SPY DISCIPLE - by Jezuzboi©

SPY DISCIPLE - by Jezuzboi©

By jezuzboi in 24 Oct 2016 | 12:13
jezuzboi jezuzboi

jezuzboi jezuzboi

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There was a leak in the heavens. All the while, he thought he was the only privileged human in the realm of spirits. He was wrong. There was another human there. If you’ve ever read the bible or heard a preacher’s message, you must have read or heard that God is omnipresent (present everywhere). That fact has not been proven otherwise by any theory. And it seems researchers have given up on sourcing out information that would counter that renowned truth. That supposes that not even a single activity in the world goes unnoticed by God, even though its place of occurrence is in the very center of darkness.

That fact and much more has been the source of the believers’ courage, and their convictions patterned their lives in a way that appeared strange to the rest of the inhabitants of the earth. The termed ‘believers’ filtered themselves from the multitude and embraced a teaching that was new to every living thing. That made them appear a little bit weird, for their teachings suggested life after death.

Their teacher had paid them a brief visit which lasted for thirty-three years and left when he was done bestowing a gift meant for the whole world to just twelve men, leaving them the task of sharing it to all who were willing to receive and hold fast to his teachings, though He (the teacher) wished that everyone receives his teachings; for doom was soon coming on whoever didn’t.

There was an incredible response on their first attempt to share the said gift, and the number of believers increased by three thousand in less than 60 minutes, and so it continued. The rest of the world who didn’t believe could no longer remain silent about such development, as the fame of this teaching spread rapidly across the globe, causing the world to lay aside what it was accustomed to, to hold fast unto this teaching. As their number grew, they became a group of people that could no longer be explained. So a name fitting for them was added to the English dictionary. They were called; “THE DISCIPLES.”

Many years after the teacher’s departure from earth, one of the twelve men spoken of at first, who was the teacher’s beloved disciple, somehow found his way to the teacher in a realm away from earth; just when the teacher was preparing to unleash doom upon all who resisted his teaching. The beloved disciple was privileged to be aware of the coming doom, and he marveled at every word he heard, and every sight his eyes beheld; for what was set to come upon mankind was terribly horrifying. He sought for an occasion to warn mankind and urge them to quickly receive the teacher’s teachings in order to escape the fate that was coming almost immediately on all who didn’t. But he couldn’t. It was late already. All he could do was weep for mankind; little did he know that there was someone else there with him in the realm of the higher beings.

As earlier said, there was a leak in the heavens. All the while, he thought he was the only privileged human in the realm of spirits. He was wrong. There was another human there who had been eavesdropping all the while. He was also a disciple, but a spy. So he was called the “SPY DISCIPLE”

The spy disciple, unlike the beloved disciple, made every effort to return to earth to warn all he could before it was too late to receive the teacher’s teachings. How fast could he be? A fire was ready to be hurled down to earth. Death was already on its way to claiming the lives of men. And the stars of the sky were already falling to the earth, dropping like ripe figs from a tree shaken by a strong wind. The sky was rolling back like a scroll, and every mountain and island was moved from its place. Everyone on earth was already hiding in caves and among the rocks, calling out to the mountains and rocks to fall on them and hide them from the teacher, for the great day of his anger had come, and none on earth could survive it. Not the kings, nor the princes, nor the generals, nor the rich and powerful people, nor even the slaves and the free people. They all sought for a means to escape the teacher’s wrath but found none. Doom was surely coming on them. They should have believed. Nevertheless, the spy disciple didn’t give up. He was bent on a self-imposed rescue mission. And so he set out to accomplish it.

To be continued.
24 Oct 2016 | 12:13
[b]Links To Available Episodes [/b] Scroll down for episode one Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 nd 6 Episode 7 Episode 8
24 Oct 2016 | 12:19
hmmmm well sited .... ride on
24 Oct 2016 | 12:22
Seated Ride on
24 Oct 2016 | 13:09
@oneal @Frankkay @HAYZED Una welcome... Abeg invite all our paddies and babes dem to turn show... Thank u well-well...
24 Oct 2016 | 13:25
25 Oct 2016 | 01:49
PHASE 1 History has it that over 142 generations ago, a certain male child was conceived under the most unusual circumstance and given birth to in a land whose king was somewhat displeased by news of the newborn child since the king supposed that his birth posed some sort of threat to his throne and kingdom. And as such, commenced devising means to destroy the child before he became a man. Oracles had predicted that at such time, a certain child will be mysteriously conceived and birthed to salvage the world and rule over it for a period of time that knew no end. That fact troubled the mortal king who had grown to consider himself immortal and wasn’t interested in being challenged by anyone, let alone a child. It seemed to him like his plot to kill the child was made easy when he encountered wise men who were summoned by a star to go in search of the child and pay him homage; for indeed, the oracles were right about the child. The wise men trailed the star to the king and tabled their course before him, and the king tried to manipulate them into bringing him to the child’s reach so he could end the boy’s life and claim to have averted prophesy. Indeed, the trick would have worked if not for a paranormal interference which prevented the wise men from returning to the king with news of the child’s whereabouts as agreed. Having tarried long enough, the king suspected to have been deluded by the wise men. So he ordered for the annihilation of a certain age range of offspring, as the targeted child was predicted by astrologers to fall within that age range. His attempt to destroy the child proved futile, for the child’s father, having been hinted in a vision about the king’s plan, fled with the child and his mother to the capital and dwelt there until the passing away of the evil king. The child then returned with his parents to the land of his birth, and there he grew with much wisdom, such as was uncommon among children his age. At age 30, he became a man, and choose a path no living thing had ever traded since the beginning of time. He recruited twelve grownups and handed them a philosophy meant for the world. Three years later he returned to his acclaimed estate which location is believed to be in the third heaven. And the twelve, who drew much confidence from his presence, were left to themselves with an instruction to pass the said philosophy onto the rest of the rest of the world before his next visit to planet earth. This philosophy was referred to as his “TEACHINGS.” While he, the child, had grown to be known as “THE TEACHER” The twelve, who were later named “the disciples” went about carrying out the teacher’s instruction to pass his teachings to everyone, persuading them to receive it, as a terrible fate awaited those who didn’t. Many received, while many others despised it greatly. Those who received the teaching became followers of the teacher, led by any of the twelve disciples who introduced these teachings to them. In that same manner, one very gentleman also received the teaching and became a follower of the teacher, led by one of the twelve who was considered the teacher’s “BELOVED DISCIPLE” The said gentleman became an ardent follower of the beloved disciple, but from a distance. He wasn’t too forward but was focused. He did according to all the beloved disciple commanded but was never known by the beloved to be one of those who got to know the teacher through him. The gentleman had been a spy all his life; so much that even after forsaking his old ways and embracing the lifestyle suggested by the teacher’s teachings, he couldn’t break free from spying. Not that he made an attempt anyway. He loved spying and was not considering quitting anytime soon. So he remained the spy who became a disciple, and so was known as the “SPY DISCIPLE” The spy disciple trailed the beloved disciple every step of the way without the beloved disciple’s knowledge. Even when the teacher’s teachings commenced attracting torture to those who taught and learned it, especially the twelve disciples, the spy kept following the beloved as far as to a desert where those who hated these teachings had banished the beloved disciple to. After much effort to destroy him proved futile, they resolved to starve and thirst him to death in the wilderness. The beloved, having been manhandled by mean pagans, was left with little or no strength to endure such vile environment. When the last of his strength vanished, he fell to the floor like a tree cut down from its roots. From a distance, the spy observed the beloved’s predicament but made no move to save the situation. Not until the beloved fell in a faint did the spy go out of his hiding to examine the beloved. Then he saw that the beloved had initiated the journey of no return. And for the first time, the spy wished he had gotten to know the beloved when life was still in him. But it was too late for that. So the spy could do nothing more than shed tears with a bitterness of heart. The beloved was not completely lifeless per se, and was likely to regain consciousness, but definitely not in that desert. That got the spy contemplating on bringing him back to the human territory. But again he thought, “Would he still be alive then?” Downhearted, the spy continued bleeding many tears, so much that the clay which was robbed on the beloved’s face when he fell to the ground got washed off the beloved’s face by the spy’s tears. The spy was not leaving the beloved in that desert all alone. He resorted to dying there with him. As he continued weeping profusely because of the fate that had befallen the beloved, something really uncanny occurred. The clouds suddenly gathered as though in preparation to release the much water contained in it, and the area grew dark as though the night was approaching in a hurry. A strong wind broke forth from the skies and disturbed the peace of the desert. Provoked by the wind, the dust from the desert rendered the spy’s sight limited, as even the sky was masked by it. But somehow, the spy’s eyes managed to catch manlike images approaching him from a distance. In the attempt to investigate further and discover what figures were approaching him, he found that in addition to their resemblance to a man, they had extra features, such that was not synonymous with a man. His effort to determine the look on their faces was thwarted by the dust of the desert which was tossed endlessly by the wild wind. The manlike figures continued pacing slowly but constantly towards him until they were just some feet away from the spy. At that point, the spy was struck with a kind of fear he had not experienced before in his entire life. So he clung to the still body of the beloved disciple and anticipated the worst horror ever. His eyelids clung to each other, as his heartbeat pounded like that of a man who was about to be shot to death by firing squad. Then suddenly he heard a voice from nowhere like the sound of many waters, and like the sound of loud thunder saying; “IT IS TIME”, but do not harm the earth, the sea, nor the trees until we seal the receivers of the teacher’s teachings on their foreheads. Some moments later, a multitude of people from every nation and tribe disappeared from the earth into the clouds, leaving behind a multitude of other people from every nation and tribe as well. Chaos broke forth among the remainders when a comprehensible explanation could not be ascribed to the just occurred incident. People began running helter-skelter to nowhere, searching for someone who could draw reasonable connotation from the incidence of the disappearance. Some intelligent speakers rose to fame at that point, satisfying everyone’s curiosity with intelligent words which found their way to the vulnerable hearts of the remainders, making them believe that the occurrence was not a cause for worry. Some others who had partially learned the teacher’s teachings rose to explain to the rest of the remainders that the occurrence served as a blessing to those who disappeared but spelled doom to the remainders. No one was interested in opening up to an idea that suggested doom for him or her. So a majority of the remainders went with the philosophies of those who explained the incident to be only but a mere scientific revolution. Their doubts were soon going be cleared, as the first batch of doom was set to be released upon the earth by the teacher in no distant time. EARTH IS IN TROUBLE! To be continued.
25 Oct 2016 | 10:31
ayam here
25 Oct 2016 | 14:28
Following... @Froshberry-2 Are you here?
25 Oct 2016 | 15:27
25 Oct 2016 | 17:02
25 Oct 2016 | 17:16
Just clicking in now, thanks for the beep dear @mercy1
25 Oct 2016 | 17:22
Spy Reader here
26 Oct 2016 | 01:39
26 Oct 2016 | 03:24
EPISODE 2 Meanwhile, the spy and the beloved who were among the blessed and fortunate ones had also disappeared from that desert to the third heaven to meet the teacher, whose teachings they had received and held fast to for long enough. The teacher was so happy to have his beloved disciple with him again. It seemed like he had missed him for eternity. He called the beloved out from the rest of the believers on board the third heaven to show him the woes he had prepared to unleash on the earth for refusing and rejecting his teachings. The beloved marveled at the horrifying sight his eyes beheld and couldn’t help but plead for mercy to be shown on the remainders. The teacher explained to his beloved that the remainders had exhausted all mercy, and were only entitled to a fate deserving of their insubordinations. The dreadful sight the eyes of the beloved beheld refused him to come to terms with the fact that the remainders actually merited the doom ascribed to them by the teacher. So he sought for a means to deliver them but found none. Seeing how depressed his beloved disciple was, the teacher proffered a means by which the remainders could be saved, only if the beloved was willing to risk his own soul to save as many of the remainders as he possibly could in the space of time assigned for that purpose. The beloved’s heart leaped for joy on hearing the teacher proffer a solution. But it only lasted for as long as the conditions attached to the proffered solution remained unknown to him. The beloved suddenly found himself in a state of dilemma when the teacher said this to him; “To save the remainders on earth from my rage, you must go back to earth and take them on a journey back in time, to any point where they had a chance to receive my teachings but neglected it. They will be presented with that same opportunity for a second time to receive my teachings. Anyone who receives will instantly join the fortunate once in this realm. Whoever can’t find a point in the past where he or she had a chance to receive my teaching will be back to the present after 10 minutes to face my rage after all. You only have 10 minutes to spend in the past, after which you and all you go there with will supernaturally find yourselves in the present. Only you can travel back in time for more than once, meaning that the remainders only have 10 minutes to change their destiny.” “You, however, have seven years to get this done and must return to this realm on the last day of the seventh year. You cannot return to this realm before the end of seven years. Neither can you return after seven years is passed. The portal will only be open to receive you on the last day of the seventh year. If you miss returning on that very day, you’ll be trapped on earth with the remainders who couldn’t take advantage of the second chance given to them because of your plea and will suffer the same faith allotted to them. Then all the good you had done to get yourself here will be for nothing.” A mystical instrument was brought from nowhere and presented to the beloved. And the teacher continued; “this instrument will be made available to you to aid your journey back in time. This same instrument will aid your journey back to this realm on the last day of the seventh year. If you happen loose it while on earth, then you’re as good as trapped on earth with the remainders. Note, you cannot control the point you travel back in time to. Once you make a certain pronouncement with this instrument, it will take you to any point in the past. It will then be your duty to find any point there, where my teaching was being declared for people to receive. There and then, the remainders you are able to convince to follow you back in time, will have the chance to receive it and join the fortunate once here. But be careful because the mystical instrument may just take you far back to a time when my teachings had not yet been introduced. A time when you had not become my beloved disciple. A time when you were still given to your own ways. And you may be tempted to drown in the pleasures of those times, thereby rendering all your effort so far useless.” “This is the portal through which you are to go back to earth with the aid of the mystical instrument” The teacher continued, pointing to a spherical balloon-like channel, suspended in the air. It will deliver you at the desert you were before my messengers came to get you and the other receivers of my teaching from the earth. On the last day of the seventh year, you are to go to that same point where this channel will deliver you at, and make a certain pronouncement which shall aid your return back here. Now, the pronouncement you are to make each time you want to travel back in time is “RACHAMIM.” Once you say that word with this mystical instrument raised up to the sky, whatever purpose you want to accomplish will be accomplished in a moment. The same thing will be done when leaving this realm to earth, and when returning here on the last day of the seventh year. Anything short of all I’ve said will subject you to the fate of the remainders. Are you willing to go that far to risk your own soul because of your love for those who remain on earth?” On hearing those conditions, the beloved wept profusely. He couldn’t consent to the destruction of the remainders, neither could he risk his soul for their sake. The teacher consoled him with cheering words, reminding him of how patient he had been with the inhabitants of the earth. But despite all his warnings, signs and wonders, the remainders didn’t think it wise to heed the teacher’s advice to receive his teachings. And now they have to face the penalty for their insubordinations. Just as the teacher had decreed, there was no one to save them on the day of his wrath. The remainders were busy on earth doing all-what-not, trying to convince themselves that life just got better, not knowing the woes that were about to hit them. A number of them knew anyway, but there was just no escaping it. The teacher then left that section with his beloved and his messengers who were present there all the while, leaving behind the mystical instrument in its place, since it wasn’t going to be of use anytime soon. Soon enough, no one was left there. And strange silence overwhelmed the whole place. All of a sudden, something dropped from a dark corner in that area, and the sound echoed melodiously. But then, no one came to investigate the source of that noise. Or perhaps, no one heard it. But where did the noise come from? Amazingly, it was the spy disciple. He had been there all along, spying on them and listening to their conversation. Just like he always did, he had followed the beloved disciple when the teacher called him out from the multitude to show him the woes he had prepared for the earth. It was hard to believe that even in heavenly realms, the spy remained a spy. He then came out of his hiding to explore the area and examine all his eyes could see. He couldn’t comprehend the paranormal play out of events there. The spherical balloon-like channel, suspended in the air was spinning, producing beautiful light rays which illuminated the area. It seemed like every item there had a voice with which it harmonized to unknown heavenly melodies. The spy’s eyes ran through nearly all the items in that area until his eyes met the mystical instrument that possessed the power to enable a trip back to earth, back in time, and back to the heavenly realm on the last day of the seventh year. He went for it, grabbed it, and took his position in front of the spherical balloon-like channel that leads to earth upon the pronouncement of a certain word. The spy became lost in thoughts. Soon enough, he began muttering the magical word. With him in front of the portal, and with the mystical instrument in his hands, it only took a loud pronouncement of the magical word for the spy to find himself back in the earth. Being that he was already muttering the magical word, there’s every tendency he’s considering making a loud pronouncing of the word and taking on the mission the beloved disciple had declined. Would he be that dumb? To be continued.
26 Oct 2016 | 11:37
Continue Pls
26 Oct 2016 | 12:32
Mr Spy on the board
26 Oct 2016 | 16:21
ride on
26 Oct 2016 | 16:48
26 Oct 2016 | 17:05
26 Oct 2016 | 17:54
continue pls
26 Oct 2016 | 18:15
Continue please... I'm beginning to enjoy this story
27 Oct 2016 | 09:09
EPISODE 3 It wasn’t an easy decision to make. Just like the beloved disciple, the spy couldn’t bear to see the remainders suffer what was about to be unleashed on them. At the same time, he feared for what would become of him if he took on the mission and failed. His dilemma continued until he suddenly heard loud scary voices, and thunderings, and lightnings. Upon investigating to determine the source of such disturbance, he found that the teacher had commenced unleashing his wrath upon the earth. There was no more time to waste. If he was considering taking on the mission, that was the right time, as further delay will see more doom befalling the earth without any remainders encountering the chance to rewrite their destiny. Over at the throne of judgment stood the teacher, 24 elderly spirit beings, innumerable messengers, and a multitude of humans who had been caught up to the third heaven from the earth for paying attention to the teacher’s teachings. The teacher called forth seven of his messengers who all had trumpets with them and commanded them to sound their trumpets one after the other. The sounding of each trumpet will unleash a plague upon the earth, such that humanity had never known; not even in the order of the 10 plagues of Egypt. It was time for the great horror that was foretold centuries back to be unleashed upon the earth. And only the unfortunate humans were present on earth to feel its dread. They should have received the teacher’s teachings. But they didn’t. And now, the first trumpet was about to be sounded. There was about 30 minutes of strange silence in the third heaven. Then the teacher looked to the seven messengers with the trumpets and said to the first; “SOUND YOUR TRUMPET!” Immediately, the first messenger sounded his trumpet, and the whole realm, even the earth, was polluted by that great sound. And suddenly, hail and fire came together, and mysteriously mixed with blood. Then the first messenger, who had sounded his trumpet, supernaturally cast the mixture of hail, fire, and blood, upon the earth. The mixture had become like the substance used for sword forgery; except that it was about 7 million times hotter! The spy could sense the dread already. He could feel the horror! And straightway, he took the bold step he might regret for all eternity. He endangered his soul, which he had sacrificed so much to preserve for the days of the great tribulation. He slashed his chances of reaping the eternal reward he worked for, just for the sake of pity and love for the strong headed, who outrightly refused to receive the teacher's teachings and be saved. The spy took on the mission. He grabbed the mystical instrument and positioned himself right in front of the portal that leads to earth. Then, he made the ultimate pronouncement; “RACHAMIM.” Just like a man knocked out of consciousness by anesthesia, the spy knew not what became of him till his sudden landing in the desert where he and the beloved were caught up from. Once again, he found himself on earth. But nothing about the earth looked the way they were before the great disappearance. There was noise everywhere. People were screaming from much pain. And a third of the earth had been destroyed by the mixture of hail, fire, and blood, which had been hurled down by the first messenger. Upon seeing this, the spy’s heart skipped. He couldn’t contain the sight his eyes beheld. He got so frightened that he sought for a means to get back to the third heaven where he just came from. But there was no going back. Not until the last day of the seventh year. He better starts his count and makes sure he makes no mistakes with it. Seeing that there’s only one way forward, the spy ran off from the desert to the midst of people, fireballs flying randomly past him, as continuous explosions at different points in the earth cause them to. Soon enough, he was in the midst of people. But it was hard to him to gain their attention, being that everyone was running for their dear lives. That first woe lasted for a long while, after which a strange silence struck the earth. The only thing that could be heard were the cries of those who had been hurt by the woe. People started coming out of hiding fearfully, questioning themselves about the incident that just occurred, while carefully examining those that had been hurt. Some were badly burnt, some lost a part of their bodies, and some were even completely fried. But the strange thing was; none of them died! Death became an impossible privilege. The tendency to die was withdrawn from the remainders so they would suffer physical hurt without passing away. Even suicide was impossible! So the spy began carrying out his mission at once, starting by explaining to the remainders all that is yet to come on the earth, according to what he heard and saw in the third heaven while the teacher was narrating them to his beloved disciple. Because of the fear that gripped every single person that heard him speak, they obliged to travel back in time with him, when he told them of the chance they still had to change their destiny and join the saints in the third heaven. At once, over three thousand people who were there, all joined the spy on a journey back in time, in search of an opportunity to receive the teacher’s teachings, which they had ignored before now. God so bless, there was a spy with the heart of gold, who endangered his own soul to save theirs. So they assembled together, and the spy loudly pronounced the magic word; “RACHAMIM,” and they were all gone from the present to the past. Though the teacher had said that trips back in time can take the remainders to any point in the past, including a time when no human feet walked the earth, this first trip was an exceedingly wonderful one, as the spy and the remainders found themselves in a crusade, just when folks were being called out to receive the teacher’s teachings and become his followers. The remainders quickly left the spy, ran to the scene and received the teachings, with tears flooding out of their eyes. And then, in just a matter of seconds, they all ascended into the sky, smiling, and bidding the spy farewell. Tears welled up in the spy’s eyes. He was glad he could help secure over 3,000 remainders a place in eternity. Again I say; he was glad! Plus, it was easy. So he got extra motivation to do more. He couldn’t wait for 10 minutes to elapse so he could return to the present and save the next batch of remainders. Oh, how fulfilling it was for the spy! 10 minutes elapsed soon enough, and just like a man knocked out of consciousness by anesthesia, the spy knew not what became of him until he suddenly found himself back in the present. In that same spirit, he set out on a random walk in search of more remainders he can save. Good luck to him. Meanwhile, back at the third heaven, the second messenger was about to be commanded to unleash the second woe by sounding his trumpet. Just at that time, the arrival of the over 3000 remainders who were led back in time to receive the teacher’s teachings all showed up in the third heaven, screaming for joy. All attention fell on them. And the higher beings began to wonder the possibility of that occurrence. There was only one way that could happen. And the beloved disciple, who was the only one presented the opportunity to make happen, had declined the mission. The higher beings then began casting random stares at each other, seemingly stunned by that development. Then the teacher conclusively declared; “there is a man on the earth, from this realm, who has taken on the mission to save the remainders.” He then looked sternly at his messengers and asked; “WHO IS HE? AND HOW DID HE GET THROUGH THE PORTAL WITH THE MYSTERIOUS INSTRUMENT?”
27 Oct 2016 | 09:52
Wondering too!!
27 Oct 2016 | 10:04
@Berry_Fresh Wondering how the spy got back to earth? Or wondering why the higher beings are seemingly finding it hard to figure out how it happened & who did it?
27 Oct 2016 | 10:27
continue plz
27 Oct 2016 | 16:18
sometimes spies can be helpful
27 Oct 2016 | 18:59
@Oluwaferanmi Spies can be indeed helpful sometimes.
27 Oct 2016 | 20:17
next epi
28 Oct 2016 | 04:38
Loving this...Ride on
28 Oct 2016 | 04:59
EPISODE 4 There was tension in the air. It seemed like the heavenly realms had been breached by some unknown trespasser. I wouldn’t say the higher beings were lost because that isn’t synonymous with the supernatural. But then, the messengers made to put up a search for whatever had breached the heavenly security. Yet, the teacher stopped them from doing so. It seemed like he wasn’t interested in knowing who it was anymore. Or, perhaps, he knew. Nonetheless, the process of the sounding of the trumpets had to continue, just as it was purposed to, long before time began. I fear for the spy, for he was all alone on earth, on a self-imposed mission, without the backing of the heavenly bodies. His presence on earth was not put into consideration by the higher beings, being that his return to earth wasn’t empowered by anyone but him, the spy. Be that as it may, principles remain principles. Laws remain laws. If the spy does exactly as he heard the teacher recite to the beloved, then his mission will be successful, and he’ll be back to the realm of spirits on the last day of the seventh year. Again I say, good luck to him. At once, the second messenger was commanded to sound his trumpet, which he did. And then, something that looked like a huge mountain on fire emerged out of nowhere. Then the teacher said to his beloved disciple; “this blazing mountain will be thrown into the sea of the earth, and a third of the sea will turn to blood. A third of the living creatures in the sea will die. And a third of the ships on the sea will be destroyed.” The teacher then turned from his beloved disciple and commanded the second messenger saying; “throw it into the sea!” The second messenger supernaturally lifted the blazing mountain, ready to do according to the teacher’s command. The beloved broke down in tears. But his tears couldn’t change a thing. The only one that could make any difference was the spy, who was already on earth, making that happen. Talking about the spy, he had found himself another group of remainders at this time and was busy letting them in, on what he knows about the past woe and the coming ones. But only a few remainders who experienced the past woe paid attention to him. The rest only heard of what had happened, as the woe didn’t extend to their part of the world. And so they doubted the spy’s words, and wouldn’t consent to follow him back in time. Their doubts will soon be cleared, for the second woe was about to hit the earth. This time around, only a few people obliged to join the spy on a trip back in time. The rest of them in that particular place saw the spy as one who sought for undue attention that would probably pave the way for him to perpetrate fraudulent acts. Also, those sets of people belonged to the group who despised the teacher’s teaching right from the onset. So they just stood by and watched the supposed magic the spy was about to perform. Those who were ready to join the spy on the trip back in time took their positions behind him. Just then, a very little bright light was seen approaching the earth from the skies. It was little and looked like a golden star. Nothing like that had ever been spotted in the sky all through human existence. So it became a thing of wonder to those who saw it, and they were interested in finding out what it really was. The spy tried to warn them that the approaching light could be a woe from above, sent to plague the remainders on earth for their refusal to adhere to the teacher’s teachings. But none paid attention to him. The spy tried his best to make them understand that what they saw wasn’t anything wonderful, yet they wouldn’t heed his words. The approaching light became bigger as it got nearer and really looked like a great gold. Those who were watching began to think of making a fortune from whatever it was, the moment it landed on the ground. Knowing fully well what was coming, the spy gave up on them, took his position in front of the remainders who were ready to go back in time with him to search for an opportunity to receive the teacher’s teachings. Then he loudly pronounced the magic word; “RACHAMIM.” At once, they were all gone from the present to the past. The seeming golden light kept approaching and kept getting bigger in the view of the people. When it had gotten really close, its true identity became overly apparent to the people, as they saw the blazing fire wildly exploding on the great mountain in the air. They started screaming and running to safety. At that point, they believed the spy’s words and longed to do as he had said. But the spy was nowhere to be found. Wailing uncoordinatedly, they sought for safety nearby and made to hide in buildings and other structures around the scene. Luckily for them, the destination of the blazing mountain wasn’t the land. It was the sea. So the blazing mountain found its way to the Atlantic Ocean and plunged itself into it violently. Just like the teacher had said, the sea began to turn into blood, the same way it happened during the days when the great God plagued Egypt for Pharaoh’s refusal to let the Israelites go, as He (God), had commanded him (Pharaoh) to. It was such a horrifying sight to behold! The creatures of the sea began wailing from the underwater, and their wails could be heard by those on land. Sea monsters who had been in the depths of the waters all through their existence made to come to land in a bid to save themselves from the horrible occurrence. But just like the teacher had said, a third of them were destroyed. Also, the offshore workers and sailors on sea noticed the sudden mysterious transformation of the sea into blood. So the attention of everyone on board all ships on the sea was called to it. They all marveled upon seeing such a thing and attempted to sail to land in a hurry. But the sea creatures who were still struggling for their life under the water troubled the water immensely with their weights, thereby causing the water to become unstable, and tossing the ships on the water until they eventually crashed, fell into the bloody water, and DIED! Back in the past was the spy and those he had led there. But unlike his first trip back in time, he wasn’t so fortunate to land in a location where the teacher’s teachings were being taught. So he and the remainders who went there with him had to go in search of an opportunity to receive the teaching, which was missed by any of them. But argument sparked up between them. Many of them believed he or she was closer to his or her missed opportunity than the others, and should take the lead and be followed by others. With all of them holding such conviction, there was a great disagreement between them. They all believed that following another person to search for that person’s missed opportunity was risky, as 10 minutes may elapse without the person finding an opportunity he or she missed. They spy tried to calm them down and make them understand that they all had to work together to ensure the success of that trip back in time. But none of them was ready to trust another person. So their arguments continued until five minutes passed, leaving them with just five minutes more to change their destinies. They spy called their attention to the time wasted, and they couldn’t believe that what seemed like a little argument had consumed that much time. With just five minutes to go, it’s hard to believe any of them will make it to the third heaven like the first batch of fortunate remainders came back in time. They didn’t even know what year they had traveled back to. And they now had five minutes to figure that out, then find themselves a missed opportunity to receive the teacher’s teaching. THE CLOCK WAS THICKING! To be continued…
31 Oct 2016 | 06:52
Tick tick says the clock.
31 Oct 2016 | 16:21
mr. spy,ur kind heart will keep u safe
1 Nov 2016 | 05:31
EPISODE 5 As a result of their lack of time and refusal to reach an agreement, they split and went separate ways. It became operation “all man for himself.” Only 30% of them stayed back with the spy. But then, this 30 % were very indecisive, dependent, clingy, needy, weak-willed, and extremely slow people. So they left their fate in the hands of the spy. Seeing that he was left to take the lead, they spy somewhat got lost, as he now had less than four minutes to save those helpless people who just encircled him crying, and lamenting, and begging him to “do something.” Only one thing succeeded in coming into the spy’s mind at that time. He quickly recalled that at different times in his real life, he usually heard people reciting the teacher’s teachings in market places and junctions. So he quickly asked the remainders with him to follow his lead, as he tried to figure out which city they had traveled back in time to, and find his way to a market in the city. Hopefully, they would find an opportunity there. So they made their move. It was two minutes to go, and the spy was nowhere near any of the city’s market. They tried to board a cab, but no driver paid attention to them, being that no such thing happened at the actual time when things were still normal. The clock kept ticking until it was 45 seconds to go. The spy nearly broke down, as he couldn’t believe his second trip back in time would yield no results. Even the remainders with him gave up and nearly started cursing the spy. But just then, a commercial bus passed by that caught their attention. The bus had an inscription on its body that read thus; “WISE MEN RECEIVE THE TEACHER’S TEACHINGS. WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING? HAVE YOU RECEIVED YET? IF NOT, RECEIVE NOW BY SIMPLY SAYING; I RECEIVE.” Upon reading that inscription, all of them began screaming; “I RECEIVE! I RECEIVE! I RECEIVE!” Before they knew it, 10 minutes was over, and they were still there. When the spy saw that they were still there, he bowed his head in sorrow and began weeping profusely. And just like a man knocked out of consciousness by anesthesia, the spy knew not what became of him till his sudden landing in the present, still bowed as he was before his return to the present. Then he wailed in anger and bitterness because he couldn’t save any soul on his second attempt to do so. But when he raised his head, he couldn’t find any of them there with him. He didn’t understand. He looked round for them, but couldn’t find any. And he wondered where they were. He recalled the teacher had said that those who fail to find a chance to receive his teachings when they travel back in time, will return to the present after 10 minutes. But the teacher never mentioned if their place of landing will be the same spot or different locations in the earth. The spy was left in confusion. But he still had a mission to accomplish. And so he set off to accomplish it; more determined this time. Meanwhile, the second woe was still prevalent in the earth. The transformation of a third of the sea into blood had driven out horrible sea monsters from the depths of the sea to the land. In anger, these monsters made a prey of humans and brought destruction on the city. Proceeding out of the sea to land were fiercer monsters than King-Kongs, deadlier reptiles than anacondas, more ravenous lizards than crocodiles and alligators, and more intimidating giants than Goliath. Mankind couldn’t believe the sea accommodated such creatures. Scientists thought they had discovered all there was to discover underwater. But this sight further proved to those who saw, that there’s more to life than meets the human eye. The 10, 15, and 20 feet creatures that emerged from the underwater troubled the earth immensely, and life became unbearable for the remainders. The earth became like a jungle, with humans as the most vulnerable existing beings. Many cried and regretted not receiving the teacher’s teachings when they had the chance to. But their cries changed nothing. As a matter of fact, more events that will even bring them more pain and cause them to cry more was soon coming on them, as the third messenger was about to be commanded to sound his trumpet. While the chaos was still unsettling the earth, another strange occurrence caught every living thing's attention, including the sea creatures who were making a mess of humans. High in the sky, a large star, burning like a torch, could be seen dropping from the sky. No one knew its destination. In fear, everyone ran to safety, as they had now gotten to know that whatever came from the sky was meant to harm. But the large burning star was headed for the rivers and the springs of water to carry out a different assignment. So the large burning star, which was named “bitterness,” plunged itself into the rivers and springs of water, and a third of the rivers and the springs of water became bitter, killing everyone that drank from it afterward. At this point, dehydration became prevalent in the earth, as many refrained from drinking water, in fear of dying afterward like the others, being that the rivers and springs are the ultimate sources the water. That was the third woe. The third messenger had blown his trumpet upon the teacher’s command, and the fourth was about to blow his upon the teacher’s command as well, which was soon to be uttered. No sooner than the teacher had given the order, did the fourth messenger blow his trumpet. And the most terrible woe so far struck the earth! Upon blowing the fourth trumpet, a third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that their light lost a third of its brightness. So, there was no light during a third of the day and a third of the night also. From that moment onward, mankind experienced more darkness than ever before in the history of humanity. It couldn't really be said when was night, and when was day. Time was of no essence anymore. Fear became the common factor between all who remained on earth. It was horrible! The spy himself couldn't believe the reality of these occurrences. Indeed, those who received the teacher's teachings and are more than lucky! For what humanity now had to face was terrible. Over at the realm of spirits lay the beloved disciple on the golden ground, crying and weeping for mankind. That was the only thing he could do. The loud voice of a flying eagle caused him to quench his tears. For the eagle’s utterances further troubled his weary soul. When he looked, he heard the flying eagle say in a loud voice, "O HORROR! HORROR! HOW HORRIBLE IT WILL BE FOR ALL WHO LIVE ON EARTH WHEN THE SOUND COMES FROM THE TRUMPETS THAT THE OTHER THREE MESSENGERS MUST BLOW!" Even the manner with which the eagle spoke was enough to depict what was to be expected upon the sounding of the remaining three trumpets. It was then time for the sounding of the fifth trumpet, and the teacher ordered the fourth messenger saying; “BLOW YOUR TRUMPET!” Oh my goodness!!! It was horror at its peak!!! My heart bleeds for the remainders on earth!!! To be continued… Dear readers, this story is an absolute fictional work of art, inspired by the Apostle John's revelation as recorded in the HOLY BIBLE. The documentations in the original source of this story has been mixed with fantasies to make this tale an enticing and interesting one. However, the scenarios documented in this story are realities to come. To get the full and undiluted version of this story, grab a HOLY BIBLE and open to the book of REVELATION. Thanks For Reading
10 Nov 2016 | 13:20
Wow...Waitin' for the next episode.
10 Nov 2016 | 13:50
Hmmm nxt o
11 Nov 2016 | 10:56
Jesus boy is here again
11 Nov 2016 | 12:24
@jezuzboi, pls update frequently
12 Nov 2016 | 06:41
I knew that
13 Nov 2016 | 08:36
EPISODE 6 It wasn't allotted to mankind to suffer a fate as this. Only the devil and his demons would be deserving of a punishment of this magnitude. But my heart breaks that it had to come on humans whom God created in His very own image simply because they wouldn't heed the words of the teacher. The aftermath of the fifth trumpet was horrible! It was deadlier than death itself! For I would consider a slaughtered defaulter a million times more fortunate than those left behind to encounter the unleashing of the fifth woe upon the blowing of the fifth trumpet. But even my broken heart and endless intercession won't do much to avert what was coming on mankind. No one could save them anymore. None but the spy. There was no more mercy to be shown! Grace was gone! If anyone would survive, he would have to do so with his own blood! Where was the spy for crying out loud??? The fifth messenger blew his trumpet. And another star immediately fell from the skies. The star had with it the key to a bottomless pit, with which it could open the abyss at a time assigned for that purpose. It was now that time, and the star popped open the dreadful abyss. Thick smoke, like that from a large furnace, poured out of it voraciously! Instantly, the sunlight and the air got darkened by the smoke from the abyss. Innumerable locusts stormed out of the smoke and flooded the earth. These locusts possessed the same kind of power scorpions possess. The locusts were under strict instructions to bring no harm to the grass of the earth, the trees, or any plant. The only creatures they were allowed to harm were the remainders who were void of the teacher’s teachings, and as such, were subject to only one thing; TORMENT!!! To make matters worse, the power to kill the remainders was withdrawn from the locusts. They could only torture them mercilessly for a period of five good months. A sting from the locusts was made to be as hurtful as a scorpion’s sting, to bring so much pain on the remainders for a period of five months without them ever seeing the face of death. That was such a horrible fate! No one imagined such plague would someday come upon the earth. The teacher’s teachings clearly stated these facts. But people simply considered it a myth and baseless illusions. And the ones who were in doubt about the credibility of the teacher’s teachings were the same people who now sadly had to embrace the harsh reality of those teachings. They had the chance to partake in the juicy reality of it. But their foolish wisdom blinded their wide shut eyes so they could only see life under the sun. Failing to realize that there is more to the universe than meets a human’s optical eyes. The locusts didn’t slack for a moment in carrying out their horribly devastating assignment in the earth, as they quickly stormed into human territory to commence their torture. The next five months was going to be hell for the remainders. They could all see the thick smoke that had shielded the sunlight and polluted the oxygen they needed to stay alive. But no matter how much of the smoke they inhaled, their lungs didn’t get bad enough to have a breakdown, leading to their death. They coughed and struggled to catch some breath. But there was no fresh breath anywhere. Their condition was worse than that of men locked in a room filled with tear gas. Just when it was getting overly unbearable, the locusts unleashed themselves on them violently and began stinking, and stinking, and stinking! In the history of the world, they had been no such wailing as that which came forth from the remainders upon being stung by the locusts. The stings punctured the bodies of the remainders such that they became like ugly monstrous creatures. Some people made to hide from the locusts. But there was no way they could hide successfully. The locusts located every single remainder and carried out its mission on them. The spy, who was earnestly finding his way to the center of these happenings suddenly began hearing screams and shouts of torments echoing randomly from all locations of the earth. Even his present location was not safe because the locusts were still in the process of spreading all over the earth and unleash themselves on everyone. During the processes of the first four woes, the spy seemed invincible, as he was not plagued by any. But the fifth woe had a surprise for him. While the spy was still on his way to locate some remainders to save, he saw thousands of them running towards the path he had come from as though pursued by something deadly. The spy stopped and watched them, as they kept running helter-skelter towards his direction. He couldn’t understand why they were running, neither could he see their pursuer. But then, it crossed his mind that he was on earth to take remainders back in time. And the thousands of remainders he saw pleased him. He only had one challenge. And that was how to get them to stop running and listen to him. So he placed himself in the middle of the road and lifted his both hands up, motioning them to stop and listen to him. But it appeared like he was not being seen by those remainders. They closed the gap between them and the spy, ran over the spy, and continued on their race to nowhere. If not that death had been withdrawn from the earth, the spy would certainly have died when he was run over by the remainders. It was more like a stampede. When the spy fell to the ground, he caused many other remainders to fall too. So the others just ran over them all in a bid to save themselves from those monstrous locusts who were in pursuit of them. So on running over the spy and all who fell on the ground, they continued on their race until none of them could be seen anymore by the spy and those who had fallen with him. Neither was any locust seen coming from the path they had come from. Then the spy, surprised and confused, asked those who had fallen with him; “what are you running from?” They told him about the locusts. He wasn’t in doubt of their claim of being pursued by locusts. But the spy couldn't see any locusts, even a long while after the other remainders had run off the scene completely. So he gathered those who had fallen with him and started telling them about the teacher’s teachings and the trip back in time. They didn’t even wait to peruse and determine the authenticity of his story. They just believed him and opted in for the trip back in time. And just then, the same remainders who had run over them were seen running back from the direction they had run to, screaming and crying, with so much fear on their faces. Still, their pursuer could not be seen. The remainders with the spy urged him to take them back in time as he was about to before the resurfacing of those other remainders. But he asked to calm down and give him the chance to get more remainders to join in the trip, as he was very interested in saving a larger number of them. The spy sought to talk to all the remainders and get them to travel back in time with him. But the problem still remained that they wouldn’t stop to listen to him. They were more interested in running from the locusts than listen to a man, who in their opinion is a fellow remainder. The spy again went to the middle of the road and raised his hands to motion them to stop and listen to him. Then suddenly, he saw the locusts behind the crowd, pursuing them aggressively. Then the reality of things dawned on him. Even those he had succeeded in convincing to travel back in time took to their hills on seeing the locusts pursuing the crowd. The spy was then left alone in the middle of the road, with the crowd running towards him, and the locusts chasing after the crowd. If the other remainders who were with him had not taken to their hills on seeing the locusts, he would have just made the ultimate pronouncement, and they would be gone back in time. But he had no one there with him. He only had two options. To join the remainders in their race to safety, which would most likely not end well for him, being that the locusts were already close by. Or, to save himself by making the ultimate pronouncement, which would take him on a trip back in time alone. That would be so selfish of him. But what was he supposed to do? To be continued… Dear readers, this story is an absolute fictional work of art, inspired by the Apostle John's revelation as recorded in the HOLY BIBLE. The documentations in the original source of this story has been mixed with fantasies to make this tale an enticing and interesting one. However, the scenarios documented in this story are realities to come. To get the full and undiluted version of this story, grab a HOLY BIBLE and open to the book of REVELATION. Thanks For Reading
16 Nov 2016 | 09:44
17 Nov 2016 | 16:34
18 Nov 2016 | 01:05
ride on
18 Nov 2016 | 08:52
Next oooooo
22 Nov 2016 | 15:51
EPISODE 7 The spy disciple was everything but selfish. He wasn’t capable of taking on a journey back in time alone just to save himself from the raging locusts. So he shunned the two options he had; which was either to save himself by traveling back in time alone or to join the remainders in their race to safety. Instead, he persisted and dared to try his best to save any of the remainders running towards him from the locusts. Again, he placed himself in the middle of the road, lifted up the magical instrument and loudly declared; “I CAN SAVE YOU IF YOU BELIEVE I CAN.” He kept repeating that statement until the crowd on the run were just some distance away from him. But just before the crowd ran close enough to him and possibly run him over a second time, the spy closed his eyes and uttered the magical word; “RACHAMIM.” And at once, he was gone from the present to the past. On landing at some point in the past, he was still in shock due to the danger that was about playing out before his trip back in time. It was a baffling thing for the spy to open his eyes and see that all the remainders who were running from the locust had heard what he said and all believed he could save them. Because of their belief in the spy’s words, they all joined him on a trip back in time the moment he uttered the magical word. They were there with him, he was so happy. At least, he was able to take a couple of hundreds of remainders on his third trip back in time. At once, he ordered them to follow him, as he searches for a point where the teacher’s teachings were declared so they could receive and join the fortunate ones in the third heaven. Just like the spy’s first trip, the third was an easy one, as his landing point was a point where he, the spy, had shared the teacher's teachings with a group of young folks who skipped a Sunday Service to play football a school field. In the actual time, the spy spotted these groups of young folks after Church Service on that faithful Sabbath Day and was burdened in his soul. He had approached them to share the teacher’s teachings with them. But they all declined. However, what was an unfruitful venture in the actual time turned out to be a soul-saving second chance encounter for the remainders. The spy did just as he had done in the actual time. But while the folks of the actual time declined, the remainders all received the teacher’s teaching and were at once caught up in the air, away from the spy. It didn’t even take up to 5 minutes to accomplish the mission. The spy sat back with his eye in the sky, watching the remainders who had now become a part of the fortunate once to live forever without experiencing death again. Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched them ascend to the third heaven. Soon enough, they were lost in the clouds, and the spy couldn’t see them anymore. So he just sat back thinking of all he had accomplished so far while waiting for the expiration of his time in the past so he could be back in the present to continue his quest. 10 minutes was over soon enough, and he was back! Meanwhile, the hundreds of fortunate remainders who just traveled back in time with the spy to receive the teacher’s teachings arrived at the third heaven, and the attention of the heavenly bodies fell on them. It seemed like a confusing development to them. But the teacher just watched them join the other saints to sing praises to him. It appeared like the teacher was overwhelmed by their praises that he didn’t care to know or find out how they made it to the third heaven after being left behind on earth to suffer doom. Of course, the teacher knew it wasn’t possible for that to happen except there was someone on earth making it happen. As far as the heavenly beings were concerned, the only one who was empowered to carry out such mission was the Beloved Disciple, who declined. So, the heavenly bodies got curious and tried to determine who it was but couldn’t. None of them seemed to know; none but the teacher, whose eyes nothing is hidden from. But then, he never said anything about it. Instead, he asked for the preparation of the sixth woe, which was due in the next five months. The fifth woe was meant to last for a period of five whole months. Oh dear!!! The remainders on earth had just begun experiencing the “locusts’ woe.” The next five months was going to be hell for them. Their only hope was the spy. But out of the millions of remainders who were still on earth, how many would the spy be able to save in the next five months. And talking about the spy, it’s not like he’s invincible. If a locust caught up with him, it would inflict the same measure of pain on him. However, death had been withdrawn from the earth. The only thing the remainders could experience was pain, torment, and suffering. As for the spy, the only thing that differentiated him from the remainders was the magical instrument which aids a trip back in time. If he loses that instrument, it would be over, as he would have to suffer the same fate as the remainders, which is to burn in a raging fire that never goes out. Worst of all, this fire doesn’t kill its victims. It just keeps burning them forever and ever. And the only thing that would stop the spy and any lucky remainder from experiencing such fate was the magical instrument. On reaching the earth from back in time, the spy hurriedly went forth to continue his mission. The success he just achieved with the last set of remainders who traveled back in time with him was a great motivation for him. He quickly forgot that nothing good comes easy. A great apostle of the teacher had even written in his letter to other followers of the teacher, telling them about a great opportunity the teacher presented to him, which was greatly opposed by beasts. It was now time for the spy disciple to understand the situation the apostle was referring to in his letter, as he was about to face great beasts who were now standing in his way of further saving the remainders; and even himself. As the spy ran off to locate more remainders to do what he came to do, his eyes met an army of gigantic images proceeding out from the shadows. Frightened by the sight, he hid and tried to examine what they were. He couldn’t believe his eyes. They were the locusts. But for the first time, the spy saw them as they truly were. The locusts looked like horses ready for battle. On their heads, they wore something like gold crowns, and they had human faces. Their hair was like a woman's long hair, and their teeth were like those of a lion. On their chests, they wore armor made of iron. Their wings roared like an army of horse-drawn chariots rushing into battle. Their tails were like a scorpion's tail with a stinger that had the power to hurt someone for five months. Their king was the angel in charge of the deep pit that harbored the deadliest dragon in the world. The locusts’ king summoned all the locust together and were matching to the human territory to continue what they had already started, but this time will full force. The spy was horror struck! And right in his hiding place, he saw and heard the locusts’ king address his army saying; “The earth has been given to us for the next five months. Our mission is to torment the people of the earth. Ready your poisonous tails to sting human flesh and inflict a five-month pain on them. This is the purpose for which we have been unleashed. Let us go and serve our master; for we are not like men who refused to serve their creator. And that is why they will have to suffer in our hands. The next five months will be the worst times they have ever experienced. Woe on humans!!!” And immediately he finished giving his speech, a voice from the clouds echoed and shook the earth, calling to the locusts’ king to inform him about the presence of the spy in the earth. “Apollyon!!!” the great voice echoed… The locusts’ king, whose Greek name was Apollyon, looked up to the sky and responded; “Yes Master!” “There is a man in the earth from the heavenly realms,” the great voice continued. “He is stealing my fellow hell-bound souls and leading them to the third heaven with the aid of a mystical instrument. Locate him and get the instrument from him. Without the instrument, he is as good as the rest of my souls. He has stolen thousands of souls so far. Don’t let him steal one more. Now go, and do as you have been commanded.” “Yes, Master,” the locust’s king replied. Turning to his army, Apollyon said, you heard the words of the master. We have an intruder from the third heaven. He is coming between us and our mission. Locate him and get the mystical instrument from him.” The locust army roared in concurrence and matched off violently in search of the spy and to do to the remainders as they had been unleashed to do. To be continued…
3 Mar 2017 | 11:40
This is not gonna end well
3 Mar 2017 | 15:10
Oh Lord, save him
4 Mar 2017 | 02:28
EPISODE 8 The worst of all disasters had been unleashed upon the earth. The teacher’s beloved disciple had warned against these days. He had written about the locusts and the days when they would conquer the earth. In his writing, he stated that in the days when the locusts will possess the earth, mankind will seek death but won’t find it, for the locusts would be under strict instruction to only torture the remainders who refused to receive the teacher’s teachings for a period of five months without killing them. The pain caused by the torture would be like the pain caused by a scorpion's sting. During those five months, the unfortunate remainders will want to die, but death will flee from them. Woe to the remainders!!! As commanded by the voice from the clouds, Apollyon and his army marched forth into the earth to devastate it for the next five months. Having heard and known that his presence in the earth was no longer a secret, the spy became more careful. It also dawned on him that the mission was not as easy as he thought it would be. But then, he was in it already. He had to guard the mystical instrument with his life if he ever wanted to join the fortunate ones in the third heaven again. But Apollyon and his army were determined to never let that happen. The squad was divided into groups and sent out to hunt humans. The various groups went for humans at different parts of the earth, while the last group, led by Apollyon, went in search for the spy. The spy was horror-struck in his hiding place. He couldn’t imagine being wanted by monstrous devilish locusts. At that point, he regretted having taken on the mission. He would rather have remained with the saints in the third heaven, praising and worshiping the teacher. But his compassion wouldn’t let him. Now, he is in a position where he can’t save the remainders anymore and is likely to meet his own eternal destruction. The mystical instrument was his only hope. And he had to keep it safe until the last day of the seventh year. It was still very early, for it had only been three months since he returned to earth. He still had six years and nine months to go. More so, the next five months could just see his mission coming to an ultimate end, and his soul becoming subject to eternal destruction. Meanwhile, the fame of the spy had filled the earth. The remainders became aware that there’s a man on the earth who has the power to change their fate and help them escape the woes that were devastating the earth. So, it turned out that the locusts were not the only ones in search of the spy; the remainders had now joined in the search. Soon enough, the locusts found their way to human territory and continued from where they stopped. From the spy’s hiding place, he could hear their wails and screams, and his soul was troubled. Each time he tried to step out of his hiding, he saw a group of locusts surveying the area. It seemed like those sets of locusts had been told to remain at that point and prey on any remainder that crossed that path. So the spy was stuck in his hiding place. There was no way he could leave that environment without being spotted by the locusts. So he kept his calm but always checked to see if there would be an opportunity for him to leave that place. Over at the third heaven, serious preparations for the sixth woe was in progress. Over two hundred million war horses were being prepared to invade the earth in five months’ time and kill a third of the remainders. Their riders were clothed in fiery-red and dark-blue, and had yellow armor on their chests. The heads of the horses looked like lions, with FIRE, SMOKE, and SULPHUR coming out of their mouths. They were to be led by four of the teacher’s messengers who had been tied up beside the great Euphrates River for millenniums, waiting for a particular hour, day, month, and year to unleash themselves on the remainders and destroy a third of them. Their mission was to commence in five months’ time, and they couldn’t wait for the sixth messenger to blow his trumpet and unleash them upon the remainders. Unlike the fifth woe, the sixth woe was allowed to claim human life. A third of the remainders will be wiped off the face of the earth when the four messengers tied beside the great Euphrates River and their battalion is released upon them. The remainders will be destroyed by the FIRE, SMOKE, and SULPHUR which proceeds from the mouths of the battalion. And once a third of the remainders have been killed, the sixth woe will be over, giving way to the seventh and deadliest woe. The fifth woe was still plaguing mankind, and they thought they had seen the worst. They never know what awaits them upon the blowing of the last two trumpets. Sadly, three months passed without the spy succeeding in taking any remainders back in time. Even he, the spy, had not as much as stepped out of his hiding for those three months. There was never a chance for him to do so, as the territory was never void of locusts. He was starved. He hadn’t eaten anything those three months. Ulcer and other hunger-provoking ailments struck his health as a result. Yet, death wouldn’t come to him, for it had been withdrawn from the earth. The only thing left was sufferings, and torture, and all sorts of affliction; one of which had now caught up with the spy. I wish it would end there. But there is more to come. It got to the end of five months and the spy still remained hidden in his hideout. During the course of the five months, the locusts had done their worst to the remainders they laid hands on. Now, it was about to come to the end of five months in two hours’ time, and the locust woe would be all over. Just then, the locusts who had scattered in groups and circulated all over the earth came together and assembled themselves at the same place they took off from. But they didn’t return alone. They various groups came back with large numbers of remainders who they had taken captive, hoping that the spy was one of the captured remainders. So they brought those remainders to Apollyon so that he would examine them and spot which of them was the spy, and then take the mystical instrument from him before the two hours they had left was over. Over ten thousand remainders were gathered to that place, and the spy saw them all from his hideout. Then Apollyon began his interrogation. “Which of you is the intruder from the third heaven?” Apollyon asked. His question remained unanswered, for no one really knew who the spy was. They only heard that there’s someone like that on earth. Apollyon became outraged and screamed in much anger again saying; “which of your damned souls is the intruder from the third heaven? Deliver him to me or be damned forever!” Then a very embittered man, who had been overly tortured by the locusts for the past five months, rose in anger and replied Apollyon with the following words; “Even if the man you seek was here with us, we wouldn’t deliver him to an ugly monstrous sick creature like you. We would rather have him change our destinies and release us from your devilish hands. And talking about damning us forever, I tell you that you do not have the power to do that. Even as you speak now, you are a damned creature. I read about you in the beloved disciple’s letter to the teacher’s followers. You can neither damn us nor even touch our lives. All you can do is torture us for five months. And your time is over. You will be gone soon.” In anger, Apollyon reached out for the man and stung him with his poisonous tail. The other locusts joined him in afflicting much pain on the man. They stung his eyes, his nose, his ears, his naval, and every sensitive part of his body. He screamed in pain, and the rest of the remainders broke out in tears, struck by much horror. When Apollyon was through dealing with the man, he threw him on the ground and left him to suffer pain, since he couldn’t die from the affliction. Then Apollyon raised his voice and asked once more; “who is the intruder from the third heaven? Release him to me now or suffer like this man just did.” The shivering crowd began uttering randomly; “we do not know him. He is not here with us.” And again, the man who Apollyon had just harshly tormented raised his weak voice and said again; “Even if he was here, we wouldn’t deliver him to you. We would rather have him change our destinies and free us from your torment.” From his hideout, the spy heard the man’s words and thought to himself; “If I come out of this hiding place and declare my identity to the people, they would believe, and I would utter the magical word. Then we would all be gone back in time.” While he was contemplating on whether or not to act on the thought that had crossed his mind, Apollyon was cruelly tormenting the remainders who were there. Their cries and wails from the torment got to the spy, and he couldn’t take it anymore. So he at once stepped out of hiding and loudly declared; “People of the world, I am the one from the third heaven. I CAN SAVE YOU AND DELIVER YOU FROM THESE LOCUSTS IF YOU BELIEVE I CAN.” Then he raised up the mystical instrument and said; “if you believe, just say I BELIEVE, and I will utter a word that will take us away from here to a place where you will have the chance to rewrite your destiny.” Immediately he raised the mystical instrument in the air, Apollyon saw it and confirmed that he was the said man from the third heaven. But instead of the remainders to simply say I BELIEVE, they turned to Apollyon and said; “that’s the man you are looking for. Take him and leave us, we beg you.” The spy was shocked by their words. He couldn’t believe the very people he risked his soul to save were handing him over to the beasts he had come to save them from. Tears rolled down his eyes. He became downhearted. His emotions made him lose guard. Then from nowhere, a locust’s tail suddenly stung him from behind, and he fell to the ground, letting go off the mystical instrument from his hands due to the impact of the sting. And then, slowly and gently, with a feeling of conquest, Apollyon began walking towards the spy to get the mystical instrument. Having gotten pretty close to the fallen spy, Apollyon let out a devilish laugh and declared to the spy saying; “IT IS OVER.” To be continued…
4 Mar 2017 | 12:06
Their time will expire before the reach the instrument I think
5 Mar 2017 | 08:01
Its not over until it is over
5 Mar 2017 | 08:48
Foolz, datz wat de are
5 Mar 2017 | 18:40
EPISODE 9 Seeing that his mission had come to a quick end, the spy lamented greatly over his soul, for the loss of the mystical instrument would subject him to the fate of the remainders. Now, Apollyon was standing right beside the mystical instrument, ready to pick it up and deliver to his master. But the remainder who had confronted Apollyon at first and told him they wouldn’t deliver the spy to him even if he was there, spoke up again. This time, he placed a curse on Apollyon. In the anguish of his soul, he lifted up his voice and said; “Until time ends, you will never be anything more than a monster. We are humans, fearfully and wonderfully made. In what I would term jealousy, a heavenly body questioned our creator about the value he placed on us, for we are deemed a little below the heavenly messengers of the blissful paradise. But you are nothing like us! You are a mere slave! You are subject to eternal damnation. You originated from the abyss. And to the abyss, you shall return. We refused to receive the teacher’s teachings, that’s why we suffer all we suffer today. As a matter of fact, there is a man from the third heaven who possesses the power to stop these sufferings. We are still redeemable. But you? You are a damned creature! No one can redeem you from condemnation! Not even that bloody dragon you call “Master!” On hearing the man’s words, Apollyon fell into a rage and went back to the man, leaving the mystical instrument and the spy for the time being. On getting to the man, he lifted him from the floor like a piece of balloon and unleashed a measure of torture that was only meant to be experienced by the damned souls in the boundless pit of eternal destruction. The rest of the remainders couldn’t stand the sight of the torment. They were so horror struck and cried out to the heavens for safety. When Apollyon heard them crying out to the heavens for safety, his fury further triggered like that of a scorned woman. Then he extended his punishment to them. Soon enough, he remembered he had limited time on the earth. So he ordered one of the locusts who had the spy in his custody to bring him the mystical instrument so they could depart and make way for the next woe. Just then, the clouds turned into fire. The earth became illuminated by the light from the clouds of fire that none on earth could find his way around. It was the sixth woe. Two hundred million war horses were approaching the earth from the sky. The horses had faces like humans and were vomiting FIRE, SMOKE, and SULPHUR from their mouths. It was the combination of these three elements that turned the clouds into fire and illuminated the earth. The four messengers of the teacher who had been tied up in the great Euphrates River had just been released to lead the two hundred million fierce horses and their riders to kill a third of the remainders with the fire, smoke, and sulfur that proceeded out of the mouths of human-faced horses. Apollyon understood that his time was up and the sixth woe had come. So he immediately made effort to locate the mystical instrument before he and his army were withdrawn from the earth. But the light from the clouds illuminated everything in the earth and rendered everything out of sight. But Apollyon, in an effort not to disappoint his master, tried his best to use his psychology to trail the instrument. While he was doing that, the spy, as well as the other locusts, were also trailing the mystical instrument. Luckily for the spy, he got to the instrument first since it was quite close to him. As soon as he laid hands on the mystical instrument, he loudly declared to the rest of the remainders saying; “PEOPLE OF THE EARTH, I CAN SAVE YOU IF YOU BELIEVE I CAN. IF YOU BELIEVE, JUST SAY ‘I BELIEVE,’ AND I WILL UTTER A WORD THAT WILL TAKE YOU TO A PLACE WHERE YOU WILL HAVE THE CHANCE TO CHANGE YOUR DESTINY.” Immediately the remainders heard the spy, they all lifted up their voices and screamed repeatedly; “I BELIEVE.” But before the spy could utter the magical word and take the remainders on a trip back in time, the locust that had him in custody got hold of the spy and tied its tail round the spy’s neck in an effort to strangle him and prevent him from uttering the magical word until the mystical instrument was retrieved from him. The spy tried to withhold the mystical instrument and keep the locust from getting to its reach. But then, he fast became weak and couldn’t hold on any longer. If not that death had been withdrawn from the earth, the spy would have choked to death. The locusts ran his hands all through the spy’s body until it touched the mystical instrument. Then he informed Apollyon loudly, “I’ve got it!” Apollyon ordered him to get it from the spy and wait until it gets to their last minute on earth so they’ll be taken up from the earth. They were to depart from the earth by shrinking and giving way for the sixth woe. But then, it so happened that it had gotten to their last minute and the locusts had already begun shrinking. The process of their departure from earth had commenced already. The locusts couldn’t make any further moves. They became like still monuments while their bodies shrunk in bits into the air. Even the locust that strangled the spy and already had its hands on the mystical instrument couldn’t do any more than hold on to the instrument while shrinking into the air in bits. Slowly and steadily, the shrinking continued until the locust were all gone. The moment the locust’s tail tied round the spy’s neck shrunk, the spy fell to the ground with the mystical instrument still in his hands. At that point, the great illumination disappeared and the earth returned to its normal state. The illumination was only meant to last for the period of the transition from the fifth woe to the sixth woe. Then everything was in sight, and the remainders could see themselves again. However, there was something else they saw, which their eyes didn’t really want to see. Up in the clouds, the remainders could see the two hundred million human-faced horses approaching from the clouds with fire, smoke and sulfur proceeding from their mouths. In just 60 seconds’ time, the troop will reach the earth and start with the destruction of a third of the remainders. So the remainders all ran to the spy and urged him to save them. But the spy was lying unconscious on the floor. The locust had strangled him to the point of death. But he couldn’t die because death had been withdrawn from the earth. So he fell unconscious, and no one knew when he was going to regain consciousness. As a matter of fact, he had only 60 seconds to regain consciousness and utter the magical word that would take him and the remainders back in time. All the remainders had already believed he could save them. The only problem they now had was how to make him regain consciousness before the end of 60 seconds. THE CLOCK WAS THICKING!!! To be continued…
7 Mar 2017 | 10:09
8 Mar 2017 | 10:50
Tick tock tick tock says the clock
8 Mar 2017 | 13:11
Next plz
9 Mar 2017 | 01:02
9 Mar 2017 | 01:55


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