The last wolf season 2 by Solomon Brown

The last wolf season 2 by Solomon Brown

By ashiko in 1 Aug 2018 | 07:47
ashiko ben

ashiko ben

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here starts the season 2 of the last wolf, stay tuned and enjoy the story
1 Aug 2018 | 07:47
the link for season 1 [hr] Link to Available Episodes Scroll down for episode 1-2 •Episode 3-4 Episode 5-7 Episode 8 Episode 9-10 Episode 11-12 Episode 13-14
1 Aug 2018 | 08:34
Link to the 1st episode please
1 Aug 2018 | 09:30
I can't wait anymore ooo
1 Aug 2018 | 15:59
1 Aug 2018 | 18:52
Episode 1 Richard DEPRESSED ******************* This time, I was able to see the prison the strange woman was being held. The prison was made of something wooden and what looked like pillars held the prison. These pillars held the weird Prison, the prison was hollow with no sign of Windows or doors, I wondered how long she has been held in here. Three of these pillars were blackened like they were burnt by a fire that went off after completing its task. Only one of the pillars took the it’s original shape and color – – a tree root that descended from seemingly no where and went really deep into the ground. A tree root acting liking like a sort of pillar, with the other pillars smoked from inside out, I knew they were also tree roots. From this, I could tell this woman’s Prison was beneath some kinda tree. All this while I took note of the prison for the first time in over three months I have been dreaming of this place, the prisoner backed me as she always does. She has never shown me her face despite my repeated requests, the same set of clothes was on her – – a Chiton. She was tall about 5,10, she was slightly built and her skin seemed to glow a little. She had this Olive skin color and her hair was a mix of blonde and black. It seems she knew I was through with my observations so she began the speech that has tormented for the last three months. The speech that makes me run from sleep, the speech that seems to be everywhere, sometimes I doubt my sanity. I have tried various means to get it out of my head but the harder I fight against it, the harder it comes. Only the woods around the house keeps me sane, whenever I am in there, the torment stops, a sort of calm rests upon me, it’s more like the woman’s agonizing pains stops. Although, she never seems to be in pains, since she wasn’t bounded by any chains or tormented by someone but I couldn’t tell for sure since I couldn’t see her face but her voice carried all the pains I couldn’t see. ” ??????????? ?? ???????????? ” Which when translated in Greek means” complete the rituals ” were the words that have tormented for three months now. I wonder why she is speaking to me in Greek. I opened my eyes and the same routine followed, I got up and left a sleeping Angel on the bed. I ran into the woods transforming in sprint, I felt peace like no other after that . I decided to stay beside the lake and ponder on my why the strange woman decided to reveal the prison where she is being held today. In previous dreams, all I get to see is her beautiful hair and the voice of pain coming from her. If only I could see her face, I might just recognize her from somewhere, though I really doubt if I could recognize her face but at least I would be able to see the woman tormenting me. I couldn’t share my ordeal with anyone well because, I still wasn’t in good terms with the pretty women living with me. Lucy still had a grudge against me because I didn’t cuddle her after killing her dad,after three good months. Angel, my mate still won’t talk to me after what happened on the Fields of Nolan. I have apologized endlessly but she wasn’t moved, this has resulted in a sort of gap between us and has denied me S£x from her although that’s one of the least of my problems now. She has looked worried for the past few weeks now because of my constant screams and my repeated movement from the bed into the woods but her pride won’t let her discuss it with me. Audrey barely talks to me, sometimes she doesn’t sleep here, probably she crashes at Jason’s. I felt rejected and depressed and that has seen me stay back at school even if I don’t have anything to do. The Town has been quiet after the gruesome battle some months back, there haven’t been any attack from the Vampires but I knew better, they will surely attack, they were just bidding their time. Soon, morning came, I got back to my room, showered and got dressed for school. Angel has stopped schooling because of her protruded stomach and so I drove to work alone since Lucy won’t even look at me. “Morning ” I heard Angel say but I pretended i didn’t her greeting. I took tea and was on my way to the garage when she pulled me back, ” Listen, I know we haven’t been the best mates on the last few months but you need to know this, I am……. ” ” I am not interested in hearing anything from you, you are speaking to me after what – – – three months and you think I am gonna stand and listen. You want this, let it remain so. “I said in anger cutting her off. ” Oh, you are angry, do you know how it feels to know that a part of you still loves the woman that betrayed you, and I am always reminded by that fact every time you transform. Do you how it feels to know that I am not the only woman you love and might not be the only woman to bear your children. ” ” Bullshit!, it’s that your excuse for your negligence and coldness these past few months. Please, you can do better, you are my mate, the one I have chosen and despite the fact the woman you hate so much risked her life to save mine, I haven’t swayed from you. My wolf might want something else but I, Richard, the one who houses the wolf in me loves you, is that so difficult to understand. Do you know that I planned on having a proper wedding for us but I have pushed that aside now because of your childish attitude. These past few months, I have been tormented constantly in my sleep and I fear that I am edging towards losing my mind but have you showed any concern despite the fact that I sleep beside you. So forgive me if I am not interested in hearing whatever you have to say, I am late for work ” I released myself from her grip and turned away from her and headed to my Mustang. ” Richard, I am carrying… We gonna have twins ” Angel said in between tears. ” I know ” I replied, not stopping and dropping my bag at the back seat of my car. ” What do you mean by that? ” She asked, ” Elijah called some time last week saying he saw you at the local hospital. He said you had an appointment with Dr Eaton I knew you must have gone for a scan and when I returned that day from work, I noticed you were constantly smiling even if you weren’t talking to me. While you were asleep, I read the report, I Have been expecting you to tell me the good news but you had to wait till today. I am the father of those unborn children and still you withheld such news from me up until now. Please Angel, just stay away from me. ” I opened the door and pressed ignition and drove out of the house with Angel crying and calling me. I was really sad from what Angel did but the pain is nothing compared to what I feel during the night. I got to school right on time but the snow was a bit of an hindrance, Christmas is fast approaching but I didn’t want to experience this one . I Was teaching the twelfth grade when I was told I had a visitor. A visitor?, after the class, I went to check who my visitor was, it was no other than Mrs Keller. I was taken aback, she noticed my shock and smiled, “I know your troubles, William, Meet me by 10pm in Church.” She Said before taking her leave. She knows about my dreams, but how? What does she want from me? Why can’t she leave me be? I pondered as I headed back to my laboratory. To Be Continued…
2 Aug 2018 | 09:29
incase you missed season 1 The Last Wolf season 1
2 Aug 2018 | 09:34
Episode 2 ANGEL Fvck!!! I screwed up, screwed up big time. Richard knows all about the report, damn it!, that was supposed to be the card I will use in making amends for my childish misbehaviors the past few months. But I was right in my own misgivings as Richard saw it. I wasn’t happy he didn’t allow me fight beside him in battle, yeah I know I am pregnant but it was a few weeks old then. Richard just made me feel like an old lady, the way he relegated me to the background wasn’t funny at all and it took him almost two weeks to apologize. By then, my mind was made up. I am used to getting what I want but that attitude hasn’t really work for me with Richard, I mean, he apologized nearly almost everyday but I think it was because he was Hot and needed to lay it off. I also hated the way he sometimes starred at Audrey, it was so disgusting. I know she was his wife in times past but I am his now and I deserve more respect than what I seldom get from him. I started having a rethink last month when almost every morning I wake up to an empty bed and watch Richard come out of the woods smiling. But during the day and just before he sleeps, he always seems to be in pains and lost in his thoughts. Since last month, it has gotten a lot worse with him, he wakes up screaming at night and if he is not screaming, he is murmuring some funny words. His situation became even more worrisome when one night he woke up, his eyes glowing and he looked like he has lost his mind. He Looked out of depth, he seemed like he was gonna do something very silly, so I followed him as he headed for the kitchen. I hid myself behind the stairs and watched him take the black book and started reciting some spell. He was shivering as the recitation of the spell continued, he struggled to stay on his feet and soon fell to his knees. I didn’t know what he was doing, what whatever he was doing, it was killing him. I could hear his struggling heart from where I was but I just didn’t have the strength to stop him and I couldn’t scream for help. He gasped for air and that stopped him from completing the spell as he fell back to the ground and tried to breathe in every air he could. “I can’t take this torment anymore, I can’t take this pain anymore. “I heard him whisper as he tried to stay upright but he couldn’t and he remained laid back and remained so till morning. Then, it struck me that this was what Audrey was actually warning me about. Just after William’s victory, he became restless and distant from his wife and he became Lost and this pushed Audrey to kill her own husband in a desperate attempt to save him. But in his Time of pain, Audrey left him to wallow in his torment and self torture until it was too late to save him. I was doing the same now, using a silly excuse to allow the one I love more than my father wallow in pains so unimaginable he decided to take his own life. I haven’t been doing my part as a mate, in this troubled times I should be at his side, cuddling and encouraging him but I have only added to his frustration. The day which was supposed to be his best day in his two hundred years of existence quickly became his worst because I allowed my emotions overrule my sense of reasoning. The sight of him deciding to take his life was a gory one and if he had succeeded, I would have been a widow and my unborn kids would never know their dad because of my stupidity. How will I even protect myself from the angry vampires if Richard were to die, I have been very silly and myopic in my decision making. I cried my eyes out that morning and I patiently waited for him to sort himself out and went after him to put some sense into his head using the twins card. But I was shocked when he said he already knows about it and I just sat on the floor and cried again watching him go to work. I wasn’t crying because of what he said about me leaving him alone but the fact that he was willing to take his own life despite the fact that he knows he will soon be a father of twins. Richard is lost and I aided him in losing his way. LUCY I just couldn’t stop smiling after seeing what transpired between Richard and Angel. Her tears brought some kinda relief to me and I knew there and then that this was my chance to get back what I allowed Angel take from me. Angel is a very egocentric person and sees competition in the slightest event, I knew that from the moment I threw my body to save Richard, she won’t be able to handle the fact that she wasn’t the one. I actually took a risk and it paid off because I appealed to Richard’s emotion and resurrected a love that was always there. Richard is a very unpredictable and emotionally unstable person, he acts like a kid sometimes and so one needs to know when to be mean and when to be like his mum but Angel doesn’t know that, she just wants to be the centre of attention every time. She made a huge mistake leaving her mate to wallow in pains and now it has bounced back negatively on her. I want my Richard back and she just opened that door for me. ************************ ANTHEA ************************ Almost three Millenniums old, I still wasn’t bored of the chaos and countless wars I have caused and I was on the verge of creating another. I know she has been communicating with Richard and this wasn’t the first time she is doing this. She is eager to get out of that Prison after being there for approximately three thousand years but she has to be patient else she might kill the one person who could help in getting her out.Richard is a very fragile person and must be handled very carefully. I must free my creator but If I don’t have a discussion with Richard soon, I might not be able to know the damage she has already done to him because from what I saw in Richard’s eyes today back from my visit to Aidenville’s high, he might not last long for the battle I am planning. Ivy has something planned up tonight for the werewolves, while Richard will be distracted having a discussion with me at St. Christopher’s cathedral. If all goes well, it will trigger another war, the one that will finally set my Creator free. Oh I love this!!! To Be Continued…
2 Aug 2018 | 09:38
Please someone should help me out with the link to SEASON ONE biko! I just can't afford to miss out from this spacious story.
2 Aug 2018 | 15:44
I hope this will be fun as season 1 let's go
2 Aug 2018 | 16:41
yes just find season one on the list of competed stories, season 2 is gona be fun, stay tuned
2 Aug 2018 | 17:03
Wow this is awesome. I never knew that it was same old story. Until I went to see for myself SEASON ONE which I'd read some time back. I hope this is gonna be more interesting than season one. Ride on bro, I'm trailing keenly.
2 Aug 2018 | 18:10
Richard tread carefully
3 Aug 2018 | 12:09
Angel stop crying and act fast...Lucy is making a move on Richard
3 Aug 2018 | 12:10
Episode 3 RICHARD I was restless all through in school, I kept wondering why Mrs Keller would want to see me. I know she is the architect of my misfortunes from past time on this earth to this very moment after she took the form of an Angel earlier on. I stayed in school till very late in the night before deciding to go meet Lucy’s mom. Angel called and sent very text there is but I wasn’t in the mood for romance right now, she has had her chance but she felt invisible and it’s my turn to return the favour, I want her to know she can’t always get away with everything. I drove to the location I was told to meet her, I parked the car a few metres away from the church and checked for any impending danger, satisfied with what I saw around the church, I moved in. There was no one in the stands when I entered, I thought I was a little early and decided to use the opportunity to pray when something moved from the eastern side of the building and stopped right in front of me and before I could do anything, whatever it was which turned out to be Mrs Keller grabbed me and fused her lips with mine. I pushed her back and cleaned my lips of her saliva. “Sweet Jesus, what the hell!!! Mrs Keller! You are my mate’s mom! ” ” Oh please, cut the bullshit, I can read everything about anyone just by looking into such a fellow’s eyes and from the first day you saw me, that want to have me has been there, so stop the pretence already ” I shot her a glare before Turning my gaze away from her. “Anyway, I kissed you because you are now a very difficult person to read, your power seems to grow daily and you have a very strong resistance towards Magic. I had to taste one of the fluids that carries your essence, though I would have loved to taste the thicker white. ” She winked after uttering such nonsense from her lips, this woman is sick. ” I am sure you didn’t Call me out here to talk dirty, why am I here, Mrs Keller? ” ” You are here because my Creator has been reaching out to you and if I do not help you in deciphering her messages, she will kill before you are able to fulfill your destiny….. ” ” My destiny you say, my destiny has always been to play your sick games, so just cut the intro and get to the point. You nearly killed me and your daughter in battle and three months later, you suddenly care about my welfare and by the way, why did you save when I was just a kid? ” She took a worried look, took my hands and led us to a seat. ” I can’t tell you everything but I will tell you enough and please no more interruptions. About three thousand years ago, a powerful woman who hated men and never wanted to submit to any authority except that of her dad finally found love. Her fellowship comprised of women only as she hated men, she was a virgin and deemed it necessary for her members to be of the same too. While hunting one day, she met a fellow hunter who was a man and one thing led to another, they had S£x and she lost her pride. She thought she was in love but actually she was under a spell enacted by her Father’s jealous wife, who of course wasn’t her mother. She hated the fact that my creator was a virgin and countless men sought her hand in marriage. When my creator discovered that she has been tricked and her pride gone, in a fit in of rage she killed her once loved lover and left him in the woods. Her Father got to know and decided to punish her by keeping in a prison just beside where her lover was killed but after pleas from her members in her fellowship, her father decided to give conditions on which she can be released. He prophesied of a man who My creator will fall in love with genuinely and that man must show a display of three rare virtues which I won’t say their names. Her members were granted eternal life as one of the benefits of being in her fellowship but since she was in a prison, her powers were restricted and soon each of her members died till it remained just me. I was close too till my Creator decided to break the first seal, her stubborn pride and that paved way for the release of some of her powers to me. Ever since then I have waited patiently for the Fighter of prophecy to emerge as he was fondly called but you didn’t show up until about a thousand years ago when your Dad dabbled with Magic beyond his understanding, he wanted eternal life and he sought it through becoming a werewolf. It didn’t work and of course he died a natural death but when you were born, I knew Immediately that you were the Fighter of Prophecy because…….. I am sorry I can’t tell that. Anyway, the only way for you to display those virtues that will please her father would have to be in battle. So I had to create one, the undead army was me and after you took my offer then, you accepted your role and your eventual destiny but that was cut short because of your naive wife, so my Creator had to wait another Millennium before you showed up again in the Mikaelson family, and yes the whole George stuff was me, you killed him and displayed another virtue and that meant three of the seals have been broken, the last battle, you will fight me because by the time you discover the evil I have done to you, you will have the needed motivation. ” ” Your story has a lot of gaps, you know you are not taking to a five year old, I am not silly but since you say you can’t tell me everything, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. From what I know the perfect reincarnation works only if the person to be reincarnated had a generation. I didn’t have one because my only son died in battle so how come I was reincarnated without such?" ” Oh… Audrey didn’t tell you, she was pregnant before she killed you, although she was trying to save you so that you won’t neglect your family as you did with your first son. ” ” I had a son and Audrey didn’t tell me. ” ” Calm your nerves, I am sure she had her reasons. You should know that what is happening to you now, the torment and pains happened In your previous life and my Creator is the one behind it. ” “But why is she tormenting me, I am doing her bidding. ” ” She is trying to remind you of what she truly is to you. ” ” What do you mean by that? ” ” When you transformed on the battlefield that day, your fur was with three colors: silver, white and Jet black. All three representing your mates, who do you think owns the dominant black color? ” ” I don’t know, do tell if you do ” ” And I thought you were smart, remember where I said my Creator will fall in love genuinely, well she has now for a thousand years. You belong to my Creator, she is your first mate, she is your forgotten mate, Richard ” To Be Continued…
3 Aug 2018 | 16:38
Episode 4 AUDREY I had it coming, I just knew that it was just a matter of time before he finally figures it out. The torment that drove William away from me was back in two-fold, Richard’s case was far worse. Each month that passes, Richard got closer to his breaking point. I have been unable to pinpoint exactly what was causing this pain and his mates haven’t helped him in any way. I warned Angel about this but sometimes she can be very stubborn, this was her chance to cement her place as Richard’s one and only but she screwed up and now his mind is made up. From what I heard this morning, It will take a while for Richard to return to Angel, Richard doesn’t play with kids and more importantly he hates secrets especially from someone he loves, I just couldn’t understand the game she was playing but it’s obvious she didn’t win. I wasn’t going anywhere with Jason because I just can’t let Richard go, no matter how I try to hide it, it shows. He knows this and that’s why he keeps staring at me at the dining which usually sets Angel off. I decided to stay indoors today putting some final touches to a spell I created. I was Close to sleeping when I felt this powerful energy in the air. The energy was of pure rage, I thought we were under attack and change from my pyjamas to something more flexible when I heard Richard screaming, “Where is Audrey, where the fvck is Audrey?? ” I left my room quickly and found my way downstairs, but as soon as He saw me, Richard came for me. It took me by surprise and before I could react, he had me and held me by my throat. “You wicked, soulless witch, How could you hide something so important from me, how could you? ” He snapped and threw me from where I was and I landed on my left arm, dislocating it from its shoulder. I managed to sit upright amidst pains, ” What have I done Richard to upset you? ” I asked as Lucy and Angel tried to pacify him but he was having none of it. ” You still have the nerve to ask me that, huh? I really don’t know what I have done to you ladies. I have been the good Alpha, the good husband, and the good brother but have you all reciprocated the same attitude towards me? no. Every time, I get to hear valuable information from foes rather than those I call family. Do you know how embarrassing that is, For the last three months I have been my Orator and audience because you all held grudges against me, grudges that couldn’t be forgotten. Angel left me to my torment, Lucy called me a jerk and wished for my death and just a moment ago I got to know I had a son just before my death in my previous life. I have shared everything I have among you all including my body but it never seems to be enough. From the moment I knew I was the cause of my son’s death, the guilt haven’t left me and that’s what pushed me to kill George but Audrey knew she had another son for me but never uttered anything about it. You know what, as soon as I am done with my upcoming battle, I will leave town and move Somewhere y’all will never find me. None of you deserve me, absolutely none!” he screamed. Almost immediately, a call came in, he answered, “What is it Jason?….. What!! !! !!! !! !!! .. An attack from the Vampires,….. What is the situation? …. Critical.. Alright, I am on my way. ” With a scowl on his face, he said, ” This conversation is far from over, when I return, you will spit every damn secret from your lying lips. ” JASON ************************ Here I am, staring at her again, it’s freaky but I can’t help it. Ever since April Sanchez stepped into this school about a month back, I haven’t been myself. I know I have weird Aqua eyes but hers was something else, her eyes was like Liquid blue that’s the best way I can describe it, her perfectly crafted nose seats fine on a well sculptured jaw, her lips: I think Angelina Jolie will be Jealous and then all that pretty face complimented a well figured body frame. She was a rare perfection and I wanted her to myself, at least I feel like I have a purpose after the battle three months back. I wasn’t myself until April’s arrival because the little thing I had going with Audrey hit the rocks a while back. I don’t understand the relationship she has with Coach anymore, she seems too into Mr Richard for a brother and sister relationship. Whenever she crashes at my place, we don’t get to have S£x because she is so worried about her brother, and it’s super difficult to sleep side by side with someone as hot as Audrey and not feel h.orny. I have lived with torment like such for the past two months until April arrival and the timing couldn’t have been better. I smiled at her at the eatery during break before my guys came to join me at the table : Luke, Eric and Chad. “Hmmm, The player has gotten another game, right?? ” Luke my best friend teased. ” Common, y’ll know I am a changed dude, don’t do those stuffs no more ” I replied. ” And that’s your damn problem, dude you are cute, Sekxy and very intelligent, you should be getting your fair share of holes before going to college. I hear girls giggle and tease themselves about dying to lay with you just once and you are here stalling.” Luke said. “I think there is more to a girl than her womanliness, besides at this point in my life, I should be thinking about where I am headed. ” ” Psssh, Fvck that bro, you are what, eighteen and you owe who any responsibilities, last time I checked, it was zero. You have been your own man since your parents death and I have known you to be the bad guy, that’s who you are bro, that’s why girls can’t stop talking about you. You are not this smiling sheepish sack of shiit you have turned yourself into lately, you are the football team captain, for Fvck sake act like one. ” Luke shot back at me. ” Alright, Enough of this talk, Jason have you listened to Thomas Rhett latest single? It’s nice. “Eric asked. ” Yea, I have, at least he didn’t start with “hey girl” this time. ” I replied and we are laughed. ” Damn, I can’t stop looking at her arse, are Latinas this arsefull? ” Chad asked. We all turned to look at who he was referring to and it was no other but my Sanchez. I was mad but I did my best in hiding it. ” Oh her, guys you need to work that arse on your sticks and I swear you will appreciate the work Nature did on her.” Luke said. “Wait, you banged her already? “Chad asked chuckling. ” Sure, there ain’t no girl with booty I haven’t banged in Aidenville and hers won’t be an exception “Luke replied laughing. ” You bloody arse hole, how could you? I had it in mind for her to be my girlfriend and you did what, bang her. How will I be able to look at her the same way again ” I said, my temper rising with each word. ” Jeez!!!, relax pal, I didn’t know you had something for her. But seriously I don’t get this new personality of yours, what the fvck is wrong with you? Who did this to you? Are you expecting your April to be a First timer or what, do you how many c.ocks have gone through her hole? This is a free world dude, if you want faithfulness, you are so on your own, Fvck these bittches mehn and stop being this romantic shitt you are at the moment. Dad and Mum travelled last week so I am organizing a party, I am sure she will be there and so you can take your pound of flesh back. Are we cool now?? ” ” Fvck you Luke! “I said before leaving the table and headed for my classroom, I caught Sanchez looking at me but I rolled my eyes and fixed my gaze on where I was going. She seemed to notice my displeasure towards her and she followed, calling my name but I didn’t answer her. She pulled my arm and turned me around “What’s up with you? Why did you look at me like that? ” she asked. ” Why not ask my best friend Luke, whom you fvcked last week. Stay away from me, bittch ” She suddenly moved back and back,her face suddenly reeked of fear, what’s going on with her. ” Jason, Ja…….Jason…. . your eyes.. .. they. . .they are glowing, ” To Be Continued…
3 Aug 2018 | 16:45
finally season 2 is out hmm I have waited long enough
4 Aug 2018 | 20:24
Jason just hope she is not a bait oh
4 Aug 2018 | 20:24
hmm big time family is in s total mess cause of silly secrets
4 Aug 2018 | 20:25
Hmm how many mates does the Alpha have
4 Aug 2018 | 20:26
continue ...
4 Aug 2018 | 20:27
link 2 season one
5 Aug 2018 | 07:12
Ride on
5 Aug 2018 | 19:51
Waiting for the Next episode
6 Aug 2018 | 02:04
Episode 5 JASON ******** *********** Damn!!!! I overreacted, this shouldn’t be, I am the Beta for Pete sake, I should be in control always. I walked away from her before she stirs up attention although no one is gonna believe her tale of glowing eyes except for the Vampires among us. I couldn’t wait for the closing bell in order to get the hell of this place. The moment it rang, I took off but not fast enough for April not to call me back. “Um, can we talk? ” she asked after catching up with me. ” I am not in the mood for talks now, some other time. ” ” Common, some few minutes won’t kill you. “she said batting her eyes. ” Look Sanchez, we ain’t even dating, so you have every right to screw whoever you want. I simply overreacted and I am sorry about what you saw earlier, let’s pretend that never happened. ” ” I won’t just sweep that under the carpet, we are gonna talk about it, here and now. ” ” Well, you will be doing that alone, right now I have a place of I should be. ” With that, I left her standing there and found my way home. I showered and took a nap but I woke up to several messages on my phone. I read them and it Was Luke all through telling me about the party and how it was gonna go down. I wore some short and a round neck, well, it won’t hurt to be a bad boy for one night as I found my way to Luke’s house. His dad is one of the richest men in Aidenville, maybe just after the Kellers and well respected but unfortunately they had a son who Cared less about that as any opportunity he gets he ruins his family name. Twice, Luke has been arrested for drunk driving and countless times for drinking in a bar as an under eighteen and now he is organizing a party for his birthday which was last week. The guy is a psycho because despite all his misbehaviors, he is on very good grades and so there is little for his poor parents to complain about. I got to the Mansion and I could hear music blasting already, damn I am late to the party, it was just 10pm. I got in and saw my boys grinding and doing whatever to those poor girls in the name of dancing . Luke screamed my name and I walked up to him. “Hey, common join the party and stop being a womanliness.” I smiled at him and went to the bar, took a bottle of whiskey and went to Luke’s room to play some video games. I just couldn’t stay in that party any longer, ever since I became a werewolf i have hated where there were too many people because of the swell so party hasn’t been my favorite social stuff. One direction’s Drag me down started playing downstairs where the party was being held and that made the crowd screamed. I loved the song too and sang along as I raced through the tracks in the Nascar Game I was bossing. I heard a knock and I told whoever it was to come in, it was Sanchez. “Before you scream, Luke told me I could find you here. If I had known Luke was your BFF I would have turned him down, I am sorry for hurting you and I don’t care what you are, I just want to be with you right now. ” She said in one breath. I tapped the bed, signalling her to come sit beside me. She was putting on ripped pants and a t-shirt with black lipstick. I didn’t say anything because I had nothing to say, you know it’s so easy to be angry with someone but when such fellow apologize, you realise the resentment wasn’t worth it. I dropped the game pad and faced her. I just stared at her perfect face for what seemed like eternity and then I turned away. I can’t do this, I can’t betray Audrey, I said to myself. April stood up and came in front of me. She pulled me forward and attempted to kiss me but I turned my face away. She tried again and I did the same thing. She got irritated and her eyes watered as she turned around and was already at the door when I heard a scream and then screams. “Jason, bring your silly arse here, vamps are on rampage!! ” Luke yelled. Vampires, WTF!!! Quickly I removed my shirt and short with just my underwear remaining. I started transforming. ” Whatever you are about to see, please don’t freak out ” April nodded but after my transformation she did more than just freak out,she ran for her dear life. I raced through the stairs pushing Sanchez outta my way. I landed on the dance floor and howled. The remaining werewolves who could still walk ran and stayed behind me. The place was now a mess of blood and bodies although I couldn’t tell if they were actually dead. “Tell your Alpha, this is just the beginning, we will make sure we end your k every one of your kind. Ivy sends her greetings. ” A voice spoke, the voice sounded familiar and I then realized that it was Mr Damien. He and his crew left after ruining the party. ” Luke, lock the house down, no one is to leave except they are vamps which I am sure they are gone by now. ” I ordered, I transformed back to human and checked on the injured. Five of the werewolves were gravely injured with Parts of their body in weird angles, I couldn’t handle this, I had to call Coach, which I did. I turned around and told the rest of the wolves that the Alpha was on his way. “You know you are Unclad, Jason, might wanna put some clothes on. ” I heard April say, I quickly covered my genital as my folks chuckled. RICHARD ******************* My head was pounding both from rage and hurt, why would Audrey do something so vile to me. What more is there for me to give these women that I haven’t given, what more. Although Mrs Keller can’t be trusted and she spoke so much nonsense earlier, especially about an inevitable war and me finally fighting her. If she is truly behind all of the battles I have fought then I wonder what the price will be this time for me to win. The first price was my son, the second was my parents and I do not have the faintest idea what the third will be. She said when I get to know what she has done, she was talking in the past tense, she has already concluded her evil plans but I am still in the dark about it which just adds to my rage. I parked and got down from my Mustang screaming Audrey’s name. She showed up and when I saw her, I ran after her and held by her throat, I really wanted to rip her head from her shoulders but I couldn’t, her innocent face wouldn’t let me hurt her and I just threw her off the stairs. Lucy and Angel saw what happened and both decided to intercede on Audrey’s behalf but I was having none of that, both were even worse than her. I pushed them aside and faced Audrey. I gave her a piece of my mind and not even her innocent face could stop that from happening. I was on a roll but I had to stop due to a call from Jason calling about a vampire attack in Luke’s residence, I wonder what they were all doing there in the first place. I left the three lying women and set off for Luke’s residence. Jason opened the gates for me since according to him, the house was on some sort of lockdown. I walked in to find some of my wolves in horrible plight, parts of their body twisted in weird angles and slowly, their heart were beating to oblivion. I saw some group of humans at the extreme end of the hall, shivering and fidgeting, although the place was warm. “Did anyone call the police? ” I asked, they all shook their heads and I wondered why, probably they were taking substances that could have implicated them. ” Who did this? ” I asked Jason. ” Damien on orders from Ivy” he replied. I knew this was beyond Ivy, it was Mrs Keller in disguise, as George brilliantly said before his death, we were just pawns in the grand scheme of things which is just to release her creator although it was too late for him to turn a new leaf. I walked up to the wolves in distress, I looked around for more bodies but they were none, seemed more like the vamps came only for the wolves. I walked up to one of wolves and kept back the left femur bone that had pushed out from his thigh. His screams were horrible and I heard tears at the extreme end but it had to be done else he won’t heal. The other was his right elbow twisted— I couldn’t even tell the angle, it was just so horrible. I had to twist and turn the elbow several times to put it how it should be. The kid couldn’t even scream anymore just opened his mouth as no voice no came out to show the extent of his pains. The third was a stabbed knee, breaking his knee Cap and preventing it from healing properly. Unfortunately for him, his knee had started healing already even with the knife there, so I had to remove the knife and break the knee cap again. I cried along with him too as he screamed and tossed and smacked his head with his free hands. Jason and Co had to hold him still. Next was a dislocated tendon which was easily fixed and the last was an ankle twisted 270° to the right, he screamed too but not as much as the rest. I was very angry and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Damien but I was even more pissed because of the wolves carelessness and now we were forced to reveal our identify to humans. To Be Continued
6 Aug 2018 | 15:27
Next pls
7 Aug 2018 | 14:43
Where Is The Link To Seaseon 1
7 Aug 2018 | 15:25
7 Aug 2018 | 18:41
check on the first page, you will see the link for season 1 @Frankling
9 Aug 2018 | 16:34
Episode 6 RICHARD ************************ I waited patiently for the injured wolves to heal because I had something in mind for all of them. During the wait, I walked over to where the humans were and asked if they were Alright, they nodded, they looked afraid and so I decided to talk them out of their fear. ” I know you are scared and you came out here to have fun even if some of you shouldn’t have taken some of the things you took unfortunately, you found yourselves in the middle of a feud between supernatural beings. I want you all to know that this world we live in isn’t as simple as we have been told, there are things moving and walking on this earth that science cannot explain but be rest assured that we won’t you harm you in any way, we do not hurt humans because we are still humans. So, do not freak out from what you are about to see and as soon as it is morning, you will all be allowed to return to your various homes. Are we cool now? ” They said yeah, which was a good thing since they didn’t say anything earlier. I smiled and then turned back to start what I had in mind when I saw Jason sharing a kiss with a very pretty girl, hmm, I thought he was dating Audrey, guess things didn’t work out between them just as I predicted it won’t. I cleared my throat and they quickly disengaged, I called for the whole crew and asked Luke to bring me something very hard and big that can withstand some real punches, he went in and brought an aquarium which caused the lot of us to laugh. He didn’t seem to share in the humor and explained that the small aquarium can withstand whatever will be thrown at it because it was reinforced with some material I can’t seem to remember. Anyway, I kept it on a platform and asked each of the wolves to punch it. They are all tried but none one of them did any significant damage instead most ended up with broken wrists even Jason. I was more than disappointed with what I saw. “Transform to your wolves “I ordered. They started their transformation, the screaming and the sound of broken bones filled the hall and the time range of their transformation was one to almost twelve minutes. I couldn’t believe my eyes, so for three good months, these kids didn’t even bother to train themselves and improve on their transformation rate. “Your sync with your wolves is very poor that’s why you can’t do the same damage you can do when in wolf form in your human form. I still can’t believe that the same way some of you were three months back is still the same way you are now, no improvements whatsoever. Imagine if the Vampires actually meant to kill you lot because I am sure that wasn’t their plan because of the sort of injuries I saw and most of you were unharmed. But if they were actually here for war, you mean to tell me it will take you ten, twelve minutes to transform before you can defend yourself because I am sure by then you will all be singing with the Angels . They were only here to see how prepared you are but it’s clear you ain’t and when next they attack, you sure won’t be lucky. It’s so pathetic that they could do so much damage yet none of them were hurt because you all have been very lazy, it’s so shameful. Jason, I think you need to get your head sorted out quickly before I start doubting your Beta attributes because what I just witnessed is shameful to say the least. We are in the early hours of Saturday and so training begins on Sunday, I guess I have been too lenient with you all. ” I turned away in anger and urged the humans to pretend like they never saw or heard anything and make sure no other person hears of this, with that I left to carry out a plan of mine. Since Mrs Keller has explained what the woman in prison is to me, I should be able to talk some sense to her to stop the torment and pain she is making me pass through. I will sleep in the woods, probably next to a tree since she doesn’t torment me while in the woods. I got back home around 4am in the morning, I still have about two hours to get some sleep and start my plan. I met the three most important people in my life waiting for me in the living room but I wasn’t interested in talks right now. “Is everything alright, how are the wolves? ” Angel asked but I just ignored her and went upstairs to get some sleeping materials. When I came downstairs, I saw her crying, ” Is Jason Alright ” Audrey asked. ” He is very much well” I replied. “What do you mean by that? ” she asked. ” Why not call and ask him if there is anything he needs to discuss with you. ” I shot back at her. I ran quickly to the woods and found a big tree, didn’t bother to know which species, I just arranged my little tent, entered and went off to dreamland. ************************* IVY ************************* “Did everything go as planned?” I asked. “Yes my Queen, everything went as planned. ” Damien replied. ” I hope you didn’t kill any of them ” I asked because I know Damien’s tendency to get carried away when it comes to killing. ” No my Queen, just Inflicted some injuries, nothing that won’t heal overtime. ” ” Good, you have done well, you can leave. ” The Vampires were eager to avenge George’s death but I won’t allow them, I want to kill each of those dogs with my bare hands and I couldn’t wait to rip out their leader’s heart, the one who killed the only person I knew as my Father, the one they call Richard and thanks to Mrs Keller, things are going as planned. To Be Continued…
9 Aug 2018 | 16:39
Episode 7 RICHARD ******************** I soon fell asleep, I woke up and found myself inside her Prison. I became afraid instantly because whenever I dream about her it’s more like I am an observer viewing from the outside but now I find myself inside her cell and I don’t why she wants me in here with her. The cell seems to have this air of depression, regret and a bit of remorse about it. I started seeing people I have killed, from the days I fought as a Soldier in the Vietnam War to the time I killed a man who was molesting his daughter and then the battle at Nolan Fields where I killed George. I began hearing a voice telling me I could have done it another way, I could have spoken to those soldiers I killed, I could have taken the crazy dad for counseling and I could have just forgiven George and let bygones be bygones. The longer I entertained the strange voice , the more depressed I became. I had to do something and fast, so I gave the voice very good reasons why I killed those people. A battle is not where speech is given, you either kill or get killed. The man who molested his daughter was beyond counseling because he tried to kill me after I got to know of his evil deeds, so I had to defend myself or get killed. George had to go, it was either him or me. After giving those reasons, the strange voice left me and I came back to myself. I looked around me and touched the walls of the cell which were as black as death. The moment I touched the walls, Lightening flashed through, forcing me to remove my hand. Lightening running through wood? That’s beyond weird, so it was the lightening that smoked the rest of the pillars inside out, I wouldn’t want such lightening near me. I turned around and looked above me but despite my good eyesight due to me being a werewolf, I couldn’t see top of the cell, it seems to have no ceiling and no beginning. I knew that was impossible, it was just very powerful magic at work, magic that seemed very ancient. The strange woman still haven’t said a word since I got into the prison which of course I knew it was her doing. I haven’t heard the usual tormenting voice reminding me to complete the rituals, I wonder what’s keeping her quiet.. Her Chiton was shorter and now fastened around the waist revealing her beautiful legs. Does she get to change clothes? She still backed me and I wondered if she has been told not to face me or look at me because it’s getting annoying. “Hey Ollie, “I tried starting a conversation since she won’t talk and I called her Ollie because of her skin. She didn’t respond and so I decided to move closer to hear and touch her. I was about three feet from her when she spoke, ” Stop! do not come any closer. I do not like to be touched especially by a man. ” “Waoh, see who is talking! So you can speak English and yet decide to torment me with that annoying Greek language, that’s not fair and to think I am the only one who can set you free from this depressed hole.” “I didn’t mean any harm, I only sought to remind you of your destiny and my native language is not annoying. ” ” I nearly took my own life because of the constant migraines I had that my healing powers couldn’t heal, there are better ways to remind someone of something. ” I expected her to apologize but she didn’t even say a word after that. ” You know this is the part where you say I am sorry I didn’t mean to be that hard on you. ” ” I won’t apologize to a mere mortal, much less a man. If you had succeeded in killing yourself, someone else will simply replace you, I am in no hurry, I have eternity to wait. “She said in an angry tone. ” Alright, you won’t apologize and since you are in no hurry and you do not care about what happens to me, then I suppose you leave me alone and stop the torment or I will find other means to shut you out. I have a life and soon I will be a father, I do not need this constant distractions, you hate men so much yet, we are your salvation. Screw you! and just so you know, I am immortal. ” I didn’t wait for her reply or probably I wasn’t expecting her to reply me. I closed my eyes and opened them and found myself back in the woods, I looked at the time, it was 6:30 am. It was a Saturday, I decided to make good use of it by finding as much information as I could about this strange woman. Why does she hate men so much? Why did she say Greek is her native language? Why wont she look at me? Is she a monster or what? I needed answers to these questions and I know just the right place to start searching. To Be Continued…
9 Aug 2018 | 16:44
here it goes
9 Aug 2018 | 16:46
Episode 8 TRIANGLE ********************** ANGEL ********************* Richard once again ignored me and replied Audrey’s questions which wasn’t cool at all. I am his mate and Audrey is his sis, I mean I have apologized endlessly and still he won’t forgive me. I really don’t know what else he wants from me, now he has gone to the woods to sleep yet again and leave me to sleep on that king size bed all alone. I can’t continue to watch things fall apart and ignore the fact that Richard is slowing moving away from me, once he comes back from the woods, I am gonna give him a piece of me. But the moment he came, he didn’t even look my way or any of us, he just went in, showered, took his laptop and locked himself in the Library. Audrey later left to see Jason and Lucy left the house later on. I was lonely and knocked the library door several times but got no reply, I tried calling him but it went straight to voice-mail. I became restless and frustrated, I lost appetite and couldn’t eat even if I knew I should because of my present condition but everything had lost meaning because of Richard. I wish I wasn’t mean to him those past few months, I wish. Eventually in the evening, he came out looking frustrated, it seemed more like he didn’t get whatever he was looking for, he saw me and just smiled and then he went up the stairs. He smiled at me! , well I guess that’s a good thing and so I followed him, he was sitting on the bed when I entered, immediately I jumped on him, teased him by playing with his hair and stylishly unbuckling his belt. I tried to kiss him but he just turned his face and stopped my hands from completing it’s mission. He gently carried me off him and dropped me on the bed, got to his feet and buckled back his belt. “What more do you want from me Richard, I already apologized.” I said, crying between. “Oh.. Oh.. Now you wanna have S£x, when I seemingly begged for it weeks past, do you yield to my request, nah you didn’t. You know what Angel, I might actually forgive you if you actually show genuine remorse for the hell you made me past through for good three months. You are not sorry for what you did, you are only sorry because you are scared that you might lose me to someone else, tell me I am wrong. ” ” Isn’t that a good reason, I watched you nearly take your own life some days back and then I realized the sort of damage my negligence may have done to you……. ” ” You know what just stop, hearing you talk this way breaks my heart, so you wanna tell me you didn’t know how much pain I was going through that month, you didn’t feel I was close to my breaking point. Angel, for Heaven Sake, we are telepathically linked, whatever I feel you feel also except you deliberately ignored the signs and warnings. I fell in love with you because you were crazy Alright but you were direct, I am an emotional wreck but you stabilize me because of your direct personality but maybe that got into you and you felt you could behave like everyone else Be extra mean and keep grudges but the thing is, you are not everyone, you are my mate and so if Lucy and Audrey decide not to talk to me, you shouldn’t do the same because you are far more important to me than they are but I guess you don’t know that. I still love you, there is no doubt about that but I want to see the woman I fell in love with not this mean, desperate person in front of me who thinks she can get away with whatever she does, right now, I do not know you and until I feel genuine remorse from you, our differences remain. ” With that, he left for the woods again, Richard doesn’t want me again, he has left me in a far worse state than before probably I shouldn’t have indulge him in any conservation but still I guess I deserve whatever I am getting from him now. ***************************** RICHARD I searched for hours but nothing concrete came forth, I read various stories that had a Greek speaking female hunter in Prison but all I got were nonsense about Greek and Roman gods. If only I could see her face it will help a great deal. I gave up the search without getting any answers to my questions and Angel didn’t help by constantly disturbing my focus knocking tirelessly, I just don’t know what’s with her, she doesn’t want to talk and now she suddenly does. I came out of the Library because the strange woman said she wanted to talk, now she wants to talk, guess she is lonely. I smiled at Angel to keep her at ease because of her pregnancy but that gave her the needed courage to come for me and begin her irritating moves for S£x. I really don’t get why some women think they can get feuds settled by making moves for S£x, most times it doesn’t work that way and now was one of such times. I am trying to find solution to a problem and at least I expected her to ask what I have been doing locked up inside the library all day but instead she jumps on me and starts unbuckling my belt, it so reeks of desperation. It’s so obvious she is scared of losing me to someone or probably she thinks I am already seeing someone else. It just irritated me and after telling her the truth to her face, I left for the woods. I erected my tent and soon I slept off, waking up inside the strange woman’s cell. She was putting on a very beautiful Chiton, that hugged her body More than it should. Her hair was tied in a pony tail and I just wished I could see her face. “Are you still angry or is it mad at me, I really don’t get your ur English language ” ” Is that your way of saying you are sorry? ” ” You sound angry, had a fight with someone? ” ” You know, saying you are sorry won’t kill you, gosh! you are so annoying. ” She laughed, before saying ” I won’t give you what you want, such teasing may work on humans but certainly not me. I won’t show you my face because I know that’s your aim, so you might want to try harder. ” Damn!! How did she know that? ” Why do you mean by that, aren’t you human yourself? ” ” How is your wife, you said earlier that you will soon be a father, I take it that she is pregnant, Right?? ” Once again, she skipped my question. “Yeah, you are right but we have a little misunderstanding, I and my mate.” “Misunderstanding, anyway, I wouldn’t know, I have never been in any relationship before. ” ” Really, I thought that was what brought you here. ” “You know nothing about me, William. Whatever you might have been told is a lie. I heard you say you have a mate, you can only have one mate Richard and unfortunately you are not the one to choose. In a normal wolf setting, the female wolf chooses her mate and not the other way around. Soon, your fur will return to how it should be. ” That took me by surprise, if what she just said is true, it’s means I have already been taken long before I had a choice, what nonsense. I thought Mrs Keller was spewing thrash when she said this strange woman was my forgotten mate. A woman can’t just pick me, I have to fall in love with her and I am sure as hell ain’t in love with this woman. Who will love someone who hates men anyway, is such a person capable of love in the first place. “Well, if it works for animals, it sure doesn’t work for humans. I have chosen my mate and I love her. I think we have had quite the talk, I need to go now. Lovely dress you have there though, shame I don’t get to see your blush, see you later Ollie. ” “My name is not Ollie and you can’t run away from the truth forever.” I just ignored her and returned back to the woods. I Still don’t understand how she gets to change clothes, or probably it’s some kind of Illusion. I got up from the tent, and was on my way back to the house when I saw Audrey approaching my direction. “Richard, we need to talk. ” **************************** To Be Continued…
9 Aug 2018 | 16:50
this woman is really disturbing
10 Aug 2018 | 19:03
this one don turn Indian marriage pattern wey female wolf go choose male as mate
10 Aug 2018 | 19:21
this false soulmate should do and show herself
10 Aug 2018 | 19:38
11 Aug 2018 | 04:33
11 Aug 2018 | 19:46
time to bookmark myself
16 Aug 2018 | 08:36
Interesting Bring more
18 Aug 2018 | 20:29
Hope Richard's attitude towards his other half won't go over board. You guys need to learn how to forgave each other else u all will end up pocketing "Had I Know". I just hope it won't be too late then. Ride on bro! I'm trailing keenly.
23 Aug 2018 | 12:56
Episode 9 AUDREY ********************** I listened keenly to the conversation between Richard and Angel and I actually understood his point of view. He was right by saying he expected far better decision making from his mate but putting a pregnant woman under that sort of pressure is never a good thing. I was also shocked when Angel said he almost took his own life, and it was there and then I concluded that whatever happened to him while I was still his wife was no coincidence. It was deliberate and I still didn’t know why but for the past two days now, Richard was looking more and more himself. He is getting his groove back but he doesn’t want to talk about it, which he will if I keep pestering him. As soon as he left for the woods in what has become a regular routine, I left my room and entered theirs where I met Angel seated on the bed crying. I closed the door behind me and approached her, “Stop crying dear and listen to me ” ” I don’t know what’s come over him, he is the forgiving type but now he just keeps saying vile things. I told him I am so sorry.. I am sorry ” she said in between tears. ” I know you are sorry but he won’t believe you now because you are only desperate to get him back which is quite different from when one is sorry. Richard behaves like a kid sometimes and you have to be mean a little to him once in a while but you over did it and in the process he now thinks you are a wicked mate. There are things we can do and get away with but you don’t have such privilege, he still loves you which is a plus and I think your hormonal changes due to your pregnancy might have been part of the reasons . I will speak with him on your behalf because you can’t do that now, since he doesn’t believe in your remorse but please promise me this won’t repeat itself again, promise me. ” ” It won’t, I promise and thanks for everything. ” “Alright, get some sleep.” I watched her sleep before going outside to wait for Richard, I sat on the bench facing the woods reading some story on my surface pro. I remembered what happened earlier today and I felt a little sad. Jason decided to break up with me because he couldn’t understand the relationship between me and Richard. I didn’t even bother to explain myself because I got to see his new girlfriend right there with him at his place, she is a beauty though and I wished him a successful relationship. He can’t understand the bond between me and his coach and I can’t just let go of Richard, I think the break-up was ultimately for his own good. At few minutes past five, I heard the crushing of leaves and I knew it was Richard and so I stopped my reading and walked towards his direction. I told him we needed to have a talk. “Alright, lead the way. ” he said. I led him to the bench and we both sat down. ” Richard, you need to forgive Angel and let that matter die. I know she……. ” ” Wait..wait.. Wait.. Is it because I answered your questions earlier, you think we are cool? ” ” I care less about that, I knew you were in pains and you think I was happy to see the very reason why I was forced to perform a spell that eventually killed you happening yet again. I haven’t been myself since it started manifesting again and it’s one of the reasons things didn’t work with Jason and I because you were constantly in my thoughts. I couldn’t discuss it with you because the one person who should actually be bothered about it wasn’t and so I kept my worries to myself. But your childish attitude cannot continue, you need to need to start acting like an Alpha. If Angel is misbehaving, you are to put her in her place and I am sure if you weren’t apologizing like a teenager who cheated on his girlfriend, this feud between you both wouldn’t have lasted this long. Angel is your Mate, you chose her, she didn’t choose you. She should be the one fighting to hold on to you and not the other way round. Your past behavior made you look like a weakling that she felt she could do whatever she wants to, but now that you are acting as you should, she is finally coming around. But for now, end this once and for all, she is pregnant, she doesn’t need all this from you, rather you need to show your fatherly attitude and all. Moreover you do not want your enemies to know that there is a misunderstanding between you both, it can prove very disastrous. Will you do this? ” ” I will do what you want on one condition” “What is the condition? ” ” Tell me why you didn’t say anything about having a second son for me. ” ” Oh.. That…. Um…. I had my reasons ranging from Jealousy to many other things. Yes, I was jealous because I couldn’t have you to myself anymore. Also, I hated myself for denying My son the privilege of knowing his father because of my desperation. I think that’s all. ” ” So how was he like, our son ” ” He was just like you then, tall, blue eyed, and mischievous. But surprisingly, he didn’t get to be a wolf which I still can’t explain up to this moment. He died a natural death at age eighty-five and I named him after you. ” I said smiling. He was crying after my tale , Jeez!! He is just so emotional. ” Alright, I will visit Angel now.” “May i ask who told you about that and why does your eyes look dazed whenever you return from the woods. ” “Don’t worry, we will discuss about that later, I can never seem to hide anything from you.” His countenance changed after I told him about our son and then he did what he has been holding on to for quite some time now. He kissed me fully on my lips but I wanted more and so I held on longer but he managed to free himself from my hold. “Nah.. Nah….. I got a mate to cuddle, some other time. ” With that he left for the kitchen. I smiled because I have achieved my aim, I now know the reason why he keeps having these pains and why he keeps going into the forest just from that kiss. ******************** RICHARD ********************* Seeing Audrey wasn’t what I was expecting but it was worth it, sometimes I just wish I could Marry her all over again. She has that maturity Lucy and Angel might never have. I got to know my son was named William, probably William the second but I didn’t ask the number of children he had, will ask some other time. I needed to make amends, I don’t think Angel ate that much yesterday, so I must prepare something for her this morning. Hmm, what could that be?? I know she is not a huge fan of Apple pie, she only eats it because of me, well that’s one of only the meals I know how to prepare properly, except for Spaghetti. I decided to keep it simple and prepare Tea and Biscuits. I did just that and Carried it off to our room. Angel was still asleep when I opened the door, so I kept the tray on a drawer close to the bed and sat gently beside her sleeping frame. I tickled her gently and that woke her up, “Hey, morning ” ” Morning, how are you feeling now? ” she smiled before answering, ” I am well, I should be asking you that question. ” ” I am Alright, I don’t think you ate much yesterday, so I prepared this for you. ” ” Waoh!! Thanks” She turned her gaze to the ground before saying, “Richard, I am so sor……” “Shhh…. That’s okay.. It’s alright. Come here ” I pulled her closer to me and kissed her hair, I inhaled deeply and I regretted doing so immediately. ” Your hair stinks, you need a shower “I said smiling. ” Jeez, couldn’t you have said it in a nicer way. Let me eat, I am so hungry “she replied, hitting me mildly on my thighs. ************************** To Be Continued…
25 Aug 2018 | 20:06
Episode 10 TRAINING DAY *********************** JASON *********************** I covered my genital and ran upstairs to wear some clothes to cover my unclothedness. I came back downstairs to bring in Coach since the house was on lockdown. Coach didn’t look happy when he saw the injured among us, he went straight into the business of fixing them and he did quite well but he was a bit brutal in his execution. I guess he was really pissed that we could be so dominated by ordinary vampires, although I won’t say Vampires like Damien are ordinary. The screams from the Injured must have gotten into April and that made her come to me for comfort. She hugged me so tight and before I could say Jack, her lips were on mine. She knew I couldn’t refuse her in public, and I didn’t. Her lips were so soft, I didn’t want to stop and she was a very good kisser but a cough from Coach forced me to stop. Coach was really angry, my wolves were just beaten silly by vampires and coach was fixing my mistake, the least I could was show remorse but instead I was busy eating Sanchez’s lips. I guess that’s what pushed him to ask Luke to get something hard and the crazy dude went for an aquarium, I just couldn’t stop laughing because I thought I was gonna smash the damn thing, but I was wrong because I ended up with a broken wrist like the rest of the wolves. It was embarrassing to say the least and Coach was beyond mad, he spoke of how he disappointed in us, he even doubted my Beta abilities Which was a huge slap on my face. He left after conversing with the scared humans and then calling for training on Sunday which I know won’t be business as usual. “Isn’t that the chemistry teacher? Gosh! He is so hot when he is pissed ” I heard Sanchez say. I gave her a” What the Fvck ” look, and she said, ” Hey common, every girl in school has a crush on him. So, is he your wolf leader or what and what did he mean by vampires. He was joking right? ” I turned my gaze away from her and replied, ” I wish he was. ” I wasn’t happy one bit, I mean I should have known that there was gonna be an attack, why did I even think all will be well after what we did that day ; killing the best among them and most especially their Creator. What was I thinking, banging Sanchez or getting her to say yes. My stupidity could have cost lives and what was I and Luke gonna tell the police, that we were attacked by Vampires. We will just be thrown into an Asylum, and how would Luke’s parents take it all, that I was a bad influence on their son, the blame will finally rest on me. Luke’s parents were filthy rich and quite influential, they will find a way out for their only child but who will stick their neck for me, no one will. My scholarship will be revolved, jeez!! What was I thinking? I haven’t been training as I used to because of Audrey and now Sanchez, damn it, this has to stop. I need to stay away from love and women now, they are no good to me. Soon, morning came and everyone found their way Back home including me. I was on to some press-up when I heard the bell, someone was at the door and it was Audrey. “Morning beautiful “I greeted. ” Morning Handsome “she replied. ” I heard about what happened, are you Alright ” she asked. ” Yeah, I am okay. Just a scare attack from the Vampires, minor injuries, nothing more. ” ” That’s good, I was a bit worried after how Richard came in this morning. ” ” About that, um… Audrey, I really like you but I think you have your mind somewhere else. You are worried about your brother and I have been too for quite some time now. I think he needs you more now, I am not sure he can handle what’s happening with him but you can help him. He is our Leader and if he is lost, then we are screwed. I have had it to tell about this for a while now, I think we both need a break from all this. I haven’t been myself for the last three months and Coach is really mad with me after what happened yesterday. I really don’t have another family apart from this werewolf pack, Coach has been like a father to me and I don’t like to disappoint him. ” ” It’s alright Jason, It’s my fault, I kept a lot of pressure on you because I couldn’t check my emotions. You are still quite young and soon you will be able to manage both a relationship and a family. Do take care of yourself. “She said before kissing me fully on her lips and then she took her leave. She didn’t even try to dissuade me, guess she has been expecting it. Just as she opened the door to leave, April was there standing. I wonder how long she has been there listening. She greeted Audrey, who replied and she entered with a scowl on her face asking, “Who was that, your girlfriend? ” “My ex.” “Yeah, your ex-, you just broke up with her that’s why she was a little sad when I saw her. So you had a girlfriend and you were all mad at me for sleeping with Luke, you fvcking hypocrite! You know what, stay away from me, Freak!!” she said before heading for the exit, slamming door in the process. “Oh Jason, I thought I warned you against doing such… Slamming the door. ” ” Sorry ma’am, it won’t happen again. ” I replied my next door neighbor. Waoh, what a day this has been, I have lost Audrey and now April, and Coach is pissed with me. What a blessed Saturday! ************************ LUCY ************************* Argument the previous night, makeup breakfast in the morning, oh how sweet is that. So what happened between the space of four hours that changed Richard’s mind towards Angel. After they both showered together, Richard came downstairs alone but not before greeting Audrey who was still in her room. What the hell happened? , why the sudden change, if he is cool with both of them, it remains just me who he is still having a feud with. I got dressed in my training kits because I knew that he was going for his morning training and I want a private discussion with him. I found him on the treadmill and greeted him. He didn’t answer, he just continued running, that got me Pissed and so I switched off the machine which made him look my way, although he wasn’t smiling. “What do you want with a Jerk? ” ” Love and respect. ” ” Yeah right, what you are not capable of, you want it given to you. ” ” What do you mean by that? ” ” Everything it should mean, let me ask you something, what does being mated, I mean being married means to you?” ” Um.. Nothing special, just two compatible people living together. ” ” That’s why it was so easy for you to sell me out to your father, because after all, I was just a means to an end. Marriage to me is putting someone above everyone and everything else. I guess you saw that in me, that’s why I was so easy for you to fool. You were rejected that’s why you came back and it baffles me to think that you think that you still have a say in how I behave towards you. You saved my life, true and I killed your father, also true. But you were no longer a daughter to him, you were just who you are, a rat, yes… A rat. You betrayed the one you loved and at the end, you lost two loved ones. You should be grateful i accepted you back and how do you thank?. …. by acting like a bittch… Do you think I feel happy when I kill people, do you……..” I couldn’t take his insults anymore, I growled and went after him but just as I was about to touch him, lightening, bright white lightening surged from Richard hands and blasted me deep into the walls of the barn. The last thing I heard before I lost consciousness was… Richard screaming “Jesus!!!! Lucy!!!!” To Be Continued…
25 Aug 2018 | 20:10
26 Aug 2018 | 03:01
hmm Richard using lightening isn't that weird
26 Aug 2018 | 05:40
Lucy i hope u survive this one
26 Aug 2018 | 05:41
Audrey i hope u know something about this
26 Aug 2018 | 05:42
finally the mates have settled their issues
26 Aug 2018 | 05:44
Jason face the pack and be concerned with the security of the pack
26 Aug 2018 | 05:46
next update...
26 Aug 2018 | 05:46
is Richard some sought of a wizard
26 Aug 2018 | 08:31
Peace at last.
26 Aug 2018 | 16:48
Next please
27 Aug 2018 | 17:24
I finally caught up wt u guys
29 Aug 2018 | 06:12
Episode 11 RICHARD ******************* I watched as Angel ate, it’s been a while since that happened. The crumbs of the biscuit stayed at the sides of her lips and made her look like her baby, I chuckled at the sight of that, “What? ” she asked after she heard me chuckle. ” Nothing” I replied. As soon as she was through with eating, I led her to the shower where we had a bath together, it was fun and she was really happy to have things settled between us. After the shower, I told her she needed to get some rest while I go prepare for today’s training. After cuddling her in bed and watch go to sleep, I wore my training kits and said hello to Audrey who was still on her bed. I did some press-ups and was on the treadmill when Lucy came in her usual training wear. She greeted me for the first time in what’s been like ages but I refused to reply her which didn’t augur with her as she switched off the machine. Well, she had my attention and I gave just what she wanted to release the rage and hate she has towards me. It worked because she came after me with malice but the unbelievable happened ; the moment Lucy was about to get hold of me, something surged within me so fast, I couldn’t stop it and the next thing I saw was lightening so vicious springing from my hands and blasting her into the walls of the barns. I screamed and went after her, but the sight was horrible. The skin of the top half of her body was smeared by the lightening and was tar black. Her whole chest region received the full impact of the lightening and unfortunately this was no ordinary lightening. Her bosoms and stomach were totally ruined by the close impact, not even Audrey’s lightening could do such damage. The reaction on Lucy’s skin shows the lightening was more than 3500v in power. The lightening was bright white and had a little of blue in it. I have seen such lightening before, I looked at the walls and it came rushing to my head, the walls, yes.. The prison of Ollie. It all makes sense now, I know I can’t conjure lightening, it must be the work of Ollie. But why did she have to do that? I had to leave such thoughts when a groan left Lucy’s mouth, I quickly went over to her and gently Carried her to the house. Her breathing was heavy and she was already healing though at a very slow rate, which was quite unusual. “Audrey, please come down here, I need your help.” I screamed. Putting Lucy gently on the couch, I ripped the remnants of her sports bra and the sight of those once lovely bosoms were now more like an horror movie. “What the Fvck happened Richard, what did you do? ” A surprised Audrey asked. ” We are having an argument when Lucy came after me but just as she got too close to me, lightening came out of my hands and did this to her. It happened so fast, I couldn’t control it.” “When did you start conjuring lightening? What aint you telling me Richard? ” ” Not now Audrey, just help with a shirt for her, please. ” She gave me a weird look before leaving to get the shirt. Lucy was still healing slowly and her breathing was getting stable. I was really sad and pissed at the same time,I am so gonna kill Ollie today. Audrey brought the shirt and I helped Lucy in wearing it. She still haven’t opened her eyes, I decided to stay with her, resting her head on my thighs. “I know all about the strange woman, Richard ” I heard Audrey say. How did she know that, I haven’t said a word about it to anyone save Mrs Keller. ” What do you mean? ” ” Oh please, don’t play dumb, the woman who has been tormenting you and I am sure she is the same woman who made me kill you . ” “How did.. Wait….. The kiss, the kiss of this morning. Damn it! I didn’t want anyone to know, anyway I have it under control.” “Indeed, you do. She pushed you to nearly take your life, and now she made you almost smoke Lucy to death I really don’t think you believe what you just said. ” ” Everything is fine, you have nothing to worry about. I need you to stop worrying. ” I said. Audrey later left when she saw I wasn’t in the mood to talk anymore. I sent a text to Jason telling him to tell his boys that the training has been cancelled, till next week for personal reasons. By noon, I got tired of sitting and decided to carry Lucy to her room. I laid her on her bed and sat beside her. I looked around and saw pictures of Lucy and I when we were still together. I don’t remember taking these pictures with a Camera, she must have gotten it printed from her phone. At the bottom of the pics, she wrote “I am sorry” I couldn’t tell if she was referring to me or something else. Lucy still feels guilty about what she did but her pride won’t let her admit it, I hope she comes through, we still have a lot to talk about but I just couldn’t wait for night fall for me to do some tongue lashing. Angel later came and had this strange look on her face, she looked both happy and sad at the same time. After doing some checks she left, I moved Lucy’s shirt to check how her healing was going. Her skin was returning to its previous state but I couldn’t just stop wondering why the healing is taking so long. Soon night came and quickly I sat on the end of the bed and laid on my back falling asleep in no time. I opened my eyes and found myself in Ollie’s Prison and with the burning rage I have been hiding since morning I unleashed my fury on Ollie. “You soulless demon, how could you do something so vile and wicked to an innocent woman?” “I had to, she had intentions of hurting you” “She didn’t, it was just her way of expressing her anger, a harmless move from her. But how would you know when you have never been in a relationship before, locked her for almost eternity. Aren’t you tired of ruining my life……. ” ” Watch your words with me Mortal, or.. ” “…. Or what, you will strike me too with lightening” with each words i advanced towards her, about three feet from her, she screamed, “Stop, Richard, stop!!! Don’t come any closer. ” ” I won’t if you apologize ” ” I don’t apologize to beings below me ” She shot back at me, The Fvck does that mean? ” Fine, I will force you to. ” Despite her warning, I came closer and just as I was about to grab her shoulders, lightening came out of the wooden floor forcing a circle around her, unfortunately I was midway through the circle, I guess I wasn’t supposed to be in there and the lightening blasted me with so much force I landed at the wall of the prison where another bolt of lightening sent me across the floor. I was toasted from my legs to my neck, like really smoked. I smelt like burnt flesh. “You stubborn mule of a human, I warned you not to come closer….. ” Ollie was just ranting, I guess she didn’t know I was still conscious and so I used my remaining strength to stay upright by resting on my elbows and I met the face of Ollie talking and looking down, she was beautiful, words cannot describe her beauty. Her nose,…. I was unable to finish my observation because she suddenly looked up and our eyes met, and then I realised why she didn’t want to reveal her face because of her eyes. Her eyes were so black, it was like a hole in her sockets and the moment you look in them, one seems Lost in them. I heard a faint “no oo…. close your eyes” but it was too late, the damage had already been done. I woke up in Lucy’s bedroom, i knew this because I could feel myself on something soft, but when I opened my eyes, I couldn’t see anything, everywhere was black. I have lost my sight, “Oh my God! I can’t see, I can’t Bleeping see ” I screamed along with the pains that came from my smoked body. To Be Continued…
1 Sep 2018 | 09:14
Episode 12 BEAUTIFUL ****************** IVY ****************** I watched in disbelief as Richard in his wolf form tore George apart limb by limb. Mrs Keller left her husband and decided to save me, which to me was a strange decision, she said she couldn’t have both George and I perish at the hands of Richard but why she never gave her husband the benefit of the doubt still baffles me till today and I haven’t found an answer to that question, but I guess she was right in her strange choice that day because George was totally humiliated. Each of his agonizing screams brought tears to my eyes and finally it was all over when his head was separated from his shoulders. But the worst was yet to come when I watched those little wolves scratch, dragged and eventually rip the hearts of my crew including those of my brothers and finally a mixture of lightening and fire made sure I had nothing to bury or mourn when it was either of their birthdays. Right there, I swore I will get my pound of flesh, I will rip each of those wolves heart out and then I will torture Richard for all eternity. After the battle, Mrs Keller took us home where we found few vampires including Damien, how and when he left the battle was a mystery but he made the right choice. We never expected that much power from Richard and most importantly we never expected a witch, that just ruined our strategies. Damien had already broken the sad news to everyone but I reconfirmed it and show everyone the ring George gave me a day before his death. Immediately they saw the ring, they are went on their knees, Damien inclusive and that was the only humorous thing on a day that has to be the worst day of my life. News went out that the all-father has been killed by a werewolf and that I am now the one to helm the affairs of Vampires worldwide. Surprisingly, I didn’t get any objections or an uprising but I think that has to be the work of Mrs Keller. For the past three months, I have been obsessed with Richard and his pack, I had people watch him but we still haven’t found his house, all we know is that he lives outside the city. Bugs have been planted on his car on several occasions but they seem to stop transmitting signals whenever he is outside town. People who have followed him say they do not see his car anymore after he has left town, he is protected by powerful magic and he is a very careful fellow but that’s obviously not the case with his wolves. We have watched the few who didn’t transform on the day of battle and when we got word that there will be a party at Luke’s place, I sent some of my best hands headed by Damien who has somehow become more ruthless these days. True to our suspicions, all of the wolves were from the football team Richard was heading, because as soon some of the wolves we knew were taken down, the rest ran behind a big Brown wolf who we believe is Jason, their team captain. We now know his entire pack and their identities and if we can’t get to Richard directly, we will get him through his wolves. Mrs Keller have been very helpful but I still don’t trust her and I never have. I got word that she visited Richard in school and whenever I mention killing Richard, she always has this weird look on her face like it was a taboo to utter such. Well, whatever the case maybe, I still need her help to enact my vengeance on Cypher and his dogs. ************************** AUDREY *************************** Richard’s sudden scream of him being unable to see woke me up and quickly I ran to Lucy’s room where I saw something that doesn’t look like the Richard I just saw a few hours ago. He looked like a barbecue gone wrong and I couldn’t help but scream, whenever happened to Lucy who was still in coma has happened to Richard, only that his was a lot worse. He looked like he was fried by electricity from a substation, his skin was like a volcano destroyed earth that later dried up but his face was fine, I didn’t know how he was still breathing but his eyes, they looked smoked. “Audrey, is that you? “he asked. ” Sweet Theresa, what happened Richard, what did you do that made that evil woman do this to you? ” ” It’s not her fault, it’s mine. She warned me but I didn’t listen, please access my eyes.” I did as he asked and discovered that his cornea was totally destroyed by whatever happened to him. From what I saw, it was more like he was exposed to something extremely bright, he was lucky that his optical nerves weren’t affected, else it would have a different story all together. His body was healing quite rapidly unlike that of Lucy’s but no matter the speed, he won’t be able see for at least a day. “You should be fine by tomorrow morning, but Richard, you need to start talking. You can’t handle this strange woman alone, she is obviously extremely powerful and might destroy you again. There is something entirely different about that woman, because from the memories, I could sense her aura, and I can confidently tell you that hers is not earthly, this woman is not of this world, so the earlier you start talking, the better. *************************** RICHARD *************************** I heard someone open the door after my screams and asked if it was who I thought it was, It was no other but Audrey. She screamed immediately she saw me, I guess I really look like an horror scene. After accessing me, she said I had a day to recover, which was quite fast but that means I won’t be in school today and I didn’t let the principal know before today. I begged Audrey to help me take care of that and I that I will be needing two days off. I know she would ask for something in return and so I told her everything that has occurred for the last three months. She was quiet after my speech and then she said, “You need to find out more about her, she obviously cares for you and I think she has her own way of displaying her emotions. Your speedy healing is actually because of her, I can sense her aura around you, her powers are in you but her presence isn’t, which is quite strange, but you need to bring out more of such emotions, win her heart and find out everything you can about her, let her do the talking while you listen because she obviously haven’t had someone to talk to for countless centuries. You need to know the sort of person you want to release into this world, there is a reason she is still there, there is a reason why her dad hasn’t released her. You must find out quickly, there isn’t time much left. ” ” I will do just that, take me to the Library, and please do not allow Angel to see me this way, please. ” She nodded and helped in walking me to the Library. She was right, no sane Father will leave his daughter in such a place except if she must have done something really despicable, and that I must unravel. To Be Continued…
1 Sep 2018 | 09:25
Richard u loosing ur sight for a day or so is weird
1 Sep 2018 | 19:27
Audrey u should look for a way to know this woman well before it gets too late
1 Sep 2018 | 19:31
hmm team captain u look for a way and take care of this pack of wolves by watching each others back and being extra careful
1 Sep 2018 | 19:33
Oga Richard tell Audrey everything
1 Sep 2018 | 19:35
next update....
1 Sep 2018 | 19:38
Episode 13 LUCY ************************* I woke up to find myself on my bed, I tried to sit up but I had difficulty doing that because my back was a little stiff. “Hey, careful, let me help with that. “I heard Richard say. He helped me and then returned back to his sitting position. ” What happened? How did I get here? ” Richard twisted his lips before replying, meaning I am likely gonna hit him after hearing what he is about to say. ” Um, I provoked you at the gym and then you came at me, my body defended itself by blasting you with lightening. You were smoked from chest to your stomach and it took you approximately 60 hours to heal. ” ” Wait,.. I have been here for almost three days now. Waoh! You really defended your self well. ” ” I am sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to, I only wanted you to pour out that anger that was slowing eating you away… I… ” I didn’t let him finish, I pulled him closer and kissed him on his lips. I missed this and this was the reason I was mad at him and not the bullshit he was uttering three days back. I didn’t know where the strange energy came from because I felt really weak earlier, but I was soon on my knees tearing Richard’s clothes apart but suddenly, he stopped and moved away from me after his wristwatch ticked, some kinda of alarm I guess. “waoh, that was fast, I really want to continue but I have to be in the woods now, we will continue another time. ” He said then he kissed his goodbye. It was Eleven in the night, what the hell is he doing in the woods and why did that silly clock tick just when we were about to start. Damn it, I have been envious of the special treatments he gives Angel just because she is pregnant, I want that too. I want to have a child for Richard after all, I am his first mate. ***************************** ANGEL ***************************** I woke up and showered immediately, I called out Richard but he didn’t answer me, not once. I mean before he goes to work, he usually greets or kiss me even when we had our differences. I looked at the clock, it was past six in the morning. I went down to the kitchen, he wasn’t there, called out for him, there was still no reply. I checked for him in Lucy’s room but he wasn’t there. I saw Audrey coming out from the library and asked about Richard whereabouts. “Have you seen Richard, he doesn’t go to work without letting me know. ” ” Yeah, he is in the Library, he has taken two days off and doesn’t want to be disturbed.” “What do you mean by he doesn’t want to be disturbed. I am his wife and I want to see him now!” I screamed but she held me back from going into the library. “Will you take your hands off me, I want to see my husband. ” ” I can’t let you see him because he said so, now move along. ” I was mad with rage but I had to control myself, I know I am no match for Audrey, only Richard I have seen match Audrey toe to toe. I just turned away and went to the kitchen to prepare something for myself. I later went off to my room when it seemed Audrey didn’t want to leave her new duties of Manning the library door. I patiently waited and soon fell asleep. I woke up the next morning to find Richard staring at me. Immediately, my rage returned and I went after him, but he pleaded with me not to touch him that I could call him every bad name in the world but I shouldn’t hit him. Hmmm, was it because of what happened to Lucy,but he can’t hurt me, I am his wife. “I am your wife Richard, you can’t possibly harm me. ” ” It doesn’t work that way, at least for now. Honestly, I don’t think I own my body anymore. Something bad happened to me yesterday morning and I didn’t want you to see me that way because it might have the wrong effects on you. I know you feel I am hiding things from you but I swear you don’t want to know what’s going on with me now, just trust me on this. I love you,my Angel. ” He kissed me after saying that before he leaving for his jogging, he still wasn’t going to work today and he won’t tell me why and yet he calls me his wife. ************************** RICHARD **************************** Few minutes after Audrey walked me into the Library, Angel came calling. I was tempted to answer her but I didn’t as Audrey left the library to confront her. I know Audrey to be kind and I am sure if Angel had picked her words better than she did, may be Audrey would have allowed her see me. Angel’s constant use of “my husband” irritated Audrey and that forced her to dismiss Angel quite rudely. Anyway, my mind centered on Ollie and the various angles I will kick start my conservation with her. I stayed that way thinking till the next day, I couldn’t sleep because I know where I would find myself. By Five the next morning, my eyes stopped aching and I tried to open them again. I did and it was all blurry, but soon things became clearer and by I had my eye sight back, Audrey was the first person I saw that morning and I gave her the kiss she deserved. I went upstairs to see my wife but she was still asleep and I used that opportunity to take a shower. I checked my skin and everything was back to how it was, no scars and marks. I sat beside Angel on the bed and waited for her to wake up which she finally did two hours later. The moment she saw me, she came after me with her eyes glowing, I smelt trouble when my hands began to vibrate again, meaning another bolt of lightening was getting ready. I can’t allow my wife carrying my unborn children to get smoked, she might not be that lucky. Immediately, I moved away and begged her not to touch and thank the heavens she listened. She was disappointed I couldn’t tell her what’s happening with me, but it’s for her own good that I don’t. I left for my morning exercise and later spent the rest of the day talking with Audrey and Angel. In the evening, I checked on Lucy and discovered that she was fully healed, although I couldn’t resist the urge not to caress her bosoms a little which I think eased her out of coma. She later woke up and soon she gave in to the heat i started few minutes back, I wanted it too because in truth Lucy brings out another side of me in bed, her eyes, her stares, her moans, Christ! She is the reason S£x was created. But I had to go when my alarm rang, meaning it was time meet Ollie. Lucy was not too happy about my sudden leaving but I had to go. I ran into the woods, set up my tent and I had no problem falling asleep since I haven’t slept for a while now. I woke up in Ollie’s cell but I couldn’t seem to find her. I walked around the cell but she was no where to be found. Suddenly, I heard her whisper, “Hmm, I can smell a woman all over you. You had S£x before coming here? ” ” Will you reveal yourself, when do you suddenly care if I have S£x. ” She didn’t speak for a while and soon she appeared inches away from my face. She is suddenly now my height and I was looking directly into her eyes without getting smoked. ” What’s going on, how are you suddenly as tall as I am, and why isn’t my eyes burning out. ” ” I know you are here for answers to questions that has been eating you up. Whatever you were told about me isn’t true, I will answer your some of your questions today but not all. There are some I won’t be able to answer else I will remain Here forever. ” I barely listening to what she was saying because of her perfect face. I just wanted to kiss her lips and as soon as she was through, I went for her lips but she immediately disappeared again, laughing. “Well, that isn’t funny Ollie. ” ” Well, you need to control your urges, you don’t have to act on everything that arouses you. ” She appeared once more but she was seated on the floor, still putting on her Chiton, although this time, it was pure white . I dont know the reason for her sudden happiness, ” I still hate men, William but I don’t hate you. Well let me begin by saying, my name isn’t Ollie. My name is Artemis……. To Be Continued…
10 Sep 2018 | 15:22
Episode 14 MY WORST NIGHTMARE ******************** RICHARD ********************* “Artemis, the the proud and vengeful goddess, the sweet pie of her Father,….. How the Fvck did you end up in prison? Who still believes in all these crap about Greek and Roman gods and their dumb goddesses with such shitty names. ” I scoffed just to spite her because I just didn’t want to believe she is a goddess. She didn’t look amused after what I said or probably she was pissed that I cut her off. ” Let me finish William. I am Artemis the goddess……. ” ” Yea.. Yea, I know okay, Artemis the daughter of Zeus and Leto and half sister to Apollo. You helped your mum give birth to your brother, how that was possible still remains a mystery to me You are the goddess of the hunt, wildlife, natural environment, protector of women, childbirth, virginity, chastity and the goddess of the moon. I know all about you and the countless evils you have done to men, women, gods and goddesses who were either more beautiful or better than you in one aspect or the other,that’s if you are telling the truth about who you are. So please, skip the damn intro and tell me what the Fvck you want from me and what you did and why I should complete the ritual that releases you into the world again. ” I was talking and walking around and I didn’t get to see her face while I did so, when I stopped, I looked and oh boy, she was fvcking pissed. I should be afraid but instead I wanted to see more of that anger that has destroyed countless lives. So I continued to tease her, “What are you going do, turn me to a stag, make me dumb, shoot me with your Arrow and turn me to a serial killer. Oh…. You look surprised, I do know everything about you. By the way, you are far from being the most beautiful, I have seen much more beautiful women than you. Christ!!!!! I expected to see a face more beautiful than this, but you look just like the average American girl……. ” That did it, she stood up and came after me with lightening speed, I managed to evade her but when I turned, she had a bow and an arrow with her. Oh shitt!!!! She aint joking, she is truly Artemis and I read she doesn’t miss. I should be begging but I decided against her, I need to show I am equal to whatever abilities she possesses. If I don’t, she will never give me that respect a mate should be given because if she is truly Artemis, then she is the mother of pride. She released her Arrow in a fit of rage, lightening followed the arrow, so it was kinda double punishment for me because if I don’t get hit by the arrow, the lightening should hit me. I wanted to twirl in the air and evade both but something crazy happened, the arrow moved eastwards and the bolt of lightening moved westwards just when they were very close to me. It was obvious they were still being controlled by her even after releasing both. It’s why she never misses because she still controls the arrows after their release. What a cheat!, I knew those things will surely get me and Heaven knows the damage that arrow will do to me and then I will be at her mercy till I finally release her. With lightening pace, I ran to her and grabbed her. I was shocked because I was able to hold her without lightening blasting me and before she could react, I planted my lips on hers. She wasn’t expecting it and tried to get me off her, I heard the speeding arrow and lightening heading towards my back and just before I got hit, I twirled in the air, together with her and the flying objects hit the wall facing us. We both landed on the floor and I was on top of her, I wanted to kiss her again but I was irritated by the fact that she wanted to hit me with an arrow and a lightening again. I stood up in disgust and looked away from her. “So the lightening that smoked me was all you, and here I was thinking it was some defensive mechanism from your dad. Whereas it was all you, you nearly Killed me and my mate because of your fvcking pride. You repel me, Ollie, you do. ” She didn’t say anything, she just remained on the floor, breathing hard. She later spoke after catching her breath ” No one is faster than me, or smarter than me in battle. You just proved why you were the chosen one. Anthea made the right choice, no wonder she speaks highly of you. Indeed, you are my match, my very match. Sit down William, I have much to tell you. ” *************************** “Yes, William, I am a very proud and vengeful person but everyone has his /her bad side. After thinking of the cruel things I did centuries ago, I realize that I shouldn’t be proud of them, My father, Zeus have always had a soft spot for me and usually grants me my request. I know you think gods and goddesses don’t exist anymore or you think they are just mythologies but they are real, and the lightening that smoked you proved it. Although, the gods are weaker now compared to their strength of those days because no one survives a bolt of lightening that comes from my dad but you did despite being hit twice, that shows they are even more weaker than I remember. gods get stronger and more relevant when worshipped by humans, but presently it isn’t so but I am getting stronger because of you and your little pack. I am the goddess of wildlife and the Natural environment. I created the werewolves and placed such power in Anthea to release to the one worthy of it. Centuries ago, she said she has found a kid with a unique destiny, a man blessed by Zeus himself. You were created to fight in battles, else you will become dangerous to every one around you . When you bit from Anthea centuries back, you accepted that destiny and since then Anthea has been creating battles for you but unfortunately she will be the last person you will kill to release me. I…… ” ” You still have answered my questions, what is my destiny?? ” ” Your destiny is to lead, your destiny is to fight evil, and most importantly your destiny to make me fall in love and finally take away my Virginity but you are far from that. ” ” I don’t care about making you fall in love, I don’t. What exactly did you do that made your loving father keep you here. ” ” I can’t tell you that… ” ” Tell me or forget about me releasing you from here. ” ” I can’t William…. If I do, you will ruin everything, and I will be stuck here forever. ” ” Then, I am out…. If you can’t tell, I am out. ” I closed my eyes and I was about leaving… ” William, wait……… Hera is the cause of my stay here….. She……. ” Suddenly, she started convulsing and started screaming…. What the hell is happening?? To Be Continued…
10 Sep 2018 | 15:31
love is in the air.....nxt pls
11 Sep 2018 | 07:29
hmm who is Hera?
11 Sep 2018 | 13:42
Richard just hope u have not caused another problem for yourself
11 Sep 2018 | 13:43
Finally she confessed hmm what a trickish mate
11 Sep 2018 | 13:44
11 Sep 2018 | 19:38
Mmmm. Loving every bit if it Richard, how many wives will you now marry??
12 Sep 2018 | 18:35
Suspense high who d hell is hera!!!!
14 Sep 2018 | 03:01
pls update
18 Sep 2018 | 02:52
Following bumper to bumper...i think Hera is Zeus wife,she also have the power to grant werewolves spirit$$$ abeg update oo
23 Nov 2018 | 12:52
#THE #X_VAM_DRAG This is a fictional story by Admin: Prince Andrea Pls follow up for fast write-up!!! Thanks!
23 Jan 2019 | 02:16
4 Jun 2020 | 09:32
Oga Solo, when would the rest be out na.... I don wait taya
18 Jun 2020 | 12:09
Please The Next One
29 Oct 2020 | 06:10
Am enjoying it
29 Oct 2020 | 06:11


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