TEENS HEART (By: Rejoice)

TEENS HEART (By: Rejoice)

By Viciyoung in 13 Feb 2019 | 16:22
Viciyoung Viciyoung

Viciyoung Viciyoung

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Posts: 900
Member since: 5 Jun 2016
Sequence 1
Story written by, Rejoice
Jeremy's POV
Woken up by the lousy bell by Moni,
I groaned and turned on my bed.
And then covering my ears with a pillow.
I hate waking up from a sweet sleep!
Not after a long night in the party.
“It's past eight Jeremy. You are so late for school.” Moni yelled,
ringing the damn bell again.
“Fuck! I hate you Moni. Just go away. I can fucking be in school
any time I feel like! Don't you fucking get it?” I yelled at my nanny.
She's a pest!
“Now if you don't get up. Im gonna drop. This. Cockroach. On.
Your. Neck.” She said.
I turned sharply to see a little bottle in her hand and a cockroach is
“Fuck no!” I screamed and jumped out of bed.
“Good boy. Now move to the bathroom. Go on.” She said,
coming to me.
“Moni stop, Don't try another step. Fuck I hate insects!” I said and
ran into the en-suite, shutting the door fast.
I walked to the mirror and stared at my self on the mirror.
Im just a cutie...
But right now, I look horrible.
Dull eyes. Pale face. And..a line of dried saliva from corner of my
Idiot! why do I always have to sleep with mouth open.
I took out my toothbrush, applied toothpaste and began brushing
my teeth.
Okay, I drank so fucking much last night.
How did I get home?
I remember having Molly sit on me, then a little drunk play and
kissing and Molly stands and leaves.
Then Chris walking over and pulling me up.
Chris must have drove me home.
Yeah, I love that guy, but
He's breaking the rule.
He's going crazy for some kinda jerk boring girl, Steph.
Annoying as it seems! The jerk bitch don't wanna give him a
fucking chance.
I fucking hate that bitch.
Proving so hard to get.
So boring! So annoying!
Chris is fucking changing cos of her.
He's breaking our rule.
No falling inlove,
No fucking love.
Im seriously gonna smack his head.
I heard my phone ringing..
Must be Chris..
I turned on the shower.
Moni is such a pest.
Why should I care about going late to school?
I chuckled.
For fuck sake! Its my dad's school..
Why the fuck should I care about its fucking rules and principles.
I do my thing no bitch try to say a word.
I walked out of the bathroom and my phone rang again.
“Hey boo.” She said.
“Babe” I said.
“How was your night?” She asked.
“Crazy. Naughty. Party rolls!” I said.
“Yeah! Im in school now. You on your way?” She asked.
“Just did the bathroom stuff.” I said.
She laughed.
“Ugh. And you didn't tell me to come help out right? You don't
want me to see your dick huh?” She said.
“Why not?” I smiled.
“Fucker!” she laughed.
“Screamer.” I said.
“So how's your old woman?” She asked.
She's talking about my nanny,
“Always a pest. Threatened me with a live cockroach cos I didn't
wanna get up from bed. Can you believe the shit?” I laughed.
She laughed.
“I hate her.” I said.
I know I don't mean it. I love Moni and she's been my nanny right
from when I was a little kid.
I take her like my granny and tell her almost everything.
But she's so annoying at times!
“Im in school right now. I can't wait to see you. Miss you.” She
“Be there soon. Fans missing me, you know.” I said.
“Yeah. Mr popular.” She said.
The call dropped.
Molly is my girlfriend.
But fuck! I don't love her you know.
Just fooling around.
Partying, rolling and having fun.
I walked to my closet and got out my school uniform.
I pulled the grey trouser on, then the white shirt and ox red suit
A white sneaker instead of black.
I love white.
But anyway,
I love to look different.
I walked to the dressing table, took out a comb and brushed my
weaved hair.
Applied cologne.
Checked myself on the full-length mirror.
“Yup, Im good to go.” I winked and blew kisses at the mirror.
I got my white ipod and my headset.
I pulled my empty school bag to hang loosely a shoulder.
I've got only two novels and a Literature text book.
I love Literature. Maybe just a little bit.
I hate to carry books around.
So embarrasing!
I walked out of my room and down the corridor, to the staircase
but I met Moni coming up.
“Jeremy, Your breakfast is served.” She said.
Her white apron and white cap look just too funny on her.
“You know what Moni.” I asked.
“I hate to think there'a a cockroach in the food.” I said.
She gasped. “No. Never.”
“Im not gonna eat.” I said and walked away.
I pulled into my white range rover sport and drove out to school.
Played Drake, Controlla.
To be continued
13 Feb 2019 | 16:22
13 Feb 2019 | 16:58
Let's go there
13 Feb 2019 | 17:00
nice start
14 Feb 2019 | 04:02
let's roll
14 Feb 2019 | 04:17
you behaving like a girl
14 Feb 2019 | 05:31
Na only u waka come?? Too much enjoyment for a college student
14 Feb 2019 | 10:11
ride on
14 Feb 2019 | 11:08
You have problem
14 Feb 2019 | 13:10
ride on
14 Feb 2019 | 13:15
Sequence 2 . Continues.. . Alexandra 's POV “Miss Alexandra Grande, Welcome to Ellas High school. Im sure you gonna love it here. This school is one of the best schools in this state and we assure you of a better learning.” The principal talked on. “Here is our school Magazine. Here you will read interesting things about Ellas. You are fully registered and welcome to Ellas high school.” He said. I took the magizine. The front cover photo is a guy in the school's uniform, looking really smart and really... Okay, extremely handsome. and had a wide smile. It made his dimples go deep. He's just cute. I turned to the back cover and he's the one too. In the school cardigan and with lots of books in his hands which seem like they are just too heavy. He had eyeglasses on and it look really sweet on him. He isn't smiling here but he still look just too handsome. Im sure he must be very intelligent. But why should he be the only one in the book cover? No other boy? No girl! “He's so cute right?” Lili asked with a smile. “Maybe.” I said. “You are fully registered and you have the school uniforms and everything you need. You should start school tomorrow dear. So you can catch up with others.” He said. “Of course she would.” Lili said with a broad smile. “Is he in this school?” I asked before I realised it. Okay, I wanna meet this guy. That's all. “Yeah. He is Ellas most proud student. The proprietor's son. And a finalist as well. He's really handsome, cool and verrry intelligent.” He said with a confirmative smile. Um.. Class mates. ##### # Jeremy's POV Got to school, And saw a girl in blue jean trouser and a tight pink top with hair so long and curly walking down the school office building and towards with an older lady, In white trouser and red pullover. Seems like her mom.. I drove pass them. And I can swear, she girl look really pretty. I stared at them through the side-view mirror. I love the way her long hair and her butt sway. New student? Finalist? Oh damn! Why should I care? ##### #Alexandra's POV We passed the range rover. I saw the school guy with his hair weaved. Who's he? And why's he coming to school at this hour? Playing music too! He must be so arrogant and full of himmself. “Ellas is beautiful, right?” Lili asked. “Quite.” I replied. “You'll love the people here. They are really friendly and intelligent.” She said. “How do you know that?” I asked. “You'll meet a friend later today. She school here and a finalist too.” She said with a smile. Um. “What's her name?” “Stephanie... Steph.” She said. “Nice.” ##### #Jeremy's POV I pulled to the parking lot. Turned off the music and got down,with my bag and my ipod. I walked down the hallway, Empty. Everyone is in class now. I walked over to my locker and then I realised we got Geometry class. Fuck! I hate Geometry! I took my geometry books, closed back the locker and walked down to the Geometry class. “You are late, Jeremy.” The Geometry teacher, Mr Frey said as I walked in. What the heck! “Can you just go ahead and teach. That is your job and my father pay you big for it.” I snapped and walked to my seat. The class chuckled. Chris gave me a silly face. Molly smiled. Mr Frey turned back to the board, obviously embarrased. And yup..I so much Love it. Fuck him to tryna talk shit. # Alex's POV We drove out of Ellas and I decided to go through the school magazine. Opened the first page and there was him again! Why's he the only one in the magazine? He held a white sheet on his hands with a wide smile. On the sheet was beautifully writte in bold letters. “WELCOME TO ELLAS HIGH SCHOOL.” I opened the next page. Then, it was okay better. There was the proprietor's picture. Mark Taylor. The principal, Mr. Dan Greg Vice principal, Mrs Bianca Hughs. And the teachers and school staffs. They all look cool. I flipped to the next page, and there was him again. What the hell? Okay, he's cool, intelligent and the proprietor's son.. but what the heck! He isn't the finalist in the Ellas. This is real cheating! On the top of the page was written, ABOUT ELLAS. Its a nice school. Founded twenty years ago. By Mark Taylor and his beautiful wife, Ella Taylor. Its a well sumptuous and luxurous High school, in the middle of America and one of the best schools in the country. Has unique and well equiped laboratories, Libraries and.... Im tired of reading all that. I flipped to the next page. He was in the next page too. Different dressings and position on each different picture. Cute but its getting me kinda annoyed. But at last, I found other finalist pictures. But I knew how far I flipped before I did. “He must be very cool and smart. He's the proprietor's son anyway. His dad must be proud of him.” Lili said. I remembered my dad. “He must be proud of himself and proud of his dad.” I said coldly. “Alex...” She looked at me. I felt a blink of tear. “I know how you feel. Just know this Alex, that I am proud of you always. You are wonderful.” She said with a bright smile. I love her smile. They give me a kind of hope. I smiled at her. “Thanks Lili.” I said. She touched my hair. Lili has been nice. Wonderful. I remembered the day my mom collapsed in the kitchen. We were right there. Celebrating Lili's growing belle. When my mom suddenly screamed and fell to the floor. At the hospital, When Lili heard of my mom having a breast cancer. She collapsed and lost her pregnancy. I was too shock that I didn't speak for days. I cried for my sick mom and Lili's miscarriage. Everything seemed unreal to me. Now my mom had to die afterall, After everything the doctors did and after all my prayers. She still died. My dad made promises to her. Three months later, Lili's husband died too. He was confirmed a scammer and he got shot by the people he duped. How sorrowful and painfully she felt. She had felt so broken and felt like giving up life. My dad was encouraging. He held her still, but then he broke his promise to my mom. He got that bitch pregnant and she's now in my dad's house. I hate him! And I would hate him forever! “Alex, Please stop the tears.” Lili begged. “I will..I will.” I nodded but just immediately, I bursted into a cry. She turned to a safe side, stopped the car. And then pulled me into a hug as I wept on. . TBC
14 Feb 2019 | 14:01
15 Feb 2019 | 04:17
hmm broken home
15 Feb 2019 | 08:59
Bec ur father had the school u I'll talking teacher anyhow, that's bad behavior
15 Feb 2019 | 09:22
15 Feb 2019 | 11:23
Sequence 3 . Continues.. Jeremy's POV “Love is crazy, Love is cool, I think Love is the craziest thing I've ever felt.” Chris ranted as he filled himself with alcohol. School was over and we sat on the school love garden. Its cool here, smooth field and white flowers with nice scents. We always sit here and gist about anything. Two guys came around but seeing it was us, they walked away. Same with another boy and a girl and they did the same. Nothing scary about us tho. Just the respects we deserve. Chris went on, “Why's she so mean and don't understand? What can I do to make her love me back? I wanna win her heart. I love her. I love Steph.” He said coldly. “Oh.. So touching. That words would fit into a good blues song.” I said and laughed. He threw the emptied bottle away. “You are acting weird cos of that asshole?” I sighed. This guy is really really insane. “Don't call her asshole. What you don't understand is the word, Love. Im gonna explain better to you.” He said with drunken voice and dull eyes. He got out another bottle from his bag. He has had four and he's on another one. Bravo. “Go on, Mr love tutor.” I laughed. He opened the bottle. And gulped down almost to the half. “Whoa.” I laughed. “Love is sweet dude.” He said. I nodded. “I've read and heard that a million times. ” I said. “When you love, you feel like you are emotionally insane and your heart melts like an ice.” He said. “And you drink your ass off after school cos some bitch girl kicked your ass off?” I chuckled. “Exactly, exactly. I just wish she'll keep kicking my ass off forever and ever till I got no ass to sit down anymore.” He said and grinned sheepishly. Drunk idiot! I got up, pulled him up and dragged him to my car. Pushed him into the back seat and drove off. I saw the bitch, Steph talking with someone. Okay, her dad. I drove pass her and she just kept a straight face, talking to her dad. Brat! Chris is lying on the back seat, still ranting about love shits. Now I'll have to take him to his house. Idiot. ## # Steph's POV He drove pass. Gosh! I hate the jerk. He's just so annoying and full of himself. And the dummy friend of his. I just hate the two arrogant brats! I smiled at my dad. I miss him so much. He's been away for a month and I've been lonely all the while. “I miss you so much Steph sugar.” He said to me as we got into the car. “I missed you more dad.” I said. He wind up the glass and then brought his face and kissed me on the lips. I kissed back. Yeah I did. I miss him so much. “I love you sweetie. And your....” He whispered to my ear. “...Your body.” He said. I smiled. “I know that dad. Im happy you are back. I miss you.” I said. Yeah, this had been our secret. My dad has been my lover.. I love him so much. It was two years ago, After my dad and my mom had a bad quarrel and I felt sad for my dad. He cried that night.. So I stayed that night with him to make him happy and just a little play turned into foreplay and we ended up doing it. At first I felt so used and horrible, But my dad kept making me happy. My mom was always busy. Busy all the time! But my dad makes out time to be with me. My dad loved me more. So I let him be my lover. My secret lover. Then last year, after they had horrible fight again, dad divorced my mom and then dad and I moved to Florida. Our love continued. I don't wanna ever think this is bad. Cos I like every bit of it. And I got no reason to fall inlove with someone else. Not that I dont want to. But cos Im scared I'll hurt him. I don't wanna let anyone know my secret. Tbc
15 Feb 2019 | 12:27
Dating your dad That is stupid
15 Feb 2019 | 16:48
Sequence 4 . Continues.. LATER THE SAME DAY: # Alexandra 's POV <b>“My withered rose... Have it got a hope of living again? Though the storm cloud seems to rise.. Is there some hope for a blissful rain? When wild winds blows yo” # I_closed up my diary as Lili walked in. “Alex dear.” She smiled. I sat up on my bed. “Steph is here.” She smiled. “I feel really sad, I don't wanna meet with anyone. Tell her to go.” I said. She sighed. “Oh Alex dear.. Come here.” She said and pulled me into a hug. “A friend is so special, so important to have..” she said and I closed my eyes. I listened to her. “...A friend is there to help when you're sad and is happy when you smile.” She pulled away and stared at my eyes with a smile as she held my hands. “You need one here. You need one everywhere you are. Home, School, church, Where ever you find yourself.” She said. I tear a tear drop from my eye. “I had friends. And I think making a new one would seem so hurtful and I might forget my first friends.” I said. “Oh no. It will never hurt.” She said. “I feel it would Lili.” I said. “Shh.. You don't have to. When you have a new friend. They remind you of your old friends and the happy times you shared with them.” She said with a sweet smile. It made me smile too. “Stephanie is a lovely friend to have. She's beautiful just like you are. Though you are more pretty than her.” She giggled. I laughed. Then looked into her warm eyes. She's just like my mom. “Thanks Lili. You are a great Aunt. Im proud of you.” I said with a smile. “Oh my. Alex you are wonderful.” She said as she hugged me again. I smiled. “I wish mom never left.” I said. “Its okay sweetie.” She whispered. “It hurts to know that we never gonna see her again.” I cried. “Don't cry Alex. Please. Im afraid I might cry too.” She said. “Dad is a bitch!” I said and sniffled. “Alex please stop dear. You gonna make me cry.” she said. I released our hold and held her hands. “I love you Lili.” I said with a smile She smiled. Her eyes are red. “I love you so much more.” She said. I inhaled. “I wanna make a new friend. Steph.” I said. She smiled broadly and touched my cheek. “You are wonderful.” She said. I smiled. “Your hair look scattered.” She said and dressed it well. “Thank you.” I smiled. # I met a beautiful girl on the couch. Her brown hair fit her skin. She look so pretty. All finalists in Ellas must be really this beautiful. She saw me and smiled. Her smile is just perfect. She had a black sweater and a pink flare short skirt. “Hi Steph.” I said with a smile. “Steph this is my beautiful niece. Alexandra.” Lili said. “Alexandra. Its nice to meet you.” She said. “Thanks. Just call me Alex. Alexandra is way too long.” I said. She smiled. “Lemme get you something Steph. You love cakes and juice?” Lili asked. “Yeah I do alot.” Steph said with a smile. # “I love your long hair.” She said as I sat beside her. “Thank you. Same with yours.” I said. She smiled. Lili came in with a juice and cakes. “Thanks Lili.” She said. “You are welcome dear.” Lili said. “I'll be back girls. Gotta check something at the kitchen.” she said and walked out. “Lili told me you're starting school in Ellas tomorrow.” She said. “Yeah. How did you guys meet?” I asked. “On a mall, When she had lotta heavy bags to put into her car boot and I helped her while I waited for my dad to come pick me up and he was taking so long.” She said. “Wow.” I said. “She's your Aunt?” She asked. “Yeah. Actually my mom's twin sister.” I said. “Wow. Beautiful. How's mom?” She asked. I inhaled. “Gone. She left.” I said sadly. “Im so sorry.” She said. “Yeah. Thank you.” She said. “Im a finalist too, In Science class. Are you a science student?” She asked. “No. Im Art. I love Literature.” I said. She smiled. “Wow. That class is full of crazy people tho.” She said. huh? “Really?” I asked. “Yeah. Crazy people like the ever pompous popular guy in Ellas. Jeremy and his friends, Chris, Molly.” “Jeremy, Chris, Molly.” I said. “Yeah. Jeremy is the most famous guy in Ellas. But he's so arrogant and full of himself. And its all cos he's the proprietor's son, He's a great runner and gives the goals in the football field. But he makes poor grades but always been promoted.” She said. I looked at her with confused eyes. “Proprietor's son?” “Yeah. Chris is his buddy and they both are really so annoying. And Molly? Well she's Jeremy's girlfriend and the leader of the Girls Dance club and she's a flirt. She said. Seriously? I know the proprietor's son in the Magazine cant be the one she's talking about. The principal couldn't have lied. He said the guy is Ellas most proud student, He's cool and very intelligent. “He isn't intelligent?” I asked. “He hates every subject.” She said. Funny! “But apart from them. There are still nice cool people. You gonna see all of them tomorrow. And they will be happy to have you around. Do you like the school uniform?” She asked. “Yeah. It look really cool.” I said with a smile. She smiled too. # Steph's POV “You got a nice smile. I admire people with nice smiles.” She said. Wow. “Really?” It made me smile more. “Yeap.” She said. “Thanks. You do too.” I said. She smiled. Um.. I think I like her. . Tbc
15 Feb 2019 | 16:56
Lemme go and buy pawpaw, i'm coming to read
15 Feb 2019 | 18:12
On way to buy pawpaw, i saw some gorgeous girls. I know these girls somewhere around town. So i have hurry up and buy pineapple that was very close to me. Maybe next time i will do banana.
15 Feb 2019 | 19:13
Ellas high school has always been filled with gorgeous girls. I know gorgeous alex very well, she must be new in this school. I got to chat with her later.
15 Feb 2019 | 19:28
The last time i had a conversation with gorgeous alex, she's intelligent and always ready to chat with me. Steph is also gorgeous but in huge error with her dad.
15 Feb 2019 | 19:37
Thats reali bad steph inscest in the highest order father and daughter??
16 Feb 2019 | 02:47
I tink steph is a great company though wat shez dox is abominable and alex she shouldnt be the type of friends u keep
16 Feb 2019 | 02:56
Step dear u need deliverance, is that why u are treating chris like that?
16 Feb 2019 | 04:24
A foolish father decided to be bleeping her daughter. This is nonsense, steph couldn't have allowed this. When jeremy saw alex he had a thought likewise alex. Molly doesn't seem to know jeremy love life.
16 Feb 2019 | 06:07
Father&daughter what a craziness
16 Feb 2019 | 10:21
but we just know of it now, na wow this is too bad
16 Feb 2019 | 17:23
Sequence 5 . Continues.. THE NEXT DAY: # Jeremy's POV Ding Ding Ding Ding! Came the lousy bell. Moni again, this morning! Im so gonna deal with this old woman! “Im gonna fire you!” I yelled and slam a pillow over my ears. “Get up Jeremy.” She rung the bell more louder. Damn! “I hate you Moni!” I yelled. She rung it on my ear. I sprang out of the bed. Her left hand was Akimbo and the other one held the bell. “You can't forget there's the word SCHOOL, today. Can you?” She asked. I inhaled. “You know Moni, You are such a pest.” I said. She laughed. “Im doing my duty.” She said with a smile. I hissed, and walked into the en-suite. “Horrible!” ## # Alexandra 's POV I was done dressing up for school. I checked myself in the mirror.. And what can I say? I look.. “You look great Alex..” Lili said, walking in. I smiled. “Lili. Im really gonna miss you today.” I said, hugging her. “You too dearie. But you know I'll definitely give you a call on break hour.” She said. I nodded. “You look really beautiful.” She said. “Thanks. And I love the way you did my hair. It look so cute.” I said. She smiled. We heard a car horn. Must be Steph. Told me she's gonna come so we can ride together to school. I like her. “It should be Steph.” I said to Lili and got my school bag.. “Bye Lili” I said and walked out. She followed. Saw a black Range Rover. Steph. I walked over. Turned to Lili. “I pray your first day in Ellas be as great as I could ever imagine.” She said. “I hope so.” I said. Steph wind down the glass and waved at Lili. Lili waved back with a smile. I walked to the car and went in, at the backseat. That was where Steph sat. “Alex.” she smiled. “Steph.” I smiled back. “Goodmorning.” I greeted her driver. “Goodmorning to you too.” He said. “You look just perfect on this uniform.” She said. “Really, thank you.” I said with a smile. We waved at Lili as we drove off. She said something but we couldn't hear her but I think she said, BE SAFE. I smiled. ## When we got to school, I followed Steph to her classroom. She showed me her seat and told me her favourite subject is Biology, though its a General subject. I smiled and told her mine had always been Literature. She said she wanna be a doctor and I told her I love to be a writer. She showed me to the my classroom, ART CLASS 2. and called it, The Craziest class. I laughed. She's quite funny. “Jeremy and his team right?” I asked. “Yeah. You just ignore him if he try to annoy you. Jeremy.” She said. Huh? “Do he pick on someone or what?” I asked. “He's just arrogant and loves to be noticed.” She said. Seriously? “Wait, Is he the one in the school magazine?” I asked. “Yeah. He is.” She said. OMG! Crazy! “But he look cool there.” I said. “The way he had to appear there.” She said. “Have he try to pick on you?” I asked. “He picks on everyone.” She said. Oh. Then he's sure gonna come to me too. “He's bad. Arrogant. You shouldn't talk to him if he try to get you mad. You can just walk away. Cos if you try to talk back at him, He'll hurt you badly.” She said. I shrugged. “Got to search for your desk.” She said. No one was in class. I needed to know why, so I asked Steph. “Why's no one in class?” I asked. “No idea.” She said. We began searching. # Steph's POV We began searching for Alex's seat with the name pasted on it. This is how it's always done for New comers. And then the person can take it off later. We searched the front roles and when I found no desk with Alex's name, I hissed. I just hope her seat isn't close to Jeremy's.. Um.. that arrogant idiot. But as I searched, I finally found her seat so close to Jeremy's. No where else but that close to Jeremy. He was right behind her. Arghh. That fool is gonna pick on her. “Alex come.” I called. She ran over. “That is Jeremy's seat behind you. This is your seat here.” I said. She looked at his seat, then at hers and then at me. “Really? But wheren't there someone at his front before?” She asked. “I guess the seats were switched.” I said. I felt bad, annoyed cos I know Jeremy would defintely try to annoy her. Why would she stay so close to those lousy dummy people. They would be a distraction to her while teachings are going on. We'll have to see Ms. Ashley, the class mistress. “We are going to see the class mistress. Your seat have to be changed.” I said and grabbed her hand. She gently pulled away. “It's fine Steph. I can stay here. I don't wanna cause a scene on my first day here.” She said. “I don't want that jerk getting you annoyed.” I said. She chuckled. “I don't even know him yet, So just let it go.We can visit the Class mistress if he try to pick on me.” She said. She chuckled. “You're never gonna like it when he do.” I said. . Tbc
16 Feb 2019 | 19:29
Hummmm i see
16 Feb 2019 | 20:30
Let,s wait and see
17 Feb 2019 | 13:22
17 Feb 2019 | 17:09
17 Feb 2019 | 22:20
Sequence 6 Alexandra 's POV Somehow I felt like being close to the guy. The unknown guy, Jeremy. Maybe it's gonna be quite a nice thing to be close to a bad arrogant guy and his group. I looked at Steph. She is really caring. I like her. I smiled at her. I know she's worried about my seat being so close to the bad guy, that I don't even know yet. “You sure you'll be okay here?” She asked with a worried look. “Yap.” I said with an assuring smile. Just then, Two guys and a girl walked into the classroom. The guy with his hair weaved look a little bit like the guy in the school magazine. But so much look like the guy in the white Range Rover sport yesterday. Wow. He is so cute. Really cute with his friends as well. Wow.. Look at the way he walks. Oh my! # Steph's POV Jeremy. Newly weaved hair. Always on a pullover that isn't the school pullover. White Sneakers instead of black. With his nose in the air as he walked. Proud peacock! Arrogant idiot. And Chris! I saw his eyes drop as he saw me. Then he raised them up to look at me but I turned to Alex. He's so annoying. “Are they the one?” Alex whispered. “Yeah.” I said. They walked pass and over to their seats. “Let's go out of here.” I said. I hate to be around this punks. “To?” She asked. “To where others maybe... We are the only one here.” I said. “Where are others?” She asked. “No idea. You asked that before.” I said. Then the bell rang. It was time for First class. I have Chemistry and I know Alex have English Class now. “Time for first class. You guys got English while I have Chemistry.” I said to her. She smiled. “Go on. I'll be fine ok.” She said. “Be safe ok.” I said, giving her a smile. I avoided looking at the punks. “Yeah. I will. Be safe too.” She said. “See ya at Lunch hour.” I said. She smiled. I turned and walked away. #Alexandra's POV Steph left and I sat down feeling quite uneasy. But why? Cos of the guy at my back? No it can't be. Why should I be? But, Oh my world! He's really handsome. With such cute eyebrows and eyeballs. Is this how one feel, being so close to a cute popular guy in class? My former school was all girls and I have no idea how it feels to sit close to a guy, As handsome as this one at my back. Steph says he's arrogant... but I just think he's just too cute. I percieved his cologne. It smelt so good. Alex, what's wrong with you anyway? Why thinking about a guy with a girlfriend? And why's a teacher still not yet in Class anyway? Everyone was in class now. Pretty girls, Cute guys, but Jeremy is the cutest. I wish I could turn and look at his face again. Arghhhh Alex. You think too much! “Hey girl, Why the fuck are you here?” I heard an arrogant voice ask from my back. Jeremy? Is he this arrogant? Is he talking to me? Steph was so right. She warned me. And he said it out so loud. Now all eyes are on me. What do I do? Ignore him? Talk back at him? Walk away? What do I just do? I should have gone to the Class mistress with Steph! Now everyone is staring at me. He's just so rude! . To be continued..
18 Feb 2019 | 03:55
hehe taste of your own medicine
18 Feb 2019 | 12:26
Sequence 7 . Jeremy's POV I came in and saw a new girl with Steph. Jeez! I was sure it was the girl I saw yesterday. She look cute tho. With such lovely hair. But fuck I hate her for being close to that brat! Steph. I walked to my seat.. and fuck? Why the hell is her seat at my front? And Steph is whispering to her. Im so gonna deal with the Class mistress! Now the bitch had left and the new girl can't even turn to look? Don't she notice the cutest guy in class is behind her huh? Cant she introduce herself? Do she know who I am really? The bitch didn't tell her? She's just keeping a straight face. Such a snail! Im gonna teach her a little lesson. “Hey, why the fuck are you here?!” I barked at her. All eyes turned. Yeah. I love it. I love to cause stares. But the Snail didn't answer. Huh! I looked at Chris, He just stared and Molly too. I looked back, annoyed. “You're dumb huh?!” I yelled. She still didn't answer. She just kept quiet and still, not turning. I inhaled. Got an idea and decided to spoil her pretty hair. I drew nearer, grabbed her hair and pulled it. She screamed. The class erupted into laughter. “Are you an asshole huh? Im talking to you, bitch!” I barked. # Alexandra 's POV I screamed as he pulled my hair. Everyone laughed. It was just so unexpected. I got annoyed. So enraged. Why the hell did he had to pull on my hair. Lili had a tough time fixing it to look that good. And he spoilt it. Who the heck does he think he is? “Are you an asshole huh? Im talking to you, bitch!” He yelled. Arghh... This one touched me. So I stood up and with so much anger, I walked to him. He seemed suprised cos his eyes went wide open. I didn't care. I hate him now. “Who the hell do you think you are!!!” I yelled as I grabbed his weaved hair and pulled it so hard that I feared they would cut. He needed to feel the pain he made me feel. “Fuck off me!” He yelled as pushed me with so much force that I almost fell. I heard mutters everywhere. “She's probably mad!” “She's gone nuts!” “Ahh. Who fights back at Jeremy!” “I hate this new brat of a girl already!.” “I hope Jeremy deals with her. Idiot.” “How dare she touch Jeremy!” “She's so rude.” “Aw my Jeremy. Look at his hair.” That made me chuckle cos his hair look pretty bad now, It would need some hair brush for it to become cute again. Good for him. We stared angrily at each other. And his friend, The guy stared at me with agape lips. While Molly fierced angry eyes at me. Then she stood up and tried to advance towards me but Jeremy grabbed her and pulled her back. And just in a swift and unexpectedly, He grapped my wrist, Ahh! It was so painful and tight that I felt my hand is gonna go paralysed. “Let go off my hand!” I yelled. “Who the fuck do you little snail think you are to touch my hair!?” He barked. “I didn't touch it. I pulled the damn hair cos you pulled mine first!” I barked back. I couldn't point where the courage and boldness came from. “You little snail!” He scorned with red eyes. Huh! I came right on his face. “You rude punk!” I scorned back. He paused to recollect. Then he chuckled. “What are you doing in this school anyway?” He asked. “Stupid question, stupid people ask.” I said with a smirk. She looked at me with fierce. “You know what. Im gonna kick your ass off this school.” He said. “You won't dare.” I said. God! Where is this stupid boldness coming from. God save me! ## #Jeremy's POV What the fuck! This brat? I won't dare? Such an idiot! Im gonna deal with her. A teacher walked in. “You gonna regret this day snail.” I sneered. She rolled her eyes. “Let go off my wrist!” She yelled. I pushed her off. She landed on the back of her chair. “What is happening in here? Jeremy Taylor?” Ms Lorrane asked. I hissed, brush back my hair with my palm and walked out of the class. First, It was Stephanie.. And now, This little snail. I'll show her the real me. #Alexandra's POV I sat back down on my seat... Feeling so scared. Angry eyes on me. Everyone sneering.. Everyone is Jeremy's fan and I can hear dangerous mutterings. My heart beated fast. “...gonna deal with her.” I heard some female voice whisper to another. My eyes landed on the girl and she gave me a wicked smile. Oh my God! The teacher began to teach. But I was thinking of how to escape the danger ahead. I dont wanna get hurt by this people. I got a plan and I smiled. I just hope it works out. Tbc
18 Feb 2019 | 20:32
What fucking plan is that ??
19 Feb 2019 | 07:41
What is actually wrong with all of you guys
19 Feb 2019 | 10:27
May God help you
19 Feb 2019 | 23:26
just be stronger than what u did to him
20 Feb 2019 | 08:46
Sequence 8 . Jeremy's POV I stormed into the Love garden and sat on the long white bench. Annoyed Enraged. Who the hell is that bitch? How dare she pull my hair. And then talk back at me! Damn it! Ouch! but it hurts tho. “Arghhhh that little snail! I'll deal with her! So embarrasing!” I'do love to see her cry while being given some really good beating. Punk! How dare she? She has no idea who I am here. And im gonna let her know that... She's so bold! No one has ever spoke right on my face here... No one! Not even Steph! But that punk? That jerk? She's so thin.. So small. How dare she open her smelly mouth huh? Gosh! She deserves some beating.. She's gonna regret ever coming to this school. I got out my phone from my pockets and typed a message to Chris and Molly. <b>“I want that little brat to regret ever coming here. Don't let her escape once the teacher is out. Tell the guys.” # I_sent and smiled. A yellow butterfly with blue dots flew pass. Its really so beautiful. I stood up and went after it. I got some love for flowers and butterflies. Butterflies especially, and Im always careful not to hurt any that I come accross. Its a childhood story. The butterfly perched on a white rose flower and I gently and carefully picked it by its tail, making sure I avoid cutting off it soft and beautiful wings. It struggled to be freed. And I smiled. Its so beautiful... It makes me wanna remember my childhood days. It was so boring maybe. I don't wanna remember it. “You wanna get freed huh?” I asked the little creature like it can hear me. “Im a good guy and I love butterflies. I'll let you go but do one thing for me, Will you?” “Send a message to the Fairy queen. Tell her to make me more handsome. I mean veeeeery handsome just like her fairy son, and send me some magic from her magic stick, so I can make some bitches tryna step on my toes go really mad. I mean crazy. It'll be fun watching them act weird and foolish in front of everyone right?” “Yeah. It would.” I said with a smile. Then I let it go. It flew away.. Going upper. I smiled. But then I saw it flying down and then It perched on a flower. Fairytales. They don't fucking work! ………… # Chris POV I read the message.. Damn it! How can I let him do this? How can I just do it? Steph. I can't do this cos of her. She'll see another reason not to accept my love for her. The new girl is her friend. They were together... Ganging up to beat her friend would seem like its her.. And she'll never forgive me... Then its possible that im gonna hand myself to death. I love Steph. Im trying my best to change cos of her. Yeah, though it seem so hard but im trying. She says im a bad guy and I got no heart to love someone.. That's not true. I told her. But she never believes. Im tryna change, so she could see a reason to love me and accept me. I feel like I can't do without her. I love her really much.. Yeah, Jeremy hates her cos she never flaunted herself around him. We thought she would when she came into the school. Cos every new girl does, but after few weeks and she didn't, I couldn't believe it. Jeremy thought she's just too pretentious and annoying. He began hating her. But I began to love her. Such a girl is rare, like they say. But Steph is making me go crazy.. She find it so hard to accept my heart. Im damn sure I love her from the deepest side of my heart. Fuck it! I really do. I looked at the new girl, She's just writting and listening. I ain't even writting anything. Fuck that, anyway. Wow. She's a leftie? Using her left hand to write. Its so hard to see lefties.. Really hard. And she's so cute.. Just like Steph. Its so hard to hurt someone who is close to someone you cherish and Love. Knowing fully well that its gonna affect that person.. I love Steph so much and I can't let Jeremy hurt her friend. Not for anything. I wish she would look at me, so I can give her a sigh to follow Ms Lorrane. Cos if she stays. Im sure... I looked at Molly and she's whispering to some people. Im sure Jeremy sent her the message as well.. How can I save this new girl. She should have ignored him. Now she's in trouble and I can't just let anything happen to her. For Steph. I don't just know what to do. Evil eyes are already on her. I just hope she notices on time. ………………… # Alexandra 's POV I waited anxiously for Ms Lorrane to end the English class. And when she did and went for her teaching notes. I sprang up from my seat and rushed to them before she could get them.. I grabbed them, and Ms Lorrane looked at me, obviously confused. I grinned at her. It was awkward, but I got to do this. I heard chuckles.. Followed by audible mutterings. “I said it, She's crazy. gosh!” “She look like she's gone mad. Look at her hair.” “Oh, she act so weird. Where the hell did she come from?” “Hahahaha..” “Oh so embarrasing.” “She's been acting so weird.” “Must have come out from the rehab or a psychiatric hospital.” “What's this brat doing in Ellas? She act like a poor bitch.” “Who's this girl anyway? Tbc
20 Feb 2019 | 20:35
I think her generosity just help her from the gang beating
21 Feb 2019 | 06:47
all this name for u,I pray u should be strong and show them pepper
21 Feb 2019 | 08:02
Ask Google
21 Feb 2019 | 08:14
See question
21 Feb 2019 | 13:48
Continues.. . Alexandra's POV [Continues] Those mutterings didn't move me. For the fact that I know they have bad intentions for me once Ms Lorrane is out. I got to do something, to protect myself. I held tight to the books. Ms Lorrane finally cleared her throat after a long stare at me. “Why taking my teaching notes?” I glanced at the class, but my eyes caught with Jeremy's friend. I've forgotten his name.. He was staring and then he nodded at me. He nodded? Why? “Im talking to you Miss.” Ms Lorrane's voice made me turn back to her. I swallowed.. “You know Ms. It''s really great to help people. Help them carry their heavy things.” I said. Sound stupid! The books aint heavy! She smiled, “The books ain't heavy Miss. I can carry them. And you have to know this, The students ain't allowed to carry teachers things for them. Im aware you are new and don't know this yet.” Huh? Students ain't allowed to help teachers carry their books? I can't believe that. “So a student isn't allowed to help carry a teacher's notes too?” I asked her. “Yes.” She said. What! I sighed. What do I say now. “So let me have them, so I can leave. You should go back to your seat and prepare for your next class coming up in the next fifteen minutes ok.” She said. I sighed. This is bad.. Really bad. I looked at the wicked faces staring at me with evil eyes. But Jeremy's friend. He gave me a sign with his fingers, to follow Ms Lorrane . Why? Why's he doing this? Why is he trying to help me when he should be anticipating for my pain. When he should be warming his hands for a blow to my face? Isn't he Jeremy's friend? Steph said he is... and I saw him walk in together with Jeremy and the other girl. He did the sign again. I knew something bad is gonna happen to me and he's trying to avoid it. My heartbeat raised. Steph warned me. She said Jeremy is dangerous. Why couldn't I listen. Oh my God! I turned back to Ms Lorrane. “I'll carry them. You have to let me carry this books.” I whispered to her. She shook her head. “No. It's proscribed here.” She said, but the way she said it sounded gloomy and it seemed as if she has understood why Im desperate to carry her teaching notes. I nodded and gave her back the books. I'll have to face whatever that comes. “You are Miss?” She asked. “Alexandra Grande” I said. She looked at my hair. “Miss Alexandra. I guess you need a new hair band for your losed hair. I think I have one in my office. Come with me. Will you?” She said with a smile. I smiled back. I understood. “Yes, I will. Thank you Ms.” I said. I glanced at Jeremy's friend and he smiled at me. He's so cute. Why's he this nice but still among the bad guys? I walked out of the classroom with Ms Lorrane following behind me. We walked through the hallway, towards her office.. “Thanks for saving me Ms.” I said to her. “You are welcome Miss Alexandra.” She said. “Alex please.” I said. “Oh, okay Miss Alex.” She said. “Why did you get into a fight with Jeremy?” She asked. I know she would ask. “That wasn't a fight. He pulled my hair and I pulled his as well.” I said. “You didn't have to do that.” She said. Huh? “Why?” I asked. “Cos he's dangerous. He hurts anybody who stands him.” She said. I sighed. “Yeah I heard that, but I was annoyed.. Really annoyed. He was so rude.” I said. “You'll need to apologise to him Alex.” She said. “Seriously?” Bad! “Yes. If you don't. He'll gang up guys to beat you up. You ain't save yet until you do. He does that to others.” She said. I gasped. Oh my God! We walked into her office.. “Thats weird. That's so wicked!” I said. “Yeah it is, but you know, he's the proprietor's son and would always get away with it.” She said. She walked to her little drawer and got a white hairband. “Here, It's pretty cool and would look good on your black hair.” She said with a smile. Aww.. It reminded me of my mom. She always said white ribbons look great on my black hair and tell me to wear whites but I'do tell her I don't like white but pink. Now, I miss her and wish she'do put those white ribbons on my hair. I forced back the tear that tried to drop from my eyes. I took the pretty hairband and packed up my hair into a ponytail with it. “Thanks Ms Lorrane.” I said to her. “You're welcome. I love your hair Alex. You have such a long and wavy hair. We call it hair goals.” She said with a smile. “Hair goals.” I smiled. Then a bell rang. It sounded like an alarm tho. “Time for next class. You should wait a little bit before going. A teacher have to be in class so they don't hurt you.” She said. “We have Literature class.” I said. “Great. You'll wait till they have gone to The Literature classroom. Then you can go alright?” I nodded. “But make sure you apologise to him after the class ok?” “Ms. I don't think I can do that.” I said. “C'mon Alex. It's simple. Just this way.” She said. I stared at her. “Jeremy im so sorry for pulling your hair. I apologise.” She demostrated. I rolled my eyes. “Must I add 'so' in the sorry to?” I asked. That made her laugh. …………………… # Chris POV I was happy.. She left with Ms Lorrane Arghh... Such a smart girl! Jeremy is gonna be so annoyed... I'll know what to do. ………………………… # Jeremy's POV “How the hell did she know of the plan!?” I yelled at them all. “Got no idea.” A guy said. I clenched my fist angrily and stared at them all. Molly stood with her hands akimbo. Chris just sat on a desk, drumming his finger on it. “She haven't escaped yet. Im gonna deal with her...Before school's over!” I said. I Grabbed a red marker, walked over to her desk and drew the DANGER SIGN. “This is just the beginning. Watch out!” I said with clenched teeth. ……………………………………… Tbc . How do you see this chapter? Seems Alex is in real trouble. Just the first day in school! ………………………………………………
21 Feb 2019 | 16:49
What kind of school is this
22 Feb 2019 | 15:27
Battle just begin
22 Feb 2019 | 15:41
Is these school or thugs hide out
23 Feb 2019 | 02:26
Sequence 10 . Alexandra 's POV As I walked out of Ms Lorrane's office and down to my locker to take my Literature book. I got shocked by what I saw on my locker door. a DANGER SIGN. “Oh my God!” Who drew this? This is so scary. Jeremy? Why would he draw a danger sign on my locker? Is he this dangerous? Oh my God! “I feel so scared.” Why did I ever come into Ellas.. I should have just stayed with Lili. I should have just stayed at home... This is my first day in Ellas and a danger sign is already on my locker. Or is there a mistake somewhere? I rushed down to the class to check my desk, and it was also there. The sign. Oh my! What have I caused for myself. Why did I talk back at him... Oh I feel so scared. What do I do? Go to the principal? Go back to Ms Bianca? Go to Steph? or just go home? What do I just do? Will Jeremy's friend save me? After so much thought and nothing to decide.. No answer to my questions,.. I walked out of the class, to my locker. I stared at the danger sign for a while. Then I inhaled. I opened the door and took my Literature notes. I Closed the door back. I breathed. “Fine, Alex you can do this.” I said to myself. Then turned and walked to the Literature Class. It wasn't so hard finding it. I calmly walked in and all eyes turrned to me. The Ms turned to me. Im glad its a female teacher. I love females to teach me Literature. I searched to see Jeremy and his group...and i did. They sat at the last seats at the back. His friend stared at me but he didn't smile. He just looked. Jeremy's eyes were red and hostile. I swallowed. And his girlfriend? Well she's a minor case. “Miss, go and have a seat and don't stand there staring.” the teacher said. “Like a moron!.” I heard him shout from his seat. The class bursted into a loud laughter. Jeremy.. Why are you so rude. “Jeremy please stay quiet.” The teacher sad to him. I looked at him. He gave me a mocking laugh. I bent my head and walked to the empty seat and sat down But it was always beside him. Jeremy. He was at my back too. I tried hard not to let my fear show. I held tight to my pen even though I felt Llike my hand was shaking.. “Fuck I hate lefties..” I heard him say behind me. It was low but I heard it. He wanted me to. Cos he feels its gonna annoy me. Steph said he loves to annoy. “Who cares..” I said before realising i did. Why am I always replying his talks. I should mind my own and listen to the teacher. Thats why im here. “You don't see whats coming for you I guess. Just wait for it.” He said. I was scared but I scoffed. “You can't do anything to me. You can't scare me with your danger sign. Its worthless. Get that.” I said but deep inside, I was quivering with so much fright. “Im suprised tho. Its your first time here and you wanna get kicked out of the school same day with injuries spoiling your pretty face huh?” Wow he said, my pretty face? “Did I say, your pretty face? Ugly face of a little bitchy snail.” He said. Whatever! I don't even understand why im still talking to him. I ignored him. To listen to the teacher. I don't even understand what the teacher is talking about? Where is she anyway? Shakespearen Sonnet, Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer's Day. She's talking about the poetic devices and I haven't been listening. This rude bitch is a distraction. Steph warned me. “Hey, im talking to you bitch.” He started again. I rolled my eyes Have he been talking? “And I aint a bitch so I don't have to talk to you.” I said. “But you just did. You are a bitch afterall.” He said. I hit my fist on my desk with anger. Everyone turned to me. I brought down my face. “Miss, why such a noise?” The Ms asked. Is this bitch at my back, “Its nothing. Just a mistake hit.” I said. “She's upset. We should know what's making her upset Ms.” Jeremy cut in. Arghhh this guy.. Why's he so annoying! I couldn't turn to look at him. I really wish eyes could kill. I would have ended his stupid life! “Are you upset?” The teacher asked. “No im not.” I answered. “She is. Look at her ugly face, you'll see.” He said. What punk! “Im not Ug... Im not upset!” I yelled at.. At who exactly? Ms or him? “Fine, but don't hit the desk again. Listen everyone...” She said and began her teaching. “Don't be so annoyed and don't think you are pretty too..” He said to me. It was annoying tho. “I want to learn!” I said. “Learn you should, cos its gonna be your last learning in this school.” He said. I scoffed. “Go and treat yourself. You are just sick. You're filled with sickness.” I said. I was getting scared again. But I just have to pretend. # Jeremy's POV That was upsetting.. I am sick and filled with sickness? Arghhhhh.. This brat got some wide mouth and im gonna show her what it takes to be a sick person.. I stood up, walked to her seat and I grabbed her wrist. She looked up with wide eyes. I pulled her up and dragged her out of the class as everyone stared. # Molly's POV He dragged her out? I don't like what's happening now. Like, where the hell is he taking her to??? # Chris POV God! Jeremy musn't hurt her. Tbc
24 Feb 2019 | 09:57
Sequence 11 . Alexandra 's POV “Let go off me!” I yelled as he kept dragging me through the hallway to God knows where! And the grip was too tight.. It felt as if my wrist is gonna fall off. “Don'you hear me!?” I yelled again. “Just shut up, you little snail. You deserve everything im gonna do to you, punk!” He said. I deserve everything he's gonna do to me? “How the hell do you meet someone the first time in your class and you pick a fight with her same day!” I asked with so much annoyance. He ignored me and kept dragging me until we were out of the hallway and turned towards a staircase. He dragged me along, climbing the staircase. “You've got to tell me where you are taking me to!” I yelled. He ignored, dragging me and I almost hit my feet on the stair block. “Jeremy!” I yelled. The staircase was just too long that I felt we were gonna keep climbing forever. I felt my legs wobbling. He kept dragging me. And I can't pull away cos his grip is so tight. “You know what, you really so arrogant!” I yelled. “Shut the fuck up!” He said. Thank goodness, we finally climbed the last step and then we turned to a narrow hallway. The hallway is a bit dark and echoes each of our step and whatever noise we made. It was quiet and scary here and I prayed for my dear life. Im dead sure we are on the last storey. “Let me go off me.” I said, feeling really scared now. “Not yet.” He said with a frown. “Where are we and why the hell did you bring me here?” I asked. He dragged me on till we were out of the little hallway and then found ourselves out on a not so large balcony with no rail or bar attached at its floor edge. Just an open balcony and looking down, I could see how small the cars and flowers in the school ground now seem. We were actually on the last storey and its the sixth storey. Here looked like death! My heart raised. Jeremy still held me and when I tried to pull away, He held me even tighter. So I let go. He smiled... Its a mockery smile tho. “You said im sick huh? Im filled with sickness right?” He said. I ignored, staring at him with anger and fear as well. He grinned, “Do you see how far the ground is from here..Look over?” He asked. I ignored, though I saw it. I was praying deep down in my heart for a saviour. “As a sick person that I am, Im gonna take you to the edge of this floor and let go off you to fall all down, so I can see if actually you gonna die or just break your hands. Your nose.. your legs or your mouth.” He said with a wicked smile. “Do you have the heart to do that?” I asked. “Ofcourse. Im gonna do that right now.” He said and then grabbed my waist. My waist? Why my waist? We faced each other. “You're scared? Well, this is how sick people act. Weird.” He said and stepped forward, causing me to move backwards. He continued this step, slowly and slowly. I got scared. We were so close to the edge of the floor and with just one push, I'll be going down to my death! Oh my God! Lili, where are you? Stephanie, I need you. Mom please come.... Tears were already gathering in my eyes. How did I ever try to be in Ellas.. and why did I try talking back to a devil! I was almost at the edge.. So close to my death. I stared at Jeremy with opened mouth. He had a determined frown. “Jeremy stop..” I said coldy. He did. “Are you gonna cry and beg me not to do it?” He asked with a grimaced. “Don't do this.” I said. “Beg me. I wanna see you crying.” He said and began the slow step again. I shut my eyes. “Jeremy stop! Stop it!!!” I yelled out so loud. He stopped, followed by a laugh. “No one's gonna hear you. So just save your fucking life by begging me and crying.” He said. I know I couldn't do it.. I can't beg him.. I've got to do something.. Anything. I got an idea. I don't know how the idea seem but I did it anyway. I gripped hold of him.. Tightened my grip aound him. “If I eventually fall off, You fall with me too. We fall together and die. Im never gonna let you push me from here without you going down with me.” I said, holding him so tight with my heart beating so loud and fast. I thought of my mom... She must be in heaven, waiting to recieve me. I miss her so much and wouldn't it be better to go and be with her? This life is filled with wicked and dangerous people. People like Jeremy.. People like my dad. I held him tight, not wanting to get pulled off from him. Though I expected to be pushed off but he didn't and Im wondering why. Why isn't he moving? And he haven't talked since I held him. Tbc
24 Feb 2019 | 09:58
Sequence 12 . She gripped me. Held me and now her head is on my chest. I don't understand the feeling that I felt. I've never felt such feeling before... I should have just pushed the little snail away, but like a magnet, Im stuck to her. Her heart beating fast and I could feel her breath on me. I know she's fucking scared but why's she so stubborn to beg me and cry so I don't push her off., Though its only a prank! How can I push her down from here anyways? I just wanted to get her scared and make her cry and beg me to forgive her for pulling my hair and talking back at me. But instead, she gripped me, saying If she fall, we fall together. Why's she so smart and weird? Arghhhhh... “You know, you act weird. Do you think I can't push you off without going down with you? Are you daring me huh?” I asked. “Believe me, you will go as well.” She said. “Are you Insane actually?” I asked. She paused for awhile. “Just like you are insane too.” She said. What! Just like I am? What punk! “You're standing behind death and you're still ranting when you should be begging me huh?” I said. That made her raise her face and look at me. Her eyes, now that they are so close, Why are they this cute and sparkling white? Her lips.. Why is it so pinky and glowing. And why am I staring at them anyway? “If you think you can push me outta here, Then go ahead and do that.” She said, with her eyes on mine. She's daring me, but her eyes... “Are.. Are you daring me. Huh?” I asked, with my eyes on hers. “You feel that you're so arrogant and dangerous that you can hurt everyone and get away with it? You feel you can talk to anyone and none would ever talk back at you? You think no one can ever defeat you in a fight? What do you think you are anyway?...” She ranted on, but I wasn't listening. My eyes and my thoughts were on her sparkling eyes and down on her pink lips. Why are they glittering, Cos of the sun? Her lips must be really soft. “...If you push me outta here and I fall and then die, Tell me what you gonna achieve? Nothing at all cos you're only gonna get arrested and shot to death as well. Cos you would never get away with it...” I feel like kissing this lips. I love the way it curve as she talked. She's so cute tho. Why's she cute like this? And why am I admiring her eyelashes as well? Arghhh Jeremy.. “...You act so proud and arrogant. Like you own the whole world... I thought you gonna be so cool and study wise when I saw you in the school magazine. Why did you appear so gentle there? And why did the principal had to lie about the real you? Cos everyone is afraid of you huh?...” She said and gave a smile. Wow, Her smile fits her face.. Its pretty on her lips These lips. Are my really fantasizing kissing them? Oh fuck! “...You are just so rude and arrogant.You dragged me out of class while im learning just to threaten me with this? Is this the danger signs you gave on my locker and desk? Funny. So what are you still waiting for? Go ahead and push me off.” she was talking... and the way her lips curved. God! I don't know what came over me. I lost it. And without warning and with a swift, I pushed my lips on hers. She winced, Widened her eyes as she stared at me with shock. The lips were so soft... Really sweet... And I just kissed on. . To be continued after comments..
24 Feb 2019 | 09:59
Really and that kissing is going to earn you a slap
24 Feb 2019 | 10:58
You deserve seven star sounding slap
25 Feb 2019 | 02:52
If i should call u a jerk!... you really deserved it
25 Feb 2019 | 04:14
TEENS HEART Sequence 13-15 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Alexandra 's POV I winced as I felt his lips on mine. What! What the heck! What in the world is he doing? I stared at him with shock. He kept kissing me on, without minding the horror look on my face. I can't believe this! It was just too unbelievable. I forced my lips off his and tried to push im away but at the process of doing that, I lost balance and staggered backwards. I stopped breathing. My pulse stopped. I felt my cheek burning. I was going to fall off this balcony and im gone forever. To my mom.. I shut my eyes so tight.... Waiting for my death! But then a hang grabbed me and pulled me back. Jeremy. He pulled me into him. I puffed as he held me tighter. Why is he holding me so tight that I can hear his heartbeat? And why did he save me when he should be happy I was gonna fall? And why the hell did he kiss me? “Why did you kiss me!?” I yelled, trying to pull away from him. Im quite ungrateful right? “I just saved your ass and you should be saying million thanks to me. Are you this arrogant huh!?” He yelled, still holding me tightly. What! After kissing me? “Let go off me.” I said giving him a fierce look. “And if I don't?” He stared at me. I displayed my teeth and then looked at his hand. He laughed. “You gonna bite my hand?” “Exactly. So let me go now.” I said. “Nop.” He said, giving a smirk smile. Is he this stubborn huh! “At the count of five. One....Two....T hree...Four...” But he still held me tight, staring at me. “...Five!” I went for his hand, but he released me just in time before I did. “Okay fine, Don't be a dog.” He said. I gave him a five seconds angry glare before running out into the narrow hallway and down to the long staircase. Im a little scared but I went on. “God! I can't believe he kissed me.” I said as I touched my lips. How do I explain this to Steph? Why did he had to kiss me? Is he this weird and crazy! Do I look so cheap in his face? And oh my God!, I almost fell off that horrific balcony if not for him. Why is there even such a dangerous balcony in a school? He kissed me. Oh he kissed me! I feel like i've been used! All this happening in just one day! How can my first kiss be with such an arrogant bitch. Oh my! I can't wait to wake up from this nightmare. ……………………… # Jeremy's POV I got my hands into my pockets as I stared at the back of the school through the Open balcony. “That girl's so weird. Showing me her teeth?” I said and laughed. So funny! “What's her name anyway? and why did I feel that strange way when I kissed her? And why did I kiss her?” I asked myself, chuckling. “And she almost fell off here. What would have happened to her?” “Arghhh!” I scratched my neck. I don't wanna think of it. So horrific. ………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV When I got back to the Literature classroom, I saw no student in, just the teacher on her desk going through her notes. She looked up at me. “Miss, I hope you're alright?” She asked. “Yeah. I am. Im Alex.” I said. “Im Ms Vivian.” She said and went back to her notes. I walked to the seat I sat then to take my books and boom! I saw nothing like my books on it. Nothing like a book either. I scratched my head and around the classroom, I went searching for them. “Alex, you're searching for something?” I heard her ask. I turned to her. “Yeah I am. My poetry textbook and my Literature notebook.” I said. “Oh here they are.” She said, getting then out from her desk drawer. Oh thank goodness! Thought the devils might have thrown them away. “Thanks Ms Vivian.” I said, taking me from her. “You're welcome but you should thank Chris Ray as well. He got the books before they could get them.” She said. Chris Ray? “Who's Chris Ray Ms?” I asked. “Oh, you don't know him yet. He's Jeremy's bestie. The guy you had_” “I know him.” I cut her short. Chris? Why's that guy helping me? “Alright Ms. I will do that. Thank you.” I said. “Hope he didn't hurt you? Jeremy.” She asked. Everyone knows him! “No.” I said simply and walked out of the classroom. . Alexandra 's POV [Continues] As I walked out of the Literature classroom, the bell for Lunch hour rang. I missed three classes cos of that bitch! I checked the time on my wrist-watch. It's 11:30am. Lili would soon call or maybe I should call her instead? I walked to my locker and got suprised to see that the Danger sign has been cleaned off and no more. I guess by Chris too? I opened my locker and dropped the books, closed it back and headed to the class with my iphone. I saw few people in class which include Chris and the girl. Jeremy's girlfriend. She saw me and stood up, looking quite angry. What's my business anyway? I walked pass my desk and just like the locker, the danger sign was no more on my desk. I walked to Chris.. His eyes was on his phone but as he felt someone in front of him, he looked up. He look really cute, I've got to admit. With such a wavy black hair curled with hair jel. Okay, Alex say something and stop staring. “T..Thanks for giving Ms Vivian my books. Im grateful.” I said. “It's fine.” He said but he didn't smile tho. He turned back to his phone. I turned to walk back to my desk but her voice stopped me. “Where is my boyfriend?” Like seriously? Why don't she just say his name rather than making it known that he is her boyfriend. Proud punks! Except Chris tho.. He's nice. I like him. “Who's your boyfriend?” I asked. “What a question? Who doesn't know my boyfriend in the whole of Ellas?” She bragged. I rolled my eyes. “She's new Molly, remember.” Chris said. My back was on them actually. “Okay fine! Jeremy is my boyfriend and I want you to tell me where he is.”She said. “I have no idea where he is.” I said. “What! Are you such a bitchy liar?” She asked. “I have no_” I saw Steph walked in... to me. She didn't stare at them. She just smiled, grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the classroom. “Where did you go with him? I almost had a heart attack when I heard he dragged you out of the class to God knows where.” She said. “I'll tell you.” I said. “Let's go grab some burger and icecrean. You like that?” She asked. “Yeah.” I said with a smile. # Chris POV Steph didn't even look at me. She just walked away with the girl. Its so unfair. I sighed. Where the hell is Jeremy and why did the brat had to come back before him?” Molly asked to no one in particular. I looked at her. “Calm down. He'll come around.” I said.Although I wondered too while she had to be come back before him. # Molly's POV Why im I having such a contempt for this new girl! …………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………… #Alexandra's POV “He pulled on my hair first. He's just so arrogant. So I pulled on his as well.” I told Steph as we walked to the school cafe. “Really? Did you do that?” She asked. “Yeah.” “He deserves it tho. But where did he took you to? ” She asked. “To the sixth storey.” I said. “Thats the last storey!” She shouted. “Yeah, he dragged me till I felt my legs shaking. I could't pull away cos his grip is too tight.” I said. “He's bad.” She said. “Yeah. He took me to a balcony with no rail at the last storey and wanted to push me off.” I said. “What?” She screamed. “He didn't anyway.” I said. “Thank goodness but why didn't he?” She asked. “Wanted me to plead and cry so he could let go off me.” I said, keeping the kissing and holding part of the story. “Oh he's such a rude bitch. But thank goodness he let you go. We'll have to see the class mistress, right?.” She asked. “Yeah” I said. I wonder if I meant it tho. “Come, here is the cafe.” Steph said and we walked to the cafe. We bought burger and icecream. Steph tried to pay for mine but I gave the man money before she could. “Arghh. You are really fast.” She said to me with a smile. “Don't act that way ok.” I said giving her a smile as well. She shrugged still smiling. We sat down on a long cute black bench beside the cafe and Steph began eating hers immediately. “Im quite hungry.” She said, smiling. I smiled and brought the burger to my mouth to take a bite but then it instantly reminded me of Jeremy's lips... Of his on mine. And the burger hanged, just close to my chin. Steph looked at me. “You don't like it?” She asked. I chuckled. “Haven't even taken a bite of it. So how do I know if it does?.” I laughed. “What's wrong?” She asked. “Nothing really. Here, see I'll take a bite now.” I said and ate a bite from the burger. She smiled, following suit. I feel sad that I can't tell her about the kiss. I feel she would look down on me and see me as a cheap girl. As I went for my icecream cup, my phone rang. Lili. “It's Lili” I told Steph. She smiled, “She must be missing you really much.” She said. “I miss her.” I said and then picked the call. “Hi Lili.” I said, smiling. “Aww, Alex dear. I've been thinking if you are okay over there? Have you eaten anything? What about Stephanie. Is she with you now? I couldn't just wait for Lunch hour so I can call you. Hope you love it there? Have you made any new friend? Do you love the teachers?” She filled my ear with questions. Steph could hear her so she was smiling, and eating her burger tho. “Lili, im okay. Im eating Burger and icecream with Steph and she's right here and can hear you. She's smiling too.” “Hi Lili. We miss you.” Steph said aloud. “Aww, such a good child. I heard her. I miss you girls too.” Lili said. “But burger and icecream is such a little food that could cause more hunger soon.” Lili said. “We are okay eating it. Its lovely and delicious.” I said. “Alright dear. Be careful. Can't wait to see you soon. Take care and bye.” She said. “Bye Lili.” Steph and I said in unison. The call dropped and we laughed. “Lili is such a nice person.” Steph said with a smile “Yeah she is.” I smiled. . BACK IN CLASS # Alexandra 's POV [Continues] When I walked back to class, I saw Jeremy and his girlfriend talking and laughing and Chris is on his phone. He must be a fan of phones. And there are just few other people in class. Lunch hour would soon be over. I walked to my seat and sat down. There was an awkward silence for few seconds, until Molly broke the silence. “Ain't we dealing with the brat anymore?” She asked. I knew she was talking about me. There was a long silence now before he broke it. “No.” Jeremy said. Just then, the bell for Lunch-over rang and the devils began to walk in with their evil eyes on me... Then just like I expected, few began advancing towards me. “Leave her.” Jeremy suddenly said. I was astonished. The devils stared at him and then at me, then at him and back at me again before walking back to their seats. # Jeremy's POV Chris looked at me, and Molly did with agape lips. They are suprise. Yeah. I just saved the little snail. I don't know what's wrong with me tho. Arghh, Jeremy. Im sure this is a joke right? First was kissing the little snail, then saving her from falling off the balcony and now, I just saved her from this guys when Im the one who instructed them to beat her? Argh Argh, This is a real big joke actually. # Chris POV Wow, this is suprising. He told them to let her be? Whoa. He has some explanations to give to me later. # Molly's POV What the heck! ………………………………………… <b> AFTER SCHOOL #Alexandra's POV “Goodbye Steph.” I said as I walked down from her car. “Take care of yourself girl. See ya tomorrow. Say hello to Lili.” Steph said. “I will. Bye.” I said. “Bye.” She said and her driver drove off. I smiled, turned and walked through the gate and up the door. I rang the doorbell and Lili opened up in a minute. She wore a flowery silky trouser with a pink singlet. “Oh, Alex dear. I really missed you. Come here.” She said and pulled me inti a warm hug. I smiled. “I missed you too Lili.” I said, Kissing her cheek. We walked in. “How was your first day in Ellas?” She asked. Bad! “I can't say. It's just okay.” I said. “Hope Steph was a nice company to you?” “Yeah. Even though we stay in different class, But we had a great time at the cafe and while driving back home too.” I said. “I love that. Steph is a really lovely friend to have.” She said as I began walking to my room. She followed. “Did you get to meet him?” She asked. I dropped my bag on my bed. “Who?” I asked. “The proprietor's son.” She said. Huh? I blinked my eyes. Why's she asking? “Yeah I did?” I said. “Is your seat close to him?” She asked. Seriously “Why asking that Lili?” I asked as I sat down on the bed. She smiled, “You know he's such a cute handsome and really intelligent guy. Did you hear when the Principal said he's Ellas most proud student? Im sure you too would make a great friend.” She said. That brat? I chuckled. “He's actually arrogant, proud, rude!” I said. She gasped, “Really? How?” “Its just unexplanable.” I said as I pulled my shoes off. “Anything to eat? Im quite hungry.” I asked. “Would you love some pancakes?” She asked. “Sure. Why not?” I said, stood up and after pulling the school suit jacket off and the shirt, remaining just the tight white singlet and the school skirt, I rushed to the kitchen. I saw the pancakes and smiled. Delicious it would be! But as I took some to eat, It reminded me of Jeremy's lips again....his lips on mine.. When he forced his lips on mine. Gosh! I dropped it back and ran off to my room. Lili stood at the kitchen door, staring at me as I ran pass her. To my room and into the bathroom. Took out my brush, applied toothpaste on it and began brushing my teeth and washing my mouth as I stared at myself in the mirror. Why can't I just eat without having to remember that? His lips! His lips! The fucking kiss! Oh my God? “Alex are you okay?” I heard Lili ask. She's in my room now. I paused. “Yeah. Im fine. I'll be out soon.” I said and then went on to brush my teeth with force. I'll have to wash off this stupid thought!! . To be continued after comments..
26 Feb 2019 | 09:31
Okay o keep on deceiving yourself
26 Feb 2019 | 12:42
You're just wasting your time, you think you can brush the kiss away
27 Feb 2019 | 02:55
hmm this school sef
1 Mar 2019 | 05:24
next pls
1 Mar 2019 | 05:26
TEENS HEART Sequence 16-18 <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV School was over and as usual, Chris sat on the garden, filling himself with alcohol again. “You know why I drink this?” He asked. “Cos of that bitch” I said. “No. cos of Steph. She has my heart and I can't stop myself from being inlove with her even though im trying..” He said. “But she's the bitch too.” I said. “Oh no. She can't be a bitch. She's just a pretty stubborn girl.” He said and gulped down the alcohol in his hand. “A stubborn bitchy girl huh?” I said with a smirk laughter. He raised the bottle to throw at me. “You punk. Can you just stop calling her names huh?” He yelled. “Do you have more in your bag?” I asked. I just wanted to know if he do. He nodded as he threw the empty one in his hand away and it landed on the smooth field. He got another filled bottle and stretched one to me. “You want?” He asked. “I don't like that brand you know..” I said. “Winnie is cool. You've not taste it before. Try it.” He said, bringing the green bottle to his face to look at the Label. “Ah no. Not for me. Its too low and cheap.” I said. He dropped it back. “Oh fine. I'll just go on drinking, you stay there staring.” He said and began gulping it down almost to the half. “Ah, Winnie is so cool to those who like it.” He said and laughed. I laughed too. “So tell me, you save Alexandra. Why?” He asked. Alexandra? “Who's that?” I asked. “The new girl in class.” He said. Alexandra is her name? “She's just a scared thin brat. She might just die.” I said. He laughed. “She look sick.” I added. And laughed. “I think she look cool.” He said. “Oh its good you saved her. Yeah. At least Steph won't keep seeing us as bad guys you know, and she won't see another reason not to accept me soonest.” He said. “Soonest?” I chuckled. “Yeah. Soonest. Im sure.” He said, taking another drink. “Don't get so drunk so you can teach me all that you learnt in class. I was quite busy.” I said. “Wow. With Alexandra right?” He asked. I raised eyebrows at him. Huh? “Don't talk about that snail.” I said. Talking about her is kinda making me think about up there on the balcony, When I forced on my lips on her soft lips.. Argh.. I don't want to think about it. Oh nah nah.. I don't want to. Such pink lips.. No nop nop. Its so funny. I don't want to think about it. Arghhhh,Jeremy. “Why are you smiling?” He asked. Huh? Have I been smiling? “Was I smiling huh? I wasn't.” I said. “You were. And you looked more more more more cuter. Ahh, with such dimples. Girls are just crushing. Crushing... Crushing.. and Crushing! ” He said aloud and laughed. Phew! Drunk idiot. “You should stop talking nonsence.” I said. “Okay, fine I'll keep talking about Steph cos she's the only one in my head now.” He said and threw the bottle away and then spread his hands wide apaprt. “Come Steph, my love. Here is your Remeo, snd I will die for you.” He said, with a stupid grin. “Ah, Love. Can it really be making someone go crazy and mad? I just hope I don't fucking feel that word called Love.” I said, shaking my head. He looked at me with wide eyes. “Won't you fall inlove with Molly huh?” He asked. “Molly is just a jerk you know.” I said with a chuckle. “Who falls inlove with such a flirt anyway?” He said. “Fuck that. She's better than the bitch Steph, get that.” I said. “Molly never was and isn't.” He said. I chuckled. “I can swear to you that Steph ain't a virgin.” I said. “Don't be such a punk, She is.” He said. I laughed. Okay, I have no idea if the bitch is anway Why should I care? “I couldn't learn anything. Was thinking about Steph.” He said. “What, you what?” I yelled. He touched his forehead, shuting his eyes. “Oh I feel so tipsy now.” He said. Idiot. I got up, grabbed his hand as he took his bag. I pulled him up and dragged him to my car. “Im not gonna keep driving your drunken self each day after school. Get that?” I yelled. “yeah... I have.” He said in a drunken tone. “Punk!” I said and drove off. . Steph's POV I met my dad at home. He was on the couch, watching the news on the Tv. He wore a brown shorts and black shirt. He appear young and vibrant always. Its great to be close to him after a month. He looked up at me and smiled. I walked to him and we embraced. My nanny walked in. So he kissed me on my cheek instead of my lips he does. “Welcome darling. How was school today?” He asked. “Was great.” I said. “You talked about a new friend right?” “Yeah. We had quite a great time together ” I said. “She's cool.” I added. I turned to my nanny, Catherine. “Welcome Steph.” She said. I smiled at her. Then she walked away. I turned to my dad and he grabbed me immediately and put his lips on mine. “I missed you Steph.” He said amidst the kiss. “I love you dad.” I said, kissing him back. He withdrew. “Do you wanna go out tonight?” He asked. “No. I have my books to go through tonight.” I said. He seemed a bit sad. “So we ain't gonna have fun tonight baby why?” He asked. “Im sorry dad. You know, My qualification exams is around the corner.I just need to study more.” I said. “I know baby but I just want you...” He held my waist. “I love you sweetie and I just need you toni..” “Steph.” It was the nanny calling. My dad pulled away, before she could see us. She soon got to the staircase and walked down. “What would you like me to prepare.” She asked. “Anything.” I said. She turned and walked back up. “Just go to your room. I'll come over ok.” He said with a smile. “Okay dad.” I said. He kissed me again...and I walked up stairs. I love my dad... I so much do.. <b> AT NIGHT I was going through my chemistry book when my dad walked in. I smiled at him as he walked up to me on my reading desk. He wore his pyjamas and look great on it. I was just on a yellow polo-shirt that stop just a little above my thighs. He walked to my back and hugged me through my back. “Hello sweetie.” He whispered softly to my ear. It sent some sensation through me. I love the way my dad makes me feel. “Sweetie, Dad is kinda feeling a little bit horny.” He whispered again. I smiled.. I decided to tease him a little. “Dad. You know im studying.” I said. “Oh, please. You gonna study later. C'mon. I miss you honey.” He said and began giving me sensual bites on my ear. I giggled... It was just too sensational. He stretched his hand to the desk and closed up my books. “Are you gonna let me take you to the bed now?” He whispered, getting his lips down to my neck. God! I love when he kiss me there... Hahaha. Soon I was letting him kiss me on,.... And I moaned. I love my way he makes me feel. Just this way. I let him kiss me and then he carried me up to him as I wrapped my legs around his waist and we began kissing on the lips. And he carried me to the bed.. He was on top of me and I still wrapped my legs around his waist. We went on kissing and then he withdew and rolled my shirt off me. He smiled as he stared at my boobs for a while and then down to my waist, at my yellow pantie. “You look beautiful as always angel.” He said it like a moan. I giggled. Soon I felt his hand on my waist as he pulled my pant off.. Its gonna be a sweet night... I would continue my study tomorrow. My dad. He's just the best lover. He's just the best dad to me. …………………………………………… ……………………………………… …………………………………………… # Chris POV “Chris, Whats wrong? You don't look quite okay to me. You can talk to me dear.” My mom said that night at the door as I pulled my duvet over my head to sleep. “Im fine mom.” I said and pulled the duvet over my head. “Honey, Im worried about you. Jeremy had been driving you home for few days now. You can't tell me nothing is wrong.” She said. I groaned. Why can't she just accept that im fine for fuck sake! “Mom Im fine. I wanna sleep now.” I said and turned over to face the other side. “Its fine honey. Goodnight.” She said and the sound of a closed door followed. I closed my eyes. Steph. I cant stop thinking about her. I really love Stephanie. I was feeling dizzy due to the drinks and in no time, I slept off to a dreamful land.. where Steph and I are sitting at the school love garden and I held Steph in my arms and she whispers that she loves me just the way that I do for her. . Jeremy's POV Im On my bed with my legs and hands spread wide apart almost reaching to the edge of my big bed as I faced the ceiling. I had my grey socks and my blue Pyjamas for the night. And two pillows had been kicked off from the bed by me as I thought of the new snail in class. Arghh that girl... Im just thinking about her lips... Why does it curve that way when she talks. She look damn cute tho. And her hair. Its really weavy and black.. But why's she so arrogant anyway? Such a punk? I saved her damn ass and she couldn't even appreciate. Was Thank You so hard for her to say huh. Such a snail.. But her lips, the kiss... Why can't I stop thinking about it? Arghh... Is she some kinda witch that I can't erase her lips off my memory? She must be a witch.. Arghhh my head.... I touched the left side of my head. I think im gonna have a migraine if I don't stop thinking about that little brat's lips. But jeez. The lips is just super sweet and soft. Molly's lips ain't that soft! Or is it? Anyway, Im calling Molly right away. I picked up my phone on the bedside table and put on the screen and it displayed my myself in blue jersey shirt and white face-cap. Its a selfie tho. But I look just great. Do I remember ever using someone else's picture for my screen saver? Nop. Anyways, I flipped to Molly's contact. I dialled her line and it rang. She picked up just immediately. “Hello J” She spoke first. “Molly. I've missed your lips. Can I get to kiss them tomorrow?” I asked. Crazy tho. I don't ask her for things like this before I do them. I wonder why I have to do that now. Maye it's because of the brat's lips? Arrgh! She laughed. It was quite a loud laugh. “J wow, I can't believe you asked me that. You always kiss me without asking me if you should. Ofcos you can. I miss yours as well sweets.” She said. “I can't wait... I can't wait to know how soft they are.” I said with a smile. “How soft?” She asked. “Yeah. How soft.” “Ofcos my lips are always soft. You know that.” She said. Do I? “Ofcos baby. Catch ya tomorrow. bye.” I said. “Are you in bed now?” She asked. “Yeap. What about you?” I asked. Im sure she's gonna say something naughty. “Im on my bed too. Im on a bikini. You wanna see? I'll take some pictures for you..” She asked. I grinned. Ofcourse I want it! “Yea Im waiting..” I said. “Naughty guy. Love you... kisses. Chat with ya on WhatsApp.” She said. I smiled and dropped the call. Wow.. Something to keep me busy than thinking about the brat's lips all night. Gonna be just too boring. ………………………………………… ……………………………………… …………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV “Goodnight Alex.” Lili said as she kissed my cheek that night. I smiled, pulling the duvet up to my chest. “Goodnight Lili.” I said. She walked over the switch and switched off the light and walked out.. I inhaled. Then I threw the duvet off me, got up from the bed, walked to the switch and switched the light back on. I then walked to my reading table and sat down. I took out my diary book from where I hide it under few piles of books. Its cover is pink in colour. My favourite colour. Then I got my pen and opened my diary just to write about all that happened on my first day in Ellas High School; <b>Dear diary... It seeems weird but my first day in Ellas weren't good. It was bad. So bad. I had to get into a fight with the annoying guy. Jeremy. The I had to see a danger sign on my locker and desk. Then the bitch had to kiss me ... On my lips! And then I had to get saved from falling off a dreadful balcony by the same bitch. Even though he's really cute, but he's just so rude and arrogant. I liked him at first but now, I just hate him. But the kiss!.... I still can't believe I was kissed today. Its my first kiss and it had to be with the arrogant idiot. Can you beliebe that?? I just hope I wake up from this dream soonest.. . To be continued..
7 Mar 2019 | 16:55
TEENS HEART Sequence 19-20 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Alexandra 's POV I woke up the next day feeling like I don't wanna go to that school. I dragged myself out of my bed and knelt down beside it, to do my every morning prayer. “Dear Father, Thank you for your love. Thank you for sending your Angels to watch over me all through the night and thank you for making me see a brand new day. Be with me today like you've always do in Jesus name I've prayed, Amen.” I stood up and with sluggish steps, I walked into the bathroom. My dull, sleepy eyes appeared in the mirror. My hair is just messy. I yawned and rubbed my eyes with my finger. I wondered how today is gonna be, in school with such arrogant and devils around. “Alex dear. Are you awake?” I heard Lili's voice. “Goodmorning Lili.” I said, taking out my toothbrush. “You're in the bathroom?” She asked. “Yea.” I said. “What would you love to take for breakfast?” “Coffee, bread and some butter.” I said. “Alright dear.” She said. I inhaled. I love Lili. She's just a nice Aunty to me. She really care about my happiness and try to do only what makes me happy. Im happy to be here in Florida, with her and im happy to meet Steph as well, They are just great but that arrogant peacock just wanna make me so mad and sad. Just yesterday, my first day in that school and that brat had to put that smelly lips oh his on mine. Okay, it's not smelly anyway, but I can't bear thinking about it. I touched my lips. My first kiss had to be with him. Why? It makes me wanna cry out so loud. Why's he such a stupid punk? I shut my eyes, opened them back and shook my head. I'll just go on to brush my teeth. And I did. …………………………………… …………………………………… After taking my bathe, dressing up and dressing my hair. I walked out of my room and to the kitchen. I met Lili in the kitchen in a flowery pyjamas. She really love flowery clothes. She was cleaning the kitchen counter and I walked up to her and kissed on her on the cheek. Muahh She turned and smiled. “Alex dear. Oh you are dressed up already. Lemme make the coffee for you now. Go sit down ok.” She said going for the kettle on the cooker. I walked to the breakfast bar, pulled out a chair and sat down. I watched her pour the hot water into a tea cup and got out the coffee pack from the fridge. “When are you starting work Lili?” I asked. “Soon dear.” She said with a smile. I love how strong she is. After loosing her baby and loosing her husband too. She's on Leave due to her husband's death and its been three months now. Im sure soon, she'll start work back. She's a nurse. She brought the coffee to me and the bread with a butter cup. “Steph would soon be here. I have to hurry up.” I said as grabbed the butter and pasted it on the bread.. “Are you comfortable with Steph driving you to school?” She asked. Huh? “Ofcourse. Im fine with it. I like Steph.” I said. She smiled. “Alright darling.” She said. I took a bite from bread and drank from the coffee. Its delicious. “Yeah. Its just too sweet and too sugary.” I said. She nodded. …………………………………………… Just when I was done eating, Steph drove by and horned. She's always horning like a school bus. Hahaha.. I gulped down the remaining coffee and ran off to my room. Grabbed my school bag, my phone and ran off. I walked into the car and Steph smiled at me. “Hi Steph.” I said. She smiled. “Alex you always look great.” She said. “You too.” I said. Then she yawned. “You're hungry?” I asked. Im sure it can't be. “Just a bit dizzy.” She asked. “You didn't you have enough rest?” I asked. “ I had to read half of the night.” She said. “Oh, that's great.” I said. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… Once we were in school, Steph took me to Ms Ashley for a change of seat. “Ms Ashley, I need Alex seat to be changed.” Steph said. “Why?” She asked. “Cos Jeremy was a distraction to her all through yesterday.” Steph said. “Is that true Alexandra?” Ms Ashley turned to me. “Yeah. I don't want to sit beside him. I wanna be far from him. He's a distraction.” I said. She stayed silent fo a while... “Alex. Im sorry but you'll have to sit there for today. If he distracts you again today, then its a promise that your seat would surely be changed and you and him would no longer sit close okay?.” She said. What? “Im sure he's gonna be rude to her again today!. Just change her seat Ms Ashley.” Steph snapped. Ms Ashley frowned a bit at Steph. “Stephanie, you ain't Alexandra in anyway. You should allow her say her own mind. Don't speak for her please.” Ms Ashley said. Steph and I glanced at each other. “But she's my friend and I have her approval. Just change her seat. She can't sit beside that arrogant punk today.” Steph said. “Don't talk of our dear Jeremy in such a way.” Ms Ashley said. Their dear Jeremy? Arghh, Funny people. “Alex. Are you accepting to sit beside that punk today after all he did to you yesterday?” Steph asked me. I don't even know what to answer. I just nodded. “I'll just sit there today and If he distracts me. Im so not sitting there again.” I said. Ms Ashley smiled. Why did she smile? “Thats good Alex. Now Steph you are okay with that?” She asked. “Why should I be?” She snapped. “Ah Stephanie.” Ms Ashley laughed. “Let's go Alex.” Steph said and pulled me out of Ms Ashley's office. # “Why did you have to accept to sit with that arrogant thing today huh?” Steph yelled at me just as we closed the office door. Why's she yelling? “Don't yell. Let's just see how it goes today. Im sure he was rude because yesterday was just my first day.” I said. She shrugged. “Alright. Im sorry for yelling. I just hate the punk and I don't want him getting on your nerves today again.” She said. “Its okay. I'll handle it.” I said. ………………………………………… # Lili 's POV I was mopping the sitting room when my phone rang. I walked to the table and picked it up. Ashley. Ashley? I picked the call. “Hi Ashley.” I said. “Lilian.” She said. “Yes Ashley, how is Alex. Is she okay?” I asked. “Yeah. She is. She came with her friend just few minutes ago and complained about Jeremy giving her distractions yesterday and she's asking for her seat to be changed. I couldn't just do it so I had to tell her to sit there for today and if he distracts her again today, then im gonna change her seat.” She said. Oh dear. “Oh dear is Jeremy that rude? Oh Ashley. I should not have asked you to put her seat close to his right? I only wanted them to be close. I thought he's gonna be a great friend to Alex.” I said. “Its okay Lilian. I'll see what I can do about it. I would change her seat if he disturbs her today. Should I?” She asked. “Yes please. Alex happiness matters to me alot. Thank you Ashley.” “Alright. bye.” “Bye.” The call dropped. “Oh Alex dear. Im so sorry. I thought Jeremy is a sweet boy to make friends with. Im sorry he had to be a distraction to you. I shouldn't have asked Ashley to make your seat close to him. Im sorry.” . Jeremy's POV Whoa.. I got to school quite early today.. Why? Oh im sure its'cos I woke up early. But what woke me up? No idea. The last time I checked, I slept quite late, chatting with Molly. Whatever. I walked down the hallway to the classroom. I expected to see Molly but I met Chris only. And no little snail as well. Is the snail not yet in School? I walked over to Chris. “Hey dude.” He said, stretching out his hand for a style shake. We did it. “Where's Molly?” I asked, then I looked at the brat's seat. Where's this one too anyway? “Whoa. Where is Molly and you're staring at Alex seat?” He said, laughing. What's funny? “What's that? Just answer me.” I said. “No idea. I guess she's not yet in school.” He said. That punk! I thought I told her to be early to school huh. I stood up and walked out of the class to the long hallway. Then just immediately, I saw the snail and Steph walking towards. Where are they coming from? I put my hands into my pockets and walked a little bit away from the classroom entrance. The snail isn't going to walk pass me where I stood now. She'll just turn into the classroom, but Steph is sure going to walk pass me to her own class. The snail glanced at me then looked down. She must be admiring my handsomeness right? Yeahh. Then they said things I couldn't hear to each other and the snail walked into the classroom and Steph made her way for her classroom. As she walked pass me, I stopped her. “You guys talking about me huh?” I asked her. She glared at me, before walking away to her classroom. I chuckled. Then I saw Molly coming, in her so short skirt and with her hair flapping as she walked up to me. She gave me a smirk smile. “Did you have to come so late today?” I asked. “No. Its just eight o'clock.” She said. I inhaled as stared at her lips. She stared at mine too. “So about what I told you last night?” I said. “What?” She asked. “That I wanna kiss your lips today.” I said. “Don't act like its the first time you're gonna do that.” She said. Her lips don't curve like the way the snail's own does when she talks. And they ain't that pinky like hers too. Oh, she had to apply lipgloss too? She always do! “You can kiss my lips as much as you want to.” She said it like a whisper and bite her lower lip. But it still doesn't curve like the snail's own. Fuck it! I grabbed her hand. “Ouch.. that hurt!” She said. I dragged her to a washroom. “Hey, You want something from me, you calm down. I'do give it all to you.” She said and pulled away from my grip. “Clean off the lipgloss.” I said. She looked at me. “Huh?” She said. “Just do it.” I said. “Don't my lips look sweet on it?” She asked. “Just do what I said Molly.” “Okay, don't be such a punk. You're acting like you gonna eat me off.” She said as she walked to the sink. I watched her wash the lipgloss on her lips off. Then I walked to her and stared at her lips in natural colour now. It isn't pink as the snail's own. And its so small. Why's the snail's lips that full? “J?” She called. “Huh?” I said, still staring at her lips. Why Im I not feeling the way I felt whenI was staring at the snail's own? “Kiss me and don't keep staring.” She said. I grapped her cheek and forced my lips on her. She winced. I just wanted to do it, Just the way I did it to the brat yesterday. Im sure Molly is damn suprise. I've never kissed her that way. I kissed her on but I didn't feel that feeling that I felt yesterday while kissing the snail. Her lips isn't so soft like the snail's as well. Molly kissed back and we withdrew after a while. I can swear.. I felt nothing. Nothing like I felt after I kissed that brat yesterday up there in the balcony. Molly smiled. “How was my lips on yours?” She asked, as she wrapped her hands around me. Bad! “Um.. Nice.” I said. She frowned. “Just nice huh?” “Yeah...Nice. C'mon, let's go. Im sure there's a teacher in the class now.” I said as I took her hands off me. Why do I wanna go to the class anyway? Cos of Alexandra. My stupid thought said to me. “J, when in the whole world did you began caring about a teacher in class? You don't always give a damn.” She said. “Then be happy for your dear boyfriend. Im serious with my books now.” I said, grabbing her hand as I pulled her out of the washroom with me, and dow the hallway.. Then I droped her hand. But she slid it back. “Just hold me.” She said. I rolled my eyes. # Molly's POV “Just hold me.” I said. Because girls were staring and I needed to get them a little jealous you know. I heard mutterings from the staring girls. “Aw. Look at them. They make a great couple.” “I love Jeremy and Molly together.” “Just perfect for each other.” “Oh, I wish im her.” “Me too.” Ohhhhh, my head wanna explode. Im so proud to be Jeremy's girlfriend. Awwww. Im so proudddd... So so proud to be.! ………………………………………… LOL Say something about this Chapter? ………………………………………… Don't forget to like and. …………………………………………… TEENS HEART # Chapter 20 Story by, Rejoice . . . . . # Jeremy's POV Whoa.. I got to school quite early today.. Why? Oh im sure its'cos I woke up early. But what woke me up? No idea. The last time I checked, I slept quite late, chatting with Molly. Whatever. I walked down the hallway to the classroom. I expected to see Molly but I met Chris only. And no little snail as well. Is the snail not yet in School? I walked over to Chris. “Hey dude.” He said, stretching out his hand for a style shake. We did it. “Where's Molly?” I asked, then I looked at the brat's seat. Where's this one too anyway? “Whoa. Where is Molly and you're staring at Alex seat?” He said, laughing. What's funny? “What's that? Just answer me.” I said. “No idea. I guess she's not yet in school.” He said. That punk! I thought I told her to be early to school huh. I stood up and walked out of the class to the long hallway. Then just immediately, I saw the snail and Steph walking towards. Where are they coming from? I put my hands into my pockets and walked a little bit away from the classroom entrance. The snail isn't going to walk pass me where I stood now. She'll just turn into the classroom, but Steph is sure going to walk pass me to her own class. The snail glanced at me then looked down. She must be admiring my handsomeness right? Yeahh. Then they said things I couldn't hear to each other and the snail walked into the classroom and Steph made her way for her classroom. As she walked pass me, I stopped her. “You guys talking about me huh?” I asked her. She glared at me, before walking away to her classroom. I chuckled. Then I saw Molly coming, in her so short skirt and with her hair flapping as she walked up to me. She gave me a smirk smile. “Did you have to come so late today?” I asked. “No. Its just eight o'clock.” She said. I inhaled as stared at her lips. She stared at mine too. “So about what I told you last night?” I said. “What?” She asked. “That I wanna kiss your lips today.” I said. “Don't act like its the first time you're gonna do that.” She said. Her lips don't curve like the way the snail's own does when she talks. And they ain't that pinky like hers too. Oh, she had to apply lipgloss too? She always do! “You can kiss my lips as much as you want to.” She said it like a whisper and bite her lower lip. But it still doesn't curve like the snail's own. Fuck it! I grabbed her hand. “Ouch.. that hurt!” She said. I dragged her to a washroom. “Hey, You want something from me, you calm down. I'do give it all to you.” She said and pulled away from my grip. “Clean off the lipgloss.” I said. She looked at me. “Huh?” She said. “Just do it.” I said. “Don't my lips look sweet on it?” She asked. “Just do what I said Molly.” “Okay, don't be such a punk. You're acting like you gonna eat me off.” She said as she walked to the sink. I watched her wash the lipgloss on her lips off. Then I walked to her and stared at her lips in natural colour now. It isn't pink as the snail's own. And its so small. Why's the snail's lips that full? “J?” She called. “Huh?” I said, still staring at her lips. Why Im I not feeling the way I felt whenI was staring at the snail's own? “Kiss me and don't keep staring.” She said. I grapped her cheek and forced my lips on her. She winced. I just wanted to do it, Just the way I did it to the brat yesterday. Im sure Molly is damn suprise. I've never kissed her that way. I kissed her on but I didn't feel that feeling that I felt yesterday while kissing the snail. Her lips isn't so soft like the snail's as well. Molly kissed back and we withdrew after a while. I can swear.. I felt nothing. Nothing like I felt after I kissed that brat yesterday up there in the balcony. Molly smiled. “How was my lips on yours?” She asked, as she wrapped her hands around me. Bad! “Um.. Nice.” I said. She frowned. “Just nice huh?” “Yeah...Nice. C'mon, let's go. Im sure there's a teacher in the class now.” I said as I took her hands off me. Why do I wanna go to the class anyway? Cos of Alexandra. My stupid thought said to me. “J, when in the whole world did you began caring about a teacher in class? You don't always give a damn.” She said. “Then be happy for your dear boyfriend. Im serious with my books now.” I said, grabbing her hand as I pulled her out of the washroom with me, and dow the hallway.. Then I droped her hand. But she slid it back. “Just hold me.” She said. I rolled my eyes. # Molly's POV “Just hold me.” I said. Because girls were staring and I needed to get them a little jealous you know. I heard mutterings from the staring girls. “Aw. Look at them. They make a great couple.” “I love Jeremy and Molly together.” “Just perfect for each other.” “Oh, I wish im her.” “Me too.” Ohhhhh, my head wanna explode. Im so proud to be Jeremy's girlfriend. Awwww. Im so proudddd... So so proud to be.! ………………………………………… To be continued..
12 Mar 2019 | 08:11
Getting interesting
12 Mar 2019 | 17:58
TEENS HEART Sequence 21-23 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. [[Note: Alex point of view starts all the way back from when Jeremy saw her and Steph at the hallway... Now ENJoy]] . . # Alexandra 's POV As Steph and I walked to through the big hallway, which led to our classes, I saw him. Jeremy. He's hair is no more bad like I made it be yesterday. He glanced at us and I looked down. Soon I got to my classroom entrance door.. Jeremy isn't standing far now. “See you at Lunch hour Alex.” Steph said. “See you too. Take care.” I said and walked into the classroom.. but I first went to my locker to check the first class this morning. Mathematics. Okay, I just hate maths. I took my maths notes and my calculator and closed back the locker. Then I walked to the main classroom. I saw Chris.. but no Molly. He's on his phone as always. Arghh, I feel like snatching the phone outta his hands. Why would someone always be clued to phones in class all the time? Not good at all! I felt like saying Hi to him but then I decided not to. I can't bear the embarrasement I'do feel if he snub me and this devils in class would laugh at me. So I just sat gently on my seat and opened my maths note to go through. I typed on my calculater. “Hi Alex.” I heard a voice at my back. I paused. Jeremy? It can't be him. He's not in yet. And he can't call me in such a nice way either. He's always rude. Then he came to my front. Chris Ray. It's Chris. Wow. I can't believe it. I like this guy. I just like the way he is. Not the rude proud Jeremy. “Hi Chris Ray.” I said, adding his surname. I don't know why but I guess I like his surname. He smiled. He has no dimples like Jeremy do, but he's just cute. I love the way his hair blowed and curled. “Just Chris. Ray is official.” He said. I smiled. “I know that.” I said. He sat down on my desk, his phone in his hand. “Hope Jeremy didn't hurt you?” He asked. Everyone think he hurt too much? “Nop.” I said. “But why's h....” Was about asking him why Jeremy is so rude but then I decided not to. “What?” He asked. “Its nothing.” I said. He glanced at my books.. “You must love math right?” He asked. “Im. not a fan of it one bit.” I said. “Me too. But Steph is.” He said. I looked at him. “How do you know?” I asked. “She's your friend right?” He asked. “Yeah.” I said. “Okay.” He said. Jeremy and his girlfriend walked in holding hands. Stupid things. Chris saw them and got down from my desk. “Talk with ya lera.” He said with a smile and walked over to his seat, meeting up with the other stupid two. I glanced at Chris before turnin back to maths book. Soon, I felt Jeremy sit down on his seat. I just went on with the calculation. “Hey little snail.” His voice interrupted. Jeremy! Again! Why is he such a blockhead!? . # Alexandra 's POV [Continues] “Hey little snail.” His voice interrupted. Jeremy! Again! Why is he such a blockhead!? I ignored him. “Hey, snail. Im talking to you.” He said. This is so annoying. “You're just so annoying. Can't you just let me be?” I said. “Huh? Why would I be disturbing an ugly big ears like you huh?” He said. I clenched my teeth! Oh Jesus! Nothing is gonna stop me from changing my seat away from this stupid guy! “Answer me.” He said. “Answer what?” I snapped. “Why would I be disturbing an ugly big ear like you?” He said. “Gosh! You're disturbing me. You're a hell of a disturbia.” I said. “What is disturbia? It ain't in the dictionary.” He said. “And so fucking what?” I snapped. He's so annoying. “Whoa. You say fucking things like I do? Are you a bad gurl huh?” “Why are you so stupid and arrogant?” I yelled. It was low tho. “What were you and that bitch talking about me there at the hallway?” He asked. I and who? And who's the bitch? “Answer my question.” He said. “Who's a bitch?” I asked. “Steph is the bitch.” He said. You are the bitch! Arrogant Idiot. “She ain't a bitch, Get that and why the hell should we talk about a proud rude punk like you.” I said. “Wow. Im the most popular and the most handsome in this school, so everyone talks about me.” He said. “You ain't worth talking about.” I snapped. # Jeremy's POV “You ain't worth talking about.” She snapped. Huh. I ain't worth talking about? I chuckled. Annoying tho. Why do I just wanna keep getting on her nerves? “You are a brat, you should know that.” I said. “A brat is better than what you are.” She said. Huh? “What are my?” I asked. I wanna know anyway. “A psycho.” She said. “What! Are you such a wide mouth huh?” I said. “What do you feel you can do to me huh?” She said. I can kiss you. Yeah, “Beat you.” I said. “You dare not.” She said. Arghh, this girl's always daring me. A teacher walked in. Maths! I hate maths. Fuck it! I faced the snail again. “You're daring me huh? Im gonna spoil your hair and everyone gonna laugh at you. You want that huh?” I said with a smirk smile even though she can't see it. Im at her back. I wanna get her so annoyed even though Im just having the urge to kiss her lips again. “That is the least you can do to me, rude thing. You're the one that would be laughed at cos you act like you're insane!” She said. Arghhhhhhhhh.. This snail! “And please no disturbance. A teacher is in. This is Math and I need total concentration.” She added. Punk! “You are...” but I got interrupted by the teacher's question to her. “Miss, You're a new student right?” He asked her. Dumb question actually. “Yes I am.” She snail answered. “Please introduce yourself to me... To us.” He said. I chuckled. # Aexandra's POV I should introduce myself; Why should I? Well, its fine. I will. “My name is A_” He cut in. “Pease stand up and introduce yourself.” He said. Ugh! I hate this man already. I stood up. I can hear a low mockery laugh at my back. Jeremy. This are the kinds of things he would love. “My name is Alexandra Grande.” I said. “Nice names. What's your former school?” He asked. “Marily Girls High school.” I said. “In Texas?” “Yea.” “Alright. Welcome to Ellas. Im Mr Fred, your maths teacher.” He said. Mr Fred. I hate you already. I breathed and sat down. “You got such an ugly names.” The arrogant bitch said to me. I wanted to talk back but I decided to ignore him. I think silence would be the best talk back now. “Did you hear me?” He said. But I choosed to ignore him as I focused on the teaching. “Hey snail? Is your ear blocked huh?” I went on to ignore him. He's nothing but a pest. God! I can't just wait to change my seat. #Jeremy's POV She ignored me. Whoa. But I hate that she did. And why do I hate maths so much? I got out my phone to log into facebook. …………………………………………… ……………………………………… …………………………………………… <b> LUNCH HOUR. #Alexandra's POV Steph and I walked to the school cafeteria this time. I was happy to have some time with her. “He was a pest to you right?” Steph asked. “Yeah, only at the first class. But when I kept ignoring him, he stopped. But anyway, Im still gonna change my seat.” I said. “He's always an arrogant bitch.” Steph said. ……………………………………… …………………………………………… We walked into the school cafeteria and bought a sweet dish. We took sit on an empty table. Soon we saw Chris walk in. He saw me and smiled. I smiled back. Are we getting to be friends already? I was thinking he was gonna come but he just walked to the counter, bought a drink and walked out. My bad! Why would he come by anyway? # Steph's POV I saw the duo smile at each other. Seriously? Are they some kind of friends? Ohhh whatever! He is just rude too. Do I care? Well, I'll just ask Alex tho. “Are you guys friends or what?” I asked her. She smiled. “Maybe. Im not so sure but we had a little chat in class today.” She said. Hmm! “He's just like Jeremy. Proud punks!” I said. “I don't think he is. He's cool.” She said. “Whatever! I just hate them both!” I said. #Alexandra's POV My phone vibrated. Im sure its Lili calling. Yeah, it was her. “Lili right?” She asked. “Yeah.” I said. I picked up. “Hi Lili.” I said, smiling. “Alex dear. I couldn't wait for lunch hour so I can call you. How are you darling?” She said. “Im fine Lili and thanks for calling.” I said. “Aww my dear niece. Did anyone distract you in class?” She asked. Jeremy! who else. “No one, Lili. Im fine.” I said. Steph raised eyebrows at me with wide eyes. She must be astounded that I had to lie. “What about Steph, is she with you now?” Lili asked. “Yeah she is and we're in the school cafeteria right now. Eating something spicy and delicious.” I said. “Oh dear. That's great.” She said. “Take care Lili. I miss you and can't wait to be home and be with you.” I said. “Miss you too dear. Bye. Love you.” She said. “Love you too. Bye.” I said and dropped the call. I smiled at Steph. “She reminds me of my mom.” I said to her with a smile. She looked at me with a smile. “Its fine dear.” “What about your mom?” I asked her. She paused. “I don't wanna talk about it.” She said. I smiled at her. “Its okay..” I said. . Jeremy's POV Feeling like im missing the snail after she left with Steph is a minor case. Thinking about her lips is quite okay.. But sleeping in the class and dreaming about me kissing her is just not okay. That is craziness. I sat up and Chris is sitting on my desk. “Sleeping?” He asked. I stared at him with dizzy eyes. “You gotta tell me where you went to? Another clubbing last night? He asked. “Was chatting Molly.” I said. “Um.. Sounds awkward that the most popular guy was sleeping in class.” He said. “Not quite long. You were sleeping so I just went to the cafeteria to grab a drink.” I said. Huh? “What drink?” I asked. “Don't act like a punk. Alcohol isn't sold here remember?” He said. I nodded as my stomache grumbled. “Can we go grab something? Im hungry.” I said. “Sure.” He said and got down from my desk... but just immediately, the snail walked in. I wonder why I felt no hunger again. And I don't wanna leave again. I looked at her, but the snail was smiling at Chris. Seriously? I looked at Chris and he was smiling back. Are they friends huh? “Hi Alex.” He said as she got to her seat. # Alexandra 's POV “Chris Ray” I called, smiling at Chris as I sat down. “Hey, Just call me Chris. You love my surname.” He said with a smile. “Oh my bad! Im sorry.” I said, realising I did that again. “She's just unbelievable.” The brat said. Jeremy. What's his business in this? Idiot. I'll just keep ignoring you. “Hey dude, you don't have to say that. She just like my surname I think.”Chris said. “She act like a dumbass!” The brat said. I shut my eyes with my teeth clenched. And he said it so loud! God! I wish i could strangle him to death! I could hear stupid giggles from the devils. “Alex, im sorry for what he just said ok.” Chris said to me. “Its okay. Im fine.” I said. Chris left to his seat and just then, Molly walked in and over to her seat, beside Chris. Chris seat next to Jeremy. “Don't act like you don't want my disturbance. Every girl loves it and you can't pretend to be uninterested. Like yo don't like it cos I know you do. Don't be an asshole.” The brat said to me. Jeremy. Seriously? Huh, Every girl want his troubles? Funny! Im not like them anyway. So fuck him. #Jeremy's POV I kept saying annoying things to her...trying to her to talk back at me but she just ignored. I don't understand why I want her to talk back. I hate someone talking back at me but now, Why do I want the snail to keep talking about at me? Weird! “Are you a bitch? can't you talk hu? are you dumb now?” I said. But she still kept ignoring me.. Till it was time for Biology class. She stood up and walked out. I felt so angry... Really angry. Why couldn't she just talk back? “Hey J,” It was Molly. “We got biology now. Ain't you going? I can stay with you if you don't wanna go.” She said. Huh! “Ofcourse I am.” I said and stood up Chris stared at me. Why? I'll ask him later. I walked to my locker, grabbed my biology books and with Moll beside me and Chris behind us, We walked up to the biology Lab. I saw her. She's cute. And Just like in the class, her seat is at my front as well. I walked to my seat and sat down. I had the urge to talk to her but I just decided not to. Who's she anyway to give me such feelings? #Alexandra's POV He sat behind me. I hissed. I just hope he don't start his troubles here again. And thank goodness he didn't as class went on, smoothly and great. I was happy. I listened really attentively to the biology teacher. But then, it wasn't long tho. Cos just as the teaching was no getting more interesting. He started again. “Why ain't you talking back at me huh? Cos you think you've won huh?” Oh horrible! I clenched my fist and almost hitting it on the desk. I breathed In.... Out.... I'll go on to ignore him. It's just a matter of time and our seat won't be close again! #Jeremy's POV She still kept ignoring me. This punk! This little snail. Arghh. Jeremy. #Alexandra's POV It was just that way between us. He talked while I ignore till biology class was over... Till the last class before school over. Geometry. He didn't stay for it tho. He left. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… As school-over bell rang, I stood up, walked to my locker, grabbed my bag and closed back the door. As I walked through the hallway to go meet Steph in her class, A hand grabbed mine. I flinched and turned. Jeremy! What punk! He had a frowny face. “Let go of me.” I said, trying to pull away from him hold but he held me tight. “Come with me.” He said as he pulled me along. And what the heck!! I can't believe he was pulling me to the hallway leading to the long staircase. That aweful staircase to that dreadful balcony! “Leave my hand you brat!” I screamed but he just pulled me along. Just the way he did yesterday. How do I get away from this bitch grip. He began dragging me up the staircase. Up Upper And upper I got furious. So I grabbed the idea of biting his hand. But as I pulled my hand this time with much force, It pulled out, though I almost fell. “I can't let you keep dragging me up there. You bitch!” I yelled with fierce eyes. ………………………………………… Are you curious to know what's gonna happen? Can you guess? ……………………………………………… Itz #Viciyoung
13 Mar 2019 | 10:25
I think he wanted to kiss her again
14 Mar 2019 | 04:32
TEENS HEART Sequence 24-25 . <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV She pulled away from my grip. “I can't let you keep dragging me up there! you bitch!” She yelled. “Just shut up and follow me.” I said, going for her hand but she hid her hand and tried to rush off but I grabbed her on the waist on time before she could. Im sure you know what all this is all about. Her lips. I just wanna kiss them before she goes. I've been thinking about it. And I found out I can't fucking let her go without kissing it again. But again, I wanna know why she ignored me all the while in class. Who told her to do that huh! That bitch, Steph? “Why are you so rude huh!” She yelled. “Why didn't you talk back at me?” I asked. Our face was so close to each other now, and I stared at her lips. “Because there's no point talking back at such an arrogant guy like you.” She said. I swear... I love the way her lips curved as she talked. It made me smile. Her eyes were fierce but they still sparkled. “What's funny? Why are you smiling you punk! Let go off me. How dare you hold my waist. Where is your manners?” She yelled trying to pull away from my hold. But it can't happen. I just stared at her lips as that strange tingling feeling came. That urge to kiss her lips. Look at the way it is. So pinky. “Can you keep talking back at me please?” I said. She stared at me like im kinda crazy. I paused. The way she stared at me was funny.. It made me chuckle. “I should keep talking back at you?” She asked. “Yeah.” I said. Alexandra's POV Is he insane or what? And why is he holding me so tight? Arghh, I hate this guy! The way he stared at my lips now. What my lips!?? “Why is your lips...” Then he didn't complete the sentence. Jesus! my lips. I hope it ain't what im thinking. I gasped as he got his face closer and closer. Oh God, I hope this brat is not about to kiss me again! Oh no, no, no, But just in a flash, I felt his lips forced on mine. Again! He kissed me again. This is not real. What in the world is this? #Jeremy's POV I felt that tingling feeling.. I don't know what that feeling is all about but It felt it lingering in my heart. Her lips was soft... Molly's don't match hers in anyway...and I just wish I could kiss on. She just stared in horror shock. My heartbeat raised. Why? And I just wish she could kiss me back but she just stared at me instead. Im sure she's gonna be so mad at me when I withdraw and somehow, I really love to make her so annoyed. When I finally withdrew... Whoa! She did the craziest and funniest thing. She slapped me. “How dare you kiss me again you worthless bitch!” She screamed. And before I could say say anything!, She ran down the stairs and out of my sight. I gasped, touching my cheek. What the fuck? Just cos I kissed her fucking lips huh? She should be damn happy that I kissed her. Does she have an idea how many girls want my lips huh. Ouch! but the slap hurts tho. Such a silly punk! Ahh, ouch! I nursed my burning cheek with my hand. ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV I ran down the staircase with tears in my eyes. How could that bitch kiss me again! What in the world gave him the courage to kiss me again? God! I feel so used! I ran and stepping down from the last stair block, I sat down on it and rested my head on the stair rail. As my tears poured. Why am I crying? Why? Cos I got kissed by that fucked up idiot again huh? I sniffled and wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks. Why did he have to kiss me. Because he think he could kiss everybody? Because he think he can do anything and get away with it? Fuck him! God, this sbouldn't be happening to me. “Alex.” I heard a soft voice. I looked up and it's Steph. “Steph.” I said, cleaning my tears as I sat up. She rushed to me. “What's wrong? You're crying?” She asked, looking straight at me. I blinked. “Im fine.” I said. “You are lying to me Alex. Im seeing tears. I've been looking for you. And I had to find you in this lonely hallway in tears?” She said. I could feel she is sad. “It's that bitch huh?” She asked. I nodded. “Yeah.” “What did he say to you?” She asked. He kissed me. He fucking kissed me again! I wish I could tell her that.. But I really can't. I feel she would look down on me. I sniffled. “He said annoying things to me. There was just too annoying that I could't hold back the tears.” I lied. “Its okay.” She said and helped me clean my tears. She's so nice. “Let's go to Ms Ashley.” She said and pulled me up. ………………………………………… We got to Ms Ashley's office and I asked for a change of seat position. “Are you sure you want your seat to be changed Alex?” She asked. Don't she hear? Must I say it a million times before she do? “Yes!” I said. “Then its okay. Your seat would be changed before you get to school tomorrow.” She said. “Thank you.” I said. She brought out a book. “Write your name and sign here.” She said. I took a pen from her and wrote my name according to the sentence on the little book which read, I, [Alexandra Grande] requires for my seat position in class to be changed due to some [Common distractions]. Then I signed my signature. “Your seat would be changed.” Ms Ashley said. “Im happy.” I said. Steph smiled. “Thanks Ms Ashley.” Steph said with a smile. . After searching for Jeremy like forever, I finally saw him walking down the hallway. His hands in his pockets. He walked up to me, and passed. What the fuck is wrong with him? “Hey dude.” I called, meeting up his steps. “Huh?” He said. “What's up. Had to look for you everywhere. Was quite stressful.” I said. “You saw me now.” He said. I looked at his face. He's face is in a frown.. But he's cheek.. Hahaha. Why is it kinda red? “Your cheek is kinda red. Why?” I asked. “Nothing.” He said, heading to his locker. He opened it and grabbed his bag. “But its red dude.” I said. “It's nothing!” He said and turned. I followed beside him. “Okay.” I said. Though I felt something isn't so right. I hope it wasn't with the new girl. Whatever. I just followed him along as we walked through the hallway which lead outta the building. “You drinking today?” He asked. Winnie? “Nop. You wanna drink?” I asked. “You've been doing that for days now. Just wanna know if I'll have to drive a drunken lovesick home today again.” “Im keeping to the promise I made yesterday.” I said. He chuckled. “Where's Molly?” He asked. “Im here.” We heard her voice behind. “Huh..” Jeremy and I said and turned. She was smiling. Her left hand on her hips and the other touching her hair. “Hey guys.” She said. Then turned to Jeremy. “J, I've been looking for you.” She said as she walked to him and slid her hand into his. It made me think about Steph for a moment. I wish I had her. I'do love us to hold hands just this way. “Can I go with you to your house today and stay with you for a little while?” She asked him. I just watched them. “No. Im gonna study, read once im home.” He said to her. What! Arggh, I know he's lying. But why? “Please J. Pleaseeeee.” She said, acting like a kid. So funny. It made me chuckle. I imagined Steph and I being the two there. “No. I said im gonna read once im home and all through the night.” He still kept lying. Im sure Molly knows he's lying. When did J start reading his books? It can't start today. Molly glancec at me then turned back to him. “Oh J, I promise we gonna have fun.” She said touching his chin. Then she whispered something that I couldn't hear, to him. Spoilt punks! I left them. # Jeremy's POV “I wanna spend some time with you. I've missed you so much. I wanna go with you. Please.” She said, holding me. I rolled my eyes. “Okay fine, But you not gonna stay for too long.” I said. “Uh.. Why?” She asked. “Cos im gonna read.” I said. “Okay.” She said. ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV Lili hugged me just as she opened the door. “Alex dear.” She said, still hugging me. Her hug felt a little different and warmer today. “Lili” I said. “I missed you.” She said. “Me too.” I said with a smile. Then she withdrew and pulled me in. “How was school dear?” She asked. It was just the most horrible day! “It was bad.” I said. She gasped and then drew me into another hug. “Oh my goodness! What happened?” She asked. “Jeremy. He's my seatmate. But he's been so rude and a distraction that I had to sign for my seat to he changed.” “You did?” She asked. “Yeah I did.” I said.. “Its fine dear. Im so sorry.” She said. ……………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV Rihanna ft Drake's song 'WORK' blared on the stereo as I pulled into the garage. Molly just sang along. Her type of things. I turned it off and turned the car engine off too. We got down. “Wow. It's been a while I came here.” She said. “J,” She called, sliding her hand into mine again. Must we hold hands? We walked in as we saw Moni walked down the staircase. “Your old woman.” Molly whispered. “Welcome Jeremy dear. How was school today?” She asked. “Great.” I said. Was it great? Yeah it was, I got to kiss the snail but then she had to slap me. It wasn't so great tho... “How are you Molly?” She asked Molly but there was a way she made her face as she asked that. The truth is that, She doesn't really like Molly. “Hi Moni, Im fine.” Molly said, touching her hair again. I walked on as Molly followed beside. We walked upstairs, into my room. I dropped my bag, sat down on my bed and pulled off my shoes. Molly just fell on the bed, her skirt almost rolling up. “Yupee! Oh, I've missed this bed.” She said, hugging a pillow. I pulled off my trouser and the shirt. I had just a singlet and a boxer on now. I turned to my wardrobe, pulled out a black and white strip short and a white shirt and pulled on. “J,” I felt her behind me as she wrapped her hands around me. I rolled my eyes. What's this for? “I love you J, do you love me huh?” She asked. Why would I love her? What's love anyway? “Yeah.” I just answered. “Say it.” She said. What the fuck? “Yeahh. I love you.” I said. Its just a fucking mere word. “Then kiss me J.” She said. Kiss! It reminded me of the snail. Her lips, When I kissed her. When I felt that tingling feeling lingering on a spot in my heart. A feeling that I don't even understand. Then when she slapped me. Arghh, that slap! Im gonna deal with her tomorrow! “J?” She called. “Don't you hear me?” I just turned, gave her a quick kiss on her lips and turned back to close my wardrobe. I closed it. “Not that way J.” She said. “Which way huh?” I was getting really annoyed now. “Kiss me like you want it.” She said. I rolled my eyes and turned to her. She stared at me. For fuck sake! If she wants me to kiss her for quite long, then she should go have a lips like the snail's own. Cos its just the snail's lips I just feel like kissing for so long till I feel like suffocating. Stupid! “You are smiling J. I love your smiles.” Molly said. Huh? I was smiling? “Was I smiling?” I asked. “Yeah. You were.” She said and before I could say jack! She kissed me, putting her arms on my neck. I pulled away. “C'mon Molly, Let's go eat. Im hungry.” I said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her outta my room. # Molly's POV Why did he pull away? He's been acting weird. Its So annoying! ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………… <b> LATER @ NIGHT #Alexandra's POV <b> “Dear Diary, Can you believe that bitch kissed me again today? God, I felt so embarrased and used. And I slapped him. Im so sad that I can't tell Steph about this. About Jeremy kissing me two times. I wonder how she'do look at me. I wonder what she'do say. I guess keeping it a secret is the best way. Changed my seat and Im sure I ain't gonna sit close to him tomorrow and till im out of that school. I hate him.. I really hate that bitch! But Chris, He's just cute and nice and I guess we are friends already. I like him.. . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung
14 Mar 2019 | 19:21
15 Mar 2019 | 11:24
Steph u an ur father that's too bad
16 Mar 2019 | 13:29
TEENS HEART Sequence 26-27 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Alexandra 's POV I woke up to low yells from Lili. Who's she yelling at? I rushed out to see, and there she was, her back on me as she held the phone in one hand and the other hand akimbo. She is standing beside the table. “You stupid man. You moron!” She yelled at the reciever. She had no idea I was out now. “How dare you call now, after two weeks huh! Alex had been with me for two weeks and you never called all that time. How dare you call now, you moron! Do you wanna be dealth with huh? Do you want me to deal with both you and your whore huh?” She yelled. It's no one else but my dad. “Don't ever call to ask me about Alex unless you've begged God for forgiveness and get that whore outta your life. Im sure Alex would never forgive you if you don't do that.” She said. I scoffed. “I'll never forgive him even if he does.” I said. She flinched and turned as she heard that. “Alex.” She said, dropping the call. I crossed my arms and walked up to her. “You're awake already? Its just too early for you to dear.” She said. “What's the reason for his call?” I asked. “He's asking after you.” She said. I chuckled. “I don't matter to him. He should never try that again. And Lili, did you have to pick his call?” I asked. “He called with a new number. I couldn't detect he's the one.” She said. I looked down. “I hate him.” I said. Lili rushed to me and pulled me into a hug. “I hate him.” I repeated as a tear dropped from my eyes. “Its fine Alex. Don't cry.” She said. “Im never gonna forgive him. Never gonna do that Lili.” I cried. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… # Jeremy's POV “Arghhh..” I groaned as I sat up on my bed. It seems like its 8'oclock already. I yawned and checked the time. 6:30am. “What? Did I have to wake up so early huh?” I hissed and fell back on the bed. That snail. Ugh.... Im gonna deal with her. Fuck her. How dare she come to my dreams huh? Arghh.. I don't know what's wrong with me tho. I feel my heart beat rise when I talk about the snail. I hissed and got up from the bed. Turned and walked into the bathroom. Staring at myself and seeing my cheek reminded me of the snail's slap. Damn. Why did she had to do that? She don't really know what I could do to her huh? Fuck it! Im gonna deal with her. Im gonna kiss her again. Lol.. Such a snail. This suprisingly made me eager to get to school. Haha. I turned on the shower as the water splashed over my skin. ……………………………………………… “Jeremy, Im so happy you're making it to school early. It's just 7:30 and you're dressed already. Oh gracious.” Moni said as I walked down the stairs over to the dinning. I smiled. “Are you happy for me?” I asked. “Oh my! He's smiling. Ofcos im happy for you dear.”She said. “Be happy cos im gonna deal with a snail today.” I said, going for my food. “What? Deal? Snail? How Jeremy?” She asked with wide eyes. “Wow.. Its delicious.” I said as I took a spoon of the meal. She put her hands on her chest. “Don't worry Moni, im not gonna deal so mercilessly with the snail.. Im just gonna do something more interesting.” I said and winked at her. She just stared at me. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………… I got to school and headed straight to class. And I got disappointed. I saw no snail. She's not yet in school? Anyway, I saw Chris. “Hey dude.” He said as he saw me. I sat down on my seat. Why the fuck is the stupid girl not yet in school? Arghh.. I drummed my finger on my desk, as I stared at her seat. “Molly left yesterday?” Chris asked. “Yeah.” I said. She left just after the meal. Though I had to force her. “And you studied? You read?” He asked. I looked at him. It was funny so I chuckled. “Fuck that.” I said. Where the fuck is this snail huh? A guy walked in and what? He sat down on the snail's seat. What? I looked at Chris. He looked suprised too but then he just shrugged. What the heck! “Hey!” I called at the guy. He turned. He looked timid and naive with eyeglasses. “This ain't your seat. Are you fucking blind?” I said. “This is my seat now. Alexandra's seat position had been changed.” He said. Whoah! I couldn't believe the shit. “Who the hell changed it?” I yelled at him. “Ms Ashley.” He said, getting scared. “What!” But then the snail walked in just then and without looking at this direction, She walked to the far end of the class and sat down, turning to window beside her. Whoah.. This ain't happening right? Nop. “Is that her new seat huh?” I asked the guy. “Yeah.” He said. I got so annoyed. What freak! “Im gonna fucking stop this!” I yelled. That got the whole attention of the class. Eyes turned to me. “Why are you guys staring huh!” I barked at them all. “dude” Chris called. #Alexandra's POV It was funny looking at him yell at everyone. Why's he annoyed? Im just happy I don't have to seat close to him anymore. Such a brat. Oh horrible! He's just so arrogant. We got Literature soon and I stood up to take my literature books. #Jeremy's POV The snail stood up and walked out. Where's she going? I stood up. She got to tell me why the hell she had her seat changed. I met her at her locker. I walked to her. “Hey snail.” I said, standing with my hands in my pockets. She ignored me. She didn't even look up at me. She just grabbed her books, closed back her locker and turned to walk away but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. “Ain't you the snail im calling huh?” I said. She forced her hand off and then looked at me with angry eyes. “My name is Alex and not a snail you punk! Get that into your skull.” She barked. Whoa. I chuckled. “The last time I checked, Alex is for boys and not for girls.” I said. She glared at me and then tried to leave again but I pulled her back again. “Can you ever stop being a bitch huh? Are you that stupid than a goat huh!?” She yelled. That was annoying tho but I still love the way her lips curve. I smiled. . Alexandra 's POV What's making him smile? Idiot. “You changed your seat position cos you're tired of seating behind the cutest guy in class and in the whole of Ellas who makes you quite uncomfortable with his charming cuteness right?” He ranted, smiling. God! I just wanna punch him on the nose. Charming Cuteness? Oh horrible. Such a proud parrot. “Do you think you're cute huh? You're just as ugly as an Ape is.” I said to his face, trying to annoy him. # Jeremy's POV I swear... I love the way her lips curved now. Arghhh! Such a cute snail. Haha. #Alexandra's POV But he smiled instead. What'd funny? Punk! “Don't try to stop me.” I said. “Stop you from what?” He asked. “From getting out of your stupid face.” I said. “You gat to tell me why Ms Ashley had your seat changed.” He said. Huh? Seriously. “Cos I want to.” I said and finally walked out. He let me walk away. Was I the reason why he was yelling then? Oh... What's my seat being changed the reason why he was annoyed. Whatever! Fuck him. I love my new seat position.. At the window side where I can see the smooth school field from. Where I can see the blue birds. And there would be no disturbia to make my day horrific! Amazing. ……………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV Ms Ashley! I didn't turn back to class, I just headed to Ms Ashley's office. I really want that snail's seat in my front. She gotta tell me why she had to change the snail's seat position. I walked into her office. She was going through a file. “I want that snail's seat back at my front!” I barked. She looked up at me. “Jeremy?” She called. “Just go ahead and do it right away of you get fired!” “Calm down Jeremy.” She said in a soft tone. I can feel her fear now. I can fire her in just few minutes of phone call to my dad. “Do you wanna get fired?” I yelled. “No.” She said. “Then get the snail's seat back to my front.” I said. “Alexandrs is her name.” She said. “And so fucking what huh? Do what I said!” I barked. “I will.” She said. “I give you just today.” I said. Then turned and with my hands in my pockets, I stormed out. ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV “Alex dear, Im sorry, your seat would have to be taken back to Jeremy's front.” Ms Ashley said as I got to her office. “Why?” I asked, not believing it. “Jeremy demands that it should be done and if I don't do that, He'do get me fired.” She said. What! huh! “Get you fired? He isn't the proprietor.” I said. “He can do that. He's father is the proprietor. Jeremy is the heir.” She said. I hissed. “No way! My seat is never getting back to that damn thing's front.” I said. “Alex, I don't wanna get fired. You gotta accept this please.” She begged me. Why's she so scared? “Im never gonna accept to seat close to that annoying punk and you're not gonna get fired either.” I said. Turned and walked out.. Seriously? Who the hell does that punk think he is? To demand that my seat get back to his front or else Ms Ashley get fired. God, what does he think he is in the world? I was just heading to the class to talk some sense into that empty skull of his when I saw him leaning on the hallway wall, his eyes on his phone. Better. I walked to him and stood at his front with my two hands Akimbo. He looked up at me. Then back to his phone. “Need anything from me?” He asked without looking up. Huh Need what? “Ain't you talking? Are u dumb now?” He asked. “Ar.. Are.. you really this crazy!?” I asked. “You are standing there, hands on your hips, staring at me. You are the one that is crazy actually.” He said with a smirk smile. “Punk!” I yelled. He just glanced up. But actually it was on my lips. He smiled and went back to his phone. “Im not gonna accept to seat at your front. Never. You get that!?” I barked at him. He shrugged. “Who cares if you do? I don't fucking need your thin self close.” He said. What? How rude! “You don't want my closeness and you went to Ms Ashley demanding for my seat to be brought back to your front or you get her fired!” I said. “Yeah. Cos that is where your seat position is.” He said. “Im never coming back to your front. Get that and you dare not try to get Ms Ashley fired!.” I said. “What do you think you can do to stop me from doing that?” He asked, looking at me. “I'll make sure you don't do it.” I said. He smiled. “Go back to Ms Ashley and ask her more about me.” He said. I scoffed. “You are only but a proud jerk.” I said. He chuckled. “Waiting to see you seating at my front soon. Little snail.” He said with a smie. He then put the earphone around his neck on his ears. Then he gave me a wink followed by a smirk smile and walked away. Molly, came outta nowhere and slid her hand into his and they walked away. The bell for Lunch hour rang. I just stood, with my hands still akimbo as I stared bluntly at every passing being. What does this bitch think he is actually? This guy is nothing but an arrogant spoilt brat. But anyway, I still hold firm that im never gonna get my seat back to his front. Let's just see who wins this! . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung
18 Mar 2019 | 03:55
The school heir vs student, who win?
18 Mar 2019 | 13:51
21 Mar 2019 | 08:29
just bec he is a heir,he can behave anyhow? what is the meaning of that? does it mean thy is no rules in this school?
21 Mar 2019 | 11:22
TEENS HEART Sequence 28-30 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Alexandra 's POV [Continues] At lunch with Steph, I told her about Jeremy's demand for my seat to get back to his front. “I can't accept that. He is just rude. Threatening to fire Ms Ashley.” I had said. “I think you should just go back to his front. He would fire Ms Ashley if you don't.” Steph had said. But I know I wasn't gonna accept that and I know the bitch wouldn't dare fire Ms Ashley. Who is he to do that huh? I spoke with Lili too, as she asked in her usual caring way about me and Steph. If we had eaten. If we are having a great time together. It was always great talking with Lili. Now, im back in class, in my seat and gazing out the window to look at every thing my eyes could see. Then I saw the bitch and his girlfriend, they were obviously heading into the classroom. But then Chris came in before them. We've not said Hi to each other today. And for sure, he walked to me. I smiled at him. “Hi Alex Grande.” He said, adding my surname. I laughed. I know why, Cos I do add his as well. He sat on my desk. Seems he love doing that. “Hi Chris.” I said. He smiled. I just like his smile. “You look prettier today.” He said. I don't know if im flattered by that. but I blushed tho. I just hope he don't notice I did. Just then, the stupid two walked in and our eyes met. Jeremy. And I saw his frown. Why? Chris saw him, but this time, he didn't come down. He turned back to me with a smile. “I can tell he isn't happy you changed your seat position.” He said. I rolled my eyes. “He's so arrogant.” I said. “That's the way he had been.” He said. “Can't he change huh? He's so annoying.” I said. Chris shrugged. “He might someday.” He said. Then got out his phone. Phone! “You must love phones alot.” I said. He laughed. “Why do you keep your phone inside your locker?” He asked. I laughed. “How did you get to know?” I asked. “Cos I've never seen you with your phone in class.” He said. I laughed. “Arghh its a kinda distration.” I said. He laughed. “Can I have your facebook username?” He asked. Huh? I've hardly logged into my facebook account ever since my dad hurt me. “I hardly log into that.” I said “Okay.” He said. # Jeremy's POV I stared at them. I felt kinda upset, Annoyed. I don't fucking know why I am. But I just found myself getting annoyed. Seriously, why's Chris with her huh! # Chris POV “How did you both got to meet?” I asked her. Steph. “Who?” She asked. “Steph.” I said. I wish she could help me out. Maybe I could tell her about my feelings for Steph. She blinked. “Steph?” She asked. “Yeah.” I said. “Oh... actually, its my Aunt. She's friends with Steph, she introduced me to Steph cos Steph school here and needed us to be friends so I don't get bored here.” She said with a smile. # Alexandra 's POV Why's he been talking about Steph? Yesterday, he said that Steph loves maths, and now he's asking about how we met. I stared at him. “Why staring at me that way?” He asked, smiling. I just like his smile. “Can I tell you something?” He asked. Huh. What do he wanna tell me? “Yeah, ofcourse.” I said, urging him on. “That would be later.” He said. “Oh..” I said and checked the time on my wristwatch. 1:25pm We had Computer in the next five minutes. “I think I like computer.” He said with a smile. “I know.” I said. “How do you know?” He asked.. “Someone who loves phones, would love anything similiar to them. Computers.” I said. He laughed. “Yeah, you are right.” He said and then got down. “Talk later with ya.” He said. I smiled as I watched him walk to his seat. I saw the punk glance at me. Did he just glance or he's been staring?? Whatever! Chris is so better than him. And what do Chris wanna tell me? Anyways, I stood up and went for my Computer notes. ……………………………… I was glad that my seat wasn't close to the punk at the Computer class as well. The guy was always next after him or first before him. And gosh! Ugh! I can't believe how rude he had been to the guy. Anyways. I just focused on the computer before me. He can go on being so rude and arrogant till the world ends, Im happy as far as Im just far from him. # Jeremy's POV That snail... Why do I need her so close to me? “Don't you dare try to look at me or you're dead!!” I yelled at the eyeglass dumbass. Was he looking at me? Oh fuck. Whatever. He shouldn't be sitting here but that snail. “J, Can you just focus on your computer?” Mr Liam, the computer teacher said calmy. I glared at him. ………………………………………… <b> SCHOOL'S OVER #Alexandra's POV I met with Steph and we were just heading out of the hallway when I saw Chris. He had a white headset on his head, and he was singing. His bag hung loosely on one of his shoulder. He looked just cute. He's probably waiting for his two bitchy friends. I recalled he had something to tell me, So I waved at him. I wonder why im so anxious to know what he has to tell me. He smiled as he saw me and then got the headphone off his ears but there was a way he's face tensed when he saw Steph. Steph pulled my hand. “Why waving at him?” She asked. “Steph he's nice, trust me. And he says he got something to tell me.” I said. # Steph's POV He got something to tell her? Like what's that? I just hope it ain't about me. I hope he isn't trying to to use Alex to get me! Cos he wouldn't either. Punk like him! # Chris's POV Steph was with her. My heartbeat. I walked up to them but before I could get right there, Steph walked away. I knew she would. “Hi Alex.” I said, letting out a smile even though I felt bad and heartbroken. She smiled. If only Steph could be this friendly and nice to me just the way Alex is. “You're heading home already?” I asked her. “Yeah with Steph.” She said. Steph. I turned to look at her walking away but she was gone. I turned back to Alex. “You said you got something to tell me.” She said. “Yeah.” I said. “Alright. Are you gonna tell me now?” She asked. But then J and Molly walked out of the classroom and turned to our direction. I wonder what they've been doing in class. I turned to Alex. “We'll talk about it tomorrow ok.” I said. It took her quite some seconds before saying, “Okay. Bye.” “Bye.” I said. Then she turned and walked away. I turned to the duo. “Hey guys.” I called. “You're making friends with that snail.You know that's annoying.” Molly said. “She's cool guys.” I said. “And so fucking what huh!?” J barked. “Hey guys, its fine. Don't bite me off ok.” I said. …………………………………… #Alexandra's POV I met Steph leaningvon her car. Her driver waiting in the car. “Im sorry if I took too long.” I said. “It's fine. Every girl would love to have Chris as a friend tho.” She said with an awkward smile. “Except me.” She added before getting into the car. What? Every girl? What do she mean by that? “Alex get in okay.” She said. I felt bad by her words. I don't know why that had to hurt me tho.. . Alexandra 's POV [Continues] I closed the car door and waved Steph goodbye as the car drove off. Even though we had a cool chat there in the car, I still felt hurt by her words. It made me understand that I can't just let her know about the kiss. I walked over to the door and pressed the doorbell button. Lili opened the door in no time. “Alex dear.” She said, as she pulled me into a hug. “Lili.” I said, letting out a fake smile. She stared at me. “You look unhappy dear. What's the matter?” Lili asked. “Im fine. Today was kinda stressful.” I said. She pulled me in. “No dear. This isn't about stress Alex. You gotta tell me what's the matter ok.” She said. Oh. “Oh Lili. Im fineeeee. Ok?” I said, heading to my room with my bag now in my hand. “Alex.. How do you feel when you lie to me? Do you feel that im happy? I know something is wrong. So you gotta talk to me ok.” She said, insisting. I turned to her. “Okay. Fine. Lili.” I called. “Yes dear” She answered with a smile as she got nearer. “Do you think its okay if I dont be friends with someone who Steph isn't friend with?” I asked her. “Is it Jeremy?” She asked. I wonder why she would think he's the one. “Not him. But he's friend.” I said. She stared at me. “Chris is nice and cool Lili. But Steph haven't seem to notice that. Im sure its cos she's not in the same class with him. But Chris is cool and not in any way arrogant and rude.” I said. “Have you tried to make her understand that?” She asked. “Yeah but it seems she don't like him at all and she's as well judging him by Jeremy's manners.” I said. “Its okay dear.” She said, pulling me into a hug. “You don't have to be enemies with someone cos your friend is ememies with him.” She said. “Really?” She withdrew and placed her hands on my shoulder. “Yeah. All you have to do is, help the both of them become friends. And there would be love and happy friendship.” She said with a smile. I smiled. “Thanks Lili. You are such a wonderful woman. I love you.” I said and hugged her, and gave her a peck. “Thanks for telling me this. im happy.” I said. # Lili 's POV I smiled. Feeling happy that I could tell my niece things that could help her build her friendship. But there's something I needed to tell her. Ms Ashley. She called at afternoon, pleading me to beg my dear niece to accept that her seat position be brought back to Jeremy's front. And I can't do that without letting Alex know I was the one behind her seat position at Jeremy's front. I can't tell how she'do feel to hear that. I don't want her getting disappointed in me. But Ms Ashley is getting fired if I don't do this. “Lili?” Alex called. “Yes dear.” I said, smiling. Even though My heart beat raised now. “It seems like you wanna tell me something. Do you?” She asked. I smiled. “Yes Alex.” I said. “What's that?” She asked. I closed my eyes. Yeah, Lilian. You can say this. Try it. Just do it. I opened back my eyes and smiled at her. “Its about your seat position in class.” I said. I saw her face change. “What about it?” She asked. I cleared my throat. “You see Alex. Ms Ashley called me..” I said “You two communicate with each other?” She asked. I nodded. “Yes we do.” “So?” “She's pleading that you should accept for your seat position in class to be changed back to Jeremy's front.” I said. “Why should it?” She asked. “Cos she's gonna get fired if it doesn't.” I said. “She won't get fired Lili. Oh, I just wanna go and take a shower. I'll be out after that to eat.” She said. I sighed. “What did you you cook Lili?” She asked, smiling. “Pasta, tomatoes and egg.” I said. “Wow, sounds delicious.” She said, turned and walked away to her room. I inhaled. I pray Ashley don't get fired cos of me. Oh God! Why did I start this at the first. ……………………………………………… # Jeremy's POV “Oh bye Jeremy, Im so happy you are making it to school early now. Oh gracious God keep you this way now and always. Amen.” Moni said as I rushed out of the house to my car and drove to school. That brat was going to be back to my front today. And I felt quite excited about it. Or won't she? Oh c'mon. Ms Ashley would have to do something so she doesn't get fired. Who wanna get fired as a worker in Ellas. I got to school and pulled to a stop. Got down and walked into the hallway to the class. I was anticipating and expecting to see the snail back at my front and give her some mockery smile and smirk laughs but to my very shock and just inbelievably, I saw here there, Still sitting at her new seat position, and going through a whatever book. What the heck! What shit is this? She looked up and seeing me, she went back to the book. Chris wasn't in. Just Molly. Ms Ashley. How dare she! I turned and headed to Ms Ashley's office. Im getting her fired! #Alexandra's POV He walked out and I knew just exactly where he was heading to. Ms Ashley's office. No. No way. I stood up and rushed after him. I caught up with him just before he could enter into her office and I pulled him. He turned. “Get your hands outta me!” He barked. “What are you tryna do?” I asked, standing at the door and blocked his entering. “To get that thing fired.” He said. “Cos of what?” I asked. “C9s your seat isn't where it should. She isn't doing her duty right!” He said. “That's a lie!” I said. He scoffed. “If you don't gerraway from the door. Im gonna kick you out. Snail!” He said. “No way.” I said. “Then watch me.” He said and pushe me out of the way, even though I tried hard not to get pushed off but he was stronger. He stormed into her office and I followed. Ms Ashley stood up, just immediately Jeremy stormed in. “Jeremy.” She called in a scared tone. “I gave you just yesterday, to do your duty so well but you couldn't!” He barked at het. What? “She is doing her duty as the class mistress!” I said. “You are fired! Ms Ashley MacGeorge.” He said. “She isn't!” I retorted, standing in his front. . Alexandra 's POV [Continues] “She is doing her duty as the class mistress!” I said. “You are fired! Ms Ashley MacGeorge.” He said. “She isn't!” I retorted, standing in his front. “Jeremy please calm down. She's gonna sign now. Right Alex?” Ms Ashley said. I can feel how scared she is. “Im not gonna sign anything.” I said. “Then fine. Ms Ashley you're fired!” He said. “You ain't the proprietor of the school neither are you the principal. So you gat no right to fire a worker in this school!” I said to his face. He paused, looking at me.. Then he chuckled. “The proprietor you're talking about here is my dad. My father and im his son. The heir to whatever he has. Do you fucking get that?” He said. Never seen a proud punk as this guy! “No matter what you've seem to be, The proprietor is the only rightful person to fire a teacher here. The principal himself would need his approval before taking such a step.” I said. “Whatever I say in Ellas is done and no snail like you are can stand on my way.” He said. I rolled my eyes. “Tell that to the air punk!” I said. “Oh Alex, you are to plead for me and sign the paper for your seat to be changed back, and not yelling at him.” Ms Ashley said. “What? plead to who? An arrogant proud thing! He won't dare fire you. He has no right to!” I said firmly. # Jeremy's POV Seriously? She's daring me huh? “Im gonna let you know who I am here.” I said. Im gonna show her. I got out my phone and put a call to my dad. Let him just fucking pick up! And yes, he did. “Jeremy, please don't call your dad.” Ms Ashley said but my dad already spoke first. “Hello son.” He said. “Dad” I called. “Yes Jeremy. How are you doing?” He asked. “Dad I want Ms Ashley MacGeorge fired immediately. She is slacking in her duties and standing in my way too!” I said. I saw Ms Ashley's face go pale, but the snail just stared fiercely at me. She seemed determined to win this. How? She don't even know my nanny talkmore of my dad. Why's she acting like she's the proprietress when the proprietress is my mom. Why's she acting stubborn like she can do anything if I fire Ms Ashley And why haven't my dad said anything? “Dad?” I called. “Oh son. Not again. I've fired up to five workers in the school this year. Ms Ashley MacGeorge is one of the best teachers. in Ellas. I can't fire her Jeremy.” My dad said. Is he teasing me? Joking? Or he's serious? No he can't be fucking serious. “What dad?” I said. “Yes son. Im sorry. I can't sign for Ms Ashley to get fired. But I'll let Mr Dan get notified of this and she would be called into his office for cautioning.” He said. It was so annoying. “Fuck that dad. I want her fired!” I yelled. “Im sorry son. I can't fire Ashley.” He said. I dropped the call. with rage. The snail stared at me with hands crossed. Ms Ashley just stared. “You're lucky Ms Ashley. You not gonna get fired anyway.” I said, turned and walked away. Fuck it! Damn! Molly came out of nowhere and walked to me. “Hey J, another party tonight? Its friday.” She said, trying to slid her hand into mine. “Fuck off from me for now!” I barked at her. She flinched. I walked away, my hands in my pockets. # Molly's POV What's wrong with him? ……………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV Yes! I was happy. Ms Ashley hugged me. “Im so happy Alex. I almost got fired.” She said. “I told you Ms Ashley that you wouldn't. You've gat to always believe.” I said, feeling so happy and over the moon. “His dad always do whatever he request but today, he decided not to.” She said. Hahaha. That serves the proud punk right! “He's goddamn disappointedd. So good for him. Proud punk.” I said and laughed. . To be continued..
22 Mar 2019 | 18:57
Nice one Alex
24 Mar 2019 | 05:47
good for you, stupid boy
24 Mar 2019 | 07:51
TEENS HEART Sequence 31-32 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Alexandra 's POV I was awed that the punk didn't try to pick on me in class. Seriously, I thought he was gonna pull my wrist, threaten me or drag me up to that dreadful balcony.. But he just sat on his seat, kept a straight face. But not missing to yell unnecessarily at the guy at his front. He never looked at my direction. I wondered why. But sure, I like it. I was happy I won him even though I didn't win by my own ability but I just felt like I did it. Ms Ashley isn't getting fired and Lili woud be so excited when I let her know. Teachings went on smoothly and I was just too excited about it. Hahaha. ………………………………………… At lunch, I met with Steph and we sat on the long black bench beside the Cafe after we bought Pizza and drinks and I was so elated to tell her about the bitch's failure to fire Ms Ashley. “That serves the arrogant brat right.” She said after letting out quite a long laughter. I laughed as well. “He hasn't tried to pick on me since then. Im just so suprised and excited.” I said. She chuckled. “Oh, he can't dear. He must be feeling so ashamed now. Ohhh poor little brat” She said and laughed. “Aww I'll call Lili right away. She would be sooo happy to hear it.” I said. “Really? Does Lili know about this?” She asked. I paused. Oh Steph isn't aware. “Yeah. Lili and Ms Ashley are friends.” I said. She smiled. I called Lili. She picked up immediately. “Hi Liliiii.” I spoke first. I was just too excited. “Hi Alex dear. You're good?” She asked. “Yeah. Im fineee.” I said. “Great. And Stephanie? Is she with you?” She asked. I smiled at Steph. “Oh. She's good and here with me.” I said. “Hi Lili!” Steph said. “Sweet child.” Lili said. “Guess what Lili?” I said, I couldn't wait any longer to tell her. “Oh, I can't just guess right. Please tell me dear.” She said. “Aw, I'll tell you anyway.” I said. “Oh yeahhh” She said. “Ms Ashley isn't getting fired.” I said. “Oh my goodness. What a pleasant news. Im so happy. You are back to Jeremy's front right” She said. I laughed. “Of course not Lili. His dad couldn't accept to fire her. Im so excited Lili.” I said. “Oh my! This is amazing.. Such a good news. Im overwhelmed.” She said. “Yes! Lili.” I said. “Have Jeremy disturbed or picked on you since then?” She asked. “Nop.” I said. “Oh thats very good. Im happy dear.” She said. “Alright Lili. Take care of yourself. Bye. See ya soon. Love youuu..” I said. “Love you too dear. Bye” She said. “Bye Lili” Steph said. “Oh bye Steph dear.” Lili said. I dropped the call, and turned to Steph with a smile. “Great Aunt. Wishing I had one like ya.” She said. Ohhh dear friend. I don't care about what she said to me yesterday. I hugged her. “Aw Alex. why hugging me?” She asked. “Cos you are the best friend to me.” I said. Just then, I saw Chris. He was behind us though far. So Steph didn't see him but I did due to the way I hugged her. I smiled at him and he smiled as well. I really like this guy. I wish Steph could see how cool and nice he seem to be. I recalled he had something to tell me. I withdrew our hug as Steph went for the pizza in her hand. I felt like waving at him but recalling Steph words to me yesterday, I held back the wave. And after he stared for a while, with his hands in his pockets. Why do they love having their hands in their pockets. Him, Jeremy. He walked away. I looked at Steph. She was watching the table-tennis girls down at the tennis court. I watched too. ………………………………………… # Chris POV As I walked out after smiling at Alex and wishing Steph could look at me, I headed to the school Love garden. I was sure that is where Jeremy would be.. And yeah, He was right there, sitting down and was cutting flowers into pieces and throwing on the lawn field. I know he's enraged. I just hope he don't hurt Alex for standing him. I have to do something. I walked and sat beside him. He didn't look up. He just kept throwing the flower petals. I watched as each falls on the smooth grass and a little while, breezr sweeps it away. “That snail..” J said as he threw the next flower petal. “Im gonna teach her something interesting. Trust me.” He said throwing the next flower petal. “And my fucking dad? I fucking hate him now.” He said as the next flower followed. “You can't hate your dad cos of that.” I said. “He fucking didn't listen to me. I wanted that teacher fired. I wanted to show that snail who I am. But damn! The old man fucked me up.” He said. “Ms Ashley didn't deserve to be fired, Believe me dude, she's been a great worker here.” I said. “But I don't fucking care. She refused to do what I want!” He said, throwing the whole flowers left on the seat away in rage. I kept quiet. “Im so fucking gonna deal with her.” He said. I looked at him. His face spoke of fury. “Alex don't deserve to be dealt with J, just let her be.” I said. “She's gonna regret ever getting her damn ass here.” He said. “J, don't hurt Alex.” I said. He looked at me. “Do you fucking wanna side her huh?” He barked. I turned my eyes back to the littered flower petals on the grass. “No J but don't hurt her. She's cool.” I said. “Great. Then just keep an eyes watch. I just hope you can save her.” He said. What? “What did you plan to do to her?” I asked. He smiled. “You gonna see.” He said. “You have to call off this plan. Steph is Alex friend for fucking sake!” I said. “I don't give a damn about that.” He said with a smile. “Oh Damn!” I said. Got up and walked away.. I have to save Alex. . Alexandra 's POV The rest of the class was just that way... He just kept a straight face. He never tried glancing at me. He kept his gaze at the front all through the rest of the classes. I was happy. The bitch had finally learn not to disturb me. …………………… School got over and I went for my bag in my locker. As I grabbed my bag and was about to close back my locker, I felt a hand touch me. Who? I turned. Chris. “Hi Chris.” I said, letting out a smile “You are about to go?” He asked. “Yeah?” I said. “Come with me.” He said. Huh? “To where? why?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. “So we could talk about something.” He said. He was talking with haste. “Okay.” I said.. He stared ahead and I turned my neck, follwing his eyes. I saw them. The devils.. They were up to ten, coming slowly towards us with fierce eyes. Why? Chris grabbed my hand and pulled me. “Come with me please.” He said and pulled me with him as we began walking swiftly through another hallway that I know not where it would lead to. The devils followed. I got so scared. “Why are they following us?” I asked. “To gang up and beat you.” He said as we turned swifted into another small hallway. “Beat me? Why?” I asked. “I'll tell you when you're safe.” He said and began running now, I ran as well cos he held me and he was pulling me along. We ran through hallways and finally, We arrived at the back of the school. And a red car was parked. He rushed to his car and opened the front door. “Get in.” He said. I stood as I remembered Steph. “Steph would be worried about me.” I said. “Its one of the reasons you have a phone hun.” He said. Wow. Hun! “Just get in before they get here. You can call Stephanie.” He said. I got in. He did same at the driver's seat and just as he ignitated the car engine, The devils rushed out. Chris made a speed U turn and sped off. “I'll take you to your house. Just give directions.” He said. I stared at him for awhile before dialling Steph's line. She picked up. “Alex, where are you? I've searched everywhere for you.” She asked. “Im sorry Steph, something came up and Chris is driving me home.” I said. “Chris?” She asked. Her tone was loud. “Yes he saved me from those devils.” I said. “Be safe. Bye.” She said in an awkward low tone manner and dropped the call. I looked at Chris. Why did he save me? Why's he being this nice to me? “Jeremy told them to?” I asked him. “Yeah.” He said. “Why?” I asked. “Cos he does that whenever he's so much annoyed.” He said. “Have he donne that to anyone. Ganging up and beating the person?” I asked. He nodded. “Many.” He said. “Girls or boys?” I asked. “Both.” He said. I stared at him. “And you do them with him?” He ignored. “You do right?” I asked again. “Yeah I do.” He said. “So why did you save me and why are you being nice too to me?” I said. “I'll tell you.” He said. “Alright.” “Its cos... cos of Steph.” He said. Like a bombshell. Steph? “Steph?” I asked. “Yeah.” He said. Now, this is heading somewhere. “Why cos of her?” I asked. “Cos Im inlove Steph.” He said. I blinked my eyes thrice. “You inlove with Steph?” I asked, not believing it. “Yeah. Im serious Alex.” He said. I just couldn't believe it as I stared at Chris. “I love Steph but she think im a crazy bad guy cos im friends with J. You see, Jeremy and I had been friends from kid.” He said. “Im sorry but I have to save you, help you, be nice to you so Steph can see some change in me and love me just the way my heart beats for her.” He said. Wow. I couldn't believe it. “So you are being nice and friendly to me cos of Steph?” I asked. “Yeah but apart from that, You're cool.” He said. “Cool? How?” I asked. He smiled. “You're beautiful.” He said. I just blushed. Do I have to? He loves Steph. And he's just tryna use me to get her to like him. Its sounds kinda hurting but I just like how nice he's been. And I felt like doing whatever I could to get Steph to like him. “Does Steph know about your feelings?” I asked him. “Yeah.” He said. He looked so sad. “Do you truely love Steph?” I asked. He smiled. “You think im lying to you?” “I just wanna be sure about it.” I said. “Yeah I do.” I looked out the windscreen. “Turn to this street. Thats my Aunt's house over there.” I said and he turned to the left, into the street. ……………………………………………… # Steph's POV Alex in Chris car? Seriously? And what the heck would have come up for her to be in Chris car? He saved her from the devils? Why? Then I saw Jeremy, his hands in his pockets. He was walking down to his car and he entered and sped off. I entered into mine as my driver drove off as well. # Jeremy's POV Chris saved that snail.. Arghh, I wanted to deal with the little thing. My phone rang. My dad. Fuck him. I hate him..……………………………………………… # Chris POV I pulled to a stop at Alex house. “Thank you. And thanks too for saving me.” She said with a smile. I nodded. “Alex.” I called as she reached for the door handle. She turned. “Yeah?” “J wanna just revenge, but I'll talk to him and he won't trouble you again.” I said. “Thanks.” She said. “And I wanna beg for one thing.” I said. “What's that?” She asked. “Steph. Can you help me make her understand that Im trying to change for her?” I said. She smiled. “I will make her understand.” She said. “Thanks.” I said. She smiled. “Bye. Have a wonderful weekend.” I said. “You too.” “I'll miss your black hair.” He said. I laughed. I don't know what to reply so I just said bye to him and got down, closing the door. He drove off. I inhaled and turning towards the door, I saw Lili standing at the door. I walked up to her. She was smiling. “Hi Lili.” I said with a smile. “Welcome dear.” She said. “That wasn't Steph's car. Who's car is it?” She asked. “Chris.” I said. “Chris? Jeremy's friend?” She asked. “Yeah. He's nice.” I said. She smiled. “What about Stephanie?” She asked. “I spoke with her.” I said. She nodded and we walked in. . If only you can comment your views before quickly, then i will update the next sequence quickly.. . To be continued after comments..
28 Mar 2019 | 07:17
29 Mar 2019 | 05:45
Are you that jerk
29 Mar 2019 | 07:54
Jeremy will not stop, so we u stop coming to school?
30 Mar 2019 | 13:52
TEENS HEART Sequence 33-34 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV Got home and dad is still fucking calling me. I banged the car door shut and walked into the house. Met Moni mopping the dinning floor and she smiled as she saw me. I glared at her and walked up stairs. “Jeremy, how was school today?” She asked. “Horrible!” I said and walked into my room. Fell on my bed. Dad call came again. What's fucking wrong with this man? He didnt fire that teacher and he's running down my battery with calls! Don't he gat better things to do huh? I picked up the call. “Dad, can you just stop calling; Im fucking annoyed and I don't wanna listen to whatever you gotta tell me. I don't wanna talk with you. Don't you get it!?” I yelled and dropped the call. But then another freaking call! I checked the caller. Chris. He's calling after saving the snail huh? I picked up the call. “Are you fucking kidding me? You fucking saved the snail and you're calling me huh?” I barked. “Hey dude, calm down. I just got to the house. Im coming right in now.” He said. I dropped the call. Im gonna smack his head for saving that freak! Soon, I heard him talking to Moni and few minutes later, he was knocking on the door. “Hey punk, get in.” I said and he did. He was on a black trouser and grey shirt. Idiot! I got up and rushed him, pushing him as he landed on the closed door. “How dare you fucking save her huh? Are you crazy?” I said. He puffed. I pushed him again, harder. “Wanted to deal with that snail and you fucking saved her. What's wrong with you huh?” I yelled. “Damn! Calm down dude!” He said. “You don't fucking tell me to calm down.” I said. “J calm down. We gotta talk.” He said. “Talk about what!?” I yelled. “About Alex.” He said. What punk! “Talk about her after you fucking saved her?” I said. “I saved her cos she don't deserve that. And secondly, She's Steph friend. How do you expect me to not save her huh?” He said. “I don't give a damn.” I said and walked back to the bed. “You gotta end this.” He said. “End what?” I asked. “End whatever you wanna do to Alex.” He said. I scoffed. “Never gonna happen. Im gonna deal with her.” I said. “She stays with her Aunt.” He said. And what's my business with that? “And what's my fucking business?” I asked. My phone rang. My dad. Im not gonna pick it. Chris got the phone, “Its your dad.” He said. “Im not gonna pick that call.” I said. “Why?” He asked. “Thats a freak question.” I said. “Let's go for a ride.” He said. I stood up. I needed the ride tho. To cool off. I went for a cool black jeans and white shirt and taking off the school clothes, I pulled those on. We walked downstairs and Moni came talking about food. “We are going for a ride.” I said and walked away, Chris followed behind. “Be careful boys.” She said. …………………………………… We took my car, I drove as Drake songs played. “I love Chris Brown.” He said. “Drake is toping, you know that.” I said. Riding was fun as we drove through the streets with music blarring. Was cool and fun. # Chris POV He turned into her street. And I couldn't tell him that is Alex house.. He might just go in to cause something awful. He don't mind. As we rode pass her house and down the street, I saw Steph. Okay, We both saw her. Cos Jeremy turned to me and then back at the steering as he instantly decided to add styles into his driving. Steph. She was looking so beautiful in blue jean trouser,white top and blue pullover. She had pink headphone on and her hands were in her pullover pockets. She glanced at our car and maybe she knew it was us or probably think its just Jeremy alone cos its his car. Jeremy drove passs her and I turned just to stare at her till she's out of view. “Where's the bitch heading to? Seem she lives around this street. Poor street with a fucking bad road.” He said. The street isn't a poor street and got no bad road. Thi is Jeremy. Who would always find anything to jeer at someone he disdain. And Steph. God! she look so gorgeous. Doing her hair that way, makes her so beautiful. And about Jeremy's question. I guess she's going to see Alex. And do I even know her house? I wish I do. “Party tonight?” He asked. “Nop” I said. I began saying no when I found that i got feelings for Steph, but I always end up going cos of this punk here would end up dragging me to the party, filled with sluty girls and crazy guys. “Nop too.” He said. “Seriously?” I asked, not wanting to believe that. “Yeah?” He said, turning to another street. Whoa. First time in a very long time he said no to a friday night party. “Why ain't you? Molly is gonna dance tonight.” I joked. “I just wanna sleep tonight.” He said. I know why. “Molly is gonna be disappointed.” I said, smiling. He ignored. I smiled. Alex issues could make party freak miss tonight's party? Good news! “Oh finally Im sleeping tonight on my bed with my pillows over my head. Its been a hell of a while I slept on a friday night.” I said. He said nothing. Maybe Im gonna dream of I and Steph walking through the streets as we hold hands and feel our heartbeat. ……………………………………………… # Steph's POV That proud bitch.. That was his car... I really hope he hasn't gone to fight Alex in her house? She cant be so stupid to do that. Does he know Alex house anyway? He can't. Where's he going? Oh! do I need to fucking care? I got to Lili's house and pressed the door button. I need to know how Alex is doing? If she's okay. She said the bitch brought her home. How can she trust that guy to be in his car? I hate how she's being around that bitch. The door opened.. by Alex. She most be suprised, cos I didnt let her know I was coming. “S..Steph? Wow. Suprise right?” She asked, smiling. I smiled. “Don't you like suprises?” I asked. She just hugged me. This girl.. Why's she this friendly? “Im happy you are here Steph.” She said. And withdrew the hugging. “Helping Lili in the kitchen. Do you care to join us?” She asked, pulling me in. I smiled. “I've never done that before but I don't mind grinding the pepper and cutting the peas.” I said. “Haha.. Come on, We'll be happy to have you around. You can just watch us.” She said. When we got to the kitchen, Lili turned to me. Her hands were wet and she wiped it with the dishtowel. “Stephanie dear.” She said. “Lili.” I said with a smile. “How are you?” She asked. “Im fine and you?” I said. “Im good. How's your dad?” “He's fine as well.” I said. “We are making cookies and juice.” She said. “Wow.. I wanna learn.” I said. We all laughed. Lili is a great woman, I wish I have someone like her close to me. I hated my mom right from when I turned four and was never close to her. My nanny did everything for me. . Alexandra 's POV “Steph, I wanna tell you something.” I said as we walked down the road. It was dusk and Steph had to head home now.. It was fun having her around. “What's that?” She asked. “Its about Chris.” I said and looked at her. Her expression changed as she frowned. “And what's up with him?” She asked. “Steph, he..he told me something.” I said. “Do I care to hear that anyway.” She said. “You've got to please.” I said. “I don't want to.” She said, moving ahead of me. I met her pace. “C'mon Steph. Chris is such a nice person. Don't you see? He saved me from that jerk.” I said. “He's only pretending. He's just like Jeremy and they are never nice to people.” She said. “Why do you think so?” I asked. “Cos he poured drinks on my body on my first day In that school and he couldn't said sorry.” She said. Seriously? “I have no idea about.” I said. “You can't cos he'll never tell you.” She said. “But he's changed. He've been tryna change for you Steph.” I said. I can't believe I was helping a guy to win a girl's heart. What should I call myself? “I don't give a damn about that. I don't like him one bit. And im just seventeen, I don't need a boyfriend. And even If I do, Not that jerk.” She said. “I think the guy really love you from his heart.” I said. “He should love himself.” She said. “Even at that, you guys can be just friends.” I said. She stopped and turned to me. “I ain't like every girl who wanna have him as a friend.” She said. Like me isn't it? Anyway, Im happy to have him as a friend.. She should know that. We got to a point I couldn't go further with her. “I gotta stop here. Im sorry, I'll come over someday. I promise.” I said. She smiled. “Alright. Take care. Bye.” She said. “Bye Steph.” I said and then she turned and walked off, her hands in her pullover pockets. I inhaled. I don't even know what to say. What to think either. I just turned and walked back home. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… # Steph's POV Now Alex knows about Chris and I. Why would the bitch even tell her about his stupid shit love for me? Obviously telling her to help him get me to like him? I rolled my eyes. Whatever.. I got home and my dad is on the couch, typing on his ibook pad. He looked up and smiled at me. “Steph. You're back. How's she doing?” He asked. “Fine. She wasn't hurt.” I said. Went over and sat beside him. He kissed my cheek. “You always look beautiful dear.” I said. I smiled. “Thanks dad.” I said, and looked at his ipad. “Business.” He said with a smile. I smiled. “Have you heard about mom?” I asked him. It was a suprised question as he looked at me with astonishment. I never asked about my mom for the past one year now. I wondered why im asking now. Maybe cos of Lili. She's just a woman that everyone would love to have as a mother. “Baby, why do you wanna know about that whore huh? She's not fit to be your mother. Im your dad and I can give you whatever that you desire and that you want. I love you so much ok.” He said with a smile. “It's just that I remember her at times you know. Alex's aunt is such a nice woman and she makes me wish I had a mother with her kind of heart.” I said. He pulled me to him. “You can stop going there if she reminds you of such ok. You got to be happy at all times for me dear.” He said and kissed me on my forehead. “Do you want go see a movie?” He asked. “No.” I said. “So what do you want dear?” He asked. “I want. You. To. Take me to. Your. Room.” I whispered, and brought my lips to his and kissed him. He withdrew with a smile. “Ofcourse. I will do that baby.” He said and put his lips back on mine and we began kissing. He pulled off my pullover. Then withdrew his lips and pulled me down. Then he got up and carried me. I giggled. “What about Catherine?” I whispered. “She's out to the grocery store.” He said. I smiled. ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………… # Jeremy's POV No party... I just slept off thinking about what I gotta do to the brat. The next day was saturday. Molly came tho and after yelling of not seeing me at the party, she decided to dance and twerk and put the music so loud in my room and Moni never like that as she came yelling she's gonna have a migraine. And Molly and I ended up doing crazy naughty things after. “I don't like that girl Jeremy.” Moni had said after I was back from driving Molly to her house. Moni never did. “She's fun.” I said. “Oh gracious. She had that very short skirt that I could see what she wore under. God have mercy.” She said. Pink lingerie. “I didn't see that Moni. Your eyes shouldn't be searching such things.” I said. “Oh shh, Im fifty-four years old Jeremy and I feel embarrased to see such a young teen putting such a small thing.” She said. I rolled my eyes. “Oh Moni.. I gotta sleep. I feel so exausted.” I said, taking a step. “Exausted? What did you do that got you so exausted?” She asked, looking at me with narrowed eyes. I chuckled. What? “I don't wanna answer that.” I said. “Oh gracious. Let heaven forgive you Jeremy. You are only but a young juvenile.” She said, joining her hands together in prayer. I laughed. Quite funny. “Are you gonna keep ignoring your father's phone calls?” She asked just as I began walking to the staircase. “I wish I can keep ignoring it forever. I hate him.” I said. “You never hated your dad. What did he do Jeremy?” She asked. I ignored her and walked up the stairs. “Please don't put the music so loud next time. Im having cephalalgia now.” She said. I smiled. Just as I got to my room, My phone rang. Dad calling. I threw the phone on the bed and walked to the creamy coloured sofa, sat down, put my legs on the table. Another call, I just ignored it. I hummed One Dance by Drake. Another call came. I stood up, walked to it and grabbed it. I sent a text message to him. <b>If you ain't gonna fire Ms Ashley, then im never gonna pick up your calls. # I_sent it. Dropped back the phone, walked to the sofa and sat back, placing my legs back on the table as I waited for another call or a text but then it didn't come. Fuck you dad! . If only you can comment your views before you hit like..then i will post more tonight.. . To be continued after comments.. . Itz #Viciyoung
4 Apr 2019 | 10:01
you're indeed a spolt brat
4 Apr 2019 | 12:34
This Boy Is A Jerk Indeed
4 Apr 2019 | 12:58
u are not serious Jeremy
5 Apr 2019 | 05:57
This Jeremy is such a spoilt brat
13 Apr 2019 | 21:46
TEENS HEART Sequence 35-36 . <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV [Continues] Okay, The next day was sunday. I was home. Moni would never miss church on sundays. Ugh... “Sleeping on a sunday morning is just too bad Jeremy. Get up and you can go with me to church.” She said as she came to my room, all dressed in her long gown and her rosary chaplet. “Okay go ahead. Go. Go. Pray for me.” I said. “You can be done in twenty minutes and we'll head to church. I'do wait for you with gladdened heart.” She said. “Oh Moni just go.” I said. “Jeremy, God wants someone as young as..” Gosh! I put my finger into my ears and shut them from letting me hear what she had to say. She stared at me for a while, then she did the cross sign, turned and left. I pulled out my fingers and rolled my eyes. Such a pest! I touched my hair. I was going to reweave it today, but thats gonna be later. I reached for my phone.. Maybe I could play some game. But ugh! Dad call came. Whoa. No call all night after I sent him a the text message and he's calling this morning huh? I rejected the call. And after few minutes, A sent msg peeped. I opened it, and its from my dad. <b> Im sorry son, I've ordered for Ms Ashley to be fired. I hope we are back like before right? Pick my call once I call again.” # I_read . Whoa! Yes! Fuck that asshole! I gotta let her know who I am! She's gonna be fucking suprised and Whoa. Its gonna be fun watching her stupid angry face. Arghhhh Im so fucking happy. Now, tomorrow is monday. I can't fucking wait to be in school. Whoa! party tonight! Im never gonna miss it. Dad call came and I picked up. “Hello Jeremy.” He said. “Are you sure about that huh?” I asked. “About what son?” He asked. “That you've fired Ms Ashley!” I yelled angrily. Why wouldn't he know what im talking about. “Yes. I did. She doesn't deserve it but I gotta do it for you son.” He said. Yes! Now, some brats gonna fear and respect me. Hahaha. “You're awesome dad. Yes!” I said. “I've missed you and I'll be coming back soon.” He said. He's been out for two months. “Miss ya too dad.” I said, feeling so damn happy. “Be careful son.” He said. “Be careful too.” I said. “I love you son.” He said. “Love ya.” I said and he dropped the call. I smiled. “Now, where the heck is the snail. I can't wait to see her tomorrow.” I said and fell on the bed, laughing. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV At church, I felt pressed and walked to the washroom. Coming out, I bumped into someone. I looked up and its a woman, a mother with a little grey hair. A granny. Her hands are on her chest and she looked at me with wide eyes. I bowed. “Im so sorry ma'am. Im really very sorry.” I said. “Oh.. Oh oh gracious. Teens as your age should always move with care. You don't have to push me down and I'do need those frightening hospital injections to get back to my feet.” She said. “Im so sorry ma'am. Please.” I said. “That's okay. What are your names anyway? You are such a pretty young girl.” She said. I blushed. “Im Alexandra but I'do prefer to be called Alex.” I said. “Oh I said your names, not just your name.” She said. I laughed. She's quite funny. “Alexandra Grande. Alex Grande.” I said. “Oh Alex. That's my dearly husband's name but he's passed away.” She said. “Im sorry about that Ma'am.” I said. “Its fine Alex. Your name abbreviation reminds me so much of him. Oh my dear Alex.” She said. I stared at her. We still stood at the washrooms passageway. She smiled as she saw me staring at her. “Oh, I'do go on. Im pressed. Talk with you later Alex. You are a good child.” She said and rushed off into one of the washrooms. I smiled as I watched her enter and close back the door. Such a mother. Oh, I didn't ask for her name. I wanted to wait so I could know her name but as It would seem awkward standing on washrooms passageway, I walked out and back into the church, and sat down back beside Lili. “What took you so long? You missed alot.” She asked in a whisper. “bumped into a granny and she's quite a funny person.” I said in same tone. She just smiled. ………………………………………… After church, Lili and I drove back home. I didn't see the woman. Even though I searched a little while for her. I didn't see her anywhere. “Church was great today right Alex?” She asked as we walked into the house. “Yeah.” I said. “Oh, that anthem by the young choirs was just so great and glorious. Alex you should join in the choir. What do you think?” She said, smiling at me. Huh. “I can't. My voice doesn't fit in choir songs. I got no nice voice either.” I said. She laughed. “You got a lovely voice niece. You just don't wanna believe that you do.” She said. I rolled my eyes. “I'do shrink while singing a Soprano.” I said and laughed. She laughed. “Oh dear Alex. There are other parts as well not just Soprano, We have the simple Treble and the Alto as well. You'do fit in one of this two.” She said. “You can be in one first, then I'do come in after you don't shrink singing up there.” I said. She laughed. I just smiled. Then we heard the doorbell ring. “Who can that be?” Lili asked, turning to the door. “I'll go check.” I said and headed for the door but she pulled me back. “I'll do that dear.” She said and slowly, she walked to the door. I watched as she slowly opened the door. “Oh my Goodness. Ashley.” She shouted. Ms Ashley? “Lilian dear.” I heard Ms Ashley's voice but there was a way her voice sounded. Gloomy. And they way she walked in told it all. Everything isn't alright. “Ashley, you don't look alright to me.” Lili said as they walked in. Ms Ashley didn't appear like she went to church at all. She had a blue jean trouser and a brown sweater with glasses on. I've not seen her in eyeglasses. “Ms Ashley” I called, going to hug her and she opened her arms and we hugged. Then she began sniffling. Why? I withdrew our hug to look at her. Her face look sad and so dejected. “Ms Ashley.” I said. “Ashley have a seat please.” Lili said and Ms Ashley went for a two seater sofa and sat down. Lili sat beside her and I stood beside Ms Ashley. Ms Ashley removed her glases and tears were all gathered in her eyes. What. Oh my God. “Ashley, you are in tears. What's wrong?” Lili asked. “I've been fired.” Ms Ashley said and her tears fell. And instantly I felt my pulse cease. It felt like I just heard it in a dream and not this real. Fired! Fired? Not after his dad said she can't be fired. Not after I was happy she wouldn't get fired. That bitch! He did this.. That devil! “Oh my God. This is unbelievable Ashley. I don't wish to believe this.” Lili said as she pulled Ashley into a hug. “He transferred a lot of money to my account and said he's sorry to fire me.” She said. “Jeremy?” I asked with so much anger. “No. The school proprietor.” She said. “Oh no. This can't be true. This can never be true. You ain't fired.” I yelled. “I am Alex.” She said. “Ashley, im so sorry. I caused this for you. How do I begin to apologise. What do I do to save this horrible situation. I feel like giving up. Im feel so horrible now.” Lili said and she was also in tears now. I burst into cries. “Its okay, Lilian, Alex dear. You don't need to cry for me. Im fine. I'do get a job soonest.” She said. I just kept crying, till she came and pulled me into a hug. “Im gonna deal with him. I swear. Im gonna do anything possible to get you back to Ellas.” I said with so much tears. “Its fine. Don't try to do that. Im fine, im great.” She said. Lili came over and hugged Ms Ashley. “Im so sorry Ashley. I'll try all I can to get your Job back to you. Please im very sorry. I feel so downcasted. I feel so horrible.” She said. Jeremy! You are just nothing but a devil. Why are you such a devil in human form? Why do you hurt people just to make yourself happy? Why? . Alexandra 's POV <b> Dear Diary, Im writting with tears rolling down my eyes. Ms Ashley had been fired. I just don't know what to do... # I_closed my diary and rested my head on it as I cried. ……………………………………… But the next day, I was eager to get to school. I brushed my teeth too fast, had a very quick bath and couldn't eat cos I had no appetite. I don't care how I wore my socks or how I packed my hair. I just needed to get to that freaking school. “Alex please be careful. Don't try to fight with anyone please.” Lili said as I rushed out. She's been telling me that ever since I woke up. “I will” I said and rushed out. A cab came by and I entered. “Ellas High School.” I said. “Who doesn't know by its uniform. Hahaha” He said. “Are you a finalist in the school?” He asked. I frowned, “Can you just drive and don't ask me questions huh!!” I screamed at him. “Oh, fine fine.” He said. I sent a message to Steph. <b>I took a cab. I'll tell you why when we see. # I_sent . She replied few minutes later. <b> It's okay girl. I'll be in school soon. …………………………………… # l_got to school, paid the cab driver and rushed into the school. I walked to my locker, threw my bag in, closed it back and rushed to the class.. and great! The bitch was there, in his seat with his right leg on his desk. No Chris, no Molly. I rushed to him. He looked up and let out a smirk smile. “Why are you here? Your seat isn't around here, have you forgotten huh?” He said. “How could you do that to Ms Ashley? How could you let your dad fire her!!” I yelled so everyone hears. Mutterings began. Oh my God! Ms Ashley fired? Ms Ashley fired? What's she talking about? Jeremy fired Ms Ashley? Oh my world! Why? I love Ms Ashley! He chuckled. “You think I can't fucking do that isn't it?” He asked, smiling. “You are a monster. And people like you don't deserve to be in the world!!” I yelled. He smiled. “You were trying to prove stubborn, So I gave your ass a little whip? How painful is it huh?” He asked, smiling. God! I just feel like strangling him. Killing him. Ending his stupid life! “You'll regret this!” I said before turning to walk away but a hand grabbed my wrist. I turned and it's him. I pushed his hand off with the greatest force I've ever felt within me. “Get your filthy hands off me!” I barked. Everyone watched. “Watch your tongue girl or I'do beat up up right here.” He said. I scoffed. “Fuck to hell! Someday you'do get fired just the way you did to Ms Ashley.” I said. He laughed. “A boss can't be fired in his own company. Im the heir to everything my dad owns. You see. So I'll kep firing anyone that I wish to. People like you, little snail” He said with a smirk smile. I glared at him, turned and walked away, with no where else on my mind but the principal's office. I met Steph on the way and she ran to me. “Hey girl whatsup?” She asked. “I need to see the principal.” I said and walked ahead of her. “Why?” She asked. I stopped and turned to her. “Ms Ashley had been fired.” I said. She gasped. “Oh my God! That bitch had made his dad fire her.” She said, and followed me to the principal's office. We walked in and I walked straight to the principal. Steph stayed back at the closed door like she's scared. He looked at me. “What can I do for you student?” He asked. “I wanna know why Jeremy has so many rights in this school.” I asked, waiting for his answer. “What rights?” He asked. I grabbed the school magazine on his desk. Why did he had to look so cool and nice here in this book but he's just too proud, arrogant and heartless in the real him?” I asked, staring at him. He stared back at me. “Why did you had to lie about him being the school most proud student! When he hardly stays for classes!!?” I asked, raising my voice “And why did Ms Ashley had to be fired!” Steph yelled from the door. “Yes! Why did she!! She never deserved that! but your rude punk of a Jeremy made her get fired!” I said. “That was the school proprietor's order.” He finally spoke. “The proprietor never wanted to fire her but Jeremy made him to! Why's he so heartless?” I yelled. “Jeremy is the heir and there are orders that he make that must be obeyed.” He said. “Firing a teacher with no offence huh?” I asked. “If needs be.” He said. “Ms Ashley can't be fired!” I said. “She is, we're sorry.” He said. Tears gathered in my eyes. But Steph dragged me out of the principal's office before they could fall. “She's fired and there's nothing we can do about it.” She said as she pulled me down the school hallway and followed me right into my class. Chris was in now and he just looked up and stared at me and at Steph as well. The bitch still had his leg on his desk. “Just ignore them okay.” She said as I sat down. “I cant believe she's fired and never coming back.” I said. “The bitch is probably thinking his everything now.” She said. When Steph left for her class. I turned and just stared out the window. Even when the History teacher came in, and began teaching I didn't listen. I just stared out the window. . To be continued . Itz #Viciyoung
25 Apr 2019 | 13:23
Too bad I feel her pain
26 Apr 2019 | 04:33
Mmmm this story id hotter than fire.....plz keep it rolling
26 Apr 2019 | 14:03
Too bad of you
27 Apr 2019 | 06:32
this is too bad
28 Apr 2019 | 13:23
TEENS HEART Sequence 37-38 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. I can't fucking believe that I was called to the principal's office. Like seriously? Why would the man wanna see me? I stood up and walked out of the classroom, heading to the principal's office. “Jeremy” Mr Greg called as I walked into his office. “You called for me.” I said. “Yes. Its about Ms Ashley.” He said. I frowned. “She is fired. Isn't she?” I said. “Yes. But we still need to know the reason why she had to be fired.” He said. I rolled my eyes. “She's fired and thats all that matters!” I said with anger. “Two female students came in the morning and there were really angry at why she had to be fire without no offence.” He said. Two female students? Two guys? The snail and that bitch? They must be the ones. “You see Jeremy, if we go on firing teachers and students keep complaining, this gonna cause something really bad to the school.” He said. I scoffed. Who cares about that? It should fucking go down if it wants to. Why did dad had to use that witch's name for the school anyway. Ella Ellas! I just hate that he did. I hate my mom. ………………………………………… <b>Lunch Hour # Alexandra 's POV <b> What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore— And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over— like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags like a heavy load. Or does it explode? # I_read the poem like it explains my situation. My sadness. Although it don't fit to the reason for my sadness, I just read it cos it sounds like a sad poetry. I just stayed back in class.. I was just too sad to go out, or to check on Steph. Maybe she's gonna come. Even though I had nothing in the morning, I still wasn't hungry. I felt a little pain in my stomache, jxt a little but It seemed as if its hunger now. I ignored it and it stopped. I flipped through more poems to read. But then Steph wasn't coming and I got worried. So I stood up to go check on her in her class. I heard giggles and laughter as I walked out of the class. Why are they laughing? And who are they laughing at? Punks! I walked to my locker, dropped my book, closed it back and turned to leave but someone appeared in front of me like a ghost do. I jumped. But then I realiased it was the bitch and I glared angrily at him. He stared fiercely at me too. “Was that only what you could do?” He asked. I ignored him, with my eyes still glaring at him. Remembering Ms Ashley and I wish I could just kill him. “Answer me snail.” He said. “Get out of my way.” I said. “Oh. I will, why should I stand close to something like you huh?” He said. I bit my lips in anger. “Your happiness comes from infuriating people.” I said. “Answer my damn question.” He said. “Damn, you called it. Its a damned question.” I said. “The principal can't get Ms Ashley back and you can't either so I hope you keep dying inside with so much anger.” He said with a smirk smile. I narrowed my eyes angrily at him.. “Ms Ashley's gonna get a better work that pays more in no time. Don't think Ellas is the only school in Florida!” I said to him face. He laughed. “Oh.. you should know this, Ellas is the only High school in this state, that pays the highest salary to its teachers. Get that snail. You know nothing.” He said. “Get out of my way.” I said. “Hope you gave Chris a warm hug for saving your damn ass?” He asked. I scoffed. “What do you know about saving people? You are just a heartless bitch. Thats what you are.” I said. “Do you have to answer questions in another way?” He asked, and got his hands into his pockets. I tried to walk away but he pulled me back. #Jeremy's POV She tried to walk away, And I saw something. A stain on her skirt. Ugh.. What's this? So I pulled her back. She tried to turn to face me but I held her, letting her back on me. Fuck! How many people saw this!? “Are you stupid? Let go off me, you punk!” She yelled. I swallowed. I knew this are kinda embarrasing to girls when it happens and I wondered how she's gonna react? “Did anyone laugh at you while you were coming out of the class?” I asked. “Why such a stupid question?” She asked. “Just answer me.” I said. “Um.. yes but it couldn't be at me. They were probably laughing at theirselves.” She said. They? “Not just one person?” I asked. “No. Can you let go off me now!” She said. So arrogant. “Are such an arrogant snail huh? Can't you understand?” I yelled. She tried to pull away but I held her more tight. “Don't move Alex!. Your...your..” Okay, how do I say this to her? Whatever. I'll just go ahead. “Your skirt stained. Red stain actually.” I said awkwardly. She went cold immediately. “What? red stain? Oh my God..” She said it in a whisper. “Yeah..” I said. #Alexandra's POV Jesus Christ. How could this shit happen to me. Why didn't I think about it when I ft those little pains in my stomache. And those fools must have been laughing at me cos of it. And now, Jeremy. Oh God.. I've messed up real bad. Im so embarrased. So embarrased. I shut my eyes tight. Is he jeering at me now? Oh God I can't believe this is happening to me. I can't wait to wake up from this horrible dream! “Just stay calm. Don't turn.” He said. What's he trying to do? I can't ask him. Im so embarrased that I can't even talk. #Jeremy's POV I unheld her and pulled off my pullover. This would look awkward but I just held it around her waist, the body part covering the stainside and I was about tightening the two sleeves but she took it. “I.. I'll do it.” She said. I rolled my eyes. “What's there in tightening it?” I said and I let her do it. It was better even though it looked awkward to see my pullover around her waist. What are my fans gonna say? Whatever. “Thank you.” She said without turning and then walked off, towards the washroom passageway. I just stared at her till she was out of sight. I smiled. Why did I smile? I can't believe I gave her my pullover. . [[Note: While Alex and Jeremy where at the locker side, This were Steph and Chris POV at that same time. Now ENjoy]] # Steph's POV Just as the lunch bell rang, and I was about going to Alex's class to check on her.. I saw the bitch, Chris, walk in. I stood up and was leaving when he walked to my front. What nonsence! “Can you just get out of my way?” I said without looking up at him. “Steph.” He called. His voice sounding really soft and meek. Fuck that. “Get out of my way now!” I said harshly. “Steph please listen to me. We really need to talk.” He said. I then looked up to see his face. He looked stupid! “Talk? We need to talk about what huh?” I asked. “Its really very important.. To me.” He said, his eyes on mine. I hissed. “Im warning you for thelast time, Get outta my way.” I said. “Please Steph. Just hear me out.” He said. “I can't talk with someone like you, get that?” I said. “Steph but im changing.. Im changing for you, cant you see? I know this hatred started after I split the drink on you and I couldn't apologise but now Im ready to do anything just to win your heart. I love you with all my heart.” He said. I rolled my eyes. “I hate to hear that you love... that you love me. Ugh! I don't fucking need your damn love. Can't you see?” I yelled. He searched around with his eyes. “Can we go out to somewhere more cool and talk this out. Please?” He said. “Why would I go to any fucking place with a bitch like you. Im not those type of girls who wanna crawl over you.” I said. He smiled. “Yeah, im aware of that and it was just one of the reasons why I fell for you Steph.” He said. I scoffed. “You know what?, I fucking hate you, so don't tryna keep on loving me, cos I'll never accept your stupid love for me. Get out of my way.” I said, pushed him off and walked out of the classroom. Idiot. # Chris POV I watched her leave.. I felt so sad.. So broken. It felt like I was never gonna be perfect for her. I love her and Im trying to change for her. Why can't she understand that I truely love her? I sighed. Why isn't she just nice and understanding like Alex is? I closed my eyes, opened them back to see a girl in my front. She look cute with red hair. “Hi Chris.” She said. I faked her smile. “Can I go to the cafeteria with you?” She asked, moving her body left and right. Wanted to say no, but she came and slide her hand into mine. “Please.” She said, giving me such a smile I consider as sweet tho. I shrugged. “Im Sandy.” She said as we headed out of the classroom, and down the hallway. “I've been your fan and I've been so crushing on you all this while. I was just so happy when I saw in my class and Im just so happy to walk with you. Oh my world! It feels so really cool.” She said. I chuckled. “God! I love the way you walk and your hair. Can you let me take some selfies with you please?” She said. I didn't answer. I was thinking about Steph. Then something stroke me! What if Steph sees me this way? With this redhair girl's hand locked with mine. Oh God. no way. I flung her hand away instantly. “Huh?” She said, looking at me. I shoved my hands into my pockets. “Let's just walk this way.” I said. “But I want us to hold hands. It feels really sweet pleaseee.” She said, making a funny baby's face. I chuckled. “Do you really want me to go with you to the cafeteria?” I asked her. “Yes yes yes.” She said, nodding as well. “Fine. Let's go.” I said, and with my hands still in my pockets, We walked out of the hallway and down to the cafeteria. “I asked if I could take pictures with you.Please..” She said. “Sure. Why not.” I said. It won't be so bad taking pictures with her. “Thank youuuu. I feel like giving you deep kisses.” She said. I chuckled. Deep kisses? Arghh. Such a crazy one. “Do you mind huh?” She asked. What? I looked at her. She was smiling. She has a sweet smile tho. But she's weird. “Deep kiss.” She said, pouting her lips. “Oh nop.” I said. Crazy! She just smiled, and gave me a wink. …………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV It was hard putting away the embarrasement that I was feeling and getting outta this washroom. Okay, I've wiped the stain off with water and tissue and Jeremy's pullover is gonna be quite helping but I can't imagine myself going into that class with all those devils laughing and knowing Jeremy saw it too and had to give me his pullover. “Oh no oh. Horrible.” I said. And I needed sanitary pad and cant just go back to seat in the class without that. Oh no. I need Steph. I need her. I ain't even with my phone to put a call to her. I don't know what Im gonna do. “Oh oh Alex. Today is your worse day ever!” And Jeremy.. Why did he help me anyway? He should have mocked instead me cos that's what makes him happy. Why did he had to give me his pullover? That bitch! And I even thanked him. Oh I should be grateful. I couldn't have been so ungrateful even though he's such a bitch and had Ms Ashley fired! But seriously.. He called me by my name. I recall he did. And not by that word, snail. I stared at the mirror. Do I by anyway look like a snail huh? No way! Do snails have a face anyway I hissed. He's the snail anyway. A He-goat. “He said, Don't move Alex.. your.. your.skirt is stained Hahaha. And he was even struggling to say it out.” Oh, I didn't know why it was making me laugh but It seem its the embarrasement that I was feeling. At times, when you are embarrased at what happened some minutes ago, you cant help but laugh cos you cant stop thinking of how embarrased you felt then. I touched his pullover. Its soft and felt cool and smelt of his cologne. I can't believe he gave me his clothe. It still baffles me. And oh my God! How do I just get out of here? I need Steph. What do I do? Then I heard my name. “Alex, are you the one in there? Is that Alexandra Grande in there please?” Steph. It was her voice. I couldn't believe it. How the hell did she knew I was in a washroom? “Yes Steph. Its me!” I said as I quickly unlocked the door and pulled it open. There she was. Steph. She stared at me like she is curious about something. Then she walked in, closing back the door herself. “Alex.” She said and then her eyes landed on the pullover on top the sink. “Steph. Im so happy you are here. How did you find that im here?” I asked her. She stared at me for awhile. “Jeremy told me.” She said. . To be continued . Itz #Viciyoung
2 May 2019 | 12:18
A bad child has is own good time
3 May 2019 | 06:48
thank God he help u rather than make u feel ashamed of yourself
4 May 2019 | 06:45
Nice Jeremy you did well
4 May 2019 | 11:18
Hmm may be u can stil mak Jerry a nice boy
15 May 2019 | 02:05
Pls post more episode
24 May 2019 | 08:31
TEENS HEART Sequence 39-40 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Alexandra 's POV [Continues] “Jeremy told you?” I asked, suprised. I couldn't believe he talked to her. “Yeah. He stopped me at the hallway while I was heading to the cafe to look for you. He told me you're in one of the washrooms.” She said. “What happened?” She asked. I sighed. “Messed up real bad. It's so embarrasing and you can't believe those devils in class had to see it including Jeremy.” I said and turned my skirt for her to take a look, though the stain's wiped off now. She gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Oh my! This might have been so embarrasing. I can't believe it, I don't even wanna imagine it.” She said. “I've never been so embarrased. I don't even wanna go out. I just wanna stay in here till school's over.” I said. “He gave you his pullover?” She asked, pointing at it. I nodded. “I wouldn't have known there was a stain if he hadn't seen it. Oh God! I feel so shy and so embarrased. I ain't leaving here till school's over. I swear it.” I said. “It's fine Alex. Just stay here okay, I'll go talk to the vice principal to let you go home and then i'll collect some pad from the sanitary mistress. Then call my driver to come take you home. You want that?” She said. Oh! “Yes. I really wanna leave school for the rest of today. Im sure I'll be better by tomorrow.” I said. She smiled. “I'll be right back in just few minutes.” She said. I smiled as she opened the door and left, closing it behind her. God I was just too grateful. I can't believe how lucky I am to have Steph as my friend.. ………………………………………… # Steph's POV Walking out of the washroom and heading to the vice principal's office, I couldn't help but remember how I came to know about Alex being in one of the washrooms. [[[[[[[[[[[Flash Back]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] As I pushed Chris out of the way and walked out of the class, I walked into Alex class but suprisingly, She wasn't in there. Where is she? And suspiciously, Jeremy wasn't in class as well. I need to find Alex. I walked out and was heading out of the hallway to go check if she's down at the cafe, When I heard a voice behind me. “Hey bitch.” I knew who it was already. Jeremy! I didn't turn to check nor did I stop walking. I just kept walking. “Can you stop walking that way? Don't be a bitch all the time.” He said. Seriously? But anyway, I stopped walking and just stood, without turning. He walked up to me and came to my front. Funny! “Do you have to be bitchy all the time huh?” He asked. “You are the bitch and you are to be treated like the bitch that you are.” I said harshly. He chuckled and gazed left. Then he turned back at me. “You know, I shouldn't be talking to a brat ass like you. I just wanna tell you something.” He said. Something? What do he wanna tell me? Hmm! Has Chris sent him as well? Anyway, I crossed my arms and waited to hear what he had to say but he kept quiet. Getting me so annoyed. I glared at him. Then he chuckled. “Ain't you gonna ask me what I got to say, bitch?” He said. What? “Fuck you!” I said and was about turning, when his worda stopped me. “The snail asked what If I know what saving people is.” He said. I looked at him. Did he mean Alex? “Do you? Cos the last time I checked, you only hurt people and not save them.” I said. “Are they many different ways of saving people?” He asked. Why's he asking this? “Yea, but its all the same word 'Save'.” I said. He chuckled. “She's in one of the washrooms now. She might need your help.” He said. “Who?” I asked, even though I knew it's Alex. “The snail.” He said and then he began walking away. Just then, I saw Chris and a red hair girl. Sandy. They were walking together and were obviously talking to each other. Wait, Jeremy said Alex is in one of the washrooms and might need my help. I rushed down the washroom passageway and over to each washroom door, knocking and asking If Alex is one in till I got to the right one. I got to the Vice principal's office and explained to her abour Alex situation and she approved for Alex to go home. I thanked her and walked out and the next place was the Sanitary mistress. “Ms Susana.” I called as I entered her office. She was sitting down and her head was on her desk. It seem she've been sleeping. “Ms Susana.” I said, going closer to her. But then, sluggishly, she sat up, rubbing her eyes. She's really fat. Maybe that's why she sleeps alot in the day. “Oh dear. Ohhh” She yawned. “Ms, I need your help.” I said. She looked at me with dull narrowed eyes. “What's that?” She asked. “My friend is in a big mess and I need a sanitary pad for her.” I said. “Oh, alright.” She said and forced herself up from the seat. She walked, almost falling to a brown carton box. Then took out two pads and put into a black obscure nylon. “Thanks Ms.” I said as I took it and walked out of her office. On my way back to the washroom, I called my driver to drive down to school immediately. Getting back to the washroom, I knocked and she opened up, Then I handed it to her. She smiled. “Thanks alot.” She said. “I've called My driver, Neil and he's on his way. Lunch hour would be over in fifteen minutes time and Im sure he'll be here in ten minutes.” I said. “Oh I wish he'do come when everyone is in class.” She said. I smiled. “Don't let it bite you off. You ain't the only one this has happened to. I mean, they are so many that it had happened to as well.” I said. “Did it happen to you?” She asked. “No.” I said. “Oh friend, then you don't really understand how embarrasing this is.” She said. I just smiled. ……………………………………………… ………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV Steph's driver came seven minutes after Lunch hour and I was glad almost everyone was in class. I went into the carand waved Steph goodbye. She did same and left. “Are you sick ma'am?” Neil asked. “Im fine.” I said. His pullover was still around my waist, I had to tight it back as I was about coming out of the washroom. I was glad the devils were all in and not one of them saw me. Right? Yeah. I texted Lili, telling her Im on my way home and told her the reason why. Getting home, Lili opened the door and pulled me into a hug. “Oh dear, Steph is such a nice girl.” She said. “Yea. She is Lili.” I said. She withdrew our hug and looked at the pullover. “Who's pullover is that?” She asked. “Its for Jeremy.” I said. I saw the shock on her face. “Seriously?” She said. “Yeah. You can't imagine he had to see it and then gave me his pullover to cover it.” I said. She pulled me into another hug. “Its okay dear. Just try not to think about it.” She said. When we got in. “Alex dear. Go take a shower, so you can eat and then take a blood tonic. And we are going to do some exercise so you don't keep having stomache pains. Do you hear me?” She said. “I hate blood tonic.” I said, heading to my room. “You need to start liking it now, cos you are gonna take it, then have some warm water. Don't go to have a nap. We are gonna walk round the house ten times before you can have a nap. Get that? “I hate exercises.” I said and walked into my room. I showered. And after eating and being forced to take a blood tonic, then warm water and having to walk round the house ten times. I was finally able to go back to my room. I took the pullover, walked to the laundry room and threw it into the washing-machine. Spread it there after and promised myself not to forget taking it to school tomorrow and handing it back to Jeremy. Steph called later to check on me and I told her im fine but not without gisting her about all that Lili made me do. She laughed at every single one and said Lili is just a great Aunt. Later, At night, I took out my diary, to write down my most embarrasing day ever. <b> Dear Diary, Gosh, today had been my worse day ever! Messing up my school skirt with menses without realising on time and the devils in my class had to laugh stupidly at me and Jeremy had to see it too! Oh oh so embarrasing. But again, I couldn't believe Jeremy had to be my first saviour... . Jeremy's POV It was hard not thinking about her. The snail. Why am I suddenly thinking about her huh? And why have I been feeling quite sorry for her? I tucked and turned on my bed. Arghh, and I waited for her in class all afternoon but It seem she had to go home. I wonder why I even needed to see her. Argh, Jeremy, not again! First was her lips and now im feeling like I missed her in class. And Im feeling sorry for what happened to her. Why am I feeling this way huh! She has my pullover with her now. And those time I was tryna tighteen the sleeves around her waist, shw withdrew her hand. Huh, was she so ungrateful huh. But her eyes, they did sparkle like before and her lips, its always keep curving when she talked. Anyway, I finally slept off to the dream world and suprisingly, It was the snail, I had to dream about. It was a stupid dream. We were in the balle dance classroom, dancing balle as I held her up, threw her up and she landed on my arms, then I spinned her around. The music 'My Heart Will Go On by Celine Dion played as we danced,slowly. Stupid! I woke up. Stupid dream. I can't even make the simpliest step of Balle dance talkmore of those hard steps I was taking with the snail. Stupid dream! But jeez! She was really cute and her hair blew as I threw her up. Arghh! Why should I dream of her? I just have to admit. I hate this fucking thing happening. ………………………………………… <b> Next Day # Alexandra 's POV I was almost in school when I recalled I wasn't with Jeremy's pullover. Oh my bad! Oh oh.. I forgot. I had forget and Lili couldn't remember for me either. Oh, what was I thinking? What! what! what!! I hit my forehead. “What's that Alex?” Steph asked. We were inside the school now and Neil pulled to a stop. “I forgot his pullover.” I said. “Oh my! What can we say he's gonna say or do this time? That rude thing!” Steph said. I felt kinda scared. He might just go ahead and announce to everyone that I got my school skirt stained in menses and he gave me his pullover to cover up and then I had to be so ungrateful to leave it at home. He might just say, I decided to keep the pullover. “Im kinda scared.” I said to Steph “Its okay. You just tell him, you forgot it and you gonna bring it tomorrow. Not like you gonna eat his damn pullover.” Steph said. I inhaled. “Just feeling he's gonna act really crazy about it. You know how rude he is.” I said. “He'll be such a crib to do that.” She said. ………………………………………… Steph left to her class and I slowly walked my locker, dropped my bag. We had Geometry. I sighed. I don't like that subject. Much calculations. I took my geometry books and with wobbling legs, I headed to the class. The few devils were around and they just looked at me. I can remember four to five faces of those who laughed at me. They were on their seats, just staring at me. I breathed and decided to let go of the embarrasement I was starting to feel again. I was relieved to see no Jeremy in class. No Molly too but Chris was on his desk, with his head low. He must be on his phone as usual. I took courage and walked up to him. Speaking to him might might be of help to my situation now. “Hi Chris.” I said, letting out a smile. He looked up and smiled. But he looked at me like he he's trying to confirm something. What? God, I just hope Jeremy didn't tell him about yesterday. “Hi Alex. Are you good with geometry?” He asked. “I am kinda.” I said. “Maybe you'do teach me today's topic after.” He said with a smile. I laughed. “How do you know if you're gonna grab it pretty good today or not?” I asked. He's expression changed. “Cos im always thinking of Steph.” He said. Aww, I felt sad for him. If only I could make Steph to understand that Chris really loves her. “I will talk to her okay. Im sure she'll understand soon.” I said. He just smiled. He's such a cute guy. Too cute to be a guy. Why is it that Stephanie can't see all this? Then I heard footsteps and when I turned, It was Jeremy and Molly walking in. Omg!.Jeremy. His pullover! I turned back to Chris. “We'll talk later Chris.” I said and quickly walked away to my seat and sat down. Arghh.. He was looking at me. I looked away. Oh oh. Why did I had to forget about it!? Then I took a glance. The duo sat down on their seats. and chatted and was laughing Chris joined them. I wonder what they are talking about What? What concern me anyway. I opened my geometry note to review on even though I deeply prayed that the rude punk wouldn't do act so rude and crazy when he finds out im not with his pullover. God, I dont even want him to ask about it today. God. And it seemed as If I forgot about Ms Ashley. Wow. I can't! She called last night and said she've gotten a new work at CamStars High School. I don't know much about the school but Lili said it's one of the famous school in Florida, just like Ellas is Whoah! I couldn't believe how fast she got the work. Like, it was just on friday she got fired and she's gotten a work back just yesterday. Its really a miracle. I was extremely happy and elated. We are really happy now. And uh! I've not told Steph yet. My bad! I can't wait to tell her.. #Jeremy's POV I don't understand how I felt when I saw her talking with Chris. She was looking alright but anyway, I had to look at her skirt to check something. Lol. She walked back to her seat as she saw me walk in. Then I remembered. My pullover? It must be in her locker. I'do get it from her at Lunch hour. Mr Frey, the geomety teacher came in and I rolled my eyes. I hate geometry anyway! I'do just log into my facebook. …… We didn't go to subject classes cos we only had Geometry, History and English in the morning before Lunch hour, so we remained in the classroom. ………………………………………… At lunch, just immediately the bell rang. I saw her quickly stand up and walked out of the class. I smiled, stood up and went after her. For my pullover. #Alexandra's POV I had to be fast about this. I don't wanna end up answering questions. About his pullover. I quickly opened my locker, threw my books into my bag, closed it back and turned to rush to Steph's class. But OMG! I saw him standing just right in my front. His hands in his pockets. My hands were on my chest in shock before I could even realise it. Then he got out his right hand and stretched it out. What? His pullover? I cleared my throat. Hum hum hum.. “My pullover.” He said. I cleared my throat again.. I wonder how im gonna explain this. Jeremy im sorry, I forgot your pullover at home. No.. I can't add sorry. Why should I? Its just a pullover and not a Ferrari. “Hey, what's wrong. Lemme have my pullover?” He said, staring awkwardly at me. Jeremy, I'l bring it tomorrow. I forgot it at home. Fine. I'll just say this one. I cleared my throat again. Seriously why? “Why are you doing that three times now? Do you got lumps in your throat huh?” He said. “Cos I forget your pullover at home. Im gonna bring it tomorrow.” I said. #Jeremy's POV I paused to recollect. She did what? Forgot my pullover at home? Okay, that isn't an issue for me. I gat as many of them in my wardrobe but why couldn't she add an apology word? “Couldn't you say sorry that you did huh? Are you such a bitch?” I asked. “I said I forgot it. Its just a pullover!!” She yelled Whoa. She had to fucking yell too? “After saving your damn ass messed up in disgusting looking stain, You still yell at me huh?” I said with anger. Then I grapped her wrist and dragged her. #Alexandra's POV He gripped my wrist and began dragging me to the hallway. What's he trying to do? “Let go of my hand.” I yelled. “You deserve whatever im gonna do to you.” He snapped. I deserve whatever he's gonna do to me? That was what he said too when he dragged me up to that dreadful balcony. “What do you wanna do this time! Let go off me.” I said. But he held tight to my hand till he stopped at the middle of the hallway. He still held me tight. My hairband had loosed and my hair was in a mess. “LISTEN EVERYONE!” He said aloud. My heart began raising. So many thoughts ran through my mind. People gathered in a twinkling of an eye. Plenty of them. “Jeremy, What are you trying to say?” I asked. He ignored. “EVERYONE.. YOU SEE THIS BITCH HERE.” He said. I shut my eyes. I felt the ground should open and Lemme dive in. I knew what he was gonna say already. I struggled hard to free my hand from his but he's just too strong. I saw no Steph to help me. No Chris to stop him. “YESTERDAY, YOU CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SUCH A BIG GIRL AS HER COULD MESS HERSELF UP IN HER MENSTRUATION..” He said just so aloud. I shut my eyes tighter. I couldn't believe it. Laughters and giggles erupted all over. “I SAVED HER DAMN ASS BY GIVING HER MY PULLOVER AND SHE DECIDE TO KEEP IT AS HER OWN. ISN'T SHE SUCH A BITCH HUH?” He said. “YES.. SHE IS A BITCH!!!” I heard almost all of them yell out loud. . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:40
TEENS HEART Sequence 41-42 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Alexandra 's POV Ugh! Look at her... She's just so irritating. She's irritating me already! Is she crying? Oh I hate her for taking J's Pullover! She look sick. Aww so embarrasing. Hahaha. She should get out the pullover now! All I heard were mutterings from the crowd that gathered. My eyes were shut so I couldn't see these people. And he still held my wrist. Then I heard his voice very close to my ear. “You see, You ain't so good in yelling. This is the right way to yell. Hope you learnt well.” He whispered. Tears fell down my eyes. Then he let go of my hand, And I ran off to... to where? I ran with sobs down towards the hallway that lead to the long staircase. My cry's echoed as I ran through the little hallway to the staircase, then I slumped down on the first stair block and with my head on my knees, I wept. I couldn't believe what has just happened down there. I couldn't believe he was this cruel and heartless to announce it to everyone. I felt like hanging myself. I felt like running off this school to never return. My heart bled. I was shaking as I wept, tears rolling down my cheeks. I wept on. on and on.. My eyes shut tight. I needed to wash off this memory. I needed to wake up from this nightmares i've been having. Im tired of sleeping for such a long time, dreaming off Images of my mom appeared to me. There in the kitchen when she colapsed to the floor There at the hospital when the doctor with weary eyes confirmed she has a breast cancer. There on her sick bed when she gave her last words. And closed her eyes after smiling at me. This couldn't be happening to me if mom was alive. If mom lived just for me... Oh mommy! I feel i've been ripped off.. Im gonna hang myself to death! Im gonna meet you soon mom... cos I can't stand the embarrasement. I can't stand what that devil had put me to. God! I can't believe this is happening. I wept more. Sniffling and my eye still shut as unending tears rolled down my cheeks. ……………………………………………… # Jeremy's POV Just as she ran off. I felt someway. Bad! Many walked away, while four girls came. “Im sorry J, We'll get back your dear pullover.” The first girl said. “Yeah. She's a bitch.” The second girl said. “Oh gosh. I don't wanna imagine she messed her skirt up.” the third girl in makeup said, twisting her face. “Uh. Where's the bitch? So we can just deal with her.” The last girl said. I stared at the direction she took. I felt so bad. Im starting to regret what I did. I wanna go and say im sorry. But won't it be so hard for that magic word to let out of me? “Hello J, please talk to me.” The last girl said. “To you? Like we are four here so he's talking to all of us here and not just you!” The second girl fired at her. I turned to them. “Can you girls leave now?” I said. “Ohhhh.” They chorused and then began walking away. I shoved my hand into my pockets. Where could she have ran to? Was what I said so mean? I don't know why I was feeling really awful. I turned and began walking down the direction which she ran towards. Its the direction that's leading to the hallway up to the long staircase. I turned to the hallway. Walking past half of it, I heard a sound. I stopped to listen and it was a whimpering cry. But it soon stopped. She's crying? I slowly walked to the end of the hallway and there she was, her head on her knees. She had stopped the cry but was sniffling. I felt bad. Maybe I shouldn't have did that, but damn! I was so annoyed. How could she be so arrogant? I walked to her. Even though I had no idea what to say, I just stood in her front, with my hands still in my pockets. Apologising to her would be so difficult. I just have to do something else. “Hey..” I said. She didn't look up and she didn't move either. “Alexandra.” I called her name. I can't believe I did. She didnt move. “Its okay, you can have my pullover. I know you've been admiring it.” I said just to make her look up but she didn't. I rolled my eyes. Stubborn. I mean what's there in looking up at someone in front of you? I stared at her. Half of her hair fell down her shoulder, to her arm while the rest fell scattered on her back. Her hairband must have loosed while I was dragging her. She sniffled. I wanted to leave but still I couldn't. I just stood and stared at her. Then after what seemed like forever, She looked up. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet in tears. I felt bad.. so bad. “This isn't a nice aura to cry right.” I said. Her eyes were dull. “I should show you where to.” I added. “You are inhuman.” She said. Inhuman? “You think after doing that, its gonna change anything about me and you gonna gain anything out of it?” She asked. I just stared. “You need to grow a little bit up cos now you act childishly.” She said. “What you did there is never gonna stop me from being me and fuck you for stooping so low to act up in front of everyone just cos of a pullover.” She said. Tears dropped but she wiped them off just immediately. “I hate people like you.” She said as another tear dropped. I looked away. I hate the way im feeling right now. Bad! Why's my heart acheing this way? A pierce of guilty? I walked to her. She stood up. “Where are you going?” I asked. She glared at me and then try to move but I pulled her back. She flung her hand away and took another steph but I pulled her back again but this time... I pulled her.. I pulled her into me. I hugged her. She didn't move. She just stayed still. I closed my eyes. I don't understand the way that im feeling. “I just wanted to say im sorry.” It came out like a magic out of my mouth. I couldn't believe I said that. “ are what?” She asked like she wasn't expecting it. “Im sorry.” I said again, still hugging her. #Alexandra's POV He's sorry? I couldn't just believe he was saying sorry after embarasing me in such a way? What can a sorry do to wash away such embarrasement and humiliation? But what? He said sorry! I wasn't expecting that. And he's hugging me too. What's wrong with him? “Just get away from me.” I said. He did. He withdrew his his hold. He's expression is pale.. He was staring right in my eyes. “I don't need your sorry cos Its never gonna change anything!” I yelled at his face. “It would. cos if you had said sorry then, I wouldn't have did that.You were so arrogant.” He said. Seriously. “Do you know how proud and how rude and how arrogant and inhuman you are huh!?” I asked. He grabbed my hand. “Let go off me now. You always grab people when you wanna hurt them!” I said. “You asked me If I know what saving people is right?” He asked. “You don't!” I yelled. “Come with me.” He said. He said and began pulling me. But this time around it was gentle. He wasn't dragging me, he was walking but he held me tight, pulling me with him. . # Alexandra 's POV [Continues] I couldn't believe it when he stopped at the centre of the hallway, just at the same spot where he did that. My heart raised again. People were already gathering cos they knew he has something to say. He still held my wrist even though I tried my best to pull away. “You are certainly going to regret this.” I said. “ALL I SAID BACK THEN..” He said to the crowd. All he said back then? “ALL I SAID BACK THEN WEREN'T TRUE..” He said. I looked at him. The crowd said. OHHHHHHHHH! “SO IF ANYBODY TRYNA TALK ABOUT IT OR GOSSIP ABOUT IT OR TRYNA HURT HER WITH THAT SHOULD BE READY FOR ME. GET THAT??” I found it so hard to believe what he just did. Everyone walked away. But he still held my hand. “What do we call what I just did?” He asked as he turned to me. I didn't know what to reply so I just stared at him. “You don't know anymore, I'll remind you. I just SAVED you.” He said. It made me chuckle. “You asked if I know what saving people is.. Im sure you've not forgotten I saved you up there at the balcony when you almost fell off it. And now I just saved your name from rounding the whole school for weeks..” He said. “Seriously, Do you hurt people and save them after hurting them?” I asked, looking at him. He still held me. Why? # Jeremy's POV Such question. Do I hurt people and save them after hurting them? I have no idea what to reply anyway. She stared at me and her eyes were always sparkling. I like this girl's eyes. And her lips. Curvy Arghhhh. I chuckled. “Did you mean what you said to them?” She said. “Huh. What?” I asked. “You know what you said. I don't need to repeat them.” She said. Huh? That they should be ready for me if they try to hurt her. “Oh that? I do.. yeah. Im saving you from them.” I said. Just then, I saw the bitch, Steph. She was rushing towards. Alex tried to pull away but I held her more tighter. A little play for the bitchy Steph wouldn't be so bad. “Ouch!. Do you wanna squeeze off my wrist huh!” She said. “Oh my! Oh Alex. I heard what happened to you. Why still let this devil hold you after embarrasing you in front of everyone.” She said, going to Alex. Then she looked at me with fierce. “You've always been a devil. Nothing can ever change that you are a fucked up bitch. ” She said. Then she turned to Alex. “Alex let's go.” She said, then turned to me again, “Get your filthy hand off hers.” She said. “Why should I? We are friends now.” I said and glanced at Alex and her mouth went agape. “We what?” Alex asked. “Alex. What's he blabbing?” Steph asked. “We ain't any friend.” Alex said, pulling her hand away but I squeezed it tighter and she gasped. “OUCH! Are you so cruel huh! Let go of my hand now!” She yelled. I like this. I gave Steph a smirk smile. “Let's go grap a some fries new friend..” I said to and pulled her along as we walked, leaving Steph standing with astonishment written all over her. ………………………………………….. “You Know you can't keep pulling me like a kid and after hurting me, you faking friendship with me to my friend.” She said as we walked down the Cafe. I was no longer holding her. Why should I anyway. “You should be happy when I say that we are friends.” I said. “Seriously? Why should I? We ain't friend. Why should I be a friend with someone as arrogant as you.” She said. I just smiled. #Alexandra's POV Seriously, I don't understand what was happening now. Like us walking to the cafe after all he did to me. And he's talking about us being friends? Weird! Why would I wanna be a friend to such a rude thing. But im more suprised that I heard no muttering or gossip about me as we walked pass people. They only stared. Then I saw Molly coming out of the cafe. She was shocked to see this. Jeremy and I walking together. Im just more shocked myself. She walked to us. Looked at me from my feet up to my head. Seriously? Then she turned to him. “Seems we've gotten a new friend after so many fights.” She said. They? I can never be their friend. But why am I walking with him anyway If I don't wanna be. “Yeah. We are quite good now.” He said, smiling at her. We are quite good? In what way are we? Molly nodded and turned to me. “They are rumours everywhere that you messed up your school skirt yesterday. It must have been so embarrasing huh?” She asked me, smiling. I know its a mockery smile. I looked down in embarrasement. “But did you had to keep J's pullover after he saved your ass huh?” She asked. “Oh, Molly.. I gave the pullover to her to keep. She like it and I gave it to her.” He said. I like it? Is he such a bad liar? “Wow.. Cool. J can we go to to class together now?” She asked him. “Um.. Taking my new friend to buy chips. You can join us.” He said. “No way!” She said and walked away. “New friend, Do you like chips huh?” He asked. “I ain't your new friend!” I snapped. He's annoying. ## We got to the cafe and he bought two packs of potato chips and handed one to me. “Take it. For the start of our friendship.” He said with a grin. I rolled my eyes. But then I took it. He paid. I let him open his first and ate before I did mine. “I like potato chips, I can eat this all day and don't bother about any other food..” He said. I looked at him. Can I still believe this jerk is tryna make us friends? Why? Im finding this so hard to believe. “Do you like it like I do?” He asked. “No. I hate it.” I said just cos he likes it. I don't wanna like what the jerk likes. “Whoa. Okay.” He said. “Let's go watch basketball guys.” He said. No. I need to get to Steph before Lunch get over. “I need to check on Steph.” I said and was walking ahead of him already. “Hey Andra.” He said and met up with me. Andra? “What's Andra?” I asked. “Check it out, Andra sound more girly than Alex. Alex is meant for guys. So I give you Andra.” He said, and smiled. Stupid! “My name is Alex and I don't like the Andra.” I said even though Andra sound really nice. I can't admit that it does to him. “I like it. So that's what Im gonna be calling you.” He said. I hissed and walked faster. After a while and no sound from him, I turned and he was... he wasn't at my back. I saw him almost getting the the basketball field. Jerk. New friend indeed. . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:42
TEENS HEART Sequence 43-44 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. # Jeremy 's POV I watched the basket ball guys.. But Lol, My thoughts were on Alex. Oh, Andra, I mean. Andra? How did I got to make out that name anyway? AlexANDRA Lol. I picked my chips one,then two, then three into my mouth as I sat down on the chair roles, watching the teams in Red and the other team in Green, playing. The team are kicking off the red team quite fast. Recalling about all that happened back there at the hallway, makes me smile alot. Hurting her and then saying sorry and then clearing the allegation and the shits. And then making her a new friend? Crazy, weird. But seriously she's damn cool and just cute. I think I really mean this friendship. “Hey dude.” I heard from my back. Chris. I turned. “Hey, Where?” I asked. He came over and sat down beside. “Nowhere. Heard we've got a new friend.” He said with a smile. I chuckled. “Who told you that?” I asked. “Your babe.” He said. Molly? “Argh, Such a wide mouth tho.” I said. “So do we have a new friend really?” He asked. “I guess we do.” I said. “Who?” He asked. Oh Molly didn't let him know who itis. “Andra.” I said. “Andra?” He asked, widing his eyes. “Yeah.” I said, and winked at him. “Who's Andra?” He raised eyebrows at me. ??? “Alexandra.” I said. He shaped his lips in an “Ohhhh” form and then laughed. “Whoa. No more the little snail..” He said, laughing. I laughed. “She's still that tho.” I said, and smiled. “Dude, I can't believe you guys are some kinda friends now. Its so fucking hard to believe.” He said, and watched the basket ball guys. “What's the big deal?” “Its just unbelievable. Not after those shits you guys had.” He said. I stayed silence for a while, then looked at him. “Dude. I just feel like we got to be friends you know. Can't believe that I dreamt of her.” I said. He looked at me. “Dreamt of her?” He asked. “Its fucking weird dude but I did.” I said. He looked at me, amuzed. “Gist me about the dream guy.” He said. I rolled my eyes. “Stupid dream tho. We both were fucking dancing balle. I fucking hate the dance tho. Stupid. crazy.” I said. He laughed, then his expression changed. He frowned. “But I heard something else.” He said. Huh? “What?” I asked. “You embarrased her in front of everyone.” He said. “Yea, cos she was so arrogant to say sorry to me. She was yelling as well. You know how I fucking hate that.” I said. “And then you came back saying no one should talk about it cos they are all lies?” He asked. “Yeah?” “And you think no one's gonna talk about it?” He asked. “They can't dare.” I said. “But someone just talked about it.” He said. “Who?” I asked. “Molly ofcos.” He said. I touched my neck. Arghhh Molly! “I'll know what to do to her.” I said,smiling. # Chris POV Lol Crazy guy. He's been a crazy right from time. Alex, I need to see her. Molly met me on the way while I was coming out of the Library. I just went to read. So she told me We got a new little snail friend and I knew it was Alex. Little snail. So I asked her really? and she said Jeremy went to the cafe with her. Im like whoah! So I turnned to rush down to see J. But she went on to tellme about Alex taking J's pullover after he gave it to her to cover up. And J announced it to everyone and then he cleared it again by saying to everyone again, that its all lies. I was speechless and had no idea what to say so I just rush down the cafe but saw me here, sitting. There were cheers as the Green team won. “I need to check on Alex.” I said to him, getting up. “Sure.” He said, getting up as well. We walked out of the basketball fied, down the school building. …………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV Ten minutes for lunch hour to get over. Im on my seat, just going through a.novel when I saw Chris and him walk in. Then towards me.. Jeremy did same. Seriously? They came to my front. I smiled at Chris. “Hi Chris Ray.” I said. I don't know why I added his surname tho. He smiled, staring at me. “Hi Andra.” You can guess who called now. Jeremy. “Hey.” I said. “Hope you enjoyed the chips huh?” He asked. Funny! “Nop.” I said. He just shrugged. “Fine.” He said, turned and left to his seat. “Hey that was kinda harsh for your new friend.” Chris said as Jeremy left. “Harsh?” I asked. “I guess. Anyways, what novel is that?” “Half of a yellow sun. From an African Writer.” I said, showing him the novel. “You like Africa?” He asked. I guess I do. “Yeah.” I said. “Well J doesn't.” He said. Wanted to ask why but what's my business. “His mom is a prominent doctor in Africa but he hates that she's there.” He said. It made me glance at Jeremy. He was talking with Molly now. “Why?” I asked. “He feels that he's mom is dating an african man over there cos she doesn't come home. She does tho but it maybe once in six months.” He said. I heard no idea what to say, so I just went back to the novel and stared at the cover photo. The bell for lunch over rang.. “Talk with ya lera.” He said and walked back to his seat. ………………………………………… ……………………………………. When school was over, I got up to my locker to pick my bag. “You going?” I heard someone ask from my back. Jeremy. “Yes?” I said. “Ain't we gonna celebrate our new friendship?” He asked. I turned. He had his hands in his pockets. White earphones on his ear.. “What friendship huh?” He asked. “Ours. Ain't u to have me as a friend huh? Are you such an arrogant girl huh?” He asked. I rolled my eyes. “Im not. Why should I?” I said. “You are already.” He said with a smile. “Excuse me? Do you force someone to accept what so ever that you say huh?” I asked, got my bag at my back and crossed my arms, staring at him. “Just accept that you are really happy about it and thats settled.” He said. I rolled my eyes. This guy's been making me roll my eyes alot and its making me feel nausea. “Im not. Don't you hear it!” I yelled. “You yell at everything. Do you know what's cephalalgia?” He said. Headache? “So?” I asked. “My nanny always say that. When you yell alot, you get a cephalalgia. Have youu got that before after yelling?” He asked. Is he so dumb? “Its just a headache. Another word for a pain in the head.” I said. He chuckled. “I've never bothered to check.” He said. Its a pity. “Hi Alex. Can we go now?” I heard steph ask as she walked up to me. “Yeah. Sure.” I said and made a step but he grabbed me. Why's he always doing this? Steph seemed just too annoyed at this. “We wanna celebrate our friendship. So you may just go ahead. Her driver should come drive her home.” He told Steph “Or don't you got a driver?” He asked me. I pulled my hand away cos he wasn't holding it tight. Steph and I walked away and I tried my best not to look back. Why do I wanna look back anyways? Fuck him. For all I know he's a jerk all the time. “Are you guys really friends now?” Steph asked me. “No. Got no idea what's wrong with the bitch.” I said. “Gosh. I hate him.” Steph said. ………………………………………… “You didn't go with his pullover.” Lili said after opening the door and I walked in. “Its okay. I told him I forgot.” I said. “He did nothing to you right?” She asked. “Y..Yea.” I said. I had no idea why I didn't tell Lili about what happened in school. Jeremy pulling me to the crowd and letting everyone know about it. Then clearing all he said after saying sorry to me. I had things to tell her but I decided not to let her know. At Night, after taking a warm shower and pulling into my pink pajamas, I didn't write to my diary. I just slept off. . Jeremy's POV “Hey Moni. Im off to school, bye.”I said out to Moni who was coming up the stairs and I was running down. “You look so happy today. Your face is so bright and you got a heartful smile. Are you sure you're going to school actually?” Moni asked, staring at me. “Yeap. I am.. Oh never mind. Im happy. So be happy that I am.” I said with a grin. Rushed off the last steps and over the door as I pulled it open and over to my car. I jumped in, dropping my bag, and zoomed out of the house. Why am I so eager to get to school? Last night, she was all on my mind till I slept off. Why the fuck do I have to think about her? I still can't believe im tryna make her my friend? Why? I have no idea... but I just see myself wanting to be around her. Did all this feeling start just yesterday that I saw her crying? That I hugged her? That I held her for so long. Hurting her and saving her as well. Arghh.. Fuck it. What stupid feeling am I talking about anyways? I hate to feel such way. Pity,.guilty. But can I say she's gonna forget my pullover today too? I wish she would. LOL. So I'do... I'do. I'do do what? I'll take one of her books. Yes! I can't fucking wait to get to school. Arghhh.. Jeremy stop acting so weird! ……………………………………………… I got to school and pulled to a stop. Grabbed my bag and got down from the car. I walked down the hallway, to my locker and dropped my bag. Grabbed my phone and walked to class. No Andra. That was annoying tho, so I just walked out of class even though Chris was in. I should be calling her snail right? Yeah, but I can't help it.. I just wanna go on with Andra. I walked down and out the hallway then I saw Steph's car. It drove and pulled to a stop just close to my car. I don't know why but I instantly felt happy. I turned and walked back to the class. I walked up to Chris. “Hey dude. What's up?” I asked. He just smiled, focused on his phone. I sat down on my seat and drummed my fingers on my desk as I waited. And then she walked in.. With my pullover in her hand. I hissed. She walked up to me. “Your pullover.” She said, stretching it to me. “Why did you bring it!” I said, feeling annoyed. My plan has failed. “Huh?” She asked, staring at me, confused. Chris did too. I inhaled. “Now, they will know I really gave you my pullover. You shouldn't have brought it or you could have just kept it in your locker.” I whispered. She just stared at me. “Why staring that way at me?” I asked. “Cos you're just unbelievable.” She said, turned and walked away, out of the class. I hissed. “Dude, thought you guys are friends now?” Chris asked. “She's so dumb and annoying!” I said. Why couldn't she just forget the damn thing. Mtchew. …… # Alexandra 's POV He's always a devil! Always arrogant and annoying. Jerk! I threw the pullover into my bag and bang the locker close! You'll stay right there! “Wow. That must be my J's pullover..” I heard a voice behind me. I turned and its Molly. She's in all smiles. Witches in movies will always smile when they are about to do something devilish. “Lemme have the pullover.” She said, stretching out her hand. Seriously? “Why?” I asked. “Huh? my boyfriend's pullover and you fucking asking me why I should have it!?.” She barked. “Yeah.” I said. But she pushed me out from my locker with force. I never saw that coming. “Fine.” She said and tried to open my locker open but It was locked. She turned to me. “Gimme the key.” She said. I just turned and was about taking a steph when she dragged me back. I flung my hand away. “Don't tryna mess with me girl.” She said. “Then you gotta respect yourself so no one mess with you.” I said. She glared at me. The bell rang for classes. We had Statistics.. I need to take my books. She smiled, knowing very well im gonna open my locker to take my books. “Molly..” I heard someone call. We turned and its Jeremy. “What's happening here Andra?” He asked, coming to me. “That question should be directed to your girlfriend.” I said with the anger boiling in me. # Molly's POV What nonsence? He asked her that question when it should be me he should ask. And Andra? And seriously he went to stand beside her. When it should be me! “Molly, what's up?” He asked. I fumed. This is just too annoying. I turned and stormed away. I'll deal with this. I'll end this fucking friendship. This never gonna happen. ………………… #Jeremy's POV I watched Molly walk away. I know she's annoyed, I'll talk to her after. I turned to Andra. The way her lips were a bit agape made her look really cute. She stared at me like im kind of ghost. “You always love staring at me. You wondering why am so cute huh?” I asked, smiling. I like the way she roll her eyes when I say things. Just the way she just did now. “Don't think you're so cute. I told you.” She said. I like the way her lips were curving now. Where did you get such lips from girl? I was tempted to ask her but I didn't. “Do you like statistics?” I asked her. “Why do you wanna know?” She asked. “Cos I hate it. You should come with me to somewhere cool to avoid the boring subject?” I asked. She turned to her locker and opened it, Ignoring my question. “So do you hate it?” I asked. “No!” She snapped. “Fine.” I said, “What's going on with you and Molly?” I asked her. “She needs your pullover. And here it is. Have it.” She said as she got out the pullover and stretched it to me, with her left hand. She's a leftie anyway. “Keep it. Im sure you like it.” I said. I just don't want it again. “I don't. Have back your pullover. I cant have it after you did that at the hallway cos of it.” She said. I rolled my eyes. “Can you stop talking about it?” I said, getting quite angry. “Take it.” She said. “Im not gonna take it. Have it. Can't you just fucking have the damn thing huh?” I yelled. “I can't!” She snapped. “Is this friendship really gonna work this way? With you not accepting anything I say huh?” I barked. “What damn friendship are you talking about huh?” She asked. I inhaled, got my hands into my pockets. “Let's go somewhere cool.” I said. I don't understand what's wrong with me. “I can't go to anywhere with you. Do you get it?” She said. “Shouldn't you be happy about it. Are you so arrogant and pretentious?” I said. “Are you so proud huh?” She said, going for her books. She got them. I smiled as an idea came in. She closed back her locker and turned to walk out and I grabbed the two notes in her hand. She glared angrily at me and at her books which were raised high up in the air now. “Don't be such a bitch and gimme those books.” She said. “Are you gonna come with me or not?” I asked. “Lemme have those books!” She yelled. “C'mon you can go to class now without the books. Im sure you gonna learn quite great without them.” I said with a smirk smile. I like the way her face is now. Frowny and getting angrier. Why does she look cute even when she frowns? So cute. “Lemme have my books now you devil!” She said, staring at me with evil eyes. I smiled. “Can't you miss class just to be with such a cute guy as me huh?” I asked, making a smirky face. Im sure that annoyed her more cos she shut her eyes tight and opened them and they became more fury. And her fist were clenched. “You must be an asshole to think that im gonna do that!” She fumed. My hand were kinda hurting me now tho. I just wanna bring them down. Ah! Why can't she just accept to come with me. What's so special about Statistics anyways. “For the last time, Gimme those books. ” She said. I was going to bring it down soon. Now. My hand hurts fucking bad now. “Are you coming with me or do you wanna miss your dear books?” I asked. “You can fucking have them!” She said and tried to walk out but I pulled her back. Brought down my hand and stretched the books to her. “Here. Have it. You so annoying tho!” I said angrily. She grabbed it and then walked away. “Arghh, My hand almost fell off. Such punk!” I mumbled, stretching my hand. Then I turned and walked down the hallway, and out towards the school garden. Fuck Statistics. …………………… #Molly's POV I eavedropped. I saw everything. When he took her books. He held them so long and the brat's face wasn't good one bit. I heard everything.. All the time he asked her to come with him? To where? But now he gave the brat her books and she walked back to class. He can't tell me to come with him and he wants that brat to? What's going on suddenly? Whatever it is. I can't just fucking bear it. Now he is walking out towards the hallway. Im gonna follow him. And I did. . To be contued . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:43
TEENS HEART . Sequence 45-46 <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV I sat there on the bench at the school garden and stared at the white roses. ‘White Rose bruise easily..’ Moni do say at times whenever she's on phone calls with her daughter's husband. ‘...So be careful enough not to hold it so tight.’ She would add. She's actually referring to her daughter as the white rose that bruise easily. I chuckled. And that punk? Why didn't she come with me anyways? So annoying. “Hey J..” I heard Molly's voice and before I could turn, she back hugged me. “J.. I didn't see you in class. Was so worried so I decided to miss class just to look for you.” She said, still hugging me. “Yeah, you gotta do that.” I said. “You're lonely huh? I'll keep you company.” She said. Came over, sat beside me and rested her head on my shoulder. Whatever. “You know I can miss every class just to keep you company.” She said. I rolled my eyes. What a punk too. “I love you J.” She said. I laughed within me. It was funny to hear this words. So funny. “Ain't you saying anything?” She asked. “We shouldn't be talking about love now huh?” I said, it was a bit of a yell. She brought up her face to look at me, then rested her head back on my shoulder. “I don't like the brat.” She said unexpectedly. “Who's the brat?” I asked. “Alex.” She said. And so? “So?” I asked, wanting to hear more. “You can't be friends J. She's a brat. I can't even believe this.” She said. Seriously? is she gonna tell me who to be friend with? “You can't imagine that I saw your pullover in her locker. She's just a thief!” Molly said. “She's not.” I said. “Why do you say she isn't.” She asked,.as she got her head off my shoulder and stared at me. “Cos I gave her the pullover so don't ask her for it.” I said. “Okay fine.” She said but then stayd on her own, without putting her head on my shoulder anymore. “Did you had to give her your pullover huh?” She asked, staring st the white roses just as I did. “Yeah.” I said. She waa about saying something but I stood up. “Heading to class.” I said,.turned and walked away. such a pest. # Molly's POV This is just too annoying! He walked away. …………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV As Statistics was almost ending, Jeremy walked in and over to his seat but our eyes met anyways while he headed to his seat. Crazy guy. Soon, Molly stepped in as well. Seriously? …………………………………… The rest of the school day was okay, lunch, I met with Steph and we chatted. I still told her about Chris but she firmly kept saying she fucking hates him. I just hope she understands soon. Jeremy didn't came by at lunch to drag me to the cafe. I was happy. When school got over and I went for my bag, Chris waved at me with a cute smile. Jeremy was there, so I just waved back at Chris. Would have went over if he wasn't there. The jerk would akways wanna cause a scene. I walked out of the class and over to my locker. Opened it and got out my bag after dropping my Math wich was the last subject. I turned and boom! there he was again. His hands in his pockets as he stared awakwardly at me. Why's he always appearing here all the time like a ghost? “You know, I just gotta find out if you actually a ghost.” I said. He laughed. “I maybe afterall. Wanna check?” He asked. “How?” I asked. “By hugging me, putting your head on my chest to listen to my heartbeat.” He said with a broad smile. Okay, I got to admit now. He looked super cute in that smile. His dimples appeared like never before. Why's such a cute guy this arrogant? “You're so not serious.” I said, as I got my bag over my shoulder and tried to walk out. He didn't pull me back this time around. He followed me. He followed me? Has he got no idea Im heading to Steph's class? “Are you just gonna let me follow you up to that bitch's class without stopping to ask why Im following you?” He asked. Oh.. This punk. I stopped and turned to him. “Why are you following me?” I asked. “Cos new friends are suppose to give each other hugs before parting each day after school.” He said. Is this guy crazy huh! “We just became friends yesterday and you're talking about hugs already?” I asked angrily. Wait, did I just admit we became friends yesterday?? Oh oh no.! He came closer with a smile on his lips. “You just admit that we are friends?” He asked, kinda suprisd I guess. Im suprised myself that I said it. “No we ain't!” I said. “Can we make it official?” He asked, staring right in my eyes. Official? “What official?” I asked. People passed and they were just staring. “Make everyone aware that we are now friends.” He said. What? “Why do you like doing things in a way that invites crowd. I hate it.” I said. I cant believe Im still standing here, talking about offici friendship with him. He thought for awhile. Then smiled. “There's another way of making friendship official.” He said. “What way?” I asked. I just wanted to know anyways. “By hugging your new friend for five minutes.” He said. I rolled my eyes. Hmm. Weird! “Im going,.bye.” I said, turne and walked away. “Bye Andra. See you tomorrow.” He said. I shook my head. This isn't happening right? Not this fast and unexpectedly. I met Steph closing up her locker. She smiled as she saw me. “Alex.. Sorry, we had physics practical as the last subject and it took quite a time.” She said. We walked down the hallway, and out and there was her car already. We got in and Neil drove off. ……………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV That's girl's weird. Admitting we are friends just yesterday and denying about it too. Arghh crazy girl. I wonder why I just want to keep getting her upset and then I wanna make her my friend as well. She makes me smile so fucking much. Just looking at her frowny face makes me smile. Looking at her lips.. Her eyes.. They all make me smile. Its so damn real, I really wanna make this friendship work even though I still love to get on her nerves. ……………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV Lili opened the door quite not on time. She apologised that she was sleeping and sincerely speaking she was. With such dull eyes and pale cheeks. I smiled and walked in.. “How was school today dear?” She asked. “Just fine Lili.” I said and headed to my room. Lili changed the bedsheets and pillowcase today. Wow. I threw my bag on the bed, sat down on the bed and pulled my shoes off. Then layed down, feeling quite tired. I need to take a warm shower, then eat and do some assignments but I just layed down. A little rest would be okay. My phone buzzed inside my school bag. A message. I ignored it as I turned and closed my eyes. But I ended up thinking about all that happened today in school. Jeremy. Is he ever gonna change? Always being a jerk and getting on people's nerves. And now he's acting over weird by wanting us to be friends. Official friends. Lol. But though, he's really cute with those dimples. Do I wanna deny that? Oh no no no no.. Lol. I got up, pulled off my clothes and went to shower. When I came out, I pulled into a yellow nightie and took my school uniforms to the washing-machine and threw it inside. Though I go another two neat uniforms apart from the one in the washing machine. But i gotta wash this one. I guess Lili had the sounds from the washer and came by, “You washing. You should have eaten before doing this or leave it for me to do.” She said. I shook my head. “No. Its fine.” I said. ……………… After eating, I went back to my room, letting Lili know I wanna work my assignments and then take some nap. She said, she might go out to see a friend before I wakes. I nodded and left to my room. I unzip my bag and brought out my statistics work book and notebook. Saw my phone but just ignored it. And went on to do my assignments. But then another message buzzed and I just got out my phone and went to my message inbox. An unsaved number. I opened it and read. <b> Hey new friend. You home now? Jeremy. Don't be too suprised how I got your phone number. # I_couldn 't believe it. I read it over and over again to be sure. How the hell did he get my phone number? I opened the second message. From the same number <b> We're making our friendship official tomorrow. So choose between the two. Announcing it to the crowd or Hugging for five minutes. See you tomorrow # I_wonder how the hell he got my number to send me this trash. Such a blockhead! I switched off my phone. . Jeremy's POV Today's thursday.... Gonna be a happy day! Ohh today's just gonna be sweet, remembering how Im gonna hug someone for five minutes makes it more sweeter! Im damn sure she'do like to pick the first one, letting the crowd know. That punk! She won't accept the one that I want. ………………………………………… …………………………………… “Hey Moni, im off to school.” I half yelled after as I gulped down the last cup of juice just after being done eating. I dropped the glasscup, grabbed my bag and rushed off, out to my car, hooped in and drove off. Played ‘One Dance by, Drake. I drove excitedly. What's all this excitement about? “Oh get yourself together man!” I said to myself. She isn't my girlfriend. I ain't even inlove with her, so why im I so ecited to get to school just to see her? She was a little snail last week that she started school but now, it seemed as if she's becoming a cinderella all of a sudden. And those time I kissed her. Arghh.. Her lips. Little sweet things had happened between me and her anyways. It just isn't bad if we become friends. Right? Maybe im gonna get to kiss them today. Ah never. She's more stubborn now. ………………………… I got to school, grabbed my bag and got down. I walked through the hallway, down to my locker, dropped my bag, and closed back the locker. When I got to class, I saw her on her seat, with her eyes gazing out the window. Her hair, in a new packed style. She'do look really cute. I walked over to my seat and sat down. Chris and Molly isn't in yet. Andra's eyes still gazed out the window. What's she looking at huh? Can't she just turn and know im in class now? I decided to do something. Yell at the sunglasses guy. He said his name is Mich. That's what lame people like him bears anyways. He was reading and it seems he always had extra classes. Seems its Sketching and painting class. Molly does too, hers is Dance class. I hate Extra classes. So boring. I looked at Andra, she's still looking out the window. Hmm,.so annoying. I turned back to Mich. “Hey! Ain't I talking to you lame!!” I yelled loudly at the guy. Even though I never called him since I got to the seat.. Andra turned and looked over immediately. Just the way every one in class did. Mich turned, “Im sorry, I didn't hear you talking to me.” He said quietly. “Fuck you!” I barked at him. He turned and got his face on his desk. I turned back to Andra but she wasn't looking anymore. She's went back to gazing out the window. What shit! She couldn't even come over to ask how I got her number. She never text messaged either. This punk. What did she choose? Chris and Molly walked in. “Hey dude.”Chris said as he went to his seat but Molly stopped at my seat and slowly sat on it, and moved her legs in, in a way that we faced each other. I, on the chair and she on my desk. “Hi cute boyfriend.” She said, smiling. I glanced at Andra. Our eyes met. You better just go on staring out the window. “You musn't stare at the brat baby.” She said. “Huh?” I asked, like I got no idea what she's talking about. “The brat over there.” She said. I glanced at Andra again. She wasn't staring at us anymore. The bell for classes rang. # Molly's POV I wish the brat could keep staring. What a happy watching it would be. Bitch! Jeremy's my boyfriend and mine alone. No brat can try to be his fucking friend. She just gotta keep off or I'll deal with her damn self. I smiled at J, our legs touching at times. “Did you think about me last night?” I asked him in a just so soft tone. “Huh?” He said, getting out his phone. What! Didn't he hear me huh! “Did you think about me last night? Did you miss me?” I reapeated as I brushed his weaved front hair back with my palm. I glanced to see if the brat is watching but nop, she wasn't. Ugh! I hate this girl! I turned back to J. He was scrolling on his phone now. “You've not answered me J.” I said, getting quite upset but I still maintained my sweet soft tone. He looked up at me. “I slept off just as I immediately I got on my bed. No time to think or miss you.” He said and went back to his phone. That was annoying, hurting! “Awn, you should have thought about me even a little would do or better still, dream about me.” I said, making a sad face. He just ignored me. This isn't happening to me. It's so annoying! Im gonna deal with whoever that's making him act this way. I swear it! “J, ain't I your girlfriend anymore huh? Can't you just say you miss me or Love me even if you don't huh!” I said, touching his cheek. Even though I kept a stoic face now, I was just so upset that he didn't look up. I glanced at the brat. She was no longer on her desk. Where did bitch go to? I turned to Jeremy. He was just busy typing on his phone. Annoying! I got down, walked to my seat, and sat down. Feeling so fucking angry! ………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV I went for my Geometry notes.. That was what we have as first subject this morning. I opened my locker and was getting out my books, when my phone backlight came on. A message, I guess.. I took out my phone and checked. Its a message really. I scrolled to my message inbox. Jeremy. Though I didn't save it but I know its his phone number. <b> Andra, can we make our frienship official at Lunch Hour? and what did you choose? # I_hissed . Such a pest! Seriously, Being his friends isn't by force. Another message came in. <b>Geometry teacher is in. # I_threw my phone back into my bag, zipped it, shut the locker and walked to class with my geometry books. ………… Mr Frey was in and he was about to start. I glanced at Jeremy and he was looking at me. Jerk! You gonna explain how you got my number. Chris face weren't up, Im sure he's eyes are on his phone. But Molly, her eyes were staring devilishly at me. Like did I steal her thing? Why's she staring at me that way? Oh, must be her boyfriend's pullover. I'll give it to her then. I don't need the pullover anyways. I hate such stares. I walked over to my seat and sat down. #Jeremy's POV Why didn't she look at me that way? Oh such a punk. Lunch Hour should be in the next four hours. Arghhh too long. Too long. . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:44
TEENS HEART . Sequence 47 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV After what seems like forever, the bell finally rang for lunch hour. I glanced at Andra.. She stayed still in her seat. Isn't she gonna stand up and go drop her books in her locker? Isn't she gonna check on her bitchy friend? Why's she sitting like she don't know about what we got to do huh. This punk. Molly came over. “J, come walk with me to the cafeteria pleaseee.” She said. “Im busy,.you just tell Chris to.” I said. She turned to Chris, who had his legs on his desk, earphone on his ear,.he's watching a movie on his phone. She turned back to him. “But I want you to J, are you so unfair huh.” She said, making a really sad face. “Im busy, don't you see?.” I said, showing her my geometry textbook. “You're reading geometry. That's a lie J.Come with me J.” She said. I breathed. “Molly, just go on. Im so busy.” I said. She stared angrily at me for quite awhile, then turned and walked away. Arghh! Such a pest. I looked at the punk.. She's still sitting down, now gazing out the window. Arghhh, so annoying. If I wait for ten minutes more and she isn't getting up, then im gonna go drag her up from the damn seat. ……………… # Alexandra 's POV Im gonna keep seating here, till Lunch is over. He thinks im gonna go out so he'do drag me to the crowd or pull into those stupid hugs of his. Nah nah.. its never gonna work out jerk. Im sure Steph is gonna come to check on me. I'll just stay here and gaze out the window, even though im so hungry. Im damn hungry. But I kept my gaze at the window. I don't want our eyes meeting. Im damn sure, he'll never try coming to my seat. “Hey.” I suddenly heard someone call behind me. Jeremy! I turned and he stood with his hands always in his pockets, looking at me. “Are you really gonna keep sitting down there when we had lunch hour to make our friendship official huh?” He said, making a mean face. I cleared my throat. Seriously im damn suprised to see him standing here. “You.. you know what? I got no slightest idea what you're talking about.” I said, pushing my hair back. I didn't pack it today. Worse mistake. They keep falling over my face. “You do Andra. Stop pretending like you don't wanna be my friend.” He said. I rolled my eyes. “Like seriously? I don't care!” I half yelled. He stared at me for awhile, then inhaled. “Just get up, let's go grab something. I know you hungry.” He said. “I don't wanna eat your potato chips.” I said harshly. He chuckled. “But there are so many other things to eat apart from that.” He said. “I don't want them. I ain't hungry. Get that right.” I snapped. He chuckled. Do he love doing that? “Where's your phone?” He asked. “Why do you wanna know?” I asked. Then I remembered. “And how the hell did you get my phone number?” I added. He shrugged. “Got it from somewhere.” He said. “Where?” I asked. “Somewhere you don't have to know. Just come with me.” He said. “Where?”I asked. “Cafeteria.” He said. My stomache grumbled. I just hope he didn't hear it. “Can you just do what I say?” He asked. I gnored him and tried to turn back to the window but he grabbed my hand and I tried to pull away but he pulled me up. “Don't act like im asking you out for a date. I just want us to walk to the cafeteria.” He said. Maybe it hurt or maybe its annoying, I just felt a kinda sadness within me. For what he just said. He released his grip on my wrist. “Are you tired of holding my wrist?” I snapped at him. He just smiled. I was going to walk with him anyway. I looked at Chris and he was staring at us, and I could see a smile on his lips. Why's he smiling? What's funny? “C'mon Andra.” Jeremy said and held my wrist again. “Ouch do you always hold wrist all the time huh?” I asked, angry. I took my books He didn't answer, he just ignored and pulled me out of the class. A Pest is so better than this proud jerk! #Jeremy's POV I pulled her to her locker and she quickly pulled her hand out to open it. I smiled at this. She turned, opened her locker and got her books inside. She was trying to close it back when i got hold of the door. “What's this?” She asked. Im quite taller than her, so I just stretched my hand and grabbed her bag. Damn.. its so heavy. “What do you need my bag for!” She asked, trying to get it from me but couldn't, cos I kept dodging it from her reach. “Give me my bag now, you punk! ” She yelled. I opened it and got my hand in to grab her phone. And yes! I did. I gave her a smirk smile. An Iphone with pink fancy cover pack. It look quite cute like her. She grabbed her bag, though she only did cos I wasn't dodging it anymore. “Are you gonna gimme my phone now huh?” She aaked, narrowing her eyes angrily. Her eyelashes flapped as she did that. I love it. I turned on the screen light, and her picture appeared as the wallpaper. Wow. She look really cute. With such pink lips and sparkling eyes. Wow, her phone isn't even in passwords. No app locked. Molly has every of her App locked. I went to her gallery. But I had no idea how she grabbed it out of my hand. I gasped and stared at her. She gave a smirky smile. I breathed. Arghhh “Let's go to the cafeteria.” I said and pulled her along. “My phone.”She said. “Im holding it.” I said # Alexadra's POV We walked through the school compound, down to the school cafeteria. But waZlking in, there was Molly walking out. That made me remember Steph. She'do be looking out for me in my class. I was suprised Molly said nothing, She just glared at us, mostly at me, then walked away. He walked on and I followed him up to the counter. “Im need two sausage roll, chicken pie with Apple juice.” He said to the waiter. He smiled. “What about you miss?” He asked me. “Give her same.” Jeremy said. What? “I don't want that.” I said. Not that i don't want it but why couldn't he just let me say what I want to eat. Jerk! “Is it the sausage roll or the chicken or the juice that you don't want?” Oh, who wouldn't want a chicken pie and sausage roll. I want it. “Its fine. Lemme have them.” I said. The waiter soon brought two trays, handed one to me and the other to him. The both tray were filled up with the <.delicious things... As I followed him to an empty table with four chairs, I heard some girls muttering, Jeremy.. Aww Jeremy. Are they friends now? Stupid girls. I rolled my eyes. ……………………………… After we ate and was almost finishing up, he came on with the question. “Which one do you choose Andra. Hugging or announcing it to the whole public.” He said. I paused. “Making friendship official is done by handshake and not by all that.” I said. “But I want ours that way.” He said. “Why?” I asked. “Cos thats the way I want it.” He said. “You aint gonna have any of it then.” I said. “Seriously? But um, do you accept that we are friends now?” He asked, staring at me. It took me like forever to say it. But finally, I said it even though I got no idea why I did. “Yes.” I said. . To be continued . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:45
TEENS HEART . Sequence 48-50 <b> Jeremy's POV [Contines from the past scene] Okay, I didn't expect that.. Like, did she just say yes? Seriously? The stubborn girl finally accepted that we're friends? “Are you sure you just said yes? you know you so stubborn.” I said, smiling. She rolled her eyes. I like it when she do. I like everything that she do. “Im not so sure cos you're just too rude to be friends with.” She said. I laughed. “You're always rude, you know.” I said. “You're more arrogant.” I said. I recalled I was still with her phone. I took it out and put on the screenlight. and there is her picture again. I glanced at her. She was about to sip her juice but then seeing her phone, she frowned. “Lemme have my phone now.” She said. “Ugh! Why are you so ugly in the picture?” I asked, trying to get on her nerves. Even though the picture look just too beautiful. I love it already. She flashed red eyes at me. I smiled. I scrolled to her gallery and flip through her pictures. Every single one look really cute and she really knows how to take pictures. I got out my phone and sent three of her pictures into my phone. The ones I can't stop looking at. She has no idea I did that. Then scrolling down more, I saw pictures of a woman who looks just like her. That should be her mom. They took pictures together, so many of them. She look so beautiful and young. Unlike my mom, who's nothing but a witch! “Your mom look beautiful just like you.” I said to her. She was sipping her juice but then she got the cup out and dropped it on the table and some juice split on her white shirt and she wore no suit-jacket. Why did she drop it that forcefully? “Don't you know how to keep cup on a table huh?” I asked. Its kinda embarrassing. Some were looking you know. She didn't look at me. She just stood up and walked away. I stood up and followed her. She was heading to the cafeteria washrooms and I met up with her. “Im going to the girls washroom, do you have to follow me?” She said. I rolled my eyes. “Im not following you, Im heading to the Male's washroom, can't you see?” I said and turned towards the male's washroom passageway. She turned right to the female's. I stood and watched her till she was out of sight. I chuckled, turned and walked back to the cafeteria then out. Then, I saw Chris walking towards with a red hair girl. The girl was just the one talking. I stood and waited. “Hey dude.” He said as he they got to where I am. The girl stood beside him. “Dude..” I said, looking at the girl. “Hi J, im Sandy and im Chris friend. So sweet to talk with you. I feel really happy. Oh my God!” She said, grinning. “This girl? She's just a talkative.” Chris said. She laughed. “Hey, im not.” She said, and poked him on the nose. It was quite funny. Chris frowned. Seems he doesn't want her around. I gotta do something. “C'mon dude, We got something to do.” I said. “Can I come with you guys?” She asked. Chris glared at her. “No way, Don't try to to follow us.” Chris said. She turned to me. “J, please can I?” she said to me. What the fuck? “Don't be a bitch girl.” I said. She flinched and then stared awfully as Chris and I walked off. “Damn, she's such a parrot.” Chris said. I chuckled. “What do we got to do?” He asked. I glared angrily at him. “I just saved your damn ass dude.” I said. He laughed. “Thanks man.” He said. ………… Phone buzzed in my pocket. Not my phone, should be hers. I got out the phone and its a text message. “Who's phone's that?” Chris asked, staring at it. I just smiled. He should guess if he can. “That looks like a girl's phone.” He said. I ignored him and scrolled to the message inbox. A message from ‘Steph’ Wow. I quickly opened it and read, <b> Alex, where are you now? Been looking for you. I can't find you anywhere, Im inside the cafeteria now. I hope that bitch haven't dragged you to God knows where! I don't like you being that bitch's friend. He's a jerk. # I_laughed and then decided to show her a piece of me. “What's funny dude?” Chris asked. I wrote, <b> It's ok Steph. Im here wit J. He's so cute n so nice dat I can't miss being friends wit him. Im falling inluv wit him already. I wish he could jst kiss me. Aww. Don't worry abwt me. Im wit the best friend ever. I_sent it and smiled. “What's really funny. Can I take a look huh?” Chris asked. I decided to tell him. “This is Andra's phone and Steph sent a funny message.” I said. “Goodness, Lemme have her number.” He said, trying to grab the phone from my hand. Huh? “Hold on dude, who do you wanna have her number?” I asked, hoping it isn't Andra. “Steph's.” He said. Oh.. “I could have Alex's as well. We're friends too.” He said. I glared at him and got the phone back into my pockets, waiting for the next text message that would come in.. ……………………………………… …………………………………………… # Steph's POV <b> It's ok Steph. Im here wit J. He's so cute n so nice dat I can't miss being friends wit him. Im falling inluv wit him already. I wish he could jst kiss me. Aww. Don't worry abwt me. Im wit the best friend ever. # I_read the message and for a second, I thought I was actually dreaming. Did Alex actually sent this? No, it can't be her. Alex never sends in short words. Ok Wit Jst Abwt Alex always write in full. Someone is with Alex. Im damn sure about it. Alex can't send such trash. I need to find Alex. But where do I go now? ……………………………… # Alexandra 's POV I cleaned off the stain as I watched my reflection on the mirror. How did he know that's my mom? And he said she's beautiful just like me? Why did I react that way when he said that? Splitting the juice on my shirt. Goodness. Im such an idiot tho. And he still said unfair thing to me when I split the drink on my shirt. I sighed. Pushed my hair back and left the washroom. But getting back inside the Cafeteria, I saw no Jeremy again. Where did the jerk go with my phone! Then I saw Steph. She saw me too. She must have been looking for me. . Alexandra 's POV [Continues] “Hey Alex. I've been looking for you.” Steph said as she walked up to me. “Poured juice on my shirt so had to go clean it off in the washroom.” I said. “Oh bad. Sorry friend.” She said. Then there was a way she looked at me. “Where's your phone? I sent a message to you.” She asked, staring at me. My phone... My phone. What do I tell her now? “He's with it” I said. There's no point lying. “Who?’” She asked. “Jeremy.” I said. She frowned. “Oh oh, Alex. You're so unbelievable! How can you give that bitch your phone?” She said, “I never gave it to him, he took it from my bag okay.” I said. I wonder how she's gonna react when I tell her I've accepted to be his friend. “Come, let's head to class and you get your phone from him.. I hate that punk.” She said and pulled me along. …………………………………………… “You gotta read this.” Steph said as we walked towards the school building. “Here, have it.” She said, stretching her phone to me. Huh? “What's that?” I asked. “Just read it.” She said. And so I did. <b> It's ok Steph. Im here wit J. He's so cute n so nice dat I can't miss being friends wit him. Im falling inluv wit him already. I wish he could jst kiss me. Aww. Don't worry abwt me. Im wit the best friend ever. # That_punk ! He sent this? What the heck! Who gave him such right to open my message and send Steph this trash! I looked at Steph. She was doing same. “I can't believe he sent this. You know I can never ever send this Steph.” I said. She shrugged. “I told you that guy's a bitch. He's tryna split our friendship Alex. You don't need such guy close to you.” Steph said. ……………………………………… ……………………………………………… # Jeremy's POV That brat still haven't texted back. The bitch. Have she found Alex? Whatever. I put on my headset, put my legs on my desk and decided to play some music with her phone. She got some cool music tho. I played Nicki Minaj, High school. Can't believe she got songs this naughty. Molly walked in.. Arghh. Why now? She walked to me, her face in a damn frown. “Hey babe.” I said, smiling. She removed the headset. “You know what? Im damn angry with you!” She said. “Don't be babe.” I said. “Who's phone's that?” She asked. “Oh, this?” I asked, bring it up a bit so she can see it well enough. “It's Andra's.” I said. “You couldn't walk with me to the cafeteria cos of the snail huh!” She half yelled. “I told you I was busy Molly. Can you stop the yell.” I said. “I saw you both at there, don't dare deny that J. How could you ignore me foe that bitch huh!” “Its okay babe. You're my girlfriend you know, Andra is just a new friend, Understand that. Don't cause stares here, you get?” I said. She breathed, fumed, then dropped the headset on the desk and walked out to her seat. I chuckled, took the headset and put it back on. ...They holler at me, but it's you,you, this ain't high school. Me and my crew, we can slide through. Give it to you whenever you want, whip it whenever you want. Baby it's yours.. Anywhere, everywhere, baby it's your world.. Ain't it? Baby it's your wor.... Andra walked in. Her eyes came on me immediately.. Her face in a damn frown, just the way Molly's had been. But Andra look so cute even when she frowns.., but Molly? Nah. She walked to her seat. Oops! Thought she's gonna come for her phone. Quite not important to her I guess. Maybe I might just go home with it. She sat down and then glared angrily at me. I smiled. Arghh. Such a cute friend. I know she's glaring cos of her phone and maybe the bitch might have showed her the message. I smiled and got the phone up at my face, in a way that seems as if im typing on it just to get on her more annoyed I want her to be seeing her phone really well on my hand. You know, I love getting on this cute girl's nerves. She frowned more now and I can swear her teeth is clenched right now. Hahaha. Arghhh! such a cute girl. # Molly's POV I stared at Jeremy and then at the brat. What are they actually acting, staring at themselves? Ohh, this is so annoying! #Alexandra's POV I stared at the jerk. Held my phone, even listening to music with it. How dare him! Okay, I ain't upset that he had my phone but sending Steph such trash is just making me boil inside. How the hell did I even accept to be this jerk's friend. What a worst mistake! ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… He held the phone till school got over. Jerk. He can have the phone for all I care! I got up and walked out of the class to my locker. I opened my locker to get my bag when I heard his voice behind. “Hey.” He said as I got to my locker. “What?” I snapped, without turning. “Do you mind if we make our friendship official now?” He asked. Jerk. I ignored him. “Hey, say something.” He said. “I don't want to. It ain't by force.” I snapped. “But you just did.” He said. “Did what?” “You just said something.” He said. Arghh, this guy's an idiot. I grabbed my bag, closed my locker and turned, facing him. He's smiling. Jerk! Even though he has such a cute smile and his dimples... Stupid! Get a grip of yourself Alex. “What I meant is that, I don't want us to make this friendship official. Like seriously, We ain't even friends.” I said. He narrowed his eyes. “But you said yes there at the cafeteria.” He said. His voice was calm and his eyes went dull. It made me think twice if what I said was actually hurtful. Then he frowned. “You're so arrogant. You know that huh?” He said, his voice sounding harsh again as usual. “Here.” He said as he got my my phone and stretched it to me. I grabbed it forcefully out of his hand. He laughed. #Jeremy's POV It made me laugh.. “Did you have to grab it that way?” I asked and chuckled. “Why did you send such trash to Steph huh. Are you trying to split our friendship apart huh? Are you such a jerk.” She yelled. Our friendship? “No. I can't split our friendship apart dear friend.” I said, smiling. Even though I knew what she meant, I just like getting on her nerves. She glared fiercely at me. I smiled. “About the message? Just wanted to get her a little bit jealous, you know.” I said and winked at her “Jealous? For what reason?” She asked. “Cos she'do be wishing she has a friend like me. Just the way you're so happy now that you got me as your friend.” I said with a smile. She rolled her eyes. “You're sick!” She said. I chuckled. “Seems you wanna go up the balcony again.” I said. It reminded me of everything that happened up there, especially when I kissed this lips of hers. I stared at them. She turned to walk out, but I pulled her back and pulled her into me. Into a hug. “You know, im not gonna let you hug me again.” She said. I smiled. “It will only last for five minutes. Not gonna last forever.” I said and held her more tight. “What!” She yelled. “We are only making this friendship official.” I said and smiled more. My cheek brushing her hair. I don't understand the way I felt, but the feelings were lingering somewhere deep in my heart. And I guess I loved this feeling cos It sent sensations down my spine. It made my heart melt and made me smile. I was smiling. Loving the way strands of her hair tickled my ear. “Five minutes is so much jerk! Someone's gonna walk in.” She said. I smiled. She called me jerk but that doesn't mean anything anyway. “Its just a fucking hug. Don't act like we're having sex.” I said. Was I wishing we are? #Alexandra's POV “Its just a fucking hug. Don't act like we're having sex.” He said. What? How could he say that. Is he such a mindless bitch. Jerk.. He's so rude and annoying. But, I think I just like the scent of his cologne. I can't like the hug. He pulled away unexpectedly. Was I expecting him to keep hugging me up to five minutes? He smiled. I frowned. “Happy frienship!” We heard Chris voice. We turned and there he stood, smiling. Oh thank goodness! it wasn't another person. He walked to me and stretched his hand for a handshake, with his sweet smile. I faked a smile and shook hands with him. Even though I was so shy and embarrased he saw us. Jeremy was just smiling, not feeling one bit shy or embarrased. “How do you see my new friend dude?” J asked him. Chris looked at me like he's just seeing me for the first time. “She's a damsel.” He said. God, I was sure I blushed. Thank goodness my hair covered my pink cheeks. One advange I got from not packing it up today. I thought Jeremy gonna say yes i am but he just kept quiet, only smiling. Moron. “Steph should be looking for me now. Bye.” I said to both of them in particular. “Bye Alex.” Chris said with a smile. “Bye Andra.” The jerk said. Alex Andra. I shook my head. What do I just call today? . Daveson 's POV [Alex dad] I stared at my daughter's picture. She look really cute. It's almost a month she left. I miss her. So so much. I miss my daughter. I know I hurt her and hurt Mimi as well, but Alex could have just stayed. She wouldn't listen. She wouldn't listen to me, and she left to Florida, to stay with Lili. I've tried so much to find Lili's house but I can't cos she changed location. I wanna see my daughter and I wanna apologise to her but Lili's keeping her away from me. I blinked the tear in my eyes as I stared at her picture. How much she look like her mother. I miss my daughter. I miss Mirian, my wife. I broke my promise after I promised not to hurt Alex. Not to... to have an affair. If only I didn't get so drunk that night. If only Paty never came. Then my daughter would be here with me, on this couch and we'do watch disney together. She loves disney so much. I shut my eyes. “Babyyy.” Paty called. I turned and she's walking down the stairs in her silky white nightie. She's a month and two weeks pregnant. She walked forward and back hugged me and kissed my cheek. “Baby, drop thatt.” She said. “I miss her.” I said. “Oh baby, stop that.” She said, came forward and took the picture from me and dropped it where I picked it. “You don't have to worry about her okay?” She said and kissed me. “She's with her Aunt. The only person you should worry about now is our baby. ” She said, kissing me more. “It's the most important to do now.” She said, kissing me again. “Come to bed okayy.” She said and pulled me up. “Oh Paty. Go to bed, I'll be there soon.” I said. “No. I want you to carry me up to the room. Would you honey? Im gonna show you something, trust me.” She said, wrapping her arms around me. “Baby.” She said softly, making a sad face. I smiled even though Its a fake smile. I gotta just make her happy. “I will do just that sweetie.” I said. She smiled. I carried her in my arms, and headed up the stairs as she laughed. ………………………………………… ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… # Lili 's POV I was on my dressing table, taking off my ear-rings and necklace for a night rest, when my phone beeped. A message. I went for it on my bed as I sat down and went through it. From an unsaved number. <b> Im just so happy to have Daveson all to myself. He's so caring and won't stay a day without worrying about our baby. He never bother about anyone but I and our baby. I just hope you don't keep anticipating to see him at your doorstep some day cos my darling Daveson is never come. # I_just smiled after reading it. The idiot dare send me a message. Oh dear Alex. I stood up and walked out to Alex room. I gently pushed the door open and switched on the light. She's sleeping peacefully, with the duvet over her. You don't deserve this people in your life Alex dear. I switched off the light and walked out, closing the door gently behind. ……………………………………… …………………………………………………… <b> The Next Day # Alexandra 's POV I yawned as I sat up on the bed. I wondee how today's gonna be.. I closed my eyes and did my usual morning prayer. “Dear Father, Thank you for your love. Thank you for sending your Angels to watch over me all through the night and thank you for making me see a brand new day. Be with me today like you've always do in Jesus name I've prayed, Amen.” My mom taught me this prayer when I was five. I really miss my mom. I reached for my phone. Checked the time. It's 6:30am. Then there are two inread text messages. I opened the first one and it was from, Jeremy. It was sent 11:20pm. Wait, he saved his number yesterday that he held my phone? Such jerk. I read the message, <b> Goodnight Andra. # _I 've_slept by then. I opened the second message and it read, <b>Goodmornin, wake up, its friday. # I_laughed . Why's he so funny and arrogant as well? I shook my head and dropped the phone. I slide my feet into my flipflop and walked down to find Lili. ……… I met her at the kitchen, stiring the sauce, steming in the pot, on the cooker. The Aroma welcomed me and I inhaled it. “Hmm.. Gonna be so delicious.” I said. She turned and smiled. “Aw. Alex dear. You're awake. How was your night?” “Was fine Lili. How was yours?” I asked as I walked over to the counter. “It was great dear.” She said. “What do I help you with?” I asked. “Nothing dear. Go prepare for school. I'll be done in a minute.” She said. “Alright Aunt.” I said and walked off. ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ………………………………………… # Jeremy's POV I've been on my bed, smiling as I stared at her pictures on my phone.. I just can't explain how beautiful she is.. With such killer smile. I feel like sending her a message, letting how know how beautiful she is but damn! I can't. She's so cute. So cute. Arghh.. Why's she making me smile so much. “Jeremy, it's seven o'clock!” Moni yelled at the door. Oh! horrible! I dropped the phone, got out of bed and walked to the door. Pulled it open. She's frowing. “Oh gracious! Are you gonna miss school today?” She asked. “I can't.” I said and closed back the door. “I want you out in the next fifteen minutes.” She said. Oh, im gonna get this woman fired! I walked right into the bathroom and got my toothbrush. ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………… #Lili's POV “Lili can you help me fix my hair please?.” Alex said, coming to my room. I smiled. “Ofcos, I'll do that dear.” I said and she walked over to my dressing table. I walked over, got a big comb on the table and began combing her hair. I applied haircream and combed again. “Lili, you're the best aunt.” She said. I smiled. I wonder what made her say that now. Although she always say that. I saw her face from the mirror. She's smiling. “And you're the best niece dear. Im such a lucky Aunt to have a niece like you Alex.” I said, smiling more. She raised her hairband to me and I took it. “Im happy to be here with you.” She said, still smiling. I love to see her smiling. “And im so happy you're here with me.” I said as her packed up her hair in a nice ponytail and left few strands to fall down her cheeks. “You're so beautiful dear.” I said as I played my hands on her shoulder. She smiled as she raised up her shoulder. “Thanks Lili. You're beautiful and so caring.” She said. Oh, sweet child. We heard a car horn. “Steph.” She said and got up. “Bye Lili.” She said, running off. “Take care dear. Be careful.” I said. Oh dear. I smiled. …………………… #Alexandra's POV I rushed to my room, grabbed my bag, my phone and rushed off. Lili stood at the door and she opened the door for me. “Miss you.” I said, kissing her cheek. “Miss you too dear Be careful.” She said as I ran off and down to Steph's car. Pulled the car door open and hopped in. Lili waved at us. Steph and I smiled at each other. “You're really cute today.” She said. I laughed. “Thanks. You look more cute tho.” I sai, seeing her cute hairstyle. “Decided to let my nanny fix my hair today. I really had my hair messed up last night.” She said. I smiled. “She's really good.” I said. She smiled. I turned to Neil “Hi Neil.” I said. “Hi Alex, how're you?” He asked. “Im good.” I said. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV “You know, Moni, im gonna fiee you soon.” I said playfully as I stepped down from the last stair. She'a at the dinning, fixing things. “Oh dearest. Your dad would have to come back and do that himself.” She sai. “...And oh, it seems he's coming back soonest.” She said. I smiled. I can't wait to see him tho. “Bye Moni.” I said and turned towards the door. “Ain't you having breakfast?” She asked. “Nop.” I said and walked out. Got into my car and zoomed off. Andra.. I can't really wait to see her cute frowny face. ……………………………………………… I got to school and pulled to a stop.. Grabbed my bag and got dow, shutting the door. I walked down the hallway and over to my locker. Dropped my bag and closed the door back. I walked into the class and there she is, on her seat. Wow, she's looking so cute? I think im gonna take a picture of her today. Our eyes met and she looked away. Oh my! She look really cuteee. Damn! . To be continued after comments.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:46
TEENS HEART . Sequence 51-54 <b> Jeremy's POV [continues] I walked to my seat and sat right down. Chris is in, so I said “Hey dude” to him. “Hey babe.” I said to Molly but she just frowned. Umm. Whatever. I scrolled to my gallery and went to Andra's pictures again. I smiled as I stared at them. She look awesome. I glanced at Andra. Wow, cute gurl. Why's she so beautiful? Arghhh.. Soon, she got up and walked out of class. I smiled as I watched her. She came back five minutes later with few books. What do we have today anyway? “What subject this morning?” I asked Chris. “History.” He said. I hissed. I hate history. So I decided to Grid my picture and hers. Wow. It look so cute. I smiled. ……………… # Alexandra 's POV Teaching began and Jeremy was just on his phone. Ugh! I wish I could just snatch it out of his hands. And what's making him smile? Jerk. Why Im I so worrying myself over a blockhead. I should be concentrating on the teaching going on. ……………………………… When Lunch hour came, I pondered if I should go out or just sit back here. Ugh! Even if I sit here, He'll just come and... oh.. he's coming already! Such jerk! But huh? Im I admiring the way he walk now? Putting his hands in his pockets all the time. Uh! I hate the way he walks! “Hey Andra..” He called as he got to my seat. “Can you stop calling me Andra? Im Alex. Get that!” I said. “But I wanna be calling you Andra. You should be happy.” He said. I rolled my eyes. Idiot. “Come, let's go to the cafeteria. I didn't take breakfast. Im so hungry.” He said. I glanced at his girlfriend, Molly and she's staring at us. “You should tell your girlfriend that, not me.” I said. “C'mon. I want you to. Make yourself useful as a friend.” He said. What punk! I glanced at Molly. I wish he could see how she look now in such frowny face. “Are you so stubborn huh?” He asked. “You can't force me, you know.” I snapped. He paused, inhaled and then glanced at Molly. Then back at me. “I can, you know.” He said. What? He smiled and then grabbed my hand. “What? are you so rude huh!” I yelled. Molly's eyes were evil. He pulled me out of the class, and down to my locker. “Drop your books okay.” He said. “And if I don't?” I snapped. He chuckled. “Then we are just gonna head there with your books in your hands. You'll love it right?” He smirked. “I don't wanna go with you Hey, Steph needs me, get that!” I said. “She should need you later, I need you now.” He said. He needs me now? Okay, I don't wanna think about that words. “Andra just drop the fucking books!” He said “Don't say my books are fucking books you punk!” I snapped. “Hey J.” We heard Molly call as he walked to Jeremy and intertwined her hand with his. “Come let's go have lunch.” She said to him. “Im not hungry, I don't wanna eat.” He said. I stared at him. Seriously? But he told me he's so hungry and had no breakfast. Molly glared at me “Can you just fuck off and don't stand there staring like a moron!” She barked. “Why would I wanna stare at someone like you. I got no such time for that.” I said as I turned, opened my locker, dropped my books and closed it back. Then I turned and his eyes and I met. He look pale or should I say Angry? Whatever! I walked away, down to the hallway and to Steph's classroom. #Jeremy's POV She's so arrogannt. If she had just dropped the damn books, Molly wouldn't have met us here. I sighed. Such punk! We walked down the hallway and over to the cafeteria. Made our order and walked over to the table and then I saw Andra and Steph walk in. Our eyes met. She looked away. “J, you ain't eating your meal.” Molly said. She can't see them cos she's backing them. Andra told somethings to Steph. They bought sandwich and milkshake and walked out of the cafeteria. “J?” Molly called, staring at me. “Huh?” “Who're you looking at?” She asked and turned to see. She couldn't see them again cos they were out. “Nothing.” I said and began eating. ………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV I don't understand how I felt when I saw him and Molly. I felt like I should be the one sitting there with him and not Molly. Stupid! Molly is his girlfriend and im just his.. his friend. His friend? How sure Im I anyways? He's always getting on my nerves. What sort of friend does that? I couldn't stay in there tho, so I just lied to Steph that I waanna watch the table tennis girls so we bought the sandwich and milkshakes and walked out. We'll sit at the bench beside the cafe and eat cos I don't wanna sit where he'll keep looking at me. Or maybe I don't wanna keep feeling stupid that I should have been the one sitting with him there. Why should I feel that way anyways? I just hate to think too much! We got to the bench beside the cafe and sat down as we stared at the Table tennis girls “You know Alex, I guesd you lied to me.” Steph said as she eat from her sandwich. “Lied to you?” I asked and stared at her. “You should habe just made it clear to me you don't want us to stay in there cos of Jeremy than lying that you wanna watch the table tennis game.” She said. Okay, she caught me! “Im sorry Steph.” I said. “You should tell yourself that, not to me.” She said and sipped from her milkshake. It sounded like a ridicule. I swallowed. I don't know where this is heading to. “Tell myself what?” I asked. “Tell yourself that you're sorry.” She said and ate from her sandwich and sipped her milkshake as she stared at the table tennis girls. I stared at her for a while before turning to the girls. I lost appetite. So a junior class was walking pass and I called her. She came and her stretched the sandwich and milkshake to her. I've not opened any of them yet. She refused taking them. “Hey girl, I don't hurt okay? I just lost appetite. They are still sealed.” I said to her. She's beautiful with green eyes. She smiled and took it. “Thanks. Im Mady.” She said softly. “Sweet name you got Mady. Im Alex. Alexandra.” I said with a smile. She walked away and Steph stared at me. “You lost appetite? Why?” She asked. “I just did and I got no idea why.” I said. Then I looked over at Mady who was far now. I saw her drop the stuffs into a wastebin. She don't want them. I smiled. Such a smart girl. Steph kept staring at me. “Okay, Alex, Im sorry.” She said. I stared at the table tennis girls. “You don't need to be.” I said. Then I saw Jeremy and Molly, they had their hands intertwined. I looked away, back to the table tennis girls. The bell for Lunch over rang.. Steph and I walked back to our classes. “Alex, have you forgiven me for what I said there?” Steph asked as she got to her class door. “Yeah.” I said with a smile. Im serious, I've forgiven her. She smiled. “See ya when school's over.” She said. I smiled and she walked into her class. As I began walking to class, someone touched me. Jeremy? But I turned and its Chris. Did I felt a bit disappointed that it ain't Jeremy? He was smiling his usual sweet smile. “Hey Chris.. Kinda scared me tho.” I said, smiling. “Oops! I apologise for that.” He said, still in smiles. I just love this guy's smile. Steph gotta give this cutie a chance. “Please?” He said, still smiling! Argh, What a cutie. I wish Jeremy is this way. Oh Jeremy is really cute. But I wish he'so nice and friendly the way Chris is. Ugh! Why Im I even thinking about the jerk. Why Im I wishing he's like Chris. I don't give a damn! “Let's head to Class.” He said. I nodded and we walked to class together. . Jeremy's POV “Clubbing tonight?” Molly asked as we headed towards the school building. Why not! “Yeah.” I said, smiling. “Can I spend the night with you after?” She asked. Ugh! Why's she such a fling. “Okay.” I said. She smiled and tightened our intertwined hands and we walked into the hallway and down into the classroom. Andra is on her seat going through her books. I walked to my seat and sat down. She glanced at me and looked away, back to her books. I'll talk with her when school's over. …………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV When school got over, I stood up and went for my bag. Im sure he followed me. It's like his habit now.. And sure enough, When I took my bag, closed the door and turned, he was standing right there. “Hey Andra.” He said, his hands in his pockets. “Hey.” I said. “Are you going home now?” He asked. What a question. “What do you think? Are my gonna sleep here huh?” I snapped, crossing my arms. He chuckled. “Why did you leave the cafeteria with that asshole?” He asked. “Can you stop calling her names?” I snapped. He shrugged. “Fine. Answer my question.” He said. “Is that a command?” I asked. “It's just a question Andra.” He said. “I left cos I wanted to. Do we always have this way with you?” I yelled. He chuckled. “I know why Andra.” He said. I narrowed my eyes. “So?” “You left cos im there isn't it?” He said, staring at me. I chuckled. “Why do you say irrelevant things?” I asked, even though he was kinda right. “Im not lying. I can see it in your eyes.” He said. Huh? My eyes? I widened my eyes. Stupid! He's talking nonsence. #Jeremy's POV She widened her eyes. Haha. Itwas funny. Then she narrowed it back. I smiled and stared at her lips. So pinky. So I decided to try this one. I drew nearer.. “If I can just kiss this lips, im sure to find out if im saying the truth or not.” I said, getting more closer. “Stupid!” She said and pushed me away. I smiled. She glared at me and moved away but I pulled back and pulled her back and hugged her. She stayed still. “Do you always have to do this?” She asked. I smiled. “No.” I said. “Then let go off me and stop acting like I mean anything to you. I ain't your girlfriend.” She said. I smiled more. “You're my friend.” I said. “That doesn't give you the right to hug me.” She said. “Im doing this cos cos I guess im gonna miss your ugly face for two days..” I said and smiled really broadly cos Im sure she's so angry now with what I just said. Yeah. She is.. cos she forced herself out of my hold. She's in a very damn frown. I smiled. “Don't tryna hug me again.” She said and turned to walk away. “Hey ain't you gonna miss this cutie too?” I asked, smiling. “Which cutie?” She asked. “Me ofcos.” I said. She walked away. Haha. Cute punk. Arghh. I pulled my hair back. “TA TA RA!” I heard Chris voice behind. I turned. He's smiling and raising his phone in the air. Acting stupid. “Hey dude. What's up?” I asked. He's just smiling. I tried reaching for his phone but he ran away. I ran after him. Then he stopped. “Don't get close if you don't agree with this.” He said. “What?” “That im gonna have Alex phone number.” “What!” Aww. She's such a cutie. Oh my God.” He said, smiling as he stared at whatever on his phone. Must be Andra picture! This jerk! What did he do? I chased him and he ran towards the halway leading to the long staircase, laughing as he ran. When he got to the staircase, he stopped. I got to him and tried grabbing the damn phone but couldn't. “Are you acting so wild cos of Alex huh?” He asked, laughing as I struggled for the phone but was impossible to get from him. “Okay cool down man, I'll show em to you.” He said. “Fine. Get doing.” I said and relaxed. “Okay, accept the deal first.” He said. I glared at him. He laughed. “Here.” He said and gave me his phone. I grabbed it and looked at.. at the pictures. Oh my God! Chris secretly took pictures of I and Andra at the locker. First picture is when we were staring at each other, probably when she was talking back at me. Arghh it look so cute. Then the second is the time that I pulled her back when she tried to walk out. Im holding her hand and she is staring at me. Ohh. how sweet. Then the last picture, is when I hugged her. Oh.. so romantic. huh. She look so beautiful in all of them. The picture look so damn cool. Oh, I've forgotten this damn buddy of mine is a shy painter. Whoa. I got out my phone and sent the pictures to my phone. “You guys gonna look cool together tho.” He said. “Fuck you!” I said to him. He laughed. I stared at the pictures more. She's just perfect. “Party tonight?” He asked. I nodded. “Yeah.” I said, still staring at the pictures. Arghh such a cutie. “Oh, Thought you gonna say nop.” He said. ……………………………………………… # Molly's POV “One.. two.. three..four” Ms Bella said and we began dancing, following her steps. We had our tight dance trouser, tight singlet and sneaker. As we danced to the music, [Bebe Rex ft Lil wayne, The way I are] I just wanna dance with somebody.. I just wanna dance with somebody.. It could be anybody.. Tell me are you that somebbody.. Don't matter who you are, Just love me THE WAY I ARE.. I just wanna dance with somebody.. We stopped. “Hey Molly, Lead on, I'll be back in a short while.” Ms Bella said and ran off. I smiled. I love it when I lead. I turned to them. “Hey guys, so we're getting quite into it. It's great. Now let's do this again.” I said and turned back. There's a large floor to ceiling wall mirror facing us, where we all can see what we dance and what others dance. “Now, one..two.. three.. four!” I'm sorry, I'm not the most pretty.. I'll never ever sing like Whitney.. Ooh Ooh,... but I still wanna dance with somebody... I saw someone walk in. A girl. I left to meet her, leaving the others to dance on as I walked up to the girl. She's a black girl with curly brown hair. She look really pretty but who cares? Im more pretty. “Hey, What do you want?” I asked, staring at her. I remembered just right then, that she's my classmate. I don't know her name but recalled when she was new in the school and wanted to be my friend. “M..Molly, please I wanna be among the Girls dance club.” She said timidly I took a glance at the others dancing, then back at her. “We don't need you. So get lost.” I barked. “Please, I really want to be here. I can dance so well.” She begged. I rolled my eyes. “Im gonna kick you out if you don't get out now.” I said. She turned and left. “Brat!” I spat and walked back to my position at the front. Im the best dancer here, and the leader after Ms Bella. Im proud to be everything I am including being J's girlfriend. ……………………………………… …………………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV As Steph and I headed down the hallway, We met a girl coming towards. She's my classmate. She's actually sobbing. Why? “Hey, why're you crying?” Steph asked standing in her way. She looked at Steph. “She refused letting me be among the girls dance club.” She said, sobbing more. “Who?” Steph asked. I knew already that its Molly and im sure Steph do too. “Molly.” She said. She's so pretty with amazing afro curly brown hair, tiny cute ebony lips, brown eyes and Tan skin complexioned. Cute black american. “That bitch! She's always like that.” Steph said. “Hey girl. It's okay. come here.” Steph said and pulled her into a hug I just stared at them both. The girl looked at me and I just smiled. ……………………………………………… “Im Eve Jameson.” She said as we walked out of the hallway. Steph has succeeded in stopping her cry. Neil was waiting already. “Im on scholarship here, that's why no one talks to me.” She said. Yeah, she's right. She's always quiet like she don't belong where she is at that time. “You're Alex right?” She asked me. “Yeah, I am.” I said with a smile. “And im Stephanie, but you just call me Steph.” Steph said. Eve smiled. She has such a good dentition. “My house is just a stone throw from here. Not far at all. So I walk.” She said. “Its fine Eve. We'll see you on monday. Don't worry about the bitch okay. We're friends now.” Steph said everything. Eve smiled broadly. Wow she has a gap teeth. “Bye friends.” She said and waved us goodbye as we entered into the car. breeeze blew her hair. Wow. I love her curly hair. . Jeremy's POV I woke up with a slight headache. Arghh! What the fuck! I touched my head. Ah! I drank so fucking much last night at the party. Molly's hands were around me. Such a pest! She came home with me. I took her hands away and reached for my phone. 9:40am. 9:40am??? I got off the bed and walked by the en-suite. With my phone. Can't trust Molly, you know. I dropped the phone inside my trouser pocket, turned on the sink tap and washed my face. Dull eyes. Arghh! I still feel this stupid headache. I hissed and took my toothbrush and tooth paste. Stared at my reflection as I brushed. Am a cutie tho. Andra might be crushing you know. Im sure she's pretending. Punk. Oh, I got to send her a text. ………………………………………… # Molly's POV I woke up and J is not here on the bed with me. I guess he's in the bathroom. Good chance to find something interesting in his phone. I rubbed my dizzy eyes. Wild party last night! I searched for the phone but didn't find the damn phone. He took it. I hissed and hit my fist on the bed. Damn! …………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV I got done with brushing my teeth. I reached for my phone and scrolled to my gallery. Just wanna glance at her pictures including the ones Chris secretly took. I smiled, loving the way her eyes widened when I hugged her. And the way she stared at me when I held her hand. Arghh! Why are my feeling tingles? I scrolled to my message box and typed a message to her. <b>Goodmorning Andra. U see dat I woke up b4 u # I_smiled as I sent it. Then walked out of the bathroom after dropping my phone back into my pockets. Molly was sitting on the centre of the bed, with a pillow on her crossed legs as she typed on her phone. She looked up and smiled at me. “Hey babe.” I said and walked to the full-length mirror and she came over and back hugged me. “Last night was fun.” She said, and rested her head on my back. “Go clean up. You smell like alcohol.” I joked. She slapped my back. “Fuck you.” She said, laughing. I turned and gave her a kiss. “You're leaving after breakfast okay?” I said. She frowned. “Do you wanna spend all day here? Your dad's gonna be worried you know.” I said. I just need her to leave. “I told him im with you and its fine. J, c'mon.” She said. I gave up. “Okay.” I said coldly. She smiled, “Yeah we could go swim you know.” She said. I shrugged. “Can I have your phone? I need to send somethings to my phone.” She said. Huh? “Okay.” I said. She kissed me and walked into the bathroom. Such a pest! I got out my phone, hide the pictures and unsaved Andra's number, deleting my messages to Andra. I don't just want Molly to hurt her. ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… Was tidying up my room when a message came. Jeremy. I read it. <b>Goodmorning Andra. U see dat I woke up b4 u # I_laughed . Stupid guy. I dropped my phone and went on with what Im doing. I don't wanna text him back but after a while, I took my phone to text him. <b> You're such a punk everytime. # I_sent . ………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV My phone vibrated. A message. Whoa. From Andra. First time she texted back. I read it. <b> You're such a punk everytime. # It_made me smile. I texted back. <b> Are you happy to be a punk's friend? #I_sent. Three minutes later. Her message came in. <b> Stupid! #I_smiled. Molly came out, in bikini and walked to my wardrobe for a shirt. I texted Andra. <b> Are you missing my cutie face? #I_sent and smiled. “J, can I have your phone now?” Molly asked after putting one of my shirt. “Yeah.” I said and handed her the phone but not without deleting the messages. She took it and got her phone as well. I pray Andra doesn't send a message yet. #Molly's POV I found nothing suspicuously interesting. No picture of that brat and no fishy messages. So I just sent few videos into my phone and gave him back his phone. #Jeremy's POV I smiled. She saw nothing. Not like I care of she does but I don't want her hurting Andra. A message came in. Andra. I smiled and opened it.. but what? She sent an empty message. Arghh! Im gonna deal with her. “Jeremy, Wake up for breakfast!” Moni shouted at the door. “Your old woman is here.” Molly said and chuckled. I smiled. ………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV I smiled after sending that empty message. Fuck him. Haha. I waited for his reply but none came. Im I feeling somehow sad? Oh nop! Never. Lili came in and with a smile, told me there's a visitor. Ms Ashley. Wow. I miss her. I ran off to the sitting-room and she was sitting on a couch with Ariana, her three years old daughter. I hugged her. “I miss you Ms Ashley.” I said and hugged Ariana too.. She's so pretty. We had a great saturday. . Alexandra's POV [Continues] After church the next day, I looked for the granny everywhere but I didn't see her anywhere. “I really wish I could meet her again.” I told Lili as we drove home. “It's okay dear. You will.” Lili said. ………………………………………… The next day is monday. Afterdressing for school, a message came in. From Jeremy. <b> Pls miss school today. # I_hissed . Why would I miss school today? Is this guy such a jerk? I grabbed my bag and walked to the kitchen. Lili is in. I sat at the breakfast bar to eat. After eating and Steph car came by, I kissed Lili goodbye and ran off. “Missed you Alex.” Steph said when I got in the car. I smiled. “Missed you too.” I said. ………………………………………… We got to school. “See you at lunch.” Steph said and went into her class and I walked to mine. I opened my locker and dropped my bag. Jeremy's pullover is still lying there in my locker. I got my biology books and closed the door back. I walked to class and he's on his seat but he's face is down. He can't notice Im in. Do I want him to notice anyway? Chris saw me and smiled. I smiled back and walked over to my seat. Then Jeremy glanced at me and smiled. What's that? Why did he smile? …………………… When the bell for classes rang, And it was time for biology class. I stood up and headed to the biology lab just like others did too. But then, I felt someone like Jeremy walking beside me. “I told you to miss school today.” He said. “Why would I?” I asked. “Cos I said you should.” He said. “Stop talking nonsence.” I said. We walked into the biology class and he went to his seat, while I reached for mine. Im glad im not sitting close to him or he'do be a damn disturbia to me. Pest! #Jeremy's POV She look so beautiful. Arghh,.why's she not seating close to me. Damn! She was untill that bitch changed her seat position. ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV After three more classes and bell for lunch rang. I got up and headed to my locker. I guess I was expecting him to come cos I got disappointed when I didn't. Mtchew. Why should I be disappointed huh! I walked to Steph's class and she was coming out tho. “Hey Alex. You didn't call up Eve?” She asked. “Oh Eve.” I blurted. I never thought of her. I wonder what I was thinking. “Let's go call her. Im so hungry.” She said. We walked back to my class and Jeremy is in, talking with Molly who sat on his desk. His eyes and mine met and I looked away. I don't understand the way I feel about his girlfriend. I think Im hating her and I got no idea why. Chris is in as well and he kept staring at Steph. Steph wouldn't look his way. She just focused her gaze on Eve. Eve is reading a book in purple cover. Her seat is at the back but not at the last role. The last role is for Jeremy and others like him. Eve smiled as she saw us walking to her. “Hey Eve, We wanna go have lunch. You should come with us.” Steph said. She got her face down. “Im not with any money today.” She said. “Oh no. You don't have to worry about that dear. C'mon.” Steph said. Eve smiled, got up and followed us with the novel in her hand. I didn't glance at their direction as we walked out. #Jeremy's POV They walked away. She walked away without glancing at me. Im stuck here with this girlfriend of mine. And why is that black girl with them? New friend? #Molly's POV When did the girl became one of the brats? Bunch of loosers anyway. They can fuck to hell. Im the queen here. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV As we ate, Steph and Eve talked more, I talked less cos I was feeling quite unhappy. “Alex, what do you got to say about this?” Steph asked. “Huh?” I asked. I've not been listening quite well on all their talks. “Do you think Eve could win a modeling competition?” Steph asked. I looked at Eve like I just met her for the first time. “I think she do.” I said. “Yes!” Steph smiled. Eve laughed and sipped her drink. “Oh you guys are flattering me.” Eve said, blushing. ……………… Lunch got over and we walked back to class. Jeremy was listening to music and typing on his phone. Molly was back on her seat. Fling! I hate her. Eve walked to her seat and I walked out again to get my History books. When I opened my bag, My phone screenlight came on. I took it and its a message. From Jeremy. I opened it. <b>How was lunch without me? #I_hissed, dropped the phone, took my books, closed my bag, shut my locker! and walked back to class. I didn't glance at him. I just focused straight to my seat and sat down. Jerk! I have no idea what's happening to me. #Jeremy's POV Whoa. She didn't glance at me when she walked in. Im sure she read the message. But she should have just looked at me! She's gazing out the window. Arghh! Fine! We'll sort this out. . To be continued after comments.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:49
TEENS HEART . Sequence 55-57 . Story by, Rejoice . Continues.. Jeremy's POV [Continues] School got over and Andra and the girl walked out together. Why! Why the fuck should they be walking together huh! I hissed and stood up and walked out to meet them. They are both talking as Andra got her bag and closed back her locker. I walked over and grabbed her hand. She looked at me. The girl did too but I gave a glare and she looked down. “What's this huh?” Andra yelled. I glanced at the girl again, then back at Andra. “Come with me okay?” I said and pulled her along. The girl raised up her face and stood, staring. …………………………………………………………………… “Let go off me!” Andra said as we got to the hallway. I let go of her hand. “Why would you let that girl be your friend!” I said. She raised her eyesbrows. “What?” She asked. “You can't be be friends with her. She's fucking poor!” He said. I just don't anyone walking with her to her locker. And intruding. She gasped. “What? you're so unbelievable!” She spat. “Don't be friends with her!.” I said. She shifted a littlw bit away from me. “Are you such a jerk! I'do be friends with whoever that I wanna be friends with. Who are you to tell me not to be friends with Eve huh!” She barked. Ohh. Her name is Eve. “I don't want you guys being friends don't you get?” I said. “Fuck you. You know what?” She said, glaring at me. What? “...I hate who you are.” She said and turned to walk away but I grabbed her. “I..Im... I just don't want you to be friends with that girl.” I said calmly now. “Leave my hand.” She said. “Are you gonna walk away?” I asked. I don't want her to. “Let go off my hand first!” She half yelled. I did. She crossed her arm and stared at me. I love her eyes. “What's your reasons?” She asked. “She's a damn girl from a wretched home. She's on a fucking scholarship here.” I said. “And?” She said. And?? “Nothing else.” I said. “Well, That doesn't change that she's a girl like me and I 'do rather be her friend than be a friend to a jerk like you!” She said and walked away. I shut my eyes, inhaled and opened them back to see her walking away with the girl. I stared at Andra. Im feeling so sad. Damn.. why? I should be fucking angry. “Hey guy” I heard Chris voice behind me. I didn't turn. I kept staring at Andra, walking away with the girl. Chris came over and stood beside me. “Tomorrow's gonna be you guys one week friendsip anniversary. What do you think?” He said. I chuckled. That's right. Even though she accepted to be my friend on thursday. I made her my friend on tuesday. “She's quite upset with me.” I said. “Huh? why?” He asked. “Cos I told her not to be friends with that black girl, Eve.” I said. “The one with her?” He asked. “Yeah. I just feel she shouldn't come in.” I said. “Dude, you can't tell her who to be friends with. Come on man.” He said. I chuckled. “Is your heart beating fast?” He asked. “No.” I said. “Ah, you're not inlove.” He said. I looked at him. Cos it seems my heart is beating fast. “When it beat fast?” I asked. “Then you're inlove.” He said. I chuckled. “Oh fuck that. Don't talk nonsence.” I said. “Im serious man.” He said. “Im not you, you know.” I said. “Oh sweet.” He said. ……………………………………… ……………………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV “I heard all he said.” Eve said as he walked towards Steph's class. “Huh?” “He told you not to be friends with me cos im damn poor.” She said. I stopped and pulled her into a hug. “My dad is just a cab driver and my mom is on wheelchair.” She said, sobbing already. “Im sorry Eve. Don't think about what he said. No one tells me what to do okay?” I said as I felt a tear drop from my eye. She withdrew and looked at me. Tears in her eyes. She look so pretty. “Are you guys friends?” She asked. “You mean Jeremy?” I asked. “I don't know what we are.” I said. She stared at me. “Let's go.” I said and held her hand as we walked into Steph's class. Found her packing her books. She looked up at us. “Im sorry guys, had physics practical today. It takes quite a time.” She said. I smiled, recalling she has said that to me before. She stared awkwardly at us. “Why are your eyes kinda red?” She asked. Eve smiled. She was about saying something but I cut in. “It's nothing. Told me a little about her mom and we shed few tears.” I lied. She glanced at me. Why are my tryna hide what Jeremy said about Eve to Steph? I have no idea why but anyway, I just did. “Aww.” Steph said as she walked over and hugged her. “I wish I was with you guys to shed some tears too. It's been a while I did.” Steph said. Good you weren't with us. ………………………………………… At night. I had my shower and walked to bed to sleep. Then I just felt playing few songs, I scrolled to Tatiana Manaois, Like you. you gotta get up.. you gotta get up and make a move. cuz the world will never see you until you do.. No they don't really care what you're going through.. so you've gotta show 'em baby you gotta show 'em the real you you gotta give 'em what you got no don't let them say what you're not, cuz you are strong you are wise.. you are worth beyond a thousand reason why... and you can't be perfect baby cuz nobody's perfect darling but no no no there's nobody in the world.. Like you... A message came in. I wanna ignore it cos I know its Jeremy, but seconds later, I was going to my message inbox. And I read the message. <b> Im sorry Andra. # I_rolled my eyes. Though I felt happy inside. He said sorry to me, for the second time. The song played on. ...and you can't be perfect cuz nobody's perfect darling no no no there's nobody in the world like you... you know you're worth cuz you know that you can't be perfect baby cuz nobody's perfect darling.. i love you just the way that you are i love you just the way that you are.. My love.. it's like the stars in the sky oh, when you look in my eyes.. Oh oh oh oh oh oh oohh . Jeremy's POV The next day, I woke up by a damn crazy bell ringing in my ears. Damn! It seems I woke up quite late cos its Moni. “7:30 and you're still sleeping?” She yelled and began ringing the damn bell again. I covered my ears with a pillow. But It doesn't change the fact that the bell still rang loudly in my ears. “Get out Jeremyyy.” She said. I threw the pillow away and kicked the duvets out of my body. As I glared angrily at her. “Why did you keep sleeping like there's a holiday today?” She asked. “Seriously im gonna throw this fucking bell away!” I said. She smiled and left. “I give you five minutes to get done.” She said outside the door. I rolled my eyes. Who uses five minutes to brush, bathe, dress up and go down? I got out out of my bed and reached for my phone. No text from Andra. I dropped it back and turned into the bathroom. I stared at my reflection. I remembered Andra. Today's our one week friendship anniversary. I kept thinking so much last night till I slept off. I don't know what time that I did. I decided on the idea of us going out, after school. I don't wanna tell her about it now so she don't tryna avoid me cos of it. I'll just tell her after school's over and if she refuse to come with me. I drag her. Andra. Why is she making me feel this way? This strange way. …………………………………………… When I came out. I texted Chris. <b> I wanna celebrate my one week friendship with Andra. We gonna go out. What do you think? She's gonnq reject. I know. # I_Sent . He replied me few minutes later when I was done pulling on my school uniform. <b>Wow Its great. We'll talk about it in school. See ya. I pulled on my white sneakers. Spread some cologne and walked off with my bag and my phone. I rushed off to school after eating. I wanna just see Andra and maybe she has forgiven me. But If she did, she'do had replied my message. ………………………… When I pulled into the school and over to the class, she's in, staring out the window. Just like always. I went to my seat and sat down. “Hey man.” Chris said. I smiled. I glanced at Andra and she isn't staring at the window anymore. Im she've seen me. “You guys gonna go somewhere?” Chris asked. “Yeah. What do you think?” I asked. “Cool, but im sure Andra is not gonna accept that.” He said. I glanced at her, then back at Chris. “She's gonna accept.” I said. He shrugged and smiled. ……………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV Lunch bell rang and I stood up and walked over to Eve. “Hi Alex.” She said. “Eve, do you wanna go to lunch?” I asked with a smile. She nodded. ………… As we walked out, I couldn't help but notice how frowny Jeremy's face was as he stared at me... or rather, at us. I looked away and walked out. #Jeremy's POV Today again? Andra choosed to go to lunch with that Eve. Gosh! Why do I have a feeling that this Eve is gonna cause something? Andra should go to lunch with me! Why with those two brats? I stood up. “Dude, let's go grab something.” I said to Chris. He got up and we walked out. …………………………………………… “I don't like that girl.” I said as we walked towards the cafeteria. I know they are in there now. “Who?” He asked. “Eve. You see, I hate Steph. Yeah but Eve. Ugh! She's gonna be stucking around Andra all time. I don't want that dude.” I said. “Huh?” He asked, looking at me. “Yeah.” I said. “You acting like Alex is your girl tho. You guys are just friends.” He said. Really? “Oh, that's right.” I said and we walked into the cafeteria. …………………… I saw them. But my eyes is on Andra. She ate slowly and I love the way her hair fell across her face. Why Im I just staring? It was suppose to be a glance. We walked over the counter to make our order. We did and walked over to our favourite seat. I didn't see Andra glance at me. Our eyes haven't met. Haven't she seen me huh? #Alexandra's POV I saw him. When they both came in. I know he's gonna be looking at me, so I just looked away and didn't wanna look again. I just focused on my food as Steph talked about joing an Extra lesson soon. Music class. Eve said she loves Dancing clsss but Molly couldn't let her join in. “Go meet with the Ms Bella.” I said. “That never worked cos I did sometime ago but she couldn't let me.” She said. “Why?” I asked. “Cos im on scholarship.” She said. “And so damn what?” Steph said. “Im sorry Eve.” I said. I glanced at Jeremy now. I can't help it not to take a few seconds glance. He said sorry to me and we haven't even talked today. I sighed. Why am I just feeling this way? . [Alex POV continues] They left before us cos we stayed chitchatting.. Soon, Lunch over bell rang and we walked back to our classes. Steph to hers, I and Eve to ours. I went over to my locker to grab my Literature books. I checked my phone and no message. I dropped it back, closed back my locker and walked to class. Jeremy was typing on his phone. Maybe typing her a message to me? I turned and walked back to my locker and took my phone. No message tho but I took it to class,for the first time. But till school got over, there was no message from him. …………………… I stood up as Eve joined me and we walked over to my locker and I grabbed my bag. “That's Jeremy's pullover right?” She asked. I paused awhile. Why's she asking tho? “Yeah” I said. “I was there when he embarrased you cos of it.” She said. I closed my eyes. I don't wanna remember that. “It's past now. Let's not talk about that.” I said and opened my eyes back and we walked down the hallway. “Andra...” I heard his voice behind us. Jeremy. I turned, including Eve. His bag is over his left shoulder, his hands in his pockets and his white headphone around his neck. He looked so cool. “I wanna tell you something Andra.” He said as he walked up to me. “What?” I asked. Couldn't he just text it to me? He looked at Eve. Eve turned to me, I looked at her. “Alex, I'll go meet Steph and we'do wait for you.” She said, turned and walked away. I turned to Jeremy. “What?” I repeated. “Didn't you miss me today?” He asked, smiling. The way he did it, gave me butterflies in my stomache. I couldn't help but admire. He's damn cute tho. “Why would I miss a jerk huh!?” I asked, pretending like im still so annoyed with him. Seriously, im not anymore. Maybe cos he said ‘Sorry’ to me. “Today's our one week friendship anniversary.” He said. Anniversary? Lol. Funny tho. “Huh?” I asked. “You heard me right. Im sure you don't know cos you don't value our friendship.” He said. “Why would I value such annoying friendship like ours huh?” I said. “Its annoying?” He asked. “Yeah and you are the reason why.” I said. “No way.You are the reason why its damn annoying.” He said. “Im not but you are.” I said. “You are, not I!” He said. “You are!!” I yelled. He paused and inhaled. “Fine. Whatever it is, our annoying friendship is up to a week and we gotta celebrate it.” He said. Celebrate what? “It's not up to a week. I accepted that we are friends last week thursday.”I said. “But I made us friends on tuesday. You gotta accept that.” He said. I rolled my eyes. “Im not gonna accept!” I said. “Huh? We just gonna go somewhere cool. Are you so scared of me huh? Im not a murderer.” He said. I rolled my eyes again. “Somewhere like?” I asked. “You'll know when we get there.” He said. “You're just a jerk tho.” I said. “You can say that again if you want to.” He said. Wow. Really? “You're a jerk! A big time jerk!” I said. “Huh! Don't be so arrogant.” He said. I smiled. Why did I smile? Oh, maybe... cos of... cos of what? Arghh! no idea. My bad! #Jeremy's POV I love her smile and it gave me butterflies. I guess im liking this girl now. I can't help but admire everything she gat. Her hair... Her eyes... Her nose... Her lipss... Her... Shit! Where am I actually staring at? I looked away, to her frowny face. Can I be so crazy to admire her b**bs too. “Andra, you gotta come with me. Im gonna be so upset if you don't.” I said. “You can't force me, you know.” She said. The last time she said that, I did. “I still can.” I said. “Then fine!” She said and turned, but I grabbed her hand. She stared at me. “Okay fine. I can't force you. Just come with me.” I said. “I need to meet with my friends.” She said. Fuck those friends of yours! “I'll take you home.” I said. I don't know her home tho. But wouldn't it be nice to know it anyways. “I don't want you to know my home. So I can't accept that.” She said. Fuck you. “You're so stubborn Andra.” I said and left her hand, turned and began walking away. Such a punk! So annoying! “Fine. I'll go with you.” I heard her say. Seriously? I turned to her with a smile. She wasn't smiling tho. She's in a frown. “But its not gonna take more than an hour.” She said, then turned and began walking away. “Where're you going?” I asked. “Ain't I gonna tell my friends? huh!” She half yelled. I smiled and followed her. Just to make sure she doesn't go away. . To be continued tonight depending on the comment's . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:51
TEENS HEART . Sequence 60-62 <b> Alexandra 's POV The next day, After dressing for school, I couldn't help but wear his pullover. It looked so good on me. It's navy in colour. Then remembering that it's only him that wears pullovers that isn't the school's, I pulled it off. I folded it and placed it inside my bag. ……………… After eating, I sat there at the breakfast bar, waiting for Steph. Why's she taking quite a time to come today? I called her so many times but she's not picking up. Lili came in. “You should call her.” She said. “She's not picking up.” I said. “Oh oh. What could be the problem?” Lili said, seating opposite me. “I don't know.” I said coldly. “Call her again okay?” She said. And I did but she still didn't pick up. “She's not picking up Lili. Im so worried.” I said sadly. Just then, We heard the doorbell ring. Steph? But she never comes to the door. She just horns. “I'll go check.” I said and rushed off with my bag. I got to the door and pulled it open and what I saw shocked me. Jeremy. He stood, smiling at me. In his uniform, bag on his shoulder and in another pullover. Ah, I like this one more. It's pink and white. Wait, Am admiring his pullover when I should be asking why he's here. “Hey Andra.” He said, smiling. “What.. Why are you here now?” I asked. “Wanna check if you're still home so we can drive together to school.” He said. What? “What about your beautiful Aunt?” He asked. “Im here.”Lili said, walking towards. “Goodmorning Ma'am.” He said. “Oh, just call me Lili. That's what everyone calls me.” She said to him with a smile. He smiled back. “Lili. Im sorry if I came unexpectedly. I just wanted check if Andra is still home. ” He said. “Yeah she is. Alex, you should go with him right?. And when Steph comes, I'll let her know.” Lili said to me. I shook my head. “No. I'll wait right for Steph.” I said even though I wish to just go with him. Lili inhaled. I looked at Jeremy and he has a pale face. He looked kinda sad. “Fine, I'll go. Lili let Steph know that I went with Jeremy but I did cos I waited so long for her.” I said. She smiled. “Okay dear. Have a grea day. Bye.” She said and I kissed her cheek. “Bye Lili.” Jeremy said. “Oh Jeremy, bye dear.” Lili said. I left with him. ……………………………… “You shouldn't have come tho.” I said as we headed to his car. “I guess so.” He said. “Why?” I asked. “Cos you said it.” He said. Huh. I didn't say that sincerely. Seriously, the truth is that, Im so happy he came. He showed up just when Steph haven't showed up. “Steph is not picking up.” I said as I got into his car. He shrugged. “Don't bother yourself about that bitch.” He said. “She's my friend.” I said. “Okay, you actually wanna know the reason I came?” He asked. “Yeah.” I said. He cleared his throat. “Saw Steph's car on the road. She was heading to school. There's a little traffic and when she drove slowly pass to mine, I glanced but I didn't see you in, so I had to turn back to check if actually you are still home or you were right in the car and I didn't see you.” He said. What! “Are you kidding me? Steph left me to school?” I asked,.not believing it. I don't wanna believe it at all. Steph can't do this.. she can't. “Im not. You gonna see her in school.” He said. Seriously? Steph left me to school. Why? Is she upset with me? I called her again. She didn't pick up. I sighed. Something is not right at all. ……………………………… When we got to school and he pulled to a stop. And I got down from his car, eyes were on me. I rolled my eyes. Why are they just staring like they're just seeing me for the first time? Oh, cos I came down from the school's most popular guy? They gotta know soon tho, that we are friends. “I hate statistics.” He said as he walked beside me. And we walked side by side towards the hallway. “You told me that.” I said and he's saying it cos its the first subject we got this morning. “Im not gonna stay for it.” He said. “You should.” I said. “Why should I tho?” He asked. “So you don't fail your papers. Get that.” I said. He chuckled. “I can't fail tho.” He said. “What gives you such confident?” I asked. “You don't need to ask.” He said. Okay, I understood. His dad is the proprietor and he's the hair and blah blah blah. Whatever. He's gotta come outta this stupidness tho. When we got to Steph class door. “I gotta check.” I said to him and walked in. And there she is, on her seat, staring at a book. She didn't see me. I couldn't believe it. I walked out. Jeremy stood with his hands in his pockets. “I saw her.” I said coldly. He shrugged. “You were kinda doubting me right?” He asked. “I thought she'do never do such a thing. I mean, we had no fight tho.” I said. “Let's go okay.” He said and began walking to clas, I followed beside him. “Thanks for coming to check me.” I said to him. “We are friends. Ain't we?” He said with a smile. I looked at him. “Yes we are.” I said. I dropped my bag inside my lockerand took my statistics books and he did dropped his bag inside his locker, taking just his phone and headset. No book. ……………… When we got in, Molly saw us and she got up and rushed to him, hugging him. Seriously? In front of all this eyes? Oh, did I forget this?, that she wasn't in school yesterday. I walked to my seat and sat down. “I MISSED YOU.” Her voice say quite loud. I hissed. I got something to worry about and not this stupid girl. Steph. What did I do to her? Is she so angry at me for going out with Jeremy? Why would she be so angry to the point of not coming to check me. And ignoring her calls too. . Alexandra 's POV [Continues] When Lunch bell rang, I stood up and walked out to my locker, but not without taking a glance at Jeremy. He was typing on his phone, and Molly sat on his desk. She always do that. He saw me and stared, but I looked away and walked out. He's with his girlfriend and im just a friend. I got to my locker and dropped my books, taking my phone. His pullover still layed inside my bag and the one which he gave me then was still inside my locker. Why do I have two of ths guy's pullover. Im taking this one home too today. Steph. I got to see her. To know why she acted that way. I turned to walk out but there is.. Jeremy, standing with his hands in his pockets, like always. “Andra..” He said. “Eh?” “Let's go to lunch.” He said. “I wanna go see Steph.” I said. “Why?” He asked. Why? “She's my friend so I need to see her.” I said. He chuckled. “What type of a friend ignores her friend's calls and left to school without her?” He asked. “There's a reason why she did that. Steph has been a nice friend to me.” I said. He shrugged. “Fine.” He said, turned to walk away but then turned back to me again. “Are you gonna go to lunch with her or with me?” He asked. Why's he asking that. “You should go with your girlfriend.” I said. “Oh, that's right.” He said, turned and walked away. I inhaled. I hope what I said didn't get him upset? Why should it? Molly is his girlfriend and Im just his friend. ……………………………… When I got to Steph's class, She wasn't in. I felt so bad, so horrible. I walked out of the class and dialled her line but she ignored it. I sent her a message. <b> Im so sorry Steph, if I wronged you in any way. Just tell me where you are please? Im missing our friendship already. # I_sent it and began walking out of the hallway but then someone touched me. I turned and it's Eve. Oh... “You going to lunch?” I asked her. “No. Been looking for you.” She said. “Oh. Im here. Sorry I didn't check on you in class. Im having a bad day.” I said “Why? and seriously, your face tells it all.” She said. “Steph's been ignoring my calls and didn't even check on me in the morning like she's been doing.” I said. She sighed. “Something's wrong then. I guess she's at the cafeteria. Let's go find her.” She said. We walked down to the cafeteria and when we got in, there she was, sitting on a lonely table and sipping milkshake. “Caught her. There she is.” Eve said with a wide smile. We walked up to her and she looked up at us but smiled at Eve. “Hi, Eve.” She said. “Steph. You're alone here. Ain't you missing us?” Eve said and sat down. I didn't. Steph never did like im there. What did I do that's so unforgivable. “Steph.” I called coldly. She took her milkshake and sipped. She didn't look at me. “You care for one?” She asked Eve. “Alex's talking to you.” Eve said. Steph then, looked at me. “Hi Alex, you good?” She asked. “Im not Steph.” I said. She shrugged. “Seat down Alex. Stop standing.” Eve said. I sat down beside Eve. Steph was opposite. “What did I do wrong Steph?” I asked. “You did nothing suprising to me tho.” She said. “I just wanna know what it is, so I can ask you to forgive me. We are friends you know.” I said. “We are friends huh?” She asked, looking at me. She chuckled. “You got your friend, Jeremy. You guys went out yesterday. He's your friend now, so you should go meet him.” She said. Seriously? “Yeah, he's my friend Steph, im sorry that I didn't tell you that on time. We went out to celebrate our one week friendship anniversary and he was nice. He's arrogant, yeah, but he's also nice and caring when you get quite close to him.” I said. I don't know why I said all that but I guess I felt she should know that he's not only arrogant and bitchy, but also nice too. “Well, It ain't suprising. Every girl wanna be the bitch's friend. Flaunting theirselves around him like...” She paused, “But you know I don't have such time.” She said. Flaunting around him like what? I felt like asking her this but I restrained myself. “Im not upset with you being his friend tho but gosh! I can't believe you choosed him over us. Your friends. You choosed to go out with him than going home with me.” Steph said. “Arghh, this doesn't make any sense actually. What's wrong with that tho? They are friends Steph.” Eve said. But Steph got up and walked away. Eve turned to me, “She's acting sispicious tho. I mean there's nothing so wrong with you going out with a guy that she doesn't like. She's acting like she's your mom seriously.” Eve said. “We've been friends.” I said coldly. “For?” She asked. “for two weeks now.” I said. “Just two weeks and she's acting so protective like she's your guardian. That's not so cool tho.” She said. I inhaled. “She hate him and think he's so bitchy all the time. I thought so too but yesterday, I found out that he's actually nice.” I said. “Wow. Can you tell me a bit of how nice he was?” She asked. I laughed. “Well, I know you not gonna tell me.” She said with a smile. “Ain't you scared of Molly? she's his girlfriend.” She asked. “Are you thinking otherwise? We are just friends tho.” I said. “Friendship could lead to you know...” “Nothing. Just stop Eve.” I said. She laughed. “But anyways, It's cool to have the most popular guy in school as your friend you know. Gives you some pride and aw! He's the proprietor's son. I can't deny that I really crushed on him those new weeks in school.” She said with a giggle. I smiled. “Everyone knows he's arrogant and proud and picks on someone but It's cool to hear that he's nice.” She said. I smiled. Her words were just giving me smiles. My phone buzzed. A message. I opened it and its a message from Jeremy. <b> Can you come over to the basketball court? # Oh_ for what? <b> For what? #I_sent. “Your phone's cute.” Eve said. I looked at her. “Thanks for that tho.” I said with a smile. She smiled. Cute friend. A message came in. Jeremy. <b> Got something I wanna show you. # What_could that be? I turned to Eve. “Jeremy wanna show me something tho.” I said. She smiled. “Oh. Fine. I'll be here.” She said. I smiled, “I'll be back soon. And oh, have this and grab something.” I said, stretching some money to her. She smiled. “Oh, don't bother. I got money with me today.” She said. “You keep yours okay.” I said. She smiled and took it. “Thanks Alex.” She said. “I'll be right back.” I said. “I'll wait.” She said. I got up and walked out, and down the basketball court. What do he wanna show me? I saw him, sitting down and watching the basket ball guys. I walked over to meet him. . Jeremy's POV I looked up and I saw her coming. I smiled. I got nothing to show her tho. Mehn! I just want her here. Here with me. I wanna smile while looking at her frowny cute face and the way she yells at me. Like the way she's gonna yell now, when I tell her I got nothing to show her actually. She got to me and stood. Breeze blew her hair that fell accross her cheeks and it was wow... “Hey Andra.” I said,smiling. She came over and sat down. Beside me. Not close tho. Why would she sit that far? “Said you got something to tell me. So what's that?” She asked, watching the basketball guys. Arghh, what do I tell her? “Yeahh. Let's go grab Icecream.” I said,.grinning. She looked at me. “Icecream?” She asked. “Um.. yeah? Don't you like it?” I asked. “Is that what you got to show me?” She asked. Arghh, what I do I say now. “I got something to show you but first, let's go get some icecream.” I said. “I don't want ice cream.” She said. “What do you want?” She said. She looked at me and smiled. Why? Why's making her smile? “I want what you wanna show me.” She said and frowned just right after saying that. Arghh crazy girl. I got an idea. “alright come.” I said and got up. She did too. “I wanna show you something amazing.” I said. “What's that?” She asked. “Follow me.” I said and began walking. She followed behind me. Behind? I stopped so she would get beside me. When she did, we walked out of the basketball court and down the cafe. “You wanna buy icecream?” She asked. “Yeah. We need it when we get there.” I said. She didn't say anything “Hey man, two ice chocolates cream.” I said to the seller. “Right.” He said and got them out. I stretched on to her. “Here.” I said and she slowly took it. I smiled, paid the man and turned towards the way that lead to the school love garden. She just followed. I opened my icecream and she did same like she was waiting for me to take the move. “It doesn't taste bad tho.” I said. “It tastes really good.” She said. When we got to the garden, she stopped and stared. “I've not been here. I had no idea such a cool and beautiful place is here in Ellas.” She said. I smiled. “Chris and I do come here to relax and talk.” I said. “Its pretty cool.” She said. “Is this where you wanna show me?” She asked. “Yeah.” I said. “Wow.” She said. Wow? Did she say that actually? “Let's go sit down.” I said and took her hand. She didn't wince. She followed and we both sat down in a bench, really cose to eachother. And I love it that way. We licked our icecream as we stared at the flowers. “I love flowers.” I said. “You do?” She asked. “Yeah right from when I turned four.” He said.. “Wow..” “What do you think about flowers?” I asked her. She stayed silent for awhile and licked her icecream slowly. I admire this girl alot. “Flowers are beautiful and gives brightness. They are special and represent good signs and things.” She said. I smiled. “Do white roses bruise easily?” I asked. “I... think they do.” She said. “My nanny always say that to your daughter's husband. To hold her daughter softly so she don't bruise cos she's a white rose and white roses bruise easily.” I said. She laughed. “Wow. it's funny but I guess she's right.” She said. “Your nanny must be quite funny tho.” She said. I smiled. “Yeah, she is. She's been my nanny since I was a kid.” I said. “Wow.. She must be really lovely.” She said. “Yeah but she's a pest at times.” I said. “Oh..” She laughed. My phone rang. I got it out and its my DAD. “My dad.” I said with a smile. “Hello dad.” I said after picking up the call. “Hello son. How are you doing there?” He asked. “Fine. Just missing you, you know. Those car rides and swimmings we do together.” I said, smiling and looking at Andra who's face was in a kinda smile too. “It's fine dear. Don't miss me so much cos im fying down to Florida next tomorrow.” He said. My smile widened. “Oh my God! Are you serious dad?” I asked, feeling so happy to hear that. “Yeah. Im through with whatever im doing here. I miss my family.” He said. “Wow dad, I can't wait to see you. Like it's been up to three months now!” I said, smiling broadly. “Im sorry. Im so sorry.” He said. “You're only gonna get forgiven when I see ya.” I said with a happy smile. “Im sincerely saying that im gonna come.” He said. “Great. You should.” I said. “You've talked to your mom since then?” He asked. “I don't wish to hear her voice.” I said. He stayed silent for awhile. “It's okay son. Be careful. I'll be home soon to stay awhie with you.” He c said. “Okay dad.” I said and the call dropped. I turned to Andra with a smile. “He said he's coming back the day after tomorrow.” I said. She just smiled. “I love my dad tho.” I said with a smile She smiled. “You gotta prepare for your dad arrival.” She said. “Yeah.” I said with a smile. “I miss the man and I just can't wait to see him.” I said. She smiled broady. Wow. Iove this girl's smile. #Alexandra's POV We stayed together, just the both of us at this beautiful garden till we heard the lunch over bell ring. We got up and headed out of the garden and down the school building. As I saw the cafeteria. Shit! I remembered Eve. I've tod her to wait for me and damn, I didn't come back! She must have left. Oops.. My bad! I hope she forgives me. Steph don't want to. We walked into class after grabbing my Literature books. I walked to my seat and sat down. I glanced at Jeremy. He was on his seat now. Molly? She isn't in class yet.. But Chris is, and he's eyes are on his phone. Like always! Jeremy glancerd at ne ………………………………………… School got over and I went for my school bag with Eve. “Steph might have gone.” Eve said. “Maybe” I said and closed the door We headed into Steph's car class but she was gone. What's wrong! “Im sorry that she left.” Eve said. “It's fine.” I said and with a gloomy face, I walked out of the class and down the hallway with her. Steph. How could she do this to me? “Andra.” I heard Jeremy's voice behind. I turned. “See you later.” Eve said and walked away. “The bitch's left?” He asked. “Steph left.” I said. “It's fine. I'll take you home.” He said and took my hand. It felt so good. “Must you hold my hand?” I asked, like I don't like it. “Fine.. ” He said and let go. Ugh! He should have just ignored me and go on to hold my hand. ………………………… He drove me home. “Thanks.” I said as he got to the front of the house. “See ya tomorrow.” He said with a smile. “See you too.” I said, tried to get down put he pulled me back What again this time! He brought his face close and kissed my forehead. Again... He stayed for few seconds and withdrew as he stared into my eyes. “You should let me kiss your forehead from today. It should be our goodbye sign..” He said, as he stared into my eyes. I didn't know what to say, so I got down from the car, closed back the door and he drove off. I touched my forehead. I felt the warmness of his kiss there. Am speechless, I don't know what to say or do. Jeremy is no more the arrogant jerk I knew. I pressed the doorbell and Lili opened the door. I got in and headed to my room. I need to sleep. To sleep. “How was school today Alex?” Lili asked. “Fine.” I said. “What about Stephanie?” “Fine.” I said. “You hungry?” “Not yet. I wanna sleep” I said. “Alright dear. Take a nap.” She said. I fell on my bed and layed my head on the pillow without even pulling off anything. I really wanna sleep. I don't know what's happening to me now. Jeremy. The kiss. it sent chills down me. And Steph. I don't know how to beg her now. my phone buzzed. A message. Jeremy? I got it out and checked and yeah, its from him. <b> I cherish our friendship alot Andra. Take care. Bye. # I_smiled . Jeremy you're astonishing me. <b> I wanna catch some sleep. Bye #I_sent it. and few seconds later he replied. <b>Dream of me. # I_laughed . Crazy guy. Why will I dream of him. Arghh. I dropped my phone and closed my eyes. …………………………………… …………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV She didn't reply again. I smiled. I've been staring at her pictures and each new day that I do, I discover one thing that makes her so beautiful. Her fingers. They look really cute. Argh. I love this girl. Wait! What did I just thought? I love who? Fuck I can't! Or do I? Do I even know what love is all about? . To be continued After comments... <b>………………………………………… Say just ONE thing that you wish would happen in this story? . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:54
TEENS HEART . Sequence 63-65 <b> Continues.. Next Day # Steph's POV “Hey dad, Im off to school.” I said as I walked down the stairs to him and backhugged him, kisding his cheek. He turned to me with a smile. “You're so beautiful my princess.” He said, and kissed me on the lips. It felt good. “Bye Dad. Miss you.” I said, kissing his lips again. “Bye my baby..” He said and I walked away. I got into my car and Neil drove off. ………………………… “Are we stopping by to pick up Alex?” Neil asked as we were getting to her house. “Keep driving.” I said and looked away, to the left side through the window. Her house is at the right. “You're having some kinda problem witg her?” He asked. “Just keep driving and don't ask me questions!” I barked at him. “Im sorry.” I said. [Scoffs] Jeremy and Alex are friends. God! just thinking about it makes me sick! That bitch? Couldn't she just hate him like I do huh? I hate that bitch, I told her. But she fucking choosed to be friends with him. Well, I don't give a damn. We can't be friends if she choose to be friends with those punks! Ugh! I saw a car coming towards. Jeremy's. He's coming to pick her up? Haha. He's pretending to be nice all of a sudden? Alex got no idea who she's tryna be friends with. ……………… # Jeremy's POV Andra wasn't in her car.. [Chuckles] I know she's acting all this way cos of me. Cos Andra and I are now friends. “Bitch! She could just go to hell!” I said and stopped in front of Andra's house. I got down and walked up to the door. I pressed the doorbell and she opened just in time. Andra. She was smiling. Waw, My cutie friend. “Jeremy.” She called. “Andra. You're done?” I asked. “Yeah I am. Steph haven't come tho.” She said. “She've left.” I said. “You saw her?” She asked coldly. “Yeah. Go get your bag.” I said. She gave an awkward smile and walked in. I heard her say goodbye to her Aunt. Then she came out. “Let's go.” I said and took her hand. She looked at me. I smiled. I got no idea why I held her hand but I felt like doing it cos she looked so cute. When we got to the car, I left her hand and we got into the car. …………………… “Did you dream of me?” I asked her as we drove off. “Huh?” She raised eyebrows. “Argh, don't ask like you didn't hear me girl.” I said, “I didn't hear it.” She said, letting out a sharp smile that vanished just right after. “Uh! But I told you to dream of me.” I said. “Why will I dream of you huh?” She asked. Huh? “What? Ain't I so cute to dream about?” I asked. “Nah, you ain't.” She said, smiling. “Ofcos I am.” I said. She shook her head. “You ain't tho.” She said. I got her hand unaware and squeezed it. “I am!” I said. “Ouch!” She yelled. I smiled. Damn! Traffic shit again. “Seems we gonna get a little late to school.” I said. “It's gonna clear in no time.”She said. “You think so?” I asked. “Yeah..” # Alexandra 's POV “Im so happy.” He said. “Why?” I asked. “Cos my dad is coming home tomorrow.” He said. “You really do love your dad.” I said. “Yeah. I do.” He said, smiling. Cute smile. He turned to me. “Can I ask you something?” He said. “What's that?” I asked. “What do you think of me?” He asked. Huh? What I think if him? Nothing.. I don't think anything. I stared out the windscreen. The traffic light switched to Green, and cars began moving. “You're not gonna answer me?” He asked. “Cars moving now.” I told him. He didn't notice that cos he's been staring at me. He turned to the steering and began driving. “Just answer me Andra.” He said as he drove. “I don't know what you really are. You are so arrogant but you're also nice.” I said. He smiled. He didn't say anything else till we got to school. And I? I stared out the window, watching the buildings and people. ……………………………………… He pulled into the school and turned off the car. Then turned to me. “Go to lunch with me today, will you?” He asked. “Oh.. Okay.” I said. He smiled and got his face closer to mine. Huh? What's he tryna do? His smile widened as he stared into my eyes. My stomache tightend. He wanna kiss me huh? He better don't! But I felt his fingers on my shirt colar. “It looked bad.” He said, as he got it well and then pulled himself back. I swallowed. I reached for the door to go out. “Andra” He called. I turned to him. “Huh?” He smiled, and stared at me for a moment. “You.. you're cute.” He said. Uh? Huh? I blinked my eyes because I couldn't keep up with the stare. I felt butterflies in my stomache. Then he brought his face closer to mine again. “Can't you say; Thank you and you too, huh?” He asked, making a frowny face. His face was so close now and I can't deny that he's eyes are really charming. I swallowed. He smiled a really killer smile and.. Squeezed my hand. Again! “Ouch Jeremy!” I yelled and just that moment, he kissed my forehead. I paused.. “Im sorry.” He said as he withdrew and winked. Seriously? I grabbed his hand and squeezed it really hard and he yelled out, “Ouch! ouch! That hurts!” He said. I glared angrily at him. Then he smiled. “Won't you kiss me huh?” He asked. “Why would I?” I asked. “Cos I did that after squeezing your hand.” He said. Punk! I hit his arm hard. He laughed and hit me back lightly. I hit him again. I wonder when this stupid play started tho. Hitting each other in his car and right in the school premises. He laughed and caught my hand. “Ouch. Don't squeeze it.” I said. “Im not.” He said and dropped my hand. “Let's go to class.” He said. I got my bag and opened the door. Got down and closed it back. I felt eyes on me. They can keep staring. We are friends now. And im happy about it. We walked side by side to class. . Chris POV Alex and I talked quite awhile before lunch bell rang and J came over and they went away. Seemed like they planned on going out to the cafeteria. Cos Alex just smiled and followed him without any complain. [Smiles] Cute friends. Alex, told me everything. She said Steph's been upset with her and ignoring her calls and all that.. I know it's cos of Jeremy, cos they are now friends. Maybe I should go talk to her. [Chuckles] Talk to Steph? [I sighed.] I know she's never gonna listen to me but I gotta do it anyway. I walked to her class. She sat, on her seat, reading a book. My heart.. I walked to hear. She looked up and frowned when she saw me. “Steph.” I called calmly. “What's it?” She snapped. “Can.. can we talk please?” I asked. “I don't wanna talk any shit with you. I don't wanna be your girlfriend, don't you get it?” I inhaled. “It's about Alex.” I said. # Steph's POV Alex? Ugh! Everyone talks about her now. “So?” I asked. “Can we go talk somewhere cool?” He said. I chuckled. “Say whatever you wanna say here or you get out of my front.” I said. He stayed silent for what seemed like forever. “Steph, Alex really care about you guys friendship. She's really sad that you're avoiding her and I know it's all cos of J or rather cos she's friends with us.” He said. Who cares? I rolled my eyes. “You gotta stop seeing I and Jeremy as bad guys you know. Yeah, we were but can't you see some changes in me, and in J too?” He ranted. Who cares? “I don't give a damn what you guys are.” I said. He came closer to me. “You know, I really love you Steph. I wish you could see the weight of my sincere love for you. But you don't want me Steph. You think im so bad. Im trying to get this feeling that I got for you out of my head, out of my heart. I wanna get you out of my thoughts, but the more I try is the more I think about you and find myself loving you more and more.” He said. “I'll be happy if you stop feeling such way for me cos I'll never ever give you a chance. Get that!” I barked. He stared at me. “Steph, Please, you can hate me. Yeah. You can hate J, but you can't hate your friend Alex, as well just cos she's friends with us. It's unbelievable.” He said. “She's my friend and it's our issue, Don't pop your head into our matter. Get that!” I snapped. “Steph, you reallt need to change the way you see us.” He said camly. I ignored him and wen on, with what I waa reading before he stupidly came in. “Steph.” He called. I ignored him. “Steph please do that. I beg you okay? Get back with Alex.” He said. I rolled my eyes. “Im wishing you coukd just understand the way Alex do.” He said. I got furious. “People are fucking staring! Just turn to the door before I get si annoyed.” I said. He stared for a while, then turned and walked away Ughhh! So annoying. …………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV “You didn't answer my question Andra.” Jeremy said as we ate in the cafeteria. I haven't seen Steph here, nor Eve. “What question?” I asked. “What do you think of me?” He asked. “I've answered that.” I said. “No. you didn't.” He said. “I did.. Ugh!” I said. “And what did you tell me.” He asked. “I can't remember.” I said, even though I did. “C'mon, Just say it. Anuthing.” He said. “Fine I said, That I don't know what you really are. You are so arrogant but you're also nice.” I said. He smiled. “Yeah, I know you said it. Just wanted to hear them again.” He said, winked and smiled. Ugh! Crazy guy. Why am I friend to this crazy stupid gut huh? Hahaha. “Andra..” He called. The way he calls me that tho. I can't deny that it sound really sweet. I stared at him. “I wanna tell you something.” He said. “What's that?” I asked. “That you're cute.”He asked and smiled. Did I blush?. Did I actually blush? He said this again... I just stared at him. I don't wanna smile so he doesn't see im happy about what he just said and im flattered. Soon, the lunch over bell rang and everyone in the cafeteria began to leave. I stood up so we can go back to the class, but he pulled me down to the chair. “What?” I asked. He smiled. “Promise me something.” He said. “What?” “That we gonna be friends for a long time.” He said. Huh “Huh?” “Yeah, just promise that.” He said. “I don't like promising.” I said. “If you don' promise that, then we ain't leaving here.” He said. I rolled my eyes. “Fine. I promise.” I said. We got maths and I don't wanna miss it. He smiled. . Alexandra 's POV When school got over, I got up to go grab my bag. I decided on going to see Steph.. To just talk to her. I miss her so much. I walked to my locker and grabbed my bag. I decided on taking Jeremy's pullover home. I dropped it inside my bag. “Alex.” I heard Eve's voice. I turned and smiled at her. We've not talked today. “Hi Eve.” I said. “You're going?” She asked. “Um.. yeah.” I said. “You're good with Steph now?” She asked. I shook my head, “No.” “I talked to her tho but she said nothing.” Eve said coldly. I sighed. “It's fine. I wanna go to talk to her.” I said. “She's gone already.” She said. I inhaled. “You're taking cab?” She asked. I thought for a while. “Yeah.” I said. “What about Jeremy?” She asked. “He's just my friend.” I said. “He can drive you home.” She said. “I don't know.” I said. “He's your friend and you said he's nice to you now. So if you let him know. Im sure he'll drive you home.” She said. “Let's go.” I said. We turned and walked down the hallway. ……………………… ……………… “My mom's in the hospital.” She said as we walked through the hallway. “She's ill?” I asked. “My elder sister pushed her off the wheelchair yesterday.” She said with tears in her eyes. “Oh my God! why would she do that?” I asked, feeling really bad. “My sister drinks.” She said. “Oh my!” I felt really sad. I stopped and pulled her into a hug. “I love my mom so much. I don't want anything to happen to her.” She said, weeping already. I blinked as tears fell off mine. She makes me remember my mom. When she slumped down on the kitchen, when she was rushed to the hospital and when the doctor confirmed she has a breast cancer, and mom died after few weeks that she fought so much to live. I shut my eyes. “Im sorry Eve. Nothing's gonna happen to your mom. Believe that, do you?” I said as tears fell down my eyes. She sniffled. “Yeah, I do.” She said. I opened my eyes and saw Jeremy. He stood a bit a far. With his hands in his pockets, looking at us. I withdrew our hug and Eve was in tears. “Don't cry Eve. Nothing's gonna happen to your mom.” I said. She nodded. “But you're in tears too.” She said. I smiled and glanced at Jeremy. He still stood, staring right at us. I looked at Eve, “Your mom reminds me of my mom.” I said. She raised eyebrows, “Really?” “Yeah” I said. “What about your mom?” She asked. I smiled as a tear dropped. “She's gone.” I said. She gasped, then pulled me into a hug. “Im so sorry.” He said. “It's fine.” I said. She withdrew the hug. “I thought you actually have your mom around.” She said. “I did until she left me.” I said with a sad smile. She blinked a tear from her eyes. “Im sorry about that Alex.” She said. I smiled, “It's okay.” I said. Jeremy began coming.. “Let's go.” She said. “Jeremy's coming.” I said. She turned and saw him. She turned back to me. “I guess I should go. Let him know about it. Im sure he's gonna drive you home.” She said. I nodded. “Bye Eve.” I said. “Bye.” She said and walked away. “Andra.” He said when he got to me. “You're going home?” He asked. “Yeah?” I said. “Arsh! No, let's spend some time at the school garden.” He said. “Huh?” I looked at him. “Yeah. It's so early to go home.” He said and took my hand. “No. it's not.” I said. “Whatever. Just come with me ok?” He said, grabbed my hand and pulled me along. “Fine. I'll go. Stop dragging me.” I said. He looked at me and smiled. “Good girl. Sweet friend.” He said and winked. Punk! But he still held me. “Leave my hand.” I said. “Nop. Let's just walk this way.” He said. I rolled my eyes and smiled. Jerk! ………………………………………… # Jeremy's POV We got to the garden and sat down, I still held her hand. Her hand felt so soft and slender. “Your hand is so soft. Making me wanna keep holding them.” I said and smiled. I know she's gonna react. And she did. She tried to pull her hand away but I held it more tight. “Ouch!” She half yelled. I smiled. “Tell me,” I said. “Tell you what?” She asked. “Why were you guys hugging?” He asked. “She said her mom fell off the wheelchair and it reminded me of my mom.” She said. I turned and stared at her. She was staring at the flowers. “Your mom is really beautiful.” I said. “Yeah. She was.” She said. “Can you tell me what happened?” I asked. She inhaled. “That day, Aunty Lili to visit us. We were happy. both my mom, Lili and I went to prepare a happy dish in the kitchen. Everyone was happy, really happy, when my mom suddenly yelled out and slumped to the ground. I couldn't believe it. My dad came and we drove her to the hospital...” She paused as a tear fell off her eyes. I felt a shiver. To see her tears. It rolled down her cheek. She blinked her eyes and another one fell. I just stared. I tried to say something but I don't actually know what to say. “...The doctor. He said she had breast cancer and... and it's been quite long. Mom knew. She knew but she never told anyone about it.. She didn't tell my dad. She didn't even tell Lili, her twin sister. She just kept it hidden from her family...” She was crying now. I inhaled as I felt tears in my eyes. “...She underwent different therapy and operations. And got transferred to another hospital in UK. She couldn't survive it tho. She died.” She said as tears rolled down her eyes. I looked away as I felt so sad. Tears gathered in my eyes. I looked at her. She was looking at me now. “Your.. your eyes are red Jeremy.” She said. I left her hand and pulled her into a hug. “Im just... Im just sad cos of all you just said.” I said, huugging her tighter. “Im sorry Andra. Im sorry that your mom had to die after everything.” I said. She stayed silent, crying silently. I shut my eyes. I wanna do this. I wanna stop her tears. I don't understand the way I feel for Andra. We had fights.. We yelled at each other. I hurt her. I got on her nerves, and then we became friends. Now,I wish to make her happy... Make her smile and make her forget her bad moments and sad memories. I dont wanna get on her nerves anymore. I don't wanna yell at her or hurt her just to make myself happy. I wanna be here for her. I wanna cherish our friendship and let her understand im not really arrogant and proud as she thinks that I am. I wanna make her like me, because I... I think im loving her. “Jeremy..” She whispered. “Huh?” I said, as I opened my eyes. I've been lost in my thoughts of her that I don't know how long I've been hugging her. Argh! I don't know what's wrong with me. “Im fine now. Im not crying anymore.” She said. “Uh.. Okay.” I said and pulled away and stared at her eyes. “Th.. thanks.” She said and smiled awkwardly. No matter how she smiles, they are cute. I smiled and kissed her forehead. Then I saw someone staring at us from far. Molly. Our eyes met and she stared a little more and left. I looked at Andra. “Let's go.” I said, took her hand and we left. ……………………………… # Molly's POV Whaaaat the hell was all that!! I saw them. I saw when he hugged her. When he kissed her. This is so annoying! I can't bear this.. Im gonna deal with that bitch! That little thing. Jeremy is mine! How dare she mess around with my boyfriend! “Damn it!” I yelled.. . To be continued . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:55
TEENS HEART . Sequence 66-67 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Alexandra 's POV We got into his car. He played, Perfect by ED Sheeran and drove off. I turned to the window and stared. I still can't believe I saw tears in his eyes when I told him about my mom. Did my story touch him that much? I can't believe it could. It's so hard to believe that he has such a soft spot in his heart. Jeremy. The way he hugged me. The way he kissed me. And the words he said. Everything told how sad he felt. Is he really changing for me? Cos we care friends now? Just the way Chris changed for Steph? Oh.. Chris actually changed cos he love Steph. Can Jeremy actually change cos we are just friends? He lowered the volume of the song playing. “Andra..” He called softly. “Eh?” I answered without turning. He never call me Alex. “Look at me, I wanna ask you something.” He said. I turned and looked at him. He glanced at me, then back at the staring. “I wanna do something.” He said. “What's that? Do you wanna tell me?” I asked. “Yeahh... You know my dad's coming home tomorrow.” He said. “Yeah.” I said, wondering where he's heading to. “I wanna.. I wanna ask him to bring Ms Ashley back to Ellas.” He said. Seriously? “Why?” I asked. “Cos im feeling so bad now. I don't know why.” He said. I shook my head. “You don't have to worry about Ms Ashley now. She's in CamStars now and she's happy.” I said. He stayed silent for awhile. “Can you do something for me?” He asked. “What's that?” I asked. “Can you forgive me for getting my dad to fire her?” He said. I swallowed. Is he actually asking me that? Is he actually asking me to forgive him? Wow. “You know, what you did was so unfair Jeremy but Im glad Ms Ashley is happy so I forgive you.” I said. “And my dad?” He asked. “I forgive him as well.” I said. “Will Lili forgive me as well?” He asked. “Yeah she would.” I said with a smile. Im just loving this new Jeremy. Just then, we pulled to the front of the house and he turned off the car. He then looked at me with an awkward smile. “Let's go.” He said. Im so suprised. I looked at him. “You.. you wanna go in?” I asked. “Yeah, I wanna apologise to her.” He said. d I.. I can't believe this actually. “Let's go okay.” He said and opened his door to go out. “Jeremy..” I called. He turned and looked at me. “You sure about going apologise to Lili?” I asked. “Yeah?” He said and got down. I breathed and did same, with my bag in my hand. “She's home now right?” He asked. “Yeah.” I said. He smiled. I pressed the doorbell and Lili opened up a minute later. “Lili.” I called. She had a pink sleeveless gown on. “Alex dear.” She said hugged me. Then she withdrew and turned to Jeremy with a smile. “Jeremy. Thanks for bringing Alex home today.” She said. I rolled my eyes. “I will keep doing that for my cute friend..” He said with a smile. His cute friend... Me? “Awwwn...” She said, smiling at him. “I wanna tell you Lili.” He said. “Oh. Great, you should get in dear.” She said. We went in. “Please have a seat. What would you like to have Jeremy?” She asked, smiling. “Oh Im fine.” He said. “Oh, I can't believe that.” Lili said. He didn't get a seat. He just stood in front of Lili. “I wanna say something Lili.” He said. “What's that?” Lili asked and glanced at me. Why did she glance at me? “I wanna say.. I wanna say that Im sorry for firing Ms Ashley. I hope that you forgive me and forgive my dad as well.” He said, with his face down. Lili gasped and glanced at me again. I shrugged. She turned her eyes to him. “It's... it's fine Jeremy. I understand the reasons why you did that. I forgive you and your dad as well cos Ms Ashley is really happy now and she got a new job in CamStars.” She said. “You sure you've forgiven me?” He said. “Yes I have.” She said. “Thanks alot.” He said and she pulled him into a hug. Sweet Lili. Always hugging everyone. I smiled. They pulled away. “Thanks alot, Againn.” He said. “It's okay.” She said. He turned to me. “Thanks Andra.” He said. I gave him a smile. “I'll be leaving now okay?” He said. “Alright.” I said. “Oh.. Stay with us a little please?” Lili said. “Oh nah nah.. Bye ok.” He said. “Oh.. Alright.” Lili said. He began walking to the door and I followed him. I turned to glance at Lili and she's smiling with her hands akimbo. Why's she smiling? Jeremy walked out and I did same, closing the door behind. He turned to me. “Im going now.” He said with a cute smile. “Um... alright.” I said. “Bye.” He said. “Bye.” I said. He turned and left to his car and drove off. I smiled. He's been so nice today. So cool, so amazing. I can't believe all he did. I can't help but to like him really much now. I opened the door and walked back in. “Andra..” Lili called, smiling. Andra? Oh she heard when he called me that. I laughed. “That's what he calls me tho.” I said. “Wow. I guess im gonna start calling you that. It's lovely.” She said. “No way.” I said, laughing. She laughed too. “You guys are really cute as friends. So he calls you Andra and you call him?” She asked. Huh? “Jeremy of course.” I said. “Oh.. call him something lovely too.” She said, smiling. I laughed. “He's handsome.” She said. “He's changing. It's so hard to believe.” I said. She smiled. “Got pancake. Go take a shower and come eat okay?.” She said. I smiled and walked into my room. I got out my phone and a message came in. Who else, but Jeremy. I opened it. <b> Thanks for forgiving me Andra. I just got home now. # I_smiled and sat down on the bed to reply him. <b> You were nice Jeremy. I wish you go on being nice, not arrogant anymore. Then I'll never thought of breaking my promise of being your friend for long. # It_sent and I waited for his reply. His message came a minute later <b> Can I call you on the phone from now on? Me: No. Jeremy: Okay. Bye cutie. # I_dropped my phone and pulled off my clothes and walked to the bathroom. . Jeremmy 's POV Arghh! She don't even want me to call her. Well fine! We keep texting.. Got no problem with that tho. Cutie. I stared at her pictures... Every picture of her that I got. I love this one that we were staring at each other. I logged into facebook and scrolled to my wall. I wanna post this picture. I wanna let everyone know we are friends now. Andra. Why does she make me smile alot. Just look at her pretty eyes and pinky lips. I just wonder what were on her mind when she was staring at me this way. I know. He's cute. He's sweet. Lol. Im gonna post this picture of us staring at each other. And I did. I captioned it, [Friendship is funny & feels really good wit the right person. Andra is my new friend. . A cutie dat makes me feel really happy. Every1 needs a friend like Andra.] I reread it and smiled. Yeah. Im gonna post it like this. And I did. 5mins ago... [50Likes ] [10 comments ] Chris Ray: ... Wow.. Happy friendship Jeremy and Andra. I got your back cuties Lol. Clara Derek: Oh. Really? Eve Jameson: Im happy. Jim West: Cute friends tho. Dude, you got it right. Asa Quin: Arshhhh! Seriously? I can't believe it tho. Sandra Adams: Awwwwn.. Im blushing. Im inlove with this picture. Sam Jackson: Sweet picture. Im gonna save it tho. J, you both rock! . . . . So many comments. I felt so happy.. My dad called. I picked it up. “Hello dad.” I said, smiling. “Who's that new cutie you posted on your timeline? She's really beautiful. Lovely picture.” He said. I smiled. “She's a new girl in school dad. Came two weeks and she's cool. Tell you more when you come back dad. I can't wait to see you.” I said excitedly. “Im all prepared. I won't disappoint.” He said. “Yupp! Thanks dad.” I said. “How's Moni?” He asked. “Here, giving me troubles. Come back and fire her.” I said. He laughed. “Not now dear.” He said. “I don't want you to tho. You know I love Moni.” I said. “Yeah. I know. She's been a wonderful mother to you.” He said. “Yeah.” I said, smiling. “I gotta sleep soon. Goodnight. See you tomorrow.” He said. “Goodnight dad. SEE YOU TOMORROW DAD” I said. “Love you soon. Like I always have.” He said. “I love you too dad.” I said. I smiled when the call dropped. I love my dad so much. My phone rang again. I checked. Molly. Why's she calling? I picked up. “Hey babe.” I said. “Cute the crap J!” She snapped. “What's that?” I asked. “What's the shit you posted on facebook huh?” She yelled. “Oh, Andra? She's my friend you know that. So I gotta introduce her to my friends.” I said. “I just hate that you did!! I hate that you posted that picture!” She yelled. Aww my ears.. She dropped the call. Oh thank goodness! My ears almost got blocked by her yells. She's upset cos of that? Fuck her anyway. Andra is all that I wanna think about now. Not the sluty she. Andra... Andra... Andra I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I checked more Comments. Mrs Lorrane Fredick: Awwwn. Beautiful two. Van Victor: This picture is wow.. Lucia Morgan: Wow. Kim Camer: Aww. Happy friendship cute fighters. Can't believe you too can eventually become friends. Woooooow! . . . Haha. I couldn't help it, I sent a message to Andra. <b> Thanks for being my friend Andra. I promise not to hurt you anymore. Goodnight. . To be continued today depending on the comments.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:57
TEENS HEART . Sequence 68-70 <b> Continues.. Alexandra 's POV I woke up the next morning with fright... My heart pounding on my chest. I just had a bad dream.. About Jeremy's dad. God! It was scary. His dad was in a Coma and... and Jeremy was far at the door,crying out so loud. God! Where is Lili! Jeremy's dad is coming home today and I had such a frightening dream about him. I got out of my bed and rushed out to find Lili. I checked her room and she wasn't in. I checked the kitchen and there she is in a blue nightie. She's making bread toast. I walked to her. “Goodmorning Lili.” I said. She turned and smiled. “Goodmorning dear. How was your night?” She asked. I looked at her with worried eyes. “Lili. I heard a bad dream.” I said coldly. Her eyes widened. “Oh my God..” She said and wiped her hand on the dishtowel, turned to me and played her hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. “Tell me about it dear.” She said. I blinked my eyes. “It's... it's Jeremy's dad. It was a hospital and he was in a coma, still and cold. And...and Jeremy stood far at the door, crying and calling him. ‘Dad, I need you, please don't leave me. Please I don't want you to leave me dad’.” I narrated with a worried voice. She stared for awhile and then inhaled. “It's... it's really a bad dream Alex. Didyou pray?” She asked. I shook my head. “No, Lili. I was so scared, so I rushed down to tell you about it. His dad is coming home today Lili. I feel so scared and worried.” I said. She inhaled and hugged me. “It's fine Alex, nothing's gonna happen to him okay.” She said and withdrew. I nodded. “Go prepare for school dear. By the way, I was thinking of talking to Steph tomorrow, when I go to the grocery store. I'll stop by her house.” She said. “I miss her.” I said. “I know you do. Maybe she's in a kinda trauma and needs time alone.” She said. I inhaled. “It's fine. I will go take my bath.” I said and left to my room. Steph isn't really on my mind now. Yeah.. Im missing her so much. How we use to laugh and go to school together in her car and gist along. I miss her. But right now, all that's right in my mind is Jeremy's dad. That dream. Why must I dream such a horrific dream dear Lord? When the man is probably on his way. “Oh God!” I breathed out and joined my hands together in a quick prayer. “God, I really don't want this dream becoming a reality. I really don't want tis dream to happen God. Please.” I prayed as my heart beated. Just then, my phone buzzed. A message. From Jeremy, I know. I got my phone and it was him. I was feeling really scared and worried. <b> Hi Bestie, just woke up. U up? # I_inhaled . Should I let him know about this dream? How would he feel if I tell him such a horrific thing? He might get really worried or he might laugh it off. I don't know how he's gonna react. I typed, <b>Im up and preparing. # It_sent . He replied seconds later. <b>Alright bestie. I'll be there in the next sooonn. # What_should I reply him? <b>Alright, Im waiting. # I_dropped my phone, then headed for the bathroom. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… # Jeremy's POV I called my dad after sending Andra the last message. Dad picked up. “Hello dad.” I spoke first. “Hi son, you up. Hope your night was good?” He asked. “Yeah. It was great.” I said. All thanks to Andra's pictures. “Dad, when will you be heading to the airport?” I asked. “In three hours time.” He said. “Alright dad. Can't wait to see ya.” I said,excited. “I miss you son.” He said. “I miss you too dad.” I said. “Preparing for school?” He asked. “Yeah.” I said. “Alright. You go on. Bye okay?” He said. “Yo. Bye dad. See ya soon..” I said. “See you too son.” He said and then the call dropped. I smiled. I love my dad really much cos he cares for me so much. I miss him alot and can't wait to spend sometime with him. I logged into facebook to go through my last night upload. More than a thousand Likes and so many comments. I smiled and laughed as I went through the comments. And seriously, I checked to see Molly's comment but saw none. Lol. Why would she comment anyways? When she's so mad that I uploaded this. Oh fuck her! I'll fucking break up with her if she tryna act so stupid. I dropped the phone, got up and headed to the bathroom. I stared at myself in the mirror for awhile before taking out my toothbrush. My hair. Andra said she doesn't like my plaited hair. Would I look more good without it? Umm... Maybe Im gonna try that shit of keeping unweaved hair. I hate that but..Gosh! I just wanna do it for my bestie, you know. I can't deny that Im developing a feeling for Andra... I know it's that kinda feeling that everyone who had felt it said it's LOVE. Love. It's strange and sudden, but im falling for Andra. I can't deny that I don't just want her as a friend but.... but as.. As someone so close to me... As my girlfriend.. Oh fuck! What am I even thinking about? Fuck love. We just friends.. . Jeremy's POV [Continues.] After dressing up, I grabbed my bag and my phone and walked out of my room and down the stairs. Eaten earlier so I walked out. Moni's probably in the kitchen, so I just walked out, to my car and drove off. …………………… I got to Andra's house and when I pressed the doorbell, she opened immediately. I smiled. She look so cute like always. “Hi bestie.” I said. She smiled but her smile wasn't so bright like it use to. “Hey, I don't like that smile.” I said, giving her a playful smile. “Huh?” “Your smile ain't so lightful like it use to be. Are you fine?” I asked. “Ye..Yeah.. Im fine.” She said. “Then just smile again so I'll know you're fine?” I said. She hit me, laughing widely. “You're so crazy Jeremy.” She said. I smiled. “I guess I am. What about Lili?” I asked. “She's in.” She said. “Told her about my dad coming back today?” I asked. Alexandra's POV His question made me recall the dream.. I feel scared and worried.. I wish I can tell him but I can't. “Yeah I did.” I said. “It took you quite long to answer that. You okay Andra?” He asked. “Yes I am.” I said. But the truth is that, I ain't! He took my hand and we walked to his car. …………………………………… “Talked with your dad today?” I asked him cos I can't stop thinking about that. aweful dream. “Yeahh. Told me he'll beon his way to the airport soon.” He said. I stared at the windscreen. “Okay.” I said coldly. He glanced at me. “You are beyond nice Andra.” He said, smiling. “Huh?” I said, and looked at him. He smiled more, his dimples making my stomache tighten. “You just asked about my dad. Molly's my girlfriend and she haven't called to ask if he's really coming today.” He said. I swallowed.. Is he tryna say im better than Molly? ……………………………………………… When we got to school and he pulled to a stop. I got down down from the car and waited for him to come over so we could walk together to class. But then, I couldn't believe the eyes that fell on me. Okay, there were always eyes whenever I step down from his car but today's was damn suspicious. I swallowed and Jeremy came over. I couldn't help but ask him. “Why are they so many eyes on me?” I whispered. “On us.” He said as he took my hand and smiled. Gosh! This punk! We walked down the hallway, with him still holding my hand. People still stared, and with him holding my hand made it worse! And I could hear mutterings now. He's the girl on his facebook post. Oh my! I can't believe it. They had fights! but they are holding hands now. Unbelievable. Wow. She's the girl with him on the picture! Alexandra? They are holding hands. Wow. New friends? Wow.. . . Facebook? Picture? What are they talking about? I glanced at Jeremy and he's face's straight. He look so handsome but that's not why im looking at him! “What are they talking about?” I asked him, nervous and anxious to know the thing he posted on facebook. “I'll explain later Andra. Just ignore them okay?” He said. The mutterings were so much that I was wishing I could shut their mouths up! And so many eyes on us. I cann't wait to get to class and Jeremy just held my hand tight and don't wanna let go of it. “The stares are so much. Just leave my hand please.” I said. He just smiled. Argh! I feel like hitting hin hard! Why's he smiling like what I said is funny huh? He didn't let go of my hand till we got to my locker. “Oh, you finally did huh.” I said, glaring at him. “Did what?” He asked,smiling. “Let go of my hand.” I said. “I enjoyed the stares.” He said with a wide smile. I finally got the chance to hit him.. and I did. I hit him on his arm. “Ouch! That hurt Andra.” He said, pretending like it hurt. I know it didn't. “I must hit back.” He said, acting like some kid. I rolled my eyes and turned to my locker. Dropped my book, and got my English books. …………………………, We turned and headed to class. All eyes fell on us as we walked in. Everyone. Chris, Molly, Eve. Everyone! But they stared mostly at me! I swallowed. The stares were so much that I felt embarrassed. I was about walking to my seat, when a hand pulled me back. Jeremy! Huh! I looked at him in utter shock and confusion. What do he wanna do? Is he the reason for all this stares? I got scared. I swear I did. I felt he wanna embarrass me again. But then he gave me an assuring smile that tells that he wanna do something sweet rather. Then I glanced at the Class. Chris was smiling, Molly's face was dangerous. Eve was smiling broadly. She looked so cute. Others just stared.. I looked at him, he was smiling. Argh! Cutieeeee! I wonder what you wanna do! in front of your girlfriend! Did I do so wrong by accepting to be your girlfriend huh! You make me feel so scared! He held me tight, and made me stand so close to him that our arms touched. “HELLO GUYS..” He began. And my heart jumped and began beating fast. I looked down cos I can't dare look at anyone now not even him. I'll have to face whatever that comes.. “I WANNA LET YOU GUYS KNOW... THAT THIS CUTIE HERE,..” Oh my God! Did he just call me 'cutie in front of everyone here, including his girlfriend! Argh Jeremy... My heart is beating so fast. “...MISS ALEXANDRA GRANDE, IS NO MORE MY ENEMY. WE ARE OFFICIALLY FRIENDS NOW... SO EVERYONE SHOULD SEE HER AS MY FRIEND FROM NOW ON..” He announced. Oh my God! Oh Jeremy... What did you just do! I shut my eyes. I dont wanna see Molly's face but I did open my left eye to check Eve and she had her palms on her lips and her eyes wide open. UHH! But then my pulse stopped when He turned me to face him and... and.. then he kissed me on my forehead. Whaaaaaaat!! They was a shout out of, “WOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!” from the class. I swear, I heard my heart beat. It was so loud. “You didn't expect this right?” He whispered in a way that only I could hear. “...I just wanted everyone to know we are friends now cos so many of them still thought we are enemies, you know. Im happy that we are friends now. Jeremy is happy to be your friend. I promise to make you happy and protect you. Be there for you always.” He said. God! Why's he making it sound so romantic like I just accepted to be his girlfriend when it's just mutual friendship. Then he left my hand and... and I managed to take one seconds glance at Molly.. And I got scared for my dear self. Her eyes were on me. And they told how angry and furious she was. Oh Jeremy. You shouldn't have done this. I said within as I sat down on my seat and got my head on my desk. . Jeremy's POV When she walked to her seat, I inhaled and walked to my seat. I smiled at Chris. He's been smiling like an idiot. I punched him slightly.. “Hey dude, what's up?” I said. “I enjoyed every bit of it.” He said, smiling. I punched him slightly again. Molly was looking straight. But I called her anyways. “Hey Babe.” I said. She ignored me. I know she will.. “That picture on your wall was superb. God..” Chris said. “Talking like you ain't the one who took it. punk.” I said, smiling. He laughed. “Your dad's still coming today?” He asked. “Yeah.. I can't wait dude. I miss him.” I said. “We miss him too,.you know. Ellas do.” He said. I smiled. Then Ms Lorrane walked in. ………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV As Ms Lorrane taught... I wasn't concentrating. I was thinking about that horrible dream that I had. I wanna tell Jeremy. I can't hide it from him.. Im gonna tell him. I let Ms Lorrane get through with her teaching, and when she left, I stood up and walked to my locker to send Jeremy a text message, but I met three girls standing in front of my locker. “Hey bitch..” The tallest girl among them said immediately I got to them. “Excuse me?” I said. “You so ugly. Ugh! You shouldn't be friennds with our handsome Jeremy.” The second girl said. Really? “She's a dummy.” The third girl said and they laughed. I rolled my eyes. “Get away from my locker.” I said. “And if we don't huh?” The first girl said. I was about replying them when I saw Molly walk in. They turned and walked away immediately they saw her.. She walked up to me. Her face expressionless. I wonder why she's here.. To make troubles? “Hey..” She said just immediately she got to me and stood in my front. “Molly..” I said. “What if I congratulate your friendship with my boyfriend bitch.” She said. Bitch? I could reply her in which ever way she wants.., but I got more important thing to do now, Texting Jeremy.. I wanted to text him to come out of class that I got something to tell him. But since this devil is here., I'll just send everything to him. Tell him about that horrible nightmare that I had. Im scared that I can't keep it away from him. I turned to my locker to open it. But.. “Hey, you gotta look at me when im talking to you.” She said, as she forcefully pulled me to face her. I breathed and just stared at her. “Im gonna warn you girl,..” She said, taking her eyes down from my feet up to my head. “...Stay clear from my boyfriend cos he don't fucking need any fucking female friend.” Seriously? I crossed my arms and still stared at her. “..Im the only girl for Jeremy.. Im the only girl so close to him, im his girlfriend. so don't fucking bring your damn self close to him ever again or I'll make you understand what it means to step on my toes, bitch!” She said. “You're his girlfriend. Everyone knows... And he knows that you are. You shouldn't be paranoid that he made me his friend. It's never gonna change the fact that you are his girlfriend and he is your boyfriend.” I said. She rolled her eyes. “Ohh, gosh! you so disgust me!” She said. “Im not gonna warn you next time. Stay away from my boyfriend. He's mine alone. Get that into your dull skull!” She said. “Im not gonna do that Molly.. Jeremy and I are friends now and you can't stop me from being his friend.” I said. She scoffed a laugh. “You know, you're so stubborn though. It's a warning Alex. Stay away from my boyfriend.” She said. Just then, I saw Jeremy, he just walked in and stood a bit far. Molly was backing him so she can't see him. Then our eyes met and he began walking towards us, his hand in his pockets. “Hi bestie..” He called and walked to me, crossing his arm over my shoulder. Argh! This crazy guy, why's he acting crazy in front of his girlfriend! “You fine?” He asked, looking at me. “Not really.. I've got something to tell you.” I said. He looked at Molly. She was fuming, I know. We are just friends. Why would she be so upset about it. Is he thinking she is included in what I wanna tell him? #Jeremy's POV I was in class when I saw Molly walk out, just after Andra did. I knew Molly is up to something and it got to do with Andra. So I got up and came over. I saw them talking back at each other and I was right. I hate Molly now. Im seriously hating her and I got no idea why. She's my girlfriend, yeah, but the truth about it was that we did a game. It was Truth and Dare game. We played it some night at the club, Tht was three months ago. Chris, I, Molly and some other crazy friends, we played it together. Molly and I were just friends then. It was time for Molly to ask me and I said, Dare. And she dared me to make her my girlfriend for two weeks. I laughed and accepted and it was fun. And when the two weeks ended, I couldn't break up with her cos I was enjoying our game relationship. She was a fling and I loved it. So she just went on being my girlfriend. Not that I fucking love her or gat any fucking feeling for her. I just like her craziness and her party freak ways. But now, I just think Im gonna end this game shit. And I know it's cos I got Andra. Though she's just my friend but I feel... I feel im gonna try something stupid soon. Ask her to be my girlfriend. Weird! She saw me and when our eyes met, I walked over to them. “Hi bestie..” I said and walked to Andra. And crossed my arm over her shoulder. I looked at her. “You fine?” I asked. “Not really.. I've got something to tell you.” She said. Something to tell me? I looked at Molly. Did she hurt Andra ? I'll deal with her if so. I don't care! I promised to protect Andra and i'll do just that. I turned my eyes back to Andra. “Come,” I said and walked away with her. # Molly's POV I felt like yelling out so loud when he walked away with her, without even talking to me! Fuck it!! I clenched my fist and clenched my teeth in so much anger. Gosh! I can't bear this!! . To be continued after comments.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 02:59
TEENS HEART . Sequence 71-73 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV We walked down the hallway and to the small hallway that leads to the long staircase.. I stopped there, at the hallway, facing each other. “What do you wanna tell me?” I asked her. She went silent.. Like she's finding it quite hard to say out. “You wanna say that im handsome?” I asked and smiled. She glared. “No uh!” She said and got her face down. “So what's that? You making me eager to know.” I said, having the weird feeling that she wanna say, ‘I LOVE YOU JEREMY..’ Lol.. “It's... its just that.. I.. I” She stammered. Shit. Why's she stammering? Just say it out. I Love you Jeremy.. you punk!! Argh! “I had a scary dream..” She said. “Huh?” Scary dream! What the f**k! “..And It's about your dad Jeremy.” She said coldly and looked up at me. “My dad??” I asked, feeling my heart beat raise already. I hate scary dreams! “it was a hospital and he was in a coma, still and not moving at all.. And you were far at the door, calling out and crying..” She said and her face had grew pale and her nose red. My heart beat raised. My dad, In a Coma.. And im crying. “I feel so scared and im worried sick. I told Lili about it and thought of not letting you know but then Im so worried that I can't keep it away from you.” She said. I swallowed. “Im scared Andra.” I said and quickly got out my phone and dialled my dad's line. He picked up just immediately, which gave me relief. “Dad..” I called. “Hello Son.. My flight is taking off in the next ten minutes. I can't wait to get home and spend time with you..” He said. I inhaled. “Dad, My friend, She had a scary dream about you. I just wish you could go back.” I said. “Oh son. Dreams don't happen. I always tell you. Don't worry about that. I'll be in Florida in few hours.” He said. I shut my eyes. “Okay dad. Please come home. I miss you.” I said. “I will son.” Andra was shaking her head rapidly in a sign that I shouldn't accept. “Dad.. you gonna be fine. Promise me.” I said. I wish he could just go back and come home some other day. “Of course son. I gotta be on the plane now, bye dear.” He said. I inhaled. “Bye dad. See you soon.” I said. The call dropped. I looked at Andra and she looked too pale and scared. Her eyes dull. I can't believe she's worried sick for my dad. This cutueeee.. I pulled her into a hug. “It's okay Andra. He assured me that he's gonna be fine.” I said. “I want him to be fine. I really want him to. I feel so scared.” She said. “I feel scared too. I hate scary dreams.” I said and chuckled. “Me too.” She said. Then I pulled away and took her hand. “Can we go up the stairs to the balcony?” I asked. I just some atmosphere to forget about the dream and all the scared, worried shits! And I don't want her to be damn worried as well. “No.. We got Biology and the syairs is so long.” She said. “Oh c'mon. If you get tired, I'll carry on you on my back.” I said, winked and pulled her along. “Jeremy!” She yelled. I laughed and walked over to the stairs and began climbing. I still held her. “If you get tired, I'll back you Andra.” I said again. And I meant it. She hit me. It was hard tho “Ouch!” I yelled and wanna hit her back when she pulled away and began running up the stairs. I smiled and chased her. “Im gonna catch you cos you gonna get tired soon.” I said as my voice echoed. “No way. You can't.” she said and ran on. I did caught her from the back and held her. It was sort of a back hug. She was breathing so hard and quite sweaty. Including me. “I caught you Andra. You see im a good runner.” I said, smiling. She was laughing. Hummmm.. I breathed within. I love this catch. From the back... Where I held her tight. “Hey, you holding me so tight.” She said. “Shh...” I said, blowing air at her neck. “Orsh! Why you doing that?” She asked. I smiled. “Cos your neck's sweaty and I wanna dry em up.” I lied. Sweet lie, cos I did it again. “Stop that Jeremy.” She said and forced herself out of my hold. She turned to me and tried to hit me but I grabbed her hand and she smiled. Cutie friend. We walked up the last steps and went throught the narrow hallway that leads off to the balcony. “I don't wanna fall off here.” She said when we got to the balcony. “I'll never let you fall.” I said. I pulled off my pullover and spread it on the floor. I sat down and she did too. We barely had space, cos we got attached cos of the pullover was small. “We sit and watch the roads and houses afar ... and watch the birds flying high up in the sky and let the passing air.. Blow through our crazy hair..” I said. It sounded like a poem. She laughed. “Sort of a poem. You might be a great poet someday.” She said. I smiled. “What do you love to do?” She asked. I smiled. “I love to get on her nerves then, pull her hair. And those times I love to kiss her..” I looked at her.. okay, at her lips. That was where I was looking at now. “ kiss her.. lips.” I said. She pushed my face away. “Stop saying nonsence.” She said. I smiled, “I love to play football and I love race game. When I was nine, my dad and I love playing Piano, but stopped when I turned sixteen, cos he started being so busy.” I said. “Will you guys play piano together when he he's back?” She asked. “Yeah, but not like we always use to do those times.” I said. “It's great that he still has little times for you. So many dads don't.” She said. I understood. She's kinda talking about her dad. So I squeezed her hand slightly. She laughed. I love the way she laughs. “What about you Andra? What do you love to do?” I asked, and looked at her. “I love writting.. I love listening to music and I love swimming but I've not gotten chance to swim ever since I came here. I'do swim when I was in Texas in our house and at my school. I won prizes tho.” She said. “You've not gotten chance or you've not seen where to?” I asked her. “Kind of.” She said, smiling. “Steph didn't tell you we had that here in the school?” I asked. “She did.” She said. I smiled and shrugged as I pictured her in swimming pants. “You'do look damn good in that.” I said, smiling “In what?” She asked. Swimming pants. “Nothing.” I said. She hit me. I hit back. She hit me again and I held her hand. “Andra..” I said. “What?” “Thanks for being my friend.” I said. She didn't say anything. So I just held her hand as we stared at the roads and houses afar ... and watch the birds flying high up in the sky.. As the passing air.. blew through our crazy hair.. . Alexandra 's POV He held my hand.. As we watched the blue sky and the things at the distance.. It felt amazingly cool. To be here.. Even though Im missing another class, History.. I don't mind. I love here.. With this cute guy beside me. “Are you upset with me?” He suddenly asked. “For what?” I asked, and looked at him. He turned to me, a cute smile on his cute face. “You just missed two classes today.” He said. “You did as well. But im upset tho.” I said. Im not upset at all. Just gotta lie you know. “You ain't.” He said. “Huh?” How did he know? “Yeah, cos you haven't talked about it and you've been smiling.” He said and winked. Punk! Just then, we heard Lunch time bell ring. “You hungry?” He asked. “Yeah.”I said. “And.. I need to talk with Steph too.” I added. “Why's the bitch acting that way?” He asked. Bitch huh! I glared at him. “Aw.. Don't kill me with such glare.” He said, smiling. “Stop calling her names!” I said. “Fine. It just comes. That's what she is anyways.” He said. I hit him hard on the arm. “Ouch!” He cried. “Serves you right.” I said. He squeezed my hand. “Jeremy!” I yelled. He got up and pulled me up. “Let's go.” He said and we walked down the stairs holding hands. ……………………………… “I wanna go check on Steph in her class.” I said but he dragged me with and we turned towards the way that lead out of the hallway,.towards the cafeteria.. “You don't fucking need to do that. If she's fed up being your friend. Im here for you Andra..” He said. Ouch! my heart. Why did it beat so loud. “I just wanna make up with her. I miss her.” I said. “C'mon. I really wanna eat.” He said and pulled me along. “Can't you eat without me huh?” I said. “No. Yeah.. I can but... fuck. just come on.” He said pulled me along. “Hey, stop. Don't pull me. I'll go with you.” I said. “Great.” He said and stopped dragging me but still held my hand. I rolled my eyes... What kinda crazy friend is this huh? He stopped by at the Cafe. “Thought we're going to the cafeteria?” I asked. “I want us to sit there.” He said referring to the seat beside the cafe, where you can view the table tennis girls from. “Okay.” I just said and watched him buy two milkshake and two burger. He stretched one milkshake and burger to me. Then I don't know what happened, I coughed. “Water.” He said to the cafe man. The man got out a bottle of water and Jeremy handed it to me. “Thanks.” I said as I took it. I opened it and drank.. I got fine. “You fine?” He asked. “Yeah.” I said.. …………………… We sat down at the long seat beside the cafe and watched the tennis girls as we ate.. The time was 12:40pm. Jeremy's dad should have arrived down Florida now. And just then, His phone rang. It was his dad. “My dad.” He said and picked it up. # Jeremy's POV “Hello.” Dad I said. “Hello Son. Im at the airport now. I'll soon be home. I know you at school.. Richy would soon be here.” He said. Richy is his driver. “Whoa. dad.. In happy you are in Florida now.” I said, feeling really excited. “Im happy too son... See you. ” He said. I turned to Andra and smilled. “He's at the airport now. He's almost home. Gosh. I miss him.” I said, smiling broadly. She smiled. “Whoa. Im happy to hear that.”She said, smiling. “Yeah.” I smiled. Then, I saw the bitch, Steph. She was walking out of the cafeteria and our eyes met . She was far but she saw me. And me with Andra too. Lol. Then she began walking forward. So I crossed my hand over Andra's shoulder. “What?” She asked, and looked at me. “Nothing.” I said. She turned back to the Table tennis girls. She didn't see the bitch.. Good one. “I think I need to go talk to Steph now before lunch time get over.” She said and stood up just immedaitely and I guess she saw Steph cos she went still. I looked back and Steph was walking away and im sure their eyes met but she looked away and walked on.. Andra made to go after her but I pulled her back. “Don't do that.” I said and got her to seat back down. “She's my friend Jeremy.” She said coldly. “Yeah?” I said. “I just wanna go make up with her. Im missing our friendship.” She said. “Stay with me.” I said and I held her hand tighter. ………………………… # Steph's POV [Scoffs!] I hate all that stupid drama and display. Holding hands like stupid lovers. Alex is so annoying.. It's just better not being friends with her. Bu the time, The bitch shows her the real him, she would come begging me! ……………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV Just then, my phone rang. Dad calling. Must have gotten home. Moni would give him a little trouble. Lol. I picked up. “Hey dad. You home now?” I said happily. “This is emergency ward calling.. From Washington Hospital. A man by name, Mr Mark Taylor got into a road accident with another man we don't know his name yet. We presume you are Mr Taylor's son and the last person he made a call to. Please come over to Washington Hospital in 3rd Grandel road. We need you.” Oh my God! That couldn't be true.... Oh... No.. That couldn't be true. “Hey, Jeremy. What's wrong?” She asked, looking at me. “My dad..” I said as a tear fell off my eye. “Your dad?” She said. “He got... he got into an accident.” I said as another tear fell off my eye. God! This can't be true... “Oh my! God! oh God.. ” She said as tears suddenly gathered in her eyes. I got up and rushed towards my car. “Jeremy..” She called coldly as I got into my and tried to drive off but she stood and blocked my way. Why? I opened the door and got down. My eyes were getting dull and blur. I just need to see my dad. “Lemme go with you Jeremy.” She said as tears fell off her eyes. Before I could say anything, she rushed into the car and shut the door.. I got in and inhaled. “Andra...”. I called. “Let's go..” She said. “I don't wanna believe it.” I said. “I don't wanna believe it too.” She said with tears in her eyes. I drove off. My dad.... Dad... You can't do this to me. . Alexandra 's POV “Damn it!...” He yelled, hitting the steering wheel and turned to the next road by the left. He drove with speed and was overtaking cars. I shut my eyes. “Jeremy, please you got to calm down.. You are driving so rough.” I said. “Andra, My dad's in the hospital. Like it's so funny. I don't wanna believe it.” He said it like a whisper. I inhaled and opened my eyes as I looked at him. He wasn't in tears but his face spoke of fright. Pain... I felt like taking his hand but cos he's driving, I couldn't, so I just watched him. He's lips were agape and his eyes were red but no tear. I felt broken.. We were close to Washington Hospital and he drove with more speed. “I hate to go to hospital! I fucking hate to!” He yelled, hitting the steering again. “Jeremy..” I called sadly. “I don't wanna believe my dad is here.. I don't want to.” He said as he pulled into the hospital and stopped at the parking lot. When he turned off and was about opening the door, I took his hand and he turned and looked at me. We stared into eachother's eyes.. He's eyes are drenched with so much fright. “Jeremy.. you gotta just calm down there.” I said softly to him. He looked down. I left his hand and he opened the door and went out. I did same. He walked fast and I ran to be able to meet his pace. I prayed so hard that nothing happened to him. God please don't let this be true, cos I guess I can't bear Jeremy sad and in tears. I can't. When we got to the attendant counter and a nurse required what he wants. He just said, “I need to see my dad.” He said. “What's your name please?” She asked him. “Jeremy Taylor.” He said. She gasped. “Oh my! Please have a sit and wait out for Doctor Sam. He'will be out soon.” She said. “He's with my dad?” Jeremy asked. “Im sorry. He'll be the one to explain to you Jeremy.” She said to him. He hit the counter with his fist and the nurse flinched. “Tell me where my daddy is right now! Tell me what happened to my dad!!”He barked at her. I took his hand and squeezed it slightly. “Please Jeremy..Let's do what she said.” I said. “I wanna see my dad!” He said to me. It was a yell. “Come on, please.” I said quietly to him. He turned and we walked over to the lounge and sat down. But then he stood back up and and slide his hands into his pockets as he stared at the hallway that leads to the rooms. I got up, and stood beside him and stared at the hallway too. “Is my dad really in there?” He mumbled. I blinked my eyes. “I don't wanna believe that.” He said. “I don't wanna believe either.” I said and took his hand again. He looked at me. Then I saw a doctor in glasses walk out through the hallway. He has gloves on and he look young. “Jeremy.” I said as I held his hand tighter. He turned his head over and saw him too. He walked to him, with me still holding him. “Mr Jeremy Taylor.” The doctor called him with a smile. Such smile assured me of something good. “I wanna see my dad.” Jeremy said. The doctor smiled again. I like this doctor already. “Your dad is fine.” He said and turned back towards the hallway and we followed him. The thing is that, I still held Jeremy's hand. “He sustained legs injuries that would take quite sometime to heal.” He said. “Oh damn! I told dad not to come home. I can't believe this shit!” He said. My dream.... That dream. Why did God allowed it to come through.. Doctor Sam took us into the ward room that his dad is and we saw him. On the hospital bed... With his legs bandaged. Oh... no.. Oh no.. “This can't be my dad.” Jeremy said. I held his hand tighter.. As I suddenly saw a tear drop down his hand.. “The other man we presumed would be his driver in a coma. He lost consciousness.” Doctor Sam said and I gasped. Jeremy looked shocked too. “Is he gonna be fine?” I asked doctor Sam. “We hope so.” He said. “Is my dad ever gonna walk?” Jeremy asked. “Once his legs get healed. But he'll be on a wheelchair.” Dr Sam said. # Jeremy's POV I shut my eyes when he said that. I went closer to look at my dad. But the amazing fact was that, Andra followed me, still holding my hand. Lol. He still has his handsome face..Even though his eyelids look dark brown and weary. And his breathing was just too slow and frightening. “Dad..” I called softly to him. He's sleeping. I know. It's great to catch some sleep. “I miss you dad. Please wake up soon.” I said as tears fell off my eyes. “Im really missing you.” I cried quietly as Andra held me tighter. Doctor Sam had left. “You should be home dad, not here in this fucking hospital.” I said. “You could have just gone back when I told you to.” “Dad.. I don't wanna miss you so much. You just better wake up and I dont even wanna see you on a wheelchair dad. Promise me dad, that you'll wake up. soon. Don't leave me dad. Don't leave me.” I was in so much tears that I couldn't help it... and I turned and hugged Andra. “Andra..” I whispered as she let me hug her still as I cried on her shoulder, wetting her school shirt. “I can't help it... I love my dad.” I said. Hugging her more tightly. #Alexandra's POV I let him cry on me.. Tears fell off my eyes as well but he couldn't notice. I blinked my eyes as more tears fell. Then I.. don't know if it was right.. I wrapped my hand around him as he wept more on me. I can't just help it... His cries made me feel so broken and I felt guilty for everything.. I sniffled I know he heard the sound. “Andra,..” He called. “Huh?” I answered. “You're crying?” He asked. I sniffled and shut my eyes. “I can't help it. You're crying.” I said. He pulled away and stared at me.. Into my eyes.. His lips are dry and agape. His eyes are red and teary. “You're in tears Andra.. Cos I am?” He asked in a whisper. A tear rolled outta my right eye. “I can't help it. Your dad. He loves you and you love him so much. I wish we had convinced him to stay back. After that dreadful dream.. I feel so guilty. I shouldn't have had that dream..” I said as tears flowed. He shook his head. “Oh no Andra... Don't fucking say that.” He said and hugged me again. “He never believed the dream. If he had....” He didn't finish it, he began a whimpering cry.. I wrapped my hand around him and cried too. Just then, his phone rang and it reminded me of mine. I left it in school.. Lili might be calling me all this while. He seemed not to hear his phone ringing cos he still held me,.not wanting to pull away so soon. “You.. you got a call..” I said. “Yeah.. I know.” He said, and sniffled. “You should pick up.” I said. “Yeah... I know.” He said but he still held me.. So I pulled away. His face look so pale and gloomy. He got out his phone out and switched it to Silent. Then he went coser to his dad,.bent and kissed his head and his hand. “I hope you wake up soon dad. Im coming dad.” He said and took my hand and we walked out. “Who called you?” I asked. “The witch.” He said. Im confused. “Witch?” I asked. “My mom..” He said. I inhaled. . To be continued after comments.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:00
TEENS HEART . Sequence 74-75 <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV The witch was calling... Why? Had she heard of dad's accident already? I hate her! I held Andra as we walked up to Dr Sam. People stared. They must be wondering why we've been holding hands like lovers since we got in here. Would they be thinking we are lovers huh? I told Dr Sam, to take us to see Richy and he did. He took us to the room he is and there he layed on the bed, machines beeping and oxygene on his nose. and a bandage around his head. “Im sorry Richy. I wish you wake up soon. I wish this never happened.” I said calmly. I still held Andra's hand and we turned and left. My phone screen light came on. Moni calling. I picked it. “Oh gracious God! Your dad isn't home yet Jeremy..” She said. I breathed. “Dad's in the hospital.” I said. “Whaaaaaat!” She screamed. “Just come to Washington Hospital.” I said and cut the call. Andra looked at me. “Your Nanny?” She asked. “Yeah.” I said. We walked to the lounge and sat down.. I wanna stay with my dad but Dr Sam says he needs to be given some space. I turned to Andra and stared at her. Her hair look a bit messy now. And her school shirt tie is hanging wrongly. I can't believe she's here with me and cried cos of my dad. Her dream came to reality and she's feeling guilty. Shit! Why would she! She came with me here... She shared to my pain and my cries. She let me cry on her shoulder and she cried with me. She's one of a kind. “Andra..” I called. She turned to me. “Huh?” She raised her brows. She look cute even though her hair is messy. “You don't need to feel guilty Andra.” I said softly to her. She nodded and looked away. But I turned back her face to look at me. She did,.looking at me.. “Thanks for being here.” I said to her. She let out a smile that gave me chills., “Not that I wanna be anyways. But your dad made me too.. I can't help to leave you to come here alone.” She said. Awn... This girl.. I smiled and pulled her into a hug and when I withrew, I kissed her forehead. I don't care if peope stared.. She's the nicest girl I've ever seen. We stared at people coming in and going out through the Push door. “Lili might be calling now.” She said. I smiled and squeezed her hand slightly.. “Moni would be here soon. She'll stay behind while I drive you to school to grab your things and drive you home.” I said and she looked at me. “You gonna come back here after that?” She asked. “Yeah. I will spend the night with my dad.” I said. “Jeremyy...” She called. “Huh?” “Please be careful.” She said. I chuckled. “Ofcourse i am.” I said. Just then, Moni walked in, and when she searched around and saw me, She rushed to me but gasped as she saw Andra.. “Oh gracious!” She said and Andra was shocked and suprised as well. I wonder why. …………………… # Alexandra's POV She was the one.. The woman I saw at the church's passageway. I couldn't believe it. She's actually Jeremy's Nanny? Oh my God. She looked at Jeremy. “What happened?” She asked him. “I don't know. He's in the ward room. Room 101.” He said. Then she turned to me. “Hello Alex. Do you remember me?” She asked. I nodded. She even remembered my name. I felt happy that I met her again.. Argh! Seriously! ………… After seeing Jeremy's dad with Moni geting out tears and wiping them off with a hankerchief. We walked out to.... to.. I don't know his name. Mr Taylozr'z driver room. He's still in a coma. And Moni did the same thing. Cried and wiped if it off with a hankerchief. …………………………………… When Jeremy and I came out from the hospital. It was was getting late. Moni stayed behind. We got into the car and he drove off. “Lili must be damn worried” I said as he got into the road and sped off.. Cos its so late. He got my hand and squeezed it lightly. “I'll tell her about it..” I said. . [Alex POV continues] Getting back to the school, School was over now and everyone is gone accept extra class students.. We got down and headed to my locker. I remembered Chris. Jeremy haven't told him about this. I decided not to ask him.. He took my hand again. Argh! Jeremyyyyy. I let him keep doing that. I know he's acting this way cos of what happened. He's broken... and sad. He need someone to lean on.. Someone to comfort him. He needs someone to make him happy and assure him that he's dad is gonna be fine again soon. And I'll be that person. We got to my locker and I opened it and got out my bag and took out my phone and closed my locker back. Jeremy stood, waiting with his hands in his pockets. Seriously this guy standing here is so down and dejected. Look at his eyes. I felt down too. So down... I checked my phone. 40 missed calls. Huh! 30 from Lili. 10 from Steph. Steph?? 5 Unopened text messages. I looked at Jeremy. “Let's go...” I said and we walked back to his car. When we got in, I opened the messages. Two is from Lili. <b> Alex.. You are not picking your call.. Im worried. Where are you? God! You not picking your calls Alex. Im so worried. Are you with Jeremy? Please reply me. # I_knowLili would be so worried. I'll tell her everything.. But Steph. <b> Alex, Im so sorry. I need our friendship back. I'll tell you the truth Alex. I got kinda jealous. Please forgive me and reply me. I miss you. I know you not gonna pick my calls. But please forgive me. I let some stupid jealousy control my thinking. I have no idea why I got jealous of you.. Please let's make up. # I_readit over and over again. She got jealous of what? Seriously, I dont understand you Steph.... but anyways, I miss youuuu. I didn't text her. I looked at Jeremy. He's eyes are on his driving. He must be thinking alot now.. About his dad in the hospital.... And his driver as well. Poor him. I wish I could be beside him all through today till next day. I made a call to Lili. She picked up. “Hi Lili..” I spoke up. “Oh thank God.. I was so worried Alex. How are you. Hope you good? Why didn't you pick your calls?” She asked. I glanced at Jeremy. Our eyes met cos he glanced at me as well. “Lili.. Im with Jeremy. And im fine. Im on my way home home. I'll tell you about it.” I said. “Alright. Be home quick dear. I love you.” “I love you too.” I dropped the call. …………………………………………… When he got to the gate, he pulled to a stop and turned to me and took my hand. “Jeremy..” I said. “Andra... Thanks for being the best friend.” He said. I smiled and he smiled too, even though it was a sad smile. He had a pale smile that only told of how broken and dejected he is. “I just wish I could.. I could do something.” He said to me. “What's that?” I asked. “Promise me, you not gonna be upset?” He said. Im confused. “What's that Jeremy?” “It will make me feel happy.. It would make me feel damn happy Andra..” He said softly. I wanna make him happy. I want to,.so I just nodded. I wonder what that is. “Just stay still Andra.. please.” He said as he began getting his face closer to mine I felt chills. Butterflies in my stomache. What do he wanna do? He got his hand at the back of my neck, then raised my face up with his other hand on my chin... I guess, I closed my eyes. Yeah I did. Then, the next second, I felt his lips on mine. He kissed me and the way he did it this time, took my breath away. Gentle and so good. I let him kiss me. I can't deny that I liked this kiss. The kiss lasted for more than a minute. Then he withdrew and stared into my eyes. I stared into his as well.. “Thank you Andra.. For letting me.. kiss you.... for letting me kiss this lips again.” He said as he touched my lips with his thumb. My lips were just agape as I stared at him. I dont know what to do or say. “..I feel so happy now. I really do.. I won't worry so much tonight. Cos im gonna have you by my side there in the hospital with the taste of your lips still here on my lips. Then Im gonna feel you with me.” He said and hugged me. I felt speechless. I couldn't believe it. “I love all you did today Andra... You are amazing.” He said,still hugging me. Just then, my phone rang. He pulled away. Lili calling. “Lili. Im at the gate now. I'll be at the door soon.” I said. “Oh dear..Im so worried that's the reason.” “Im fine Lili.” I said and dropped the call. I turned to Jeremy. “B..bye.. goodnight. Don't worry so much. He'll wake up and he'll be fine. And if your mom calls back again. Try to pick her call. Take care of yourself.” I said and tried to get down but he pulled me back and hugged me again. “Jeremy..” I said coldly. “Just five minutes please..” He said. I understood its all cos of he's down and need someone. So I just let him. When he finally withdrew. I got down and closed the door and he didn't drive off. I walked into the gate and up to the door and pressed the door bell. Lili opened up in a second and just hugged me.. . To be continued after comments.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:03
TEENS HEART . Sequence 76-77 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV Andra.... I really don't feel like letting her go.. I wish she could stay with me all through the night. But she had to go to her Aunty. Lili. But I feel really happy that I kissed her. She let me kiss her again.. I smiled. I drove off after watching Lili hug Andra at the door. As I drove off..I decided to let Chris know about my dad. I got out my phone and there was 15 missed calls. 2 from the Witch. 3 from Molly and 10 from Chris. My phone had been in Silence mode so It never rang and I didn't wanted it to anyways. Andra gave me the best company that I ever needed. I miss her already.. I just wish she's still here with me.. I feel like I just can't be happy without her. Fuck mom! Fuck Molly! I'll call Chris. I drove straight to his house and stopped right at their gate. I dialled his line and it went through. He picked up in few seconds. “Hello J.. You've not been picking up my calls..” He said. “Im almost at your gate right now. Come out. I got something to tell you.” I said. “Really? Cool. Im out already.” He said. I dropped the call and waited for him.. ……………………………… # Chris POV J, at the gate waiting to tell me something? What could that be? I stood up from the couch where I sat, watching the movie, MALEFICIENT, with my little sister, Angel. Mom and dad's gone up to their room. “Where're you leaving me to?” Angel asked as I got up from the couch. She's gonna turn six in two weeks time. “To see Jeremy. He's at the gate waiting for me.” I said. “I'll just go to my room then..” She said. “Why don't you stay and go on with the movie, I'll be back soon.” I said. “No..I just better go up to my room.” She said and got up. “Goodnight.” She said and turned towards the staircase. “Sleep tight.” I said and rushed off to see J. I got out and saw his car at the gate. I walked to his car, pulled the door open and got in, closing it back. “You good?” I asked him, cos he's face's not bright at all. “No.” He said. “What's it? C'mon you haven't told me about your dad dude.. He's home now huh?” I asked. He looked at me and chuckled. “Home?” He asked. “Yeah?” I said, feeling uneasy. “My dad's in a hospital.” He said. “Hospital?” I asked, Not wanting to believe the shit he just said. “Yeah, got into a fucking accident.. Not much people knows yet.” He said. “Oh my... Oh shit!” I said... “Im going to stay with him... Just wanna tell you about it..” He said. “God! This is just too bad dude. I guess im fucking dreaming...He had injuries? ” I asked. “Yeah on his legs.. Gonna take awhile to get healed.. He'do gotta be moving on wheelchairs.” Just then, his phone vibrated. He got it out. ……………… #Jeremy's POV Moni calling.. I got scared that she was calling.. My dad.. I looked at Chris and he's staring at me with sad eyes. I picked the call and placed the phone on my ear. Moni doesn't talk loud when she's on calls. “Hello Moni..” I said with my heart beating fast. “Hello Jeremy.. You should come to the hospital now. Your dad is awake.” She said. God! “My dad is AWAKE!?” I said it out so loud. “Yes... He wanna talk to you. He wanna see you.” She said. “I'll be there right now. Dad I lovee you.” I said it out so loud. “Argh Don't block my ears boy.” She said and dropped the call. “Wow. He's awake.” Chris let out. “Yeah. Are you coming to the hospital with me?” I asked him. “Come on dude.” He said and I drove off. He texted his mom. He loves her more.... ……………………………………………… We got to the hospital and we rushed to my dad. The crazy thing is that, I still had my school uniform on. I don't fucking care. My dad mean so much to me. When we got in, There he layed with Moni sitting on a chair, close to where he layed his head. “Moni..” I called and he looked up. I rushed to see my dad. “Im sorry, he's gone to sleep again.” She said. I felt lost. “Did I come too late? I should have driven more faster.” I said as a tear rolled down from my eyes. “It's okay dude. We gonna wait on him. He'll sure wake up again before day breaks.” Chris said, crossing his hand over my shoulder. “I can't help it dude.. He's still and just breathing. Nothing else. I don't wanna loose him. I swear.” I said and more tears rolled off. I can't remember crying this much before... But my dad... I love him so much and I can't help seeing him like this. Remembering we talked hours ago and he was fine.. but then, look at him. “I love him so much. He's the only one I've got you know.” I said as Chris hugged me. He hugged me. “It's okay dude. Nothing's gonna happen at all. He'll wake up again. Trust me.” He said and pulled away. Moni stood up and hugged me too. “Trust God, Jeremy. He'll be back soon.” She said and pulled away. “Chris.. Can you take Moni home? Im gonna stay with my dad. I don't wanna be away from him.” I said. “Why don't I stay and look after him Jeremy and they are doctors looking after him too.” Moni said. “Fuck them all. He's my dad, Im gonna stay with him. Now just go Moni.” I said to her. “It's okay Jeremy. Don't tryna wake him up okay.” She said. I nodded as I stared at him. “Do this for me dude..” I said to Chris. “Sure. Can I come back?” He asked. “If you can man...” I said and he smiled. “Sure. I will.” He said and then they walked out. I turned to my dad. “Im sorry I came late. You were waiting for me. I promise to be awake to know when you when you open your eyes. I love you dad.” I said and kissed his hand. ………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV <b> Dear Diary, Im so sad.. Jeremy's dad got into an accident today and Jeremy cried so much. He loves his dad and I feel so down to see him broken and in tears. I thought that dreadful dream's never gonna be a reality but it did and Im feeling so guilty and bad. I wanna be by his side and make him smile in the mist of all this sadness. I wanna make him believe I'll be there for him and his dad's gonna be fine... I can't help it.. He kissed me to be happy... It felt so wonderful.. He hugged me to comfort himself.. And he said im amazing I can't help but feel this way for him. I think im inlove with Jeremy. I don't wanna hide this feelings again. I wanna fall inlove with him. I don't just wanna be his friend... I wanna be his lover and his best friend. I hope he gets to love me soon, cos im gonna do everything I can to show him how much I care about him.... # I_closed up my diary and layed back on my bed. Im so stupid! He has a girlfriend. Molly... He's never gonna love me cos he loves her.. Arghhh! why am I thinking so much. I tried to sleep but I can't cos I know J's not. He will with his dad, waiting on him. I wanna text him and tell him, Hakuna Matata. Tell him, not to be worried, everything's gonna be fine. Im gonna do it. I took my phone and texted him. …………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV Im here, sitting and staring at my dad. He hadn't blinked ever since. Chris is here. Staring as well. My buddy. He's one in a million. Im not gonna sleep. Im gonna keep staring till he open his eyes.. A message came in. I checked it and it's a message from Andra. <b> Jeremy... I know you are awake, watching your dad.. I just wanna assure you that he's gonna wake up soonest. Heres a little hug for you , to make you smile when you're blue, to make you happy now you're sad, to let you know life aint so bad! # I_smiled after reading that. Ofcourse I read it over and over again. “Dude, Wow. You eventually smiling. ” Chris said. I just smiled more. Andra... I fear that so soon, Im gonna let out this words to you. IM INLOVE WITH YOU. I don't fucking care if I hated this words... You're just too amazing.. . Jeremy 's POV Dad didn't wake up all through the night. And now it's morning.. 7:10am Chris slept on his seat when it got to midnight. Dummy I couldn't.. Not when my dad haven't woken. I stared at him. “I miss you dad.” I said. Just then my phone vibrated. The witch calling. I ignored it and went on to watch my dad. Why the fuck is she calling? Like she care about daddy or me... Just then, I saw his fingers move. Huh? “Dad?” I called sotly... “Dad you awake?” I called out to him softly.. But he kept still, his eyelids never moved. I sighed. “Dad, I've been here staring at you and you don't wanna wake up. What's wrong?” I said. “Do you wanna leave me?” “No he can't.” That was Chris voice behind me. He has woken up. Sleepy head! “He's gonna wake up.” He said, rubbing his eyes. …………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV I woke up, with a slight headache.. Ouch! I know why tho, cos I slept so late. I went for my phone first. Bad habit. ugh! To check for Jeremy's message but saw none. So I got up, slide my feet into my flipflop and walked out to check Lili. She was right at the breakfastbar, Making mixed fruit grind for dessert.. I walked to her and backhugged her. “Goodmorning Lili.” I said. She looked closely at me, “Slept early? cos your eyes are just inside.”She said. “I slept quite late Lili. I guess I slept around 2am in the morning.” I said and sat down on the chair beside her. “You still need some sleep dear. You should go sleep.” She said. I shook my head. “I wanna go to Washington Hospital to check on Jeremy.” I said. She looked at me and smiled. “You're such a nice friend to him. Im.sure he's gonna appreciate that if you do.” She said. I smiled. “I wish I could come with you but I really don't wanna barge into their family matters now.” She said. “It's okay Lili. I'll tell you everything when im back.” I said. “Anything to tidy up before I go?” I asked her and she shook her head. “No. You just gonna eat.” She said. “And have some drug cos I got slight headache.” I said, touching the right side of my head. “Cos you didn't get enough sleep. I'll give you some drug.” She said. “Yeah I know.” I said as I watched her pour out the juice into the jug beside. “Im gonna resume work next month.” She said. “Wow!...” I exclaimed, feeling happy. She smiled. I felt happy, she's been staying home all this while. Im glad she's gonna be going out soon. “You might miss me Alex, cos I come back really late.” She said. “I don't care Lili. I just want you to be happy.” I said. She looked at me with a smile. “You're amazing Alex.” She said. I smiled as I recalled that was what Jeremy said to me too. Im I actually amazing? “Im really lucky to have you niece.” She said. “Me too Lili.” I said and hugged her. Then we heard the doorbell ring. “Who might that be?” Lili said. “I'll go check.” I said and walked out to, to the door to check. Might be Jeremy.. But he can't leave his dad.. I opened the door and Wow.... Steph. She grinned awkwardly.. “Stephh.” I called. “Alex... Im sorry.” She said. I just hugged her. I remember she texted me but I didn't reply although I was very happy within. I miss her. I miss our friendship. “I miss you Alex.. I wanna make things right between us.” She said. “I miss you too.” I said, still hugging her. “Alexx... Who's at the door?” Lili asked from the kitchen, but I guess she was coming out now. “It's Steph. She's here.” I said. I took Steph's hand and we walked in and I closed the door. Then Lili came out. She smiled at Steph. “Hello Steph. We miss you.” Lili said, smiling. Then came over and hugged her. I smiled. “Don't go away again.” Lili said to her as she pulled away. “I won't. I promise.” Steph said. “Im going back to the kitchen.” Lili said and headed out towards the kitchen. I understand. She wanna give us space to talk.. I sat down on a couch and Steph sat down too, beside me. “Thanks for forgiving me Alex.” She said. “I gotta do that. Thanks for coming around. Im happy you did.” I said. “I heard something..” She said. “What??” I asked. “That.. that you and Jeremy are now official friends.” She said. I looked at her and smiled. “Yeah, I think. We are friends now.” I said. Not just friends. I love him now. I suddenly do. Not after seeing his tears and loving the way he kissed me there in his car. She became silent. “I wanna tell you something..” I said. “What's that?” She asked. “His.. his dad got into an accident yesterday while he was coming back.” I said. Her eyes widened and she blinked. “Oh my God!..” She exclaimed. “Jeremy's tryna make it not to get to the mass and crowd.” I said. “Is he badly injured?” She asked. “His legs... and would have to be on a wheelchair till its all healed.” I said. “He took you to his dad?” She asked. “I went with him.” I said. She went silent. “..And Im gonna go to check on him this morning at the hospital.” I said. She looked at me. “Can I come with you?” She asked. Wow.... Im I actually dreaming? If i am. Then this one's a good dream. “You wanna come like seriously?” I asked, not quite sure about her decision. “Yeah. I want to..” She said. Wow.. “Okay. I'll go take my bath and dress up.” I said and got up. “I'll just put on the TV so you don't get so bored.” I said with a smile and went for it. “Thanks.” She said. I rushed off to the bathroom after letting Lili know Steph's coming with me. She just smiled and said. “She's changing.” . To be continued after comments.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:04
TEENS HEART . Sequence 78-80 <b> Continues.. [Alex POV continues] Gosh! I was happy.. I brushed my teeth and took my bath. I can't believe Steph wanna go with me. I pulled on my clothe.. Blue jeans, a white shirt and a baseball boots. But ugh! I wonder if Jeremy is gonna like this.. Steph coming with me. But I can't help it! I really want those two to stop hating each other.. And this might be a chance for her and Chris.. I really want those two together. Oh, I just wish Chris would be there and I really wish Jeremy's dad would be awake now. Everyone would smile. I miss Jeremy and I miss his hug and us holding hands.. I wish to get all that today again.. Ohh Alexxxx! Stop wishing too much!! Argh! …………………… I went to the dressing table and tried to fix my hair but ugh! So bad! I can't... So I went out to the sitting room.. Steph was watching Zeeworld Tv. “Steph..” I called. She turned to me.“ Yea?” “Can you help me out in my room? Im finding it hard to fix my hair.” I said. “Sure.” She said and got up. We walked back to my room and she helped me fix my hair and it looked so good. “Thanks Steph.” I said. She smiled. “You so beautiful.” She said. “Awwn, just like you are.” I said.. Steph is sure so beautiful.. With brown hair that fits her skin and eyelashes that fits her small eyes.. She wore a blue jeans as well with a blue top and blue sandals. She has blue ribbon on her hair. Blue! Blue girl, I guess that name fit her today. I grabbed my phone and we walked to the kitchen. Lili is mopping the kitchen. I should be the one doing that not her. But I gotta go to the hospital to see Jeremy. I don't know, but I just think that he needs me. That he miss me. That he need someone close to him, to talk to.. Someone to hold her hand.. And that person is mee.. Argh! Stop thinking Alexxx.. “Im not hungry Lili... I might eat at the Hospital Eatery.” I said. She looked at me. “It's okay dear. Lemme go get you some money.” She said. “No Lili. I got some money with me.” I said. “Will that be okay?” She asked. “Sure.” I said. She hugged me. “Be the best friend you can to him. He needs that now.” She whispered to me. Im sure, Steph didn't hear it. “I will.” I said. She pulled away. “Alright. Bye. Take care ok. Be careful.” She said to both Steph and I. “Bye Lili.” Steph said. We left and headed down the road for a Cab.. I wanna let Jeremy know im on my way, but I felt like just letting him see me there.. A cab came by and we entered. “Washington Hospital, Grandel.” I said. I still can't believe Steph was going there with me. We soon got to Washington hospital and I paid the cab driver and he zoomed off.. “I feel kinda nervous.” Steph said as we headed down the hallway. “Why?” I asked. “Jeremy might be get annoyed to see me here.” She said. “It's fine. I don't think he will.” I said and took her hand. We walked to the hospital hall and sat down at the lounge. I then called Jeremy. For the first time, I called him. He picked up like he's been expecting my call. “Hello Jeremy..” I spoke first. I don't want him to be the one to speak first. “Andra..” He said. His voice sound really bad and gloomy. Arghh! “Im here in the hospital..” I said. “You are??” He asked like he's suprised. “Yeah.” I said. “Oh... Andra.. You make me wonder alot.” He said. Arghh! My heart Why did it jump now? I can't wait to see him. “I'll be out now Andra.. Chris is here.” He said. OMG!.Chris! Steph! “I got something to tell you.” I said. “What?” He said. “Steph came with me.” I said and looked at Steph. She was looking at me too. The line went silent for a while, then he spoke. “Im coming.” He said and dropped the call. “He's coming.” I said to her. She inhaled. …………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV I turned to Chris after the call. He was at the window, looking at whatever.. My dad is not yet awake. But he moved his fingers again. “Andra is here...” I said to him. He turned. “She's just too good.” He said. “Yeah.” I said and walked out. I don't wanna tell him Steph's here. I'll just send her back once I get there. I hate that brat! Why's she here?? And why are they friends again! I got to the hospital hall and Saw them sitting at the lounge area. I hissed and walked to them. The bitch couldn't look at me. She had her face down. Andra smiled at me and her smile just found a way to my heart and made me my smile as well. I missed you. “Andra..” I called as I took her hand, pulled her up and pulled her into me. “Please, don't send her away.. She's changed. I know you're annoyed she's here.” She whispered to me. I looked at the brat she hadn't looked at me. I withdrew our hug and took Andra's hand. “Hey..” I called to the brat. She then looked up. “Jeremy?” She said. “Great. You called me by my name. Ain't you acting all bitchy today? Are you acting now dull and dummy all of a sudden huh?” I asked her. Andra squeezed my hand. I understood. So I inhaled. “Well, I don't really need your bitchy self here bitch. But Im gonna do that anyways.” I said. “It's fine. I'll go back. Bye Alex.” She said and stood up to leave. “Steph.” Andra said and rushed to her. “Steph..” I heard another voice call. It was Chris. He just came out... . Steph's POV “Steph” Alex called me as she rushed to me and grabbed my hand.. “It's fine. I gotta go. He does't want me here.” I said to her. “Steph.” I heard someone else call me. I looked at the direction the voice came through and there, stood Chris. I can't deny that he looked so cute. He walked to Jeremy and said few words to him that I didn't hear. Then Jeremy looked at me, then at Alex. Chris turned and walked towards us.. My heartbeat raised. I suddenly liked the way he walked. I suddenly fell inlove with his black hair. He stood in my front and smiled at me. I got no idea how to act towards him now. I've been mean to him ever since. “Steph.. Im sorry for all he said. Please don't leave.” He said. I just stared at him. “It's fine. He still don't want you to go see his dad.” He said and I looked at Jeremy.. He had his hands in his pockets, stood far and watched us. Alex still held my hand. “I'll go talk to him.” Alex said and tried to go over to Jeremy but I pulled her back. “Im fine Alex.” I said. “Alex.. Don't talk to him now.. He might get really annoyed.” Chris said. She inhaled. “So you want Steph to leave then?” She asked Chris. “No way..No.” He said then turned to me. “Steph.. Please come with me.” He said. “To where?” I asked. “To... to the cafeteria outside.” He said. I pused to think. “No. Im leaving.” I said. “Please Steph.” He begged. I looked at Alex.. “Steph, go with him.. I'll talk to Jeremy.” She said. “Fine.” I breathed. I looked at Chris and he smiled awkwardly. He's actually a cutie.. He stared at me, then turned towards the passageway that leads outta the hospital building. I followed him.. …………… # Alexandra 's POV After they walked away, I walked over to Jeremy. He looked at me without uttering any word. I didn't either. We just stared at each other for what seemed like forever.. Then he blinked. “You.. you can't keep staring at me that way.” He said and then took my hand and we walked towards the hallway that leads to the room his dad is. I love this hold. The way he held me. “Thanks for coming Andra..” He said. I smiled. He's just too appreciative. “Jeremy..” I said. “Andra.” He said. I smiled and nudged his shoulder “You shouldn't have talked that way to Steph. She's my friend and she's cool now.” I said. “Andra..” He called and then stopped and turned to me, looking into my eyes and I looked into his as well. “Andra.. I don't need her here. I don't need crowd to know about my dad now. I need just you and Chris here, cos you guys are the best people I've got now.” He said. Wow.. Im the best person he got now? What about Molly? I bet she don't know about his dad accident yet. ……………………………… We got into the room and his dad still layed on the bed, his eyes closed. “He's been checked by Dr. Sam this morning and he said, my dad's sure to open his eyes before it's 12pm.” He said. “It's fine. He would.” I said. He then turned me and pulled me into him. Second time today.. Argh! I felt his chin on my ahoulder as he hugged me still.. “Andra?” He called softly. “Huh?” I said. “If.. If my dad wakes,. Im gonna say out something to you.” He said. “What's that?” I asked. What could that be?? “Uh... I can't tell you now. I'll tell you when my dad wakes up.” He said. “O.. Okay” I said. Suspense is gonna kill me! What's he gonna say to me? “Andra..” He called again. “Huh?” “Do you know you're amazing?” He asked. Huh? “I...Im I?” I asked. “Ofcourse you are.” He said. My cheek turned pink. # Jeremy's POV I smiled and pulled away as I stared into her eyes. This sparkling eyes.. Then my eyes went down to her lips.. I recalled I kissed this lips yesterday but Im craving to kiss them again. I went back to look at her eyes. She blinked them. “Moni would be here in a short while.. Im messy. I need to take a bathe.” I said and chuckled. “But my dad..” I said and turned to him. She did same. “He don't wanna wake up and I don't leave him.” I said. She took my hand and held it tight and we stared at my dad... ……………………………………………… …………………………………… #Steph's POV [At the cafeteria] He stared at me as I ate. “Can you stop staring at me that way?” I said. He just smiled. He should stop smiling that way. It's getting on me.. Im suddenly feeling for him.. All those while I got apart from Steph, I really felt lonely. I felt bored and seeing Jeremy and Chris liking Alex so much angered me cos I never made them to like me. I felt jealous and horrible but I never wanna admit that.. After I saw Jeremy's hand over Alex shoulder at the basketball field at school. I felt like im missing something.. I couldn't help... it so I gotta make up with Alex and so I did. Im happy she forgave me. But I wanna make up with ones too. Chris, Jeremy. I really wanna be happy. “Ain't you gonna eat something?” I asked him. “Should I?” He asked. Like seriously? “I don't know.” I said. “Im nor hungry.” He said and smiled. I shrugged. “How's his dad?” I asked. “I don't k.ow what to say.” He said. I don't know what to say too, so I just kept silent. “Steph... Im really happy you're here with me. Even though I feel really sad cos Jeremy's dad is on the sick bed, but seeing you here have brightened me up. I love you Stephanie. Please stay with me.” He said and my spoon got stucked in my mouth hanged in my mouth. I got it out and back to the plate. I inhaled, then grabbed my bottle water and drank it much longer than expected. I then dropped it and inhaled again. He was staring at me all this while. “Thanks for coming. Even if J isn't happy you here. I am and he knows that.” He said. I stared at his eyes. Those eyes are charming... Way too charming.. I wish I could love back Chris.. Okay, I want to love you back Chris. But I can't. I don't wanna hurt you. “Steph.” He called. “Huh?” I answered. “Tell me the truth.” He said. “What truth?” I asked. “Im I so bad for you?” He asked. I swallowed and just drank more water. I don't know what to answer. He smiled and just watched me. # Chris POV My heart tells me that she wants me. It tells me that she loves me now. She's drinking so much water cos she can't say im bad for her. If It was those times she was all neddy, She would have said it before two seconds clicks. Arghh! Im so happyyyyyy... “You drinking too much water Steph.” I said to her. “Cos I want to.” She said..... Argh! You lying. . Alexandra 's POV Jeremy and I stared out the window when we thought we got a bit tired of staring at his dad. He still hasn't woken up and Dr Sam said he should before its 12pm. Its's 10:35am now. I couldn't wait for his dad to wake up so he'do tell me what he wanna say to me. “What do you love Andra..” He suddenly asked me. Huh? “I've told you all that before.” I said. “Yeah.. you can tell me again. Here's boring now. My dad don't wanna wake up.” He said. I looked at him and noticed his hair needs new weave. I guess he always reaweave it every weekend, but here he is, in a hospital. “Your.. your hair needs new weaving.” I said to him. “Yeah. I know.” He said, touching it. I turned out the window again. I don't wanna keep looking at him cos he's just too handsome and could make me do something crazy. “Can you plait it for me?” He asked. “Ofcourse not. I can't do that.” I said, smiling. He chuckled. “You're so lazy...” He said. “Hell. Im not. I can't plait hair.” I said. “Ugh, I don't mean that.” He said. “What do you mean then?” I asked. He turned to me and took my hands. “Why can't you....” He was trying to say it when Moni walked in. “Oh gracious. Did he wake up?” Jeremy and I turned to her.. With Jeremy still holding my hand. One hand now tho.. “And whaaat kept you so long?” Jeremy asked, and got his other hand into his trouser pocket. “Oh you can't ask me that. I got things to tidy up at the house.” She said. “Why?” He asked. She went silent for a while, then looked at him. “Your mom is coming home.” She said. He scoffed. “Dad doesn't need her here. I don't either!.” He said. I squeezed his hand slightly. I guess Moni saw this cos she smiled at me. “Alex..” She called. “Ma'am.” I answered. “Oh, Moni is my name. Call me Moni.” She said. I nodded. “It's such a good thing to know how close you two are. That time we met at the washroom passageway, My feelings told me you have the heart of someone close to me.” She said with a smile. Huh? I glanced at Jeremy and he did same. Looking really confused. Did I already had his heart then? Cos those times, we were still enemies.. But do I have his heart now? “What do you mean Moni?” He asked, staring at her now. “It's obvious.” She said with a smile. # Jeremy's POV It's obvious? “Im just his friend Moni.” Andra said. “That's great. You are an affectionate friend.” She said. Affectionate friend.. Just then, Moni's eyes widened as she stared at my dad's direction.. I turned to him. Andra did too. “His eyeslids moved. Oh I saw that.” She said. Just then, I saw it. His eyelids really moved again, like they are about to open, Then followed by his fingers. They moved. “Dad..” I called anxiously. His eyes began opening. We all stared at him as his eyes slowly began opening and his fingers moved more. Then it finally did. He opened his eyes!! “Dadddd..” I called, taking his hand. He looked over at us with his eyes narrowed.. I guess his vision was still blur.. “Daddyy..” I called again. He looked at me, it took him almost two minutes to finally keep his gaze. When he did. It was on me... At me. “Dad I miss you.” I said, holding his hand closely like he's gonna disappear if I don't.. “Je..remy.” He said weakly. “Yes dad. Thanks for waking up.” I said. He looked at the Moni, then at Andra. “Ahh.. I feel so much pains on my legs..” He said. “We need to call Dr. Sam.” Moni said and tried to go out but my dad's voice stopped her. “No Moni..” He said and looked at me.. “Im sorry.. Im sorry son, for not listening to you.” He said. “No no Dad.. It's fine.. Im glad you're awake.” I said and kissed his hand. He gave a weak smile and looked at Andra. “She's my friend dad. She's amazing.” I.said and glanced at Andra and her face was down. She wasn't even looking at my dad. He smiled and looked back at me.. “I miss you dad.” I said. “I miss you too son. What about her?” He asked. “Who dad?” I asked. “Your mom.” He said. “I don't know dad. All I wanna know and care about is you.” I said. “Mark, Your wife is coming home today. I had to tell her about this.” She said. What!! He smiled. “I can't wait to see her.” He said. I inhaled. Dad still love that witch! ………………………………………… …………………………………………… # Chris POV I was still here at the cafeteria.. With Steph... We've gotten along pretty good. Just in a day. I can't believe it. But im so glad we are. I've been waiting for this moment in so many months now.. “You wanna be a doctor right?” I asked her. “Yeah. I loved it right from when I was a kid. I love to help the sick recover and save people's lives.” She said. I smiled. My heartbeat. “You're perfect for it. I mean those white coats gonna look really perfect on you..” I said. “And a stethoscope over my neck. Haha.. I love putting that and then check my dad's heartbeat then, Those years I was a kid.” She said. “Wow..” I said with a smile. “You'do be a beautiful great doctor in the future.” I said. She smiled. “Thanks.” She said. I stared at her. “Steph..” I called softly. “Yeah?” “Do you wanna see something?” I asked her. She looked at me. “What?” I got out my phone and scrolled through my gallery. # Steph's POV “It's like my secret. I love drawing and painting but I never think im too good to boast about it. My mom and dad, Jeremy and my kid sister are the only people that know I can actually draw and paint something.” He said as I stared at him.. I can't believe we are talking quite good now. It started by him, telling me how he feels for me.. Those love words that I guess found a way to my heart. Then he began saying somethings quite funny and I found myself laughing to his talks and.. then he asked me If I wanna be a doctor and now he's telling me about his painting secret. Im wondering what he wanna show me. “And... then those times I got so crazy for you Steph.. And I couldn't stop thinking about you cos you were always in my mind, in my head. and I drank so much cos of you.. Cos I can't have you.. I... I drew this.” My heart beated as he said all that... He stretched his phone to me and....I saw a drawing... A gorgeous painting of me, in my brown blowing hair and my school shirt. God! Im I this beautiful? And he had this inscribed on it. ‘SHE HAS MY HEART. I LOVE HER AND I'LL FOREVER DO!’ It touched me. It really touched me. He loves me so much and I can't deny that he's been faking it. I looked at him and he just stared at me. “You don't like it?” He asked. “I... I do. It's so beautiful.” I said and held myself from dropping a tear. Here is someone that has been crazy in love with me. And I've been.. “Thanks Steph for saying that you like it. I feel like I was awarded first, in a competition. I feel really proud and happy now.” He said. His phone vibrated and made me flinch cos I was lost in my world of thought. My eyes went to the screen and it was, J calling... I stretched the phone to him. He picked the call. I guess Jeremy told him something shocking or suprising or rather exciting cos his eyes went wide open and he let out, “Seriously!?” Then the call dropped and he looked at me. “His dad is awake now. We've been waiting for hours for him to.” He said and stood up. I nodded. I know I can't go with him cos Jeremy don't want me around. “Steph.. Im sorry J is still this way to you but im sure he'll let go in no time and you guys gonna be good too.” He said. “It's fine. I'll just go home.. I'll text Alex.” I said. “Bye Steph.” He said, turned and walked towards the hospital building.. I blinked my eyes as a tear finally rolled down. Im too glad he didn't stay here to see it. I just sat there on the seat and stared at him till he was out of sight.. God! I can't explain how sad I feel right now. He truely loved me. He did.. . To be continued after comments.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:06
TEENS HEART . Sequence 81-82 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV [Few hours later.] My dad was asleep again after Dr Sam came and talked awhile with him.. Chris had to go home to freshen up and do some other stuff.. Moni left cos she's expecting the witch home at anytime. I don't give a damn! Andra and I had some dish at the hospital cafeteria.. I actually ate cos I was happy my dad woke up.. Secondly, Andra forced me to. She was really famished and wanted me to eat too. So I did. She's too pathetic! Now, we are back at the hospital room, Staring out the window. She had spoken with Lili earlier while we were at the cafeteria and told her she might come home late. It's 7:50pm now and the cloud is gone dark..With stars in the sky but the moon isn't bright. I took her hand... I gotta say it out to her now.. I gotta say it out cos I can't keep it. I gotta tell her this now or never. I promised to tell her if my dad wakes and now I got to tell her. I really love her.. “Andra..” I called softly. “Yes?” She answered. “Let's go outside. Catch some fresh aura. Here smells antispetic you know.” I said. This's just the way I think I can do it. I can do this.. “Alright then.” She said. I watched my dad for a minute, then held Andra's hand tighter and we walked out. …………………… Outside is dark but there's stars in the sky and the street lights is on. I held her hand and we walked around the hospital premises. I walked as I pulled her to some cool side and there was a seat... We sat down. There is a smooth lawn field but it's dark, but though I saw Andra's face kinda well. “Here seem cool than there.” He said. “Yeah.. but we can't just leave your dad there and seat here.” She said. Arghh..Why's she talking like she's gonna spend the night here. “I smiled. My affectionate friend. It's time to say out this words to you.. “Andra..” I called, turning her over to face me. #Alexandra's POV “Yeah?” I asked. “About what I promised to say out to you..If my dad wakes up.” He said. Oh.. I've been anxious to know what he wanna say to me? Is my thoughts playing hide and seek with me? I really hope its not what Im thinking right now because the... the way he's staring into my eyes. It's too suspicious and charming.. “Yeah.. You said that.” I said. “I wanna say them out now.” He said. I just stared at him. He shut his eyes and inhaled and then opened them back and stared back into my eyes. “Andra.. I..” He paused. “Huh?” I said. “Please.. my girlfriend.” He said. I gasped... “Why!?” I yelled. I was just too shocked by it. My eyes were wide open and my mouth agape. This can't be true.. Oh my God! “Cos im so inlove with you Andra..” He said and then pulled into him... I closed my eyes. It was shocking but I couldn't hold back my own feelings. So I let it out.. “I love you too.” I let it out.. He quickly withdrew our hug and stared into my eyes. “What did you say Andra?” He asked.. I decided not to say it again.. Then he smiled and hugged me again, more tighter and warmer now. “It's fine. I heard you. I just wanted you to say it again cos they made my heart melt and they gave me butterflies down my stomache.” He said. I closed my eyes.. I can't believe we are talking about love all of a sudden. “Do you really love me Andra?” He asked. “Yeah I do.” I said. “Then.. If you love me.. Please im begging you to be my girlfriend. I really want us to date. I want to be your boyfriend Andra and I'll let the whole world know what you mean to me. You mean alot to me Andra. I can't help it. I need you. Pleaseeee.” He said, hugging me closer into him. I inhaled. “No Jeremy. I can't. You got a girlfriend.” I said even though I hate that he do now. He pulled away immediately. “Watch this Andra..” He said and took out his phone. He dialed a number and it went through. “Hello Molly.” He said and switched it to Loudspeaker.. Molly? I watched him. “Hi J. You've been ignoring my calls. Why didn't you come to party last nite? I missed you.” I heard her voice say. “Molly I wann tell you that that its over between us.. Our dating was all a game, you know that. IYou ain't my girlfriend again. I don't need this dating. Get that.” He said and dropped the call and looked at me. I can't believe what he just did.. “You, see Im serious about this Andra.. I really neec you to be my girlfriensd.” I swallowed. “It's.. its so sudden..” I said.. And what do he mean by their dating was all a game??l “I don't fucking care. I need you Andra.” He said and then I felt his lips pushed on mine unexpectedly. He kissed me. Huh! …… When he pulled away and stared into my eyes... I couldn't help it. So I hugged him. “I'll be your girlfriend... but im scarec of Molly.” I said. “Thanks alot.” He said and kissed my cheek and my neck.. Huh?! “Molly is just a brat, she won't hurt you. I love you so much and would always protect you Andra.. Im here for you. I lovdme you.” He said. “I love you too Jeremy..” I said.. #Jeremy's POV I felt so happy... Really hsppy. I love you so much Andra.. I still hugged her. “So.. are you my girlfriend now Andra, cos im just too excited about it.” I asked her. “Yeahh” She said. Oh fuck ittt this is just too good to be true. “Wooooowww... What did I miss huh?” That was Chris voice behind. I withdrew our hug and I turned to him as I took Andra's hand. “Im taking my babe home. I'll be back soon.” I said and pulled Andra along as we walked away. #Chris POV His Babe? ……………………………………… ……………………………………… # Molly's POV He broke up with me! He fucking broke up with me and I know it's all cos of that brat! God!!! I threw the pillows on my bed away with rage. And then I broke down into tears. . Jeremy's POV Once we got into the car, and I drove off... I took Andra's hand and drove with my other hand. I just wanna hold her.. “No Jeremy..” She said and pulled away her hand. “What's that. I wanna hold you Andra..” I said and tried reaching for her hand but she hid it. “You can't drive with just one hand.” She said. I smiled. “You scared?” I asked. “It's dangerous..” She said. “Yeah.. I don't mind doing dangerous things just for you..” I said and winked at her. I can't believe she's my girlfriend now. “Just drive carefully.” She said, ignoring what I just told her. Arghh, you! “Don't be scared, Im here with you..” I said as I drove on.. she didn't say anything and soon, the ride was becoming too boring, so I gotta say something.. “Andra...” I called as I glanced at her. She has her eyes at the window. Then she turned to me, “Huh?” “I love you.” I said and damn it! I meant it.. I meant what I said and I needed her to say back too but she didn't say anything.. She turned her gaze at the windscreen, So I just drove on. . [Ten Minutes later] We were getting to her house now when she popped a question. “Can I know about the game?” She asked. Huh? “What game?” She asked. “You said, your dating was all a game.” She said. Yeah.. Should I just tell her the shit? Im gonna tell her. She's my girlfriend now and deserves to know.. [Inhales] “Yeah. I'll tell you. You see, It was three months ago. We were at the club andd.. We decided to play Truth or Dare game. I, Molly, Chris and other guys you don't know tho. When it got to Molly's turn to ask me, Arshh! I choosed Dare. And she dared me to make her my girlfriend for just two weeks. And yeah.. I did. But after two weeks, We didn't stop the fake dating. We went on. Cos actually I... I liked it.” I said. She was silent for what seemed like forever before breathing out, “Okay.” I swallowed. I know she's thinking.. “Andra..” I called as I pulled to a stop at their house gate. She didn't answer. She just stared at the windscreen. I took her hand,cos she wasn't hiding it anymore.. “Andra.. Look right at me, I wanna tell you something.” I said and she did. Looking at me with those two sparkling eyes but though they don't look so bright now. I understand. I'll let her know this; “You're special to me Andra.. Molly was never ever special to me one bit. We were only playing around and now that I've got you, I won't wanna loose you cos you got my heart Andra.. Yeah, Moni was right. I guess you stole my heart right at the first day I saw you in Ellas...“ I pauses and inhaled. She was just staring at me as I talked. I continued, “...And.. and I guess all those fighting and talking back at each other were only tryna bring us together as Lovers. I love you so much Andra and nothing's ever gonna stop my love for you. Molly's outta the way and you are irreplaceable. I love you so much.” I said and looked deep into her charming eyes. “I really love you.” I said. She blinked her eyes. She don't wanna say anything, so I just hugged her, then I gave her a peck on her soft cheek. “I love you Andra.” I said. “You've said that a lot in just few minutes.” She said. I smiled and hugged her more closer into me. “Yeah, cos im happy that I do,.. and it's you.” I said. She kept quiet. “Thanks for being my girlfriend. Im damn happy.” I said with a smile and closed my eyes cos I felt a chilling feeling after I said it.. I didn't wanna pull away and so I just hugged her still. If she leaves now, Im gonna fucking miss her and I don't even know if Im gonna see tomorrow. My girlfriend. “You're hugging me too tight.” She said. “Yeah.. I love it Andra..” I said. “You do?” She asked. “Yeah.. Im gonna miss you.” I said and then withdrew my hold. I looked at her and her lips are a bit agape and her charming eyes stared at me. Gosh! I wanna kiss you now Andra... You're so cute! And I did. I brought my face closer to hers and planted a kiss on her lips. Then I withdrew.. “Goodnight Andra. Im gonna miss you.” I said. “Goodnight..” She said, opened the door and got down, and closed the door back. I stared at her as she walked to the door and after a while, the door opened and she went in. I smiled and then drove off. She makes me smile. Yeah... ………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV Lili popped me with questions when I got in. About Jeremy's dad.. About Jeremy.. If Steph wasn't casted by Jeremy at the hospital. I told her everything... His dad is fine and did wake up. Jeremy is feeling quite better.. Richy is still at the coma.. It's really saddening.. We're hoping he wakes up soon.. I later got down and headed to my room. I don't wanna about Jeremy and I.. It might sound so stupid. - That I accepted to be girlfriend without sleeping over it. Lili's gonna be so upset with me If I do. ……………… I walked to my room and fell on my bed. Today was wonderful tho.. I can't dent the fact that It was. Jeremy's dad woke up. Jeremy and I had an amazing kisses.. Lots of it and we hugged just the way I wanted us to, but then accepting to be his girlfriend.. I didn't even think about it. What did I really do? My phone buzzed. A message. I checked it and its from Jeremy. . To be continued after comment's.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:07
TEENS HEART . Sequence 83-85 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Jeremy's POV I sent that text to Andea before getting home. As I drove in and pulled to the garrage, The inside lights were on. Yeah, Moni is in but something tells me the witch is back.. I got down and walked slowly in.. Met Molly walking up the stairs. “Moni.” I called and she turned. “Jeremy, your mom is back and at the hospital.” She said. I hissed and walked pass her,heading upto my room. “Jeremy..” She called. “I don't want to hear things about her.” I snapped. “Jeremy, your mom is back and she said she's not going back to Africa. She's back to stay.” She said and that made me stop. “She's lying.” I said. “She's not Jeremy..” She said. I scoffed, “Well, I don't fucking care. She never cared for me. She never gave me the attention and affection that I needed.” I said and took a step but Moly words stopped me again. “Your mom loves you Jeremy.. Please you got to give her a chance.” She said. I walked away. I walked into my room. Fuck her! She never cared for me! I banged my door close and colapsed on my bed. “Damn!” I yelled out. YOUR MOM LOVES YOU JEREMY.. PLEASE YOU GOT TO GIVE HER A CHANCE. Moni's words echoed in my ears. ………………………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV After taking a shower and pulling into a purple pyjamas, I walked to my study desk, sat down and got out my diary. I wanna write to my diary and tell about my best moment with Jeremy I've thought about it and I was sure I made the right choice... Accepting Jeremy's proposal. I love him.. <b> Dear Diary, Today was my best day. So many beautiful things happened but among all of them, the best moment was when Jeremy asked me to be his girlfriend and yes, I accepted. I love him so much, and I know he do too. But im scared tho. I think Molly's not gonna let go, even though Jeremy assured me he's gonna protect me and be there for me. But Can I really give him my trust? I hope he don't break my heart.. I love hin deeply. I can't help it. # I_closed up my diary and Inhaled. “I love you Jeremy.” I said and then stood up. I layed down on my bed and took my phone. I sent him a message. <b>Goodnight Jeremy. …………………………………………… # Jeremmy 's POV I've taken a bathe and pulled into a grey short and white shirt to head back to the hospital when my phone vibrated. I checked it and its a message from Andra. I smiled. My candy.. My Andra... <b> Goodnight Jeremy # I_let out a toothy smile and sent her mine. <b> Goodnight my love. Im missing you already and I wish you're here with me. # I_know it would make her smile or maybe make her frown. Which ever, Im happy I got her. I changed her contact name from just, >Andra, to, >My Andra ……………… I walked down stairs and Moni isn't at the sitting room, nor at the dinning. I sent her a text message that im out to the hospital. Then I walked out. That witch would be there. But ugh! I can't stay away from my dad. He needs me, and I miss him.. ……………………………………… …………………………………………………… # Steph's POV I was in my room, duvets over me. I was thinking .... Thinking about everything. Im so mad at myself. I don't wanna go out. I heard my dad's car. He's back from work. I closed my eyes, cos I know he's gonna come. Im gonna pretend like im asleep. Minutes later, I heard his voice at the door. “Steph..” He called and tapped a knock. I ignored it and shut my eyes tighter. “Steph, you in?” He asked. I kept quiet. Then I felt the door crack open and then close back. He's in. “Babyy..” He called. He's standing at right at my bed now. “Wake up baby. Dad's home.” He said and kissed my forehead and my neck, then down to my shoulder. I don't wanna open my eyes but I finally did. He had a smile. “Dad..” I said, looking at him. “You missed me? cos I really did.” He said and pulled few strands of my hair back. I stared at him.. I was having a rethink. Is he actually my dad? Do he really love me like he claimed all this while? I've been stupid I think. I've been stupid all this while to believe in his type of love.. “Dad,.. Welcome. I was sleeping.” I said. “It's fine love... Sleep my baby.” He said and kissed my lips. Then he turned and walked out. I shut my eyes as a tear dropped from my eye. Im sorry Chris. Can I really accept your love for me... I don't wanna hurt you... I really dont wanna hurt you.. I hate myself now. . Jeremy's POV I got to the hospital, and getting into the room my dad is, I saw my mom, okay the witch! holding my dad's hand. And she was saying things to my dad and he was just smiling along. I stood at the door and just stared at them. It was just annoying... After seven months.... She came home, she wouldn't have if dad didn't get into an accident. And here she is, pretending she loves dad.. And dad is so blind to see that she don't feel one bit of love for him.. My birthday was four months ago and she never came. She just sent stupid gifts and transfered money to my account like its all that matters to me. Now here she is, talking shits and dad will always believe. They haven't noticed im here. She bent and kissed him. I closed my eyes and clenched my fist, then I walked to them. She saw me and did her fake wide smile. “Ohh son, you here, I missed you.” She said. I hissed and looked at my dad. He was smiling.. “Dad, you fine? Sorry I had to take my friend home and then, go take a shower.” I said. “It's fine son. You have been the best son every father would so much love to have.” He said. I smiled, “It's just you that I got dad. And I would do anything just to make you stay for me.” I said. He glanced at my mom and then back at me. “Your mom... Jeremy. She got something to say out to you.” He said. “Dad, do I have a mom? For all I care, you the only person I got as my parent.” I said. “Jeremy..” The witch called and tried to touch me but I flung her hand away. “Jeremyy... Im sorry.” She said. I scoffed, “Tell yourself that.” I said. “You need to listen to your mom son. I know she've been too far away but she's back to stay.” Dad said. “Dad, she's never gonna get my forgiveness cos she don't deserve it. She never cared about me. I hate her.” I spat, turned and walked away. “Jeremy...Come back..” I heard my dad say. “Please son.. Forgive me. I love you very much.” That was the witch voice. I walked away and over to the hospital lounge and sat down. I fought so hard to stop the tear but it fell. ……………………………………………… <b> Next Day # Alexandra 's POV I woke up the next day to find text messages from Jeremy. Awwwn, Im so sorry for sleeping off Jeremy! The messages were three. I quickly opened them and went through them. <b>1st Message: Andra, My mom claims that she's back to stay. She wants me to forgive her but I don't fucking wanna do that. 2nd Message: I know you're asleep babe. I just wish you're here with me. Im lonely and it's making me think a hell lot. 3rd Message: I wanna see you tomorrow Andra.. Please. I love you so much. # I_inhaled and reread the messages again. The first message. I decided to reply him that one. <b>Jeremy, I don't know what to say about this, but I just think you should forgive your mom. If she's gonna stay back and not leave again then im sure she's gonna use this times to make up for her past mistakes and give you the attention and affection that you always had needed. Im sure that she loves you alot. Please give her a chance. # I_sent it and then inhaled. I wish he forgives her. I got up and walked out to find Lili. She was at the laundry room. “Goodmorning Lili.” I said and back hugged her. I love her alot. She turned and hugged me, then pulled away with a smile. “How was your night Niece?” She asked. “I guess, it was fine.” I said, with a wide smile. She looked closely into my eyes. “You seem so happy Alex.. With such a wide smile,.you look so really Angelic.” She said.. I laughed. “Arghhh.. Lili, you just wanna make me blush this early morning.” I said. She smiled. “You deserve more dear.” She said. “Church today?” I asked. “Yeah. In a hour, we should be heading to church. I just wanna wash this nighties. We should do some shopping after church.. What do you think?” She asked. “Sweeeeeet!!” I said with a happy smile. But then I recalled. Jeremy said he wants to see me today. Arghhhh!! What do I do! “Lili..I can't go to the shopping actually.” I said coldly. She looked at me, “Why?” Im gonna tell her. “Jeremy..He said he wanna see me today.” I said. She smiled, “Alex, are you gonna tell me the truth?” She said, staring into my eyes. “What truth Lili?” I asked. “That there is more to you guys friendship. I can feel it Alex.” She said. I wanna quickly deny that but then, I guess I couldn't cos I became silent. Lili let out what seemed like an understanding smile and then hugged me.. Wow... “It's fine Alex. I understand. Just be careful and know your limits. I understand you both love yourselves right?” She asked. “Yeah.. Im sorry Lili, for not telling you first. He confessed his love for me last night and asked me to be his girlfriend and... and.. cos I really feel same way for him, I didn't decline. Im sorry.” I said. “It's fine dearrr.” She said and hugged me more. ………………………………………… #Jeremy's POV I read Andra's reply. I was still at the hospital but at the lounge.. I actually slept there cos I don't wanna go home neither did I wanna go to my dad and I can't believe she stayed with him all night and still is in there. I reread Andra's text message and then, I felt like giving the witch a chance. And forgiving her as well... But why didn't she reply the other two messages that I sent. Argghh! I just gotta see her today. I miss her. And shit! I haven't even announced her as my girlfriend to everyone. I can't wait to do that. “Jeremy..” I heard my name. I know the voice tho. The witch. I turned to that direction and she stood, in her classy gown and high heels, looking at me. She looked like she didn't catch a glimpse of sleep all night and she spent all that hours in that tight gown and heels, without even bothering to go home and change to something much comfortable. Is she actually changing? “Jeremy..” She called again and walked to me. I looked away. “Can.. can I sit beside you?” She asked. I ignored her. She waited awhile and then sat down gently beside me. When last did she sit beside me? She always come home that night and leaves the next morning, only to come home again months later. Soon, I felt her fingers move to my hand and rested on top the back of my palm. I closed my eyes, cos I really hate what she just did. I hate that she wanna hold me now that I don't need it. There were those times I needed this hold but she never was around and she never cared! “Get your hand off mine.” I said. “Please Jeremy.. Im still your mom and I really love you. Im sorry I was so busy and cared for just myself. Im sorry I never tried to give the attentions and affection that you wanted. Please son, forgive me. I promise to make up for those times. I wanna be so close to you and give you the best attention and love. I miss you and I miss your dad. I've come to realise that I'do never be complete without you both. Jeremy please give me a chance. Give your mom another chance.” She said. I glanced at her and she's already in tears. Seriously in tears. Then she put her head on my shoulder and cried more with her hand still on top mine. “Im sorry son, please.. Find a place in your heart to forgive me. I love you so very much.. I love you very much son.” She cried. I glanced at her and looked away. I sighed as tears gathered in my eyes. I blinked my eyes and they rolled down my cheeks. I don't need her to see my tears so I kept my gaze away from her. She kept weeping on my shoulder. I blinked more tears out. I don't know why, but I took my phone and scrolled to Andra's message and read it again. <b>Jeremy, I don't know what to say about this, but I just think you should forgive your mom. If she's gonna stay back and not leave again then im sure she's gonna use this times to make up for her past mistakes and give you the attention and affection that you always had needed. Im sure that she loves you alot. Please give her a chance. # I_shut my eyes as more tears rolled out. “Jeremy, Please say something.. I really need your forgiveness.” She cried. I inhaled but I ended up sniffling, cos my tears were so much. She took her head away from my shoulder and then put her fingers on my chin and turned my face to look at her.. She wanna see if im actually crying. More tears rolled out of her eyes as she saw mine. “Son..” She called me.. I inhaled. “Mo...m..” I said and before I could finish that word, I hugged her. “I don't wanna forgive you. I just wanna give you a chance.” I said... “Thank you so much son. I love you very much.” She said and just then, I saw my dad being wheeled towards us in a wheelchair by Moni. Then they stopped and just stared with smiles on their faces. I pulled away and wiped my tears immediately. She looked at me with smiles. “Thank you Jeremy. Thank you for giving me another chance to love you like a mother loves her son.” She said and took my hand. Then Moni wheeled my dad to our front and he was just smiling, and Moni as well. “Thank you son.” Dad said to me.. Just then, I saw Doctor Sam. He was in smiles and was coming towards us. He wore his sparkling white doctor coat with a stethoscope around his neck and a flat book in his hand. We all stared at him till he got to us. “Hello, happy family. I've got good news.” He announced,.still in his usual assuring smile. “Richy is back to consciousness and he's awake right now..” He said. “Oh my God!..” Dad exclaimed. “Oh Gracious God!” Moni said. “This is good news.” Mom said. I just smiled. . Alexandra 's POV [After church] Lili and I drove back home.. It was 2pm when we got to the house and Lili had to go meet a friend she called, Prissy. So she changed into another wear of trouser and a shirt. “Alex, be careful. And don't go far.” She said, gave me a peck and left.. I smiled, “Bye Lili.” I said and closed the door... Soon, I heard her car zoom off. Whoa.. Im alone in the house .. And seriously, I don't like it. Jeremy said he wanna see me. I wonder when and where.. I walked back to my room and changed into a blue bomshorts and white top and packed my hair into a ponytail cos I left it to fall down my shoulders for church cos I wore a panama hat, but now im back and I want it back to a ponytail. I took my phone and walked back to the sitting room. I don't feel hungry, so I just took a chocolate candy from the fridge and decided to watch Disney Tv, I've missed it. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… # Jeremy's POV I was alone at home now cos both mom and Moni are at the hospital, though Mom had come home and freshen up but she's back to the hospital with Moni. She's actually changing. I layed on my bed and im just on my boxers. I checked the time and it's 3:20pm. I gotta go see Andra. I got up, walked to my closet and opened it., Got out a black jean and white shirt and pulled on. Then I closed it, took my phone and walked out. Im gonna go to her house. She'do go wit me to the saloon. Gotta fix my hair. ……………………………………… When I got to her house, I saw no car. Not back from church yet? Or they are out? I hope not. Andra gotta be at home.. I got down from my car and walked to the door. I pressed the doorbell and few minutes later. The door opened to review my babe, Andra. Bomshorts! Gawd!??? What's this hot thing she's putting on? I checked her cute slender legs and looked at her dazzling eyes.. Why's this girl so pretty? And she's looking hot! “Andra.. I sent you a message that I wanna see you..” I said coldy. “Yeah, you did.” She said “Can I come in?” I asked. “Fine.” She said and left the door and I stepped in. I can't find Lili nor can I hear her voice either. “Lili's out to see a friend..” She said. “Andra..”I called. “Huh.. have a seat. Was watching disney.” She said. “I want to hug you.” I said and before she could react, I hugged her already. I really love this girl.. “I gave my mom another chance and my dad is on a wheelchair now and his driver is now awake from the coma now. Im kinda happy but without you, my happiness isn't complete..Im so happy Im here wit you.” I said. Then, I pulled away and stared into her eyes. “I wanna go fix my hair. I need you to come with me.” I said and she let out a smile. “Alright. Just stay back while I go change into something more okay.” She said, then left. I watched till she left and I smiled.. Argghhh! she look so hot in that bomshort.. ………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV When I got into my room, I couldn't help it but smile.. Where did he learn to say all that breath taking words from? Jermyyyyy... And gosh! I had bomshorts on me. ………… I got out a blue jeans and a yellow shirt and wore then... Then took my phone and came out and he turned to me and gave a little frown. “Andra I'do love that white shirt on you..” He said. I glared at him, but he smiled in return. “Pleaseee...” He said. I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. I pulled off the yellow shirt and wore back the white shirt I was puting on then. I wonder what's his plan. He's on a white shirt and he wants me to wear white shirt too. Uh! I saw my black bobble hat... and got it out. It's been a while I wore this so I decided to wear it. I pulled the hairband off my hair and my hair fell down my shoulders, Then I wore the bobble hat and maybe it fits me. I guess Jeremy would tell me if it do. I walked out to the sitting room and met him looking at Lili's picture frame. He saw me and is like wowwww, “You look damn pretty Andra.. Oh gosh!” He said as he came over and hugged me, with the frame still in his hand. Argh! “You look so cute babe.” He said with a smile. and pulled away... . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:08
TEENS HEART . Sequence 86-88 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Alexandra 's POV [Continues] When we left the house, I sent Lili a message that Jeremy needs me to go with him to a hair saloon to fix his hair. She replied. <b> Alright Niece. Be careful. Have fun. # As_Jeremy drove, he kept stealing glances at me. Like seriously, why? “Andra.. do you want something?” He asked as we were almost at a popular eatery. BUTTERA eatery. “Im not hungry. You wanna eat?” I asked. “Nop..” He said and drove pass the Eatery. Caring boyfrend! ………………………………………… # Steph's POV Im in my room, and im going through his facebook profile. Chris Ray. His profile picture is really cute and I Liked with a reaction [ ]. But didn't comment. Then I found out he sent me a friend request. Yeah, but I never cared to accept, I always delete it. He must have sent this one recently, cos I can recall I deleted his last friend request weeks ago. I accepted this one [Confirmed ] Just then, I heard dad knock on my door. “Come in dad.” I said even though I felt like not seeing him. He came in and sat beside me and tried to kiss me on the lip, but i hid my lip. “No dad. Just a peck would do.” I said. He seem suprised but just went on and gave me a peck on my cheek. “But baby, you know I love kissing those sweet lips of yours.” He said. I looked at him and smiled. It was was a sad smile.. I wonder if he noticed. I got a question for him. “Do you really love me dad?” I asked while staring at his eyes. He blinked with his eyes still on mine. “Yes baby.. I really love you and would do anything in the world for you my Angel.” He saidd and caressed my cheek. I went back to my phone. Chris Ray sent a message... “Baby you good?” He asked. “Im.. im okay dad.” I said. “C'm on honey, let's go watch some movies downstairs.” He said. “Im fine dad..Actually I was actually tryna get a nap before you knocked.” I said. “It's fine baby.. Just missing your sweet self beside me tho.” He said. “I know you do dad. Im sorry, i really gotta sleep.” I said and faked a smile. He smiled back. “Alright baby. Sleep dear.” He said and kissed me on the cheek,.then stood up and left. I shut my eyes and opened them back. I inhaled and went back to my phone. I opened my fb messenger. I saw his message. Chris Ray: Hi Steph, thanks for making accepting my friend request. I feel so happy right now. It means alot to me. [Inhales] Steph Wright: You're welcome Chris. Him: Um.. so we're friends now? [Rolls my eyes.] Me: What are we? Him: Thanks for being my friend Steph. [I inhaled] Me: It's finee. ……………………………………………… #Alexandra's NOw, he drove into a JiMall and pulled to a stop at the second parking Lot where the saloon is. Classic-Hair-Rock! Saloon We got down and Jeremy took my hand. Then he dropped my hand and moved his hand over my waist, to hold me there. What! I can't even say anything, So I just shyly walked into the saloon and then it was worse! They were so many people who was staring as Jeremy and me.,(People who never mind their business) staring at us. “Are you shy?” He whisper. It's like a smirk. Oh! oh! this question wanna make me punch him on the nose. “You just hold me that way. What do you expect huh?” I whispered back and he smiled and did.... the craziest thing! He pecked me on the cheek in front of all this people staring. I swallowed and tried hard not to miss my step. “Im glad I got you as my girlfriend, so everyone need to know how special you are to me.” He said and my stomache tightenned. Butterflies! “And again, I love causing stares.” He said. I swallowed. “You so shy.. Don't miss your step.” He said and held my ... my waist tighter. Such a boyfriend! …………………………………… I sat down on the lounge chair and Jeremy brought his face almost to mine. Gosh! I thought he's gonna kiss me on the lips in front of everyone here... God! Im gonna kill him! But he just smiled instead. “Stay right here, Im gonna be here too.” He said like im some kid. Then he walked over to one of the empty hair dressing table and a guy walked to him to do his hair. …………………… When his current plait was loosed and his hair got combed. Gosh! He was looking so crazily handsome. He turned to my direction and smiled at me. Killer smile. “How do I look babe?” He asked me from there he sat. God! Everyone in here heard him ask me. I understand he's doesn't want our dating to be secret. But mehn! He look so handsome. “You're so handsomee.” I said. I know if I don't say anything, that would only cause unbearable embarrasemment. “Thank you babe.” He said and winke at me. Gosh! I wish I could a picture of him.. He's so cute. I wish he doesn't plait it again. Then I remembered something. The pictures he posted on facebook... I really wanna know about those pictures.. See them. Now I think im gonna start facebooking again. Fast Forward # Jeremy's POV After I was done weaving a new hairstyle that look damn good. I stood up and walked to my babe.. She was actually playing Candy Crush on her phone. I took her hand and pulled her up. “Fix your hair too Andra.” I said and took her to the seat. “Jeremy, I don't wanna wash my hair.” She said. “Just wash it. Don't argue girlfriend, please.” I said and pecked her cheek. “No..” She said. “Yes.” I said. … I won cos her her hair is being washed and stretched now. I just stared at her. Her hair was looking more beauitiful. Sweet! Mom called and I picked up. “Hello J. You're not home.” She said. “Yeah. Im at the hair saloon. I'll be at the hospital soon. How's dad?” I asked. “Alright. He's better and we're missing you today. Your dad would be discharged tomorrow and I'll start treating him myself.” She said.. That's why you're a doctor. “Alright. Im bringing someone along. Dad knows her already tho.” I said. “She? Wow, I can't wait to see her.” She said. I smiled. “Alright. Bye mom.” I said. “Bye son..Love you.” She said. I smiled. I don't wanna tell her I love her yet. That would take some time. Soon, Andra's hair got fixed and when she got up and turned towards me. Oh my God!!??????? She looked like the model I see in magazines... Gawd! She's even more beautiful.. I got up my phone and took a snap. before she noticed. I took another one... Awwwn, this one look so cute. Arghhh! [Smiling] She noticed and widened her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows in a frown.. TARA! I took another one.. Making the whole pix three. “Jeremyyy!..” She snapped but I got up and winked at her. “You're a damsel.” I said with a smile and gave her nose a playful squeeze. “Ouch” She said. People were staring and I love it.. My girlfriend's a damsel so let the stare continue. ………… I got out my wallet and paid for the service rendered to my hair and to my Andra's hair. I took Andra's hand and we walked out. “You so love causing stares!” She said nudging my shoulder. I smiled. “Oh my God!” She yelled out, hitting her forehead. “What's that babe?” I asked. “I just left my bobble cap there in the saloon.” She said. Awshhhh! That's right.. “I really love that cap.” She said and was acting like she wanna go back in and find it. I held her hand tighter. Lol.. That's gonna be kinda embarrasing if she do. “I wanna go get it.” She said. “No you can't do that. You gonna get a new one.” I said and pulled her along. . Alexandra 's POV He pulled me along towards the main mall. Are we going in there? “You going to get something?” I asked him. “Yeah. A new bobble cap for you.” He said. Seriously? “Ashh.. No, let's head to the hospital.” I said. “Yeah. We will. After getting the cap.” He said and pulled me along till we got inside the big mall. Lots of people moving about. Some with trolleys, some with shopping basket and some already with shopping bags.. “Okay. fine. Can you release my hand a bit now?” I said. He looked at me and gave that charming smile. “Yeahh. Ofcourse babe.” He said and released his grip but still held my hand. Phew! …………………… We walked through the shoes aisle and then found the caps aisle after it. He still held my hand. There were cute bobble caps and many other types of cap.. He got a pink bobble cap in white transparent nylon pack and raised it to my face.. It had 'Love Me More' inscribbed on the it. “Would look cute on you babe.” He said. Yeah It would but mine's black not pink. Though pink is my favourite colour. “Mine was black.” I said. “Oh damn that. Fine, get yourself that. I love this one for you..” He said. After selecting for awhile, I finally got one that look kinda like mine. (You know how it feels when you lost something you really like, You wanna buy what seem exactly like it.) “Yeah, this one look just like mine,” I said to Jeremy, who had his hands in his pockets, staring at me.. He shrugged. ……………………………………… After we paid.. (Okay he paid), “Babe. let's go eat.” He said and took my hand. But then he stopped and turned to me. He took out the pink bobble cap from the small shopping bag. Why? I stared at him. “Close your eyes, I wanna propose to you.” He smirked.. Now, that was funny. Always a punk! I laughed. “Here, Don't take it off.” He said as he came close and wore the cap on my head. Okay, people kinda glanced for a second. “You look so cute babe.” He said. I kinda blushed. Why won't I? When three girls that just passed us heard him and turned back to take a glance at us. He took out the black one that I bought and tried to wear it but I grabbed it from him. “Uhh??” He raised his eyebrows. I got a reason for doing that.. We are just standing here, facing each other and acting like kids. Lol. “Babe, you don't want me to wear it?” He asked. “Close your eyes, I wanna give you something.” I said. He laughed. It's actually funny cos I giggled along. “Alright fine.” He said and he closed his eyes.. Seriously? Arghhh this guy! I smiled and tipped my toes to wear the cap on him cos he's kinda so taller than I am. I wore it on him, and before I could even fix it well on his head, He opened his eyes with a smile and pulled me into him. He hugged me. Okay, My cheeks turned red cos eyes turned to us. Gosh! Must he be causing stares everywhere. “Wow.. Thanks babe. I really wanna kiss you.” He said and my heart jumped. No. He musn't do that here or else im gonna die in so much shyness. “Can I?” He asked. “No.. no!” I snapped. “Why?” He asked. “Arshhh. You're hungry!” I said and tried to pull away but he still hugged me. “Let's cause a little romantic scene here babe..” He said. God! No.. This punk! I will so deal with you if you don't let go off me. Argh! “Fine, you're not answering..” He said and withdrew. “I know why, cos you still don't believe im inlove with you Andra. It hurts tho!” He said as he got beside me and took my hand. “You wanna eat?” He asked. “You said you wanted to.” I said. “Not anymore. Let's go.” He said with a straight but kinda sad face and began walking towards the Mall outdoor but I stopped and he did too. I don't like the way he was acting. “Jeremyy” I called coldly. “What's that babe?” He asked with a stoic face now but I know he's sad and upset... And seriously, I don't want him to.. I turned to him. “I... You... I...” I was gonna stammer cos I don't know what to say. He stared into my eyes. People passed us. “It's fine Andra.. I love you so much, just know that. and I want the whole world to know that I do. That you're my babe. I know we just began dating just yesterday, but my feelings for you had been long developed deep inside my heart even before I realised it. I love you Andraa..” He said. I inhaled as his words found their way to the softest spot in my heart and melted me down. “I love you too J.” I said. Oh.. and this was the first time I called him J. He smiled. “I love you too Andra. First time calling me J.” He said and let out a cute laugh. Then he brought his face closer anf kissed my forehead. Then withdrew. He held my hand and we walked to the Mall cafeteria. We ate... >>>>>[[After eating]]>>>>> He took my hand and we walked out of the mall cafeteria and back to his car. But before then, He did something.. He immediately drew me to him and took a selfie of us.. God! It was so romantic. “Do you mind if I upload it on my facebook wall?” He asked. Wow, he's suddenly asking for permission? Lol. I didn't answer. I was just smiling. He should understand by my smiles that he has my full acceptance to post it. “You know what?, You should open a facebook account. Get a whatsapp and I wanna be skyping you when im missing you and wanna see your cutie face.” He said and I blushed. I will do all this. Once im back home. I won't be able to sleep if I don't do them tonight! “Babe, im uploading the pix. Should I go on huh?” He asked. I nodded. “Yeah! Im happy now. Let's head to the hospital.” He said with a sweet smile and drove off. Goshh gosh.. He's a cutie. ……………… [Few minutes later] # Jeremy's POV “I can't wait to see your mom.” She said as I drove on. I smiled. This girl... Why do she love making me smile? Andra.. I love you. Ah swear it. “Why do you wanna see her?” I asked. “Cos I know she'do be a sweet mother.” She said. I smiled. “You want Icecream?” I asked as I saw an Icecream Vendor. “Ummmm.” She was tryna decide. I smiled. “It's finee. I know you want it.” I said as I stopped the car and called out to the Icream vendor for chocolate and cream icrecream. He got it on a small square-shaped cup. I wanted just one for Andra alone but he actually brought two cups. Fine, I'll take it. I paid him and he left. “Here..” I handed her one and she took it with a sweet smile. I dropped the other. “Thankss J.” She said and soon, she was licking her ice cream “Hey ain't you gonna give your boyfriend a bit huh?” I asked playfully. She laughed and looked at me. Then she took a spoon of it and brought it to my lips and I took it.. Awshh! Icy and sweet! “Thanks babe.” I said and pecked her cheek. Oh shit! I need to concentrate on the steeringwheel. I almost hit a car. . Fast Forward #Alexandra's POV We got to the hospital and getting inside his dad ward room., I met a beautiful woman with Jeremy's dad. She turned to us and Godsh! Such a beauty. Jeremy was holding my hand. “J..” She called him and his dad looked at us. We walked to them. “Hey dad.” Jeremy called. “Wow.. this is she right?” His beautiful mom asked. Now, I know where Jeremy got all that sweet look from. Not his dad but his mom.. Woww. His dad glanced at me. He was sitting on the bed. “Yeah, She's my girlfriend.” Jeremy said. and I felt my cheek burn. “Your girlfriend??” His dad asked. I got kinda scared His tone was kinda scary. “Yeah dad.” He said. “But you didn't tell it to me that way.” His dad said. “Yeah dad .. Cos It was last night that we became lovers.” Jeremy said He looked at me. “It's alright son..” He said. “And ohh.. She look so cute.”His Mom said and I hugged me So sweet! I can't believe's the one.. ………………………………………… We spent some time at hospital..and soon, it was time fo me to gmo cos it was getting dark. …………………… Jeremy drove me home. then we he pulled to stop.. “See you in school tomorrow babe.” He said. “See you too.” I said anrmd let out a smile. Then I got down and closed the door and walked to the door. Huh! Lili is not yet back. I gotta call her. And I did. “Hello Dearr niece. Im so sorry im not home yet... I'll soon be home. Stay safe...” She said. “Lili please come home soon. I can't stay all alone in mhis house.” I said. “I will. Its a promise.” She said. I felt someone's behind me. I turned and its.. its JEREMY! He was giving me a kinda smirk smile. I know she's not back yet. I'll stay with you till she gets back.” He said. Awwn! Is he so protective? “Finee..” I said with a smile as I turned and opened the door. …………………………………………… We sat on the same couch and watched movies.. It was dark now but Lili is still not yet back. I called her again.. “Oh Alex. Im so sorry, Traffic is really bad! Stay in your room if you scared.” She said. “Jeremy is here.” I said. “Oh.. that's cool. I'll be home soon. Stay with him okay.” She said. “Okay Lili. Im missing you.” I said. “Oh.. I miss you more Angel.” She said. I dropped the call. Lili just come home!!! #Jeremy's POV After the call. She looked at me. “She's in a traffic.” She said. I smiled and pulled her to me, so she rest her head on my shoulder. “You scared?” I asked her. “I guess.” She said. “You don't have to be. Im here with you.I'do never leave you all alone.” I said and kissed her forehead. She got silent, so we watched the movie. ………… [Minutes later] Okay, in a movie, there's always this romantic part that makes your head spin round. Now, that scene was being displayed in the movie and I held Andra so close to me. “I love you Andra..” I said cos the scene was really affecting me really much. She didn't answer. I glanced at her and she's sleeping.. Sleeping beauty. I smiled and left her to sleep on my shoulder. “I promise to love you for forever. Yeah,forever cos you really mean alot to me. My Andra..” I said and touched her hair. Soon, I heard the doorbell ring and it woke Andra up. “I'll go check.” I said. She had that sleepy eyes. but gosh! they are charming. I walked to the door and opened it and it's Lili. “Oh dear Jeremy. Thank you sooo much for staying behind..” She said and walked in. “Lili!” Andra rushed to her and hugged her. “You got me so scared Lili.” She said. “Im sorry dearie..” Lili said. They pulled away and Lili turned to me. “Thanks Jeremy. Im really grateful that you stayed behind.” She said. “Its fine Lili. She means alot to me, so I'do be beside her anythime.” I said. She smiled. I wonder if she knows Andra is my girlfriend now. “You are such a darling Jeremy. I really wanna ask this, how's your dad?” She asked. “He's been wheeled on a wheelchair now.” I said. “Oh he'do be fine soonesttt.” She said. I turned to Andra who was looking at me as well. “Goodnight Andra..” I said. “Goodnight J.” She said. Wow... J. “See you tomorrow. You coming to school?” She asked. “Yeah.” I said. She nodded. “Do one thing for me Andra..” I said. Lili had left to wherever in this part of the house. Leaving just me and Andra. “What's that?” She asked. “I want us to go to school together. So im gonna come.” I said. Fuck that Steph is she ever try to bring her crap car to take my Andra. “Fine..” She said with a smile. Yeah.. She want it! I walked to her and planted a quick kiss on her lips. I could now kiss this cute pinky lips anytime that I want. Hahaha.. But uh! She haven't kissed back. Soon, she will. I know. “Bye my love. I love you so much.” I said. “Bye.” She said.. I turned and left.. I'll go home now and sleep while hugging my pillow... Lol. but before I got home, I couldn't help but text her, <b> I cherished every moment I had with you Andra.. Thanks for always making me happy and thanks for stealing my heart away. . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:09
TEENS HEART . Sequence 89-91 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues.. Next Day # Alexandra 's POV Before I got dressed for school, I texted Steph not to come and gave her the reason why. Jeremy said he's coming.. What else could I have told her? Soon, I drank my coffee and bread, Got my bag, ready for school.. I kissed Lili goodbye and walked outside to the gate and stood waiting for him. Why's he taking so much time!!??? But then, I saw his car. Thank goodness.. He stopped when he got to where I stood and I got in.. He looked at me with the sweetest smile I've ever seen. And gosh! He looked hot today and this pullover he wore is just too cute. Why do he have so many cute pullovers? “Andra... I missed you.” He said and hugged me. I missed you too. “Did you miss me too?” He asked. I pulled away and stared into his charming eyes.. “Yeah, I missed you J.” I said. He smiled and brought his face close to mine and kissed me. I know he will. Kisser! “I love you Babe.” He said as he looked into my eyes, then turned to the steering and drove off. I stared at my boyfriend.. I can't believe this ever romantic guy here is Jeremy. And Molly? My heart is beating really fast. I don't know what's gonna happen today in school. Jeremy promised to be by my side but im still so scared. She might wanna cause a fight. And gosh! I don't want that. “You thinking Andra?” He suddenly asked. I looked at him. He's eyes are on the windscreen but then he glanced at me. “Im... im just thinking Molly would try to cause something bad.” I said. I had to tell him. “Andra.. Molly can't hurt you. Trust me. And damn! You shouldn't be fucking scared of a girl like you Babe.” He said. “Im not!” I snapped. It's a lie. I am seriously scared.. I really need to drop this fright before I get to school or my heart is so gonna jump really bad when I see her. “Babe, She's not gonna try anything.. Trust me. She's so scared of me. You are my girlfriend and you really mean a lot to me and Im would do anything to make you happy.” He said and pecked me. I smiled. ………………………………………… We got to school and once we got down from his car, He took my hand. (Like always!) He just makes me feel special. We walked down the hallway and everyone stared. They can. He's my boyfriend. Then I heard those gossipping.. “I saw their picture. They are dating..” “Gosh! What's so special about her!” “Wow...Look at them.” “He broke up with Molly for her. Gosh!” I smiled and looked at them. They all had angry faces. They must really love Molly or probably are jealous. I know why, Cos Jeremy did upload that picture on his facebook wall. I saw it,. I can't forget the caption. ‘Andraa.. I love you.’ That was the caption he wrote. How di “My mom's coming to Ellas today..” He said. “Really?” I said. “Yeah... To announce about my dad.” He said. I nodded.. I looked at him, “Thanks for forgiving your mom.” I said. “I haven't forgiven her. I just gave her a second chance.” He said with a smile. I squeezed his hand. Aww, it's been a while we did that cos he squeezed mine. “I love you Andra..” He said. “I love you too J.” I said. We walked into class... Oh oh oh oh... Every eyes turned to us.. Molly is on her seat, Chris, Eve. I pulled my hand out, turned and walked to my seat.. As I sat down, I glanced at Jeremy and he was already on his seat. I looked away. # Jeremy's POV As I sat down, I saw Andra was looking away now. Molly had her eyes away. I wish it will continue to look away till school's over. “Hey dude.” Chris said. “Mehn..What's up?” I asked him. “Wanna know something?” He asked. “What's that?” I asked. “Im gonna ask her out on a date... Guess who?” Who else but Steph! im sure she's tired of being a bitch. “So she wants you now after being such an asshole?” I asked. “I love her J.. She's so cool now.” He said. “Great.” I said. “What about Alex?” He asked. “Huh?” I asked and glanced at Andra. She had her eyes at the window.. “We need to talk dude.” He said. I already know what he wanna talk about. “Yeah.. She's my girlfriend now and Mo....” I glanced at Molly. She's on her phone. “Molly.. I broke up with her.” I said. “Yeah.. You guys dating were all game played, you know. You love Andra?” He asked. “Damn! Like hell. I guess I need some winnie cos im love sick.. Im head over heels inlove with Andra..” I said and we laughed. Molly got up and walked away.. “Men.. She's been crying tho.” Chris said. “I will talk to her.” I said. I got up and went after Molly.. I saw her going towards the female's washroom passageway. “Molly.” I called her. She stopped but didn't turn. I walked to her and moved to her front so we face each other. She had tears in her eyes.. “Molly..” I called again. “Fuck you Jeremy!” She snapped. Lol.. “Molly, I just wanna make it clear to you that its really over between us.” I said. “Yeah, its over, so fuck off.” She said. Forming like it doesn't hurt her.. Well it shouldn't. We were only flirting around. But Chris said she was crying. “Don't tryna hurt my girlfriend.. Though I know you can't. But don't tryna do anything stupid.” I said. She scoffed, eyed me and tried to leave but I grabbed her hand. She looked at me with fierce eyes. “Im warning you..” I said. # Molly's POV “Im warning you..” He said, then dropped my hand and walked away.. I breathed hard with my teeth clenched. It's so annoying! I can't bear it! I turned to go on, but freak! I pomped into someone.. Fuck! Crap! It was actually the dummy black girl. “Im sorry Molly.” She said and tried to walk away. “Hey..” I called. She stopped. “Huh?” She asked and turned back to me. “Didn't you fucking see well huh? Are you fucking blind?” I barked. “I apologised. Didn't I?” She said. What? “Fine.. ” I said and inhaled. “Can I know your name?” I asked her. “Eve.” She said. I inhaled. I got this idea. “Do you still want to join the girls dance club huh?” I asked. Her face lightened up at that. “Seriously?, God! Ofcourse.” She said excitedly. Brat. “Fine.. you gonna join..” I said and with all the excitement, she tried to hug me but I shifted away. What the heck! “Thanks Molly. I appreciate alot.” She said. I smiled. “But you gonna do something for me.” I said. “What's that?” She asked, smiling. . Eve's POV “But you gonna do something for me.” She said. “What's that?” I asked, smiling. She smiled for few seconds.. then came too close to me. “I've lost him to that bitch, Alex..” She said. “Who?” I asked, pretending to be confused, though I know what she's talking about. “I wanna deal with that girl!” She said. I stared at her. “And... I want you to help me. If you really want to join the girls dance club, then you gonna whatever that I tell you.” She said. Seriously? “I really wanna join Molly, tell me what to do.” I said. “I want you to spy on her. I need an information that I would use to hurt her.. Something that's gonna make Jeremy hate her and come back to me.” She said. I was shocked. “So are you gonna do it?” She asked. “Is that all you want me to do?” I asked. “Yeahh.. It's simple. You her friend and let's continue to be enemies. But we gonna be meeting secretly.” She said. I inhaled. “That's betraying my friend. I can never do that to Alex.” I said. She looked at me,“Don't you wanna join the girls dance club?” She asked. “I wanna join, but not this way. I can never hurt Alex.” I said. “What?” Her gaze at me turned to a glare. “Yeah Molly. I can't help you hurt Alex and im never gonna let you hurt Alex.” I said. She let an awkward chuckle. “So what you brat gonna do to me?” She asked. “Im gonna spill this conversation out to her and also to Jeremy.” I said. “Don't you dare!” She said. I inhaled. “I can't compare my friendship with Alex with a school dance club. Ofcourse soon, Im gonna graduate from this school and the fucking dance club, im gonna drop it, but my friendship with Alex is something that's gonna be forever. I love Alex and a heartless girl like you is never gonna make me betray and hurt her.” I said. “She stole my boyfriend you bitch!” She yelled. I chuckled. “She stole his heart and he threw you out. What do you think?” I smirked, turned and walked away. [Scoffs] Seriously? She thinks I can do that? Spy on Alex.. Help her hurt Alex? She's so crazy if she think I can do that.. I can never hurt Alex, Im even scared to hurt her. Im even scared to loose my friendship with her. Fuck Dance club! Fuck you Molly... I love my friendship with Alex and Steph. Nothing's ever gonna make me stop. Im gonna tell Alex about this... And not just her. Jeremy too. # Molly's POV She walked away... Bitch! Brat! Idiot! Gosh! I can't believe this is fucking happening.. I gotta wake up from this freaking dream.. ………………………………………… # Alexandra 's POV When Lunch bell rang... An announcement came... That the proprietress is around and needs to say out something to everyone at the School announcement hall. Jeremy had told me what she wanna announce already. We all walked up the school hall..Which is at the second storey. Eve came to me and took my hand... Have she became Jeremy too? “Alex, Im gonna tell you something after.” She said in a whisper. Where is Jeremy?? He must be with his mom, I guess. “Alright.. How was your weekend?” I asked her. “Fine and I know yours was sweet and fun filled.” She said. “Why will you say that?” I asked. She smiled. “You tryna deny that right?” She asked and began searching around with her eyes. “Deny what? and what're you searching for?” I asked. “Steph.” She said. Oh! Where's she? “Hello girls.” We heard her voice behind. We turned. She had a cute smile on her face. “Steeeph. I missed you.” Eve said and hugged her. Seriously? “I missed you too Eve.” Steph said. “Steph..” I called her. “Alex..” She said with a cute smile and then we hugged. “I missed you this weekend.” She said and I smiled. “Just the way that I missed you.” I said. …………………… We got to the announcement hall and we got our seats beside each other., Though my seat is at the middle, Eve sat at my left and Steph sat at the right.. I still searched for Jeremy... To see if he's at the upper seats for the school administrators. But he isn't. He's with his mom Alex. Stop thinking! # Steph 's POV I was searching with my eyes for Chris but he was nowhere to be seen. Probably he's with Jeremy cos I can't see Jeremy as well. Last night. I had said yes to his request. To go out with him after school today.. I wanted to decline but I couldn't. My heart, my mind tells me he's gonna say those words to me again ‘Please be my girlfriend.’ I swear. I don't know what im gonna say, but I just think im gonna say yes to him. I wanna be his girlfriend. My dad came last night to try to... to. [I don't wanna think about it] But I refused. I told him I don't wanna continue that with him anymore. He left my room and haven't talked to me to today even when I greeted him this morning. He didn't say anything to me. “Steph??” Alex voice jolted me out of my lonely thoughts. I looked at her. She had wide eyes. “I've called you three times Steph. You thinking?” She asked. I can't lie that I wasn't. “Y..yeah.” I said and took my eyes over the hall. Every student of Ellas is now seated. “You wanna talk about it?” She asked me. “No.. its nothing important actually.” I said. I can't tell her.. My incest with my dad. Gosh.. Tears was gathering in my eyes. “Im pressed. I wanna go to the washroom, I'll be back.” I said to her, got up and left towards the Hall washrooms. I just wanna go in there and drop my tears. I've been really an idiot.. To think I was doing the right thing. To think my dad loved me really much.. and was proving to me how much he do. I opened a washroom door and walked in, shutting the door behind as I let the tears roll down. I cut a tissue roll and watched myself at the mirror as tears rolled down my cheek and each tear that falls, I immediately clean it off with a tissue.. I've been so stupid to believe you dad! I should have hated both you and mom! I should have run away... I should have.... I felt nusea.. Why? Is it cos im crying? Is it cos im suddenly regretting everything I'v been doing with my dad? Shit! I felt like vomitting.. It was serious... I cleaned off my tears and rubbed my stomache. But it was becoming unbearable, and I got my face at the sink and in ten seconds, I began vomitting. ………………………………………… #Alexandra's POV Steph is taking so long... “You sure she went to urinate?” Eve asked. “Yeah, she said she was pressed.” I said, searching around. Eve eyes followed mine. It's up to twenty minutes now and the proprietress would soon come up the stage to make her announcement. God! Where's Steph. I need to go find her. “Im going to find Steph.” I told Eve and just when I was about getting up, I saw her walk in. “Steph.. ” I said when she sat down. “Steph..” Eve called too. “I don't know. I got to the washroom and felt nusea, and I vomitted..” She said. Oh my God.. “Im sorry Steph.. Do you wanna go to the school hospital?” I asked her. “No.. Im fine.” She said. I inhaled. “Alright. You sure you fine?” I asked. “Yeah. I am.” She said with a smile.. I inhaled. Just then, A voice came into the microphone. I looked and it was the vice principal. “THIS DAY IS A REALLY SPECIAL DAY TO US.. OUR BEAUTUFUL AND ELEGANT PROPRIETRESS, DR. ELLA TAYLOR IS HERE TO SAY OUT SOMETHING TO US ALL AND I WANT YOU ALL TO CLAP YOUR HANDS TOGETHER AS WE WELCOME HER TO THE STAGE...” V.P Bianca said and we all began clapping As Jeremy's mom, dressed in black trouser and black suites with her black hair which fell over her shoulder walked up to the hall stage with a broad smile. She looked wonderful. Soon, the clap died down. “HELLO, BEAUTIFUL AND SUPER STUDENTS OF ELLAS HIGH SCHOOL.. IM SO GLAD TO SEE ALL OF YOU ALL TODAY. I MISSED YOU ALL..” “WE MISSED YOU TOO!!” Everyone shouted, except me. I was just smiling and I was still searching for Jeremy. “ACTUALLY, WHAT IM GONNA ANNOUNCE TO YOU ALL MIGHT SEEM SHOCKING AND SUPRISING... BUT IM GONNA SAY IT.” I finally saw Jeremy and I smiled. He just walked into the hall with Chris and they had their seats opposite us. He smiled when he saw we were opposite each other. And he did a hiding thumb up for me, in a way that only me saw it. “...THREE DAYS AGO, ON 13TH OF OCTOBER. OUR PROPRIETOR AND MY HUSBAND...” Wow.. She added ‘My husband’ “.. HAD A CAR CRASH..” Shouts of “Whaaaaaaaaat!!!!!” “Oh my God!!!!!” raised instantly. “HE...” She continued and the noise died down. “HE SUSTAINED LEG INJURIES. BUT IM GLAD TO ANNOUNCE TO YOU ALL THAT HE'S BETTER ALREADY.. SO CAN WE CLAP FOR JESUS?” She said with a very sweet smile that touched me down. Claps followed and then some minutes later. it died down. “JEREMY TAYLOR..” She called and my heart jumped. Why's he calling him? I looked at him and he was looking at this mom. “..I WANNA SAY THAT YOU WERE THE BEST SON TO YOUR DAD THOSE FEW DAYS IN THE HOSPITAL, LIKE THE WAY YOU HAVE BEEN TO HIM. THE VERY BEST SON. AND I WANNA SAY THANK YOU FOR FORGIVING ME, YOUR MOM FOR EVERYTHING. I LOVE YOU.” Claps came on instantly... Loud claps that lasted for minutes. I looked at Jeremy and he was all smiling. Then he glanced at me and smiled more widely. “ACTUALLY, HE GOT SOMETHING TO SAY.PLEASE COME FORWARD SON.” His mom announced and my heart sinked into my belly. I looked at him. He stood up, looked at me and then gave me that smile that I only could understand that he wanna say something about me.. About us.. To this whole crowd. I freezed. . # Alexandra 's POV I watched him walk up the stage, his mom shifted and he stood before the microphone. Everyone's eyes stared at him. The hall was silence like a grave yard. His mom stood beside him. I was scared, anxious, nervous and at the same time, happy! excited! Do he really want to say something about us? I touched Steph. She looked at me. “Are you feeling someway about what he wanna say?” She asked me in a whisper. “Yeah, I am.” I said. She held my hand. “He's such a sweet lover.” She said and goshh.. I couldn't believe Steph actually said this. I turned my eyes back at Jeremy. “I WANNA SAY TO YOU MOM, THAT I LOVE YOU..” He said. His mom looked at him with a wide smile. But Is that all he wanna say? “AND TO MY DAD, I LOVE HIM MORE.” He said and just then his eyes came to the direction that I am. My pulse stopped. The silence took forever. “BUT THERE IS SOMEONE THAT IM INLOVE WITH... SOMEONE REALLY SPECIAL TO ME..” My heartbeat pounded against my chest. Steph held me tighter. “God.. I can't believe he wanna say this to everyone. This is just super amazing.” Eve whispered. Her words made my heart beat faster and louder. I felt sweats on my forehead. “...AT THE START, WE BEGAN AS ENEMIES.. TALKING BACK AT EACH OTHER AND... FIGHTING ALL THE TIME. I GUESS I HATED YOU AND YOU HATED ME TOO. THEN I GOT FOND OF GETTING ON YOUR NERVES, AND WHEN EVER I DO, YOU GET VEXED UP..WHILE I GET HAPPY. TILL THINGS TURNED AROUND AND WE BECAME FRIENDS...” Many already know he is talking about me cos their eyes turned occasionally towards me. “...YOU PROVED TO BE THE BEST FRIEND TO ME.. THREE DAYS AGO, I FOUND OUT HOW SWEET, CARING AND NICE THAT YOU ARE. YOU FOLLOWED ME TO THE HOSPITAL TO SEE MY DAD, YOU STAYED WITH ME ALL THAT DAY JUST TO MAKE SURE, I DON'T DO SOMETHING STUPID.. AND ALL THAT TIME, I FOUND OUT MY FEELINGS FOR YOU. I FOUND OUT THAT I REALLY NEED YOU AS EVERYTHING TO ME. MY FRIEND, MY BESTFRIEND AND MY LOVER. I NEEDED YOU COS YOU CHANGED ME. YOU WERE THE VERY BEST. AND WHEN I TOLD YOU ABOUT MY FEELINGS, YOU PROVED TO BE THE VERY BEST..” God! My tears gathered. Why! why should my tears gather. Im I really gonna let this tears fall cos Jeremy is there, saying all that nice thing about me? “Steph. I got tears in my eyes.” I whispered. “Me too.” She whispered back. I looked at her and it was true. “... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING MY GIRLFRIEND, ALEXANDRA GRANDE..” The crowd roared into a cheerful clapping. There came noises... Eyes on me... My tears finally dropped and I wiped them off with my thumb. “...ANDRA, I LOVE YOU NOW, TODAY AND TOMORROW AND , AND IF GOD GIVE ME THE TIME... I'LL LOVE YOU TILL THE END OF MY LIFE…” “WOOOOOOWWW!” Everyone screamed. His mom hugged him and then, he left the stage, he came up and left. He didn't sit back, he just looked at me with a smile and walked away, out of the hall. “Wow. My God! That was romantically amazing.” Eve said. Jeremy!! Why are you this sweet! why are you this romantic? God! Why am I so excited now. Im feeling so proud like im on top of the world. Like im the only girl in the world. Amidst this whole crowd. He let out those words to me. Without caring about anything! Jeremy I love you.. I love you so much. ………………………………………… # Jeremy's POV I quickly walked back to class and with a marker, I drew a cupid love on the board And wrote under it, ‘J loves ANDRA’ No one was in class.. Yeah, cos everyone is at the hall. I smiled at the words on the board. Cute! “Now everyone know's you're my girl Andra. It's super sweet.” I said out. Then, I turned to leave but Molly, came in from God knows where! She haven't seen the writting on the board. Her eyes were just focused on mine and her arms folded. “Jeremyy, you gotta explain to me.” She said. “Explain what?” I asked, and got my hands into my pockets. “Why you fucking broke up with me for that bitch girl!” She said. I chuckled. “Warn you Molly, Andra is not a bitch girl so be careful not to call her that or anything similiar. You don't wanna make me upset huh?” I said. “J, I love you. I gave you everything that yoou fucking asked for. I was the perfect girlfriend for you!” She said. I chuckled again. “Perfect girlfriend? Well, I never noticed that. And im sorry for breaking up with you. In inlove with Andra and she's my girlfriend so you gotta move on. We can still be friends tho. You were the sweet crazy friend, you know,. Alex got my heart now and I can't trade her for anything in the world.” I said. “I can't believe this Jeremy.. I can't believe it. Im never gonna forgive you. Trust me. I fucking hate you!” She said with tears in her eyes, turned and walked away. I inhaled and then shrugged. Just then, few people began coming into the class.. The announcement is over but the lunch hour is still on. I glanced at what I wrote as their eyes went there also. Then I smiled and left to find Andra. ……………… I found her with her dummy friends,walking towards the hallway. Lol.. Why do I still think Steph is a bitch and why do I don't just like that black girl? I walked to them.. to her. “Come with me Babe.” I said and took her hand. “Im with my friends J.” She whispered. “Uh! Okay. So?” I said. “You can't just pull me away. At least make an excuse Or you allow me tell them myself.” She said. I rolled my eyes and left her hand. She turned to them. She haven't said anything when Steph nodded, “It's fine Alex. Have fun.” She said with a smile. Lol. “Alex..” The black girl called, then looked at me. “Jeremy..” She called me as well. Why? “I really wanna tell you guys something.” She said. “What?” I asked. She inhaled, “It's about Molly.” She said. Molly? “She wanted me to spy on you, Alex to get informations that she could use and hurt you. I think she wanna retaliate. She wanna hurt you Alex.”Eve said and I gasped. “And you accepted?” I was just too angry that I asked such a lame question. If she accepted, she wouldn't be here, spilling it out.. “No. I can't betray my friend.” She said. I inhaled. “She wanted to do all that to be able to join the girls dance club.” She said. I chuckled. “Really?” I asked. “Yeah.” You're gonna join the girls dance club then. Well, I guess I like this girl now. Just then, Steph whispered something to Andra and dashed off. “Im going with Steph. She really needs me.” Andra said and walked away, with Eve going with her. Steph really needs her? I turned to walk back to class cos I don't wanna go to the cafeteria alone, without Steph. Then I saw Chris. Then, We walked together to the Cafeteria, ordered our meal and sat on our favourite table to eat.. . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:12
TEENS HEART . Sequence 92-93 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues. Alexandra 's POV When Steph came out from the washroom, she said, she's alright but I don't think she is. We gotta talk. We all walked down the cafeteria to eat.Walking towards the cafeteria, we saw J and Chris coming up. They were just coming out from the cafeteria. When we got to them, J came to me with a cute smile. Chris had to talk to Steph and Eve as well. But Steph and Chris smiles to each other where something else. Something's already going on. Lol.. Im happy. “Hey, pretty girlfriend.” J said, and touched my cheek. I blused. “Be in class quick. I miss looking at your pretty face and talking with you in class.” He said and smiled sweetly.. Talking with me in class? When last did we talk in class tho? Then he pecked me on my cheek, withdrew and smiled that killer smile at me.. I know people are staring. “See you in class babe.” He said and touched my cheek again. When they left (J and Chris), Eve breathed. “Wow. seems im gonna be the only lonely girl here.” She said. I laughed, “Why?” I asked, looking at her. Steph did too. “Do I really gotta say it out to you girls? Oh come on. Im famished.” She said and moved ahead. …………………………………… At the cafeteria, as we ate our meal, I recalled what Eve had said about Molly's plan. Eve proved to be the best friend.. And Im sure gonna suprise her. I looked at her pretty face as she ate her spaghetti. “Eve..” I called her in a very low tone. She looked up, Steph looked too. “Thanks for kicking that girl on the face. Thanks for showing how much you appreciate our friendship.” I said in the same low tone. She dropped her fork, and smiled at me. “You don't have to thank me Alex. I would do more.” She said. “Im gonna talk to Jeremy and he'do help get you into the girls dance club. We don't need Molly to do that.” I said and sincerely, Im gonna do that. I know Jeremy can do it. “Yeah, that's right. He can.” Steph said. Eve got silence for awhile. “Don't think so much girl. Im gonna do it.” I said. She let out a cute smile, “Thanks alot Alex. That would really mean a lot to me.” She said and I smiled. “But you gonna do one thing for me.” I said and winked. She looked at me and giggled. I know I sounded somehow like the way Molly must have done. “What's that..? I will gladly do it.” She said. I laughed, Steph just stared, probably anxious about what I wanna tell Eve to do. “You gonna dance for us, I mean Steph and I. Show us what you got girl.” I said with a wink and we all laughed. I hope we ain't causing so much stare with our laugh. “I will gladly do that.” Eve said with a smile. They were minutes of silence as we continued with our meal, then this time, Steph broke it. “I wanna say out something.” She said in a very low tone. “What's that Steph?” I asked. “Chris.. He asked me out today. I accepted. Im going out with him after school.” She said. I smiled at that. “Wow... Im left.” Eve said. “Are you regretting that you did?” I asked Steph. “No... I just think he's gonna ask me to be his girlfriend and... and I think Im gonna accept.” She said. Ofcourse you got to! He loves you. “Steph. Do what your heart says. Chris really loves you tho..” I said quietly to her. “I will.” She said with a smile. ……………………………………………… [Lunch Over bell rings] We were done finishing up our meals over thirty minutes ago and just sat here at the Cafeteria, chitchatting about important and unimportant things. When, the lunch over bell rang, we stood up walked back to class. Steph walked into her class, after we said, “See you when school's over” to each other. Eve and I walked to our locker and took our History books. Then we walked together into the class.. There were just few people in class yet. Jeremy and Chris are on their seat. Jeremy has his headphone on and his legs on top his desk and he smiled at me immediately our eyes met. Chris's eyes are on his phone.. Molly isn't in. I turned and walked over to my seat.... I got stunned! The guy who was supposed to be sitting in Jeremy's front, was seating right on my seat. He looked at me with his glasses on. I furrowed my eyesbrows, looking really confused. “Im sorry, Alex. Our seat position got changed back. Jeremy wants you back to your formal seat position at his front and me back to mine which is here.” He said. “What!” I snapped! and turned to Jeremy. He was just giving me those stupid killer smile of his and then winked at me. I turned to walk to him and once I turned.. I saw the cupid love drawing and writting on the board. J loves ANDRA.. And his handwritting look really cute like him. My heart melted. I inhaled and walked to him. But how could he just order my seat position to be changed! huh! “Welcome back to your seat babe.” He said and let out that sweet smile of his. I looked at Chris and he's staring at the both of us. I turned back to Jeremy and he still had that smile on his lips. This punk! Okay, don't deny it Alex. You are happy to be close to him in class again. Ain't you huh? Oh yes,I am.. Nevertheless, I hit him hard on his shoulder.. A playful one tho. Lol. “Ouch!! Babe..” He yelled, rubbing his hand on the side of his shoulder where I hit him. I ignored him, turned and gently sat on my new seat. Okay, this was my seat anyway. Until he made me change my seat position. But now, he did his unbelievable things and im sure he scared hell outta that poor guy to leave this seat. Jeremy! Always rude. Now,he's sitting at my back again. Staring at me right? Looking at my hair huh? Is he smiling or frowning? Arshhhh... I desperately wanna see. “I love you Andra..” His voice whispered from my back. Arshhh! Argh! “You make my heart beat fast.. Do you have a stethoscope?” He said. “Stethoscope for what?” I asked. “So you can listen to my heartbeat. It beat really fast for you Andra.” He said. I closed my eyes and opened them back. The History teacher walked in. Why isn't Molly in class. When Mr Hart turned to the board. He saw the drawing and words on the board and he turned back to the class. “Jeremy Taylor.” He called. “Mr Hart.” Jeremy answered. My heart began beating fast, like it did at the hall. “You know it's wrong to write such on the school boards.” He said. “Nothing seem wrong to me when Andra is involved.” Jeremy said.. My heart exploded. What he just said got me!... I felt my legs shaking under my desk. Mr Hart smiled at him,.before turning, then wiped off the writting to start his teaching. “Gosh. Im so happy you're at my front now.” He whispered to me. “How did you do it... You got that guy scared huh?” I asked. “I can do anything for you Andra..” He said.. I smiled. “I wanna learn J..” I said, cos Mr Hart began teaching. “Yeah. Me too babe. Exams on the way, you know.” He said. I giggled. I don't wanna care if eyes were on me. I gotta giggle. He's so funny. # Jeremy's POV I know I was making her smile and I felt soo happy.. I really love this cutie of mine. ………………………………………… …………………………………………… When school over bell rang, Andra was about standing up but I pulled her back down on her seat. “We're going somewhere Andra.” I said. “Where?” She said, turning to look at me. Her eyes narrowed. “Somewhere cool. I just wanna spend sometime with you there.” I said. “Fine..” She said and I squeezed her hand. She laughed quietly. “Hey lovers. Im going to check on someone. Catch you guys lera. I guess that would be tomorrow.” Chris said and turned to leave but Andra called him back. “Chris..” She called and he turned to her, smiling. Can't he quit smiling to everyone huh? “Take care of her.” She said with a sweet smile.. Arghh! Her smile is so sweet. I just gave him a thumb up and he winked at me and walked away.. I stood up and pulled her up... Then turned her chair to face my desk. “Sit babe.” I said. She laughed and then sat down. I sat down on mine and we were facing each other now. “You're so weird J.” She said with a smile. “Im more weird now that Im inlove with you.” I said with a smirk smile.. She laughed. I stared her.... from up her cute hair, to her sparkling eyes and down to her pinky lips and down to her.... Okay J... My babe is a damsel.. “I love you Andra.” I said.. I cant count how many times I've said this words to her today, but I dont mind saying them a million times each day to prove how much I'll keep loving her every minute and every hour that passes. She smiled. “I love you too J..” She said. . Alexandra's POV You can't believe it.. I could say, we are the only students in school now.. No one is in class except Jeremy and I, still facing each other, and playing music all the while.. The class checker had come few minutes ago to check if anyone is still in class. He saw us and seeing Jeremy, he turned and left. He couldn't tell us to leave. Worse,Jeremy don't want us to leave yet and that freaking upsets me. “Let's play Truth or Dare.” He said.. “I don't wanna play that.” I snapped. “T or D? choose.” He said. “Im not gonna choose.” I said. “Pleaseee... Stop being so stubborn babe.” He said. I inhaled. “Fine.” I said, knowing he won't give up. “Truth or Dare?” He said. “Truth.” I said. “Do you truely love me?” He asked. I looked amuzingly at him. He has a smirk smile. I inhaled. “Yeah, I do.” I answered. He smiled. (Not a smirk smile tho) “I truely love you too Andra.” He said. I smiled and drummed my fingers on the desk. “I choose Dare.” He said. I narrowed my eyes. Why would he choose dare? “Why will you choose Dare?” I asked. “Cos I want to. Argh! Just dare me to do something.” He said. I tapped my middle finger on the desk now, with my eyes narrowed at him. I was thinking of what to dare him. I dare you to.. to kiss me? No.. He's gonna think im dying for his lips.. Even though I want the kiss tho. His lips. Arshhh! I dare you to... to do what actually? Oh! He stared at me. “I... I dare you to... to..” “To do what? You didn't even ask, Plain or dirty. You should ask that first.” He said. No.. I can't ask that. Im sure he's gonna say, Dirty! “I dare you to define Literature.” I said. He frowned. “Boring question.” He said. “Answer it.” I said. “You know it. So I shouldn't define it for you. Or you don't know it?” He said. Crazy! I tried to hit him but he took my hand. “Literature's the body of all written works.” He said. “Not in that definition.” I said. “Time up.” He said. Arshhh!! “I didn't recall you adding Time check in the game.” I said. “I just did.” He said with a stupid cute smile! I frowned, “But you d_” “Truth or Dare??” He cut me short. I inhaled. “Truth.” I said. “Why do you love me.” He asked. “I got no reason why. I just found myself falling for you.” I said. He let out a very cute toothy smile, got my hand and squeezed it. I glared at him. “I love you because you mean a lot to me. You are special and different.” He said. I blushed. But tried so much not to show that I did. “Truth or Dare??” I said. “Dare.” He answered. Huh! Why would he be choosing that again. “I dare_” “Dirty” He cut in. “I didn't ask that.” I snapped. “You forget to.” He said. “I didn't. I don't wanna ask that.” I said. “Just go on and dare me to do anything dirty. Uh!” He said. “I won't.” I said. He rolled his eyes. “Fine.. Just go on and dare me to do something boring again.” He mumbled.. Lemme suprise him then. “I dare you hug me.” I said. He instantly looked at me with a wide smile. “Ouch.. Really?” “No.” I joked. “Shh yeah.” He said, got up, sat on his desk, turned to face me and I shifted my seat, so he don't hit me with his leg. We faced each other, then he hugged me. He, on his desk, me on my seat. The hug went on, and then, I felt his breathe on my neck and the next thing, he kissed my neck. Chills! “Time up!” I shouted. It was a SHOUT. “Not yet Babe. A minute left.” He said in a rather dull voice or should I call it a really sweet voice?? “Just time up!” I shouted my voice louder now. He pulled away. “Fine! You shouting so loud.” He said and turned to go sit back on his seat but then he turned back again to me and sat right on his desk. So close to eachother, that his legs touched my knees. “Truth or dare?” He asked. “Truth.” I said. He frowned. “Huh! Can't you just dare huh?” He said more arrogantly. “I don't want to.” I said. “Fine.” He said. Then paused and relaxed a little before asking me.. “Are... you a virgin?” Uh? Huh? What? Did he just ask me that? I swallowed, then Inhaled. “You... you can't ask me such a question.” I managed to say. “Pleaseee answer. I really wanna know.” He said. Why? Why would he wanna know if Im a virgin. “Babe” “Huh?” “Yeah or nah?” I looked at him. His expression is unreadable but I could feel he's anxious to know.. I inhaled, “Yeah.” I said. Then he smiled. “I am too. Do you believe that?” He asked. I ignored him. We shouldn't be talking about that. It's making me feel uncomfortable. “I know you don't wanna believe. You want me to show you huh?” He said with a grin. Okay, that made me smile. Crazy punk!.. “Your turn.” He said. I inhaled, “Truth or Dare?” “Dare.” He said. What else than that! “Plain or Dirty?” I asked this time. I gotta show him. He looked at me with an awkward smile, then it turned to a sweet grin. “Dirtyy” He said. “I dare you to do it..” I said with a smirk smile. Im only joking tho. But how could I dare that. “Do what?” He asked with his eyebrows raised in a cute way. “Show me the prove that you are a... a virgin. I wanna see.” I said, with a giggle. I can't believe I was saying this rubbish. And how fast, did I forgot we are alone here?? He laughed.. “Wow.. Are you serious Babe?” He asked. I didn't answer him. Was praying deep down in my heart that he don't try doing something stupid. “Shit! You gonna see it but not nowww.” He said. Thank God! I got you! “Well, you ain't keeping to the rule of the game.” I said, frowning. Just to punish him abit for choosing dirty instead of plain. He stayed silent for awhile and staring deep into my eyes, he asked; “Do you really wanna see?” I blinked my eyes but was silent cos I don't know how to let out the word, ‘No’ Okay.. Im I crazy? Just say, no! you stupid girl. “You...not..saying anything Andraaa..” voice was really low now. I cleared my throat. “No I don't.” I finally said. I was grateful. I got no idea how he wanna prove it but I know it's never gonna be in a right way. He chuckled and then turned it into a sweet smile. We stared at each other.. Then the next thing, I felt his LIPS on mine. His hand around my neck.. I closed my eyes and let him kiss me on. Then he pulled away “I.. I love you Andra..” He said. “I love you too J.” I said. “But you don't you wanna kiss me back.” He said. Huh? The question was unexpected. I didn't know what to say. He got down from the desk, took my hand. “Come, let's go babe.” He said and I stood up. #Jeremy's POV We walked out of the class, with I, feeling kinda sad and upset. I don't wanna show it but Fuck it! Why couldn't she just kiss me back huh! And about the game? I was almost gonna show d**k. Funny! How can I? Weird. I wanna show her something better. “You get your bag.” I said when we got to her locker. She opened it and took her bag. I saw no pullover again. She finally took it home.. [Smiling] She closed her locker and turned to me. “Why you smiling?” She asked me. “Cos I got a cute girlfriend.” I said and she smiled. I took her hand. She checked her phone. “Lili had been calling. Let's go.” She said. “Andra.. We're not going yet.” I said. She looked confusedly at me. “I wanna show you something.” I said. She raised her brows and asked “What?” In a half yelled tone. She acted like someone scared. I chuckled. I understood, so I pecked her cheek. I wanted to make it a suprise to her but I guess im gonna tell her to stop her fear. “I just... wanna sing for you.” I said. She gasped, then smiled, “Really?” “Yeah..” #Alexandra's POV I swallowed.. I can't believe Jeremy wanna sing for me. Like what song, do he really wanna sing for me and where do he wanna sing it? Somehow, I was anxious and excited. I felt butterflies in my stomache. I couldn't just wait. I sent a message to Lili. <b> Lili, Im so sorry I didn't pick your calls. Im with Jeremy and he has something to show me which im gonna tell you when im back. Im gonna explain everything to you when im back. # I_looked at Jeremy. He smiled, took my hand and we walked away. ………………………… “Where do you wanna do that?” I asked. “Do what?” He asked. Silly! “Sing the song for me.” I said. “At the hall.” He said. “Hall? Why the hall?” I asked. “Just come with me babe.” He said. ……………………… We got to the hall and walked in, Jeremy closed back the door and the hall seem kinda dark. The time is 6:40pm. We walked down the stairs, passing the seats and down the stage.. “It's dark here.” I said. “Not so dark.” He said. We still held hands.. We got to the side of the hall just after the stage. Then, I saw a Piano. Wow... Is this really here in this hall?. And... and he's gonna play that while singing for me? Jeremy are you really gonna do this! This is really gonna be so sweet. I can picture it! There were two stool beside it, and he made me sit on one and then he sat on the pianist stool. The he turned to me and smiled. I smiled too. He turned his eyes to the black and white keys, turned the ON button and got his fingers on the keys. Then he pressed.. My heart jumped. He looked at me. His eyes filled with so much love for me. Yeah, I know.. cos I could feel it. I could see it. “Andra...” He said calmly. “J..” I answered coldy. I think im loosing my voice. “My voice ain't so good tho.” He said and chuckled. I couldn't smile nor chuckle. I could only stare at him. Feeling lost in this kind of love we share and feeling so anxious to hear the song he wanna sing for ME. For me ALONE. “..But I just wanna sing this song for you, cos It really tells how my feelings for you are. How much that I really love you. How deeply i've fallen for you. And how happy I am to have you as my girlfriend. I love you so much Andra..” He said and I just wished to just grab him and kiss him passionately. He turned back to the keys and pressed again. Then he began playing the tone of the song, ‘All of Me’ by John Legend. I smiled and watched his fingers. He could really play this well. Like he told me, He and his dad always did this whenever he's around. He began to sing and my pulse stopped as I listened to him. ... What would I do without your smart mouth.. Drawing me in and you kicking me out.. Got my head spinning, No kidding, I can't pin you down... What's going on in that beautiful mind. Im on your magical mystery ride.. I can't stop singing, it's ringing in my head for you.... I looked at him. He sang on and on as he played.. and every word in the song, seemed to tell truely of our love. Of the way we feel for each other. And his voice... his voice. I can't believe it... but it's just so angelic and wonderful. He'do close his eyes,... open them and smile as he sang. He looked so cute... So handsome. He wasn't even done singing, When I pressed one key and he looked at me. It made him pause. Not that I wanted him to stop but I just needed to hug him tight and give him the deepest kiss I can. “J... I.. Love you. Thank you.” I said. He smiled. I just got down from the stool and rushed him into a tight hug. “I really love you too An....” He wasn't done yet, when I pushed my lips on his and began kissing him. I was the one kissing him now. I guess he was shocked to see this from me but I couldn't hold back the feeling. And soon, He let in and we kissed passionately. Like the two crazy teenage lovers that we are. The heat was there. The passion.. The next thing, I felt myself on the floor and Jeremy on me. We were still kissing.. I got scared but then he pulled away. It was really dark now. We can hardly see ourselves. We were both breathing kinda hard. Then I felt him get off me and then I felt him lay beside me and he found my hand and held it as we layed facing the far ceiling that we can hardly see. “Im sorry.” He said. “For?” I asked. “That we fell.” I said. That made me smile, but then it turned into a laugh. He joined me. Then he stopped. “I love you so much Andra..” He said. I smiled. “I love you too.” I said. There was a bit silence till he broke it. “So do you wanna see that now?” He asked. “What?” I asked. “My prove of being a virgin?” He said. “Hahahaha..” I laughed. “No. I dont need to.” I said. I know what he wanna show me already. Crazy guy. In a dark hall! Just then, The hall door opened and the Electric lights came on. Someone! We sat up to see. It's an man in black uniform.. Probably one of the securities. “It's late. Please could you kindly leave so the Hall could be locked?” He said. “Let's go.” He said. We stood up and I got my bag. Jeremy held my hand and we walked pass the man, and out of the hallway. . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:12
TEENS HEART . Sequence 94 . Story by, Rejoice <b> Continues. [[Note: This is Steph and Chris side of the story during those time Jeremy and Alex were still in schoool.. Now ENjoy!]] * # Steph's POV I was packing up my books in class, when Chris came in, and walked to me. Yeah, I remembered we were going out. Or should I say, going for a date. In school uniforms. Lol Im actually scared. Im starting to feel feverish. His looks could kill! He has a newly blown jelled hair which curled in a wavy style and covered some part of his forehead. He has this long lashes that makes me wonder if God actually wanted him to be a girl but later on, changed his mind.. He had his black headphone around his neck and his bag hung loosely on his right shoulder. He look so cool. “Steph..” He called me in a very calm tone. I smiled at him. He was smiling as well. “Chris..” I said. “I'll help you with some.” He said and grabbed most of the books before I could even say jack! “Thank youu.” I said with a smile. We walked side by side out of my class and over to my locker. I opened my locker, and put the books in my hand into my bag and then put the ones he grabbed too. Then I closed back my locker and hung my bag over my back. “It's kinda heavy right?” He asked. “Yeah.” I said. How did he know. “Lemme carry that,.” He said and was going for my bag already. “No Chris.. I can carry it. Im just going home with lotta books cos I wanna study tonight.” He looked at me with a funny smile. “You taking all that books home to read just this night? It's damn much Steph.” He said. “Yeah.. I'do read them tomorrow too and next.” I said. “But I still wanna carry the bag.” He said. “We're almost getting to your car.” I said. “But we ain't yet.” He said and tried to go for my bag again but I quickly turned and faced him. He was smiling. “I told you not to bother yourself.” I said. “Seriously, I want to.” He said, smiling. I smiled. “Chris.. Can you stop that..” I said and moved ahead of him... but then he caught up with me and the next thing, I felt him hold my hand. I didn't look at him. Im sure he's smiling for getting the opportunity to hold my hand. Soon we got to his car and for the first time, I got into Chris car. And he played the nice guy by opening the door for me.. Really? Lol.. When he got in, he smiled to me before turning to the steering and drove out of the school. ……………………………… All through the ride to the place I got no idea of yet, We didn't talk much. He kept playing songs by Chris Brown. The songs kinda helped cos I was feeling really nervous... And my body was starting to get hot and feverish. And he kept driving like forever. ………………………………… “It's a kinda boring and lonely place tho.” He suddenly said.. Huh? “So why are we going there ?” I asked. He just smiled and turned into a narrow road. With tall trees at the sides. What on earth would two teens be doing in such a scary, narrow road as this. A bush! Forest! “You're scaring me now Chris.” I said, feeling scared already. “You've not been here right?” He asked. “You aint asking me such question. Are you?” I said angrily. “Don't be scared Steph.. People come here.” He said as he drove on. The narrow road is long and tarred, but the sides of the road are tall trees and what I could describe as, Tick forest. I swallowed and stared at the long road through the windscreen. “We gonna do a little fun ride.” He said. I understood, cos he soon got to the slop down side of the road! Too sloppy deep. “Chris!!” I yelled and held tight to my seatbeat. “Hahaha..” He laughed and drove so fast down the bent road. “Are you crazy!” I yelled. I just hope that didnt upset him. “It's fun Steph. I love riding up and down this side when ever I come here.” He said. “Ohh shit! That's too scary!” I said. He finally got to the plain side of the road and slowed down. Then he turned to me, “Im so sorry Steph.” He said. I could see in his eyes that he really mean that. And he looked more cute with the way he did his eyebrows. “It's fine. It was fun tho, like you said.” I said and chuckled. “Thanks.” He said with a smile. He turned back to the windscreen, but then turned back his eyes on me again. “Thanks for coming here with me.” He said. I smiled. Is this all we came here to do? Maybe not! Cos he drove a little more and then turned into another tarred road at the right... And this road was kinda wider than the long road, and at the sides are really beautiful flower bushes... Fresh and blossoming.. Different flowers in their specific colours. Pourple, Pink, Red, White, Yellow, blue... They all mixed up in their leaves and thorns and formed such a beautiful flower bush. And a rusted rail probably fixed ages ago secured them at both sides. Left and right. The flowers moved beautifully to the passing breeze. I couldn't help but wind down the window glass to look really vividly at them. Chris was driving too slowly, thus, made it so much a nice view for me. “This is really beautiful. I can't remember the last time I came accross something so beautiful as this.” I said out, still looking at them. “Yeah... They are really beautiful.” He said. “Yeah they are.” I said and then turned to him. “How did you came accross such a nice flower bush inside such a scary narrow long road?” I asked. He smiled and stopped the car, then looked at me. “Actually.. There are lots of reasons why you're here today.. And im gonna let you know everything.” He said. My heart sank. “O..okay.” I said. “You see this flower bushes were planted by my Great grandpa.” He said. “Your great grand pa?” I asked like I didn't hear him earlier. “Yeah.. He loved flowers and everything about it.. My dad told me, cos I never got to meet him.” He said. I inhaled. “My dad told me he died two weeks after he made this flower garden. Actually he started it to be a flower garden but cos he died two weeks after and there was no one to take care of the garden, it grew up to become a flower bush..” He said. “A beautiful flower bush and It would have been more beautiful if it was taken good care.” I said, then something struck me. “Why weren't there anyone to take care of the garden?” He asked. He breathed. “Cos my great grandpa and his family were shot dead together, Including my grandpa, my grandma and my dad's siblings, only my dad escaped.” He said and I got no idea when a tear dropped from my eyes. He gasped, “Seriously?, what's that you doing? you in tears. Steph why?.” He said with a really sad voice and then he wiped the tears with his thumb. “Don't cry cos of that please Steph, or Im just gonna turn back.” He said and tucked my hair, trying to cover my face, back behind my ear. Itwas kinda romantic. Then, he turned to drive more further. “I...I wanna take some picture.” I said and got my phone. He smiled and brought out a camera. “We go down then.” He said and I smiled as we stepped down from his car. “Wow!” I excaimed. He came beside me. He took pictures with his camera, while I took with my phone. Pretty Butterflies were flying about and perched on the flowers.. It all made a beautiful view. Then suddenly, he grabbed me into him and took a shot of us. I laughed and poked his hair. I loved how his hair is thick but soft. He laughed and then he took my hand as we stared at flower bushes. “It's so cool here.” I said. “Yeah.. Come on. There's another side I wanna show you.” He said and so we walked back into the car and he drove on. I flipped through the pictures of the flower garden that turned into a flower bush. It's really beautiful and I wonder why the growing flowers never withered and grew into this extra-ordinarily beaitiful flower bush. ……………………… We passed the rest of the flower bushes and then I found we were driving into a field. Wide and large. I looked back and I could see the flowers bush vanishing little by little as the car drove more further. As he drove on. I could feel chills and the whistling of birds now. It was getting kinda chilling and coldy like there's a river or stream around. “This large field was where my great grandpa house was before it got broken down by those mutts who did that to my old family.” He said. I looked out at the field. “Im so sorry about what happened to them.” I said sadly. “It's fine.” He said. Soon, we got farer to the side of the field with tall trees and falling dry leaves. It seemed more like a wood forest and the chilling and bird whistlings were much now. So I had to ask him. “Is there a river around?” I asked. “Yeah.” He said and stopped the car. “Let's go down.” He added. * We got down and he walked to me and held my hand. We are just friends. Why's he just holding my hands huh! Lol. I like it tho. ………… We walked through the fallen dry leaves field and down towards a sandy slope. There, looking over, I saw a river.... but then turning over and my eyes caught with a tree. And what I saw shocked me. My name and a drawing of me in a small paint sheets where pinned to the tree and there was a writting. ‘I Love You Steph.’ My heart sank. I turned to Chris and he was smiling awkwardly. I turned my eyes to other trees around us and each had my name or a painting of me with written words. I read them; ‘I Hope Some Day, You Would Come Here With Me. With Our Hands Locked Together. I Love You Steph.’ ‘My Heart Beat For Just You, Steph.’ ‘You Are My Treasure,.’ ‘I Will Never Stop Loving You.’ Then the last one made me loose my breath. ‘Please Be My Girlfriend and My Bestfriend Steph. Without you My World is Incomplete. You Make my Whole World. I Promise To Love You Till The End of Time.’ I got speechless as I just stared at the last one. I knew he was gonna ask me this but I never expected it to be this way. This was too good. Too special. After he told me about his lost grandparents and he... he just asked me to be his girlfriend this way. “Please Steph. Please say yes to me.” I heard his voice behind. Then, I saw him walk to my front and guess what....??? He knelt down. I couldn't believe it. “I love you so much Steph. And I will never hurt you. I promise to make you happy and be by your side all the time and love you no matter what. If you don't accept Steph. I think im gonna go crazy.” He said, staring into my eyes. I gasped. This was too much. My tears rolling down. Then he got out something from his pocket. A small box. Ring? Of course it cant! “Steph, Please be my girlfriend.. Im begging you.” He said as a tear rolled down his cheek. I inhaled as my own tears were so much now. I closed my eyes, sniffled, opened my eyes and inhaling again. “Yes.. I... I will. I will be your girlfriend Chris.” I said. He smiled, “God! Im so damn happy. Arghh..” He said and opened the box. It's a golden necklace with ‘My Only One’ Inscribed on it. Oh my! He got up and gently placed it around my neck. “Thank you so much Steph.” He said. I smiled with tears still in my eyes. “It's gonna be you forever. No one's ever gonna take your place in my heart. You mean the whole world to me and I will love you forever.” He said and then.. Then... Our lips interlocked. He kissed me and I kissed him.. Then he pulled away and stared into my eyes. “I love you Steph. Thanks for being my girlfriend.” I just smiled. Then it came again. then I felt nausea and vomits coming to my throat. I put my hand on my mouth, trying hard to push it back to my stomache but no way! No way!! Im gonna throw it out! “What's that Steph?” He asked, looking somehow worried at me. I guess. I rushed off from him and threw up on the field, a bit away from him. “Steph. You okay?” I heard him ask. He was walking to me. I couldn't answer. I was throwing up more and more. . To be continued.. . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:14
TEENS HEART . Finale Sequence 95 <b> Continues.. Alexandra 's POV [Narration] So many things happened.... So many stories to tell.. It's so long and so saddening, So I just have to put them together. Steph and Chris became lovers... And their love was just too strong. And I can say it was more stronger than I and J's.. I was happy for them and they were happy for us... We celebrated. Molly didnt come to school the next day and the days after that.. Jeremy helped Eve join the Girls Dance group few days later.. We were the best lovers in Ellas.. Two best friends dating two best friends.. Sweet! Then.... A week later, after Steph and Chris became lovers.. Steph fell kinda sick. But she wouldn't go to a hospital. I went to school the next day and didn't Find Steph in school. She didn't come to school.. I called her lines but no one was picking. She wasn't picking up! Chris was so worried. I was more worried. We couldn't stay till school's over and we drove down to her house. Lili directed us cos none of us knew her house. We got to her house and pressed the doorbell and a lady in a nanny dress opened the door. She told us Steph is up in her room sleeping.. She told her not to wake her up. I didn't wanna believe that. Neither Chris. Nor Jeremy, nor Eve! We all walked in and ran upstairs to her room. And opening the door.. Steph layed tummy flat on her bed. I rushed to her and there.... there... Blood! Blood and fumes from her mouth, and nose! I screamed!! Chris couldn't bear it.... He fainted. I followed. ………… When I thought I woke up., I found that Im in a hospital... With Lili, Jeremy and Eve all staring at me. “Andra.. Thank you.” Jeremy said, and kissed my lips immediately with tears in his eyes. “Alex... Thank you for waking up. God! This shouldn't have happened.” Lili said,.holding my hand. Eve just hugged me. “Stephh..” That was all I could say. Lili began weeping, includding Eve. Jeremy could only blink few tears as he held my hand so tight like im gonna vanish if he don't. The truth was, Steph died! She died cos she couldn't bear to carry her father's child.. She couldn't bear to be disgraced. To hurt Chris! She wrote them out before she died. Chris woke up but he began acting crazy! Throwing everything he grips away, shattering everything in the hospital room that he was. The doctor had to give him injections and he slept back.. I couldn't stop my tears. My best friend. I never knew she was doing such... Sleeping with her dad! She poisoned herself! How could she. How could she! Her father was nowhere to be found! When Jeremy's parents came. Jeremy's mom read it all out. Itwas a letter to me and to Chris as well. <b> Im so sorry, That I had to do this.. I dont wanna hurt you Chris... And I dont wanna loose our friendship Alex. Im pregnant with my dad's child. He made me believe he loves me but they were all lies. He was only using me to satisfy his urge. I can't bear to face the disgrace and the humiliation of carrying my dad's child. I cant bear to hurt Chris! I cant bear to hurt you Steph. I love you so much.. Chris, I ll miss you. I ll miss how much you love me. How much you show that you care. Please always remember me. Bye forever. ……………………………………… ………………………………………………… # Her_father ran away! But he was later found a month later and sentenced to Life imprisonment. Then.... Something else happened. I saw my dad. The bitch! The Asshole! He came with the whore! She wore a weary face and her stomache wasn't protruding like a pregnant woman. She lost the baby... A miscarriage and shocking, She said Steph was her daughter. She showed every prove. Pictures... Papers... Everything she can. I couldn't believe it. But it was the truth. The bitch kept begging to be forgiven, and the whore kept begging too. She was sorry for leaving Stephanie. She was sorry for having things with my dad. She was sorry for every single thing. It was hard to forgive em but I finally had the heart to and I did. Lili did too. ……………………………… Chris got himself weeks later but he became better with Eve around. Steph got buried even before he got himself. Steph pervert father got caught in New york two months later and was sentenced to Life imprisonment for child Abuse and rapping.. …………………………………… It was really hard for me not to think of Steph each day. Her death came like a shock. Like a tineless bomb and just exploded without warning! Chris and Eve got along even though Chris still say Steph name all the time and cry when he stare at her pictures... …………………………………… Paty, left.... She couldn't stay. Even though I had no problem with her being my dad's lover again.. I even was wishing, he'do get her pregnant again so they can bring back Steph to me not as my best friend again but as my Step-sister. But Paty couldn't just stay.... She left. Jeremy stayed with me all this sad days, while Eve try her best to be around Chris.. She was the best friend to him... And Chris was grateful to her... Jeremy and I saw him one day at the school hall, playing this song, with Eve beside him, singing along with him. "SAY SOMETHING.." Say something, I'm giving up on you I'll be the one if you want me to Anywhere I would've followed you.. Say something, I'm giving up on you And I... am feeling so small It was over my head I know nothing at all And I... will stumble and fall I'm still learning to love Just starting to crawl Say something, I'm giving up on you I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you Anywhere I would've followed you Say something, I'm giving up on you And I... will swallow my pride You're the one that I love And I'm saying goodbye.. Say something, I'm giving up on you And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you And anywhere I would've followed you (Oh-Ooh) Say something, I'm giving up on you Say something, I'm giving up on you Say something... We both knew who this song is to.. Stephanie.. They lyrics and everything tells all. “She could have just stayed.. For me. You know.. I would never had stop loving her. No matter what!” We heard him say after the song. Eve just hugged him and the hug went on till Jeremy and I left. “He will get over it.” J said. “I hope so.” I said. ………………………………………… Six months later: We all graduated out of High school. With excellent grades, even though those times were the moments we were facing bad times... Steph death and every bad shit! My dad proposed to Lili... Weird! yeah. It is but Lili accepted. On their wedding day three months later, Jeremy proposed to me too. He asked me to be his fiancee and we gonna get married after getting done with school. He was sweet on the stage. Saying every sweet and romantic thing about us...about me. His usual way, he dragged me up to the stage... Then he knelt down and proposed to me with a diamond ring reflecting and shinning inside it's small opened red box. “Let me be your hero.. Let me be your pillow.. Let me make you smile and protect you.. Babe, please be my forever. Be my woman.. I gotta spend this damn life with you cos if I don't.. Im gonna fade away. I want you to be the mother of my cute kids.. My wife. Promise me that you would be my fiancee till we are done with school and our wedding is gonna be more swweeter and amazing than this one. Promise me babe.” His words got out tears from my eyes and what the crowd was saying got me more tears. “SAY YES! SAY YES! SAY YES!” They kept singing it like a song. I looked at Lili who was her her lovely bridal gown with my dad in his white all smiling at me. I looked for Eve... But didn't find her. Then I did find her, Chris and her hands were intertwined as they rushed in, probably not to miss this drama going on. Where did they go tho? “PLEASE SAY YES ANDRAAA!! HE LOVES YOU!!..” Eve yelled from there. Her voice was so loud that everyone turned to take a glance at who yelled. I turned to Jeremy and with a smile, I stretched my finger to him and said, “Yes J.. I promise.” He instantly slide the ring into my finger, stood up and our lips interlocked. We kissed. Crazy teenagers. They were loud clapping.. “YES!!” Eve yelled. And few people laughed. It was a happy moment... but all the same, Steph never was there and it... It.. hurts! …………………………………… Later same day, I ran into Eve and Chris kissing.. I just gave them a thumb up and walked off. I hope Chris love her the way he loved Steph. Eve is a sweet person. Im glad I had her or else, I would really be without a girl friend now. Steph.. Why did you leave us!! ……………………………………… Eve and Chris did became lovers.. And Chris loved her so much but I know it would never be compared to the way he loved Steph. We never missed visiting Steph grave to drop flowers and remind her of how much we love and miss her. My dad, Lili and I also visited my mom's grave as well. We knew she had forgiven my dad. Lili is now my step-mom. And I love it. I so much do. “I love you Alex.” My dad said when we got back into the car. “I love you too dad.” I said. “And I love you both so very much.” Lili said.. “I love you sweetheart.” My dad said to Lili. “I love you too hubby.” She said and we smiled... . . EPILOGUE . Eve's POV It took too long for Chris to get over Steph.. But I tried my best to be by his side.. There are times when he'do be so mad and act funny when ever he remember Steph and all I could do is hug him and kiss him. They were only but mere attachment just to calm him down... So I guess untill I began having feelings for him. Yeah.. I tried so much to stop it but It wouldn't go.. I thought he's never gonna love me back untill today... …………………… We were coming back from a Books store. It was drizzling and we shared an umbrella. He then stopped and turned to me. breeze blew and he just held the umbrella and looked into my eyes. “I wanna tell you something Eve.” He said. My heart sank. The way he sounded made me think.. “What's it Chris. Im ready to listen to you.” I said, giving him a smile.. He didn't say anything... All I felt seconds later, was his lips on mine.. The kiss was breathtaking, unexpected and sweet. People passed but he didnt care. I didn't care too. Yeah... We've kissed so many times but all that time that we do, we only do to stop him from hurting himself or shattering things. He'do sleep off after the kiss and woke up feeling better. But now, This kiss... It spoke of true feelings... That he can finally fall in love again... And that person is mee. I closed my eyes and when he pulled away his lips. We had to catch our breathe. “I love you Eve.” He said after we stared at each other for minutes. “I love you too Chris.” I said and then I hugged him.. Our love life began from that day... Even though he at times think of Steph.. But it never was like he use to think of her. He stopped acting crazy... His love for me was true but I know his love for me would never be matched with how he felt for Steph. He promised to love me forever and I promised to be with him till the end of time. . . <b>Few Months Later: # Alexandra 's POV “J, where are you??” I asked as I walked into the sitting room and its really dark. I can't even find the switch. No answer. “J?? J?” I called, still searching for the switch. I finally got the switch and quickly switched the lights on and.... And.... Oh my world! Pink flower petals beautifully scattered over the ground... and all over the bed.. New sweet pillows, pink and Love-shaped. White bedsheets and pink duvets. A table beside, a bottle of wine and two wine glass cups, beside it. And red candls around it. On the walls of are white and pink papers with writtings.. ‘I Will Love You Till The End Of Time.’ ‘Our Love Will Be Forever.’ ‘We Are Meant For Each Other.’ ‘Celebrating Our One Years Anniversary Of Perfect Love..’ ‘Happy Anniversary.’ Oh my God!! It struck me! Today's our Anniversary. Our one year anniversary! “Oh my world..” I said, thrown over by such by such unique suprisement. Jeremy did this?? Oh my God! Then I felt hands hold my waist from the back. I know who it is already. My boyfriend.. My fiancee.. My J.. “J..” I called softly without turning to look at him.. Then he kissed my shoulder and up my neck. That gave me chills. “Happy anniversary babe.” He whispered into my ears.. Oh.. Why's he just too romantic. “Happy anniversary baby.. This is super amazing and.. and romantic.” I said. “Thanks for coming into my life Andra.. I love you so much and I'll never stop loving you.” He said. Then he turned me over to face him. He looked amazing.. He no longer keep braids. He stopped that for me.. And now, I can't just explain how handsome he is... How sweet, how romantic and perfect he is.. His smiles gave me goosebumps. “I don't wanna invite anyone into this anniversary. I want it to be just you and I babyy.. ” He said and within few seconds, he gently placed his lips and on mine and we began kissing.... With his hands on my waist and mine around his neck. My love for him would never stop.. And our Love would never wither.. But grow each day and shine like the stars in the sky... . THE END . Itz #Viciyoung
9 Jun 2019 | 03:14
I love the mutual feeling that is beginning to mature between this two folks ?
9 Jun 2019 | 09:50
Such a great novel.. I just can't help thinking about love, I wish to experience it.
9 Jun 2019 | 19:50
wow thank God d poster is back I always check for d new update daily. wc bk
10 Jun 2019 | 08:12


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