The Enemy Within

The Enemy Within

By ChiChi in 22 Mar 2018 | 18:42
ChiChi ChiChi

ChiChi ChiChi

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Posts: 81
Member since: 30 Dec 2017
Episode 1
Written By ChiChi
"I want to quit this affair Linda,".
"I am tired of this whole relationship". Mark noted
He was sitting right in Linda's sitting room.
"What's wrong baby,"Why do u want to quit?" "Did I do something wrong?" Linda asked with a surprised expression written on her face.
"is not about you Linda,is about me,I have never found peace since I started dating you and cheating on my wife."
"I feel guilty going home everyday to see my beautiful wife showing me love when I know am not worthy of her love."is killing me inside".

" Mark,I love you,I don't care whether you are married or not,"
"I understand and I love you so much,"
she tried reaching out for his lips but was pushed by him.

"stop this nonsense Linda".
"where is your conscience?" "for Christ's sake, Joyce is your Friend, Your best friend, Your childhood Friend." he fired angrily.

"And so?"I love you and that's what matters,To Hell with what you or Joyce or anyone thinks or feels."she responded.
"You are sick Linda"
"We are done!"
"Get that into your Head!"
With that he Stormed angrily out of the house.

Linda laughed,"You are mine Mark,"
"You must marry me and I must get what I want even If it means killing Joyce I will

Mark POV
My name is Mark Johnson.
A fair Handsome gentleman with Average Height and Nice body Structure.
I may not be that richest billionaire you think of but at least I run the one of the well known oil company it left by my late father.You may think I am blowing my own horn but that's just the fact.
Alot of girls admired back then in my university days but none of them got my attention.
I saw them as total distractions.
Until after Graduation, took over the company as the Manager that I met this charming lady named Joyce in an eatery one day.
We became friends and things later work out well, began dating and later got married.
I never regretted marrying her.
She is everything I need in a woman.
She understands,loves, supports, encourages in every aspect of the marriage.
Why on Earth I thought of cheating on her still remain a mystery to me.
Not with anyone else but her best friend Linda.
Oh!!! Women are devil!!
Linda knew this yet refused to let go of me.
And I was so deep in the mess that I realized I was deeply hurting my wife without her knowing.
I thought about this whole illegal affair and I decided to quit before it becomes late.
But what I never knew was that it was late already to get out of this mess!!!
22 Mar 2018 | 18:42
Right here [hr] Link to Available Episodes Scroll down for Episode 2-3 •Episode 4&5 Episode 6&7 Episode 8&9 Episode 10&11 Episode 12&13 Episode 14-16 Episode 17&18 Episode 19&20 Episode 21 Episode 22
22 Mar 2018 | 18:48
Episode 2 Joyce POV I have just finished setting dinner on the table. Awaiting my sweet hubby from work. I loved this guy so much, He is all I needed in a man. So caring, loving,sweet, awesome...I mean everything, despite the fact that I am yet to give him a child three years into the marriage. I would have never forgiven myself if I had rudely snub him like I did to other men at the eatery that day. Till date, I can't explain the force of attraction that drew me to him. Lol,is a day I will love to replay Everytime. Enough of the praises now Let me tell u a bit about myself. Am d only child of my late parents. A graduate of University of Lagos With degree in Business administration. I had to quit my job after marriage because hubby said it was too stressful for me. He opened a boutique and also employed sales girls to do the job. My only duty was to collect money after sales and also check how things are going. I spent almost all my time at home Okay now, let's pause here for a while. Hubby is back home and I need to go Welcome Hubby. Marriage is very sweet but make sure you watch out for enemies**** Linda POV Linda is my name A graduate of unilag with a degree in Marketing,yet to get a job U can imagine what the country looks like now. Thank God I am still able to carter for myself Plus the ones I get from my sugar daddies and side boyfriends. I used "side boyfriends" because am unable to fall in love genuinely with any boy and the one I fell in love with sadly is married. Mark!!! Oh how he knows how much I love him. Mark is everything I need in a man Till Tomorrow I so much hate Joyce for taking him away from me. I mean why has she been the lucky one since childhood? Everyone is attracted to her and none to me. She always seem to be the lucky one. I never used to mind her till she began dating Mark. I was the first to notice him at the eatery when he walked in. But like always,she used her charm to draw him and like a blow to my face, they got married. I succeedly seduced him at my apartment one day when he stopped by just to pay a visit and complained about Joyce's childlessness,and it worked at well. Since then,we have been dating secretly,not until he came yesterday to breakup with me for no reason. Sadly Am not going to let go of him. He is mine and I must become his wife by hook or crook even if it means someone has to get kill. TBC
22 Mar 2018 | 19:12
Episode 3 Mark has finished eating the last piece of chicken on his plate. Dinner was just great like every other day. Joyce is such an excellent cook and everything prepared by her was well seasoned with great taste! He is grateful for a bundle of blessings like her as his wife. She is just the perfect type in everything. Smart, beautiful, intelligent,a great chef both in the kitchen and the bedroom. She sure knew how to leave a satisfied smile on his face after every sex. She knew how to rock and wine that waist and backside very well making him to desire more of her. What ever made him to get into that affair with Linda,her childhood friend? Was it due to the absence of a child? Well that's painful too Three years gone,and not even a voice to call him daddy. What's really wrong? Is she barren? But the countless numbers of tests has proven that everything is medically ok with her. The thought of childlessness was the reason he had pushed himself into the arms of that Delilah Linda. How he wished he had never stepped his feet into her house that day. She knew he was fustrated and used that opportunity to seduced him and as stupid as he was,he felled. Oh what a deep fall!!! He just prayed is not too late to get out. He has lost count on the number of times he got between her legs. Her apartment,his office,hotels,too many to count. He was glad he has broken that bound between them but will she accept it willingly? He hoped so! His thoughts were pushed away by the footsteps of Joyce emerging from the kitchen toward him. "I hope you enjoyed the meal bb?" She asked sitting on a chair next to him. "Oh yes baby." "like always,you are simply the best."he replied giving her a peck. "oh please stop flattering me boo."she blushed "If I don't feed you who will?" "I know baby" and that's why I love you so much" He kissed her again. "Thank God is weekend" I have missed you so much". "miss me?" "But you and I are together everyday after work." "I know baby but I love to be with you every minute of my time." "I love you so much baby." "I love you too boo."she kissed him "That's remind me,Linda called this afternoon and extending her greetings to you." The mentioned name of Linda put him completely off and a guilty and anxiety feelings came upon him. He hoped she won't let the cat out of the bag oneday. The expression he had seen on her face after the breakup has been clearly understood that she is not willing to let go of him easily. He knew Linda for the few times he had spent with her and he knew that it won't be easy. "Are you ok boo?" Joyce asked looking at him. "oh am perfectly fine baby,was just lost in thoughts." He responded He must tried as much as possible not to make Joyce suspects him. "you know what baby?" he said changing the topic. He won't let the issues of Linda affects his mood. "You have just given daddy the physical food," "So why don't we go upstairs for the bedroom meal?" "No,No" she replied picking up the tray of plates about heading for the kitchen. "Mommy has alot of work to do in the kitchen sweetheart." "Can't they wait?" He asked frowning his face. He badly needed sex to ease his troubled mind. "no boo,they can't wait,but maybe I can spare a quickie." She replied with a naughty smile as she walked away. Mark smiled. That's one thing he loved about Joyce She sure knew how to turn him on. And he loved her for that. With that,he followed her to the kitchen. Kitchen quickie won't be a bad idea. Trouble was sure heading! TBC
22 Mar 2018 | 19:33
22 Mar 2018 | 23:34
issoryt next
23 Mar 2018 | 00:48
Thanks for the iv @jummybabe
23 Mar 2018 | 01:49
@jummybabe thanks 4 d i.v This one na trouble oh. @chimmy @omotoyosi @halleluyah89 @druid @captainspoonz @omaisabella @softtouch @Nazeal come o
23 Mar 2018 | 02:12
this going to be hmmmm ok
23 Mar 2018 | 02:48
Episode 4 Mark was sitting on the sofa in the palour watching a football match at the same time slipping from a glass of cold orange juice placed on the table near him. It was a very hot afternoon. His favorite team Chelsea was leading Arsenal 1-0. Chelsea has been his favorite since childhood and he has never missed them play for any reason. He remembered during his bachelor life how he and his best friend Ryan would stroll to the nearby joint to watch whenever there was any match to be played while they enjoyed themselves with cold bottles of beer and catfish pepper soup. It was a huge fun then. That's bachelor life for u. Thank God he is now a happily married man and preferred his sitting room Television to that of a pepper soup joint,though he sometimes go out with Ryan for old good times sake. Joyce walked into the palour from upstairs. Dressed in a cream dress a little above knee level which neatly fitted on her,enabling her curvy figure 8 to be seeing. A black pair of pencils heel sandal on her feet to match with her black designer handbag,a little makeup applied and her weavon tied in a ponytail style. Her sweet scented perfume overtook the entire place and for a moment Mark was lost in Amazement. Standing right before him was an epitome of beauty. He gazed at her from head to toe,admiring every bit of the outfit she was wearing especially her hips. Heaven must definitely be missing an Angel! What did he ever saw in Linda that made him to loose his senses? His darling wife was more than enough to satisfy any hungered soul. Joyce smiled. She no doubt knew the effect and magical spell she has casted on her husband and was enjoying every bit of it. Who say married women are not allowed to slay? She looked at her watch. Oh! she gasped She must stopped hubby from admiring else her appointment will end in the bedroom. "Hey Mr.Easy with the starring.Am your wife already." "I wished I could looked at you this way forever Darling." He responded "Thanks babe,am off to an appointment with Doctor Henry. Will pass by to see Linda and later to the boutique." Mark wasn't listening. She has captured every part of his mind. Joyce noticed and laughed "Hey Mr. Am talking to you!" "Huh!" Oh am sorry" he replied. "What were you saying?" Joyce shook her head "See you later baby,Be a good boy, Mommy loves you." She kissed him, opened the door and left. She wasn't going to allow him waste her time. Mark sighed. He returned his focus back to the TV. He was not even interested in the game any longer. The thought of him cheating on an angel like his wife made him lost concentration. He heard the door creaked and opened. He thought she has forgotten to take something along like she always do. "And what did you-" He was interrupted as the figure of the person walked in. He stood up in astonishment. This was not Joyce Talking about the Devil. She has finally showed up Exactly the time Joyce had left. "Hey handsome" she said with a smile "Linda" he replied with a shock. This was really going to be a long talk.
23 Mar 2018 | 10:26
The Enemy Within Written by ChiChi Episode 5 "Hey handsome". She repeated. Mark looked at her. He used few seconds to observe her outfit. She was putting on a red short flying dress which exposed her black inner wear.He doubt if she could bend to pick up something without exposing her back side. The front of the dress was opened. She wore a sponge bra which enabled her breasts to be seen,only the nipples were in. On her feet were black flat cover shoes matching the black handbag she held. Her braiding were not that bad and she wore a heavy makeup. She has added a little weight compared to when he saw her last. She is beautiful though but can't be compared to his wife. He quickly removed his mind from her appearance. He won't allowed her to seduce him right in his house. Affliction will not rise again. "Why the long stare Honey?"Linda asked him "Don't tell me you missed me that much again?" She smiled seductively as she sat on the chair placing her handbag on the table. "missed my foot" he said to himself. "What are you doing here Linda?" "Excuse me," "Can't I come to pay my childhood friend a visit in her matrimonial home anymore?" "Well she is not around so you can gladly take your exit." "Is that so?" Linda asked sarcastically "Well then, I think is just the perfect moment to talk about ourselves right honey." she winked at him. Mark sighed in fustration as he took his seat opposite her. This was getting more complicated than he thought. He must find a way for her to leave him alone even if it means paying her off. "Linda" he began in a cold tone."please I beg you.Am sorry if I gave you any false hopes that something will work between us. please forgive me. I was just a fustrated man then and I thought I could find a little comfort in your house about my family issues. I didn't mean to fall. Please leave me alone. Am a happy married man and I love my wife. I am willing to pay you off." "Wow,wow,wow" "such a nice speech."Linda applauded him. "You sure know how to act honey." "I am not joking Linda!" Mark shouted in annoyance. "Then you must be out of your senses Mark!" She fired back at him. "Excuse me?" He asked He just couldn't believe she had the guts to insult him. "Am sure you are not deaf." she replied. "If you think you are going to dump me after seeing my nakedness and ridding me like a horse,then you must be high on cheap drugs Mark Johnson Carl." "What do you take me for?" She asked him. "You think am a tissue paper that you can throw into the dust bin after cleaning your ass?" "You won't dump me Mark, You wont." For a moment,Mark stood fixed at Linda. He just couldn't believe she just said all these words to him. There must be a way out of this. "So what do you want me to do Linda?" He asked her. "Marry me!" she responded sharply There was a moment of silence. It was as if a a cold spirit just passed. "What?" He asked in astonishment He didn't think he heard her right. Linda scoffed "You heard me loud and clear buddy." Mark laughed loudly and like a flash he stood up and shouted "You must be out of your senses Linda!" "oh really?" she stood up too. "Very well,we gonna know who is out of senses here." Bringing out a white piece of paper from her bag, she forcefully threw it at Mark and hissed. The paper fell to the floor "Congratulations Mark Johnson Carl." She said as she walked out on him. Mark looked at the paper on the floor. He was afraid to pick it up. Let it not be what he is thinking No,it shouldn't be.. He bent over and picked the paper from the floor. Slowly opened it. Suddenly everywhere became dark as his eyes opened with the widest shock ever. Boldly written on the paper was a pregnancy test which showed positive. Finally Trouble has landed. Oh what a big fool he was!!! TBC
23 Mar 2018 | 10:47
23 Mar 2018 | 11:42
Seated even not invited
23 Mar 2018 | 11:42
thanks for the iv
23 Mar 2018 | 11:43
thanks for the iv @jummybabe
23 Mar 2018 | 11:46
ride on @chichi
23 Mar 2018 | 11:47
Pls continue...
23 Mar 2018 | 11:48
@jummybabe thanks for the iv. this guy has messed big time bt I will wait for what's next
23 Mar 2018 | 12:35
23 Mar 2018 | 12:38
The Enemy Within Written by ChiChi Episode 6 Mark paced up and down his office, Going to and fro talking to himself. Confusion was an understatement to describe how he felt that moment. He couldn't sleep throughout the night, Not even an erection when his wife tried turning him on. She had noticed and asked but he couldn't tell her how hot his feet were burning. Of course,no woman,no matter the love would take things lightly if eventually find out that her husband impregnated her very best friend. This was just too much to bear. What can he do? He knew that, with time, Linda will expose his secrets out to Joyce. She won't even care if it hurt her or not after all she had boldly told him to marry her without any iota of shame, definitely she can do worst than that. "Oh Mark! You are such a fool" he lamented. "A very big fool". Look at how he had foolishly used his very hands to lit a fire that is burning his head.He had willingly accepted an invitation to dine with the Devil,all because of a moment of pleasure.He foolishly and Willingly invited trouble into his peaceful home. No time to complain though. He must find a way to get out of this whole mess. What should he do? An idea strucked him. Yes!! Ryan his best buddy since childhood! He must be able to help out. They have been close pals since forever and shared the deepest secrets. "I must see Ryan immediately!" With that he dashed out of his office. ******* Linda POV I know Mark must be in a serious anxiety after seeing the results of the test. Who couldn't be though?? He is yet to call but I know he will soonest. I know what am doing is not right. Trying to destroy my blossom friend happy marriage knowing fully well he loves her even in her barrenness but i love him and my happiness matters most. Since childhood, like a puppet,I have always been at her Beck and call, that's why she never care about me only herself. Is now time to turn the table around. Mark is not responsible for the pregnancy My boyfriend Ryan is. I had met him before Mark I agreed to be his girlfriend because I thought it helped me get over Mark, especially when he proposed marriage to me but I couldn't. No man has captured my heart like Mark did. I was so angry when I found out that I was pregnant for Ryan. I thought about telling him, But later decided to use it as an advantage to make Mark mine. I must do anything to make sure he is mine. He must marry me and no one will stand in my way. Am so ever ready! TBC
23 Mar 2018 | 13:26
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 7 Ryan sat behind his desk in his office opposite his Friend Mark. He had listened keenly as Mark narrated every thing he is going through. Ryan became dumbfounded. He couldn't believe his best friend is this stupid. Mark has been his buddy since childhood and they were likely referred to as Twins by people. They met during primary days while playing a football match and their relationship grew till they became tight buddies. They graduated from secondary school together,attended the same university and after completion, Mark's Dad offered him a job in his company as an assistant Manager before he died. He ranked next to Mark in the firm. He had been very happy when Mark told him about his proposal to Joyce and they had planned about Ryan standing as the best man in the wedding. Unfortunately he couldn't make it to the wedding. His Mother died in the village so he had to attend the burial. Mark understood and even sympathized with him. He came back after the wedding ceremony and went over to see them at their home and wished them well. He must confessed that he was envious of his friend's choice because Joyce was exactly the type of woman he dreamed about. That was three years ago. How time flies! Now, Mark was in his office telling him about impregnating another woman,not even an outsider but his wife's best friend. Indeed Woman are terrible! This is so much complicated! Mark became annoyed. It has been over minutes he told his friend about his predicament but he has been silent. "Say something dummy." He fired with impatience at Ryan. "Oh am sorry." Ryan finally spoke. He got carried away by his thoughts. "Honestly Mark, I am totally disappointed in you." "I know stupid." Mark replied "Just help me find a way out." "Think of something,put your brain to work." "Oh really?" Ryan asked "So where did you send yours to before getting under another woman laps?" "I didn't come here for you to mock me Ryan." "Ok am sorry." Ryan breathed "But are you sure that you are responsible for the pregnancy?" Mark paused for a second, sincerely he hadn't thought about that but he was sure because the weeks of the pregnancy shown on the result corresponded with when he had make love to Linda. He had been so carried away that he didn't remembered using protection besides he doesn't think Linda is in another relationship,he had over heard her telling his wife that she is yet to have a boyfriend. Also, Linda won't be stupid to give him another man's child. "I think so Ryan." He replied coldly. Ryan scoffed "You think so?" He repeated Mark "You think or you know?"he asked again "I know this girl very well man." "In that case,tell her to abort it." Ryan concluded. "HOLY MOSES!!" Mark screamed "Abortion!!" "You don't need the pregnancy do you??" Mark paused "See I can't do that ok,is very risky besides Joyce is yet to give me a child. Ryan looked at his friend Mark looked at him and sighed "You should understand Ryan." "What if this is my only child?" "What if Joyce is barren?" "besides" he added "The Linda I know won't do that." "Jeez!" "Are you for real?" "Is like you think this is a joke." Ryan responded. "You want to keep the pregnancy Mark?" "Are you stupid?" "No I am not Ryan!" "I am just confused, I can't tell if Joyce will ever give birth,I don't want to make a mistake." "Mistake" Ryan asked "No mistake is greater than what you are in already." "Ok fine Marry her." He concluded "WHAT!!" "then what happen about Joyce?" Ryan laughed "is like you think this is a joke Mark." "You must be a big fool to think Linda will allow you have claim her child without Marriage." "Besides,if you think Joyce will gladly open her arms and welcome your baby by her very best friend then you must be high on cheap drugs Mark Johnson Carl." Mark sighed in Fustration. This was indeed Complicated! TBC
23 Mar 2018 | 13:29
thanks for the iv @maths Linda why are you like this
23 Mar 2018 | 14:38
use your brain man
23 Mar 2018 | 16:52
Mark you are so stupid and dumb You don't even know what you want
23 Mar 2018 | 17:37
23 Mar 2018 | 18:40
mark u don't want an abortion, u don't want to marry her. what do you want exactly. u should have thought of the consequences first before digging into her
23 Mar 2018 | 18:48
Yeye man
23 Mar 2018 | 19:36
23 Mar 2018 | 19:41
of kuz
23 Mar 2018 | 19:42
this Mark sef is stupid
24 Mar 2018 | 01:48
So dummy like Mark still exist
24 Mar 2018 | 02:27
mark u are confused
24 Mar 2018 | 04:33
ride on
24 Mar 2018 | 04:34
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 8 Joyce POV I don't need a soothsayer to tell me that hubby was troubled. Why exactly? I couldn't say because he refused to let me know. Imagine,for the first time after three years of marriage,he refused making love to me. Though sometimes,I understand he might be tired but I know last night was not about being tired but something bigger than that. Something is wrong and i must find out. I heard the door bell rang and got up to check only to see my best sweetheart Linda. Glad she is here, maybe she could help me find a way about hubby behaviors and i know alot of latest gists are available too. Mark POV I reluctantly left Ryan's office. I thought he could find a way out for me but he only made me confused the more by telling me to marry Linda or go for abortion. Imagine, marrying my wife best friend,a big slap to Joyce's face. Abortion too is no way because I need the child. Am not getting younger. Joyce is yet to give me a child. How can i abort my first strength as a man. What a life for a once happily married man!!!★ Ryan POV Mark left my office without saying a word. I guess he must have been disappointed not hearing what he expected. He is my best friend,no doubt, but as a man, there are certain decisions you need to make on your own. I just hope he doesn't get things done in the wrong way. I put a call through to my babe Linda asking if she could come over at my house. Linda was a girl I met at the club one night. We had sex and parted ways but something attracted me to her so I went back there looking for her but didn't find her. I later met her at the supermarket one day,we exchanged contacts and later began dating. I proposed to her but she's yet to give me feedback. Strange right? Yes that's what love does. I am still keeping my fingers crossed for a positive response. She said she is at her friend's place promising to stop by my place later. I got home,fell on the sofa as my mind travelled back to Mark.oh! Poor thing! Mark POV I just reached the entrance of my house and was about opening the door to the sitting room when I heard my wife shouting and that of Linda telling her to calm down. I paused to listen and I heard Joyce shouting "How could you get pregnant for him Linda?" I froze on the spot. Oh no! I am dead!
24 Mar 2018 | 11:53
This mark is a dummy
24 Mar 2018 | 13:00
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 9 Continuation from Mark POV I couldn't go in. It was like I was stuck to the floor and my memory gone. After what seemed like eternity,I opened the door, with shaken hands and went in, ready to meet my fate. As I got in,I saw both of them eyes starring at me penetrating my body. I became dumbfounded and it was like I was in a trace. "Mark." I heard Joyce shouted and I came back to my senses. "Joyce" I called, about to start begging for mercy but she interrupted me. "Honey Are you ok." She asked "Honey.?" Did I hear her right? "Baby,are you ok?" I heard her asked again. I breathed heavily in relief. Chai!!! That was so closed! I was just about selling out myself. Guilty Conscience!!! "I am having a fever baby" I lied to her "Oh! Am so sorry baby." She said moving towards me She placed her hand on my forehead,"But your temperature is normal boo." "Is from inside dear." I lied again "Then let me quickly call Doctor Henry to come over." She replied moving to take her phone on the table. "No!" I almost shouted "I just need to rest baby,will be fine." "Are you sure??" She asked looking deeply at me "Yes love." I answered "Sorry Mark." Linda spoke for the first time since I entered. "Sorry my ass." I said to myself "Thanks" I murmured. "I will be upstairs baby" I said to Joyce heading towards the stairs. I slowly climbed the stairs,I knew they would been starring at me but I didn't turned to look back as I finally reached the bedroom's door, opened, entered and shut it real hard. "Let me go see him" Joyce said to Linda as she hurriedly climbed the stairs leading to the bedroom. "The Battle has begun." Linda said and laughed. Joyce POV I was having a discussion with Linda where she told me about her pregnancy with a guy she met at the club. Imagine! Pregnant for a guy she barely knew. What an irresponsible act!!! Our discussion was interrupted by hubby's presence. As I turned to welcome him,I saw him shaking,just standing starring at us unable to speak. It was like he was completely gone,he didn't even heard me called him the first time so I had to shout his name before he came back from wherever his mind must have travelled to. What is really going on??? I knew he lied about the fever because I know my husband very well. Whatever be the case,I must find out as i continuously climbed the stairs leading to our bedroom. Another Trouble was landing!!! Linda POV I got up to leave. Joyce was taking forever to come back. Mark is really undergoing a serious stress that even made him to loose some weight.I laughed! Oh! How it is sweet to be smart player. "You are a bad bitch" I said to myself He is yet to call though I had messaged him countless times but my phone is still on, awaiting his call. I wanted to go home but I remembered I promised to go see Ryan. I immediately stopped a cab to go over. I guess a pregnant woman need a quickie sometimes too.winked. TBC
24 Mar 2018 | 13:11
This mark a big fool
24 Mar 2018 | 13:19
This story is complicated Linda is the beast among them OMG
24 Mar 2018 | 17:25
bad friend
24 Mar 2018 | 17:49
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 10 Joyce's point of view. I opened and arrived into the bedroom, noticed that hubby was not in the room.. I heard the sound of water splashing so i peeped through the bathroom door and saw him having his bath. I sighed and went back to the bed, sat on it waiting for him to get done because I need to know what's exactly is happening to him and am not going to buy another story from him. I saw his coat lying on the bed so I got up,took it and walked to the wardrobe with the aim of putting it in. I tried opening the wardrobe with one hand but couldn't so I placed the coat on the chair and used both hands to open the wardrobe. As I picked his coat up,a white piece of paper fell to the floor. I bent, picked it up and was about putting it back but something caught my attention,out of curiosity,i slowly opened it and read. ****** Ryan POV I was home lying on the tiles in my sitting room playing a game on my computer when I heard the sound of my door bell. I quickly got up and went to answered,upon opening,I met my beautiful baby Linda smiling at me. I hugged her tightly inhaling the scent of the sweet smelling perfume she wore. After a while,I ushered her in. "You are welcome baby" I said kissing her sweet soft lips. "Thanks Dear, hope I didn't keep you waiting for long?" She asked as she sat on the chair. "No dear but I was seriously missing you." I answered as I sat besides her. "Really?" She asked me "Of course" I replied taking her hands into mine. "Why don't you want to accept my proposal and be the mother of my kids?" I asked her "Ryan" she called "I thought we have discussed this before." "I need time to think baby,we barely know each other." "Ok fine" I gave in. "Take all the time you need baby.but just know that I love you so much." I told her "What's in the house to eat?" She asked changing the topic "Hello madam,this is a bachelor's house in case you have forgotten" I replied "A lazy one at that." She responded smiling "Let me go prepare something then" she stood up "You are such a darling" "Whatever,but don't come into the kitchen till I am through copy" "Yes madam" I answered her as she swang her sexy ass walking away. I smiled to myself. Oh I loved this lady!! Mark POV I came out of the bathroom feeling a little bit refreshing after the shower I just had to clear my head. I noticed my coat was not lying on the bed but the chair. I clearly remembering placing it on the bed before going to take a shower. Was I going insane or did my wife came here while I was in? But I didn't hear any sound,how will I even hear when I was so deep in thoughts? But why is Joyce not here? Probably preparing my evening meal. My mind quickly ran to the piece of paper in my coat. I rushed to it, dipped my hand in and brought it out. I sighed in relief Guess she didn't come here after all "Mark You are gradually losing your head" I said to myself My phone beeped, I guess it was another message from that devil who has been disturbing my phone since she left that day I looked at it and read"U better think of a way out or I do it my way." What exactly should I do? I thought about switching my phone off but I later found myself dialling her number as I listened to it ringing. God please help me!!! TBC
24 Mar 2018 | 19:24
24 Mar 2018 | 19:27
u better tell ur wife the truth because one day the truth will surface
24 Mar 2018 | 19:31
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 11 Linda POV As i sat in the kitchen looking at the chicken boiling on the gas cooker, I began to think about Ryan proposal to me. Should I agree to marry him especially now that I have fallen deeply in love with him? It was obvious that Mark can never be mine. He is even yet to call me despite my multiple messages sent to him. Maybe I should just forget him and focus on Ryan after all he is everything I need in a man. So respectful, caring, loving besides he cherished me alot. But What about the pregnancy? What do I do? Should I tell him about it now? No! That will be so stupid of me. I guess I have to wait after marriage and tell him. Look at me,I am not getting older. Joyce is already married and planning her future with her husband. And am here trying to destroy it when I should have prepared my own. It's time to quit this mess. I am getting married to Ryan after all I am carrying his child. Ryan POV I went back to my computer game while waiting for my girlfriend to be done with the meal. Glad I have a caring girlfriend who cooks very well. Fast food has been Mark and I dialy routine as bachelors till he left me alone in it. I wished Linda could accept my proposal so I can be complete as a man. Still in thoughts when I heard the ringing sound of a phone. I turned and saw that her handbag was on the table and the sound was coming from there. I wanted to ignore but it seemed like whoever that was calling was never going to stop till the call is answered. So I got up, dipped my hand in her handbag and picked the phone about taking it to her when suddenly my eyes caught the name of the caller on the screen. It was boldly written "Mark my sweetheart" I won't have even mind that not until i saw the number beneath the name. I froze on the spot! This was a number I know so well that I can call out correctly without missing any digits even with a gun pointed at all. Mark!! My best friend!! What was his number doing in Linda's phone with a romantic name like that? I knew Mark since childhood and he never had any siblings whatsoever like me,so it's definitely not family relatives. The call ended, i dropped the phone on the chair and began searching her bag, what I was looking for, I couldn't say but I knew something was seriously amissed. My hand touched a hard piece of paper in her bag. I slowly brought it out and saw that it was a white piece of paper. I opened it and read. I was shocked beyond words! "Linda is five weeks pregnant!!!" "Holy Moses!!!" I dropped the paper back into her bag and picked up her phone. Thank God No password so I quickly went to her inbox. For what seemed like hours I couldn't moved. My eyes were yet to recovered from the shock. I dropped the phone back too when I heard the sound of the kitchen door opening. I knew she was approaching so I hurriedly went to sit back behind the computer, pretending to be focused on the game. "Hey babe food is ready" she said to me "Ok." I answered "Did anyone call me?" She asked "I wasn't paying attention" I told her She picked her phone from her bag and looked at it while I looked at her through the Corner of my eyes "Oh! My cousin called" "Why didn't you bring it to me?" She asked me "Busy with computer games"I told her,still pretending to be focused on the computer. "Call him or her back" "Will do that later, Food is ready, let's go eat" she said and walked away. I got up from the floor and stood starring while she walked away. Everything slowly began to play in my head. The lines began to connect and the puzzle began to solve. I now understood everything clearly Just like African Magic For the first time in many years Tears dropped from my eyes. I was deeply hurt beyond words!! TBC
24 Mar 2018 | 19:37
what will now happen
25 Mar 2018 | 03:51
25 Mar 2018 | 06:56
Father Lawd the truth should be revealed quickly
25 Mar 2018 | 09:54
Yeye girl *Linda* and folish man *Mark*
25 Mar 2018 | 10:20
I thought Mark explained to u Ryan, or weren't u listening?. now u know, Joyce knows, what next....
25 Mar 2018 | 10:58
This is so so bad
25 Mar 2018 | 10:59
Linda will definitely lose at both sides
25 Mar 2018 | 11:31
tym for burst of bubble
25 Mar 2018 | 16:53
25 Mar 2018 | 19:13
Omo this wahala
26 Mar 2018 | 04:51
The Enemy Within Written by chichi Episode 12 Mark POV Linda wasn't answering my calls. I wonder what she was doing? Maybe planning her next step of wickedness like the devil she is. After numerous trials,I gave up,switch my phone off,threw it on the bed and headed downstairs to see my darling wife. I knew she must be down hearted by my sudden abnormal behaviors these days. I wouldn't blamed her though? If only she knew what I am going through. Linda POV I was surprised seeing Mark's missed call on my phone. This was the first time he called since I told him about the pregnancy. Has he finally thought on what to do? Or was it a mistake calling me?? I tried calling him back but his phone was switched off so I send him a text telling him to call me back. It was time to tell him the truth. I am staying with Ryan. If only it was true!! ****** Continuation from Mark POV I got downstairs and saw my wife sitting on the sofa starring into space. I wonder what she was thinking. I walked closed to her and touched her but she screamed so hard at me telling me to leave her alone. My heart almost fell out. I was so shocked beyond words. Joyce has never yelled at me since I got to know her. Even if there was a misunderstanding between us,we simply avoided ourselves and later settled it in the bedroom. What is wrong?? Was I right?? Has she found out about the pregnancy?? "What's wrong baby?"I asked her "Just leave me alone!!" She yelled again "What's the matter baby?" I asked again "Your are the matter Mark, you are?" She answered crying "Since you have started hiding things from me, your wife." I was shocked again. Oh no!! She has finally found out! "I am sorry baby." I said "I didn't mean it that way." "Oh really?" She asked "Tell me how you mean it,tell me." "For Christ's sake, I am your wife,if you have any problem at your office,you ought to tell me,not to come home refusing to talk and even embarrassed me in the presence of my friend." she continued to cry. ""What was she saying?" I asked myself Oh! she thought am going through office stress. "Mark" she called wiping her tears. i looked at her "You are the boss of your company,take a break if you are tired,you won't get fired ok." I breathed. Glad it wasn't what I was thinking. I drew her near to me and placed her head on my chest as she continued to cry even louder than before. "Honey,I am deeply sorry." I said I knew that I was the cause of what my darling wife was going through. I wished it never happened. I wished I never met Linda. I wished I could turned back the hands of time and make everything right again. I wished I was once the happily married man. I wished the peace,joy and happiness is once restored back to my family. Oh! I wished! "I am deeply sorry Joyce." I said again. I allowed the tears to flow freely from my eyes. Sincerely I was hurt too. TBC "
26 Mar 2018 | 06:29
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 13 Joyce POV I couldn't sleep as I laid next to the man I called my husband. What I felt that moment for him was beyond hatred. His face disgusted me so much and I felt like throwing up. I was so much filled with pains and regrets. This was the man I had met in the eatery some years back. The man that caught my very attention as he walked in. The very man that I couldn't sleep at night without hearing him say all those romantic words to my ear. The man that I didn't even wait for him to finish completing his proposal before I excitedly told him yes. The man that i proudly walked down the isle with,to be finally connected with him The man that made me believed that true love truly existed and that marriage was indeed a bed of roses and not as hard as most couples made it to be. The man that I have grown to love, respect, appreciate and adore every day making sure I fulfill all my wifey obligations. The man that I genuinely fell in love with. The man that has been the only reason behind my smiles. But right now,all that love has disappeared and complete hatred has replaced it. Oh God!! "Wherever did i go wrong?" "Imagine the pains I am going through right now." My heart has been ripped and hopes shattered into pieces. Looking at him,he was sleeping peacefully like a baby as if all is well. For the first time since marriage,I never felt that connection when he made love to me earlier. He didn't even noticed as I lied like a piece of wood as he entered me. Three years gone. How on Earth am I going to tell him that I am finally pregnant? After three years of waiting and praying. Hell no!! I will never tell him. This heartless and shameless beast can never be the father of my child. I wept within myself. I never planned this kind of marriage. **** Ryan POV I sat at the dinning table watching Linda set dinner. I have long ago lost my appetite. My stomach was now full with pains and anger. Looking at her,she looked so innocent and pretty, pretty indeed. Who could believed that this girl is worst than the devil himself. Who could believed this was the same girl that is bent on destroying my best friend's Marriage? Who could believed this girl was pregnant for another person while dating me? And to think I was begging her to accept my proposal. Imagine the betrayal. I just felt like punching her in the face that moment but decided to stay cool and act like everything is normal. "Here you go." She said placing a plate of fried rice and chicken in front of me. "Thanks" i manage to say "Welcome baby" she responded as she sat and looked at me while I starred at her too. I guessed she must have figured out that I wasn't looking bright like before. "Are you ok dear?" She asked me "Of course." I replied her "If you say so." She said "Yea" "RYAN"she called again "Yes" I looked at her "I have thought about what you told me" she told me smiling "What did I tell you?" I asked her I understood where she was heading to but pretended not to know. "About your proposal darling." She excitedly replied me "So?" I asked her again "Yes I will marry you baby." She shouted in excitement "I see" I replied her coldly. On a normal day,I would have been the happiest man hearing her accept me because of the love I had for her but all that has changed within minutes. I so much hated her right now. I guess my response to her wasn't what she was expecting to hear. I could see the surprising looks in her eyes but I careless about that. "Is that all you are going to say?" She asked me. "What should I say?" "At least you are supposed to be happy that we are getting married." She replied me. "Of course I am happy baby." I told her "Ryan what's wrong?, Look,you haven't even touched your food." she said pointing to my plate. The food has been the same way she gave it to me. "Am sorry,I lost my appetite." I told her "Excuse me" I said again,got up and walked out on her. I guessed she must be so shocked but more greater shocks are coming Linda. TBC
26 Mar 2018 | 07:34
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 14 Linda POV Did Ryan just walked out on me? I sat there shock to the bones, wondering what just happened. I couldn't believed it. What happened? Did I do or say something wrong? After a while, I stood up and headed to his bedroom completely forgetting about the meal. As I got in,I met his back turned to me,he was standing, facing the mirror and just starring into it, thinking about what I can't say. I gently walked to him and placed my hand on his back but he didn't turn to look at me. "Ryan, what's wrong?" I asked him I have come to love this guy so much and I felt pain at that moment when he left me at the dinning. "Are you pregnant Linda?" He asked me still maintaining his same position. I froze on the spot!! Standing like a dummy,my eyes grew wide opened as if they want to jump out of their socket and my voice was gone. He turned to look at her, "I asked you a question Linda.,Are you pregnant?" He repeated "I..I..I," I began to stammer unable to finish my sentence. I couldn't find my voice to speak again. "I see" He said finally "So you are pregnant,and don't even try to lie about it because the result is right in your bag." I became shock again. Silly me!! How could I forget something crucial like that in my bag? "I planned on telling you baby." I said to him with tears dropping down my eyes. I realized that I was crying for real. "Plan to tell me Linda." He asked "did u say you planned to tell me,oh when? Ok I get it,You planned to tell me after the wedding right?" "No baby it's not like that." I told him "Jeez Linda,you disgust me,I thought you were a decent girl, a Woman made for me,oh I even forgot,we had sex on the first time of meeting, stupid me I was expecting something different." "No" I shouted falling to the floor My standing strength has failed me. I became so weak. "Is not what you think Ryan,I can explain baby,I didn't mean it that way." I cried uncontrollably. "Please tell me how you mean it Linda,tell me." He said "what do you want to explain,that you are a fucking,cheap, useless,shameless slut..yes a prostitute, a hoe, a cheap disgusting harlot ." I continued to weep even louder and harder. I couldn't find my voice to say any word so I just knelt down there as he rained insults on me. He was right,so right for everything he is saying. Am a shameless hoe,yes a slut. "There,look at that." He said as he threw a photo at me. "I guess that's the owner of your pregnancy slut." I didn't understand what he had said but I picked the picture up from the ground while I was still kneeling before him. I closely and slowly looked at it, my eyes pouring with uncontrollably tears. I saw two guys wearing a matriculation gown. I recognized the black one as Ryan though he was much younger than now but I was still able to recognize him. Then I looked at the other one,I have seen this face somewhere before. I looked closely again and the image and name began to appear in my head. No I don't want to believe this. No it can't be. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands to make sure I wasn't seeing double. "M.M..Mark" I stammered "Yes, that's Mark Johnson Carl." Ryan completed for me. "You are pregnant for my best friend you unrepentantly slut." I screamed and passed out. This was too much for me!! TBC
26 Mar 2018 | 10:15
u have lost the fight linda
26 Mar 2018 | 13:57
you no see anything yet
26 Mar 2018 | 14:26
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 15 Ryan POV I don't know how to described how I felt that moment when Linda fainted upon hearing about my relationship with Mark. I was so frightening and my skin almost left me. I hurriedly rushed to the kitchen, came back with a basin of water,began to splash it over her body as I called her name as well as prayed in my heart that nothing should happened to her,at least not in my house. How will I be able to explain what happened Incase she died? In as much as my heart is in pains because of her deeds, I still don't wished her Death. After some minutes,I heard her coughed as she slowly opened her eyes starring at me like a dummy. I sighed in relief, thanking God for reviving her back. I looked at her and I could still see her beauty even with my anger. Linda POV I didn't know what happened but I felt a cold liquid sprinkled on me then I opened my eyes only to see Ryan looking at me with a basin of water in his hands. I looked at myself and saw that my clothes were wet,then i remember what Ryan told me about Mark. I guessed I must have passed out due to the shock I had. "Thank God you are awake." Ryan said to me "I won't allowed you to die in my house with your bastard pregnancy." I felt my heart ripped into two when I heard those words. Has Ryan hated me this much within minutes? I refused to get up, rather I held his legs and my tears began pouring out again. "Ryan please forgive me." I begged him "I never knew Mark is your friend but believe me, you are the owner of this pregnancy." I cried Ryan laughed so hard as if i just cracked a joke. I raised my head up to look at him as he continuously laughed. I knew he won't believed me because I wasn't making any sense, maybe to him or myself but I knew I was saying the truth. Ryan POV I don't know what was amusing about what Linda has said but I found myself laughing so hard. Yes it was so funny. Seriously she thought I was a fool to believe that crap she was saying. "Oh I see" I finally said controlling my laugher. "So because Mark has refused to take responsibility for the pregnancy, you now want to push it to me right?" I asked her "How pathetic Linda,I knew you were a shameless hoe but I never knew you were such a cronic liar as well,You disgusted me Linda." I said to her. It was as if I touched her crying button because she wept even the loudest. I stood looking at her, fighting to stop myself from crying too. TBC
26 Mar 2018 | 14:36
26 Mar 2018 | 15:10
prank game is not good... its always backfires and when it does; you will loose every thing... just imagine if you had come out clean about the owner of the baby from the beginning
26 Mar 2018 | 15:30
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 16 Continuation from Ryan POV She continued to beg while crying "Ryan, you are responsible for the pregnancy, believe me is you. "Remember we were both drunk and we did it without protection." "Just like Mark banged you too without protection that made you to be able to hook him with your bastard child." I shouted at her "Ryan believe me please,I am saying the truth,I became pregnant but I never thought I will see you again or I will ever love you, I was blinded by hatred and envy for Mark's Wife so I thought I could used the pregnancy to make him mine." She cried again. "Just listen to yourself, you fool and bloody liar, just hear yourself talk,wow impressive, you deserve a standing ovation because you are the best liar of the centuries." I said to her. "Please believe me, I am saying the truth,I became pregnant but I never thought I will see you again or I will ever love you, I was blinded by hatred and envy for Mark's Wife so I thought I could used the pregnancy to make him mine." She cried again. "Just listen to yourself, you fool and bloody liar, just hear yourself talk,wow impressive, you deserve a standing ovation because you are the best liar of the centuries." I said to her. "Mark believe me please,i am speaking the truth, I swear, I've realized that I love you with all my heart.please forgive me please." She begged with tears that never stopped pouring out. "You don't know anything about love Linda" I said to her "Love doesn't lie,love is not deceitful, love is not pains and mostly love won't come from a cheap shameless slut like you." "Get out of my house and don't you ever come back." I commanded "No please." She said as she held my legs tightly making me to almost lost my balance. "I begged you Ryan, believe me,We can even go for a D.N.A to prove myself and if this pregnancy is not yours,hate me for life." I stood still. For her to say that means she might be saying the truth because most women who lie about pregnancy are afraid of D.N.A test, but she has given me the go ahead. Though I was drunk,I clearly remembered the events of that night. We were so engrossed in love making that I forgot about protection and had poured my seeds into her, nevertheless,i still hated her for what she did. If she could have such a plan about stealing a married man from her fellow woman,her friend for that matter,then the devil is still learning from her. I looked down at her as she held me tighter still crying and continue to profess her love for me, weeping and begging for forgiveness, I was moved to pity her but I changed my mind. "You know what." I said to her as she raised her head to look me perhaps thinking that I have forgiven here "You are a heartless creature from hell and I don't want to ever set my eyes on you again." I said as I forcefully pull her up by her arms and pushed her out my house while she continued to shout and plead. I threw her out and locked my door. It was late into the night but I didn't care about that because I was so pissed off. I angrily walked into my room,fell on the bed and cried louder. My heart has been ripped apart. TBC
26 Mar 2018 | 15:38
taste of your own medicine Linda
26 Mar 2018 | 16:25
That is how it feels like @linda baby
26 Mar 2018 | 19:34
26 Mar 2018 | 20:12
good for u
27 Mar 2018 | 04:00
thanks God ur plan have backfire
27 Mar 2018 | 04:01
ride on @chichi
27 Mar 2018 | 04:01
hmm its a pity
27 Mar 2018 | 05:24
you caused your friend pain's and you most tastes from it
27 Mar 2018 | 06:44
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 17 Joyce POV I had become a shadow of myself. Sorrow is now my nickname. Tears and pains are my new neighbors. Even with my present condition as a pregnant woman,I still don't care because I couldn't stopped myself from thinking. Hubby had noticed in the morning and asked,which lied that I was down with malaria. What a caring husband he was?? So caring to have caused me unforgettable pains. So caring to have torn my heat apart. So caring to have shattered my life,like a broken glass,into pieces. So caring to be the reason I soaked my bed with tears every night while he slept peacefully. So caring indeed. My heart felt like forcing its way out of my body. The pain is too much. Regret is hitting me so deeply. I've tried to stop the tears from flowing but they rushed out even more. My entire life is scattered. What a life for a once happily married woman. **** Linda POV This was the seventh bottle I was drinking in my house. I had vomited twice and I was so drunk yet I couldn't stopped. The tears kept flowing as I continue to drink. This wasn't a healthy lifestyle for a pregnant woman but who cares? Let me drink away my unbearable agony. Ryan had forcefully pushed out of his house,that ungodly hour of the night, not minding what will happen to me. He refused to believe everything I told him. I've been trying his number for countless times but he won't picked. Who will even believe me by the way?? Am I not the most stupidest person ever? Using my own hands to destroy my life because of jealousy. Why am I so unlucky like this?? Why nothing seemed to be working for me? Am I cursed or what? Joyce has always been the lucky one. We both graduated together. She got a job immediately after,while till now I am jobless. I noticed this cute guy in the eatery, She snatched him away. Got married while I was yet to have a boyfriend. I got pregnant for this unknown guy,met him later,fell in love, only for him to be Mark's best friend. Now he has dumped me and I know for sure that he will tell Mark about my plans. "Linda you are so stupid." "Yes,You were created without a brain." "A dummy,that's what you are." I continue to insult myself. After a while,I felt like throwing up so I weakly staggered to the bathroom and emptied it on the floor before I could reach the sink.i rinsed my mouth and headed back for some more bottles. Ryan POV I couldn't go to work nor do anything in the house. Mark had called me earlier to ask and I told him I wasn't feeling well. I kept going to and fro lost in thoughts. I had once laughed at Mark about his problems but here I was in a deeper mess. Look at what love has done to me. I had refused to give my heart to any woman because of heartbreak,but that's what I was experiencing right now. A broken love and trust. The only woman I ever love,trusted and wished to be with forever. I am crying because of a woman, not just any woman but a woman that I loved so much. Even with my broken heart,I still felt that special kind of love for her. A broken love. A genuine painful love. A love never felt before. A love like no other. TBC
27 Mar 2018 | 10:01
She's wrong but two wrongs don't make a right...
27 Mar 2018 | 10:10
Linda's stupidity is causing so much pain for other people
27 Mar 2018 | 10:57
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 18 Mark POV As I sat in my office that morning,I couldn't helped but to think about everything that I am going through and how I started it. Yes, I was the cause of everything from the very beginning. What kind of man I am that couldn't control his sex urge. I have never been denied sex by my wife. She is always ready to give it to me any day, anytime, anyhow and anywhere. So why did I so foolishly lusted after another woman? And not that I did it once and stopped,no,I continuously digged into her and made it my dialy lifestyle. I am the cause of everything and I have no one to blame but myself. I started everything but now who is going to suffer for it? My wife of course,yes,my darling Angel who knew nothing about this. The source of my joy and supporter of my strength. Despite the pain I am making her go through,she is still standing by me. Sadly things had to go the wrong way but i loved her so much and I will never leave her. I have thought of everything. Linda is going for an abortion,if she doesn't want it,then she will keep her child while I try to support with what I have. I am never going to marry her, never. Joyce remains my only wife till death and I will do everything to make sure that I restore the lost joy back to my family. She is my only one and I will make her smile again whether barren or not. With God's time,she will get pregnant,if no way,we will adopt. If Linda agreed to keep the child and denied me access to him or her, no problem, I will accept. If she chose to tell my wife everything,I will accept my fate and plead for forgiveness but absolutely nothing will ever make me hurt my wife again. I was drawn back to reality by the ringing sound of my phone. I looked at it and smiled. Speaking of the devil herself. I think is time to complete an unfinished business I said to myself as I pressed the ok button on my phone. ***** Linda POV It is finally time to tell Mark's the truth. Damn every consequences. Even if is the last thing I ever do, I will do it. I don't care if he or Joyce or Ryan hate me for life at least I will be freed. If Ryan refused to take care of his child,I will accept my fate and move on. I picked my phone and dialed Mark's number, listened as it rang. Few seconds later,he answered. "Hello" I said "Hey Linda,how are you doing?" He spoke from the other end. I was a little bit shocked. Mark asking about my health left me speechless. I was expecting him to shout or warn me not to disturb me again. "Hello, are you there?" He asked "Yes I am here." I replied him "Ok, there is something I want us to discuss,can I come over so we talk about it?" He asked me "No please" I responded,"actually I just call to tell you that_" "Please Linda," He interrupted me "I want us to discuss please.i will come over after work so we talk about it ok." I wasn't comfortable with the idea but I agreed. "Ok then,no problem,I will be home." I said "Alright later" he said and the line got disconnected. I stood wondering what exactly he wanted to talk about. I felt my stomach groaned and I remembered that I hadn't tasted anything since morning so I went into the kitchen to prepare noodles and fry egg. If only I knew what was coming my way. TBC
27 Mar 2018 | 11:18
getting paid in her own coin
27 Mar 2018 | 11:59
seriously thinking
27 Mar 2018 | 12:52
Comment reserved
27 Mar 2018 | 13:52
27 Mar 2018 | 14:19
good for you Linda
27 Mar 2018 | 18:05
ride on @senatordaniel on front seat
27 Mar 2018 | 18:18
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 19 Joyce POV I got dressed,got in my car and drove out of my compound. Where I was heading to,I can't say. I decided to drive around the town as to help me clear my head and mind because I was seriously losing it. As I drove,the tears kept pouring down like rain and I didn't tried to stop it. I parked a few miles away and bent my head on the steering as I recalled how Mark and I started our relationship and where we are right now. I also recalled how Linda and I became friends. We were both waiting for our parents at the front of the school gate to come pick us up. My mom had came to pick me from up but she noticed that Linda will be alone so she volunteered to take her home to her parents and that was how our relationship started. I had loved Linda so much and I took her as the sister I never had and that was how we grew up together. As I remembered everything,I wept louder. It was just too much!!! Mark POV After I got through talking with Linda,I sat and thought on how I will be able to tell her about my decision. Was it even right about going to her house again? Anyway,I will never fall for that nonsense again if she ever tried to think of doing that. I set her issues aside and began to think on what to do to make my wife happy again. Should I buy her another car?? Maybe open another boutique? Or take her on a trip to Dubai? I just couldn't think of anything. I want to make it a special event and prove to Joyce that I loved her so much. Yes! A dinner date tonight!! A perfect Romantic dinner date with candle light and just the two of us. What a romantic moment, just sitting starring at each other, allowing our feeling to rekindle and connect again. Allowing our once burning passion to light again. Wow!! That's just great!! I smiled to myself as I remembered my first date with her,an unforgettable moment. It's time to set things right once again. I am going to make sure that I'll be the man she once fell in love with. Easier said than done!!! Linda POV I was in the kitchen slicing onions when I heard the sound of my front door being opened. Wondering who could that be. Mark had told me of coming after work or did he change his mind and decided to come earlier or could it be Ryan? I dropped the knife and onions on the plate, washed my hands and headed to the palour. On reaching there, I was greeted by a horrible frightening sight. A pistol was pointed straight at my head. I froze on the spot and urinated right in my pants,I was shocked yes,but not only because of the gun but also because of the person holding it. Before I could say anything word,I heard the sound of the trigger pulled and I felt an unimaginable and undescribable pains running through my entire body. I slowly found myself going to the floor. The images of everything I had done from childhood till now began to appear right in front of me like a flash. Before I realized,I had reached the floor,my eyes closed and I stretched DEAD!!! TBC
27 Mar 2018 | 18:36
DO dead people narrate hw they died.
27 Mar 2018 | 18:44
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 20 Ryan POV I found myself driving to Linda's place. I felt there was something we need to talk about because I believed that there was an atom of truth in what she had said to me. Call me stupid or whatever but I believed you would have done worst if in my shoes. I just couldn't described what I felt for his Lady. She had captured every part of my heart. Even though she broke my heart,I still love her with every broken pieces. She completed my entire being and I can't do without her. I tried calling her but her phone was ringing without being answered. I became worry praying that she doesn't do something stupid to her. I increased the velocity of my car and drove like a mad person not minding whether I hit someone or not. My love, the woman of my dreams is all that matters. Mark POV I had finished all necessary work for the day and was preparing to go to Linda's house, after to find a perfect romantic venue for the date tonight and maybe go to see Ryan. I called earlier and he told me he wasn't feeling well. I sang to myself as I cleared my desk. I just couldn't wait to be with the love of my life tonight. I felt the urge to use the latrine because I noticed my bowel was full fighting to come out so I went into the office latrine and emptied all my content. Continuation from Ryan POV I drove into her house and hurriedly jumped out of my car. I had this feeling that something wasn't right because her calls were still not answerable. I got to the front door, opened and rushed inside. As I got in, what I saw made me to stand still. There she was,the only woman I ever loved,my precious Linda lying on the floor,in her palour, surrounded by her own blood. Blood I say blood. I refused to believed it. It looked like a dream but it was reality. I screamed,ran to her,fell on the floor besides her and held her in my hands. Her body was cold like ice and lifeless too. I cried and shouted her name calling her to wake up,if only she could hear me. It was still hard to believe. My Linda,My life,My love,My happiness,the only one that I loved genuinely was lying dead in my own arm. My tears poured out. I cried my heart out. I looked at her and saw a hole in her head. She was murdered!! By a gun I guessed. But why? By whom? My mind ran to Mark,yes Mark. He is the only one she had offended. Could he possibly had killed her to covered his secrets? "Mark you will pay for this I swear." I shouted with anger. I quickly brought out my phone to call the cops. TBC
27 Mar 2018 | 19:32
I think Joyce is behind this but that's dividend of your act
28 Mar 2018 | 03:46
eeyah, Joyce shouldn't Hav done dis now,,, bcos a Frnd betrayed u, got pregnant for Ur hubby shouldn't Hav turned u into a murderer,, gosh!,,
28 Mar 2018 | 03:46
28 Mar 2018 | 05:18
now mark will pay for linda death
28 Mar 2018 | 05:26
Ryan you don't have any evidence yet you are accusing someone
28 Mar 2018 | 05:29
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode 21 Continuation from Ryan POV I brought out my phone to call the cops when my eyes immediately caught something shinning lying on the floor. I moved closer to get a better view and I saw that it was a golden bracelet,yes a golden bracelet. It was sparkling beautiful,made of pure gold. I picked it up and continued looking. I sure have seen this bracelet somewhere. Then my mind travelled back. Flashback Mark and Ryan are seeing in the jewelleries store. Mark is moving to and fro as he is looking at the beautiful jewelleries displayed on the counter and shelves. Ryan just stood by the corner watching him and yawning too. He is yet to eat and was starving but it was like Mark was going to take the entire day finding what he want to buy. . Earlier that day Mark had rushed into his office begging him to accompany him to get a beautiful present for a girl named Joyce he had met and wanted to married so they left. "Are you going to take one year to find what you looking for buddy?" Ryan asked in Fustration "For heaven's sake,I am starving." "Hey chill meh,I am still searching for something beautiful." Mark replied him smiling as he kept looking at the jewelleries. "Everything here is beautiful, just pick one and let's get out of here." Ryan told him. "No,I know everything is beautiful,but I want to buy something real, classic and sparkling beautiful for this girl Ryan, trust me when I say she deserves it because she is certainly an Angel from above." "Whatever, just know what you doing because I am sure you know that women are real devil,and hurry up too buddy." A sparking golden bracelet caught Mark's attention and he moved to see it. "Hey Man, come see this." He called to Ryan. Ryan reluctantly moved to where Mark stood and looked at the bracelet. He couldn't stop admiring it "Wow," he said smiling "it's sure beyond beautiful, you must really love this babe." "Of course,I do " Mark responded "I am going to take this." "Hurry up then let's get out of here." Back to presence No it can't be. Joyce!!! Joyce!!! Joyce!!! This was the same bracelet that Mark bought for her three years ago. This certainly meant one thing. Joyce was here!!! But why? Why would she do it?? "Oh My God!!! " I screamed in shock. She found out!! Yes,she found that that Linda was having an affair with her husband and about the pregnancy too. No!! No!! No!! I must call Mark immediately. I believe she has another plan. I have heard about Jealous women doing the extreme because of extra marital affairs but never saw one till now. I quickly dialed Mark's number and listened as it rang Pick up!! Pick up!! Pick up!!! but his phone just kept on ringing!!! TBC
28 Mar 2018 | 06:17
hmmmm. I hope is not what am thinking
28 Mar 2018 | 07:03
28 Mar 2018 | 07:48
hmmm following
28 Mar 2018 | 08:36
28 Mar 2018 | 09:30
Joyce Why?
28 Mar 2018 | 09:34
0 Likes Linda
28 Mar 2018 | 10:07
I hope she is not going to kill her husband
28 Mar 2018 | 11:31
This one dat Mark is nt picking his call hope joyce have nt killed him.
28 Mar 2018 | 13:10
Joyce why na
28 Mar 2018 | 13:36
Joyce you made bad move
28 Mar 2018 | 15:48
Joyce time to have a taste of your own medicine...
28 Mar 2018 | 16:04
she got serv
28 Mar 2018 | 16:31
will Joyce kill her husband too? Dats hot jealousness,,,, her life will end now
28 Mar 2018 | 17:00
it turned out to be really serious, bt linda u messed really bad. joyce that was not the best move
28 Mar 2018 | 17:03
Why na Joyce
28 Mar 2018 | 17:45
The Enemy Within Written by Chichi Episode Twenty-two(Final) Continuation from Ryan POV Mark wasn't picking so I quickly called the cops directing them to Mark's office. I just want to make sure everything was alright because I can't loose two people in one day. After I informed them about Mark,I looked at Linda corpse for the last time, kissed her goodbye, opened the door, hurriedly got into my car heading for Mark's office. ******** Mark came out of the toilet ready to face the events of this evening. Going to Linda's house first to get things done the right way,over to look for a perfect venue for the romantic dinner,buy his wife a beautiful,sexy dinner dress then maybe go see Ryan if there is time. He picked his phone and saw five missed call from Ryan. "What is so important that Ryan will call five times?" He asked himself. He was about calling him back when the door of his office opened and his wife Joyce walked in, wearing a short black dress, a black flat shoes on her feet and holding a black bag as if she was going to a funeral or mourning the death. He was a little bit surprised because she always inform him ahead of time before coming, nevertheless,he was so happy to see her. "Hey babe" he said as he moved to hug her but she pushed him away. He staggered a little bit back starring at her. What could be the problem again? He was about asking her but she spoke first. "You sound of a bitch" she yelled in anger Mark was shocked,his eyes wide opened. Was this real? Did Joyce just insulted him? "I have come to pay you back exactly how you pay me for being a lovely and faithful wife to you.." she said again. Mark became afraid. Let it not be what he is thinking. "What are you talking about babe?" He asked in a trembled voice. "Oh shut the hell up you fool, all these years,I was faithful to you,I had loved and cherished you but you decided to pay me back by sleeping with my best friend,my best friend and she got pregnant for you." She said as the tears fell from her eyes. Mark couldn't say a word. Finally the time has come as he bowed his head in shame. So Linda still went ahead to tell Joyce even after he begged to talk to her. "Please baby,I have nothing else to say,I am not fit to be called your husband but forgive me please,I loved you so much and I am deeply sorry for been unfaithful to you." He begged as he cried too. Joyce laughed "how nice is it to hear those words from a caring cheating bastard like you, anyway I have forgiven you, that's why I am here to send you to hell." Mark didn't understand what she meant but before he could say something, Joyce brought out a gun from her bag. He froze!! "No please, please don't!!" "Am not a lady you should ever think of messing with." She said as she pulled the trigger and a bullet flew straight to Mark's chest as he fell on his chair with blood rushing out of his mouth. "Bastard!!" She said as she put the gun into her bag. She was about opening the door when it flew opened from the other end and the cops rushed in, pushing her to the ground. Ryan rushed in too and shouted upon seeing his friend. The cops handcuffed Joyce and took her away as she continued to curse the day she met Mark. Ryan stood speechless. He was definitely dreaming Suddenly everywhere became dark and he passed out.****** "You have heard the charges against you,how do you plead Mrs. Joyce Johnson Carl?" The judge asked "I plead guilty" she answered coldly and boldly. The crowd roared in Amazement. Silence!!! The people stopped but few murmurs were heard. "Do you know the implications of what you have just said,Mrs. Joyce Johnson Carl?" The judge asked looking surprised. "Yes your honor and I plead guilty because I will gladly kill both of them over and over again" The crowd roared again louder than before Silence!!!! The judge breathed" Alright then, this is my judgement, After analysing all the charges and proofs levelled against you,you are found guilty of murder because No matter what,no man has the right to take the life of another except in cases like self defense with adequate proofs backing.i hereby sentence you to death by hanging." The court roared again "But because you are pregnant,you will be put in prison till you are delivered of your child, there after, you will faced your penalty. This is my judgement! Court rise!!! Joyce was handcuffed as she was led away. ******** "Hey Joyce" Ryan said as Joyce stand before him. He had come to see her in prison. "What have you come to do here?" She asked "I've come to see you" He replied "I have no business with you Ryan." "Joyce,in as much as I don't support cheating,you seriously went too far, where was your conscience?" "The same place Mark and Linda kept theirs before betraying my trust" she replied "How could my husband pregnant my best friend,my best friend.i have no regrets killing them" "Oh shut up Joyce" Ryan replied "I agreed Mark cheated on you with Linda, but she wasn't pregnant for him." "What are you saying Ryan?" She asked in anger"I Saw the pregnancy test result right in his pocket,if he wasn't responsible,then what was it doing there?" "She was pregnant for me Joyce,I was responsible for it. We met at the club and had sex.she only did that to Mark in order to take him away which she later regretted.i agreed,they had an affair but he wasn't responsible for it." Joyce paused unable to speak She bent and sat on the floor. So Ryan was the guy Linda had told her about. The tears rolled from her eyes. "We must tried to investigate before making a decision Joyce,look at where it landed you and to think you are even pregnant for Mark. Anyway,I just came here to clear things with you,and I am here if you want me to take care of the child after delivery at least to have my best friend back." He said as he walked away leaving Joyce to her fate. Joyce wept louder. Oh!! What has she done!!! Epilogue Dear Reader Thanks so much for reading till the end. I hope you were able to learn something. Every one got served what they derserved. Cheating is bad We saw were it landed Mark. Same as betrayal, jealousy and greed as it ended Linda's Life. What about Joyce? She did non of the above. But she suffered because of revenge and bitterness and lack of adequate facts. Revenge is bad Let it go. Most times,we are focused on fighting the enemy outside, forgetting the enemy within, which is our heart. How do we react to problems,hurt, betrayal, broken trust etc Do we let it out? Do we forgive? Do we forget? No,we keep it within and plan revenge, which is bad because we get hurt in the end too. Revenge is sweet but we always get a taste of the bitterness too. Forgiveness is like setting a prisoner free and that prisoner is you. *Is your special girl Chichi. The End
29 Mar 2018 | 06:32
Nice One
29 Mar 2018 | 09:45
chichi nice thanks
29 Mar 2018 | 11:41
wow!!! @chichi: u rock, you Hav said it all I Hav no more to say,, more knowledge dear
29 Mar 2018 | 13:09
Nice one
29 Mar 2018 | 14:49
nice one dear.
29 Mar 2018 | 14:53
good work miss writer, bring more
29 Mar 2018 | 15:58
NYC story
29 Mar 2018 | 16:22
lesson learnt
29 Mar 2018 | 16:33
so Joyce is actually d enemy within. nice one
29 Mar 2018 | 17:29
29 Mar 2018 | 17:54
nice story. dear
29 Mar 2018 | 17:55
Kudos to you dear
29 Mar 2018 | 18:39
nice one
30 Mar 2018 | 01:57
Kudos to u. More ink to ur pen. I realy enjoy d story and learn alot. Thanks @chichi
30 Mar 2018 | 05:54


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