The mystery of the hollow grounds(SOKA in the opening)

The mystery of the hollow grounds(SOKA in the opening)

By serikibazooka1 in 4 Jan 2016 | 11:48
serikibazooka1 serikibazooka1

serikibazooka1 serikibazooka1

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The year 2014 was marked with the thrilling event of an underground which housed over 50 abducted people who has been lost from their homes.
The underground was found on a street named SOKA which gave it the name it is popularly called by people.
This story is fictional but it is based on the SOKA events.
It is the story of two brothers who in search of answers stumbled upon an unrevealable secreat.They were thrown into the discovery of a deadly secret organization behind the whole kidnapping saga in the country.THE HOLLOW GROUNDS SOCIETY.
4 Jan 2016 | 11:48
Hmmmmmm ...Return of Ajaale in Soka...a don sit gidigba for here
4 Jan 2016 | 12:12
Ride on
4 Jan 2016 | 12:32
ENI IBI SOKA As reported by Akinlabi; It was a sunny afternoon when Daddy Yetunde;who happens to be my father first son,was popularly called.Yetunde was the name if his first daughter. He came home that day with a cassette he bought on his way back from work.It was done by some nollywood yoruba actors.It was titled ENI IBI SOKA meaning the evil person of SOKA. As I sighted him from the bench where I was sitting,I immidiately stood up and went to greet him.When I greeted him I collected the cassette from him and took it inside. As I got inside,I inserted the disk into the DVD player.Immidiately daddy Yetunde came out and saw me,he scolded me and asked me if I was reading for my exam. I inserted the disk and the whole family came to out to watch. We are a big family cause my daddy married 3 wives.My mummy was the last wife and daddy Yetunde mum is the first wive.She gave birth to three children including daddy Yetunde and two other married girls who are also married. The second wife also gave birth to three children who are all in the university except bode who also did WAEC the same year I did.I was the one daddy Yetunde liked most because I was brilliant. After we finished watching the documentary,we all sat down and started discussing the clip.My daddy made mentioned of the fact that the whole thing is being sponsored by people in goverment. They allow me to join in arguements but my mummy dosent allow because she thinks its disrespectful.I only ask questions and today I asked one big one.I said how are they able to build those undergrounds without the knowledge of anyone. My mum replied and said "Awon daddy Yetunde naa ni kebi" meaning I should asked daddy Yetunde instead. What she meant was that the people who built where civil engineers and meanwhile daddy Yetude was an engineer.As if he was expecting the question he replied sharply tought about it and he thinks its been done by civil engineers. After discussing the whole family ate dinner and went to sleep. Daddy yetunde didn't sleep throughout the night,he was disturbed by what my mum said and so he started doing researches on the soka case.He searched the whole internet and found nothing tangible. It was in the morning that he was telling me the mystery of what he saw. Daddy Yetunde to Akin; I was searching profitlessly until something told me to use something we called hacker's search.I learnt it from my days in school.God knows what just made me searched for hollow grounds instead of soka.You can't believe that this guys have an innernet site on the web.When I reached the site,I didn't understand a thing.When I got to a part,I saw DEEP IN and a security question.It looked like one of the orientation we used in EIYE confraternity.So I typed in the orientation and it worked.All I saw was not understandable. I was suprised at what I was hearing but daddy Yetunde didn't tell me he saw a name which ranged a bell to him.What name?
4 Jan 2016 | 14:14
The beginning of the end Next time on The mystery of the hollow grounds. Daddy Yetunde found out that his own boss in the federal goverment;who he was an assistant to,was a member.He would go to the office and try to found out but he will be caught by his boss.
4 Jan 2016 | 14:26
The beginning of the end A name that ranged a bell.A name he had almost everyday.A name which his the only name can never stopped coming out of his mouth.Oga his what he called his boss but "The gate man" his what he his called in hollow grounds. When morning,daddy Yetunde was rushing to work like someone who was gonna lose a contract.That was when I suspected that something was happening.I tiptoed into his room while he was bathing but as I opened his last web address nothing showed.I even retyped the address but when I reached the security question part I couldn't continue. Disappointed I left his room and let him go to work.When he reached office he immediately went to Oga desktop and typed the address and it automatically logged in on his boss desktop.He immediately connected a USB and downloaded the site network on his media card. Just as he was going out,his boss came into the office.He was perplexed and his boss asked from him what he was doing in his office early in the morning.He lied to his boss that he left a file in his office the day before and he bought it. At home I was disturbed by the way by brother acted that morning.So I decided to do my one findings.I went to the soka forest since I lived in Ibadan.I reached the place and saw the ongoing school project.I greeted the workers and walked didn't see something that I could follow.As I decided to go back home I saw the man supervising the site and saw the logo of his company on his uniform.It was the same logo as the one I saw on my daddy Yetunde's laptop. Daddy Yetunde opened the stuff he downloaded on his media card on his own desktop and just that moment he saw the whole thing.The hollow ground society. The supervisor I saw turned back and went to his car and went into it.Immidiately I stopped a bike and followed the man's car.I told the bike man to leave space between me and the car. Daddy yetunde started scrolling on the society site and lot of thing was familiar especially one thing.The name of that company building the school on that site.Immidiately he stod up and took his car key.He was going to the CEO's house.As he was about to leave,he ran into his boss again and this time around he asked if he saw his pen.Daddy Yetunde had used the pen to remove the memory card from his phone.He had forgotten and he denied seeing his boss pen.His boss laughed and took out the pen from his front pocket and he said "toba wa ma bere ole aje biro".Daddy Yetunde didn't even care,he just went out of the office and straight to his car. I followed the supervisor's car till it stopped in front of a house.I told the bike to stop a bit far from the place.I started moving closer but suddenly I heard someone call my name.
5 Jan 2016 | 10:21
On top on death Next on the mystery of the hollow grounds; The man who coleected the school contract his one of the hollow ground members and coincidentally,they were having a meeting in the house which the supervisor stopped.
5 Jan 2016 | 10:26
ON TOP ON DEATH I looked back and saw my brother calling me.I went to meet him and he asked from me what I was doing at that place.I explained things to him,at first he wanted to scold me but he just ... We both went to the house and peeped through the gate.There were like twenty cars parked in a way that formed HG.That was the society initials.My brother said he would go in,I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen. Moments later,a girl came out.She was as tall as me and not more that my agemate.She greeted me and asked from me what I was doing there.I replied her that my brother was inside the house.I asked from her who she was and she said her father owned the house.I asked from her what was happening inside and she said that some men are discussing with her father.The way she talked looked like she wasn't familiar with the people. I jumped into the house and started tiptoeing to the front door and I heard someone call my name. My brother was the one calling me,he scolded for coming inside all by myself and I explained about the girl to him. Just as we were talking,the men came out and went to their cars and drove out of the house.Me and my brother immidiately followed them but was soon stopped by tolu(the contractor's daughter).She asked from us what was goin on but we just told her that we are in a hurry. We got into my brother's car and drove after the men.Soon they stopped infront of the school and they all went into the building.We followed them but as we got into the building,it was like they disappeared.While looking for them,we saw my brother's boss coming out of an opening that led to and underground SOKA. We hid behind a wall and my brother jumped through the fence to the back of the building and jumped in back into his boss and knocked him out. Tolu had followed us and she was also inside the building,she saw us go down into the pit but we didn't see her. She immidiately went to call the police and they stormed the place in minutes. We reached the end of the ladder that took us down to the pit.What I saw was wonder,it was a whole city underground.It had many big building.We went to hide behind one of the buildings.Then I saw some men come out of somewhere,I turned back to tell my brother what I was seeing but he was gone.Soon I also passed out. The whole street,town,city was in disarray.Is soka back again.Police started jumping into the pit but the more police that jumped in,the more the stained with blood uniform that came out.Then the police stop jumping in. We were locked in acage and became hopeless.I tought about my dad,my mum,my brothers,my siters and everything.I tought ... Goodbye.
5 Jan 2016 | 16:19
ON TOP ON DEATH 2;Man or monster That was the end for me and my brother,we losed up on life. Tolu knew she was in danger because she was the one who called the police.A dangerous world we live in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . @serikibazooka1
5 Jan 2016 | 16:23
ON TOP ON DEATH 2;Man or monster The whole street,town,city was thrown into disarray.Heaven knows something terrible is about to happen with the return of ajaale soka who now go by the name hollow grounds society. The society was discussing the fate of the tolu.They wouldn't kill her because her father is now a member of the society.Tolu didn't know what to do anymore not until my brother phone ranged. ... He had left his suit when he was going into the pit and his phone was in the suit.It was my daddy calling.She picked the call and explained the incident to my dad who immidiately came to soka street. We were taken to the front of the elders of the society for our fate was also to be decided in the soonest.They asked my brother how we are able to follow them down there.My brother didn't reply them sensibly,all he just said is that I should be released.When they discovered that my brother wasn't ready to talk,they told the men to return us. One of the men had the keys of the cells tied to his belts.He was resting on the door of the cells so I was able to steal the key off him. Their meal time arrived and they all went to eat.Me and my brother opened the gate and walked out of the cells.We started crawling behind walls till we got to the large car space. We could be caught at that car space and killed.While we were still planning on how to escape,a man came and tried to hit my brother.But my brother was smart and he dodged his attack and knocked him out. My brother took his uniform out and wore it and he went to the open field.No one came and challenged him so he told me to come out and we walked to the ladder.That was when I saw what was killing the police.We climed out and saw the police,my dad and tolu.They were suprised to see that we escaped.We all got into the police car.With a entourage,we started leaving the place. We haven't drove far,some other entourage in black jeeps doubled cross us and started driving aginst us.
6 Jan 2016 | 11:12
A dangerous world My mum,and sister was kidnapped and we had to save them.The question is can we?
6 Jan 2016 | 11:16
A dangerous world My dad gave us an idea on how to escape.We decided to jump out of the car into nearby forest and let the police go face the criminals.The idea worked and we got out safely. After we got out,tolu told us thay she knew one of her daddy's brother whom we can trust.She took us to his house. Immidiately we got there,my dad and brother started a tought arguement.I knew something like that was gonna happen.While they were argueing terribly,we got a call.My dad picked it and heard a voice,it was my mum voice crying. **************************** The man told us to come to the soka ground with and collect our families in return for me and my brother.My brother told my dad to agree to that and let us go to the place. Tolu's uncle told us that he knew some men in the police force whom we can trust. When we got to the place,we saw the men with my mum and sister.They were not hurt but they looked scared especially my sister. We started moving towards the men and my sister and mum started moving towards us.When we got to the middle and intercepted ... The men of the HG started shooting at us. We had. Gone with some of the police that worked with tolu's uncle but they were hiding behind the walls. Immidiately the men started shooting,they also came out and started shooting back. I grabbed my sister and we ran to the van that brought us to the place.The driver immidiately started the van and we zoomed off. We all got home succesfully but my mum was shot.The man harbouring us told us that he knew a doctor that can help but before the doctor came she was dead. I couldn't cry nor shed tears,I just stood and looked into her face.Then that moment I felt my anger rise.Blood in my eyes,revenge in my heart. We all got into the van and went back to the soka grounds for our avengance. I brought the idea,since I knew how the soka people kill people who tried to climb down their ladders willingly.When we got there,we thre a bomb into the pit and it exploeded and that was all,the door was free for us. The police started to climb down and just as we are about to say goodbye to them,a army of soldiers arrived.They were also sent by tolu's uncle.They all went down the pit together and that was the D-day(as in death day). Me and my brother went home to pray for our army.
6 Jan 2016 | 18:22
Bloodshed Death,blood and all that was related happened in the soka pit on this day of reckoning.It was the end of the beginning
6 Jan 2016 | 18:25
Shit dis is. Makin sense. Nyc
7 Jan 2016 | 03:01
This is a real mystery... Gosh look real
7 Jan 2016 | 06:29
I cant say u re not trying bt make ur writing legible .... Before God nd man i do not understand anytin
7 Jan 2016 | 07:53
mystery indeed.lots of havoc was done
7 Jan 2016 | 08:30
A dunno get wetin una dae say @crusherdaniels
7 Jan 2016 | 08:34
NYC one.
7 Jan 2016 | 08:43
funny u @crusherdaniels b4 God nd man like seriously?
7 Jan 2016 | 10:34
BLOODSHED The war was giant one.It was a war between life and death.People died like chicken and even the last chicken knew something happened. The war hasn't gone for long before I remembered something. When we were in the pit,I discovered that the pit had pillars.If the pillars could crash,the whole place was down. I started running towards the pit but I was stopped by tolu.She told me that I must not go.I asked her why does she care.Then she told me that since the first day she saw me,she fell in love with me and she has always care about me. I told her that I always loved her too and we kissed each other.I told her that this may be our only chance to save the world. I went down the ladder and grabbed a soldier and told him about the pillars.He quickly bought my idea and grabbed some explosives.We started hanging it to the pillars. When we were through,we sounded a alarm to the army to retreat.They didn't listen at first but when they heard sound of explosive they retreated. After some minutes,there was no more soka only a large pit covered in sand.The pit was covered on us and we were locked into a passage.It had an automobile and we climbed into it and it drove us away. ************************* It was a long ride but we got to the end.It was another pit with lot of dead bodies.The moment we got there we were caught by their soldiers. Immidiately we were locked,my brother took his phone and called my dad and told him where we are.Moment later they came to pick us.We were taken to the head ritualist and she told us one of us must be used for sacrifice.My brother told them to take him.As he was being taken to the woman,I grabbed one of their pistol and pointed it at the woman. She laughed when she saw this but I wasn't going to shoot her.There was a gourd she hung on her neck.I guessed it was her power and I was right.Immidiately I shot it she died.The men tried to shoot my brother in return but was stopped by a bullet from one of our soldiers.They had arrived. Things began to go back to normal after that day and our family went back to their apartment.I started dating tolu and I went to visit her one day.That was when ... I saw like twenty cars in her uncle's house that wrote an initial ...
8 Jan 2016 | 11:27
The return HG was the initial.The first time I saw it was at tolu's dad house.The hollow grounds wasn't eradicated.
8 Jan 2016 | 11:32
I dey confused....
9 Jan 2016 | 00:53
following nice story I understand but pls try to make it more legible cos some people don't understand
9 Jan 2016 | 06:11
Am sorry,I don't get you guys what do they mean make my story legible.
10 Jan 2016 | 03:59
11 Jan 2016 | 19:10
EPILOGUE I woke up in the morning and went to the palour.Every morning,the same memory keeps refreshing;The day I left my mother land.It was on that day that my dad told me we had to leave Nigeria if we wanted to feel safe.My wife greeted me when I got to the sitting room.I told her we were going to see daddy tolu and his family in new york and she said that will be nice. I looked out into the window and into the world and I shook my head. A dangerous world we live in.
13 Jan 2016 | 03:32
The story has ended.Thank you!
13 Jan 2016 | 03:34
wow such a tragic story
5 May 2016 | 06:13
u ave gat a nice one here dude
5 May 2016 | 06:18
bring more on
5 May 2016 | 06:18


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