The blue river

The blue river

By chimmy in 30 May 2018 | 08:49
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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(Destiny Calls)
Episode 1
:Written by #Bright_Daniel
The sun set. That was the actual time at Obinto the local fringes of Kin town when clamoring of children and bleating of goats could be heard from a distance. Resident of that area were regarded poor and had nothing to offer to the society, but when God wonna bless someone, the locality of the very person doesn't matter. There were more of young beautiful and handsome people with their grandparents there. Either they have no parents or the parents had gone to the main city to cater for them.
Sarah, a girl in her 20th with a very delicate body sat in front of their local house listening to the nearby bleating goats and clamoring of children. She wore a skirt that stopped at her knees thus making her close her legs properly as she sat quietly on a small stool. Her body complexion was totally fair but due to the environment she found herself, the fairness faded. She's quite humble but can be stubborn at times. Her parents had died years ago leaving her with her elder sister, Lora. Both lived with their grandfather in the local house.
Just as Sarah wallowed in thought, her grandfather came out from the house staring at her with pitying eyes. He moved closer. "Sarah.."
"Yes, grandpa" she looked up at him with a strange smile.
"What troubles you my daughter?"
"Nothing, I'm just waiting for my sister to come back from her trip. She's on her way now"
"Are you sure you aren't thinking over a man?"
Sarah giggled. "A man is not my problem now, grandpa"
Eric, the grandfather sat on a big wood before him thus making Sarah wonder what he wanted to say. Already, she had not come out from the thought why the grandfather would bring up the issue of a man when she didn't expect it. Therefore her sitting posture changed along side with her face showing great enthusiasm. "Grandpa, any problem?"
"Sarah," Eric began handling his staff in between his legs and being more enthusiastic too. "you may not know the reason why i asked whether you are thinking about a man. The reason is because you are special to me"
"I don't understand"
"Yes, you will not understand"
"Then make me to understand"
Eric cleared his throat. "There are things that a man as old as i am cannot not explain. Your father once told me that the first words you made as a baby was "Blue River" and that has not erased from my memory"
"Blue river" Sarah repeated thoughtfully. She looked at her grandfather with a heart beating faster than initial. "Grandpa, do you know that i always think of a blue river without knowing why? And whenever i think of myself standing beside the river, i start shedding tears" she dragged her stool closer to Eric. "What does that mean? Please, explain to me grandpa"
"It can mean several things coz a river represent so many things too but the colour of the river can only represent one thing"
"What destiny?"
"A destiny i don't know" Eric stood up to leave but turned slightly to see Sarah staring at him in confusion. "Please, be careful my daughter. A river gives life and can also take life" he concluded moving into the house again..
At Ututu, a town a bit far from Kin town, there was a young boy, Benlo strolling on the road with his friend, Jasper. Both had the same hairstyle looking as if there came from the same family. They branched at a supermarket where Jasper wanted to get something leaving Benlo outside. Suddenly, a girl came out from the market and mistakenly fell her items in front of Benlo.
"Oh, my God! Sorry, miss" he bent to help her pick the items up but a piece of paper fell from his shirt pocket without knowing.
"Thank you" the girl replied as both finally picked all the items into the bag even with the paper.
"So sorry" Benlo repeated smiling.
"Is okay thanks" the girl smiled back at him.
"I'm Benlo. This is my town"
"And I'm Lora. I'm on a journey to my town. My bus is over there waiting"
"Which town?"
"Kin town, Obinto precisely"
"That isn't far from here"
Both remained quiet until Lora excused herself going to her bus. Already, Benlo's handsomeness had bewitched her thus making her not to think straight again. She wished he calls her back for more formalities but he didn't. God answered her prayer when she found the paper inside her bag. Therefore she turned. "Hey!"
Benlo also turned to her voice. "Any problem miss Lora?"
"I guess this is yours" Lora flagged the paper before him with a smile.
"Oh, yes!" Benlo took it but gave it back to her. "You can keep it"
"Really?" Lora looked at the paper to see the drawing of a blue river. "What's it for?"
"It's just my inspiration. I can't help it but to think about a blue river"
"Wow" Lora looked at the drawing again. "It's nice, thanks"
"You're welcome"
"We might see some other time coz i do come here for business"
"Probably" Benlo watched her as she entered inside her bus..
30 May 2018 | 08:49
Hmmm... am seeing things but am gonna keep them to myself, for now at least. Next episode please.
30 May 2018 | 11:45
D way am seeing dis story,am tinkin it will b an interestin one.
31 May 2018 | 06:03
Seated oh
31 May 2018 | 06:47
This Story would be based on love and sacrifice
31 May 2018 | 06:49
31 May 2018 | 07:49
31 May 2018 | 08:09
Perfect timing, let ride on
31 May 2018 | 09:55
31 May 2018 | 10:03
bring it on
31 May 2018 | 10:03
@myraruby come ooooo
31 May 2018 | 10:03
Nice start
31 May 2018 | 16:21
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 2 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : A tap on the back reminded Benlo that he was actually waiting for somebody at the supermarket. He turned with a smiling face to see Jasper behind him. "Why were you staring at the bus, and why are you smiling?" "Lora just entered the bus" Benlo began to stroll again followed by his friend whose face looked worried wondering who Lora was. "Who is Lora, bro?" "Lora is a girl who told me her name is Lora" Benlo replied smiling at his own words. Jasper smiled along. "You have a way of making friends, and girls fall for you easily" "Yes, actually, she fell before me with her items" "She did?" "Yes" "But that isn't the type of falling I'm talking about" "That's your own cup of tea" "You know what i mean, silly boy!" Jasper gave him a friendly punch and both laughed together. : Benlo was a cool and gentle guy with an amazing talent of art. He can draw the exact image of anything he sees or thinks. His parents weren't rich neither were they poor. He arrived home that evening, went into his room and banged the door behind him. There was a large image of a blue river on the wall which he drew and painted by himself. He placed his two hands on the waist staring at it. "Why do i have this feelings that this river exist?" he thought moving closer to it. As he stared at it, tears dropped down from his eyes but he wiped it off instantly and turned to see his door opened by his father, Mr Livinus. He wore a medicated eyeglasses, a singlet and a pair of trouser. He also stared at the image on the wall. "Benlo?" "Yes, father" "Can you tell me why you choose to have this particular image hanging at every angle of your room?" "I don't know, father" Benlo sat on the edge of the bed taking a glance at the image again. He couldn't bear how he felt, so he stood up to the image again and turned to his father with all seriousness. "Father, i have feeling that this river is someone" "Where?" the father passed him to wall touching the image and feeling the texture of the material. "I don't know but.." "No but" the father interrupted. "Anything you don't know doesn't exist" he walked towards the door but turned again. "Your mother just served dinner. See you at the dining table" he walked out. *** The day had become dark when Lora arrived home. She met her grandfather sitting in front of the house, greeted him and entered into the local house. There was an electricity that generated light energy which illuminated the interior and exterior part of the building. Sarah jumped up for joy when she saw her elder sister. She collected a bag from her inside their room coz they shared only one room while the grandfather had his own room. "How was business today, Lora?" Sarah asked bringing out provisions from the bag while her sister began to undress. She was two years older than Sarah. "Fine" she replied without looking back then began to unbutton her bra. As Sarah went through the bag, she saw the paper Benlo gave Lora. She stared at it silently coz that was the exact image of the blue river she always thought about. When the quietness lingered, Lora turned to see her with the paper. "What are you doing with that!" she forcefully collected it from her. Sarah became speechless staring at her sister surprisingly. She had not disclosed to her about her new develop thinking attitude of a blue river and she wasn't ready to do so. Therefore she asked, "Lora. Where did you get that?" "Someone gave it to me" "Who?" "Come, " Lora glared at her. "Since when did u become an inspector interrogating me like a suspect?" "I'm sorry" Sarah waved it off. "Just that it's nice. Do you mind hanging it on the wall?" she requested but her sister remaind mute dressing in a domestic wear. She placed the paper back into her bag then began to walk towards the door. "Let's go make dinner" she finally said totally giving a deaf ear to Sarah's request. "Okay" Sarah followed her without minding too. *** THE NEXT DAY AT RAIN BRAIN Rain Brain was a discovery company that deals on research. The workers there were all computer wizards each having a computer before him or her. The manager, Mr Rain was a tall huge man with a dark complexion. He's heartless and gets what he wants either by cruel or crook. He doesn't believe in impossibility thus making everything possible. Suddenly, one of his female workers, Ena, called his attention. "Sir, I've found something" Mr Rain went to her desk. He looked at the screen of her computer to see the image of a blue river. "What a heck is that?" "A blue river" "Go on" "It's some kind of mysterious river located in the forest of Ezai sixty degree North" "Find more about it. If there is something useful there, I'll send my men there" Mr Rain began to walk out but Ena's voice interrupted him. "Sir, the forest might be dangerous" "It gonna be adventurous and no adventure is easy and simple, so get back to work!" he commanded..
31 May 2018 | 17:51
.wow, seems to be a nice story... move on
1 Jun 2018 | 03:02
@senatordaniel thanks for the iv
1 Jun 2018 | 03:03
Nice start!!! Following
1 Jun 2018 | 07:00
sited pls continue mr writer
1 Jun 2018 | 08:01
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 3 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Being a computer wizard, your intelligent quotient must be very high in computer and Ena had those potentials. She fixed her eyes on the computer screen decoding a lot of meaning about the blue river. She didn't get anything meanful then she quit and stood up "Will be back shortly" she told her nearest partner. She was a girl in her 26th, slim and tall with high pitch voice. : Later in the evening after Lora had gone for her normal business at Ututu town, Sarah went to her bag, brought out the paper again and began to stare at it. Her heart beat faster, legs trembled and her tears gland activated. She wiped it off intently. "Why do i cry?" she murmured involuntarily. The only thing she could think of was how to get to that river, but how could she when she doesn't know where it is? Nevertheless, she folded the paper, put on something good: a jean trouser and a fairy top. The paper found a refuge in one of the pockets then she began to go out in a hurry. Immediately she stepped out of the house, Eric, the grandfather, called, "Sarah.." She turned in a hast feeling her heartbeat. "Yes, grandpa" "The fastest legs do not know that they are seen by the fastest eyes. Where is your fastest legs taking you to?" "Umm.. i want to see a friend" "A boy or a girl" "Ah, grandpa," Sarah smiled moving closer to him. "of course a girl. Listen, you should stop all this men stuff. I have no man in my life yet" "That isn't the issue. The issue is where you are going to now?" Sarah became aware that Eric knew she was lying to him coz he brohibited them from going to the Rain Brian- that was actually where she was going with the paper to make inquiries. But the reason why they were prohibited from going there had not been made clear to them either and she didn't want to bring up the issue at the moment. Therefore, she looked at her grandfather with a factitious smile, "I just want to see a female friend. I'll be back very soon" she hurriedly left without Eric saying a word coz what an old man sees sitting down, a child cannot see it even if she climbs the highest mountain. *** The vicinity of the Rain Brain was quiet. It had a fence and all kinds of long transmitting poles. Sarah stood at the gate for a while before knocking still wondering why she and her sister were prohibited by their grandfather from entering there. Before she came out from that thought, a gateman stood before her. "Who you dey look for?" "I want to see the workers or the manager" "Check your time. Rain Brain is closed for today" Sarah became disappointed and looked around in confusion. "Please, can you direct me to the house of any of the workers?" "You won put me for trouble?" the gateman yelled. "No!" "You know what to do na" he spread his hand for a bribe, yet admiring Sarah's body.. *** If Lora went to Ututu town on that day for her little business, it would be a lie. She actually went there hoping and praying to see Benlo again. The sun had set without her seeing him, so she became disappointed. Just as she wanted to enter a bus, Benlo sighted her from where he was drinking himself out because the thought of the blue river had become so intense for him. Jasper sat before him with a pitying gesture. "Lora!" Lora turned to the direction of the voice. "Benlo?" she went there happily. "Good to see you again, sit down" Benlo gave her a seat then looked at Jasper. "This is the Lora" "Wait, you've told your friend about me already?" Lora smiled. "He demanded to know who i was staring at yesterday, so i told him" "Please to meet you, Lora" Jasper shook her hand gently. "So what are you guys celebrating?" Lora queried. "Ask him" Jasper pointed at his friend. "It's my birthday!" Benlo lied not wanting to bring up the issue of the blue river again. "Wow! Happy birthday!" Lora was more excited. The more she looked and interacted with him, the more she fell in love with him too... *** The gateman directed Sarah to Ena's house after she pleaded not to have money with her. Though, the gateman jokingly demanded for her body but they laughed it over. Ena's resident was an expensive bungalow. Sarah sat with her in the sitting room without knowing how to start. "So, what can i do for you.. um.." "It's Sarah" "Yes Sarah" "I want you to make a research on this" Sarah handed the paper to her. "It's a blue river. I can't stop thinking about it, and it seems i have a strong connection with it. Please, search and tell me where i can find it" Ena became surprise after hearing what she said coz that was exactly the blue river she showed her boss the previous day, so she looked up to her again, "Did you say you have some kind of strong connection with this river?" "Yes, you sound as if you've seen it before. Have you seen it before, ma?" Sarah asked enthusiastically.. : TBC SORRY IT CAME LATE. LACK OF POWER CAUSED IT
1 Jun 2018 | 08:48
Keep moving
1 Jun 2018 | 11:33
Love it
1 Jun 2018 | 11:35
Love it hmmmmm
1 Jun 2018 | 11:36
Babe u need to keep dis boat rolling o
1 Jun 2018 | 13:18
keep it coming, what sort of river could be that
1 Jun 2018 | 14:40
Waiting patiently to find out
1 Jun 2018 | 14:51
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 4 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Ena pretended as if she had never seen the river or knows where it can be found. "No, i have not seen it before" she replied handing the paper back to Sarah. "But I'll help you make a research on it" "Thank you very much, ma" Sarah stood up to leave. "It's Ena" "Oh, pardon my manners, Ena" "One more thing" Ena stood up too. "I will charge you five thousand naira for the research" Sarah opened her mouth surprisingly. Where would she get such amount of money from? "Umm.. Ma, sorry, i mean, Ena, i don't have the.." "Is okay" Ena interrupted her with a smile. "I was only pulling your legs" "Oh, thank you" Sarah smiled back at her. "Just come back to tomorrow or next, i might have found the answers you need" "Okay, thank you" "Welcome" Ena was quite kind. After Sarah left, she began to feel guilty for not telling her the truth. But that wasn't how they work: they don't give out informations easily. Though she never wanted to carry on with the research about the blue river but Sarah's feeling and connection motivated her to do more research on it. *** At Ututu town, Lora set to go coz the nature of the atmosphere gradually began to be dark. She could be seen with Benlo strolling on the road in a romantic locomotion. Jasper walked behind them as if to give them some privacy. "It's nice having you around, Lora" Benlo broke the silence. Though he was drunk but was still in his rightful senses. "Thank you" glanced at him. "You're drunk on your birthday" "No, I'm not drunk" "You are" "I'm not" Both stopped at the place Lora needed to enter a bus. There was an eye contact between both of them without any wanting to break the silence. "I guess i have to go now" Lora finally broke the silence but within herself, she never wanted to go wishing to spend the night in his arms. "Alright, may i have your number?" Benlo brought out his phone. "Sorry, i don't have a phone" "Really?" Benlo looked at her in disbelief. "You'll have my own number then" he gave her his number before she departed. "I think there is a force of attraction between you and this girl" Jasper said from behind then Benlo turned to him as both began to go home. "What force of attraction?" "Love" "Is love a force?" "Well, in this case, it is" Benlo remained quiet for a moment. He suddenly stopped looking at his friend with a hand on his shoulder too. "listen, Jasper, no girl, i repeat, no girl has ever interested me in my whole life, so stop this shit you called force or love" he released him and began to walk again leaving Jasper behind who wondered why he has no record of a woman in his life. He met up with him again. "But why?" "I don't know" "That's strange" "Yes, to you but not to me" Benlo concluded. *** Though Sarah came back home before Lora but she wasn't at home at the moment. She had gone to a nearby stream to fetch water forgetting to replace the paper from where she took it. Lora returned home with the excitement of gradually getting close to Benlo whom she believed had fallen in love with. She searched her bag without seeing the paper, so she angrily went outside standing at the entrance of the house while the grandfather sat on a wood taking some fresh air. "Grandpa, where is Sarah?" "She went to fetch some.." Eric saw Sarah coming with a bucket of water on her head. "here she comes" he said. Immediately Sarah sighted Lora, she remembered the paper was still in her pocket. She drew closer fearfully. "Welcome, Lora" "Where is the paper i put in my bag, Sarah?" Lora glared while their grandfather watched them from a distant. Sarah put down the bucket of water, brought out the paper and stretched it to her. "Here it is" "Why did you take it?" "I'm sorry" "That isn't the answer to my question, Sarah!" "I said I'm sorry!" "Oh, you are raising your force back at me. How dare you!" Lora raised her hand to slap her but Eric's voice interrupted her. "Don't you dare lay your hands on your sister!" "Then warn her coz she's stepping on my toes!" she flung the paper from her and went inside. Sarah remained quiet for sometimes then carried her water inside the house too. She pleaded with her sister before going to bed but she never answered her thus making her feel sad. *** THE NEXT DAY AT RAIN BRAIN Ena fixed her eyes on her computer reading every single structure of the blue river, even the source of the water. "Oh, my God!" she exclaimed going to the manager's office. "Ena what's it?" Mr Rain asked from his desk. "Sir, you won't believe this. About the blue river i told you, it's actually a source of pure gold that can generate you countless number of money!" "Are you serious?" Mr Rain stood up. "Yes, sir" "Does anybody knows about this?" Hearing the question, Ena's mind went to Sarah. "Sir, what if somebody already knows about it?" she asked. "Then the person will not live to see tomorrow" Mr Rain concluded, and Ena knew him as a man that does what he says.. : TBC
1 Jun 2018 | 15:38
Keep it coming...
1 Jun 2018 | 15:46
I hope u are not the river goddess? next
1 Jun 2018 | 17:19
ride on pls
1 Jun 2018 | 17:54
1 Jun 2018 | 19:44
Oooh so Dis all wat de blue river is about? den wat kind of connection does Sarah have with de river na???
1 Jun 2018 | 20:40
@chimmy: lack of power ke? power only comes from God, ask Him to empower you oooo,,,, oya receive power in Jesus Christ name. lol
2 Jun 2018 | 05:08
rain brain,,,, brain dat only want money and wil eliminate someone dat stand in him way,,,, hmmmmmm. but dis Lora of a sister will be a callous sister
2 Jun 2018 | 05:13
I hope u are not the river goddess? next
I have that feeling also
2 Jun 2018 | 10:30
2 Jun 2018 | 11:07
2 Jun 2018 | 11:19
Hmm this mysterious blue river self
2 Jun 2018 | 11:20
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 5 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Mr Rain stared at Ena suspiciously because the look on her face seemed more like she knew someone who already knows about the blue river, so he said with a very dangerous voice, "Ena? Have you told anybody about what you just told me or do you know anybody that already knows about the river?" "No, sir" Ena shook her head negatively. "Not at all, sir" "Good" Mr Rain picked his phone in her presence, placed it on his ear and said, "Get my chopper (helicopter) ready. We are leaving now" he dropped the call then looked at Ena again. "Remind me the location of the river again" "In the forest of Ezai, sixty degree North" Ena replied. "Good" he stepped out of the office followed by Ena whose heart began to beat for an innocent girl Sarah coz her boss can go extra mile to get or know whosoever he wonna know. *** At the residence of Eric, Lora wasn't going anywhere that day and she had been mute without exchanging words with her younger sister. That was the kind of person she was: she's hot tempered and hardly forgives or forgets something. She came into the room with a towel tied round her chest while Sarah sat on the edge of the bed in a bumshort watching her rob cream on her body. "Lora? Is unfair oh. I've apologized to you severally for taking the paper but you seem not to give me a listening ear. Okay, fine, there is something i want to tell you about the paper" Sarah paused to know what she would say but Lora didn't even look back. She continued anyways, "Grandpa said my first words as a baby were, "Blue River" and i can't stop thinking about a blue river. Each time i do, i shed uncontrollable tears. I was amazed when i saw the exact image of the river on the paper, so i became surprised and went to Rain Brain yesterday to make a research about it. That's why i took it. I'm sorry" The only statement that attracted Lora's attention was '..i can't stop thinking about a blue river..' because that was the exact statement Benlo made when giving her the paper. Though she neglected it and said, "We were warned not to go to Rain Brain" "That is my point, Lora!" Sarah stood up. "I think Grandpa has to explain to us very well why we are brohibited from going there" "I don't think that's necessary now" "It is oh. In fact.." Sarah walked out of room. Though Lora tried to call her back, but she refused. She met her grandfather in the living room, sat opposit him angrily with her hands folded. Few seconds later, Lora also came out sitting adjacent to both of them. Already, Eric had overhead their conversation thus knowing why they were there. "A child who seeks for what killed his father, what killed his father will kill him too" "What do you mean by that, grandpa?" Lora became both optimistic and enthusiastic. "I overheard both of you" "Thank God" Sarah said. "Why i don't want you to go to Rain Brian is because your father and Ken, popularly known as Mr Rain or Brain whatever he calls himself were the one to establish the company, though it wasn't doing well then. They had a serious problem that your father sue him in court. Out of greediness, wickedness and selfishness, Ken killed him when he knew he would win the case and eventually take over the company. He was also happy that your father doesn't have a male child who would one day come up to claim the company. And i tell you, Ken won't hesitate to kill any of you if he sees you there knowing that you the seed of Henry, your father" Sarah and Lora looked at each other after Eric concluded. What could they possibly do for they are just females with no financial support. *** FOREST OF EZAI. TIME CHECKED: 1:00PM : Up in the sky, Mr Rain's chopper hung above the blue river. They could see it glowing it its colour and flowing with a high current. A flexible ladder was dropped down from the chopper to the forest through they all went down coz there was no landing place for the chopper. All found themselves beside the amazing river. They had never seen such a river before with much beauty added to the gold that sparkled in it and at its bank. They were five heavy men with heavy guns who guided Mr Rain as he smiled looking at the golds. "This is it!" he laughed heroically. "Get one of those golds for me" he ordered one of the men. The man hung his gun, stepped a foot into the river, bent down, put his hand in it to bring out what he was told but couldn't explain his experience. He straightened up looking at his boss. "What's it?" Mr Rain frowned. "Boss, i tried to take the gold but can't bring it out" "What a heck do you mean?" he bent down himself to pick another gold but experienced the same thing. He straightened up. "This is strange" he stepped backward. "Boss, this river is mysterious" "Nonsense! It can be deadly for all i care, i believe in possibilities" he ordered another man to dig up the gold but the man ended up carried by the river instantly and mysteriously... : TBC
2 Jun 2018 | 12:07
2 Jun 2018 | 12:17
i think is only Sarah can carry it
2 Jun 2018 | 13:55
Mr rain ur greediness is too much
2 Jun 2018 | 13:56
hmmn keep it rolling
2 Jun 2018 | 14:14
its only d one dat d river wants dat can dig up d gold and dis time I wish d current of dat river will sweep brain away,,,
2 Jun 2018 | 16:10
Is only Shara and Benlo can bring d gold out
2 Jun 2018 | 17:45
The river is very mysterious but Becos of greed,u guys r blinded n gonna meet ur death,one down several more to go!!!
2 Jun 2018 | 20:32
Good 4 U Mr Rain
3 Jun 2018 | 03:58
Mr rain do you believe it strange now
3 Jun 2018 | 06:27
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 6 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : The man that vanished through the flowing river got others scared even Mr Rain thereby making all to run away from the river bank. No one said a word as all readily positioned their guns. "Sir, i think we should get out of here" one of the men broke the silence. "That's a good idea but we aren't given up" Mr Rain replied. "Mount cameras at every angle of the river" he instructed. That is to tell you that he was well prepared before coming. He watched the men mount camera at every corner of the river then contacted the Rain Brain centre especially Ena to confirm if they could see the river live on their screen and the response was positive. They went home. *** Mr Rain critically thought about what happened at the river then began to suspect Ena. He called her to his personal house. The house was a mansion with classic furniture. One could see a glass centre table that reflected his image as he walked to and fro with a wine in his hand. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the river. Suddenly, Ena entered in a short skirt and blouse. "Sir, you called" "Sit down" Ena took a seat likewise him. "What happened at the river today tell me that something is wrong somewhere and only you can figure out the answer" "How sir?" "I should be asking you how" Ena began to sense that her boss was heading somewhere, so her heart began to beat faster. "Sir.. i.. i don't know.." "Ena" Mr Rain interrupted. "There was a question you asked me. You said what will i do if someone already knows about the river. That shows you know someone who already knows about it, true or false?" "False sir" "Then why did you ask the question?" "Umm.. nothing, sir" Ena swallowed hard. "It was just a slip of tongue" "Okay" Mr Rain ordered her to go but still suspected something. Just as she reached the door, he said, "Ena? If i find out that you're lying to me, hope you know what i will do to you" Ena remained quiet staring at him, the more she stared, the more she remembered the number of his workers he wasted their lives. Therefore she shook her head. "Yes, sir, i know" she clutched the doorknob and went out. *** Lora became moody in her room thinking about what her grandfather told them. "How can people be so cruel and wicked? We should be the ones managing Rain Brain, we should be rich not being held in this stinking hole all in the name of we are female and don't have right to fight for what is rightfully ours" she deviated from that thought to the statement her younger sister made earlier. "Sarah thinks about a blue river, the same river Benlo drew telling me he can't help but to think about it. What's going on?" she asked rhetorically in thought. : However, Sarah had gone back to the residence of Ena but was more careful than initial coz she had been revealed about the truth behind the company and the manager himself. Ena wore a milky robe with two permanent belt which she tied across her abdomen wearing only her pant inside. She believed it was okay since she was the only person in the house. She sat before Sarah and crossed her legs with a glass of water in her hand. "Welcome, Sarah" "Thank you.. Ena" "I made a research on the blue river" "Did you get to know anything about it?" Sarah became curious. "No" Ena shook her head, but within her she felt bad for lying knowing that the river is somehow spiritually connected to her. Sarah became disappointed. "Okay, i have to go now" she stood up walking to the door but Ena called her and stood up breathing hastily coz what she was about to do will put both lives in danger but she needed to free her conscience. "Actually, Sarah, i found such a river.." "Really?" Sarah came back in excitement. "Yes, it's in the forest of Ezai sixty degree North. You aren't going there, are you?" Sarah noticed her hand in which she held the glass cup of water trembling. "Ena, your hand is trembling. What's the matter?" "Nothing" Ena dropped the cup. "I have given you the information you need. You can go now" she sat down. After Sarah observed her attitude for a while, she left the sanctum. *** THE NEXT DAY @UTUTU TOWN Benlo could be seen bringing out the large image of the blue river from the wall and wrapping it in a carton with selotape. He hurried out with it in the living room just to see his parents watching a T.V. programme. "Where are you going, son?" the mother asked. "To Kin town" he replied standing at the door. "What for?" the father queried with a T.V. remote in his hand. "Wonna go make a research about the blue river at Rain Brain. Father, the feelings is becoming too intense for me. I can't bear anymore. Wherever the river is, i must get there sooner or later otherwise, boom! you'll see your son dancing naked at the market square" he clutched the doorknob and rushed out. How would he know that Mr Rain won't think twice to kill him if he finds out he knows about the river? : TBC TONIGHT
3 Jun 2018 | 06:33
3 Jun 2018 | 09:36
benlo u need to be careful
3 Jun 2018 | 10:51
I think benlo and Sarah are siblings or benlo is related to Sarah's father in some way and they are the rightful owners of the gold
3 Jun 2018 | 11:32
3 Jun 2018 | 12:46
Hm, trouble oo
3 Jun 2018 | 13:02
God will help you
3 Jun 2018 | 13:08
hmmmmmm,,,, I hope benlo will not go to mr rain directly,,,, he should go to ena 1st ooo
3 Jun 2018 | 13:19
Suicide mission
3 Jun 2018 | 13:59
hmmn sarah dnt go oo
3 Jun 2018 | 15:23
Am smelling danger
3 Jun 2018 | 16:56
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 7 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Benlo was seen entering Rain Brain with his big box containing the blue river image. He bounced inside to see all workers busy. They were set of people whom their computers showed the river flowing live on the screen. When he saw it, he became shocked moving to the chamber but Ena who came out from the manager's office blocked him. "What do you want young man?" "I want that" he pointed at the live blue river flowing on the screen. He also saw the name of the forest and the location beside it. Hearing that, Ena dragged him out of the place to the corridor. "Are you insane?" "What do you mean?" Benlo became surprise. "Listen, I'm going crazy!" he opened the image positioning it before her. Ena became more surprise seeing the exact image Sarah brought to her and also the image of he live blue river that displaced on the computer screen through the camera mounted at the forest. "I can't help but to think of this river. I believe i have a strong connection with it. I only came here to make a research about it but to see it live on the screen of those computers. You have to tell me something" "I have nothing to tell you. Whosoever you are, if you wonna live to see tomorrow, better leave this place now!" Ena shouted. "But why?" Just then, Ena heard the manager's voice coming. She dragged the image from Benlo, threw it inside a nearby trash-can and closed it before Mr Rain came out to see both of them standing Suspiciously. Already, Benlo had became totally confused without knowing what was going on. "Ena, you should be working" Mr Rain looked at Benlo. "Young man what are you doing here?" "I came to.." "He is my cousin brother" Ena interrupted immediately feeling her heartbeat. "He just arrived from school, so he came to collect the key to my house" she brought out her house key then stretched it to Benlo. "This it, take it and leave. Make sure you cook something to eat" Benlo reluctantly collected the key while Mr Rain also went out from there reluctantly believing that something wasn't just right there. He entered into his car while Ena entered inside the company, both leaving only Benlo there in confusion... *** As Sarah contemplated how she would begin her journey to the forest of Ezai, Lora came in and sat with her on the bed. Both in different skirt and top. "What are you thinking, Sarah?" Lora broke the silence. "Nothing serious" Sarah glanced at her with a smile. "Anything the problem?" "I want to tell you something" "Go on" "It's about a guy" "Wow!" Sarah turned properly facing her. "I'm all ears" Lora wanted to tell her about Benlo in case if there were any connections between him and her sister, she would know from the interaction. "His name is Benlo, i met him at Ututu town" she looked at her sister. "Do you know him?" "Why should i know him?" "He was actually the one who gave me that paper telling me that he can't stop thinking about a blue river" Hearing that, Sarah's face changed along with her heartbeat. Before she knew it, she began to feel goose pimples all over her body forgetting herself. "Sarah?" Lora brought back her attention. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine" she smiled. "So, what about this guy?" "I love him and i can't wait to date him" "Wow, thank God, you're in love" "Yeah" Lora remained quiet for a while. "What about you? Don't you have someone you love?" Sarah shook her head. "No, men don't come my way" "I see. Can you tell me more about this blue river of a thing?" Lora requested and Sarah was happy to share the story with her. *** Ena watched Mr Rain drove out from the window before she came back to Benlo again and forcefully dragged her key from him. "I just saved your life. Now leave and never return!" "I'm confuse, why did you pretend.." "I said leave!" Ena hurriedly began to enter back into the company. "And don't forget to carry your image!" her voice echoed from inside. Benlo sluggishly opened the trash-can, carried his board and began to go. At least the only information he needed was where the river could be found and he saw the answer on the screen of one of those computers. He returned home, picked his father's cutlass and began to sharpen it inside his room. The board containing the image of the river dropped on the floor. Even the room itself looked nasty. It was more like a room that is about to be abandoned. Benlo sharpened the knife with all seriousness sweating in his white singlet. Suddenly, his parents entered like ghosts. They thought their only son was gradually getting mad . "Benlo" the father called. "Father" he replied without looking at him rather began to feel the sharpness of the cutlass on his fingers tips. "What are you doing?" "I'm preparing" "For what?" "For my journey to the forest of Ezai" "My son, please, don't go anywhere" the mother wanted to cry. "Telling me not to go is like telling me to die, mother. I must get there!" Benlo concluded unabashedly.. : TBC
3 Jun 2018 | 20:27
Lemme go and buy hollandia yoghurt,i'm coming...
4 Jun 2018 | 03:42
very interesting but d episodes are too short
4 Jun 2018 | 07:56
Be careful
4 Jun 2018 | 08:49
hmmn am smelling danger oo
4 Jun 2018 | 09:05
there is so much hidden secrets and they can cost lives,,,, Sarah and benlo be careful
4 Jun 2018 | 10:35
4 Jun 2018 | 10:46
4 Jun 2018 | 12:01
@Nontex Dick no need to go and buy am giving for free here.
4 Jun 2018 | 13:20
Hmm,be careful boy
4 Jun 2018 | 13:26
Ena...maybe u should tell them more that u people are watching that the risky is risky risky risky
4 Jun 2018 | 13:55
Sarah...u have this connection with this blue river,u got to be careful because there is an enemy
4 Jun 2018 | 14:02
0 Likes u know why she took it and from there u got to know about some family secret
4 Jun 2018 | 14:07
Benlo...u are gonna be careful about this blue river like all she told u and u know u got some connections too
4 Jun 2018 | 14:14
Mr rain...u fu<king loser,u go around killing people just because of some of these things
4 Jun 2018 | 14:20
Danger is coming
4 Jun 2018 | 15:46
U are digging ur grave small,small
4 Jun 2018 | 16:48
I think benlo's parents know sometin
5 Jun 2018 | 05:47
6 Jun 2018 | 03:10
6 Jun 2018 | 08:31
be careful oo
6 Jun 2018 | 14:09
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 8 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Benlo glanced at his wrist watch inside the room as his parents stared at him. The time wasn't favourable anymore, so he dropped the cutlass and collapsed on the bed. Seeing that, the parents gradually went out of the room silently. : On the other hand, at Ena's residence, Ena walked to and fro in her living room with a glass of alcoholic drink in her hand wearing a jean trouser and a white handless top. Her breasts weren't voluminous neither was her butt but had an amazing and attractive beauty. On her feet were heel shoes that echoed as she walked in thought. "Two different people showing me the same image of the blue river telling me they have a strong connection with it" she drank a quantity of the drink and twisted her face. "That river is mysterious. I pray nothing happens to me" she concluded in thought. *** THE NEXT DAY As Lora prepared to go to Ututu town, so as Sarah was preparing to visit the forest of Ezai secretly. Lora carried her story about the blue river in mind, that was actually why she was going to Ututu to tell Benlo about it but at getting there and calling him on the phone through a call centre, Jasper picked the call. "Hello, Benlo, it's Lora" "Lora? It's Jasper. Where are you?" "Where is Benlo?" "It's a long story, just tell me your location" Lora did as he said. Within some minutes, both met at a lonely place. Lora looked at him. "Where is Benlo?" "He left his phone with me and went to a forest" "Why? What forest?" Jasper looked at her as if to trust her. "Benlo had been having strange feelings about a blue river. Knowing the location it is in the forest of Ezai, he went there" "Blue river" Lora repeated thoughtfully but suddenly looked at Jasper. "Something is wrong somewhere. That's what i came to tell him coz my younger sister is having the same feelings about a blue river" "You mean your sister is also.." Jasper paused. "This is strange" Both remained quiet thinking critically until Lora hurried out. "I'll give you a call" "Where are you going to?!" Jasper asked but she didn't reply as she entered into the next available bus heading straight home. When she got home, her sister was nowhere to be found too. She went to her grandfather's room to see him lying face up on the bed with hands on his chest and eyes closed. "Grandpa?" she slowly moved closer. "Grandpa!" Eric opened his eyes. "Lora, you came back so soon" "Where is Sarah?" "She has gone out" "To where?" "To satisfy her curiosity" "I don't understand" "She has gone to the forest of Ezai where she believed the blue river is" Hearing that, Lora stepped out thoughtfully. "No, it can't be" she began to run to the main town where she called Jasper for them to meet again. They finally met at Ututu. Jasper could see her face lookin worried. "What's the problem, Lora?" "Something is wrong somewhere?" "What?" "I went home only to hear that my sister has gone to the same forest too" "What?" Jasper became surprise. "How? I mean why? Did they plan it? I mean do they know each other?" "I don't know! You have to take me to that forest too" "Really?" "Yes!" Jasper reasoned her request. "Okay, I'll like to follow you too" They got prepared and began the unexpected journey to the forest of Ezai. : Seconds turned to minutes and minutes to hours, thus, bringing the day to an end, yet, Sarah had not gotten to the blue river neither had Benlo found his destination. Also, Jasper and Lora hadn't seen them or the river but all were inside the forest. Jasper looked up to see a mountain before then directed his eyes to Lora. "This journey has become adventurous. Thank God you're putting on a trouser" "What do you mean by that?" Lora frowned. "We gonna climb this mountain. We might see Benlo or your sister through there, or even the blue river" "I have a feeling that we gonna spend the night here" "I have a feeling that your sister and Benlo have something in common" Hearing that, Lora disdained him coz she was already getting jealous. She began to climb the mountain followed by Jasper. As he claimed, Benlo's phone fell from his pocket to the base of the mountain and scattered. "Oh, my God!" "What!" Lora asked from above. "Our only source of communication is died and gone!" "How can you be so careless! Gush!" They finally made it to the top of the mountain. They saw nothing but forest at every angle. There were no buildings, river, animals, or even a human being. Therefore Jasper looked at Lora. "I'm beginning to buy your idea now. I guess i gonna spend the night here" he looked around again. "Oh God, am i watching a movie or am in a movie?" he asked panting dramatically. "Sarah!!" Lora shouted supporting her mouth with her palms to enable her voice go far. In return, she heard nothing but the echo of her own voice, so she sat down hopelessly. Seeing that, Jasper sat beside her too then both looked at each other... : TBC TONIGHT SORRY IT CAME VERY LATE
8 Jun 2018 | 07:38
sorry for late update
8 Jun 2018 | 07:39
interesting next pls
8 Jun 2018 | 18:16
its gonna be suspense story sacrifices nd predestined destiny to accomplish the civilize nd uncivilized called the future people, its interesting
8 Jun 2018 | 22:34
9 Jun 2018 | 09:51
Apology accepted.... Following
9 Jun 2018 | 09:51
this story is going to be full of surprises
9 Jun 2018 | 10:39
this story is full of suspense! anyway i dey ur back
9 Jun 2018 | 11:33
Getting Interesting
9 Jun 2018 | 12:06
9 Jun 2018 | 14:55
I love pls
9 Jun 2018 | 20:23
10 Jun 2018 | 09:47
ride on
10 Jun 2018 | 17:36
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 9 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Lora and Jasper averted their eyes from each other on top of the mountain. They admired the beauty of God's creature from the there. Suddenly, Jasper began to giggle. "What's funny?" Lora looked at him. "How did we start this type of journey that has become an adventure without food or water?" he queried. "That isn't my problem now" "Then what.. oh, i know; you are actually worried about your love, Benlo. Don't worry, he's a brave and a strong man. He will be okay" "Excuse me?" Lora frowned. "Stop acting silly, that's not my problem. My problem is how we gonna locate them" "Don't worry, according to Benlo, the blue river is at sixty degree North" "How do you know it?" Jasper stood up then pointed at the direction of the located area he just mentioned, then Lora became surprise standing up too. "Did you study geography?" she asked. "Yes" "I see.. Let's go" she gradually began to climb down the mountain followed by Jasper again. Darkness finally covered the atmosphere except the bright moonlight that illuminated any open area of the forest. Due to Benlo was prepared, he cut out some leaves as a bed and gathered dead grasses after which he set them on fire. He stood before it with the cutlass in his hand. He wore a pair of trouser with a thick shirt that had a covering cap above it. He was actually brave as Jasper described. As he stood before the fire, so as Sarah stood before her own fire at another angle of the forest. Both did the same thing at the same time and said the same time at the same time which proved they were actually destined and protected by the river. But why both of them? That was a question they would find the answer as time goes on. "God, "Benlo began likewise Sarah. "let your will be done in this forest. Protect me and guide me to the blue river" both laid down in sleep. Jasper and Lora had no fire on but the moon gave them light coz the were at an open area sitting opposite each other. Suddenly, Lora became afraid and changed her position to the side of Jasper. "What? Are you scared?" "Aren't you scared too?" "My father use to tell me that in times like this only the guilty heart becomes afraid for nothing" "I don't buy that idea" Lora objected. "Fear is a natural thing. It comes at any time whether your heart is pure or not" They became quiet listening to the sound of creepy animals. "I can't still believe Benlo and your sister. What connection do they have?" Jasper broke the silence. "They have no connection. It's just a coincidence of feelings and thought" Lora objected again coz she couldn't imaging Benlo and her younger sister doing otherwise for she was madly in love with him. "What do you also call our own journey, a coincidence of thought and feelings?" Jasper queried. "That's your business" Lora laid down to sleep. : THE NEXT DAY Sarah could hear the current of the river flowing from afar. She hurried up skipping several stones and rocks. There was an excitement expression on her face as she began to run. A bottle of water and small bag dangled on her waist. Within a small period of time, lo and behold, she stood beside the blue river staring at it. She couldn't explain how she felt. Though she could see the gold but didn't know what they were. As she stood there happily, Benlo arrived from the other side of the river in a way both faced and stared at each other's eyes. The cutlass fell from his hand when he saw her. The joy and fulfilment in their hearts activated their tears glands and both began to shed tears. "Who are you?" they asked at the same time then looked at the river to see the shape of love formed by the golds but suddenly dispers. Benlo, who had never been attracted by a girl looked at Sarah and began to fall in love with her. Sarah, who had no man in her life believed she had found the man after her heart. All this happened without them knowing why. : Back to Rain Brian, one of the male workers saw Sarah and Benlo on the screen and summoned their boss who arrived instantly. Ena was also there looking at the screen. She was surprise to see them there and also knew that she was in trouble coz Mr Rain recognised Benlo. Therefore he looked at her. "Isn't that boy your cousin brother? You betrayed me, Ena!" "Is not what you think, sir" Ena's heart nearly beat off her chest. Mr Rain directed his eyes back to the screen to see the two lovers entering into the blue river and eventually picking up the golds easily! "Go to the forest, don't leave those idiots alive" he instructed his men who began to run out. He looked at his personal body-guards-two huge men. "Take this stupid lady out. You know what to do" he pointed at Ena. The men held Ena's arms painfully leading her out of the company. She knew within herself that she was taking out to be killed coz that wasn't the first time.... : TBC HERE THE STORY STARTS
11 Jun 2018 | 07:26
Chai wahala... Chai
11 Jun 2018 | 10:53
This man is EVIL!
11 Jun 2018 | 11:06
Ghen ghen
11 Jun 2018 | 11:22
11 Jun 2018 | 12:53
i know they will fall in love
11 Jun 2018 | 12:57
mr rain u can't have what was destined for others.... I pity ena, hope she will be saved by some miracle..... it's now interesting, ride on
11 Jun 2018 | 13:51
this man needs to be tot a big lesson ooo,,,, how can u be killing pple like u are killing fowl
11 Jun 2018 | 15:26
I know Mr Rain's men will never succeed killing dem cos de river will protect dem n even kill de perpetrators rather!!!
11 Jun 2018 | 16:39
trouble dey ooooo.......I hope ena survive this and I know she will
11 Jun 2018 | 18:56
This man is a devil
11 Jun 2018 | 19:06
Oh God pls safe Eno. Benlo and Serah are safe , so sure of dat.
11 Jun 2018 | 19:22
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 10 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Ena was led by the two huge men towards the same forest of Ezai to be executed. The men had small guns in their suits thus no one suspected them on the way until they finally got to their destination in the forest-but several kilometers away from where the blue river is. The arena was covered by shrubs and canopy trees. Already, one of the men had brought out his gun trying to push Ena forward to pull the trigger but she swiftly turned along with her leg and hit the gun off his hand then began to run into the forest. "Fuck!" the other man brought out his gun instantly and shot several bullets towards her direction but none touched her except one that scratched off the flesh of her leg thus giving her an injury. They men pursued her. : Back to the blue river, Benlo and Sarah picked up some golds gradually entering into the water until they stood very close to each other in the middle of the flowing river looking at each other's eyes too. Benlo began to cares her cheek. "I feel.. i feel.." "Satisfied?" Sarah interrupted. "Yes, how do you know?" "Coz i feel the same way too" They remained quiet again, yet, Benlo's hand never departed from her cheek. "I feel like.. like.. like.." "You've known me before now?" Sarah interrupted again. "Yes, how do you know?" "Coz i feel the same way too. All my life I've wished to be here. I always had the feelings that this river exist until.." "What's your name?" Benlo interrupted her. "Sarah" "I guess we were destined to be here, Sarah" "I feel the same way, umm.." "It's Benlo" "Benlo?" Sarah repeated thoughtfully. The name sounded familiar coz her sister once mentioned it to her but she couldn't remember again. "Any problem, Sarah?" "Oh, no problem. So what now?" Benlo looked at his hand likewise Sarah to see the golds. "We are actually rich" he said. "How?" Sarah asked. "Don't you know what these are?" "Yes, i don't" "They are.." "Wow! Golds!!" a male voice interrupted from behind Benlo. That was Jasper who rushed into the river trying to pick several of it without minding the two lovers but he couldn't pick any. Already, Lora stood at a spot looking at her sister and Benlo whose eyes caught with hers. "Lora?" they called at the same time, then Benlo looked at Sarah and asked, "Do you know her?" "She's my elder sister. How do you know her too?" "I've known her for days now" Sarah wanted to meet her speechless sister but the sound of helicopter came from above. Before they knew it, bullets began to drop on the arena especially in the river. "Run!" Benlo shouted picking his cutlass and dragging Sarah by the hand followed by Lora. Jasper was the last person who couldn't leave the golds but when a bullet nearly touch him, nobody reminded him to run like hare. The men climbed down from the chopper pursuing them into the innermost part of the forest with guns. : On the other hand, the two huge men who were also pursuing Ena into the innermost part of the same forest stopped and panted hastily. "Mehn, i can't believe this girl escaped" one of them said. "She will actually die in the forest" another said putting back his gun inside his suit. "We she tell Mr Rain that she's dead" "Good idea. Let's get a hell out of here" *** At Rain Brain, the two body-guides arrived. They met Mr Rain in his office who had seen not only Sarah and Benlo on the screen but Jasper and Lora too. That drove him mad thus making him more angry. He glared at the men before him from his seat. "What?" "Sir, it was done successfully" "Good. Get back to your duty posts" he commanded. *** Jasper finally met up with others as they ran none stop flinging away several grasses on their way. Sarah ran beside Benlo likewise Lora but at another side. They could hear the men pursuing them, even the sound of guns. When they knew that they wouldn't outrun them, they hid inside thick grasses. One of the men came around there standing with his gun. His eyes diverted to several places without knowing that his feet were at the face of Benlo and co who tried to control their breathing rate in order not to expose themselves. They could see the man's legs clearly that even a stretch of hand can bring him down. Benlo thought of that but it seemed Sarah read his mind then shook her head negatively for him not to even try it. Lora observed that but got jealous. The man left. *** Hours later, the chopper landed at Rain Brain and all the men came out standing before their boss. "Sir, they escaped" "You must be joking. How come?" "We don't know, sir" "Now listen to me you fools, you must get back to that forest and don't come back until you bring those children here either dead or alive!" Mr Rain commanded.. *** Benlo and his friends got tired of running then all stood at a place to catch their breath. Lora glared at her sister. "Tell me what you're doing with Benlo now" she demanded unabashedly... : TBC TODAY
12 Jun 2018 | 02:13
next pls
12 Jun 2018 | 07:22
hmmmmmm,,,, dis Lora is a fool
12 Jun 2018 | 08:19
trouble is ahead u ar stil jealous girls sha
12 Jun 2018 | 08:29
move on
12 Jun 2018 | 09:39
12 Jun 2018 | 09:43
jealousy, I see
12 Jun 2018 | 10:07
ride on
12 Jun 2018 | 13:29
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 11 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Lora's question got everybody surprised in the forest. Jasper didn't care rather sat down on the ground still trying to catch his breath. However, Sarah herself didn't know what to answer her sister as she stood beside Benlo as if they had known each other for years. When the quietness lingered, Lora repeated her question in different way, "Sarah, how come you know Benlo?" "I don't know him, i mean i didn't know him" she replied. "But you know him now, right?" Sarah remained quiet while Benlo interfered. "Listen, Lora, there is something going on in the spiritual world. Your sister and i have never met except few hours ago but i believe we were meant to meet at the blue river after we expressed our feelings and thought" "What feelings and thought?" "It's obvious your sister and i have been having feelings and thinking about the blue river for years. We meeting here at the same time has a significant" "What significant?" "I don't know!" Benlo concluded. They all remained quiet again looking at one another except Jasper who seemed uninterested. He was actually thinking about the gold he couldn't get in his hands. Benlo asked him, "Jasper, what are you both doing here?" "Are you kidding me?" Jasper glared at him in a funny way. "I should be asking you what you're doing with a girl you've never seen or met. The most painful part of it is that, you were so carried away by her beauty that you didn't even notice the golds in the river" "But i have one" Benlo brought out a gold. "Wow!" Jasper stood up instantly and collected it. "I'm rich!!" he shouted and looked at him. "But I couldn't pick any, why?" "I have no idea" Benlo answered. Just then, Sarah remembered when her sister mentioned the name 'Benlo' as the man she wished to date. Therefore, she walked to her calmly. "Lora? I guess he's the Benlo you told me about. Please, don't take it as if.. you know.." she whispered to her ear. "there's absolutely nothing going on between us. He's still yours" she straightened up and looked at her with a smile. "What was that?" Benlo asked. "Nothing, women stuff" Sarah replied holding her sister's hand. Lora looked at her. "I was actually worried about you and him, that's why we came" "Thank you" Sarah smiled. "Now, how are we gonna get out of here?" Lora asked looking at Benlo. "I think we should be asking why those men were pursuing us and who they are" "Are you guys talking about leaving?" Jasper interfered. "Do you think the blue river brought both of you here to meet each other and go back to poverty? What about the golds?!" "I think we need answers for these questions; the gun men, the blue river, the gold and others" Sarah said. "And who can provide the answers?" Benlo asked. "I think my grandfather can" Lora suggested. Just then, they heard the sound of helicopter coming from afar. "I guess they are back again" Benlo said looking up and looked down again. "We should remain strong, no matter what. Let's run!" They began to run again without knowing where they were running to. : On the other hand, Ena stopped running. She sat down on a rock to see the injury on her leg created by a flying bullet. She tore her trouser from there to enable breeze enter into the wound. She took off her shirt leaving only an inner were like singlet which covered up her bra. As she used the shirt to clear the wound, she sighted the helicopter going from afar then ran after it believing that she might meet Sarah or see the blue river there. : There were many men who came down from the helicopter running into the innermost forest with guns. Ena finally reached the blue river but didn't go close to it knowing that cameras were there. Therefore, she took another road which would make it easier to meet up with Sarah and others. : After running for a long time, Jasper stopped likewise others. "Listen, if we continue running, we won't know anything about those men. It's better we let them catch us, from there, we know who they are and why there are chasing us" "You won't be alive to know who they are" a female voice came behind a bush. All directed their eyes there to see Ena. "Ena?" Sarah smiled. Seeing her, Benlo recalled seeing the blue river at Rain Brian. "It's you" "Yes, it's me" Ena walked forward. "You actually put me into this after trying to safe your life coz my boss wouldn't have thought twice before putting a bullet on your head if he had known that you know about the river. After they saw you guys through the camera, i was sentenced to death by him but luckily, i escaped" "So your boss is the one who wants us killed" Jasper interfered. "Yes, and he will never stop until he sees all of us dead" They became quiet for a while. "So, Ken wants us dead" Lora broke the silence. "How do you know his real name?" Ena became surprise. "Him and my late father have a history together" she replied thus getting them confuse and inquisitive... : TBC TONIGHT
12 Jun 2018 | 15:28
Sarah...u have come a long way and met your connected boyfriend in the blue river
12 Jun 2018 | 18:40
Benlo...this is that time u have been longing 4...right there in the blue river u saw your girl with the same feelings
12 Jun 2018 | 18:44
Lora...u were still friends with him,what u saw is a different thing,i still don't think anyone or thing can stop them
12 Jun 2018 | 21:49
Ena...u will keep on doing this until this battle is over...u are with them right to do the right thing
12 Jun 2018 | 21:55
Jasper...u guys should try your best to survive all these things coming your ways
12 Jun 2018 | 22:03
This mr brain is a wicked man and he's still looking 4 a way to hurt them all
12 Jun 2018 | 22:19
dis Lora sef,,, you think u having a feelings and loving d guy can make him urs? Hav u forgotten two can not walk togeda except dey agree?, so u can't Hav benlo no mata wat
13 Jun 2018 | 06:15
interesting,,,, move on
13 Jun 2018 | 07:59
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 12 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : All concentrated on Lora except her sister who stood beside her. They wanted to hear nothing but the history she talked about forgetting that they were gun men after their precious lives. "So, what history does my boss.. sorry, my formal boss had with your late father?" Ena asked. "My father and Ken established Rain Brain at first.." Lora retold the story. "So, your father is the rightful owner of Rain Brian? "Ena became surprise. "And Ken killed your father too? That man is heartless!" Benlo looked at the two sisters. "I hope you guys have a plan of getting what is rightfully yours" The girls shruggled along with their heads showing that they had no plan to do that. "They don't even need the company anymore!" Jasper began while they looked at him. "Why do they need the company when they have golds?" "That reminds me" Ena inferred looking at Benlo and Sarah "You both were able to pick out the golds while my boss tried but couldn't" "Even me too" Jasper added. "Why? And how did both of you get there at the same time?" Ena asked. "We still don't know. There are many questions we need answers for but don't know how to get them" Benlo replied. "Everything that is happening in the river is mysterious, even the river itself" Ena concluded, then Sarah glanced at her wounded leg. "What happened to you?" "A bullet scratched my flesh. All thanks to.." "It's Benlo" Benlo helped. "See, I'm sorry, now i know you saved my life" "But how did you figure out where the river is?" "I saw the location on the computer screen when i entered the company" Everywhere remained quiet as their minds wandered at different things. Fresh leaves rattled, wind blew off dead ones, insects flew at close rang and animals made noise from afar. "Now what?" Jasper broke the silence. "Ken's men are in this forest now looking for us" Ena began. "And believe you me, they aren't gonna stop until they have us killed. This has become pure adventurous in nature, so we have to stay strong. Running won't save us. The only thing is to defeat them and take their guns before planning how to get out of here" "Deal" Jasper supported. "Sssshh" Benlo sighed making all to listen. They heard footsteps coming from part of the bush then all dispersed hiding at a safer place but still within the arena. Benlo claimed the nearest tree. A man with a gun first arrived and Benlo saw him from the tree. Suddenly, he jumped down on him thus kicking the gun off from his hand and trying to strangle him too but the man hit him off with a strong blow that made his nose bled. Seeing that, Ena ran out, picked the gun and pointed it at the man. "Kiss my ass!" she said and pulled the trigger immediately he turned. "Run!" They began to run even those that were still hiding. Another man who just arrived began to shoot at their direction before others arrived to see one of their men dead. "Fuck!" the man exclaimed. "What a heck is Ena doing here?!" "Ena?" another repeated. Did you actually see her?" "Yes!" "Go after them now!" They began to chase them again. : The day began to get dark. Eric didn't worry about his grandchildren because he knew where they were. Only Mr and Mrs Livinus, Benlo's parents, worried about their only son. At Rain Brain, the men arrived with the dead body of one of them and placed it before Mr Rain. "Sir, Ena did this, she killed him" "Ena?" Mr Rain looked at his body-guards. "How can Ena be with those children when i told you to kill her?" "We're sorry sir, maybe she survived the bullet" one of them replied fearfully. "I guess you gonna survive this too" Mr Rain opened the man's suit, brought out his gun and shot him to death. He looked at the group of men again. "Get prepared, you're going back to that forest again first thing tomorrow morning and don't come back without Ena's head" *** Benlo and co stopped running to rest a bit. They were happy they had a gun with them handled by Ena. Benlo sat down still bleeding from the nose. When Lora saw it, he met him and said, "Allow me" she squat before him, held his head and began to clean the bleeding nose with her shirt. When Sarah saw them in such position, she became jealous but tried so hard not to show it. Immediately Benlo looked at her direction, she averted her eyes instantly. After Lora finished, she stared into his eyes. "I'm done" "Thanks" Benlo appreciated. Just then, they began to hear voices of people. "Can you hear that?" Jasper asked. "Yes" Lora turned. All followed the voices. They finally hid at a secret place watching where it was coming from; It was community! The citizens were more like primitive human beings using animal skin as cloth and having tribal marks on their faces. Their house were made of palm-front and sticks. Their women were very beautiful having only their breasts and waists covered. Seeing all that from the secret place, Jasper shouted, "Oh, my God!" : TBC GOOD NIGHT
13 Jun 2018 | 08:03
i think they are under attack
13 Jun 2018 | 10:14
Benlo...this is another thing u guys are doing to survive,to fight them to the end
13 Jun 2018 | 11:58
Sarah...u saw your connected man with another but there is nothing to worry about,he's yours
13 Jun 2018 | 12:02
0 Likes that u have told them about the history...they have got your back and ya sister
13 Jun 2018 | 12:06
Ena...u did a good job during the fight...try your best to be stronger and fight to the end and survive
13 Jun 2018 | 12:10
Jasper...try as much as u can,don't give up in this fight until u guys wins the battle
13 Jun 2018 | 12:15
Perfect match
13 Jun 2018 | 14:57
Lora, Benlo nd Sarah were meant to be, don't fight it
13 Jun 2018 | 15:24
interesting... move on
13 Jun 2018 | 16:55
Am really living
13 Jun 2018 | 20:32
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 13 : Written by #Bright_Daniel : "Is someone seeing what I'm seeing?" Jasper whispered at the secret place where they watched the villagers in animal skin. "Could it be these people are still in the primitive age? No, this must be a movie" As all filled their eyes with the uncharacteristic environment and villagers, they fell down instantly and loss consciousness-There were people, a few warriors of the village behind them who stun them with a sharp poisonous sticks that rendered them unconscious. They were tied, carried to the village square and villagers gathered around looking at them strangely as if they were from another planets. The type of clothes they saw on their bodies became the pike of their surprising facing. The four warriors who caught them where seen bouncing to the royal house with their long sharp stick they called spare. Their black buttocks could be slightly seen through some part of the animal skin on their waist. They finally stood before the king of the village who was sitting on his throne wearing an animal skin too but a special one. On his head was a crown made from the tusks of an elephant. His throne was just a large round flat wood. Beside him was his beautiful queen fanning herself majestically with a broad leave. At another side was his daughter, princess Lucy. She was more beautiful than every other female villagers. "Chief" the warriors bowed. The king was regarded as Chief. "They are some strange people we caught spying on us" one of them reported. "Strange people?" the chief repeated. His voice was deep and loud added to his scary and rumpled face. From his voice one can tell that he was a brave man. "Yes, chief, and we found this from them" the warrior stretched out a gold to the king which he found in Jasper's pocket. When the king saw it, he stood up in amazement. "God of Ezai!" he exclaimed taking the gold from him. "The prophecy has come to pass. The two destined people from the future are here!" he looked at the warriors before him. "Where are they?" "At the village square my chief" "Take me there immediately" The king moved forward followed by the queen before the princess whose steps alone added to her beauty shaking her small butt majestically on the way. : At the village square, Benlo and co had woken up to see their hands and legs tied. They looked around to see half naked people surrounding themt too. Some women had their full naked children beside them. "What a heck!" Jasper exclaimed shaking his hands to untie himself but couldn't, so he glared at the villagers. "Who are you people?!" Nobody responded him as all remained quiet staring at them. "I think they don't understand English" Ena said calmly. "Really?" Jasper raised his voice again. "Can somebody understand the words that are coming out from my mouth?!" Silence lingered. "Did you guys go to school at all?!" "Quit being stupid!" Lora rebuked him. "You are looking at people who are still in animal skin and you are talking about school. Who gonna teach them?" "In this modern age?" "Sorry, i guess they are still in the stone age also known as primitive aga" Ena replied. "No, that can't be" Jasper raised his voice again. "Who can tell me today's date?!" "I said stop!" Lora rebuked him again. Just then, the king arrived with others. He was surprise to see five of them coz he expected to see only the two destined people as prophesied to them thus, getting him confused. "People from the future!" he began but was interrupted by Jasper. "You speak English! Wait a minute, are you kidding me? What future are you talking about?" he looked Benlo. "Guy, this people thinks we are from the future oh" Lora couldn't bear his ranting anymore, so she bit him with her teeth, then he shouted in pain. "What was that for?!" "For you to be quiet for once!" Already, Princess Lucy had began to like Jasper thereby smiling at his hilarious character. The king continued, "We have been expecting you for years according to the prophecy that two destined people will come from the future but I'm confuse. Who among you are these two people?" Silence took over the arena. Benlo and Sarah had an idea he was talking about them but kept quiet. They also believed that was the place they would get the answers they needed. The king showed them the gold. "I mean who amongs you were able to pick this from our river?" he asked again, yet, nobody said a word. "Okay, there is only one way to find out" he ordered the warriors to loosen only their legs which they did and the king led them to an underground world still within the village. He held a stick with fire on it as a source of light because the place was dark. As they walked, Benlo and others saw different ancestral rocks and images until they came in contact with the source of the blue river flowing and shining like the moon! There were also golds everywhere shining a bright light too. "Wow" Jasper shouted.. :
14 Jun 2018 | 02:15
14 Jun 2018 | 06:15
hope this Jasper would not put u all in trouble!
14 Jun 2018 | 07:11
Interesting next pls
14 Jun 2018 | 07:15
hmmmmmm,,,, Jasper be careful ooooo
14 Jun 2018 | 08:45
14 Jun 2018 | 10:32
14 Jun 2018 | 13:01
Next pls
14 Jun 2018 | 14:23
Next pls
14 Jun 2018 | 14:38
Jasper is greedy bt he can't pick any gold... am just wondering what will happen to Sarah and benlo afterwards
14 Jun 2018 | 14:41
14 Jun 2018 | 14:56
what do u see
14 Jun 2018 | 16:21
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 14 : Bright Daniel : The king allowed Benlo and co to filled their eyes with the beauty of the blue river. Nobody made a move as Jasper wished he could just disdain the golds and they would be found inside his room but that was far more from possibility. There were two warriors that followed them into the underworld whom the king ordered to loosen Benlo and others' hands which they did. So the king tapped Jasper. "Go pick the Uga" "What's Uga? You mean the Golds?" "Is that what you call it?" "You don't know what they are?" Jasper became surprise. "They are our gods. We worship them and our crops" Jasper stood still mooping at the man as if he was the most stupid person on earth for worshiping Golds that give money. Without being able to bear the stupidity, he sighed and hurried to the blue river to pick out golds as instructed but couldn't get them in his hands even though he touched them. He looked at the king. "They aren't coming out" "Then come out!" he instructed. Ena and Lora were allowed to try but the same thing happened. No doubt Benlo and Sarah were the rightful people who would get hold of the golds, so the king allowed both of them to go at once. By just reaching the river, the blue colour increased. Benlo and Sarah stood inside the water in a way they faced each other, bent down and easily picked out golds! They straightened up staring at each other's eyes and gradually shading tears without knowing why. The beat of their hearts increased along side with their tears. Benlo held her cheek again. "Why do you cry my love?" "I don't know. Please, stop crying too" Sarah got hold of his own cheek gently drying the tears on his face. "I love you, Sarah" "I love you too, Benlo" They gently brought their head together and began to kiss which in the process all the golds in the river flung up on the air and circulated them. The king and Ena smiled while Lora became extremely jealous. "I will not cry" Jasper covered his face. Immediately they quit the kiss, the golds dropped back into the river and they directed their eyes to the king. Sarah could see her sister glaring at her, therefore, she averted her eyes and bent down her face. "Who are we and what is this place?" Benlo asked the king. "You are the chosen one and this is the secrete place of Uga. It was told by our ancestors that two people from the future would come here for they are destined to be together by the blue river" "Why us?" "The question should be why her coz it's through her that you were chosen too" "I don't understand" Benlo said. "Trying to understand what you don't understand, you will understand that you can't understand the non-understandable" The king's last statement got everybody woozy even Jasper who stared at him as if he was no more stupid but wise. "But what use is it when one doesn't know the value of gold?" he thought and averted his eyes from him. "So, we've met together as destined. What else?" Benlo asked again. "She will take the Uga along with her and go possess her possession for she's just a female child" "You mean Sarah?" "Yes. Note: she can't do that without you, that's why you were destined to be with her" "What possession are you talking about?" Sarah interfered. "I don't know. As i received from my ancestors, so i give unto you" They all remained quiet thinking critically. Ena spoke up. "I think the possession is Rain Brain" "Yes, that's true" Lora supported. The king turned leaving the place while others followed him. "I have a question your majesty" Jasper began. "Why keep saying we're from the future coz we are in the same era with you, the modern age!" "Don't try to change our believe young man. We believe the future you came from doesn't exist" the king replied. "What? I can even take you to the future if you so wish.." Jasper kept blabbing without the king replying again. : Darkness came in the village. A separate house was giving to Benlo and co. All sat in front of it thinking whether they were dreaming or not except Lora who stood alone at a distant shedding tears. When Sarah saw her mood, she went to her. "Lora? Lora I'm sorry. You witnessed it yourself, it's just a coincident of destiny. Please, forgive me" "Is okay, Sarah. I'm thinking about our late parents" Lora held her hand and they embraced each other. Just then, princess Lucy arrived with food which she gave them. "Thank God!" Jasper exclaimed. Princess Lucy sat beside him with a smile and a special plate in her hand. "Which God are you thanking" "Almighty God" "There is no such thing" "Which God do u serve?" Princess Lucy smiled again and presented a plate of groundnut to him. "We serve and worship our crops like this groundnut" Jasper stopped eating and looked at her. "For the sake of God almighty, stop worshiping crops. It's a sin!" "And for the sake of groundnut and uga, stop talking and eat your food" the princess concluded giggling..
15 Jun 2018 | 20:55
Following.... Destiny they say
16 Jun 2018 | 03:03
destiny,,,,!!!!! nobody can fyt destiny, likewise Lora.... but how can Sarah take over blue rain
16 Jun 2018 | 08:27
i think Jasper is falling for princess
16 Jun 2018 | 09:15
Hmmm......nxt pls
16 Jun 2018 | 11:28
Still following
16 Jun 2018 | 11:44
new episode
16 Jun 2018 | 13:24
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 15 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Lora, Ena, Benlo and Sarah giggled along with princess Lucy as they ate the food given to them without minding what it was made from because the volume of their stomach due to hunger was ten centimeters cute. Even Jasper couldn't help it but to smile picking the groundnut one by one into his mouth while the princess stared at him. "I think i like you" "You like me?" Jasper repeated then looked backward to know whether his friends heard that particular statement. Of course they heard it. The expression could be seen on their amusing faces. He turned to the princess again. "I think i like you too" They smiled giving room to another tranquility. The princess' body was tempting as Jasper admired it with style. He never thought he would lust over a bush beautiful girl in the stone age, so he said, "From your dressing, it seems like you are from a royal family" "Yes, the princess precisely" "I must be a lucky man then" "If you say so" the princess caressed his shoulder romantically. "What's your name?" "Lucy" "Nice name" Jasper concluded. After he was through, he saw her off and came back to meet his friends who had also finished eating. They all stared at one another. "I guess i have found myself a wife, a princess for that matter" Jasper broke the silence. "Could it be that these people are still in the primitive age?" Ena asked. "Possibly" Benlo replied. "I guess all this was meant to be" Lora inferred. "How do we go home now?" Sarah asked. "We shall leave first thing tomorrow morning" Benlo answered and that was the conclusion. *** THE NEXT DAY As Mr Rain's men prepared in large number to visit the forest again, so as Benlo and co got ready to start their journey back home without stopping on the way. Just as they came out from their local house to meet the king, princess Lucy arrived with breakfast but was disappointed to see them ready to leave. "Where are you going to?" she asked them. Benlo looked at Jasper. "Tell your girlfriend we are going back to.. to.. wherever they believe we came from" Jasper cornered Lucy in a hurry. "Listen, princess, we need to go back" "You mean to the future?" "There is nothing like future!" "But we believe you came from the future" "Thank God you only believe. There is nothing like that!" "But our gods can't lie" "You mean your groundnut and Uga? Oh, my goodness!" Seeing the seriousness on Jasper's face, the princess dropped the food, held his hands and began to shed tears. "Please, don't go back to the future. Don't leave me" Jasper was touched. He looked at his friends to see them staring at them, so he averted his eyes back to Lucy. "Listen, Lucy," he began with an emotional voice. "I promise to come back here for you. I promise to take you to the future when I'm back, okay?" "Promise me again that you must come back for me" "Yes, i promise" Jasper embraced her and gave her a quick kiss which got her surprise coz she had never seen or done that before. Therefore she asked, "What was that?" "You don't know what it is?" Jasper returned the question. "Yes" "It is called a kiss" "Why did you do it?" Jasper exhaled heavily with a hand on his head without knowing how to explain the girl's question. He looked at her and said, "You really need to get to the future and i promise to take you there." The princess gave him a local bracelet. "Remember me with it and come back with it" she said. : Benlo and co stood in the midst of the villagers inside the underground world with the king standing before them too. They were made to understand that the river would lead them to the future if they follow it. Ena's gun was giving back to her and the single gold collected from them was also giving back to them. "I hope is not only this gold we are going with" Jasper said. "You mean the uga?" the king asked. "Wherever you call it" "It's left for the chosen ones to decide" Hearing that, Jasper looked at Benlo and Sarah. "What are you both still doing? Pack more golds let's go na!" They all began to smile even the princess and the king as all watched Sarah and Benlo picked more golds handing them to Jasper who collected them in a hurry persuading them to get more of it. "Jasper, is enough, let's go" Benlo led the way. "Are you kidding me? Please, get more!" Sarah picked more and handed it to him. "I guess is enough now, let's go" Jasper looked at the princess who was waving at him. "Bye my princess!" he shouted. "Bye my.. my.. I don't even know your name!" the princess shouted back. "It's J.J! Jackie Jasper!" "Bye my J.J, Jackie Jasper!" the princess concluded happily hoping he will come back as promised. : After hours of walking through the blue river, Benlo and co came out at the very spot the camaras were mounted. It seemed familiar to them, so Lora asked, "Isn't this the first place we met?" "It is" Sarah replied. "Then let's run coz there are cameras here!" Ena ordered. Just then, two helicopters came from above. : TBC GOODNIGHT
16 Jun 2018 | 13:30
Wow so interested
16 Jun 2018 | 13:37
Oya, move on
16 Jun 2018 | 14:16
let's see Sarah's transformation to richness
16 Jun 2018 | 14:48
interesting continue!
16 Jun 2018 | 15:07
how are u guys going to evade Mr Rain's men in de forest n get home sha!!!
16 Jun 2018 | 17:15
hahahaha.....princess Lucy is really funny......but am thinking otherwise o ooo
16 Jun 2018 | 18:12
they said the blue river bring them together to fufill a purpose but not to be married.....anyway that's what i think....nxt pls
16 Jun 2018 | 18:14
16 Jun 2018 | 19:29
i think Jasper is falling for princess
It feels like that
17 Jun 2018 | 05:52
interesting episode
17 Jun 2018 | 08:09
Mr rain a loser is always a loser no matter the strategy u will use
17 Jun 2018 | 08:11
the prophesy must manifest no need to be trouble
17 Jun 2018 | 08:12
Another war
17 Jun 2018 | 08:33
God help u.......
17 Jun 2018 | 09:14
what will happen now
17 Jun 2018 | 11:07
17 Jun 2018 | 11:11
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 16 : Written by #Bright_Daniel : Mr Rain's men came with a binocular which showcase the level of their seriousness. They viewed from it to see Benlo and co running in the forest then began to shoot them from the chopper. "Disperse!" Ena shouted and each person ran at a different direction. As she looked up, she saw them with the binocular. "Take cover, make sure you aren't seen!" she instructed again and all hid under a tree but at different angles. Ena looked up again, pointed her gun at the chopper and shot it severally. Seeing that, the men moved the chopper from there to another angle climbing down from it one by one. "Run!" Ena shouted again. They were running in group taking the same direction Jasper and Lora took when coming but Benlo suddenly stopped thus making others to stop running too. Already, Jasper had taken off his shirt, packed the golds in it, tied it and hung it on his shoulder. It was better for him to die than any of them to miss road. "Why did you stop running?" Sarah asked Benlo. "We can't outrun them. I want you all to run while i delay them. I'm gonna let them catch me" "What?" Jasper shrieked. "Are you crazy? They won't think twice before putting a bullet on your head" "No, Ken won't have me killed knowing that I'm the only one who can get the golds from the river" "I don't think that's a good idea" Ena began. "That man is heartless. He will definitely.." She was interrupted by Sarah who dragged Benlo by the hand. "I can't let you take that risk" she kept dragging him forcefully and began to run. Seeing that, others joined them running as fast as they could. : 6:00pm The day became dark, yet, they were still in the forest. None of them was hurt by the men who had gone back to Mr Rain at Rain Brain. "Sir, we searched all the forest but couldn't find them. I guess they are dead" one of the men reported. Before Mr Rain reacted aggressively, his personal adviser said standing beside him, "Boss, there is no need trying to wake a dead fowl rather go to the pottery and make use of her eggs" He glared at him. "What do you mean by that?" "You should stop chasing those children rather go back to the blue river and look for a way to bring out the golds from the river" the adviser concluded which Mr Rain concured as an afterthought. : Back to the forest, Benlo and co sat down in the darkness. It was an open place with just a rock where Ena seated with the gun. The sound of crickets and other insects could be heard within. Suddenly, Ena sighted a rabbit signaling others to be quiet. She bent down, pointed the gun at the animal and pulled the trigger only to discover that there were no more bullets in it. "Demn!" she threw the gun away thus making the animal run. "That should have been our dinner tonight" Jasper said. "Are you saying we are spending the night here?" Lora asked. "Of course yes" "No way!" she stood and sighted the mountain she climbed with Jasper. "Look, after that mountain, we'll be in Ututu town. So i suggest we move on coz i can't spend another night here!" she emphasized seriously. *** 11:00PM AT UTUTU Mrs Livinus, Benlo's mother, cried in the bedroom disturbing her husband. "Better go bring my son back oh" "Woman, allow me to sleep!" the husband turned angrily. "We warned him not to go, didn't we?" Suddenly, they heard a knock at the door and the wife rushed it. She opened it to behold her son and others standing at the door. "Benlo!" she embraced him. Hearing them, the husband came out to see them all in half clothing. "Father.." Benlo stepped forward. "Son.." "I'm sorry i.." "Is okay" Benlo hugged him and introduced others to them. Mr Livinus looked at Sarah and Lora strangely. Their faces were familiar to him then he asked, "Are you both sisters?" "Yes" Lora replied. "Daughters of late Mr Henry the one lived in Kin town, Obinto precisely?" "Yes" All became quiet. "Father, what's going on?" Benlo broke the silence. "Their father was my close friend. I took him like my own brother, help him achieve many things but he chose to open Rain Brain with Ken who had an issue with him before he died. No doubt Ken killed him" he looked up at the girls. "I'm sorry my children" he turned to Benlo. "How did you find them and what about the blue river? Did u see it?" "Yes, father" "Really?" the mother said in excitement. "And what happened?" the father asked. Benlo gave Jasper signal to open the golds which he did pouring them on the floor thus giving a sparkling light. "Oh my God!" the parents shouted. Benlo told their story even the village part thereby rendering his parents speechless. "..after selling these golds, we shall fight to get Rain Brain back coz only with money can we win the fight" he concluded. : THE NEXT DAY Mr Rain went back to the forest with a special machine that would dig out the golds but unfortunately, the river was nowhere to be found again.. : TBC TONIT.
17 Jun 2018 | 12:33
hahahaha......where did a whole river go......still observing, next pls
18 Jun 2018 | 05:13
Thank God They Ar Safe
18 Jun 2018 | 07:36
a river is missing!
18 Jun 2018 | 08:16
Haaaa,mr brain wil feel like fainting
18 Jun 2018 | 08:27
Ghen ghen, good for him.
18 Jun 2018 | 08:29
what happen to de river
18 Jun 2018 | 09:01
how come the river is missing
18 Jun 2018 | 09:02
Ho!I see
18 Jun 2018 | 09:29
18 Jun 2018 | 14:10
wow, ken u are in for a rude shock
18 Jun 2018 | 14:37
18 Jun 2018 | 16:39
River don disappear
18 Jun 2018 | 17:40
Dis mr.brain dull oo.....beta receive sense
18 Jun 2018 | 17:47
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 17 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Mr Rain stood beside the dried river with his men wondering what happened to it. The only thing found there were rocks thus proving to them that it wasn't just an ordinarily river. It was there to fulfil a destiny. But how would Mr Rain know that? "Where did the river go?!" he shouted at his men with two hands spread in confusion. "Sir, i once told you the river is strange and mysterious" one of them replied adjusting backward in other not to receive a slap or a bullet from him. "What nonsense!" he glared at him. "A river that was filled with beauty and golds! How can it suddenly disappear?!" "That's to tell you is not a good river sir" another added. Mr Rain couldn't believe it. He placed his hands on the waist staring at the spot wishing the water comes back but nothing happened. Therefore he angrily and hopelessly went back to the company. *** Ena and co spent the night at Benlo's residence. The females slept in different room while Jasper and Benlo in another room. Benlo woke up to see him using the golds as a pillow, then smiled and tapped him. "Guy, wake up" he didn't make a move. "Jackie Jasper!" Benlo pushed him slightly before he woke up still holding the bag of gold tightly. "Chai.." he robbed his eyes looking worried. "What's it?" Benlo asked him. "Guy, i was actually dreaming" "About what or who?" "About my princess. I saw her with me in my mansion as my wife. Guy, i must go back to that forest to bring her to light here coz they are still living in darkness" Benlo smiled musingly. "Jasper, I'm happy you're in love but let the truth be told; you see your princess, the village, the king and others aren't in a existence. They existed for a destiny to be fulfilled. That's my own belief coz you can't tell me they are still such people in this modern age" "I disagree with you!" Jasper stood up leaving the bag of gold on the bed and looking at Benlo seriously. "There are still people like that in this world and i must go back there to get the woman after my heart! That is my own belief!" he carried the gold again going outside the room. "Where are you going to?!" "Where do you think I'm going to?!" "We planned to visit Sarah's house at Obinto!" Benlo smiled when he didn't hear his voice again. *** At Obinto, just at the entrance of Sarah's house, Eric came out to see his grandchildren coming with three more people. He tied a wrapper round his waist with a chewing stick in his mouth. His ribs were slightly visible due to old age. "Grandpa!" Sarah ran to hug him followed by Lora. Both gave him a warm hug but was careful not to push him down. "Grandpa, you don't seem to miss us" Lora said looking at his face. "Why would i have missed you when i know you'll come back my children?" Eric smiled. "I miss you" he looked at Benlo, Ena and Jasper who was still carrying the bag of golds. Without being told, Lora introduced them immediately before they entered into the house. All seated in the living room quietly waiting for Eric to react coz they had told him about their journey to the forest of Ezai. "I have always believed the river exist but never thought it would bring golds for you. God has blessed you with that" Eric looked at Benlo. "And for you young man, you and my granddaughter, Sarah are inseparable for you were destined by God who wants to lift up this family and restore that which rightfully belong to us. I bless both of you" "Amen!" they all responded smiling. "I have a request" Ena raised her hand. "Please, i will like to stay here for some time coz my life is in danger" "No problem!" Sarah said. "Thank you" she hugged her. She was kind and gentle and had never worried about men, relationship or marriage. "Alright!" Jasper began. "How are we gonna share these golds?" "We aren't sharing them" Benlo replied as all became quiet. "What are we doing to it if not sharing?" "We're selling all at once then share the money" "Still the same thing in as much as the word 'share' is there" Jasper concluded and they all laughed. : TWO MONTHS LATER Benlo and co made a lot of money from the golds. Lora and Sarah had packed out from their old house to a new one bought with money. Jasper also bought a house and a car while Ena and Benlo's rested in their accounts. Though all were still having money into their accounts. Inside the new house of Lora's family, all gathered in the living room to discuss on how to approach Mr Rain. "First, we gonna charge him for murder" Ena began. "Secondly, we bring back the case of your late father and.." "Wait wait wait" Jasper interrupted, "You guys want to go fight a heartless man? Well, you can continue, I'll be back" he stood up jingling his car key. "Where are you going to?" Lora asked him. "To the forest of Ezai to get my princess Lucy" he replied and
19 Jun 2018 | 01:54
I'm behind u bro.... Following
19 Jun 2018 | 04:49
Jasper in love.
19 Jun 2018 | 05:56
maybe Ur princess Lucy is now living in a modern day now and u will meet but not in dat forest bcos u won't find Ur way dia
19 Jun 2018 | 06:42
19 Jun 2018 | 10:09
jasper I don't think u can find them in the forest
19 Jun 2018 | 10:57
Thank God u guys are back home safe
19 Jun 2018 | 11:38
Jasper they are not in the forest again nao
19 Jun 2018 | 12:20
19 Jun 2018 | 14:05
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 18 : Written by #Bright_Daniel : After Jasper left, the sitting room became quiet. They couldn't believe he was actually going back to the forest. Lora looked at Benlo saying, "I hope your friend is joking, right?" "I don't think he is coz he had been emphasizing on it" he replied. "Just let him be" Ena interfered. "The boy is in love. I guess none of you knows how it feels to be in love" she added with a smile but they all stared at her strangely as if she was a stranger. "What?!" "Ena?" Sarah called her with a very calm voice. "When last were you in love?" "Me?" "No, me" Lora answered unabashedly. "Oh, common, let's forget about it" Ena waved it off then glanced at Benlo in an unfamiliar way. The house wasn't a storey building but looked like one with well furnished furniture. The cushions were milky in colour having the same colour of tiles. The centre table was a dark reflective aluminum glass with a flower on it. "So, where were we?" Benlo asked glancing back at Ena who seemed uninterested on the discussion anymore. "We were talking about how to charge Ken with murder case and also bring back the case of my late fa.." Lora paused seeing Ena standing up. "What's it, Ena?" "I'm sorry, can we continue next time coz.." Ena glanced at Benlo again. "..coz I'm not in the mood again. I'll be in my room" she left. Others became both surprise and speechless. "Did i say anything wrong?" Sarah broke the silence. "I mean did we say anything wrong? Let me go talk to her" she stood up to leave but Benlo caught her hand instantly. "Let her be" he said calmly. *** Before the day ran out, Jasper found himself back to the forest of Ezai. It wasn't too far anymore because the links to the blue river was familiar to him. When he got to the spot where the river was, he became confuse coz it was no more there. "Where is the river?" he murmured looking around and remembering what Benlo told him. "Could it be that all of this was an illusion? No!" he began to walk again following the direction of the dried river. He wore an elastic brown trouser with a T-shirt. In his hand was a small bag containing, a bottle water, his car key and other basic things he needed for the journey. Finally, Jasper arrived at the underground world. There were no more golds or river. He stared at the place for a while then began to move forward to the main village. When he stepped out, nobody was found around the vicinity but their houses were still intact. "Oh no.." he began to move towards the palace, King's residence. He looked around to see the king's throne empty. Just as he wanted go inside the main house, a female voice came from behind. "JJ Jackie Jasper?" Jasper turned to see princess Lucy. "My princess!" "JJ Jackie Jasper!" the princess ran and both hugged each other in a way her legs left the ground. He pulled her down smiling and looking at her African black beautiful face. "Oh, my princess" "Oh, my JJ Jackie Jasper" "Meaning?" "What? You are the one who told me your name is JJ Jackie.." "Oh God" Jasper interrupted in disappointment. "Listen, Lucy, J.J stands for Jackie Jasper. You must not put the JJ when calling my name. Just call me Jasper" "Okay, Jasper" the princess smiled. "Where is everybody?" "At the farm" "Doing what?" "Worshiping crops" "You must be kidding me" Suddenly, the king arrived with warriors and some other villagers. They were surprise to see Jasper standing beside Lucy. "Hello, the people of bush!" Jasper shouted spreading his hands. "Man from the future" the king stepped forward. "Why did you come back?" "I came to pick my princess" "What are you talking about?" "I promised her I'll come back, and I'm taking her home. You guys need to open your eyes! There is nothing like the future! You are already in the future! Be civilized for once and come out of darkness. I'm not the kind of preacher that wants to change your culture but i only wants you to believe one thing; there is nothing like the future" The arena became as quiet as a grave yard without anybody even coughing until the king left angrily and others dispersed to their various houses too. The queen grabbed her daughter by the hand and all entered into the palace. Jasper became disappointed. : Night came. Jasper already made up his mind to spend the night there coz at the look of things it wasn't gonna be easy to take Lucy out of the locality after he told the king how much he loves his daughter. He also wanted to make them believe in the modern world which he came from but the king turned him down. As Jasper sat in front of the house given to him, the princess arrived like someone who sneaked out from home. She sat with him. "Princess.." "Jasper, my father won't allow you take me with you to your world" "But do you trust and believe in me?" "Yes" the princess looked around holding his hands and breathing hastily. "I wants us to sneak out to your own world" she suggested while Jasper stared at her in disbelief.. : TBC
19 Jun 2018 | 14:13
Carry go jar
19 Jun 2018 | 15:35
Ma princess, I hope u ve thought about ur eloping with Jasper very well,it's a decision which is going to break de hearts of ur people especially ur dad de king!!!
19 Jun 2018 | 16:10
Hmm, waiting to see what happened next
19 Jun 2018 | 16:47
sarah.~destiny has brought u to your love and that same destiny made u rich
19 Jun 2018 | 16:57
benlo~the blue river has come and begun~the river u were connected to with your love
19 Jun 2018 | 17:16
Ena~here u are in making too much money and the owner of too much money because of your kindness
19 Jun 2018 | 17:21
lora~u undertood how destiny has brought your sister and lover together and that's good
19 Jun 2018 | 17:28
Go and try ur luck Jaspa, who knows u might still meet them there.
19 Jun 2018 | 17:37
jasper~the gold is here and u are rich~u are with your baby~anyhow=take her to the future
19 Jun 2018 | 17:49
princess lucy~u know about our future~baby=it's time 4 u to step into the future~u are a gorgeous good babe
19 Jun 2018 | 17:56
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 19 : :Written by Bright Daniel : Jasper reasoned the princess' suggestion and shruggled in disagreement. He was never a man that do things in a cony way. Therefore he looked into her eyes and said, "Listen, I'm not sneaking away with you like some kind of rat chased by a cat. Your father and your people must be aware of it. I must convince them that there is a better world out there, okay?" he began to caress her cheek while she smiled broadly and eventually embraced him. "I'm happy you came back to me" "And I'm happy to see you again my princess" Jasper disengaged her. "I actually thought i won't see you.. That reminds me, what happened to the blue river and the golds?" "You mean the river and uga?" "Exactly!" "It has traveled. The river travels once in a season and comes back again. Our people believe that in such time it has gone to water our crops" Jasper heaved a heavy sigh. "This is unbelievable!" Suddenly, his phone rag from his bag. As he tried to bring it out, he saw Princess Lucy stretching her head fearfully to know the kind of animal that was making the sound. Immediately he brought out a smart android phone glowing with light, she ran away but stumbled and fell down. "Lucy!" Jasper ran with the phone to help her. "Take it away from me!" she shouted. "It's just a cell phone. It doesn't hurt!" Jasper sat her up. By then the phone had stopped ringing. He positioned it before her and said, "It's use to communicate with people that are not at a close rang with you. With it, you can stay here and talk to your father who is in his palace. You can also talk to someone who is at the farm worshipping crops. Just look.." he dialed Benlo's number who was calling before the incident. When it connected, he put it in loud speaker. "Hello, Jasper" Benlo said from the phone. Hearing his voice from there, Lucy tried to run again but Jasper held her back. "I said it doesn't hurt! My friend is actually the one speaking!" "How did your friend enter there? Please, bring him out before he dies" princess Lucy pleaded. Jasper became weak without knowing what else to say. "Jasper, are you there?" Benlo said again. "Yeah, bro, i was able to see my princess" "Really? I can't believe it!" "Well, you better do. What's going on?" "Umm.. Ena acted weird recently. Nobody knows what her problem is. When are you coming back?" "I see.. I'll be back tomorrow" "Alright" The line went off then Jasper looked at Lucy to see her shaking in fear. "You are shaking seeing a common cell phone. That means you'll faint when you see a car or an airplane, even a television" he said standing up with her. *** SAME NIGHT AT LORA'S RESIDENCE Inside Ena's room, there were clean bed and wardrobe. A white fluorescent light illuminated the room. Ena could be seen at the window spacing out from there. She was in a night gown putting only a pant inside. She wished to get back the freedom of walking freely on the road and going back to her former house. Suddenly, Lora entered. "Ena?" "Hey" Ena turned with a factitious smile, then both sat on the edge of the bed. Lora looked at her. "Do you want to talk about about it?" "About what?" "You acted weird" "It's nothing" "Are you sure?" Lora asked but she kept quiet. "You know what, i was once in love with Benlo, in fact i was the first to meet him but realized he was destined to my younger sister. I couldn't do anything but to accept it like that. So my dear sister, you have too.." "I actually remembered my past" Ena interrupted. "My first date left me to outside country, since then, i haven't heard from him. Anytime i look at Benlo i remember him" "Then you need to move on" "It's so difficult coz i love him so much" Ena began to shed tears. "Come here" Lora embraced her. "Is okay dear" she dried her tears. *** THE NEXT DAY AT RAIN BRAIN Immediately Mr Rain came out from the company with his body guards, a red Land Cruiser jeep and another local car drove in. As he stared at the red car, Ena, Sarah, Lora and Benlo stepped out wearing the latest dress and shoes. From the other car, policemen without uniform came out, all with heavy guns and looking deadly. "Ena?" Mr Rain called. "Surprise? It's me, flesh and blood" Ena looked at the police. "Officer, arrest him" Two sergeants moved to Mr Rain. "Sir, you are under arrest for murder and attempting murder!".. *** Back to the Forest of Ezai, Jasper had said and done everything for the villagers to believe him but they didn't even to allow the princess follow him. They all gathered at the palace looking and waiting for him to go. As he turned to leave, the princess ran to him holding his arm. "Princess, what are you doing?" the father asked. "I'm going with him!" she replied trying to cry. "Are you out of your mind?!" the king ordered his warriors to get her. "Don't you dare touch her!" Jasper rebuked them boldly. He brought out his phone, played a music and all ran away even the king who fell down on the way.. : Lolz TBC
20 Jun 2018 | 06:31
Jasper U are something else!
20 Jun 2018 | 07:12
hahhahaha.......I love ur ideal jasper......and I tink enas first date could b benlo. pls
20 Jun 2018 | 08:25
but if d river is no more dia,,, how can dos pple in d primitive era still be dia?
20 Jun 2018 | 09:58
Lol,,,, dis jasper is sometin else oooo,,,,, I think u need to find a motorable road dat can allow u bring car to dat village and let's see dia reaction
20 Jun 2018 | 10:04
jasper u need adhere to Lucy advice
20 Jun 2018 | 10:46
lolz, ordinary music from phone chase una... so funny
20 Jun 2018 | 11:06
iF dem catch u
20 Jun 2018 | 12:51
20 Jun 2018 | 13:21
Sarah...u have got a lover that so many people wanted...u are very lucky
20 Jun 2018 | 13:31
Benlo...u guys should move on with taking what belongs to u people and overcome your opponent
20 Jun 2018 | 13:35
Lora...moving in to let her know more about this love in destiny is a good idea
20 Jun 2018 | 13:38
0 Likes's a surprise 4 him to see u alive and then time to do something about this wicked man
20 Jun 2018 | 13:42
Princess's just a phone,there is nothing to worry about...u will see more when u joined us in the future
20 Jun 2018 | 13:47
Jasper...there u are in the village were u found love...even your phone can make them give space
20 Jun 2018 | 13:51
This is hilarious
20 Jun 2018 | 14:52
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Episode 20 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Jasper took on his heels with his princess running towards the underground world. "I will be back, father!" the princess shouted. As they ran along the track of the dried water, they heard the blue river flowing back from behind. Jasper looked back. "Look, the water is returning!" Lucy smiled watching as the river came with a high current. "It's actually a sign of luck coz it's a privilege to witness the river and uga come back from watering our crops" "You don't mean it" "I do" Both watched the river passed them flowing as fast as possible bringing back the golds. Jasper couldn't express the level of his happiness as he watched the golds thus losing attention from the girl before him. "Hey!" Lucy hit him on the chest before he came back to his senses. "Sorry, my princess" "Why do you like this uga so much?" "This uga can buy the whole forest" "How?" "It worth millions of naira" "What is naira?" Jasper exhaled in disguste and tiredness. Before he could explain, Lucy thought critically and said, "Oh, you mean shelin?" "Is that what you call your currency? Well, mine is naira" Jasper held her hand for them to continue but she pulled him back. "I want you to do me that thing" she requested smiling as if there was a butterfly in her stomach. "Which thing?" Jasper stared at her surprisingly. "The thing" "What thing!" "The one you did with your mouth" Jasper remained mute for a while to figure out what she was trying to say. "Oh, you mean a kiss?" The princess shook her head happily. "You like it?" Jasper smiled watching her shake her head again. He brought her closer to himself and kissed her longer than before. "I love you my princess" "I love you too my prince" Lucy dragged him by the hand to continue the journey but he pulled her back too. "Give me that thing" "What thing" "The thing" "What!" "Uga. You know i can't have them in my hands, and i guess you can" Lucy smiled, bent down, picked some golds and gave to him. "Pick more!" "No, let's go!" she dragged him running in the water.. *** At Rain Brain, Mr Rain refused to adhere to the sergeants order. "Let me speak to my lawyer" he said bringing out his cell phone while his eyes were fixed on Sarah and Lora. He saw the image of their laste father in them. "I should have known" he murmured, called his lawyer before he was taken to the station. *** The sun set, yet, Jasper and her princess were still in the forest but were close to the main road where he parked his car. He had been thinking on how she gonna react if she sees it. Finally before darkness began to cover the atmosphere, they came to the road where Jasper's car parked. Lucy didn't see it at first. She was still concentrating on the noise of distant chattering and horn of vehicles. Immediately she saw the car she shouted in a loud voice running back to the forest. Jasper ran after her. "Lucy! Lucy!" he finally caught her. "What type of human being was that?!" Lucy asked struggling in his arms. "It's just a car! It doesn't bite!" "No, I'm scared!" "Don't be!" Jasper kept carrying her to the car while she struggled to run. He unlocked the car with a remote thereby making it beep a sound with a red light. Lucy screamed! Jasper opened the front door struggled her inside, entered too and locked the door. "Get me out!" she began to hit him. "Lucy, Lucy!" he held her two hands both breathing heavily. "Just calm down, you gonna enjoy it. It doesn't harm. Now i will gradually release your hands, put on the Air Conditioner and drive out" Jasper did as he said and the car began to move. He could see an excitement on her face as she felt the car moving. "It's moving!" she shouted looking at the grasses. "The grasses are running too" "No, Lucy, we are the one moving" Jasper said. Lucy looked at him. "It's a lie!" He smiled driving into the township where Lucy saw other big and small cars even light of different colours at different buildings. "Wow!" she exclaimed. "The future is more than beautiful!" "Yes" Jasper smiled at her. "Look at mountains!" Lucy pointed at storey buildings. "They are houses not mountains" Jasper stopped at a boutique to buy clothes for her. When she entered there, she became confused. Before Jasper knew it, she packed all most all the clothes both male and female to him. "What!" he exclaimed. "Do you want to buy all the clothes here?" "But they are beautiful" Lucy replied. "Is that why you packed all? How many uga did you give me?" Lucy frowned. "Are you angry?" "No, dear. Just that some of them are male clothings" Jasper said with a calmed voice. : Jasper finally took Lucy home and went straight to Lora's to see all his friends there. "Jasper, how did it go?" Benlo asked him. "Guy, I'm tired! I actually went to the forest and carried a problem. Lucy is at home now. I just hope she doesn't break my television open before i get home thinking she could bring the people out from it" Jasper replied in exhaustion.. : TBC
21 Jun 2018 | 05:46
Dis people r indeed primitive,,, is Mr rain going to concede defeat???No I don't think so!!!
21 Jun 2018 | 09:32
Lol,,,,, Lucy girl,,,, anyways, JJ u can teach her everything she needs to know,,, and as for mr Brain,,, Hmmmm,,
21 Jun 2018 | 10:13
Loving every bit of this Story
21 Jun 2018 | 10:31
lolz, u asked 4 it na
21 Jun 2018 | 10:50
it is getting interesting pls continue
21 Jun 2018 | 11:00
lol jasper u done carry better problem come
21 Jun 2018 | 12:09
LOL uncivilised human being
21 Jun 2018 | 12:50
Lucy will get used to the 'future' and change the rest of her people
21 Jun 2018 | 14:00
Smile... Following
21 Jun 2018 | 14:21
This episode is funny
21 Jun 2018 | 15:00
I wonder if it's Uga Jasper love or the Princess bcos I can't wrap my head around his situation... Lora and Sarah, I advise you thread carefully, the man y'all dealing with is ruthless and heartless
21 Jun 2018 | 17:25
Episode 21 : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : Benlo and his friends laughed at Jasper’s last statement which says that Lucy might break his television before he gets home. Jasper sat down. “So, what’s the latest?” “Ken has been arrested” Benlo answered. “And we gonna see him in court in the next three days” Ena added. “And you know what? I’m gonna be a witness. I can’t wait to tell the court how many people he has killed” “That’s great!” Jasper exclaimed. “Definitely, his next destination from court will be in jail” They laughed. “That reminds me” Jasper continued. “You should have witness what happened at the forest” “What happened?” Lora queried in anticipation. He told them about the blue river and the drama exhibited by the villagers when he played the music with his phone. They all laughed aloud while Sarah stood up instantly going towords the door. “Where are you going?” Lora asked her. “To see princess Lucy!” she replied. “Even me too oh!” Lora ran after her. “I must see her too” Ena followed them. Benlo and Jasper looked at each other smiling seriously. They stood up and shook hands like real men. “I guess i have to see your princess too” Benlo said going out. “That girl is a problem to this modern world!” Jasper followed him. The girls rode on one car while the boys on another. They all got to Jasper’s house at the same time. The house had a fence and painted white. There were flower pots at each corner of the house even at the entrance. After opening the door of the sitting room, they all saw Lucy breaking the television with a hammer she found in the kitchen. “I told you guys, didn’t i?” Jasper moved forward. “Lucy, why did you decide to break my television?” “The people inside wanted to kill themselves, so i decided to separate them” Lucy replied breathing hastily. “With a hammer?!” “I told them to stop fighting but they refused” “Oh, God!” Jasper took the hammer from her forcefully while Benlo and co laughed standing at the door. He looked at Lucy again to see her in animal skin. “I thought i told you to change this animal skin to a better cloth and look like a human being for once” “But I’m a human being” “Old human being! You have to look like a new human being!” Sarah moved forward. “Is okay, I’ll handle this” she held Lucy by the hand leading her to the bedroom followed by Lora and Ena. Jasper stared at his broken television piteously. “Demn! I’m tired!” “You asked for it, bro” Benlo sat down while Jasper turned to him. “Is it a crime to fall in love?” “In this case, it is” “Do you know how much i bought this television? It worth more that one hundred and..” Jasper paused when he saw Lucy standing at the door of the room wearing a blue tight gown that brought out both her beauty and shape. On her feet were sparkling high heel shoes. Though her hair looked local but her appearance was more like an African queen. “Oh-my-God!” Benlo stressed from the cushion. “My Goodness!” Jasper dropped the hammer which nearly hit his legs. As he tried to touch her, Sarah came out. “Don’t even touch her!” “Why?” “After shouting at her because of a common television, you want to touch her, abi” she winked. “But she’s my girlfriend!” “And so what? You must apologize to her first?” “Are you kidding me!” Jasper became woozy. “I brought her from the forest, i bought this cloth with my own money, the television she broke is mine and you still expect me to apologize to her before i touch her? This is incredible!” “Then suit yourself!” Sarah held Lucy to take her back into the room. “Fine, I’m sorry!” Jasper shouted before they turned. “I’m sorry for breaking my television” he added hopelessly and Benlo couldn’t help it but to laughed. The girls even giggled as Jasper finally hugged and kissed Lucy. After the girls went back into the room to change her to another cloth, Lucy became sad. “What’s it, princess?” Sarah asked her. “Something is not right” she replied. “What?” “I should have been the one to apologize to Jasper not..” “My dear” Ena interrupted her. “Yes, you are right but in this world, you have to make men know your worth no matter what you do to them coz you are a girl with pride and value” “Yes, dear, as a girl, you worth more than golds or a mare television” Lora added. “You mean uga?” Lucy asked. “Yes, and don’t allow him to touch you until he pays your pride price” Sarah added. “But he has been touching me?” “What!” the girls shrieked staring at her. “He just touched me now. Didn’t you see it?” “Oooh!” Lora exclaimed. “Is not that type of touching. We mean sex” “Oooh” Lucy exclaimed too. “I already know that” she added. “Good” they resumed their work smiling. *** A WEEK LATER Ken went to Jail after he was found guilty by the court and Lora became the new manager of Rain Brain making sure Ena resumed her work. Benlo surprised Sarah with his new house and proposed to her inside the house but she rejected the proposal.. : TBC
22 Jun 2018 | 05:52
U I'll buy another one na, after all u have gold's
22 Jun 2018 | 09:40
let see what happened to u thy
22 Jun 2018 | 09:42
22 Jun 2018 | 18:31
All these scene can make u laugh out loud.
24 Jun 2018 | 01:56
Benlo...u have wanted to do these 4 a very long ask her to marry u...and how the destiny thing brought both of u together
24 Jun 2018 | 02:05
0 Likes ok if u wanna take your time...these things are marriage things...u told me something about these.
24 Jun 2018 | 02:10
Jasper...u are in love with an african queen from far away,u are gonna take it easy...both of u can be funny
24 Jun 2018 | 02:15
Lora...u guys really did a good job,taking that wicked man to were he belongs and taking back what belongs to u guys
24 Jun 2018 | 02:23
Ena...u are back to work,after all these u guys has won the battle and now more money
24 Jun 2018 | 02:30
Princess lucy...u wanted to seperate those fighting in a tv,means that u are a peace maker...u will learn more things about this future
24 Jun 2018 | 02:36
Next oo
24 Jun 2018 | 08:49
@chimmy whats causing the delay.
24 Jun 2018 | 14:51
THE BLUE RIVER (Destiny Calls) Final Episode : :Written by #Bright_Daniel : That was in the sitting room where Benlo knelt with a leg looking at Sarah with a ring in his hand. He couldn't believe she rejected the proposal. On the other hand, Sarah kept smiling looking at his worried face. "What?" she asked. "Why rejecting me?" "Are you worried?" "Why won't i be?" "I'm also worried" "Why?" "Because i can't wait for the day i will sleep and wake up in your arms, the day i will carry your baby and allow you kiss my stomach, the day i will keep hitting you with a pillow at night until you sing bed-time song for me to sleep and the day i will say "I do"" Sarah smiled. "I was kidding, yes, i will marry you" she stretched forth her fingers. Benlo's heart was filled with joy. That was the most amazing acceptance of proposal he had ever seen, so he gently placed the ring in her finger while Sarah pulled him up to herself instantly and they had a long kiss. "But you need to promise me one thing" she said. "Anything for you" Benlo stared at her mouth in anticipation. "I don't want us to get married until my sister does" "You mean Lora?" "Which other sister do i have?" Benlo thought for as while. "Is okay" he said and kissed her again. *** At Rain Brian where Ena was discharging her duties, Lora came out well dressed like the boss she was: a black plain trouser with koi-koi shoe and a white shirt worn over a back jacket. Immediately she stepped out of the company to enter her car, another car drove in thus making her wonder who that could be. She stared at it until it parked and a young man came out. He had a large diamond chain hanging on his neck. His T-shirt hugged his body thus exposing his muscles. Down his waist was a three quarter white jean knicker and a white canvas on his feet. His hair was barbed low without an irresponsible style. He's dressing and steps were more like a humble foreigner as he moved to Lora. "Good day, ma'am" "Good day" "Umm.. I'm looking for one miss Ena. I was told she works here" "Hope no problem" "Not at all" "Hold on" Lora called Ena on the phone and told her to come outside. Within some seconds she came out. Immediately she saw the guy she slowed down. "Wisdom?" she called with a low voice then the guy turned. "Wow! Ena!" "Wisdom!" Ena ran and hugged him in a way her legs left the ground. Lora smiled at their charisma looking at both of them. It was a moment of love and reunion. Just then, Ena released him looking at Lora. "Lora, this is actually the guy that left me to abroad" she looked at Wisdom. "Wisdom, here is my boss, Lora" They greeted for the second time before Lora entered her car and began to drive out. Seeing the excitement on Ena's face, she stopped, whined down the glass of the car and said, "Ena, you can take a day off" "Really? Take you so much, boss!" "You're welcome" Lora smiled, whined up the glass and drove out after which Ena frowned. She kicked Wisdom's leg hardly which made him scream. "What was that for?!" "For not calling me all this while" "I'm sorry, baby, i lost some fucking contacts" "Then i gonna fuck you" Ena began to hit him with her hands but he suddenly caught them, kissed her and said, "I'm sorry" "I miss you so much, Wisdom" "I miss you too, Ena" "I guess you don't love me anymore" "If i don't love you, i won't miss" They giggled and drove out in Wisdom's car to have more fun. *** Lora went home to see Sarah watching movie in the living room. She dropped her car keys and collapsed on the chair. She told her about Ena and Wisdom and they were happy. "Benlo also proposed to me" Sarah said looking at her. "That's a good news" Lora sat up happily. "So when is the wedding?" "Lora, I'm not getting married before you" "What do you mean?" "You are my elder sister and.." "Heey" Lora interrupted her and stood up. "You don't need to worry about me little sis. I'm okay" she moved closer and hugged her. "I'm happy for you, Sarah" she said on her shoulder. *** At night, at Jasper's residence, he laid on the bed with Lucy who covered her body with a blanket staring at an electric light on the wall. It was something marvelous to her. "Lucy" Jasper brought her attention. "Are you okay?" "Yes" she replied. "Do you like everything you see here?" "Yes" "Now, you have to convince your father and the villagers that there is a better world here. Make them believe that the future they talk about isn't an illusion. It is real" "Thank you" Lucy smiled while Jasper kissed her, turned off the light and made her sleep in his arms. ***************************** The day Sarah wedded was the day Lora found a husband who married her two months later before Eric died happily. Ena had to marry her love too. Though the villagers finally came to the future but didn't remain. Rather, their home was developed for them by the government before Jasper married his princess. : THE END Note: This story is a total fiction.
26 Jun 2018 | 07:02
Sarah...u never wanted to think about his proposal because destiny has brought both of u together
27 Jun 2018 | 09:42
Benlo...she really tried with that joke that got everybody surprised and she said yes and then marriage
27 Jun 2018 | 09:53
Lora...u found your own man too and u got married too u said to her u can marry before me
27 Jun 2018 | 10:01
Ena...u have found that your lover,u thought u have lost him and u found and got married to your lover
27 Jun 2018 | 10:10
Jasper...u did brought change to that community and u got married to the princess of change
27 Jun 2018 | 10:14
Princess u are in our future...welcome to the future where u belong,where u found love
27 Jun 2018 | 10:19
Note:this story is a total fiction.....THE END
27 Jun 2018 | 10:24
short and sweet
4 Jul 2018 | 15:54
Nice ending
7 Jul 2018 | 16:40
10 Jul 2018 | 14:28
5 Apr 2020 | 13:53
very funny story, reminds me of Albert Einsten and Time Travel
20 Jun 2020 | 22:35
what a wonderful story,keep it up
25 Jul 2020 | 17:19
What an Interesting
14 Apr 2021 | 05:33
What an Interesting story
14 Apr 2021 | 05:34
nice village
20 Jul 2021 | 04:46


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