry look in order to give the impression that he is battle ready. Uncle peter instantly seeked the King's permission before calmly asking francis for a brief chat. He reluctantly obliged and they soon went outside the palace where they spoke for about half an hour. I really don't know what they discussed till this very day, but all i knew was that Francis instantly backed out after the little talk he had with Uncle Peter. Finally before we left, the old gentleman with me gave our king an envelope which i knew contained unspecified amount of cash before we left. "your family won't be bothered again" he happily said to me as we returned to Owerri, but my heart truly was filled with lots of unanswered questions. "come over to my office tomorrow, there are still lots of things you need to learn" he also said with a smile as i thanked him when we got to his office. By 1:30pm, i was in school with some newly made friends who equally were in the same situation with me. We discussed for some minutes, while news that "the government already was looking into our problem" cheered me up. With a happy state of mind i drove straight to Chinwe's hostel, because I really havn't spoken with her since i left her lodge the previous day, neither did she call to know the fate of my journey, which truly was very unusual, but i suspected nothing bad. I was soon in her lodge where a surprised Chinwe answered my knock and prevented me from entering her room, "i have a guest, come back later" she muttered coldly, while i speechlessly stared at her as sweat drained my body. My lips found no words to speak, while my heart froze in shock, and my legs trembled terribly, "didn't you hear me? Please go" i heard her say again, but all i only cared that moment was just to see who her visitor really was. Then i saw him through the little space which the slightly opened door offered. He was dressed in a blue shirt and trouser, he obviously didn't look like a student. His manner of dressing and look said it all, he probably was between twenty six to twenty nine years old. The pain i felt that moment was nothing compared to when a similar incident occured months ago. Many thoughts instantly filled my mind, and When she finally shut the door on my face, it dawned on me that her broken heart no longer was mine to control as i wished...... Has she finally been able to gather all the broken pieces of her heart? I wondered sadly. To be continued. Betrayal comes Next.
14 Aug 2013 | 11:55
*continues* chinwe's action truly pained me, and i felt like breaking her door that moment. I angrily left her lodge and drove straight home{my cousin's house} with shaking hands. "chinwe why are you doing this?, i thought i asked you to give me a little time?" i wondered sadly as i drove. My mind wasn't at rest through out the rest of that day. I tried watching tv, tried playing phone game, tried browsing yet my heart continued to pound furiously. 5:30pm when i was about falling asleep, My phone rang, jolting me back to reality. I gasped when i saw it was chinwe calling, and i truly was at lost whether to answer it or not. "you can start coming" she muttered quietly, when i finally answered her call when it rang for the second time, "it's already late" i replied coldly, "how about tomorrow?" she asked, "my car developed a little fault this evening, can you come instead?" i heard myself ask. She kept quiet for a while and i felt she was going to decline. "okay i'll be there by 10:00AM" she calmly muttered, "okay then, till tomorrow" i replied, "please hope you won't try anything funny?" she further asked, "no" i heard myself say before she ended the phone call. I really was surprised that she accepted to come, which made some funny thoughts enter my head, but as i slept later in the night, i discarded them. 10:20AM I heard a quiet knock just outside the compound, i quickly rushed, opened the gate, and ushered her in. Even though we both smiled, the unspoken tension between us was very apparent, and for the first time another thought jumped into my head, "perhaps there is something else which made her risk visiting me" i reasoned as we walked into the sitting room, because she really do know all about my temper, yet she bravely came after what she did. "I think here will be okay" she said with a smile when we got to the sitting room { i tried to lead her into my room}. I shrugged in resignation. She quietly sat down, crossed her legs and stared at me. "so how far?" she asked with a smile, "i came to gist you about my journey yesterday, but you just turned me away because of that ugle fo.ol in your room, who is he anyway?" i asked, "it's none of your business and please don't ever insult any of my friends again" she seriously warned, which kind of surprised me. with the direction our conversation was heading that morning, i knew things would soon go sour. "perhaps Benita might be the lifesaver today" i reasoned as i calmly drew closer to her, while she stared at me with suspicion. "where is Benita? I called her before coming" she asked with a little bit of fear in her eyes..... To be continued. "betrayal" comes up Next
14 Aug 2013 | 11:58
*continues* "she isn't around" i lied with a smile. She sat up nervously and stared all over the sitting room like a rat in the midst of angry cats. "what's wrong with you are you scared?" i asked, "offcourse i'm, i don't trust you any longer" she muttered, "relax jare i won't do anything to you" i muttered with a calm tone. "about what happened yesterday, you should stop punishing yourself or bringing the impression that i'm cheating on you. Whatever behaviour you see me displaying is not your concern anymore, i have my life to live, just like you have yours. Moreover you choosed your own part a long time ago, so do let me choose mine" she poured out with a little fear in her eyes. I calmly sat beside her and held her right hand, "please is there anything i can say that will change your mind?" i humbly asked, but she just shook her head and quietly snatched her hand from my grasp. "there is nothing, moreover i have tried for you Val. I stayed beside you, encouraged and satisfied you even after we broke up, so that you can have your fill and move on. Which girl will stay and do that for you?? I know you are very generous towards me, but i equally have my own life to live, so when an old family friend came knocking, i really have no choice but to accept him. He is very keen and ready to marry me once i graduate and yes is the guy you saw yesterday" she calmly explained, while i felt terrible, heart broken and jealous. I held my head with both hands while her words kept repeating itself inside my head. I felt like strangling her that moment. I truly have often seen her as my property. Mine to control as i wished, but the seriousness of her speech, her gesture and behaviour that morning clearly told me that the remaining hold i have on her has been uprooted. Benita came into the sitting room that moment, with a happy smile on her face while chinwe rushed and hugged her. I looked up instantly and stared at Chinwe more closely. There really was a new sparkle in her eyes, and a new form of composure which i never have seen in her before. The happiness surrounding her was quite alarming. "is she in love again??" i fearfully asked myself..... To be continued. "betrayal" comes up Next
14 Aug 2013 | 12:02
*continues* Chinwe and Benita greeted and discussed happily. I sighed and looked away in despair, with my whole mind buried in thoughts. "oh chinwe, why must it be this moment??" my mind kept asking, while my blood pressure, and heart beat kept increasing. I really was a terrible sight to behold that moment. "i have to get going" i heard her say to me moments later, i looked up wearily and saw her standing by my side. "okay dear" i managed to mutter with a smile as i stood up. Her face instantly coloured while her eyes melted with pity when she observed my mood, but she said no word. We left the sitting room together in silence. "don't bother yourself, i will take a cab" she muttered polietly as I opened the passenger's door of my car when got outside, "enter the car jare," i replied with a weak smile. She stared at me for a moment before obliging. It really looked as if our souls were in different planets as i drove to her hostel that fateful day, because we never said a word to each other until we arrived in her lodge, though i knew she equally was lost in her own thoughts just like i was in mine. "do you love him?" i heard myself ask, when i stopped in front of her lodge. She breathed deeply, stared at me and smiled, "why do you want to know?" she asked, "i'm just curious" i replied, "yes i do love him" she admitted and rolled her eyes, while i bit my lips and said nothing. "the way you comport yourself from this moment, will decide and determine if we will still remain friends. So it's better for us not to visit each other again, if you can't come to terms with my new relationship. It's now in your hand to decide, morever you should stop giving me that terrible accusing look, i hate it. You have Adaora by your side and wìth a girl like her you can go places" she summarized before opening the car door to alight. I softly held her left hand, which made her stare searchingly into my eyes, "i wish you luck, joy and happiness, with your new guy. You ain't at fault for how things turned out between us. I will continue to be your friend till death, goodluck" i muttered painfully. She breathed deep with astonishment, and tears which quickly formed in her eyes told me all i needed to know. She really was so surprised in my little speech, with coloured eyes she hugged me before running into her logde. "goodbye Chinwe" i muttered quietly to myself as i watched her run. Truly i said those words not because i meant them nor wanted to, but because it really was the most honourable thing to do that moment. I finally drove home with old memories flashing to and fro in my mind. But Somehow i still felt that my destiny with her hasn't yet been completed, and that fate which brought us together might still have something lying in wait for us in future. Only time will tell... To be continued....
14 Aug 2013 | 12:05
*continues* "i think you should use this opportunity chinwe just offered to reshape your life, and focus on your future with Adaora, time waits for nobody bro and you may not be this lucky again if you throw away this opportunity" My cousin advised later in the evening after i narrated all that transpired between chinwe and I to him. "so any news about your nysc stuff?" he asked moments later, while i shrugged and shook my head, "nothing bro" i muttered calmly, "but are you really following it up?" he asked with a look of suspicion which really made me uncomfortable. I got up with a yawn, stretched and smiled, "yea bro, goodnight" i replied and made to leave for my room, "are you leaving your phone behind?" i heard him ask, which made me turn and reach for my phone where it lay on a little stool. It however rang before i could get to it. "hey dear how are you?" Adaora asked with a happy tone when i answered my ringing phone, "lonely and sad dear" i replied, "heiya but you are supposed to be happy nau, since you guys have been asked to come over to Abuja for immediate redeployment" she muttered sweetly. I gasped and held my breathe for a while, "what did you just say?" i anxiously asked, "hmmm nawa for you, so you havn't yet heard that you guys were asked to report to nysc headquarters for redeployment, what are you even doing in owerri?? She repeated and asked with her usual commanding tone. "wow i can't believe it oooo thank gawd" i muttered happily, while my cousin curiously stared at me, "so when are you coming over?" she asked, "i don't know yet dear, let me confirm your news first, i'll call you later" i replied happily, "ok dear, i'm waiting" she added before ending the call. "so what's the joyful mood all about?" my cousin asked as soon as i dropped my phone, "gawd has answered our prayers, Adaora just informed me that we were asked to come over to Abuja for redeployment" i explained. His face instantly beamed with joy. I rushed to my room where i called some friends and checked the internet. Her news turned out to be true. "AT LAST" i muttered happily as i dialled her phone number minutes later. "thanks dear for the info, i'll be in Abuja on friday" i announced sweetly, "wow i can't wait dear, my body is already itching to have you" she muttered and laughed, "i guess you will sleep well tonight" she equally added with a sweet tone. Sure i did sleep well, and the following day which was thursday i busied myself with preparation... To be continued...
14 Aug 2013 | 12:07
*continues* 7:00AM friday morning, i already was on my way to Abuja in company of three female school mates. I truly was excited that morning, because it really has been years i last visited Abuja, {spent some of my high school long vacations there} I equally planned spending the weekend with a family friend who was attending university of Abuja, so i truly was excited as ever because i knew lots of fun awaited me. Moreover i equally have heard lots of stories about Abuja girls which i was all out to explore. 4:48pm we arrived at Nysc headquarters with our hopes up, but we were told to come on monday because "work has closed for the week". I really was disappointed though not very sad, because i already planned on spending the weekend there. The girls i was with soon disappeared into thin air, but i wasn't at all concerned because it really was everyone for himself that moment. Adaora soon appeared looking as radiant as ever in her Nysc uniform. We hugged each other happily, "hope i didn't arrive late?" she asked sweetly, "no dear" i muttered with a smile. She took me to a fastfood joint, some kilometers away, where we ordered rice and soft drinks, "i missed you so much dear, how is everyone at home?" she asked as we ate. I really couldn't recognize the streets i once was familiar with, as Adaora and i took a cab to where she was living {kubwa area}{she wasn't living with my sister because my sis was serving*posted* at the outskirts of dutse Alhaji}. "hmmm nice compound" i muttered as we walked into the compound, which has a triangular shaped bungalow with numerous rooms standing in it's middle. I quickly suspected it may be one of Adaora's family houses even though i noticed another family living at the left wing of the house. "you are really enjoying oo" i joked as we entered the house, "hmmm you even have a sitting room" i added with a smile, while she blushed, "stop that jor, i don't like it" she replied with a feigned frown. We truly had a great time gisting and joking, but as night drew closer i became more restless especially when Obinna the guy i planned hanging out with began calling me over the phone. "guy where you dey nah, i don arrange everything for the show" he anxiously asked, "guy chill i go call you back in the next one hour, i dey tidy something here abeg" i pleaded. "what are you planning and what are tidying?" Adaora seriously asked immediately i ended the phone call. My heart pounded wildly as i tried to force open my lips and tell her that i wouldn't be spending the night with her. Truly i already had rehearsed all i intended to tell her prior to that moment, but to open my lips and pour them out really was were the problem lay, moreover i knew her to be a quick tempered girl. To be continued...
14 Aug 2013 | 12:12
*continues* "dearest i really didn't plan on spending the night here with you" i slowly explained, while my eyes rested on her face, "and why is that?? What's your plan??" she asked with a look of surprise, "i made some arrangements with Obinna" i muttered with a smile, "that rascal? Surely you both are up to no good" she hissed with a terrible look of disdain, "no just a little sight seeing, boys thing sha" i tried to explain convincingly, but she really wasn't moved with my explanation, instead she stood up and left for her room. I knew she was terribly upset because she so much looked forward to my visit, which really made me feel guilty, but that day really was the first time i came to Abuja without any family or relative breathing down my neck. Surely i needed a breathe of fresh air in the streets of Abuja, which really has nothing to do about my affection or my love for her. I walked into her bedroom minutes later to offer more reasonable explanation, but she wasn't there. I gently opened another door which linked to her room. Surprisingly i found myself in her kitchen. "you can go and take your bath" she coldly muttered as soon as she saw me, "where is the bathroom?" i asked quietly. She stood up without another word and led me there. "my guy i can't make it again today oo" i explained to Obinna, when i called him over the phone in the bathroom "nawa for you wetin happen?" he asked, "don't worry i go explain everything when we see tomorrow" i pleaded. Later in the evening we ate our night meal in silence. She refused to talk or even look at me, but just concentrated on her meal, while i threw occasional glances at her with a smile. After the meal i laid on a couch and watched an action movie while she went inside to take her bath. She returned to the sitting room minutes later, smelling nice and looking sexy, my head almost exploded. "what are you still doing here, arn't you leaving again?" she asked coldly before rudely switching the t.v to another channel. She sat on the floor and rested her back on the couch i was lying on. "madam why did you change the channel nah?" i asked and hissed, but she ignored my question and said nothing. "i'm not going anywhere tonight, i just pulled your leg with my earlier statement, though i plan on seeing Obinna tomorrow sha" i explained as my left hand played with her neck and shoulder before resting on her slightly exposed left bosom. She said no word and pretended not to notice my touch. With a smile i prepared myself for the nourishing meal ahead.... To be continued...
14 Aug 2013 | 12:13
*continues* I fondled and played with her sweet ripe bosoms to my satisfaction, before joining her on the floor, where she calmly sat. "what is it?" she asked coldly. I smiled and kissed her, "i really don't understand you sometimes" she muttered, pushing me away, "what is it you don't understand?" i asked with a smile, as i tried to hold myself because I was very much aroused and vunerable that moment, though my brain luckily was still under my control, which she probably didn't know as she tried to manipulate me just like delilah did samson in the bible. "where did you plan going with obinna?" she asked curiously, while my eyes hungrily fed on her bare bos.oms as if i havn't tasted them before. "your silence is getting me annoyed" she added with a faint smile, but I still said nothing because i really didn't know what to tell her. She stood up without another word and left for her room while i quietly rushed to the room where she kept my bag, undressed, took two wraps of rubber and headed to her room totally unclad. "chei" she exclaimed as i entered her room with a dangling tail on my waist, "you don dey mad or what?" she asked and sat up. I ignored her question, climbed on her bed, grabbed, kissed, fondled and totally romanced her until she laid on her back with legs spread wide, lips open with moans of pleasure escaping forth, tears of love falling from her eyes, and sea of galilea flowing out from her pot of eden. Damn she was so freaking tuned on that moment, by my magic fingers which turned her cl.i.t into a guitar before my happy-stick finally penetrated her eden and swam in the ocean which flowed in it...... "ah ah oh ah oh" she moaned as i swam, while her bed whistled like a whistling pine tree as our sex organs brushed each other. "Naughty boy" she whispered as we gasped for breathe after the first round. Her coloured body really showed me how ruffled she was, and when round two started minutes later, doggie the father of backdoor intimacy was used. Oh how i love such position. A position which allows you to slam your waist out and send to hell. Furiously i slammed, as if i was riding a possessed black horse. Hands on her shoulder i knacked, hands on her waist i knacked more furiously, and hands on her bosoms with chest on her bare back, i poured out my cream... "sure you havn't bursted my kitty" was the first question she asked when we were done..... Minutes later, we fell asleep, very satisfied, happy, and so so tired... GOOD NIGHT... To be continued....
14 Aug 2013 | 12:16
*continues* "i'm regretting what happened last night" Adaora muttered quietly during breakfast {the following morning}. I smiled and calmly continued with the bread i was eating. She eyed me, sighed and gulped her tea as if she was dragging it with somebody. "madam easy nah" i heard myself say with laughter, which really made her more annoyed, but she said nothing. "you are just getting yourself worked up over nothing, there isn't any spectacular thing i planned with Obinna, it seems like i'll have to invite him here so you can ask him yourself" i calmly added. "your lies don't allow me to know when you are speaking the truth, moreover your ways are getting more strange, i guess i'll have to change mine also" she muttered and stood up with a drawn face, "suit yourself" i replied with resignation, "what did you just say?" she asked with a raised tone. Her voice jolted me, making hot tea to spill on my shirt. "seriously i also don't understand you sometimes, you like suspecting everything i do, what is it you want to hear?" i asked angrily. She quickly calmed down when she noticed how angry i was, shrugged and turned to walk away, "you can clear the table" i ordered and stood up, "but you are not yet through with your bread?" she asked curiously, "don't worry i'm okay" i replied with a forced smile before walking away. Seriously sometimes Adaora's atitude do get on my nerves. She's always suspicious and eager to read my mind, which i really do not find funny. She came into my room an hour later looking gloomy and apologetic, "i'm sorry baby, it's just that the change i see in you is growing with each passing day and sometimes i do feel threatened. If i do not love you, i won't be behaving the way i do, moreover you are a handsome guy and you know what they say about handsome young guys" she spoke with a soft voice, while her last words made me blush. "so you seriously think i will throw away a real queen like you for a peanut girl eeh, if so, you don't really know me" i replied with a smile. She calmly sat beside me on the bed and held my palms softly, "baby i have learnt a lot since i moved in here, i have seen first hand what guys in relationships do when their girlfriends are not with them and sometimes i do feel you also do the same, i know chinwe's era is over so please don't misunderstand me" she explained calmly, while her eyes tried to read my mind once again. "i know young guys like to be free, but in your case i do fear that if you arn't caged, you might fly away never to return" she added while i swallowed hard. Surely her words made enough sense that moment, but i cleverly hid my thoughts, smiled and kissed her. "my love please don't let all these ideas cloud your heart, our families have always been one and so are we" i said sweetly. Her door bell rang that moment, interrupting our discussion, she smiled and stood up, "oops let me go and put on something decent, please help me answer whoever is at my door" she pleaded and ran to her room. I walked to the sitting room and unlocked the entrance door. My eyes instantly shone when they fell on a pretty fair damsel who very much looked like an Egyptian goddess. "salam! Is Adaora inside?" she greeted and asked..... To be continued.... Betrayal comes up by 19:00GMT Get a free domain name and 500MB web Hosting for just N2500
14 Aug 2013 | 12:19
*continues* "yea come inside" i polietly answered, stepped aside, and made way for her to enter the sitting room. She weighed me briefly with her little eyes before stepping into the sitting room where Adaora soon appeared and hugged her happily, "finally you showed up, how far??" Adaora greeted as they hugged, "i'm fine dear, shokran!" she replied, "so what kept you from coming yesterday?, i waited and waited for you" Adaora asked, "it's a long story dear, but see your way, you didn't even call to know what kept me from coming" she accused. I watched them with admiration, while my mind wandered off as i reasoned how the pretty queen standing in my presence would taste, even though i knew such luxury wasn't meant for me. "my dear i'm very sorry, my boyfriend showed up and you know nah" Adaora explained and winked at her, "haqqan!{really}" she exclaimed with bright eyes before staring at me while Adaora smiled and drew her towards where i stood. "so let me do a formal introduction, meet my boyfriend Val, and Dear meet my friend Maryam she came over from dubai for her marriage which is coming up in few months. She is from sokoto, and her mum used to work with my mum" she introduced with a smile, while i shook hands with Maryam, polietly. "hope you will attend my birthday party with Adaora this evening?" she asked, "birthday?" i muttered with a surprised look, "yea today is her birthday" Adaora chipped in, "i'll bring him along don't worry, but madam you are also yet to tell me the venue oo?" Adaora also added, "yea i know, i'm still working on it, just that the hotel i have in mind isn't the one we will use after all, anyway i'll text you the venue later in the evening, when everything is ready, i'm just inviting very few selected friends" she explained with a smile, "hmmm hotel!, madam saint is finally getting naughty and spoilt uhmm" Adaora joked, "hehehe, even mingling with you is a big haram if you don't know" she joked back and laughed. With a smile i quietly excused myself and went to my room. "guy change of plans ooo, abeg na for sunday we go meet, please no vex" i called and apologized to Obinna {over the phone}, as soon as i got to my room. He really was very upset but there wasn't any other option left for me than to shift our plans, "moreover Maryam's birthday party really appeared very tempting and might even offer the kind of fun i truly was dying to have" so i reasoned..... To be continued {next update 20:00GMT}..... Get a free domain name and 500MB web Hosting for just N2500
14 Aug 2013 | 12:21
*continues* "so how do you see my fair friend?" Adaora asked an hour later, after Maryam had left "she looks very wealthy" i replied casually, "yep her family is blessed" she muttered with a smile. We visited my younger sister later in the afternoon, where we spent considerable amount time, before stopping at a supermarket where Adaora bought some gifts for her friend. we returned later in the evening, took a quick nap before preparing for the birthday party. 7:30pm, a Cab{Adaora earlier booked} took us to Ignobis hotel, a well built hotel situated some kilometers away from her lodge. Maryam soon appeared and led us to a calm section of the hotel, where some sharp looking, wide eyed skimply dressed girls were already seated.... The hotel environment really was full of life and activity, with everyone facing their own business. I truly was amazed especially with the number of sexy girls who were at every corner. At first i wasn't able to feed my eyes the way i wanted because of Adaora, but later i threw caution to the wind and fed my eyes as if i just regained my sight after years of blindness..... There really wasn't anything spectacular in Maryam's birthday celebration apart from expensive drinks, food and well designed birthday cake which we enjoyed to our satisfaction. True to her words, she only invited few friends who behaved as if they were gods. I guess we were seven in number including the celebrant, which really made the whole thing dull and boring to me, even though it didn't appear so to Maryam whose behaviour showed how happy she was. However my attention truly wasn't with them nor in their discussion, but with the lively activity going on around us, where people who knew how to catch fun danced, smoked and made noise. "how i wish i came here alone" were the words which kept repeating in my mind, as i watched pretty well shaped runz girls dance to their satisfaction, most of them dancing without a partner. Damn their shapes, and dressing were just out of the ordinary, my soul and spirit soon left me and joined them as they danced. "Abuja is truly blessed with pretty classy runz girls" Surprisingly Adaora didn't behave as if she noticed my absent-mindedness which really was very unusual, but i cared not and fed my eyes hungrily till 10:30pm when she gently shook my right leg. "party is over, lets go inside, a room has already been prepared for us " she whispered, "really so where is she?" i stupidly asked as i searched for Maryam. She Ignored my question, stood and dragged me to my feet. We quietly walked into the hotel building where we met Maryam at the staircase. I drew close and hugged her polietly, "i really enjoyed myself, Adaora and i are making special plans for you, don't tell her i told you" i whispered into her ear. She rolled her eyes smiled and led us to our room. Surely the girl really is a confirmed big girl, and i wished Frank was with me that very day.... Minutes later, Adaora and i were left alone in our room. She came forward without warning and landed two hot slaps on my cheek, which left me completely dazed and stunned as i wondered what earned them for me..... To be continued.... Do stay tuned... Web Hosting in Nigeria, .ng domain registration and other domain name registrations in Nigeria
14 Aug 2013 | 12:24
*continues* "that's for disgracing me outside" she barked furiously, "what has gotten over you eeh?" i asked with a surprised look, "i should be the person asking you that question, infact what spirit took control of your body this evening?" she asked, "meaning?" i heard myself ask, "meaning you left where your attention was supposed to be and focused all your whole being on dirty half dressed whores who were dancing shamelessly, you disgust me" she poured out bitterly. I truly was at lost on what next to say, which made me move away from her, took off my shirt, laid calmly on the bed and closed my eyes. "only God knows how much i despise you. Silly little boy who can't grow up or behave properly in public, who knows what my friends will be saying about you" she muttered and hissed. "who cares about your boring friends" i replied with a smile, "yea that's what you will say bush boy" she muttered and hissed again. "Adaora please stop insulting me, or you won't like what i will do" i charged up with clenched fists, but instead of shutting her mouth, she came and sat beside me on the bed. "do your worst Val or do i add weakling to your name?" she mocked me. I really was very annoyed that moment, but i equally didn't have the strength to exchange words or blows with her, moreover i knew where it might lead to, perhaps that really was what she was aiming for. I just stared at her for a while, calmed myself down, got up from the bed and walked away from her. "Adaora please stop, what is it you want?" i asked quietly. She eyed me, shook her head and laid on the bed without another word. I breathed deeply, sat on the floor and covered my face with my palms. I really was very proud of myself for being able to resist hitting her that evening. And after an hour {when i noticed she was fast asleep}, i calmly climbed the bed and slept peacefully. 7AM sunday morning, Maryam came into our room beaming with smiles, "i'm about going home dear, i have spoken with the manager, so you guys are free to stay as long as you like" she said to Adaora who laughed and shook her head, "hmmm are you serious?? Anyway thanks dearie we are equally leaving this morning" she replied, while her friend shrugged, bade us bye and left. 8:45AM Adaora and i were back in her lodge, where i quickly carried my travelling bad ready to leave her house in peace, "so where do you think you are going?" she asked curiously, "its none of your business" i replied, "fine, so that's how you want to play it, instead of apologizing to me" she accused coldly, "after slapping and insulting me abi??" i asked, "yea and i don't regret doing it because you caused everything?" she replied defiantly, "fine i'm going where i won't be insulted" i muttered. She shrugged and smiled, "please also know our relationship is over once you step out of that door" she threatened arrogantly. Without another word i walked out of her lodge, even though it truly wasn't my mind to do so. All i wanted that morning was for her to apologize, but i under-estimated her...... To be continued.... Vadvert
14 Aug 2013 | 23:43
*continues* I finally managed to locate Obinna's apartment, situated at the other end of the city. He really was filled with joy when he saw me and welcomed me happily as if i was an important personality. Obinna a very stuborn boy whose parents gave up on, after spending a fortune trying to get him educated{he is still yet to graduate after 8yrs in school}. Instead of focusing in his studies, he faced yahoo business with all his might. It really made him very comfortable for a boy his age, because to my surprise he owns a honda Accord car with a two bedroom{+palour} self contained apartment he rented. "you really disappointed me bro" he accused unhappily as he welcomed me into his sitting room where two cute girls were seated and watching a local movie, "i'm sorry bro, i'll explain later" i replied with a smile. The two girls looked up and greeted me. "meet my baby girl Esther and her sweet friend Jane, sweethearts meet my friend who has been playing us since friday" he introduced and we all laughed. He quietly led me to his bedroom where he instantly faced me inquisitively, "so oga what made you not to honour our agreement?, it really pained me alot because i know the effort it took me to convince and make Jane spend the weekend here" he poured out, "sorry bro i was with Adaora and you know how difficult she can be sometimes" i explained. He shrugged and laughed, "no wahala, i even ran into her last week, at the other end of the street and had to drag her here with all my power. That your babe too dey form oo" he joked. I really had a wonderful sunday in his apartment. The girls equally were lively and friendly. Jane seemed to like me, which she showed to the extent of always staying by my side as if we have known each other for a very long time, though her fondness towards me still came with searching questions about my family, level of education and so on. Later in the afternoon Obinna took us to a fastfood joint where we had a great time tasting different sorts of food. Around 5pm we returned to his apartment, played cards and ate suya in his backyard. Someone rang his door bell minutes later which he answered and soon returned to tell me "Adaora is in his sitting room waiting for me". I quietly went into the sitting room where i meet her standing nervously. There was relief in her eyes when she saw me and we stared at each other for a while without blinking. "please lets go home" she pleaded calmly... To be continued@ 20:00GMT..... Next is "BETRAYAL" Vadvert Get The Easy to use software that will Help you build a Profitable website and Roll Cash to your Bank account
14 Aug 2013 | 23:45
*continues* "i thought our relationship is over?" i asked her with a smile. She looked down for a while before facing me once again. "is that what you want?" she asked quietly. I scoffed and made to walk away, but she quickly held me strongly, "lets discuss at home please, just get your bag its already getting late" she begged, "no i can't" i replied and avoided her gaze, "no you can't?" she asked with surprise. I shrugged and said nothing because i really didn't know what else to tell her, moreover we were in someone's house, and such discussion wasn't meant to be discussed in public. "but you can't keep running away each time we quarrel, is this how our married life will be like?" she asked, while i smiled. "i never ran away Adaora, i just came here because i wanted to okay!" i explained. She rubbed her face with her palms before staring at me again. "so you ain't going home with me?" she asked, "yes madam, i came here with a travelling bag, which gave my friend the impression that i'm spending the night, so you see why i can't follow you?" i further explained. she breathed deeply and backed me sadly. After a while, she turned, drew close, kissed me and held my jaw with her right fingers, "you know i do love you right?" she asked, "yes i know" i replied, "you know our quarrels are just part of the relationship, it never goes into my heart?" she asked inquisitively, "i really don't know about that, you insulted me greatly yesterday, what do think could have happened supposing i retaliated with a heavier slap??" i asked, "but you caused it by staring at those whores like a bus driver without even caring about my friends presence" she accused, "anyway i'm very sorry my love, lets forget about it" she concluded and hugged me. I smiled and held her quietly. "so when are you coming home?" she asked, "tomorrow morning" i replied, "i guess i will have to start going then" she muttered and broke free from me. I quietly escorted her to the gate. We hugged again before she boarded a Taxi, "i won't sleep tonight, my spirit will be with you" was the last words she muttered into my ear..... I returned to the sitting room where i meet only Jane dancing to a music, she quickly paused when she saw me, smiled and walked towards my direction, "the girl that just left, is she your girl?" she asked, "yea" i answered with a smile, but her expression instantly went blank which made me realise my mistake, "perhaps she expected me to deny Adaora" i reasoned and shrugged. "anyway lets dance" she soon muttered with a composed smile, i equally smiled and nodded just to please her. She clinged to me and we began dancing..... I truly didn't know what was in her mind that fateful evening or what Obinna must have told her {about me}, but for the first time i resolved not to cheat on Adaora even though i knew it would be very hard because Jane really was very tempting and ripe that very evening..... To be continued....


14 Aug 2013 | 23:48
*continues* Esther interrupted our dance when she came and dragged her friend from the sitting room to the kitchen minutes later. Later in the evening after night bath and dinner, i found myself once again alone with Jane. I didn't even notice when Esther and Obinna quietly left us alone in the sitting room. I really felt very uncomfortable. Few minutes to 10pm, she stood up and faced me with a smile, "ain't you going to bed yet?" she curiously asked, "i think i will sleep here" i replied and winked at her, "don't be ridiculous, why will you want to sleep here?" she asked while i shrugged, "nothing sha" i replied. Like i described earlier, Obinna's apartment only has two bedrooms and i didn't want to share the second bedroom with her because i might be tempted to {touch} do something nasty. "don't tell me you just don't want to, because of me?, c'mon we ain't kids or can't you control yourself?" she asked with a dirty smile, "oh no not that, don't worry i will soon join you in the bedroom" i answered with resignation, "okay ooo" she muttered, shrugged and left the sitting room. Seriously i really didn't know the motive behind her actions and supposing i was very much interested in her, i knew she would have played the hard to get stunt which girls are very much known for. Thirty minutes later, i walked into the {second} bedroom where i saw her battling with her phone which kept ringing while she busied herself with rejecting the phone-calls each time it came through. I equally noticed she changed the night-dress she wore earlier, wearing a very transparent nighie which clearly revealed all especially her bosoms and ass which looked like a medium sized local clay pot. I swallowed hard, switched off the lights and laid beside her. "i really don't know what is wrong with this guy, i regret giving him my new number" she muttered to herself, "your boyfriend?" i asked, "no" she replied, "ex boyfriend?" i asked again, "no he is just a school mate who wouldn't take no for an answer" she explained, "so how about your boyfriend?" i inquired, "i don't have any for now, we broke up 3 months ago" she replied with a sad tone which glued my lips. "so tell me everything about your girl, her name, school, how you met her etc" she surprisingly drew close and asked minutes later. She drew so close that our bodies rubbed each other, and i had a tough time controlling my barrier breaking joystick which was highly excited. The heat of passion between us was finally too much to endure, i gently held her waist, causing her to wriggle. We both were clearly in heat, but just that moment Adaora called on phone..... To be continued.. MIRABILIS {wondrous Beauty} Mirabel starts August
14 Aug 2013 | 23:50
*continues* "hi dear are you still awake? What are you doing?" she asked as soon as i answered her phone call, "i'm lying down and about to sleep, how about you?" i replied and asked, "equally lying down but unable to sleep" she muttered, "heiya just close your eyes and sing yourself to sleep" i advised, "thanks dear, i will wait for you to show up before doing anything tomorrow" she said sweetly, "really?" i asked, "yes dear good night" she replied and ended the phone call. "hmmm you guys are really into each other" i heard Jane mutter afterwards. She still was lying very close to me. I smiled and held her waist again. I finally got firm control of my excited body after Adaora's phone call, which delighted and made me relaxed, even though the perfume Jane wore that night really was something else. "yea we are, but it's just because of the sense of commitment i feel towards her that makes the whole thing strong. I just wish i met you years earlier, you are truly an irresistable beauty" i muttered sweetly. She kept quiet and said nothing, perhaps she expected me to continue with the sweet words which normally will end with sex, without knowing i said those words just to make her feel good. I never meant them. I rubbed her shoulder for a while, muttered good night and backed her. She still said nothing and pretended as if she was fast asleep. I knew i disappointed her by behaving like an innocent virgin, but most times dignity and self esteem are much more important than sex. I know i'm no saint, but sometimes i do behave rationally even though i often think of myself and sex much more than any other thing. I woke up very late the following morning, Jane wasn't in the room, i rushed to the bathroom, brushed and took my bath. Obinna walked into the room as i dressed up, we shook hands and greeted before he sat on the bed. "what happened last night between you and Jane?" he asked, "nothing we didn't do anything" i replied, "you mean she refused or what?" he asked curiously, "i didn't even try, we just gisted for a while before i slept, nothing happened" i explained, while his expression instantly changed. "nawa for you ooo, you totally f.ucked up" he muttered with a look of disappointment, "how?" i asked, "i told you it took me quite an effort before she accepted to come here and you know she instantly liked you when her eyes fell on you, why didn't you play to her tone kwanu? Nawa for you ooo, i thought you be guy man?" he asked. "i just didn't feel like, but where is she?" i asked, "she is in my room, arguing with Esther, i guess she wants to leave before you wake up, you know she isn't a lose girl and has been without a guy for months, anyway i suspect she is just ashamed or something like that" he explained. I instantly felt bad and clueless on what next to do, "let me go and talk to her" i offered while he shrugged, "but i don't think it's a good idea" he replied and stood up. We calmly walked to his room and my heart began pounding wildly when my eyes fell on her. She was fully dressed up like someone about to travel. She instantly looked away when she saw me. I swallowed hard and walked towards her with prayers on my lips. I was scheduled to be at Nysc headquarters that morning, Adaora equally was waiting for me, but i couldn't just go without talking to Jane.... To be continued... Vadvert Get a free domain name and 500MB web Hosting for just N2500
14 Aug 2013 | 23:52
*continues* "hi Jane" i greeted, "good morning Val" she responded quietly, "please can you spare some minutes for me?" i polietly asked. She shrugged and looked up with a forced smile, "sure i can" she replied, "Esther hope you won't mind?" i asked her friend who was calmly watching us with a smile, "offcourse not" she replied and winked at me. I stepped forward and held Jane's right hand, she curiously stared at me. I gave her a reassuring smile before leading her to the other room. "i heard you are leaving?" i asked her, "yes i'm" she replied, "but why?" i asked curiously, "something came up" she answered. I gently held her face with my hands, but she instantly freed herself from my grasp, "aint you equally leaving? Please just let me be" she muttered. "please can i have your phone number?" i asked, "no it's not necessary" she replied, "Jane why are you behaving differently?" i heard myself ask, but she just gave me an askance look before turning to leave. I instantly grabbed her left hand, stopping her. "you know i like you very much and also willing to do anything for you, but what will you do if you are in my position?" i asked. She shook her head, snatched her hand from my grasp and walked away. I swallowed hard, shrugged and grabbed my bag. I walked into the sitting room and was very surprised to see them all there, including Jane who focused all her attention on the T.v screen. "guy you will hear from me later, let me go and tidy what brought me here" i explained as i shook hands with Obinna, nodded at Esther and left the apartment without looking at Jane's direction. I got to Adaora's apartment by 9:58am with a heavy mind. She was in the sitting room with Maryam when i got there. She hugged me happily, before carrying my bag. "what took you so long oga?" she asked with a smile. I shrugged and smiled back... 11am we arrived at Nysc headquarters, and walked to an office where other prospective corpers were waiting to be attended. They weren't really much probably around thirty of them. I quietly joined the queue unhappily. "hope you do know aunt Martha works here?, isn't it better we go and see her?" Adaora whispered into my ear moments later. I smiled and nodded, together we searched for her office which we soon found. She was with a middle aged young lady when we got to her office, but she left her and quickily attended to us, even though she made it very clear that its against their policy to influence posting, {after Adaora introduced and explained why we came}. She took my call up letter, checked it and asked us to go home and wait for her phone call, because she couldn't do anything that very moment. "Ebere's Mum was promoted and transferred here from Enugu two months ago" she said to Adaora as we stood to leave, "serious?" Adaora exclaimed, "yea lets go and greet her before you leave" she replied and stood up. I stayed behind in her office with the lady she earlier was attending to, while she left with Adaora. I soon became very uncomfortable when i noticed the young lady staring at me as if she knew me somewhere or wanted to say something. Middle aged{overly matured} ladies has never been in my list of targets, and for the first time i felt insecured like a prey. I somehow understood the look she gave me, without knowing how to react nor respond..... But however Deep down in my mind, a part of me felt as if i was misunderstanding her..... F.C.T A land where women are men hunters..... To be continued.... your comments are very much appreciated to encourage us do better:-) UP NEXT>>> BETRAYAL & THE BUS DRIVER{ new series}
14 Aug 2013 | 23:54
*continues* "you said you graduated from Imsu?" She finally asked minutes later, "yea last november" i replied, "i graduated from Imsu 2008" she explained with a smile, "really!" i exclaimed, "oh yea" she muttered and smiled, "so you are from Imo?" i asked, "oh no Abia state" she answered, "you work here?" i further asked, "no i came for another thing, i work in the ministry of Agriculture" she explained. "hmmm lucky you, there is nothing like a federal job" i muttered with a smile, "it's God ooo, you can have my card sha, perhaps before you are through with your service another slot may be available in our office" she said as she opened her handbag, reached for a card and handed to me. "thanks alot you are graciously kind sister Elinor" i glanced at her card and muttered with a smile, "call me Lino jare, my friends do call me that" she replied, while i blushed and thanked her again. She surprisingly handed me her phone and asked me to save my phone number in it which i did. Adaora and Anty Martha soon returned, i got up waved Elinor bye and left with Adaora, "do you know that Lady?" Adaora asked as soon as we left the building, "no why do you ask?" i murmured innocently, "nothing" she shrugged and muttered. ____ "so you won't be going to work today?" i asked as soon as we got home, "hmmm so it's now you remembered to ask abi?" she replied with a smile. "hope what happened last weekend between us won't happen again?" she sat on my body and asked with eyes full of eager curiousity, "depends on you nah" i replied, "so you are putting the whole blame on me abi?" she asked with a smile, "offcourse" i laughed, "but your behaviour on sunday really got me worried, i threatened you, but you showed no fear and just walked away as if you don't care about us anymore", "do you still strongly love me?" she asked with little fear in her eyes. I caressed her face for a while before kissing her soft lips. "love is a weak word for what i feel for you my dear" i answered. Her eyes instantly flashed with fire. Her glorious face had never softened so before. "i have always been attracted to your striking masculine beauty, your statuesque attitude, the free grace of your strong limbs, your caresses and most importantly, your family, so please don't play with my feelings again" she murmured and returned my kiss. With a nature like Adaora's, love is no ordinary passion; all the romance, the fervour, the poetry of her heart and soul all are of noble quality. Her heart opened up for me like the gates of heaven and i read it like a book. The grand, sensitive nature of her beautiful mind revealed to me nature's most supreme loveliness. Time passed and we were unconscious of it as we kissed hungrily, "oh dear i feel like having your baby this moment" she rasped. Without another word, i carried her into the bedroom, while my heart sang, as i swore never to cheat on her again. I tugged her down on her bed, quickly undressed myself before undressing her. She pulled me down, her upper torso connecting with mine, our bare flesh pressed together, no clothing to inhibit perception. Clasping her hips, i moved her so that her were merged to mine, her tickled by my chest. Dipping down, i took after one of the succulent tips, nursing at it until i could feel her tension mount. "VAL" she moaned... To be continued.. NEXT >> BETRAYAL I do apologize for keeping you guys waiting yesterday....
14 Aug 2013 | 23:57
*continues* Obinna surprised us with his visit later in the afternoon. Adaora wasn't pleased to see him, but she just pretended and carried on a smiling face. I dragged him outside where we settled down on a pavement in front of the house {for our privacy}, "i never knew you know this place" i muttered with a smile, "see your head, so you never know i be spirit for this city?" he replied with laughter, "how about Esther and Jane?" i asked, "the babes still dey my house, they fit leave tomorrow, seriously you fu.cked up for Jane's side, that girl be tomtom{local slang for make sense, sweet}" he muttered and shook his head. I looked away sadly. "i thought she was leaving this morning?" i asked, "she changed her mind when you left" he replied, "so how far about the nysc stuff?" he enquired. I smiled and told him how it went, including Elinor's part. "hmmm guy o boy!" he exclaimed, "what?" i murmured, "like how old you think she go dey?" he asked, "probably between 28-35, can't really tell" i replied, "choi so what's your plan?" he asked, "nothing bro" i replied. He sighed and shook his head, "so you mean nothing dey your mind??" he asked, "yes wetin suppose dey my mind before?" i fired back. He shrugged and stared at me with a dirty smile, "let me see her phone number" he muttered. I brought out my phone, scrolled down to her number and showed him. He instantly grabbed my phone and dialed the number, "no" i exclaimed as i tried grab my phone from him, we struggled for a while before he gave it back to me, but it was too late, because my phone already has connected with hers and was beeping. I ended the call and gave him an annoying look. "see guy me dey interested for that koko, so what you have to do since you don't need her is to carry me along with any development, i go take over from there" he explained. My phone started ringing before i could reply him, and it was no other person than Elinor calling, she probably thought i 'flashed' her. "hi dear xup" she greeted, "cool and bored" i replied, "hmmm so which should i take, cool or bored?" she jokingly asked, "this city is so boring ooo" i replied without knowing what else to say, "serious!" she exclaimed, "okay let's meet at Dream chicken & fries at Aminu kano crescent by 5pm, and see whether we could figure out how to make your evening lively" she muttered sweetly, "wow thanks" i murmured with a fast beating heart, "please do keep to time, i hate being kept waiting" she added before ending the phone call. I stared at Obinna with a coloured face. "she wants us to meet at Dream chicken, Aminu crescent" i explained to him. His eyes instantly lit up. "pheew first stage is now set, i know the place, we will go together and i will take over from there" he muttered happily, while i bit my lips sadly. Elinor simply wasn't my type, level nor grade, but to Obinna she really was nothing but fun. "no wonder Adaora wanted me to avoid him by all means" i reasoned Can such a matured lady easily be taken for a ride??... Hmmmmm To be continued.... LOVE, PASSION, MAGIC Explosive Mind Blowing Stories only on
14 Aug 2013 | 23:59
*continues* "oga go and prepare nah, do you want to keep our dear Elinor waiting?" Obinna soon asked, interrupting my thoughts. "i really don't see the usefulness of what we are about doing" i muttered thoughtfully, "hmmm what are you saying? Don't talk like that again, moreover we havn't yet done anything wrong, perhaps she even needs you much more" he added, while i shrugged, "but you know i won't be staying long in this city" i murmured, "stop fidgeting like a child, didn't i tell you that i will be taking over from where you stop, she is yet to tell you her mind and you are already shivering" he patted my back and muttered. I shrugged again before walking into the bedroom to dress up. "baby i'm coming, i won't be gone for long" i whispered into Adaora's ear as i held her from behind at the kitchen, where she was cooking. She instantly turned and faced me with curious eyes. "i will be back within an hour" i added and kissed her. She breathed deeply and backed me without saying anything.... I knew she wasn't happy i was going out with obinna, and i equally knew she kept quiet in order for peace to reign. I kissed her neck gently and left without another word. Obinna first drove to his apartment where he changed into an impressive native wear. He took great pain in dressing that evening, which clearly showed how serious he was. Jane and her friend were in the sitting room watching a movie when we arrived, she ignored and pretended not to notice my presence. I equally ignored her, while her friend threw nervous glances at us. 5:05pm, Obinna and i walked into Dream Chicken restaurant. I easily spotted Elinor, smiled and walked towards her. The look in her eyes when she saw Obinna by my side, was at-first that of surprise, disappointment and anger, but she quickily hid it with a calm smile and just stared at him with careless indifference for a while. "hope i ain't late?, it really wasn't easy finding a friend who know's this place" i lied as we sat beside her. I knew i messed up by bringing Obinna along, but i really didn't care because i wasn't interested in impressing her. "no problem, it's okay, i'm glad you showed up" she replied sweetly. Her dark eyes grew radiant as they stared pointedly at me, her pale grand beauty glowed impressively. I flushed as i returned her gaze, "what's in her mind" i wondered nervously. I never had encountered such charming older lady before. But truthfully, she really looked so glamourous, beautiful and artistic that evening. The top she wore showed off her neck, her rich curls of dark hair were studded with beautiful eye catching designer pins. A golden necklace clasped her throat and from every fold of her shinning dress came a rich, sweet, subtle perfume. Infact her splendid costume brought out her beauty as a golden frame does a rich picture. But she really was too old for me. I stared at her with fingers crossed.... To be continued LOVE, PASSION, MAGIC Explosive Mind Blowing Stories only on Next episode comes up shortly...
15 Aug 2013 | 00:01
*continues* Rice chips and chicken were soon ordered, we ate quietly and in silence as if we came there just to eat. No matter how hard Elinor tried to put on a smiling face, the confusion in her mind still betrayed her. "when are you returning to south east?" she asked moments later, "probably this weekend depending" i replied, "so where do you stay?" she further asked, "kubwa" i answered, "c'mon kubwa is a large area, which street?" she asked, "hmmm i can't really tell, you know i just came over here from Imo" i replied, "so you are staying with a friend then?" she inquired, "yep" i answered, "the girl i saw with you this morning is she your sister?" she curiously asked, "no a family friend" i replied, "and you are staying with her?" she asked with a smile, "yea" i truthfully answered, "so how come your day is boring when you have such a beautiful girl keeping you company?" she asked searchingly, "because she's just a family friend and nothing more" i lied, while Obinna flashed his bright eyes at me. Seriously i never have faced the kind of interview or questions Elinor threw at me that evening before, and it really was quite obvious she had hidden plans for me. However She totally ignored obinna and never behaved as if she noticed his intruding presence apart from when food was ordered and few glances she threw at him with careless indifference when we were eating. Her behaviour equally discouraged him from talking to her the way he planned. "will you be free tomorrow?" she asked after a while, "i don't really know" i truthfully answered, "we can still hang out tomorrow though you will pick the place yourself, i wouldn't want you asking friends for help" she joked, while i laughed and shrugged, "no wahala" i replied. I knew it was obinna's presence that hindered her from hinting what she had in mind. Our date that evening really was boring or should i say a total failure especially for her, because nothing was achieved, a situation i found pleasant. ____ "mehn dat lady no make sense at all" obinna muttered as he drove me home. I smiled, stared at him and shook my head. I knew he was just criticizing her because she gave him no chance to implement his plans. "guy abeg do you know where i can get a good necklace?, i want to buy one" i asked changing the topic, "hmmm you already want to buy her a necklace?" he murmured suspiciously, "it's for Adaora" i explained. He scoffed, gave me a look of disbelief and drove on silently. He finally stopped at a jewel store where i bought an expensive present for Adaora. "what lead me into doing that?" i seriously can't tell. Obinna equally never asked or probed me further about Elinor. I guess he felt i was hiding something from him. LATER IN THE NIGHT, 9:00PM, Adaora's House Sinking down into the bed, between two huge pillows, i buried my head on her chest. She tried to push me away but i held her strongly. She didn't yell at me nor complain when i returned around 7:25pm that fateful evening, but her cold behaviour clearly showed how angry she was. Not only did i stay out very long, i equally was unable to explain where i went with Obinna. "excuse me" she disdainfully muttered. I rested my hands on her waist my fingers digging into her lower back. I urged her forward so that her front collided with my torso. Her bo.soms were flattened to my chest, and strangely her nip.ples beaded into taut buds that poked her night gown, making her agonizingly aware of herself as a woman. I brought my mouth inches from her own, and noticed her pulse as it pounded frantically. I knew she was very positive i was going to kiss her that moment, but instead i brought out a small parcel from my pocket, opened the lid and exposed a beautiful necklace set in pale gold. Her eyes sparkled for a moment before slowly dying down with quick apprehension. Her beautiful lip curled, "thanks Val, the necklace is fine, but not suitable for me", "moreover what is the present for?" she asked coldly and suspiciously. Her words, simple as they were, fell like a thundercloud upon me; The damn necklace had cost me quite a fortune to get. "what a proud wife Mum got for me" To be continued....


15 Aug 2013 | 00:03
*continues* "why?" i asked calmly, "you know better than to ask me that question, please let me be" she replied coldly, "hours earlier it would have been a beautiful present to me; now my spirit declines it" "so you decline my present?" i asked, hardly believing that it was in human nature to refuse such jewellery. She smiled calmly, repeated the words and backed me. With an angry murmur, i closed the case and dropped it on her cupboard. Her phone rang that moment, breaking the silence between us. Seriously i do hate the proud humility she exhibits sometimes, and whatever she felt or thought that moment was most adroitly concealed leaving me very confused as if i just met her. She really inherited all her mum's pride which i greatly detest. "mum good evening" she greeted as she answered the phone call, "i'm very fine ma, yes he is here breaking my heart" she muttered, while i looked at her curiously, "imagine he just returned about an hour ago unable to explain where he went" she reported. I bit my lips angrily as i listened with interest. "your mum wants to speak with you" she soon muttered with a cold smile before handing her phone to me. I gave her a murderous look before collecting the phone. "good evening mum" i greeted calmly, "what happened to your phone? It hasn't been going through since 5pm" she enquired without replying my greeting, "it's probably network ma, my phone is online" i replied. She kept quiet for a while as if she didn't believe my explanation, "so how far about the redeployment?" she asked, "i submitted my letter today, i guess by tomorrow i will get a new posting" i replied, "hmmm okay, so where did you go this evening?" she asked, "i went out with a friend and i don't see any crime i commited by going out with him, i'm now a graduate and not a kid, moreover you know i don't hang out with bad people" i poured out unhappily, "so why didn't you explain yourself or tell her where you went?" she asked, "because i don't want to create the situation where i will have to explain all my movements at the end of each day to her" i replied, "don't reason like that, girls of nowadays are not like us who takes things as we see, if she wants to know your movements oblige her, moreover how will you feel if she declines to tell you about hers, my dear courtship is a mutual study between two people, an important stage in our life. I'm old but not old fashioned, trust me on this and apologize to her, aftter she calms down, explain to her how you feel about some of her actions, she is a nice girl and i believe she will change, Adaora is a blessing in disguise please hold her very tight" she advised before ending the phone call. I swallowed hard and stared at Adaora. Our eyes instantly clashed, i never knew she was staring at me while i was talking to mum. "how do i start begging again" i wondered with a heavy heart To be continued shortly.....
15 Aug 2013 | 00:05
*continues* I breathed deeply, laid beside her and stared at the ceiling as if something was written on it. I folded my hands and cleared my throat, "seriously i don't understand you sometimes, i do feel you are just looking for an opportunity to break up with me" i murmured and scratched my head, "infact i don't know what else to say about your behaviour" "then don't say anything, just leave my bed please" she coldly muttered, "you know you have started again? We can end everything tonight if you wish" i replied, but She just said nothing. "since you won't accept my present, i think i have someone else in mind, who will appreciate it much more" i chuckled. She instantly sat up as if i poured cold water on her, "you are still seeing that girl right?" she asked furiously, while i smiled and kept quiet, "okay fine suit yourself i also have admirers if you don't know" she fired back angrily. I stood up, took the present and left her room without another word. 10:45pm My phone rang as i was about falling asleep in the other room. It was mum calling again, "what's wrong with you?? So you unheeded my advice, no problem, thanks for that" she barked and ended the phone call, while my heart leapt. I really hate disobeying her, but it was all Adaora's fault 8am, Tuesday morning I walked into Adaora's room as she was preparing for work, sat down on her bed and stared at her with a blank expression, "good morning" she greeted calmly, "how was your night?" i asked, "terrific" she casually muttered without looking at me. I knew mum must have talked to her when she probably reported me again after i left her room the previous night. Mum's words of advice equally kept playing in my head as i slept. I couldn't help but wonder why she so desperately wanted me to end up with Adaora, she truly was blinded to her faults and hardly ever took any of her wrong doings as a big deal. "you know i do hate quarrelling with you but i'm sorry to say this, i think you are very quarrel-some and often like challenging me" i muttered. She smiled and looked at me. "is this your new method of apologizing? Hmmm but i beg to ask, how and when did i challenge you?" she asked, "i followed Obinna to his house yesterday because he wanted me to meet his girlfriend" i lied and ignored her question, "but since mum wants me to apologize, i guess i will have to do that" i added, stood up and walked towards where she sat beside her mirror. I squatted by her side, held her right hand and stared into her eyes, "i'm sorry" i humbly apologized, stood up and kissed her forehead. She tightly held me as i did that. Tears appeared in her eyes as she looked up at me, which surprised me "i also hate it when we fight, i'm sorry" she meekly apologized. I smiled and kissed her forehead again, even though i knew another fight will still come up pretty soon.. "but are you still seeing chinwe?" she curiously asked with a look of suspicion, which threw me off balance... To be continued...
15 Aug 2013 | 00:07
*continues* "dear petite, my chapter with chinwe has been closed long ago which you very well know" i answered with a convincing smile, "but i just don't know what to believe anymore" she murmured. "i'm hungry" i muttered and looked away, changing the topic, while she stood up with both hands on her waist, "sure you didn't apologize because you are hungry?" she asked and smiled, "mmmhhh is it a crime?" i asked jokingly, "see you head naughty boy, there is bread on the dinning table, you can help yourself with it" she replied, "what of my lunch?" i asked, "i'll return before 2pm, though i'll first check my aunt for your nysc stuff, there is banana in the fridge or you can boil eggs and eat while you wait for me" she responded. "i don hear, but also have it in mind that i will be having either ogbono or egusi soup for lunch" i added jokingly even though i meant it. She eyed me, "mr man, i'm not yet your wife, you are just a visitor, so you will have to manage anything i give you" she held my jaw and muttered with a mischievous look. "i don tell you ooo" i smiled and muttered seriously, "but baby joke apart, i can't prepare such soup this afternoon, we may end up having a late lunch, you will have your soup for dinner" she kissed my cheek and explained before leaving for work. I soon became restless after spending an hour alone in the house, i logged into Nairaland, read some stories as a guest {literature section} and thought about myself, wondering whether i even could write a letter without terrorizing English words. Just like most of my friends, i hardly do have time reading stories or long "write-ups" {however I do speak like an average nigerian graduate, though sometimes i mix my grammar with pidgin/ Igbo} ____ 2PM "hey xup" Elinor greeted as soon as i answered her phone call, "cool dear, how is work going?" i asked, "fine sha, so where are we meeting today?" she asked, "i don't really know any place" i lied, "okay how about where we met yesterday evening?" she asked, "the place is cool, though i can't promise anything yet till 4pm, i'm currently at my uncle's house waiting for him to return from work" i lied again, "no problem, 4pm is okay, later dear, bye " she muttered and hung up, while I jolted as the door bell rang that same moment. I quietly opened the door for Adaora who walked into the sitting room with a tired look and a large polythene bag on her right hand. "aunt Martha didn't even show up at her office today, but she said she has done your stuff sha" she spoke as she entered the kitchen. I polietly helped her carry the polythene bag, and gently followed her like a child. "dear i really spent quite sometime waiting for her, before her phone number eventually went through, i can't even describe how angry i was when she told me she wouldn't be coming to her office today due to an emergency" she murmured. "the lady we met at her office yesterday was equally there, waiting for her" she added as she washed a guava which she gave me. I quickily hid my surprise and stared at her speechlessly, unable to mutter anything, "she even dropped me at the market after we left my aunt's office together, she's a very kind lady, though i hate the way she stares at people, seriously her eyes are very scary, she just keep looking at me like a lesbian" she rattled, while my thoughts consumed me. "damn i thought Elinor told me she was at work, how could she be at two places the same time?, or even fail to mention about Adaora, or didn't she recognize her?," i wondered, "or are we both lying to each other?" i asked myself. "oga should i start cooking the soup or should i prepare a quick lunch?" Adaora soon asked, instantly breaking me away from my thoughts, "i think you should rest dear" i answered sweetly, while she shook her head and smiled at me. My mind quickily raced back to the card Elinor gave me the previous day, which i never did read the contents apart from her phone number and name which i managed to glance at. "is she really working with the ministry of Agriculture?" i wondered suspiciously. But i couldn't leave the kitchen that moment to check out the card, without Adaora's feminine instinct whispering naughty thoughts into her ears. I swallowed hard and uneasily waited for the right moment. To be continued....
15 Aug 2013 | 00:09
*continues* "but are you very hungry?" Adaora asked, holding my left hand softly, "baby i already told you to get some rest, let's manage snacks this afternoon, you can then prepare soup later, okay¿" i muttered and kissed her. She shrugged and breathed deeply, while I gently carried her to her room like a little child. "hmmm so you have such strength in you?" she teased. I calmly dropped her on the bed, laid beside her with a smile and played with her hair. I seriously couldn't wait to be free from her, in order to sort out my thoughts, but i had no choice than to first fulfil my obligations to her. "let me go and get some snacks across the street" i murmured and kissed her, "just buy only for yourself, i'm not hungry" she closed her eyes and said to me, "okay dear, i also will be going over to my sister's place by 4:15pm, she asked me to come" i added quietly, "hope all is fine?" she asked and opened her eyes, "yea i guess mum told her about our little fight yesterday" i lied convincingly, "should i call her?" she asked with concern, "no don't bother dear" i caressed her face and replied. Minutes later, i kissed her forehead and left her to sleep. I quickily rushed to the other room, opened my travelling bag and brought out the card Elinor gave me the previous day. Just like she said, the card carried the ministry of Agriculture insignia. I shrugged, shook my head and kept the card back in my bag. "so how is it going to be?" Elinor asked as soon as she answered my phone-call, moments later, "i'll be there by 4:30PM" i announced, "hope you can find your way without an escort?" she asked, "hehehehe yea" i laughed and answered. 4:35PM I ran into her at dream chicken's entrance door, "hmmm i guess we are both on time" i joked while she laughed. She wore a dark sunglass, white short sleeved shirt and blue plain trouser, just like someone from work_{place}. " you ain't looking bad" she muttered as we walked into the restaurant. I smiled and winked at her. "so have you been redeployed?" she asked as we ate rice moments later, "not really, the woman helping me didn't show up in her office today" i replied as i searched her face, but her facial expression still remained the same, very calm and blank. She never mentioned anything about seeing Adaora. "so apart from searching for a good job after nysc, have you ever thought of other ways to earn cash?" she asked searchingly, "not really, though i have thought of self employment, but you know it requires good capital, innovation, some training and good exposure to start" i muttered, "so you mean you can't be self employed?" she curiously asked, "no you misunderstood me" i replied and smiled, "there are still job opportunities out there, which can make you your own boss without even any capital hope you know?" she asked, while i scoffed, "anyway let's forget about it for now, in due time i will show you 'what's running' this town and you will thank me for it" she concluded with a pointed look and smile, "so how about getting to know my residence, i believe it's our first step" she asked with a seductive smile, while i instantly was at loss whether to accept or decline, due to time factor, because i really didn't know how much time i might end up spending at her house. My safety wasn't my concern that moment because i wasn't that scared of her, even though i felt that she wasn't really attracted to me for romance, which gave me a weird feeling. With crossed fingers i made up my mind to play chess with her...... To be continued... TEARS comes up shortly

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15 Aug 2013 | 00:12
*continues* "i know you must be wondering why i picked interest in you" she asked with a smile as she drove towards her house. I smiled, shrugged with a shoulder and kept quiet. "i just like your statue, especially your height and eyes" she added, while i blushed and looked the other way, "so what's so peculiar about my height and eyes?" i asked, "you large eyes are quite extraordinary, and it's very hard to find guys with such eyes" she replied, while i smiled and kept quiet as i quickily remembered my childhood {days} when i was often teased{yabbed} because of them. "so how old are you?" she asked, "26" i lied, "hmmm seriously you look younger than your age" she muttered and glanced at me, "that's the result of healthy living, i don't smoke, take alcohol or stress myself" i answered convincingly. She just smiled and drove on. We finally arrived at her house, which was just twelve minutes drive from the fastfood joint {we met}. We walked into the sitting room, where two girls { younger than her} were engrossed with ludo game. They instantly looked up with searching eyes. I felt extremely uncomfortably, shy and kind of embarrassed. I thought she was living alone. "babes meet my corper friend Val" she introduced, "hi val" they chorused, while i sluggishly shook hands with them before settling down on an empty chair, "let's go to my room dear" she muttered seconds later. I calmly obeyed and followed her to a very large room. A room large enough to fit in as a sitting room. I sat on a small couch which was close to her window, and crossed my legs as if i was relaxed, "so what do you think about my friends?" she asked as she brought out a 'FIVE ALIVE" juice from a small fridge, "they are friendly and cool" i replied, "ain't they sexy and beautiful?" she asked with a searching look, "well they are okay" i replied polietly, "so have you ever done something with a girl who is older than you?" she asked curiously as she handed me the drink, {placed a glass cup on a small stool beside me} "yea my first girlfriend gave me two years, we dated for a year and few months during my campus days" i replied with a smile, "hmmm i guess it was a terrible experience?" she asked, "no an educative one" i murmured and drank the juice. She quietly sat beside me, held my left hand softly. I stared curiously at her with a fast beating heart. "how good are you?" she asked with a pointed look, "hmmm i don't understand" i mumured, "do you have a girlfriend?" she asked, "nope" i lied, "why?" she curiously inquired, "i hate being tied down, when i'm not yet ready to marry, besides maintaining a girl isn't easy these days, and i do hate insults" i lied. she breathed deeply, stood up, reached for her handbag and brought out a picture, which she handed to me. "what do you have to say about her? " she asked, while my eyes burned as they stared at the picture... To be continued.... MIRABILIS {wondrous Beauty} Mirabel starts August only on
15 Aug 2013 | 00:14
*continues* "she's cute" i replied quietly as i stared at the young woman in the picture probably in her late twenties if not more. However She really was very sexy and attractive. I couldn't help but wonder which direction Elinor was heading. "she's very rich and classy, even much more beautiful than you see in this picture, a business lady who owns two large beauty salons, a boutique and two supermarkets" she advertised, "hmmm she's quite rich" i murmured, "yea and i will like you to meet her, i already told her about you and she can't wait to grace her eyes upon you" she muttered as she caressed my shoulder. I instantly gasped in shock. "but what for? isn't she married?" i asked after i found my voice, while my brain busied itself with putting her motives together, "is she arranging me for her" i asked myself fearfully, "hmmm well she is a divorcee with two small kids, she married very early, probably at 23, but i bet you will like her, she's a good friend of mine" she explained. "seriously i'm not cut out for that kind of thing" i murmured uneasily, "my friend obinna, the guy i came with the first time we met at the fastfood joint can do all you want to perfection" i added. "i detest that guy, he looks like a con artist, didn't you notice how hungrily he was staring at me that day? Moreover my friend will have a heart attack simply by looking at him, but someone like you, very calm, calculative, respectful and intelligent will bring her to her knees" she cajoled, I breathed deeply lost in thought. I seriously havn't even gotten the courage to date a single lady like Elinor more or less her married friend whose husband may even be dead, because i knew divorcee is also a term most commonly used for young widows as well as ladies who prefer being single mothers {other than getting married}. "but you know i may not be staying for long in this city" i reminded her, "yea and that makes you very much the ideal guy. You see, my friend is very reserved and hates scandals very much, that's the main reason she refused to have any affair with guys in her class, but someone like you who won't be very much around is very ideal, because you will only visit whenever she invites you" she explained with a sweet smile, while i shrugged and looked away. The only question in my mind that moment was, should i accept or decline? To be continued.... NEXT>> BETRAYAL LOVE, PASSION, MAGIC Explosive Mind Blowing true life Stories only on
15 Aug 2013 | 00:16
*continues* "please give me time to think about it" i murmured, "hmmm what's there to think about, you already told me that you don't have a girlfriend" she muttered, "yea but you know involving myself with a working class lady with kids, is really way much more than ordinary romance" i replied, "okay you win, i will call you tomorrow to get your reply, also know that you stand to benefit alot from this" she said with a smile. I returned her smile confidently as if i was very strong at heart. ________ "hey sis did Adaora call you over the phone?" i asked my sister as soon as i entered a cab heading home, "nope, is everything alright?" she curiously asked, "yea dear, it's just that i told her i was coming over to your place this evening, so please cover for me incase she calls" i begged, "ok sir, no wahala" she accepted... _______ 7:15PM, ADAORA'S HOUSE I calmly walked into the compound, rang the door bell and waited for her to let me in. She opened the entrance door, seconds later with a calm smile on her face. I pecked her, walked into the sitting room and settled down on a long couch with a tired and hungry look. She quietly sat beside me and rested her head on my chest, "so how is she? you really spent a whole lot of time with her" she asked, "she's fine, though very angry that you are yet to serve me dinner" i joked, "oh yea, mmmmm what should i say" she murmured, "don't say anything" i replied with a smile as my left hand slowly made for her, "abegi free me jor" she murmured and pushed my hand away, "mmmhhh you smell different" she asked and sat up suspiciously, "so how am i smelling?" i asked jovially even though my heart beat increased slightly due to guilty conscience, "feminine" she replied, "and where am i just coming from?" i asked with a smile, "from your sister's offcourse, but she dosen't use the kind of perfume i'm percieving from you, though the scent is kind of familiar" she murmured searchingly, "you can ask her when she changed her perf. nah, isn't she your fellow girl, how should it concern me, abeg is dinner ready?" i asked and yawned. Her slowly eyes melted. "you ran away instead of helping me, now you want to eat abi?" she jokingly muttered, stood up and walked to the kitchen. ________ My conversation with Elinor crept back into my mind as we ate dinner, slowly stealing my soul. I was soon lost in my thoughts, while my empty body faced Adaora. Surely Elinor's offer really appeared attractive, but for someone like me, i couldn't find any reason or excuse to accept it apart from the fun and experience which i might get. But accepting such proposal could mean throwing away my life and future with Adaora, a future mum had so much invested on. if i eventually get caught. What a disgrace it would be. I reasoned and shivered with disgust, "i will call frank tonight, i think i can use his controversial advice" i concluded, "baby are you alright? You look very sick and lost" i heard Adaora ask with concern and fear in her eyes. "only if she could read my thoughts" i muttered to myself with a faint smile, which alarmed her more. "why ain't you eating, what's going on with you?" she asked searchingly.... To be continued....
15 Aug 2013 | 00:18
*continues* "i'm fine dear, i just remembered something" i replied casually. She shrugged, breathed deeply and continued with her meal without asking any other question. She quickily went to bed after dinner, leaving me all alone in the sitting room, to continue with my thoughts which kept me awake till 9:39pm when i was brought back to reality by my phone which rang and vibrated with its loud ring tone. It was Elinor calling. "xup dear, you didn't even call to tell me that you have gotten home safely?" she asked, "i'm very sorry sha, it's just that i was carried away by other things" i replied calmly, "hmmm okay think about what we discussed very well, i will call to know your answer tomorrow morning, good night" she muttered, "alright good night" i replied and yawned. I instantly dialed frank's phone number after she hung up, but he failed to answer. I gave up unhappily after dialling his number four times, and quietly left for the other room where i instantly fell asleep. WEDNESDAY MORNING I jolted from sleep when my phone rang around 6am. I murmured unhappily and answered my phone. It was Frank calling, "i thought you have forgotten about me eeh? And when you finally decided to call, you called during my night shift eeh, wetin i do you?" he asked in his usual playful manner. I smiled, apologized and narrated my story to him. He kept calm and listened with interest. "mehn you don hit jackpot choi, i never knew this sort of thing really happens, bro i dey come Abuja this weekend, no dulling" he poured out jokingly, when i was done with my story, "guy be serious nah" i begged, "nawao i'm Frank and you are Val, we are not the same, i think you should ask yourself whether you want to play the game or not, as for me, you already know sey i go do am without thinking, but i know you don't have that kind of morale" he muttered seriously, "guy you are just speaking in parables, just advice me please" i murmured unhappily, "val the decision is yours to make, i can't tell you to go on with it or not, but just know that accepting it means you are ready to graduate from playing local league into playing champions league and i doubt if you can play such game, maybe that's why they picked you because they probably have seen that you can be manipulated easily, anyway don't mind me ooo, just be careful in anything you do, life is all about taking risks" he concluded, leaving me in greater confusion. I had expected him to either encourage or discourage me, but to my dismay he preferred to sit on the fence and speak in riddles. . Just that moment my phone began beeping, i checked it and saw Elinor's number in "call waiting"...... To be continued.. Episode 52 comes up shortly. Email us>> [email protected]
15 Aug 2013 | 00:21
*continues* "guy she's even calling me right now" i said to frank who just laughed, "hehehehe good luck bro, i go hear from you later abeg" he replied and hung up. I breathed deeply, swallowed hard and accepted Elinor's call. "so how far dear" she greeted, "very cool, even though i laid awake all through the night thinking over that stuff" i replied, "hmmmm really! Hope you have finally reached a conclusion?" she asked, "yea and i don't know how it may sound, but i don't think i can go on with it, it's very risky, i'm sorry" i murmured. She just kept quiet for a while as if her own end of the line was dead, leaving me a bit confused and lost. I quietly checked my phone but the 'call timer' was still reading. "hello!, hello!, are you there?" i asked, but the response i got was just a beep which notified me that our discussion has ended. Either she hung up unhappily or network did it for us, i really can't tell. I breathed deeply, closed my eyes and tried to sleep, but sleep eluded me, "why did you chicken out like a baby, why do you easily get scared, you are a man and not a woman" the dark part of my mind queried, forcing more thoughts into my head. 7:15AM Adaora walked into the room, sat beside me and rested her right hand on my chest, "good morning dear, how was your night?" she asked sweetly, "very fine and yours?" i replied, "cool, but i don't understand why you no longer like sleeping beside me" she complained. I smiled, caressed her face for a while, before sitting up, "we still have more years to spend together, so what's the need rushing it ma petite?" i asked. "it's true dear" she breathed deeply and smiled, "you are very beautiful honey" i added sweetly, she blushed and looked away. "baby i had a very terrible dream about you last night, it really got me scared that i prayed before being able to sleep again, i can't start describing what i saw, but please do be careful in all you do. I really wasn't myself when mum told me about how you confronted a villager the other week, do you think the man is up to something evil?" she asked with fear in her eyes. I smiled reassuringly and hugged quietly, even though her story added a little fear to my already troubled mind. "dreams are just figments of our imaginations and fears playing back in our head as we rest, you shouldn't worry about it okay" i calmly explained, "alright dear, let me go and prepare breakfast, and also dress up for work" she murmured, pecked me and left the room. I quickly rushed to the bathroom, brushed, showered, and returned to my room where three missed calls were waiting on my phone. It was Elinor once again. My phone rang as i was still staring at it, i looked around with guilt, quickly locked the door and answered it, "you are breaking my heart hope you know?" Elinor asked over the phone, "how lino? Please try and understand" i murmured weakly, "i don't really see any risk in what i'm asking you for, anyway let's meet at the usual place by 12noon, please keep to time and don't disappoint me" she ordered and hung up. I wearily fell on my bed deeply confused and frightened, "why is she still insisting?" i wondered cluelessly, "is Adaora's dream kind of related to all these?" i asked myself with fright, "should i honour her invitation or simply ignore it for good?" Hmmmm To be continued..... LOVE, PASSION, MAGIC Explosive Mind Blowing true life Stories only on
15 Aug 2013 | 00:23
*continues* Adaora left the house after breakfast leaving me to focus on my thoughts which kept me company till 11:30AM when Elinor called me again{on phone} "hey val, hope you will still show up by 12?" she asked, "yep" i answered, "okay i will be waiting dear, i just wanted to confirm" she murmured and hung up. I breathed deeply, rubbed my face with my palms and wondered if i was doing the right thing by honouring her invitation. I really wanted to use the opportunity to explain my decision to her, because i felt a little bit guilty due to her wine and food i ate. 12:07PM I was about walking into the restaurant when my phone rang, it was Elinor calling, "hey dear i'm not inside the restaurant, just look around, you will see my car" she said calmly. I instantly looked around, spotted her small red coloured Audi and walked towards it. "thank's for coming" she greeted with a smile when i entered her car. I forced out a smile and stared back at her with a fast pounding heart. "i'm very sorry about my decision, please don't take it as if i'm being ungrateful or rude" i tried to explain, but she instantly placed her left second finger on my lips and smiled seductively, "you don't need to apologize, i truly understand, your response also shows how responsible and good mannered you are. I wasn't even expecting you to buy my idea without first meeting the lady in question, and i bet you will change your mind once you meet her" she replied sweetly, while i swallowed hard and cursed inwardly, "damn she clearly misunderstood my decision, it now seems like there isn't any other way out of this apart from ignoring her from now onwards" i thoughtfully reasoned. She licked her lips and floored the accelerator jerking the car into the road. I stared at her suspiciously. She tapped my left shoulder and winked at me, "i'm taking you to meet her" she murmured with a smile. I looked away and bit my lips, "damn" i cursed again. She stopped at Mr Biggs just within the same crescent, killed the car engine and stared pointedly at me, "just compose yourself and be a gentleman, bring out your confidence and carry yourself with an air of superiority okay?" she advised and tapped my cheek. I silently nodded. She winked and alighted from her car. Together we walked into the joint. She cleverly led me to a table where an elegantly dressed slim lady wearing a dark sunglass was sitting quietly. The lady instantly looked up when she noticed us approaching, took off her sunglass and smiled sweetly. She really was good looking just like Elinor described, her head exquisite and graceful, her dressing simple but lovely, her dark clustering hair drawn back from the brow. She looked much more attractive than her picture i saw the previous day. Graceful and dignified, she appeared so perfect in the grandeur of her own loveliness, just like a pomegranate blossom glowing in thick coils. I really couldn't help wondering what a sophisticated lady like her would be needing me for, because she very much looked like an actress who probaby has thousands of male admirers breathing down her neck, coupled with wealth which made her toilette look spectacular.... "hmmm ABUJA" To be continued... Episode 54 comes up shortly.... HAPPY WEEKEND
15 Aug 2013 | 00:25
*continues* "i'm so glad to meet you, my name is Tessy" she said to me with a smile as we settled down beside her, "me too, Elinor really couldn't stop praising you" i replied sweetly, "serious!" she exclaimed, folded her hands and stared at Elinor, who just smiled and watched us quietly, "just a moment please, excuse me" she said with a cute smile, stood up and left us graceful. I stared at her backside longer than required without knowing Elinor's eyes were on me. "i see you like her" she murmured with a smile, "so just play along and allow me to coach you, i know you ain't used to this kind of stuff, but don't worry you are doing great. we stand to benefit alot from this, hope you saw how she was staring at you? she has a very soft spot for young guys, anyway she's also a very nice person and worth millions" she added and winked at me, "but you know i havn't yet accepted?" i asked nervously, she just scoffed and rolled her eyes, "cm'on dear don't be a pu.ssy, let's do this deal together, can't you see it's already going smoothly" she cajoled, but i couldn't reply her because Tessy returned to her chair that moment, with a waiter who brought fruit juice, rice chips and chicken for us. They {Tessy and Elinor} kept exchanging glances as they discussed with their eyes {all through the course of the meal}. I pretended not to notice them and focused my mind on my thoughts, "no wonder Elinor is very anxious for this to work, it's all about the money, this is definetly getting more dangerous" i reasoned, "yea Frank is very right, Elinor thinks she can use my soft nature to manipulate and cut herself a deal" i noted calmly. "val i'll call you later, i'm off to my office, dear Tessy please take good care of him, he's very delicate abeg" Elinor said and støod up without warning, while Tessy smiled and nodded with understanding, "sure dear, i won't harm your boy" she replied. I instantly gasped with food in my mouth unable to mutter anything, looking very foolish like a christmas goat..... To be continued.....
15 Aug 2013 | 00:28
*continues* "hope you ain't uncomfortable?" Tessy asked curiously, while i faked a smile and shook my head, "not in any way" i replied, regained my composure and continued eating, " so what really did Elinor tell you about me?" she asked, as she effortlessly tried to start up a conversation, "lots of good stuff, especially how beautiful, friendly, reserved and young you are" i replied, "so did i meet up with all of them?" she asked, "yep, and i can't imagine how you do manage to keep guys away" i answered calmly, "i like you very much, you speak well like someone from a nice family, tell me about your people" she asked curiously. I swallowed hard and looked away. The last thing i wanted to do that moment was to tell her about my family. I breathed deeply, stared at her with a smile and quickly created a story in my mind. Luckily my phone rang before i was able to pour out the bunch of lies i made up. My heart leapt when i saw it was Adaora calling, "oga where you dey nau? The door is locked and i can't get into the house" she muttered, while i bit my lips and glanced at my watch; 1:30PM it read, "damn" i cursed quietly. Tessy's eyes glued on me as if she was reading my mood, "i rushed out to see a friend, i'm already on my way back, please just give me five minutes" i begged, "okay" she murmured sadly. I heaved a sigh and returned Tessy's look, "so what's up?" she asked, "the person i'm staying with just returned from work and i left with the house keys" i explained. She bit her lips and shook her head sadly, "cm'on dear there are still many more days ahead" i quietly said to her, "there isn't any need crying over split milk, let me have your phone number" she murmured and shrugged. I smiled collected her phone and entered it. "can we meet tonight?" she asked, "no i hardly go out at night, i was raised that way, i think tomorrow will be alright" i replied, while she stared at me with disbelief, "i really havn't met a young guy who hates going out at night, you are really different and i admire you more for that" she flattered while i blushed, "please i wish to start going" i murmured and stood up, "i can drop you at your place" she offered. I instantly shook my head and winked at her, "thanks dear don't bother" i replied and hurriedly left the restaurant without waiting for her reply. I really can't imagine what Adaora's reaction will be if she catches her dropping me... I returned home 20minutes later, to meet a very furious Adaora waiting for me. I needed no one to tell me what will happen next. Hmmmm but it was all my fault because i left my young bethrothed to go after older ladies which really is a big taboo. I smiled, crossed my fingers and waited for her reaction with guilt..... To be continued shortly...
15 Aug 2013 | 00:29
*continues* "i'm very sorry dear" i apologized, pecked her and opened the door, "next time i won't leave this house without my spare keys" she murmured to herself as she walked into the living room. I shrugged, breathed deeply and followed her, eagerly awaiting her outburst which i knew would soon pour on me. "here is your call up letter, Nassarawa camp things, but you were redeployed to Imo, that's the best she could do for you against my wish" she said coldly, and gave me my call up letter. "thanks" i murmured and tried to kiss her. She pushed me aside and walked into her room. Tessy called me {on phone} seconds later. I rushed into the other room locked the door and answered her phone-call. "hey hope you got home safely?" she asked, "yep thanks for checking up on me" i replied, "i just came into my office seconds ago" she added, "that's cool, later nau" i murmured, "hmmm not so fast, or are you very anxious to end my call?" she asked. I swallowed hard, while my heart froze because just that moment Adaora turned the door knob and began knocking on the door when she couldn't open it. I instantly opened my phone 'back-cover' took out the battery, inserted it back, replaced the back cover and threw the phone inside my trouser pocket before opening the door. "are you having lunch with me or is your stomach filled up?" she asked coldly with suspicion in her eyes. "yes dear i'm very hungry" i replied with a smile which made me look a little bit silly because there really was nothing to smile about. I equally wasn't hungry but had to lie in order to save myself the explanation, even though she surprisingly never asked any prying questions which was very much unlike her. She gave me an askance look and left the room with a sneer. Seriously her behaviour left me very agitated because i really didn't know what to expect from her, what was in her mind or how much she knew about my movements. But one thing i knew for certain was that the level of trust she had for me really wasn't much anymore. A fact which really terrified me, especially when i couldn't guess what she was habouring in her mind. Even though we do hate girls who nags alot, they are sometimes very much preferable than silent cold hearted ones who do keep their feelings strongly locked, because you never can predict their actions. A new strategy which Adaora surprisingly implemented. I had no choice than to try my best to infiltrate her mind, lie about my movements and make peace with her. A very terrible task considering how strong hearted she could be sometimes.... "but why allow myself to be cajoled by Elinor and Tessy?" hmmm i guess there won't be any adventure if i wasn't cajoled. Isn't it very silly, risking everything for the sake of adventure?? Hmmmm But wait, i never did accept their offer or did i?? To be continued....
15 Aug 2013 | 00:31
*continues* I followed Adaora to the kitchen, held her waist from behind and kissed her neck, "i'm very sorry dear, i got bored staying here all alone, so i took a little stroll down town" i explained, "please save yourself the explanation, i never asked you for it" she replied coldly, "cm'on on dear why are you like this?" i asked and kissed her neck again, "it pains me alot whenever you start your little pranks, it pains me further when you lie about it, but do you know what pains me the most?" she asked, turned and faced me. I swallowed hard and met her gaze, "when you come up with a stupid lie which even a nursery school pupil will find hard to believe" she muttered with anger in her eyes, "so you think i will buy your stupid lie about strolling downtown in a hot afternoon, mummy's boy like you, abeg go jor, just know that nothing is hidden under the sun for long, and just pray that whatever will end our relationship should be something which you will be proud to talk about or tell your people without blushing" she poured out and left the kitchen. I swallowed hard with a fast pounding heart, while her words kept repeating in my head like a stereo player. My conscience equally flogged me. I really was thrown into a terrible state. Sometimes carefully selected words can pull down a man with a lion heart. Her words truly sounded like a very big warning as if she somehow caught a glimpse of the direction i was heading. "just pray that whatever will end our relationship should be something which you will be proud to talk about or tell your people without blushing" kept repeating again and again in my head. 'Damn Adaora' i cursed, brought out my phone {which was already switched off} and stared at it, as if it was the cause of my problems. I bit my lips, breathed deeply, rushed to my room, opened my travelling bag, threw the phone inside, sat on the floor with exhaustion and thought over my actions. Surely if only i could leave this phone switched off for atleast a week, everything will turn back to normal" i reasoned, "but can i?" i wondered and breathed deeply. My eyes instantly fell on my second phone which was switched off since i arrived Abuja from Owerri. I remembered Olivia, sighed and grabbed it, wondering how many messages she must have left in it for me.... To be continued shortly... place your adverts here
15 Aug 2013 | 00:33
*continues* I gently dropped the phone back in my bag, locked and returned the bag to its position, went to the dinning room, sat down and waited for lunch. Lunch was soon served and we ate quietly. I threw occasional glances at Adaora without knowing what to say to her, "dearest, sweetie, baby, ma petite" i called one at a time, but she kept quiet and ignored me, "wifey, answer me nau" i begged, "öginidú{what is it}, leave me alone and eat your meal" she murmured, "i'm sorry for everything" i apologized quietly. She scoffed, looked at me and shook her head. "you are always ready and quick to apologize" she muttered. I shrugged with a shoulder and stared back at her, "i just learnt from you, that people who are always quick to apologize are the greatest sinners" she added, scoffed again and swallowed a ball of garri. "just keep on doing whatever you feel like, i'm tired of sticking my nose into your affair, here is Abuja and not Owerri, H.I.V is very real and cheap in this city" she muttered and faced her meal. "i really don't know what you are habouring inside, but your comments have shown the level you kept me" i replied and sighed. "let's stop all these abeg, and better start preparing yourself for NYSC camping which is just days away" she expertly changed the topic with a cold smile. I shook my head, covered my food and left the table. "you could have said you ain't hungry mister" she mocked as i walked away. 5:45PM She woke me from sleep, sat by my side and stared at me with a cold smile, "i guess you are enjoying the rain huh?" she asked. I rubbed my eyes, sat up and stared out of the window{close by}, "sorry for waking you, but mum authorized me, she wants to speak with you" she explained and handed her phone to me, "good afternoon ma" i greeted, "good evening sir" she replied, "when are you returning, Adaora told me you guys have sorted out your redeployment issue?" she asked, "i don't know mum" i answered like a silly boy, "you don't know?" she repeated with a raised tone, "anyway what happened to your phones, none is connecting" she asked, "i switched them off ma" i replied, while she sighed, "give Adaora back her phone jare, let me talk to her" she muttered angrily. I obeyed without hesistation. Adaora collected her phone and left the room...... Mum's question really got me back to my senses, i suddenly realised that my stay in Abuja was almost over, which pained me, because i really was begining to enjoy it. "seriously we need to talk" Adaora returned to my room with both hands on her waist, looking very serious and mean. "what again?" i asked inquisitively, "first, where are your phones, i only have seen one since you came here, i want to know everything you are hiding, i can't keep quiet anymore, after all my health and life is also involved" she asked defiantly. I fell back on my bed and thought of how best to escape her latest tantrum. Her eyes showed how determined she was, and i couldn't help wondering whether mum who always have been a peace advocate sold such idea into her head or whether she just suddenly felt like confronting me. Whatever it was, i knew i surely needed divine intervention or a very smart move to save myself.... To be continued.... MIRABILIS {wondrous Beauty} Mirabel starts August
15 Aug 2013 | 00:38
*continues* "seems like i have over-stayed my welcome, i will be leaving tomorrow" i threatened, "it won't still stop me from seeing your phones" she replied, "when last did i ask of yours?" i asked and sat up, "i can't remember, moreover it shows you don't care" she answered coldly. I stared at her with a gentle smile. "no my dear, it's not because i don't care, but because i trust you" i explained quietly. She rubbed her nose and looked away silently, "how do i punish you, after checking my phone and finding nothing incriminating in it?" i asked, stood up and walked towards her. "is it now a crime to check my boyfriend's handset?" she asked quietly, "my dear you requested for it in a very bad manner" i answered and held her hand. "you want my phone, i will give it to you, but know that it pains me alot when you question or suspect my movements" i murmured and breathed deeply. She looked into my eyes, tried to say something but no word came out from her mouth. "i can be very callous and unreasonable sometimes, but what i will never do is to cheat on you, forget about chinwe's era you know how it started and ended, you are my very special petite, please start trusting me" i poured out humbly with plea in my eyes. She breathed deeply looked away with confusion while i calmly hugged her. "i love your spirit, the fire in your eyes, your courage and temper, but please learn to control them or we may end up falling out in future" i drew up her tender lips and kissed her. She shook under my kiss and tightly held me. "do you still need my phone?" i asked, "no just make love to me, and swear as you do it that you never will make love with another woman in your life, i want it raw" she murmured in a hot whisper, "baby do you believe in superstition?" i asked seriously, "not really but just swear anyway, let's make use of this cold weather" she murmured like a sex starved female soldier. I carried her to my bed, quickly undressed her while she laid motionless and stared at me, "you know we are one, mum told me we were destined to be together right from our birth, promise me you won't keep anything from me ever again" she begged, "i promise my love, you are very beautiful" i murmured and kissed her. "thank God" i breathed happily as i fondled her b.osoms, even though i knew it was just a matter of time before i finally get caught unless i retrace my steps. Losing Adaora surely will be a huge blow to me and my family, but one thing about Elinor and Tessy's type is that they are just like plasmodium {malaria parasite}, no amount of drugs can flush them all out, once they have gotten into a person's system, unless perhaps i leave the environment which i really wasn't ready to do yet.... Survival is a game with chance... To be continued shortly......
15 Aug 2013 | 00:40
*continues* SATURDAY MORNING, 3 Days later She slowly glided up my body, the softness of her b.osoms teased my chest and brushed my mouth with a kiss as artless and bewitching as a virgin's. I opened my eyes dreamily and groaned with delight. "good morning dear" Adaora greeted with a naughty smile, while her eyes sparkled like polished gemstones. I smiled happily. "how was your night?" she asked, "hectic" i murmured and winked at her. My mind flashed back to the hot se.x we had before falling asleep. "oh what an energy sapping se.x" it was. "it's time to finish what you started last night" she murmured, smirked and bent over. Licking and sucking my nipp.les. She calmly kissed a hot trail down my abdomen, dallying at my navel and sequentially prodding the blankets away until my jo.ystick surged up to greet her waiting lips. She was exhaustingly adept as she utilized her tongue and teeth in myriad ways that incited me to recklessness. "oh Adaora" i groaned. I planned on travelling home that fateful day, but her plea the previous night made me change my mind, "baby 26th is still very far, stay with me till wednesday at least" she begged, while i smiled and accepted. I really spent the last two days atoning for my sins and redeeming my prestige. A step which i took in order to win back not only her soul, but her happiness, trust and our future. I still left my phones firmly locked up in my bag where i tucked them before our last {near} fight. I shut myself away from unnecessary pleasures and dedicated all my time satisfying and pleasing her. An effort which unregretably cost me a lot but yielded much more in profit. But no matter all these, i still couldn't get my mind off Tessy and Elinor and it just looked as if i returned that wednesday 'i last associated with them' with something which i only could describe as their shadows, following and haunting my mind. I felt a little bit of guilt each time i remembered them. However just to satisfy my conscience, i broke my resolve and decided to call Elinor on phone later that saturday. But it really wasn't just an ordinary phone call, but a phone call which i intended to use and explain my stand one more time to her. A step which i made up my mind to take even though it really wasn't justifyable when looking at it from a certain perspective. Yes I did call her, So many mistakes i made back then, I don't think you can guess what happened after i made that one phone call. Hmmm To be continued....
15 Aug 2013 | 11:20
*continues* "hey Val what's up with you? Did you purposely switch off your phone or what?" Elinor asked curiously, when i called her later in the evening, after thinking over my business with her hundred times over. "my phone got spoilt on wednesday, i just repaired it minutes ago" i answered. "oh no wonder, Tessy was really very worried, thinking she scared you away" she said with delight, "i will inform her right away" she added joyfully. "no i don't think it's necessary," i muttered, "what? Why?" she asked with a slightly raised tone, "you see, i will be going back to Owerri tomorrow. I really have thought over your proposal numerous times over. I don't think i can go on with it" i poured out calmly. She kept quiet for a while before i heard her clear her throat. "Val i understand, but it's not in my hand any longer, you really swept my dear friend Tessy off her feet the day she laid her eyes on you, even though she complained you didn't spend much time with her" she said slowly as if she was carefully selecting her words, "she will get back to you in a minute, let me notify her" she concluded, "all right then" i murmured and ended the phone call. Tessy called minutes later, as i was peeing in the toilet. I rushed up with it before answering her phone call with a pounding heart. "you really got me worried hope you know?" she asked as soon as i answered my phone, "i'm very sorry, my phone got spoilt" i explained, "yep Elinor told me, she equally said you are leaving Abuja tomorrow?" she asked, "yep" i answered a bit coldly, "hmmm you are very obnoxious, hope you know?" she murmured. I raised my eyebrows and said nothing. "at least you owe me an apology" she added with a sad tone. I swallowed hard and apologized polietly. "let's meet one more time before you travel, i think you owe me that as well, and i don't think it will do a mummy's boy like you any harm" she requested jokingly. I kept quiet for a while and thought over her request. "surely meeting her one more time won't do me any harm" i reasoned and glanced at my watch. "i'm currently inside ***** restaurant, located at ******, just opposite my house, please be here in the next 30minutes please" she ordered with a pleading tone. "alright ma, just pray traffic dosen't hold me on the way, besides i don't know that area very well" i replied, "hire a neat, fast cab, i will pay dear" she murmured. I shrugged ended the call, dressed up and walked into Adaora's room, where she was sleeping peacefully. "my love i'm coming, let me buy suya across the street and also see a friend who just came into town" i explained and kissed her. She sluggishly opened her eyes, smiled and slept off again. I quietly left the house without another word. ___ 40 minutes later A taxi dropped me in front of the fastfood joint Tessy invited me. I paid the driver, looked around, breathed deeply and walked into the half empty restaurant. I easily spotted her in the midst of two little children. I quietly walked up to her with a calm smile. she smiled and hugged me happily {when i got to their table}. "Meet my kids, Val" , "sweethearts meet Uncle Val" she introduced happily. Her children stared at me innocently before greeting, "good afternoon uncle" they chorused innocently. I swallowed hard and blushed, instantly feeling a sick sensation down in my stomach. "why bring your kids?" i wondered as i stared at her inquisitively. To be continued....
15 Aug 2013 | 16:07
*continues* "what should i get for you?" she asked seconds later, "oh nothing dear, i'm perfectly alright" i replied with a smile, "are you really serious?" she asked curiously. I breathed deeply and shrugged, "alright a bottle of malt will be okay" i murmured, "that's better" she smiled and beckoned a waiter. However, I truly wasn't comfortable discussing inconsequential issues with her in front of her innocent little children, which she also noticed. _______ FEW MINUTES LATER "i know you didn't relax back there because of my kids, i'm very sorry, i never intended any harm, it's just that we were already there before i called and invited you" she apologized as we crossed the street which faced her house {located opposite the restaurant just like she said}. "no wahala" i shrugged and smiled at her. We soon walked into her vast sitting room, where she handed her kids over to a girl who looked like a house help. I glanced around nervously before settling down on a large couch. I never planned on following her home that fateful evening, but it really was something which happened like magic. I really can't describe what pushed me. Perhaps it was because we were yet to discuss anything reasonable, moreover it equally was the last time i planned on seeing her. She sat beside me on the couch, held my left palm and smiled happily. I instantly looked around nervously, to check whether anyone was watching us. "i can't believe you are really leaving Abuja tomorrow" she murmured searchingly, but i said nothing, "so tell me more about yourself" she asked softly. I licked my lips and shook my head, "i think you should first tell me about yourself, 'ladies first' isn't it so?" i joked. She laughed and shook her head. "so what exactly do you want to know about me? My life is plain as a book and i think you have already seen everything about me with your eyes" she replied intelligently, "how about your life story?" i pushed further. The passion and fire in her eyes instantly reduced, it just looked as if i touched the most sensitive part of her life. I watched her silently like a trader who asked a barren female customer about her children. She breathed deeply, crossed her leg and stared pointedly at me, "why should i share my past with you, it's not as if you care nor want to be my friend?" she asked a bit coldly. I smiled nervously and stared back at her, "you are very much mistaken dear, i'm your friend, i wouldn't be here if i ain't" i murmured. "my past is something which always bring bad memories into my mind. I really don't like remembering it" she muttered sadly. I looked away and swallowed my curiousity, because i knew it was unwise to push her further. "anyway God compensated me with two lovely kids out of it" she added, smiled and held my palms strongly, "you can't imagine what being without a husband is like. The lonely nights, gossips, mockeries and regrets which comes with it are way too much to bear. Yeah i have finally gotten over mine with determination and confidence, but my dear it really isn't easy, and most times people look at us as if we are less humans, without any rights or feelings. I just feel like sharing my story with you without knowing the reason. But i also can't deny the fact that from the first moment i saw you, my soul felt at peace." she poured out. I blushed. "My story is a very long one, filled with betrayals, heartbreaks and deception. I pray this story will change the opinion you have about me, moreover we even might be agemates if not that i had kids at a very young age" she murmured and prayed with eyes filled with emotions, hopes, desire and a bit of sorrow. My heart furiously pounded as i listened. I equally felt very uncomfortable with her adept display of emotion in a room, where anyone could walk in at any moment. But yet i held my breathe and waited for her story eagerly...... Are you ready to read her story? To be continued....
16 Aug 2013 | 10:31
*continues* "I married at a very young age when my mates were still doing campus love. I was in 300 level when i got married to an older man i barely knew. A marriage hastily arranged for me by my family, due to financial reasons. I never objected because as the first daughter, i knew it was my place to open the way for my 'poor family'. At first things went fine and i tried my best to love him, but as time went on, we became very distant from each other, which led to many fights and abuses. He always accused me of cheating on him, even though he was the one guilty of such crime". She stopped, breathed deeply and looked down sadly. I instantly felt for her. "It really was a miracle that i was able to give birth to my second child, because i was sent home with the pregnancy after a bitter fight. My elder brother went to talk things over with him, but ended up fighting him, which virtually sealed our separation. He didn't even care about my pregnancy but went ahead to get a divorce upon my parents pleadings. Our marriage lasted only four years. But i'm glad i left it with my head intact, though the only good things i got from it are my two cute children and the decent sum i was settled with after the divorce which really helped me build up myself. With my 'marketing degree', I gently built up my career under a short time" she poured out slowly, while i consumed all she told me without doubting her words. "but does he visit at least to see his kids?" i asked curiously, "no you know Anambra men do have stone heart. He remarried two years ago and travelled out of the country with his new wife" she answered quietly, while I played back the whole scenerio in my head. "I really can't say if his presence in my life was a blessing in disguise or punishnment for being greedy, but i can't deny that he raised me to an enviable status. Most of my coursemates are still struggling with their certificates, running up and down looking for employment, but here i'm living large, even though i now detest older men with venom after what i passed through" she concluded. I breathed deeply and shrugged. "you are a very brave woman" i murmured sincerely. She smiled, brought her face closer to mine and peered into my eyes, "tell me the truth, is that all you think about me?" she asked inquisitively, "oh Tessy i'm really inexperienced with things of the world, i know not what else to say other than i admire your courage and prestige" i replied carefully, "so how about you change all your plans" she asked quietly. I stared back at her and breathed deeply. "how can i handle this tempting cup of treasure without betraying Adaora?" i wondered and swallowed hard. She really succeeded in gaining my pity with her brainwashing story, which i couldn't even verify, but will she succeed in claiming my body and probably my heart??..... Hmmmm To be continued..
16 Aug 2013 | 18:59
*continues* "I have to get going" i murmured uneasily, expertly avoiding her question. She held my hand strongly and smiled, "why the rush?, is your wife waiting at home?" she joked, while i blushed, "it's getting late, and i hate roaming the streets at night" i replied, "but there is still time nau" she said and glanced at her watch, "i know but sometimes late evening traffic jam could make one get home very late" I complained. she smiled and touched my left cheek, "don't worry i will drop you home" she offered, but instead of thanking her happily like she expected, i shook my head nervously and shifted uncomfortably on the couch as if something bit me, "no no no, don't bother" i murmured with a coloured face which made her look at me suspiciously, "you don't like being with me and you won't like people to see us together right?" she asked a bit coldly. I swallowed hard and looked into her eyes. I saw sadness, embarrassment and dejection in them. I breathed deeply drew closer and held her. "please forgive my behaviour dear. You are a very beautiful rich lady, every young guy will love to have, i can never be embarrassed being with you" i murmured polietly. She looked around as if she suspected someone was listening, stood up, smiled and dragged me to my feet, "let's finish the discussion at the second sitting room, i don't trust this girl with me" she explained. I smiled and followed her to a small room which was furnished like a sitting room even though the space was smaller than my bedroom. She locked the door, stared into my eyes, breathed deeply, drew nearer and kissed me hotly. My head exploded, "surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life" my mind recited while my eyes rolled. I never have experienced such unexpected hot matured kiss before. "oh dear you can't imagine the last time i kissed a guy, and how long i have been yearning to do this" she murmured passionately with both hands on my cheeks. The fire in her eyes burned like the flame of hell. "hope i ain't going to hell tonight" i wondered as my manhood instantly nodded, "don't tell me you ain't feeling anything'" she asked and unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her fully matured boss.oms tightly held back by a pink bra. "DAM.N" i cursed inwardly... To be continued Tonight....
17 Aug 2013 | 14:20
*continues* "please do not" i murmured, reached out and grasped her arms. Her warm skin against my grip only enticed me further. I felt her trembling as if the power i had over her was a heady stimulus. "you ain't leaving" she murmured in a husky whisper as my hands gently climbed up her torso, cupping her b.osoms which were firmly held by her bra. A chill ran through me as the calluses of my fingers gently massaged her bra and bo.soms. She let out a moan which temporarily brought me back to my senses. "i shouldn't be doing this" i murmured with frightened eyes. "i have tried to stay away from you, but i just don't know myself anymore" i added nervously. She clasped my head with her hands and brought it down, meeting my lips halfway with hers. The tip of her tongue sought entry into my mouth which i didn't deny her. The taste of Tessy, so clean, so fresh washed through my body like lightening. Groaning she drew me down on a sofa, her bra pulling down in the process, revealing and allowing me to feel the real flesh of her succulent matured b.osoms. "if only this feeling would stop" i prayed shamelessly. Enraptured, i wrapped my fingers in her hair and tugged her head gently. Her answering moan only set me further afire. "oh Val you are too good, Elinor is right" she moaned, stretched her legs and sank into a blissful lethargy. She definetly wanted more and arched against my touch. I kissed her neck, shoulders and face as my hands continued to do wonderful things to her body, learning every part of her and satisfying her expertly. But suddenly Adaora's image flashed into my head like a vision, something which has never happened to me when making out with anyone. I instantly jerked away from Tessy and breathed deeply. "please" she gasped, pulling me back to her body, "please" she begged. DID I DO IT?????? Hmmmm To be continued....
17 Aug 2013 | 17:42
*continues* "baby calm down" i pleaded as i struggled to free myself from her grasp. "you called me baby, how wonderful it feels" she murmured with passion in her eyes. The temptation and seduction really was too much to resist, but i equally was wise enough to realise the dangers involved which for one was that i might not be going home that evening if i should continue with the love play. "baby let's leave this for another day please" i begged solemnly, "noooooo are you not travelling tomorrow?" she asked anxiously, "no" i murmured after a brief silence, "i lied when i said i was travelling tomorrow" i answered hoarsely. "hope you arn't decieving me?" she asked curiously with shinning eyes, "i swear i'm not" i murmured with a smile. "please don't leave me bereft of release{unsatisfied}" she begged passionately. I swallowed hard and looked away. "i shouldn't have kissed her in the first place, now how am i going to leave her teetering{hanging} on the precipice of some wondrous discovery" i asked myself and scratched my head. Time really wasn't on my side and was ticking fast as usual. I knew Adaora must have started getting worried and suspicious at home. I instantly reached inside my trouser pocket, grabbed my phone and changed the 'profile to silent'. "stay here with me dear" she uttered with a choked voice and writhed, desperate to wrap her legs around me. Besieged by thick, throbbing waves of pleasure, she reached up and brought my face down towards hers. I grazed her lips with mine in a tantalizing caress just short of a kiss. She cried out as ecstasy pulsed through her in an indescribable surge. "nawao" i murmured to myself, broke free from her, jumped out of the sofa and stopped beside the closed door. Never before had any woman, plain or comely, so cut my heart so easily and quick. I feared her bewitching surrender might cost me alot if not properly checked. "please i can't be your phantom lover, i have a conscience, we can discuss over the phone when i get home, i ain't travelling tomorrow, so don't feel bad please" i pleaded without thinking. "you just stole a very precious splinter of my soul" she shrugged, murmured, breathed deeply and slowly dressed up, when she realised i wasn't ready to yield to her. "allow me to take you home" she offered again with a calm smile. "no thanks i'm okay, don't bother" i replied. She smiled, reached for her purse, opened it, counted out five thousand Naira and offered me. "for you t.fare and for the cab you chartered when coming" she explained and advanced towards me, "don't bother about that either" i murmured polietly, left the room and waited for her in the big sitting room. "i will call you in an hour, do take care" she said sweetly, with a business like tone as if nothing happened between us. I smiled, nodded polietly and left. How to get away from Adaora's prying and inquisitive behaviour occupied my mind and embedded the fear of God in me as i took a cab home that evening. My clothes were in a mess and reeked of Tessy's perfume. I really was at lost on how to explain myself, because i already had exhausted my pot of lies. To be continued...
18 Aug 2013 | 12:41
*continues* I stopped at a small junction, bought three hundred naira worth of suya and walked home with guilt in my mind. I rang the door bell with fear and uncertainty, "lord help me" i prayed. Adaora answered the door seconds later, stared at me for a while before smiling as she took the suya i bought. "waka waka boy where went you?" she asked casually, before walking towards the kitchen, "baby i ended up attending a party can you imagine" i lied with impulse, "good for you, hope you enjoyed it?" she asked, "hmmm enjoy wetin? I never planned to attend any party nau, i thought the id.iot boy just wanted to see me without knowing he planned on dragging me to a boring birthday party, it's not even as if he is my friend ooo, just a course mate" i lied fluently. "hehehehe" she laughed and entered the kitchen. I instantly rushed to my room and changed my clothes, "thank God she didn't hug me" i murmured to myself. 9:15PM HOURS AFTER DINNER "dear i don't think i can come over your place tomorrow, i have lots of things to do" i replied over the phone to Tessy, who called immediately i settled down in my room for night sleep, "c'mon you can't do this to me remember you promised" she pleaded, "i can't survive two days without seeing you, moreover you left everything uncompleted, baby you can't tell me you didn't feel the passion that ignited between us today" she urged. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply. Truly i felt something special when i nearly had sex with her, but that clearly was the kind of trap i was trying to avoid, "i'll be travelling on monday, so i have to attend church tomorrow and atone for my sins" i explained. "i can't stop saying how obnoxious you are, it isn't fair toying with my feelings this way, i'm also human and deserved to be shown respect and affection" she poured out angrily, "don't go there dear, i'm just trying to be careful, by september 1st i will be back in Abuja, if you are still available by then, i will gladly be your ship while you play the captain." i offered sweetly, "you tuned all my hormones, left me high, ran away and now saying rubbish, don't worry it's okay, i don't blame you thanks" she poured out unhappily and ended the phone call rudely. I swallowed hard with great remorse. I had a very terrible urge to call, apologize and fix a new date with her that moment, but luckily Adaora walked into the room and laid beside me. "i find it hard to sleep in my room" she murmured and rested her head on my chest, "who were you talking with?" she asked, "my girlfriend" i answered with a grin and kissed her hair, "good for you, because my puccy no longer needs you" she joked. I smiled, slowly reached down and touched the hidden, intimate bud of her womanhood. She stiffened, wet and willing. I kissed her hair again and held her tightly, "good night my love, tomorrow is sunday" i murmured, "when did you start being religious?" she asked, kissed me and rested her head back on my chest. I ignored her question and gently caressed her until she fell asleep. "surely my life will be successful and full of happiness, with Adaora by my side, what else can i wish for" i wondered. Yet all night long, i laid awake and thought only of Tessy and how unhappy she might be. I knew she{Tessy} equally won't be able to sleep that fateful night, because even though we never had sex, the vicious romance we had in her house, left a terrible impact on us. To be continued....
19 Aug 2013 | 07:07
*continues* Wednesday slowly came around. The day i planned on travelling back to owerri, {in order to prepare and make arrangements for my 'nysc'}. I definetly had a wonderful time in Abuja and wasn't too pleased to leave, but we all know that every holiday has an end, so i had no choice than to pack my bags. On this fair day, i woke up around 5AM with a pain that stirred the depths of my heart as a fierce boisterous wind stirs the ripples upon a placid lake. Adaora's mood was no better. Her beautiful noble face lost all its pride, defiance and brightness. The play of her lips was tremulous, sensitive and gentle; the light in her dark eyes was of love and kindness. Our time together had added to her loveliness. The grand statuesque figure, the graceful attitudes and the indefinite grace were now more apparent than ever. "dear the day has come expectedly at last" i murmured and held her waist. The colour and light died out of her beautiful face, her lips quivered and her bright eyes grew dim with unshed tears. "it's hard, i know but don't betray me over there my love" she begged, "c'mon is that all you worry about? Offcourse i won't" i replied and caressed her face. She breathed deeply, got up and left the room in order to prepare breakfast for me. 6:30AM we arrived I.T.C park together, where we bade each other farewell for the last time. I never can forget the deep agony of that painful parting, how i stood before her pale, worn and sad. Impressing, urging most forcibly upon her to take care of herself, "it's just few weeks before we see each other again" i murmured with a forced smile. She nodded and hugged me, "it's true dear and i also can't wait for all these hinderances to be over, i'm tired of them" she replied passionately. was there anything seen like the sorrow and love we felt that moment???? I very much doubt. 6:48AM The I.T.C bus i boarded zoomed off, heading straight to Owerri. Bright fancies thronged my mind as the bus sped from one town to another. I thought of the time when Adaora would be my wife and empress, the wealth which will come with her and how happy my family would be. No mercenary delight had ever made my heart thrill so much. It was not the prospect of getting richer that delighted me, but something much more grand, noble and ambitious, which i still bear secretly till this day. But will i ever be free from scandals? i wondered and shook my head. It really was the only thing which could ever stop me from marrying Adaora. The weather changed as the bus got to Onitsha, so was my mood and heart. With a naughty smile i brought out my second phone {which i cleverly switched off and hid before arriving Adaora's house weeks ago}, switched it on and scoffed when Olivia's text messages appeared instantly. They were seven in number. will i ever change?? I guess only time will tell. To be continued
19 Aug 2013 | 12:08
*continues* "you are very heartless, self centered and egocentric, i really don't know why i'm even here" Olivia angrily said to me on thursday morning, when she showed up at my cousin's house. I managed to speak with her over the phone on wednesday night when i got into Owerri. She sounded very cold and distant on phone that evening, and i really expected her to insult me, just like the last three out of seven text messages she left when i travelled. She however didn't insult me and even surprised me further by showing up at my cousin's house the next day which was thursday. "i'm sorry about everything, i really have no better explanation on what truly happened. Moreover you won't believe me if i try to explain anyway" i apologized again and stared at her. "i really don't care, i have already moved on with my life" she replied carelessly. I smiled, shrugged and sat on my bed, "really? That's good to hear" i said casually without interest. She instantly stared at me with disbelief in her eyes, "you really did the right thing my dear, i'll soon be going to camp, and from there i will be seeking a new path to life, starting all over again as a guy, hustling and fighting for survival, Making you the last thing in my mind" i explained like a maths teacher teaching algebra to a bunch of i.diots. "you are very weird and unpredictable, what's even wrong with you" she asked again. "baby i want to go out and buy some things at the market are you coming with me or not?" i avoided her question and yawned. "sure, are we going now?" she answered and asked. "yep" i murmured, stood up, wore my shoes and together we left the house. I ended up buying a jean trouser and a blue top for her after buying the things i needed for my nysc camping. She really was delighted and never failed to show how happy she was. However i wasn't a fool not to notice that she sticked to me because of what she hoped to gain from the relationship. The numerous phone calls she answered in my presence and the way she carried herself that fateful day all seemed different than she used to. perhaps she hid her real behaviour when we met initially, but changed her mind when my behaviour became weird as she termed it.. I really wished to see Chinwe that weekend, but i wasn't able to summon the courage nor morale to face her, so i endured my wish and faced my fate squarely. For the first time i stayed days without thinking of cheating on Adaora nor thought of any stupid escapade. I never slept with Olivia throughout the few days i stayed in owerri before travelling to Enugu to spend some days with my mum. Tessy surprisingly didn't delete my phone number from her phone nor the memory of what we nearly had from her mind, instead she intensified her disturbance and desperately tried to win my heart and sympathy. She kept sending me recharge cards almost every other day, which i really couldn't reject and invested them in loading up data bundles in my phone which i used in roaming the internet with great abandon. {That was equally the period i registered on Nairaland}. She really was very good, caring and in love with me. She succeeded in stamping her image very strongly in my heart, and I equally made up my mind to repay her kind gestures one way or the other. Apart from my family and Adaora, she really was the next person very dear and special to me. To be continued
20 Aug 2013 | 23:17
LIFE AS A CORPER 25th July 2012, I checked into New Keffi Orientation Camp situated in Keffi L.G.A Nassarawa state Nigeria, where the next chapter of my life instantly began. Life at camp really wasn't very fortunate nor eventful for me because i really never participated wholeheartedly in any activity, thus nobody noticed nor took interest in me. I was always on my own and i spent every minute counting the days i would leave the horrible environment. The huge number of young adults occupying every single space, the terrifying living conditions we were subjected to, the human waste {faeces} littered at every obsure part of the camp, all made the whole thing dehumanizing. Dam.n life at camp really wasn't in any way pleasant for me. To crown it all, i was forced to live by the rules, under the keen eyes of soldiers. On 16th August 2012, the three weeks orientation course, or my three weeks of hell finally came to an end. My happiness knew no bounds. I think i was the first corper to leave the camp that fateful day. I headed straight to Abuja which wasn't very much far away, into the joyful arms of my dear empress Adaora. "my dear what happened to you over there huh? You look very unkempt like a convict who just escaped from prison" Adaora joked when she welcomed me. I sighed and said nothing, which made her laugh the more, even though she clearly understood what i passed through. I do know camp life isn't that bad for an average young graduate, but for someone as dull, lazy and reserved as myself, it really isn't a place to be. I speak plainly the truth, because i never did get myself over there, neither did i get scoring chances nor scored any goal. Well you first have to be comfortable before looking for someone to impress. I never got noticed by any girl, neither did i notice any, befriended any, nor get laid. ____ ADAORA'S HOUSE, 9PM "hey baby i'm very ho.rny, c'mon do your work nau" Adaora teased and kissed me when i was almost asleep. She really had expected me to make some moves, but i wasn't in the mood because i was yet to recover from the stress of the past few weeks. I lazily smiled in a seductive, bewitching way, that rattled her innards. She kissed me again and pinched my ni.pples which instantly brought my half dead joystic.k back to life. Her unruly hands slowly drifted down, meticulously massaging the cloth over my privates, balls and the cleft of my as.s. My j.oystick soon grew tempestous, angrily pulsating, and demanding more of her caresses. I gently hugged her, nestled her in the crook of my neck, nuzzled and kissed her hair. "it had been a while" i murmured to myself. The solace was welcomed, like an unexpected gift on a rainy day. She wrapped her arms around me and embraced me in return, as we wallowed in the sweetness of passion. "welcome home my lion" she whispered into my ear. To be continued...
21 Aug 2013 | 08:11
*continues* SATURDAY, 18TH AUGUST 2012 ADAORA'S HOUSE 10AM, "hey Tessy how you dey?" i greeted when i called her. "i'm very fine dear" she answered with a surprised tone. It really was my first time of calling her since we last saw each other earlier in July, and even though she tried very much in maintaining the good relationship between us, i never for once called her on phone even to say thank you for the regular recharge pins she sent, however it was mostly due to the fact that she called very often and on, thereby giving me no chance to return the favour. But on this particular saturday, i just felt like surprising her with a friendly visit. She never knew i was in Abuja because i lied to her that i travelled back to owerri from keffi when she enquired about my whereabouts the previous day. "are you at home?" i asked, "yep and bored" she replied, "how about your kids?" i enquired, "my cousin took them out" she murmured, "hmmm why didn't you go to work today kwanu" i asked jokingly, "abeg leave me jor, make i rest, i have competent workers" she replied, "so if an angel should ask you to make one request what will you ask for?" i smiled and asked, "what more can i ask for other than for you to be here with me" she replied instantly, "and what if it is granted?" i murmured, "stop pulling my legs jor" she shouted jokingly. I laughed and shrugged with a shoulder. "dress up and prepare, your wish may be granted" i shouted back and hung up. I smiled to myself, dressed up and went to Adaora's room. "baby i'm going to see a friend, i will be back before your return from the salon" i kissed her and explained. "are you sure about that? Because each time you go out to see a friend, you end up staying out the whole day" she replied and handed me the spare keys, "please just make your hair very beautiful for me" i kissed her hair, took the keys and left. 11:20AM, TESSY'S HOUSE I rang her door bell and waited nervously for the door to be opened. I really was extremely excited without knowing the reason. With a big, well designed overly expensive flower in my left hand i waited patiently. She opened her door two minutes later, and gasped in shock when her eyes fell on me, "i can't believe this, i thought you were just playing around" she exclaimed and threw herself on me like a teenager. Tears of joy quickly formed in her eyes. I carried her up like a baby, abandoning the flower i bought on the floor without knowing when i did it... I realised that moment, that the feelings i had for her was greater than i ever imagined. To be continued...
22 Aug 2013 | 01:29
*continues* "i even planned to sue you for abandonment" she murmured while i laughed, "you can't be serious or are you?" i asked, "oops where is my flower?" i murmured searchingly as soon as we got into her sitting room. "i think you left it outside" she replied with a smile. I rushed outside, grabbed the flower, entered the sitting room and presented it to her. "this is only what i can afford. I really do appreciate your care and interest in me" i said sweetly. She blushed and looked away, refusing to collect it. "i know it's beneath your taste but please just manage it. I offer it with a sincere heart" i prayed quietly. She hesitated before turning to face me. My heart leapt when i saw her face coloured up with eyes filled with tears. I never have seen a big lady in tears prior to that moment. I was flabbergasted, lost and stunned. My heart pounded furiously as i wondered what could have caused her such great display of emotion. "i'm sorry Val, but its been a long time ago when someone last offered me such a beautiful gift with so much sincerity and care in his eyes" she explained and swallowed hard, "and when was that?" i asked quietly, "during my 2nd year in the university, he was the guy i dumped in order to marry my children's father. You can't Imagine how betrayed he felt and the anguish in his eyes when i broke the news of my upcoming marriage to him. He is now happily married shaaa" she explained with a broken voice. I stared at her speechlessly, clueless on the most suitable words to use in calming her. "it's not as if guys don't offer me gifts presently, but you can't help noticing the greed, lust and ambition in their eyes when doing so" she added, "my dear forget about the past, we all do have bad memories, you should know better nau" i murmured uneasily. She breathed deeply collected the flower and smiled gratefully. "i will call it saint Valentine" she joked and rolled her eyes, "i thought girls only name teddy bears, how come you are now naming a flower?" i asked with a surprised look, "it's none of your business sir" she replied and cleaned her eyes. Her behaviour showed how obvious it was, that she was still missing most of the fun and love she missed as a youth because of a rushed marriage. Her behaviour and mode of reasoning all showed how sensitive she was and how badly she needed love, youthful adventures and comittment. She clearly found it hard to accept her fate nor accept the fact that most of the adventures she missed can never return the way she wanted. Moreover even though she looked very young and attractive, she had kids which inevitably will put off many young guys apart from the ambitious ones. It's very true she saw no ambition, deciet nor pretence in my eyes but what she failed to realise was that i was only being genuinely grateful to her for the love and care she showed me and nothing more. However i clearly understood her plight because it was no fault of hers that she sacrified her happiness for the betterment of her family, and it truly was only because of that reason, that i was somehow willing to return her love in the smallest possible way without harming my relationship with Adaora which i hid from her. Involving myself with Tessy was just an intentional charitable work of mercy which i cleverly accepted to do as a young christian with good upbringing, because i didn't want her to die of depression. Did i do wrong?? Hehehe To be continued...
22 Aug 2013 | 05:42
this guy don dey turn sumtin else o.
22 Aug 2013 | 08:38
*continues* "so how is business going?" i asked, changing the topic, "my dear it's going very fine, i'm even about buying a piece of land in Dutse area in order to expand my business" she explained with a sweet smile, "hmmm just be careful of those con people who claim to be dutse indigenes oo, i heard they do sell government land as their's" i advised. She gave me a very long searching look before shrugging, "don't worry about that dear, i have strong links who are deeply into the business, by the way how come you know very much about something like that, i thought you ain't familiar with Abuja?" she asked with a suspicious smile, "i do read almost everything that comes my way" i murmured quietly. ____ "so dear how long are you staying before travelling?" she asked as she brought a bottle of wine for me moments later, "i will be leaving very early tomorrow, you know i have to show up in Imo where i was redeployed for my nysc stuff nau" i explained. She bit her lips sadly and looked away, "c'mon why the sad look?" i held her right shoulder and asked with care in my eyes, "it's nothing dear" she murmured, "but you don't look bright anymore" i insisted, "i really don't want to sound selfish, but how do you expect me to be happy after just hearing that you will be leaving tomorrow" she muttered and looked into my eyes. I swallowed hard and breathed deeply. "unless you promise you will be here on friday" she added pleadingly, "c'mon dear it very impossible, you didn't even say saturday huh, moreover friday is a working day and i can't start coming from owerri on saturday only to go back on sunday, its way too risky and dosen't make sense, i promise to come whenever i have a little holiday" i begged. "but you know everything has a solution?" she asked. I nodded and smiled, saying nothing. "i know Arik leaves Owerri every 4-5pm daily, so how about i book a friday flight for you and on sunday you go back via that same way" she suggested. I instantly coloured up and shook my head, declining her offer. "no no no this isn't right, what if Adaora finds out, no" i reasoned. "c'mon dear, why are you so frightened and coloured up" she asked searchingly. I quickly composed myself and forced out a smile. "i can't accept such offer, its way too expensive for someone insignificant like me, Tessy dear just have a rethink please, i beg of you" i pleaded, but she just smiled drew closer and kissed me tenderly. I instantly felt a great surge of passion hit my body like lightening, 'Oh Tessy's matured kiss is nothing but a super explosive missile kiss. It breaks your resistance and weakens your body'. "oh please stop" i murmured as i struggled to free myself. She stared into my eyes with hands on my neck, "my feelings for you are very real, i'll do anything for you" she murmured like someone in a trance. Luckily her doorbell rang that moment, making her release her hands from my neck. She quickly composed herself, sighed, stood up and opened the entrance door. A girl in her early twenties walked into the sitting room with her two kids. I quickly concluded she was the cousin i earlier heard about. I looked away polietly and focused my attention on the wine before me, which i calmly poured out for myself. Surprisingly Tessy's first son rushed up to me and fell on my body, "good day uncle, i have been looking for you" he greeted innocently, while his mother and the other girl looked at us with great astonishment. I instantly feared my relationship with Tessy might end up being a big family thing which could consume me if adequate care isn't taken. Deep down i prayed for her not to be overly ambitious and hopeful in our romance, So that things won't end up very bad for us. To be continued.
23 Aug 2013 | 04:34
*continues* "how innocent kids are" i reasoned as i stared at the little cute boy on my laps, while his mother whispered something into the other girl's ear who soon after, left the sitting room with the second child. "kelvin go and play in your room" Tessy quietly ordered the little boy with me, who instantly obeyed his mother. "i'm really sorry for the interruption" she apologized, stood up, smiled and walked towards the second sitting room, "please come with me" she requested calmly, i stood up and followed her. We were soon in the second room all alone, where She stared into my eyes and grinned like a half-wit, "how could i fail to be enchanted by her insolent, bewitching behaviour" i wondered as i stared at her. "why are you smiling that way?" i asked, "because you make me happy" she replied and opened a second door well hidden behind a curtain. I never even knew the door existed. A vast well designed compact bedroom instantly appeared in my presence. She walked into the room and sat on the bed smiling provocatively at me, "dam.n you witch" i cursed and closed in on her. Tenderly, i stared down at her, making her wish for so many things that were beyond her ken. She really looked so innocent that it hurt to look at her, and i had no illusions what-so-ever: "If she'd been anyone else, i wouldn't by staring into her eyes that way. No older woman could have enticed me so completely or so effortlessly". I wanted to make love to her, because i felt and understood her plight, because i wanted her to be content, "don't be afraid" she whispered, "i'm not" i replied quietly. Gentle yet urgent, i kissed her, while she instantly hugged me, tightly losing herself, as her passion inundated her. She really was so much overcome by what she wanted me to do, that neither prudence nor discretion could dissuade her. I intensified the kiss, my tongue engaging hers. Down below, my hands were at her bo.soms, kneading the soft mounds through her dress, pinching and trifling with her n.ipples. She spread her thighs, anchoring her feet behind my legs. Her skirt bunched around her crotch, creating a pillow against which i could push and flex. Leisurely i unfastened her top, and as each enclosure was freed her anticipation mounted. I gently drew down her bra, baring her bos.oms. Transfixed, i fervidly assessed them. "did i ever tell you how much i adore your bo.soms?" i asked with a naughty smile. She blushed and looked away. I tarried at her cleavage, kissing and making her wild by squ.eezing her nip.ples. Just when she was ready to explode, suck.ed at one of the aroused tips. Showing her no mercy, i worked at the extended nub until it was raw and inflamed, then went to the other, dabbling until she was writhing and making pitiful begging noises. She was fast burning up under my romance, yet very eager to float on the tide of her rising desire. My nimble fingers resumed their task, propelling the rest of her apparel off her body. Through it all, i was kissing and caressing her, mumuring endearments that encouraged her in her licentiousness. She really however was embarrassed when i took off all her clothes, and tried to hide herself by grabbing a blanket, but her desires and strength failed and couldn't let her, forcing her to submit herself once again to my scrutiny. I stopped momentarily, stared at my third right finger for a while before poking it into her wet honey pot. "finish me baby" she cried out.... To be continued.
23 Aug 2013 | 10:59
*continues* "yes dear c'mon" she moaned deliriously. I f.ingered her for a while, pulled down my trouser and knicker, stared at her with hesitation, swallowed hard and wondered whether to go on with the last lap or not. She laid on her back and smiled at me, "finish it baby", "don't make me wait" she urged. Her body extremely hot and willing. I only had one wrap of left in my wallet and i really didn't know how to bring it out, "what will she think of me when she discovers i go out with cond.oms in my wallet, will she still think highly of me" i wondered as i stared at her with hesitation, "baby it isn't fair c'mon" she begged, I breathed deeply reached for my trouser, brought out my wallet, opened and fetched the last wrap of con.dom in it. Truly i never planned on having sex with her that fateful day, it was just something which happened in an impulse and which was caused by the energy that sparked between us. I quietly opened the con.dom and slid it on. She breathed deeply as i closed in on her once again, In an agile, fleet motion, i was inside her. The smooth thrust was graceful, efficient and hot. She let out a deep moan as she felt my rod slid inside her. ______ "you are so dam.n good" she murmured as she gasped for breathe when we were done. I smiled and said nothing as i cleaned up, while guilt instantly filled my mind like a guy who just self serviced. Well i really wasn't any different, because what i did was equally in the same category with 'self-servicing', the only difference is that i serviced a lady instead of myself. "Damn I just cheated on Adaora again, digging another feet on my grave" "whatever will be, will be" i concluded as i entered her toilet to clean up.... 15 MINUTES LATER "thanks alot for everything" Tessy murmured gratefully with a smile when we were about to return to the big sitting room. I smiled and said nothing, "hope next time you will go more than one round?" she asked jokingly as she opened her bed drawer. I scoffed and said nothing. "here is twenty thousand naira, just manage it for your transportation and feeding in Imo, from now onwards you are my responsibilty" she said with a smile, while I gasped at her generosity, breathed deeply and shook my head, "this is outrageously much na haba, i can't accept it" i declined. She instantly frowned looked away and stood up. "seriously, i do hate it when you behave this way, i won't forgive you if you refuse to go home with this money" she insisted. ______ I returned to Adaora's house later in the evening, so tired, messed up and with a guilty conscience. I was twenty thousand naira richer. A very rich sum considering the thing i did to earn it, however in a way i really was nothing but a part time gigolo, a thought which left a bitter feeling in my mind. Adaora was already at home when i arrived. Due to my guilt i found it hard to stare at her face, surprisngly she paid no attention nor noticed my mood, perhaps because all her attention were on her hair which she fixed hours ago, and which She kept checking out on the mirror as if she was preparing for a beauty pageant. I really wasn't comfortable with the money Tessy gave me, because it kept reminding me of what i did with her. I knew the only way i could get it off my mind was to spend it recklessly. A smile suddenly appeared on my face, i quickly changed my clothes, and walked up to Adaora, "baby let's spend the night out" i murmured sweetly and held her waist. She instantly stared at me with surprise as she searched my face for any hidden motive, but she saw none. She breathed deeply as a sweet smile appeared on her young face, happiness and love engulfing her soul. "there is no better way to spend Tessy's money, than Making Adaora happy with it" i reasoned.... To be continued.
24 Aug 2013 | 02:04
*continues* IMO STATE, NIGERIA, TUESDAY 21st August 2012 I drove into a government owned community secondary school within Orsu local government area. The school was my place of primary assignment. I drove in with fear and a fast pounding heart. I really had prayed to be posted in a local government council headquarters, but some forces beyond my powers thought otherwise, so i really had no choice than to obey. I needed nobody to remind me that the day of reckoning has finally arrived, a time to test the knowledge and skills i acquired in the university. "GOD help me" I prayed. ____ "i never knew they were sending another corper to me" the principal, a chubby old man murmured, after asking some inquisitive annoying questions. I shrugged and said nothing, praying for him to reject me. The stress of the past few days were really telling on me. I had sex with tessy on saturday, kept late night with Adaora that same saturday , headed back to Owerri on sunday, spent the previous day fixing my car, running around from one location to another as i made last minute preparations, coupled with shuttles i ran to and fro Nysc state headquarters as i desperately tried to do some funny deeds. Damn i really was so stressed up, down and a bit high with temper as i sat in the principal's office listening to his boring talk that tuesday afternoon, which ranged from history, to politics then to school policies. I really couldn't wait for him to finish. "so will you like to stay in our corper's lodge?" he asked as he signed the acceptance form, "it depends sir, but i will prefer to stay alone" i replied with every bit of politeness i could muster, yet my comment annoyed him. He frowned and looked at me coldly, "offcourse i will pay for it, if you won't mind" i shrugged and muttered. He breathed deeply and relaxed a bit. "my son i really do not approve of my corpers staying alone, but since it's your choice, i have a place you will like, two other corpers are equally living there" he said to me before sending for a teacher who came minutes later. "Jude here is a new corper they just sent us, he will be assisting the Agric and biology teachers" he introduced. I politely got up and shook hands with him. "take him to sir pee's house, so that he can arrange for his own accomodation there, since he dosen't need ours" he muttered to the teacher who instantly nodded. Minutes later we headed to Sir pee's house in my car. My mind really was occupied with numerous thoughts. I truly wasn't happy that i was accepted in that damned school. After some negotiations between sir pee's wife, the teacher and i, we settled for ten thousand naira for ten months, which i instantly paid. A fair price considering how lovely the room was, even though it wasn't a selfcontained room. I stuffed my loads on a section of the room, headed back to the school, dropped the teacher before driving straight to Nysc L.G.A office for the final file-work. I finished {almost everything} very late in the evening and headed straight to my new lodge with hunger, tension, and fatigue, taking a great toll on me. I got to my lodge around 6:45pm, entered my room, and instantly gasped as i realised that the room needed to be washed, and set up. I had no water, nor knew anywhere, or even had the strength for any strenious work. "how do i solve this problem and who will help me?" was the question i kept asking myself as i unhappily left the room and lazily sat on a pavement very dejected, weak and hungry. I really grew up to be a very lazy boy. How do i go about all these, Soon it will be night-fall??... To be continued....
26 Aug 2013 | 03:42
*continues* My stomach growled, yelled, kicked and bit without pity. I ran into my room opened my bag and reached for a bottle of coke and a packet of cabin biscuit. I was soon back on the pavement eating my dinner like a street tout as i counted the weeks i would live in my new environment. "are you the new corper who just came in?" i heard a feminine voice ask. I instantly looked towards the direction the voice came from and saw two girls looking at me. It was already dark so i really couldn't see their faces very well. "yea" i replied quietly, "welcome" they chorused polietly, "we are your neighbours and also corpers" they introduced, "do you need any help?" one of them asked, "no, yes" i answered nervously, "please can you help me with a broom?" i begged, "alright follow us to our room and collect the broom" they offered. I instantly left my meal, followed them to their room where i collected the broom. "hope you don't need anything else?" they asked, "no thanks alot" i replied and returned to my meal. I got back 5% of my strength after the nice dinner i had, brought out my generator, arranged it and wired my room with the little crude experience i had. I equally pegged a wire and a bulb in my kind neighbours room. A gesture which totally, surprised and delighted them. The two rooms were soon lighted up, giving me the electricity i so much needed to at least properly sweep my room and arrange where to sleep before the next day{ when i would wash it}. It really was a big tiresome work, but i managed to do it crudely, without outside help. The two girls however later came into my room around 8:45pm and surprisingly kept me company. "you were posted in the secondary school right?" one of them asked, "yep, i will be teaching biology and agric" i replied, "wow i teach physics there, while my friend here works in the primary school close-by" one of them explained. They really were simple but attractive girls. One was fair and the other dark. I really admired their friendly nature, and i knew my stay really wasn't going to be boring like i earlier feared. "my name is Val, Imo state University" i soon introduced, "i'm jenny," the fair girl introduced, "sonia" the dark one murmured, "we are LASU graduates" she added, while i smiled and nodded. "tribe?" i heard myself ask, "yoruba nau" they chorused and looked at each other as if i asked a silly question. 9:30pm after they left for their room, i quietly went outside, switched off my generator and laid on my bed for a good night sleep. I soon had another set of night visitors, who came in rudely without knocking, swamped on my body, sang and bit as they welcomed me. I slapped my cheeks, hit my legs and almost punctured my right eye as i tried to send them away, yet they ran only to regroup, return and fight back. "Damn mosquitoes" i cursed as i ran out from my room, and switched on my generator once again. They instantly retreated, as soon as i did that and patiently waited for a new opportunity to launch another vicious attack on me. To be continued.... Next>>BETRAYAL
26 Aug 2013 | 05:46
*continues* I woke up very late the following morning, smiled when i saw two missed calls from chinwe and instantly called her back without second thoughts. I really missed everything about her but i had no choice than to keep away from her happiness. "hmmm oga how far, so you wouldn't have called supposing i didn't make the first move" she accused with her soft voice. "it isn't like that dear, you won't understand" i replied, "hehehehe abi??, so where are you?" she asked, "in Orsu L.G.A serving my country" i answered, "hmmm nawaoo well-done?" she congratulated happily, "are you in owerri?" i asked, "yep anything?" she replied, "yea i just packed into my new room yesterday, and i need help, setting it up" i explained, "lazy boy mtcheeew, anyway i can help you, but the problem is how to get there, i don't know the place" she muttered, while my eyes instantly lit up. "thanks alot dear, i'll drive right away to your lodge" i answered happily, "i'll wait for you at Imsu junction, don't bother coming to my hostel, just notify me when you are almost there" she replied, "alright thanks dear" i murmured and hung up. I5 minutes later I borrowed my landlady's wheel-barrow fetched and filled my big drum with water, freshened up and headed to owerri with a fast pounding heart. It really had been a while i last saw Chinwe so i was as nervous as ever as if i was going on my first date. I kept breathing deeply as i drove. 9am I picked her up with a nervous smile on my face. She still was very attractive like she used to be, and i really couldn't help but feel a bit guilty as i remembered all we did together. We didn't say much to each other until i stopped at a small fast food joint{food is ready restaurant} at works layout. She instantly looked inquisitively at me. I smiled apologetically and shrugged, "please i'm very hungry, i didn't eat anything decent yesterday" i explained. "okay" she murmured and opened the passenger's door. Together we walked into the 'food joint' where i ordered a plate of rice, beans and plantain while i forced her to take a bottle of malt because she declined eating any food. "so how about your guy, are you guys still together?" i asked stupidly. She scoffed and stared at me. "offcourse, what do you expect huh, infact he's just waiting for me to graduate this November so that he can start making the necessary marriage preparations" she explained happily. I swallowed hard and instantly changed the topic. We finally arrived at my new lodge by 1:15pm {we spent a little time buying some other things and kitchen utensils i needed}. She quickly got to work as soon as we got to my room, swept, washed, arranged, and cooked. In no time, my room and make-shift kitchen was up and running. I really was so grateful that i held her waist and stared into her eyes gratefully. "thanks alot for everything dear, you are one in a million" i happily murmured. She smiled and looked away, "i really don't know how my life will be, without you by my side" i added a bit sadly. She breathed deeply, stared into my eyes for a while and looked down. "Val you caused it all" she murmured with a very quiet tone. "is she still in love with me, is there still hope in winning back her love?", i asked myself, but is it really necessary?? hmmmm, To be continued...
27 Aug 2013 | 06:38
27 Aug 2013 | 15:04
*continues* "yea you are right, i caused it all" i murmured with a sad tone. She instantly looked up into my eyes with care and concern, held my hands and drew a little bit closer. "arn't you happy with Adaora??" she asked searchingly. I breathed deeply and smiled, "offcourse dear i'm very happy with her, she's going to be the mother of my kids very soon" i replied. She heaved a sigh of relief and smiled. "we both have found happiness, so you see, we were never destined to be together, whatever is written for us by Almighty God, can never be changed no matter what we do" she said happily, "do you now read the holy Koran?" i asked jokingly, {because of her choice of words}. She blushed and looked away. "i'm just happy for you, see how your dreams are almost getting fulfilled" she added. "Oh chinwe, always setting her personal feelings aside for my happiness" i murmured to myself. I later dropped her at a 'bus stop' {junction} where she took a bus back to Owerri. I returned to my lodge, relaxed in my new room happily and thought over my new life. I really would have loved travelling to Enugu, in order to spend some days with my family, but i still had some pending transactions to do in the bank on thursday. Moreover i was forced to accept Tessy's invitation {of spending the weekend with her}, a promise i really didn't know how to keep, considering my schedules and the risk involved. _____ "so dear when will you like me to visit and check out your new place?" Adaora asked when we spoke over the phone on thursday night, "my dear i really don't know for now, perhaps by october or november when the rains are over, because the mosquitoes over here are way too much in number, very defiant and big, they even wear masks to prevent insecticides from harming them," i explained while she laughed her heart out. _____ My two corper neighbours were equally very friendly, good and decent. They knew when to draw the line in any friendly gestures they made, so i just saw them as friendly but reserved girls. Jenny however was a little bit closer to me, perhaps because we were posted in the same school, while the other girl kept her distance and only came into my room when accompanied by her roomate. _____ 6:55am Saturday "dear i already have arranged your flight to Abuja, i will text you a friend's name and phone number, she works at Imo Airport, she will assist you, just be there before 10am please" Tessy dropped the bombshell when she woke me from sleep with her phone-call that fateful saturday morning. I was stunned, angry, confused and unhappy. Truly i thought she had forgotten about the invitation, because she never mentioned it when she called on thursday night, neither did she mention it on friday. There is nothing I hate more than being treated like a kid or ordered around, a situation which contributed to the problems i had with my first girlfriend Christy {season1}. "so you expect me to run into the bathroom, freshen up, grab my bag and start running towards Imo Airport huh?" i asked angrily. It really was the first time i raised my voice on her. She just kept quiet for a while, as if she couldn't believe what she just heard. "there is still time nau, isn't it 7AM by your watch? You still have at least three hours to get there" she murmured, while I cursed under my breathe. To be continued.
28 Aug 2013 | 05:23
*continues* "i don't think i can make it, i have a whole lot of things to do this weekend" i replied quietly, "no don't do this to me Val, please it isn't fair" she begged, while i kept quiet and said nothing. "remember your promise, i already have paid for the flight, don't worry about your schedules i will compensate you handsomely, please say something nau" she added pleadingly. "its not really about the money, you know i travelled to the east because of my nysc stuff, i'm yet to settle down can't you understand?" i tried to explain, "you are just doing shakara for me, it's okay no wahala, i thought you are different but i have seen you arn't" she murmured sadly, "okay, okay, i don hear, i'll try my best, send me your friend's number" i finally agreed without my heart. _____ 6PM ABUJA NIGERIA Tessy picked me up at the airport and chatted happily as she drove towards her house, "you really don't know how happy, contented and fulfilled i'm right now, you just made my day, i'm so so happy" she poured out happily. She really was very happy with all her heart, but i just couldn't say the same for myself. I displeased myself by coming to Abuja that fateful saturday, the stress and the time i equally wasted at Owerri airport also got me more annoyed and bitter. "so where are we heading to?" i asked, "to my house offcourse" she replied, "no i don't think it's a good idea" i murmured instantly, she slowed down her car and stared at me inquisitively, "why do you say so?" she asked, "i won't be comfortable spending the night at your house, what will your kids think, children are very sensitive if you don't know" i explained. She kept quiet for a while and thought over my words. "okay you win" she flashed a bright smile at me, winked and drove on into town. She expertly took some turns minutes later, drove into Borno street {Area 10} and stopped at Pridemark hotel. "you sure know your way around town" i teased. She sighed and frowned jokingly, "you are now insulting me abi?" "noooo i was only complimenting your navigation skills" i winked and laughed. We walked into the hotel, laughing and teasing each other like teenagers. She effortlessly paid for a room where i showered, changed and got some of my strength back. "hope someone is looking after your kids" i asked with concern as we went downstairs to eat, "yea my cousin and the other girl you saw sometime ago are with them, i already called home when you were bathing they are alright, though i might rush home and see them before i sleep over here" she explained while i shrugged and nodded. _____ "is everything alright?" i asked as we ate moments later, when i noticed her mood wasn't lively as it earlier was. "i really didn't like the way you shouted at me when i called you this morning" she complained quietly, "i'm sorry" i apologized, "the truth is that i snapped because your request took me by surprise" i explained, "how? i thought we already agreed on it before you travelled?" she asked searchingly, "don't bother dear, let's forget about it" i breathed deeply and replied. "are you having second thoughts about me?" she suddenly asked with fear in her eyes. I gave her a reassuring smile and shrugged. "not in any way dear" i lied, "but i hope you won't feel bad when i eventually get a girlfriend?" i innocently asked. She instantly gasped, her face coloured, there was anger, pain, uncertainty and fire in her eyes as she stared at me. "do you have a girlfriend?" she asked with a deep breathe, "no not yet" i replied and looked down, "not yet!" she exclaimed calmly, "dear what do you need a girlfriend for when you have me huh?" she asked stupidly. Her question as stupid as it was, jolted and embedded great fear into me. To be continued.
28 Aug 2013 | 12:07
*continues* "yea you are right dear, i have no need for another girlfriend, why did i even ask such question? Was i dreaming or what?" i instantly asked, concealing my fear with a brilliant sharp smile. She rolled her eyes and shrugged, "i don't know, perhaps you wanted to see how i would react" she replied. We continued our meal, discussing inconsequential things. She truly was fun to be with, though she was nothing short of a gun which when handled carefully poses no danger, but when manhandled, could either kill or cause damage to the handler. I knew i needed to bring out every wisdom in me when dealing with her. Yea she looked harmless, but her obsession could turn her into a dangerous lady, especially when her happiness is being threatened. ____ She left for her house immediately after the meal, while i retired to my hotel room, did some stuffs online with my phone as i patiently waited for her. She showed up by 11:45pm wearing a short red gown which brought out her whole shape, beauty and charms. I breathed deeply as i recieved her into my waiting arms. "my Val please deal with me tonight" she whispered into my right ear before undressing seductively. I gasped as i stared at her nakedness to satisfaction. We had great time, swimming in the ocean of passion, as we fu.cked, kissed, romanced and played with our bodies. She really was an expert, infact a loose wild animal when on bed. ____ "so you really don't have any sweet or nice comment to say to me?" she asked like a teenager when we were done. I swallowed hard, grabbed her right hand and kissed it with a smile. "i'm sorry dear, my brain is virtually empty right now, i fu.cked out everything in it" i murmured passionately. She smiled and shook her head. "i'm so much in love with you baby, if wishes were horses, i really just wish" she murmured, stopped abruptly, sat up and stared at me. "is there any chance we could go further, it's not as if i'm rushing you?" she asked quietly. Her eyes searching my face for any hidden expression. I really didn't understand her question, which made me stare back at her with surprise and curiousity, "i don't understand, what do you mean by going further?" i replied a bit seriously. Her face instantly fell, she breathed deeply, laid back on the bed and played with my chest. "never mind dear, i was just carried away, in due time you will understand" she said quietly. I shrugged, breathed deeply and closed my eyes.... Whatever it was she meant to ask, i only knew it was just a matter of time before we both fall into a very big mess. My prayers thus was for it not to consume me, nor get to Adaora. No matter how strange it might sound to you guys, i really wasn't in a hurry to spit out the sugar that was offered to me. The luxury and fun was way too much to be ignored. With crossed fingers, i played along. To be continued coming up in the next Episode>>> Elinor joins the game once more, revealing her destructive game-plan to me...
29 Aug 2013 | 08:53
*continues* "hey val i know you are in town, let's meet before you leave, i have something important to discuss with you. Please it's urgent" was the text message Elinor sent me early sunday morning. "what really does she want to discuss, hmmmm" i wondered as i read the text message over and over again. It really had been a while i last heard from her, but i really didn't it give it much thought, because i assumed our business was over after she handed me over to her friend. Nevertheless i really was very anxious to know what she wanted to discuss with me. I sent Adaora two lovely sunday text messages before switching off my phone. I couldn't risk her calling at such an odd period. Tessy and I did two more rounds {that morning} before she happily let me be. "baby you are truly a darling, just name whatever you want and it's yours" she offered happily with satisfaction, while i smiled and kissed her tenderly, "all i want is for you to be happy" i answered sweetly. Tears of joy instantly appeared in her eyes, she tightly held me and sobbed. "promise me you will relocate to Abuja after your Nysc?" she begged. I breathed deeply, smiled and stared into her eyes, "whatever will be, will be, let's see how things go between us" i murmured sweetly, "i pray it ends happily" she prayed and closed her eyes. I silently rebuked her prayers instantly. _____ "hi Elinor, what's up? I saw your text" i asked, when i called her an hour later as Tessy was taking her bath, "yea something important really came up, don't just ask me anything till we meet in our usual meeting place, you know where right?" she answered calmly, "your chicken fastfood joint abi??" i asked humourously, "yea just notify me whenever you get there" she answered. "alright madam" i murmured and hung up. ______ Convincing Tessy to grant me an hour to visit a friend really wasn't as easy as i thought it would be. she already had planned lots of events for our sunday even though she knew i was travelling back to Owerri that same day. I really had to promise, kiss, beg and cajole her before she allowed me to leave the hotel room, but by then it was already past noon so she had no choice than to check out from the hotel as-well. "i will be at your house in the next one and half hour" i promised, pecked her and left for the restaurant {Elinor directed me to}. I waited fifteen minutes before Elinor eventually showed up, looking very different and strange with a new hair style and native attire she wore. "my dear, i know you must be wondering why i sent such text message, anyway let me go straight to the point" she spoke eloquently as we ate fried rice and chicken minutes later. "Tessy do tell me almost everything you guys do, and i'm very glad to know that you are making out very well with her. I'm so proud of you" she complimented. I blushed and shrugged. "it's about time you start cashing into your treasure, hope you know she is worth millions and i need not remind you about my share. I'll coach you so don't be alarmed" she poured out easily as if we were just discussing a soap opera. "I really don't understand, are you suggesting we rip off your friend?" i asked with fear, shock and alarm. She smiled looked at me for a while before shaking her head. "offcourse not dear, all i'm saying is that since you make her happy, she needs to return the favour, i as the broker plays the umpire, gets my share and we all go home happy" she elaborated fluently, "this is outrageous" i murmured with disbelief, "my dear life in this city is very outrageous, do you think i was playing the match-maker for fun huh?" she asked with a cold smile. I looked down and bit my lips. "Yea She talked me into this dirty affair, but she can never talk me into getting my hands more dirty" i concluded and stared defiantly at her. "i have to start going, i will call you later, i have a flight to catch" i instantly said and stood up, abandoning my food. She looked up at me with surprise before smiling with full confidence. A kind of self control i never had seen anyone display. It just looked as if she was used to dealing with revolting young men. "sit down val, i said sit down" she ordered calmly without any slightless increase in her voice. I obeyed without protest as if i was under a spell. To be continued...
29 Aug 2013 | 20:24
*continues* "dear i'm only trying to help you, the best thing you can do is just to listen and do all i ask of you" she added softly, "i'm really not into Tessy because of her money" i confessed. She scoffed and stared at me with disbelief, "abeg stop that joke jor, okay why are you with her? I do know you have a girlfriend so better save the lie. Don't think for a second that i don't know you very well mr Val. Do calm down let's talk business" she murmured with a cunning smile. Her comment panicked and alarmed me. I gasped and stared at her with fear, wondering how much she really knew about me or whether she was just bluffing. "God help me" i murmured and sprang up with great fear. "i'm not your guy Elinor, please find someone else" i murmured defiantly and walked away. Sometimes fear can draw out a little smartness from someone, especially when confronted with huge danger. I really couldn't help thinking about all she said to me as i headed straight to Tessy's house, "what a friend" i murmured to myself, wondering how she came to be Tessy's tight friend. "Perhaps she's just her friend because of all these silly ideas she's habouring" i reasoned. _____ "you look distant and cold, what's wrong dear?" Tessy asked searchingly when i got to her house minutes later. "i'm okay dear, perhaps your eyes are just playing tricks on you" i replied with a weak smile, while my eyes carefully searched for her children, "hmmmm i don't think so dear, i know what i'm seeing, anyway i do have a little bad news for you" she spoke softly while i stared at her inquisitively. "baby i don't think you can go back today" she held my hand and added softly, "why?" i asked nervously, "the only flight bound for Owerri today, already left in the morning" she said carefully. I bit my lips and looked down unhappily, "you knew all along right?" i accused suspiciously. She shrugged and shook her head, "no dear i swear i only learnt about it an hour ago when i called to book your flight" she replied quietly. "damn" i cursed, and scratched my head. I knew i now had no choice than to spend another night with her unless i was ready to take a night bus back to Owerri, which really could have been the best thing to do if not for the risk involved. "dear it wouldn't cost you much to spend another night with me, we can go back to the hotel if need be" she begged softly. I breathed deeply, falling back on the sofa. My head really was filled with many thoughts that moment. Regret, remorse, doubt and a whole lot of unthinkable things overwhelmed and overloaded my head. I was lost, clueless and indecisive. "i'm not feeling very fine, hope you have a spare room?" i asked quietly, "yea dear, let's check it out" she answered with a smile, stood up and led me to a cute small room at the other end of her house. "thanks dear" i murmured gratefully, before lying down on a soft well made bed {in the room}. She sat beside me and stared at me with a concerned look, "would you like to take some pills, you don't look okay to me?" she asked as she felt my pulse. I forced out a smile and shook my head. "no thanks, all i need is just a little rest" i replied. She smiled, breathed deeply and stood up. "the telephone beside you is connected to my room, you can use it if you need anything" she added, winked at me and left quietly. I soon began thinking about Elinor's proposal and threat over again, without making much out of it, "how much does she know about me?" i wondered deeply as sleep slowly took over my weak exhausted body. ____ AN HOUR & HALF LATER Elinor's laughter made me jolt from sleep as if i just had a terrible nightmare. At first i thought the laughter i heard was only a figment of my imagination, but as my head cleared, i heard her voice as she loudly talked with Tessy in the sitting room. "damn" i cursed bitterly. The time was 4:30pm.. To be continued.. Next>> BETRAYAL
30 Aug 2013 | 09:54
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31 Aug 2013 | 19:58
*continues* My phone rang seconds later, i glanced at it, smiled and answered Adaora's call, "my lion how you dey?" she greeted, "baby i'm very bored, lonely and unhappy, i'm missing you so much" i lied, while she responded with well chosen words that aroused me enormously. She never suspected that i was equally in the same town with her. "How furious will she be, if by any chance she discovers about this". I reasoned as we chatted happily. ____ Tessy came into the guest room few minutes after Adaora's phone call, with a calm smile on her face. She sat beside me on the bed and felt my pulse, "hope you are feeling better?" she asked with concern, "yep dear, i told you all i needed was just a little rest" i replied with a smile, sat up and pecked her. Her eyes beemed with joy as she felt me. "you brought light and happiness into my life" she murmured and looked down. I held her left hand softly. "we are going to a friend's birthday party with Elinor, the party is starting by 6pm so do get ready" she looked up at me and murmured calmly. I swallowed hard with surprise and confusion as i returned her look. "wouldn't i look different in such party, baby i think it's better i stay here and wait for you" i pleaded. She breathed deeply, drew nearer and shook her head. "my dear you look matured, very much taller than i, very sound and okay. I don't see any reason why you ain't going to fit in, c'mon don't say no please, i want you to come with me please" she pleaded strongly. I shrugged and accepted even though i knew Elinor's hand was in it. "alright no problem i will go with you, but first i need an iron to dress the third shirt i brought along, this one i'm wearing is already rumpled" i said quietly. She instantly kissed and hugged me. "fetch the shirt, i will iron it myself and please don't refuse" she said happily. I smiled and obeyed without any objection. Minutes later we headed towards Apo legislative quarters in Tessy's SUV. It really was the first time i drove one of her cars, and I really couldn't help but notice Elinor's surprise as i took the car keys from Tessy after a little friendly argument that fateful evening. 6:30PM We arrived at our destination, alighted from the car and got searched by stern looking security operatives before being allowed into the huge compound. The enviroment really was classy, serene and very much above my level. But as a guy of the world, i maintained my air of superiority and behaved as if i was the son of a very important personality. We soon settled down in a quiet spot while Elinor and Tessy searched for the host with their eyes. I crossed my legs, relaxed and got busy with my phone, until Tessy tapped me with a smile on her face. "dear please i'm coming, i have to greet an associate" she explained and nodded at a guy who sat between two ladies. I smiled and nodded. She instantly stood up, tried to drag Elinor along but meet stiff resistance from her. "i'm not going with you to greet that obnoxious man, i detest him with passion" she murmured, while Tessy scoffed and left us. With a cunning bright smile, Elinor turned and faced me, "you can't run away from me Val, so better relax and play ball or else" she threatened with a devilish mood killing smile. I silently looked the other way with a fast pounding heart... Is accepting her deal a wise move?? To be continued...
1 Sep 2013 | 11:40
*continues* "you can't talk again abi?" Elinor taunted, probably in order to draw out words from my mouth. I ignored her and focused my attention back on my phone once again. ______ Tessy returned moments later with a dark middle aged lady who smiled at me polietly as she hugged Elinor. "you guys shouldn't be sitting here, follow me jor" she added jovially, while Tessy beckoned me to follow them. I polietly stood up and went with them to another section of the compound which was only a stone throw away from where we earlier sat. Lots of guests were already there, making the place very lively and noisy. Bottles of Wine were soon shared, while the D.j and a local artiste blew up the compound, drawing crowd into the arena which was soon filled with happy couples dancing and waltzing. Tessy stared at me and smiled, "come show me what you got" she shouted into my left ear. I blushed and stared at her. "why are people in a hurry to dance when the M.C is even yet to start the ceremony huh?" i asked as i desperately tried to change the topic. But she only laughed out loud and slapped my left shoulder. "abeg leave matter for matthias and stand up jare" she replied humourously, while Elinor instantly stood up and roughly dragged me up, surprising me immensely, "don't be shy jor" she shouted and dragged me out to the open. I bit my lips and followed her. I couldn't refuse because i already was on my feet. We waltzed silently, while Tessy watched us keenly. I really wasn't a good dancer, but i was forced to step up my moves so as not to embarrass myself. Elinor however was so good with it. "why didn't you come with your boyfriend?" i curiously asked as we danced. She instantly rotated, held my neck and smiled, "oops i thought you won't ever talk to me again huh" she replied and rolled her eyes. I kept quiet, danced on and said nothing. "you stand to benefit alot from me, shine your eyes" she added, backed me again, reached out and drew a girl towards us. The girl smiled in appreciation and danced with us. I soon got tired because dancing really isn't my thing, but before i could make up my mind and return to my chair, Elinor left the girl and i alone, returned to her chair and whispered something into Tessy's ear. "where did Elinor get you from, i don't think i have ever seen you in any of our parties?" the girl instantly asked as we danced, bringing my attention back on her. To be continued...
1 Sep 2013 | 14:05
*continues* "do you really want to know?" i asked as i thought over her question, "sure i do" she replied with a smile, "alright let's go and sit down" i offered and looked towards my chair, suprisingly Elinor and Tessy were no where to be found. They weren't sitting where i last saw them. I quietly returned to my seat with the young girl following closely. She sat on Tessy's chair crossed her legs and smiled, "i'm listening" she urged me, "why are you so curious?" i asked, "because you don't look familiar" she replied and shrugged. "do you know everyone present in this function?" i asked curiously, "i guess so, but you i don't" she answered. I rubbed my face and swallowed hard, quietly arranging my lies. "i flew into town yesterday, i base in Enugu where my business is located, Elinor is a very close family friend" i simply explained, but my explanation really wasn't enough for her, she drew forward and stared into my eyes. "what sort of business do you do?" she asked, "i run C.ben & sons limited, Estate developers with properties in almost every state in Nigeria including some African countries. My dad recently died, leaving the family business for me" i lied with a convincing smile, while her eyes lit up brightly. She quickly fetched a cigar from her pocket, lit it up and blew out smoke as she offered a stick to me. "no thanks i don't smoke" i replied with a smile. "i guess we are now friends, my name is selena" she introduced, "mine is val" i replied and looked up at Elinor and Tessy who were just returning that moment with a tray of drinks and pepper soup. The D.J equally stopped the music almost instantly while the M.C expertly took over. "i guess it's time i leave you guys alone" she stood up and smiled, while Tessy and Elinor returned her smile sweetly. "save your phone number in mine, so i can easily contact you just in case" she threw her phone on my laps and smoked carelessy. I obeyed without hesistation, saved my phone number in her's and returned her phone. She smiled and left without looking back but Tessy wasn't happy about it. A frown suddenly appeared on her face, but she never did complain until hours later when we returned to her house. She quietly demanded to know everything i discussed with selena, which i did without hiding anything from her. "just be careful in how you give out your phone numbers, it can land you into serious problem in this city" She advised after my narration, Kissed me good night and retired to her room... To be continued..
2 Sep 2013 | 04:42
*continues* I returned to Imo state on monday to resume my life as a teacher. It really wasn't easy adapting to my new life but i had no choice. Jenny was extremely helpful and assisted me greatly like a good friend. Though I sort of used my charms and gentle nature in buying over much of her friendship that within days we were just short of being lovers. Teaching in a secondary school really isn't easy in anyway, because there isn't room for any failure. The students all assumed we knew everything, so in order to meet up to their demands i returned to my books and buried myself in them. I read and prepared each day as if i was about sitting for another degree exam. The female students, though younger than i expected them to be, were devils in disguise and temptations to behold. They came after me like flies chasing after a dirty cow and as a responsible graduate, it was my responsiblity to caution, discourage and advice them. They were nothing but young teenagers who were just noticing many changes in their body chemistry, very eager to experiment, and cluless of the consequencies. Most of them saw young male corpers as imported high class objects of pleasure, while some of my male corper friends equally satisfied the girls beliefs and displayed what they know best without reserve. My advice mostly went unheeded. 4PM, {FEW DAYS LATER} Jenny and i walked into our lodge from school, very tired and hungry. She carried a nylon bag containing two pineapples which we bought on our way back, while i carried text books belonging to both of us. She stopped in front of her room which was locked from within, knocked for a while before sighing and rolling her eyes, "oops i even forgot" she murmured to herself, turned and faced me. I instantly stared inquisitively at her as i waited for an explanation. "sonia's guy came over from Abia state this morning, i guess they are still busy" she explained with a smile, while i gasped in surprise. "he is serving at one local government in Abia state, you can't believe they have dated for four years" she added as we entered my room. "so how about you, do you have a boyfriend?" i asked. She simply scoffed, sat on my bed and stared at me. "what do you think?" she asked with a smile, "i do think you are a very beautiful and decent girl who should be married by now" i replied and sat on my rug. "you know i have been thinking why you do show so much care towards my friend and i. I know for a fact that guys don't show such gestures for nothing, so tell me why is it that you show so much kindness to us?" she asked softly but curiously with prying eyes. I breathed deeply and returned her look seriously. "because i do need your friendship much more than you need mine. I couldn't have found my feet in this school without your support, which i'm very grateful for" i explained. "so we are friends simply because we are working together and nothing else?" she probed further, "yea even though i find you attractive oooo" i joked. She laughed and shrugged. "are you sure?" she asked, "yep" i replied with a smile. "alright so be it" she murmured, before changing the topic. As i slept later that night i deliberated over our discussion seriously. Truly i haboured some intimate feelings for her because she really was attractive, but i really couldn't mention it without sounding disrespectful. Moreover i needed her friendship and help much more than i needed her body. "No she dosen't look like a girl who will offer her body to me just for the fun. She's very decent for such behaviour" i concluded. Yet i couldn't help wondering why she asked such prying questions. "was she only being curious as a lady? Or is she equally habouring some intimate feelings?" I asked myself over and over. I knew it wasn't love because we both were educated, experienced and intelligent enough not to fall in love so easily, making me rule out the possibility. To be continued...
2 Sep 2013 | 10:56
*continues* I travelled to Enugu very early on saturday to see my family and spend some days with them. Tessy really wanted me to come visiting again but i didn't accept her invitation nor listen to her pleas. My mum and sisters were overjoyed when they saw me drive into our compound. I equally smiled happily as i hugged them and breathed the joy of a happy home. After breakfast, mum briefed me on some family issues mostly about late Dad's business before listening to some of my stories. We really spent a long time discussing like mother and son. "Chief Peter told me you are yet to visit him again why?" mum chipped in when we were about rounding up our discussion. I instantly nodded as i remembered dad's friend, the old politician {with hidden motive} who helped us over a land issue. I really had forgotten all about him, but i cleverly concealed it from her. "you know i have been very busy since the last time i saw him, i really havn't gotten a day of rest till today mum" i replied quietly, "it's okay endeavor to bring out time next week and visit him, you know we are very much indepted to him and we do need someone like him to be on our side" she said with a smile, stood up, tapped my left shoulder and left the dinning room. I had a wonderful day of rest at home, it was very memorable and eventful. I enjoyed every moment i spent with mum and my little sisters. Sunday evening i headed back to Imo state with a heavy heart. 7:30PM I unlocked my door, entered my room and laid on my bed unhappily. I cursed vividly as a mosquito welcomed me by singing on my ear. I slapped myself hard, checked my right palm, saw no dead mosquito on it and cursed again. Just that moment, my phone beeped as a text message appeared on it. I quickly opened it and scoffed as my eyes fell on a well constructed love text sent by an unknown girl{number} confessing how much she loves me and how she couldn't close her eyes without my image appearing in HD. At first i simply scanned the text over and over paying no serious attention on it. But after a while i began searching my mind for her identity. "who could have sent it?" i wondered thoughtful, because I knew for a fact that it wasn't from Adaora. She never sent text messages without ending it with the 'love name' we used for each other nor used an unknown phone number to send me such texts. "Could it be Tessy?" I queried myself, but Tessy really wasn't the type who would spend her time typing such lovely words when she could easily call and say them without hiding anything. "what of Olivia could she be the one?" i wondered deeply, but no she really was too full of herself to send such without calling to demand something in return. "Elinor???, hmmm impossible" i murmured, So who then sent it?? To be continued.
3 Sep 2013 | 04:54
Come continue na
3 Sep 2013 | 10:11
*continues* Out of deep curiousity i dialled the 'unknown number' in order to ascertain who sent the text message, but an unfamiliar female voice quickly answered as soon as my call connected. "good evening corper, did you get my text?" she greeted and asked with a soft young voice. "yea please who am i speaking with?" i asked carefully, "hmmm i can't tell you right now, but just know i'm someone not too close nor too far away from you" she replied, confusing me more. I instantly became very suspicious, fearing a friend was purposely pulling my leg or testing me. "i guess i will have to end this phone call good night" i threatened coldly, "no no wait, don't you want to find out who i'm?" she asked, "offcourse i do, so please stop the silly game and reveal your identity" i answered. "alrighttttt okayyyy, i will visit you tomorrow, will you be free in the morning?" she asked, while i scratched my head thoughtfully, "who could she be? Is she serious or still pulling my legs?" i wondered, "do you know where i live?" i asked, expertly avoiding her question, "i know much more than that, ar.n't you staying in a green house?" she asked and laughed. I breathed deeply and cursed. "dam.n she's someone close, but can Jenny be behind this?" i asked myself doubtfully. "please you are wasting your airtime, i will visit you before 4pm tomorrow, goodnight" she announced and hung up, while i speechlessly shrugged, dropped my phone, switched on my generator and soon slept off after a quick supper. __________ I went to Owerri the next morning to pay my late dad's friend{chief Peter} a visit, without bothering to book an appointment, because i was unable to reach him through his cell phone {which wasn't connecting}. He wasn't in his office when i got there. So i had to wait after learning from his assistant that he went for a meeting at the other end of the town. I waited for almost two hours before unhappily leaving. I really wasn't happy spending one thousand five hundred naira in such a futile journey. It was precisely 1:30PM, just few minutes after i returned to my lodge. I heard gentle knocks on my door. I quietly got up from my bed, opened my door and gasped as my eyes fell on a female SS2 student smiling nervously at me. I quickly glanced at my watch in surprise and panic, wondering what she was doing at my door when she was supposed to be in school {partaking in holiday extra mural lessons organised by the school P.T.A}. I was terribly scared a villager might see her and conclude something nasty. I detest village gossips with passion. "Could she be the girl behind yesterday's love text??" i asked myself. I was very much at lost on what to do as i wondered whether it was safe allowing her into my room or much better leaving her outside in full view of everyone. She really was way too young to be left alone in a room with me considering the evil world we live in. But the young girl wasn't scared at all as she smiled at me like a model. To be continued.
3 Sep 2013 | 21:07
*continues* "what are you doing here ain't you supposed to be in school?" i asked the young girl seriously, "but corper didn't i promise to visit you today when we spoke on phone yesterday" she replied with a smile. I bit my lips and scoffed. "so you are the girl behind yesterday's text message, how did you get my phone number?" i asked searchingly. She rolled her eyes and smiled sweetly. "allow me into your room first nau, do you want to keep me outside?" she asked respectfully. I scratched my head, allowed her in and quietly scanned the environment before closing my door. "hmmm you have a lovely t.v, would you like me to help you with anything" she asked as she sat on a small plastic chair, "anything like what?" i asked quietly, "sweeping, washing or cooking for you, just name it" she offered. I sat on my bed and stared at her intently. "why did you send me such text yesterday?" i asked seriously. She quickly blushed and looked away, while i nervously waited for her to say something, "you know i can report you for such action, now speak up, who gave you my phone number?" i threatened. She fidgeted and bit her fingers. "i didn't mean any harm, i'm sorry" she murmured and stood up. I quickly grabbed her left hand and prevented her from leaving, but just that moment, someone knocked on my door. My heart skipped as i contemplated whether to answer my door or not. After some seconds, i unlocked my door, opened it and saw Jenny standing outside, carrying a hot plate of indomie. "abeg comot for road don't you see i'm carrying something, shift before this Nepa people takes light abeg, i want to finish that film i was watching before you travelled" she said playfully, while i hesitantly made way for her. She walked into my room and froze with shock when she saw the young girl standing inside. She instantly gave me a searching look before bending down to drop the plate she was carrying. But before she could do that and get up to her feet the young girl fled surprising us immensely. Jenny scoffed and instantly looked at me suspiciously, like a mother who caught her child stealing from her purse. "why did she walk away? Hope you ain't harrassing her, moreover what's she doing here with you when her mates are having mathematics lesson in school?" she asked with shock, disbelief and suspicion. I was speechless, shaken and flabbergasted as i stared back at her. I knew it would be hard convincing or proving my innocence to her. I swallowed hard, breathed deeply, fetched my phone, opened my inbox and showed her the love text the young girl sent me the previous evening. "she sent me this text yesterday, so i invited her to verify who really was behind the text" i explained while her face coloured immensely. I swiftly nodded to buttress my explanation as i stared hopefully at her, without even knowing the reason i was explaining myself in such manner to her. To be continued.
4 Sep 2013 | 15:00
*continues* "why didn't you stop her from leaving?" i soon heard Jenny ask. I shrugged and shook my head, "why should i stop her? She came of her own free will" i replied. She quietly returned my phone, sat on my rug and began eating her meal. "i hate it when you guys go after little girls, behaving so cheaply" she murmured soon after. "i know you won't believe me" i muttered, "i never called your name" she replied and eyed me. I ignored her, opened my phone browser and surfed the internet. _________ "hullo Val how you doing?? It's Selena hope you remember" a sweet feminine voice announced as soon as i answered my phone which rang just fifteen minutes after Jenny's annoying comment. "wow i'm very fine dear, i even thought you have forgotten all about me" i replied with a calm happy voice. "oh don't talk like that, it's just that i have been busy lately. Are you in Enugu? I just flew into Owerri today for a conference organised by UNICEF, it's really my first visit to Owerri" she added delightfully. "you can't be serious! What a coincidence, can you believe i'm equally in Owerri checking up on some properties we just mapped out for selling" i lied sweetly. Jenny instantly stared at me with shock, disbelief and disgust. I quietly left my room and went outside to finish my conversation with Selena. "oh dear lord can you imagine, round up quickly and rush up to Links hotel so we can pop some drinks together" she invited. "oh no Selena dear, i really don't think we can see each other, because i also have another important thing to do after inspecting the properties, you know i just started running my late dad's business and i can't afford to skip any appointment. I really do regret saying this" i murmured with a broken voice. "c'mon Val you just dashed my hopes, why now??" she muttered and sighed unhappily, "It's not really what you think. Alright let me explain, you see the appointment i just mentioned is with a local government T.C chairman over some amount of money being owed my family on a contract we did for the previous regime, and i had to be punctual with the appointment because you know i'm very young and sometimes they don't pay much attention to me" i lied convincingly, "i'm supposed to meet him by 4pm but you never can tell how long it may take" i added for good measures. "alright i will call you later i have to go" she muttered and hung up abruptly. I shrugged, smiled to myself and walked into my room. I had to lie because i really didn't want to appear too cheap or jobless to her. ________ Jenny abandoned the movie she was watching and stared at me coldly as soon as i walked into my room. "are you into yahoo deals?" she asked searchingly. Her question really sounded disrespectful but i smiled reassuringly and shook my head in denial, "offcourse not" i answered. "i don't believe you, better give your life to christ" she murmured and stood up. I quickly held her hands and stared into her eyes "don't be too intense dear, it's really not what you think" i tried to explain "save yourself the explanation, no wonder you live in such comfort, better seek for God now that you still have the time" she replied, broke free from me and left my room. Her behaviour quickly reminded me of Agatha my born-again ex-girlfriend "who knows where she might be" i wondered To be continued.
4 Sep 2013 | 20:07
*continues* 8.45PM, LINKS HOTEL OWERRI Selena and i stared at each other silently as the cold evening breeze blew on us. The weather was so cold as if a heavy rain was falling close-bye. ______ I finally drove to owerri under the cover of darkness to meet up with her. A long distant journey I undertook for no credible reason. But Staying restlessly in my room after Jenny's annoying preachings, i had to return Selena's phone-call and inform her i was coming. Offcourse she was very delighted and pleased when i told her so. Two plates of pepper soup, two bottles of small stout and a bottle of alcoholic wine stood between us as we stared at each other silently. "so how was the conference?" i asked when i found my voice, "it will be holding tomorrow at concord hotel" she answered. "hmmm i even thought it held today" i murmured, "so what actually do you do?" i asked, "i'm a journalist working with a private media outfit" she replied, "i never knew you have such a nice job, i really thought you are just a spoiled rich man's daughter" i replied a bit seriously but jokingly. She laughed and shook her head, "c'mon does being a rich man's daughter stop someone from having an occupation huh?" she asked. I just shrugged and laughed with her. We had a good time gisting and joking about different things. She really was a very jovial, lively, carefree spoilt damsel from a rich home who truly havn't figured out what to do with her life. We stayed out till 11PM when i was forced to carry her back to her room after she was dead drunk with alcoholic drinks she ordered, as she smoked her lungs out with cigarettes. I know you guys won't believe me, but I truly had the best intentions when i accepted her invitation that fateful evening and i never planned on spending the whole night with her, which made me earlier inform my cousin that 'i was coming over to his house to spend the night'. As i calmly laid her on the bed, she begged me to sleep with her. But as silly as her words sounded, her pleas were nothing but the words of a drunk lady. It held no value. I however accepted to spend the rest of the night with her without knowing what laid ahead. To be continued. Betrayal comes up Next.
5 Sep 2013 | 03:29
*continues* I lazily got up to pee by 1:30am and gasped in shock as my eyes feel on Selena lying beside the toilet door. I quickly knelt by her side, felt her pulse and made the sign of the cross. She looked very disgusting, terrible and sick with her vomit all over the toilet floor. She totally was very unconscious and half naked. " what do i do now?" i murmured with confusion and fear. Her temperature was terribly high and i truly was at lost whether it was the drinks she earlier took or another thing that was responsible for her new state of health. She really slept soundly when we got back to the room hours ago, though drunk yet healthy and strong like a certified drunkard. So i really was terrified seeing her in that condition. "what's happening?" i scratched my head as i thought of how to revive her. With prayers on my lips I shook her violently for a while but my effort wasn't able to wake her up. I ran into the bathroom fetched a cup of water sprinkled it on her and cleaned her face using my hanky. She weakly opened her eyes and stared at me. Her eyes dark red. "oh thank God" i murmured and breathed deeply, but a terrible loud cough from her instantly shook and skipped my heart. She coughed again and again. "awwwwwww" she threw up, forcing me to leap away from her body. I bit my lips and stared at her with frustration. "what am i even doing here?, what if something terrible happens to her, can i escape it, what will be my explanation?" i reasoned and thought over my stupidity. "dam.n" i shook my head unhappily, "val please take me to a hospital, i'm very sick" she sobbed weakly and held her face. "please be quick, the drinks i took ain't responsible please take me out of here" she managed to murmur before turning and lying face down on the floor once again. "See me see trouble oooo, how and where can i get a doctor by this hour, which hospital should i take her to?" i asked myself over and over as i quickly cleaned and dressed her up with shaking hands. It really was a terrible moment for me. Some of our silly behaviours sometimes dosen't go without a little punishment by our creator to draw us back to the right path. Yet in most cases we simply ignore the lesson we learnt when we finally skip through, jumping back into the same wrongful path until nemesis eventually comes calling. To be continued. Next two updates will be on our Betrayal Series...

6 Sep 2013 | 00:45
*continues* The hotel staff really were of great help. They helped me carry her safely to my car, which truly wasn't an easy job. I quickly settled them and furiously drove to Federal medical center owerri with a pounding heart. FMC. Owerri really was the only hospital i was a bit familiar with, so i had no second thoughts as i headed there. Luckily for us the emergency care unit was up and running, she was quickly attended to, after i was asked some searching questions. ______ I nervously waited outside while they worked on her. She just laid half conscious, oblivious of the happenings around her. 45 minutes later "The sugar level in her system is very high. She's definetly lucky to survive the attack, however what i really don't understand is why a young diabetic patient like her will mess up her life in such manner. Her key organs are functioning weakly. I really do hope it wasn't sucide she was trying to commit" a young doctor who attended to her, opened up to me.. "She will have to stay some days for close observation" he added, while i nodded quietly, "perhaps she isn't aware of her diabetic status" i heard myself defend, "i don't think so" he replied with a smile, shrugged and left. ________ A minute later, I walked into the 'emergency ward' quietly sat beside Selena, and thanked God as i held her left hand. I equally stared at her with concern without knowing what to tell her. "was she really trying to commit sucide?" i wondered as i recounted the number of drinks and cigarettes she smoked hours ago. She weakly opened her eyes that moment and gave me a faint smile, "Val i'm very sorry for putting you through all this" she apologized remorsefully. I smiled reassuringly, caressing her fingers sweetly. "don't worry dear, i'm just glad you are alright, but i really have to call your family, who do i call?" i asked inquisitively. The little brightness in her eyes instantly died, while a little frown appeared on her face. "hmmmmm" was the only sound she made before closing her eyes. "what's really going on with her?" i wondered thoughtfully, as i fetched her phone from my pocket, scrolled through her phone book and heaved a sigh of relief when i got to a phone number saved with the name 'mum' "time to unravel this mystery" i said to myself as i made the phone call. To be continued.
7 Sep 2013 | 07:38
*continues* I was unable to get selena's mum by that hour. Her phone was switched off, leaving me with no choice than to restlessly wait for dawn which was just few hours away. 7am Selena woke up with a calm smile. The brightness in her eyes were enough to tell me she was getting better. I praised God quietly, promising never to fall into such trap again. She quietly tapped my fingers and breathed heavily. "thanks alot for everything i surely won't forget" she said with a weak voice, "i'm equally glad you are alright though we still have a lot to talk" I replied calmly, "yea i know" she murmured. "so when are we getting out of here?" she asked. "i don't really know, the doctor said you are going to stay few days for close observation" i informed her. She scoffed weakly and bit her lips "seems like the dumb doctor wants me to die here, i hate hospitals and i can't survive a day in here" she complained while I nodded in agreement because i truly can't imagine myself leaving all my responsibilities just to be there with her. "i will have a chat with the doctor, i'm leaving today whether he likes it or not" she added and painfully sat up. "are you really sure about that?" i asked with a calm smile, "try me" she replied weakly. _______ The doctor finally showed up hours later, insisting she stay for at least a day, which led them into having a very long argument. At the end the doctor got annoyed and obliged her. I dutifully paid the bills and we headed back to her hotel room, where she quickly freshened up, dressed and painted herself before ordering for a light meal. "i'm really very embarrassed with what happened earlier today" She confessed after the meal. I smiled reassuringly as i stared at her "don't worry about it dear, though i'm dying to ask you many question" i said softly. She instantly blinked, swallowed hard and stared into my eyes. "please let's skip that part for now, you will know everything in due time" she begged.. _____ "i know you cancelled all your engagements just to be with me both here and at the hospital, how do i repay you?" she asked quietly moments later. I instantly remembered the classes i skipped. "you are a very nice guy" she softly added, reached for her hand bag, brought out her cheque book, wrote something in it, tore out a slip and gave to me "that's for the money you spent, please don't decline i have more than enough" she offered. I smiled sweetly and shrugged, "alright if you insist" i murmured and collected the cheque. Surprisingly she grabbed my face without shame and instantly gave me a lone passionate kiss. "that's for being a good friend, i'll tell my family about all you did for me" she added gratefully. 4PM, IMO AIRPORT She hugged and pecked me with eyes filled with unshed tears before boarding an Arik airplane which just frew in from abuja. "i will never forget today" were her last words to me that fateful day. My history with Selena started that very day. To be continued. BETRAYAL & LITTLE WINNIE comes up Next....
7 Sep 2013 | 17:50
Cant believe I can meet up with the story. The question is now wil Adaora finally caught him red handed or will he survive with those sweet lies? Those shuld be answr in nxt Episode
8 Sep 2013 | 17:04
*continues* I later drove back to my lodge, chatted with adaora for a while, before lying down to sleep. I woke up an hour and half later when i heard a knock on my door. I lazily got up from my bed, opened the door and smiled as my eyes fell on Jenny who stood outside, with a tray of rice. I dutifully stepped aside for her while she calmly walked into my room. "why is your room so dark? Ain't you putting on the generator tonight?" she asked, "sure i will, how do you know that i'm inside the room?" i asked foolishly. She scoffed and sat on the rug, "i saw you drive in an hour ago, by the way where went you last night?" she asked seriously. I silently smiled, left my room, went outside and switched on my generator. "you are yet to answer my question" she murmured curiously when i returned. "i went to stay with a friend, your comments really wounded my pride yesterday and forced me to leave" i replied. "i still stand by them unless you give me cause not to, i'm sorry" she murmured and apologized. "so how about your friend where is she?" i asked changing the topic, "in our room" she answered, "she dosen't like me, does she? I noticed she hardly comes to my room" i asked, while she looked away and shook her head, "must everybody like you?" she answered with a question. _____ We finally ate the rice silently while i threw occassional glances at her. "why were you so upset with me yesterday?" i heard myself curiously ask after the meal. She breathed deeply with a calm smile. "i don't even know what pushed me back to your room this evening. I promised never to set foot in it" she confessed, "hmmmm nawaoo?" i exclaimed, "i really do hate associating myself with crooks" she added coldly. "i'm no crook my dear, neither am i from a poor home, that's why i live the way i do. You just misunderstood the whole thing yesterday" i tried to explain. "how do you explain the conversation i overheard the previous day" she murmured, reached for the t.v remote and changed the channel to orient t.v, as she tried to hide her curiousity. "I can't explain everything to you right now, so all i can say is that you listen to your heart and do whatever it wants you to do" i concluded quietly. She instantly turned and stared at me for a while before standing up, "alright good night i have to go" she muttered coldly while I grabbed her. I knew she was expecting me to share my secrets with her but was disappointed and sad when i failed to do so. "i know our friendship is just few weeks old, but trust me on this, i will soon open up to you" i promised and pecked her. Her face instantly coloured. "it's a promise dear" i added. She simply rolled her eyes, breathed deeply and stepped away from me as if something touched her heart. "i really don't know what you are planning and sometimes i also don't understand myself, but just don't breed any feelings for me because i have a boyfriend, please be wise" she poured out and left, totally surprising me with her outburst. "what's she thinking?" i wondered and shrugged. To be continued.
8 Sep 2013 | 21:45
*continues* A heavy rain fell later that night, keeping away mosquitoes and making me sleep very soundly. 8:15AM, I lazily got up from my bed and prepared for work with a double mind. I felt very uneasy as i prepared, but i paid no serious attention to it, because I couldn't afford skipping my classes again not after failing to show up for two days. It was still drizzling as i drove to the school premises that fateful morning. Unfortunately the normal road i preferred taking was totally spoilt and muddy, forcing me to take another path which was a bit manageable but longer. I drove on quietly till i got to a very narrow culvert, manned by youths who were repairing the road. They probably were twenty or more in number. My heart skipped when i saw them. I really wasn't friendly with any of them, because they all avoided and treated me with scorn, forcing me to return their gesture with a careless indifference. Of course they saw most male corpers as potential threats to their relationships which really wasn't a lie, but as for myself i earned a very special hatred in their hearts because of the way i carried myself. Even though i just arrived the community, i wasn't foolish not to notice that they were all targeting and waiting for the right opportunity to pounce on me. Instead of reversing my car and heading back to my lodge, since i knew they hated my guts. i still drove on till i got to where they blocked the road. I honked for them to allow me pass through, but they all ignored me, forcing me to alight from my car. I shook hands with them as courtesy demanded before begging to let me pass through. "are you crazy? Don't you see the road is blocked?" a dark heavily built guy instantly shouted at me. I scoffed and looked at him with a weak smile, "haba nau, just remove the wood let me pass abeg the road isn't bad" i pleaded. He smiled evily and eyed me, while another guy poured a bucket of mud water on my car, just to provoke me. I was visibly provoked, but couldn't do anything because they were much in number. "okay you guys win, no wahala" i murmured and turned to leave. My action totally disappointing them, "as long as you are living in this community, you have to join the youths in everything we do, weren't you aware of today's road work?" the heavily built guy asked, while his friends nodded in support. I was very stunned, and nervous, while my heart pounded furiously. "Ebuka give him your shovel jor, this boy has to work, whether he likes it or not" he ordered a short guy who came forward with a shovel. I bit my lips, gave them an askance look, sighed and turned to leave, but the short guy quickly tried to stop me, forcing me to 'side-step'. He slipped and almost fell. His mates instantly screamed and pounced on me furiously like angry dogs. I was totally beaten and fed with mud water until some elders rescued me.... "that's for all our girls you have f.ucked, it's just the beginning" they panted as the Elders broke me away from them. To be continued.

9 Sep 2013 | 14:53
*continues* I never believed those guys could lay their hands on me nor deal with me so savagely without pity. My clothes and car were in a mess, but thanks to the elders who rescued me on time, i escaped the onslaught without any serious injury. I managed to get back to my room minutes later, pulled off my clothes and cursed unhappily. "why didn't i turn around when i percieved danger" i wondered sadly. The story however within minutes spread like wildfire in the whole community, becoming a trending village gossip, and a lesson to my fellow male corpers. The school principal surprisingly visited me an hour later, accompanied by some teachers. But Instead of speaking against the boys he reprimanded me, "warning me to stay away from village politics and asking me to sit up with my job or he will be forced to report me". It really took me quite an effort to hold myself from breaking his head. Instead of standing by my side, he choosed to sit on the fence, perhaps because the boys were his kinsmen. Nevertheless he permitted me to rest and resume work the following week, which i welcomed happily. As for the boys they never regretted what they did to me, instead drank and celebrated it, as they spread many versions of the story. I soon became a village celebrity, my popularity rating rose rapidly The only people who felt pity for me were the young girls, who sympatized and apologized on behalf of their rude brothers. The young female student who earlier sent me a love text was the first to show up in my room, minutes after the school principal and his teachers left. She spent some minutes with me, helping me wash my soiled clothes before leaving. Yea i wasn't comfortable with her visit, but i very much appreciated her help. As a lazy guy, i hardly refuse helpful gestures from people. 5pm Thursday Jenny and i sat on a small bench outside our lodge and faced the street eating groundnuts as she teased me over the events of the previous day. I laughed as i listened to her until my eyes fell on a dark damsel who was coming towards us. She really wasn't overly attractive but had an inner beauty, which captured my soul. She looked like a she-wolf. I instantly felt strong hunger and desire as i stared at her.. Only if i knew the fate that awaited me, perhaps i wouldn't have looked at her that very day. Seriously my lustful behaviour was fast getting out of hand and extremely annoying. Even when i thought i had it under control. A very terrible gene i pray my children not to inherit. I had Adaora, and equally Tessy, yet i was still having hopes for another girl. Inside of allowing my life to go swifty, i was busy getting it entangled with more mysteries in the name of fun. To be continued.. NEXT>> BETRAYAL
9 Sep 2013 | 21:53
*continues* "do you see that gorgeous girl coming towards us?" i asked Jenny, holding her left hand softly, "yea and so?" she replied as she stared at her, "i havn't seen her before, do you know her?" i asked. She smiled, freed her hand from my grasp and stared at me with suspicion. "she's your little girlfriend's elder sister. The girl that sent you a love text the other day, don't you see the resemblance?" she explained and asked. I instantly gasped and shrugged, saying no other word to her. The dark girl soon got to us, smiled and greeted. "good evening, please is my little sister in your room? We have been looking for her since morning, her phone number also isn't going through and i heard she visits you often" she asked me quietly. "nope i havn't seen her today, the last time i saw her was yesterday afternoon?" i replied quietly. She breathed deeply and nodded. "okay, thanks alot" she murmured and made to leave, "perhaps she's charging her phone somewhere" i suggested, making her stop momentarily. "yea you may be right, let me look for her in the market" she said sweetly before walking towards the village market. "choi this girl is very sharp oooo, what do you think" i asked Jenny as we watched the dark girl leave. She simply scoffed and rolled her eyes, "oh please, not again" she murmured, while I smiled, stood up and made to go after her, but Jenny quickly restrained me, grabbing my right hand strongly. "where are you going?" she asked curiously, "i'm going after her of course" i replied without thinking. She forced out a smile, withdrew her grasp and nodded. "alright suit yourself" she muttered coldly. I instantly stared at her with concern. "c'mon what's up with you, are you alright?" i asked seriously. The change in her behaviour totally surprising me. "yea i'm okay, it's just a little headache which just appeared, i need to go inside and rest" she muttered and left for her room, without waiting for my reply. I shrugged, turned and ran after the other girl, catching up with her within seconds. "hey let's search for your sister together, i have nothing doing, moreover i'm very much concerned because she's my friend" i offered, while She smiled in appreciation. "hope you didn't upset your corper friend by coming after me?" she asked, "oh not at all" i replied calmly, "really! Don't be too sure about that" she added, making me stare at her with curiousity, but before i could say anything, she asked, "ain't you supposed to be scared of following me round the village after what happened to you yesterday?". "no dear, on the contrary it actually boasted my morale" i replied. She smiled silently and moved on. "My oh my, she really isn't an ordinary village girl. Her beauty is perfect for my revenge" i reasoned as we walked into the market together. To be continued. NEXT>>LITTLE WINNIE
10 Sep 2013 | 15:51
*continues* We went round the market together, moving from one shop to another but couldn't find her sister. "who knows where she might be?" she murmured with frustration, "you shouldn't get yourself worked up, your sister is a big girl and will return whenever she deems fit" i consoled with a smile. She shrugged and breathed deeply. "i guess I have to return to the house, before my mum starts looking for me as well" she joked. I laughed and exchanged phone numbers with her. "my name is Akunna" she said, when i asked of her name. _______ AN HOUR & HALF LATER "I really don't know what plans you have for that girl, but whatever it is, please i beg you to forget it, because i know nothing good will come out of it" Jenny calmly said to me as she relaxed in my room. I looked up from my computer and stared at her with a smile. She was lying on my bed with her back turned towards me. The small singlet and bum short she wore really revealed a good proportion of her body. "are you now her lawyer?" i asked, "you can say whatever you like" she replied with a sigh. "seriously you really got me very annoyed when you went after her this evening, you totally disrespected me, i felt like slapping you that moment" she confessed. I quietly shut down my computer, dropped it on the table and laid beside her, smelling her hair in the process. "c'mon on how did i disrespect you huh?" i asked and breathed down her neck. She instantly sat up and stared at me with a weird expression. "you know what? Forget it" she muttered. I quietly sat up and held her hand, "i'm very sorry for offending you with my behavour, i never meant to disrespect you. I won't go after her ever again in your presence, moreover i just needed her for a particular objective and nothing else" i apologized and explained, "just save yourself the explanation pleassssseee" she replied a bit coldly, making me forcefully draw her closer to my body. "what's the meaning of that?" she asked angrily. "you easily get annoyed with me why? Sometimes i feel you equally detest me like your roomate" i asked calmly. she looked down and shook her head, "no i don't detest you, but everyone knows you are rotten inside" she confessed, "you read me so well as if you have known me for long. I truly don't know why i behave the way i do towards you" i equally confessed. "please let's stop this discussion, i'm no longer feeling comfortable" she begged and tried to break away from me. But I expertly raised her face and planted a kiss on her lips. She instantly blushed "i have been dreaming to do this for a long while, i have never kissed a yoruba girl" i confessed with bright eyes and spirit. Her calm beauty instantly coloured, her expression changed instantly. She stared at me murderously, before violently breaking away from me, "so you kissed me because you want to know how a yoruba girl tastes like?? God punish you" she cursed with fire in her eyes, before leaving my room angrily. I unhappily watched her leave, clueless on what next to do. She really was a girl very difficult to read. Even though the kiss was a bit passionate, To me it was only a genuine friendly kiss which i rendered without any strings attached, but to her, i really was cluless on what it meant to her. "Perhaps i won't be getting any more free meals from her again" "silly me" i lamented. My phone rang that moment, breaking me away from my thoughts. The caller was no other person than Tessy. I instantly remembered 'weekend' was just a day away. To be continued ep 32 comes up shortly.
11 Sep 2013 | 12:39
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11 Sep 2013 | 17:11
*continues* "oga how nau? Hope you know tomorrow is friday?" Tessy asked with her usual lively voice, "yea dear" i replied with a deep breathe, "i'm on my knees, please don't disappoint me, hope you still remember my little son's birthday is on saturday?" she asked, "really! I think i'm hearing it for the first time" i replied happily, "are you sure about that? Anyway let's not argue about it. I'll be waiting for you tomorrow evening, do take care my love. Good night" she said sweetly before hanging up. I breathed deeply, yawned and closed my eyes. My phone soon rang again, this time it was mum calling. "good evening mummy" i greeted, "nnam i'm so glad to hear your voice, how are you doing?" she asked, "i'm very fine mum, how are my sisters?" i asked, "they are fine, but i called by this hour, because of the terrible dream i had last night about you. 'A young girl driving a small car ran into you as we were about crossing a road', I know it may sound weird to you, but i really don't want to rule out any possibility, please do be careful, i could have called you since morning but i was having second thoughts about it. I can't risk any harm coming to you. Promise me from now onwards you will be saying your prayers often and on" she begged, while i listened calmly. "mummmmy! e don do, i have heard. I promise to behave, pray often and read my bible. I already downloaded a bible to my phone, so please relax and sleep, nothing will happen to me" i assured her. "alright dear, i have heard you. It's just that i hardly have bad dreams, so please" she tried to start another sermon, but i instantly stopped her, "i'll be going over to chief peter's office tomorrow morning, you know he stood me up on monday" i added, expertly changing the topic. "that's good of you, don't forget to brief me after seeing him" she said, bade me goodnight, and hung up. I laid awake for hours, as i thought over her dream and the words she said to me, " Adaora was the first to warn me, now mum, who knows whose turn it is tomorrow?" I wondered, "perhaps one of my sisters". I reasoned with a smile. Surely i knew i was walking through a dangerous path, but as stupid and adventurous as i was, i paid no heed to mum nor Adaora's pleas, instead i planned ahead and stepped up my game. By noon the next day i was at Uncle peter's office, nervously waiting for him to finish the discussion he was having with some friends. I had an Abuja bound flight to catch. What could i have told my creator supposing one of those flights i took without my family's knowledge crashed???. To be continued. BETRAYAL comes up Next
11 Sep 2013 | 21:29
Waiting for the next update!! Can't seem to get enough.
12 Sep 2013 | 04:19
*continues* "yea we have a lot to discuss my son, but it really isn't what we will do here in my office, just give me a phone call during the weekend, i will arrange for a more condusive place" Uncle Peter said when i eventually met him. I happily accepted his suggestion without asking further questions. Shook hands with him and left, heading straight to Imo Airport. _______ I got to Abuja later that evening and was extremely surprised to see Elinor waiting for me at the airport. We hugged each other nervously. "Tessy's merchandise arrived the city minutes ago, she's very busy with it and begged me to help pick you up" she explained with a smile. "she shouldn't have bothered sending you nau. I can easily find my way around town" i murmured, while she laughed and scanned me with her eyes, "hmmmmm save your words jare, i know you will do anything to avoid me, but my dear you are very mistaken. As long as you are with Tessy you must learn how to tolerate me" she confidently said to me. I calmly smiled and polietly followed her. "so what exactly will be your fee, supposing i decide to settle you in one installment?" i heard myself suddenly ask as we headed into town. I asked the question because i really couldn't endure the cold war going on between us any longer and so had to look for a way out. She instantly gave me a searching look, scoffed, shook her head and drove on silently. I truly wasn't comfortable sitting beside her that fateful evening, nor even expected to see her that very day. The silence between us as she drove into the capital city really was very intense. I never imagined a day would come when she and i will relate as mere business associates or better still as competitors.. "so where will you get the money to settle me huh?" she asked with a cold smile minutes later. "you do claim to know me, but i don't think you know anything about me nor what i can do" i replied calmly. She breathed deeply, slowed down the car and stared at me. "i know you think i'm a bad person, a lady unfit to be Tessy's friend, but my dear whatever you think about me, just know that i did you a very huge favour. I gave your manhood worth and made your body expensive. Do ask around, you will find out how much guys pay, sign up or even willing to do before getting hooked up with a rich lady. Big girls are not harlots you can pick up at any junction" she muttered seriously, "I hooked you up with the best, a young, classy, beautiful single mother who loves her body and doesn't flirt around. Yet you treat me with disdain dam.n you" she poured out unhappily. I swallowed hard and breathed deeply. "you clearly misunderstood me Elinor. I can never be against giving you something valuable in appreciation, but what i really don't approve is the idea of stealing or duping your friend. I do find it very disgusting" i murmured. She smiled and shrugged. "so do tell me, how do you intend to settle me if not by stealing from her?" she asked suspiciously. "i have my own ways dear, so how much is your fee?" i asked. She rolled her eyes and thought for a while, "fee ke? Anyway considering many factors i think 250k will do." she replied calmly while i instantly gasped. "two hundred and fifty thousand naira!" i exclaimed. She nodded and drove on quietly. To be continued. Betrayal comes up shortly...
12 Sep 2013 | 23:08
*continue* "why did you scream huh??" she asked with a dark smile, "i really don't know if you are serious or not, but no matter what, the amount you just mentioned is outrageously much" i said quietly. She simply shrugged and drove on silently. "what if i decide to take the easy way out by reporting you to Tessy" i seriously murmured a minute later. She laughed and sighed, "so what's holding you eeh?" she asked, "because i don't want to be a snitch" i answered, "you can do whatever you like, i'm not stopping you, but do know that i'm n't new in this stuff and i equally have my reason of choosing you. So for all i care, be a man and call off my bluff" she threatened coldly.. "so what exactly will you do if i choose to call it off?" i asked inquisitively, "only a fool will answer that question my dear" she replied and drove on, leaving me a bit scared and confused.. "After this weeekend i won't be seeing Tessy anymore, you can choose another guy for her, i can't be your pawn" i murmured nervously, while she instantly gave me a searching look before smiling evily. "i see someone is scared huh" she teased, "you can say whatever you like, but i have to do the right thing that will benefit me 'madam know all' I can't toy with my life and future over nothing, i'm no hungry graduate" i poured out. My last comment really kept her quiet for a while. She clearly noticed how serious i was. "are you really serious?" she asked with a calm tone. But i just kept quiet and ignored her question. "i think you are just being very childish or plain stupid. You want to throw away the beautiful relationship you are enjoying with Tessy over this little issue. Only if you know how much she's willing to spend on you, or the plans she's making in your name, you won't be saying this nonsense. Don't you know you stand the chance of running some, if not all of her investments when you are done with Nysc?? C'mon don't be a fusspot and think ahead like a man" she murmured with a coloured face, while i smiled confidently. "truly all the things you just mentioned are of no interest to me because i never planned for my relationship with her to head anywhere. I will never allow myself to get entangled so strongly with her, so it's better you start looking for another guy because everything about your plan totally disgust me" i muttered coldly without sensoring my words. She instantly stared at me angrily, the fire in her eyes very intense, but they suddenly died as fast as they appeared, because just that moment we arrived at our destination. She gently pulled up and killed the car engine. {in front of a boutique}. "let's go and see your woman" she murmured calmly. I breathed deeply, opened the car door and alighted. Together we walked into the big shop where Tessy was busy arranging some wares with her workers. We gently walked up to her, while she smiled and happily hugged me, "thanks alot Elinor you are a very wonderful friend, what will i do without your care" she said to her with a grateful smile.. To be continued.
13 Sep 2013 | 13:46
*continues* Elinor left for her house moments later, while i helped Tessy and her staff sort, arrange and display her wares. It really was a herculean task which occupied us till 8pm. Tessy really was very impressed with me. "you are such a nice guy" she murmured sweetly as we headed to her house minutes later. Her children were already fast asleep when we got home by 9:15pm. She heaved a sigh of relief and winked at me, "I guess it's time to rest huh?" she smiled as she led me to the guest room. ________ "i'm so happy to have you here with me, hope you won't be uncomfortably spending the night in my house" she asked sweetly with eyes beaming with joy. I smiled and held her hands. "i'm very much okay dear, but i fear i have to break this news to you this moment", "this weekend may be our last. I might not be able to visit you ever again" i said softly with a heavy heart while She stared at me totally astonished and surprised. "what! why? c'mon tell me, did i do anything wrong? C'mon speak up, what exactly is happening? Please tell me you are joking" she pleaded. I swallowed hard and shrugged. "you are a very nice lady, and i really do wish i met you earlier in life. But the truth is that i'm no longer comfortable with this affair, moreover someone close to you is highly responsible for my decision and it's better i end things now before she ends it for us, moreover i'm not without a past" i poured out calmly. She simply stared silently at me with a heavily coloured face. I really had to off-load the heavy load i was carrying immediately we got to her house, because i couldn't afford bearing it much longer and like i told Elinor "I was no hungry graduate" moreover i knew not what she had against me nor was i willing to continue seeing my heart jump each time we met. But staring at Tessy's unhappy expression after i had poured out my feelings. I was touched, moved and very sorry. "i don't understand you at all. Why did you choose to spoil my day all of a sudden?", "why do you like treating me like a leper?", "why do you like spoiling my mood whenever i'm happy", "is it a crime to love you, don't worry thanks for everything, i also can't continue trusting my heart with an insecured guy who likes watching me beg for love", "you can leave tonight for all i care" she sobbed and made to leave, but i instantly grabbed her, drawing her back to face me. "leave me jor, i can't allow you to continue toying with my heart. I have the money and i can afford other guys" she boasted, while I smiled and kissed her strongly. "yea you can afford a thousand guys but none will sincerely care for you, kiss you the way i do, nor tell you the truth without hiding some facts" i murmured calmly. She breathed deeply and stared into my eyes, "is that why you so much enjoy scaring me? what do you mean by someone close to me is responsible for your decision??" she curiously inquired. I breathed deeply and held her strongly. "you can ask Elinor" i murmured. Her facial expression instantly went cold. "you mean Elinor?" she asked furiously. To be continued. Do you wish your story to be part of our diary series, simply send a mail to [email protected] to discuss terms.
15 Sep 2013 | 04:19
*continues* Elinor left for her house moments later, while i helped Tessy and her staff sort, arrange and display her wares. It really was a herculean task which occupied us till 8pm. Tessy really was very impressed with me. "you are such a nice guy" she murmured sweetly as we headed to her house minutes later. Her children were already fast asleep when we got home by 9:15pm. She heaved a sigh of relief and winked at me, "I guess it's time to rest huh?" she smiled as she led me to the guest room. ________ "i'm so happy to have you here with me, hope you won't be uncomfortably spending the night in my house" she asked sweetly with eyes beaming with joy. I smiled and held her hands. "i'm very much okay dear, but i fear i have to break this news to you this moment", "this weekend may be our last. I might not be able to visit you ever again" i said softly with a heavy heart while She stared at me totally astonished and surprised. "what! why? c'mon tell me, did i do anything wrong? C'mon speak up, what exactly is happening? Please tell me you are joking" she pleaded. I swallowed hard and shrugged. "you are a very nice lady, and i really do wish i met you earlier in life. But the truth is that i'm no longer comfortable with this affair, moreover someone close to you is highly responsible for my decision and it's better i end things now before she ends it for us, moreover i'm not without a past" i poured out calmly. She simply stared silently at me with a heavily coloured face. I really had to off-load the heavy load i was carrying immediately we got to her house, because i couldn't afford bearing it much longer and like i told Elinor "I was no hungry graduate" moreover i knew not what she had against me nor was i willing to continue seeing my heart jump each time we met. But staring at Tessy's unhappy expression after i had poured out my feelings. I was touched, moved and very sorry. "i don't understand you at all. Why did you choose to spoil my day all of a sudden?", "why do you like treating me like a leper?", "why do you like spoiling my mood whenever i'm happy", "is it a crime to love you, don't worry thanks for everything, i also can't continue trusting my heart with an insecured guy who likes watching me beg for love", "you can leave tonight for all i care" she sobbed and made to leave, but i instantly grabbed her, drawing her back to face me. "leave me jor, i can't allow you to continue toying with my heart. I have the money and i can afford other guys" she boasted, while I smiled and kissed her strongly. "yea you can afford a thousand guys but none will sincerely care for you, kiss you the way i do, nor tell you the truth without hiding some facts" i murmured calmly. She breathed deeply and stared into my eyes, "is that why you so much enjoy scaring me? what do you mean by someone close to me is responsible for your decision??" she curiously inquired. I breathed deeply and held her strongly. "you can ask Elinor" i murmured. Her facial expression instantly went cold. "you mean Elinor?" she asked furiously. To be continued. Do you wish your story to be part of our diary series, simply send a mail to [email protected] to discuss terms.
15 Sep 2013 | 04:20
*continues* "and what could possibly be her involvment in all these?" she asked anxiously, "you are a very sweet lady my dear, and the last thing i'll ever do is to let you suffer for my sake, please purge me from your heart. I don't deserve you" i prayed. But she only stared at me with confusion, pain and surprise. "Val what has come over you? Why do you speak in such manner, you are only getting me more confused, please go straight to the point" she begged. "i'm being threatened, for no just cause, perhaps she knows very much about me, perhaps not, but i think it's better i fill you in with my secrets before she helps me do it" i added calmly, while she nervously stared at me, expecting to hear the worst. "i have a girlfriend and i'm very happy with her. I lied to you" i confessed fearfully. She instantly breathed deeply and looked down sorrowfully. "val it really embarrasses me to say this, but i never for once believed that part of your lie, i knew such a fine male like you won't be without a sharp girl breathing down his neck, but what i really don't understand is why you suddenly decided to be very honest with me by this hour, are you planning to ruin my son's birthday by spoiling my heart?" she asked with an unhappy tone. I remorsefully stared into her eyes. "no Tess dear, like i earlier said, i wouldn't want you to hear such news from another person, and i'm equally tired of lying to myself and decieving you" i explained. She breathed heavily, sat on the bed and covered her face with her palms. "it would have been better if you kept the truth away from me, now i'm hurting very much" she murmured softly. "but you know what? My love for you is still very strong, your confession dosen't change anything, now tell me Elinor's part in all these?" she asked inqusitively. I sat beside her and shook my head. "i really don't think it's necessary for you to learn about it from me, you should ask her yourself and let me be" i replied solemnly, but she grabbed my knee tightly and stared at me murderously, "finish what you started dear, i insist you tell me" she urged. "i don't think you will believe my word, but your friend really isn't what she's presenting herself to be. She's a very ambitious lady, but i can't say further because i don't want to come between you two" i calmly replied, "no Val on the contrary, you are doing me a great favour. Please speak up" she begged anxiously. "alright the truth is that she wants me to cut a deal with her, follow up her plans and make a fortune out of you" i confessed quietly. "Jesus" she gasped, "are you really sure about this?" she asked, making me scoff with a smile, "you see why i was very unwilling to break the news to you. I knew you wouldn't believe my word" i murmured, while she rubbed her face with both palms, breathed deeply and fell on me. "no no no, this can't be happening, please make love to me this instant, f.uck out my pains, i want to forget all these" she begged like a deranged woman. But i only just caressed her back for a while before standing up. "no my darling all you need is a very hot shower. Just go to your room, shower, rest and think over all i told you. Please let's not get silly tonight" i advised and dragged her up. She willingly obeyed and left for her room with unshed tears in her eyes, leaving me a bit touched but happy with myself. I was extremely relieved, because nothing gives greater joy than living without a secret. But unfortunately, my heart jumped again the next morning, when i woke up to see a text from Elinor waiting in my phone. "you just ruined your life, you can still tell your momma i said that" she typed. To be continued.
15 Sep 2013 | 15:13
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16 Sep 2013 | 02:52
*continues* I knew Tessy wouldn't sleep without first pouring out her mind to Elinor and the text i got that morning clearly confirmed my suspicions, leaving me very pleased with myself, because I thought i had finally gotten rid of Elinor for good. But i was very much mistaken, because the obnoxious lady showed up at exactly 8:15am that fateful morning as if nothing had happened. I was in the sitting room when she walked in leisurely with a perfect smile. Was she scared, lost or confused? It never showed on her. She only gave me a silent nod before calmly walking straight to Tessy's room. I was totally disoriented. I soon got a text from Tessy minutes later, inviting me to her room, which i walked into with a furiously pounding heart. Four lovely eyes instantly fell on me as soon as i walked in. Elinor was sitting on a couch, while Tessy sat on her bed. They all appeared calm and i prayed for them not to notice how nervous i was. "Elinor came as fast as she could because of what you told me yesterday evening" Tessy explained as i bravely sat beside Elinor, "so dear, Val is right here just like you requested, so now say whatever you came to say" she said to Elinor who winked at me before facing Tessy with a calm smile. "supposing our friendship didn't come a long way, it would have ended yesterday evening when you poured out that silly trash to me over the phone", Elinor muttered without mincing words, "seriously you believed i can come up with a plan to dupe you, now tell me for what reason?" she asked and breathed deeply, "have you forgotten so soon how you told me you like Val a great deal but that you are very scared of Igbo boys huh?" "what did i tell you dear? Didn't I promise to look into it after assuring you he was a good guy", "and what better way is there to test a young guy if not with such nonsense idea?? Infact am very angry with you right now and i demand an apology. Though i don't blame Val because he just did what i was expecting him to do which showed his honesty" she added. "Oga Val i do apologize for the text i sent you this morning, it was sent out of anger" she apologized to me with a fake smile, "but for you my dear friend how can you be so gullible eeh" she asked coldly, while Tessy remorsefully looked down with shame. I really couldn't believe my ears nor the scene that was playing out. Elinor really was an expert liar. So effortlessly and so convincingly she lied. "i'm very sorry dearie, please do forgive my silly thoughts" Tessy quietly apologized, stood up, dragged Elinor to her feet, hugging her. I couldn't help noticing Elinor's cold gaze as they hugged. "it's okay my love, what are friends for?, you have been forgiven, let me rush home and tidy up, you know i also have Junior's birthday to prepare" she sweetly murmured and left seconds later. "i do trust her Val" Tessy confessed as soon as she was gone, while i shrugged and smiled. But an hour later, i scoffed when a text from an unknown number appeared in my phone, "PUT ON YOUR DANCING SHOES, THE MUSIC HAS STARTED" it read. I knew it was from Elinor but i had no proof. I have dared a spirit.. What next???? To be continued.. Next> BETRAYAL
16 Sep 2013 | 07:29
*continues* I really was pensive and restless as i wondered how Elinor could ruin me. "what exactly will she do?" i wondered intensely as i relaxed in the guest room. Then it finally came running into my head like lightning. I instantly remembered, "Adaora and i met Elinor for the first time in her aunt's office, "yes Aunty Martha". I nodded with a frown wondering why i forgot all about it. "Didn't Adaora tell me sometime ago that Elinor gave her a lift to the market?" i equally asked myself as i remembered it all, "who knows what they discussed that fateful day" i wondered unhappily, "moreover i equally admitted to her that Adaora was only just a family friend" damn i cursed. I knew a lady like Elinor wasn't the type to make empty threats, i knew her threats were already in progress and i had no doubt that my relationship with Adaora would be an easy target for her. "silly me" i breathed nervously. But I had no choice than to wait it out with regret. _______ Junior's birthday party went as planned. A huge success considering the way it was organised. However It really was a low key celebration because of his age, mostly children from the neighbourhood attended. Elinor truly was a good organiser. She arranged and hosted every thing with impeccable perfetness. Tessy was extremely pleased with her. I watched it all with a pounding heart, counting my time as if i was on death row. Elinor soon started taking pictures, a good opportunity for her to capture my image. I quietly excused myself without second thoughts, because i perfectly knew her hidden intention. But Tessy wasn't happy i avoided taking pictures with them, even though she never openly complained. I equally never told her my reason nor explained myself to her. Thus allowing her to think whatever she wanted. I first had to save myself before anything else, and I really was in no mood to explain my actions to anyone. So anxiously, i waited for Elinor's strike like syrian's waiting for America's air strike. I had very unpleasant feelings about my future and everything.. How will things turn out??? Few hours later, Sunday Morning To be continued tonight. Next> BETRAYAL
17 Sep 2013 | 04:35
7:15AM SUNDAY I calmly walked into Tessy's room, She was busy with her computer, but dutifully shut it down as soon as she noticed my presence. "how was your night baby?" she asked with a smile. I quietly sat on her bed while she came forward and sat on my laps, staring at me with a provocative smile. "i'm okay dear" i replied calmly. "you still don't look bright, what's worrying you?" she inquisitively asked, holding up my face. "just a bit scared" i replied nervously, "over what?" she asked, "over everything, i'm scared of losing my girlfriend, we really came along way and it hurts to cheat on her" i confessed. She kept quiet for a while, stared intensely at me before kissing me hotly. "i really don't know what to say because losing her will be an advantage to me, though your behaviour this weekend really is very frightening" she murmured with a calm smile. I breathed deeply and said nothing. Surely it hurts very much to sit and watch your house burn, but it pains more to sit and watch someone pour fuel on it without doing anything to stop the person. I really was helpless and lost, I knew Elinor would strike any moment yet i was unable to do anything to prevent it from happening. What an irony. Tessy never really understood my fears, and so cared less about it, without considering the possibility that i might get broken, lost and disheartened to continue with her if something bad should happen. She was soon half unclad, exposing her matured as she whispered sweet words to me, slowly arousing me. "hope you do know today is a holy day?" i asked. "yea sure" she laughed, kissed and pushed me down {on the bed} swiftly taking off my trouser and knicker. With swift eagerness she took my manhood into her mouth and sucked so hard as if she wanted to suck my life out of me. "easy" i begged as i breathed with my mouth, while she expertly su.cked and played with my nipp.les. Before i knew what was happening, she climbed and lowered herself on me, taking in the full length of my joystick into her kitt.y. I was instantly overwhelmed with pleasure and desire. She rode me without giving me time to use a condom, and so sweet it was, as she rode me like a wild animal. Perhaps that very moment would be our last... I knew bad things dosen't last, but i wasn't yet prepared to pay for my sins. To be continued shortly.
17 Sep 2013 | 23:59
*continues* "baby you are so sweet" Tessy whispered sweetly after the sex. I kept quiet, ignored her and closed my eyes. I really wasn't myself. "c'mon cheer up" she caressed my chest and murmured. I sighed, stood up and walked into the toilet without saying anything to her. I calmly freshened up, before returning to her bed.. "i really do hate your cold behaviour, seriously i do" she complained sadly. I sat beside her, forced out a smile and held her right hand. "i'm sorry" i apologized. "i don't think there is anyway your girlfriend will find out about us unless you left some loopholes which i know you didn't, so calm your nerves and relax, nothing bad will happen. Moreover you heard Elinor say she was only testing you with her threats" she said with a calm smile, resting her head on my chest. "yes i know but i don't trust Elinor and i really can't rule out any possibility for now" i replied. "she can't go that far, she dare not, moreover there isn't anything she will gain out of it, so do relax my dear" she assured me. I shrugged and kept my feelings to myself, because there wasn't any need arguing about her friend's capabilities. I alone knew how serious and real Elinor's threats were. I equally wasn't expecting her to carry out the threats herself, I knew she would use someone unknown to carry them out. "incase of an eventuality, do count on me for support. It pains me to say this, but if it really gets to the point where i will have to talk to your girl on your behalf, trust me i will do it without mixed feelings" i heard Tessy promise, totally surprising me. I gratefully stared at her and breathed deeply. "i'm very much in love with you and i'm not selfish with it either. I will do anything to protect what we have" she added, while I smiled and pecked her. "you really have a wonderful heart" i murmured gratefully. _______ I left Abuja later in the afternoon, after promising and swearing 'that i will visit again'. "my dear this won't be our last weekend" i had assured her with a kiss before she allowed me leave. I finally got to Owerri by 4:15pm that fateful sunday. Adaora's phone call welcomed me as soon as i left Owerri airport. "baby where are you?" she asked inquisitively after greeting me, "owerri anything?" i answered casually, "nope but are you sure you are in Owerri?" she asked, "yes nau i just got there this afternoon to see a friend, is there any problem huh?" i asked with a calm tone, "no nothing, i was only being curious, hope you have eaten?" she answered and changed the topic. We chatted for a while before she hung up, but her weird question that fateful evening really got me worried. "has Elinor gotten to her??" i wondered deeply. To be continued
18 Sep 2013 | 09:57
*continues* I ran into Akunna at the village junction hours later. She happily hugged me as if we were lovers, "hey how far, hope your sister later showed up?" i asked with a smile. She laughed and nodded. "yes of course, so where are you coming from?" she asked inqusitively, "from home" i lied, "and that reminds me, when will you be a little bit free? I do need your help over something" i enquired, "okay, i'm always free" she replied searchingly, "i'll be waiting" i murmured with a smile, "alright then" she winked and went her own way with a dirty smile while I shrugged and trekked down to my lodge. Jenny and her roomate were in their room when i got to the lodge that fateful evening. I knocked on their door, walked into their room and greeted them before going to my own room. For the first time Jenny pretended not to notice me, i equally ignored her because i had other important things bothering me. I undressed, switched on my generator, laid on my bed and occupied myself with my computer, going through some of my stories and typing new ones. I really was so occupied with it till 10pm when i heard a gently knock on my door. I quietly opened my door and was extremely surprised to see Akunna standing outside with a dirty smile. I swallowed hard and stared at her speechlessly. "i told you i was coming, here i'm" she said sweetly, while i stepped aside for her to get in before someone else sees her. I really wasn't expecting her by that hour which truly made me so surprised and nervous. "i wasn't really expecting you?" i confessed as i sat beside her on my bed, "really? But i told you i was coming when you invited me earlier, have you forgotten?" she asked, "yea i know, but i wasn't expecting you to show up by this hour" i answered a bit unhappily. She instantly frowned and stood up, while i polietly grabbed her right hand and stared into her eyes. "i'm only worried because of the huge risk you took in coming here, won't you family notice your absence?" i asked with fear, because i really was very familiar with village politics and the scandal which her visit could cause if by any chance she was caught. "don't worry they have all gone to bed, moreover we live just few blocks away" she reassured me, but i wasn't in anyway comfortable. I was really extremely scared because dealing with village girls isn't exactly the same as dealing with town girls. There is no room for a little mistake when dealing with a village girl. My phone rang a minute later, breaking the tension between us, it was Adaora once again. "i really do need to see you, should i come over or can you pay me a visit instead, it's very urgent and i can't explain more till we see each other" she calmly asked, skipping formalities and equally heightening my fear with suspence... I quickly ran outside to pee. To be continued.
19 Sep 2013 | 00:57
*continues* "hope everything is fine dear?" i asked over the phone as i urinated, "yea very fine" she replied calmly, while my heart continued pounding furiously, "are you sure?" i asked, "yes nau, i'm only missing you" she replied, while i breathed deeply. I definetly knew she was hiding something but i decided not to probe her further because it was better leaving things as they were. "i'll take a night bus to Abuja on friday, hope it's okay?" i asked, "mmmmm yea but can't you take a flight?" she asked jokingly. I instantly read meaning out of it. "flight kwa? When did i start taking flight to Abuja madam?" i asked, she laughed. "okay nau till friday, no wahala" she murmured and hung up. Selena's call came into my phone immediately Adaora hung up, but i really wasn't in the mood to answer it, even though i had been expecting her phone call for quite a while. I trembled as i returned to my room. "why do you look so nervous did you see a ghost outside?" Akunna asked as i sat beside her on the bed. I forced out a dry smile and said nothing. "so why did you invite me?" she asked minutes later. I looked at her and breathed deeply. I knew she was very disappointed by my cold behaviour towards her, which really made her very uncomfortable to the extent of questioning me in such manner. 'Yea I truly had many plans for her but i wasn't yet prepared to carry them out, moreover Adaora's phone call really got me very scared and confused. "i don't know how to say this, but i only invited you because i earlier wanted you to help me prepare soup and stew, but i never knew you were coming tonight" i said with a calm smile. She shrugged and smiled. "alright i can do that tomorrow do you have the necessary ingredients?" she asked, "nope, i will give you money to buy them tomorrow if you won't mind" i answered. She smiled and laid on my bed. "no wahala" she accepted. We later slept without doing anything to each other. 5am Monday She calmly woke me up, i jolted and stared at her inquisitively, "i have to start going before my absence is noticed at home" she murmured. I nodded with understanding, reached for my wallet, fetched one thousand five hundred naira from it and gave to her with my spare keys. "please before going to the market, first check my cupboard because i think i still have some foodstuffs" i begged with a smile. "no problem" she mumured as she collected the money. I couldn't help smiling as i wondered how mum would feel if she should learn i gave a strange girl money to prepare food for me. 7:08AM I was about leaving for school when my phone rang. My heart skipped as i grabbed it, but I instantly smiled with surprise when i saw it was Chief Peter calling me. "what an honour" i mumured as i answered the phone call. "why didn't you call as i requested during the weekend?" he asked, "i'm so sorry sir" i apologized, unable to come up with any excuse. "try and show up at my house today by 4pm, i intend to introduce some important people to you, don't fail me, if you do, i won't forgive you. My house address will be sent to your phone just incase you no longer remember" he announced and hung up without waiting for my reply. I instantly knew an eventful evening awaited me, but it really didn't move me because all my thoughts were on Adaora To be continued.
19 Sep 2013 | 12:16
*continues* 9am I walked into Ss2 classroom with two agric text books in my hand. The students instead of greeting like they used to, just sat on their chairs and stared at me isolently. I was deeply surprised. I smiled nervously, stared at them searchingly before walking towards the blackboard where i got the shock of my life. I saw silly drawings with my name tagged on them. In one, i was lying on a girl while two guys whipped me. I was totally shocked as i stared at the drawings, while the whole class roared with laughter, sending my heart flying out of the window. I had never faced such ridicule in my entire life. I was so furious, hurt and embarrassed. Their boisterous laugher soon attracted Jenny and some teachers. They all rushed in and stared at me inquisitively, while i shrugged, bit my lips and left the class. It really pained me a whole lot because i was being ridiculed for no just cause. "hey what's going on?" Jenny asked curiously when she caught up with me outside, as if she didn't see the silly drawings on the blackboard. "don't mind those children they are just insulting their parents" i murmured coldly. She held my left hand and stared into my eyes, "i think it's better you return to our lodge, i will talk to the dean of studies, principal and perhaps the students okay!. Just go before their noise infects the whole school, you know these bush students behave like wild animals" she advised quietly, while i breathed deeply with a smile. "alright i will obey you, since i have no other choice" i murmured and blushed "seriously i really don't know why i'm helping you, because you are the cause of some problems you are having, i never believed you could still go ahead to do something with that silly village girl after i begged you not to. Its very bad of you, i never believed my eyes when i saw her leaving your room this morning, better give your life to God" she admonished and walked away, leaving me stunned as ever. I quietly returned to my lodge without wasting any other time. Akunna was in my room preparing the things i asked her to. I unhappily laid on my bed with my thoughts consuming me, untill i left for owerri hours later. 3:30pm, Owerri I parked my car in front of chief Peter's house, walked to his gate and tried to open it. Two men dressed in police uniform instantly jumped out from nowhere with guns pointing at me, "hands up" they barked. My heart instantly skipped as i calmly raised my hands wondering whether they were real policemen or not. The street was quiet, empty and calm just like most Owerri plush residential crescents. To be continued
20 Sep 2013 | 12:04
I do apologize for the poor/late update. Currently going through a little crisis.New episodes will be posted by 2300GMT pls
20 Sep 2013 | 13:11
*continues* "who you dey find?" they barked, "chief peter" i answered nervously, "he no dey" they muttered, cautiously lowering their guns and expecting me to turn back and leave. But i didn't believe them. "he invited me nau" i insisted, while they scoffed. "is like you are deaf" one of them shouted, but luckily chief peter's daughter emerged from the house with two other policemen. "ha longest time, good evening" she greeted as soon as she saw me. I smiled happily, heaving a sigh of relief with surprise. I never knew she could still recognize me, because we were still kids the last time we saw each other. "he is a family friend" she said to the policemen, who simply shrugged and went their own way without another word. "what's happening? Don't tell me these guys do guard your house 24/7?" i asked with a smile. "no don't mind them, they are simply over reacting, dad was almost kidnapped an hour ago, luckily he wasn't in the car that was targeted" she replied while i gasped. "so how did it happen?" i anxiously asked, "he was unable to leave the house today because of some friends he was expecting, by 2pm he sent the driver to buy gas for our generator. Immediately the poor guy drove out of the compound, he was blocked and attacked, fortunately dad wasn't in the car, so the hoodlums simply disappeared when they couldn't find him" she explained calmly. "so was the driver hurt?" i asked curiously, "no nothing happened to him. He even left with dad and some policemen who came immediately after incident 'to an unknown destination, i'm not sure they are returning tonight" she replied, while i shrugged and dialled the old man's phone number, but it failed to connect. "i have to start going then" i said with a smile. She instantly frowned and eyed me. "why? You just got here nau, moreover we do have a lot to discuss please" she pleaded polietly. "some other time dear" i replied with a smile, collected her phone number and left. Fate once again prevented chief peter from unveiling his plans to me. I silently drove back to my lodge under the evening traffic, with my thoughts which kept me company. 7:54pm I was about facing my night meal of garri and okro soup when Jenny walked into my room with a bible and crucifix in her right hand. "hmmm i see you are about enjoying the meal you new girlfriend prepared for you, anyway do eat fast because i came for a serious talk" she seriously murmured with a smile before sitting beside me. I calmly stared at her uneasily, wondering what the bible and crucifix was meant for. Because the last time i checked myself, i wasn't a vampire. To be continued. Next>> Little winnie
20 Sep 2013 | 20:36
nice story, mister val..i love d way u piece d scenes suggestion, though: i tink d website should be further simplified for easy reading and viewing
21 Sep 2013 | 13:03
^^^@bheegsam pls have you checked the two versions of our website... The mobile version is simplified.
23 Sep 2013 | 01:21
*continues* "so what's the bible for?" i asked curiously, "it's for preaching the word of God to you coconut head, when last did you go to church?" she replied and asked with a smile. "i see you are very jobless, or you probably drank palmwine this evening" i teased. Her smile instantly turned into a frown. "if it's a joke, please stop it" she murmured, "yes nau, am i wrong? You probably took a whole lot of palmwine or upwine this evening? Hehehehehe or perhaps you are now so much obsessed with me, that you now use such idea as an excuse to talk to me" i joked and laughed heartily. She quickly stood up furiously with deeply coloured eyes. "that's it, you are now on your own. Don't ever talk to me again, slim fool" she cursed and left my room angrily. __ Jenny really was a girl of many characters, i never truly got to understand nor learn all she haboured in her mind. Sometimes she behaved like an angel, sometimes like a nurse and sometimes like a bitter old lady. I really would have loved having a little romance with her, but her behaviour truly discouraged and even sometimes scared me. However Frank's visit from Okitipupa town {Ondo state} the following day was a big time life-saver, bringing back my lost spirit and reviving my lost soul. He visited in his usual lively spirit accompanied with never ending tales of his exploits. Oh how happy and relieved i was when he called me that fateful tuesday morning, asking for directions to my new lodge. He arrived at exactly 4:38pm dressed in his Nysc uniform, looking smart, happy and satisfied. "since you refused to visit your brother, he is now here to stay with you" he joked as he settled down in my room. "my bro. i'm so glad you came, seriously things arn't going well for me in this village. Everyone hates my guts and i think i have messed up my relationship with Adaora" i poured out without wasting time. He simply busted into laughter. "you always mess things up so i'm not surprised, abeg where do they sell 'hot-dog' in this village jor?" he asked, changing the topic. "at the market, nawaoo for you" i murmured, "wetin? Dog meat is now the reigning meat if you don't know" he murmured with a smile. I shrugged silently,. 8:30pm, hot-dog cafe "seriously my guy, none of your problems are unfixable, all you need to do is simply focus, act properly and stand like a man when confronting both Elinor and Adaora. You already did a good job with Tessy by opening up to her. I also think Adaora is scared of losing you, because she probably loves you more than you notice, which i think is the main reason your relationship with her is still going. Make good use of your instincts when you travel this weekend to meet her, though i would have preferred her visiting you" he advised {after listening to my story}, as he enjoyed his meat. I quietly thought over all he said, quickly drawing a new plan for myself. "i like that woman's daughter, i wish i can her before i leave this weekend" i soon heard him whisper as he stared at the shop owner's daughter. I silently smiled, shook my head and prayed for him not to put me into more trouble, because i knew the girl's honeypot will soon be under heavy fire. To be continued. Next>>BETRAYAL
23 Sep 2013 | 01:23
*continues* The next morning we headed straight to Owerri to get a new mattress and equally wait for Joy{frank's girlfriend} who was coming over from portharcourt with her friend. I really wasn't pleased they were coming, because of the extra bills i knew i would end up spending, considering Frank's cunny nature, but i kept my feelings to myself even though we argued a bit the previous night over Joy's friend who was coming with her. ____ "you will fall in love with the girl once you set your eyes on her. Seriously if i had the opportunity, i would have gone after her the first time we met months ago, but there wasn't any opportunity" he advertised. I smiled and shook my head. "so why are you now pushing her to me?" i asked suspiciously, "since i can't have her, it will delight me if a brother who can narrate how it went down enjoys and shares the story and that's exactly why i asked Joy to drag her along" he explained with a dirty smile. "you can never change nor get tired of listening to sex tales tufia" i spat, while he laughed heartily, "you nko? Don't you like listening?" he asked. I simply shrugged and smiled. "what if she has a boyfriend?" i enquired, "nawa for you guy, you are just asking as if you don't know girls again eeh. Which boyfriend will she have that can compete with you in anything? Abegi" he replied, waving my question aside. "i don't want to carry any new responsibility, i'm better off the way i'm" i murmured, he shook his head and scoffed, "you complain alot, anyway do you know what i call her?" he asked. I shook my head and stared at him curiously. "i call her periwinkle because of her great shape, but i guess you will call her sweet periwinkle when you taste the real thing" he joked with a funny tone which made me burst into laughter. We gisted, laughed and joked till late in the night, disturbing my neighbours without empathy. ____ So it really was because of Joy and her periwinkle friend that we came into Owerri early wednesday morning to shop as we wait for them to arrive. 11:35am, I.T.C PARK OWERRI The girls alighted from a bus and walked towards where we stood waiting for them with smiles on their faces. "don't you see how full and lovely sweet periwinkle looks?" Frank asked with a dirty smile as Joy advanced and hugged him dearly. "i missed you so much my love" she said to him with eyes full of love, while 'sweet periwinkle' and i studied each other silently. "anyway she isn't looking bad" i smiled as i stared at her lustfully, while dirty thoughts gently took over my head. "Frank really knows how to lead me to hell" i reasoned. My manhood slowly warmed up for the periwinkle soup ahead. To be continued
23 Sep 2013 | 14:41
*continues* "I do envy you brother" frank whispered as he eyed sweet periwinkle, when we arrived at my lodge an hour and half later. "see how you are talking as if i won't work hard before being allowed to taste the periwinkle soup" i replied jokingly. He smiled and shook his head, "don't fall my hands abeg" he murmured, while i scoffed. "Frank really loved to sound as if having sex with a girl is as easy as walking into a beer parlour. Perhaps to him it is, but to me i knew it requires a bit of hardwork and sometimes little promises which i do hate making. But i equally hate disappointing him, even though i wasn't much of a fan to his one too many ideologies". _____ However later in the day as we relaxed in my room, he got into an argument with Joy as they argued over a strange phone call She recieved, which soon upgraded into a fight. He landed a hot slap on her face which quickly got my attention while her friend stared at them in disbelief. ____ Another thing i hated about him was the way he dealt with his girls when provoked. He believed girls only respect guys who uses brute force or strong hands on them, and he was of the opinon that extreme force could be applied when necessary in order to subject an erring girl under control, else she might develop more wings. He strongly condemned guys who opposed 'hitting girls' calling them weaklings and their mentality 'un-african', but no matter how i felt, i couldn't help but notice that it worked very well for him. 'Though his girls do complain of his high-handedness, none openly defiled him'. "frank nawa for you" i cautioned as i threw myself between them. Joy calmly covered her coloured face with her palms, while Frank looked away uneasily. "i swear, i really do hate beating her. But i already warned her countless times to stop answering that guy's phone call" he murmured as he gave me Joy's phone. I stared at the phone number for a while before breathing deeply, "Joy what do you have to say?" i asked, "the boy is nothing but a neighbour who helps us at the shop, i have explained to him several times that nothing is going on between us yet he won't believe me, you can ask my friend" she sobbed, "yea because that's how it all starts" Frank yelled. 'Sweet periwinkle' instantly got up and left the room without a word. "see how you are embarrassing me in front of my friend" Joy cried. "don't worry i'll talk to your friend" i offered, stood up and went after the girl, while Frank nodded and smiled with understanding. ____ She was standing under a mango tree when i walked up to her with a sweet smile. She instantly turned and faced me when she noticed my presence. Our eyes met and locked as we silently weighed each other under the calm breeze that fell and tickled us. To be continued
24 Sep 2013 | 06:11
*continues* "why are you staring at me in such manner?" she asked, breaking the silence between us, "because you look upset" i replied inquisitively. "of course i'm, i hate witnessing such scenes" she murmured and rubbed her forehead. "i'm sorry about that" i apologised. "you don't have to apologize, it's no fault of yours" she replied and backed me. "let's go inside" i begged. "i'm okay here" she answered coldly. I drew close, grabbing her from behind, "c'mon don't talk like that" i begged, while she kept quiet. Jenny walked into the compound that moment, stopped and gazed at us with surprise. I silently stared back at her. "you didn't show up at school this morning, pray the principal dosen't report you" she said coldly before walking to her room like an angry fowl. 'Sweet periwinkle' turned and faced me with a smile. "hmmm she looks so intense" she remarked "yea i equally noticed" i replied with a shrug, "so are we going to the room or not?" i asked, "i'm staying here till the tension inside the room subsides, i really don't know why my friend is putting up with that, that's the main reason i hate relationships. I better remain single than subject myself to such misery" she muttered unhappily while i silently scratched my head as i studied her. "is that how you hit yours?" she asked curiously, "no i don't hit girls" i replied with a smile, "story story" she murmured, "you guys are all the same, over demanding and selfish" she sighed, "seems like you ain't in any relationship'" i asked, "yea and it's good for my life. I prefer living freely than subjecting myself to any selfish male in the name of relationship" she replied with a frown. "i like your spirit" i complimented. She scoffed, weighing me with her eyes, "i know you will keep liking everything i do till you succeed in doing what you have in mind with me, i see the desire in your eyes, but sorry to disappoint you, i'm no easy girl and you won't get anything from me unless you play ball" she poured out without reserve, shocking me immensely with her uncivilized utterance. She gave me one last look, smiled and walked back to the room, purposely shaking her dangerously. I swallowed hard as i stared at her figure. "how do i play ball?" i wondered as i thought over the meaning of her words. "seems like she already has her own game plan" i reasoned with a shrug. "Well i do like games" i smiled to myself as i re-entered my room, while Frank stared at me anxiously. To be continued
24 Sep 2013 | 12:28
*continues* "what exactly does she mean by 'unless i play ball'?" i asked Frank after narrating what earlier went down between sweet periwinkle and i, as we walked to the market to buy a bottle of kerosine. "i don't know, i guess there is only one way to find out which is to ask her" he replied, scratching his head, "alright tonight i will ask what she meant" i murmured and yawned. 10:30pm Frank and his girl laid on my big mattress, while sweet periwinkle and i laid on the smaller new mattress we bought earlier in the day. She really had no problem sleeping beside me which truly was a welcomed development, but she extremely amazed us by putting on a very se.xy night wear which almost revealed all her backside. Frank's eyes gulged with disbelief. Her outfit really was an encouraging sign which brought out my desire as it woke my hormones. As soon as frank began having a noiseless relation with his girl, i calmly placed my hand on sweet periwinkle's bare back. She instantly turned and pushed off my hand, i placed it again, she shoved it aside, i placed again and again, she shoved it again and again. All my efforts were greeted with stiff resistance yet i kept trying till she got up and left the room. After waiting for about fifteen minutes for her to return, thinking she went out to ease herself. I got up from my bed and went in search of her. I saw her sitting on a pavement in front of my room playing with her phone. I calmly sat beside her, staring at her searchingly. "why are you sitting here by this hour?" i asked with a calm smile. She simply hissed and said nothing. "alright because i was disturbing you right¿ I promise not to look your way again, please let's go inside, i'm very sorry" i apologized and begged. "and how do i believe you?" she asked, "i don't know, but you have to" i murmured and stood up. She quietly stood up, faced me but refused to enter my room. "why do you guys enjoy cheating on your girlfriends?, don't try to deny it because i know you got one" she asked calmly, throwing me into confusion. I swallowed hard. "you see, your guilt won't allow you to talk, you can only have a piece of me at a price which you must pay before anything happens. So don't ever touch me again unless you want me to embarrass you" she said before re-entering my room, leaving me totally stunned and flabergasted. To be continued
25 Sep 2013 | 04:18
concluding part of betrayal part2 will be posted this weekend. If you have been unable to register or log into your account, please use the *leave a message* box located at the bottom or corner of your page to notify us. Pls.
25 Sep 2013 | 04:20
*continues* I calmly returned to my room, laid beside her and thought over all she said to me. I really saw no reason in making further advances on her nor did i see any reason in negotiating for sex. Perhaps because i felt insulted, or maybe because i lost my morale or was it guilt?. "what's the need in having sex with her? Is sex food? I asked myself, shrugged, backed her and focused on my thoughts, which kept me awake till i eventually managed to sleep. 7am Thursday I opened my eyes lazily, yawned and sat up, wondering whether to attend the weekly C.D.S or not. Seriously the careless way i handled important things which almost earned me an extra year in school {university} was still terribly affecting and eating me up like a terminal disease. I stared at Frank who lazily returned my look with a contented smile. MINUTES LATER "so how far? Were you able to poke her?" he asked curiously as we brushed our teeth in front of a mango tree. I rinsed my mouth and shook my head. "nna eeh the girl na spoilt periwinkle she be o" i exclaimed before recounting how my night went with her. He eagerly listened to my story and stared at me with surprise when i was done, Shrugging and shaking his head with disbelief. "so she charges for sex?" he murmured with a drawn face, "that's what it seems my guy, the girl really tore me apart with her words last night" i confessed. He spat and breathed deeply. "A girl that charges for sex is called an ashewo right?" he asked, "of course yes" i replied, staring at him inquisitively, "and she's my girl's best friend" he murmured while i shrugged silently, "could they be into this together?" he asked. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, "i don't think so" i replied, "how do you know? Havn't you heard that it's only birds of the same feather that flock together?" he asked, "not in 21st century my guy, moreover she might have said those words just to discourage me. We have nothing against her" i defended without knowing the reason. He rinsed his mouth, shook his head and placed a finger on his mouth, looking lost and agitated. "there is only one way to find out" he murmured and stared at me, "and how is that?" i asked, "play along with her, negotiate and do whatever she demands" he explained with bright eyes. I stared at him suspiciously, "and what will you gain from it? It won't still confirm whether your girl is doing the same or not" i tried to object, "just go ahead with it and leave the rest for me to decide" he insisted. I shrugged with a shoulder, forcing out a smile. "alright since you insist, but i hate doing it" i accepted. He laughed and slapped my left shoulder. "pretender" he murmured with bright eyes as we returned to my room. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on in his dirty mind. But whatever it was, i knew he was still very much in love with Joy. To be continued.
25 Sep 2013 | 15:23
*continues* 4pm, Jenny's room "why are you always very intense towards me lately?" i asked Jenny as i stared at her backside. She was all alone in her room, lying on her bed, facing the wall and backing me. "because you don't deserve my respect" she replied calmly. I breathed deeply, wondering what next to say to her. I really needed her friendship because i stood to gain alot out of it, even though i hated the way she behaved sometimes. She really found it very hard to tell me the exact words the school principal said about me the previous day, which exactly was the main reason i was in her room that fateful evening, but the cold treatment she was dishing out to me wasn't in any way encouraging. I quietly laid beside her, drew close and held her from behind as if we were having a relationship. "what are you doing?" she barked, sending an elbow into my ribs. I groaned and backed away from her. "you are very annoying seriously" i murmured and sat up. "what should i do before you realise that i value your friendship a great deal? Or are you still annoyed because i refused to read the bible with you eeh?" i asked unhappily. She turned and stared at me. "i hate irresponsible guys, so please get out from my room and close the door you left open" she replied coldly. "okay i will, but first tell me what the old man said abeg" i pleaded. She scoffed and smiled, "c'mon what's up with your voice do you want to cry?" she asked as she got out of her bed. With both hands on her waist, she stood and stared at me curiously. I roughly grabbed her with the intention of carrying her on my laps, but she collided on me, the force of collision sending us down on the bed. "jeez you are so rough" she complained as she struggled to entangle herself from me. "i'm very sorry dear. You know you are my eyes, ears and nose in that school, i can't survive without you. Please help a brother" i begged. "okay i don hear." she murmured and broke free from me, straightened her dress and stared at me. "i heard the principal likes money a lot. So i advise you compromise him by greasing his palms, perhaps he might end up stopping you from handling any subject. I think it's the only option you have left, because he's very pissed at you" she explained calmly, while i smiled and hugged her with bright eyes. "what will i do without you. I havn't even thought of that. Jenny believe me you are God sent" i murmured happily as i broke the hug. "we can go clubbing at Owerri tonight, catch a little fun and drive round the town. I know you have been dying to see how the city looks at night" i offered happily. Her eyes shone brightly for a while before dying down slowly. "no thanks don't bother, you have visitors don't you?" she declined and asked. "yea" i answered with a shrug, before looking downwards. "i really can't define how i feel towards you. I know it isn't love, nor is it lust, neither is it compassion, but i think it's something way stronger than the three combined" i confessed, stood up and backed her. "i like you equally, though i'm ashamed to admit it because you are a womanizer" she confessed, surprising me and stopping my heart from beating. The earth spinned around us as if we were having the same dream. Luckily or unluckily, her roomate came in that instant preventing what i really can't describe from happening. To be continued
26 Sep 2013 | 08:07
*continues* "let's go to my room" i pleaded to Jenny. She shook her head, threw a glance at her roomate before reaching for a novel. "i'll come later" she murmured with a smile. I shrugged before returning to my room. Frank was anxiously waiting for me with a very horribly look of disappointment. "instead of carrying on with our plan, you left it to grow beards abi" he asked as we bought suya moments later. "abeg free me jor" i replied with a frown. He stared at me all over, shook his head and scoffed. 6:45pm I silently stared at sweet periwinkle as we ate suya in my room. She refused to look my way nor return my gaze, even though i knew she noticed i was staring at her. "can we talk outside please?" i heard myself say when she finally managed to look my way. "can't we talk here?" she asked a bit coldly, "no" i answered. She breathed deeply, stood up and stared down at me. I smiled, got up and led her outside. "i'm all ears" she said with a graceful tone as soon as we were alone. "i'm ready to play ball, just tell me whatever you need, i will do it eagerly" i went straight to the point without mincing words. She stared at me, swallowed hard and scoffed. "each time i look at you i feel very bitter. You have everything you need to the extent of messing around as if life is a water bed while others are out there suffering just to get a loaf of bread. Anyway i have many problems already, so tell me which you can do. My clothes are getting old, my hair needs fixing, i need money to pay off my depts??" she poured out while i stared at her nervously. I really felt uncomfortable and unwilling to continue with the discussion after hearing all she said. But all i did was just shrug and stare at her silently. "why are you staring at me in such manner, have you changed your mind?" she asked with a smile. "no yes, the truth is that i wasn't expecting such outburst from you. Infact i'm very confused" i murmured truthfully. "you shouldn't be, God has a reason for not creating everyone to be equal. So it's your luck, my hair is 3k, and my depts are equally within the same range, so if you can raise 3k for me, when can get down tonight" she concluded with a dirty smile before returning to the room. 7:50pm "guy three thousand naira is too much for one night sex na" Frank murmured after i narrated my discussion with sweet periwinkle to him as we switched on my generator. "but i seriously think she wouldn't have agreed if not for poverty" i replied. "that's exactly my fear. Joy is equally from a very poor home which you know and i'm scared to think she could also do the same because of her condition, moreover they live and work together" he lamented while i shrugged. "okay just finish up the deal" he added. I searched his face suspiciously. "what exactly are you planning?" i asked, "don't worry in due time, you will know" he replied. "so how about giving me the money she demanded, you know i'm doing it for you" i asked. He simply sighed and returned to my room without another word. 11pm I drew close to sweet periwinkle, held her waist, placed my nose on her neck, feeling her sweet body. She kept quiet and breathed quickly as she felt my touch. I was very aroused and excited, but my conscience wouldn't let me go ahead with it. "i can't do it" i whispered to her. ______ 10:30pm, ()Going back to EVENTS before bedtime¤¤¤ To be continued.
27 Sep 2013 | 01:40
0 Likes last am nw waiting...thumbs up coolval
27 Sep 2013 | 09:33
*continues* 10:30pm "so how far¿ Are you giving me the money or not?" I asked Frank when i met him outside, where he was smoking a stick of cigarette. "you can forget about the plan, it's very obvious sweet periwinkle fu.cks for money. It pains me to think my girl could equally be into this with her" he murmured, blowing out smoke from his mouth. "don't talk like that, you have nothing against your girl apart from mere speculation. Living with a bad friend dosen't automatically make someone bad, unless the person decides to be bad" i explained to him. "what pains me the most, is that i can't ask Joy to leave Portharcourt and return home. Not now that i'm still financially unstable, how do i support her? You know her parents are useless" he poured out unhappily. "Portharcourt is really good on her body, don't you see how she's shinning?" i added with a smile. He breathed deeply and shrugged. "i'm very scared because Joy is easily influenced, i just don't know" he complained, "whatever will be will be, just give her the benefit of doubt, but wait wasn't she supposed to live with a relative or woman when you guys arranged the Portharcourt trip months ago?" i asked curiously. "it's really a long story bro, but she finally ended up at sweet periwinkle's room. It really wasn't the best choice but i couldn't afford her returning to the village or coming to stay with me at Okitipupa, you know how it was before i finally left for Nysc" he explained, while i nodded. "surely i do understand bro" i smiled. He said no other word till he finished the stick of cigarette minutes later. It was very obvious he had no mapped out plan. 10:50pm I looked into my room from the entrance door, signalled to sweet periwinkle to come outside. She calmly obeyed, abandoning the local movie she was watching. "i will give you 3k tomorrow" i calmly said to her, "i need the money before anything happens between us, i don't trust you guys" she murmured, "c'mon i'm very serious, i swear i will give it to you tomorrow unless you want to annoy me by behaving as if i'm not trustworthy" i insisted. "whatever! I don hear" she rolled her eyes and turned to return to my room. I grabbed her left hand stopping her. "do we have a deal or not?" i asked curiously, "you have one, but please do know that i agreed to do this because of my condition, i'm a respectable girl" she warned seriously. "sure i do understand" i replied. 11pm I drew close to her {when we retired for the night}, held her waist, placed my nose on her neck, feeling her sweet body. She kept quiet and breathed quickly as she felt my touch. I was very aroused and excited, but my conscience wouldn't let me go further. It just looked to me as if i was taking advantage of a girl my little sister's age. "i can't do it" i whispered to her. "why? is anything wrong with me? Am i smelling or what?" she asked anxiously. "no dear, you are alright, i don't just want to do it anymore" i calmly replied, before looking towards Frank and his girl because i feared they were listening, "so how about the money? I really do need it" she asked with a broken voice like someone close to tears. To be continued.
27 Sep 2013 | 13:08
Two betrayal episodes has been posted
28 Sep 2013 | 13:55
*continues* "don't worry, i will still give it to you tomorrow" i promised, "serious? Thanks alot" she murmured happily. _____ FRIDAY Waking up the next morning, my heart leapt as i remembered i had to travel to Abuja later in the evening because of Adaora. I really was very much at lost on how to go about it, moreover i had visitors. Unable to reach any concrete decision, i pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind and prepared for school with the intentiön of carrying out Jenny's advice, "which was having a little talk with the school principal". 7:30AM, Jenny's room I knocked, entered her room, and smiled her. She was already fully dressed up and prepared for school. "seems i came right on time" i said with a smile. She laughed, grabbed her handbag and stood up. "please you will first go with me to the bank, so i can get money for that stuff please" i begged. She rolled her eyes and tried to hesitate, i quickly held her left hand. "please it won't take much of your time" i pleaded. She stared into my eyes, shrugged and accepted. 10AM, Principal's office "sir i came to apologize for my rudy behaviour since i came into your school, seriously teaching isn't my thing and i equally wasn't a good student during my university days. I'm ashamed to admit it but i have no choice. Please do ignore, forgive and forget. It's just a matter of months before i leave your school for good. Sir this envelope is my show of appreciation for tolerating me. I know it isn't enough but please manage it and help me" i begged with a fast pounding heart as i gave him the envelope with shaking hands. I really was immensely scared because anything could happen that moment. He refused to take the envelope, but instead stared at me suspiciously, "what's in it?" he asked, "just ten thousand Naira sir" i replied with quivering lips. He breathed deeply. "what do you say it is for?" he asked curiously, his eyes searching me keenly, "it's just a gift of appreciation for accepting me in your school" i murmured. "oh i see" he nodded seriously. "Mr Val i really can't risk you teaching my students anymore. You can hand over all the teaching materials you got from us to the Dean of studies. From now henceforth you will be my assistant, working directly for me. You can now go and prepare yourself for the task ahead" he said with a serious look which was wrapped up with a smile. I quickly stood up and thanked him. "drop your gift on the table" he ordered. I quickly obeyed, while carefully covered the envelope with a newspaper without touching it. _____ Staff room Jenny was the only person in the staff room when i got there minutes later. She looked up anxiously as soon as she noticed my presence. "i think he bought my idea. I'm now free as a bird, thank you Jenny" i poured out happily. She instantly stood up and hugged me with joy. "i'm glad you are happy" she murmured sweetly. "At last i'm now free to do as i wish" i murmured. But my scheduled trip to Abuja quickly ran into my mind once again, putting the fear of God into me. To be continued.
29 Sep 2013 | 07:47
*continues* "is something wrong? You suddenly tensed up" Jenny asked, staring at me curiously, "no i'm alright, i just remembered i will be travelling to Abuja this evening" i replied. "okay" she shrugged and sat down. I gave her a sweet smile before leaving the staff room, heading to my lodge. 12noon "yea don't worry about us, go ahead and travel. Joy and her friend will be leaving on sunday. I will stay and wait till you return" Frank assured me when i reminded him of my plans. Seeing he had no problem with me travelling, i quickly prepared for Abuja without wasting time. _____ "i really don't know when we will meet again, but i truly enjoyed your company. Do take care of youself and be a good girl" i advised sweet periwinkle when i was about leaving. She nodded and smiled. "i will miss you too" she confessed, as i discreetly gave her the three thousand Naira i promised her. "i also don't like how extreme you go because of money please stop it" i added calmly. Her eyes dropped, she looked down with shame. "you are so kind, very different from Frank" she murmured as we hugged, "hmmmm Joy go hear you oo" i joked. I finally got to owerri later in the evening, before heading to Abuja after spending considerable amount of time at the bus station. My thoughts kept me company as the bus left Owerri, crossed Onitsha, moved into south south before leaving the southern region. My heart furiously pounded because i really didn't know what awaited me over there nor the level of damage Elinor had done. When my anxiety became unbearable i called Frank, Jenny, Tessy and even Adaora on phone but none answered {because it was in the middle of the night} Perhaps they were all asleep. I finally remembered Selena, and dialled her phone number, luckily she answered with her usual lively tone, keeping me company with her voice till i got to Abuja early saturday morning. 6am Adaora's house I walked into the compound, stopped at the entrance door and rang the door bell nervously. I Anxiously waited with fear. I did ring the door bell thrice before Adaora finally opened the door, stared at me with a blank expression and said nothing. I stared back at her, my family wife and future, without knowing what to say.... Conscience is a very strong feeling capable of snitching on you anytime, anywhere. To be continued.
30 Sep 2013 | 01:30
*continues* "is something wrong? You suddenly tensed up" Jenny asked, staring at me curiously, "no i'm alright, i just remembered i will be travelling to Abuja this evening" i replied. "okay" she shrugged and sat down. I gave her a sweet smile before leaving the staff room, heading to my lodge. 12noon "yea don't worry about us, go ahead and travel. Joy and her friend will be leaving on sunday. I will stay and wait till you return" Frank assured me when i reminded him of my plans. Seeing he had no problem with me travelling, i quickly prepared for Abuja without wasting time. _____ "i really don't know when we will meet again, but i truly enjoyed your company. Do take care of youself and be a good girl" i advised sweet periwinkle when i was about leaving. She nodded and smiled. "i will miss you too" she confessed, as i discreetly gave her the three thousand Naira i promised her. "i also don't like how extreme you go because of money please stop it" i added calmly. Her eyes dropped, she looked down with shame. "you are so kind, very different from Frank" she murmured as we hugged, "hmmmm Joy go hear you oo" i joked. I finally got to owerri later in the evening, before heading to Abuja after spending considerable amount of time at the bus station. My thoughts kept me company as the bus left Owerri, crossed Onitsha, moved into south south before leaving the southern region. My heart furiously pounded because i really didn't know what awaited me over there nor the level of damage Elinor had done. When my anxiety became unbearable i called Frank, Jenny, Tessy and even Adaora on phone but none answered {because it was in the middle of the night} Perhaps they were all asleep. I finally remembered Selena, and dialled her phone number, luckily she answered with her usual lively tone, keeping me company with her voice till i got to Abuja early saturday morning. 6am Adaora's house I walked into the compound, stopped at the entrance door and rang the door bell nervously. I Anxiously waited with fear. I did ring the door bell thrice before Adaora finally opened the door, stared at me with a blank expression and said nothing. I stared back at her, my family wife and future, without knowing what to say.... Conscience is a very strong feeling capable of snitching on you anytime, anywhere. To be continued.
30 Sep 2013 | 01:32
*continues* She finally breathed deeply, smiled and hugged me, "welcome baby" she greeted. I heaved a sigh of relief as we held each other tightly. "you don't look bad" she smiled as we walked to my room, "you don't either, I missed you" i confessed. ___ Her calm behaviour really heightened my suspence a great deal. My heart kept skipping, because i really didn't know what was in her mind nor the surprise she planned. No matter how much she smiled, i still knew something terrible was boiling inside her. "so what's up, you really sounded very bad the day you invited me" i nervously asked as we sat for breakfast an hour later. "did i?? Hmmm don't mind me jare" she replied with a smile, without giving any definite answer. I equally hid my fears with a calm smile, silently we ate breakfast, fully aware she was trying out something new, but as a crimminal who knew his game was up, i came fully prepared. "i was given quite a scare this month" she said minutes later with a smile, her eyes searching me intently. I stared at her anxiously. "my period showed up very late, for a moment i thought i was pregnant, can you imagine?" she added and laughed, while i swallowed hard, rolling my eyes, "oh please" i breathed. 2pm She rested on me as we silently watched an action movie. Even though my eyes were on the t.v. screen, i really wasn't paying much attention to the movie, because her silence was truly killing me, while my guilt shook my nerves. 2:15pm She took my phone, unlocked her's, opened her phonebook {under my nose} and scrolled to a number which looked like Tessy's phone number. She stopped and copied the number into my phone before sending it{dialling}. My heart froze. Though i really couldn't remember using the phone she was with to call Tessy, i was still very scared because as humans we arn't above mistakes, and i doubted myself. To my surprise, she allowed the call to go through even after discovering that the phone number wasn't stored in my phone {I thought that was what she was checking, but i was very wrong} The call soon connected with Tessy's phone, beeping in mine, as it alerted us, i felt like fainting, i felt like snatching my phone from her but couldn't, because i had no reason to stop her from calling anyone with my phone. Adaora did her mind and took the law in her hands without first confronting me, perhaps because she knew i was a good liar and could maneuver her with my lying skills. Nervously i waited as i watched the unfolding drama. She quickly switched the phone to "speak out mode" {handsfree} as soon as Tessy answered her call. "hullo" i heard Tessy's calm voice as she greeted, while Adaora smiled at me. "damn you Elinor" i cursed unhappily, Once again, i broke the player's code by allowing myself to be caught. But was i expecting to fool Adaora forever? I know you all will be saying "good for me, Adaora got wiser"... To be continued.
1 Oct 2013 | 02:32
*continues* Lots of questions instantly crossed my mind as i silently watched the unfolding drama keenly. "how did Elinor get to her?" "how much does she know?" "what exactly is she doing?" i wondered hopelessly. "hullo! Hullo!" Tessy greeted twice before Adaora finally cleared her throat and responded. "hi good afternoon, sorry to bother you. My name is Ada, Val's younger sister" she greeted fluently. "Val's sister?" Tessy asked with a suspicious voice, "yea i'm his immediate younger sister, he told me all about you, though i'm not in support of what you guys are doing, i have no choice than to keep quiet since you make him happy, but that isn't the reason i called" she poured out effortlessly, while i gasped with surprise, my heart pounding loudly as if it wanted to explode. "so what's the reason?" Tessy asked suspiciously, "you see, he told me he was coming over to your place yesterday, but till this moment i'm yet to hear from him which is very unusual and i'm scared. Please is he there with you?" she asked, "no he isn't here with me and i'm not expecting him this weekend either, because we were together last weekend, are you sure it was my place he mentioned to you?" Tessy asked with concern, "of course i'm very sure" she replied, "i guess i'll have to ask around and call you back. Don't be scared okay" Tessy murmured and hung up. Adaora then faced me with a dry smile, i swallowed hard. "don't you have anything to ask or say to me?" she asked seriously. I shrugged with a shoulder and shook my head. "i think you are messing with someone's head, what do you expect me to say or ask 'kwanu?'" i replied unseriously. She bit her lips and stared at me murderously. "c'mon why do you look so intense? I wasn't listening to your call nau" i defended with a fake smile. "alright since that's how you want to play it, no problem. I'll be going over to your sugar mummy's house with your sister this evening. Shameless boy" she barked and sprang up. I quickly jerked forward, drawing her back to my body. "how do i defend myself?", "how do i lie?", "how do i twist my words?" i wondered as she stared at me curiously. It was very obvious she was well informed and prepared. _______ Elinor's revenge was all about destroying my relationship with Adaora {and perhaps Tessy} using a single stone, and I knew she was equally making use of a giant catapult to accomplish it. "there is no need disgracing me in front of my family, things are not as they seem, but i know your informant already did a good job, all i beg is for you not to tell my family the reason we broke up. I don't deserve you and i have no explanation whatsoever" i murmured a bit arrogantly but unhappily.. "Val i will deal with you even if it turns me into a bitter old lady" Adaora swore, spat on me and ran into her room. To be continued
1 Oct 2013 | 09:38
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1 Oct 2013 | 18:37
*continues* "I can't believe you did this to me, i can't believe all i heard about you is very true. God why?, why did you allow this miserable boy to find his way into my heart?" Adaora cried in her room. I swallowed hard and tried to console her, but she quickly sprang up and stared at me murderously. "don't touch me you devil. What did i do to you?, why do you want to destroy my life? Imagine sleeping with an old woman, tufiakwa, I just pray you havn't passed a terrible disease to me, you are not getting away with this. I swear" she barked. I nervously stared at her, stood up after a while and left her room. I was totally confused and mad. I ran to my room, locked the døor, unlocked my travelling bag, fetched my other phone and called Tessy nervously "hi Val i've been trying to reach you, where are you?" she asked seriously, "Tess, there is a big problem ooo' i murmured, "my girl is going crazy because someone from your side told her about us just like i feared" i poured out nervously. "serious?, i think i now understand, because a girl who claimed to be your younger sister actually called my line moments ago, but how are you sure the fault is from my end eeh?" she asked, "anyway just calm down and let her be for the moment, she will come around later. Please don't do anything silly and allow her to come to terms with what she just discovered" Tessy advised. "you mean i should sit , wait and do nothing?" i asked with disbelief, "of course yes, just let her be for the moment" she affirmed, but i really found her advice very awkward and weak. I sighed and rudely hung up. I truly had expected her to offer a more solid advice, which truly was the main reason i called her by that hour. I dropped my phone, locked my bag and returned to Adaora's room. "i know your mind is very bitter, but believe me when i say that i never had any sexual encounter with her, Adaora we never got to that stage" I lied unconvincingly, "anyway i'm leaving your life for good, because i failed you woefully and i promise never to cross your path ever again. Just don't tell my family about this incident please, i beg of you" i pleaded without thinking properly. She blew her nose, bit her lips, stared at me angrily, before throwing a glass cup which narrowly missed my head at me. "No mister, you got it all wrong, the first thing i will do is to ring your mum and tell her everything. You ain't escaping, nor going anywhere till i finish with you, coward, liar, i will humilate and make you pay for your actions", She shouted and advanced towards me like an angry cat, grabbed an electric iron lying carelessly on the table {few steps away from me} and hit it on my head, again and again without minding the physical harm she was doing to me. I felt great pain as blood tickled down, but i never moved an inch nor fought back. All i fought was the great pain in my heart. To be continued.
2 Oct 2013 | 14:43
*continues* She soon realised what she was doing, dropped the electric iron and backed me. "i have sacrificed alot for this relationship, i won't let it crumble over this, but i equally won't forgive you either" she cried. I watched her silently without knowing what to say. "i want to see your Tessy, i want to have a little talk with her, i want to see her disgusting face" she cried and faced me once again, breathing deeply as her eyes fell on my bloody head. "won't you go and wash your head?" she asked coldly, but with concern. "i rather die than face all the humiliations you are planning for me" i murmured. "sorry mr man, but you will live to see them all, so better go and wash your head" she commanded, but i still refused to move an inch. She rolled her eyes, grabbed her flask {filled with hot water} and dragged me to a sink close by. _____ "i'm sorry for wounding you, but the cut isn't deep" she apologized as she washed my head. "i hate what i'm doing this moment" she murmured. I kept quiet and pretended not to hear her. "but seriously what were you thinking dating an old woman, I thought only poor boys do that? Or have you gone broke or what, seriously i need more explanations because i really don't see the motive behind such behaviour" she asked curiously. "i really think you were misinformed by whoever was passing information across to you. I also never said i was dating any old woman nor having any sexual relationship with Tessy, all i agreed was that i knew her, expecting you to be reasonable enough to ask how and why, but you instantly concluded and took law in your hands like an illiterate" i said a bit angrily. She stared at me with surprise. "do you remember the rural water project dad handled in 2007?" i asked, while she nodded with a suspicious look, "Tessy brokered the deal for him, and since i'm dad's only son she reached out to me hoping we continue doing business with her. Then last saturday she invited me over for her son's birthday, which i attended without telling you and that's the only thing i did wrong, which i'm equally apologizing for" i explained innocently, "i don't believe you, moreover you were willing to end our relationship over her and i also remember you begging me not to tell your family" she replied intelligently. "of course i did, because i figured if you can't believe me then no one will" i concluded with a shrug. "just like you earlier said, i have no motive for having a sugar mummy, how much will she give me, that you can't afford supposing i'm broke?" i asked. Her eyes dropped in doubt. "i just don't know, moreover the evidence against you is very strong and the young girl who told me everything was so sure of herself" she said, placing a hand on her head. "how young is she?" i asked anxiously, "between 20 to 23 or so, dark and slim, do you know her?" she asked seriously. "hell no, i don't" I truthfully answered, because her description dosen't in any way match Elinor's features. "i still have lots of questions to ask and i believe your Tessy will clear it up herself, or do you object??" she asked seriously, her eyes scanning my face like a 'lie detector. I breathed deeply, fully aware i wasn't getting away easily, and equally regretting why i regrouped very late, after almost admitting all my wrong doings. Adaora wasn't gullible nor stupid, she definetly knew what she was doing. To be continued.
3 Oct 2013 | 05:05
*continues* "so let's call her" she added {searchingly}, perhaps expecting me to come up with an excuse. I simply breathed deeply and nodded, "alright suit yourself madam" i accepted. She cleaned my head with a 'face towel' before walking to the sitting room. I calmly followed her, clueless on how to dissuade her from making the phone call. "please be polite when talking to her, she isn't our mate" i heard myself plead. She forced out a smile, sat on a couch and grabbed my phone. I quietly sat beside her, my heart pounding furiously. ______ "hullo" she greeted calmly as soon as Tessy answered her {phone} call, "Val's sister abi?" Tessy asked with a sarcastic tone, "yea good afternoon, i'm very sorry for disturbing, but i really want to clear some issues with you, please forgive my manners, i'm not Val's sister but his fiancee" she quickly said, "oh i see" I heard Tessy murmur, "so please can we meet, it's very important?" She asked pleadingly, "sure! but i dey Abuja oooo" Tessy replied lightly, "me too, hope tomorrow will be alright?" Adaora asked happily, while Tessy hesitated a bit. Perhaps she was very surprised when she learnt of Adaora's location. "okay" she murmured, "so where can i meet you?" Adaora asked, "is Val there with you?" i heard her ask, avoiding Adaora's question. "yes he is" Adaora answered without wasting time, "he knows my house dear. It really will be an honour to have you guys at my house tomorrow, just call me an hour before you start coming please" She replied and hung up a bit rudely. Adaora stared at me with a smile. "I guess it's settled then" she said to me, "your phone will be mine for the rest of the day" she added and left for her room, {without knowing that i came with a second phone}, which was safely locked in my 'travelling bag'. Wasting no time, i ran into my room, locked the door, brought out the phone and called Tessy with it. I nervously explained the situation to her, but she didn't even allow me to finish before interrupting me. "your girl is very rude, does she think i'm her mate. I hate this child's play mtcheeew" she hissed and hung up, leaving me totally pissed and surprised. "what the hell is wrong with her?" i wondered, praying she dosen't come up with her own silly plan nor mess me up before Adaora. Just like Desertboom said, "most women act on impulse" and so i really was very scared, because i couldn't predict the future, Adaora's plan nor Tessy's mind. I was afraid of tomorrow To be continued.
3 Oct 2013 | 16:09
*continues* AN HOUR LATER Adaora walked into my room, sat on the bed and stared at me, "what are you thinking?" she asked curiously, "about everything, and i hate how you behave sometimes" i replied calmly, "okay i have heard. But maybe one day i'll try cheating on you, so you can taste the pain and suffering i always pass through for your sake" she replied and sat up. "i came to keep you company but your obnoxious behaviour won't let us have a decent conversation, i'm leaving" she muttered with a frown. I reached forward and grabbed her hand. "don't be too intense dear, i'm sorry, okay!, can you guess what i need now?" i asked. She looked at me and shrugged, "no" she answered. I stood beside her, pulled off my clothes, grinning like a mad man while she gasped, her eyes sparkled and her face coloured. "i think you need help" she managed to murmur, "of course i need your help" i laughed and pushed her to the bed. She fell and screamed. I was instantly all over her kissing, caressing and pinching. She bit, struggled and yelled until we were both unclad. "you are sick" she cursed, "you too" i cursed back, grabbing her hand and resting it on my stick. "what are you doing?" she asked, "nothing" i replied. "each time we quarrel you always force me into having s.ex with you why?" she asked curiously, "because i do have the most urge after fighting with you" I replied. She sat up and stared at my stick. "i don't know why i'm doing this, but it still dosen't change anything between us. We are still seeing Tessy tomorrow" she said to me before playing with my stick, which she rubbed, and su.cked for a while before lowering her kit.ty over it. "seriously i have invested all my life, feelings and everything into this relationship that i really don't know myself again. I always end up doing the opposite of what i planned each time i see you, but don't take it as foolishness because a girl like me can go to the extreme when extracting her own pound of flesh" she whispered into my ear as she rode me. I smiled, held her strongly and came {cum.m.ed}. "we did it again without condom abi?" she asked as she got away from me, "you gave me no time to get one nau" i defended. She walked to the bathroom, while i followed her because i wasn't yet satisfied. We did two more rounds in there. "just pray Tessy covers your tomorrow, or else i will be forced to do something nasty. I'm very serious about it" she warned as i ravaged her. I knew she was damn serious, dashing all my hopes and spoiling my mind. I really had hoped i could get her change her mind about seeing Tessy, but couldn't. To be continued. Betrayal comes up by noon
4 Oct 2013 | 04:43
hmmm...i hope u get out of dis..
4 Oct 2013 | 09:48
*continues* 2pm, Sunday, Tessy's house Adaora and i were ushered into Tessy's sitting room by her house girl who welcomed us polietly. We quietly settled down on a sofa as we waited for Tessy to show up. My heart pounded furiously as i trembled inside, out of great fear and suspence that held me. I was so scared because i truly didn't know what to expect. I really tried reaching Tessy on phone again the previous evening, after the little chat i first had with her, in order to straighten things up, but she appeared so upset that she hung up each time she heard my voice. I unsuccessfully tried my luck thrice hoping she would listen. A great risk i took, imagine what could have happened supposing Adaora caught me calling her. However the only hope i had was that she clearly listened to me the first time i called her, which was enough to make her a bit reasonable if she really cared for me like she claimed. I kept praying silently as we waited for her to show up, what a terrible sunday it was for me, and to crown it all, i was dragged to church by Adaora earlier in the day, something i can't remember her doing. So surprised i was when she woke me up by 6am to prepare for sunday church service, and In order to please her, i accepted, even though i cursed her silently. "A great sinner like me, what really will i be asking dear God in his holy temple for?. To help me with more lies? Or to block Adaora's eyes from seeing my deceptions eeh?? or is it to make me a better person?, when deep down i'm n't yet ready to change. What exactly?" i wondered. Hmmmm It truly was a very traumatizing sunday for me, but thanks to our dear Roman Catholic church, sunday service ended very quickly without anyone asking me to jump and fire cannons of holy ghost fire like our dear pentecostal brothers do. _____ "are you okay? You look terrible" i heard Adaora whisper in my ear, bringing my wandering soul back with her inquisitive eyes. I forced out a dry smile which carried no force. Just that moment, Tessy came into the sitting room from her room, closely followed by our dear Elinor who had a perfect smile on her face. The smile clearly showed how happy she was because she cleverly manipulated and had us where she wanted. "damn" i cursed as i thought deeply, counting my teeth with my tongue and realising we just got badly played. To be continued. Please i didn't intend to insult any religious institution with the above episode. {I only wrote how i felt that moment please}
4 Oct 2013 | 20:55
*continues* "hullo Happy sunday" Tessy welcomed us, hugging Adaora, "so glad to see you" she added, "me too" Adaora responded polietly. I watched nervously. Tessy really appeared very calm and composed, she wore a native attire which made her look very lovely and distinguished. She quickly led us to the dinning table as if she invited us for lunch. Elinor never uttered a word as the whole drama unfolded, all she did was just to hide behind her smile, behaving like an angel who couldn't hurt a fly, not even when Tessy introduced her to Adaora did she utter a word, pretending as if she didn't know who she was. However Adaora equally behaved the same way, which really got me very confused as i wondered if she was simply pretending or being plain honest.{remember Adaora and i met Elinor the first time at Aunt Martha's office}. Elinor's presence really disoriented me, making my heart pound furiously as I kept asking myself numerous unanswered questions. Adaora equally surprised me by not asking Tessy any embarrassing question, instead kept scanning her with her eyes as if it mattered. "so what do you do for a living, are you a graduate?" Tessy asked Adaora as we ate the food before us, "Nysc things, i'm serving here in Abuja" she replied, while Tessy raised an eyebrow in surprise. "how long have you guys been together?" she asked, "since childhood" Adaora answered, forcing Tessy and Elinor to exchange glances, while i scoffed. "so how about your Children? I havn't seen them" Adaora asked with a smile, "yea my cousin took them out, they disturb alot" she smiled, while Adaora nodded, "i'll show you my son's birthday pictures after the meal" she added polietly. The state of my mind as they discussed really was terrible, but Adaora seemed to be enjoying the whole drama. "thanks for the delicious meal and thanks for having us in your house, i definetly will call you some other time so we can have a little private chat. I just got myself a new friend" She said to a surprised Tessy who instantly blushed, while i froze. Adaora really planned her moves so well and clean that she countered all my tricks with her own sleek manoeuvres, unsettling me and raising my blood pressure. I knew with the way things were going that i would end up losing Tessy, which was exactly what Elinor wanted. Tessy was thus a victim of circumstance without realising it. To be continued.
5 Oct 2013 | 06:23
*continues* "Val can we discuss privately?", Tessy said to me as Adaora went through her children's pictures, after the meal. I hesitated a bit, while Adaora looked up suspiciously. "i won't take much of your time please" She added and stood up. I breathed deeply before standing, i really wasn't comfortable leaving Adaora alone with Elinor, but i equally couldn't 'say no' to our host. I calmly followed her to the other wing of the house, where she stopped, turned and stared at me seriously. "why did you bring her here?, how could you do something so silly?" she asked with a drawn face, "didn't you ask us to come?" i answered curiously, "i was only bluffing, now where do this leave us?" she asked seriously. "i really don't know" i replied sincerely. "she now knows my face, knows my name, knows where i live and wants to be friends with me, are you blind not to see what is happening eeh?" she asked, "the person responsible for everything is your friend Elinor, she's the brain behind all that's happening, arn't you surprised that all these are happening just a week after i reported her behaviour to you?" I asked. She rubbed her face and looked down in doubt. "Val i can't afford to lose you, i do apologize for the way i behaved yesterday, you know my feelings were hurt when your 'Ada' called me. So what do you suggest we do?" she held my hands and stared at me seriously. "you won't breathe a word about us to anyone especially to Elinor, from this moment. That's the only way out, we can still continue seeing each other secretly, but not in your house anymore" i managed to say. A frown instantly appeared on her face. "all these troubles just to have you huh?" she asked coldly, "yea it's either that or nothing" i replied. She sighed, "why are you scared of that Jerk you call your girlfriend? I think i have to put her in her place, before she does more damage" She said, hissed and returned to the sitting room, without bothering to hear my response.. _________ "i know you are having a relationship with her, and i also know she's way too young to do business with your dad. I think i got all the information i needed, so what do i do with you?" Adaora asked on our way home, thirty minutes later. I simply ignored her, looked out of the taxi window and pretended as if i didn't hear her. It really was a big mistake taking her to Tessy's house. "i don't think you love me, because If you do, you won't be cheating on me with every woman that comes your way, how long will i endure this" she sobbed inside the car, without caring that we weren't alone. "i had a tough time fighting Chinwe, how do i fight Tessy? How do i face such a mean lady?. I hate you Val, i hate you" she sobbed To be continued.
6 Oct 2013 | 04:25
*continues* ADAORA'S HOUSE "what do i do with you?, why do like destroying my happiness?, am i simply wasting my time with you?" she cried as we walked into the house. "stop talking nonsense dear, I took you to Tessy's house just to show you i have nothing going with her. What silly idea got into your head again?, calm down" i begged, but instead of stopping, she cried out more. "stop lying jare, you can't fool me with that unconvincing excuse" she faced me, ready for another fight, "you are wounding yourself my love, just try and be reasonable for once, I beg of you" I pleaded, "reasonable huh?, for how long will i have to put up with your lies and deciet, before you realise i'm being fair with you? You are just taking me for granted" she cried. "alright what else will you have me do to prove my innocence, dearest?" I asked with a soothing smile, "alot, you have to do alot to convince me, but first do know that i will be travelling to the east with you whenever you choose to return" she announced. I gasped with surprise, "what for dear?, i don't understand" i seriously asked, "perhaps i havn't been giving you all my attention, perhaps i havn't been caring enough. All that will change from this moment and i'm not doing it for you, but for my happiness and for your family" she explained. I speechlessly stared at her. "is there a problem travelling with you?, or are you hiding another girl in your little village room?" she asked suspiciously. "c'mon dear stop talking nonsense, travelling with me isn't the solution, moreover i can't guarantee your safe being and health over there. The community isn't like the ones you have seen, the rain and mosquitoes are still having a good time there, please get this idea off your head" i begged desperately. "don't worry about me, I can live with you in the desert if need be, so don't try to discourage me, my mind is already made up" she concluded tearfully. I rubbed my face and swallowed hard, wondering what has come over her. "I hate to say this but from this moment, nothing about you will ever escape me again, i will be your shadow. Drastic times call for drastic measures" She added, cleaned her eyes and left for her room, leaving me as stunned as ever. "how far will she go?" I wondered with a deep breathe. Her change of atitude truly got me worried, leaving me extremely scared and uneasy. But I couldn't blame her because i understood how badly she felt with just the thought of what she suspected me of doing. "how far will she go with me?" i heard myself ask again, having no choice than to come up with a quick plan. To be continued.
6 Oct 2013 | 12:49
*continues* 6PM I was in my room updating my stories, when Tessy's call came through. I quickly answered it with fear. "hope your madam isn't around?" she asked jokingly, "no, she's in her room" i replied, "i'll love to see you tomorrow by 9am at my house" she said to me, "c'mon you know it's impossible, remember we agreed not to meet in your house again" i replied, "it's not impossible and we never agreed on anything" she murmured, "i ain't coming, i'm travelling tomorrow" i said to her, "we have something important to discuss, alright don't bother coming to my house, let's meet at my shop then" she asked of me. "hmmmm, i'll think about it" i breathed deeply and answered, "9am, remember, kiss kiss" she said and hung up. 9PM I walked into Adaora's room, stared at her for a while before placing a kiss on her cheek, "goodnight my dear" i whispered into her ear, and turned to leave. "you can lie beside me, i don't bite" she said quietly, making space for me on her bed. I smiled, lowered myself beside her, and held her softly. "how good is she in bed?" i heard her ask minutes later, "who?" i asked nervously, "Tessy", "she's really a beautiful woman, and i can't imagine how she's giving it to you" she said, sat up and stared at me. I bit my lips angrily. "stop being too dramatic my dear, you are annoying me with your nonsense talk" i sighed, got up and left her room. "Val you are being rude to me" she shouted after me. 7AM MONDAY Adaora walked into my room, sat on the bed and placed her hand on my chest, "good morning, hope you slept well?" she asked, "yea" i replied and yawned, "i'm about preparing for work, is there anything you want me to help you with?" she asked calmly, "no i'm okay" i answered, "okay then let me go and dress up, there is bread on the dinning table, you can have it for breakfast" she said to me before leaving the room. By 7:35AM she left for work, while i quickly took my bath, ate the bread and headed to Tessy's shop. The evil spirit that always led me to her was at work again. Tessy's Office Tessy breathed deeply as she saw me walk into her cute office, located at the back of her shop. She instantly rose from her chair and advanced towards me. "you owe me alot after what happened yesterday" she murmured as she stopped before me, drawing down my jaw, our lips clasped, sending huge energy into us. "awwwww how much i missed you, i felt like strangling that obnoxious Ada girl yesterday" she moaned, while I breathed deeply. There was fire in her eyes as she stared at me. "i felt so terrible, hurt and unhappy last night. I was unable to sleep because i couldn't stop thinking about what you might be doing with her, i felt very very bad" she said with a naughty expression, forcing me to back away from her. "Tessy i'm sorry to say this but you are scaring me, you sound sick" i said with fright, which further coloured her face. "don't be despicable, i'm equally a woman with feelings, i deserve some respect" she said with a slightly raised tone, frightening me more.... "what has gotten into everyone" I wondered. To be continued. Betrayal comes up later in the Day.
7 Oct 2013 | 05:51
was finally able to register. this is such a lively write up I always look to reading each moment I come online..
7 Oct 2013 | 19:04
*continues* "I came because i have something important to tell you, that's equally the main reason i accepted your invitation" i calmly said to Tessy, "you are a very beautiful and adorable lady with a nice heart, but i really can't keep decieving myself nor toying with your feelings, you don't deserve it. I came to do the most honourable thing, which is to end our relationship" i announced carefully, "It won't lead us anywhere dear, and my future is what i really do need to focus on right now, not flying to Abuja every weekend. I find you amusing and interesting but i have to let you go" I poured out calmly, while she stared at me with shock, her lips quivered as my words registered in her head. Truly i never planned on saying those words to her, nor earlier intended to end our relationship, but with the direction things were heading, i had no choice, moreover Adaora was becoming more and more unpredictable and less gullible. I really couldn't risk pushing her to the limit. I wasn't a fool not to accept defeat when defeated. Yea Elinor won me, but it wasn't the end of the world. Moreover Tessy's behaviour that morning equally got to my nerves, sending a red signal of what might come up in future between us, thus forcing the idea of ending things with her into my head. Sincerely, our relationship also wasn't giving any long term benefits to me. However, till this moment i really can't say what gave me such morale to utter those serious words. It just looked as if a powerful spirit flew into my body and spoke through my mouth. "i can't believe what i'm hearing, please tell me you are pulling my legs?" she begged nervously. "i'm sorry, but i'm very serious and nothing will change my mind" i murmured plainly. "is she the one influencing you? Did Ada get you to tell me this nonsense? What is it you want?" she screamed, forcing me to grab her, covering her mouth with my left palm. "we really don't have a future together don't you see? Moreover my girlfriend is almost closing in on us and i wouldn't want to lose her for anything" i explained, "i know this has been in your heart all along, first you never talked about your girlfriend, then all of a sudden you began accusing my best friend, later opened up about having a girlfriend and now this. Why? why? why? Is it money you want? Tell me" she forcefully pushed me away {from her body} and asked with wet eyes. "you are very insensitive Val, you of all people. I can't believe i gave myself cheaply to a small boy like you only to get played" she cried, "i planned on taking you abroad after your Nysc, hoping we could get married and settle down there. I had good intentions for you" she poured out without checking herself, while i gasped without holding my tongue. "god forbid" i exclaimed, "stop talking nonsense please" i begged, "you are the person talking nonsense dear, but i'm sorry to tell you that i'm not a school girl you can use and dump when it pleases you. You must take responsibility for your actions. Just leave me alone please, i don't want to see your face" she screamed angrily, forcing me to back away with fear. I really have never seen her in such frenzy. "I knew what an angry girl is capable of, but i couldn't risk waiting to experience what an angry older lady is capable of doing". I fearfully left her shop and headed home. To be continued betrayal has been updated! Check link
7 Oct 2013 | 20:25
8 Oct 2013 | 11:30
*continues* I felt an inner peace as i returned from Tessy's shop, so glad that i was finally able to push away the evil spirit in me and do the right thing. I busied myself with my stories for the rest of that day even though Tessy's phone calls never allowed me to concentrate. "what else does she want to tell me?" i kept wondering as i rejected her calls. Adaora returned later in the evening looking very serious and tired. We didn't say much to each other, until she called me up for dinner by 7pm. "how was work?" i asked, "very strenious, our director virtually turned me into a messenger today. I kept running from one office to another" she replied with a smile, "you are yet to gist me on how you teach your students, i have been dying to hear the story but your behaviour hasn't allowed me to ask" she said curiously, her eyes scanning me eagerly, "Teach wetin? I settled the principal with 10k jare, we are now pals and i virtually do nothing in that school" i boasted, "Tufiakwa, ajó nwa{bad pikin} that's the only thing you are good at. I don't blame you" she cursed jokingly, 9pm I was busy typing a story with my phone, when she walked into the sitting room, stared at me suspiciously, came forward and rested on my body. I quickly saved the story i was typing, and opened another nairaland page. "who are you chatting with?" she asked, "chat kwa?, c'mon you know i hardly spend my precious time chatting online" i replied. She breathed deeply, and sat up with a tired look. "i'm reading a sex story, care to join?" i asked as i offered her my phone, "she stared at the screen, went through few lines and sighed, "jobless boy" she murmured, returned my phone, and stood up. "please come and keep me warm, i want to sleep" she begged, grabbed my left hand and dragged me to my feet. _____ ADAORA'S ROOM "please dear don't romance nor tickle me, i'm very tired. Just hold and keep me warm abeg" she ordered when we settled on her bed. "yes madam" i answered. 2AM I jolted from sleep as she shook me ferociously. My heart skipped as i stared at her curiously, "i think someone just gained access to our apartment, i'm hearing strange sounds coming from the kitchen, what do we do?" she asked fearfully, "are you sure of what you are saying? This neighbourhood is very safe na" i asked unseriously, "yea i'm sure, let's check it out" she insisted, "no you can wait here, while i check it out myself, quickly hide the laptops and phones, but don't hide your old nokia, do it fast please" i whispered nervously. She quickly switched on the bulb, did all i ordered and wore a blue jean trouser. The light{electricity} went off seconds later. "you see, i'm right, they have gotten to our fuse box" she said fearfully, sending more fear into my fragile heart. I looked out of the window and saw light {electricity} in other compounds. "damn" i cursed. "let me call Musa, i know he's probably sleeping on duty" she whispered to me, "alright you can do that while i go check it out" i said and made to leave, but she quickly held me, "let's check it out together, i can't risk you going out there alone" she offered, switched on the {old} nokia {phone} light and took a step forward. "ain't you calling Musa again?" i asked nervously, but before she could answer, a flash light fell on us, almost blinding our eyes.. To be continued.
8 Oct 2013 | 14:04
hmmmmm...anoda kasala or wat!!!
9 Oct 2013 | 06:46
Val why d delay na
9 Oct 2013 | 09:30
*continues* "Jesus!" Adaora screamed, holding me tightly. I quickly murmured silent prayers as cold shiver ran through me. Three men came upon us breathing heavily as if they crawled out of a grave. I instantly felt great pain as a hard object landed heavily on my head, making me collaspe on the floor, while Adaora knelt by my side, extremely scared and lost. Within few minutes the bandits expertly ransacked the whole room, seizing Adaora's jewellery, expensive shoes{her dad sent her from abroad} and even her hand bag. They totally swept the whole room, though we were lucky they didn't discover the phones and laptops she hid inside an old carton filled with old newspapers. "where are your phones?" one of them barked, as he grabbed the old Nokia phone Adaora was holding. I tried to say something, but lost my voice due to fear which engulfed me. "we were robbed inside a taxi this afternoon, we have nothing but the little you have already seized" i heard Adaora mutter nervously, but her words infuriated them immensely, earning me more kicks and blows which they rendered on me without pity. Seriously if not for Musa's voice which interrupted them as he sang outside Adaora's window that moment, perhaps they would have left me in a more terrible state. Musa's voice rang out as he walked towards the backward, passing through Adaora's window and flashing his torch aimlessly. Maybe the electricity that went off earlier alerted him or perhaps he was simply doing his night round. Whatever it was, his action really stopped the hoodlums who frooze and waited patiently till he moved away. One of them, squatted by my side, breathing heavily as he pressed a steel object on my head. "one sound from you and you are gone" he threatened, while another held Adaora strongly. Musa the security man soon disappeared, leaving us once again to our fate. The hoodlums quickly whispered among themselves, before leaving the room noiselessly. "if anything should happen to us as we leave, we will come back to finish what we started" they threatened as they left. But their threats really wasn't necessary because i was still in a big shock with my left eye swollen and hurting. "my baby thank God they didn't kill you for me. God will surely repay them, for a moment i feared they came for your life" Adaora cried as she hugged me like an elder sister, while i thanked God for my life, even though i felt ashamed as i did it, because i truly had dared God on numerous ocassions. To be continued shortly.
9 Oct 2013 | 11:40
*continues* "i can't believe we were just robbed" Adaora sobbed as she hugged me. I felt very bad and ashamed about everything, but i hid my feelings, quietly broke away from her and stood up with a painful smile after regaining my strength. "c'mon baby, stop lamenting, let's check the other rooms and see if they were tampered with" I said to her, "what if those guys are still around? Let's wait till dawn please" she murmured fearfully. "get the phones dear, i'm very sure they have left" i replied with a deep breathe. She hesitated before silently retrieving our phones from where she hid them{ which took her quite an effort, because we were in darkness}. Using the little light our handsets had, we walked to the sitting room. But I wasn't surprised when we eventually got there and discovered that the t.v decoder and d.v.d machine were gone. My room however was untouched, though there was no valuable thing in it anyway. {Adaora's room is the first when coming from either the sitting room or kitchen}. We calmly made our way to the second corridor to check the fuse box, which we discovered was switched off. With a deep breathe, i switched it on, while Adaora smiled as the bulbs glowed. We thereafter went outside to fetch a bewildered security man who couldn't believe his ears when we told him what happened us. However I asked myself lots of questions the following morning after discovering that the family living next door wasn't robbed ______ The events of that fateful night really shook Adaora alot and made her insist on travelling to Imo state with me which i finally gave in to, because i was left with no choice. On Wednesday morning i headed back to Owerri with Adaora by my side, and by 7pm that fateful evening, we arrived at my lodge. I truly wasn't confortable with her presence, but i equally was a bit glad that she was willing to face a tough life for my sake. Frank was in my room chatting with Sonia and Jenny when we walked in, they smiled happily as they welcomed us. However Jenny's bright smile instantly turned into a dark scowl after I introduced Adaora to them, while Frank was all smiles as he hugged Adaora "welcome to a new life" he jokingly said to her.. "I pray nothing bad happens" i murmured to myself with mixed feelings. To be continued.
9 Oct 2013 | 15:48
*continues* After Adaora had settled down, i went over to my land-lady's apartment to greet her. I gave her children the bread i brought for them, spent few minutes with them, before returning to my room. However i ran into Jenny on my way back. She gave me an askance look, blocked me and folded her hands. "Jenny baby, why are you frowning na, don't you know it makes you look very ugly?" i asked with a smile. She sighed and rolled her eyes, "i really missed everything about you" i added jokingly. She scoffed with a clap. "so gist me the latest, What's happening at school?" I asked curiously, "and why should i tell you eeh?" she asked with a drawn face. I drew nearer and held her hands strongly. "madam what did i do to you na? Are we not friends again?, abeg gist me small nau" i pleaded calmly. She shook her head and looked away. "Akunna your girlfriend is pregnant, that's the latest news" she said and made to leave, but i quickly hid my surprise, held her strongly, and prevented her from leaving. "are you serious?, who got her pregnant?" i asked curiously. "i don't know, she refused to disclose that piece of information to anyone and it's really causing quite a commotion in the Village. You know her dad is a retired policeman? He almost killed the girl on sunday" She narrated, while i shrugged with surprise. "didn't she tell you, i thought you guys were....?" she murmured mockingly, wrapping her question with a dirty smile, which said a thousand words to me. "you thought we were what?" i asked nervously, "never mind, but i pray she dosen't name you oooo hmmm" she said with a weird tone, while i gasped. Akunna slept only once in my room and i really was unable to do anything with her that fateful night, because she offered herself so easily, which kind of scared me away, {even though i nursed some dirty plans for her}. "did you hear anything else, please speak up" i urged as i breathed heavily on her. "hey easy jor, i heard nothing else pleassssse" She coldly answered before walking away, leaving me to my thoughts. I returned to my room with a heavy mind. I really had no concrete reason to be scared, but Jenny's news actually shook me alot, sending great fear into me as if i was the person responsible. "so Akunna was pregnant all the time she was coming close to me?" i wondered seriously, "no, no, no, it can't be. I must seek her out tomorrow, yes i must" i concluded nervously. Adaora however was the first to notice my changed mood.... "you look lost, are you okay?" She asked searchingly as she held me. "Kpoom kpoom kpoom!!!" My heart pounded. To be continued shortly.
10 Oct 2013 | 12:09
*continues* Frank travelled back to Okitipupa town the following day, leaving Adaora and i all alone. Things went smoothly for the first two days allowing Adaora and i to enjoy each other, but however on saturday, Akunna showed up unexpectedly, without the slightest clue that her elder brother was following her discreetly. Her brother soon swooped in on us with his friends, like cops, spoiling my weekend and the peace i was enjoying with Adaora. ______ 10AM SATURDAY I was updating my stories, while Adaora concentrated on a home video she was watching, when we heard a calm knock on my door. I lazily ignored it, focusing all my attention to the story i was typing, but Adaora quietly stood up and opened the door, admitting the visitor after a brief chat. I smiled nervously when i looked up and saw that the visitor was no other person than Akunna. I quickly sat up and stared at her curiously. "good morning" she greeted before sitting on a plastic chair, "wow it's been a while, how are you doing?" i asked calmly. She simply smiled and gave me no reply. "baby, she's a good friend living few blocks away, her name is Akunna" I introduced her to Adaora, "Akunna meet my sweet heart and fiancee Adaora" i equally said to Akunna who nodded nervously. "i'm so glad you came, i have been dying to ask you some questions. There is this rumour going round about you?" i asked cautiously, while she looked down with shame. "it's true and i need your help" she murmured, throwing uneasy glances at Adaora who was busy once again with the home video she was watching. "which kind of help?" i asked suspiciously, but before she could answer, we were interrupted by someone who knocked heavily on my door as if he wanted to push it down. I swallowed hard, stood up and opened my door with anger. There stood four young men panting heavily with anger in their eyes, reeking of weed and alcohol. "so you are the guy who decieved my sister? You again?" one of them asked, leaving me totally shocked, frightened and appalled. The noise they made soon brought out my neighours and landlady, turning the whole issue into a public affair. Much to my dismay. To be continued shortly. Yesterday was a mess. I do apologize
11 Oct 2013 | 03:49
*continues* "seems like you guys are crazy, how am i responsible for your sister's problem?, abeg make una no provoke me oo, this is not like the other incident i allowed you guys to go free after humiliating me" i shouted at them. My voice brought Adaora and Akunna out from my room, while the boys stared at me murderously, lacking the morale to throw the first punch. "kelvin, what's wrong with you?, why are you being so despicable?, you are embarrassing me" Akunna cried, forcing the boys to murmur among themselves, as they waited for kelvin to decide the next line of action. "he is the guy right?, answer me, is he the guy responsible for for........?" kelvin nervously asked his sister, pointing to her stomach with a shaking finger. "what is happening here?, my house is no market place, you all should leave my house this moment and settle your dispute elsewhere" The landlady barked angrily, jolting everyone with her loud voice. Akunna hissed and left the compound, the boys eyed me before going after her, while i shrugged and returned to my room with Adaora. "what's happening?" she asked as soon as we were alone. "Akunna is pregnant and her brothers are accusing me of being responsible" i replied. "don't tell me you had sex with that girl?" she asked with disgust, "of course not, how could you ask such a question eeh?," i asked with a frown. She shrugged. "i don't know, i don't think those guys came out so openly to accuse you, without being sure of themselves" she replied intelligently. I shook my head, breathed deeply and threw myself on the bed. "being too friendly with locals dosen't always end up well, now the silly girl is pregnant, who knows what else those hoodlums are planning" She murmured to herself, before focusing her attention back to the movie showing on the television screen. 4pm She gently shook me, waking me from sleep. I lazily opened my eyes and stared at her inquisitively, "there is a woman at the door, she urgently wants to speak with you" Adaora said to me. I sat up, rubbed my face and went to my door. "hello, i'm Akunna's mum" The woman greeted as soon as our eyes met. "yes i know, good evening ma" i responded polietly, "I heard my son came to your room to cause trouble, i'm very sorry for that" she apologized calmly. "oh don't worry about that ma, it was just a little misunderstanding and nothing else" i replied with a smile. "yea and the misunderstanding is actually what brought me here. Please Can you follow me to my house, so we could straighten things once and for all? Akunna's dad and everyone is waiting for you there. We heard you denied being responsible, but since my daughter has refused to disclose the identity of the person responsible, we all will love it, if you can deny culpability before everyone, because every finger is actually pointing at you" she asked of me. I silently raised my eyebrows, deep in thought. To be continued.
11 Oct 2013 | 07:16
*continues* "no madam, how can i come to your house to answer for something i know nothing about?, what you are asking of me is totally outrageous. I'm sorry, i can't do it" I replied calmly, with a drawn face. "I think it's the only chance you have in clearing your name, anyway i can't force you. Good day" she murmured unhappily and turned to leave. I breathed deeply, thinking over her last words. "surely there isn't any harm in going over to her house to clear my name, moreover she was very civil and respectful with her request" i reasoned deeply. "i will be there in ten minutes" i heard myself say as she left. She instantly stopped, turned and stared at me with a sharp smile, before leaving the compound without another word. "what does she want with you?, who is she?" Adaora curiously asked as soon as i returned to my room. "she's Akunna's mother, she want's me to come over to her house and clarify issues concerning Akunna's pregnancy" I answered with a cautious smile, as i changed my shirt. She stared at me curiously, before walking up to me. "don't tell me you are honouring her request?" she asked fearfully, "I have no choice my dear" i replied calmly, "no no no, you have a choice. What if they attack you there, what will become of you?" she asked and held me. "don't worry dearest, nothing will happen to me because i'm innocent" i assured her. She breathed deeply and hugged me. "I know you are, but will they believe you? Your denial might provoke and make them violent, please don't go" she begged. I closed my eyes, thanking my creator for making her believe me. "Thanks for believing in me, i never knew you would" i murmured, placing my nose on her hair. "of course i do believe you. The girl dosen't fit into your class. I know what you can do and what you can't do" she replied. "i have to get going dear, don't be scared" i said, broke away from her, and walked towards the door. I heard her call my name. "Val wait!, let's go together. You need a witness don't you?" she asked, walked to the door with a smile and opened it. "let's go my love, i can't let you go there alone. They have to pass through me before getting to you" she added with a smile. I shrugged and stared into her eyes. "what do i say to this stubborn girl eeh?" i asked jokingly, "say thank you to her" she rolled her eyes and replied. Together we went over to Akunna's house. We soon got to the compound and walked into the sitting room, where an old man and two women were seated. They instantly fed their eyes on us without uttering a word. The look on the old man's face was very murderous and mean. Perhaps he was already convinced that i was the culprit responsible for his daughter's predicament. To be continued. THE LINK BY DAMEX coming soon on
12 Oct 2013 | 10:54
*continues* "so you are the boy eeh?" The old man suddenly asked with an angry loud voice, struggled to his feet and made to advance towards us. Adaora held me tightly, while i drew back a step with surprise. "with all due respect sir, i don't understand why you are being mad at me. Your daughter is pregnant, why can't you ask her the person responsible, she isn't a baby. I hate all these" i poured out angrily, while Akunna's mum made signs for me to keep quiet, but i ignored her and continued with my outburst, because i was extremely angry and hurt by the old man's behaviour. "i have to speak up because i can't keep enduring everything being done to me in this village" i continued. "what? You are shouting at me in my own house, you rascal" The old man shouted, grabbed his walking stick and tried to hit me, but his wife quickly got up and held him. He violently shoved his wife aside, but the force he applied equally made him lose his step, sending him on his knees. He instantly grabbed his chest, breathing heavily, while i rushed up and helped him get to his feet. "you see your life, you can't calm down when doing anything, don't worry till you fall one day and get struck by stroke, you will then realise the value of my words" the wife shouted at him. "nne don't talk like that to your husband in front of strangers" the second woman who had been silent all along cautioned Akunna's mother. "everything ends today. Woman where is your daughter?" he finally recovered his voice and asked. "you mean Akunna? She's inside" his wife replied, "go and fetch her instantly" he ordered. Two minutes later, Akunna showed up in the sitting room, her eyes were very red like someone who has been crying for a long time. "is he the young man responsible for your predicament?" "speak up and don't be afraid" he asked his daughter who looked down with shame. "no papa, he isn't" she replied quietly, leaving her dad extremely shocked. "what!!" he exclaimed, "dad he isn't" she murmured again. "then who is responsible?" he asked angrily, "i don't know papa, i don't know" she replied quietly. "may thunder blast your head and scatter your soul, bad child that flew into her mother's womb from nowhere, you are leaving my house this moment" he barked like an animal, sending his daughter to her knees with a ferocious slap, while i scratched my head and watched on silently. "oh my God" Adaora screamed. To be continued.
12 Oct 2013 | 19:08
*continues* "let's go baby, it's now a family thing and no longer our problem" i said to Adaora, "you are right dear, let's go" she replied. Silently we left Akunna's house without another word. ______ "we are you guys coming from?" Jenny asked as she saw us approaching. She was standing under a mango tree, with both hands on her mobile phone as if she was typing something. "we went to Akunna's house because her parents summoned me, luckily the girl told them i had no hand in her problem" i explained, "you are a lucky guy oo" she exclaimed unguardedly, while i instantly gave her a sharp look. "that's what i get for being nice to people" i replied calmly. "i guess you have learnt your lesson" she added. I smiled, shook my head and walked to my room without saying anything else to her. "jeez that girl's dad is very harsh" Adaora sighed as she rested on my bed. I smiled, pecked her, went outside and switched on the generator. SUNDAY MORNING Adaora woke me by 7am insisting i take her to church, i grumbled as i tried to talk my way out of it but she kept on insisting. I had no choice than to freshen up and prepare with her. But when we were finally set to leave my room an hour later, someone knocked on my door. I opened it without hesitation and saw Akunna standing outside, looking very unkempt and haggard. "what's up?" i curiously asked, after she settled down in my room. "Val i need your help please" she begged with her eyes on Adaora, "what is it you want, tell me dear?" i asked calmly. "i can't have this baby, i don't need it, please help me" she begged. I swallowed hard and held her hands, "i don't understand" i murmured. "i want to abort it, please help me, i have tried using herbs but it failed" she pleaded. I instantly coloured up. "i'm too young to have a child. I can't let my future crash before me. How do i support myself with a child, what will become of me. Val you are my last hope, please don't destroy the rest of my broken spirit. Suggest some drugs for me please" She begged. I was instantly thrown into a big confusion, "do i help her or not?" I wondered. To be continued. LITTLE WINNIE & BETRAYAL comes up later in the day... HAPPY SUNDAY
13 Oct 2013 | 03:43
*continues* Adaora calmly walked up to her, squatted by her side and held her hands. "my dear you shouldn't talk like that, it's a big sin" she cautioned softly, "A child is a special gift from God and he alone has the power to decide over a child's life. Aborting your baby isn't the best solution" she advised her. "I know but i have no choice, c'mon look at me, how dry and dejected i'm. What do you think will become of me when i eventually give birth?, no, no, no i can't bring a child into this world to suffer for my carelessness, i rather terminate it and wait for judgement day" she murmured seriously, shaking Adaora with her words. "c'mon Val tell her something nah" i heard Adaora say to me, i breathed deeply and shrugged. "my dear i think she's cruelly right, you have done your part by reminding her of the consequencies let her be" I replied, while she gasped. "VAL!!! What nonsense are you talking eeh?" she asked curiously. "i'm not in support or against anything, the decision is hers and the child's father to make, nne{dear} have you spoken with the guy responsible?" i asked her. She swallowed hard and looked away. "i havn't revealed this to anyone because it's very shameful, but i have no choice since i need your help" she murmured sadly. "i had sex with two guys last month. I had sex with my exboyfriend and with my current boyfriend. I can't really tell how it happened because they both used protection" she murmured shyly. Adaora and i gasped. "you had sex with two guys in a month chei" Adaora exclaimed, while i shrugged silently. "you see why i need help? I can't bring such child into the world to suffer, it's so unfair to subject an innocent child into such misery. I just need some prescriptions and nothing more" she pleaded seriously. Adaora shook her head, stood up and stared at me. "what do you have to say oga" she asked of me, Sending me into deep thoughts. I knew helping the unlucky girl had its own dangerous consequencies, thereby putting me in a burning chair as i contemplated on whether to do the right thing and refuse her request or follow my heart and help her out. To be continued. THE LINK by Dammey coming soon on
14 Oct 2013 | 04:11
*continues* Adaora seeing how confused i was, faced the girl again. "you are yet to tell us whether your boyfriend or Ex is aware of your situation?" she asked her. She stared at Adaora nervously, stood up and breathed deeply, "I'm sorry for coming here to disturb you guys with my problem. I have to get going, moreover you are about leaving for church" She murmured and made to leave, carefully avoiding Adaora's question. "no don't talk like that dear. We really do appreciate your visit and the way you shared everything with us. Don't you Val?" Adaora calmly said to her, before asking me with a smile. "of course i do appreciate" i murmured with a nod. "so how about the prescription i asked for?" she asked searchingly. I breathed deeply and scratched my head. "I really don't know any abortion pill. I really wish i do or could help, i'm very sorry" i said to her with a sad look, while she covered her face with her palms, totally dejected and disappointed. "please can you help me with one thousand Naira?" She begged after a minute of silence. "sure dear, with all pleasure" Adaora replied, reached for her hand bag, fetched a thousand Naira note and gave to her. She collected it with a smile, thanked her and left my room without another word. "what's she up to?" Adaora asked fearfully. I shrugged and held her, "I don't know dear, but i pray she dosen't do anything silly" I replied. She breathed deeply and shrugged. "dam.n! we are now late for church, but it wouldn't stop us from attending, let's start going dear" She ordered seconds later. I frowned and obeyed. ____ We spent the rest of that sunday thinking and talking about Akunna's problem. I really felt a bit guilty for not helping her the way she wanted, but equally was very glad for not risking my head to help her. "what do you think will become of her life?" Adaora kept asking me with concern. 11:30PM I jolted from my bed, as i heard knocks on my door. I fearfully waited for some minutes, before bravely peeping through the keyhole. I opened my door seconds later, and gasped with Surprise when my eyes fell on Akunna's mum and brother, standing beside my landlady. "my daughter is missing, have you seen her?" The old woman asked hopefully, throwing me into a deeper shock. To be continued.
14 Oct 2013 | 09:06
*continues* "I last saw her this morning, when she showed up to apologize over what happened on saturday" i answered calmly. The old woman breathed deeply and looked down sadly. I was very touched and shaken. "we havn't seen her since she left the house in the morning" She informed me unhappily, shrugged and left with her daughter, without speaking another word. "sorry for disturbing, good night" my landlady said to me, before going over to her apartment. I spent the rest of that night and the next day feeling very guilty and uneasy for not helping the unfortunate girl the way she wanted. I feared it was my inability to help, which aided or pushed her to disappear. "where could she be" i kept wondering. _____ Adaora left for Enugu very early on Tuesday to visit her mum and mine, leaving me all alone with my boring life once again. "your girlfriend is gone and your cook Akunna is missing, hmmm destiny" Jenny jokingly said to me, when we were alone in my room, Tuesday evening. "who knows where Akunna might be" i thoughtfully muttered, "who knows? But seriously you were indeed lucky, i really feared she was going to accuse you" she replied with a smile. I drew close and grabbed her left hand playfully, but she surprisingly shivered under my touch, something i havn't noticed her do so easily. "so you were praying for her to accuse me?" i asked with a curious smile. "of course not, why should i wish you bad? You have done nothing wrong to me" she murmured and tried to snatch away her hand, which i held strongly. "please release your grip, i'm not comfortable" she pleaded. I stared at her with a smile, while she blushed. "i don't just know what to do with you, i'm yet to understand you" i bent and whispered into her left ear, "you are a very big temptation to me, i don't understand myself either" she confessed uneasily. I gently kissed her neck and ear seductively, breathing heavily as i tasted her flesh. "oh val pleassseee stop, you have have a girlfriend and i have someoneeee, what we are do-- doing is called che --cheating" she stammered nervously. With one quick move, i grabbed and squeezed her right bosom, while she screamed and shook ferociously, like someone sex starved. She never encouraged nor resisted my advances that fateful evening, because we couldn't continue prentending or playing with our feelings. We badly wanted each other, and even though we knew we were following a very wrong path which could be very destructive and dangerous, we couldn't help ourselves nor control the dangerous urge in us. Hmmmmm To be continued. All the links on our front page has been fixed. Incase you mixed frank's story, simply scroll over and click...
15 Oct 2013 | 13:01
*continues* Jenny definetly was a very hot girl. Her lovely body was so sweet and edible, we had a good time doing something we could have done weeks ago, but i was only able to go in with her twice that fateful evening before her guilt overcame her. After satisfying the cravings in her body with two super rounds, she began crying, pushed me away and covered her face with a pillow, "holy Joseph what have i done?" she cried. I perfectly understood her feelings and guilt, It showed her conscience was working, but i couldn't say the same for myself, because cheating has already gotten into my blood. "how do i look at you from this moment" she murmured sadly, "how do i go back to my man?" "how do i start living a lie?" she asked herself unhappily. Drawing close to her again, i grabbed her softly as i kissed her hair, "you are a very nice girl dear, don't get yourself worked up over nothing. Let the future decide for itself. The only thing that matters is that we are here for each other" i assured her. "enough jor. You love only yourself, so please skip the sermon, i'm no school girl" she replied intelligently. "what will become of us? Because i really don't see us becoming lovers or anything?" she asked curiously, "you just got it baby, let's be nothing" i said and kissed her, "you have finally managed to drag me into this sinful path, but i swear it won't be easy, i'm a girl and you know how our feelings are? Don't get crazy when i behave strangely" she warned. I smiled, grabbed another rubber, tore and wore it gently, with a swift move, i dove into her from the back, while she shook as she felt me, "oh no not again" she cried. I kissed her ears, caressed her neck and rode her gently, she truly was a sexy and well shaped damsel, whose organs were well positioned. I had little of no difficulty accessing them, unlike some girls. 6am wednesday My ringing phone woke me from deep slumber. I lazily grabbed it and sat up excitedly as soon as i saw the caller. It was no other person than Akunna, i breathed deeply before answering the phone-call. "hey where are you? And why did you turn off your handset?, everybody is worried about you?" i nervously asked her, "yea i know, but i can't stand the shame anymore, i'm at a friend's house in Owerri, she promised to take me to a man who will perform a D&C for me" she answered calmly. I froze. "a what?, can't he give you pills intead? Don't you know doing it in such way is very dangerous? You might bleed to death" i poured out nervously. "i don't care either, it's even better i die" she muttered, "then why are you disturbing my peace with this horrible information, what if something happens, how do i live with it?, moreover where did you get the money to do something like that?" i asked her curiously, while my eyes nervously scanned Jenny as i wondered if she was awake or not. The last thing i wanted was having someone who could accuse or link me to the troubled girl's abortion attempt, incase she dies unfortunately. To be continued.
16 Oct 2013 | 03:31
Thanks alot for your patience during the short break. Coolval's diary stories will continue shortly..
18 Oct 2013 | 12:31
Au With Akunna's unfortunate problem still raging, and Val's relationship with Tessy unceremoniously suspended, wasn't it very foolish of him to have started yet another senseless romance with Jenny, considering how sensitive and Intelligent the girl is?? But wait oooo, what really became of Selena, after that horrific night she spent with Val?, or has her chapter ended?? Anyway let's cross our fingers and wait for the next episodes, moreover we all know Tessy won't just let him slip through her fingers so easily, leaving us to wonder what was her next move and how good she played it??... Do stay tuned.
18 Oct 2013 | 13:18
*continues* "don't worry about me, i'm perfectly fine" Akunna replied, carefully avoiding my questions. "i hope so, i really do hope, my dear" i murmured before hanging up. _____ Jenny woke up minutes later, sat up and stared at me with shame in her eyes, "good morning" she greeted quietly, i smiled, held her hand and breathed deeply, "I don't like the look on your face, please brighten up" i said to her, "how can i brighten up when i have sold my soul to the devil? I just cheated on my guy, and the worst is that he will be coming to Owerri on saturday for my sake. How do i face him? I have never cheated on him" she poured out nervously. I gave her a reassuring smile, drew her to my body and held her softly. "i know what we did last night was outrageous, even though i can't deny that i enjoyed it. Crying over split milk is simply a waste of effort, and loosing your boyfriend because of guilt dosen't make any sense. I beg of you, please brighten up, put everything behind you and let's prepare for school" i calmly said to her. She breathed deeply and shrugged. "it sounds very easy to you because you are good at lying and decieving vunerable people" she murmured accusingly, "please don't breathe a word about what happened between us to anybody" she begged before leaving my room. _______ As i was dressing up for school minutes later, my phone rang. I breathed deeply and hesitated when i saw it was Tessy calling. After breaking up with her the previous week, i havn't been able to summon up enough courage to answer her phone calls. "hi Tess" i greeted calmly, "hi Val" she mimicked my tone, "i guess i'm now a parasite to you abi??, no wahala" she said softly, "so how have you been doing?" i asked polietly, "very bad without you" she answered, "i will be at Calabar this evening for a friend's mother's burial holding tomorrow. On thursday evening, i will be at Owerri for your sake. Please don't disappoint me by not showing up, i won't forgive you if you do so" she said seriously. "okay, i will be waiting" i replied and yawned, "i also will be coming with something which will excite you" she added, laughed and hung up. ______ Thursday slowly crept in, i woke up feeling very dizzy and nauseous. I picked my phone and dialled Akunna's phone number, but as usual her line refused to connect, "who knows how she is?" i wondered. Tessy's phone call minutes later, however brought back my wandering thoughts, i cleared my throat and picked up her call. "hi Val, hope you are fine?, my friends will drop me at 'control junction' around 4pm, please don't keep me waiting, you know i'm not very familiar with the town" she informed me. "no wahala" i replied with a fast pounding heart. _____ Later in the day, I had to rush back from CDS very early, much to jenny's disappointment, prepared and headed to Owerri as if i was being manipulated by a strong force. I calmly waited for Tessy at the designated junction till 6pm, but there wasn't any sign of her which got me a bit angry. By 6:30pm, a sharp Murano suv, pulled and stopped in front of the catholic cathedral church, within the junction, facing 'bank road'. I saw Tessy jump down from the car, with her mobile phone on her right ear. My handset rang seconds later. "don't worry i have seen you" i answered, hung up, and drove to where she stood. I alighted from my car and polietly hugged a surprised Tessy, who probably never believed i had a car. Her friends grinned and drove away. "val!" she breathed deeply and called my name. To be continued. More updates coming shortly... HAPPY WEEKEND
19 Oct 2013 | 03:10
*continues* "so where do we go from here?" i asked with a smile, "c'mon, don't be rude" she murmured, walked to my car and settled down in the passenger's corner. I breathed deeply, joined her in the car and drove to a cute restaurant nearby. ______ "i missed you a whole lot, i never knew you could be so heartless as to end our relationship so abruptly. It's very unfair" she poured out as we sat down for a quick meal. I ate silently, clueless on how to reply her. "you now avoid answering my phone calls, and it pains me to think that you are doing this to me because of your 'Ada??" she spoke sadly. "you know i have no choice, i almost lost her due to my carelessness, which you are very much aware of, and i won't like it to repeat itself, not for anything dear, please understand me" i calmly said to her. "and you think she loves you much more than i do huh?? Don't you think perhaps she's with you because of your wealth" she insinuated mischievously. I looked up at her with a drawn face. "you insult my fiancee with your words, and you insult my sense of judgement with it. Contrary to what you think, Adaora is from a very rich and influential home" i corrected, while she rolled her eyes, "the car i picked you with, is a gift she gave me in 2010" i lied with a serious look. She instantly stared at me with shock and disbelief. "so tell me why i should sacrifice such a sweet rich girl for something so fake?" i asked. Tessy's mood instantly changed from shock to anger. "how dare you insult my feelings, why would you say what we had between us was fake?" she asked angrily, "please take me to a hotel, i can't stand you anymore" she added with a coloured face. "but you are yet to finish your meal?" i asked curiously, "i have lost my apetite, thanks to you" she murmured. I shrugged and stood up. We said nothing to each other till we got to All Seasons Hotel, a plush hotel located few distance away from the popular Concorde hotel. We walked to the reception, where she engaged the receptionist with her requests. "Val what are you doing here?" I soon heard a very familiar voice ask. Turning round, my eyes fell on my lecturer, a good old man who equally was my project supervisor, when i was rounding up my {university} degree programme. A young girl was standing by his side, while an older Tessy was standing by my side. We simply stared at each other accusingly. To be continued.
19 Oct 2013 | 08:24
*continues* "oh good evening sir" I murmured with surprise, while the old man smiled nervously. I really never understood the reason he even called out my name in the first place, instead of pretending not to see me as others would have done. But i never got to discuss or exchange much words with him, because Tessy tapped my shoulder soon after, and together we went up to the room she paid for. ____ "i have to start going" i said moments after she had settled down. She looked up and me, scanned my face for a while and closed her eyes without saying anything to me. "good night" i murmured cautiously, before turning to leave. "you really derive joy in hurting me, don't you?" she asked with eyes closed, "i will be travelling to South Africa next friday for a business trip, i plan on taking you along" i heard her say slowly. I breathed deeply and walked towards the door. "good Night Tess" i will call you tomorrow. I said with my right hand on the door knob. "come here Val, don't be too uptight, it dosen't fit you. Come dear please" she begged with a smile, stopping me with her words. I hesitated for a while before going back to her. She quickly held my right hand and stared up at me with fire in her eyes. "let's stop fighting dear, please i beg of you" she pleaded like i have never seen her do. I swallowed hard as her words warmed me slowly. She stood up, drew down my jaw and kissed me strongly, moaning as she did so. "oh Val i love you very much, i swear i do" she moaned, broke away from me, pulled off her top and bra, flung them wildly and crashed on me with great force, her unclad bosoms melting my heart as they crushed on my chest. "oh no stop please" i begged as i tried to compose myself, "you ain't leaving me here all alone tonight, i didn't come to Owerri to see the city" she murmured and fell on the bed, dragging me with her. "okay wait, wait dear, relax, i think you should freshen up first, you know you are just coming from a burial ceremony" i managed to say. "i don't have the strength unless you will bath me yourself" she replied with a deep breathe, before releasing me. "jeez! You are something else" i exclaimed "it's not my fault my dear, i can't seem to control the cravings in my heart nor my weak body any time i'm with you, I just don't know what influence you have over me" she murmured with a coloured face. "seriously i really don't understand why you rate me so highly, it's not as if i have something special to offer, moreover i know you come across lots of handsome guys everyday, can't you just save yourself for one of them?" i asked calmly. "havn't we discussed this issue before huh?, see Val, good guys are not easy to come by especially for ladies like me, even if they do, something often prevents a relationship from happening. Moreover most of them tend to judge us poorly like you are now doing. It's not as if i'm even up to twenty eight years old. Isn't it so unfair??, unless you are suggesting i get a gigolo for myself which i can never do" she poured out seriously, "sometimes i see myself as one" i murmured and stood up. "Val i love you, i really do, but i know you will never understand what someone like me do pass through every day. You reject me because i have children, you despise me because i look desperate, and perhaps you equally curse me in your mind for thinking i could get you to love me", "it's alright i know some things are never meant to happen, but circumstances can sometimes make someone to wish the impossible. I'm going to the bathroom, you can leave once i turn my back, it's hard for me, but there isn't much i can do anymore" she concluded sadly, undressed{took off her trouser&underwear} before me and went into the bathroom. Leaving me to battle with my conscience. To be continued shortly. Don't go away yet... Please if you are unable to log in, simply scroll down & switch your page to our desktop version..
20 Oct 2013 | 15:38
*continues* For the first time in my life i had great urge to drown myself in alcohol. I stood indecisive, biting my lips as i thought over her words. My mind was divided on what step to take. A part of me wanted to stay with her while another part wanted me to leave the room instantly. My phone rang moments later, breaking me away from my thoughts. "oga where are you? What's still keeping you? Ain't you returning today??" Jenny anxiously asked over the phone. "i just don't know yet dear" i replied quietly, "what do you mean you don't know yet? Where are you?, and what's going to happen to the meal i took pain preparing for you eeh?" she asked with a tensed tone. "please i'm not in the mood to talk right now, we will talk later" i replied and hung up without waiting to hear her next comment. Tessy emerged from the bathroom seconds later, looking more composed with a calm smile. "thanks for staying behind, i do appreciate" she said sweetly, as she wore her night wear. "so is there anything you wish to say to me?" she asked after a while. I breathed deeply and shrugged, "no nothing, i'm just here to keep you company and nothing more" i replied cautiously. "so how about the trip to South Africa, are you interested?" she asked, "no, you know i have lots of things doing here, thanks all the same, you are very kind" i replied with a smile. "alright as you wish" she murmured before lying down on the bed, backing me and exposing her backside and as.s in a very seductive manner. "are you going to stand and stare at me all night? C'mon behave like a man and put me on fire" she jokingly said to me, but before i could come up with a reply, my phone rang again, and it was still Jenny calling. "c'mon don't bother yourself, we will see tomorrow morning, i got held up in town, i will explain tomorrow okay" i said to her before she could talk, switched off my phone and dropped it on the table close-by. Tessy instantly turned and stared at me suspiciously. "don't tell me you have another sweet pie at your lodge huh?" she asked with a dirty smile, "i owe you no explanation" i replied carefully, "i know for a fact that your fiancee is currently with your family at Enugu, i spoke with her today, you know we are now pals, didn't she tell you??", she asked searchingly, "i can't believe you are cheating on her not only with me, but with someone more dangerous hmmmm" she poured out mischievously, while i gasped as her words registered in my head. "shi.t!" i exclaimed nervously, wondering how much she knew about my life with Adaora and how much Adaora must have told her. "Adaora what do you think you are doing?" i wondered deeply. Tessy drew close and held me softly, "don't tell me you are really cheating on me and your Ada with another girl?" She curiously asked as if she was my second wife. To be continued.
20 Oct 2013 | 18:15
"The pretty Well shaped damsel tasted like an early Morning filled with Milo......" Oga val,u no kill me o!
21 Oct 2013 | 02:30
"The pretty Well shaped damsel tasted like an early Morning tea filled with Milo......" Oga val,u no kill me o!
21 Oct 2013 | 02:32
mr val after 2 weeks of reading ur story from nairaland to ur blog....i respect u alot n i ve learnt alot of valuable lessons from u.......u re a legend...cnt blieve dt i wake most nites in dis last 2 weeks to read ur story....i laughed wen u mentioned ignobis hotel in kubwa abuja...cos i stay closeby n oda places ur talked bout in abj..cos at some points i taught it was jst a story bt now i knw its a true life story.i bleve adaora is ur destined wife ......ladies like re very rare bros...u guyz shuld get married...then go for deliverance jooor lol
21 Oct 2013 | 11:30
it nice reali,and am very glad i catch up wit u guys,val i told al my frndz abt ur tread,by next week u wil hav more subscriber,adora is my lady,
21 Oct 2013 | 20:15
*continues* "you are seriously hurting me with your words. I will be forced to leave, if you continue like this" I threatened. She rolled her eyes, scoffed and backed me once again. I settled beside her on the bed and focused all my attention to my phone, which i logged into 2go with. "it has been a while" i smiled to myself as i read some offline messages. "seriously you are treating me like a beggar or should i say a pig. Abuja big girl like me, it's so unfortunate and embarrassing. I can't believe you are doing this to me" I soon heard Tessy complain. I looked at her for a while, switched off my phone, dropped it on the table, and grabbed her from behind. "on the contrary, i respect you alot, but i can't keep on giving you false hopes when i know that you have no place in my future. I like and adore you alot but the type of affair you want us to go into can never happen. You already have kids and once married, put yourself in my position or put your brother in my place, let's tell each other the truth please" i calmly said to her. "but it's not my fault, are you blaming me?" she asked like a little girl, "i don't blame you my dear, but we still have to accept the truth. Getting a young husband you desire might be a little hard for you in Nigeria, but it's not entirely ruled out, so it's better you shift all your hopes away from me. I don't deserve you" i explained and kissed her neck. "but you know i'm willing to stay single, if only you will save some part of you for me. We can continue like we used to, with no strings attached, what do you think?" she asked, "I think it's very easy for you to say than do" i replied, "i'm really serious, we can make it happen, can't we?" she asked. I breathed deeply and caressed her hand. "don't worry i will think it over" i answered, "you are always thinking over everything" she complained, "i'm ready to accept all your conditions, because you are the only guy who have seen me after my husband and i seperated" she added. "i know dear, let's just sleep it's getting late" i whispered into her ear, grabbed her right bosom and played with it till we slept. 9AM FRIDAY, IMO AIRPORT "I doubt you will get a flight to Abuja this early, i think most planes arrive here from 12pm, won't you get bored waiting for a flight?" i asked curiously as i stopped my car, "how sure are you about that? Anyway remember i have a friend here, She asked me to come by 9am and i guess she has her reasons" she replied and opened the door, "alright then, do take care" i said sweetly, drew close and pecked her. She smiled deeply, "i love you" she said to me before alighting. ____ As i headed out of the airport, my phone rang, "hi Chinwe, longest time!, you have forgotten me nau?" i accused, "hmmmm and you too" she jokingly replied, "i saw you car speed by, thirty minutes ago, where are you going?" she asked, "and where did you see my car?" i cunningly asked, avoiding her question. "i was in a bus on my way to the hostel, from home" she replied, "i'll be at your room in the next fifteen minutes" i said to her, "abegi stop pulling my legs" she laughed, "i'm very serious" i assured her. ____ 10:30am, i stopped my car in front of my old lodge, walked up to Chinwe's room and knocked on the door. She opened her door, seconds later, smiled happily and hugged me strongly. "oh dear, i can't believe my eyes!" she happily exclaimed, while my eyes twinkled. To be continued shortly.
22 Oct 2013 | 03:45
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22 Oct 2013 | 04:23
*continues* "hmmm you look and smell great" i murmured jokingly as we hugged, "please stop, i know you are simply being poliet, i know i look awful" she replied and broke away from me. I stared at her searchingly, shrugged and laughed. She truly wasn't looking very sharp like she used to, but there still wasn't much change in her appearance. "so how is mum and your siblings?" i asked as i sat on her bed. "they are all fine, it's just that mum's shop was demolished last week and she had no choice than to move into a poor area which attracts few customers, moreover she isn't strong like she used to be" she complained unhappily. I held her hand and drew her to my side, forcing her to sit on my laps. "how about your guy? I hope he is helping out?" i asked curiously. She breathed deeply and shrugged, "he is battling with his own problems sha" she replied quietly, "So what do i offer you?" she asked, changing the topic. "you know i'm more interested in your problems than anything, i know you are hiding something from me, please speak up" i begged seriously, "Val please stop, i just don't want to talk about it, moreover why should i tell you?" she murmured sadly, "because we are friends, are we not?" i asked, "ok very well then", "i think i'm losing him, i think my {family} problems are pushing him away. You know he isn't rich and has his siblings to cater for, so mine is scaring him away and it's not as if i'm really disturbing him with my problems" she confessed, stood up and walked to her window. "yea most guys are really scared of walking into a relationship with too many responsibilities, but i think you should discuss this issue with him" i advised. She shook her head, turned and faced me. "yea he is a nice guy, but i don't think our relationship is getting anywhere. I know i come from a poor home, but my family comes first, i can't get myself entangled with someone who will look down on them or see them as a big liability. I'm sorry to say this, but i don't think i'll marry anyone who will not help my family" she poured out seriously. "so you guys are not getting along very well? I really thought you guys are having a wonderful relationship?" i asked nervously. She simply turned her back on me and said nothing. I wasn't happy to hear all she poured out, because my dear Chinwe really deserved the best. To be continued.
22 Oct 2013 | 08:09
*continues* I calmly stood up, stared at Chinwe for a while, breathed deeply, drew close and held her. "remember you can always count on me for anything" i said sweetly. She turned and faced me with a smile, "I know dear, but you can't expect me to always bug you with my problems, it's not proper" she murmured and looked away. "please don't ever repeat that, i'm your friend and will always be" i said to her. She looked into my eyes, swallowed and nodded quietly, saying no word. " I have to start going, i have an unfinished business i intend fixing today" i added, caressed her hair and turned to leave, "alright dear, thanks for checking up on me" she said sweetly, grabbed my right hand and calmly followed me to my car. "send my regards to mum and everyone" i said as i opened my car door, she smiled and hugged me tightly, "thanks for your concern, your visit brought happiness to my heart" she whispered while I blushed. As i drove towards First Bank Ikenegbu to make a fast withdrawal, i got a call from an unknown number, "Hi it's Destiny from Nairaland" a female voice said to me. I smiled and cleared my throat before murmuring a quick hello to her. Destiny really was the first girl to ever send me a mail from Nairaland, we became casual friends from that moment, exchanged phone numbers and other social network i.ds, but we never for once called each other, which was mostly my fault, because i always end up not calling her after promising to call. She equally was an Imsu student and perhaps it was curiousity that made her very eager to know me. She always had lots of questions to ask, each time i ran into her either on facebook or on yahoo messenger. "Hi Destiny, i'm so glad to hear your voice" i murmured polietly, "it's your way nah, you always promise to call but never do" she accused, "i'm sorry dear you won't understand, i'm actually in Owerri right now" I said, while she exclaimed, "really!, which part of the town are you in?" she asked, "Ikenegbu, heading towards cherubim junction" i answered, "wow, i'm in Maris supermarket with my friend, you can stop on your way, can't you?" she asked, "of course i can" i replied a bit nervously, "alright i'm waiting" she added a hung up. I first drove to the bank, which was just a stone throw away from the supermarket, did my transaction, before notifying her that i was around. Seconds later, she emerged from the supermarket with her friend. I instantly recognized her face, breathed deeply and walked up to them. I can't deny i was extremely nervous that fateful moment. To be continued.
23 Oct 2013 | 11:20
*continues* "hi Destiny" i greeted as i approached her. She stared at me with a smile, her eyes shone brightly as she scanned my face, while her friend watched on curiously. "coolval? Wow!" she exclaimed. I laughed and nodded, finding no better word to reply her outburst. "Nneka meet my naughty friend coolval, you need to read his stories" she introduced me to her friend, who polietly smiled and nodded, "coolval meet my sister and friend Nneka" she said to me, "HI Nneka" I polietly murmured, and shook hands with her, before facing Destiny once again. "so are we going to stand here and chat?, Why don't we find somewhere more condusive?" i asked polietly, she shrugged and stared at her friend, who nodded affirmatively. "alright then, let's walk to my car" I said and pointed my car, before leading them to it. Together we headed to Mr fans restaurant which was just a walking distance. Destiny really wasn't overly attractive nor very sexy, but she had what i call a grand statuesque, her dressing {and make up} were very simple, light and decent, unlike most girls who dress up like a masquerade. "just like i expected, she had lots of questions to ask, as soon as we settled down at the food joint, concerning my stories, relationships, life and most importantly, if my stories were real or not. Just like a gentleman, i calmly answered them without any reservation. However one thing that surprise me till this day, is that i ended up making lots of female friends with my stories, so many good friends i never dreamt of ever having in my life. Seriously, Instead of making enemies out of girls, my stories ended up doing the opposite. An outcome which fascinates me a great deal, and most times inspires me to write more. "you know, i will love to be part of your story, i will love to see for myself where you reside and everything. When i say everything, i literally mean everything, no holds barred" She said jokingly, while i laughed. "are you being serious?" I asked with laughter, "of course na, hope i'll get to see Chinwe, Adaora and the rest some day?" She asked with a smile, "you are really very funny my dear, hehehe" I laughed, "abeg ooo, don't laugh too much" she jokingly cautioned and grinned. That was truly how our story began. Destiny soon became part of my Destiny, with no holds barred. To be continued shortly. This episode is proudly sponsored by 234ads logo
23 Oct 2013 | 22:51
*continues* I finally headed back to my lodge after spending an hour with the girls. I got to my lodge around 2:49pm very tired but happy. Jenny rushed into my room as soon as she noticed my presence, she stared at me for a while, before sitting on my bed. "where were you last night?" she asked curiously, "i was with my friends" i answered casually. She looked at me searchingly, made to say something, but quickly held herself. I smiled, changed my clothes and sat beside her. "is everything alright?, you look worried?" i asked seriously. She shrugged, breathed deeply and looked away. "my guy still plans on coming to Owerri this saturday, i really don't know how to stop or face him, moreover he is a very stubborn and sensitive guy" she complained sadly. I held her shoulder, caressed it for a while and drew her to my chest. "what's wrong in going to meet him?, since he is coming all the way from Lagos for your sake?" i asked, "because i cheated on him, have you forgotten? I can't get myself to open my legs for him tomorrow, i just can't do it. I wasn't born that way" she complained seriously. "nawao It's very easy to stop him from touching you my dear, all you have to do is simply show up with a coloured face, tell him you are very sick and act it very well. I can get some harmless pills you can use as evidence, incase he gets very curious, c'mon dear stop worrying, I believe he will get very concerned about your health and won't bother you for sex, if you act it very well" i schemed easily, "you are a devil, you know that?" she asked with a smile, sat up and stared at me with bright eyes filled with relief, "yea i hear that alot" i winked at her. She surprisingly drew close, gave me a sharp kiss and licked her lips. "actually i love him alot and hopefully we will be getting married by december 2013" she explained proudly. "Good luck then" i murmured excitedly. She rolled her eyes and stood up. "Val hope you know that you are a very bad influence?" she asked jokingly, before leaving my room gracefully. I fell back on my bed and thought over her question. "am i really a bad influence?" hmmmm" i wondered deeply, My phone however rang that moment, shaking me out of my thoughts. I quickly fetched it and smiled when i saw the name of the caller. SELENA "hmmm seems like the /baddest chick/ is in town" i reasoned with a smile. To be continued. This episode is proudly sponsored by 234ads
24 Oct 2013 | 12:29
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24 Oct 2013 | 12:32
*continues* "seriously, you are very uncaring, annoying, and wicked" Selena said unhappily as soon as i answered her call. I smiled and murmured a quick apology. I really erred by no asking or checking up on her for a long while. "you know what huh?," "I bought a good whip for you, so better start preparing your mind for ninety lashes" she threatened playfully, while i exclaimed. "choi will you really use a whip on me?" i asked, "of course why shouldn't I?, you obnoxious boy" she replied jokingly, "i'm very sorry dear, i'll compensate for everything, anytime we meet again" i apologized and promised. "better mtcheeeeew!" she sighed, "easy na! Do you want to destroy my ear with that sigh eeh?" i asked with laughter, "where you dey jor?" she asked, "I dey Village, supervising a little project" i lied, "oops i thought you are in Enugu. I just came into the town an hour ago with a friend" she said to me, "hmmm for business or for pleasure?" i asked, "for both" she replied and laughed, "don't worry i will in Owerri tomorrow, you know we have an unfinished business, don't we?" she asked with her usual cute sexy voice, "okay madam, anything you say" I replied, while she laughed, cracked some silly jokes and hung up. "I hope she won't faint on me again?" i murmured with a smile, before falling into a deep sleep. _____ Tessy's phone call woke me by 5pm, she called to inform me that she has gotten to Abuja, we however chatted for a while before she hung up. Jenny came into my room minutes later, demanding i get the drugs i earlier promised her. Lazily i went over to a drug{medicine} shop nearby, ordered for some pain killers, food supplements and multivitamins, which were removed from their original packets{wraps}{ on my demand}. They were then neatly arranged separately in nylon foils, {the type used in hospitals}. I took them to my room, labled and gave them to Jenny who was extremely delighted. "wow you did a very nice job, my nosy boyfriend won't have cause to be suspicious" she happily said to me as she kept them in her bag. _______ 7am Saturday Adaora called me on phone, waking me up with nonsense gossips and gists, which i patiently listened to. 9am, Jenny walked into my room with a coloured face. "my guy is now in Owerri, he drove all through the night, i have to go and be with him" she announced quietly. I calmly drew close, hugged and gave her a thousand Naira to use in paying for her transportation to Owerri, shocking her with my benevolence, because she never asked for any money. 2pm Selena called, informing me that she was on her way to Owerri, equally begging me not to keep her waiting. I quickly prepared and dressed up. But at exactly 2:30pm, i heard someone knock on my door. Lazily i answered it and to my surprise my eyes fell on Adaora grinning at me. She really was the last person i expected to see that moment and I felt like giving her a dirty slap for showing up to spoil my plans. To be continued.
25 Oct 2013 | 09:42
25 Oct 2013 | 10:15
Ah!!.. c gobe
25 Oct 2013 | 14:09
New "LIFE AS A CORPER & BETRAYAL" EPISODES will be posted tomorrow... I do apologize for being unable to update them today.
26 Oct 2013 | 12:31
u touch my adora eh,i go shoot u.
26 Oct 2013 | 18:23
Check out our ongoing short story SISTER MARY
27 Oct 2013 | 17:41
*continues* "jeez Adaora, how did you get here?" i asked curiously. She rolled her eyes, smiled and shrugged, "well i'm here, abeg pave way for me jare?" she answered sweetly. I forced out a smile, drew back and made way for her to enter my room. My thoughts really weren't on her obnoxious visit that moment, but on Selena, as i wondered how to deal with her. The poor lady was already on her way to Owerri just for my sake. "why didn't you tell me you were coming and how did you get here?" i inquired curiously. Adaora breathed deeply, drank a satchet of water and smiled at me again, "why the questions eeh? Don't i have the right to surprise you? Abeg free me jare" she replied playfully. I stared at her, shook my head and left the room with my handset. I immediately dialled Selena's phone number when i got outside. "hi where you dey?" i asked curiously, "i don't really know, but we passed Okigwe fifteen minutes ago" she replied. I bit my lips nervously, "do you have any other thing to do in Owerri apart from our appointment?" I asked curiously, "of course not, didn't i tell you i was coming over just to see you" she replied, "yea you are right, i'm just curious, you know" i fumbled, "don't tell me you are the jealous type?" she asked with laughter, "nooooo" i laughed and hung up. I returned to my room, where Adaora left the ókpa she was cutting and stared at me curiously.{ókpa is a local meal, popular in Enugu, eastern Nigeria. It's a bit similar to moi moi, bean meal}. "seems like i spoiled your plans, you are not happy i came abi?" she asked searchingly, "i was about visiting a friend before you showed up" i answered, "we can visit him together, can't we?" she asked, "no we can't" i replied a bit coldly, "but why?" she asked with a coloured face, "because you ain't my handbag" i answered. "so what's his name, do i know him?" she asked, "no you don't" i answered seriously, "that's the main reason you should take me with you" she murmured cautiously, but I pretended not to hear her. She soon brought forward a plate of Ókpa, which we silently ate together. Forty five minutes later, my phone began ringing, i knew it was Selena calling, but i nervously allowed it to ring twice without answering it, while Adaora pretended not to notice, discreetly watching my moves like an old cat. I was at lost on what to do, because i couldn't just avoid Selena who came all the way from Enugu to see me, neither could i answer her calls in Adaora's presence nor drive off to Owerri without a good explanation. It wasn't as if i couldn't take my car keys and rush over to owerri, without explaining myself to Adaora, but what i couldn't do was to leave her behind, rush over to Owerri and spend the night with Selena. I was incapable of such folly. Considering how late in the day it was, I knew Selena equally won't allow me to head back home that same day, and so the big question i kept asking myself was, "WHAT DO I DO?" I couldn't bear disappointing Selena, neither could i risk hurting Adaora in such an unimaginable way as leaving her all alone in my room for an evening of passion with Selena. How do i solve it?? To be continued
27 Oct 2013 | 19:33
*continues* "Baby i have to go check on my friend, i'll be back shortly" I finally said to Adaora, stood up and grabbed my car keys. "are you going with your car?" she asked curiously, "yea i'm" i replied and walked towards the door, "then i'm coming with you" she said and stood up. I instantly gave her a very mean look, while she scoffed and shrugged. "what?, don't i have the right to go anywhere with you? Moreover do you really plan on leaving me here alone in this boring room of yours?" she asked defiantly. "i'll switch on the generator for you" i offered, "i don't need it, i'm coming with you period" she said isolently. "seems like you are looking for a fight?" i asked, "stop that pretence dear, it dosen't fit you, i should be the one getting angry and not you" she replied bitterly. "your phone has been ringing for the past fifteen minutes and you can't even answer it. I know you are running off to be with another girl and i won't allow that" she added seriously, forcing me to swallow hard with guilt. I sighed, left my room without another word and went over to my car, where i answered my ringing phone. "where you dey nau, why ain't you answering your phone?" Selena asked, "i'm driving nau, and traffic is much" I lied, "hmmm nawao, anyway i dey around stadium, once you get there, do notify me abeg and be fast ooo" she begged. "no wahala," i answered, hung up, and switched on the car engine. Adaora ran out of my room, as i reversed my car, Caught up with me and blocked my path. I killed the engine, and stared at her angrily. "Val there is something i wish to tell you" she calmly walked up to the driver's corner, and said to me before returning to my room. I breathed deeply, got out of the car and followed her. "i see you have gotten tired of me? Can you swear that you ain't going to see a girl, seriously i'm fed up with all these, and i think the best thing for us is to end this, i really don't see us marrying in future, i have tried my best", "the worst is that you no longer cover your tracks very well. Anyway i don't blame you, I blame myself for allowing this nonsense to go on, i'm calling you mum right now and i'm going to tell her that our relationship is over" she threatened angrily, scrolled through her phone and rested it on her ear. I watched on silently, unable to find my voice because the guilt and confusion in me seized it. "good evening mummy" i heard her greet seconds later, forcing me to lash out a terrible slap to her, but luckily i missed her face. My hand landed on her cell phone, sending it crashing to the floor. "my samsong" she screamed. To be continued
28 Oct 2013 | 14:18
*continues* I calmly picked up Adaora's phone and inspected it. Unluckily the screen was damaged, making me stare at her apologetically. But she was in a frenzy, she flung herself to the bed, cried and covered her face with a pillow. My phone rang again, but all i did was just to switch it off and toss it aside, because i knew i wasn't going out anymore. Adaora was unconsolable that evening. She cried for her phone, cried for my brutality and cried for our relationship. I was totally uncomfortable as i watched her cry. Mum called later in the evening demanding to speak with her, but i came up with a very lame excuse, that 'she was already asleep', which mum swallowed suspiciously without questioning my reply. We never had dinner that fateful saturday, but it bothered me not, because half my thoughts were on Adaora and the other half on Selena as i wondered how she spent the evening, where she might be and how outraged she was. I really was so scared to switch on my phone, nor call to know her whereabout. Adaora never talked to me through out the rest of that evening, and In a very gloomy state we were, until we finally fell asleep with our problems. 7am Sunday I lazily opened my eyes, yawned and got up from bed hungrily. I searched for Adaora but couldn't find her. I yawned again and relaxed on my bed. She walked into the room minutes later with a wet body. Without greeting me, She quietly dressed up, arranged her clothes and grabbed her big {travelling} bag. "i'm leaving" she announced quietly as she took her damaged phone from where i left it on my reading table the previous evening. "so where are you going?" i asked curiously, "it's non of your business, and please don't try to stop me because you will only annoy me more" she replied and walked to the door. "Adaora please this isn't the way" i fumbled. She turned, stared at me, scoffed and left the room. I immediately went after her. "at least tell me where you are going, you can't just leave like that, what you are doing is insane, you are lucky you safely got here yesterday on your own, please don't try such boldness again" i begged when i caught up with her. "you are incapable of advising me, i'm now ready to face anything, you are free to live your life as you wish and please allow me to live mine to the fullest" she replied, stopped a bike, and left arrogantly. I really had never seen her so determined and bitter in all our years together. To be continued.
28 Oct 2013 | 19:49
*continues* I did all i could to get across to Adaora that fateful sunday, but she refused to answer my calls nor reply the messages i left on her second phone. I really was very scared for her safety and regretted ever allowing her to leave my room. By 2pm, i called and informed mum "that Adaora left my room in the morning", "has she called you?" i asked nervously, "of course not, don't tell me you fought again with her?" she answered searchingly, "no mum, it's just a minor quarrel that's all, please call her glo mobile number and check on her please" i begged nervously, "of course i'll do that silly boy" she replied and hung up. I quietly collasped on my bed and eagerly waited for her feed back. I was unable to relax as i waited for mum's phone call. I tried focusing on my stories but couldn't, I tried watching the T.V but still couldn't. Nervously i grabbed my phone and called mum again. Seriously Adaora's behaviour and threat left a big mark on me and i couldn't bear thinking of seeing her with another man. "don't bother yourself, she's on her way to Abuja, we really need to have a serious talk" mum said as soon as she answered my call. I breathed deeply and closed my eyes, "thank God she's safe" i murmured to myself, "what?" mum asked curiously, "don't bother i'll be at home this weekend" i said to her, "are you being serious?" she asked with a light voice which showed her excitement, "yes mum i promise" i answered, "try and bring Adaora along, i can't wait to have another full house, also try and get to her fast, i think she's not in a good frame of mind" she advised and hung up. I yawned lazily, picked up my wallet and left my room [to buy a recharge card], but I ran into Jenny as i left the compound. She smiled as soon as our eyes met and hugged me strongly. "everything went as planned, i can't imagine i was thinking only of you all the time i was with him" she added happily, while my heart skipped a beat. "Reallyyy" i heard myself drag with guilt. I felt guilty after hearing her latest outburst, regretting ever coming between she and her fiancee, which due to my arrogance and intense sexual libido contaminated the good relationship they were enjoying for no just cause, while working to save mine. "Val what's wrong, you don't look excited?" i soon heard her ask curiously. To be continued.
29 Oct 2013 | 13:04
*continues* Early tuesday morning, i headed straight to Abuja in order to bring my dearest Adaora back to order. Jenny however tried her possible best to discourage me from going on that trip. It equally was due to the pressure she mounted that i was unable to leave on monday evening. 10am MONDAY @ PPA After taking due permission from the old school principal, i rushed over to the staff room to break the news to Jenny, but instead of encouraging me she frowned and kept a long face. "Abuja again? What for?" she asked sadly, "i thought i narrated to you last night, about the fight i had with my girl, have you forgotten already?" i asked, "and you think going after her is the best solution?" she murmured with a drawn face. I breathed deeply and shrugged, "yea i think so" i replied thoughtfully, "so when are you leaving?" she asked curiously, "this evening, i'll take a night bus" i answered, "but you will be staying till school closes today?" she asked, "yea" i nodded, while she kept quiet and rolled her eyes. But when we got back to our lodge hours later. She carried a sad face and begged me not to leave. "i'm having a very bad feeling, you shouldn't go by night bus. I think Tuesday morning will be much better" she insisted seriously, which led to a little argument but at the end i succumbed to her pressure and agreed to leave the next day. _______ "how much do you really love that girl?" she asked later in the evening, when she brought a plate of beans for me. I shrugged and smiled, "very much dear, i love her very much" i replied, "but it dosen't stop you from cheating on her?" she asked curiously, "i cheat with my body and not with my heart. She alone owns my heart" i answered, "but she shares your body with other girls abi?" she asked, while i laughed. "you are forcing words out of me, please stop" i murmured lightly, "so you feel nothing for me?, I mean nothing to you? Silly me" she suddenly sparked with anger, leaving me stunned and speechless, "next time you bring that tiny dic.k of yours close to me, i will break and rip it off your body" she threatened and stood up, "imagine i was willing to risk my relationship all for nothing" she murmured to herself, spoke some yoruba{native} words and left my room angrily. I stared at the plate of beans suspiciously, swallowed my saliva and devoured the food hungrily. Tuesday morning I left my lodge and headed straight to Abuja without bothering to check on her. I got to Adaora's house at exactly {6:45pm}, where a surprised Adaora blocked the door, stopping me from entering the apartment. 'To make matters worse' "I heard Loud noises coming out from the sitting room as if a party was going on". No only that, "her breath also reeked of alcohol". To be continued.
30 Oct 2013 | 10:39
what......dats serious...coolval22 pls more episodes pls.....atleast 2 daily.
30 Oct 2013 | 13:34
cool val na......plsss
31 Oct 2013 | 08:42
*continues* "so you are now into alcohol?" i asked curiously. She looked away and sighed, "i drank few cups of wine and nothing more" she answered with a straight face, "by the way, why should i explain myself to you? What i do with my life Is none of your business" she added insultively. "alright i'm very tired, excuse me" i said as i tried to walk into the apartment. She blocked me defiantly and folded her arms, "you better go back to where ever you are coming from" she said seriously. "Adaora what is wrong with you?" I asked, "everything is wrong with me, just go, infact leave me alone i don't have your time" she replied rudely. Her friends called out to her that moment, she shrugged and weighed me with her eyes. "you see i'm very busy, i will have to shut the door" she murmured seriously, while i stared at her angrily. I was terribly shocked beyond words. "so you really can shut the door on me?" I asked angrily, "just try it my dear, just move your door an inch and i swear, i won't bother you again" i threatened. She stared at me hesitantly, breathed deeply and stepped aside. "you are free to come in, i can't let you sleep outside for the sake of your family" she murmured. I bit my lips, eyed her and walked into the living room, where {about} ten girls were dancing , drinking and making noise. They pretended not to notice me, i equally ignored them and went over to my room, where i relaxed angrily. In order to calm my mind, i took out my diary note book and got myself busy, creating and mapping out all i earlier wrote on it. I soon fell asleep due to exhaustion, woke up hours later and found myself in darkness, the whole apartment was very quiet as if i was the only person in it. I frantically searched for my phone, but luckily the electricity was restored, setting my mind at ease. I lazily got up and went over to the sitting room, which was in a terrible condition. Finding nobody there, i went over to Adaora's room but still couldn't find her. I dialled her phone number but she kept rejecting my calls. Unhappily i concluded that she might have left the house with her friends, without notifying me, which really pained me alot. I went over to the front door{main/entrance door} and tried opening it, in order to search for the security man and ask him some questions, but i found the door locked. I went over to the rear door and also found it locked. I equally searched for the spare keys but couldn't find any. "so this silly girl locked up the house and left me inside, "what an insult" i hissed to myself bitterly. I couldn't sleep for the rest of that night as i thought over my situation. By 6:45am the next day, Adaora returned, rushed into the bathroom, freshened up, prepared for work and left without even apologizing to me. I couldn't believe my eyes nor even get myself to confront her. To be continued.
31 Oct 2013 | 10:51
*continues* 8:30pm wednesday I walked into Adaora's room, stared at her for a while and breathed deeply. She quietly turned on her bed as soon as she noticed my presence and faced me. "what do you want?" she asked coldly, "i came for a serious talk" i replied, "i'm very tired, please let me be" she answered. "where were you last night?" i asked, "none of your business" she replied, "i see you are now trying to mess up your life huh?" i asked with a raised tone, "it's my life and not yours, so it's no concern of yours" she answered coldly, "It never even bothered you to ask if i ate anything today" i complained angrily, "I didn't invite you to my house, you are an unwanted guest, don't you get it?" she asked insultively. I simply smiled and bit my lips. "so from where did you get those low class girls that were here yesterday?" i asked, "don't you ever insult my friends again" she barked furiously, "friends my foot, i once had an encounter with one of them sometime ago sha" i lied to provoke her, shook my head and left her room. "baby, eem Val wait!" i heard her call as i walked away. I ignored her and returned to my room. I was extremely unhappy and hurt with her behaviour, and i equally was running out of patience. The only option left was reporting her to my mum, but i hated such idea because mum wouldn't be there all the time to run my home. I barely had settled in my room when she came in, stood a little distance away and stared at me seriously. "which of the girls? won't you elaborate further?? I'm very curious to know" she asked calmly, while i scoffed. "they are your friends, can't you investigate by asking each of them, i guess she will open up to you" i answered. "i don't believe you, i know you are lying" she murmured. "believe all you want, i don't care" i replied, "so you cheated on me with one of them?" she asked with a coloured face, "i never said so, anyway you can believe whatever you want to believe" i replied with a straight face. I never expected to see her so worried over my careless remark, but i can't deny not enjoying seeing her so tensed and agitated. "what do you want?" she asked seriously, "nothing" i answered quietly. She breathed deeply, came closer and sat on my bed. "I was with Tessy this afternoon, she told me everything" she muttered seriously, shocking me with her revelation, "you lie" i murmured nervously, "She invited me to her shop", her office is decorated with blue curtains and her portrait is hanging beside the picture she took with her children. I know you have been there, so tell me, am i lying?" she asked with a dirty smile, while my heart beat increased as I stared at her speechlessly. The way she described Tessy's office was nothing but perfect. I knew a long night awaited us. To be continued.
1 Nov 2013 | 12:27
hummm cool val the suspenze is too much.....try n post like 2 to 3 episodes todai.
2 Nov 2013 | 03:32
*continues* "Truth be told, i know none of those girls, i was only pulling your legs" i confessed. Adaora shrugged and stood up, "alright then, good night" she said and tried to leave. "please wait" i heard myself plead, forcing her to stop and face me once again. I really didn't believe Tessy could open her mouth to tell Adaora everything about our affair. I had my doubts moreover she was acting all calm and quiet, which i knew she wouldn't do if Tessy really told her everything just like she claimed, but i however couldn't come to any conclusion because Adaora could be very unpredictable. "what did Tessy tell you?" i asked curiously. She scoffed and shook her head, "i will let your conscience be the judge, so please let me be" She replied. "come and sit by my side, i have something important to ask" i requested, "i'm not deaf, i can hear you perfectly well from here" she replied seriously, but when she noticed my burning eyes and serious look, she obeyed and returned to the spot she sat moments ago. "do you want us to break up?" i asked seriously, she kept quiet and looked away, "i'm being serious, please answer me?" i urged. "you hurt me Val, you are not being sincere with me, you can't blame me for anything, what did i do to you?, What guarantee do i have that you won't cheat as a husband, you are just messing up your life for fun, what is wrong with you? Your Dad wasn't like this?" She poured out seriously. I breathed deeply and held her hands. "my heart is all yours, and will forever be" i murmured sweetly, "i already know that, but i'm sorry, your small heart isn't enough for me. Your body, your soul, your eyes and everything in you is all i want. I wake up each day fearing the worst, wondering where you might be and what you could be doing. Sometimes i take great risks just to be with you. Yet you always repay me with your obnoxious behaviour. Seriously if not for two things i would have moved on with my life decades ago" she said seriously, "it's really not that easy to cheat, you have formed the habit of suspecting everything i do, which isn't good. You investigate all i do with impunity, something i very much hate and any time i try to resist, you conclude that i'm cheating on you" i complained, "i will continue doing it because i know you very well. Good night Mister" she replied and tried to stand up, but i quickly held her by the waist, preventing her from standing. "since you gave me no food today, i was thinking if you can compensate me with something else" i asked and licked my lips, "compensate you with what?, you are not serious" she murmured and tried to stand again. I drew her closer to my body, and kissed her strongly. She tried to resist, but my kisses were too strong for her. Without wasting time, my left hand found her bosoms, while my third right finger eagerly went under her skimpy night wear and into her honeypot, her excitement instantly got her diving to the bed, as she wriggled, cursed and moaned. My joystick eagerly warmed up for a night of passion. To be continued sister Mary& Betrayal comes up Next.
2 Nov 2013 | 03:54
*continues* "it excites me whenever you do all these silly things to me, but it also pains me to think that you do them to other girls" Adaora said to me after minutes of intense love making. I breathed deeply, smiled and kissed her. "if only you will stop cheating on me. I will have nothing to worry about and we will forever be happy" she added seriously. I swallowed hard and kept quiet. "how will you feel, if you are to catch me cheating on you?" she asked, "it will kill me" i honestly replied. She caressed my chest for a while, gently bit my left ni.pp.le before staring at me once again. "mum wants us to be with her this weekend, what do you think?" i calmly asked, expertly changing the topic of discussion. "hope all is fine?" she asked fearfully, "yea maybe she's missing us" i replied, "but i was with her few days ago nau?" she murmured seriously, "perhaps she wants to speak to us, who knows" i shrugged. She breathed deeply, sat up and pinched me. "ain't you feeling itchy? Come let's go and freshen up jare" she commanded, got out of the bed and dragged me to my feet. __________ Early the next day after Adaora had left the house, i hastily prepared and dashed over to Tessy's office, because i needed to clarify some facts from her. "wow i can't believe my eyes" She exclaimed happily as soon as she saw me walk into her office. I simply kept a straight face and settled on a chair, facing her desk. "Adaora was with you yesterday right?" i asked seriously. She rolled her eyes, got up from her chair, came close and sat on the desk, placing her left hand on my shoulder. "yea she wanted to see me, and i had no choice than to invite her here" she explained, "your Adaora really asked lots of questions concerning our level of relationship, but she however was very respectful with it and i also covered you very well, telling her all you wanted her to know", "so she now believes our relationship is strictly based on business, don't i deserve a reward for pulling it off?" she asked with a confident smile. I heaved a sigh of relief and stared at her. "i hope you ain't lying to me?" i asked, "hmmmm, why should i lie to you?" she replied. I smiled gratefully, stood up, gave her a long kiss before breaking away from her, "i will call you later in the evening, so we could discuss about your reward" i lied effortlessly, "hope you are not lying to me because i won't like it and you also won't like my reaction?" she asked, "no dear i'm not lying to you" i replied, kissed her again and escaped from her office. Seriously Tessy's issue was something i really couldn't define nor get hold of. ______ {5:30pm} later in the day, Adaora and i went over to a small supermarket close by, to get some provisions. As we left the shop minutes later, a 406 peugeot car blocked us rudely, startling us. Surprisingly, Selena jumped out of the car and rushed up to me with anger. "you scammer, thief, so you think you can just abandon me in owerri and get away with it eeh?" she asked furiously, while two other girls jumped out of the car and held her inquisitively. "baby what's the fuss all about?" they asked her curiously. I was extremely dumbfounded and lost. To make matters worse, Adaora was by my side. To be continued shortly.
3 Nov 2013 | 11:54
what.......see gobe coolval...more episodes sir
3 Nov 2013 | 12:24
*continues* Selena simply bit her lips, eyed me angrily and declined to answer the question her friends asked her. "nawa for you ooo, if you get issues with the guy, no be like this or for road una go settle am nau, stop falling your hands jor, abeg make we dey go jare" her friends cautioned her, when they saw she wasn't willing to share anything with them. They then dragged her to their car, which zoomed off seconds later. "hmmmm oga you are really trying, bravo" Adaora muttered after recovering from the great shock Selena's outburst gave to her. I stared at her remorsefully, held her hand softly and apologized. "i'm very sorry dearest, i met the crazy girl in a bus weeks ago, we exchanged phone numbers because she told me she's a journalist, but i started avoiding her when i noticed she was habouring some funny motives" i explained calmly, "I hope the crazy bitc.h won't turn into a business partner when i call her tonight?" she asked, "what for?, i don't think it's necessary to call her, don't you trust me" i murmured nervously, while she scoffed and said nothing. Surprisingly she never brought up the topic again, even though i knew she still had it locked up in her mind. I really was very uneasy for the rest of that evening, my mind kept wandering, i was in a very nervous state. As soon as Adaora retired to her bedroom to sleep, later in the night, i quickly rushed to my room, locked the door and dialled Selena's phone number. "nawa for you oooo" was all i could say, when she answered my call. "you havn't seen anything yet", "so you had the mind to leave me stranded in a town i barely know, you never cared to call or ask how i fared. You treated me like an animal, you are lucky nothing happened to me" she poured out angrily, "please let me explain" i begged, interrupting her, "you have nothing to explain, just shut the f.uck up" she barked, "c'mon stop being too uptight and listen to what i have to say" i pleaded, "you are not serious, if you really want to apologize better say so, because i'm not going to listen to your explanations over the phone" she replied angrily, "fine, where do we meet?" i asked, "my house of course, where else do you think" she answered, while i swallowed hard. "should i send you the address or not?" she asked seconds later, "yea you can, i will call you tomorrow morning" i murmured. "good night jerk" she said and hung up. I breathed deeply, very lost and dejected. I really didn't know what to do with myself that moment, but i felt visiting her was insanely a good idea and a way to end whatever funny thoughts we earlier haboured for each other. To be continued.
3 Nov 2013 | 14:08
val...stop playing wit my baby hrt adora.
3 Nov 2013 | 18:19
coolval this suspense is too much....I comend u for d. good work u re doing bt we re actually beggining to forget d story..pls update like 3 episodes wenever u re free..thnk u sir
6 Nov 2013 | 04:24
Thanks alot dearest friends for your patience and support. All Our stories will continue soon.
6 Nov 2013 | 15:27
NYC stories
12 Nov 2013 | 15:35
coolval pls say something to us
12 Nov 2013 | 21:45
Our stories will continue without any interruption on or before 1st dec. Pls pls pls
12 Nov 2013 | 23:40
if1 Please if you are a good creative writer, story teller or have passion working long hours online. Contact us at [email protected] for negotiations. All our stories will continue on or before 1st December 2013. Our News/infotainment team however has commenced work.... Thanks for supporting us so far
13 Nov 2013 | 06:30
Finally, am here. Have been a member of Nairaland since 2007, nothing has held me spellbound like this. At a time it became addictive. I saw your story for the first time last week and couldn't stop, followed you to your blog and now finally here. Kudos to you man, i don't pray to be in your shoe one bit atall. Yours its hectic lifestyle man. In all though, you are good man. I can even relate with most of the location you mentioned both in Abuja and Owerri very wella. Your stle of narration is tight. Cheers man
19 Nov 2013 | 04:17
A new story CRUSH was just added in our Blog see link>> please do visit our front page regularly for more info. Our blog is gradually coming back to life.
27 Nov 2013 | 13:31
Val...hmmmm! Na wa o!
27 Nov 2013 | 23:27
Finally val! But Val seriously,You don break Adaora heart tire! I mean,i guess the girl aint got no heart to break again after you don break am tire! Adaora is my fav xter in ur story bro,but with the intro of Tessy,o boy! Ah don switch allegiance! But Val,forgive me,you are a d.i.ckhead! And You know why am saying this lol!!! Ah dont know Whether you are still with Tessy,but you should try and limit your rendezvousness to Adaora and Tessy alone,haba! Aside Chinwe,ah think they are most mature peepz around,even more mature than you! And lastly,ah dont know whether u still do it,but stop Thinking through your!! Come on bro,You are my Motivator o! Seriously speaking!!
28 Nov 2013 | 03:14
Cyndii's life was instantly thrown into series of Misfortunes the moment she dumped Benjamin for Mike who equally happened to be her Ex and first Love. Some called her problems "pay back time" while others nodded with the words "karma at work". But the end result of everything is what actually matters in life. What then will the end result of her romance be?, {1} will her problems make her relationship with Mike stronger or Will she finally fall out of love {with him} when the heat becomes unbearable?, will obnoxious Stella be able to get her running for her life???, or will another charming young man bear the cross and rescue her?? BETRAYAL PART 3 starts December 2nd. Do watch out.
30 Nov 2013 | 15:27
So this is the end of this wonderful story...Not cool
7 Dec 2013 | 17:31
It's nt d end. Will soon continue the story.
7 Dec 2013 | 20:16
*continues* I woke up the next morning to see seven missed calls in my phone. I really was surprised because i never heard my phone ring. "hmmm dis kain sleep self" i murmured as i dialled back the number which was Tessy's. "i truly must mean next to nothing to you, for you to be despising me the way you are doing" she scolded as soon as she picked my call. "i'm really sorry" i apologized respectfully, "you are very presumptuous, you know?" she murmured a bit angrily, while i frowned. "so are we still seeing today?" she asked, "i never said we were, alright no wahala but it will be in the afternoon" i replied, "fine, just give me a call whenever you are ready" she said and hung up. _____ Adaora was all smiles as she prepared for work minutes later. She sang, joked and played with me as she served breakfast. She seemed to have forgotten the events of the previous day. Even though i smiled and joked with her, i still watched her cautiously, because i knew her very well. She could be friendly and deadly at the same time. Moreover our relationship was still quite shaky. "i will be returning late today, because i will be stopping over at Madam Bisi's shop, her new stocks arrived last night from London, and i won't miss seeing them for anything" she announced as we ate breakfast. "hmmm Madam Bisi" i murmured absent-mindedly, "mum's friend nau, though i don't think you have met her" she explained, while i shrugged. I really wasn't interested. "hope you know we are travelling home this weekend?" i asked after a while. she rolled her eyes and stared at me blankly. "hmmm okay, but you know sometimes i wonder how you do sign your monthly {nysc} clearance form, because you hardly stay in your PPA" she murmured casually, "and why bring up such topic now?" i asked searchingly, "it just crossed my mind" she replied with a smile, "well i'm good with cheating, Nigeria is ours, Nigeria we serve" i jokingly explained, "abi and you are proud of it, Lazy boy" she laughed. ____ As soon as she left for work, i hurriedly prepared and dressed up for my appointment with Selena. I left the house an hour later and headed towards selena's. Finding Selena's house, using the direction she gave me wasn't as easy as i anticipated. I however found the place after taking three wrong turns which really took much of my time. She was at the gate to recieve me. For a moment she simply stood and stared at me as if she wasn't sure of herself, before finally stepping forward and hugging me. "welcome dear, i thought you wouldn't come" she murmured with a smile. To be continued.
10 Dec 2013 | 12:39
*continues* "Nice house" i murmured in admiration as we walked into the compound, she shrugged and smiled, "Dad managed to build it with his gratuity after retiring from the military" she explained. We silently walked into the living room where an elderly woman in her early fifties rose up to greet me. "wow you are finally here, welcome dear, my daughter really said lots of good things about you which made me very eager to see you" she greeted polietly as we hugged. "i'm also very pleased to meet you ma" i humbly replied. "seriously you are much younger than i expected you know, you are also the first boy she is ever bringing home and introducing to me" the lovely old lady said as i settled down on a couch beside her. Selena's mum really was very cordial and friendly. She wasn't the quiet type, and she truly made me feel very relaxed. She was a pleasant Lady. Selena however dragged me to her room thirty minutes later, cracking silly jokes as we went into her room, "mum likes you, i'm glad because she hardly hides her feelings and always speaks her mind. Could you believe i was scared as we walked into the living room minutes ago" she giggled happily. I quietly settled on a small chair beside her bed, folded my hands and stared at her. "i'm really sorry for the way i treated you the other day, no explanation can excuse me for leaving you stranded in a town you barely know. I'm still ashamed of it" i apologized. She came closer to me, held my shoulders and smiled. "if things don't happen, it's because they are not meant to be, so let's forget all about it" she replied sweetly. "thanks dear" i murmured gratefully, "i like your voice, you speak like an innocent little boy" she added jokingly, making me frown slightly, "it's a compliment, why are you frowning?" she laughed, "so who was the girl with you yesterday, i think i have seen her somewhere?" she asked curiously, "she's my girlfriend, my wife to be, we have been together since we were kids" i answered effortlessly, but my reply really left a terrible mark on her face. She instantly frowned and took her hands off my shoulders. "and must you say it to my face in such manner huh?, you just disrespected me again, i feel like hitting you" she said with a hurtful look, turned and reached for her hand-bag which was lying on her bed, fetching a packet of cigarette from it. I quickly got up and held her, "you know smoking isn't good for your health, remember what the doctor said the last time you had crisis?" i asked, "i bury my sorrows with it, so please let me be" she replied, pushing me away from her side, "so would you have preferred i continue lying to you?" i asked with disbelief, "at least you could have been more diplomatic with your truth, i havn't had a serious male friend in my life and i was hoping you could change all that for me. I had no qualms introducing you to my mother, at-least you could have respected my feelings, you could have twisted your words somehow, i wasn't really expecting you to tell me the whole truth about that skinny girl" she poured out without thinking, freezing in shock only when she realised the folly of her rantings. I couldn't believe my eyes. Seriously Abuja ladies are full of surprises. To me, most of them don't behave like Africans. To be continued.
11 Dec 2013 | 05:31
*continues* I felt like continuing with the truth, i wanted to be totally honest with her, i had the urge to tell her that i wasn't the young business man she thought i was, that i was just a simple boy, a youth corper, but something sealed my lips. "i guess being honest is the best, no matter how painful it could sound sometimes" she murmured, lighted her cigarette, turned and met my gaze. "why are you staring at me in that manner?" she asked, puffing out smoke. I shrugged without knowing what to say, but just that moment her mum knocked and entered the room without waiting to be invited. "my God!" she exclaimed, "don't tell me you are smoking with her?" she asked me searchingly with a drawn face. I shook my head and displayed my hands, while Selena eyed her. "i don't smoke ma" i answered innocently, "you don't smoke, but you are comfortable with her smoking abi?, why allow your friend to take such horrible substance when you don't?" she asked me, before facing her daughter who looked away, totally embarrassed. "mum must you embarrass me, i'm a grown lady, i earn my own money, please let me be" she shouted at her mother, who seemed unpertubed by her words. The old woman simply reached forward, grabbed the cigarette from her hand, picked up the half filled packet lying on the bed, shook her head with digust, entered the toilet{self contained room} and killed the smoke. "how are you ever going to marry with all these bad habit of yours?, you are the only one still living with us at home, yet i'm scared of you the most. I can't keep quiet when i see things go wrong, nor look the other way to save your drowning dignity" she barked as she came out of the toilet, leaving the room furiously. She truly was extremely disgusted over her daughter's bad habit. But which parent wouldn't be?. I silently watched on, clueless on how to intervene or what to say. "you see why i hate bringing my friends over here?, she likes embarrassing me, she's too uptight, i can't stand her anymore, i can't believe she said all those things to me, i'm leaving this house immediately, Val please help me gather my things" Selena shouted insanely, putting me in a very difficult position. I checked my watch and breathed deeply. I was fast running out of time. I intended spending only but few minutes there, but it suddenly dawned on me that i could end up spending all my day with her. I bit my lips and cursed inwardly, "Tessy will soon start calling with her own wahala" i reasoned with regret. To be continued. BUSTED IN THE ACT comes up Next.
12 Dec 2013 | 08:12
*continues* "I better start leaving, i have some other appointments to honour" i said with a smile, ignoring her last comment. "so you are leaving so soon?, nawa for you ooo" she protested sadly, "i'm sorry dear, but this won't be my last visit to your home, i promise, it's just that i have an urgent appointment which i won't miss for anything, because it is business related" i explained sweetly, "alright, when are you leaving Abuja?" she asked, "next weekend" i lied. "i don't think, i will be spending another night here" she murmured unhappily. I breathed deeply and held her gently. "you should think over what you intend doing, moreover i think your mum is simply protecting you" i advised before turning to leave. I really didn't have the strength nor time for her whining, which she equally noticed. ____ I headed straight to Tessy's shop after leaving Selena's house, promising myself that it will be the last time i will ever Tessy. A promise i knew i wouldn't keep. She was attending to a customer when i walked into her shop. Her eyes instantly sparkled with joy as soon as she noticed my presence. I polietly stood a distance away and waited for her, examining some perfumes at the same time. She quickly rounded up with the customer and came to me. "i thought you preferred using the back door?, what made you change your system, or did someone tell you i was in here?" she asked with a smile, displaying her lovely teeth. I shrugged and returned her smile. "i guess we should be going to your office?" i asked, "yea right, i know my employees gossip a lot" she joked and led me to her office. "my friend is throwing an exquisite party tonight" she announced when we got to her office. I shrugged and said nothing, she picked up her bag, stared at me curiously and shook her head. "let's go" she murmured with a smile, walked past me, left her office and headed back to the shop {shopping area}. "where are we going?" i asked curiously, blindly following her, "do you really want to know?" she asked, nodding to one of her employees who promptly came forward. She handed a bunch of keys to her, murmured some instructions before dragging me along as she left her shop. "where are we going?" i asked again, "c'mon are you scared or what?" she asked, stopped and faced me, but i didn't respond because i instantly froze as i noticed Elinor coming towards us with a fair, tall, handsome guy. She quickly followed my eyes, turned and breathed deeply as soon as she saw them. The surprise and shock she displayed clearly showed she wasn't expecting them either. Elinor equally was shocked to see me, but as usual she hid her resentment with a sharp decieving smile. To be continued.
13 Dec 2013 | 11:00
Val,u don come again with this ur technical suspense!
14 Dec 2013 | 02:39
*continues* "where are you guys going?" Elinor asked searchingly, "hmmm dear me, you never told me you were coming?" Tessy asked, avoiding her question, "yea dear, actually i never really planned on coming, but here i am" she laughed sweetly, while i looked away uncomfortably. "meet Kingsley a guy you will soon get to like, Kingsley meet my dear friend Tessy" she introduced her companion to Tessy, expertly ignoring me. "Val and i are really rushing to somewhere, i really don't know how we will do this" Tessy said, glancing at her watch, but Elinor wasn't moved, she pretended not to understand the message her friend was trying to pass. "kayode told me that Sonia is finally throwing the party tonight is it true?" she asked, "oh yea she is oo, your friend Kayode has made a fortune out of it. I think we shouldn't be standing here, let's go over there please" Tessy replied, pointing to a small eatery across the street. "yea better" Elinor laughed and winked at her male friend. We spent close to twenty five minutes in there, as Elinor kept bringing up one topic after another, which she expertly tried to involve both Tessy and kingsley in. Kingsley himself was a good talker, he really was so eloquent and good with his choice of words. He tried his best to impress Tessy. I paid no heed to their discussion, sipping my drink and glancing at my phone and watch at intervals. Finally Tessy got up. "i'm so sorry, but i really have to start leaving, i'm almost out of time, we will see at the party" she explained with an apologetic smile. I heaved a sigh of relief, got up and left with her. "i'm sorry about that, Elinor can be annoying sometimes" she apologized to me as we walked to her car. Luckily she got a phone call before she could start the engine, a very important call which caused her to sigh after speaking with the caller. "i'm urgently needed at my other office, the devil is a liar" she hissed, "which office?" i asked, "you havn't been there, but we could go together if you won't mind" she replied, "oh no, i better go home, so i can prepare for tonight" i lied convincingly, "really?, will you actually attend the party with me?" she asked happily, "of course i will" i assured her. ____ I was home on time to prepare beans and plantain, something i really havn't done in a long while. I really can't say what pushed me to do that, but i managed to do it, even though the taste wasn't really inviting. Adaora returned by 6:15pm looking very tired and happy. "dear check out these HTC phones, seems like they are the latest HTC phones available" she giggled as she displayed three sleek mobile phones. "i got them from madam Bisi, one is for you, one for me and the third is for your sister, i also got three airtel sim cards for them, i'm really sorry for coming home late, i know you are very hungry" she apologized, "hmmm hungry kwa?, not at all dear, i prepared beans and plantain for you, for us sha, because i have already eaten half" i informed her with a smile. "oh baby!" she exclaimed, rose up and ran into the kitchen. She couldn't believe her ears. To be continued.
14 Dec 2013 | 11:51
*continues* By 7:30pm i sent a text to Tessy, that i wouldn't be joining her for the party {without giving any excuse}. Just like i feared, my message infuriated her. Few minutes after it delivered, she gave me a call which i failed to answer, instead i switched off my phone and joined Adaora in her room. Adaora and i had a wonderful night, we made love over and over without getting bored. "I love you with all my heart dearest" i whispered to her. "me too darling, i love you more than you can ever imagine, but we really have something to discuss tomorrow" she replied and kissed me, putting me in deep suspense. I tried to get her to talk but she adamantly refused. "it's just a matter of hours dear, have patience" she smiled. Early the next day, precisely by 7:30am, i returned to my room and switched on my phone which rang fifteen minutes later. A call from Elinor which kind of surprised me. "what could she be calling for?, or is Tessy with her?" i wondered. I had great urge to ignore the call, but i forced myself and answered it. "can you come outside please?" she asked without even saying a common "hello". "outside where?" i asked with surprise, "come outside jor, don't waste my time please" she commanded and hung up. I breathed deeply, thought over her words, brushed, changed my clothes and went out to the gate. There stood her car parked across the slightly busy street. I was a bit shocked but not too surprised to see her. I frowned and walked over to her car. She opened the passenger's door for me, i scanned the street and hurriedly entered, afraid Adaora might show up that moment. "you weren't at the party last night?" she asked coldly. I looked at her and shrugged, saying nothing. "my dear friend Tessy is really very unhappy with you, but it was good and thoughtful of you to disappoint her and i will want it to continue that way. I'm very serious about it and i never eat my words. You can call it a threat, i don't care. Just stay away from her and we are good. You are of no use to me any longer. The new guy Kingsley is in a better position to take over your place. I have groomed him for that, moreover he is more matured, handsome and intelligent than you will ever be. I came all the way here to warn you for the last time. Back off my business, else i burn you to ashes" she threatened seriously. Her threats really were very provocative and daring, but unfortunately i was clueless on how to deal with it. To be continued.
16 Dec 2013 | 14:02
Onye na Way ya! Val,i dey greet o!! If only u would find a balance between Tessy and Adaora,i would be very happy! It can be done,set the records straight via a pre-planned plan,and then strike the balance! Val,no fall my hands with Tessy o!
17 Dec 2013 | 08:20
*continues* "I was very determined to end my relationship with Tessy before this moment, but after hearing your threats i don't think i will go on with it again. What happened to your manners? You are a lady for christ sake, forget the age difference between us. I can still marry someone your age if i choose to. Nawa for you oo, see how you are just threatening me because of money. I won't leave Tessy alone, come and kill me let me see" i spoke out angrily for the first time. She gasped in surprise and stared at me. She couldn't believe her ears. Perhaps she was mistaking my gentle nature for weakness. "val you just shouted at me?" she asked, "my God i can't believe this, hope you still remember your place?" she asked, "i have class and prestige more than you ever will. What can you even do to me?, the highest i think you can do is just to turn my girl against me. Goodluck with it" I barked and left her car, leaving behind a bewildered Elinor. Truly i never knew when i got the courage to say all those words to her. Even though i was happy for myself, i really wasn't strong at heart. I had no choice than to call Obinna immediately, because just like my friend Frank, Obinna was another rascal who knew his way around things. "so finally you decided to call me after all these while, you no dey try at all, shift jor" he said angrily as soon as he answered my call. "please you go fit show for Adaora's house now? I dey there abeg" i pleaded, "hmmm okay no wahala" he accepted, easing my mind. ___ Breakfast was ready by the time i walked into the living room. I smiled and joined Adaora on the dining table. "where went you?" she asked, "i felt like jogging this morning, which i went out to do" i lied. "liar mtcheew" she sighed and passed over the tea pot to me. "i thought you wanted us to travel today, what happened?" she asked after a while, "i had to cancel it, because i saw you arn't ready and willing to travel" i replied. "don't blame me ooo" she eyed me. I smiled and shook my head. "but seriously, i think we depend too much on our parents, you in particular. You report everything we do to your mum and she makes most decisions for us, arn't we supposed to be independent, free to make our own decisions?" she asked. "you are very right dear, but i think you are the one guilty of it. You always report me to anyone who cares to give you a listening ear" i accused her. "i only report you, when your obnoxious behaviour gets out of hand. I'm talking about another thing, which is decision making" she replied. We argued throughout the course of the meal and could have continued, had Obinna not interrupted us with his presence. The sound of the door bell marked the end of our argument. I heaved a sigh of relief while Adaora went to open the door for him. my room, minutes later "my guy Elinor is on my neck, you still remember her right??" i asked, he nodded, "The old is threatening me. I need your full help" i opened up in the privacy of my room. Obinna scoffed and smiled. "you can never win a game without aggression" To be continued.
17 Dec 2013 | 13:18
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18 Dec 2013 | 07:13
*continues* "so what will you want me do for you?" he asked after listening to my story. I shrugged and shook my head. "i really don't know bro, i Just don't know" i replied, "hmmm then forget all about Elinor and move on with your life. I can't advice you to soil your hands over something so useless. Bad things are meant for guys like me and not for someone like you. Sometimes it's so hard to understand something so far fetched from reality" he advised. "nawa for you oo, i invited you to help me come up with something and you are here playing Nice guy, i don't like it oo" i complained, feigning anger. "alright fine, i have seen you are determined, so just tell me what's on your mind" he prompted. "i don't know, maybe watching her will do, as in 24hours surviellance. I want to know her in and out, everything about her" i murmured. "with what budget?, don't you know watching someone is one of the most difficult, stressful and dangerous job you can ask anyone to do. The guys in this town are not smiling, i don't think you can foot the bill, moreover for how long will they watch her?. Just think of another thing bro, like terrorizing her, messing her up, damaging her car, something so simple but painful, something that can be done in a day" he explained. "fine mess her up and damage her car then, how fast can you do it?" i asked, "you are crazy, i look like a hitman to you? I will bring guys who will do the job, but budget on 100k" he grinned, "hundred thousand Naira?" i gasped, "how much were you thinking?, havn't you seen the type of security we have in this town? Don't you want a clean job?" he asked, "the guys i'm getting for you are good, they have helped me twice. Elinor according to your narration loves going out at night, which really will make it a bit stressful. They will harass her, get her handbag and handsets for you, if there is anything more you want them to do like pouring gasoline on her, it could also be done. All these are with guarrantee that nobody will mention your name if things go bad, i'm not getting campus boys for you" he explained like a professional. I scratched my head and stared at him suspiciously. "perhaps he could even be the gang leader" i reasoned. "but seriously how do you expect your guy to blow 100k just like that?" i asked, "if you play your cards well, you could end up making the payment with Tessy's money, use your head jor. I thought you are a graduate? Nawaoo, simple go back to Tessy since you are doing all these because of her, show her your good side and run the package, It's a win win situation. You can't fight dirty without getting dirty, it's time to be rugged my boy, but don't say i pushed you into it" he grinned. I was very determined to show Elinor that i had balls. I nodded in agreement to Obinna's plans. My next step was to pay Tessy a visit. I was scared but determined. I really can't say what was pushing me, perhaps it was my pride or maybe i was being controlled by an evil genie. I truly wasn't myself. To be continued.
18 Dec 2013 | 10:15
*continues* "so what will you want me do for you?" he asked after listening to my story. I shrugged and shook my head. "i really don't know bro, i Just don't know" i replied, "hmmm then forget all about Elinor and move on with your life. I can't advice you to soil your hands over something so useless. Bad things are meant for guys like me and not for someone like you. Sometimes it's so hard to understand something so far fetched from reality" he advised. "nawa for you oo, i invited you to help me come up with something and you are here playing Nice guy, i don't like it oo" i complained, feigning anger. "alright fine, i have seen you are determined, so just tell me what's on your mind" he prompted. "i don't know, maybe watching her will do, as in 24hours surviellance. I want to know her in and out, everything about her" i murmured. "with what budget?, don't you know watching someone is one of the most difficult, stressful and dangerous job you can ask anyone to do. The guys in this town are not smiling, i don't think you can foot the bill, moreover for how long will they watch her?. Just think of another thing bro, like terrorizing her, messing her up, damaging her car, something so simple but painful, something that can be done in a day" he explained. "fine mess her up and damage her car then, how fast can you do it?" i asked, "you are crazy, i look like a hitman to you? I will bring guys who will do the job, but budget on 100k" he grinned, "hundred thousand Naira?" i gasped, "how much were you thinking?, havn't you seen the type of security we have in this town? Don't you want a clean job?" he asked, "the guys i'm getting for you are good, they have helped me twice. Elinor according to your narration loves going out at night, which really will make it a bit stressful. They will harass her, get her handbag and handsets for you, if there is anything more you want them to do like pouring gasoline on her, it could also be done. All these are with guarrantee that nobody will mention your name if things go bad, i'm not getting campus boys for you" he explained like a professional. I scratched my head and stared at him suspiciously. "perhaps he could even be the gang leader" i reasoned. "but seriously how do you expect your guy to blow 100k just like that?" i asked, "if you play your cards well, you could end up making the payment with Tessy's money, use your head jor. I thought you are a graduate? Nawaoo, simple go back to Tessy since you are doing all these because of her, show her your good side and run the package, It's a win win situation. You can't fight dirty without getting dirty, it's time to be rugged my boy, but don't say i pushed you into it" he grinned. I was very determined to show Elinor that i had balls. I nodded in agreement to Obinna's plans. My next step was to pay Tessy a visit. I was scared but determined. I really can't say what was pushing me, perhaps it was my pride or maybe i was being controlled by an evil genie. I truly wasn't myself. To be continued.
18 Dec 2013 | 10:16
*continues* I quickly prepared, dressed up and went over to Adaora's room. "Baby i'm going out with Obinna, i won't take long" i said and kissed her, "where are you going with him?", "you know i don't like that boy, he creeps me out" she murmured. "i know dear, thanks for worrying about me" i smiled and kissed her forehead. ____ {Thirty nine minutes later} Obinna dropped me at Tessy's house, gave me some words of encouragement and drove away. I breathed deeply, brought out my phone and dialled Tessy's phone number, praying she was at home. "what do you want?" she angrily asked as soon as she picked my call. "i'm at your gate" i informed her. She kept quiet for a while, perhaps she couldn't believe her ears. "for real?" i heard her ask, "yea i'm serious" i answered. "come right in you devil, what are you waiting outside for?" she said excitedly. I hung up, heaved a sigh and walked into the compound. "see your way?" she murmured with an accusing smile when i finally got to the sitting room. I breathed deeply and said nothing, because she wasn't alone. she was with her daughter and one other teenager whom i felt was a relative. "let's go over to the second living room, we have a lot to discuss" she announced and led the way, locking the door as soon as we got in, turned and faced me with a frown. I looked around me, memories of my first intimate experience with her came running into my head. It was on that very room that i touched her intimately for the first time. "stop avoiding my eyes and look at me" i heard her say coldly, "what you did last night was so unbecoming of you, i feel like slapping you this moment urrhhhh" she scolded. I looked down into her eyes and smiled, silencing her with my eyes. She bit her lips and eyed me. "I'm very sorry dear, what excuse do i give?, anyway here i'm. I came to surprise you?" i murmured, held her face, brought down my lips, and kissed her softly. "i'm scared of our relationship, because it's something that could consume us. I really don't want to involve myself in something i can't finish" i confessed, but she really wasn't listening, her eyes were already closed, her body tightly clinging on me and igniting the passion between us. "oh Val stop the talking please" she begged, fell on a couch and dragged me down with her. We were soon kissing, licking, fondling and smooching hotly. "let's go to my room, it's more comfortable there" she soon begged, pushing me away. We walked into her room via the {connecting} door between her room and the small living room. She flung off the last apparel on her body, and positioned herself for me. "i want the full dose, please hurry" she begged jokingly as i wore my rubber. **** forty minutes later, She came out of the bathroom, smiled and climbed over me, "you are so hot and handsome, you totally filled me up" she whispered happily. I breathed deeply and smiled. I was very glad she was happy with my performance, a perfect opportunity to ask for money, but i was clueless on how to go about it. I have never asked for money from a stranger. Oh yes, she really wasn't a stranger anymore, but i just couldn't. "what's the matter, you look worried?" she soon asked with concern. To be continued.
19 Dec 2013 | 12:28
*continues* "it's nothing serious dear, I will be travelling back to Imo state tomorrow" i replied. She kissed me and stared into my eyes. "i wish i could make you stay" she murmured. I breathed deeply and smiled at her, my phone rang that moment interrupting us. It was Adaora who was calling. "hi baby are you still with Obinna?" she asked, "yea baby, but i'll soon be on my way home" i answered. "please be fast, i'm home alone and bored" she begged, "just give me fifteen minutes, okay!" i promised. She laughed and hung up. "it's Adaora, she wants me home, something probably came up" i explained to Tessy who was frowning because of the call i just recieved. "i have to get going" i kissed her, forgetting the issue that brought me to her house. But did i really forget about it?. The truth was that i couldn't get myself to ask her for money. "i guess i won't be seeing you for a while?" she murmured sadly when we got to her sitting room {minutes later}. I smiled and shrugged. "you know time flies nowadays, you never can tell" i laughed. "you really don't want me to give you a ride home?" she asked, "no dear, i already said no when you earlier asked in your room, didn't i?" i replied. She shrugged, said nothing and followed me to the gate where we got the greatest shock of our lives. There sat Adaora on top the boot of a black Honda car, with a dark slim girl facing us. I couldn't believe my eyes neither did Tessy. We simply stopped and stared at them with shock. "here you are?" Adaora laughed coldly, "Adaora!" i exclaimed. I couldn't believe she followed me to Tessy's house. I knew my lies weren't really going to do much again for me. I knew she has gotten the little prove she wanted. "i thought you said you were with Obinna? Why lie to me? I thought you guys were just business partners or whatever?" she asked insolently. "stop talking nonsense girl, please respect me" Tessy interrupted her, giving me the opportunity to think fast. "you are a respectable lady right?, Then why lie to me, why hide something so hard to hide from me?, are you scared of me or what? Why can't you own up if you truly care and like him, that's what i will do as a lady" Adaora challenged her, sending my nerves flying high. I had no doubt Tessy would fall for her trick. Luckily she sighed, turned and returned to her compound without another word, leaving me to my fate. Adaora looked at me, shook her head, breathed deeply, and left with her friend who drove the Honda {car}. I was lost, broken and down. I really can't say how i managed to get home, but i did get home to meet another shock which awaited me. Adaora stood at the entrance door{which led to the apartment}, with my bag lying in front of her. "it's over dear, I can't take it anymore, you also not spending a minute in this house ever again. Your things are in the bag, you can check them if you want. Bye bye" she kicked the bag to me, stepped out of the apartment with her friend, locked the door and left the house, leaving me heartbroken and alone. I knew for sure that it was the end. I weeped uncontrollably. OUR RELATIONSHIP HAS FINALLY COLLASPED.. To be continued.
20 Dec 2013 | 06:20
Bro, pls endeavor to drop another update at least thrice daily!...this your once daily update if not favorable to ur readers
20 Dec 2013 | 06:28
dont knw wat to say self...but i can see a light
20 Dec 2013 | 09:05
*continues* I sat outside with tears in my eyes and thought over my life. "I have lost Adaora, lost my happiness, betrayed my family and disappointed everyone. How do i face them?" i wondered. I knew Adaora was dead serious when she said it was all over between us, unlike the previous occasions when it simply fell out of her lips without any iota of seriousness. "i'm lost" i cried, "where do i go from here?, will Obinna's place be condusive to spend the night?, what excuse will i give him?" i wondered, shaking my head unhappily as i remembered all that led me to Tessy's house that very day. "or should i go back to Tessy?" i wondered sadly, shaking my head in regret because i knew it was the most insane thing to do. "what if Adaora is still watching me?" i reasoned. My phone rang minutes later, shaking me out of my thoughts. It was Tessy who was calling. "how far?" she asked, "i'm finished, lost and stranded" i confessed, "where are you?" she asked. I gave her the exact location without hiding anything. "i'm coming right away, just stay tight" she assured and hung up. I couldn't believe the situation i found myself in, i equally wasn't prepared for it, even though i knew it was something that meant to happen, judging by my way of life. Tessy showed up twenty five minutes later. I joined her in the car, she slowly drove to a small cafe which had just three customers in it. "just relax and breathe deeply everything is going to be alright" she assured sweetly when we settled down at the cafe. "Adaora really isn't just an ordinary girl to me, she's my wife to be, i love her alot, our families are in this together, moreover she's worth double my inheritance" i cried. Tessy's simply held her jaw and listened attentively as i poured out my heart to her. I also told her my story with Adaora, how it all began and the truth about my family. I truly couldn't control myself. I wanted to share my burden, my pain and my sadness with a friend. She happened to be at the right place at the right time. Her face coloured as she listened, at a point her eyes melted with unshed tears. My story really had an effect on her. "hmmm what a touching story, i swear i would have done much more than locking you out if was Adaora, but seriously she couldn't have ended it just like that because you guys really have come along way. I guess she takes over from her mum, i fairly know the woman, she's a very uptight, proud and shrewd business woman cum politician, there were some gossips about her sometime ago" she said when i was done with my story. I shrugged and said nothing. "no wonder you hardly demand for anything, you are truly not a hungry graduate" she joked, but i really didn't find her comment funny because of my situation. "yea i know the head can never control the heart, but i have a proposal to make" she smiled, reached for my hand across the table and held it. "will you like to redeploy back to Abuja?, i have the necessary contacts to make it happen quickly. I can also set up a decent apartment and even a car for you. All i want is for you to be happy, forget about her and move on with your life. Imo state really isn't the place for you and i hate to say that your Ada girl truly won't be a good wife material for you. Just give me the go ahead please" she proposed. I couldn't believe my ears. I breathed deeply, locking glances with her. To be continued.
21 Dec 2013 | 03:33
21 Dec 2013 | 12:50
Make i see your next update first!.... Tessy's time Is Come!
22 Dec 2013 | 05:54
*continues* "so what do you have to say?" she asked. I breathed deeply and shrugged. "i don't just know, but is it really possible by this period?" i asked, "of course it is" she answered with a smile. I looked away and thought over her tempting offer. "With the situation of things, redeploying to Abuja won't be a bad idea, at least it could make me a bit close to Adaora and also enable me keep an eye on her" i reasoned. "But Tessy won't just be handing over all she offered on a plater, this is really way beyond affection" i wondered seriously. "I knew how much an apartment costs in Abuja and i equally knew a car isn't what we enter any toy shop to buy". "No think, think, think" i cautioned myself, "perhaps she's now offering all these because i told her about my family. There isn't any doubt she could use the little favour to get more hold on me" i concluded. "i see you are having a hard time deciding, you can take your time. Let's now talk of where you are going to spend the night dear" she said, breaking me away from my thoughts. "where do you suggest?" i asked, "we can go to the hotel we stayed the last time. I know you won't like spending the night at my place. Not after what happened today" she smiled. "i guess we have to start going, we really have spent a lot of time here" she added and glanced at her watch. I finished my drink and stood up. We got to the hotel minutes later, she got a room for me before hurrying home. "i have to go check on my kids, you never can fully trust the house-helps she joked as she left. I dialled Adaora's phone number as soon as she left. I called her three times before she finally answered. "what is it?" she asked coldly, "baby what you did today is really very unfair, you are so inconsiderate" i accused her. "where are you?" she asked, "on my way back to Imo, i took night bus" i lied. She hung up without another word. I tried calling her again but she refused to answer. Tessy returned two hours later with a bottle of wine and a small nylon bag filled with suya{roasted cow meat}. "don't tell me you are already asleep?" she asked as she sat on the bed. I smiled and sat up, "you won't understand" i murmured. She laughed and cracked a silly joke. We stayed up late discussing trival issues. She never brought up the topic concerning the proposal she earlier made. I guess she just wanted me to feel relaxed and happy which i was very much grateful for. But early the next morning as we prepared to leave the hotel, she brought up the topic. "have you made up your mind?" she asked. "not yet, i will have to travel and think about it very well" i replied. She frowned and shook her head. "i guess you are yet to trust me, i have done everything to prove that i'm a straight forward person, but yet you still have some reservations about me. Tell me the truth, why are you finding it difficult to trust me?" she asked, "oh not again" i breathed, "seriously i'm very eager to know?" she urged. "please Tessy calm down. Redeployment is not something one wakes up to decide without taking so many things into consideration. It has nothing to do with you." i assured her. She shrugged and said nothing more. ____ I finally got to Imo state later in the evening, and arrived at my lodge{PPA} by 7:25pm. My phone rang the moment i entered my room. It was mum calling. "what is this i hear about you?" she asked. "mum" i gasped, "tell me it isn't true" she pleaded. I swallowed hard and said nothing. I couldn't find my voice. "oh no" she cried, "make sure you come home next weekend" she ordered and hung up. I couldn't imagine what she knew, I had let my family down. What do i do??.. To be continued.
22 Dec 2013 | 09:36
*continues* I really wasn't myself for the rest of that week. I kept thinking of what to do and which steps to take. I couldn't even answer Obinna's phone calls, {who was probably calling because of the plans we made on saturday}. I couldn't answer his call because i really wasn't myself, moreover what do i tell him?. I tried many tricks to talk to Adaora but none of them worked. She simply refused to have anything to do with me, which totally broke my heart. Seriously nothing is as painful as calling a girl who dosen't want to answer your call. I spent many sleepless nights wondering what she could be doing, where she might be and what could be going on in her mind. I kept praying for her not to meet any sharp guy who could use the opportunity to steal her away from me. My condition made me become very religous. I kept away from Jenny who equally kept her distance. She never bothered to check up on me, till thursday evening when i was packing my bag. {against travelling the next day.} Perhaps she had been waiting for me to make the first move of going over to her room which i normally would have done. But i really wasn't in the right frame of mind, which she probably never noticed. I knew as a girl she was hurting deep down because of my behaviour towards her. I could have easily apologized and made peace with her if not for the problems that weighed me down, making me keep my distance. "you have gotten what you wanted from me, i no longer exist in your life" she accused me as i was packing my bag. {thursday evening} "Jenny don't talk like that please" i begged, "it's okay, i wouldn't have expected anything less from an Igbo guy, it's your life, but it pains me that most times, when you see me outside, you look the other way, or simply mutter a dry hello, moreover who has been cooking for you?" she asked. "please we will talk when i get back, i'm not myself please" i begged again. She breathed deeply, shook her head and left without another word. By 12noon the next day {friday}, I headed straight to Enugu from school{PPA}. On getting home by 3:45pm, i was a bit surprised to meet an empty house. "perhaps my little sisters are still in school" i reasoned as i dialled mum's phone number. "i'm at the market, are you home already?" mum shouted over the phone when she answered my call, but i couldn't reply because the noise at her background was so loud and deafening. I simply hung up and threw myself on a sofa, gasping in shock as my eyes involuntarily fell upon a girl who dashed out from the kitchen when she heard my voice. The shock i felt was so intense because my eyes fell on no other person than Adaora. But before i could recover, she sighed and returned to the kitchen, locking herself inside. She came out minutes later, grabbed a magazine she probably left on a couch, eyed me and walked towards her room. "please stop" i begged. "i came here because your mum begged me to come, please don't annoy me by talking to me, just carry your negative energy to somewhere else. I can never have anything to do with you again" she spoke insultively without stopping. I felt very bad and a bit angry. I thought she would have respected and listened to me, instead she insulted me. I knew i deserved the insult, but i never expected it the way it came. I lost the little hope i had. To be continued. Next>>BETRAYAL 7pm Read about our affiliate programme here>
23 Dec 2013 | 11:31
*continues* I stayed in the sitting room till my mum and two small sisters returned. I greeted her and hugged my little sisters who were very pleased to see me. Mum and i said nothing much to each other before she went into the kitchen, a sign that showed she was extremely upset with me. I went to my room, locked myself in, and kept busy with my stories {which i was unable to update in the morning}. 7:20pm, mum called me out for dinner, i tried dodging by insisting that i wanted to eat in my room, but she refused to listen to my request, "we have something important to talk and we can't discuss it in your room" she scolded me. I had no choice than to join her with Adaora in the dinning room. We ate silently without talking, until i was done with my meal. As i tried to stand up and leave, she ordered me to sit. I obeyed and glanced at Adaora nervously. "who is Tessy and what sort of your father's business are you doing with her?" she asked. I breathed deeply and shrugged. "i doubt if you will know her, so there's no point going into details, moreover you don't know all of Dad's associates" i replied. "don't lie to me young man, your dad never did" she barked. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. "i won't say anything again, everything Adaora told you is true, i'm going to my room" i spoke with a raised tone, standing up again. "you are so shameless, you used and decieved a nice girl like Adaora and you have no remorse whatsoever. I don't know you anymore. You have disgraced me. You can go, i'm not restraining you again. Seems like you don't want to live a responsible life" she shouted at me. I stared at Adaora and stared at my mother. Her words touched me, but the best i could do was to flee the scene because I couldn't stand her questions nor angry comments. I shrugged and left the room. For the first time, i walked out on my mother. I left the dinning room and hid behind the door. I really felt like crying, but tears refused to show up. I placed my left ear on the keyhole and eavesdropped to their conversation. "i'm really sorry my dear i thought i knew him, but he has proved me wrong. I thought i raised him well. I gave him a good education, gave him almost all he wanted, groomed a good girl for him. Where did i go wrong?" she cried, "it's not your fault mum, somethings that are meant to happen, always happen no matter what we do. Just stop worrying please" i heard Adaora say to her. "i won't be happy to see another girl take your place in this house. I don't think i can take it" she continued. "mum you know i have managed and stayed in this relationship all these period, because of my respect and love for you. I wouldn't have wished for nothing more than to marry him. But i can't keep playing the fool with him. Val isn't a honest person" she murmured. I felt bad hearing all she said about me, but i still stood and listened. "i know my dear, no body will sacrifice all you sacrificed for us. It's a pity that you will be leaving everything for someone else, but it still dosen't change my love for you. You are still my daughter" mum said to her. "i don't know how i will cope up, and i confess it will kill me to see another girl take my position. But i think it's better i start figuring out my life on time. Isn't it so mummy?" she asked. I swallowed hard and rushed to my room. I couldn't listen anymore, there wasn't any doubt Adaora's decision was final. I sobbed. To be continued.
24 Dec 2013 | 03:36
*continues* 10:20pm, I was about falling asleep when mum walked into my room, switched on the lights and sat on my bed. I quickly sat up, rubbed my eyes and yawned. "i still find it hard to believe all Adaora said about you is true. What is actually happening, don't you like her anymore?" she asked seriously. I stared into her eyes and felt bad. She really was suffering over my despicable behaviour. "please mum stop worrying yourself. This is my problem, i'm in on this alone, i have to bear the cross alone. Please go to bed it's past ten already. Please" i pleaded. But she shook her head and folded her hands. "i want to hear your side of the story. I won't be able to sleep until i get to the bottom of this matter. I have never seen Adaora look so troubled and upset. I need you to tell me everything. Please" she begged, but i couldn't say a word. "how do i open my mouth and tell her that i was having an affair with Tessy. A lady with children". "How do i confirm that it was the despicable act that broke up my relationship with Adaora". I wondered. It's true Tessy never did confirm anything to Adaora, and I knew her story was all based on assumptions, but still even a blind Judge could convict me, judging from the events that led to the final show down. I had no solution whatsoever for my problems. Composing another lie could make things more terrible, unless Adaora simple feels like giving me another chance, by pretending to buy my lie. I reasoned "you totally disappointed me. hope you know Aids is real?" mum asked after some minutes, interrupting my thoughts. I looked away and closed my eyes. Not only was i ashamed of myself, i equally was lost and confused. "Adaora will always be my choice. I don't regret giving her my heart. I have nothing else to say. Goodnight" she murmured and left, leaving me alone with my conscience. **** I tried to sleep, but couldn't. I tried calming my nerves by listening to music but i still found myself tossing on my bed. I entered the bathroom, took a quick shower, freshened up and went to Adaora's room. I was surprised to find her awake, doing something on her laptop. She quickly frowned as soon as she saw me, closed the computer and drew back on her bed. "what are you doing here?" she asked, throwing a nervous glance at me. "i came to talk, i can't sleep, not with everything going on" i murmured, "your guilt will kill you. You havn't seen anything yet" she replied angrily. " Adaora" i called, "don't call me. I have made my decision. You choosed that old hag over me and i have left your life. Please leave my room or i will scream. Trust me i will" she threatened angrily. I stepped back and swallowed hard. "don't destroy us" i begged, "you already did" she replied and got up from the bed. Tears surprisingly fell from her eyes as she stared at me. "just leave my room please" she muttered, pushing me out of her room. I spent the rest of the night thinking and regretting. I couldn't believe i had lost my princess, my jewel, my flower bomb. "oh no" i cried. I woke up the next day with a very high fever. I couldn't move myself nor get out of the bed. My head ached, my lips were sour. I was very down and sick. Mum came into my room later in the morning to check up on me. "val" she called, but i couldn't answer, "val" she called again and got no response. She drew close and sat on my bed, feeling my temperature with her palm. "chie!" she instantly screamed, drawing Adaora's attention. She quickly ran into my room and stared at her. "Val is very sick ooo" mum explained. Adaora scoffed and drew closer. "are you sure he isn't pretending?" she asked, feeling my body temperature with her palms. To be continued. Donig DONIGSPAIN WISHES YOU ALL, "A HAPPY XMAS"...
25 Dec 2013 | 12:48
*continues* "hmmm his body temperature is really on the high side. This is no pretence" she murmured, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I guess it's malaria, it has been long he last took malaria pills" mum said to her. "so what do we do?" Adaora asked, "i'll go get some malaria drugs. I pray it helps oo, else we will have no choice than to take him to a hospital" she replied and stood up, while Adaora shrugged. "i also don't know how i'll make him eat before taking the drugs" mum complained as she left the room. Just like she feared, i refused to eat anything that morning, and only managed to take the drugs. Adaora surprisingly stayed with me after i had taken the pills, even though she did nothing than taunt me. "you havn't seen anything yet. Mum thinks it's malaria or something, but i know it's guilt mtcheew" she hissed. I couldn't argue with her nor say anything because i just couldn't. I silently endured all she said. An opportunity she used to pour out her anger on me. At a point, i couldn't endure anymore, i managed to bring up my right hand which i placed on her laps, "please it's okay" i begged. My plea sort of calmed her down. She never muttered any annoying comment after that. She simply sat quietly for few minutes before leaving the room. By 7pm, i was a bit okay, even though i still felt empty, dull and weak. Adaora came into my room again, this time bearing a plate of fried eggs. "mum isn't happy that you havn't eaten anything today. I forced myself to make this for you, even though you don't deserve it" she said and sat on my bed. I weakly sat up with a smile, "this is a good opportunity to make peace with her" i reasoned hopefully. "you better cut that smile off. I know what your thinking, but i'm sorry mister, it's never going to happen" she said seriously, Killing my hopes. "i have known you almost all my life. We virtually grew up together even though you weren't very friendly with me back then, So i do know you well Val. You know Sometimes i played along with you simply because i never wanted to wound my heart and not because i believed you. Most of the tricks you played on me, never would have worked had i not purposely fallen for them. I didn't tell your mum about Tessy's kids nor that she was once married because the news would kill her. Just take a look at yourself, evaluate your life and tell yourself the truth. I didn't leave this relationship because i want to, but because i had to. I'm really sorry for you, seriously i'm" she poured out before trying to feed me. My eyes lit up happily, i heaved a sigh of relief. I was extremely relieved to hear that she didn't tell mum everything about Tessy, which really was what scared me the most. "Thanks for not telling mum all you know about Tessy. I owe you one" i managed to say. "you owe me alot, but lets not talk about it. You are now a closed chapter in my life. I will be leaving the country immediately i'm done with NYSC. I know what i want in life, but i don't know for you. You are a very confused boy, who is lucky to have what others are praying to have" she summarized. But before i could say anything, my phone rang. She reached for it, stared at the screen and smiled. "like not storing Tessy's phone number in your phone. You thought i wouldn't know. Here is your phone, hope you can answer?, she's the person calling" she murmured with a naughty smile as she gave me my ringing phone. "am i really a confused boy?" hmmm Adaora. To be continued.
26 Dec 2013 | 05:32
Hmmmmm!! VAT{Val+Adaora+Tessy}.....
27 Dec 2013 | 00:13
*continues* Out of respect for Adaora. I enabled my mobile "loud speaker" in order for her to easily listen to my conversation with Tessy. "what's up, where are you?" Tessy greeted and asked, "i'm in my room, seriously sick and upset" i murmured weakly, "no wonder your voice is so faint" she said calmly, "please can we talk later?, i really don't have enough strength right now" i begged. "okay, no wahala, good night. God is your strength" she prayed and hung up. Adaora scoffed and shook her head. "she's really sweet, isn't she?" i heard her ask. I breathed deeply and said nothing. She never said anything about Tessy again, instead concentrated on feeding me, which she did very well. "why are you doing this?" i finally asked minutes later. She stared at me searchingly and drew back a bit. "doing what?" she asked. I looked at the plate she was holding and smiled. "oops, please don't get any strange ideas into your head. I just felt like helping. That's all" she seriously replied. _____ By sunday morning, i woke up alot better. I actually woke around 2am that fateful morning, unable to sleep again. I started working on my stories, writing, editing and saving. It really kept me busy till 5:45am when Adaora walked into my room, fully dressed in her outing clothes. "good morning" she greeted and sat on the edge of my bed. "i'm about returning to Abuja, though i first will stop at home to see my mum" she informed me. I felt very sad hearing the news she brought. I thought she was going to stay few more days with us. "i never knew your mum is in town" i murmured. She shrugged and forced out a smile. "how is your health?" she asked, "i'm alot better, thanks for asking and thanks for everything" i murmured painfully, "i guess it's our final goodbye, or will you be spending the christmas with us?" i asked, "no not after what happened between us. I will be spending much of my time with my family from now onwards" she replied. "yea you are right. It won't be wise staying with us after everything that has happened" i agreed unhappily. She breathed deeply, stood up and turned to leave. "please wait" i instantly pleaded, jumped out of the bed, drew close and kissed her softly. "i have nothing else to offer as a parting gift. Since mum couldn't reconcile us, i find it hard to accept that your mind is made up. I'll forever miss you" i said painfully. She broke away from me and looked away. "you always say the nicest things, but please save them for another girl, i'm tired of hearing them" she replied, "but i also have an awful thing to say" i murmured, drawing her curiousity with my comment. She raised up her face and stared into my eyes. "i havn't brushed this morning, and i kissed you with a dirty mouth" I smiled. She eyed me, pinching my jaw. "that's what you always do. Dirty boy" she faintly smiled and left my room without another word. _____ I felt like crying as she left the house with mum minutes later. "it's all over" I cried. Mum returned an hour later, looking tired and unhappy. "we have lost a good girl. Adaora is gone" she murmured unhappily, while I felt like disappearing. "can your mind truly be at rest when your beloved is gone?" To be continued.
27 Dec 2013 | 11:30
*continues* 6:15pm I was about dialling Adaora's phone number when a text {message} entered my phone. It was from Chinwe. I breathed deeply and opened it eagerly. It really has been long i last heard from her. Infact i truly had forgotten she even existed due to my problems. "you don't care to call anymore. I hope you are fine?. My final year examination starts tomorrow. Please wish me luck" her text read. I smiled and dialled her phone number immediately. "i never sent the text to bother you, i wasn't expecting you to call me" Chinwe sweetly said as soon as she answered my phone call. "how then do you expect me to wish you the luck you asked for huh?" i laughed, "go jare" she murmured. "so how many papers will you be writing tomorrow and when will your final exam hold?" i asked, "i have only one exam tomorrow, the next and the day after. But on thursday we have two exams and none on friday. The following wednesday, i will write two more and graduate" she answered excitedly. "wow best wishes dear. I know you already have all the lucks in the world" i said happily, "do you think so?" she laughed, "yes of course. I think i'll be there tomorrow to see you before exam starts. By what time is tomorrow's exam starting?" i asked. "by 12noon" she replied. "fine, i will be at your lodge before 8am tomorrow" i informed her happily. _____ I tried calling Adaora after speaking with Chinwe, just to know her whereabout. She refused to answer my calls, instead sent me a text {message} minutes later. "please stop bothering me. It will do us no good" she sent. It broke my heart to read the message she sent. I felt really bad, but had no choice than to endure and hope for a better future. As early as 6am the next day, i set out for owerri with many thoughts in my mind. Mum had a hard time allowing me to leave, especially as i insisted on leaving with dad's car instead of mine. "i really don't know what has gotten into you. I can't control you anymore. God help you" she murmured as i drove out. I got to Owerri on time, precisely at 8:15am, and headed straight to chinwe's lodge. "wow Val, i can't believe my eyes" Chinwe screamed as she hugged me. "so how have you been doing?" i asked after settling down on her bed. "my studies are going fine, i have no pending carryover to write" she replied happily. "so how about your mum and siblings?" i asked, "hmmm, they are all fine. Hunger is their only problem" she joked. I spent an hour with her, discussing and jumping from one topic to another. I really was very happy to see her, even though she wasn't looking as sharp as she used to be. At first i thought it was the final year school stress, but after she opened up to me. I discovered she really was going through a hard time. I found out she was just trying hard to patch things up and graduate, because her mum who was her sole provider wasn't supporting her like she used to. Business wasn't going well for her anymore {remember her shop was moved}. "my dear things really is so difficult for me right now. My project supervisor is even on my neck because of 12k{twelve thousand naira}, he is demanding from everyone" she concluded with a sigh. "so how about that guy you are dating, what's his name again?" i asked curiously, "which guy? Forget that idi.ot jare. I thought i told you about him, the last time you came? We arn't dating anymore" she replied. "you know i love helping you. But i don't know why you always find it hard to ask for my help" i murmured, "you have helped me alot. This room, most of the things in it, all the money you have given me. No no no, you have done enough already. I can't bother you again" she replied with a coloured face. "chinwe you know our story isn't just a kiss and tell story. We have come a long way" i spoke sincerely with all my heart. She looked up at me with a very sad face, her eyes coloured with unshed tears. "you also have wronged me Val. Let's not go there please" she spoke out unhappily, smashing my broken heart with her piercing words. To be continued. Join our writers forum and make instant money.. Click the link below for details.
28 Dec 2013 | 12:19
*continues* "you are right, let's not bring back old memories. It won't do us any good" i murmured and looked away. "i really went through a lot for your sake. Was it the gossips, the humiliations, the curses, the uncountable insults i recieved on your behalf" she spoke sadly, breathed deeply and held her head {with her right hand}. Her words quickly brought back the memories i fought hard to bury after our break-up. "stop punishing yourself, did i do wrong by coming here?" i asked softly, drawing closer to hold her. She rubbed her eyes and forced out a smile. "don't mind me jare, you know sometimes we girls do act unmaturedly. I never intended to make you uncomfortable" she apologized. "it's alright, i have to start heading to my PPA" i laughed and stood up, "i will bring the money your supervisor is demanding on thursday evening, so please cheer up dear. I'll always be there for you" i promised. Her eyes quickly lip up with happiness, she got up and hugged me. "how do i thank you?. You just took a heavy burden off my chest. I must tell my mum right away, you can't imagine how relieved she will be" she poured out happily. "i havn't yet given you the money, wait till i do, moreover i don't think you mum will still remember me" i murmured nervously. She broke away from me, and reached for her phone which was lying on the bed. "we do talk about you sometimes. How can she forget you?" she happily asked as she dialled her mum's phone number. I stood quietly and watched her. I really wasn't comfortable with what she was doing, because i knew her mum would like to speak with me, something i wasn't really prepared for. "mum wants to thank you" she said a minuter later, after having a little conversation with her mother. I breathed deeply, took the phone and placed it on my ear. "Thanks alot my son, i know you will never turn your back on us. God will reward you ten-fold. What more can i say?" the good old lady said excitedly, "mum you have said enough, moreover your daughter also did alot for me" i murmured innocently. "i'll be travelling to the village this coming friday, and i will very much love to see you. Please it's very important, can you make out time to visit?" she asked. I swallowed hard and stared at chinwe, our eyes met, she smiled and looked away. {I felt somehow}. "yea mum i will make it, you have never demanded anything from me. So i can't refuse" i accepted. "perfect my son. I'm more than happy" she said happily. I smiled and handed over the phone to chinwe, who spoke with her for a while before facing me. "i still feel the pain of losing you, even though breaking up with you still remains the best decision i ever took. Thanks for everything" she confessed and hugged me again. ____ I left her room a different person. I really couldn't understand myself nor how i felt inside and I also couldn't help but wonder why her mum was so keen on seeing me. No matter what it was and how i felt. I promised myself never to take advantage of Chinwe's good heart ever again. I wasn't ready to jump into another romance with her, because i knew i still haboured a restless spirit which could leave the poor innocent girl in a more terrible state than she was. "Will i really keep the promise i made to myself?? Oh Val To be continued Join our writers forum and make instant money.. Click the link below for details.
29 Dec 2013 | 20:17
*continues* I headed straight to my PPA from Chinwe's lodge, and busied myself with work as soon as i got there. I kept thinking about Adaora, wondering how she was faring and how my destiny will be after losing her in such undignified manner. As soon as our school dismissed for the day, i quickly searched for Jenny, finding her at the staff room, where she was busy going through some books. She forced out a smile as she saw me. "how far?, arn't you going back to the lodge yet?" i asked. She shrugged, neatly arranged the books under her table, stood up and nodded at me. "very well then, let's start going" i murmured polietly. ____ Later in the evening, precisely at 5pm, i took her to a small bush bar at a neighbouring village, where we relaxed with plates of pepper soup, washed down with malt{drinks}. She really was extremely surprised over my behaviour. "please tell me what's going on?, first you arrived this morning with a big car, acting all nice and friendly. Then you Searched for me after school, which you havn't done in a while, now this. Tell me what's going on please?" she asked curiously. I smiled and shrugged. "i know lately i have been treating you badly, most especially last week. I transferred all my anger and bitterness to you, which shouldn't be. I brought you here to apologize. I really do value your friendship alot" i opened up quietly. She smiled and stared into my eyes, saying nothing. "and about the sex thing. It's something that shouldn't have happened between us. I prefer you more as a friend. I pray you understand, because i'm scared of getting sexually entangled with you, which could cause serious damages and perhaps change your destiny. I made the mistake once with a girl who happened to be my neighbour's girlfriend and we are still paying the price. Believe me it's really terrible. There comes a time when a man thinks not only of sex" i murmured. She smiled, brought her hand forward, placing it on mine. "it's okay Val, i understand. The truth is that you carry a strange spirit in you, a strange innocent character, a gentle nature which sometimes makes one imagine things way above the ordinary. I knew all along that i had no place in your heart, neither do you in mine, but something i can't explain clouded my senses. I guess the best approach is for you not to get too close or friendly with any girl, seriously i just don't know" she said with a calm smile. I really was glad to have settled my differences with her, because she really was my eye, nose and everything in my PPA, moreover making someone who knows alot of my {Nysc} secrets and schemes an enemy could be disastrous, because she could easily bury me with all she knew. ____ Friday evening, i headed straight to Chinwe's lodge with the money i promised her. My heart kept pounding loudly as i drove that fateful evening. Only God knows my destiny with Chinwe. A girl i stole from a helpless neighbour. I truly couldn't define what i felt for her at that stage. I liked helping her as if it was my duty. Sometimes i felt i was obliged to do so out of compassion, and sometimes i felt i was atoning for my sins by doing it. My story with Chinwe really is something so unimaginable. First I stole her from a helpless friend, then Adaora snatched me away from her, later abandons me in the middle of the road, where i stood helplessly. But from the opposite direction came Chinwe again, speeding towards me, her head-lamp blazing so strong. The only thing i couldn't tell is if Adaora will eventually hit the brakes and turn back to fetch me. I was at crossroads. "if things don't happen, it's because they are not meant to happen" To be continued.
31 Dec 2013 | 08:32
Wishing you guys, peace, prosperity, happiness, and good health throughout the New Year. Thanks for bringing us this far. New2 Cheers from, Blackberrydude Black Chi Chi Chi Dykolala Dykolala Delikay Delikay [you can send your pic to [email protected] ]
31 Dec 2013 | 19:29
*continues* "i'm sorry for not coming yesterday as promised" i apologized to Chinwe when i got to her room. She smiled and hugged me. "it's okay, i'm not complaining" she replied happily. I handed the money to her, stayed for some minutes before getting up to leave. "i have to start leaving, i'll be back early tomorrow, so we could go together to see your mum" i said to her. She softly held my right hand, staring into my eyes. "don't tell me you are driving back to your PPA by this hour. It's already late and unsafe" she murmured seriously, "no dear, i'm going over to my cousin's house, it's been a while i last saw him" i answered. She dropped her eyes and breathed deeply. "me too. I know Benita is still with him" she said quietly. I smiled at her, saying nothing. "you can stay with me, i'm all alone" she suddenly offered, "how about your silly friend, you turned into a roomate?" i asked playfully. "forget her" she rolled her eyes and smiled. I ended up accepting to spend the night in her room and we had a good time chatting and joking. By 8:30pm i took her for an evening ride, stopping at MR FANS where we spent a little time. She really was happy for the treat i gave her and according to her words, "it has been a while she enjoyed herself in such way". We finally went to bed by 10:45pm, but i fell asleep around 2am because my body wouldn't let me, not with a preserved meal{Chinwe} lying by my side. Seriously my joystick betrayed his master that fateful evening, and i had no choice than to lock it up, by suspending{placing} it between my two laps. SATURDAY I lazily woke up by 7:30am, to see her peering at my face and smiling. "good morning" she greeted sweetly, "you slept like a baby" she added. I smiled back at her. We finally headed to her hometown later in the morning to honour her mum's invitation. My thoughts kept me company as i drove, planning my next line of action, which travelling to Abuja to finish my business with Obinna, Since i had nothing to lose anymore. Besides he has been on my neck since the day i abruptly left Abuja, calling me a coward and all sorts of names jokingly, so i had every reason to travel and settle things with him, just like John cena, i wasn't ready to back down from my fight anymore. "Hmmm Elinor" i breathed. "what are you thinking?" Chinwe suddenly asked, breaking my thoughts. "nothing important" i laughed, "you really have changed alot" she noted with a smile, "why do you say so?" i asked, "the old val wouldn't have slept without trying to touch me. But i prefer the new Val" she laughed. I smiled and shook her head. Chinwe's mum was really very happy to see me. She thanked me for helping her daughter and equally gave me lots of advice. The old woman was very motherly and friendly. I enjoyed visiting her. I headed back to my PPA alone after spending two hours with her. I left Chinwe behind because she had to stay with her mum. Monday evening{ two days later} Obinna arrived at Owerri on my invitation, because I needed his help in driving my Dad's car to Abuja. I really had to create a lasting impression on Tessy and Elinor, it was all part of my plan. Obinna really couldn't believe his eyes when i took him to my PPA{lodge} that monday evening. He found it hard to believe i was serving in such a remote community. He called my room a shi.t-hole. Wednesday morning i headed to Abuja with him, after spending a little time with Jenny, who really couldn't believe i was travelling again. {I truly had nothing to fear in my PPA, because the people who could easily have ruined me were on my side.}. The only fear i had was on the journey i was embarking. I felt things won't turn out as planned. To be continued. Some of our 2014 vnovela series won't be available to guests. Please try registering your account.
1 Jan 2014 | 04:23
Val..........Val........Val............ come back here....
2 Jan 2014 | 06:34
*continues* 7:45pm Obinna's apartment. ABUJA NG "so how soon do you want the hit?" Obinna asked as we relaxed in his sitting room. "as soon as possible, i'll transfer the money to your account tonight. Just forward me your account details" i replied. He smiled and crossed his legs. "o boy, you are now behaving" he laughed, "one other thing" i said, interrupting him, "i'll take you to Elinor's apartment early tomorrow, so you can examine the environment very well. I really won't want mistakes. I don't know where your guys plan on doing the job, i don't care, but i'll like a very clean work and please they shouldn't cross the line when taking care of her" i added seriously. "yes sir, nothing do you sir" he laughed, went to his fridge and fetched two cans of beer, offering one to me. "no thanks, i'm going to bed. Good night" i murmured, got up and retired to the room he gave me. I was about drifting off to sleep, when i saw him walk into the room. "guy, you wan nack tonight?{do you want to f.uck}" he asked, tapping my shoulder. I breathed deeply, sat up and faced him. A bit confused on what i just heard. "two chicks are in the sitting room right now" he murmured in pidgin english. "i have already made them comfortable, all you have to do is simply follow me to the sitting room, sit beside the girl on red shirt and tell her what you want" he added with a dirty smile. "my guy i want to sleep, you can have them all to yourself" i smiled and dropped down on the bed. He shook his head, hissed and left without another word. I really was unable to sleep after he left the room. I began having doubts over what i planned doing. "Val this isn't you. What are you trying to do. Have you thought of the consequence?" my conscience warned, but i paid no heed to it, even though i was very scared. The noise from Obinna's room soon swallowed my thoughts. I heard screams, laughs, and music coming from there. It just looked as if he was having a threesome party. Of course he was enjoying himself. Early the next morning, after dropping off the two girls, we headed straight to Elinor's apartment. You guys can't believe how surprised she was when she answered the door and saw me. Goose pimples instantly appeared on her body. Even a blind man would have noticed how fidgeted she was. I truly was extremely surprised to see her in that state, because i thought she was a very strong fearless woman. I never knew surprising an enemy could have such serious effect. Thus my first offensive had an encouraging start. To be continued.
2 Jan 2014 | 09:57
Hmmmmm... Ah still de look shaa
3 Jan 2014 | 06:30
We do apologize for the little technical glitch witnessed yesterday.. Our stories will continue shortly.
3 Jan 2014 | 19:07
*continues* "oh jeez val, what are you doing here this early?" she asked as we settled down in her living room. I calmly crossed my legs and smiled. "you never told me you were coming. I never knew you were in town. What brings you here. I'm about leaving for work?" she nervously asked with a fake smile. "i came to reason things out with you, concerning Tessy's issue. I came to settle with you. Fighting won't do us any good" i lied. She scoffed, throwing a suspicious glance at Obinna. The type of glance which asks a question like, "val do you think i'm stupid to fall for this". She quietly sat up, drew close and sat by my side, surprising me with her behaviour. She was quickly regaining her composure. "are you sure you are alright?, what exactly are you saying?, i don't understand?" she asked like an innocent little girl, "about your percentage nau, i'm now willing to cooperate, i don't want to lose Tessy" i murmured seriously. She clapped her hands and stood up. "val i really don't understand you. I dön't have any pending business with you. Please can we discuss this some other time, i'm late for work" she asked. I shrugged and stood up. "fine then, see you some other time" i smiled, nodded at Obinna who quickly stood up. We left her apartment smiling to ourselves. The old lady probably thought she played smart by acting dumb, without knowing we came for another thing. "how do you see the apartment?" i asked Obinna, "the house is tight, but i'll figure out an easy way with my guys. Don't worry, the visit we paid her this morning will keep her worried for a long time" he laughed. I slowly drove to Adaora's house with my thoughts racing wildly. I really couldn't pin-point the main reason i was going there. All i knew was that i badly wanted to see her. Luckily we ran into her as she was leaving the compound. She froze as soon as she recognized dad's car. I quickly parked and begged Obinna to wait for me in the car. Alighting, i ran to meet Adaora. "i see you have definetly gone crazy, what are you doing in this city with dad's car?" she asked seriously, "i can't believe my eyes, what do you think will be mum's reaction if she finds out?. You arn't a kid anymore, please grow up. You disgust me dam.n" she shouted at me. "Adaora, Ada baby" i called soothingly, reaching forward to grab her right hand. She instantly drew back, eyeing me furiously. "see your life, you are very disorganised and confused. Who is doing this to you?, is it Tessy?" she asked angrily. I scratched my head and looked down. "i pray you don't get into trouble one of these days" she hissed and walked away. I really couldn't believe she said all those hurtful words to me in the open. I bit my lips and returned to my car. The truth they say sometimes hurts badly. 12:45pm I found myself in Tessy's office, feeling her heartbeat as she hugged me happily. "my love, what a surprise. I can't believe you are right here with me" she poured out happily. No matter all the excuses i gave for seeing Tessy, the bitter truth was that i was slowly getting addicted to her. She was like hard drugs to me, sweet, soothing, and dangerous. To be continued. Do visit our front page for other stories.
4 Jan 2014 | 03:18
*continues* "oh dear lord, Val this is the kind of surprise i always expect from you. Though i really won't be having your time this afternoon" she murmured sadly. I looked up at her, staring into her eyes. She looked very worried. "i have lots of things to do today, i have this paper work lying on my table to complete, after that i'll be going over to my other office to supervise the work going on there. My dear it really isn't easy" she breathed deeply. I smiled and pecked her. "without hard work you wouldn't have gotten to this level" i said sweetly, "i hate making you uncomfortable" she replied softly. "no, no, no dear, on the contrary, i admire your zeal, courage and dedication to work. It isn't easy for a pretty lady like you to be managing such huge investments" i smiled. She rolled her eyes and blushed. "hope you won't mind telling me where you slept last night?, or have you reconciled with your Ada girl. I know you weren't just coming into town this morning" she asked seriously. "hmmm dear, i'll tell you later" i laughed. She shrugged, returned to her chair, opened her hand bag and fetched out a cheque book. She wrote something on it, tore out the slip, and offered it to me. "i know i havn't done anything for you since we got to know each other, but all that will soon be over. Since i won't be available this afternoon, make use of this cheque and do anything you want with it" she smiled. "but you know" i tried to refuse. She instantly eyed me, silencing me with her eyes. "just take it Val" she insisted. I breathed deeply and took it. The cheque was worth fifty thousand Naira. I couldn't believe my eyes. Walking out of her bubbling shop minutes later, i ran into two young, sharp, sexy girls between the ages of twenty one to twenty three. They really were looking very hot in designer jeans, pink shoes, pink tops and scarfs, matched with red hand-bags. They looked exactly like twins. I whistled out in admiration. They looked at each other, laughed and walked into the shop, while I speechlessly stood and scratched my head, imagining things that weren't meant to be. Walking towards my car a minute later, another idea rushed into my head. I stopped, turned and faced Tessy's shop once again, covering my eyes with my ever present sun-glass. Bravely i stood and waited for the girls to come out, rehearsing some words, and praying for nothing bad or Tessy to catch me by surprise. I truly havn't been successful with /younger/ girls in Abuja and hopefully i stood anxiously, very eager to break the record. They came out minutes later with three shopping bags, giggling happily. My heart pounded furiously as they drew close. All the sweet words i earlier rehearsed, quickly escaped from my mind, leaving me speechless and dumb. However, I courageously blocked them with a faint smile which revealed my innocence, while my hands shook nervously, slightly embarrassing me. The girls exchanged glances, stopped and stared at me curiously. "what do you want?" the bolder of the two asked, "of course, they are twins" i noted with a deep smile. To be continued shortly.
5 Jan 2014 | 10:37
Please dearest friends, i{coolval} will be travelling very early tomorrow. {posting of some stories may be delayed}. I'll try my best to make it up to you guys.... I pray you understand.
5 Jan 2014 | 13:12
*continues* "hi girls, my name is Val and you are?" i smiled, throwing the bold girl a question look. She scoffed and shook her head, "sorry i don't have a name" she replied with a wicked smile. "me too" her sister murmured, shattering my weak morale. "well will you girls care for a ride, i might be going your way?" i stammered nervously. "hmmm, thanks we arn't looking for help" the bold one seriously replied, silencing me. Just that moment, a Toyota car pulled up beside us and honked. "you see we have a waiting ride. So next time try a little harder" she joked, while her sister laughed carelessly. Dam.n i was extremely demoralized, i couldn't believe being torn apart in such a nasty way. "Anyway the frontal approach isn't really my thing" i consoled myself. I quickly pulled down my sun-glass, and softly grabbed the bold one with my left hand as she tried to walk away with her sister. She stopped and threw me a very cold glance. I pleaded with my eyes, her sister equally stopped, watching us. I couldn't really understand the spirit that took over my body that afternoon, nor the genie that gave me the silly boldness to stop two girls in front of Tessy's busy shop. "please just your phone number" i begged, colouring up. She rolled her eyes and breathed deeply. "i don't usually do this" she murmured, "i'll call my number only once and if you miss out any. It ain't my fault" she added. Nervously i hastily brought out my phone and typed the numbers she quickly called. The girls disappeared soon after. Selena's call came in as i was saving the number. I hissed and rejected her call, seriously thinking of the most suitable name to use in saving the phone number i just collected. 8:15pm, Tessy's bedroom "i'm having a hard time believing you bought that machine you drove into my compound with the money i gave you" Tessy joked as she pulled off her clothes after undressing me. "for your mind" i smiled. "what else do you want me to think?" she laughed, increasing the volume of the sound system in her room with a remote. Celin dion's music filled everywhere. Opening her fridge, she brought out a cup of chilled ice cream and a plastic spoon. "don't move an inch my love. I'll pour the contents of this cup all over you. Tonight i'm taking you to paradise" she joked, scooping out a spoonful. I bit my lips as she dumped it on my chest. "Tonight will be a night of endless pleasure, no holds barred. Baby Baby If I kiss you like this, And if you whisper like that! oh we will get lost tonight" she sang, while Celin dion's track, "it's all coming back to me" Played on. "of course tonight may surely come back to hunt us" my conscience sang. To be continued.
5 Jan 2014 | 21:48
*continues* "ah Val, you always leave me breathless. I love how you do your thing. Jeez!" Tessy whispered happily after the long sex. I smiled and breathed deeply, my mind on the girl i earlier collected her number. Tessy's business really made me forget calling her. "my love arn't you listening to me?, what are you thinking?" Tessy asked, her right hand on my chest. "nothing dear, i'm just very tired" I murmured and kissed her forehead. "i'll do anything to keep you. I really can't tell why you are so special to me. I wish we could take this to another level" she prayed. I closed my eyes, saying nothing. Seriously sometimes i do wonder if all the feelings she claimed to have for me, were truly real and not for her personal interest. "you are yet to give me the go ahead order for the redeployment issue, i proposed to you" she added seriously. "how about the Guy i heard Elinor is arranging for you?" i asked, changing the topic. She kept quiet for a while, pinched my shoulder and laughed. "who told you about that?" she asked, "Elinor told me" i replied, "was that why you came back?" she asked curiously. "of course not, anyway i really will be glad to make way. If you are interested in him." i answered carelessly. "you are very cruel. Do you think i'm capable of messing around with any guy i see huh?, if that was the case, you wouldn't have been here with me" she poured out angrily. I breathed deeply with a faint smile. "it's so good to hear" i murmured, kissing her hair. 7am, hours later I smiled at Tessy, dressed up and ready to leave. She sat on her bed, eyeing me sadly. "i was thinking last night if we could invite Elinor for dinner tomorrow evening. You know we havn't yet thanked her for bringing us together." i said to Tessy, who nodded instantly. I smiled to myself because i knew she would do anything to please me. But It really wasn't out of goodwill that made me come out with such offer. On the contrary it was the only way i could account for Elinor's whereabouts that coming saturday. An easy way to draw her out in the open, thus making the hit job easy for Obinna's boys, even though i really didn't know the plans they already had made. Tessy wasn't really living in a busy neighbourhood, and according to my calculations, i figured out it would be easy for Obinna's boys to ambush and attack her within the vicinity as she heads for her apartment after the dinner. "but wouldn't it be better we eat out?" i soon heard Tessy ask, interrupting my thoughts. "no dear, i think your friend will very much appreciate the pains you took in cooking for her, don't you think so?" i asked sweetly. She shrugged and rolled her eyes. "don't worry, i'll help out" i offered, drew close and kissed her. "i pray Obinna buys this plan. I pray it works" i breathed. I returned to Obinna's apartment by 7:45am, to meet one of the greatest shocks of my life. There sat Adaora with legs crossed on a sofa, head bent over her phone. I was extremely surprised and confused, because She was the last person i expected to see. Furiously my heart pounded as she raised up her sweet face. My black heart almost jumped out of my body. "what is she doing here so early" i wondered, while my eyes searched for Obinna. To be continued.
7 Jan 2014 | 00:05
*continues* "Adaora, what are you doing here?" i asked with a deep tone. She heaved a sigh of relief, stood up and faced me. "mum sent me to fetch you. She's really worried over what you have become. Hope you won't mind telling me where you spent the night?" she said calmly, throwing a curious, searching glance at me. I breathed deeply. "i won't tell you a thing, and i won't go back with you either. Thanks for coming by the way". I murmured seriously. She drew back in disbelief, gasped and shook her head. "Val what did you just say?" she asked, "i'm not going with you, i won't repeat it again" i answered. Her face coloured up with fury, she held her head with her right hand, and turned, backing me. "i'm not doing this because i want to. I'm simply following mum's orders. She was very serious when she asked me to go fetch you this morning" she explained with a controlled tone. "so please get it into your head and stop being naughty. I didn't come here on my knees, begging you to come back to my life. Mum sent me, for all i care you can destroy your useless life" she added seriously. "you better leave now" i shouted at her. She shrugged, grabbed her handbag and walked past me to the entrance door. "I thank God i never got pregnant for you. I have no regrets over locking you out of my life. I only pity mum" she said at the door. "you know what Adaora, you are very despicable. You and mum thinks i'm now living a useless life because we arn't together anymore. Do you think you are the only decent girl out there huh?" i barked. Rolling her eyes, she scoffed. "Mum isn't worried because we arn't together anymore. She's only worried about how you are living your life. Is Abuja your place of primary assignment?, what are you doing here with dad's finest car?, what do you gain from all these?. Think my dear, think" she instantly replied and left, leaving me totally broken and worried. ____ I quickly dialled mum's phone number, but it was busy. I threw myself down on a sofa. Obinna showed up that moment, with a worried look on his face. "i listened to everything. I think your girl is right, you still have the chance to amend your ways, or you will soon end up like me, who is now ashamed to go home. That's almost how it all started for me. Do the right thing bro, you are still under your mum, don't fight your destiny. Forget about Elinor, i will fix her as you requested" he said seriously. I scratched my head and breathed deeply, finding myself between the devil and a terrific deep sea. "most people think i'm a very bad person, without even caring to study me. Don't let the same happen to you. Ada is a nice girl, even though we can't stand each other. A mum's boy will always be a mum's boy. Don't break your poor mother's heart" he concluded, leaving me slightly confused and empty. "instead of going back to Adaora's house, i rather drive back to owerri. I won't be able to stand the sneer which will appear on her face when she sees me come back" I reasoned. My phone rang, breaking my thoughts. It was Adaora calling. TO BE CONTINUED.
8 Jan 2014 | 01:15
*continues* "yes Adaora, what is it again?" i asked coldly, "mum is very upset with you. She just swore never to call or ask of you again. You better call her to straighten things out, she's really very upset. I just did you another favour, d.ick head" she informed me coldly. I breathed deeply and dialled mum's number expecting the worst. "what are you doing in Abuja, is that where you are supposed to be?, you are definetly under a spell. You don't behave like my son anymore" she scolded hotly, while i patiently listened. There wasn't any doubt she was extremely upset just like Adaora told me. "mum i'll explain everything when i get home. Please trust me." i pleaded desperately. "just go over to Adaora's house, then start heading home first thing tomorrow. That's only when i'll believe you are still with your senses. You are my only son for Christ sake." she ordered. "i'll do as you say mum, don't worry" i promised without the slightest clue on how to fulfill it. ____ Fullfilling the first promise, however was a bit easy for me. All i did was simply to pack up my things and head over to Adaora's house by 4:30pm that same day. Luckily She quietly opened her door and allowed me into the house, without saying anything to me. {The girl she was with when she caught Tessy and i, weeks back was in her house that evening}. I really felt uncomfortable being there, but had no choice than to hide my feelings. Thirty five minutes later, the girl {Adaora's friend} showed up quietly in my room, surprising me a great deal. "hi, i'm sorry for disturbing" she murmured polietly, standing a safe distance, while her eyes searched me keenly. "no of course, you can sit here." i smiled, offering her the lone chair in the room. She sat quietly and stared at me strangely. "i know i'm a stranger to you, i also know i have no right to ask nor tell you the things i have to say, but i have to because Adaora is my good friend" she said seriously. I listened quietly. "why are you so keen in destroying her heart and happiness?. The poor girl keeps giving you chances to redeem yourself, but you always fling them away. It's not right, you are hurting everyone that cares for you. I have just said my mind, you can crucify me if you want" she seriously said, standing up. "you still have the chance to patch up things with her. But i can't speak for tomorrow. I'm doing this for my friend because i don't think she will be truly happy without you, but don't let it get into your head because things change." she concluded and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. An hour later, i went over to Adaora's room in order to apologize once again. She was alone and busy with her laptop when i came in. She quickly kept it aside as soon as she noticed my presence, staring at me with a coloured face. Without a single word, i knelt by her side and rested my head on her laps, holding her waist tightly, like a little child. "Val what you are doing isn't necessary, because i know you will still go back to Tessy. I know your business with her isn't over, or am i wrong?" she asked seriously, making me raise up my deeply coloured face to stare at her, my conscience playing dirty tricks on me. "how much does she know?" i wondered deeply. "you shouldn't be here on your knees, while your heart is elsewhere. You are really possessed but you don't know. That woman has turned you into a toilet paper. Everything comes with a prize. I only pity mum" she said seriously, shocking me with her words. I never knew when i stood up, more confused than ever. My phone vibrated in my pocket that moment, startling me immensely. Adaora equally was so sharp to notice it. "oh dear Lord" she breathed, shaking her head. "i know it's Tessy?, isn't it so?" she asked with a dirty smile. "i guess you will only regain your senses after she has flushed out of her system like This time, i'm telling mum everything, i won't hold back a thing, because this definetly isn't you" she muttered. "Hmmm, am i really under demonic spell?" To be continued. Shout to my good friend sukobaba. Always online, hardly comments.. Lol
9 Jan 2014 | 00:49
*continues* "luckily, the caller turned out to be Obinna. I breathed deeply and answered his call. "the boys are ready, they are moving in tonight. I'll notify you immediately they take position" he seriously said over the phone. "what!" i exclaimed, throwing a quick glance at Adaora who wasn't even staring at me, though i knew her ears were open. "why the exclamation?, havn't you paid for the job?, don't tell me you are growing cold feet all of a sudden?" he asked, "bros not that" i replied, quckily leaving Adaora's room for mine, {where i} locked the door before being able to speak fluently. "my mind is on saturday" i murmured, "hmmmm nawaoo, what's up with you again?, are you the person doing the job?. The guys said they are ready, let them do their work. I'll notify you once they have taken position. It seems breaking and entering is their best food. They prefer roughing her up in her apartment than in the street, the only thing that will save Elinor this time is if she stays away from her apartment tonight" he laughed. "alright let them do their thing, i will send you my etisalat phone number. You can reach me with it, though you have already compromised this line. Just saying sha" i murmured and hung up. My legs shook as i thought over everything. "I could go to jail if things go bad" i reasoned fearfully. My phone vibrated again, five minutes later, shaking me out of my thoughts. It was Tessy calling. "hi baby, where are you?, arn't we seeing this evening?" she asked. "i really don't know" i murmured, "what do you mean by 'you don't know, Eeh?, remember the dinner party we are having tomorrow?, arn't we supposed to discuss about it this evening?" she asked, "what's there to discuss nau?, i thought we have discussed everything" i asked, "try and show up at my house, val, don't disappoint me" she concluded and hung up. _ I was unable to leave Adaora's house that fateful evening, because my conscience kept disturbing me. I was very scared over the dirty job Obinna was doing on my behalf. I really would have cancelled the whole thing had he given me the chance. But he wouldn't hear of it when i called him with my etisalat line, forty minutes later. "stop acting like a baby, the plan is already in place. Everything is going as scheduled. You can only cancel it by stopping Elinor from sleeping in her apartment tonight" he said. A condition he knew was a bit impossible to achieve by me. 9:59pm Nervously i waited patiently in my room, glued to my phone as i eagerly waited for Obinna's alert. Adaora walked into the room with a tray of fried plantain and sauce. "you havn't eaten since you got here, i know you hardly skip meals even when you are very sad. Though we are not dating anymore, i still care about your health. It won't be wise sleeping with an empty stomach" she said softly, resting the tray on a stool. A text message entered my phone that moment, sending my heart flying. I eagerly opened it. A text {message} from Obinna. "position has been taken, Target identified. Going in pretty soon" my face coloured after reading it, while Adaora curiously stared at me. I had a strange feeling things wouldn't go as planned. I never really bought the idea of Obinna's crew breaking into Elinor's apartment, all i wanted was just a simple less risky approach. To be continued.
10 Jan 2014 | 01:04
*continues* Quickly hiding my feelings, i smiled at Adaora and held her left hand. "thanks for all the pains you are having for my sake. You are really a nice person" i said calmly. She scoffed, turned and left the room without another word. Leaving the food behind. I stayed awake all night waiting for Obinna's report which never came. You can't imagine how nervous and scared i was, and how loud my heart pounded that very night. I kept imagining things. "dear lord, guide them" i prayed. 7am the next morning, i sprang up from bed. I never knew when i dozed off with my worries. After taking a quick bath, i reached for my phone and dialled Obinna's number. It was switched off. I dialled it again and again, yet got the same result.. I didn't know what to think again. "what's wrong?, were they caught?, did Obinna go with them?, or is his mobile phone battery simply dead?" i wondered fearfully. Grabbing my car keys, i left my room, and bumped into Adaora who was cleaning the sitting room. She quickly faced me curiously. "i'm coming, i won't take more than an hour" i explained with a fake smile. "so where exactly are you going?" she asked, "please Ada you are killing my patience, i'll tell you everything when i get back" i answered and ran out of the apartment, leaving her very stunned. But i cared not. On getting to Obinna's house, i saw his car parked outside, but his apartment locked. I nervously rang the door bell, waited for a while before turning to leave. I felt something was wrong somewhere. I was deeply scared. "what do i do?" i wondered. I was still battling with my thoughts when a call from Tessy came through {my phone}. I sighed and answered it. "you kept me waiting last night silly boy. Anyway i don't think the dinner will still hold tonight. Elinor and her friend were robbed and battered last night, they are currently admitted in a private hospital down town. I think the bandits were caught, not sure though. Come let's go see Elinor together" she said slowly. Her words hit my right ear like a powerful slap, leaving me stunned. "Val are you there?" i heard Tessy ask. I simply hung up and swallowed hard, while her words played back in my head. "i think the bandits were caught, not sure though" damn!" i cursed. As i was fearfully leaving the compound, minutes later. My phone rang, it was Obinna this time. "my guy how far nau?" i asked curiously, "everything went as planned, but we ran into a little problem on our way out. Where you dey?" he murmured, "where i dey??" i repeated suspiciously. The last thing i would do is telling him my location, though i knew it would be futile running away. If things actually were that bad. To be continued. 1tHAPPY WEEKEND
11 Jan 2014 | 01:14
"Position has been taken..Target identified. Going in pretty soon...." Obinna and his men don turn SEAL & SWAT,with Val as the commanding officer.....oboy !
11 Jan 2014 | 01:28
VAl,this is a criminal offence,story apart! Are u sure u should be saying such things here? You never can know who is reading dear......
11 Jan 2014 | 01:35
Pls upload more
11 Jan 2014 | 07:01
*continues* "yea, where you dey naaaa?" he asked again, "few blocks away from your house" i answered. "guy abeg transfer 50k{fifty thousand Naira} into my account. Do it via mobile transfer, just like you did the first time" he ordered. "transfer wetin?, guy nawaoo!, what for?" i asked curiously. "please just send the money instantly. I will explain later" he begged and hung up. I breathed deeply, while my heart continued to pound furiously. With shaking fingers i successfully did the transfer and headed straight to Tessy's house with my thoughts running wild. Tessy was a bit surprised to see me when i got to her house. She was in her sitting room discussing over the phone when i walked in. She smiled sweetly, scanning me as usual with her eyes. "what's up Val?, you look as if you just saw a ghost" she laughed. "your phone call this morning really got me worried. I can't believe Elinor was attacked" i murmured. "i'm about heading there, let's go see things ourselves" she smiled, while i nodded. We got to the private hospital{name withheld} fifteen minutes later, surprisingly the hospital was just few kilometres away from Tessy's house. One of Elinor's housemates, showed up at the gate and led us to the private ward, where Elinor was helplessly lying with a bandaged head, hand and jaw. She really looked terrible. Another housemate was watching over her when we got into the room, she too had a bandaged head, but looked perfectly okay. My mind increased the tempo of its pounding as i stared at my hand-work. "how did they come in?, i really can't believe my eyes" Tessy hissed, snapping her fingers. I stood with hands crossed, my ears wide open. "hmmm dear i still can't believe it happened" the girl who led us in, murmured and shook her head. "the rogues were very professional and fast. Five hefty guys and i feel they weren't only five of them, but five of them came into the apartment through my room" She narrated slowly. "I was fast asleep, when i felt something strange happening to me. I opened my eyes to see two guys tying me up as if i was a goat. I couldn't scream nor plead. I felt like pissing on my pant. I was scared they would rape me, i really wasn't appropriately dressed. After tying me up and sealing my mouth with a duct tape, they took off the bulb in my room and headed towards the other rooms. I started hearing screams a minute later, my dearie here will tell you guys the rest of the story, that's all i know" she stopped and nodded at her friend {with a bandaged head}. "there's really not much to say. I was in the toilet when i heard Elinor screaming. I rushed out and headed to her room, but never got there. I was knocked out at the corridor, when i got myself, i started hearing gunshots from the vigilantee guys and police. I really can't say if those bastards were caught or not because everyone's attention were on Elinor who was badly brutalized. I think they came for her" she concluded with a sigh. "holy moses" i nervously breathed, while Tessy shrugged. Elinor really wasn't in shape to say anything. She just laid motionless like a dead wood. "the operation was successfully carried out, but was the mission a success. Why did Obinna demand more money?" hmmmm To be continued.
12 Jan 2014 | 01:15
*continues* I thought dealing with Elinor would make me satisfied and happy. But on the contrary, it made me very sick and uncomfortable. I felt nauseous staring at her helpless state and regretted everything i did. It really cost me a hundred and fifty thousand Naira to put her in that condition. To what gain?" i wondered, "she may never know who did this to her and so what's the benefit?" i deeply wondered. We left the hospital an hour later. Tessy was near tears as we headed to her house. "i still can't believe my eyes, who could have done such a thing to Elinor?" she wondered aloud. "do you think she was the prime target?" i asked, "i really don't know, but the level of injury on her body suggests so" she replied sorrowfully. _______ I returned to Adaora's house later in the afternoon, with my thoughts flying high. I really tried calling Obinna as i headed out of Tessy's house, but was unable to get him. He kept hanging my calls. "what could be happening?" i wondered. Adaora really wasn't pleased to see me when i walked in. I threw a careless hello at her and walked to my room. She followed me. "this is your one hour abi?" she asked, while i yawned. "i thought mum ordered you to come home today?, where went you?" she asked. "i'll head home tomorrow, i will call mum and explain" i smiled nervously. She breathed deeply and left. Obinna surprisingly showed up {at Adaora's house} by 4:30pm {later in the evening}, looking very nervous and hungry. "my guy e no easy oooo" he exclaimed, shaking his head slowly in the privacy of my room. "things went as planned. Fred and his boys broke into the apartment, secured the first room and immobilized the occupant. But on getting to the second room they couldn't find the occupant, so they left it and made for the prime target, who thought it wise to scream instead of begging. This made the boys hit her uncontrollably in order to make her shut up but she refused to yield, until they knocked her out. The missing girl from the second room however showed up that moment screaming, and the boys had no option than to knock her out as well. But unfortunately the obnoxious ladies alerted their neighbours and the vigilante around when they screamed, making escape very hard for the boys who were challenged to a gun fight, by the vigilante group that showed up. Fortunately they were able to escape but one of them had a bullet buried on his right leg. I had no choice than to involve myself by making sure he got medical help, which resulted in the extra money i demanded" he narrated, while i listened eagerly, many questions popping up in my mind. It really was so unfortunate that i spent a fortune on something so useless and uncalled for. "supposing they were caught, what if someone had died? Would i have been able to live with the guilt. Revenge is something left for our creator alone to handle. where do i go from here? To be continued.
13 Jan 2014 | 01:12
You can start going back to Enugu now........Mission Accomplished!
14 Jan 2014 | 03:53
*continues* I spent the rest of the evening thinking over the money i had spent. Money i would have used to do something better. "How do i recover it?" i wondered deeply. My mind on Tessy. "yea she is the only person capable of refunding me, but how do i get her to cough out such a huge amount or a hundred thousand at most?" i wondered, without reaching any concrete solution. "i must get my money back" i concluded, shaking my head. ___ After dinner, I went over to Adaora's room to try out my luck on her. There wasn't any denying that i was still madly in love with her, my reckless way of life notwithstanding. She sat up on her bed as soon as she saw me enter her room. Her eyes searching me keenly. "what do you want?" she asked, "i came to talk" i replied with a smile. "you can talk from there. I can hear you perfectly well, don't come any nearer" she said seriously, making me smile nervously. "c'mon you can't be serious. Let me sit on your bed naah" i murmured, "you see that knife on the table?" she asked, pointing to a knife an inch away from her bed. "i kept it for you. Just try sit on this bed and see what will happen to you" she threatened seriously, taking me aback. "you are really going to stab me?" i asked, "of course, all i need is just an excuse" she answered. I took a step closer, she quickly reached for the knife, battle ready and serious. "you can never take advantage of me again, nor take me by surprise. So simply go back to your room and sleep" she seriously said. "i'll love to attend tomorrow's church service with you. Hope you are going?" i asked. She scoffed and stood up. "go back to your room please. I have had enough of this conversation" she said coldly, leaving me with no choice than to leave her alone. There was fear in my eyes as i returned to my room. There wasn't any doubt that i had lost my Adaora, even though i knew she also was still in love with me. Early the next morning, i woke up more confused than i was the previous evening. I really was supposed to travel home that morning, but i wasn't ready. I still had lots of unfinished business i knew not how to finish. My phone rang minutes later, waking me fully. It was Tessy calling. "happy sunday dear, hope you had a wonderful night?, can you come over to my house this morning. I have something important to discuss with you" she said with a lively tone. "of course i will be there" i replied hastily, thinking only of the money i intended getting from her, even though i was still clueless on how to go about making the demand. "fine, i'll be waiting" she laughed and hung up. Adaora came into my room a minute later, very surprised to see me lying on the bed. "arn't you travelling?" she asked, "i don't know" i replied lazily. Shaking her head, she left the room furiously. ***** Tessy was all alone when i got to her house by 9am. She kissed me happily, welcoming me. "were are your kids?" i asked, "they have gone to church with the helps" she winked. "i'm all alone" "so here i'm" i murmured with a shrug. She kissed me again, staring into my eyes. "why don't you allow me work on your {NYSC}redeployment huh?" she asked, while i rolled my eyes. "anyway i didn't invite you here for that" she said softly. "i'll be travelling to my home-town next weekend for a friend's traditional marriage. I want you to travel with me, in return i will make things work out between you and Adaora once again. Remember i'm a woman, a good business woman. I know how to get your girl back for you. Just travel home with me and leave the rest for me" she proposed seriously, stunning me with her words. "what exactly is her game plan?, why will she offer to help me get back Adaora instead of offering another thing?, what does she intend to achieve with all these. Is she doing this out of selflessness or for personal gain?. Why will she want to get Adaora and i back together. How is she aware that Adaora and i are yet to resolve our differences?" i wondered deeply, my head spinning wildly. So so confused. To be continued
14 Jan 2014 | 09:48
*continues* "why arn't you saying anything?" Tessy curiously asked, breaking my thoughts. I smiled and shook my head. "don't bother talking to Adaora, i need money instead" i murmured seriously. "money?" she asked with surprise, "yea money. I need about a 100k{hundred thousand Naira}" i added seriously. She quickly drew back with a deeply coloured face. My demand really shocked her. Perhaps because it was my first time of seriously demanding a huge sum of money from her. "Val what do you need such a huge sum of money for?" she asked with a controlled tone, her face still coloured with astonishment. "i want to rent a two room apartment in Owerri. The cost is actually 200k{two hundred thousand naira}, i have raised half of it, but my mum refused to help me complete it. That's why i came to you. I wouldn't have asked for your help, had i another solution" i explained innocently. She breathed deeply and laughed. "it's alright Val, i understand. For a moment i was scared over something you shouldn't know" she said, kissing me. "i'll get a hundred and fifty thousand naira for you on friday. But i really would have loved you to settle down here in Abuja instead of Owerri" she murmured with a sad face. I held her reassuringly and stared into her eyes. "it won't change a thing between us. I promise" i assured her. "then let's do one quick round here in the sitting room before my children returns" she suggested with a naughty smile, roughly holding me. I smiled, kissed, fondled and disrobed her. Within a minute, my joystick was inside her kitty, furiously firing away, while she moaned and sang. MONDAY MORNING As early as 7am, i was set and ready to travel back to Imo state. Adaora was dressing up for work when i walked into her room. She turned and stared at me searchingly, when she noticed my presence. "i'm ready to leave. I will be stopping at Obinna's apartment to pick him up. He will accompany me to Owerri, because i can't drive alone. I'm not very familiar with the road" i explained as if she was my wife. "but mum wants you home. She was very clear when she ordered you to come back home" Adaora said seriously. "i first have to report at my PPA. It's very important you know" i explained. She shrugged and breathed deeply. "yea you are right" she murmured, drew close and gave me a surprise hug. "safe journey" she smiled, "thanks dearest" i said softly, my eyes near tears. "you always make me feel alive" i confessed, broke away from her and left without looking back. ___ As i headed to Obinna's apartment minutes later, another idea hit me like lightening. I smiled, turned the car and headed towards the hospital where Elinor was admitted. "what's my motive?, my new plan, what do i attend to achieve with it?? Hope the devil isn't playing chess with my destiny... Hmmmm To be continued. So sorry dearest friends for the poor updates in the blog. I really have been so busy, since the begining of this year.
15 Jan 2014 | 08:56
*continues* Elinor was busy with her phone when i walked in. She looked perfectly okay, apart from the thick bandage on her head. She was all alone in the room and eyed me angrily as soon as she noticed my presence. "what do you want?" she asked coldly, her face colouring. I smiled deeply, sat on a small chair beside her bed and crossed my legs. "calm down dear. I only wanted to see you before travelling. That's all, how you dey?" i asked with a dirty smile. She shook her head and bit her lips. "i have a very big feeling that you are behind everything that happened to me. I can't prove it, but my mind never decieves me" she murmured strongly, while i scoffed. "stop being obnoxious my dear. Your conscience is just disturbing you for nothing, but i think you deserve it, by trying to step between Tessy and i. So you see, never underestimate anyone including a baby, because you can't tell when a baby is going to bite" i laughed heartily. "yes i knew it. I knew that surprising visit you paid me a couple of days ago with your friend wasn't for nothing. I have been a fool" she cried. "don't worry val, coming here is the greatest mistake you have ever made. I will come after you, your girlfriend and all your loved ones. It's better you finish me now, better finish up your dirty deed this moment because you will never get the opportunity again" she threatened seriously while my heart jumped. There wasn't any doubt, her words had a terrible effect on me. I swallowed hard, dumbstruck, and scared. I was tempted to end it all, by taking her life. By strangling the obnoxious creature, by comitting a terrible murder. It wasn't courage that brought such power into me but fear. I knew she wasn't bluffing, i knew she was very serious with her words. I knew she will surely get back at me by hurting Adaora. I was prepared to kill to prevent it. Luckily Tessy walked into the room that moment, shocked to see me. Her presence broke the deep tension in the room, sending the evil air present fleeing for safety. I breathed deeply, while Elinor looked away. "Val what are you doing here?" Tessy asked curiously, "i came to see my friend. You know i can't travel without seeing her" i explained, standing up. "yea you are right" she smiled, sitting beside Elinor on the bed. "i have to start going. We will meet at Okigwe {a town in Imo state sharing common boundaries with Abia, Ebony and Enugu state} on friday, just like we agreed" i smiled, while she nodded. I left the hospital seconds later without saying anything to Elinor. But Tessy never really noticed. "Damn" i exclaimed as i drove towards Obinna's house. I was very close to being used by the devil. I really couldn't believe i was capable of doing the deadly deed that flashed into my mind a couple of minutes ago. I never knew i had a dark heart. "God" i breathed, wondering what could have happened, supposing Tessy came in a minute late. Surely the devil almost urinated on my destiny. To be continued.
16 Jan 2014 | 00:44
*continues* I finally got to my PPA very late in the evening, while Obinna headed back to Abuja early tuesday morning. I stayed at my PPA till Thursday afternoon when i headed home to see my dear mother. She really was very pleased to see me, but it equally didn't stop her from tongue lashing me. She sat me down in her room that same thursday and talked some senses into me. It really was very obvious to everyone that i was fast deviating from the right track. I was fast losing focus. I was fast going astray. 'What could have led to such a sudden change', was the question mum kept asking me. I really couldn't defend myself nor utter any form of explanation to her. My loved ones felt i was possessed, they all feared i was being manipulated and controlled by an evil power, but to me i felt nothing of that sort. I felt perfectly normal. Mum weeped for me, my younger sisters stared at me as if i was a stranger. Everyone watched me with awe. Seriously, if not that i was yet to complete my Nysc programme. Mum wouldn't have allowed me to leave the house on friday afternoon when i lied and insisted on heading back to Imo state and perhaps it would have done me a whole lot of good and equally prevented me from experiencing one of the most gruesome weekends i ever had. I truly understood mums advice, her fears and hopes, but when i packed my bag ready to leave on friday afternoon, it seemed as if her words had no effect on me. She couldn't understand the reason i was rushing back to Imo state when the next day was Saturday, a weekend. Hmmm supposing she knew i was rushing to meet Tessy, to keep the promise i made to her. She would have breathed her last. I truly was pursuing shadows instead of facing reality. 7:30pm friday Tessy showed up at Okigwe junction with her SUV. I quietly hopped in, smiling at her. "thanks a lot Val, you surely won't regret a thing" she said sweetly before driving to her village. I quietly prayed. I needed no one to tell me that i was taking a very big risk. I was undertaking a dangerous journey. I knew nothing good could ever come out of it. I truly didn't know much about Tessy, apart from all the things she told me about herself, and some other things Elinor told me. They really could all be lies with little truth. Most of us live a fake life, and i knew just like i gave half truths about myself to Tessy, she equally did the same to me. "well everything will be revealed this weekend" i smiled with a shrug. Sometimes your whole life boils down to one insane move. To be continued.
17 Jan 2014 | 00:35
*continues* An hour later, we arrived at Tessy's family house. A rectangle shaped seven bedroom apartment, adorned with brown and yellow colours, a yet to be completed one storey building stood by its side. "my ex husband renovated the house for my family a month before our traditional marriage" Tessy lectured with a smile as she parked her car in front of the long house. "my brother is erecting the house {one storey building} by your right. I sent him to Italy two years ago and you can see how well he is doing. He really has brought light upon our family" she spoke with emotion while i shrugged silently. "all these wouldn't have been possible had i refused to marry that miserable wretch, my ex husband. Sometimes we sacrifice everything just to get to the top" she added slowly. I nodded and stared at her. "i perfectly understand you dear. Your family could have been backwards had you not grabbed the bull by its horn. I murmured. Her parents soon came out to welcome us. We quickly alighted from the car, smiling graciously. My heart pounding heavily. Tessy's parents were in their late fifties or early sixties. They looked very strong, healthy and happy. Judging from their appearance, they looked like retired teachers. After hugging and greeting Tessy, they faced me curiously. A bit confused on what to say to me. They really couldn't make out if i was a business partner to their daughter, one of her workers, a houseboy or a security man. "you are welcome to our home my son" her father finally said polietly, smiling at me. I nodded dutifully, returning his smile. I was ushered into the sitting room, where i sat quietly, while Tessy and her parents went into one of the rooms to talk. They really spent close to fifteen minutes in there, leaving me alone with my worries. My heart kept pounding furiously. I really couldn't believe i wasn't dreaming. I was in a strange land with a woman who could be my downfall. A woman my family will never welcome. Not only does she have children, her age equally wasn't acceptable. Yet there i sat like a stupid dog, with my tongue out, playing a game of no rules. My mind kept wandering as usual, as i thought of many things. Hmmmm yes i always think, my mind always wander, but yet i still act unreasonably. What sort of boy am i??, so gullible or should i say slightly stupid. People say i have no guts nor balls, yet i was courageous enough to set foot in Tessy's hometown. Hmmmm unlike Elinor who was very daring and confrontational. Tessy was quiet, calculative and sleek. She always pretend to mean well for everyone whereas she's only fighting for her personal gain. Tessy and her parents finally joined me once again in the sitting room. Her dad smiling with a bottle of wine and a saucer filled with garden eggs which he dropped on the center table. "my dear son, we are so glad to have you here. Welcome" he said with glittering eyes, whiIle i drew back with surprise, wondering what Tessy must have told them. The unspoken truth was that my carefree life was slowly taking a new shape designed by Tessy. Somehow she succeeded in taking my eyes off other girls, destroying my relationship with Adaora and keeping me so busy with my thoughts that i even forgot about setting up a date with the twins i met at her shop days ago. How do i wake from this slumber? To be continued. Don't go away. THE CLAN RISE OF THE DARK by RapmikeRapRead more
18 Jan 2014 | 00:17
LOVE & SORROW Amara has finally started.
18 Jan 2014 | 13:15
19 Jan 2014 | 14:13
I do apologize for not updating our diary series since sunday. I really have been seriously down with severe cold {flu}. Updates will continue ASAP
22 Jan 2014 | 06:18
*continues* Much to my delight, i was given a room to sleep after having dinner with everyone. My delight was that i wasn't going to share the room nor bed with Tessy, which earlier was my major worry. The last thing i wanted was sleeping with her under everyones nose, something which could send across a terrible message and perhaps be explosive in future. I really never knew what prompted her into allowing a room to be arranged seperately for me. As usual i knew there equally was a reason for that, but seriously it really was one of her decisions i accepted with good faith. She came in fifteen minutes after i had settled down to keep me company. Sitting on the bed, she caressed my chest for a while, smiling at me. "how are you feeling?" she asked sweetly, "fine" i murmured with a smile, very eager to ask what she told her parents about me. "everyone likes you. Hope you like my family too?" she asked curiously, "yea, yea, they are nice people" i replied politely. She breathed deeply, putting a finger into my mouth. "i should let you rest. Tomorrow we really have a lot to do. First i will introduce you to my community, before we prepare for the main event we came here for" she said softly, while i almost choked out of shock. "so you see i have nothing to hide from you and i really do expect you to reciprocate the gesture by formally introducing me to your family, and what time will be better if not this coming christmas, just few months away. Good night my love" she added, gave me a kiss and left quietly, leaving me disoriented and speechless. Things really were moving in a zig-zag kind of motion. I really couldn't pin point the exact direction she was leading me to. Yet like a blind man, all i did was think. I had to speak to someone that night, just to calm my mind. I decided to call Frank who i really havn't been telling some of my latest stories. He really was surprised to answer my call by that hour and equally was more surprised when i told him where i was. "you now do your thing alone and Secretly nowadays, because you think you have upgraded. I'm now old school to you abi. A master will forever be a master. I taught you almost everything about sex and women and even read your future to you. Remember i predicted you will do terrible things, it's now happening, but i never said where it would lead you. Hmmm my brother it will lead you to your doom. You have crossed the line with Tessy, please end everything once you leave that village, Unless you are willing to sacrifice your manhood. She could leave you impotent oooo. Let me repeat. You crossed the line bro. You shouldn't have followed her home. No man follows a woman he has no plans for to her home. Hmmm you are inside a boiling pot. Your destiny is being cooked oooo! He exclaimed, putting more fear into me. Yet deep down, i still was indecisive. To be continued.
23 Jan 2014 | 21:29
Hmmmmmmm...... AnywAy Val,I noticed that u usually Write "polietly" instead of "'Politely".
24 Jan 2014 | 01:18
*continues* The next day Tessy took me round the community, stopping and greeting everyone we ran into, both young and old. Many people stared at us with surprise but never uttered a single word to me, {apart from the usual hello that came from exchanging pleasantries}. I really was very uncomfortable, but kept a bold face, while Tessy was as happy as a child. The traditional marriage we attended later in the evening was however the major event she came to the village for and also the occasion that drew thousands of stares upon us. She attended the event, dressed in a super expensive, well tailored native attire, with a huge head gear popularly known as canopy on her head. She was nothing but gorgeous, so queenly, so beautiful, so breathtaking. Wow she truly was blessed in the art of making herself look awesome. I however was simply dressed in a well ironed white long sleeved shirt, black trouser and shoes with my dark sunglass to match. There was commotion as we walked into the already filled up arena by 4:48pm. Everyones attention were on us, forcing the M.C to quickly recognize the pretty queen by my side, but surprisingly we weren't invited to the high table. I later came to find out that the marriage ceremony was actually being held in her ex husband's community. Infact three poles away from her matrimonial home. "do you know why we are really here?" Tessy quietly asked after we had settled down. "i think it's for the trad. Marriage, but it seems there is something else huh?" i murmured inquisitively, "of course there is. The main reason i came here is to show you off to my ex husband's people. I want them to see that i'm doing well for myself. They are all vipers, the only friend i still have here is the young girl who is getting traditionally married today" she explained with fire in her eyes. I swallowed hard, extremely scared and nervous. I turned round to see people still staring at us and gossiping. "you should have told me about this on time" i cried, "well you now know" she replied with an evil smile. I closed my eyes and drew back on my chair, sweating and thinking. "what is this woman trying to do?, what kind of point is she trying to prove? This is outrageously insane" i murmured to myself, moreover rumour sells and flies faster than the wind in villages. "who knows what she's telling people about me?" i wondered. The marriage ceremony soon came to an end, everywhere became rowdy as people headed towards various directions. As we joined the crowd to leave, about ten youths, though not rough looking blocked us. "the community elders wants to see you" one of them said to Tessy, who hissed arrogantly. "anty!, custom is custom, you have to answer the elders call or we will have no choice than to use force even though we will be ashamed to do it, because you are still our brother's wife" he pleaded politely. Tessy coloured and froze. I too was stunned. To be continued.
25 Jan 2014 | 01:40
*continues* We were led to a canopy where about ten elderly men sat, drinking palm wine. We politely greeted them, standing respectfully some steps away. There was silence as they examined us like a group of judges. My heart pounded furiously as we waited for them to say something. "young man who are you? We never sent for you?" one of the elders asked, pointing at me. "you can go wait for me at the car" Tessy instantly whispered, giving me her car keys. I quickly took my leave without another word and waited for her at the car. She showed up twenty minutes later looking very upset and broke. I felt like asking her the problem but i held myself. It truly was obvious the elders threw a hard rock at her. "my husband and i are already divorced, what else do they want eeh? Imagine i still can't have fun because to them, i was only returned to my people not divorced" she rattled seriously as she drove home. "but has your bride price been returned?" i heard myself ask. She kept quiet for a while, breathing deeply. "so you think the fuzz is because my bride price is yet to be returned?" she asked. "i really don't know much about tradition and i may be wrong, but i think a marriage can't be fully over traditionally, until the bride price is returned" i answered. "if that's the case, i will let my parents work on it immediately" she concluded.. ________ Tessy came into my room later in the night after a long talk with her parents. Lying beside me, she played with my chest for a while, before dropping a bundle of naira notes on it. "its a hundred thousand Naira. I'm sorry i couldn't make it up to the amount i promised you. I really made some unplanned expenses. When next you come visiting, i will complete it" she quietly appealed. "thanks alot, you have tried" i smiled at her, dropping the money on a stool {close to the bed}. She raised up her head, and brought it down quietly, kissing me. Early sunday morning, Tessy headed back to Abuja, dropping me at the spot she picked me on friday, because i lied to her that i was heading back to my PPA. I took a bus from there and headed straight to Enugu, primarily to get my car. Mum and my little sisters weren't around when i got home. They were still at the church, giving me little time to relax and plan my next move. I really was indecisive on whether to wait for them to show up before leaving again, or to leave a note for them and head out. I truly couldn't come to any conclusion and so decided to fetch my car keys and warm my car, buying more time in the process. But on getting to my reading table i couldn't find my car keys nor the keys to dad's car {which i dropped few days ago}. I was alarmed, rushing over to mum's room, i searched everywhere but couldn't find them nor any other car keys. I quickly knew mum was behind it and needed no divination to tell me that she has cracked down hard on me with a heavy sanction. My thoughts instantly went to the family's bank accounts{i had unlimited access to after dad's death}. My heart froze. To be continued.
28 Jan 2014 | 05:23
*continues* I confronted mum the instant she returned from church {with my younger sisters}, asking of the car keys. She simply ignored me, and went about with her business. An action which greatly annoyed me, because i hate being ignored. Supposing she wasn't my mother, i fear i would have reacted violently to her behaviour, but all i did was just to fume and curse, yet she continued to ignore me. Was she even surprised to see me at home that sunday?, she never showed it. Yea i knew i was fasting changing from a pleasant boy to an annoying lad. She too was also fast turning into an obnoxious woman. _____ I ran into my room, angry, confused and clueless on what next to do. I really was very bitter, and more bitter when i couldn't come up with any solution. By 1:45pm, i grabbed my bag and left my room, running into mum at the sitting room. She instantly froze as soon as she noticed the bag i was carrying. "and may i know where you are going mister?" she asked curiously, "i'm heading back to my PPA" i answered coldly, "but you just got back?, infact where are you coming from?" she asked. I breathed deeply, looking down at my feet. "from a friend's wedding, i'm sorry i didn't tell you on friday" i murmured. She scoffed, breathing out hot air with her mouth. "you see your life?, seriously i don't know you anymore. You are giving me headache more than ten boys put together. I'm tired, seriously i'm" she scolded angrily. "an evil spirit is definetly inside you. You need deliverance. You need God. This is exactly what happens when a boy refuses to follow God's path, attend church programmes and listen to God's word" she continued, annoying me immensely. "enough mum, enough!. Everybody isn't going to heaven, let me be" i screamed angrily, stunning her. "infact i'm leaving bye" i barked, walking away furiously. "where are you going?" she asked, running after me. But i ignored her and left the house, even though i felt empty and weak inside. I really didn't know what was happening to me, i sure needed help, but i couldn't just accept the truth. I got to the junction, flagged down and boarded a taxi heading to the bus station, relaxing a bit as the taxi sped by. Nothing shatters the life of a youth more than living a double life. I was becoming more and more hopeless by each passing day. "No one comes into this world foolish, but we can choose to be foolish by our actions". To me, Tessy was like the pied piper of Hamelin. Luring me to doom with sweet, irresistable melody. To be continued. Next>> Love & Sorrow
28 Jan 2014 | 09:14
Ride on
28 Jan 2014 | 13:06
*continues* I headed back to my PPA that sunday afternoon, very dejected and sad. I equally regretted leaving the house in such manner, and i couldn't help but wonder the condition i left my poor mother. I knew she really won't relax for the rest of that day. I felt like calling to apologize but something stopped me. On getting to my lodge, i met Jenny sitting outside {on a pavement} with four other corpers from the neighbouring community. I politely greeted them before entering my room, where i quickly settled down, falling asleep almost instantly. My ringing phone however woke me by 6:15pm. I lazily sat up, It was my immediate younger sister calling from Abuja. "what is it with you eeh?, why must you insult mum?, don't you know she's very important to us?. I won't forgive you, if anything happens to her. I have been keeping quiet all these while, but i think it's time someone tells you the truth" she shouted, forcing me to hang up the call rudely. I couldn't take being insulted by her. Jenny came into my room minutes later. She quietly sat on my bed, staring at me curiously. "you weren't looking bright when you came in this afternoon, what's the matter?" she asked quietly. "my car developed a big fault this afternoon" i lied, "which one?" she asked, "the old one" i replied with a weary face. "Our A.I and Z.I{Nysc area inspector and zonal inspector} were here yesterday" she informed me, changing the topic. "what for?" i asked curiously, "a batch A corper from the neighbouring secondary school, got involved in a fight with a group of boys over a girl. Apparently he was having relations with the girl when the boys attacked him demanding to have their own share. An argument started leading to a fight which escalated into a village affair, when the girl's parents heard of it, threatening fire and brimestone. The A.I was unable to handle the issue because things got complicated. The boys are being accused of molestation" she narrated, while i sighed. Having intimate relations with locals or secondary school girls never was my thing. I seriously don't know what most male corpers see in it. Yea i know i equally was no saint, but taking advantage and decieving students who we were supposed to teach, clearly is an abuse of power and privilege. Betraying our conscience, country and uniform just for few minutes of pleasure. ________ I had a very bad night that sunday, from one terrible dream to another. I woke up the next morning{monday} feeling very sour and weak. A phone call from home soon shook me into consciousness. It was my little sister calling. "brother, mummy is very sick, we don't know what is wrong with her. Our Mummy no longer talks coherently. We are confused over here" she sobbed, seriously shocking me with the breaking news. To be continued. Web Hosting in Nigeria, .ng domain registration and other domain name registrations in Nigeria
29 Jan 2014 | 09:10
*continues* I felt very bad and guilty after my little sister's phone call. I knew i was the cause of mum's breakdown. Without thinking clearly, i quickly dressed up and headed home. "I couldn't just stay at my PPA doing nothing when my home is on fire". Luckily a doctor {a very close friend of mum} was at our house when i arrived four hours later. I relaxed, heaving a sigh of relief. "c'mon don't tell me you are coming from Imo state?" she asked, smiling deeply. "i had to come because i don't know the extent of her condition, how is she?, my sister told me she talks incoherently" i asked curiously. The doctor breathed deeply, shaking her head. "her blood pressure rose to an alarming level, which invariably affected her brain and speech, but she's now calm and resting. By the end of the day, her body system will be back to normal" she explained. "do you think so?" i asked, almost in tears. "yea the next thing would have been stroke, but luckily she's a strong woman. I believe her blood pressure will come down to at least 120/100 by the end of the day. Her speech and everything will come back to normal" she smiled, while i murmured quick prayers. "i'm off to work, i will call later to know how well she's doing, please you guys shouldn't disturb her" she advised and left. I breathed deeply, collasping on a couch and regreting all my stupid actions. "what would i have done, supposing she had a heart attack or stroke?" i wondered, staring at my two little sisters who came up to me that moment. "you didn't go to school?" i asked them curiously. They shrugged and sat by my side looking troubled and grim. Seriously the devil almost succeeded in wreaking havock on my family through me. I dutifully attended to mum for the rest of that day, baby sitting, and serving her like a saint. She never asked how nor when i got back home. She equally never looked surprised to see me. Just like the doctor predicted she quickly regained herself. By 6:30pm she was on her feet, healthy and strong. My joy really was enormous. I promised myself never to cause her grief again. "How would i have faced my family or taken responsibility supposing something very terrible happened to her?". By 6:58pm, i was extremely shocked to see my immediate younger sister and Adaora show up from Abuja. I never had the faintest idea that they were coming. I felt bad putting everyone on the edge. I equally can never forget the cold look of disgust Adaora gave me that evening. Her presence however made me to realise something so touching. "so what did i Realise?" hmmmmm. To be continued.
30 Jan 2014 | 06:11
Last update touch my heart
30 Jan 2014 | 18:56
*continues* Later at night, i apologized to mum, promising to be of good behaviour. She simply breathed deeply, shaking her head. "please let me be" was all she could say to me. I also apologized to my immediate younger sister. "you know i have always watched your back. Please don't drag issues with mum ever again" she pleaded. Adaora's room was my last port of call that night. After speaking with my sister, i sneaked into Adaora's room to talk to her. I really was very hopeful as i sneaked into her room, because her presence made me realise she still cared for my family. She was busy with her computer when i walked in. I quietly locked the door and waited, staring at her. "may i come in?" i asked innocently. She looked up at me, rolled her eyes and scoffed. "why ask such question when you are already inside?" she asked. "alright please may i come closer?" i rephrased my question, "you are free to sit on the bed, but don't dare to touch me" she replied, making space for me on the bed. I smiled, drew close and sat quietly. "i really can't believe you made mum fall sick" she murmured, her eyes still fixed on her computer. "mum really hasn't been herself since we broke up. She keeps blaming me over it and now finds fault in everything i do. I think you are also to be blamed" i replied quietly. She froze for a second, turned and faced me. "no no no, don't go there. Don't try blaming me. It wasn't my fault that we broke up. I did what every respectable lady would have done. Mum even understood my plight" she defended herself seriously. "but you accused me wrongly. God knows i have nothing intimate going on with Tessy" i spoke out emotionally. "i like you, i love your family. We have been through alot together. Don't think for once that you can still lie to me and get away with it. Not with issues concerning Tessy and her crew. I know alot my dear, much more than you can ever imagine. I have one advice for you. 'stay away from that b.itch" she poured out with a coloured face. I stared at her speechlessly, clueless on what next to say. "I love you Adaora and that's all that matters. I know you still love me. Tell me, are you seriously willing to throw me off the mountain we climbed together?" i asked quietly, my heart pounding furiously. To me it seemed like that moment was my last opportunity to reconcile with her. I knew her love was still strong, but forgetting the past is really something so hard to do. I truly have wronged and betrayed her alot. My sins really were beyond pardon, moreover it wasn't as if i was ready to turn fully from my bad ways. She knew Tessy had a strong influence over me, and i equally felt she really wasn't sure about the type of relationship i was having with her, even though with my nature she strongly believed we were having a relationship. However there is something about love that is truly unbelieving. Love makes us blind to our partner's faults, short-comings and errors. Love makes us swallow our pride, ego and sometimes dignity, making us do something really beyond imagination. I knew i pushed Adaora to the limit, but her closeness to my family and the love she had for me, really wasn't something that time could swallow easily. We stared at each other, our thoughts running wildly. I had great urge to kiss her, but i held myself. "my heart is yet to heal from the wound you inflicted on it, and here i'm about to offer it back to you again" she finally sobbed, hiding her face with a pillow. I swallowed hard and held her, my eyes wet with unshed tears. "i'm scared of that woman, i'm scared of Tessy. She's an evil wind that will blow us no good. Swear to me that from now onwards you will have nothing to do with her. You are going to swear with my blood" she proposed inbetween sobs. I softly caressed my wounded queen, calming her down. Her words or should i say proposal, really struck me dumb. "maybe i didn't hear her right" i reasoned, shaking my head. ax To be continued. "LITTLE WINNIE" comes up later...
31 Jan 2014 | 07:51
my brother, I beg swear fast fast.
31 Jan 2014 | 09:28
*continues* A gentle knock on Adaora's door finally wrapped up the tension between us. "who could it be?" i wondered, cursing my luck as i drew away from Adaora, who equally composed herself by quickly sitting upright and facing the door. The door gently opened, revealing my immediate younger sister who was extremely surprised to see me in the room. She stood hesitantly at the door, silently staring at us. "why are you standing as if you have seen a ghost, did you see any?" Adaora jokingly asked. My sister smiled, relaxing and coming forward, while i shifted uncomfortably, a bit angry at her. There was no doubt her presence spoiled my night. I quietly stood up forcing out a smile, Adaora stared at me saying nothing. "actually i came to borrow your laptop" my sister quickly said to Adaora, trying to look for a way out. But there really wasn't any need for it, because i already had made up my mind to leave the room. "good night" i smiled to both of them, walking out instantly without waiting for a reply. "dam.n" i cursed as i walked to my room. ______ However another opportunity presented itself early the next day. My mother left for the hospital with my immediate younger sister, while the last three left for their respective schools, leaving Adaora and i alone at the house. I wasted no time in seeking her out. She was arranging her hair when i walked into her room. I smiled, drew close and held her shoulders from behind. "i know you will be here" she murmured, staring at me through the wall mirror she was facing. "can we go out and grab a bite or something" i asked nervously. She scoffed, stood up, faced me and rolled her eyes. "i'm not hungry, thanks" she replied, walked to her bed and sat down. I approached her again, squatting by her side. "we seriously need to make up, we really need to fix our relationship" i poured out emotionally. "oh please!, is it by force?" she rasped, eyeing me coldly. "oh yes it is by force" i breathed hotly. She stared at me in wonder, saying nothing. "Adaora we are made for each other, i refuse to fall off this mountain alone. Queen of my heart, i can't survive the fall without you. See how terrible you have left me" i poured out, my lips close to hers, my hands grasping her soft shoulders strongly. She tried to free herself but my grip was very strong. I roughly kissed her lips, ears, jaw, throat, wherever my tongue could reach. I was all over her as if my life depended on what i was doing. Oh yes it really was, because my hope, destiny, future and life was all wrapped up in front of her. I needed to secure her heart once again, i needed to set things right, i had to do all it takes to make my family happy again. She finally moaned, when my romance became too much to bear and resist. My hormones soared high as i felt the soft flesh of her left bosom. "Oh my God, what are you trying to do?" she cried weakly. To be continued.
1 Feb 2014 | 16:17
*continues* I continued my romance, caressing and whispering sweets words into her ears. She moaned for a while before putting up a final resistance, which was so strong that i had no choice than to pull away from her when she screamed with a very loud voice. "stop it, stop it, stop it!!!" she screamed like someone attacked by an evil genie. I broke away from her, breathing deeply, my heart pounding furiously. "what were you trying to do?" she asked with a coloured face. I swallowed hard, facing her with a smile and saying nothing. "no, seriously, tell me what you were trying to do?" she asked again. I still kept quiet. "all you care about me is my body. At every given opportunity you pounce on it like an animal. Don't try what you just did next time. Even if we are getting back together, you are never going to see my nakedness until we get married. It's better you know now" she said seriously, backing me. "and about last night, forget about everything i said. I really wasn't myself when i said those words" she added. I drew close, gently touching her left shoulder. I wanted to make an appeal, but she quickly pushed away my hand, turned and stared at me furiously. "it's like you didn't get what i just told you eeh?, please leave me room. Leave now" she shouted, forcing me to draw back, biting my lips. "Adaora really was a wonderful girl, but her temper, strong and proud character sometimes made me wonder if she truly is the right woman for me". I hate arguing or exchanging words with her because it could be very disastrous. Perhaps it was because of her temper which was almost like that of my first girlfriend "Christy" {season1 + deleted scenes} was one of the main reasons she sticked with me through many falls, because i understood and accomodated her strong character. I quietly turned and walked towards the door. I really wasn't happy with her, but equally couldn't blame her either. To me i was the one at fault. "i'm sorry for shouting at you. I know i crossed the limit with my outburst" i heard her apologize as i turned the door knob. I turned, stared at her for a while, forcing out a smile. "you don't have to apologize. I understand" i replied. She breathed deeply, stood up and walked towards me. "come give me a hug" she said, smiling at me. I hesitated for a moment as i stared at her speechlessly. She came forward and hugged me tighly, calming my spirit with her action. "dearest, only if...." i breathed and stopped. "only if what?" she asked curiously, breaking away from me. I closed my eyes, my heart still furiously beating. I really had a lot to tell her, but i didn't know if the opportunity that presented itself was the right moment to do so... Hmmmm, only if.... To be continued
3 Feb 2014 | 00:24
Ok! Ride on
3 Feb 2014 | 11:45
*continues* "only if what?" she asked again, her eyes fully on me. "you are a very wonderful and understanding girl, but you see sometimes your strong character makes it look otherwise. We have talked about this problem countless times. Only if you can learn to control your temper, I believe you will be a more likeable person" i said to her calmly. She looked away, breathing deeply and thinking over my words. "so my character is the cause of our problems?, my character made you cheat on me countless times, my character is to be blamed for everything that is happening between us?" she asked with a coloured face, drawing away from me. I quickly held her strongly. "no not at all my dear, i'm only talking about your personality not our relationship. I pray you understand me" i explained seriously. She kept quiet, giving me the opportunity to hug her softly. I closed my eyes as her head rested on my left shoulder. "i love you very much my darling, let's make this relationship work again. I swear i won't let you down ever again" i pleaded religously. "that's what you always say, but you end up disgracing me. You insult my womanhood each time you cheat on me. I don't think any girl will be very understanding and accomodating to you the way i have been" she replied. "i know dear, i know" i murmured, "fine, i'll give you another chance, let me try you out again, but it will be under some conditions" she seriously said, breaking away from me. "i hope there won't be any blood oath?" i asked myself as i nodded in agreement. "you will have to end everything you have with that Tessy woman, business, anything. I won't want to hear of her again. Secondly, you won't question my motive nor resist any attempt i make in checkmating your every action and lastly there won't be any sexual intercourse nor anything like romance between us until i say so. Are you good with my conditions?" she asked curiously. I smiled and nodded, "of course i'm cool with it" I replied, wondering how it was all going to work out. "fine that means we are back together" she smiled sweetly. "you know the atitude you carry on in life will determine your future, don't let me regret my decision" she pleaded. _____ I left her room satisfied but doubtful. Satisfied that i had fixed my relationship once again, but doubtful on how long it will last. I got to my room to see my phone ringing, I quickly picked it from the bed and gasped as i saw who was calling. It was no other person than Elinor. "what on earth is she calling for?" i asked myself, wondering if she was calling from the hospital bed where i left her or from her home. My heart furiously pounded as i answered her call...... To be continued.
3 Feb 2014 | 22:57
*continues* "so Val you actually think you can put me in the hospital, say it to my face and get away with it. You think you can throw stones at me without a rock smashing your head. I'm now out of the hospital and the best thing you can do for yourself is never to try set foot in Abuja, infact you are a dead man" she threatened seriously, "as for your girlfriend Ada or whatever she is called, just pray for her" she added and hung up, giving me no time to say anything. My heart froze, i couldn't breathe properly for a while. I was terribly scared, especially for Adaora. Elinor didn't only threaten me, she equally threatened to deal with an innocent girl who wasn't involved in any way. I was confused and desperate. "what do i do now?" i wondered seriously. Elinor wasn't the type of lady who won't carry out her threats. I needed to do something, but what?. I wasn't myself for the rest of that day as i thought of the best way to handle Elinor without soiling my hands again. But no solution was forthcoming. "the best way to end this, is by finishing her off, once and for all, unless you are ready to run away from your shadow which is clearly impossible. Elinor is now your shadow and you can't win a fight by defence" a part of me advised. I had no choice than to call my accomplice {Obinna} to seek out help and advice. "Elinor is now out of the hospital, she called me hours ago threatening fire and hell" i poured out, "dam.n" he cursed, "you sure she isn't just pulling your legs and waiting for you to make a wrong move?" he asked seriously, "I know Elinor very well. Once she's after something she never rests until it is achieved" i answered. "fine, just come to Abuja as soon as possible, let's figure out a way" he murmured. I breathed deeply and hung up. "/Abuja things/ again" i heaved a sigh. I had a restless night thinking and planning. How do i get to Abuja without anyone noticing?, how do i get there without drawing suspicions from my family, will Adaora understand if i tell her?" i wondered as i weighed my options. The next day, i went over to Adaora's room when i noticed she was alone. I sat on her bed and stared at her silently. "what's the problem, i know you came to tell me something" she asked. "when are you returning to Abuja?" i asked with a smile. "i will travel alone tomorrow, but your sister will be returning probably on saturday" she answered. "fine, i will go with you, but please don't tell anybody" i begged, holding her hand. "but why?" she asked seriously, "i want to spend some days alone with you. We have to make our relationship strong again. I just want to be with you, i have this great urge i don't understand" i lied sweetly. She looked down, thinking over my words. I knew it would be hard fooling her, but i had to try anyway. "i know there is more about this your proposal, than just being alone with me. You are lying to me once again, but as usual i have no proof" she said calmly, looking Into my eyes. "i pray whatever you are sacrificing your time for, to be a good thing. I won't tell anyone, you are free to travel with me" she accepted calmly. I smiled deeply, hugging her tightly, my heart pounding furiously. There really was much at stake and my prayer was for God to guide me through. Early the next day, i left the house with Adaora. Nobody suspected i was heading to Abuja with her. They thought i was travelling to Imo state while Adaora to Abuja. Mum was perfectly strong and healthy, her illness a thing of the past, so there was really nothing to worry on her side. We arrived Abuja by 5:48pm that fateful day. I was hopeful and scared at the same time. "is there actually a way of ending my problems with Elinor without soiling my hands once again?" i wondered as Adaora flagged down a taxi. To be continued.
5 Feb 2014 | 04:56
Today's episode of "love & sorrow" will be posted tomorrow. We do apologize for being unable to post it today. Remember "love & sorrow" is updated every saturday, sunday & wednesday. {Incase you wish to chat with coolval on whatsapp simply send your phone number to [email protected]} ..
5 Feb 2014 | 07:54
*continues* 9pm Adaora came into my room as i was about typing an episode of my story. I quickly closed my laptop and smiled at her. "what are you doing?" she asked, smiling. "nothing serious my dear" i replied, winking at her. "anyway i just came to wish you a good night" she said. I looked up at her hungrily, she really looked very sexy on her new pink skimpy night wear. I felt like grabbing and devouring her right away. "why are you looking at me in such manner?" i heard her ask, "come sit here my love" i said, {tapping my left lap}. She quietly obeyed without any protest. We stared at each other for a while without saying anything. I knew she was feeling very hot and hungry inside but was simply holding herself, it really has been long we last had a super active night, while I equally held myself because i couldn't risk annonying her once again. I knew i could easily get down with her that night, but i also knew she was going to lay blames on me after the deed, even though i sadly realised that i had lost some of the fire and touch which made me coolval. Yes i truly wasn't as sharp and hot as i used to be. I also couldn't point out the cause. "tell me the truth dearest. Are you actually here for my sake?" Adaora asked, resting her head on my shoulder and breaking me away from my thoughts. "of course my dear, what else could have brought me here" i answered quietly. "i hope so, i really do hope so" she murmured, "spend the night here with me. Please let's not spoil this moment" i begged, risking a kiss on her cheek. She smiled and closed her eyes. We finally spent the night together, cuddling each other. It really was a very wonderful night, even though we had no sex. __ Obinna showed up the next morning, five minutes after Adaora left for work. "mehn that Elinor woman is something else. I havn't come across any woman as strong and fearful as she is. Imagine someone who just escaped death uttering threats without fear" he shook his head after listening to my story concerning Elinor's phone call. "so what do you plan on doing since you don't want to soil your hands again?" he asked curiously. "i thought about it last night. I think i will have to confront her, i will go over to her house tomorrow to sort things out. She can use the opportunity to do whatever she likes to me" i revealed seriously. "you can't be serious!" he exclaimed, "are you nuts or what?, you really want to step into that's house, c'mon say something better" he rasped. "she will be surprised to see me and nothing works wonders much more than surprises. Believe me, i know what i'm doing" i assured him."alright, fine" he shrugged. **** Leaving the house on saturday really wasn't easy, Adaora was suspicious as ever but didn't stop me. In order to avoid being followed or watched by Adaora or her spies. I first stopped at a barber's shop, where i spent considerable amount of time making{barbing} my hair, before heading to Elinor's apartment. I got to the apartment at exactly 10:55am that saturday. A very surprised Elinor opened the door and stared at me speechlessly. I expected her to pounce, spit or hit me, but she did nothing of the sort, instead ushered me into her apartment maturedly when she regained her composure. With my phone voice recorder ready and recording. I tried to calm my fast pounding heart as i prepared and cleared my throat for the mission ahead. What exactly was my mission that fateful day?? Remember things are not often the way they seem to be. To be continued. Next>> LOVE & SORROW, Vnews & more.
6 Feb 2014 | 00:33
6 Feb 2014 | 07:52
*continues* "why are you here Val?, don't tell me you came all alone to finish what you started?" she asked coldly. I smiled and shook my head. "you got it all wrong Elinor, things are really not as they seem" i said quietly, "i don't understand you" she replied, facing me with both hands on her waist. "i never attacked you in the first place. I'm not responsible for what happened to you some weeks ago" i lied calmly, while she shook her head in disbelief, her face colouring. "but you confirmed it. You said it to my face, when i was lying helplessly at the hospital. Don't tell me i was dreaming that day or that you weren't the person who said those words to me" she said with a raised tone. I quickly drew close to her. "c'mon do you really think i'm capable of such deed?, do you think i'm capable of inflicting harm on you just because you want me to stay away from Tessy?" i asked seriously. She bit her lips, staring at me silently. "do you really think i'm capable of setting you up in a town i know not more than six people?, c'mon think about it" i concluded desperately. "no no no, you are lying, you are trying to play smart, you know you can't stand me in this town, that's why you came up with this thrash, moreover i perfectly do remember all you said to me at the hospital" she sort of shouted. I breathed deeply, holding her shoulders. "i said only what you wanted to hear that day, did i even say anything out of the ordinary to you?" i asked. She kept quiet, "how can i attack you and still say it to your face when i know i can't match you in this city, jeez Elinor nawa for the way you think. I came all the way from owerri not for my sake, but for Adaora's sake. The girl knows nothing about all these yet you threatened to deal with her" i poured out emotionally. "so you are actually saying that you have no hand in what happened to me?" she asked after some silence. "yes" i quickly answered, my heart furiously pounding. "ok no wahala, but if you are actually behind what happened to me and you came all the way here to deny it, then you are a big coward, a weakling,..." she rasped. I quickly placed a finger on her lip. "sssssh, it's ok, let's make peace once and for all" i proposed calmly, keenly watching her reaction. I really wasn't proud of what i was doing. I knew i sold my pride and manhood with the way i denied everything, but i had no choice than to do it for Adaora's sake. I had to do the impossible to protect her, because i knew i couldn't protect my queen nor fight Elinor without permanently staying in Abuja, which really was Impossible because of my Nysc programme. "hmmm you want to make peace with me?" she asked curiously, while i nodded. But before she could say anything else, her door bell rang, interrupting our discussion. She kept quiet and stared at the door for almost a minute as if she wasn't sure of her safety or something best known to her. She finally opened the door, and it was no other person than Tessy who rang the door bell. "what were you doing that made you take so much time to answer the door?" she jokingly asked Elinor as she walked into the sitting room, instantly gasping and freezing in shock, the moment her eyes fell on me. She never knew i was in town, and it equally was the second time she was bumping into Elinor and i in such surprising manner. I speechlessly stared at her. I couldn't imagine what was going through in her mind. To be continued.
7 Feb 2014 | 05:43
*continues* "what are you doing here, arn't you supposed to be at your PPA, when did you get to Abuja?" she asked suspiciously. I tried to say something but couldn't. All i was able to do was simply to stare at her without uttering any words. I never planned for her presence and what explanation could i have given to her. "oh i see, i guess i have to start leaving, i'm interrupting something right?" she murmured when she realised i wasn't willing to talk to her. Turned and headed towards the door while Elinor politely tried to block her. "c'mon dear you arn't interrupting anything, val just got here, surprising me with his presence as well" she desperately tried to explain, but Tessy's head was already filled with wild ideas. She refused to buy Elinor's short explanation, instead hissed and walked out of the apartment. I swallowed hard, my heart furiously beating. I could have ran after her, but something prevented me. Elinor quickly faced me with a dry smile, "i guess things are finally falling into place via the wrong way" she sneered, "who knows what she's thinking?" she laughed, her eyes scanning me seriously. "hmmm so about your proposal. I think we can only settle peacefully if you are willing to let the sleeping dog lie, forget all about my dear friend Tessy and move on with your life. Moreover the situation that just presented itself is a very good opportunity" she said calmly, her eyes still on me. I shrugged and drew back. "you never lose out in anything, do you?" i asked quietly. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. "fine, i'm tired of all these games as well. You can have your Tessy back, hope we are even?" i asked. She breathed deeply and shrugged. "i hope you are serious with what you just said. If you are, then we are even" she said slowly, turned and went into her room. She came out a minute later with a bottle of red wine. "hope we can share a drink?" she asked. I smiled, my mind relaxing. I really was glad that i was able to convince her of my innocence. "Adaora is now safe" i reasoned. She handed me a glass of wine, which i accepted and drank, even though i stared at the drink suspiciously before drinking. I couldn't afford to let down my guard because to me she still was a friendly enemy. "forget about Tessy and you will have nothing to worry about me, unless you have a hand in that verocious attack that almost left me dead. I won't let that matter die, i will investigate it till the end" she said with a smile as we drank the wine. I felt sick hearing those words, but sealed my fear with a calm smile. __________ Adaora was watching a local movie when i got back an hour later. She quietly allowed me into the house without saying anything, but her face was coloured. I knew she was very angry with me. I smiled and hugged her tightly. "it's over my love. I love you very much" i said sweetly, without thinking. My behaviour surprising her very much. "what's over?" she asked curiously. I breathed deeply and said nothing. Things have finally fallen into place. Tessy wasn't happy with me any longer, something Elinor had so much wanted. A very good opportunity to close my chapter with them, move on with my life and have a happy ending with Adaora... Is it really the end??? HMMMMMM.... To be continued. "LOVE & SORROW" comes up later....
8 Feb 2014 | 08:28
9 Feb 2014 | 04:41
click this link to get updated in our 'LOVE & SORROW' series, updated every saturday, sunday and wednesdays.
9 Feb 2014 | 07:59
*continues* "what's over?" she asked again, but instead of answering, i kissed her strongly, stunning her with my action. "val what's up with you, why are you acting so strange?" she asked, forcefully breaking away from me. "it seems like you have forgotten the conditions i gave you at home, should i repeat them??" she asked with a raised tone. "conditions or no condition, what matters is that i love you dearest, have no doubt about it" i said calmly, while she stared at me with a confused face. "is this a trick?, what happened to you out there?, tell me i can understand, i have always stood by you, havn't i??" she asked, drawing close to me with concern. "l feel like taking you out for a treat, nothing is wrong with me. Don't i have the right to express my feelings?" i asked with deep emotion. She breathed deeply and backed me. "it has been long, i last saw you in such high spirit. I'm confused, it dosen't look right" she murmured. I gently wrapped my hands around her. "baby i understand your fear, but please say nothing more" i pleaded quietly, placing my lips on her neck and breathing in her sweet scent. "we have climbed the highest mountain together, swarm the deepest sea together, and been through a lot of experiences together. In each occassion you reached out to save me when it looked as if i wouldn't make it. You never abandoned nor gave up on me. What else can i say dearest" i whispered, my right hand finding her right bosom which i softly squeezed. She moaned and gave a weak struggle. "you just want to take advantage of me all over again. You are saying all these words simply because you are horny" she accused quietly. "my dearest, please stop saying nonsense" i begged as i turned her to face me. We stared at each other for a while before i closed in on her with my lips. We hungrily kissed passionately, ending up on the floor where we made great love. It really was so sweet and lovely, her body responding savagely to my thrusts, while her cries filled the room with beautiful melody. It really was a rediscovered passion. "jeez, i can't believe i did this with you" she gasped when we were done an hour later. "how many rounds did you go on me?" she curiously asked, resting her head on my chest. "just two, weren't you conscious when it was all going down?" i murmured smiling, "and you did everything without protection eeh" she completed, raising her head to give me an angry stare. I closed my eyes and said nothing. "i will kill you if you ever break my heart again" she jokingly threatened, got up and headed to the bathroom. I breathed deeply, feeling happy. But my happiness was cut short because my phone rang a minute later, showing Tessy's phone number on the screen. I quickly answered the call with apprehension. "Val i'll like to see you in my house before an hour, no excuses, else you will regret ever crossing me" she ordered and hung up, leaving me extremely stunned and indecisive. "should i honour her invitation or not?" i deeply wondered, a bit scared over the cold way she spoke to me. "I should've seen this coming right from the start, beware of women like Tessy, beware of a woman with a broken heart" my head sang. To be continued. ik UNBRIDLED PASSION starting soon on
10 Feb 2014 | 01:28
*continues* "you look very dull, what's the matter?" Adaora asked as we sat down for dinner. I forced out a smile, trying to hide my feelings. "c'mon i'm okay, why did you ask such question?" i replied. She shrugged and kept quiet, while i faced my meal with a heavy heart. Tessy's phone call earlier in the afternoon really upset and sickened me. Of course i refused to honour her invitation nor call her which made me very tensed up. I didn't know what to expect from her nor what she planned doing. The only hope i had was knowing she wouldn't get back at me too quickly, at least till she knows my real stand over everything that was happening between us. I unfortunately found myself between the devil and the deep sea once again. I never bargained for the turn out of events, even though i should have know better. I thought Tessy would have been too proud and angry to have anything to do with me anymore, but instead she preferred giving me a chance to defend myself, which i wasn't willing to take. I was tired of it all. "what do i do?" i wondered as i ate, expecting her phone call any minute. I knew she would call again. Fortunately she called very late in the night, when i was slowly falling asleep in the comfort of my room. "I didn't see you at my house, why did you disobey me?" she quietly asked as soon as i answered the phone. "because i don't want to see you again" i replied calmly, "why?, do you have any explanation for what you just said?" she asked, surprising me with her calm tone. "things are not as they seem, anyway i have nothing to explain to you sha. My girl and i just got engaged" i lied, stopping to breathe deeply. "i don't want to disappoint my family anymore. My mum almost died because of my reckless way of life, thanks to you. I do care for you alot, but i have to do the right thing" i concluded, stunning her with my words which i knew exploded in her head like a bomb. "do the right thing you say, is this the right thing huh?" she angrily asked after a minute of silence. "you ate my meal, enjoyed my body, spent my money, dug a hole in my heart, and now giving me this crap of a news. Damn you Val, Damn you" she shouted in anger. I felt bad hearing her outburst, but i had no choice than to say those heart-breaking words to her. I had a duty to Adaora, i had to keep the promise i made to her, i also had to keep the promise i made to Elinor, at least to get her off my back. Nevertheless i equally needed the break, it was an opportunity to reposition my life and make something good out of it. Just like Adaora once told me, "the atitude you carry on with your life will determine your future" "this isn't over, i'm not some tramp you can just push away. Mind you i'm a society lady, don't try messing with me" she threatened. "i'm leaving Abuja tomorrow, i'm sorry over everything. I'll come see you at the right time" i seriously promised. "you will live this city only when i say so. You need a very good spanking. I invested so much in you. My feelings, pride, love, money. You will run to me tomorrow, watch and see" she angrily said and hung up, while i closed my eyes, dropped my phone and wondered what she could be planning. Early the next morning, Adaora rushed into my room with a shocking news, "dearest i don't understand, see the message your friend Tessy just sent me. I wouldn't have shown it to you, if not for one thing" she said with a serious smile, giving me her phone which I eagerly collected. "hi dear, i have something important to tell you. I will be at your house very early tomorrow, hope you will have the time? Happy sunday, Tessy". My heart leapt after reading it. "damn she's coming here!" i gasped, while Adaora nodded, staring at me in a curious manner. To be continued. Do stay tuned.
11 Feb 2014 | 00:49
*continues* "my dear i'm really as surprised as you are" i murmured, returning her phone. "hmmmm, well i have nothing to lose waiting for her" Adaora smiled and stood up. "seriously i think she's trying to pass a coded message across, but what i don't know is who the message is meant for" she said with an accusing look. I scoffed, trying very hard to calm my nerves. "why do you say so?" i asked, "feminine instinct" she replied, breathed deeply and left my room. I quickly rushed to the toilet and urinated. "what the hell is Tessy planning?" i wondered nervously. The text message she sent Adaora nearly split my heart into two, and i had no choice than to call her few minutes later. At least to know her mind. "I have been expecting your phone call. Happy sunday" She greeted as if all was fine. "Adaora showed me the text you sent her, what's up with you?" i anxiously asked. "everything is going accordingly in my own end, how about your's?? I knew she was going to show you the message, what do you think?, isn't it cool?" she asked with a mockery tone, which spoilt my mind very much. "i don't understand you. I thought you are a respectable lady, why now are you behaving like a teenager? " i asked, "because i'm desperate. You didn't honour my invitation leaving me with no choice than to look for a way to visit you. What's so wrong with it?" she asked in defence. "fine i will come see you tomorrow" i murmured, "tomorrow?, jeez say something else, tomorrow is work day. I'll be very busy" she replied, but before i could say another word. I heard knocks at my room door. "we will talk later, please don't show up here, please" i begged, hung up and erased her phone number from the call log, before opening the door for Adaora who stared at me murderously. "i knew you would call her. You are scared arn't you?. You were speaking with her that's why you locked your door" she shouted. "calm down dear" i pleaded quietly, "i have been trying to reach her till this moment but her line is engaged. I'm not stupid" she rasped. "calm down dear, i'm not denying anything. Yes i called her because i was anxious to know the reason she's coming, which is quiet natural. Remember you asked me to stay away from her" i defended myself, calming her down a bit with my reply. "if that's the case, what did she say?, what was her reply?" she curiously asked, while i swallowed hard. Her question a difficult one. "she was surprised when i told her about the text she sent you. According to her, it was meant for a friend. She never realised she sent it to you till i called, can you imagine?" i answered innocently. Adaora simply scoffed and eyed me. "you really expect me to believe what you just said?, anyway i still have to confirm by asking her myself, since i was the person that got the text" she said, dialling Tessy's phone number, while I speechlessly stared at her thinking fast. I had to stop her from speaking with Tessy, but how do i do it without creating more suspicion? "hello?" i soon heard Tessy's voice over her phone as she turned on the loudspeaker. My head was full. Adaora was unknowingly playing into Tessy's hands. My too many secrets threatened. My mistake was never admitting to Adaora of having sexual relations with Tessy and i was very determined to continue keeping the dirty secret. To be continued.
12 Feb 2014 | 05:22
Hmm! Make I open my eye
12 Feb 2014 | 15:11
*continues* "hello, hello!, please speak up, i'm not hearing you" Tessy's voice sounded over the phone. Adaora gave me a look, breathed deeply and faced her phone. "hi Tess, good morning" she greeted, preparing herself for the questions ahead. "hello!, hello!!, i still can't hear you. Please call back later, i'm driving" i heard Tessy say, making me heave a sigh of relief. "hmmm, she's driving" Adaora said to me, ending the phone call. I shrugged, yawned and returned to my bed. "was she driving when you called her?" she asked curiously. "i really don't know because she never said so" i answered. "hmmm, but it's too earlier to be driving, unless she's going to church", she murmured and left the room, while I tossed around on my bed, restlessly thinking over everything. "what do i do know?" i wondered. An idea quickly struck me, i grabbed my phone and typed a message for Tessy. "Thanks for covering up the act, i'll be at your house very early tomorrow. I Can't come today, Adaora is very suspicious and nosy" i typed and sent to Tessy, praying she understands. __ The rest of the day was uneventful and boring. Adaora refused to go out that sunday, instead stayed at the house waiting for Tessy that never came. While i spent my day replaying and going through the recorded converstation i had with Elinor the previous day, but i was disappointed because the audio quality wasn't audible. I had a hard time picking out words from the conversation. However as the clock struck 6pm, Adaora became extremely upset. But for a reason best known to her, she refused calling Tessy again, saving me a whole lot of stress. Anyway i still felt her pains and tried my best to make her happy. _____ we had a quiet dinner that evening, after which i walked up to her as she was washing the dishes. Holding her by the waist, i kissed her neck softly. "please don't let today's incident upset you. Remember you asked me to not to have anything to do with that Lady again, why now are you allowing things concerning her get to you?" i quietly asked. "who told you, i'm upset?" she replied with a question, "oh yes you are, you really ruined our day with your behaviour, and you know i will be leaving tomorrow" i quietly said, while She quickly turned and faced me. "i thought you wanted to spend some days with me?" she asked, "yea wasn't this weekend enough?, you know i have a duty to perform at my PPA" I answered. She shrugged. "alright, it's cool" she murmured. My sudden departure plan really was caused by Tessy. I earlier had hoped to stay with Adaora till wednesday, but with the way things were going. I was forced to draw out another plan, which was seeing her very early on monday, before heading out of town, even though i never really expected to achieve much with it. But i was very hopeful. MONDAY, 6:40AM "i'm very sorry over what happened yesterday. I spoilt everything with my character. Just forget about it please" Adaora pleaded and kissed me, when i was ready to leave. I smiled and hugged her. "just take good care of yourself wifey. I promise to be of good behaviour over there" i said sweetly. She rolled her eyes and kissed me strong. "i love you with all my heart" she breathed. By 7:20am, i found myself in Tessy's sitting room, anxiously waiting for her to show up from the bedroom. She soon appeared, smiling confidently, her eyes on my small travelling bag. I breathed deeply, silently praying for all to go well.................. Was visiting Tessy with my suitcase a wrong or good move?? Hmmmm, do watch out for the next episode. To be continued.
13 Feb 2014 | 09:28
Its a wrong move. She don get u again
13 Feb 2014 | 13:21
*continues* "oh my dear, you are here already" Tessy said happily, her eyes lighting up with joy. I nodded quietly, my heart furiously pounding. If not for the househelp who was still in the sitting room, i believed she would have hugged me. "why didn't you let her take care of your bag?" she asked, "because i'm travelling, i will soon be heading back to Imo state" i answered while she instantly frowned and breathed deeply. "i believe we have alot to talk about, let's go to my room" she said with a controlled voice. I shrugged and followed her without hesitation. "what the hell do you mean by what you just said to me in the sitting room?" she asked as soon as we got to her room. I breathed deeply and went close to her. "yea i'm serious about all i said there, and also serious about all i told you on saturday" i answered. She bit her lips and turned her back on me. "i feel like slapping you right now. Do i look like an object to you?" she asked angrily. I breathed deeply, saying nothing. "do i look like something you can switch feelings on anytime you like?. For God's sake i'm a human being, i do a lot for you. I hate you right now, seriously. I'm not even mentioning about Elinor and what i feel you guys are doing" she rasped, leaving me speechless with all she said. "you won't say anything?" she suddenly turned and asked. "what more do you expect me to say huh?, i only came here to plead with you to leave Adaora out of this. If you need to vent out your anger on anyone, please vent it on me" i pleaded. She scoffed and shook her head. "no mister, on the contrary i think she's my only obstacle, she's the wall blocking my path. Either i climb over it to get to my destination, or i demolish it and get there" she said seriously. "Tessy what are you saying?" i asked fearfully. "all i'm saying is that i deserve as much right as she does. I'm not selfish, no other lady would have tolerated all you are doing to me without taking serious action. As for travelling today, you better cancel the plan because you are not going anywhere till i say so" she said with a threatening tone. "are you threatening me?" i asked. She rolled her eyes and hugged me, surprising me with her behaviour. "it's not wrong to fight for your property. I'm just doing what i feel is best for me, moreover we are way too deep into this together. You are the only guy that has seen my nakedness after breaking up with my husband. Do you think it's easy for me as a woman?" she asked, while i swallowed hard. "we have a lot to discuss but let's keep it till later in the day, i'm almost late for work. There isn't anything bad in spending just a day with me?, let's go to my office together, we can still talk some things over there" she pleaded. ____ By 9:30am we quietly walked into her office. I couldn't believe myself nor the sudden change of heart. The way she pleaded with me really touched a part of my heart, making me fall weakly like a dead wood. Two girls were already at her office waiting, keeping theirselves busy with magazines which they were reading. "i'm so sorry girls for showing up late. Traffic" Tessy apologized and walked to her desk, while the girls politely smiled, dropping the magazines they were reading. My heart instantly froze as soon as i saw their faces. They were no other girls but the twins i had a little chat with some weeks back. They equally coloured up as soon as they saw me. One looked at me ferociously, while the other held her sister's hand. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through their minds. I quietly turned and left the room before Tessy could say anything else. I deeply breathed in fresh air as soon as i was outside, my mind wandering to and fro. But surprisingly one of the twins came out to meet me five minutes later. With hands on her waist, she angrily stared at me in a very disrespectful manner. To be continued. NEXT>> LITTLE WINNIE
14 Feb 2014 | 04:24
*continues* "so you are the guy messing up and decieving sister Oge?, i never knew you were that devilish when i stupidly gave you my phone number" she said angrily, stunning me with her words. "Sister Oge?" i murmured, staring at her with confusion. She scoffed and drew closer. "stop displaying that silly look, you very well know who i'm talking about. The lady you just left her office, what's her name?" she asked. "Tessy" i answered with a raised tone, "whatever," she said, flicking her hand in an annoying manner, "please allow her to train her children with the money her husband left her. Stop decieving and duping her" she warned coldly, deeply annoying me with her insolent behaviour. "I beg your pardon, stop the insult please. Better ask your 'sister Oge', what i do with her and stop ranting rubbish. Is this how you go about embarrassing every guy you see with your so called sister?. Where are your manners little girl?" i shouted at her. She stepped back a little and stared at me with confusion. "if there is someone decieving your sister, better investigate properly before pouncing on anyone. Damn i can't believe i got attracted to someone like you" i barked like a gentleman, totally ripping her apart with my words. She looked away with embarrassment, too stunned to talk. But seriously she really had guts to confront me. A very foolish behaviour from a girl with class. However the way i shouted at her made her realise her mistake, but thinking of it, perhaps she really came out to vent her disappointment or talk to me, camouflaging her motive with the accusation. Well a lady's mind is very complex, she alone knew what was in her head that moment. "alright, perhaps i'm wrong" she murmured with embarrassment, turned and headed back towards Tessy's shop. I breathed deeply and smiled. "hey wait, not so fast. You know i lost your phone number, that's the reason i havn't been calling" i lied. She stopped without turning, "there isn't any need having it. I will be leaving for school on wednesday. So just forget about it" she answered. "which school?" i asked curiously, "Abia state University" she answered and headed back to Tessy's office, leaving me a bit stunned with Joy. There really was something about her that always made my spirit high. "wow we will meet in the east" i smiled, confidently. Three minutes later, the twins headed out from Tessy's shop and left, while i went in to meet Tessy, who was already on her feet, a handbag slung on her shoulder. "seems like those girls are family?" i curiously asked, "sort of, their mother is my godmother and we are very close. They see me as their big sister" she replied with a smile. "let's go check my new project" she said as left the office with me.... **** We arrived at her house by 6:30pm very tired and exhausted. My respect and admiration for Tessy grew after being taken round all the businesses she ran. It was a very busy day for us and i couldn't help but also notice her good memory when she was having a brief chat with one of her workers earlier in the day. We were very surprised to see Elinor when we walked into the sitting room, and she too was extremely surprised to see me, but cleverly hid her surprise with a calm smile. "Elinor dear, i know we have a lot to talk but please let's leave it for tomorrow" Tessy politely said to her. She quickly nodded and stood up. "very well then" she said with a smile, giving me a cold look as she left. I quietly walked to the guest room, where i quickly relaxed, while Tessy spent sometime with her children. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through Elinor's mind that moment. I never bargained on meeting her in such a surprising manner. Tessy came to see me later in the night, with a bundle of naira notes which she held on her right hand. She quietly sat at the edge of the bed and stared at me for a while. "i guess you are sleeping here?, i can't force you to come sleep in mine" she said calmly, while i kept quiet. "here is the fifty thousand i promised you" she said, dropping the money by my side. "i always keep my promise, not like you, and i can never take advantage of you, just like you are doing to me. It's not a crime to be divorced. It's not a sin to be without a husband. Good night" she said with a very soft voice as if she was holding herself from crying, slowly got up and left the room, while i closed my eyes unable to say anything. I really can't write how i felt that moment. It was no fault of hers that she was madly in love with me. Even though i wanted to be free from her. I was incapable of breaking her heart. To be continued.
15 Feb 2014 | 11:40
While ur story is well written, ur stupidity when it comes to playing women is unmatched worldwide, when a woman threatens a players home she gets dumped fsater than hot potato. She threatens ur girl, u threaten her family case close.
16 Feb 2014 | 19:08
*continues* "how do i free myself from Tessy without hurting her?" i wondered as i tossed around on my bed. I was unable to sleep, my thoughts wandering to and fro. Early the next morning, Tessy came into the room, lowered herself beside me, breathing deeply. "Good morning, hope you slept well?" she asked, "yea, good morning" i answered calmly. "are you still leaving today, or have you changed your mind?" she asked with expectation. I breathed deeply and drew close to her. "yes i'm leaving this morning. You know i'm still a corper, and i don't want running into any problem at my PPA" i answered and explained. "and when am i seeing you again?" she asked, "in two weeks" i answered softly, even though i knew i wasn't going to keep my word. The only solution i came up with the previous night was avoiding anything that could lead me back to her, which invariably meant that if i was willing to free my soul and body from her influence, the best thing to do was to leave Abuja and never come back. A hard but wise solution, which i barely knew how long i could keep. I had great love for the capital city and so deciding to stay away from it, really was a harsh decision. "alright i will drop you at the bus station, whenever you are ready" she said with a forced smile. There wasn't any doubt that she was unhappy, she was bravely suffering in silence, which really got to me. As she tried to stand up, i pulled her back on the bed, kissing her strongly, my hands fondling and caressing her sleek body with great abandon. She moaned and wriggled, trying hard to control her surging emotions. Within minutes, i got her unclad and ready for action. "oh ahhhhh dear, you never seize to amaze me" she sang as i turned on her engine. In a twinkle of an eye, we got down to the main act, where i devoured and ravaged her to my fill. To me it was a sort of good bye sex, but to her it was like those moments i brought out time to satisfy her. Oh yes i made sure i left her Very satisfied. Two hours later she happily dropped me at the bus station, with a look of fulfillment in her eyes. "i really don't know what came over you this morning, but thanks all the same. I totally enjoyed it. You are the best" she said to me. I smiled and alighted from her car, happy that i left her satisfied with my goodbye sex. "are you actually sure it was a good bye sex?" an annoying part of me asked. Elinor's phone call soon broke my peace of mind, as i headed to Owerri in a sharp, fast running bus. I knew the reason she was calling, i breathed deeply and answered. "hi Elinor, i'm sorry about Saturday, i was forced to be with her. I have now left for good. You won't see me again with her. I promise" i said before she could say anything. "alright, i do hope so" she murmured and hung up, leaving me with a very big doubt which quickly returned to my mind. "is it actually the end with Tessy?" i wondered as the bus headed to Owerri. The fifty thousand Naira She gave me, safely in my trouser pocket. To be continued. {Please i forgot to mention in the previous episode, that i called Adaora on phone, when Tessy was busy with her children in the evening, lying to her that i was at my PPA} Do stay online for more
16 Feb 2014 | 21:25
17 Feb 2014 | 06:56
*continues* I had a hard time staying at my PPA without any plans of visiting Abuja. It equally was very painful because my car wasn't with me. I felt incomplete being there without my ride. However as days sped by, another idea came into my head. An idea which soared my restless spirit very high. The idea that came into my head, was all about renting an apartment at a very decent part of Owerri. A place i could use as a safe haven, a place i could stay whenever i visited Owerri. My cousin's house {chinedu season 2A} had always been like a second home to me, whenever i was at the metropolis, but he wasn't a full time bachelor anymore, and we wern't close as we used to be since his status changed. Yes i still was very much welcomed in his home, but i thought it wise to secure an apartment for myself. Silly or not, the idea stayed in my head till i contacted a friend who directed me to a very good agent. Three days later, the agent called to tell me about an empty apartment in Ikenegbu, part of owerri. I rushed into town the next day, saw the house, a newly built two storey building which had two bedrooms, plus a sitting room, small kitchen and toilet per apartment. It was just the type i wanted, even though the price tag on it was way too exhorbitant. I however paid for it, {including the agent fee}, secured the apartment and returned to my PPA. Seriously it drained a lot of money from my family's account, and i still had to find a way of withdrawing another lump sum in furnishing it. All these i did within few days of returning to my PPA, without seeking advice from anyone. To me i felt i was doing the right thing, even though i equally knew it was a very extravagant deed. But In order to satisfy a part of my conscience, i refused furnishing the apartment until i was able to squeeze out money from another source. Hmmmm which other source? Nysc allowance??? Funny.... **** Tessy's phone calls however intensified after the end of the second week {that i promised her}. She kept appealing, and using sweet words each time she called. Reminding me that i was breaking my word all over again. "don't make me believe that your word isn't worth a penny" she always ended up saying. I was seriously, tempted. My soul, spirit and body was willing, but somehow i still managed to stay back, counting the days. I needed a big distraction to keep my mind busy, but there really wasn't any. The insolent twin that almost insulted me few weeks back, soon came to my mind. I tried establishing a relationship with her but was unsuccessful. She kept insisting i come to her school first, something i wasn't ready to do, at least not without my ride. Staying at my PPA for three weeks at a row without my car, surprised everyone especially mum, my immediate younger sister and Adaora, who was a bit suspicious but happy that i had truly changed. Perhaps it was her suspicion that made her decide to pay me a visit. A very surprising one, because she actually informed me of her intention, a day before arriving. "dearest, i'm going to stay three weeks with you" was the exact words she said to me, when she was safely in my little room. But i couldn't believe her. I instantly laughed it off as a funny joke. "one thing was certain, she won't be able to survive three weeks in that hell-hole, or could she??" hmmmm To be continued. Do stay for more
17 Feb 2014 | 22:36
18 Feb 2014 | 12:54
*continues* The first week went by slowly and uneventful. We enjoyed each other's company, and lived happily. We never had any problem because i behaved nicely. However Tessy's annoying phone calls could have jeopardized the whole fun, had i not cautioned her in a very disrespectful manner. After discovering that i wasn't going to keep my word about travelling to be with her. I had hoped that her phone calls would reduce, but on the contrary, it increased tremendously, forcing me to finally shout at her, when i couldn't stand the calls any longer. Moreover i was with Adaora in a single room and there wasn't space for any sort of privacy. Tessy couldn't believe her ears the day i shouted at her. I told her that our relationship has ended, and that i won't be coming to Abuja ever again to see her. "Please forget about me, i can't continue with the relationship anymore" i ended up saying. "just like that val?, just like that?" was all she was able to mutter after a prolonged silence. I ended the call without giving her any reply, and i knew for the first time she realised that i was very serious. She never called me again throughout that week, something i so badly wanted. However It really wasn't my mind to end our relationship in such manner, but i had to do everything possible to safeguard my relationship with Adaora, moreover i had no future with her. The rest of the week went very fine, even though Adaora complained i was paying less attention to her and always busy online with my computer. She never for once suspected i was writing about her. Lol My corper friend Jenny, was another person she wasn't comfortable with, but Jenny being a very smart girl kept her distance and never gave her cause to be confrontational. We also began talking and planning about our future during that period. She still insisted on travelling out of the country after her Nysc programme, something i really wasn't comfortable with. On the third week the devil struck again with a powerful thunderstorm. Early Monday morning of the third week, Adaora showed me two nasty photos of me, sleeping half unclad on Tessy's bed. I was extremely shocked and speechless when i saw the pictures, because i never knew they existed. "you see your life?, do you know who sent them to me?, no wonder she insisted on having my contact in all the social networks" she asked and said angrily as i glanced at the pictures. I couldn't say anything, i knew who sent them already, and i felt it was the end with Adaora. I simply ran out of the room and called Tessy who answered my call after it rang six times. "i guess you have seen the pictures?, i still have dozens more to send and it dosen't end there. No one plays with my feelings, you can ask my ex husband" she said, rudely ending the call and switching off her phones. I WAS DAMNED To be continued.
19 Feb 2014 | 05:41
I wonder how she want to have u back if she successfully destroy ur relationship with Adaora
19 Feb 2014 | 06:06
*continues* "i'm sorry, i know i have lots of explanation to do. I just don't know where to start" i said quietly to Adaora when i returned to my room. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "hmmm i think you should first figure out a way of getting all the pictures of you she has, which i know will be quite impossible. Do you even know what she could do with those pictures?" she seriously asked, while i breathed deeply, saying nothing. "she can tarnish your image to an irrepairable degree if you don't know" she concluded. "i will figure out a way to recover them" i murmured half heartedly. "i will be travelling to Enugu tomorrow morning" she announced seconds later, leaving me more than worried. "why nau?" i asked desperately, my face colouring more. "i promised to stay three weeks and we are on the third week, what's so bad with my decision?. Just let me be jor" she answered with a raised tone. Silencing me with her reply. Even though she tried to appear cool, which was very unusual of her. I knew she was extremely upset with me. But having no clue on how to appease her, i simply let her be. I finally got Tessy on phone again later in the evening, my heart pounding furiously as she answered the call. "please stop disturbing me, i'm very busy, and don't ever call any of my lines again. I don't need you anymore, i have nothing to do with confused, selfish little boys. Grow up" she shouted at me and hung up, killing my already wounded spirit. I didn't know what to do, the future appeared sour to me. I felt like crying. I tried murmuring some explanations to Adaora later in the evening, but the cold stare she gave me made me to quickly shut up. "you want to start another lie abi, go ahead nah??" she hissed angrily. Tessy destroyed everything with that singular action. I knew she wasn't hoping to achieve anything other than to make me miserable and it was already working. Early the next morning, i went with Adaora to Owerri where she boarded an Enugu bound bus. I felt like crying as the bus departed. I had a very strange feeling about her departure. I felt it was the last between us, though it wasn't her fault but mine. I knew she was silently suffering over everything. She couldn't eat all through the previous day, and only ate two slices of bread in the morning. The drawn face and sadness in her eyes said it all. I dreaded knowing what was in her mind. But the unspoken reality was that our relationship was at the brink of death, only a miracle would revive it. How do i start to redeem my life?, how do i stage a counter attack on Tessy?, where do i go from here?? Nothing good ever comes from Cheating. Cheating kills and destroys. There i was at a crossroad, hopelessly out of options. To be continued.
20 Feb 2014 | 02:32
Nah ur cross. Carry it.
20 Feb 2014 | 11:36
*continues* By thursday evening, i made up my mind to travel to Abuja once again, bearing in mind to have some serious talks with Tessy. It really took me three days of deep thinking to come up with the idea, even though my mind wasn't strong about at all. Adaora was still at Enugu with my parents, after spending two days at her family house. She still answered my calls which was a very welcomed development, but it never meant that our relationship wasn't still shaking from the matchet wound Tessy inflicted on it. Travelling to Abuja under such circumstances wasn't really something which was made with a peaceful mind. I planned seeing Tessy, without coming up with any idea on how to settle things with her. Later in the evening{thursday}, i called her on phone, praying she answers the call. Luckily she answered with a gruff voice. "i will be at your house by saturday evening. Hope it will be okay by you?" i informed her calmly. "no problem. I dey" she murmured and hung up, giving me no chance to say any other thing. ___ Saturday finally arrived. I prayed for the first time before heading to Owerri. My head pounding furiously, my body system in complete disarray. Yet i couldn't really give myself a simple answer on what i plan talking with her. Was it to beg??. Hmmmm. I arrived the capital city by 6:30pm, rushed to a small cafe, where i ate a plate of hot rice and beans {because i ate nothing before embarking on that strange journey}. I restlessly ate, glancing at my watch every other minute, as i tried to draw out another plan. 7:38pm i walked into Tessy's compound and was led to the backyard, by a househelp who told me that she was waiting for me there. I really was surprised, but had no choice than to go with her. On getting there, i was surprised to see Tessy sitting with two bulky men who were dressed in military camfouflage. My first instinct was to run, but i bravely waved away my fear and approached them. My eyes on Tessy, whose face instantly lit up when she saw me. But as i drew closer to her. I saw myself in the air, crashing on the floor seconds later. I was shocked, i was dazed, i was stunned. I was extremely flabbergastered. My ear smarting painfully, which made me realise that i wasn't only kicked, but slapped as well. The two men descended on me like angry Mexican bulls, whipping and kicking me without respect. I couldn't find the voice to scream, nor the mind to fight them in self defence. They had a good time dealing with me, while my body burned painfully. "so na dis fine madam you wan dupe kia!, shege!" they cursed with anger as if my problems with Tessy took a pound of their flesh. "make sure you return her five hundred thousand naira before the end of this year, or my oga go carry tank come finish your family" one of them shouted, kicking my "five hundred thousand?? No no no" i managed to protest, an action which further infuriated them. The tallest drew out his belt. "enough, it's okay" i heard Tessy command, while i heaved a sigh of relief as i gasped for air. "no madam, we never start anything, the boy never learn im lesson. See as he just shout" they protested. "no wahala free him" she commanded again. To be continued. LITTLE WINNIE comes up later in the Day.
21 Feb 2014 | 03:24
*continues* By thursday evening, i made up my mind to travel to Abuja once again, bearing in mind to have some serious talks with Tessy. It really took me three days of deep thinking to come up with the idea, even though my mind wasn't strong about at all. Adaora was still at Enugu with my parents, after spending two days at her family house. She still answered my calls which was a very welcomed development, but it never meant that our relationship wasn't still shaking from the matchet wound Tessy inflicted on it. Travelling to Abuja under such circumstances wasn't really something which was made with a peaceful mind. I planned seeing Tessy, without coming up with any idea on how to settle things with her. Later in the evening{thursday}, i called her on phone, praying she answers the call. Luckily she answered with a gruff voice. "i will be at your house by saturday evening. Hope it will be okay by you?" i informed her calmly. "no problem. I dey" she murmured and hung up, giving me no chance to say any other thing. ___ Saturday finally arrived. I prayed for the first time before heading to Owerri. My head pounding furiously, my body system in complete disarray. Yet i couldn't really give myself a simple answer on what i plan talking with her. Was it to beg??. Hmmmm. I arrived the capital city by 6:30pm, rushed to a small cafe, where i ate a plate of hot rice and beans {because i ate nothing before embarking on that strange journey}. I restlessly ate, glancing at my watch every other minute, as i tried to draw out another plan. 7:38pm i walked into Tessy's compound and was led to the backyard, by a househelp who told me that she was waiting for me there. I really was surprised, but had no choice than to go with her. On getting there, i was surprised to see Tessy sitting with two bulky men who were dressed in military camfouflage. My first instinct was to run, but i bravely waved away my fear and approached them. My eyes on Tessy, whose face instantly lit up when she saw me. But as i drew closer to her. I saw myself in the air, crashing on the floor seconds later. I was shocked, i was dazed, i was stunned. I was extremely flabbergastered. My ear smarting painfully, which made me realise that i wasn't only kicked, but slapped as well. The two men descended on me like angry Mexican bulls, whipping and kicking me without respect. I couldn't find the voice to scream, nor the mind to fight them in self defence. They had a good time dealing with me, while my body burned painfully. "so na dis fine madam you wan dupe kia!, shege!" they cursed with anger as if my problems with Tessy took a pound of their flesh. "make sure you return her five hundred thousand naira before the end of this year, or my oga go carry tank come finish your family" one of them shouted, kicking my "five hundred thousand?? No no no" i managed to protest, an action which further infuriated them. The tallest drew out his belt. "enough, it's okay" i heard Tessy command, while i heaved a sigh of relief as i gasped for air. "no madam, we never start anything, the boy never learn im lesson. See as he just shout" they protested. "no wahala free him" she commanded again. To be continued. LITTLE WINNIE comes up later in the Day.
21 Feb 2014 | 03:25
*continues* "let me handle the rest" she said to the solidiers, who quickly drew back without another word. I tried to stand but couldn't, spitting out blood as my eyes turned. I feared i had lost some of my ribs, which really alarmed me. I tried standing again, but this time, i collasped. ****** I opened my eyes to find myself in Tessy's room. I quickly sprang up, but felt a heavy pain in my chest which pushed me down on the bed again. Tessy was soon by my side. "easy, don't stress your body, you have been drugged. The pains will soon go away" she said quietly. I tried saying something but couldn't. My eyes closed, sending me back to dreamland. ________ I fully woke up hours later{6:15am sunday}, sitting up with a weak body, my head burning painfully. I sat for a while regaining my senses and thinking of my next step. Even though i was still unable to think properly. There was no denying that Tessy has taken our disagreement to a brand new level and i needed to upgrade my tactics, though unlike Elinor, she hardly bragged about anything and behaved like a saint while deep down her heart was as dark as coal. I really couldn't imagine how to carry out my own revenge, since i had sworn never to use violence in dealing with my enemies. Sighting my small bag, which was lying by the corner, i lazily fetched it, searching for my toothbrush, but i was surprised to see that my bag had been searched, though nothing was taken from it. The clothes i left at the bottom were now at the top. ______ "so how are you now?" Tessy asked, as i was dressing up painfully. The pains on my body returned as soon as i poured water on myself after brushing my teeth. "you don't want to talk to me?" she smiled, sitting on the bed expecting me to say something, but i just ignored her, dressed up and grabbed my bag. "please where are my phones?" i asked her coldly, "they are over there" she replied, pointing to a small table. I reached for my phones, checked them and was equally surprised to see that they had been tampered with. The settings{launchers} weren't the same as i left them. But i kept my feelings to myself and faced her. "i'm leaving" i said quietly, "hmmmm, not so fast, don't you think we have something to discuss?" she asked, while i shrugged. "i don't think so, because you have already threatened my family and decided that i'm owing you 500k, so be it" i said with a frown. She smiled, stood up and blocked me. "we can forget about all that happened yesterday, if you can just discard your decision about ending our relationship. I can compensate you handsomely for everything" she said calmly. I breathed deeply, closed my eyes, bit my lips and left her room without another word. As i left her house, i thought of my next line of action. The pain in my chest returned, seizing my breath. Where do i go from here? What do i do?? To be continued Shout A great shoutout to our dear friends Mary-jane Obehi & ThankGod Tochukwu who got married yesterday in a breathtaking ceremony. Best wishes to you Guys...
23 Feb 2014 | 03:42
Sorry o
23 Feb 2014 | 05:43
*continues* I dialled Adaora's phone number as i waited for a taxi minutes later, wondering where she could be. "happy sunday dear, where are you?" i asked calmly, "i'm in Abuja nau, i returned yesterday, couldn't reach you though" she answered, "alright, i'm coming over" i said, surprising her with the announcement. "what?, are you in Abuja" she asked with a surprised tone, "yes, i'll explain when i get there" i answered and hung up, my heart bleeding with regret. Just that moment another call come through the same phone, and this time it was Elinor calling. I really was surprised to see her number on the phone screen. "hi dear, i heard what happened to you at Tessy's place and i couldn't help but feel sorry for you. I'm really sorry, where are you?, perhaps i can be of help" she asked calmly, "don't worry about me, thanks alot. I'm fine" i replied a bit rudely and hung up. Finally getting a taxi, i headed to Adaora's house, while my thoughts wandered carelessly. I couldn't help but think of the motive behind Elinor's strange phone call. She sounded as if she truly sympatized with me, which i deemed strange. ______ Adaora gasped as she opened the door. She stared at me speechlessly for some minutes before letting me into the house. I wanted her to hug me, i desperately wanted to feel her warm body, but she denied me the pleasure because of her displeasure over my recent scandals. "you look very awful and terrible, were you involved in an accident or what?" she curiously asked as i lowered myself on a couch. Sitting beside me, she examined me carefully. "i went to Tessy's house to have a talk with her concerning the pictures, but instead of obliging she sent two soldiers to beat me up" i explained, while her face coloured with surprise. "are you serious!" she exclaimed, "yea they almost killed me" i confessed, "i can imagine" she breathed. Opening my shirt to see some faint whip marks on my body. "i really don't know what to say to you. Seriously" she murmured, "i gave you everything you asked for. Or money?, you have lots already, seriously the devil really enjoys playing with you" she said with a broken spirit, while i closed my eyes unable to say anything. What could i ever say to justify my actions?. She really has seen alot, and still suffering because i simply refused to grow up. "i'm very confused, seriously. What if she killed you?, gosh" she snapped her fingers, "i don't even know my condition right now. I have been vomitting since yesterday evening" she added with a soft whimper. I lazily reached for her hand and held it, tears blinding my vision. Her phone rang that moment coming in between our emotions. "what's Tessy calling me for?" i heard her ask in wonder as she answered the call, switching on her phone speaker-out. "your boyfriend is trying to play a silly prank on me. Just warn him to be careful over what he is wishing for himself. I advise you as a friend, please try not to get involved. I know he is in there with you lying his off as usual" Tessy said plainly, making her words sound more of a threat than warning. "but hey, i'm already involved because he is not my boyfriend but husband, go get a life" Adaora yelled back, surprising Tessy who quickly changed tone once again. "fine, i hope you deal with it when it comes" she hissed and hung up, while i closed my eyes in shame. I couldn't believe Adaora was sticking out her Neck for me after all i did. But just as if she read my mind, she quickly faced me. "i will stand by you just for appearances and for nothing more" she said seriously, forgetting or purposely refusing to mention the current status of our relationship.... I couldn't help but wonder where every of my actions will lead to.... To be continued images_17 theme song, click to play
24 Feb 2014 | 03:40
*continues* 7:45pm, Adaora's house "you know i can handle that obnoxious lady, if you let me" Adaora said as we enjoyed a quiet dinner. I scoffed and stared at her. "i have my contacts, moreover my mum is avilable to help with the right connections" she continued quietly, "hmmm please don't think of it, besides Tessy is equally highly connected, going by the way i feel you plan handling her. I fear the whole thing will be blown out of proportion and the press will fight each other with the resultant news" i mumured, while she shrugged, facing her meal. "na you sabi. I rest my help" she breathed. Early the next morning, she went to a lab. For a pregnancy test before heading to her PPA. She however returned two hours later with a bright face. "i'm not pregnant, now i can face other fears squarely" she joked. I spent Monday night, thinking and orchestrating the first stage of my plans against Tessy. By Tuesday morning, i had it mapped out and ready to execute. It was equally the day i planned travelling back to the east{1mo}. I spent an hour with Adaora in her room, apologizing all over again, and making promises which could have moved any girl but her. "you already know that i love you. I have nothing else to say" was all she could say to me. She never sounded harsh nor affectionate. Her heart really was one that has bled a thousand times over. I was near tears as we managed to hug before i left the house, heading straight to Tessy's office. I saw Tessy walking into her shop as i dropped from the Taxi. I smiled evily, closed my eyes with the new sunglass i bought minutes earlier and went after her. She was extremely surprised to see me at her office. The surprise and slight shock on her face suggested she was kind of scared. I never for a minute imagined she could be scared of me, which made me smile with both hands on my waist, looking big and cool. "were you following me?" she asked in a somewhat confused manner. "i hate what you did to me at your house and i so much resent what you did on sunday by calling my girlfriend" i said calmly, "and what do you intend to do?" she asked suspiciously. "nothing" i answered, confusing her a great deal, with my calm pose and behaviour. "i came to apologize and set things straight on saturday, but you showed me how bad you are. So now how do you think i can continue loving a woman who almost killed me?" i asked, while she blushed in regret. "i never took five hundred thousand Naira from you, but i will send you the money before christmas, just like you demanded. Please just leave my girl out, she will even help by contributing half the sum. So you see nothing will break us up" i boasted seriously, turning to leave, but just as i expected, she quickly grabbed my hand. "i was decieved by a friend. Elinor arranged the whole show. You know i can't afford harming you?" she begged like a child. Her revelation destablized my whole being. I was shocked beyond imagination, but still a bit suspicious. She really wasn't only smart but cunning. "I just don't know" i murmured and backed her, pretending to be confused. She came closer and held me from behind. "please my dearest, i really can't stand losing you" she begged, while i breathed deeply. "i'm heading back to the east to recover from the trauma, you will have your reply by saturday" i promised, "but just know that i will never step foot into your house again. If ever we are getting back, we will be meeting somewhere else" i said with a deceptive smile, my back still on her. "no problem" she accepted without hesistation. I turned, gave her a last look before disappearing. one week was the perfect time needed to finalize my plans and draw everything to a super conclusion. 'She used a horsewhip on me, i will use an iron rod on her'. To be continued.
25 Feb 2014 | 00:16
*continues* 7:45pm, Adaora's house "you know i can handle that obnoxious lady, if you let me" Adaora said as we enjoyed a quiet dinner. I scoffed and stared at her. "i have my contacts, moreover my mum is avilable to help with the right connections" she continued quietly, "hmmm please don't think of it, besides Tessy is equally highly connected, going by the way i feel you plan handling her. I fear the whole thing will be blown out of proportion and the press will fight each other with the resultant news" i mumured, while she shrugged, facing her meal. "na you sabi. I rest my help" she breathed. Early the next morning, she went to a lab. For a pregnancy test before heading to her PPA. She however returned two hours later with a bright face. "i'm not pregnant, now i can face other fears squarely" she joked. I spent Monday night, thinking and orchestrating the first stage of my plans against Tessy. By Tuesday morning, i had it mapped out and ready to execute. It was equally the day i planned travelling back to the east{1mo}. I spent an hour with Adaora in her room, apologizing all over again, and making promises which could have moved any girl but her. "you already know that i love you. I have nothing else to say" was all she could say to me. She never sounded harsh nor affectionate. Her heart really was one that has bled a thousand times over. I was near tears as we managed to hug before i left the house, heading straight to Tessy's office. I saw Tessy walking into her shop as i dropped from the Taxi. I smiled evily, closed my eyes with the new sunglass i bought minutes earlier and went after her. She was extremely surprised to see me at her office. The surprise and slight shock on her face suggested she was kind of scared. I never for a minute imagined she could be scared of me, which made me smile with both hands on my waist, looking big and cool. "were you following me?" she asked in a somewhat confused manner. "i hate what you did to me at your house and i so much resent what you did on sunday by calling my girlfriend" i said calmly, "and what do you intend to do?" she asked suspiciously. "nothing" i answered, confusing her a great deal, with my calm pose and behaviour. "i came to apologize and set things straight on saturday, but you showed me how bad you are. So now how do you think i can continue loving a woman who almost killed me?" i asked, while she blushed in regret. "i never took five hundred thousand Naira from you, but i will send you the money before christmas, just like you demanded. Please just leave my girl out, she will even help by contributing half the sum. So you see nothing will break us up" i boasted seriously, turning to leave, but just as i expected, she quickly grabbed my hand. "i was decieved by a friend. Elinor arranged the whole show. You know i can't afford harming you?" she begged like a child. Her revelation destablized my whole being. I was shocked beyond imagination, but still a bit suspicious. She really wasn't only smart but cunning. "I just don't know" i murmured and backed her, pretending to be confused. She came closer and held me from behind. "please my dearest, i really can't stand losing you" she begged, while i breathed deeply. "i'm heading back to the east to recover from the trauma, you will have your reply by saturday" i promised, "but just know that i will never step foot into your house again. If ever we are getting back, we will be meeting somewhere else" i said with a deceptive smile, my back still on her. "no problem" she accepted without hesistation. I turned, gave her a last look before disappearing. one week was the perfect time needed to finalize my plans and draw everything to a super conclusion. 'She used a horsewhip on me, i will use an iron rod on her'. To be continued.
25 Feb 2014 | 00:17
*continues* For days, i busied myself planning my vengeance. I rehearsed and polished every bit of it, until it became part of me. There really wasn't any room for mistakes this time around nor last minute emotional breakdown, thus my heavy rehearsals. By friday evening, all was set and ready. My speech, the character to play, and the end result were all in my head. I planned executing everything alone without outside help. The vengeance i planned was very deadly and career breaking, but not violent. I hated a violent revenge, because of its threat to human life. Something i couldn't risk doing again. Throughout saturday, i eagerly waited for Tessy's phone call which never came, however early sunday morning, she called to know my mind. "seriously what did you really expect me to say?, the wound you inflicted on me is yet to heal" i said to her, sounding a bit broken and sad, after she asked of my well being. "i'm really sorry, i will compensate you handsomely, just give me the chance please" she begged. I breathed deeply and keep quiet for a while. "you have to prove your seriousness" i murmured, "how do i do that?" she asked curiously, "prove you love me by coming over to Owerri for my sake" i said softly, my heart furiously pounding with hope. She kept quiet for a while, i could hear her deep breathe through the phone. "but you know i'm a business woman. I can't just leave my business chasing over a boy, simply for few hours of fun" she slowly answered, killing my spirit. "alright you have denied me the only one thing i asked for. I have nothing else to say" i sounded as if i wanted to end the call. "but why do you want me to visit Owerri of all towns?, what kind of fun is in there?. The town is all hotels and clubs" she said desperately, "it's my town, i can get a rich hotel we could use as our love nest. We know how to make each other happy? Isn't it so?" i asked, while she kept quiet, taking some time to think. "alright i will take a plane down to Owerri next saturday. Don't bother about the hotel, I will arrange for it myself. Just keep yourself healthy for me. Remember my advice, 'try taking as much fruits as possible, they are more nutritious than you can imagine" she said, laughed and hung up, while i smiled evily. My pound of flesh was so close at hand, my knife ready to take a slice. ***** I travelled down to Enugu{home}, after the phone call with Tessy. Spent the rest of the day with my family, before heading back to Imo state the next day with one of my dad's cars {actually the same car i used some weeks back}. Mum never gave any form of resistance as i took the car because she believed i had changed. ______ I got to my lodge at a quarter past three in the afternoon. Hearing strange noises coming out from my neighbour's room, I quickly rushed to the room and banged on the door without wasting time. The noise instantly died down, which made me more suspicious. Had it been some other place that the noise was coming from, perhaps i wouldn't have been bothered, but it really was coming from Jenny's room. A girl who has been so close and nice to me. A girl who sometimes understood and reasoned with me. I definetly was sure i heard at least a male voice from the room which equally made me very suspicious, because as a female corper she entertained just few male visitors, who were mostly her students. The compound equally was very deserted and quiet. A very good time for criminal minded people. I banged on the door again and again, determined to pull it down. Suddenly, the door slightly opened, revealing a masked face and a gloved hand stretched out from the room, pointing a short local gun at me with the intention of drawing me into the room without any form of resistance, but unfortunately due to fear, i quickly attempted to shut the door in order to disappear. But on doing so, i forgot that the gloved hand was just inbetween the door and lock, thus making my attempt a futile one. Instead of closing, the door banged on the gloved hand, making the owner shout out in pain, the gun falling lazily at the same time towards me. I drew back and seized it out of fear than bravely, before he could reach for it...... Thus I found myself holding a gun i couldn't shoot. The disarmed bandit staring down at me. How many of them were inside the room??, i equally couldn't tell... To be continued.
26 Feb 2014 | 04:06
Nah action film be this o
26 Feb 2014 | 07:52
*continues* Suddenly the disarmed bandit came upon me as if he knew i wouldn't dare shoot, which gave me a reason to think that perhaps the gun wasn't functional or had no bullet in it. He leapt at me with great force which sent both of us flying over the pavement in front of Jenny's room. I crash landed on the hard soil, some part of my right elbow peeling off in the process and putting me through great pain. Thus i found myself pinned on the floor by a not too courageous bandit, who snatched the seized gun from my wounded hand without much struggle and ran after his colleagues who were already escaping through the route they came from. I heaved a sigh of relief, lazily got up and dusted myself, while Jenny ran out from her room, hugging me happily. "you are my hero, you saved me from being raped" she happily said as if i did anything extra ordinary. "what of your roomate?" i curiously asked while she sighed, "please don't ask me about that girl" she replied sadly. She couldn't sleep in her room that night, despite all the assurances the landlady and i gave her. She insisted on sleeping in my room and very early the next day left town without taking permission from anyone. "my life is more important than Nysc, i will return when i feel like" were the last words she said to me before leaving that fateful day. _____ I spent two serious days at my PPA before heading to my new apartment in Owerri. Finally furnishing it with few properties i managed to buy, and making the place look habitable. Apart from that, my days really were a bit boring until Tessy called me on saturday evening, telling me that she was in town. "you can now come over at Links Hotel" she said with her sweet but authoritative voice. I really was a bit surprised but happy, because i almost had given up that she was honouring her promise that day, after seeing the clock struck 5pm without hearing from her. I felt all my plans had failed, my hopes dashing. I could have called to know her whereabout but decided not to, that resulted into the surprise and happiness i felt when she called me by 6:15pm. I hastily prepared and headed to the hotel, smiling as drove, wondering what prompted her into picking and getting to the hotel herself. "Perhaps she's scared of me, perhaps she's still doubtful of my motive in inviting her over". I grinned, shook my head and laughed out. "oh Tessy, always calculative, but flexible" Approching the beautiful hotel complex, i slowed down, greeted the security and was directed to a nice parking space. Locating Tessy wasn't hard at all. I easily spotted her enjoying a nice meal as soon as i walked into the plush hotel. She smiled on seeing me, while i calmly walked over and gave her a warm peck. My game was all set and ready to execute. What really was my plan?? Hmmm To be continued. Sorry for the late update. Been busy all day.
27 Feb 2014 | 13:13
*continues* Suddenly the disarmed bandit came upon me as if he knew i wouldn't dare shoot, which gave me a reason to think that perhaps the gun wasn't functional or had no bullet in it. He leapt at me with great force which sent both of us flying over the pavement in front of Jenny's room. I crash landed on the hard soil, some part of my right elbow peeling off in the process and putting me through great pain. Thus i found myself pinned on the floor by a not too courageous bandit, who snatched the seized gun from my wounded hand without much struggle and ran after his colleagues who were already escaping through the route they came from. I heaved a sigh of relief, lazily got up and dusted myself, while Jenny ran out from her room, hugging me happily. "you are my hero, you saved me from being raped" she happily said as if i did anything extra ordinary. "what of your roomate?" i curiously asked while she sighed, "please don't ask me about that girl" she replied sadly. She couldn't sleep in her room that night, despite all the assurances the landlady and i gave her. She insisted on sleeping in my room and very early the next day left town without taking permission from anyone. "my life is more important than Nysc, i will return when i feel like" were the last words she said to me before leaving that fateful day. _____ I spent two serious days at my PPA before heading to my new apartment in Owerri. Finally furnishing it with few properties i managed to buy, and making the place look habitable. Apart from that, my days really were a bit boring until Tessy called me on saturday evening, telling me that she was in town. "you can now come over at Links Hotel" she said with her sweet but authoritative voice. I really was a bit surprised but happy, because i almost had given up that she was honouring her promise that day, after seeing the clock struck 5pm without hearing from her. I felt all my plans had failed, my hopes dashing. I could have called to know her whereabout but decided not to, that resulted into the surprise and happiness i felt when she called me by 6:15pm. I hastily prepared and headed to the hotel, smiling as drove, wondering what prompted her into picking and getting to the hotel herself. "Perhaps she's scared of me, perhaps she's still doubtful of my motive in inviting her over". I grinned, shook my head and laughed out. "oh Tessy, always calculative, but flexible" Approching the beautiful hotel complex, i slowed down, greeted the security and was directed to a nice parking space. Locating Tessy wasn't hard at all. I easily spotted her enjoying a nice meal as soon as i walked into the plush hotel. She smiled on seeing me, while i calmly walked over and gave her a warm peck. My game was all set and ready to execute. What really was my plan?? Hmmm To be continued. Sorry for the late update. Been busy all day.
27 Feb 2014 | 13:14
*continues* "so how was your trip?" i asked politely, my eyes sparkling innocenly. She shrugged and smiled, breathing deeply. "oh wonderful, just so tired" she replied quietly as i sat opposite to her. My heart furiously pounding. __ She refused going out for a little sight seeing with me that evening, stressing that she was too tired to leave the hotel. But deep down i felt she just wasn't too comfortable with me, I felt she was damn too scared of so many things best known to her. However we headed to the hotel room she got for herself an hour later, while my mind kept rehearsing and playing back all i intended doing. I was very determined to carry them all out. We took a hot bath together, before settling down for the first round of super hot sex. "i hope our quarrels are now a thing of the past?. I hope your mind is clean towards me?" she suddenly asked as i tried to grab her right bosom. Stopping me with her words, while i hid my true feelings as her eyes scanned me all over. "we are here together and that's all that matters" i replied slowly, kissing her softly. She breathed deeply as she felt my lips, falling back on the bed to enjoy the night of passion ahead. Grabbing her two rich bosoms, i sucked, fondled and played with them to my satisfaction, before settling down to the great task of ravaging her body with all my strength. All these i did without any iota of feelings. I made love to her with a very cold heart, and i really couldn't tell of enjoying the whole show because of the plans that weighed down my heart. After the third round, we showered again before returning to the bed. I grabbed her sweetly, in order to continue all over again, but she begged me to stop. "gosh what did you take before coming here?. Please i'm tired ooo, i can't take another round again" she said, stopping me from holding her. I smiled and kissed her. "dear i do understand. I know the flight plus other things must have stressed you up. Let's just hold each other and sleep unclad" i suggested harmlessly. "c'mon ain't you feeling the cold?" she asked. I breathed deeply, turned off the a/c before joining her on the bed. "let's try it out. But if the cold persists, we will put on our clothes" i proposed innocently. She shrugged and fell back on the bed without any other word. I smiled, laid beside her with my hands around her. Soon she was fast asleep. After about an hour later, when she was already deeply asleep, i pulled away from her, grabbed my phones and took pictures of her unclad body without any fear. I took a whole lot of pictures, making sure that her privates and face were well exposed. I forwarded all to my mail, before picking up her phones to check if my harmless half clad pictures were in there. Keying in her very popular password *orange* i gained access to the phones without much stress. After minutes of searching, i saw what i was looking for. The pictures were just three in number and the one she sent Adaora was the most provoking of the three. I smiled, deleted and replaced them with three of her unclad pictures. After making sure everything was in place. I woke her up, taking more snapshots as she lazily opened her eyes to reality. To be continued. NEXT>> LOVE& SORROW
1 Mar 2014 | 04:48
Heart attack! Lolz, no be small thin o
2 Mar 2014 | 05:04
*continues* "what are you doing?" she asked with disbelief. Her face colouring with shock as she scrambled to cover her unclad body. "just taking pictures" i answered lightly, smiling as i took more snapshots of her halfclad body. "for God's sake, what has gotten over you? What are you trying to achieve with this nonsense" she asked, jumping out of the bed, as if there was a snake in it. "nothing my dear, i just felt like taking your n.aked pictures which i did. C'mon there is nothing bad in it. Check the ones i transferred to your samsong" i answered with an innocent look. She couldn't believe herself. Supposing she was a guy, she would have sprang on me, fighting to death just to snatch my phone. But unfortunately she was nothing but a lady, and had no choice than to wait for a wrong move from me. Profusely sweating, she grabbed her samsong phone with shaking hands, her lips quivering as she searched for the pictures i sent to her phone. "dear lord it's more terrible than i imagined" She cried. "now tell me, what is it that you want?, what are you trying to do to me?, i thought we are cool with each other?" she asked, trying so hard to control her emotions. I drew close to her, she quickly pushed me away. "what else will i want than to have these lovely pictures in my phone. It excites me alot, c'mon baby lovers share unclad pictures every now and then" i replied with a sweet laugher, as if it was all a mere joke, which further infuriated her. She bit her lips and stamped her right foot angrily on the floor. "i demand you delete all the pictures you have taken" she ordered, while i laughed out loud. "i'm sorry but i can't my love" i murmured with laughter, "you are insane, you are mad" she cursed angrily, "oh yes dear, i'm insanely in love with these pictures" i answered, sending her nerves flying high with my reply. Without another word, she stepped forward and slapped me very hard. Such a terrible Slap it was, that i was stunned for fifty seconds. "i know what you are trying to do, and i dare you to try release those pictures to the public. I will come down hard on you and i won't mind dying over it. I warn you, don't ever try playing with my reputation" she barked seriously, rushed to the toilet, where she spent some minutes before coming out to pack her things. I couldn't say a word for some minutes. I had expected her to beg, or negotiate her way out of the whole mess. I never bargained on recieving such shocking atitude from her. She really was an iron lady to the core. She quietly left the hotel room after packing her bag, saying nothing to me, and thus leaving me all alone even though sunrise was still hours away. I smiled to myself, fell back on the bed and breathed deeply. I really had no plans circulating her pictures, all i wanted to achieve was to make her scared, confused and afraid of me. I knew with what i did she would never dream of having anything to do with me ever again. As i left the hotel, hours later. I got a surprising phone call from Elinor. I answered, wondering the reason she could be calling so early, and equally where Tessy might be. I felt she was still within the vicinity. "val, val, val, you too much ooo, you no dey fear at all ooo. Tessy just told me everything. How do we see, i have a proposal you will like" she asked with a sweet decieving tone. I smiled to myself. Unknown to her, she was next in my list for her double dealings. This time around, i planned serving her a nice hot urine without hiding behind a mask like the previous ocassion. To be continued
3 Mar 2014 | 00:10
*continues* "i really can't wait to see those pictures, how do i get them?" she asked, while i scoffed. Knowing Elinor's dubious character, i knew she had something big already planned out. "i don't understand, please what are you trying to say?" i asked quietly, "oh please stop playing dumb. I want those pictures, how do i get them?, i'm willing to pay" she said seriously, pausing for my reply. "Tessy asked you to make this call?" i asked curiously, trying hard to figure out if she was playing with Tessy or against her. I already knew Elinor as someone who was good at cashing into any opportunity just to make few bucks and i wanted to be sure of the situation i was dealing with, even though I strongly felt she was planning something nasty for either me or for Tessy. "does it matter dear??, let's just cut the deal and that's all that matters" she intelligently replied. "but we need to have a face to face transaction" she added, making me draw back with suspicion. "fine, you can come over to Owerri, if you are really serious about having the pictures" i answered, while she kept quiet for a while, perhaps weighing her chances with me. I had no doubt about succeeding with my plans in dealing with her once she sets foot in the city of Owerri, but i equally knew i need to plan something big ahead, by drawing out a bigger and more ambitious plan or else i could lose out and end up being used. Moreover i knew she won't easily fall into my trap like Tessy if she was to come, and she equally would definetly have her own backup plans incase of any eventuality. "isn't it better you come to Abuja, i can foot the bills" she offered, "i can't" i answered a bit coldly. "fine, i'll be there in five days. Just wait for my call" she said and ended the phone call, while i breathed deeply, smiling to myself. However two hours later, as i was resting in my new apartment. I got another call from her, which kind of surprised me. "i think i have something more important to exchange for the pictures, and it concerns Tessy's health issue which i feel may be of utmost importance to you. Call me dear, it's something big" she announced, abruptly ending the call and leaving me a bit desperate. I felt she wanted to play a nasty trick on me, by trying to turn the table around, yet i found myself dialling her number. My curiousity very high. One thing was definetly for sure. Elinor was very eager to outsmart me, but the question therein is: DID SHE SUCCEED?? "hello Val, you did the right thing by calling, now listen to me" I heard Elinor say as she answered my call. To be continued.
4 Mar 2014 | 11:20
We are waiting tonic oooo
5 Mar 2014 | 17:09
*continues* "i truly believe you will find my information very helpful, but i just can't disclose it here on phone, moreover i just checked my activities for the week and there isn't any space for me to come over in five days. If you can have a change of heart, i promise to pay you handsomely when you get here, plus the health issue i intend revealing to you. Believe me, your life is at risk" she seriously said, while my heart skipped a beat, but on a serious thought, i found myself very doubtful of the genuineness of the information she claimed to bear, moreover Tessy and her children looked quite healthy to me, giving me the feeling that Elinor was simply trying to do what she was good at. Which was playing on my intelligence. "unfortunately, your information gives me no great concern. All that matters to me is the money you are willing the pay, moreover don't think Tessy havn't offered me anything yet for the pictures" i said calmly, while she kept quiet for some seconds. "you mean Tessy offered you money for the pictures?" she asked as if it was something so impossible. "yes, a huge amount precisely" i lied convincingly, which drew her into another deep silence, "and you believe she really will risk offering you such amount you claim, knowing fully well that you still have some copies of the pictures with you?" she intelligently asked. "dear it isn't your cross, so stop sniffing around please" i murmured with a deep breathe, "i pity you Val. You really don't know Tessy. She has friends scattered everywhere who are ready to do her bidding. Owerri is too small a town to hide, but i believe she won't just come after you, but will first destroy what you value the most before coming to you. I'm leaking this information to you because i'm the only one that can help you, forget our past misunderstandings and be wise. Having unclad pictures of a big society lady will bring more harm than good to you. Moreover what do you intend doing with the pictures?" she curiously asked, "what i intend doing, is my business so don't worry" i replied coldly, even though i was a bit frightened and shaken over all she said to me. "okay oo, don't complain when you see Lizards at your door-step when you have ant infested wood in there" she concluded and ended the call while i thought over all she said to me. I felt she was a bit right over some points. I believed Tessy wouldn't just sit, fold her hands and wait for me to play around with her pictures. I had the feeling she was cooking something for me, though i couldn't pinpoint the exact thing she could do, but then i equally refused to rule out the possibility of Elinor setting up a hit for me and making it look as if it was from Tessy, just to get my confidence and have the pictures. I thought i was done with Abuja ladies, but instead i found myself getting more buried in the mud. Things were far from being over. To be continued.
6 Mar 2014 | 02:26
*continues* As the month of december slowly dragged by. I did my nysc monthly clearance and prepared to head home. I was yet to hear from Elinor nor Tessy and it seemed as if all the tension had died down and things were finally getting back to normal for me. But Precisely on the 9th of december 2012, i got a very terrifying phone call from Adaora. She sounded so nervous and frightened that i immediately knew something serious was up. "dear i don't understand, what's really happening?, what sort of strange business did you do?" she cried, confusing me profusely. "i don't understand" i murmured, my heart furiously pounding as my thoughts raced wildly. "some men who claim to be from the state security service were here this morning, demanding to know your whereabout plus the location of your village and residence in Enugu" she explained, while my heart froze. "i really had a hard time, convincing them that i have no knowledge of your village nor residence. They didn't believe me, but left after threatening me. They promised to be back in a short while. I'm all nervous down here, please what's happening?" she asked curiously, leaving me extremely stunned. I never expected such sudden move from Tessy and I equally was clueless on what to say to my girl. She truly was the only weak point i had, and my enemies very well knew they could get me through her. The last thing i wanted was allowing any harm come to my Adaora, but as long as she was in Abuja, she was the perfect target needed to send message across to me, which made my greatest wish to be on finding a way to get her out of the city since christmas was just few weeks away, but how to go about it was another ball game. Just like Elinor told me, Tessy was all out for a serious fight. ______ Later that same evening, i got a call from a strange number. On answering, i froze while my ear enlarged as the caller introduced himself. "good evening Mr Valentine, my name is Mr Tosin from the department of state security. I guess your girlfriend must have told you we checked her up. And i also guess you arn't surprised to be hearing from us. You know your crime don't you?" he asked, while i kept quiet, unable to make out any speech. "so how do we reach you in order to get your own side of the story?. Sending us your address will definetly be a wise gesture" he asked curiously. I swallowed hard, thinking fast as sweat drained my shirt. I had a strong believe that the SSS agent was fake, even though i had no prove whatsoever. "but what if i choose not to give out my address?" i heard myself ask, "then you are in for a whole lot of trouble. First your girlfriend will be detained and quizzed as an accomplice, then your sister and mum. We already have your data with us. It's just a matter of time before you find your sorry in jail. Call me back whenever you are ready to be reasonable" he said and hung up, leaving me extremely scared and lost. I felt he was fake yet i was scared. WHAT DO I DO?? To be continued.
7 Mar 2014 | 08:09
*continues* I laid awake all night, planning and thinking of my next line of action. I felt insecure and scared of my position. I never imagined Tessy would have the mind to carry out different kinds of assaults on me, just for the sake of mere pictures. It really was true she had a lot to lose if the pictures were to be made public, and it equally was very natural in trying to protect it from happening, but then i had expected her to be more reasonable. I had expected her to reach out to me for a lasting solution. I only had the pictures as a form of leverage against her advances and tricks, but it seemed as if i miscalculated by having the pictures. My reputation was now at sake, my love life highly at risk and my life in great danger. All these thoughts kept me awake all night and the next day i headed to my home town in order to inspect the family property against the upcoming christmas as was the tradition in our family. Stopping at a gas station slightly opposite Capitol hotel, infront of the Military check point at Orji Owerri. I noticed a black honda civic car, pull up within a very close range. I immediately felt uncomfortable on noticing it, but never made it look obvious. Instead i filled my tank and drove homewards, throwing occassional glances at my rear mirror as the car dutifully followed me. There wasn't any doubt in my mind that i was being followed. If not for my restiveness and high state of alertness due to my pressing problems, perhaps i wouldn't have even noticed the car in the first place. On getting to Ata junction {about twenty five miles from Owerri, Imo state capital and about fifteen miles to my destination}. I quickly took a right turn away from the highway and into the hinterland, heading towards Ama-Imo, taking the route with the sole aim of losing the civic car inside one of the numerous villages. But alas i miscalculated by taking such route, because it gave my pursuer the opportunity to increase his speed and gain up on me, which sent my nerves flying high. Still increasing his speed, the driver overtook me, taking a sharp stunt to double-cross me. I was so dead. To be continued. HAPPY WEEKEND
8 Mar 2014 | 10:42
*continues* Unfortunately he miscalulated the power of my driving skills. Hitting the brakes, i wheeled left, slightly avoiding running into his car. Stepping on the accelerator, i fired on while he hotly pursued. This time flashing his head lamps as he gave me a hot chase. My hands furiously shook as i raced on, murmuring quick prayers as my eyes keenly searched around for a new route. I truly wasn't familiar with the road setup, even though i knew the town it led to. My pursuer soon gained on me once again, jumping pot-holes as if he was driving a hummer. The eagerness of his pursuit alarmed me tremendously, and i couldn't help but imagine what was their plan.{I felt the car had more than one occupant, though i was unable to see even the driver. The car had a tinted glass} Finally i saw a way out as i was about giving up hope. My eyes glittered with joy as i quickly made a last minute calculation, throwing a quick glance at the other car which was almost overtaking me once again. Slamming on the brake, i swerved right, narrowly missing the thick bush {surrounding the road} as i avoided a very big pothole capable of turning over a car on high speed, but as i expected, the other car wasn't so lucky as the driver who was so eager to get me failed to see the big pot-hole on time, thus forcing him to slam on his brakes belatedly which then sent his car flying into the bush. Grabbing the opportunity, i reversed and raced to my village. It really was a narrow escape and i never had driven with such nervousness in all my life. It truly was a near death experience which left me with no option than to find a way to make peace with Tessy, even if it meant trampling on my pride. I was no match to her and only a fool confronts a spirit without having adequate protection. "I have gambled alot with my destiny, it's now time to call for a truce" i deeply reasoned. But unfortunately, Tessy refused to listen to my offer when i called her later at night. "you can come over to Abuja let's discuss or forget about any deal. You have shown me your true colour and i'm now ready to show mine" she said to me, creating more fear into my heart. I couldn't imagine my fate if i was to honour her invitation by setting foot in Abuja. I felt she was very set to frustrate and wipe me out of existence. To be continued.
9 Mar 2014 | 09:30
Nah wa o!
9 Mar 2014 | 10:30
hmmmmmm..James Bond!!
9 Mar 2014 | 14:27
Nice one there.
9 Mar 2014 | 14:52
*continues* Surprisingly Tessy called me the next morning as i was having breakfast. I answered her call with expectation. "how was your night?" she asked calmly, "cool" i answered, hiding my feelings. "It gives me no joy that we are after each other's throat, but you are to be blamed for everything happening between us. Last night I was unable to sleep because i couldn't get my mind off you. But don't blame me for my actions. I have every right to do whatever it takes to safeguard my dignity. You killed and betrayed the love, respect and trust i had for you with your obnoxious atitude. Now what i have left is serious hate. It's so strong that i can do anything to you without any atom of compassion. The love i had for you have been replaced by hate and disgust. But i still have the mind to be reasonable, unlike you"She poured out solemnly, getting me more confused and anxious. "it's a pity things ended this way between us. But please let's leave everything till New year. I can't afford travelling to Abuja this December, please" i passionately begged. "you need more time, in order to wrap up the plans you have for me abi?" she asked after few seconds of silence. "no, not at all. Seriously i only took your pictures in order to threaten and stop you from pestering my life and that of my girl. I never planned damaging your reputation with the pictures" i confessed, my heart furiously pounding. "i don't believe you. Anyway i will give you the time you asked for. January it is. Remember nobody plays with me" she said slowly and hung up, relieving my tension with her last statement. I had till January to figure out a way, which could be, laying down arms and surrendering to her. I was tired of fighting. I equally was no match to her. However, by 4:45pm that same evening, i got another unusual call from Adaora. "they are here again oo. The SSS guys are right here and i just don't know what to tell them anymore, since you refused revealing anything to me" she cried, "just give one of them the phone, please dearest" i pleaded, unable to believe my ears, because Tessy already had promised to let me be till January, which left me to wonder whom the sss guys were working for. "are they working for tessy or for Elinor", i wondered, "or is Tessy yet to inform them of our agreement?" I reasoned as Adaora handed over her phone to one of them. To be continued.
11 Mar 2014 | 03:28
*continues* "hey young man stop being foolish. If you want to talk to us, you know the person to call" an agent barked, and ended the call without even giving me the chance to talk. I immediately dialled mr Tosin's phone number without thinking twice. "hello mr Valentine, are you now in Abuja?" he quickly asked as if i promised him i was coming. "no sir but i called for another reason" i replied, trying to explain my motive of calling, but he gave me no chance. Interrupting me, he barked. "you have to be here in Abuja before i listen to you. Your girl is going with us till you show up to bail her" he rasped, sending my nerves flying with his outburst. I quickly tried a new approach. Clearing my throat, i barked. "you guys really don't know whose daughter you are playing with. Just get ready for the consequencies. I have nothing else to say" i shouted defiantly. "have you finished?, call me when you get to town" he said calmly after listening to my outburst, before ending the call. I fell back, totally lost and confused. I couldn't imagine what Adaora was already going through in their hands. I quickly called Tessy, but she refused to answer my calls which then left me cursing as tears fell from my eyes. I felt Tessy had stabbed me once again after cleaning my wounds. An hour later, Adaora called me, her voice sounding like someone in tears. "baby i don't know where i'm ooo. I have been locked up in an isolated compound. Try do something, i have been kidnapped" she cried. "calm down my love, you havn't been kidnapped. If you were, you won't have access to your phone" i reassured her, even though i felt empty inside. "i know what i'm saying, they just gave me an opportunity to call you for the last time. Is this really happening?, what have you done?. I have been kidnapped" she cried, while the 'call ending' beep tone, beeped on my ear. I felt like crying, I felt bad, very bad, moreover i knew the consequencies if the news should get to her mother or mine, which i feared was now inevitable. I had no choice than to prepare myself for another trip to Abuja. A trip i was so scared of undertaking because i feared i might end up not returning with my complete body, if ever i was lucky enough to return. Adaora's last words, "i have been Kidnapped" kept ringing in my head, as i prayed passionately.. But before finally making up my mind for the trip ahead. I made one last phone call. To be continued.
12 Mar 2014 | 02:09
Sorry dear friends, i ran into a little trouble but i'm now back and good to continue.
15 Mar 2014 | 11:09
*continues* "are your guys available?" i asked a very surprised Obinna. "of course they always are" he replied slowly, expecting me to be more open, which i really wasn't ready to, because i truly had nothing figured out yet, even though i was very certain his boys were going to be helpful in days to come. "i will be in town, before 6pm tomorrow. I will call you when i arrive" i concluded and ended the phone call, while my heart continued to pound loudly, shaking my entire body system as if i was under a serious spiritual attack. Supposing i knew of any soothsayer, seriously with my condition i would have searched him out to read my future. I couldn't help but wonder how Adaora's feelings towards me would be. I had brought nothing but pain, anguish and troubles to her. "If by chance our relationships survives after this mess, then nothing will ever break it" i reasoned, shaking my head profusely, as i glanced at my watch, contemplating on whether to take the risky night bus orWait till the next day for my journey. Oh my spirit was extremely restless that fateful day. Precisely by 5:15pm, my phone rang, bringing me back to reality. Taking a look at my phone, i saw that It was Tessy who was calling, which made me to sigh before answering the call. "hi Val i missed your calls earlier in the day. I actually was in a meeting when you called. What's up?" she asked as if she wasn't aware of the latest development, which kind of sent some doubts into my mind. "Is she really trying to play with my intelligence?" i wondered. "your SSS guys took my girl to an unknown location hours ago. I thought you promised to give me time. Didn't you agree to lay low till January?" i asked with all my heart. "SSS what?, Really??" she asked like a confused student, while i managed to explain the whole story to her. "don't worry your girl will be returned. I guess there was a mistake, which i will reactify as soon as possible" She assured me, calming down my spirit with her words. But then the way she sounded made me realise that perhaps she wasn't the only one calling the shots, even though she might be aware of the third party involved in our affair. It really made the whole issue look a bit more complicated. However by 8:30pm that fateful evening, Adaora called to tell me that she was at her house, relaxing my nervous spirit with the great news, but what was to come after was a very heavy blow even though it never came as a surprise to me. "Our relationship is over. Don't ever come near me nor my family ever again. You criminal" she ended up shouting at me. It pained me alot to hear her call me a criminal. It really was so painful that tears fell freely from my eyes. I tried making some explanations but she refused to listen. I couldn't imagine what they must have told her. The next evening, i heard from my mother that Adaora was back in Enugu, with almost all her properties. My actions had made her run from abuja. To be continued.if1
16 Mar 2014 | 00:47
Thanks alot for your continued support and encouragement, even though i have been very dull {with the updates} lately. The truth is that I really have been very busy with lots of activities which i will post in subsequent episodes. However I promise to sit up. Thanks once again for your support which has truly earned me lots of Promotional, advert and scriptwriting deals. I will start a reward promo very soon to show how deeply i appreciate you guys. LOVE & SORROW will be ending by friday while UNBRIDLED PASSION will take over..... HAPPY SUNDAY....
16 Mar 2014 | 07:48
*continues* Very early the next morning, i headed back to Enugu. My thoughts kept me company as i tried hard to figure out a good explanation to give Adaora. Telling her the whole truth would have been more preferable, but i had no courage for it. I knew i messed up in a whole lot of ways, but fixing my relationship was my top priority, instead of blaming myself over past mistakes. Deep down i feared my relationship with Adaora had finally come to an end. "Sometimes a well wrapped lie is hundred times better than a painful truth". Telling her the whole truth really will be like trying to quench petrol fire with a bucket of water. "Telling her the truth only will add more flame into the fire in her heart". I reasoned unhappily. Mum was so surprised to see me at home so early in the morning, because I arrived at exactly 7:50am. She couldn't keep herself from asking if all was alright, while i managed to wrap my tension with a smile, equally asking of Adaora the same time. "she's at her house" mum answered with a question-like look, forcing me to look away without any explanation. I knew she had lots of questions in her mind, but i was glad she didn't ask any, giving me the opportunity to calm down and head out in search of my love. Getting to Adaora's house, i anxiously waited for her in the sitting room for almost an hour, but she refused to show up, leaving me with no choice than to force my way into her room. She was lying lazily on her bed when i walked in, but immediately she saw me, she sprang up and charged at me. "get out" she screamed, slapping me hard on the right cheek which left me very stunned. "get out" she screamed again, pushing me back roughly while tears fell freely from her eyes. "it's over between us, i will be coming to your house this evening to tell mummy all i just discovered. You are a beast" she cried, hitting my chest as if it was a band. I couldn't find my voice, i was totally disorganised. "what did she discover, what did they do to her, what did they tell her?" i wondered helplessly. I couldn't imagine what she was planning to tell my dear mother, and i felt Whatever it was, It definetly was going to be deadly. I knew my poor mum won't be able to bear it, leaving me with no choice than to find a way to calm down my frightened girl and get her to talk, even though i knew it was almost an impossible task judging by her behaviour. To be continued
16 Mar 2014 | 13:00
*continues* I knelt, i cried, i pleaded desperately for her to calm down. Bringing down my pride to the lowest and placing it at her feet. But it never moved her, instead she trampled upon all i laid at her feet, the way i have been trampling on her feelings. "you are despicable, you are a liar, i can't listen to you anymore. I can't listen to your lies anymore. You don't love me, no you don't" she weeped seriously, smashing my heart with the torrent of words she poured on me. Oh i was desperate, i was extremely lost, i was going slowly insane with her outburst. My heart kept pumping loudly, while i shook nervously. "ADAORA" i whispered her name pleadingly as if was saying the Lord's prayer. "hear me out, i beg of you" i begged with desperation, but it only earned me a super kick at the ribs, which sent me back on my feet immediately. "I should have listened to my head and not my heart. You are way too immature for me". She cried, sending me into another panic attack with her hurtful words. "please just leave me in peace, your presence is simply hurting me more. We will talk at your house. Go now" she seriously commanded, while i backed away pleading with my eyes. I left her house without achieving anything, i feared more terrible drama was lying in wait for me. I couldn't imagine how the day would end, what Adaora was planning and the outcome of everything. I simply was hopeless and lost. As an after-thought, i called Frank and opened up my heart to him. Carefully hiding some terrible facts as i narrated my story. "i can't believe all these happened to you. Mehn you are living a very eventful life" he joked when i finished. Annoying me with his comment. "guy please i'm short of time. I called because i know you are the devil's brother please be serious" i begged with a humourous tone. "yes my boy you are right. But you made some mistakes, anyway here is my advice" he said lightly, clearing his throat for the words ahead, while i eagerly listened. "in terribly situations, you sometimes do nothing and wait for things to settle down. I advice you to sit down, wait and do nothing. What happened, has happened, you can only change direction when the tide is over, else you sink" he advised, leaving me utterly stunned. "what you mean i should do nothing?, she's coming to the house to talk with my mum" i screamed when i found my voice. "yes simply do nothing, or do you plan killing her?" he asked, while i kept quiet. "do nothing my guy, Adaora isn't stupid to wreck your mother's heart, dosen't she know her health status?. My friend Learn to control situations and don't give situations the chance to control you" he concluded and hung up, while I deeply thought over his words which really made small sense. Having no other plan in mind, i carried out Frank's advice and waited nervously. Unfortunately Adaora kept her promise and showed up with her mum hours later. I was extremely overwhelmed seeing them and I couldn't imagine what was to come next. I needed no asking if i looked okay that fateful moment. To be continued.
17 Mar 2014 | 22:03
See gbobe!
18 Mar 2014 | 07:36
*continues* "our girl and her mother are ready for dinner, so kindly get up and join us in the dinning room" mum said to me minutes later, when she came into my room to check up on me. I couldn't say anything to her because i simply wasn't myself. The cold way Adaora answered my greeting when i welcomed she and her mother moments ago flashed back in my mind. The cold look she gave me really unsettled and tore my damaged heart into shreds. I was so nervous as i welcomed them that her mother had to ask if i was fine. "yes ma, i'm fine, it's just stress. I came home just hours ago" i had explained, while Adaora smiled scornfully, saying nothing. I couldn't imagine what was to come during dinner. I feared the time bomb Adaora had with her was set to explode there. But what can i do than to wait?. I quietly got up and moved to the dinning room. Adaora, her mother and my mum were already seated when i got there. Mum's angry stare quickly made me apologize to everyone with my eyes, before quietly sitting beside Adaora's mum. A woman who barely noticed me, not minding how long she has known me. However that was just her character, she was good at carrying herself with an air of superiority, and always behaving as if she was better and richer than everyone. Yes she carried herself so high, as proud as a peacock, though deep down she possessed a good heart. Adaora unfortunately inherited almost all her traits, even though she barely displayed them publicly. Luckily for me, nothing bad happened during dinner and Adaora never uttered a word concerning our affair, but yet i was still uncomfortable because i feared she was purposely holding me at suspence. Adaora's mother however announced during the meal that she was travelling out to be with her husband for Christmas, and as usual will be leaving Adaora to be with us since she has chosen not to travel till the end of her Nysc. I truly was relieved and happy hearing the wonderful news but deep down i still felt uncomfortable, which made me to drive over to see Adaora the next day, praying for her to grant me audience. She did grant me the audience i desperately wanted, and for the first time appeared relaxed and calm, which lightened up my spirit. "now listen to me Val, i have a wonderful proposal to make" she said as soon as i settled down, hiding her feelings with a calm smile. "yesterday i stopped myself from telling your mother everything because of my mother's presence. But now you have to choose between me telling your family all i witnessed and heard, or letting me be for the rest of my life" she said quietly, confusing me with her words. "i don't understand" i murmured with confusion, drawing closer to her. "Val i no longer love you and if you still insist on having me as your girlfriend, pestering my life everyday, i won't have any choice than to tell all i know to your mother, but if you promise never to bother me again, i will keep my lips sealed forever. Nobody will know about your dirty secret" she said seriously, leaving me gasping for breathe. I couldn't believe my ears. I so desperately wanted her to be by my side, yet i also couldn't risk her revealing anything to my mother. I was totally torn and indecisive. "what do i do now?" i wondered as she curiously waited for my answer. To be continued.
19 Mar 2014 | 02:20
*continues* "you have lots of time to think about it. I'm not in a hurry to have your answer" she said quietly, after noticing how difficult her proposal was to me. I breathed deeply and stood up, totally shaken. My face deeply coloured. "alright it's fine by me, i guess i have to go home and think over it" i murmured painfully. "think well dear" she said with a soft smile, while i took my leave without another word. I thought about her proposal all night, but was unable to come up with anything. I couldn't afford losing her, i equally couldn't afford giving her the opportunity to spoil my name before my mother. Deep down, i desperately wanted to know all she learnt when being held captive some days back. Because of my problems with Adaora, i forgot and kept my problems with Tessy aside, not minding that days were slowly speeding by. January was just but few weeks away. I failed to notice that time wasn't on my side. I failed to realise the dangers up ahead were greater than the ones present. Adaora soon moved in to live with us as Christmas drew close. On 23rd december 2012, we all travelled to my hometown to celebrate the yuletide. Nobody really noticed the cold way Adaora treated me. Even when we spent some unavoidable moments together, we only exchanged nothing but few words. She never reminded me of the proposal and i never gave her any answer. We simply behaved politely to each other, even though it pained me alot, finding myself in such condition. Frank came home from Okitipupa town {his PPA} on 24th December, rushing Immediately to my family house as soon as he got home. I was totally happy to see him, and we wasted no time in discussing our problems. I however was the first to pour out my heart and fears. After listening, he shook his head and shrugged. "Let her be my friend. If Adaora is destined for you, then you have nothing to worry about because something will definetly bring you guys together, but if it dosen't happen then know she was never destined for you" he advised, while i swallowed hard. Yes i believed in destiny, i believed that God alone writes our destiny, but due to my current situation, i reasoned differently. I felt that somehow we do possess the ability to shape our destiny and push it to the desired direction. A sharp cry from my phone as it rang, broke the silence surrounding Frank and I. Glancing at the phone, i saw that it was Elinor calling. "happy xmas Val, i will be in Owerri tomorrow morning. How do we see for the pictures??" She asked, rattling me with her impromptu question, while Frank and i exchanged glances. I couldn't believe what i just heard. To be continued.
20 Mar 2014 | 09:37
But u heard well
21 Mar 2014 | 11:28
*continues* "i won't be free, i already have lots of engagements, moreover i think you should forget about the pictures" i answered calmly, she kept quiet for a while. "why are you sounding like this?" she slowly asked, making me smile. "we will talk later please" i murmured and ended the call, giving her no time to say anything else. Frank eyes were all on me. "i think you should be more than careful when dealing with this Elinor Lady. I can't just figure out her motive over the whole affair" he said to me, sounding very serious. I nodded and said nothing. Clearly the last thing on my mind was spoiling my christmas with something i knew would be very difficult to handle alone. I knew God chases away flies for a tailless cow and so i felt that by January a solution would find its way into my problems. Frank left minutes later, while my immediate younger sister came and dragged me to her room. I was very surprised to see Adaora there, and i couldn't help but smile hopefully because i felt that at last our problems were going to be mediated upon by no one else than my younger sister who had a good amount of influence over Adaora. ____ Adaora instantly coloured up as soon as she saw me, while my sister dutifully joined her on the bed. I sat on a chair and faced them, my heart pounding loudly. "i brought you guys here so that we can settle your disagreements. I'm glad you have carried your grievances maturedly without giving mum a reason to learn about it" my sister spoke calmly, but Adaora wasn't pleased with the speech. She quickly shook her head and eyed me. "if this meeting is simply to beg or make me to continue with Val, then i'm sorrow because it isn't going to happen. You can't imagine how many lies he told me, how many threats i got on his behalf, the pictures i saw, and the number of disgusting stories i heard about him. The ones i told you are simply the ones that hurt me the most, seriously i'm still having nightmares over the way i was kidnapped in broad daylight all because of him" She poured out hotly while i looked down in shame. I couldn't believe she told my sister almost everything. I felt i had lost my place before my young sister. I was supposed to be the role model, the pace setter, the father of the family. "How digusting" i breathed shamefully. "bros my ears were filled when Adaora poured out the mystery surrounding her unhappiness. I simply was dumbstruck. Jeez brother, what is happening??, anyway show us Tessy's pictures you took, we want to see them to be sure" she said with a commanding tone, while i drew back with surprise. I couldn't believe they knew about the pictures. "damn how did they know?, didn't Tessy pretend and behave as if she knew nothing about the kidnap?, who fed Adaora all these information?" i wondered as i opened my phone picture gallery, handing over the device to the girls. "their eyes grew dim as they glanced at the pictures, blushing, and murmuring together. I looked away with disgust. To be continued shortly... NEXT>> LOVE & SORROW
22 Mar 2014 | 13:04
Hullo dearest Diary friends. Today we all will be heading over to our Vnovela section, where we will be wrapping up our Vnovela story "LOVE & SORROW".... Do have a wonderful sunday....
23 Mar 2014 | 08:51
*continues* Adaora soon shook her head, sighed and left the room without another word, while my sister shrugged before returning my phone. I couldn't even look her on the face. I was extremely ashamed of myself. "seriously bro, i'm very disappointed in you. I just can't believe myself" she rasped, holding her forehead with her palms. I closed my eyes, breathed deeply and poured out the whole story to her. She kept biting her lips as she listened, my heart pounding loudly as i narrated my story. I couldn't believe i was revealing everything to her, but i had no choice than to. I had nothing to lose anymore. "help me talk to Adaora, but please hide some of the things i told you from her. I just want her back, do all you can" i pleaded after my story. She breathed deeply and shrugged. "it's really going to be hard bro, the poor girl is heartbroken and devastated. What do i tell her?, I equally feel like stabbing you a hundred times over" she said seriously, dashing my spirit. ____ We spent christmas day in high spirit. Singing, eating, and visiting close relatives after church service. Surprisingly Adaora was dutifully by my side all through that day, behaving as if all was well between us, making most of my uncles to believe that she definetly was my wife to be. I had lots of opportunities to bring up the issue of our relationship, but i kept sealed lips in order not to spoil her mood. Anyway i was very pleased to find her by my side, it gave me so much hope and happiness. I believed with time her wounds would heal, our love and relationship restored. The next day i drove over to Frank's house to personally wish him and his parents a happy christmas. They were all pleased to see me, but then his mother wasted no time in complaining about Joy {Frank's girlfriend and wife to be}. I couldn't believe my ears on hearing that the first marriage talks between the two families has been done. "i just don't know what he saw in that uneducated girl when there are lots of beautiful educated girls everywhere" she poured out to me, while i stared at Frank who simply looked away without saying anything. I never believed he could carry out such a deed without informing me, moreover we were together days ago. It was very obvious he didn't want me to know about it, which got me thinking deeply. Yes i alreay knew he was very much in love with Joy, but i never believed he was so much in love with her to have taken such a bold step. Deep down i felt something wasn't adding up right. To be continued shortly.... {FRANK'S STORY WILL BE LINKED FROM THIS EPISODE ONWARDS}
24 Mar 2014 | 23:22
*continues* "please brother, don't give me that strange look. I'm sorry for not carrying you along with my plans" frank apologized when we were finally alone in his room. I breathed deeply, saying nothing. I knew he had more explanations to do, which i calmly waited for. "you know how Joy and i started?" he asked seriously, while i nodded. "the fights, the challenges and the problems i faced for her sake, not mentioning the sacrificies i made for her. You remember all, don't you?" he asked. I nodded again, old memories flashing back in my head. {For the sake of our new readers, let's all flash back to how it all started between Joy and Frank} Joy was a beautiful young teenager from a community very close to Frank's Village. She truly was so lovely, and blessed with natural endowments {good hips, breasts, statue, colour and teeth}, but unfortunately she lacked good family background and intelligence. Her parents were very poor and uncaring, yet expanding the family with more Children. Her mum's adulterous character equally was questionable but unproved. Her dad's behaviour very callous and unmanly. All they just wanted from Joy was to get married after her Waec exams or make money for the family by any means. Thus the hatred and disapproval of their daughter's relationship with Frank, because they believed Frank was a nobody who simply stood in their daughter's way, preventing her from carrying out her responsibilies. Frank had to do everything to free her even though he had no money. Their love affair never really started on a smooth path or like a fairy tale. Frank being a player only lusted and wanted nothing but sex from the moment he started showing interest in the girl, but as time went by, after lots of challenges she became his most favourite girl. She automatically planted a rich seed in his heart, which grew into a great flower with romantic fragrance. Frank soon changed and became more romantic with her, to the extent that he went extra miles to accomodate her in his room for almost two years {university final year and spill over}, fighting and almost losing his life when her parents gave her out to a lady who almost succeeded in using her for prostitution {read season 2A}. However it never stopped him from cheating on her once in a while. The story of Joy and Frank is quite an endless tale of passion. To be continued.
25 Mar 2014 | 09:47
26 Mar 2014 | 16:32
*continues* "seriously bro, i think she do possess everything i want in a woman, moreover she has been there for me all these while and i just can't wait to take her off her family's influence before they succeed in destroying her life" Frank continued while i breathed deeply saying nothing. "i will buy Jamb form for her again next year, praying she gets a high mark this time. She won't be going back to Portharcourt where she's working after this christmas. I intend going with her to my PPA" he concluded seriously. I shrugged and wished him luck, he already had everything worked out and even though i had some reservations concerning his plans, i kept sealed lips. I wasn't the person to spoil his happiness. As i headed home minutes later, my phone began ringing. I gasped with shock when i saw that it was Tessy calling. From the day my relationship with her turned sour my heart always froze whenever she called me. I couldn't think of the reason she was calling, since she has agreed to let me be till January. I finally answered her call after my phone rang three times. "happy Xmas Val. How do we see tomorrow?. I'm currently at my hometown. Do we meet at Okigwe, Anara or Owerri?" she asked as if all was well between us. My heart froze over and over as i swallowed hard. I couldn't think out a fast answer. "c'mon don't keep me waiting. I just want to see you and it isn't because of anything you did" she said slowly, sounding very enticing and sweet, but my mind or should i say conscience warned me that it was a trap. "i know you are enjoying at your hometown but don't tell me you can't make out even an hour to see me. Let's meet tomorrow at the family house opposite Capitol hotel {orji} Owerri. Don't fail me" she announced sharply. "alright" i finally breathed, while she laughed in her usual manner as she ended the phone call. "Did i just say alright?? Hmmm" i wondered as i realised the consequences of my answer. But it was already too late to eat my word. I had to think of a plan. I had to think fast. Turning the car, i drove back to Frank's house, in order to seek out advice and beg him to accompany me. I parked my car outside and walked into the quiet house. [Frank's parents left the house when i was with him minutes ago] I was a bit surprised to find his room door locked. Paying no attention to it, i knocked, but it took him time to answer. When he finally opened the door five minutes later, he had with a silly look on his face. I still paid no attention to it, and tried to enter, but quickly stopped when my eyes fell on a young girl who was trying hard to compose herself and appear calm. "frankkkkk eeeeiii!" was all that escaped my lips. I couldn't imagine how he was able to sneak in the girl under such a short time. He quickly dragged me outside and whispered with a smile. "her friend is on the way. You can try your luck" he said, winking at me and making me forget what brought me back to his room. To be continued
27 Mar 2014 | 01:12
*continues* "hmmm nawaoo, i thought you have repented?" i joked when i finally found my voice. He scoffed and shrugged. "My friend whatever you eat in this life is what you take to the grave" he replied seriously while i laughed before telling him about the phone call i recieved moments ago and what i intend doing. He frowned slightly after hearing all i poured out. "You are scared of the devil yet you are always eager to dine with him. No be me and you jor. I can't go with you, the best i can advice, is for you to switch off your phone tomorrow and look for an excuse to give if she calls the day after. You can afford to do that, can't you?" he asked seriously. "of course i can" i replied as i thought over his advice. _____ The next day, i simply did as Frank advised by switching off all my phones. Yet my mind wasn't at rest all through that day. I couldn't imagine the outcome of it all. I deeply regretted ever having anything to do with Tessy. I felt my dealings with her will keep haunting me for the rest of my life. When the second day arrived. I switched on my phones, my lies and excuse ready and well rehearsed for her. But she never did call, which to me seemed like a bad sign. I feared she was heavily disappointed. I couldn't imgaine what the coming year would look like. _____ However we had a very wonderful Christmas, even though it quickly sped by like Lightening.. Adaora enjoyed every moment with us, appearing cool, pleasant and respectful all through. On January 3rd 2013 we returned to Enugu, where everyone once again faced life. My immediate younger sister and Adaora quickly began making preparations to travel back to their PPA, while i equally began making mine. I couldn't help but feel for Adaora, because i knew she was scared of returning to her Abuja Apartment all alone, which really prompted me to bravely walk into her room the next night which was January 4th. The time was 9:30pm when i walked into the dark room. I couldn't imagine the kind of reception that awaited me, yet i quietly sneaked in like a baby rat going after a loaf of bread guided by three angry cats. As soon as i got to her bed, the table lamp which was neatly set opposite the edge of her bed switched on, illuminating the room with its bright light, revealing Adaora's face. Her eyes sparkled brightly as she quickly sat up, facing me. Her jaw drawn and ready for a fight. TO BE CONTINUED.
28 Mar 2014 | 10:03
Ride on, abeg
30 Mar 2014 | 14:26
*continues* "what are you doing here?" she rudely asked, seriously eyeing me. I nervously smiled and sat beside her. "i know you are scared of returning to Abuja?" i calmly asked, holding her right hand. "of course i'm, thanks to you" she replied coldly, while i breathed deeply. "i will come over to Abuja to be with you till everything is settled. I will come the day after tomorrow, i promise" i said quietly, my heart pounding loud. She looked up at me, her eyes curiously searching my face. Nervously i forced out a smile and nodded. Tension slightly shaking my slim body. "do you want me to involve my mother. She can do something about this situation?" she suddenly proposed. "no dear, don't worry. I will fix everything. It's my problem and not yours" i replied, while she shrugged in resignation, blushing as our eyes met once again. Then it suddenly happened. With a calm swift move, i drew close and planted a kiss on her lips. She instantly shivered as she felt it, her temperature rising in the process. Breathing deeply, i kissed her again. This time the kiss was more stronger and precise than the first one, holding her strongly as i delivered it with passion, while she weakly tried to push me away, even though her lips and tongue were glued to mine. We were soon struggling on the bed, kissing, fondling and romancing each other. It was such a wonderful moment. The passion intense and strong, her moans and touch aroused me the more. I never expected such response with her. I instantly wished i could turn back the hands of time and wipe away all my wrong doings. Oh when a woman is in love, she loves for real. She finally gave me access to her honeypot after much struggle. I managed to go one round before she locked up again. "Val what we just did still dosent change anything between us. I allowed you to have your way because i felt like having sex and nothing more" she seriously said to me after the deed. I knew her statement wasn't true, but i nodded as if i believed her, frowning slightly as if it pained me. ___ The next day my sister and Adaora travelled to Abuja while i headed to my PPA. After my clearance which i did the next day, i headed to Abuja. It really was on the 7th of January 2013. A day so deeply stuck in my memory. However, or should i say surprisingly, Tessy nor Elinor never really called up till that moment, but deep down i knew a great battle awaited me. Lord guide me" i prayed. To be continued shortly. As from coming friday, Expect improved updates, will be less busy to update frequently.
31 Mar 2014 | 02:29
*continues* I arrived at Adaora's apartment quiet on time that fateful day. The sun was still up as i made my way into her sitting room. Of course she was very pleased to see me, even though she never made it look obvious. We had a quiet but memorable evening, a super dinner at one of the best resturants in town, where we enjoyed each other's company and discussed our future. It truly wasn't easy persuading her to go out with me that fateful evening, but when she finally accepted, the cute smile she gave me was enough payment for all the troubles. "you know by now we are naturally supposed to be preparing for the first stage of our life together or should i say marriage, but here we are struggling to be friends and scared of our lives" she said quietly to me as we enjoyed the rich meal. I blushed and looked away, feeling very bad. Adaora always had enjoyed talking about our upcoming marriage even though i was yet to propose to her, but lately due to all my misdemeanors she kind of kept her feelings to herself, bravely bearing her sorrows all alone. "so have you informed Tessy that you are in town, what did she say?" she curiously asked. I breathed deeply and picked my phone. "no dear, let me call her right away" i replied, dialling Tessy's phone number, while she kept quiet, her ears wide open. "hullo Val" i soon heard Tessy greet as she answered my phone call. My heart pounded loud as i cleared my throat. "i just came into town, i mean Abuja, how do we see?" i asked calmly, "hmmmm, ok, alright, i will call you tomorrow" she replied like someone deeply surprised, ending the call after her statement and giving me no chance to say anything else. "what did she say?" Adaora curiously asked, i shrugged and told her all Tessy said to me. __ However we got a very big shock the next day when Elinor showed up {at Adaora's house} without notifying any of us, leaving us very confused. The timing of her visit equally was so early, barely a minute past seven in the morning. Yet she walked in as if all was fine, rendering no apology for the disturbance. "please can you fetch me a glass of water" she smiled to Adaora as she lowered herself on a sofa, while i nervously composed myself. I was a bit scared, but i showed it not. To be continued.
2 Apr 2014 | 03:14
*continues* "so can i see the pictures?" Elinor suddenly asked, dropping the glass cup Adaora served her water with. I shifted uncomfortably, breathing heavily. "how did you get to know that i'm in town?" i heard myself ask. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, while Adaora came forward and sat beside me. "news travel fast in this city, moreover i have my ways" she replied with a smile, "so can i now see the pictures?" she anxiously asked again. I gave Adaora a quick look, shrugged and brought out my phone, quietly opening the picture gallery. "here they are" i murmured as i sat up and approached Elinor, who quickly stood up with glittering eyes as i showed her the pictures one after the other. I couldn't help but notice how tensed up she was, breathing heavily like someone planning a difficult hit job. "how do i get them, name your price please, damn" she instantly begged after seeing the last picture. I shook my head and drew back. "i showed you the pictures because i felt like. They are not for sale" i replied seriously. She held her head, drew back and bit her lips. "one million" she screamed out, "i'm offering a million naira" she seriously announced, making me draw back with suspicion. "really!" i exclaimed, wondering what she planned doing with the pictures that made her offer me so much. It's true that she once offered me something for the pictures, but as of then she was yet to see all the pictures. Luckily Adaora's sharp gaze brought me under control. "give me two days to think about your offer" i murmured, while she shrugged. "alright no problem, but remember to stay low and keep away from my friend Tessy. She has an army waiting for you. Don't dare try anything with her" she advised, smiled at Adaora and left without another word. "you are not thinking of selling the pictures to her?" Adaora immediately asked, making me shrug nervously. My phone rang instantly, silencing us. It was Tessy calling. "hi Val, you can meet me at my house, 6pm. Your safety is guaranteed. Don't come late please" she said and hung up, giving me no chance to say anything. Adaora who overheard everything{the phone was on speak out} nodded. "of course you also need an Army to go there and i will help" she suddenly offered. "you remember Maryam? My muslem friend that got married sometime ago?" she asked. I nodded as i faintly remembered her. "her uncle is a colonel serving in a military base here in Abuja. He's a nice man, i can ask him to send me ten soldiers, with them we can go to Tessy's house, you can equally call Obinna to come with his car, which will make us thirteen" she calmly poured out with a smile. I couldn't say anything, i was very surprised and happy. It was as if God knew my plight and finally had pity on me. It's showtime. To be continued.
5 Apr 2014 | 03:08
*continues* 2hours later, Adaora's house "the colonel only promised to send two men. I guess he didn't buy my lie" Adaora said softly as she came into my room, calmly sitting on the bed, her eyes on me. I smiled, sat up and held her, "you have done more than enough for me. Thanks alot dearest" i said with all my heart. She looked away saying nothing. "i do owe you alot, seriously" i breathed with passion, embracing her tightly, my nose on her hair. "i do many things to make you happy but you always end up hurting me" she murmured and tried to stand up, but i held her strongly, preventing her from making any move. "yea i know i don't deserve your help nor love. I know i have wronged you more than a thousand times, but please bear in mind that if i should come back to this world a million times, i still will choose you over and over again. My love you are" i breathed solemnly. She simply kept quiet, saying nothing. My words really had some effects on her. Suddenly she began crying, sobbing so hard that her whole body shook tremendously. I couldn't believe my eyes, i was lost and speechless for a while. "i have suffered so much for you. I have endured alot but what do i always get?, no you don't love me Val" she sobbed. I truly had a hard time trying to make her stop. __ Finally by 5:50pm, precisely ten minutes after Obinna arrived, two soldiers showed up with a blue Hilux truck, and together we all headed to Tessy's house. I never wanted Adaora to go with us, but she insisted on witnessing everything , leaving me with no choice than to oblige her. Minutes later, we arrived at Tessy's premises. I couldn't help but smile as her gateman opened the gate for us, before disappearing with top speed to notify his madam of our presence. To be continued.
5 Apr 2014 | 08:08
*continues* "please you guys should wait for us here {in the car}" Adaora addressed the two soldiers who nodded without any protest. "but why?" i heard myself ask as we walked into Tessy's sitting room with Obinna. "it's wise they remain there, moreover i don't want them to learn the whole truth which may happen if they should enter the house with us" she replied. ___ Tessy was extremely alarmed by the way i barged into her house with my entourage. She really was expecting only me, and so you can't imagine the kind of shock on her face as we walked into her sitting room. Yes she was smiling nervously, but her tensed look and coloured face revealed her feelings to all who cared to notice. "i beg of you Val, what's with the crowd you came with. I was expecting only you" she asked as soon as we settled down, cleverly ignoring Adaora and Obinna. "of course you weren't expecting me to come alone after what happened the last time?" i scoffed, "moreover you are equally not alone" i said as i stared at two strange ladies sitting beside her. "knowing you fully well, i won't be surprised if there are two to ten security operatives at your backyard" i added with a sense of humour. "oh Val, quit insulting me. You talk too much, let's get down to the main issue that brought you here" she said seriously. I shrugged, drew back and crossed my legs. "alright let's start" i said with a smile, but she quickly frowned, throwing quick glances at Adaora and Obinna. "you don't expect us to be talking about such an awful thing in the presence of.... I'm a respectable Lady for crying out loud. Let's go to the second room" She said standing up, making me freeze with suspicion. "i hope you arn't trying to play tricks on me?. You won't like it if you dare" i seriously said, tapping Adaora before standing up. She simply rolled her eyes and said nothing as she went towards the second room. I calmly followed her, my heart furiously beating. ___ "you know i don't understand you Val?. You are such a young promising boy but you enjoy daring me" she said as soon as we got to the room. "and that's the main reason you tried countless times to kill me the previous year huh??" i asked, "anyway i'm here to give you my word and assurance that nothing will happen to your pictures if you let me be. The ones in my phone will be deleted this moment for security reasons, but the ones in my mail will be left there as a leverage. You let me be and i let you enjoy your scandal free life. I'm a young guy and it will do me no good to expose your pictures and endanger my life" i proposed seriously. She breathed deeply and smiled. "dear me, you talk nicely, but what about my five hundred thousand?" she asked lightly, "i know nothing of the money you are asking. Seems like you are wearing a wire?" i asked suspiciously, regretting all i said without restriction. "i think we have a deal. My pictures remains stashed away and i let you enjoy your life. Right?" she murmured as she offered me a handshake, avoiding my question. I shook hands with her even though deep down i was worried and suspicious {because of the way she easily accepted my offer}. As we returned to the main sitting room, Adaora looked up at me with curiousity. "it's over" i said with a smile as we hugged. But deep inside me i felt all was not right. To be continued.
7 Apr 2014 | 04:25
Aisha presents, #The Beauty of Love A story of two bestfriends who gradually fell in love with each other as they got more close. But Unfortunately their love was to be tested as they both struggled to wriggle out of their present relationships, leaving the boy's girlfriend and the girl's suitor no other choice than to work together in separating them. This isn't a soap opera, but something much more. Action, Drama & lots of suspence. THE STORY WAS WRITTEN & SENT BY AISHA800
7 Apr 2014 | 14:15
*continues* "i can't believe you were able to convince my dear friend Tessy to stand down. It's quite impressionable things you do sometimes. I believe you gave her quite a scare with your entourage" Elinor said over the phone, while i scoffed, saying nothing. She called few minutes after we returned from Tessy's house. The timing of her call was near perfect, because i was in my room undressing when the call came through. "i know in your mind, you think all is settled and over, but believe me, my dear friend is still closely watching you. I don't know how but i know for sure she is. I'm still the only one that can protect you" she said softly. I laughed in disbelief. "dear, i'm perfectly fine, please stop worrying about my safety" i said lightly, "i guess you really don't know how it feels knowing that a boy you once had an affair with, has many copies of your unclad pictures. Tessy might be smiling with you but i swear that it ain't over yet""her career, reputation, dignity, business and integrity are all at stake my dear boy. Look very well before you leap" she seriously said, scaring me deeply with her words, which got me thinking over everything again and again. As if Adaora knew what was going on in my mind. She asked me to sit on her bed when i showed up in her room to kiss her good-night. "do you actually think it's over?" she asked, searching my face. I swallowed hard, my heart furiously pounding hard. "after all the threats and noise, i really was surprised that she agreed to your offer within five minutes. I'm still scared because the easiest way of doing away with your enemy is by reconciling publicly with him or her, thus making the person to lose guard before delivering the final blow" she said seriously. Exactly the same thing Elinor was trying to insinuate hours earlier. I forced out a smile, keeping my feelings to myself and carefully holding back from telling her about Elinor's phone call. "do you love me?" she suddenly asked with glittering eyes. It really wasn't her first time of asking me such question, but somehow i felt uncomfortable. "because if you do. All these wouldn't have happened" she added with a whisper. I swallowed hard miserably, i knew what was coming next which was nothing other than tears. I had to do everything to prevent her from crying again. But deep inside me, her question kept ringing in my head. To be continued.
8 Apr 2014 | 10:42
*continues* "I just feel like hitting and breaking your head, but i just can't. I just can't because i still feel a lot for you. No matter how much i try hating you i find my heart melting more and more. I don't know, i don't just know what is wrong with me" Adaora cried passionately. I held her softly, murmuring quick prayers as i searched for the best words to console her. "oh don't touch me, let me be" she cried, struggling to free herself from my grip, but i held her strongly, burying my nose in her hair. "please stop, stop dwelling in the past my dear" i begged, "the past helps in shaping our future, you have to admit that you ain't the right person for me. I'm just living in a big dream, no my dear i can't keep dreaming, i can't keep sleeping, i can't continue living this way" she said amidst sobs. I couldn't say anything else, the only way to stop her outburst was by having se.x with her since she was still very vunerable to me. But i knew it was just but a temporal remedy to her unhappiness, having se.x with me no longer means anything to her. Grabbing her two bosoms, i squeezed them softly, drawing back to stare at her eyes, which quickly lit up, tears still falling heavily. "my love you already know that i'm marrying no other person than you. You are my life, my wife, my future" i moaned, placing my lips on hers. We kissed for a while before she broke away from me. "i know already that you have no choice than to marry me, your family is pushing you to me, isn't it so??" she asked with deep passion. "oh dear me of course not" i breathed, "i don't want to marry your corpse. I don't want a husband who already has children scattered everywhere. I'm scared of my future with you" she continued, moaning as my lips landed on her left bosom. I finally got her down, subjecting her to series of warm se.x. I gave it to her the way she wanted, slow and steady with romantic words and promises. I calmed her down with my calm touch and caresses making her release{cum} with great abandon. Minutes later, we held each other deeply exhausted. A tear dropped from her eyes landing on my nose. I breathed deeply, tears filling my eyes as i recalled all she went through for my sake, our begining, how she fought for me, how she stood by my side and how we ended up on her bed. I had wronged her so terribly, i couldn't imagine how i would feel if my sister should pass through half of what she went through for my sake. I couldn't imagine her brothers reaction if they should learn of our story. I couldn't imagine the kind of love she had for me which has made our relationship last for so long. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I have been a fool all these while, playing with my destiny for no just cause" i deeply reasoned. "val you are crying, why are you crying??" i heard her ask, bringing me back from my thoughts. But before i could answer, my phone rang. Picking it up from the floor, i saw that it was no other person than the twin i asked out the previous year calling. It was as if the devil just prepared another trap for me so so soon. To be continued.
9 Apr 2014 | 14:01
TESTED OK! Ride on abeg.
10 Apr 2014 | 11:56
*continues* Luckily it turned out to be a /flash/. My phone stopped ringing before i could answer it. Two days later, i headed back to my PPA with a happy smile. However Inside the bus, i had enough time and space to think over my life and future once again. I felt my problems with Tessy were finally settled and over, leaving me with the huge task of completely winning back Adaora's wounded heart. "GOD help me" i prayed as i drifted into another dream. Time wasn't on my side, i equally wasn't getting any younger, nor was i still a campus boy. "In few months i will cease being a corper and Nigeria isn't an easy country. Living a life of games and deciet won't get me anywhere" i advised myself, breathing deeply as i counted the days left for me as a corper. "Damn! Adaora, my sister and Frank will all be passing out in a couple of weeks, precisely before second week of february" i realised with shock. "Time definetly waits for no one" i murmured, deeply thinking towards the career i would engage in after passing out. My heart pounded fast as i reasoned towards that direction. I truly would have loved working in a federal institution, but the competition and unavailability of jobs was something that bothered me greatly. "Well i guess i will have to manage Dad's business until i get something much better" i said to myself, even though i knew we survived all through the years mostly with the money he made from politics. His business was just a mere front {used for* ****}. Thinking about politics i smiled. Apga, Apc, Pdp are all but the same, dam.n old men switching parties every now and then, making friends with all the party members and secretly meeting with each other under numerous guise while gullible youths fought for them in Villages. 'Where are the politicians children? Of course they are busy dating each other'. I smiled, shaking my head. "Come 2015 i will make my first appearance in politics" i concluded with a nod. _____ Getting to my PPA, I found out that three new corpers were posted to our school. Two females and a male. One of the female corpers already was occupying my position in the head teacher's office{desk} "Val we got someone to help you out since you hardly stay around. All you have to do now is simply to hang around as a helping teacher" the head teacher seriously said to me. I really didn't know whether to be angry or not, because his words were like a polite insult. However i had no reason to protest and on Friday, few days later, i returned to my apartment in town for the weekend. Surprisingly the twin called once again, this time it wasn't a flash but a real phone call. Little did i know, that my life was about to head towards another dangerous path. To be continued. Try not to miss out on any of our Vnovelas
11 Apr 2014 | 08:39
*continues* "you don forget me abi?, you no longer call. Happy new year" she greeted lively as soon as i answered her call. "i was tired of your shakara nau" i laughed, wondering why she so suddenly sounded very loving and nice to me. "wow sometimes it's just so good to give naughty girls the break they deserve" i reasoned with a smile. "you see, you don't care a dime about me, because if you do, you wouldn't have stopped checking up on me" she accused seriously. I scoffed, thinking hard. "so where are you?" i asked just to change the topic of discussion, "Owerri" she announced, getting more of my attention with her pronouncement. "stop playing nau, be serious" i begged in disbelief, "of course, i'm in Owerri. I came in four days ago. I'm staying with a friend who lives at works layout" she replied seriously. I rubbed my face with my right palm, breathing deeply. "so would you like us to see each other?" i asked out of courtesy, because i knew she called for that reason. Of course i equally was eager to see her, but the feelings i had for her the previous year weren't in me any longer, moreover i gave Adaora my word never to insult her image ever again by misbehaving. "of course we can" she replied calmly, "when and where?" i asked, "oops so you are in town?" she murmured laughing, "well let's meet at a fastfood joint. The one after Imsu juction,. I really can't remember the name but it's the only condusive place i know for now" she added, "alright, i will call you tomorrow" i said calmly, "it's cool, and another thing. I won't be coming alone, my friend will be with me" she added. "no probs" i murmured and ended the call while my conscience tried to reprimand me. "it's just a harmless date and nothing more" i assured myself, swallowing my saliva. ______ We had a long chat the next day at the restaurant, discussing various topics. Her friend equally was very beautiful, lively and social. We totally enjoyed the date. "i really can't believe it's really you" i confessed while she simply blushed and rolled her eyes. "so for how long will you stay in town before returning to your school?" i asked, "i will be staying for quite a while before going back to my boring school. Owerri is very lively and wonderful" she laughed. "i guess you will love to know where i reside?. It's actually a stone throw away from here" i said smiling, she breathed deeply, throwing a glance at her friend who shrugged in approval. Minutes later, i took them to my apartment before taking them home, "i guess we will see tomorrow?" i asked as they alighted from my car. "yea if you can come pick us" she replied sweetly. But when the next afternoon approached, my conscience refused allowing me to call her. I began feeling guilty all of a sudden, until by 2:45pm when she called to know if i was coming. Surprisingly she appeared alone when i finally went to pick her up. I was surprised and speechless. "my friend isn't available today. So it's just me and you" she joked as she got into my car. The once cold and hard to get girl was now free with me as if we had known each other for years. I never for once reasoned that her sweetness was more than normal. I never knew i was bringing in a mole into my life. The devil once again sent me another substitute, and i was way too gullible. But did i betray Adaora once again?? Hmmmmm To be continued.
12 Apr 2014 | 11:59
*continues* "so do you have anywhere in mind you want us to go?" i asked as i drove, "no not exactly" she replied with a smile. I breathed deeply and headed towards my apartment. "i hope you won't mind if i take you to my apartment?" i asked politely, "not at all" she replied with a serious look. On getting to my apartment we enjoyed a local movie together, before she fried some plantains i bought days ago. I never for once gave her a lustful look nor touched her, even though as a guy my mind sometimes wandered towards that direction. I saw no need in making sexual advances to her nor starting what i couldn't finish. All i wanted was her company. Three hours later she got ready to leave. ___ "you know you really look and behave like a nice guy" she murmured as i drove towards her apartment. "so you are trying to say that i'm not a good person huh?" i asked with a smile. She kept quiet, saying nothing. "c'mon say something nau?" i urged, pinching her left hand. "let me be jor, you wouldn't have gotten involved with a married woman if you are decent as you claim. Divorced or not" she said unguardedly, shocking me with her words. I instantly grew serious and silent. "married woman?" i murmured to myself, "of course she's referring to Tessy" i answered quietly, the revelation hitting me like a slap. "what did Tessy tell you?, how much do you know" i asked as i stopped my car at the spot i picked her hours ago. "please don't ask me, thanks for everything" she said with a smile, winked at me before alighting from my car. I bit my lips and drove off. "was her comment made out of resentment or care?" i wondered, "if she knows so much about Tessy and i, how come she's now hanging out with me?" i wondered. It never crossed my mind that perhaps Tessy sent her to finish the dirty work, since i felt i already reached a compromise with her. Moreover the twin never look like a half penny cheap girl who would do such a job. I spent a restless night thinking over everything and the next morning i called her {the twin}, asking if she was free. I was very eager to know all she knew about me. Even though I already knew it wasn't going to be easy making her to open up, i felt i had the experience to penetrate her mind. "you can come pick me up by 11am, i guess you have nothing doing" she said with a very weird tone, but i covered it up with laughter. "i'm still enjoying the new year dear" i laughed and hung up. By 12noon we were together in my apartment. My mind kept playing around as i threw quick glances at her while her attention was on the soap opera that was showing on my Television. "about my dealings with Tessy, do you resent me over it?" i finally asked, unable to find the best words to use in raising up the topic. She simply looked at me before facing the T.v again. "please i don't want to talk about it" she murmured. I drew close and held her hand. "tell me all you know, i'm ready to reciprocate by telling you my side of the story" i offered seriously. "when you were all over me the previous year. I thought finally my life was about getting eventful, but you turned out to be a deceiver, a scoundrel, a cheat. You have no honour" she said coldly without mincing words, standing up and leaving me totally stunned. "so why are you now with me?" i asked without thinking, she scoffed and looked away. "you will never get to know. I'm leaving" she breathed deeply and headed towards the door. I was extremely shocked and speechless. I thought i knew all about women. I felt i had all the tools needed to read every woman, but she proved me very wrong. I couldn't quite grasp what was going on in her small mind. I couldn't figure out anything. What i saw in her eyes was colder than hatred, hotter than resentment, more revealing than spite and stronger than affection. I couldn't say what it is that i saw. I realised that moment that the heart of a woman is more complex than i imagined. "i have to stop her from leaving" i reasoned as i went after her. To be continued.
13 Apr 2014 | 08:42
*continues* "where do you think you are going?, please stop" i begged as i went after her. She stopped and faced me, her right hand on the door knob. "why are you behaving like a child all of a sudden? We are having a matured conversation, aren't we?" i asked as i dragged her back to her seat. She hesitated for a moment before obliging. "i truly don't know what led to the insultive words you used on me nor what led to the behaviour you just displayed. I have been nothing but cool with you, i have never made a wrong statement nor move towards you. Why then do you judge me with mere hearsay?" i asked calmly but seriously. "mere hearsay do you say?, you say all these words because you weren't there to see the misery in Tessy's eyes, the agony in her soul and how terribly she suffered for your sake. She was so devastated that she almost neglected her children thanks to you and to think that i warned you earlier really is so annoying" She said bitterly. Hot powerful words they were, my soul burned as i heard them. "you were in a relationship with another girl, yet you deemed it fit to carry on with her. You knew getting involved with an older lady was something you couldn't do very well yet you went ahead and deceived her. All for what huh?, why shouldn't i believe that you stole five hundred thousand Naira from her?" she continued seriously. I swallowed hard, my face colouring deeply as her words hit me one after the other like super blows. "my God, she knows quite a lot" i murmured to myself, speechlessly staring at her. "you now think you have settled with her. Tell me what sort of compensation is enough for a heart broken woman?. Don't you know that when a woman loves, she loves with everything. Unfortunately my dear big sister{Tessy} stupidly fell in love with you. I still don't get what made a big girl like her fall so cheaply" she continued, eyes dark and red, lips quivering, face coloured, she poured It all out as if she was Tessy or should i say her spokes-person. "you think you are quiet, calculative and smart, you think you have settled everything with her, a woman you so much wronged, but that's where you got it all wrong. My dear sis. never forgets and she's always two steps ahead of you" she concluded, stood up and breathed deeply. "you don't know how long i have waited to pour out my mind to you" she added with a sad smile. "so tell me, why are you here since you bear all these grudges towards me. To tell me all you just said huh?" i asked with disbelief. She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "you will never get to know Val. Just know that i have served my purpose, i promised her that i will help bring you down and i have done the first part of my mission. Revenge is a calculated piece of action, it dosen't necessarily need to be violent. Its effectiveness is what matters the most, think about it" she said, tears swelling her eyes once again. I stared at her, totally confused. "She did nothing to me, i noticed no change within me, yet she claimed to my face that the first part of her mission has been completed, moreover what did she do, or could she do to me" i wondered hopelessly. All i could figure out was that she was yet to disclose her real mission. which i knew she never would no matter how daring she was. 'Never have i encountered such trickery nor magic'. To be continued. 2 May the souls of our fellow struggling Nigerians that died yesterday in the bomb blast, have eternal rest... AMEN
15 Apr 2014 | 02:20
*continues* I drew close and hugged her, surprising her with my impromptu action. "you are a very brave girl. Open, frank and honest. I so much love being with girls with such character. I know you will be surprised to hear this, but i'm so grateful for opening up to me. Thanks sweetie" i said sweetly, tuning her ego. She kept quiet saying nothing, breathing deeply as i hugged her softly. I had great urge to do more than just pouring sweet words to her. I felt like romancing and caressing her. I felt like taming her to submission. I felt like making her reveal all she knew with my touch. But i just couldn't. "one more thing sweetie" i whispered into her ear, "what again?" she murmured restlessly. "i need your help" i begged with a soft whisper, brushing my lips on her ear. She shivered and tried to pull away from me but i held her strongly but passionately. "what help can i actually render?. I have done more than enough by running my mouth. Do you know what could happen to me if she learns of it?" she asked regretably. I broke away from her and looked into her eyes, holding her shoulders with a soft caress. "i know, but it's our secret. She never will know about this. Just help by advising me. What do you think i should do?. I mean concerning Tessy?" i asked seriously. She swallowed and looked away. "i don't just know because everything is too complicated. I'm not sis. Tessy you know?" she breathed, while i bit my lips, "do you know what she's planning for me? Please tell me, i beg of you" i pleaded, hugging her one more time. "i know there is something else you are not telling me. Yes i admit i made mistakes, but everything changed from the moment you talked some sense into me in front of her shop. Do you remember?" i lied fluently. She broke away from me and stared at me with disbelief. "what do you mean?" she asked searchingly, "everything changed because for the first time, i saw something i havn't seen in other women in you. I instantly longed for you, but was confused because of my girlfriend and Tessy. I had to end everything with Tessy because i believed in you. As for my girlfriend i'm still with her because i just can't hurt her. She's also a wonderful person" i poured out like an honest person. She drew back with confusion, not knowing what to believe. "you can't believe what having you here is doing to me. You can't imagine what having you as a friend is to me. You know i unsuccessfully tried getting close to you the previous year?" i continued, slowly penetrating her mind like a virus. "tell me, will you let your friend drown?" i asked, drawing close to her again. "enough please, enough" she cried, blocking her ears with her palms. "sis. Tessy already knows this place because i told her. She also has your mum's phone numbers because i sent them to her when you thought i was transferring files to my phone as you were busy eating the plantain i fried. She has the numbers you saved with mum1 and mum2" she opened up, shocking me with the revelation. "but you should be more concerned about your girlfriend. I think she's going to make her cheat on you, if she hasn't done that already. Not only that, i know for sure that she has bigger plans for her" she concluded slowly. To be continued.
16 Apr 2014 | 14:51
Omo See Gobe
17 Apr 2014 | 11:57
*continues* "jeez" i exclaimed with deep shock. I couldn't believe my ears. Things were deeper than i expected. "i have to start going" she said calmly, fetching a make up kit from her hand-bag. "but what do you i advice i do?" i asked desperately, "i already told you i don't know" she replied as she beautified herself. I thought deeply, scratching my head. "what could Tessy possibly need mum's phone numbers for?" i wondered deeply. "seriously i'm set to go" she [the twin] announced, breaking me away from my thoughts. I hugged her softly. "i owe you alot for this. Thanks again for telling me the truth" i said sweetly. "i will help by sticking out my ears for you. Once i learn of any new plan from sis. Tessy, i'll notify you. I promise" she said softly. I heaved a sigh of relief, before breaking away from her. "thanks dear" i murmured, revealing the sweetest smile ever, which i gave out to her with all my heart. ____ "but how could she possibly make my girl cheat on me. Adaora is no fool, and she knows your Tessy very well" i asked my pretty friend as i drove her back to her apartment. "that's where you got it all wrong. Do you actually believe she's going to reveal herself to your girl??. All she's going to do is just to give some of her wolf-like bachelor and married friends your girls contact, then sit and watch her plans grow" she said intelligently, shocking me with her words. "hmmm and i think you should act fast, because it's quite tempting when two to three rich handsome guys are going after a girl at the same time. I don't know how much you trust your girl, but i think checking up on her won't do any bad. And i mean physical check up, you can't just call her up on phone and ask if she's cheating" she added with slight humour. I quickly concealed my fears with laughter. "the more you speak, the more i get entrapped in your beauty and wisdom"I said sweetly. She rolled her eyes and looked the other way. "you are also a sweet and wonderful guy. You know, getting close to a person makes you see all the hidden qualities. How i just wish you are single" she joked seriously. "i will be returning to my school in a couple of days, but i guess we will see before then" she added before alighting. ____ As i drove back to my apartment, i thought over all she revealed to me. I was in serious danger without realising it. "I just can't believe Tessy fooled me once again, making me believe that our quarrels were settled" damn" i cursed as i thought of Adaora. I had no choice than to rush over to the capital city at the earliest possible moment and check up on her. Just like the twin said, i couldn't just call my lovely girl on phone and ask her if she is cheating on me. I reasoned deeply. "but what if all the twin told me were all but lies. How am i sure it isn't one of Tessy's strategies to break me. Can you vouch for the girl?" another part of me asked, leaving me utterly confused. To be continued.
17 Apr 2014 | 12:31
*continues* I travelled to Abuja three days later to check on Adaora who was extremely surprised to see me. To set her mind at rest i had to tell her everything the twin told me about Tessy, which was a grave mistake. Even though i cleverly hid some details from her, especially on the extent i went to get the information. But she wasn't pleased with me. She felt i came over because i believed she could cheat on me. "and you simply rushed over because you believed all she told you. You believed i could cheat on you, the way you have been doing to me" she said angrily. "you know what?, if i set my mind on something i always do it. If i feel like cheating on you, your presence won't change a thing because i'll do it to your face and there is nothing you will do" she shouted before leaving for her room, instantly putting me in a defensive position. I regretted telling her anything and I had to follow her to the room in order to apologize, but she refused listening to me. "it pains me a great deal that you don't trust me. I have seen and been with different types of guys. The rich, the bad, the ugly and so on. There is nothing i havn't seen nor heard. I never cheated as a student, how then do you believe that i can cheat as an adult huh?" she angrily asked. "i only came to warn you of Tessy's plans, i never accused you of cheating my dear" i tried to defend myself. "enough please, i'm no fool. You should have called if that was the case. Here are my phones, check them for anything" she continued angrily, tossing her phones at me. I was speechless and uncomfortable. However I finally calmed her down after much pleading, spent two days with her before heading back to my PPA with a relaxed mind. But i was soon to forget all about my fears because Chinwe surprised me with a visit a day later. I was very glad to see her. It really has been a while we last saw each other and she still was as beautiful as ever, her smiles charming and captivating. "i'm now preparing for my Nysc. I'm done with my clearance, i just can't wait for March to arrive" she announced happily as she settled down on my bed. I was so much filled with Joy and happiness. "you see, you are now a big girl. God knows how to chase away flies for a tailess cow" i joked. She laughed and rolled her eyes. "yes hardship is a good teacher. It opens our eyes to the realities on ground. It makes us wise and calculative" she said, looking into my eyes. "I missed you" i confessed softly, remembering our past, "me too" she blushed and breathed deeply, her jaw slightly drawn as if she just remembered something hurtful. "Can our love ever die?" i asked myself as i stared at her beautiful face. I quickly remembered Adaora and looked away. To be continued.
19 Apr 2014 | 04:37
*continues* "I will be leaving tomorrow" she calmly said to me later in the day. I tried to look into her eyes but she looked away, avoiding my gaze. "why tomorrow?, you can stay till the weekend, i'm not pursuing you or am i?" i asked politely. She shrugged and said nothing. I knew she wanted to spend some days with me but was uncomfortable due to her feelings. I equally felt the same way, but couldn't help but be nice and accomodative, moreover she was someone very close to my heart. However nothing happened between us on the first night, she only narrated all that was troubling her to me. Family issues, financial problems, her fears and so on. I listened attentively. The poor girl really had alot bugging her mind. "seriously i wish i have the power to kill my uncles, all of them would have been dead by now. They are so heartless and obnoxious" she ended up crying, while i hugged her with deep emotions. The next day, i took her to the school i was serving before taking her round the village. We had a wonderful time laughing and gisting. Some of the things we did together as students years ago equally were not left out as she kept bringing up some of the funny ones. "so how about Adaora?" she asked as we were having dinner later in the evening, "she's fine, she will be rounding up her Nysc by february" i announced with a smile. "good for her" she smiled, while i cleverly changed the topic, "so till now you are yet to find the perfect guy?" i asked smiling. She breathed deeply and shook her head, "yea, now i know why some beautiful girls end up not marrying. It's not as if they don't meet guys or something" she murmured sadly. I swallowed hard and said nothing. "it's been long i last felt what Love is all about" she concluded. 10:05pm{my room} "why are you not sleeping?" i asked, coming a little close to her{ on the bed}, "nothing" she replied softly, "what do you feel for me?" i heard myself ask. "i don't know, but i still feel betrayed. Please let's not go there, at least you still help me financially" she murmured with a sad tone as if she meant to mock me with her words. I instantly felt uncomfortable, scratched my head and backed her. "i'm sorry, i never meant to hurt you with my words" she quickly apologized, touching my back, "you shouldn't mind some things we girls say. I wasn't being serious" she explained, softly pinching me. I quickly turned, stared into her eyes and drew forward. Our lips quickly glued together in a hot romantic kiss. "are you trying to take advantage of me once again?" she suddenly asked as she broke away from me, searching my face with her not too innocent eyes. I was shocked. To be continued. Next> The beauty of Love.
21 Apr 2014 | 05:19
21 Apr 2014 | 20:47
*continues* "i'm very sorry, i just got carried away" i quickly apologized. A bit ashamed of myself. "i'm sorry also" she breathed deeply, placing her right palm on my chin, "i still love you" she suddenly confessed, staring into my eyes. I was totally lost on what to say. "yes i still do love you believe me. It's hard for me to speak out my mind, but i guess you already know. It hasn't been easy for me since we broke up. I hope i'm not being too plain?" she murmured, dropping her eyes. My heart kept pounding very fast. I just was extremely lost, confused and sorry for her. Yea i equally still felt something for her, only the memory of what we shared in the past was enough to lit us on fire. I so much craved for her body, i badly wanted to taste her succulent bosoms. I so much wanted to kiss, caress and have her. My passion and desire were so strong and aflame. Oh and my hormones were like a time bomb waiting to explode. "i guess i have dismayed you with my behaviour?" she suddenly asked. I bit my lips, struggling very hard to say something. "let's do it" she added softly, giving me an unresistable inviting look. I swallowed hard with disbelief, my joystick quickly rising in acceptance. "no no my dear. Love making should only be for couples in love and sincere with each other. I haven't been honest with you and i hate taking advantage of anyone most especially you. I'm sorry" i quickly apologized, breathing fast. "i'm serious, let's get down to it. You need me, i need you. Nobody is taking advantage of anyone" she said with a tempting smile, pulling off her night wear. I closed my eyes unable to resist the urge, unable to reject her offer and unable to fathom what was actually going through her mind. Bringing her head forward, she pulled me down, "val don't you want it anymore?" she asked, her eyes sparkling, her face colouring with deep passion. I so badly wanted to rip her apart, but i just couldn't tell if she was offering her body to me with good faith. I kept staring at her unable to decide, which really angered her. "i see" she murmured, pulled away from me and sat up. I knelt by her side, trying to hold her. But she quickly pushed away my hand and backed me. I stared at her unclad body. It was quite tempting and beautiful. My joystick equally was getting impatient and angry, threatening to rip out of my knicker. "chinwe" i called quietly, "chinwe please" i murmured, dragging her to my side. She didn't resist, but faced me obediently, tears blinding her eyes. I just didn't know what was wrong with her. Slowly my left hand went for her bosoms, while she watched me silently. As i felt her bosoms, my hormones surged, my head exploded with passion, my knicker flung away. *** Sliding down the length of my thighs, she took the smooth head of my erection into her mouth and moved her tongue languidly across its tip. I moaned deeply. I really had forgotten how pleasurable Chinwe was. It was now only but a matter of minutes........ To be continued.
22 Apr 2014 | 07:24
22 Apr 2014 | 12:07
*continues* "I feel so guilty" Chinwe murmured as we cleaned up, sighing unhappily. I couldn't say anything to her because i equally felt the same way. "i don't know what pushed me into doing this with you" she continued, while i stood up without uttering a word. I knew she expected me to say sweet words to her, make promises and all those post-sex romantic stuffs, but i just couldn't. I really was in a more terrible condition than her. --- We really had a very wonderful sex. The type i haven't had for so long. It was hot, breathtaking and superb. Every second counted as i dug into her body, devouring every inch of it. Her moans and kisses brought out the best in me as it supplied the much needed passion and energy. It truly was worth the risk, but after the affair we were instantly filled with regret. "is there a chance we will ever get back together?" she suddenly asked, surprising me with the question. Her eyes staring hopefully at me. My guilt increased. I felt like lying but just couldn't. Adaora's image instantly appeared in my head, sickening me. I felt bitter and remorseful. I just didn't know what to say to her. I instantly remembered my old {born again} girlfriend Agatha who once told me that premarital sex always comes with a price. You must pay for it one way or the other, even the ones that appear to be for free are not always without a price" "what's up with you?, you are yet to answer my question nor dress up" she suddenly asked, shaking away my thoughts. I smiled and squatted by her side. "i just don't know my dear. I can't answer what i'm not sure of" i said calmly. Her eyes quickly dropped, she bit her lips and smiled coldly. "it's alright, i'll be leaving tomorrow" she announced quietly. I was unable say anything to counter her decision. My conscience kept flogging me but i had no choice than to endure the pain. Early the next morning, she packed her things and dressed up. I never uttered a word to stop her even though i felt she expected me to do so. We never spoke on phone nor met for the rest of that month, which was really my fault because i failed to check up on her after she unceremoniously left. However on the first week of february i sent money across to her, because i felt she needed it in preparation for her Nysc camping which was a month away. My sister, Frank and Adaora equally passed out {ended their Nysc program} that same month, leaving me behind. I planned returning home to see my queen{Adaora} but another shocking development occured few days later delaying my plans. Tessy surprised me with a phone call after weeks of silence. "i'll be coming over to Owerri on friday which is a day after tomorrow for a project. I hope you can pick me up at Imo Airport by 4pm?" she casually asked as if we were still lovers, striking me dumb with the unexpected question. To be continued. Aisha THE BEAUTY OF LOVE BY AISHA
23 Apr 2014 | 10:26
*continues* "i'm not in town, you could have informed me earlier" i finally answered. "so how do i get into town?" she asked like a novice, making me smile with surprise, "you can get an Airport taxi or inform one of your friends nah" i replied. "it's really business. I'll be spending some days before returning to Abuja, endeavour to see me unless you are still bearing grudges towards me" she added and waited for my reply. "i will see you on saturday morning" i murmured and hung up. I fetched Frank early saturday morning, and together we headed to see Tessy. My mind really wasn't at rest as i drove towards the address she gave me. I kept thinking of her reason for seeking me. It equally wasn't easy locating the address because the place ended up to be at the outskirts of New Owerri. At first i was scared and confused but when we got there, i relaxed on seeing a building project which was going on. "you never told me about this?" i asked Tessy with a smile as she surprised me with a hug. She truly was looking lovely in jean shorts and T. Shirt. "because you never cared to ask" she replied and faced Frank who caught her attention. I quickly did a brief introduction, Frank as usual behaved like a gentle man while Tessy showed much more interest in him. She asked him lots of questions which at a point made me really uncomfortable. "i like your friend, i think i can help him get a job" she smiled to me as they exchanged phone numbers. I was speechless, but sealed my discomfort with a smile. "so why did you choose to build in owerri of all towns?" i finally asked when she was done with Frank. "is there anything bad in it?" she asked with a calm smile. I shrugged, saying nothing. She however prevented us from leaving on time and my hands were tied because Frank accepted to stay when she begged us not to leave. We finally left the site later in the afternoon precisely by 2:45pm, after promising to show up late in the evening at the hotel she was lodging.. I really couldn't figure out the type of game she was trying to play with Frank but whatever it was i wished them Luck. But thinking of it, i had to shake some silly thoughts out of my mind, even though i knew Frank wasn't a very honest guy, which made me somehow regret taking him to meet Tessy. As per having sexual relations with him, i had some doubts. I felt Tessy had more ambitious plan than that. What could it be?? To be continued.
24 Apr 2014 | 04:15
*continues* I was unable to honour the appointment we had with Tessy {that same evening} because i wasn't feeling very fine. I equally wasn't comfortable about it, but my Friend Frank was very eager to honour it. "i hope there isn't any problem if i go alone?" he asked, after trying his best to persuade me to go with him. "no, not at all. But remember all the advice you have offered me concerning that woman. Don't let yourself fall into the same pit i fell and please don't reveal any thing concerning me to her" i pleaded. He laughed, tapped my shoulder and stood up. "i'm not a kid bro. You can trust me on that. Moreover you know i'm doing this solely because i need her help. Who knows if God will help me through her" he explained innocently. I smiled and nodded. Yea he had a good reason for honouring the invitation, but i equally knew him very well. He was the friend who could sell me for pieces of silver. I never really wanted him to visit Tessy all alone, but had to hide my feelings with a decieving smile. "only if Tessy could focus on him and forget all about me" i prayed. ____ 10:45pm I was about dozing off when i heard my door bell ring. I lazily opened the door for Frank who smiled at me. His breath reeked of alcohol, a good sign that he was well entertained. "mehn that Chick hot oooo. You know i thought she was alone, but when i got to her table i saw two other hot cuties" he laughed as he settled on the floor. I curiously listened, very eager to know what transpired between them. "so you had no difficulty in locating her?" i asked calmly, "i have been to All Seasons Hotel a hundred times over, so it wasn't a big deal nau" he answered, pulling off his shirt. "she wasn't happy that you failed to come. According to her, 'you are good at messing things up. She did many things for you, but you paid her back with evil" he said with a quiet smile. "what else did she say about me?" i asked, "nothing again, she just introduced me to her two friends even though we met one of them at the site earlier today. Before ordering drinks for me" he replied as he brought out some naira notes from his pocket, which he counted in my presence. "you see? Nine thousand naira just like that. Chei!" he exclaimed. "i never knew the money she gave me as i was leaving was up to this" he almost screamed out, while i scoffed. "she's returning to Abuja tomorrow. She promised getting in touch with me before wednesday, what do you think?" he suddenly asked. "well i think she wants to switch over her feelings to you. It's now your game bro." i smiled, while he shrugged. "i hope so, but i doubt. I know when a woman is interested in me, but what i saw this evening was something far from that. She likes me yes. Interested in me? No brother, absolutely no" he murmured. "so what do you think since you are the expert?"I asked. He breathed deeply and shrugged, "maybe she only wants to help or use me. I don't just know, but i need money brother. I have a long way to go with life" he said seriously. His eyes red and strange. To be continued.
25 Apr 2014 | 07:26
I sidon de look
25 Apr 2014 | 13:09
*continues* Frank travelled home the next day, while i stayed behind in my apartment. I never bothered calling Tessy nor checked if she eventually left town or not. However, very early on Tuesday morning. She surprised me with a phone call. "you are really cold hearted you know. Why are you trying to avoid me?, when you know deep down that i have come to stay in your life. I'm going nowhere do you hear" she said quietly, shocking me with her words. I really didn't know how to react or what to feel that moment, after being addressed by her in such manner. I equally couldn't understand what she saw in me, that made her put so much interest. It isn't as if i was overly attractive, heavily built nor very wealthy. I really couldn't figure out a whole lot of things. Sometimes i equally found it hard to believe that i wasn't dreaming, because it all looked like one giant dream or should i say LIE. ____ "you never cared calling or something. Nawa for you" she continued like a teenage girl. "i guess i will have to add more conditions like calling and texting me into our deal" she added provocatively. "i'm sorry, you know the way things are between us. I just can't do alot of things for our own good which you know" i apologized, "i don't know a thing" she hastily replied, "anyway that's not really the reason i called" she said and kept quiet, drawing out my curiousity. "i think i have something good for your friend. Something he can be managing until he gets a better job" she informed me. I breathed deeply, a deep smile appeared on my face. "but you will have to come over with him, and the reason is because i don't know nor trust him. You are the person i know, and you are going to stand in for him. So it's all in your hands, i'll help you inform him" she said calmly, leaving me speechless as my smile quickly died away. "please what sort of Job is it?, and why are you making such demands out of me?" i managed to ask, my heart furiously pounding. "i'm making no demands my dear. I'm just trying to help your friend through you. As for the job description, don't bother about it until you guys show up" she replied carefully, leaving me stunned and confused. "hey my children are here, would you like to speak with them? They are missing you ooo" she suddenly asked, while i laughed nervously. "there's no need speaking with them. i'll be coming over before friday. I have to go, my mum is calling on my second line" i lied and hung up. Breathing deeply as i grabbed my pillow. Exactly five minutes later, Frank called me. "guy what's up?, when are we going to Abuja? I can't believe God answered my prayers so quickly" he said excitedly. My heart instantly froze. I really didn't know what to tell him because my dear friend was really too blind and happy to see my dilemna. To be continued.
25 Apr 2014 | 19:17
26 Apr 2014 | 05:17
*continues* "so guy when are we really going?" he asked again. His voice filled with excitement and hope. "i don't know brother, i don't know if i can be able to take you to her" i answered quietly, as if i was very scared to speak out. Breathing fast and nervously as i waited for him to say something, but he kept quiet for some seconds as if he was suddenly struck dumb. "what do you mean?, i don't understand" he asked with a raised tone. "you know my position with that lady, you also know my relationship and future is at risk. Just understand" i pleaded weakly. "i can't understand a thing. What do you want me to understand huh?, you are saying that you can't help me get this job?, after all we have been through together. C'mon be a man. What has your relationship got to do with you helping me out this once?" You know i didn't save much during my Nysc. Nawa for you ooo" he ranted. Each word he said was muttered with anger, shock and disappointment. I felt bad, i just couldn't do that to him. He was my friend and friends watch each others back. "you must take me to her ooo. I will carry you on my head if need be" he concluded sharply. "alright by sunday, i'll get back to you" i promised reluctantly, "no sir, by sunday we will be resting at her house" he concluded for me and hung up. I breathed deeply, extremely confused. Tessy had managed to put me in a tight corner once again. I knew deep down that i would end up taking Frank to her, something i tried not to imagine. On thursday afternoon, Frank's mother called to know if it was actually true that her son got a job offer through me. She ended up thanking and praying for me, while i recieved her blessings with mixed feelings. Finally, on saturday morning, Frank showed up at my apartment with a small travelling bag. "i hope you are set and ready because i'm not taking 'no' for an answer" he nervously asked with a smile. By 9am the next day, we were already at Onitsha en route to Abuja. To be continued.
26 Apr 2014 | 16:23
*continues* By 4:38pm we were in a taxi, heading towards Obinna's apartment. We could have headed straight to Tessy's house just like Frank wanted, but i advised him against it as i brought up the idea of first settling at Obinna's apartment, even though i never told Obinna prior to that moment that i was coming nor coming with a friend. And so i had to quickly make up a lie which i told him over the phone. Luckily he bought my lie, and asked us to come over, which really was a big relief to me because i couldn't imagine the scandal if we were to spend the night in Tessy's house. "Have you considered where you are going to live and how you are going to manage when you get the Job?" i asked Frank as we headed to Obinna's house. He smiled, looked out of the car window{taxi} for a while before facing me. "are you trying to scare me or what?" he asked searchingly. I laughed, shrugged and shook my head. "of course not brother, we are already in Abuja aren't we?. It just that the question crossed my mind when the bus stopped at the station" i lied carefully. He shook his head and said nothing. __ Instead of calling me, Tessy called Frank later in the evening, asking of our whereabout. I had to take the phone from him and tell her that we will be coming over to her office the next day. She wasn't pleased about it, and displayed her anger by rudely hanging up. "i hope your actions aren't going to cost me this job?" you know i need it for many things. One it can provide me with the experience and opportunity i need to search for a federal job" Frank cried anxiously, while i smiled and calmed him down. Obinna as usual was a wonderful friend and host. He took us out for a little sight seeing, and spoiled us with drinks. He equally sampled three sweet damsels for us at the joint, but i wasn't interested, due to my new found principles and problems bugging my mind. We returned to the apartment very late in the evening with only one of the girls who had a wonderful time with Frank, but Obinna really surprised me by leaving the third girl Meant for him behind. Seriously Abuja is an enjoyable paradise if you are with money. The girls, clubs, cars, city, everything there is just superb and available for a fee. As Frank went in to wrap up the show with his girl {at the second room}, Obinna and i settled down for a brief conversation in his sitting room. "I can't believe you and that lady is still in speaking terms. Don't let her drag you to a court wedding one of these days, that's the reigning thing in town. She's very manipulative and i bet she's heading towards that direction" he advised after listening to my story. I laughed heartily even though his words cut a hole in my heart. By 10am the next day, Frank and i were seated at Tessy's office, but surprisingly she wasn't too happy to see us. To be continued.
27 Apr 2014 | 12:20
cool val xup
27 Apr 2014 | 19:48
*continues* "what do i do to you? This silly boy" Tessy said to me with an angry smile as she walked into her office, after keeping us waiting for twenty five minutes. "you are no longer the person i used to know. I thought we have reconciled?. Do you know that i can walk you guys out right now?" she threatened as she sat on her chair, while we kept quiet. "please can you leave us alone" she suddenly said to a surprised Frank, who quickly stood up nervously. He really wasn't sure of what he heard and so stared at both of us in confusion. She flashed him a smile and nodded, "just give us five minutes please" she said polietly. "you can look around the shop while Val and i discuss a little business" she concluded. Frank had no choice than to grant her request. "what's up with you? Are we still quarelling or what?" she asked when we were alone. I shrugged and said nothing. "seriously i'm far from understanding you. Your behaviour irritates me, and you know how cruel i can be when irritated" She said seriously. "i'm sorry for irritating you. I just have to keep my distance and you know why" i apologized weakly, "i don't know why, but you have to know that some things can't be erased, just like your memory. Do you know how many times i have tried to shut you out of my heart? You fu.cked me Val, you fuc.ked your way into my heart, you had series of sex sessions with me and you think it's nothing huh? I can't get over my feelings so you have to do something about it" she said with fire in her eyes, feeling no shame over her outburst. "Many guys will kill to have me, but here i'm always disgracing myself. Perhaps because you are the last guy to ever penetrate my body, or maybe because you are gentle in spirit. If it means nothing to you, it means a great deal to me. I'm done loving but i feel terrible without you" she poured out solemnly. "what can i say?. I just don't know, c'mon look at yourself. You are not more than thirty years old. You will die early if you continue like this" i said standing up and trying hard to appear brave, even though i was weak inside. "please let's talk about the job you are offering my friend. He badly needs it" i begged. "yea i plan on making him an assistant manager and supervisor of this shop. He will see to the sales, take stocks, and supervise the salegirls. If he does well, in three months i will send him to supervise the shop i have at the outskirt of the town, which is three times the size of this one. Remember we have been there once?. The shop with Gym, mini resturant and car wash" she explained, while i smiled and liked my lips. "but it all depends on you. We are far from being friends are we not?" she asked, instantly turning me around with the difficult question. To be continued.
28 Apr 2014 | 07:33
That is a condition or the condition is on the way
28 Apr 2014 | 08:17
*continues* "so you won't give my friend the job, if i fail to define our relationship?" i asked curiously, "of course i'll offer him the job" she replied with a smile, surprising me with the answer. "what?" i murmured, "oh yes, I will give him the job. Contrary to what you may think about me, i'm not heartless nor a kind of person who asks of something in return for a favour. Your friend needs the job, it shows in his eyes and i won't be the person to kill his dream" she said with a calm smile, while i studied her suspiciously. Tessy really was a very smart lady. She had a way of getting around me, and no matter how hard i tried to read her, i always ended up with more questions in my head. "so can you now define our relationship to me?" she asked again, her eyes all over me, "we are friends without benefit" i answered quietly. She shook her head and shrugged, "okay if you say so" she breathed, her eyes darkening a little. "I know it's all because of your Ada girl" she eyed me, "but don't put too much hope in her. I know you will soon come running back to me" she added with a serious smile as if she saw my future. Her comment somehow terrified me, but i hid my feelings, even though i quickly remembered all the twin{Tessy's godmother's daughter} told me weeks ago. "i'm not feeling too fine. It has been ages i last had sex" she suddenly announced, expertly taking my mind off the previous comment with her new statement. But i still said nothing, which i knew surprised her, even though she never showed it. "i'm inviting you to come see my kids this evening. I told them you were coming yesterday but you disappointed us. Don't say no unless you want me to get angry" she swiftly said with a serious look. "alright no problem" i accepted. She smiled and sent for Frank who soon joined us. "you see i'm a very respectable lady and a difficult Boss. I will demand alot from you and take much of your time. I demand seriousness, dedication and uprightness from all my employees. I hate thieves and i hate anyone trying to steal from me. Be good to me and i will be good to you. Try and quickly arrange for an accomodation if you haven't gotten any. You are now employed. Report back to me whenever you are ready to start. You are the new supervisor of this shop and you know what it means. A good start in a city of opportunities" she gently said to Frank whose eyes instantly lit up with happiness. "thanks alot madam, i won't disappoint you" he thanked her politely, while i smiled over his changed tone. But unknown to my friend, i helped him because i was compelled to do so. Deep down, i wasn't comfortable with him getting close to Tessy since she wasn't attracted to him and as i smiled, i equally was planning on making him drop or lose the Job. To be continued.. is now on BBM. Get real value for your time
29 Apr 2014 | 05:37
*continues* 6:15pm I left Frank at Obinna's apartment and went over to Tessy's home to honour her invitation. My conscience wasn't pleased with my decision but i shut my heart. By 6:45pm, i was calmly seated in her sitting room while her Children played and jumped on my body. They really were very pleased to see me and jumped about as if i was their long lost uncle or should i say father. I had no choice than to act along with them. "you see my children are very fond of you. I don't know the reason you keep running away from us" Tessy joked as she watched her Children play. The smile on her face revealed how happy and satisfied she was over my presence in her house. "you know we never really discussed the salary, you will be paying my friend. The excitement and tension made me forget all about it" i muttered curiously as we were having a quiet dinner minutes later. She dropped her fork, stared at me for a while, cleaned her mouth with a table cloth before smiling at me. "do you think i will cheat on your friend, or take advantage of him?" she asked. I shrugged in defence. "of course not. I'm only curious to know the amount you plan paying him" i answered quietly, "I will discuss it with him, not you. So have you decided on what to do with your life after Nysc?" she cleverly asked, changing the topic. "i will marry Adaora, and together we will live forever after" i answered smiling. She simply rolled her eyes and laughed. "oh please, in your dream. Anyway best of luck" she said with laughter, while i instantly kept a straight face, saying nothing. It really was the second time she was making a jest of my relationship with Adaora just within hours. Something that got me worried, even though i hid my feelings. "you know that i'm helping your friend because of you?" she suddenly asked, expecting me to say something but i didn't. "you can still count on me for anything. No strings attached. Let's forget things of the past and leave them where they belong" she said like an angel while i nodded like a lizard. __ As she dropped me at Obinna's house, by 9:35pm, she brought out an envelope which she tried to give me. "since you guys are returning to Imo state tomorrow. I feel obliged to pay for the transport fare, after all you guys came on my request. It's just fifteen thousand" She said with a smile, which truly was quite tempting. But my dealings with her taught me quite alot. I learnt from her that no money freely given, were actually given for free. "oh don't bother. We have enough money with us" i smiled, "so you are rejecting my gift?" she said with a drawn face, "fine give it to your friend" she quickly added, putting me in a difficult position. "i'll call and tell him about the money tomorrow. Your friend needs it and he won't forgive you if you reject it" she said, dropping it on my laps. I breathed deeply, took the money and left her car. The next day, Frank and I headed back to Imo state. My dear friend was more than happy and satisfied with our journey, plus the fifteen thousand Naira i brought for him. But unknown to him, i was very determined to stop him from taking the job, which made me offer to go with him to the village when we got to Owerri as a friendly gesture. Little did he know that i was about serving him with the medicine he was fond of serving me during our university days. I was about doing to him something which he was so good at. Something which i really wasn't proud of, but had to do in order to safeguard my interest. To be continued.
30 Apr 2014 | 20:50
*continues* We finally got to Frank's family house by 7:35pm. I was nervous as i alighted from my car. I had a big plan i was scared to carry out. Just as i expected, his mother rushed out from the house to welcome us. She really was surprised to see me, showing her happiness by the way she hugged us. "my mind is now at rest" she said happily. I nodded and smiled, while Frank shook hands with me before walking into his room. "i have to start going, good night ma" i murmured polietly, turning to leave, "what! Don't tell me you are driving back to Owerri by this hour?" she asked with concern, stopping me with her words. My heart pounded furiously, as i rehearsed my plan one more time. "can't you spend the night here with us? Must you rush back to Owerri this evening?" she asked curiously. "no i'm not returning to Owerri, but heading to my village" i answered politely. She shrugged and breathed deeply. "did my son get the job?, what sort of job is it?" she asked curiously, drawing close with all her attention. I smiled to myself, things really were working as i expected. I had studied my friend's mother so much to know that she was the curious type. I knew she would like to hear my opinion just like most mothers, which really prompted me to offer taking Frank home. I cleverly looked around for any sign of Frank. He was no where near, just like i prayed. All stage was then set for me to do wonders with my tongue. "yea he got the job, but unfortunately. It isn't the type of job i expected. He got the job of a salesman" i answered, stopping to watch her reaction. "salesman?, in a company?" she asked hopefully, "no in a big shop. You know supermarket?, boutique? Something like that" i explained, while she drew back with astonishment. Just like every mother, she was expecting a respectable white collar job for her graduate son and not the work of a shop boy. A very painful thing. "The owner of the shop is a very young woman. A divorcee with kids, and i have a feeling Frank will be moving into her house until he gets his own apartment. She's a very nice woman and likes your son. So i don't think there will be any problem, moreover he likes the job" i explained with an innocent smile, while she drew back with mixed feelings. "mbanu {no} It can't happen. Shop boy?, my graduate son selling shoes and biscuits!, for what nah?, how much will he be paid?, he can't just travel all the way to Abuja for that sort of Job. God gave me money to send him to the university. God will still give me the money to feed him, until he gets a better work. What if he goes to live with that woman and she ends up influencing and marrying him. I have heard stories. He isn't going anywhere. My only son, mbanu" she poured out seriously. "i don't think Frank feels the same way you do. It's better you talk with him" i suggested, smiled and left the furious woman. I had no doubt she would complete my plans for me, but i was a bit scared of the outcome.. All that was then left, was for me to sit and wait. To be continued.
2 May 2014 | 08:44
*continues* Very early the next day, Frank called me on phone. I smiled nervously as i picked up my phone, I knew what was coming next. The early morning phone call didn't come as a surprise, Infact i was expecting it. "nawa for you!, what did you tell my mother?, what did you do to me?, why must you tell her about the shop" he barked, clearly displaying his anger without thinking. His voice was very loud and strong. "why did you tell my mother all the nasty things you told her? Must you tell her everything?. Must you talk about Tessy's marital status? You have ruined my first job offer and i'm far from being pleased with you. I knew all along that you never really wanted to help me. What did i do to warrant it?" he poured out unhappily. The tone he used on me was that of anger, bitterness, frustration and disappointment. I felt bad, but there wasn't any need for me crying over split milk, moreover i did what i felt was good for my future. He wasn't the type of friend i could trust with a seasoned manipulative lady like Tessy. "i really don't understand you bro?, i don't get you? what did i do huh?. You know the kind of woman your mother is, Don't you?. She asked me lots of questions and i answered them innocently, why now are you laying blame on me for answering her?. You never asked me to lie to her, did you?. Why now are you bringing up unwarranted accusations against a friend who did nothing but help you get a job. I don't like your atitude Frank, seriously i don't" i fired back with an angry voice, which really worked great magic on him because he instantly brought down his tone. "i'm sorry, i guess you are right" he murmured, stopping to breathe while i smiled to myself. "My mum is against me taking the job. I have tried convincing her but she isn't buying my reasons" he announced. "JEEZ!" I exclaimed, "why?, what's wrong with the job?, what matters is the salary, moreover it's better than staying idle. Why is she kicking against it?" i asked with an innocent tone. "i don't know oooo. She dosen't want me to work in a shop. She promised to open a shop for me in the village, if i try arguing with her over the matter again" he poured out. I felt like laughing, but controlled myself. "don't worry brother, i will come over and try my best to convince her this weekend" I promised. But i never kept my word because i rushed home two days later after getting a distress call from my mother. "i don't know dear, but i think we are on the verge of losing Adaora. If she really means anything to you and to our family, you have to come back home as fast as you can" she {had} begged, sending great fear into my heart with her words. My thoughts ran wild as i thought of many things. It really was the first time she was sounding so anxious over Adaora's position in a long while. "is Tessy on it again" i wondered as i nervously drove home. To be continued.
3 May 2014 | 11:11
3 May 2014 | 12:11
Omg!!!!! Coolval I can pay you to update this thing now now!!!!!!dis is getting interesting
3 May 2014 | 13:35
*continues* On getting home, it turned out that Adaora was still indecisive over the state of our relationship and she was on the verge of leaving the country to join her family abroad without telling me nor revealing her full plans to my worried mother who was left with no choice than to send for me. Luckily, she was in our house when i arrived home, which kind of calmed my mind a bit. After having a long talk with mum later in the evening, i quickly swung into action, begining proceedings to know her plans and perhaps win her back with the little time available. However it was far from being easy for me. Adaora wasn't considerate as she used to be, it equally wasn't easy getting her to talk to me and when she did open her mouth, the words that came out were horrible and painful, but i never lost hope because i still saw love in her words and action. It took me a long week to convince her of my love, after much begging and love making. I made lots of promises i never knew i could make. One of them was promising to take her on a vacation after my nysc, precisely by June ending. I equally planned proposing to her during the vacation with the intention of fixing and planing our wedding there and then. I felt it was the only way to set things right and forever live together with her ever after. I had great plans with the best intentions even though my heart was far from being pure. In the end, she believed in me once again, believed in my promises and looked forward to the vacation with her noble heart, thus cancelling her trip {abroad} for my humble sake. Mum was pleased with me. My sisters were happy. I was satisfied, but deep down i was scared. I feared something bad would happen and spoil my plans. My love for Adaora was huge so was my fears. I however knew that i was to be blamed in everything happening to our relationship, because the devil wouldn't have entered if i never gave it the chance. "i have accepted you fully back. Yes i know that i'm stupid for doing it, but it's all because i'm stupidly in love with you. Please don't make me regret my decision" she begged when i was ready to leave. "bros, i don't trust you but please don't hurt Adaora. You know what's she's sacrificing by deciding to stay?" my immediate younger sister pleaded. "you know Adaora has always been my favourite. Don't deny me the pleasure of having her as my daughter inlaw" mum asked of me. I travelled back to Imo state with their words ringing in my head. I had a big task to fulfill, not only for myself but for my family. "yes i will propose to her by June and we will get married in Decemeber" i calculated thoughtfully. But deep down, a part of me felt that rushing into marriage with Adaora wouldn't solve my problems, but first fixing myself would. "no matter what, I have to keep my plans from Frank and Tessy" i concluded. Frank wasn't my enemy but somehow i felt he was. Yet upon all the precautions, how far did i go with my plans?? To be continued.
5 May 2014 | 08:49
u know how far but we don't. That while we are here wait
5 May 2014 | 13:36
*continues* I spent two uneventful weeks at my PPA before returning to my apartment in Owerri town. So far things were going nicely as i hoped they would. However Tessy called to know what was keeping Frank from coming to start work. According to her my friend has refused answering her phone calls. It quickly dawned on me that perhaps Frank was too ashamed of telling her the truth, which was then left for me to do. "seems like he isn't comfortable with the job you offered. I don't think he is taking it" i informed her calmly. She kept quiet for a while. "very well then. Send my regards to him" she said and hung up, surprising me with the calm way she recieved the news. She displayed no anger nor any negative behaviour. Frank showed up at my apartment three days later, looking unusually serious. "you didn't keep your promise. You promised to talk to my mother didn't you?" he asked, forcing me to give some excuses but he really wasn't listening. "guy let's forget about Tessy's job offer. I really don't think i would have coped working with her. Now that i have lost the job, i hope you will help me get another one" he asked seriously. "of course bro, you can count on my help" i promised. Through out the following week and the next, we spent our time moving from one ministry to another. One office to another, sharing CVs, bribing and begging for unavailable jobs. It really wasn't easy, moving from one place to another, under heavy sun, high hopes and prayers. It equally wasn't easy asking for job in offices where no vacancy notice was posted. It slowly dawned on us that our dear country was nothing but a hell hole. Young adults without money nor powerful godfathers have little or no hopes of survival. It really is terrible spending four to six years in school only to be told after nysc to go learn a trade and generate income. Other countries gives statistics yearly/monthly on the number of jobs created for their citizens. But ours tells us to generate our own jobs. Seriously i see no need going to university anymore. Yes I might be wrong, but i definetly think that if starting up a business is easy for graduates, there won't be millions of unemployed graduates in the street. I really don't think it's laziness, or not being innovative that is hindering them. With the high level of literacy going on with the present generation, our government really need to come up with something better than the good old song they have been singing since 1999. ____ "guy i think i will move into music and try my luck in it. I also have an uncle in lagos who promised to send shoes and clothes i can be selling. I have no choice, i'm getting fed up" Frank poured out at the end of the second week of futile job hunting. I couldn't say anything because my lips were tied. The two weeks of job hunting taught me a bitter lesson. The real world is nothing compared to campus nor Nysc life. The news of Adaora's sickness flashed in days later, almost destroying me. "We havn't seen anything like it. It's very serious my dear, i can't believe you aren't aware" mum announced with a quiet whisper. I couldn't believe my ears. To be continued.
6 May 2014 | 11:58
*continues* I travelled home to meet my queen down with terrible fever. She looked horrible, so thin and helpless. I was totally stunned and speechless. Adaora really wasn't the sick type. In all the years i have known her, she hadly suffered any serious ailment, which really left me totally shocked because of the sudden nature of the fever and the rate it was eating her up. She was admitted in a private hospital the same day i got home. The doctor assured us that she was going to get better, according to him it was simply typhoid fever which has eaten into her system, totally weakening her immune system. We were assured that she would get better in days. I was forced to cancel every other engagements to be by her side. It was an opportunity to prove my dedication and love to her once again. "i hope you aren't risking a lot just to be with me?. My mother is around, so is your mother and sisters. You shouldn't worry, i'm okay with them" she kept telling me. "don't worry my dear. Just get better for me" i always replied with a sweet smile. However as days dragged by, the sickness dragged on. Some days she woke up a bit healthy and strong, the next day it goes back to square one, dashing our hopes. I prayed for her, so was every member of my family and hers. Yet her condition dragged on, forcing her to take series of expensive tests. Finally after days of anxious waiting, her condition improved, her lively spirit, appetite and strength returned to an accepted level. We all breathed deeply and thanked God, but her mother wasn't satisfied nor willing to take more risks. "i'm taking her abroad for a more precise treatment. I'm still not satisfied with the improvement" she told us two days later, leaving me totally shocked even though the decision was a brilliant one. I saw my plans and hopes dashing before my eyes.The way things were going we might end up not having the vacation. I might end up not proposing to her in June. "GOD why why why?" i cried, "mum told me about the plans she's making. You know i can't stop her. But do know that i will always be there with you in spirit, so don't be dejected my love, i'm feeling it much more than you" Adaora assured me with tears in her eyes. I longed to travel with her. I wished to be by her side where ever she went. But what could i do. She finally left the country with her mother on June 1st 2013. Such a painful parting it was, but it truly was for her own good and her life comes first above any other thing. Her departure made me very miserable. I felt i had lost her. I felt i failed her. I had no choice than to return to Imo state the next day in preparation of my Nysc passing out parade. To be continued.
7 May 2014 | 03:29
*continues* My passing out day finally approached. A day filled with bright sunshine and happiness. I wished Adaora was there to share my happiness. The twin {Tessy's godmother's daughter} who once spied on me however surprised me with her presence. I really wasn't expecting her to show up because i merely informed her of my Nysc passing ceremony days ago, just like i informed all my friends. Her presence truly was unexpected but yes i welcomed her with happiness. We took pictures, had a nice time with friends before returning to my apartment later in the evening. "how i wish i'm in your shoes" she hugged me happily when we were all alone in my apartment. I smiled and held her softly. "yea life of hardship and stress begins" i murmured. She drew back her head and stared into my eyes. "c'mon i know you have something already planned out. You are a big boy nah. Do big boys experience hardship in life?" she joked, winking at me. I couldn't help but feel my temperature rise, slowly igniting an uncalled passion. I swallowed hard, my heart beat increasing. I tried to control myself, but my eyes fell on her slightly exposed chest which revealed a big part of her bosoms firmly squeezed inside a tight fitting bra and shirt. I wasn't at ease any longer. I tried to back away. "c'mon give me a peck, you deserve it" she added, presenting her cheek in a very sweet and seductive posture. I smiled, brought down my lips and pecked her. I couldn't help but percieve the sweet fragrance her hair emitted. I slowly drew back and stared at her. She blushed, her colour instantly glowed as our eyes met. The passion, the urge, the desire in me aroused tremendously. I breathed quickly as i weighed my options. My body was willing and on fire but my spirit was indecisive and confused. The pretty girl before me stood without knowing what to do. Sure i was wasting time and i just couldn't fathom what was going through in her mind. She tried to back away by turning, but i quickly grabbed her waist while she let go of herself, falling on my couch and pulling me down with the pressure. I found myself on top of her, my right hand still on her waist. She cleverly turned, facing me with mouth wide open, eyes half closed in total submisson. I was now on fire, my joystick on rage. I hesitated, weighing the risks, while her hands grabbed my head, pushing it down in between her exposed cleavage. She was all mine, but is she worth the risk?? To be continued.
8 May 2014 | 06:41
Hmm! Action film
8 May 2014 | 07:47
*continues* We soon began kissing intensely, our passion intense and enormous. Each passing moment increased the heat in us. I was finally set to penetrate her. "easy please" she suddenly begged, tightly hugging me and calming the passion in us. "let's take it slowly, i'm about busting in excitement. You are so sweet" she whispered in my ear, expertly caressing my back in the process. I breathed deeply, my head was about to explode. "let's go to the bedroom sweetheart" i moaned, picking up myself and dragging her up with me. She offered no resistance, blushing as she meekly followed me to the bedroom where i expertly closed in on her once again, cupping her breasts softly. She moaned, wriggling in excitement. I ripped out my shirt, ripped out hers, breathing heavily as i explored her sweetly curved bosoms. My lips soon fell on her nip.ples, hungrily sucking on them like a hungry child. "arhhh val, arhhh" she moaned in response, lifting up her chest for me. Slowly i went for her trouser, unbuttoning and pulling it down halfway. She was over excited, so was I. "what are you waiting for? Be fast" she urged me seriously. I quickly reached for my wallet and searched for a condom, but unfortunately i found none. My jaw instantly fell. My joystick went limp. I hissed in disappointment as i quickly remembered that i was yet to replenish my stock after making use of the last one at home weeks ago {the period i travelled to make up with Adaora before she fell sick}. It never really came to my mind nor did i attach much importance into getting new packs of condom, since Adaora wasn't available {and i wasn't into my old life anymore}. Life really has a way of changing things. The young girl before me, curiously stared at me with eyes filled with questions. I swallowed hard, my heart beat slowly decreasing. "i have no condoms" i confessed with apology. She bit her lips and looked away in embarrassment, covering her face with her hands as she backed me. To be continued.
9 May 2014 | 07:17
See Gobe! God no let this happen to me o bcos I wouldn't reconsider
9 May 2014 | 16:10
*continues* "i'm so sorry dear. I really wasn't prepared. Please do not resent me. Please" i begged without thinking straight. The words that came out from my mouth that moment were far from wise. My actions and body language were that of a confused young man. My lips quivered while my heart sank. The young girl before me still hid her face with embarrassment, saying nothing and making no move. I was very tempted to proceed with the love making without any protection. "you don't love me Val" she suddenly murmured, shocking me. I stared at her with surprise, unable to figure out if her speech was a form of question or a simple sentence. Slowly, she pulled up herself, facing me with eyes coloured with shame and perhaps regret. "you don't love me" she said again, looking me straight in the eyes. I couldn't understand the motive behind such words. She knew of Adaora, she equally was very much aware of my dealings with Tessy. "what does she want?" i wondered as i stared at her with concern. Quietly i reached out and held her. "you know i like you alot. I'm also very fond of you. But you know i'm not a good person. You know my story very well and i just can't understand you at this stage" i said calmly. She brought down her face, saying nothing. "it's better we remain friends. I'm tired of hurting the people i love. I don't want to hurt you dear, trust me i'm a bad guy and i'm really sorry for taking advantage of you" i apologized meekly. "i'm well aware of the risks. I wouldn't have been here if my mind wasn't already made up. I know what i want. I like you as a person. I like everything about you and wouldn't it be better we try things out?" she quickly suggested, shocking me once again with her words. I couldn't believe my ears. I couldn't believe it was all real. She really was very pretty, young, and {looks quite rich}. She never appeared to me like a girl who could come after a guy like me. I was stunned beyond imagination. But what i failed to reason was if she truly was in love with me or just coming after me for something perhaps playing out a new role for Tessy. To be frank the thought never crossed my mind because her actions and body language were so real, moreover she already had gained my trust after revealing Tessy's plans to me months ago. "Is she for real??" i asked myself over and over. To be continued. Frank's diary continues on Tuesday
11 May 2014 | 12:39
*continues* "maybe it's a bad idea after all. I just disgraced myself, didn't i??" she sadly asked. I smiled reassuredly, caressing her hand. "you like me. I like you. I guess it will be bad if we fail to give it a trial" i said sweetly. She rolled her eyes and said nothing. I couldn't believe the words that came out from my mouth were mine. "i really havn't changed" i said to myself with a calm smile. "are you sure of what you just said?" she asked with eyes beeming with smiles. I breathed deeply and hugged her. "of course my dear, but we really have to take things slow" i whispered in her ear. "take things slow, like no sex?" she asked curiously. I drew back her head, stared into her eyes and nodded in affirmative. "i can't believe this is coming from a guy. No sex hmmm" she laughed, pinching me in the process. We finally slept holding each other. Such a peaceful and wonderful night it was. Deep down i somehow wished Adaora was with me. We spent two days together before parting ways on the third day. I headed back to Enugu while she travelled back to her school. Perhaps if mum hadn't called me on the second day to ask what was keeping me from returning home, i might have stayed a bit longer with her. She really wasn't happy we were parting so quickly. To her it was the end. She felt we won't be seeing each other again. "Val i hope this isn't the end?. I really love you" she cried as i dropped her at Okigwe junction. I perfectly understood her fears. Deep down i shared the same sentiment with her, but i acted cool, smiled, kissed and reassured her once again that our affair would last a lifetime. Hmmmm, finally my life as a corper has come to an end. A new era opened. How will it all end. Will Adaora return to the country for my sake?. Will things get better between Tessy and i?. How about the new girl {The twin}?. Hmmm too many questions. Watch out for the season3 of my story titled LIFE AS AN ADULT To be continued.
12 May 2014 | 14:03
I am the first to comment immediately after the last episode of this great story!!!!! Coolval keep up the good work!! Bro u re good but the aftermath we need it soon and frequent updates abeg! Once again I give my respect to you!
13 May 2014 | 05:12
Kudos to the hand behind the story
13 May 2014 | 06:35
13 May 2014 | 09:51
nice one bro it reali cool
14 May 2014 | 04:26
The season 3 of our super diary series now known as "LIFE AS AN ADULT" will start on 11th October 2014 but will only be accessible via subscription. Here is the link THANKS..
15 May 2014 | 02:25
0 Likes on the link below to learn how you can subscribe to the story
17 May 2014 | 08:42
Where z d nex episode?
9 Oct 2014 | 00:40
21 Nov 2014 | 13:24
Dats gud...
30 Nov 2014 | 10:08
Nor b small thing
17 Dec 2014 | 06:52
The season 1 is currently unavailable but everything in it was summarized in season 2
18 Mar 2015 | 12:13
val..plz I need d link to d season one of DX story.. thank u
7 May 2015 | 05:19
pls help me with other episodes
21 Jul 2015 | 17:11
Val dairy series season 1
23 Jul 2015 | 19:29
once player is always a player....Val will never change..........i have really learn alot from this blog
8 Aug 2015 | 16:05
thumbs up
7 Dec 2015 | 12:27
After my undercover research, on who best fit the MISS COOLVAL position. I have come to realiz that @PHARM-VICKYMEARS is the best candidate and is now our choice. Not Available This is a girl who possesses all qualities. A lady ought to have and has proven it, beyond reasonable doubt. Vote: INTELLIGENCE Vote: MANNER'S Vote: DIPLOMAT Vote:
Vote: HUMOUR Vote: RESPECT Vote: MISS COOLVAL ( @pharm-vickymears ).... . . . Cool down, Don't rush coz I know you are ready to vote for her. The voting is starting on the 17th of December, that's this Thursday... Keep it in mind @pharm-vickymears .... THANK YOU!!!!! GRACIAS!!!! MERCI!!!! Õ$É!!!!
14 Dec 2015 | 11:13
as I enjoyed your story name Godwin
15 Mar 2016 | 08:59
27 Jun 2016 | 18:28
27 Jun 2016 | 18:29
Wow This Val Is Producer
27 Jun 2016 | 18:29
Hmmmmmm wooow! Coolval is dis story for real i mean a real life story or work of fiction. U carefully described everything from d beginning to d end. I admire ur style of writing. Kudos. Took my time reading dis diary and i'm short of words. Very nice
28 Jun 2016 | 08:24
I love this
4 Jul 2016 | 16:05
cool interesting story
5 Jul 2016 | 03:33
Hmmm dis is awful
9 Jul 2016 | 13:28
Nice 1...........
5 Aug 2016 | 06:59
nice story
9 Aug 2016 | 21:13
keep it up val
9 Aug 2016 | 21:18
Nice story Thumbs up
10 Aug 2016 | 05:08
Hmm nice story by val himself
10 Aug 2016 | 05:50
I really enjoyed this
10 Aug 2016 | 05:52
Good job
10 Aug 2016 | 06:00
Make I go read another one
10 Aug 2016 | 06:03
10 Aug 2016 | 06:04
Old story but nice
12 Aug 2016 | 13:17
This is interesting
12 Aug 2016 | 13:23
I'm loving this
12 Aug 2016 | 13:24
12 Aug 2016 | 13:25
12 Aug 2016 | 13:25
Na wa oo, Val... u are something else. Do u ever get tired... anyway i'm new in dis forum and this is my first comment.
21 Sep 2016 | 07:00
nice one
10 Oct 2016 | 10:39
12 Oct 2016 | 16:49
27 Apr 2017 | 01:21
nice one oga val
14 Jun 2017 | 18:26
What a wonderful story
17 Aug 2017 | 05:09
22 Sep 2017 | 17:39
Pls val where is the school boy 2
16 Feb 2018 | 01:57


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