Switched (Completed)

Switched (Completed)

By Shaxee in 3 Oct 2014 | 18:45
Shaxee Shaxee

Shaxee Shaxee

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Posts: 38
Member since: 3 Aug 2014
Welcome to my New Weekly Series ‘Switched’ I hope you enjoy the ride as you did with other stories
I have news for you just in case you’ve not been aware of the New Changes I’m going to make this year.
3 Oct 2014 | 18:45
Episode 1 Sandra Okoye groaned when her phone rang and She knew better than not responding to her P.A’s call whom she knew was either at her door waiting for permission to barge inside or outside in one of her dramatic Limosuine to get her to one of those crazy movie Promotions which she dreaded attending. “Yea?” she croaked. “Wake up sunshine! “Whatever…, what time is it?” “It’s 7am, I’m almost at the hotel you lodged in and I need you to kindly prepare before I get to the door and see something I’m sure you don’t want me seeing.” “Get me espresso on your way here…” “Like I need you to tell me that.” Pamela giggled. “One day you’re going to be so drunk on Caffeine you’re going to need Valium to put you back to sleep.” “Well, just in case you don’t know, I was sleeping before you woke me up with your annoying voice.” She snapped and hung up before Pamela could say anything else. She sighed and closed her eyes to rest her head on the vanity trying to get her thoughts together before a masculine hand flung itself over her. “Hey baby…” “Marvin, not now…” she tried to push him away but he pulled her closer and held her trapped beneath him. “I have a Movie Promotion in London by 8.” She protested when he started kissing her. Didn’t this man just know when to stop? Just because she’d agreed to let him lodge with her tonight after his constant begging didn’t mean she wanted him to start acting like he was a permanent boyfriend. “Marvin, you have to leave. Now.” She succeeded in pushing him away and reached for her robe. Hurriedly putting it on with trembling fingers, she avoided his eyes as much as possible. Marvin slumped back into the bed and looked at her. ”It’s still him isn’t it?” Sandra frowned. ”What?” “Bayo. And you’d rather be with him ‘cos he gets you all those contracts, all those things I can’t give you and he doesn’t treat you the way I do.” Sandra was furious. ”I can’t believe you have the guts to say that into my face Marvin.” She went to pick his clothes from the floor and flung it at him. ”Get out! Get out and don’t call me!” “But baby…” “Get the F- out of my room, out of my hotel and out of my life” Marvin didn’t know why Sandra had snapped at his statement and wondered if she was having her terrible mood swings again as usual. But it wasn’t like he hadn’t told her the truth. He was going to give her time to chill off. He was sure before night time, She was going to be calling his cell phone telling him of how she didn’t want to spend another night at her house because Bayo had a way of always getting on her nerves, making her cry and he was sure the same man was responsible for the little bruises he’d seen while she was sleeping after they’d had sex last night. But she would never say. She just liked to act bossy and bitchy when he hit the right notes. He grabbed his boxers and struggled to put it on since he was sure she intended to drag him out as well with the way her eyes threw daggers at him. “You know we can always talk about this baby…” “Talk my ass. There’s nothing you’re saying to me that I’m gonna sit down here and listen to.” She snapped and went towards the door opening it wide for him to find his way out. Was this how far she was going to humiliate him and herself as well? It was like her moods got better of her whenever she was angry and she often forgot paparazzis could be hanging around taking mental notes of what was going on in the life of a celebrity like her. He threw on his checkered shirt and jeans and pulled on his timberland boots. He hated to admit she was the one who bought him his boots and half of his wardrobe. She’d been the one to pay for their dinner and this hotel where she lodged or probably the benefits of shooting a popular movie in London where she was the supporting actress. He doubted Women in Nigeria treated their Men like she did to him presently. She would come calling, he knew she would. And he would let her suffer a little before he gave in once more. Immediately he stepped out, she banged the door behind him and locked it. He bounced off and dusted it off his shoulders. He had enough cash to keep him for the day. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sandra sank into the bed and tried to kill the very emotion that threatened to surface once Marvin stepped out of the room. The way she’d been killing every emotion just as Bayo had trained her to do over the years. She knew the reason why she had pushed Marvin out of the room. It was because he had said the truth right to her face. She liked Bayo because of what he could give her and that was why she had agreed to move in with him in the first place. The man himself enjoyed what she could give him. She was the face out there that people loved to see not minding that she was being controlled by a slave master. He dictated what she would do and which show she could go for even if she was reluctant to accept such a role. He was her manager who showed her the way and she knew that without him, she would be on the streets. Where he’d found her. And so, she had to please him, but the times when she felt she would die if she stayed with him one more day, Marvin filled up that space while the bastard was out in his bar getting drunk and bloated. Sometimes, she just hated the sight of him and couldn’t stand him. Right now, there was nothing to do about it. She had to endure just like she’d been enduring him for 10 years. He’d been the one that was there for her, sending her to school, acting school, getting her the necessary contracts and letting the whole world see that he had her back anytime. He was quite older than her. Divorced and had no kids. She remembered the first time she’d seen him, he’d been so charming, so caring, taking care of her and giving her the assurance that he would do things for her. But after a while, he started getting drunk, he would spend late nights outside, sometimes, she’d see the tabloids of entertainment magazines and news where records of his visit to strip clubs were detailed and out of anger, she would yell at him and he would get emotionally violent and hit her or try to rape her. Options of leaving him often came up but she realized there was no way she could or he’d track her down and hurt her. Or the only people that were dear to her heart whom nobody knew about. She had achieved so much in her life. In the space of 10 years, she’d been a model, featured in some known TV shows that aired internationally, a well known actress in her homeland Nigeria, Ghana inclusive and this new movie that had been shot in London and Nigeria had been one of her major breakthroughs that she’d always dreamed of. Then why after so much achievement, after all of these did she feel like there was so much more to life than what she was presently experiencing? Why did she feel like she hadn’t seen it all? Why did she feel amidst all these freedom that she’d always dreamed of ever since she was 5, she wasn’t fully liberated? Why did she sometimes feel trapped or better still, someone was pulling the strings of her life as a puppet when that was what she’d tried running away from in the beginning? Why did she feel the hole in her heart was getting larger? The knock on the door disrupted her thoughts and she yelled knowing it was Pamela but she had to be sure it wasn’t some psycho who was on the loose for actresses like her or someone who she wasn’t ready to see. Whoever she saw had to come through her Personal Assistant or Manager. They seemed to have had her life sorted out for her better than she did for herself. “It’s Pam, your clothes and your cup of coffee, so please open up.” Sandra noticed her sense of humor and opened up. “I knew you might not open up if I was the only one at the door.” She shrugged and strolled in as Sandra snatched the cup of espresso from her and opened it taking a sip. “Nice.” “You’re welcome.” Pamela said and went to drop her clothes on the bed turning to look at her and at the same time, glancing at her wristwatch. ”Do you know what time it is? I’ve been up since 5 in the morning trying to work on your appointments and send responses to those executives who want you to show up on their red carpet with your co- stars. I had to explain you’re still promoting your new movie “Pink Curtains” but will see you at the premiers tonight. And then your emails keep filling up not to talk of the few fans I have to answer on your behalf ” She looked up to watch Sandra but she seemed to have picked the fashion magazine Pamela had picked for her on the way before coming there. Pamela groaned. Did this woman have to make life miserable for her? She pulled off her trench coat and heels leaving her in a cream chiffon blouse tucked into a black pencil skirt so as to enable her mobility. Maybe if she set the bath running, her boss would be forced to go to the bathroom. Goodness, they were running late and even if Sandra wasn’t going to fire her, Bayo Alade could. “Sandra, we have to be out here by 8 a.m to meet your co- stars.” “What if I’ve changed my mind? I mean what if I don’t feel like? I mean I have a choice don’t I?’ She didn’t bother looking up but kept sipping her coffee and skipping through the pages mumbling some words to herself whenever a particular bag caught her attention. Pamela sighed rubbing her fingers on her throbbing temples. The cons of this job. For crying out loud, was she going to play the role of a psychologist while she played P.A? Just when she was still thinking up her chances of convincing her boss, Sandra stood up, threw the book on the bed and headed into the bathroom. Pamela sank into the bed relieved. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Bayo Alade smiled into the camera as the lights kept flashing and he wondered why the woman beside him seemed to be acting stiff and unperturbed as her arms lingered on his waist. They stood as a couple briefly acting like they were happy and though she looked beautiful as usual, he knew she was trying to ignore him and if not for the red carpet movie premier tonight, she wouldn’t even come close to him. He knew she’d lodged in with some guy into the hotel some nights ago and for a while, she refused to sleep in his apartment but preferred the comfort of her trashy lover but he wasn’t going to bring up the topic now. Let her enjoy her night. Let them both enjoy their night of celebration. “You look great.” he complimented briefly as the other actors moved away slightly to take pictures alone. “You’re not so bad yourself.” She replied not even looking up at him. “I didn’t see you last night after the party..’ “Neither did I…” She was about moving away from his side when his grip tightened on her waist so much that she flinched. “Bayo, you’re hurting me.” “You’re not going to leave me without a kiss would you baby?” She knew he wanted to take things the hard way and so she stood still when he planted a hard kiss on her lips. She hated him when he was so dominating and acted like she was nothing more than an object to him, and the way he kissed her like he was reminding her of her roots and how far he’d brought her and so she’d better behave. When he broke free, he smiled. A cynical smile. ”You’re sleeping in tonight with me. Understood?” “Why, your hookers haven’t been satisfying you so well recently?” She smirked when she saw how her response had done well in hitting the right spot and she strutted off going to greet one of her co- stars with a brief hug and taking a picture with him. ‘;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; “Jeremy just knows how to set the place on fire.” Kristen Stacey the main actress in the movie ‘Pink Curtains’ where Sandra had starred as a supporting actress giggled as one of the actors that starred alongside them as the main actor kept giving hilarious responses to friends that were throwing questions to him about his role in the movie. “I can see that.” Sandra responded and smiled before sipping her vodka and orange. Kristen Stacey was the white woman who had played a best friend to Sandra in the movie even though racism and other dark secrets had kept them apart. Rumors had began to spread that the movie was an award winning movie for Kristen, the Screen writer and the director. Kristen was an American but she had played her role well as a British student with an accent that she’d taken weeks to master very well and the little time Sandra spent with her, She knew she was a pleasant woman to be with. In her early 20s, this would be her first movie award with the likes of Jennifer Lawrence and Shailene Woodley, not to talk of the black young girl of 9 years old that had been nominated for an Oscar last year. Sandra began to wonder if winning an award was what was missing in her life. Maybe if she strived towards that, that empty feeling, that cold feeling of loneliness and fear would leave her alone. Maybe she needed to achieve something. Maybe it was the peak of things she needed to aim for. “I heard there’s an after party tonight…” Kristen whispered after sipping her Magarita and winked. ” We get to meet lot of other stars…” “Like Denzel?” Sandra teased. Kristen’s eyes widened and she giggled pushing Sandra gently. ‘You’re so funny.” It seemed Kristen thought everyone was funny and if she didn’t know better, she would have thought she was naive. “You know who I’d like to meet?” “Who?” “George Clooney.” She winked. ”That guy is gorgeous!’ she swooned. “And too old for you.” “Sandra! Who said anything about liking him? I said I’d like to meet him. Maybe act a movie with him or something…” “Oh and then, he’d be your Uncle or your father in the movie except you’re talking behind the scene stuff…” Kristen giggled and shook her head. ‘I’m not that naughty. Talk about Hugh Jackman, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth..” Sandra raised her hand. ”I get it…., goodluck with that.” “Well, well, well…., If it isn’t our great Nigerian actress..” A woman’s snare disrupted their banter and even without looking up, Sandra knew who it was. Her ‘arch’ enemy Demi Reeves, a popular actress who she was sure had more chances than her since her mother was black and her father white and both were citizens. The same woman had been the one whom she had once caught Bayo cheating with at a time when their relationship was almost hitting the rocks. Demi Reeves seemed like she wanted to compete with everything she had and wasn’t going to be satisfied till she was beneath her. Probably because Bayo still chose to stay with her, that must have hurt that He chose her over a popular and pretty actress like her and the fact that Sandra had made it from her modeling career into the acting world. Not many models did. “And I believe you were just passing?” Sandra tried to ignore her. “Infact, I’m here to congratulate Kristen here who seemed to overshadow everybody in the movie.” The biting remark left a bitter taste to Sandra’s tongue but she shrugged not revealing anything. “Thank you Demi. But I couldn’t have done it without the rest of the crew and sweet Sandra here.” Kristen giggled pressing her hands into Sandras’ obviously ignorant of the little misunderstanding between the 2. ” Demi raised an eyebrow. ”Indeed. Don’t get drunk you two.” she strolled off. “Get lost b***.” She mumbled under her breath before smiling at Kristen. Things like that were not worth her time and she wouldn’t let it. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Anu stared at the letter in her hand and tried not to curse and cry at the same time. Never in her wildest dreams would she imagine herself as part of the staff that was going to be relieved of their jobs in the coming year and the cruel director had waited till February such that she’d set down her guards. And now, they were just going to throw her into the street because of some so called problems? Where was she going to start from, how was she going to start picking up the pieces with a child and two parents to take care of? Her mother had told her about this bank job she had taken in the first place and how she had advised she set her hands on something else just in case anything happened and caught her unawares. Well, now that it had caught her unawares, she could almost feel her mother gloat. But knowing the kind of mother she had, she knew she wouldn’t. Her parents were not going to be happy that she’d lost her job. There was only one person she knew must have even been praying for her to get fired. Teniola Ever since she got the job 2 years ago at the time Teniola was 8 and had announced it to the house, she’d seen the fear and anger in her daughter’s eyes because it meant there would be no mummy and daughter time like before anymore. Her mother was going to be the one to fill in for her whenever she wasn’t home and most times by the time she returned, the young girl had gone to bed. Saturdays and Sundays were her only free days though sometimes, something always came up. She missed spending time with her daughter too and she wasn’t surprised many factors were playing a role in preventing her from settling down with the man of her dreams. She’d fallen in love with a young man who had shown interest in her when she was working as a teacher but when he found out she had a daughter, probably from a careless past life, he pulled back soon enough. Then, there was her Managing Director of the bank where she worked who found it convenient to ask her out since it felt like since she had a daughter and that posed as a slim chance for her getting a suitable suitor, it’d benefit her to date him since he was married and had kids as well. She was sure her rejection had incensed him to enroll her name in the list. She couldn’t find enough words for him. The conductor brought her mind back to the present yelling out her bustop for those who were interested in getting down from the bus. “O wa o.” She responded and adjusted her things and her letter into her hand bag and looked out of the window as the sunset orange settled over the horizon suddenly making that area of Lagos look so beautiful. Her mind snapped back to the present when the bus stopped and she hurriedly got down before the conductor had any chance to utter swearing words at her. When she stood at her bustop, she sighed and patiently waited before she crossed the road and began walking down her street. She suddenly wished her life would be beautiful like the sunset orange which she’d observed in the sky as the bus drove by, not ugly and depressing that she wondered how she was going to survive the rest of the month.
4 Oct 2014 | 10:06
Episode 2 Here you go.” Kemi rubbed her daughter’s back gently while passing her a glass of cold water. When she saw her daughter was still crying, she settled down beside her on the couch and pulled her close to herself. ”Do you want Teniola to come back and see you like this?” Her face was still in her hands but her shoulders stopped trembling. After a while, she looked up and wiped her face roughly. Her mother reached for the glass of water once more and placed it in her hands. ”Oya drink some water. Even if you’re not going to eat my food, just start with water.” Anu obeyed and gulped the cold content of the cup. Her mother continued to talk though she wanted the woman to keep quiet for now at least. She wondered the wrath that would have poured out from her mother’s mouth if she found out that her boss had tried to take her to bed. The woman would snap and who knew what more she would do? “God’s ways are not our ways okay? Just because you’ve lost this one doesn’t mean another one won’t come. Infact, better ones than this. I’ll be praying for you. Maybe we should go for prayers holding in church. There’s a vigil holding tomorrow night. I’ll tell Pastor Demola….” Anu almost choked on her water and she shook her head. Right now, what she wanted to do was stay away from everybody and everything. Her life seemed like a mess. She was serving God and was this how he enjoyed treating her? humiliating her and letting her friends laugh at her? Was this what she got after spending her life being a honest, loving and caring person, after sacrificing things for others and putting people ahead of her? Whereas, most of her colleagues had beautiful cars, beautiful homes and cool husbands. She doubted if there was anyone still living in their parent’s house at her age stuck up with a child when the father was nowhere to be found? And all her mother could do was rant about how God’s ways not being theirs. Then what kind of way was it if her life was still like this at 28? Right now, she didn’t even know whom to be angry with because everybody in her family were starting to get on her nerves and piss her off. It seemed like they had pushed her to her breaking point and she couldn’t take anymore. “I’m going to my room to sleep. When Teniola returns from lesson, tell her I’m sleeping and I don’t want to be disturbed if she happens to find her way into the room.” And she stood up and found her way to the bedroom where herself and her daughter shared. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; Kemi was making dinner when her husband arrived from work. He looked tired and worn out though he tried to hide it and smiled when his eyes settled on her. “Nno…” She greeted cheerfully rubbing her hands on her apron and going to collect her husband’s bag and newspaper from him. He’d been working as a civil servant for years and they had begun discussing when he would retire soon though she knew the kind of man her husband was. She supposed he would retire when his bones were starting to wear out. Their house wasn’t the biggest house in town neither could it even be compared to other houses in the neighborhood but Nnamdi was a good man who followed everything to the book and she loved him that he was content with the little they had. Their house was a 2 bedroom flat located somewhere along Ikorodu road and even if there was not much to boast about, the house was something her husband had built with his money a while ago when lands were still cheap in the area and they’d been forced to move early when the landlord was continually disturbing them for house rent. It was after they moved he continued the finishing works of the house and they were glad that the aspect of house rent was eliminated from their lives and so hereby enabling them to face other things. His old Toyota corolla 2005 model was what he still drove to church every Sunday inclusive of work as well. He’d assisted his wife in opening a shop not far from the house where she happened to stock provisions, drinks, snacks and toiletries. Though it couldn’t be termed as a Supermart, she made petty cash from it coupled with his. And partly helped send Teniola to school since she was their granddaughter. Mama Ibeji was what the people in the community called her though it’d been a while she’d set eyes on the other twin and people just loved poking their noses into her business asking about the other twin though she’d been able to put them in their places. And so right now, the ‘iya ibeji‘ name was more like an ordinary name that everybody called her not giving attention to what it entailed. “Nkem.” Nnamdi greeted “Nnayi..” Kemi smiled up at him and kissed him on the lips letting her hands linger on his back. When they broke free, she quickly turned off the gas and collected his tie from him while following him into their room so as to help him undress as was the normal routine she’d been doing for years. “The traffic must have been bad. See how your clothes are soaked already eh?” she pulled off his shirt and helped with his vest as well. “Fashola noni...” Kemi rolled her eyes and shook her head ignoring her husband’s usual banter. It was like he expected since she was Yoruba and from Lagos, she and the governor of Lagos state were somewhat related. It amazed her how he kept pulling that dry joke after 28 years they’d been together. But wasn’t that the whole deal about marriage? Not everything that irked her that she was meant to spill out and there was somethings one had to just ignore. Asides that, they lived like brother and sister presently. Nothing new seemed to be happening and she didn’t think anything would change that anytime soon. And she was content. Nnamdi loved her in the best way he knew how to love her though he’d had his faults in the past but they’d moved on. It may not be the rosy and butterfly effect that she’d felt when she first met him, neither was it the way they portrayed in those books and Spanish soap-operas she sat watching sometimes in the shop when there were no customers around, but she was happy being with him. He’d warned her to stop reading those books that gave her a false image of love, and most times when she sat watching TV with her husband, she tried to control the urge to change it to one of those stations where Telenovas were consistently playing while Nnamdi watched CNN or Super-sports but she had learned to endure it all. She knew it wasn’t his handsome yellow ‘pawpaw’ features that made her last this long with him. Well, she couldn’t deny that was the first thing that had thrilled her and how he’d been so confident back then in school, he’d told her about how much he wanted from life and how he intended giving her the best romance there was. He’d been the one to capture her heart though there was Kola Badmus at the time who had been a well to do man and a fine one. He’d been the one her parents wanted her to marry. But things happened so fast, starting from her parents not wanting to see her and then the twins came and Nnamdi had been so responsible by standing up to do the rightful thing. And how could she thank him enough? “Kemi, are you okay?” Her husband’s thoughts disrupted her thoughts and she hurriedly pulled off his socks not glancing at him. “I’m fine…” “No, you’re not.” He tapped the space beside him. ”Come…, come sit.” She obeyed him and settled beside her husband on the bed trying to compose herself enough not to reveal anything yet. He was meant to have dinner before she revealed anything to him. She didn’t know how he was going to take the news about Anuoluwa losing her job. “Why don’t you take a shower first, then we’ll talk at the dining table. It’s late already and you need to put something in your stomach.” He knew his wife too well to start querying her and so he resigned and left for the bathroom while asking about his daughter and granddaughter. “They are asleep. Will wake them up in time for dinner” was all she said as she said as she headed out of the room. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; It was Anu’s phone ringing that disrupted her sleep. On seeing the Caller ID, she looked around the room and saw Teniola asleep with earpiece in her ears connected to the nano ipod her sister had sent coupled with other things late last year. Her parents had seen it wondering how she would buy that so soon when it was obvious she was managing herself but she’d been able to dodge their question. The girl was so stubborn. How many times was she going to tell her to stop putting earpiece in her ears to sleep? Even if it was a short nap.. She was too young to damage her eardrums so soon. And then sleeping on the rug when she could have slept at the other end of the bed if she wanted “Hello…” “Sisi…” the voice greeted at the other end. ”Why are you sounding grouchy? Did I call at the wrong time?” Anu shifted on the bed and sighed rubbing her eyes and looking up at the ceiling trying to gather her thoughts together. “Stop calling me Sisi abeg…” “Save the grouchy tone for mum and Dad. How are you? I just thought I should check on you.” “Thank you.” “How’s Teni?” “She’s doing alright.” She shifted again to see if the girl was still asleep. ”So when are you coming back to Nigeria? It’s been a year already. How many movies are shooting at once, ten?” “Silly gal..” she drawled. ”What do you know about acting anyway?” “Not interested thank you very much.” she hissed. ”Ebun talk sense. When are you coming so that we can talk?” “I’ll have to get back to you on that one.” ”I got fired today and things are not getting better at home. Everybody is moving around the house like they are afraid of stepping on each other’s toes. I want to leave this house and come spend time with you at Lekki, I need to clear my head and stay away from everybody.” “Fired? How did it happen? What went wrong?” “That’s story for another day. I hope you understood all that I said over the phone?” Her sister sighed. ”Yes, I do. Will call you when I intend coming over.” “Please do…” The door jerked open and she mumbled a “I’ll call you later, Mum’s here.’ before hanging up. “Anu…, you’re awake. I’m sure you must be hungry. Dinner is ready and your father is back.” “I’ll join you in a minute.” “Okay.” Her gaze settled on the young girl curled up on the soft rug where she had slept off with her school bag on the chair. ”Omo yen o kin gboron. Stop sleeping on the floor, iro!” Kemi lamented. “She probably didn’t want to disturb me.” Anu hissed and got on her feet to wake up the sleeping child. “Teni…, Teni…” Anu pulled away the ear pods and shook her again till she stirred. “Oya wake up. Grandma has made dinner. You need to eat so that you don’t wake up hungry.” And before the child could protest, Anu scooped her from the floor and into her arms while heading out of the room. Having lived with the child for so long, once she settled on the table, she would be fully awake especially when the aroma of food got to her nostrils. It was at the table while they were eating Anu broke the news. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; It was late by the time Teniola retired to her room after doing her homework. In a few month’s time, she was going to be in JSS 1 and she couldn’t tell how elated she was. But after hearing the news at the table, her excitement had depreciated and she was torn between crying and angry. She felt sorry for her mother and though she knew things would get better hopefully, she knew her mother was unhappy most especially with the way she’d acted harsh towards her at dinner and while she was washing plates. She suddenly felt guilty when her mind flashed back to years ago when she’d grumbled about the new job and said a few words out of anger. It was almost like her wish had come through though she had just spoken out of anger at the time. Her grandmother had retired to bed early while Grandpa stayed back in the living room watching the news though she could tell his mind wasn’t completely on the TV. On getting to the door, she pulled the knob and peeped in before entering. Her mother was fixing the beddings in the room and she turned at the noise from the door. “Are you done with your homework?” “Yes mommy.” “And have you said goodnight to grandpa and grandma?” “Yes mommy.” “Okay…, pull off your clothes and go clean up so that you can come say your prayers and sleep. I’ll go through your work when you return.” Teniola obediently pulled off her clothes and went to get her yellow towel hanging beside her wardrobe. The room was large enough to comfortably contain 2 people including some furniture necessary such as a bedside table and chair which Teniola and Anu used often. It also contained some textbooks so as to ease the load which she carried to school. They couldn’t afford to be buying her a new school bag if the old one became worn out so quickly due to excessive weight. Anu reached to get her daughter’s school uniform and the pressing iron which lay under the bed. ”Mummy, are you angry with me?” Teni asked her huge eyes peering into her mother’s. “What makes you say that?” Anu turned on the switch hoping the Power Holding Authorities would keep the light still as she ironed. And before she knew it, Teni was behind her, holding her waist while her head rested slightly above it. The girl wasn’t that tall and had a small stature just like her mother though Anu had surpassed her in height. “I never meant it when I told you I wish you would lose your job. Please, I’m sorry if you think so.” Anu sighed and turned towards the child settling on the bed and holding her close to herself. How she loved the girl. She was so sensitive and beautiful. How could she blame her for her sudden misfortune or her present situation. Things happened and she hoped she could get something doing soon. But before then, she would love to spend time with her just as she always wanted. She would go and pick her from school tomorrow and they could go out for icecream and snacks. Something that she could afford for the time being. And they would talk, laugh and have fun. “It’s okay sweetie.” She kissed her on the cheeks and rubbed her hair fondly letting her fingers stroke the beads that clung to the bottom of her braids. ”I don’t blame you for anything. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me y’know?” Teni beamed and hugged her mother. ”I love you.” “I love you too honey.” She lifted her and planted her on the floor. ”Now go bathe before you start smelling.” Teni giggled and left the room for the bathroom just outside the bedroom. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; “Gosh Sandra, does she have to be around you everytime?” Whitney’s irritated voice brought Sandra back to the present and she frowned wondering who her friend was talking about. “Who?” “Like you don’t know…” She hissed and rolled her eyes at Pamela who was seated a few seats from them. Though the young woman was busy on the phone while scribbling somethings into a notepad and had hardly touched her food making it obvious that she was busy, Sandra shrugged. “Well, she has lots of errands to run for me and helping me into my car when those crazy fans come running is one of them.” Sandra refused to mention the fact that Pamela’s presence made her feel somewhat comfortable. The girl was just multi- tasking and seemed to handle all cases professionally and wasn’t a snitch just like the last one she’d hired and Bayo had sued. What kind of P.A goes around discussing your business after signing a contract not to? Oh, probably the kind that wanted loads of traffic to her new blog or website and was ready to breach their agreement on that note. Pamela had just graduated from a community college where she studied Business Writing and intended to continue her education much later and that was partly the reason she was working for her. She had also agreed to be her P.A since she was also a fan of her work which she’d seen. At the interview, she’d been impressed at the way Pamela had composed herself. She was outgoing, laughed when she made a sarcastic remark about her and minded her business. She never gave any advice if she didn’t ask for it and the ones she subtly tried to pass across, she got shunned. And she was a good time keeper. Having mentioned working as a secretary and a customer sales person in the past few years as a part time job since she attended evening classes, she knew how to maximize her time well. But Sandra knew nothing about Pamela’s personal life and she wondered if there was much to it. She never seemed to have a life of her own and gave accurate responses to her errands. ”Are you thinking of firing her?” Ashley asked when she noticed Sandra’s eyes were still on her P.A “No, she’s doing a good job. Why should I?” Whitney scoffed and scooped a spoon of cold chocolate into her mouth. Even with her plus size figure, she still fed herself to foods with high calorie and fattening content. She had her own show which she hosted during the weekends while Ashley was an upcoming music artist who had won one of Britain’s X- factor shows. The three friends had met years ago on one of Sandra’s trips to Manchester. ”I don’t trust those skinny things. They think because they’ve got great shape they can wiggle their way into a man’s bed. The last one that I caught my ex cheating on, you need to see how skinny she is. She’s so skinny I had to wonder what Joni saw in her. Just because they can wear a bikini, they think they can do everything else. I heard the b** can’t even cook.” Ashley laughed and shook her head. ”Too bad…” Sandra laughed. ”Men don’t need women who can cook these days.” Looking over at Pamela once more with her slim and graceful shape, she tried to imagine her with Bayo for a second. She knew the man was that loose, but he’d be stooping so low if he tried making a move on Pamela. She didn’t know why she suddenly came to trust Pamela somewhat that she couldn’t make such a move. Or could she? She was pretty. In between Caucasian and black. But her fair skin glowed and her eyes were beautiful. Hazel eyes, thick and shapely eyebrows, nice legs that complemented those pencil skirts she wore often, a smooth shaped nose and luscious lips. 5’7. Her hair was left to fall on her shoulders when it wasn’t in a ruffle. It would be hard for a man not to fall for her. Infact, she looked like a model and that was when the question resonated in her head. What the hell was Pamela doing as her P.A when she could easily take her place? Sandra knew she was beautiful, there was no doubt about that. She’d been the cover for several fashion magazines and products that wanted her to be the their ambassador. She had the face, the skin, the legs and the aura. There was nothing she did not have. And so why did the sudden jealousy of Pamela fill her so much? Pamela’s gaze suddenly settled upon her as she took a slice of her cheese cake. The girl smiled and waved obviously still on the phone with one of those people who wouldn’t leave her the hell alone and oblivious of Sandra’ s thoughts towards her. Later while they drove back to the hotel in her car and Pamela began informing her about the calls and appointments she’d made on her behalf, Sandra looked at her. “How’s your boyfriend?” Pamela stopped and looked at her, wondering what had prompted the question. ”What?” “Don’t tell me a pretty girl like you doesn’t have a boyfriend or fiancee locked up somewhere…, so tell me, what’s his name?” Sandra noticed her blinking and how much she avoided her gaze. ”I don’t have a boyfriend.” “Are you a lesbian?” Pamela shook her head. ”No ma’am.” “And you don’t have a boyfriend?” “I don’t” “That’s impossible!” Sandra feigned interest and turned her full attention to her. ”C’mon, tell me.” “Well, it didn’t really work out well between us. If you don’t mind, my private life is kind of a mess and I don’t want to talk about it.” “okay…, no problemo. But I could hook you up y’know.” “I appreciate your efforts Sandra, but I’d like to sort myself out first.” At that moment, the car stopped and Pamela couldn’t tell how relieved she was. What in the world had prompted such questioning, she pondered as she helped Sandra with some of her things while her Boss strolled into the hotel. “Sandra!” a young boy of 7 screamed as she was about reaching for the door the butler opened up for her. Sandra turned and noticed a young boy running towards her excitedly. He was white with dark hair and some freckles danced on his face. It was when he got close that she noticed the boy must be a fan since he tried to get his thoughts all out at once. “I saw you in Pink Curtains and I think that’s my best movie ever!” Sandra was somewhat pleased that a boy of such a young age was interested in a movie like hers and she smiled. ”Thank you.” “I want an autograph. I want to show it to my friends in school. Can you be my girlfriend?” Sandra did not have the time to answer him as a young man of her age came running up to join him and she realized he must be the father. The boy must be brave to come up to her like this and she was amused. “Do you have a pen?” She asked sweetly as the guards came close. She used that as a distraction since she knew the guards will be pulling father and son away from her pretty soon. The last thing she wanted to do was sign an autograph. She was exhausted. Emotionally and Physically. “Nate…, c’mon son we have to go..” the father grabbed his son’s hand though he was reluctant. But when Sandra had found her way into the building with her P.A, Nathan’s face fell and he followed his father obediently. But he wasn’t going to give up yet Much love. xo!!
4 Oct 2014 | 10:49
Episode 3 Nathan Olsen watched his father make breakfast for him and mumbling a short blessing, he grabbed a waffle and pushed it into his mouth. “Nate, how many times will I warn you about table manners?” He belched and smiled sheepishly. ”About 20 times I think…” “If you go on like this, all the girls in your class are going to run away from you.” Brian threatened since he knew if nothing seemed to pique his son’s interest, that would. On the other hand, Nate had become so used to the threat that he slightly ignored his father and gulped down his orange juice. Brian shook his head and settled down to his food so that he could spend time with his son today just as he had promised. The kid was on a short vacation and so father and son had decided to spend time together though he was going to find time to work on the backlogs he had due to their outing last night. Apart from God being the major reason he was living, Nathan was the reason he thought his life was worthwhile ever since his mother passed away five years ago and he’d been trying to make up for the mother’s love he was missing out on. When Debbie was still alive, she had poured all her love and attention on the only son they had and though Nate had been too young to understand what had happened to him at the time but he unconsciously pointed out details that hurt his father inside. He still hurt anytime he remembered his wife, her auburn curly hair bouncing around her face and how beautiful and spontaneous she had been. She’d been good at her duty as a mother, her job as a teacher that everybody loved and she’d been the only woman he’d ever fallen so crazily in love with. He remembered meeting her at a play one of his friends had invited him to and how his best friend had introduced them and the rest was history. He remembered how she’d convinced him to move to England and with her convincing him that things could work out there as well. It was at the same time he’d been praying about where to go since he had intentions of leaving the States after a life-changing encounter for him. After prayers and a job offer, he left the states. And he hadn’t regretted it. Getting married to Debbie brought him joy, made him happy and when she brought Nathan into the world, he remembered how happy he’d been that tears rolled down his cheeks. He remembered how they would talk long hours into the night and she would try to help him in all ways she could while he worked on his projects. Even the days he couldn’t come home due to his Boss’ request, he would call her and they would talk. 7 years they lived happy. 7 years it seemed Heaven smiled on him, even the times when they would argue so much and feel like they couldn’t cope being together. Things always worked out. Till that day that tragedy struck and it seemed as if something died in him at that moment. He often wondered if her death was a push for him to do what God had called him to do in the first place. He saw her in his dreams often, saw her smiling at him. Saw her looking happy and running towards something, almost as if she was telling him goodbye. But he wasn’t ready to say goodbye. He doubted he was anytime soon. “First to finish!” Nate yelled disrupting his thoughts and jumping up from the kitchen stool to prove his point by throwing his fists around him somewhat trying to make his strength known. “Hey…, hey..sit down because I’m not gonna clean up any mess you happen to pour on the floor.” Brian scolded. “C’mon Dad! Do you have to say that all the time? It happened only once and you just keep drumming it into my ears..” “Anytime you try and pull macho stunts immediately after food, then trust me to keep reminding you about it.” “Great!” he snorted. ”Just great, I’m going over to Grandma’s house for dinner.” Brian had grown accustomed to his tricks for a while now. Father and son knew their way around each other. “Good, I’ll even help you pack so you can sleep there. I have loads of unfinished business to work on. The fact that I’m a freelance Graphic designer doesn’t mean I have all day to play hide and seek.” Nathan mimicked him but in an English accent and knowing what was coming next, he tried running but his father caught up with him in time grabbing him in a swift movement and right into the couch leaving him laughing excitedly as his father threw playful punches in his side. “I’m sorry, you win!” he managed to voice out when his father refused to relent. “Never upset the big man in the house. Now who’s the Boss?” Nathan tried to prove stubborn but it didn’t last long. ”You are the Boss!” Brian had a satisfactory grin on his face and released his son tousling his hair fondly before raising himself and strolling to pack their plates to the sink in the kitchen. “Come help your Ol’man in the kitchen. That’s the deal before we step out of the house today. You up to it?” Nate smiled. ”Yea…” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Anu got to Teniola’s school just before closing time and waited patiently outside trying to take her mind off things while breezing through her phone absent mindedly. Her shades in her hair and a simple white blazer over a brown sleeveless gown and a pair of brown sandals. One look at her and you would doubt Teniola was her child. Anu didn’t look like someone who had dropped anything from the womb of hers and it was no wonder just one glance didn’t do justice to her though she felt it was soon becoming a thing of the past if her life continued this way. She was pretty but these days, she didn’t feel so. Sometimes, she felt she was weak, her faith was weak, so was her strength and she couldn’t say if she could last anymore. Maybe she was a disappointment. All those words she’d read in the bible this morning was probably not for her, maybe it was just her imagination, maybe she was just delusional. She checked her phone once more and wondered why Ebun wouldn’t reply her message on the blackberry messenger since yesterday and that was unusual. Even the mail she sent hadn’t been replied. Was she so busy that she refused to reply her? At least she had told her to return her call right after she cut the call. The school bell rang and the students came trooping out. Dropping her phone into her bag, she put her shades back on and waited expectantly for a petit framed girl, fair in complexion with big eyes, small nose and lips just like her mothers’ Soon, she saw her, her beaded hair bouncing around her while her bag hung on her shoulders. Her eyes came in contact with her mothers’ and she ran excitedly to jump on her. Anu’s temporary depression took a back seat and she embraced the child warmly, smiling into her eyes. “See this big girl jumping on her mother.” Anu teased collecting her school bag from her and Teni reached for her hand out of impulse. “Won’t your classmates call you momma’s girl?’ Teni shrugged. ”I don’t care. It’s been a while you came to pick me from school anyway so I just had to relish the moment.” “Sarah!” a voice called out and Anu turned. It’d been a long time anybody called her by her English name since she hardly used it. It had to be someone who had grown with her during her childhood days. She turned to see a dark and tall guy in brown jacket over a white vest and blue jeans and frowned. His face was vaguely familiar but she found a hard time placing it. She stopped to wait while he picked up his steps and almost jogged towards her. “Hi…” he greeted trying to catch his breath. “Hi, have we met before?” Even as she uttered those words, the full realization that she was standing before an old schoolmate dawned on her and she cried, ” Gbenro!” He smiled and his dimples showed revealing how handsome he could be. Which he was before he threw a smile her way. She remembered him well. They’d gone to the same primary school and they had been in the same class together though he was a trouble maker at the time and her sister Ebun complained how the boy was always pulling the hair that their mother had managed to make for them that week, most especially when thread was being used. Her sister would come back with her threaded hair hanging loosely on almost all ends and fuss about how some boy did it to look for her trouble though she later found out the poor boy had only been trying to get the girl’s attention though he was doing a poor job out of it. And after primary school, they’d gone their separate ways. He seemed to know which of the sisters he was relating with when he called her Sarah. Well, how wouldn’t he when her sister was miles away from her and they had nothing in common. Anyone who knew their roots knew the distinction between them. “It’s so good to see you.” He said breaking into her thoughts and leaning close for a brief hug. This caught Anu by surprise and she acted clumsily towards him making him apologize immediately. “Oh, you too.” She swallowed “And who is this pretty young lady?” he looked at Teni and waved at her. Teni who had been trained not to talk to strangers held tightly to her mother’s hand till Anu spoke up. ”It’s okay baby, Uncle Gbenro is a friend.” “Good afternoon sir.” “Hey, good afternoon.” He looked at Sarah and his eyebrows perked up expecting an answer. Anu swallowed the lump in her throat and muttered. ”She’s my daughter.” “She looks just like you.” He smiled again and Anu had to pretend his smile did nothing to her insides. ”How’s your husband?” “I’m not married.” “Oh…, oh…,I’m sorry.” “No, it’s okay.” Anu forced a smile. The conversation was starting to feel awkward and she was about walking away when he went on. “Do you stay around here?” “Yes, we do.” “Great. I just moved to my new place at Ogolonto and my sister sent me to pick her son from school. I’ll be driving back and so I was thinking I could drop you two if you don’t mind.” “Well, We’re not heading for the house immediately.” “Me neither.” He said almost immediately. ”I mean David and I were planning to stop by for some ice- cream as well…” “I don’t want to inconvenience you..” “No, you’re not.” He assured her. ”We can get to catch up on old times.” Anu looked at Teni as if expecting the final confirmation from her. When she looked up, she shrugged. ”If you say we’re not gonna inconvenience you, then it’s a Yes.” “I’ll be back, in less than 5 minutes.” and he jogged off. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; Anu wasn’t much of a talker. Her sister had been the social one, the one who enjoyed the attention wherever she was. Even while they were growing up, Ebun was the one who people loved spending time with. The social one and the one who never bored people and the one who seemed to have caught Gbenro’s attention back in school at the time though her sister hadn’t realized it early, Anu knew the boy liked her. But that was many years ago and right now, she didn’t know why Gbenro wanted to catch up on old times with her. Maybe because he felt she was the only one who could have access to Ebun. Though she hoped her reasoning was wrong, she hoped Gbenro would prove her right. She saw him looking into her eyes and she looked back into her cup and briefly glanced at Teni and David. The two didn’t seem to get along well which meant she would have to leave soon. “How has it been with you?” he asked. “Normal I guess.” “C’mon tell me. I want to know more about you. What have you been up to?” She shrugged. ”Honestly, nothing much. I lost my job recently and I’m staying with my parents in Ikorodu. Teniola stays with me as well and I plan on getting another job soon hoping to God that he provides one while I diligently seek for it. So there you go.” Anu hoped by now this guy would be bored and probably leave her alone. “What did you study in the University?” “Economics.” “I could make some calls to help out. Are you willing to work in a Bank or an auditing firm?” Anu was beginning to dislike the ‘Bank’ word but felt an auditing firm would be a better place to work. “Auditing sounds great.” Gbenro smiled again watching her surreptitiously as her mind seemed to graze over several invisible thoughts and battles. He wondered what must be taking up so much space in her mind that she was finding it hard to talk with him. He knew they had not been close back then, infact the reason why he remembered her was because of her sister who he’d been crazy about back then. With time, after primary six, they’d gone their separate ways to high school but and he’d moved on, rounded up, studied and graduated from UI all for him to see her on TV much more beautiful than ever and memories came rushing back which left him devastated. But seeing her sister right now gave him some sort of hope, reminded him of Sandra in so many ways and wondered if she would be like her sister if he got to know her. How wrong he was. “Mummy, I want to go home.” Teni had found her place beside Anu and looked sulky. It was obvious she hadn’t enjoyed herself. Whatever had that David boy done to her daughter. She mused as she glanced over at him and saw him playing with a phone. At his age? Where was the word discipline in areas where his parents were concerned. She stood up trying to find her way out of their enclosed table. She suddenly wished she could stay longer but she realized she couldn’t. Maybe she would get his number. “I’m sorry, we have to go home now, Teni has school tomorrow and I have to prepare her and help with her homework.” “Ok..” “Your number…” He looked surprised and Anu felt she had probably made the wrong move. “I’m sorry…, it was nice meeting you.” “No, please, let me have your PIN and your number.” After the awkward exchange of contacts, Anu forced up a smile and found her way out of the cafeteria leaving Gbenro and David watching them. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “Do you like him?” Anu pretended to look confused. ”Who?” “That man we met today. Uncle Gbenro. I saw the two of you talking…” “Well, We just met honey and he’s an old classmate of mine.” “I think he’s cute, but I don’t like his nephew David. He’s such a snob.” “I could tell.” the two of them giggled softly and Teni snuggled in closer into her bed spread. “Do you see him in school?” “He’s one of those spoilt kids in school who keeps talking about how rich his parents are. I don’t make friends with snobs or dullards.” “Teni! What makes you say that?” “His grades are bad enough. I’m not going to start talking about the details. Kids like that make fun of people like me and the only thing I have to boast of is my grades which I’m gonna do anytime he tries to make me feel bad.” “You watch lots of stuff on Nickelodeon.” Her mother teased. “So, are you gonna marry him? I want you to be happy and I want a daddy.” “Honey, who says I’m not happy?” Teni shrugged. ”You don’t look happy to me.” “I am happy..” she paused sighing heavily. ”Look, relationships between a man and a woman are quite complex and Gbenro and I don’t look like 2 people who are meant to be.” “But you’ve got to try right? You told me yourself that whenever things don’t work out, you’ve got to push harder, you’ve got to make it work.” Anu smiled as the girl quoted her exact words back to her and she leaned close to kiss her hair before wishing her goodnight. When she was alone, she thought about it, thought about the whole scenario and how stiff she’d been and she knew the reason why. She knew she felt insecure, felt she wasn’t the one Gbenro wanted to see and partly her reason for acting that way. Everybody wanted her sister, not the shadow, not the boring one who was afraid to say something that could sound ridiculous. But remembering Teni’s words made her come to a conclusion. Maybe she had to start trying. Make things work even when they refused to. She picked her phone and dialled Gbenro’s number. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Within a few weeks Anu met Gbenro, things began happening so fast that sometimes, Anu wished she could pause and ask herself if something like this was what she really wanted. She knew she was getting older, and things were not getting better at home either but Gbenro looked promising though he hadn’t made his intentions known to her but she was beginning to like him. He wasn’t put off with the fact that she had a child and he was a cool guy who had the right jokes to deliver at the right time. He was calm and respected her like a gentleman. He called her and made small talks just before she retired for the day. He told her he had made certain calls for her and she diligently went for the interviews that she got called for. She didn’t know what she would do if Gbenro finally decided to make it obvious that he wanted to marry her though she knew it was too early to jump into conclusions but her mind was planning so much that it almost left her as a person out of it. Sometimes, the doubt about him having feelings for her would crawl in and she doubted if she was in love the way she should be. Maybe it was just her mind. Gbenro was a good-looking man who worked in a reputable bank. Someone a woman of her status would want to have as a husband. Someone to take care of her and love her. She was alone at the dinning table reading her Bible one night when her mother came to further contribute to her wavering thoughts about her feelings for Gbenro. He’d been to the house once to pick her for dinner and she could tell how excited her mother was. “I hope I’m not intruding anything Anu…, but I just thought I should give you some motherly advice.” Anu raised her head and closed her Bible ready to listen to whatever lecture her mother had to say though she could predict it already. “I noticed the young man that came to the house the other day to take you out and I just want to say I’m happy for you.” Anu laughed. ”Mummy, Gbenro hasn’t asked me to marry him o. We’ve only known each other for about six to eight weeks…” “So you want to say you two are just friends?” “Well, maybe…” “Listen to me young woman, I want you to make up your mind about that young man at this moment of your life because men like that don’t have duplicates. I’m not saying you should do something foolish by throwing yourself at him or sleep with him, but I want you to act wisely and do the right thing. Men like to know if the woman they are interested in feel the way they feel and so don’t chase him away. He’s the only suitor that has looked your way ever since Toyosi. Men in this part of the world don’t really like to date a single mother talk-less of marry one and so, do what you can. I don’t need to start telling you the story of Ruth once more. We both know what she did to find her place in Boaz’ house.” If there was anything Anu could be awarded for, it was her submissive response to people whom she cared about and her inability to put up a rebellious argument. “I can see Teni has a liking to him already.” Kemi went on smiling to herself rather than Anu whose mind had once again found solace inside her deepest thoughts. ”God is good isn’t he? At the right time he sends you your own husband. Thank God, we’ll just have to keep praying that he will not be snatched from your hands. Whoever wants to manipulate his mind away from you will not succeed.” “Amen.” Kemi patted her daughter briefly and stood up. “And soon, your job will work out. Things will begin to work out for you in all areas of your life. Oko ti e lo ma fe, ise ti tie lo ma ri ni oruko Jesu…” “Amin.” “I’m going to bed. To ba se tan, pa gbogbo ina ko to lo sun sogbo?” “Yes ma.” “Odaro oko mi. A ma ji ire” “Odaro ma.” Anu watched her mother leave and sighed. Maybe this was what love was afterall, this affection for Gbenro. It wasn’t like she even knew what the word was anyway. She’d loved in the past, loved her sister and her family with such intensity that she did so much for them and suppressed all her emotions to please them. And look at where it had her, feeling empty and lost. Feeling exhausted. Maybe this kind of love she had for Gbenro was the best kind. The type that didn’t require so much of her. The type that made her still cling to other parts of herself and the part that would still cling to her heart even when she gave him her body after they were married. The part that would act like a dutiful wife and do what she was told. That would make him happy while she tried to seek for happiness in something else. At least she would try. Just as she’d seen her mother try several times with their father. This was probably what God had designed for her after-all. She closed her bible and switched off all the lights in the house before going to join her daughter in bed. Gbenro had promised to take her and Teni to the mall tomorrow and she wanted to look great for him. She had in mind the perfect dress that would make him glad to be with her and she hoped their outing would turn out well. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; For weeks, Sandra attended events and red carpets in different countries that wanted to host her for her breakthrough movie Pink Curtains with Kristin Stacey and though the glamour was enough to make a girl swoon, she got tired easily and was emotionally spent. TV shows that invited her for a little chat wouldn’t stop comparing her to the likes of Halle Berry and Kerry Washington. Some even went as far as tagging her as the new face after Halle and she felt overwhelmed. She signed autographs, took pictures, traveled different countries and got booked for several appointments. And then she got a nominated as Best Supporting actress for one of those British Awards. That was when the fear crept in and though she could feel the panic secretly building up inside, she hid behind a masked face of confidence, make-up and charm. At night, she looked at herself in the mirror and asked herself if this wasn’t what she wanted. What she’d worked her whole life for. She should be proud, not scared. She should be able to go back to her country and show her parents how much she had achieved without them after they rejected her many years ago. Her sister loved her. That was the only person in the whole world who would do anything for her. Whom she could still call family and who still kept in touch with her. The one who had a role to play in bringing her this far though that role was invisible to the whole world. She knew she would need her help once more and she had to start thinking fast. She needed time away but the world didn’t want to give her time. They wanted her to deliver every damn time like she had no soul of her own. Tonight, she sat in her bubble bath sipping a glass of red wine while her mind battled with crazy thoughts of how she could break free from this invisible prison of hers. Bayo was out of his mind if he thought he could go on treating her like something less than a human being without a mind. He’d threatened to liquefy majority of her assets that he had access to if she refused to move back to his apartment and here she was, allowing him gain access to her body when she couldn’t even stand him anymore. He’d been rough with her yesterday, giving her a bruise when she protested and she hurt while undergoing her massage therapy earlier in the day. She knew Bayo could kill her if given to his unbearable passions and Marvin refused to stop calling her. Pamela had mentioned her mother being ill and how she had to travel to see her mother hereby leaving her to her fate for one a few days. At least the girl had a family to tend to. What about hers? What about a family’s love? A few days without Pamela made her feel miserable and she had no excuses to make or whoever to hand over her calls to. Her cell phone rang and she left it, resting her head on the edge of the tub knowing who it was and expecting the call to switch over to voice-mail. “Hey babes” Bayo’s baritone voice filled the room where Nora Jone’s voice crooned from her CD player. ”I know you’re there even if you don’t wanna pick up. Listen, I got the contract for you with Xtreme and they can’t wait to see you grace their cover this month. Topless. I know we talked about this before but they’re offering us a huge amount of pounds and you just have to do it. It’s gonna boost your career and I can assure you they can’t wait to start taking the photo- shoots. It’s happening tomorrow morning so get yourself refreshed. There’s nothing make-up artists can’t cover up if you’re worrying about those marks on your skin.” Sandra jerked from her limbo and watched with trepidation as Bayo sold her off with confidence, almost as if her opinion didn’t matter anymore. So he knew about the marks and he was bold enough to keep this facade going? No wonder he’d sent the massage therapy for her earlier today. He’d known about the whole thing and didn’t bother to tell her he’d signed anything till now. The scheming devil! She wanted to stab him and watch him beg for mercy. She couldn’t go on like this. What will she do? Where would she run to? Her eyes went to her phone and she snatched it, scrolling through her unread messages desperately seeking for the one she had ignored while ideas kept running through her head. And then she stopped when her sister’s nickname stared back at her and she didn’t hesitate to call her. Her sister picked on the second ring and she paused waiting to gather her acting wits together. “Madam Ebun, so you decided to call me today…” the voice snapped a little angry. “Oh Anu!” Sandra sobbed making sure it was as effective as she made it sound. ”I’m coming home! I can’t talk right now. Please you have to help me!”
4 Oct 2014 | 11:23
So what next update it o is an interestine story
14 Nov 2014 | 04:12
I guess u changed your mind about making dis story a weekly one cos everything points to that.
29 Nov 2014 | 18:33
Episode 4 The call had done a good job in keeping Anu on edge and she found it hard to sleep at night after her sister had called her crying over the phone about how she really needed to come home because she was scared and just wanted to stay away from everybody for a while. In her ramblings, she had managed to pick some important words of how she felt somewhat sick and needed to come home to rest. Though a part of Anu’s mind didn’t make good sense of what Sandra had blurted out and wondered if she was trying to play a fast one on her, the other part of her was desperate to help her sister and do as she had been instructed to do tomorrow hereby skipping church and whatever plans she had in mind since tomorrow was Sunday. She needn’t do much. All she had to do was come over to the airport to pick her with a cab with some of the cash Sandra had sent to her over time in cases of emergency but she promised to refund the money. Sandra also mentioned she had made the necessary arrangements to board the first flight to Nigeria early in the morning and she just needed to indicate where she would be in order not to stress herself. But Anu knew better. Sandra wasn’t really proud of anybody in her family and tried as much as possible to keep family issues under water. She’d explained to her in the past the reason why she wasn’t eager to let the world know she had a twin sister was because of paparazzi. Anu wasn’t too eager to be on screen either and so her sister’s excuse sufficed. Her phone rang jerking her back to reality. She hurriedly picked it without looking at the Caller ID. “What else?” “What?” Gbenro’s voice greeted at the other end. Anu inhaled deeply and shook her head almost as if he could see her. His voice brought a somewhat kind of relief to her nerves and she relaxed. “I’m sorry, I thought you were someone else.” “yea, i guessed so too. How are you?” “I’m alright. I’m sorry I didn’t call to thank you for today. It was awesome while it lasted. Thank you.” “haba Sarah, it’s nothing, really. I must say I enjoyed spending time with you and Teni. I think we should do it again some time.” Anu smiled. She was starting to like him and he probably liked her too, and her baby Teni. Maybe this might lead to something sooner than she expected. He was great with Teni, played with her, even bought her stuffs and talked with her almost as if it was a natural thing. They took pictures together and he even held her hand when they sat in the cinemas. It was one of those Disney Cartoons, and she liked him because he had put Teni into consideration. Maybe the next time they went, Teni would stay behind while they had dinner at some fancy restaurant. She almost hated herself for allowing her imaginations fly so quickly but She couldn’t remember the last time someone had treated her so nice and special. Better said, the last time someone had shown some kind of romantic interest in her. She just hoped it was real and lasted long. “How’s that little princess doing?” “She’s asleep.” She glanced to briefly at her daughter sleeping soundly on the bed. ”You better look for another nickname because I don’t think Teni will go for the princess thing o.” She heard Gbenro chuckle and she joined his mirth as well. “Will figure something out.” They were quiet for a while before he asked. ”So, are you free tomorrow evening, I know a good restaurant where we can have dinner. Just the 2 of us?” Anu’s heart fluttered in her chest and she squeezed her eyes shut. Was Gbenro asking to be alone with her? Ever since they’d been spending time together, her daughter was always in the equation. This was getting better. She was about to say Yes immediately when Sandra’s words came to her and her heart fell. She would have to be there for her as she had requested and she might not be ready in time for her date. What was worse, she had already planned on how to tell her parents she wanted to stay away for a while, just a couple of days all in the name of a friend was coming to town and she was going for moral support. How would Gbenro be able to come pick her from home if she wasn’t home? “, I don’t know…, I don’t think I’ll be able to make it.” Even as she uttered those words, she felt miserable. ”I have something to attend tomorrow. I’m sorry..”
30 Nov 2014 | 05:14
Continuation “ohh, it’s okay. We can always fix it to some other time, next week maybe? I’m getting my leave next month so that should give us more time.” She could tell he was disappointed but she forced herself to sound cheerful amidst the despair she was feeling. Her sister was more important. Her sister was family. Her sister needed her. And at least there was good news. He was going for his leave next month. That way, they could regain lost grounds. “yeah, next week will be fine.” “I’ll call you tomorrow morning.” “Okay..” “Goodnight.” “Goodnight.” 5 minutes after their conversation ended, a text message came in. “It’s amazing how I can’t stop thinking about you. We’ll talk tomorrow. Sweet dreams. xoxo” The other thing she liked about Gbenro were his texts. It was original and simple though she always had a way of reading much more into it. “xoxo.” was all she could text back before drowsing into sleep. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sandra wore a sunny hat over her hair coupled with her Gucci Shades. With her cream colored thin strapped maxi gown and a brown sweater to top it off, it wasn’t easy to decipher she was a popular actress. Even her face was devoid of make-up and right now as she waited at the airport, she tried to look composed though she fretted inside when her mind flashed to Bayo. It was a good thing He had not slept in the house the night before, at least it enabled her to make plans and book her flight after calling that it was an emergency It was impromptu, and though she had no intentions of flying first class to keep herself undercover, that was the seat available and she didn’t mind. As long as she was away from that bloody apartment and her bloody manager Bayo, she would be able to think properly. And now she was here. Initially she had been worried that something might happen along the way, the flight may get cancelled, or they might refuse her, or maybe the seats were all going to be filled. She had paid extra to get the flight to Lagos and here she was. She had packed only a few things. At least a few things that wouldn’t give her away though she knew the paparazzi always found their way around things. Even a speck of dust could be turned into a mound once they got their cameras on her. So much for being famous. Anu was going to be waiting for her just as she had instructed her to and she hoped she wouldn’t change her mind, hence the act she pulled over the phone. If there was anything Anu needed to say so as to prevent her parents from knowing her sister was around, she had to do it. At least they were helping each other out. Days ago, Anu had called that she needed fresh air from everything and was planning on coming over to her place, and she as well needed somewhere to hide for now. Away from everything. She knew the repercussions of her actions most especially if Bayo happened to find out how she had gone AWOL but right now, she didn’t give a hoot about what he felt. She wanted a ‘me’ time and everybody else could go to hell for all she cared. Her eyes searched around frantically and she glanced at her wristwatch. 11:30a.m “Madam…” Her head jerked to the side and her hand tightened on the bag. Nobody was here with her now and she remembered the first time she had returned to Nigeria, her airport experience had been nothing to write home about. She fingered her sweater nervously and frowned. ”Can I help you?” “You be Sandra?” “Isn’t that obvious?” She snapped rudely though she suspected the man was not familiar with any work of hers. “Your sister Sarah dey my car over there, She talk say make I come get you.” He pointed towards his cab and that was when she saw her sister waving towards her from a blue cab. Probably a chartered one. She smiled and hurried towards the cab and found her way to the side of the car while Anu went to join her sister at the back. ”Hey…” Anu greeted but before she could go on, Sandra pulled her close and hugged her, weeping on her neck. “Ohh I miss you so much.” Her body racked with sobs and the slight anger Anu had reserved in her body dissolved immediately. She rubbed her back soothingly trying to console her sister while she still clung to her neck. ”hey, you’re here now, you’re safe with me.” Sandra nodded and for a while, they sat still till Anu released her and ran a hand along her glossy hair since her hat had fallen unto the chair. “You hair is beautiful, your look lovely even without make-up.” Anu praised. “Thank you.” She managed to wipe her tear stained cheeks and planted a quick kiss close to her sister’s lips. “I already gave the man your address so no need to fret.” She nodded and they made small talk hoping to get home before spilling the rest of the news.
30 Nov 2014 | 05:17
Continuation ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; When they finally got to their destination, Sandra hurriedly stepped out of the car with her bag while her sister paid the taxi man his dues before joining her sister in her apartment. It’d been a while Anu had been here and she marveled at the wealth and luxury her sister lived in once more. The apartment was beautiful with exquisite taste and designed to suite anyone who wanted to live lavishly. The floors were made of polished tiles while the walls looked like they were made from polished wood. Her Home theater was still intact just like the last time she had remembered seeing it. She remembered the first time she had been here and it felt like small haven in her eyes and she surmised that a place like this was made for young women who wanted to enjoy life. Sandra was such. She’d known her sister since they were young. She could tell Sandra wasn’t born for a life like hers. Her temperament, her tastes and her love for life. People who were meeting them for the first time would get to know them if they happened to attend a party together. Sandra was the life of the party while Sarah loved to look from afar and watch things happen. She was supportive also and was glad her sister could always run to her if she needed help. But right now, she couldn’t specify the kind of help she would need as she watched her gulp down a glass of alcohol. Was that vodka or martini? She couldn’t even state the difference but she knew Sandra loved drinking, loved to mix her drinks and had gotten drunk once though she was within the confines of the house. There was a bar located just beside her wine rack which looked like it hadn’t been touched for ages. It was positioned in an angle that was shying away from sunlight while the lights above that section of the house was dim. A few paintings hung on the wall that Anu couldn’t place what it talked about but she was aware it was expensive. It was someone like Sandra who attended events and stuffs relatively close. “You should have a drink…” Sandra broke into her thoughts and poured herself another glass. “It’ll help you feel relaxed.” Anu shook her head and settled unto the sofa while Sandra carried the bottle and her glass. On her way to join her sister on the sofa, she found a way to turn on the AC. “So, how are you? what happened to you?” “I fell sick.” She lied and took another glass. Discarding her jacket, she pulled her legs beneath her and sighed dramatically. ”And you won’t believe those people wouldn’t have mercy on me. My manager was planning to make me shoot some crazy photos!” “You mean Bayo?” “Oh you remember his name, yeah, that’s him. He’s such an asshole.” Anu was used to her sister’s cursing already and so she sat listening to all her complaints and fabrication of lies her sister wove so as to gain sympathy from her. When she began noticing the animated features on her sister’s face, she knew she was making progress. “I watched E! last two weeks.” Anu tried to sound optimistic. ”I almost screamed when I saw you posing for the camera and how they talked about your rise to stardom. And then your show with Oprah was really awesome.” “Yea, I know right…” Her sister’s head bobbed excitedly. ”so, how long are you staying for?” Sandra shrugged. ”I can’t say yet but I know I can’t return to the United Kingdom immediately. There are some things I want to do here in Nigeria. Who knows, If I start attending parties once more, I might get something going for me here. Become an ambassador of one of these telecommunications or companies that have their names out there.” Anu wondered if her sister was planning on staying permanently though she felt uncomfortable. Almost like she was holding out on her. “Ok…” “But let’s stop talking about me for now. How are you and how are you coping with our old fashioned parents?” “They are doing fine, but they miss you. I think you should forget about what happened in the past and just come say hi.” “You must be kidding me.” She snapped and rolled her eyes. ”You and I know Daddy meant what he said after that incident that happened years ago. They think they can go all holy and righteous on me while they are not so clean themselves. I’m sure mum only married the man because they wanted to feel responsible, nothing else.” “Don’t talk like that..” “Whatever. Look, I want to go take a shower. Since we’ll be staying together for a while, why don’t you help yourself to something in the kitchen before we go for shopping. You look like the sick one not me.” Her sister could only nod. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Anu poured more liquid soap unto the wet rag and dabbed the surface of the counter hoping the stubborn stain would wear off. She was glad she had grabbed gala and a drink on the way to the airport to sustain her presently or she’d be too starved to clean up and the house needed one for now, even if it was a quick one. She couldn’t stand a dirty house much less a kitchen where food was prepared. As she wiped greasy surfaces, her mind flashed to 10-12 years ago where everything had started. How their separation came about and how it had been quite difficult for her to move on initially. How She loved her sister to bits and would do all she could to make her happy. How they’d played and laughed together, shared the same room, the same bed and even the same clothes. And it began to feel like it was yesterday again. Both sisters had been young. Pretty young and full of life. Right before secondary school when Sandra was in art class, she knew what she wanted to become. An actress and she made it known confidently that she was going to turn out to be one someday. Her dreams, her passion and her life revolved around this dream so much Anu felt if her sister wasn’t careful, it would consume her completely. And that was when she met Raymond. She’d been 16 years old, somewhat naive and that was what Raymond saw and took advantage of. Sandra had met him at a club on one of her nightly escapades at school back at the time and he’d woven enough lies that it was easy for him to gain access to Sandra since he’d promised to connect her with top people in the movie industry. His mother was German while his father had been Nigeria. His accent partly gave him away and he was also a smooth one. It took about 3 months before Sandra found out he was a fraud and he left no trace after she discovered he had traveled out of the country. To where she couldn’t say but she knew he was the father of her baby. At first she didn’t know what to do. Even Anu was confused but tried to help in every way she could. Sandra cried every night terrified by what their strict and religious parents would do to her once they found out which they did anyway and hereby leaving abortion out of it. Her parents said she was going to bear the consequences of her actions and bear the child and take care of it. Even if it meant her schooling would be delayed, there was no turning back. “I can’t stay here anymore Anu neither can I allow Mum and Dad let me ruin my chances of achieving my dreams.” Sandra had protested one night they sat in their room together after Anu returned from school. Due to the incident, they had immediately withdrawn her twin from the boarding house as well and turned her into a day student. Sandra on the other hand had been expelled from school and so she stayed at home often, helping her mother in her mini mart. Life was boring and miserable for someone like her who couldn’t stand boredom.
30 Nov 2014 | 05:21
=Continuation= “I mean do you know how long I had to attend to customers? and then you need to see the eyes on me like I’m some harlot. Even that hypocrite that Daddy had an affair with at the time his parents blamed mummy for not having a male child. She has a girl child for Daddy and calls mummy Mama ejima. She thinks we don’t know her. Ashewo! you need to see the way she looked at me today. Like she hasn’t done worse.” “Don’t let her get to you…” “I’m not letting her get to me Anu!” she snapped angrily, already irritated by her sister’s calm reaction towards all that she had been saying. “What I don’t want in my life is carrying a bastard child. I won’t allow them to dictate my future to me because of this mistake I made. I want to get out of this house. Once I have this child, I’m leaving. Shey Daddy threatened to disown me so I’m not afraid. I will move out of his house.” “So what will happen to the baby?” “I will go and drop it somewhere. Isn’t that’s what motherless babies home is for? I can’t be suffering here while the yeye Raymond is busy enjoying his life somewhere far away from Nigeria. I have my own life to live also.” Anu thought for a while. She didn’t want her sister to leave her. They’d come so far together. Who would she talk to, who would she share her feelings with? Who would she partner with? “What if I decide to take the baby?” Sandra’s brow furrowed. ”How? What are you saying?” “I said I will raise the child as my own if you promise to stay at home. The child will not need to know anything that happened. She will have nothing to do with you.” Sandra sighed deep in thought. ”And what will Mum and Dad say? you know you’re their untainted daughter while I’m nothing to write home about.” “patapata they will shout and talk, we will make up our minds to do as we planned.” “It sounds like a good idea. At least, I’ll know my child is in safe hands.” and Sandra had agreed to the plan without much ado and when her due date came, she delivered a baby girl that Anu named Teniola. It wasn’t easy to adopt Teni as her daughter and it was at that stage Anu wished she had thought the idea very through before suggesting it to her sister because Sandra wasn’t even interested in taking care of the child or taking turns in taking care of her. She would remind her that since Anu had agreed to take care of the child, it was all in her hands now. Even while she wrote WAEC, sat for JAMB, she found a way of shuffling between herself and the baby. Their father had been furious about the agreement no doubt, but his fury exploded the day when he realized Sandra was not even showing remorse for what she had done and would still go out and return to the house late all in the name of attending lessons. The day their father’s fury exploded was the day he yelled at Sandra that he had disowned her and she needed to leave his house. And She never looked back. Though her mother begged and did all she could. Anu did what she could do best. Cry. Their father had the final say in matters like this. Over the years, Sandra rose to stardom and her pride grew as well. She wanted to show her parents that she could do so well without them and she didn’t need them. Sandra was just like their father, Anu mused. Both pigheaded and relentless but the two would never admit it but rather damn the consequences. “Anything to eat?” Sandra’s voice disrupted her sister’s thoughts as she strolled into the kitchen where Anu had done a good job in wiping clean the dusty surfaces and sinks. ‘No, so we have to go shopping. your kitchen has lots of cobwebs in the cabinets making it look like it’s almost a year you’ve been here.” “Well, I was never really around to do much. Today I’m in Paris, tomorrow, London, next week New york. The life of an actress.” Anu looked up at her sister and noticed she had donned a short and a strap top and slim fit animal print trousers with a nice pair brown sandals. Her expensive and well textured hair, probably Indian or human she couldn’t pin it was left to fall on her shoulders and her shades were on her hair as usual. Anu couldn’t imagine someone more beautiful. “We’ll take another cab to the Palms and get something to eat while you wait in the car. I’ll get foodstuffs too and please we have to branch at that MTN office to retrieve my line. Those people would have blocked my line since forever that one I’m sure of.” “Okay, let me just round up cleaning and I will come join you in the living room.” Sandra nodded absent mindedly and found her way to the other room looking for her sister’s bag. She had a short attention span and Anu was used to this as well. She wanted to call a red cab and needed her sister’s phone to do it. Anu would have to make a list of all the money she was going to have to pay back, Sandra thought to herself as she dug through her bag and found her phone. Her screen was locked and an unread text message popped up on the screen. She headed back into the kitchen to ask for a password. “Teniola’ She mumbled while rinsing her hand in the sink. Her work here was done. Sandra unlocked the phone and curiosity got the better of her so that she opened the message and with eyebrows raised, read it through. It was short and brief, but sweet and kind. “Hey babes, guess where I am? Hint: We talked about it over the phone a week ago. If you get the right answer, I’m taking you there next-week.” Love, Gbenro Sandra deleted the message. No man was taking away her ‘me’ time from her. Not even a man, most especially someone called Gbenro who deemed it fit to add the ‘Love’ word at the end of his name. “Any luck?” Anu asked oblivious of what was going on in her sister’s mind. “Network, I’ll dial again.” “Okay.”
30 Nov 2014 | 05:25
Wow! Thanks for this wonderful updates, thought u abandoned d story. U r such a gud writer, all ur stories are fascinating, just wish u'll try to complete all these stories and not abandon any.
30 Nov 2014 | 18:09
Episode 5 A few days after Sandra had settled in Nigeria with her sister and other things as well including going to the bank to get some money for their upkeep and refunding her sister as well, they sat down in the spacious kitchen to fried rice and plantain which Anu had made. Being the third day they’d been together, both of them had worked to put things in place though everything wasn’t in abundance yet, things that needed attention such as food, cash and toiletries had been sorted out. Sandra had finally gotten her line to function well once more and soon she was making a few calls, pinging and going through some Lagos Directory in order to get acquainted with her new environment once more. She knew she wasn’t ready to return to England anytime soon but Anu wasn’t aware of this and she wasn’t ready to spill the beans yet. At least for now, she was going to keep finding her way around the conversation if her sister happened to bring it up. Most times she was so busy on her phone she hardly heard what Anu was saying. Well, she doubted if there was anything interesting the girl had to say. She had a boring life already and she would be glad she was helping her make use of this precious time they both heard. But she noticed her sister seemed to be involved with a particular someone. He’d called twice in 3 days and she was afraid Anu might change her mind and leave though she hoped she wouldn’t. Anu had been talking to him at the balcony the day before. “Hello Gbenro, how are you?” “I’m fine. I hope you’re alright? I was worried about you when you didn’t reply my text yesterday.” “Really? did you send me a text? I didn’t see it, probably network.” “Maybe…” he sighed and she could hear the radio crooning softly in the background not posing any hindrance or distraction to their conversation. She could also hear honks of different cars and suspected he was driving back from work. He confirmed it by telling her. ”I’m on the third mainland bridge presently, on my way home.” Anu looked up at the time. ”11pm.” “I had a programme in Church that I couldn’t miss.” he went on to further explain himself. “I think I’ll have to hand over my position in my group pretty soon.” “Was thinking about it too.” Anu encouraged him. ”Maybe you should find a place close to home where you can worship.” “Yeah, I’ve thought about it.” She could hear his cheerful note over the phone. ”It’s just that I’m pretty used to the branch at V.I since I’m an active member. I’ll probably worship at your place this Sunday since we both stay in Ikorodu.” “Oh…” Anu was elated at the suggestion. ”That would be great.” They’d talked about their faith and Church the last time they talked and so coming over to her Church wasn’t a very ‘new’ topic since he seemed to be familiar with the place.
2 Dec 2014 | 14:35
=Continues= “How’s your trip going?” And she’d gone ahead to tell him she was still with her family relative for the moral support and when asked when she would be returning, she didn’t give him a definite answer and she stuttered in her response. He paused. ”Sarah, I want to believe you’re okay…” “Why do you ask?” Her heart raced. Had she been too revealing with the way she spoke?” “Well, I don’t know, I just feel you’re trying to hide something from me. You hardly tell me anything and I feel like you don’t trust me enough to share your feelings with me.” She sighed clutching the phone to her ears. How She wished she could tell him everything, confide in him her greatest fears and see his face when she told him her sister was back in town. At least that would make her decide her fate with him. Or better said, the fate of their relationship. If she was the one he wanted or her twin. “When we see, we’ll talk.” She assured him. And the call had ended with a little more chat, goodbyes and future promises of what will be when they finally met one on one. She hoped it would be soon though part of her wanted to postpone the date for fear of the unknown. “So, you didn’t tell me if you’re presently seeing someone…” Sandra’s voice disrupted her thoughts and she looked up from her almost finished rice and plantain and shrugged. “You never asked and so I didn’t think it was that important or necessary..” “Well, I didn’t want to make you feel bad if there was no one.” Sandra went on. “She’d overheard the conversation on the phone between herself and whoever it was she seemed to have shown interest in. “I mean, you two could just be friends or something.” She lifted her glass to her lips sipping her juice. ”It’s you now..” “I don’t understand, what do you mean by it’s me now?” “C’mon, don’t tell me you don’t know how different we are. We are sisters but we are as far apart as North and South.” Sandra laughed at her statement but stopped short when she saw Anu was not smiling. She hurriedly went on. ”Look, It’s not like I’m being harsh or anything but it’s the truth. You’re 28. We both are and you haven’t seen the world. For crying out loud you still live with Mum and Dad. I don’t know of any relationship of yours which has worked out and I believe you’re still a virgin right? But look at me, I’ve seen the world, I’ve been to places and I know what men want. I have everything I want and I’m not limited to a ‘God’ factor. No pun intended babe but that’s how different we are.” Anu remained quiet and forked the last plantain slice trying not to let the tears sting as it came close to the surface. If there was anything she didn’t want, It was someone reminding her of how much of a failure she was.
2 Dec 2014 | 14:36
==Continuation== She looked up and noticed Sandra was on her phone again, as if forgetting the conversation that she had brought up that made her unhappy. She inhaled deeply and stood up to pack her plates to the kitchen sink. Maybe proving her sister wrong in places where ‘Men’ were concerned would make her see how wrong she could be in some aspects of life. “I’m seeing someone.” She spoke up before pouring liquid soap unto the sponge. Sandra looked up from her phone. ”Oh really, that’s nice. Who’s he and what does he do?” “He works in a Bank.” “A bank?” Sandra scoffed. ”You mean slavery? Isn’t that where you got fired from?” “He’s the director of one of the branches on Victoria Island.” She didn’t tell her he had mentioned how he was working towards his placement in Ikorodu since he had a permanent residence presently. “Impressive, I’m happy to hear that baby..” “thank you.” “So what’s his name?” “Gbenro Mathews.” “Hmmn, I’d like to meet this guy who seems to be enchanted by my sister.” Anu decided to reveal his identity. It was amazing how Sandra who wasn’t ready to let the world see them together was eager to see the man she was going out with. Maybe she wanted to gauge his appearance with her standard as well, she thought to herself. She’d seen Bayo’s picture on her sister’s Display Picture and even on the internet when she searched him out. He was tall, dark and handsome no doubt, had that aura of pride mixed with confidence around him and she wondered how Sandra could stand up to such a powerful and wealthy man. Maybe she couldn’t and that was partly why she ran. “You actually know him. Gbenro from primary school that used to look for your trouble at the time. The 2 of you were always at it.” Sandra’s brow furrowed deep in thought for a while trying to remember whoever it was that must have caught her attention at such a young age. Suddenly, her eyes widened. “Olagbenro! The same Olagbenro that couldn’t keep his hands off my hair right?” Anu nodded. “Of course I remember him.” She laughed to herself. ”I wonder how he’ll look presently. It’s been ages…, 20-22years?” “sort of.” “Wow…” She mumbled more to herself than her sister. ”So you two are really going out, I mean is it official?” “Well, we’re taking it step by step….” “I can’t believe you’re going out with him though. I mean I can’t even imagine the both of you together…” She interjected. “Why? do you have a problem with him?” “Well, If I do remember clearly, Gbenro is not the type of guy I think you would want to hang out with, I mean, wasn’t he kinda short and had a funny looking face asides the fact that he has a funny way of showing affections to a girl he likes. What kind of immaturity was that?” “That’s like 20 years ago Ebun!” She didn’t like the way her sister made a mess of the guy she was dating. Almost like if he didn’t pass her ‘test’ he wasn’t worth it or good enough for her. She looked unperturbed “No pun intended babe but the blurry image of him which I have in my head ain’t helping.” “You can check him up on Facebook. At least your Ipad is with you.” Anu suggested. “Not a bad idea.” She was already logged in. All she had to do was write his name into the search box hereby leading to several search results displaying before her. She signaled to her sister to come identify her beau. On seeing him, Sandra exclaimed excitedly. ”Oh my goodness, It’s a lie, Is that the same Olagbenro? He’s grown so much” she giggled to herself. ”Who would have known he’d turn out to look like Denzel” She didn’t hesitate to click on the friend request button while Anu watched as she scrolled through his other albums unabashed trying to calm her racing heart. As if Sandra read her mind, she spoke up. ”At least, let me get acquainted with him if he’s going to become my in-law.” Anu’s fear subsided. So Sandra was happy for her and thought she would get to marry Gbenro someday. She gave a shy smile and shook her head . ”He hasn’t asked me to marry him.” “But he will. How long have you two been on it?” “Almost 2 months now.” “And when are you moving in with him?” “We don’t believe in stuffs like that. We’re Christians.” “Your view or his?” “Both of us.” She tilted her chin proudly. She wanted her sister to know that finding good men out there who respected the marriage bed was no myth. Not all had gone morally bankrupt. “Impressive. A good looking man who shares your faith. You’re sure he’s not hiding behind some closet or something? I heard people aren’t permitted to be gay in Nigeria so…” “Sandra! That’s not a nice thing to say.” Anu felt slapped in the face. Was there something wrong in her sister being happy for her? ”Not all men sleep around like you think. Just because a man respects his belief doesn’t mean he’s something else.’ “I was only joking…” Anu wasn’t pacified. “Ok, I’m sorry. Really I am. I just don’t want you to get hooked unto some guy that’s hiding behind something or has one or two things in his closet. The world we live in these days is just something else. Living in England made me see many things that I wouldn’t have believed if you told me.” “You know we haven’t really talked about when you’re going back to England or if you’re staying permanently. Teniola called me yesterday and I miss her already. I don’t feel too comfortable that I’m leaving her out of this.”
2 Dec 2014 | 14:39
---->Continuation<---- “It’s been only 3 days Anu, Sheesh! You’re letting that girl get attached to you o. When she goes to boarding house, will you be going to see her everyday? Better let her start practicing how she’ll be on her own when you’re not there.” Anu shook her head. ”Teni is not going to boarding house. I’m planning on sending her to a Day school. I don’t think she’ll cope as a boarder.” “You coped. If you could, then she can so stop putting it like you’re sending her to a military camp or something.” “Mum and Dad don’t want that for her either.” Sandra gave a slight shake of her head and shrugged. ”Oh well, anything you want. She’s your child anyway.” She tapped on her screen a few times obviously carried away by some pictures on instagram. ”As for returning, I don’t know how soon but when it’s time. You talk as if you want to get rid of me or something.., the last time I remember, you wanted us to spend time together.” “Of course I want us to spend time together.” She turned on the tap to rinse the plates. ”How would you think I want to get rid of you…, If there’s anything I want, it’s for you to come back home. You don’t know how much I miss you. How much I feel sober anytime I see you on Tv and it hurts me so much that we’ll never be together like we were.” “I miss you too. Sometimes when I’m acting I remember when the two of us used to dress ourselves up and pretend to be on a movie scene.” Anu smiled. “Teni likes the nano ipod you sent her. She puts it in her ear like almost everytime. She’s a beautiful child. I really wish you can drop by sometime and have a chat with her. I’d love to see her face when she realizes we are twins. I remember a time she saw a pose of you in one of those magazines you sent me and she was like..”Mummy, come look! This woman looks like you.” “What did you tell her?” “I smiled at her and rubbed her head telling her that sometimes in this world we have people who look like us. Since then you need to see the way she tries to see if there’s a double of herself somewhere in the world. She uses my phone to browse. The girl is just an intelligent girl. The last time she was telling me how she’d like to be like Isaac Newton when she grows up. She says she also wants to be the first Nigerian to climb the moon or pull some crazy science stunt. She’s the best in her class. Sometimes I know I don’t have to go through her homework but I do it all the same so that she doesn’t get too confident that she knows it all.” There was no response. By the time she looked behind her to see what must have held her sister mute, Sandra had left the room to answer a phone call. Anu sighed and continued with the plates. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Brian was engrossed on his Macbook when a call came through. His friend Carlos Rodriguez had just sent him some pictures he’d taken the previous day concerning the new creative design he was working for. Carlos had been the new friend during his internship programme for the company he’d been working for before Debbie died and the two of them had been rolling ever since. Carlos still worked for the company as their professional photographer while Brian was still the free lancer though the option of returning back to his former place of work was still held open. Last night he thought about it. The freelance thing didn’t seem to be paying him so well as much as he had expected and he’d quit his job because he didn’t want Nate to feel the absence of his mother. He stared at the pictures once more trying to get his creative mind to work. He had integrated most of his Client’s requirements into artistically rendered pages and was trying to make more the site more palatable for the user.
2 Dec 2014 | 14:42
---->Continuation<---- That User was Carlos’ sister who was planning on making her own baby website after her third child and her brother had gone far in helping her take most of her pictures. He recognized the Caller ID as Carlos. Picking up his Iphone, he answered. ”Hey…” “Gringo, howdy…are the pictures suitable or you think I should get more? Sheila has bribed me to take more for her and so we have dozens of em not excluding those Do it Yourself crafts she’s making for Andrew.” “For now this should suffice.” He mumbled focusing ahead on some plugins he planned to install. “Ok good. Secondly, Ryan is throwing a barbecue party and thought I should ask if you’ll be able to make it…” “Date and time?” “Tomorrow at 12. And you don’t have to worry about Nate, Sheila says bring him along. I think she wants him to sleep over.” “It’s a date…” His gaze went to the wall-clock and he got to his feet. He had to go and pick his son from school. “We’ll talk later..” “¡claro…, Adios” Brian picked his wallet, closed his computer and hurried out of the house in time. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; When Brian got to his son’s school, he wasn’t surprised to see his son talking with a young girl quite his age outside the school premises on the playground. Blonde hair with freckles on her nose and cheeks. She was slightly chubby and wore pink framed glasses. He recognized her as Vanessa Cole. The daughter of an old friend of Debbie’s. He was about walking to meet them when he saw Vanessa’s older sister, probably in her teenage years going heading towards the same direction as well. “Brian…, Hi..” She waved excitedly. Almost as if her voice had gone a pitch high and he wondered why the girl always looked pretty nervous around him. “Kimberly.., Hi…, how’s it going?” “Great! And how’s your side? I mean what’s up with you?” “Growing Older…” He shrugged and the girl giggled like he had said something funny. ” What about you? I remember the last time we talked, you were working to get into College.., how’s that going?” “Great! I’m hoping to get into Buckingham by September.” “Wow, that’s far from home but if it’s what you want, I don’t see why not.” He gave her a charming smile and went to reach for His son’s school bag while waving to Vanessa. ”Hey Vanessa…” “Hello Mr. Olsen.” She giggled as if she knew something before going to join her sister. Brian began to wonder if there was something strange on his face and he asked his son when they strolled home alone. “C’mon Dad. You talk like you don’t know Vanessa’s sisters has a crush on you.” Brian blinked. He knew his son’s teacher had a crush on him but this was new. “How do you know?” “Van told me.” “Oh she did…” “uh-huh” He got distracted by a plastic on the ground and he kicked it. ”She says her sisters including Kim talk about you all the time. Saying you look like something that walked out of some supernatural series girls watch on TV. I mean they’re so obsessed about it. I think it had to do with Vampire stuff…” “Really, do I look that scary?” Nathan nudged his father playfully. ”C’mon Dad, you talk like you don’t know anything about your looks.” Brian laughed pretending to be bemused. ”Seriously when someone compares me to something like that, I should ask because I have no idea what you’re talking about.” “Never mind. I’m hungry. Can we grab something to eat before going home?” “Sure.” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; A day after, Sandra was on her phone lying down on a sofa in her room when a message came in through text. “Hello baby…” She was about ignoring it suspecting whom it was when a mail came through and she opened it just to see a message from Bayo. “No one runs out on me baby! No one!” Was all it read. And just when she was about wondering what other stunt he was going to pull, her phone rang. There was no Caller ID. She ignored the first ring but for fear of what the man may do to her since he seemed to have found a way to her new number and sent her an email after 4 days with that statement that seemed to carry so much weight, she picked it when it rang again. She waited, wondering what was going to happen next. And that was when his voice came through. “You underestimate me Sandra and I don’t blame you.” The coldness in his voice sent alarm bells ringing in her head. “What do you want Bayo? I’m tired of all these your stupid games so just let it out once and for all.” “You forget I know where to find you in Nigeria don’t you. And the fact that you almost made me look like a fool last week when you didn’t show up. What do you think this is? something you can just decide to opt out whenever you want? I make the decisions, I grab the reins in your career and I tell you what I want you to do.” Sandra inhaled sharply. ”I’ll be coming back next month Bayo. I don’t feel too well.” “I have the best doctors to look after you. I want you back in London in 24 hours or you’ll be sorry.” And he hung up. Sandra flung the phone out of anger wondering what next to do. she ran her fingers through her hair while lifting the other hand to her mouth shaking her head so as to keep her anger down. How dare he? How could he just call and expect her to arrive in London over 48hours? Did he feel she didn’t have a life to live asides the one that revolved himself and her career. There was no way she was going to let him decide for her this time. No damn way. Her mind began calculating, seeking desperately for answers somewhere, somehow. She needed help. There was no way she was going to face Bayo in 48hours. She knew he was going to put up a facade before the media but who knew his wrath behind closed doors. Only She…, and she was going to be facing it alone. If only someone else could be there. Not her…, but someone who could stand in for her. More like a double, just like the double that took her place in the movies she shot. And that was when the thought came into her mind. She had a double…, right under her nose. There would be risks no doubt, but that could be swept under the carpet. This was something more of emergency. She ran into the bathroom and poured water on her face closing her eyes tightly and forcing the tears to come. Drying her face shabbily, she headed on to quickly apply some mascara on her face and snatching the peppery Robb in one of her drawers applied it slightly and though it hurt, she was glad that produced the emergency tears she wanted. and she rinsed her face once more. Looking at the mirror, she practiced her brief meditation skills trying to focus on the task at hand and then she headed to the living room downstairs and saw her sister watching TV. “Anu, we need to talk.” Anu looked up from the TV and saw her sister’s face swollen and red, tears streaks on her face. She snatched the remote control and shifted on the couch, wondering what was going on. After putting it on mute, she faced her. “What’s wrong? Have you been crying?” “Oh god! Anu, I’m having a nervous break down.” She wailed and slumped into the couch beside her sister taking a colored cushion to herself and sobbing into it. ”I’m a wreck right now and I can’t do anything..” “Calm down Sandra. Just calm down. At least for now, no one asked you to do anything..” “I was called to come over to London from now till tomorrow night. The maximum I have is the day after tomorrow. How will I cope? I can’t cope! I can’t do anything. Oh Anu, I’m scared!” “But that’s not fair, can’t you give them an explanation stating the reason why you can’t come. There’s no point if you won’t do what they need you to do.” “They don’t understand. If I don’t show up, my career is finished. Anu you have to help me.” “Okay, I’ll help you in any way I can but seeing this present situation, I don’t think I can do much.” “You can stand in for me can’t you?” Anu scoffed and looked at her sister like their conversation was some kind of creepy joke. ”Stand in?.., but that’s impossible.” “It’s only for a couple of days. A week or two perhaps. All you need to do is to show your face and pretend to be me….” Anu jerked from her seat. ”You must be joking Sandra. How is that even going to work? I should go all the way to London and pretend to be you? And what happens to me who is supposed to be in Nigeria? What happens to my life here? And how won’t they suspect it’s not you?” “They don’t know I have a twin sister. That’s the advantage of keeping you away from the spotlight for so long don’t you see? Please now, do this for me…” She shook as more tears strolled down her cheeks again. ”Do you want me to go like this? Do you want me to die? you hear of actors and actresses who die at a young age, do you want me to drug myself and die? Is that what you want?” “Of course not. If there’s anything, you know I’ve always wanted the best for you. But this…” Anu shook her head. ”This plan you’re talking about can get me and you into trouble. Can bring disaster upon us, upon our name. Imagine if something happens, or I do something wrong. I don’t even know a hoot about what you face in the studio. I’m going to stick out like a sore thumb. Sandra listened and saw her chance at convincing her sister was slipping away. If Anu finally put her foot down, there was no way she was going to get her to agree anymore. She looked for something, anything more she could say. “And then what about Teni…, and Gbenro…” Anu continued Sandra looked up, her mind seeking desperately to hold up to something. Her sister had provided the only option left after-all. “If you don’t help me, I’ll be forced to tell Teni you’re not her biological mother.” Anu swiveled and stared at her sister with eyes wide open. It was impossible. Sandra could not betray her. She wouldn’t. She loved her. She wouldn’t go through that extent. Or would she? “You wouldn’t…” Anu gasped. Sandra’s face didn’t flinch. ”Do not underestimate the extent to which a desperate woman can go.”
2 Dec 2014 | 15:05
Sandra is such a nasty person. Sarah has sacrificed so much for her all her life; adopting her child, standing up d man she's dating just to be with her, experriencing breakups just bcos of her kid whom she adopted. Sandra has not done anything in return for her nd now wants to repay her with this.... She's really nasty. Thanks Meshack for d updates, thougt u were going to suspend switched till nxt year. Bravo, u r d best.
3 Dec 2014 | 06:25
Oh my my.. Sandra is jez gonna ruin Sarah... I'm sure she'z gonna find her way into Gbenro's arms as well
5 Dec 2014 | 16:54
=Episode 6= Anu was still shocked and too dumbfounded to say anything. Sandra’s statement had rendered her speechless and shocked. She waited for her sister to laugh and tell her she was only joking but she didn’t. She kept staring at her, her eyes almost as if they were daring her to damn the consequences which she knew she couldn’t Sandra knew her too well not to do so. It was like her whole family believed she was the only one who would go far in helping any of them in distress and put them first before herself. And was this why her sister was taking advantage of the situation? Sandra was Teni’s mother no doubt about that, but she had been her mother as far as she could remember. She’d been the one to receive her, forfeit every chance of having future relationships with men or any potential suitor. She had been there for her, hoping to see her grow, nurture her faith in God and watch her become a beautiful woman who would achieve her dreams and do exploits. She’d lived all her life for Teniola and now Sandra was ripping the joy right from her by throwing such a threat to her. She knew she was going to tell the child about her real mother some day but not now, not when she was just 10 and needed all the concentration she needed in school at this developing stage. Not when she didn’t know anything about her mother having a twin sister. 2 shocks at once. Teni would be hurt. Finding out her mother was a twin and that the other twin was her biological mother who didn’t want her would send waves of serial shocks that she might not be able to handle. Her father had rejected her years ago after impregnating Sandra, and now this? That was the problem, except Sandra told her another story which she was sure she could do looking at the degree to which her desperation had taken her. And coupled with her acting skills, she could weave more lies into the truth. But how could Sandra do this to her? How could she be so ungrateful after all she had done? She knew if she went on to explain how she’d been the one to take Teni, Sandra would only go ahead and state how she was the one who asked for the child, she wasn’t forced. She could have given her up for adoption and saved them both the headache. She knew the answer already and pondered on how her sister didn’t know how much she was hurting her. She had loved her so much and what did she do with it? Turn it against her. The tears stung and she looked away. “Listen, it’s only for a couple of days, a week or two perhaps and you have your life back.” Sandra continued as if she hadn’t just broken her heart to pieces and was stepping on it with further explanation. ”You’ll be fine, I promise. And when you come back, your life will be here waiting for you. Look at the good side sweetheart.” She reached for her hand and kissed it covering it with both of hers. It was cold but she didn’t mind. She needed her sister to take her place. That was what mattered now. “Please do this for me baby and our secrets will remain hidden. Just between us. Look, baby, look at me.” she turned her sister’s face towards her and stroked her cheeks. ”I’m indebted to you from now on ummh?” Anu remained quiet. It felt like the shock still held her tongue and mind captive and she blinked back tears swallowing saliva. Her world suddenly spun around her and everything else Sandra kept saying seemed to fall on deaf ears. Her lips moved but she couldn’t make a sound from whatever plans her sister strategized. She saw the notepad, saw the brief sketches and illustrations of her twin’s plan and all that she intended for her to know, what she wanted her to do, how she wanted her to act and the things she’ll need to say. She went on to explain the things she’ll be needing on her flight back and made calls to a certain woman called Pamela whom she gave instructions to. She could hear the name of the airport she would be landing where she was going to be picked and she could hear the name of the flight which Sandra made arrangements with online. She was to arrive in London tomorrow afternoon. The last thing Anu remembered her sister doing was going upstairs to pack the things she’ll need and it was at that moment she knew she was going to take her sister’s place. She would do it, She was going to go ahead with the plan no matter what it cost her. And then she would come back and leave her sister’s life for good. She would detach herself from her and move on with her life, her up-coming love life and her daughter. And then she would tell Teni everything when she returned. The girl would know the truth and so would Gbenro. She dialled the Multilinks number that served as a general phone in the house which was also what she used to keep in touch with her daughter in the house. Thankfully, Teni was the one who picked. “Mummy?” her soft voice sent shivers down her spine and she had to do everything within her power not to cry or break down. A few days Probably a week or two...
7 Dec 2014 | 03:39
=Continuation= She inhaled deeply. Think of it as a vacation in London. “Hey baby…” her voice croaked but she coughed and adjusted to a lighter note. “Hello Mummy, I miss you.” “I miss you too my precious. How are you?” “I’m fine though Grandma is feeding me vegetables like it’s the only thing on earth.” She grumbled and they both laughed. How long would she have to stay away from this soothing voice that made her realize that keeping Teni was no mistake? “When are you coming home Mummy? Exams are starting nextweek and soon after, the holidays. I want to go out with you and Uncle Gbenro.” “Soon my dear, very soon.” “I made you a welcome home card and a bracelet which I was taught from fine-arts in school. Mrs Edo thinks it’s the best in the class. I can’t wait for you to see it.” “My Genius.” Anu sniffed wishing she was there to hold her and kiss her. Wishing she could tell her she was going away for a while because of her. “And you are the best mother in the world.” Teni cooed and made a loud kissing noise over the phone. “I love you. Come home soon okay? and greet your friend for me. Tell her God loves her and so she should try not to be sad.” And that was when Anu whimpered and her emotions got the best of her and took over. Teniola was her daughter. She would always be her daughter no matter what biological statistics said. Years ago when she’d stared into her crying face and rocked her in her arms, she knew she was hers. When she’d accepted her as Sandra wanted nothing to do with her. When she snuggled close at night, close to her breast even when she had no milk to give, she would hold unto her finger almost as if she was afraid Anu would leave her too. Just like mother and father had done. It was right then she had promised herself that she would never leave her no matter what. “I will baby. Just be a good girl and do as you’re told okay?” “Okay…” “How’s Mum and Dad?” “They’re fine. Grandpa went to cut his hair while Mum is making dinner, should I call her and tell her you’re on the phone?” “No, don’t. Just tell her I said Hi okay?” She couldn’t talk to her mother. The woman would detect what was wrong and force out the truth from her and she wasn’t ready to make things complicated. “Grandma is calling me, I have to go. Take care, love you, bye bye.” She mimicked the ‘Animaniacs’ Cartoon voice of Yako and made a loud kissing noise once more. “Bye my love.” And the line went dead. She dropped her phone and turned to see her sister downstairs staring at her and before she could say anything else, Sandra came to hug her rubbing her back soothingly. “I have a feeling you’ll do just fine. Even better than I did.” And that was when the dam broke.
7 Dec 2014 | 03:41
Wow! I knew she was going to agree. Thanks a bunch for d update.
7 Dec 2014 | 13:04
Chai!... Continue.
7 Dec 2014 | 16:44
=Continuation= “Sheila made this, be sure she’s ready to bombard us with her experimental recipees.” He passed his friend and his brother-in-law a fruity looking drink in 2 glass cups which his sister had told him to serve his friends. On a normal day, Carlos wouldn’t and though Brian was surprised, he swallowed his thoughts and thanked him before asking. “What’s this?” “Raspberry Lemonade Sangria.’ Ryan answered as he removed the ribs from the grill and allowed them rest for 10-15minutes going on to explain how it would lose its vital juices pertinent to the overall flavour. “Sheila made the sauce as well. It’s delicious. You’re gonna like it, It contains ketch up, whole grain mustard, dash of lobasco…” Brian shook his head, laughing as he fed himself to the Mexican cheese dip. “What has Sheila done to you guys?” He asked noting how humble they’d turned overnight. The guys he knew as his friends could be loud, funny and talk football, sit in front of the TV and all sorts, or tell Sheila to get a helper as he’d often heard Ryan say. “I mean you’re suddenly turning to a cook overnight and Carlos here does the job of a reliable drink server.” he further teased. He knew when something was up. “el bebe.” Carlos shrugged. ”You know she’s all heavy and I don’t want to stress her.” Ryan snorted. ”Yeah right. She seized his camera and only promised to give it back if he behaves himself. We all know how his last girlfriend came crashing her party. And Ryan went on to explain how Sheila had invited her brother to her friend’s wedding recently and his girlfriend had gotten drunk making a fool of herself. Sheila had been mad no matter how much Carlos tried to explain himself and plead on Kate’s behalf. Days later, he found out she had an alcoholic problem. Sheila and Carlos had a heated argument and she further went on to question his judgement on picking women most especially the ones he brought in to embarrass her. “traidor!” Carlos hissed and the two men laughed after his secret was leaked.He went on to reveal Ryan’s. “And our dear Ryan has been threatened about not getting to watch the games tomorrow if he doesn’t co-operate tonight.” “Smart woman. It’s a good thing she knows your weaknesses.” Brian chuckled to himself and their chatter progressed to other things such as God, their jobs and the recent thing going on in their lives. The terrace was filled with people talking, eating and drinking while they chatted and often times Brian would notice Sheila stopping to greet some of her guests. Some of them were the neighbors while some were church friends or family friends. Ten years they’d been living in England and they seemed to have made the place their permanent home though Carlos mentioned he planned on going home soon to see their parents and he might not wait till Christmas. Sheila and been studying in England when she met her husband and the two had hit it off. Both were from different denominations but they worked things through. Ryan was also an American though he had spent majority of his life here as well and that was how Sheila built her home here with him and 2 kids plus one on the way. Ryan had been the one to help Carlos find a job with a reputable company and he’d been close friends, more of family friends with Debbie and that was how the whole network of the Rodrigez, Olsen and Burrows linked together. Brian looked around and noticed there was so much food. He watched his son surreptitiously and was aware of his movements right from the time they arrived. From the time where Sheila leaned to plant a kiss on his hair and ran her hands on his hair leaving it tousled till the time when he ran about with his friends, when they played with the dogs of the Burrows. Two hound dog breeds who fed themselves to the watermelons placed before them and when he went inside to play a video game with the Burrow boys and some of the other kids that had come over and finally right now where he was feeding himself to a hot-dog. The last time he’d seen Nate with food, Sheila had been the one giving him chicken skewers with vegetables. Soda cans, paper plates, cups, forks and spoons were on were on the floor though someone was helping Sheila tidy up already.
9 Dec 2014 | 09:57
=Continuation= He knew some minutes later Nate would have slumped into the couch somewhere in the house. He knew he watched Nate, sometimes he even feared he might be acting overprotective but Sheila did a good job in monitoring them all even while she seemed occupied with a lot. Glancing at his wristwatch, it was 6 already. How time flew! “Never underestimate that woman.” Ryan had said while serving the due ribs and relishing the taste. ”If there’s anything God blessed that woman with, it’s super powers cos it’s like you can’t hide anything from her. I mean she can tell when I’m not even listening to her even when I keep nodding my head. She can tell when the kids don’t do what they’re meant to do. Kevin and Jo call her supermom.” “My three handsome musketeers.” Sheila greeted appearing so suddenly behind them and smiling into each person’s faces. It was obvious she was about introducing someone to Brian as the two men exchanged glances. She didn’t waste time at all. “Brian, I would like you to meet a good friend of mine. Amy Stone.” She moved back in order to give Brian access to the young blonde lady that had a strip of strawberry strand in her hair making her look gorgeous. “Amy, meet Brian Olsen, my brother from another mother.” “Nice to meet you Amy…” he extended his hand to greet his new acquaintance and she received it warmly with a smile. “Same here. Sheila has told me lots about you.” “The good parts I suppose.” he tried to smile and Sheila giggled. ”Amy works in Unicorp as their expert in technology software marketing. I thought you two might have a lot in common.” “I think I’ll get a bottle of water.” Carlos recognised the warning in his sister’s eyes and found his way back into the house while Ryan remembered it was then he had to check on his kids. “Let me leave you two.” Sheila beamed stroking her blip as she strolled off to attend to other matters. Brian watched her leave and shook his head smiling to himself. Amy noticed it and blurted. ”I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable.” “Oh no…, Sheila is an amazing woman isn’t she?” “She is, no doubt about that. We met last year in language school. Ever since, she’s been a wonderful friend.” She had a slight British accent, he noticed. “Interesting, language school?” “Yeah, Mandarin in particular. The company I work for sent me on a one month training just in case they happen to transfer me to China or Singapore someday with the fast rate their technology has developed. I don’t want to go and make a fool of myself.” “Cool.” Brian studied Amy briefly and observed she had soft green eyes set against long eyelashes that complemented her pale white skin. She was beautiful no doubt. Blonde hair with that fanciful couple of strands that she’d dyed pink which was bonded neatly with a hair ruffle and her choice of lipstick wasn’t out of place. Her minty green fitted gown brought out the colour of her eyes and he couldn’t deny she was beautiful. For him, she was, but for Nate, he couldn’t say. Gosh! he almost smacked himself. Just because Sheila set them up didn’t mean she intended them to get married. He couldn’t blame his thoughts for going that way. Every single woman he’d been introduced to, he always imagined if Nathan would approve. Always imagined them together, eating, laughing and talking about lots of stuff just like Debbie had done while Nathan was still young. “I heard you’re working on Sheila’s new website and something for the church as well. I would love to see what you’re working on sometime.” “My pleasure.”
9 Dec 2014 | 09:59
==Continuation== Anu arrived at the airport, her confused face hidden well beneath a scarf flung around her neck and her face and dark shades to hide the fear inside her eyes. She’d just arrived a few minutes ago and right now, looking at her small luggage, there was nothing that belonged to her, nothing to identify her. She felt like a stranger in her own body as she stared at the bustle of people roaming about the airport or supposedly searching for the person they were meant to meet. Here, she sat at Heathrow airport, Terminal 3, Gate 3 feeling nauseous and slightly dizzy. Everything felt new and strange to her, almost as if time was passing swiftly and she hung in the middle, trying to place where she belonged in all of it all. Surrounded by a ring of human activity, she felt displaced and lost and hoped she wouldn’t do anything that would reveal she was an imposter. Well, that was what she was, she told herself. Being her first time here, she just watched with rapt attention as she sat expectantly hoping someone from security wouldn’t come yelling her name. Her passport in hand, she looked into it once more and saw Sandra’s face staring back at her. She’d notice the thorough screening at the security check point and wondered if this was how things happened at every airport since she had not travelled out of the country before. When her passport was being checked, her heart almost leaped into her mouth when the woman hesitated and kept looking at her face since she had to remove her scarf and shades then and Anu thought she would die. What if they found out at that moment that she was not Sandra Okoye, the ‘Ebunoluwa’ name not inclusive, would they gather together with guns in their hands and hold her to the ground the way she saw them doing to people in the movies? Would they send her to jail? Her mind wouldn’t stop racing. It was after a few seconds that the woman smiled and spoke up. ”I’m your greatest fan Sandra. You’re an epitome of the black woman and I really admire your power and your strength. I can’t believe I’m looking at you right now. My daughter wants to grow up and be like you.” her voice trembled and she reached for something close. Sarah watched the chocolate skinned woman gush over her and wondered if this was how her sister was showered praise when she was nothing close to what they thought she was. She was tempted to tell the woman to choose a better role model for her daughter and herself since she seemed to be close to her 40s but she thought better of it and tried to smile, glad that she wasn’t going to have any complications. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome anytime.” She kept smiling and allowed her gain access. The phone in her hand belonged to Sandra while hers was with her sister presently. The sandals, the glasses, even her made-up face wasn’t her but just an illusion Sandra wanted the world to believe and she did it so well. She looked up and saw a few glances her way though she had pulled her Shades and scarf back on but some were curious enough to see if she was someone they knew since they could still see parts of her face. She saw a teenage black girl with her phone snapping her briefly before hurrying off. Just as she was about thinking things were going to get worse, her phone beeped and she saw P.A as the Caller ID. She picked. ”Hello?” “Sandra, I’ve been looking all over for you. Where exactly are you?” Anu looked up and gave her vague descriptions of where she was hoping the lady would see her whoever she was. Standing up, she looked around. Light skinned, she looks like someone who spent her life tanning under the sun though she’s inbetween white and black. Pretty girl. You’ll know her when you see her, her name is Pamela Banks. Her sister’s words echoed in her head as she kept looking around. ‘Let her see me when she looks at you okay? Give her attitude and snap at her if she doesn’t come pick you in time. Lament about how she’s made you wait for her.’ “There you are! So good to see you.” Someone breathed behind her and she swiveled to see a much more prettier lady staring back at her. She fitted the description of Sandra, only she had a friendly face and she didn’t think she deserved any backlash about her coming late to pick her. Afterall, the girl even gave her an explanation over the phone. “Pamela…” She wanted to be sure it wasn’t a fan as Sandra had talked about how some fans could go gaga and try something funny. “Of course it’s Pamela, were you expecting someone else?” She beamed and hugged her briefly. ”Oh, it’s good to have you back. C’mon let me help you with that. The car is at the Park and I’m glad we don’t have to pay any extra fee for parking space. We’re heading straight for the hotel.Bayo wants you to come to his apartment but I tried to explain things to him, convenience and all, I know how you would want time alone for now.” “Thank you.” Pamela raised an eyebrow and replied with an amused smile on her face. ‘for?” “You’re carrying my bag..” “Okaaaaay.” She squinted and shook her head wondering if something had eaten into her boss’s head that she was sounding nice. When they got to the park, Pamela helped her with the door before giving the driver the instructions and address. Anu sat still wondering what the new life in London had in stock for her as she stared outside the window and marveled at how different things were from her home in Nigeria. She hoped she would be able to carry through with the plan as she had fumbled with the first plan by appreciating her P.A. Even the girl had given her a bemused look. She didn’t know what Sandra was, but she knew she had better put her back into it if she was going to make it without further curious glances turning her way.
9 Dec 2014 | 10:03
U better dnt fumble anu
9 Dec 2014 | 11:08
What is sandra up to.....
9 Dec 2014 | 17:08
==Episode 7== At the hotel Anu checked into, everyone at the front desk was wonderful and helpful at her observation though she had it somewhere in mind that the colour of her skin might pose a barrier to the quality of services she might receive on entrance despite Sandra’s popularity but she felt a little warm that they smiled at her at least. Minutes after she went up to her room on the 4th floor, they sent up her luggage and called to make sure the room was up to her expectation which prove to be a nice touch. Pamela prayed inwardly that her Boss wouldn’t throw her usual tantrum and request for another room. She’d taken time to book this particular room and make sure everything was in place just as Sandra liked it to be. The room wasn’t too big but it was perfectly adequate and comfortable. It was also very spacious, clean and quiet. The bath was big and super modern and great products ranging from body lotions, sunscreens and soaps with toiletries displayed themselves on the mirror cabinet. Pamela went on to explain how she’d chosen the room with both bath and shower because she knew how Sandra loved getting a soak and sometimes in the afternoon if she ever got a spa treatment and didn’t want to get to the pool downstairs, she would settle for a shower instead. The room amenities were just excellent. Pamela had selected a suite bedroom unlike the last time when Sandra had prefered a king deluxe. Bayo had scolded her on her scandalous spending since she’d been using his credit card to get back at him but Anu was ignorant of this as she kept looking around. This place was a different world entirely to her and she marvelled at such luxury even when Pamela kept asking her if she liked it. What was there not to like in all of this? she wondered. Was it the kingsize bed beneath the carpeted floor and the rechargeable broadband modem for internet access, the marble clad and plush bathroom, the sleek flat screen TV that stood right before her? Even at home, she wasn’t used to a Television screen like this though she’d seen something similar in Gbenro’s office when he’d invited her for lunch at his office. At the thought of Gbenro, she swallowed and closed her eyes willing herself to try and forget him for now. If she didn’t, she knew she would find a way to call him and spill everything to him. Right there and right now. And maybe he’d scold her for how foolish and pathetic she was for letting Sandra threaten her. When he was through, he might hang up on her and go ahead and fall for her sister. And then she would have lost all including her chance of falling in love with someone who might have been. She walked into the bathroom and sat at the edge of the tub and saw the glass cabinet that enclosed all the products she’ll be needing. She saw her face in the mirror and felt like crying. This was Sandra, not Sarah. Everyone would see Sandra except her. “I brought you some clothes from your apartment. At least the ones Bayo allowed me take.” Pamela broke into her thoughts by peeping into the bathroom just to see a blank stare. Anu stood up and went to join her in the bedroom watching her as she helped her unpack the boxes on the bed. “Bayo stays in my apartment?” “Yea…, and he also dictates what you wear,” Pamela gave her a queer look but shook her head and continued unpacking. ”says you’ll be meeting him for a dinner event on Wednesday and so he’ll be sending your dress tomorrow evening.” Oh great! Bayo and I live in the same house! Lord, what am I going to do when I run out of clothes and ideas?!! She pulled off her scarf finally and settled on the bed watching Pamela do her work diligently. “You also have a charity event with Bayo on Friday which he mentioned to me over the phone and a photoshoot next weekend when you’re more settled and so your week isn’t so crowded. I brought you your jeans, a few tops that you can wear when you’re indoors with your denim, I also brought your bikini just in case you change your mind about using the pool downstairs.” She flung them on the bed and Anu’s eyes widened when she saw the bikini that she was supposed to wear in broad daylight. Not in my life! She also saw the cream coloured off the shoulder jumper and the stripped jumper dress with a slouchy V neck which was supposed to be a dress. There was no way she was going to wear this. Oh God! what have I gotten myself into? “and your favorite suede ankle boots, Saint Lauren.” She smiled and passed it to her. ”It’s been a while you wore those and so Bayo thought he’d loved to see your feet in it sometime.” Anu looked at them and forced a smile. The boots were cute but she didn’t see herself donning them anytime soon. The heels were so pointed. How did Sandra do all of this? Her mind flashed to the times when they were little and Sandra would wear their mother’s shoes though they were much bigger than her and try to catwalk only for Anu to laugh. She’d been so small and pretty then and she loved her so much even if it only took 2minutes, 25 seconds for her to follow. She remembered how Sandra hated being called “Taiye.” Their parents didn’t like it either and so the names were Strictly Sandra and Sarah though their mother called them by their local names. At the age of 7, she’d known what her sister wanted and what she could do. But right now, she couldn’t even say one thing about Sandra. Everything was jumbled up in her head presently.
13 Dec 2014 | 07:11
Uhmmmm.. Different life entirely
13 Dec 2014 | 08:14
*continues* “Are you alright?” Pamela’s brows furrowed. “Yes, I’m fine.” Pamela doubted it. ”You’re probably having jet-lag. I think what you need do right now is go take a shower and come back and relax. The fridge has been stocked with some drinks and you can call for room service anytime except you want me to get you something.” Anu still sat still her mind in turmoil at the moment while Pamela helped fixed the beddings glancing at her from time to time and wondering the contrast between whoever this new person was and Sandra. Sandra was hardly quiet like this and she looked quite lean and somewhat dark. Just a few days away from London and she looked so sick? She probably was. It felt awkward to ask and so she kept quiet. Maybe there was more reason to why she’d travelled back to Nigeria on short notice much more than Bayo revealed. Did she know about the new girl Bayo was seeing? Bayo was often found with women but this looked quite promising as she’d seen the both of them together often and she was young and new in the whole modeling gig. Two mornings ago, she’d slept over at the house and even had breakfast with him. Having breakfast with Bayo was more like having a business contract with him. If Sandra was sick, then they probably needed her to see a doctor. Even her eyes lacked life in them and she seemed to be wallowing in some sort of invisible misery. “Why don’t you go take a shower while I fix these bedding?” “I’ll be fine.” She repeated. When she saw Pamela was looking at her curiously and for fear that that she might blow her cover by saying something about her identity, she managed. ”Pamela, please can you excuse me for a few minutes, I’d like to be alone.” Pamela nodded immediately wondering why the sudden frequent call of her full name. It was Pam Sandra called her and that suited her fine. She nodded immediately. ”Sure, call me when you need me. Is there anything you need me to get for you while I’m away?” “No, at least for now.” “Okay.” Anu watched her leave and buried her face in her hands when the tears came asking God if she had done the right thing most especially when she felt she didn’t have a choice. ”Oh God! I feel so out of place, I feel so alone, I had no choice Lord, what would you have me do? Let Sandra ruin Teniola’s life for me that I’ve nurtured for 10 years? She’s still young and I love her so much. That’s the only reason I’m doing this. So that I can tell Teniola the whole thing at the right time. Is this what it takes to be a parent? to sacrifice my life for this? then I don’t think I’m ready because I’ve reached my peak here. Maybe I should just tell Teni and get this all done with.” Yes, call her. ”I will.” She told herself standing up her eyes practically dancing everywhere for her phone. Yes, you should. You have to call her. Sandra takes you for a fool, she’s going to steal everything from you including Gbenro, the only man that has ever looked your way. She’s going to steal your daughter from you before you get back! She’s going to leave you helpless because she’s a selfish ingrate. Look at how much you loved her and see how she’s turned it against you! She got hold of her phone. Go on, dial the number. Feed her threat back to her and let her know that if she thinks she can pull a fast one on you, then you’re ready to drag her name in the mud right here in London. You’re ready to spill all her dirty secrets h. “No.., I can’t.” Why? because you’re scared, or you’re just a coward. I would ruin her… And didn’t she intend ruining your life by threatening to tell your daughter that you are not her real mother. I know… So go ahead, She can’t eat her cake and have it. Whatever she gets, she deserves it. She typed in 3 numbers. Go on…, think of how scared she’ll be when she hears about her scandal on the papers and TV. Sandra Okoye has a twin sister. She’s a liar, a cheat and tries to play a fast one on the media. And what about me? What? What about the twin sister? Anu…, me, what happens to me? What happens to my name?” Well…, errr, well, look at the bright side, you’ll get famous too. People will want to know how well you played your role in the scheme. Anu shook her head and dropped the phone tears spilling from her eyes as she shut the crazy voice of her flesh aside and knelt by the bed. “I don’t know what to do oh Lord, but you see my heart and you know what I want from all of this. Not fame, not money, not wealth, not my intention to deceive but to save my daughter from heartbreak.” Teni is 10 years old. She’ll get over it. Just tell her already and stop crying like a pathetic woman. She broke into tears again. Help didn’t seem to be coming from anywhere. She should have known she was doing the wrong thing ever since she stepped on that plane.
15 Dec 2014 | 04:34
Wow! I thought Meshack was d owner of this story, how come it's changed to Famous pen. Anyway, thanks for d update, looking forward to d next.
15 Dec 2014 | 05:56
Hahaha, am the same meshack, just changed my name to famous pen!
15 Dec 2014 | 07:33
Great,nxt pls
15 Dec 2014 | 07:52
*Continues* Sandra didn’t add so much make-up on her face on her way to take Anu’s place in Ikorodu but tried to look ordinary the way Anu usually did. Her weaves were out of her hair and the relaxed hair presently on her head was bonded neatly while any expensive looking accessory that she would have loved to take with her were presently at home. She had even donned Anu’s green coloured ankara designed with a couple of other colours and designs with her Sandals which she left at the house. Looking at her pressed powder mirror while sitting comfortably at the back seat of the red cab she had hired, She couldn’t be more aware of the little blemishes that displayed themselves nakedly on her face and she frowned slightly thinking to herself how she would have to look for some form of excuses for her parents concerning her current use of make-up if she was going to be spending some time in their house. She’d planned on seeing a few friends of hers on the mainland and Island that week and so she might not stay with them long. One side of her wondered how it would be to look into her mother’s eyes and pretend to be someone else. She’d missed the woman dearly and hoped she would be able to hold back any form of emotions that might try to swim to the surface. As for her father, she didn’t know what to expect but she’d like to see him too. And for a minute, she allowed herself bask in the thought of revealing her real identity to them. She would love to see their reactions. Would they love her the way they loved Anu or would they send her out of the house? It’d been more than 10 years running since the last time she saw them ever since the fight between herself and her father. If she revealed she was Sandra, would her father open his arms wide to receive her just like the story of the prodigal son he’d read to them while they were kids. She’d loved the story so much. Infact, it was her best out of all the Bible stories their mother had read to them. “What story do you want tonight?” “The prodigal son!” She squealed. “Ruth and Boaz.” Anu had squealed. “Urrgh! Ruth ko, Ruth ni. I want prodigal son Mummy. Anu likes boring stories. What kind of a story is that where the woman begs a man to marry her?” Ebun frowned. “A romantic one.” Anu shrugged her shoulders her eyes dreamy. ”Just like where Esther goes to meet her king. I think it’s bold. She has courage and she believes in her God.” ”My husband is going to beg to marry me. He’s going to kneel down and say “Will you marry me and I’ll say Yes and we’ll live happily ever after.” She beamed clasping her hands together before tugging at her mother’s hands. ”Mummy, please read me the prodigal son. I love hearing the part where the father receives his son after he’s done so much.” “Why?” her mother had searched her eyes curious then and it seemed she could see through her. Their father had been a strict one, one who hardly had the time for them and was never there to kiss them goodnight or play with them the way their mother did. Even at the time where he’d cheated on her due to the dissapointment of not having a boy just as he wanted and his parents wanted, she wondered if her father was going to be the prodigal son who would come back to them. But he never was. She should have known they were just stories, nothing real, nothing she should have put her heart on the way Anu did like it was her whole life. “I’ll leave your house Papa! and there’s nothing you can do about it!” “Ebun! Keep your mouth shut and apologize to your father…” Kemi had scolded. “Oh, you want to leave my house eh? Anuofia! Onye apari leave my house now and act like the prostitute you are! The one that that rubbish boy put inside you is not enough eh? Foolish girl! When he traveled out of your country, he went along with your brain, that’s the truth.” “Mama, do you hear him? do you see how Daddy’s insulting me and you ask me not to leave? I don’t need him in my life so he can go to hell for all I care!” “Ebun!” “What is it Mama? Is it because I’m still living under his roof he thinks he can yell at me the way he yells at you almost every night? If he can call his own daughter bush meat. He goes to church every Sunday and pretends to everyone out there that He’s a good man whereas he’s the devil incarnate himself. He blames you for not having a male child like an illiterate whereas what does he have? He should be grateful I even still call him a father.” Nnamdi reached for her but Kemi and Anu reached him in time to prevent further damage. “Ewu ka gi mma! Get out of my house. You are not my daughter! I disown you!” He raged his veins almost popping out and Kemi got scared if he got hold of their daughter, he would strangle her to death. She hissed. ”It is from your loins I came from and except you want me to return there, then I will.” Anu knelt down crying while she begged her father to ignore Ebun who wasn’t helping matters in any way by yelling back at him. Her bags were packed and beside her and even while Nnamdi rushed to push her out of the house, she found her way out and never returned. It seemed so far away but as she drew close to home, her mind flashed to other many reasons they might not easily take her in. She had done some movies which she knew they wouldn’t approve of. Even her modeling pictures that revealed her bare flesh except for areas that were covered in white sheets were provocative enough to make her religious parents doubt her sanity not to talk of them receiving her back to the house. Trying not to think of that, she allowed herself glory in the fact that since she was in Lagos, she had so many friends she would want to see though she would be laying low. Events and parties she would love to attend, meet some handsome guy, have fun, get a lap dance and so many crazy stunts she could pull. And get a drink or two to drown out all these emotional thoughts of her parents coming to mind. “I hope we are in the right place? I can see number 7” The driver called her attention when they finally got to a bungalow with a black gate erected around it. The numbering of the house was bold and it’s been long she’d been here. She glanced at the address Anu gave her once more and she nodded. ”I suppose so. Please wait and let me confirm.” Getting down from the car, she headed towards the gate looking around and noticed a few glances her way. She banged on the gate and pressed the bell. They were the only ones that lived in the compound anyway as far back as she could remember. “Ta ni yen?” Someone called out from inside whom she supposed to be her mother. “Emi ni o. Anu…” “Ahh,…, Mo tin bo…., Ki lo de o fi pe ko to ma bo?” Sandra sighed and hurriedly paid the taxi driver while her bag sat at her feet. It’d been a long journey and when she handed the man 5000naira, he waved and left her standing at the door. When the gate finally opened, she swallowed on seeing the woman standing before her with a white blouse and a traditional wrapper that looked like one of those wrappers her father bought for her in the past. She’d grown older but that beautiful brown skin still glowed and her gait wasn’t compromised yet. Though Sandra remembered her mum being quite on the plump side, she’d lost much weight and little wrinkles had found way to the side of her cheeks. Her hair was covered in an ankara scarf so she couldn’t decipher how many white colored strands had found way to her ebony black hair. If there was something she could appreciate her mother for, it was that she didn’t look 47 at all. “Oko mi, bawo ni…” She helped her inside and shut the gate almost immediately. When she turned to look at her, she smiled. ”Ah ahn, you look different. That your small holiday really did you well o.” “Thank you ma.” Sandra wished she could hug her mother again and hold her like forever. She’d missed her so much. Looking at her, she wished she would somewhat see Sandra and not Anu but She blinked and looked away almost as if she was scared of looking too much. “I just got home from the shop myself. I’m making soup for dinner. Teniola is still sleeping. Wait till she wakes up. She has missed you so much.” They strolled into the living room together and Sandra couldn’t remember the last time she’d been here and she felt the house was so small and reeked of mediocrity if not poverty. The living room was spacious alright but she’d lived in better places and luxurious places far better than this place. She just hoped she would be able to cope in this place afterall. “Go and unpack and take a shower. Then you can come into the kitchen to gist me about your trip.” And Kemi strolled back into the kitchen. Sandra kept looking at all the frames hanging on the wall and she smiled when she saw her parent’s wedding picture which was still hanging on the wall. Beside it, Teni’s own was there just beside Anu who cradled her in her arms even while she sat on her lap. Other frames that did not claim any familiar face coupled with Church calendars displayed themselves on the wall with the ones that had prophecies on them with the face of their Church head. There was no sign of her amidst the other pictures. No evidence that the Okoye had twins as children. She headed for the small passage that led into the room which herself and her sister had shared when they were young and turned the knob slowly. She stopped when she saw a young girl curled up on the bed facing the other side which was close to the window. Was this Teniola? the girl she had left for Anu years ago? She didn’t imagine she had grown this big. Closing the door behind her, she dropped her bag and looked around wondering how so much had changed and how the room looked so different from the time she left. Everything had been re-arranged no doubt. The room was neat and clothes were not thrown around carelessly. A school uniform hung on a wooden hanger outside the wardrobe and a yellow towel just beside it. She saw a picture of Teniola with a gap toothed smile and she supposed the child was probably about 5 at the time. She picked it up and looked closely. The child looked so much like her only with a few traces of Raymond’s displayed on her just like her smile. Raymond’s smile had been beautiful and charming at the time and looking at the picture now, she remembered that was partly the reason she fell for him in the first place. “Mummy?” Sandra almost dropped the frame due to the fear of being caught red-handed and she turned to see a sleepy child squinting her eyes to get a clearer view of the intruder in the room. “Hey…” Teni smiled and rubbed her eyes trying to kneel on the bed and stretched her hands so that her mother could come and embrace her. Sandra moved towards her child and received her warmly closing her eyes. It’d been a long time she received such a sincere and warm hug from someone who loved her for who she was and not the actress or model that she was out there. “I missed you mummy…” She mumbled into her neck as her hands tightened on her waist. “Please don’t leave me like that again okay?” “I won’t…” “I had a dream..” She continued. ”That you left me and went so far away from me. I tried calling you but you just kept walking away.” “Shh…, it’s just a dream baby, See, I’m here.” Teni broke free and smiled pressing her lips into her mother’s face. She hurriedly got down from the bed and headed to the table drawers where she picked the card and the bracelet she had made and came to give it to her mother. “Here’s what I made for you…” Sandra was speechless. “Well, don’t you like it?” Sandra nodded. ”It’s beautiful.” “Here, hold out your hand and let me wear it for you.” Sandra did as she was told and watched her daughter clip her fine art unto her wrist and smiled into her eyes. “It looks good on you mummy.” Not expensive, but good…, so good to be true. She hadn’t stayed long with this child and she was already feeling her impact. It was no wonder Anu couldn’t stand her getting hurt. She had been trained well, so well she was jealous of the kind of mother Anu was. Why couldn’t she be like that? Didn’t she deserve love too? “I like the card. It’s cute.” “I knew you would like it…” She sat beside her. ”So, how’s your friend? is she okay?” “What friend?” “You told me you were going to see a family friend for moral support…” “Ohh, she’s fine.” Sandra blinked. ”It really went well.” “Did you tell her that God loves her?” “Was I supposed to?” “Mum! I told you to tell her she’ll be fine day before yesterday when you called or you’ve forgotten.” “Well, I’m sure she knows.” Sandra tried to find a way out of the interrogation. ”Look, honey, there’s been so much on my mind lately and I’m sorry if I didn’t remember to deliver your message but now that you’ve told me, I won’t hesitate to let her know.” “Okay..” She mumbled a crease forming on her forehead. ”Your voice, your accent sounds somehow different.” “Really? how?” “I don’t know…” Teni’s eyes danced around Sandra’s face and came to settle on her eyes. ”And you look fairer sort of.” “It’s probably the cream I used.” “And your cheeks…” Teni continued her investigation while Sandra’s mind pondered on every idea to distract the child. “What are you feeling like? Little Red Riding Hood?” Sandra teased and Teni’s face dissolved into a smile and soon laughter as her mother lifted her up and threw her into the bed playfully tickling her. When she noticed her response, she continued, ”the Big bad wolf is here to get you. You can’t run till you say please…” When she had finally pleaded sore and her eyes refused to shed more tears, Sandra released her before settling back into the bed beside her daughter . They were quiet for a while. Teni broke the silence. ”I like the new you Mummy. Will you tell me about little red riding hood as a bedtime story?” “I will…, after dinner and then you will tell me how your week went.” “Tomorrow’s prize giving day. Last day in school.” She revealed excitedly as Sandra got to her feet and her daughter joined. ”and I suppose my baby girl is going to bring home a prize.” “Yes of course.” “I’ll be there. Why don’t you go and meet Mum outside while I take a shower. We’ll talk at the table.” “Okay.” And she left for the living room closing the door behind her. Immediately Teni left the room, Sandra settled into the bedside chair and inhaled deeply. At least that had gone pretty well and though this was much more less than what she was used to, she was going to make herself happy by making lemonades out of limes. Even if she was going to seek time to do other things that she wanted to do, She was going to bask in the little moment she had with her family while she had. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Anu finished praying and settling on the rug she thought of taking a shower before eating anything or sleeping since she was tired. She headed into the bathroom and stripped off her clothes after making up her mind to use the shower instead. She wasn’t used to how the bath worked and all she wanted to do was sleep off and forget her worries for a while. She had to adapt to whatever situation she’d gotten herself into. She wore her shower cap due to the weave she’d fixed and turned it on hoping the waters would help drown her worries for the main time. Basking in the shower’s drops, she heard the door open and wondered if Pamela was here already. She’d thought she would call if she needed her? Sighing she heard footsteps towards her and ruffling of clothes. The footsteps drew closer. “Pamela? is that you?” She suddenly felt someone’s presence behind her in the shower and she turned immediately. “Hello Baby…” On seeing a young man behind her stripped down to his boxers already with his clothes on the floor, Anu screamed.
15 Dec 2014 | 11:45
Haha,,I hpe he dasnt disvirgin u
15 Dec 2014 | 13:35
Episode 8 “Whoa…, baby, what’s wrong? take it easy, are you okay?” Anu groped for her towel and turned off the shower at the same time trying to cover her nakedness. Feeling highly embarrassed, she hurried out far away from whoever the intruder was. If he was going to rape her, he was going to have to kill her first if she didn’t get out in time. “Who are you and what do you want?” Her back was pinned to the wall and she moved slowly towards the door. He gave her a puzzled look and scoffed. ”Who am I?, baby, it’s me, Marvin, are you alright?” Who in the world was Marvin and am I supposed to know you? She was tempted to say but spoke up instead. “How did you get up here…, get out of my room or I’ll scream.” She clutched her towel tighter as water dripped beneath her on the carpeted floor. Marvin raised his hands in a pleading gesture while trying to move closer to her. “Baby, is this some kinda joke you’re pulling out on me ‘cos if it is, I must say it’s really turning me on.” He winked at her. “I beg your pardon!” She rolled her eyes at him disgusted that he would even think her freaking out was a turn-on for him. Had Sandra dated this pervert or whoever this was who seemed to have fixed his eyes on her towel clad body looking at her like she was some meat he wanted to devour. What was he anyway? Some kind of sex toy Sandra used when she got fed up of Bayo? The door jerked forward and in strolled in Pamela who stopped dead in her tracks when she saw her Boss in towel and her boyfriend who had found a way to convince her that Sandra had sent for him and asked for the room number. He had mentioned he wanted to surprise her. But standing before the both of them presently, the surprise on her Boss’ face was soon replaced by disgust. Marvin reached for his jeans immediately after observing the little crowd and seeing he wouldn’t be having his way with his girlfriend tonight, struggled to get his legs into it and fixing his belt pin into the right hole. “Nice going Sandra…, is this what I get for trying to surprise you? Y’tryna make a fool outta me right before your P.A…” “She’s not feeling too well.” Pamela tried to rectify the situation immediately. Turning to her Boss, she apologized. ”I’m sorry if this wasn’t a good time. I tried to explain things to him when I saw him downstairs but he said he just wanted to say Hi and leave since the last time you two talked, you mentioned you wanted to see him.” Her sister must have played a fast one on her again. Still clutching the towel to her chest, She tried to replay the whole scenario in her head without losing it. He even had the guts to walk in on her while she was in the shower exposed. What did he take her for? He threw his Shirt on and fixed his buttons looking at her with an intensity that made her almost recoil but she refused to back down and stood her ground. She was relieved when he stepped out. “What was that about?” She shrieked. ”Can’t I have some privacy to myself anymore?” ‘I”m really sorry Sandra. I should have just called you to confirm. It’s just that the last time something similar happened, you went gaga on me for even asking and went ahead to remind me that your love life was none of my business.” She allowed herself breathe easily and headed for the bed trying not to feel horrible about what just happened. “I should have locked the door in the first place.” Pamela thought so too but kept her thoughts to herself. There was no way any of this was her business, she reminded herself. “Didn’t he call you?” That was when Anu reached for her phone and saw the number of missed calls at the time when she was in the bathroom. “He did.” “I gave him the room number with the assurance I would wait behind just in case.” “At least you entered in time, that’s good news.” “Why don’t you throw something on while I order room service except you want to eat out?” Anu sighed. Another battle she was going to face was eating strange food. “I think I’ll go with orange juice for now. Do they serve that?” “Of course. Is that all?” “Yea, for now..” Her stomach growled bringing to her remembrance how she had not eaten that morning. ”How’s the food here?” “Average if you’re looking for top-notch.” ”Okay, I’ll settle for the juice and take a nap. You’ll be around right?” ‘At your beck and call.”
17 Dec 2014 | 04:17
*continues* Kemi covered the steaming pot of soup and turned off the gas while her mind was in turmoil. She heard the noise of the TV and knew Teni had found her way to the sitting room and her daughter was probably having her bath. But that woman whom she had greeted at the gate who called herself Anu didn’t feel like Anu when she hugged her. She felt like someone else. She felt like her long lost daughter. And her reason for taking her eyes away so as not to fantasize what wasn’t real. This was Anu and her mind was just playing tricks on her. Maybe due to the one week that she’d been away had made her heart grow fonder. She’d missed her but there was nothing she could do about it. What if she got married and left her? Then she would be left to her lonely and boring routine life. And when Teniola finished primary school, she would have much and less at the same time. She didn’t mind the loneliness. She was getting used to it. At least she should be thankful that her husband came home every night safe and sound. She shook her head trying to shake away the possibility that it could have been Sandra who was back home. She was just being delusional and she didn’t blame her situation. She’d never stopped wishing her other daughter would come home someday or try to even keep in touch with her. She had tried calling her after the incident but the girl wouldn’t pick her phone. Afterwards, that line was cut off from the communication network and she tried all she could to try and reach for her. She knew Anu would have found a way but the girl wouldn’t budge which she was sure her twin had warned her not to give her number out. When she watched any nollywood movie which was rare, She made sure it was the one Sandra featured in though she never allowed Nnamdi to know she was watching it. She saw her daughter in magazines and even with the cost, she didn’t hesitate to buy them hoping that someday, she would read an article on where the girl would talk about her home, and the parents who had raised her. But she never did. She was aware that she was the face of some of the make-ups in the market and bringing any of those products into the house will make Nnamdi mad. Anything that reminded him of Sandra, he detested. And so secretly, she kept tabs on her daughter and hoped for the day she would be wealthy enough to go and see her since she heard she was in London now and she would see her on the red carpet taking pictures and looking glamorous. She sighed and tried to wash the plates in the sink so as to serve dinner. Her daughter must be starved. Just then, the subject of her thoughts walked in looking so different in Anu’s worn out Tshirt and carton coloured skirt and the doubt in her mind increased. There was a way Anu wore that dress and it looked familiar but the person who wore this dress looked out of place in it. And then, her skin glowed better than the last time she’d seen it. Her gait carried some form of sophisticated aura and elegance around her and her suspicions increased. She looked up into her eyes and that was when she saw it. The flicker of doubt and nervousness at something unfamiliar. It was there for a moment and then gone so fast she could have sworn it didn’t happen. Kemi’s heart beat rapidly in her chest and she tried to control herself. There was one more thing she needed to do to confirm her suspicions. “So how was your trip?” “It was fine ma.” She replied with a smile leaning on the counter by the sink. ”What did you cook?” “You can check it out yourself now…” Kemi said watching her carefully as she turned her attention fully to the pot hereby leading to a slight tip of her shirt. Kemi dabbed her hand slowly on the napkin so as not to arouse any further suspicions and just before the young woman could turn, She had pulled up her shirt further to confirm what she was looking for. And there it was. The black small patch birthmark on her trunk close to her right breast. It had faded and stretched over time but Kemi could recognize it alright. Sandra pulled back in shock, hugging herself and shifting far away from her mother while Kemi gasped at the full realization of the truth. Raising her hands to her mouth, her fingers trembled and the tears came without restrictions. “Ebunoluwa…., is it really you?” She choked on her emotions. Not sure of what to say, She nodded slightly. “Oh my good God!” Kemi ran to her daughter and threw herself on her allowing her emotions to take the better of her and all her heartache for years poured out in tears for her long lost daughter. “I missed you too mummy.” Sandra responded and embraced her mother allowing the tears flow when they came and not wanting to let go just yet. She’d been uncertain as to what kind of reaction would greet her if her identity was revealed but in places where her mother was concerned, She need not fear anymore.
17 Dec 2014 | 04:20
*continues* Mother and daughter talked late into the night and knowing the kind of man Nnamdi was, Kemi made it possible that Sandra was asleep or pretending to be by the time he got home. There was no way she would allow him set eyes on her and chase her away once more. This was her daughter and She had come home to stay. Teni was also asleep in the room and so they talked outside on the roof which was more convenient and even if Nnamdi found his way up, it would be too dark to peer into his daughter’s eyes. “I still have some of your magazines in my shop o. I keep them in a special place and you don’t know how happy I am seeing you in flesh and blood.” “Thank you mama. You don’t look bad yourself..” “With the little I have, I try my best to look good. But you, you’ve traveled around the world.” She praised reaching for her daughter’s hands and rubbing it affectionately. ”Gist me now about all those places you’ve gone and how it felt. All those obodo oyinbo places and those oyinbo men that want to take my daughter’s picture. You’re very beautiful.” “Well, I try my best. I bought you somethings but they are in my place at Lekki .” Sandra didn’t feel the need to hide anything from her mother anymore. It was obvious the woman adored her. She couldn’t be happier. “ehen! Really? That’s so sweet of you. Hmmn, my daughter is really going places. Thank God.” “Maybe you should come and spend some time with me Mama and let me take you for a nice treat. I have so many places to take you but first, I want you to take care of yourself and I’m going to get people who’ll do that aspect. I hope you don’t mind make-up sha because I bought you lots of them, including the ones I endorsed. I can’t wait to see how you’ll look. Sexy and Classy..” Kemi blinked shyly and looked away while playing with the tip of her wrapper. ”You know your father doesn’t like seeing me with make- up.” “I know, he thinks they belong to Jezebel. I don’t think better of him anyway.” They were quiet for a while and Sandra stretched her feet further on the wooden stool her mother had helped her with. She enjoyed the soft breeze that blew around them. It seemed to caress her senses and keep her mind at ease. “So, where is Anu now…, you’ve still not told me what’s going on with her since you took her place.” “She’s in London.” “But why? She didn’t tell me or anybody…” “Mama, you know the way Anu is now. She keeps to herself a lot and she was looking pretty stressed out. I had to tell her to take the vacation to London. She really needed it.” “But that’s unlike her…” “Well, who can know one better than the twin?” She smiled at her mother. ”She needs it don’t you think? I mean after her job loss, single mother issues, She’s been through a lot and I just had to bring up the suggestion of her spending a week or two. I paid her expenses. She didn’t want you to know so as not to break Teni’s heart and so I had to take her place.” Doubt lingered in Kemi’s mind but for the sake of peace, she wasn’t going to bombard Sandra with questions all at once even if her story didn’t all piece together. Kemi liked Sandra because she was bold. She’d been the one to stand up to her husband when he hadn’t been fair on her. She’d been the child that was after her heart and made her intentions known unlike Anu who was too quiet to state her opinions and She revered her father too much to say anything against him. Kemi felt Anu was slow and hence her retarded progress in life though she never made it known to her hoping she would come up in time. “So, She told me about Gbenro…” Kemi nodded. ”Ah.., we thank God o. Your sister finally has someone she’s dating and who accepts Teni into his life as well.” “That’s good news. It wouldn’t be bad catching up on old times.” “So what are your plans for Nigeria and when are you going back to London? or is it Paris? What about your suitor? I do see you with a fine gentleman and you talked about him in your last interview that you two are dating and that he has been your rock and your anchor right from time…, he looks responsible and I’m glad you chose right.” Sandra laughed inside. If only her mother knew the truth. Everything in those magazines were false. If she could lie about growing up as an orphan, then there was nothing she couldn’t lie about. And besides, Bayo wanted it that way. It boosted his ego and made people speculate they were a couple which they were far from because one look at his face and she wanted to hit him several times till he bled. She had her own accounts, but she wanted to take back every single thing that was hers from him and live independently, at her own pace and time. She wanted to break his greedy fingers and have him stay away from her so that she could think right. She didn’t want him as her manager anymore. She was tired of him and needed air, another reason she’d sent Anu to take her place. “Let’s see how it works out. I’m still viewing my options.” Kemi slapped her leg feeling for any insect bite that must have resulted in her leg itching. “Let’s go back into the house before your father starts wondering what is going on.” Sandra nodded and obeyed.
17 Dec 2014 | 04:23
*continues* Kimberly is going over with mum for the fund- raising event holding at Manchester tonight. It’s so sad we don’t get to come along.” Vanessa mumbled to Nate during lunch. I heard celebrities are going to show up.” Nathan’s ears perked up. ”Is Sandra going to be there?” Van’s head bobbed. ”I heard my sister talking about her to her friend and other british actors and actresses as well. You can’t believe I wasn’t allowed to watch Pink Curtains. You said you’ve seen it right?” Nate decided to come clean. ”I only saw the preview and some clips when I went to my neighbour’s house but I wasn’t allowed to watch it either. That was where I saw Sandra and ever since she got nominated, She’s been everywhere. I get to sleep by 10 max so I don’t see much..” “She’s pretty..” Van smiled “She’s my girlfriend and she likes me.” Nate shrugged. Vanessa scoffed and gave him a funny look. ”No, she’s not. You’re just saying that to sound cool.” “I met her, about 3 months ago and I can tell she really likes me.” “No, she doesn’t. You have no proof!” Nate’s face fell remembering the way the guards at the hotel had gotten in the way of getting an autograph from his beloved actress and how his father hadn’t helped matters. But she had smiled at him and called him a sweetheart. She must really like him. He needed to prove it to his friend Vanessa and the other kids in school. If Vanessa got to know, everybody else would know. “Let’s go to the fundraising party together.” “What?! are you out of your mind? How in the world are we going to go when my parents won’t even allow me not to talk of the both of us.” “You could always ask Kim..” “Hmmph. Kim is the last person in this world to ask for a favour.” “You could always ask for a price. Tell her you won’t tell my Dad she has a crush on him if she takes us with her without anybody finding out. It’s not that far from home and we’re only going for the red- carpet just to see the celebrities. That’s all. We can always find our way back ourselves right?” Vanessa squinted, her little head calculating already on ways she could convince her sister to take her along. The crush thing was one, she needed something stronger. Asides the fact that Nate wanted to prove something to her, she had always wanted to boast about something similar since other kids felt she was more of a bookie than a fashion person. Even at 8, she always wanted to pride herself in the fact that she wasn’t a novice in all matters surrounding the globe. She could be intelligent, and she could be aware of fashion and celebrities since she never had the chance to go for any princess and tiara shows she often saw on TV. Not that she was interested. Things like that weren’t her specialty. Knowing people who ran things behind the scenes was. This could be her only chance to prove things to other girls in school as well. An idea popped into her mind. “I’ve got an idea. It’s a deal, Friday night.” “Alrightly…” Nate hi- fived her standing up with his lunch about to find his way back to his friends’ table. “See you after school.” She waved briefly. “Yeah, I will…., Hey Trisha” he mumbled a greeting to a young brunette who was finding her way to Vanessa’s table. “Nate, Hi” And he was gone.
17 Dec 2014 | 04:26
*continues* There’s no way I’m going to wear that.” Anu protested when she saw the dress that Pamela brought into the room. A BA&SH blouse with V- neck and chain detail coupled with slim hugging white trouser pants. She shook her head as if to confirm her decision. There was no way she was going to wear something that left her whole back bare and little to the imagination. Pamela sighed. ”Bayo wants you to wear it. How am I going to explain you refused to wear what he bought you?” “I don’t know Pamela but if you would please be kind and think up something nice for me to wear asides that. It’s fund-raising isn’t it? That explains the fact that I have to look responsible as well right?” “Well, you’ve never really bothered about responsible if you ask me…” Pamela was still not comfortable with this new personality her Boss carried and many questions battled in her mind continuously which she couldn’t answer. The other day she’d seen her praying over her food, not only then but even at a time when she walked into the room and saw her praying. Yesterday she had seen her reading a Bible. A Bible! Jeez!! Her boss must be dying or something because ever since she worked for her, Sandra was not a woman who had a thing for any religion whatsoever and she made it plain that whoever she was going to hire as a P.A would not utter any religious theme in their conversation. God was not to be mentioned in areas where she was concerned.. And so, Pamela had kept her faith hidden to herself and dared not utter any word about it. She’d just begun in the whole faith process and was still nurturing hers and so why turn to a zealous lot because of what she believed? Hence, other areas of her life were kept hidden as well except for the necessary questions asked while she was signing the contract. “I could go with that blazer…” Anu hurriedly tried to escape her current dilemma when she noticed the puzzled look her P. A was giving her and to prevent any further suspicions from Pamela, She pulled the navy blue crepe blazer with slim lapels which had an open front design. Placing it against herself though she was still in her bathroom robe, She shrugged. “This should go with the white pants and the court shoes right?” Pamela inhaled deeply and headed for her closet. ”It came with a set of navy pants as well. That should go well with the blazer when compared to the white pants. All you’ll need is a good camisole and a little jewelry to enhance your outfit.” “Great!” Anu beamed and rubbed her hand over her arm slightly. “Thank you. You’ve been helpful so far and I want to say how grateful I am.” The truth was that She found it easier to relate with her P.A better than anybody else and since she didn’t have many people to relate with in the first place. The few days she had spent with her, she found her to be a kind and lovely person though she hardly revealed anything about herself. She knew she made enough blunders to give room for suspicions but she played along and tried to adjust to her present situation. She only wished she could tell her the truth but she didn’t know her well enough to start talking. And Sandra had given instructions to keep herself hidden till she was ready to return. She wasn’t going to blow her sister’s cover yet. Her scalp hurt presently carrying the new hairstyle she’d been adorned with. The hairstyle was a medium curly shoulder length style with bangs that seemed to cover one eye of hers and made her wonder how she was going to survive the rest of the night seeing properly without adjusting the bangs. Even the make-up on her face felt so unfamiliar and uncomfortable. She couldn’t wait till all of this was over. That slight gesture caught Pamela unawares and she shrugged. ”As much as you’re paying me to do my job and you would like to restrict me to a certain position, I want you to know that you can trust me with anything. I really like you Sandra and I want the best for you. So if there’s some new development in your life that you want to share with me, I’ll be glad to sit and listen.” Anu nodded. ”Okay…” “We can talk over coffee after the party…, I mean that’s if you’re willing.” “Okay…, maybe we should.” Pamela smiled and turned to the matter at hand glancing at the time briefly. Bayo would be here any soon to pick her and she prayed he wouldn’t convince her to stay over at his place tonight. She just hoped.
17 Dec 2014 | 04:29
*continues* When Anu found her way into the Limousine, She was a little startled to see Bayo seating comfortably on the exotic leather seat with his gaze on her as she settled down beside him holding her clutch bag to herself, rather tightly. He was handsome no doubt. Finely chiseled face and a smooth one with smouldering eyes that seemed to strip her off the clothes she was currently wearing and she felt awkward and embarrassed that he didn’t keep his intentions hidden. His gorgeous looks dissolved after the look he gave her and she could only see a man who wanted her for her body and because he thought she was Sandra. “I see you changed your mind about the clothes…” She nodded, wondering and hoping her voice wouldn’t give her away. His eyes lingered on hers for a while and she blinked trying to ensure she was close to the door just in case he tried to pounce on her. He laughed. A dry humorless laugh and leaned close which made her hear beat faster ”Oh Sandra” his fingers traced the fine outline of her cheeks and slid down her throat. Her pulse quickened. Noticing the way she trembled, he squinted. He still had her right under his rule no matter how hard she fought. “You know why I like you baby, don’t you? It’s because you keep fighting and fighting and this makes me happy. I love a girl who keeps fighting, it turns me on.” He leaned closer and allowed a finger to stroll down her throat towards her camisole while he reached to place his lips on her pulse. Anu was fast enough to use both hands against him, one turning his finger away while the other was her hand against his mouth. “Don’t…” She choked out. He looked at her menacingly and pushed back knowing if he hit her, he would ruin her face and make-up and some nosy paparazzis would carry it. They drew close to their venue and he adjusted his silk tie and tailored black suit. “Smile more for the cameras, it’ll do you good.” Anu mustered all the courage she had. When Bayo stepped out and stretched his hand towards her, she received it to step out just before the camera lights flashed before her almost like they were determined to render her blind. And She smiled, like she meant it. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Brian was enjoying his date with Amy but the nagging thought of his son staying over at the Cole’s didn’t really settle with him. He had never allowed his son stay this long in a friend’s house except for the Burrows and that was because he insisted that himself and Vanessa had some home-work to do. “A penny for your thoughts…’ Amy’s soft voice disrupted his thoughts and he sighed smiling into her eyes. She noticed he’d been really distracted an hour after they’d been together chatting like there was no tomorrow. She’d realized in the middle of their conversation over dinner that they were alike in so many ways. They loved the same things, had passion for programming and things related, loved the same food and had even seen some similar science fiction movies. He never talked about his wife or other women he must have dated and that showed a sign of maturity in him which attracted him to her the more. He was gorgeous no doubt, seemed to turn a few heads even dressed in a simple tie-less shirt and blazer coupled with nice black pants and Boss- black toecap shoe to match. He was a geek no doubt but she loved his kind of geek, cool, gorgeous and slightly fashion conscious. But now that she was expecting their conversation to get deeper, his mind was wavering. “I’m sorry…” he apologized immediately. ”It’s just my son Nate, It’s been a while I stepped out of the house without him and he brought up this weird idea of staying with his friend Vanessa for some home-work which I honestly feel in my own opinion I can help out with.” She smiled. Father figure. A good combo in one man. “Ahh, I have a kid sister who tells me that when she’s up to some secret mischief with her friend. But don’t get worked up. It’s probably something harmless he’s up to and maybe he doesn’t want to come outright to tell you seeing you might not approve.” She sipped her glass of water and shrugged. ”Maybe you should call the guardians to keep your mind at ease.” Brian’s mind flashed to Kimberly. ”Ok, would you excuse me. I’ll be back in a few seconds.” “Sure…” And he was gone. He was about making a call to Kim when Carlos’ call came through. He picked it up hoping to tell him he was going to call back. “Gringo, where are you?” “I’m having dinner with Amy, Look, can I call–” “You sure you’re not in some fund raising party with Nathan cos If I can see clearly, your son is standing not so far away from me with some girl in framed glasses and blonde hair, trying to get way ahead of Paparazzi.” “What?!” Brian yelped hereby causing people to glance curious glances his way. He moved further away from the restaurant and tried to calm his racing heart. “You’ve gotta be kidding me…” “No kid Gringo, except for the ones here looking like they’re on a mission.” “Ok, where exactly is this fund raising event taking place? I need to find my way there now.” Carlos gave him the details of the event. “Call me when you get there so you can stick with me, that’s the only way you’ll be allowed to find your way around the red- carpet and across to your son.” “I’ll be there in 10…” He hung up and hurried into the restaurant taking Amy by surprise while helping with her coat immediately. He was in a hurry to meet his son but that didn’t mean he was going to leave her here all alone in the restaurant. That boy was so going to be grounded! “What’s wrong?” “Long story Amy..” he wrote a check to pay for their food and held her hand while he hurried out of the restaurant. It took a slight step for Amy to slip. “It’s my son, he’s in some event meant for celebrities and God knows how he found his way there. He told me home-work can you believe it, I wonder when the glamor of celebrities turned to home-work.” Brian said almost to himself than Amy. Turning to look at her, he apologized once more. ”I’m sorry, but can I call you tomorrow? I have to find my way there as fast as I can before something happens to him.” “Of course! C’mon go already, what are you waiting for?” He kissed her cheeks. ”Thank you.” And he was gone. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Nate and Vanessa stood amidst the crowd and dared not cross the restricted area while they watched the celebrities make their way on the red carpet, some waiting to speak a few words to the questions thrown at them while some just made their way inside the building with their heads held high. Paparazzis were the ones that found their way to stand before the line and ask questions thrown at them or keep the lights flashing while others who seeked a celebrity’s attention or autograph kept waving their hands or calling their names so that they would look towards their direction. All had pens together with the material they wanted autographed not excluding any area of their body they wanted as well. Bridget wore an ID Pass over her neck while glancing towards her kid sister and Nate where they stood knowing her mother must not know she’d brought them here or she’d be grounded but Vanessa’s proposal had brought down her guards. Vanessa was the family favorite and that made it easy for her to get cash and tips from family and friends. And that had led to a huge amount of savings on her part. Promising to give her a quarter of that savings would be enough to buy the camera she’d been saving for all this while. Her last camera had gone bad and she needed a new one and a good one to upload all those videos she’d been promising her fans on Youtube. Her laptop and her car had been bought by her parents. There was no way they were going to pay for her camera and her phone most especially now that she was planning to move into college which they were going to pay for as well. They were 4 girls in the Cole family. 2 were in college already while Vanessa and herself were still the ones at home. She found a spot for them and kept telling herself that she would drive them back home once the red-carpet was over. Nathan spotted his celebrity crush and yelled out her name. “Sandra! Sandra it’s me, hey Sandra! You owe me an autograph, remember?” He yelled at the top of his lungs. Anu turned and saw the young white kid yelling out her sister’s name and her debt and her heart went out to him. He was so young and cute and he stood with a girl beside him who was nudging him to probably stop yelling and embarrassing himself. Lights still flashing on her, a genuine smile framed her face and she headed towards him.
17 Dec 2014 | 04:40
18 Dec 2014 | 13:12
I really think Anu sud divulge d secret to Pamela. It'll do her good. I also strongly feel Anu is going to fall in love with Brian, b4 her sister gets back. Nice work Meshack, I give it to u, u r really good.
19 Dec 2014 | 07:50
Episode 9 Nate’s heart raced faster and his eyes widened on full realization that his celebrity crush was heading towards his direction with a soft smile on her face. He looked up and saw her standing above him in heels, making her way taller than him but that didn’t hinder him from his proposed mission tonight. “Hi…” He greeted, almost like a whisper. “I met you outside your hotel the other day and you were gonna give me an autograph. I wanna show my friends in school.” “Oh, really…, well, where do you want it?” “Right here…” He produced his personal scrap book himself and his father had worked on the past year. Images Carlos had taken for him were displayed along other personal letters. He opened a brand new page and pointed his little finger for the spot where he wanted it. Anu on the other hand was new to things like this but impressed at his composure and his little scrap book. Wanting to impress him and his friends, she scribbled something down and asked. “What’s your name?” “Nathan.” “Lovely name.” She raised her head to smile at him though she rounded up her scribbling and passed the book back to him. Nathan, such an amazing kid. signed . The little boy blushed and someone offered to take a picture of them both inclusive of Vanessa. Kim fished out her phone and snapped a few as well, intending to print it tonight as that had been part of the deal. Then her sister and Nate would take it to school and show off with it. Nathan couldn’t have been more excited that his dream was finally coming true but that dream was cut short when his father’s voice jerked him back to reality. “Nate….” He turned just to see his father’s eyes boring into his. That look meant trouble. “Dad.., how’d you?…” “C’mon son, let’s go home…” Brian placed both hands on his shoulder while his eyes glanced furtively over at Vanessa, Kimberly and Anu before coming back to rest on his son. “I was only trying to get an autograph and take a picture with Sandra Dad, nothing more. She was kind enough to sign on my scrapbook.” Brian was upset his son was taking celebrities like Sandra so serious that he even brought his scrap book for her to sign. He’d thought he had trained his son to be focused on better things other than people who spent their lives traveling the whole world and shooting movies. What if his son set his eyes on the Pink Curtains movie and other pictures of this woman in the magazines they sold in the store? Would he aspire to chase women like that who celebrated external beauty and nothing more when he grew older? He ignored him. The anger that was pulsating through him presently did not enable him think properly. All he wanted to do right now was drag his son and himself out of this place. Afterwards, he was going to give him a full explanation of what and how he had found his way to such a public place. And then he would ground him. “Nate…, don’t let me repeat myself.” “I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable or if I happen to be the reason for your misunderstanding.” Anu broke into their dilemma and smiled trying to save the boy from whatever trouble that might be awaiting him at home. “He’s just a kid…” “My kid. My son.” Brian snapped rudely. “Thanks for the autograph ma’am.” “Mr Olsen, I’m so sorry about this…” Kimberly tried to apologize knowing she wasn’t going to be in his good books after tonight. Anu was taken aback by his sharp and rude response. She hadn’t realized some people didn’t give a damn that she was a celebrity. Or better said, her sister was a celebrity. Could it be because of her color? “Sandra, are you okay?” Pamela found her way beside her when she realized her Boss had been staying in a particular section of the red-carpet stand for a while which was unusual since Sandra wasn’t the type to sign lots of autographs. She said it distracted her from her mission though she would stop a few times when Bayo saw the need to, at least to put out a good public image of herself. “Yea, I’m fine.” her gaze settled on Brian who was trying to lead his son out of the place. He was good-looking but he had a deep frown etched into his forehead giving him a strict look. Another young man came up behind him with a camera in his hands, breathing heavily like he’d been struggling to catch up with them though he stopped when he saw Brian and his son. “At least you should have waited up for me Gringo !” He sucked in his breath shaking his head slightly as he did so. ”Nate, what in the world are you….”his gaze strolled up to Sandra but it was Pamela’s eyes that made his eyes go wide. “Pam!’ “Hi.’ She greeted rather briefly almost as if she was scared of being caught doing something and faced her Boss. ”Sandra, we need to go inside. There are a couple of acquaintances Bayo wants you to meet.” “Pam…”Carlos tried to get across to her but her eyes stopped him in his tracks. He forged on. ”What a pleasant surprise.” “I’m working Carlos, I can’t talk now.” And she was gone. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Anu was tired of the whole party no matter how sophisticated it turned out to be. Everyone present was a stranger to her and she found it hard to blend in easily. Sometimes she would say something and they would look at her like she had made a blunder. That was the only way she knew she had said something wrong and Pamela would often come to the rescue. She couldn’t thank the young woman enough. If only she could tell her the truth about all of this? Would she expose her or tell Bayo about it all? She came in contact with Ashley and Whitney and didn’t like the way Whitney was all over her neither did she appreciate the other woman talking about random things she knew nothing about. They drank, laughed and talked while she could only nod and pretend she was interested in every single thing they said. Bayo had introduced her to enough people and all she wanted to do right now was go somewhere, remove this heels and rub her feet which was aching her terribly. His gaze had been intent on hers all through their light meal and she got scared that he was watching her patiently in order to see if this was an imposter just as she felt inside. She had a difficult time enjoying the food too. It all seemed bland and the wine which she had sipped had a sharp taste on her tongue. This was complete misery. Just when she felt she could escape to find solace, a middle-aged man, probably in his 50’s found his way to her side and smiled, his eyes crinkling at the edges. He was white, wore a black suit with a red silk tie and shoes which she suspected to be designers the way his suit was. His blonde hair stood out and gave him quite a dashing look and she’d noticed him ever since she stepped inside as people trooped in to talk with him, ask him questions and camera lights had kept flashing on him. He’d asked to take a picture with her as well though she had been reluctant to do so. Pamela had given her a brief 411 on the popular Richard Sans. He was a important personality in the entertainment industry who happened to be one of the organizers of this fund-raising event and was hardly seen in one place. In places where people like Bayo were concerned, Bayo could take a back seat because this man ran things. He was divorced, had a kid whom he was hardly seen with and been in and out of relationships. He had a thing for models. Either the brand new ones or the ones who he’d found to have some potential he was looking for. Pamela went on to explain Bayo never liked seeing her with the man alone since he knew what Richie was capable of. “Sandy darling…, as gorgeous as always.” he greeted and allowed his gaze travel down her neckline. He bent low and kissed her hands which she’d reluctantly given out till he scooped it out himself. “Thank you.” She forced a smile. “It’s a pleasure we meet again. The amazing woman who’s been grazing our screen these days.” He gave her a charming smile and led her to a nearby chair. She didn’t look like she was ready to dance. A young woman who was beside him initially excused herself. She also got to know he was in London for a few days, to look around, identify and solicit some well known investors and philanthropists such as himself who attended organisational fund raising campaigns. Anu began to have a different understanding tonight. She’d thought this was just a charity case but with the way things were happening around her, it was more like an event people showed off and gave out their business and complimentary cards for potential purposes that seemed to present themselves with popular companies, inclusive of actors and actresses that posed for the camera with or without their partner or spouse. “I heard you’re doing a photo-shoot for Xtreme next weekend.” He raised a finger and a waiter came hurrying towards him with flutes of champagne. Anu didn’t feel comfortable under his scrutiny and prayed for some form of interruption to take her away from this man. His eyes held some secrets beneath she couldn’t decipher, almost like they’d shared something intimate. His fingers looked smooth and aristocratic, containing about 3 to 4 rings, she observed. His hand reached for hers once more and he stroked thumb over her flesh making her to jerk away almost immediately. Bayo watched them surreptitiously from where they sat seething though she was unaware of this. “I suppose so.” She replied in a clipped voice. ”You’ll be their cover for May.” he went on. ”and have you considered my proposal?” “What proposal?” She looked at him with open interest. He smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes this time. He helped himself to his flute once more and drained the glass. “I think your boyfriend has an issue with us sitting close. “Call me. I’ll be going back to the States on Sunday.” He leaned close to plant a chaste kiss on her cheeks and allowed his hand linger on her arm for a brief moment. Anu grew upset. Couldn’t he find a way to talk to her without touching her?” “Don’t forget you’re the next best thing Hollywood’s waiting for princess.” He stood up and turned to leave. Just as she was about thinking of how she could get a glass of water since her throat felt parched already, a masculine hand found way to her arm and slid to her waist, pulling her closer to himself. “I see you and Richie Rich were having a great time together…” Bayo mumbled. “No, I wasn’t.” She pulled away from his disturbing touch and sighed. ”Look, I need to get myself a glass of water and I’m going to have to use the toilet as well. One more thing, please try and keep your hands to yourself. I get very uncomfortable when men like you touch me without permission. It can be very irky I tell you.” And she walked away ignoring the angry look on his face. She was tired of pretending already and needed to find her bearing or she would spill everything out. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Carlos managed to find Pamela without her Boss standing to type somethings into her electronic device while she spoke on the phone. She was standing outside the building, just behind the kitchen. When she cut the call, he came out from where he was hiding hereby scaring her. “Good gracious Carlos…” She jumped on seeing him and relaxed telling herself it was more of fear than excitement that led to her sudden reaction. She looked at him and found out he had grown more handsome over the years. Ever since he left her high and dry on prom night, she’d moved on after graduation because he had ended up going with someone else. Someone much more prettier and the most popular girl in school. Just because the girl would score him more points with his friends at the time. She couldn’t describe how miserable she felt that night. They had been best friends at the time, they had spent extra hours after school doing homework and talking about their lives and what they wanted to do after school. She had intentions of going to a good university to graduate from a business school but due to her present family’s situation, she had done some odd jobs after high school graduation, moved to London with her mother and got a better offer. She saved over the years and after a while, decided to enroll in a part time business school for their continuation programme. The salary she earned working as Sandra’s P.A was enough to fend for her, her mother and add to her school fees. “I’m sorry…, I didn’t mean to scare you that way…” “Well, what do you want?” She snapped angry that the first thing she could remember while looking at him presently was her first kiss. She shut out her emotions realizing that there had been many more after that at the time when she dated without caution probably because she wanted to get rid of her feelings for him. Feelings that took years to die. “Can we talk, I mean proper talk, maybe we can have dinner sometime.” “I work Carlos…, maybe you should try doing that sometime.” “You haven’t forgiven me I guess…” “Hmmph, really? is that how you think I feel about you? I mean you feel you’re so important that I would hold a grudge of 9 years? I’ve moved on Carl, just like you have.” 9 years, 2 months and 3 days . That’s how long she’d moved on and she hated it that she could remember every single detail. “I work for Vacady. I’m a professional photographer. They needed me here to take some pictures” He went on to explain to her hoping she would open up at least a little. When he saw she sighed and shook her head, he pleaded. ”Okay what about a family dinner? Sheila would love to see you again. She has two kids already. Imagine that. I’m sure you two would want to talk…” Pamela hated him for doing this to her. He knew Sheila had been a close friend, had been the one who tried to keep their relationship going back then in the States and when she heard what her brother had done, she’d been the shoulder for her to cry on. She had been her friend and her friend, trying to tell her Carl would come around and he was just being childish and acting on his teenage impulses. But she didn’t wait for him to. She didn’t want him to. “She wouldn’t know I’m in London…” “Not if I tell her.” She squinted at him, her eyes throwing daggers. ”I’ll come say hi tomorrow or the day after. Scribble down the address for me.” was all she said after digging her hand into her bag to produce a notepad. When he was done, she grazed through it and frowned when she saw his number included as well. “I didn’t ask for your number Carlos. All I need is your sister’s address, I can find my way thank you very much.” She crossed out his number and threw the pad into her bag. “Good night and whatever you do, your camera mustn’t capture my face.” Pamela left him staring after her. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Carlos closed his eyes and bit his lip wondering why seeing her brought a wave of emotions back to him hereby hitting him in his gut. Pam-Pam , that was the fond name he called her at the time they were dating in school. She had been the only one to understand him and care for him at that period of his life though he had left her for Amber Green, the most popular girl in school at the time who had showed interest in him towards high-school graduation and that had boosted his ego. He hadn’t been popular, always stayed back to help in his father’s garage fixing cars after school hours, and afterwards, he would go over to Pamela’s house or he would come over to hers and they would study together and talk for hours. They lived close and though she was the reserved type, he liked her. Everything about her and they talked about almost everything. He remembered the day she’d been solving questions on her jotter and he kept watching her fascinated by her skill in everything she did. “ eres hermosa ..” She had stopped writing and looked into up into his eyes and he could see the color ebbing into her face. She blinked and continued what she was doing trying to tell herself she was probably delusional. She knew a little Spanish since he’d been good enough to take her lessons in that aspect as well. He lifted up her chin and smiled into her eyes. ” tu eres la chica mas hermosa que he visto en mi vida.” He interpreted it himself. ”You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” “ Gracias .” A nd he kissed her. He could tell it was her first time because she hesitated and her shock was palpable as well. “I like you a lot.” She blushed. ”Me too.” “Will you go out with me sometime?” She lowered her head and nodded. ”I’ll have to tell my mum about us though.” “I think she already knows something would come out of this.” He caressed her cheeks then and kissed her again. This time she didn’t hold back. A week later, he took her out in the old car his father had given him after weeks of working on it and fixing the engine and everything else. He had spent so much time on the car to impress Pamela. He washed and cleaned it, after she told him she wanted them to go for a picnic. “It’s beautiful…” She had praised him after he drove her to an isolated spot under a tree a few miles from the house. That was what he liked about her. She saw the beauty in things he didn’t. “Anything for you babe…” They had kissed, talked and shared food, laughing and talking at the same time till it was late and she told him her mother would expect her home by 10. She had been 17 then. He came back to the present and shook his head as if to shake off his thoughts of her which he knew was impossible to do. Not right now when he saw her and regretted his actions years ago. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “Go to bed Nate…” “Dad, I’m sorry…” “You’re grounded, for a month.” “But Dad…” “You lied to me Nate. How many times will I keep telling you that when you lie to people, you hurt them and you bring more problems on yourself and others who may have been involved.” ”I knew you would say no.” “Well, that’s not a good excuse son. I tell you no to some things and I have a good reason for saying no.” Brian tried not to let the tragic death of his late wife fill his head once more. If she had been alive, she would keep watch over him. She was good with stuffs like this. What if something had happened to his son? He didn’t want to think of the possibility that someone could kidnap his son or his son going missing. He would hate himself for the rest of his life. And Kim.., what in the world had she been thinking to take them to a public place? If there was anything he tried avoiding, it was publicity. He sighed and ran his hand over his face. ”Just go to bed Nate. It’s late already.” Nathan obeyed his father and headed for his room. Brian picked his son’s scrap book and opened it. He caught the signature of his celebrity crush and couldn’t hold himself from smiling. The boy was so damn determined and he knew he got that from him. No matter the odds, he did what he had to do, what he had in mind to do. So, he got her signature. Finally. Who would have known. He remembered the look she had given him and frowned slightly. She was polite and seemed to possess some soft quality about her. Who would have known someone like her would be so nice to stop and attend to his son unlike the other day. She even tried to talk on Nate’s behalf. She was pretty no doubt, and her eyes had a brownish glow to them that defined something more than the actress and model she was. Not that he judged her because of her recent movie which had a few nude scenes even if he didn’t bother watching due to the ratings. Neither was he taken aback by the pictures of her that were on display since she was more of a body model although she had a few share of wearing clothes in some of them, he just didn’t want his son to look up to her like a form of standard because people like her didn’t set a pace he intended for Nate to follow. He dropped the scrapbook and headed into the kitchen to help himself to a glass of water while scrolling through his phone to see if he had any missed call. He saw Amy’s number and decided to return her call. She had a right to know about his progress in finding his son. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Gbenro hung up the call after speaking to Anu wondering how her voice sounded so different than the dull note he usually got whenever he called her. She was back thank God and they’d been exchanging messages on BBM and Whatsapp and her response was quite amazing. She changed her picture often and asked him questions which amused him and at the same time made him wonder if he was still talking to Anu Okoye. ”So, when are you gonna come take me out?” “Do you have some place in mind?” “What about Radisson Blu? It’s been a while I’ve been there. Just the 2 of us.” Gbenro smiled. ”Okay. Whenever you’re ready?” “Tomorrow would be fine by me. What’s your favorite colour?” Gbenro’s smile widened. Wow, She was really direct. He liked this new Sarah. “Blue… what do you have in mind?” “You’ll get a glimpse when you come over.” She inserted a smiley wink and a smiley smile. Right now, staring at her as she stood before him at the doorway, he wasn’t catching a glimpse of what she promised. He was seeing the bold statement of blue jewelry and touches of blue in the dress she wore which revealed a little parts of flesh that made him a little uncomfortable but unable to deny how amazing she looked. Her skin glowed, so did her eyes as well. He had to appreciate her feet in the heeled sandal she wore and her painted toe nails. She smiled at him. ”Hi…” He breathed. “Hi” She pretended to be surprised by his gaze on her dragging his attention to her body as she asked ”You don’t like it?” “No, I mean, why wouldn’t I? I’ve never seen you like this before. You look beautiful.” She smiled and winked at him rubbing her arm along his suede blazer. She could feel how solid he was. ”And you’re not so bad yourself.” Gbenro shifted while his mind raced. Was Anu flirting with him? This was another unusual trait of hers which kept him a little on edge. “Is anybody home? What about Teni? Mum and Dad?” “Ohh, they stepped out a while ago. C’mon if you keep standing there and asking me all these questions, we’ll never get to our venue in time.” She swooped her arm into his and leaned a little close to him marveling at how good he smelled. She loved his masculine scent. She loved his perfume. She noticed his matted beard and would have reached for it but she stopped herself and slid into the passenger’s seat when he helped her into it. They talked about a few things though Sandra did most of the talking and they shared a few laughs before they finally arrived at their destination. When they got a table, they sat, ate and talked more, her hands finding way to the table often though she would withdraw often almost as if she remembered something. He was disciplined enough not to allow his eyes stroll to her cleavage though that was another disturbing feature he noticed about her which he told himself not to bring up. He couldn’t deny he loved the aura about his date. Her new found confidence wherever that might have popped up from. Her eloquence in speech and the way she ate. She had caught him staring at her while she ate and she gave him a seductive smile while sipping her wine. Something was not right. His flesh responded so easily to her, he could tell he was downright attracted to her being the visual creature that he was, but this feeling felt foreign and familiar at the same time. He’d never been so attracted to Anu this way. It felt so new to him. Throughout the rest of the night, he was quiet and listened to all she had to say. Even watched the band with her and squeezed her hand when she offered it. Shivered slightly when she leaned close to him though she pretended not to know what she was doing. Even when some calls came through, he ignored it and kept watching her. When the night was far spent, he drove her home quietly while drumming his finger slightly on the wheel, taking his time to align his thoughts which had turned to a battle in his head. He got to the gate of her house and turned to look at her, smiling into her eyes. “Won’t you kiss me goodnight?” He asked boldly and he could see the slight flickering of her eyes before she recovered. She returned his smile like she knew what he wanted all along and reached for his lips. It was when she leaned close he spoke up again. ”Hello Sandra, it’s been a long time….”
19 Dec 2014 | 08:18
EPISODE 10 Sandra stopped in her tracks and her eyelids fluttered which she had closed in anticipation of his kiss. His eyes bore into hers and she noticed he was watching her reaction with open interest as she battled with her present situation. One thick eyebrow was raised and she frowned. “What? Sandra? Really Gbenro…, you just had to ruin the night for the both of us. Were you practically thing of my sister who is thousands of miles away?” He gave a dry laugh and unbuckled his seat belt clapping for her briefly. ”I give it to you you’re a good actress. But not good enough to deceive me dear.” “Oh really…, so if you knew I was Sandra, why did you go ahead and spend so much time with me? I’m not the only guilty party here, you are, so don’t try to go all judgemental on me sweetheart.” “I see you’re pretty defensive about all of this so I won’t fight you. What I need to know is what you intended to achieve with all of this pretence..” She rolled her eyes and reached for the door handle but he grabbed her wrist and forced her to face him. ”Where’s your sister?” “You’re the guy in love, you should know where she is if you’re so into her.” “I demand an answer Sandra…, where is Anu?” She smirked. ”Or what are you gonna do? beat me? bite me? I saw your eyes on me all night and you can’t wait to get your hands all over me.” Gbenro’s jaw jerked knowing all she was saying was just to get him on edge because if there was anything he avoided tonight, it was ogling her in her enticing outfit and he could tell his discipline had put her off. She wanted to draw blood from him but he wouldn’t allow it. He knew her, knew her kind. It was only a pity she thought him less. “If you don’t tell me, I’m going to do all I can to find out the truth and when I do, I won’t stop till I get to the root of everything, you’re a media person I suppose. You don’t mind getting your pretty little secret up in the news. I know people…” He saw her squint, watched her pulse throbbing rapidly through her neck and knew he had her where he wanted her. “She’s taking my place in London for a while. Just a week and she’ll be back. She needed it anyway.” She snapped angrily trying to get his hands away from her which she had difficulty doing. ”are you happy now?” Gbenro’s mind did a quick calculation and he knew there was more to what his date was giving away. The only way to find out was through her phone. He snatched her clutch and opened it but she launched for it immediately when she realized what he was up to. Soon she was on his lap struggling to get back the phone in his hands. “Give it back Gbenro! I mean it…” She stretched across him unconscious of the sensations she was sending across through his clothes with the way she leaned against him. When he refused and tried to push her away from him since her body against his was disturbing enough, she noticed his discomfort then and took advantage of him. Crushing herself against him once more, she pulled down his head and kissed him brazenly and though she felt him struggling, she poured herself into it more, pressing herself into him and running her hands on his shirt trying to part away with his jacket. She felt him relax into her and smiled inside aware of the way his body trembled beneath hers. He was a man afterall. And then he took over. She never knew he was such a good kisser and felt herself get lost in his kiss as he ran her hands along her body. A moan escaped her lips and he stopped. He swallowed and stared at her, her hair and dress looking disheveled from their brief foreplay. He pushed her away and inhaled deeply realizing how his flesh had betrayed him this way. His Old man had taken over him. He’d been celibate for 5 years and it didn’t even take 10 minutes to arouse him. “Get out.” he deadpanned. Sandra was caught aback by his sudden reaction and hurried out of his car, trying to adjust her hair and her clothes at the same time. It was after she got down she remembered what she had been fighting for initially and turned to knock on his window. He whirred down and gave her the phone. It was obvious he had gotten what he wanted afterall, leaving her at the losing end. She gathered the dignity she had left and sauntered back to the house with that usual air of pride she often carried along with her leaving him to place his fist against his mouth and close his eyes. Even with Anu’s new number he’d obtained, the fear of his betrayal tonight hindered him from calling her. He drove home to lick his wounds. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; “You’re coming home with me…” Bayo announced to nobody in particular which made Anu freeze. The fund-raising event was still going on but she could tell it was almost coming to an end. She blurted out. ”I don’t feel too good Bayo…, all I want to do right now is go back to the hotel and sleep. Tonight has been so exhausting.” She explained to him ignoring the contorted look on his face. He was angry and she knew it though she thought it was probably because she’d blown him away twice. That was inclusive but the main reason why he wanted her in his home and on his bed was to remind her who the Boss was. Who owned her. He had seen the way Richard Sans nicknamed Richie Rich had been feasting his eyes on her, even had the guts to touch her in an intimate manner. Tonight he wanted to show her and imprint it into her how she belonged with him. She might run far away but she belonged to him. He’d been the one to teach her all the skills she knew presently. He had made her forget her past life and poverty and bathed her in wealth, luxury and fame. He had been the one to nuture her like a new born babe except he hadn’t been her first but that didn’t stop him from claiming his territory over her. He knew from the beginning, she had adored him. The way she ate, slept and drank of him and his words every day of her life. She had learned so much from him and put it into practice to both their advantage. He had also been her lover but when things began to happen, being the kind of girl that she was, she got herself a lover-boy to get back at him. The tabloids had carried it one time and he knew but assured himself he would wear out soon. But in places where Richard Sans was concerned, he was intimidated with the fear that one of the top entertainment moguls such as this guy could sweep Sandra off her feet and take her away from him. He had advantages, he traveled around the world and pulled strings. Sandra only needed to say the word, and he would request she fly to the States to join him. And that would be the end for him. He would have to start from square one. Another reason why he’d begun working on a back-up plan the morning he found Sandra gone. After his frantic search, he’d realized she had only gone back to her country and that had put him a little at ease. He knew what held her back. Some of her assets were still with him which he’d threatened her with. But if Richard got involved, she wouldn’t need to worry about her assets anymore. The man would ensure everything was brought to the book if she revealed it all to him and even lavish her with more wealth than he had in his lifetime. She would be the next hot thing in Hollywood and that further implied farther out of his reach. He reached for her hands and pulled her towards the parking lot signaling to the valet to go and get his car. Anu tried struggling with him as her heart raced faster but she couldn’t seem to break free. Pamela walked behind them thinking of several ways to put an end to this. Anu looked into her eyes pleadingly and she knew she had to look for something to say. Anything to help her out of her situation. “Bayo, you’re hurting me, I really don’t feel good tonight.” Her voice trembled and she hoped she didn’t give too much away. His fingers bit into her flesh and she winced. Only God knew what he was capable of if she entered into his limousine and drove off. Oh God no! She saw the lust and anger gleaming in his eyes and she struggled more. “Bayo, Sandra needs to be somewhere tomorrow.” Pamela spoke up glancing at her Boss briefly and trying to encourage her to tag along. “Yes, I do have an appointment tomorrow Bayo.” Anu chiped in. ”and going home with you tonight will make me unable to attend the event.” “I don’t recall you having an appointment darling, so you better look for a better excuse.” “She does Bayo.” Pamela showed him her phone on the pending interview she had with a certain journalist. She had thought to cross it out before but right now, it looked like a life-saver. The only thing advantage in all of this was the close proximity to Sheila’s place. She’d kill 2 birds with a stone and try talking to Sandra about this whole apartment issue. If she loved herself, she had better start thinking of finding a place to rent because Bayo wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “You can always defer it.” “I’ve been deferring it for a long while. It either works tomorrow or we say goodbye to this interview. I believe it can score her more points and who knows help work towards her image promotion.” Bayo stared at the both of them for a long time before loosening his grip on her. He squinted. ”I want you at home after your interview or you’d be sorry.” His ride parked right in front of him and he ran his fingers along his silky tie before bowing into the back seat. The tinted windows hindered her from seeing the rage in his eyes presently and soon he was driven away. Anu exhaled deeply out of relief. Out of impulse, she hugged Pamela. “Oh Pamela, thank you so much…, thank you very much.” Pamela who was shocked by her affection and gratefulness nodded. ”ahh, it’s nothing.” Anu released her and spoke up. ”I owe you that conversation.” “Yea, but first of all, you need to get some sleep. You’re gonna have to leave the hotel early because of rush hour. We can always talk on our way or when we stop by for breakfast.” “Okay.” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “Hey handsome.” Sheila greeted over the phone and Brian could tell she was smiling. “I just called to confirm if you’ll still be able to make it to the house today.” Brian glanced at his wristwatch. ”I should. What time is it again?” “Three. I have a guest so I’m gonna cook. Nathan loves my cooking so bring him along.” “Er…, Nate’s been grounded and so I doubt I’ll be able to make it myself.” “Oh really…, so what did he do this time?” Brian went on to explain last night’s incident and she chuckled. “Wow! that child has guts.” “That’s not guts Sheila! That’s just pure stubbornness..” “C’mon Brian, take it easy with him. It’s not like he did something terrible. He likes Sandra, he wants an autograph and he goes after it. Just like you would, I’m sure.” “He should have told me at least, not lie to me.” “Did you listen to his side of the story?” “He said he knew I was gonna say No. That’s disobedience and lying. He had all of it planned out with his Partner In Crime.” She sighed over the phone. ”You need to take it easy with him dear. I heard someone say once that it’s easier to raise the dead than raising kids.” Giggling softly, she went on. ”What Nate needs is a mother. Bring him over and let me talk to him.” “What he needs is to be grounded and that settles it.” “Brian…..”Sheila pleaded. He was quiet for a while. ”Alright, I’ll talk to him and bring him over.” He tried not to laugh when he heard her gushing and the kissing sounds she made over the phone. ”I made something nice for the both of you. It goes a long way to see I had you boys in mind all along” She praised herself over the phone. ”I save you the stress of cooking today and the boys have something they want to show him.” “I hope it’s something I can afford just in case he starts bugging me to get him something similar.” “Well, you better start thinking of how to get him one.” She teased. ”Don’t worry hun, you’ll get to keep a watchful eye on him, He won’t misbehave I promise.” “We’ll be there by 2p.m” “Ok, love you loads. Can’t wait.” And she hung up. Brian inhaled deeply and stretched looking around the rented 2 bedroom apartment he’d moved in with Debbie years ago. A thought flashed across his mind with options of returning to America but he waved it aside and went to his son’s room as another thought dropped in. What of Amy? Would she want to move if they got married? He snatched the door open just to see his son rubbing his hands against his eyes and his dark hair looking tousled while his books were scattered everywhere. He suddenly looked vulnerable as his eyes widened and he grumbled on seeing his father. “Hey…” “Go away, I wanna sleep.” he mumbled and tried to settle back into his sleeping position but picked the floor this time turning his face to the other side. Brian reached for him and lifted him from the floor with a swing tossing him to the bed and running his hands on his hair again. “Dad, c’mon!” he groaned. “We’re going over to aunt Sheila’s house.” “huh?” “Yup, so get dressed.” “I’m grounded, remember?” “Well, for now, I’m calling it off.” Nathan shrugged and sighed. ”Whatever y’say. You’re the boss.” Brian shook his head and realized Debbie was right. He should have sat the boy down and talked sense into him and make him know why he was grounding him or soon, he might just take the whole grounding thing for granted or feel he just wanted to be mean. “Look son, it’s not like I enjoy grounding you or anything but I need you to make your feelings known to me. I mean you were out there in a public place and I wasn’t there for you. I love you so much Nate and it freaked me out when I found out you had gone somewhere without telling me. What if something happened to you? What if some meanie tried to hurt you and I wasn’t there for you?” Nate’s countenance changed and he got sober after listening to how his father poured his heart out and that was when he felt bad. He rose from the bed and hugged his father clinging unto his neck. “I’m sorry Dad. I never knew I hurt you that much. Kimberly took us in her car and she was watching over us. There was no way something bad coulda happen to me…” “But still, I need you to come clean with me.” Brain squeezed tighter. ”I need you to trust me enough to tell me what you want. And when I say no, I need you to know the reason why i’m taking these decisions as your father okay?” Nathan nodded and Brain touched his hair again kissing it and releasing him to get a good look at his son. “Go throw on a nice shirt and jeans, I’ll be waiting for you in the living room.” and Nathan saluted his father. ”aye aye captain.” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sandra found her way into her compound and sighed heavily. The night had not gone as planned and it had only left her at the end she didn’t like which didn’t exclude the kiss. The kiss was intended to affect Gbenro not her but it had shook her to the core and left her wanting more. She realized this was one man she wanted but she doubted she was going to have him any time soon and she hated herself for feeling this way. She liked him, no doubt, liked that he was strong enough to resist her advances initially even with the dress she had worn. Liked the way he was so gentlemanly. It’d been a long time any man treated her respectfully or didn’t crush his mouth on hers like they intended bruising her or eating her alive. Gbenro had been so different. Once more, she envied her sister. She was right after all, not all men were the same and Gbenro Mathews was one of the rare kind. She wanted to see him again, wanted him to kiss her again and touch her the way he had done in his car. When he took the reins, he kissed her and touched her like she was such a precious gift. Inhaling deeply and curbing her fantasies, she strolled towards the back door with the intention of not rousing anybody awake when the door jerked open and her mother’s immediate action caught her by surprise. “Your father is still awake…” Her eyes strolled to the dress her daughter wore and she inhaled deeply. ”Oh Ebun, you told me you were not going to take long to return to the house. This is past 11 and you had your father asking questions.” “This is 11:05 Mama. When I’m not a teenager that he’ll be monitoring my movement or asking me where I went to. I’m a full grown woman who’s at a liberty of doing what she wants, so what the heck?” Kemi placed a hand over her daughter’s mouth and hushed her. ”He’s in the living room. I brought your sister’s shirt and skirt to drape over your outfit and bond your hair. At least when he starts asking questions, I can chip in a thing or two for you.” Sandra was infuriated but the pleading look of her mother’s gaze made her relent and accept the offering and donning it over her body. She reached for her hair and maneuvered it into a rough bun. At least that would suffice. Kemi reached for her face and tried to dab away the conspicuous make-up that could also give her away. “Kemi…, what’s going on? hope all is well?” Nnamdi’s voice called from the living room and they both hurried inside. “Ah, nothing o my dear. It’s Anu that was trying to explain to me her reason for coming home late. The vehicle she entered, she explained it was slightly bashed by one of these private cars and so you know all this lagos wahala now. They will talk and fight over who is right and wrong.” She kept talking as she found her way to the sitting room while Sandra followed behind. Nnamdi’s back faced them while his eyes stayed transfixed to the TV set. He turned when his daughter’s shoes clicked on the floor behind him as she headed for the small passage leading to the room. “Ahn ahn, won’t you come and greet your father young woman. At least come and let me see you. I hope you didn’t sustain any injury sha?” Nnamdi spoke up as his eyes bore into her back. “No, I didn’t Papa.” She turned to look at him. He smiled more to himself. ”Thank God.” his eyes strolled down her frame and he noticed the new hair she had fixed. ”When did you start fixing Mongolian hair? is it because of that young man Gbenro you did your hair this way?” “At least I packed it Papa…” “I just want you to know that you should not change who you are because of a man o.” his eyes kept searching hers even when she looked away and he thought he saw something there. “Nnamdi, Anu is tired, the two of you can talk tomorrow can’t you?” Kemi spoke up afraid that her husband might see Sandra and the war would begin tonight. He shrugged. ”I’m just assessing my daughter, is that a bad thing? I never got the chance to see her when she left the house.” Kemi came to block his view and turned Sandra towards her. ”My dear, have you eaten something? I made white rice.” “Yes, I ate on my date. I’ll just go and bathe and sleep. Thank you Mama.” She glanced over at her father. ”Good night Papa.” He nodded and turned back to the screen. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Nnamdi’s eyes were transifxed on the TV screen, but that didn’t stop his mind from posing a dubious question in his mind. Is that the daughter you gave birth to? The Anu you know? He was a meticulous person. A strict one at that who took note of slight errors in his work and at home. He remembered how his wife often teased him of how he tended to everything he set his eyes on and nothing could escape his scrutiny. Something didn’t add up together. His instincts told him so and he never doubted it because they hardly played a fast one on him. It was things like this intuition that had helped him in knowing the big difference between his daughters, As one of the football strikers smashed the ball with his socked feet on TV, other thoughts began to stroll in as to the way his wife sat beside him pretending to be involved in something on screen when he knew she detested football. His mind flashed to his daughter’s face and he could bet he still found traces of make-up on her face. Asides that, her skin glowed, she looked fairer and there was a way she walked. Anu wouldn’t walk like that except she had transformed to a different woman overnight due to Gbenro’s influence. He hadn’t really set eyes on her ever since she returned from her trip and now that he intended her to come over and greet him properly just like she would in the past, sitting close to him briefly to ask about his welfare or say something to put his heart at ease, she walked away. He was a man, but he wasn’t blind. Maybe something had happened to her, maybe she’d had a bad date and was worried that the young man might not want her anymore. He would check on her briefly tomorrow before church. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “I don’t want to go over to Bayo’s apartment.” Anu confided in her P.A minutes after she rounded up her interview and they were sitting in a nearby cafe to help themselves to coffee. Anu ordered for the cheese cake and a can of coke instead while Pamela settled with latte and chocolate cake. She tried to ignore the fact that for once, her Boss was ignoring her usual dose of coffee. For days, she hadn’t sipped a cup after the first taste when she returned from Nigeria. Pamela sighed. ”I wish I could help you Sandra but I’m starting to run out of ideas.” Anu looked away across the window and placed her head in her hands. ”I don’t know if I should be telling you this Pam but I’m scared. I’m scared of this whole life, of this whole facade I’m putting on and the fact that I might get hurt when I go over to Bayo’s place tonight. How many nights did you pay for at the hotel?” “7 nights. It’s expiring tomorrow.” She looked away. ”I don’t think I’m in a position to offer my opinion so I can’t really say much.” “Please, I need your opinion presently.” “Well, I wish you would just break up with him so that this fear of having him dominate you will stop. You make money, so you should be able to afford a place, rent a small place for the main time and try to get your thoughts together. I noticed ever since you returned from Nigeria you’ve been acting somewhat strange and different. I wish I could take you in but I don’t want to be the reason for your dispute or anything.” “Can I come over and stay at your place for a while?” Pam’s eyes widened and she laughed to herself. ”No, you don’t wanna come to my place. It’s very untidy and so not up to your taste.” Anu shrugged. She didn’t care. Anywhere away from Bayo was better than living in the same house with him. She’d sacrificed her life back in Nigeria for her sister but she wasn’t ready to sacrifice her virginity for some pervert who had probably been sleeping with her sister as well. “I don’t mind. I just need a place to stay Pam, please at least till I work things out.” Till Sandra came back and took back her life. She had tried at least. “My mother stays with me but I’ll talk to her tonight. Then you can come over tomorrow. She likes to prepare for stuffs like this.” “Oh thank you Pamela, you don’t know how much this means to me.” ”I’m glad I could be of help.” “I know you have lots of questions in mind but I need you to give me time. I’m not really ready to start talking about anything at the moment.” “Sure.” ”So, are you going someplace else from here?” Pam sipped her coffee and nodded. ”Yea, I need to stop by and say Hi to an old friend.” “Great, can I come along?” She shook her head smiling and wondering who in the world was this new Sandra. Didn’t she have sophisticated friends and places to be? She had better things to do with her time than hang around with a boring person like her. Today was a Saturday, there was always a party to attend. Her Boss loved partying and hanging out with fun people. Was this some form of a test? “Well, I’m sure you have a few places you’d rather spend your time.” “And I choose to spend it with you. I’d like to know your friends and whom you hang out with. I hope that’s okay by you though?” “Okay, we’ll get a cab to Downing street. That’s where she stays” Though Anu wasn’t aware of such place, she nodded “Okay.” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; It was early when Nnamdi found his way to the second bedroom in the house after having nightmares of his second daughter haunting him in his dream. It’d been a while he had seen her and he refused to believe his mind conjuring thoughts about Sandra and how she was presently living her life due to last night’s response must have been the reason. He came to a conclusion. An intruder was in his home and whatever route she was going to take be it through her twin, he wouldn’t allow it. If she intended to conjure her spirit through Anu either, he would make sure he cast it out from her before she had the chance to ruin him once more. Twins…, oh twins…., right from when Kemi delivered those girls in the labor room, his intuition told him it would bring bad luck to his family. Was God angry with him and refused to shine his face on him? His parents had been devout catholics and he’d followed in their footsteps before he changed to a pentecostal church nearby and he still served God. Why hadn’t Kemi borne him a boy? could it be due to his past sins of impregnating her before marrying her? He had left his wife sleeping and headed for his daughter’s room trying not to wake her up as he planned his mission. This was 5:30 and if anything, Anu should have woken up about to do her morning devotion. Maybe he would interrupt her. He turned the door knob and peeped in just to see his daughter and grand-daughter asleep on the same bed. He closed the door behind him and strode towards his daughter watching the gentle rise and fall of her breathing as she slept peacefully. His eyes searched her face, her nose and her lips. He noticed she had even slept off with her hair net and looked at her ear. 3 piercings on her earlobes made his eyes go wide and he nodded to himself, tapping his foot about what he couldn’t comprehend. He tapped her on her arm and she mumbled something in her sleep. “Madam, Wake up.” He spat. She jerked when his tapping became heavy and fluttered her heavy eye-lids. Her eyes came in contact with her father’s and she sat up wondering why he had a frown etched into his face. Out of impulse, she hissed wondering why the old man would intrude into her sleep. “I see you’re awake…” he began his eyes strolling over her. ”and I hope you can see my face well. Now, I want to know what an intruder like you is doing in my house before I send you packing.”
19 Dec 2014 | 09:32
Wow! He's so unforgiving, and he claims to go to church. Why can't he losen up even after ten years. Nnamdi is something else.
19 Dec 2014 | 15:17
EPISODE 11 “Wow, I didn’t know you’ll be having a full house.” Brian said to Sheila after getting a glance of one or two people at the backyard. He had taken the front door because of her rules. The fact that the party was going on outside didn’t mean he would have to take the back door. This wasn’t a party. But her rules still applied. She slapped his arm playfully and snorted at his sarcasm planting a kiss on his cheek. ”Full house is 2 friends Ryan huh? Carlos will be here any minute though.” He returned her smile and wondered how a woman could be so beautiful even in her round form. Sheila reached for his son’s hand smiling into his eyes and rubbing his hair. “Hey tiger!” He beamed and she knew her greeting had nothing to do with it but the fact that he had settled his eyes on her kids who had already found their way to his side, extending a brief but loud greeting to his father so as to avoid future smacking from their no-nonsense mother and dragged him along and into their room. “At least that should keep him away for a while.” She gave him a knowing look leading him through the kitchen and towards the veranda. And that was where he saw her again. But this time, she looked different. He couldn’t remember seeing her looking so dainty and natural with her slim frame fitting so perfectly against a yellow shirt and blue denim. On the magazines she featured, she’d always looked bold, brazen and daring but right now, he couldn’t say the same about what he was staring at presently. She should wear yellow often. Sheila nudged him back to reality and he almost hit himself for getting carried away so easily in places where someone like her was concerned. His friend drove it in. “I thought Nate was the only guilty one.” Winking at him, eyes filled with taunting mischief, she led him to greet her guest. He saw another young woman beside her whom Sheila seemed to have taken interest in and he could re-collect she was the woman Carlos seemed to have remembered from his past. What on earth were they doing in the Burrow’s house? “Hi…” He managed to mutter a greeting knowing the last encounter he had with her hadn’t ended on a good note and was apprehensive of her response. She surprised him again stretching out her hand. “Hi. I saw you yesterday at the fund raising event.” She went on to apologize with a smile which did something to his insides and infected him. There was something about her eyes and how her smile did wonders to her face. It was so genuine. If there was anything he was aware of in a woman, it was her eyes. And the eyes of this woman had something revealing in them which he couldn’t put his hands to. It wasn’t the glassy expression he’d often seen on the face of actors or actresses he’d often seen on the TV or magazines. He blurted out. “I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. He’s very impulsive and goal driven. Once he sets his mind on something…” “Oh, it’s fine, I don’t mind at all.” She replied him. He liked her accent. Her hands were still captive in his and immediately he realized this, he released her, wanting to hit himself again. “I’m Brian by the way.” “Nice to meet you Brian” She looked around. ”Did you bring him?” “Who?” “Nathan…, your son.” He nodded amazed that she remembered the child’s name. “Yeah, I did. He’s having fun with Sheila’s kids.” His gaze settled on her hands clasped together. Was she shy? “So, how do you know Sheila?” “I—Uh–, well, my friend Pamela, they know each other and so I decided to tag along. She was pretty cool about it.” “So am I” he went on to say before he could stop himself. He knew he had to keep his tongue in check in places where Sandra was concerned. She surprised him again and smiled rather than the awkward look he expected from her. “What about his mum?” “She passed away a few years ago.” “Oh, I am so sorry.” “It’s okay.” he shrugged. “Are you thirsty.., I want to get something to drink in the kitchen, should I get you something or you wanna come along?” “Sure.., I’ll come.” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; “Your Boss is pretty not what I expected.” Sheila spoke up after Anu and Brian found their way into the kitchen. Turning to face Pamela, she saw the doubt flicker in her eyes. “I’ve never seen her like this before Sheila and it scares me.” Sipping her drink, she further reclined on the comfortable sofa placed outside for the both of them and shook her head as if to shake her thoughts away. Was Sandra up to something or had she completely turned into a new leaf? Well she had mentioned confiding in her soon and the urge to fix the puzzles together wore her patience thin. Not wanting to delve in further, her friend changed the subject. ”So how are you and what’s been with you recently apart from this Crazy P.A job. I must say you surprised me big time when Carlos mentioned it to me yesterday, and then you moving to London…., is it something permanent?” Pamela sighed. ”With what’s been happening in my life recently, I doubt anything is permanent.” “I’m sorry about your mum.” “Yea, me too. Sometimes I feel maybe moving here was the worst thing that ever happened to the both of us.” Sheila touched her friend with her free hand while the other stayed on her swollen form. ”Don’t dwell on it too much and try as much as possible to make her feel happy before she goes, she needs you now more than ever. Don’t you think you should take time away, ask your Boss for a little leave…” Pamela felt the stinging tears but she put up the bold face she often put up for the world to see. ”I took some days a few weeks ago when the doctor called me to take her home. Rob is paying for home therapy. He dropped by some months ago.” Sheila was surprised by the news. ”Robert, you mean your father?” Pamela’s eyes grew distant as she stared in nothing particular. ”He’s not my father. He never was. It was just a fling and he got married to someone else. He wants to do penance. I tell him to get lost with his money and now I look like the bad guy. “After years of paying mum’s medical fees and doing all I can to raise money for the both of us. Ever since we found out she was sick, she stopped working.” “I’ve been away from your life for so long, I’m sorry Pam…” Pamela’s brows furrowed. ”For what? How my life has been a mess after high school? Or Mum falling ill.” She gave a dry laugh and adjusted her hair behind her ears. ”Life just happens Sheila. We just pray it doesn’t drop us in a garbage can once the torrent hits us hard.” Sheila could only squeeze her friend’s hand tighter knowing there was so much to say but the pain and tragedy of the years wasn’t enabling her to do so. With time, she would come around. The only person that she had trusted enough to reveal parts of herself to had been her brother who had been her beau but right now, she couldn’t say the same. Just then, the subject of her thoughts strode towards them with his bag pack slung behind him not taking care to take the front door. He was the only one who refused to obey rules and keep his hair combed neatly. Sometimes the man acted like a kid who was a nuisance she loved hanging around. She noticed Pamela glanced his way and like a soldier setting up a fortress for war, She sat up and sipped more of her drink her non chalant demeanor returning. “Hi…, I’m sorry I’m late. Had to drop by at the office to check on something.” He apologized to no one in particular since his eyes never left Pamela who did well in ignoring him. “It’s okay. Have you eaten? there’s food in the kitchen. Brian got here a few minutes ago.” Sheila went on to speak trying to lighten the atmosphere. “Gracias.” Pamela’s eyes grazed his and he took the opportunity to say Hi to her. “Hello Pamela.” “It’s Pam.” She gave a stiff smile looking into his eyes. ”Hello Carlos.” Carlos grew frustrated. Imagine spending a whole sleepless night thinking about her and here she was acting like they never had anything. “You can’t keep pushing me away y’know, acting like I’m some kind of stranger because of what happened years ago….” “Carlos, callarse! ” Sheila hissed. What was wrong with this impulsive brother of hers, couldn’t she see she was hurting? He ignored her when Pamela refused to pay him any attention. ”It’s been 10years Pam and you won’t even look me in the eye and let me explain…” “Explain what?” She retorted losing her control and standing up to look at him eyeball to eyeball. ”You have the nerve, you have the guts to even look me in the eye and act like nothing happened. You’re so unbelievable.” She pushed him out of the way and headed for the house not wanting him to see any tear of hers so that he wouldn’t mistake it for something else. He had ego and she wasn’t about to boost it by making him think she was crying for him. She couldn’t cry for him. She would never. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sheila closed her eyes and inhaled deeply trying to control her raging hormones and not slap the stupidity out of her impulsive brother who thought the right place to query Pamela about a failed relationship was her house. She stood up and slapped his arm. ”lo que esta mal con usted huh?! (what is wrong with you) ?por que sigues actuando infantilmente (why do you keep acting childish) “Lo siento…, yo no se’ que me ha pasado.” (I’m sorry, I didn’t know what came over me.”) She sighed and placed her arm against her sides trying to calm her trembling self. Her brother noticed this and kept apologizing but she waved him away and headed into the house to check on her boys. She knew when Pamela needed her time and she would give her time to come out herself no matter how much she wanted to go after her and draw her out of the invisible closet where she had shut herself once more. It was Carlos turn to sink into the cushion and run his hands through his hair tousling it again. He was going to need patience in areas where his childhood sweetheart was concerned. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; The sheets rumpled beneath her as she rose from the bed, empty, tired and hungry though she knew she didn’t have the luxury to bask in the guilt and unhappiness sexual affairs like this brought her. “Hey…., baby, come back to bed, it’s not yet morning is it?” a husky mumbled as she rose to grab her blouse and her underwear that had found it’s way to the floor through the hours of midnight. “It’s 6 a.m in the morning and I have a class by 8.” She responded briefly and reached for the bathroom handle locking it after she found refuge in the small room which would reflect her image soon enough. She saw it, there it was. The unhappy face staring back at her wondering how long she was going to continue living this false life that seemed to keep taking while she kept giving in. Running her hands through her hair, she held it captive with her hair ruffle applying a brief make- up on her face so that she could look normal while strolling down the street to her apartment before class. Her mother couldn’t bear to know what was going on in her life presently or how she got the money to rent the place where they presently were. All her mother knew was that she was working at the coffee house to make ends meet. The part where she slept with her manager was excluded from the news. When she was true maintaining what was left of her dignity, she strolled out and saw him sitting on the bed talking to his girlfriend. He glanced at her and kept talking while she picked the little cash he had dropped on the bed for her. She counted it. A thousand dollars just as he had promised with her shift cancelled till she was through with her exams. Squeezing it into her jeans, she picked her bag and headed towards the door. At least it would suffice for part of the rent, some bills and her installment fees. He stopped her as she held on to the doorknob. “You owe me a good morning kiss y’know.” She clenched her fist and inhaled deeply trying to bear it together. When she turned, there was a smile plastered to her face as she strolled towards him and kissed him briefly. He reached for her blouse once more but she stopped him. ”I’ll be late Drake. I’ve paid my dues.” “What about tonight, my girlfriend is still out of town….” She sighed and stood up. Did he think she was comfortable doing this with him 3 days in a row. He hadn’t given her a dime till today and she had reminded him of his promise to put someone else on her shift. Like all of the above wasn’t enough to make her feel horrible and cry her eyes out when she went home to shower, hoping to wash it all away. She was going to stop working for him. She just had to. “I’ll see you in a few days at the cafe.” She snatched the door open and found her way out of the building wishing she could keep running till her feet bled. Her ringing phone jerked her back to reality and she searched her back frantically wondering what it could be. Her picked it immediately she saw it was the Doctor’s number and croaked. ”Dr. Stevens..” He said a few words, made a few statements about her mother being taken to the hospital and Pamela knew she couldn’t spend one more minute at the Burrows. She cut the call and hurried out. When she got to the sitting room, she found Sheila setting the table with her husband while her Boss seemed to be so engrossed in the conversation with her new guy friend she was oblivious of her environment. She went to her. ”Sandra, Hi, um…, can I talk to you for a second?” Her Boss looked up and stood up to join her excusing herself from the conversation brewing between her and her friend. “Hey, what’s up? I must say I’m happy you brought me here. I’ve been having an amazing time so far. You should come meet Brian, we’ve been gisting for hours” She smiled and rubbed her P.A’s arm. It was then she noticed her trembling. “Pamela, are you okay?” “I have to go home…, My mum’s doctor just called to tell me she fell off while trying to get herself something in the fridge and so she called the ambulance. I’m so sorry I…” “Do you want me to come along with you?” “Gosh no Sandra, I would never put my burden on you.” Pamela obviously interpreted her question wrongly. “Please go. What are you waiting for, my approval? just call me to get back to me on how she is okay?” Anu replied “Okay.” She sighed. ”Thank you so much Sandra, I don’t know what to say.” She hurried over to Sheila though the woman had overheard her conversation and told her to leave and not to worry since they were just about to have dinner because of the kids so that they could go to bed early. It was when Anu settled back into the chair to talk to Brian that she realized that she was alone and yet, she didn’t feel she was. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Anu couldn’t say what it was about Brian that made herself to feel so free around him. Not that she let her guard down but he was the only man out of all the men she had encountered recently who didn’t look at her like she was the next meal on the menu or allowing his eyes dance on her body carelessly. She liked the way he talked though she had to move closer to hear what he was saying and he’d been considerate enough to slow his pace talking to her. She was getting used to it though. He was white no doubt but not so pale as she’d observed in Sheila’s husband. This Brian seemed to have a nice tan though tiny freckles still found way to his face. And his eyes…, were those real or contacts? They looked so blue and a lock of dark hair fell across his face that she was tempted to help him push it side-ways. She was shocked at how forward her thoughts were and thought it was probably what she was drinking that was getting into her system. When she asked him, he had told her it had something to do with ginger and lemon. Iced green tea with ginger and Lemon. The taste had been sharp and foreign with a fruity mysterious tang at first but with time, she was starting to enjoy the mixture coupled with a few muffins herself and Brian had shared The iced tea was a strange and funny mixture but she liked it with the ice and he kept refilling her glass when she asked for more. She had doubts about eating dinner when their host and her husband began to set the table. Her eyes settled back to Brian when she sank into the chair beside him. “Is she going to be alright?” He asked She nodded. “I hope so. I’ll call her tonight to confirm. I’m the worst person to help out in situations like this. I mean sometimes I find myself staring for so long rather than utter the right condolences. My parents, most especially my mum, back in Nigeria. She knows the perfect thing to say, the perfect thing to do in situations like this.” “That makes two of us.” He smiled into her eyes again. This time they were sitting pretty close after she had settled back into the chair beside him. She suddenly felt like telling him the truth about who she really was. There was a way he stared into her eyes that left her exposed, made her feel this man could be trusted and could be her friend if she was bold enough to extend him a hand of friendship. She sighed. Sandra would call her naive if she happened to know what she was thinking. What kind of person met someone for the first time, okay, partially second time and already wanted to become friends with him. What if he was some form of freak or serial killer who used his looks to charm women into telling him different things about themselves only to stalk and kill them. What if he was an undercover journalist or paparazzi? Sandra had warned her about them. She couldn’t bear to blow her cover now. Feeling awkward, she adjusted. “So, how long are you staying for before your next trip?” “I’m not sure, it depends on how things turn out.” Brian felt her retreat, observed her vague answer and wondered what must be going on in that mind of hers. “You should spend time visiting the attractions of London if you’re staying for a while, except you’ve seen them all…” “That would be great—” “Sandra!” a child’s voice screamed and before she could query where the squeal was from, the cute child whom she had signed an autograph for came bouncing towards her but stopped beside his Dad. “Hey you…” She could tell he’d been scolded after last night with the way he leaned close to his father though he couldn’t help but stare at her. He looked at his father and Brian gave him a go- ahead. ”Do you remember me? you signed…” “Of course I do, why wouldn’t I? You were the cutest kid on the block last night.” He raised his hand to give her a hi5 and Anu responded laughing when he beamed. “Daddy, can you take a picture of us…, pretty please.” “Sure, why not.” Brian happily reached for his phone and snapped several pictures with him. The other boys came out and insisted they want one as well. When Carlos appeared in the spotlight, his sister dragged him to take a picture of herself, Sandra and the kids, alone and together. Who knows, she might need it for her website. When they were through taking pictures, they all went to the table to have dinner and another round of conversation started about so many other things Anu suddenly felt she had found a place where she belonged afterall. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; Sandra was still groggy from sleep when she heard her father reveal his discovery. Her mind flashed to her mother and wondered if she had been so weak to keep their secret hidden thinking he might oblige her to stay and probably forgive her. But looking into his eyes presently, she knew he still had the hatred he had for her years ago. There was no way he would allow her stay. She stared at him, not giving him any response. She didn’t think he deserved any. “Won’t you answer me?” No response. “Are you playing deaf and dumb with me?” Still no response. Nnamdi got frustrated and reached for her as if to shake her back to her senses but she jerked his hand away and found her way out of his reach. “I don’t owe you any explanation!” She grew defensive. ”It’s not like I enjoy living in your poverty stricken house in the first place.” His blood boiled at her statement and it took him extra will power not to slap those words out of her mouth. Such an ungrateful and unrepentant child. He knew she was bad luck ever since she came into their lives and the only reason he put up with her was the hope that she would take after her sister and turn a new leaf. He would have pounced on her if not for his granddaughter that had woken up and was looking at him confused on what was presently going on due to the voices she had overheard in her sleep. ”You’re unrepentant and so degenerate! You’re shameless and you will not be in this house to disgrace me.” She rolled her eyes at him and turned to reach for her bag. She hadn’t brought much to the house hence it was easy for her to pack her things. She didn’t care that it was still quite dark and knowing the area where she lived, she would need to walk a little distance before she got a cab. But her pride wouldn’t let her beg or back down. If her father didn’t deem it fit for her to stay in his house after 10years plus, then there was no way she was going to stay here one more minute. But this time she was going to make him pay. “Teniola…., go and pack your things. You’re coming with me.” She said as a matter of fact.
21 Dec 2014 | 10:17
EPISODE 12 Teni sat up on the bed looking confused at the war of words exchanged between her grandfather and his daughter. “Mummy…, what’s going on?” “Just do as I tell you. Go and pack your things, we’ll talk on the way.” Nnamdi stood in the centre of it all, the last statement of Sandra hanging in the air. What did she think she was doing? “Teniola is not going anywhere!” “Says who?” “You’re not leaving this house with that child…” But Sandra ignored him and reached for her make-up bag and a few blouses that was already on the bed, stuffed it into her bag while Teni was on her feet biting her nails nervously. To Teniola, everything that was going on presently seemed like a nightmare she was bound to wake up from soon. The way her grandfather’s face had turned red in anger while clenching his fists only to release them again. She had never seen him this mad before. Even his face had contorted into something scary. Almost like he was contemplating on what to do and what not to do. Not wanting to hit his daughter but at the same time hoping his hands wouldn’t land on her. The door jerked open and Kemi rushed inside immediately aware of the present strife going on in her home. She’d had it at the back of her mind that Nnamdi would find out someday but she never expected it to be so soon. She came to stand before him trying to placate him. “ Oko mi, please take it easy. This is still early. At least she’s not a stranger in this house. She’s still your daughter, your flesh and blood. Don’t let your temper allow you do something that you will regret later.” “Regret? I don’t regret disowning her. If she’s so bent on rejecting me and my orders as a father, then why did she come back into my house?” Kemi was exasperated and went on her knees, her eyes pooling already. “ Olowo ori mi , don’t do this to me now. She’s still my child. Please let her stay…, even if it’s one more day.” Sandra had rounded up packing her bags by then and grabbed Teniola by the left arm. “Mama, please stop begging him. I’m leaving his house.” Kemi turned to face her daughter snatching the bag from her hand. Teni’s eyes had begun to pool as well wondering what the whole confusion was about. “Ebun…, drop your bag. Please let me reason with our father. He can’t send you out like this.” “I can and I will send her out! She doesn’t deserve one more minute in my house.” He bellowed. Kemi had come to her breaking point and she retorted. ”If you send her away, then I’m going with her.” Nnamdi frowned thinking this was some form of joke or mocking threat. Kemi had never spoken to him that way before and she was probably saying it to make him back down in his decision. “Kemi, step out of the way.” She shook her head making a careless attempt to wipe the tears from her face. “If Sandra leaves, I’ll leave. Make your decision now.” “You can’t be serious. Are you playing on my intelligence?” “I’m tired of you flinging your temper in my face Nnamdi and I won’t stand you doing it again after 10years running. Sandra is my daughter too and you don’t know how much it hurts to pretend that I have only one daughter. I’m not going to let you take this one from me again.” Sandra stood her ground watching the drama unfold before her. Looking into her father’s eyes, she could see the way he battled with his emotions this present moment. She’d waited for the day the man would look into her eyes and feel like the wretched man he was. This seemed to be the moment, it was evident in his eyes. But in a few seconds, it was gone. He looked at her straight in the eye. ”By the time I return from church, you must have left my house.” It was obvious he meant Sandra alone but Kemi knew the impact of his words and was hurt. Didn’t he give mind to what she had just said? Did he feel her speech was mere empty threats She turned to face her daughter caressing her face and embracing her, her heart racing faster at each step she was about to take. “I’m coming with you. Don’t go anywhere till I go and pack my things.” Teni broke into their conversation. ”Grandma, mummy, what’s going on? Where are we going and why is Grandpa angry?” Kemi knelt to wipe her granddaughter’s tears away trying to keep her own at bay knowing lack of self- control would further agitate the child. “Just do as your mother tells you okay? We are going to a better place but it’s just for a while.” Teni nodded obviously trying to understand amidst all the confusion. And Kemi left the room. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; “And where do you think you’re going?” Nnamdi asked when he saw his wife reach for one of her bags which she usually kept on top of the wardrobe they had shared as a couple for years. “What I should have done years ago.” “Don’t tell me you really mean what you said about leaving with Sandra.” She did not respond and began yanking her clothes from the hangers. The ones that were folded, she threw them into her bag hurriedly as if scared that if she spent one more minute in his presence, she would oblige and stay. “ Nkem , you are not leaving my house. I forbid you to!” “Oh so now it’s ‘your’ house.” The tears strolled down her cheeks as she emphasized the ‘your’ and she bit her lip in regret shaking her head. “I should have known that all these years, you never saw this house as Ours. I’m sure I’m just one of those properties you acquire into your house as well.” Just because he’d been asked to pay one measly amount of money as her dowry by her father didn’t mean she didn’t have a say in their lives presently. Did he even love her? She doubted it. He probably saw her as a duty, a liability ever since their mistake and he felt he had to right his wrongs by marrying her. She was tired of living a false life to a man who wasn’t practicing what he preached in their home. For 28years, she had endured him, hoping things would change someday and he would come to see her perhaps in a different light and love her the way she always wished him to. Right now, she wanted to stay away from him. She couldn’t even bear the sight of him anymore. She’d had it up to her neck and she couldn’t take it anymore. She snatched her ankara Iro and buba she was meant to wear to church and threw it on, not caring she hadn’t taken a bath. “ Nkem , don’t let that girl bewitch you..”Nnamdi noticed how his voice trembled but decided against pleading. Only weak men plead. He’d never seen Kemi this way. She had been forbearing and gentle all through. The one Anu took after. “Can’t you see all she’s doing. She’s ruining a perfect family.” “So this is your idea of perfect? It never was Nnamdi Ever since the day you cheated on me, right from the moment you kept harassing me to give you a male child, from the moment you set foot in that woman’s parlour to drink her peppersoup and warm her bed, from the time you disowned your daughter. Everything stopped being perfect.” Nnamdi watched her as she walked out of his room and out of the house since he could do nothing as it was obvious she had made up her mind and chose their daughter over him. But he consoled himself she would return. She would realize how much she needed him and come back. She would realize she was just acting out of impulse after the scales from her eyes had fallen off. She was just acting the way women did when anger clouded their thinking. He wondered if they had taken Teni and he got the answer to his curiosity when he headed for the room and didn’t see a trace of the child. He wanted to run after them as he saw them walking towards the gate in the compound but he knew another fight would ensue and no one knew the neighbor that was lurking around to feed their hunger for gossip only to go and spread it in the church. And like the man he was, he summoned up courage to head back into his room to prepare himself for church. If family friends asked for Mummy Anu and Teni, he would tell them they are fine and couldn’t make it to church this Sunday. They would come back, he knew they would. Kemi couldn’t do without him and soon she’ll realize that Sandra was a selfish and conniving woman who wanted to do all she could to pull apart the family. Almost like she was a devil incarnate, sent from her kingdom to ruin his life. He will make sure she did not succeed. If she was looking for who to transfer her doom to, he would pray it fell back on her head. No child of his behaved like the devil’s child. It was when he entered the bathroom he remembered his second daughter and groaned. What had she done to her twin sister?! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; It was late by the time Anu retired from the Burrow’s house and it had been a long time she felt at home and enjoyed herself. At the times when she had thought they were going to bombard her with questions about her modeling and acting life, they had surprised her by asking more about herself, her hobbies and what she enjoyed doing in her spare time. She rarely knew them and so the little she could spill, she did, evading questions that could implicate herself or her sister. But that didn’t stop the conversation from going. Sheila talked, the kids talked and though Carlos only stayed for a while, he joined in the conversation and she enjoyed listening to their bickering till all the children went to sleep. Brian decided his son would sleep over as Sheila requested. That was when Anu realized she had passed so much time at their place and she had to go back to her hotel. The problem was going back herself. She’d forgotten that Pamela leaving her would automatically mean she would have to find her way back herself. She was about asking Brian for help without being too obvious when he threw on his jacket and looked at her, almost like he was expecting her to say something. She stood watching him. “Well…” “Well what?” He laughed and the corners of his eyes crinkled revealing how gorgeous he could be. “Do you want to sleep over at Sheila’s or you wanna go back to your hotel?” “Oh…, I am so sorry.” She returned his smile and walked out of the door he had opened for her. Waving at Sheila and her husband, she stepped outside to the cool breeze that greeted her. Brain joined her soon and they walked a little distance before they got to the road. “What hotel did you lodge?” he asked. “Err..Radisson.” “Okay…, it’s quite a few distance from where I live.” Though he could take the same cab with her, he didn’t want to feel too forward. If she wanted them to get the same cab, she would say. “I can hail you a cab if you want….” “Thank you” Brian looked into her eyes and saw flicker of doubt and uncertainty there. Was she confused about where to go? ”I can tag along if you want. The cab will drop you at your hotel and I will be on my way home from there. Anu still looked and felt unsure wondering if trusting this young man was sensible enough. She had only lived in London for about 6 days, known this man about a day and it seemed her life was moving fast. She wasn’t sure about how kidnappers worked here but she had doubts. It was as if he read her mind because he asked. ”Or I could just take another cab and follow behind, make sure you’re safe just in case those crazy paparazzi or reporters are hungry for tabloid news.” If only he knew that wasn’t what she was scared of. It would sound strange if she told him her fears because they had been talking inside for so long that it seemed they had known each other for days. But right now, she was concerned about her safety. “I really had a great time today and I want us to do this again.” She smiled and nodded. ”Me too.” “Can you give me your number, I’d like to call you.” “Oh sure…” Not knowing her number off-head, she snatched a pen and a card from her bag scribbling her new number on it. He received it and smiled again. Before she could say more, he was already at the pavement, whistling to get the attention of a free taxi. In a few seconds, one stopped and he opened the door for her. She thanked him and settled into the back seat. When he saw that she was settled, he came to the window and out of impulse touched her hand. “Okay, so see you soon?” She could only nod. ”Call me.” She told the taxi driver her destination and she was gone. A few seconds later, another cab stopped before him and he gave orders. “Bloomsbury street.” He did not know why he wanted to see her arrive safe at her hotel. But he felt he had to. Almost like it depended on him to ensure she got to Radisson in peace. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The Taxi driver dropped Anu at her hotel and she was happy that she was finally at a familiar place. She paid him his dues and got down, holding her bag close to her side as she began strolling inside. She glanced briefly if she would probably see Brian before she entered but there was no trace of him. Sighing, she premeditated taking a shower when she got upstairs and how she was going to pack a few of her things and prepare for leaving this place to Pamela’s place when her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach and her mouth went dry. A few inches from her, She saw Bayo sitting at the hotel lounge, almost as if he had been expecting her because immediately she set foot into the reception, his eyes settled on her even while he gulped the rest of his drink and dropped his glass on the table. He strolled towards her and she swallowed hoping to God there was somewhere she could run to, or some excuse she could give. “Hey baby…” His hands went to her waist and she cringed though that only made him tighten it. ”I have a little surprise for you.” “Bayo…, please..” “Ohh, we’re not sleeping here tonight.” he winked at her and began to lead her out of the building. “Bayo,” She squeaked and winced. “You’re hurting me. Let me go or I’ll call the police…” He frowned. ”Call the police on your boyfriend? and who’s going to hear you out? What are you going to accuse me of? having sex with you? Who would they rather believe? a citizen who made you what you are today or some actress who wants more attention..Don’t forget who has the strings baby. You’re what I made you and I won’t waste time bringing you down if you refuse to cooperate.” She tried to push him away but he proved to be too strong for her. When they finally got to the door and she saw his car parked and waiting for him with a driver, she panicked and looked around for any form of help. A dark man in white shirt and black pants walked towards them and smiled. “Your car as you requested sir…” “Thank you Rick..” He allowed his hand slide into the man’s hand in form of a handshake and it was obvious he had slipped some notes into his palm. “Please, help me, I don’t want to go with him. He’s harassing me.” She choked out hoping the man would somewhat have mercy on her and stop him though the likelihood of that happening was slim. He ignored her. “Have a lovely night sir.” The door was open and he practically pushed her into the backseat while he joined in and his driver closed the door behind her. She watched in horror as the man came to settle in the driver’s seat while the tinted windows felt like shadows crawling around her. She heard the locks and she knew there was no way she was coming out of this the same. And just before she could utter a word, a hand cracked across her face and she fell limply to the seat crying. “What do you think you’re doing huh? Were you trying to make a fool out of me in the hotel? What stupid stunt were you trying to pull? You even have the guts…” His hand landed on her again and she cowered knowing that trying to fight him back would be useless. Her face and her head ached from his slaps and his blows and she wondered when she was going to pass out. “Wait till we get home, you haven’t seen the worst of me yet.” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Brian was pretending to be strolling the street after getting down from the cab when he observed what was going on. He had seen her get down from her cab and stroll in just for her to be partially dragged by a young man who was quite taller and obviously much stronger than her. He noticed how her countenance had changed from satisfactory to terrifying and he wasn’t able to decide on doing the right thing except to wait and watch what would result in this. It was when he saw her plea to another young man who obviously ignored her and was more interested in the notes he would receive that he knew that something most definitely was wrong. He saw her struggle partially and then almost as if she tripped into the car and he knew what he had to do. Get a cab and follow her. Even if the man with her was her boyfriend, he had no right to treat her that way. He’d blamed his son in the past for being impulsive and right now as he followed them discreetly, he knew Nate could have only gotten it from one person. Himself. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; The car finally stopped moving and Anu looked up wondering where she was and if this was it. She had prepared to fight to the end whatever he intended to do with her and she just hoped she wouldn’t last long if the pain proved unbearable. She tried thinking but wasn’t allowed to think properly as Bayo yanked her forward and pulled her close to him. His breath reeked of alcohol when he crushed his lips on hers aggressively and she tried to push him away. He reached for her left arm and she flung the right one across his cheek making him hiss and reach speedily for the hand that still had the liberty to hit him across the face. “I won’t tolerate this cat-like behaviour from you Sandra!” he yelled into her face and pinned her to the seat, her hand hanging high above her head while tears flowed down her cheeks. The car door had flung open and she knew they had arrived at his apartment. There was no way she was going in there with him. Her phone rang distracting them. She tried to reach for the ringing phone in her bag but Bayo had pinned her legs to the leather seat hereby leaving her captive under his grip. When he saw the unknown number calling, He flung it away and focused at the matter at hand. “Let me go or I’ll scream.” Her last words were swallowed under his palm and he did a good job of holding her lips together. “You want it your way huh? fine.”Snapping his fingers, he barked orders to his driver to stand outside and look around for him while he sorted out his dirty business. It was when Anu saw that her legs were held captive while he removed his belt that she began to struggle again but to no avail. When he saw that she kept struggling, he hit her across the face making her fall limp to the leather seat and she could no nothing else. She heard ripping of clothes and felt the painful claws of the couch and metal biting into her left leg which he had parted. She felt his cold hands on her bare flesh and she sobbed. So this was it…, was this how he was going to ruin her? She was stupid. She had been a fool to take her sister’s place. She would never forget this day. It was going to mar her for life. Because with her own hands, she had brought this upon herself. Her eyes pooled again but she closed them as his weight was about to settle on her, about to accept her fate when she suddenly felt him being yanked from her. Wondering what had happened, she rose on her elbows and saw Bayo jerking side-ways after receiving a blow from a certain someone. She hurriedly stood up wondering what was going on when she saw that her blouse had been torn apart and her jeans had given way to her underwear which she hurriedly adjusted. She looked around for something to defend herself from whatever controversy was going on outside when she saw the wine bottle Bayo must have been drinking from. When she stepped out, she saw him sprawled on the floor obviously too drunk to defend himself from a man like himself. She was waiting for her savior to turn when she saw Bayo’s driver reach into the car for a certain box. When she realized that he was reaching for a gun, she smashed the bottle against his head and he slumped back against the floor. Her savior turned and she saw it was no one else but Brian. And that was when she burst into fresh tears and fell into his arms when he reached for her. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;; Anu found it hard to stop crying after the incident that just occurred and her narrow escape. Even when Brian tried to placate her, she found herself too absorbed in her misery to accept his consolation. But that didn’t stop him from covering her with his shirt leaving him in a round neck white. She couldn’t care less if it was another colour. She was so depressed. He hailed her a cab and she entered obediently coiled up at the edge of the window looking outside while her mind flashed back to all Sandra had promised her. She glanced at Brian who sat quietly at the other end scrolling through his phone and she looked away with the hope that closing her eyes would wake her from this nightmare. Think of it as a vacation in London. It’s only for a few weeks, it’s not that bad. I’m too emotionally depressed to handle anything right now, please help me. I Love you. Please do it for me. You won’t regret this I promise. Think of Teniola…, you love her so much. Don’t make me do something horrible I never meant to blackmail you, I’m at my breaking point here. Another tear strolled down her cheeks and she wiped them away trying to suppress the pain, anger and betrayal she felt presently. What about her mother, her father, Teniola…., It’d been a week and didn’t they notice she was gone? She suddenly reached for her phone and dialed her sister’s number. It rang for a couple of seconds and she did not pick it. She kept calling, hoping she would pick it so that she could tell her she was coming home before she did something irrational. She finally picked. “Babes…., I can’t talk right now. I’m in the middle of something. Can you call me back later today.” “E-Ebun…” She sobbed. “I want to come home. I was almost raped….” No response. “Hello…” The line had gone dead. She flung the phone away angrily and burst into tears again. What had she gotten herself into?
21 Dec 2014 | 10:31
Hmmm, dis Sandra is so mean
21 Dec 2014 | 10:52
i love this story.
21 Dec 2014 | 15:58
U should post faster since itz not ur story nd u r just copying and pasting, thanks for d updates though.
21 Dec 2014 | 23:24
EPISODE 13 Anu was reluctant to get down from the cab but when Brian’s hand extended to her while he leaned close to help her out, she relaxed into him and allowed his hands rest on her shoulder. He paid the cab driver and they stood alone. She was left to a storey of apartments staring back at them across the road. She looked into his eyes then. “I had no other choice since taking you back to the hotel puts you at risk.” She nodded looking around briefly and pulling his shirt closer to herself. “Do you live here?” “Yea, my apartment is on the second floor.” She hesitated and looked into his eyes. He’d saved her tonight. Did that mean she could trust him? She allowed him lead her through the stairs and when they arrived at his place followed him inside sitting down when he asked her to. She glanced around, it was a neat place and though small looked comfortable. Unlike her house back in Lagos, his place was designed in such a way that made her wonder a 2 bedroom apartment could look so nice. Pictures hung on the wall and just a few furniture adorned the room. The kitchen which she observed on entering was just behind her and did not look like it was often used. His laptop stood on the counter while the shelves erected by the side of the kitchen wall were stacked with can foods and some nice looking sachet bags that contained food. She noticed the toaster that stood atop the microwave and the other kitchen utensils stacked neatly on racks. A picture hung on the kitchen wall. A picture of himself and his son closing his eyes in excitement. She saw a poorly sketched diagram beside it and knew it had to be Nate’s handwork. Right beside it, there was a large note written with a marker which read: Verse for Today Trust in the Lord with all your heart and Lean not on your own Understanding Proverbs 3v6 It was also obvious a child had written it. Her mind suddenly flashed to Teniola and she had to hold herself from crying once more. She didn’t want Brian to begin suspecting there was more to the whole rape thing most especially with the call she had made to her sister. She turned and saw him stepping out of one of the rooms with a big grey sweater and a blanket. “If you don’t mind wearing this. I’d hate to see you sleep in that light shirt.” He smiled at her and she caught it like an infection. She accepted it and saw the bold inscription on it. MIT. She loved how soft and warm it was and thanked him. “I should let you throw it on. I’ll be in the room making it comfortable for you.” He pointed to another painted door on her left ”And if you want to use the bathroom, it’s this door.” She nodded and watched him leave. She clutched the sweater close to herself and inhaled deeply, breathing in the faded scent of lemon. It felt so masculine and she wished she could stay there breathing it in. It made her feel safe, in a way. It was familiar to his cotton shirt she was wearing except this smelled stronger. It was wonderful. Pulling off her shirt immediately, she threw on the sweater and hugged herself standing up to check herself in the bathroom. Just one look at the mirror and she realized she was a mess. Her face had bruises already and her cheeks looked swollen. Her eyes looked haunted and her wrists ached. It was when she looked at them that she saw the marks on them. Her disheveled weave was all over her head and she tried to smoothen it looking around for a comb probably on the cabinet or inside but all she saw were a man’s shaving cream, shaving stick, deodorant and two pairs of toothbrushes that belonged to an adult and a child. She tried to do her hair into a ponytail wondering how she must have looked a sight before Brian. She looked terrible and tried to wash her face with the water from the faucet dabbing it with a towel and swinging her ponytail braid over her shoulder. At least she looked better this way. She sighed as her image stared back at her in the mirror. She couldn’t believe all this was happening to her in one night and the horror on her parent’s faces if they found out she was in a strange man’s house at this time of the night. It was close to 12 midnight. When she stepped out, Brian was waiting for her with a cup of water and a pack of Aspirin on the table. Not saying anything to him, she peeled the tablet from the sachet and swallowed with a gulp of water. She noticed he had a bag of ice with him as well and he led her to the couch. “Your cheeks are swollen. You might need to keep this there for a while.” She reached for his hand on the ice and her eyes softened. ”Thank you.” They were like that for a while and he spoke up. “I called your P.A, I told her you’re with me and so she’ll be here first thing tomorrow morning.” “Okay.” “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you did he?” “No…, you came in time.” “This feels crazy…” He shook his head and rested his head on the couch beside her. “If crazy means being with you rather than that animal that tried to rape me, then yea, I love being crazy.” Anu didn’t know where that came from but right now, she didn’t care. Tonight had sparked up another side of her and she was going to stop thinking about what her parents would think or how not to implicate Sandra. Sandra wanted tough, she was going to play tough. She was going to maximize every opportunity she had and feel free to say how she felt not caring who or what she might do. “Your boyfriend…” “He’s not my boyfriend.” She spat disgusted by the idea that she had even pretended to be involved with him. What in the world had she been thinking? “He never was.” Brian remained quiet and she wondered if it was his cue for her to keep talking. “This whole acting, modelling thing was never my thing.” She sighed. She needed someone to share her feelings with and being with Brian made her talk. He made her say things she’d been afraid to talk about to anyone. “I’m not going back to that life. I’m tired of pretending.” “What would you love to do?” He asked her quietly. She shrugged. ”Something worthwhile….” “C’mon, you should have something you’ve always wanted to do right from when you were 5 or 6.” She laughed to herself shaking her head in the process. “It’s ridiculous…, seriously, you don’t want to hear it.” “Try me.” “Paint the skies.” When she saw Brian shift his head to look at her and not laugh, almost as if his interest piqued, she was encouraged. “I used to wonder how blue the sky was and I loved sunsets. I loved the splash of the orange, the yellow or whatever it was that made the sky so beautiful. I remember one night of my life when I was 7, telling God that I wouldn’t mind if I died. If he took me. I heard it was the only way I could see God and so I felt he’d let me paint the skies with him.” “Wow, that’s….” “Silly huh…” “No, it’s beautiful.” Anu kept quiet trying not to feel overwhelmed by his response. She’d never mouthed those words again ever since her father forbade her from saying such that evening they sat outside because of the unbearable heat in the house. Sandra had laughed at her and her mother had shook her head thinking she was silly. Her father forbade her from saying those words. Tufiakwa! No child of mine will die before her time. I will not bury my child with my own hands. My children will bury me. “What else?” “I’ve always wanted to make things, costume clothes for kids, it’s just weird. I think I’ve lived so much in my mind that I get crazy thoughts.” she shifted the ice-bag to her forehead and Brian reached to wipe the water trickle from her face. He teased her. ”I thought you liked crazy..” “Okay, I had a strict childhood, we never really had fun, never got to read any books aside the ones my father wanted us to read which was strictly the bible and my mother helped read it to our understanding. We were somewhat scared that my father would come home someday and ask us what we learned from the bible and if we didn’t deliver, we got spanked.” She hesitated when she saw how the frown in his face had deepened. “I shouldn’t be talking about this.” She rose to lift the ice away from her face but he stopped her mid-way. “I don’t mind.” She relaxed back into the couch and asked. ”Do you have something I can drink? my throat feels parched already.” “Yea sure, if you don’t mind orange juice.” He sprang to his feet and walked to the small fridge close to the counter. Snatching the fridge open, he brought out a pack of Juice and poured it into a clean glass. In a jiffy, he had stocked 3 cubes of ice into them. He helped himself to a bottle of water and went to join her on the couch. “Thank you.” “Forgive me if you have to drink from the carton today. I didn’t get enough time to blend up something and store in the fridge.” She took a sip and shrugged liking the taste. ”This tastes okay.” “You’re not organic at least.” She looked up. ”What’s that?” He lips tipped into an rueful smile. ”You don’t know what organic is?” She shook her head. “Simply put, people who are earth friendly and bring that into their diet as well.” She sipped her drink again. She seemed to have developed an appetite for liquids recently. She nodded assimilating her new found information and was glad Brian didn’t give her a snobbish look of her little knowledge about things here. “So, I haven’t forgotten our conversation about the costume.” She lowered her glass and said. “I just tried to create a world of my own, that’s all.” “You pictured yourself making stuff?” “Painting, decorating and making stuffs, more like costumes. When it comes to adult clothes, I may not be very good at it but I feel with kids I’ll do better.” Getting the message that she wasn’t about to delve deeper into her personal life, he replied. ”I have a feeling you’ll be good at whatever you set your heart on.” She scoffed remembering her present situation and her selfless sacrifice. ”I’m hardly good at anything. There are some times in my life I feel like my life doesn’t even make sense to me and I do the best I can to do the right things, stay in the right books, try to make my family happy. Sometimes, I doubt I even have a life of my own.” The room remained quiet and she looked up to see Brian watching her. The way he made her spill things she had never spilled to anyone in her life, not even Gbenro whom she’d dated for about 2-3 months scared her and she had to console herself with the fact that because he was close to a stranger who knew nothing about her family. Someone whom she may leave soon and she may never see again. At least even if no one or her family knew about her, even if she couldn’t hear God at this time of her life where she was beginning to have doubts though his rescue could be termed a miracle, she knew there was at least one person she had told how she felt. They were friends from different worlds who would part ways soon. And then her secret would be hidden in his world never to be spilled. They had bonded over a few hours of conversation, and she liked him. Liked the way he listened to her as she talked and loved the way the blue color of his eyes interchanged between dark and light depending on his expression. She liked the way he rested his head on the couch and watched her, his eyes never wavering from hers. Liked the way his lips broadened and his eyes crinkled when he smiled, loved the little teeth he showed when he talked and loved how he reached to pull her hair behind her hair when it fell over. And that was when she decided she was going to have a haircut. Because she wanted him to see her, just the way she saw him. She wanted him to see Sarah, not Sandra. As for the identity aspect, time would tell, after she had peeled all areas of her sister away from her flesh. She slept off with her head on his shoulder unaware of when he slipped into his room to seek the comfort of his bed as well. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Anu turned on the couch and pulled the blanket closer to her body obviously enjoying her sleep and unaware that her dream wasn’t the producer of the delicious smelling aroma that had found way to her nostrils. It was when she blinked that she remembered where she was and what was going on around her. She looked up and saw Brian working on the counter while something was on the gas. He caught her staring at him and she could swear her heart fluttered in her chest. Though she’d never seen him in apron, she couldn’t deny he looked good making something whatever it was that he did. “Right on time…” He greeted as he served what he had made into a dry plate. “Good morning.” She pulled the blanket away from her body and walked up to the counter to see what he was doing. When she got closer, she found out he’d made something that looked like pancakes stacked together with some kind of topping. He answered her unasked question. ”Pancakes, eggs and sausage.” “It smells yum.” ”And fattening.” he smiled. “Wanna try?” She nodded excitedly and accepted the fork he stretched out to her. Taking a piece, it felt strange at first but after some amount of chewing, she tried to get used to the delicious and beefy taste of the sausage against the pancakes in her mouth. She noticed his gaze on her and closed her eyes, wondering how he could keep staring at her without blinking away. Did he know the impact his eyes could have on women? Most especially her? “Well…?” he asked. ”do you like it? I’m no chef but I make the best pancakes. Nathan tells me that all the time.” “Well, he’s your son so don’t expect any less.” She teased him lightly and he laughed shaking his head. “I should make you starve for saying that.” “Oops, sorry, I already have a plate full of pancakes, better luck next time.” She forked another piece and ate while he poured himself a cup of coffee. “It’s delicious by the way.” She praised. “Coffee?” He asked. She shook her head. ”Tea or juice would do.” “What about a glass of milk…” “I hope it’s organic.” She teased again. “No, it’s diary.” he protested tagging along. “Then I’m vegan, strictly vegan.” She shrugged. “Oh sorry, you shouldn’t be eating those pancakes then.” He reached for her plate but she carried it away from him, standing from her stool. The both of them burst into laughter at their awkward banter and lame joke and Anu wondered how someone could laugh to her silly joke. Soon, he joined her to eat on a stool while they ate quietly. He had only pancakes and coffee while she relished her hearty breakfast. When he was done, he looked at his wristwatch and told her. ”Pamela told me she’ll be here before 7 because I have to be in church by 7:30. I’m going over to Sheila’s church today because of Nate.” “I could come with you if you don’t mind.” He allowed his gaze stroll over her frame in his sweater. ”You’ll have to freshen up and I don’t have something that could fit you except you wear another sweater of mine that doesn’t say MIT.” “Fine by me, I could always sit at the back.” “I sit at the back as well but I don’t want eyes drawn to you.” They were quiet for a while before Brain spoke up. “You don’t mind wearing a face cap and a sweater do you? I’ll give you another sweater of mine except you want to keep this one.” She smiled, more to herself. It amazed her the way they talked like they had been friends for months. “I don’t mind.” She took the last gulp of her milk and looked down at his sweater. ”What does MIT mean anyway?” “Massachusetts Institute of Technology.” “I like it, it’s comfortable and warm.” “I have a pair of sunglasses that will go with the hooded sweater. That should keep you away from unwarranted attention.” “hmmmn, sounds like a cool idea.” She rose from her chair and headed towards the door on the left. ” I’ll use your bathroom. I won’t take long.” She strolled to the door on the left and closed the door behind me. Brian watched her leave and smiled. He was getting to like her, he really was. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; When Kemi and Teniola arrived at their daughter’s apartment in Lekki Phase 1, after the long drive on the road though the traffic hadn’t posed a threat today being Sunday, Kemi could not contain her surprise when she stepped into the building and it showed in her eyes. Dropping her bags on the foyer, she walked into the living room marveling at how spacious and exotic it looked. The soul of the apartment being the spacious living area and the center table stood majestic as the glossy polished wood bore a few old papers and a mug which was empty. Teni clinged unto her grandmother looking around but not sure of whom this new woman was that claimed to be her mother. The house was huge, it looked beautiful and screamed of luxury so that their house at Ikorodu could not compare to this place. But where was this place and why were they here? “Welcome to my humble home Mama…” She smiled on seeing that her mother’s shock hadn’t worn off completely. She looked down and saw Teniola looking at her under her lashes almost as if she was afraid to come close to her. Sandra squatted so that she could look into her daughter’s eyes and when she extended her hand, the child recoiled. “Teni! What is wrong with you?” Kemi scolded. ” When did that one start. Your mother wants to see you.” “Haba Mama, don’t talk to her like that. I understand how she feels. She’s just unhappy about what happened today.” She reached to touch her face and wondered how the face reflected hers. She had spent just a few days with her and though they were still bonding with the child thinking she was Anu, she liked how intelligent and active she was. So inquisitive and sweet, dropping a few things that she had learned while growing up. She was impressed. She had attended her prize-giving in school and asides Teniola bringing home the First Position, she had taken almost all the gifts and even tagged the best student of her class. Emotionally Stable and brilliant was what her teacher had described her as. She also had a good social relation with her peers and was attentive. She had rounded up primary 6 a few days ago and had dropped her prefect badge behind. Now, she was going to a new school to begin again and Sandra had thought it all through. She knew she would leave soon when she was due to return to London but she wanted to do something right in her life for her child. She was so pretty and adorable and though her features were still developing, she could see a copy of herself in the girl. Her nose, her eyes and her lips. How could she have thought of aborting her in the first place? She was going to go to one of the best schools in Lekki and be treated like the classy girl that she was. Daughter of an actress and model. The media would rave about it no doubt, but after a while they would get tired. She recalled Anu’s call yesterday and she waved it aside wondering why the girl had been stuttering like something bad had happened. She probably acted clumsy and needed a way out. She had mentioned something about wanting to come home, well, that wish couldn’t be granted till much later. Probably 2 weeks more. She wasn’t done in Nigeria yet. She smiled at her daughter “Are you not sweetheart?” Teni nodded slightly. “Come here….” The child hesitated allowing her eyes bore into hers. Then she went into her arms. “I’m going to take care of you okay, nothing is going to happen to you as long as myself and grandma are here. I will buy you anything you want, just name it. Even if it’s a phone, since you’re a big girl now. You’re going to JSS1 right?” She nodded reluctantly. “When you grow older, you’ll understand all that is happening but right now, I want you to trust me. Don’t mind everything that Grandpa said. He gets angry like that sometimes and he says things, but I’m sure he doesn’t mean them.” She shook her head. “Good.” She tugged at her braids slightly and kissed her forehead. “You’ll have your own room and bathroom all to yourself, can you imagine that? except you want to share my room with me.” “Where will Grandma sleep if I have my own room?” “Grandma will have her own room too. It’s a big house. And guess what?” “What?” She asked quietly. “Do you like ice-cream?” “I do.” “There’s loads of ice-cream in the fridge. Yum!” Sandra was expecting the child to smile but she didn’t. She only nodded and tried to move away from her. “Teni dear, what’s wrong?” She shook her head and buried her face in her hands. “You’re not my mother!” She broke into sobs and she raised her head to look at Sandra tears strolling down her cheeks. “Where’s my mother and what did you do with her?” Sandra was dumbfounded. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: Gbenro was finding it hard to concentrate on the service as he kept staring at Nnamdi’s back and glancing furtively at the entrance just in case Sandra walked in still in pretense of her sister. They had unfinished business. He hadn’t called Anu, didn’t have the guts to call her after what had happened between himself and Sandra. He knew she had a part to play in not bothering to tell him about the new changes. He’d gone over it time and time again what he could have done to avoid that kiss that made him feel Sandra was the one for him and not Anu. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Anu had been the one encouraging him to come over to her church due to distance but right now, Anu was one of the least people he was worried about. What on earth was wrong with him? Why did he feel this way? He’d never forgotten the Okoye twins most especially Sandra right from the time they were little. She had been the first girl he ever liked. The girl that made him chase after her during break because he liked her. Almost everyone knew that he liked her at the time except her. Even Anu had known he liked her and she was the one who helped to put those silly notes into her bag with an anonymous name at the bottom. He knew she would be someone that would love attention even at that age. She was the chatty one, the one who knew how to dance and danced so well during their end of the year party. Even when she had made fun of him about his injury during P.E, he liked her still. Right now, he wondered why he couldn’t have fallen for Anu then. She was the nice one, the selfless one. The one who stood up for her sister when she got into trouble and though Sandra’s selfishness was something he loathed back then, he thought with time, she would grow up and become a better person. And so, he kept tabs on her. He knew when they were sent off to a school miles from the house, heard rumors about her being put in the family way by a rascal but thought it was a rumor most especially when he’d seen her a couple of years after the incident, she didn’t have a child with her. Rather, she’d been with a certain guy who seemed to be her boyfriend. He’d tried calling her from afar but she did not acknowledge him. She had looked, squinted, shook her head as if he was one of those fans that wanted her attention and drove off. Years again, he saw Anu with a child in her arms. And to him, that was when the puzzle fixed together that one of the twins had gotten pregnant. Except it was the one he least expected. When he mentioned it to his sister that evening after spending the afternoon with Anu and her daughter, doubts still lingering in his mind about whose child Teniola was, his aunt had replied him with: You know what they say about the quiet ones… It was so unlike her, but he couldn’t vouch for anybody, his aunt had gone ahead to affirm. And in Anu, he saw something that could actually be a replica of what he wanted. Maybe Sandra was not for him. He’d prayed about it though most especially when he saw pictures of her and videos of her and her recent shoots confirmed that she wasn’t the one. She couldn’t be the one. Maybe Anu was. The homely and quiet one. The shy one with a soft smile for everybody that she came across. The one that was often quiet and preferred to listen to him talk, almost as if she was afraid that anything she said might rile him up. Yet he couldn’t bite. His emotions were in a turmoil and though he hated what Sandra had done to him the to other night, awaking passions in him that he’d gotten rid of when he still lived in the passions of the world, he wanted to see her again. But for different reasons. First, he wanted to find out what she was up to, and how far she intended going with her plans. The choir began to sing and his mind snapped back to the present. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; The service held was different from the ones she attended back at home and though she couldn’t understand most of the things that were said, Brian helped out. He shared his Bible with her and was glad that he sat close enough to her so that she could breath in his cologne and the slight smell of his aftershave. Her head was just beneath his chin and almost bumped her face into his when she rose to look towards the pulpit. A good thing she was wearing the shades and the hooded jacket. He wouldn’t see the effect that action had on her. He even teased her that she looked gangster with her outfit She straightened and looked ahead afraid of what was becoming of her. She couldn’t remember being so attracted to someone this way. Someone who wasn’t her colour. Someone whom her parents most definitely would disapprove of. Someone who made her feel butterflies and made her feel happy she could be herself around him. And she grew scared. The feeling was ridding her of common sense and making her imagine things that would probably not happen since he must have someone he was dating whom he could identify with or he was just a nice person. She saw him coming towards her with a child in his arms which she recognized as Nate and she smiled. Brian whispered something into his ears and the child wiggled away from his arms and ran towards her. “Hey you.” He grinned. “Daddy told me not to tell, but I knew you were the one when I saw you. Glasses and all.” “Smart kid.” “Do you like this place? Are you gonna come next time?” “If you want me to…” “It’s real fun. The children’s department is so cool and Mrs Andrew is one of the best Sunday school teachers in the world.” “Oh really…” She grinned into his face. “Okay champ! enough of the interrogation, Sandra has to go.” “She can come home with us.” He beamed. “My Dad will make you pancakes, he makes the best.” “Nate….” Brian closed his eyes. What was the thing with Sandra that made his son’s adrenaline hyper. He looked at Anu and shook his head as if to urge her not to say anything else. They strolled outside together and was about climbing down the stairs when someone shouted. “Brian!” He turned to see Amy Stone right in front of him looking from Anu to Nate to himself. “Hello Brian…, what a pleasant surprise” She managed a smile. “You didn’t tell me you were coming over here for service, and I can see you’ve got company too.
22 Dec 2014 | 04:47
EPISODE 14 “Hi Amy…” Brian greeted casually though he felt guilty for not calling her in order to make things clear between them. He wasn’t so sure about Anu and if she felt the same way he did, or if she would want to pursue a relationship with him but he was willing to risk it. He knew he would have to tell Amy in the best way possible about not being able to see her again though they could still be friends. He was glad he hadn’t made promises or done anything to make her think otherwise. They had only gone for dinner once and his son’s escapade had disrupted their evening. “Um, Amy, meet Sandra, a good friend of mine, Sandra, meet Amy.” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; Anu stretched out a hand but noticed the reluctance with which Amy received it. She didn’t know and wasn’t sure why the woman hesitated but she sensed it had to do with Brian. Maybe this was the lady he was seeing. “Sandra!…, Sandra…” a voice broke into their tension filled meeting and Anu turned to see Pamela coming up the stairs of the church to join her. “I am so sorry.” She reached for her and apologized once more. “Brian sent me a message that you were coming to church with him and so I traced you here.” Her gaze strolled to her outfit and she frowned though she tried to sound positive. “You look different.” “Yeah, thanks to Brian who ensured I was safe.” “Oh…” she nodded and glanced at Brian. ”Thank you Brian,” turning to face her Boss, she continued. ”are you ready? We can go over to the hotel to pack the rest of your things.” “No, I can’t. I don’t want to go back there.” “Okay. To my place then, was trying to make it comfortable enough for you to stay.” Anu turned to look at Brian. ”So, I guess this is goodbye?” “I’ll call you.” She nodded. “Okay.” “and please be safe.” She smiled. It was like they had forgotten Amy’s presence. “I’ll try.” “G’bye Sandra…”Nathan waved his hand happily holding unto his father with the other hand. “Goodbye love.” And she was gone. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “I am so sorry about what happened yesterday Sandra, Brian told me about it but it was so late and since the train wouldn’t be available at that time, I had to tell him I’ll come pick you up today.” “It’s okay. Thank God for keeping me.” Pamela looked at her closely, ”are you alright, you look like you were really hurt last night. If I had known Bayo was going to hurt you, I would have come with you.” She sighed and relaxed into the seat of the cab. “You need to see the news brewing up already. I don’t know if there’s a paparazzi assigned to every corner of every street of every celebrity. There’s a gossip going about that yourself and Bayo had a clash yesterday and some women have begun to accuse him of battery. It’s on entertainment news and gossip. Just speculations.” “Oh really…, well that serves him right.” “I just hope he doesn’t come looking for you. I mean things are going to take a new turn if you finally decide to break up with him. I passed by his apartment this morning and I could see a few of those reporters sneaking somewhere to take pictures of him while some hurriedly ran out to him immediately he stepped out of the house. I don’t think he had the time to answer any of them before his driver drove him off.” Anu nodded more to herself than anyone. “I would really want you to go to the hotel to pack your things but I have a feeling paparazzi would be there as well, wanting to see your face and post it on their sites or have something to say on the news.” “How is your mother?” Anu asked. “What?” Her shock was palpable. Was Sandra that selfish that Pamela looked confused just because she asked after her mother’s health? “Ohh, she’s doing better. She’ll be coming back to the house tomorrow.” “Are you going to the hospital to see her today?” “I slept over so I’ll be going over to bring her tomorrow.” She tried to stifle a yawn but Anu noticed how tired she was. When they got to their destination, Anu asked Pamela to pay the cab driver before they headed for the train station. “That sweater makes you look thinner.” her P.A commented as they joined the crowd of people walking down to the station. Both had been too tired to trek the distance and so had taken a cab instead. “It’s Brian’s.” She smiled to herself remembering how nice he’d been to her. She remembered his eyes and how he’d smiled at her when he made her breakfast. Heat crawled to her neck when she remembered him saying he would call her. She hoped he would. The ‘Amy’ lady he had introduced her to had given her a funny look and she suddenly cringed. Was Brian involved with someone else? Was she the one he was involved with? “umm, Sandra, are you okay?” She blinked out of her fantasy and suddenly ashamed of how she’d hugged herself pulling the sweater close, she shook her head. “Oh, it’s nothing.” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Pamela knew there was something but she wasn’t going to start jumping into conclusions yet. She would wait till they got to her apartment, then she would have to tell her the plans she had and where she intended to go from here if she claimed to have broken up with Bayo. She just hoped she had plans. She did not want to be in the center of it all. She had enough problems of her own to be muddled in a celebrity’s life. The contract had been to work, and she was ready to work and was glad because her Boss did not take advantage of her though Bayo had tried to once. She just hoped this job as a source of income wouldn’t be affected due to everything that was happening presently. But she was glad for one thing. Sandra had come to her senses enough to break up with Bayo finally. She hoped she wouldn’t run back to him though since she knew the both of them had come a long way. A disturbing thought came to her mind as they entered the train and settled down. If Sandra refused to allow Bayo manage her, who would be her new manager? She trembled slightly as one name dropped into her mind. Richard Sans. And if he was going to take Bayo’s place, she would have to consider looking for another job. Except Sandra insisted she continued being her P.A. She stopped thinking and tried to be optimistic praying silently that God would do something. He had to do something. She couldn’t go back to her past life, she did not want to. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “I’m not who you think I am.” Anu mumbled after she had changed into different clothes which belonged to Pamela. A red shirt and brown pleated skirt. Pamela had been in the kitchen making something that looked like sauce so that she could eat before doing some work and get a little bit of rest. She had finally made up her mind to reveal her true identity. After what happened to her last night, there was no way she was going to risk getting into trouble just because of her sister. If Sandra didn’t care enough to know how she’d been hurt last night and almost got raped, then there was no need standing up for her. She was coming clean, and she was going to start with Pamela knowing the truth. Maybe she would be able to help her plan on traveling back home even if Sandra was not ready to come and take her place. But right now, her P.A stared at her with a frown and laughed thinking she was telling some kind of joke. “I don’t understand.” She replied. “I need you to believe me Pamela…., please, I’ve been wanting to tell someone, to tell you after being so nice and all to me and I can’t take it anymore. I can’t keep hiding the truth. I’m not Sandra, I’m her sister.” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Pamela shook her head, laughing to herself. ”Yes you are Sandra. Sandra Okoye. Are you trying to see if you still have your acting gig because most definitely, you do…” “No, I’m not. Please listen to me and try and see me for who I am. I’m sure you must have seen the difference sort of but you didn’t want to sound absurd. Sandra Okoye has a twin sister. I am that twin sister and she begged me to take her place due to her emotional breakdown.” Pamela stopped stirring the sauce in the pot and looked up noting the serious look on her face. It was there and then she saw the truth. The face, the darker skin tone, the selfless questions, the friendly smile and the fear when Bayo tried taking her home. The new prayer life she had wondered about. The look of confusion often found on her face, the way she talked, so different. The way she acted with caution around people who she had been carefree with in the past. The way she avoided things alcoholic and her sudden interest in Brian. When she looked at him, she remembered how she had been with Carlos. That shy schoolgirl smile that made it obvious a woman was probably falling in love for the first time. “Oh my….” Pamela raised a hand to her mouth and moved back though her eyes were fixed on her supposed-to-be Boss. She could see it all, she had always been suspicious that this was someone else but never had it crossed her mind Sandra could do such. Who was she kidding, she knew her Boss was capable of such but didn’t know she could go this far. Better said, she didn’t know she had a real- life look alike. A twin sister! Sandra didn’t have a family. Her bio mentioned she was an orphan. Jeez! she should have known. “I’m sorry for any inconvenience I might have caused you.” the twin sister continued. She began to wonder if Sandra had used her enticing prowess to lure her sister into believing what…, that she had an emotional breakdown? Just when she had thought the woman had seen the light, she gave out her worst. Did this twin know what she had done? that she was an imposter, that if media got hold of this, they were going to make it larger than it was and this could affect Sandra’s career which she tried so hard to protect. “Please give me time to process my thoughts.” She said as she reached to turn off the gas. Turning to face her, she asked. ”Are you not scared that I might feed the hungry media about all of this you just told me?” “I felt I could trust you and you are the one I believe can help me out of this whole scam I got myself into.” She sighed and closed her eyes, rubbing her temples slowly while thinking of the present situation. When she opened them, she found the twin gone from the kitchen. When she looked, she saw she had settled on the couch crying with her face buried in her lap. Pamela’s heart reached out to her and went to join her on the couch placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. That was when she came to the conclusion that her Boss had probably taken advantage of her sister’s naivety and selflessness. Looking at another version of Sandra sitting on the couch sobbing, she was as fragile as a porcelain doll. Almost as if this was all new to her… Perhaps it was, but not for long. She didn’t know her that much, but with the little time she had spent with her, she knew she was a good person. Why else would she come all the way to take her sister’s place in the first place. Maybe she would teach her to make most of it after all. Like they said, in every disappointment, look at the bright side, there could be a blessing. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “Thank you Mama…” Sandra greeted when her mother placed a steaming bowl of porridge garnished with vegetable and fish stew she had made after going to the market to get things in the house. Sandra had ordered a cab and paid for the expenses after her mother refused to allow her come stating that she needed to stay with Teniola and get more acquainted with her. A few days after their arrival at her apartment in Lekki and the girl had built a wall around herself no matter how Sandra tried to cheer her up with tempting offers. Kemi had tried intervening telling her Sandra was her mother but she refused to agree. “I’ve missed you so much Mama, and I’ve missed your delicacies.” She sighed as she settled in the dinning room. “There’s no one like mother to m e…” She cooed and her mother smiled. “I’m glad you appreciate all my efforts.” “Haba Mama, how can you say that? I appreciate you very much. Okay, you know what? Just to show how much I love you, you and I are going out to have fun tomorrow. But first, we are going to open a new account for you. So just in case I travel back, I can be sending you money to take care of yourself. You need to start looking good o.” Kemi blushed. ”Thank you.” “Where’s Teni, is she still in her room?” She asked walking to the kitchen to bring a bottle of chilled water. On a normal day, she knew she would have resorted to taking juice mixed with Alize but due to her mother frowning on the presence of her bar in the living room, she had tried to mellow. She was the one she had right now and she did not want to lose her yet. Teniola was giving her a hard time already. “Yes, she is. I’ll go and get her so that she can come and eat.” She nodded as she dug into her food. A few minutes after coaxing on Kemi’s part, Mother and grand-daughter returned to the table and Teni still refused to look at her. She just sat on the table and blessed her food before eating. Sandra looked for a chance to talk to her daughter. “Sweetheart, take this napkin and place it on your lap so you don’t stain your dress.” Teni looked up and hesitated before receiving the white paper napkin and placed it on her lap while the other hung between her neck and her dress. “You look beautiful dear, have you checked the mirror to see your hair?” Sandra had taken the child to an exotic salon to give the girl a new look. Afterwards, she had taken her for kart racing. Sandra didn’t care much for the paparazzi in Nigeria. If there was one that she watched out for, it was the foreign ones that she didn’t want discovering she had a twin. As for her having a daughter, let them speculate all they wanted. She wasn’t going to give audience to any of them. Her eyes strolled to her child’s hair. The permed curls on the girl’s hair had been distorted a little but it still looked glossy evident it was a new style. She nodded. When Kemi was through dishing everyone’s food, she settled down and joined them for dinner hopeful that pensive situations like this would get better with time. For how long, she did not know. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sandra decided to drive herself today. It’d been a while she took out the car that had been kept in the garage and so after calling someone to check it out and fill it up with fuel, the car had roared back to life. At least if she returned back to London, she could pass it over to her mother. The woman would have to go for driving lessons. Glancing at her mother as who was still shocked and excited about the new look she had given her this morning, she smiled. How long had she lived in the misery of marriage with her father. She was happy she had the upper hand presently but something still nudged at her heart. “Mama, I’m thinking maybe we should just tell Teniola the truth about what happened but we have to be wise about it.” Kemi shut the compact mirror she had been looking into and blinked looking at her daughter as if studying her. “What truth?” “That I’m her real mother, that I gave birth to her.” She stopped and glanced at her mother briefly before facing the road once more. “I’m very grateful for what you did for me the other day calming her down when she started to cry that she wanted to go home and she wanted to do that with her real mother, but I feel she’s still scared of me. I find it hard to relate with her and she doesn’t like looking at me when I talk to her. She sees me as an imposter and I’ve done all I can. I need her to know that I decided to give her life and I carried her for 9 months. At least I deserve some kindness from her. Anu only raised her.” She noticed her mother was quiet and continued. “I hope you don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful to my sister for raising her but I just want to know it feels to be a mother, is there something wrong about that? I know I’ve been away from your lives but I have my own share of loneliness and I think about her, about all of you but knowing Papa would not bear the thought of me stepping into his house just made me stay away.” “I understand you dear but you see, in these kind of situations, one had to be patient and take your time to coax her into loving you. You can even call your sister to get tips from her. Teniola is a bright child and I’ve watched her grow for 10years. Right now, she feels betrayed and wants you to be able to convince her with your actions and not just your words that you are her birth mother. Telling her the story of what happened would only confuse her more and make her doubt your sincerity. She might feel…., you know, she might feel that you’re trying to force your way into her life and try harder to resist you.” Sandra allowed her mother’s words to sink in and accepted it as truth. Her mother’s hands reached for her shoulder and squeezed lightly. “You just do your own part okay? and then I also remember, what about Gbenro? is your sister saying anything about him? are they keeping in touch, the last time you two went to dinner, I forgot to ask how it went.” “Oh, it was fine. He mentioned he would call Anu.” “That’s another person I think Teniola would give audience so if you can try and get them together till your sister returns. By the way I’m meant to call her to see how she’s doing at the moment. I’m surprised she hasn’t even called me which is unlike her. Small enjoyment in obodo oyinbo and she forgets her parents, life sha…” “She called me though and told me to greet you. The reception in Nigeria is not too good but she wants you to know she’s doing fine. The vacation is doing her good I suppose.” “Oh…, thank God she’s doing alright. I had a weird dream about her some days ago but I prayed about it and let it pass. I know nothing can happen to my daughter.” Sandra smiled as they finally arrived at their destination. She hoped that answer would keep her mother off her neck presently and she would get to explain to Anu before she returned to play along. She had a plan to make things work for her, even if it was only for a while and nobody could deprive her of such happiness. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “Excuse me, please I want to open an account with your bank.” “Okay, please sit down. I hope you have your national I.D card or Passport, two passport photographs, your PHCN bills which denotes recent payment….” “Yes, I do. I made sure I brought everything so that I don’t have to go back to the house.” Kemi smiled and the woman returned her smile though glancing at Sandra who seemed to be occupied on her phone but sat beside her mother. “And how much do you intend putting in?” the customer care attendant asked. Kemi looked at her daughter. ”Ebun…” “Oh…, I’m so sorry.” She responded in her posh accent and sat up. “I’ll be handling that. At least 100k naira for now.” “Current or savings?” “Current.” Kemi looked at her daughter and frowned ”Don’t they remove money from a Current account?” “Don’t worry Mama, It will be convenient for me to send you money if it’s a current account.” “Or do you want to open both?” the attendant chiped in. “Current for now.” Sandra snapped and went on scrolling through her phone. When they were through with the whole ceremony of filling and signing the appropriate forms after spending some time in the Bank, Kemi and her daughter stepped out of the bank heading towards the car when a voice stopped them. “Oluwakemi Badejo?……” Kemi and Sandra turned at the mention of her full name just to see a tall man standing beside a Mercedez Benz C-Class. Keys dangling in hand, he began to stroll towards them and Kemi was able to take in his white starched linen shirt tucked into fitted blue jeans and loafers. His removed his shades and placed it on his head and that was when she recognized the dark figure. “Kola Badmus!” She squealed in shock and went into his arms when he extended it. Both adults embraced each other like long lost friends who had known each other but had been apart due to circumstances. When he released her, she smiled and shook her head still dazzled by how stunning her potential suitor in the past now looked. She knew Kola Badmus came from a very wealthy family and had tried wooing her in the past with gifts though her heart had been for Nnamdi. Kola had been the one her parents had wanted her to marry and bear kids for. He was the one that had promised to care for her if she married him. Her parents had been middle class and were hopeful that she would be wise enough to do the right thing. Had even gone as far as threatening her not to look back if she decided to go with Nnamdi. She remembered that night well. Her body racked with sobs as she sat on his bed waiting for him to return from his classes or wherever he was. His roommates had told her he would be here soon and asides that, this was the only place she could come to or her parents would ensure she packed her things that night and move to Kola’s house. Both parents had already started talking about introduction and deciding on what clothes and color to wear for her introduction. Kola had just returned from Manchester after studying in London and doing his masters and his parents had kept talking about her to him whenever he called since he said he wanted a wife from Nigeria and they had the perfect girl for him. She had been trained well as a wifely material and raised in a good home. A virgin in fact. She was through with her WAEC and her parents automatically wanted someone that would sponsor the rest of her education and they found that possible with Kola Badmus. He had also proposed that as well to get her attention. They had allowed them to meet and talk once. She had been impressed, but that was where it ended. She didn’t visualize marrying him and she had no intention to bear him any kids. Her heart belonged to someone else. She had told her parents and they thought her foolish and childish. She had no say in the matter presently. Nnamdi entered the room and saw her crying. Immediately she saw him, she stood up to hug him. “Kemi, what’s the matter? what’s wrong?” “My parents…” She cried into his shirt. ”They won’t listen to me. They want me to marry Kola by force and insist I even bear his babies first. They threatened to throw me out of the house if I refuse. Oh Nnamdi, what am I going to do? what are we going to do?” She allowed him rub her back soothingly and was glad his roommate had excused them. Still in 300 Level in UI, he was the only one she could run to for advise. “Okay, just calm down Kemi, everything will be fine. Don’t let it disturb you at all. We’ll find a way…” “How? I’m afraid of going back to my house. I overheard my parents talking receiving his parents from Lagos tomorrow or the day after. What will I do…” She had continued crying while He had remained quiet thinking of everything. And the next thing she knew, he was kissing her. One thing led to another and by morning, Kemi knew she wasn’t the same again. “Whatever happens, I will take responsibility.” He had told her that morning when she buttoned up her blouse. She nodded, almost as if she understood what it would all lead to and allowed him kiss her again. “I love you Nnamdi.” He caressed her arms “I love you too Nkem…” Her mind snapped back to the present and she smiled when Kola’s gaze strolled over her. “Wow Kemi, you look beautiful.” He shook his head almost as if he was regretting that he hadn’t fought enough for her to be his wife. “It’s been how many years huh?” “about 28years.” “Wow.” His hand squeezed hers gently and he asked. ”And how have you been? Where are you and what are you doing?” “I’m doing great…” She began to feel uncomfortable most especially when Sandra kept watching the both of them with open interest. “My daughter…, Sandra…” That was when he looked up and he stretched his hand towards her. “You look familiar…, I feel like I’ve seen you before.” “Probably on TV…” He snapped his fingers. “You’re that great model and actress who got nominated recently for the Brit award?” “Yup.” She grinned excited that someone like him was familiar with her work. Most people just stared like they she just stepped out from another planet. “Cool, nice to meet you, I’m Kola Badmus by the way and I must say that your mother is one heck of a woman if she could raise a star like you.” “Why thank you Mr. Badmus.” “It’s Kola please…, just Kola…” his gaze strolled back to Kemi. ”Did your mum tell you about who I was?” “Kola…, please don’t..” Kemi pleaded. Sandra smiled mischievously. “Please, I’m dying to hear.” “I was the guy she left broken-hearted.” “No she didn’t…” “Yup, she did.” “You know what, why don’t I find my way home and you two catch up on old times huh?” Kemi swallowed knowing her daughter was doing this on purpose. “But I have to…” “No ‘Buts’ Mum, just go and have fun, you need it anyway.” She winked at her mother and reached for the door. ”It was great chatting with you Kola, treat my mum nicely, she deserves a day off her motherly duties.” “At your service your highness.” Kola gave Kemi a mock bow and escorted her back to his car. “We’re going to have so much fun catching up on old times.
22 Dec 2014 | 04:55
Interesting, let see how it will end and I believe Sarah will be favoured
22 Dec 2014 | 14:31
Ohhhhh i cnt wait 2 read d end of dis story o.. Sandra is a she-devil
23 Dec 2014 | 18:55
Wat next nw
26 Dec 2014 | 05:03
EPISODE 15 Brian didn’t call and though Anu tried to wave it aside, she felt somewhat hurt that he probably didn’t call her due to the woman he’d introduced her to. The pretty blonde with a strawberry hair strip. She should have known he had to be seeing someone else and not someone like her who was in no way close to his league. His apartment wasn’t big, she didn’t see him as the wealthy type and wasn’t drawn to him because of that either. She just observed she loved being around him. Maybe it was her desperation to be with someone who understood her and listened to her after all this while. Pamela was nice and so was her mother when they got back to the house. It’d been a week she had been staying with them and though she hardly left the house, she tried to make herself useful even when Pamela insisted she could handle it herself. Pamela tried to look for another job since her P.A job would be on hold for the main time till Sandra decided to return. Her school had resumed and so due to her part-time classes which she registered for, she was able to work as a waitress knowing that she had enough to pay the rest of her fees and take care of her mother since she had been working for Sandra for a while. The only extra she needed was for their upkeep. Anu wanted to go back home and told her so. She was tired of feeling like a burden most especially since she wasn’t working to do anything presently. She still had her sister’s credit card which she was sure would soon run of credit. “You look great with your haircut….” Pamela mentioned one night during dinner while they sat together to eat. She had been the one to help Anu with the hair when she insisted and her mother mentioned she did a great job. But right now as she looked at Anu, she saw someone else. The evidence was so clear she doubted anybody would miss the difference. It was probably because she knew the truth herself. Her mother walked about the house sometimes and tonight, she had joined them for dinner. Pamela was happy and so was Anu who felt the radiance in the house at that moment. She had sat with the woman all day talking about God, flowers and books. She had often sat with her father in the past when he talked so sitting with an elderly person wasn’t something new to her. In fact, she enjoyed it. Roselyn made her see everything in a new and different perspective and when she did not talk, she loved her reading to her. She said she enjoyed when she read to her and Pamela was grateful, almost as if she didn’t want Anu to go. But she didn’t voice her thoughts to her just in case she antagonized the thought. “I told her the same thing but she wouldn’t believe me.” Roselyn replied. “I think she should go out more and get people to admire her beauty.” “Oh…, Rosie…, she has been like that all morning.” Anu smiled and gestured to Pamela as if to tell her what she said wasn’t true. “Maybe you should. I mean why not?” “Pamela…” She chided trying to shake her head and mouth the words at the same time. “What about Sandra’s reputation?” but the young woman waved it away. “You should. Infact, I’m staying indoors tomorrow so that should make you free for a nights out… Ohh, I almost forgot.” She dropped her fork and reached for her glass of water. When she swallowed, she smiled. “Brian called.” “Ohh…” She tried to act non-chalant. “Really…, that’s great I guess. I hope he’s doing well.” “You’re such a bad actress Sarah!” She giggled. “Who’s Brian?” Roselyn chiped in curious. “ohh, some hunk who stole Sarah’s heart about a week ago.” Pamela continued. “Sheesh Sarah, I can see you blushing already…” Roselyn teased. Anu covered her face trying not to laugh. “Oh no, not you two.” “He’s coming over tomorrow. I gave him the address and it’s a Saturday, there’s so much to do in London.” “And give me one good reason why I should act like everything’s okay between us? I mean he didn’t even call me for a week, he introduced me to a friend of his in Church last Sunday so…, you know..” She quickly cut herself a piece of dessert pie so as to keep her mouth occupied. She didn’t want them to know how she was bubbling with excitement just thinking of him coming over to see her. “Well, you two can debate over that but for now, we’ll have to think of getting you a nice dress to wear.” “She has the figure for a good dress no doubt.” “But I want to finish reading Little Women to you Rosie…” “And I want to watch a little TV tomorrow.” Anu shook her head and laughed. If there was anything she was thankful for presently in her life, it was Pamela and her mum. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “Hi…” Brian stood at the door flowers in hand. They looked fresh, like something he’d just obtained from the florist. “You don’t mind do you?” “Hi…, and no, I don’t mind.” Anu breathed and received the beautiful bunch of flowers Brian presented to her. She couldn’t remember ever receiving flowers from anyone. “Thank you, it’s beautiful.” Trying not to let it show that she was excited he was standing right in front of her, she accepted it and headed inside looking for a vase to put them in. Roselyn had been teaching her about flowers lately and she was sure the older woman would love this being in the house. They smelled great as she sniffed and filled the vase with water over the sink. Planting them inside, she smiled to herself. She was starting to like things like this. It was when she turned back to pick her bag she saw him fully. With his dark hair neatly combed, just looking at him dressed casually in jeans and a white sweat shirt coupled with a brown jacket made her feel overdressed though she had only worn a Mesh insert Fit and Flare dress and run a small comb through the little hair that was left on her head. Pamela had told her to wear the dress though it was hers and she couldn’t be more grateful. She liked how he looked and what he wore. The white sweatshirt made the icy blue of his eyes stand out. “You had a haircut.” his eyes crinkled at the edges and she got scared that he might not like it. She had hoped he would. His face suddenly softened and he smiled. “You look different.” “A good kind of different or a bad kind of different?” “None…, my kind of different.” She swallowed and received his hand allowing him to lead her outside of the building. She was glad Roselyn had taken her medications and slept off otherwise, she knew Brian and herself would face another kind of teasing asides yesterday’s. When they stepped out, he turned to look at her. “I missed you.” “I missed you too.” She blurted out. She had thought this was meant to happen on the second or third date where they started sharing feelings. Maybe things were different in places where Brian and herself were concerned. “I wanted to surprise you…, but I suppose Pamela blew my cover. I didn’t call because I was kinda busy and also wanted it to be a surprise…, you know, show up at your door and whisk you away to someplace you’ve never been. Just wanted it to be us, and I needed to find out from Pamela when you’ll be free just in case you have something scheduled…” “Oh…” She didn’t have much to say, and the little she wanted to say, he seemed to take them right out of her mouth. If there was one thing she was beginning to like about Brian, it was his ability to reveal how he felt and what he meant to do. If she had felt him liking her was something to be coded, he blew it out of her mind and left her with a kind of hope that something more could happen between them. “How about Nathan?” “He’s on the field with the boys…soccer and stuff.” “Oh, cute.” “Just wait till I go over to get him in the evening, far from cute. Messy stuff, himself and Sheila’s boys.” He shook his head and held her hand. “I doubt he’ll miss me while I’m away.” “So…” He squeezed her hand gently. “Where do you wanna go?” “Where do you have in mind?” “Why don’t we find out together. I hope you’re up to it though.” “Try me.”
26 Dec 2014 | 06:18
Beautiful update. Thanks Meshack nd Merry xmas.
26 Dec 2014 | 13:52
D episode is too short,y nw
26 Dec 2014 | 14:12
Wishing ya the same johnson
26 Dec 2014 | 17:09
*continues* Oh my…., where is this place?” Anu asked on seeing a huge painted building that stood out amidst the street where it was located. As they drew closer, she noticed people sat around outside while a few just took pictures or selfies of themselves close to the building and walked away. Some walked inside just like herself and Brian. Anu couldn’t say how she felt right now. If there was anything Brian did to her sails, he set them moving with high speed with whatever wind he had going on. She had thought driving in a car and going to a restaurant was the best deal date there was, then he proved her wrong. After asking her a few questions and him taking pictures of her by Sanyo, an iconic site of London, they chatted as they strolled. It was like they took all forms of transport asides a flight and she was excited they could act less like a young couple who wanted to see everything at once. After sharing fish and chips, they had sat to talk for a while by a nearby fountain and he asked if she wanted to see a festival movie or foreign film though it wasn’t one of things but he wasn’t sure if it was one of hers either. They watched the street performers in Convent garden and while talking, she mentioned if there were any galleries around as she was eager to see one at least. They had taken the next bus to a nearby art gallery. She watched him as he paid for their tickets and reached for her hand almost as if he knew she was afraid. There were two entrances on the ground level, one that led to the bookshop and the other that led to a super ambigous hallway. It was when she entered the exhibit gallery and saw the display of art that her eyes went wide and she relaxed. They walked further and she saw a few people staring at the paintings displayed. “What’s this one?” She asked pointing to a painting that looked like something that was splashed on white canvas and manipulated in a way that looked weird but beautiful at the same time. “I uh have no idea.” She chuckled and nudged him gently on the side and she moved closer to check out other paintings. He wasn’t an art person and told her so. She didn’t mind, as long as she was here with him. “So, inspired or repulsed?” He asked after a while they had checked out other exhibits. “Well, it’s great…” She smiled at him. “I have never been to an art gallery before and this being my first, I can say it’s something.” “I’m hungry…, wanna get something to eat at the cafe?” “Do they have cheesecake?” “I know they have pasta and salad and the cheese cake should come in handy too.” “I don’t know, I’ve been craving serious pastry for a while now. Ever since my first cheesecake in London with some kind of delicious crust I forgot to ask the waitress about, I’ve been dreaming about having another one.” Brian gave her a teasing smile. “Okay…, Cheesecake it is, but that will cost you another date with me y’know.” “Oh…” she pretended to be surprised. “Then make that two.” “Alrighty!” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; “So, uh…, when is your next gig? are you leaving town sometime soon?” She looked into his eyes and was tempted to say, “Never” but she shrugged and looked into her cup of green tea. How could she tell him she was not whom he thought she was. He’d been looking at her strangely, almost as if he could see what she so badly wanted to tell him, like he tried to tell her she could trust him. When he first set eyes on her today, he had told her she looked different which she could interpret as him seeing someone else. Did he see someone asides Sandra? Could he just look at her and ask her who she really was? “Not anytime soon.” “Oh, okay…” he was quiet for a while and sipped his coffee. “Do you have something going on…, I mean is there someone I should know about…” “Someone like?” “y’know…, boyfriend…, I want to be sure things are clear between us.” He suddenly had a boyish look about him…, more like his son, Nathan. Her mind suddenly flashed to Gbenro but she realized his face had begun to fade away and she couldn’t even point to their relationship as something that existed anymore. Now she owed 2 people the truth. “No, I don’t have a boyfriend neither am I seeing anyone.” “Okay…, so that’s great news.” He laughed and she joined him. “So, what’s up with you, what next is there…, what about that painting the skies thing you told me about? You wanna start something about it?” “I’ve been thinking about it lately….” She shrugged. “But I could begin by trying my hands on a few designs I’m thinking of right now. I got inspired today.” He was quiet for a while and looked outside the window staring at nothing in particular. At that moment she would do anything to know what he was thinking, have a clue at least. “So, Brian Olsen, tell me about yourself. What defines you, what’s your best sport and why are you not playing soccer with your son? What you believe in…” He turned back to face her on the table and sat back in his chair allowing his gaze bore into hers. A week ago, he’d looked clean and shaven but right now, his beards had grown and taken shape on his face giving him a bold and daring look. How could a man look so cute and handsome at the same time? Brian made it easy.He suddenly looked older and she wondered how old he was and how long he’d been married to his late wife. Was he the kind of guy still secretly brooding over his dead wife? She hoped not. “One question at a time beautiful…” Her heart sang. He’d called her beautiful. “My faith defines me, I’m sure you would have known by now that my faith is first and foremost followed by Nathan and to be honest with you, If there’s anybody I’m going to give a chance in my life, it’s going to be a woman after God’s heart. Who believes the same the same thing I believe and puts my son into perspective. Nate is at a developing stage where whoever I’m bringing into his life has to be someone he has affinity for and someone who can teach him about God, even better than I do if possible. I mean I teach him about God and I still feel like I’m doing a crappy job about it.” “Believe me you’re doing great.., if your son could write that Bible verse on that poster I saw up on your wall in your apartment…” Anu put up her thumb to give him a thumbs up. “Well.., I don’t just want him to write it, I want it to be in his heart. I talk to him about God, these days, kids are raised on Santa Clause, tooth fairy and all sorts that when they grow up, they realize it’s all fairytale.
26 Dec 2014 | 17:42
*continues* I tell him God is not fairytale. God is as real as it gets. He’s closer to me than anything else. The real deal and not only do I teach him, I try my best possible to reflect what I preach. Kids are like sponges, their minds, very subtle and they absorb everything they see you do, everything they say, they echo it in their brains and their minds. I might not be the best at raising my child but I teach him to talk to God, recognize Jesus is the best friend a man can have. I pray for him and we talk. I tell him he shouldn’t be afraid to tell me how he feels. And so that night he went out searching for you, I was a little mad hence my reaction towards you. I thought Nate and I had passed that stage. I’ve tried reading some things online about child development for his age and I understand this is the age where he gets the delusion that he can do lots of things by himself. I want him to know if he wants to, then he’ll have to start facing some responsibilities as well. Stand up for the right thing and when I say no to something, it’s for the best.” Anu kept looking at him. At that moment, she saw the intensity with which he loved his son. Was this how fatherly love was? Her father hadn’t been this revealing about his emotions to her and when she was little, she’d overheard subtle arguments in the house about her mother not doing her best to deliver a boy. Almost as if God locked her womb immediately she gave birth to the twins. Probably another reason why he couldn’t shower so much affection on them. Even when her father talked about a greater Father in Heaven, she’d imagined he would be like her father on Earth. Tough, Big, No- nonsense man. Obey me or die kind of Father. That was how she’d been taught to see God. Not the way Brian depicted him presently. She’d always known there was something missing in her relationship with God but she could never point it out. Her father said the oyinbos talked about God without respect. They talked like he was someone they could see and just talk to anyhow whereas he should be revered and only important aspects of life should be discussed with him. But the way Brian talked, she saw that reverence in his eyes coupled with joy. That morning in church, she noticed how he worshiped God and how he tried to talk to her when she looked lost making it obvious she couldn’t really understand the preaching. Her father would not permit them to talk in Church. Brian talked to her when he saw her discomfort and inability to comprehend the message. She realized she wanted to have what he had. She wasn’t sure if he had more than Nate and his small apartment, but she knew he was happy. He had joy, some form of peace came to her whenever she was around him like now. All through their outing, that was what drew her to him, made her ask questions. He had that calm and peace that was contagious. Even his smile was. And for someone whose wife was late, he seemed content. It was then she realized she wanted to see him again. She had to. And at that moment, she suddenly felt she owed him a lot about herself. She didn’t know why she felt this way but she just wanted to come clean about everything. She suddenly felt that she could trust him. Maybe that would be a starting point for her. Only if he wouldn’t turn away from her after the truth. What she didn’t know was if she was ready. She decided to tell him about Teniola first. “I had a daughter I adopted some years ago and so I know what I’m talking about.” He raised an eyebrow, frowning at her use of past tense. “You had? Did something happen to her?” “Oh, I’m sorry, she’s still alive, she’s just in Nigeria. It wasn’t easy raising her but I trusted God to help me out. Teach the child the way he should go and he will never depart from it. I know Nathan is a good kid and with time he’ll see what you’re telling him is real. Kids need a firm hand sometimes because foolishness is bound in the heart of a child but a rod drives it far from him.” “Proverbs 22v15″ He chiped in. She smiled. “Exactly.” “It’s just that I don’t believe in beating a child. I know his mother spanked him once when he dipped his hand into the peanut butter jar and messed up the floor she just cleaned up and he cried a lot. Ever since, I haven’t laid a finger on him.” “Oh I see…” “Sometimes I’m tempted to so don’t think I’m all that nice.” He raised his cup to his lips and shrugged. Swallowing the content, he went on. ”So, when am I going to see this child of yours? is she coming over or you prefer her staying in your country?” “Uh, yeah, she’s going to be staying in Nigeria for a while.” “You have a picture?” Anu suddenly felt ashamed and uncomfortable and tried to avoid the question. ” I left most of my things back at home.” “Okay…” he sounded like he didn’t believe her but noticed her discomfort “But whenever you get the chance to.” “Sure.” He looked at his wristwatch and his eyes widened. “Wow, we’ve been here for hours. I have to go and pick Nate. He has to go to bed early tonight due to church tomorrow and he’s going to be so tired right now.” He rose to pick his jacket and Anu joined him running her hands over her dress. “Wanna tag along? I bet he would be excited to see you.” “Sure.” “And so, we have another date tomorrow evening or whenever you want, your date of choice, my restaurant pick.” “I don’t think I’m doing anything tomorrow.” “Tomorrow it is then.” He reached for her hand and she received it. Her first official date with Brian Olsen and her heart sang, her body danced and her smile was genuine. She suddenly felt she had found someone whose rhythm matched hers.
26 Dec 2014 | 17:46
Same to you dear!! Thanks you very much
27 Dec 2014 | 12:34
Dis Sarah shld jez open up 2 him jae! I really want her 2 deal with Sandra in a silent way... I dnt even mind if sandra's ambition collapse.. She'z so fucking selfish... Compliments of d season 2 evry1 #Muah#
27 Dec 2014 | 19:30
EPISODE 16 Pamela got home earlier than usual and smiled when she did not see Sarah in the house knowing she would still be on her date with Brian. She suspected a romance could brew up between the two if they hung around each other and she felt happy. Brian seemed to be a nice guy and if there was anyone Sarah deserved, it was someone who would treat her well without restrictions. A good thing she had started with the haircut. One step at a time. The little she knew about her Boss’ twin told her she might tell him the truth soon. They had talked and that was where she discovered that she had a daughter that she wanted to protect and she had sacrificed herself. After listening to the whole story, she shook her head seeing the obvious Sarah did not see. Sandra was still going to have her way and that had been a spineless blackmail. Though she did not tell her so as not to worsen up the tension between both sisters, she made her realize that she had better start making most of what she had here rather than cry over split milk so that she wouldn’t lose on both ends. She had made progress by breaking up with Bayo. She would still need to redeem her image by not allowing the media gain access to her business and steer clear till Sandra returned and took her place. Secondly, she was seeing someone else which she hoped would make her prolong her stay in London. Ever since she came to live with them, she noticed her mother had improved and whenever she returned from class or the cafeteria, she would see them laughing, talking or Anu reading her a book. Even the older woman was beginning to walk round the house and Robert, her father came to the house less often unlike before. It was like his presence weighed her mother down though he was responsible for her medical and other financial upkeep. Her hair was scanty though due to chemotherapy but that didn’t stop Sarah from trying to do the little she could do. Sometimes she would make box braids on artificial weaves and place it on her hair while doing a little make-up Roselyn requested just for fun. There was a time she had arrived in the house just to see that nobody was in the house. She had called just to find out they were in the park feeding birds and talking together. Whatever they talked about, she knew it was working for her mum. Or was God going to make her mum live? A tear stung her eyes as she removed her trench coat and hung it on the wall behind the door dropping the little groceries she had bought on the way and heading to the fridge, she picked up a bottle of water and gulped the content. “Mum, you home?” “In here dear…” “Want me to bring something along? Water, food? I don’t know if you’ll be up to seafood tonight but I brought some shrimps and eel, gonna make you something great tonight.” “Oh I’m fine dear…” Her mum yelled back. She strolled through the living room through the hallway and stepping into the room to check her mother, she stopped. Squinting, she asked. “What are you doing here?” “Hello darling…’ her mother greeted ignoring the dagger-look on her face on seeing the intruder in her apartment sitting on the chair beside her mother’s bed. “Darling, you did not tell me Carlos had moved to London as well. It’s such a great surprise. He’s the most charming man since Hugh Grant or whoever rocks their boat here.” She chuckled and tapped his hand fondly. “It got a little lonely when I woke up and found Sarah’s prince charming came on time to sweep her off her feet and so while thinking of what to do, guess who knocks on the door, like an answer to an unsaid prayer…” “I know right?” Pamela couldn’t hide the sarcasm in her voice and bit her lip trying to smile so that her mother wouldn’t notice how she loathed the moment. How did he even find the address to her house? Sheila must have told him, or he’d stalked Brian when he came over to pick Sarah. Whichever way, he was going back now. “Mum, could you excuse Carlos and I for a moment, we have something to discuss.” She winked. ‘Sure honey…” Immediately they stepped out, Pamela ensured she closed the door before turning to him. “Get out of my apartment!” “Pamela, please…, listen to me, at least let me explain..” “How dare you…” She tried to push him far away from her aware his body stood close to her but he didn’t budge. He was too solid for her and she tried harder, even if it meant pushing him till she got to the door. “Pam…, stop it! what is wrong with you? You want your mum to know what’s going on and ask..” “Then, leave, just leave Carlos. I don’t know what you’re doing here but whatever it is, it’s about 10years late don’t you think.” He swallowed and inhaled, his dark brown eyes staring at her with an intensity she couldn’t decipher. ”So that’s it huh?” “What?” “That’s the reason why you try and do all you can because of that night I acted foolish. Don’t you think I regret it every time I think about it? I was a teenager, un nino…, I acted on my emotions and forfeited something that mattered to me…, you.” Pamela inhaled and nodded. ”I get your apology…, so can you go now? please..” “Sweetheart, I’m not the same guy I used to be…, please let me make it up to you.” “So many waters have passed under the bridge Carlos…, I’m not the 16year old Pamela you used to know.” “Then let’s start again..” He reached for her hand but she recoiled and looked away hoping the tears that threatened to fall would stay till he left the house. “Just go Carlos.., please.” “You can’t keep pushing me away y’know…, I know you want a fresh start like I do but you’re probably afraid I’ll break your heart again, and I’ve told you I’m sorry.” “If you’re really sorry, you’ll respect my wishes and go.” She emphasized before escaping to the kitchen. It wasn’t up to a minute when she heard the door close. She headed back to the living room to confirm that he was gone. Then she sank into the cushion and closed her eyes telling herself she was strong enough to let him go. She had worked on how she would react when the closure that she wanted came from him. This wasn’t the closure she expected all the same, neither was it how she expected to feel afterwards. She tried to pray but found herself reflecting on the past once more. “I don’t think I want to go to Prom…” She had been resting on his chest just beneath the shade of the apple tree where they often disappeared to after school when he made his intentions known. She looked up and shrugged. “If you’re not, neither am I…” He looked into her eyes then, “aren’t you worried that I’m not going to take you? I mean it’s what you girls talk about from morning to night…, asides from obsessing about your weight” “And do I look like one of ‘those’ girls?” He traced a finger on her face. “You’re pretty…, you should be worrying about it.” “You just said you’re not going to prom.., whatever works with you works with me.” How he must have seen how naive she was. She’d intended to give herself to him if he asked on Prom night. It was what she’d always thought about when girls talked about it. He was the only one she’d ever fallen in love with. She sat up and held his hands. “Carl, I want to ask you something and I want you to be honest with me.” “Shoot..” “This relationship…, I know we haven’t gone ‘there’ yet but I want to know if it’s going to lead to something bigger. I don’t know why I trust you so much.” She looked into his eyes.”Maybe it’s because you’re the only friend who ever cared about me and being there for me and all.” “I love you Pamela Osbourne.” He’d told her and that statement held her spellbound. “So, if loving you means taking this taking this to the next level like we going to college, getting married, having kids…, you’re the only girl that I can ever imagine doing that with.” “Oh my…, Oh Carl, you don’t mean it do you?” Her eyes had pooled as her hands covered her trembling lips. “Come here and let me show you how much I mean it.” When he’d kissed her senseless, she exhaled and tried to wipe away tears from her face. “I love you Carlos Rodriguez. I love you so much, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” “Me too.” And the next week, he’d taken Rachel White, the most popular girl who happened to be a cheerleader and had boys at her beck and call.
28 Dec 2014 | 02:31
***CONTINUES*** The prettiest girl that had everything she ever wanted and yet wasn’t satisfied. The richest girl in school had eyes for her boyfriend and he’d said yes to her. Just like that. Who knew what other things he did with her that night after a week ago of declaring his love to her. That was how much he loved her. “Pam dear…, is everything alright?” Her mother’s voice called out from the room. She forced a smile and pushed herself up. It was obvious she couldn’t pray right now. But before bed, she would. “Yes mum, perfect. Do you want something?” “I heard you talking about seafood when you came in. Is it too early to ask?” Pamela laughed. “Just a couple of minutes.” “If you need my help in the kitchen just call.” She shook her head and smiled. “Sure thing!” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; “Grandma, I want to go home, I don’t like this place.” Teniola mumbled when Kemi tried to help her make her hair since the one she had was already untidy. Either the child had done it on purpose or due to her tossing on the bed, the hair had began to look rough. She decided to make a little weave and as she rounded up, she noticed the tension in her granddaughter’s voice. “Why, what is wrong with this place?” “It’s too big and strange…, and that woman just looks like my mother but she’s not. I know what she’s trying to do and it isn’t going to work.” “Teni, that woman is your mother, why are you acting so rebellious? have I ever lied to you? That woman has done nothing but act nice and be good to you, she buys you things, promises to send you to one of the best secondary school and accommodates us here. What else do you want from her?” Teniola was quiet for a while till Kemi finished making her hair and she rose to lie on the bed. Kemi noticed her tears before she turned her face to the other side of the bed. Sighing heavily, she went to join her. “Teni dear, don’t cry…, why are you crying eh? I know things aren’t the way they’ve been happening ever since but with time. All I’m just asking is to give this woman a chance. She wants to love you like your mother whom she is.” “So, she’s not really my mother is she? So I was right….Grandpa was right when he asked her to leave his house because she was someone else” Kemi decided to open up to her. “Your mother is a twin Teniola. Grandpa yelled at her because he was angry at her but with time, he’ll come around. Your mother just needed time away due to her career and so asked her sister to stand in for you. You were too little to understand what was going on at the time but just know that your mother loves you.” “So, the woman that I thought is my mother…., the one who raised me is not my real mother?” “No, she’s not. But she loved you and treated you like hers so you wouldn’t feel the impact.” “Why did she lie to me all this years…, She always told me I should never lie no matter what, and now she lies to me?” “She didn’t lie to you Teni, she just didn’t want you to get hurt.” Teni’s eyes pooled again and her body racked with sobs. “She lied to me! She made me think I was the only thing that mattered to her. If she loved me, she would have been here to tell me the truth herself!” “Teni…, Teni.., sweetheart, don’t cry okay. Stop doing this, you’re a big girl now.” She pulled her granddaughter to herself and rocked her till she quietened down. After a while and Teni felt sleepy, she moved to the bed and pulled the bear Sandra had bought for her close to herself and tucked it in. Soon, she was asleep. Kemi sighed and stood up to leave the room. When she stepped outside, she saw Sandra standing at the door. It was obvious she had been eavesdropping. “I tried my best.” Kemi reported and exhaled touching her daughter’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, she’ll sleep over it and with time, she’ll get to see things in a different perspective. Just keep doing your thing okay but don’t push it. Teni acts like an adult sometimes and she’s smart. She knows when something is natural and when it isn’t.” Sandra nodded and hugged her mother. “Thank you Mama, you don’t know how much I appreciate this…” “Ah, you’re my daughter, if I do less, I wouldn’t be doing my duty as a mother.” She released her and smiled into her eyes. “What about your date…, I thought it was tonight?” Kemi nodded and strolled to the living room. ” I don’t think I can make it. I mean Kola and I went out twice this week and I’m scared something that I’m not ready to face might pop up between us.” Sandra grimaced. “Something like?” She sighed. ”Ebun, I’m still married to your father and with the way Kola and I are going, I don’t think I’m ready for another relationship” “You don’t owe Papa any explanation Mama…, if that’s what’s bothering you. I mean you’ve been faithful to him for about 28years and what does he do? cheat on you, blame you for having more kids or a ‘Son’ even if he’s literate and should know that’s not how the world works anymore…, he didn’t even flinch when you told him you were leaving…., what kind of a man is that?” “He’s your father…” “Well, no he’s not. He disowned me and did it again some weeks ago, so there you go.” Kemi noticed the bitter tone Sandra used anytime Nnamdi’s matter came up and she suspected she was trying to avenge her father for his rejection. Probably by succumbing to Kola, she would have won and would gloat. But was she ready to serve as the bait between their row? She had done it by daring him and leaving with Sandra and telling Teniola the whole truth.
28 Dec 2014 | 03:01
***CONTINUES*** Was she ready to go an extra mile? Her mind suddenly flashed back to when she had begged Nnamdi to let Sandra stay and how he’d been adamant. She hadn’t intended to pack her things. That option had only popped up because she felt mentioning it would make her husband think twice and relent. He loved her too much to allow her carry out the threat… That was what she had thought before he ignored her. And that was when the doubts began rising. Had Nnamdi really loved her or just saw her as mere responsibility? How could he let her go? Even while they strolled down to get a cab, she had hoped and expected him to come after her, grab her bag and insist she return back to the house. One side of her wanted him to come barging inside the house probably after following them to see where they left for. He would barge in and claim her as his, insisting she return to their home which they had built together. She would tell him her conditions that she wanted Sandra to stay…, wanted them all to sit and talk things out and be a family again while waiting for Anu’s return. But he didn’t. Another week gone and he didn’t even call her or miss her. Maybe she believed in happily ever after too much. Maybe she watched too many telenovas and expected some form of romance from him at least. Something to make her remember how madly in love she had been with him. Years and years she worked hard to make him happy, make him feel satisfied and though he never remembered their wedding anniversary, she did. It might not have been the best wedding but she knew that was the moment she vowed to live with him for the rest of her life. He’d broken his side of the vow and she had forgiven, knowing she could love no other. She knew she had to make it work even if he was slacking in his own part. She put all her energy into it, made sure he came home and ate, the little money she made, she squeezed some to save just in case of emergency and some she added to get food from the market and maintain the home. And he didn’t even look back when she told him she was leaving? Or was he waiting for her to leave so he could go to his mistress and kindle their old flame and here she was mooning over their love that felt like it was dead. Sandra broke into her thoughts. “You deserve to have fun Mum…, what’s the harm in going out with this Kola guy, he’s charming, treats you like the gentleman that he is and would proudly lay a carpet for you to walk on. If he wants to buy you drinks and tell you how beautiful you are, please let him. There’s no harm in letting a man admire you is there? just a harmless date between two adults. Go out and have fun okay?” Kemi inhaled deeply and smiled. “Okay…, will you help me do my make- up?” She was beginning to like the glow the colours gave her face. Nnamdi didn’t like it and so she never ventured using any. But ever since Kola set eyes on her that day outside the bank and looked at her like he desired her, something she hadn’t felt in a long time, she beamed. A man thought her beautiful…, and not just any man. Kola Badmus. One of the wealthiest men in town, the director of one of the banks in the country thought her beautiful and had openly admired her whenever they stepped out for their date. What was wrong in having another man appreciate her after so many years? “Of course, and I think you should wear that red gown I bought for you that other day, that one that brings out your curves…” Sandra winked at her as she led Kemi to the room, the seeds already planted in her heart.
28 Dec 2014 | 03:23
Oh God! Sarah come back home oooooo... Thingz re no longer d way it was o.. Sandra is jez gonna take evrytn 4rm u.. Nd ur mother? Urrrghhh mehn! I dnt even knw what 2 say abt her
28 Dec 2014 | 18:15
Shez lost her faith. Thanks for the updates Meshack.
29 Dec 2014 | 05:33
EPISODE 17 Kemi tried to make herself comfortable on the couch as Kola headed into the kitchen and returned with an ice bucket and a bottle of wine seated in ice. Smiling at her, he settled beside her on the couch and poured wine into both glasses. “Thank you…” “You’re welcome.” They both sipped their wine and remained quiet for a while. “I’m so glad you decided to come to my place today, wait till you taste what the cook has for us tonight.” “Oh really…” “Uh-huh…” his gaze strolled to her dress and her legs just before he raised his eyes to look at her. “That’s a lovely dress, I like it, I should get you more of those.” Kemi blinked and smiled trying not to read more into what he was saying. He was expressive with his words no doubt but the way he looked at her did not hide his intentions and her palms suddenly felt sweaty. Standing up immediately, she carried her wine and pretended to be interested in the pictures that hung on the wall. They looked like expensive works of art but she didn’t recognize any of the artistes involved since she knew none and so she just kept strolling on bare feet enjoying the soft feel of Persian rug beneath her. His house was gorgeous. If she had thought Sandra had one of the most beautiful apartments she had ever seen, then she had to re-think. The living room where they presently were extended to the hallway that led to the bathroom where she had eased herself earlier and she’d been cautious of how she left the place because she felt doing something might ruin the perfect picture. The use of tile and parquet for the flooring in the foyer made the house welcoming. When he had come over to the house to pick her and he had told her he would want them to have dinner in his place, she had felt afraid things were going too fast but he mentioned that his cook was going to be around and so she relaxed. She wanted him to know they could only hang out as friends, nothing more. But the way her flesh tingled as he stood behind her while she admired a picture wasn’t something friendly. “I got that when I traveled to Accra. One guy had this terrific work that reminds me of Picasso.” She shrugged and sipped the rest of her wine hoping he would move away and his breath wouldn’t come close. “It’s great.” He raised his hands to her shoulder and ran a finger slightly over her neck which sent strange sensations through her body and her glass fell. She hurriedly bent to pick it immediately. ”You okay?” “I’m fine…, I’m sorry.” She lifted the glass and quickly pushed it into his hands grateful it did not break and hopeful that it would keep his hands busy for a while. She shouldn’t have been here in the first place. Kola would know her marriage with Nnamdi wasn’t so well as she had painted especially if she continued to shiver whenever he tried to touch her. It’d been so long Nnamdi made love to her, even before she left him. She shook her thoughts away and walked to the large piano by the side of the living room hopeful that by the time she would run out of distractions, the cook would be done with their food. “Do you play?” “Er…, yes your highness, I do. In fact if you want me to play you something right now, I will.” “Oh please…” “As you wish..” He headed towards the large instrument and lifted the board that covered it. Rubbing his hands together, he gave her a seductive smile and tapped the seat beside him. “Why don’t you join me..” She shook her head. “No…, here would be fine by me.” Kola spent approximately 10 minutes running his hands on the keys almost like a professional and when he was done, she clapped her hands. “Wow, that was awesome. I’m not much of a music person but it got me tapping my toes.” He bowed. “Thank you…, anything for you.” Just then, the cook came out to announce. “Dinner is ready sir.., should I serve?” “Yes please…” he responded and reached for Kemi’s hands. “Shall we?” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; When they were through with dinner, they went to settle on the couch and waited for the cook to serve them dessert. All this kind of life was new to Kemi and she marvelled at the way rich people lived. It made her to forget her other life for a while. “So, we didn’t finish our conversation the last time..” Kola began sitting comfortably on the loveseat and tucking his leg beneath him. It felt so good to see him look relaxed with her. Outside he looked so bold and handsome and sitting close to her, he looked like an ordinary guy who was having fun eating dessert with her. “It doesn’t have a continuation.” She giggled spooning cream into her mouth. “Don’t let me force it out of you.” He vaguely threatened. “There’s nothing much to say.., seriously.” She shrugged. “My life is not as interesting as you think it is. I’m a housewife and I raised 2 kids together with my husband.” “That’s something.” he smiled. “So, what about school, after WAEC, what happened, poly, Uni? I remember my parents telling me about how well you did in your scores and you needed a sponsor.” “We couldn’t afford it, and the kids were on their way at the time.” She tried to look for an excuse. “And afterwards?” “Things were happening…, I don’t feel this is the right time to talk about the past…” She shook her head and looked into her bowl which still contained cream. “I’m sorry if I sounded intrusive…, I just wanted to know how things were with you ever since you decided against marrying me.” “I can’t say it hasn’t been rough, but I survived, we survived.” “So…, this guy, Nnamdi right? What does he do?” “He works for the government…, Civil Servant. Ministry.” When he observed she wasn’t going to go further, he said. “As long as he makes you happy.” She nodded and forced up a smile. “So what about you…” “My kids are in the States with their Mum, ever since the divorce, we’ve been finding a way to share custody. A boy and a girl.” “Wow.., I’m sorry things didn’t work out.” “Some things are not just meant to be.” His gaze settled on her lips then and that was when she spilled some cream on her dress. “Oh my….” “Hey.., it’s no problem at all, I’ll go get a rag.” He stood up from the loveseat and headed towards the hallway. Soon, he was back with a bowl of water and a small rag. She was about to take it from him when he refused and insisted to help out. The spot was on the lower parts of the dress close to her legs. When he was done, she thanked him and watched him return to wherever he brought the materials from. “The stain is not that bad.” He said when he noticed how she fussed over the stain. “I could get you something similar if you want.” “No, it’s not that. It’s just…, my daughter just bought it for me at an expensive price and I don’t want to look clumsy by soiling it on the first day.” “You’re not clumsy…, who says you are…” She laughed and shook her head. When she looked up, she saw his eyes did not waver from hers. And before she could say something else, his lips had found hers. Kemi was taken aback and shocked at first but it didn’t take long before she allowed herself dissolve in his kiss allowing him to take from her when she gave. Taking her response as a go-ahead, his hands strolled beneath her dress and to her thigh. That was when she jerked and swallowed, her eyes going wide. “Did I hurt you…” Kola breathed rapidly his hands still on her. Her breath rapid as well, she pushed his hand away and stood up immediately. What on earth was she doing? “I have to go Kola, this is not right…, I’m sorry I led you on in the first place.” “But sweetheart, you want me don’t you?” She shook her head. “I’m married Kola, I’m not even supposed to be here…” He was quiet and ran his hands over his shaved head. “I want to go home…” She went in search of her purse and her shoes. “At least wait and let me get my keys.” “I’ll get a bus…, please don’t bother yourself.” He breathed. “I’ll drive you home and I’m not taking No for an answer, by the way, it’s late already.” She stood by the door and waited trying to ignore the guilt that gnawed at her heart. Yes, she wanted him and he saw it and who knows if he had pushed further or kissed her again, she might have succumbed. Even before he touched her, she knew her heart had committed the deed and she bit her lip fighting back tears. But she wasn’t going to cry, she would keep that bold face the way she’d been doing for years.
29 Dec 2014 | 08:30
***CONTINUES*** Sandra was in the sitting room watching TV when she heard the bell ring followed by a knock on the door. Wondering who it was trying to get her attention at all costs, she stood up and headed for the door looking through the hole first. She stood shocked at first when she saw him and frowned. What on earth was he doing here anyway? Maybe he missed her, probably couldn’t get enough of her. She opened the door and her expectation was cut short when her visitor grabbed her by the arm immediately she allowed him in. Using his leg to bang the door behind him, she tried struggling free but he was too strong for her. “Why are you running, I thought you couldn’t get your talons off me when you seduced me?” “Seduced you?” She spat. “Why don’t you just admit that you’ve always wanted me and my sister was just a cover up for your fantasies.” “Shut your mouth…” “Or else what, snatch my phone and pretend to scroll through my fine just like the last time? How is my sister by the way? Did you tell her how much you missed her minutes after you couldn’t get your hands off me.” His face came dangerously close to hers and her heart raced faster. She didn’t know if she could handle it if he kissed her again. Even if she acted strong, he would see her crumble into his arms just as she’d been meaning to do ever since their last kiss. She could feel how angry he was and was a little scared. Bayo often hit her in the past and she would cower. She hoped he wasn’t like Bayo when he was mad. She wanted him so bad the only way she felt she could prevent her feelings from showing was to spew bile at him. That way, he would think she was strong. That was the only way she’d been thought how to be strong in the past. Say hurtful words to people and hit the spot that made them hurt. They would never underestimate her again. “You’re cruel, do you know that?” “Join the queue big guy” He released her and shook his head. “What is the matter with you Sandra…, what happened to you? Is it life that made you this way?” She rubbed the spot he had held her and looked away. She hadn’t expected to see him relent so soon. And why did he look at her that way…, as if he felt sorry for her, or more like he felt her pain. No one should feel sorry for her. No one! He didn’t know a thing about her. “What are you doing in my house?” “You don’t give up do you?” “Oh, let’s see, some random guy barges into my home and pins me against a wall to accuse me of being cruel and now he asks me if I give up…, what are you? some kind of righteous hypocrite…?” She uttered a foul word at the end of her statement and headed to the door. “I’m not a random guy Sandra…, if there’s anybody who cares about you enough to come back after that night, it’s me.” She yawned still waiting for him at the door so he could leave.”Boring…, thanks for your speech, it was well spoken.” Gbenro planted his hands in his trouser pockets and walked to the door. “I haven’t called Anu.” He saw the slight reaction on her face before she put up her old facade. “Whatever tickles your fancy…” “Uncle Gbenro…, is that you?” Gbenro and Sandra turned to see Teniola standing by the door that led to the living room unaware of when she got there. She rubbed her eyes as if to ensure she was really awake and smiled when she saw he was whom she presumed him to be. “Hey princess!” He smiled at her and when she came running, he squatted to receive her into his arms. “I missed you.” She mumbled hugging his neck and allowing him to lift her from the ground. “I missed you too princess.” “Did you come to take myself and mummy out?” “Well…, I–” “Yes sweetie, he did.” Sandra chiped in quickly taking advantage of the chemistry she observed between the two. “But I was telling him it’s pretty late and he has to go home, isn’t that right Gbenro?” “Uh..well, it’s just 7p.m so I don’t see why not…” “Great…, the house is so boring, I was wondering when you were going to show up. So where are we going today?” “A nice restaurant. Dinner for 3.” She wiggled out of his arms. “I have a new dress my mum bought for me. I want you to see it so I’m going to wear it tonight.” “I can’t wait.” And she hopped off. Sandra rolled her eyes at him knowing with the satisfactory look on his face, he knew a little more about what was going on. Teniola had ignored her throughout their conversation even though she had referred to her as Mum. She was also aware that Sandra wasn’t the woman who had raised her for 10 years no matter how identical they looked. They were as different as East and West. And if Teniola was here living with her, it meant she probably knew the truth and wasn’t getting along with it. The only person she was going to get along with tonight would be him and if Sandra didn’t play her cards well, she wouldn’t get to see Teniola smiling at her the way she had done for him. He seemed to be her only chance of redeeming herself whether she liked it or not. He shrugged. “If you don’t dress up, Teniola might be my date for tonight.” Although tempted to punch him below the belt, she forced a smile and headed for her room.
30 Dec 2014 | 05:20
***CONTINUES*** She was taking her time with her red lipstick when there was a slight knock on the door. Knowing it was no one else but her daughter, she responded. “Come in darling.” Teni strolled in with her dress worn half-way and another ribbon in hand expecting her mother to help her zip up and fix the bow on her hair. Standing before the dressing mirror, she stood while she watched her through the mirror. “Why do you have so much red on your lips…” Teni frowned. “It looks ugly. And your dress is so open, it looks indecent.” Sandra forced a smile on her face knowing the child was trying to get to her. “Make-up is for adults, when you grow older, you’ll understand.” “Oh you mean the dress also? I don’t think so.” “Here you go…” She zipped up the dress finally and tapped her on the shoulder. “What about my bow?” She pouted. As she was fixing the bow, the pin beneath pricked her thumb and she jerked. “Oops…, sorry.” Teniola tried not to laugh and focused on other things on the dressing table as Sandra kept struggling to fix it on her hair. “y’know what…, this is not working, I’m sure you can go without your bow. You look beautiful this way.” Folding her arms across her chest, she swiveled. “My mum always knew how to fix the bow on my hair.” “Oh really…, well sorry about that but I’m your mother now and you’ll do as I tell you.” “I know what you’re trying to do…, whoever you are and let me assure you that you’re not going to steal my mom’s boyfriend.” Teniola narrowed her gaze and stared hard. “No matter the dress you wear, or the make- up you use, or how much you try and act like my mother, I’ll make sure you never ever steal the only real thing that was happening in her life and that’s Uncle Gbenro. Don’t underestimate me or you’ll have yourself to blame.” And she walked out. Sandra watched her and raised an eyebrow. There was one woman Teni had taken after, no matter the training or the environment. It was her. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;; On their second date, Anu made up her mind to come clean and tell Brian about who she really was. The problem was when to tell him. He came over in the evening but this time didn’t reach for her hand like the last time. She reached for it instead hoping she would absorb some of his strength and tell him. She and Pamela had talked about it and she knew it was the right thing to do if this thing between them was going further. She wanted it to go further, she was sure he wanted as well since he’d asked if she had a boyfriend to clear things between them. She grew a little scared but the fear disappeared when he squeezed her hand a little almost as if to re- assure her that she could trust him. He got a table for them beside the window which gave her a beautiful view of the Square outside, She loved the smell of the restaurant he’d taken her to. It was clean and airy and there was hardly any noise. It looked top-notch and she hoped he wasn’t going to spend much. Beautiful fresh flowers surrounded them at spectacular angles and when they were presented with menus, she ordered for something familiar though the only thing that looked familiar was the sweet potato briq served with pickled shimeji and green peppercorns in a tomato and lemongrass dressing. Even that sounded foreign to her. She had only picked it because of the sweet potato since the last time she’d ordered rice, she didn’t like the taste. Brian settled for goats cheese Salad served with celery and the rest, she wasn’t sure about. She was glad for the glass of water just in case she had to quickly send it down her throat. She wasn’t going to embarrass him by throwing up. They talked after their meal, from God to Nathan to his ex-wife which she observed he didn’t like talking about and so she tried to avoid the topic once more as much as she could. He wanted to know more about her but she kept diverting the topic to other things. She was glad he didn’t ask much about her supposed acting and modelling career. There was nothing to talk about because she didn’t have anything to tell. She got to know he schooled in America but moved to London to get married to his ex-wife and hadn’t returned to his country for a while except for his parent’s anniversary which he knew was coming up pretty soon and they would want him there. He told her he’d grown in the Upper East side, somewhere around Central Park and East river. She didn’t know how the streets operated over there anyway but she was glad he talked about his background a little. When it came to desserts, she was happy and settled for the chocolate caramel fondant coupled with frozen tumeric yoghurt, candied peanuts and caramel corn. By the time they were through eating, she could say she was content. Brian decided they were not through with the night yet and suggested they visited a bar where they often served nice non-alcoholic drinks. Anu didn’t mind and was impressed with the vintage look of the place. The decorations looked vintage coupled with their curtains and tea cup candles. Since they had eaten, they secured one of the sofas and talked while sipping their drink before opting for a game of table football. She was confused at first and wasn’t sure how to play, but by the time Brian scored 10points on her, she was ready for revenge. That was after he showed her how to play it. By the time they were through for the night, She was happy. She couldn’t remember the last time she talked so much while they walked as a couple through the streets. “Maybe we should go bowling sometime.” He suggested when she kept dancing that she won the game. It was her first ever so he understood her excitement. “Okay….” She nodded looking into his eyes. “I’d like to give it a try.” They got closer to her apartment and he released her hand. “So, I’ll call you?” Anu’s heart beat faster. “Yea…, I’ll be expecting your call.” “Okay.” He turned to leave. “I had a great time tonight.” She said. “Me too. My first in years.” She knew she had to tell him. Now. “Er…, Brian, there’s something I have to tell you.” He came closer. “Okay….” She swallowed as her eyes settled on his jacket, her mind doing a quick calculation. Just say it already. “I’m not who you think I am…” He tried to smile, thinking she was probably trying to scare him or pull his legs. When he saw how serious her face was, he frowned. “I don’t understand.” She hesitated and closed her eyes afraid that if she closed them for too long, he would disappear and all they’d shared would be an illusion. “I’m my Sister’s twin. I’m Sarah Okoye not Sandra.” His frown etched deeper. “You don’t have a twin….” he shook his head. “That’s not possible.” “It is Brian.” Her eyes had pooled and she tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. She didn’t like the look on his face. He looked hurt, disappointed…, almost as if she had betrayed him somewhat. She tried to reach for his hand but he didn’t offer it this time, it had turned to fists beside him. “I’m sorry I did not tell you earlier Brian, I was confused at first, I–I.., I did not know what to do or how to tell you and I had planned on telling you earlier tonight.” “Nathan thinks you’re Sandra…” his voice was low. She nodded. “That was whom he saw not who I was. Please Brian…” “I don’t understand. Why would you take your sister’s place, why would you pretend to be someone you’re not. Is this some kind of silly game you models and actresses do? Get a double to live your life for you?” “No…, this wasn’t meant to happen. It was meant to be for my sister till she gets better but I started to like you and I couldn’t bear the thought of you not knowing the truth.” Brian kept watching her and they stood quiet for a while. A moment passed between them and she spoke up her tears still evident in her voice, “Brian…, please, say something.” His jaw tightened and he gave her a piercing look. “I’m going home.” And he turned to leave. Anu watched him leave and felt helpless. She couldn’t call him back neither could she try to pacify him since he wasn’t staying to hear the rest of the story. When she got into the apartment, she went straight to bed trying to keep the hurt inside. It was something she had been doing for a while now. No one could see how she hurt. She deserved it for thinking she could find a life here…, maybe with Brian. She deserved it for being stupid by taking her sister’s place. It was obvious she had lost on both sides, it was time to go home.
30 Dec 2014 | 05:30
I think Brian is going to come back. I'm feeling Sarah's hurt too. Thanks for d updates dude.
31 Dec 2014 | 06:38
EPISODE 18 Nnamdi was miserable. For more than a week, he expected Kemi to return or call him, crying to call him that she missed him and was sorry for daring him. She’d known he wouldn’t come looking for her. Or didn’t she? What kind of a responsible woman left her husband because he’d forbidden their rebellious child from staying in the house. Kemi was a loving and caring life. She loved him to pieces and had been understanding from day 1. Sometimes, he would replay the incident that occurred over and over again in his mind wondering if it was some sort of joke or nightmare that he would wake up from. Where did all the resentment for him come from? Who had he been living with for 28 years? He would return from work and still not see her in the house waiting for him with his dinner ready. In the past, she would receive him warmly and collect his briefcase from him while following him into the bedroom to help with his stockings and ensured he had cool water to wash up before he ate and retired to the sitting room to watch news or sports. Sometimes, he slept off in the parlour and she would be the one to come and wake him up to seek the comfort of his bed inside. He knew it’d been more than a month since they were intimate, about 2 months but he wasn’t to blame. He was often tired when he returned to the house and weekends when he felt up to the task, his wife was looking worn out and stressed out from the chores. He couldn’t imagine making love to her in that state and so he resorted to sports to keep him company. His wife probably observed his distance and had ventured to ask what was wrong when she had tried touching him on one Sunday evening when they had been alone. He pretended to be asleep but she knew him better than that. She stepped out of the bathroom and tied her wrapper coming to join him on the bed where he’d turned his face to the wall. When she settled on the bed, she moved closer and ran her hands along his arm planting a kiss on his shoulder. She noticed how tensed he turned out to be and sighed. “Nnamdi…, what’s going on? don’t you want me?” “Tomorrow is a Monday Nkem…” he had responded without looking at her. “And don’t you think I know that…” “You should be reflecting on Pastor Boma’s sermon which he preached today, not trying to seduce me…” “It’s been more than a month Nnamdi…, why all these excuses? Did Pastor Boma ask you not to love your wife on Sunday or is it the fact that you don’t find your wife attractive anymore? which one is it? Or you want to reserve your energy for Monday so that you can go and be with all those classy women that parade yourself in your place of work?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about…” She sighed as if she had expected the answer to be the same. He would refuse to tell her what it was and she would accept her fate and go back to bed. She pulled the switch beside her and settled into the bed pulling the covers over her body. He knew she tried to stifle her sobs with the pillow when she buried her face into it but he did not know how to pacify her. It was Kemi…, she would be better by morning and smile again. That was the Kemi he married, the one that loved him enough to endure everything, the one who had given herself to him because she loved him enough to do so. Reality dawned on him the third day and he started coming home late by spending time in the office or visiting his friends. He could not remember the last time he visited a beer parlour, Nkechi’s beer parlour in particular and each passing day, the temptation grew. He knew what had happened the last time he visited her. She knew how to make good pepper soup and just the thought of the green bottle coupled with isiewu made his stomach growl. What if one of his church members caught him there? Kemi’s shop hadn’t been open for more than a week and him going to Nkechi’s place would be the talk of the neighborhood and raise suspicions of what had happened. He would give her more weeks to return with their grand-daughter and try to manage himself with the food he could get. Sandra was playing a game and he was ready for her. He would show her who the head of the home was and there was no way he would bend to their rules. Rather they would bend to his. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Brian tried hard to focus but found it hard to. He’d been staring hard at the computer hoping to get some work done but he couldn’t He just couldn’t How could one woman do this to him…, how? It’d been 3 days since their last date when she had revealed the truth to him and those 3 days had been the most miserable days of his life. He couldn’t sleep and the nap he managed to have, she invaded his dreams ruthlessly and made him feel guilty. The battle going on in his mind didn’t make things easy for him either. Maybe you should have just waited to listen. Listen to all she had to say. She was someone else. She lied to me the whole time. She didn’t lie to you…, she never claimed to be Sandra. But she pretended to be her. That’s the same as lying. Oh God, what am I gonna do? What should I do…, I miss her so much.” He closed his eyes and raised his hands to cover his face talking to God. “I don’t know if what I feel for her is right, but it’s so strong it feels like it’s consuming me. I feel like I need her…, I don’t know if it’s me or your Spirit that’s making me feel this way but if it’s me, please get rid of her from my thoughts.” No response. “I haven’t felt this way in a long time. I look into her eyes and I know I won’t hesitate to make that decision to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her, but that’s if it’s your will. I haven’t felt this way about someone since Debbie and you alone were the one who could ease the pain who assured me that everything would work out fine because you are there, even when everyone leaves me, you assured me you won’t because you love me, you love me so much and you promised that all things works together for good for those who love you and have been called according to your purpose, and I love you Jesus. I love you so much because you alone know what love is. My love is flawed compared to yours. So flawed but you alone can teach me. The way you taught me to love Debbie, to understand her no matter how different we are. I made the decision to love her before she passed on and I’m sure she’s in your arms right now. Please help me make the right decision in areas where Sarah Okoye is concerned. I will let go if you ask me to because I know your grace is sufficient for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen. He hadn’t eaten the day before except a few glasses of water and a bottle of juice he bought from the grocery store. The realization just hit him and the pangs of hunger clawed at his belly but glancing at his wristwatch, he knew he wasn’t going to eat anything till evening when his mind was settled. He realized the certain peace that had evaded him for a while he dwelt on Sarah’s confession returned after his short prayer and he knew even if whatever she had done was wrong no matter how right it seemed, he should have stopped to listen. Love is patient…, endures all things…, does not seek its own…, hopes all things… Brian jerked from his seat and snatched his jacket from the couch. He suddenly knew what to do.
1 Jan 2015 | 05:17
***CONTINUES*** Anu did not have much to pack and though Pamela and Roselyn tried as much as possible to convince her to stay for at least one more week, she gave them reason why she couldn’t. She wasn’t working, would only pose as an extra stomach to feed without her certificates and she was done pretending to be Sandra. There was no point staying when she had nothing doing here. Though it had been high and low for her, she could say the little time she spent with Pamela, her mother and most especially Brian who had made her experience love in such a way she had never experienced it before. She would have loved to stay and allow him teach her more about his faith which didn’t feel like a burden. She saw how Brian worshiped and it felt like freedom. To her, worshiping God had been a burden with strict rules to follow or he’d turn his back on her. Right from the time she stepped into London, that was how she felt about God. He’d probably turned his back on her for taking her sister’s place. It was time to go home. She kissed Roselyn on both cheeks and tried not to cry when the woman refused to release her. “Now, you call me immediately you get home or you’d see me at your door first thing tomorrow morning.” “Oh Rosie!” Anu choked on a tear and they stayed close for a while. “I’ll call you, I promise.” “What’s his name again…, the one with the beautiful eyes?” “Brian…” Pamela spoke up and shook her head laughing to herself. So her mother knew about Brian’s eyes too. “Yeah,…, I insisted you give me his number so that I could talk some sense into him. He’s never going to find a girl like you if he lets you go…, never!” “All things happen for the best.” Anu replied softly and quickly turned to leave so that the older woman wouldn’t see her tears. “I’ll keep praying for you.” “Maybe you should call him…” Pamela further advised when Anu carried the small bag on her shoulder and began heading for the door. She shook her head and snatched the door open allowing the sun rays gain a little entrance before she closed it behind her, “and tell him what? there’s no point Pamela, I think it’s best things happen this way.” “The cab should be here any minute from now.” “Yea…” She threw on her shades and waited expectantly. “Besides…..” She stopped when a taxi parked right in front of the building and they both headed for the door all for Brian to step out. She almost lost her balance but he caught her in time. “Hi…” She swallowed wondering this was some form of illusion that would disappear soon. “H–Hi, what are you doing here?” He smiled down at her and steadied her, then he turned to pay the taxi driver before removing her shades. “Were you going somewhere?” She looked at Pamela uncomfortably and the lady shrugged showing she wasn’t going to help her out of this. She excused herself leaving Brian and Anu alone. “Well…, yes, I was. I couldn’t stay here anymore. I was going to the airport till you came along.” “What if I asked you to stay…, would you?” She blinked and looked away afraid of her feelings that threatened to erupt whenever he was around her. “It depends….” “I’m sorry about that night…, I should have stayed and listened to what you had to say.” “It’s okay…, you’re forgiven if that’s what you’re asking for.” “I want more than forgiveness from you.” He smiled softly into her eyes and she blinked back tears. Over time, she had come to recognize the look in his eyes. Right now, they looked hopeful, and she knew she wanted more from him as well. His thumb reached for her face just beneath her eyes and she realized he wanted to stop the tear from strolling down her cheeks. She softened when his warm smile greeted her. “Don’t cry…, it’ll ruin the perfect picture.” She closed her eyes and reached for him when he extended his hands to her their embrace promising much more than friendship between them. Except for her bag that dropped to the floor, no other exchange of words passed between them as she clung to his neck and his head rested on hers. The embrace lasted for a while almost as if they were threatened by the fact that if they got separated, it would be forever. “I missed you so much.” Anu confessed still in his arms. “I thought I would never see you again.” “I missed you too, and please tell me you’re not going anywhere” “Not anymore.” The sound of his muffled laughter at her response against her neck sent a delicious warmth through her and she shivered. A car horn disrupted their embrace and they parted slowly. When Anu recognized it was probably the cab they had called for, she waved and told him she wouldn’t be needing his services anymore. “Wanna stop by for a cheesecake?” She beamed happy that he already knew her new found love for the dessert “Why not.
1 Jan 2015 | 16:56
***CONTINUES*** While Anu told her story, Brian remained quiet and a few times, he would sip his cup of coffee and watch her, not bothering to interrupt her at all. Anu wasn’t sure what to think of, if it was reconsidering their friendship or wondering how stupid she was for thinking her sister ever cared about her in the first place. What kind of mother was she to Teniola? She had thought she was doing the best thing for her but as she presently narrated her story, it was thenshe began to see she was on the losing side. Sandra was capable of doing worse if she could ignore her in her time of emergency when she needed her. The waitress came and asked if she wanted a refill of her tea and she objected and asked for water instead. Brian requested the same. “I know I didn’t make the wisest decision…, but I thought I had no choice. If I had maybe settled down and talked about it to someone wiser to counsel me, maybe all of this wouldn’t have happened. But I panicked and jumped on the next plane to London.” She went quiet and laughed bitterly. “all my life I loved her like a sister would.., I tried to make sure she didn’t feel rejected the way our parents made her feel. I wanted her to have someone she could fall back on if she needed help and all she could do was use me. I never saw all of this till that night when her boyfriend almost raped me. What if he had…, what would she do? Simply let it pass and tell me to endure it all?” “It’s okay…” “I’m thankful that you came along. Sometimes I feel I deserve what I got when I came here…” “No one deserves to be hurt or treated that way…, even your sister doesn’t deserve to be treated by Bayo that way.” She sighed. “She knew he would hurt me and she allowed me to risk it by coming here?” Brian ran a hand along his hair and shifted closer in his seat. “I think where the real problem began was you thinking loving Teniola would solve everything…, I don’t want to sound rude or anything Sarah but I think you left so much of yourself out there hoping to get so much in return. I won’t say my parents raised me the best way either but with all you’ve told me, you and your sister, you never understood what love was about and your parents did a bad job about it hence your sister looked to the world for love and you looked to Teniola for love as well. When your sister got pregnant at an early age, your father received the news the wrong way and this triggered the rebellious response from Sandra. I mean you two had been trained all your life to serve God with rules but you never saw the reflection of that service in your parent’s lives. I’m sure you saw God as one big guy on the throne with a white beard which he isn’t. He’s much more than that. Sandra did not know this and felt there was no way she was going to allow religion control her life because she felt restricted. If your parents had been more encouraging and tried to show how much they still loved her even with the unexpected pregnancy, maybe she would have found solace at home and things would have been different. I know a teenage girl getting pregnant and forfeiting her college education isn’t the best news a parent wants to hear but sometimes, things happen and it’s now left to us to decide how to handle it. Your foundation on Christ wasn’t solid enough and you never saw God as someone who could love you, who chose to love you despite your flaws and decided he wasn’t going to stop no matter what you did. Your father figure on earth disrupted that image of God loving you so much and whatever he thought you was not scriptural. It had so much flesh involved and so it made you feel God is like us. If someone offends you, he gets punished. I’m not saying God doesn’t chastise you as well, but there’s the rod and the staff. The rod is to scold us and the staff to pull us back as sheep into his fold. I mean if you hadn’t been so dependent on your daughter’s love, even if Sandra threatened you to take her place, you would have simply shrugged and refused. You were afraid to turn your back on your sister and hurt your daughter at the same time but what you didn’t know you were doing was not giving your sister a boundary, a limit. Paul asked that “Shall we continue to sin while grace may abound? God forbid. God is love and his grace is abundant…, but that doesn’t mean he permits sin or stands sin and that was why he sent his Son to die for us that his blood would atone for sins committed. Blood is required for the atonement for sin, and he chose the perfect sinless person. Himself in the form of man.” Anu sat still for a while absorbing all that Brian was saying to her. She had never seen herself in the way he painted it and right now as he did so, it was so clear. Had she looked unto another for love yet claiming she loved God? Jesus had said whosoever couldn’t forsake father or mother or child for his sake was not fit to enter the kingdom of God. She had held unto so much in her life hoping that for love’s sake she would please Sandra and prevent Teni from knowing the truth so she wouldn’t hurt her. But the child deserved to know the truth. Even Gbenro did as well. And if they still chose to love her, it was left to them to decide. Love wasn’t forced, it came naturally and it came with a decision that no matter what happened, she would keep loving like Christ did. “It’s a step by step process…” Brian’s hand comforted hers on the table and she was glad for the reach out. “I’m not a psychologist or anything but after years of walking with God, I learned a few things.” “Thank you.” “You’re welcome.” “Oh and by the way…, Nathan seemed to have mellowed after chasing you. I haven’t seen him beaming about another celebrity after that night. I think he has a soft spot for you.” She smiled. “Kids get bored once they achieve what they want to achieve, and they get restless a lot.” He smiled. “I’m going to tell him the truth about you tonight. I mean you not being Sandra and all. I just hope he takes it really well.” Anu was worried. ”Maybe I should come along…” “Naaa…, I’ll tell him in the best way I can. Kids forgive easily and they are unto something else the next day…, and I’m sure going to tell him that he’s lucky you were Sarah, he wouldn’t have gotten the autograph signed or had you coming over to Sheila’s place.” She smiled. “So, if there’s one thing I’m grateful for, it’s this switch of a thing that happened…, you being here.” Anu decided to ask the question that had been giving her doubts once and for all, hoping she got the answer she wanted. She couldn’t bear the thought of being in second place in areas where Brian was concerned. “So, you were not upset that I wasn’t Sandra?” He looked into her eyes then. “The first time I looked into your eyes that night…, that was the only time I ever saw you. I really looked at you and thought you beautiful. The night when you signed that autograph and then Sheila’s place. Right before then, I wouldn’t have given you a glance because I felt you were all the same, but I looked at you that night and I saw someone else, something else in those eyes and I knew I wanted more between us.” Anu held her breath. “I fell in love with you Sarah…, not Sandra, not anybody else.” When she was too emotional to say anything, he spoke up. “But I can understand if you want time to think about all of this, if it’s what you want. It’s just that I like to place my cards on the table so you know where I’m going. I don’t play games, neither do I beat around the bush about things like this, so pardon me if I sound so direct when I talk to you.” “No.., I like you being direct.” She smiled nervously afraid to look into his eyes knowing what she would see in there. “But if you can give me time…” “Of course, I’m a patient man.” “Thank you.”
1 Jan 2015 | 17:03
But this sarah has to go back to nigeria o hmmmmm to see what madam sandra has turn the whole family into. Is th that she forgotten all about gbenro? Ride on and happy new year to you all
3 Jan 2015 | 06:50
Nxt episode plsss
3 Jan 2015 | 10:43
EPISODE 19 “So, what did you tell him?” Pamela asked as Anu poured some fruits into the blender with the intention of making a fruit mixture. She sighed. “I told him to give me time to think about it…, all of this. I mean if he tells me he loves me, the next thing is getting married right?” “Well…, with what you’ve told me about him, knowing his status and all, yea, getting married will be the next step, and then you’ll automatically become Nate’s mum, that will be after the honeymoon if you two decide to do it grand style. “Wow…,I never thought of the honeymoon aspect but just the thought makes me feel giddy inside.” “It’s pretty fast though but if it’s the right thing…, I mean why not.” “I already know how my parents are going to respond to it. It’s a no- no situation.” “Are they racist?” “I don’t know what to tag them but if racist qualifies for a couple who don’t want to have anything to do with white folks…, yeah.” “That’s such a bummer.” Anu shrugged. “I know.” “Maybe you two should elope.” She nudged her playfully and smiled. “But do you love him? I mean do you see yourself spending the rest of your life with him?” “I don’t know if what I feel for him qualifies as love but yes, I’ve visualized us spending the rest of our lives together and I think it’s something real. Love is a journey anyway so…” “You would risk it.” “I guess so. But I need time to think. I mean thinking of our short time together baffles me that we can start talking about love.” She laughed as she poured Pamela a cup of fruit mix and served herself another cup. “And you know the scary part of all of this.., I’m not scared. I mean it feels like I know what I’m doing, like it’s the right thing to do. In years, the only time I’ve felt this good and right was when I gave my life to Christ.” Pamela nodded as if she was just getting to understand how her friend felt. “Oh that feeling…” “Yeah, and it’s awesome. I don’t know what life has in stock for me or what being with Brian might entail but I’m willing to take the risk.” “Now I believe that saying that when you know, you just know.” She smiled.”Have you prayed about it?” “Yes…, I have. I mean we had a great conversation yesterday and my faith is starting to build up. We’re having a bible study meeting tomorrow and from there, we’ll stop by and grab something to drink. He persuaded me to drink coffee yesterday and it was just bluh…” Pamela laughed and she joined her. “Next time, add lots of milk and sugar. Or better still, latte isn’t that bad. Americans drink coffee a lot so just in case he thinks of convincing you to join his team, prepare yourself.” Anu took a gulp of her drink and smiled. “I will.” “And if this makes you feel better, I read that statistics say arranged marriages last longer than “I fell in love” marriage.” “Oh really?” “Just kidding, but come to think of it, look at Isaac and Rebecca.., and all those other people in the bible that got fixed up in marriage. We didn’t hear of divorce or anything right? Though I’m not asking you to just jump in and say Yes to him immediately, when you mentioned it to me, I was rest assured you’re in safe hands and I’ll pray for you too.” Anu reached to squeeze her hand. “You’re a godsend do you know that?” She winked and smiled, “Well, what can I say…” ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Kemi received a package and a bouquet of roses a few days after her date with Kola. The roses were so huge and there was a card inserted inside which read, “I’m sorry.” She wanted to send his package back but her daughter had snatched it and tore it open already squealing excitedly that her mother was getting a gift from her date even after she had explained it hadn’t gone well. “Ebun!, I did not ask you to tear the box now did I? I don’t want to receive any gifts from Kola so he doesn’t think there’s something between us.” “But Mama, there’s no harm trying now is there? I’m sure he doesn’t mean any harm.., Oh my god!” Her eyes went wide on seeing the velvet box which was huge enough to contain a jewelry piece set. She clicked it open and she took in a sharp breath. Kemi who was still inhaling the roses went to join her daughter to see what was inside the package. She gasped when she saw it and moved back shaking her head. “Ebun please wrap it back, I can’t take that from him.” Sandra wasn’t listening to her Kemi, she traced her fingers on the expensive necklace , ear-rings and bracelet adorned with beautiful stones and before she could stop herself, lifted it from the position and pulled her mother. “At least try it on, I mean when last have you had a man pamper you like this Mama eh?” “Ebun…, you’re not listening to me.” “Okay, let me just clip this around your neck, pretty please, we will return it, I promise.” “If we are going to return it, then I shouldn’t be wearing it in the first place.” “At least do it for me. I just want to see you look pretty, is it bad?” She pleaded and even before Kemi could answer, she had already maneuvered her way behind her mother and found a way to clip it around her neck. She pulled her into the room and sat her down before the mirror, telling her to admire herself. Kemi’s eyes grew wide. “It’s beautiful…..” “I told you so.” Sandra gloated. “But it looks expensive, when a man spends this kind of money on a woman, his intentions are not hidden.” She sighed sadly and bent to remove the neck piece. “I know you despise your father for all he did to me but he’s my husband and I love him.” “Does he love you?” She lowered her gaze. “I’m sure he does in his own way. Your father isn’t the romantic kind, he may not know how to make his feelings known but I’m sure he means well. He may have a bad temper when it comes to certain standards, but he’s wonderful and loving…” “And is that why I saw the vibrator in the bathroom 15 years ago?” Kemi blinked finding it hard to breathe. “What?” Sandra settled on the chair and faced her mother. “I was still a child and wasn’t aware of what it was at the time. You mentioned you went to see a friend and branched at the market saying that was the reason you were late. I remember Mrs Ade who her husband traveled a lot and how you two loved to spend time talking in your shop. Daddy had gone to work that morning and when you left to the shop that morning, you forgot your bag. While Anu and I were playing we had pushed your bag mistakenly and things fell out. I think Anu suspected it for what it was but kept shut about it, but I knew there was more to it. Some minutes later, you came back for your bag and didn’t suspect anything.” Kemi looked down ashamed. “I’m sorry about that…” “Mrs Ade right, she told you about it.” “She said it helped her not to cheat and gave her pleasure…” “Which my father wasn’t giving you presently I presume and that was a few days after you found out he’d slept with another woman.” “It’s past now, I don’t want to talk about it.” Kemi stood up and tried not to cry. “We have to send those things back.” “Have you ever thought of what you would do, where you’ll keep staying if Papa never comes back for you? I won’t be here forever.” Sandra dropped the bombshell that Kemi had been dreading to face ever since she stepped into her daughter’s house after revolting. “What if he doesn’t want you again because in his eyes, you may be tainted goods having been with me for weeks. I know Papa’s pride, he will make it hard for you to return to his house and continue like things never happened. He’ll make you beg even if he’s the one who did wrong. Papa never apologizes for his mistakes.” “So what are you presuming I do? Go after Kola and begin an affair with him? It doesn’t even speak well of me as a mother and a wife.” Sandra’s mind flashed back to the first time she’d seen Bayo, how he’d set eyes on her when she had been working in one of those eateries and how after a few weeks of contemplating if she would return to her father’s house but how his pride might not allow her back in, she’d begun planning on how she would survive for long with the little cash she was being paid. Could she go into prostitution? She’d heard several stories about that and the little qualifications she had would not get her far, even to pay rent. That was when Bayo had stepped in. He’d been charming, drop- dead gorgeous and suave. He had been coming into the eatery from time to time to have breakfast and she was the one he liked to attend to his needs. “I think you should have breakfast with me…” She’d looked up then and shook her head, color creeping into her cheeks and neck. She was sure he’d seen how shy she acted and took advantage of that. “Ah, sir, my Madam will fire me without blinking twice.” “Then let her, there are so much options in the world for a pretty girl like you.” She remembered Robert and shook her head. This was one of those deceivers, like the man who’d impregnated her. This one had a British accent and he looked alpha male, something she wanted in a man but she wasn’t going to allow him sway her away with it. It didn’t take him more than a day to prove to her he was much more than what she thought. She heard the girls she shared room with talking about him and how envious they had looked at her when they’d seen them talking over the counter. It was when she further did her research and checked for him online and saw him featured in one of the top-most magazines that she decided to give him a chance. And he’d promised to be more, enough to forget her family and the nightmares she’d been having for weeks. The nightmare scared her so much she would see herself crying in a pool of blood, enveloped in thick darkness immediately her father kicked her out of the house. The darkness would take shapes with phantom-like bodies and protruding claws and she would run till she found a familiar house. Her house. She would be glad and hurry, banging the gate, pressing the bell as much as possible to get her father’s attention. “Papa! Papa! please take me back, let me in please!” She would scream. And then the scene would replay before her once more of when he’d disowned her. “Get out of my house, I disown you.” And by the time she would turn, the blackness would cover her and she would scream into reality. Her roommates often complained if she’d been haunted by a witch after nights of repeated screaming. She was scared he’d cursed her and only wanted to see her suffer. She turned to look at her mother. “The ball is in your court Mama, make use of it, and be wise about it.” She packed the pieces of jewellery and headed back into the sitting room leaving her mother to stare after her. When she returned to the room, she had a phone in hand. “Kola just called, he wants to speak with you.” And Kemi collected the phone from her daughter.
5 Jan 2015 | 08:15
Gbenro sat watching Sandra quietly while Teniola joined the kids kart racing game in the arena where they had gone visiting. Though this was the third time in a month he was taking them out on a date, he noticed how uncomfortable and tensed Sandra looked while watching her daughter. He glanced at Teni often and saw the excitement on her face when she hung around with the other kids but the way her demeanor changed when Sandra stood close was too palpable to ignore. It was obvious Teniola wanted nothing to do with her. Maybe he could find a way to make things better. But first, he had to know the truth, know why she was doing all of this, why she was even desperate for the child’s love like the way he’d seen in her eyes whenever she glanced at the girl. She had a hungry look in her eyes but when she turned to give him a glance, her eyes threw daggers. Why was she desperate for the child’s love when Teniola wasn’t hers? What was the whole plan of allowing Anu take her place in London about? He knew she was a tough shell to crack, but he would do all he could to crack her. She might look hard on the outside, but the girl he knew back then was the one he’d fallen in love with. One look from her and he felt as if he was deluding himself. She knew how to deflate a man’s ego and strip his confidence, but he wasn’t going to allow her hit deep. He wasn’t going to allow her see that every time she spat bile against him, his heart broke. Was it possible to gain entrance into her life? She didn’t look like she was going to give him a chance. He made up his mind he wasn’t going to give her a chance to say no either. “You should eat your salad before it gets warm.” She raised an eyebrow and looked away. “You know we haven’t really talked ever since our last fight.” She scoffed.”And who’s fighting you? Fight is only for people who have something going. In places where yourself and I are concerned, we have nothing except Teniola who insists on spending time with you.” “You don’t have to be all defensive when we talk you know. To me, it’s a sign that you have something to hide.” She scoffed.”You know it’s not Anu talking to you, so what else do I have to hide?” “Why are you really in Nigeria Sandra? What do you even stand to gain? If it’s Teniola’s love, then you’re doing a bad job about it. I mean you can lie to the whole world out there but not me. Because that world you strive so hard to please will be the same to watch you helplessly when things don’t work out the way you want it, they can’t see what you really want, because they see what they want to see. You, the rising star in the film industry and a top supermodel.” She watched him and her gaze flickered, but she rolled her eyes and retorted. “And who says that’s not how I see myself? I’ve worked hard to get to where I am presently and I owe it to no one. So, why should I care enough for some love from a child when I have it in all places. Some people would die to see their kids be like me, while some women a even dying to achieve how much I’ve achieved in the span of 10 years. So, my dear Mr. Know it all, tell me why I would care so much for love here when I have it in all places?” He smiled like he’d gotten enough to obtain his evidence, “because millions of fans screaming out your name just because of what you’ve become can’t be compared to someone who has loved you even before you became something.” She shrugged. “I earned it. You earn people’s love. Do what you’re expected to do and get them howling out your name. That’s how the world works. Take and receive. Everybody’s selfish in their own little way no matter how much we try to be hypocrites about it.” “And when you crumble back in the mud….” “I will not crumble back anywhere…, no matter what happens, no one is going to see me crumble in any stupid mud.” “Ohh…, I see.” Gbenro sat back relaxed. “So you do crumble but try not to let it show.” He nodded as if adding two and two together, “and that’s why Anu is taking your place in London isn’t it? She’s the strong one, though no one knows that except you. To everybody, your family…, they think you’re the strong one because you left without turning back, and because Anu stayed behind, they felt she was too weak to do the same. But we all know the truth, she was the only one willing to believe you for all your lies, all your deceits which I’m sure she knew but she had to be strong for you. She wanted you to believe you could always run back to her no matter what happened.” Sandra blinked severally and looked away hoping she could leave now. She didn’t know how Gbenro had managed to figure her out in a month they’d been going out. Even after all the tough exterior, the way she shove him away and pretended to be everything but weak, he’d seen what others never saw. This kind of man was dangerous for her. Gbenro or whatever it was he called himself. Bayo had thought himself dangerous because he abused her and told her to do as she requested, acted like he owned her soul because he used her body and she’d had no choice than to obey knowing he could do all to hurt her. But he had never been able reach her heart because that place had been locked away a long time ago and people like him would never know what she felt and why she did the things she did. All she knew how to do was keep an appearance and give-in. No matter how crumbled she felt, how badly she wanted someone to love her, she couldn’t back out. She felt like a prisoner though she declared freedom to whoever dared listen to her. And many fans did. “You think you can analyze me so well huh?” “I wasn’t analyzing you Sandra, I was only telling you the truth which you refused to face.” Luckily for her, Teniola had found her way to their table and she was panting excitedly. “That was fun Uncle Gbenro!” She squealed excitedly. “Maybe you and I should go for the next one.” “No, Teniola, we’re going home, we’ve had enough fun for today.” Sandra chiped in. “I wasn’t talking to you!” She snapped. “I was talking to Uncle Gbenro…” “Teni! I won’t accept such nonsense from you. What is wrong with you? what has gotten into you…, Oh, you think I can’t spank you huh? Wait till we get to the house and Grandma hears about it.” “And I’ll run away and tell the whole world that you’re not my mother but an imposter.” The child fired back. “Teni..” Gbenro cautioned when he saw that the child’s eyes had begun to pool and people were beginning to look their way. “You’re so childish.” Sandra tried to yank her hand so as to pull her close to herself but she dodged and moved to Gbenro instead. “Come here this minute.” “I will not.” “Hey hey…” Gbenro’s voice was firm and he took Teniola’s hand in his turning her gently to face him. “The Teni I know doesn’t talk to her mother that way…., even if she’s a stranger, she deserves to be treated nicely, respected.” “She should tell me where she put my mother. If she has kidnapped her, I need to know, I want to know the truth Uncle Gbenro. Grandma told me one side of the story, what’s hers?” Gbenro glanced at Sandra and sighed. There was only one way he could go about doing this. “Sandra, please could you excuse us for a few minutes? Teni and I need to talk…” “And give me one reason why I should trust you with my daughter..” Sandra replied. “I trust him better than I trust you.” Teniola shrugged. Sandra rolled her eyes and looked at Gbenro’s pleading eyes. She was tempted to slap the child. She wasn’t showing any sign of respect at all and she was only 10. Gbenro interrupted. “You can sit at the bar and watch us if you feel I’m going to run away with her.., and if you want me to swear…” “I’ll leave you two. I want to visit the ladies anyway.” On her way going, she stopped by the bar lounge and smiled at a bar man, flirting with him briefly. She passed him a neat 1000naira note and said. “Can you see that man and that young girl over there.., that’s my daughter and a friend. Just for precaution, watch them closely and ensures nothing funny happens between them till I get back. I want to use the ladies.” She was glad she didn’t need to further explain herself further because he smiled and nodded. “At your service ma’am.” And she sauntered off aware that the man gave her a glance before he carried out his assignment.
5 Jan 2015 | 08:21
6 Jan 2015 | 17:53
EPISODE 20 Anu was about retiring to bed when her phone buzzed. Most of the numbers that came directly into her cell were familiar and so she avoided them as much as possible. She’d gotten voice mails and texts from some women whom she suspected them to be close friend of hers asking why she refused to show her face or wasn’t attending majority of the parties. One named Whitney had sent a message on her blackberry talking about the party which was going to hold on Friday night and how she had a guy she wanted to introduce her to so that she could forget Bayo for the weekend and have fun. She’d deleted the message immediately. She hesitated to pick the number. It was a Nigerian Number, but she wasn’t sure who to expect and what to say. She finally picked it. “Hello..” “Hi, please am I speaking with Sarah Okoye?” She hesitated because his voice was beginning to sound familiar and who else in Nigeria knew about the switch? “Who’s on the line?” “It’s Gbenro.” Her heart skipped a beat and she swallowed, unable to speak properly. “Wha?’ “Gbenro Mathews, Sarah, I know you’re there and I know the truth, please talk to me.” She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “Hello Gbenro.” “I know I should have called you earlier, how are you doing over there?” “I’m doing okay I guess. How did you know I was here?” “I talked with your sister.” “Oh…, I see.” She was right after all. Gbenro wanted Sandra, had always wanted her sister and not the other way around. How did they even find each other? She’d thought Sandra would keep a low profile but right now, she knew plans had probably changed due to what Gbenro was telling her. Her mind suddenly drifted to how his eyes must have been when he first set eyes on her sister. Was he thrilled, so much more than how he’d been when they’d been going out. She knew she shouldn’t be thinking about Gbenro’s feelings for Sandra since she was starting to have feelings for Brian already, but she couldn’t help it. The insecurity that she’d battled with for so long was beginning to creep in again. Was he excited about the switch thing? Was he calling to tell her it was over for something that never started though there was a little hope on her side that he was dating her for her. Was he calling to tell her to come back to him in Nigeria? She did not know how she would break it to him that she was in love with someone else. Was he calling to accuse her of going ahead with her sister’s plan? Was he already loving her sister and wanted her blessing? Her mind kept battling with so many thoughts till he broke in once more. “Teniola knows the truth already and wants you to come back home.” Her child wanted her back home…, not him. And then reality dawned on her. She gasped. “What truth?” “The truth that Sandra is not her mother. Whatever you two did, she has figured it out. I don’t know how you told Sandra to handle things around here but you need to come and fix this.” Anu suddenly felt dizzy and she settled on her bed, hoping the world which was spinning around her would come to a halt. Sandra had done her worst again even when she promised to be ‘under’ till she returned. She had done what she did best. Backstabbing her once more. Her eyes pooled and she found it hard to say anything. Gbenro was unaware of the blackmail that was sure, and now she looked like the inconsiderate one. Sandra had made her look like they’d planned it together from the beginning. Did her mother also know the truth or believed whatever lie Sandra had told them? Even her mother hadn’t called her all this while. If Gbenro knew it was Sandra, then their parents knew about the switch too. Or didn’t they? And nobody bothered to call her to find out the truth from her. Even Gbenro hadn’t called to find out the truth. He’d called her so she could return and fix things. Because that was what everybody saw in her. Someone who fixed things. Even Sandra had sent her here to fix things that she was too cowardly to face while saving her reputation. Did they even love her at all? After all she’d given, after all she’d sacrificed. Brian was right. She’d given away too much of herself expecting the same from them and presently, she felt used. She couldn’t take it anymore. She had to hang up. “Goodnight Gbenro…” was all she could say before cutting it. She curled up on the bed and pulled her pillow close to herself trying not to cry though the tears were pouring down already. She dug her face into it and wept. It was about an hour later she began to feel drowsy and that was when her phone beeped. She saw a text message from Gbenro. “I’m sorry.” She closed her eyes and turned to the other side of the wall allowing sleep to claim her.
7 Jan 2015 | 08:43
Meshack pls dnt be lazy with dis story.... I really wana see more lines been posted... Biko nu
8 Jan 2015 | 15:14
Anu sat enchanted by the band playing in the restaurant where she was having dinner with Brian oblivious of Brian’s eyes on her. She wished she could sway to the music and forget about last night’s phone call. She hadn’t told Brian, did not intend to burden him once more with the truth she’d refused to see all along. Right now, she just wanted to forget everything and be happy. The call had done a good job in soiling her mood and she’d been fighting thoughts about Teniola’s feelings presently. Did she feel betrayed? Was she hurt? What had Sandra told her? She was scared to call afraid of the reaction she might get. “Care to dance…” Brian broke into her thoughts. She looked up and smiled softly, shaking her head as she reached for her drink. “I can’t dance.” “One step at a time, c’mon let’s give it a try..” He dropped his napkin and reached for her hand. She hesitated. “Brian…, I don’t want to embarrass you. I’m serious, I can’t dance.” “Now you offend me Miss…, and there’s no way I’m taking no for an answer.” He reached for her hands and led her to the floor smoothly though she squeezed his hands like her life depended on it. “It’s tricky, but you’ll just have to let me lead.” “Okay.” “You might still have to go for dancing classes y’know, but for now, let’s start with the basics, place one hand on my shoulder and the other in my hands..” She obeyed and watched him as he snaked a hand towards her waist and began to sway. Their bodies were not close, but she watched him lead and followed. She knew it was awkward, and felt awkward, but Brian distracted her with words. “Do you know one prayer point I pray for Nate everyday?” She had been looking at his feet but she looked up immediately. “What?” “Lord, when he sins, let him get caught right away.” Anu’s eyes widened. “Why?” He shrugged. “So that he will suffer the consequences and learn to take the right path in future. I don’t want him to think he can get away with sin. If he gets punished physically, how much more God. If it doesn’t happen, it becomes a pattern and that’s not what I want for my son. Loyalty is more like what I want him to grow up with.” She shook her head and smiled. “I have a feeling that’s one of the reasons you caught him that night you came looking for him and found him.” “I believe God it is.” She couldn’t find him more attractive. “I won’t mind praying that as well when the other kids start coming.” He smiled. “I love you.” “I love you too.” “There’s something I’m working on…, some kind of project and I need you to know that aspect about me before we take things to the next level.” She swallowed and her heart sank. What did he mean by next level? Back at home, she’d heard girls talk about a guy’s next level. It meant sex or some form of intimacy. Her mind reeled. Was this how they practiced their Christianity here? She had thought Brian was her God-ordained man, the man after God’s heart who talked about his Bible being his compass and his lamp. Why would he want to sleep with her before proposing? “Next level?” His eyes twinkled and he pulled her close to himself since she had begun to move farther away from him. “Uh- huh” She resisted him and asked that they return to their table. Their dance together didn’t feel beautiful anymore. When they settled on the table, he looked at her worriedly and asked. “Hey…, what’s wrong?” “Um.., Brian, I’m sorry but I don’t know if we can go to any next level before marriage.” He frowned. “What?” She sighed. “This.., I mean my faith talked about avoiding sexual immorality and a pure heart, not defiling the marriage bed.., I don’t know if I can move on in the relationship if we are not settled in that area of our lives.” She was afraid to look into his eyes for fear of what she might find there. When he was quiet for a while, she finally looked up and found him eyes closed as he shook his head and laughed. “I’m so sorry. I think you misunderstood me.” Anu’s heart beat rapidly against her ribcage she felt it would fall out. Oh please let him mean something else.”I did?” He ran his hands through his hair. “Oh dear.., when I said next level, I meant taking it to something more serious..” His eyes grew darker and intense. “Like getting married.” Anu gasped for air. “Oh my…, I’m so sorry, I thought…” “You thought my Christianity is too diluted to give sex a back seat.” He smiled softly as if understanding her plight. “We serve the same God, read the same Bible and we have the same solution to our problem Jesus. I don’t see why we should believe different things that talks about intimacy since the Bible is very clear on that as well.” She was still embarrassed and when she tried to cover her face, he took her hands and held it in his. Wasn’t he disgusted by the sweaty palms she had obtained out of nervousness? She felt like a nervous wreck right now and she looked into his eyes. They were filled with understanding and love. They didn’t condemn her. Each and every day she got attracted to him, everyday he spoke to her, explained things to her, made her see the beauty in everything, made her see life in abundance and not something she’d always brooded over in the past. He made her want to sing, made her fall in love and believe that they would work no matter what happened. “And I believe we can work out our difference no matter what happens right?” She nodded still speechless. “Because I chose to love you when God brought you my way.” “Oh Brian,” her eyes pooled feeling so heady with the way he displayed his love for her, bathing her in it. If God’s love was greater than this, how much had she missed? When she was through dabbing her face, he asked, “So, are you ready to hear the rest of the story?” She nodded. “Sure.” “I have this project I’m working on, Carlos and I have been on it for years and Debbie contributed before she passed away though when Nate came, there was a change of plans a little. We built a small organization where we have people donate at their free will. By the middle and end of the year, we visit communities in under- developed or better said, third world countries and we try to reach out every way we can. We can’t satisfy each, but we have a priority list and try to attain our goal for each hoping to at least provide them clean water or educational resources or shelter…, it all depends which needs urgent attention. It’s something I’m part of and I want to know if you’re gonna be part of it or if it’s something that’s going to make you uncomfortable.” She nodded slowly. “It sounds good to me.” “Oh great.” His eyes softened. “Really?” “We’re together now so if it makes you happy, it should do the same for me.” “You don’t know how glad I am to hear that. Anyway, it’s growing and we were able to build a shelter for some young girls in India though we try not to get in their government’s way. It’s something I do every year. We’ve managed to take in at least 20 girls with cases of sexual abuse while some have different issues. The last case we handled, the girl was raped and left to die on the streets. She got pregnant and tried to survive till we saw her and brought her in. A few days later, she gave birth to a baby girl.” “I don’t even know what to say Brian, you have a huge heart.” “We can’t save all, but the ones we can, we try to. It’s become part of my life Sarah and I really want you to know if you can handle it. It’s not something pleasant, but it’s my calling I guess.” “And I say Yes to your calling. I’m really happy to hear the path you’ve chosen.” He reached for her hands and squeezed it. “Thank you.” “So, Sheila told me you’ve been getting some tips from her regarding this costume designing you want to go into. Are you going to let your parents into it? Is there something you need to obtain back in Nigeria? She’s really excited about it, says you showed her some sketches last weekend.” “Oh.., that wasn’t a sketch, it was just something I drew out of boredom and practice.” She laughed nervously. “I think you should start taking it serious. Sheila has enough sponsors on her site and I feel it would be nice if you two do a collaboration together. She’s into her baby and food blog, Do-it-yourself and with what she showed me the last time, she has a large community who’s got her back.” She listened attentively and nodded. “I think I’ll give it a try. It sounds wonderful though.” “And if you need anything, just let me know.” “I will.” “So, when are we going over to see your parents?” She blinked and lowered her gaze. Asides from the information she’d been updated with, meeting her parents meant saying No to Brian and allowing him to agree to some of their terms which she did not want to burden him with. Not only because of his colour but the fact that he was a widower with a child worsened the chances of her parents saying Yes. She did not know how he was going to take the news if she told them another reason was because he’d been married before and had a child. And then his first wife was dead. They might think it’s a curse and the probability of her dying too was going to be considered. “I’m sorry Brian but I don’t think meeting them right now is a great idea.” Brian understood and nodded. “Okay…” “It’s not me…, it’s just them.” She tried to explain further. “It’s kind of complicated and due to all of this switch thing that happened, if my father says no, then it’s no and if I go ahead and defy him, it’ll be like disobeying my father. The last thing I want to do is hurt him after the issue he had with Sandra.” “And there’s no way I can talk to him, bring him to understand what’s going on between us?” “He doesn’t even know I’m here, and we haven’t known each other for so long. Our differences will surely pose a great dilemma. Asides that, your life is here, my life is in Nigeria and each day I’m counting the hours I have left. I can’t ask you to move to Nigeria with me.” “But you can create a new life here, with me…, and Nate, and the kids we’re gonna have together.” She sighed. “I will, but please understand that I don’t want to involve my parents before we get married or they’ll ruin everything. My father is quite stubborn, and I don’t want to hurt you but he’s quite full of prejudice in areas where his daughter is dating a white man, not to talk of marrying him.” Brian was quiet for a while and Anu thought she had lost him. After a while, he sighed and placed a hand behind his neck rubbing gently. “Okay, I trust you to do the right thing.” “Thank you.” She breathed relief flooding through her. This was her chance at happiness and she wasn’t going to allow her parents ruin it. She’d been sacrificing for them all her years and right now, she wanted to take decisions into her own hands. She had seen a mail from her sister yesterday that she should call. She had ignored it. No one, not even Sandra was going to stand in her way of being with the man she loved. No…, not this time.
9 Jan 2015 | 21:46
Richard Sans’ agent just called to confirm if you…, Oh sorry, your sister has broken up with Bayo as the media have been speculating and a little bit of evidence is in the air though Bayo has refused to talk. Time for him to swoop in, at least he’d taken a month to make his move’ Pamela mumbled. “Who is Richard Sans?” “Rich looking guy you met at the fundraising event about two months ago. The blond guy who couldn’t keep his hands to himself.” “Oh…, that guy that made me uncomfortable. There was something strange about him but I couldn’t place it.” “Well, he’s coming over to London for a film festival and so he wants to invite you over to the hotel he’ll be staying.” “And why do I have a feeling you’re telling me about this because you want me to see him?” “Courtesy demands that you do so…, this will be the last thing you ever attend as Sandra but you never know what could happen. The guy has been hanging around for a while and it would be nice to know what he would want from your sister…, and who knows put an end to it.” Anu shrugged. “It sounds pretty scary to me. You know how I hate getting involved in things like this, the last time I went, look at where it got me with Bayo.” “We’ll go together. It’s not like he’s your boyfriend or something. Just hear what he has to say and to top it off, give him a run for his money when you refuse him, though I have a feeling he wants to play a pretty big role in your sister’s life. He’s one of the top guys of Hollywood and he’s about to make your sister a big star which is definitely going to come at a price.” “I guess Sandra did not see this coming did she?” “No, I guess not, though she had used him to make Bayo jealous sometime in the past. She’s someone Richard has had his eye on for a while but he’s very calculative about it.” “When is the meeting holding?” “Two days from now. Thursday to be exact.” “I have a date with Brian tomorrow so I’ll tell him about it.” Pamela smiled knowingly. “If I’m right, it’s been more than a month you two have been dating though it seems like almost every day.” “Yeah, he talked about the both of us going over for his parent’s 35th anniversary in Arizona though their townhouse isn’t too far away, says his parents have a ranch and they might want us to stay over for the weekend since it involves a small party.” “Wow…, you two are heading down the aisle already.” “Well, we talk a lot so…” Anu’s gaze drifted and Pamela knew there was something she wasn’t spilling. She gasped. “Omg…, has he asked you to marry him?” She shook her head trying not to blush. “No, but last night we looked into each other’s eyes and I was tempted to kiss him. I think he noticed it too but he’s quite stronger than I am and so, we brought up another topic and soon, we were pretty occupied.” Pamela squinted. “Is this going to be your first kiss?” She nodded. “Yea I guess.” “Then make it special and save the best for last.” “I want to, I mean sometimes at night I try not to think of him. This is all new to me and Brian just seems like a dream come true, he’s so godly sometimes I feel like it’s all an illusion when we flow so much. We talk about everything, from how many kids we want to have to where we want to move after we get married but gosh, it’s torturous when I think of how long we have to wait before we get married.” Her mind flashed to Gbenro’s phone call and she allowed the memory of Brian take over instead. “I think he notices how we respond to each other and so sometimes, we even talk about the obstacles, talk about lots of things to distract us, we hold hands but when he lets go, I understand because he puts it in his pockets instead. Sometimes it’s not funny, but sometimes, it is.” She sighed dreamily. “I know it’s all for the best though. Nate is still a little bit mad at me but he’s coming along well.” “You deserve to be happy.” “Thank you.” “C’mon, let me pick a good dress for you to wear to meet Richie Rich since you insist on not wearing any of your sister’s clothes.” “Thanks.”
10 Jan 2015 | 02:20
cool guy. more strength.
10 Jan 2015 | 10:15
Whaoo,more greese 2 ur elbow
11 Jan 2015 | 12:20
Anu tried to make herself comfortable as she sat at the table appointed to her for their meeting, awaiting Richard. He’d invited her to one of the top 5 star hotels where he lodged and though she sat at the table expecting him as he’d promised, Pamela sat a few tables away from her waving slightly at her as if to encourage her. Anu blinked when her phone buzzed and she smiled when she saw it was Pamela who had beeped her. “You look like you can run out of this place if given the chance. C’mon relax.” She sighed and texted back. “I’m trying to.” “Think of cheesecake..” “Hey…, I’m not that ‘foodious’ She inserted a smiley smile to go with it. “Foodious? What does that even mean?” “Someone who likes food I think.” “Oh, I see.” Pamela added a smiley smile and continued. “Think of Brian.” “Now that’s something to think about. *dreamy smiles.*” “Chuckles* Here he comes…” “Who? Brian?” She looked up and she tensed again. “No silly.., Richard…, and act nice.” Pamela buzzed once more and she glanced down briefly to look into her phone before rising to her host’s greeting. A bald looking guy in dark suit and dark shades followed behind and she stood when he stretched his hands out to her. “Princess….” He greeted with a smile that made his eyes grow darker and he reached to plant a kiss on both cheeks, his fingers lingering on her shoulders. Anu felt like wiggling out of his touch but she put up a false smile. “You make an ordinary nightshirt look sexy.” He winked at her and gestured for her to have a seat while settling down himself. Anu did not know if that was a compliment or a joke but the sentence made her look down at her clothes to see if it looked drab or comparable to a nightshirt. “Sorry to keep you waiting, I had another meeting with a friend and the traffic here is just something else.” He ran his smooth fingers across his sleek wine colored tie and snapped his fingers. His bodyguard responded at the call by leaning close. After a few exchange of words, the man in dark suit disappeared. “So, have you had anything? I hope they treated you nicely. I called earlier for reservations.” “They were nice, thank you Richard.” She was amazed by how she suddenly felt bold enough to respond. “We’re being formal I presume.” His hands moved close to hers and she lifted it from the table placing it on her laps. “The last time I remembered, this was supposed to be a meeting.” “Indeed, and the last time we shared a steamy kiss in my car, you called me Richie.” His eyes were filled with lust and bored into hers. Anu swallowed. This was a mistake. “What do you want?” “We both know what we want darling.” He snapped his hands for a waiter and ordered he poured the bottle of wine he’d requested into their glasses. “It wouldn’t do you any harm to refresh my memory, would it Richie?”She spoke up after the waiter poured their wine and asked for their order. Anu had lost her appetite but Richard would have none of it. “I know you hold your pride dearly and would never admit to your boyfriend abusing you. He should be charged for battery but I’d rather not poke into your business.” He sipped his wine and stared at his glass. “You’ve seen the tabloids lately? Rumor has it you’re going down the drain with this recent break up with Bayo.” “I see…” “I can make those rumors remain rumors.” He set his glass on the table. “What we talked about 2 years ago before Pink Curtains…, I’m not playing games Princess. I can make your dreams come true. You haven’t even begun to get noticed. Just say the word and I’ll make you bigger than you ever imagined.” Anu smiled bitterly. “And what makes you think I’ll just agree to this ‘proposal? “I’ve watched you for years Sandra, I know you, I know what you want. You’re an ambitious young woman who will do anything to get what she wants and if possible, eliminate anything that tries to get in her way. The potential for fame runs in your blood wanting to spill out. It’s something you crave and would do anything to have and there’s no doubt you do your job well. I can take care of you, put you in the right hands, take you around the world and put you on screens, whatever it is you want, just name it.” “And what’s the price?” The smile crawled to his lips this time and that was when she observed he’d come with a briefcase that his bodyguard had carried along. He lifted it to the table and clicked it open bringing out printed documents with spaces for signature. He placed it before her and fished out a pen from his 3 piece suit. “My lawyer has helped prepare the necessary files. You signing this will make me discuss the next step with you.” Anu leaned forward squinting at the documents. They looked suspicious “What’s this?” “Go ahead and read it if you want. It’s a contract that you’ll be signing yourself to me as your new manager. I’ll be handling things that pertain to you as from now on. We’ll be partners, we’ll work together and you’ll get to meet the rest of the team and progress from here.” “Sign myself to you?” He shrugged. “I’m aware your tenure with Bayo is over, and if you want to remain in this secular business that we’re running and be at the top, then I’m your only way to that top.” Anu gingerly picked the papers from the table and glanced through it. Richard had done a good job in summarizing what this was all about. But she wasn’t going to be part of it. “I’ll be spending the night here, I can make arrangements for another room for you so that we can return to the States together. Los Angeles to be exact,” another smile took over his face but she was fast enough to put an end to it. “You wouldn’t need to go through the stress Richie, because I won’t be signing any contract with you.” His eyes twitched and he shrugged. “You need time, I can give you that..” “No, if there’s anything I need, it’s my freedom and me declining your offer.” She replied as a matter-of-fact. He narrowed his eyes then. “Do you know what I’m offering you? Many women would die to be in your shoes right now.” And so did my sister. “I’m not many women Richard, but thanks for the offer.” He smiled bitterly this time. “I’ll give you my card, just in case you come back to your senses.” He passed her a white card and ran a smooth hand along his suit standing up. When the waiter came to drop their order, he waved him away asking that the food be brought to his hotel room since he’d had an exhausted day. Anu watched him leave and relaxed realizing she had been holding her breath. Just then, Pamela came over to meet her and she stood up immediately. “Please, let’s go home.” She mumbled and they both found their way out of the restaurant. When they settled in the cab, Anu remained quiet all through watching the street lights as they rode through the city. Pamela’s hands reached for hers and that was when the tears stung. “Sarah, talk to me…” “It’s nothing.” “I doubt that because I can see it’s eating you up inside.” She remained quiet again and sighed. “Things we do for fame and money.” “What did he ask you for?” “He wanted me to sell my soul.” She murmured for Pamela’s ears alone. “or better said, he wanted Sandra’s soul in exchange for what he could give her.” “Is that what’s making you cry?” “No, but the fact that if Sandra was here, she would have said yes to him.” And Pamela could say nothing else. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; Sandra was angry. Why wasn’t Anu picking her call and why did she ignore her mail? There was no way she wouldn’t have seen it. What kind of game was her sister playing? She’d gone through the net to see what was happening recently in her life and she saw the news about she breaking up with Bayo and how she had been spotted with a low-cut. Speculations going about that it was probably due to her break-up with her longtime lover/ boyfriend. She had seen images of herself in the British entertainment news. She saw pictures of her with Pamela and in some clothes she wouldn’t dare to wear. She saw another picture with a white guy holding hands in the park though Anu had been oblivious as to when the pictures were taken. She set her phone on the table and placed a finger on her throbbing temple. She was having the crazy headache again. The one that always surfaced when things were getting too much for her. The one that made her too weak to think when Bayo insisted on controlling her life. The one that made her wish that in one part of her heart that she was free from everything that threatened to take her life and her soul and leave it like a gaping hole. The one that had made her ask Anu to take her place in the first place. “Are you okay?” Sandra opened her eyes to see her daughter standing and staring at her with a look of confusion and fear on her face. The child had been coming up little by little after the day Gbenro talked to her. Who knew what he’d told the girl. “I’m fine.” “You look white, I’ve never seen you look this pale before.” She moved closer and touched her head. ”Do you have a fever? Maybe you should go to the hospital.” Sandra shook her head and tried to smile. She needed a drink. That was the solution to her present situation. A good drink always calmed her nerves. “Nothing darling…, I’ll be alright.” She stood from the chair feeling slightly dizzy at first. Thinking it was the way she had risen from her seat, she tried to walk, her eyes aiming for the bar when she swayed and fell on the floor. Her world turned blurry and as the blackness settled upon her, she heard her daughter’s voice in the distance screaming for her mother. She blanked out.
11 Jan 2015 | 13:40
Sandra must learn her lessons in a bitter way... Sarah shld jez 4gt Gbenro... Dey re nt meant 4 each oda... Even Gbenro still loves sandra nt sarah
11 Jan 2015 | 14:30
EPISODE 21 Sandra blinked several times as her eyes tried to adjust to the lights and new environment where she was. This had to be a strange place, probably a hospital and she confirmed the truth when she saw the equipments that surrounded her. What had happened? She rose halfway on the bed wondering why a drip had been inserted into her in how many hours of her being present here. She stared at the wall clock and saw it was 7p.m Had she passed out for that long? The door opened and someone peeped in to check on her almost as if to see if she was still awake. It was Gbenro. What in the world was he doing here? He opened the door wider and her mother and daughter strolled inside. “My dear…, you’re awake…” Kemi reached for her and touched her hair, stroking gently. “What happened?” “The doctor said it was a severe case of dehydration and anxiety hence the drip. I mean I was so scared it was something worse. You looked pale when we rushed you to a hospital nearby. Thank God for Gbenro who came rushing in time after Teni called him. That was how we were able to pay for hospital card and everything else.” “I think I feel a lot better now.” Just then the doctor came in. “Wow, this is a full house. My patient must be awake I presume.” Sandra tried to get down from the bed but remembered the awkward state in which she was. Her hospital gown wasn’t a pretty sight. “I think I should be able to go home now doctor right?” “Good evening Miss Okoye. I’m afraid that won’t be possible till tomorrow. We still have some tests to run on you.” “Like seriously…, you’re trying to rip me off or what? I said I’m fine. I feel better.” “Sandra…, he’s a doctor, he’s only suggesting what’s best for you.” Kemi cajoled. She sighed and rested back on the bed wondering what must have triggered her fainting. Years she had been working with Bayo, even when he acted like a blood sucking demon willing her to attend every show, every interview and everything media possible, she’d had the headache and tried to resolve it with coffee. Maybe she was taking too much coffee. That was it. The headaches had become frequent and even when she felt running back to Nigeria would ease her mind and help her get away from it all for a while without losing anything, her anxiety had gotten the better of her. At night, she felt as if someone was watching her, keeping tabs on every detail of her life waiting to strike soon. So much for finding peace and solace here. “If you’ll excuse us Mrs Okoye…” The doctor glanced at her inclusive of Gbenro and Teni. “I need to ask her a couple of questions regarding the tests taken. You can come back inside once I’m through.” And they left. When the doctor turned to her, he smiled soothingly. “Miss Okoye, I can call you that right? “Sandra..” “When last did you have your Blood Pressure checked?” “A few weeks ago..” “And you are oblivious of whatever it is that’s making it to be on the high side?” “I get stressed up a lot.” “And I supposed that’s why you’re in Nigeria to take a break which you really need to take seriously because right now, you’re dangling on the thin rope of hypertension and I bet you anything slight can trigger you to the peak. You’re too young to be battling hypertension so I would advice you that you take things easy on yourself. Easy with the stimulants for now and eat things more natural and fresh. Relax in every way you can.” She inhaled and closed her eyes deeply. Bayo had always found a way to make her ignore her skyrocketing BPs in the past. He’d give her a drug and it would go away till she was through handling her present contract. “I’ll do as much as I can.” “I would advise you not to take on any job for now till you’re stabilized. The next attack might reach for your heart if you’re not careful.” He scribbled down something into his chart. “For now, I would only advise you stick with the natural methods of bringing down your blood pressure for now. I don’t want to start loading you with drugs.” “I won’t take them.” She shrugged. He laughed. “Any palpitations? Fast heart rate, sudden sharp pain in the chest?” Her mind flashed to the times when Bayo would remove his belt and stretch it towards her, she’d feel the sharp pain and then it was gone. She had thought it was the fear of being beaten and raped by him. “No..” She lied. He pulled off his stethoscope and touched her shoulder. “Please lie down and let me examine you.” And she did as she was told. When he was through, he asked her. “Would you mind me telling your family the truth about the situation..” She looked at him thinking. “I think letting them know would allow room for you to rest and keep watch over you.” Sandra was thinking the same thing. She’d never been more vulnerable all her life and right now, if they left her, who would stay with her? What if her mother decided to return to her father tomorrow? What if Anu returned and they found out the truth? Was that what her sister was planning? To return unannounced and take her rightful place in their lives? If he told them she was sick they would take things easy with her and understand her. They wouldn’t hate her if after Anu returned and she told them the truth, she would tell them she had only done it due to desperation and the fact that she had been sick. Yes, that would definitely put her in a good light. Emotionally depressed’ she remembered telling her sister. They would understand that and have empathy on her. That was the Plan B, whatever Anu had brewing which she didn’t know about, she would have something to fall back on. She always had.
13 Jan 2015 | 08:31
“Oh Brian, you don’t know how happy I am that I refused to sign the contract Richard presented. You should have seen the look on his face. He was so sure I’d sign it. He felt like He was my only chance at stardom since right now, my name was dying down in the entertainment industry.” He listened to her as she went on with her story settling down on a bench beside the water fountain after they’d strolled a while. “I think the way the entertainment works is attending all functions you can, do stuffs to get you front page in the magazines and just keep putting yourself out there so that you are seen. It came to his notice that I haven’t been doing that lately due to my break-up with Bayo and so, I needed a new manager…, him.” “Manager huh?” Brian responded completely understanding the man’s motive. “Yeah, I’m sure he was thinking he’d be the key to my locks. I’d be swimming in fame and have the world under my feet. You need to have seen the look in his eyes. Gosh, it was something else. What men do?” “It’s so sad.” She nodded. “I guess so.” “Did you ever wonder if it was your sister who’d been invited for the dinner meeting, if she would have said no or yes…, and then probably gotten herself entangled into webs of bondage to another man who was promising her the whole world?” Anu was quiet for a while and her eyes pooled as she clasped and unclasped her hands. “Yea, for a brief moment, I thought about it and it wasn’t a pretty thing.” “Let’s pray for her okay…” He pulled her chin up and realized her eyes had pooled. “Hey.., don’t cry, that has been avoided thanks to God, and thanks to you.” He wiped her tears with his fingers and planted a kiss on her forehead pulling her close to himself. “I just realized that I love her so much and after a couple of weeks here, I discover she wasn’t even living a perfect life though the world sees her as the perfect role model to emulate and praise. I could see my sister dying gradually and how much of herself she had given to the world that only loved her for what she gave, not who she was and not caring how much of her soul she was selling. I suddenly felt sorry for her, not envious at all.” “She doesn’t know this. Only God can open her eyes to see it the way you are.” “What if she comes back to her former life? What if she finds out Richard tried to get in touch with her and she goes after him because of this fame she so badly wants. I can’t stop her.” “But God can…” She sighed, basking in his familiar scent and allowing him to caress her arms soothingly. How did he make her feel so calm and relaxed. Being with him gave her peace and the way he just brought God into everything. It wasn’t forced, it felt so natural, so easy. “I love you..” She mumbled, his chin above her hair and he breathed softly into her hair. She noticed his Adam’s apple throbbing and was tempted to plant a kiss there. “I love you too Sarah.” She smiled knowing she couldn’t fight the feeling and the attraction towards him anymore. “I have something to make your day…” He said after they’d been quiet for a while. Untangling herself from him, she sat up and looked into his eyes. They seemed to sparkle. She smiled. “What is it?” “It’s a question and I need an answer.” She adjusted on the bench once more. “Okay..” He reached into his pocket as he talked. “I was passing by this wonderful store and I saw something that would perfectly fit your finger if you’re willing to say yes to me right here and right now.” Anu gasped when he opened the box and the sparkling jewelry presented before her didn’t look like something he’d just gotten from any store he claimed to have passed by. “Oh Brian…” “I love you Sarah Anuouwapo Okoye and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. This ring doesn’t do justice enough for how much I feel for you, neither is it going to determine how long I’m going to stay married and faithful to you but I want to make a vow to you right now, that asking you to marry me means loving you for the rest of my entire life, having my babies with you and making your dreams, however wide they go come true.” Anu’s tears strolled down her cheeks finding it hard to say anything. She almost laughed at the awkward pronunciation of her Nigerian name. “So, are you willing to make my dreams come true?” She nodded trying to wipe her tears. “Yes, I will.” He slipped the ring into her finger and kissed her. Pamela was right about saving the best for last, because Brian’s kiss, her first kiss was one of the most beautiful things she’d set her lips upon since she came to London. A kiss far better than her love for crusty and creamy cheesecake.
13 Jan 2015 | 08:35
Whaooo,so lovely indeed
13 Jan 2015 | 15:26
Even me sef don dey love up
13 Jan 2015 | 18:42
I go love o... This story self fit make person commit hmmmmm. Lovely keep it up. Thumb up for you
14 Jan 2015 | 05:11
Thumb up
14 Jan 2015 | 18:30
Thanks guys, am back from vacation... Ready to post now..:)
16 Jan 2015 | 14:04
Brian was happy as he strolled to his apartment that night and his mind began planning on everything he had to do. He was going to tell Nathan how it went, he was also going to take steps towards buying them a house in London since he’d moved into a smaller place ever since Debbie died. He’d invested enough just in case the time came when Nathan was going to have a new mum. He remembered their kiss and how heavenly it felt. Gosh, it’d been so long it almost set him on fire. Was that how much his passion for her consumed him? He couldn’t wait to feel how her body would fit so perfectly to his. He practically skipped in his steps as he found his way to Sheila’s place whistling to himself as he drew closer. He’d been thinking of hiring a babysitter for Nathan for years but when he observed that the girl was having a crush on him, he had to let her go. She had been pretty young, Kimberly’s age mate and had tried to kiss him one night when he’d tried to escort her to where she could get a cab. That was the end. He mentioned the incident to Sheila and asked if she could get an older woman for him and since Sheila worked from home which he also did as well often times, she suggested she looked after him together with her kids. And it had been so feasible. When he arrived at their house, he knocked and Carlos opened greeting him briefly at the door before finding his way back to the couch to watch soccer with his brother-in-law Ryan. It was obvious Sheila was in the kitchen. She stepped out when she heard his voice dabbing her hands against a napkin and looking at him for answers. “Well?” He beamed. “She said yes!” “Oh my….”She squealed and ran to hug him planting a kiss on his forehead. “Oh Brian, I’m so happy for you…” When she observed that the other men were still engrossed in TV, she spanked Carlos’ head and nudged her husband. “Hey, can’t you guys ask him how it went?” That was when Carlos and Ryan turned. “You proposed already?” He nodded. “Yea, I thought I told you guys…” “I thought it was tomorrow.” Carlos sprang from the couch to hug his friend. “Wow, that’s great news gringo.” Ryan joined him. “I’m assuming she said yes?” “Of course.” Sheila chiped in and not being able to contain her tears, she wiped them carelessly away from her face. “I’m sure Debbie must be so happy for you right now. It feels like a decade already since she’s been gone and I still miss her, but I’m happy you’re moving on, with Nate, and Sarah, being all you’ve ever talked about and how amazing she is.” Her husband found a tissue for her. “Don’t mind my rambling, it’s the baby.” “Thanks Sheila, and thanks guys, all of you, for being there for me.” His eyes had pooled and Ryan embraced him. “Even after she becomes yours, we’ll always be there for you.” “Just tell me all that you need for the wedding okay, if there’s going to be a reception, Carlos will be in charge of photography…” “We both want something small. We’re saving on our honeymoon and other things we’ll need to get since Sarah isn’t working for now.” “We talked yesterday and I can tell she’s promising. She just needs a little more push and I bet she’ll be spinning a thread faster than I can. Oh thank God, y’know I prayed for the both of you…” “We all prayed for the both of you especially when you told us about her being Sarah and all.” “I know.” He smiled softly. “Let me go get Nathan, that’s if he’s not asleep yet.” Ryan spoke up and found his way to the kids’ room. He came out with his son who was still fully awake. He was glad to see his father though. When they finally got home, Brian helped his son prepare warm milk and served him a large cup to enable him calm his nerves and sleep well. When he was done drinking, he followed him into his room, waited for him while he showered while looking around his room to ensure security on the windows and watch out for any strange or funny looking comic books in his room. When he was sure there was none, he sat and scrolled through one of his superhero comics. “Just say it already!” Nathan disrupted his thoughts and he looked up to see his son towel tied around him but still dripping wet from the shower. “Say what?” Brian pretended to be surprised but he looked amused. “I know there’s something on your mind when you look that way.” “What way?” “C’mon Dad!” “Okay…, I asked Sarah to marry me.” He looked on, waiting for a response. “And?” “She said Yes.” “Meaning she agreed to be my new mum?” Brian’s smile softened. “She can’t wait to be your new mum” Nathan hi-fived his father and they laughed together. “I knew you were going to get a good woman.” “Oh really?” “Yeah, because you love God, you’re my super- dad and you deserve the best.” He winked. “You always tell me that all things work together for good to those that Love God.” Brian smiled. “So, I take this to mean you’ve forgiven her for not being Sandra?” “I don’t think I would have liked Sandra anyway.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “She never got to sign my autograph, Sarah did and she thinks I’m cute anyway.” He smiled. “There might be a lot of changes, but I want you to understand that it won’t make me love you any less okay?” He nodded. “I believe you.” “And I love you.” He tapped his forehead. “C’mon, it’s time for bed, go get your PJs and hop in, we still have a lot to talk about till you start feeling sleepy.”
16 Jan 2015 | 14:21
EPISODE 22 Brian and Anu got married in Spring, some days after Easter in Brian’s church with a few of their friends present watching them as they exchanged vows. Though Brian had mentioned saving up for their wedding and their trip to his parent’s place afterwards, Carlos, Sheila, Ryan and other friends of his had given them a small surprise of an outdoor reception. Anu couldn’t be happier though she knew she would have loved her parents to be present but knowing if they were present it wouldn’t hold made her strengthen her resolve about marrying Brian. Sheila who was good with DIY crafts made almost everything for their wedding from the bouquet recipe to the vases to the decorations at the event in the beautiful backyard of the Burrow’s private residence. Sheila had gotten some of her friends who added to the food delivery, chairs and table arrangement and best of all the wedding cake. Even the photography and the photo booth had been well handled by Carlos. It wasn’t a big ceremony and so within 90 minutes, they were through with their reception and drove off to spend their honeymoon in a hotel suite Brian had paid for. Anu felt it was a dream as everything happened so fast. At a time, she found it hard to believe that she was actually getting married without her sister, Teniola or her parents involved neither had she imagined her wedding would be this way. First, it wouldn’t have been Brian, it’d have been some guy of her colour whom she found cool enough to live with. Secondly, it would have been much more elaborate than this though she couldn’t imagine a better reception than this. She owed them a lot. They were like the family she never had. But right now, things were pretty different and she hoped the adrenaline pumping through her due to excitement would last. Her life suddenly felt crazy. All of it. Brian looked good in suit. He wore a dark tailored suit with a dark sleek tie that stood out against his white shirt perfectly. She’d never seen him look this good before and hoped she would get to see him in suits often now that they were married. How could one’s man’s blue eyes stand out this way. He was beautiful. Sheila watched her new-born baby who was already a month old from time to time and she was glad they were so many people present to assist her. Her husband helped out and assisted her with the few things she needed help for and Carlos and Pamela were present to wish them a happy life as they drove off to their hotel suite which as they arrived within a few minutes of driving, a chauffeur helped with the door and she slipped her hand through her husband’s. When they got to their reserved room, Brian smiled at her as he closed the door behind her. “You look beautiful.” “Thank you.” She blushed and returned his smile. “I have something for you.” “Oh really…” He reached for his box and pulled out something wrapped neatly in a small box. Anu thought it was beautiful as he handed it over to her. “Brian…, what’s this?” “Open it.” He urged. She apologized as she tore away the wrapper hating herself for not even thinking to buy him a gift as he’d been considerate to buy her one. “You shouldn’t have…” She opened the hardcover package and saw a small white leather Bible staring back at her. She swallowed knowing what it meant. His faith was a big part of him and he wanted to share every bit of it with her. She turned to the edge and was shocked at what she saw. Was that her name? She looked closely and saw they’d engraved her name into the leather cover in gold letters. She opened it and saw. To my Sarah…, just like Abraham’s Sarah, may we live many years loving each other, abounding in God’s grace, my fair lady. “Oh Brian…” She laughed shaking her head and placing the Bible against her heart. “Thank you isn’t enough to say how I feel about this, you being poetic and all.” Strolling towards him, she leaned close and planted a kiss on his lips softly at first, till his hands circled around her waist. He breathed and sighed. “Who would have known that would get me an amazing kiss from you…” “Well, that and who you really are inside.” She reached for his tie and gave an excited yelp when he lifted her from her feet and carried her to the bed.
16 Jan 2015 | 14:25
EPISODE 22 Brian and Anu got married in Spring, some days after Easter in Brian’s church with a few of their friends present watching them as they exchanged vows. Though Brian had mentioned saving up for their wedding and their trip to his parent’s place afterwards, Carlos, Sheila, Ryan and other friends of his had given them a small surprise of an outdoor reception. Anu couldn’t be happier though she knew she would have loved her parents to be present but knowing if they were present it wouldn’t hold made her strengthen her resolve about marrying Brian. Sheila who was good with DIY crafts made almost everything for their wedding from the bouquet recipe to the vases to the decorations at the event in the beautiful backyard of the Burrow’s private residence. Sheila had gotten some of her friends who added to the food delivery, chairs and table arrangement and best of all the wedding cake. Even the photography and the photo booth had been well handled by Carlos. It wasn’t a big ceremony and so within 90 minutes, they were through with their reception and drove off to spend their honeymoon in a hotel suite Brian had paid for. Anu felt it was a dream as everything happened so fast. At a time, she found it hard to believe that she was actually getting married without her sister, Teniola or her parents involved neither had she imagined her wedding would be this way. First, it wouldn’t have been Brian, it’d have been some guy of her colour whom she found cool enough to live with. Secondly, it would have been much more elaborate than this though she couldn’t imagine a better reception than this. She owed them a lot. They were like the family she never had. But right now, things were pretty different and she hoped the adrenaline pumping through her due to excitement would last. Her life suddenly felt crazy. All of it. Brian looked good in suit. He wore a dark tailored suit with a dark sleek tie that stood out against his white shirt perfectly. She’d never seen him look this good before and hoped she would get to see him in suits often now that they were married. How could one’s man’s blue eyes stand out this way. He was beautiful. Sheila watched her new-born baby who was already a month old from time to time and she was glad they were so many people present to assist her. Her husband helped out and assisted her with the few things she needed help for and Carlos and Pamela were present to wish them a happy life as they drove off to their hotel suite which as they arrived within a few minutes of driving, a chauffeur helped with the door and she slipped her hand through her husband’s. When they got to their reserved room, Brian smiled at her as he closed the door behind her. “You look beautiful.” “Thank you.” She blushed and returned his smile. “I have something for you.” “Oh really…” He reached for his box and pulled out something wrapped neatly in a small box. Anu thought it was beautiful as he handed it over to her. “Brian…, what’s this?” “Open it.” He urged. She apologized as she tore away the wrapper hating herself for not even thinking to buy him a gift as he’d been considerate to buy her one. “You shouldn’t have…” She opened the hardcover package and saw a small white leather Bible staring back at her. She swallowed knowing what it meant. His faith was a big part of him and he wanted to share every bit of it with her. She turned to the edge and was shocked at what she saw. Was that her name? She looked closely and saw they’d engraved her name into the leather cover in gold letters. She opened it and saw. To my Sarah…, just like Abraham’s Sarah, may we live many years loving each other, abounding in God’s grace, my fair lady. “Oh Brian…” She laughed shaking her head and placing the Bible against her heart. “Thank you isn’t enough to say how I feel about this, you being poetic and all.” Strolling towards him, she leaned close and planted a kiss on his lips softly at first, till his hands circled around her waist. He breathed and sighed. “Who would have known that would get me an amazing kiss from you…” “Well, that and who you really are inside.” She reached for his tie and gave an excited yelp when he lifted her from her feet and carried her to the bed.
16 Jan 2015 | 14:25
Anu smiled as she watched the gentle rise and fall of her husband’s chest wondering how peacefully he slept with his hair poking at all sides. He had a boyish look about him when he slept and his body was beautiful as the rays of the rising sun silhouetted against him while the sheets covered the rest of his body. Trying to recollect how and why she’d woken up as early, she looked across and that was when she saw the sunrise. That was what aroused her from sleep. Though the curtains were drawn, some managed to sneak in a little peak. Snatching her robe, she threw it on and headed towards the balcony where she would get a clearer view. She stood out overlooking the rooftops and the city in total as the sun slowly made it’s way up in the sky piercing the darkness that had taken place in the city before, making it look beautiful like the sky was being painted with splashes of pink, red and orange. She’d seen the beautiful horizon before.., the day when she’d been sacked from work at the time and she had been hopeful that someday, her life would be as beautiful as the horizon. She snatched the Bible he’d given her before their union and headed outside with it. She hadn’t gotten the chance to appreciate the written words of the book and so leaning on the railing, she mumbled a short prayer thanking God for Brian, Nate and the new life they were going to have together. And for the first time in years, she was beginning to see the Bible in a different light. Ever since she could remember, it had been some form of ritual, some form of activity that had to be done. But Brian giving it to her yesterday just before he made love to her made her see the beauty of it all. Even when they lay spent beside each other, he’d held her close, mumbling some thanks to God coupled with a few verses which she could vaguely point out. She’d thought things like that were sacred, set aside from what they had just done. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” She shook her head her stomach fluttering at the recollection of what he’d done to her. If there was anything he was, he was gentle and took his time. “No.” She giggled when he planted a kiss on her shoulder and his hand tightened on her waist. She turned to look at him and raised a hand to his face. “It’s like you see God in everything.” He took her hands and kissed her fingertips. “I do and you should too.” She was quiet and shifted on the bed. “Do you think God is interested in…, y’know…” She blushed when his eyes searched hers as she looked for the right words. “God created it so why shouldn’t I involve him in it?” “Well, from where I come from, it isn’t discussed freely. I mean people do it in their closets yes, but sometimes with Christians, we are afraid to talk about it.” “I see, well you’re not alone, it’s a worldwide notion because of the way it’s been perverted. It’s meant to be sacred between man and wife, something of a glimpse into what intimacy with Christ feels like, and it’s done to give God glory because it’s a privilege to enjoy such pleasure with my wife. It’s a gift. It’s not something to be taken for granted, neither is it something that should be treated with the mindset of ‘skin on skin’ It’s much more than that. Sometimes even the desire for God can consume a man that you look at sex and you find out it’s not even comparable to what God has in stock for us when we finally attain that satisfaction in him.” “And have you?” “Yea, and I’m grateful for giving me the gift of you. God wasn’t going to allow me turn you to my new idol, or just because I wanted some sexual outlet. I needed that satisfaction in him so just in case things don’t turn out the way my heart often yearned, I wouldn’t be disappointed if no woman came for myself and Nate. I’ll be honest with you, when thoughts of you kept lingering after many years of being a single father, I prayed about you, asking God that if it was my flesh, then I needed those feelings to die away as soon as possible. There’s no point getting married again if it’s not for God’s glory.” She smiled and reached up to kiss him. After a while, he caressed her face and said. “Pass me the Bible I gave you yesterday.” She turned and reached for her gift which was on the table. He opened it for her till they got to the book of Proverbs. He asked her to read it and she obeyed. “Let your fountain be blessed, and rejoice with the wife of your youth, as a loving deer and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times, and always be enraptured with her love..” She looked up and he urged her on. “For why should you my son be enraptured by an immoral woman, and be embraced in the arms of a seductress?” He smiled and kissed her again. “Do you see why I take my faith seriously? it’s the center of my universe and you’re part of it.” She inhaled deeply and looked at him. Brian wasn’t the man she’d dreamed she would marry, but he was far better, and everything he said, whatever he did made her love him even more. Being a bad boy didn’t work for her just like she’d heard some girls discuss while she used to work at the bank before she got sacked, they’d said how their love for bad boys were insatiable and went on to describe characteristics from the ones they’d dated and the ones they read in books. But now, she knew the truth. This was the real deal, this man who made her see God in the most beautiful way ever. She desired this intimacy with Christ too and hoped it would grow with Brian teaching her every step of the way. “Come back to me…” His whisper brought her back to reality and she smiled when he planted a kiss on her nose and on her eyelids. “What’s on your mind, I want to know.” “Oh…” She tried to focus. “I was just thinking of how wrong I was in the past and how you make me see everything clearly,” and she pulled him down for another kiss. In search of a paper to write down verses which came streaming through, she saw his journal and helped herself to it. Brian was still asleep but he stirred when she reached for their bedside table. It had a pen inside. Perfect. That was all she needed. Just as she scrolled through the book, she saw something at the end of the booklet. “We are just like an illusion. We are not real. God is. We know our beginning and our end. God doesn’t have a beginning and an end. He is the beginning and the end, He was and is and He is yet to come. If there’s anybody who doesn’t exist, it’s us. The present world is just an illusion. We eat, we live and we die but God is still the same and will judge our works. We are like the flower that fades…Keep this in mind to fear God, no matter what happens For by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist.” Colossians 1v16-17 “Hey….” She almost jerked when her husband’s arms snaked around her shoulder to her neck leaning down to kiss the nape of her neck. She sighed and smiled closing the journal immediately. “I see you’ve been pretty busy without me.” He reached for the journal. “What are you, peeping tom?” She turned to look at him and tried to apologize. “Your journal was the only place I had to write something down, that was before I saw the quote, I’m sorry if I intruded.” She bit her lip and squeezed her hands. “It’s okay.” He reached for her and pulled her close to himself and they stood like that for a while. “That thing you wrote…, it took me by surprise. I mean all my life I’ve never seen myself and God that way. I mean I know all is vanity but the way you put it, it makes me shiver that I’ve been so concerned with minor things when we are just an illusion. Everything here is an illusion.” “It’s a hard saying.” He mumbled into her ear. “But it’s the truth and it makes you prioritize things when you remember that. It has helped me a lot.” She held him close basking in it all. “Bed n Breakfast should be here any minute,’ he mumbled into her hair kissing it. “Since when have you been up?” “Around 5:35″ “And you’ve been here on your feet reading my journal or the Bible?” She shrugged. “Bible first, I don’t think your journal is that interesting to spend so much time on so don’t flatter yourself.” “Oh really…” He cocked his head a mischievous glint in his eyes. “And for that, there’s a price ma’am.” “Price for–” She was cut short when he lifted her from the floor and carried her inside their bedroom. She giggled when he finally dropped her and joined her on the bed responding when he planted kisses on every part of her face. When he kissed her lips, she forgot everything else.
16 Jan 2015 | 14:34
This is love. God is love. God bless the authour of this story and thanks Shaxee for the updates. Itz such a beautiful story.
16 Jan 2015 | 19:40
The newly wed couple sat on the sand at the beach watching totally engrossed in each other and the exchange of conversation between them. Anu sat tucked inbetween her husband as he sat and stretched his legs enough to accommodate her. “I think you’ll do great in this designing thing if you put your mind into it.” Brian mumbled against her neck. “What can I do to convince you that you should take costume designing seriously?” She smiled and shrugged scooping more ice-cream into her mouth. “Maybe a few more kisses…” Brian grinned and leaned close to kiss her on the edges of her lips where there were some creamy stains. He pulled her close and gave her a steamy kiss on the lips. She breathed staring dreamily into his eyes. “You sure know how to convince me…” “I’m glad it worked.” He winked and allowed her pull out his shades from his hair claiming it as hers. “How do I look?” She adjusted the frames sitting comfortably in his laps on the beach. “You make me wanna kiss you even more.” He looked so good in his white flannel shirt and khaki shorts on the beach and she was glad a swim suit was one of the things Pamela had advised her to take. She’d draped a white loose shirt and denim over it. She smiled into his face and clung to his neck as he gave her another kiss. “If kissing is what we’re going to do all day, then we might start having babies earlier than we think.” Brian teased and she laughed. His face turned serious. “Sarah, I really want us to go see your parents…, maybe after we go and see mine.” Anu blinked and turned away looking at the waves. He turned her to face him. “At least we are married now, even if they refuse like you said, they can’t stop us now can they? And I want to meet your daughter Teniola. I want Nathan to know about his sister and probably make plans for her to move here if things work out well.” “Brian…, I-, it’s not as easy as you think….” She tried to find the right words. How could she tell him what Gbenro told her about Teniola finding out the false truth from Sandra. “Look, I know how to handle things and you can’t be scared of them anymore. Even Sandra. I married you and they just have to deal with it. The earlier we make our intentions known, the better it would be for the both of us. You’ll get your necessary certificates, all that you need and you can enroll in that program I found online for you, get your degree and by God’s grace you’ll come out fine, hopefully before the babies start coming. Sheila isn’t the only one who sees your potential, even I do.” Sarah looked at him then and touched his face. He made things look so easy but they were not that easy. She nodded rested her head on his chest her mind battling with those thoughts. He was right, but she still had secret fears of her own which he wouldn’t know about. Brian really loved her. She could see it in his eyes, and he wanted the best for her. She didn’t want to think about things like this. She wanted to think of him and him alone. “When we’re done, maybe we should fly a kite..” He disrupted her thoughts all of a sudden playful once more. “Are you always this playful?” “Around you, yes.” “I like you this way.” “But you know it won’t always be like this forever but we can give it our best shot.” He leaned close to kiss her chin and smiled into her eyes. His strong hands around her making her feel safe. The thought of another woman who must have snuggled close to him in the past crossed her mind and she asked. “Do you ever think of her? Debbie…” He was quiet for a while and his eyes looked distant staring into the water a few feet from them. “I would be lying if I said I didn’t, so yea, I do.” He looked into her eyes then. “Why do you ask?” “I thought it might be a good idea to know what she looked like, I would like to know if she’s still a huge part of your life somewhat. I don’t mean to pry but I feel sort of displaced in areas where she’s concerned. Just in case Nate brings it up.” Brian raised an eyebrow. “Did he?” “No, but I’d like to prepare myself ahead.” “It’s been a little more than 5 years and Nathan was still little not understanding much. If he’s going to ask about his mother, he’s going to ask me not you okay?” She nodded afraid he might have taken her question the wrong way. Was she going to ruin their honeymoon with their silly questions “Okay…” “Sarah, you’re my wife now so I would like if things like this are placed behind us.” His face had become serious. “I don’t talk about her because I don’t want to ruin our chances together. Bringing her up might cause a strain in our relationship. I promised to love you, protect you, cherish you and provide you with what I can, she’s my past, you’re my present and my future.” “I’m sorry I brought this up. I don’t know what’s wrong with me…” “It’s okay, it’s a good thing you asked so that I can clear any misunderstanding.” He caressed her back soothingly. “Just in case my parents mention it which they might, don’t forget what we spoke about. You’re the only one who matters to me right now okay?” She nodded and pulled the Polaroid camera that had been on his neck. He’d taken time to teach her how to use it and ever since she’d been excited to try it. That had been part of what reminded her of his ex-wife after he had explained to her that she’d used it in the past to take pictures and help build Nate’s scrap book. He had also gone ahead to explain to her she was the first woman Nate would allow sign into his book and so she was part of their family now. Most of Debbie’s pictures had been removed from the scrap book except one which Nate still kept till he was ready to get rid of it. Brian explained he’d given it to him the times when he asked about his mother. She was his mother now. She stood and pulled him from the sand running close to the water, Polaroid in hand. “Let me take pictures of you gorgeous.” “I want to fly a kite.” “Say cheese.” She lifted it to her eyes and after getting a suitable eye- view, she took a shot and the picture printed out. Brian came over to check it out. “Who would have known you will get a good one as a first timer. We can give Carl a run for his money.” She laughed. “With a Polaroid? I don’t think so.” “Let me take pictures of you, low cut and all…” he teased and tried to retrieve the camera from her. “Hey!” She frowned. “I thought you said you liked it.” “Well, we’re married now so I know what it feels like not to be able to run my hands through your hair, no offense.” She nudged him hard.”Offense taken.” “Ouch, what was that for?” He cried reaching for the spot where she had punched and rubbed it. She stuck her tongue out. “One day you’re gonna wake up with your hair shaved to the root, you’ll see.” “Oh really?” He gave her a ‘you-don’t-say’ look and shrugged. “We’ll see about that Mrs Olsen.” “Don’t take me for granted Mr. Olsen.” They both grinned at their silly conversation and just before she could run away from him, he caught her in his arms. Lifting her, he swung her around her giggles filling the air.
17 Jan 2015 | 07:05
“So, do you like the school?” Sandra asked her daughter as she propped her hands on both elbows looking through the brochure she had brought from the school when the both of them had gone roaming today. Ever since the news of her Blood Pressure, she noticed the child had begun to warm up to her. Though it wasn’t as fast as she hoped, there was an improvement. She wasn’t snappy or rude anymore, she even sat beside her on the Dinning table and the last time when she had reached for her hand, the child didn’t not budge away. She held unto it and allowed her lead. She knew that was one moment she would forever cherish. They had spent time alone at the park and though she did most of the talking, she could tell the child was listening. They had found a swing in one of their outings ‘The playground” which Teni protested immediately she saw her planning to join her. “Isn’t that thing too small for you?” “Says who?” Sandra had shrugged. “Says-a-me!” She had responded which made Sandra laugh and surmised.”Open Sesame.” “It’s not funny, and yes, the Open Sesame was coined from the word…Says-a-me.” She helped herself to the second swing. “Have you read Alibaba and the 40 thieves?” “I watched it when I was small..” “The Arabian nights story. It’s really interesting. Maybe we should branch by the bookstore and buy one.” Sandra was happy. Teniola had refused to collect anything from her and she was the one suggesting she buy one for her. She had Gbenro and her condition to thank for this. “Okay, I will.” She nodded and smiled to herself pushing herself forward while they remained quiet for a while. After she had swung to her heart’s content, she asked. “Are you just going to watch me, swing a little…” “Oh, I’m fine, I don’t want to do anything to worsen the situation.” “What’s it like? Is it painful?” “A little, sometimes I have a slight sharp pain but I feel better now with the way things are working out.” Teni kept quiet and looked away, biting her lip. “I’m sorry, I don’t know if I had any role in it but I would never want anything bad to happen to you the way Grandma put it. I wasn’t just happy with finding out the truth that way.” “Hey, it’s okay, I don’t blame you for anything, Grandma was just angry, she’s being going through a lot of stress lately people yell when they’re stressed out.” She nodded and looked at her feet. Sandra’s heart softened. She had taken traits from both herself and Anu. “I love you Teniola and I’m sorry you had to find out about me that way. At the time I had you, I was young and I knew I’d do a pretty bad job of taking care of you and so I trusted my sister to do so for me. She’s one of the most precious people on earth to me.” It was at that moment she spilled it forth that she realized the truth. Yes, she’d used Anu to get what she wanted, she’d acted selfishly and was deeply driven by revenge, but Anu would forever be the reason why she could keep going. Just thinking of the fact that she had someone to cling to no matter what happened sustained her. Gbenro was right, Anu had been the strong one all along, like her anchor, just that she’d made her invisible because no one was meant to see what you leaned on or ran back to. They’d take her for a weakling. “And I would do anything to make it up to you..” She reached to lift her chin and saw her eyes had pooled. “Oh baby…, I’m so sorry for this…, all of this.” She reached out and received Teniola into her arms. The child went willingly. “I promise to love you, to cherish you, and whatever you want just ask me okay..” She nodded sobbing into her shirt. “But my mum…, I mean your sister, where is she, doesn’t she miss me, she was with me for 10years…, and she loved me like a mother.” Her voice sounded muffled against Sandra’s stomach. “She’s coming back, soon. She just needed time away, y’know she lost her job and there were so many things that were happening to her which she needed to take the time off.” She nodded trying to understand and broke free looking into her mother’s eyes. “Can I call her? You should have her number right…, I just want to hear her voice, and tell her I miss her, It’s okay for me to miss her right?” Sandra trembled slightly though her daughter did not observe it. There was no harm in allowing her talk to Anu. Maybe that would even make her pick her call afterall and give her feedback on what had been happening in her life over there, if there was something she needed to do for her to take a quick trip and fix, then she could do it and come back for her daughter. At least the child knew the truth now. “Of course princess, why not.” “It looks okay to me, it’s just that it’s going to be all new to me, the environment and all. It also looks expensive.” She kept scrolling through the page that displayed a lavish and well constructed environment. Red brick walls and well stocked libraries inclusive of computers and a chance to earn a scholarship to further her education in the States if she did well. “If you like it, just say the word and we’ll begin business.” Teniola looked up shyly. “I like it, I just don’t want you to spend too much money…” “Don’t tell me how I’ll spend my money okay? You deserve the best as my baby.” The child closed the brochure and she urged her to come close. When she obeyed, she pulled her to herself and stroked her hair. There was just something about the child that drew her like a magnet. Stroking her hair, she looked into her doe eyes and kissed her forehead. “You’re beautiful.” “Thank you.” She mumbled “What do you want to be when you grow up?” She asked when she noticed the child’s breathing was relaxed. “I want to be so many things when I grow up.” “I have an ambitious daughter don’t I?” She smiled to herself. “So, give me a list of everything you want to be.” Teni smiled softly. “I want to be a teacher, a nurse, a lawyer and a business woman so that I can travel round the world and see all those places my teacher used to talk to us about.” “Wow…” “Uh-huh. We had this big globe in the classroom, I was taught we have seven continents in the world, I’m in Nigeria which is in Africa and I want to see the other countries in the other continents when I grow up.” “That’s beautiful, and that’s a lot of money.” “You see why I want to be a business woman too, and then if I get to be nurse or a teacher, I can provide medical help and teach the children around the world. My teacher told me about India and how they are very populous. These kids need people who can fight for their rights and that’s where being a lawyer comes in.” “You have it all sorted out I see..” “Mum used to tell me that with God on my side, nothing is impossible.” Sandra blinked and tried to smile. She hadn’t achieved anything with God’s help. Hard-work got her to where she was presently. She didn’t know whether to let it go or discourage the girl about her beliefs. The so-called belief that her father had taught her and he was no good himself. The belief that had kept her in bondage for so many years, making her live in fear, making her wonder how God would see her ever since she got pregnant. God wasn’t interested in people like her, he was interested in perfect people. She was far from perfect, if there was anything she wasn’t, that was it. And there was no perfection, even her father who told them to abide by the rules wasn’t. And so they were all going to hell, because as far as she was concerned, God wanted perfection. And nobody was. She looked down at her child and discovered she had slept, her breathing even. One hand was flung carelessly against Sandra’s side and she smiled. Her daughter was coming to. Gradually.
17 Jan 2015 | 07:09
EPISODE 23 Sandra kept staring at her phone as the number she dialed refused to pick up. This was the third time and he wasn’t picking. He’d picked her number in the past but why now? Maybe she was being pushy. She’d never been pushy before especially in areas where men were concerned. He had been the one to drive her back home, go the extra mile to get her groceries from the shoprite store while her mother helped went to the market to get food stuffs. It’d been a while she felt motherly love and the way Gbenro extended friendship towards her. She told herself she just wanted to thank him on helping her out with Teniola but she knew she wanted so much more than that. She wanted to ask him if he wouldn’t mind going out with her and maybe they could get something to eat since she doubted he would be the drinking type. Immediately she dropped the phone, her phone buzzed and she had to fight the compulsion to pick it at the first ring when she saw it was the dialed number calling her back. She didn’t want to look
20 Jan 2015 | 13:33
desperate. On the second ring, she picked it and mumbled a cool and calm, “Hello…” “Hey Sandra, hi, sorry, I was in a brief meeting and so I couldn’t pick. What do I owe this surprise call, is something wrong?” “Er, no…, nothing is wrong. I just thought I should say hi and thank you for the other day when you spoke to Teni and checking up on me at the hospital.” “Oh…, it’s nothing really. I’m sorry I haven’t called to check back on you since then. I called your mum though and she told me you were doing fine but that’s not an excuse. I should have called even if you were going to hang up on me.” She could hear the teasing note in his voice. “Oh…, well…, I might not.” “Oh, okay, so does that give me free access to your line now?” “Er, sure…” She found herself smiling. “Okay.” “Okay…” The line was quiet for a while and she at first she thought he had hung up. “You there?” “Yea, sure…, do you have something you want to ask me?” “Well, I was thinking maybe you and I can have dinner sometime. Maybe a dinner between friends. My mum can watch after Teni.” She noticed he was quiet for a while and she hurriedly added. “You don’t have to say yes if you’ll be busy. I just wanted to ask if…” She was already rambling till Gbenro spoke up. “What about this Saturday? I should be free by then.” “Saturday it is.” She founded herself nodding to nobody in particular. “Okay, see you on Saturday and say hi to Teni for me.” “I will.”
20 Jan 2015 | 13:47
“Hey…” Brian’s voice broke into her thoughts as he interlinked his fingers with hers. The last time she had been in a plane was when she had taken the step to take her sister’s place. Now they were going to see Brian’s parents and she had a feeling they might not like her. She had told Pamela about it. Everything her husband told her about their former residence location in the Upper East side of New-york before moving to a ranch of theirs as far as Arizona. She knew with the way Pamela hesitated to respond, there was something wrong. “Just be yourself.” She had managed to say. “Pam, is there something I need to know?” “Let’s just say if his parents are the rich and conservative kind, do as Brian tells you and don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. If they compliment you on anything, show them how grateful you are about it and I doubt you’ll have any issue since you’re the quiet type.” “Okay. I can be nice…” She breathed. “I’m a nice person right?” Pamela chuckled and grabbed her by the shoulders. “Don’t worry, you’ll do great.” Nathan who had been pretty excited to sit beside the window had drowsed off to sleep and she reached to adjust the blanket cover on his body. They would be landing in about thirty minutes time and Brian had mentioned his brother coming over to pick them from the airport. She noticed he was an organized person and made plans. He’d told her he wanted to do everything that needed to be done within 2 weeks, one week honeymoon, spend a few days at home to plan their trip to Arizona which was inclusive of his son before coming back to London to resume life as usual with her taking her tutorial classes with Sheila till she decided it was time they would go see her parents. She was fine with all of it but she still felt uneasy. She knew her parents were not going to sweep it under the carpet the way Brian’s parents probably had. She knew she badly wanted to tell them how she’d finally found happiness with Brian, how he loved her the way no other man ever had. He’d asked her to marry him and she couldn’t look back because for the first time in a long time, she had someone who didn’t see her as an option, someone who loved her for her not because they thought she was someone else. She wanted to have something that nobody was going to take away from her. She was done being selfless. She was done following rules. She was tired of being the good and slow sister, the one who was a shadow behind Sandra where ‘Men’ were concerned. And just before her family would ruin this for her with their selfish and prejudiced feelings, she was going to do what she wanted, no matter what they felt. Her happiness was important too. For years she’d made them happy and done everything so that they could love her, but in the past 3 months, she could see that they did probably did not care about her. And Teni…., oh her dear Teni, now that the child knew the truth, the fear of looking at her in the eyes to explain everything not knowing the extent of the damage that Sandra had done made her stay away. That fear made her find a shield in Brian and Nate. But for how long….? She blinked at the gentle and still voice that managed to find way into her crowded thoughts and she trembled shaking her head. Where did that come from? Brian glanced at her and asked gently, “Are you okay?” She looked into his eyes and remembered why she married him. He was so sensitive to her feelings. “Yes, I’m fine.” His eyes lingered on hers for a while till she began to feel uncomfortable and she blinked remembering the reason for their journey. She looked away and stared at the window. What if his parents got angry that the two of them had married so soon? Brian had told her he’d mentioned it to them over the phone but she had doubts they might question the credibility of their union since it was pretty fast. When the plane finally stopped at a gate and the announcement came on about checking overhead bins, etcetra, she rubbed Nathan’s side gently to stir him awake. Brian threw his journal into his cross- body satchel bag and helped with their other bags while Nathan clinged to Sarah’s hand when she offered it. They all found their way out of the plane as the masses pushed forward up the jetway and into the terminal which looked chaotic. Following the signs, they passed through the security exit. Glancing around surreptitiously, Brian held unto Sarah’s hand while the trio made their way through the crowd. A call came through and Brian lifted his phone to his ears. “Dev? We’re at the airport and I can’t spot you…, Oh.., towards the escalator? Okay.., no, we have our bags with us. No, we traveled light. Yeah, ohh, you’re coming close already? Maybe we should just find our way to the car park to make things easier for you. You haven’t grown old have you? So don’t worry about me not recognizing you, just raise a placard or something. Okay.” And he slid his phone back into his pocket. “That was Devlin, he’s going to drive us across town. His plane is at Midway.” Anu nodded unable to say anything. He’d mentioned his brother would come and pick them from the airport casually without hinting they would be flying in his personal plane. If his brother drove a plane, what did his parents do? “Uncle Dev drives a plane?” Nathan voiced out her thoughts. It was obvious the boy had been away from his Grandparents and Uncles long enough. “Yea…” Brian responded maneuvering his way through the crowd towards the car park waiting for the sign he’d asked for. After a few minutes, they stopped. Anu was the first person to sight him. He looked so much like Brian, except he was much taller and broader and his shades gave him a badass look with rugged features. He wore a black jacket over a plain blue shirt and distressed jeans and trainers. He had something in common with her husband. The trainers. Brian spotted him as well and found way to his side. The two men embraced and stayed like that for a while and that was when he removed his glasses. His eyes were blue, but not as deep as her husband’s. “Is this Nate?” He asked when his gaze strolled to the young boy who looked up at him. “Wow, you’ve grown so big, the last time I saw you, you were crawling.” He tousled his hair and grinned into his face. “Give your uncle a hi5 cowboy!” And the child responded happily. It was then he noticed Anu. “Dev, this is Sarah, my wife.” Sarah smiled and extended her hands towards him hoping what she saw in his eyes wasn’t what she presumed it to be. Almost as if they said..”You did not tell me she’s black.” “So you’re the woman my brother won’t stop talking about.” He received her hand and extended both hands for a hug. Though reluctant, she returned the embrace and they parted. “It’s nice to finally meet you.” “It’s nice to meet you too.” She replied. “I’ve heard nothing but nice things about you.” “Aww shucks ma’am.” He smiled at her and helped them with their luggage before finding his way into his ride while Brian sat beside him in the front. She joined Nathan at the back allowing him to ask all the questions he was so excited to ask. “Uncle Dev, Dad tells me you fly a plane asides horseback riding.” “That I do cowboy.” “How fast does it go?” “Faster than the speed of light…” “Awesome, do you get to do stunts with it like the fighter pilots we watch on TV?” Dev laughed exposing a perfect set of white teeth just like Brian’s. He turned to look at his brother. “Are you raising him to be in the air force or a lawyer?” Brian responded calmly. “He’s just excited to be away from home after all this while.” “I guess that’s expected.” Was all said as he kept his eyes focused on the road. Anu remained quiet throughout their journey home.
20 Jan 2015 | 13:52
First of all... I love d fact dat i have a namesake in dis story... I jez hope my namesake still loves anu as her real mother.... Nd anu shld jez brace up nd go back home 2 settle things b4 returning
20 Jan 2015 | 17:43
Everything's gonna be alryt in Christttttttt,Everything's gonna b all ryt in CHRIST!
21 Jan 2015 | 09:01
All you need to do now is to go back home (Anu) and settle everything you need to. Nice story.
21 Jan 2015 | 09:58
When Dev finally got to land his plane at the landing strip below, Anu could see a cart, it looked like a golf-cart which stuck out in the large expanse of land just beneath them. So this was Phoenix Arizona? She’d seen so many mountains and from her view, it looked beautiful. From afar, she’d seen a large house, so massive with other smaller houses on land beside it which she suspected was where the ranch was. So this was where the Olsens lived. There was a young woman standing beside the golfcart with long blond hair neatly bonded upwards though in a haphazard manner. When they found their way out of the plane, she practically ran towards them. “Brian!” She squealed jumping on him and planting a loud kiss on his cheeks and forehead. They stood like that for a while and Anu could tell her eyes were pooled when she broke free. “Oh Brian, I missed you so much.” “Me too sis…, Uh, this is Sarah, my wife, and Nathan. You remember Nathan don’t you?” “Of course I do…” She bent low to kiss him too hugging him tight while the child responded happily. It was obvious the two were pretty much acquainted compared to Dev. She grinned into his face and kissed him again tousling his hair. “Gosh, you’re so cute, like your father.” “So, this is the amazing Sarah, the wonder- woman to my Superman brother,” and she threw herself on her planting a loud kiss on her face too and caressing her face. “You’re beautiful, my brother sure knows how to pick ‘em'” She grinned and reached for her hand giving it a perfect squeeze. “Welcome to our humble home, I’m Keira.” Anu couldn’t stop smiling. The girl was high on adrenaline and she smelled good. Like she’d just stepped out of the shower after using something that smelled like coconut and cream. “Brain told me lots about you.” “I hope he told you how I use to give him a nice whooping where baseball is concerned?” She glanced at her husband a smile tugging at her lips. “I think he left that out on purpose.” “It’s late already and we’ve been expecting you guys. Food is ready and your rooms are ready. Dev will make arrangements to get your things into the house so that the golfcart can contain us. Thank God I brought the larger one.” She was already pulling Anu along with her while her brother tugged behind. “So, I hope my brother has been treating you nicely. If he isn’t just let me know okay? I can deny him and become your sister instead.” Anu chuckled again and stepping into the cart, helping Nate settle beside her so that Brian sat beside his sister in front while she steered them across the land. “Did Andy come along?” Brian asked watching his sister drive. “No, but he’ll be landing in tomorrow. He’s been pretty busy these days ever since he got that killer of a job.” Anu watched her husband while patting her son’s arm gently. She knew Nate was still too excited to doze off though she was a little worried about the possibility of a jet lag. She was sure Brian noticed how she kept watching him and he turned to give her a wink. She felt warm all over and smiled. It was his little way of assuring her that everything was going to be fine. She just hoped he was right.
24 Jan 2015 | 05:32
“Brian…” An older woman with blond hair styled neatly came across the room immediately Keira opened the door and before Anu could say anything, the two were in a warm embrace. Eyes closed, she savoured the closeness of her son and after what looked like minutes passed between them, she released him and assessed him with her eyes taking him in all at once. “Oh darling, you’ve changed so much.” She had a fine American accent and Anu could tell with her dress that this woman was one of those society women who had taste and style. Brian had told her his mother would be turning 57 but she didn’t look it. Her cream sweater coupled with a white shirt matched cream colored skirt which looked flawless and smooth against well tanned skin with a nice pair of cream sandal which looked like something they just picked off from the designer store. She looked like something stepping out from a modern day catalogue, a bold statement red lipstick fitted perfectly on thin lips. Infact, the woman smelled of class. She’d seen the house as they drove closer in the golf cart and she could only gasp. She felt like running away because there was no way she would fit into the mansion-like house. There were other buildings surrounding the house which she assumed was where the horses were kept since Brian had asked his sister about the horses. “And you look gorgeous, wow…” Brian praised leaning close to plant another kiss beside her lips while caressing her cheek fondly. “My Dad is one lucky man…, I mean look at you, you don’t age.” A slight pink colour appeared on both cheeks and she smiled. “Mum, you remember Nathan don’t you?” “Of course I do and my oh my, look how tall he’s grown.” She leaned closer to touch his hair. “How do you do young man. Come say hi to your grandma?” And Nathan obeyed shyly allowing the woman kiss his hair and hug him close. “I’ve missed you so much.” “And my wife Sarah that I told you about…, Sarah, my mum Jacqueline” The woman looked up then as if caught unawares by such bold introduction. When she rose to look into her eyes. Anu could bet a slight disapproval crossed her eyes before she forced up a smile. “Honey, I thought you were going to wait for us to come for the wedding.” Her eyes took in every inch of her and she raised an eyebrow finally turning to her son. “So much was going on between you and Dad, and I wanted it to be a surprise anyway.” He pulled her closer to himself unaware of the snobbish look on his mother’s face. He’d told her he had mentioned he was dating someone whom he intended to marry but the shock registered on his mother’s face was palpable. Now she knew getting married so fast was a bad idea. If his parents reacted this way to her, how much more hers whom she hadn’t even informed at all. Looking at the house, the decor and the woman standing before her, she finally understood why. His parents were among the upper class in the country. Anu would have cowered under her look but Brian’s arm around her waist possessively made her bold enough to speak out. “It’s nice to meet you Mrs Olsen.” Jacqueline stretched out a hand. “The pleasure is all mine.” The handshake was brief and the tension in the room remained. “Mum, is that Brian?” A younger looking guy together with two young women, one blonde, the other brunette came into their midst breaking into the tension. The young guy had darkish blonde hair and though he wasn’t as tall as Brian, he carried his gait well. Anu noticed there was a slight resemblance to their mother and the way he came running to hug his brother, it was obvious Brian had been away from home for a very long time. “You made it.” He managed after they broke away. Anu noticed his eyes were pooling already though he tried as much as possible to hide it like the man he was. She supposed this was Travis. Brian had told her about him. With everything she’d heard about him, she suspected he was the one after her husband’s heart. “Yea, how do you expect me to stay away when I still have some ass whooping to give you in that Call of Duty game you showed me the last time.” “I thought it was FIFA….” The young man kept looking up at him even with his brother’s arms thrown across his shoulder. It was obvious he adored Brian. “Naa, Call of duty first.” He gave him a playful nudge before throwing a smile across the room to the blonde and brunette who had found their way to the foyer due to the noise. “Katherine…, it’s so good to see you.” He embraced the blonde briefly and turned to the pixie cut brunette, “and you must be Abby, my brother told me lots about you.” She leaned close with a shy smile and responded to his greeting. “Same here. Travis won’t stop talking about you.” “Abby, Katherine, meet Sarah, Sarah, my sister- in-law also known as Dev’s wife Katherine and Abby, Travis’ fiance.” “Nice to meet you…” “It’s so good to see you.” “Your Dad is upstairs..” Jacqueline explained. “We just returned from the country club and you know how he is with his things. Wash up before dinner. Erin will show you your room so can settle down. I’m sure you must be famished.” “You bet we are.”
24 Jan 2015 | 05:34
Anu watched her husband settle into the bed beside her a few hours after they’d had dinner downstairs. She had just returned from the room assigned to Nathan and she could see how excited he was to see his grandparents, his uncles and aunts. Even Brian had been pretty excited and for a moment, she felt left out in all of it, almost as if Brian had forgotten her for a while as his parents and siblings kept talking about all that had happened while he was away. She couldn’t get all their jokes, sometimes their words when they spoke fast confused her and she was lost and she ate her food quietly though it was also new to her. She wanted to do everything to please Brian and his family. At least, if she kept quiet throughout the meal, they wouldn’t notice her and that was a whole lot better. She’d seen Mr. Olsen, Brian’s father David and she knew where her husband had gotten his looks from. He was polite and much better in his greeting than his wife had been. He gave her a brief hug, told her she was welcome to their family and tried to make brief conversation with her. Jacqueline on the other hand proved to be the snobbish woman that she was and sometimes she would glance her way and give her a cynical smile. She’d brought up a conversation at the table that she hadn’t expected. “So, you’re from Nigeria….” Anu looked up from her food and nodded. “Yes ma.” “A friend of mine has been to Africa once or twice and sometimes I find it hard to believe how people survive under harsh weather conditions.” Brian hadn’t taken her attack seriously or rather, she felt he refused to see it as one but a joke instead. “C’mon Mum. Africa and Nigeria are two different things.” Brian interrupted raising his wine glass to his lips. When he placed it back on the table, he went on to explain. “Africa is a continent which contains so many countries. Nigeria is inclusive of the countries.” “Oh, I see. Isn’t that where about 300 girls were abducted from their schools?” She fingered her pearl necklace on her neck while assessing her. “Yea, the news has been going on for days now.” David joined in innocently. “It’s quite sad with what I heard recently that these terrorists require a negotiation to release those girls.” “That’s one thing about the States.” Devlin declared proudly slicing through his steak. “We don’t negotiate with terrorists.” “It’s been more than a month this has been going on if I do recall what the reporter said.” She shrugged. “It’s quite sad that under- developed countries have to go through the terror of things such as religion and lack of education for the female child.” “We have many ignorant people in the States here as well.” Keira spoke up and Anu wanted to hug her. “Terrorists are everywhere and most times, it’s all because of ignorance and brain wash. I believe that’s where my brother comes in. To shed light unto things like that.” “Yes, dear Brian who has a large heart for the world.” She smiled softly looking at her son. “Is that where you two met? On one of his ‘save the world’ trips to Africa?” She jabbed again. “No, actually this little kiddo here who couldn’t keep his feelings to himself brought us together.” Brian said light-heartedly glancing at Nate who was already engrossed with the dog and feeding him something from his plate. Anu felt so small and embarrassed at her insinuation. How couldn’t her husband see what his mother was trying to do to her? Why was he replying her so sweetly as if she hadn’t just done well in humiliating her. “Really?” Keira beamed. “C’mon tell us how you two met. Was it at some beach where Nate threw his ball and it happened to land on Sarah’s lap.” “Hopeless romantic!” Katherine sighed shaking her head. “It’s a good thing she has Andy right?” Jacqueline chiped in obviously excited about her daughter’s husband whom Anu was sure had to be one of those men who earned 6 zeros annually. Keira hadn’t dressed extravagantly but looking at the ring on her finger and the way she took a few calls and spoke to her clients fluently in French, she could bet that was a real diamond. Brian had given her a little 411 on her. She worked in a fashion designing house which her husband had gotten for her with his connections. She’d graduated with top grades and often shuffled between London and Paris hence the reason she could still recognize Nate. “Those two act like lovebirds who can’t get their hands off each other. C’mon tell us how you met again.” “Mum!” She gave her mother the eye. “I’ve said that story like a hundred times it’s become so boring. Brian is taking the floor now.” “But Sarah wasn’t here when you told the story…” Jacqueline protested. “I’m sure she would like to hear it won’t you darling…” She looked at Sarah as if daring her to refuse. Anu nodded. “Sure, I would like to hear it Keira.” Keira shook her head. “What I would like to hear is how you got my brother hooked so fast he did not call me for a week. I mean Brian was calling me like twice a week before you came along.” Anu did not know what to make of the statement and when she saw Keira laughing, she tried to join in too. But she did not think it was funny. “By the way, Lana called. She’s coming in tomorrow to help with the decor for our small anniversary party. You remember Lana honey don’t you?” Brian was quiet for a while and nodded. “Yea, of course I do. How is she?” “Oh, she’s doing very well. She just went through a bad divorce and she would need a friend. She stops by often since she was offered a job in Phoenix.” “It’s a good place to start again.” Brian forced up a smile and for the rest of the night did not glance her way. His hands strolling up her thigh brought her back to the present and she shifted. “Brian, please not now.” He breathed against her neck planting soft kisses there. “What.., why, what’s wrong?” She swallowed and shifted further trying as much as possible to get away from his distractive kisses. It was hard to think when he kissed her. “Your mum…” She began and he tensed. “What about her?” He leaned an elbow on a pillow looking into her eyes. Anu sighed. She didn’t want to sound like a jealous wife. This was barely a month they were married and she wasn’t ready for a fight. It wasn’t like her own parents would treat Brian any better, she would just have to endure till they left. But who was Lana? She could swear there was some kind of reaction in Brian’s eyes at the name. Could she be an old girlfriend before Debbie? Probably some highschool sweetheart? She mumbled. “Nothing…” He pulled her chin to look into her eyes. “C’mon tell me.” “I don’t know. I just feel your mum doesn’t like me. I felt so uncomfortable at the table with the talk of Nigeria and all that. I felt she saw me like a charity case at her statement of how we met. You saw how she cut in when Keira was asking us how we met.” Brian planted a kiss on her nose. “Welcome to the Olsens…” He took her lips in his but she pushed back still not satisfied with his response. Brian was supposed to stand in for her in areas like this. He’d always made her feel safe and wanted. Why was he holding back now. “Your family doesn’t approve of us.” He inhaled deeply. “Neither do they approve of me moving to London or carrying out my project. You heard how she was sarcastic about it. She’s republic and conservative but she likes her comfort. I won’t take it from her. Look, don’t let her get to you okay? It’s her anniversary and I want her to be happy because the moment I lose focus of that, I might say things that hurt her and believe me when I say my mum hurts easily. She knows how to give it but she can’t take it. So just be nice around her okay. Even if you don’t want to do it, do it for me and Nathan okay? We’re not living here forever are we?” He caressed her cheeks. She nodded finally secure that her husband could reason with her. She wasn’t the only one on this then. “I love you..” He mumbled kissing her again which she eagerly responded to. She’d missed him already. When his hands peeled her clothes away, she forgot everything else, even about Lana who she so desperately wanted to know about. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; “No Kola, I can’t accept your help.” “And why?” Kemi shook her head looking away from the table where they shared dinner at an expensive restaurant. “I’m sorry I just can’t. I came here because I want to tell you that this will be the last time we spend together.” Kola sighed and she kept twisting her fork into the food on her plate. “I’m married Kola, and let’s face the truth, we both know that when you start writing me a cheque, things will start getting complicated between us. I know Nnamdi isn’t the best husband, but I don’t want to justify myself by using you as bait in all of this. I know sometimes, the thought of choosing you often came up in my mind….” “And do you think I never thought about it? Do you think I never thought of the possibility that we would still be together if I had married you?” Kola gave a frustrated laugh and shook his head helping himself to his wine glass. “But it’s too late now isn’t it….” “I wish I had chased after you or kidnapped you somewhat..” He teased further and she laughed. “Maybe try to make sure I married you.” “Then I would have been miserable thinking of my chances with Nnamdi.” “You’re one of the few women I’ve met in my life who’s honest about her feelings and that’s one thing I love about you. You’re strong, determined and still insist on going back to this husband of yours.” “I’m not going back yet, so many things are happening in our lives at the moment and looking at things, I want to improve myself. I want to go to adult school and my daughter is planning on helping out though she still has my grand-child to think of at the moment.” “I can help out…” Kemi shook her head. “Kola…” “I want to help you out.” He persisted. “Look, forget about what happened between us, I want to help you and I’m not going to step back in areas where your education is concerned. Take it as my wedding gift to you.” “I don’t know what to say, it’s just going to feel weird since-“ “We are friends now so let’s just leave it at that. I would love to help you and that’s what I’m doing.” Kemi had nothing else to say but “Thank you.”
24 Jan 2015 | 05:42
Yeah, me too. All I can say is thanks for the update and lets move on to d next.
25 Jan 2015 | 11:14
EPISODE 24 It was the moistness of someone’s tongue on Anu’s face that aroused her from sleep and she stirred smiling and thinking it was her husband though it felt weird. The whoof sound jerked her from dream land and she screamed when she saw the huge dog on her bed. She’d seen him yesterday when he’d been barking excitedly at the sight of them and how he bonded so well and so fast with Nathan such that he allowed the child to feed him. But that was the last thing on her mind presently as the dog’s dark eyes stared back at her. She was confused and wondered what the dog wanted for it to be staring at her that way. “Morning Mum!” Nathan greeted excitedly finding his way to the huge bed while she struggled to keep the duvet close to her chest. He planted a kiss on her cheeks and she smiled at the warmth displayed by Nate but remembering how she was in her undressed state with only the duvet covering her, she wasn’t comfortable with the intrusion “Oh my…, Nate, what is that dog doing here?” She watched as he tried to get the dog off the bed. “Scott just wanted to say hi. Dad’s been up and I thought I should come over and say good morning. Scotty beat me to it though…” He giggled and rubbed the dog’s ear fondly. “Isn’t that right you big guy!” He gave another whoof sound in response and watched her his tail wagging. At least the thing hadn’t bitten her nose off and it seemed to like her anyway. That was comforting to know since the house felt hostile to her throughout last night. Just then the door jerked open and Brian came strolling inside looking all hot clad in faded and torn denim and white vest soaked in sweat. She wondered what he had been doing so early in the morning that he looked like he’d been working all day. She suddenly found him irresistible. “What did I tell you about bringing Scotty into your mother’s room?” Brian queried. “He likes her…, and he came to say good morning too.” He smiled and hopped off the dog running after him downstairs. Brian turned to look at his wife and shook his head while peeling off his clothes. “He didn’t disrupt your sleep did he?” “Where have you been?” She found it hard to take her eyes off him. “Devlin and David wanted me to help them out with the horses. One was having a baby this morning and Dev was helping with delivery.” He gave her his seductive smile when his eyes settled on her still in bed. “Look at you looking so beautiful in the early hours of the day.” She gave him her sweet and dreamy smile when he leaned close to kiss her. He scooped her up from the bed leading her to the bathroom “Oh what have I done to deserve you?” And she responded by kissing him.
25 Jan 2015 | 14:09
After a huge breakfast with little conversation exchange, Sarah tried to offer a hand in the dishes and chores of cleaning the table but Brian warned her against it telling her he wasn’t going to allow her try and do penance for his mother because that wouldn’t resolve the issue. When they found their way back upstairs, she protested. “From where I come from, you have to help with the chores of the house. At least that would give me..y’know…” “Earn you points with my mum? No way. I won’t have you wash the dishes when there’s someone they’re paying to do that.” “But..” “Look Sarah, if you do that, my mum isn’t going to impressed but turned off.” Brian did not want to tell her that his mother would think since she was black, it was something she would be really good at. He knew his mother, she was capable of driving the nail further which might include dating her ancestors back to the time of slavery. “But, I have to do something, their party is tomorrow, maybe I should ask her if she would like me to help her out.” “This is America Sarah…” Brian sighed and placed his head against hers breathing in her scent. “If Katherine won’t do it or Abby, or Keira, then you shouldn’t. You’re my wife and I won’t allow you to be treated any less.” His hands slid around her waist and he pulled her closer nuzzling her neck. “If she needs anything from you, she’ll ask. Just don’t make yourself so available to her that she mis-reads you.” She sighed and nodded before Brian smiled into her eyes and kissed her. “So…” she asked when her hands lingering on his buttons playfully. “What am I going to do before lunch time?” “We can make out, at least that’s something right?” “Brian…” She gasped and chuckled when he made his intentions known by touching her intimately. What if someone walked in on them? “A few minutes.” He pulled her close to himself. “The door is locked just in case you’re wondering.” She smiled shaking her head and kissed him
25 Jan 2015 | 14:12
“I’m sorry about yesterday Sarah. Brian told me you were upset and I never meant harm, I was only trying to make you laugh.” Anu’s throat went dry. She hadn’t mentioned the slight uncomfortable remark that Keira made but Brian was sensitive enough to take note. Oh Brian… Keira was the least person she was mad against. The girl was nice and had even stuck up for her against her mother. “I can’t believe Brian would do that…” She managed to say. “Well, he’s crazy about you that’s one thing I’m sure about and so when he tells me that I might I have hurt your feelings, I know I hurt him too.” “It wasn’t something serious, it’s okay.” “Friends?” “Of course.” Anu suddenly liked her more and wondered if she could ask her some personal questions about her brother which wouldn’t get back to Brian. Most especially about Lana. “So, are you due horse- riding today?” She asked strolling through the living room where Abby was reading a book and Katherine was talking with her husband. “We could ride to the mountains and talk. Get to know each other more. Erin will make us a picnic lunch. What do y’say?” It sounded cool but regarding the horse, how could she say she didn’t know how to ride a horse? “I have the perfect clothes for you if that’s what’s getting you worried.” She winked and pulled her to her room upstairs. Keira passed her a nice pair of blue jeans and boots since she already had a good shirt for horse- riding. “You can use the bathroom if you’re too shy to dress in front of me.” Sarah smiled and ignored her pulling off her skirt to don what her sister-in-law had given her. When they stepped out, Brian strolled out horse reins in his hands as he guided a brown horse with black mane towards them. Seeing his wife in nice pair of jeans tucked into boots, he smiled and came towards her. “Hey…” he planted a kiss on her lips which took long enough for Keira to cough. “Hello! are you two going to get a room or go horse- riding, pick one.” Brian didn’t take his eyes away from his wife caressing her cheeks. “Horse-riding first.” She clung to his shirt panic in her eyes. “Brian, I don’t know how to ride a horse.” “It’s simple and you’ll ride with me anyway.” Her eyes widened, excitement bubbling through her. “Really?” “Of course. You think I’d let you ride this big guy without my supervision?, No ma’am.” “I bet you two want to give the rest of us married couples a run for our money huh?” Anu shook her head, the smile radiating on every inch of her face. “No, we’re just in love.”
25 Jan 2015 | 14:14
Lovely and romantic but madam sarah is taking too much time o she have to go back to Nigeria
28 Jan 2015 | 08:23
After a brief moment on the ranch and Brian had found his way back to the house, Sarah and Keira found their way some distance away from the ranch and Sarah was glad her horse was co-operative enough. The animal was beautiful no doubt, walked majestically and had a glorious mane. She noticed Keira’s horse had no saddle while hers had. It was obvious her sister-in- law was more experienced in horse riding than she was. After a while she let go of the fear and allowed herself enjoy the ride. When they settled and had a satisfying and delicious sandwich, Keira had asked her about her family and her own side of the story of meeting Brian. She went on to talk briefly about her husband who was flying in today and how she was going back to a crazy world by next week except for Thanksgiving and Christmas when she would be coming over again. “Brian never comes homes for Christmas.” She wiped her mouth after taking a swig from the water flask. “That’s why we miss him so much. I know I’m not meant to tell you this but I think he wanted what Debbie wanted and what Debbie wanted was never to come over to our parent’s for Christmas or any celebration of the sort.” Anu frowned. “Why would she do that?” “Well, to begin with, the first time she came over, she wasn’t too comfortable with my parent’s luxury. I wasn’t married then but I could tell she didn’t like me whenever I talked about my job or how I would love to get her things. I mean, I did not mean any harm, I just wanted her to feel at home. I had just been accepted into Louis Vuitton and they offered me discounts on clothes, accessories and shoes and I thought…y’know…” She choked and Anu reached to touch her hand soothingly. “I’m sorry.” She nodded. “I thought she would be elated, she would feel happy if I offered her some clothes and shoes. The next day Brian told me I made his sister feel poor, like she needed something from me, like she was a beggar. I swear to God I would never do that to anybody.” “I think she just misinterpreted your kind gesture.” “Mum and Dad did not like her either because they knew nothing about her family and she wasn’t the kind of girl they wished Brian would marry. They felt she was the one making Brian stay permanently in London. I know she may have had a hand in it, but Brian has a mind of his own. No one can push him to do what he doesn’t want to do but most times Mum wants to believe someone must be responsible for his decisions. Ever since the time Brian left the States to find his calling, that’s the way things have been.” “I have a very hard family too…” Keira sniffed. “Tell me about it..” Sarah blinked. “Well, my parents believe whatever they tell a child to do, she has to do it. No matter if their decisions are laced with prejudice sometimes.” “Do you have sisters and brothers?” “I have just one sister. A twin actually…” Keira blinked. “Wait a minute. I know I’ve seen someone who looks like you.” She closed her eyes trying to remember. “Oh my, you look like Sandra Okoye, one model that featured in a critically successful movie Pink Curtains.” She smiled. “I could swear you two look so much alike if not for your haircut.” Anu decided to tell her. “Sandra is my sister.” “For real?! I knew my eyes couldn’t deceive me. Wow, you two are so alike in many ways. She was the model for the Revlon lipstick brand at a time and even did one or two gigs with Burberry at a time I was interning there.” “It’s a small world after all isn’t it?” “Yeah, but y’know what, I’m glad you were the one who took my brother’s heart. I mean I like you already and please don’t say no when I give you my wedding present.” “Well, if it’s not a house…” Keira burst into laughter and shook her head. “You’re so cute.” “So tell me, how did you and Andy meet?” “Oh, it’s a boring story…” “C’mon tell me. I’m dying to know.” “Well, we met while I was doing my internship program in London. He was this proud looking british guy that had brought his niece to his sister who was the fashion consultant for the company but I didn’t know that and so got irritated when he wouldn’t keep his eyes off me right in front of his sister whom I thought was his wife and was scared when I also got flowers from this same guy. I mean was he trying to get me fired. Even Barbara wouldn’t tell me anything and so I kept assuming and I kept pushing him off.” She smiled at the memory. “And I wasn’t even interested in doing my research because I wasn”t interested in him. I’d just broken up with my boyfriend whom I thought I was going to marry but realized he had other plans. That was what pushed me to do my internship in London in the first place and a new relationship was the last thing on my mind after Duncan. I’m not the type to lead a guy on if it isn’t going to lead to marriage and so I closed my heart. Maybe if I had left it open somewhat, I would have made Andy’s journey to wooing me shorter.” She giggled softly and continued. “And I would have discovered Andrew and his sister were siblings. Andrew wasn’t my type of guy, y’know. I mean don’t get me wrong. He was gorg, had this swooning British accent and always looking like he just stepped out from a walk in closet with all the right fashion sense. There was a time I even thought he probably had these designers sending him shirt samples because though I told myself I did not like him, I was tripping for his fashion sense.” “Wow…” Anu giggled. “I can imagine.” Keira blushed and her head bobbed excitedly. “And so he just disappeared one day and I realized I had missed him. I mean why would I miss someone I don’t even care about. I missed his showing up in the company at random times, I missed the flowers and I missed his soft smile when he sat and stared at me and I caught him. I mean Andy can stare at me and set me on fire.” Anu’s eyes widened and she burst into laughter. Her sister-in- law was something else. “Oh my…., Keira!” “I’m serious. I mean there was a time I was starting to doubt my moral counter. How can I be secretly crushing on someone’s husband.” “I can imagine.” “I was working with his sister one morning when out of the blue, she asks me what I think about her brother and I was like what? You should have seen the shock on both our faces. And then she went on about how Andrew is not the play boy type and she wouldn’t want me to give him hopes if I wasn’t serious either. He knows what he wants and goes after it, no matter how much it might cost him. Those were her exact words. I think that’s something I wanted pretty much. A man who wanted me and knew why he wanted me, not some guy who was still indecisive and thought of me as an option. “And then he came back and did the un- thinkable. One day, I step into the board room for some ‘pseudo presentation’ just to realize it’d been planned and guess what I see…” “What?” “Keira, would you go out with me?” “I’m sure you must have swooned…” “We got married 6 months after that.” “That’s so romantic.” “Not as yours…” “You mean Brian and I? It was just something that sort of clicked between us.” Keira shook her head. “Not the way my brother explains it. He calls you the answer to his prayers and I think he’s right.” Anu looked down shyly. It was obvious she didn’t know her husband pretty well yet. Last night’s conversation at the table had made her insecurity issues re- surface again. “I love him…” was all she could mumble. There was no other word to describe the consuming passion she had for Brian. “I really do.” “I know you do, but please show him before doubts start creeping in.” Keira looked into her eyes and she could tell the girl adored her brother too. “Brian is a strong man who’s also a giver, quite determined and confident, but he needs a strong woman. One who can stand by him and lift him up. Someone who will pray for him every day because of the selfless mission he embarks on yearly. If God chose you for him as he says He did, then don’t let him doubt it okay?” Anu shook her head. “I won’t” They were quiet for a while before Anu decided to say what had been in her mind for so long. “Who’s Lana?” Keira blinked and looked at her. “She’s an old friend of Brian. They went out in the past but due to their differences, things didn’t work out between them.” “What differences?” Keira began packing their plates and reached to stuff them in the bag. “I believe my brother would be the qualified person to tell you that.” Anu took that as the end of the conversation and put it in mind to ask Brian about the young woman his mother had talked about. The last person she would want her husband hanging around was a divorced woman who was also an old friend or a childhood sweetheart. They quietly climbed their horses and Anu was able to do so with a little help from Keira. They talked about different topics and soon the former discussion that made them uncomfortable was forgotten. When they got closer to the ranch, Anu was the first person to spot it. The white porsche that was parked some distance away from the main house and close to the guest house. Had some other person flown over? Keira had mentioned her husband coming to the house later in the evening but glancing over at her, there was a frown on her face. She turned again and received an answer to her question as her horse drew closer. A young lady in very fitted white expensive looking skirt suit and dark shades clutching a leopard print purse to her side was standing beside Brian. Her red hair was neatly fixed up with class and she stood with such poise and confidence while talking with Brian that one would think they’d known each other for years. She said something and Brian smiled. She looked like the younger version of Jacqueline, except with more sass. They were standing so close to each other that Anu wondered what kind of conversation they were having that had them close and holding hands? Keira answered her unasked question. “That’s Lana.”
29 Jan 2015 | 16:49
Gbenro and Sandra went out a couple of times and soon, Sandra wanted more. She didn’t know what she liked about Gbenro but she knew she liked him a lot and he was different from the kind of men she had dated in the past. They talked about Teni and he was the only guy she had dated who didn’t bring up her modeling or acting career. He talked to her like an ordinary person and she realized she was beginning to appreciate this life much more than the worldly attention she had been seeking ever since she was young. She still had a few nightmares, but her B.P was beginning to improve the last time she checked. Soon Teniola was going to resume into the school she had paid for and she was glad that her child was soon going to be fitting into the whole ambience. She knew Bayo Alade still owed her some money which he’d greedily invested and she was going to get it back from him, someday somehow. But she was glad she was wise enough to have been saving some back at home which she’d kept Anu in charge of. After weeks of eating together, she thought about confiding in him and asked him about ways she could invest here in Nigeria since he was familiar with things like that. He proved to be helpful and within a few days of making conversation with him, she began to make plans on investing in Nigeria as well. The last time they’d had dinner, their conversation had gone pretty well. Today being another weekend, she decided to invite him over. “Hey…” “Hello Sandra…” “You home or you’re busy playing tennis?” She’d gotten to know his love for tennis after their little time together. “Yea…” “Are you busy?” “Not really, why? Do you have something in mind?” “Well, I went shopping and bought some things to make lunch at home, you could drop by if you’re not too occupied.” He didn’t hesitate and replied. “I’ll bring drinks if that’s okay by you.” “Sure.”
29 Jan 2015 | 17:04
When Gbenro arrived at her place, he rang the bell and knocked and in a few seconds Sandra was standing in front of him apron tied to her waist and a knife in hand. “You’re late, I’m almost done anyway, come on in.” She gave him a brief smile and closed the door behind him collecting the small handy crate of six non- alcoholic beverage from him and frowning slightly. “Seriously?” “I thought you knew about my drinking habits.” She dropped it on the coffee table and led him to the kitchen. “Well, I thought you drank once in a while. It’s natural isn’t it?” “For me, it isn’t.” “Oh well, come and help out in the kitchen. Maybe you’ll help me make the sauce.” She urged him to wash his hands in the sink and passed the knife to him after he was done. “I’m sure you know how to slice onions right? You boasted the other day about cooking better than I do.” He grinned. “I’ll make you that sauce and I bet you’ll be licking your fingers.” “Prove me wrong mister.” “What’s cooking?” “A few sliced and baked potatoes mixed with parsley, garlic, olive oil, rosemary, curry and black pepper. I cooked efo for night food sha but we can scoop some to eat with the sauce.” “Why didn’t you just make porridge..” Gbenro frowned. “Now, how do you expect me to eat this oyinbo food that you just made.” “Bush man.” Sandra giggled. “What is so oyinbo in baked potatoes? You just make me a nice sauce and you’ll beg me to cook this recipee again.” “Where’s Teni and your mum?” “Oh, they went out to get more things for Teni’s school. Did I tell you mum has started her adult school? A few days ago and I can tell I haven’t seen her happy in a while.” “That’s good news. And Teni…, how is she coping with the new environment?” “I think she’s adapting little by little.” She watched him slicing the onions smoothly on the cutting board and was glad he was quite neat about doing his business in the kitchen. He was only here a few minutes in her kitchen and seemed to be in control and very cool about it. “That’s good news.” He poured the sliced onions into the simmering pot of vegetable oil and waited for it to fry a little before asking her to pass the blender which consisted of the pepper. She suddenly imagined how her kitchen would be a good place for him to keep coming to. “Hello….” He broke into her thoughts and she shook her head. “What?” “Do you have stock meat or fish?” She shook her head. “What about chicken?” ”Yeah, that and the stock should do.” When he was almost through with making lunch, she began to clean up the place and tried to get her mind off things. Why was she beginning to think like this? It’d been a long time she ever thought of having a fun relationship and not with someone whom her sister liked or liked her sister. Whichever way, his presence brought fairytale imaginations into her mind which she hadn’t thought about since she was a little girl. While living with Bayo, she’d hardly cooked. The both of them hardly cooked and his house-keeper took care of things. She’d always wanted a man to cook for and watch him relish her cooking. They ate lunch together and she did not allow her excitement show when Gbenro marveled at the delicious baked potatoes though she made him realize his sauce was good too. They had a nice conversation after lunch and watched a little TV. After a while, Gbenro rose and excused himself to get water from the fridge in the kitchen. She insisted that she would get it but he refused hereby leading the both of them into the kitchen once more. She liked him, there was no doubt about that anymore. She kept watching him and her mind suddenly flashed to the last kiss they had shared. What if he kissed her again? Or better still, what if she led him and made him know he could have her if he wanted. She’d observed the chemistry between them and she knew he felt it too except he wanted to deny it. She saw him turn to open the fridge and came close, leaning into his back and before she could control herself ran her hands along his arm and up his chest. She could feel his heart pumping furiously, he wanted her too and why was he fighting it so bad. She snapped out of her desires when he moved and shrugged her hands away. He inhaled deeply and moved to the counter. “Sandra, what are you doing?” She looked into his eyes. “We want each other don’t we?” “At what price?” A funny laugh escaped her throat. “C’mon Gbenro, you know you want me too. It’s a matter of yes and we can do it without anybody, even Sarah won’t know about it. We both know my sister is a prude in cases where sex is concerned, I can give you what you want and both of us will be happy.” Gbenro scoffed. “Happy? Is that what sex makes you feel…, happiness?” She shrugged. “If we keep each other satisfied, we’ll be happy. That’s how the world works Gbenro, you don’t have to make me feel bad by acting righteous.” “So, if myself and Anu were still going out, you would readily hurt her?” She frowned. “You’re making it sound like I’m a bad person. You and I know we could do it and she would never know. You don’t have to start analyzing things for me. Sex is sex, no biggie about it.” “I’m sorry Sandra but I’m not going to be your sexual outlet.” She pretended not to be insulted by his refusal. Many men would die to be in his position right now, even beg her for it but here he was, someone that she finally wanted and he was putting her down. “Your loss not mine.” He shook his head. “You just don’t get it do you?” “You don’t want to have sex.” She snapped and walked to the living room. “I get it, thanks for your time.” He followed her and pulled her to look into her eyes. He saw the hurt flash through them but disappeared immediately. “Why do you keep doing this? Keep using the wrong things to seek satisfaction? Do you think if I sleep with you, you’ll be satisfied? You need to stop being selfish Sandra and start thinking of others and their feelings. So it’s alright as long as your sister doesn’t know about it. What about God, do you ever think of Him and what he might say about it?” At the mention of that word, she frowned. “And who gives a hoot about what God thinks these days? God doesn’t care about me or anybody. He minds his business wherever he is and I mind my business here. That’s life, it’s pretty simple, not some doctrinated mess my father taught me.” She gave a mock laughter. “Even my father couldn’t obey the rules, no normal human being can obey all those rules. Even you who is acting like you don’t want me, I can feel it in your body that you want me so why are you all pretending?” He released her when she taunted him and she smiled when she saw she had gotten to him. “All you God lovers, you like to fool yourself a lot. At least, if God is going to credit me for something, it’s my honesty in declaring that I can’t do all those things he asks of me, why, because I feel it’s insane for someone to keep doing the same thing over and over again and not get any results. I’m selfish, I know, I like to have my way, who doesn’t. We just have it in various degrees. At least I know I’m going to hell, that’s if such a place exists, but you all deny it. Even my miss goody too shoes sister might get to spend time in hell with me, I don’t care.” She saw Gbenro watching her with sympathy in his eyes and she breathed when he kept quiet and watched her. “I’m sorry.” She shook her head. “I’ve had worse days, this one will pass.” “I meant I’m sorry you think that way. I’m sorry your father did not love you enough to do the right thing. I’m sorry He did not raise you the right way but I believe if you want to know the truth, you’ll search it out, and you’ll find it. I wasn’t raised in the best Christian home myself but I searched for truth and I found it. Jesus said, Ask and it shall be given, seek and you shall find.” She was taken aback by his statement. Did she want to know the truth? Was she ready to find it. There was a time she so desperately wanted to know if what her father preached was truth but she found out her heart was not ready to receive it. Not after her father turned her away. Ever since she realized her father wouldn’t come looking for her even after he disowned her, she made up her mind never to return, never to look back. “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” She looked up at him and smiled sadly. “And what is the truth?” “First that you’re a sinner and you need Jesus in your life.” “Aren’t we all?” “Just because I have blood running in my veins doesn’t mean I’m immune to temptations Sandra. Just because my body reacted to you doesn’t mean I’ve betrayed my faith. Not falling is what matters because more temptations will come. I really want you to think about what I said.” “I don’t want to think about anything.” She retorted. He sighed. “I have to go now. If you need me just call, I’ll be your friend no doubt about that but I won’t let my feelings for you get in the way.” Sandra watched him leave and when he was gone, she burst into tears. For the first time in her life, she finally realized what she’d been trying to do. In all her years, she never knew she could stoop so low to sleep with someone her sister liked. She’d done awful things that she wasn’t proud of, even slept with a friend’s boyfriend at a time for pay back, but not her sister, not Sarah. Sarah who loved her when no one did, Sarah who always wanted her to consider coming home to beg Papa, Sarah who was ready to take Teni and care for her, Sarah who had often told her Jesus loved her which she hated hearing. Sarah who had a smile always, even when she was going through her own turmoil. She always boasted her sister could carry the whole world on her shoulders and still smile through it. Sarah who was much more real than those friends she had in London. Sarah who was willing to take her place How could she even think of hurting her. Haven’t you done enough?! An accusing voice mumbled and she crumbled to the ground. It was obvious her immoral ways knew no bounds and she cringed at the thought. Nobody likes you. Teni does Oh, sure she does, because you lied to her. No, she loves me. I could see it in her eyes that she wouldn’t mind me being her mother. Ha! Fool, hear yourself speak. Sarah loves me too. Well, I doubt that now that she isn’t picking your call. She finally knows the truth. She knows you used her to get what you want. That’s who you are Sandra Okoye. You use people, you are a selfish whore and you don’t mind sleeping with anybody as long as they give you the satisfaction you crave. Oh God! God? You’re calling God! Ha! Pathetic, you’re so pathetic. You think God will listen to you. Go on, keep making a fool of yourself. My mother, she loves me Well, you bought her love. We both know we found a way to turn her heart against your father so she can stay with you. Without an anchor, we both know you’re finished. Gbenro says he’s my friend Isn’t that how Bayo started. First he said he would be your friend, then your manager and soon, he’s milking you to get what he wants from the entertainment industry and he sleeps with you. Times he doesn’t sleep with you, he’s raping you to keep you subdued, to remind you where you stand, where you’ll forever be, under him, never rising above. I’m free now, that’s why I came to Nigeria. And that’s why you keep looking over your shoulder scared that he’ll be back to put you back into your chains. You know he owns you and made you what you are. “Stop it, stop it, stop it!” She screamed and the pain in her chest started again as she crawled up on the rug and closed her ears. “Stop it please. Oh God if you’re there, please stop these voices.” It took a while before the darkness swallowed her and she lapsed into unconsciousness.
29 Jan 2015 | 17:29
When Gbenro stepped into his car, he knew what he had to do, but God was requesting too much from him. He’d heard it when he was driving to her place. And he was hearing it again. Let her go. He stayed in his car for a while closing his eyes while his eyes pooled. ‘But why oh Lord…, you know I love her. I know she’s just acting defensive.’ His mind pleaded time and time again with the Spirit’s voice but he knew it was either God’s way or none. But Sandra needs me. It’s not you she needs. I know she needs you Lord, but she needs me too. This is not about you. At the last statement, his resolve strengthened. It was there and then he knew he could be nothing more than a friend to her. For now, he would need time away from her probably till when God needed him to be around her. He needed strength to accept his fate. He’d had plans but it was obvious God had other plans as well. He just hoped she would survive it. But what about Sarah, would she be affected? A feeling of trepidation crawled up his spine knowing the twins were not going to be the only ones to be affected by what God had in mind. “Let your will be done,” was all he could mumble as he drove off.
29 Jan 2015 | 17:31
OK, wat next.
1 Feb 2015 | 13:44
1 Feb 2015 | 18:50
Nxt episode plss
2 Feb 2015 | 06:49
EPISODE 25 Brian looked up when he heard the hooves drawing closer. He’d been so engrossed in the conversation with Lana that he didn’t see his wife and his sister from afar. He smiled when he saw Keira find her way to the ground easily and he moved forward to help his wife dismount from the horse. He held her close and noticed how tense she was. “Hey you.” He planted a kiss on her nose. Had Keira said something to upset her again? “Hi…” “How was your ride? Did you enjoy yourself and I hope my sister didn’t fatten you up with Erin’s amazing chicken sandwich.” She shook her head. “No, it was fine.” He noticed her eyes went to Lana and she looked back at him for some form of explanation. He shifted backward. “Ah, Lana, this is my wife, Sarah, Sarah, Lana, an old friend. We went to school together.” She nodded. “Hello…, nice to meet you.” Lana received the hand she extended and smiled. “Nice to meet you too. We were talking about you before you returned. Brian was talking about how amazing you are.” Anu looked at him. “Oh really…” “He’s smitten I must say.” She cocked her head to look at Keira dismissing her already. “Hello you!” Keira came close and the two women hugged briefly planting a kiss on each other’s cheeks. “I must say you look stunning darling.” “Not as good as you Lana…, you’re the one with the classic fashion sense.” Keira grinned. “When did you arrive?” “About 30-45 minutes ago. I saw Brian talking with Dev and Travis just outside the stables so I haven’t really been inside the house.” “Have you seen Mum? She’s pretty excited to see you, says you’re the one with the finishing touches for their anniversary party. I’ve checked through her catalog too and I was wondering if there’d be something you need my help with before tomorrow though I doubt it.” Lana smiled. “Well, you never can say… “Okay, I need another drink, let’s have some on the screened porch while we talk…, let me take these guys back to their stable and I’ll come join you.” She smiled and turned to look at Anu. “You could join us Sarah, who knows, you could be very good at judging our tastes.” “Ah, I doubt that…” “C’mon, it’d be fun.” Keira persuaded. “Brian told me you’re good with colours so who knows, you might just be what we need.” Brian shrugged casually when his wife turned to look at him. “Give it a try at least.” “I have some things to attend to, maybe when I’m done.” She tried to force a smile “Okay, we’ll be expecting you.”
2 Feb 2015 | 13:56
Anu stood in the shower dreading what she would have to face downstairs with two top women in the fashion industry. She’d seen the look in Lana’s eyes and how cold they were though Brian wouldn’t have noticed. How would he? He seemed to be enchanted by her beauty. She was beautiful no doubt, even prettier than the Amy girl she’d seen him with months before they got married. Her red-hair looked fierce against a pale white skin which was glowing with cosmetic attention and nice tanning. She’d noticed her skirt and how short it was, revealing a perfect pair of legs in one of those designer heels. She wore pearl like Brian’s mother and she’d looked at her like she was a strange specimen. She was a good actress. She could tell the shock in her eyes when Brian mentioned she was Sarah and the icy handshake. She saw the classy aura she carried about her and she wondered if she would be able to cope or match up with that kind of person. She looked like Marilyn Monroe, but the modern day kind adorned like a doll while her freshly painted nails lingered on Brian’s arm. Couldn’t he push her hand away? Didn’t he see what she was trying to do? She knew he was a man who feared and loved God but women like Lana made a man’s mouth water. Most especially a white man. Some part of her kept wondering if she was ready for this marriage thing afterall. It was obvious Brian was, but what if she wasn’t? Anytime she saw Brian with another woman, it crushed her in a way. She saw how easily he ignored attention from other women and she got scared that someone might take him away from her since she was at a disadvantage being black. What if Lana being here brought memories back to him and he began to have doubts about marrying her? Would he divorce her? Her parents told her white people had no respect for marriage, what if they were right? She turned off the shower and inhaled deeply, hurrying out and drying herself suddenly cold. She threw on a loose comfortable sweater which Brian had bought for her during one of their fun shopping and wore a pair of stone-washed jeans. She sprayed herself a little spritz and sat on the bed wondering if she could just cuddle up on her side and sleep off so that she wouldn’t be involved in the arrangement but she knew better. Doing that might give her a bad name and she wasn’t ready to add to Mrs Olsen’s list of things she didn’t like about her. Brian had told her not to worry about doing things around the house if the other women in the house were not involved. And now that they were, she had no excuse. Her husband had been dragged by his younger brother to play some game in his room and so they hadn’t been able to talk much. Even Katherine and Abby were only able to keep any conversation they had going pretty short. It was obvious they had little in common. She looked at her hair in the mirror and realized it was getting to grow longer and thicker meaning she would have to start looking for ways to fix it. She couldn’t imagine looking unattractive like this while Lana looked ravishing. Just like her sister had always been. In terms of outward appearance, both women knew how to look good and make a man swoon. But what did she have to make a man swoon? Nothing but her flawed self which Brian would soon see and tire of her soon. Most especially with someone like Lana present. She stepped out and when she walked across the hall, she heard the voices of some men shouting at the top of their voices. She knew her husband was among them and the thought of checking him out before going downstairs might strengthen her resolve. Or maybe he would manage to whisper into her ears that she shouldn’t go. She knocked on the door and snatched it open just to see the three brothers sitting right in front of a large screen engrossed in whatever game they were playing. Devlin had a bottle of beer and pizza close to his side while Brian and Travis were at it tapping furiously on their gamepads. She’d never seen Brian so pumped up before and her eyes widened as he kept boasting on how he was going to make his brother beg when he was through with him. Was this some kind of a game room? It looked so different and out of the world the way it was arranged looked most definitely like a guy’s room. “You two should have taken a bet.” Dev grinned, “or maybe I should. Brian is going to give you some ass- whooping little brother.” And he took a swig of his beer. “100bucks tops.” “Hey…, and whose side are you on?” Travis cried though his eyes were fixed intently on the screen while some figures ran about the field chasing a ball. “Hi…” She greeted and Brian glanced side-ways. “Well, hello sexy.” He drawled and winked at her turning back to the game. “My wife just brought me some good- luck charm.” He declared to his brothers. “Come and wish me luck baby.” She looked around the room suddenly nervous and shy. She was really flattered that he would do that in front of his brothers though she had no idea what he wanted her to do. She walked close to him and just as she leaned close to him, he scooped her into one side of his arm and kissed her proudly. He allowed her linger in his arms for a while as he continued playing. She felt like something precious he found hard to release. “Now, that I’ve taken my good-luck kiss, prepare to make your goal post a basket.” She giggled softly against him feeling the rhythm of his heartbeat and the energy he exuded while the game- pads vibrated in his arms. She suddenly felt special and his action felt symbolic to her as she was close to his chest and not Lana, not anyone else. But her. A few minutes after, she left the room floating just before she came in contact with her mother-in-law whose countenance changed when they made eye contact. She remembered what Brian told her about not bending down to greet the woman and she greeted politely. “Good afternoon ma.” “Oh hello Sarah…, I hope I got your name right?” She nodded. “Yes ma.” “Have you seen Brian?” “He’s with Devlin and Travis playing a game. Do you want me to go and get him for you?” “That won’t be necessary.” She smiled softly. “As a matter of fact, this would be a good time to get acquainted with you don’t you think?” Anu dreaded the thought and could only nod. “Why don’t you follow me into my office and we’ll have a nice conversation, woman to woman.” She turned without any approval from her and Anu followed obediently hoping the conversation would lead to something good between them. Immediately she stepped in, she had to stop her mouth from hanging open. Jacqueline’s office was something she’d never knew could exist in a house. Like the images she saw in modern day home magazines. It was well decorated, well furnished and stationery were kept in place. The smell of leather and flowers permeated the room and she mumbled a command for the lights to reduce it’s intensity. She stood watching till Jacqueline motioned for her to sit on one of the chairs on the opposite side of the table. “So, young lady, in order not to beat around the bush, what are you doing with my son?” Anu swallowed. She’d imagined her asking the question but she never knew it would be so blunt and cold. “Well…, I-, he…, we are in love.” She managed to find her voice. She scoffed. “And that’s what hundreds of scammers like you say to white men like my son who is too blind to see you for what you are. My son is a UK and an American citizen. You saw that advantage and took it didn’t you? I’ve always wondered why one week, my son is telling me that he’s met someone, and the next, you two are married. “ “Ma, I would never do such. I love Brian.” She could feel the tears sting already. “A family friend of ours encountered people like you a few months ago. Nigerian, claiming to be in love with Jeffrey all for us to find out she was after a permanent visa and other things she could swindle from him. Well, my dear Sarah, I’m afraid you’re too late to the scamming party or whatever it is you people in your country do to swindle people.” “God knows I won’t-“ “Oh, you’re calling God into this? Don’t think I’m not aware of the rate at which you people use religion to cover up your deeds. I know my son can be way over his head about this ‘Jesus’ thing and so is easily swayed but I won’t be.” Anu kept quiet and looked down. She didn’t know what to say anymore. It was obvious the woman had made up her mind about her. She reached for something in one of her table drawers and pulled out a cheque book. Anu’s head snapped up. “I did my research and I know you’re a nobody.” Jacqueline continued mercilessly. “So, how much do you need to travel to your next victim? Name your price.” “Brian and I are already married ma.” “And that’s why there’s a thing called divorce or annulment. You could state various reasons of why you think your marriage is invalid to Brian. Your sexuality maybe, you were drunk, you can always figure something out.” “I can’t do that to Brian ma.” She choked on her emotions her voice filled with unshed tears. Why was his mother so cruel to her? What had she done to deserve all of this? This was part of the reason she was reluctant about them seeing their parents. “I would have you know I’m trying to make things easier for you so that you don’t leave here with a broken heart when Lana comes to take her place in my son’s life.” “Your son married me, not Lana.” “Well soon, I assure you, we’ll be making plans. Why do you think she’s here in the first place?” She gave her a re-assuring smile that made her heart drop. “Did Brian not tell you how he spent his vacation at the Hamptons with Lana in the past or at our private cabin where they take time off to be alone with each other? Those two should have gotten married and I don’t see a thing like you coming between them.” Anu stared back at the woman and didn’t say a word. She didn’t know which crushed her more. The fact that Lana must have meant so much to Brian or the fact that she had done well in destroying every ounce of confidence she had left. She knew saying something would just set her on edge and she wasn’t ready for that. Brian had warned her. His mother’s words could hurt and she wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of shedding any tears. But she had gone far this time. “Can I go now?” “You haven’t named your price.” “Because in areas where myself and Brian are concerned, there’s no price tag. Good day.” She stood up from her seat and at the same time, the door jerked open all for her to see David’s hand on the door as well.. “Jackie, have you seen my tools…” He stopped when he saw her. “Hey, hello dear.” “Good afternoon sir, I was about taking my leave,” and she strolled out of the room.
2 Feb 2015 | 14:03
“What happened?” David asked looking into his wife’s eyes. Jacqueline looked away rising from her seat to help herself to a drink. “Nothing to worry yourself about dear.” Her husband closed the door and moved closer to her side snatching the bottle from her. “I know it’s something when you pour yourself a glass of whisky.” ”We just had a little conversation.” “About what?” She blinked and looked away. He pulled her to look into her eyes. Eyes he’d known how to read for 35years. “Oh Jackie, what did you do?” He groaned. She pouted like a spoilt child. “I did what I had to do Dave. You heard about the Murrays and how their son Jeffrey almost committed suicide because of that black whore who was after a green card all in the name of love. That’s what they do Dave, they have nothing and like blood sucking parasites, they cling unto their next victim till they suck him dry.” David sighed. “So, I assume Lana is here because she’s here to replace Sarah?” “She’s the perfect match for Brian. They were high-school sweethearts before he decided to leave his promising career and answer his ‘call’. Before we know it, some girl in London had taken her place. Now that she’s dead, Brian needs a better woman. A woman of society. Someone we know and who has wealth of their own and is highly recognized, not some black village girl from one of those African tours he goes for.” Her husband shook his head watching her intently. “Speaking of wealth, when last did Brian ask you for money, ask me his father for money? Even the one I reached out to him, he rejected it. He’s been surviving on his own without our help. The solution isn’t chasing the girl away, it’s getting her to be on our side.” Jacqueline squinted. “How?” “You’ve got to be wise about things like this.” He winked at her and poured himself a drink instead while Jacqueline watched him closely. She moved to the table and sat on it, expecting her husband to sit on the chair before her so she could see him and savor every word he said. He’d been the one to work their way out of things in the past and over the years, she’d known him to be her life-saver. He came to sit opposite her, gulping his drink at once and rubbing his hand on her thigh absent-mindedly. She pushed it away already distracted. “Dave…” She scolded. “Brian’s baseball career is a thing of his past which I’m sure he hardly brings up or rather he would like to forget and so bringing up something like that may be a good place to start. The last time he came home was about 6 and a half years ago and if we couldn’t get him to stay then, we can’t get him to stay now. I don’t know if his wife knows anything about it but I can convince her that if she wants to be good in our books, she should do everything possible to talk him into coming home often.” He ran a thumb on her wrist and shrugged. “We’re not going to stretch too much. We’ll take what we can get. If Brian can come home often, I believe he’ll begin to remember all he’s been missing in this life, in his home and think twice about this ‘call’ thing he’s doing which involves him risking his life.” Jacqueline was quiet for a while and she shook her head. “I don’t like her, and your option is not a solution to all of this.” “You’ll have to pick princess.” He leaned back on his chair. “Brian or Lana? I want my son home often, even if he’s not with the woman you want for him, as long as she can talk him into coming home once in a while, even if it’s a year.” “But Lana…” “I believe Brian can choose the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with.” He planted a kiss on her lips though she didn’t respond hereby leaving a lipstick smudge on his cheeks. “So, promise me you won’t take that approach you took by talking with Sarah. Who knows if she might end up telling Brian and ruin his chances with us.” She rolled her eyes and rose to her feet. “I’ll see what I can do.” “Atta girl.” He caught her lips unawares this time and after a little fight, she gave in. “We should be celebrating, not fighting.” He released her briefly to assess her. “I always say you’ll be the one to give me a heart attack.” She softened and kissed his adam’s apple. “Umm.., I’ll take that as a compliment.”
2 Feb 2015 | 14:05
Sori dear sarah
2 Feb 2015 | 16:29
Well... I really cnt blame d mother though.... Datz what some Nigerians do...nd dey put odas in bad records.... Shaxee abeg continue d story... Gettn more intresting...
3 Feb 2015 | 01:29
Pamela watched her mother quietly as the older woman opened her eyes slowly to see her daughter staring back at her. Recently, she’d been noticing a damp in her spirit, almost as if she was fading away slowly. The doctor came to check on her often and she knew the older woman’s death was inevitable due to the doctor’s last response. She’d been praying for a miracle and when Sarah came, it seemed things were working out with the way she came to life and laughed. She talked and ate and even enjoyed the books Sarah read to her. But right now, she couldn’t say the same. Her mother stretched her hands towards her face and managed a smile. ”You’re so beautiful…” Pamela smiled and tried not to let the tears sting. She held her mother’s hands and kissed her palm. “You too mum.” “It’s high time don’t you think?” Pamela’s heart skipped a beat. “For what?” “Time to forgive everybody who offended you and move on. Life is too short to keep grudges.” She coughed a little and she helped her with water. The doctor mentioned she was going to have itchy throat as one of the side-effects of the drug. She’d vomited often but after a while, that had reduced. ”I’m not holding grudges against anybody.” Roseline smiled softly. “Well, it’d be sad if God checked and realized you were lying to me.” Pamela smiled sadly. “I’ve forgiven Carlos and Rob if that’s what you’re talking about. I just don’t want to get hurt anymore, giving them a second chance will only ruin everything.” “It’s not Rob’s fault y’know. We never got married. He wanted a good life and I got in the way.” “Because you don’t deserve a good life too?” “Life is not fair.” “No…, it’s not.” “I don’t know whatever Carlos must have done to you sweetheart but I think he deserves to get a second chance in your life. He’s the only man you ever loved.” “What makes you so sure?” “I saw it in your eyes that night he came over. The hurt, the pain flashing in your eyes, the way you struggled with your feelings.” “I can’t help it sometimes.” “Have you ever thought about the part in the Bible that says all things work together for good for those who love God and have been called to his purpose?” “Yeah.., I guess it doesn’t apply to me.” “If you love God and you’ve been called for his purpose, trust me, it does.” “Oh mum…” Pamela broke down. “You don’t know what I’ve done, things I’ve done to survive, things I’ve done for the both of us.” Roseline smiled softly. “I don’t need to, only God can handle things like that. I’m human, I might disappoint you.” She raised her chin to look into her eyes brushing off a few tears. “But I won’t judge you.” “I love you…, I love you so much. Everything I did, it was for us, for the both of us.” Her tears came down freely this time. “Shhh, hey, it’s okay. It’s gone now. The past is gone and you’re a new creature in Christ Jesus.” After shedding a few more tears, Roseline said, “Have you seen my book? The one Sarah was reading to me weeks ago?” “Yea, I think I left it in my room, was trying to get a glance through yesterday before going to bed. Let me go and get it.” “Alright darling…, thank you.” Pamela smiled and rose from the chair, finding her way out of the room so that she could get her mother’s book. She headed towards the kitchen to get a bottle of water, gulping down it’s content as she found her way back. When she got to the room, she settled back on the chair and touched her mother. Her hand fell limply across her sides. She jerked from her seat and her bottle fell on the floor. She tapped her and noticed the sudden stillness of her cold body. She did not need to check for a pulse before she knew what had happened. She crumbled to the floor.
3 Feb 2015 | 20:39
Awwww ehya
4 Feb 2015 | 01:46
Oh Pamela dear.
4 Feb 2015 | 04:43
Oh pamela,sowie
4 Feb 2015 | 07:37
EPISODE 26 Anu was curled up in bed when she heard the knock on the door. She’d tried to join Keira and Lana but she couldn’t contain her anger and sadness that the woman she would be sitting beside was a high school sweetheart to her husband. How would she look at her knowing her mission to the house since it was obvious Jacqueline wanted to match make the both of them. Wondering if it was Keira at the door since Brian wouldn’t knock, she rose from the bed and strolled towards the door. “Who is it?” “It’s David. I hope this is a good time.” She composed herself and opened the door immediately just to see an older looking version of Brian staring back at her. He had a soft and infectious smile like his son. “Hi…” “Good afternoon sir.” She greeted. “Is everything alright?” “Oh, it’s nothing. I just thought I should check on you. Can I come in?” She glanced around briefly and was glad she’d arranged the room. “Please do.., I’m sorry for keeping you standing outside.” “Oh, it’s nothing.” He responded as she closed the door behind him. “Look, I’m sorry about what my wife said to you.” He began and Anu’s surprise was palpable. How did he know? Did his wife tell him? “I asked her what you two were discussing and she said something about your marriage to my son. I’m sorry that she had to act that way and she’s sorry. She gets really emotional sometimes and that affects her reaction.” Anu nodded though she refused to understand whatever emotional excuses her mother-in- law must have been acting on. “So, do you mind us going to my study to talk? Like father to a daughter?” He smiled into her eyes and she suddenly felt comfortable and assured around him. “Sure.” When they got to his study, she had no words to describe the place. It was like the masculine version of Jacqueline’s office except with a shelf of neatly stocked books of various sizes. His office smelled of coffee and leather and he asked her to sit on the couch and relax while he asked her if she would take anything. “No, thank you sir.” She responded politely and glanced around. There were some pictures hanging around and a large one which she supposed to be the family portrait though it was obvious it’d been taken years ago. She saw Brian and the other men standing behind their parents who were seated comfortably on the couch, Jacqueline seated like the world was beneath her. Keira was in between the men but closer to Brian than the rest. She saw how her husband looked so young and flawless and his proud stare just like his mother’s. Maybe it was Devlin and not Brian. She stood up to look closely and realized it was Brian who had the proud stare. He wore a nice black suit which she supposed was a college uniform because it had a badge on the side. His dark hair neatly combed and looking slick on pale white skin. His blue eyes stared coldly back at her while his hands rested on his mother’s shoulder. “That’s Brian about 12 years ago.” David broke into her thoughts coming close to her with a glass in hand taking a sip of his drink. “He looks pretty different.” She mumbled. Much different than the humble and kind man I know and married. “Yeah, time flies. He just graduated from highschool at the time and about to take a major leap in his baseball career which he forfeited.” It was probably one of those private highschools’ She thought to herself. Sarah blinked and turned. “Baseball career?” David looked up. “Yea, had a good arm for swinging a bat, had a promising career if he’d agreed to play when he moved to college but things happened and he dropped it. Changed his mind.” Anu looked confused. Brian never told her about playing baseball in his past. “Here…,” He showed her an award sitting on his lavish wooden table and handed it over to her. She could see his name inscribed on it even before David continued his story “He brought that home in one of their wins which he was awarded after several games. He swings a bat like it was made for him.” She dropped it immediately as the air felt too suffocated to breathe through. What was really going on? “And here’s another one from the National Highschool Baseball championship.” “I-I don’t know what to say.” She stuttered hugging herself close. If Brian hadn’t told her about his former career and how popular he must have been with this baseball career he must have left here in the States. How much more what he’d shared with Lana. Had he slept with her? Had he declared love to her? Looking at another picture where he wore a baseball uniform with a cap and a stick in hand, she saw him hugging someone close. Two people infact which was inclusive of Lana. She was on his right while Devlin stood on his left. Lana must have been very close to him and his family and he didn’t bother to mention it to her. She’d thought they would share everything about themselves. She’d told him everything about herself inclusive of her childhood and he wouldn’t tell her about this? “You look upset…, I didn’t mean to say anything to hurt you.” David spoke up and she blinked back tears immediately. She couldn’t cry. She wasn’t meant to. “No sir, don’t mind me I was just overwhelmed by all of this.” “Well, it’s been pretty hard for me ever since Brian left.” He went on. “So forgive me if I just went on and on about his past achievements. It’s just that my son and I haven’t had a good rapport ever since he turned his back on his future but I need you to y’know try and talk to him. You’re in the best position to do that Sarah and I trust you to.” “But Brian has a future already. He’s working as a–“ “A computer programmer who’s living in a small apartment in London which I’m sure is quite expensive.” He completed for her and came close to her placing a hand on her shoulder. “We both know Brian needs space but not at his detriment. You can convince him to come home once in a while. I love my son and I want to see him often. He has so much opportunity back here at home. I can get you in the right places, I have the connections and you two would never have to struggle for cash. Nate would be at an advantage since he can be around his grandparents and Uncles.” Anu remained quiet. “Do you realize how risky it is for him and how heartbreaking it is for me whenever he goes for one of those missionary trips. Have you ever wondered if his next trip is Afghanistan or Iraq, have you ever thought of losing him at an early age. What if some crazy suicide bomber decides to blow up where he is, or some people in that community come looking for him that he’s causing trouble by helping them, have you ever thought about it?” Anu gasped and swallowed. She’d never thought about it that way. “So, please think about it. I’d appreciate it if you do and I trust you enough to do so.” Anu sank into one of the chairs when her leg gave way and placed a hand over her eyes. Oh God! What have I gotten myself into? For a while none of them said anything to each other and when Anu felt she couldn’t sit there anymore, she found her way out of the room acknowledging David respectfully before leaving.
5 Feb 2015 | 17:24
Brian was in their bedroom by the time she got upstairs. She saw him trying to hang his suit which he was probably going to wear tomorrow morning for his parent’s anniversary party. He turned to her when she opened the door. “Hey…,” He greeted briefly. “Hi…” “Where were you? I didn’t see you with Lana and Keira. Mum said she hadn’t seen you either.” “I was talking with your father.” “Oh, okay…, great.” He turned back to examine a smaller tux which obviously belonged to their son. “You never told me you had a baseball career.” She began His eyes slowly found hers. “What?” “Your baseball career, the one who swings the bat like no other and brings the wins home. I don’t know jack about baseball but I know Lana was pretty much involved.” “And I assume you prefer to believe what my father tells you than what I’d rather tell you.” “I saw pictures of you and Lana Brian. I saw the uniform, I saw your award. I saw pictures of you in your wealthy parent’s house. Why didn’t you mention this to me? I thought we were meant to be married?” She had told herself she would be calm about it but right now, being calm was the last thing on her mind. She needed an answer from him. If she’d known how rich his parents were and how wealthy he was, she might have thought twice before marrying him. If his parents saw her as a charity case, how much more him who had such a glorious past. The fact that he refused to mention it to her all through their dating period put her on edge. And the fact that he was acting so calm about everything when she couldn’t stand how his parents were treating her angered her. Brian was quiet and continued what he was doing. She moved closer. “Oh, so now you prefer to ignore me, acting so calm and undisturbed about all I just said.” “I’m not going to pick a fight with you Sarah if that’s what you want.” “Oh, so this is about me picking a fight? Go on, avoid this one too the way you avoid talking to me about Lana.” She went to the bed and sank into it. “I told you everything about myself Brian, I gave you myself and all that I am and this is what I get?” Brian’s head snapped up. ” Sarah, what is wrong with you? Where did all the talk of Lana and giving me yourself and all those things come from? You’ve gone on and on about a past I refuse to bring up because it’s past, I’m doing all I can to keep old memories away so that it doesn’t ruin our relationship and you end up listening to what my father tells you?” “I saw the pictures…” She choked. “And I assumed you married my father not me?” “How can you say that?” “Because it’s obvious you swallowed everything he’s told you hook, line and sinker. What else did he tell you? That I might go on one of my ‘rescue’ missions and never come back huh? That he misses me so much he wants me in Arizona…” Sarah remained quiet wiping tears that had found way to her eyes. “I don’t want to loose you” She managed to say. “Everything that’s happening here, it’s all new to me. I’m the only black woman here and your parents think you and Lana might work something out…, you two were exclusive back then and the thought of you going on one of those missions and never coming back.” “We talked about this Sarah. I told you about how it’s part of my life and God promised to protect me through it all.” He sank into the bed beside her and reached for her hands. “Even if he doesn’t, what’s it worth if I don’t sacrifice myself to others so that they can get the good news and grow up knowing someone loves them. My life means nothing compared to thousand of souls that would die without knowing God and his love through Jesus. Without growing up to live a fulfilled life.” “And what about Lana…, who is she?” Brian sighed. “She’s an old friend.” “Your mum mentioned she was your highschool sweetheart.” “Yeah, she was but I don’t have feelings for her anymore.” Anu nodded. “Her being here doesn’t make me comfortable…” “But there’s nothing I can do about it. Look, baby, I wish maybe I hadn’t brought you here so that you don’t start getting yourself worked up unnecessarily, but you’ve got to trust me. If we don’t trust each other, there’s no way we can work and I’ve made up my mind we’ll work, okay?” “Do you think we married too fast?” Brian rose to his feet rubbing a finger against his temple. “Sarah…” “I have doubts Brian, I mean I love the way everything is between us but I can’t help but think maybe your feelings for Lana might have prompted you to marry me knowing she was going to be here and all.” “Look, Sarah, if you want to know the detailed story of myself and Lana, you can ask me to write the whole history for you on the plane on our way back home but right now, I’m done answering unethical questions.” He shook his head, strolled towards the door and closed it behind him. Anu could only stare at him and covered her face. What have I done?
5 Feb 2015 | 17:28
Brian sat on the ground a few distance from the lake and watched everything happening around him. He threw another stone into the water and watched the ripples grow before throwing another one. It’d been about an hour since he left his wife back at the house and right now, she was the last person he wanted to talk to. ‘Maybe I was deluding myself about us getting married.” He mumbled to himself and dusted his behind looking into the sky. He knew lust was the last reason why he married Sarah and wondered why she always felt so insecure, even around him. He’d tried all he could. He’d observed a few traces when she told him about herself and her childhood. How she never felt good enough and if there was anything he’d been fighting to prove to her, it was that she was good enough for him. She was all he wanted. “She sees Lana and her question makes me ask myself if she’s truly all I want.”He spoke to no one in particular and sighed. He’d walked a long way from the house and the sun was just setting. He knew he would need to find his way back soon. “It’s bad enough Sarah doesn’t feel too safe here, but to think that Lana and I are an item is something else. I knew mum was going to invite Lana and I brought Sarah along to avoid temptation of the sort and to prove to her that I have a wife I love and I can take care of myself. Is that wrong, am I at fault for thinking that would prevent mum from doing her worst?” He was not ready to answer any interrogatory questions from his wife tonight and hoped she wouldn’t bring any up tomorrow. He wanted to prepare himself for his parent’s party and the friends that would be showing up. But he suddenly became miserable when he thought of how Sarah might react when all the rich white folks they knew trooped in. If she was asking him questions and feeling insecure even with everything he had tried to do to convince her that he loved her and she was the only one in his life, then how much more when several snobbish glances were thrown her way. How much more when they started their new life together in London? People would look at them, people would snicker and might even go as far as calling her names due to their interracial marriage. He could cope with it. He’d been through worse. But would she?
5 Feb 2015 | 17:32
Cnt find d oda episodes
9 Feb 2015 | 18:14
Maybe he should repost them, can't find them too.
10 Feb 2015 | 12:27
When he got closer to the house, Brian decided to stop by the stables and check on the horses so as to pass time and avoid another series of questioning from Sarah. He saw a few of the workers and he watched them for a while as they went on with their work diligently. After a while and he couldn’t linger anymore, he found his way outside and saw Lana strolling towards her car. He wondered where she was off to since she was staying over for the weekend. When she saw him, she stopped. “Hey you…” She smiled sweetly and he waved at her. “You’re done for the day?” He asked casually. “Yeah, well, sort of.” He noticed she had let her hair down and freshened up. She had changed her skirt suit to something more of casual. A sleeveless shirt and tight denim that hugged her hips. She looked good and reminded him of the modeling gig she did when they were both in highschool. “I was just going to Lindy’s to get myself something to relax since she makes the best cronut and latte, you wanna come?” “I’ll pass…” “There’s no harm in trying..” She gave him her soft smile again. “Just friends. 30 minutes to 1 hour max. When was the last time you had an American recipe anyway or even had a tour of the place your parents live huh?” He laughed. “So, c’mon, take a break and relax from fatherhood for an hour, it’s allowed just in case you’re wondering.’ Brian looked upstairs where his room was located and saw the lights on which meant Sarah was probably upstairs in their room. The house was abuzz with excitement and he doubted he wanted to yell at his parents for bringing up a past he didn’t want to talk about and for trying to manipulate his wife or whatever it was they were trying to do. When would they ever learn that he was old enough to make his decisions which he’d made years ago after leaving them to do what he had to do? He shrugged and slid into her car while she settled beside him turning the ignition. In a few seconds, she found her way out of the large compound and drove off like someone highly trained for driving. Anu who had been watching him through a sneak peek finally pulled the curtain to get a good view of the couple who drove away leaving her alone to her misery. Not knowing what else to do, she sank into the bed and cried. It wasn’t even up to a month and her marriage was crumbling right in front of her.
10 Feb 2015 | 16:42
“I’m sorry about the whole thing, the divorce and all…” Brian mumbled settling the cup of coffee on the saucer. Lana had told him narrated the whole ordeal to him and how she had gotten married to their friend Vaughn who had also attended the same private school with them. They had separated after 5 years of their marriage together and the money she had spent on the divorce inclusive of the trauma had drained her drastically but she came out better. “I’m better now.” She gave him a warm smile and shrugged. “Thankful for my parents who were there to see me through the whole thing. I had to leave LA and your mum was kind enough to inform me about a job opening in Arizona. It’s been a year after the whole thing and I feel great already. The interior decorating experience I got from LA has been quite helpful and my clients are happy.” Brian nodded. “It’s good to hear that.” “So, what about you, I’m sorry about Debbie. I know I should have been there in London to see you…” “Owh Lana, please!” He laughed. “You talk like I’m a 14 year old. I survived and I’m grateful to God for that.” “Yeah, I can see that.” She took a piece of her pastry and mumbled. “So, how are things? Do you plan moving back to the States any time soon?” “No, I don’t think so. The thing is with people like Jackie and David on my neck, my options of coming back home is getting slimmer.” Lana chuckled and he joined her. “Why? They don’t mean any harm though I know parents can be pretty annoying with their constant meddling.” “You can say that again.” “Hey, do you remember when my mum tried to meddle when things weren’t going well between us and tried to set me up with Reese Anderson” “What happened to that guy anyway?” “He was such a geek, heard it’s working out for him though. He’s one of the brains behind the modern day computer, heard he sold some software or something of the sort to some huge company that brought him millions.” “Good for him.” “What happened to us?” She asked. “One minute, we were so young and in love, without a care in the world, had everything at our fingertips and now, it’s all gone.” “Nothing lasts forever I guess. We grew up, things changed and we went our separate ways.” “I must say you took a big risk following this call of yours and I respect you for that.” She leaned close. “But y’know that life wasn’t just for me.” “Lana, it’s been 12 years running and we’re doing fine. I’m sure asides our differences, we were never meant to be together. To you, we had good times but right now, it’s quite different the way I see it.” She smiled sadly and bit her lip. “So, for one moment, you never imagined what it would be like together? I know so many waters have passed underneath the bridge but I’ve always imagined what it would have been like to be with you, or even go to London if that was what it came to.” “I’m sure the future might have been bleak, you wouldn’t have been able to cope trust me.” “I missed you.” Brian was quiet and she looked away obviously disappointed that he didn’t respond to her confession. “Do you love her?” “Yea…, I do. She’s one of the best things that has happened to me since Debbie.” Brian replied and took her hand in his. “Look, the last thing I want to do to you is hurt you Lana and I’m sure the last thing you want to do to me is hurt me, but I’m glad that you’ve picked up the pieces in your life and you’re moving on. Divorce is pretty hard but I want to tell you it’s not the end of the road. There’s still so much you can do. You always wanted to go hiking and skiing so maybe you should try it finally. Make yourself happy, trust God to take control of things and give him the freedom and right to.” Lana smiled when he squeezed her hand gently. “Thinking about what might have been between us or what was will only hurt you and can make you take drastic decisions. I’m glad that you’re taking this decorating job for my mum but we both know my mum is a wonderful match- maker and she doesn’t regard the fact that I’m married now but I know you would, because I trust you, and you’re my friend. Friends don’t hurt each other do they?” She shook her head gently. He tapped her hand and released her placing it on the table gently. “I wish you would find Jesus, He alone gives real satisfaction when all these things pass away.” “You say it like it’s simple ABC” “You’re the only one making it harder than ABC.” She looked into his eyes and sighed changing the subject. “So, when are you leaving?” “After the party so by Sunday morning we should be on the plane back to London. Nate has to go back to school and I on the other hand have so many things to do and cash to make.” He smiled at her and rose from his seat looking at the time. “It’s almost 10, we better return to the house before everybody starts getting worried.” “You’ll keep in touch right? I’ll scribble my number just in case you don’t have it.” He smiled at her and received her hand when she offered it. “I do.”
10 Feb 2015 | 16:44
When Brian got home, he was glad to hear Nate had slept off and right now, he was pretty tired and all he wanted to do was collapse into bed. At least, if he was too tired to answer any questions, Sarah would save it for another time. He saw Keira talking with her husband and strolled over to say hi. “Hey Andy, what’s up?” Andrew turned and saw his brother-in-law. “Hey! I’ve asked of you from Keira, was wondering where you disappeared to.” The two men embraced briefly and Brian smiled. “The only man who makes my sister blush like crazy.” He teased. “Keira told me you took the job offer at San diego. How’s it been so far?” “It’s crazy I tell you but as long as it’s paying the bills and keeping my baby happy.” Brian smiled. “And how’s the missionary work going?” “Great, I’m grateful to God.” He glanced around observing the few decorations that had gone up. He suspected his parents might be somewhere in the house and he wasn’t up to seeing them again. They would say the same thing they’d been saying for years because they could not understand and would never understand except God made them see. They’d had the argument time and time again and he knew no one would win. There was no point going to tackle them about it. He was leaving on Sunday and that was it. He saw Travis talking with his fiancee and smiled at him briefly before turning around to find his way upstairs, hoping to have a quiet shower before slumping into bed so as not to disrupt Sarah if she was asleep. When he stepped in, he was shocked by what he saw. His wife sat on the floor eyes swollen and red staring back at him. He rushed to her side. “Baby…, are you okay…, what’s wrong?” “Pamela just called me…, she said Roseline passed on some hours ago.” And all he could do was comfort her, allowing her to sob into his shirt while clinging to him. A few minutes after her sobs had subsided and they lay entangled on the bed, he spoke up. “We’ll leave for London tomorrow.” He kissed her forehead and rubbed her back soothingly. I’ll tell my parents about the change of plans.”
10 Feb 2015 | 16:46
11 Feb 2015 | 11:31
EPISODE 27 Anu watched Pamela sitting close to Carlos and Sheila in the church where the service was being conducted and wondered how her friend was going to cope with being alone after Rosaline was gone. The night they had arrived in London, she was looking composed already and had even tidied the house, working as if nothing had gone wrong but when her eyes settled on hers, she had let it all out. The two women had cried and hugged for a while and Anu was glad that her husband understood that she had to stay with her friend for a while. She’d grown leaner within a few days she had left her alone but Pamela being the woman that she was tried to act like everything was under control and informed her that she wanted the burial to take place as soon as possible. She’d made a few arrangements and she mentioned Carlos briefly helping her out with his sister. Anu suspected the rift between the two was reduced and hoped that this might probably bring them together. Her gaze strolled down and she saw her hand in Carlos’ watching him as he squeezed gently just as she was about to stand up and say something as the reverend bid her come forward. Her face was dry now compared to the days before where sometimes she would break down in tears while they talked about almost everything. Anu had never seen Pamela so vulnerable before and this moment was where she could see her face reflect every vulnerability she had never seen. She observed Sheila touching her gently as she adjusted her black dress and walked with every confidence that she had mustered left to the altar just before the coffin where her mother’s body lay before they buried it. For a while she said nothing and everybody watched. The people probably understood and watched patiently till she finally said something. “Rosaline did not like being called Mum but I called her mum anyway.” She began trying to force a smile though she faltered. “She believed me calling her mum would strain our relationship but as she grew older and the cancer kept growing, she stopped correcting me and that was when I knew her sickness was for real.” She looked at the Bible on the pulpit and opened it though her eyes had begun to pool. “I was tempted to feel like God played an expensive joke on me when a few days after my friend Sarah came over and her spirit lighted up all for her to give up a few months later. Sometimes, I don’t understand why God let her go, chose her to go through that kind of pain but one thing Rosaline made me see was that her passing away was for the good of us all. Only someone like her could believe that, could even say things like that. She made me believe her cancer was some kind of blessing rather than a curse. I’m still trying to grasp it all, but I know God has it all under control, and has Rosie’s soul too because she was a walking example of what Life with Christ should be like.”
13 Feb 2015 | 16:21
“Hey…” Pamela turned on seeing her father and though she’d seen when he walked in, she had tried to ignore him but it was obvious the man refused to be ignored. The burial ceremony was over, she had made up her mind not to cry anymore and move on just like her mother had advised her to do. She looked around and saw Sheila, Ryan, Carlos, Anu and Brian standing together. Often times, she would observe them glancing her way even when she had told them she could make it back home on her own, they refused to leave her alone. But right now, she doubted she wanted to be alone with this man standing before her. “Hi” She managed. This wasn’t the time and place but she knew she had to face it once and for all. Maybe if they hashed it out here, he wouldn’t snoop around her business anymore. She allowed her gaze settle on his suit. He still looked good in his suit, no sign of poverty or suffering.He was handsome and looked well groomed and no wonder her mother had fallen for him. He was a consultant so she couldn’t expect less. He had the money rolling in for him, the perfect home, the perfect wife and some kids that were legally his she supposed. What else did he want with her? He could as well go back to his perfect life and perfect job. How ironic he wasn’t the one God had chosen to grow a cancer culture in his body. “I’m sorry.., about this, about all that happened. Rosaline was a beautiful woman and all that was said in the church about her could not describe the kind of heart she had.” “Yeah. She’s gone now so life should be easy on you. You don’t need to snoop around just to see when she’s going to die now that she’s gone.” Her tone had an edge to it and she wasn’t ready to coat it in. “Neither do you need to worry if some illegal child will come up and ask you for money or anything. If you need you to swear on her grave or sign some funny contract, then that’s where you’re going to be fooling yourself because I’m doing neither of the two.” He sighed. “Pamela…,” “What do you even want? Haven’t you caused enough harm?” He raised his hands up in surrender and dug a hand into his pocket just to retrieve an envelope from his suit. He passed it to her and she glanced at it suspiciously. “What’s that?” “I don’t know either but your mother wanted you to have it after she got buried.” She received it from him gingerly and noticed it was sealed. The envelope looked familiar. Like one of the paper- kinds Sheila made which she had bought for her mother recently when she asked for some. To my best friend. On recognizing the handwriting, she tore it open immediately and glanced through the letter. It had to be her mother. The handwriting and the signature was definitely has except Robert had blackmailed her to write something and give it to him so as to look good. Which she supposed was sort of ridiculous. Why go through the stress. She began to read. Hello Pam, By the time you’ll be reading this letter, I would be long gone, enjoying my stay in Heaven. She inserted a smiley that brought a little smile to Pamela’s lips though the tears threatened to fall again on seeing something that reminded her of her mother. Only Rosaline wrote letters like this and made sad situations seem happy. I gave this to Robert to give you the day after I’m gone because I’m sure if I gave it to you, you wouldn’t let the poor guy know about it and still keep giving him a hard time till God knows when. But I want to save you the stress and let you know that Robert offered to marry me but I refused. When I had you, he wanted to make it work no matter how it would jeopardize the dreams he had. We tried to make it work but in my pride, I felt he was trying to get me trapped someway somehow because he’d had his life planned and we just happened. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you this before I died but I know you wouldn’t believe me because you never wanted to believe Rob had a good side to him. He’s your father, he wants to be a father in your life. I’m so sorry my pride affected us both but I just felt getting married because of a baby was not why I wanted to marry him. I wanted him to love me but I didn’t want to ask for too much. I hope you have it in your heart to forgive me if I did you wrong. Rob loves you, at least in his own way and I got pretty jealous at the time but we both decided long ago that life is pretty unfair sometimes. The times when we moved, it was because I wanted him to stay away from you, I didn’t want him to have a part in our lives most especially you. I was pretty selfish at the time and didn’t know Jesus but when I did and tried to fix things, you’d grown so much and my lies had sank in more than the truths I refused to reveal. Even the truths I slipped in sometimes, you found it hard to believe me because you had made up your mind that he was a bad person. I’m sorry for the havoc I caused and I ask that you move on with him. Who knows he might be a better father, even better than I was as a mother. I’m sure he’s good with stuffs like that. Few Fathers come running after their daughters the way Rob came all the way to London looking for you, trying to fight his way into your life. It reminds me of the Father’s love. I love you soo much Pamlove. You were more than a blessing to me, much more than I could ever imagine and I thank God that though I didn’t have much on Earth, I had you. My one and only. Signed. Pamela did not notice that the letter had been soaked with her tears till Rob came close and reached his hands towards her. This time she didn’t resist, couldn’t fight him and she went into his arms, shedding more tears and basking in his warmth when he pulled her close to himself planting kisses on her hair and whispering soothing words to her that everything was going to be alright. And at that moment, she suddenly felt that indeed, everything was going to be alright.
13 Feb 2015 | 16:26
It was late when Brian and Anu arrived back at home after spending majority of their day at the Burrows house while Pamela spent time with her father. They’d finally released her to be alone when they saw father and daughter in a tight embrace and Sheila offered to prepare something for them all at her place. It was something she had planned after the burial hoping Pamela would feel comfortable and less worried in the midst of friends but it seemed God had opened up another door for her. She just worried about her brother. What was his fate now that Pamela and her father seemed to have reconciled? She’d seen how affectionate he’d been ever since the day they received the news about her mother’s death and how Pamela had sort of welcomed him into her life. Every morning before 6a.m Carlos was out of the house and wasn’t returning till evening. He went grocery shopping for her, made her meals and asked if she wanted him to get anything for her. She could see the hope in her brother’s life and how expectant he’d been though he had mentioned that Pamela hadn’t voiced any thoughts about them getting together anytime soon. But he was hopeful though his hopes seemed to have been dashed to pieces now that the burial was over. What were her plans? Was she thinking of moving? If she allowed her father into her life, then most definitely Robert would want her to leave the place and rent somewhere more exquisite for her, give her money to complete her school fees and she would have options of a better job. And Carlos would be forgotten again. Sheila had voiced these thoughts to Anu and that was what was on her mind before Brian disrupted her thoughts. He had returned from tucking their son into bed and standing behind her slid his arms through her waist planting a soft kiss on her neck. “Hey…” “Hmmmn” She mumbled savoring his closeness and her mind traveling back to the cold response his family had given when he explained the reason for their sudden departure the next morning. She couldn’t say how relieved she was. No Lana, No Jackie, No threat of wealth and he returning to the States anytime soon. Just the two of them. “Are you okay?” “Yeah…, I’m fine. I was just thinking of this whole week being stressful and how I believe things could work out for Pamela and her father. She’s been through a lot lately.” “Yeah, she has.” His grip tightened on her before he turned her to face him his hands still lingering on her waist. “Speaking of fathers, when are we going to go and see yours?” Anu tensed on his statement and noticed that when she tried to break free, his grip tightened on hers. “Well?” “Brian I’m tired and I need to go to bed.” He inhaled deeply and released her. “Sarah, is there something else I need to know about your father because anytime I bring him up, you get all tensed up and avoid looking into my eyes.” “I’ve told you all that you need to know Brian.” She noticed the defensive tone in her voice but ignored it. “If there’s someone guilty among us, it’s you who never told me about some highschool sweetheart somewhere.” “Oh no…” Brian raked his hands through his hair giving a frustrated sigh. “Why do you keep doing this Sarah, why do you keep saying things like this?” “And why did you hide things from me?” She retorted. “I believe you should have told me the kind of family you had and how they would react to you marrying a black woman. A woman from Nigeria. You don’t know the things your mother said to me but I swallowed everything because of you. You should be able to do the same because of me. When I tell you I don’t want to see my father yet, you should be able to understand that it’s because things are different in my country. I got married without my parent’s blessings and moved in with you. Their daughter is not the virgin they think she is anymore. How do you think my parents would feel about taking in the whole news all at once. I’m scared my father might do something terrible, disown me somewhat or refuse to recognize I’m married. I’m not ready to lose him. I don’t want to be like my sister.” Brian shook his head slowly at her and she could tell he was trying to curb his anger. His smile came slowly, and it was bitter. “You’re so much like your sister more than you ever know.” “I am not.” She defended. “I’m not selfish and I wouldn’t hurt people to have my way. Sandra has done so much more than I deserve even after all I’ve ever done for her…” “And what about me Sarah, huh? What about my feelings? Don’t you care that you hurt me with your words, your refusal to listen to me, to understand the reason why we have to do the right thing and move on? You are in London as your sister Sarah! Didn’t that ever occur to you?” He shook his head. “Don’t you realize you need to come clean once and for all? Fine, Sandra used you for selfish reasons, but what are you allowing her turn you into? You’re turning into a replica of her, nothing else. In the same vein that you try not to be like her, you end up being like her.” Anu’s eyes had pooled. “I would never hurt you Brian…, please try and understand.” “Then stop comparing yourself to her and live your life. Stop acting like her shadow, stop seeing yourself in her eyes or how other people see you. Whatever happens, take the bull by the horns and face your fears. We got married, so what? If your parents don’t approve, we’ll move on. My parents didn’t approve but that didn’t stop me from marrying you did it? They’re not the ones going to live with us for the rest of our lives and you told me your parents would be biased when I suggested we go see them before getting married because they prefer a man of your colour. I don’t put it in your face Sarah, I swallowed it and made up my mind you’re the woman I want no one else. I think you need to make up your mind about me too and that includes telling your parents about us” And with that, he left her in the kitchen and headed to their bedroom leaving Anu to stare after him. She made a careless attempt to wipe away her tears but they kept coming. Brian was right but he had to understand that it wasn’t an easy task for her. She suddenly felt afraid that their marriage was heading towards the rocks with this being their second misunderstanding in one month. The fear of things going wrong brought sudden panic to her and she headed towards the bedroom. She saw him sitting on the bedside table with his computer before him and she went close to him. “I’m sorry…” “Sarah, I need to work.” He responded his back turned to her but that was before she leaned close to him and kissed him. “I’ve missed you.” She whispered into his ears. “Sarah, sex isn’t the solution to what we talked about.” He stopped her hand when it moved beneath his shirt. Anger and hurt flashed before her eyes and she jerked from his hands which held hers captive. He talked about sex like she was using it as a weapon against him. She knew he was right, but she wasn’t going to let him bring her down with his words. So what? What if she wanted him to make love to her because she wanted him to forget their discussion and move on? Wasn’t that what sex in marriage was about. Whenever there was an argument, all she had to do was pacify him by offering him her body and he’d give her pleasure. They’d end up both happy and satisfied, their argument forgotten. But this husband of hers just liked to make things complicated. Always wanted to do things by the book. “You know what, you can sit by your computer for all I care. Pretend to work when all you want to do is love me. I’m going to bed.” And she stormed off to the bathroom, took a brief shower and sank into the bed pulling the duvet over herself. Not once throughout her routine did Brian turn to glance at her.
13 Feb 2015 | 16:34
13 Feb 2015 | 17:31
Sarah had better stop dis childish pranks of hers nd think straight! Will she continue 2 live a fake life in london? Or she has even forgotten what brought her dere? What abt her supposed daughter? Mehn! She'z such a kid!
14 Feb 2015 | 18:56
“Someone looks pretty this morning.” Sandra cheered while rounding up her daughter’s hairdo which she had taken time to fix this morning. Teniola smiled and looked down shyly but her mother raised her chin to look into her eyes. “If anyone compliments your beauty, don’t look down okay? You look the person in the eyes and show them you know what you’re about. No daughter of mine will feel inferior.” She nodded slowly. “Because boys will tell you you’re pretty.” She continued adjusting the collar of her uniform and allowing her mind flash to the boy she’d seen Teniola with when she went to pick her from school the day before. She’d only spent one week at school and asides the good reports from her teacher, she noticed there was a boy who loved hanging around her child. “And when they tell you you’re pretty, let them know you know and your mum knows so if they’re getting any ideas, they should back off.” She nodded quietly again. “So, is there something you need to tell me about that boy I saw you with yesterday?” “You mean Benji?” “Is that his name?” “Yes, he’s my classmate and he likes borrowing my note and we talk a lot so…” “Oh, I see.” “He hasn’t touched me though. We just hold hands and he told me he likes me.” “And what did you say?” “I told him okay.” She shrugged and sighed. “Mummy, I’ll be fine. I think Benji is a nice boy and though we’re still young, he’s pretty smart for his age. He doesn’t act like Duncan who wants all the girls to like him because he’s the richest kid in school. Imagine him telling me the number of cars and houses his father has, inclusive of the number of times they travel to London for holidays.” “And what did you tell him?” “What you taught me.” She declared proudly with a smile. “Don’t boast about your father’s wealth, boast about your brain because someday he might throw you out and where does that leave you?” She giggled. “Oh you should have seen the look on his face. He threatened to tell his daddy and you should have heard the girls call him Mommy’s boy. Gosh, it’s so annoying when kids talk like babies. I have lots of girlfriends on my side now and he’s pretty careful around me.” Sandra laughed and hifived her daughter hugging her gleefully. “Now that’s my girl.” She gave a mock bow. “Proud to be of service.” Kemi peeped into the room disrupting their discussion. “Breakfast is ready you two.” “Thank you Grandma, good morning ma.” “Good morning my darling. You two having your usual mother to daughter talk?” She nodded with a smile. “Yes Grandma.” “We’ll be out in a minute.” Sandra replied after greeting her mother as well. Sandra looked up at the time and rose from her dressing table. “Let’s eat so that we can be on our way. We don’t want you late for school.” “Okay.”
16 Feb 2015 | 07:39
When Teniola got to school that morning, she was pretty early and so sat quietly in her seat, going through her phone that her mother just bought her though her mind was on Benji. She knew she liked him and had pretended to act non-chalant to her mother about their brewing friendship so that her mother wouldn’t think too much of it and stop her from going further. Yes her mother told her she was pretty often, but it felt wonderful to be called pretty by a boy. A cute one too. In her former school no one ever called her pretty probably because they were scared or felt inferior. And maybe because her school uniform though neat looked old and due to their present community, everybody knew she was raised by a single parent. But here, things were different. People only knew what you told them. When Benji had asked about her father, she’d told him he was in a different country because she didn’t want him to stop liking her if she told him the truth. She’d catch him looking at her sometimes. He must really like her. Her friends told her Duncan liked her and had been boasting about his father’s wealth because he wanted her to like him but she wasn’t interested. She wanted Benji and wondered if he would kiss her just like she’d seen in those movies she and her mother watched often at home. When her other mother was home, she never allowed her to watch stuffs like that. But her new mom gave her so much liberty and she liked it. She saw him enter the classroom and smiled when he raised his head to look at her. “Hi…” “Goodmorning…, I mean Hi.” She responded and he smiled at her. When he didn’t come close to her, she decided to move close to his seat and he made space for her. “What do you think about Duncan?” He suddenly asked out of the blue which took her by surprise. She grimaced. “Duncan is a child that needs to grow up.” Benji chuckled. “We all need to grow up Teni. You talk like we’re adults already.” “Well, don’t you wish you were already?” “I’d like to take things step by step.” He replied. “Okay.” She remained quiet and looked ahead. “Y’know Duncan is my friend right?” She nodded. “Yea, sure.” “Don’t you feel making that statement about his father sending him out of the house may have been too harsh sort of? It seemed odd kinda. He’s only 10 years old. He’s free to be his father’s son till when he’s grown I guess.” She felt horrified that Benji was thinking this way and looked for a way out. But her mother had said it was okay and even congratulated her. “I was only joking.” He shrugged. “Okay.” She was kind of disappointed when he said nothing again. She’d thought they would talk like they used to and why the sudden bringing up of Duncan into their conversation? She suspected it had to do with the comment she made to him. She suddenly felt her heart breaking. “Are you upset about what I said to Duncan?” “What makes you say that?” “I’m just asking you since you mentioned he’s your friend.” Benji was quiet for a while and his eyes settled on hers before he sighed. “I just don’t want to say anything and be afraid that you might call me mummy’s boy.” “I won’t mind.” “Well, I made a comment like that yesterday and my mum was kind of upset and she called it disturbing for a girl with two parents.” His shoulder sagged and he apologized immediately. “I shouldn’t have told you that, I’m sorry. It’s just, you know my parents. We’re strict Catholics and they take words pretty serious. No matter what they say, you’ll still be my friend.” She nodded trying to understand it all though she was beginning to get confused. For a while she hadn’t been to church because her mother didn’t deem it necessary and her grandmother didn’t say anything about it either. Was it because of people like Benji’s parents who made a mountain out of a molehill just like the words she’d just said? She felt a sharp pain in her chest and wondered where that came from. She suddenly stood up from her seat and went to her seat especially when other students were beginning to troop in. Even when her friends greeted her, she waved back absent- mindedly trying to figure it all out. She was going to tell her mother about the pain in her chest too because it was a new feeling and she suddenly grew a fever. Was this a symptom of heartbreak or something else entirely? Mrs Sadiq came into the class and she made up her mind to go to the health clinic when she was done with her first class.
16 Feb 2015 | 07:42
The phone call came late. Some minutes after 12noon when Sandra was preparing lunch for the house and she’d gone for her errands in the morning. “Am I speaking with Miss Okoye, Teniola’s mother?” “Yes you are.” She dropped her spoon to hold her phone close to her ears wondering if it was one of her teachers on the phone. “Is there a problem?” “This is Mrs Jackson calling on your daughter’s behalf. Teniola fainted a few minutes ago and she’s been taken to the hospital from school for urgent medical attention. We need you to come to Dayspring Hospital right away as her condition seems critical.” And Sandra could do nothing else.
16 Feb 2015 | 07:43
EPISODE 28 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds. Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” That was the bible verse that greeted Brian the next morning while he was having his Quiet time. Sarah had woken up earlier to leave the room and though he was not oblivious to her movement around the room from the bathroom to the closet to pick up a casual dress for the day, they did not utter a word to each other. The atmosphere was still tensed with last night’s misunderstanding. He sighed and closed his eyes. “It’s pretty hard to see it your way sometimes Lord. I just thought with everything I’ve taught her, she should have made progress. I’m sorry I refused to even think of how she must have been hurting you in the process as well, because you love her so much but she doesn’t see it. Just the way she has refused to see me loving her no matter what happens. Now I know her insecurities are strongholds she needs to work towards pulling down. Father forgive me for letting my emotions get in the way and please teach me what to do and how to go from here. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. After a few more minutes of his time with God and confessing the Word into his life, he left the room and strolled into the living room just to see Sarah making oatmeal for breakfast while Nate sat on a stool. His mind flashed to his plans of getting a new apartment for them. The place was becoming too small for them now that she had moved into his home. She looked up at him and it was there and then he saw the vulnerability in her eyes before she forced up a smile and greeted him. “Good morning, how was your night?” He strolled towards her and mumbled. “Terrible…” and before she could mouth her confusion to his sudden confession to her, he held her face and planted a soft kiss on her lips. “Hey…” She swallowed and smiled her eyes pooling already. “About last night…” “Shh…, we’ll talk about it later okay?” He tipped his head to indicate the presence of their son and she understood immediately. She nodded and responded to his kiss when he kissed her again. “You’re beautiful…” “Thank you.” “Hello! You two seem to be forgetting someone is here and can see all your eeky stuff.” Nate interrupted rudely and all they could do was laugh. “Hey kiddo.” Brian ran a hand on his son’s hair before planting a kiss on his forehead. “I think giving him a sister will bring out the best in him or what do you think?” He turned to Sarah and she giggled at his teasing. “No way, having a sister is going to make me all mushy. I’ll have to hold her hands and she’ll beg me to play teacup princess with her, eeew..” Both parents shook their head and Brian settled on the other stool so that they could have breakfast together. When he was done, he headed to the bathroom, took a quick bath, dressed up and snatched his bagpack where his laptop was. “I have a few back logs that I want to work on today and staying at home with you to work might not be a good idea.” He explained moving closer to her. “I’ll drop Nate off school and get a bus downtown. A client called today and he wants me to work out some software programme in his office. That’s where I’ll probably spend majority of my time today. So, if you need anything, just call me okay?” “Okay…” “Here’s my credit card, you can go shopping and buy groceries you think we need for the house. Sheila can help out if you buzz her. She told me you two are meeting today for orientation.” She nodded collecting the credit card from him. “Yes, I think it’s going to be fun.” “With Sheila, trust me it will be, just be yourself around her and trust her to help you with anything you don’t understand.” “Okay…” “Call or text?” He moved to plant another kiss on her lips. “Both.” She smiled. He nodded. “I love you.” “I love you too.” She saw him looking at her and she nudged him. “Go already, please! If you stay here one more minute, you won’t be leaving this house.” “We’ll talk when I get back.” “Sure.” And he was gone. Nate’s hands waving to her brought a certain memory of a child that she had nurtured for years before she snapped back to the present her mind registering something disturbing. You nurtured a child that was never yours… Goosebumps grew on her flesh and she retreated back into the house trying to hide from emotions that threatened to surface again. This was going to work, no matter what happened. It had to.
17 Feb 2015 | 13:41
Pamela woke up to the persistent knock on her door and she frowned on checking the time. This was 7a.m and yet she slept like she hadn’t slept in years. She knew the truth and though she tried to deny it, she knew it was the certain absence of anxiety that was replaced by peace that flooded her soul. Last night was one of the best nights of her life and she wondered if God had given her as a form of miracle to compensate for her mother’s death. Throwing an old night robe on her nightwear, she reached for the door knob and yelled. “Who is it?” “Robert..” “Dad?” Her eyes widened and she placed a hand on her mouth laughter threatening to spill from her at the mention of the word. She was sure he heard it too because he laughed. “I hope this means we’re going to work something out.” She heard him say at the other end of the door. She shook her head telling herself she was getting way over her head. They’d only been talking yesterday and she was already jumping fast to call him Dad. But she was happy. They’d talked and talked yesterday and if she hadn’t insisted, he would have slept over at her place. He had told her he would sleep on the couch but she didn’t want his wife or his kids asking where he was. The girls needed their Daddy and she didn’t mind. “Hello butterfly.” He greeted when she opened the door and saw him with two cups of coffee and she frowned. “Please don’t call me that.” “Oh, I’m sorry.” “No it’s not that, I’m just not used to that kind of name. Pam suits me fine.” “Okay…” She stretched her hands to receive the cup of iced coffee from him. It smelled wonderful and she smiled at him. “Good morning.” “Now I know the key to your heart.” He teased and she smiled. ”Not really.” “Meaning I still have lots of work to do.” “Maybe..” “So, what are your plans for today?” “I was planning on cleaning the house, get rid of some of Rosie’s stuff. My part-time classes are still on so that’s something else. Then I have a job to get back to before my classes.” “You mean the coffee house?” She nodded. “How did you know I work there?” When he didn’t respond, she sighed, the sudden realization of how he knew her every footstep dawned on her. He’d been stalking her. Or maybe watching her was more like it. She suddenly liked the thought of having her father be so protective about her. Other occurrences that took place in the cafe came into remembrance and she shook her head. “And I assume you were the customer who sent me the generous tip the last time…” “It’s safe to assume that.” “Thank you…, I know I never had the chance to ever tell you but thank you. It was one of those days I needed it.” “Pam…” “No…, I’m thankful and I’m sorry for how I treated you. I just felt you never loved me enough to marry Rosie and stay with us when we needed you the most. I never knew you were only respecting her wishes and I respect it too because her being with you might have hurt her so much more, but it hurt me more not knowing you earlier.” “I’m not complaining.” “So.., don’t you have work this morning?” She allowed her gaze go to his well groomed suit and briefcase. His driver must be outside waiting for him to return. “Uh, What do you say to a private breakfast between you and I. We could talk business if you want.” Pamela’s heart skipped a beat. She’d been thinking of having toast and plain black coffee this morning. The weather was beginning to grow warm and she would have settled for cold black coffee, run her errands, go through her notes before returning to the cafe. “Uh…, it’s pretty scary I guess.” She gave an uncomfortable laugh. “I don’t bite.” “Well.., it’s just that I have some errands to run, a friend to stop by and a work to be by 10 before my classes. I don’t think I can afford so much luxury.” “Well, that’s partly what I’d like to discuss with you.” Another knock on the door disrupted their conversation and she went forward to peep through the door hole. When she saw it was Carlos, she suddenly felt awkward that her father would see a guy whom she’d dated in the past. “Hi..” He greeted when she opened the door for him. “Hey..” She stood watching him contemplating on allowing him in or not but Carlos saw her father and found his way inside. “Hi…, you must be Pamela’s Dad, I’m Carlos, a friend of Pam.” “Oh…” He extended his hand towards the young man. “It’s finally nice to meet a friend of Pam one on one, and please call me Robert.” “It’s a pleasure sir.” The trio stood waiting for the first to break the ice after the awkward introduction. Carlos held a paper bag and coffee in his hands and she could tell the disappointment on his face when he saw her father had done a good job of being here first to probably offer her some grand tour. She hadn’t introduced them herself and right now, she was scared to declare Carlos as something promising in her life. He’d been good to her, he was starting to get to her heart again and though she didn’t want him to know because if he did, if he happened to catch a glimpse of her faltering, he would rush in and make her emotions fall all over the place. Carlos never took no for an answer. She knew him so well. He was a fighter, and he fought for her feelings when they dated back then. It was another reason she’d fallen so helplessly in love with him. He made sure she had all her attention on him. At a point, it seemed as if he knew where she was. He’d write her love letters in Spanish and tell her to translate it herself. She’d see a rose appear mysteriously in her locker and occasionally he’d make her a picnic feast in their secret meeting place. When she ate what he prepared, she knew Sheila had helped and appreciated how far he’d gone to make her happy. But why did he leave her? If he had an explanation for that night, she wanted to know. Maybe knowing would ease things on herself. It was long and forgotten, even though it had been one of the nights where her misery began. How did she know he wouldn’t leave her again in the future? How could she be so sure he wouldn’t bail out again when she would need him the most? These were the constant battles she faced whenever the thoughts of chances with him came crawling into her heart. “Robert, this is Carlos.” She decided to give the proper introduction. “Carlos and I dated back in high-school but things didn’t work out well for us and so we moved on.” “Oh…, I’m sorry.” Robert smiled sheepishly. “I thought you two were together.” Pamela frowned. “And why would you think that?” “Well…” He paused, his gaze going from Carlos to his daughter. “It’s obvious the young man is pretty in love with you but there’s a No-No from your side.” “Things are pretty complicated…” She replied. “Pam, you’re the only one who’s making this thing complicated between us.” “Carlos, please…, this isn’t the time to talk about past issues. My mom just got buried yesterday and the last thing I want to do with you is dig up past issues in places where we’re concerned. We’re over, just like the past, you need to accept things the way they are.” Pamela had never seen the crestfallen look on Carlos face before and she suddenly felt bad. He was always the tough kind, never backing down, but now, he looked like he’d been defeated. His shoulders sagged and he forced a smile though she thought his eyes had pooled just before he looked away. She had finally passed the verdict and there was no turning back for her. “Maybe this is a bad time for me…” Robert broke in and shifted a little. “I can leave you two to sort out whatever it is.” “No, you wouldn’t need to.” Carlos managed and extended his hand to Robert again. “It’s a pleasure once again.” And he was gone. Robert turned to look at his daughter’s face. It was the first tear that caught his attention. Subsequent ones made him pull her into his arms.
17 Feb 2015 | 13:48
God ll be wt u pam
17 Feb 2015 | 15:21
Nice story dear,thumb up
18 Feb 2015 | 05:49
“I told you you would come out fine with your first try. It’s just orientation class and you got the right color combo for the cushion. Without doubt, you’ll do well in home decor. Some people prefer a traditional outlook to their home and so they might hire you to decorate. With the right colours, the right time and hard work, you’ll go places.” Anu smiled. “Thank you.” “So, we’ll go the second round and then after, we’ll go food shopping. I’ll take Ryan’s car to make things easier on us and Lisa. She still needs her mummy anywhere she is.” “Sure.” “General classes begin next week but I want you to be a little familiar with all of this so that I’m not getting your head crowded when the complex areas come into play and you can start practicing on your own.” She nodded. Sheila looked at her, her gaze settling on her features softly. “Are you okay?” She blinked. “Yes, of course, why do you ask?” “I don’t know, I just feel troubled in my spirit about you. Something tells me you’re not settled. There’s something on your mind you badly want to share or tell someone but you’re scared somewhat.” “It’s nothing really..” “Have you talked to Brian about whatever it is you don’t have control over?” “Trust me, it’s not Brian.” “Okay, I’ll mumble a prayer or two for you.” Sheila smiled warmly, squeezed her hand and returned to her sewing machine making a few sketches on her notebook. Her glasses back on her face, she went on to further explain the details Anu needed to understand for the whole sewing process. She took a few measurements, wrote a few numbers and turned on her computer to show her more designs she planned on working on. There were some she had displayed on her blog which she went on to explain the tricky part though the ones on her blog looked technical and would be hard for someone who wasn’t too familiar with her designs to copy it. “It’s me.” Anu broke into their conversation and Sheila stopped. “It’s you what?” She sighed and inhaled deeply. She couldn’t believe she was doing this, but she had to. She wanted to make her husband happy. Last night, his words about her hurting him hit her hard. As if that was not all, Brian who couldn’t take his hands off her in their first month of marriage wouldn’t even touch her last night. She had pretended to be asleep when she pulled the duvet over herself wondering when he would come to the bed and join her. Every move that he made, every noise on the keyboard, she waited for him to come and kiss her, make love to her but he’d stood by his resolve. He’d said sex wouldn’t solve their problem. They were married. People talked about sex being the major reason for couples getting divorced. Were those lies too? But how? Why? Wasn’t that one of the reasons God created sex like he’d taught her. To sustain a marriage. Sex would make them forget their rivalry and make them happy once more. Or was she missing the point completely? This morning, she saw hope in his eyes. He was willing to give her another chance and she didn’t want to ruin it. Wasn’t ready to. If he came home tonight, she wanted him to talk to her and she would listen. They would iron it out. She wouldn’t say anything even though she wanted to explain things to him so bad. Her mother had been obedient to their father, even when he treated her badly. Maybe she would do the same. She was about changing her mind about telling Sheila when something prompted her to spill the words. “I think I’m scared.” Sheila stopped what she was doing and turned to look at her. “Sweetie, what are you scared of?” “I think I’m scared that I might lose Brian, but for no reason and it’s tearing me apart. Everytime I think of my childhood, I think of everything I’ve been through, how no one could ever love me, I feel Brian coming into my life is too good to be true and someday, he may see me for what I really am and leave me alone.” ”Hey…, hey, shhh…, look at me. No one is leaving anybody okay.” When Sheila saw her wiping tears from her face, she pulled her close to herself and patted her gently. “Everybody gets scared at one point in time of their marriage dearie. Faith is the glue that binds it all together. Don’t you think I get scared too? Sometimes I get scared that Ryan might get tired of me, or be disgusted by my bloated form when I had Lisa but the words of Jesus was always there to comfort me that everything may not be alright, but He will be with me, till the very end. Sometimes I even get scared it might be the other way around. Me getting tired of Ryan and all, but I’m glad I married someone who fears God, who follows his word, and Brian is someone who does the same.” “Yours is different..” “How?” She inhaled deeply. “I’m worried it has to do with the way I feel about myself. Nothing Brian tells me is enough. One minute, I’m madly in love with him, the next, I’m scared that he might see someone who is better than I am and realize I wasn’t worth the stress all along. We went over to his parent’s house and there was this woman who he dated in the past. He didn’t tell me about her and I got so jealous I hurt him in the process.” Sheila looked at her for a while, understanding beginning to dawn on her about what Sarah was beginning to talk about. She’d battled issues with insecurity at a young age which had threatened to find way into her marriage a few times but God had helped her and providing someone like Ryan for her was just an icing on the cake. Ryan had advised her to see their marriage counselor in church who had knowledge in psychology and who also helped her at the time when some issues threatened to wreck her marriage. She told Sarah about it hoping she would think about it and probably tell her husband about it. She told herself it was a good thing Sarah recognized the problem on time and wanted a way out. And a good thing he gave her Brian. She knew her friend, he was patient, but who knew if God wanted to work out more patience with him using his new wife and on the other side, help her out using Brian.
18 Feb 2015 | 14:41
Continue plss
18 Feb 2015 | 14:44
Sandra was in the hospital pacing up and down the hospital hallway wondering when the doctor would step out and tell her what was going on in the room and why he seemed to be taking his time as if he owned the whole world. Didn’t he realize what he was doing to her? Her teacher and the principal were also unaware of the situation and she wondered if they were intentionally hiding something from her. Her mother came rushing into the hospital and she hugged her fiercely. “What is going on, where is the doctor? Where is my child?” Kemi lamented. “He’s the one we’re all waiting for Mama…” “Hmmmn, evil shall not befall my family o. Where is her class teacher? The school’s principal. Have you asked her what happened…, where are they and why are they keeping quiet?’ “I’ve asked them Mama…” Sandra tried to keep calm though her voice was already on edge. “They said Teni took excuse from her teacher saying she wanted to use the restroom. She hadn’t gone far when she fainted. They tried all she could, CPR, smelling salts, even carried her to the school’s health centre but she wasn’t responding. It was then they rushed her here with the ambulance.” “Haaaa, not responding ke! Olorun o ni je! No child of mine will undergo the kind of sickness without response. Satan is a liar.” “Mama, please take it easy. Right now, I’m on edge myself but I’m trying to hold it together.” “Have you called Gbenro?” “No, it skipped my mind….” One of the doors to the ward opened and a man in his mid 40s walked towards them, a chart in hand and a stethoscope on the neck interrupting their conversation as he asked. “Is Miss Okolie here?” She raised her hand slowly. “I’d like to see you alone…” “My mother is coming along with me.” She declared boldly. He hesitated. “I think it would be wise if I talk to you first being her mother.” Sandra turned to look at her mother and placed a hand on her shoulder. “It won’t take long, I promise.” Kemi wanted to protest but realizing there was no point, she kept quiet and went to sit on the bench hoping for the best news.
18 Feb 2015 | 14:46
Sarah was with Sheila in the grocery store when her phone kept buzzing with email alerts. She hadn’t received any personal email in a while except for the ones her sister kept sending and she kept ignoring. She had disposed of her phone as well and so she wondered what her sister wanted this time. It was the subject of the email that caught her attention and she opened it immediately. Teniola is sick, please come home. From Sandra. Call this number immediately you get this message. That was all it said. She saw the number Sandra had written and wondered if it was another prank to get her to run more errands for her. There was no harm in trying. She would call the number and find out the truth. She told Sheila to excuse her and she headed outside, her heart racing fast on what to expect if the other person on the line picked. “Hello…” A voice croaked “Ebun.., is that you?” “I sent you about 10 messages to tell you Teniola is sick and you ignored them all. How could you be so cruel?” “Did you call me to pull another prank on me or push the blame on me as always?” Anu snapped angrily. She could hear the tears in Sandra’s voice as she talked but suppressed every sympathy she had left for her sister. She was a good actress. Who knew what she wanted this time? She was probably done ruining her life in Nigeria and wanted to take back her place as if she hadn’t caused enough harm. “Teniola is dying Anu. Even if I would lie about everything else, I wouldn’t fake my daughter’s ailment would I? If you like stay in London and rot there while Teni dies here. We’ll call you for the burial. Good day.” And she hung up. Anu stared at her phone in shock. The only word that could escape her lips were No…, It’s impossible, It can’t be true!
18 Feb 2015 | 14:48
Pls continue ooo
18 Feb 2015 | 15:03
Nawah oo for dix gobe o.
18 Feb 2015 | 19:23
Me ayaf tell you before before that you should go home. Now its time to do so. I pray teni survive it o what a smart girl.
19 Feb 2015 | 06:15
Wow! I finaly meet up with this story! Sandra is just something else, I hope she learn her lesson soon and change for good! Sarah is just taking things too far, She has to return home and see the damages Sandra has cause! Nice story.... Next please
20 Feb 2015 | 03:37
EPISODE 29 The next flight to Lagos took like forever to land in Anu’s eyes and she had to stop the tears from falling when they threatened to. She tried to convince herself over and over again that her sister was lying. She had to. What kind of sickness was Teniola down with that could lead to death? She was still mourning over Rosaline’s death and brooding over her marriage which she was trying all she could to protect. Why was God being cruel to her? She remembered the shock that registered on Brian’s face when she told him the news. It was the last thing she wanted to deliver to him but she had no choice. She had to tell him so that she could leave for her country immediately. He had consoled her and told her he would come over in about 3 days time so that he could sort out his job and prepare Nathan to come with him since that would mean meeting her parents as well. Though he was unhappy, he looked calm and she envied him for such peace he possessed. Why couldn’t she have that? Her mind was in a turmoil and all she could do was break down and cry. “God must hate me so much.” She sobbed into his shirt when they were finally alone in their bedroom. “I’m sure he’s paying me back for leaving Teni in Sandra’s hands. The truth I refused to tell her about her mother and everything else. Oh Brian, I’m a terrible person. Why did it take me so long to realize this?” ” You’re not a terrible person Sarah, please stop doing this to yourself. God doesn’t hate you. He can never hate you.” He rubbed her back soothingly. “All things work together for our good. You know what, we’re not even sure if Sandra is being honest with you. I’ll pay for your flight back to Lagos tomorrow, and I want you to do me a favor, give me every detail of everything that is going on before Nate and I come over. I hate to leave you flying alone but I need to deliver what my clients request of me. If I can come earlier, I will. Nate will have to skip school for a few days but we can work things out when we get back umm. I’ll be here praying for her.” She nodded and allowed him hold him close to himself till dawn. If not for his soothing words and comfort, she doubted she would have been able to survive the night much more sleeping for a few hours. He made her a quick breakfast, made a few calls, dropped their son in school and escorted her to the airport. When he kissed her, she clung to him and didn’t want to let go. “I’ll be there sooner than you know it” He planted another one on her forehead and the tip of her nose. “I promise.” ”Do you know your way around Lagos?” “I’ve traveled to many places in my lifetime so I should be able to find my way around” Smiling into her eyes, he helped adjust her bag on her shoulder. “Don’t worry about me, worry about how we might have to break the news to your parents when they sport the ring on your finger.” His words were meant to make her smile but she tensed. When she saw the puzzled look on his face, she forced up a smile and nodded. “I guess so.” “It’s not going to be a problem is it?” She shook her head. “Of course not.” Her mind flashed back to the present as the pilot announced the proximity of the plane towards their destination. As she fastened her seat-belt, she reached for her fourth finger where the ring had taken shape and pulled it off. Shutting out every voice that tried to convict her of any more wrong, she threw it into her handbag and zipped it. That was the reasonable thing to do at this moment. “Oh God, forgive me…
21 Feb 2015 | 05:48
Nnamdi frowned on seeing the missed calls that appeared on his phone. On recognizing the number, he frowned. So Kemi had the guts to call him weeks after leaving him wifeless and probably making herself comfortable on another man’s bed and associating herself with that degenerate devilish child that he disowned years ago. He knew she would finally come running back to him, she had only taken so long to… He settled back on his office seat and dropped the phone making sure to ignore other calls she would be sending across to him. If she felt that a call would do justice to what she had done, then she wasn’t thinking straight or didn’t know the man she married. He wasn’t going to take back a woman who volunteered to leave his house and who had another man’s hands all over her. Night after night those were the kind of dreams that tormented him and he knew the guilt of his past contributed to it. She wanted revenge, she had it. For days, he had survived on eating outside and sometimes on garri and moin moin he obtained from the food sellers situated close to the bus-stop. On other days, he would make himself rice and boil stew just the way he remembered his wife doing on their early years of marriage. He was still dazed with their love at that point of his life. He’d even thought he wouldn’t survive without her in his life. Asides from the physical features which had attracted her to him in the first place and still retained shape after giving birth to the twins, she hardly gave him trouble in their 28years of marriage. She wouldn’t nag, said the right words at the right time and if she had nothing to say, kept quiet. She knew he didn’t have much and she stood with him unlike Nkiru whom had been nagging him for money or insist he drive her in his car when she knew he had a wife at home who already knew about their affair. He missed her warmth in bed too, missed seeing her when he woke up to leave for work. Missed someone pulling off his stockings and massaging his back for him when he requested for one. And he missed her food. But his pride was not going to make him call her or go searching for her. Just because he wronged her in the past was no justification for her abominable behavior. From where they both came from, though different tribes, it was even improper for a woman to leave her husband’s house like that. Where was that done? So, he wasn’t going to take her in so easily. She would have to play by his rules. He wasn’t just a man for man sake. He had to prove his title. A text entered into his phone and he snatched it from the table. He shook his head wondering how desperate she must be to be calling him and sending him messages all at once. He stopped when his eyes caught the message in his phone. Nnamdi, Teniola is in the hospital and we received report this morning that she’s dying. If you want to come over, call me to give you the address of the hospital in Lekki. Kemi. He hesitated. Teniola dying? Was this some kind of joke? It took him 10minutes to place a call across. She picked on the second ring.
21 Feb 2015 | 05:51
“What exactly did the doctor say is wrong with Teniola?” Gbenro asked when Sandra finally settled beside him. He watched the distant look on her face and he knew she’d been crying. Her eyes were swollen and her hair was slightly disheveled. The doctor had mentioned they would see her in a few minutes but only Sandra would be allowed inside for now because it was going to take much pressure for her to talk and due to her present state, pressure was the last thing she needed. “He explained it was some kind of heart failure caused by over circulation due to congenital heart defect.” She sighed running her hands through her hair clearly agitated. “Believe me when I asked him to skip all those shitty medical talk and tell me what was wrong with my daughter and how I can solve the problem.” “And what did he say?” She shook her head closing her eyes in pain. “He has one option for us and that’s surgery. I asked him if I could fly her out of the country but he says she might not survive it.” Standing up, she placed a fist beneath her chin. “She’s currently on some diuretics to help reduce the pressure and he says the surgery isn’t even a hundred percent sure. I’ve asked my mother if she didn’t observe anything at birth, if the doctors didn’t observe anything but she said no. Teniola was born a hale and hearty child.” She broke into another sob and Gbenro rose to comfort her and she clung to him. “Oh Gbenro, what’s going on, can’t you pray for her. You told me you believe in God and he answers you. Ask him for Teniola’s life. You love her like your own child don’t you? Don’t you want her to live?” He nodded tears stinging his eyes. “I’ve been praying for her ever since you called me about the incident. I’m hoping to God for a miracle.” She broke free. “Does he want me to do anything? If he wants me to come clean, I will. Whatever he asks of me, I will do it. Just speak to him for me, please…., I don’t want my baby to die. I’m just getting to know her and does he want to take her away from me…” She choked on her tears and for a while, Gbenro was torn between yelling and telling her everything was going to be alright. Because he doubted if it was. “I’ll keep praying, I promise.” After a while when she had quietened down, she looked at her mother and saw she was trying to control her feelings too. Her friend Kola was beside her and for a second she wondered where her heartless father was. She told herself she wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t show up. If her mother had been expectant, then she didn’t know her father well enough. A man who was heartless enough to push her outside not caring what would happen to her. A man who cared for nobody but himself. She hated him so much right now knowing he was the last person she wanted to think about or see presently. He had no right to share their sorrow. A nurse stepped out of a familiar ward and came towards them. When she saw Sandra, she stopped. “You can check on your daughter now but for her sake, spend as little time as possible with her and try not to agitate her.” Everybody turned to look at her and she nodded dabbing her face with a handkerchief Gbenro handed over to her. Trying to make her hair tidy, she strolled towards her child’s room and found her on one of the hospital beds. Her eyes closed and her body under a clean sheet, she looked as if she was dead already except for the breathing which looked laboured. An oxygen tank and a monitor was connected to her body which gave readings she couldn’t understand. She settled on a chair beside the bed and reached to touch her hand gently. The child blinked and looked down on sensing the source of the stimuli. She tried to smile but she found out she couldn’t. She raised her head to look around as if seeing her environment for the first time. That was when she panicked but Sandra rushed to her rescue. “Hey baby…” “Where am I…” “You’re in the hospital baby…, you had a little accident but the doctor says you’re going to get better. You’re just going to be here for a while okay?” She nodded slightly. “How do you feel?” “I feel slight pains in my chest.” She mumbled. “And I also feel like throwing up. I’m not comfortable with this place Mummy. I want to go home.” “Shh…, my baby, you’ll go home okay? Just do what the doctor tells you and you’ll be fine in no time.” She patted her hair gently trying not to let her agony show. “Is this how heartbreak feels?” “What makes you say that?” “I don’t know. Benji wasn’t happy with me in class and I felt unhappy. I suddenly felt some pains in my chest and I thought it was a symptom of heartbreak. Is that why I’m in the hospital?” “Oh baby!” Sandra shook her head biting her lip. If only she knew that this was so far from heartbreak. The poor girl thought some measly feeling for a classmate was the cause of all this. If it was, everything wouldn’t be this complicated. “Of course not sweetie. It’s not even close. It has to do with your heart but Dr. Steve is going to take good care of you don’t worry okay.” “I miss you Mummy…” “I miss you too baby.” “I feel sleepy…” She managed before drowsing into sleep once more. Sandra watched her child sleep off once more and rising from her seat, she made up her mind that her daughter had to live. The only thing working in her life wasn’t going to be taken away from her. No matter what it cost her, she was going to do all it took to get her daughter breathing again. Even if she had to ask God herself.
21 Feb 2015 | 05:55
Hmmmm,may God heal u @teni
21 Feb 2015 | 07:09
Lol... Sandra,I tought you said God doesn't want someone like you,why are you now looking for God help?? I'm only pitying Sarah, Teniola, Gbenro and Nnamdi(your father)... I hope things works well between Brian & Sarah. Mr Kola, though we are name sake, I can't believe you are after Kemi despite you knew that she has married... You better go back to your divorced wife.... May God grant you quick recovery Teniola.. Next please
21 Feb 2015 | 07:48
I cnt help but smile... See as all of u jez dey call my name sha... Teni here Teni dere.. Abeg i'm alryt o.. Dnt worry, my name sake will get bk on her feet..... No namesake of mine stays bed_ridden... Lol..hoping 4 d best anyway
21 Feb 2015 | 19:37
Anu didn’t bother going home when she finally landed in Lagos. She immediately hailed a cab that drove her to the hospital Sandra had told her Teni was and tried not to carry out her agitation on the driver or Lagos traffic. After asking several questions, she found her way inside the building and didn’t have to walk far before she saw her sister, her mother and Gbenro with some other guy walking out of the hospital. She saw Sandra in Gbenro’s arms and that was when she lost it. The witch! After taking her child from her, she had the guts to take Gbenro from her too. Who knew the lies she would have cooked up for the both of them. That was the only thing she was good at. Parading herself like a slut and making herself feel pitied. Always wanting to be the centre of attraction. Her child was dying and she had the guts to still look pretty and cling unto a guy whom she probably must have seduced since that was what she was good at. Right now, she hated her. She had thought she would come home and try to act cool about everything just the way she’d always done in the past but right now, she didn’t know where all the hatred seemed to pour out from but just seeing how comfortable she looked and how her mother sat close to her made her mad. She was right. No one cared about her. They moved on like she was an invisible being. Sandra had been the one all along. For Gbenro and for her mother. She should have known. At that moment, Sandra looked up and saw her. Their gaze locked but Sandra was the first to look away. The guilt was there for sure but she was preparing herself for another act. She was going to stop her before she succeeded and before she knew it, she had found her way in front of her sister. “Anu?” Gbenro and Kemi called out in shock but she ignored them. “You’re happy now aren’t you, you selfish witch!” She grabbed her by the arm but she broke free. “Tell me what you did to my daughter. What did you do to her! You took her away from me and you want to kill her huh? As if your lies and your facade were not enough for you.” “Anu.., don’t yell at me” Sandra snapped. “What is wrong with you? Are you not aware that we are right in front of a hospital? I won’t tolerate indecency from you if you come here raving like a mad woman. I thought London should have left a little mark on you.” “After leaving me to be raped by your pimp of a boyfriend, not to mention your toyboy who comes looking for you in your hotel room, your pretentious life…” Anu didn’t see it coming but the slap that landed on her face sent her reeling backwards and she raised her hand to her face in shock. Feeling dazed, she stared back at her sister and before Sandra got the chance to explain herself, she returned the gesture which led to several blows and hits from both sides. Kemi kept screaming that they should stop but that did not stop the two women from hitting each other till Gbenro intervened by reaching for one of the sisters while Kola reached for the other holding them far away from each other. “What did you do to my child?!” Anu screamed angrily tears already finding way to her face. “It’s all your fault. If not for your stupid plan. Everything I did for you and you turn around and use me and you have the guts to call me that my child is dying. Where were you when she needed you? Where were you when you decided to grow a thick skull and throw her into a foster home? Where were you when I took the leap and made her my child while you were busy strutting on some runway in some silly costume or posing in a lingerie for some magazine. I swear if Teni dies I will never forgive you. Let that sink into your brain.” “Anu! Stop this at once.” Gbenro scolded. “What has gotten into you?” “Anu…” Kemi looked on in shock. “I can’t believe this is you talking like this. I have never heard you talk this way about your sister before. What has she done to deserve all of this from you?” “If you’re bold enough to ask her for the truth, rather than take sides with her because she’s your long lost daughter, ask her. As for me, I’m done talking and pretending when everything that’s happening is opposite.” Gbenro finally released her when Sandra did not respond. “I want to see my daughter.” Anu declared boldly. “Thank God I wasn’t caught for impersonation. Maybe one of your daughters would have slept in London prison if you care to know.” “I care to know.” A male voice intruded and they all turned to see Nnamdi standing a few inches away from them. They had been so engrossed in the twin’s fight that they didn’t realize when he walked in on them. “And I care to know what’s really going on around here as well.”
22 Feb 2015 | 07:30
Anu didn’t bother going home when she finally landed in Lagos. She immediately hailed a cab that drove her to the hospital Sandra had told her Teni was and tried not to carry out her agitation on the driver or Lagos traffic. After asking several questions, she found her way inside the building and didn’t have to walk far before she saw her sister, her mother and Gbenro with some other guy walking out of the hospital. She saw Sandra in Gbenro’s arms and that was when she lost it. The witch! After taking her child from her, she had the guts to take Gbenro from her too. Who knew the lies she would have cooked up for the both of them. That was the only thing she was good at. Parading herself like a slut and making herself feel pitied. Always wanting to be the centre of attraction. Her child was dying and she had the guts to still look pretty and cling unto a guy whom she probably must have seduced since that was what she was good at. Right now, she hated her. She had thought she would come home and try to act cool about everything just the way she’d always done in the past but right now, she didn’t know where all the hatred seemed to pour out from but just seeing how comfortable she looked and how her mother sat close to her made her mad. She was right. No one cared about her. They moved on like she was an invisible being. Sandra had been the one all along. For Gbenro and for her mother. She should have known. At that moment, Sandra looked up and saw her. Their gaze locked but Sandra was the first to look away. The guilt was there for sure but she was preparing herself for another act. She was going to stop her before she succeeded and before she knew it, she had found her way in front of her sister. “Anu?” Gbenro and Kemi called out in shock but she ignored them. “You’re happy now aren’t you, you selfish witch!” She grabbed her by the arm but she broke free. “Tell me what you did to my daughter. What did you do to her! You took her away from me and you want to kill her huh? As if your lies and your facade were not enough for you.” “Anu.., don’t yell at me” Sandra snapped. “What is wrong with you? Are you not aware that we are right in front of a hospital? I won’t tolerate indecency from you if you come here raving like a mad woman. I thought London should have left a little mark on you.” “After leaving me to be raped by your pimp of a boyfriend, not to mention your toyboy who comes looking for you in your hotel room, your pretentious life…” Anu didn’t see it coming but the slap that landed on her face sent her reeling backwards and she raised her hand to her face in shock. Feeling dazed, she stared back at her sister and before Sandra got the chance to explain herself, she returned the gesture which led to several blows and hits from both sides. Kemi kept screaming that they should stop but that did not stop the two women from hitting each other till Gbenro intervened by reaching for one of the sisters while Kola reached for the other holding them far away from each other. “What did you do to my child?!” Anu screamed angrily tears already finding way to her face. “It’s all your fault. If not for your stupid plan. Everything I did for you and you turn around and use me and you have the guts to call me that my child is dying. Where were you when she needed you? Where were you when you decided to grow a thick skull and throw her into a foster home? Where were you when I took the leap and made her my child while you were busy strutting on some runway in some silly costume or posing in a lingerie for some magazine. I swear if Teni dies I will never forgive you. Let that sink into your brain.” “Anu! Stop this at once.” Gbenro scolded. “What has gotten into you?” “Anu…” Kemi looked on in shock. “I can’t believe this is you talking like this. I have never heard you talk this way about your sister before. What has she done to deserve all of this from you?” “If you’re bold enough to ask her for the truth, rather than take sides with her because she’s your long lost daughter, ask her. As for me, I’m done talking and pretending when everything that’s happening is opposite.” Gbenro finally released her when Sandra did not respond. “I want to see my daughter.” Anu declared boldly. “Thank God I wasn’t caught for impersonation. Maybe one of your daughters would have slept in London prison if you care to know.” “I care to know.” A male voice intruded and they all turned to see Nnamdi standing a few inches away from them. They had been so engrossed in the twin’s fight that they didn’t realize when he walked in on them. “And I care to know what’s really going on around here as well.”
22 Feb 2015 | 07:31
EPISODE 30 For a while, no one was able to say anything except for glances being stolen at one another. Even Anu mellowed on seeing her father and Kemi was a little taken aback on the presence of her husband and her pulse quickened on seeing him standing there so bold as if her absence did nothing to him. As if their world wasn’t crumbling down already. Sandra just looked on. “Well.., I believe I’m talking to human beings here and except my daughters and my wife have grown deaf, I demand an answer. First, where’s Teniola and what happened to her?” “She’s sick Papa.” Anu responded coldly. His eyes grazed hers before turning to Kemi. “You sent me the text, so I demand to know the condition of my daughter from you.” His gaze flickered on the man standing beside her and for a while, his thoughts flew. His face looked vaguely familiar but there was an aura about him that made him suspicious about the relationship the man had with his wife. He didn’t like the way they stood so close. So he’d been right? Was this the man that was giving her attention now? The one who she spent time feeding and loving when he’d been hoping she would come back repentant. When did his wife become an adulteress? “I want to see my grandchild.” He said to her in particular his gaze not leaving hers though she refused to look at him in the eye. She looked guilty already. “Ebun and Anu will come with us. They have full access to her better than I do.” She responded coldly. When Sandra refused to move, Anu snapped. “You’ve become deaf abi? Or you’re afraid to show her to us because of all your lies you’ve told her.” “I don’t have answers for you Anu…” “And you shouldn’t. The only reason I’m still talking to you is because of Teniola, and that’s all. Please move!” When they finally got to the ward and the nurse saw the twins with Sandra explaining to the doctor how Anu needed to see her daughter since she had been her guardian from birth and her grandparents, they allowed them in but warned them to be careful around her. When Anu saw Teniola’s lean body lying between the bed sheets and how labored her breathing was, she broke into sobs with no one to comfort her. “What are the doctors saying?” “They’ve placed her under some afterload reducers and diuretics and the verdict is that she’s going to do a surgery once the new doctor arrives from India. It’s a very critical situation but I’m willing to pay for everything.” “Because that’s what you’re good at isn’t it?” Anu managed to voice inbetween sobs. “You always think your money will work for you. You don’t care about anybody and feel you can use money to buy love. I’m sure that’s what you did with Mum and my baby. You bought them with your money and because of you all of this is happening. Don’t you have a heart?” “Enough of the accusatory speech Anu.” Sandra spat back. “I didn’t give her a heart attack, neither am I responsible for her health deteriorating this way. Things happen, and this is happening to us. I’ve said I will do all I can to make everything alright. Everything is going to be alright.” “Mummy…., is that you?” Teniola’s croaked voice disrupted their dispute and Anu hurriedly ran to her side stroking her hair and crying. “Teni love….” Her eyes widened and smiled on recognizing the familiar call of her name and Sandra could tell the difference with the way the child responded to her sister. She felt the pang of jealousy sting but she swallowed it down the way she’d been doing for years. “Oh Mummy, you came back for me.” The child broke into sobs and when Anu pulled her into her arms, she closed her eyes and allowed the tears stroll down her face while her fragile arms found its way around her neck. “Please, don’t leave me again. I missed you so much.” “I won’t sweetheart, I’m so sorry for leaving you, please forgive me…” “I know you did it for your sister.” She mumbled. “You did it because you love helping people, because that’s who you are and I love you for it no matter what, so please don’t ever leave me again.” “I won’t. I promise.” “My other mummy told me to do what the doctor says and I’ll be alright.” “Yes dear, you will and I’ll be right here waiting for you when you step out of this place.” She nodded slightly and settled back unto the pillow. “I’m tired. I get tired easily.” “It’s the drugs…” “Will you stay here with me?” “I will.” And she kept her promise.
22 Feb 2015 | 07:35
Hmmm.... Brain issue is also there.. I hope things went well sha... How would Gbenro and Nnamdi feels about Sarah marrying Brain??... Well. Next please
22 Feb 2015 | 08:11
Uhmmmm... I am speechless... I jez hope everything wrks out perfectly 4 Sarah.... Well gbenro had alwyz love sandra... So he shldnt be affected by sarah's marriage
22 Feb 2015 | 10:22
Minutes after Kola left the hospital, Nnamdi came up to Kemi, hands in his pocket and came to stand in front of her. “So, that’s the man you left me for while using my rejection of Sandra as an excuse eh?” Kemi rolled her eyes at him and ignored him going to look for a seat but that was before he pulled her to face him. “When did you start walking out on me. I demand an answer and I want it now.” “I don’t have time for your rubbish Nnamdi, so just leave me alone.” “Oh, so it’s Nnamdi now abi?” “What else should I call you? Master, King? or Lord, because that’s what you’ve turned yourself to in our home so I don’t have the right to express the way I feel.” She tried jerking from his touch but he held unto her refusing to let go. “Before I married you, I called you Nnamdi, when you made up your mind that I respect you as the head of the home, I did as I was told. Now that I’m no longer under your rule, should I keep calling you my Lord?” Nnamdi was taken aback by her outburst and released her. “I never told you to call me Master or lord Kemi. What has gotten into you? Is it because someone else is giving you attention? You’re still my wife and you are coming back home.” She kept quiet. “Or has he touched you?” “Who?” “The man that was here with you some minutes ago.” “That’s Kola, the guy I ran from to marry you years ago. So if he didn’t touch me then, would he touch me now?” He was quiet for a while, lost in his thoughts. “I’m really surprised by all of this Kemi. You just left without looking back…” “Our granddaughter is dying, we are here to help our daughters get through the trauma. This is the last place I want to discuss my leaving the house. I called you because you have a part to play in all of this and if you like, leave because of Sandra, I’m not leaving my daughter alone.” He exhaled deeply and looked ahead rubbing a hand over his face. “So, you’re not ready to tell me what happened between our daughters? I heard Sarah talking about sleeping in London prison. So you condoned all of this right from the beginning while I was left out of it. What kind of mother are you? What kind of example are you setting for Sandra and Sarah?” “So, I’m the one to blame now eh? Like I knew any of what our daughters planned between themselves. Anu arrived and started yelling at Ebun about impersonation. All Ebun told me was that her sister needed a break and she had offered to send her to London. What else was I supposed to believe?” “Sandra told you all of this and you believed her?” “She’s still my child, I won’t throw her away. She’s not the best role model, neither is she a Saint, but she is good in her own way.” “I always told you this girl would be the ruin of you but you will never listen to me, always giving excuses for her. Now she brought along her cursed self and has infected Teniola with it. Everywhere she is, she brings bad luck with her. Now see what she has done, see how far she has gone. You gave her a mile and she went far and wide and I know she’ll not stop till she sees my end which she won’t. That’s one thing I assure the both of you.” Kemi shook her head slowly, the tears finding way to her eyes. “You want to know why everything is upside down right now Nnamdi? You want to know why I took Sandra in the day she stepped back into that house? It’s because of you! Everything that is happening all originated from you. Right from the day you disowned her and refused to let her stay. And why? Because you were afraid of her. She was the only one that could stand up to you compared to Anu whom you imparted fear into. Sandra was the only one who wasn’t scared of you. She was the one that threw your rules back into your face because you did not do as a father was supposed to do. She stood up to you and you hated her. Because she questioned you. Those children knew what you did to me but you thought they were blind. You thought I was blind but we kept hoping for things to change but you wouldn’t even till now, sometimes I wonder what I saw in a strong-headed man like you that made me marry you.” “That’s enough!” He raised his hand to hit her but stopped mid air. Even Kemi shrank back in horror on seeing the rage in her husband’s eyes. His hand would have cracked across her face and sent her reeling but he’d stopped. She grew scared and moved away. Nnamdi had never raised a hand against her in all their years of marriage and she started crying. “You want to hit me in public and put yourself to shame abi. Go on, do it. It’s what you’ve always wanted to do isn’t it.” He dropped his hand and clenched it at his sides. He raised his head to see Sandra staring back at him with swollen eyes and for the first time in his life, he saw how vulnerable she was. His mind suddenly flashed to the times when she was little and she wanted him to carry her. “Daddy…” She tugged at his shirt. “Daddy…” “What is it!” “Daddy please come and carry me.” She climbed the couch and tried to reach for the chair where he sat. “I can’t carry you Sandra. You can see I’m very busy. Go and play with your sister and your mother.” “Mummy and Sarah are in the kitchen. I ran here so I can play with you.” “Girls should be in the kitchen helping their mothers and not playing with their fathers.” “But my friend Bibi says she plays with her Daddy all the time. He even kisses her and reads her bible stories.” “Bibi’s father and myself are different people.” He didn’t for once glance at her and not willing to give up and having found way to his chair where he sat shuffling some papers, she clung to him and hooked herself to his back while her hands found way to his sides. “See, it’s easy, just…..” But she didn’t finish her statement as he shrugged her away from him and she landed with a thud. At first he was torn between apologizing due to his sudden and impulsive reaction but his pride made him stare down at her while she cried from the pain. “I told you I was busy…, a good girl doesn’t come unto men like that. When I say no, then it’s no.” Kemi rushed outside when she heard her daughter crying. “Nne, what happened?” “She was playing rough play don’t mind her.” Kemi knelt down to dab her child’s face rubbing her back soothingly whispering words of sympathy to her. Anu glanced at him and quickly looked away pulling her sister close to herself though that one pushed her away and ran inside. Anu ran after her and Kemi looked up at him. “Don’t ask me any more questions. She fell and I’m sorry.” He spoke up immediately. “And don’t you think you should apologize to her too.” “She was trying to climb on me when I was working…” “She was only trying to play with you Nnayi. That child has affinity for you, is there any harm in that?” “Girls should have affinity for their mothers and it should end there. If I permit her, who knows the kind of men that will come seducing her and she’ll give in. Why? Because her father permits her to touch him.” ”Is this still about a male child Nnayi?” “I never said anything about a male child.” “But you’re insinuating so with your words and you’re very wrong. All she wants is your love, all she wants is to spend time with her father. The more attention you give her, the less she will look outside for affection and attention. Think about it.” He shook those thoughts away and looked at his daughter again. She didn’t look vulnerable anymore. Infact, she looked like the witch he’d always visualized her to be. She strolled towards them and faced her mother alone. “Mama, you’re wasting time talking to this man. Let’s go home and rest. I’m not needed here for now.” “You’re still being rude eh?” “I don’t remembering answering to you ever since you disowned me.” She snapped and turned to face her mother. “Mama, oya now…” Kemi turned to look at her husband. “I’m going over to my daughter’s place. I don’t know if you…” “He’s not invited and he dare not step one foot into my house.” “Ebun…, take it easy, he’s still your father.” “They hire people to play father these days so it’s not a biggie. If it’s his manhood that makes him think he can shove people down, then he should go back to the days of Yore and…” Sandra didn’t see it coming but the impact of the slap that landed on her face sent her reeling and tripping over landing on the floor. “You can talk to those men you fornicate with anyhow, but not me, do you understand! Nonsense. You this prostitute. It’s a good thing I disowned you the time I did.” “Nnamdi, please stop this at once.” “Leave him, why are you begging him. Yes, I don’t deny what I am. I sleep with men, yes. But you, you cheat and you claim to be so self righteous. We are going to burn in the same hell that one I’m sure of.” “Ebun…, oh god! What is all this now. Ehn! The both of you stop doing this…” “Or you think I don’t know how you starve my mother of sex. You can’t hush me now and if not for Mama, I would have brought you down long ago. That your church that everybody thinks you’re righteous, that is where I will go and expose you.” Her voice laced with anger and malice shook with tears but she swallowed it and inhaled deeply. Father and daughter stared at one another eyeball to eyeball till Sandra turned and walked away, practically almost running till she faded from sight. “Will you run after her or stay here?” Kemi broke into tears. “I’m scared I don’t even know what you’re turning into anymore Nnamdi, and I’m scared that after all these years you still refuse to accept blame for your wrongs. You refuse to see our daughter is hurting with and every chance you get, you aim to bring her down.” “You heard all what she said didn’t you. No matter what I’ve done, that is no way to talk to me. I am her father and I demand her respect and apology.” “You stopped being her father the night you disowned her.” And she turned to leave. Nnamdi watched her leave and groaned inwardly running his hand on his head. His world was turning upside down, and the only thing that could make it worse was if Teniola didn’t make it. He just prayed that she would.
23 Feb 2015 | 10:41
“So, how have you been?” Gbenro asked when Anu stepped returned from where to get something to eat since it was already late and she was cramped all over. She knew she wouldn’t be able to make it home tonight and Gbenro had opted that she would sleep in his car since he could always find a way back home with public transport. “I would be lying if I said everything was easy for me.” She responded settling into the seat beside him and resting on the car seat. “But I survived.” “You sure did.” They were quiet for a while before he spoke up again. “Did you miss home? Are you happy to be back home?” Anu looked at him and shook her head. “I’ll be honest with you. I don’t even know what I want right now. Everything just seems to be upside down. Everything is happening so fast. Tomorrow is the surgery and I’m scared.” “Everything will be alright.” “I talked with the doctor and though he tried to hide it, I can tell cases like this is rare. I doubt he has handled such a case before and I wish they could just send her to another country and fix this heart problem she has. Every second is torturous watching her breath and speak in pains.” “We’ll keep praying.” “So, what happened to you? I see you and my sister hit it off pretty well.” He sighed. “Sandra and I are just friends Anu, that’s all.” “Oh…, I see.” “And you know, I should be accusing you also for leaving me in the blue about all of this. I mean who does what you did when there’s someone in the picture. I felt betrayed somewhat y’know. I mean, you two planned something and I’m left to figure it out myself. Was it some kind of test for me or what?” “You don’t understand Gbenro. I couldn’t tell anybody about it.” “Why?” “Because it was just too complicated. And I wasn’t sure where the two of us were going y’know neither was I sure of your feelings for me. Ever since I’ve known you, I always knew you had a thing for Sandra and not me. I wasn’t ready to put in my all and get disappointed.” “There’s something they call “Ask” “Well, I would have asked you, but that might not have given me the answer I wanted.” “So, the problem was with you, not me?” “The problem was with the both of us, and defining what we wanted.” He turned to look at the window. “Why did you do it? What you did…, why did you take that risk and left without looking back. I know your relationship with your parents may be somewhat crooked, but what about Teni? Didn’t you think of her…” “I did it because of her. She was the reason why I left because I was afraid to see how she would handle the truth. Sandra was going to tell her and I didn’t want her knowing till the right time.” “Was it some kind of blackmail?” “Maybe.” She shrugged. “My sister needed someone to take her place and knew just begging would not do it for me because I couldn’t risk that much. But knowing Teni was the closest thing to my heart, she latched on to that.” “But now that the truth is out, where does that leave you?” “I honestly don’t know. I feel like I have my own share of blame in all of this.” “So, what happened to you in London, did you make new friends? Did you meet someone?” “Yea, I did.” She decided to leave the marriage part out of it. How was she going to tell her father. Sandra had taken her own blame. It was up to her to stand up to him too but she felt too scared to say it. What would he think of her? And her mother, what would she see on her parent’s faces. Shame, disappointment, shock. What of her sister? Sandra would be able to compare her to herself. She’d always wanted a Partner in crime. She would gloat. “I think I should rest for a while before Teniola wakes up again. Thanks for everything Gbenro.” And she turned to the other side pulling the blanket over herself and drowsed into sleep with this last thought in her mind. Brian was not coming over till Sunday in two days time as he’d mentioned at the airport. She took comfort in this fact before she got swallowed into a dreamless sleep.
23 Feb 2015 | 10:47
What a blessfull family! Is this the family Brain was salivating to meet? Oh My God.. You have turn things upside down(Sandra).. For your information, If things didn't work out well for Brain & Sarah,I'm going to disown you as a character in this Hope things went back to normal before/when Brain arrived sha........
23 Feb 2015 | 12:14
Anu try 2 open up 2 ur parent nd take dere blessing nd assurance bf brain arrive
23 Feb 2015 | 13:07
It was her phone that woke her up and when she looked up, it was daylight already. The doctors had mentioned Teniola’s surgery would take place today since the drugs were not doing enough repair that was required to make her survive. She saw the unfamiliar number and picked. “Hello…” “Hey sweetheart, still in bed?” She recognized the voice immediately and felt warm. “Hey you, sort of.” She smiled to herself. “That’s if you call sleeping in a car a fit enough bed for your baby to sleep in.” “It’s that bad huh?” “I wish I could say it isn’t but right now, her condition is quite critical and I was told she has to undergo a surgery with the way things are going.” “I wish all of this wasn’t happening but I know God knows what he’s doing. I just know.” She smiled sadly envying his self assuring personality. “I guess you do.” “Look on the bright side, Nate and I are coming over today.” “What?” She sat up immediately taking her gaze off Gbenro when he opened the door of the car and peered at her. “Nate is learning how to travel like his Ol’man.” He went on as if that was what she meant. “He’s going to be a footballer someday so he should be getting used to it.” “No…, you didn’t tell me you were going to come over today. You said Sunday…” “Yeah, I thought so myself but I talked to the guy I was working with who happens to be a nice and understanding guy by the way and he says I should go for the weekend. It’s wonderful right?” Anu closed her eyes trying not to scream that he couldn’t come. Oh no! Why was this happening? “Hello…, are you there?” “Yea, I am. I was just thinking of how to give you directions to this place…” “Yea, I was calling to get the name of the hospital from you. Nate wants to see his sister before we lodge into our hotel room.” Anu reluctantly gave him the name of the hospital in Lekki but with the hope that he wouldn’t get it. He’d probably lost his way somehow though she hoped nothing bad happened to him. “Please call me when you get to the gate okay? I’ll bring you in.” “Okay…” “Make sure you call me before you find your way inside.” She repeated again hoping that way she could stall him from seeing her parents. “I love you…” She noticed Gbenro staring at her awkwardly and instead of cooing the same words of affection, she mumbled a “You too” before cutting the call. “A friend from London?” “Yea.” Was all she said before mumbling ‘Good morning’ and hurriedly stepping out of the car her body aching on all sides. Her mind wasn’t on her aching body, it was on how to make sure things don’t become worse with the presence of Brian.
24 Feb 2015 | 17:15
“The surgery is going to commence by 2p.m” Sandra said to Anu though the two had not talked in a while and refused to talk to each other. “30 minutes from now.” She nodded scrolling through her phone absent-mindedly. Sandra settled beside her and she shifted. “You know I never meant to hurt you or Teniola and shifting blame to me because of her health is not fair.” “4 to 5 months late into the lecture.” “Please Anu, don’t turn away from me, I’m hurting as much as you’re hurting.” “At least you have Mum to console you. I don’t know when your house became hers as well. It’s like you succeeded in turning the whole family upside down with your presence.” “Are you and Papa taking sides now?” “How am I supposed to believe anything you say when everything you ever told me were lies. Right from when you threatened to tell Teni about her adoption and you know what hurt me most, you still went ahead and did it. Why? Because that’s who you are Ebun. I loved you so much and what did you do to repay me, spite? selfishness?” “If I can make it up to you…” “The only way you can make it up to me is Teni coming out alive from that operation room. That’s the only thing that can make me forgive you and remember you as my sister. But right now, I can’t even say so anymore.” “I hope she does.” Anu stood up and looked at her. “You know I’ve always wondered why you despised me so much. Why everything I did for you was never enough for you, and Mum and everybody else. I’ve always wondered why you cared so much about yourself that you ignored me and the challenges I faced whereas I was ready to sacrifice so much for you. I used to think maybe it was because I wasn’t good enough for you or beautiful enough and so you took advantage of my insecurities and used them against me. Everything I ever felt, I told you Sandra, and you used it against me. Now I know why you did…, so that I can always be below you. So that I can always be your shadow and your puppy whom you could throw crumbs to. “And you know what, I’m done playing the fool. You’re not the only one with the attention and love anymore. I knew you turned Mum’s heart to believe all your lies but I won’t put all the blame on you, you were always her favorite. You were the bright one, the sharp one whereas I was the one who couldn’t stand up to our father. But just so y’know, I got married…” She laughed when she saw the shock on her sister’s face. “Oh yes Ebun…., or are you shocked? You never thought it would happen huh…, because you wanted it to be you always. You with the false great life, you with everything, and I would be your side-kick. If it hits your gut, he’s white…, and he’s the most amazing man I ever met. Better than a thousand Bayo’s and Gbenro’s and whatever your toyboy is called.” “You got married in London?!” Kemi’s voice broke into their conversation and she jumped out of reflex on the intrusion. On turning, she saw Gbenro beside her mother and she sighed. She was glad her father was not present. “I did not intend for you to find out this way…” She looked down. “But yes, I did, and I’m sorry I didn’t ask for your blessings.” Sandra stood up and looked at her sister. “You actually got married?” “Is this whom you were living with all the while my career was getting ruined?” “Did you marry him because of citizenship?” Kemi looked terrified and her face showed it. “No, I married him because I loved him.” “You married a white guy?” Sandra cocked her head as if in mockery. “Was this an attempt to get back at me because you did a poor job about it young lady.” She shook her head and saw her father coming towards them. “Well…, let’s see what Papa thinks of his sweet little virgin girl when he hears the news.”
24 Feb 2015 | 17:19
Dnt mind her @anu,just try 2 made it up wt ur dad nd i assure u everytin is going 2 be alrt
24 Feb 2015 | 18:13
It's Brian not Brain.
25 Feb 2015 | 00:52
How I wish Mr Okoye will surprise dem all and accept Sarah's marriage without a fight. Ride on Shaxee.
25 Feb 2015 | 00:58
See her(Sandra) mouth as if she is the one that father Sarah.. You(Sandra) don't even think that you are the cause of everything that happen to Sarah.... Brain must not leave Sarah orelse,you(Sandra) are out of this story(as for me)..Have my word..! I wish Nnamdi should agree with Sarah & Brain Marriage...! Mrs Kemi,you are even making things difficult by all this your act..Better don't get me angry(yellow card *warning*).. Next
25 Feb 2015 | 02:11
I Mean *Brian! Brain!! Brain!!!
25 Feb 2015 | 02:13
I Mean *Brian! Brian!! Brian!!!... Lol....
25 Feb 2015 | 02:13
EPISODE 31 Anu’s heart beat faster as her father drew closer to them. She glanced at her mother’s face and saw how hurt and betrayed she looked. She looked at Sandra expecting her to gloat to their father that she was no different from her but Sandra surprised her again and excused herself leaving their parents alone with her. Gbenro followed suit after a while but she could see the surprise still registered on his face. “What’s going on?” Nnamdi asked no one in particular. She saw her mother blink and when she opened her eyes, there were tears in them. She dabbed her eyes immediately but that didn’t stop more tears from coming. Anu suddenly felt bad. She hadn’t meant for things to happen this way. She’d thought her mother never loved her and preferred Sandra over her. But with the sober look on her face, she could tell she had hurt the woman. “Sarah, what’s wrong? At least, if your mother won’t tell me, I trust you to.” She inhaled deeply. This was going to be harder than she thought. “Papa, I need you to sit down before I say anything.” Nnamdi shrugged and settled unto one of the benches in the hospital corridor. Kemi was too weak to take anymore and so she settled beside her husband making sure to sit a good distance from him. She looked up and folded her arms across her chest as if expecting more blows of recent news from her. “Well?” “I got married Papa.” Nnamdi scoffed. “Is this your idea of a joke because it’s really expensive.” “It’s not Papa.” She quickly went on her knees and placed her hands on his kneecap. “Please Papa, don’t be angry with me. I had little time on my hands and he was very good to me. He’s the only man I ever met who loved me more than anything in the world asides God. He’s taught me so much about God that I never grew up to understand. Everything happened so fast and I knew that not getting married to him would make me so unhappy.” Nnamdi stared at his daughter wide-eyed, the shock on his face palpable. “You got married to a random man in London?” “He’s not a random man Papa. He’s my husband.” “Your husband?” The disgust on his face scared her and when he pushed her hands away from his leg, her heart broke. She knew he wouldn’t take the news very well, but she hadn’t expected the look on his face. It reminded her of how he’d looked at her sister the night he disowned her. “First of all, you betrayed me by taking your sister’s place in London without telling me or any one of us. You connived and conspired with her against me and then you go ahead and marry some stranger in London. A man I don’t even know anything about. A man who knows nothing about our culture and who I have never set my eyes on.” Anu’s eyes pooled as she watched her father quietly. “Let me ask you, did he threaten you to get married to him? Did he force you?” She looked on. “Answer me!” She shook her head. “And now, you come here trying to explain things to me as if it’s not your fault that you married someone without my blessing. Without even a bride price, you move into a man’s house and allow him sleep with you. If you even sold yourself for money with a gun pointed to your head, then I can understand…” “Nnamdi…” Kemi cautioned. “So tell me,, who is this man and where does he come from?” “He’s an American but he lives in London with his son.” He stared at her as if he’d just been shot in the chest. “Are you telling me he has no roots here whatsoever?” She shook her head slowly. “Did you marry a white man Sarah?” She was still. “Are you deaf?” She nodded. He sprang from his seat as if pricked by a needle and looked at her. “You married a white man? The only daughter I have married a white man who has a son. So he’s divorced?” “No sir, his wife died years ago.” “And so that’s your portion in life. To marry a man whose wife was probably under a curse by marrying him. Kai, Sarah! Sarah! You want to send me to my grave before my time.” He shook his head and kept pacing. “What did he promise you? Citizenship? Money?” Anu covered her face with her hands as more tears threatened to fall. She’d told herself she would be strong when this day came but here she was, feeling more humiliated than she ever was. Why couldn’t they believe she’d married Brian because she loved him and he’d been the only one to show her what love was about? What her father never showed her. What no one ever showed her except for Teni who knew how to love her in her own little way. And here she was, dying. “You’ve disgraced me.” Her father continued. “Those days, white men paid for their slaves but this one didn’t even pay for you, you sold yourself to him willingly and cheaply.” “Nnamdi, that’s enough!” Kemi snapped angrily and she stood up to him. “Can’t you see how hurt she is. Yes, she did wrong, but I won’t say such degrading words to her. I won’t watch you chase my other daughter away. Your daughter tells you she loves a white man, it’s not my cup of tea but he made her happy, gave her shelter and promised her what he could.” “She married behind our backs Kemi!” “Yes, and doesn’t that tell you something? It’s nemesis, and it’s catching up with us big time. Sit her down and ask her questions. That’s where you’ll see the root of our problems. You Nnamdi. You who was always scared to love anybody else but yourself.” She turned to Anu and spoke to her. “And is that how you’ll defend yourself? You cry? Just because your father accused you of being a white man’s slave. Can’t you prove the reason why you married him?” Anu looked up wiping her face with the back of her hands and glancing from one parent to another, wondering what to say. She knew the truth her mother wanted her to say but she was scared to say it. “If you know you have nothing to say, pick up yourself and go check on your daughter before the surgery begins.” Kemi continued. She stared hard at her mother and knew it was here and now. She’d never seen her mother this way and she wondered if this was going to determine how the rest of everything was going to unfold. Right now as she looked at her father, she saw a different image from what she’d always imagined him to be. She’d always pictured him as her father, loving and caring. She’d swallowed every word he said to her every day and that was what had shapened her life. She hadn’t lived up to his expectations and he was disappointed. He wasn’t disappointed about how God felt about it, he was disappointed about how he felt. It had always been him all along. Everything she did, she’d always wanted to fit into the image he potrayed her to be. Good, quiet and never stating her opinions, inclusive of how she felt. If she felt anything that wasn’t submissive and tried to mouth her opinions, she was rebellious, just like Sandra, the degenerate and disowned daughter. And so she had tried to fit into everything that her sister was not so as to make her father happy. Until Brian came and made her see things differently. He’d thought her that he had his choices to make when he married her and took her to meet his family. He’d taught her that his parent’s choices were not his and he was matured enough to make decisions on his own. They’d wanted an image of a perfect, rich and famous son in the baseball league but that wasn’t what God had in mind for him. And nothing they said made him change his mind about him choosing her. It was there and then she started seeing things clearly. He didn’t choose her because she was the most beautiful or the best of character. If he wanted beauty, Lana was there, at his feet but he’d looked away and kept loving her because he made a choice to. Just like he’d taught her the Love of Christ for the Church, and how He gave his life for them. He’d shown her how real love was. Choosing to love her no matter the circumstances… Making sure she knew the difference between love and sex, sex being the gift God gave them to share and not to be used to cover a multitude of sins. Love did that, not sex. No wonder he’d refused her when she tried to use it as a problem solver. Brian always wanted to solve the problem, not sweep it under the carpet with sex. That was what he’d been trying to teach her all along. Love breeding intimacy. “Perfect love casts out fear…” She remembered him saying those words to her the night before she came back to Nigeria. She’d been drowsing off when he mumbled the words into her ears and she had stirred. “What…” “Perfect love casts out fear…” He mumbled again planting soft kisses on her head. “The kind of Love God is trying to teach us is the kind of love that doesn’t make you run away from him in fear, but run towards him with the fear that you might loose him if you don’t. The kind of love that casts out the fear of anything less than God. That’s the kind of love I want you to have baby.” “Hmmmn…, do you?” He gave a throaty laugh that made her snuggle closer into his arms. “I’m working towards it.” “I love you…” She mumbled. “I love you too.” “Pull me closer…” She requested and when his arms tightened around her and she could breathe in his scent to her satisfaction, she smiled softly and drowsed into sleep. She didn’t know what it was about her husband, but everything about him magnetized her to him. He’d often told her it was much better with God and though she was trying hard to see it, she hoped she would see it someday. If there was another thing Brian had thought her, it was that love did not condemn. “Brian had more love for me than you could ever give in your lifetime Papa.” She choked on her tears. “And that’s why I married him. Because he taught me things you would never teach me, things you were scared to tell me. That God wants me to come the way I am so he can fix me. Because trying to fix myself ends up ruining everything and makes me live a false life. That’s why I’m like this Papa, and it’s because of you Sandra is that way. You raised us on dos and don’ts, rules rather than intimacy with God, what he wanted was for us to know him and love him but you didn’t teach us how. Not with our mother or anyone else.” Her father kept staring at her and she shook her head. “I’m sorry I’m no longer that little girl you’ve always wanted me to be, clean, untouched and who would probably marry someone you are so familiar with, maybe someone that even goes to the same church as you do, but I don’t regret marrying Brian. I don’t regret promising to love him for the rest of my life and I hope he can do the same for me because I doubt what I’m capable of. I don’t see why Brian chose me but he did and I’m happy. Isn’t that the way God chose us all. Not because of what we did nor didn’t do because there’s nothing we could ever do, but he chose to all the same.” Her phone rang and she snatched it from her pocket wondering who it was. She tried to dab her face and turned away from her father lifting the phone to her ears. “Hello?” “Hey…” “Brian” The warmth that flooded her at that moment couldn’t be compared to any other. She sniffed and mumbled. “Where are you?” “You told me I should call you on my way inside the hospital. We landed in Lagos some minutes ago.” He went on. “You okay?” She nodded though he couldn’t see. “I’m okay. I’m coming over. Is Nate with you?” “Where else?” And she smiled hurrying off to meet her husband who was waiting for her while ignoring her parents who stood watching her.
25 Feb 2015 | 11:20
“And where are you going?” Kemi asked her husband who was about following their daughter. She’d knew she was more than surprised at how Anu handled the situation. She’d never imagined her to be so bold and daring and then turning back to receive a call from who it was that she suspected to be the man who she’d gotten married to. If someone had told her that Anu would do all of this in years to come, she would have doubted. She’d even surprised her more than Sandra. Nnamdi wasn’t the only one to blame. She was just beginning to see the big picture. The both of them had not trained their children in the right way they were meant to. They had neglected so many things, favoritism had come into play and Anu had learned to grow into her shell. Though she hadn’t done it consciously, it had found way into their family. Anu who had retreated in the past was now breaking free. Was this what love could do to her daughter? She badly wanted to right her wrongs. Everything that was happening seemed to turn their whole world upside down. Oh God, let Teni live and I’ll right my wrongs, I’ll do what is right. I’ll talk to my daughters and do whatever it is that you ask of me.” Her heart prayed. “I’m going to see whom she’s running out to meet.” “Can’t you just leave her alone just this once. Give her the space that she needs biko! Or you want to go and shout at the man for marrying your daughter…, we both know this is not the time for such.” ” I want to see the man Sarah got married to or is that wrong again?” “I’ve warned you sha! I don’t want you to cause a scene.” When she saw him, she couldn’t contain her happiness and ran all the way. When he saw her, he smiled and lifted her into his arms when she jumped on him excitedly. “Oh Brian…” She sobbed into his neck and his grip tightened on her. “Shhh…, it’s okay.” He breathed into her cheeks before kissing her and for a while they stood there basking in each other’s warmth till he broke free and exhaled against her lips. “I’ve missed you so much.” She nodded allowing her hand linger on his neck while he ran a hand along her sides smoothly. “Me too…” “How is she?” She shook her head. “Worse…” “I’m having second thoughts about bringing Nate.” It was then she remembered her son and turned to see him standing beside his father. She knelt down to receive him into her arms. This was her responsibility now. She couldn’t keep allowing other people take care of her son and her husband. And this was her home too, so she would make them feel at home just the way they’d made her feel. No matter the awkward stares or the rude snorts behind her, she would stand proud beside him. “Hey you.” “I missed you.” Nate mumbled. “When are you coming home?” “Soon sweetheart.” She patted his hair softly. “My daughter is going to have a surgery today and so I need you guys to keep me strong. You and your father.” She looked into his eyes. “Can you do that for me honey?” He nodded gently. “Would you like to see her? I’m sure she would like to see you so we can wish her Godspeed together.” “Sure…” Brian touched her. “If it’s not comfortable for you right now, we can find somewhere to wait till the surgery is over.” “It’s okay for me…” “It’s wise to see her after the surgery is over. This might be too big for her to take all at once.” After a slight hesitation and Anu finally reasoned with her husband, Father and son followed her inside the hospital where her parents watched them both. She saw her father staring back at her and she knew he’d seen them kissing. When she looked over at her mother, the woman’s eyes drifted from her to Brian and to the young white boy who clung to his father’s hand. When she looked up, her eyes were glistening and she smiled softly. That encouraged her and she spoke up, “Papa, I would like you to meet Brian Olsen and our son Nathan. Brian, these are my parents.” Brian came forward and extended his hand but the look Nnamdi gave him made him drop it and speak up instead. “It’s a pleasure to meet you sir. Sarah told me lots about you…” “Indeed.’ “Hello young man…” Kemi greeted warmly. “It’s good to finally meet you. I see you’re the one who has loosened my daughter’s tongue.” “Uh…” He laughed nervously and bowed his head slightly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am.” “From where we come from, the man who wants to marry my daughter will prostrate to give honour to her parents. But now that you two married without our blessings, we have to carry out a traditional wedding here. I hope that’s okay by you?” Brian glanced at her and nodded. “Anything for her…” “But right now, that’s the least of our worries. Teni is going to have a surgery in about 5 to 15 minutes and she has to see her. I hope you don’t mind staying here a while with me?” He shook his head. “It’s better I wait here. We’ll be praying for her together.” Anu squeezed his hand and she knew words couldn’t describe how she felt about Brian presently. God must love her so much to give her someone like him. Someone she never imagined existed. The few good men on Earth and she was blessed to be given one of them. “5 minutes…” She mumbled before planting a chaste kiss on his cheeks. Pinching Nate’s slightly, she found her way into Teni’s ward. When she got there, she saw Sandra and Gbenro keeping her company with encouragements that the surgery would be over as soon as possible and she would be back in their lives. When Sandra saw her, she adjusted giving her enough space to see their daughter. “Hey you…” Anu greeted cheerfully though she was dying inside. “It’s me Teni love.” She breathed. “Mummy…, I’m scared, must I go through the surgery?” “Yes dear, you have to…, and you have to be strong for my sake okay. Remember how you always told me you want to travel around the world with me together? Well, after the surgery, we can go wherever we want sweetie.” “Okay” “The doctors are going to be here any minute. We’ll be praying for you.” She managed a smile. “I know you always pray for me.” “And I have a huge surprise for you.” She tried not to let the tears drown her voice. “Just stay awake for me okay? Whatever happens, promise me you’ll fight your way back?” She looked into her mother’s eyes. “I will…, for you.” “That’s my girl.” She planted a kiss on her forehead ignoring the small cuddly rag doll that was close to her. It was Sandra that probably bought it for her to keep her company. “What’s her name?” “Tani.” She pulled the bear closer to her. “How did you know she’s a girl?” “I just guessed.” “Your sister says she’ll keep me company here and she’s been doing a good job ever since. When I come out, I’ll try and braid her hair because it’s all over the place.” She smiled. “I love you sweetheart, don’t forget that.” “I love you too.” When she turned, she saw Sandra wiping her face but she told herself she was done sympathizing with her sister or feeling anything for her. She walked out immediately and kept telling herself everything was going to be alright. “God, please, let her live. Oh Lord please, anything you want from me to let her live, I’ll give. Just please answer this prayer that I ask of you.” Unknown to her, Sandra was praying the same prayer.
25 Feb 2015 | 11:26
Nnamdi sat brooding and alone while watching his family sit far away from him. He watched Sarah and saw her in the white man’s arms so comfortable but looking broken. He saw Sandra and how she sat beside Gbenro but her eyes were everywhere like an eagle. She had his eyes. That one. He remembered she was the first girl he’d carried that the wife commented that she looked like him. “That girl is going to take after you…” She had said and he smiled pulling her close to himself and rocking her in his arms. Her eyes never wavered from his and he reached to touch her face. She smiled and reached for his thumb and he felt the tears prick his eyes. This was his daughter, so flawless, so beautiful and she loved him. Her dark eyes stared into his and he rocked her again. “Nnamdi, come and carry Anu while I breastfeed her sister.” Kemi’s voice broke into his reverie and reluctantly, he passed her over to her mother. “See the way you’re looking at her as if you’re scared she’ll leave you.” She chuckled when he handed her over. “I feel she’s the one who has affinity for you though. She keeps staring at you as well.” “She’s a strange child.” He laughed still watching her while Anu dozed off in his arms. “I sense she’s going to be the one who gives me a heart-attack.” “Why do you say that?” “She has some traits she took from me which might make us clash. It was the same between myself and my father.” “Don’t worry. If we do the right thing, the twins will grow up fine. Look at her sister snuggling closer to you already. I’m jealous sef. I think I like that one better. She took after me, I can see the traits already.” And indeed, Anu took after his wife. No one could tolerate him like Kemi did and she had done that for Sandra all along. She had taken after Kemi by defying her parents and marrying whom she loved. History was just repeating itself and if he’d played his cards well, it might not have happened. Kemi loved him still and stayed with him years after he’d hurt her and made her feel unloved. Anu kept hoping Sandra would change for good and kept loving her but she used her. Was he so much like his daughter Sandra? Nnamdi looked at his daughters once more and it was as if at that moment, the scales that blinded him for so long fell off. He saw how wrong he was and errors he’d made. No one even came close to him to ask him if he was doing fine. He’d thought Anu would be different but she looked up to someone else now. When had all of this happened? How had he let it happen. Brian gave me all the love you could never give in a lifetime Papa! Oh God! What have I done?!
25 Feb 2015 | 11:29
It took about 5 hours before the doctor came out of the operating room and when he did, they all gathered together slowly watching his face for any sign of hope that it’d been successful. “I’m so sorry.” He could only look into Sandra’s eyes. She seemed to be the one who could take the blow better. “We did all we could. I’m sorry.” Someone screamed, another broke down while another passed out. Mourning had begun.
25 Feb 2015 | 11:30
Hope Nnamdi won't forfeit everything between Sarah & Brian!! I think Sarah has talk some sense into him but its not realy enough..! Nate will even see Sandra that doesn't want to sign an autograph the last time!!! Hope this end well.........(All Is About Hope..Lol).. Sandra,keep praying that things work out well for Sarah because I'm still with my word(I'm going to disown you from this story if all these end negatively)
25 Feb 2015 | 11:44
Is this doctor joking or what???..
25 Feb 2015 | 11:55
If this was a joke, please bring the next episode and let me out of this shock.. Orelse if its truly truth.. Remove Sandra from this story because if you don't I'm going to be killing anybody that bear Sandra from now on
25 Feb 2015 | 12:01
Next episode plss shaxee,cnt wait till saturday dis tym oooo
25 Feb 2015 | 12:51
Oh no! God why nah next pls
25 Feb 2015 | 17:34
I can't believe dat teni is dead, pls upload more
26 Feb 2015 | 04:37
Nate must see his sister ALIVE!!!!!!
26 Feb 2015 | 11:13
EPISODE 32 “Sandra! Sandra!” Gbenro shook her when she collapsed into his arms and Anu forgot about herself when she saw her sister’s condition. “Ebun…, Oh no! Ebun…, wake up, please don’t do this, not you too please!” She screamed in tears as her sister’s lifeless body lay on the floor while everybody did all they could to revive her back to life. “Doctor please do something!” The doctor stooped down asking them to give her space while he checked for a pulse. He sprang up immediately and asked that she be rushed into one of the wards. “Please you people will have to wait here while I check on her properly. I will get back to you shortly.” He explained briefly before leaving them. “Ah! My God! This is the end, what’s going on eh!I just lost my grand- daughter and now another one wants to leave me, eh! This isn’t happening to me…, Oh God, what have I done to deserve this, why are you punishing me like this?” Kemi cried placing her hands on her head and falling to the floor helplessly. Anu ran to her trying to console her but she refused to be comforted. Gbenro tried to assist while Nnamdi’s eyes had pooled and reddened already. He tried to reach for Kemi but she threw her fists at him pushing him away from her. “Mama, please take it easy…” She shook her head. “Take it easy? How, where do I start from?” The tears rolled down her cheeks. “Ah, Nnamdi, Nnamdi, all this is because of you, maybe it’s even because I disobeyed my parents and married you that’s why all of this is happening to me.” She lamented. ”If only I had opted for my peaceful life and done what I was asked to do. Ah, my life, see my life o. I am finished. I’m sure you’re happy now eh. You’ve always wished her dead ever since you disowned her, so I’m going to loose two daughters in a day abi? “Mama, it’s okay. What do you want me to do if you keep screaming like this?” Anu was crying as well. “Don’t confess negative. Sandra will be fine. Teniola is gone, we have to think about the space she has left and what to do. My sister will come out fine.” She nodded slowly and sighed heavily going to settle on one of the chairs in the hospital passage with Anu and Gbenro assisting her to settle down. Brian was confused and didn’t know what to do or how to console his mother-in-law about her grand-daughter’s death and the new development on Sandra’s health. The situation was looking so complicated and he began to wish he didn’t bring his son with him. Nate clung to him sobbing into his shirt while he kept consoling him that everything will be fine. Everyone was mourning inclusive of himself. About an hour later, the young doctor stepped out, a little sweat evident on his forehead. Brian hoped he wasn’t here to deliver another bad news. “The young woman is in a coma due to some complications I observed…” He explained as he fished for a handkerchief in his pocket and dabbed his face removing his glasses as he extended the face napkin to his eyes making it obvious he’d been through a lot himself. He was probably on call. “Coma? What kind of Coma?” Anu looked confused. “What are you talking about? My sister just fainted and she needs to be revived. Where and how did complications set in?” “Her pulse rate is quite low and we’re still carrying out tests on her to see if she’s been down with something that could have exercabated her condition and hereby led to her sudden collapse. We are going to do all we can to revive her but I can’t promise anything and so I’d like to prepare you ahead. Some patients don’t make it while some do. I’d call it a miracle if she happens to. Pray for her while you can.” And he was gone. Mother and daughter burst into another round of fresh tears while the men could only watch in sorrow.
26 Feb 2015 | 19:52
It was late in the afternoon when they all left the hospital after the doctor persisted that they had to go home and rest because the probability of Sandra waking up from her coma today was 2 percent to none. He further encouraged them to come over in the morning after they were refreshed. Gbenro drove them home while they all sat quietly in the car. Kemi managed to tell him to drop her at Sandra’s place because there was no way she was going back to her husband’s house at Ikorodu when her daughter was in the hospital. Anu obliged as well stating that Brian was going to be staying with her. Gbenro mentioned he had to get to work but he would come over or they should give him a call if anything urgent came up. Nnamdi was the one left to decide where he was going to stay or if he was going home. He made up his mind to go home. After Gbenro assisted Kemi into the house and did the little he could do to help out, he turned to leave while Anu tried to prepare something for them. When Kemi saw that her husband had turned his back on her and left her alone, she broke down into tears again raising her hands to her face. “Oh this man has ruined me. My parents said he would ruin me and they were right.” “Mummy, please stop talking like this, crying is the last thing we should be doing now. We should be praying that God should have mercy on Sandra and not allow her die.” “All the one we prayed for Teni, what did God do about it?” She choked back in tears. Anu tried to hold back her tears though her eyes were pooled already. “I don’t know what God did about it, but I know my daughter has gone to heaven to rest. If Sandra dies without knowing God, you and I know she’s not going to rest but to face more torment. That’s why we need to ask God for mercy to revive her.” She stooped beside her mother and pulled her close to herself. “We need to put God in remembrance. Brian always tells me there’s a reason behind everything God does and it all works out for our own good at the end. Though it’s hard to see right now, I want to believe God who wanted Sandra and all of us here will complete the work he has started.” She breathed. “I will pray for her and keep doing so because she can’t die now Mama, we know she can’t.” Kemi shook her head. ‘No, she can’t. My daughter can’t die.” “She needs to know God, she needs to know Jesus because it is appointed for a man to die once, and after that is judgement. That is what I’ll be telling God. Sandra can’t die now because she’s not saved and I know He brought her here, He made all this happen so He can show yourself mighty in her life.” “Yes…, He has to because my faith…” “Now is the time to revive your faith Mama. Now is the time to hold unto your God and cry out to him. Ask for mercy and cry your whole heart to him. Even if you’re weak Mama, please do it for me, for Sandra, for all of us.” She dabbed her face with her sleeve. “I will.” “I love you…” “Oh Anu…, what would I have done without you in my life.” She pulled her close still sobbing into her bosom while her daughter pulled her closer rubbing her back soothingly. “You’ll be fine Mama, everything will be alright.” “I thought your father would stay…” She mumbled. She had thought the same too. She supposed his pride would not let him step into a house he felt was defiled by his daughter’s presence. A house she had gotten from the career he detested so much and probably from Bayo. She suddenly realized she wasn’t afraid of him as she used to be anymore. “Well he didn’t.” She decided to shut him out of her mind for now. Thinking of him and the hurtful words he’d said to her was going to hurt her and that was the last thing she needed to be strong. After she fed her family to boiled rice and stew and cleaned up the kitchen, she made sure to tuck in her mother, while sharing the same bed with her, making her steaming tea and talking to her and reminding her of all the good times they had when they were little so as to distract her. It wasn’t long before she drowsed into sleep. When she saw she had slept, she gingerly stepped out and saw Brian waiting for her. “Hi…” “Hi…” “Where’s Nate?” “I tucked him into bed. It looked like Teni’s room but I tried to make him comfortable as much as I could.” She nodded slowly, the weariness dawning on her. All her body ached and now that she saw her husband, all she wanted to do was cry in his arms. It was as if he read her mind. “It’s okay to cry if you want to.” She shook her head but the dam had broken already. “Oh Brian…” She groaned in agony falling into his arms but he held her tight allowing her to claw at his shirt while growling in pain. For a while, all she could do was cry. She couldn’t hold it in anymore. All the strength she had mustered before was crumbling and he was the one helping to pick up her pieces offering soothing words of comfort to her while he shed his own tears as well. “Sometimes I feel I’m running out of strength to offer anyone and my mum needs me.” “And I need you Sarah…” Brian swallowed cupping her face to look into her tear-filled eyes. “Nate needs his mother. You need yourself too, don’t forget that. You’ve done all you can and you need to stop making things hard on yourself.” She lowered her gaze and looked away. “You don’t understand…, Mum told me Sandra had an incident while I was away. Something about her blood pressure being high coupled with chest pain. If she doesn’t make it alive I’m not going to forgive myself. I told her I won’t forgive her if Teni dies. She’s not saved Brian, she’s not. She doesn’t even know God. Maybe I should have done more by telling her about Jesus…” “And why don’t you let God handle it. He does a good job with cases like this. Sandra made her choice, you also made yours. Both of you went through the same issues but Sandra still had a choice in it all. Stop blaming yourself for her choices. You did all you could. You can’t force people to know or love God, you can only do what you can do and leave the rest to God. ” He pulled her to face him again. “No matter what you do, you can’t change anybody. Only God can, only His Spirit can convict a man of his sins. If you truly believe God is behind all of this, then believe he’ll work out something great.” “I miss my daughter…” She breathed when he kissed her forehead. “I actually thought she was going to make it. That God someway somehow would honor our prayers and keep her alive for me.” “He’s God. Whatever he decides is the best for us.” Anu shook her head feeling broken. “How can you say that? You didn’t lose a child so how would you know?” The words spilled out of her mouth before she had the chance to retrieve it. “I’m sorry Brian, I didn’t mean it…” Brian stared at her for a while the hurt visible in his eyes. “No, I didn’t lose a child, but I lost my wife, the mother of my child to an accident, to some drunk guy who didn’t see the need to obey the traffic light. Who felt my wife should be a victim of his foolishness. And did I question God about why it had to be Debbie or how I wasn’t the one driving that night instead? Did I ask him why he would allow someone who loved him and served him with a generous and compassionate heart to be wiped out by some careless guy on the road? Yes, I did, so don’t talk to me about not understanding what it means to lose someone dear to me. You talk like I didn’t visualize her as my daughter as well.” “Brian, please…, forgive me please…” He rose up from the rug and shook his head finding his way into the bedroom. Anu followed him inside crying and pleading. “I was too engrossed in my own pain I didn’t see yours. Please.., baby, I’m sorry.” She was about going on her knees when he stopped her and pulled her up. “Sarah, please don’t do that. You know how I hate you doing that.” His voice shook and when she looked into his eyes, she saw they had pooled as well. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry…” She raked her fingers through his hair and kissed him murmuring how sorry she was. He claimed her lips and kissed her till she was out of breath. Resting his head against hers, he breathed. “Oh Sarah, you drive me crazy…” He swallowed finding it hard to breathe and she was glad she also had the same effect that he had on her right now. “I love you too…” She giggled when he leaned close to kiss her again. She forgot everything else.
26 Feb 2015 | 19:59
I still didn't get this right... Is the doctor saying the truth??? Shit!!! *sob*.. I'm not going to forgive Sandra if what doctor says its true!!! By the way,the doctor just said they do their best but he never mentioned wether the child is dead or not!!! Whats happening to Kemi, when Nnamdi is there with you people,you are insulting him, now that he didn't stay,you are crying.. Nonsense!!! I'm tired of hoping things work well....
27 Feb 2015 | 04:13
I hope sandra do nt plan it wt d doc dat teni is dead,dat can nt be cos God is nt wicked 2 allow such 2 happen,Anu just pull ur sef 2gether nd ur mum,may God be wt u all
27 Feb 2015 | 04:37
Nnamdi stared at the moin-moin wrap he’d bought on the way and warmed in the kitchen. The pudding sat on his plate and though the smell got to his nostrils, he couldn’t bring himself to eat. The dinning table felt so cold and empty and he discovered he was just realizing this truth for the first time. The whole house felt hostile to him and right now, nothing made any sense to him. He’d never imagined his life to be this way, and he wasn’t even old yet. Teniola’s voice was gone and gone for good. He closed his eyes and tried to picture her sitting beside Anu on the table chattering about something she’d learned in class. He’d had a soft spot for her because someway she reminded him of a daughter that he’d thought he would never see again after disowning her. She was beautiful, she was smart and she loved him. He could tell the way the girl talked and laughed at anything he said. Different thoughts waged war in his mind. Maybe I should have gone after her when Sandra took her away from me. Maybe I should have gone after Kemi when she left the house with Sandra. If only I had ran after her and told her I wanted her and my grand-child back in the house. Maybe I should have reasoned with my wife and who knows if I would have found out about their exchange earlier. “Grandpa, are you not going to shave today?” “I’ll shave my dear…” “You look handsome when you shave.” She beamed at him and he smiled back at her. “Anything for you dear.” “Will you take me out for ice-cream today?” “Too much ice-cream is not good for your health young lady.” “Not when it’s taken once in a month or 3 months.” “I thought I bought you one last month.” “You should be buying me one everyday. That’s what grandparents do right? They spoil their grandkids.” And he had laughed so hard at her wit. But right now as he opened his eyes, he could feel the tears burning in his eyes whereas some had betrayed him and fell. His mind flashed to Sandra who was in a coma and he cried the more, falling on his knees, his body racking with sobs. “Oh God, I’m sorry…, I’m sorry for all that I’ve done. I’ve been so blind, I shouldn’t have sent her away. I don’t hate her, I never did. Please keep her alive for me to tell her that I don’t hate her. I love her so much. I loved her so much it hurt me when she refused to follow my rules, got pregnant outside and defied me. It hurt me when I realized she was so much like me but I didn’t want to admit it. I thought she would run back to me when I sent her away but I was just foolish. “Oh God, please don’t let her die, please don’t let her die. She’s still my daughter and I love her so much. I’ve just lost Teni, I can’t afford to lose another daughter again.” He kept crying and praying at the same time. “forgive me and restore my family back to me. Give me a second chance and I promise I’ll make better use of it. I promise to show my family love and all that you request of me. Just give me another chance to make things right…” He stayed awake all night praying the same prayer.
28 Feb 2015 | 05:03
Brian stretched his hands across the bed hoping to feel his wife’s form beside him but was disappointed when he realized that only the pillow and the sheets were left to keep him company. He blinked and turned just to see her helping herself to a colourful blouse as it was obvious she’d cleaned up already. He rested his head on the dashboard watching her with contentment. When her head came out, she saw his gaze resting on her body and she smiled knowingly. “Well, good morning handsome…” She strolled towards him to plant a kiss on his lips. “And hello there sunshine.” He reached for her and before she could know what was going on, he’d lifted her and pinned her into the bed. “Brian…” She squealed when his hands found way underneath her blouse and brought out familiar sensations from her. “Where’s Nate…” He whispered against her ears though she was finding it hard to concentrate. “He’s in the living room with my mum.” There was a knock on the door that jerked them apart and she hurriedly adjusted her blouse before asking, “Who’s there?” The door jerked open but she quickly stood in the way. She saw her mum standing at the door and tried to even her breathing. “Mum…, hope everything is alright?” “Ah, Anu…, I was about to ask what I should feed Nathaniel.” She chuckled slightly. “He has been speaking fone since morning saying he wants oatmeal or cocopops,” She was about to walk inside but Anu shook her head slightly trying to signal to her. Just then, Brian peeped in bare-chested though he was in jeans already and he’d quickly thrown a shirt that wasn’t properly buttoned. She understood immediately and smiled shyly when she saw him standing behind her daughter. “Ah, I hope I didn’t interrupt anything o.” “Mum!” She gave her mother the eye. “Good morning ma’am.” Brian greeted. “Good morning my dear, how was your night, fine I hope.” “It was great thank you. How was yours?” “It was okay, thanks for the green tea your wife prepared for me to sleep well.” He hurriedly worked on his buttons and stepped outside planting a kiss on her cheeks though the action initially took her by surprise. “You look great by the way, I can see where Sarah got her looks from.” “Oh really…” A smile broke through her face and he nodded. “So you were saying Nate has issues with his breakfast choice?” “Yes he does o. Maybe you can help me see to him so I can know what he wants and mix it up for him. Anu will make breakfast for us before we leave for the hospital.” “I’ll make toast for all of us.” She glanced at Brian as they strolled together. ”Do you mind toast or I should make you Oats?” “I’ll settle with Oats.” He mumbled as they found their way inside the kitchen and saw Nate looking at a newspaper on the kitchen table. It was obvious he was trying to comprehend what it was all about. “Daddy, what’s Ebola?” He asked raising his head when they stepped in. “And why does the paper make it look like everybody in Nigeria has the virus…, Mum doesn’t, neither does Grandma right?” “Uh, It’s a virus.” It was obvious Brian didn’t want to go into details as he reached for the young boy, planted a kiss on his head and tousled his hair while trying to retrieve the newspaper from his hands. “And Good morning to you young man.” “Good morning Dad.” He smiled at his father before looking at his grandmother. “Grandma looks healthy to me.” “Of course I am, of course we all are.” Kemi chuckled understanding his last statement. She was beginning to realize that she had to listen carefully whenever he was talking so she could hear whatever it is he was saying. “Don’t let it worry your little head too much dear.” “My head is not little…” He shook his head. “My brain has over a billion neurons so that it….” “Nate…” His father cautioned. “Not now please.” Kemi laughed again already amused by the child. “No…, please let him continue. I like the way he’s so smart and alert. That will earn you lots of goodies from me if you keep it up okay?” “What kind of goodies?” “What type do you want?” “I don’t mind a chocolate bar without nuts though. I’m allergic.” “Fine by me.” She received the bowl of cereal that Anu passed her and passed it to him while Anu just kept watching the both of them quietly. “So, what do you want to be when you grow up?” “I want to play football…” “That’s quite interesting.” She glanced at Brian. “I’d thought he would tell me an astronaut or something that had to do with spaceships.” “Well, the football thing is not certain though it’s something we are looking towards. Nate changes his mind a lot so…” “No I do not.” He countered his father. “Yes you do…” He helped himself to a spoon of Oats and the child saw that as a cue to end the conversation. “C’mon Nate, eat your food so we can go see aunt Sandra in the hospital.” His mother rubbed his hair before planting a kiss on his forehead while tapping his shoulder slightly. And he obeyed her.
28 Feb 2015 | 05:08
“Hello!” Sandra looked around her and shivered when she couldn’t see anything. The darkness was so thick that it felt like a wall when she screamed and bounced back to her. She couldn’t even see where she was going and kept groping in the darkness for light. She tried to remember how she got here but she couldn’t. Even memories of her life seemed like they were fading away and she tried to point out one certain thing about herself. At least even if it was something that made her end up in this place. End up…, was this the end? Was this her end? No, it wasn’t possible. She was alive, still alive, she had to live. There were still so many things to do, so many things the world expected of her that she had to do. She hadn’t attained her peak yet. Yes, she could remember now. She was Sandra. Sandra Okoye. She had a sister, and a family somewhere. She had a daughter too. Yes, a daughter who had died a few minutes ago. Or was it hours? She couldn’t even remember. Time felt suspended someway somehow. “Hello!” She screamed again. “Can anybody hear me.” She hated this place already. This place that she couldn’t describe. She felt as if dark eyes watched her everywhere and were waiting to pounce on her if she moved the wrong step. But how could she move when she did not know where to go. Everywhere was pitch blackness. This was darkness. Complete darkness. She continued walking to nowhere in particular when she heard a hissing sound, followed by shrieks. It got louder and louder and out of fear that it was coming for her, she started running and fell into a mud-like substance. She tried to hurriedly stand to her feet but she couldn’t. It was sinking sand. “Help me!” She screamed. “Please…, Somebody! Somebody please help me.” She screamed and cried as the sounds got louder and her knees kept sinking already and they seemed to have biting effects on her. Soon it would reach her stomach and they would bite their way inside her. They were like locusts feeding on her flesh. Suddenly, she looked up and saw a ball of light in the distance. The more it shone, the more darkness gave way for it. The darkness kept fading till she could see a form standing far from her. It got bigger till she saw about 5 people standing in the distance. Maybe they would help her and so she screamed louder. “Hey!!!! Over here, Please help me, Please help me!” But it was like no one could hear her. She screamed louder and a young girl turned. It was Teniola. She screamed louder. “Teni! My love, please help me. Come and pull me out of this place. Please.” But the girl could only look at her. She couldn’t save her. She pulled at the woman’s hands standing beside her and the woman turned. It was her sister. Anu! She felt a flicker of hope. “Anu…, please help me…, please don’t let me go down. Don’t let me die, come and pull me out of this thing please…, forgive me for every thing I’ve done, forgive me for using you when I should have loved you. Please don’t let me die like this.” But Anu kept quiet watching her. It was obvious none of them could save her. Gbenro turned and she cried the more hoping he would be the one to come and save her. They looked helpless revealing there was nothing they could do about her situation. Anu began to cry. “I wish I could do something, help her come out of that pit, but I can’t. I can’t.” “But you can!” She screamed back. “Just stretch out your hands to me and I’ll come out… Ahhhh!” She cried when the sinking mud found way to her mid-rib and the pains clawed at her the more. “You need Jesus Sandra.” Gbenro’s voice echoed in her ears as she remembered the day he’d been talking to her when he refused to sleep with her. “He’s the only one who can save you. Cry out to Him. Seek and you’ll find.” She didn’t hesitate. “Jesus!” She cried out with all the strength she could muster and when she didn’t see anything, she cried the more..” Jesus please, have mercy on me. Please save me from this I beg you. I can’t save myself, no one can. Please save me if you can.” “Here…, take my hand.” Someone’s voice broke through and she looked up to see an ordinary looking man standing before her. His clothes were white and shinning, but she knew there was something about him. She couldn’t even look into his eyes but she knew he had to be the one Gbenro talked about. She knew she could trust him. She reached out to him and like bread on butter, she slid easily out of the pit and collapsed on solid ground. She began to cry, crawling to his feet not feeling worthy to look up at him. “Oh God, I’m sorry…, I’m so sorry, please forgive me for everything I’ve done, I’ll right my ways, I’ll do all I can, just give me another chance to make things right.” She blinked into reality and saw a white ceiling wondering where she was. Her heart was racing faster at what just happened and she turned to see a nurse and a doctor beside her examining her. Her body suddenly felt strange to her, almost as if she was separated from it. And that was when she saw the doctor shaking his head while the nurse looked sad. What was going on? She saw them packing their equipments…, almost as if they were clearing up the place. It was at the moment when they reached to pull the sheet over her face that reality dawned on her what was taking place. She had died. For how long she didn’t know. But she knew that was the verdict on Earth. And before she could further comprehend what was going on, she felt herself in her body once more and she moved. “Doctor, did you see that?!” She heard the nurse scream and move backwards. “See what?” “The patient…, I felt her move under the sheet.” “What are you talking about?” The doctor moved closer and pulled the sheet away from her. When he saw her eyes open, he pulled back in horror. “Oh my good graces!” Though Sandra tried to move, she realized it wasn’t easy for her and she could only move a few parts of her body. She started to cry again and the doctor shouted to the nurse. “Go and tell her family that their daughter is alive.”
28 Feb 2015 | 05:19
Jesus is the only saviour,kudos to you dear@next pls
28 Feb 2015 | 06:16
I don't care wether this family re-unite or not!!! The only way to make things better is that 'as Sandra seen it that Tenie is with people that wore white, Tenie should also live'!!! If not,to Hell with their family!!! Forbidden Daughter(Sandra).. Nah you sabi, if you change or not!!! What matter is : Who will Tenie(she must be alive) be with after all these???
28 Feb 2015 | 08:33
Pls, same God should let a miracle happen with Tenie cos we ain't giving up on her. @Shaxee, how come dis story is no longer been updated on bbm or whatsapp? Took me quiet some time 2 find it. Pls U and Val should do something abt it.
28 Feb 2015 | 09:00
Hmm speechless
28 Feb 2015 | 11:12
Lyna am not on bbm despite whatsapp too. So those bbm stuff and whatsapp am not in it buh you can still read the story from here
1 Mar 2015 | 18:39
EPISODE 33 Nnamdi was the first to rush inside the ward when the news that Sandra was alive got back to them outside. His eyes already swollen and red with tears, his baggage of pride falling behind him, he found his way into his daughter’s room and when he saw her eyes open, he ran to her and threw himself on her. “Daddy?” Sandra choked and when he fell on her weeping on her stomach and her tears came in full force again. “Daddy, I’m sorry….” “Oh Sandra, Sandra…, thank God you’re alive. God answered my prayers. I would forever blame myself if you had died. Forgive me for everything that happened between us…., Oh Sandra…” She reached to touch his head and his sobs melted some part of her that made it difficult for her to say anything anymore. “I kept praying that God would show me mercy and keep you for me…” Her father had prayed for her and thank God he did. She couldn’t imagine the rest of her life in that darkness and torment. That place where she kept drowning, that was so terrifying. Was that how death was? She’d thought death meant giving one’s soul some kind of rest hence the people who killed themselves when they were tired of life. That place was so much worse than any place on this Earth, she was sure of it. She didn’t know what broke him so much or made him cling to her this way but every spite she had for him vanished at that moment. She suddenly realized that she’d loved her father so much as long as she could remember. That night he’d sent her out, she’d told herself she would do fine without him and he would come looking for her because she hoped he loved her that much too. That night had been the night the bitterness took over completely. She’d felt it growing when she lived with him and how he’d treated them all but something happened and he became something she couldn’t even stand. Right from the moment he threw her out and she kept having those horrible dreams of him locking the gate against her so that those phantom like dark images would swallow her. But he was sorry and she was sorry for everything that ever happened between them. She looked up and saw her mother crying while Anu’s kept trying to wipe the tears from her face. A white guy and a young boy stood beside her and she surmised that was her new family. She stretched out her hand and her sister and her mother came towards her crying over her as well. “I’m sorry Anu, I really am, please forgive me” She started to cry again. “I can’t believe I used you after everything you did for me.” “Shhh…, It’s okay sweetie, it’s alright.” “I know I deserve every hate you wish for me, inclusive of Teniola dying…” “Sandra, it’s okay. You’re alive and that’s what matters.” “I saw her, I saw our baby.” She continued her eyes glistening with tears and Kemi tried to help dab her face. “She’s in a better place Anu, do you know? She’s so much more in a better place.” Anu nodded, the tears flowing freely on remembering her daughter. “Yes, I know she is.” “I love you so much and I’m sorry.” She pulled her sister close to her and for a long time, the whole family stayed that way till the doctor came in and asked them to excuse him so that he could attend to his patient. Nnamdi looked at her and reached to touch her face gently. Not being able to hold himself again, he leaned close so he could embrace her, as if he was scared he would lose her if he spent one minute away from her. “Do you want us to get you anything?” He asked trying to pull some part of her hair behind her ear. “I don’t have appetite…” She mumbled appreciating the fact that he touched her, and not just touch, he touched her like he cared about her. All this was new to her, to the both of them, she could tell but she was willing to explore new grounds with him, with her family. With the people who loved her after Jesus who saved her from darkness and the miry clay that threatened to swallow her. “We’ll be back, we’ll stick around okay?” Anu leaned close and squeezed her hands. Sandra nodded. “I’m counting on that.”
1 Mar 2015 | 18:44
“Hi.” Carlos looked up and saw an attractive brunette staring back at him with her huge eyes recognizing her as Kate. She was a new member of the crew he’d been told to take photography classes. For the past one week, he could tell the girl had a crush on him and he knew he’d be foolish to even consider going out with her. Though she looked matured and carried herself in such manner, he could tell she was naive in the relationship aspect and taking advantage of her was the last thing on his mind. Pamela was something he still had hopes for. He’d stayed away as she requested but calling her father gave him a little hope that God could make something work out between them. Though he’d been discouraged that day she sent him away which made him depressed for a while and partly affected his work, Sheila had gotten him back to his feet with her ‘Don’t take No for an answer speech.” “And is this how you’re going to spend the rest of your life?” She had scolded him in Spanish when she went to his apartment and saw him looking unkempt on a Saturday afternoon when she’d wanted him to take shots of her family for her. He didn’t drink, he’d stopped drinking after he gave his life to Jesus but right now, she couldn’t even spot the difference. His house even smelled and looked so untidy. He didn’t even shave and looked like a cave man with his hair growing all over the place. His long hair which he refused to cut didn’t look better either. “Leave me alone!” He growled. “You’re such a child. This is not the Carlos I know, just because she said No and you act like it’s the end of the world. Where’s the boy I grew up with who doesn’t take No for an answer?” “Get lost Sheila!” That was the catalyst she needed to give him a good hitting which sent him tumbling across the room. “Don’t you ever tell me to get lost! I am not your junior sister, I’m your eldest and only sister and I’ll ask that you tidy up this place at once, get a hair cut, shave away that stupid beard and brush your mouth because you stink. If I don’t see you at my house by 12noon, you’re so going to wish Mama didn’t give birth to me.” He muttered something under his breath and she leaned closer. “Did I hear something?” “Nothing…” “Good. With a big full- stop at the end of it. ” And she was gone. He was there by a few minutes past midday looking better and she cooked him a good meal talking to him normally as if she hadn’t slapped the hell out of him a few hours ago. She ensured he ate to his heart’s content and patted his head tenderly planting a kiss on his forehead before looking into his eyes. “Pamela saying No means you haven’t chased her enough. You know what you did all the time you two were in highschool. You were always up with something to make her smile. I grew up wondering if there was something you did that made her agree to go out with you because to be honest, you had nothing to offer her.” Carlos frowned. His sister had a way of stepping on his toes. ”Seriously, what did you have? There was this senior in my class that always asked her out and she said No. I mean I felt proud when she showed interest in you and what were you? Some lousy mechanic always working on Dad’s car in the garage. I’ve always wondered what she saw in you.” “Thank you but you’re not helping my ego in any way.” “If you want to get your ego back from me, find a way back into that girl’s life and put a ring on it when you do so she knows you mean business.” He really wanted to marry her and love her for the rest of his life. If only she would let him. His mind snapped back to the present and he forced up a smile. “Kate, Hi..” She smiled. “It’s Kitty. Why do you like the name Kate?” “Well, I’d like to keep it official between myself and my students.” He hoped that would keep her away but she drew closer. With the way some of the girls acted brazen in his class, he was thinking of opting out soon. Most of the students were leaving the class and she placed her fingers on his arm slightly. “You don’t have a girlfriend do you?” “As a matter of fact I do.” He replied with the faith that he was going to make Pamela his bride one way or the other and with the positive things God’s word confirmed in his heart, he knew manifestation was the only thing that he was waiting for. Her face fell but she didn’t give up. “Oh really…, I’ve never seen her around.” He shrugged. “She’ll show up someday.” He reached to pack the rest of his equipments and lifted his bag unto his shoulder placing some distance between them and saying his goodbyes before she got any closer. He was waiting for Robert’s call tonight. It was after much persuasion the man had given in. “Oh God please make this work….”
1 Mar 2015 | 18:48
“So when are you rounding up tonight?” Robert asked Pamela while at Lunch. It was becoming a routine for the both of them and was very suitable for Pamela since it was something she did before her evening classes. He’d taken her home to meet his wife and his two girls and often times, he would take them out and watch them bombard Pamela with questions of all sorts and play with her. “By 6p.m, I should be done, then I’ll be heading home to do some reading. You have something in mind for me?” “I was thinking if you’d be able to come by the office today so you could get a look around at where you’ll be working in two weeks time.” He smiled at her and she blushed. “It’s like you can’t wait…” “Well to be honest, I can’t. I’m counting the days infact.” “Thank you…, for all of this.” She forked a generous amount of vegetable into her mouth allowing her mind stroll to the thought of how well she’d been doing the past weeks. Everything seemed to be falling into place and Carlos had stayed away ever since the time she told him there could be nothing between them. One part of her had hoped he would maybe stay and pursue her while the other part knew that the verdict she’d given was bound to make him stay away forever. “You need to stop doing that…” Rob cautioned playfully though he looked serious. “What?” “Thanking me like I’m doing you some kind of favour.” “Well, it’s all I can think of right now I guess.” They were quiet for a while and Pamela looked at her father wondering if it would be a good idea telling him how she felt. “You can share whatever it is that’s bothering you.” She raised an eyebrow shaking her head slightly, “it’s nothing.” “I don’t believe you.” “Why?” “Because you’ve been having this distant look whenever I catch you unawares.” “It’s nothing serious…, it’s just me thinking about the past.” “And does that past include Carlos?” “Hey, that’s nosy!” She chuckled softly and sighed. “Don’t blame me, raising girls made me extra sensitive to stuffs like that. It’s either a boyfriend or some girl BFF or some dress or something that as a father, I think it’s simply ridiculous but those girls will tear me apart if I can’t be a superhero and read their mind.” “I can tell.” “So, did he call you since the split?” “No, he hasn’t.” “And that makes you happy or sad?” “I don’t even know. I mean it should make me happy right? I mean I was the one who told him it could never work out between us and I really couldn’t take another heart break. Maybe I’ll get over it, I’m just being mushy.” “Do you love him?” “I loved him and what did I get?” “I’m not asking you if you loved him, I’m asking if you still love him enough to take the risk again. Do you love him enough to demand the truth from him after all those years back in highschool and whatever it turns out to be, you’d be sticking with him no matter what.” “I’m just so scared.” “And that’s what’s holding you back. Fear replaces love, love replaces fear. You choose which one you want to spend your life believing. The moment you start seeing him for what he is, a man, nothing more, nothing less, it’ll cause you less pain. Only God doesn’t disappoint. That’s where you should get your source from, that’s where your hope lies. The minute you start looking at Carlos as your everything, that minute everything crumbles.” She nodded. “Perhaps that was what I did back in highschool. I felt like he was everything I ever wanted. Everything I could ever need and when he chose someone else over me, I couldn’t contain it, I felt so insecure, so ashamed, so humiliated, I felt no one could ever love me because I finally realized I was just an option and not a choice.” “God is the only one who ever chose you above all else. That’s who should get the glory.” “I was pretty foolish in the past.” “And he was. I mean if I’d been there to witness how he’d hurt you, God knows I might have broken his arm or done worse. No one hurts any of my girls and gets away with it. We had a little chat a few days ago and I know he’s a good man and deeply regrets his actions.” “He didn’t send you to me did he?” “No, he didn’t.” She stared down into her plate as her eyes pooled and Robert continued. “It’s up to you to give him a chance princess.” Pamela did not respond and when she looked up, her eyes were dry already and she smiled. “What’s for dessert?”
1 Mar 2015 | 18:51
Robbert is doing a great work here(match making)... I realy wish things work out well for Pamela & Carlos(wishing not hoping).! I'm still yet to pleased with you & your re-unite with your family "Sandra"... Only if Teniola is alive, then we can also re-unite!!!
2 Mar 2015 | 02:16
Awww!!!!! My little Tenie. I miss U already. Remember U promised ur mom U'll be alright. Pls fulfil dat promise
2 Mar 2015 | 07:14
The way u guyz re calling dis Teniola sef dey scare me... Plz continue typing Teni.... Dnt type Tenie.. What i knw is dat... Nothing happens 4 no reason... If she died truly...den God saved her from greater calamity...
3 Mar 2015 | 18:29
Hey Shaxee, wǎ̜̣̍τ̲̅'s delaying d story? U travelled or plain busy?
4 Mar 2015 | 07:02
@Tennie Lol..... You are right(the story was just touching people's heart thats why we/they are mistakenly input your name to it..). But if anything happen to Teniola or she died, God save her from greater calamity as you have said BUT Uncle SHAXEE will be the one that does it sha!! UNCLE SHAXEE, please don't kill Tennie... oh sorry. Teniola o!!
4 Mar 2015 | 07:07
“Hello princess.” “Daddy.., Hi.” Pamela greeted over the phone after searching for the perfect dress in vain. Robert had told her she was going to be having dinner with a very important friend of his that could help boost her career potential. Rather than the trip to the office, they would be having a nice dinner on one of those fancy boats. She’d never been to one before and the thought of how important it must be made her jittery. She really wanted to look her best. “Are you almost done?, I’m almost at your place.” “Err, You would have to wait some extra five minutes when you get here.” She teased. “Let me hang up and get dressed.” She threw on a black bejeweled silk and satin dress and pinned up her hair so as to look as formal and classy as possible maximizing the number of minutes she had left before her father appeared at her doorstep. She was adding the finishing touches of makeup on her face when she heard a horn outside and she peeped through the window to get a look knowing it was no one else but her father. Slipping into comfortable pumps, she found her way downstairs where Robert was already waiting for her with a bunch of flowers in his hand. “Wow, you look beautiful I’m scared my client might not be able to concentrate on whatever deal he has to seal tonight.” “Daddy!” She nudged him playfully and received the flowers from him inhaling it briefly and breathing with a great sigh. “This smells good.” “Anything for you my darling.” “I hope this boat cruise thing works out fine for all of us.” “Are you worried about the cruise or meeting my client?” He asked with mischief in his eyes which she wasn’t sure why it was present but she knew he must have something up his sleeves. A boat cruise made her think of so many things, made her dream again and wonder what would have happened if Carlos hadn’t hurt her in the past. “Both.”
4 Mar 2015 | 11:35
Pamela was right. The boat was everything she’d imagined it to be and more. The way she was attended to made her feel like some important personality and the ambiance was so lively and romantic bringing out mixed feelings in her. A bottle of wine sat at the table and she wondered if this was also part of a celebration party that she was part of. The changing vistas and the coloured lights fascinated her so much that she couldn’t do anything but watch for a while. Initially when she’d stepped inside, she had ran to the edge of the boat to take a good look at the city as it lit up and made everywhere suddenly look beautiful. She found it hard to believe that the city she lived was this beautiful as the view did justice to it. Robert excused himself briefly and she picked up her menu card to look at what their four course meal would consist of. After checking out one or two things that looked interesting, she placed it on the table looking around and admiring the lights and decor. She’d always loved to sail sometime and her thoughts drifted to how Robert knew about this. This was a dream she’d had as a teenager and only Carlos was the one she’d shared it with. She’d mentioned it to him when he asked her about the things she would love to do if she ever got the chance to. She turned wondering when Robert and whoever his client was, was going to come over and that was when she saw someone who looked like Carlos stroll towards her looking so handsome in a black tailored suit. The last time she’d seen him in suit and he took her breath away was at Sarah’s wedding and she’d told herself that most men looked good in suit. But she knew the truth. Carlos made any thing he wore look good. She didn’t know if it was the fear of seeing him and not being able to say no or the fact that he still had the ability to stir deep feelings so much that she trembled that made her heart beat so loud she was scared it might jump out of her ribcage, betray her and leave her helpless. She looked around almost panicking. Where was Robert, she had to leave here now. On looking around and realizing he was nowhere close and this was some kind of setup, she felt so vulnerable and open. “I beg you to stay.” He reached for her hands but she jerked free immediately. If she didn’t leave here now, this annoying heart of hers would betray her and she would cry right in front of him. “I’ve got to go….” “And keep running away from me?” Carlos spoke back already agitated. “And keep putting me under torture. Is this what you want to keep doing to me? Keep breaking my heart, keep making me think of my mistakes and what ifs?” “You know I would never break your heart.” “But you’ve been doing that since you refused to let me state my cause. I love you Pamela and I admit that I was foolish. I did you wrong. I left you at the time of your life when you needed me the most.” He went on his knees. “I got proud when I won your heart over. I felt the pride well up in me when I asked you out and you said Yes. I could see you were in love with me and you would do anything for me. I thought going out with someone else would boost my ego and you would receive me if I said I was sorry. I never knew I’d hurt you so much. I never knew it would cost me every dream the both of us shared.” Pamela’s face had turned red and the tears did not stop till he rose from the floor and took her in his arms. “Oh Carlos…” she groaned into his neck when he pulled her closer. “You’re the only man I ever loved. I couldn’t bring myself to love someone else. No matter how hard I tried.” “Oh Baby…, I love you so much it hurts.” She nodded. “You don’t know how much it hurt that memories of you kept dangling in my mind hindering me from moving on with someone else.” “I’ve had sleepless nights…” “Me too.” “Really?” “That morning you left when I told you to, I found it hard to accept the fact that you were gone, just like that. I really hoped you would come back for me.” “You’re so unbelievable do you know that.” He planted a kiss on her nose savoring her closeness. It’d been long he touched her and felt her this close to him. “Here I was thinking you were done with me, you’d moved on and I kept hating myself every single day.” “I thought I was, I thought I could but I realized I couldn’t. You kept fighting your way into my heart.” “I’ll never break your heart, I’ll never hurt you, I promise, with God on my side.” She nodded unable to say anything still in his arms and not caring about the other people that stole glances at them. “I want to marry you Pamela.” He cupped her face in his hands and laughed when he saw the shock registered on her face. “But I want us to take each day as it comes. Step by step, so that we can peel every layer we’ve accumulated over the years. I want you to learn to trust me since I broke that trust years ago. I want us to keep loving each other as naturally as it comes. I want to give you the best as Christ gives his best for his church. I want to trust God to help me love every inch of you. Everything that makes you.” Her eyes pooled again. “Robert was right that you’re a good man, and one who has grown wiser too.” “It took me years but it was worth it.” “I love you Carlos Rodriguez” “And I love you Pamela Reed.”
4 Mar 2015 | 11:39
Thank God, Robbert & SHAXEE for making the two-lover-bird comes together finaly!! I'm happy for the duo!!
4 Mar 2015 | 12:27
Uhmmmm.. Dis love is unbreakable... Na so love dey sweet...finding d ryt person is d main koko
4 Mar 2015 | 15:00
Lovely one
4 Mar 2015 | 16:17
Thanks dear @Freelizzy
7 Mar 2015 | 10:59
EPISODE 34 Brian returned back to England a day after Sandra was discharged from the hospital explaining why he needed to go back and due to Nate’s school which had to continue and loads of jobs he had to attend to. He’d promised he would return after Nnamdi gave him a brief lecture of how things were done in their culture and how it was still hard for him to believe his daughter was married without his blessing hence requesting for a traditional marriage. Brian didn’t object. Though the unity of the family looked promising after the dramatic display by Nnamdi and Sandra’s sober countenance, palpable tension could still be observed in the family and everybody was as polite to each person as possible. Gbenro was glad and though he had to work, Sandra was happy for the times he hung around and talked to her and answered a few questions she had. She was also grateful for Anu. She knew if she’d been the one in her sister’s shoes, she’d find it hard to forgive herself. Sometimes, she got scared that her sister was probably waiting and scheming for the perfect revenge against her. She remembered her saying if Teniola died, she would not forgive her. And so she tried to do everything that she could to make her happy, talking as little as possible and recoiling into a new shell so as not to offend anyone. She noticed the strife between her parents and knew she had a role to play but she didn’t know how to intervene. Her father spent a little time with her but he had to return home the next day.
7 Mar 2015 | 11:25
She thought about her life and everything that she owned. All her fame, her wealth and her beauty could not even compared to what death could do to her. Alienate her from everyone else. Death brought pain and torture and she couldn’t even discern the time. So was this how she would lose everything immediately she died? She’d never seen it that way before. She wanted to do all she could to amend her ways. Perhaps, God would see how sorry he was and ensure she didn’t end up there again. She knew it was going to be hard, but she was going to give it a try. Anu came inside disrupting her thoughts. “What would you like for dinner?” She asked politely. “What’s on your mind?” “I’m thinking of making porridge. I’ve made some vegetable and fish stew and mummy thinks the vegetable will work well for you because of your health.” “I’d love to have porridge thank you very much.” “Okay, I hope you’ve used your drugs?” “Yes, I have.” She turned to leave. “You can rest. I’ll wake you when I’m done.” “Anu…, are you in a hurry?” “Why do you ask?” “I really want us to talk, share some things together.” “Maybe later. Right now, you need to rest.” “I think I’ve rested enough.” “What do you want to say anyway?” She turned to look at her and Sandra saw that her eyes were red. She shrugged. “There’s no point raising up something that’s buried and long gone.” Sandra was hurt. She knew she was talking about Teniola and that was another reason for the whole pensive atmosphere currently in the family.
7 Mar 2015 | 11:25
“You haven’t forgiven me…” “I have forgiven you Sandra.” She turned towards the door and Sandra could see her wiping her face with her hands. “It’s just that wounds like that take time to heal. Sometimes all I want to do is put it out of my mind as far as possible. Act like it never happened, but every time I think of her and how I’m never going to see her again on Earth, it breaks me down because I blame myself for everything that happened. I had a role to play in all of this as well. Maybe if I’d put my feet down and told you to carry out your blackmail, God would have kept her for me. God knows how much I loved her, how much I prayed and wished she would come back to me. How much I keep wishing I’d see her running into my arms again like she always did when she saw me. When we would laugh and play and eat together. When I’d look at her and see myself and you combined. I watched her grow, watched her fuss about a few things, watched her talk excitedly about all the things she wanted to do when she grew up. At a point in my life, I felt I couldn’t do without her. I watched her some nights when she slept and put her arms around me and I told myself I would not leave her or do anything to break her heart. Right now, I feel like I did worse. In an attempt not to break her heart by letting her know the truth, I left her and was too scared to face her. I feared she would hate me so much and I couldn’t come back.” “I’m sorry…” She nodded. “Try and rest.” And she was gone. Sandra began another round of guilt feeling once more and was confused about what to do. She wished she could do so much to recover lost grounds. She wished she could bring back Teni but she knew that was the height of impossibility. She started thinking of ways to make everybody happy. Sarah returned to the kitchen and saw her mother pouring some ingredients into the pot of vegetable. She picked up a tuber of yam and started slicing hoping it would take her mind away from things and ensure her mother didn’t take note of her teary eyes.
7 Mar 2015 | 11:27
“What did your sister say?” “Porridge is fine.” “Okay…” There was silence in the kitchen for a while. “Anu, are you okay?” “I’m fine Mama, I think I just need some time alone…” She looked up, trying to wipe her face with her hands and her mother watched her intently. “Some time to think about all of this would be appreciated very much. Teniola was my daughter and I raised her like one. I think I deserve to mourn her.” There was an edgy note in her voice which Kemi observed. “I never said you shouldn’t mourn her Anu, and you don’t have to go all defensive on me, I asked you a simple question. I raised you both so it’s not like Teni’s death didn’t affect me as well, but she’s gone and we have to move on. You looked like you’d moved on the other night you and Brian were together. Now that he’s gone, you just went back to your sullen mood all over again.” Anu frowned. “What do you mean by all over again? I never asked for any of what’s happening to us. I never asked that you love Sandra much more than you loved me. I never asked to be this way. That’s who I am Mama. Sandra may be the outgoing girl, the one with the golden smile and the one who can stand up for her right and do what you could never do like confront Papa, but I was never like that. Times I wish I would say something but I just couldn’t. It’s because it’s not the way I was. I tried to make you happy in all other ways that I could but I knew you missed her every single day and probably wished I was the one who left. Teniola was the only good thing I had in my life and she took that away from me…” “Anu, that’s enough!” “You know what, I think I’m even wasting time staying with all of you here pretending that everything’s alright when it isn’t. Sandra is feeling better now so she should be able to make dinner by herself. I’m done playing the perfect sister–“ But she didn’t finish her statement as Kemi’s hand landed flat on her face and she jerked the tears already strolling down her face as she stared at her mother with every ounce of hatred that she had left. “I hate you. I hate you all! For everything you ever did, and I wish I was never born into your life. You can go ahead and live with Sandra for all I care.” She turned just to see Sandra standing at the door of the kitchen watching her. Not caring anymore, she rushed past her pushing her out of the way. It was a few seconds before they heard the slamming of the door. Sandra turned to look at her mother and saw that she was crying too. She walked up to her quietly and held her by the shoulders. “How could Anu talk like that to me? How can she think I hate her so much? I love you both as my children…” “She’s hurt, she’s just talking out of anger. She’ll come back.” Kemi shook her head. “I know I didn’t do all things right. I know I have my share in the blame, but Anu makes it sound like she’s an alien, I would never wish any of you were away. I never complained about her quiet nature. I just…”
7 Mar 2015 | 11:29
“She thinks we took advantage of her reserved nature and took her for granted.” Kemi could not say anymore. She knew Sandra was right about how much she’d taken her other daughter for granted but she couldn’t say how and when it all started. “I love her. I love you both.” “I’m the one who’s incapable of loving anybody.” Sandra mumbled sadly and allowed her hands slip to her mother’s arms. “Not you. I’m sorry if I dragged you into all of this with me. Everything I did, I just wanted to know if you were on my side and I went about it the wrong way bringing you and Papa down. Please forgive me, I’ve hurt you all.” “But you didn’t know any better. You were sent away when you were a teenager and I never got to see you again for a while. A few years later and I see you on TV with a man whom I hoped was treating you well and must have helped you to stardom. I knew how it felt to be hurt by someone you love so much and that’s why I supported your anger at your father. I know he loved you but sending you away was just too much. I was greatly shocked at the way you didn’t look back and I couldn’t talk because I had nowhere to go if he decided to send me out. My parents never wanted us to get married in the first place. No family member of mine would have me back because they would gloat that they warned me.” More tears came pouring down and she settled unto one of the kitchen chairs. “The man I married those years ago was so different from who he was when he cheated on me and turned his heart against you. He was gentle and kind. He loved me so much and would even blush when I told him how much I loved him. Things happened and he grew harder and proud. He gave his life to Christ but it was like he took it in a different way. He became so religious and distant from me, from his kids. The twin girls he loved so much now became a terror to him and I felt like he blamed me for not giving him a boy. Always wanted to do everything the pastor said he should do ignoring the important things like Love and family. He began to neglect us and see us like we were sinners of some sort. When I married him, I didn’t know anything about all these Christian thing. He grew up in a Catholic home and when he changed, he encouraged me to do the same. I did because I loved him not because I saw any change in his life. Everything I ever did, I did it for him. He refused to be intimate with me for so long that I wondered what I’d done wrong. That day you saw the vibrator in my bag…” “You told me a friend gave it to you.” “She was the one who told me about the woman your father was cheating with so I had to help myself if he wasn’t helping me.” She covered her face and her body shook with tears. “I kept denying it till his mistress gave birth to a girl and I saw how much she looked so much like him. Though I was hurt, I was glad it was also a girl because I felt that would make him come back to me after all the insults Nkiru had given me whenever she strolled by the shop. I felt so humiliated and broken. Nnamdi, the man I left all I had for was doing this to me? Nnamdi who had nothing when I married him…, I didn’t hesitate when she gave it to me and for a while I didn’t need him in my life. But there were days I would wish he would hold me and tell me he was sorry and everything would be alright. That he loved me so much but his pride wouldn’t make him do it. I had no one to even stand up for me. No family, nobody. But you did it. It was like you felt what I was feeling and for that moment, I cherished you. I never meant to make your sister feel bad. I never knew she would feel I neglected her. It was so hard for me to break into her shell and tell her what I felt because she wouldn’t say anything to me. It was like I was talking to a mannequin whenever I talked to her. I saw her with that Oyinbo man and I was shocked at the way my daughter had turned out. Anu who hardly says anything was now laughing and smiling and would even kiss him in front of me.
7 Mar 2015 | 11:31
Something I didn’t see when she was going out with Gbenro. She would allow him touch her without shame and I envied him. What did he do to her to melt her walls? Is there something I didn’t do all those years to show how much I loved her? I would do anything to make her know how much I love and care for her.” “I think the two of you need to spend time alone.” Sandra responded after a while. “I know it would take time but it’s worth it.” “We all need to spend time with her.” Kemi mumbled dabbing her face. “She’s grown so far away from me and I feel like I didn’t raise her. She just locks herself up in her shell that I grow worried. Ever since Teni died, it’s been worse.” “And that’s why you’re the one who should be with her.” Sandra pressed further. “As for me, I bet she’s tired of seeing my face.” “Don’t say that…” “I’m not blabbing, I’m just saying the truth.” She stood up to fold her arms across her chest. There was something she’d been planning to do for a while and now was the time. “So where will you go and what will you be doing?” “I need to make amends.” She bent low to hug her mother who looked pretty confused about what she meant and kissed her. “Take care of yourself okay?” “What are you saying?” “I need to go somewhere. It’s high time I do what I’m supposed to do.” And she turned to leave while her mother stared at her still confused. The next morning, Sandra was gone.
7 Mar 2015 | 11:32
She’d been standing at the gate for more than 5 minutes contemplating on when and how he would receive her if she rang the bell. The only time she’d been this fearful was when he’d thrown her on the streets and she had nowhere to go. The fear of uncertainty, the fear of the unknown had crippled her at the early stages of her street life before Bayo met her. And the same fear was crumbling her. She wanted to turn back and leave but she knew God would want her to do the right thing. The wrong thing was what she’d been doing for years. She wasn’t done paying penance for her sins. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I’ll give you rest. She turned around wondering if she was hearing voices again. But this one was calmer and so soft she doubted it was even a voice. It was like a gentle leading. Who am I to come to? What burden are you talking about? What kind of rest will you give me? She mumbled quietly hoping whoever was behind that soft still voice would respond back to her. But she heard nothing. Maybe God would see how much she was trying to do everything right and find her worthy to enter heaven. He’d delivered her from that miry clay. That was what Gbenro called it. Jesus had pulled her out. It had to be to make amends. Or was there more? Gbenro had told her giving her life to Jesus was the way to life everlasting, it was the way to peace and deliverance from everlasting torment. God loved her and sent his son to die for her. She’d prayed the prayer with him, but she was yet to understand what it meant. She couldn’t deny that she’d felt joy the first time she did it. But after a while, that guilt came up again. She’d tried reading the Bible but she couldn’t understand it. Everything felt like a puzzle to her. She was sure God wanted her to work for her salvation. There were no two ways about it. Yes, she’d believed Jesus was the Son of God and confessed it, but he needed her to show forth her repentance. Everybody wanted something back. That was what life was all about. She rang the bell and waited, her heart racing faster each second that passed from that moment. She’d called her father and asked if he would be home. What he didn’t know was how long she intended staying. “Who is that?” She heard his voice call out a minute later. “Papa, it’s Sandra.” She heard him hesitate at first, followed by some keys shuffling and the unlocking sounds of the gate. When he opened up and saw her, his face broke into a sad smile and for a moment, the relief that flooded right into her soul was unfathomable. It wasn’t his brightest smile, but it was something she could make do with. He wanted her. At least that was what his face projected followed by spreading the gate wide open. “Good morning Papa.” She went on her knees immediately bowing her head so she wouldn’t look into his face. He touched her head and pulled her to himself. “I never thought you would come. I’d been praying nothing would change your mind about coming here.” That was all she needed to hear and the tears strolled down her cheeks freely. “I’m sorry once again. I’m sorry I hurt you so much and I put so much distance between you and Mama.” “Shhh…, come inside please. Come inside and rest. You coming all the way from Lekki this early morning must have been stressful for you. Have you eaten?” She shook her head. His eyes settled on her bags and he reached for it. That was another shock of her life and she tried to stop him but he refused. “How long are you staying for?” “It depends…” “I was thinking you would stay for a week or two but I don’t know how your schedule is like…” She smiled. Was it God that was making this easy for her? She couldn’t contain her joy. “As long as you’re not chasing me away…” She teased on a light note. “Chase you away? Why…, this is your father’s house. You’re free to stay for as long as you want.”
7 Mar 2015 | 11:36
Brian watched his son pick at his food and though he had certain misgivings about all that was going on in their lives presently, he knew Nate was too young to understand. All he’d wanted for his son was a good mother who could love him so he wouldn’t feel the absence of his late mother. Sarah had proved to be more but right now, God wanted him to leave her so she could face her demons. He’d questioned God on why he’d allowed her into his life when she still had so much Garbage to deal with and that was the last thing his son needed. But he knew that God knew what he was doing. He’d never stopped loving him and was doing this for the greater good. He knew God had used him to help her. His Spirit told him so. If he hadn’t come along, it would have been a different story and who knew how she would have ended up. He’d done his part in helping her spiritual growth as much as he could. Now, it was time to let God handle the rest. For years, God had taken him through many things that made him find contentment in whatever situation he found himself. Debbie’s death had made him stronger and grown his faith in God, everything that hadn’t worked according to his plan had ended up for the greater good. He knew this one would end up for the greater good as well. In about ten minutes time, he had to drop Nate in school and leave for work himself. He was glad he could sort out the work load that had piled up and took care of the house which was starting to look like a mess. He put it in mind that the next time he would be going to Nigeria, he would not be taking his son. It seemed to have affected his son in a strange way that the boy would hardly say anything to him. When they walked up to school and he was about to leave, he squatted before him looking into his face. “I’m sorry…” He told the child holding his shoulders and hoping the boy would make eye contact with him. He shook his head. “There’s nothing to be sorry about Dad.” “No, I really am. I didn’t ask for all of this. All I wanted for you was a good mum who would love you as much as I did and a sister who would hug you to pieces and be there to have your back, but right now, your mum is going through some trying times that will help her grow stronger and better, just like I did in the past. That’s what love is about Nate. I’m not going to love her only in the good times, I’m loving her in her bad times too because I chose to and God wants me to. It’s the way Jesus demonstrates his love to each one of us.” He sighed. “Remember that story about Jesus loving those people who nailed him to the cross, and Jesus loving Peter who denied him, and God choosing to love us and send his son to die for us even when we didn’t even know him? Even with the probability that not all will know him and receive him, that’s how God wants us to love Nate.” He saw the boy’s eyes pool and he pulled him close for a hug. His son hugged him in return choking back sobs as his father kissed him and kept rubbing his back to re-assure him. “It’s just that you’re such a good person and you deserve someone better, someone who won’t give you as much stress as she’s giving you.” “And God deserves people better than us, don’t you think? People who won’t keep making mistakes but he chooses us still. That’s what love is about. It’s to keep loving no matter what happens.” He nodded rubbing his eyes. “Remember 1 Corinthians 13?” He nodded and mumbled. “Love is patient and it is kind…” “It endures all things, hopes all things, bears all things.” Brian planted another kiss on his head and pinched his nose so that he could smile. “Knowing you love me is enough to explain how much Jesus loves me.” Nate mumbled and hugged his father again. “I love you Dad.” “I love you, and Sarah does too, you know that right?” He nodded. “We’ll stop by to get ice-cream on our way home, and remember that skateboard you’ve always wanted, I’m going to get you one today.” Nate’s eyes widened. “Really?!” He nodded. “You’ve been a good kid so yeah.” He hifived his father and beamed. “Wow Dad, you’re the best! Gotta run, but Coach says we have practice this afternoon after school. You can come with my skateboard then.” “Alrighty…” He mimicked his son’s slogan while the child waved at him before running off into the class. He watched him till he faded out of sight before he left for work mumbling a short prayer of thanks on his way with the belief that everything would turn out fine.
7 Mar 2015 | 11:43
I even look for what to say/type as comment but none came to my brain/head/mouth!!! BuT Thanks for the update!!!
7 Mar 2015 | 13:27
7 Mar 2015 | 14:54
@Original Ann .Lol... Applaudize!!! You have written an episode in a story o!!!
9 Mar 2015 | 07:53
EPISODE 35 Anu was surprised when she found out her sister had gone to her father’s place and wondered what drove her to do so. Though she had a hint of why she had gone, she hoped she wouldn’t ruin it with her deceitful character that happened to leave a sour mark wherever she was. Last night was horrible for her. She was hungry, restless and depressed. After she ran out of the kitchen and into one of the rooms, she had contemplated going back to their place in Ikorodu and leaving this place for her sister and her mother. Just the thought of spending one more day with them depressed her and she couldn’t wait to go back to Brian. She thought of her mother and the words she had spewed yesterday wondering if she’d overdone it. She had only said what she felt. Anytime her mind flashed to what could have happened to her in London if God hadn’t brought Brian her way, she got angry. If she loved her, she would have forced out the truth from her. At least even try to call her and find out what really happened between them. But no she hadn’t. Sandra came back and she forgot everything else. She went to take a shower and strolled to the kitchen, hoping she would find something to eat or perhaps make herself. She saw her mother mixing something in a cup and politely found her way to the fridge to help herself to some of the fruits she had mixed yesterday. Though she’d greeted her mother earlier, she gave a slight nod to acknowledge her presence.
9 Mar 2015 | 18:48
“I hope you feel better…” She nodded. “Yes ma.” “I’m making moin moin which will be rounding up in 30minutes time. What would you like to take with it, Oats or Pap?” “Pap should be okay, thank you Ma.” “Has your husband called you?” “No he hasn’t. He’ll probably call at night when he has settled at home with Nathan.” “Okay.” The exchange of polite conversation went on till Anu was about to leave. It was then Kemi stopped her. “Anu, we need to talk.” She didn’t argue, rather, she looked for a chair and settled on it, the blank expression on her face masking any emotion that threatened to reveal itself through her eyes. Kemi settled beside her and pulled the chair closer to her so she could look at her daughter in the eyes. Her hands reached for her hands and she realized they were cold and felt emotionless unwelcoming her to touch them. She didn’t give up, she caressed her palms. “I’m sorry if I hurt you in any way. I know I looked like a bad mother when I didn’t do what I was supposed to do. I know you’re also angry at me for everything that’s happened. I blamed your father but I had my own share of the faults too. I should have tried to come close into your heart when I saw how you kept recoiling into your shell. You returned to Nigeria and you feel so distant from me…, please talk to me. Say something to me Anu, don’t harden your heart against me.” “It’s just the way I am Mama, no more no less.” She shrugged. “I’m not like Sandra who knows how to yell out everything she feels, or fight for you. I know I would do all I can to make sure you don’t get hurt, but in my own little way.” She bit her lip. “I’m not so sure you would do the same for me after all that happened between myself and Sandra.” “Don’t talk like that. I’m your mother. I wouldn’t have endured your father for so long if I didn’t love you. I love you both so much but I did a poor job about it.” Anu looked away. “It’s over now Mama. We need to move on…” “And have you moved on?” Kemi interjected. “You still harbor unforgiveness against me, against your sister concerning all we did to you. Even if you say you’ve forgiven me, deep down in your heart, you know you haven’t.” She sighed and released her hands. “Anytime I look at you, I see myself in you and I get scared because I don’t want my flaws to be in you. You married Brian without our consent, you never let your intentions known and you keep everything inside you so much that I get scared you might explode one day to your detriment.” “There’s nothing to talk about. That’s why I don’t bother. I knew I was slow, I knew I was a shadow and so I kept myself in a safe distance so as not to get in anybody’s way. Am I doing something wrong by doing that?” Her eyes had pooled again. “Brian is a good man, and he loves God, He’s not like Papa, and I married him because he showed me what love is all about. He married me even with all my garbage of insecurity and fear and doubt and inability to love him the way he loves me. I wasn’t going to let that slip away from me because I wanted to please you all. All my life I lived to please you, lived to make Papa approve of me but that ended the day I chose to marry Brian. I know it’s not the best wedding, it’s not even something to be proud of because we didn’t ask for your blessing, but for the first time in my life, I wanted to make a decision on my own without the influence of anybody. I wanted to be sure this was what I want before someone would come and start saying thousands of reasons why I couldn’t marry him.”
9 Mar 2015 | 18:51
Kemi shook her head, the tears swimming in her eyes. “You were never a shadow Anu, everything was all in your mind. If you don’t believe I love you, then there’s nothing I can do about it but I will try to do my part. I just want you to know that you have a home in me and I’ll be there for you no matter what.” She stood up and reached to kiss her lingering for a few seconds before she moved away to check what was on the cooker. Anu made a careless attempt to wipe her face and when she saw her mother crying, she stood up and joined her, leaning into her back as her body racked with sobs again. “I thought you never loved me and so I always wanted to be the daughter you wanted. I had no other way to say how I felt and I never wanted to make you feel bad. I wanted you to be happy even if I was hurting in the process…” “Shhh…, Oh Anu, didn’t you know I hurt too? All those times I wanted someone to talk to and I found it hard to share my feelings because I didn’t know what to expect. You were so distant from me but attached to Teniola. She was the only one that could make you smile and it felt as if she was the only one who could read your mind. I didn’t know better. If I did, I would have done all I could to make you open up to me. We did a poor job of raising you girls and that’s why Sandra turned out that way. The reason why you felt I preferred her was because I missed her so much and I saw your father’s spirit in her. That fighting spirit. I didn’t like who I had become as well. Your father made me feel so insecure and depressed after we got married. I didn’t even know myself anymore and I saw similar things in your life which I was afraid to face. I’ve been fearful all my life until the day when I picked up my things and left with Sandra, until that day when you stood crying at his feet watching him say things to you while you cried. I just couldn’t take it anymore and my reason why I told you to tell him how you feel, tell him why you married him. I wanted you to begin to face your fears from that moment.” “I’m sorry Mama, I really am, and I love you so much.” Kemi turned and the two women embraced. “I’m sorry for all what I said to you. I don’t hate you, I would never hate you. I was so angry I wasn’t even thinking…” “I love you too…” She held unto her daughter squeezing her gently. “And I’m sorry for everything.” “Me too.” They stood in each other’s arms for a while before Anu broke free and managed a smile wiping her eyes as she asked. “If I’m not mistaken, the water in the pot would soon dry up and the last thing I want to miss is your delicious moin moin recipee.” Kemi smiled and hurriedly went to check the food on the gas, turning it off immediately happy that the food did not get burnt. “I hope you’re ready to eat because food is ready.” Anu smiled again. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sandra was watching TV with her father after feeding herself to what she had prepared. She had observed that the house looked empty and there was hardly anything to eat and so she had done a little shopping and made breakfast for the both of them. She could tell her father enjoyed every bit of what she prepared because he took his time to eat and finished every grain. She was happy and made little conversation at the dinning when they were done. Though they didn’t really flow much, she was happy for a little start. She glanced at her father and suspected something was on his mind because though he refused to talk, he was restless. She knew they still had so many things to discuss and they were going to peel it layer by layer, but she really wanted to know what made him look miserable. Could it be he was missing his wife and was too proud to admit it? She decided to give it a try. “Papa, I noticed you didn’t ask for Mama…, I hope all is well?” He turned to look at her forcing a nod. “It is well…, how was she when you left?” “She’s okay and I think she misses you…” His eyes shone at that statement and she knew she was right. She smiled inside her wondering how much pride her father had left. “She’s been away for so long…” His voice broke and he tried to cough as if that was the reason for the emotional crack in his voice. Sandra knew better. “I was thinking she wasn’t interested in our marriage anymore.” “Did she tell you that?” “Well, your mother..” He stopped and looked away. “I never dreamed I would be confiding in you about this but your mother has never left me for so long without any sign of wanting me back. We used to fight in the past but this is so different. She didn’t even look back…” “I’m sure she’s thinking the same about you. That you didn’t look back either when she left.”
9 Mar 2015 | 18:57
I'm just... well. Let me kept mute because if ah get angry, anybody weh bear Sandra no go come my ways!!! Next Please
9 Mar 2015 | 18:58
“I didn’t tell her to leave…” “You didn’t beg her to stay.” “Her actions were not called for. She packed her things like it was something she had been wanting to do all her life. What did you want me to do, go on my knees and beg her?” “I know I had a part to play Papa, but did you try finding out what she really wanted after you two got married?” “I know your mother Sandra, I’ve known her all my life. She doesn’t ask for much and I don’t deprive her of anything she wants…” Sandra’s mind flashed to all that her mother told her but she chose not to reveal anything. “Maybe you’ve become so familiar with her that you overlooked some things. She’s woman Papa, I believe it’s high time you stop thinking she’s a man like you. She wants to be loved by her husband, wants to be cherished…” “Your mother watches too much of Telemundo, that’s what’s making her imagine all those kind of romantic love.” “And if she wants romance from you, is that too much to ask for? You’re her husband Papa, she bore your kids, takes care of you, forfeited the rest of her education for you because she saw something that no one else saw. She endured everything and still kept loving you. This is the 21st Century Papa, women are shining eyes and people who get tired of their marriages don’t even think twice before opting for a divorce. You know what you both had, and I doubt you can find someone like her elsewhere…” Nnamdi sat quiet for a while watching her, sometimes his eyes would glance around and settle on the TV set where nothing in particular was catching his attention. Sandra thought she had said something to offend him and didn’t know what to pacify him and so she kept quiet as well till he spoke up. “Your mother…” He began quietly. “Did she mention anything about a divorce?” Sandra shook her head. “No.” He went quiet again. “That man that was with her in the hospital…, is he.., are they…, is something going on between them?” “No…” “Who is he?” Sandra raised an eyebrow. Who knew her father could be jealous.., thinking about it brought ideas up in her head. If she didn’t say something, he would sit in his house waiting for the day their mother would come over. “Mum told me he was the one who wanted to marry her before she married you. Kola Badmus I think…” She watched him hoping for a reaction to reveal how far he would jog up his memory. She saw the realization drooping in and she pushed further. “He’s the one running one of the major banks in the country, the M.D and though he’s been proposing to spend some time with mum, she just wants them to be friends, nothing more.” Nnamdi adjusted himself on the seat and looked at his daughter. “Doesn’t he know she’s married?” Sandra shrugged. “That will not stop some people…” She shook her head and laughed. “Papa, see how you’re talking as if you don’t know how this world is. You know what men like that can do and the extent they can go to get what they want. Mum might be growing old but she’s still attractive to the ones that care to notice and she has started her adult classes though I paid for her.” “Adult classes? Where? How…, Why?” “She wants a degree in Business Management because she intends going further. You don’t expect her to keep sitting in that small shop outside the house do you? She’s not too old to go back to school and learn and that’s what she’s doing. Gaining knowledge. It’s in Unilag by the way.” “Unilag? Isn’t that expensive?” “Well, with the right funds, she’ll get through.” “Wow…” He sighed as if he was trying to absorb the news she just delivered. “Do you know if this Kola guy visits her or goes to the school to check on her?” “Well, I can’t say for sure but maybe you should carry out your investigations yourself and y’know you can always try and woo her. I’m sure you must have done something that made her promise her life to you. Try and re- kindle the flame. There are so many things you can do to win back her heart. Anu and her husband are the new couple in town so you can ask them for advice.” She rose from her seat and leaned close to embrace her father briefly before announcing her departure into the room. She was tired and wanted to sleep. Nnamdi watched her leave and stood from his seat pacing the room. He had to do something, and he had to do it fast.
9 Mar 2015 | 19:01
No sit down dey look make another man come collect your wife,better do something fast or else yepa go hammar tinubu for im house
10 Mar 2015 | 05:37
@Eze .Lol... Nah so ah think say make ah no sidon deh look and person take you from me!!! BuT as it con be say Nnamdi no know how he can do it,nah the same thing deh worry me!! Give me an idea how ah go take do ahm!!!
10 Mar 2015 | 06:59
Lolzz,,,old Nnamdi dey jealous
10 Mar 2015 | 11:37
Pride does more harm dan we could ever imagine.
11 Mar 2015 | 09:41
Kemi was dressing up for classes when Anu peeped in and strolled inside afterwards. She entered the room with a ringing phone and handed it over to her mother who saw the caller ID and picked it immediately. “Hello Kola…, good afternoon, I’m fine thank you, how are you?” She fixed her sandals while putting the phone close to her left ear. “You shouldn’t have now.., why do you like stressing yourself like this ehn. I’ve eaten, yes I have so I won’t be doing dinner with you, I’m sorry, please try and understand. Yeah.., thanks, bye.” She threw the phone on the bed and turned to the mirror adjusting her simple jewelry over the purple ankara that fitted well against her frame and making her look younger. Anu had never seen her mother this way and she had to say she really looked good. Was she going for a date or a class? “Who was that on the phone?” “It’s Kola jare…, don’t mind him. I’ve told him to stop calling me but he insists. He was just calling me that he has booked a place for us to have lunch before my classes and you heard how I turned him down. Some men don’t take no for an answer I don’t know why.” She dusted a little powder on her face and applied her lipgloss. Anu raised an eyebrow. When did her mother become so conscious of her looks? Did Sandra have a role to play in all of this? “And who is Kola, a colleague from class?” “Noo, an old acquaintance. He was the one my parents wanted me to marry before I married your father. We met some months ago and since then, it’s like a battle to get him to stop coming after me. He’s a good friend, but I’m not naive. He wants me to give him a chance and I know if I do, there’s no going back with your father. I still have a little shame y’know…” She smiled and Anu chuckled. “Mama!” “Yes now. Some women can do it but me I don’t know how to carry load like that and it’s even shameful. Call it old school o, but I just wasn’t brought up that way. If I’m for one man, then I’ll be for one man, your mother is not a long throat.” “But what about Papa.., have you considered going back to him?” “I’ve been thinking about it but I don’t know if your father is going to take me back and the last thing I want him to do is embarrass me. I’ve been alone now and I can see a brighter future for myself. When I was with him, I lived for him. It was like every reason I existed was for him and you girls. I guess I built my marriage on the wrong foundation which I don’t want you girls to do. Maybe when I start seeing a future with him and he’s ready to accept me, then maybe things will put themselves in place. But right now, I’m not going to let him stutter my future. I’ve always imagined myself running a big store, you know those kinds where you have people working for you and people can come in and pick up what they want. Both foreign and locally made goods….” Anu nodded. “Ehen…, that kind of thing.” She reached for her bag and went through her handouts and her stationery. If there was something Anu admired about her mother, it was how organized she was and how well she arranged her things. Right from her childhood she’d always seen her mother like that. “Years back around when you were 10 or younger, your father had one store like that and some containers he was expecting which he’d promised to put me in charge. Things happened and the plan didn’t work out again. His container was reported to have sank with the ship and he had to rent out the store for someone who needed it at the time and he invested the money. At least that was what he told me. It was a very terrible time for us and that was the time he started going to get a drink from one of those beer parlors after the incident. I was heart- broken too but he acted like he was the only one hurt in all of this.” She shook her head and sighed. “Wo, Anu, it’s a very long story, some I told your sister, some I’m telling you so that you have one or two ideas about what went wrong. I’m not saying your father is not a good man, I mean he was one hence my reason for marrying him without looking back, but so many things happen, which will happen in your marriage too but you have to be wise enough to chose the right path and do the right thing. Maybe your father received his own salvation the wrong way, me I don’t understand, or maybe he doesn’t understand what Christianity is all about. Shey we read the same Bible and I see the part where men are told to love their wives, as Christ loves his Church. If I’m not mistaken, it has to be some serious love pass the wantintin one many people are doing these days.” Anu just stared at her mother quietly. Kemi finally stood up and looked at the mirror once again. “You can escort me outside while we continue our gist. Do you want me to get anything from the market? You can call me so that I’ll buy something on the way. Their pepper and plantain in this Lekki is too expensive for my liking.” Anu laughed and followed her mother outside carrying her bag. “So, what are your plans? Are you planning to start living with your husband over there?” She nodded. “I guess so.” “That will be after the traditional marriage abi?” “Yes ma.” Kemi nodded. “I can tell you’re happy with him. I just wished maybe you had waited a little more y’know but God knows best sha. Has he said what you’ll be doing…, job per say?” “I’m thinking of working with one of his friends for a while in the sewing department. I’ll be taking the basic classes with her till I can be on my own. Then his sister works in a fashion industry and was suggesting she would get me a placement once I’m done in that department. It’s all words but it’s really God I’m looking up to.” “Okay…that’s great news. So you’ll pick your necessary documents before going back this time?” She nodded. “I haven’t been granted citizenship yet and Brian tells me that’s going to take lots of time and procedures to get that in place so I’m hoping to God it works out soon because I’ve been stressing the guy so much already.” Kemi nodded. “He’s a patient man, that one I observed. Who would have known you have an eye for good things.” She laughed. “Mama! How now…, It’s God, I can’t imagine another man going through all of this with me.” “Yes o, and if you know what’s good for you, make him happy when you get back there. Show him how much you love him and appreciate him okay? I’m sure you can reach him from here, keep things spicy between the two of you so he’s not wondering why he married you in the first place. Call your son too, Nathaniel because he needs a mother. At least before you return. I’m sure there’s a way you couples do things these days compared to old schools like us.” “Mama! What have you been watching?” “Watching ke? Me I don’t watch anything. I see things. When you go out into the world, you’ll see many things ehn, you just have to filter. So, take this one as free advice o. I’m sure in Obodo Oyibo they collect money for counselling.” “Safe journey Mama and please be careful o.” “I will my dear.” Anu leaned close to kiss her mother on the cheeks. “You look beautiful by the way, I believe Papa is really missing.” She shrugged. “Take care and don’t forget what I told you to do.” Anu thought she saw her mother wink before she closed the gate and she shook her head smiling. She had walked to the door when what her mother advised her to do dropped as a thought and smiling to herself, she made up her mind to give it a try. She had a feeling Brian would be surprised but hoped he would respond positively. She was still getting to know him after a month of being married to each other but knew it would be a good start.
11 Mar 2015 | 15:35
EPISODE 36 He could see her from a distance, he didn’t need to come close to know if she was the one in the midst of the other women chatting as they found their way out of the classroom together. Her figure stood out amidst them all and he was sure whoever made that dress for her must have had other intentions. She suddenly looked young again and vibrant and his mind flashed back to the time they first met. The first time he’d seen her and he knew she was going to be his. He’d seen her the first day when she came for her WAEC lessons in a building a few feet from his school though she was oblivious to the fact that he liked her and would always relish the times she happened to pass at a time he was around there as well. He remembered how scared he had been to talk to her. He knew with the way she dressed, she must have come from an average class family and hoped she wouldn’t embarrass him. He’d heard stories from a few friends of his on how they’d been disgraced by a girl who didn’t feel the same way they did. His opportunity came when a close friend of his Jerry mentioned that his cousin moved to Ibadan and they want him to keep a close eye on her hence the decision to make her enrol into the same lesson Kemi was going. He couldn’t reveal how excited he was. He ensured that whenever his friend was going to stop by the lesson, he would follow behind. It hadn’t been easy wooing her. From the first look of disinterest she gave him to how she gave him a chance to become her friend and from how he’d made his interest known. From the little kisses they shared till when he told her how he wanted to marry her when he was through with school and got a job. She’d believed him. He was glad when her results came out and she did pretty well. Impressive even. He listened to her when she talked about how she wasn’t so certain about the future because her parents did not have enough money to send her to the university but she was hopeful that something good would happen. She talked about her parents expecting a visitor from Lagos whom they were hopeful would help her and she was excited about it. But when the visitor made his intentions known, she ran back to him for solution. It was at that moment he wished he could find a way to send her to school by himself but even his own funds were not enough.
11 Mar 2015 | 16:34
And he didn’t want to lose her. He was glad that she felt the same way and didn’t agree to marry someone else. Some other girl would have gone without thinking twice but she stayed even when she had a better offer. It was there and then he knew she was for him and belonged to him always. He was about whirring up the window to step out of the car when he noticed that the other women beside her had found their bearings and she walked alone. Soon a car drove by but slowed down so that she leaned to see who it was. On recognizing the person, she smiled and shook her head and it was obvious they were having a conversation. His blood boiled when he noticed it was a man who was maybe offering her a ride of some sort. Was he a classmate or that same Kola man who had found his way to the school? The nerve of the man! He kept watching till he saw she couldn’t resist and had the door opened for her. She entered smoothly into the passenger’s seat and the car drove off. He almost slammed his hand against the steering wheel when he saw them pass a different route. He wished they had passed where he parked so she would see him and know he was watching her. But then even if, what would she do? Jump out of the car on seeing him or just ignore him completely? The fear of answering that question nagged at him and for a slight moment he grew scared. His gaze went to the flowers that was on the passenger seat which he’d spent his money on and intended giving her. He’d hoped she would smell the flowers, smile at him and they would go somewhere to have dinner and that would be the end. But right now, it was looking quite scary that it was going to take much more to get her back. He turned on the ignition and drove out of the school with the intention of driving back to the house in Lekki to wait for her. At least she would know how much he still cared for her if he could wait that long.
11 Mar 2015 | 16:35
It was 7;30 pm when she got to the house. He didn’t see any car dropping her at the house but she was strolling alone and found her way inside the building before he could even get out of the car and run down to meet her. He felt so miserable. Now that she had gone back into her ‘palace’ what could he do to make her come out to him. The thought of calling her came to mind but he pushed it away. What if she refused to pick or hung up the phone. That would crush his hopes completely. He shook his head. He had to quit being a coward and man up to his feelings. He had to make his intentions known. Afterall, she was still his wife. He stepped out of the car, adjusted his jacket which was almost looking rumpled after hours of sitting in his car waiting for her. He ran his hands on his head briefly and reached for the flowers. Sandra had suggested flowers. He hoped he picked a good one though. When he reached the gate, he pressed the bell, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. It took a few seconds before he heard someone talking at the other end “Who’s there?” He recognized his daughter’s voice and managed to voice out. “It’s your father…” “Ah.., Papa…” Sarah mumbled before he heard her unlocking the gate. She opened it and bent slightly to greet him. “Good evening sir…” “How are you?” “Fine Papa…, what are you doing here, it’s almost 8 already. I hope you’ll sleep over.” “Is your mum home?” He asked due to protocol. “Yes she is…, she was also wondering who was at the door since Sandra didn’t mention she would be coming over tonight. You can find your way inside while I close the gate.” He strolled through the compound and just when he was about to open the door, the door snatched open and his wife stood before him already in her night dress. It’d been a while he saw her in a night dress. He’d become so accustomed to the wrappers she wore to bed that seeing her right now giving him a confusing look stirred up feelings within him and he coughed, trying to swallow enough saliva to ease his parched throat. He could see the crease forming on her forehead and the look on her face almost as if he wasn’t welcome anywhere close to her. Affirming his assumptions, he saw her pull the robes tightly around her exposed night dress and he quickly produced the flowers he had bought for her earlier. “I bought you flowers…” “You can keep them…, I don’t like those kind of flowers anyway.” Anu came close and she looked from one parent to another. “Mama, won’t you let Papa come in?” ”I doubt he came to stay…” “Ehn but at least let him have a glass of water. I’m sure he’s been out for long.”
11 Mar 2015 | 16:38
Kemi rolled her eyes and ignored him finding her way into the room while Sarah helped her father inside, asked him to settle and provided him with cold water going further to ask what he wanted for dinner. He looked around and that was when his eyes caught the bouquet of flowers inside a vase on the table beside the dining room. “Are those for you?” He couldn’t help but ask. His daughter shook her head. “They’re for Mum. A friend likes to send her flowers like every week. At least they beautify the house.” She smiled pouring him a glass of cold water. Nnamdi kept staring at the bouquet. They looked so rich and expensive compared to his flowers which Sarah had helped put into a vase filled with water and sat on the center table. He suddenly felt ashamed that he had even thought of buying flowers. It was very obvious his had looked cheap compared to the one that graced the other table. ”Maybe my flowers were a bad idea then…” ”Of course not, I think they’re okay.” “Does your husband buy you flowers?” She blushed and nodded. “I think it’s also part of their culture. You know Brian is quite different and he can be spontaneous too. Sometimes he just likes to surprise me.” “If you and your husband had a fight, what would you want him to do to win your heart back?” Nnamdi noticed how tensed his daughter looked before she relaxed. He’d never asked her for advice before and so he wasn’t surprised at her initial guarded reaction. ”Well, you could start by telling mum how much you love her, try and get to her heart. Buy her things, let your actions show how much you love her and how you’d do anything to get her back. Tell her you want to take her out and please make sure it’s someplace lovely and serene, not just anywhere…” “But she wouldn’t even allow me talk to her.” “She’ll talk to you, right now she’s just tired and she just needs a little space. You just have to try understanding her y’know.” He nodded slowly staring at nothing in particular. “Between the two of us, who is the friend that sends her flowers every week? A lover?” He didn’t miss the subtle expression on her face as he asked the question but she replied him. “He’s just a friend.” “Just a friend. I know you can’t lie to me Anu.” She glanced back at the hallway leading to the bedroom looking for any sign of her mother. She sighed and settled on the chair beside him. “Papa, this is just between us. I know you still love Mum, but she’s been through a lot and you have to do all you can to win back her heart.” Her gaze went to his flowers, “Take for example the flowers you bought for her, I don’t mean to sound rude but it looks cheap and Mum can see that.” Nnamdi looked at his hands and rubbed it together. The flowers hadn’t felt cheap at the time he was buying it, but seeing his competition in the living room, he couldn’t say the same again. “Are you sleeping over?” “Why do you ask?” “So I can prepare a room for you to sleep.” He looked at his wristwatch and reached for his glass of water to drain the glass. When he was done, he stood up. “I won’t be able to. I left Sandra in the house and like you mentioned, I really want to give your mother space.” Anu nodded, understanding. She looked into her father’s eyes and there was a flash of vulnerability there. Who would have known that her father could be so soft and act so humble. While growing up, she’d always seen him as the typical father figure, forbidding anyone to drop an advice or question his decision.
11 Mar 2015 | 16:43
Now she knew only God could change a man. No one else. And thank God he was even ready to accept the change. What if he hadn’t. What if he still got stuck in his religion and refused to change. She waved away the thought aside and escorted him outside. She watched him walk towards the gate and she could he still had springs in his steps. He was a handsome man no doubt and took pride in his gait. Even if God had stripped him of all, she would always recognize her father with his gait. And she still loved him. She decided to let him know there and then. “I love you Papa…” She leaned close to touch him first hoping he wouldn’t go stiff as he always did in the past. She supposed he wasn’t a man too familiar with his children showing him affections by touching him. She was surprised when he smiled softly at her and tapped her cheek gently. “Take good care of your mum.” “I will and do take good care of yourself.” “I will.” And he was gone. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;; Sandra shook her head and sighed heavily as her father summarized all that had happened that evening and how he had not been able to talk to his wife inclusive of how she had not even given him a chance as well. Her father was so old school. “Look Papa, you have to step up your game. I thought you knew about all these things.” He stared at nothing in particular. Sandra knelt beside him and touched his hands. “She’s your wife. You’ve got to fight for her if need be. Fight for her feelings, fight for her heart. Let her see that man she married years ago. If you want, I can go shopping for you tomorrow and get you some things..” He was about shaking his head when she insisted. “I want to do it Papa. For you. It’s my duty to give you anything you need. I really want you to have it, at least as a sign that you’ve forgiven me.” He hesitated looking at her. She looked up at him. “I can spend my own money…” He said when he saw the hurt masked her face “but I can go with you to the store, if you insist.” She managed a smile and stood up. “We’ll go tomorrow morning since it’s a Saturday. Will that be okay by you?” He nodded, feeling tired already. She greeted him goodnight and strolled back into her room hoping the solace she searched for would be present there. Her phone rang on entering the room and she recognized the caller as Gbenro. She hesitated a little before picking it. “Hi…” “Hello Sandra, how are you?” ”I’m okay for now I guess.” She looked around the room wondering if something was missing. Everything suddenly felt strange and she felt so alone. It wasn’t like this the other day. She was still trying to get accustomed to the new feeling of this new birth that she’d experienced some days ago but right now, everything looked terrifying. What was going to happen to her after everything got sorted out here in Nigeria. She felt so alone without any friend or anybody. Her sister whose company she’d neglected in the past suddenly felt like something she desperately needed. She thought about her career. She couldn’t continue living that life anymore. All the contracts and brands she’d worked for were going to drop her garbage when they discovered the new change in her life and her confession of impersonation. She knew the media would carry it. It would be everywhere.
11 Mar 2015 | 16:48
And what about Bayo? What about her girl- friends in the entertainment industry who often hung out and shared drinks with her? What about the huge apartment she lived with Bayo. Part of her money went into buying the house and she knew he would play hard to get especially now that she was starting to live her life differently. It was like starting afresh. She couldn’t cling unto those things anymore. For years, she’d worked for them, and now they seemed to have grown wings and flown away just like that. It all felt like an illusion. The only things that now looked real was the family that were ready to take her back in right here. She was beginning to see the hard truth of giving her life to Christ. Most of her money would go. Everything she’d ever earned from the world would be stripped off her. She thought of the nudes she’d done, the things she’d endorsed that made her cringe presently. How was she going to erase all of those? Where would she start from? How would she handle the mockery that would follow, the cameras, the news that would go all around. And Bayo…, she wondered what he would say about it. He would replace her without thinking twice no doubt. She’d known he never loved her. He had only been using her and often threatened her in the past that she was replaceable if she didn’t live up to his demands. She was beginning to miss her sister. “Hello.., Sandra are you there?” She snapped back to reality nodding to herself. “Yes…, I’m sorry I drifted. I was having a few thoughts about everything.” “You sound distracted. Are you okay? What’s wrong, you know you can always talk to me.” She sighed and settled on the bed. “Everything is like a mess in my head. I miss my sister. My mind is battling with the thoughts of how much I’m going to lose. The things I’ll have to fix when I get back to Uk and how I might get removed from some contracts I happen to be on presently when they find out my new belief.” She choked back tears suddenly felt ashamed. She wanted to go on and talk about the nightmares that wouldn’t go away either. Dreams that left her sweating in the morning. She thought that was also supposed to go after accepting Jesus into her life. Sometimes she would see Bayo cackling and mocking her that she couldn’t go anywhere and that she belonged to him forever. Sometimes the miry clay experience left her glancing around for hissing sounds whenever she heard a bird cry in the distance. The lights would go off and she felt as if invisible forces were reaching to claw at her and she didn’t know what to do about it. She wasn’t supposed to be doing this! She scolded herself. Some days ago she hadn’t allowed it get to her this way. Maybe because she’d been alone for a while. She really wanted someone with her. Someone to tell her it would be okay. She wished Jesus was visible so she could tell him everything and how she felt. She was getting to discover that the change wasn’t magical, it was a process, and a rigorous one. “Hey, Sandra just relax okay. Look, when those thoughts come crawling into your mind, sit down and ask yourself, is it worth it. Everything you left for Jesus, is it worth your salvation, is it worth your eternity, is it worth the peace you’ll find knowing you have Jesus who can give you peace that surpasses all understanding. It’s not a passive effort dear, it requires a conscious effort on your side to desire him. To want him more than anything else…” “I do…” She groaned. “I really want him but sometimes I can’t help my past coming through and molesting me. It’s so hard, I won’t lie that I can figure all of this out. Sometimes I don’t even know what to do…” “You can try reading your Bible, I’ll send you some songs, articles and messages that can help you. Something about After being saved, what next?” She nodded. “I would really appreciate that.” “And try and talk to God about it. Tell him every single thing you feel. I’m sure he sees your heart and knows how you really feel. He’s ready to listen. You’re his child now.” “Okay…” ”and you know you can always call your sister. I’m sure she’ll be ready to put the past behind her.” “I doubt that.” Gbenro ignored the edge in her voice. “Just give it a try.” ”Okay.” “Goodnight.” “Night.” And he was gone. The room remained silent again. She looked at her phone in hand and after minutes of contemplating whether or not to call her sister, she finally did and she picked on the third ring. She was about hanging up but she considered giving it a shot instead. ”Hello Anu…, it’s me…” “Ebun.., yea I know it’s you.” Her voice sounded husky from the other end almost as if she’d woken her from sleep. “What’s up, are you alright?” “I’m okay. Did I wake you?” “I was just about sleeping. Is something wrong? How’s Papa. I’m sure he must have gotten home a while ago.” “Yes he has.” The line went quiet for a while and Sandra had to confirm if her sister was still on the phone. “Are you still there?” “Yes I am.” Anu replied rather calmly. “Ebun, are you sure you’re okay?” “I really miss you that’s all. I’m alone here and I’m scared. I’m still having those nightmares.” Her voice was trembling already. When she didn’t get any response, she thought her sister had hung up on her. She didn’t blame her. After years of acting to have her way, she would find it hard to believe her. “I’m coming over…” “But..,’s late.” She stuttered. “Just make sure you’re still awake by the time I get there.” And she hung up before Sandra could start showering her with praises and ‘thank you’s”
11 Mar 2015 | 16:54
Nyc one,is gud 2 be forgiving nd be paryerful,continue plss
13 Mar 2015 | 07:08
Such a good h@
13 Mar 2015 | 19:49
It's hard 2 change ones good nature no matter how hard we try when pushed 2 d wall. Sandra has d heart of a child
14 Mar 2015 | 01:45
EPISODE 37 “When are you going back to London?” Sandra asked her sister some minutes after midnight after they had talked for a while. She couldn’t be happier as Anu lay beside her on the bed listening to everything she had to say and what she felt. If there was any sign that God really loved her, it was through Anu. She had been so good to her, loving her even at the times she betrayed her and left her in the hands of a cruel person like Bayo. Even when she knew what her ex-boyfriend was capable of. “I should be asking you the same question.” She replied adjusting the pillow to make herself more comfortable on the bed herself and her daughter had shared for years. Shaking the thoughts aside, she relaxed and went on. “Well?” “I was thinking after this whole issue of Mum and Dad gets cleared, then I would be prepared enough to go over, make some clearances and start a whole new life afresh.” “And are you ready for this new life?” She nodded. “Yes…, I am.” She looked up into her sister’s eyes. “I feel God calling me into something but my past has a way of making me doubt how capable I am to be able to fit into God’s plan. I’m still amazed he even wants someone like me y’know…” “We’ve all been saved by grace.” Anu consoled. “It’s not like I’m a perfect myself. I still battle with somethings in my life.” “Really, you? It’s like you live for others or something.” “While getting hurt in the process…” Sandra sobered. “I’m sorry.” “No, it’s not your fault. I never learned what love was all about till Brian showed me a whole new perspective to it. I never even knew God really loved me as much as he explained it to me. I began to see God in a new light y’know, and though it’s really taking me so much time, it’s worth it. The fault with me was looking for validation from someone, from you, from mum or dad and finally Teniola because I felt no one could ever love me. I wasn’t so sure I could hold my own. I even looked to Brian at a certain point in time and it really affected our relationship. I was so insecure and often got scared. There was no way I could show you love when I had no idea what God’s love meant or how I could come to the knowledge that it was so deep and yet so wide and so it was easy for me to hurt so much…” “I’m really sorry for everything that happened. If I could, I’d turn back the hands of time.” “But you can’t…, and I forgive you. Let’s move on.” “I think Brian is a great guy…” She chiped in. “I feel the same way.” Her face softened when she remembered the brief conversation they shared on skype some minutes before Sandra had called her. “And I thank God for him everyday.” “You know you’ve got to go and join him pretty soon. I’m sure he’ll need his wife.” “I’m planning on traveling next week. He’s trying to work out my permanent residence but the whole Scotland thing contributed to the delay and everything. Besides, I wanted to be sure I left you guys here in peace.” “Brian and that little kid is your family now, I want you to always put that in mind. We can always sort out ourselves here.” Anu smiled. “Your time here is quite limited and your days here are numbered.” Her gaze strolled to her abdomen. “I’m tempted to believe you might soon start housing some little ones in there so you better start preparing to leave.”
14 Mar 2015 | 02:32
“I’m not pregnant yet…” She giggled and her sister joined her. ” Brian and I are trying to see if we can plan it accordingly though I can tell he can’t wait.” “I’m happy for you.” “It’s kind of scary but I think I can’t wait either. Brian is the one used to all of this, I’m still pretty new to it.” She rubbed her stomach gently her eyes looking dreamy already. “He’s also talking about us moving to a new place and getting some new furniture.” “You deserve it…., so if you don’t mind my asking, what was it like getting married to him just like that. I mean no mum, no dad, nothing. If someone had told me you could do it, I’d say it’s impossible.” “I asked myself that question a couple of times.” She sat up half- way on the bed and shrugged. “Brian asked me to marry him and all I could see was him, nothing else. I think maybe the fear that I might lose him if I kept holding out on him and the fear that this was something I really ever wanted but if I gave in to Dad’s prejudice, I might end up not having him. Being with him makes me happy. I mean I know I still have lots of things to work on but he’s always there to help me out one step at a time. I can’t even imagine marrying someone else. He would have been frustrated…” “And be sure you make sure he doesn’t get frustrated…” “I’ll be taking a couple of classes when I get back. I have a friend Sheila who I met through Pamela, your P.A…” “Hey, it’s been a while I heard from that babe. How’s she?” “She lost her mum some weeks ago. Things have been quite rough but God was there, the constant one all through. Her Dad is back and when I talked to her yesterday, she told me she was getting married to Carlos sometime in November.” “Wow…, who’s Carlos?” ”Oh, an old friend of hers in high school. A former high school sweetheart kind of.” “Hmmn, I’m assuming the both of you are quite close.” “We’ve come quite a long way. She was the one who took me in when I refused to move into Bayo’s apartment.” She didn’t include the part where Bayo tried to rape her this time. It was not a memory she wanted to recall. “She’s a great girl. I saw that in her when I hired her.” “Yes, she is. Maybe when you come over, you can come say hi. I would love to see the look on her face when she sees the both of us standing together.” They both smiled and for a while everywhere was quiet till Sandra spoke up. “Dad told me about his attempt to talk to mum. It didn’t go very well.” “It’s not easy for mum either…” “But they have to get back together, even if it means we have to muddle in their business. You know how old school Papa is. We have to teach him some tips. I plan on taking him to the boutique tomorrow and teach him a few things. You can work on Mum from your side.” Sandra sat up and reached for her laptop on the bedside table. “I saw a deal for a trip to Calabar. Something like a honeymoon treat for couples. It’s not going to cost much which I’m sure would be convenient for Papa to pay for.” “That sounds like a good idea.” “It’s happening next weekend and you have to convince mum to go whether she likes it or not. I’m hoping Papa can work on her this week so that by next weekend she can go with just the right amount of coaxing from us.” Anu grinned. “That sounds like fun.” “Now here’s the plan….”
14 Mar 2015 | 02:38
“I’m not pregnant yet…” She giggled and her sister joined her. ” Brian and I are trying to see if we can plan it accordingly though I can tell he can’t wait.” “I’m happy for you.” “It’s kind of scary but I think I can’t wait either. Brian is the one used to all of this, I’m still pretty new to it.” She rubbed her stomach gently her eyes looking dreamy already. “He’s also talking about us moving to a new place and getting some new furniture.” “You deserve it…., so if you don’t mind my asking, what was it like getting married to him just like that. I mean no mum, no dad, nothing. If someone had told me you could do it, I’d say it’s impossible.” “I asked myself that question a couple of times.” She sat up half- way on the bed and shrugged. “Brian asked me to marry him and all I could see was him, nothing else. I think maybe the fear that I might lose him if I kept holding out on him and the fear that this was something I really ever wanted but if I gave in to Dad’s prejudice, I might end up not having him. Being with him makes me happy. I mean I know I still have lots of things to work on but he’s always there to help me out one step at a time. I can’t even imagine marrying someone else. He would have been frustrated…” “And be sure you make sure he doesn’t get frustrated…” “I’ll be taking a couple of classes when I get back. I have a friend Sheila who I met through Pamela, your P.A…” “Hey, it’s been a while I heard from that babe. How’s she?” “She lost her mum some weeks ago. Things have been quite rough but God was there, the constant one all through. Her Dad is back and when I talked to her yesterday, she told me she was getting married to Carlos sometime in November.” “Wow…, who’s Carlos?” ”Oh, an old friend of hers in high school. A former high school sweetheart kind of.” “Hmmn, I’m assuming the both of you are quite close.” “We’ve come quite a long way. She was the one who took me in when I refused to move into Bayo’s apartment.” She didn’t include the part where Bayo tried to rape her this time. It was not a memory she wanted to recall. “She’s a great girl. I saw that in her when I hired her.” “Yes, she is. Maybe when you come over, you can come say hi. I would love to see the look on her face when she sees the both of us standing together.” They both smiled and for a while everywhere was quiet till Sandra spoke up. “Dad told me about his attempt to talk to mum. It didn’t go very well.” “It’s not easy for mum either…” “But they have to get back together, even if it means we have to muddle in their business. You know how old school Papa is. We have to teach him some tips. I plan on taking him to the boutique tomorrow and teach him a few things. You can work on Mum from your side.” Sandra sat up and reached for her laptop on the bedside table. “I saw a deal for a trip to Calabar. Something like a honeymoon treat for couples. It’s not going to cost much which I’m sure would be convenient for Papa to pay for.” “That sounds like a good idea.” “It’s happening next weekend and you have to convince mum to go whether she likes it or not. I’m hoping Papa can work on her this week so that by next weekend she can go with just the right amount of coaxing from us.” Anu grinned. “That sounds like fun.” “Now here’s the plan….”
14 Mar 2015 | 02:38
Kemi was on her way out from the school building waiting to board a bus when a car came to a stop in front of her. Recognizing the car as her husband’s, she tried to walk away and look elsewhere but he stepped out and hurriedly reached for her. “Nkem…“ “Don’t touch me…” “Nkem, why are you doing this. You know this isn’t fair to me, to the both of us.” “Instead of you to say it’s not fair to you. You didn’t seem to miss me all the while I didn’t stay under your roof. How’s Nkiru by the way.” “Ah, Nkem, is this still about Nkiru, after all this years. Nkiru is not my wife, you are.” “Nnamdi go home please…” He noticed she was beginning to feel uncomfortable with the way he hung around her and her eyes darted about. He knew she wasn’t the type that liked unnecessary attention. He had to do all he could to get her inside his car. A few people glanced her way and after much deliberation, she finally gave in and settled inside by the passenger seat wondering what he was going to do to her now that he had her trapped satisfactorily. She refused to look at him even when he started the car and apologized for his impromptu parking on the road. She’d taken a glance when he came outside to look for her. He looked good no doubt. He’d shaven those crazy beards off and he smelled different…, like an expensive perfume which she wasn’t familiar with. She didn’t want to see how handsome he looked in his blazer, white shirt and jeans. The last time her husband wore jeans were the times they’d been dating. He turned on the air conditioner he’d been mising all their years together and rolled up the windows. What did he think he was doing? He finally found a good parking spot and stopped the car to face her. “Nkem, I’m sorry…” She said nothing. He reached to touch her face but she retreated knowing that if he tried to touch her, he would spark up an old flame and set her on fire, not giving heed to reason and allowing him back into her life so he could do as he’d always done. Treated her like she meant nothing to him. ”I’m a changed man Nkem.” He went on feeling hurt that she wouldn’t even allow her touch him. “You won’t even allow me touch you…” “Isn’t it a little too late for you to be saying something like that?” She snapped her eyes boring into his and about to pool. She turned back to face the windshield and scoffed. “All these years I wanted you to touch me, the times I wanted to be the one in your mind and in your head where were you? And now you want to start accusing me of not allowing you into my life? Oh so now you see how it hurts when I wanted you and all you could do was push me away as part of the properties you had. If you’re missing someone to warm your bed and cook your food as usual, I’m afraid I’m not available for those kind of things presently. I now have school to take my time.” Nnamdi felt hurt. “You’ve never talked to me like this before Kemi. What’s wrong, what have I done to deserve this? I know I never treated you as I should have hence my begging your forgiveness. Is there some new man in your life? Is that why you’re just using style to push me away?’ She shook her head. “And who said there has to be a man before I know what I want from life? You just don’t get it do you?” Nnamdi tried to remember what his daughter told him but his voice came out strained. “Then why don’t you just tell me.” “There’s no point because you’re not going to understand.” “Just tell me…”
14 Mar 2015 | 02:41
“I want to continue my classes…” She managed to mumble without looking at him. “When we were together, you never even considered my option of me going back to school. This is an opportunity for me and I really don’t want to miss it.” “Of course you’ll continue your classes Nkem, it’s not like I never had plans for you but when the girls came, things happened and everything didn’t go as we planned.” He noticed her body language and how she’d calmed down after letting that out. He really wished she wouldn’t shy away from him the way she was doing presently. She was making him realize how long he’d missed her being in his arms and how good it felt to kiss her and have her respond eagerly. “You look beautiful in that dress. Look I bought you something.” He stretched smiling at her briefly before reaching to grab the bag that sat comfortably in the back seat. She refused to smile back but fastened her gaze on the package he was trying to push into her laps. “At least open it to check what’s inside…” He reached for her arms and caressed it gently. He was glad when she didn’t resist though he could feel how tensed she was. Patience was all he needed. He had to keep reminding himself of the lessons his girls had lectured him on over the weekend. He watched her reaction on seeing the contents of the bag. There was a look of surprise on her face seeing the number of items the bag contained and she fished out a particular cream silky dress with straps that raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure this is for me?” “Of course it is.” He declared proudly. “I liked the night dress I saw on you the other night. Keep checking, I got you some dresses and ankara material you can use to give to the tailor.” He continued watching her as she reached further and brought out another dress that looked like an evening dress and also looked quite expensive with a box of chocolates She couldn’t remember the last time Nnamdi spent so much money on her this way and the things he bought, she was still trying to take it all in. Her husband was the very conservative type who she didn’t imagine buying things like this for her and now the way he smiled at her and wasn’t even ashamed to make his intentions known made her pulse race. She didn’t know what to say but said something anyway. “Thank you…” He nodded still watching her. He could see her resistance melting already. He noticed that she still wouldn’t look at him but that didn’t stop him from reaching for her hands which she’d tightened into a fist. He raised it to his lips and kissed it softly and when she tried to pull away, he held on. “I want to take you to dinner Nkem, just the two of us. Anything you want, just name it, I’ll do it for you.” She swallowed and he brushed her knuckles with his thumb gently aware that she was going to feel more uncomfortable but he didn’t care. He wanted her to know he still wanted her and she was his alone, no one else’s. He wanted her to know he was ready to fight for her heart, her mind and her body and win her back. He could feel her trembling already and he knew it was working. “I love you Nkem. I have to admit that ever since you left me I’ve not been myself lately. Everything has been upside down for me. I find it hard to even focus on work. I miss you in my life. You’re the only woman who could ever make me leave earth and return, the one that turns a house into a home…” He saw a smile struggling to break through but she did a good job pushing it back. “The one who claimed my heart 28 years ago. Our anniversary was 2 weeks ago.” She looked at him then, her eyes pooled already. “You remembered…” “Of course I remember and I want us to celebrate it.” She shook her head slightly. “What happened to you after all these years?” He sobered. “Forgive me my love. I don’t know what came over me. Pride maybe.., foolishness. I took you and my girls for granted and I really want you back in my life, right by my side.” “So are you trying to buy me back with all these gifts? Are you trying to buy my affection so you can hurt me again…” He shook his head panic setting in. “I will never hurt you again, I promise. I’m a changed man now Nkem. God has been working in my life and I promise to treat you right.” “Please take me home Nnamdi, I need to rest, I’m really tired.” Was all she said and looking disappointed, he turned on the ignition and drove off to his daughter’s apartment in Lekki. Throughout the drive home, no one said anything to each other and different thoughts battled in his mind. The silence was killing him. When they finally got to her temporary residence, she didn’t budge and he looked at her. “When are you coming to pick me for dinner?” She saw the question caught him by surprise because he blinked and nervously looked at his wrist watch. “Anytime that’s suitable for you, I’ll make reservations for the both of us on the island.” “Okay, I should be free tomorrow. I’ll call you.” He nodded trying not to feel too excited. “Okay.” She sat still looking at him. “I was thinking you were going to kiss me goodnight.” She told him bluntly and he blinked again. “Er.., isn’t this place too open for–“ But he didn’t finish his statement as she leaned close to kiss him. Just her kiss set him on fire and before he could control himself, he returned it with the same passion and fervour she poured in. When he reached for her side to pull her closer to himself, she pulled away and breathed, smiling into his eyes. “I’ve missed you.” He swallowed. “Me too.” He was about to come closer for another kiss when she placed a finger on his lips to stop him. “Tomorrow…, dinner, 8 p.m. Anu is staying with her sister tomorrow before travelling back to London this weekend. We can have the house to ourselves. I’ll make us something to eat. You can bring one of those your bottled fruit wine to celebrate.” He nodded, every reason of thought flying out of his head. His wife wanted him and he couldn’t be more excited. He couldn’t wait. He watched her stroll out of his car and didn’t take his eyes off her even as she turned to wink at him and blow him a kiss. She laughed before waving at him and that was when he realized that his mouth was still agape. He shut it immediately and waved back at the empty space that was present immediately the gate closed before him. He was the happiest man on earth as he drove home, whistling and nodding his head as he had good news to tell his daughter.
14 Mar 2015 | 02:44
When Nnamdi arrived at the house the next evening, the sight that greeted him at the door left him speechless and he managed to find his voice. “Wow…, you look amazing.” He complimented also taking note of the fact that she’d worn the dress he bought for her yesterday and the twins were right. The dress did her shape justice. Who would have known his wife could still look attractive after all these years. “Thank you.” He noticed her blushing and presented the huge bouquet of flowers he bought this time with a card inside. He took a quick glance immediately he stepped inside and was glad that the other flower which he’d seen the other day was gone. He couldn’t be happier. “But this is huge o…” She commented as she read through the brief note where he’d written all the honey coated names he’d called her in the past. She grinned mischievously when she finished reading and saw him trying to adjust the flowers inside the vase. Walking up behind him quietly, she tapped him from behind and giggled when he turned and caught her in his arms. “We didn’t finish what we started last night y’know.” He kissed her breathless and she found it hard to break free. “Dinner first…” She swallowed running her hands on his shirt and his slight pot belly. “We have all the time in the world my love.” “The house smells delicious with your cooking. What’s on the menu?” His hands settled on her hips pulling her closer to himself. “Why don’t you come to the dinning and find out yourself.” He kissed her again before mumbling. “I forgot the wine in the car. I’ll be back.” “Okay.” When he returned, she was already at the table dishing the food when he came behind her nuzzling her neck. “Who says we can’t skip dinner.” “The rules. You know I don’t like eating cold food.” She pushed him away playfully so he would stop distracting her. It was when he flashed the tickets before her that she gasped and turned to look at him. ”To Calabar, just for the weekend.” He laughed when she collected it from him to look at it closely. “I promise you the next one would be Dubai. I just wanted somewhere the both of us could go and have fun together this coming weekend. I hope you like it.” She smiled and her eyes pooled again. “You know I would go anywhere with you.” “Oh Nkem, I love you.., and I miss you so much. You’re one of the best thing that ever happened to me and I’m sorry I took your love for granted.” “It’s alright my love.” She replied allowing him to bath her with kisses. “Oh Nnayi, I love you so much. The times you were away, I thought I wouldn’t survive and you made me doubt your love for me. I needed you so much…” “You can have all of me my darling because I can’t wait to give myself to you.” He kissed her till she found it hard to say no when he brought up the option again. “Ready to skip dinner now?” She nodded unable to find the right words to express herself.
14 Mar 2015 | 02:47
“Make sure you call to tell us when the both of you will be coming to Nigeria so that we can make arrangements for the traditional wedding.” Kemi reminded her daughter for the third time that day and Sandra was forced to ask. “Seriously Mum, this whole traditional thing, is it compulsory. I mean no pun intended o, but those two have long been married in a church and have been living together for a while now…” Anu shook her head. “Like I mentioned earlier, no pun intended.” And they both laughed. “I can’t even imagine Brian wearing an agabada or one of those akoches we wear here.” ”Well, he’ll have to or else he’ll be seeing me in London.” Nnamdi mumbled still holding unto his wife as each of them talked to each twin. The girls looked at their parents and couldn’t be happier. They were going for their little honeymoon this weekend and Anu was sure they couldn’t wait with the way they stole glances at one another with the hopes that none of them might notice which was very obvious by the way since they were doing a bad job about hiding their new romance which seemed to be rekindled. “Till December abi?” “Yes Mama…” Anu replied. “And Ebun, you still haven’t told us when you’ll be returning.” “It depends on where the Lord leads me because right now, I’m really learning how to trust him though I have a feeling I might come back to Nigeria soon. I just need to clear some things over there.” “Just remember that you’ll always have a home with us.” Her father chiped in and she smiled nodding. “I’ll put that in mind.” “And where is Gbenro, I thought he said he was coming to see you off too?” Kemi said. It wasn’t up to a minute Sandra’s phone rang answering her mother’s question. After describing where they were situated at the airport and a few minutes after waiting and looking around for where he was as he came closer, he was right in front of them greeting the twins’ parents and answering the few questions they threw his way. When they were done, they excused him briefly so he could have time alone with their daughters. He faced Anu first. “So, is this goodbye?” She nodded a little. “Maybe…, but I’ll be here around December for the traditional wedding since Papa and Mama insists and it’s the right thing to do anyway.” She gave him a brief smile and shrugged. “But my home is with Brian and Nate presently in London so I’ll be staying in London except Brian wants us to move but I doubt that anytime soon.” He nodded swallowing everything she told him. “You can come and say Hi sometime. Brian and I would love to have you over.” He smiled. Anu, the ever pleasant girl he thought he would spend the rest of his life with when Sandra left the picture but after she came in, everything started looking so confusing till God told him to steer clear of having anything closer than a friendship bond between them. Something told him that no matter how pleasant Anu was, their relationship might not have worked out. He’d only started seeing her insecurities when she had yelled at Sandra in the hospital and he knew he might not be patient enough for her. Brian was the man for her and he’d seen it in the man’s eyes that he loved her and wouldn’t wish any less. He was still getting there. “Take good care of yourself okay?” “And you too.” “Let’s hug it out?” She leaned close and hugged him knowing the whole jealous like feeling that she had for Sandra being the one he chose over her was gone. Right now, she was happy. She was going home to her new family. Wow! She had a place she could call home and she’d never been more excited. She missed Brian and couldn’t wait to start the self therapy classes that Sheila had recommended for her in church. She could feel the new life already bubbling through her. The thought of Brian waiting for her at the airport couldn’t have excited her more. “Be good.” She told Gbenro when he released her. “And you too.” She saw him turning to face her sister and she excused them both getting occupied with her phone. Sandra smiled when Gbenro came over and shook her head. “I can never thank you enough.” She tried to avoid looking into his eyes. “For still being my friend even when I tried to use you too. I mean you had the chance to use me and have sex with me but you didn’t but rather you chose to tell me about salvation.” She laughed to herself covering her eyes as she felt them sting with tears. “I can’t even imagine how I would have ended up if you hadn’t stood your ground. For that I thank you.” He reached to pull her close to himself and the two of them hugged for a while. “You and Anu are the two wonderful people in my life and I will never stop thanking God for you both. Thank you so much. Thank you for even choosing to be my friend when I had nothing to offer…” “Hey…” He grabbed her by the shoulders to look into her eyes and brushed away tear drops that had found it’s way to her cheeks. “All of that is over, right now, you have a bright future ahead of you and I see that little girl that got hidden those years ago rising up again. The real Sandra, the one God created after his own image and likeness. Your new self. He says if any man be in Christ, He’s a new creature, old Sandra is gone, behold the new Sandra is here to stay no matter what anybody says. God’s got your back okay, so don’t let anyone make you feel less.” She nodded. “I love you Sandra…, God knows I do, and you’ll always be my friend. But I need you to be strong because I’m going to be strong and keep praying for you.” She managed a smile. “Thank you.” “So, you’ll call me when you get to London?” “Yes.., I will.” “So, should I be expecting you in Nigeria soon?” “I’ll see what God has to say about that.” She hugged him again when announcements came through about their flight and she saw her parents coming closer once more to bid her farewell. “And make sure you get yourself a wonderful lady to marry. You’re getting old already and you need someone to start teaching you who’s the boss in the kitchen.” He laughed heartily then. “We’ll see about that.” Anu came closer to check on her sister and the rest of the family and after another round of hugs and kisses and a few tears from their mother, they found their towards the checkpoint and successfully boarded their flight. Sitting beside her sister as Sandra looked outside the window, she held her hands to assure her and comfort her telling her once more that everything was going to be alright. And Sandra believed her holding on tight as well.
14 Mar 2015 | 02:53
When they finally landed at Heathrow, Sandra hugged her sister for the second time that day before going to board herself a cab with Anu promising to call her to see how things were going to take shape. She hadn’t spent up to 5 minutes scanning the crowd when her eyes settled on Brian standing and waiting for her, looking as gorgeous as always. She didn’t know when she ran and jumped on him excitedly not being able to contain her joy of seeing him after days of being without him. Carrying her in his arms, he kissed her breathless and broke free to plant another one on her nose. “I’ve missed you…” He breathed and swallowed closing his eyes so he could contain his excitement. “I missed you so much I thought praying you should appear beside me in Nigeria felt like a good option.” They both laughed like silly children and he kissed her again but briefly this time so he could take her bag from her and guide her to the parking lot. “Nate’s in school. He has practice with coach but Sheila says she’s going to pick him with her boys when I told her you’re coming over today. I’m sure he’ll be pretty excited to see you. The house has been so dull without you.” “I’m sorry. Everything that happened…” “Hey.., it’s okay. We’re here to move on and move on we shall huh?” He smiled into her eyes. She nodded her heart soaring again. “I like your beard…” “I thought you would, hence my keeping it for you.” He winked at her and reached to pull her closer to his side as he got a taxi for them both and slid into the backseat giving the driver the address to his place. She reached to stroke it gently and smiled when he captured her fingers and planted a kiss on each one looking into her eyes passionately. She felt the butterflies in her stomach as his gaze did not waver from her. She found it hard to speak as her throat had gone dry. “I thought we should eat out for dinner tonight. We’ll get home in time, freshen up before I go over and pick Nate from school. We could go together or maybe you’d sleep in.” He spoke up breaking into her thoughts and she blinked. “What?” He laughed and squeezed her hands gently before placing it on his lap. “You’re just returning from a 6 hour journey, you must be tired and hungry…” “Oh…” She looked away blushing. “You’re right, I guess so.” “We’ll talk when we get home.” He leaned close to whisper into her ears. “I don’t want to make the driver uncomfortable.” And Anu couldn’t wait to get home.
14 Mar 2015 | 02:54
Brian watched his wife sleeping softly under the covers as the afternoon sun rays filtered through the curtains and formed a nice silhouette on the skin that was left exposed to the sun’s kisses. He was dressed ready to go over to Sheila’s place to pick his son and couldn’t stop staring at her form. Gosh, she was beautiful. If only she didn’t doubt it. He was happy they talked about it when they were in bed together and how she admitted she wanted to start seeing Sheila’s counselor and psychologist and was hopeful it wouldn’t clash with her sewing classes. She also mentioned how she was here to stay. No more doubts, no more fears, nothing more to hide. She wanted to be true to herself and wanted to spend her time with him, Nate and other kids they would be having in the future. She stirred slightly in her sleep and when he couldn’t resist it anymore, he leaned close to kiss her. She smiled and responded making him doubt she had really been sleeping. She tried to pull him back into the bed but he maximized self control and mumbled. “I have to go and pick our son.” Nodding, she allowed the sheet slip from her and quickly pulled one of his shirts hanging on the bedpost knowing she didn’t want to be looking this way when the child came home and saw her after a while. “I’ll fix myself some sandwich before you get back. I’m really hungry by the way.” “While I’m gone you can get yourself a nice dress for dinner. Nate and I already have something to wear. I’ll tell Sheila you’ll be seeing her tomorrow.” “Okay” She smiled into his eyes and reached to pull him for one last kiss before he stepped out. ”You sure know how to tempt a man to say yes.” He grinned into her face before planting another one on her head and breaking free. “Just a few minutes and I’ll be back. Be a good girl while I’m away okay?” She nodded and smiled to herself watching him leave. Turning back to the disorganized room which she had a role in contributing to, she began picking her things first before finally changing into a more decent outfit that would not raise questions from their son when he returned. When she was through, she made herself a couple of sandwiches while rummaging through the closet herself and her husband shared to look for a dress fit for a family dinner date. She was glad when she found a nice black dress. The last episode aka Epilogue comes up next week.
14 Mar 2015 | 02:56
Shaxee!!!.... I waited for days for this episode and now til next week before u post the last one huh? Anywayz i am not angry cos i have been smiling while reading. When i read i am fulfilled. Thumbs up..
14 Mar 2015 | 16:26
Finally…, I’d like to say a big thank you to each and every one of you who enjoyed reading my story and followed through, to the ones who graced my comment sections with your lovely words, for the ones who even sent me a private mail that they were enjoying the story, for everyone who was patient till I finished writing(This one was quite harder for me to write compared to Chocolates and Sushi, I’m still trying to figure it out, lol), to the ghost readers too..:) and to everyone who thought my story was worth sharing and encouraged me, to the ones that were able to obtain a lesson or two, Thanks so much. God bless you and I love you. Enjoy the Finale of Switched.
15 Mar 2015 | 13:03
THE FINALE!!! Two years later Anu watched her husband in the kitchen as he manuevered his way around attending to the food she was supposed to be cooking. Though she knew he was doing it for her good, she didn’t like the idea of him taking over from her just like that. She was pregnant not sick. His parents were coming over to see them and though she was nervous, she tried not to show it. After months of attending her classes, she was beginning to get a grip of herself both physically and emotionally. Even the way she started seeing things changed. It was different and she was happier. She was starting to see Brian as her partner and her husband but didn’t freak out when he didn’t come home in time or even talked with his female friends in the church they’d started attending together. She loved his church too, she loved the warmth the community of his friends inclusive of Sheila spilled forth, enjoyed spending time with them and she ventured to join a Bible study and prayer group where some women from the church sat together to pray for the church, for their families and for themselves. Even Brian was impressed. She could tell he was. She saw it in his eyes when he spoke to her and when he was intimate with her, when he lauded her with words of encouragement on days she felt it wasn’t possible to live in the liberty Christ had given her. On other days, she would also reciprocate his affection to her. She remembered how she’d surprised him with a a recipee she’d learned from Sheila and how he’d eaten to his heart’s content. On other days, she would surprise him a nice shirt or nice pair of new jeans and perfume even when it wasn’t his birthday. She’d observed that he didn’t have time to go shopping by himself and did it occasionally when she saw his response after her gift. She was encouraged to get him more but at a decent price. She was thankful for her son Nate who seemed to curb any prejudice he must have had against her in the past year when the challenges were too much for her and they spent time together. She’d been encouraged to talk to him and Brian, the loving and patient man that he was. He was there to speed up the bonding process. Though he started getting so busy, there was always a time for family in his books. Every Sunday evening after church and fellowship in the evening, the three of them would step out, sometimes with Nate on his back while they took strolls down the city and talked about different things. It was moments like this Nate would open up and she cherished such moments. It wasn’t extravagant, neither was it expensive but it meant the whole world to her to realize this was her family presently.
15 Mar 2015 | 13:06
She’d never felt more at home. Sometimes when Nate was tucked into bed and Brian would slip in beside her, they would share intimate moments through conversations that drew into the night. He would ask her things that she deemed too personal because he wanted to know she felt and what she didn’t feel comfortable with. She started to see he was a man who loved to place all his cards on the table. His intimacy was not limited to lovemaking, it extended so much more and with the help of her classes, she was beginning to see the love of God flow through her marriage when they were both open to each other. He’d tell her the ways he felt sometimes and how he felt they could improve their relationship. When he wasn’t there for her, she understood. They also spent time praying together. She’d taken turns to start picking Nate from school as well. Though the reception she got the first time she was asked to identify herself as his mum wasn’t praise worthy due to her colour, she was learning to live her life, ignoring what people said about herself and Brian’s relationship. As long as she was happy, then their comments were starting to feel like irritating ants crawling up her skin which she found easy to push away. There was so much she was eager to do and learn and she wasn’t going to allow some racists or discrimination pull her away from her dream. Keira had given her a wedding present last year. She’d sent Anu boxes of of clothes and shoes from Ralph Lauren some days after she confirmed her size and included a fashion designing catalog for beginners which she’d been thinking to buy. She was going to ask about Brian but Keira teased her that her brother knew how to sort out himself. The both of them had laughed about it. Anu was getting to like the young woman and whenever she came around, they would have long chats and go shopping. That was the side of her sister in law she was just getting to see. She loved to shop, have fun and gist. There were a few times she wanted to ask about kids but decided to ask her husband instead. ”Well, I think you should ask her yourself.” Brian had responded to her dismay. “I don’t want to sound like an intruder or anything hence my keeping my thoughts to myself. I hope it’s not something medical?” Brian laughed shaking his head and drawing her closer to himself. “Naa, it’s not that. Keira and Andy have the way they plan their things and so let’s just say this is part of that planning.” “Okay…” She snuggled closer to him almost drowsing off but she needed to confirm her thoughts. “But you want kids right?” “Yes sweetheart, of course I do. As many as you can give.” They both laughed before he planted a kiss on her forehead and turned off the bedside lamp.”Goodnight.” And she knew this house was another evidence that Brian wanted a big family and she was ready to give him as much as she could God willing. She was also glad they wanted the same things in life. Though there were days when they had disagreements and she would be tempted to ponder on how long that phase would last, it didn’t last long and she learned in ways to pour water on a kindled fire. Brian on the other hand made things easier for her. He wasn’t the type to hold grudges for long as he always ensured they communicated even if they had disagreements.
15 Mar 2015 | 13:11
He made plans for the both of them and asked if there was anything she liked to contribute. They were both hugely involved in each others lives and she liked it that way. There was a time she volunteered to work in a non governmental organization which Sheila had helped her out with. The organization received the little funding they could get and helped create shelter and food to homeless people. Though she wasn’t getting much, she was happy doing what she did and Brian was happy to see she’d found her calling and something to keep her away occupied after her therapy classes. She worked as a clerk and helped to sort out their documents and coffee during the day inclusive of running errands while in the evening, she was able to attend Sheila’s sewing classes that was open for different times suitable for different class of women. She was starting to feel fulfilled. She was starting to feel like she was living. She called her parents often and was glad when her father got her mother her dream Super mart at a location she’d always dreamed of and she still had the time to attend to her classes. She was in her third year and had only one year to go. She was happy when she observed the tone of her father as well. Sometimes he and his wife would argue about something and report to her and her father would say a different thing. It was so funny and cute at the same time. She’d never seen them so free-minded before. Sometimes she would send them something from the gifts she received here in London and they would call to appreciate her and speak to Brian and Nate too. They’d gone over for the traditional wedding in Nigeria to satisfy her parents and she was planning to send them money so they could come over and say hi. They had a big house now and Brian didn’t object. But right now, they were planning on receiving Brian’s parents and though it was a surprise to her, she was happy. She didn’t know David would take the cue from the last time she’d convinced Brian they could go to their parent’s ranch in Arizona for thanksgiving when David called to push the idea to her. She’d prayed about it and talked to her husband not knowing how he would respond. He responded fine and she could tell her father-in-law was starting to have a soft spot for her. She hoped her mother-in-law would start feeling the same way. When Brian broke the news to them that she had gotten pregnant, she could tell they were elated. Brian was like the only one out of their kids who wanted a big family like theirs. David had mentioned he was coming to London for a certain convention he was going to attend and so he was going to bring his wife along and they would love to lodge in their place. Today was the day. She thought about Sandra and smiled because they were talking often. She’d thought her sister and Gbenro would hit it off after a while when Sandra was settled but as God would have it, Gbenro was engaged to another girl and she was happy for the both of them. Even Sandra was when she heard. For a while, she was away from the world in her quest to seek God and his intentions for her and now that she was back, she was happy about the new changes she was making. There was a new growth, and things were taking shape. Sometimes she mentioned going back to Nigeria and spending time with her parents. She told Anu about the progress of the new school she was building and the foundation she was working towards establishing for young women and children. When she mentioned Teniola as her inspiration, Anu felt her eyes pool but made sure her sister was not aware and encouraged her. When she came over, they both sat to talk, compare notes and bask in the comfort of each other. Anu knew she had a new sister. Even better than the child she’d spent her childhood with. And she was happy for her. She remembered asking about her love- life and if there was anyone in sight. Sandra boldly replied she was still praying about it. It all depended on what God wanted her to do.
15 Mar 2015 | 13:15
“And what am I supposed to do while you walk around my kitchen?” She protested. “Sit around and get bigger.” “I think we’ve talked about this before.” He turned off the gas and pulled off his apron. “Besides, you should be thinking of being a good hostess instead of staying here sweating over the gas.” He came towards her to plant a kiss on her nose and her lips giving her swollen abdomen an affectionate pat. Her due date was in 2 weeks. “Where’s Nate?” “Outisde, pulling stunts with his skateboard.” She replied. His phone rang and he lifted it to his ear. Anu watched him and his expression and he knew her in-laws were close. He confirmed it when he gave her the phone to place on the table. “They’re quite close. Why don’t you set the table and I’ll go and take a brief shower.” And he was gone. She hurriedly set the table while taking surreptitious glances through the window taking note of Nate who was still outside in the compound and her in-laws who could knock at anytime. She was rounding up when she heard Nate’s voice yell excitedly and she knew they were here. “Okay…, be calm.” She told herself just in time before the bell rang hoping to catch her breath. Carrying a baby was a huge deal. She was starting to re-think the big family proposal she and her husband had agreed on in the past. When she opened the door, she smiled. David’s surprise was evident as his eyes settled on her form. “Wow…, what a pleasant surprise.” He greeted cheerfully leaning close to kiss her cheeks. She gave him full access and embraced him briefly with the roundness separating them. He held her to look at her. “The baby seems to be doing you good.” “Thank you.” She turned to Jacqueline who was looking at her form. “You look like you’re going to drop a baby anytime from now.” She laughed. “Not until 2-3 weeks time.” She opened the door wider, “Hello Jacque, it’s nice to have you here, please come in.” She helped them with their coats and hung it neatly asking Nate to help with one of their boxes while she helped with the other. “Oh no, just show us our room and we’ll drop these by ourselves. We’re not strangers are we?” “Well, not literally.” She smiled and led them to a room she’d worked on preparing for their arrival downstairs. Just in time, Brian came bounding down the staircase and caught his parents on the way to their room. “Mum, Dad.” He greeted cheerfully hugging both parents and chatting with them while she found her way back to the living room sighing to herself. It wasn’t so bad afterall.
15 Mar 2015 | 15:15
Anu felt the first contraction in her womb when she settled down to the table for lunch after her husband helped pull out the chair. She thanked him sweetly and tried to focus on her plate after dishing out a spoonful of vegetables into her plate. She passed Nate who sat beside her the bowl and helped him scoop enough that he wanted. She served a little rice and sliced some beef in her plate hoping it was hunger pangs rather than the baby getting uncomfortable and on his way out. Who knows, it might even be one of those false contractions. She’d had one last week and the doctor told her it was a false alarm after checking her and seeing she wasn’t going to be due in two weeks or even more. She chewed on some vegetables and focused on the conversation. She reached for her glass cup and gulped the whole content. She watched her husband and father-in- law argue from the new renovations on the ranch to the other members of the family to football and gasped when the contractions came again. Jacqueline was the first to notice “You alright?” She tried to nod but another one shot through her and she cried. Brian sprang from his seat and reached for her. “Baby, is it the baby?” She nodded closing her eyes. “I think it’s the baby this time. Oh Brian, it’s moving, I can feel it already…., ahhh” “Oh my…” Jacqueline gasped when she saw the water on the floor. “Brian, call a cab while your father and I watch over her.” She instructed and faced Nate. “Do you know where your mother’s things are packed?” He nodded horrified by what was going on. “Go and get her things out now…, we’ll help her out of the house, you don’t worry about her.” Facing Anu, she coaxed her to relax and take deep breaths. “Just relax okay, you’ll be fine. It’s the way these things happen. Have it in mind that the baby is not coming till we get you to the hospital okay?” She moaned and tried to convince herself about what Jacqueline had said. “Shh.., darling, just hang on to me okay. Don’t crush, just hold me.” She kept re-assuring her till the cab arrived and both men helped her out of the house and into the car. Brian tried not to panic consoling his wife with his mum till they got to the hospital where they were finally able to take it from there.
15 Mar 2015 | 15:18
“He’s beautiful…,” Brian was in awe as he stared at the child who sat in his arms comfortably his eyes darting around his face. Anu could only smile and tried not to cry watching him and how happy he looked staring at his second son. Though she’d thought it would be a girl, she was grateful all the same. He looked like his father too and she hoped Nate would be able to connect with him as well. “Indeed.” Jacqueline praised and received the babe from her son when he started to cry. Anu could tell she was happy the way she rocked him gently and his tiny sobs dissolved in her embrace. She reached for his finger and he held unto it making her giggle. Nate came closer to look at his brother. “He’s so small.” Anu and Brian laughed. ”Wait till we start feeding him and he becomes big like you.” “Now you have someone who’s going to share your room and your toys with you.” David chipped in and they laughed again. “I thought it was going to be a girl.” Nate said. “The next one might be a girl.” Brian consoled. “But I’m in love with this one already.” He kissed his wife’s forehead smiling into her eyes when she looked up at him. Nate smiled and reached to touch his brother’s little face that looked pink. Their skin colour was different obviously, but it wasn’t so far apart. Just then, Sheila, Ryan, Pamela and Carlos came hurrying in and Sheila squealed when they saw the baby. “Awww, he’s so cute…, just like his brother.” She reached for the baby in Jacqueline’s arms after asking for permission. Others stretched to see him and soon, he started to cry again. It was obvious he didn’t enjoy the attention and Sheila returned him to his grandmum. “What’s his name?” Pamela asked. “Stephen.” Brian responded. “Hello Steph.” Carlos greeted waving at the child who seemed to have found comfort in his grandmother’s arms. “I’m happy for you. Thank God for his mercies and safe delivery. It’s been a wonderful ride so far.” Sheila said. Brian realized he had not introduced his parents to his friends and he did so immediately. It was after the brief introduction that Brian’s phone rang and he handed it over to his wife. ”It’s your mum.” “Oh…” She thanked him and received the phone from her. “Hello mummy…” “Anu, oko mi, are you alright, how are you, how’s the baby, are you still in the hospital? Brian told me it all went well? I’ve been praying for you ever since he called me to tell me you were in the delivery room, even your father is on his toes.” Anu smiled at her mother’s questions. “I’m fine mummy. Just a little aches here and there but I feel fine now.” “Praise God! Ha, thank you Jesus. Is it a boy or girl?” She laughed. “It’s a boy Mama…” “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, praise God o!!! My God is good. Your father will be so happy to hear this news. Ah, if you know the names he has been planning to give the child ehn, now imagine your joy that you’ve given birth to a boy he never had. Kai, this God ehn…” She started singing and she could tell her mother was dancing too. “Mama, shey you know you’re using credit to call?” But her mother ignored her. “Your sister just called me and told me she’s coming to see you. She’s even claiming god-mother already.” Anu laughed out loud. “Well, she has the rights to it because she has taken it by fire by force and who better to be the god mother of my son than my sister.” “I’m so happy for you Anu. Thank you so very much for accepting your sister back into your life, may God bless you and bring more children into your home. May your marriage keep being sweet like honey and may God be the ruler of your home.” “Amen mummy. Thank you so much. I love you.” “I love you too, when are we coming to see our grandson?” She laughed again. “I’ll tell Brian about it so we can fix a date.” “Okay. I’ll tell your father the good news and I’ll call you again.” “Ok mummy and take care of Papa for me o.” “You don’t need to tell me that, I know how to take care of my man well. You take care of yours okay?” “By God’s grace I will. Bye Mummy.” “Bye my love.” And she hung up. When she gave the phone back to her husband, her eyes came in contact with her sister who had found way inside the hospital room. She smiled when she saw her sister’s reaction. It was so full of hope and love. Not waiting for permission, she headed towards her and hugged her. “Congratulations baby, I’m happy for you.” “Thank you so much Ebun, you don’t know how happy I am that you’re here. I didn’t even know you were in London till Mum called.” “Yeah, I came over last night but wanted to keep a low profile till the baby comes. Didn’t know it was coming so soon.” “God has his ways.” “Yes, he does.” They broke free and Ebun reached to caress her sister’s face before acknowledging everybody else in the room. She hugged Brian and congratulated him before checking out her god-son who Jacqueline placed carefully in her arms. She didn’t know when the tears stung at such the beauty of her god- son staring back at her quietly. He reminded her of Teni in so many ways and she leaned to kiss him. “He’s so beautiful, and he looks so much like his father.” She mumbled rocking him softly. “Hey little fella, it’s your god mother and your aunt. I’m going to spoil you rotten.” They all laughed. Anu wiped a tear that had found way to her cheeks and smiled watching her sister hold her son tenderly in her arms and when she tried to reflect on the memory of a little girl she once held in her arms, the memory was beginning to fade away slowly and something else was taking it’s place. Teniola’s death had initially brought sorrow to her and her family, but now, right now, all she could see was far from sorrow. It was happiness. And God was responsible for such happiness. In her sorrow, she’d found joy and this joy was so much she shed tears. Her husband saw her and smiled not asking her any questions. He’d learned to understand his wife the few years they’d been married. All he did was reach for her hand and squeeze gently. She reciprocated the affection and returned his smile. The End.
15 Mar 2015 | 15:28
<b>LESSONS FROM SWITCHED</b> Good evening beautiful people! As you all know, I’m a fan of lessons learned from whatever story I write but most importantly, what makes me glad is when I see you guys making comments about the several lessons learned from the story. But first, I’m going to drop one or two things I was trying to pass across. I was trying to create a scene that focuses on the paternal figure in our world and how people are keen not to take that role/title as important as the way the maternal figure is taken. Don’t get me wrong, mothers do so much, sometimes they’re the ones that see so much and this can sometimes give the man a back seat forgetting that every single role he plays in the life of his daughter or son is very important. A man or woman is molded by the parents he grew up with, consciously or unconsciously. Here in this region of the world Nigeria that is, it’s quite rare to see serious bonding relationships between men and their daughters. Yes I’ve witnessed a few but I believe God wanted so much more from the family concept, most especially the Father being the Head of the home and the priest of the home, responsible for his wife and kids and how they turn out. Whenever cases of children who go astray or girls that are hungry for love are presented, one need not go far but check the role the father played in that girl’s life or in the boy’s life. It really goes both ways. Have you ever wondered why God used the Father figure to potray who He is to us? Because a father is someone who bathes his children in love and appreciates them basking in his presence. A father should be able to draw close to his children and raise them in such a way that leaves no doubt of how special they are. When a girl grows up feeling loved and she is told how special she is by the first man in her life aka Her father, she is able to find her footing knowing she doesn’t deserve any less. The reason why the Okoye twins were quite unstable. One just took hers to the extreme while the other always felt insecure. Anu saw her father more of a terrorist and so that picture He painted for her could be seen in her view of God. She’d been taught that God was this mighty terrible destroyer that could destroy you if you step on his toes and so when Brian came shedding light on more of God’s word and with the way he related with his son, she saw a different kind of love. She began to see God as love. Insecurity develops also when you’re unable to see yourself the way God sees you. I don’t know of any superwoman who has not undergone this stage and is even still undergoing the stage. Each day we face our personal insecurities. Just because we put up a bold face doesn’t mean we have everything figured out. It’s a step by step process to overcome such barriers and obstacles our minds have created already as we grow older each day. Another reason why it’s good to form relationships with friends and people who will appreciate you and make you feel good about yourself. In comes in Brian and Pamela. The environment also helps mold the child’s mind and when all that happens around her turns out negative, she finds it hard to see herself as a better person deserving of the best things in life and so would readily settle for anything. I really hope you were able to catch the real glimpse of the Switched. It was about God’s love conquering all, inclusive of our greatest fears. When we write them down and place them at the altar so he can begin to deal with them one after the other, peeling off the unnecessary garbage and load we’ve carried all our lives inclusive of the lies the devil has been telling us and the world’s system that keeps asking us to conform rather than be transformed… We end up victorious and are more than conquerors through Him that loves us. So, unto you guys, I saw all of you o posting comments that you learned so many lessons from the story. Good! Now it’s your turn. I await your lessons Should I start exposing all of you? lool, don’t get scared. I’m starting to get familiar with you guys which I believe is a good thing.I believe you guys are more than statistics or numbers. You’re the beautiful people who take time to drop a comment to show that you drop by and for that I’m grateful I hope this draws out more ghost readers because the statistics say differently. So, drop your comment below. I’d love to know how you felt about the whole story.
15 Mar 2015 | 15:35
Wooow lovely story I have learnt alot
15 Mar 2015 | 16:12
Such a great story, really learnt so much 4rm it. "In every disappointment dere is always a blessing" Anu going to london to impersonate her sister is a way God design lead her to her blesses. Thanks Shaxee for such a great story
15 Mar 2015 | 16:25
Mah tell you the truth. ah deh vex sowtey ah feel like sending somebody to hospital and its nobody else that Sandra!!! She offended me!! I swear, there are so many lesson here to learn but the one I spotted most is all about LOVE & FORGIVENESS!!!!! I learnt that if you Love someone, never let any circumstances bring fear to you just because you don't want to lose them, Never let fear took over your Love for someone(Sarah's fear not to lose Teniola but finaly lost her)!!! Never gave someone reason to leave you but give them ways to follow, and let them decide wether they would leave you or not(Gbenro & Sandra issue).. We doesn't Forgive those who offended us because of them but because of ourself just for us to move on with what we had(Sarah Forgiven Sandra, Kemi Forgiven Nnamdi, Nnamdi Forgiven Sandra, Pamela Forgiven Her Father&Carlos).. And So On And So Forth....! Hope I didn't start my own story here sha?. To My Lovely Fantastic Writter SHAXEE:- Thanks So Much For The Story! GOD BLESS YOU! GREAT WORK!!!
15 Mar 2015 | 16:35
Wow...rily luv dix story
15 Mar 2015 | 17:39
Nd Finally d story is over... I so much love evry bit of dis story...ryt 4rm d begining... Shaxee 3 kisses 4 u alone...(ur cheeks nd lips) lol... Well one gr8 lesson i learnt is dat...dere is a reason 4 evrytn..we dnt av 2 questn God cos he doz tinz in #super# ways dat we cnt understnd... Even though Teniola died (2 bad she's a namesake) was 4 d best....cos if she had been alive...dere would still be trouble..concerning d fact dat she wuld av chosen sarah over sandra...nd dia enmity will continue...she might also lead 2 arguments in Brian's home when attention is going 2 Nate over her or vice versa... She might av become wayward if she was alive..(she was already aving feelings @ a tender age) who knws wat might ve happened? Nt 2 mention d lessons i learnt 4rm Nnamdi nd shows dat its nt about d age...its abt d attraction...which means..dnt marry cos of looks(it might fade) but marry cos of d personality(it brings out d beauty u wana see)...nd dat was why kemi remained ever beautiful 2 her husband... Mehn! Dnt let me continue.. Else my comments will start anoda episode....
15 Mar 2015 | 19:49
Chisoooossss!!! Did i jez typed dat?
15 Mar 2015 | 19:51
Waoooow a great story. Learn a lot! Well done Shaxe
15 Mar 2015 | 19:59
Love and forgiveness. That's all 2 it. Thank U very much Shaxee.
16 Mar 2015 | 04:26
Wow! I wish d story no end o, but whatever that have a beginning surely have an ending. Like i said before if there was never a switched non will know what God hold for them, neither will there be peace and love in that family. Parents should learn to teach and encourage their children no matter their mistakes, pushing them away won't help them. (Pushing Sandra away was also a blessing in disguise though for Sarah) But.................... When God has given you a destiny to go over, He speaks to anything that would cause you to go under because no matter what opposition comes against you, no matter how much water your boat of life is taking on, when God has destined you to arrive in your destiny, the very devil in hell cannot cause you to go under. God bless us. Thanks shaxee.
16 Mar 2015 | 05:06
Well done shaxee .. I really enjoy dis story .. though I learnt that everything either good or bad happens at God's will.. and the bad side of it always lead to happiness at d end .. really love this story...Muah
3 Oct 2015 | 20:52
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4 Oct 2015 | 12:17
Wow........ This is too lovely...... I have learnt a lot......... This story has made me boost my relationship with God......... Thanks so much @itzshaxee for this story....... Pls tag me along once you have another amazing story like this.......
6 Nov 2015 | 08:22
It was so interesting wel done shaxee
20 Nov 2015 | 14:53
oh mai gosh oh mai gosh oh mai gosh oh mai gosh. it's so touching I think I gat a tear in mai eyes. LOVE AND FORGIVENESS.the principal thing in life. such a wonderful and lesson filled story.
22 May 2016 | 06:31
but come to think of it ehn majority of the homes we have nowadays don't bring up children in a love filled atmosphere. situations where na broken home plenty pass shey na that kind family go dey train children with love. na God's help we all need. or na pikin wey never experience love wan come grow up dey show love to people. but God b praised for aw everything turned out right at the end.
22 May 2016 | 06:38
But the twist at the end of the story caught me by surprise. I was so sure that gbenro and sandra will end up together. @itzshaxee lets talk on how we going to raise our own beautiful kids up jaree
22 May 2016 | 06:45
But our God works in a miraculous way o.if sarah no gree for the switch now she for never meet brian.our ways are different from Gods way and whenever things arent goin according to our own plan lets remember that Gods plan for our life is the best and he's the best LIFE PLANNER.
22 May 2016 | 06:50
I have read so many stories on this website and I felt they were best but this is the best so far. Talking about letting go of all pains, dropping insecurities and above all God's love towards us. I have started seeing a new perspective of everything around me. Thanks a bunch for this story. God bless u Shaxee
6 Jan 2017 | 16:56
Wow so nice
14 Sep 2017 | 08:45
Shaxee thanks so much 4 the story. It inspirational and mind captivating. What i learnt from the story is that in every disappointment there always a blessing, no matter how disappointed u are when u trust in God u will get a blessing
24 Sep 2017 | 18:48
wow reading dis story late but i must comment , the writer did a good job kudos more ink to ur pen
4 Nov 2017 | 20:16
Nice story
10 Nov 2017 | 10:25
i love dis story. its neva too late to say what i learnt from d story, and what i learnt is LOVE
1 Feb 2019 | 15:27
Nice story line,love this
16 Feb 2019 | 01:21
Nice one
6 Feb 2021 | 03:39
Looking for the episodes link
9 Feb 2021 | 06:07


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