

By walewavy in 2 Mar 2019 | 15:53
walewavy walewavy

walewavy walewavy

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Seyi Dominion
2 Mar 2019 | 15:53
EPISODE 1 Rita knocked at the door of his apartment and waited for him to open the door. She did not wait for long. ‘Hey, there you are,’ Henry said as he opened the door wide for her to come in. He was full of smiles as he was obviously pleased to see her. ‘How d’you do?’ she greeted. ‘Fine. Good to see you.’ It was the second time Rita would be visiting him. They had become acquainted a couple of weeks again when they met at the ATM point of a commercial bank in Lagos. During her first visit, he had another visitor around and that prevented him from getting intimate with her. In any case, Rita did not stay long. Today, he had looked forward to her coming and had prepared for it. ‘Please, sit down,’ he offered eagerly. Rita took the seat she had been offered. ‘Thank you.’ ‘Let me get you some drinks,’ he offered. ‘Hey, take it easy. I’ve just come. The drinks can come later.’ ‘Alright.’ He sat on the same sofa with her, within his arm reach. He was playing a video movie he hoped she would find interesting. He had watched it before and had enjoyed it. ‘How is your weekend?’ she asked. ‘It has been very boring, but thank God you’re here. I hope it will become exciting now.’ She nodded and smiled at him. ‘Are you sure you don’t want anything yet?’ he asked. ‘No, not yet.’ She faced the movie on the television while he moved towards her. Some minutes elapsed. Tentatively, he held her left hand. He was very close to her now, so close he could smell her hair. He moved to wrap his hand on her shoulders. She appeared engrossed in what she was watching, but he knew she was very conscious of the sensuous moves he was making. ‘Your hair is beautiful,’ he offered. ‘Thanks.’ His mouth drew close to hers. His lips brushed slightly on her lips and then got stuck there. For him, it was a welcome thing. He kissed her ravenously. Her response was measured, almost mechanical. He kissed her more while his right hand went to her boob. She didn’t resist him, but she did not encourage him either. Henry did not mind whether he was getting encouragement or not. He was glad he was finally having his way with her. Rita was beautiful and desirable and he had been counting his luck since he befriended her was not the type that wasted time trying to ‘sample the taste’ of his ‘new catch’. As a matter of fact, it was his trademark to always do so within few days of acquaintanceship. He pulled the cups of her bra out of the contents they were holding. Gosh, she had such succulent breasts. His hand teased and caressed them. His tongue also licked them while his teeth nibbled at the nipples. ‘Let’s go in,’ he said almost breathless, as he suspended what he had engrossed himself in. He led her to his bedroom. She did not say anything. She did not protest his lustful urge. To him, it was a good sign. To Rita, he would soon learn his lesson. They were in the bedroom and he was all over her again. His tongue seemed to be delighted in licking her nipples. He was actually not licking anything, but it looked like he was licking. After more minutes of pre-intimacy, it was time to get to the main action. But wait a minute. Something strange was happening. Was it his imagination? To confirm, his hand went to his dick. The thing was as limp as vegetable leaf! Well, it meant he had not prepared enough. He went back to the pre-intimacy. This time, he zipped down her jeans trousers. Her white pantie was pulled down, almost roughly, and he dipped his fore finger inside the vagina. He was surprised there was no wetness there. But the greater surprise was that his dick remained limp. After some minutes of futile efforts, he stopped all he was doing. ‘I can’t believe what’s happening,’ he muttered in perplexity, a tinge of sadness to his tone. ‘What’s that?’ she asked. It was a question as innocent as a child asking for the difference between rainfall and snows. ‘’My dick,’ he said, almost sadly. ‘I can’t get a hard on.’ ‘A hard on for what?’ she asked. Henry stared at her. Her tone seemed sarcastic. ‘What do you mean? What kind of question is that?’ ‘You said you did not have a hard on, and I asked you, a hard on for what?’ ‘Stop talking as if you’re a baby. Don’t tell me you don’t know what I mean.’ She sat up on the bed, properly wore her bra, and started buttoning her shirt, which had become quite crumpled, courtesy of the way he had handled her chest region. He was certainly at his wit’s end. He could simply not believe his manhood would fail at this critical time. This was the moment he was waiting for, and the whole thing went blank. It was incredible! He was still holding the dick and staring at it. TBC
21 Mar 2019 | 16:57
na God catch u
21 Mar 2019 | 17:22
ghen ghen...Rita at work gently seated
22 Mar 2019 | 04:52
Hey hey nwanyi mmiri na olu
22 Mar 2019 | 06:51
Man what have you gotten urself into?
22 Mar 2019 | 07:23
EPISODE 2 ‘Maybe you were too anxious,’ Rita said. ‘Next time try to relax and take your time. Also, learn not to rush at having sex.’ Something struck him. This lady was not an ordinary lady. The way she reacted was not ordinary or natural. She was damn too cool! It was as if she knew all along that this would happen. She had allowed him to expend energy on being prepared for ‘it’ and she had watched the anti- climax in bemused amazement. Gosh! ‘I’ll be going now,’ she announced. ‘See you another time.’ He wanted to stop her. He wanted to remind her that he was yet to offer her drinks. Above all, he wanted to tell her maybe he should try to get aroused again. But he could not do any of these. Still bewildered, and still holding his dick, he watched as Rita stepped out of his bedroom. She smiled to herself as she stepped out of his flat. Henry did not fit in to the kind of man she wanted. She had to get another man. Tope was writing his news story on the rising incidence of child prostitute. Working as undercover journalist, he had been able break into a syndicate that operated child prostitution. It was disheartening that school girls aged between thirteen and sixteen now engaged in prostitution. He had finished writing his findings. Together with the audio and video evidence, he sent the reports, via e-mail to his editor. He also decided to post some of his findings on his Facebook page, admonishing parents to be more vigilant in monitoring their children, especially those that were female. It was when he was still on-line that a friend request came in. a Miss Rita Tosan wanted to be his friend. Tope accepted the friendship request. While he was still surfing the internet, a message came from Rita, his latest friend. The message read: I can see that you just posted some findings on child prostitution. Great work. Keep it up. Tope replied: Thank you. I believe more concern and vigilance can correct some of our anomalies and make our society a better place. Rita replied, ‘I agree. We all need to work together to make our society a better place.’ Tope was impressed with his new friend. ‘I am a journalist and a blogger,’ he wrote. ‘Can I meet you?’ ‘I work in the health sector,’ she replied. Rita thought over this man that went by the name Tope. He sounded okay and she really wished he was. The guy sent her his number and asked for hers. Ordinarily, a lady would be or should be cautious. He might be posing to be whom or what he was not. So many criminal-minded people hid under the social media to present false image and to perpetuate their obnoxious acts. But then, Rita was not just an ordinary lady. Tope was writing his news story on the rising incidence of child prostitute. Working as undercover journalist, he had been able break into a syndicate that operated child prostitution. It was disheartening that school girls aged between thirteen and sixteen now engaged in prostitution. He had finished writing his findings. Together with the audio and video evidence, he sent the reports, via e-mail to his editor. He also decided to post some of his findings on his Facebook page, admonishing parents to be more vigilant in monitoring their children, especially those that were female. It was when he was still on-line that a friend request came in. a Miss Rita Tosan wanted to be his friend. Tope accepted the friendship request. While he was still surfing the internet, a message came from Rita, his latest friend. The message read: I can see that you just posted some findings on child prostitution. Great work. Keep it up. Tope replied: Thank you. I believe more concern and vigilance can correct some of our anomalies and make our society a better place. Rita replied, ‘I agree. We all need to work together to make our society a better place.’ Tope was impressed with his new friend. ‘I am a journalist and a blogger,’ he wrote. ‘Can I meet you?’ ‘I work in the health sector,’ she replied. Rita thought over this man that went by the name Tope. He sounded okay and she really wished he was. The guy sent her his number and asked for hers. Ordinarily, a lady would be or should be cautious. He might be posing to be whom or what he was not. So many criminal-minded people hid under the social media to present false image and to perpetuate their obnoxious acts. But then, Rita was not just an ordinary lady. She sent her number to him too, and within minutes, he called her. ‘Hello, please, can I be on to Rita?’ he asked. ‘Speaking. Who’s on the line?’ ‘This is Tope, your Facebook friend.’ ‘Oh, Tope.’ She sounded excited. ‘How’re you?’ ‘Fine. I’m happy to meet you. I’m based in Lagos. What about you?’ ‘I’m here in Lagos too,’ she said. ‘Good. We’ll be getting to know each other more later. Have a nice day.’ ‘And you too.’ He cut the line. Rita smiled to herself. This was the man she was waiting for. When her break was over, Rita went offline and put her phone in her handbag. Her white uniform suited her well. She liked her nursing profession and she liked the looks of admiration she got from men; and that of envy she got from women. At the private hospital where she worked, she made sure she did her work to the best of her ability. One thing she had to constantly ward off were advances from men. They never seemed to get tired of making overtures; but she never got tired of snubbing them too. One of the doctors, Sam, had been pestering her for an affair. Sam was married, but he said that would not be a barrier. This afternoon, when Rita came to give him a case note in his consulting room, he urged her to sit down for a moment. ‘Rita, why’re you proving so difficult?’ Dr. Sam Tuoyo said. ‘Why can’t you just give me a little chance to prove my love to you?’ Rita smiled but shook her head. ‘That’s what you’ve been doing. That’s not fair.’ Sam stood from his seat and sat on the table, close to her legs. He looked at those legs and could not but admire them. His right hand went to her left lap. Instinctively, Rita winced and drew her leg away. TBC
22 Mar 2019 | 17:57
what if she is a goddess
22 Mar 2019 | 18:28
22 Mar 2019 | 18:38
asewo,,,, must u sample all ladies dat come into Ur room
22 Mar 2019 | 18:47
funny. hope Rita is not a ghost
23 Mar 2019 | 08:36
Bring it on
23 Mar 2019 | 19:09
EPISODE 3 Sam stood from his seat and sat on the table, close to her legs. He looked at those legs and could not but admire them. His right hand went to her left lap. Instinctively, Rita winced and drew her lap away. ‘Give me just one chance. Just once,’ he pleaded. ‘No. Go to your wife.’ ‘Don’t bring her to this,’ he said plaintively. ‘We’re supposed to have a professional relationship, and that’s what it will be.’ ‘Look, have this.’ He dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a wad of naira notes. She looked surprised. The money would be several thousands of naira. ‘I can’t accept it,’ she said. ‘I’ll give you more, later. I promise.’ ‘It’s not about money,’ she said. ‘It’s about what?’ ‘It’s about life and death. If you sleep with me, you’ll die.’ He looked shocked to hear that. ‘You’re trying to scare me, right? That one will not work.’ ‘I’m serious,’ she replied. He laughed. ‘Alright, even if it’s true, let me do it and die.’ ‘You don’t know what you’re saying,’ she said reproachfully. ‘Are you really ready to die?’ ‘For you, I’m ready to do anything. Take the money and let’s go somewhere private.’ ‘You said you’re ready to die? Alright, experience this first.’ Suddenly, Sam’s knees buckled and he fell on the floor. He seemed to be paralyzed from the waist down. He tried to get up but could not. ‘What’s happening to me? What the hell is happening to me?’ There was panic and consternation in his tone. Rita stood up, took a step back and looked down on him. ‘Well, you said you’re ready to die,’ she said. ‘You’re only dead from the waist down and you’re already panicking. Don’t you want to die again?’ He tried to rise up again, but could not. ‘No, I don’t want to die,’ he said, shame-faced. ‘Are you going to disturb me again about sex?’ He shook his head vigorously. ‘No, I will not.’ ‘Are you going to hold this against me?’ ‘No, I will not.’ Sweats appeared on his brow. This was one experience he would never forget for the rest of his life. She moved towards the door. ‘Rita,’ he called out. He looked pathetic. She stopped and stared briefly at him. ‘Alright, you can get up now.’ Sam was surprised his strength came back and he got to his feet. Two days after he first called Rita, Tope called again. ‘HotNews, the newspaper I work for is along Lagos- Ibadan expressway, but I live at Ogba,’ he said. ‘Where do you live and where is your working place?’ Rita smiled into the mouthpiece of her phone. ‘I work and live at Ikeja.’ ‘Your place is not far from mine. When and where can we meet? I really want to meet with you.’ ‘What about Saturday? Can we meet at EatRite eatery on Allen Avenue? Do you know the place?’ ‘Yes, I do. By what time?’ ‘Twelve noon is okay by me.’ ‘You shouldn’t have any difficulty in identifying me as you have seen my picture on Facebook. But to avoid doubt, I will be wearing a white t-shirt and a sky blue face cap.’ She smiled again. ‘Alright. See you, then.’ ‘Okay, Rita.’ On the agreed day, Tope was at the eatery twelve minutes before noon. He picked a vantage position where he could see the entrance/exit of the eatery. Truly, he was wearing a white t-shirt over a pair of jeans. He was also donning a blue face cap. He had no doubt that she would not fail to recognize him by the way he had dressed. He had ordered for ice cream. When she came, he would order for real food. He found himself getting excited over his wait for Rita. What if she failed to show up? What if she suddenly developed cold feet and refused to make appearance? He sighed to himself. Going by the confidence with which the lady had spoken, it was very unlikely that she would fail to come. By ten minutes after noon, he saw a beautiful lady that looked like the one he was waiting for make entry into the expansive hall. Instinctively, Tope got to his feet. The lady sighted him and moved straight towards him. ‘Miss Rita? You’re welcome.’ She smiled at him. ‘If I’m not mistaken, you must be Tope.’ He nodded. ‘That’s me. How are you?’ ‘I’m fine.’ ‘Please, sit down.’ He motioned her to the seat opposite him. They sat face-to-face, and each made a quick evaluation. She should be in her mid-twenties, while he should be in his mid-thirties. He was quite tall and handsome while she was of average height, slim and beautiful. ‘You’re welcome. What will you have?’ he asked. ‘Nothing for now,’ she replied. He was surprised as she was the first lady he would meet at an eatery and would defer eating ‘Well, let me quickly tell you about myself.’ He told her his age, educational qualification, where he schooled, what he studied and where he was working. He also told her about Sade, the lady he had hoped to marry. Despite the fact that Sade had a baby girl for him, the relationship could not manifest into a spousal one due to some irreconcilable differences. She still had the custody of his daughter and he still supported the up-keep of the four year old girl. TBC
23 Mar 2019 | 20:50
what kind of being is Rita?
24 Mar 2019 | 08:11
go on
24 Mar 2019 | 08:25
seems tope is sincere
24 Mar 2019 | 10:08
Quite interesting...
24 Mar 2019 | 10:29
Hey oso geme. Becuase rita z not an ordinary being0. Just be ready to recive ur treatment
24 Mar 2019 | 14:36
24 Mar 2019 | 17:19
EPISODE 4 ‘I’m pleased to meet you, and I hope this will be the beginning of a relationship that will be long-lasting,’ he concluded. Rita smiled and briefly told him about herself. ‘I’m a nurse and I believe in serving humanity,’ she concluded. ‘You’re even more beautiful than your picture on Facebook,’ he commented. ‘Thank you.’ ‘So, you’re a nurse. That’s interesting.’ They talked about other interests. He loved to read and write, while she loved to listen to music. ‘Now, let’s eat something,’ he said. She conceded and he went to buy eat-in fried rice and chicken. She ate her food slowly and regally. There was something special about her. ‘I can’t picture it yet, but I think there’s something special about you,’ he said. She raised her beautiful brow without saying anything. They chatted more after the food, then she expressed her desire to leave. ‘Can I know where you live? Can I visit you?’ She smiled and nodded. ‘Why not?’ ‘So, tell me the place,’ he said eagerly. She gave him the address of where she stayed at Anifowoshe area of Ikeja. ‘For now, I stay with my auntie,’ she added. ‘I will come. I will definitely give you a visit.’ ‘Call me when you want to come,’ she said. ‘You know, I work on shifts.’ He nodded. ‘That will be no problem.’ He gave her the address of where he lived at Ogba. Three days later, Tope gave Rita a call. ‘Can I come and see you towards this evening?’ he asked her. ‘Okay.’ He was there. The two kids of her auntie were cute. They kept hovering round Rita. Tope and Rita chatted, but not intimately. She promised to reciprocate the visit on Saturday. Tope welcomed her gesture. That Saturday, he was so excited about her coming. It was as if he had never been in love before. Rita entered his mini-flat apartment few minutes to eleven. He had been waiting for her and had got many things ready. Many things including the apple juice packs. He served her in a tray, filled two glasses and handed her one. ‘Cheers. This is to a great and wonderful relationship,’ he smiled widely as he took the drinks. ‘Cheers.’ As he sipped his drinks, he continually looked into her eyes. ‘I have a confession to make,’ he told her. ‘What confession?’ He paused to make his attempt emphatic. ‘I’m in love with you,’ he blurted out. She smiled. ‘It’s good to hear that but there are certain things you should know.’ He became very curious. ‘Things such as what?’ ‘The first is our relationship can never lead to marriage.’ He looked surprised. ‘Why? Are you betrothed to somebody?’ She smiled and shook her head. ‘No.’ ‘So, why can’t it lead to marriage?’ he demanded. ‘Don’t worry, you’ll soon understand.’ For now, he could not understand. Was it that she considered that he would not be able to take good care of her, or what? ‘The purpose of this relationship is not about falling in love or getting married,’ she said. ‘It’s about being of help to you.’ He looked at her curiously. ‘What d’you mean? What help?’ She allowed a meaningful silence. ‘I can help you to become great in life. There’s a synergy between us, and I can be of help to you.’ He looked at her curiously. ‘What d’you mean? What help?’ She allowed a meaningful silence. ‘I can help you to become great in life. There’s a synergy between us, and I can be of help to you.’ His curiosity was total. ‘How can you be of help? What help?’ She smiled. ‘I can help you to become great in life. I can help you to achieve, fame, wealth and power.’ He stared at her. ‘How?’ ‘By making power, wealth and fame come to you.’ He was still staring at her. ‘How?’ he asked again. She kept quiet and stared at the television. He sat by her and held her hand. ‘All that you’re saying is esoteric. Can you please explain yourself?’ ‘I have the power to give you power and wealth,’ she said. ‘But that will be if you can pass three tests.’ He suddenly laughed. ‘I think you should stop the joke, Rita. You’re beautiful and I like your attitude. I want to marry you. Period.’ ‘So, you don’t believe all I said,’ she said quietly. ‘What I believe is I’ll love to marry you,’ he replied. ‘You don’t believe I have any power?’ she asked. ‘I’m sorry, if you do, then you will have to prove it.’ She chuckled. ‘You want a proof?’ ‘Yes, I want a proof.’ She closed her eyes for some moments as if in meditation. ‘Right now, the total money you have in this house is two thousand, seven hundred and fifty naira.’ He was a bit surprised that she had guessed right. ‘Yes, that’s about the cash at hand I have, now.’ ‘Do you want more money right away?’ ‘You mean you’ll give me some money? Well ..’ he shrugged. ‘I’ll give you, but I won’t hand it you.’ He raised his brow. ‘So, how are you going to give me?’ She closed her eyes again. His mind was busy. Surely, this lady was acting strangely. She opened her eyes. ‘You have the money now.’ He laughed and opened his palms. ‘Where’s the money?’ ‘There’s fifty thousand naira for you,’ she said. ‘Go and check the pocket of the black coat you hanged in your bedroom.’ He laughed shortly again. ‘Oh, come on, Rita. Let’s forget this joke and talk about something else.’ She looked solemnly at him. ‘It’s no joke. Go and confirm the money.’ The way she looked seriously prevented him from laughing again. ‘Are you serious, Rita?’ ‘Why don’t you confirm it?’ He grinned. ‘Alright. I will do as you command.’ He stood up and went to the bed-room.
24 Mar 2019 | 19:59
still following
25 Mar 2019 | 03:31
Getting interesting
25 Mar 2019 | 05:42
Hmm i for run for my life
25 Mar 2019 | 10:53
Interesting more pls
25 Mar 2019 | 13:26
25 Mar 2019 | 13:53
Rita is a white witch
25 Mar 2019 | 14:19
25 Mar 2019 | 15:55
this is serious
25 Mar 2019 | 17:10
Hmmmm,,, this Rita Na old mama
25 Mar 2019 | 18:34
ur girlfriend we make u reach ,I hope thy we not be trouble after that
25 Mar 2019 | 18:46
EPISODE 5 ‘What?!’ he exclaimed. ‘How? How did this get into the pocket of my coat?’ He soon came out, holding a bundle of new five hundred naira notes. ‘How did this get there?’ She smiled. ‘I told you.’ ‘But how? How did you do it?’ He felt the money again and counted it. It was exactly fifty thousand naira. He stared at her in amazement. ‘Are you a magician?’ ‘I’m not. Let’s just say this is one of the things I can do. And this is a tip of the iceberg.’ He stared at her and shook his head again. Then, he stared at the money. ‘This is amazing.’ ‘Now, let’s go back to what we were discussing. I said I can help you to achieve fame and wealth,’ ‘Yes, yes, you said so.’ He was now apparently interested. ‘Now, I believe you.’ She smiled and nodded at him. ‘There are three tests you must pass. Then, you’ll be on.’ ‘Tests? What’re the tests?’ ‘I won’t tell you the three at a time. It will be one after the other.’ Tope nodded. ‘That should not be a problem. Tell me, what is the first test?’ She smiled at his eagerness. It was just what she wanted. ‘Tell me,’ he urged. ‘Tell me the first test.’ ‘Alright. The first test is that you and I will sleep together on the same bed for three nights.’ He stared at her. Then his face lit up in excitement. ‘That’s a good test. Let’s start right away.’ She raised a finger to caution him. ‘Wait, I’ve not finished. During those three nights, no matter what happens, we must not make love. No sex.’ He looked shocked. ‘Three nights on the same bed with a lady and there must be no sex?’ he asked incredulously. ‘Yes. Three nights on the same bed with a lady and there must be no sex. That is the first test.’ He thought over what she had said. That should not be a problem, should it? The sex would come later. No problem. ‘Count me in,’ he said. She looked at him seriously. ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Yeah, I’m sure, Rita. Very sure. Count me in. Let’s start it today.’ ‘We can’t start today, I told my aunty I was off duty today. We can start tomorrow.’ He nodded vigorously. ‘Yes, tomorrow is okay. We can start tomorrow.’ ‘From tomorrow, I’ll be sleeping here in this mini-flat with you. Or do you have an alternative place?’ ‘No, here is perfect. Wow, it will be wonderful; to share my bed with a beautiful and wonderful person like you, even without sex for now.’ Then he looked at her keenly ‘What about today? Can’t I prove my love for you today by making love to you?’ She smiled again and shook her head. ‘No. No sex with you until after you’ve passed the three tests.’ He nodded avidly. ‘I hereby totally agree.’ ‘So, what can you offer me?’ He held the money he had seen in his pocket dearly. ‘Anything you want my princess. Then, what about this money? Let’s share it 50-50.’ She smiled warmly. ‘No. there’s no need for that. But you can buy anything you desire for me.’ ‘Oh, I’ll surely do that. What about food? What will you eat?’ ‘Anything you offer me.’ ‘Okay.’ He decided to go to a small eatery not far from where he lived to buy a take-away pack of fried rice, salad and chicken. She was all smiles when he served her the food. Rita had no doubt that the relationship would be a ‘fruitful one.’ On Sunday evening, Tope was prepared to host his august visitor. He had bought some foodstuffs including rice, beans, garri and plantain. For the next three days or so that Rita would be staying with him, he wanted her to be given the best he could offer. He had no doubt that a special lady like Rita deserved special treatment. Rita came to the house by seven in the evening and he was very glad to receive her. ‘My darling, it’s good to see you,’ he said. ‘It’s good to be here too,’ she replied. They sat in the sitting-room and chatted. Later, he took her to the kitchen where she prepared white rice and fried plantain. They ate together and conversed as if they had known each other for ages. She seemed to be completely at ease being with him and he cherished her presence too. Later, they retired to his bedroom. His first ‘test’ had started in earnest. She completely removed her clothes in his presence, unabashed and unmindful. It was part of the test, his mind told him. She lay on the bed Unclad and he became concerned. ‘Well, are you not going to wear something?’ he asked, trying to avoid staring at her Unclad body. ‘Something like a night-wear, or something?’ ‘No. I’ll rather sleep like this.’ His mind was unsettled. That would make the whole thing to be more difficult. Already he had been fighting an erection. He switched off the light, but the realization that the lady beside him was Unclad made the erection refuse to go away. ‘Tell me about your childhood,’ she said. He told her, but it was with effort. ‘Look, can you please, wear something?’ he pleaded. ‘Sorry, for the purpose of the test, I must not wear anything.’ In the semi-dark room, he could clearly see her outline. She was no doubt beautiful, like a goddess. She must be a goddess, he thought. To compound his situation, her breasts were very firm; very firm and enticing. He felt like grabbing them and running his mouth on the nipples. It was such a big effort for him to restrain himself. TBC You're interested in emotional stories including love stories, follow the below link to join. Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:
25 Mar 2019 | 18:51
Sorry, that was episode 5 episode 6 coming tomorrow
25 Mar 2019 | 18:54
I feel sorry for him That is real torture
25 Mar 2019 | 19:24
dat is some serious test...
26 Mar 2019 | 03:16
that is really a test,,, and to think dey will be slpin togeda like dat 4 3days,,, its more torturing
26 Mar 2019 | 04:35
Torture... At the end you loose ur life... that girl might be a devil nothing goes for free when negotiating with the devil
26 Mar 2019 | 08:01
I know this test is big for u, but my mind tells me that you will end up winning her.
26 Mar 2019 | 09:25
I wil just advise u to be very careful. Becuase enemy is smarter than you.
26 Mar 2019 | 09:27
this test is very hard to solve, I doubt if Tope will be able to pass the test
26 Mar 2019 | 10:56
EPISODE 6 In the semi-dark room, he could clearly see her outline. She was no doubt beautiful, like a goddess. She must be a goddess, he thought. To compound his situation, her breasts were very firm; very firm and enticing. He felt like grabbing them and running his mouth on the nipples. It was such a big effort for him to restrain himself. He tried to talk about some of the challenges he faced while studying in the university, hoping that would distract him from thinking about her breasts. She talked about her childhood too. As a five year old girl, she had come to realize that she had special power. She was not enticed to boys, as a teenager, unlike her peers. ‘With it surprise you to learn that I’m a virgin?’ she said. He was completely surprised. ‘You don’t mean it!’ ‘I do. I am and I love it that way.’ He could not say anything. ‘Now, I hope you know that it’s not only me you must not have sex with. For the next three days, you must not do it with anybody.’ He sighed. ‘Okay.’ ‘One more thing, there must be no masturbation; no discharge of semen.’ He felt like swooning. ‘Okay,’ he muttered. He turned his back to her. It was better he stopped seeing her enticing figure. He must pass the test. He was able to survive the first night of the test, but he would never forget the experience. It was the longest erection he ever had and by the morning, he felt some pain on his manhood. You have to endure this for two more nights, he told himself. By sheer determination, Tope was able to remain steadfast in passing the test. In the morning after the third night, he was pleased with himself. He woke up six a.m and woke her up. ‘I’ve passed the test,’ he told her. ‘Yeah, congratulations.’ She stood up and started wearing her t-shirt. ‘Can’t we do it now?’ he asked. ‘Do what?’ ‘Can’t we make love?’ She shook her head. ‘Not when you have two more tests to go.’ By sheer determination, Tope was able to remain steadfast in passing the test. In the morning after the third night, he was pleased with himself. He woke up six a.m and woke her up. ‘I’ve passed the test,’ he told her. ‘Yeah, congratulations.’ She stood up and started wearing her t-shirt. ‘Can’t we do it now?’ he asked. ‘Do what?’ ‘Can’t we make love?’ She shook her head. ‘Not when you have two more tests to go.’ ‘Hmn.’ He remembered she had said something like that. There was no need to hurry her. He would wait. ‘So, what’s the second test?’ She grinned and wore a bum short under the top. ‘Be patient,’ she said. ‘I’ll soon tell you.’ She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. ‘I’m on afternoon duty today, so I’ll be staying around till noon.’ ‘No problem,’ he replied. ‘You can keep the spare key.’ She sat on the bed and stared at him. He stared back anxiously. ‘Now, the second test.’ ‘Yes, tell me.’ She nodded. ‘You’ll buy seven white handkerchiefs. From today, you’ll sleep with seven different prostitutes. You’ll use each of the handkerchief a day to wipe your manhood after the intercourse, each handkerchief for the act. You must not sleep with a particular one twice. On the seventh day, you’ll bring the seven handkerchiefs to me.’ Tope opened his mouth. ‘Prostitutes? Did I hear you say prostitutes?’ ‘That’s right.’ ‘What did you take me for?’ he demanded. ‘I’m a decent guy, for heavens’ sake!’ ‘Well, decent or not, that’s the second test.’ He stared at her. She had said it so calmly, as if she was asking him to do a simple task like plucking seven mangoes. He thought over what she had said and shook his head. ‘Give me another test. If you want me to sleep with you for another seven days without sex, all well and good. I don’t want this second test you have given me.’ She looked at him coolly. ‘Then, let’s call the whole thing off. It’s either you do that, or you forget every other thing.’ He sighed. His mind was busy. It would be an irony that he as a journalist who had written against commercial sex business would be the one to patronize sex workers every day for the next seven days. He sighed again. This lady could give him power and wealth as she had promised. Why back out now? ‘Alright,’ he said. ‘I’ll do it.’ ‘You’re not to use any condom,’ she added. ‘And make sure your semen does not touch the handkerchief.’ He nodded again. ‘Good. That’s how to be a man.’ You're interested in emotional stories including love stories, follow the below link to join. Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:
26 Mar 2019 | 18:57
this test is serious ooo , this one even pass jamb saf
27 Mar 2019 | 04:27
Abasi mi ki pkayong!!!!!
27 Mar 2019 | 05:10
if it was me i would've just stop this test is too devilish, its demonic in it process
27 Mar 2019 | 05:12
27 Mar 2019 | 05:12
This is serious o
27 Mar 2019 | 06:26
Just imagine something
27 Mar 2019 | 08:31
Which kind text come be this one na
27 Mar 2019 | 15:56
What sort of test is this
27 Mar 2019 | 19:16
EPISODE 7 Tope sighed again. When he was going to work, he planned how he would go about doing his second ‘test.’ He knew some joints between his house and Ogba bus stop where there commercial sex workers. He would have to visit only one joint and moved to another one the following day as he must not sleep twice with a particular woman. He bought a dozen of white handkerchiefs. He would be picking them one by one and would keep the ones he had used in a separate place. By seven in the evening, he went to the closest one to his dark. When he got to the bar, the place was already brimming with customers who were coming in to enjoy the evening session. He ordered for drinks of malt. He wasn’t taking alcohol and it was a little bit odd that he was the only man not drinking strong stuff at that very time. He could see some of the sex workers hovering around. Many were in skimpy dresses and they tried to woo customers with their coquettish looks. He beckoned at a slim but busty one. She eagerly moved to his side. ‘Good evening,’ he greeted. ‘Good evening, lover boy,’ she answered. He looked her all over. She was pretty, slim, but busty. Yes, he would start with this lady. ‘How much d’you charge?’ he asked her. ‘It depend o, on what you want. Whether na short time, or till day break. Whether we go do am here or you wan carry me to your place. Whether na quick sex or you want romance. Whether na Mouth Gig or direct.’ There was no need he wasted time. ‘I want quick sex,’ he said. She told him how much it would cost. He agreed without argument. ‘Let’s go,’ she said eagerly. He finished the last of his drink and followed her through a dimly light passage to an equally dim room. There was a small bed in the room, but they would not be using it. She stretched her right hand towards him. ‘Oga, where my pay?’ He understood it was pay before service. From his side pocket, he brought out his purse and counted the amount she had asked for. ‘Good,’ she said. ‘You be correct guy.’ She unzipped his trousers and held his dick. It responded immediately. She smiled at him, unzipped her short skirt and pulled it down. She turned her back to him and spread her legs. Her bum rubbed against his prick. He held her waist from behind and inserted his organ into her waiting pussy. He was surprised he was enjoying the act. His hands moved from her waist to her bum and back to her waist as he banged her. Within five minutes, it was all over. He quickly withdrew his organ as soon as he climaxed. He asked for the toilet and went there. Then carefully, he brought the handkerchief from his back pocket and wiped his joystick. He folded the handkerchief and put it back at the rear pocket. He smiled to himself at the success of day one of his test. Andy, Calista’s brother, who just came from Canada, came to the hospital where his sister worked to see the place. But beyond knowing where Calista worked, Andy was there to see the beautiful nurse his sister had talked about. Calista and Rita worked in the same hospital and had told Rita how her brother would wish to take Rita to Canada as his wife. Andy was approaching forty and one of his reasons for visiting Nigeria was to pick a wife. His sister had told him about a junior nurse in her working place. He was told that Rita was cool, reserved and decent, and would be a good wife. When Calista first approached Rita and tried to watch- make between her brother and the junior colleague, Rita was unimpressive. ‘He is ready to take you to Canada ASAP,’ Calista had said. Rita remained unimpressive. Today, Andy himself came around to see the unwilling Rita and to see how he could woo her. He told his sister to call Rita as he would love to have a chat with her. Rita went to meet him just to fulfill righteousness. As soon as he saw her, he was convincingly desirous of getting her as his own. ‘I don’t understand your unwillingness to accept me,’ Andy told Rita. ‘I’m very serious about marrying you and taking you to Canada to be with me. I’m ready to see your people now so that we can start formalizing the plan. I really want to marry you.’ Rita sighed. ‘There’s nothing you have said which Nurse Calista has not said. Just like I told her, I’m not interested in marriage.’ Andy was confounded. ‘But how could you say you were not interested in marriage. You’re not too young to marry, are you?’ ‘No, I’m not.’ ‘So, why’re you saying you’re not interested? See, I’m really serious about what I’m telling you. Let me show you how serious I am.’ He removed his purse from his pocket, opened it and counted out two hundred dollars. ‘Take this and buy something. The moment you say yes to my proposition, I will surprise you with many good things.’ Rita was reluctant to take the money from him. ‘Taking it does not guarantee anything,’ she said. ‘Just take it,’ Andy urged. She took the money. ‘Alright, I’ll think over your proposition.’ ‘Ah, thank you. I’ll be glad if your answer is positive.’ Andy was all smiles. ‘Er, can I have your number?’ Rita gave it to him. He was glad and hopeful the dollars would do wonders and make her change her mind. Doctor Sam passed the corridor where Andy was chatting Rita up. He eyed her and moved on. Since the incident some days ago when he had experienced temporary partial paralysis, Sam had been keeping Rita at arm’s length. The worse thing was he could not tell anybody what he had experienced. He had the belief that nobody would believe him. Rita collected the money from Andy just for the sake of collecting it. She knew what her mission was and it never included going to Canada. If Andy liked, let him give her one million dollars, that would not change Rita’s mind. For the next days, Tope moved from one brothel to another, meeting one sex worker or the other. He decided he might as well make the best out of the situation he found himself. To this extent, he picked different partners – the short, the slim, the fat, the tall and so on – for his pleasure. On the seventh day, he decided to go to Ikeja. The joint was close to Isheri. Far from where he lived. As usual, he ordered for malt drinks while he observed the activities going on in the bar. The music of Fela Anikulapo titled ‘Lady’ was playing loudly. He swayed his body gently to the music. A middle-aged man with a grin approached. TBC You're interested in emotional stories including love stories, follow the below link to join. Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:
27 Mar 2019 | 19:46
28 Mar 2019 | 05:21
this is devilish,,,,, no one can give wealth, except its from God.... any wealth promised by men must Hav a "BUT"
28 Mar 2019 | 05:22
Hahahaha to get money no easy guy
28 Mar 2019 | 08:30
Obanje!! This girl is a demon.
28 Mar 2019 | 09:14
Gay; Guy run for your life
28 Mar 2019 | 09:15
hmm this one that she says she knows her mission I hope it is not a bad one
28 Mar 2019 | 11:02
hmm just hope it is not a gay
28 Mar 2019 | 11:17
keep the story going
28 Mar 2019 | 11:18
EPISODE 8 On the seventh day, he decided to go to Ikeja. The joint was close to Isheri. Far from where he lived. As usual, he ordered for malt drinks while he observed the activities going on in the bar. The music of Fela Anikulapo titled ‘Lady’ was playing loudly. He swayed his body gently to the music. A middle-aged man with a grin approached. ‘Welcome, oga,’ the man greeted. Tope nodded at him. The man pulled a chair and sat close to him. ‘In case you need a lady, let me know. I can get you any category you want.’ Tope instantly became interested. ‘Such as?’ ‘We have sweet sixteen, young ladies, matured ladies and sex mamas.’ Tope grinned. He had virtually had all the categories except sweet sixteen. He hoped she would not be under- aged. ‘Alright, get me sweet sixteen,’ he said. The man smiled and went off. A minute later, a girl came to him. She was dark, and – like many other ladies there – wore skimpy clothes. She could be between seventeen and twenty. Tope nodded. ‘Good evening,’ the girl greeted. ‘Mind if I sit?’ He smiled at her. ‘Please, have your seat,’ he told her. She sat by his side. ‘What’s your name?’ he asked. He had not been asking others that but he felt like asking this one. ‘Rita,’ she said. Another Rita, his mind said. She was probably not giving him her real name. He shrugged. ‘Do you want some drinks?’ he asked. She shook her head. ‘Business first.’ He smiled at her. He liked that business-mindedness. ‘How much d’you charge?’ She gave him different packages and options. He nodded. So, if I want to take you overnight, how much?’ She told him. He nodded. He might as well take her home. ‘I’ll take you overnight. What drinks d’you want?’ ‘Small stout,’ she said. He grinned and ordered for the drinks. ‘How old are you?’ he asked. She shook her head. ‘I’m not supposed to get personal with you,’ she answered. ‘I like your English,’ he commented. ‘Thanks.’ She looked at him seriously. ‘Before I follow you, you will have to pay me half of the money.’ He grinned. ‘That will be no problem.’ He brought out the money and handed it to her. As if by magic, the man that had first approached him came to meet the lady. She smiled and counted off some money to him. He disappeared again. Some minutes later, he stood up and she followed him. His car was an old model Honda Accord. They entered the car and he drove off. Fifteen minutes later, they were at his mini flat at Ogba. ‘Welcome to my humble place,’ he said. ‘It’s a nice little place,’ she replied. They might as well take their time, he reasoned. He switched on the television and played a DVD movie. ‘Do you want anything?’ he asked. She shook her head. ‘Come and sit by my side,’ he asked her. She did as she was told. ‘Am I allowed to be romantic with you?’ he asked. ‘Romantic in what way?’ ‘Romantic such as kissing you.’ She smiled and shrugged. ‘You’re free.’ He nodded. His used his left hand to wrap her shoulders. It was as if she was waiting for that. She snuggled up to him and put her right hand on his lap. ‘You’re pretty,’ he commented. She smiled again. ‘Thank you.’ He kissed her. It was a soft kiss, but it soon became deep. His right hand moved down from the shoulder to her chest. He placed it on her left breast and squeezed it. He removed her top and red bra. Her breasts, just as he expected, looked fresh and firm. He caressed them and used his to tongue to play with the nipples. The nipples were erect. She moaned to encourage him on. ‘Let’s go inside.’ He took her to the bedroom and switched off the light. His mouth went to her breasts again. She unzipped his trousers and fondled his private organ. It was now solidly hard. Then he remembered that he had brought her for a purpose and must not allow passion to carry him away. ‘What style d’you want?’ she asked. ‘Doggy,’ he answered. ‘Okay.’ She removed her mini skirt and pantie. Her pussy was completely wet as she was fully ready for him. She knelt on the bed on all four while he stood and placed her bum close to his dick. He tried to enter her from behind and realized that her pussy was a little bit tight. ‘Wait, let me use lubricant.’ She brought the gel out and rubbed it on her vagina. The next attempt he made to enter her was easy and smooth. He moved rhythmically while she wiggled and moaned. It must be part of the job. His hands reached for her boobs and he alternated between handling them and holding her waist. He closed his eyes as he surfed Fantasy Island. He realized that of all the sex he had been having in the last six days, this was the most enjoyable. He withdrew just before he released and spilled his semen on her bum. He then picked his trousers and went to the bathroom/ toilet. From the back pocket, he removed a white handkerchief to complete his unholy act. Seconds later, she too went to the bathroom to freshen up. He was lying on the bed in his boxer shorts when she returned. She was still Unclad and he could see that she had a great figure. She came to lie by his side. He suddenly remembered that he was asked to sleep only once with each of the lady he had picked for the day. Would doing it the second or more time not portend danger? He was not sure, but it was better he took precaution. He decided he would not take on ‘Rita’ again. He would just caress and handle her. ‘Are you tired already?’ she asked. He smiled. ‘I don’t think so.’ ‘Alright. Let’s do it again, this time slowly.’ ‘No. Let me not bother you.’ She seemed surprised. ‘Bother? I’m here so that you can bother me.’ ‘No more sex,’ he said, ‘but I’ll play with you.’ She shrugged. ‘As you like it.’ Just as he said, he did not have further intercourse with her, despite her prodding. When she saw his erection, she smiled. ‘Perhaps you prefer a hand job or a Mouth Gig,’ she suggested. ‘Hand job,’ he muttered. She removed the gel from her handbag and rubbed it on her palm. She then rubbed his dick the way she had learned to do it. He responded with delightful moans. While she worked on his dick, his hands gleefully fondled her boobs. After some minutes, he came again. Early the following morning, he paid her the full balance and even added transport fares. She was surprised at his generosity. Before she finally left, she gave him her number in case he needed her service again. After she had gone, Tope called the real Rita. ‘The second test is completed,’ he announced, almost proudly. TBC You're interested in emotional stories including love stories, follow the below link to join. Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:
28 Mar 2019 | 20:29
fool keep it up, keep dancing with the devil
29 Mar 2019 | 08:32
[i]My second test is complete[/i] yeye, i wouldn't be surprise if she ask you to kill someone
29 Mar 2019 | 08:33
it remain d 3rd test.... u don't know wat d test will be,,, but am sure its going to be a very difficult one,,, bcos devil can not give u sometin free
29 Mar 2019 | 13:40
na wow ooo
29 Mar 2019 | 16:50
Just wonderin wea u don end o
30 Mar 2019 | 02:10
What next. All about going is only rita. Just orbeserving something
30 Mar 2019 | 03:49
EPISODE 9 Early the following morning, he paid her the full balance and even added transport fares. She was surprised at his generosity. Before she finally left, she gave him her number in case he needed her service again. After she had gone, Tope called the real Rita. ‘The second test is completed,’ he announced, almost proudly. ‘Okay. I’ll be in your place by six p.m. Will you be at home then?’ He thought briefly. ‘Even if I’m not around, won’t you wait for me so that you can sleep over?’ There was a pause. ‘Okay. I’ll be there.’ When he returned home about seven p.m, she was already in his flat, waiting for him. ‘Sorry. I hope I’ve not been keeping you waiting for long.’ ‘No. How was work?’ ‘Fine. It’s exciting.’ He went on to bring the seven handkerchiefs to her. ‘Task completed,’ he announced proudly. Rita nodded and examined the handkerchief one by one. ‘Good,’ she said. ‘Do you realize you’ve got yourself a wife?’ ‘You mean you’re now ready to marry me? Wow, that’s great.’ She shook her head. ‘You brought one of the girls to your home.’ He gazed at her. She was correct, but how did she know that? ‘That’s true,’ he said. ‘That’s your wife.’ He jumped to his feet. ‘Oh, no. Rita, don’t say that. I can never marry a prostitute. No, no, no.’ She smiled. ‘After having intercourse with her, you slept with her on the same bed and in the same room. You even told her you loved her.’ ‘I never said that!’ ‘With the way you kissed her, you did. You have sealed her fate with yours.’ He looked stunned. ‘But, didn’t you and I sleep on the same bed?’ ‘My case is different,’ she said calmly. ‘I’m your godmother, and I can never marry you. She is your future wife.’ He shook his head. ‘She looks like a good girl, but she’s just a call girl, for God’s sake. Come to think of it, she said her name is Rita.’ She nodded. ‘She has been made to be your wife. Take good care of her.’ Tope’s mouth was open. ‘Wait, are you really serious with this wife stuff?’ ‘Of course, I am. Marrying her will further boost you fortune. The earlier you marry her, the better for you. One more thing, henceforth, don’t call me Rita again. Call me Iye, for I’m your godmother.’ He shook his head. ‘She looks like a good girl, but she’s just a call girl, for God’s sake. Come to think of it, she said her name is Rita.’ She nodded. ‘She has been made to be your wife. Take good care of her.’ Tope’s mouth was open. ‘Wait, are you really serious with this wife stuff?’ ‘Of course, I am. Marrying her will further boost you fortune. The earlier you marry her, the better for you. One more thing, henceforth, don’t call me Rita again. Call me Iye, for I’m your godmother.’ He was too stunned to say something. Finally he said, ‘It’s okay calling you Iye. But talking about the other Rita, she’s still young. She’s still a girl, probably nineteen or twenty. How can I marry her?’ Rita, now known as Iye, looked sternly at him. ‘A nineteen year old is a young lady. It is better you heed to my words, rather than arguing.’ He suddenly became sober. ‘Alright. Is that the third test?’ ‘No.’ ‘So what’s the third test?’ Iye regarded him briefly. ‘The third test is the simplest of them.’ She brought a red handkerchief from her hand bag. ‘Take.’ He took it from her gingerly. ‘What’s this for?’ ‘By five minutes to midnight today, you must stand on your feet Unclad. Put this handkerchief on your head and remain standing. By midnight, three ladies will come, asking you for something. Agree to whatever they ask for. That is all.’ He took the handkerchief from her and examined it closely. ‘And that is all?’ She nodded. ‘And that is all.’ She stood up. ‘I’ll be going now.’ ‘I thought you’re sleeping over tonight.’ She was emphatic. ‘Henceforth, that is not permitted again. The lady who has that honor is the other Rita.’ She picked her hand bag. ‘Call me tomorrow morning,’ she instructed him. Then, she left the house. Tope was thoughtful. Just one more hurdle to go, he thought. His mind went to the younger Rita he had brought home. What if he refused to marry her? He had been told that marrying her would boost his wealth. That meant without marrying her, he would still have some wealth. No, he did not have the mind to marry her. If the original Rita would not marry him, he would have to look for another lady. He had to remain awake, so that by five minutes to midnight, he followed the instruction given to him. He switched off the light in the room and the place was in darkness. The five minutes he waited till midnight was the longest wait of his life. It looked like he waited for hours. At midnight, everywhere turned absolutely dark. He could see or hear nothing. Then, there were glints of light and he saw the three ladies. They had red clothes tied to their bodies from the chest to the knees, otherwise, they were Unclad. ‘Tope,’ the lady at the middle called his name. ‘You’ll be rich and famous, if only you’ll do this one more thing.’ ‘What’s that?’ he found himself asking. ‘Give us your seeds,’ the same lady that had spoken said. ‘My seed? How?’ The lady at the center slowly approached him. She had a small calabash with a cover with her. As she moved closer, he closed his eyes for he was too terrified to look into her eyes TBC You're interested in emotional stories including love stories, follow the below link to join. Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:
30 Mar 2019 | 04:40
what if the second one is to take any precious thing u have
30 Mar 2019 | 13:51
His seed ...i knew this wont end well with all the crazy test
30 Mar 2019 | 13:57
what did thy mean by giving ur seed ? what if u didn't have children again
30 Mar 2019 | 19:18
Sacrificing your seed for wealth.
31 Mar 2019 | 00:11
I hope these people we not take something that is more valuable to u abi
31 Mar 2019 | 06:22
That is all satan can offer. He wil giv u what u want and take away the most precious things in ur lif let us be careful on what we requst. only
31 Mar 2019 | 07:25
Hmm I knew it that nothing goes for nothing...... now time to handover his unborn children......
31 Mar 2019 | 19:38
EPISODE 10 The lady at the center slowly approached him. She had a small calabash with a cover with her. As she moved closer, he closed his eyes for he was too terrified to look into her eyes. She was with him now. He could feel her hand on his private organ. The hand was caressing the place. Despite his state of fright, he had erection. The hand gripped the manhood and in a jiffy, he released semen. That was the last thing he remembered. When he woke up, he found himself on the bed. He remembered he had encountered the three strange ladies, and of them had taken his ‘seeds.’ And he went blank. How did he get to the bed? Then, he had been Unclad. How come he was now fully clothed in what he was wearing earlier? His phone was on the stool by the side of the bed. He checked the time and was amazed that it was five-thirty in the morning. He closed his eyes and tried to remember some things. He had completed his tests and was now awaiting the coming of the promised wealth and fortune. He hoped all these would start manifesting in no distant time. His mind went to Rita. Alright, henceforth, he would call her Iye. This lady was indeed mysterious. He would have wished to marry her, but with wealth and fame on his side, he could always get other beautiful ladies at his beck and call. He thought of the second Rita, now to be called Rita. She looked like a good girl, but what would a ‘good girl’ be doing with call girl business? Rita was pretty, but marrying her could be a problem. She was much younger to him – younger by, perhaps, up to fifteen years. What if Rita rejected his marriage proposal? Anyway, first thing first. After lying for another twenty minutes, he decided to get up from bed. He went to the bathroom and had his bath. After creaming his body, he opened his wardrobe to remove the shirt and trousers he would be wearing to office. He saw a big Ghana-must-go bag inside. He stopped short as he gazed at the bag. Surely, he had not put any such bag in his wardrobe. It looked like it was filled up. Carefully, his hands went to the zip and he moved it to open the big bag. The sight he saw threw him into a shock and he literarily staggered back. Inside the bag were bales of naira notes! How did these get there? Then, he remembered the promise of wealth and the visit of the three ladies. This was the result. He could hardly believe his eyes. He went to the bag again and brought out one of the notes. They looked and smelt new. He knew the money would run into several millions of naira. Amazing, this was amazing! In excitement, he jumped up and laughed. Wow, wow wow! He said. This was one of the things he was waiting for. This was one of the reasons he had subjected himself to the grueling tests. He had already sown and the harvest time was just beginning. For the next ten minutes, he could do nothing but stare at the bag. Iye was real, he told himself. That lady was real. Now he had seen and confirmed it. He decided that henceforth he would believe her and he would do whatever she asked him to do. So, what was the next thing, now? He decided he would have to resign from his office immediately. There was no point working –or was it slaving – for salaries when he could be his own boss and employer. But he had to call Iye first. He had to call her and thank her for her great works. Pronto, he called her number. She picked it at the first ring, as if she was expecting the call. ‘Thank you, Iye. Thank you so much. God bless you. You’re indeed wonderful. May your days be long,’ he enthused. ‘It’s alright. Congratulations.’ ‘Oh, you’re so wonderful. You’re so amazing! Now, I completely believe in you. What do you want me to buy for you? Do you want a car?’ ‘You’re free to buy whatever you deem it fit to buy for me,’ she said. ‘Oh, I will surely do that. I’ll buy something befitting for you.’ ‘There’s something you must know: do not attempt to count the whole money in the bag. You just be spending it.’ ‘Oh, that’s alright. That’s very good.’ ‘Another thing: no other eyes must see the inside of that bag.’ He nodded. ‘That’s alright. I will do just that.’ ‘Alright, see you.’ ‘Alright, Iye. Thank you very much.’ The line was cut off. ‘Yes, yes, I’m rich!’ he told himself. He would still have to dress up and go to the office. He would have to drop his letter of resignation. Before leaving, he put two bundles of the one thousand naira notes in his bag. He would need to buy some wears and upgrade his wardrobe. Henceforth, level had changed and it would reflect in his lifestyle. As he made for his car, he decided he would have to sell it off and buy a new model. Henceforth, everything must change. TBC
31 Mar 2019 | 20:22
that's just it,, u can not take wealth from d devil and enjoy it in good health
1 Apr 2019 | 04:09
[i]‘There’s something you must know: do not attempt to count the whole money in the bag. [b]AND[/b] ‘Another thing: no other eyes must see the inside of that bag.’[/i] You might be able to resist the first condition but what about the second ones, one day either your wife, children (if you will have any), relatives or friends or the girls you will from now on be bringing to your house, will surely look at it...
1 Apr 2019 | 06:20
That second condition that is where ur life is hanging
1 Apr 2019 | 06:24
Continue please
1 Apr 2019 | 06:24
You've already dig your grave
1 Apr 2019 | 07:08
Nna nawaoo who knows if u will ever have your own kids again.
1 Apr 2019 | 09:38
EPISODE 11 ‘Yes, yes, I’m rich!’ he told himself. He would still have to dress up and go to the office. He would have to drop his letter of resignation. Before leaving, he put two bundles of the one thousand naira notes in his bag. He would need to buy some wears and upgrade his wardrobe. Henceforth, level had changed and it would reflect in his lifestyle. As he made for his car, he decided he would have to sell it off and buy a better model. By few minutes to eight that morning, he was in the cubicle office he shared with four colleagues. He started writing the letter of resignation. Utomi, one of the administrative assistants came to meet him. ‘Oga wants to see you,’ Utomi said. ‘Which oga?’ ‘Chief,’ Utomi replied simply. He was referring to Chief Dele, the publisher of NewsPeak. Now, that must be important. Chief Dele would only send for you when the matter was exigent. Tope suspended the letter he was writing and went to the first floor to meet the man. From the anteroom of the publisher’s office, Tope was directed to meet Chief Alfred Dele. He was an ebullient man who had connections with the high and the mighty in the society. He was always on the move, nationally and internationally. ‘Ha, Tope Davies, good to see you,’ Dele said. He extended his hands for a handshake. Tope took it with a slight bow. ‘Sit down, please.’ Dele offered him a seat. Tope thanked his boss and sat down. ‘I must say you’re a lucky chap,’ Dele said. ‘Just a few minutes ago, I received a call from the Chief press secretary to Her Excellency, the First Lady. The C.P.S informed that the first lady had seen your documentary on child prostitution and was very impressed.’ Tope’s face lit up in excitement. ‘Oh, thank God for that,’ he said. ‘Yes. Now, the First Lady is asking that you come and join her N.G.O as Programme Officer.’ Tope could not believe his ears. ‘Really?’ ‘Yes. The Press secretary has requested that I send him your number. He will then call you. Congratulations for your efforts and congratulations that you’ll be joining them at the Presidency.’ Once again, Dele extended his hand for a handshake. Tope took it excitedly. The news was a pleasant surprise. ‘Thank you, sir,’ he said. ‘Let me write my number for you, sir.’ He was given a jotter and he wrote his numbers down. As he returned to his cubicle office, Tope decided that there was no need he rushed to be his own boss. Working for the N.G.O would be a very worthwhile experience. He would tarry with his plan to start something on his own. He had hardly entered his office and settled down when a call came in. He was given a jotter and he wrote his numbers down. As he returned to his cubicle office, Tope decided that there was no need he rushed to be his own boss. Working for the N.G.O would be a very worthwhile experience. He would tarry with his plan to start something on his own. He had hardly entered his office and settled down when a call came in. ‘Is that Mr. Tope Davies?’ the caller wanted to know. ‘Yes. Who’s on the line, please?’ ‘I’m Azzez Issa, Chief Press Secretary to Her Excellency, the first lady. Your publisher gave me your number. Her Excellency was impressed with the articles and expose you did on child prostitution and she would like you to work for her N.G.O as Program Officer. Send me your account name and number so that I’ll send some morning to you that you’ll use fir flight. You’ll be starting the job from Monday, as you’re expected by eight in the morning. When you get to the villa, tell them you have appointment with Azzez Issa, in the Office of the First Lady. In case of any difficulty, this is my number. Call me.’ Tope grinned to himself. ‘Thank you, sir. Thank you very much. I’ll send the account details promptly.’ ‘Alright.’ He whistled to himself again. Things were certainly going at fast pace. Within the last 18 hours, he had experienced a lot. He wondered if it was coincidence that the Abuja job offer was coming now, or it was part of the fortune Iye said she would give him. His doubts were cleared with the next call he received. Iye was on the line. ‘Congratulations for your Abuja job,’ she said. He was stupefied. ‘How did you know?’ he asked. ‘How will I not know?’ ‘I was about to tell you.’ Now, he was certain she brought the luck to him. ‘Thank you for everything, Iye. You’re too much.’ ‘It’s okay. I hope you won’t forget Rita.’ ‘Forget? Lailai. I’m going to marry her. I’m going to do anything you ask me to do.’ ‘Alright.’ ‘Thank you, Iye. Thank you very much.’ ‘Okay, bye.’ How would he forget about Rita? He was ready to marry her, even right now! He remembered he was expected to send his account details to the man that called from Abuja. This, he promptly did. Then, he went to meet his editor and explained the Abuja connection to him. Chucks expressed surprise and delight. He congratulated Tope and told him to ‘remember Lagos boys.’ Tope left his office and drove to Ikeja. At a popular shopping mall, he bought about a dozen of shirts, four pairs of trousers, two pairs of shoes and some boxers for himself. He had carefully selected the quality shirts he bought. After that, he drove to an eatery and bought two packs of food. Thereafter, he drove back home. He checked to see if Rita’s number he stored was on in the phone. It was. He called her. ‘Hello, Rita. How’re you?’ ‘I’m fine. Who’s on the line, please?’ ‘This is the man that took you to his Ogba home some days ago. I …’ ‘I’m sorry, I don’t do that kind of business again,’ she said. TBC
1 Apr 2019 | 21:07
Let her know that you wanted to marry her this time around
2 Apr 2019 | 05:57
maybe she was forced to it by someone, maybe to pay off debt or something
2 Apr 2019 | 07:23
what if that seed is all the children u suppose to give birth to ?I hope u we not cry one day
2 Apr 2019 | 11:19
Brotherly she has given you hand ? but she will collect your ? head and your leg
2 Apr 2019 | 11:21
So it is condition that forced her into the business
2 Apr 2019 | 11:25
I hope you keep to the rules or you would die and leave this fortune and luck
2 Apr 2019 | 11:27
yea,,, let her know u are not also calling for dat,,,
2 Apr 2019 | 12:45
tell her u are not calling for such business too
2 Apr 2019 | 14:01
You are just a stone throw from death
2 Apr 2019 | 18:53
Sorry. But. I. Don't. Do. That. Kind. Bussiness. Again
3 Apr 2019 | 08:01
U never see anything. U hav already dig ur doom
3 Apr 2019 | 08:03
3 Apr 2019 | 12:03
EPISODE 12 He checked to see if Rita’s number he stored was on in the phone. It was. He called her. ‘Hello, Rita. How’re you?’ ‘I’m fine. Who’s on the line, please?’ ‘This is the man that took you to his Ogba home some days ago. I …’ ‘I’m sorry, I don’t do that kind of business again,’ she said. He was surprised. ‘Really? That’s good. But we’ve got to meet. I want to see you.’ ‘I said I don’t do call-girl business again.’ ‘I know. I’ve heard you. But I need to see you for something else. I don’t mind coming to that joint to see you.’ ‘I don’t go to the joint again.’ ‘Can you please come to my house? Do you still remember the place? I’ll compensate you for your time.’ She appeared to mull over this. ‘Alright, I’ll come to your house this evening about four o’clock. But I’ll not be staying long.’ ‘Good. I’ll be expecting you.’ It was few minutes after four o’clock when she knocked on the door to his apartment. ‘Oh, dear Rita. You’re welcome,’ he gushed. She was decently dressed today in skirt and blouse. She even looked prettier. ‘Please, sit down,’ he urged. She sat down calmly. ‘You said you wanted to see me,’ she said. ‘Yes, but what can I offer you, first? What d’you want?’ ‘Maybe, we should go straight to the main issue, first. I don’t really have much time.’ ‘Alright.’ He came to sit opposite her and stared into her eyes. Then, he went on his knees. ‘Rita, will you marry me?’ She opened her mouth. ‘What! What kind of drama is this?’ ‘It’s not a drama,’ he replied quickly. ‘I really mean it, Rita. I want to marry you.’ She shook her head. ‘But you hardly know me. Just one night – which was a night of mistake, for only God knew what came over me that day!’ ‘It doesn’t matter. I like you. Not just like, I love you. I’m serious Rita. Let me prove my love to you.’ ‘I don’t understand you. You knew me as a hooker. How could you claim to be in love with me?’ ‘I don’t see you as a hooker, my dear. I see you as a victim of circumstance. More than that, I see you as worthy of companionship. Life companionship.’ ‘Please, stand up. You’re embarrassing me.’ ‘Does that mean you’ve accepted me?’ ‘Not yet, but please stop being on your knees.’ He stood up reluctantly. ‘I’m twenty-one and still an undergraduate,’ she explained. He smiled. ‘It will not stop your schooling. As a matter of fact, I will continue to sponsor your education.’ She stopped to stare at him. ‘Wait a minute, are you serious with all you’ve been saying?’ He smiled. ‘Of course, I’m serious. I’m thirty-five, am I not old enough to marry?’ ‘And you really want to marry me?’ ‘Yes, my dear. Nothing will please me more than that.’ She sighed. ‘And it won’t stop my schooling.’ ‘No. as I matter of fact, I hereby promise to sponsor the rest of your education.’ She smiled. ‘Okay.’ She stopped to stare at him. ‘Wait a minute, are you serious with all you’ve been saying?’ He smiled. ‘Of course, I’m serious. I’m thirty-five, am I not old enough to marry?’ ‘And you really want to marry me?’ ‘Yes, my dear. Nothing will please me more than that.’ She sighed. ‘And it won’t stop my schooling.’ ‘No. as I matter of fact, I hereby promise to sponsor the rest of your education.’ She smiled. ‘Okay.’ ‘Are you saying yes, you’ll marry me?’ ‘Yes, I will.’ ‘Oh, my Rita. Come on, stand up and give me a hug.’ She stood up and they hugged. ‘Listen, you’re not going to regret this. I, Tope Davies, hereby promise you that I will give you the best spousal love a man can ever give to a woman.’ ‘Are you sure?’ ‘I am triple sure, Rita. You’ll see.’ That was how Tope won the heart of Rita. He got her address and promised to check her at her brother’s place, latest the following day. ‘I’ll be giving you a call,’ Rita darling,’ he promised. Before she left, he gave her twenty thousand naira. ‘Use this to buy something for yourself,’ he said. She hugged him passionately in appreciation. By the evening of the following day, he went to visit her in her brother’s house at Ojota. He was well received, as Rita had told her brother about him. She saw him to his car when he wanted to leave. He had decided to still be using the car for now, just for now. ‘So, you’ll be going to Abuja by Sunday evening,’ she said. ‘Yes. We’ll plan how we’ll be seeing thereafter.’ ‘By two weeks’ time, my holiday will be over and I’ll be going back to Kogi State University, Lokoja.’ ‘Good thing, Lokoja is not far from Abuja,’ he said. ‘I’ll be expecting you in my residence at Ogba on Saturday,’ he reminded her. ‘Sure, no problem.’ When he left the place, he went home to take many bundles of the money. He had decided he would buy a car – no, not for himself but for Iye. Iye deserved even more than this. He took a commercial bike to a car dealer at Ikeja. After inspecting arrays of cars, he finally decided to buy a Lexus jeep for her. The name on the receipts and other papers bore Iye’s maiden name. He was sure she would like it. Before he drove the car out of the place, he called Iye. ‘I’ve got a present for you,’ he said. She laughed shortly over the line. ‘What could that be?’ ‘I’ve got a car for you. A Lexus jeep. Should I drive it straight to your house or your office? Can you drive?’ She laughed shortly again. ‘Wait for me in your house. As soon as I close, I’ll be coming to your place.’ ‘Alright, see you.’ TBC
3 Apr 2019 | 20:22
Getting more interesting
4 Apr 2019 | 03:58
following keenly
4 Apr 2019 | 08:58
*Me am scared for you oo* it is always sweet at the beginning but the end is way worse
4 Apr 2019 | 09:38
Hmm just hope all this ends well....
4 Apr 2019 | 12:18
Hmm nice gift you bought for Iye but ask her what would be her gain after because one day she would need something in return.....
4 Apr 2019 | 12:19
Keep the story going.....
4 Apr 2019 | 12:20
From call girl to fiancee
4 Apr 2019 | 17:20
EPISODE 13 Before he drove the car out of the place, he called Iye. ‘I’ve got a present for you,’ he said. She laughed shortly over the line. ‘What could that be?’ ‘I’ve got a car for you. A Lexus jeep. Should I drive it straight to your house or your office? Can you drive?’ She laughed shortly again. ‘Wait for me in your house. As soon as I close, I’ll be coming to your place.’ ‘Alright, see you.’ True to her words, she was in his residence by five-thirty p.m. Hardly had she settled down when he handed the keys over to her. ‘For my most adorable Iye. You deserve much more than this, but please have this for now.’ She gave him a hug. ‘I really appreciate what you have done, but you know what? I want you to be riding it on my behalf for now.’ He looked completely taken aback. ‘You mean you don’t like it? I can get you another brand or model, if you don’t like this.’ She smiled. ‘No, my dear Tope. I didn’t say I don’t like it. It’s just that I want you to be using it on my behalf for now.’ He still looked confused. ‘You know what? What will really please me for now are wears. Buy clothes, dresses and even undies. I will appreciate them for now.’ He relaxed a bit. ‘Good. Let’s go to Ikeja right away to buy them.’ She consented and they left the house. He urged her to pick as many items as possible, but she was moderate in what she picked. The following day was a Saturday, and Rita came around as she had promised. ‘My baby,’ Tope welcomed her, kissing her passionately. ‘How’s the weekend?’ Rita asked. ‘Dull, but now that you’re around, it’s going to be a bright, lovely day.’ He carried her to the bed-room. ‘You couldn’t even wait for some minutes,’ she pointed out. ‘I’ve been waiting for you all this while,’ he replied. He kissed her again and she responded appropriately. From her lips, his mouth moved slowly down to her boobs. The white push-up bra was removed to reveal jaunty pair of breasts. Tope fondled, caressed and kissed them. She was a responsive lover. While he was doing all these, her hands moved to his boxer to bring out the attentive prick and to rub the tip of the phallic organ. There was no need for any lubricant, as her pussy was wet enough to receive the august visitor. By the time he entered her, the two of them were more than ready. Even as he did the rhythmic movement, his mouth alternated between kissing her mouth and the nipples. By the time he was spent, he felt completely satisfied. There was no need for any lubricant, as her pussy was wet enough to receive the august visitor. By the time he entered her, the two of them were more than ready. Even as he did the rhythmic movement, his mouth alternated between kissing her mouth and the nipples. By the time he was spent, he felt completely satisfied. Rita was with him till the following Sunday morning. By four o’clock in the afternoon, Tope packed some clothes that could last him for a week inside his newly purchased traveling bag. Of course, all the clothes he would be traveling with were all brand new. He soon left for the airport to take the 5.00 p.m. flight. On arrival in the capital city, he took a cab to the city and lodged in a modest hotel. By seven in the morning, he was at the expansive Aso rock villa. He went through several security checks which occurred in different phases. Finally, he was at the office of the First Lady and was taken to Azzez’s office. He was told to sit and that somebody would soon attend to him. In all his years as a journalist, he had never been to Abuja, not to talk of the Presidency. He had always operated within Lagos and Western Nigerian axis. Coming to the seat of power was therefore a thrilling experience. A woman soon came to meet him. ‘Please, follow me, Mr. Tope Davies,’ the middle aged woman said. He stood up in his new shoes, tie and suit and followed the woman. He was led to an office where another secretary sat behind a desk. ‘This is Mr. Davies,’ the woman he had followed introduced. He nodded at the other woman. ‘Please, sit down.’ Once again, he found himself sitting and waiting. After about ten minutes, the secretary received a call from the intercom and asked him to go inside the inner office. This, he did promptly. The office he entered was a very big one, like that belonging to Chief Executive Officer, CEO. A woman was sitting behind the desk, a busty woman that should be in her forties. She was smartly dressed in skirt suit and she looked every inch like a serious and no-nonsense woman. ‘Good morning, madam,’ he greeted. ‘Good morning, Mr. Tope Davies. Have your seat, please.’ ‘Thank you, madam.’ He sat down gingerly and looked about the office. It was very large and comfortable. There were two official pictures hanging on the wall – the picture of the President, His Excellency, Abdul Hassan, and the picture of the First Lady, Hajia Bisi Hassan. ‘I’m Ms. Zaynab Terver,’ the woman said. ‘I’m the Program Coordinator and you’ll be working directly with me as the Program Officer. There are other staffers I will soon introduce you to. Can I see your c.v?’ ‘Yes, ma’am.’ He opened his folder and brought out his c.v along with photocopies of his credentials. She took them from him and went through the documents thoroughly. Finally, she looked up from the documents. ‘You’re lucky that the First lady got to know you through your expose on child prostitution which is an area she is concerned with. We have tons of applicants for this job, but you’re the choice. Congratulations.’ ‘Thank you very much.’ TBC
4 Apr 2019 | 18:45
I also congratulate you
5 Apr 2019 | 04:30
Nice next pls
5 Apr 2019 | 05:10
ok oooo, still observing
5 Apr 2019 | 05:55
Hmm congrats on your new job.....
5 Apr 2019 | 06:37
Hmm she does not want the ride just clothes ? ? ?.... Just hope this would heard towards a good direction.....
5 Apr 2019 | 06:41
Just observing, Is this really the handwork of Iye, i mean the Job offer, i mean it came forth as a result of your post on social media.
5 Apr 2019 | 07:43
continue please,.,
5 Apr 2019 | 07:44
hmmmmmm,,,, hope u did not give Rita Ur key to d apartment? remember no other eyes dan urs should see d money inside Ur wardrobe oooo!!!
5 Apr 2019 | 11:48
Congrats Mr Tope
5 Apr 2019 | 15:45
EPISODE 14 She took them from him and went through the documents thoroughly. Finally, she looked up from the documents. ‘You’re lucky that the First lady got to know you through your expose on child prostitution which is an area she is concerned with. We have tons of applicants for this job, but you’re the choice. Congratulations.’ ‘Thank you very much.’ ‘You’ll be knowing madam herself pretty soon. Let me tell you to give this job your best. If you do, you’ll be adequately rewarded. If you don’t, you’ll be booted out.’ ‘I understand,’ he said. ‘Good.’ She brought out some files and explained some things to him, explaining the programmes lined up for the remaining quarter of the year. She also talked about the scheduled itinerary of the First Lady and how he could be asked to travel within a short notice. She gave him a file to understudy and asked the secretary to take him to his office which he would be sharing with another staff of the NGO. During lunch break, Ms. Terver sent for him. ‘As for your accommodation, there’s a two- bedroom flat at the Zone A Housing Estate. I will show you the place after closing.’ ‘Thank you, madam,’ he curtsied. They continued the work until four o’clock when they closed. Tope went with her in her Prado jeep to the estate. The place was neat and decent and was meant for middle-cadre government officers. She took him to Block A flat Four and handed the keys to him. ‘Luckily, I occupy flat five,’ she said. He thought he saw her give a sly smile, but he wasn’t sure. He entered the flat to inspect. It was a nice apartment that already had furniture and other household items. He liked the place. He had to go to the hotel to check out and retrieved his luggage. At the gate of the estate, he got a metro cab to the hotel. About fifty minutes later, he was back to the house. He inspected the apartment again. He would have to get electronics such as television set, radio, video and cable decoder. The kitchen was okay, but the gas cylinder needed to be re-filled. He called Iye to inform her that so far, so good. He also called Rita to tell her the same. On Tuesday morning, he had to find his way to the office. He decided that that weekend, upon his return to Lagos, he would sell his old car and probably bring the Lexus jeep to Abuja, since Iye asked him to be using it for now. He had a feeling he would be enjoying his new job. When they closed, Ms. Terver came to his office. ‘Can you drive?’ she asked. ‘Yes, I can.’ ‘Good. I’m kind of tired. You’ll drive this afternoon.’ She handed the keys of her car to him. He nodded. ‘No qualms.’ He was behind the wheel while she sat in the passenger seat. ‘So, when are you planning to marry?’ she asked. ‘Very soon,’ he replied. ‘I’ve got a lady I’m planning to marry already.’ ‘Hmn, that’s good. I hope you’ll treat her right.’ ‘I will,’ he asserted. ‘I quit the marriage because he became so unfaithful.’ There was acrimony in her voice. ‘To make matters worse, he treated my two daughters as if they were outcasts.’ Tope mused briefly. ‘Sorry about that.’ She nodded. ‘I hope you won’t be like him.’ He shook his head. ‘No, I won’t.’ When they got to the estate, she thanked him for the ride as if he was the owner of the car. ‘You’re welcome,’ he replied, handing the car keys to her. ‘You can come around in the evening,’ she offered. ‘You can come and have dinner with us.’ He smiled. ‘I’ll do just that.’ He went inside to change to casuals and went to the city. He made a purchase of a flat screen, a digital television decoder, a rechargeable radio and a sound system. He rented another cab to take all the items home. About eight p.m., he was at the doorpost of Ms. Terver’s apartment. Her younger daughter who was about twelve opened the door for him. ‘I’m Tope Davies and I live next door,’ he introduced himself. ‘Yes, mummy talked about you. Please, come in.’ He entered the tastefully furnished sitting-room. Zaynab was obviously a lover of the art as some oil paintings adorned the wall. She soon came to see him. He stood up to greet her, like a gentle man. ‘Oh, please sit down and feel at home,’ she urged. Some minutes later, they – Zaynab, her two daughters and Tope – all went to the dining-table to eat the sumptuous meal of ‘tuwo shinkafa’. It was the first time he would be taking such a meal, but he enjoyed it. Thereafter, they went back to the sofa and she popped wine. Tope used this time to study his hostess. Zaynab shouldn’t be more than forty-two or –three. She was quite robust and appeared to be more of that at the chest region. She was pretty and she carried herself elegantly and smartly. Her two daughters retired to their room while she chatted with him. ‘Have you been to the North before now?’ she asked. ‘No. Even during my NYSC, I served in Edo State.’ ‘So, how’re you finding Abuja?’ ‘Very interesting, so far.’ She nodded. ‘Apart from the fact that things are quite expensive, this is a good place to live. Besides, there is peace here.’ He nodded as he could not agree more with her. ‘You’ll enjoy the job,’ she said. ‘The First Lady is a kind and generous person. You’ll surely enjoy working for her.’ She smiled briefly at him. ‘Besides, you’ll have the opportunity to travel a lot. Within and outside the country, there’re opportunities to travel.’ He nodded again. ‘Aren’t you lonely being alone in your apartment?’ she asked. ‘Well, I guess I’ll have to make friends fast. Loneliness is not the best.’ ‘And you must be careful about the kind of friends you keep. Remember that your job is a sensitive one.’ ‘That’s true,’ he concurred. He was with her until few minutes to ten when he stood up. ‘I guess I’ll be going now. I must really thank you for your hospitality.’ She smiled up at him again. ‘You’re welcome, Tope.’ ‘Good night, madam.’ ‘Good night.’ He gave her a slight bow and stepped out of the sitting- room. Back in his apartment, he stripped himself to singlet and boxer. He flicked the television to an international news channel and sat down to watch. Many minutes later, his doorbell sounded. Now, who could that be? He wondered. He went to the door to open it and was surprised to find Ms. Terver there. TBC Follow this link to join my WhatsApp group:
5 Apr 2019 | 20:15
Weird! can she sleep if am not mistaken it past 10pm
6 Apr 2019 | 05:54
You're looking for something else
6 Apr 2019 | 07:37
Hmmmmmm I suspect her o
6 Apr 2019 | 18:01
hmmmmmm,,,, aunty Zaynab,,,, wat are u looking for,at dis time of d nyt?
6 Apr 2019 | 19:08
what's she looking for again na,
7 Apr 2019 | 07:54
EPISODE 15 He gave her a slight bow and stepped out of the sitting- room. Back in his apartment, he stripped himself to singlet and boxer. He flicked the television to an international news channel and sat down to watch. Many minutes later, his doorbell sounded. Now, who could that be? He wondered. He went to the door to open it and was surprised to find Ms. Terver there. ‘Ms. Terver?’ he was apparently surprised. She stood there in her purple, satin night wear. ‘I thought maybe you need company,’ she said, smiling. He smiled back. ‘Sure, I do. Please come in.’ She came inside slowly in measured steps. She sat on the blue sofa while he sat opposite her. ‘What can I offer you?’ he asked, out of nothing to say. She smiled, but said nothing. She was obviously goading him to make the move, but he was hesitant. What if she was just teasing him? What if she reacted in a hostile way? ‘It’s not easy for a woman to live without a man,’ she said. He agreed. ‘It’s not easy for a man too to live without a woman.’ She had given him the lead. He went to her sofa and sat close to her. Tentatively, he raised his right hand and encircled her shoulders. She closed her eyes. He drew closer and put his lips on hers. She was expecting that. Her response showed that she wanted the gesture. As a matter of fact, that was an understatement. She actually craved for the gesture. They kissed ravenously. His hands went to the satin top and lifted it. The braless boobs were big with puffy nipples. He cuddled them and she moaned softly. Then, he stopped and stood up. Taking her by the hands, he took her to his bedroom. They resumed the kissing and caressing. He completely removed her top and filled his mouth with the nipple of her boob. He set the hard organ in his boxer free. He pulled her short down and spread her legs. The pussy was eagerly awaiting him and there was that deep penetration and slow, regular thrust. After minutes of the intimacy, he came and spilled on her belly. They remained in embrace as if another pre-intimacy would soon start. But she was actually satisfied. She just wanted to hold him and feel him. He would not let her go, yet. He soon started the kissing and she was surprised at the fast hard on. This time around, he lay on his back while she sat bestride him. The journey was longer than the first and she was active as before. Many minutes later, she lay by his side, while his left hand cuddled her back. ‘As at this morning, I wouldn’t have believed this would happen,’ he said. ‘I wouldn’t believe it too,’ she said dreamily. ‘Really?’ ‘Of course. Your coming for dinner ignited the desire.’ He rubbed her back more. ‘How will you rate me?’ he asked, grinning. ‘Perfect.’ After another couple of minutes, she got up from the bed. ‘I’ll be going now,’ she announced. ‘How will you rate me?’ he asked, grinning. ‘Perfect.’ After another couple of minutes, she got up from the bed. ‘I’ll be going now,’ she announced. ‘Thanks for coming,’ he said. ‘You’ve proved to be a most welcome friend.’ Nakedly, she went to the bathroom to freshen up. Then, she wore her satin nightie back and moved to the door. ‘Good night, eh. Sorry, what do I call you in an intimate moment like this?’ he asked. ‘Call me Zay.’ He grinned and nodded. ‘It’s a beautiful name. Goodnight, darling Zay.’ ‘Good night.’ She was gone. Wow! So, behind the official mien of toughness, Zaynab could be passionate like this? Tope surely had a good time with her and looked forward to another time. Everything went normal the following day. In the office, Zay was as official as possible and there was no inkling to any one that she and Tope had started having an affair. At home, Zay did not invite him for dinner again but on Thursday evening, about the time she had come to his apartment the other day, she was back. ‘My darling Zay,’ he said as a way of greeting her. He held her hand and led her to the sofa. ‘I just came to chat,’ she said. He nodded as if he knew. ‘That will be no problem.’ But he still wrapped his arm around her and held her in a loving way. She rested her head on his head and they were like that for almost an hour. ‘Tell me about the lady you want to marry,’ she said. He told her about Rita, but not the sordid details. ‘She’s an undergraduate at the University and she’s still young, but we’ll soon get married,’ he told her. ‘You prefer them young?’ she asked. ‘Not exactly. She’s a good girl and she just happens to be young.’ She stroked his chest with her left hand. ‘Aren’t you going to re-marry?’ he asked. ‘No. I like my freedom.’ Few minutes to midnight, she went back to her apartment. On Friday evening, after closing from work, Tope took a flight to Lagos where he would be spending his weekend. As usual, Rita was with him from Saturday morning till early Sunday morning. He went to meet her brother again about his exigent plans to marry her. They fixed days for the introduction and the traditional engagement. Later, much later, the white wedding proper would hold. Four months after coming into contact with her, Rita became his wife. He had paid all he was required to pay traditionally on her, so could claim she was now fully his. ‘Treat her the way you will treat me as your wife,’ Iye said. ‘Yes, I will.’ Rita had to be shuffling between her school in Lokoja and Abuja. Every weekend, she would be in his Abuja residence to be with him. Tope did not have many reasons to be coming to Lagos every weekend again, but he still had one or two reasons to come once in a while. One, his residence looked more or less like an ancestry place. Two, he had got a plot of land towards Igbogbo, Ikorodu and he was building a duplex there. He was still cheating his wife during week days when Zay would come around for sexual romps. But at weekend, he was the best lover to Rita, his wife. At work, he was a diligent man. His employer was impressed with him and had commended his good work. Six months into his work, Zay called him to her office one morning. ‘The Minister of Internal Affairs, Hajia Meiro Abdulahi is a good friend of the First Lady. The Minister was sourcing for A Senior Special Assistant on Gender Issues, and the First Lady had recommended you. You’ll soon be joining the Minister as her Special Assistant. Congratulations.’ He was glad at the news. It was a step up the ladder and he so much welcomed it. TBC
7 Apr 2019 | 18:34
Good one
8 Apr 2019 | 05:39
Did she just say 'her'? That means Tope have gotten another bed to warm. Congrats on your double promotion (Special Assistant on Gender issues and Special Assistant on bedroom services) hahahahahahaha
8 Apr 2019 | 12:27
You've gotten an extra ticket to cheat
8 Apr 2019 | 12:41
@itzprince Jesu Bro U make me dey laught like madman, wow lol
8 Apr 2019 | 15:34
This guy is something else shey Iye said you should treat her (Rita) well, and you no even let Iye knw about ur extra marital affairs, let this path nt be ur downfall oo
8 Apr 2019 | 15:35
good for you thn
8 Apr 2019 | 16:27
EPISODE 16 He was glad at the news. It was a step up the ladder and he so much welcomed it. ‘It will also mean you’ll relocate from your present official residence to a bigger one. We’re going to miss you, Tope.’ They did a mini send-forth for him, with the First Lady herself gracing the occasion. They all extolled his quality. Gifts were given to him and he was wished the best in his future endeavors. He called Iye to let her know the new development. ‘I must really thank you, my dear Iye. I’ve been moving up the ladder, from one prosperity to the other.’ ‘I told you,’ she said. What bothered him about her was that she rarely accepted very valuable things from him. He had given her different cars, and she would ask him to be using them on her behalf. The only things she readily accepted from him were clothes. Just clothes! How he wished he could do much more than that for Iye. Later that evening, Zay was in his apartment. ‘I’ve come for another send-forth,’ she said. ‘But really, I wish we’ll still be seeing each other.’ ‘We can, if we want to. We can make the arrangement.’ She smiled at him. ‘Well, before any arrangement, come and show me how to make love to a woman.’ ‘With all pleasure.’ He first undressed her before he undressed himself. Then, he pounded her and she screamed his name. There were sweats all over their bodies by the time it was over. ‘I’m sure now, that this relationship cannot just end like this. We’ve got to be seeing each.’ ‘We’ll be making arrangement,’ he reassured her. She also told Rita too about the Special Assistant job, and she was very glad about it. The following day, he went to the office of the Honorable Minister to resume his new work. ‘I’ve heard a lot about your sterling performances,’ she said. ‘I want you to live up to the expectation working for me. I trust in your diligence.’ ‘Thank you, madam,’ he replied. ‘I promise to do my best and not to disappoint, ma’am.’ He had a bigger office now, a bigger role and a much bigger pay. He also had some staff working directly under him. That weekend, when Rita came around, she came to know their new residence, a posh five-bedroom bungalow in a posh part of the city. ‘Oh, my darling,’ she told him, hugging him the umpteenth time. Rita too had good news for him. ‘I’m pregnant,’ she announced, touching her tummy which was yet to show sign that she was pregnant. ‘Nine weeks.’ He lifted her in euphoria. ‘Gently, gently,’ she said. ‘We must not hurt the baby.’ ‘Of course, nothing must happen to the baby. It’s just that I’m happy.’ A domestic servant had been seconded to work in his residence, in addition to the security details, plus a driver and a gardener. All these would make Rita’s task to be easy. He had two official cars and a retinue of staff at the office. He was on the move. There was a guest house belonging to the Ministry. That was where he and Zay usually met on Wednesdays. Sometimes, they would be holed up there from early evening till late night. ‘I’ve become addicted to you,’ Zay said as she snuggled up to him on the large bed. ‘Is that so?’ he asked. ‘Yes, it is so,’ she answered simply. He rubbed her back. ‘My fatty baby.’ ‘My handsome bobo,’ she answered. His hand went to her bum and he rubbed the place. It tickled her. ‘I’ll be travelling next week,’ she said. ‘The first lady will be traveling to South Africa and I’ll likely be on her entourage.’ ‘I may likely travel in two weeks’ time too,’ he said. ‘It’s like we are in season of travels.’ As her pregnancy progressed, Tope asked Rita to defer her university education so that she could truly prepare for motherhood. ‘Besides, I think this your trips of Lokoja to Abuja and back must be curtailed for now. I don’t want anything to stress you or the baby.’ Rita had to do as he said. She was about to enter her final year, but as it was, things had to be on the hold for now. When it was time for her to deliver, she delivered a bouncing baby girl they named Oyin. It did not matter the sex, he thought. The important thing was he had another baby. Meanwhile the mother of his baby in Lagos had been making subtle move to come back to his life. ‘You abandoned me and your daughter in Lagos,’ Sade said accusingly. ‘That’s not true, and you know it,’ he countered. ‘I’ve tripled the amount I used to send for her upkeep.’ ‘Is everything about money?’ she replied. ‘You didn’t even come around here to see her one on one.’ Truly, he had regularly been sending money, enough money; but he had become so busy that he didn’t have time to visit the girl again. Even for those weekends that he was in Lagos, his schedules were so tight. ‘Alright, next time I come to Lagos, I’ll try to see her.’ ‘It’s not about trying, you need to see her.’ ‘Alright.’ He was in Lagos on Saturday morning. After inspecting his building site which was now at its completion stage, he drove to Sade’s house. She shared a two-bedroom apartment with Edith, another single lady. Tope would have preferred that Annabel, his five-year old daughter, be staying with him but Sade insisted otherwise. ‘Daddy!’ the girl ran to him as soon as he stepped inside the flat. ‘Eh, my baby girl!’ He lifted the girl and placed her on his lap. ‘Finally, you have come,’ Sade said. ‘I told you I would.’ ‘How’s Abuja? I can see you’re looking really good. See your cheeks.’ He smiled. ‘Abuja is fine.’ ‘Oh, I can see that. It’s very obvious.’ Later, she asked him what she could offer him but he declined. When he was leaving, he generously gave her money for the upkeep of Annabel. ‘Thanks for your generosity. At least, we’re spending Abuja money now.’ He smiled and nodded. Annabel cried when he was leaving, but he had to go. He went to his old house to take some money. According to Iye, even if he had no need to spend money, he must continually spend from the money. He left the house and went back to the hotel he was lodging at Ikeja. His phone rang. It was from Sade. ‘Hello, Tope dear,’ she said. ‘I was wondering if I could come and say hello to you in your hotel’ He grinned to himself. ‘Well, that will be alright.’ TBC
8 Apr 2019 | 19:22
Hmmmm,, Tope is playing wit fire oooo wit dis Ur sex adventure
9 Apr 2019 | 02:28
but wait ooo,,,, u didn't tell us abt Tope having a baby mama b4 oooo,,,, but did Sade know dat tope is now married?
9 Apr 2019 | 02:33
Alright, continue
9 Apr 2019 | 03:10
Another child again? I did not know about it or maybe I skip the part that talk about your other child, no worries Zay will still give birth to another female child and maybe other ladies, then ur life will become miserable
9 Apr 2019 | 04:41
Keep chuking every puna u see
9 Apr 2019 | 09:14
Does Sade know that you have a new wife?
9 Apr 2019 | 11:23
I don't understand this episode, next
9 Apr 2019 | 17:37
EPISODE 17 He smiled and nodded. Annabel cried when he was leaving, but he had to go. He went to his old house to take some money. According to Iye, even if he had no need to spend money, he must continually spend from the money. He left the house and went back to the hotel he was lodging at Ikeja. His phone rang. It was from Sade. ‘Hello, Tope dear,’ she said. ‘I was wondering if I could come and say hello to you in your hotel’ He grinned to himself. ‘Well, that will be alright.’ ‘What if I come by seven this evening?’ she asked. He sighed and nodded. ‘That will be cool.’ Few minutes after seven p.m., Sade knocked at the door of his hotel room. A minute ago, the receptionist had called to inform that a Miss Sade was wishing to see him and he had asked that the lady be directed to his room. Now, she was here. ‘Good evening,’ she greeted. ‘Good evening.’ He had already set a bottle of wine and two glasses on the center table. She was happy that he had made it look like a grand welcome. ‘How’s Annabel?’ he asked. ‘She’s fine. I’ve taken her to my aunt.’ He poured wine to fill the glasses. Then he handed her one. His eyes went to study her. Sade was dressed in a fitting ‘ankara’ skirt and blouse. Her hair was well-made and packed. He had no doubt that she was out to make an impression on him. ‘You must be enjoying Abuja well,’ she pointed out. See as you dey shine.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yeah.’ He shrugged. ‘Thanks. The truth is you’re looking gorgeous too.’ She smiled at him. ‘Thanks.’ They sipped their drinks in silence. ‘Maybe we should be together again,’ she suggested. He grinned. ‘My dear Sade, you know that will not be possible.’ She looked at him as if puzzled. ‘Why? Why is it not possible again?’ ‘For God’s sake, I’m married to another lady.’ ‘That shouldn’t stop us.’ He looked at her sharply. ‘What are you saying?’ She smiled. ‘What I’m saying is it’s not late for us to be lovers again.’ He shook his head but said nothing. ‘I loved you before she did,’ she added. He grinned again. ‘And I know inside me that you still want me.’ He raised his brow. ‘How could you tell?’ ‘It’s obvious, isn’t it?’ ‘I don’t think so.’ ‘You don’t want a lady and you invited her to your hotel room? Come on.’ ‘Maybe, it’s just to chat.’ He sighed and added. ‘Getting intimate with you will lead us nowhere.’ ‘Maybe it will.’ ‘It won’t. I’m married, Sade.’ ‘I know. I’m not stopping your marriage.’ He had thought Sade was the perfect lady for him years ago. It was love at first sight and he had tried within his limited means to satisfy her, but financially, she was insatiable. ‘I’ve learnt my mistake and I’m ready to make amends,’ she was saying. TBC
9 Apr 2019 | 19:21
Just after money....
9 Apr 2019 | 20:19
you would get tired of using this money ? ? ? one day......
9 Apr 2019 | 20:25
9 Apr 2019 | 20:26
10 Apr 2019 | 05:32
Sade is still after the money... maybe Tope wont be able to bear male child again
10 Apr 2019 | 07:57
so bcos u are now rich, Sade is willing to forever be Ur lover,,,, hmmmm, women wit dia love for money!!!!
10 Apr 2019 | 14:28
EPISODE 18 She smiled. ‘What I’m saying is it’s not late for us to be lovers again.’ He shook his head but said nothing. ‘I loved you before she did,’ she added. He grinned again. ‘And I know inside me that you still want me.’ He raised his brow. ‘How could you tell?’ ‘It’s obvious, isn’t it?’ ‘I don’t think so.’ ‘You don’t want a lady and you invited her to your hotel room? Come on.’ ‘Maybe, it’s just to chat.’ He sighed and added. ‘Getting intimate with you will lead us nowhere.’ ‘Maybe it will.’ ‘It won’t. I’m married, Sade.’ ‘I know. I’m not stopping your marriage.’ He had thought Sade was the perfect lady for him years ago. It was love at first sight and he had tried within his limited means to satisfy her, but financially, she was insatiable. ‘I’ve learnt my mistake and I’m ready to make amends,’ she was saying. He shook his head. ‘I don’t think you really want this. The best you can get is to become a side chick.’ She smiled. ‘So what? As far as I know, there’s no law of the land that criminalizes being a side chick.’ He chuckled. ‘Okay.’ ‘And what does that mean?’ ‘It means all right.’ He laughed. ‘Maybe I should have been more understanding,’ she said. He shrugged. ‘It’s alright. We all make mistakes.’ He tried a grin to reassure her. ‘Let me order fried chicken or turkey,’ he said. ‘You can do that later. I’m not in a hurry to leave.’ He nodded. He thought of Rita, then of Zaynab. Getting intimate with Sade would bring the number to three. For a purported married man, was that not too much? Inwardly, he shrugged. Rita was getting most of his affection. The fact was he was really spoiling her with so many good things. Maybe, there was no harm in this. But he would not deceive himself. He knew that Sade’s come-back bid was because of his rising profile. Success had many friends. ‘You used to be such a good lover,’ she said. ‘Thanks for the compliments.’ ‘It’s not a compliment. It’s what you were.’ He nodded. ‘Maybe I stopped because you did not appreciate it.’ ‘Maybe,’ she agreed. ‘But as I said, I’ve learnt my lesson.’ He looked into her eyes and decided that he would play the game with her. ‘Don’t worry, Sade. I’ll try to bring the old flame back.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Yeah.’ He patted his right lap. ‘Come and sit here.’ She hesitated only briefly. He held her by the waist and briefly kissed her bust. ‘I’ve not seen those tantalizing things for a long time,’ he said. ‘Hmn, hmn.’ His left hand went to the zip of her blouse at her back and he gently moved it down. He moved the blouse over her head. A black bra with lacy edges encased her boobs. He rubbed the back of her neck and her back. When the hand got to the hook of the bra, it stayed there, but he could not unhook it with one hand, and she had to intervene. ‘Woh!’ he said when he saw the Unclad breasts. Like a baby who desired breast milk from the mother to quench hunger, his mouth went on to nibble at the nipples. ‘I know you always liked to do that,’ she mumbled. Slowly, he caressed them. Her hands too moved up and down his back to show that it was a mutual feeling. His left hand must be an explorer. It soon moved to the skirt, searched for the zip at the back and pulled it down. Sade had to stand up for the task to be complete. In order not to waste time, she went on to remove her pantie. He pulled her to his laps again. While his mouth busied itself with her boobs, the right hand went to her private part. The fingers became busy as they rustled the pubic hair and excited the clitoris. The place was already wet, but even became wetter with these luscious movements of the ‘exploring’ fingers. He took her to the bed and got himself unclad. She held his fully erect joystick and briefly kissed the tip. She spat her saliva on it and rubbed it. He needed not wonder as she usually did that. She spread her legs and he inserted his dick. Her tongue found a new love with his own. Even as they bleeped, she would not stop the deep kissing. They changed style and he took her from behind. ‘Ohh,’ she moaned. He knew what that meant, so he intensified the movement. After several seconds, he withdrew his prick just as he climaxed. The semen spilled on her bum. He held her by the waist like the passion was just building up, but he was already exhausted. They collapsed on the bed together. ‘Ah, my Tope is back in action,’ she exclaimed to herself. ‘My Sade is riding on again,’ he reciprocated, quite breathless. TBC
10 Apr 2019 | 19:38
‘So what? As far as I know, there’s no law of the land that criminalizes being a side chick.’ @john451, Comhan see you babe oow
11 Apr 2019 | 03:54
hmmmmmm,,,, Tope does not also feel like letting Sade go,,, wat kind of life is dis? men!!!
11 Apr 2019 | 04:24
this path is surely your downfall, I thought u were suppose to take that moneybag back to Abuja since u base there
11 Apr 2019 | 04:26
You have dug your grave
11 Apr 2019 | 06:20
EPISODE 19 He held her by the waist like the passion was just building up, but he was already exhausted. They collapsed on the bed together. ‘Ah, my Tope is back in action,’ she exclaimed to herself. ‘My Sade is riding on again,’ he reciprocated, quite breathless. ‘I won’t let you slip off,’ she said. ‘No woman has more right to you than I do.’ He thought it was a joke, so he only smiled. She was with him throughout the night, and they had an all-night sexual binge. The following morning just before she departed, he gave her a bundle of one thousand naira notes. She was wide-eyed in surprise. Just the previous day, he had given her more than enough. Now, this again. But that exactly was what she wanted. ‘Thank you, honey,’ she gushed, giving him a long kiss. ‘One thing is this,’ he said, looking serious. ‘I hope you’re on pills. I don’t want to hear anything about pregnancy.’ She grinned at his comment. Later about noon, he took the mid-day flight and was back in Abuja. Tope’s new job gave him more exposure and experience. Within six months on the job, he had traveled with the Minister to Geneva, New York and Tokyo. He had also been to Guinea and Sierra Leone for regional meetings. He was now close to power and power brokers. The job also gave him a lot of exposure to political intrigues. He attributed this experience to his godmother, Iye. He had seriously tried to compensate her, but she remained impassive. ‘Let me open hospital for you,’ he had told her. ‘With your experience as a professional nurse, I’m sure that should not be a problem.’ She shook her head. ‘Don’t worry, when the time comes, I will make a demand on what I want you to do for me.’ Tope’s new job gave him more exposure and experience. Within six months on the job, he had traveled with the Minister to Geneva, New York and Tokyo. He had also been to Guinea and Sierra Leone for regional meetings. He was now close to power and power brokers. The job also gave him a lot of exposure to political intrigues. He attributed this experience to his godmother, Iye. He had seriously tried to compensate her, but she remained impassive. ‘Let me open hospital for you,’ he had told her. ‘With your experience as a professional nurse, I’m sure that should not be a problem.’ She shook her head. ‘Don’t worry, when the time comes, I will make a demand on what I want you to do for me.’ He went on to work for the Minister as SSA for two years. He continued to work as diligent as ever. The daughter that Rita bore for him, Oyin Ruth, was over a year and half old, and they looked forward to having another child. Rita wanted to go back to school, but he had discouraged her. Instead, he opened a big clothing store for her in the capital city. One thing his wife admired him for was the fact that he made sure she and her daughter lived in complete luxury. Some months ago, Zaynab announced that she would be getting married. A senator had decided to make her his third wife and Zaynab said she would take the offer! That was the end of his affair with her. Sade too came with the announcement that an American based Nigerian was ready to take her to the altar. It seemed these occurrences had left him with his wife. But that was not to be. He realized his libido had gone higher and he always had the urge to use call girls. Undergraduates, corporate ladies and other women of easy virtues became his regulars. He would take them to hotels or guest houses. Under the guise of coming to Lagos for business, he would camp one lady or the other in his Lagos house. He saw all this as big pleasure and source of enjoyment. In Lagos, one of his regulars was Linda, a pretty twenty- three year old lady who also had passion for weird sex. Linda was very good in the act and she never seemed to get tired. Just the way she had been satisfying him, he too had tried to satisfy her materially. He spoilt her with money and other gifts. This weekend, he would be in Lagos ‘for business’. He was in his duplex by eight p.m. and Linda was already waiting for him. He had instructed the security man to give her access to the house. She was lounging in the sitting-room when he came in. ‘Hello, sweetheart,’ she said, coming to give him a short welcome kiss. ‘Hello, my dear.’ She took his small travelling bag from and they went to the bedroom upstairs. He unlocked the door and they were inside. ‘How was Abuja and how was your flight?’ she asked. ‘Fine. How’s Lagos?’ ‘We dey o.’ He removed his clothes. ‘I can hardly wait to lay my hands on you,’ he said. She giggled. ‘Well, for your information, I can hardly wait for you to lay your hands on me.’ He stripped to his boxer. ‘You’re still in your clothes. What are you waiting for?’ ‘Don’t worry now. I dey for you.’ She pointed at the bed. ‘I want you to lie on it and watch me as I UnCloth for you.’ He grinned. ‘Yeah, that will be interesting.’ He lay on his back while she removed her top, her mini skirt, the bra and, lastly the pantie. ‘I fell like giving you a Mouth Action,’ she said. He nodded. ‘That will be fine.’ She held his rooster and put it in her mouth while he groaned pleasantly and closed his eyes. She teased, licked and sucked the organ and he felt wave of excitement all over him. But she knew how she would do it so that he would not come. They were still at it when his phone rang. He ignored it. How would it be that when he was in serious pleasure was when someone chose to call him? He closed his eyes and savored the excitement Linda was giving him. The door to the bedroom was suddenly opened and someone barged in. TBC
11 Apr 2019 | 19:31
12 Apr 2019 | 02:52
Who is that?
12 Apr 2019 | 04:24
who is dat???
12 Apr 2019 | 06:52
don't understand this tope any more from one woman to another? I hope that we not bring u down one day?
12 Apr 2019 | 08:14
hmm who could that be?
12 Apr 2019 | 08:21
Who could that be?
12 Apr 2019 | 18:44
Your libido will land you in problem
12 Apr 2019 | 18:46
There is no bigger fool than u
13 Apr 2019 | 04:48
barge in? who could that be?
13 Apr 2019 | 04:57
Maybe IYE was calling to warn him someone was coming... Hehehe
13 Apr 2019 | 06:28
EPISODE 20 The door to the bedroom was suddenly opened and someone barged in. ‘Oh, my God! What is this?’ the intruder said. He quickly opened his eyes to see who had come in. ‘What! Rita, what’re you doing in Lagos?’ He swiftly grabbed his boxer and used it to cover his joystick. Linda was not that fast. She looked too stunned to get up and pick her clothes. ‘And what are you doing with this useless girl?’ Rita demanded, glaring at them. He quickly removed part of the bed spread and threw it at Linda’s body. She became responsive and covered her body from the bust down. ‘So, this is what you do, eh? This is what you do any time you come to Lagos for business!’ The shock of her coming had made his prick to go limp. He quickly wore his boxer. ‘It’s not what you think,’ he said. ‘It’s not about what I think,’ she replied heatedly. ‘It’s about what I’ve seen. So, what I’ve been hearing about you is true? What I’ve been hearing about you carrying girls up and down.’ She turned to Linda. ‘And you, you’re just a useless slut! You should be ashamed of yourself. See what you were doing to a married man!’ Rita made for Linda aggressively. Tope jumped up to his feet and held her. ‘Leave me alone!’ Rita hollered. ‘Leave me to deal with this useless girl.’ Holding her the way he did provided the leverage Linda needed. Quickly, she wore her skirt and her blouse. There was no time to wear the bra and the pantie. She stuffed them inside her hand bag, picked the hand bag and her shoes and hurried out of the room. ‘Just look at her! Useless girl! Ashewo! LovePeddler!’ Rita spat out. Tope ensured that he continued to hold her until Linda was safely out of the way. Rita turned her anger on him. ‘Shame on you, Tope. Big shame on you that you’re still doing this kind of thing. Leave me alone.’ He slackened his hold on her. ‘Just look at you. A whole Special Assistant to a Minister, still patronizing prostitutes. A married man for that matter!’ He did not say anything. His mind was busy. Who could have told her about his sexual escapade? Then, she left Abuja for Lagos all because she wanted to catch him red handed! Someone must be spying for her. Maybe his security guy. He could have called him to warn that his wife was around. Then, he remembered that his phone was ringing at a time. He went to check the caller ID and realized that indeed, it was Emma, the security man, that called him some minutes ago. ‘Damn!’ he muttered. ‘I’m so disappointed in you,’ Rita was saying. ‘How could you do this? You always claim to love me, but, see what you’re doing.’ ‘Rita, take it easy. I can explain everything.’ ‘What is there to explain? Don’t I try to please you? Don’t I try to give my best to you?’ To his surprise, she broke down in tears. ‘I’m sorry, Rita. It’s a mistake?’ She cried the more, and he really had to console her. He kept saying he was sorry and that it was a mistake. ‘And you brought her to our home. You brought her to our matrimonial bed!’ ‘Sorry,’ he muttered. After some minutes, he was able to calm her down. ‘It was a mistake, darling,’ he tried to assure her. ‘It won’t happen again.’ He was later to learn that Rita had arrived in the house from Abuja hours before he came. She had checked into the house with a threat to the security man not to reveal that she was around to anyone. That meant as at the time Linda came, Rita was already in the house! She had bid her time and had caught them pants down. That night, they remained in-doors, but her fears remained, despite his numerous assurances that such an incident would not happen again. Tbc
13 Apr 2019 | 20:12
ok next
14 Apr 2019 | 11:12
Good for you
14 Apr 2019 | 13:14
You see it? She will never trust you again
14 Apr 2019 | 15:01
Tope, you don f
14 Apr 2019 | 15:43
we u stop no continue, next time u godmother we show up
14 Apr 2019 | 15:43
EPISODE 21 He was later to learn that Rita had arrived in the house from Abuja hours before he came. She had checked into the house with a threat to the security man not to reveal that she was around to anyone. That meant as at the time Linda came, Rita was already in the house! She had bid her time and had caught them pants down. That night, they remained in-doors, but her fears remained, despite his numerous assurances that such an incident would not happen again. ‘What about Oyin?’ he asked. ‘I took her to my brother’s place at Ojota,’ she answered. ‘Tomorrow morning, I’ll bring her around.’ The following morning, to ‘compensate’ his wife, Tope ordered for a brand new Toyota Camry car. He also secretly transferred fifty thousand naira to Linda’s account and to apologize for the grave embarrassment she suffered on his account. When Rita saw the car, she broke into tears of joy. ‘Oh, darling, you shouldn’t have done this. I already have two cars!’ ‘It’s not a crime to have more,’ he pointed out. ‘And my darling deserves more.’ That settled the rift between them, but not completely. About noon, Iye called his number. ‘Why do you continue to subject me to ridicule?’ she queried. ‘Subject you to ridicule? Iye, how?’ ‘When you subject your wife to ridicule, it’s me you’re doing it to. You have been doing this your unfaithfulness for long. You’re not fair, you know.’ Tope was surprised that Iye knew what had happened. ‘How did you know, Iye?’ ‘Forget how I knew,’ she replied curtly. ‘There’s a punishment for all your unfaithfulness. Listen and listen good. For the next three months, you must do without sex. By whatsoever means, you must not have sex and there must be no discharge of semen from you.’ ‘Ah, Iye, that’s too much!’ ‘That’s your punishment.’ She cut the line. Tope was bewildered. Three months without sex! That would be impossible. It was as much as pronouncing death sentence on him. He would try to see her and appease to her. Except he was seriously incapacitated, there was no way he would live for three months without having intercourse with a woman. It was impossible! Some minutes later, he told Rita he would like to go out. ‘I hope you’re not going to see that LovePeddler again,’ she said. ‘Oh, forget that issue. I have better thing to do.’ He drove to a shopping mall and bought several dresses. The big Ghana-must-go bag he put what he bought inside was filled up. He was sure Iye would be impressed with what he would give her. He drove straight to Olutunda Estate at Ketu, where she now lived in a two-bedroom apartment. That lady was completely queer. He almost had to force her before she moved to the flat which he got for her. He met her in the house, lying idly on the sofa in the sitting-room. ‘Good morning, Iye,’ he greeted warmly, hoping to warm her heart. ‘Good morning.’ It was an effort for him carrying the bag. He wished his Abuja driver was with him to carry the load. He put it in front of Iye. ‘This is for you, my dear Iye. All is for you.’ She looked at the big bag. ‘All these load?’ TBC
14 Apr 2019 | 17:20
Godmother at work
14 Apr 2019 | 17:32
just know dat if u offend Rita, u Hav offended Ur Iye
14 Apr 2019 | 17:35
But how did she find out? I mean Iye
15 Apr 2019 | 02:01
Iye have supernatural power
15 Apr 2019 | 03:36
Dumb question... How did she know? Like seriously? Someone with that kind of power won't know?
15 Apr 2019 | 04:53
hahahaha I like that punishment
15 Apr 2019 | 17:15
15 Apr 2019 | 18:25
15 Apr 2019 | 18:29
EPISODE 22 It was an effort for him carrying the bag. He wished his Abuja driver was with him to carry the load. He put it in front of Iye. ‘This is for you, my dear Iye. All is for you.’ She looked at the big bag. ‘All these load?’ He grinned and nodded. ‘Yes, all these.’ She smiled. ‘Thank you.’ She looked at him sharply. ‘I hope you know that this will not change your punishment.’ His countenance changed. ‘In all honesty, I hope it does. See, Iye, that punishment is too much. Can you please reduce it to, maybe, three weeks?’ She shook her head. ‘You’re not the one to decide that. It’s three months, and that’s final.’ He looked crestfallen. Iye remained adamant despite his persuasion. On his way home, he deliberated on many things. How would he be able to do this successfully? He knew he dared not flout it as that powerful Iye would know. Maybe, it was good for him, he thought. He had been living life in the last couple of years as if lusts were essential to survival. Maybe it was good that he would stay off sex for some time. The first challenge he had was from Rita, his wife. Rita was very impressed with his generous gesture of buying another brand new car for her. She decided to forgive him his misdeed and to put aside the wrong-doing. She also decided she would have to please him in her own way. That evening, she bought turkey and prepared delicious meal. She fried the turkey, prepared fried rice and also fried some plantain. She knew his favorite. He was impressed with her cooking. Together with little Oyin, they had their dinner like one big, happy family. Not long after the meal, their daughter slept off. She took her to the spare bedroom where she normally slept. Then, she changed to a very sexy, skimpy night wear she just bought. That was the problem, as far as he was concerned. One look at her threw Tope into consternation, but he tried to mask his feelings. ‘How do I look?’ she asked. ‘Great and gorgeous.’ She came to sit by his side. ‘Baby, tonight, you’re going to tell me what those ladies did which I don’t do. Is it the way they give it to you, or what? Rita here is going to give it to you like never before.’ He became scared. ‘Don’t compare yourself with them, please. You’re my wife and I’ll forever love you. That one you saw the other time was a mistake. It won’t happen again. I love everything about you as you are, Rita darling.’ She smiled. ‘Good. That means tonight will even be lovelier. See, baby, I’m ready to have vigil with you over it tonight.’ He became alarmed again. ‘That’s not what I mean. I can always show you great and greater love even without the matter of sex.’ She hushed him. ‘Ehn, baby, please don’t talk like that o. There must be sex in this matter. You know me, now. I will give it to you anyhow you want it. That’s my promise to you.’ She came to sit on his lap. She made a face. ‘You did not even comment about my wear.’ ‘But, I did. I said it made you look gorgeous.’ ‘Okay, o, I hear you. But no be mouth matter. Prove it.’ He pretended he did not hear her well. ‘Hmn?’ ‘Prove it, Tope baby. Prove that your darling Rita, your lovely wife, is gorgeous.’ He scratched his head. ‘But you’re always gorgeous dear, and I don’t need to prove anything.’ ‘Enough of the talk, please. I want action.’ She was surprised at his reluctance. ‘What are you waiting for? Go ahead. I’m all yours.’ His hand held her back. ‘I’m even the one prolonging matter.’ With that, she swopped kisses on his lips. ‘Rita, wait,’ he muttered. She probably didn’t hear him, as she did nothing like waiting. She removed her top and flaunted her boobs to his face. ‘You’ve always said my boobs are the finest you’ve ever seen. Good. Now, baby, come on suck them. I know you like to do that. Suck them the way you’ve never done before.’ ‘Rita, listen,’ he muttered. ‘There’s something I have to say.’ ‘It’s no time to talk,’ she countered. ‘It’s time for action.’ She shoved her left boob inside his mouth. For the first time in his life, the fear of going ahead with what she wanted made the taste of her nipple be like that of sour flesh. He quickly removed it from his mouth. ‘Rita, listen. We can’t do it. I mean, I can’t do it.’ She was shocked by his action. All the while they had known each other, he had never refused her sexual advance. ‘What’s wrong, baby?’ TBC
15 Apr 2019 | 20:13
It's do or die
16 Apr 2019 | 03:36
16 Apr 2019 | 07:21
16 Apr 2019 | 07:23
Better tell her YOU want to travel
16 Apr 2019 | 07:25
hahahahaha,,,, see ur life Tope? u better go an start living in a hotel for dat 3months and be going to work from dia an make sure u take Ur mind totally away from such fantasy
16 Apr 2019 | 17:44
Better tell her YOU want to travel
Do you think she will buy that. She will literally conclude that he want to satisfy his Sexual urge somewhere else.
16 Apr 2019 | 19:30
What are you going to tell her now?
16 Apr 2019 | 20:14
hahahaha this punishment we make u to learn lesson
16 Apr 2019 | 20:24
EPISODE 23 For the first time in his life, the fear of going ahead with what she wanted made the taste of her nipple be like that of sour flesh. He quickly removed it from his mouth. ‘Rita, listen. We can’t do it. I mean, I can’t do it.’ She was shocked by his action. All the while they had known each other, he had never refused her sexual advance. ‘What’s wrong, baby?’ ‘I’m sorry. I’m sorry Rita, darling.’ He picked her top and helped her to wear it. His mind had been in frenzy as he thought of the best thing to tell her. ‘See, I met a prophet this afternoon when I was coming back. He warned me; he seriously warned me to desist from having intercourse for a while.’ She looked at him in shock. ‘And you believe that?’ ‘Yes. He said some other things which made me to believe hum. Sorry, Rita, but we have to stop this thing for a while.’ She shook her head. ‘But just yesterday, you were with … with that lady!’ ‘That was yesterday. I had not met the prophet, then. Now, I believe we should stay off doing it so that the calamity of God would not fall on us.’ ‘Incredible, she said. ‘What you’re saying is incredible!’ ‘It’s just for a while. Just a little while, and I will be back to rock you all night long.’ He stood up from his seat and walked a bit away from her. ‘But why today, now? Why today of all days? I’m Hot, honey.’ ‘I’m sorry about that. I’m …’ ‘Look, me I won’t accept o. Let no prophet come and decide when my husband will make love to me in this house.’ With that, she removed the top again, baring her springy boobs. ‘Hey, Rita, please don’t do that.’ ‘How can it be when I’m seriously in the mood? And how can you just believe a stranger like that?’ ‘He is a man of God and ..’ ‘And Rita here is a woman of God. The Bible says husband, love your wife. Baby, show me love.’ She shook her head. ‘But just yesterday, you were with … with that lady!’ ‘That was yesterday. I had not met the prophet, then. Now, I believe we should stay off doing it so that the calamity of God would not fall on us.’ ‘Incredible, she said. ‘What you’re saying is incredible!’ ‘It’s just for a while. Just a little while, and I will be back to rock you all night long.’ He stood up from his seat and walked a bit away from her. ‘But why today, now? Why today of all days? I’m Hot, honey.’ ‘I’m sorry about that. I’m …’ ‘Look, me I won’t accept o. Let no prophet come and decide when my husband will make love to me in this house.’ With that, she removed the top again, baring her springy boobs. ‘Hey, Rita, please don’t do that.’ ‘How can it be when I’m seriously in the mood? And how can you just believe a stranger like that?’ ‘He is a man of God and ..’ ‘And Rita here is a woman of God. The Bible says husband, love your wife. Baby, show me love.’ ‘I’ll always show you love. Look, I’m ready to completely upgrade your wardrobe.’ ‘I’m not talking about clothes. I’ve had enough of clothes, and jewelry. Thanks to you. Come baby, come into my arms.’ ‘Oh, Rita.’ ‘Let me feed you, baby. Let me feed you with my gorgeous milk.’ ‘Please, let me obey the prophet. It’s just for a while.’ She looked exasperated. ‘Alright, no sex. But at least, come and play with me.’ He paused briefly. He had been struggling to avoid looking at her breasts. Even in his fear of what would be the outcome of violating Iye’s directive, the erection was coming up. He shivered. She stood up to meet him. Her lips moved close to his. ‘Alright,’ he said. ‘Alright, but no sex. Is that clear? No sex.’ ‘Yes, no sex,’ she said. He sighed. Her lips brushed against his and the kiss started. His erection came fully on and he became alarmed again. He wanted to stop, but she held on to him. They fell on the sofa. She took his right hand to her boobs and squeezed it on them, moaning softly. Even as he did what she wanted, he was very mindful of not being carried away. She removed her short. ‘Give me a hand job, honey.’ ‘Hey, is that not sex?’ ‘Sex is when you insert your dick in my pussy. Come on, give me a hand job.’ He still hesitated. She spread her legs wide, took his right hand and guided it to her vagina. ‘Come on, baby, you know how to do it. Go ahead.’ He obliged while she moaned excitedly. He did it until she climaxed. ‘Oh honey,’ she gushed, breathing fast. He looked at her calmly. ‘And what are you going to do about that?’ She pointed at his erect manhood straining in his trousers. TBC
17 Apr 2019 | 02:50
You can also help him with your mouth or hand
17 Apr 2019 | 03:11
17 Apr 2019 | 04:20
He's gonna go into the bathroom, spend some time there and have a cool bath then he's gonna be alright...
17 Apr 2019 | 04:23
Hmm this is a serious temptation....
17 Apr 2019 | 05:03
Oya na Rita, over to you. Do the blow job
17 Apr 2019 | 05:04
Think of the consequence of having this sex and your d**k would surely fall back to normal
17 Apr 2019 | 05:12
if he should ejaculate den his problems will start afresh
17 Apr 2019 | 15:34
hahahaha iya must hear this
18 Apr 2019 | 03:21
EPISODE 24 ‘And what are you going to do about that?’ She pointed at his erect manhood straining in his trousers. ‘Nothing,’ he quickly said. ‘It will go down by itself.’ Rita was a bit satisfied for now. But he remained worried. How would he be able to avoid sex for the next ninety days or so? It was not going to be easy. On Sunday afternoon, they returned to Abuja. He knew his challenge with the abstinence was just starting. ‘For how many days were you asked to stay off sex?’ Rita asked. ‘For three months.’ She looked sharply at him. ‘You mean three days?’ ‘No, three months. Ninety days.’ ‘You’re joking!’ ‘No, I’m not. That’s what I was told.’ ‘What is the name of this prophet and what church does he shepherd?’ He scratched his head and quickly gave her a name and a church. ‘Where’s the address of his church in Lagos?’ He became alarmed again. ‘Why are you asking all these questions, baby?’ ‘Because I want to pay him a visit.’ His eyes opened wide. ‘A visit for what?’ ‘I want to ask him if God was the one that told him a man must not fulfill his spousal obligation to his wife for three months. Three full months!’ ‘There’s no need for that. See, the three months will soon fizzle away.’ She smiled. ‘It’s funny but I keep on having the feeling that you’re lying.’ He tried to feign anger. ‘How could you say that?’ ‘Because I’ve known you for some time, dear. I know when you’re saying the truth and when you’re not.’ He turned away from her and stared through the window in the sitting-room. ‘Why don’t you tell me what exactly is the problem, dear? I’m your wife.’ He sighed but said nothing. He had never discussed Iye’s matter with her and had never taken her to meet ‘the great one’. Everything between him and Iye had been utmost secret. How could he now tell her that what he was doing was an instruction from her? ‘If you don’t believe what I’ve said, then there’s nothing else to say,’ he said. She shrugged, if he wanted to believe an unknown ‘prophet’, he could go ahead, but he must not deprive her of her ‘right.’ ‘I’ll be sleeping in the guest room for now,’ he said. Despite her protests, he slept alone in the guestroom. The following morning, he tried to do his work and to forget any worry. His P.A, Helen, was someone he often flirted with. He had done that to the extent of handling her boobs, smacking her bum and having sex with her right there in the office on two occasions. Henceforth, he would desist from all that. Helen was quick to know how officious he was. ‘What d’you say about my hair?’ she prompted him. He looked up from his file briefly. ‘It’s good,’ he mumbled and went back to work. Later that afternoon, Tina, one of his regular gals in Abuja called him. ‘Hello, dear,’ she said. ‘I’ve been expecting your call.’ ‘I’ve been very busy,’ he replied. ‘Are we meeting in the guest house this evening at our usual time?’ ‘No. I’ll be very busy for the next couple of weeks.’ ‘Jeez! What could make you so busy you’ll leave your Tina in the cold for weeks?’ ‘That’s the way it is.’ He almost snapped. ‘I’ll call you when I need you.’ Just towards closing hour, his P.A was back in his office looking very sober. ‘Anything the matter? Have I done anything wrong?’ she asked him. ‘Of course, no.’ He looked surprised. ‘I didn’t say you did anything wrong.’ ‘You’ve been unfriendly to me since morning.’ He tried what looked like reassuring smile. ‘There’s no problem, Helen. Just that I’m busy.’ She still looked demure. If it were before, he would ask her to come over to his side, and then picked the favorite part of her body to touch. But, there was no point doing that now. For the next six days, Tope was able to maintain his abstinence, though with great difficulty. He had cut off his links with his regular gals, including Lagos-based Linda. His greatest challenger was his wife. TBC
18 Apr 2019 | 20:28
This thing go hard oow. 6days and the journey of no Sex is 90days. Issokay
19 Apr 2019 | 01:28
Your greatest challenge is your wife
19 Apr 2019 | 04:46
Sorry bro
20 Apr 2019 | 18:26
EPISODE 25 For the next six days, Tope was able to maintain his abstinence, though with great difficulty. He had cut off his links with his regular gals, including Lagos-based Linda. His greatest challenger was his wife. ‘It’s a week now that you have been keeping to yourself,’ she said. ‘Maybe you’re tired of me and you want me to go.’ ‘No, no, Rita. I can’t be tired of you, dear. Don’t talk like that.’ ‘So, why’re you treating me like an abandoned rag? Why?’ ‘You’re not a rag, and you’ll never be. This thing is just for a little while. It will soon be over.’ ‘It’s only a week out of three months. It’s still a long way to go.’ His mind was swirling with ideas. ‘Can I suggest something?’ She looked at him suspiciously. ‘What?’ ‘You can get yourself intimacy gadgets. Get yourself the best of them. I’ll give you the money for that.’ ‘I’m married, for God’s sake! Why should I seek desire from toys, when my husband should be there for me?’ ‘But, it’s just for a while.’ ‘No, I won’t take that. I don’t want it!’ He became exasperated. Just then his phone rang. It was Iye on the line. ‘Good evening, sister,’ he greeted. That was the normal way he addressed Iye any time she called and his wife was around. ‘Good evening. I can see that you’ve kept to my words in the last one week.’ He nodded. ‘Yes, sister.’ ‘I can also see that your wife is seriously becoming uncomfortable with your abstinence.’ ‘That is very true. That is very true.’ ‘Let me sound this warning to you: never in your life must you sleep with any other woman than your wife again.’ He nodded. ‘That is taken, sister.’ ‘I’m very serious, mind you.’ ‘Of course, I know.’ ‘Remember to treat your wife with utmost respect.’ ‘Yes, I will. No problem with that.’ ‘Alright. For her sake, your abstinence is hereby lifted.’ ‘Ah, that is wonderful. Thank you, my great sister.’ Rita had been studying him in puzzlement. She could see how his mood transformed from soberness to that of excitement. ‘And who was that you were speaking with?’ she asked as soon as he dropped his phone. ‘Oh, it’s my sister, now,’ he said, beaming in smile. ‘Which of your sisters?’ ‘Ah, forget it. You don’t know her. She’s based in Yobe state.’ ‘How come I don’t know her as she has never visited us?’ He shrugged. ‘Don’t worry, very soon, she’ll pay us a visit.’ She still looked at him critically. ‘Then, your mood has changed. What’s happening?’ He came to her and lifted her. ‘Why is my darling Rita full of questions today?’ ‘Because your darling Rita is concerned about you.’ ‘Thanks for your concern.’ He surprised her by kissing her. This was the same man that had virtually been avoiding close contacts with her in the last few days. ‘Has your “sister” lifted your abstinence?’ she asked. He was surprised by her question. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Before you received the call, you were very sober. In the last few days, you did not touch me. All of a sudden, after receiving the call, you came alive and hugged me. Is it not obvious that she was the one that changed your mood?’ ‘I’m happy because she gives me good news’ Rita smiled. ‘What good news?’ ‘Oh come on, Rita. Enough of your questioning. Let that one go.’ ‘Is she the one you called the prophet?’ For many seconds, there was silence. Her questions were so striking and he wondered why. ‘Alright,’ he finally said. ‘She is the one.’ She nodded. ‘Who is she to you? Don’t tell me that “sister stuff” because it’s not true.’ He sighed and went to sit on the sofa. Just how much could he reveal to her? He thought fast. He must be very wise. ‘Well, all I can say is that she’s like a prophetess, and she’s more like my spiritual consultant.’ His wife came to sit by his side, finding the whole scenario interesting. ‘She told me to observe abstinence for some days for spiritual strength. She guides me a lot on spiritual matters.’ He looked at her. ‘It’s okay Rita, there’s nothing bad in seeking protection.’ TBC
21 Apr 2019 | 20:25
Your wife is really an inquisitive type
22 Apr 2019 | 03:37
ur wife with her jamb question I hope u are going to pass it
22 Apr 2019 | 06:58
Iye The Sister Prophetess. Issokay
22 Apr 2019 | 08:06
Hmmmm.... So no sex with other women till you die
22 Apr 2019 | 13:48
imaging,,, look at Ur life,,, u can't Hav sex wit any oda person again in Ur life,,,,,
22 Apr 2019 | 16:41
Thank your chi
22 Apr 2019 | 19:14
Till when will you continue like this
23 Apr 2019 | 07:30
Are u sure you will keep your manhood at a place?
23 Apr 2019 | 16:34
If you like misbehave again
23 Apr 2019 | 17:21
*EPISODE 26* His wife came to sit by his side, finding the whole scenario interesting. ‘She told me to observe abstinence for some days for spiritual strength. She guides me a lot on spiritual matters.’ He looked at her. ‘It’s okay Rita, there’s nothing bad in seeking protection.’ She nodded, but somehow, she still felt something was wrong somewhere. The next day in the office, Helen could sense that happiness was in the air as her boss now seemed to be relaxed and friendly. But she noticed that he would still not physically touch her. Based on Iye’s warning that he must never be unfaithful to his wife again, he had decided to ‘adore fidelity.’ That meant it was final bye-bye to all his call girls. Minutes after noon, Zaynab gave him a call. ‘There’s something I want to tell you,’ she said. ‘Can we meet in the guest house where we used to meet?’ ‘Hope no problem?’ he asked. ‘No. it’s something that will interest you.’ ‘Okay. What time?’ ‘Let’s meet by six o’clock.’ ‘Okay. I’ll be there.’ He stayed in the office till five, so that the driver would take him to the guest house. Zay was already there, but instead of meeting in the lobby, she asked that he should come to her room. She opened the door for him and he was surprised to see her clad only in a t-shirt and a bum short. ‘I thought we were having a meeting,’ he said curiously. ‘Of course, this is a meeting.’ She pointed a seat for him. He sat down expectantly. ‘What drinks do I serve you?’ He shook his head. ‘I don’t need any drinks right now.’ ‘Alright, since you want me to go straight to the point, I’ll do so. I want to start by mentioning a regret I have.’ ‘Regret? What regret is that?’ ‘I regret marrying the senator.’ His brows went up. ‘Why the regret?’ ‘Good question.’ She warmed up to her story. ‘I realized that the man is very weak in bed. He is a two-minute man. He is so drab and un- inspiring. Even at that, sometimes, for two weeks, this man will not even look at my side. Honestly, I’m getting fed up.’ He looked blank. What did she want him to do about these very personal problems? ‘Wait a minute, is that what you wanted to discuss with me?’ ‘Yes. I want us to reason and find a solution to it.’ He opened his mouth in shock. ‘Your posturing is confounding, Madam Zaynab. How can I be of help in a situation like this?’ ‘Very good question.’ She moved closer to him. ‘I remember you as a great lover who took me to a greater height in passionate satisfaction. Her hand went to his jacket. ‘I want us to be back together, Tope. You’re such a great lover.’ He stood up and moved away from her. ‘You must be kidding. What we did was before you married. Now, you’re a married woman. We can’t do that again.’ ‘It doesn’t matter. Once we’re discreet about it, it doesn’t matter at all.’ He shook his head. ‘I’m sorry, I can’t. I can’t do such a thing anymore.’ She was surprised to hear that. ‘Hey Tope, this is your Zaynab. Your Zay.’ ‘Things have changed,’ he said. ‘I don’t do that kind of thing again. If there’s nothing else to discuss, I’ll like to take my leave now. Thanks for remembering me, but no thanks.’ With that, he left the room and the guest house, to her shock. Was this not Tope Davies, the one who jumped at her offer with so much zeal? On his way home, Iye called him. ‘Promotion will soon come your way,’ she said. ‘Thank you, Iye. Thank you very much. May you live long.’ ‘Keep up your devotion.’ ‘Thank you.’ Just as she said, a week later, the Sectary to the Central Government (SCG) informed his that his name would soon be announced and forwarded to the national assembly as Minister of State to replace a resigned holder. Rita was overjoyed to hear the announcement. She hugged him lovingly. ‘My darling, the Honorable Minister,’ she said, laughing. ‘That’s me.’ He was indeed amazed by the growing influence, power and authority that he had. In the last two and half years, he had risen from a Program Officer in the NGO run by the First Lady to become Senior Special Assistant and now he would become a junior Minister! Everything had been so meteoric! It was an amazing phenomenon of life. His mind went to Iye. She was his pillar and his strength. In fact, she meant everything to him. He must strive never to do anything that would hurt her again. TBC
24 Apr 2019 | 02:21
Congratulations Honorable Minister
24 Apr 2019 | 05:08
Congratulations What about your baby Mama? Won't she come around one day with I'm pregnant story.
24 Apr 2019 | 18:30
EPISODE 27 Just as she said, a week later, the Sectary to the Central Government (SCG) informed his that his name would soon be announced and forwarded to the national assembly as Minister of State to replace a resigned holder. Rita was overjoyed to hear the announcement. She hugged him lovingly. ‘My darling, the Honorable Minister,’ she said, laughing. ‘That’s me.’ He was indeed amazed by the growing influence, power and authority that he had. In the last two and half years, he had risen from a Program Officer in the NGO run by the First Lady to become Senior Special Assistant and now he would become a junior Minister! Everything had been so meteoric! It was an amazing phenomenon of life. His mind went to Iye. She was his pillar and his strength. In fact, she meant everything to him. He must strive never to do anything that would hurt her again. ‘Let’s go and do thanksgiving in the church,’ Rita told her husband. ‘I don’t think there would be need for that,’ he answered. That was another thing she found odd about him. He never agreed to such a suggestion. Most times, he would not follow her to the church. ‘Even if a woman is helping you spiritually, you can still go to the church and give God the glory. He is king of all kings,’ she argued. ‘I already thank God. Must I enter a church before I thank God?’ He was screened and cleared by security agencies and the national assembly. Without any ado, he became the Minister of State for Mass Media. He received congratulatory messages from far and wide. Success has many friends. His former colleagues in the media, his publisher, friends and associates all felicitated with him. Even Linda, his erstwhile Lagos babe, called to congratulate him. He had become a public figure. And he was a model to other young people. At thirty-eight, it was no mean feat to be a Minister, even a Minister of State. The Ministry he was over-seeing was the one dealing directly with the publics – the media houses, media hounds and the general public. He tried to carry out his duties to the best of his ability and not try to overshadow the senior Minister who had given him more roles to play. He also had direct access to the President now. He realized that power was sweet and desirable. He could understand why many were jostling for power and why some would see it as do-or-die affair. Being on the seat of power especially in a country like Nigeria gave you access to state power, apparatuses and resources. He tried to be as diligent as possible. Zaynab came around to pay him a visit. ‘Congrats, Mr. Tope Davies on your appointment,’ she said in smiles. ‘Thank you, Madam Zaynab.’ She sat in his office. ‘You must be very lucky. You’ve moved up the political ladder so fast.’ ‘Yes, I’m indeed luck. I must thank providence.’ ‘Ah, we thank God.’ There was a brief silence. ‘And now that you’ve moved up here, you want to forget your Zaynab.’ He shook his head. ‘That’s not true. You know I can never forget you. It was wonderful working with you and other people at the NGO.’ She made a face. ‘Is that all you can remember me for? Is that all that Zay meant to you?’ He shook his head. ‘Oh, come on, madam, I can’t forget the fact that you were also a good friend.’ That appeared to please her a bit. ‘I’m divorcing the senator,’ she blurted out. He was surprised. ‘Why would you do that?’ ‘It’s a listless relationship. Once again, I made mistake of jumping to marriage. At forty-three, I should be wiser. Well,’ – she shrugged – ‘it’s not too late. There’s no point in continuing an unhappy affair. I’ve told him I’m opting out. I want the exuberant and happy Zaynab back.’ He appeared briefly thoughtful and then shrugged. ‘Well, I wish you the best of luck.’ He knew she was trying to rekindle his interest, but sorry, he would no tread on that path again. He was cool in his responses. After that day, Zay was back in his office three months later. ‘You keep on snubbing me,’ she said. ‘That’s not true. I won’t do that. It’s just that I’ve been very busy.’ ‘So busy you cannot even spare few minutes to call an old friend?’ He smiled. ‘You’re quite right. I’m sorry about that.’ He studied he well and it looked like she had done a face lift. She looked a bit prettier and younger now. ‘Can’t I have some private moments with you just to chat?’ she said in a very soft tone. He appeared to think over it. If he was very careful, maybe it was not a bad thing. ‘If it’s just to chat, that shouldn’t be a problem.’ Her smile became very warm. ‘I’ve left the senator’s house. I can come around on Friday by four. Then I’ll take you to my new residence. What about that?’ He smiled too. ‘That should not be a problem.’ ‘Good. On Friday, I’ll be round. I’ll take you to my new residence and we can just talk privately.’ He nodded. ‘That should be alright.’ That Friday, Zay was around as she had said. He dismissed his retinue of security men, leaving only an official car, a driver and his police orderly. His car followed Zay’s car as she led him to her house at Wuse District. It was a white duplex that looked exquisite. He followed her inside to the sitting-room while the driver and the orderly waited outside. ‘This is my new place,’ she announced proudly. ‘You rented this whole place?’ he asked. ‘No. I bought it.’ He nodded to himself. Surely, Zaynab too was highly connected. He sat in her expansive sitting-room while she excused herself. He took the time to look around the sitting-room and it was easy to see that Zaynab would not stop being an aesthete. Some few minutes later, she was back, wearing a camisole on bum short. ‘Your children,’ he said, ‘are they around?’ ‘No, they’ve gone back to school. They’re boarders.’ He nodded. ‘A nice place you have here.’ She smiled. ‘Thank you.’ She went to the in-built bar and brought a bottle of red wine and two glasses. She poured the drinks in glasses and handed him one. Then, she sat close to him and crossed her legs. He wanted to avoid looking at those luscious legs, but he could not. ‘I’m honored to have you in my house,’ she said. ‘The honor is mine.’ They sipped their drinks. ‘There’re certain things I’ve learnt,’ she went on. ‘Like what?’ ‘Like the fact that love is not always as simple as we want it to be.’ He nodded. ‘Hmn.’ ‘I’ve also learn that you should do what you like, not what you think others expect you to do.’ He nodded without saying a word. ‘There’s also a discovery I’ve made.’ His brows went up. ‘What discovery?’ TBC
25 Apr 2019 | 19:29
Madam Discovery
26 Apr 2019 | 01:03
Madam Discovery
26 Apr 2019 | 01:03
EPISODE 28 He nodded without saying a word. ‘There’s also a discovery I’ve made.’ His brows went up. ‘What discovery?’ She took her time before she answered him. ‘I’ve discovered that I feel relaxed and at ease whenever I chat with you.’ He smiled briefly. ‘Is that so?’ ‘Yes.’ She stared into his eyes. ‘I miss you, Tope. I miss you the way I’ve never missed a man before.’ He sighed and was thoughtful. This could be dangerous. ‘Zay, I think there are numerous other men who are better, more politically connected and richer than me. Let’s remove sentiments.’ ‘I’m not talking about wealth or power here. I’m talking about feelings. I’m talking about friendship and companionship.’ ‘Tope is married. He should be devoted to his wife,’ he pointed out. ‘Yes, yet I have feelings too and I have the right to express myself.’ She moved closer to him and placed her right hand on his lap. He did not remove it nor move away from her. He only pretended he didn’t see what she did. ‘Let’s be good friends. Very good friends,’ she offered. He wanted her. By Jove, he did. But what about Iye’s warning? She rubbed the hands on his thigh. Maybe, he should be discreet. Maybe, he would plead with Iye to overlook his lasciviousness. It was funny he was not really thinking of trying not to cheat on Rita. Rather, he was concerned about how Iye would feel and react. ‘The short time we were together was the sweetest of my life,’ she said. ‘Of what use is this big house if I own it but I live in unhappiness?’ Slowly, her hand crawled on his thigh to where the zip of his trousers was. It then lingered there. Be a man, his mind said. Be a man. ‘What makes you think I can give you the happiness you crave for?’ She smiled. ‘Because you have done so before, although briefly. I cherished the moments we used to have together, Tope.’ He studied her face and features more. Apart from the fact that the face was prettier and younger, she had shed weight a bit. Then he could see that her boobs appeared firm although she was braless. She must have done some breast-firming uplift job there. ‘I know what you’re thinking about,’ she said, smiling. ‘What’s that?’ ‘You were wondering about my boobs. Yes, I did some uplift work on them. I did them for you.’ He shook his head. ‘That can’t be true.’ She held his left hand. ‘It’s true. When I went to do the work, I was thinking about you.’ He stared at her chest again. The boobs seemed very firm. Whoever did the work did a very good one. ‘Why don’t you feel them?’ she told him. ‘Hmn?’ She smiled again. ‘Go ahead and feel them. They’re for you.’ He hesitated briefly. There was no way he would touch those things and the action would not lead to something else. What about Iye’s warning? What about what Iye had said about fidelity? It was funny that he was not even thinking about not hurting Rita his wife. Rita was certainly playing a minor role as what he was concerned about was not offending Iye. But what about if he was discreet about it? Even if Iye got to know, he could always plead with her that he was pushed into it. Zay was looking at him in that daring way. The ball was in his court. His right hand went up to the boobs. He rubbed them very gently, as if he was handling something so fragile. Zay closed her eyes. After a couple of minutes, he stopped. With a knowing smile on her face, she stood up and held his left hand. ‘Let’s go to where you can do it very well,’ she muttered. He followed her to the stair case and to her big bedroom. She closed the door behind them. His hands went to the boobs again. He removed the camisole and stared at the breasts. It was amazing. They looked jaunty now. He ran his tongue over the nipples. She must be starving for it, for she unbuttoned his shirt in a haste-like manner. It was like a prompt. He quickly removed his trousers and other wears The boobs were his center of attraction, as if he had never touched them before. She allowed him some minutes to suck them, but she wanted more than that. She lay on the bed and he collapsed on her. His dick was fully erect, and so was her honey pot. She spread her legs wide for him and the penetration was easy. Zay wiggled her butty and waist to respond to his stimuli. In the next two hours, they had three passionate rounds. He was exhausted by the time it was over. In Rita’s shop, the sales girl was rounding off her sales records for the day. It was just few minutes to six o ‘clock. It had been a prosperous day as sales boomed. Surely, her madam would be impressed with the day’s proceeds. She counted the whole money and handed it to her with the ledger book. In the small space she had a desk and a swivel chair, and which served as her office, Rita was glad about the sales. She counted the money to be sure it was correct. ‘Alright, Amina. Good night. ‘Good night, ma’am.’ Amina left the shop. Rita would have been very happy but a matter had been nagging at her mind since morning. It concerned her husband although she had not discussed it with him. She had a dream last night, a terrible dream. In it, her husband was put in a coffin and was about to be buried. It was a very bad dream and she intended to tell him tonight unfailingly. She hardly took cognizance of her dream. But this one looked different. Apart from the fact that it foretold evil, the way she had been thinking about it since morning meant there was more to it. No, this one was not just like the other dream that she would discard. This one was ominous. She put the proceeds in her Gucci handbag and decided to go home too. She drove the car herself as she had told him she would not need a driver. Close to their residence was the day care center where she normally put her daughter. She drove to the place to pick her and they were soon at home. Later that night, after she and her husband retired to bed, she discussed the big issue. ‘Honey, there’s the issue I wanted us to discuss,’ she started. He was already in his pajamas and lying on the bed. The ‘exercises’ he had done with Zaynab had drained him and he only wished he could have a good sleep. ‘What matter is that?’ ‘Hmn, it was a most terrible dream. Even relaying it is a burden.’ ‘What dream?’ he asked. ‘Eh, I dreamt that I saw your enemy in a wooden box that looked like a coffin.’ ‘My enemy? Well, that’s a good dream. You should be glad about that.’ She was confounded. ‘Oh, dear, when I said your enemy, don’t you think I was actually referring to you?’ ‘But you said my enemy, now.’ ‘I mean you.’ He shook his head. ‘Is that why you looked bothered? Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen to me.’ He turned on his side and closed his eyes. ‘Is that all you will say to it? Aren’t you going to do something about it?’ ‘Something like what?’ ‘Don’t you know that your enemies will be up in arms against you? Look at your ever-rising profile. This is enemies at work and they must be fought spiritually.’ ‘Alright. I agree with you. Tomorrow morning, I’ll tell my spiritual guardian about it.’ With that, he closed his eyes and soon slept off. Rita remained confounded. Why was he so nonchalant about it? This was a very serious issue, but look at the way he had responded! Anyway, he said he would see his spiritual guardian. Good. On her part, Rita too decided she would make moves. TBC
28 Apr 2019 | 20:17
The Time cometh Soon
29 Apr 2019 | 02:39
Too bad u don't listen
29 Apr 2019 | 04:47
You're about to vomit what you've eaten
29 Apr 2019 | 05:56
Tope, your infidelity will give your enemies the opportunity to overcome you
29 Apr 2019 | 07:25
hmmmmmm,,,, men and dia infidelity!!!! anyways u have been warned but u didn't listen,,, I guess u are now going to pay d price of been rich in an abnormal ways
29 Apr 2019 | 12:48
u don't want to listen to her abi
29 Apr 2019 | 19:01
EPISODE 29 With that, he closed his eyes and soon slept off. Rita remained confounded. Why was he so nonchalant about it? This was a very serious issue, but look at the way he had responded! Anyway, he said he would see his spiritual guardian. Good. On her part, Rita too decided she would make moves. The following morning was a Saturday. Rita dressed herself and her daughter up and they left the house. She had decided to see the pastor of the Pentecostal church she attended was just a building behind the parish, and all were in the neighborhood. Holding the hand of her daughter, he pressed the bell of the house. The house maid soon came out to meet her. ‘I’ll like to see the pastor. Please.’ The gate was promptly opened. She was ushered into the sitting-room where she waited. The man of God soon came down. Rita was a prominent member of the church and must not be kept waiting. They exchanged greetings and she told him the reason why she had come. The pastor rose to his feet. ‘There is nothing prayers cannot do,’ he said. ‘I believe that with prayers, mountains can be overcome. Let us pray.’ Rita knelt down while the pastor prayed. After the short prayer session, he sat down again. ‘Hmn, madam,’ he said. ‘You really need to pray to avert some kind of evil that is lurking around. You will need to fast and pray for him. Is there a way I can see him? Can he come to the church?’ Rita took in a deep breath. ‘That is the problem. He doesn’t attend church service. But I’ll tell him. I’ll tell him the pastor will like to see him.’ ‘Good. That will be fine. God will be your strength and He will protect your family.’ ‘Amen. Thank you, pastor.’ She rose to her feet and brought out a white envelope from her handbag. She had already packed a lump sum of money there. ‘This is a token of appreciation for you, sir. May the Lord continue to renew your strength.’ ‘Thank you, sister. God be with you.’ Tope continued to laze on the bed, since it was Saturday morning. He was partially asleep and partially awake. His mind briefly went to what his wife said about a dream. He instantly dismissed it as a worthless dream. He was still lazing on the bed when Zay called his number. ‘Hello, love. How’s your weekend?’ ‘I’m just waking up. Good morning.’ ‘Sorry, I hope I didn’t wake you up.’ ‘No. How’re you?’ ‘Fine. I miss you.’ ‘It was just yesterday we were together,’ he pointed out. ‘I know, but I’m missing you already.’ He laughed shortly. ‘We’ll arrange for more meetings,’ he said. ‘Yes o. I can’t wait to be in your arms again.’ ‘Don’t worry. I’ll think of something by Monday morning.’ ‘You mean I have to wait till Monday? Gosh, that is quite far away.’ ‘Well, except later this afternoon. That means I will shelve my going to the club.’ ‘Of course, do so. Am I not more important than your club?’ ‘Alright. Where do we meet?’ ‘My home is a good place. I’ll be expecting you by three o’clock.’ ‘Okay. See you then.’ ‘I’ll be expecting you, honey.’ He grinned to himself as the conversation ended. So Zay really enjoyed the act! Indeed, it was a terrific experience. She had performed beyond his expectation and he certainly looked forward to more of such exhilarating experience. When it was two o’clock, he wore a brand new designer t- shirt and jeans trousers. He complimented the dressing with designers’ watch, shoes and perfume. As a man of high taste, all his wears are now designers’ makes. He had dismissed the driver for tat day. On a day like this, he would drive himself while his police orderly would sit on the front seat by his side. He drove to Zay’s residence. as usual, the orderly would wait outside in the car. He would however ensure that he was served some refreshments. Zay was expecting him. She smiled as she gave him a short kiss. She was in a skimpy top and a bum short. He felt she looked attractive. ‘Let’s have lunch,’ she invited. He followed her to the dining room, where the table was already set. The local and intercontinental dishes were sumptuous. Standing by was Ceecee, the domestic help. Are you expecting other guests?’ he exclaimed when he saw the array of food. ‘You alone are more than other guests,’ she said, smiling. ‘Wow, this is exotic.’ They sat at the table while Ceecee waited on them. They ate like lovers who cherished the best of food and wine. Indeed, he enjoyed the meal. They took wine after that. TBC
29 Apr 2019 | 20:04
this will sha lead to somewhere
30 Apr 2019 | 03:50
Tope am sorry for you
30 Apr 2019 | 04:38
Now you're not bothered about Iye's warning
30 Apr 2019 | 04:38
tope I'm sorry for u,an what we be come of u later
30 Apr 2019 | 17:44
EPISODE 30 They sat at the table while Ceecee waited on them. They ate like lovers who cherished the best of food and wine. Indeed, he enjoyed the meal. They took wine after that. ‘I’m glad you’re here,’ she said. ‘If I didn’t appreciate any other thing, I appreciate your company. It makes me come alive.’ He nodded. ‘I must say that I greatly enjoy your company too.’ Today, she did not lead him upstairs to her bedroom. They sat together in the sitting-room, holding hands like lovers who were trying to catch some moments of missed affection. He was with her till few minutes to eight. She would want him to stay longer; to have supper there, but he insisted it was better he ate in his house, as Rita would not like him missing her food. Rita was in the kitchen when he got back home. Despite the presence of the cook, Rita always preferred that she cook for her family, while the cook would be there only to assist. ‘Daddy,’ Oyin exclaimed as she ran up to him. He lifted his daughter up. ‘My baby, how are you?’ ‘Fine, daddy.’ He sat her down by his side on the sofa while he flicked the television from one channel to another. ‘You’re back, honey,’ Rita said as soon as she entered the sitting-room. ‘Yes. How d’you do, dear.’ ‘Fine.’ She pecked him. ‘Dinner will soon be ready,’ she announced. He nodded. There was no need comparing Zay’s food with his wife’s own. Zay’s cook might be great, but Rita was a great cook too; a damn great cook. And so, Tope continued to enjoy two worlds – the warm world of Rita his wife, and the sultry world of Zaynab Terver, his mistress. Iye did not mention anything about his infidelity. He assumed that since he had been careful not to arouse the suspicion of his wife, and since he had been spoiling her with so much gifts, it could not be said that he had hurt her or that he had transgressed. He therefore saw the silence from Iye as consent to his act. One good thing about Tope Davies was he tried to do his job to the best of his ability. Just as he pledged to his country, he strove to be faithful, loyal and honest; and to serve Nigeria with all his might. But his marital life was far from being a model. His sizzling affairs with Zay continued for another six months when Iye finally confronted him. ‘Why is it that you can’t keep to spousal faithfulness?’ she asked him. ‘I don’t understand,’ he answered. ‘Of course, you do. Why do you keep desecrating the sanctity of your marital bed?’ ‘Iye, please stop speaking in riddles.’ ‘Alright.’ Her voice became cold. ‘What are you doing with Zaynab?’ He was hit by her factual assertion he did not know what to say. ‘You’ll be punished severely for this, my dear. You’ll be punished, but I won’t tell you the punishment yet.’ She cut the line. For some moments, his mind moved frantically. But wait, a minute, he told himself, how could this lady be threatening him like that? It was as if she was his mother and he was just a mere school boy. No, this had to stop. He was an adult and he should be respected. He was even older than Iye, but with the way she treated him, one would think she was his mother. Godmother or not, he decided he had to put an end to living under the whims of Iye. He must do something to stop her totalitarian grip on his life. Later that day, he and Zay met in their usual rendezvous – her home. She was quick to note that he looked a bit down and withdrawn. ‘Darling, what is the problem? You’re not looking bright like your normal self.’ He tried to smile it off. ‘Let’s share it. We’ve been sharing good moments. Now that things look quite bleak, your dear Zaynab is ready to share in whatever is the challenge.’ He felt encouraged by that, but how would he say it? He must not reveal too much about Iye, just as he had done to Rita. He told Zay about his ‘spiritual mother’ and how she had warned him to desist from extra marital affairs. ‘I couldn’t resist you. With you, I’ve been having the extra marital affairs, and now she’s threatening to deal seriously with me,’ he concluded. To his utmost surprise, Zaynab looked at him amusedly and burst out laughing. TBC
30 Apr 2019 | 19:43
Tope I see you going down the ladder because you are about to make the worst mistake of your life
1 May 2019 | 02:37
Your wife's dream will surely come to pass if you don't desist
1 May 2019 | 02:40
Tope you're digging your grave gradually
1 May 2019 | 03:26
[quote]To his utmost surprise, Zaynab looked at him amusedly and burst out laughing.[/quote] What does that mean?
1 May 2019 | 04:37
wonderful,,, put iye in her place and u wil taste again wat poverty is
1 May 2019 | 10:01
and here comes d beginning of ur sorry 4 u
2 May 2019 | 02:58
see u ,now u are complaining when she was helping u with good things u forget that u where older than her, if u want to die early go ahead with ur stupid affairs
2 May 2019 | 15:35
EPISODE 31 He felt encouraged by that, but how would he say it? He must not reveal too much about Iye, just as he had done to Rita. He told Zay about his ‘spiritual mother’ and how she had warned him to desist from extra marital affairs. ‘I couldn’t resist you. With you, I’ve been having the extra marital affairs, and now she’s threatening to deal seriously with me,’ he concluded. To his utmost surprise, Zaynab looked at him amusedly and burst out laughing. ‘Hey, it’s not funny,’ he said. ‘Believe me, this is very serious.’ ‘Really? You looked so pathetic when you were saying it.’ He shook his head. ‘It’s because you don’t know the woman. She’s a very powerful one. If you know her, you wouldn’t laugh like that.’ ‘Alright, I’m sorry if it looks like I’m trying to trivialize the issue. But, really, you don’t have to look like that. This is a very simple matter that has a simple solution.’ He looked intently at her. ‘You think it has a simple solution?’ ‘Of course.’ She smiled warmly to reassure him. ‘Look, there’s an alfa I can take you to. He is a specialist in matters like this.’ He became very interested. ‘Really?’ ‘Yes, Alfa Ousmanou will handle a case like this with ease.’ ‘Then, you have to take me there as soon as possible. I just have to stop this woman’s breathing down on my neck.’ ‘Taking you there is no problem. Just create a time. When you’re ready, let me know.’ ‘Tomorrow, I’ll let you know when we’ll go. There’s no point in wasting time. This is an urgent matter. I’ll definitely give you a call to arrange for going there.’ The following day, he called her that by four o ‘clock, they should go to the place. Of course he would be going only with his driver and a police orderly. They went to Zay’s office to pick her. She instructed her driver to drive the car home. The Alfa lived in one humble bungalow at Kubwa. The man listened to Tope well, occasionally nodding his head. ‘You have come to the right place,’ he said. ‘What you have said is quite tough, because I can see that the woman is the one controlling your destiny. All the same, we can do something that will break you away from her yoke. Listen to me very well. You’re to bring seven black she-goats. In addition, you’ll bring seventy thousand naira on each of the goats. Then, you’ll pay seven hundred and seventy seven thousand, seven hundred naira. That is all.’ ‘Are you sure once I do all these, I will be free from her grip forever?’ ‘Don’t ask questions like that because it means you’re doubting. Do what I say and you’ll see the amazing results.’ ‘I shall do what you ask for without delay. Tomorrow, I will bring all the requirements to you.’ He had departed the place a happy man. Zaynab played pivotal role in getting guys that would buy the she-goats. The afternoon of the following day, they were back to the alfa’s house. The man was impressed with the alacrity of Tope’s response. ‘Ah, my friend, your job is already done. Wait.’ He went into an inner room and soon emerged with a piece of cloth. ‘Take,’ he stretched his hand to him. Tope took the piece of cloth, staring at it. ‘For the next three days, make sure you sleep on it. You can place it on your bed when you want to sleep. When she appears to you in dream, don’t be afraid. Tell her boldly that you have severed your ties with her. That is all. Congratulations for your victory in advance.’ TBC
2 May 2019 | 19:21
Tope! Tope! Tope! How many times did I call you?
3 May 2019 | 01:42
A stubborn fly follows the corpse to the grave
3 May 2019 | 01:46
I pity you and your Zay
3 May 2019 | 05:26
Battle has begun... PASTOR ALFA AND IYE
3 May 2019 | 06:58
see dis immature tope,, little thing she asked of u and u can't do it? just don't Hav extra marital affair,, is dat too much?
3 May 2019 | 10:16
U have been duped Mr.Minister
3 May 2019 | 11:28
EPISODE 32 Tope took the piece of cloth, staring at it. ‘For the next three days, make sure you sleep on it. You can place it on your bed when you want to sleep. When she appears to you in dream, don’t be afraid. Tell her boldly that you have severed your ties with her. That is all. Congratulations for your victory in advance.’ With all these assurances, Tope left the place a contended man. That night, he told Rita he would like to sleep alone in the guest room for the next three days. She had no choice than to acquiesce. It was the third day that Iye appeared to him. She was in a flowing white dress. ‘Why are you fighting me?’ she asked. ‘Of all the things I’ve done for you, why do you choose to fight back?’ ‘I’m not fighting you,’ he replied. ‘I just want to be free from you.’ She gazed at him. ‘You think that’s possible? You think you can break away from me?’ ‘Yes, I can and I will.’ She shook her. ‘Tope, you can’t. Stop wasting your time and resources trying to do so. You can’t. You’re mine.’ ‘I want out,’ he insisted. ‘I want out of the relationship.’ Iye shook her head and disappeared. When he woke up, he was happy he had stood up to her. He was free, he decided. He was free from the grip of Iye. Later in the evening, he and Zay popped champagne to celebrate the successful outcome. ‘Dear Zay, I’ll never forget you for this thing you have done. You have been such a good help and I’ll never forget this that you have done.’ ‘You’re welcome, my dear. What are friends for?’ ‘That alfa is really strong. I won’t stop patronizing him, henceforth.’ ‘That’s good. He’s very powerful and reliable.’ ‘And thank you so much for your connection.’ ‘We thank God.’ They wined as if indeed there was something worth celebration. Later, they ended up in bed. ‘You won’t stop amazing with your sexual prowess,’ she commented. ‘The feeling is mutual,’ he replied. ‘You won’t stop amazing me too.’ On his way home later that night, he got a call from Iye. At first, his response was to ignore it. She however kept calling and he finally decided to pick it.’ ‘So, it has come to this,’ she said in agitation. ‘It has come to you ignoring my calls.’ ‘What do you want from me?’ he asked listlessly. ‘Okay. Listen well to me. What I want is that you should honor your words and to stand by our agreement.’ ‘I don’t have any agreement with you, lady,’ he said. ‘Let me warn you that you’re playing with fire,’ she said in agitation. ‘That woman, Zaynab, will lead you to your doom. You’re warned!’ ‘I have nothing more to do with you,’ he said and cut the line. He went on to block her number. Things had changed, he decided. How long would it take Rita, or Iye, or whatever she called herself to realize this fact? He would not only indulge in his new lifestyle, he would do it to the maximum. On that basis, he decided he would give Zaynab, his new found love, a great surprise. The following day, they met again in her house about five p.m. it was becoming more regular and a routine. ‘I have a surprise for you, dear Zay.’ She smiled warmly at him. ‘A surprise? What surprise could that be?’ ‘Well, it depends on whether you’ll accept it or not. But it’s a good and wonderful surprise.’ ‘Give it to me, my darling. What surprise is that?’ ‘Well, the first thing is you have to close your eyes.’ She closed her eyes, wondering what could be the surprise he had for her. He removed a small package from his pocket. It was a diamond-studded engagement ring. TBC
3 May 2019 | 20:04
this Tope is a fool ooo,ur end is near stupid fool,so now u don't believe ur godmother again just bec u want to be sleeping with that woman?
4 May 2019 | 06:15
Tope !Tope ! money the make u behave abi? godmother is on her way to the party
4 May 2019 | 06:24
The guy is crazy
4 May 2019 | 11:22
When a river forgets it's source then it becomes dry
4 May 2019 | 14:39
Tope, your doom is near
4 May 2019 | 16:29
Zay is frying dodo on your head
4 May 2019 | 17:27
Zay has linked with the so called Alfa to tie you to herself.
5 May 2019 | 17:01
EPISODE 33 She smiled warmly at him. ‘A surprise? What surprise could that be?’ ‘Well, it depends on whether you’ll accept it or not. But it’s a good and wonderful surprise.’ ‘Give it to me, my darling. What surprise is that?’ ‘Well, the first thing is you have to close your eyes.’ She closed her eyes, wondering what could be the surprise he had for her. He removed a small package from his pocket. It was a diamond-studded engagement ring. ‘You can open your eyes now.’ Her eyes were filled with wonderment. ‘I think we should consummate our relationship by getting married,’ he continued. ‘What do you think?’ She looked at the ring in bliss. The truth was in her previous relationships, no one had offered her anything like this. ‘Oh, it’s a beautiful ring,’ she exclaimed. He put it in the appropriate finger. ‘And it looks perfect on my finger!’ ‘So, what do I take your answer to be?’ ‘Yes, of course!’ She clung on to him and they went on to daze each other with kisses. Tope Davies decided to brave the odds. While Zay was about to be married the third time, Tope would be taking a second wife that was about five years older than him. He did not hide that fact from anybody. As a matter of fact, he told Rita his wife that he would soon be taking another wife. ‘Another what?’ Rita exclaimed. ‘Another wife. I’m taking a new wife.’ ‘You’re joking! This must be the joke of the millennium!’ ‘It’s not a joke. I only want to let you know so that it would not come as a surprise.’ ‘It’s that woman, isn’t it? It’s that woman you spend quality time with every day when you leave your office. So, it is not enough that you’re spending time with her, you want to go ahead and marry her!’ He did not say anything again. Rita was heart- broken. Surely, this was not the Tope she had married. The man she married was very compassionate and considerate. The man she had married would not be taking selfish and blind decisions such as this. She hardly slept that night. The following morning, after dropping Oyin with the nanny, she went to meet the pastor of her church again. ‘It’s my husband again o. This time around, I don’t even understand him at all. Can you imagine he’s planning taking a new wife?’ The pastor tried to calm her down. Then he prayed for her that the good Lord will intervene and bring Brother Tope back to the path of rationality and faithfulness. ‘Please, pastor, I want you to keep praying for me on this matter. He must not marry that woman o. By all means, he must not marry her.’ ‘The good Lord will intervene,’ he assured. Despite the assurances of the pastor, Rita remained agitated. Why was her dear husband giving her such heartache? Why was he hell bent on ruining the love they had and shared for each other? She had known that after the close of work, he had habitually been seeing the woman. That was bad enough. But to say he would go ahead and marry her was outlandish. That would just not happen! There would be no much ceremony. They would just go to the registry and formalize the whole thing. ‘I feel so excited as if it’s my very first experience,’ Zaynab exclaimed. ‘Just a few days more. A few more days and I’ll be your wife.’ He practically lifted her and took her upstairs. ‘Let me give you a preview of what I’ll be giving you as your husband.’ ‘Okay, my darling.’ He undressed her slowly until she was completely unclad. ‘Should I do the same to you?’ ‘Oh, no. Do not stress yourself. Let me do it with all pleasure.’ He undressed himself to her delight. ‘This thing seems to be getting bigger,’ she said, holding his prick. ‘Yeah, the bigger the better.’ ‘And it’s not fully erect o.’ ‘No, it’s not. I will help to make it so.’ Her fingers ran over it in a teasing way. ‘Why don’t you lie on the bed?’ she asked. He did and she was by his side. She gently rubbed his manhood until it became fully erect. ‘Whosh!’ she exclaimed. ‘Here comes Mr. Big.’ He grinned at her. ‘Let’s go conservative. Let’s do the ‘bishop’ style.’ ‘Anything my love wants.’ He was on top of her for another passionate intimacy. They held each other as if their life depended on it. Inside her big shop, Rita was seriously agitated. Despite her standing and aversion, her husband seemed hell-bent on marrying that other woman. The mere thought that she would be sharing her husband with another woman brought the bile to her heart. It was repulsive to say the least. She just had to do something about it. That marriage must not come to be. Never! The pastor he had consulted on the matter seemed to be taking things ‘too easy’ for her liking. He had said if it was the will of God that her husband would not take another wife, it would not happen. in other words, if it was the will, then it would happen! Rita did not like that statement. She had come to realize that she could not rely on the pastor to achieve her aim on this matter. So, what could he do now? She just had to do something. On the spur of the moment, she decided to call Wunmi, her confidant, though the latter was five years older. ‘This my challenge I’m facing from my husband, I can’t just bear it anymore.’ ‘What do you mean by that?’ ‘I can’t bear him marrying another woman. It must not happen.’ ‘I quite agree with you. That will be the beginning of him abandoning you and your child.’ ‘Oh, God, I can’t bear to see that happen. please, Aunty Wunmi, is there no way to prevent him from going on with his plans?’ ‘Well, it depends on what you mean by preventing him.’ ‘I don’t want that marriage to happen. I want to stop it by all means.’ There was a brief silence from the end of the line. ‘Well, I have an idea, but I don’t know if you can take it or not.’ Rita became interested. ‘Please, tell me. Tell me anything that can stop his mad quest.’ There was yet another pause. ‘Well, the thing is there is one baba that we can consult on this matter. All you have to say is you want your husband to only love you and love no other woman.’ Rita suddenly felt elated. ‘Aunty, you know somebody who can do that?’ ‘Yes. He is here in Abuja. I know women he has done it for and the thing is working very well for them.’ ‘Oh, aunty, why didn’t you tell me this since all these days?’ ‘How would I know you would welcome the idea? You kept on saying ‘pastor this’, ‘Pastor that.’ Anyway, it’s not too late.’ TBC
5 May 2019 | 19:41
And Rita is also making a mistake.. Seeking help from such isn't the solution. But what I know is that Tope would suffer. The godmother will deal with him mercilessly
6 May 2019 | 00:24
tope is on d way of a great suffering,,, and it wil be worst dan how he was in d beginning
6 May 2019 | 05:06
Tope you'll smell pepper
6 May 2019 | 07:38
Tope and Rita are making the mistake of the century......
6 May 2019 | 08:10
Now husband and wife is making the same mistake
6 May 2019 | 08:12
Iye won't take it kindly with you.... you are biting the fingers that fed u
6 May 2019 | 08:14
Tope when your misfortune start nobody will help you share form it
6 May 2019 | 14:22
EPISODE 34 Rita suddenly felt elated. ‘Aunty, you know somebody who can do that?’ ‘Yes. He is here in Abuja. I know women he has done it for and the thing is working very well for them.’ ‘Oh, aunty, why didn’t you tell me this since all these days?’ ‘How would I know you would welcome the idea? You kept on saying ‘pastor this’, ‘Pastor that.’ Anyway, it’s not too late.’ ‘I will take the option. How soon can we go and see the man?’ ‘As soon as you’re ready.’ Rita glanced at the big clock in the shop. It was few minutes to four o’clock. ‘Aunty, I would soon be in your place. We’ll go today, today. There’s no point in wasting time again.’ ‘It’s alright. I’m at home. Come around and I’ll take you there.’ ‘Okay, aunty. I will soon be in your place.’ That was it. There was no time to waste again. Rita put her things in her bag. She called the attention of the sales girl. ‘Lock up the shop if I don’t come by six o’clock. Keep the proceeds where we keep it. I’m going out.’ ‘Alright, madam,’ Amina replied. Rita left the shop and drove to Aunty Wunmi’s house at Wuse. Wunmi was married to a senior military officer as the third wife. She was a beautiful but serious looking woman. She must mean what she said. The woman was waiting for her as she had promised. ‘Good afternoon, aunty.’ ‘Good afternoon, Rita.’ Without further delay, the two women, accompanied by one of the two soldiers manning the house left for the baba’s house. The old man listened to what Rita had to say. ‘Baba, I won’t ever accept what my husband is planning. I’ve labored with him a lot in the past. I’ve endured a lot. Now, that things are rosy, another woman wants to take him shine. No way.’ The baba was very patient. ‘What exactly do you want me to do?’ he asked. ‘I want you to do something so that he’ll hate the other woman. Something will make him love me alone and not look at any other woman.’ The man nodded. ‘That is a very simple thing to do, but it may cost you a lot.’ ‘How much will it cost?’ The man appeared pensive. ‘Bring one hundred thousand naira.’ Rita was pleasantly surprised. ‘Is that all, baba?’ ‘Yes, that’s all.’ Promptly, she dipped her hand in her handbag and brought out the money. ‘This is it.’ The old man smiled. ‘Come back this time of tomorrow. Your work will be ready.’ ‘Thank you, baba,’ Wunmi said. ‘Thank you very much. I know we can always depend on you.’ The two women left the place. ‘You can be rest assured that your problem is solved,’ Wunmi said. ‘That baba is a very powerful one. The thing will work like magic.’ Twenty-four hour later, Rita was back in the old man’s house. He gave a small wrapped package. ‘There’s powder inside,’ the man said. ‘You’re to sprinkle the powder in his food or drink. Make sure only he takes the food or drink. That is all. He will hate all other women. You’re the only one he will love in the whole wide world.’ ‘Thank you, baba. Thank you very much. After the thing has worked, I’ll surely come back to see you and show more appreciation. I will surely do that.’ She left the place, feeling excited. For the first time in the last many days, she felt elated. She was certainly in a jaunty mood as she drove her car back home. Her phone rang. Her husband was on the line. ‘Hello, dear,’ he said. ‘Darling, how’s everything?’ ‘I’m fine. Remember I told you I would be travelling to Enugu this morning to inspect the federal television and radio stations in that state.’ ‘Yes, I remember you said so.’ ‘Well, I won’t be able to come back today. The senior Minister said I should extend my inspection to cover the other eastern states.’ Rita felt deflated. ‘Oh.’ ‘Not to worry. In two or three days’ time, I should be back in Abuja.’ ‘Alright.’ ‘See you, dear.’ ‘Bye.’ Rita’s excitement puffed into the air. Why was it a day like this that he would travel and not return as planned? Why was it a day she had something very precious to serve him? Anyway, no problem, she would wait. It took another three days before he returned to Abuja, which was Friday evening. Rita was glad to have him back. She had decided that she would be using endearments for him and would treat him very warmly as she used to do. ‘Oh my darling, you look so stressed up,’ she commented as soon as he came into the house. He shook his head. ‘It’s not easy. My schedule was hectic,’ he said. She helped him to remove his agbada and other clothes. ‘What you need first and foremost is a cool shower.’ She arranged for him to have the shower. Then, she prepared his favorite meal which was fried meal and fried plantain, with fried turkey. She asked the house maid to go to her room while she personally did all these. Then, she brought the food to him in bed. ‘You shouldn’t have gone through the troubles,’ he said. ‘I don’t think I’ll be eating tonight. I don’t have the appetite.’ ‘But you must eat, darling,’ she quickly said. ‘You’ve worked hard; you must feed well. How could you see food as tantalizing as this and you say you don’t have appetite?’ Truly, the food was sweet-looking. It was his favorite, but he simply had no appetite, which was strange, even to him. She practically had to feed him. After taking some bites, he declined to eat further. ‘Alright, take a lap of the chicken,’ she urged. He took it and was able to finish that. Rita was glad. He had taken enough of the portion. After the meal, he said he would like to sleep early as he desired rest. ‘No problem, honey,’ Rita said. ‘I agree with you that you need rest.’ She left him in the bedroom, glad that she had achieved what she set out to do. Alone in the bedroom, Tope gazed at the flat screen in the bed-room without interest. One of the local stations was reporting his tour of eastern radio and television stations. Tope watched briefly and flipped the channel to a foreign one. After watching the station for some minutes, he slept off. He had a dream. In it, he saw Iye in his then mini-flat home in Lagos. It was like the first day she visited his house. ‘You’re really beautiful. You look smart too, and honestly, I’ll like to marry you.’ Iye smiled at him. ‘Are you really sure you want to marry me?’ He nodded assertively. ‘Certainly, I want to.’ She smiled up at him. ‘Well, we can marry, but not in this form.’ His eyes clouded. ‘What do you mean? What form are you talking about?’ ‘You will have to go through transition before we can get married.’ He looked more confused. ‘Can you explain what you mean?’ She nodded. ‘I will explain. This is the way things would happen. I would first tell you I could not marry you, that I would be your helper, your godmother. Indeed, I would help you to attain wealth, fame and power. You would be married to another lady called Rita. I would ask you to treat her the way you would have treated me if I were to be your wife. ‘You would promise to do this, but you would not keep to your promise. You would be so unfaithful in the marriage. You would meet a lady who would attempt to completely take over your soul. I would warn you but you would not listen. The lady would even take you to somebody who would promise you that he could break my hold on you. ‘Then, you would attempt to marry that other woman. Your wife would be so distressed that she would try all means to stop that marriage between you and the lady. Then you will have this dream.’ He looked at her and shook his head. ‘All these things you’re saying are esoteric.’ ‘Esoteric or not. They will come to pass. When you have this dream, my dear Tope, it means you have three days more. Just three days in your present form. There will be a transition, and you’ll have me forever, just as you desired.’ TBC
6 May 2019 | 21:00
eeeeeeiiiii,,,, 3more days for tope to die oooo and marry iye,,, hmmmmm
7 May 2019 | 01:44
You cause it yourself
7 May 2019 | 03:32
See what you caused yourself now just because you're enjoying toto
7 May 2019 | 04:02
The story has taken a new turn
7 May 2019 | 05:08
this Tope is crazy
7 May 2019 | 06:17
So, Tope's behavior was predestined?
7 May 2019 | 07:49
7 May 2019 | 10:20
just because of toto
7 May 2019 | 10:21
i don't understand this transition of a thing
7 May 2019 | 10:27
hmmm this is serious
7 May 2019 | 12:54
EPISODE 35 He looked at her and shook his head. ‘All these things you’re saying are esoteric.’ ‘Esoteric or not. They will come to pass. When you have this dream, my dear Tope, it means you have three days more. Just three days in your present form. There will be a transition, and you’ll have me forever, just as you desired.’ The following morning, he felt much better. Thank God it was weekend. That Saturday morning, Rita woke him up with kisses. ‘Is my darling husband feeling better now?’ He smiled warmly at her. ‘Yes, my dear. I feel much better, now.’ It was when he was having his bath that he remembered the dream he had about Iye. Now, what kind of dream was that? The dream looked so real, as if it indeed happened some years ago. What was the meaning of ‘transition’ that she talked about? He suddenly stopped his bathing. Wait a minute, this was not an ordinary dream! In the dream, Iye predicted what had happened to him. But the most frightening part was that she said the moment he had that dream, he had only three more days to go. Three more days! He wanted to dismiss the dream, but the more he tried to do that, the more he had convictions that it was for real and that something was about to happen to him. After his bath, he wore t-shirt and jeans. He was supposed to meet Zay that morning, but he changed his mind. Around eleven a.m., Zay called him. ‘I’m eagerly waiting for you, darling,’ she said. He shook his head. ‘I’m sorry, I won’t be able to make it to your place today. I’ve decided to take a rest. That tour really sapped my energy.’ ‘Oh sorry, baby. I think I understand.’ Rita noticed that he was indoors throughout that Saturday, and concluded that the baba’s medicine was indeed powerful. She must really appreciate the old man and must also show appreciation to Aunty Wunmi for taking her to the right place. That night, he dreamt of Iye again. It was a very brief dream. She was happy as she appeared to him. ‘Two more days to go, my darling Tope,’ she said. This time around, when he woke in the morning, he instantly remembered the dream. He became jittery. ‘God, this is becoming something else,’ he told himself. Something told him he must do something. After his wife had gone to church, he called Zaynab. ‘It’s like I have to see that alfa again.’ ‘What’s the problem, dear?’ ‘There’s a problem. I’ve been having a nagging dream about that lady. I need to let the alfa know.’ ‘But there’s nothing to be afraid of after what the alfa has done.’ He sighed. ‘I strongly believe I need to see him. Let me just see him and tell him the dream. Don’t bother yourself, my driver would take me there.’ About forty minutes later, his driver parked in front of the alfa’s house. As usual, his orderly and the driver would stay in the car while he would go in to see the man. To his consternation, he was told that Alfa Ousmanou had traveled to Senegal. ‘What! When will he be back?’ ‘Maybe in a couple of weeks,’ he was told. Couple of weeks! If the dream was anything to go by, he would be long dead, by then. He went back to his car and put a call to Zay. ‘I was told the baba has traveled to Senegal and may not be back until two weeks’ time,’ he informed her. ‘Well, two weeks is not too far away it to wait,’ she said. ‘It is,’ he quickly interjected. ‘Listen, that lady is saying I have two more days to live. Two more days!’ ‘And you believe that?’ she asked almost derisively. ‘I think I do. Let me ask, is there no other powerful men, or even women you know? I must see somebody on this exigent issue right away!’ She appeared to be thinking over it. ‘Give me some minutes. I’ll do some findings and get back to you.’ ‘Alright. Thank you.’ He was driven back to his house. It was few minutes to noon. He was so agitated that he was restless. He paced around his sitting-room, thinking. Maybe he should call Iye and apologize, his mind said. Or at least, he should call her and hear what she had to say. Luckily, he had not deleted her number. He unblocked it and called her line. The service provider said the number was switched off. Damn! He tried the second number he knew belonged to her and it was the same result. Damn, damn! TBC
7 May 2019 | 19:42
So you are scared to die A stubborn fly follows the corpse to the grave
8 May 2019 | 06:27
You're on your own
8 May 2019 | 07:28
so now,,, u remember dat u have one Iye somewhere dat u can call? she warned u now,,,,, I don't know why some men love tasting diff women as if dey are tasting soup
8 May 2019 | 09:39
You will not come out of this one
8 May 2019 | 10:32
D**n you too Tope
8 May 2019 | 17:06
EPISODE 36 Luckily, he had not deleted her number. He unblocked it and called her line. The service provider said the number was switched off. Damn! He tried the second number he knew belonged to her and it was the same result. Damn, damn! He was still awaiting Zay’s call. His mind told him not to depend on Zay this time around. One, she didn’t seem to believe him. Two, if Alfa Ousmanou was the best she could offer, then that best was not good enough. His mind went back to Iye. Somehow, he believed she was the only one that could come to his assistance at this crucial stage. He tried her lines again. He could not get through the first line but was able to get through the second line. Thank God, thank God! ‘Hello, is that you Iye?’ he asked as soon as somebody picked the call. ‘Who is this?’ ‘This is Tope on the line. Iye,good afternoon.’ ‘Good afternoon.’ ‘Thank God I can finally speak to you. Iye, please I want to apologize for going against you. Believe me, I’m sincerely sorry.’ There was a long pause. ‘It’s okay,’ she finally said. ‘You’re forgiven.’ He broke into a relieved smile. ‘Oh, Iye, thank you so much. Thank you so much. My God will bless you.’ That’s alright. Just get to know that in the new life, there will be no room for such misconduct. But for now, you’re forgiven.’ ‘New life? What new life are you talking about?’ he asked, his panic returning fast. ‘I thought you said you love me.’ ‘Of course, I do,’ he returned quickly. ‘Good. We’ll soon be together. Just two days to go, and we’ll be together.’ ‘What exactly are you talking about?’ ‘Don’t worry. You’ll soon understand. Tope will die, yet live.’ ‘This is crazy. I thought you said you’ve forgiven me.’ ‘I’ve forgiven you. That’s why I’m going to be living with you.’ ‘This is crazy, crazy. You’re making me crazy.’ ‘There’s nothing to be crazy about. Just like you dreamt, you’ll go through transition, and then you’ll be with me.’ She cut the line. Tope could not believe his eyes. He became even more distressed. Things appeared to be working against him. First, the Alfa had traveled out of Nigeria. Secondly, Iye was insisting that he must go through transition. Was it not death he was staring at so? Why were things working so oddly against him? When his wife returned from the church, she was quick to notice his distress. ‘Darling, what’s the matter?’ she asked. He shook his head. ‘Nothing.’ He could simply not bring himself to telling her. What help could she possibly offer, he asked himself. About two p.m., Zaynab finally called him. ‘There’s another alfa at Gwagwalada,’ she said. ‘I was told he was very good too.’ ‘Good. I’ll soon be in your house. You need to take me there.’ He lied to his wife that he wanted to see the senior Minister to give him some reports. ‘Can’t that wait till tomorrow?’ she asked. ‘Today is Sunday. Surely, the report could wait till tomorrow.’ ‘No, it cannot. Let me go and give him right now. I’ll be back soon.’ His driver took him to Zay’s house, and from there, they drove to Gwagwalada where they asked for directions to the alfa’s house. He was an elderly man with grey beard. He listened to Tope as he recounted his dreams of Iye. The bearded one was silent for a long moment, just staring at the floor as if he was communing with it. Finally, he spoke out. ‘You are indeed in a grave situation as you have two more days to live. Is there no way you can contact this lady?’ Tope’s heart sank. That confirmation was like hearing a death sentence pronounced on him. He shook his head morosely. ‘I have contacted her. She insisted that I would go through transition and then I would be with her. ’ The old man nodded. ‘She’s waiting for you to come and join her where she’s is. For that to happen, you will first die. Your soul will take another body and you’ll be with her.’ Tope shivered in fright while Zaynab became panic- stricken. ‘May Allah forbid,’ Zaynab interjected. She realized that she was shaking as she had come to the bitter realization that the dream was indeed not ordinary. The old man was silent again. ‘The only way you could avert the doom that awaits you is to sit on a special mat I will prepare for you. You will take the mat home. From the early morning of the third day, you must sit on the mat till midnight. You must not go anywhere and must not do anything other than sit on the mat. For no reason must you stand up from the mat until after mid-night. That is the solution.’ Tope looked a bit relieved. ‘I will do it,’ he said. ‘Anything you ask me to do, I will do.’ The alfa nodded. ‘But you have to go now and come back in some hours’ time for the special mat. As for payments, give me any amount you think you can use to redeem your life.’ It was Tope’s turn to nod. ‘Don’t worry, baba. When I come back to get the mat, I’ll bring you more than enough money. But for now, take this.’ From his small bag, he brought two hundred thousand naira out and handed it to the old one. They left the place. ‘So, indeed, that lady is as powerful as this,’ Zaynab said wonderingly as they were going back home. ‘I told you,’ Tope said. Some hours later, he was back in the house of the old man. The orderly helped him to carry a small Ghana-must-go sack that contained bales of money. ‘This is for you,’ he told the man. ‘I can assure that after all this storm, I will surprise you with more money.’ The old man’s eyes glistened when he saw the money. He nodded approvingly. ‘Don’t worry. You will live. Even as you sit on the mat, I will be here praying unceasingly for you.’ He handed a small mat to him. ‘Here’s the mat. On the day that would be the last day, early in the morning before sun rises, sit on the mat. You’re not to stand up or do anything other than sit on the mat.’ ‘Thank you, baba. Thank you very much.’ He collected the mat and went back home a happy man. He had decided that he would simply tell his aides and others working for him that he would be in spiritual isolation that day, in case anyone asked for him. He also decided to open up to Rita. ‘My life is in danger, but don’t worry. I will overcome. Tomorrow morning, I will not be going to work. I will be in the guest room praying on this special mat. Nobody is to disturb and distract me. I will be in that room till twelve midnight. That is the situation of things. Have no fears.’ Rita tried to appear calm, but she was obviously alarmed. ‘I hope all is well. I hope all will be well.’ She rattled on. ‘If there’s any way I can help. I know a man that can …’ ‘It’s okay, it’s okay,’ he said and tried what looked like an assuring smile. ‘I can handle it. Don’t you worry.’ ‘Are you sure, my darling?’ she still wanted to know. ‘Of course. Don’t worry.’ By five a.m., he was in the guest room with the mat, torchlight, his phone and a bottle of water. He calculated that he would be sitting for nothing less than twenty-two hours. Twenty-two solid hours! It was not going to be easy but he must stay alive. TBC
8 May 2019 | 19:43
I thought u were doing strong man that time?
8 May 2019 | 19:49
ok ooo let see what the mat we do
8 May 2019 | 19:59
Hmmmmmmmm! Tope, but hope you are aware that you brought this stress and misfortune upon yourself by your promiscuity? If only you headed the earlier warnings and sticked to your wife, maybe, just maybe, you would have been enjoying your good life without stress. Let's see how you could sit at a place for a whole day
9 May 2019 | 03:19
Waiting for the outcome
9 May 2019 | 06:16
Where there is no law, there is no sin. And also therf is no gift of satan that is free, they will make you to fail so that they can punish you to pay them back.
9 May 2019 | 12:26
hmmmmmm,,, let's see how it wil go, I don't know u can't listen to just simple instruction,,, "stay faithful to Ur wife alone"
9 May 2019 | 13:55
Sitted tightly
9 May 2019 | 14:22
Let's wait and see
9 May 2019 | 14:23
hope d Alfa is real
9 May 2019 | 15:28
Am still wondering how you will overcome this situation
9 May 2019 | 17:17
EPISODE 37 By five a.m., he was in the guest room with the mat, torchlight, his phone and a bottle of water. He calculated that he would be sitting for nothing less than twenty-two hours. Twenty-two solid hours! It was not going to be easy but he must stay alive. He put the mat in a way that his back would rest against the wall. The bottle of water and other things he had brought were all within his arm reach. He would be switching the phone of for now, but later when it was dark, he would be switching it on to monitor the time. He made one last visit to the toilet and then sat on the mat. It was his longest ever sitting position. His back ached and he felt stiffness over his bones, but he must remain seated. He must remain alive. Rita was not completely rest assured by her husband. She felt she just had to do something about his predicament, but what could she do? Her mind hovered between going to see her pastor and going to see the old man Aunty Wunmi had taken her to. At the end, she decided to see the old man. After all, he appeared to be powerful too. She got to the old man’s house about noon. ‘Thank God, I meet you in the house,’ she said. ‘Welcome, my daughter,’ he replied. ‘Hope all is well.’ She shook her head. ‘I don’t think all is well. It’s about my husband again.’ ‘What about him? Don’t tell me he’s still saying he will go ahead and marry the other woman?’ ‘Oh, no. it’s not that. This is an entirely different problem altogether.’ She went on to tell her the old man how her husband had said a danger was looming over his life, but he had taken some precaution. ‘In addition to what he’s doing, is there no way I can help him? Is there no way you can protect him and shield him from danger and doom?’ The old man sighed deeply. He was silent for several moments as if he was communing with certain invisible powers. Finally, he looked up and grinned. ‘Let us leave him with the protection he has sought. I think at the end of the day, all will be well with him.’ ‘Baba, are you sure all will be alright with him?’ The man emphatically nodded. ‘Don’t you trust me again? All will be alright with him.’ Rita smiled and hoped the man was right. She peeled off handsome sum of money, handed it to the man, and left the place. The baba must be right, she told herself. He was powerful and he must be right. In the room where he had sequestered himself, he intermittently dozed off and on, but his buttocks remained on the mat. When it got dark, he remained wide awake. At a time he switched on the phone, it was quarter past nine. He grinned to himself. He had less than three hours more to remain on the mat. Time ticked on. He checked the time on the phone again. It was twenty-five minutes past eleven. Less than an hour to go. Even as he was there, he could not help thinking about Rita (Iye) and how his chanced meeting with her had changed his life. In reminiscence, he realized that he had acted so selfishly and covetously. If he had obeyed the simple directive that he should be faithful to his wife, all these troubles would not have arisen. Then he wondered, what exactly would happen if Iye had her way. The alfa had said she was waiting for him. Waiting for him where? Time ticked on. When it was a couple of minutes to twelve mid-night, everywhere suddenly became pitch dark. He became immobile. Then, there were glints of light and he saw three women clad in red clothes that were tied from their chest to their knees. They were the same women he saw years ago when he was going through his third ‘test’ with Iye. The one in the middle spoke. She called his name three times. ‘Get up from that mat you’re sitting on,’ she commanded. He did not want to answer her. He knew he was just a minute away from life. He would have loved to ignore her, but he could not. A force pulled him off to his feet and away from the mat. ‘That’s good,’ the same woman spoke. ‘She’s waiting for you. You can now be together.’ The three women disappeared while he fell into a deep sleep. TBC Interested in emotional/love stories, fiction or non - fiction, follow the below link to join my WhatsApp group
9 May 2019 | 21:16
After all the wait and stress, you still went to join her.... What a pity!
10 May 2019 | 03:42
Upon all your endurance since morning
10 May 2019 | 11:57
Just minutes to go and all the stress became waste
10 May 2019 | 18:41
EPISODE 38 When it was a couple of minutes to twelve mid-night, everywhere suddenly became pitch dark. He became immobile. Then, there were glints of light and he saw three women clad in red clothes that were tied from their chest to their knees. They were the same women he saw years ago when he was going through his third ‘test’ with Iye. The one in the middle spoke. She called his name three times. ‘Get up from that mat you’re sitting on,’ she commanded. He did not want to answer her. He knew he was just a minute away from life. He would have loved to ignore her, but he could not. A force pulled him off to his feet and away from the mat. ‘That’s good,’ the same woman spoke. ‘She’s waiting for you. You can now be together.’ The three women disappeared while he fell into a deep sleep. Rita turned on the bed and briefly opened her eyes. She could see that her husband had joined her on the bed. He appeared to be sleeping peacefully. Thank God he was safe and sound. She did not want to disturb his sleep, so she let him be and resumed her own sleep. Specks of day light had started appearing from the sky. Through the window in the bedroom, it was obvious that dawn had come and would soon pave way for day light. He turned on the bed and opened his eyes. He instantly became alert. Where was he? How did he get here? Who was the lady sleeping with her back to him on the bed? But first and foremost, how did he get here? He tapped to rouse the lady from her sleep. When she turned to him, he was surprised it was Iye. ‘Iye, what’s happening? How did I get here?’ There was an apparent shock and consternation on his face. She smiled at him. ‘You’re welcome. Welcome from your transition.’ He jumped up from the bed. ‘No, no, no. Don’t tell me I’m dead.’ The smile was still on her face. ‘Tope Davies is dead, but you’re alive.’ ‘No, no, no. That cannot be. I’m alive!’ he shuddered to think that he was dead. But… he remembered he had been sitting on the mat given by the alfa. He had been sitting for many hours. Just when it was a couple of minutes to midnight, or thereabout, he had seen the mysterious three women. The middle one had asked him – commanded him, really - to get up from the mat. Oh God! He was not supposed to get up from the mat. Why did he do so, when he should have remained seated on it as directed by the alfa? She got up from the bed, looking as beautiful as ever, but he had no time for beauty now. ‘This is one silly joke,’ he said. ‘Listen. We can reach an agreement. If you want half of all my wealth, I’ll give you. Let’s settle our rift once and for all.’ She shook her head. ‘I don’t have any rift with you. This is a new life you’re starting. I know it may take some time for you to adjust, but I’ll be patient.’ She smiled up at him. ‘You’ve taken up a new image now. A younger, more handsome image, and you’ve finally come to me. We’re together now.’ ‘What image are you talking about?’ She pointed at the giant mirror in the bedroom. ‘Check yourself out there.’ He stared at her and then turned his gaze at the mirror, which was just few meters away. Slowly, he moved towards it. When he saw the face projected by the mirror, he could not help letting out a horrified exclamation. ‘This cannot be. This is not me!’ ‘That’s you. That’s the new you.’ TBC Interested in emotional/love stories, fiction or non – fiction, follow the below link to join my WhatsApp group
10 May 2019 | 18:42
Wonderful! You're now a new creation in Iye's world
11 May 2019 | 03:49
11 May 2019 | 07:29
see Ur life!!! simple instruction, u failed to follow it... now dat disobedience led u to Ur untimely death,,, I wish dey wil be able to resuscitate u but all d wealth myt go
11 May 2019 | 13:20
Are you a beast? You have transformed
11 May 2019 | 16:19
this one na power pass power bi, what we happen to ur wife
11 May 2019 | 16:22
That means Rita s now a widow
12 May 2019 | 03:44
EPISODE 39 He stared at her and then turned his gaze at the mirror, which was just few meters away. Slowly, he moved towards it. When he saw the face projected by the mirror, he could not help letting out a horrified exclamation. ‘This cannot be. This is not me!’ ‘That’s you. That’s the new you.’ He moved away from the mirror briefly and moved to it again. It reflected the same image he had seen. ‘This is not real,’ he said. ‘I must be hallucinating. I must be having a bad dream, a nightmare!’ She sat down on the bed calmly. He turned to her. ‘Iye, this must be a bad dream.’ ‘Sh-sh,’ she hushed him. ‘I’m not Iye again. I’m Rita.’ He opened his mouth for seconds. ‘Alright. Whether it is Iye or Rita, it doesn’t matter. This must be a bad dream.’ She shook her head. ‘It’s not. You’re physically in my house in Lagos.’ ‘But how did I get here? I was in my guest room in Abuja, the last time I knew.’ ‘Calm down, my dear. Come and sit down.’ He gazed at her, finding everything incredible. She smiled at him again. ‘Come on, come and sit down.’ He shook his head and sat on the bed. He could feel the bed. His legs could feel the floor. Instinctively, he touched her. He could feel her soft skin. Everything looked so real. ‘Don’t worry, my dear. You’ll adjust to the new life. You have exhausted the time given to you as Tope Davies to enjoy wealth and power. You have gone through transition, and just as you desired when our relationship first started, we’re together.’ ‘I can’t believe it. You mean I’m … you mean Tope is dead?’ She nodded sadly. ‘Unfortunately, he is.’ ‘Really?’ he stared at her. ‘Yes. It will soon be in the news.’ ‘Oh, God. Oh, God. But I’m alive.’ ‘Yes, but not that Tope. You can’t claim to be Tope again. Never.’ He stood up and went to the mirror again. He shook his head and moved his hands. The image in the mirror did everything he did. He was perplexed. After she had taken her bath, she returned to the bedroom to cream her body and to dress up. It was already few minutes after six. She was surprised he was still asleep. Normally by now, he would be up to start preparing for the day. ‘Darling, aren’t you getting up to start preparing for the day?’ she asked him. There was no response from him. After few seconds, she moved to the side of the bed to rouse him. ‘Darling, are you going to sleep all day long?’ She tapped his shoulder. He remained still. It struck her that something was not right. She tried to rouse him more, but she could see that he was like a log of wood. ‘Darling, darling.’ She tapped him and shook him more. No, no, no, something was seriously wrong. ‘Honey, wake up.’ She turned him on his back and his deathly face remained unmoved. He was very still. At that moment, Rita let out a scream. The house maid was the first to hear her scream. She rushed to the master bedroom. There, she saw her madam holding her husband, shaking him and calling his name amidst sobs. TBC
12 May 2019 | 20:31
Rip Tope Davies
13 May 2019 | 06:30
see how u end ur life,bec u refuse to listen to ur godmother
13 May 2019 | 09:13
finally, u sent urself to early grave
13 May 2019 | 14:18
Goodnight Tope Davies Sorry dear Rita
13 May 2019 | 18:27
EPISODE 40 (FINAL EPISODE) ‘Honey, wake up.’ She turned him on his back and his deathly face remained unmoved. He was very still. At that moment, Rita let out a scream. The house maid was the first to hear her scream. She rushed to the master bedroom. There, she saw her madam holding her husband, shaking him and calling his name amidst sobs. ‘I’ll like to take my bath now,’ Rita said as she moved to the bathroom. He only nodded. He was still dazed and was still thinking he was in nightmare. He could hear her close the door of the bathroom. He stood up from the bed and walked around the large bedroom. Was all this real? She had told him it was real, and he was beginning to fell so. He went to the window and looked through. It was day time now and the street was getting busy. From his view from the first floor two-bedroom flat, every other thing looked normal, except him. He went to the mirror to check the new look again. It was the face of a handsome young man of about thirty years. Amazing! This must be a fantasy. So, Tope was no more. But wait a minute, what if Tope was alive and this person standing before the mirror happened to be a split personality? What if …? There were many other questions. He was unsettled. This was the kind of mystery he had read in a fantasy story years ago. How could this practically be happening to him? He moved from the bedroom to the sitting-room. It was the way he had known her sitting-room to be. He could hear the horning of a bike from the adjoining street. Everything seemed real. He returned to the bed-room. She had finished her bath and was back inside. ‘I’m off today, and I will not be going to work,’ she announced. ‘You still work in that hospital?’ he asked. ‘Yes.’ She brought out a body cream and started applying it on her body. ‘So, if I’m not Tope, who am I?’ he asked. She smiled at him. ‘You can decide what name you want.’ He chuckled to himself. This was fantastic and fabulous. ‘But if you ask me, I will choose Dave,’ she put in. That was not far from his surname, his former surname, Davies. ‘Let us assume this is real, Dave is not a bad name.’ ‘So, let’s settle for Dave, darling.’ He nodded. By ten o’clock that morning, the news break finally went on air on many radio and television stations. It was with shock and sadness to announce the death of Tope Davies, Minister of State for Mass Media. The young ebullient and energetic young man died in his sleep. A post mortem examination would be conducted to ascertain the cause of death. He was such a lively and committed young man who wanted to do his best for his fatherland…. Tope, now Dave, watched the news in Rita’s sitting-room on a local television station. She was perched by his side and held his hand. He sighed deeply, still wondering if he was in a dreamland. So that was it. That was the end of his wealth and power. He had achieved a lot in a short while and suddenly, he had come to the end. This was pathetic. He sighed. ‘You can still live with me for years,’ she was saying. ‘You can still live for years.’ He turned to stare at her. ‘Just who are you?’ he asked. ‘You should know by now. I’m from the spirit world, and you’re my man.’ He shook his head. Maybe he was, indeed, in a dreamland. Maybe he would soon wake up from the slumber and come back to reality. Maybe. The End.
13 May 2019 | 20:24
It would be better if you're dreaming
14 May 2019 | 05:32
This is funny though! So what gurantee do Iye(Rita) has that Dave(Tope Davies) would not turn to become promiscuous even in this new nature? Mind you, he's still a dazzling young man with alluring beauty from the given description. Back to the story;Tope Davies brought about his own woes by his promiscuity even after several warnings and second chances given him. I would say his wealth got into his head and he underrated Iye and his powers. That was plain stupid of him to do that having known from the beginning and having tasted how powerful Iye has been. Thumbs up to the writer for this masterpiece
14 May 2019 | 06:20
Weldon writer
14 May 2019 | 14:31
I wished it was in a dream
14 May 2019 | 15:02
that's just it devil will not give anytin free of charge, but Tope caused all dis oooo bcos he failed to follow simple warning,,, wat is under d skirt dat he can not take his eyes away from??? RIP TO HIM SHA
15 May 2019 | 05:19
Does it have another season...thumbs up writer
15 May 2019 | 09:02
That is it Vanity upon vanity
1 Jun 2019 | 04:46
waoh do not stick to all advice and always remain obedient
7 Jun 2019 | 03:31
See Ya life dude, to stick to one gal is a prob..
10 Jun 2019 | 04:58
Incase u find out u are dreaming, pls let us know by posting more on what happened with u are iye
20 Jun 2019 | 09:07
I don't want to blame Tope totally. Its not easy to be blessedly rich and not have girls rushing to you like flies. I like the concept at which d writer put down this story... More ink to the writer's pen
29 Jun 2019 | 18:53
Chaii tope you are finished.
26 Sep 2019 | 21:10
She worn you ooo stubborn fly finally burial .
26 Sep 2019 | 21:47
Nice story thumb up to the writer
29 Sep 2019 | 01:12
This is a very captivating and intriguing story keep it up
19 Dec 2019 | 06:41
Wonderful writeup. It's extremely interesting
27 Dec 2019 | 11:56
I really enjoyed this story
27 Dec 2019 | 12:00
Indeed, this is a big pay for your sin!
18 Nov 2020 | 19:02
Wetin go be go be
29 May 2021 | 08:41


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