The Next Attempt

The Next Attempt

By sheegokeys in 7 Oct 2017 | 18:03
sheegokeys sheegokeys

sheegokeys sheegokeys

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I'm not a story writer but I like reading stories and like sharing for others to learn.
This is the first time I am posting a story here, I'm lazy in nature but I will try all my best possible to update in time and I hope you will enjoy this story.
The only help I need from you is your comment to certified that you are reading, enjoying and understanding
7 Oct 2017 | 18:03
EPISODE 1 The time was 5 o'clock in the morning. The cocks kept in the cages had started to crow one after the other. This early morning cock crows woke Alice up from where she couched herself. She was yet in the same dress she wore when she rushed away from row which erupted at the party the previous night. She stressed herself, yawned and rubbed her eyes with the back of her left hand. She then looked at her wristwatch which was firmly strapped on her left hand, and partially opened her eyes. She felt alarmed! She had slept beyond the time she had wanted to wake up. She leapt up furiously from bed which woke her friends up. "Ah, Alice, is it 5 o'clock?" Jemilat asked. "Are you asking me that question?" Alice replied and continued, "you better open your eyes wide and look at the clock". Alhaja Bisi, who was partially awake, rubbed her eyes with the back of her right hand and looked in the direction of the wall clock in the room. When she saw that it was 5 o'clock, she sprang up and said 'Everybody get up! It's time!'. This announcement was followed by a rumbling noise as others got up hastily. Thus Alice and her friends started to pack her things. Her destination was Lagos. This time, she had to travel with as few things as possible. This was not because she had not acquired enough material possession but because the journey was forced on her bubble uproar which broke out at her birthday party the previous night. But for the thick call of human defence, formed by friends around her, she would av been seriously dealt with by her four boyfriends who, unknown to one another, had financed the party. While they were busy packing her things for her, Funmi asked Alhaja Bisi where Alice was going to. 'You too can ask her', replied young Alhaja Bisi. Jemilat heard the question and thought that it was a relevant question which had not occurred to her before then. When she noticed the anxiety in the two, she turned to Alice. 'Where are you heading for this morning?' She asked. Alice paused a little when she heard the questi Then she heaved sigh and continue packing her things. After a little while, Alhaja Bisi summoned up her courage and repeated the question. 'I don't know' Alice answered and added, 'maybe Ibadan, Lagos, or Kaduna. When I get to the motor park you will know', and then she announced her readiness to set out. They all moved out silently, Alice surrounded by her friends. When she was asked about the other belongings she was leaving behind, she told her friends to take care of them. As they were going to the motor park, she announced her intention to go to Lagos. 'How familiar are you with Lagos?' One of them asked. Alice explained that she had traveled to Lagos before on a couple of occasions with some of her friends. As she always went in the company of others, she did not know more than few places, like Iddo Motor Park, Tinubu Square, Balogun Street and Marina. She knew that these commercial centers of the city were always filled to capacity by people shopping or sightseeing. She also explained that she had once paid a visit to a formal High School classmate of hers, Ngozi. The classmate lives at Freeman's street in Lagos, and she had sent a letter to her some few weeks back. She had a hazy memory of Ngozi's address and thus planned to find her out when she got to Lagos. 'Aren't you taking a risk?' Jemilat asked. 'If I do not take a risk now, what then do I do?' Alice asked. 'You know how much noise I made about birthday party and you know how it ended. How can I now face the world without shame? How can I walk the street pretending that nothing happened?' She asked, and concluded, 'it's better for me to disappear from town'. By the time they got to the motor park, there were only two unoccupied seats in the bus which was getting ready to move out, so she entered it hurriedly and settle down. She bade her friends farewell as the bus took off.
7 Oct 2017 | 18:06
7 Oct 2017 | 18:13
7 Oct 2017 | 18:16
@jummybabe @denciebabe @itzprince Something fresh is here and will like someone to call the register
7 Oct 2017 | 18:16
Episode 2 The bus meandered its way slowly through the streets, hooting loudly. Alice curled, depressed, on a back seat where she had squeezed herself between the emergency am door and a lady passenger. The lady noticed that Alice looked gloomy and decided to cheer her up. 'My sister', she started, 'please pardon my intruding. You look not really cheerful. I'm sure there is a serious problem'. Alice retorted, 'how did you know that I have a serious problem. My problem is my personal affair, if I do have any. Everybody has hers'. 'I'm sorry', the lady replied and continued, 'from the way you appear this morning, you seems to have a burden on your mind. Your face reveals much'. 'Thank you', Alice retorted with a sarcasm, and then remained silent. 'Ha Sister!' the woman persisted, 'that's not good for your health. You are a young lady with a promising future. Whatever problem you have now will soon be over. Everybody has her own problem. Only a few people show it on there faces', she counseled. When Alice realized that her co-passenger could not easily be discouraged, she decided to listen to her. Eventually, she became gradually engaged in conversation with the woman throughout the journey. This lightened her heavy hearth. By the time they got to environs of Lagos, Alice has remained some composure and became little bright looking. 'This is Lagos', said the co passenger and continued 'a city which means different things to different people'. What do you mean?' Alice asked. 'Ah! You don't understand me? What I mean is that as some people make their wealth, others get ruined, and yet both feels reluctant to leave the city until they pass away'. 'Why did you say that the both are unwilling to leave Lagos?' 'People who are making money will want to make more and more and get stuck to Lagos, while the poor in their endless struggle to get money keep on hoping for a better tomorrow' replied the co passenger. 'I now see what you mean. I'm going to Lagos with a high hope, God helping me' Alice prayed. 'So also are new comers. May we be among the lucky ones'. 'Amen' Alice replied as the bus drove into the motor park with the conductor announcing the end of the journey. Thus, after exactly one and a half hours after leaving Kajola, Alice alighted at Iddo Motor Park. She turned to her friend for help about how she could find her way to Freeman Street. 'From here, join a Municipal bus to a Race Course. Then flag down a taxi to take you to your destination, since you said you are not familiar with the street of Lagos', replied her friend and bade Alice bye. Alice joined a bud going to Island. She sat down by the side of a window where she could observe the scenery as the bus move along. She paid attention to the Conductor as he announced the names of Bus stops and saw passengers alighting from the bus and new ones coming in at various bus stops. After about twenty minutes, the driver got to Race Course bus stop and the Conductor asked all the passengers to disembark, all passengers having paid their fare en route.
7 Oct 2017 | 19:02
Shuuuuu babe, only u one 4 guys? Hmmmmm my g, u tight o, bt wetin come dey make u run naa? Ride on.
7 Oct 2017 | 19:06
Will try as much as possible to update two episodes like this tomorrow, and hopefully, we will finish up the story as soon as possible to avoid boredom. I understand it's still boring now, but the next episode will heat it up
7 Oct 2017 | 19:11
7 Oct 2017 | 19:23
Episode 2 (cont'd) When Alice got down from the bus with her two hand luggage, she turned to one of the passengers for information on how to get to her destination. 'For convenience, of you can afford it, take a taxi from here. The driver will drop you at the doorstep of the house you are going to, if only you know the number ', said the passenger. ' Thank you', Alice said as she moved on to take a taxi. 'Taxi' she called out and the driver stopped and reversed to where Alice was standing. She moved to the passenger side and told him her destination. The driver announced her fare and since she was not conversant with Lagos to know whether or not the fare was right, she agreed and entered the cab. As the driver moved off, the driver asked, 'what is the number of the house you are going to?' 'Number 19', she replied. 'Alright', the driver replied as he pressed down the accelerator and the car sped off. Alice was amazed at the dexterity of the driver as he meandered his way among other vehicles, hooting and booing. At a stage, she felt alarmed as her taxi cab was face to face with an oncoming bus and it almost collided with it. 'Jesus!' She shouted as she flung her hands up in confusion and held her head with both hands. The driver looked at her through the mirror and asked her what the matter was. She was surprised at the question and said in indignation, 'didn't you see you almost collided with that bus?' 'Is that why you shouted?' The driver asked and continued, 'You see, I've been driving for the past 25 years without a hitch. So there is no cause for alarm'. 'I don't dispute that, but there is always a first time' Alice said. 'I know, madam. This is Lagos, and the only way to beat traffic jam is to drive the way I'm doing. I just must make enough money for myself and the cab owner at the end of the day'. 'i see', Alice said and advised the driver to drive with care. Two minutes later, the car stopped in front of the house number 19,on Freeman Street. Alice paid the agreed fare and alighted. The house was a two-storey building, Ngozi occupied two of the rooms on the first floor. Since it was Sunday morning, she had gone to attend service. So when Alice asked of her, she was advised to wait for her in the adjoining room. She was told Ngozi would be back at about 11:30am. She had already been fagged out by the event of the previous night. As a result, within a few minutes under the ceiling fan directly over her head, she dozed off. When Ngozi returned home from the church service, she was surprised to hear that she had a visitor. She could not figure out who the visitor could be, from the description. So she climbed the stairs quickly to see her visitor who was fast asleep. She touched her lightly to wake her up. Alice opened her eyes and was excited to see Ngozi standing before her. She jumped up and hugged her. They embrace each other passionately. Episode 3 will be posted shortly
8 Oct 2017 | 03:28
Nice story...... Following.
8 Oct 2017 | 04:13
Ride on
8 Oct 2017 | 04:16
ride on bro... am at your back
8 Oct 2017 | 04:45
y u de run
8 Oct 2017 | 05:13
Nice start
8 Oct 2017 | 05:33
ok carry go
8 Oct 2017 | 06:10
at first this is not a boredom story to me because it just started so no dought it going to be mind blow
8 Oct 2017 | 07:28
Episode 3 Ngozi was Alice classmate at Queen's School, Olode. They started in form one together. When Alice was asked to repeat senior class 2, Ngozi was promoted to senior class 3. At the end of the year, Ngozi passed out in top grade while Alice was expelled because of her persistent poor performance. Ngozi moved over to Lagos and got employed as a clerical officer in one textile firms. Like Alice, she was a vivacious girl. Her accommodation was rented fro her by one of her male friends. She lived alone. Ngozi led Alice to her room, Alice was surprised to see her friend's exquisitely furnished sitting room. It consisted of a 3-sitter, and four single settees. There were a dining table, and chairs, a colored television, a video machine, and a stereo musical set. Three recess of the bedroom revealed a lot more, which made Alice's possessions at Kajola appeared very mean. She opened her mouth in surprise and asked unconsciously: 'Ngozi, how did you come about all this?' Ngozi smiled and replied her friend, 'Your guess is as good as mine. You know I'm a clerical officer in my establishment. If my salary accumulates for ten years, it's not sufficient to buy all you see here'. 'I see', Alice replied. 'I can understand. You mean you have another source of income?' 'Yes, of course! If not, how could I have bought all these?' She replied as she spread her hands in gesticulation. 'Now Ngozi, tell me how'. Ngozi freely went into her story, she told her friend that her rooms were rented for her by Chief Julius Mbakwe. They had been friends for two years. She confided in Alice that she had other male friends but they were kept at the background since Chief Mbakwe was planning to marry her. This type of association between Ngozi and Chief Mbakwe excited Alice. She found it to be food for thought. She concluded that if only she had been wiser, she would have become Chief Lawson's wives or Haji Sidiq's. In any case, things hadn't worked out that way and there was no point crying over spilled milk. She decided not to allow things to become messy in the future. Alice did not tell Ngozi much about her past. She lied that she got tired of living in Kajola and decided to try her luck elsewhere. The establishment which employed her was paying her a pittance to keep body and soul together. When the hardship became too much, she decided to pack it up and move to Lagos. She painted the picture so awfully that Ngozi was moved to pity. 'I did not know that life was so bad for you, Alice', Ngozi said, 'I would have asked you to come to Lagos'. 'I know Ngozi, I ought to have told you everything. It was when I got your last letter that I started thinking of coming to Lagos. Even then, the fact that I have no relation here puts me off'. 'You have no relation here? What about me?' Ngozi asked. 'Please pardon me, I didn't say that to upset you. I did not want to come and bother you. You see... ' and she broke off. ' You see what?' Ngozi asked. 'I mean it can be a big bother squatting on you, in these hard times'. 'Are you saying that we are not close enough for me to help you?' 'I don't mean that exactly'. 'Forget it, Alice. As long as you wish to stay with me, you are welcome'. Alice was surprised at Ngozi's readiness to allow her to stay in her place. Though she was not expecting to be turned back, she also not expecting this readiness. So she thanked her profusely. To be continued...
8 Oct 2017 | 07:53
@sheegokeys,this was and is a novel,I read it 13years ago
8 Oct 2017 | 08:42
Hmm oko mi @fridex and @freshgirl carry @jerrie along new story don land
8 Oct 2017 | 09:39
Episode 3 cont'd Ngozi cut short the discussion by asking Alice to join her in the kitchen for preparation of lunch. She quickly changed her dress for the one offered her by Ngozi and both of them proceeded to the kitchen, talking, laughing and holding hands. After lunch, Ngozi and Alice played a game of Ludo till 4:30pm when they retired to the bedroom to have siesta. They woke up and went into the kitchen again to prepare their supper. They later sat back to watch some programmes on the television. Midway through the programme, Ngozi called Alice and told her she had an idea about how to spend the night. 'What is the idea?' She asked. 'You see, when I was passing by Glover Hall yesterday, I saw a poster advertising that a film entitled "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" was going to be shown there tonight, and I'll love to watch it. I have heard much about it'. 'What is the film about?' Alice asked. 'It's an interesting film about how a regimented family eventually became a musically talented one through Sister Maria who abandoned seminary midway. Many of my friends have watched it and said it was very interesting' 'Well, if you want to watch it, then I will join you ' They dressed and went out to spend a good part of the night watching the film. The following morning, Ngozi left to work leaving Alice at home. The restlessness of the previous nights weighed Alice down. Thus after Ngozi had left to work, she went to bed and slept off only to wake up when Ngozi returned home later in the day. During the following three weeks, Alice had nothing to do. She stayed at home when Ngozi went to work. In the evening, they sometimes played Ludo game far into the night, or visited some of Ngozi's friends, or went to cinema houses. While Ngozi was around, Alice always tried to forget all the had happened at Kajola. In fact, she always fought an internal battle to put all those behind her. Most of the time she succeeded, but once a while the thought weighed her down. One day, Alice and Ngozi were playing their usual Ludo game after dinner. Having played for a while Alice lost concentration. She fell into deep thought about the past, about how she had made it in Kajola and lost all. Ngozi noticed the decreasing attention of her friend when she started to short-count her numbers. 'Alice ', She called her attention,' you are short-counting your your numbers'. 'Is that so?' She asked with surprise. 'Yes, you are. What's wrong with you?' Ngozi asked. 'Nothing, maybe I am losing concentration' 'That's exactly what has happened. What then is responsible for the loss of concentration?' Alice looked at Ngozi and sighed. 'You see, I am thinking of the future. The past was nothing to write home about. The present is hopeless since I am jobless. The future is uncertain. Then where lies my hope?' She asked. Ngozi listened to her friend with her mouth open. She sat up straight. 'Alice, I can understand your problem. Most people feel like that when they are worried. But remember that no condition is permanent', She counseled. 'I know, all conditions are temporary, but morning shows the day' Alice countered. 'People say so, but there is no rule without an exception. That you are jobless today does not mean that you are going to be jobless throughout life. God works in a miraculous way'. 'I want him to come to my aid now. I did not succeed in school, I did not succeed in Kajola, here I am again, what is my hope?' Alice asked. 'Well, well Alice, do not lose hope. God has a purpose for everybody. Please, in the meantime let's stroll around to shake off this depression:. As she said so, Ngozi pulled Alice up by her arm and persuaded her to change her clothes. She complied and they went out. The night was later spent in visiting some friends in the neighborhood. By 11 o'clock in the night, they came back home. However, before they retired to the bedroom, Ngozi promised to help Alice to find a job as soon as possible.
8 Oct 2017 | 09:39
@scarywonga like I said before, I like reading stories and I found this particular one worth sharing. Thanks for giving this writeup an attention, I really appreciate it sir.
8 Oct 2017 | 09:41
Nice one here @qeenvick Thanks for the invitation sweetheart
8 Oct 2017 | 10:56
life will be better for you but telling lies about your past isn't the ultimate
8 Oct 2017 | 13:35
Interesting story.. Ride on
8 Oct 2017 | 13:49
Omg 4guys???? Omo u bad gan
8 Oct 2017 | 14:19
8 Oct 2017 | 15:11
Ride on
8 Oct 2017 | 15:27
OK am enjoyed this story
8 Oct 2017 | 15:50
8 Oct 2017 | 18:11
8 Oct 2017 | 18:40
Alice life we be better one day
8 Oct 2017 | 18:44
Ride on
8 Oct 2017 | 20:02
Alice you brought this upon yourself so deal with it
9 Oct 2017 | 02:52
Episode 4 For a few days after the heart to heart talk, things went on well. Ngozi as usual, went to work leaving Alice in the house. All along, Ngozi was scheming to get Alice fixed up on a job. She discussed the issue with some of her colleagues at work. None of them was able to offer any concrete suggestion. One day, Ngozi visited Ade Monronfolu, an engineer in his office. 'Hi Ade, long time no see!' She said as she opened the door to his office. 'Hi Ngozi, here you are! What has happened all this days? Are you trying to avoid me?' He asked. 'No, but you ought to have checked me up. Is it out of sight, out of mind?' 'If it's going to turn to a session of accusations and counter-accusations Ngozi, let's drop that. Please sit down', he said. As Ngozi sat down, she said, 'That's what I had expected, Ade I'm sure you have not forgotten your manners?' 'If I had, I won't ask you to sit down', he replied and changed the topic by asking, 'How is work, if I may ask?' 'If I may answer too, work is fine ' ' Okay', Ade replied, and then asked, 'Tea or coffee?' 'Tea, since I'm allergic to coffee'. Ade rang the call bell and a messenger came in, took Ade's order and disappeared. Meanwhile, silence prevailed in the office as Ade flipped through the files in front of him and Ngozi surveyed the office. A few minutes later, the messenger came back with two teapots in a tray, one containing tea and the other coffee, with other items. He placed it on the table and left the room. 'Ngozi', Ade called, 'Help yourself to the tea'. She silently moved the tray, served herself tea and coffee for Ade. While they were sipping their drink, Ngozi told Ade that she had a nagging problem. 'What problem? ' Ade asked in surprise and added,' But problems don't worry you '. ' That is perfectly true. Personal problems don't worry me but those of others do worry me'. 'You should not allow that to happen. Everybody should be allowed to tackle his own problem'. 'If you read Bible well, it also enjoins us to be our brother's keepers', Ngozi added brilliantly. 'You are right there, Ngozi. Really, what can I do for you then?' Ade asked. 'You see Ade, I have a childhood friend living with, and on me at present. She came from Kajola a few weeks ago complaining of boredom and she wants to try her luck here. Having stayed at home for some time, she is very much looking for a job. She is gradually becoming depressed because of joblessness. So I promised to help her look for one. I have no other person in mind to help me out, but you. That is my plight, Ade'. She concluded. 'I see', Ade said, tapping his right foot on the ground, and beating his lower lip lightly with his pen. After a minute, he looked at Ngozi and said, 'It's not going to be easy, but I will try my best. Just give me a week'. Ngozi jumped up from her sit and gave him a kiss on the forehead saying, 'thanks a million times. I know you are capable of helping me'. After some further idle chat between the two, Ngozi expressed her intention to leave. However, before she left the building, she went in to Mr Bassey Ekpo's office. Mr Ekpo was the junior partner in the engineering company of Jolly Enterprises. Back home later, Ngozi explained her efforts to Alice. 'Alice', she started, 'I have met one of my boyfriends called Engineer Ade Monronfolu, on your behalf. He promised to do his best to find a job for you'. 'Is that so? '. Oh God! Thank you, I will be very happy if he succeeds. You see, I am lonely and I want to get out of this boredom'. 'I understand your problem, though you can't freely tell me. If I'm right, you are tired of living on charity'. 'Not quite, Ngozi, though I shall very much appreciate an existence of mutual help. I want a situation in which I will be in position to reciprocate your kindness. I will very much love it'. 'I assure you that Ade will help. Don't worry any more. He asked me to check up in a week's time'. 'A week time? So soon! Oh God, may you give me the chance to repay Ngozi's kindness', she supplicated. Immediately after Ngozi left Ade's office, he consulted with his business partner. In the latter's office, he said, 'Bassey, do you know that Ngozi made a request today?' 'A request? What request? ' Bassey asked. ' She said she had a friend living on her at present and that she was looking for a job for her so as to relieve her of the maintenance burden.' 'What did you tell her? ' Bassey asked. ' I only told her I'll try my best and that she should check up again'. 'Okay, what do you want to do for her? ' ' That is exactly what I came to discuss with you, if you don't mind. You know that we have been looking for a clerk to work with you, and if this girl is found suitable, I want us to employ her. ' ' I see, I have no objection, provided, as you put it, she is suitable. ' ' You can trust that she will be, moreover, when Ngozi is recommending her', Ade assured. 'Why are you so sure? ' Bassey asked. ' If the saying that birds of the same feather flock together is true, then the girl will be a good assistant to you'. 'I don't know what you mean by that, Ade?' 'You will soon know. Let's keep our fingers crossed', Ade said and the conversation ended there.
9 Oct 2017 | 03:58
Will drop another episode later in the day. I hope you finding the story interesting?
9 Oct 2017 | 04:10
yea, they're birds of the same feather but not when it comes to intellectual ability
9 Oct 2017 | 04:15
@sheegokeys, ride on bro, it's really interesting
9 Oct 2017 | 04:17
Next plz indeed birds of a feather flock together
9 Oct 2017 | 04:26
9 Oct 2017 | 09:37
Episode 5 Alice was sent to Jolly Enterprises with a note as agreed. The note was addressed to Engineer Ade Moronfolu, 18B Macaulay Street. So she left home at 10 o'clock in the morning and walked to Race Course bus stop where she took bus to the mainland. She alighted at Oyingbo and took a taxi to her destination. On entering the building which housed the Enterprises, she went to the receptionist to make enquiries. Having asked Alice about her mission, the receptionist dialed Engineer Moronfolu's number. 'Hello, ' Engineer Mironfolu replied through the receiver. ' Hello sir', the receptionist replied and continued, 'one lady says she is Alice, she wants to see you'. 'Okay, send her up'. The receptionist replaced the receiver and directed Alice to her boss' office. Alice knocked and she was asked to come in. When she entered the room, she saw a young man wearing spectacles, sitting behind an oval table. He was light complexioned, heavily bearded, with a bald head. He was dressed in a blue suit with a white bow tie. 'Good morning sir '. ' Good morning, Miss Abram. Please sit down', Ade replied and continued with the work he was doing. 'Thank you sir', Alice replied as she sit down. While Moronfolu was busy with his work, Alice quickly and briefly surveyed the office. Her conclusion from what she saw was that the young executive had a high taste. Suddenly she heard him speak. 'Well, I understand you are looking for job'. 'Yes sir', she replied as she handed a note from Ngozi over to him. He took it, tore it opened and browsed over it. 'You see, Ngozi is a good girl, this is her first request. I will see what I can do to help you'. He then excused himself and went to inform his business partner of the presence of Alice. 'Bassey', he called. 'The girl from Ngozi is here and in my office. I have to come to inform you of her presence'. 'What do you want us to do now?' Bassey asked. 'Employ her, of course '. ' I see, since you are keen on that, I have no objection. But how do we go about employing her?' Bassey asked. 'Let's put up an advertisement on the notice board so that one or two applicants can join her. When they all apply, we can then arrange an interview and get her appointed'. 'I agree with you, your suggestion is neat. You can set the process in motion' 'Since you have agreed to this, you can come to my office in a few minutes time to see the girl'. Ade said and left. When he got back to his office, he told alone to write an application in response to an advertisement that would be placed on notice board, and submit it in three days time. He assured her that there was no problem about her appointment. He was explaining this when the door opened and Bassey entered. 'Hi, Ade', he called. 'Hi, Bassey, you are welcome, please sit down '. When Bassey has sat down, Ade said to Alice,' this is Engineer Bassey Ekpo. He is my partner in this organization '. As he introduced Bassey, Alice rose up to say,' Good morning, sir' Ade then introduced Alice as a friend of Ngozi who had recently come to town and was looking for a job. Bassey pretended as if it was a news to him and said 'You are welcome, young lady. I wish you the best of luck in your search for employment'. 'Thank you sir', Alice said and curtsied. Bassey Rose to go, telling Bassey that he would be seeing her later. After he had left, Alice too expressed her intention to leave for home, and promised to call the following day to submit her application letter. Back at home, she told Ngozi that she was asked to submit an application letter and that she wanted to do so the following day. 'Well Alice, that's no problem. I have the necessary stationery for you to use. After lunch, we will both sir down to write it'. The letter was meticulously written and sealed later in the evening, and it was submitted on the following day.
9 Oct 2017 | 11:49
hmn i smell something here
9 Oct 2017 | 11:52
9 Oct 2017 | 11:56
i hope she doesn't fumble at the end of the day
9 Oct 2017 | 13:32
ok hope she won't fall Ngozi hand ooo
9 Oct 2017 | 14:07
birds of different species
9 Oct 2017 | 16:10
Really interesting..
9 Oct 2017 | 17:11
interesting, ride on
9 Oct 2017 | 17:25
9 Oct 2017 | 17:33
Episode 6 ON the day scheduled for the interview, Alice, along with two other candidates turned up. Since that was not the time she had appeared before an interview panel, she turned up early, neatly dressed and with her necessary papers. When it was her turn, she went into the interview room to meet Engr Ade Moronfolu as the chairman, Mr Bassey Ekpo and two others, among whom there was a lady. As she sat down facing the panel members, the interview began. 'What is your name, please?' 'My name is Miss Alice Abram'. Perplexed by the combination of two foreign names, the member whom she did not know said, 'How come, you are bearing two foreign names?' 'Actually, my father's name shows that he's a Christian. So also is mine'. 'Don't you have a name which is indigenous to this country?' 'I have', she replied. 'Why don't you bear the name?' 'My father registered me in school with these names when I was young and since they have already appeared on my certificates, I feel it's not necessary to change them', she explained. 'Well, where are you from?' 'From a place called Olorunda'. 'Do you know the nature of your job?' 'I...... I do. As a clerk, I'm supposed to be dealing with files, receiving correspondence, dispatching them, keeping files, replying to letters when directed to do so, and attending to people when they come to transact business with the company'. 'Have you ever been employed as a clerical officer before?' Asked the woman on the panel. 'No' 'Let's see your certificate', the chairman demanded. Alice handed over her certificates over to the panel which they look and pass round. After looking through them (certificates), they were returned back to her after which they told her she can leave. Three days after the interview, Ngozi called at Jolly Enterprises, after exchanging pleasantries with Engr Ade, she asked, 'What is the fate of my friend?' 'Which friend', Ade asked. 'Alice, of course', she replied. 'I see, she performed well. We unanimously decided to appoint her'. 'Thanks so much Ade, I am exceedingly happy. My burden is lightened' 'Thank you for thanking me', as he said this, he rang the bell to call the messenger. He then ordered the messenger to bring Miss Abram's appointment letter. Alice was very happy when Ngozi gave her the letter from Jolly Enterprises. She was, of course expecting it but she never thought it would be so soon. 'Ngozi', Alice said, 'I am indebted to you for all these, may God bless you and repay you several times over'. ' It's nothing to mention, we should rather be grateful to God for all his mercies', Ngozi replied. 'One hurdle is crossed Ngozi. But I still have some other problems'. 'What other problems?' 'I realise that you know all my plight. I can't pretend to you. Now that I've gotten a job, I need your continued assistance till I start receiving salary'. 'I know that Alice, you have no problem staying with me. Feeding is still assured, what else?', Ngozi questioned. 'Thanks a lot, but you know that I arrived here with only a few dresses. I need some for work now that I am going to be working', Alice replied. 'I see, I wasn't thinking along that line until you said it. But look, you have no problem. All my clothes fits you since we apparently have the same stature. We can therefore both manage until you are well off''. Alice did not expect that Ngozi could be so generous, she now regarded her more as a friend indeed, and thanked her profusely. As Alice was expected to start work three days later, she spent the two days before to prepare for the resumption. She joined Ngozi at her place of work during break and they both went out for shopping. 'Ngozi, to add to whatever I'm going to share with you in the meantime, I want to buy a gown, a pair of shoes and some cosmetics', Alice said as they entered a boutique. 'There is no problem since you can afford them', Ngozi replied. They bought all they wanted buy in the boutique and went for the cosmetics shop. At the shop, they both made some purchases, Ngozi made sure they did not duplicate what she already had at home. Ngozi quickly go back to her office after realizing her break is almost over while Alice went into the shoe shop and made the last purchase before returning home. In the evening, they both took stock of what is in the house to know which needs they have not met, they did this and felt satisfied. Alice was then led to a salon where she dressed her hair in readiness for the next day.
10 Oct 2017 | 05:01
10 Oct 2017 | 07:16
Episode 7 Alice and Ngozi woke up early, the next day. 'Alice, we have to prepare rice this morning for breakfast'. 'Why', Alice asked. 'You know this is your first working day in Lagos. You have to eat fully so that you will not have any excuse to leave office. When eventually you get used to working here, you may be eating in the local eating places around your office'. 'Is eating outside the home a common practice in Lagos?', Alice asked. 'Yes, Lagos is a special place where people work in places ten, twenty, or so many kilometers from there homes. Furthermore, since they have to leave home as early as 5:30am, or not later than 6:30am. So, many people have to eat their breakfast in the office. Some even have an early morning nap with their heads on their tables'. 'This is different from what happens in a small local places where on can leave home for the office at five minutes to resumption time and still get there punctually', Alice remarked. 'The hustle and bustle of Lagos is what makes Lagos interesting. You will soon have the experience'. In short time, they were ready to leave home. Ngozi described to Alice where she would board a bis to Yaba. They left home together and parted way soon after. 'When Alice got to the building housing Jolly Enterprises, she went to the receptionist who was already there. ' Good morning ma', Alice greeted. 'Good morning, can I help you?' 'Yes, I am reporting for duty today, who do I report to?' 'I see, let me see your appointment letter', the receptionist demanded. Alice dipped her hand into her handbag and brought out the letter for the receptionist to read. 'I see, you are the new clerical officer? You are most welcome, you will please go and report directly to Engineer Moronfolu'. 'Thank you', Alice said and wanted to move away when she heard the receptionist add, 'My name is Obiageli Nwachukwu, I'm glad to meet you'. 'I'm Alice Abram, happy to meet you'. 'This is a good place and I assure you will enjoy working in this company'. ' 'I'll be happy to enjoy working here, however, please, let me go and quickly report, we will meet again', Alice said as she left the receptionist. Mr Moronfolu welcomed Alice to the office and asked her to spend the day with his secretary because he is very busy. On the second day, Engr Moronfolu took her round the all the other officers. She was first taken to the guest room, then to the store, the accounts and finally to Mr Bassey's office. 'Hi Bassey', Ade said as he opened the door, allowing Alice to enter first be he entered. 'This is Miss Alice Abram, our new clerical officer'. 'Good morning sir', Alice greeted. 'Gold morning young lady, you are most welcome', replied Bassey. 'Thank you sir', replied Alice. 'Well, well', Ade said, turning to Alice, 'you are going to work closely with Mr Bassey, so he will show you your table and put you through your job'. Having said this, he left and close the door behind him. 'Yes, here is amiss Alice Abram, Alice, meet Tope Thompson, my secretary. Tope, Alice is our new clerical officer, show her her table and let her know what she is going to do and the type of work she is going to do'. ' Yes sir', Tope said and led Alice out of Mr Bassey's office. Back in her office, Tope showed Alice her table and seat, the cabinet containing the office files, the files register, the 'receive' and 'despatched' stamps, the correspondence registers and other items. 'Alice', Tope continued, 'the lady who sat on this seat before you was sacked by Engr Moronfolu for laziness. So, I advise you to take the job seriously and do your very best in everything'. 'Thank you', Alice said, 'I will do my very best, I really appreciate your advice and may God be with you'. Now the story just started....
10 Oct 2017 | 11:57
lets see what she can do
10 Oct 2017 | 15:17
10 Oct 2017 | 15:49
Ride on
10 Oct 2017 | 16:17
yes. it's interesting
10 Oct 2017 | 17:14
Nice ride on
10 Oct 2017 | 17:55
Lisa Want to cause trouble bwt u two abi, Dan don catch u early with ur lie lie
10 Oct 2017 | 17:56
10 Oct 2017 | 19:03
It's lets roll
10 Oct 2017 | 21:42
More interesting. I hope dis their friendship will end well.
11 Oct 2017 | 01:37
Hope u don't get lazy
11 Oct 2017 | 02:47
Episode 8 Alice came back from work one day to meet Chief Julius Mbakwe at home with Ngozi. Ngozi did not go to work that day, having submitted a doctor's sick leave slip to her boss. Alice was duly introduced to the Chief. 'Alice', Ngozi said as she came to the sitting room, 'this is Chief Mbakwe, my fiance'. Alice turned to the Chief and said, 'Good afternoon sir, I'm very pleased to meet you'. 'Thank you', the Chief replied. Alice then went into the bedroom and changed to a casual dress and then went into the kitchen to prepare lunch for three. 'Ngozi', she said, 'what should I prepare for lunch?' Ngozi hurried into the kitchen to join her, they discussed and agreed to prepare rice for three of them. This was ready within half an hour, and the table was set. Chief Mbakwe was meanwhile relaxing on the long cushioned chair in the living room. He had actually dozed off. Ngozi tapped him on the shoulder and said, 'Chief, lunch is ready'. 'I see', he replied as he stretched his body and sat up. 'What do you prepare for lunch?' he asked. 'Of course, rice and fried plantain'. Ngozi replied, and asked, 'or you want pounded yam?' 'Pounded yam my foot! Do you want me to be heavy and feel drowsy very soon?' he asked. 'Why not? I want to feed you well', Ngozi said and moved to the dining section. 'I see, give me my best food first and find out later whether I'm feeding well or not', Chief Mbakwe said as he moved to the dining section to join the others. A few moments later, Chief looked at Ngozi and passed a compliment, 'this is the best food I have eaten for years' 'What do you mean?', Ngozi asked, 'I hope you are not saying that I am a bad cook all along?'. 'No, far from it. I'm only trying to say the both of you complement each other perfectly well in the kitchen'. 'Then what about me only?', Ngozi asked. 'Don't form ideas my dear, you are good as well'. Alice listened to the two lovers' conversation without interrupting them, she just smiled. While eating, Chief Mbakwe stealthily cast glances at Alice, which the latter did not notice. He was not very much pleased that she did not contribute to the discussion between him and Ngozi. So, he decided to drag her in. 'Young lady', he started, 'have you just come to town?'. 'Yes sir, a couple of weeks ago'. 'I see, but Ngozi ought to have brought you to my office'. Ngozi cuts in and said, 'I wanted to bring her then, but I want her to settle down and get job first'. 'Has she now got a job?', he asked. 'Yes sir, I have', Alice replied. 'Then, can I invite both of you out on Friday night? Can I pick you up from here at 7:30 pm?' 'Thank you sir', replied Alice. When they finished eating, the table was cleared and Alice excused Ngozi to go and wash the plates. When it was time for Chief Mbakwe to leave, Alice and Ngozi saw him off. Before driving off, Chief said, 'Young lady, do not forget my appointment'. Back in the house, Alice sought to know more about the proposed outing. 'Ngozi, what type of outing are we going to have on Friday?' 'Chief has a way of entertaining people when he is impressed and he wants to make an impression. He could take us on a moonlight sightseeing, give us a sumptuous dinner in an international hotel, take us to a cinema house, or to his local club, or to any other place of our choice '. ' Chief must be generous, Ngozi '. ' He is more than generous, in fact, he is generous to a fault ', Ngozi replied and asked,' why do you think I adore him? ' ' I now see that, that is why you cling to him like a leech'. 'That is not true my friend, we have a sort of rub-my-back-I-rub-yours type of relationship'. 'How?' 'Well, when Chief goes about making money, he gets tired in the process and comes here to relax. Here I feed him well, pet him, boost his ego and provide him with fun. The type he does not get in his home, do you think he shouldn't pay for this?' ' I agree with you, he should. Afterall, you need money to maintain yourself'. 'That's it', Ngozi emphasized. 'Don't worry my friend, I am just teasing you. These men think that they can use us and drop us off like a deflated balloon?' Alice remarked. 'Don't mind them Alice. They either pay for what they want, or get thrown off', Ngozi chipped in. Alice expressed her total agreement with the stance of Ngozi on her relationship with men. Good morning.
11 Oct 2017 | 04:52
Ngo dat's very kind of u, 4 helping a frnd, Alice d ball now is on ur court so play it d way dat it will b well wit u, bt is like there's going 2 b betrayal 4rm dis Alice of a gal, anyway let's watch nd see.
11 Oct 2017 | 09:19
Episode 9 At the appointed time, Chief Mbakwe came as promised and took the two girls out. Their first port of call was Durbar Hotel where they ate according to their choice, and drank lightly as Chief had told them his plan to take them to his club house. As he drove in through the gate of the club, Chief was hailed by the gatemen, 'Chief! Chief!!, you are welcome sir, what do you have for us today?', the two gatemen spoke excitedly. Chief Mbakwe smiled at them as the gate was flung open, dip his hand into his pocket and gave each of them a fifty naira note. He then drove in as they started to hail him. As they entered the club, they were welcomed in with an intermittent advertising noise of 'Buy your raffle tickets' from the Tombola Manager. As Chief, flanked on both side by the two ladies, stepped in, all eyes were turned in their direction and the club members greeted and hailed them. Some money near them out of curiosity to see the two girls properly, to shake hands with the Chief and his girls, while others waves hands from distance with the usual signs which the members of the club were associated with. Chief Mbakwe later got seated with his guests in a conspicuous part of the hall and went to buy raffle tickets. He ordered drinks for himself and his guests with a large bowl of suya meat. They were busy eating and drinking when the game started. Players were busy playing the game with occasional shouts of 'House'. During a short break, players moved around stretching legs and cracking jokes. One of them approached Chief, 'Chief', he whispered, 'where did you find these two charming ladies?' Chief Mbakwe looked at him and asked in return, 'Where did you get the ones you brought here the other time?' 'Well, Chief, you know them, don't you?' 'That's not the question, if I know them, so what?' 'I'd thought you old people have abandoned this game to us', he said jocularly. 'Who are the old people?', Chief asked, and turning to Ngozi, he asked, 'Am I an old man?' 'I don't know ooo', Ngozi said as she and Alice burst into laughter. The men laughed too and the man, Mr Olu Johnson, went for his seat after he had been introduced to the girls. The game resumed and it continued far into the night when Chief Mbakwe dropped the ladies at their home before driving off to his house. Alice enjoyed her working environment, she was liked by all her colleagues, both male and female. While the male admired her, the females always want to be in her company. Mr Ekpo studied the situation and decided to keep off Alice so as not to do anything that would mar their working relationship. 'Ade, I have thought about Alice and I want to hands off'. 'Why?' 'You see, the girl is hardworking and is admired by everybody in the office. I want the tempo to continue like that uninterrupted'. ' The qualities you have just mentioned are the right ones for good relationships, those are what you need to hit the nail on the head'. 'You see, as things are, I don't want to do anything that can bring me into ridicule. Why do I need to start any relationship with somebody working diligently directly under me, it's not ethics'. 'Well, Ekpo, I know you are a moralistic, you can please yourself'. 'Thank you, Ade, I'll rather look beyond this organization for pleasure'.
11 Oct 2017 | 13:44
11 Oct 2017 | 14:21
The way Chief is behaving towards Alice, I hope he won't push her into betraying Ngozi
11 Oct 2017 | 15:43
Observing jejely
11 Oct 2017 | 18:28
11 Oct 2017 | 19:19
Ngo is good helping a friend
11 Oct 2017 | 20:22
Hmmm okay oo still reading
12 Oct 2017 | 07:32
12 Oct 2017 | 07:36
Episode 10 At Ngozi's working place, a sendoff party was being organized for the Production Manager. He was leaving on a voluntary retirement, having put in several years of glorious service. Alice was invited by Ngozi to the party, men and women who mattered in both public and private sectors of business were also expected at the party. At exactly 9pm,the Master of Ceremony started his work. 'Ladies and gentlemen, it is time to start the party. However, I have been mandated to fill the high table with distinguished guests. In compliance with this, I call on Alhaji Ibrahim Mokwa to chairman this occasion'. As the chairman rose from his temporary seat to occupy the exalted chair, there was a round of applause from the crowd. More names were called but this role call of distinguished guests was climaxed by that of the chief guest. Alhaji Mokwa was then given the baton to proceed with the order of the day. 'Ladies and gentlemen', Alhaji Mokwa started, 'let is start today's party with a short prayer by Chief Oluyomi Maku, the Managing Director of YOMIMAKU & CO. LET'. The gathering rose up for prayer which was said accordingly. ' Having prayed, ladies and gentlemen ', Alhaji Mokwa continued,' I am supposed, according to the program before me, to give the opening speech. This is not going to be a long one because I'm used to brevity. Mr Charles Imoh, the Production Manager of Clotex Enterprises, is well known to this gathering. He is going on retirement, and in appreciation of his service to the organization, this party is organized for him by his employers. What we are witnessing is a manifestation of the esteem in which he is held on this organization... ', he then rounded off by wishing Mr Imoh the best in all his future endeavors. After the chairman's opening address, drinks and food were served. Ngozi and Alice sat among a group of other four guests - one lady and three men. They arranged themselves whereby no two ladies or two men sat together. The man - Yemi Robinson - who sat to the right of Alice was so captivated by her beauty that he did not follow the trend of the chairman's speech. He was all the time scheming on how to be familiar with Alice. As eating progressed, the Chairman asked people who wanted to make speeches on the occasion to do so. The Managing Director, Clotex Enterprises, was the first to speak. 'Ladies and Gentlemen', he started, 'this is a good opportunity for me to comment on Charles. Charlie, as he is fondly called by his colleagues, is a diligent officer. He has contributed immensely to the growth of this Organization. We cannot stop him from retiring, he deserves the very good retirement, as, for many years, he has played his part well in the company... ' After the speech of the Managing Director, many others followed, all praising the good qualities of their retiring colleague. All these went on with eating, drinking and light music. Mr Yemi Robinson was not paying attention to the speeches, he was seriously thinking of how to engage Alice in conversation. Then the opportunity came when her handkerchief dropped from her lap, Yemi quickly bent down to pick it up for her. To this kind gesture, she said, 'Thank you' and Yemi replied, 'Don't mention'. At another stage, Alice had some persistent light coughs and Yemi quickly offered her a cup of cold water and paid her more loving attention. The other people who sat nearby saw what was happening but pretended not to observe what was happening around them. The guests finished eating one after another and the plated were cleared away by waiters and waitresses. Everyone was then sipping his or her drink when the Chairman announced the next item on the program. 'Ladies and gentlemen, having eaten, and while we are drinking, it's time for the presentation of gifts to the retiring chief guest'. He then called on Mrs Agnes Momoh, a confidential secretary to the Managing Director, to present the gift. Mrs Momoh lifted the wrapped gift, went to the high table to present the gift on behalf of the Managing Director and the entire member of the company. The presentation was followed by a loud applause from the crowd. Mr Imoh, the retiree was also called upon to give his speech after which it was time for dancing. Mr Robinson seized the opportunity to get closer to Alice when he invited her for a dance. On the dancing floor, more things started happening.
12 Oct 2017 | 08:24
I hope Alice won't betray Ngozi I just hope
12 Oct 2017 | 09:44
More things like what
12 Oct 2017 | 09:47
I am suspecting chief behaviour
12 Oct 2017 | 13:30
pls someone should include Me n d register
12 Oct 2017 | 13:59
yemi d fast guy, u no wan take chances at all, bt Alice am warning u once again if even chief comes 2 u start 2 run( gegegegegeg), dnt say i didnt warned u o.
12 Oct 2017 | 14:17
that My guy
12 Oct 2017 | 16:39
Hmm....observing jejely
12 Oct 2017 | 17:38
Still reading
12 Oct 2017 | 20:43
Episode 11 'I'm Yemi Robinson, may I know your name, please?' 'I'm Alice Abram', she replied. 'Glad to meet you, Alice, if you don't mind me calling you by your first name?' 'Thank you, Mr Robinson, no problem with that' 'Why the formality about my name?', Yemi asked when he noticed the prefix Alice keeps adding before his name. 'I don't understand what you mean?' She asked. 'I see, I don't know that I should have said... Chief', she said in all sincerity. 'That's not what I mean, I'm not a chief and I don't want to be addressed as such. All I'm saying is, you are free to call me Yemi'. 'I see, you mean I should address you as Mr Yemi Robinson instead of Mr Robinson'. Yemi burst out laughing at the jovial reply from Alice and remarked, 'I now know that you are trying to pull my legs'. I mean no harm then, it's better I pull your legs than you pull mine'. Yemi gesticulated more with laughter and Alice also got infected. When the laughter had subsided, he made an explanation, 'What I mean, my dear Alice, is that you should simply address me as Yemi, I love it that way'. 'However, Yemi, I'm not your dear. Address me as Alice or Miss Abram'. ' Well, if you are not my dear now, you will soon be my dear'. 'What gives you that impression?' 'It's because I'm sure you will', he asserted. 'Even if I have a permanent boyfriend?' She asked. 'Boyfriends, like ordinary friends, are never permanent'. 'What exactly do you mean?' She asked in amazement. 'What I mean is that a boyfriend is not the same thing as a husband. Boyfriend has an element of temporariness. It is husband that can be said to be permanent, once there is legal seal to the bargain'. Alice asked, 'Are you saying that one cannot have a permanent attachment to one's boyfriend?' 'That's exactly what I mean. If a girl has a boyfriend today, there may be a change for another or a happy change to a husband. In this case, the tie of temporary friendship breaks at the point of marriage. Another lasting friendship then begins'. 'I now understand what you mean. In any case, what I'm saying is that I have a fiance'. 'That still goes to show that I have a chance'. 'What chance have you?' 'If you give me a place in your life, I may displace the so-called fiance of yours', he affirmed. 'What if you are not given a chance?' 'I am pleading for that chance. You see, you have captivated my heart with your beauty, sense of humor and everything'. She mused and said, 'We are not at war, so you could not have been in captivity'. Mr Robinson remembered that they were still on the dance floor dancing together with other guests. He dragged Alice gently back to their seat, where he continued their discussion. 'War is not the only way to captivity', he resumed, and then continued, 'admiration is another. Anything one admires to the extent of forgetting about other things, captivates. When one gets exclusively involved in a thing, then the mind is captivated. I hope you understand what I mean?', he asked. 'I don't', Alice lied. 'You see, in your company I've forgotten every other thing. You mean everything to me', he said, attempting to inflates Alice's ego. 'Yemi, I see that, if allowed, you can talk on and on till the second coming of Christ, but you have not really said anything'. "Ah!" he exclaimed. 'I have said everything, I have made my point'. 'What point have you made?' she asked. 'I have told you, both in words and action, that I am heels over head in love with you'. 'I have not seen that, you are still on your feet', she teased him. 'You give me a chance to demonstrate that, but not here'. 'I will see how it looks like, to stand on one's head, when in love'. 'Is that sealed?' Yemi asked with excitement on his face. 'Sealed', Alice confirmed. Before others joined them back from their dance floor, Yemi told Alice that he was a business man, while Alice told him that she was a clerk at Jolly Enterprises. At the end of the party, Yemi took Ngozi and Alice home in his car, with a promise to call in the evening on the second day. Back at home, Alice narrated what had happen to Ngozi. 'That man called Yemi Robinson, made a proposal to me'. 'Was that so?' Ngozi asked. 'Yes, he asked me to give him chance to prove his worth'. 'What do you feel about it? Put in another way, how do you feel about him?' 'I don't know yet', replied Alice. 'How do you mean? Don't you feel any warmth towards him?' Ngozi asked. 'It seems I admire him, he appears to be a gentleman, a jovial one indeed'. 'That's always the beginning, once you admire a man and you enjoy his company, all other things will follow'. 'I think that's true, I want to give him a chance. You know he's going to be the first man in my life, since I arrived in Lagos'. 'I know, let's just see how things work out'. ' Ngozi ', Alice continued,' the man is sweet-tongued. If allowed, he can talk on and on without repeating himself, and one is not bored '. ' Most men are, especially in the company of girls'. 'This one seems to be different. He is an interesting person. In addition, he's a witty and humorous'. 'I now know that you are already in love'. 'Am I? How do you know?' Alice asked. 'It appears we won't be able to sleep tonight' 'Why?' 'Because of the discussion on Mr Robinson' 'I see, well, I'm only telling you how I feel about him' Alice said and shrugged. 'That's true, it's only a confirmation of my observations and you need a man like him anyway' Alice and Ngozi talked on Yemi more and more into the night until they both slept off.
13 Oct 2017 | 02:22
Nice choice Alice
13 Oct 2017 | 12:37
Alice better for u o, is like mr Yemi is a good person anyway lets see hw it unfolds.
13 Oct 2017 | 13:13
hope Yemi loves you as he claimed
13 Oct 2017 | 14:30
the game started
13 Oct 2017 | 16:05
Observing hw it going to be
13 Oct 2017 | 16:23
Lets see how it goes
13 Oct 2017 | 16:36
Hope he loves you genuinely
14 Oct 2017 | 01:28
Episode 12 The second day when Alice and Ngozi came back from work, the tidied their apartment in readiness for the arrival of Yemi. 'Alice', Ngozi started, 'let's scrub our kitchen and tidy up the living room'. 'Is it because Yemi is visiting us today?' Alice asked. 'If not, why then do u think I will be bothering' 'Do you think we should go to such length because of him?' 'Don't you know that first impression matters in a relationship. If you want to secure a man's hand in marriage, you need to do ur utmost to get him hooked, even at the great discomfort to yourself. It's thereafter that you can relax and begin to count your blessings '. ' That doesn't seems to be fair on men' 'You don't seems to realize that these days, when women seems to outnumbered men, you need to put in a little effort to get what you want'. 'I agree with you but I've not made up my mind about him', she lied. 'Whatever your state of mind is, let's tidy up the apartment, if not for Yemi's sake, but for ours'. 'That's true', Alice said as she joined Ngozi in the kitchen. Within an hour, the whole place had been scrubbed clean. The window and door blinds were changed and the living room rearranged. At the end, Alice was pleased with herself. At least, she learnt that for a flower to attract a butterfly, it needs to be colorful and sweet smelling. 'Alice, you should now go and shower, then change into a new dress'. 'Thank you, Ngozi, I will surely learn a few things from you'. 'So also will I, Alice', Ngozi replied. ON that note, they both disappeared to have their bath and change their clothes. At 5:30 pm, they were both ready, expecting Yemi's arrival. As they relaxed on the sofa watching their black and white television, there was a light knock on the door. 'Yes, come in', Alice answered. Yemi entered and was warmly relieved by both ladies. He looked round the room and was impressed after which he sat down. 'Without any doubt of mind, both of you are living well', Yemi remarked as he sat down. 'Thank you, we are just struggling to survive', Ngozi replied. 'From the look of things, you cannot be described as people struggling in this country. You are so far from it'. Alice cut in, 'Yemi, I hope you are not engaging in your stock-in-trade so soon?'. ' Which one is that? 'he asked. ' Flattery' 'I don't flatter, I only say what I see'. 'With little exaggeration?' 'Oh no, Alice. If you don't want me to say exactly what I see, then I will keep my mouth shut'. 'Can you ever do that?' she asked. Ngozi offered Yemi a bottle of cold beer 'Oh no', he protested and added, 'I don't drink beer'. Ngozi was taken back at the statement.
14 Oct 2017 | 04:21
Episode 12 cont'd Ngozi was taken back at the statement. The night before, she saw Yemi drink two bottles of Stout. Then she said, 'But...', Yemi quickly cut in saying he took permission from Alice before he drank Stout the other night. The two ladies burst into laughter while Alice told Ngozi not to mind him that he was a jester. Amidst the laughter, Yemi stood up and turned to Alice saying, 'My Ladyship, am I permitted to drain the content of the bottle?' 'Swallow also the bottle if you like', Alice answered. 'Thank you ma', he said as he sat down. While Yemi was drinking, the ladies engaged themselves into playing a ludo game. Within a short time, Ngozi won. Yemi showed surprise and said 'Oh no, you want to disgrace my dear in my presence? Alice, engage her in a second game, if she attempts to win, I shall swallow this bottle in protest', he joked. Ngozi laughed and said Yemi would perform the feat that day. All these went on and on until Yemi announced his intention to leave when he said. 'Ladies, you will continue your sweet talk after my departure. I'm ready to go now but before then, I want to invite you out next Saturday if you have no engagement already'. Alice turned to to Ngozi with a questioning expression while the latter squinted trying to see if they already had engagements. After a few seconds, she replied in the negative, then Alice turned to Yemi, 'We don't have much to do that day so you can come for us. But when do we expect you?' ' If you don't mind a whole day out, I will come for you at 10 o'clock in the morning and by 6pm,we shall be back'. 'Ngozi', Alice spoke, 'any objections?', she asked. 'None', Ngozi replied, 'but where are you taking us to sir?' 'Bar Beach, of course', he replied. 'If we are staying out for such a long time, how do we take care of our stomachs?' Ngozi asked. 'That's simple, from the look of things, you are good cooks. So you have to prepare a delicious food that will last the whole day', Yemi said as he brought out his wallet and gave Alice #800 (eight hundred naira). Both ladies thanked him, and he told them he will be in charge of drinks and he was seen of thereafter. When the two ladies returned to their room, Ngozi expressed surprise at Yemi's generosity. 'Your new catch is fantastic', Ngozi said. 'I think so too, provided that it continues like that', Alice replied. 'You have to make it continue ' ' How? ' ' By studying him properly and doing his wish', Ngozi advised. 'Do I have to do his wish, or he has to do mine?' 'You have to do his wish, and he does yours too. Love, you know, is reciprocal' 'I will try my best then, moreso as you appear to approve of him'. 'I do, because you seems to be happy in his company
14 Oct 2017 | 04:57
Alice thats good but don't fumble o
14 Oct 2017 | 05:10
Waoh.. Just seeing dis story,,, continue abeg
14 Oct 2017 | 14:37
Play ur cards well
14 Oct 2017 | 14:58
14 Oct 2017 | 15:15
#800 for cooking or what
14 Oct 2017 | 18:04
@jummybabe I Wonder O
14 Oct 2017 | 18:29
#800 for cooking, maybe he made a mistake
15 Oct 2017 | 17:26
Oh mehn 800 naira to cook? Abeg wat year wz dat? Cos 4rm wat i kn as a woman, is it for soup or garri, anyway lets see hw it goes.
15 Oct 2017 | 17:55
#800 ???
15 Oct 2017 | 18:48
Alice that is a good idea from Ngozi
15 Oct 2017 | 19:01
800 for food. Na aka gum
15 Oct 2017 | 19:38
#800??? u call dat generous???
16 Oct 2017 | 18:24
Well, it is story in the 90's... If u also observe, I haven't made mention of phone because phone is only limited in companies then
19 Oct 2017 | 06:41
Okay now I know
20 Oct 2017 | 10:28
@sheegokeys my g, wetin b d next attempt naa, infact wic levels for dis story?
8 Nov 2017 | 03:43


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