Episode 4 (Final Episode)
Jane was the only one left with them to
help take care of Tricia.
She was getting quite stable.
Jane was leaving that weekend as she
had to resume school for a new
That Saturday afternoon, Nath called
his wife.
“Yes dear.”
“I’ve been thinking. We need to seek
God’s face concerning these issues on
Tricia laughed sarcastically.
“You mean the God we neglected all
the while?” she asked soberly.
“Yes, and please stop making me feel
guilty. I’ve had enough of it.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“It’s alright. We’re going on a seven
day fast”, he announced.
She opened her eyes wide.
“Yes. You can break your fast by twelve
or three if you’re not strong enough.
I’m going on a marathon.”
Tricia did not argue further.
After all, she knew there was no other
way out.
The week they began their fast
coincided with the commencement of
Nath’s annual leave so it wasn’t
difficult for them to leave for a solitary
They laid their lives afresh before the
Lord with broken hearts and teary
On the sixth day, Tricia heard God
It was like a movie!
The incident that happened in the wee
hours of the New Year Day replayed in
Tricia’s dream. As she woke up she
began praying for clarity and then God
spoke to her.
“Do you remember what’s in Proverbs
18:21 and Proverbs 21:23? The Holy
Spirit asked her.
Her bible was right beside her. She had
always loved the message translation.
She read the first verse.
Proverbs 18:21- “Words kill, words give
life; they’re either poison or fruit —
you choose.”
And then the second.
Proverbs 21:23- “Watch your words and
hold your tongue; you’ll save yourself a
lot of grief.”
Of course Tricia knew she had issues
with her tongue.
She had been allowing God to work on
her but sometimes she just seemed to
lose it, just like that day.
“Now check out this last scripture
verse, 1 Peter 5:8.”
She remembered instantly.
“Be well balanced (temperate, sober of
mind), be vigilant and cautious at all
times; for that enemy of yours, the
devil, roams around like a lion roaring
[in fierce hunger], seeking someone to
seize upon and devour.”(AMP)
“You were too proud to admit your
faults and ask for forgiveness. You and
your husband got so busy that you lost
your sensitivity and connectivity. The
enemy saw this loophole and took
advantage of it. God never intended
She shared the revelation with her
He remembered the words of the
pastor again.
This time he saw light.
They both got on their knees and began
to plead for mercy.
As they prayed, God gave them these
Deuteronomy 30:2-4(MSG)
“And come back to God, your God, and
obey him with your whole heart and
soul according to everything that I
command you today. God, your God,
will restore everything you lost; he’ll
have compassion on you; he’ll come
back and pick up the pieces from all
the places where you were scattered.
No matter how far away you end up,
God, your God, will get you out of
They felt an overwhelming peace.
It was such a wonderful experience for
both of them.
After the encounter, Tricia began to
depend on the Holy Spirit to help her
and consciously avoided negative
thoughts and words.
They both took their relationship with
God serious once again and became
more sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
About a month later, Tricia got a call
from her office.
She was called back to resume work
and was given all the benefits for the
months she was away from work.
The culprit had been found.
It was Rita.
The same Rita she had taken as a friend
and sister.
She was shocked but chose to forgive.
That same week, she started feeling
sick and funny.
You can guess what it was!