The billionaire's secret heartthrob

The billionaire's secret heartthrob

By marcus in 19 Jan 2019 | 11:08
marcus Victoria

marcus Victoria

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Member since: 30 Mar 2016

Episode 1

Two naked bodies entwined like twin serpents rolled across the bed, yearning and seeking each other out, this was their own special time of meeting with the desire that they felt for each other.

He was her boss, and she his secretary, and they had been lovers for a year now.

Dean Legacy was the sole owner of the mega establishment, “Flames” which was a perfume company, with an age long trademark and a unique fragrance, one with a mix of roses.

His face darkened with passion, his dark and seductive eyeballs lit with fire as his lips nestled on her breasts…Dean Legacy was a billionaire and a beast in bed and Toke Melaye, his marketing strategist was the woman on the bed.

‘Make love to me baby, this torture is too much.’ Toke groaned, her hands found the crown of his head, she ran her fingers through his thick mane of dark and curly hair.

‘I will…but first, I must explore…’ he lifted his lips from the middle of her creamy boobs, staring deeply into her eyes.

‘What?’ Toke glared back at him.

‘Nothing, you’re just beautiful.’ Dean replied with a boyish grin.

She could tell that he was up to something, she did not like the look of mischief on his face, and she was right, his hands travelled from her belly where they were placed down to her thighs…slowly.

‘Ah, bab…y’ Toke stuttered, she was lost in his arms tonight. She was immersed deeply in the fire of his loving, there was no escaping for her tonight, and she liked it very much.

Slowly, his hands caressed her tender laps, rubbing the tiny hairs of her creamy laps. She was his joy, he had loved her for a very long time and tonight would mark his confession.

His fingers found their way into her red panties, they met with a river of wetness that was already flowing for him.

‘Please…just do it.’ Toke could not hold back anymore, only him knew how to bring her satisfaction.

‘Are you ready?’ Dean paused, he bent over her and looked deeply into her fine pebble eyes. they glowed at night like they had been made with fire.

Everything about Toke was fire, and maybe that was the reason he loved her very much. His love had grown over the years they’d been together, he was sure she felt that way and that was the reason he was ready to tell her what was on his mind.

‘Yes.’ She nodded quickly, her legs giving way to his fingers.

He dug one in, she gasped as pleasure rippled through her.

He loved it when she reacted that way, he liked the fact that he knew her body so well, it was going to be a long night.

Dean Legacy was a one-woman kind of man. He was not the typical rich guy whose duty was to break women’s hearts. No, Dean was far from that, he was no devil, he believed in treating a woman right and showering her with love.

He’d dated only two women in his thirty-three years on earth, they were all in his past now. Currently, he was in a liaison with his marketing strategist, Toke Melaye, the woman that was behind the successful sales and delivery of Flames products.

He’d just fired his old marketing strategist when she showed up in search of a job. He’d scanned through her Curriculum Vitae briefly, impressed by her qualifications and work experience, he had no other option but to hire her and she turned out to be perfect for the job.

As the weeks passed, they realized they were both attracted to each other, so why waste time? Toke was a twenty-first-century hardcore feminist and she did not waste time in telling her boss about the attraction she felt.

That was how their love affair began. The rules were simple: they never discussed business during pleasure hours and they were very discreet about their affair.

‘What’s wrong baby? Your head seems to be in the cloud?’ Toke bit his ear as she found her release.

He groaned and fell beside her on the bed, he had been hurt in the past by women and that had caused him to create a huge wall around his heart. He was clear now about his feelings, Toke was the kind of woman he admired and he was ready to take whatever they had to another level.

‘Do you remember the first time you walked into my office and told me you were attracted to me?’ Dean turned and faced her.

She was so beautiful, even the night could not hide it. The chandelier dropped its rays on her oval face, her eyes dazzled and her pink lips were swollen from too much kissing.

A smile evaded her lips as she stared at him, she remembered it quite well.

‘I was too forward, I did not even consider the consequences. What if I’d gotten fired?’ Toke laughed.

She was not a believer in love or attraction to the male species, but she’d fought so hard to contain the attraction she felt for Dean, all to no avail.

“I think I am attracted to you, what do you think?” those were her words on that fateful day.

‘I think you were brave…’ Dean dropped a kiss on her face.

‘Or stupid.’ Toke winked and they burst out laughing.

Silence crawled into the room when they quieted down, she sensed Dean was troubled, but she could not ask him any questions about work, that was one of the rules.

‘Are you sure you are okay, Dean?’ She asked

Dean ran his hands through his hair; he was confused and unsure of himself.

‘There’s something that has me troubled about our relationship.’ He paused, waiting to see the reaction on her face. Did she want him? Or she just wanted his body?

‘Really?’ Toke held her breath as she stared into his face, she tried to stare calm as possible. She did not want him to read her thoughts, she did not want him to see through her.

‘I think I love you Toke.’ He blurted out, not able to hold it anymore.

That did it! Colour drained from her face, morbid fear trapper her mind, a wave of coldness overshadowed her as she realized he was not bluffing, he was being truthful, and this terrified her more than anything.

‘Say something Toke…’ Dean licked his lips, nervously holding his heart out for her answer.

Toke was stunned, she did not know how to react or what to say in return. She had not expected this, she had not envisaged this.

‘You can’t blame me for falling for you Toke…you’re such an amazing personality. You are hardworking, independent and serious-minded and those qualities make me love you even more. I think all men should be with women like you.’ Dean smiled while watching her face the whole time.

She liked that he was being honest, she loved the way he painted her beautifully with words, but she could not say what was on mind. Because if she did, she was going to break his heart.

Her lips moved, they parted a little, but no words came out as the door to Dean’s bedroom flew open and had the two lovers jumping out of bed.

‘Geez! Grandma you never told me you were coming.’ Dean hurriedly slipped on his jeans.

Toke worked with her fingers quickly, she slipped on her yellow dress and rushed out of his bedroom without looking back, this was the escape route she’d been searching for.

Dean was left alone now, furious that his grandmother showed up without announcing her arrival.

‘You don’t just show up at people’s houses, even if you do, have the decency to knock.’ Dean complained, feeling embarrassed that she had seen him unclothed.

…to be continued
19 Jan 2019 | 11:08
Episode 2 The old woman wore her best smile as she stared into his face. She loved the boy right when he was born and she knew he would make her proud someday. ‘Is that the way to welcome your grandmother whom you’ve not seen over a year?’ The old woman parted her arms, waiting for proper welcome. ‘I do miss you grandma, but you walked in on a special moment.’ Dean scowled. ‘Did I?’ She feigned innocence. ‘Yes you did, you ruined my chances with Toke. I was about telling her about the way I felt .’ Dean replied. ‘What makes you think she feels the same way about you? A woman in love does not run that fast.’ The old woman eyed the room with disdain. ‘Why?’ Dean rolled his eyes, knowing she was about o become proverbial. ‘Love is not swift. It is patient.’ She served him his answer. His heart pounded faster against his chest as he pondered on her words. ‘No’ he thought, he was quite sure Toke felt the same way about him, they could not have spent two years together for nothing. ‘Can I receive my welcome now?’ She spread her arms wider. Seeing that she wouldn’t let him be, Dean drew a deep breath and walked straight into her arms, and he loved it in there. There was something about his grandmother’s arms, they felt like home and that was the reason he was eager to find a woman that would love him. He desperately needed to create his own home. It took her minutes to get down from the car once she had arrived home. Her heart was breaking, her breath was in spasms, she could not hold back the pain that tortured her within. Tears rolled in her eyes as she succeeded in setting her feet on solid ground. She had felt it in his eyes, she had known he had fallen for her charms, and she felt the same way too, but they could never be together. The yellow dress she wore clung to her slender body, her slender hips were pressed against the dress, while the swell of her breasts were fully bare to the eyes of the midnight moon. Her weave on fell to her back, she had her heels in her hand as she walked towards the entrance of her apartment. Toke had never felt this sort of pain for a long while; it was so painful knowing you loved someone yet you could never be with the person. She understood this pain, but she could not’t control it. It spread bit by bit, just like the seeds of a chronic disease would, it was all over and she could feel it. ‘You’re back early, I thought you’d plan to spend the night in his place.’ The voice startled her as she had locked all her doors and had not expected anyone. ‘Emma?’ Her eyes brightened as she stared at her younger sister. ‘In the flesh’ Emma replied, then she took out a key Toke had offered her once and raised it up. ‘Sorry, I totally forgot I gave you a spare.’ Toke swung her hands in the air, happy to see her only sibling. ‘Glad to see you too sis’ Emma walked towards her and planted a kiss on her cheeks, which was accompanied with apologies, ‘I am sorry I did not’t tell you that I was coming, but I had nowhere else to go.’ Toke loved her sister very much and she could sacrifice everything that she had just to make Emma happy. ‘What happened to your job?’ Toke asked. ‘The boss dropped a hundred of us, I’ve been struggling these six months till my landlord served me a quit notice.’ Emma shrugged. ‘Why did’t you tell me about it?’ Tears welled up in Toke’s eyes as she stared at her sister. ‘I hate to ask for money Tee, I love working for it. I love taking responsibilities and the fulfilment that comes along with it.’ Emma replied with sadness in her dark eyes. She and Toke shared a lot of things in common. They believed in working for the money they earned and they hated to depend on men for money. ‘I am glad you’re finally here.’ Toke dropped her shoes and moved to the table where she served herself a glass of water. ‘You really work late these days, it’s not easy being a marketing strategist. I hope you enjoy that job of yours.’ Emma watched her elder sister out of the corner of her eyes as she was busy staring at the cute yellow shoes Toke had just dropped. ‘I wasn’t working…’ Toke licked her lips nervously, she dropped the glass of water she poured immediately as scenes of their torrid lovemaking replayed in her mind. ‘You were with him…’ Emma said. She knew about her sister’s relationship with Toke right from the start, but she was not in support of it. ‘I love him Emma, I loved him right from the first day I set my eyes on him. He is so handsome, so loving…’ she bit her lip as her sister’s face was being swallowed by a deep frown. ‘He is caring, kind and generous…’ Emma rolled her eyes, she had heard these before. ‘You won’t understand Emma. I tried pretending but I don’t think it would work any longer. I made it look like it was all about the sex right from day one, but it is more than the sex. My heart beats for him Emma.’ Toke was pouring out her heart to her sister. She loved Dean Legacy with everything in her, but she couldn’t let it show. ‘I’ve warned your Toke, Dean is going to hurt you. He is not the type of man that would be with a girl of your class. Dean is an important man in the society, sooner or later, he would be paired up with one of similar financial background.’ Emma repeated the bout of advise she had often given to her sister. ‘You don’t know him, he is not that sort of person.’ Toke’s lips shook as she imagined Dean being with another woman aside her. ‘You are right, I do not know him, but does Dean know you? Does he know your secret? Hell no. He only sees a tall and light skinned woman, who speaks impeccable English and wears classy clothes. He is in love with your beautiful body and not who you really are.’ Emma answered. Her words dug deep into Toke’s soul, tears flooded her eyes as her sister’s words clawed the layers of her skin apart. ‘But he told me loved me…I almost told him what I truly felt…before…’ Toke licked her lips as she remembered the stern faced silver haired woman that had walked in on them making love. ‘What happened?’ Emma raised a brow. ‘Never mind. Dean loves me, I know this, I can feel it strongly. I just don’t want to hurt him by pretending that I do not feel anything for him.’ Toke replied. ‘You know we are from a dysfunctional family, one with no surname. Our mother is in prison and we are still paying the debt of the crimes she committed. Don’t you think it is best to stay away from Dean Legacy? He is just using you to warm his bed, don’t get carried away by his love talk. I know men like Dean, they can only keep girls like us as mistresses. His wife is on the way.’ Emma said. Toke was speechless, it seemed her sister had woken her from a bad dream. She hated the words that Emma spewed, but those words were true. They had a secret to protect, if Dean discovered who she truly was, there was no way he could love her the same. Emma could see her sister was convinced by her words, she walked closer to Toke, placing a hand on her right shoulder, ‘I know we struggled on our own, we worked our ass out to make it. But Dean would never consider you a member of his class. He is above, we are beneath. Forget him Toke, maybe it is time you stop seeing him.’
19 Jan 2019 | 11:15
Bring it on ______________________________________ Link to Available Episodes •Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11-12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15-16 Episode 17 Episode 18 Episode 19 Episode 20 Episode 21 Last Episode
19 Jan 2019 | 11:21
19 Jan 2019 | 12:09
right on time
19 Jan 2019 | 12:17
bring it on,,,, but am having dis feeling dat Emma is been selfish with dat advice
19 Jan 2019 | 13:57
Nice start
19 Jan 2019 | 14:55
19 Jan 2019 | 17:12
What's your mother's crime. Fire On
20 Jan 2019 | 01:32
20 Jan 2019 | 02:20
Episode 3 Would you like some milk?’ Dean asked, he was making his grandmother a cup of tea. ‘Nah, give an old woman some milk, she needs her all night beauty sleep’ the woman replied, provoking a laugh from her grandson who’d won a taut face all through the night. ‘I am happy you’re laughing Dean. I am sorry for walking in on you and your lover, I was just too impatient, I miss you grandson.’ Dean could not stay mad with the woman forever, he knew how much she loved him and he loved her the same way. Grandmother May had taken him in right from the time his parents had both died in an auto crash on his eight birthday. From that time on, he’d spent most of his life with this woman and her philosophy had tilted his life towards the right direction. ‘I forgive you, I know that’s what you want to hear.’ Dean winked. He moved towards the fridge, then took out two round limes and slit them apart, he pressed the fruit with his fingers directly over the mug. ‘Tell me about her…’ the old woman inquired. ‘Her name is Toke Melaye, she is thirty years old. I love her, I think I have found the one.’ Dean replied, with a smile on his face. ‘Really?’ The woman’s silver brows knotted together. ‘What’s her profession?’ Grandmother May inquired. ‘Marketing Strategist, she works in Flames.’ Dean did not see the need of hiding this fact from his grandmother. ‘You shouldn’t mix business with pleasure, I do not approve.’ The old woman shook her head in distaste. Dean could see that his grandmother was not happy with the choice he had made. ‘I am sorry Ma, but I assure you that our working relationship has not been affected by this.’ ‘I don’t care about your working relationship Dean; I don’t like that woman for you. I had my own plans for you and she does not fit into that big ball of a plan.’ She returned. Dean was very unhappy about this, he was a grown man and he could do as he pleased. ‘You don’t even know her, Toke is a very nice person, you both would get along easily, and you share a lot of things in common.’ ‘Like?’ Grandmother May arched a brow. ‘She is independent, confident and very hardworking.’ ‘You think showering me with undeserved praise would cause me to change my mind about her?’ The woman laughed. ‘Okay, let’s do dinner, just the three of us.’ Dean made a suggestion, he knew how stubborn his grandmother was, he had to break her. His thoughts were filled with her, why had she bailed out on him that way? His heart beat faster as he imagined seeing her again; he just could not wait to tell her those words again. “I love you,Toke Melaye.” ‘You think that would change my mind eh?’ The woman asked. ‘Not really, but it will make you know her better.’ Dean replied. ‘Let’s see her try.’ The woman decided to let this one go, she could not wait for dinner. The night had faded slowly; morning had showed her bright and beautiful face with the crown of a yellow sun to the earth. Streaks of sunlight poured into the room where she slept with her younger sister. Toke had not rested well, all her thoughts had been on the man that her heart truly craved for, her fears tormented her and chased sleep away. Emma was right, she was not Dean’s class of woman, what if he was just lying to her? What if a befitting woman of class and pedigree had been arranged for him. ‘Impossible.’ She shook her head as the thoughts kept spiralling within her mind. She was before her dresser mirror, she probed her pale cheeks and her wide eyeballs. This was not the Toke that she knew, she lacked confidence in herself, she was afraid…afraid of losing Dean. ‘You look hot.’ Emma yawned and stretched out of bed. ‘Do I?’ Toke she asked nervously, she tried to contort her features in a certain way that Emma wouldn’t know what she was thinking. Emma was really smart and her bluntness on some issues irked Toke. She was not prepared for an argument this morning, so she had to play her part and look happy. ‘Of course…any man that wouldn’t look at you twice in that dress is a certified loser.’ Emma winked as she approached her sister. Toke wore a hip hugging purple skirt which stopped at her knees; her slender legs were supported by a pair of orange wedge shoes; her torso was framed by a milky white blazer and a sequin like camisole that pushed her boobs forward, revealing a little creamy white flesh. Her figure was too perfect, even for her own good. ‘Thank you.’ Toke forced a smile. ‘You got something big today?’ Emma’s eyes ran over her sister adoringly. ‘A meeting, with the executive board.’Toke replied curtly. ‘Oh.’ Emma’s eyes went to the file that lay on the dressing table; she picked it up immediately and scanned through the pages. Toke caught her smiling at the corner of her eyes, ‘I have a presentation, a proposal for some changes in the marketing sector.’ She needed to explain so her sister could understand. One of the reasons she had been awake through the night was this presentation, she was confident that her ideas would take the company to another level but she was also nervous of seeing him again. She had never felt this way before, she was losing control of herself and she did not’t know just how long this would last. ‘I see why you took extra effort in looking this good.’ Emma dropped the file and focused on her sister. ‘I always look good, I don’t need the “extra effort”, you know me.’ Toke shrugged, her slender fingers drew her makeup box next to her. She hated going late to work, she needed to hurry. ‘You lie, you are a poor liar sister, you have always been. It is written all over you, the mark of his love. You have gotten yourself entangled with the devil, I hope you do not get hurt.’ Emma folded her arms across her chest while watching her sister adorn her face. Emma’s words were sharp and cruel, she rose to Dean’s defence immediately, ‘He is not a devil, you don’t know him.’ ‘And I guess you do? Sleeping with a man for two years does not mean you know him well.’ Emma retorted. ‘Then what does he stand to gain by lying about his feelings? He has already slept with me, what else could he possibly want?’ Toke was getting sick and tired of Emma’s cynical attitude. ‘I don’t know, Time maybe.’ Emma pouted. ‘Time? What possibly for?’ Toke dropped the lipstick she held and stared directly into her sister’s eyes. Emma was a deep thinker and her predictions came to pass mostly. ‘I’ve been following the news sister, Flames was not at this level before you resumed working there. Believe it or not, your input in the marketing sector has generated public demand for Flames products. Dean knows this and that is the reason he came to you in the first place. He loves you for your work, there’s nothing more to it. He knows you are a valuable tool to the efficient running of his empire, he does not want you to leave. You are his pillar, his saving grace.’ Toke scoffed and shook her head, ‘That’s where you got it wrong, I was the one who approached Dean for a liaison and not the other way round. If you’re insinuating that Dean would use and dump me, I think you are hallucinating.’ Toke was choking, she was starting to resent Emma herself, for her ludicrous talks. ‘Sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I love being truthful about what I feel.’ Emma threw her hands into the air. ‘I don’t need to hear your opinion on Dean anymore, please. I will be pleased if you respect my wish.’ Toke’s face contorted into a frown. The next few minutes she had to stay with her sister was occupied by deafening silence. She quickly brushed her weave on, letting the edges touch her back; she took out the casing that contained her contacts and slid them hurriedly into her eyes. Only one thing was left, to make her adornment complete. ‘Use the red one, red would make the men bow to the content of your proposal.’ Toke who’d planned to beautify her lips with a purple shade, had no choice but to wear the red, she hoped Emma was right this time. ‘See you then, there’s coffee, chocolate, tea, whatever you want. I promise to cook once I am back…I will make Plantain pottage…’ Toke grabbed her car keys and hurried towards the door, stuttering all the way.
20 Jan 2019 | 03:12
Hmm which kind off over protective sister are... Hurting your sisters with your words
20 Jan 2019 | 04:05
Hmm i hope you won't heed to your grandmother's word....
20 Jan 2019 | 04:07
Hmm I hope that you would love her even when she tells you her past and what happened to her parents
20 Jan 2019 | 04:09
Hmm maybe your sister(Emma) is right about you being an important asset in the flames company
20 Jan 2019 | 04:12
Nice start writer.... Keep the ball rolling
20 Jan 2019 | 04:13
Intresting keep it rolling
20 Jan 2019 | 07:30
Hope you're not jealous
20 Jan 2019 | 10:15
Toke ur sister is right
20 Jan 2019 | 10:55
nice story ride on
20 Jan 2019 | 15:43
Episode 4 It’s okay Toke, you’ve done more than enough for me. I can take care of myself.’ Emma tried to calm her. ‘No Ems, I love you and I want the best for you. I promise to cook once I am back home.’ Toke moved next to her, she dropped a light kiss on her sister’s cheeks. ‘No you won’t, because you are not coming home tonight.’ Emma shook her head. ‘What makes you think so? You have psychic powers now?’ Toke pulled her side of the door open, throwing in her briefcase and her proposal. ‘You are extremely beautiful today, I doubt Dean would let go of you easy.’ Emma replied. ‘Well, I don’t think that’s going to be possible now his grandmother is back.’ Toke jumped into the car, she dug the key into the ignition immediately, she could not’t afford to go late for this meeting, it was really important to her. She missed Dean and had to see him, so she could apologize for her behaviour the other night; only one thing plagued her mind, the angry looking face of his grandmother. She hurried down from her car towards the conference hall where the meeting was to be held. The hall was a bit scanty as a good number of the executive board members had not turned up. She searched the room thoroughly, her heart racing as she searched for him, but to her utmost disappointment, he was not there. ‘Good morning’ she murmured to some of the board members as she trotted towards a seat reserved for her in front row. She took a deep breath and settled in, she took out the file containing her proposal and ran her eyes through the document, to be sure that all her ideas had been welled penned down. After a careful and painstaking scrutiny, she decided the paper was alright; Toke rose to her feet and took out photocopies of her proposal from her briefcase, she needed to distribute this to the members of the board. ‘Have this sir…’ she murmured to Vice President of the board, in the person of Barrister Lawson Idemudia. ‘Your proposal I guess?’ The middle aged man ran his eyes lustfully over her, which made her slightly uncomfortable; maybe the red was too much. ‘Yes sir…’ she smiled politely. ‘I think you should begin, because we have a lot of things to consider and Dean is not yet here.’ The man pulled his shirt backward revealing a fine gold wristwatch. Toke’s heart sank; she had expected Dean to be on time to see her proposal. They never spoke about work during pleasure time, this was one of the reasons she did not tell him about the proposal she’d been working on. ‘But sir, as the Chief Executive Officer and president of this board, he needs to be here. He has to be present to hear my idea.’ Toke’s eyes were stern as she stared at the bald man. ‘I understand you Ms. Melaye, I don’t know how much work you put into this, but we cannot wait for Dean forever…’ the man’s fingers clutched tightly to the proposal paper as he waved it into the air while speaking. Anger shot through Toke as she continued to stare at the bald spot on the man’s head. She was not pleased about this. She had spent two months working and carrying out research only to be faced by Dean’s absence. She was about to suggest to the Vice president that they cancel her presentation or shift it to another day when she spotted Dean’s secretary walking towards them. ‘Shola…’ she called to the girl. ‘Good morning Ms. Melaye.’ Shola offered her a smile, before dropping a note with the vice president. ‘Wait…’ Toke followed her as she made to leave the hall. ‘Where is he?’ ‘Um, at the office, with someone.’ Shola paused to answer. Toke could see from the look on the girl’s face that she was not prepared to entertain more questions, so she spun on her heel and moved towards her seat. Whoever Dean was meeting with had to be really important. She felt hurt that he was not here with her; she felt she needed to cancel the presentation and reschedule it for another day. ‘Ms. Melaye.’ The Vice President walked briskly towards her. ‘Sir?’ She turned and faced him. ‘You must go ahead with your presentation, Dean is around and he promises to join us shortly.’ The man said to her. All her ache disappeared as respite welcomed her with open arms. She had the strength and focus that she needed, now that she knew he was coming, she had to put in her best. ‘Alright then, I am ready.’ She drew a deep breath to calm her worked up nerves. ‘Can you start now?’ The man asked. ‘Yes.’ Toke nodded. Immediately, the stage was set, the technicians worked on all the equipments, at the same time, the door to the conference hall was shut. Toke took her file and mounted on the elevated platform of the hall, she had spoken to a crowd of people before; she had presented seminars and read papers in front of a large number of people, so she was not nervous at all. She was dedicated to her work and she hoped the board would understand that her presentation was to move the company forward by creating means of increasing profits. All eyes were hooked on her as she took the microphone, a lot of people stared at her with admiration, knowing who she was and how much she had contributed to the growth of Flames. TokeMelaye was a force to reckon with. She was known by her co-workers and marketing team as “Miss Independent”. She was strong, resilient, filled with vision and she was always open to new ideas. ‘Good morning ladies and gentlemen, my name is Toke Melaye and I am the Marketing Strategist for Flames as well as the head of the advertising arm.’ She paused and ran her eyes over the audience once more trying to see if they were connecting with her. Deeply satisfied with the look on their faces, she turned back to her paper, ‘Something odd has been happening in the perfume industry of late, something which I think would be perfect for Flames. The focal point of my work is “Hyper-diversification”. I think it would be a lovely idea for Flames to diversify into other sections of the business world other than fragrance. We have a lot of products to in our line- perfumes, deodorants, body sprays and body creams, but we can create more, and be be different. A lot of fragrance brands are doing very well like us, they are equally into diversification and that is the reason we must surpass them.’ She paused another time, poking her head to one side so she could assess the faces of the people in the room. Where was he? She wondered,Toke was distraught as her eyes went to the clock. It had been thirty minutes since she started and Dean was yet to be here.
21 Jan 2019 | 01:02
Just focus on your presentation, don't be disappointed
21 Jan 2019 | 05:33
Don't go and flop at that presentation ooo
21 Jan 2019 | 11:21
Don't fuck up o
21 Jan 2019 | 12:17
no go fuck oo!! present well
21 Jan 2019 | 14:53
21 Jan 2019 | 14:53
jst focus jare
21 Jan 2019 | 15:55
Madam forget about him for now and concentrate on what is at hand
21 Jan 2019 | 18:02
Just hope you don't act in a way that would make people around know you and Dean are dating, if he comes in as the meeting is going on
21 Jan 2019 | 18:06
Next episode.......
21 Jan 2019 | 18:07
Whatsoever reason or whosoever she's to him or how close grandma is to him. She don't have to walk into his bedroom without knocking.
21 Jan 2019 | 18:33
Assuming that they were still on top of each other. Dancing on top of each other with hot sex. Bleeping and moaning and shouting 4 more sexting.
21 Jan 2019 | 18:40
She walked in and started watching them, they were the ones looking 4 an escape route while his grandma came and started making plans of love 4 a grown up.
21 Jan 2019 | 18:47
Toke was talking her own about this love they wanna talk about when his grandma flew in like a bird. Emma was making her own excuses about their family issues.
21 Jan 2019 | 18:55
Dean is the billy billy guy who wants to talk about love. He's not interested in the sexting things anymore. Toke has got a presentation going on right now waiting 4 dean.
21 Jan 2019 | 19:03
Stop looking for dean through with ur presentation first, ur sister as told u about dean
22 Jan 2019 | 02:37
Episode 5 ‘How do we achieve this?’ A question from the floor brought her back to consciousness. ‘Um, to achieve hyper-diversification, we must be open minded and ready for serious innovation. I propose that Flames should go into Fabric business, social networking, and crypto currency and lots more! There’s so much opportunities out there, if others could tap in successfully, we must outrun them.’ Toke answered sharply. ‘But Ms. Melaye, you must remember that each company has their strength and their weakness. What worked for “Erina” may not work for “Flames”’ Another person contributed. ‘You are right Madam, we all have our strengths and weaknesses; we all have individual differences and so it is in the business world. But we must not forget one of the cardinal points in marketing; completion; it is not healthy to assume one would fail when one has not tried something out.’ Toke answered, before she would finish, there was another hand. ‘So, you’re saying we should try something out? Let us say Flames as a fragrance empire dives into Fabric, do you think that would fare well with us? We have a trademark, one that has been maintained more than a hundred years now, what makes you so sure that this “hyper-diversification” would work out?’ ‘Thank you for that lovely question Mr. Ucheze.’ A smile played on Toke’s lips, if she had any doubts about the success of her proposal, they were now gone as she was filled with a new surge of confidence and pride in her work. She was not just a dreamer, but a woman with tact and purpose. She knew when a dream was feasible and when it was merely a pipe dream. This proposal she had worked on was feasible, it could battle well with reality; it was important and she had carefully prepared herself for all the questions she was being fired with. ‘If Flames chooses to dive into Fabric business, we need cotton plants; we need farmers and processors; we need dyers; we need logo creators. It does not take ten years to achieve all these, if we start now, it wouldn’t be too late. But I promise you, the results are very rewarding.’ Toke replied with a radiant face. She felt even more confident as she read her proposal. ‘Any more questions please?’ She smiled politely to her audience. There were no hands, instead the board members murmured within themselves. Toke had lit a fire that would help them see the way. ‘Personally, I would love to have all Flames products within my reach. I think is beautiful to have different things but from the same owner. Imagine if the clothes I am wearing today are made of Flames or my shoes…’ she paused and grabbed her blazer by the tail. This provoked laughter from her audience. ‘What if my lipstick was Flames?’ She licked her lips now, she was seducing her listeners. ‘What if we were all Flames?’ She asked. Slowly she parked all the things she had carried to the stage, her time was up, she felt fulfilled that she had dropped the questions that had troubledher to the rest of the employees. The board members clapped her as she climbed down the platform toward her seat. ‘That was a mind blowing one Ms. Melaye, the board of executives would dwell on it. Now, let us move to the next Item on our agenda…’ the Vice president’s voice drifted across the large hall. ‘Now what?’Toke rolled her eyes as she felt her phone buzz. She felt really disappointed that Dean had not come to hear her proposal. She took out her phone and noticed he was the one calling. That meant only one thing; he was through with his visitor. Toke cleared her table and took on her briefcase, slowly she tip toed out of the conference hall, her heart pounding all the way as she rushed to meet her lover. Her footsteps were a matching tempo of her heart, ‘Can I go in?’ she questioned his secretary. ‘Yes’ Shola nodded. She took a deep breath to calm her down; she had missed him so much. She had a lot of explaining to do and apologizing too. She could not’t wait to set her eyes on him. She pushed the door open slowly; a strange fragrance hit her nostril, that was when she realized he was not alone. Her heart thudded faster as she caught sight of the woman in Dean’s office. He wore a smile on his face, she could tell whatever this woman was telling him was really funny. Though the woman’s face was unclear, she surprisingly felt intimidated by the British accented English that flowed from her lips. ‘Oh you’re here Ms. Melaye, come on in, I’d like you to meet someone very important.’ Dean Legacy rose to his feet; he’d spotted her out of the corner of his eyes. An air of familiarity hung between the two, it seemed Dean knew this woman from somewhere. Toke’s eyes fell on the woman hurriedly and her heart stopped beating as she found the beauty of the woman too rare to be real. She was a living revelation of the nymphs and mermaids she had heard about in stories. It did not’t take this woman great effort to look beautiful, and yet in her simplicity, she was astonishing, smashing every little thing that stood in the face of her beauty. Toke felt jealous for no reason, this even surprised her. Jealousy wouldn’t let go of her mind, it stung her to the deepest depths of her heart. The other woman could feel Toke’s eyes on her, she smiled to herself knowing she had achieved her purpose. She knew how beautiful she was and her looks had opened up doors when there weren’t any. Bellena Agwadike was the owner of “Mildred” one of the most popular fashion houses in Nigeria and she had come to pay an old friend a visit. Bellena was a tall woman, she was slightly taller than Dean. Born to a German mother and a Nigerian father, which made her biracial and her physical features non comparable. Her skin was very light and flawless with freckles at some spots, like her neck. Bellena had long black hair which she tied into a bun; her eyelashes were long and thick, almost covering the better part of her eyes. She had a straight nose and adorable pink lips which she adorned with red. She was shapely, she had a large pair of boobs which shot out in the tight tank top that she wore; she had strong and firm hips which were very sexy to look out; her legs were full and fleshy. She was the true definition of beauty. Toke could not’t deny this woman was far more prettier than she was, she suddenly felt insecure, what if Emma had been right? What if Dean was only using her for the good of his company? ‘You must be Toke Melaye, I enjoyed listening to your proposal.’ Bellena rose to her feet, offering Toke a handshake. ‘Good morning…’ Toke’s eyes widened in surprise, how had this lady known about the proposal? ‘We watched it.’ Dean pointed at the huge Plasma Television that hung on his wall. ‘Oh, I understand…’ Toke felt happy as she realized he’d been watching her the whole time. ‘So, I want you to meet BellenaAgwadike, daughter of Chief Agwadike and the owner of “Mildred” fashion house, Nigeria.’ Dean stepped in to make the introductions. ‘She is my childhood friend.’ He added. That did it, her heart beat dropped; her feelings flew from jealousy to despair once Dean was done with his introduction. Bellena unlike her, was a highborn and this would make Dean’s interest in her justified.
22 Jan 2019 | 07:33
insecurity!!!!! I understand
22 Jan 2019 | 14:41
Don't be jealous
22 Jan 2019 | 17:32
Toke i understand how you feel cause of this childhood friend of a thing
23 Jan 2019 | 02:09
Nice presentation... You really cleared your audience doubt about your new idea
23 Jan 2019 | 02:15
23 Jan 2019 | 02:16
Woman with their jealosy
23 Jan 2019 | 02:51
what is urs is urs, dont feel jealous
23 Jan 2019 | 08:09
Toke don't allow that half caste intimidate u and steal ur guy
23 Jan 2019 | 13:05
23 Jan 2019 | 13:11
Ride on.
23 Jan 2019 | 13:42
just concentrate on your presentation everything will be fine
24 Jan 2019 | 04:01
Babe, take it easy with both yr jealousy and feeling of despair..
24 Jan 2019 | 05:10
Just like that
24 Jan 2019 | 09:51
Episode 6 Nice to meet you Madam.’ Toke pushed a smile that really hurt her features. ‘Call me Bellena please.’ Bellena received her hand. ‘I must take my leave now sir, I have other things to attend to.’ Toke drew her hands swiftly away from Bellena’s strong grip. ‘You really made me proud today Ms. Melaye, you are a deep thinker.’ Dean showered her with praise. ‘Thank you sir.’Toke nodded. ‘It was nice to meet you.’ She turned to Bellena before walking out of the office. Dean’s eyes were on her back all the way till she walked past the door. He loved her dressing, she was perfect and classy and that was enough for him. He loved the swing of her neat little ass, her slender legs and her lovely eyes. He was still hurt by the way she had run out on him; he wouldn’t give up on her, even if she felt nothing for him. He cared for her deeply and that was all that mattered. ‘You’re sleeping with her.’ Bellena stated flatly. Dean’s eyes darkened as he stared at his childhood friend whom he’d feelings for in the past. He had wanted to deny having feelings for Toke, but he thought the act stupid and cowardly, ‘I do love her.’ ‘I am not surprised, you have good eyes.’ Bellena winked at him. ‘Grandmother May does not feel the same about her.’ Dean sighed and slacked against his swivel chair. Bellena’s soft and plump lips parted and gave her way as she burst into laughter. ‘I can’t wait to meet her, after such a long time.’ Bellena said. ‘She has not changed one bit, she does not approve of Toke. What do you think about her?’ Dean sat up, he had a serious look splattered all over his face. The laughter in her eyes died immediately as she stared at him. Dean was so handsome, his beauty seemed to grow as the days passed. The last she had seen him was three years back at conference in Beijing. He still looked the same, his eyes were dark as coal and they blazed when he was passionate about something. His hair was black and woolly; he had the whitest set of teeth; a body every man could kill for. His chin SAS covered with neatly trimmed facial hair, and she had a thing for bearded men. She was in love with Dean Legacy and she hated herself for turning him down many years back when he had approached her. She had turned him down for a man who had only camouflaged his way to her bed. Now she regretted it, now she had sought a way out, this was the reason she had paid Dean a visit after such a long time. ‘Bells? Be honest, I wouldn’t be mad, just tell me what you think about her.’ Dean waited eagerly for the result of her assessment. ‘She is very beautiful…I think she is okay. Follow what your heart says and not what Grandmother May thinks.’ Bellena replied. It was too early to play the bad cards, she needed Dean to trust her, she desired to be in his good books as this was the only way to gain his trust and attention. ‘Thank you, you speak my mind Bellena’ Dean was grateful for this. ‘You’re welcome, I must leave now.’ She rose to her feet. ‘When do we get to see again, it has really been a long time.’ Dean walked her to the door. ‘Anytime you want, but weekends are good for me. I am mostly free during the weekends.’ She informed him. ‘Nice, we could hang out one of these days, just you and me.’ Dean said. ‘I can hardly wait.’ She grinned. They hugged and kissed each other, before Bellena walked out of the door. A smile played on his lips now that he was alone, he was more certain than ever that Toke was his wife. Bellena had been one of his closest friends and she always read him like a book. He loved Bellena’s answer especially, she knew the sort of woman that would suit him. ‘I need to see her.. Back in her office she found it difficult to focus on the numerous files she had to work on. The advertising arm of the marketing department had been assigned by the head of the department to come up with a new logo for the body cream products. Her mind was not in her work, it was far off, it was elsewhere. Tears welled up in her eyes as she remembered the elegant woman in Dean’s office. She threw the pen she had been holding across the table as different kinds of imagination presented themselves to the eyes of her mind. She cringed in pain and jealousy as she imagined Dean dropping kisses on Bellena’s beautiful lips. What if his grandmother sanctioned Bellena for him? She struggled with the tears as she remembered what Emma had said to her. What if Emma was right? What if Dean was only using her to whirl away time? ‘No, Emma cannot always be right.’ She thought. ‘I must stop this before I get hurt’ Toke decided in her heart to back out before things got worse. She had been the one that started their relationship, and she had to end it now. She could not’t take it anymore, she could not’t live in self denial. She loved Dean Legacy for sure, but what if her love was not enough for him? What if he wanted more than love? What if he needed someone with a powerful surname just like his’? ‘I must let you go…’ a tear escaped from her eye, trickling down her cheeks, her door fell wide open shortly after that, Dean stopped at the entrance as he spotted her crying. His heart was torn into pieces, ‘My love, why are you crying?’ He shut the door firmly behind him as he rushed toward her side. At the sound of his voice, all the pain that she felt fled away and she was left with the seducing darkness of his broody eyes as he cupped her face in his palms. ‘I…’ words failed to pass through her parted lips. She had planned to let him go, to end everything but she did not’t have the courage to abandon where her heart truly belonged. ‘I am sorry for the way my grandmother walked in on us last night; I am sorry for telling you about my feelings that way. I know I shocked you and made you really nervous. It’s okay if you do not feel the same way about me, just take all the time that you need.’ Dean was really gentle with his words. Pride coursed through her as she stared right back at him, pride that he confessed his love. Pride, that he was hers for the moment. She was suddenly filled with so much passion, a trainload of desire for him. She wanted him to take her right there and then, but first things first, she needed to confess her feelings. ‘Dean…’ she ran her tongue over her lips. ‘Yes darling’ he replied. ‘I feel the same way about you too, I am in love with you.’ ‘I can’t believe this, why did you not tell me?’ Dean’s voice was husky with emotion. ‘I was just scared…I thought you did not feel the same way.’ She answered. He simply stared at her with wonder, not knowing what else to say in return. ‘Say something, your silence is not welcome.’ Toke shifted uncomfortably in her seat. His eyes were bound with hers; her lips were meant for his and their souls were made to be one for all eternity. ‘I want to make love to you, I want to spoil you with kisses and love bites.’ Dean released her face. Her heart jolted, ‘I want to make love to you too…’ So, there was a mutual understanding and agreement between the lovers. They were hungry for each other; they were passionate and could not wait to unleash the bind passion. Dean fell on his knees next to her, his large hands were on her purple skirt. ‘Say it like you mean it.’ His eyes darkened with pent up desire. ‘Please make love to me…’ Toke’s voice was below a whisper, he was tormenting her already with his large hands. Slowly, he rubbed her slender legs, pulling off one shoe and then the other; his hands caressed the soft and silky skin of her legs…slowly…rising till his right hand was underneath her skirt, brushing past a slender and creamy thigh.
24 Jan 2019 | 15:08
E fe ba ile-ise Je
24 Jan 2019 | 17:37
Why in d office, go home n fuck urself now
25 Jan 2019 | 02:32
Na everywhere?
25 Jan 2019 | 03:30
U guys should calm down and take it easy
25 Jan 2019 | 04:30
And i guess someone just walked in on you guys cos the door wasn't locked
25 Jan 2019 | 06:10
Bellena u had ur chance but u blew it so don't try anything stupid
25 Jan 2019 | 14:10
stew everywer
25 Jan 2019 | 15:12
Hmm you guys should have waited till the close of work and then you two enjoy yourself cause here is too open
25 Jan 2019 | 22:07
Just hope no one walks in on the both of you
25 Jan 2019 | 22:08
Bellena you had your chance in the past but you said NO, now his heart is occupied so don't do something stupid
25 Jan 2019 | 22:12
what happened to office protocols, or you guys set of rules dont have "No Sex in the office"?
26 Jan 2019 | 04:54
why in d office now???? I won't take dat oooo
26 Jan 2019 | 05:40
continue, if someone walk in on you guys eh!
26 Jan 2019 | 06:08
Episode 7 Her eyes were closed, she wanted him so much, she wanted to feel him inside of her. ‘Baby…’ she groaned as his fingers dived through the thickness of her skirt till they found her panties…and the triangular frame that was covered by it. ‘Do you still want me to make love to you Ms. Melaye?’ He asked this so innocently. ‘Yes boss, please…’ Toke almost screamed. He pushed her skirt gently up against the tender skin of her laps; she loved the touch of his hands on her skin. They gave her a familiar sweet sensation, tingly, igniting the fire she had struggled to contain in her. He loved the feel of her skin, it was silky, soft and the smell of her was beautiful. He could never get tired of loving this beautiful woman. He loved her even more after her presentation and he was happy that she felt the same way about him. ‘Wait…’ Toke licked her lips nervously. ‘What is it?’ He asked innocently. ‘You don’t have a c…’ she dropped her gaze, his eyes were far too piercing and they sent shivers down her spine. ‘I am not…but does it matter? We love each other and we could get married should something happen.’ Dean winked, his fingers found the buckle of his belt. She was far too weak, too melted by the power of his hands to protest. She could see love glaring fully, burning like midnight fire in his dark eyes and she was confident that it would be forever. ‘One more thing’ Dean grabbed her slender fingers and kissed it. ‘Yes?’ She asked. ‘My grandmother wants you to come to dinner, I will pick you up by eight, is that okay?’ Toke rolled her eyes, she had not expected this, ‘Um, what does she want with me?’ she asked with an uneasy smile. ‘To bond.’ Dean replied, feeling happy that his grandmother was ready to give his relationship a chance. ‘Sounds nice, I’ll come, I’m free tonight’ Toke agreed. ‘You looked very sexy earlier today at the conference hall, I just could not’t take my eyes off of you.’ Dean caressed her fingers gently. She blushed as she imagined him drooling over her in the office, she loved it whenever she made him proud. ‘Thanks, I wish you were there’ she replied. ‘I was…in spirit’ he winked, this provoked laughter from her lush lips, and he loved the sound of it. Once the laughter escaped from her lips, he moved closer to her, still on his knees, his left hand raised her panties slightly to give his fingers way for this seductive exploration. ‘Ugh’ Toke gasped, loving the feel of his warm fingers in her wetness. ‘Do you like that?’ He asked in a low voice. ‘Ah…yes.’ she nodded, moaning and twirling her waist to the rhythm of his hands. ‘I love you Toke.’ Dean ran a tongue over his lips and pushed himself closer to her. Before she could whisper anything else in return, his mouth was already on hers, he kissed her with every breath inside of him. It was the expression of a man who was deeply in love. ‘You look….’ Emma bit her lip not wanting to upset her sister. ‘Tired?’ Toke trotted into the house, she dropped her bag on the floor, took off her shoes and sank into the nearest cushion chair. ‘I wanted to say dishevelled.’ Emma answered. Toke’s features united into a frown, why was her sister so blunt? She pulled her bag next to her and took out a little mirror. ‘I am not dishevelled.’ Toke scoffed, was it that obvious that she had sex? ‘I am just saying what my eyes tell me…’ Emma rolled her eyes, she had been busy with lunch. ‘Care for some?’ She presented a bowl full of cucumbers. ‘No, I don’t want that…I’ve had enough to keep me relaxed.’ Toke pushed the bowl away from her. ‘Oh? Are we talking about the same thing here?’ Emma raised a brow. ‘Of course, cucumbers!’Toke snapped, not wanting her sister to suspect what had transpired between her and Dean at the office. Emma simply smiled, she dropped the bowl on the dining table and took out a slim cucumber. She knew her sister was hiding something, she watched her very closely. ‘You came back early, does that mean you’ve stopped seeing Dean?’ ‘Can you just stop?’ Toke sensed her sister could read her. ‘It’s okay if you wouldn’t stop seeing him, it’s crystal clear that your love for him has blinded you and I take it…that he is really good in bed too.’ Emma dropped the words, then bit a large chunk of the cucumber fruit. Blood crept to her cheeks, she looked away from her sister’s eyes immediately. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, I must get some rest. His grandmother wants to have dinner with me.’ Toke yawned. ‘Oh? I see, but that is not enough reason to have office sex with a man who may be in love with someone else.’ Emma pulled out her mobile phone and turned it on. Toke’s heart raced wildly as she stared at her sister, Emma knew something. ‘What are you talking about?’ She walked closer. ‘This picture was leaked today on Newsden, one of the most popular blogs in Nigeria. Rumourhas it that the two families have been age long friends and their children are set to marry each other…’ Emma handed the phone over to her sister. Toke felt butterflies churning in her tummy as she stared at the picture of the man she loved holding hands and smiling confidently with another woman. ‘Look Toke, I know I am supposed to be the supportive sister and stand by you no matter the decision you choose to take; I am sorry that I failed to ask you about your presentation, I just want you to be careful with Dean. I don’t want you to be hurt.’ Emma could see the hurt written all over her sister’s face. Toke could hear her sister rambling with words, but they made no meaning to her as all her focus was on the man she loved and the possibility of him dumping her for this very woman whose beauty threatened her existence in Dean’s life. ‘Bellena…’ Toke’s lips shook. ‘You know her?’Emma rose to her feet. ‘Yes, I met her in his office today. Someone must have taken this picture while he walked her down to her car.’ She replied. ‘Maybe it’s nothing, I just…’ Emma felt so bad for her sister. ‘It’s okay Ems, I know you love me and care for me, but I’I will be fine.’ Toke quickly returned the phone. ‘Are you still seeing his grandmother?’ Emma asked. ‘I don’t know…’ Toke shook her head and turned towards her room. She felt so hurt seeing him holding her hands like that, like she meant the whole world to him. Once in her room, she pulled out her phone and climbed into her bed. So many thoughts played their way into her mind, some evoking jealousy and pain; some telling her to be more rational and smart. ‘She could just be an old friend and nothing more.’ She thought. She decided to distract mind for some minutes by running through the pages of her social media accounts, she started with Facebook. She closed her eyes briefly and inhaled, only one face flashed, it was the face of Dean and his fiery eyes boring into the soul of her mind while he made love to her on her office table. She’d really enjoyed his lovemaking thoroughly, she’d moaned and squirmed under his sexual supervision. Dean was a wild beast in bed and he knew just the right buttons to press to please a woman. ‘I love him…’ she whispered in a shaky voice, hoping his promise never to break her heart was real.
26 Jan 2019 | 08:06
I don't like d way Emmy is been pessimistic
26 Jan 2019 | 16:58
I don't really know what is wrong with you
26 Jan 2019 | 17:04
hmm this kind of overprotective sister... Shah maybe she is doing the right thing
27 Jan 2019 | 02:59
hmm don't worry yourself about Dean cause he means every word he has said, it is just that Bellena would is trying to get back at him
27 Jan 2019 | 03:20
U have enter one chance
27 Jan 2019 | 03:21
next update....
27 Jan 2019 | 03:21
Wat is wrong with this Emma of a witch? Mtchewwwwwwwww
27 Jan 2019 | 07:18
hmm what kind of advice is that? seated
27 Jan 2019 | 08:35
better focus on ur presentation
27 Jan 2019 | 08:40
jealous hmmm
27 Jan 2019 | 08:49
this ur little sis talk too much
27 Jan 2019 | 08:53
na wow in the office?
27 Jan 2019 | 09:01
what is wrong with your sister sef, can't she keep quiet for once,Ms know all
27 Jan 2019 | 12:41
I just feel dia is more to Emma's protectiveness
27 Jan 2019 | 15:26
Toke presented her proposal to the board which was the most fabulous. She took it to the top where the board members saw reality in her proposal.
27 Jan 2019 | 18:10
She's taking their business to the next level of investment and creativity. Achievement is what she has brought 4 them which they saw as real
27 Jan 2019 | 18:17
She has been the one to bring in what is to move the company to the next level. Imagine the smiles and laughter on the face of the board members.
27 Jan 2019 | 23:39
Dean has this ability as a billy billy handsome guy while toke has this ability as a intelligent gorgeous gal who has got some wife material.
27 Jan 2019 | 23:43
It was an emotional love understanding and a hot sexting 4 dean and toke. When his hand started moving inside her pants and she moaned. Sexting was loading....
27 Jan 2019 | 23:48
They have feelings of true love 4 each other beside the sex they do have. Now that the proclamation of love has been done. They felt what they liked doing.
27 Jan 2019 | 23:53
Bells is having a competition in her mind 4 this love. Emma cares 4 her sister. There's no fear in the hearts of dean and toke as they removed their cloths and had a hot sexting.
28 Jan 2019 | 00:01
Episode 8 A beep from her phone cracked her eyes open, she took the device up and ran her eyes over her news feed. Her heart skipped as she saw Dean’s latest post, it was the pictures of himself and Bellena hugging and petting in his office with the hashtag “Bells and Dean, always and forever. Love you Baby.” ‘No…’ she sat up on her bed, she just could not’t control it this time, pain thrashed her whole body and had her spilling tears down her cheeks. Emma had been right, what more evidence did she need? Could Dean have been using her all these while? He had never for once used her picture as his display picture or uploaded any picture of them together. ‘That’s because you both are working together and he doesn’t want any scandal.’ She reminded herself. However, the influx of the negative thoughts that filled her mind were far too powerful with the voice of reason in her head. The only language she understood now was the language of pain. Dean had broken her heart. The Legacy mansion was the finest erection in the state. It was a duplex with finely crafted balusters, a very huge and tall fence and statues that guarded the compound day and night. The Legacys were a family who invested heavily in art, there were sculptures of unknown men and women and some of their ancestors. In front of each stature was a little hedge of flowers, it was such a beautiful sight. The middle of the mansion was marked by a flowing fountain, which was a sculpture of a crocodile with its mouth wide open and water pouring out of it. Little fishes swam in the fountain, water lilies and beautiful red rose grew round it. The roof was a cone, painted in the light of red and ash with a distinct architectural design. Light bulbs caused the structure to resemble a pearly jewel in the darkest of night. Chandeliers hung like drapes at each corner of the house, pouring their not too bright lights on the sober faces of artistic paintings. The table had already been set for dinner. They were three huge ceramic bowls containing the three course meals that was meant for the night. Grandmother May had slipped on a dark gown which complimented her dark brown skin and gave her silver hair an opportunity to glow. She wore a mischievous face as she relaxed against one of the chairs by the dining table. ‘It seems your lady is a latecomer, latecomers never make good wives.’ The old woman rammed her fingers continuously on the table which was made of glass. ‘Patience Grandma, maybe I should just drive straight to her house. The plan was for her to call me when she is ready then I go there and pick her.’ Dean explained. ‘Which is the gentlemanly thing to do.’ The old woman nodded in approval. ‘I think I should go to her house.’ Dean rose to his feet. Toke had never behaved this way before, he was afraid something must have happened to her. He loved her for many things, one was her punctuality at the office. ‘No, you would do no such thing. When she is ready, she’I will call you.’ Grandmother May shook her head in disapprobation. ‘What if there’s something wrong with her?’ Dean asked, not comfortable with his grandmother’s demand of him. ‘There cannot be a thing wrong with her child, I told you from the first night I set eyes on that woman, she is not the one for you. She took off then, what makes you think she will show up now? Maybe she’s got cold feet or a man who’s rubbing her back.’ ‘Toke is not like that, she cannot cheat on me.’ Dean swallowed as he imagined her moaning underneath another man. He was filled with jealousy as he imagined her kissing another like the way she had kissed him earlier today, with so much passion. ‘Only magicians know most things son.’ She clicked her tongue and drew her phone from her purse, a smug smile crossed her features. His phone beeped twice, he checked it out immediately. ‘What?’ Dean could not believe his eyes: “I cannot make it tonight. I think we should end things Dean. We are not meant for each other, I can feel it strongly. I will tender my resignation tomorrow.” Davina Diaries Fiction: The Billionaire’s Secret Heartthrob Ep5 ‘Are you alright dear?’ The old woman asked. ‘Yes…No’ Dean’s face was a map of confusion. ‘What happened?’ His grandmother asked, rising to her feet. ‘Toke…I can’t believe Toke would break up on me…I thought we shared something special.’ His heart pounded faster against her chest. ‘I told you…she is not the woman for you, the signs are all clear, what more do you need? She has clearly proved all my points and you know how valuable my advice has been all these years.’ She cupped his face in her palms. True, she had raised him up like her son since he lost his parents. his grandmother always knew what was best for him, but he could not believe Toke would end things so shabbily, she was not that sort of person. It did not really make sense, they had made passionate love in his office and the world had stopped, they had cried out each other’s names all the way and said sweet things to each other, why then would she want to end something to beautiful? ‘I love her…’ his voice was weak. ‘Or you’re clouded by her beautiful body and the good sex?’ The woman asked. He blinked the tears that had gathered in his eyes, looking away from her, ‘It’s not that, I’ve not been with someone so intriguing for a long time. Toke is very special and I don’t think I would get over her easily. ‘Dean…I know this is hard for you to take in, but I know deep down that she is not the woman for you.’ She insisted. ‘Why do you keep saying this, you barely know her, you don’t even know her at all.’ Dean pushed her hands away from his face and stood to his feet. ‘I know, but I want more for you. I want you to be with a woman whom I am comfortable with; someone who comes from a powerful house and not just a nobody who has nothing to offer.’ The woman gestured with her hands. ‘You’re wrong, Toke is not a nobody. She is a perfect wife material. She is really hardworking and has contributed a lot to the growth of Flames these past years more than any other marketing strategist I’ve ever had.’ Dean could not stand his grandmother saying outrageous things about the woman that he loved. ‘You’re only giving her too much credit because you’ve slept with her! I taught you never to mix business with pleasure.’ ‘I know what’s good for you Dean, You need a woman of your own standing…’ she walked closer to him. ‘And what sort of woman is this?’ Dean scoffed, he’d watched things like this in movies, hecould not’t believe it was happening right before him. ‘Bellena…’ she blurted out. ‘Bellena?’ He could not believe his ears. ‘Yes, I saw your pictures all over facebook, you two would make a good pair. I’ve spoken to her parents and they are okay with the arrangement. All we need is you to take charge…’
28 Jan 2019 | 03:54
Emma sef, you for try rest
28 Jan 2019 | 05:24
and this Grandma, what is your problem?
28 Jan 2019 | 05:32
if dean sees d Facebook updates, he will know y Toke is breaking up wit him
28 Jan 2019 | 09:44
next pls
28 Jan 2019 | 14:10
28 Jan 2019 | 16:40
So who posted the damn picture on Facebook? Emma an deans grandmother are the two devil in this relationship.
28 Jan 2019 | 17:24
Go and sort things out with Toke
29 Jan 2019 | 04:32
am not surprise that is how rich people quickly arrange marriage
29 Jan 2019 | 09:15
Episode 9 lowly, the pieces of the puzzle were starting to make sense. ‘Does she…does Bellena know about this arrangement?’ ‘It does not matter if she does, what matters is that you two are perfect for each other.’ She answered. ‘I see…this has been your plan all along, you want me to get married to a woman I don’t love, so I’d end up being miserable all of my life.’ Dean was greatly disappointed in his grandmother, he could not’t believe that this was coming from her. ‘Love does not matter in marriage, you are not just any man, you are Dean Legacy!’ She said. ‘It doesn’t matter who I am, if I am going to get married, I must marry because of love.’ Dean shared his mind. ‘No, you are going to marry Bellena Agwadike, she is the woman for you…’ ‘Watch me leave…’ Dean hissed angrily and stormed out of the house. ‘Come back Dean!’ The old woman yelled at the top of voice, but that could not stop him from walking past the door. All he could think of was Toke, he needed to find her, only that she was not taking her calls and he did not’t know where she lived. ‘Pick up please…I love you so much.’ His heart was breaking as he stared at his phone screen. Toke was deliberately ignoring his calls and all of his text messages. He needed to see her face tonight, he needed to be with her. He could not handle the pain of her rejection. He decided he would get her address from his secretary that was the only way out. Back in the house, the woman’s eyes were still on him, she had plans for him and he could not deviate. One of the security men had heard her screaming, so he’d rushed to check up on her. ‘You came on time Reuben.’ She turned to the young man. ‘I am at your service Madam, are you alright? I heard you screaming.’ He watched the old woman closely. ‘I am. I just need you to me a favour, Dean must never know about this.’ Her voice was stern and her eyes lacked humour. ‘Anything.’ Reuben nodded. ‘I want you to trail Dean tonight, text me his location, the people he’s going to meet. You must carry out this assignment smartly, he must not be aware that he is being followed.’ She gave her orders. ‘I will do as you have said.’ He nodded vehemently and rushed out of the house. ‘I have everything under control.’ A complacent grin spread on her face, no one dared to disobey her, even her grandson wouldn’t stand against her. She lifted her phone and dialled a number, it rang twice, on the third ring, it was taken. ‘Good evening Ma…’ ‘Bellena…come over to the mansion.’ Emma was not comfortable with the turnout of things. She had been protective of her sister, but it seemed her actions had turned out for the worst. She had gone to call Toke to see her favourite soap opera, “The Dahlias” when she’d found her sister crying. ‘Toke…you don’t need to quit your job. This is my fault, I am sorry. I was the one that put ideas in your mind. You know how bloggers behave, maybe his relationship with BellenaAgwadike is platonic. I was the one that read so much meaning to it.’ She knelt close to her sister. Toke knew her sister was trying to persuade her, but her mind was already fixed. Dean was only using her to get the best sales for Flames, she had put in a lot of work in her proposal, she had done everything not just for herself, but to please him too. But he was hooked up with someone else, someone other than her. ‘I have to stop working with him Ems, I was so blind. He has been using me all these years, he bought my undivided loyalty with a bed of roses and I foolishly swam in that lust. But my eyes are open now, I have seen the light’ Toke’s lips shook as she spoke. Emma felt horrible as she saw her sister in so much pain. ‘You need to leave Dean and not your job, it took you years to land a job in Flames. There are no jobs in this country, just reconsider.’ She begged. ‘My mind is already made up Ems, I don’t love him anymore, I want nothing to do with Dean.’ Toke replied. She had seen his calls and his numerous text messages, which were all lies. How could he love her and still be with another, she did not’t like men that used women. ‘Is that your phone?’ Emma heard the ring tone. ‘It’s him, it’s that liar.’ Toke snapped. ‘You’re being ridiculous and somehow childish. I agree that I played a part in this Toke, but the way you’re going about it is overboard. What hurts me most is the fact that you want to quit your job.’ Emma hissed. ‘You are supposed to be happy Ems, this is all you ever wished for, all you ever wanted…’ ‘For you to be unemployed?’ Emma’s eyes grew wide, was her sister trying to accuse her of something. ‘No, you never liked Dean from day one, why then are you still mad now I have chosen to end things with him?’ ‘Toke…Dean is not the right man for you, maybe he is, but you know the secrets surrounding our family. We are not made for the spotlight, Dean is not the man for you but the job at Flames belongs to you, it is your right, you earned it.’ Emma placed a hand on her shoulder. ‘Tell me Emma, have you ever been in love with someone?’ Tokeasked. ‘Yes, briefly.’ Emma nodded. ‘I don’t think it was true love. Do you know how tormenting it would be to work in the same place with the man who broke my heart? You make it sound so easy. The truth is, if I keep working there, I’d be operating at a high level of self deceit and that is sickening.’ Toke was being truthful, she was not the type of woman who turned back on her words. Deep inside her heart, she had decided to forget him. Nothing good could come out of their union, so why waste time? But her mind whispered to her, her mind told her the truth that she was running away from; she could never get over him. The personality of Dean was rare to find, rare to get connected to. He was a very special man, whose touch had changed her entire life forever. ‘You need to relax and think this through, you don’t just take serious decisions impulsively.’ Emma advised. ‘I am not being impulsive, I know damn well what’s best for me.’ Toke was sure of what she wanted. ‘You don’t look sure to me, you’re still hooked on Dean’ Emma hissed. A sharp pain crossed her chest as she realized her sister was speaking her mind, but she refused to back down, she would fight him and the feeling she had. Dean was not the man for her, so there was no use pursuing something that wasn’t going to work. ‘I need to get you a class of water, it would help you stay calm.’ Emma walked towards the door, she was about leaving for the kitchen when the door bell rang. The sound of the bell caused her to jolt from the bed, ‘That’s strange, I don’t get visitors…except’ fear engulfed her as she imagined him coming back for more. ‘Vector?’ Emma’s countenance fell, she was equally afraid. ‘I just hope he is not the one, I don’t have any more money to give him, I am so broke…I just wish all these would end.’ Toke buried her face in her arms. Tears sprang up in Emma’s eyes as she watched her sister, they’d been in this together for many years now, who will rescue them now? ‘That’s why you shouldn’t quit your job. They’d kill us both if we fail to pay them the monthly income.’ Emma said. ‘I am so afraid, what should we do?’ Toke walked closer towards the door. ‘Let’s check him out…’ Emma grabbed her sister’s hand, this gave Toke the strength that she needed to move on, with her sister right there with her, she was sure that everything would turn out right.
29 Jan 2019 | 10:42
Let love prevail
30 Jan 2019 | 01:40
30 Jan 2019 | 02:44
what's the secret you're hiding Emma and Toke
30 Jan 2019 | 02:45
Open the door, is dean
30 Jan 2019 | 02:51
You don dey fall my hand
30 Jan 2019 | 02:59
Toke you shouldn't jump to conclusion like that without you hearing from Dean
30 Jan 2019 | 14:36
Emma you caused your sister all this pain cause you never said good about Dean, now see the effect of what you were saying
30 Jan 2019 | 14:42
open the door cause it is Dean... I just hope the spy has not followed him....
30 Jan 2019 | 14:47
this kind of grandmother ehn must you force your grandson to marry because of fame...
30 Jan 2019 | 14:49
abeg wetin b dat secret??
30 Jan 2019 | 17:07
Episode 10 am so sorry Toke, I am sorry that I put you through this.’ Emma cried as they reached the door. ‘I do not regret what I did, I did it to save you from that evil woman that bore us.’ Toke planted a soft kiss on her cheek. ‘You ready?’ Emma asked. ‘Yes.’ Toke nodded. The girls were about to open the door together when the door bell rang once again leaving them glued to the spot. What if their blackmailer had come to kill them? When Shola had texted the address, he’d believed she had made a mistake but the sight of her car in the driveway was a confirmation that indeed she lived here. His heart was heavy as she stared at the low cost structures that were linearly arranged. This was the first time he would be visiting Toke, he’d expected her to live a luxurious life, as she was excellently paid back at Flames. As he waited for her to answer the door, he realized he did not’t know much about TokeMelaye except the parts that were really visible. He knew that she was a beautiful woman, confident and smart but he did not’t know much about her personal life. He did not’t know if she had parents, or siblings or any family at all, somehow they had carefully avoided such conversations. He could not’t blame her, they’d started their affair with a lot of rules, it had kicked off as something only sexual, now it was more. He was in love with her and he needed to know more about her. He thought of his grandmother briefly and her absurd plan to make him marry his childhood friend, Bellena. Not that Bellena was a bad choice or a poor wife material, he just did not love her and she would never touch him in the way Toke did. He suspected his grandmother had a part to play in her appearance in his office earlier. Bellena and he had lost touch for many years, he had been in love with her once, but she had chosen another man over him, making a mess of his love. Years after, she suddenly shows up and acts all caring and concerned…he had a feeling his grandmother was up to something but he was not sure. He could not’t wait to set eyes on her beautiful face, he could not’t wait to tell her how much he loved to be with her. He knew it was fast, but he was willing to make her his wife, should she just say the word. Dean was about to tap the doorbell the third time when the door opened slowly, with a creaking sound that suggested fear and hesitation to let him in. What was this about? ‘Hello…’ Dean smiled as he spotted a face that resembled Toke. The lady had a striking resemblance with his Toke, only that Toke was taller and more shapely, but their eyes were almost identical. ‘It’s not him.’ Emma held her breath and signalled her sister who’d been hiding behind the door to come forward. Dean heard that, this made him wonder if Toke had been expecting another man just like his grandmother had suggested. ‘Who then?’ Toke whispered. ‘I don’t know, but he is very handsome…’ Emma returned her gaze to the delicious looking man before her. His eyes were his most arresting figure; his face was too perfect to be real; how could one man be this handsome? He was tall, broad shouldered and well muscled, she found it difficult to take her eyes off of him. ‘Dean…’ Toke’s mouth fell open as she came forward, she was surprised to see him. ‘How did you…?’ ‘Shola.’ He replied swiftly. He ran his eyes over her briefly, she was still as adorable as ever, but her eyes were reddened and puffy, which was a sign that she had been crying. ‘Baby…I saw your text, I don’t understand.’ Dean tilted her towards him. Emma could not’t tear her eyes off this man, she now knew the reason her sister was totally hooked, and there was no was she would get over a man like Dean. Quietly, like a mouse would do, she walked away, giving the lovers enough room to express their love for each other. ‘Who is that?’ Dean had noticed Emma walking away. ‘Never mind’ Toke shook her head. ‘I do mind, I just realized I don’t know much about you.’ Dean replied. ‘There’s nothing to know Dean, I am happy you got my text and it’s really clear what I want for myself and that’s not you.’ She took some steps backward. Her words really hurt him; they reached the depth of his soul ad left an indelible mark of injury there. ‘Toke…have I done something wrong? Please, don’t do this, I love you.’ ‘You have not done anything wrong, we are just from two very different backgrounds’ she replied, not able to meet his striking gaze. ‘I don’t understand, where is this coming from? You know I don’t care about such things. You are important to me and that is all that matters.’ Dean was shocked at her words, he had not expected this from her. ‘I am sorry Dean, I am just being honest.’ She folded her arms across her chest. ‘So, you want to leave me in the dark? Have you forgotten what we shared all these years?’ He was desperate to have her back, he was afraid of what losing her will do to him. ‘We shared nothing but good sex Dean, that is all there was to it. I am done with this conversation, I’I will send in my resignation tomorrow. Goodnight.’ She walked briskly into the house, afraid that she may change her mind any minute. She could see that her decision was hurting him, she had never seen such a pained expression on his face before. But she was not ready to turn back on her decision to let go of him. He had Bellena, what more did he want? Bellena Agwadike was the perfect woman for him. ‘Wait…’ Dean’s voice was sore and broken. ‘What?’ She waited. ‘Just look me straight in the eye and tell me you don’t love me and I swear I will never bother you again.’ Dean needed to know the truth, as he failed to understand her actions. ‘I never loved you; it was all about the sex.’ Toke forced her eyes to meet his’, her heart crying out as she let the lies slip through her teeth. The silence of the night was ominous as Dean stared into her eyes, he could tell that she was lying, he knew her more than she knew herself and he was ready to play along.
31 Jan 2019 | 03:29
You should have think twice before taken such decision
31 Jan 2019 | 05:42
Toke tell him the reason for the break up nah
31 Jan 2019 | 15:28
don't do wat u wil regret later
31 Jan 2019 | 15:37
you are right just play along you would know the reason for her decision....
31 Jan 2019 | 15:40
you can't run away from what you can fight for because of the position of your family and his position and fame
31 Jan 2019 | 15:43
now you have seen why your sister has always defended him despite what you say.....
31 Jan 2019 | 15:45
Toke u better decide on what you want to do
1 Feb 2019 | 04:27
dont back out Toke
1 Feb 2019 | 06:23
u are still acting funny because of ur sister advice abi?
1 Feb 2019 | 13:21
Episode 11 ‘Thanks for being honest; I’Il be waiting for that resignation tomorrow.’ He replied in a cold voice before rushing towards his car while she was left standing alone in the darkness of the cold night. She felt insecure, like a huge part of her was gone. ‘He did not love me after all, how could he just walk away like that?’ She thought. ‘What have you done sister?’ Emma showed up. ‘What is best for me.’ Toke replied. ‘Are you kidding me? I think I misjudged Dean Legacy. He is very handsome and he is really into you. I could tell this from the way his eyes bored into yours. Maybe Bellena is just a friend, but I know for sure that he loves you.’ Emma said. ‘Just by looking at him?’Toke asked amazed. ‘Not that, how many billionaires would go through this sort of stress? Driving through the potholes of this low cost estate just for a woman?’ Emma asked. ‘I don’t think he really loved me…’ Toke said out her thoughts, ‘When I told him it was over, he just asked me to send in my resignation and then he coldly walked away without uttering a word to me.’ Emma giggled as she watched her sister, ‘so you were expecting him to cry or kneel?’ ‘This is not funny!’ Toke felt irritated as Emma’s laughter rang through her ears. ‘You just lost your man and your job tonight Toke, when morning comes have a rethink.’ Emma patted her on the shoulders before leaving for her room. ‘I don’t love him, I never did.’ Toke replied stubbornly. ‘Tell that to a one day old baby.’ Emma retreated inside laughing wildly like one who was being tickled. Bellena had paid the old woman a visit as she requested, they both enjoyed dinner together while going over old days when Bellena had been a kid and when grandmother May been younger. ‘You have not told me where my darling Dean is…’ she poured herself more wine. A sly smile split the woman’s face into two, she loved the sound of “darling dean” more than anything else, ‘I love the way you just addressed him. You have a beautiful dress on, I think Dean is going to like that very much.’ Bellena returned the woman’s smile, she had always loved the principled woman, she loved her even more after she’d paid her parents a visit, telling them about her plans for her grandson. ‘Are you aware he is in love with someone?’ Bellena asked. ‘No’ the woman lied, she knew how to play her cards well, this was a game and she wouldn’t throw her success into jeopardy. ‘I am sorry I mentioned it, it’s just…’ Bellena dropped the fork that she held, she had lost appetite as she imagined Dean being with someone else. She hated herself momentarily for letting him go in the past, now that he was in love with Toke, it was going to be a difficult task reclaiming him and she was not that sort of woman who fought for a man’s love. ‘Just what?’ the old woman equally dropped her fork. ‘His eyes were filled with so much promise as he stared at her. I cannot deny the fact that she is a very attractive woman. I watched her presentation grandmother, I can tell you that she has got your grandson hoodwinked.’ Bellena complained. ‘Then we will get him out of her claws, you and I. You say she is attractive, by God, I know of certain that she is not as pretty as you are, not as bold’ she rolled her eyes in disgust as she remembered the night she had walked in on Dean and Toke having sex. ‘I know I am very beautiful, but the subject of love surpasses physical beauty, Dean is not a shallow minded man. I know him and the things that intrigue him, beauty is the least. She must have something that fascinates him, it makes me afraid of this plan.’ Bellena sighed. ‘Do not be afraid child, Dean has always had eyes for you…that whore is just a temporary distraction.’ Grandmother May reassured her with soothing words. Still, there was room for doubt in Bellena’s heart, she had seen the fire that burned in Dean’s eyes immediately Toke Melaye had stepped into the office. ‘You both are meant for each other, even the Media knows this…Dean posted some pictures of you and him, I wished I could “like” the picture a thousand times.’ The old woman chuckled as she drew out her mobile phone, it was beeping. ‘Come on grandmother, you know how bloggers love to blow things out of proportion. His pecks were not on my lips and they were totally innocent.’ Bellena sniggered, the old woman always amused her. She wished Dean could look at her the same way that he had looked at Bellena. She wished he could love her just the same, with passion and limitless desire, that’s all she wanted in a man, that was all she wanted from Dean. The old woman was focused on her phone, Reuben, her personal bodyguard whom she had send on an errand had just sent her a message. ‘He is at the gate…’ she dropped the phone and jumped to her feet. ‘Who?’Bellena wondered. ‘Dean, go! Remember this is your last chance. You need to fight for him, win him over if you really love him.’ The old woman carefully instructed. ‘But, what if it doesn’t work out?’ Bellena stuttered. ‘It can only fail if you want it to.’ The old woman answered in a firm voice. Bellena could not fail her now, this was not the time to have cold feet. She wasn’t going to watch her Dean marry a low life, a non-entity. He was supposed to cry, he felt pain that she’d turned her back on him, but he felt nothing. In the place of pain was a burgeoning excitement in his heart, he was convinced that she was the woman for him and he wouldn’t let go of her easily. A crooked smile played on his lips as he remembered how unsure she had sounded when she had denied loving him. ‘It was only for the sex…’ he giggled as he mimicked her. Lies, her eyes had betrayed her words, he had begged her to open up to him, to share her burden with him, but she had refused. No woman had humiliated him the way Toke had; women cast themselves at his feet, they worshipped him, but he was no god, so he rejected the sacrifice of their worship. His heart only beat for TokeMelaye and he would conquer her for himself. He felt sad seeing the way she lived, something was not right about her environment. He wondered if she had a lot of siblings, maybe she was using all of her earnings to cater for them. ‘I need to find out more about her.’ He murmured as he drove into the Legacy mansion. Once he’d brought the car to a halt, he decided his secretary would be the best for the job, Shola was a hacker and was very good at internet stalking, she was really valuable to him especially in the face of intense competition, where he needed the aid of spies to see what his rivals were planning. “I need everything you can find on Ms. TokeMelaye ASAP.”He closed his eyes once the message was sent, he just could not fathom her actions. He ran a mental check on his attitudes and behaviours the previous weeks, he was certain that he had not said anything that could hurt her enough for her to quit her job. ‘Hm…’ he bit his lip as he worked on a plan. He needed Shola’s help once again, “text me when you are free, we need to talk.” Once he was through, he took a deep breath knowing it was time to face his grandmother.
2 Feb 2019 | 04:09
Yeah! Keep it rolling
2 Feb 2019 | 10:25
I wish yr grandMa and Belani fails in their quest to unseat Toke and enthrone Bells in yr life
3 Feb 2019 | 11:50
Episode 12 I told you, she is not the woman for you” those were the first words that would fly out of her lips as he stepped into the house without Toke. But he was prepared for it, what he was not prepared for was her plans to hook him up with Bellena. Bellena was his childhood friend, he loved her like a brother would love his sister, there was nothing more attached to it. She was nice and hardworking, independent, but he just did not want to be with her. He pushed open the door and walked into the dining room, his eyes went to the wall clock, ‘I guess dinner is over.’ His throat was slightly parched, he needed to quench his thirst, so he walked towards the table. Dean observed something somewhat strange about the arrangements of the dinner sets, they were all empty, ‘weird’, there’s no way his grandmother would’ve finished that amount of food on her own. Shrugging, he decided it was best he did not even set eyes on the old woman, she would’ve given him a piece of her mind, “I told you son, Toke is not the woman for you.” He was going to claim her, there was no escaping for her, they were meant for each other, made for each other and nothing could tear them apart. He was certain she was not cheating on him, he was still confused about what he must have done to trigger that behaviour in her. Dean pushed open his bedroom door and strolled majestically towards the bed, it was a long day and he was really tired. He threw himself on the bed, not caring to change into his pyjamas or take his night bath, all he wanted was to rest his head and shut his mind from the events of the day. The pillow absorbed his head and the curls that crowned it, his feet were on the rugged floor while the rest of his body was on the bed. It began slowly, then sleep cast her net upon his face and he was gone for some minutes. His departure to the world of dreams signalled the entrance of the midnight seductress. Dean was not a very deep sleeper and his condition worsened whenever he was tensed or nervous about something. The scent of a strange and different perfume stung his nostrils, but he was not careful to open his eyes, he thought it a dream. The scent was followed by a strange shadow, this was also a dream but it was the touch of the seductress that awakened him. His eyes fell open, perspiration poured over his nostrils as he realized he was not alone in the room. Her skin had never glazed so fine, the windows of his room had been left wide open to the entrance of moonlight, the light which fell on her smooth fair skin making it more attractive. Her lips were full and sexy, they shone bright red, no man could resist her beautiful lips. Her eyes were soft, gentle, calling and he knew it would take great effort to escape the charms of this enchantress. She wore a transparent dress, one that laid bare all her physical endowments. He could see the tip of her supple boobs pointing towards him, sending him an invitation, they were red and painfully swollen. He could see that she wanted him badly, she wanted him to fulfil her every desire. The swell of her hips could not be hidden, it bulged out, standing firmly. This was no longer a dream though it seemed like one, this was reality, but how on earth had she gotten access into his room? ‘How…?’ he opened his mouth to speak to her, but she covered it immediately with her left palm. ‘Don’t talk my love, I am offering myself to you tonight. I am sorry I had to come to you this way. I love you Dean, I’ve always loved you. You must understand that there is no other woman for you except I. Please make love to me…’ the sound of her voice was low, deliberate. Dean’s mouth felt dry, words could not’t rescue him. The silence in the room was threatening as he looked into her eyes. There were many questions in his heart, questions of doubt, of fear. How was he going to overcome this jezebel? He was too weak to move, his eyes were glued to the tip of her boobs, he ran his tongue over his lips as he imagined sucking those sweet looking tits. ‘Please…touch me’ she took off the gown, her breasts falling freely from it. He could not take his eyes off her, he could not tame the lustful wanting of his loins; his blood boiled, his senses were clouded by the beauty of her body, the perfection of it under the moonlight. She took his hands and dropped it on her mounds, a low moan escaped her parted lips as the edge of his fingers touched the sensitive parts. ‘Make love to me…’ she groaned again, this time with eyes closed. ‘Bellena…’ Dean groaned, fire burned his fingers. What sort of midnight temptation was this? He thought of Toke, the only woman he loved, how could he do this wicked thing to her? He was quite sure that Toke was faithful, he loved her very much and did not want to hurt her, but she had ended things between them earlier, she had given him freedom to explore other terrains. ‘Yes, touch me. I want to feel you inside of me. I want your skin on my skin, I want everything to be about us tonight…’ she moaned. ‘I…can’t’ Dean shook his head, Toke was all he could think of. She felt hurt knowing the reason for his hesitation, but she wouldn’t back down; this was the only chance she had to win him over and she was not going to back down easy. ‘But she does not love you with the same passion, she only wants you because you are a wealthy man.’ Bellena said. Dean shook his head in disapprobation, ‘Toke is not that kind of woman, I know her.’ ‘Really?’ Bellena lifted a brow, information was important and grandmother May had given to her all that she needed to work with. Dean sensed Bellena knew something, ‘What is it?’ ‘That’s not my place to say, since you claim you really know her, I’I will let you be.’ She shrugged, inwardly excited she had bought his attention. ‘Tell me…’ Dean pushed. ‘Well…Toke is not who you think she is…she is a criminal, a fraud.’ Bellena answered. Dean refused to believe this, Toke was the most honest woman he had ever met, Bellena was only trying to get into his pants. ‘Forget that I asked. How did you get into my room?’ It was time to question her. ‘Does that matter?’ Bellena took off the rest of the gown, then she rose to her feet, totally nude before him. The urge to ask her more questions quickly vanished, it was replaced by another urge, he wanted to fuck her right there and then. He wanted to take possession of her supple body; he wanted to ram his cock deeply into her. ‘Just do it…you cannot fight it Dean’ Bellena spread her arms wide; she wanted him to drown in her beauty. He was struggling, he was fighting with reason and desire; there was just one line to cross here and if he did that, there would be no going back for him. Bellena took charge of the night; she pushed him gently on the bed and began to work his chest lightly with her fingers. ‘I know you want me…I want you too’ she smiled as he began to respond. She felt his hardness against her thighs as she settled on his body; she could not’t wait for him to slid it into her.
4 Feb 2019 | 03:43
Why can't we Men survive and escape this kind of temptation? We always seem to fall whenever it came calling
4 Feb 2019 | 08:21
Hmm he just fell making it more complicated
4 Feb 2019 | 09:50
how I wish u didn't do it with her
4 Feb 2019 | 15:22
arms crossed observing keenly
4 Feb 2019 | 16:48
A sudden childish attitude has fallen upon toke which really wanna cost her the love they shared together. What sounds like a lie.
4 Feb 2019 | 17:09
Just because of a picture and every love deceit falled into her trying to deceive her about the same love that is worth more than their sexting.
4 Feb 2019 | 17:14
Just like that
4 Feb 2019 | 17:20
That's not the way it supposed to be in a love that was meant to be. Her mouth is saying another thing while her eyes and heart is saying the same thing.
4 Feb 2019 | 18:09
Emma misled her because of their family issue and her thought about the thin line of love between the rich and the poor. Emma has the real idea right now.
4 Feb 2019 | 18:28
Emma just wanna make amend and tell her sister the truth since she has found out about the truth that what toke and dean shared was real love.
4 Feb 2019 | 18:41
She has talked to her and talked to her and he also talked to her. Her morning decision after her unnecessary mourning is very important.
4 Feb 2019 | 18:54
This is that moment a guy will be dancing naked on top of a girl or the girl will be dancing naked on top of him. Bell came by herself so that dean will bleep her and sprinkle sperm on top of her or sprinkle sperm inside her or condom. It's still a hard one 4 dean to resist.
4 Feb 2019 | 19:12
just observing from the spirit realm
5 Feb 2019 | 05:30
Episode 13 Dean was speechless; he loved the scent of her, clean and refreshing. The struggle was over, the tug of war had ended, reason overcame desire. ‘I am sorry….’ Dean pushed her aside swiftly before rushing out of the bedroom. The night had faded like a bad dream, morning presented itself with a mixture of colours and sounds. First was the white light that came with the elopement of dawn, and the return of the sun which poured her golden rays on the earth. The water that ran through the fountain was clear and emerald, little fishes danced in her glory, the lilies swayed side to side as the wind began a sojourn from the beach palms to the flowers that all graced the Legacy mansion. He had not had a good night’s sleep, he was restless while in the guest room, but a sense of calm overwhelmed him and a wave of pride too…pride that he was able to overcome the devil’s temptation. Dean had woken up earlier than others, he made himself coffee and sat on the veranda, staring at the beauty of the fountain and the flowers, while his mind dwelt on Bellena’s strange visit. Her visit was a confirmation that his grandmother was set to ruin his chances with Toke, what if she had found her way to Toke and maybe threatened her? ‘It’s all making sense now, I need to talk to her.’ His lips moved as he sipped the dark brown liquid. He needed it to be alert at work, there was so much to be done. Now that he had discovered his grandmother’s plans, he decided to change his mind. He had wanted to sack Toke and make her plead for her job, he had wanted her to beg for his love, but he was not going to do that anymore. He was sure that his grandmother or Bellena herself may have said something to her; the only way to win her love was to assure her that she was the only woman that mattered to him. The familiar scent from the night before waded through his nostrils, she was here again. ‘Dean….look, I am really sorry about last night.’ Tears ran down her cheeks as she stared into his face. She had never been rejected by a man, Dean had proved himself to be different. She had felt so worthless and thoroughly ashamed the minute he’d fled his chambers. She cursed herself for acting Potiphar’s wife, she loved Dean no doubt, but it seemed she had gone too far. He was never going to respect her or see her the same way. She had ruined her image in the sight of him. Anger rose up in him as he imagined what would’ve taken place if he had not overcome the temptation. He would’ve regretted ever knowing Bellena, he would’ve hated himself for cheating on his darling Toke. He dropped the mug containing the coffee gently on the stool next to him. Rage made his hands to shake and he did not want to break the mug, it was his grandmother’s favourite. ‘Please say something, your silence is punishment.’ Bellena cried. ‘What do you want me to say Bellena?’ Dean jumped to his feet. She was once a woman he adored and honoured, but he saw her as roadside trash now. ‘I am sorry, everything I did, I did for love.’ She replied with shaky lips. ‘Love? I once loved you Bellena. I begged you, cried for you but you turned your back on me…now that I have found a woman who truly loves me, you want to ruin that. That is not love Bellena, it is cruelty.’ He answered. ‘I am sorry, but I cannot help it, please forgive me’ she begged. ‘Does my grandmother know about you?’ Dean asked. ‘What she knows does not matter,..’ Bellena replied not wanting to create a rift between grandmother and grandson. ‘What were you thinking? Did you have plans of getting pregnant and forcing it on me?’ Dean laughed, he could not believe Bellena would be that naive. It was evident that his grandmother had a hand in this plot of shame, he knew what the woman was capable of. ‘I am sorry Dean, just know that I did it for love…’ she blushed as she remembered how she had thrown herself at his feet. ‘You said something about Toke being a criminal…did you mean that or you just said it to discredit her before me?’ Dean had to be sure of what he was dealing with. Toke was secretive about her family, he did not know much about her and she had never mentioned them for once. ‘I meant it when I said she was a fraud. She is not who you think she is, that’s why…’ ‘You wanted me to be with you instead of her’ Dean cut in. She could not say more, her eyes fell to the floor. ‘Well, I love her the way she is. I do not need your advice Bellena, not now, not ever’ he turned his back on her. He had asked Shola to do a background check on Toke, he was prepared to face whatever secret would be unleashed. He was a believer in true love, and true love had not weather or season, he was ready to love her ugly, he was ready to love her beautiful. ‘She does not deserve to be with you Dean. I have known you since you were a child, I have been with you for a long time. We come from two great families and our union would make us even greater. Can’t you see the beauty in that?’ He swirled round and faced her, ‘I don’t see us being together Bellena, you had your chance, I am over you.’ He replied curtly. His words stung her to her marrow, no man had ever turned her down, she could see his heart was no longer with her and pressing the issue was just a futile attempt. ‘You must leave now’ Dean fetched his mug and took a sip from it. ‘Is that what you really want?’ she asked tearfully. ‘If you really love me, then you’d want to see me happy Bellena. Toke is my happiness, you shouldn’t hate her.’ He answered. ‘Never, I love you too much to let you go.’ She pressed her hands on her chest which danced to the rhythm of heart break. ‘I guess that’s the end of our friendship, you are no more welcome in the Legacy mansion. Have a nice day Bells.’ He slammed the mug on the stool and walked out on her. ‘Dean…please’ Bellena cried, she was about to follow him into the house when he shut the door to her face. His rejection was clear, he did not want her as much as she wanted him. ‘Dean’ she muttered his name as tears ran down her cheeks. It was the end of the road for her. He was enraged that Bellena would have the guts to speak ill of his Toke after what she had attempted the night before. ‘You are not happy with my choice.’ Dean recognized the voice immediately, he found her sitting on a couch in the living room. ‘I can’t believe you would want me to die an unhappy man.’ Dean walked briskly towards her. ‘Bellena is a good girl and she will make you happy, she is better than this tramp.’ Grandmother May slammed a file angrily on the centre table. ‘If you think I will read up those lies you forged about Toke, then you are joking.’ Dean was ready to disappoint you. ‘I can’t believe you would turn your back on me. I raised you all these years. I cried when you were ill. I nursed you to health when you were sick and just this one thing I ask of you, you refuse to grant…’ the old woman complained bitterly. Dean inhaled deeply, he knew how manipulative his grandmother was, in the past, this trick would have worked on him, but he was above that now. He knew what he wanted and nothing could stand in his way.
6 Feb 2019 | 03:44
Congratulations Dean on your narrow escape.
6 Feb 2019 | 11:39
Exactly don’t let her play mind games with you
6 Feb 2019 | 11:40
how I wish Toke we stand by u the same way u are defending her
6 Feb 2019 | 13:04
*takes a deep breath and sighs*
6 Feb 2019 | 15:17
Making sense
6 Feb 2019 | 16:38
what's Toke's secret ?
6 Feb 2019 | 17:28
Your grandmother is really manipulative so just be careful...
7 Feb 2019 | 01:03
Good choice of words "loving her despite her secret"....
7 Feb 2019 | 01:04
Bellena you lost everything in one day your respect, trust, friendship from Dean just because you want to force yourself on him....
7 Feb 2019 | 01:06
Episode 14 ‘I am sorry grandmother if I hurt your feelings….’ ‘You hurt me son. I want the best for you. Bellena is the perfect bride for a billionaire of your status.’ Dean hated it whenever she cried, but his mind was made up, Toke Melaye was the woman that he loved and nothing could change that. He moved closer to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, ‘ask me anything else, I could give you all of my inheritance but I cannot grant you my happiness. You must understand that I love Toke Melaye, I love her so much and I can’t help it.’ ‘But she has a past…it’s dark’ the woman said. ‘Love does now dwell in the past, love happens in the present’ Dean caressed her weak shoulders. The woman watched her son’s face, it was hardened, his dark eyes were full of determination. ‘You remind me of your father’ she smiled and ran her hands on his beard. Dean’s eyes glistened with tears as he remembered his parents, why was she going back to the past. ‘I never wanted him to marry your mother…’ the woman started. ‘Why?’ This was the first time he was hearing this. ‘She was poor, threadbare poor. I did everything to tear them apart but your father was as stubborn as you are now…’ she smiled and gave his chin a light squeeze. ‘So what happened?’ He was interested in hearing all of it. The woman laughed as she stared into her grandson’s face, he was so handsome and grown, ‘She got pregnant with you, when I heard the news, all of my hatred and disapproval of their union fled. I loved you even before you were born, I love you more than anything, more than my desire that you marry a from a wealthy home.’ She cried quietly. Dean had never seen grandmother May this broken, ‘I am sorry for disobeying you, but I can’t help but love her.’ ‘I give you my blessing then, whatever makes you happy, I am willing to adjust.’ She nodded. Dean closed his eyes, he had never felt this relieved, so at ease with everything. ‘I love you grandma.’ He whispered. ‘I love you more’ she replied before drawing him closer to her for a hug. Usually Dean would be eager to head to his office, all because of her. He loved to watch her work or sometimes, invite her into his office just to have a little chat or drop kisses on her lips, but today was different, he felt empty without her. He’d arrived his office filled with determination to make things straight with Toke, he needed to know everything about her. If she had some dirt in her records, he needed to help her through it, he loved her that much. Toke had proved to be a very honest person along the years, she was hardworking and had a lot to offer Flames, he just wouldn’t let her go or turn his back on her. ‘Come in’ he murmured, someone was rapping his door. ‘Good morning sir, I got what you need.’ Shola breezed in with a large brown envelope containing all the documents that he had asked for. Dean was surprised at her swiftness and ability to collect such huge amount of data within a few hours, ‘just how much?’ ‘All of it.’ Shola replied confidently before she set the envelope before me. ‘Run me through it.’ Dean was impatient, he was not a reader. ‘She has dirt in her records but somehow she had been able to hide it perfectly, but not everything is hidden from the sun.’ Shola pulled out one of the papers and handed it to her boss. Dean grabbed it hurriedly, ‘‘Rebirth Revival Juvenile Home.’’ ‘What’s this?’ he asked. ‘Toke …’ Shola clasped her hands together not knowing how to drop the news. ‘Tell me everything.’ Dean asked. ‘She grew up in a broken home. Her father had died when she was only five but their mother…one Mrs. Oludayo remarried, her new husband was a drunk and a very irresponsible man. From the reports and the statements that were taken from her while she was in the juvenile home, she killed her stepfather…’ Shola took a deep breath, not knowing whether to continue, as Dean had hopped out of his swivel chair, his face held an odd expression, one that she had never seen before. ‘Are you alright sir?’ She stuttered. ‘Go on.’ Dean bit his lip firmly. He did not’t know her past would be this dark, but he wouldn’t believe it. His Toke was innocent, she looked harmless, even this discovery would not change the way he loved her because his love was unconditional. ‘She claimed the man had constantly harassed her and her younger sister, Ms Emma Melaye sexually, they told their mother about this, but she wouldn’t believe them. So that fateful day when she was not home, he had attempted to rape Emma, impulsively, Toke fetched a hard object next to her and smashed it into his back leading to a spinal injury.’ ‘No…God, this is horrible.’ Dean shook his head as he imagined the pain Toke and her younger sister had passed through. ‘She was too young to go to prison, her mother remarried shortly after that, her new husband was a drug dealer and she was later sentenced to life imprisonment for conniving to hide her husband from the sight of the law.’ Dean was really confused, ‘how was she able to hide these part of her life for all these years?’ ‘Sir, we both know the consequence her past would’ve had on her should she have brought it to limelight. No one would believe she was innocent, even though she was not convicted, she found a way to bury her past.’ Shola moved closer to the table and fetched another paper. ‘How?’ Dean asked. ‘There…’ she showed him a white sheet that contained Toke’s bank transactions. ‘I was able to hack into Olive Groves Bank, that’s where we pay her salary to. Toke has been sending a lot of money to this account, 80% of her salary goes in here…’ Shola traced a line from the source to the receiving end. ‘Victor Adamu Sheldon’ Dean read the name aloud. ‘Yes, for many years now, she has been paying a huge sum into this man’s account.’ Shola nodded. She rushed towards the envelop and pulled out another sheet, ‘I did a scan on him, he is a retired militant and I have a feeling he is into kidnapping.’ Dean’s eyes ran over the picture of the dark ruffian in his early forties; he was almost obese, thickly bearded with an irritating looking goatee and bloodshot eyes. ‘His gang members call him “Vector”. My guess is that he knows Toke’s secret. He knows about her involvement in her step father’s death and her mother who has been sentenced for life. Vector is blackmailing her and she is helpless. Toke Melaye is a force to reckon with in the business world, she has ideas that could take any firm to its next level. She knows this, and that is the reason she does not want her past to come out.’ Dean felt so hurt that Toke would go through all these pain without letting him in. Slowly, he began to understand why she would live in a low cost estate when he was paying her half a million monthly. ‘Does she have other siblings?’ he asked. ‘No, just Emma…who recently lost her job and got kicked out by her landlord’ Shola fetched another sheet containing information on Emma. ‘No, not needed’ Dean sighed and settled in his seat. He was lost on what to do, how long would Toke pay through her nose for the act to be hidden? She was eighteen and innocent ! No one was going to crucify her, why could not’t she come out with the truth? ‘Can I go now?’ Shola asked. ‘Not yet, I need to see this Vector man, face to face.’ Dean drummed his fingers angrily on the table. ‘Sir…’ Shola believed she had not heard right. ‘You heard me, find everything you can on him. I need to see him.’ He repeated. He would get Toke out of this mess, no matter what it would cost him. ‘Sir, I know this is not my business but you could lose your life. Vector is a wanted man, he is a very dangerous man and it would not be wise to contact him directly.’ She tried to make him see reason. ‘But I want to, I need to make this mess disappear.’ ‘I want her to be free. I want her to live life without any fears. Every good person deserves that and Toke is a good person, that’s why I want to do this.’
7 Feb 2019 | 05:49
Why are women always so manipulating? Grandma should please stop that rubbish
7 Feb 2019 | 08:22
And from the story, Toke never committed any crime. She's just a victim of useless Step dads and she did the right thing any big sister would do for her kid sis
7 Feb 2019 | 08:31
Hmm! What a sad experience
8 Feb 2019 | 03:38
she is a good person, but feels guilty about the incident...or should i say 'accident'
8 Feb 2019 | 11:01
Episode 15 ‘Are you sure about this sir? I could lose my job should anything happen to you.’ Shola was not comfortable with his request, his grandmother had employed her for him and if any harm came to him, the old woman would have his neck. ‘You don’t need to fear my grandmother, I am going to confront that bastard and I will be back alive.’ Dean was more determined than ever to make this work. ‘Very well then, I will get you all the dirt you need on Vector, but be careful, he does not like visitors.’ Shola advised. It had taken him a longer period than he’d expected to locate the outskirts of the town where they lived, which was the abode of the criminal that was milking his lover dry. He took a deep breath and steadied his shaky hands, this was not the time to be feeble or afraid, he needed to stand up for Toke. He was her guardian angel, his job was to protect her, his sacrifice was to fight for her and he was not ready to let down his responsibilities. Dean carefully surveyed the arid land where he’d found himself. There was just a metallic structure, an old tank in sight, he hoped he was in the right place. He knew this trip was dangerous but he was willing to trade, to talk things out with Vector. He gathered all the things he needed into his briefcase, he turned off his phone and stepped down from the car. It was time to face the tiger head on. He still found it hard to believe that Toke would hide such a crucial part of her life from him for this long. Well, it had taken him a year to tell her about the feelings he had for her. Besides, she may have been afraid he would turn his back on her, and walked out of her life once her secret was brought to the surface. Dean marched steadily towards the metallic tank, maybe he could find something, someone to lead him to this mysterious Vector. What he failed to understand was this; people did not’t just match into jungles, they had to consult the king of the jungle before moving further; the king of the jungle was the lion. Once he reached the metallic tank, he carefully observed the markings on it. From what he’d seen, it had been used to hold water for some time, before rust overtook it. ‘Cranium…’ he murmured, running his fingers on the structure. Without warning the owner of this jungle showed up behind, ‘don’t move.’ Dean was stunned as he had not heard anyone coming behind, ‘who are you?’ ‘You are a fool for coming here, a bigger one for questioning me.’ His attacker replied in a gruff voice. ‘I am not here for trouble, I am only here for peace…’ Dean licked his lips nervously. He needed to be smart with his mouth else he would lose everything he came with, even his life. The criminal was silent for a while, this had been his hideout for a long time, even the Police did not’t know about this place. Only a computer wizard could find this spot on the location grid. ‘Who are you and what do you want?’ Vector pinned the gun closer to Dean’s neck so that he could feel the coldness of the automatic. ‘I come to settle your problem with TokeMelaye.’ Dean replied. Vector froze at the mention of her name, had that bitch told anybody about him? He had always warned her about the consequence of revealing his true identity to people. ‘I know you have been blackmailing her for a long time now, you are the only one who knows about her past and her mother who is in jail. You have tormented her life, but I come here to end all that.’ Dean continued. ‘No one tells me what to do, if you anger me, I’d shoot your brains out.’ Vector yelled irritably. ‘I am not the Police or a member of any force…here is my Identity Card, I mean business Vector.’ Dean hurriedly slipped his hand into the pocket of his black tux; he raised his Identity card in the air. Vector drew it out of his hands swiftly; he needed to be sure about Dean. He needed to know what he was dealing with. ‘Dean Legacy? Even more juicy, I think I have a prisoner’ Vector scowled, he knew who Dean was, he had heard stories about the youngest African billionaire but he had never met him personally. ‘Leave Toke alone…’ Dean’s voice was commanding. ‘You don’t tell me what to do, I am with the gun remember…’ Vector roared with laughter. ‘If you really wanted me dead, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I know you are a smart man Vector. I know all of your secrets and I know how to help you out of this country without a trace.’ Dean was offering a gift, he hoped Vector would accept this gift. ‘I am many things Mr. Billionaire but I am not dumb. I can differentiate between a gift and a Trojan horse.’ Vector scoffed. He was a man of the underworld and he knew the universal law which was applicable in all spheres of life, “nothing goes for nothing.” ‘I do want something in return, but it is not a Trojan horse, I do not seek to destroy you.’ Dean returned, he understood the man’s fears. ‘What do you know about me?’ Vector pulled the trigger, he could end this bastard now and nobody would know. Dean had foolishly walked into the lion’s den thinking he’d come out alive. ‘I know your face for one…’ Dean laughed, he knew Vector was not ready to kill him; else he would’ve done it since. ‘Shut up!’ Vector scowled. This was Dean’s opportunity, he stole the moment of Vector’s weakness and swirled round as quickly as he could, he rammed his fists into his attacker’s chubby face, the gun flew out of his hands as he staggered to the floor. ‘Arh!’ Vector screamed as blood trickled down his nostrils. ‘Now let’s talk business.’ Dean fetched the gun and pointed it at the criminal. ‘What the f#ck do you want?’ Vector groaned. ‘My boys are going to come for you should you hurt me.’ He threatened. ‘Lies. I know all about you Vector, you have no gang members anymore, they all hate you because you are a greedy old pig. You have no one, you are nothing, I am the only person that can help you out of this situation.’ Dean held the gun firmly, loving the surge of power that welled up inside of him. ‘What do you want, just fucking tell me!’ Vector grumbled. ‘For starters, I want you to leave Toke alone and then flee town…’ Dean replied. His words provoked Vector somehow because he began to laugh violently. ‘You are kidding.’ ‘I see…I know about Helena and Sophia’ Dean winked. He smiled as he spotted the fear in Vector’s eyes, ‘I know about them and how much you love them. They are being schooled in the most expensive private tertiary institution, you want the best for them.’ ‘Stay away from my daughters, they don’t deserve to be dragged into this shitty mess.’ Vector was shaking like a leaf now, he hated being the victim.
11 Feb 2019 | 03:55
the story has changed,the hunter is now the hunted
11 Feb 2019 | 12:33
ride on enjoying the story
11 Feb 2019 | 12:34
dean nice one dia
11 Feb 2019 | 18:10
but u are one now
12 Feb 2019 | 07:50
That yr Shola is really gud with gathering facts and info. Nice work there
13 Feb 2019 | 02:45
Episode 16 ‘So what makes you think Toke deserves to be blackmailed?’ Dean asked. Vector’s eyes fell on the rocky earth, silence glorified herself in this arid land. ‘We both know she did not kill her stepfather deliberately.’ Dean broke into the fog that came along with silence. ‘What do you want from me Mr. Billionaire?’ Vector was getting sick of his threats. ‘Leave Toke and her sister alone and flee town. However, if you refuse, I could tell the authorities about your children and were they are being schooled. How does that sound? I think this trade is fair.’ Dean nodded his head, his eyes lacked fire, they were cold angry and focused on the man that had made his Toke restless all these years. ‘What do you say Vector?’ ‘What choice do I have?’ Vector replied, owning to his defeat, the game was over. Two days had passed since her encounter with Dean, she had not found the courage to go to work. She felt weak as she imagined a life without him, this was the first man she loved and the pain of accepting the loss of him was greater than she had envisaged. She had not slept well for the past few days; either she screamed awake from having terrible nightmares or she found it difficult to sleep. ‘I don’t think we have a history of insomnia in our family.’ Emma walked into the dining room with a tray of hot coffee and some buns. ‘I don’t think we ever knew much of our family at all…’ Toke replied quietly. Today was dull and uneventful, just like the other days she had suffered insomnia. Though the morning rays were bright and full of promise; though birds sang a chorus close to her window, she found not the strength or the ability to enjoy this sort of beauty, the elegance of nature. ‘Toke…I don’t like what you’re doing to yourself. If I had Dean’s number, I’d call him and tell him what’s going on.’ Emma was unhappy about her sister’s behaviour. Toke had refused to go to work, she had shelled herself in pain and regret and she blamed herself partly for it. ‘I know I said he was a bad person, I planted the seed of doubt in you, but he is not…his eyes reflected his beautiful personality, have rethink.’ Emma added. ‘No, you were right about Dean, he is a douche bag…’ Toke managed to gulp some coffee. Yes, she had stayed back from work for two days without a tangible reason, but he had not made the mistake of calling her line or sending her a text to check on her. ‘No calls, no text, and he claimed he loved me…’ she scoffed, but there was no laughter in her eyes, only sadness. Tears welled up in Emma’s eyes as she watched misery swallow her sister. Toke was in love with Dean, but she was hurting herself deliberately by pushing him away without hearing his side of the story. ‘You shouldn’t do this, you refused to confront him about Bellena. What more do you want?’ Emma felt slightly irritated. ‘I want him to love me! Just me…’ Toke snapped, her hands pushed the mug and the hot coffee spilled on her. ‘Ouch’ she gasped, pulling her hand away. Tears rushed down Emma’s face, she had never seen her sister this out of control. ‘Vector is going to contact us for the money today, how do we even plan for his unwelcome visit when you’re like this?’ She cried. There was complete serenity as Toke stared at the coffee that she hadspilled. She was a stranger to herself, pain and jealousy had clouded her senses as she realized she was on the verge of losing everything. Her heart began to gallop as she remembered the man who always brought upon her sorrow whenever he visited, the man who threatened to leak her torrid past to the world. She had successfully hidden that part of her life from the world and she was not about to be exposed now. ‘I don’t have any money to give him, I have not been paid this month.’ Toke’s voice was broken, she was scared of what he would do. ‘No, he is going to ruin our lives and make us miserable, it’ even worse for you Toke, if Dean finds out…’ Emma’s lips shook. ‘Like I said, you were right, Dean can never be with someone like me.’ Toke broke down and began to sob. She wished the world she lived in could understand her pain, she wished they could wear the shoes she was wearing now. But she knew them better, they would turn her past into a reference point and would always bring it up to hurt her without hesitation. ‘I am so sorry I put you through all these.’ Emma wept along. ‘No, don’t be. It was our mother’s job to protect us, but she failed and I had to grow up faster than was expected of me. It was my duty to protect you Emma, and I …I do not regret it.’ Toke replied. She loved her sister genuinely, the love she had for her only sibling was immeasurable. ‘I am sorry, it’s because of me you cannot have Dean. If, you had not hit him that day, if he had not died, maybe you and Dean would’ve worked out knowing you had no skeletons in your cupboard.’ Emma’s eyes were red and swollen, she felt so hurt that her sister would go through this agony on her count.
16 Feb 2019 | 03:54
Episode 17 ‘I am sorry, it’s because of me you cannot have Dean. If, you had not hit him that day, if he had not died, maybe you and Dean would’ve worked out knowing you had no skeletons in your cupboard.’ Emma’s eyes were red and swollen, she felt so hurt that her sister would go through this agony on her count. No…I am only afraid of loving him too much or getting rejected, that’s the reason I am unwilling to pursue him.’ This was the truth, she loved Dean completely, but she was terrified of his rejection. What if he rejected her at the end? Emma could see the truth glazing in her sister’s eyes, Toke was in love, but she was also afraid. ‘There is no fear in what is true, only joy and peace. I am sure Dean’s love is pure and comes from the deepest parts of his heart.’ Emma rose to comfort her sister with a hug. ‘I always feel better talking to you.’ Toke clung tightly to her sister, but still unsure on where to place Dean. ‘I love you “Toks”…’ Emma kissed her hair. ‘”Toks”?’Toke chuckled, her sister’s pet name for her always made her laugh. The sisters were bonding; they stayed that way for a moment. They felt so much love and comfort in each other’s arms. ‘Did you hear that?’ Emma quickly pulled away from her sister as she heard the loud banging on their door. ‘Yes…Vector.’ Toke’s mouth felt dry, fear gripped her as she was lost on the next step to take. ‘What should we do?’ Toke whispered to Emma. ‘I don’t know, I don’t have the money.’ Toke replied. The banging only increased, their guest was not ready to leave and they had no choice but to go see him. ‘I will try and explain things to him, get pepper spray and hide behind the door should he launch an attack. I know this is not the best of ideas, but that’s the only we have for now.’ Toke exhaled sharply. ‘I will do as you have said.’ Emma agreed. Toke pulled in a sufficient amount of air as she walked towards the door, she had never missed his payment before, she hoped he would understand. ‘One, two…’ she closed her hands on the door handle. Her eyes radiated surprise as she stared at the familiar looking old woman, she had seen this woman somewhere. ‘What took you so long to open the door child?’ ‘Good day Madam, please come on in.’ Toke fully recognized her now, she was the woman that had walked in on her and Dean making love. Blood crept to her cheeks as she remembered the incident. ‘Oh come off it, we all had sex, everyone would have sex except the nuns.’ Grandmother May could see the embarrassment on her face. Toke smiled, she did not realize the woman could be so friendly. ‘Please do have a seat Madam…’ Toke gestured towards one of the cushion chair. ‘Oh thank you, but I am not here to sit, and I don’t like the term “madam”, makes me feel old.’ Grandmother May flashed a warning. ‘Oh’ Toke lifted a brow in amusement as she stared at the silver haired lady, she was loving her the more. What sort of old person did not’t want to be addressed as an old person? It was such an irony! ‘Call me May child, or simply Grandmother.’ She added with a smile that straightened her wrinkled face. Toke felt unsure on what to call her, why was she even here? Had something bad happened to Dean? At the thought of something happening to the man that she loved, all the pain and jealousy she felt fled, she was about asking his grandmother about him when the old woman cut into her thoughts. ‘You have a small place…small but homely.’ The woman stared at the pictures of Toke and Emma on the wall. ‘Thank you.’ Toke replied, she almost giggled as she remembered her sister who’d been hiding at the back of the door. ‘I don’t like you Toke….I wanted more for my grandson. I wanted a woman like Bellena Agwadike for him, I invited her to the house and they slept in the same room…’ the old woman paused so her words could really sink in. ‘What is this about?’ Toke moved away from the woman, what was she trying so say? Had Dean slept with Bellena? If so, the rumours about the two getting married where true. ‘Bellena is hundred percent prettier, smarter than you are…but he chose you.’ The old woman sighed. Her heart danced as she heard those words. “but he chose you.” ‘I wanted Bellena to seduce him, I wanted her to be with child for him but he resisted her desires, my desires and fled the room. When she told me all that had transpired between them, I was now convinced that my grandson’s love for you is genuine.’ Her taught face was now graced with a smile. Toke was speechless; she could not believe all that she had heard. So he rejected a sophisticated woman like Bellena just for her? ‘But…’ Toke was lost, tears streamed down her face as she thought of Dean. ‘He did not tell you about Bellena because I forced her on him within the shortest period of time possible.’ The woman answered, having read her facial expression, the second time. ‘I know about your past…you murdered your step father.’ The woman peeled another chapter. Toke’s heart skipped, she could feel blood pumping into her ears, ‘I was only eighteen, I was protecting my sister.’ She tried to defend herself. ‘I don’t know, I wasn’t there, but I have also gone through your present. You have contributed a lot to Dean’s life and his business, our family pride, you are a blessing whether I believe that or not…’ Toke was amazed by the kindness of the words that fell out of her lips and the way she stared at her while spewing them. I am sorry forlate post I am very busy with work Bear with me
16 Feb 2019 | 04:01
nice story
17 Feb 2019 | 07:04
Why stopping? Continue pls
17 Feb 2019 | 07:59
17 Feb 2019 | 09:02
bold words
17 Feb 2019 | 09:06
this ur sister sef,now she is regretting her advice
17 Feb 2019 | 11:47
Wow! Good to hear
17 Feb 2019 | 11:51
It was much more than sexting that bell has come with to take over the love in the heart of dean when there's no space in his heart. It's all heart to heart with dean and toke.
17 Feb 2019 | 14:37
It's much more momentum to reject such boobies and booties that has the ability and capacity 4 sexting. It's much more than momentum from dean.
17 Feb 2019 | 14:42
Shola is one computer expert that made it to the best. She found everything necessary 4 dean to show his ability and capability with strength to confront vector.
17 Feb 2019 | 14:48
Dean has proven to be a strong man with his important options and more. Grandmother may maybe changing 4 real from the bottom of her heart. This conversation with toke will confirm more.
17 Feb 2019 | 14:56
Toke and Emma has a terrible past that has cost them almost half a million monthly. It's not their fault that their foolish step-father rapist died. Love has come to cleanse and purify their past.
17 Feb 2019 | 15:11
too short plss,I pray that woman should have good intention
17 Feb 2019 | 17:08
Episode 18 Dean is in love with you, you make him happy and for that I am willing to stand by you. I accept you into our family Toke…I know it would be difficult letting go the image of Bellena, but I am willing to try.’ The old woman unzipped the bag and drew out a necklace with a ring on it. ‘Come child…’ she beckoned Toke towards her. Toke could not believe it, this was all a dream. ‘My husband, Dean’s grandfather gave me this diamond ring when he proposed, so it’s a family heirloom, I would love you to have it…’ she smiled and handed it to Toke. ‘I don’t know what to say…’ Toke’s lashes were wet with tears, all her pain was gradually coming to an end. ‘Say nothing then, just take this from me.’ Emma who’d been watching the scene could not hold it anymore, she rushed out of her hiding place, applauding all the way. ‘I told you, Dean’s love for you is unconditional.’ Emma whispered. ‘Who is she?’ Grandmother May asked. ‘My sister’ Toke replied as she took the necklace and the ring from the woman. ‘Oh, beautiful too…’ the old woman ran her eyes over a faint version of Toke. ‘How do I look?’ Toke grinned as she put on the necklace. The old woman smiled as she stared at her future daughter in-law, the diamond necklace fitted her perfectly, her eyes moved from Toke to the shadow that loomed in front of the door. A warm smile spread over her face as she form became more visible, he was here, he had returned to claim what was rightfully his’. “Like the wife of a Legacy” All eyes turned towards the door as Dean trotted in majestically. It was a beautiful day for him, he had killed two birds with one stone. ‘Dean!’ Toke ran towards him. ‘My love…’ he cupped her face into his hands. ‘You came late son, where have you been?’ Grandmother May asked. They had planned this proposal for days, but Dean had not showed up with her as planned, so she had decided to do it on her own. ‘I am so sorry for the hurtful things I said to you…and threatening to quit my job.’ Toke apologized. ‘I am the one to apologize, I was carried away by my feelings for you and I failed to notice your burden, the pain you always carried inside of you.’ He caressed her face gently. What was he talking about? Toke swallowed deeply as she remembered Vector, what if he showed up any minute and shot everyone in the room? ‘No.’ She thought, she had to tell Dean everything about her past. ‘I know…and I have handled it. Vector would never bother you again.’ He searched her beautiful eyes, they glowed with fear and uncertainty. ‘How did you know about that? I am so sorry, It was an accident, he tried to Mo…’ ‘Sh, it’s okay. I know what happened and I am not judging you. I love you and that’s what matters.’ He placed a finger on her lips to hush her. Toke had never felt this loved, everything was surreal. His grandmother’s acceptance, Vector’s exit from her life. ‘This is real, I love you Toke and I want to be with you till the end of my days.’ Dean meant every word. ‘I love you! I’ve always loved you but I was scared of rejection.’ She confessed. ‘Forget Bellena, it is you that I want.’ He replied. ‘I don’t deserve you.’ She was still unsure. ‘If you say so, but I know you deserve this…’ he lifted his index finger from her lips and replaced it with his hot and burning mouth. Wetness clashed with wetness, tongue with tongue, this was the most passionate kiss they had ever shared. A Month later, It was a beautiful Saturday morning in their new neighbourhood, Dean had rented a new apartment for Toke and her sister, she had kicked against it, but he was even more stubborn than she was, eventually, she had no choice but to accept. ‘This house is really beautiful, What was I thinking arguing with Dean about it?’ Toke loved the architectural design and the interior embellishments. The walls had Arabic imprints on them, the chandeliers seemed really ancient and artistic; the drapes were a bright gold colour which were very costly. Dean had furnished the house with the best set of settees, television sets in all the rooms and everything the girls needed in the kitchen. ‘You’re such a lucky woman Toke, Dean is the right man for you…’ Emma smiled as she served her sister breakfast. ‘Why do I have a feeling somebody is jealous?’ Toke winked. Emma had never been the type of girl who cared much about love, she was a tomboy and didn’t have time for relationships, but now she had seen how happy being in love could be, she yearned for a taste of good loving. ‘I am in the market should you find a cutey’ Emma raised her ring finger upwards which made her sister laugh harder. Toke dug her teeth into the delicious brownish sandwich her sister made for her. On most occasions, she was the one that usually made breakfast during weekends, but she had woken up feeling dizzy and blue, so her sister had no choice but to help her out. ‘How do you feel now?’ Emma watched her sister closely. ‘I am not sure, but I love these sandwiches’ Toke savoured the pieces of bread in her mouth with her eyes closed. She had not expected the vision that she had, but a face flashed briefly in her mind, it was the face of the man that cared for, that made her confident in herself. Dean had washed away the stains of her past and she would forever be grateful for that. ‘You are thinking of Dean…’ Emma caught her sister smiling. ‘Of course, as the days grow by, so does my love for him…’ Toke opened her eyes. ‘Then what’s keeping you two from getting married to each other?’ Emma arched a brow. She knew very well Dean wanted to take Toke as his bride, and she also knew how stubborn Toke could be. ‘Don’t start’ Toke dropped the sandwich in her hand and poured herself a glass of milk. ‘You are an enigma Toke. I don’t even understand you anymore, if I didn’t know you well, I’d say you are pregnant…’ Emma bit her lips as the words carelessly flew out of her lips. ‘Only pregnant women find it hard to make decisions. One minute they want something, and the next minute they don’t. Dean loves you, you have his family heirloom hanging off your neck, what’s stopping you from planning a wedding?’ Emma asked. Toke could hear her sister, she watched as Emma’s lips moved, but the only word that had stood out was “Pregnant”. ‘No.’ Sweat covered her brow as she realized she had not seen her period for a month now. At first, she had dismissed it as symptoms of being stressed at work. Her proposal had been accepted by the board of executives, she had been assigned as the head of the group that was to initiate the diversification programme. There was a lot of work to be done and she had engrossed herself totally in it.
18 Feb 2019 | 01:18
Wow! Congrat
18 Feb 2019 | 02:12
Dis ur sister is she a witch, u are pregnant as she said
18 Feb 2019 | 03:34
Congrats girl
18 Feb 2019 | 09:07
hmm got swallowed in Love too soon... congrats
18 Feb 2019 | 11:11
wow! if u are congratulations thn
18 Feb 2019 | 13:46
18 Feb 2019 | 15:01
I love this... I love d turn of event here... great
18 Feb 2019 | 17:44
Hmm pregnant ke..... Hmm do make una marriage hold fast before this your belly come de visible.....
18 Feb 2019 | 19:09
Episode 19 Are you okay?’Emma could see the worried look on her sister’s face, had she said something to upset her? ‘Emma…I think I am in trouble.’ Toke rose to her feet, her appetite was gone. ‘I don’t understand.’ Emma joined her up. Toke’s heart beat faster, she could hear the sound of her heart pounding, thudding faster. What if she was actually pregnant? This was not what she had planned for her life, she always wanted to have a baby within the confines of marriage. She had so many fears, how was Dean going to take this? They had never discussed about children, what if he was not cut out to be a dad? What if he was not ready to father a child? ‘Just slow down and breathe cause you look pretty tensed up to me.’ Emma sounded scared, she didn’t like what she was seeing. She had been observing her sister for days now, she slept for longer hours and she was starting to add weight in some places, but she had dismissed her fears. Toke’s face was pale, it was completely drained of colour and she looked like someone that was about to faint. ‘Emma, I think I am pregnant, I have not seen my period for some days now. What am I going to do?’ Toke’s voice was sad and low, she was worried about what Dean would think. ‘Hey, you are not sure it’s pregnancy, till we carry out a test. If it turns out positive, it’s not going to be a problem because it would accelerate the marriage procedure faster.’ Emma caressed her shoulders gently, inwardly loving the turnout of things. Finally, her stubborn sister was getting married and she would be the maid of honour! ‘Yikes!’ Emma rejoiced in her heart. ‘What if Dean is not ready? This could create a rift between us and I don’t want that, we are in a very good place right now and it should remain so.’ A tear slipped down her supple cheeks, which had grown plumper along the weeks. ‘I know brother Dean quite well, he is never going to turn his back on you.’ Emma reassured her. ‘Are you sure about that?’ Toke searched her sister’s eyes. Most times when Dean made love to her, they always used protection especially when she was not on the pill, but there was one time… ‘Geez’ she gritted her teeth as she remembered the way he made love to her back in the office. He had not used protection that day and that session of lovemaking was the best ever. It had been so lustful and passionate. She had lost her senses completely under the influence of his sweet pummelling. ‘Don’t worry, after the test, we’Il will know the right step to take.’ ‘I could get the early pregnancy test kit along the street, what do you think?’ Emma asked her sister. ‘Yes of course, please do. It’s important.’ Toke agreed with her. Emma rushed towards the door, she was so excited about this news, she hoped it would turn out as planned, she could not’t wait to share the news with Dean. She was alone now, impulsively, her hands went to her slim belly and she found herself caressing it. Beep, beep, her phone sounded. ‘Geez!’ She pressed a shaky hand on her chest, she was really tensed up. “I miss you darling; let’s have dinner tonight at my place. I’ll cook. Wear something sexy. I love you baby.” ‘Why do you have that sore look on your face?’ Emma eyed her sister as once she’d return from the closest Pharmacy store. ‘Dean wants to have dinner.’ Toke replied, wiping off a drop of sweat from her brows, she was really nervous. ‘Okay, you’re really freaking me out, it’s not like you have herpes or something. It’s pregnancy! And that is beautiful.’ Emma dropped the kit on the table. ‘You don’t understand…I don’t want to make it about me, like I am desperate to get married or something.’ She closed her eyes shut as imaginations flooded her mind. What if Dean was not ready to the dad, what if he asked her to abort? ‘I don’t have time for this, take this and test, let’s start from there.’ Emma pointed at the kit at the middle of the table. There was great reluctance in her stride, so was fear in her heart as she moved towards the table, afraid that her fears were to be confirmed. She had attributed all her weakness and nausea to stress, but now she really had time to think about it, it could be pregnancy. ‘Get back to me.’ Emma moved away from her sister with a mischievous smug plastered over her face. ‘Alright.’Toke replied dryly before moving towards the bathroom. Ten minutes later, she ran out screaming with tears running down her face. ‘Emma!!!’ ‘Yes? Did something bad happen?’ Emma rushed towards the bathroom, the urgency in Toke’s voice had unsettled her. ‘I am pregnant.’ Emma had never seen her sister in this sort of mood before. Toke rarely got upset about anything, she was not the type of woman who got easily weighed down when trouble came, else she would’ve sank into depression when Vector had started to blackmail them
19 Feb 2019 | 01:30
Pregnancy vibes
19 Feb 2019 | 07:40
Hmm being pregnant is not the end of the world and Dean has not said that he would not father the baby
19 Feb 2019 | 10:03
Hmm Emma get ready to be an aunty.....
19 Feb 2019 | 10:04
Congratulations o
19 Feb 2019 | 10:52
loving dix kudos to u @marcos nxt plz ooo
19 Feb 2019 | 15:14
Toke take it easy...i am sure Dean would tell u to calm down too
19 Feb 2019 | 15:52
You don't need to be panic, he's all yours
19 Feb 2019 | 23:05
20 Feb 2019 | 01:55
Waw so sweet
20 Feb 2019 | 01:58
Episode 20 Morning’s chapter had ended in this story, noon’s chapter was the manifestation of the fears Toke had harboured in her heart, evening her come, it was time to face her fears. ‘You’re really making me feel worse. It’s bad enough that I hate Saturdays, you’ve topped my list of most boring things.’ Emma hissed as she watched her sister’s face, which was covered with despair. ‘You wouldn’t be saying something so hurtful if you were in my shoes. How am I supposed to tell him? I should’ve been smarter.’ Toke regretted what had taken place in the office, but how could she despise a beautiful event that had brought her so much pleasure? ‘Yea yea, let the self thrashing begin…’ Emma who had been watching a soap opera turned off the television and faced her sister. ‘You should have refused sex or used a condom or taken your pill, but you didn’t.’ Emma walked towards the couch where Toke had comfortably curled herself in. ‘What’s your point?’ Toke peered up at her. ‘The point is this; you are pregnant and you have two options, you keep that baby or you get rid of it…’ Emma said. ‘I can never abort a child.’ Toke straightened, she didn’t like her sister’s suggestion. ‘Then get up and go see the father of that baby, or have you forgotten your dinner date?’ Emma asked. Toke spotted a glint of mischief in her sister’s eyes but she ignored it, Emma was an unpredictable person, but she knew Emma was up to something, she just was not in the mood to point her finger on it. ‘I am dressed.’ Toke rose to her feet, she was not excited about dinner, so there was no need for dressing up. ‘You’re going for dinner not some sports show.’ Emma eyed her sister carefully, what the hell was Toke thinking wearing a pair of faded denim with an overlarge sweater for dinner? ‘I am comfortable, besides it’s a cold night.’ Toke grabbed her keys from the table and moved towards the door. ‘Or you’re trying to hide the fact that you are pregnant with that ugly sweater.’ Emma chuckled, her sister could be really amusing at times. ‘Just shut up and don’t wait up.’ Toke ignored her sister’s annoying giggles. ‘I wasn’t planning to, but just in case you two hit it again, don’t use a condom! No need for that!’ Emma yelled as Toke hopped into the car. Toke shook her head, ignoring her sister’s savvy comments, ‘whatever’, she murmured before her tires screeched. ‘Tonight’s episode on Toke’s love story is going to be bomb.’ Emma murmured. He had prepared her favourite meal, plantain porridge and snails and they would wash it down with a glass of red wine, after which he would make merciless love to her till she cried out his name. His strong hands focused on the dishes, he was setting the table for dinner with his sweetheart. ‘I guess we are ready.’ Dean Legacy smacked his palms together as he stared at the perfectly set table. The wine glasses whose conical beauty were a rare design occupied a special spot on the table; a large white fine china bowl took centre place, it contained the pottage which he had prepared with snails and turkey meat; there was a huge casserole next to the huge bowl, it was filled with pieces of raw fruits- cashew, oranges and apples. ‘Hmm’ Dean rubbed his chin, not too comfortable with the position of the finely made Italian wine. He loved Toke very much and he wanted the best for her. He had been really busy these past weeks and their relationship was suffering. They were not communicating like before and he hated it when they were disconnected, it was not the best for any relationship. He noticed Toke always avoided the subject of marriage. Though he had made it clear he wanted to be with her, it seemed she was still holding back or holding on to something. He had invited her to clear the air, he loved no other but her, and that was reason enough for her to trust him. A smile split his handsome face apart as he remembered the beautiful secret. He fought for control, he could not let her see it in his eyes. ‘Not yet, the best for the last.’ He dropped the wine and checked his watch. What was taking her so long? Just in time he heard a knock on the door, ‘finally’ he moved over to let his lover in. ‘Baby…’ his breath was hot against her face as he reached out for her. Her strength was him, he looked so simple yet powerful, powerful enough to own her, to consume her. She realized she had been empty till this moment, loneliness and pain had found a dwelling place in the deepest part of her, but they had fled at the sight of him, the man who held her thoughts sway. The one whose rhythm her heart danced to. She licked her lips, trying to calm her shaky hands and appear relaxed before him. He wore a faded jean like she did and a white shirt whose starting buttons were left undone, showing off the seat of his chest, which was covered with curly black hair.
20 Feb 2019 | 02:47
wonderful,,,, this is wonderful
20 Feb 2019 | 03:42
okay go on
20 Feb 2019 | 03:42
I believe Dean we love u more
20 Feb 2019 | 05:34
20 Feb 2019 | 07:40
following... but Toke you have to tell him stop behaving like a baby
20 Feb 2019 | 08:38
anything u put on he we still love u, so carry go girl
20 Feb 2019 | 09:54
following keenly
20 Feb 2019 | 12:38
lets see how it plays out
20 Feb 2019 | 12:39
Episode 21 Instantly, she felt fire in her abdomen as she imagined running her fingers all over his chest and kissing him, telling how much she cared and adored him. ‘Dean…’ she forced the thoughts out of her mind, this was the first time she would be seeing him after three weeks. ‘Sweetheart, come have a seat.’ He grabbed her hands gently and moved her towards the table where they would dine. He was not surprised that she didn’t dress up, he knew and he was not going to question her. ‘How have you been darling?’ Dean poured her a glass of water, he realized she was pale looking and could pass out any minute. ‘Fine’ she lied. ‘You don’t look it.’ Dean replied. ‘Can we just focus on this beautiful meal?’ she offered him a smile which was obviously faked, this was her tactic of distracting him from probing her as she was not ready to share the news with him just yet. ‘Oh, if that’s what you want baby.’ Dean returned the smile, he could read her like a book and he knew why she was avoiding him. It was a sad sight to watch, as the man and woman who claimed to be lovers devoured the food in deadly silence. Toke’s mind was elsewhere, she didn’t even have the appetite but she didn’t want Dean to feel bad. He had worked so hard to make her happy and she was not going to ruin it. ‘Are you sure you are okay?’ Dean opened the wine and served it. She needed to relax, he could not wait to make love to her. ‘I’lI pass.’ Her hands rubbed her belly as she stared at the wine. ‘Why? You love red wine.’ Dean winked, he had predicted right, he knew why she refused the wine. ‘I don’t just feel like it…’ she shook her head. ‘I don’t know Toke, you’re a difficult person. Have I done something to hurt you?’ he slammed the bottle on the table, feigning anger. ‘Not at all, I…I just don’t feel fine.’ She was afraid to cause him pain. ‘So you still love me…’ Dean was seducing her now, but with his voice. ‘Yes of course, yes I love you, now and always.’ She answered eagerly as if her life depended on it. ‘Would you prove it to me by kissing me?’ he fell on his knees and raised her chin up with his fore finger. All her fears were gone, she was bare before him, just the touch of finger had started a fire in her. ‘Yes…I would prove it by kissing you.’ Toke said nervously, responding to the delicate seduction. ‘Kiss me baby’ Dean released her chin, she took charge immediately by lowering her face to meet with his’ till their lips were locked together in perfect desire. She wanted him to kiss her all over, cuddle her in his arms and take her, passionately till she reached the place of no return. She shut her eyes as she engaged in this sweet and fulfilling kiss. Only Silence stood in the room. ‘Aw…’ she felt his hand on her hips, squeezing, kneading. ‘Baby…’ she moaned, and cupped his head with her slender fingers ‘My love’ she turned and faced him. ‘Baby…’ his eyes were all knowing. ‘I want you tonight, I want all of you’ he whispered into her ears. She was too delighted by his offer that she failed to say the words. She just nodded. ‘Do you want me tonight’? He asked. ‘Yes, please. Take me’ she nodded. He scooped her into his arms at once and carried her swiftly till he reached his bedroom. He undressed her hurriedly, while she worked on his buttons till his shirt fell off. She was left in nothing but a silky red g-string. Her boobs fell free, they were ripe and full and he could not wait to taste them. Her laps were slender and fleshy; he caressed them as he covered her mouth with his’ swiftly. Toke could not hold the energy that bubbled with enormous intensity in her; she kissed him powerfully; her mouth clung to his like that was the last piece of surviving on this earth. Her slender fingers ran all over his naked back. His chest was hairy and strong; his back was hard and firm as they pressed against her breasts. He pulled away from the kiss and took control of the moment. He loved her, he loved all of her. His lips started a journey from her neck to her tits, her grabbed them with his hands and gave them a squeeze before sucking them again. Pleasure was maddening; her voice was dense and thick with emotion as she moaned. This sweetness was very much. She wanted to explode. Just when she thought she had enough, his free hand found a way between her legs. Parting the panties a little bit, burying his finger into her moist core. ‘Ah’! She screamed in ecstasy as he rubbed her there. His fingers played with her pleasure button; rubbing the folds of flesh that enclosed it; circling and stroking till she was moist enough for him. He pulled his hand out, withdrew his mouth from her mounds and straightened. She understood that it was time, so she lay on the bed and parted her legs, welcoming him into her world. ‘I love you’ he whispered and kissed her face lightly. ‘I love you too’ she smiled and let free his belt, till his hardness fell free. He pulled her lace strings down and guarded his member slowly, into the entrance of her body. She gasped as flesh met with flesh, skin with skin. And that was when the dance begun, the dance of lovers to the song of desire. He took her violently with passion he seemed to have been hiding. He seemed to be allover every part of her. She shuddered with every thrust and arched her back to receive his kisses. ‘Dean…ah…’ she moaned as her heart beat faster. ‘Baby…darling’ he called her name an increased his pace. Together, they reached the mountain; crashing together, screaming their names. Together they reached the highest peak of the pleasure they so desired. It was the perfect moment for all lovers and they were not an exception.
21 Feb 2019 | 05:28
21 Feb 2019 | 05:59
Toke you have to spill it out
22 Feb 2019 | 11:21
22 Feb 2019 | 15:54
Blessings upon blessings was poured upon dean and toke from grandmother may. Grandmother may is really into the real love thing right now. Giving her blessings.
22 Feb 2019 | 16:09
The past that seem to be a tough terrible past was cleansed and purified with no guilt. Everything moving on fine from their working place to their homes.
22 Feb 2019 | 16:14
Emma has been dancing to the tune of this love after seeing dean 4 the first time. Those stories and believes about the rich and the poor was out of her mind when she saw true love in his eyes.
22 Feb 2019 | 16:22
Feelings of love and feelings of pregnancy will mix up sometimes 4 lovers. Toke shouldn't have been worried about a pregnancy that could lead to marriage. The same marriage dean has been hoping 4 her to communicate.
22 Feb 2019 | 16:42
Toke should've been in control of her emotions and their urge 4 sex because she's pregnant. Having hot sex like this can lead to loosing her pregnancy. It's very risky with a hot sex or long time sexting.
22 Feb 2019 | 16:52
aunty u bettter talk now
22 Feb 2019 | 18:05
toke u re confuse oo
23 Feb 2019 | 03:47
my body dey do me one kind
23 Feb 2019 | 15:34
24 Feb 2019 | 01:48
Last episode They lay in silence for few minutes. She had never felt this free, so alive. Dean was everything to her. ‘I love you’ he moved closer to her and dropped a kiss on her lips. ‘I adore you’ she whispered with a smile. ‘You look different…’ Dean stared at her enlarged and creamy boobs and the additional flesh of her hips. ‘I…don’t know…’ Toke’s smile faded, the wave of orgasm had disappeared, she was not faced with the problem she had swept under the carpet before their lovemaking. ‘I miss you.’ He dropped a light kiss on a nipple. ‘Me too…’ she held her breath as his lips ignited her once more, she could make love to him all night, she just could not get tired of loving him, he was the beast that conquered her desires and she was always willing to surrender. ‘I would love for us to go on a vacation, we need to spend more time together, I don’t want work to get in between us.’ Dean suggested. ‘That’s not a bad idea.’ She nodded though her mind was with him, but she was far away, when would she tell him about the pregnancy? ‘Nice, maybe after that we get married and have our own kids, live together, happily forever after.’ Dean replaced his lips with his fingers as he began to draw imaginary circles on her boobs. Her heart jolted at the mention of kids, so he wanted kids after all? ‘That’s a beautiful dream.’ Tears stung her eyes as she realized she had misjudged him, Emma was right, Dean was a welcoming man. ‘We have never talked about marriage deeply, what are your expectations of me?’ Dean stopped the circling; it was time to get serious. Her brows furrowed together as she pondered on his question, what was her expectations of him? What more did she want from this man that he had not already shown to her? Dean Legacy was a humble man; he was hardworking and he believed in honesty; he was generous with his wealth and never for once did he look down on his employees; he was great in bed and in the kitchen too. ‘Nothing, you’re enough for me.’ She was pleased to have this man in her life. ‘Then why don’t you want us to get married, from your answer, I am perfect for you. Why do you keep running away from what was meant to be?’ She could not control the tears, gently, they spiralled down her lovely face. This was it, she could not hold unto the secret anymore. She was hurting him indirectly by blocking him out from her fears and she didn’t want him to feel that way. Dean had not broken her heart and he had promised never to, so why hurt him by keeping the secret to herself? He knew she was crying, he could see the tears, but he restrained himself from comforting her. ‘There’s something I must tell you Dean. I am sorry I kept it from you. I was just afraid you wouldn’t like the news, I totally misjudged you.’ She played with her fingers, not able to meet his gaze. She paused, hoping he would say a word to spur her on, but he didn’t. ‘I am pregnant Dean.’ A strange quietness danced into the room, it took charge of the atmosphere. She wondered if he had not heard her, ‘did you hear me? I am pregnant.’ He said nothing, he took a deep breath, he felt like laughing but he controlled the urge, ‘I know’, he said flatly. ‘You knew? But how?’ Toke could see why he was not thrilled by the news. ‘Emma!’ She rolled her eyes, her sister had been up to something. She blushed as she remembered Emma’s last statement before she drove away in the car. She had ended up making love to Dean another time, which was more pleasurable than the best. It seemed their sex life was getting better each day. ‘Why on earth would you think I’d reject this baby? You underestimate my love for you Toke…you don’t know what you mean to me.’ He shook his head in disappointment. ‘I am so sorry honey, I was just confused and scared, this is my first time you know…’ She quickly grabbed his hands, hoping he’d forgive her. ‘I was an only child and I felt the vacuum of not having siblings, I love children Toke, I love them very much. Children are a blessing from God.’ He planted a kiss on her cheeks, feeling proud to have her as the mother of his firstborn. She was suddenly excited about the child that was growing inside of her. ‘What if it is a girl? I love baby girls’ ‘If she is a girl, she would be as beautiful and smart as you and we would call her Deana’ he reached for her belly and began to caress it. ‘And a boy?’ Toke asked smiling, loving the feel of his angelic hands on her tummy, they had soothing effect. An indescribable but sweet feeling came from the work of his hands. ‘Dean’ he stopped rubbing her belly. ‘Are you still mad at me?’ She noticed he was not smiling. His facial muscles were pulled together constricting all his features. ‘Yes, but you can pacify me by making love to me all night.’ He winked. ‘You just offered a challenge, I would accept it.’ Toke licked her lips seductively, she pressed her hands firmly on his laps, then they travelled slowly till she found his cock. ‘I can hardly wait.’ Dean groaned as her fingers tickled his male member. ‘Me too…’ she laughed. ‘Hahaha,’ she laughed, it was the laughter of a woman in love and he loved the sound of her voice, it brought fire to his bones. ‘I love you Toke Melaye.’ He stared deeply into her eyes. ‘I love you too…Mr. Billionaire.’
25 Feb 2019 | 02:29
25 Feb 2019 | 06:00
25 Feb 2019 | 06:00
tru out Ur relationship,,, it is all abt sex,,,,
25 Feb 2019 | 09:59
Nice ending shall
25 Feb 2019 | 10:42
25 Feb 2019 | 22:18
Love Fills the air. < Curtain Closed >
26 Feb 2019 | 14:54
This is what he ever wanted, to have kids with her but that sudden mixed up feelings delayed things. No matter what it takes, they love themselves.
27 Feb 2019 | 14:57
They had sex and more sex to show their love more and more like they always do. Getting married very soon and having more babies like he wanted. He like babies.
27 Feb 2019 | 15:05
They don't need to loose their first baby because their love is strong. Perhaps, the pregnancy doesn't look like it has gotten to that level of no hot sex.
27 Feb 2019 | 15:11
Sometimes doctors will tell the husband to sext her a little from the back side 4 some pregnancy things. Dean and Toke will be meeting their doctor very soon for details. Emma will find her own lover very soon. Dean and Toke has got a SUPER LOVE.
27 Feb 2019 | 15:29
27 Feb 2019 | 15:31
28 Feb 2019 | 07:08
interesting, nice story..
28 Feb 2019 | 07:10
It's a great feeling to have a good sex life with ur life partner
23 Mar 2019 | 02:58
I guess this can only be true love, dor them to be staffing for 2yrs and are still able to ignite the fire within them
7 Apr 2019 | 18:08
Lovely story
10 Apr 2020 | 05:51


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