The Atheist

The Atheist

By ¤Prince~Jude¤ in 10 Apr 2017 | 06:27
¤Prince~Jude¤ ¤Prince~Jude¤

¤Prince~Jude¤ ¤Prince~Jude¤

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Member since: 4 Jul 2015
The Atheist
There is no God, God doesn't exist.
No he doesn't, not on earth nor in heaven nor anywhere all over the planets.
They were taught strictly to kill and nothing else.
God never existed coz if he does, he wouldn't have allowed his parents being brutally murdered by some sort of assassins.
Tears almost prickle down his face as he remembered the day his parents were murdered right in front of him.
it was a deadly night, a night he wished never existed.
he couldn't do anything he only watched like a dummy.
he knocked himself over and over, he could have done something to stop it but then, he was only a young naive chap.
He fought back the tears, no room for emotions not even love.
a smile crept over the frown on his face, he was going to kill.
what was he trained for?
strictly to kill, killing is fun and surviving is life.
he stepped out into the frosty night air, the night was cold and hawkish and it caressed his skin frigidly.
he was clad in an all black ninja suit and a backpack strapped to his back containing all he needed for the mission.
he walked to the end of the street road, a power bike was there waiting for him.
he knew it would be there, like it always does whenever he had a mission to accomplish.
he jumped on the black shining bike and wore the black helmet.
it was a black night so he wanted everything black.
the bike roared to life as he kicked it, he stepped on the gears and sped into the night.
the mission would be a deadly one, he knew it.
he was going against a deadly clan called THE FACELESS.
They kill and leave no trace, like they never existed.
they had no face and were never caught, not for once.
He had five main targets he needed to eliminate. he had collected every data he needed to know about them and he found this.
Name: Richard Rodriguez
Age: 32
Nationality: Caucasian / Portuguese
Position: Night Eye
Skill: Melee Weapons (Short blade and Dagger)
Organisation: Faceless.. F.C


Name: James Rogue
Age: 26
Nationality: Caucasian / Australian
Position: Sharp Shooter
Skill: Weapons (Sniper Rifles)
Organisation: Faceless F.C

Name: Zhu Xin Tai
Age: 28
Nationality: Asian / china
Position: B.B, Left Hand Man
Skill: Assassin and Martial Art (Five Style Kung Fu)
Organisation: Faceless .F.C


Name: spooky skurry
Age: 25
Nationality: Caucasian / Russian
Position: B.B, Right Hand Man
Skill: Ex-Assassin and Weapons (Guns)
Organisation: Faceless F.C.


Name: Blake Hunter
Age: 48
Nationality: Caucasian / American
Position: B.B aka Big Boss
Skill: Unknown Martial Art and Weapons (Guns)

10 Apr 2017 | 06:27
waiting please
10 Apr 2017 | 07:00
sitted in d front roll......bring it on
10 Apr 2017 | 07:22
The Atheist Part Two The Reunion. ***********************†********** He hit the brakes of the bike and it came to a screeching halt. he jumped down, removing his helmet and placed it on the the bike. He stumbled into the club and the stench of alcohol and cigarette smoke hit his nose. He removed his hood and squeezed through the frenzied crowd of narcotics-filled dancers. the Faceless is one big organization which he couldn't bring down alone, he needed help and jude was the right man for the job. he had arranged to meet him in the club, he knew jude would be dancing with some slut. so he had to be on the lookout for him. Jude used to be a spy for the Russian government but not anymore. Reason he quit? The same reason why he stopped working for the faceless, they adopted him and trained him to be the monster he was now. jude’s no ordinary spy. he was trained to become an assassin just like him but funny enough, jude believed there is God, how stupid of him. he killed the entire officers and ministers in a day. he had to, they betrayed him. he is not someone you want to mess up with. with all that honed skills for an assassin, he's not an easy enemy. his ability includes. hacking computer system and sword play. he could hack anything provided it's a computer system. that's why he needed him for the job. "hey baby" he felt a hand on his shoulder. "dance with me?" He spun around and saw a girl with a black blonde hair and a very red lips smiling at him. He shook his head, he wasn't there to dance. "No, I don't like to dance, I prefer to watch" he replied scanning the body of the girl with his computer eyes, she got killer curves but hell no! he wasn't looking for that. “You can watch all you want as long you have what I want.” She said and thrust her body against his. He fiercely pushed her away and she fell in one thud. Oops! that wasn't good. he walked away, this can't be a prank. "hey man! hey wait" voices rang after him as he walked but he cared less. Three huge bouncers stopped him as he got to the door. he smirked, "you wanna see my wrath?" A blow was the reply he got, one of the bouncers hit him hard on his chin. his head was bent down, he didn't like to show off nor create a scene but his patience was at its peak. he spat as he felt a moist in his mouth, saliva turned red. it was blood, he despised seeing his blood. he rose his head up and a deadly glare appeared on his face, his eyes red and bloodshot. he clenched his fist slowly, he was about to hit the man when a hand suddenly and strongly held him down. he tried to pull away but he couldn't, the grasp was firm and tight. he glanced back to meet jude smiling face. "don't do that Josh, creating a scene is the least you could do, just leave them to me" jude said and released his grasp on him. "why did you do it?" he asked with a gruffy voice suppressing his anger. "I'm sorry" came the reply from jude. Jude walked over to the bouncers and dismissed them back to their post. "you could have done something deadly if I didn't stop you." Jude said as he sat down on a chair. "You shouldn't have stopped me!" josh barked angrily but his anger suddenly subdued as he remembered the reason why he was there. "apologies" Josh sat down facing Jude, a table demarcated them and on the table were vodka drinks. Jude nodded his head, "so why did you call for me?" "I need your help" "Trouble?" "something like that. I need to eliminate some people. they killed my parents and am not holding back again. I had enough" "tell me a little about these people" "The faceless, have you ever heard of them?, they threaten the higher ups, aristocrats, people of power to work for them. if they refused, someone has to die." “The F.C. I know them well enough. Have this one guy named spooky skurry. My long time enemy. He’s the one behind everything of what happened during my time as secret agent for Russia.” “When do you plan to go after them?” jude asked. “As soon as possible." "the only thing you need right now, is a perfect strategy. the F.C is no ordinary fortress. Guards, hidden cameras, strong walls and laser motion detection are everywhere. "that's why I need you jude, you can hack and switch all that off. I cannot do this all alone" josh lamented. Jude smiled, took a glass and poured the vodka drink. "I know that josh, but we are outnumbered" he sipped from the glass. "Yes we’re clearly out numbered but that doesn’t mean we can’t do it. In this situation, it’s not strength that we need the most, but the brain, to act smart and think fast."_ Jude nodded, "that's true but that won't be an easy mission at all." "we can do this together" "yes we can with the help of the almighty God" Jude said looking straight into eyes, jude knew he would flare up and he wasn't disappointed. josh gazed at him with cold bloodshot eyes, "why would you call God huh?" josh barked with venom. "you still haven't accept Christ?, have you?" "why would I?, there's nothing like God. you know that, don't you?" "there is God, God loves you and the least he wanted you to do is kill your fellow human being" "No! No!! spare me that fucking crap" josh stood up, he was more than agitated. "if he truly loves me, why would he allow my parents to be killed? and how did you escape the ministers?" Jude smiled. he knew where he was driving at, he just doesn't want to recall his past. "its a long story josh" . Name:_ Jude Douglas | Age:_ 25 | Ethnicity:_Caucasian | Nationality:_Russian | Position:_Russian Secret Agent / Spy | Skills:_Weapons (including melee and swords), Hacking, Disguised, Self-Defense. | Availability:_Deceased. | Information:_Caused of death unknown. Missing during assassination of Russian | officials and ministers. Body never found. Possibility body blown to | pieces during explosion of the Governor’s house. | Evidence:_Boots and weapons were left behind. | Death:_Confirmed. To be continued... WATCH OUT FOR PART THREE!!!
10 Apr 2017 | 18:28
gonna enjoy dis story
11 Apr 2017 | 03:49
Loving this @hormortiyor @lesky @dbramo @denciebabe @brollhyqueen @isioma @victoriouschild @froshberry-2 Check this story out
11 Apr 2017 | 05:37
waiting for the part three @jummybabe thanks sis
11 Apr 2017 | 06:20
Interesting story
11 Apr 2017 | 06:26
Ok 4lowin U
11 Apr 2017 | 07:42
dis gonna be interesting. Tnx 4 d beep @jummybabe
11 Apr 2017 | 10:46
This's going to b wow,rid on.
11 Apr 2017 | 11:19
this story go rock.... just like arthena and Iris... very bloody... . . thanks for d call @jummybabe
11 Apr 2017 | 14:37
11 Apr 2017 | 14:40
next @ the writer
11 Apr 2017 | 18:19
waitinq for more.
11 Apr 2017 | 19:53
Nice one.wellcome bro
12 Apr 2017 | 05:37
Wow! So much love dis story
12 Apr 2017 | 18:59
The Atheist . Part Three Josh looked through the window of the plane as it continued its descent. the atmosphere was clear, it was going to be a deadly week. he glanced back at Jude who sat beside him reading a magazine his head was bandaged. josh smiled, that was the effect of his blow. they had fought after the heated arguments about God and who he was. he had dealt with josh since he didn't stop rambling about God and that was enough to seal his mouth. though he didn't fight back, something he couldn't do. he wondered who jude really was. Josh craned his neck as he looked down. there were tall fascinating buildings and different roads, mostly bridges. exotic and modernized ones. A few minutes later, the plane stopped and the 'fasten seatbelt' sign went off. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Guadalajara airport, Mexico." the captain announced. "the time is 10:05am..." Josh ignored the mumbling pilot and unfastened his seatbelt, he stood up and looked beside him, Jude was gone. he looked around, he couldn't find him. Josh descended the stairs, clad in a body hug suit with a black hat on his head with a black shining Italian shoe. he looked undoubtedly handsome, such a guy any girl would love to get down with. "hey man, got a cab" he heard Jude's voice from behind as he joined the line in the arrival lounge. he spun around. "where went you man?" "hell" Jude grinned. "I thought you would have gone to heaven" "I had to greet Lucifer for you"_ "but Lucifer never exist" Jude laughed and walked away with the luggage while josh followed behind. "hey, Hampton inn, pueblo" Jude said to the cab driver as he peered in through the window. the driver ushered them in, and they both hopped into the car. Josh sat beside Jude in the back seat and the driver drove off. ~ After hours of driving through the city road to the west of pueblo, they arrived at the hotel. the name 'Hampton inn & suites' was boldly inscribed on the building. The view from the hotel's veranda was stunning, beautifully facing the beach. the blue sky that morning was decorated by flying sea gulls with the sounds of people chattering from afar and some people surfing and sailing on their yachts. josh wished he could be there for vacation and not business. the hotel was the least famous in the whole mexico but it got big buildings. Josh collected the keys to the room 918 from the hotel attendant and they walked into the elevator room. A young man dressed in blue overalls hurriedly walked in before the elevator door closed. he mistakenly stepped on josh toes. Josh looked at him with a frown on his face. "sorry sir" the man mumbled and clutched more tightly to his suitcase. The elevator door clicked and it opened. The young man stepped out first, then Josh, followed by Jude. "wow! its really a classic and luxurious hotel" Josh exclaimed as he stepped into the room dropping off his luggage. The bed was large and it had the most beautiful duvets he'd ever seen. on the wall was a large painting of a ninja leaning on a power bike with a gun pointed straight. "fascinating?" he heard Jude's voice from behind. "really fascinating" Josh slumped on the bed and bounced. the bed was soft too. "hey man. let's make plans, we have nothing less than five hours to swing into action" josh said as he sat upright on the bed. Jude was already busy arranging the computer gadgets. he looked up and met josh gaze. "wanna ask me something?" "oh yeah, I was wondering how you escaped and cheated death. The governor's house was completely blown to smithereens, there’s no way anyone can survive that. I saw the tape, it was …” Jude cut his words before he could even finished. “Impossible? There’s nothing impossible if you know what to do. The whole building was planted with C-4, they trapped me to assassinate the governor in his own house. Seconds before the building was doomed, I managed to chase after the governor who ran down to the basement, I killed him, I noticed he was heading to something in the basement.” “What do you mean?” Josh asked curiously. “There’s a secret tunnel in the basement linked to the nearest park around Moscow. I barely managed to enter the tunnel when the building started exploding. The loud sound echoed through the tunnel almost made me deaf. But I’m glad that I survived.” “And you survived, without telling me that you’re still alive for years.” “I’m sorry Josh, i had to. I need to clear up my mind. But how did you know I was alive when you started contacting me just about recently?” “Because I know you won’t die that easy Jude, There’s no way they can’t find your body at the building but the governor, unless you had managed to escape.” “So that’s that.” “Yes, that’s that.” "would you fancy a drink lemme order for one" Josh asked. "sure, that wasn't a bad idea." Jude replied, he was done arranging the gadgets and he set two systems on the table beside the bed. Josh ordered for a cappuccino drink using the hotel's room service. minutes later, a knock sounded on the door. "who is there?" Josh shouted not moving an inch from where he sat. "martin Elliott, I'm here to fix the electrical fault in your room." Josh opened the door, the man shoved his I.D in his eyes but he didn't look. he was looking at something else, the face of the man was perfectly hidden in the blue face cap he wore. he had seen him somewhere before but he couldn't be sure. he stepped aside and the man walked in with his suitcase in his hand. Jude was less perturbed by the technician as he only focused on operating the system. "you mentioned a fault?" josh asked. "yes sir, I'll have to check some wiring In the bathroom." "go ahead" josh nodded his head in approval. he now remembered who he was. it was the fucking driver that drove them minutes ago. To be continued..
12 Apr 2017 | 20:20
the man might be a spy
13 Apr 2017 | 04:01
Noting is impossible Jude nd Josh u v to b careful wit dat driver.
13 Apr 2017 | 04:16
Driver to fix tins okay ooo
13 Apr 2017 | 05:05
Who is this driver
13 Apr 2017 | 06:25
I think that guy is a spy
13 Apr 2017 | 06:39
I pity d guy
13 Apr 2017 | 07:22
Josh and Jude should be suspicious of everybody including the man that mistakenly stepped on his toe, as far as I'm concerned he might have planted a chip on you.
13 Apr 2017 | 08:05
What dos he want
13 Apr 2017 | 12:08
A spy
13 Apr 2017 | 18:14
maybe the man wants to fix a tracking device in the room
13 Apr 2017 | 19:00
Shit! He's a spy. Follow him, bt who could send him?
13 Apr 2017 | 20:09
@dbramo So U've Watched Iris
14 Apr 2017 | 04:22
A spy.
14 Apr 2017 | 05:40
The Atheist . Part Four . Josh stood at the bathroom entrance, the door was firmly shut. he looked through the key hole of the door. he could make out the hazy figure of the man. Martin Elliot as he called himself. he could see his blurry image fixing something on the wall which kept Josh wondering what he was fixing. Jude looked up above the systems for the first time in a while. he saw Josh peeking through the key hole of the door. "what are you doing man?" Jude asked. Josh waved him over and put a finger to his lips, signalling him to keep quiet. Jude immediately reciprocated the message as he kept mute and focused on the systems punching in the keypads. Josh knew the so called martin would have heard Jude's voice and might probably know what he was doing. Josh didn't waste time as he kicked the door open to meet the technician fixing micro chips on the wall. The technician suddenly sprung up to his feet bewildered as he saw Josh walking towards him with a bloodshot eyes. Josh had an intimidating body. huge with rippling biceps as though he never left the gym for a second. his face suffered from eternal wrinkles as he only smiles once in a century. Josh stood an inch away from him, the moment was tensed and the aura lingering in the air was uncalled for. "who sent you?" Josh asked in a cool but unfriendly tone. Martin Elliot twitched and moved a step backward, he didn't smile too.. silence skyrocketed the earth. Josh patient was toiled with and he was out of it. he suddenly grab the technician with just a hand stifling his throat. "who sent you?!" josh snapped angrily and obviously loud. Jude heard Josh's voice from where he sat operating the system. He knew Josh was at it again and if he decided not to interfere, the technician might die. he knew josh too well, he wouldn't hesitate to kill even if it was an innocent soul. he stood up and trotted into the bathroom. Josh spun around as he heard footsteps from behind. Martin Elliot quickly pulled a fast one on him as he jumped high and gave josh a back flip kick.. Josh never saw it coming, he went flying and crashed on the floor beside Jude. Jude immediately clenched his fist and grinned. he didn't want to do this but he needs to. he ran towards him with his fist pushed forward, martin Elliot also came running. Martin Elliot threw a punch first, Jude saw it coming and he stopped it halfway even before it got to him. Jude twisted his hand and kicked him hard on his groin. Martin Elliot yelped, he tried throwing another punch with his left hand but Jude caught it again. he gave him an headbutt and blood gushed out from his nose. Jude flew up and gave him a final round horse kick which sent him spiraling on the bathtub shattering it into pieces. josh was astonished, he never knew jude could be deadly and ruthless, something he never thought he could do . "wow! you really did well bro" Josh said with smiles as he walked towards him. Jude spun around and smiled too. Martin Elliott surprisingly recovered quickly as he rose to his feet and brought out a grenade bomb from his pocket and threw it. before Jude and Josh could act, the grenade exploded and the bricks splattered on them. To be continued...
14 Apr 2017 | 20:05
Nonesense Idiot or Elliot u called ursef, u think say u smart? U don jam rock.
15 Apr 2017 | 04:03
Oh oh Too bad
15 Apr 2017 | 05:39
They can't die nah.
15 Apr 2017 | 05:54
they should better not die ooo
15 Apr 2017 | 06:30
Ok 4lowin
15 Apr 2017 | 07:57
I hope nothing happen to them
15 Apr 2017 | 17:29
Shit! U guys shldn't be celebrating wen de war was jst starting
15 Apr 2017 | 18:43
Messed with the wronq quyz.
15 Apr 2017 | 20:21
18 Apr 2017 | 04:44
The Atheist . Part Five . "I think the faceless sent him, they know we are coming for them" Josh said to Jude who kept on operating his device. They survived the explosion by tactics but were injured. Jude had suggested they move out from the hotel away from spies. They could tell that spies would be everywhere even if they lodged into another hotel. "where the hell is this place?" Josh asked confused. they had been walking for hours through the woods in a forest. "I want to show you something, it's where I live" Jude replied. "you live in a wood?" "not exactly" "then where?" "keep your calm, we will get there soon" They continued the journey through bush paths and woods. Josh suddenly stopped as he saw a hill not far away. "a hill in the middle of a wood?" "yes, that's where we're going" Josh opened his mouth surprised, he couldn't believe he was well hidden in a hill. "here it is, we're home" said Jude. "what are you talking about, this is just a big hill with trees ...." Josh had to keep shut as the hill he insulted changed shape. he was dumb surprise. “It’s a base where me and the others are working all this time. This place is well protected and disguised. The four corners of this hill, have some sophisticated hologram technology that creates an image of virtual illusion. Well hidden from government and satelite cam.” “Holy Molly. That’s just crazy.” “I know, and I don’t have much time to explain. Let’s go inside. We need to strategize and map out our plans" Josh nodded concurring to his opinion. "who's that?" asked Josh pointing to a statue of a man in a standing posture, situated at the entrance of the cave. “Thats Dr. Fred. He’s the founder of this secret base. He’s the one who saved me after I went out to escape the explosion from the governor’s house in Moscow years ago. he was murdered the same year he saved me but before he passed away, he made me swore that I won't revenge his death and through that he made me a better person. he shaped my life to what I am now. c'mon , we need to get in now before the government's satellite capture our image.” Josh was touched with the revelation but he quickly dismissed it and went back to his former self. instead, he was totally amazed with the secret base. It was a secret base and also a hidden lab. The base were mostly underground while the lab are above ground but still hidden from naked eyes. Jude stepped over at the front of an electronic panel embedded with a small sized screen which enclosed a hidden door. Jude pressed his palm against the panel. it started scanning and the door automatically opened when the scanning was completed. "wow" Josh exclaimed in a stunned manner. "here we go" They walked along an hallway heading towards a sphere, cylinder shaped glass elevator. Two guards stood at the entrance of the elevator, holding a gun which looked like a glock but with an added telescope sight for shooting accuracy. They wore uniforms exactly like swat uniforms but only the color were deep blue. The guards parted ways for them to step in. Jude pressed his thumb finger against a fingerprint device installed on the wall next to the elevator door. The door slipped open and they were in. Josh stared in awe at the technology in the building, it was way too much compared to what he'd imagined. The elevator was equipped with an holographic screen which displayed a Caucasian female assistance with a robotic voice giving instructions of the do's and don't's when inside the elevator. "Epa take us to the top floor" Jude ordered. "Alright sir, you're required to stay calm, relax and be aware of your surroundings while I take you to the top floor. No eating, drinking or smoking are allowed Agent Josh" josh was baffled, "how did she know my name?"he whispered to Jude. "she has searched all info about you even before we stepped in" Josh hummed, "impressive" The elevator door opened and both stepped out. "Thank you for using my service. Agent Josh, you can call me Epa. have a nice day" Josh smiled As he watched the elevator door closed. "still surprised?" Jude asked from behind. He spun around and nodded his head in the affirmative. "just superb" he replied. Jude suddenly stopped before a wall, raised up his two hands and the wall split and it changed shape into a door. Josh couldn't contain his bewilderment as he opened his mouth wide open surprised. "oh my... a door in a wall?" "yes for security purpose" The door opened and they strode into a room. the room was exquisitely furnished and well equipped with advanced computer gadgets. The four corners of the room were made of glass. transparent, creating an illusion of one self. "this is just crazy" Said Josh with smiles beaming on his face. "well, you do realize that your worst enemy is yourself, going after the faceless means killing yourself gradually" To be continued... Apologies for the late update. I lost my device two days ago, i only managed to update this with a borrowed device and won't be updating frequently unlike before. Please guys just bare with me pending the time I get a new one. Thanks.
18 Apr 2017 | 19:32
Time 4 action
19 Apr 2017 | 03:29
next pls
19 Apr 2017 | 03:49
19 Apr 2017 | 05:29
19 Apr 2017 | 06:21
Good one.
19 Apr 2017 | 06:39
The Robot Name Epa Asin Groundnut
19 Apr 2017 | 07:51
19 Apr 2017 | 08:20
Nice technology
19 Apr 2017 | 09:13
19 Apr 2017 | 12:53
What??? What did Jude mean by his last statement?
19 Apr 2017 | 13:30
The Atheist . Part Six . Josh sat down on his haunches arranging and equipping the weapons they would use. He picked a 8Beretta 1934 .38 Caliber Pistol. it was his favorite and he hardly goes on a mission without it. He termed it 'The FASTEST TERMINATOR'. Josh stood up with the gun in his hand, aimed at a statue which was few meters away. he pulled the trigger and released two quick shots. it was a clean headshot. Josh corked the gun aiming for another headshot. he heard a step slip behind him, he immediately spun around with the aim on the target. "wowoo! its me" Jude freaked out raising his two hands up. Josh lowered the gun, "Ready?" "yep, we good to go" Jude replied walking towards the weapons arranged on the table. "Are the choppers not here yet?" "they should be here in thirty minutes time" Jude picked a bazooka among the several weapons. "what do we use this for?" jude asked. "just in case, we might need it" Josh walked out of the house which looked like a warehouse used to house weapons of different calibers. He looked up at the stars. in his eyes, they were shining red. damn bloody! The faceless are going down tonight. He would kill all and everyone of them, he's going to have his revenge. his view was replaced with the choppers descending from the sky. The blades were rolling fast and the clamorous sound disturbed the once serene environment. Josh pulled the hood and covered his face as he approached the men in the chopper. "hey you, where is the second chopper?" josh asked a man wearing a black over seated at the right of the chopper. the recipient who he directed the question to didn't reply but only gestured with his hands. "Can't you talk?" Josh yelled at him while the man drew back shaking on the chair. "They don't talk" Josh heard a voice behind him, he didn't bother to look as he knew well enough that it would be Jude. "their tongues are cut off to prevent them from giving out vital information" Jude stopped at his front. he was wearing a black tuxedo suit with a black face cap. "oh I get it now but where is the second chopper?" Josh asked. Just then, they heard the humming sound of the power engine of the chopper. They watched as it continued its descent and landed on a helipad few meters away from where they stood. The two doors opened and two men stepped out all clad in black overalls. "get the weapons and let's move" Jude ordered one of the men. Josh was busy filling his backpack with throwing blades and short knives. he strapped the backpack to his back and walked into the chopper. he sat at the front seat, the back seat was filled with guns. He inserted his finger into his right ear. "moving out" "copy" Jude replied at the other end. Josh pulled a button on the dashboard and the engine roared to life. His mission was simple but deadly. Kill all the faceless. James Rogue, Richard Rodriguez, Zhu Xin Thai, Spooky Skurry and Blake hunter are all going down tonight. but he was a bit nervous. "we'll survive this with the help of God" Jude's voice came over. Josh grimaced and contorted his face in utmost disgust. "Fuck you!" he cursed. To be continued...
24 Apr 2017 | 18:17
The Atheist . Part Six . Josh sat down on his haunches arranging and equipping the weapons they would use. He picked a 8Beretta 1934 .38 Caliber Pistol. it was his favorite and he hardly goes on a mission without it. He termed it 'The FASTEST TERMINATOR'. Josh stood up with the gun in his hand, aimed at a statue which was few meters away. he pulled the trigger and released two quick shots. it was a clean headshot. Josh corked the gun aiming for another headshot. he heard a step slip behind him, he immediately spun around with the aim on the target. "wowoo! its me" Jude freaked out raising his two hands up. Josh lowered the gun, "Ready?" "yep, we good to go" Jude replied walking towards the weapons arranged on the table. "Are the choppers not here yet?" "they should be here in thirty minutes time" Jude picked a bazooka among the several weapons. "what do we use this for?" jude asked. "just in case, we might need it" Josh walked out of the house which looked like a warehouse used to house weapons of different calibers. He looked up at the stars. in his eyes, they were shining red. damn bloody! The faceless are going down tonight. He would kill all and everyone of them, he's going to have his revenge. his view was replaced with the choppers descending from the sky. The blades were rolling fast and the clamorous sound disturbed the once serene environment. Josh pulled the hood and covered his face as he approached the men in the chopper. "hey you, where is the second chopper?" josh asked a man wearing a black over seated at the right of the chopper. the recipient who he directed the question to didn't reply but only gestured with his hands. "Can't you talk?" Josh yelled at him while the man drew back shaking on the chair. "They don't talk" Josh heard a voice behind him, he didn't bother to look as he knew well enough that it would be Jude. "their tongues are cut off to prevent them from giving out vital information" Jude stopped at his front. he was wearing a black tuxedo suit with a black face cap. "oh I get it now but where is the second chopper?" Josh asked. Just then, they heard the humming sound of the power engine of the chopper. They watched as it continued its descent and landed on a helipad few meters away from where they stood. The two doors opened and two men stepped out all clad in black overalls. "get the weapons and let's move" Jude ordered one of the men. Josh was busy filling his backpack with throwing blades and short knives. he strapped the backpack to his back and walked into the chopper. he sat at the front seat, the back seat was filled with guns. He inserted his finger into his right ear. "moving out" "copy" Jude replied at the other end. Josh pulled a button on the dashboard and the engine roared to life. His mission was simple but deadly. Kill all the faceless. James Rogue, Richard Rodriguez, Zhu Xin Thai, Spooky Skurry and Blake hunter are all going down tonight. but he was a bit nervous. "we'll survive this with the help of God" Jude's voice came over. Josh grimaced and contorted his face in utmost disgust. "Fuck you!" he cursed. To be continued...
25 Apr 2017 | 01:43
it will not be an easy mission
25 Apr 2017 | 03:37
Why did you hate hearing God's name
25 Apr 2017 | 03:40
With God noting shall b impossible,go in dat might nd u will succeeed.
25 Apr 2017 | 04:42
dis mission will hard small
25 Apr 2017 | 04:43
I pray so
25 Apr 2017 | 05:15
comot God name from ya mauth
25 Apr 2017 | 05:25
25 Apr 2017 | 05:42
25 Apr 2017 | 07:03
Smile,i doubt if et wuld be easy
25 Apr 2017 | 09:52
Operation Kill Them All
25 Apr 2017 | 10:22
Fuck you too...u need God the most
25 Apr 2017 | 18:33
25 Apr 2017 | 21:12
The Atheist . Part Seven . Josh descended from the chopper landing with a silent thud on the muddy floor. He pulled over the hood covering his face region. he was clad in a ninja suit with a backpack strapped to his back. The night was chilly cold and the breeze blew softly. "infiltration completed, over to the fortress" Jude's voice rang in his ear. "over" he replied. Josh brought out a high tech binoculars, fixed it in his eyes and zoomed in. He could see the gate of the fortress far away but it wasn't guarded. he removed the binoculars surprised, why is that? "heyno time, its just thirty minutes infiltration" Jude's voice came over again. He frowned, "copy" Josh marched to the gate with his heavy boots but with silent steps. The high walls of the fortress came into view with electrocuted barbed wires. Josh smiled, just a piece of cake. He ran to the tall fence. one bound, one pull off and he was inside the compound. He eluded the barbed wires instinctively. Guards flooded the compound with heavy guns all clad in green tuxedo wears. one of the guards saw him as he landed. the guard pointed his assault rifle towards him, his hands on the trigger. Josh was to infiltrate the fortress with stealth mode and not to be detected by any of the guards but that already happened and he had to stop it before it escalates. Josh pulled out a handful of the throwing stars from his waist hostler and targeted it towards the guard. The guard fell down with the blade in his right eye. he didn't plan to kill any of the guards, his main objective was to get the five faceless down but the problem was getting past the guards. Josh stooped low in the dark surveying his surroundings, the fortress was heavily built with strong laser walls that it would repel if it detect a human body but Jude had switched all that off and he had just twenty minutes to get to the targets before they curb the infiltration. Josh stood up bounding with slow but fast steps using the wall as a bait. he moved stealthily but fast enough not to be seen by any prying eyes. Funny enough, the fortress was void of buildings. it had only a small structure of a house in the middle of the spacious land.. . ..... The faceless had it all planned out, the underground is their main base with High tech support. its somewhere you can't infiltrate easily even if you're a pro. "turn left, the lid is about five meters away" Jude's voice came over in the intercom. "Copy" Josh did as he was instructed as he turned left and didn't stop until he stumbled upon a rigid steel which looked like a cover. This was it, he bent low and turned the lid open, he peered in. there was a ladder in the tunnel. Gunshots skyrocketed the earth as he descended the stairs of the ladder. They had found him and it would be a matter of time before they fished him out. "watch out!" Jude's voice rang in his ears yelling. Josh looked down to meet the dreaded. Two huge Rottweiler dogs were down anticipating his arrival. The dogs sneered at him almost jumping on him. Josh could hear heavy steps of boots hovering above him, they were coming for him but then he had the issue of the dogs. He looked down for the last time, the dogs had their tongues out with saliva spurted over it. the dogs looked like they have been starved for years and couldn't wait to finish off the meal that lay before them. Josh jumped down without thinking twice and the dogs immediately pounced on him. To be continued..
29 Apr 2017 | 19:09
Christmas meat
29 Apr 2017 | 19:46
Christmas goat
29 Apr 2017 | 19:47
What a nice meal.. Lets see what became of him
30 Apr 2017 | 07:51
30 Apr 2017 | 07:52
Ride on..
30 Apr 2017 | 08:26
30 Apr 2017 | 08:36
30 Apr 2017 | 09:49
Why dnt u shoot dem Josh?
30 Apr 2017 | 10:56
Josh is strong i kn u will maneuver ur way frm those wicked dog.
30 Apr 2017 | 10:59
Josh is very strong, i kn u will maneuver ur way frm those wicked dogs.
30 Apr 2017 | 11:03
Sorry man
30 Apr 2017 | 18:32
1 May 2017 | 11:41
1 May 2017 | 19:02
The Atheist . Part Eight A . Terror dominated Josh's eyes as the two huge Rottweiler dogs pounced on him almost tearing him apart. Josh was on the ground with his back to the floor. One of the dogs had his teeth on Josh, Josh struggled to free himself from the two monsters as he jerked off throwing his legs in the air hitting the other huge dog with a brown fur on its head. the dog seemed to be trained for this as he never moved an inch. Josh could have used his gun but the gun fell off as he landed on the floor and it was just few meters away. He continued struggling throwing his fist at the dog whose teeth was stung with his clothes dragging him. The heavy blow hit the dog in its eyes and blood spilled out causing the dog to release its grasp on him as it go blinded. Josh made use of the opportunity as he quickly crawled and reached for his gun. he turned just in time and shot the one his blow hit his eye squarely in the face. There was a loud bang, it fell to the ground. The other dog with brown fur began to bark as loud as it could snarling at him with saliva dripping of its waggling tongue. Josh sat upright and shot the one left spontaneously on its forehead. Blood splattered on his face and he spat out in disgust.. Just too bad! Josh rose up elated and made to leave but he inadvertently stopped when he saw two armed men pointing guns at him. he stood static for a brief moment then looked over his shoulders when he heard sounds of people coming. they were also two making a total of four armed men. Two ahead, two behind and they were fast closing in on him. he knew he couldn't try anything funny, they were four and he was just one. Josh gripped his gun firmly, he shot twice and swirled quickly and took the other two out. they all fell in one thud. "hey man" Josh said over the earpiece but noise echoed in his ear. he knew immediately that Jude also was undergoing a tough time. Josh shrugged off and continued walking in slow strides with his gun pointed forward. in the corner of his eye, he saw a guard walking aimlessly around fidgeting with his gun. Josh noiselessly crept to his back and held his throat in a stifling manner lifting him from his feet. the guard gasp wriggling in josh arms. "where is the secret door?" Josh yelled. The man continued gasping for breath and didn't show any sign that he would talk. "I said where is it!?" Josh barked with venom. Josh angrily snapped the guard's neck and dropped the lifeless body on the floor. He knew there is a secret door leading to the main base of the faceless but he couldn't tell where The tunnel would be endless if he kept on walking and he knew it. "hey buddy" Jude's voice rang in his ear panting like he'd just finished a race. "Fuck you!" Josh cursed, obviously angry. "they know we are here and they are coming for us" Jude warned. Josh was less perturbed by the threat as he continued walking on in the dark tunnel. His eyes widened when he saw a device attached to the wall not too far from where he was. He trusted his instincts so much, he knew it was a device that would open the door . He stopped in front of the device, it was a small device with a fingerprints screen embedded on it. "hey I have a problem" Josh said into the mouthpiece. but silence answered back. "Jude, do you copy?"_ he repeated. there was silence at the other end as there was the previous times he tried. he heaved a sigh of frustration giving up reluctantly. He subconsciously pressed his thumb against the fingerprint panel and it started scanning. He only hoped the door would open and he heard the click. the wall splits and formed a door shape, it opened inwards and he peered into the darkness. Josh smiled, he never knew it would be this easy. next step was to find the five faceless!. Josh walked in and the door automatically closed and formed back into a wall. Gun shots skyrocketed as he stepped in, he scurried away to find cover as bullets whizzed and flew past him. This was it!, it was an ambush and the door wasn't opened by him as he'd thought.. it was opened by one of the men from inside laying a siege for him. Josh took cover behind something which looked like a tanker if only he had time to check what he hid behind, he would have known the type of thing that covered him. His eyes darted to his chest and he saw red blazing lights flickering on it. "Get on your feet and put your hands where I can see them" A Portuguese's voice commanded. Josh rose slowly and put his gun down, his hands went up in a surrender demeanor. The Caucasian man wore a long black coat stopping beneath his feet, a short blade was positioned in his hands in a way that he could strike any moment. Guards flocked around him with their guns aimed at Josh. Josh smirked, he had found Richard Rodriguez. . To be continued...
5 May 2017 | 01:20
you have found him but you are still in trouble
5 May 2017 | 03:06
5 May 2017 | 03:32
Right you found him but how are you going to succeed in this mission when u are already surrounded
5 May 2017 | 05:23
5 May 2017 | 05:32
I'm sure he would but it would be an hard one
5 May 2017 | 06:51
na u find am abi na him find u
5 May 2017 | 06:53
ride on
5 May 2017 | 08:44
they sent d easy guy first
5 May 2017 | 21:37
Hmmm Josh i kn u will make it, bt wat could v happed 2 ur frnd Jude?
6 May 2017 | 09:59
The Atheist . Part Nine . Jude had infiltrated the faceless base easily and he'd switched off the lasers in the building. he was also on a stealth mode and his cover wasn't blown yet unlike josh. He continued walking in slow strides but meticulous enough to notice some guards laying a siege for him. one came out from the left while the other from the right aiming at him. he shot twice and the two guards instantly fell. it was a clean headshot. Jude checked his timer on his wristwatch as he walked on, he'd nothing less than 10 minutes to be in the main base of the faceless. things would surely go wrong if he gets there late. the laser walls, security cams, face detection would all be reactivated again in less than ten minutes and with the look of things, he wasn't any near to the base and there will be a lot more guards. "Josh, what's the status over there?" he spoke into the earpiece tucked in his ear. there was silence at the other end, it was disconnected. Jude smelt danger, he quickly brought out his iPod from his backpack strapped to his back. he minimized different running apps and opened a tracker app which displayed a blinking red dot but it was static on the same position. Jude shook his head, this ain't going well at all. josh had been captured but not dead yet and he'd limited time to go save his ass. he checked the timer again, 00:08:53. he was running out of time and he needed to get into the base first before he could locate josh. he started bounding, running but not too fast. bullets whizzed and he ducked as he ran throwing short knives to whoever that came into view. he heard a gun cocked behind him and he quickly swirl and threw two knives at the guard who was about pulling the trigger. the guard slumped down to the ground with the two knives on his forehead and blood oozing out. "shit!" he cursed as he checked the timer again. 00:05:47secs. time was not on his side and he couldn't afford to be stucked there forever. he suddenly stopped when he saw five heavily armed guards walking simultaneously and interchangeably, they were guarding something which he presumed to be the main entrance to the base. the guards were exceptionally armed with assault rifles with added telescope for shooting accuracy and all wore black tight tuxedo wears. this ain't getting any funnier at all. Jude clenched his hand and it formed into a tight fist, he needed to take them out in split seconds no matter how tough they are. He whistled loudly as he charged towards them with the new twin silverballers in his hand and the trigger in the grasp of his fingers. The guards fully alerted quickly drew out their assault rifle and shot sporadically at him, all rotating taking sides. Jude did a backflip simultaneously and instinctively evitated the bullets spray on him. he fired spontaneously at the guards as soon as he landed. four of the guards were down and were whimpering loudly while the other one left continued pouring out fire. this time, the bullets caught jude in the arm and he yelped out in pain. He immediately did a front barrel roll and kicked the guard hard on his groin, the effect of the kick got the guard falling off to the floor. Jude grimaced as pain shot through him, he clutched more tightly to his twin silverballers and shot at the guard wriggling on the floor and he went still. "Fuck it!" he'd wasted time again! even worse with the inflicted pain on his arm. He stood at the huge portrait gate for a moment looking for any repelling inconspicuous gadgets on the wall. the gate was a brown wooden door with the statue of an iris god embedded on it. there was a small panel screen just beside the handle of the door. he looked at his watch for the umpteenth time in five minutes, the timer was fast counting down and he'd less than a minute to be in the base. without further ado, he pressed his thumb against the rigid panel and it started synchronizing. 00:00:35 secs it was still sync slowly. he heard loud grunts behind him, he quickly swirled back but cautiously enough not to remove his thumb. one of the guards was up again, the gun aimed at him. Jude gritted his teeth with fury blazing in his eyes. they just don't give up... do they? he used his amputated hand to fire at the guard who instantly fell in a loud thud. he turned back just in time to see the door open and he quickly slid in before the door closed back. his eyes widened as he saw guards surrounding him. A young man wearing a long black coat with a long girlie hair stopping beneath his waist stepped out of the circle the guards formed. a smile crept over his black skinned face in a smirk. "welcome Jude, I've been expecting you" he said in his Russian accent. Jude frowned. here is spooky skurry, his long time enemy. To be continued... apologies for the late update famz i was out for too long.. updates would be faster now..
3 Jun 2017 | 19:19
oh no. hope nothing will happen to Josh and Jude
4 Jun 2017 | 06:07
Nice, but you didnt tell us what happend btw Josh and Richard Rodriguez
4 Jun 2017 | 06:10
Ohh... hope this guy's will make it out alive
4 Jun 2017 | 10:07
Jude nd Josh hope nting happen to u guys o.
4 Jun 2017 | 12:29
cont .
4 Jun 2017 | 12:35
I hope Jude and Josh will make it out alive
4 Jun 2017 | 12:35
4 Jun 2017 | 13:46
We hope so. Apology accepted
4 Jun 2017 | 14:31
Now they both habe been captured
4 Jun 2017 | 16:28
Now they both have been captured
4 Jun 2017 | 16:29
hmm,u remember us today, no p
4 Jun 2017 | 17:24
CAptioned... both with pains
4 Jun 2017 | 20:04
The Atheist . Part Ten . He'd been in tough situations such as this and like he believed, there was always a way out but this seems to be different. It was more hazardous and perilous contrary to what he'd thought. He didn't settle down nor plan well for the mission. He allowed the fury and annoyance of his brutalized parents get inside of him which didn't make him think straight but rather compelled him. Vengeance soared high above his thinking and it cursed through every part of his body... his eyes also depicted that. it was damn red and bloodshot. Fury was all one could see in those still red eyes. His hands and legs were tied to an iron pole and his backpack had been ransacked by one of the guards. The earpiece was removed and crushed at the foot of Richard Rodriguez. he was only left with the black hoodie he wore, the knives and throwing stars he had on his body has been removed too and was left with no weapon whatsoever to fight with even if he was to make it out. He looked up to meet Richard Rodriguez gaze fixed on his. "I knew you would come seeking for revenge which you'll never get, coz right now am gonna have you killed by one of my men" Richard Rodriguez said with a smirk on his face. Josh smirked too but with a devilish grin. "let's watch and see who gonna be killed" He twisted his fingers in the ropes used in tying his hands. he felt a small tiny knife which couldn't be noticed by anyone. He smiled, he knew it would be there. now there's a way out which only needed the right timing. "take care of him" Richard Rodriguez said to the leader of the guards who was more huge and muscular than the rest. "make his death a slow but painful one" The guard nodded and walked towards Josh with a smirk on his face. "enjoy it while it last" Richard Rodriguez said and walked away with the short blade in his hands. Josh beamed with smiles, he was going to survive this. "Here we go!" the guard hit Josh real hard on his chin and blood came spilling out of his mouth while the other guards hailed. Josh spat out blood, rage almost engulfed him at the sight of his blood but discarded the feeling and focused more on the right timing. The guard hit Josh again at his left chin, blood spilled out yet again making his mouth battered and out of shape. Chants filled the air again. Josh's eyes popped open when he saw the guard with two short knives. he needed no soothsayer to tell him what the knives would be used for and there's no way he would allow that happen. The guard grinned as he came forward with the knives in his hand, one at the right and the other at his left. Josh knew he'd to act fast, really pretty fast. The guard drove the knife in his left thigh and Josh yelped out in pain. He couldn't withstand to get more of that, he wriggled vigorously twisting his fingers and making the ropes slid on the knife in his hand. phew!, his hands were free but he still pretended as though it was still tied. Josh blazing eyes roamed over the guards in the room numbering up to twenty. They were all muscular in shape and all heavily armed. he would have to take them all out in one single piece which almost seemed impossible. in this mission, it is either you kill or be killed, no time for emotion. They were taught to be ruthless and detest the existence of God, that is even if they believed he existed. The guard smirked as he charged at Josh with the knife in his hand. Josh quickly hit his tied leg at the iron pole and the boot he wore automatically pointed out knives at the edges cutting the rope in the process. The guard's eyes widened as he saw what Josh did, a knife pierced his chest before he could retaliate and he slowly fell face down. Josh immediately jumped down as the other guards came running, shooting in the process. He brought out knives from his boot and threw it simultaneously at the guards. some dropped down dead with the knives in their chest. everything happened in a second. He came face to face with ten guards remaining, they all had their guns aimed at him. Josh was out of knives and he had no other weapon with him. his eyes darted to the guards who came running and back to the gun on the floor. he did a front barrel roll picking the gun and knocking out one of the guards. One guard ran to his left and he shot him right in the head, blood flying as he fell. Another made way to his right as the other ran to his middle. He allowed the guard on his right get closer and he whacked him with the butt of his gun, his eyes rolling to the back as he fell. The guard on his middle shot at him but missed and he shot him in the kneecap. "ah Fuck!" The guard screamed, falling to the ground, clutching his knee. The other guards seeing what was happening fired sporadically at him and josh flipped up in the air, rolling as the bullets whizzed past him. He landed on one of the guards neck, twisted his thighs around the neck while the guard wriggled gasping for breath. He snapped off the guard's neck and the guard fell in a loud thud. Josh back flipped and landed on another's neck shooting as he landed, two more guards instantly fell down. Josh squeezed his thighs together, blocking his airway. The guard dug his nails into his thighs and he cartwheeled slamming his body onto the ground. He then snapped his neck and a bone crunched. Josh wheezed heavily, his chest had gotten tight which made it hard for him to breath. The guards littered the floor, all dead. Perfect, the coast was clear. time to move. He hasn't taken more than a step when Richard Rodriguez stepped in clapping as he walked. "Wow, Impressive but let's see how you gonna take me down" he smirked. "ya know, you can't" Josh gritted his teeth as adrenaline rushed through him. Richard Rodriguez smirked again twisting his neck getting ready for the kill. Both started rotating in circles, their fist pushed forward and each took his time to observe his opponent's weak point. Josh shook his head as the image of his dying father popped up in his face. Anger engulfed him and the adrenaline doubled. He charged at him roaring loudly as he ran. To be continued...
5 Jun 2017 | 01:16
Richard watch out dats ur death coming, bravo my guy Josh hope ur frnd Jude will b ok too.
5 Jun 2017 | 06:01
let start
5 Jun 2017 | 06:15
Wow.. Nice one Josh
5 Jun 2017 | 07:19
Josh pls help me teach that guy some lesson
5 Jun 2017 | 09:23
wow... Josh what a wonderful job you did
5 Jun 2017 | 10:11
5 Jun 2017 | 16:04
Rush him josh
5 Jun 2017 | 16:56
Josh make his death a slow but a painful one
5 Jun 2017 | 20:21
great job
5 Jun 2017 | 20:47
where is jude
6 Jun 2017 | 01:43
The Atheist . Part Eleven . "you wanted me dead a long time ago but.." a grin crept over Jude's face.. "ya dumb head never told you I would survive the explosion." A frown appeared on spooky skurry's wrinkled face. Anger flecked through his bloodshot eyes, he snapped his fingers and a guard ran up to him. He said something Jude couldn't deduce. It was in whispers, barely heard by a third party. The guard walked towards Jude clenching his hand. Jude took two step backwards, wondering what the guard was up to.. Jude looked back when he saw a guard in the corner of his eye running towards him. Another came running at his front, another by the left and another also by the right. Making four guards to one. For a moment, he was astounded and couldn't think straight but then, his brain multitasked and he processed the message in less than a second. He stood erect with the twin silver ballers in his hand as the four guards came running in all directions. Jude raised the gun and did the triple threat fast kill in 360 degree rotation, killing all the guards in less than three seconds and they all fell in one thud. Jude twirled his gun and smiled. ."that was just too easy, next?" Spooky skurry narrowed his eyes as though he wanted to squint. he strode towards Jude and stopped in front of him. "you want me dead and not the guards" a scowl crept over his face and it immediately vanished and a smile perched his lips. "kill me if you can" The lights immediately flickered and went off putting them into abject darkness. Hardly would you be able to see your shadow. Jude stepped back meticulously and alerted of any attacks albeit the fact that he couldn't see his opponent's face but he could still deduce where he was at the moment. He saw a punch coming but he saw it too late. The punch landed on his nose and it bursted open, blood spilling out. his head bent down and he rose up to regain himself but ended up receiving an uppercut which sent him flying in the air and crashed to the floor. He groaned as pain shot through him. He struggled to get up but a kick sent him back and the groan became louder. "ya never gonna kill me and no one will." Jude squeezed his face as he mustered all his strength. He rolled sideways and got up in one fierce move. He was just in time to see a kick coming and he stopped it midway and sent back a kick at the groin. A loud groan erupted and he could see spooky skurry holding his thigh region as he bent down. Jude smirked, "don't start what you can't finish" he rushed him with hefty blows which hit him at the face and blood spurted out. Jude grinned." I hope you enjoy yourself" He flipped up twice in the air and landed on his neck. Squeezing his thighs as he landed. Spooky skurry yelped, he dung his nails into Jude's thighs and flanked him away with aggressiveness. Jude fell with his back in a bone jarring thud and a shattering scream emitted from his lips. "you like that?" spooky skurry said amidst gritted teeth. Even in the darkness, Jude could still see the gritted teeth. Spooky skurry approached him, bent down and launched a blow on his chin. Jude yelped out wincing in pains as blood came flying out disfiguring the face. Jude was unable to stand up due to the excruciating pain. He was too weak and couldn't even move a bone. He winced as pain shot through him in every part of his body, he saw the fight as a loosed battle not any near close to win. Spooky skurry sent two blows on his belly which emitted a louder scream. . ~ . The two men continued to move slowly in an anticlockwise direction. Each having his gaze strictly fixed on his opponent. Josh had been more watchful since he'd taken the uncalculated move, charging against Richard Rodriguez with a blow on his face which he easily dodged and had sent back a jab at his chest which caught him unawares. Josh tightened his fist in anticipation of his next move, he couldn't afford to make mistakes. Mistakes are really perilous and could sure cost a life. "are you ready to die?" Josh asked as he ran towards him raising up his leg to knock him out but he grabbed the leg and slammed him down, knocking the breath out of him. Pain shot up through his back and he gasped for air. Josh groaned as he got up clenching his fist and positioning himself to fight back. Josh swung at him but missed and he quickly followed it up with a jab on the face which sent him backward. Richard Rodriguez came running with his fist pushed forward, he threw a blow at Josh but Josh stopped it midway and sent back a kick to the throat. Richard Rodriguez wriggled away and fell to the ground with his butt on the floor. He groaned as his throat ache and within some minutes of absorbing the pain, he was up again. He leapt up in the sky sending flying kicks which caught Josh in the chest and he fell backwards. Josh immediately recovered and rose up, a smirk appeared on his face as fury engulfed him. He clenched his fists, the left fist positioned at the hip level with the knuckles up. He launched a straight punch with the right which hit Richard Rodriguez on his jaw. Richard Rodriguez stumbled backward and clutched his jaw as it throbbed. He drew out his blade which has sharp edges. Josh also drew out a long shining medieval sword from his leather belt. The sword was very sharp with double edged blades. They started rotating in circle and at the same time closing the gap between them. . To be continued...
8 Jun 2017 | 20:00
The Atheist . Part Eleven . “you wanted me dead a long time ago but..” a grin crept over Jude’s face.. “ya dumb head never told you I would survive the explosion.” A frown appeared on spooky skurry’s wrinkled face. Anger flecked through his bloodshot eyes, he snapped his fingers and a guard ran up to him. He said something Jude couldn’t deduce. It was in whispers, barely heard by a third party. The guard walked towards Jude clenching his hand. Jude took two step backwards, wondering what the guard was up to.. Jude looked back when he saw a guard in the corner of his eye running towards him. Another came running at his front, another by the left and another also by the right. Making four guards to one. For a moment, he was astounded and couldn’t think straight but then, his brain multitasked and he processed the message in less than a second. He stood erect with the twin silver ballers in his hand as the four guards came running in all directions. Jude raised the gun and did the triple threat fast kill in 360 degree rotation, killing all the guards in less than three seconds and they all fell in one thud. Jude twirled his gun and smiled. .”that was just too easy, next?” Spooky skurry narrowed his eyes as though he wanted to squint. he strode towards Jude and stopped in front of him. “you want me dead and not the guards” a scowl crept over his face and it immediately vanished and a smile perched his lips. “kill me if you can” The lights immediately flickered and went off putting them into abject darkness. Hardly would you be able to see your shadow. Jude stepped back meticulously and alerted of any attacks albeit the fact that he couldn’t see his opponent’s face but he could still deduce where he was at the moment. He saw a punch coming but he saw it too late. The punch landed on his nose and it bursted open, blood spilling out. his head bent down and he rose up to regain himself but ended up receiving an uppercut which sent him flying in the air and crashed to the floor. He groaned as pain shot through him. He struggled to get up but a kick sent him back and the groan became louder. “ya never gonna kill me and no one will.” Jude squeezed his face as he mustered all his strength. He rolled sideways and got up in one fierce move. He was just in time to see a kick coming and he stopped it midway and sent back a kick at the g---n. A loud groan erupted and he could see spooky skurry holding his thigh region as he bent down. Jude smirked, “don’t start what you can’t finish” he rushed him with hefty blows which hit him at the face and blood spurted out. Jude grinned.” I hope you enjoy yourself” He flipped up twice in the air and landed on his neck. Squeezing his thighs as he landed. Spooky skurry yelped, he dung his nails into Jude’s thighs and flanked him away with aggressiveness. Jude fell with his back in a bone jarring thud and a shattering scream emitted from his lips. “you like that?” spooky skurry said amidst gritted teeth. Even in the darkness, Jude could still see the gritted teeth. Spooky skurry approached him, bent down and launched a blow on his chin. Jude yelped out wincing in pains as blood came flying out disfiguring the face. Jude was unable to stand up due to the excruciating pain. He was too weak and couldn’t even move a bone. He winced as pain shot through him in every part of his body, he saw the fight as a loosed battle not any near close to win. Spooky skurry sent two blows on his belly which emitted a louder scream. . ~ . The two men continued to move slowly in an anticlockwise direction. Each having his gaze strictly fixed on his opponent. Josh had been more watchful since he’d taken the uncalculated move, charging against Richard Rodriguez with a blow on his face which he easily dodged and had sent back a jab at his chest which caught him unawares. Josh tightened his fist in anticipation of his next move, he couldn’t afford to make mistakes. Mistakes are really perilous and could sure cost a life. “are you ready to die?” Josh asked as he ran towards him raising up his leg to knock him out but he grabbed the leg and slammed him down, knocking the breath out of him. Pain shot up through his back and he gasped for air. Josh groaned as he got up clenching his fist and positioning himself to fight back. Josh swung at him but missed and he quickly followed it up with a jab on the face which sent him backward. Richard Rodriguez came running with his fist pushed forward, he threw a blow at Josh but Josh stopped it midway and sent back a kick to the throat. Richard Rodriguez wriggled away and fell to the ground with his butt on the floor. He groaned as his throat ache and within some minutes of absorbing the pain, he was up again. He leapt up in the sky sending flying kicks which caught Josh in the chest and he fell backwards. Josh immediately recovered and rose up, a smirk appeared on his face as fury engulfed him. He clenched his fists, the left fist positioned at the hip level with the knuckles up. He launched a straight punch with the right which hit Richard Rodriguez on his jaw. Richard Rodriguez stumbled backward and clutched his jaw as it throbbed. He drew out his blade which has sharp edges. Josh also drew out a long shining medieval sword from his leather belt. The sword was very sharp with double edged blades. They started rotating in circle and at the same time closing the gap between them. . To be continued…
9 Jun 2017 | 02:19
oh no Jude. you better don't die o
9 Jun 2017 | 03:17
I hope u both survive this
9 Jun 2017 | 04:27
Jude nd Josh will b victorious, no doubt abt it.
9 Jun 2017 | 05:26
Jude pls don't die... make sure you kill that motherfuker
9 Jun 2017 | 07:08
Next please
9 Jun 2017 | 08:43
die not Jude
9 Jun 2017 | 09:51
Jude vs Slurry and Josh vs Rodriguez... okay, let's see who survives the heat... fire on
9 Jun 2017 | 11:27
U guys are dancing on yo own. . freebeats playing
9 Jun 2017 | 20:04
Jude, never give up... You can still make it
9 Jun 2017 | 20:07
Dnt give up - josh n jude :g
9 Jun 2017 | 21:42
[color =white]ok[/color]
9 Jun 2017 | 21:42
Kill them ALL
10 Jun 2017 | 04:43
The Atheist . Part Twelve . The clanging of swords disturbed the serenity of the underground while the atmosphere around them was tensed. The room was dimly lit by green and blue rays of light ejected from its power source which shone on the duo striking their swords at each other. Some Guards stood watching at a vantage point in the corner of the room. All with their barrels aimed at Josh for any foul play. Josh breathed heavily, the fight for dominance was getting tough contrary to what he had thought. They fought effortlessly with their swords swinging at opposite direction in a rapid movements like a pro which they were. Josh's slipped the sword off Richard Rodriguez's sword which caught him in the arm. He watched as the furious Richard Rodriguez came striking back with his sharp blade and he defended himself. The swords against each other in a star like shape. Both moved anticlockwise with the swords in their hands, each calculating his opponent's next move. Josh cross-examined Richard Rodriguez's movements, his hands were outstretched with the sword against his. The legs were apart as he moved in accordance to the circle rotation, positioning himself like a boxer who was about to hit the punching bag. He knew his next move, he had watched under close surveillance with his computerized eyes and he was certain of it which got him the upper hand in the duel. Richard Rodriguez momentarily swung the sword at his neck just as he had presumed and he quickly stopped it halfway and the impact moved them backwards a bit. Josh was careful enough not to repeat his moves twice and even if he did, he'd make sure it was in different direction. He back flipped twice and stretched forth his sword to strike before he landed. Richard Rodriguez weaved the sword away with his and quickly followed it up with a jab in the chest which caught Josh unawares. The impact made him fell and he loosed his grip on the sword as he landed with his back on the floor. Richard Rodriguez grinned, "I ghat ya" . ~ . Jude twitched in pain and discomfort as a bucket of cold water was splashed on his face. He opened his eyes slowly but it was blurry as the images he saw were in twos and not clear enough to see their faces. A lanky man stepped forward, a flourishing smile perched his lips. He bent down to the height of Jude who was strapped to a chair. "wowowo!!!" Spooky Skurry grinned, he bent down Jude's head and pummeled him with hefty blows. Jude groaned and winced in pains as he received the life tortures from Spooky Skurry. he was going to die!, he knew it but not in the hands of Spooky Skurry. Not for once had he thought he would die slowly not even from tortures. Blood oozed out from his bursted lip, he also bled through the cuts on his forehead which the blood trickled down from. He couldn't assure himself of falsified hope so he gave up all hope and awaited what his fate hold for him. ~ Josh fell again, his head pounded as monsters danced holding a feast. He looked up just in time to see the blade coming down on his head and he rolled away. Richard Rodriguez roared as he missed, he charged at Josh again rolling the blade as he ran towards him. Josh was up on his feet but his sword was still a metre away and he couldn't dare the dreaded. He back flipped and expertly ducked the continuous strikes of the blade. He got to a vantage point and kicked the sword which flew in the air and he caught it. He was right in time to block a strike on his left shoulder. he pressed back the sword but it only moved inches away. Josh slipped behind him and swept him off his feet with a sweep kick, he fell to the floor and his sword flung away. Josh raised his sword and brought it down but he rolled away before the sword landed. Josh charged after him again roaring like a triumphant lion, he swung his sword in two quick succession which hit Richard Rodriguez on his thighs and neck. He groaned as blood spilled out in both directions. Josh finished him off cutting off his head and blood oozed out as he fell to the floor lifeless. The guards immediately poured out fire shooting their heavy duty guns. Josh flipped thrice in the air weaving away the bullets as he swung his sword diagonally. He threw the sword to a guard as he landed which pierced the guard in the chest and he fell face down to the floor. Josh rolled on the floor knocking a guard out and instinctively disarmed him. He shot sporadically using the fast threat kill and in split seconds, all were down. Some instantly dead while some whimpered . Josh smiled. One out, four more to kill. His subconscious mind drifted to Jude and a frown appeared on his face. Jude should have radioed in even without the earpiece wig, he always find a way to keep the communication alive but in this case, it wasn't which only meant one word. DANGER!!! To be continued.
12 Jun 2017 | 02:00
time to save Jude
12 Jun 2017 | 03:33
Yeah Jude is in great danger, guy u v 2 do sumtin 2 help ur frnd out.
12 Jun 2017 | 05:14
Go and save your friend
12 Jun 2017 | 05:27
Josh is the better fighter among the two... see what he had successful managed to achieve
12 Jun 2017 | 06:11
Good thing you survived , now go save Jude.
12 Jun 2017 | 06:31
Go get Jude
12 Jun 2017 | 07:28
Wow.. a wonderful job.. time for you to save jude
12 Jun 2017 | 08:46
I hope Jude ain't dead
12 Jun 2017 | 14:59
12 Jun 2017 | 15:58
Keep it coming o
13 Jun 2017 | 03:31
good one Josh
14 Jun 2017 | 07:51
Go geh jude!
14 Jun 2017 | 10:56
The Atheist . Part Thirteen . Guards clad in black tuxedo overalls with assault rifles crowded the underground as the alert siren went off reverberating in the whole underground building. Josh hid himself behind an empty container amongst the several containers littered on the floor. He watched as some guards scurried away while others immediately replaced them positioning themselves behind a cover. Josh brought out two guns from his waist holster and filled it with cartridges. He then brought out a mini iPod device, swiped it left thrice and an app automatically opened; It loaded for a while before a map appeared on the screen, blinking a red tiny arrow. Josh zoomed in and checked the location in which the arrow was blinking on, it was still in the underground building which he wasn't far from. He stood up and shot sporadically at the guards who were at his front but surprisingly, none fell. He was astounded, not sure of what happened. He changed the gun to a double barrel and continued shooting non stop until he heard clicks of the gun indicating that he was out of ammunition. With fear, he drew back as the guards assembled approaching him. ~ The loud sound of the siren woke Jude up, he opened his eyes and quickly shot it back. The powerful rays of light ejected from the bulbs made him close back his eyes as the velocity of the light was at its maximum voltage. He opened it afterwards, squinting as he opened it. His pupil finally adjusted to its surroundings and he could make out hazy figures with heavy duty guns standing at the front of an iron gate which enclosed the room he was held captive. He was seated on his haunches which was very uncomfortable for him and his hands were shackled with strong chains. He remained in that same position for some time before he decided to rest his back on the wall which emitted a groan from his lips. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm his nerves. Then, he began meditating. A loud explosion jerked him off his meditation, and he cringed back in fear with loud yelps and groans as the wall splattered on him, his ear rang and it echoed. A man dressed in a black hoodie jumped down from the opening the explosion caused. He removed the fallen bricks on Jude and was about dragging him out when Jude suddenly pulled him by the hand and he fell heavily on Jude; both groaned. "hey man, its me" Josh squealed, rolling over and stood up. "what took you so long?" Jude asked, sitting upright while Josh picked up a wrench and unhooked the chains. "Had a bad time with Rodriguez" Josh grinned. "ghat his head huh?" Josh nodded,"gotta ghat more heads rolling" Josh helped Jude up to his feet and the duo maneuvered their way out of the room. "we need to get to safe house right now" Josh said looking at Jude's bleeding arm while Jude only nodded and hummed a 'yes'. He had no strength and was fast loosing consciousness. "Watch out!" Josh screamed as he pushed Jude and both rolled backward and took cover. Heavily built-in guards clambered above the fallen bricks and were shooting sporadically with a perfect aim on their targets; Jude and Josh reeled back trying to evade the bullets spray but were unlucky as it pierced their skin; both on their arms as they tried firing back. They yelped out loudly, the pains coursing through their veins and they grimaced. Josh leapt his head a little above the cover and shot thrice at one of the guards but the guard remained fitted on the ground. He immediately cast a surprised look at Jude who held his arms in pains. "We have a problem" Josh said bringing out his iPod device. "They aren't mortals?" Jude asked. Josh nodded, "seems like it" "Give me the device" Jude ordered stretching forth his amputated hand, he collected it and began typing on the screen pad. "what are you gonna do?" Josh asked with a whimper as a bullet flew in his left shoulder. "ama hack into the robotic system and activate the auto control" "is that gonna work?" "it's worth a trial" Jude stood up and faced the guards lined up horizontally. The word 'processing' displayed boldly on the device's screen and a number was loading in sequence beneath it. The guards had stopped shooting but still stood static on the same position with their guns across their chest. The device beeped in Jude hands displaying 'process complete' then showed 'auto control mode' afterwards. Jude grinned, "easy peasy" To be continued...
24 Jun 2017 | 20:31
Invention made easier! nxt :g
25 Jun 2017 | 04:43
And they left?
25 Jun 2017 | 08:11
Am waiting 4de nxt episode
25 Jun 2017 | 10:48
Nice job Jude.
25 Jun 2017 | 12:05
Nice one Jude
25 Jun 2017 | 12:52
He controlled them Nice one
25 Jun 2017 | 13:39
I really love dis story :yes:
25 Jun 2017 | 16:34
25 Jun 2017 | 17:30
well done Jude
26 Jun 2017 | 02:46
The Atheist . Part Fourteen. . There was a gigantic silence in the whole building except for sounds from heavy boots which persisted for a while and then, it eventually stopped. There was a click from a cylinder shaped door; the door rotated round and opened, blinking green from a pass card device. Guards numbering up to twenty walked in. Jude and Josh trudged behind them; Jude had the iPod device held in his hands, he was throwing occasional glances at the device monitoring the changes of the control mode. The guards weren't mere mortals like the ones they previously killed; they were robots made by the faceless, specifically programmed to be killer machines. Good thing he hacked into the robotic system; it would sure make their mission a success, only if things doesn't go wrong. Jude controlled the guards to a stop. They all stood before two huge doors; the doors were made of glass, a small sized screen panel with buttons from zero to nine was situated beside it. Jude gave Josh a signal and he dragged himself out and stood, whimpering and clutching his arm before the door. "we need to put in a pass code, but the problem is, how do we decrypt it?" Jude said, obviously in a hopeless demeanor. "You don't need to decrypt it anymore" an husky voice said, the huge glass door gave a beeping sound and it slid open. Two huge men stepped out clad in armor suit with big sneakers; One was tall, lanky, white freckled face, long goatee beards and a long black blonde hair flowing down his back. He's Xhu Xin Tai while the other was just the opposite; he was way too short for a man, an oval face with a short brusque hair on his chin, he seemed young if judged by the looks but had a body of an athletic. He's Blake Hunter a.k.a (Big Boss). "I'm impressed" the short man said, nodding his head. "its a pity y'll be wasted but ama offer you a chance of working with me and as y'all know, ama spare ya life." he spurted out in his American accent with a mischievous grin. "ya know, am not intimidated by 'em silly threats, yo can kiss ma ass all ya want" Josh said, fury blazing his bloodshot eyes. Blake Hunter laughed heartily like he'd gone mad. Suddenly, he stopped laughing and feigned a serious deadly mean look but that didn't shake Josh nor Jude. They stood static with their gaze strictly fixed on the duo standing in front of them. "I know why you're here but you ain't gonna have that" Blake Hunter said amidst gritted teeth and chuckled afterwards. Jude was observant enough to notice a red tiny light blinking on his chest, he glanced at Josh; he also had noticed but decided to play cool. They knew it was from a sniper rifle and they need to make acute strategies before they launch an attack. Blake Hunter stepped forward, a little too close to Josh. "you're a coward asshole" he muttered into Josh ears which earned him a blow on his chin from Josh. He stepped back and spat out blood, a smile emitted from his lips, smiling wryly. "you ghat to pay, you son of a bitch!" Spooky skurry came out through the other door while James Rogue slid down from the rooftop and landed with a silent thud. All stood with weapons in position seemingly ready for war. Blake Hunter pressed a button on his wristwatch and the robotic guards deformed and scattered into pieces. Blake Hunter gave a signal and they dropped their weapons. Josh winked at Jude and he reciprocated the message in split seconds. He ran and flipped twice in the air, Zhu Xin Tai also flipped up to meet him and he launched a kick at his chest which Jude dodged easily and sent back a backflip kick before he landed. Zhu Xin Tai got hit by the kick and he stumbled backwards while Spooky Skurry acted as a back up fighter as he came running with his fist pushed forward; he launched a straight blow but Jude ducked and rolled backwards and tactically flipped back to his feet. Zhu Xin Tai was up on his feet, he strode alongside with Spooky Skurry, each with a clenched fist approaching him. meanwhile, Josh was in a fight with Blake Hunter, both had scored points from his opponent. They moved anticlockwise in a circular motion, Josh wiped off his sweaty face and clenched back his fist. Suddenly, Josh attacked Blake Hunter using triple kick and followed it up with a jab on the chest but Blake Hunter deflected all the attacks with his palm and foot. Josh sighed, this ain't gonna end well. To be continued..
26 Jun 2017 | 21:26
Josh And I will survive. Nice story!keep it rolling.
27 Jun 2017 | 01:56
More actions jude nd josh dont let me down. :mail: @victoriouschild Call the register @chilovely @oneal @jummybabe @denciegirl @musty @promzy @pizzaro dats the few i remember
27 Jun 2017 | 03:26
This is really intresting.
27 Jun 2017 | 05:44
I really hope they survive this I really hope
27 Jun 2017 | 09:07
I hope they make it out alive
27 Jun 2017 | 09:46
You need more action
27 Jun 2017 | 10:54
27 Jun 2017 | 18:13
both of them should better survive dis thanks @kingsGreat
27 Jun 2017 | 19:17
I believe you guys will survive this
28 Jun 2017 | 05:43
I bliv Jude nd Josh will definitetly make it, ride on.
28 Jun 2017 | 05:59
I hp dey survive oh
28 Jun 2017 | 08:30
I just hope you two make it out alive
28 Jun 2017 | 13:24
The Atheist . Part Fifteen . James Rogue mounted a sniper rifle on the rooftop; it was a nice position to take down his target. He looked down, watching the wildest fight for dominance. The big boss was in a fight with Josh; both engaged in a serious fight as their lives depended on it. Not far away, Jude was also engaged in a fight with Spooky Skurry and Zhu Xin Tai. He was fighting two well trained assassins single-handedly which his strength couldn't sustain him as he was already inflicted with a bullet in the arm likewise Josh. James Rogue squinted into the sniper rifle; the sniper rifle had an infrared view that could infiltrate the darkest of nights. He zoomed in on Jude, the sniper aim was positioned at the back of his head; it would sure be a clean head-shot. The grasp on the trigger tightened as he focused more on the target. Jude's face had been battered by blows and kicks from the duo, blood saturated the black tuxedo coat he wore as he bled from different cuts on the head. More worse with the bullet in his arm which was now taking its toll on him as he was fast loosing consciousness yet, he was dauntless and not willing to give up. A kick from Zhu Xin Tai sent him flying in the air and he crashed to the floor another kick hit him hard at the pelvis and a groan escaped his lips. Zhu Xin Tai grinned widely, smiling satisfactorily. He bent low, squatting beside Jude and ran his fingers through his hair. "you're a coward assassin" He said still smiling while Spooky Skurry chuckled, sniggering quietly. Jude fought fruitlessly to keep his eye open but it kept closing back to the darkness. He popped the eye open again, his sight had become blurry and he could only make out hazy figures of Zhu Xin Tai and Spooky Skurry who were smiling mischievously. Soon enough, the eyes finally closed and he drifted into unconsciousness. James Rogue released his grasp on the trigger as he saw Jude sprawled on the floor, obviously beaten to a state of comatose. He changed the direction of the sniper and aimed at Josh who was still fighting the big boss; both showing their dexterity in the fight. Josh back flipped twice as the big boss threw a spiral kick and followed it up with a straight punch which hit Jude squarely on the face and the impact made him fell backwards. He acrobatically rose back to his feet. The big boss came running and flipped up in the air sending bicycle kicks before he could gain momentum. Josh tried to stop some of the kicks with his arms and foot but he couldn't. He tumbled backwards and fell heavily on the floor. Blake hunter stooped down and pummeled Josh in the face and didn't stop until he started bleeding. Josh winced and whimper as excruciating pains surged through his body. He looked over to Jude and the realization hit him hard as he fumed with furry. He was sent back to the floor as he struggled getting up. Damn it! He'd watched his parents die in cold blood and he couldn't see his friend die too. He closed his eyes for a moment then, he began hearing faint voices of his mother and father. "No,don't Josh" a feminine voice said. "you can't give up". The voice was louder now. Josh saw himself in the middle of nowhere. Apparently, it was their home in Boston. he stood in the large sitting room, his eyes darted around the room. The room was dark and dimly lit by rays from the moon which peered in through the open louvres. "Josh" A gruff voice called. Josh looked up to see his father descending the stairs which spiraled down to the sitting room. He was wearing a brown leather jacket over a combat trouser. "Josh" a feminine voice also called from behind. He looked over his shoulder, his mother was seated on a three seater couch with her legs crossed. Josh opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out. He was stunned beyond belief, "Mom" he breathed out. "Dad, is this real?" "you're alive" "No, we're not" The father replied, now standing at his front. "you need to be you, survive and live up to our names" the father said, "we believe in you, don't let us down" The mother nodded, "you can do this". "Mom, dad". He reached out to them. "what's all this you saying" They faded slowly just as he was about touching them and their voices echoed in his head. "you can do this, you can do this" reverberated in his head as he woke up to the reality. To be continued... sorry for the late update, I only managed to post this with a borrowed phone
1 Jul 2017 | 21:16
They can't die like that o
2 Jul 2017 | 07:28
Faint voice of his mom and dad khe
2 Jul 2017 | 09:39
Sorry @itzprince and @jummybabe I just re-edited the episode now
2 Jul 2017 | 10:18
dey better not die
2 Jul 2017 | 12:42
2 Jul 2017 | 13:36
Thats so nice of you and thanks for the update. Can Josh really face the three of them??!
2 Jul 2017 | 13:44
Josh you can do it .. I believe in you
2 Jul 2017 | 16:47
The Atheist. . FINAL PART. . Part Sixteen. . Josh woke up to see Blake Hunter (Big Boss) standing over him with his back turned. Anger and fury immediately surged through him as he acrobatically sprang up to his feet. He clenched his hand and it turned into a fist. He was just in time to see Blake Hunter turning back towards him and he wasted no time as he charged foreward sending him a bone cracking punch which met him at the forehead. The impact made him reeled backwards, far away as he was taken by surprise. He stood still, blood trickling down his head and wiped it away with the back of his hand then, he clenched his fist. Josh charged again, his fist clenched moving rhythmically with his legs as he ran, half flipping in the air and swinging his hands and legs diagonally but this time, Blake Hunter deflected the attacks with his palm and followed it up with a jab in the chest. Josh stood straight, eyes bulging with rage and stared at his opponent. That is; the big boss. He watched him sneer, cracking up his knuckles. A memory flashed and a vivid image of his parents showed again. They were huddled and bundled up with chains, their faces freckled white and sleek. Fear and trepidation filled their eyes as they cried and wailed in anguish of excruciating pains. Behind them was Blake Hunter and the remaining four heroes of the Faceless clan and each had a smirk on their face as they brought out a short shiny knife and tossed it to the big boss. He took the knives, tossed one to Zhu Xin Tai and held it against the father's neck. Just before them was Josh; The toddler was tied to a pole whizzing hard like an old machine spewing smoke, Phlegm dropped down from his nostrils as he watched Blake Hunter pressing the knife against his father's skin slowly. The image suddenly faded away as a blow landed on his face and he reeled backward in shock. The first punch grazed his chin. he saw it too late, though he was drowned in his reverie and couldn't have ducked. The second punch doubled him over and he fell butt to the floor. Josh acrobatically flipped up to his feet as adrenaline rushed through his veins and he charged against Blake Hunter. Blake Hunter also came running with his fist pushed forward. In a split move, Josh removed a short hand knife from his boot and drove it into Blake Hunter's belly. His eyes popped open in shock as he felt a wetness in his stomach, he looked down and touched it; It was blood. James Rogue saw the unexpected and he quickly pulled the trigger but he was split seconds late. Josh ducked and rolled backwards and acrobatically flipped up to his feet. Spooky Skurry and Zhu Xin Tai immediately brought out guns, each with a SPG rifle. They shot sporadically at Josh who scurried away for cover. Josh hid behind a metal door which demarcated the hall from the inner chambers of the Faceless. Bullets rained on the metal door and he could tell they were close. He hurriedly pressed a button on a device which was strapped to his hand like a wrist watch. The device beeped and it formed into a gun; it was a self controlled gun which automatically shoots at its target with the aid of a telescope for shooting accuracy. he brought out other gadgets from his side pocket and arranged it to form a bazooka. A bullet whizzed past his arm as he was about standing up, the door had been ripped open by the bullets and it was no longer a safe cover to hide. He leapt up and fired with the gun strapped on his hand which fired continuously at Spooky Skurry who was running to shield himself but the bullets pierced his back and he fell to the ground. Josh looked over to Jude, he was no longer on the ground which kept him wondering where he could be. James Rogue squinted into the sniper rifle as Josh came into view looking for Zhu Xin Tai who had dragged the big boss into a room in the hall. James Rogue smirked, he wasn't going to miss this time though, he'd never missed. He squinted again, aiming for an headshot. A bullet flew into his back just as he was about pulling the trigger. His hands mistakenly changed the angle of the aim as the trigger released. He fell and slumped down to the ground. Jude staggered out of his hiding and went over to the sniper rifle, he looked down to see Zhu Xin Tai and Blake Hunter pointing guns at Josh. Blake clutched his stomach with a hand and held the gun with the other. "Drop your gun and put your hands where I can see them" Blake Hunter ordered motioning him with his gun. Josh lowered and dropped the gun on the floor. Zhu Xin Tai immediately kicked the gun far away. Zhu Xin Tai suddenly fell to the amazement of Josh and the Big Boss. Josh knew it couldn't have been James Rogue. Reason? because he knew too well that James couldn't have missed to the extent of killing one of their men. He looked up to see Blake Hunter advancing towards him with the gun in his hand. He saw a glint in his eye and he knew what that meant. He tactically flipped back shooting in the process but Blake Hunter saw it right on time and he ducked, shooting back. Jude slid down from the rooftop and landed behind Blake hunter. Blake Hunter Immediately swirled back and shot twice but Jude had already ducked and responded with a sweeping kick which swept the big boss of his feet and he landed sideways with the ribs knocking the ground which sent fresh ripples of pain through his torso as he wriggled on the floor. Jude stood over him pointing a gun to his head. He cocked the gun then, he hesitated. "Blow off his brain Jude or ama do't maself " Josh said walking over to him with a gun in his hand. "No, i can't" Jude replied, uncorked the gun and threw it away. "huh?" Josh was surprised. "what's wrong?" Jude shook his head, "Naffing" "No, I won't allow this" Josh rained the remaining of his bullets on Blake Hunter until his body stopped moving. "Happy now?" Jude said staggering as he walked away. "obviously yes" Josh stooped down and spat on his body. "fairwell punk" Suddenly, an alarm began to sound in the whole building. "Fcdecon activated. 60 seconds till self destruct." a computerized voice sounded in the building. "what the hell is that?" Josh asked. "I think Blake Hunter had programmed the FC to self destruct with his death. The building will go off once his heart stop beating." Jude explained as he staggered out of the hall with Josh tailing behind. "We need to move out now!" Josh screamed at Jude who was struggling to steady himself and walk normal. "50 seconds to self destruct" The computer voice sounded again. "Move faster!, we have no time!" Josh yelled at Jude again, he was trying to quicken his pace but he couldn't and was rather slowing down as his legs failed him. He slumped to the ground after countless times of trying to walk normally. "C'mon, lets get the hell outta here!" Josh shouted with vigour seeing Jude reluctance to get up and at the same time, fear dominated his eyes at the little time they had left to escape. "No, ain't going anywhere?" Jude stopped struggling and gave up hope. "what ya saying man?, ama get the hell out of here before the bomb goes off" "I can't make it man, its only remaining 45 seconds and you need to get on board as fast as possible." "are you crazy?" Josh looked at him like he was out of his mind. They had nothing less than 40 seconds to get on the chopper and he was here spitting spitting out gibberish talks. "you can say that a million times, just get ya ass outta here!" Jude groaned clutching his stomach as it bled. Josh continued staring in disbelief. "why are you doing this?" "I want you to believe there is God and we couldn't have survived without him." Jude said with a glint in his eyes. "oh my! You doing this just for me to believe that crap?" Josh shouted in utmost surprise. " Yeah man, I was lucky I cheated death once and that's not happening this time"Jude closed his eyes and let the tears fall freely. He was going to make it_ heaven-haven. The timer suddenly started beeping loud. "20 seconds till self destruct" The computerized voice said again. "Go, go, go" Jude shouted. Josh shook his head, "Don't do this" He ran out as the beeping sound intensified. "Please don't die an Atheist!" Jude shouted after him as a ladder slid down from the chopper. Josh climbed the chopper and almost immediately the chopper took off ascending as it disappeared. Boom! The bomb went off. Josh watched as the building went up in flames. Fragments and debris filled the air. His mission was successful, and the faceless is gone but Jude.. A tear dropped from his eyes. He was not going to die an atheist. THE END.. Thank y'all for reading..
9 Jul 2017 | 03:25
9 Jul 2017 | 13:09
oh no. why will Jude die now. nice story though
9 Jul 2017 | 14:37
Jude just end up like that I feel so bad
9 Jul 2017 | 15:31
oh my God .. Rip Jude .. congrats Josh
9 Jul 2017 | 16:33
Oh so sad... Nice story Thumbs up
9 Jul 2017 | 16:46
Nice story with nice ending.... Kudos
9 Jul 2017 | 18:08
Am glad Josh accomplished his mission, but also sad cos Jude couldmt make it out alive. Great story!, thanks bro @prince jude.
9 Jul 2017 | 19:19
hmmm sad ending
9 Jul 2017 | 19:30
Oh no! Sorry Jude...nice story bro...I so much like de vocabs used.
10 Jul 2017 | 19:47
Wake up josh...
16 Jul 2017 | 11:48
nice story
9 Aug 2017 | 06:31


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