The Flash Season 1

The Flash Season 1

By Franklin in 27 Jan 2016 | 15:42
Franklin Barry

Franklin Barry

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Posts: 53
Member since: 10 Jan 2016

Episode 1
Barry Allen , a forensic crime scene assistant for Central City Police Department, is struck
by lightning during a storm that is created
after a particle accelerator from S.T.A.R. Labs explodes. In a coma for nine months, Barry awakens in S.T.A.R. Labs, having been
placed in the care of his scientist idol, Dr.
Harrison Wells, along with assistants, Dr. Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon. Barry quickly learns that he can move at extraordinary
speeds, and that there were other
"metahumans" created from the explosion.
One of them, Clyde Mardon, is robbing banks with his ability to control the weather. In
order to stop Clyde, Barry is outfitted with a
suit, designed by Cisco, that can withstand
his high speed of movement. He tracks down
Mardon and with the help of Detective Joe
West, who learns of Barry's abilities, Barry is able to stop Mardon, who is killed by Joe.
With his new powers, Barry vows to find out
who killed his mother when he was a child,
believing him to be another metahuman who
has similar abilities of speed as he.
Elsewhere, in a secret room at S.T.A.R Labs, Wells reveals he is not paraplegic, while
reading a newspaper from the future
concerning Barry's fate as the Flash.
27 Jan 2016 | 15:42
episode 2 "Fastest Man Alive" With help from Cisco, Barry begins using his abilities to stop minor crimes and help citizens across the city. As Barry begins to push himself more and more, he begins to develop debilitating side effects. While assisting Iris West on a school assignment, Barry witnesses a robbery by a crew of men, but faints while trying to stop them. The S.T.A.R. Labs team determine that Barry is becoming hypoglycemic from the use of his abilities due to a sped-up metabolism and needs to ingest more calories to maintain his energy level. The team eventually learns that the robbers are actually one man, Danton Black, who has the ability to create clones of himself. Black wants to kill his former employer, Simon Stagg, who stole Black's cloning research. With encouragement from Joe, Barry goes after Black and successfully stops him from killing Stagg. However, Black commits suicide to prevent being captured. Afterward, Barry accepts Joe's help in finding out who really killed Barry's mother. Later, Wells visits Stagg, who has already become obsessed with the Flash after witnessing his powers and plans to exploit them as he did to Black. To protect Barry, Wells kills Stagg.
27 Jan 2016 | 15:45
episode 3 "Things You Can't Outrun" As the police investigate the murder of one of the city's crime families, Barry suspects that the killer may be a metahuman who can control poison gases. As Barry and Joe work to discover the killer's identity, Dr. Wells and his team work to retrofit the particle accelerator into a prison specifically for metahumans where S.T.A.R. Labs can begin to find a way of reversing their mutations. This brings up difficult feelings and memories for Dr. Snow, whose fiancé, Ronnie Raymond, was killed when the accelerator exploded. Following another murder, Barry locates the killer, Kyle Nimbus, but is unable to subdue him. Barry discovers that Kyle does not control gases, but literally transforms his body into them. The team learn that Joe, the lead detective in the original case, is Kyle's next target. Barry races to Iron Heights Prison in time to save Joe's life. Barry forces Kyle to overexert himself so that Barry can apprehend him without Kyle turning into mist. The team lock Kyle into a custom cell that is able to keep him from escaping. In a flashback to when the accelerator explodes, Dr. Wells is seen going into his hidden room and viewing a surveillance video of Barry getting struck by lightning in his lab.
27 Jan 2016 | 15:47
episode 4 "Going Rogue" Dr. Wells begins testing Barry's powers by forcing him to perform multiple tasks at superspeed. In the middle of the tests, a group of men attempt to hijack an armored truck carrying a priceless diamond. Barry races over and stops the crime, as well as identifying Leonard Snart from a set of police mugshots. Felicity Smoak arrives to check on Barry, after learning that he woke from his coma. Happy to see Felicity, Barry introduces her to his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs. To combat the "Streak", Snart acquires stolen tech from S.T.A.R. Labs, which includes a cryonic gun. Cisco reveals to Barry that he created the gun as a fail-safe against Barry should he become a killer like the other metahumans they encountered. Felicity helps the team locate Snart, who sets a trap for Barry. Cisco, Caitlin, and Felicity arrive in time to save Barry, and Snart is able to escape. Later, Snart tracks down his former partner, who has an affinity for fire, and offers him a place by Snart's side taking back Central City from the masked superhero.
27 Jan 2016 | 15:49
Eh eh God will help us o i cant even note those name. Are they nt even up to 20. Anyway am here general register pls @ele1 @pizzaro @invincible @jummybabe @aminzy @onahsunday 631 any1?
27 Jan 2016 | 15:51
episode 5 "Plastique" A new metahuman appears in Central City, with the ability to turn anything she touches into an explosive. Barry is able to discover that the metahuman, Bette Sans Souci, is a former military explosives expert who was changed by the particle accelerator when it bonded bomb shrapnel to her body on a cellular level. As General Wade Eiling hunts for Bette, Barry brings her to S.T.A.R. Labs where the team explains to her how she got her powers. Unfortunately, they cannot reverse the process. While the team is away, Dr. Wells convinces Bette to kill Eiling so that he cannot exploit any metahumans. Barry races to stop her, but Bette sets off several bombs around Eiling and his men. Eiling manages to shoot Bette, which causes her body to turn into a massive bomb. Barry speeds off with Bette's body and drops it in the river to save the city from the explosion. General Eiling visits Dr. Wells, demanding that they work together, as they did in the past, to collect the metahumans. Dr. Wells refuses and warns Eiling to never return to S.T.A.R. Labs. In a flashback set five years in the past, Dr. Wells tells Eiling he is putting an end to their experiments. After Eiling leaves, Wells walks to a cage and tells Gorilla Grodd that he has plans for him.
27 Jan 2016 | 15:52
[b]I've watched the movie. Its really interesting.[/b] . . . . [b][color =blue]first to comment.[/color][/b] :)
27 Jan 2016 | 15:53
episode 6 "The Flash Is Born" Iris is visited by the Streak, who again pleads with her to stop writing about him. Before he can finish, Barry speeds off to stop a car thief. Barry confronts the thief, but when he hits him the thief's skin turns to steel and Barry breaks his hand. Barry runs back to the lab before he can be hurt further. The thief is identified as Tony Woodward , Barry's childhood bully. Barry and the team discover Tony's hideout, and Barry rushes in without a plan to defeat him. Tony gets the upper hand again and Barry is beaten up and left to die. Back at the lab, Cisco determines that if Barry can hit Tony at 837 mph at the right angle, then he can create enough force to compromise Tony's metal structure. Tony kidnaps Iris and demands that she write about him. Barry arrives and successfully hits the speed necessary to temporarily disable Tony's abilities. Afterward, Tony is locked away at S.T.A.R. Labs, and Iris renames her hero "The Flash". Meanwhile, Joe is visited by the metahuman that killed Barry's mother, who steals the case file and threatens Joe to drop his investigation.
27 Jan 2016 | 15:55
Hahahahahaha @hoyenikky write the names down #lol ride on @writer
27 Jan 2016 | 15:55
27 Jan 2016 | 16:03
oh... Abeg.. Na.. I think say u won rite d full tink... U dy gv summary... Abeg.. Cum rite season 2 i neva watch am... @invincible u dy watch all dis kind of film???
27 Jan 2016 | 16:14
@pemamezi i dey watch o, superhero movies na my best :)
27 Jan 2016 | 16:57
Wow...d flash i love d film die
27 Jan 2016 | 17:28
Comed nd Readed.
27 Jan 2016 | 17:41
All dis names nah waa oo
28 Jan 2016 | 04:07
@barrywhite u are posting the summary of each episode why not write everything that happened in each episode u can read kyle xy to see wat am talking about
28 Jan 2016 | 04:28
Its gud dt u shuld write d complete episode....even e long sha
28 Jan 2016 | 10:43
episode 7 "Power Outage" Dr. Wells returns to his secret room, where it is revealed that he has been documenting Barry's growing abilities, and using his computer, Gideon, to look at events in the future. Barry arrives at a crime scene where the victim was murdered via electrocution, and charred beyond all recognition, suggesting a metahuman was involved. While investigating the victim's identity, the team identifies a power drain in the city. When Barry arrives he is attacked by Farooq Gibran, a man who has the ability to siphon electrical energy. The attack drains Barry of his speed, and when Wells checks with Gideon it reveals that there are no references to Barry or "The Flash" in the future. Wells believes that Barry's body just needs an electrical jumpstart, and Farooq arrives at the lab while the team is attempting to help Barry. The process does not appear to work, but Wells quickly realizes that Barry's problem is psychological. When Farooq catches up to the team and Dr. Wells' life is in danger, Barry overcomes his fear, connects to his speed on a cellular level and stops Farooq. Later, Dr. Wells sees that the timeline is back on track, and takes a sample of Farooq's blood to determine how he was able to drain Barry's abilities.
28 Jan 2016 | 12:10
episode 8 "Flash vs. Arrow" A new metahuman, Roy Bivolo , shows up with the ability to send people into an uncontrollable rage, and uses his ability to rob the Central City bank. The police track him to a warehouse, where he uses his abilities on a cop to facilitate his escape. Barry arrives in time to save Joe, but is almost injured himself before Oliver Queen, as the "Arrow", arrives to stop the cop. Later, Oliver informs Barry that he and his team are tracking a killer who uses lethal boomerangs. Barry and Oliver agree to team-up and catch each other's targets. Oliver tries to teach Barry to be more mindful of his surroundings, but Barry decides to go after Bivolo by himself. Bivolo uses his abilities on Barry, but because of Barry's powers it makes the effects last longer. Oliver tries to stop Barry, and the two engage in a fight. Oliver manages to wrangle Barry long enough for Dr. Wells and Joe to use colored strobe light to reset Barry's emotional state. Afterward, Barry and Oliver capture Bivolo and place him in the prison at S.T.A.R. Labs.
28 Jan 2016 | 12:15
episode 9 "The Man in the Yellow Suit" The metahuman that killed Barry's mother returns, killing two guards at Mercury Labs in search of the company's work in tachyon particles. Barry witnesses the man in yellow, and engages in a high speed fight around the city. The man in yellow insinuates to Barry that they know each other before speeding off. Meanwhile, Eddie asks Iris to move in with him and Ronnie is revealed to have survived the particle accelerator explosion, but does not remember who he is and has the ability to burst into flames. Barry confesses his love for Iris before the police and S.T.A.R. Labs use the tachyon particle technology as bait to lure the man in yellow into a trap. The man in yellow escapes and attacks Dr. Wells and the police before engaging in a second fight with Barry. Ronnie appears and blasts the man with flames before both flee the scene. Later, Dr. Wells enters his secret room and unveils the same yellow suit as the man that they captured, placing the stolen tachyon technology on the suit's chest.
28 Jan 2016 | 12:19
hmmmm so confusing jst passing by...
28 Jan 2016 | 12:51
@frankkay are u sure :)
29 Jan 2016 | 03:19
episode 10 "Revenge of the Rogues" As Barry works on improving his speed through various training exercises, Leonard Snart returns to Central City with the cold gun and a new partner, Mick Rory, to set a trap for the Flash. Barry discovers his plan, and agrees with Dr. Wells to not engage Snart in the hope that he goes away and no one gets hurt like the last time. When the Flash fails to show, Snart and Rory, who now has a gun that can emit absolute hot temperatures, kidnap Caitlin to force Barry out of hiding. Cisco and Barry realize that if they can get Snart and Rory to cross the streams of their respective weapons it will cancel the two guns out. The Flash meets Snart and Rory in the city for a showdown, exposing himself to the media. After multiple failed attempts, Barry eventually gets them to cross the streams with Eddie's help, successfully damaging the weapons and disabling the criminal pair. While in transport to Iron Heights Prison, Snart and Rory are broken out by Snart's sister. Meanwhile, Caitlin investigates the cause of Ronnie's transformation.
29 Jan 2016 | 09:44
episode 11 "The Sound and the Fury" While home, Dr. Wells receives a threatening call from an unidentified person before having to use super speed to move out of the way of his glass ceiling shattering around him. Wells informs Barry and the team that the caller was Hartley Rathaway , a former protégé. Hartley begins attacking his family's business with sonic blasts, and when Barry arrives to stop him Hartley reveals that he knows the secret Dr. Wells is hiding. Dr. Wells reveals that Hartley warned him that the particle accelerator could explode ahead of time, but Wells chose to risk it for the potential rewards. Cisco discovers that Hartley intentionally got caught so he could steal information from S.T.A.R. Labs' computer that would allow him to identify the frequency of Barry's molecules so he can kill him. Barry triggers a trap set by Hartley, which starts shredding Barry's organs. Dr. Wells taps into a satellite and sends an alternative frequency to disable Hartley's weapons. Later, Joe has Eddie start an investigation into Dr. Wells. Hartley, imprisoned back in the particle accelerator, reveals to Cisco that he knows where Ronnie is and how to save him. In his secret room, Dr. Wells uses the tachyon technology to temporarily recharge his speed force energy.
29 Jan 2016 | 09:48
episode 12 "Crazy for You" A woman with the ability to teleport to any location she can see breaks into Iron Heights prison to free her boyfriend, Clay Parker. Barry finds residual DNA particulates all over the scene and when analyzing it at S.T.A.R. Labs the team identifies the woman as Shawna Baez. To help Barry, Henry Allen tracks down leads in Iron Heights and finds out that Clay owed money to a local crime boss, who was also planning a major heist. Barry learns the location of the heist, finding Shawna and Clay robbing an armored truck. Barry is able to capture Shawna after removing all the lights in a tunnel, effectively making her unable to teleport without being able to see where she is going. Cisco goes to Hartley to find out more about Ronnie; Hartley reveals that Dr. Martin Stein, who developed research into a F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. project focused on transmuting elements, was at S.T.A.R. Labs the day of the explosion. Hartley reveals that during the explosion Ronnie and Dr. Stein merged, before he escapes Cisco's custody. Later, Barry and his father discuss the Flash, with Henry insinuating he believes Barry is the Flash. Elsewhere, two city workers are attacked by the gorilla, Grodd, in the city's sewer system.
29 Jan 2016 | 09:51
episode 13 "The Nuclear Man" The team attempts to track Ronnie's whereabouts after he injures a scientist. Knowing that Dr. Stein is in control of Ronnie's body, they use his wife to talk the merged individual into coming back to the lab for testing. Meanwhile, Joe enlists Cisco's help to identify who murdered Barry's mother. Cisco discovers an old mirror left in the former Allen home that captured images from the night of the murder, and Joe finds blood from two people behind some new wallpaper, one of whom was likely the killer. Joe asks Cisco to compare the blood to Dr. Wells', but Cisco refuses to believe Dr. Wells is involved. Dr. Wells discovers that Ronnie and Dr. Stein's atoms are in conflict, and if it continues they will become nuclear. Dr. Wells determines that a component of the tachyon device recharging his speed could be converted to a quantum splicer to stabilize the fused body and separate the two personalities. Dr. Snow uses the device; the fused body still goes nuclear, but safely away from the city. The explosion alerts General Eiling, who orders a team to recover "Firestorm". Cisco runs the blood samples and informs Joe that while neither is from Dr. Wells, one is from an adult Flash. Please I need you comment to continue this story
30 Jan 2016 | 04:40
30 Jan 2016 | 08:11
I know dat Dr West is d killer of Barren's Mother
30 Jan 2016 | 10:43
episode 14 "Fallout" Barry and Caitlin investigate the explosion and find Ronnie and Dr. Stein have separated. General Eiling investigates the crater left by Firestorm's explosion, and realizes that Ronnie and Stein have separated. Joe shows Barry the images from the night his mother was killed, and Barry learns that a future version of himself was there trying to save his mother. Barry talks to Dr. Stein and learns about the possibility of time travel. Dr. Wells visits General Eiling, who reveals that he knows Barry is the Flash and that he wants the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. project. Dr. Wells gives up Dr. Stein, who is tortured by Eiling until Ronnie shows to save him. Ronnie and Dr. Stein are forced to reunite to survive Eiling's military onslaught. Merging properly this time, the two work together to control the Firestorm Matrix within them, gaining enough control to be able to merge and separate on command. The pair decide to leave Central City to stay ahead of Eiling and learn more about their new powers. The Reverse-Flash kidnaps Eiling and brings him to the sewers. He reveals himself to be Dr. Wells, and allows Grodd, who is displaying psychic abilities, to drag Eiling deeper into the sewer.
31 Jan 2016 | 02:30
episode 15 "Out of Time" Mark Mardon, who has the ability to control the weather, returns to Central City to avenge the death of his brother and sets his sight on Joe. Cisco begins to believe Joe was right about Wells, so he rechecks the containment field that had failed to hold the Reverse-Flash. He discovers that the Reverse-Flash seen in the containment field was only a holographic recording. Wells arrives and reveals himself to be Eobard Thawne, a man from the future who came back in time to kill the Flash but killed his mother instead, and has since been stranded in the present day. Wells also explains that he is pushing Barry to get stronger so that he can use Barry's powers to return to his time, and he murders Cisco to protect his secret. Mark kidnaps Joe and forces him to watch as Mark sends a tsunami into the city in order to kill Iris. Barry is forced to reveal his secret identity to Iris, just after she admits to romantic feelings for him, in order to save the city. Barry runs back and forth across the coastline to create a barrier against the tsunami, but he runs so fast that he creates a time warp and travels back in time to when Mark first returned to Central City.
31 Jan 2016 | 02:32
wow....have seen The Flash In movies....really do love it.....Dr wells killed Barry's mum nah....pls continue, its interesting.
31 Jan 2016 | 08:55
nyc one
31 Jan 2016 | 09:47


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