

By Captain in 18 Jun 2020 | 20:23
Captain Joseph

Captain Joseph

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in case you missed book 1 read here >>

Throughout the lecture period, Iris could not concentrate. Jake saw she was in deep thought and wasn’t concentrating, he then touched her.
“No…” Iris screamed and jumped up frightened, attracting the attention to the teacher.
“Is anything the problem, Miss Iris?” the teacher asked with her British accent.
“No ma, am sorry” she apologized taking her seat.
She noticed a girl looking and smiling menacingly at her from the far end of the class.
Feeling the eerie atmosphere she stood up and asked the girl “what did you want from me?”
“Now, that’s weird Miss Iris. The teacher said when she couldn’t find anyone on the seat Iris was talking to. What really is the problem?” the teacher asked.
“I think am seeing phantoms, she replied itching her head. Someone was right there but she’s gone” she said turning back to the teacher but saw Hades approaching her instead.
“It’s just the beginning, Iris” Hades replied with a spooky voice sending a chill to her core.
“Get away from me, you fowl spirit” iris shouted pointing the cross she hung on her neck at him.
“I’ll be back but not alone” Hades replied and vanished.
“Poor, girl. You need to see a psychiatrist” the teacher said and Iris realized she was talking to the teacher all along.
Jake tried to calm her down but she yanked off his hands.
“Don’t touch me!” she shouted, picked her bag and left the class.
“Take good care of yourself, Iris” the teacher said after her.
Iris ran out of the school and stooped an oncoming cab, Henry came out of the car and stopped in front of her.
“Father Henry” she called.
“Is that a compliment or are you trying to tease me, because I don’t have a child yet, so am not a father” Henry said.
“Hop in, let me take you home” he gestured and entered the car as did Iris, he ignited the car and set it in motion driving out of the school front gate.
Father Henry came out of the tree he hid in, Dryad; the goddess who live in trees opened her eyes.
“How do we deal with her because I could send her to the underworld in a few seconds?”
“No, she is a human”
“Don’t tell me you are beginning to have a soft spot for her, you remember what happened to your first love, right?” Dryad asked.
“You don’t need to remind me of that incident and I do not have a soft spot for her. She must pay dearly for her crimes” Father Henry replied.
“How do we achieve that?” Dryad asked.
“We give her a taste of blood” Father Henry answered laughing wickedly.
“Your wish is my command, I can’t wait to enter a human body and have some hot sex before killing the poor dude”
“About that, no killing until I say so”
“I get it, so they won’t know what hit them”
In the car, Iris kept staring at Henry, she couldn’t comprehend how there could be two Henry.
“You are beginning to freak me out Iris, any problem?” Henry asked.
“We met a few days ago in a church and you were the priest” Iris replied.
“I would love that Iris but I was at work yesterday and the day before it”
“You mean you don’t remember meeting me and my friends in a church?” Iris asked.
“No, I don’t”
“Fuck!!” Iris explained.
Henry pulled the brakes and parked the car by the road side and off the ignition.
“What is this about, Iris?
“We are so fucked up” Iris said scratching and scattering her head like a demon possessed girl.
“How and who are we, Iris talk to me what happened?”
“It’s my brother and his friends”
“Okay, what about them?” he asked.
“They did a ritual to see their dead love ones, it was successful at first but thing started to go wrong”
“In what way?”
“They realized that they were hunted by the god of death”
“How does that affect you?”
“Two out of them died in a mysterious and agonizing way I have ever seen”
“That is bad and how did you deal with it”
“That’s where Father Henry comes in. He told us how to defeat it and I did”
“So why is another haunting you now?”
Iris looked at him fearfully.
“I never told you that I was been haunted now”
“I think you did”
“No I did not, who the hell are you?” Iris shouted.

18 Jun 2020 | 20:23
•[url= ][b][color =green] BOOK 1[/color][/b][/url] [hr] Links To Available Episodes •[url= ][b]Episode 2[/b][/url]
18 Jun 2020 | 20:29
Cant wait o, i love them horror
18 Jun 2020 | 21:11
Cant wait o, i love them horror @ele1
18 Jun 2020 | 21:12
I don show like flash
18 Jun 2020 | 21:24
Let me carry my bible beside me
18 Jun 2020 | 21:29
Carry on
19 Jun 2020 | 00:55
My boo @fb-danieledem am beside u. Oya Oga Captain ride on.
19 Jun 2020 | 05:46
I hope say i no go dey see father henry for my dream?
19 Jun 2020 | 09:25
19 Jun 2020 | 19:43
Hmmm so Fr.Henry has an impostor working with Thannos and Hades.. Who then is Dryad??
19 Jun 2020 | 19:46
EPISODE 2 : : “Calm down Iris. Fine I have been watching you” “What!!” Iris exclaimed. “It is for a good reason, I told your teacher to watch over you in school” “Why are you watching me?” Iris asked. “Because” “Because of what, Henry? ”Because I Love you iris” Henry confessed and Iris eyes widened involuntary. “You love me” “Yes, I do and I will do whatever it takes to help you out of this” He said resting Iris head on his shoulder. Iris listened to his heartbeat, it was beating steadily and she embraced him. “I don’t know what to do now. Am clueless, I need to see a psychiatric doctor” “No, that will make it worse. Hades is messing with your mind” Henry said. “How do you know that?” Iris asked. “I read a lot of biblical history that were not written in the bible, for example; the full fight that happened in heaven and what made the devil jealous of God. Hades messes with you mind and makes you vulnerable to attack, that’s his signature way of killing.” “I mean, how do you know hades is the one chasing me?” “I know a lot about THE DARK REALM. When you killed Thanatos or thought you did, you provoked his brother Hades and that is why he is chasing you to kill you” “Wait, you mean Thanatos is not dead?” Iris asked. “Do be silly, do you think you could possibly kill a god” Henry said and smiled at his words. “So where is he? “Since you used the ritual, you sent him to an empty world where he cannot come out from nor can anyone go into except the one that sent him there” “Is Hades after me so I can bring back his brother?” “I wish that was the case” “Then why is he trying to kill me?” “Because you are the only one that can bring his brother out of that realm” “He doesn’t want his brother out of there!” “Yes” “WHY?” “So he can become the most powerful and immortal King of the underworld and he cannot do this if the former king is alive” “You do know a lot about this” Iris said sitting properly. “More than you can imagine but I am not allowed to interfere in it but I have to” “How, why?” Iris asked. “Because of the prophesy” “What prophesy?” “A long time ago there was a prophesy that when hades walk the surface of the earth, hell will be loosed on earth. Demons will walk on earth, Voices will cry out and Blood will be shed” Henry replied. Iris Laughed hysterically. “That is a nice, well composed piece of bullshit” Iris said still laughing. “It’s is not a jokes Iris neither is it a myth. You have seen Hades” “So you mean this prophesy is real” “It is as real as Hell” Henry re plied. “You said that Hades tortured by playing games with one’s mind, Right?” “Indeed he does that” “What other things does he do?” “He further destroys psychologically by killing the one’s closest to you” “Shit” “He is going after your brother” “I need to warn my brother and his friends” Iris said. “His friends?” “Yeah, the one that also partakes in the ritual” Henry was about to start the car when he felt his head spinning, someone was trying to communicate to him but it’s been years decades since anyone has mind contacted him, and there are only two who can do that. He looked at the glass and his eyes were glaring red. He hid his face from Iris and try to disconnect whoever was trying to mind contact him, he couldn’t risk exposing his location since he left home but he could tell that whoever was calling him had sense his presences in this world. Finally he disconnected the person off and his eyes turned back to normal. “Are you alright? Iris asked clueless of what was happening. “Yes, am fine, let’s go” Henry replied, igniting the car he pressed the clutch and set the car in motion to Iris residence.
20 Jun 2020 | 16:09
@zain @itzprince @ele1 @ladyg @fb-danieledem @thecomely @henrymary
20 Jun 2020 | 22:12
Hmmm i dnt think i trust this this Henry of a man o. Iris u ve 2 b very carefuf o.
21 Jun 2020 | 12:18
Hmmm bring it on
21 Jun 2020 | 13:58
So many things yet to unfold
21 Jun 2020 | 17:07
Pls ride on
21 Jun 2020 | 17:07
To say im confused about the two Henrys is an understatement... Ride on man.. You re doing well
22 Jun 2020 | 12:11
EPISODE 3 : The journey to Iris house felt like a long one to her. On getting there Henry brought the car to a stop and parked it in the garage. They alighted from the car and walked to the door, Iris opened the door and went in search of her brother. She called his name but there was no reply. Jason who hid at the back of the couch jumped out scaring the life out of Iris. “Jesus Christ, Jake can you for once in your life not do that” Iris lamented. “We have serious issues than this” “Serious Issues” Jake smiled. “What issues?” he asked and sat on the couch. “Father Henry, you are here, it’s nice of you to check on us. How is the church?” he asked and took his drink. Iris and Henry glanced at each other before Iris spoke up. “This is not Father Henry, Jake” Iris replied and Jake spilled his drink he was sipping “What, you are kidding, right?” “No, am as freaked out as you are, Jake” “Then, they must be twins” Jake suggested. “We are not related, Jake” Henry quickly countered the suggestion. “You both look alike, have the same voice” “Also, he knows about all we did, Thanatos and the dark realm” “What!!!” Jake exclaimed. “Yes” “I don’t buy this at all, how can there be two of you and you don’t know about him” “Can we discuss this another time Jake, we have more pressing issues at hand” “What issue is worth more to discuss than this?” Jake asked. “Thanatos isn’t dead” Iris dropped the bomb and Jake looked at her and Henry. “You guys are nuts” “No, Jake. When we did the ritual we only sent Thanatos to an empty world” “How do you know all this?” “Henry told me” “And you believe him, come on, we don’t even know who he is” infuriated, Jake stood up to leave. “There is another one and he has been tormenting me since the morning” Iris said sobbing. Henry pulled her into his embrace. “His name is Hades and he is more dangerous than Thanatos” “Let him come” “I don’t want to lose you Jake” “I don’t care neither do I give a fuck about Hades, Henry, Father Henry or whatever they call themselves” Jake said going up to his room. Upon entering his room he slammed the door and bolted it, falling on the bed and drifting off to sleep. At the sitting room, Henry pulled Iris face up, looking into her eyes. “I think I’ll have to leave, coming here was I bad idea as I see it” Henry said making an attempt to leave but Iris held him. “Please don’t go, my brother is confused as I am and still processing things and I need someone by my side right now” “Okay, I’ll stay” he said. Iris placed her head on his lap and closed her eyes, she thought about the mess she got herself in. She didn’t bargain for this but glad Henry is there, after a few minutes they both drifted off sleeping. Deep in the forest, Father Henry hit the door and walked to where Dryad was preparing a potion. “Have you found her?” he asked watching what she was doing. “Am still working on that” she answered. “Is the potion ready because this Father Henry’s body is wearing off?” he asked sitting on a wood. “It’s ready, have it” Dryad said and gave him the potion which he gulped down and changed to Father Henry. “Did you appear to Iris as Father Henry in school?” Dryad asked pouring some content into a pot boiling with different ingredients. “No, she saw half of my true appearance.” Dryad looked at him briefly and returned to the boiling pot. She poured the remains a dead bat and casted a spell. “Goddess of the water, air and mirror, hear my voice and hearken to my request. Reveal that, whom we are looking for; Iris” she said and stared at the point for some seconds. “Isn’t something supposed to happen or show?” Father Henry asked. “Wait for it dear” she said and the pot which had cooled when she casted the spell began to boil rapidly and it stopped showing Iris in her house resting on Henry lap. Father Henry looked at them in the pot and smiled “Well, well, who do we have here if it’s not Henry” “It seems he has a connection with the Girl” Dryad said. “Living with humans for decades, he will be weak and vulnerable, that’s is two kill at once” “Weldone” “It’s time for reckoning” Father Henry said and walked out. Iris while sleeping saw Hades flying into her house and stood a bit far from them. Scared by the dream she woke and tapped Henry. “Henry, I saw Father Henry in my dream coming into the house” Iris said panicking. “It’s not a dream, Iris” Father Henry said coming out from the dark. He looked at Henry and smiled. “HELLO BROTHER” “HADES!!” Henry replied. Hey guys, what do you think about this episode and who really is Henry? where do you see this story going?
24 Jun 2020 | 09:31
@ele1 @thecomely @henrymary @ladyg @fb-danieledem @lynda @coolval and others
24 Jun 2020 | 09:33
Getting more interesting
24 Jun 2020 | 10:27
@fb-danieledem not my fault, i am still writing the story and it takes a day to write an episode if there is light
24 Jun 2020 | 11:24
This is scarring nd terrify biko.
24 Jun 2020 | 15:55
I think the real henry is a vampire @henrymary wat do u tink?
24 Jun 2020 | 17:30
@ele1 can a vampire be the brother of the king of the underworld
25 Jun 2020 | 06:02
Okay If Father Henry is Hades Then Henry should be like a protector.. Meaning light and darkness fighting over iris
25 Jun 2020 | 07:00
Hmmm update o
26 Jun 2020 | 10:24
... Daniel Joseph , me i just guessed ni when my confusion has reached its height
26 Jun 2020 | 14:57
EPISODE 4 Well, I guess I have finally found where you hid for the past decades since you were banished” I wasn’t banished, Hades“ “Brother?” Iris asked. “Seems someone’s been lying to you, Iris” Hades said. “You didn’t tell her who you are brother” nice play. “What do you want Hades?” Henry asked defensively. “Come on Brother, don’t be naïve, you know what I want, I want her” Hades replied. “I know why you want her Hades and I won’t let you have her” Hades laughed wickedly. “How do you intend to do that freak, you are not our kind, you are a disgrace and a dirty to our being. You should never have been born” Hades said, his eyes fixed to Henry’s own. “No, I was better and a blessing to our kind. You were all jealous of my physicality, my instincts and my powers. You Wanted them so badly and you hated me for the fact that you weren’t born like me” Henry said and his eyes glowed red. “Very well brother, this is going to be fun” Hades said and his eyes glowed red in return. He twisted his shoulder and his wings came out stretching his hand forward, a magical sword appeared in his hands. “I guess that is a new trick brother” Henry said doing the same thing which brought out a flaming sword in his hand. “How did you do that?” Hades asked amazed. “It’s one of my tricks” “Too bad you are taking your trick back to hell” Hades said and charged towards Henry. He lunged forward and carried Henry out of the house busting through the roof while Iris watched the opened roof fell piece by piece. Henry punched Hades and hell fell slamming his body on the ground in front of the house. Hades got up quickly sprinting towards Henry and coming closer, then jabbing out his sword in attempt to stab him, but reflex kicked in and Henry ducked forward, trying to cleave his legs. Hades noticed this at the last second and only got away with a small, bleeding slice. He sprinted at Henry again, but his time Henry just raised his sword and the two blades clanged together, creating a rumbling echo in the air. The weight of Henry sword was dragging Hades down, but he soon recovered and pushed back hard. He was very strong, so Henry jumped back and dashed forward with his sword straight out in front of Hades. He attempted to stab his arm, but he tucked his shoulders and impaled Henry’s stomach. “Shit!” Henry snarled, jumping back to recover. “You look weak brother” Hades said approaching him. He darted at Henry, but his attacks were beginning to weaken, so Henry adjusted his grip on the sword, just to find himself clutching his neck. He slammed his fist right into his face, then used the palm of his hand in an uppercut under the chin. He grabbed his chin and forced his head back, intending to sweep his legs out from beneath him while forcing him head back. His fist smashed against Henry shoulder with brute force, numbing his arm for a moment and giving Hades the chance to remove the hand from under his chin. Henry quickly glanced back to see him ducking to trip him. He jumped away, but to no avail. His clawed hand grasped my ankle and he threw Henry across the grass, but he landed on all fours and stood up. “ really got me there.” Henry said, panting. “Whatever. I guess I’ll have to take you seriously. Enough holding back.” Henry sword grew sharp and long, but instead of the flame to be red, they turned white. It only grew about a foot, and my hair didn’t change. “What? What kind of True Form is that?” Hades was astounded. “One you will never understand nor ever be. Henry said.” Henry teleported behind Hades, too fast for him to even see. He staggered back, not knowing where he had gone. He bumped me and turned around, but Henry pounded the top of his head and he fell to his knees, terrified. He stood up, preparing himself, but he was too slow and Henry stepped between his legs from behind to trip him while shoving him directly to the ground. Hades fell harshly, crashing against the ground and cracking the rock in his face. The crack tried to fuse back together, but Henry did not allow that much time. He pulled the small chipped pieces out of the Rock and began clawing the flesh off of his face, then he roared in anguish. He wanted to torture him more, but he punched me hard in the jaw. Henry stumbled back, but immediately recoiled, delivering a hard kick aiming for the center of Hades back. The leg collided, causing a strained groan. The blow propelled him and he crashed into the door. Jake who had been watching saw an opportunity to end Hades but Hades foresaw him and slashed him with his wings. “No” Henry shouted running towards Jake. “Till we meet next time” Hades said and flew away.
27 Jun 2020 | 07:12
Wow what a battle
27 Jun 2020 | 09:29
The movie z here again o @ladyg @timson7373 @emmy01 @ele1 @iphemloid @itzprince @hormortiyor @henrymary @youngben @ciarajessy @jaylogo @fb-leemass1 @paddy2x abeg invite other
27 Jun 2020 | 09:33
Hmmmm this is serious war o, Henry nd father Henry. iris what's going 2 b ur fate now? Nxt biko, @thecomely thanks 4 d cal.
27 Jun 2020 | 09:59
Wetin dey xup bayii??
27 Jun 2020 | 11:57
Nice one bring it on g
27 Jun 2020 | 18:22
@thecomely thanks bro
27 Jun 2020 | 18:25


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