THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) By Dave Sun

THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) By Dave Sun

By Etz in 21 Sep 2020 | 15:25
Etz Kendoblast

Etz Kendoblast

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THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place)
Author : Dave Sun
. In the land of mystical force, a place where humans are not meant to enters, a place of ancient demons, spirit, magical and Supernatural beings, a place of suffering, anxiety, pains, hatred, tormenting etc; a place of scared temple, humans couldn't dared to enters, a huge wall was placed round the forest where the temple was built, many scholars had wanted to knew the secret behind the liars of the temple but all of them won't come back alive, some believed that the demons has eaten them, the place was secured preventing humans from entering and that's what the humans believed and i came up with the name.
21 Sep 2020 | 15:25
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 1 (ONE) *** *** #KENXO_CITY* 12:30pm *** *** . . . . A young boy of around 13years of age was seen walking on a road alone when a cat eyes meet up with him, he was not afraid of the dark, this was not his first time he was seen on the road walking alone, a meow sound from the cat makes him to stopped from going further. . . . . George: What's it cat? . . . Cat: Meow meow meow came from the cat again. . . . George: Just leave me alone if you can't tell me what is wrong. . . . The cat who stood up as it change to an unknown creature. . . . George: Who are you? . . . Cat: Am a demon . . . George: Demon of what? . . . Cat: Just an ordinary demon. . . . George: Demon, i was about to passed before you interrupted so can you excuse me? . . . Cat: Alright I'll but first i want your blood. . . . With a twinkle of an eye, the demon grab the boy as he wanted to bite the boy, a great force pushed him away as he start burning. . . . Cat: Who are you? . . . Am George the cursed child. . . *** #MR_BARRY'S_HOUSE* 6:00am **** **** . . . . George wake up from a deep sleep as he breathe in new air, the traveling was very nice, his parents had already informed him about their new job, George is very stubborn and honest child, he's the only child of Mr. Barry Best family, his mother Mrs Alice is a journalist while his father is a cop (detective), as George who was just an ordinary boy, people doesn't not loves him including his parents because of his stubbornness, he's very troublesome, children's fear him even adult's fear him because of how his life is. . . . *** . . Shouting with a loud voice was Mrs Alice. . . . Mrs Alice: George, George wake it's morning. . . . George rubs his eyes as he wake up, opening his eyes was his parents standing. . . . George: Morning Dad, morning Mom! . . . Mrs Alice: Son, go and freshen up . . . George: What happened why are you guys in haste? . . . Mr Barry: George you're proving stubborn again, do quick am enrolling you in new school. . . . George: What's the name dad? . . . Mr Barry: Kenxo High School; any problem with that? . . . George: Yes; I prefer my old school. . . . Mr Alice: Don't give us that trash, just get yourself prepared and meet us downstairs. . . . Mrs Alice walks out from his son room as she bang the door so hard. . . . Mr Alice: Your son is increasing his stubbornness per day . . . Mr Barry: Eh honey, not my son but our son, if not because of my face he had, i will have asked you if am really the father of that thing . . . Mrs Alice: Whatever, am running late for work, see you soon love and get more of your men's on that boy, he can really destroyed thing. . . . Mr Barry: I will honey, be careful . . . Mrs Alice kisses her husband as she picks up her bag as she hurried out of the house, a sound was heard outside which shows that her car was off the lane, soon enough, George walks down with his backpack. . . . Mr Barry: Are you not hungry son? . . . George: Yes am not hungry but am really upset with both of you . . . Mr Barry: Am doing this for your own good . . . George: You don't dad because you don't get to know what i loves most! . . . Mr Barry: You can cope here and makes some real friends and not the bad ones in California. . . . George: Arrg, I hate this fucking conservation, screw you and everything here dad, am inside the car waiting for you. . . . George walks out of the house and makes sure he bang all the door so hard. . . . Mr Barry: George for Christ's sake stop banging those doors. . . . (*How is the story? Should i continued*) Remember to encourage me with comments! — with Dave Sun.
22 Sep 2020 | 02:44
@Fb-danieledem abeg comot my seat
22 Sep 2020 | 03:06
nice, #following
22 Sep 2020 | 12:15
Nice start
22 Sep 2020 | 13:17
nice start
22 Sep 2020 | 16:19
Seated here
22 Sep 2020 | 16:30
Is George really stubborn? I think the parent are
22 Sep 2020 | 18:38
Thanks for the invite
22 Sep 2020 | 19:50
Following cooly
22 Sep 2020 | 19:50
Go on
23 Sep 2020 | 08:38
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 2 (TWO) *** *** #KENXO_HIGH_SCHOOL* *** 11:00am **** **** A Lexus car was parked at the garage as a door opens which Mr Barry stepped out of the car by his left hand side was George who also step down as he suit off following his father at the back **** **** #AT_PRINCIPLE_OFFICE* 11:30am **** **** . Principal: Welcome sir, am Mr Steve, am in charge here, how can i help you? . . . Mr Barry: Thank you, Am Mr Barry and i want to enroll my son in your school . . . Mr Steve: Well Mr Barry, i will loves to asked your son some few questions. . . . Mr Barry: And if you don't mind, you're free to asked him; you are his teacher after all! . . . Mr Steve: Please have a seat! . . . Bringing out a long note and a biro as he write down something. . . . Mr Steve: What's your name young man? . . . George: Am George! . . . Mr Steve: Your three name? . . . George: George Barry Best . . . Mr Steve: How old are you? . . . George: Am 13! . . . Mr Steve: Your last grade was Grade 6 but now am putting you into grade 7. . . . George: Yes; that's! . . . Mr Steve: Good, which subject did you loves most? . . . George: All! . . . Mr Steve: Wow, that means you are genius! . . . Mr Barry: Yes, even though he's genius, he got some extra thing i don't like seeing. . . . Mr Steve: Will you like to share Mr Barry? . . . Mr Barry: No.... Steve am already exhausted . . . Mr Steve: Okay, George since you are genius, will you mind if I ask you something outside of that? . . . George: Okay; it's like a challenge? . . . Mr Steve: Yes, if only you'll accept it! . . . George: I accept the offer. . . . Mr Steve: Are you sure, three questions then you are free to go. . . . George: Alright, split it out. . . . Mr Steve: Good, i like your spirit! here is the question. 1. I am something, the owner doesn't used me, the buyer doesn't used me, even the one that they are using for doesn't touch me; What am i? 2. I am something, people fear me, mentioning of my name scared them; What am i? 3. I am something, people don't believe we really exist, and they thought we are just some comic books; What am i?(Riddles crack by Dave Sun). . . . Mr Steve ended the questions as he stare at George who was still thinking forward. . . . Mr Barry: Steve are you sure my son will answer that? . . . Mr Steve: Am also counting on him. . . . Mr Barry: Continue counting Mr Steve; Am running late for work. . . . Mr Steve: What kind of work are you doing Mr Barry? . . . Mr Barry: Am a cop. . . . Mr Steve: Oh, nice meeting you.. . . . George cuts. . . . George: Will you guys shut up and allow me to think. . . . Mr Barry was furious but Mr Steve was only smiling as he said. . . . Mr Steve: You've been thinking for a while George, keep up, there is nothing else you will do. . . . George: So that means you are not enrolling me? . . . Mr Steve: No, i didn't means that, you are in George, the question that i asked you are always for some of my students who prove that they are genius, since you can't have it, it's okay, give me a second, let me call your class teacher. . . . Few minutes, a young lady around 30's walks in, she was fair in complexion, she was wearing a red gown. . . . Lady: Hello, am Mrs Cara, your class teacher. . . . Mr Steve: Here is George, your new student. . . . Mrs Cara: Okay George how old are you? . . . George: Am 13years of age! . . . Mrs Cara: Welcome please follow me. . . . Mr Barry: Behaved yourself son, thank you once again, nice meeting you Mr Steve. . . . Mr Steve: Is my pleasure! . . As they were about to exit, George turns once again as he faced Mr Steve. . . . George: Mr Steve, am genius, what i meant genius, am like a cellphone without connection, your questions got me wondering, let me just spilled it out. 1. Coffin 2. Death 3. Supernatural . . . Mr Steve was speechless, he wasn't able to said anything, he stared at him for so long then he said. . . . Mr Steve: Awesome, you got it right, you are really genius as you said. . . . Both his father and Mrs Cara were gasped, they didn't believe that a young boy of 13years could get an answer to that, Mrs Cara who was shocked, she has served in this school for a year and Mr Steve will asked all of his students whose blamed to be genius but none got it right, but here a boy of 13years old just got it right, he's so amazing. . . . * #CLASSROOM* 12:02pm **** **** . . . Mrs Cara: Hello Class this is our new student, make him feel welcome.
23 Sep 2020 | 15:07
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 3 (THREE) *** *** #MR_BARRY_HOUSE* *** 9:00pm **** **** . Geogre: I hate this fucking school and everything here; How i wish i have super abilities, the only power is just bullied some kids, arrg....... . . . Mr Barry: George why did you not stopped all this hokum and listen to us, we're your parents for Christ's sake . . . George: Dad i loves the way am like that, it makes me feel so good and special. . . . Mr Barry: What so special there? It only makes you seem so bad like a demons, what is the needs of you being like this? . . . George: Power, control and needs. . . . Mr Barry: I have try every possible to get you out from this mess but it seems like you don't want to, now you're on your own if anything happens to you then just count me out. . . . George: What will happen to me? . . . Mr Barry: Your mom and I has try our very best to care for you, you're a cursed child for us, i regret being your father! . . . George: Is that all you got, calling me a cursed child then be it, when thing happened to me then fuck off, don't come looking for me. . . . George picking up his sweater, he walks out from the door using the backyard and banging the door as well. . . . . Mr Barry: George, George where did you think you're going to at this time of the hour, come back it's dangerous. . . . #KENXO_STREET* 22K/M *** 11:30pm **** **** . George who was still walking but he could hear his father voice wailing, he put his sweater on, he was freezing, he didn't realize that he had gone too deep, there was no light or a moving car along the road, it was just him and the dark; he was not afraid of the dark, this was not his first time he was seen on the road walking alone, just then he heard a sound from behind as he didn't mind the sound, he can see anything in the dark, a meow sound from the cat makes him to stopped from going further. . . . George: What's it cat? . . . Cat: Meow meow meow came from the cat again. . . . George: Just leave me alone if you can't tell me what is wrong. . . . The cat who stood up as it change to an unknown creature. . . . George: Who are you? . . . Cat: Am a demon! . . . George: Demon of what? . . . Cat: Just an ordinary demon! . . . George: Demon, i was about to passed before you interrupted so can you excuse me? . . . Cat: Alright I'll but first i want your blood. . . . With a twinkle of an eye, the demon grab him as he wanted to bite him, a great force pushed him away as he start burning. . . . DemonCat: Who are you? . . . George: Am George the cursed child. . . . George who was afraid as he keeps wondering what just happened, why did he said that, the demon gave out a loud cries as he burn to ashes, why is the demon burning? who am i? This question keeps repeating in his head as he turns and ran back towards the house. . . . * Thanks for following up with the epic story, am not perfect but trying to be the best story writer, if you find any errors, please try and understand it just that i loves supernatural that's why i posted it, God bless you all for reading. Next Chapter Loading.........
23 Sep 2020 | 15:16
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 4 (FOUR) *** *** #MR_BARRY_HOUSE* *** 2:30pm **** **** Mrs Alice: Honey where is George? . . . Mrs Alice shouted from the bathroom. . . . Mr Barry: I don't know where he went to, I've been searching for him for so long! . . . Water was heard dripping as the tub was turn off as Mrs Alice zoomed out. . . . Mrs Alice: What did you say about my son? . . . Mr Barry: Calm down darling, he will be back. . . . Mrs Alice: If anything happens to my son, i will just ripe out your heart . . . Mr Barry: Eh woman, watch your tongue, Joe was just stubborn like him, George is cursed like him. . . . Mrs Alice: Don't mentioned my father's name here, this is our son we are talking! . . . Mr Barry: Bullshit! George doesn't want to change from your father's way, take a good look at him, he's like him. . . . Mrs Alice begin to wept bitterly, opening the door as she bang it and locked herself in. . . . Mr Barry moves towards the door as he approached. . . . Mr Barry: Not again honey; am sorry . . . Mrs Alice: Go away, i don't want to see you again! . . . Mr Barry: I told you I'm sorry Alice, i didn't know what came over me, forgive me and i promise it won't happening again. . . . Mrs Alice: Promised, you always make a promise but you never stick to it. . . . Mr Barry: I know but just believe me on this one . . . The door suddenly opens as Mr Barry hugs his wife and kiss her head. . . . Mr Barry: I promise i won't hurt you anymore. . . . Then suddenly the back door opens as here stood George who was standing in angry ? mode. . . . George: Who am i? What am i? And why did you called me a cursed child? . . . Silence embedded as his parents stood and not able to say anything, their mouth stammering. . . . George: Am asking about something, just not keep your fucking mouth shut, say something. . . . Mr Barry was first to speak. . . . Mr Barry: What had comes over you son? Why all this changes? . . . George: Stop pretending father and tells me the truth, what i need to you! . . . Mrs Alice: What has comes over you son? . . . George: Please mom step aside let dad tell me why did he always called me a cursed child. . . . Mrs Alice: You do what? . . . Mr Barry: It was a mistakes; I swear i really didn't meant to. . . . Mrs Alice: Why are you taking Joe blame upon my son? . . . George: Today i saw a cat transform to a demon, as he wanted to grab me to drink my blood, a force pushes him away and he started burning to ashes, father you calling me a cursed child specific that so then tells me who exactly am i? Or else am going to ripe your heart out. . . . Mr Barry who was still hugging his wife released as both of them sat down on the couch. . . . Mr Barry: Sit son; let me explain this to you! . . . George: I won't, just tell me what i need to know. . . . Mr Barry: Your mother's father was just stubborn like you, he was a jest and freak(?), always acting weird but unlike you, he did something that always makes him to behave like a demon, but he wasn't a demon. . . . George: If he was a demon like you say. . . . Mrs Alice: Nobody knows, he just disappear one day and nobody knows where he went to, so at last we gave up searching for him. . . . (Taking his seat) . . . George: Then explain why did you always call me a cursed child? . . . Mr Barry: Because of the way your grandpa is? Anybody who's always stubborn and behaved like that in our family is always a cursed person in between them something bad might happened. . . . George: Then explain to me why did the demon burn to ashes. . . . Mr Barry looked at his wife who was staring at him. . . . Mr Barry: Just give us some minutes son, we'll be back. . . . Mr Barry stood up follow by his wife as they opens the door and closes it back. . . . The waves carries the sound to his ear, he couldn't not believe his eyes, he could hear everything they were discussing about him. . . . George: What's happening to me! . . . *
24 Sep 2020 | 01:43
Hope this story won't turn horror like this? Bcos me, that's the last thing I want to read o
24 Sep 2020 | 11:22
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** CHAPTER 5 (FIVE) *** *** . #KENXO_STREET* #MR_BARRY_HOUSE* *** 12:50pm **** **** . . . The door opens as his parents walks towards the couch and sat on it. . . . Mr Barry: Are you sure you saw a demon? . . . . George: Have i ever lied to you! . . . Mrs Alice: Thing can happen when you are alone, you can imagine things especially when you are walking in the dark, George seeing a demon in this century is very weird, have you been reading all night, you need to rest, when you're back from school am taking you to our family doctor to check on you. . . . George: But i know what i saw! . . . Mr Barry: George no one's is not arguing with you about what you saw, we needs to see our doctor first. . . . George couldn't believe his parents would lie to him or am I sick, no am not, I'm not in any imaginary world; This is real, if they can't help me then this is the right time for me to find out who exactly am i? It's time to do some research. . . . Mr Barry: George, George, George, what are you thinking? . . . George: I don't know the answer to that; It's because am not satisfied dad, you two lied to me. . . . Mrs Alice: We didn't George, we are speaking the truth! . . . George: The truth? Are you sure about it, you knew who i am, you knew who am becoming, who knew why the demon burn to ashes because all this thing happening right now is from the blood running in my veins . . . Mr Barry: George! . . . George: Shut up dad; There's something fishy going on and i must find it out no matter what. . . . Mrs Alice: George you're not going out, just stay at home! . . . George: I won't and you can't stop me! . . . Mr Barry: George don't do anything bad, i know what you are capable of doing. . . . George: Better, I won't dad! Mom but also just keep it in mind that whatsoever you two were discussing in that door, it travel like a air, i heard it from here, then think of it am i a freak? . . . Both couldn't said a word to him. . . . George: Then i hoped so, goodnight. . . . George climbs upstairs, leaving his parents speechless, opening the door of his room, removing his sweater as he falls on top of his bed and snore off. . . . #THE_DREAMS* **** 3:00pm **** **** . . . Voice: George come to me... . . . George: Who are you? . . . Voice: Who am i doesn't matter, what matters to you is me! . . . George: Why did i needs you, i don't even know you? . . . Voice: Yes you don't even know me but you are so special to me, come and see what i have in store for you, the power of immortality, strong power of invisible force; i will be waiting for you, come....., come to me George..... . . . George wakes up from the sleep as he heard his name being called, he sat down on the edge of the bed, who's the person that was whispering to me to come; why is the person calling me, he asked himself, a knock on the door which brings him back from his thoughts. . . . Mr Barry: George, get ready am dropping you off in school. . . . George: Fuck! . . . George opens the bathroom door as he walks in, he freshen himself up, within a few hours, he was done, wearing a jean trouser with a fit polo which show his muscles, he put on his snicker, he closed his door room and makes sure he bang it well before going downstairs. . . . George: Good morning Dad; Good morning Mom! . . . Mr Barry: Morning George, sit food will be served soon! . . . George sit down as his mother brings out food which she dish into his plate. . . . Mrs Alice: Eat son, you going to be late for school. . . . George began to eat, as the same time his father joined him, as both eat in silent as they consume the food, few minutes they were done as both speed off down the lane, the door car opens which George stepped out. . . . Mr Barry: Don't look for trouble son, be safe. . . . . #KENXO_HIGH_SCHOOL* 35K/M *** 7:00am **** **** . . . A car makes some noise as it speed away from the school premises, George stood for a few minutes as he breathe in and out, he makes his way into his class, everybody stop what they were all doing as they stare at him, he moves so gentle towards his desk, soon enough their class teacher Mrs Cara walks in as the class paid more attention to her, questions were asked which resulted with the answer given, bla bla bla. . . . .#SCHOOL_CLOSED* *** 1:00pm **** **** * (*Under ?-THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place; Here comes another series ?️?*) (*?-DARK MAGIC COMING UP*)
29 Sep 2020 | 13:09
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** CHAPTER 6 (SIX) *** *** #SCHOOL_CLOSES* *** 1:00pm **** **** . . . . George stood at the school premises as then a car drives by, the car glass whine down, a girl who was sitting in the back door. . . . Girl: Eh George come in am going to drop you off . . . George: I don't needs your help, my father is coming for me. . . . Girl: Your father won't be coming, come on. . . . George: Like i said before, am not interested. . . . A car drives in his front as he walks up towards it opening the door as he stepped in. . . . George: Good afternoon dad! . . . Mr Barry: Afternoon son, you look so curious, what's wrong? . . . George: Nothing, am just feeling nervous. . . . Mr Barry: Alright, don't worry you will get used to it, there is every first starter for every fresher, it will vanished one day, so cheer up. . . . George: Alright! . . . . Mr Barry speed off as George faced outside, he then notices that a wagon car was still following them, he then remembered the girl, . .? . (*In his mind*). . . . George: What is wrong with her? . . . Soon enough at the same time he looks again but he couldn't see the wagon car again. . .? . (*In his mind*). . . George: This thing is strange; Who is this strange girl. . . . . George: Dad can i asked you something? . . . Mr Barry: Yes son, you're free! . . . George: Promised me you'll answered it. . . . Mr Barry looked at his son and then back to the road. . . . Mr Barry: Fine; I promised. . . . George: Is demon real? Did you believed they exist? . . . Mr Barry: Here we go again! . . . George: Dad you promised, remember? . . . Mr Barry: Nnn...Yes they are real, but i don't think they really still exist. . . . George: I had a dream this morning about someone it was a voice calling me to come, the voice was strange. . . . Mr Barry stopped the car as he looks at his son again. . . . Mr Barry: When did it started? . . . George: I don't understand! . . . Mr Barry: Seeing or becoming one here in this city, you'll be killed, think about it son why did you care so much about this demonic. . . . George: Dad that's why am surprised more, you're hiding something from me, tell me the past everything that you know about demons. . . . Mr Barry: Am not good at storyteller and am not also good in any demonic secret. . .? . (*Mr Barry started the engine*). . . . George: Demonic secret, forbidden temple, i overheard it that night when you two were discussing and who is Joe and Jack? . . . Mr Barry: Those two, one of them is your grandpa and the other one is his brother. . . . George: I need more information dad. . . . Mr Barry: Oh no, not again my wife is going to killed me for this. . . . . #MR_BARRY_HOUSE* *** 2:20pm **** **** . . . . Soon enough the car was parked in the garage as both of them stepped down, Mr Barry phone ring as he picked it up. . . . Mr Barry: Hello this is detective Best how can i help you? . . . Girl on telephone: There's is something going on in west coast and Detective Smith is there, he needs some backup. . . . Mr Barry: On my way! . . . (*Phone hang on*) . . . George: Dad what's that? . . . Mr Barry: Sorry son, I've to go, it's business! . . . George: Alright then you can go, i can take care of myself. . . . Mr Barry enters the car as he reverse and speed off down the lane, George walk inside the house as he climbed up the stairs to his room, he brings out his laptop and started searching and doing some research, he start typing. . . . Google: Demonic secret, forbidden temple. . . . He click on search as it reload and pop up. . . . Search: THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) search instead of Demonic secret, forbidden temple. . . . George click on it as it opened up, he start reading. . . . "In the land of mystical force, a place where humans are not meant to enters, a place of ancient demons, spirit, magical and Supernatural beings, a place of suffering, anxiety, pains, hatred, tormenting etc; a place of scared temple, humans couldn't dared to enters, a huge wall was placed round the forest where the temple was built, many scholars had wanted to knew the secret behind the liars of the temple but all of them won't come back alive, some believed that the demons has eaten them, the place was secured preventing humans from entering and that's what the humans believed." . . .? . (*Then an idea came to him as he type*). . . . Where is the temple located? . . . Search: No one knows where the temple is but only the one which is born with a pure blood will be able to located the temple by using his own blood. . . . .? . (*Then an idea came to him as he type*). . . . Search: Who's the one which will be born? . . . Search: No resulted. . . . George: No no i need answers! . . . .? . (*Then another idea came to him as he type*). . . . George: The demon child one born with pure blood. . . . Result show: Another name "THE CURSED CHILD" . . . George was shocked as he breathe in heavily, he then remembered two things. . . . George: My father called me a cursed child and my first dream(*Trance*) had comes to reality, the cat which turned to a demon said he needs my blood, if the demon needs my blood to find out the temple then i am.... . . . (*A cursed child*). . . . A voice cuts in which the door opens slowly which refer the unknown was no other person than..... .
29 Sep 2020 | 13:11
Abeg, no dey put us in suspense na
30 Sep 2020 | 19:18
This is becoming interesting. My kind of story
5 Oct 2020 | 03:32
@fb-etzkendoblast, what is keeping the next updates pls??????
5 Oct 2020 | 03:33
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 7 (SEVEN) *** *** # MR_BARRY_HOUSE * # GEORGE_ROOM * *** 3:00pm **** **** . . . The unknown person was his mother standing at the door. . . . George: Mom am i the.... . . . Mrs Alice: Yes you're the cursed child. . . . George: You hide it from me! . . . Mrs Alice: Am sorry son, forgive me, i didn't want you to find it out like this. . . . George: You created me? . . . Mrs Alice: No son, it was my father works! . . . George: He raped you! . . . Mrs Alice: George! . . . George: Sorry mom. . . . Mrs Alice: Hmm, my father said that the son whom i carries will be a demon! . . . George: Why will he do that? . . . Mrs Alice: He didn't want me to get marry to your father. . . . George: That was why he curse me? . . . Mrs Alice: Am sorry for keeping this for a long time, i didn't believe you saw a demon and now i believe all this, each dream you had always come to reality, demon can forecast that, and can also stop that from happening. . . . George: How can i stopped mom, my grandpa was your father. . . . Mrs Alice: Only a strong demon can stopped it. . . . George: Are you a demon mom? . . . Mrs Alice: Was before but i gave out my power to someone whom i love, i love your father the first time i met him, i fall in love with him, he loves me too, after some years he comes to realize that i am a demon, i thought that he will runs away from me even though i pursue him but he still didn't go away or rejected me, so i have to do what i have to do to be with him. . . . George: I have to do what i have to do to be with him; I don't understand it. . . . Mrs Alice: It can only work with some demons but not all especially ones with those that has pure blood which is you. . . . George: Grandpa is the source, he can conjure mystical gigantic creatures, that means he's very powerful, the oldest of all. . . . Mrs Alice: Yes, son! . . . George: But i only have dream mom. . . . Mrs Alice: Your power is manifesting and it still remain unknown, meaning you've not yet unlocked your power, you needs a good teacher to train you . . . George: Train me mom! . . . Mrs Alice: I am sorry son; Is just that i can't go back to my past, I've changed son, but i can introduce you to someone else whom i can trust and can also trained you, he's the best of all fighters. . . . George: Who? . . . Mrs Alice: Mr Steve, your headmaster! . . . George; What? . . . Mrs Alice: Not be shocked son, he told me you answered his question on your first day and did you know what that means? . . . George: No mom. . . . Mrs Alice brings out a sheet of paper as he write those words down as she said. . . . Mrs Alice: Only the true families knows the code. . . . George: What code? . . . Mrs Alice: 1. Coffin 2. Death 3. Supernatural . . . . George: Explain . . . Mrs Alice: 1. Coffin - You'll be locked in a coffin for seven days 2. Death - You will be death, what i meant is your human body will be dead while your Demon form will be alive. 3. Supernatural - Your powers will be unlocked. . . . George: But that was not what Mr Steve asked me? . . . Mrs Alice: Question can be asked in another ways around as i say earlier only the true families knows the code. . . . George: So Mr Steve knows that i am your child but he was acting wreid as if he hasn't met us before . . . Mrs Alice: Yes, demon always take a risk to protect their own kind. . . . George: How? . . . George: He's also powerful, he's a socrerer, he has 12 orbs attached to himself. . . . George: What's a orbs? . . . Mrs Alice: A orbs is a power of a demon, by killing each demons you collect their orbs. . . . George: That means Mr Steve is very strong and powerful, taking his own risk to protect whom he loves, then why is he living in the city who is he protecting, where are his other members. . . . Mrs Alice: Me, you and his daughter, Mr Steve is my cousin, i gave him my orbs attached to his own to protect, so that it wouldn't falls into the wrong hand. . . . George: Then, i get some questions to asked him! . . . Mrs Alice: Alright, come on and help me in the kitchen! . . . George: Okay mom but did dad knows Mr Steve is your cousin? . . . Mrs Alice: No....., it's because that's not his true form. . . . George: How? . . . Mrs Alice: That's question for another day son; So are we cool. . . . George: Yes, we're cool . . . . * (*Under -THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place; Here comes another series *) (* -DARK MAGIC COMING UP*) — with Dave Sun.
6 Oct 2020 | 10:10
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author: Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 8 (EIGHT) *** *** 4:10am *** *** . . . A soft knock on the door which opens by himself, a man around 40's walks inside, he looked around seeing his daughter still laying down, he kept staring at his beautiful daughter and sat down. . . . Man: Wake up Susan its morning; Happy birthday honey. . . . Susan: Happy birthday Mr Steve. . . . Mr Steve: C'mon it not my day, guess what honey! . . . Susan: You are taking me out but i don't want to, it will be so lonely. . . . Mr Steve: No Susan, you've clocked 14yrs and your training starts today. . . . Susan: Father i feel like sleeping! . . . Mr Steve: No, you're not, c'mon don't keep me waiting. . . . (*FEW MINUTES*) . . . Mr Steve: A demon is what we called a supernatural being, typically associated with evil, mythology, and folklore; as well as in media such as comics, video games, movies and television series; Not all of us are evil, we needs peace amongst ourselves but others wouldn't understand what we're trying to do, being in existence was been created especially humans believed it too, the temple where all of us abode were closed now because of what my father did, i can't stand by his side in doing what i doesn't like. . . . Susan: Grandpa started the war! You've betrayed him father? . . . Mr Steve: Yes Susan, I've betray him to protect whom i loved. . . . Susan: If he comes to you for something! . . . Mr Steve: Then i will be ready for him. . . . Susan: Father are you sure grandpa wouldn't attacked any moment from now. . . . Mr Steve: Even though he attacked, he will come first to me. . . . Susan: Okay father. . . . Mr Steve: Am very sure he wouldn't expect if his followers get the pure blood to located the temple, unlike your grandpa his brother is a powerful sorcerer, no matter what he did he won't be able to located the temple. . . . Susan: But father according to history many scholars had wanted to know the mystery about the temple. . . . Mr Steve: Yes but now the temple is hidden. . . . Susan: Why will the temple be hidden, what are they protecting? . . . Mr Steve: The most dangerous demons, those demons are warriors and if released to the world, they will possess and feed on human blood. . . . Susan: That's not good, wait someone is coming, go inside now Susan and don't spy. . . . Susan rushes inside the house and shut the door closed, something ascended on the ground as a cloak was covered which smoke was coming out from its face, other ascended follows by the first who was still standing, the others began to fight, which Mr Steve was set, he killed them by uprooting their head off, the unknown man stood up a minute and soon enough the veil uncover which revealed the face of a man. . . . Man: Hello Son. . . . . # MR_BARRY 'S_HOUSE* *** 4:50am *** *** . . Mr Barry: What did you tell your son that makes him so happy? . . . Mrs Alice: The true; our past! . . . Mr Barry: What but i thought you forbid him. . . . Mrs Alice: Honey this is getting out of hands, each dream he had always comes to reality, it's time he knows who's becoming, maybe he can protect us too from harm. . . . Mr Barry: Am not angry with you dear, i didn't want to slip it out till you tells him. . . . Mrs Alice: (*Smiles*), so are you taking me out for our anniversary? . . . Mr Barry: Sure, I've already informed my boss at work! . . . Mrs Alice: So what about our son?(*Crossing her hand around his neck*) . . . Mr Barry: He can take care of himself.(*He pushed himself for a kiss *) . . . Mrs Alice: No honey that was too harsh, i had a talk with his headmaster, he accepted him.(*dodging him*) . . . Mr Barry: What have you done dear, you know our son is very stubborn, he will only makes things worst with the young man. . . . Mrs Alice: Don't worry, i will speak to him, he will obey me. . . . Mr Barry: Alright, come on dear (*He pushed her to himself*) . . . Mrs Alice: Wait you will still have me during our vocation (*wink*) . . . Mrs Alice headed to his son room as she wanted to knock. . . . George: Come in the door is not locked . . . Mrs Alice walks in as she sat beside her son. . . . Mrs Alice: I hoped you heard everything? . . . George: Yes mom, i will love to be with him. . . . Mrs Alice: Not only be with him, he will train you as well to get used of your power! . . . George: When are you guys leaving? . . . Mrs Alice: In two weeks’ time. . . . *
6 Oct 2020 | 10:13
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 9 (NINE) *** . . . .# MR_STEVE_RESIDENT * # 45km **** 6:50pm *** *** . . . Mr Steve: Your presence is not needed here . . . Man: I came in peace, where is my granddaughter, today is her birthday, am taking her for some vocation. . . . Mr Steve: Leave her out of this . . . Man: You've don't change Steve, look at you wearing a human skin, are you not ashamed of yourself? . . . Mr Steve: Like i said earlier your presence is not needed . . . Man: I need you by my side son, you will have been helping me but can't believe you even betrayed me and run away . . . Mr Steve: What i did was for the good of everybody. . . . Man: Everybody ah; Is that what you called good; You doesn't know what's coming up, don't worry the pure blood is the key, when i find him then the temple will be unlocked. . . . Mr Steve: You'll never find it. . . . Man: Hahahaha, I'm impressed Steve, the boy of 13years old, one of your student's, yip, well don't worry i wouldn't attacked him now, am still wondering what is wrong, why did the demon burn to ashes. . . . Mr Steve: He can burn demons to ashes? . . . Man: Are you asking me, he's your student; Hmm, Alice must have taken good care of him, i must do all things to get the blood . . . Mr Steve: I will stop you! . . . Man: Protector, you can try it again. . . . Mr Steve: I win you the first time . . . Man: You win me because i was weak, why don't try this time my orbs is now stronger and powerful. . . . Mr Steve: Damien will stopped you . . . Man: Damien can stopped me but don't when I've his grandson with me. . . . Mr Steve: He doesn't care if he has a grandson. . . . Man: Yes he will have come since then, that's why you're still behaving like a childish; Son think like an wise old man, you doesn't know my brother more than i do, he's busy waiting for the due time. . . . Mr Steve: The due time uh, time for what? . . . Man: (*Smiled*), Come on son, come and be by my side, work for me. . . . Mr Steve: Never will i do that! . . . Man: Hmm, well till then, my regards to my granddaughter, see you soon. . . ? . . The veil cover, smoke mounting as his cloak covered his face which was coming out from its face as he disappeared. . . (*FEW HOUR*) .# KENXO_SCHOOL * # 108km **** 7:00am *** *** . . . The next day George arrived in school after his father dropped him, stepping out of the car, he saw the wagon car parked, he picked up his backpack and walk to the class, the class was so noisy as he headed to his desk, few minutes Mrs Cara walked in and bla bla bla the bell was heard. George who then remembered that he had to see Mr Steve for the discussion, a soft knock on the door. . . . .# KENXO_SCHOOL * # MR_STEVE_OFFICE* 107km **** 10:00am *** *** . . . Mr Steve: Come in the door is not locked. . . ? . . George walk in as he couldn't find Mr Steve. . . . Mr Steve: Have a seat! . . . George take a seat, soon enough Mr Steve appear as he sat down. . . . Mr Steve: Sorry i didn't eat anything, so i went to satisfied myself, how are you doing? . . . George: Am good sir; How did you do that? . . . Mr Steve: Spells i had this place secured, so shall we continued. . . . George: Just wanted to verify. . . . Mr Steve: Verify who i am, well i hoped that your mother told you a lots about me, when are you starting your training. . . . George: Two weeks . . . Mr Steve: Why two weeks, you can start it now. . . . George: I am not ready yet for any training. . . . Mr Steve: You don't have to, you only have to start so that you can stay focused using your power . . . George: I know all about it . . . Mr Steve: Then explain to me why demon burn to ashes by just a touch? . . . George: I don't know either . . . Mr Steve: Because you're chosen, the chosen one and your life is at risk, start your training fast, more demons strong ones are coming for you . . . I can protect myself . . . With just touch, is that all you got, you touch them and they burnt, is that the only thing you can do, c'mon let me train you fast before it's too late. . . . George: Okay, i accept it. . . . Mr Steve: That's good, when are you starting? . . . George: In two weeks times. . . . Mr Steve: Are you kidding me or did you take me as a fool? . . . George: No sir, tell me how did you wore another human skin? . . . Mr Steve: It's so simple when you know how to control your power, you can do anything just with your power and abilities . . . George: How? . . . Mr Steve: This conversation is over George; Of course this is school, come to my house if you want to learn more, i can even train you to know how to stop those dreams from becoming reality! . . . George: I don't know your godsdamn house. . . . Mr Steve: Let your instinct lead you! . . . George: Fuck! . . . * I'm so sorry for posting late, forgive me. . * (*Under -THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place; Here comes another series *) (* -DARK MAGIC COMING UP*)
6 Oct 2020 | 10:19
Thanks, i appreciate
6 Oct 2020 | 10:23
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 10 (TEN) *** *** . . . . #MR_BARRY 'S_HOUSE* # 22km **** 8:50am *** *** . . . Mrs Alice: Be a good boy son, Mr Steve will be here soon . . . Mr Barry: You're no longer a kid . . . Mrs Alice: Behave yourself and don't look for trouble; Don't forget to call us every weekend. . . . Mr Barry: And don't go beyond dimension. . . . All this was said to George as he stood watching them after he had packed their luggages inside the boots, the engine was turn on. . . . Mr Barry: And one more thing your card feeding is on the table, feel free son, don't keep bad company, don't look for trouble, i know your power or whatever is manifesting but remember that i always love you son, you can take one of the car to school, we will be back soon. . . . Mr Barry entered the car and he zoomed off the lane, George moves back towards the door as he shut it, few hours later, a wagon car pulled over as a man stepped out, which revealed himself as Mr Steve, he was covered in a hood, he remembers his conversation he had with his daughter as he approached the door. . . . Susan: Father are you sure he will come? . . . Mr Steve: Yes, anything wrong with that? . . . Susan: No, just that i don't want to freak him. . . . Mr Steve: No, you wouldn't honey? . . . Susan: Yes father! . . . Mr Steve: Okay let me go and get him. . . ? . . . A soft knock on the door which opens slowly. . . . Mr Steve: Hello George. . . . George: Come in! . . . Mr Steve: Wow nice place, are you ready? . . . Susan: Yes, I've packed everything. . . . Mr Steve: Let go! . . . As they zoomed away, soon enough a smoke embed from within as it covered everywhere, a strange sound was heard boom boom and then it vanished. . . . . #MR_STEVE_RESIDENT * # 45km **** 9:10am *** *** . . . . The wagon car parked in the garage as the two stepped out, George stood as he stare at the surrounding, the perfume makes him sick. . . . Mr Steve: Feeling sick again? . . . George: No sir. . . . Mr Steve: Don't worry, it only prevent some demons penetrating it, c'mon let move in . . . Both moved inside as the door shut, then the smoke embed from within as it covered everywhere, the smoke try to penetrate but a force prevent it from happening, it gave out a loud sound as it vanished again; Mr Steve whose was standing inside quickly looked out from the window as he observe but couldn't see what's happening. . . . Voice: What's that father? . . . A voice shot out as George looks towards the direction, he was surprised seeing the girl he had a little conservation, she wasn't the same height with him. . . . Mr Steve: They were here, they had been following us, they are looking for you George, your life is in great danger especially now that my father is involved in getting your blood to opened the temple. . . . George: I don't understand! . . . Mr Steve: That is why you've to start training. . . . George: If i start training, what about school? . . . Mr Steve: Don't worry; I will covered you up, well let me introduce my daughter to you first, George here's Susan, Susan here's George. . . . Susan: Hi George(*Smiles*) . . . George: Hi Susan(*Smiles*) . . . Mr Steve: Good now George come with me let me show you your new room. . . . George relax on the bed, this new room is something else, he was very exhausted, a soft knock on the door which George response immediately. . . . George: The door is not locked! . . . The door opens which revealed Susan. . . . Susan: Can i come in? . . . George: Yes, sure! . . . Susan walks in as he sat down with him for a minute without saying anything. . . . Mr Steve: Are you guys not going to say something, George, Susan what the matter. . . . Mr Steve said as he passed them and down the stairs, George was first to speak. . . . George: You knew me that was why you called? . . . Susan: No, i knew you not! . . . George: You know i can detect when you're lying. . . . Susan: Hmm, is like your power is still manifesting, so you will be staying with us still your parents are back? . . . George: Yup, sure; maybe if i can finish up my training fast. . . . Susan: How much did you know about demons, have you see one? . . . George: Yes, it happens in my dream and then back to reality. . . . Susan: You dream too? . . . George: Definitely; Is anything wrong with that? . . . Susan: Demons dream are rare, it can torment and control to do something you doesn't like doing. . . . George: That's what I've been waiting for, to control my ability. . . . Susan: My father will teach you; Can you fight? . . . George: No, never try that before, i only know how to bully. . . . Susan: That's a damn trash for bullies someone. . . . George: That's my life and i have to do what i have to do. . . . Susan: Is that not your mother code that you're using, every demons has their own code so chose yours. . . . George: What's yours? . . . Susan: Never got one yet, still thinking, you're in grade 7 right? . . . George: Yes and you're in . . . Susan: I'm in grade 8. . . . . Then Mr Steve walks in. . . . Mr Steve: C'mon, let go and eat! . . . *
7 Oct 2020 | 05:54
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 11 (ELEVEN) *** *** .# MR_STEVE_RESIDENT * # 45km **** 12:00pm *** *** . . # AT_THE_TRAINING_GROUND * . . . Mr Steve: Demons are legendary, they are powerful, being in existence was been created especially humans has come to believed it too, they has a skin made of red scales, leathery wings and coven feet, black horns curl back from your forehead when you transform to your Demon form after the ritual; Any question? . . . George: No! . . . Mr Steve: Fine, we proceed! . . . Mr Steve: Demons are free gift, the power and abilities bind together makes you strong, demon are of many types when after the ritual is perform successful you can't have access to your real human body expect if only you're chosen and also have pure blood too . . . George: But you lost your human body? . . . Mr Steve: Yes after the transformation, i was now in my demon form the most ugliest creatures who can absorb human body quick. . . . George: Show me your true self . . . Mr Steve: Are you sure you want to see it? . . . George: Yes, show me. . . . Mr Steve: You're not ready, you'll fainted . . . George: Alright what next? . . . Mr Steve: Next is how to test if you're stronger before your transformation, now fight . . . George: Who am i fighting with? . . . Susan: Me . . . George: Oh not you i never hit a girl before! . . . Susan: Then try hitting me or then you're going to fail when been attacked by one! . . . Mr Steve: Ready now honey to your form. . . . George: Why demon-form? . . . Mr Steve: So that you wouldn't be afraid when started, you needs to be courageous and successful in your battle, now fight. . . . Susan ran towards George who stood awaiting her, as she jump and transform in the air as she hit George in his back as he rolled away . . . George: That was quick and i didn't notice it . . . Susan: Arrg! . . . She flew and hit George again several times using her speed as he fell down with a great thud, carrying her leg and put on top George's body . . . Mr Steve: Concentrate George! . . . George: I'm trying. . . . Mr Steve: You're losing George! . . . George: I said earlier that i can't hit a girl. . . . Mr Steve: She's not a girl anymore but a demon, wake up George, you were chosen for this, fight her, fight like ever before. . . . George stood up Immediately, he feel like something empower him and he kicked the demon off which cries out, he stood up and clean the dirt off his cloth. . . . Mr Steve: I like your spirit George, go for it, beat the hell of her but don't killed her remember she's my daughter (* *) . . . George eyes changes as he approached her, Susan lift up her hand to blow him away, George quickly dodged it and using his left leg kicking her hard on her abdomen sending her a hint from him, he jumped in the air somersaulting kicking her which makes her hit herself in the wall. . . . George: I can't control it. . . . Mr Steve: Yes you can, that's it! . . . George: I feel more powerful. . . . Mr Steve: No no......, that's not good; George stop right there! . . . Mr Steve wanted to stop him but a force pushed him away as he fell down, approaching Susan he lifted her up using one hand as he wanted to hit her on hard surface, Mr Steve stood up and transform immediately and shout so louder . . . Mr Steve: George stop right now. . . . A waves carries it down to George who quickly faced Mr Steve. . . . Mr Steve: She's one of your kind. . . . He looked at her and then drop her in the ground which Susan catch her breath and quickly transform back to her human form as George eyes quickly change to normal. . . . George: Am sorry Susan, let me help you? . . . Susan: Just don't touch me(*She yell*) . . . George: It not my fault, i don't know what came over me. . . . Susan: Go away, you will have killed me . . . George: But i didn't, please. . .? . . He bend down to hold her. . . . Susan: D...o..n'.....t! . . . George turn to faced Mr Steve . . . George: I told you but you refuse next time don't try it . . . He said as he ran away into the woods. . . . Mr Steve: George, George, come back it's dangerous. . .
9 Oct 2020 | 15:07
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 12 (TWELVE) *** *** . . . # IN_THE_WOODS * **** 1:00pm *** *** . . . Mr Steve ran towards George to stopped him from entering the woods but he couldn't seen any track left of him. . . . Mr Steve: How the hell did he do that? . . . He used his eyes to check for him as he makes his way going deep inside the forest, shouting his name but no avail. . . . # BACK_TO_GEORGE * # IN_THE_WOODS * **** 1:30pm *** *** . . . (*Sitting down and weeping*) . . . George: No one loves me because of my stubbornness, I told him I don't like hitting a girl now he makes me do the worse, am out of my power, out of control, i don't even know what i'm going to do anymore. . . . Then suddenly he notices the environment changing, trees rounding, thunder striking and bursting everything, it was like a whirlwind, George lifted his eyes up what he saw shocked him, he wasn't always afraid of the dark nor anything but seeing this thing really scared the hell out of him. . . . Voice: Who are you? . . . The voices echoes so loud as another voice was heard very far distance from where he was standing. . . . Mr Steve: G..eo...rge, G..eo...rge..... . . . George heard his name be called, he knew who the person is! . . . Voice: You're George, the chosen one, the pure blood, grandson of the great sorcerer, the most powerful whose is x10 stronger than all of us, well now i have his grandson with me, let me see how he will come for rescued. . . . George was afraid as he wanted to run away. . . . Voice: No, not so fast young man there is no where to run to, this place is secured, hmm i can smell it, you've what i needs, give it to me? . . . George: Am not giving it out to you . . . Voice: So you knew it, awesome then you're welcome to be my guest for the rest of your life. . . . George: Am fighting you, show yourself! . . . Voice: How can you fight me when i'm invisible to you? . . . George: It doesn't matter, got a name invisible demon. . . . Voice: I'm Commander; So commander doesn't show himself, his fighters does that, still you insist to fight with me then you've to prove to me that you are capable. . . . Commander: Now fight! . . . A demon ascended down, he has a sharp teeth like that of a crocodile, his sharp claw shinning, a horn pop on the head, orbs attached to it abdomen. . . . Commander: Hope you've no ideas on what you are fighting behold the demon, nevermind let the fight begin. . . . The creature charged against him and it used the claw cutting George body off his flesh which he screamed out and start rolling. . . . Commander: Oh i forget to tell you, forgive my manners chosen one, his claws is so full of poisonous substance when inserted in your body and you being to feel so dizziness now sleep son, sleep. . . . George feel his eyes closed as he laid down he opened his ears wide to listened to the last word being spoken. . . . Commander: Take him, we only need him for now to located the temple. . . .? . . . Mr Steve ran shouting for George but couldn't find him at last he gave up and returned back home. . . . # MR_STEVE_RESIDENT * # 45km **** 1:55pm *** *** . . . Susan: Have you find him? . . . Mr Steve: No, he's no where to be found! . . . Susan: It's my fault , if i didn't shouted at him he will have been here with us. . . . Mr Steve: Am not blaming you honey, i will find him fast as possible. . . . Susan: Father if grandpa find him first? . . . Mr Steve: Oh no, where did he ran to? . . . Susan: The woods father! . . . Mr Steve: Is not about my father finding him first but it about his own enemies, they are also having interested in the boy. . . . Susan: So what will we do now Father? . . . Mr Steve: I'm afraid! . . . Susan: Am going inside the woods to rescue George. . . . Mr Steve: You're not strong, i once killed Do Pa and taken his orbs. . . . Susan: How? Those Demons are legendary and they are not easy to killed. . . . Mr Steve: I know, he challenged me once with riddles and i win him and takes his power even though others warn him not to deal with Mr Supernatural he refused, even Seun warned him, he still payed deaf ear to him and he lose. . . . Susan: Where is Seun now? . . . Mr Steve: He's the commander now? . . . Susan: How will you win him? . . . Mr Steve: By riddles, they loves riddles and jokes, if i can get a chance to tell George then he will know how to escaped . . . Susan: How? . . . Mr Steve: Just like our boss who created us to be like this(I respect you Dave Sun) . . . Susan: That's good Father now let go and rescued George. . . . Mr Steve: Absolutely. . .
9 Oct 2020 | 15:09
Can the two really rescue George from Commander?
9 Oct 2020 | 19:39
[color =red]★★★★★[/color] [color =blue]¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶[/color] [color =green] Forbidden Temple. [/color] @coolval222-2 @jummybabe @hormortiyor @frankkay @maths @fb-youngstorypreciousboy @mufutau @kingsbest @sabinto @oneal32 @chimmy @fb-etimaumoren @myraruby @maccharly @emmanx3 @fb-princelopez @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @fb-nancyadeoye @fb-chiderakingsley @fb-joshuajohn @freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @fb-princenwankire @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @ele1 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @fb-itz-chueleraloveday @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb-anthonyjunior @freeco @captainspoonz @repentance @fb-nontexdick @fb-etzprince @mayorgold @maths @jacopet @coolval222-2 @ryder @individual @fb-danieledem @fridex @fb-aguamimu @youngben @bouqui1st @frankkay @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @vikkychidi94 @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @fb-meritjohnson @mikelrado7 @fb-joshuajohn @fb-surevincopet @fb-nontexdick @confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com @jehliohn @jessyjenny @jimmartin @mrchiller @fb-roseaweyo @kingsbest @judith08 @dijose10 @pizzaro @fb-emiolablessing @fb-ajanimoses @fb-ayindeadebayoabayomi @merjos @kuzzybhankz @wilson555 @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel @sexy2017 @mickybrown @prosperyeboahgmail-com @fb-chancedegreatboy @fb-milesoz @fb-giddi-igoyaitz @fb-johnblack @fb-itzreindy @horlarmy @truthabeexs34 @danielj14 @fb-ahkeh @fb-etzslimv @fawzee @ladyg @henrymary @sommite @maths @kelly-kelvin @princejace @c-jay @fb-hunwisamuel @emreks @appleboi @harzaroboy @lawman-2 @fb-atermarial @sheegokeys @ele1 @promzy @fran6 @fb-mhiztaadebabs @fb-maxicamax @jaylogo @ugonnadeyoungestwriter @iphemloid @thecomely @ciarajessy @fb-marliansnbg @fb-ajaoayanfeoluwa @fb-ayotundeayodabo @fb-itzskylord @fb-itzedet And [url]others[/url] come o...
9 Oct 2020 | 19:48
I hoped so
10 Oct 2020 | 04:43
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 13 (THIRTEEN) *** *** . . . #INSIDE_THE_WOODS* **** 2:05pm *** *** . . . Mr Steve and his daughter makes their way to the woods as they started searching for him, Susan who was taking the blamed for herself, she was grieving without the knowledge of her father who was walking with her, if her father has concentrate he will have heard her sobbing but his focus was on George, he was really upset, she only pray let not George fall into the wrong hand, let nothing happening to him. . . . #THE_DEMON'S_LIARS* **** 2:30pm *** *** . . . **** The demons formed a round circle gathering together, George was s een laying down in the middle, his eyes were till closed, he was laiding as if he was dead. . . . Commander: Now time to take the blood, the blood we've been waiting for so long, the blood of our freedom, this is the time where we all will rule the earth once again and they'll be nobody here to stopped us from achieving our mission. . . . A loud laughers was cast by them, looking at them were different set of demons, like semi-demons these were half human, half demon possessed, they were very powerful just like (Vampires and werewolves which resulted in Hybrids) all of them were gathering and they were very happy. . . . Commander: Bring his blood! . . . One of the demon used his claw to cut him but a great force prevent that as it pushes him away . . . Commander: He's still powerful even though he's sleeping. . . . Demon: Permit me my lord, let me do it? . . . It was one whose has a semi-demon as he get hold of him successful, opening his claws, he pinned his body, instead of blood coming out of George's body, the semi demon started burning as he faced his lord. . . . Semi-demon: Help me my Lord! . . . Their Lord was shocked, he couldn't alter any word as he watch him burning, the others began to cries out loud, the Lord looks around as he became angry. . . . Commander: Wake him up, that will be the only solution Cain. . . . Cain: If we wake him up and he doesn't willing to give us the blood . . . Commander: Then he dies. . . . Cain: How will we killed him, you know who's grandpa is? . . . Commander: How dared you question the Lord? . . . Cain: Am sorry my lord(*Kneeling*) . . . Commander: Raise up Cain? . . . Cain raised his head up as he began to cast fire, he keeps burning still he burst out as two of his orbs rolled out unknown to them, it rolled and hide where George was laying down. . . . Commander: Anyone of you who'II try to question will end up just like Cain; Now Kane wake him up. . . . Kane began to chant some unknown spell, George who was still laying down begin to shake, the orbs also began to imbue inside George body and disappear, George quickly wakes up as he shouted which makes everybody covered their ears and started screaming. . . #BACK_TO_THE_WOODS* **** 2:44pm *** *** . . . Mr Steve and his daughter heard the sound, they know where the sound is coming from as both of them makes their way down to the direction. . . . #BACK_TO_THE_DEMON'S_LIARS* **** 2:55pm *** *** . . . His eyes was furious like that of red dragon . . . His back was struck with leathery wings, . . . Black horns coming out of the side of his head, . . . His body covered in brown hairy marking that have a C inspired motif . . . George stood up as he straightened himself, breaking every bones in his body, he looked up and stare at all of them. . . . George: Who's your lord? . . . His voice sound like thousand people speaking at the same time, his echoes traveling out. . . . Commander: I am! . . . George: Make yourself visible or i will makes sure i ripe out your throat. . . . The Lord quickly makes himself visible. . . . George: Good now am the lord and you're the commander, if you ever disturb me again, i will killed all of you, did i makes myself clear, . . . All: Yes my Lord. . . . George: Good, what's your name? . . . Semi-demon: I am Kane! . . . George: Brother to Cain who this imbecile killed him. . . . Kane: Yes my Lord that was my younger brother. . . . George: You'll always be my messenger, i will call you when i need you. . . . (*Bowing down*) . . . George: I need to go back. . . . All: You can't leave us after declaring yourself. . . . George: You have your commander with you, he will be the one to protect you . . . All: That's our rules and you've to abide in it . . . George: How dared you question your Lord? . . . All: (*Kneeling*) We're so sorry our Lord, please have mercy upon us all, don't allow our enunciate to weigh you down. . . . George: Am not going to killed you like your formal Lord, i am a chosen one. . . . All: May you lived long chosen one. . . . George: And one more thing let no others heard of it and no more opening the temple. . . . All: Yes my Lord. . . . George quickly stepped out, he feels better, this is what he had been looking for, power, control and abilities, now he has unlocked two remaining one to makes it balanced, he looked back at he said. . . . George: If you still insist to opened the temple go and join forced, remember you can't fooled me, i can detect your emotions, Kane come with me as he disappeared from them. They were more murmuring amongst themselves, many of them despatched and flew away including the commander, while few of them remain, George who had hide himself to observe what's going on, walk up right to them. . . . George: Good, congratulation all, Kane will be your new commander and i will also need you guys to relocate to somewhere safe i means those that's now in their Demon form. . . . Kane: Where are we going my Lord, we've no placed to stay? . . . Voice: I can help with that! . . . A voice shot out. . . . Quest: Who's the unknown voice? . . .
10 Oct 2020 | 04:47
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 14 (FOURTEEN) *** *** #BACK_TO_THE_DEMON'S_LIARS* **** 3:05pm *** *** . . . The unknown voice was Mr Steve who makes their way down to them, behind him was Susan his daughter. . Am glad you are now in your demon form, how did you feel . I feel so good uncle, you said you'll help them . Yes i did. . Am sorry George for pushing you so hard . I am the one whose will have said that Susan, i almost killed you . But you didn't . Yes that was the same thing i told you but you still fired furiously at me . Am sorry hope you are safe . Yes, no need to apologise, am safe! Now let go! . . . They began to move, (Oh forgive me, here is the names of remaining fellowers(Demon).) . . .? . . Rowe - Semi-demon CG - Semi-demon Sam - Demon Jane - demon Kate - Semi-demon Ham - Demon Zac - demon Cha - Semi-demon . . . A smoke embedded within as he transform himself to a huge fiqure standing in a shadow as he keep watching George from a far distance, it eyes shine so bright, George who feel another strange scent quickly turns at once as he stare at the fiqure, the figure opened his teeth and his claw wide, George who was observing didn't have any ideas what is it, he looked to see if anyone else have see the fiqure but all of them were busy with their selves, suddenly the fiqure began to run towards George as George who quickly faced his people telling them to look but no of them see anything. . . . Sam: What's this my lord? . . . George: Don't just tell me you've not seen what is running towards me. . . . Jane: What my Lord? . . . Before he answered back the fiqure has already reached George as he feel a sharp pains in his neck snapped, he started feeling dizzy again, he looked at the fiqure who was standing a hint away from him, holding something in his hand, a container with a dark flowing stuff trying to freed itself from the container, George hold his neck, he had realize that he has been snap in the neck, he kneel down, he saw his Demon around him, some were roaring and crying, he looked at the container again, the unknown fiqure has taken his blood, the fiqure smiled out mischievous while George keep watching, he control himself but the snap was too much, he collapsed; George quickly transform back to his normal self Mr Steve quickly hold him. . . . Susan: What's wrong father? . . . Mr Steve: He's drained. . . . Susan: No father looked at his neck . . . Mr Steve quickly observe at he stare at the wound. . . . Mr Steve: Oh no, he had been snap. . . . The demons roar so loud seeing their lord snap in their presence. . . . Kane: When will he be awake? . . . George: I'm afraid he won't be able to be on his feet again. . . . Rowe: Anything we can help to wake him up. . . . Mr Steve: C'mon let get out of here, this forest is not safe anymore. . . . Mr Steve and the others makes their way off the woods, the fiqure just watch them slowly, he had success in having the blood, it is time to open the temple without anybody to stopped him even the chosen one, suddenly he feels a sharp pains in his hands, he watched at his hand burnt off, well that's the price for collecting the pure blood. He began to laugh out loud, his laughter filled the whole forest as he speed off. . . . *
10 Oct 2020 | 04:49
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 15 (FIFTEEN) *** *** #MR_STEVE_RESIDENT* #45km **** 4:10pm *** *** . . . After the unknown figure speed off, Mr Steve carry George as they makes their way down to the mansion the place where he lived, his thoughts was beyond dimension, he was thinking what has happened, if George will wake up after he has been snapped, who has snapped him was still unknown, he was very busy with his own thoughts, reaching the house, he laid him in his room, he looked at George, he only hoped that he's sleeping as tears rolled down his cheek, he has failed Alice on protecting her son, now he's now a failure, why did bad omen always loves to happen whenever he had peace, he closed the door of the room. . . . Susan: How is he? . . . Mr Steve: Still in his state, he's not moving at all. . . . Susan: Will he be able to wake up? . . . Mr Steve: I don't know, we all have to wait for him . . . Susan: Father are you sure he's not death, being snapped by the neck specific that? . . . Mr Steve: Hmm, my daughter time will tell. . . . Susan: All this happening is my fault, if i didn't pushed him away, none of this wouldn't have happening. . . . Mr Steve: Susan it not your fault, thing has to happen to be fulfilled, they is no turning back, it's done already. . . . Susan: Arrg...... . . . Susan shouted as she ran into her room and shut it. . . . Mr Steve: Susan, Susan..... . . . Zac: They is nothing you can do Mr Steve, she really blamed herself over everything. . . . Kate: Let me help! . . . Mr Steve: How can you help her, you've not met her before Kate . . . Jane: Don't worry, it will be girls talk. . . . Mr Steve: Whatever, please do something. . . . Kate: Jane are you tagging along? . . . Jane: Sure, i can't be standing here alone at all time. . . . #MR_STEVE_RESIDENT* #SUSAN'S_ROOM **** 4:20pm *** *** . . . The two demon makes their way towards Susan room, a soft knock on the door. . . . Susan: Go away i don't want you . . . Jane: C'mon Susan, you can't be here alone, you've us to spend time with . . . Kate: You don't have to blamed yourself, thing happened for a reason. . . . Susan: I don't want to talk with anybody. . . . Jane: Yes i know you feel like talking to, just opening the damn door. . . . Susan: Go away! . . . Kate: You can't stop us, we can enter through this door. . . . Susan: You can't do that. . . . Kate walks in through the door leaping Jane with her hand as they step in; Susan was shocked as she asked. . . . Susan: How the hell did you do that? . . . Kate: I am a semi Demon just like you . . . Susan: A semi Demon but am different unlike you . . . Susan quickly makes herself invisible. . . . Susan: When i said i don't need you guys, i really means, so back off. . . . Kate: You can't run forever Susan. . . . Susan: Yes i can with just a flip. . . . Susan flip out as she opened the door and closes it back running up the stairs as she makes her way to the store room, Kate and Jane quickly follows her as they approached her. . . . Jane: Susan who can't run forever, come out now, we meant no harmed. . . . Susan remain silence, unable to said anything. . . . Kate: I know you are taking all the blamed for him because you love him Susan, you love him thinking that you'll lose him forever, Susan just don't allow your fault to hurt your feeling, you will still have him. . . . With the word, Susan makes herself visible as she begin to sob, Kate and Jane quickly approached her. . . . Susan: It's all my fault. . . . Jane: Please don't blamed yourself, nobody is blaming you; We understand how it like to be loved. . . . Susan: I don't understand! . . . Kate: Is okay, you've us now. . . . Susan: When will he wakes up? . . . Kate: We don't know! . . . Jane: Maybe I'm just thinking that our Lord is fighting with his human body, being snapped is just like being in that coffin . . . Kate: That means he's not death. . . . Jane: Yes, he's in trance. . . . Kate: Trance for full transformation! . . . . #BACK_TO_GEORGE* #TRANSFORMATION_TRANCE* . . . . Voice: George come to me... . . . George: Who are you? . . . Voice: Who am i doesn't matter, what matters to you is me! . . . George: Why did i needs you, i don't even know you? . . . Voice: Yes you don't even know me but you are so special to me, come and see what i have in store for you, the power of immortality, strong power of invisible force; i am waiting for you, come....., come to me George..... . . . George: Show yourself! . . . Voice: I can see your braveness George and i meant no harmed. . . . The voice cease as it makes himself visible to him, unlike George demon-form this one was different . . . . His eyes was furious like that of red dragon. . . . He has black ram like horns coming out of the side of his head . . . His body is covered in black markings. . . . Having a spider inspired motif(S) . . .? . . George: Aren't the voice calling to me and always disturbing me in my dream. . . . Him: Yes i am the one! . . . George: Who are you? . . . Him: My name is Joe and I'm your grandpa! . . . *
10 Oct 2020 | 04:52
Full transformation awesome
10 Oct 2020 | 05:38
Like in the movies some you don't no shows up
10 Oct 2020 | 05:39
0 Likes This is scary. Thanks for this, dear
10 Oct 2020 | 15:20
Appreciate ? bro
10 Oct 2020 | 18:51
11 Oct 2020 | 02:24
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 16 (SIXTEEN) *** *** #BACK_TO_GEORGE* #TRANSFORMATION_TRANCE* . . . George: You means that i am your grandson, you cursed me, you make me to beco me like this, now I'm dea d, leaving the world to be with you. . . . Joe: No George you've not yet leave home, you're in trance, your transformation happening when you were struggling with the demons but now your demon body is fighting, it trying to absurd one to be freed. . . . George: Arrg....., It really hurt, makes it to stop, you made me like this, take this away from me! . . . Joe: No grandson, you've makes a great terrible mistake, am not the one who created you, your mother did it, i only forecast what i saw in my daughter womb, you survived using the blood George. . . . George: I don't believe that! . . . Joe: Look at my eyes and tell me, I know you're blaming me for all this mischievous things happening right now, but it was written for so long before you were born. . . . George: Written? . . . Joe: Yes, have you ever wonder why the demons busy looking for you to have your own blood. . . . George: You too knew? . . . Joe: Yes of course, I've been watching over you, your own blood, the pure blood of the chosen one is the key to opened the temple that has been lost for centuries, it's not manifesting now grandson? . . . George: You're the one protecting the secret temple, what are you protecting? . . . Joe: You knew the answer already George, Steve have been lecturing you well. . . . George: I have to go back, take me back. . . . Joe: Am not sure you're ready yet, your tutorials is not yet started; C'mon George let me show you what i have in store for you . . . George: I don't want to follow you! . . . Joe: Did you want to stay here forever? . . . George: No! . . . Joe: Then followed me, i will teach you everything you have to know about us before it's too late for you. . . . George get hold of his grandpa whose then disappeared immediately. . . . #THE_FOREST* #35km **** 5:00pm *** *** . . . The unknown fiqure just watch them slowly, he had success in having the blood, it is time to open the temple without anybody to stopped him even the chosen one, suddenly he feels a sharp pains in his hands, he watched at his hand burnt off, well that's the price for collecting the pure blood. He began to laugh out loud, his laughter filled the whole forest as he speed away, stopping at the entrance of the thick house with no roof, something started dropping down which revealed themselves as unknown creatures. . . . Unknown fiqure: We have some company . . . Looking at the sky why others creatures descending, their face was revealed immediately, looking a hint from the unknown fiqure. . . . Unknown fiqure: What brings you from a far tellers Oba? . . . Oba: We have come to seek for your help, forget about the past, we have been fighting each other for centuries but now we've a common enemy to purchase. . . . Unknown fiqure: I know what you're up to, i have successfully complete in collecting the pure blood and you know the price has to be taken which including in sacrificing my hand. . . . Oba: How did you get the pure blood, i try all possible mean to get the blood. . . . Unknown fiqure: Capturing the chosen one doesn't guaranteed that you have successfully have him in your custody, still you're here with me already then let joined hands together to fight this coming war. . . . Oba: Yes, let do it, let us see how Damien will overpowered us. . . . Unknown fiqure: But for now let headed now to the temple, this pure blood is the key of extraordinary powers. . . . #GEORGE'S_ROOM* **** 4:20pm *** *** . . . The door open slowly which closes back, Susan walk in as she approached where Georg e has been laying, she sat down at the edge of the bed lifting his hands as she get hold of him; Looking at George, she really miss his company, she felt a very sharp pain in her heart, she wept still holding his hand . . . Susan: I'm sorry George, please come back to me. . . . She raised her head up as she kissed him on his lips and the unexpected happened. . . . *
12 Oct 2020 | 01:44
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 17 (SEVENTEEN) *** *** #GEORGE'S_ROOM #45km **** 4:30pm *** *** . . . Author Pov's: (What did you except to happen). . . . George just remain mute, his eyes were till closed, his mouth wasn't moving at all, his breathing dies off, Susan looked at him, nothing happens, no chancing matter, she stood up and dashed off. . . #FORBIDDEN_TEMPLE* #55km **** 12:00pm *** *** . . . Arriving at the exactly entrance of the forbidden temple, the unknown fiqure quickly revealed himself as Jack, he smiled mischievous, he will now be the only socrerer whose will be controlling the gigantic creatures alone, Tellers Oba and his fighters wouldn't notices what will be awaiting for them, once the temple is opened, conquering winning his brother and taken his place, he will killed all of them, he keep smiling, bringing the container out, opens the tub as he poured it out, the blood dropped in the ground as nothing happens. . . . Jack: What's happening? . . . The whirlwind started blowing things up, breaking and rounding everything that came in it's way, Jack ship away from the hint, in the whirlwind was a voice speaking out. . . . Voice: You can't have access to the temple, if you are willing enough to opened the temple, you have to come back with the blood. . . . Jack: Is the blood not enough? . . . Voice: The blood given to us wasn't enough! . . . Jack: What will we do now? . . . Voice: The chosen one must willing to give out his blood by himself and not by stealing doing that will opened the temple successful. . . . Jack: What? The chosen one has been snapped to death. . . . Voice: Who killed him? . . . Jack: I'm the one? . . . Voice: If you've killed the chosen one then keep it in mind that you'll be dead as well, you've just 24days to bring his blood. . . . #BACK_TO_GEORGE* #SECRET_CHAMBER* . . . George get hold of his grandpa whose then disappeared immediately, appearing at the green pasture, with some light glowing on them, George looks around. . . . George: Why are we here grandpa? . . . Joe: This is the place where i always trained. . . . George: What are we doing here? . . . Joe just ignored him as he clap his hands, the ground opens as a stair pops out which they walked in as it closes back, the inside was so silent and dark, George couldn't see anything as he stood which his grandpa has already given him some distance. . . . Joe: George activated your demon eyes. . . . Immediately George eyes changes and he was able to see in the dark, he remember that he can see thing in the dark but this one was different, he has to do what his grandpa told him, activating as his eyes changes, he was so surprised seeing the gigantic creatures roaming around, they weren't scared at all but was very frightened, George quickly dodged them but one held at him as George realize that his hand is not burnt, rushing to his grandpa who was mixing something. . . . George: Grandpa why did the demon not burnt to ashes? . . . Joe: It's because they are not just a normal demons, sit down let me told you a short story about them. . . . George sit down as he listened to whatever his grandpa has to said, Joe hand him a glass of mixed ingredient. . . . Joe: Take and drink! . . . George: I don't want to. . . . Joe: You have to be strong enough before anything else goes wrongly. . . . George quickly collected as he takes a sip of it, there was no taste of whatever he was drinking, but his energy restored as he felt more stronger, he relive.. . . . Joe: The gigantic creatures were long before the existence of our galaxy, the demons have been conquering the universe, a group of hostile, repulsive creatures, the demons survive by feeding on weaker life-forms whom they deem as inferior calling themselves the "Immortal Warriors", they have seen countless battles, growing in strength with each victory led by their master. . . . George: They had a master? . . . Joe: Yes! . . . George: Then they must be someone who leads them. . . . Joe: The demon lord, they take great pleasure in spreading pain and destroying lives. . . . George: The demon lord might be very dangerous. . . . Joe: Not only that he's also the commander of the demon race, once release all of us are doom. . . . George: Bullshit don't tell me you're the demon-Lord, you lead those creatures to war, did you care about others demons, what about humans being to be possessed and you think this is fair, what the hell are you, are you for real, I don't want to include myself in this mess because the person who's blaming to be my grandpa is so cruel and unkind, what am i even doing here, send me back, i doesn't want any of your fucking tutorial anymore. . . . George ended as he stood up dropping the glass and headed to the door, the creature whose was standing blocked his view stopping him. . . . Creature: Where are you going? . . . George: Pudding head let me passed. . . . The gigantic creature looked at Joe who utter to let him go, George rushes out from the room, he didn't know or have any ideas where he was running to, he stopped and then remembered that if truly he has to get out of here to his true self he has to complete his training, he turns back and headed back to the secret chamber. . . . #SECRET_CHAMBER* #THE_CONSERVATION* . . . Joe: There is no way he can leave this place, i bring him here Rufus. . . . Rufus: But it's gone, whose knows where is it going? . . . Joe: He will be safe! If only he allowed me to explain to him what i meant earlier. . . . Rufus: He's just a boy! . . . Joe: He is just a teenager! . . . Rufus: He is not grown up to be able to handle us. . . . Joe: That's why i have to prepared him for this coming war, he's no longer a kid. . . . Rufus: He's so stubborn just like you master! . . . Joe: Yes because he doesn't know what is awaiting him, think Rufus, think well can't you see that i am dying, i have been here for a centuries, if Jack successful in having the blood then also know that we're doom and our days of disaster is approaching. . . . Rufus: But master if some of us dare not to hearken to him. . . . Joe: No one can escaped the spell, once spoken you've been control. . . . Rufus: And when that time comes? . . . Joe: I don't want to be killed by my brother. . . . Rufus: What will i do master? . . . Joe: You'll have to killed me. . . . Rufus: Master please i can't do that? I don't want to killed you! . . . Joe: You've to Rufus, i trust you! . . . Rufus: (Weeping) And your power? . . . Joe: It must be transferred to my grandson; Here take this(Handing him some liquor) break it when you've successful in killing me, it will cease your hint in killing for a main time, bring the boy to me. . . . Rufus: Master please don't force me? . . . Joe: Rufus, i have spoken! . . . *
12 Oct 2020 | 01:50
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 18 (EIGHTEEN) *** *** #BACK_TO_GEORGE* #SECRET_CHAMBER* . . . George rushes out from the room, he didn't know or have any ideas where he was running to, he stopped and then remembered that if truly he has to get out of here to his true self he has to complete his training, he turns back and headed back to the secret chamber, he stood a distance away as he relief, the door suddenly opened as he entered. . . . Joe: You're back? . . . George: Where did we stopped? . . . Joe: Come sit let me tell you what you need to know! . . . George sat down, Joe adjust himself, he knows that his grandson will be back because there is no where he will have run to and he can't returned without achieving the true power that is hidden in him. . . . Joe: I'm the demon-Lord the one whose control the gigantic creatures but before then i wasn't the one, they were out of control, feeding on humans life controlling them, when i realized what they have done, i quickly started casting and enchanting them back to the temple, the demon secret place, their home before they were lose, i control them still this day and hid the temple preventing others wicked demons having control over them. . . . George: Sorry grandpa i mistakenly accused you for what i don't have any idea of! . . . Joe: I understand how you feel like, it not your fault George, sorry i left home for a long time . . . George: There's no need to said that, you don't have to blamed yourself, you were doing the right thing to saved mankind. . . . Joe: I missed my daughter your mother, you know i didn't approve my daughter who is a demon to fall in love with a human, it's against the law of our galaxy. . . . George: That's when you cursed me? . . . Joe: I didn't cursed you, i only forecast, demons can forecast the future. . . . George: My mother told me that you leave home because of that? . . . Joe: No, the time was near, it was out of control, i have to do something because i have the power to do it, humans were hurt and us being there bring more research to the humans world's, the population was so huge . . . George: You did the right thing grandpa!, can i asked a question? . . . Joe: Absolutely, go ahead! . . . George: What are orbs? . . . Joe: Orbs are much brighter and visible to the naked eye, they are like shape sometimes round or diffuse, they vary in size from a golf ball to a basketball, some are rectangular diamond-shaped or like streaks of light. . . . George: How can i have my own orbs? . . . Joe: You have that already, two orbs attached to your body. . . . George: But I'd killed anyone yet! . . . Joe: Yes, when you were insert by a poisonous substance which you feel dizzy, they was a demon killed while you were sleeping, the demons even the commander didn't notice it, you knew the rightful owner . . . George: Cain the younger brother of Kane . . . Joe: Yes, because you felt it, his orbs is now in your body . . . George: Is that the reason why i transform to my demon form. . . . Joe: Definitely! . . . George: I want to transform back again, i want to know how to control it, i want to felt and know everything about my nature. . . . Joe: You know i have another name being called? . . . George: What kind of name? . . . Joe: Damien Hades i am the Omega, the Blood, the King, the Willful King, the Chief Priest and the Beast himself. . . . George: You're all that, hmm it seemed that you're so powerful, others are afraid of you. . . . Joe: Yes, they were all scared of me but not anymore . . . George: Why grandpa? . . . Joe: Because of you, if my brother success in having your blood willing then i will be dead as well. . . . George: How grandpa, i overheard that you are the most powerful sorcerer which no other demons on galaxy doesn't have. . . . Joe: Because am the true son of Hades, but we have another one in common. . . . George: Why common, who's he i will crush him using my fist. . . . Joe: It is not so simple as you said George, my brother rage is more dangerous than mine, so tell me what will you do if you encountered him alone? . . . George: I will fight, i will never surrendered . . . Joe: You are not his match, you doesn't understand all this i am saying George, being the chosen one doesn't specify you to be very powerful than your species. . . . George: I don't understand! . . . Joe: Because you've so much to learn, you're you and i am me, nothing changes, it not about having my blood in your vein will quicken the hidden power in your body but you been forecasting and practicing it from time to time will only proven that you are worthy, they are others like you but you coming to us is a freedom to all gigantic creatures, but to others who are much worthy you are a cursed child to them. . . . George: Cursed child how can i be cursed child or are you trying to revilement me; I'm the chosen one for Christ sake. . . . Joe: Yes getting all this chosen one stuff on yourself making you think that you are famous, having trillion demons bowing to you, isn't that a suicide, see George you being born to our kind brings nothing to us but disaster. . . . George: I still don't understand . . . Joe: How will you ever understand when you are not even following up, you aren't longer a kid George, looked around those demons are looking for your blood because your blood is the key to their freedom, when been released also keep it in mind that the humans race will be wipe off too. . . . George: Oh bullshit, i got this, what will i do, i will just kill myself then. . . . Joe: Killed yourself eh? Did you just mentioned kill? So you thought that killing yourself is the answer, who told you that fucking trash? allowing your blood to splash everywhere entering this city going to baboom because you have willing to give up. . . . George: Then trained me to fight, i don't want anyone having my own blood. . . . Joe: Having......., are you silly, my brother just snapped you by your neck and you still mentioned fight. . . . George: What will i do then? . . . Joe: Anything that is going to happen, no matter what the situation maybe, no matter how you see thing even if it will the last of your breath, don't willing give anyone your blood, can you do that? . . . Without thinking the opposite George agreed to the terms. . . . George: Yes i agreed. . . . Joe: Good now follow me i want to show you something. . . . Entering the inner room the door suddenly shut immediately leaving George alone. . . . George: Why are you shutting me in this dark room, this is part of training? . . . Joe who was watching him couldn't give him the reply, he stood mute watching him then he speaks. . . . Joe: Whatever that happened there, be alerted, your training starts now!. . . . A loud sound was heard which George who stood was so scared, his mind was busy, all the discussion really troubled him, the sound keep increasing and then an unknown creature jump landing in his front. . . . Creature: Arrg.......... . . . He jumped to hit George who quickly dodged his attacked to another side while his fist hits the ground. . . . George: Well i hoped you'd miss your target punk head! . . . . This Epic is written by Dave Sun.
12 Oct 2020 | 01:57
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 19 (NINETEEN) *** *** #MR_STEVE_RESIDENT* #45km **** 2:05pm *** *** . . . Mr Steve wandering around as he held beside the counter, in his left hand was Kane and his right hand side was Zac sitting down and staring at him, Susan has gone to school to avoid been shedding tears, even in the school she wasn't focus, she really blamed herself, Mr Steve phone suddenly ring which he stare at the screen which was displayed Mr Barry, he ignores the first time, he pick it up the second ringing. . . . Mr Steve: Hello Mr Barry . . . Mr Barry: Hello Mr Steve; i hope everything is well, how is my son? . . . Mr Steve: He's fine, he went to school! . . . Mr Barry: Okay, just tell him that we are coming back soon . . . Mr Steve: When sir? . . . Mr Barry: Is anything wrong? . . . Mr Steve: No....i will inform him . . . Mr Barry: Alright, take care . . . Mr Barry hang up as Mr Steve was scared, they are coming back and their son hasn't wake up from the deep slumber, he was thinking what he will do. . . . Kane: Don't worry yourself, he will wake up . . . Just then they heard a loud sound coming from the room as they rushes inside, here stood the body of George standing erect, his eyes was still closed, he wasn't breathing as before. . . . Voice: What's happening to him? . . . A voice shot out as Susan walks in with Kate and Jane by her side. . . . Zac: That's how we saw it! . . . Jane: The transformation trance is taken place, maybe we shouldn't have laid him here. . . . Kane: What are you talking about? . . . Jane: Let put him in the casket, that is what all of us used. . . . They were silence among themselves, some were murmuring. . . . Mr Steve: This is not the right time to murmuring, we've to act fast especially now his parents called that they are coming back soon, we've to find the solution. . . . Rowe: Am afraid Mr Steve, they is only one way to find out. . . . Susan: How, which one way? . . . Rowe: I know my idea is crazy but i don't have any choice. . . . Mr Steve: What's it? . . . Rowe: Let meet your father, he's the oldest of all, he will be the only one that can awaken him fast. . . . Mr Steve: No way, i'm not involving him here, no that's so crappy. . . . Ham: He is the only one that can do it. . . . Mr Steve: I know but he did threaten George, all of us knew what those demons are looking for, we can't lure him here, no think another way. . . . CG: What of his grandpa? . . . Kane: No one has seen him for centuries. . . . Another loud sound was heard as a little light glow in George body's, his body started transforming to his demon-form then his eyes suddenly opened immediately, his body glow brighter and more brighter as those who stood stepped backward, then the light began to reduce slowly and his eyes closes again, his body transform back to his human body as he descending laying down steadfast. . . . Susan: George George, you can't do this to me . . . Mr Steve watch the whole incident as tears drop off, he clean it, he remember what happened to his mother, the same thing that's happening to George. Kane moves closer to him, putting his hand in his neck, the wound was still there but his breathing has stopped instantly . . . Kane: Oh George is gone! He's dead! . . . Susan couldn't hold herself as she wept on his body, others stood as they wept profusely, they begin to exit leaving Susan alone in the room. . . . Susan: I know you're still there George, please don't leave me, fight back and take what's yours, please come back to me, I'm waiting for you! . . . The orbs glow brighter, Susan didn't notice it because she covered her face weeping, then the light ceased. . . . #THE_FOREST* #35km **** 2:45pm *** *** . . . Jack being to think about the discussion he just had with the unknown voice in the whirlwind, he kept wondering whose has the voice, whose has the guts to question him without any fear, perhaps the unknown voice is just using the whirlwind to hide its true form. He remembered very well what the unknown voice told him about the chosen one . . . Voice: If you've killed the chosen one then keep it in mind that you'll be dead as well, you've just 24days to bring his blood. . . . Just 24days to bring his blood, Jack being to think, how will i even find him, he has been snapped to death by me, i haven't heard anything about him even he's alive, i have kill the chosen one, how will i get the blood before the actual day, oh I'm regretting for reacting stupid. . . . Jack: But am i being stupid for killing the chosen one?. . . . #BACK_TO_GEORGE* #SECRET_CHAMBER* . . . The demon hold George's body up as he thrown him away. . . . Demon: You're still not strong to fight me, how will you kill us then? . . . The demon swash, Joe has already told him to stop but the demon refused to hearken, Joe wanted to open the door, the demon blocked it preventing him. . . . Joe: Stop what you are doing now Greg, you don't know who you are dealing with? . . . Greg: I know, you won't have allow me to fight him, are you training him to win us, no one can win us even you! . . . Joe: How dare you challenged me? . . . Greg: And i will do that again and again, i know your weak point old man, you're dying, you want to train your grandson so that he can have an idea of dealing with us, you have fail Damien. . . . Joe used his spell breaking the barrier door, stepping inside as he ran to George as he carry him to exit. Greg kicked him as he smashed hitting themselves on hard surface and fell down with a great thud. . . . Greg: How dare you interrupt? He is mine, my own slave. . . . Joe: What have you done Greg, have you realize what you've done? . . . Greg: Yes, i know, if you want to save him, then you've to get through me first. . . . Joe: What? Are you trying to killed me, I will make sure Rufus punish you. . . . Greg: Rufus, i locked him up, we are tired to be locked up here, we need freedom to do whatever we want. . . . Joe: Freedom to feed on humans? I can't let that happen when i am alive. . . . The giginatic creatures gathered together to watch the fight between two of them. . . . Greg: Stop talking and let fight! . . . Greg ran with full force to hit Joe who was standing as he quickly dodged him and rolling to the other side of the chamber. . . . Greg: Fight old man! . . . Joe: I don't want to killed you, better stay off. . . . Greg: Are you afraid to die? I need your powers, hahaha. . . . He makes his way to Joe, raising his leg to kick him, Joe quickly dodged him, he get hold him in his stomach, inserting his full claws in Joe body, Joe quickly pulled him down a he limp, he pushed himself back as he began to enchanted some spell to hold him down which proves unsuccessful. . . . Greg: Oh i forget to tell you, am not under your spell anymore, i told your brother where to find us. . . . Joe: What have you done Greg, you've betrayed the galaxy. . . . He kicked Joe off guard, carrying him as he thrown him hitting his back on the wall as he groan in pain trying to be in his feet. . . . Greg: I can't believe you're powerless, your half brother is a powerful sorcerer than you. . . . Greg started tearing his body to pieces, he struggles to hold him, the more he struggles the more Greg is damaging him with his claws, Joe eyes quickly closed as Greg wanted to release himself from his grip but realize that Joe couldn't let go of him, he pushes him but same thing happened, Joe quickly open his eyes, his eyes changes . . . His eyes was furious like that of red dragon. . . . His black ram like horns coming out of the side of his head slowly . . . His body was covering in black markings. . . . Having a spider inspired motif(S) . . . As he looked slowly to Greg who was now frightened, he punch him in his face but his face didn't move a hint or like he was feeling any pain, he get hold of Greg pinning his full claws which were like that of an armadillo inside his body, Greg gave out a loud cries as he kneel down, he removed his claws as once as he uprooted his head of his neck, putting his long claws deep down in his heart pulling the heart with the throat, he removed his orbs which he holds it in his hands, the giginatic creatures that was watching them quickly bow their head. . . . Joe: If any of you goes against my will, the same fate of Greg will be render to you all. . . . Joe moves closer to George who was laying down as he slut in another orbs attached to the one that was in before, his body started transforming to his demon-form then his eyes suddenly opened immediately, his body glow brighter and more brighter then the light began to reduce slowly and his eyes closes back again, his body transform back to his human body as he descending laying down steadfast; Then the orbs glow brighter again then the light ceased. Joe carry his grandson as he exit through the door. . .
15 Oct 2020 | 04:44
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 20 TWENTY) *** *** #BACK_TO_GEORGE* #SECRET_CHAMBER* . . . Continued from last scene . . . Joe carry his grandson and he exit through the door making all his way to his room, he keeps George who was just closing his eyes, he stare at him wondering if he is sleeping or death. Rufus walks in as he stand close to his master. . . . Rufus: I heard what happened, Greg was outmash . . . Joe: Yes he locked you up knowing that you'll have prevent him. . . . Rufus: I don't know how he did and i also doesn't know how he confront your bother . . . Joe: There is a link, i feels being betrayed by whom am guarding and not knowing that they are also plotting against me. . . . Rufus: We have to be more careful, if we get lose to the world, that will be the end of it. . . . Joe: Hmm, i will send you on a mission Rufus. . . . Rufus: My Lord, going to earth really means trouble to me. . . . Joe: I know you can control your urge for blood. . . . Rufus: Fine my Lord, what will i do? . . . Joe: I want you to find something about my brother . . . The d-day for George's parents to come back, they had miss their son very much even though he failed to call them, they were so much worried, Alice knew that something is wrong somewhere, George will have call them or dropped a message for her, no matter what she has to find out. . . . Jack searched as he keeps searching but couldn't find George, he has checked his house several times, he then remembered the place he snapped him to death, he remembers seeing his son and others demons creatures standing with him. . . . Jack: Oh, i will haven't stress myself, he's hiding in my son's house but how will i enter inside to check him. . . . Another idea came to him as he remembers approaching his son, he smiled and lowering himself turning to smoke as he flew away. . . . #MR_STEVE_RESIDENT* #45km **** 3:15pm *** *** . . . Susan couldn't leave the room, she has sleep off, Ham walks in as he keeps looking at both of them, he wondered what is happening, why will George wake up, Jack was his master sent to spy teller Oba and now he's here to also spy George, he has to wait for his master to deliver what he has to do. * Sam was a demon like Ham, he always doubt and have this feeling that Ham is not whom he said he's, being an original demon, he was blessed with a gift which he can read emotions, can influence humans dreams, can receive projected images, he hide his powers to prevent others knowing it, the day George was snapped to death, he saw the fiqure but wasn't sure who's behind the wheel. After Ham tiptoes closing the door, Sam makes his way down to the room, he examine everything, he couldn't raise any alarm, be was following him without Ham knowing, Ham makes his way down the corridor, the place he always connect his master, he watches him from a far distance hiding and preventing Ham seeing him, Ham began his thing and Jack speak to him, Sam listen to every conservation that Jack speak to him, then suddenly they stop talking as he heard. . . . Jack: We're not alone! someone is coming. . . . Sam was frightened that they had spot him, he wanted to run away but he had a second thought not to, he remain where he was hiding and holding his breathe, then he heard a footsteps approaching him, he turns to look as he saw CG walking with Zac, both demons didn't see him. . . . Zac: Are you sure you heard some voice? . . . CG: C'mon that way! . . . Both rushes out as Sam still remains still, soon Ham run passed him as he headed to the main building, Sam followed him suit, entering his room which he shared with Rowe, he turns immediately to see Rowe who was just looking at him. . . . Rowe: What's it? Is something is wrong elsewhere? . . . Sam: Yes we've a spy amongst our midst and he's working for Jack. . . . Rowe: How did you know cos it seems like a surprise to me, how did you find out we've a spy? . . . Sam: Are you one of them? . . . Rowe: No, am not and i can't be, i do good because that is what i love. . . . Sam: I believe you, but then what will we do? . . . Rowe: I don't know! . . . Sam: We have to inform Mr Steve first. . . . Rowe: Informing him and allowing the spy to flew away? . . . Sam: Don't worry Rowe, come with me. . . . As both exit through the door, CG and Zac who just returned were show on their face that they didn't succed in stressing out who was behind the wheel. . . . — with Dave Sun.
15 Oct 2020 | 04:47
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 21 (TWENTY-ONE) *** *** #MR_STEVE_RESIDENT* #45km **** 3:38pm *** *** . . . Something ascended on the ground as a cloak was covered which smoke was coming out from its face, the unknown man stood up a minute and soon enough the veil uncover which revealed the face of a man was no other person than Jack, he smiled mischievous, this is the exactly place where his son loves training, he began to walks, soon enough Mr Steve approached him. . . . Mr Steve: What did you want? . . . Jack: I miss my son very much that's why i came to seek you. . . . Mr Steve: Seek me or looking for something? . . . Jack: I'm your father Steve, don't underestimate me, i cared so much about my family especially my son welfare. . . . Mr Steve: Did you make mentioned of your family, whom you snapped to death, you know what you are so cruel, just get lost or i lose my temper. . . . Jack: Are you trying to threaten me, keep in your fucking mind and also know what am capable of doing. . . . Mr Steve: Do your worst father but just stay out of my way because if you take your freaking foot and step on my way i swear that i will destroyed you again. . . . Jack smiled as he looked around. . . . Jack: Well I'm impressed, i can see that you're not alone, you've company that is why you have the guts to opens that your smelling mouth and talk to your father. . . . He looked, the demons has already surrounded but his eyes pace meeting with Ham, Ham whose was standing a hint away from him nod, without Mr Steve and others noticing it, Ham turned to go when his eyes met with Sam own who was now very furious but try to hide his angered. . . . Ham: Jack is here, i can't believed he's so rude, he did that to his own family. . . . Sam: Yes, it's so soft to said that but deep inside your heart you seems he will have taken control over everything . . . Ham whose stood not able to say anything as he walk away, the saying keep repeating in his head. . . . #MR_STEVE'S_ROOM* **** 3:50pm *** *** . . . Walking down to his room few minutes a soft knock on the door, opening he was surprised seeing Sam standing, he was still very angry with his father. . . . Mr Steve: Arrg(*in his mind*) I will have strangled him to death. He muttered to himself . . . Sam: But it was not possible as you speak. . . . Mr Steve: (*Surprising*) How did you know what i said, did you read minds? . . . Sam: Yes, i did, just a gift passed to me, i want to tell you something. . . . Mr Steve: If it's about what's happening, don't bother yourself am used to it. . . . Sam: No, it about we, can you read minds too? . . . Mr Steve: What the hell are you! What did you take me for? . . . Sam: Please just calm down, I'm just asking because i just realised that we're not the only one standing in this room. . . . Mr Steve: What did you meant? . . . Sam: Secured everywhere now. . . . Mr Steve: Are you ordering me? . . . Sam: No Mr Steve just do before it's too late. . . . Mr Steve stood astonished staring at Sam, then he began to chant as the spell flow through. . . . Sam: Good, did you read minds? . . . Mr Steve: Yes, but i lost it because of the form am now occupied . . . Sam: Okay, someone was sent on a mission to spy us, are you aware of it? . . . Mr Steve: What, a spy in my domain, how is that possible, i secured and prevent that from happening. . . . Sam: Because the person is not easy to stress out and he's not whom he said he's. . . . Sam could see Mr Steve angered, he was furious as he started transforming to his true demon-form, he cried out louder which makes others demons rushes to his room, they try to enter but something was blocking them, they both stare at Sam feeling pity for him, after the transformation was successful, he turns looking at Sam who was now shocked and frightened. . . . Mr Steve: (*With deep baritone voice*) Where is he? . . . Sam couldn't utter any word, try to speak out but found that nothing was coming out, he then feel sorry for Ham whose was now frozen, apart from Mr Steve being in human body, his demon-form is so horrible, ugly and scariest demon of all demons that he had came across. . . . Mr Steve: (*With deep baritone voice*) Where is he? . . . This time the voice was so heavily than before bringing him back from his thoughts. . . . Sam: He's at your back. . . . Ham was not expecting that to happen as he quickly pinned Mr Steve on his neck to weakened him but instead he got the most surprised, he was filled with fear of apprehension, the wound quickly healed up immediately, he was shocked and afraid too, he recalled when his master was as a point of death, he told him that he needed some time to heal up by himself, he has passed it to his son, the question that bother him most was how he will escaped now, he was now terrified, Mr Steve has already secured the place, he looked at Sam who was smiling at him, he will have attacked him but he's not his match, Mr Steve turn at once facing him with an anger all written in his face. . . . Mr Steve: Ham you have failed your master. . . . He get hold of him and smashing him hard on the floor, taking his full claws as he removed his head off his body as blood spilled out, he then removed the spell. . . . Mr Steve: Thank you Sam for telling me on time, i didn't expect that to happen sooner, Susan who just barged in couldn't understand what is happening. . . . Susan: What just happened here? . . . Then suddenly an unexpected happened, Susan eyes turns as she tried to fought her way back, struggling but it seems like the power had already overwhelmed, her eyes changes as she stood up. . . . Susan: Well-done son, you have success in killing my servant but forget that i am always one step ahead of you, you think you are in the right place as the right time, you think that you are doing things right or trying to stop me from achieving what i craft for so many years, killing him is just the beginning of everything, the battlefield has been drawn, you've made a huge mistake son, i will revenge my servant dead, remember we still have some unfinished business between us and am waiting for the day you will strike first when you absolutely did it, congratulations but you forget that you still have some family member that is lose from your grip, bring me George blood and his parents lived. . . . Mr Steve was shocked, he knew that his father has taken over his daughter self using her to speaks. . . . Mr Steve: What have you done, George wouldn't forgive you if you laid your freaking hands on his parents . . . Susan: Still then, we will meet again . . . Ham's body disappeared immediately as Susan became calmed, then she opened her eyes slowly and said. . . . Susan: (*Breathing heavily*) Can someone tell me what the hell is going on? . . . #JACK* **** 4:00pm *** *** . . . Everything that is going on, he knew that George was still breathing, it just some weeks he will wake up, he has to fulfilled what the unknown voice in the whirlwind said, he set up a plan which he fully knows that he will loose his servant, taking control of his granddaughter body was nothing because she's his blood, he used her to speak directly to his son, everything he planned works, he felt sorry for losing Greg but he smiled that even though he lose him, he was using him to test if his half-brother is still powerful. . . . Jack: I am the one that will attacked him alone. . . . He smiled mischievously as he moved and headed to Mr Barry's house, no matter what may happen, he has to capture his parents holding them as hostage, still they had to wake George from his deep slumber, he will willing give me his blood because of the love he has for his parents, what i need now is his blood, only the blood and nothing else, if he proved stubborn then his parents will be gone too, he remembers he still has 14days to lived. . . . #BACK_TO_GEORGE* #SECRET_CHAMBER* . . . George quickly open his eyes as he stare at the surrounding, he then remembered that he is still in secret chamber, he hasn't returned to his true form, he recalled what happens that he bust out, Greg will have kill him if his grandpa didn't intervene, he feels a sharp pain in his ribs, he touches it feeling that the wound has not fully healed, he then heard some voices coming towards his direction, the door quickly opens as he closed his eyes pretending to sleep. . . . The door opens which Joe walk in, he looked at George, walking up as he mixed some ingredient which look like a rotten leaf, he walked towards George as he applied it in the wound, few minutes Rufus walks in. . . . Joe: So fast Rufus, what did you find out? . . . Rufus: There is a problem master! . . . Joe: What problem? . . . Rufus: George's parents is held hostage by Jack demanding for the blood, we've to waked him from dead. . . . Joe: But we can't wake him up, this is 14days for him to lived. . . . Rufus: If he knows that the days is running out without the blood, he will killed his parents and also die as the spot too. . . . Joe: I know that will be his plan, things are now getting complicated. . . . Rufus: What will we do master! What about George? . . . Joe: We can't wake him up, not now especially his wound hasn't fully recovery . . . Rufus: George will be unhappy when he realised that his parents are dead. . . . Joe: Then it is time to visit Mr Steve! . . . #MR_BARRY_RESIDENT* #35km **** 4:10pm *** *** . . . Jack: Longest time no see Alice! (*Smiling*) . . . Alice: (*Stammering*) Jack! — with Dave Sun.
16 Oct 2020 | 07:27
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 22 (TWENTY-TWO) *** *** #BACK_TO_GEORGE* #SECRET_CHAMBER* . . . George eyes widened wide, he carefully stand up from where he was laying down, he couldn't believe his ears, he was now furious, why will he do that after snapping me to death, was that not enough for him, he must returned back to his true human body, he must stopped him no matter what. . . . Rufus: I can see you are awaken? . . . George looked at Rufus and then the door open which Joe walks in. . . . Joe: It time to go home!. . . . Standing by as he started enchanting some spell which start blowing him up, as both makes their way out of the chamber and down to the field, where the light stood shinning so bright and more brighter. . . . Joe: See you soon George. . . . George disappear from them. . . . Rufus: Will he kept his promises? . . . Joe: I don't know, we have to reside a little patience as he can recover fully. C'mon let prepared, we doesn't have enough time again. . . . #MR_STEVE_RESIDENT* #45km #GEORGE'S_ROOM* **** 5:22pm *** *** . . . George sneeze as he opened his eyes, here stood Mr Steve, Susan, Joe, Rufus and his own demons . . . George: Why are all of you here at once? . . . Without answering Susan embrace him so tight, lifting her face up. . . . George: Susan don't tell me you have been crying? . . . Susan: I feel so empty without you, I'm sorry for putting you in this mess. . . . George: It not your fault Susan, thank you all for being with me, am grateful. . . . He then faced them, he remembers everything that happened. . . . Mr Steve: Sorry to inform you son, Jack has hold your parents as hostage to get your blood. . . . George: I know! What will we do? . . . Kate: We needs a plans! . . . George looked at himself and back to them is wasn't their fault after all, they waited for him to be on his feet again, they really sacrifice for him, now Jack has hold his parents, he was speechless, it's now his fight, he knew that they is nothing he will do, he feel sorry for his parents for putting them in this mess, without waiting to hear them, he zoomed away running to an unknown dimension. . . . Mr Steve: How the hell did he did that? . . . As all of them followed him but they lost their track. . . . Sam: He's now faster than before! . . . Jane: Yes, did you have any ideas where he went to? . . . Joe: His parents house! . . . Mr Steve: Let put a plans, we need a good plan to stop him from giving out the blood. . . . Joe: They is no need for that, he has no choice even though i warned about it, now let all of us headed to the temple and prepare ourselves, Steve you stopped your father the other time, then it's the time you've to stopped him again. . . . Rowe: If we stop him, he will wait for another centuries which is not fair. . . . CG: We doesn't have to wait, we kill him this time. . . . Mr Steve: I will killed him myself, he's my father and i know his weak point too. . . . Rufus whose was standing speak up. . . . Rufus: Good, what about us? . . . Both turns to him as they examine him, they now understand who's he, they didn't notice his presence all this while, one of the giginatic creatures, they were scared, Rufus studying them understood what they are thinking. . . . Rufus: (*Smiling*) Don't worry i wouldn't eat you, i meant no harmed. . . . Joe: Yes, he can be trusted, but if Jack success, then he will be out of my control. . . . Mr Steve: Let go, we doesn't have enough time. . . . A light pop out as all of them enter expect Susan. . . . Mr Steve: Come on Susan. . . . Susan: I can't, i have to find him! . . . With that Susan transform as she flew away, Joe faced Mr Steve. . . . Joe: I can see she already makes her own choice. . . . Mr Steve: She is afraid of losing him the second time. . . . The light closed, few minutes late, Kane speed in, he was away, the house was empty, he placed his palm in the floor closing his eyes, everything was displayed to him, he stood up smiling. . . . Kane: He's awake. . . . He flew away to the unknown dimension. . . . #MR_BARRY_RESIDENT* #35km #THE_FIGHT* **** 5:30pm *** *** . . . George: Leave my parents alone punk head . . . Jack: Well well well here you are, how was your trip to the wonderland? I was waiting for you, how was it, you have what i needs give it to me and I'll let them go. . . . Kane makes his way down to Jack whose wasn't expecting anybody as he hit him off guard sending him away, Jack stood up immediately. . . . Jack: How dare you interrupt? . . . Kane: He is my master. . . . Jack: Back off now! . . . Kane: And if i didn't? . . . Jack: You'll face the consequences. . . . Kane: Let see to that then. . . . He speed as he get hold of Kane neck, dragging him upward, Kane dropped down escaping from his hands. . . . Jack: (*Surprised*) How did you do that? . . . Kane: (*Smiling*) I was like you before i give out my power for someone i love . . . Jack: I can see. . . . He rushed to hit Kane, who quickly dodged and pushed him forward kicking his abdomen which he flew landing him with a great thud. . . . Kane: You bragged of your power which you're not a fighter. . . . #FIGHT_CONTINUED* (<Back To George>) . . . He went to untied his parents but a great force pushed him away, many demons creatures descended down as they begin to fight him, tearing and uprooting their head off their body, those demon creatures weren't his match, he stood thinking on how he will be able to rescue his parents, they more he tried rescuing, the more the demon creatures attacked, he watches as he calculate on what to do. . . . #FIGHT_CONTINUED* (<Back To Jack And Kane>) . . . Jack: (*Bleeding*) I don't have any problem with you. . . . Kane: I can't leave either, you've seen your very match . . . Kane threw his fist so fast(?) towards Jack who wasn't expecting that which send him a distance away from him as he smashed his back in the window, breaking the glass. . . . Jack: It seems like you're a real fighter, i believed you but what about it? . . . Jack transform to smoke, which he rushed towards Kane, penetrating him which makes Kane sniff and fall down closing his eyes as he flew towards George parents, a force pushed George off guard. . . . Jack: Your servant wasn't even powerful than i expected . . . George: But he still hold you up . . . Jack: Did you think that i was really foolish of leaving your parents behind? . . . George: You've problem with me, leave them out of this, you're my uncle for Christ sake. . . . Jack: I'm not your uncle, okay, get that into your damn head, being a chosen one is just a trash, give me your blood or else . . . Alice: Don't do it son! . . . Mr Barry: Don't give this bulked head anything. . . . Jack: Hmm, humans, i remember tasting your blood, it was so sweet, perhaps shut the hell off or i will drained them all. . . . George: Okay fine, i will do it, i'm sorry grandpa, i can't keep your promised. . . . He cut himself as blood spilled out, Jack quickly rushes to him with a container as he collect more of the blood, he smiled at him and said. . . . Jack: You've a soft heart, i know you will do it, thank you for making a great deal, it's good to do business with you! . . . He chant at the demon creatures disappear with him, George rushes to his parents whose was now limping. . . . Alice: What have you done George, what have you done? . . . George: I am so sorry mom, dad, i know I've failed everyone but i can't let them have you, if i lose you as well then consider me dead. . . . Their parents wept profusely. . . . George: I have to go, i will make him paid for his wrong doing. . . . Alice: You're no match of him son. . . . George: I will try my best, enough is enough! . . . Mr Barry: (*Crying*) We love you son. . . . George dashed off with a great speed, he was surprised seeing a great change in itself, he really changed, he study himself for a moment, as he headed towards the forbidden temple., Few minutes Susan flew in as she stopped and breathe, everything was broken. She looked and then saw George's parents . . . Alice: He's not here, he followed Jack to the forbidden temple. . . . Susan: Take care of yourself! . . . She flew away with a great speed. . . #AT_THE_FORBIDDEN_TEMPLE* #35km **** 5:40pm *** *** . . . Jack stood with his demons including teller Oba, bringing out the container opening the tub as he poured it out, the blood dropped in the ground as nothing happens. . . . Jack: What's happening? . . . The whirlwind started blowing again, Jack ship away from the hint, in the whirlwind roses as he speaks out. . . . Voice: You forced him, so the temple won't open, don't forced him, let him willing give you the blood! . . . Jack: What? . . . This Epic is written by Dave Sun The whirlwind is just playing him SCAM - ??? **** Two More Episode Remaining Like, Comment & Share You're free to posted it in other groups/page. ****
16 Oct 2020 | 07:29
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 23 (TWENTY-THREE) SEMI-FINALE *** *** # AT_THE_FORBIDDEN_TEMPLE * # 35km **** 5:47pm *** *** Voice: I'm just playing, sniff a little bit . . . The ground crumbling, vibrating making a loud sound like an earthquake, all the demon gave out jubilating as the front door opens by himself which was a long hall, the inside was so deep and dark, Jack smiled, turning and facing his demons as he instructed them. . . . Jack: Are you ready fellows? . . . Demons: Yeah! . . . Jack: Kill anyone you found there but leave my brother to me . . . He face the whirlwind who was just standing . . . Jack: Who are you? . . . Voice: I am the keeper of this temple . . . Jack: Keeper, how comes you are like this, i thought you were dead . . . Keeper: Yes, and no, Joe fought with me and make me like this, i was the one who was controlling them . . . Jack: Now am going in there to fight him, this is a chance for you to help me defeated him so are you in? . . . Keeper: Of course, for my revenge C'mon. . . . All the demons pulled themselves as the zoomed in, running, Joe and others was ready for action, the demons pulled themselves towards them, a great fight which both races were strong, they fight with all their might, Jack makes his way to his brother but Rufus blocked him, Joe run back into the chamber. . . . Jack: Stop running like a coward brother, i will still come for you . . . Rufus hit him as he flew away. . . . Jack: Wow one of whom i will control soon, you are so special, i can see that you're really powerful than Greg . . . Rufus: you make him betrayed us . . . Jack: What can i do, i don't even know how to fight what i need now is much powers . . . Rufus kicked him in his abdomen but Jack was quick as he get hold him by his leg swiftly and get hold him by his neck dragging him, Rufus headbutt him which Jack release him off as he staggered back and fall, he quickly somersaulting kicking him in his chest really hard which Jack coughed out blood from his mouth. . . . Jack: I'm impressed, enough of beating me. . . . Rufus: Do your worst Jack! I'm was waiting for this moment. . . . Jack: You asked of it now It's time to beat your master for me. . . . Jack started enchanting slowing, the air blown sending a great breeze upon those giginatic creatures whose were fighting against him, he keep chanting, his eyes changes, his voice was that of a thousand words which was now echoing, the giginatic creatures started screaming, holding their heads, widening in pain as saliva pops out from their mouth, their claws gnashing as the spell taken place over their body. . . . Jack: Now I'm done, Rufus go and killed my brother for me. . . . Rufus bow in obedience as he zoomed away. . . . Jack: Go and killed Joe. . . . He shouted turning as once to faced the other giginatic creatures who were now matches to his side as they bowed down to him. . . . Jack: Killed them all. . . . The giginatic creatures speed towards Mr Steve with others demons fighting and reaping out their heads off their body, Teller Oba who has then notices that the giginatic creatures is out of control, rushes towards Jack to ended his life but got surprised when Jack slut his long claws full into his abdomen which he start shivering and drop to his knees. . . . Jack: I know you'll want to kill me, die old friend, you were still my enemy. . . . Teller Oba fall down as his eyes closed, the giginatic creatures tear off his body as they divided amongst themselves, speeding to Tellers Oba demons as they begin to killed them, then unexpected happened, George speed towards them smashing them, uprooting some of the giginatic creatures head off their body which their lifeless body is seen on the floor. Jack was furious as he flew towards George as both of the jam together sending a great wave which pushes the others demons with a great thud. . . . Jack: The chosen one, are you coming back to end me, you're losing George. . . . Enchanting again which he get control of George body, who was trying to break himself free from his spell, his demon-form started to manifest, he struggles to break free, giving out a great cries, Susan who flew landed herself using her sharp claw to slice her grandpa eyes and making him lose control of himself, he let go of George who breathe heavily as he stood up. Susan kicked her grandpa away hijacked him up as she try to flew but was got break when Jack fully started chanting some spell again knocking his granddaughter down, he used his leg to smashed her but a wave pushed him back away from her, he looked up and see that George has fully recovered from the spell, he tight both his palm as fireball embed within, throwing it forward, he speed toward them not minding the wave between them, kicking two of them, he formed a long whip as he started beating both of them which they both cries out, it was painful for one to bears the pain of a sorcerer, George fainted immediately. . . . Susan: Please grandpa stopped this. . . . Jack: You're weak Susan, i will have trained you, i can't believe your foolish father hide you from me but now here you are pleasing me to stop what. . . . Susan: I command you to stop this, retreat now. . . . Jack: How dare you, sorry dear i don't take order from a mere demon, you'll have warned him not to messed up with me but still you are with him then i have no family as well. . . . Susan: What's the need of you doing all this? . . . Jack: Did you want to know! To be powerful, having control and needs, i have been waiting for this trash to be born to continue my mission, what i craft for so many centuries. . . . Susan: You'll regret all this grandpa. . . . Jack: Now i have someone that preach to me, this is your last chance, back off now or you'll be killed with this trash. . . . Susan: He's not a trash, he's more powerful than you, are you scared of him or what he will become? . . . Jack: (*Ignoring*) I can see the spirit of love rendering to mannerless dogs, he's mine, just step aside let me deal with him. . . . Susan: Then you've to go through me first. . . . # FIGHT_CONTINUED * (<Back To Joe>) . . . . As predicted, Rufus was the only one that knows the place he will find his master, he was out of control, he couldn't have an access to his true self anymore, they more he try to be freed from the spell, the more the spell tightened up, he felt stronger than before and ready to devoured anything that try to blocked his way, opening to the hall where he always have some fight with his master, he could scent his aura from a far distance, breathing heavily, his claws sharpened, his teeth were clattering,his huge body which were covered with clothes was torn half, he makes his way down to where his master was standing. Joe who knew that this is the only place where he has to die, he remembers giving him something to keep it, the more gnashing he made makes Joe to faced him. . . . Joe: Coming for me? . . . Rufus: Arrg........., Sha......sha ......uh... . . . Rufus roar as he charged towards Joe who wasn't moving or shaken by what was coming in his front, raising his hands to slap him, he held it blocking him, he struggled as he used his elbow to finish him, Joe saw that coming swiftly back jumping holding his hands as he bend which Rufus gave out a loud roar, Joe jump again hitting him in his balls which sent shivering down in his vein that he stopped get loose from his grip roam in pains, dropped down and stop breathing. Joe thought Rufus was dead went ahead to opened the door just then he heard a growl roaring. . . . # FIGHT_CONTINUED * (<Back To George>) . . . Jack wave his hands as Susan was out of control, the whirlwind welcome her to himself, she couldn't control herself, Jack who stood and watch smiled and said. . . . Jack: I won't have stress myself if I'd remember you were still loathing for whom to dealt with! Both of them are all yours. . . . Making his way to George who was still consiouse, he lift him up throwing him towards the whirlwind whose the keeper received George warmly, he was glad seeing them suffering, Susan wasn't helping at all, she couldn't control herself out, her eyes fit on George body who was just swinging up and down, left and right, the keeper was just using him to play. . . . Susan: George wake up. . . . Susan shouted even though she is trapped as she been circled. . . . Keeper: Shouting his name wouldn't help as all. . . . Susan: You can speak, you're the keeper? . . . Keeper: Yes, look how i am now, look at what I'm becoming. . . . Susan: You deserved that, i will killed you again. . . . Keeper: (*Laughing*) How! When i am killing you already, you can't killed me, i am unstoppable. . . . Voice: Not when you've messed with me. . . . The keeper was now afraid, the voice, that voice, he knew the owner of the voice, it was now the beast himself, George has already open his eyes, his power was not even working on him anymore. . . . Keeper: (*Surprised*) How is it possible for you to be under my spell without any infected and who are you? . . . George: Who i am doesn't matter right, now dropped her down. . . . The keeper quickly obeyed as he remain calm. . . . Keeper: Please don't killed me the second time, i will served you forever, forgive my manners. . . . George: Good, now you only obeyed me, closed it up, no one leaves this temple until i said so. . . . The keeper started closing the temple slowly, George with Susan walk away down to the hall, few minutes before the temple closes, a fiqure as full speed flew in as the ground close fully. . . . Last Episode coming
20 Oct 2020 | 02:46
Cant wait for the finale
22 Oct 2020 | 10:16
Continue please...
26 Oct 2020 | 18:48
Can't wait for the final battle... Come and finish the story abeg...
26 Oct 2020 | 18:49
THE FORBIDDEN TEMPLE (The Demonic Secret Place) *** Author : Dave Sun *** *** CHAPTER 24 (TWENTY-FOUR) FINALE *** *** # AT_THE_FORBIDDEN_TEMPLE * # 35km **** 5:47pm *** *** Continuation From Last Episode. . . . The keeper started closing the temple slowly, George with Susan walk away down to the hall, few minutes before the temple closes, a fiqure as full speed flew in as the ground close fully. . . . Jack: Wow, here you are, bastard son . . . Mr Steve: Don't make me angry, i will strangle you to death! . . . Jack: Is that a threat. . . . Mr Steve: Where is George? . . . Mr Steve looks behind. . . . Jack: That trash is with the keeper, fully on control. . . . Mr Steve: What have you done to him? . . . Jack: I have break every bones in his body, he won't be able to be in his feet again. . . . Sam who was fighting behind Mr Steve wanted to rush over him, he feels like punching him in his face very hard but Mr Steve quickly drew him back. . . . Mr Steve: Don't fall into his trap, he doesn't care about anything. . . . Jack: I care about my family! . . . Sam: Your family then why are you hurting them. . . . Jack: Arrg..... I don't have any families anymore! . . . Sam: What about the ones that you're fighting with, you only care about achieving your power. . . . Jack: Eh you, i remember you, you were the one that link the little secret i had with Ham, i will makes sure you pay for what you've done. . . . Sam: C'mon and get me(*Laughing*) . . . Mr Steve: You only talked of powers. . . . Jack: And that's what i'm seeking for, but now there's some unfinished business some of us will loves to accomplish before heading to something else, so let hit the troll. . . . Sam charged towards him, Jack throw his fist towards his direction, he quickly slide down beneath leaving Jack to held himself. . . . Jack: Nice moves uh. . . . He charged again, jumping and kicking him the same time in his back, hitting the floor which he rolled, Mr Steve jump and giving him a blow in his face which Jack found his face swollen then it vanished again. . . . Jack: Not impressed, are you done! What give you guys guts that am so simple to fight? Now faced my wrath. . . . With a twinkle of an eyes, he speed towards his son, sending him down the wall as he hit himself which he fall down, moving to Sam whose was just confused, headbutts him and getting hold of him strangle him to dead instantly, he moves towards his son whose was now panting, throwing him punch all over his body, treating his body using his sharpen claws. . . . Jack: I told you aren't my match, since you stand with them and fight me; your father, then i will killed you. . . . Mr Steve: I've no father! . . . Jack look at Mr Steve struggling to freed himself from him, he laughed out. . . . Jack: You can't even freed yourself from me, you're dying slowly. . . . Mr Steve: I'll killed you again, i know your weak point. . . . Jack: Healing, that's why I've to stop you, even killing you now after all this is not your true form. . . . Jack roar at Mr Steve who started crawling himself as he transform to his demon-form, still weak, Jack hold him by his neck using his sharp claws insert inside him. . . . Mr Steve: arrrgggg........ . . . Voice: Leave him alone. . . . A stone was throw to him which hit his skull, which makes started transforming to his demon-form, unlike Mr Steve demon-form, his father's own was the most ugliest and scared demon creature ever exist, he start walking towards George whose was with Susan as he makes his way up to them. Susan quickly closed the gap securing George, Jack hit Susan out of his way as she screamed out, laying down not able to move, George was not afraid of his demon-form, he has seen Mr Steve's own so he is not scared. . (Author- Even me I'm scare, maybe i am not George ). . . . Jack: I can see that you're not frightened about what you are seeing. . . . George: (*With a deep baritone*) Why will i be afraid of you? . . . George quickly transform, his true demon-form showing and making his orbs which was attached shone more brighter, his eyes fires furiously. Jack was surprised, he knew every orbs attached to his body, he knew the rightful owner, if he can killed him, he will quickly taken the orbs for himself as he continues walking majestically toward him, George was ready to charged towards him but he heard another voice growling at his back, he turns as he seen Kane standing. . . . Kane: Leave him, he's not your match! . . . Jack turns as he was now scared whom he was seeing. . . . Jack: How is it possible that you are not dead? . . . Kane: I told you before that i am like you, what about this. . . . Kane own was so different as he transform. . . . Kane: You can go master, i can handle him. . . . George carry Susan to a safe place, coming back he seize Sam laying down, he carry him too, Sam was still alive, he was breathing slowing, Mr Steve stood up after fully healing. . . . Mr Steve: Get yourself out of here three of you. . . . George: Don't worry everything is in order, the temple has been locked, . . . Jack: What about the keeper? . . . George: He's on our side now. . . . Jack: No............! . . . # FIGHT_CONTINUED * (<Back To Joe>) . . . Rufus has successfully injury his master who was now bleeding. George heard a growl as he understand at once that something is wrong, he charged followed Rufus, seeing Joe laying down, at the point of death, tear drip down his eyes. . . . George: Grandpa! . . . Joe: It's okay, i only told him to do so, show me your claws. . . . Without knowing what his grandpa is up to, he showed him his claws with Joe assist him sluting it full into his abdomen, he feels something like balls and he uprooted it, it was so brighter than others orbes. . . . Joe: (*Spilling out black blood*) Take it, go get out of here. . . . George: I am going to miss you. . . . Joe: Yes I know and i will always be with you, go now Rufus is changing again. . . . George ran out as he shut the door sooner he heard a loud sound like a mighty thunder which he wept profusely. . . . # FIGHT_CONTINUED * (<Back To Jack>) . . . Turning back he ran with full speed, the reflection which was now showing like stars, dark shadow coming out from himself approaching Jack who was shocked, the power he was hunting for was seen in George body's. His plan failed him this time, he knew they is no need to fight them anymore but he's not given up as he continue and also awaited for his dead. George slot his full claws into his abdomen which his cries out as he moves back, he quickly turned into smoke as two also turns, Kane own was green, Jack was black and George own was different, it was like electricity being spark, Jack face was beam down, he knew that he was going down, he knew he will die, but he can't die like a coward, even though there is no strength in him he must proved to them that he's powerful, he ascended, he looked around, no matter he's fighting them, he has had enough, he was losing, he couldn't fight them as blood spilled out of mouth, his demon creatures were dead leaving him alone by himself, he will have surrender quickly but he doesn't want to break the history that Jack who struggles to rule the gignatic creatures gave up and died like a coward, he seen as fire being cast from himself, he felt sorry for those he has hurts and kill so far because of his own selfish suggestions, he regret his action, those standing were his families, he knew he will never seen them again, the hours has come he will leave the earth for safety, his half-brother is dead, he's the one who's responsible for killing him with no reason, he burst out shedding tears and laughing at the same time as he said. . . . Jack: Farewell! After all this, i didn't die like a coward. . . . ___________________ (*AUTHOR POV'S*) . . . The fight is over, Joe is dead same with his half-brother, Jack cast fire burning into ashes, what now, just as Joe says, the spell is broken, the gignatic creatures are free again but times will tells when they will be out of control again and massacre humans lives, who will be the chosen one, guardians and protectors to protect the humans races, well till then as for me time will tells. **** **** # TWO_MONTHS_LATER * . . . George's parents were so proud of his son, everyone were happy, everything went out smoothly, George was back from school; till one day......... . . . # MR_BARRY_RESIDENT * # 35km # SUSAN_ROOM * **** 7:07pm *** *** . . . . . George and Susan is seen staring at each other, their head moves into each other, their lips almost meeting when the door suddenly opened which was Mr Steve standing, he was surprised. . . . Mr Steve: (*Stammering*) What were you guys trying to do? . . . George moved towards the door as he get hold of the handle, he winks at Mr Steve pushing it with force, shutting the door, he approached Susan who was just smiling. . . . George: I'm sorry Susan but i don't want him fucking know what we plan to do! . . . Losing his sight, he wasn't able to see through as Sam said. Mr Steve shouted from within, even though he knew that the both of them loves each other but he didn't expect them to be having s*x, they are teenager for Christ sake, well a smile was seen on his face as he shouted the last time. . . . Mr Steve: George don't you dare try to kiss my daughter. . . . George Smiles as their head moves for a kiss, their lips was locked up together, the romance aspect taken control as they continuing kissing, taking a step as they fall down on the bed. . . . Mr Steve: Susan don't try something stupid! . . . Susan: Shut the hell up Mr Steve. . . . Susan fired back at his father. . . . ____________________________ + . . . . George: I love you Susan! . . . Susan: I love you too George! . . . They chuckles as they continue kissing, George hand headed to her gown as he lift it up reveling her fresh laps, pulling it up, his hands moves inside, Susan holds him. . . . George: Are you sure you want to do it. . . . Susan: (*Scared*) Yes, take away my pride. . . . George grunted in ecstasy as he eased stare into her eyes. George slowly pulled up her dress. His hand fell into her lap as his fingers began wandering over her panties finding his way to the ***** lips. With his other hand George started fondling her breasts with pleasure as they groan as they continue kissing. His fingers roamed over her clothing from her hardened nipples to her moistening cleft until finally George couldn’t stand it any longer. He slid her panties off her ankles, spread her legs and he began rubbing her ****. Vowel sounds a, e, i, o and u was heard( if you understand that, i swear you won't make heaven) which George was pounding her really hard and she was also feeling it deep down as she responds with pleasure with makes George to keep increasing his speed going faster than before and more faster. He was fucking her so hard it felt like the bed was going to give way, her clit tighten as both screamed in pleasure. George finally couldn’t take it any longer. He shot load after load into her hot unprotected pu*sy as he fell on top of her. . . . Susan: George did you just c*m inside me? . . . THE END. Thanks for reading There's is love in sharing How was it? ©Dave Sun. June 2020. _________________________________ EPILOGUE - FROM THE WRITER DESK **** Just as what we wanted, just as life we are living is going on, endure we cherish or lose someone that we loves, don't be selfish in your decision. Whether it's from our own benefit or not. Wherever you are going, we always carry one thing along, we reconciled those that hurts us and that's what keeps us together, your worst enemy can be your best friend, don't criticize someone, it's not that we aren't in the same height, size, level or position you find yourself in, because they is someone who we believed and have hoped that doesn't judge people no matter what (The Supreme One). So don't judge people, landlord can turns to tenant, be wise in way of living, help people who are in needs. Thanks for putting smile on my face and i promised not to failed you all. Till next other time and i still remains # Etz_Kendoblast Pen name:- Dave Sun I deserve a kudos. Love ya❣️
8 Nov 2020 | 16:37
New story alert @sparkle_theatre
21 Jul 2021 | 14:59
Good job @sparkle_theatre
21 Jul 2021 | 15:06
Nice shot... Keep it up
21 Jul 2021 | 15:10
Haha you really try thank you
9 Oct 2021 | 18:48
Alright & thanks for reading!
28 Nov 2021 | 14:18


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