If u know your name is not in this list come out, everybody stood still, if u know u did not pay 13000 for this reason exam come out, I look around everyone was putting on a smiling face, I went out,
Principal:Shola because u re intelligent, u want to write this exam your self , u want to give dis school a bad record, we are know for our success for external exams, if u fail, u fail yourself , go to the back seat, u will write dis exam alone.
Me:no problem sir, I quickly went to a far extreme seat to sit down, d exam started, I prayed and started my exam, wrote according to what I know, I submitted my exam and I was d first to finish, I left d hall and went home to study for maths, when I got home I was so hungry, I went straight to do kitchen no food, I was so angry, I went to the Bush to pluck mango, I climb d tree and start going for d ripe one, I sighted one and ate it, I pluck another one and ate also, den I decided to relax, before I know I slept off, I was feeling some thing was crawling on my body, it was tickling me, I open my eyes it was evening and I was alone in d Bush I quickly grab a branch to aid me to stand I saw a big snake on the tree crawling to the opposite direction, I shouted d snake turned and face me he was coming to my side I wanted to run but my leg was stuck before I knew it I was standing face to face with a big snake ,d snake open its mouth and........... Update coming sooner Dan u expect.