The Painful Pleasure (TPP)

The Painful Pleasure (TPP)

By hammychenko in 21 Jul 2016 | 08:52
hammychenko hammychenko

hammychenko hammychenko

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Member since: 12 Mar 2015



Episode 6,7&8

Episode 9,10&11

Episode 12&13

Episode 14, 15&16

Episode 17&18

Episode 19&20

Episode 21-24

Episode 25&26

Episode 27&28

Episode 29

Episode 30

Episode 31&32

Episode 33&34

Episode 35

Episode 36

Episode 37&38

Episode 39

Episode 40 final
21 Jul 2016 | 08:52
The Painful Pleasure (TPP) EPISODE 1 I waited patiently as the phone loaded slowly due to the poor network. Believe me, network is always very slow whenever one wants to check result. It was my third post UTME in the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University. My first and second post UTME result was 168 and 199 respectively, i could remember vividly that my mum (who gathered money from her petty trade of fruits) said to me having seen my second trial result “If only they were so nice to add one mark, you would have gotten 200″. Well, she was very sad, but she still encouraged me (without even talking about the money with which she obtained the form for me). She just said that i should try more, she said ” ti esin ba da ni, a maan tun gun ni” which means that; when a horse makes one fall, we try climbing again. . . I was so lost in thought, all i could think of was my mum who had been struggling to make me someone in life. She has been doing all these alone since i lost my father when i was ten in a fatal accident along Lagos-Ibadan express way (that was some 8 years back). Since I’m the only child, she has only shown me so much care and affection, and i can’t afford to fail post utme the third time. . . All these was going through my mind, and my thoughts were too crowded to notice that the result has loaded, and is right on the screen staring at me. I snapped out of my thoughts to discover that ‘the bridegroom’ is here, all i needed to do was to ‘zoom’ on my outdated Blackberry tour that i bought (3000 Naira, UK used) with my life savings. Trembling with so much fear, i pressed the middle key, there came my result. I looked at it, and behold. . . . What exactly did he score? Find out in Episode two.
21 Jul 2016 | 08:53
The Painful Pleasure (TPP) EPISODE 2 Trembling with so much fear, i pressed the middle key, there came my result. I looked at it, and behold, it was ‘255’. I shouted so loud, that my mum heard my voice in the shop “Thank you Jesus” I couldn’t believe my eyes, with a JAMB score of 235, that is an aggregate (Jamb+postutme divided by 2) of 245 which is enough to study microbiology (my first choice) since the cutoff for microbiology the previous year was 240. I started rolling on the floor with so much Joy. My mother (who had heard my voice earlier) came in. “Dapo what is it” she enquired. I just gave my phone to her, then she saw my result, no adjective can qualify the look on her face on that fateful day, she was just too happy as she didn’t know what to say. She opened her mouth, and what came out was “ose oko mi” as tears of joy started rolling down her both chicks. This means; “thank you my husband”. (This is how Yoruba mothers do when they are very happy with you, they call you “oko mi” which means “my husband”) Well, I’m her husband, since she has lost her husband since 8 years and I’m the only one she has. “I knew you will make it”, she said to me, hugging me tight with so much Joy. She went to the market, bought life-chicken, killed and fried for me. I ate the chiken with garri, garnished with sugar and milk (that was the best meal i had that year). My mum was so happy, indeed that day was the happiest day of my life. All these happened August 12 2010, and by November, the admission list was out and as expected, i was given my course of choice- Microbiology. For those in OAU, you will agree with me that OAU is a university that gives you admission today, and then you resume in ten years time (that’s just exaggeration o). I saw my admission status in November, and we were to resume June of the following year, because there was ASUU strike then which disrupted the school callendar. Well, it’s an advantage for me, since it would give my mum enough time to source for my fees. So my mum did all she could, and got the fees, what a wonderful woman she is. Though that period appeared to be so slow, because i had waited for years at home and can’t wait to resume school. As long as it seems, the day drew near and it was just a month to resumption. Behold, it was time for online registeration, i couldn’t do it on my phone because it includes uploading of scanned WAEC/NECO result, birth certificate, signature and the likes. So i had to go to the Cafe. So i went to ‘God’s Grace’ (A famous cafe in Apata, Ibadan) to upload my WAEC result which was full of C’s and just 2 B’s (It wasn’t bad anyway) and other documents. When i got there i discovered that there were 5 people already waiting to do that same online registration. That was where i met Sandra. Who is Sandra? Find out in Episode 3.
21 Jul 2016 | 08:53
EPISODE 3 Since they all came before me, i just had to wait till they are done with theirs. I sat down with the other four people on a long bench. “How much is the registration?” I asked the young girl sitting next to me (who looked quite pretty), “good afternoon” she answered. “Please pardon my manners, that should have been my line.” I said to her. She answered and said, “No problem anyway, i didn’t mean it that way, i just greeted you because i felt i had to, there is no big deal. Anyway, the guy said the registration is 1000 naira with printing.” The price seemed quite much, but i didn’t want to create a seen or be a nuisance since that’s what all others paid. So while we were waiting, i just enjoyed a conversation with that pretty young girl beside me. Me: So you are here to do your registration too? Girl: Obviously, what else would i be doing in a cafe? Me: You could be trying to browse the internet or something. Girl: So if that’s what I’m here for, will i be waiting for those guys to be through with their registration? Me: That’s true (nodding my head in agreement ), since we started talking, you’ve only asked questions. So, should i call you miss question? Girl: You don’t have to call me that, because i have a name (smiling). Me: So with this your beauty, your name must be princess. Girl: (Blushing) Don’t wine me joor.(now smiling like sobosobo) I’m not princess o, I’m Sandra. So what’s your name, Prince? Me: Prince ke, my name is Dapo o. Its nice meeting you (stretching my hands to shake her) Sandra: The pleasure is mine (shaking hands with me). . We talked on and on, and she told me that she was admitted to study philosophy. I waited until it was my turn, then I did my registration. Sandra left and waved me, “see you in school” she said. i waved her back, and she smiled from afar. It was when i saw that smile that it occurred to me that i should have asked for her number. But it was too late, she had gone already. “I may never see her again.” I said to myself. I just forgot about her since we have more than 25,000 people in OAU. I finished my registration and went back home, preparing for school. What happened next? Find out in Episode 4.
21 Jul 2016 | 08:54
EPISODE 4 Preparation was in top gear for resumption. My mum surprised me when she bought ‘born-vita’ and peak milk. “I appreciate your efforts but we don’t even eat this at home maami, you don’t have to buy all this. We are not that rich and you know it, the money you used for this provision, you could have kept it for something else.” I humbly protested. She replied immediately ” If i don’t buy this for you who else will i buy it for? All my discomfort, is it not for your comfort, i toil day and night so that you dont have to do that. Over my dead body will you go to school without provisions. I want you to be alright, i want you to enjoy life, “soo gbo oko mi”, just try and understand me.” When she had finished saying all these things, all i could see was a mother who was willing to sacrifice her life for her son, who was willing to sacrifice her happiness for her son’s. I was so touched, and didn’t even know what to say, than to say thank you ma. I drew closer to her gave her a hug, and with tears rolling down my chicks i said “I will never let you down maami.” She replied saying “I trust you son, i know you won’t.” Though my mum was so happy that i finally gained the long awaited admission, but she still can’t believe that her one and only son will leave her to go to Ile-Ife. But what can the poor woman do, will she ask me not to go? Hell no! She won’t do that, she was as happy as i was as far as the admission is concerned. I thought for a while and then i started having mixed feelings as regards the admission. “Well it’s not like I’m going for life, i consoled myself. The resumption date was clearly stated- 13th of June 2011. Well, i had less than a week to go and i was so ready to face the new life, meet new people, learn new things, unlearn some things, teach people stuffs, correct wrong impressions and become new. People were giving me money from different angles. “Pele o, omo ile-iwe gba koo fi se owo oko.” They were always tipping me, and my mum won’t stop telling them about my going to school. “Omo yin n lo school ni next week o” which means: your child is going to school next week. Am i really their child? No I’m not, but Yoruba people have funny ways of talking e.g “se o ti ri aburo e.” This means: have you seen your younger sibling, when you are probably from Ibadan, and the person being referred to as your sibling is from Kaduna. But i actually enjoy the whole stuff, because once they call me someone’s child, that person must ‘shake body’ (meaning the person must give me money). Since my father is no more, “whoever gives me money is my father jare” i said, smiling. The day finally came, and all i had to carry was my ‘2 by 6’ mattress, the few clothes i have, my provisions, and some food items (garri in particular). And i headed straight to the Bus-Stop. What happened next? Find out in Episode 5.
21 Jul 2016 | 08:54
EPISODE 5 Since we lived in the outskirts of Ibadan, i had to board two different taxis to get to Iwo-Road (like the extreme end of the city, where you get buses going to other parts of the country). My mum followed me to Apata where i took a taxi going to challenge, she waved at me and smiled with tears (who does that). I waved at her and i rememberd the ‘ranti omo eni to nse’ speech. This means: remember the son of whom you are. You guys know what I’m talking about, there is no one in Nigeria that won’t hear this speech from either or both parents when going to the university. These includes stuffs like: 1. Koju mowe e o: face your studies 2. Ma ko egbe kegbe o: Don’t keep bad company 3. Ma kobirin o: Don’t follow girls e.t.c. But since my mum knew me to be someone that doesn’t really like ladies, since i don’t talk to girls in the area, only 1 and 2 above was applicable to me. To cut the long story short, i got to Iwo road, and i gave a small boy 100 Naira to carry my load for me with his wheel barrow. I could have carried it myself, but i just felt that if everyone should think that way, how will the poor boy get his means of livelihood? “At least he is better than those guys with no physical disabilities who beg around.” I said to myself. I went to the Bus, and seeing my load, the driver said briskly “E maaa sanwo eru o.” Which means i will have to pay extra for my luggage. I nodded my head in agreement, and asked him how much that was, he said 200 Naira, after so much bargaining, and so much chastisement by the other passengers, he agreed to take 100 Naira, so with 400 fare, that will be 500 all together. “Its not that bad.” I. said to myself. So we were waiting for the bus to get filled. You know those guys now, they won’t move an inch until the bus is full. I sat at the third row as the bus has five rows. I would have sat at the second row but the driver had told us that three people will sit on a row, except the second row where four people will sit. Why he said that i didn’t know, and i don’t want to know. Because i wasn’t really used to traveling, i wouldn’t want anything that would cause me inconvenience. On my row there was just one space left as we waited patiently. One baba with bald head was already on my left, “who will be my right hand traveling partner” I wondered. . . There she comes, my sitting partner. As i saw her, i knew she was also going to resume in OAU. . . Was I right or wrong? Find out in Episode 6.
21 Jul 2016 | 08:55
Hmm.,,another story! bring it on
21 Jul 2016 | 08:55
21 Jul 2016 | 08:56
I wish i cn follow this 1
21 Jul 2016 | 08:56
21 Jul 2016 | 08:58
Please I need the register here. Although this is not my work... It is a copied story
21 Jul 2016 | 09:00
painful pleasure hmmm i can imagine
21 Jul 2016 | 09:11
Nice story...continue
21 Jul 2016 | 09:11
THE PAINFUL PLEASURE EPISODE 6 “Sorry, can you please shift a bit” the voice of this young lady brought me back to the scene, because i was lost in thought, as the sight of her made me wonder if she was a student to be on OAU campus or not. I adjusted my back-pack closer to me, giving her enough space to sit comfortably. Another man came, and in no time, the bus was filled up. “E sanwo o” A man came to the window, telling us to pay, and we did, I just gave him 500, since that will save me the stress of waiting for change. The bus was ready to move, and it did move. I looked at my left, i saw ‘baba apari’ (bald old man), i looked at my right, i saw a damsel. “Should i start a conversation with this beautiful lady or just keep mute “I thought to myself, and concluded i was going to do the later. So i just minded my own business, as i gently brought out the story book ‘Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare’ out of my backpack. I loved this story so much, though I’ve red it thrice already, i don’t mind reading it again. As the sound of hooting vehicles and that of moving cars provided the ‘sound effect’ for my reading, I just focused, ignoring all other things. “So guys read this too?” I couldn’t believe it was the girl i wanted to form for that finally broke the silence. Well, whether i believe or not, Its true, and i had to reply her. “It’s not for girls only, so i see no reason why i can’t read it.” I answered. “So you are also going to resume in OAU?” She asked, When i heard the word ‘also’, i knew i cannot be more correct in my thoughts. Me: Yes you? The girl: Same here. With this your love for literature, you must be in the arts and humanities Me: At all, I’m in the sciences, in fact, I’m going in for microbiology. The girl: Are you serious? I’m going in for microbiology too. Me: So, i just met my first departmental friend (I said looking straight into her cat eyes), so whats the name of my FDF? The girl: What’s FDF? Me: First departmental friend of course! The girl: You are so funny. Anyways, the name is Moji and you are. . . Me: Dapo Moji: Really? That’s my younger brothers name. Me: That’s great! Anyway, its nice meeting you Moji: Same here. . . We continued the conversation, and we were just choosing topics at random. We talked about politics, the country, the music industry and lots of stuffs. I’ve discovered that when you have someone to talk to, journey seems to be faster. That was how i met my second mate, and my first departmental friend. “But wait o, how come i haven’t met any guy?” I said to myself. Well, at the cafe, there were four guys waiting to do registration, it was only the girl i talked to and made friends with. “I have not even entered campus and I’m already behaving like a girl-freak, if i enter campus, what will happen? When did i become like this? I wasn’t like this before!” I thought to myself.
21 Jul 2016 | 09:13
The Painful Pleasure EPISODE 7 To cut the long story short, we finally got to ‘Campus gate’ in Ife. I alighted from the bus with my ‘FDF’, and took my load. Carrying them was not so easy, so Moji offered to carry one for me, but i told her not to worry. I saw a large bill board that has “WELCOME TO OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY ILE IFE” boldly written on It, with the motto “FOR LEARNING AND CULTURE” written underneath. I was quite shocked when i saw the logo, it was the statue of a woman, with book on her head. “Does this mean we will have to read and cram like mad?” I said to Moji, who laughed at me like i didn’t know what i was saying. “The statue represents culture, and the book depicts learning as the motto states” She answered, clearing my ignorance. I was so surprised that she knew that, since we were both ‘freshers’, so i asked her how she knew that. “My dad graduated from OAU.”She Answered. We entered the school gate, and took a bus into campus. As we were in the bus, i thought to myself, “I won’t want to make the same mistake i made with Sandra. This one, i must surely get her my number. So i gave her my (palasa) phone boldly and said to her. “Something is wrong with my phone, can you help fix it?” She looked at me like I didn’t know what i was saying, collecting the phone from me. “What is it?” she asked. Looking at her like ‘lucosade’, i answered and said. “Your number is not in it”. She laugged hysterically, and i joined in the laughter. Then she said “you are so funny, simple ‘can i have your number will do the trick.’ She took the phone, and pressed in some 11 digits. Though, my phone wasn’t quite cool, all the keys were functioning properly and i was so proud of it. I was given bedspace in Awolowo Hall, while Moji was given in Mozambique Hall. So i came down from the Bus before her. Because there is still a turn before getting to her hostel. I waved at her, and said “see ya” she smiled and replied same. This is not like Sandra’s case where i wasn’t sure i was going to see her again. Even if i didn’t take Moji’s number, we were in the same department anyway. I entered my hostel, it was quite crowdy, as people were going up and down, dragging bags and lockers. Indeed, school had resumed. What next? Find out in episode 8
21 Jul 2016 | 09:14
The Painful Pleasure EPISODE 8 “Block 2, Room 109, Bed no 9, Upper Bunk.” That was written on my accommodation slip, meaning; that was the room allocated to me, Awolowo Hall is so Big that i almost got lost, looking for ‘Block 2’, but after questioning so many people, i got to my room. That was when i met ‘Nigga Black’. ‘Nigga Black’, whose real name was Emmanuel was a part 3 student of psychology. Seriously, i have never seen someone so dark. You cannot see him and not notice his ‘darkness’. We call him other names like: Albino, Kiwi Ambassador, Black Maria etc. But he was just dark on the outside, he had a pure heart. So calm, so gentle, never offended and easy going. ‘Nigga Black’ took my load from me, and showed me to my bedspace. I dropped my bed on it and carefully arranged all my load in the cupboard that was assigned to me. It was then that he started telling me stuffs about campus and hostel. He told me the story of ‘Africa’, how he was murdered in block 8. Fear gripped me, as he told me to calm down, that the days of cultists where over in OAU. So many other people started coming in, and here are my room mates: Nigga Black, Mayowa (A part one student of CPP), Matthew (A deeper life member, and a Direct Entry student of Mechanical Engineering), Olu (Final year student of accounting) Emeka (Final year student of Sociology) and Abdul (Final year student of Agric Economics) There were three bunks in the room, Nigga Black had been in the room since the year before so he just stayed in the room, squatting with us. There was a party then called “Anglomoz Party”. (Anglomoz is a place between Angola (A male hostel mainly for freshers) , Awolowo and Mozambique Hall where people (mostly boys and girls) meet to talk) It was organized by Awolowo hall chairman for all fresh-men. So Mayowa suggested that we attend the party, then i agreed since lecture was yet to start. It was a night party When we got to anglomoz, after we had stayed for about 5 minutes, enjoying the various activities, Someone just covered my eyes with hands from the back. The last time i did that ‘rubbish’ was when i was in primary 5. I didn’t know what to say because i did not even know who it was, though i have very sensitive sense of smell and i knew that perfume’s smell was familiar. As i gently removed the hands, and turned back to see who it was. . . Who was it? It might not be who you think. Find out in Episode 9, to be released in a gify.
21 Jul 2016 | 09:15
EPISODE 9 As i gently removed the hands, and turned back to see who it was, I saw Sandra standing behind me with that Smile of hers. “I thought I would never see you again” I said to her holding her hand. “It’s a small world remember?” She said to me. . . I introduced her to Mayowa and they shook hands. The three of us stayed at a spot, and enjoyed the opened party. The party was so interesting, as we enjoyed the various programmes. Some OAU upcoming artistes performed, some did a rap, others R and B. It was so much Fun. The popular “Jadon P” Swayed people of their feets, this was a guy who could create rhymes with whatever you show him. As if that was not enough, some girls came on stage, shaking their ‘backsides’ at the speed of light. Guys were shouting and encouraging these girls. “Who does that? How would you come on stage and shake your behind for 5 minutes?” I said. “It’s called twerking.” Sandra replied. After this, a comedian came on stage, cracking jokes and for real, this guy was really hilarious. Sandra was just laughing like a chicken. The MCs came on stage, they wanted to do what they called “devil’s basket”. So they were passing a basket, so that when the music stops, if the basket was still with you, you will come out, pick a piece of paper from the basket, and do whatever is written in it, or pay a fine of one thousand Naira. The basket went round and they stopped the music. Guess who was holding the basket? Sandra! I was shocked when the MCs shouted “come on stage”. She mounted the stage, picked a piece of paper and gave it to one of the MCs, he read it out. It reads “Bring out two guys, kiss one, and slap the other.” I was expecting that as a big girl, she would pay 1 thousand, but i was extremely surprised when she came to Mayowa and I, and took both of us to the stage. I was so shy, but as a cool guy i had to compose and follow her. I was puzzled, because she was definitely going to slap one of us, and kiss the other. If she should kiss me, she would have to slap Mayowa, leaving Mayowa embarrassed. And if she should kiss Mayowa (which didn’t really seem likely) she would have to slap me, and i will be so embarrassed. As we got to the stage. . . What did Sandra do? Who did she slap? Who did she kiss? Find out in Episode 10.
21 Jul 2016 | 09:17
watched this kind of scene before!
21 Jul 2016 | 09:22
next dude
21 Jul 2016 | 09:23
Lol..nawa o @froshberry every where i see any new story u are always first to take seat..
21 Jul 2016 | 09:29
21 Jul 2016 | 09:30
Episode 10 As we got the stage, everything just went dark and silent, all the halogen lamps went off and the sound system stopped working. The generating plant had gone off, what happened to it, I really can’t understand. Some guys said they had seen a guy roaming around that area earlier. Probably, the guy poured salt into the fuel tank. But why exactly would he have done that? Well it’s a ‘win win’ for me. Well, everything had gone ‘blank’, so I had to humbly leave the stage. Sandra was already leaving the stage as I followed her. Mayowa was nowhere to be found, I thought he ran away immediately the lights went out, since he was at the verge of being slapped earlier. I can’t be more thankful for the whole ‘black out’. Was I really going to kiss a lady in front of people, expecting them to clap? “The only time that should happen is on my wedding day, even my mum will clap.” I thought to myself. People started leaving ‘anglomoz’, some were condemning the party, some were blaming the organizers. Some called the party a ‘flop’. All efforts to bring the generator back on was to no avail. I just stayed with Sandra, at one corner in Anglomoz area. We were just ‘gisting’ in the dark (That was around 2am). By the time we talked to a point, the whole of Anglomoz was already scanty, and there were few people there. She was such a saucy girl, a talkative. We ran out of things to discuss, so we were quiet for a while. Sandra broke the silence. “You wanna complete the game or pay the fine ?” She said. I was quite confused because I didn’t know she was referring to the ‘kiss-slap’ game. So I asked, “what are you talking about?” She replied briskly before I could even finish my question. “The devil’s basket of course”. My heart beat became 10 times faster, as I didn’t know what she was up to. But I just remained ‘the man’. “It’s just me here, and you have to slap someone and kiss another. How on earth do you want to go about that?” I asked, pretending to be cool with the whole situation. “Wait till you find out.” She answered. . . She stood up stood up, and went to a pole very close to where we sat, and slapped the pole twice with her left hand. “That’s the slap, now the kiss.” She said coming closer to me. A part of me was saying “do it!” and another was saying “don’t”. The closer she came, the more confused I was. . . What happened next, find out in Episode 11
21 Jul 2016 | 09:33
Episode 11 I gently placed my hands oh her shoulder, and slowly pushed her away. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this.” She looked at me for a while. “Are you the last born? Why are you making a big deal out of this? Seriously it’s no big deal.” She began to raise her voice. “You don’t have to shout. You are a very wonderful lady and I respect that. You are funny, outspoken and I like that fact. But don’t you think that by doing this, you are going overboard? We haven’t even known each other for up to three months. And as a matter of fact, this is the second time I’m seeing you in my whole life. . .” I explained so she could understand me, but she replied sharply. “Wait dude, what is the whole speech all about, I didn’t ask you to date me, neither did ask you to have sex with me, it was just a kind gesture, it’s all fine, we are cool, I’m serious.” She started talking as if nothing had happened. “Are you sure you are not mad at me?” I asked. “Why would I be? I should be the one asking that question.” She replied. Since it was all settled, I thought it was time to go, then Sandra looked at me and said “I don’t have to beg you to ask for my number, do I?” I had totally forgotten to ask for her number, the whole drama that just happened between us has really destabilized me, that I didn’t even remember to do that. “My bad!!! I’m sorry I totally forgot.” I brought out my ‘palasa’ and gave it to her, she looked at the phone, then she smiled, collected the phone and pressed in two numbers, and saved them as ‘Sandra 1’ and ‘Sandra 2’ respectively. “I don’t have to beg you to ask for my number, do I.” I repeated the same thing she had said earlier. So she brought out her PHONE. Yes! It has to be stressed, because that was what should be referred to as phone, and not my BB Tour. It was a Samsung ‘touch-screen’ phone, well I don’t know about now, but then, Samsung phones were considered to be one of the most expensive phones. I held the phone carefully to avoid stories that touch the heart, and pressed on the screen with my middle finger, my one and only phone number. It was then it occurred to me that she was a ‘rich kid’. We said good night to each other, and I gave her a hug, then we departed. That was around 3am, so I headed straight to my room. As I was going, I was wondering “this girl must be really rich o”. I got to my room, everyone had slept, Mayowa was on his bed sleeping too. I just climbed my bunk and slept. What next? Find out in EPISODE 12 and don’t forget to share with friends.
21 Jul 2016 | 09:34
21 Jul 2016 | 09:35
@sonshine do your thing!
21 Jul 2016 | 09:43
If you abandon this story, I'll rip of your heart and your rib cage!
21 Jul 2016 | 09:45
Seated. DON'T ABANDON IT OOW. @onahsunday631, I already said it that @froshberry-2 always mornitor things and does not sleep..
21 Jul 2016 | 10:02
Ah..Oya Oya Oya keep pumping it
21 Jul 2016 | 10:16
hmmmm.......anoda story
21 Jul 2016 | 10:23
fire on
21 Jul 2016 | 10:25
who carry my seat for here... abeg get up joor hmmm I don seat oya bring it on moreeeeeeeee
21 Jul 2016 | 10:56
[color =violet]◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆[/color] [color =gold]★★★★★★★★★[/color] N£w €pi$ode H€r€ Wond€rful P€€pz° [color =red] ⇩ ⇩ ⇩[/color] @pizzaro♚ @promzy♛ @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdkingmaster @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @SONSHINE @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim @missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @E-cube @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homestrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @emmablink23 @divathemmy @mavbirth @somisom @gsoul @oyeyemiomolola @peacebright @Sunny @damsyn @Fortune @tomilayoadebukola @Tommie @dbramo @Osaka @danco4real @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @jpresh88 @motunrijoy25 @oliviacute @sabinto @considerobah @miztr-fabulous @okoro @Itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @jacy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @Preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @ladyt @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef
21 Jul 2016 | 11:18
hmmmmm. bros easy nah well nice story I enjoyed some part that I read
21 Jul 2016 | 11:46
@hormortiyor Wetin You Say
21 Jul 2016 | 12:43
Welcoe back @froshberry-2
21 Jul 2016 | 12:47
shey i travelled ni @hormortiyor
21 Jul 2016 | 12:59
I'm already here jawe
21 Jul 2016 | 13:45
I think say u don go sleep ni as u never sleep for the past 1wk. 3days. @froshberry-2.
21 Jul 2016 | 13:50
Present sir
21 Jul 2016 | 14:29
Sandra.... Hmmn....
21 Jul 2016 | 14:37
I don siddon 4 back seat dy wait 4 d next episode
21 Jul 2016 | 14:42
Front seat don finish
21 Jul 2016 | 14:45
lolz great Ife! year one is always full of great experience
21 Jul 2016 | 15:02
enjoyinq dx ride.... Pls Continue dont stop.
21 Jul 2016 | 17:43
enjoyinq dx ride.... Pls Continue dont stop.....
21 Jul 2016 | 17:45
Oya clear the front row for me. I don show with my Roller Blades and Orijin mixed wit BoBo alongside garden egg
21 Jul 2016 | 20:04
Episode 12 It was 10am already, and I was still on my bed, sleeping. As the guys were laughing so loud, I had to wake up. Mayowa had been giving them the ‘party gist’. I pretended I was still sleeping as I listened to the conversation. . . Mayowa: That girl for slap my face true true o, as d blackout happen, omo na so I tear race o. Olu: It fit be say na you she go kiss na, anything fit happen o Emeka: If I hear say dat girl kiss am, make God con help you make that girl hand strong well well, your face for tear reach back. . . Emeka is a very funny guy, so when I heard what he said, I laughed loud, and they all knew I had been pretending all the while. Mayowa told the guys how scared he was when he thought he would be slapped. Then I narrated the part Mayowa didn’t get to see; how she tried to kiss me, and how I refused. When Emeka heard this, matters took another turn, as he took the issue personal. “Guy, you dey craze o, how girl go wan kiss you, you come dey form holy holy, your father well well, your father yaga yaga. Girl wey you for do strong thing, make she know say you be man, you con dey do like pussy. Guy, you don fall my hand. If to say na me, I for show her say Jesus no get tribal marks”. Emeka made me feel I did something bad, and he really succeeded with the help of Olu and Mayowa. I told them more about Sandra, how we met and how she was just behaving. “Abeg, shey u go gimme dat girl?” Olu asked, and Emeka replied him “Guy free that part 1 girl for our guy o, make him flex, make him dey alright”. Seriously, the whole conversation we had that day made me regret just rejecting Sandra that day, I wished I had done more. “There will surely be another chance, and if the chance is not forth-coming, I will create it.” I said to myself. I had gotten her number already, so things won’t be difficult. That day, there was an orientation programme for freshers, but Mayowa and I didn’t bother to go, since Emeka and Olu told us it wasn’t really important. They told us they were always saying ‘ase’ (irrelevant stuffs). We continued our registration, going from library to the health center to the department to the faculty submitting one document or the other. It was really stressful. We were asked to pay dues to the faculty and departments and we did. After like 2 weeks, lectures were going to start. So many materials were introduced to us, and we bought the ones we could. Lectures were going to commence, my university life was about to start in full. What next? Find out in Episode 13
22 Jul 2016 | 03:23
Episode 13 It was a Sunday, lectures were going to start the following day, and since I came to school, I had not gone to church, two Sundays had passed already. My mum is a very devoted Christian, thank God money is not the criteria for being a deaconess in my church, she wouldn’t have had the chance. She had taught me not to miss any Sunday service, as it is written “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” My mother had taught me to go to church 52 Sundays a year, 53 if possible, but what exactly was wrong with me, I couldn’t figure out what was going on with me. I decided to go to church, I talked Mayowa into going with me and he agreed. So we decided to go to ‘Church of Christ’. It was a popular church then, known for quick and short services. The day ‘holy spirit takes control’, and they have to stay longer than usual, that is when they use up to two hours. Since most students do not like long services, this church had so many members. The service was meant to start by 10am and end latest by 12pm. Mayowa and I got to church around 10:30, as a protocol member gently led us to our seat. The sitting was strictly on a ‘sit as you come’ basis. It was a praise and worship session, the lady leading was so blessed. As at the time we entered, she was singing the song: “We give you all the glory. . . We worship you our lord . . . you are worthy to be praised. . . You are alpha, and omega”. The song really touched me, as I lifted my hands to reference God as the beginning and the end of my life. There was a lady just there beside me with a pair of glasses on, whose ‘part’ was very correct and loud. I know about music, as I can play the keyboard, the drum set quite well, and I can also sing. The lady caught my attention, she had a pair of glasses on, and she lifted up both hands, singing from the depth of her hearth. “Well, that shouldn’t distract my worship.” I said to myself. I continued, as I was thinking back on what God has done for me, success, provision, and grace. All I could do was to thank him. It was time to dance, I danced like there was no tomorrow, I was so happy to be in the presence of God, I knew I had done what’s right. Then the lady leading the praises said “hold a person beside you and say (singing) we are going higher, we are going higher. . . ” I held the lady with glasses I had been admiring all the while. Well, she didn’t see any thing wrong with it as we both sang the song. The sermon came on, the pastor preached on the topic “he’s able”. The pastor showed us the power of God, and the ability of God to do all things for us, and through us. He used Ephesians 3:20 as his anchor text. It was a wonderful message. I can never forget it. The pastor concluded the message, and the ‘first-timers’ were asked to stand up for recognition. Mayowa and i stood up, and to my surprise, the lady beside me stood up too. What next? Find out in EPISODE 14
22 Jul 2016 | 03:24
@sonshine a new episode have been posted
22 Jul 2016 | 03:28
[color =red]♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥[/color] [color =gold]★★★★★★★★★[/color] NEW EPISODE GENERAL REGISTER ⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ @pizzaro♚ @Promzy♛ @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdkingmaster @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @SONSHINE @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim @missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homestrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @emmablink23 @divathemmy @mavbirth @somisom @gsoul @oyeyemiomolola @peacebright @Sunny @damsyn @Fortune @tomilayoadebukola @Tommie @dbramo @Osaka @delpiero @omolara @jpresh88 @motunrijoy25 @oliviacute @sabinto @considerobah @miztr-fabulous @okoro @Itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @ayanfemi @emperorsndyheartless @gallas888 @olaborry @dannyboy @emzy602 @mackabsolute @kaka @toochi @1mikipat @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @jacy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @Preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @ladyt @talentbad @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef
22 Jul 2016 | 04:12
following keenly ride on bra
22 Jul 2016 | 05:23
ride on.
22 Jul 2016 | 06:43
That would now enter your list of another new friend ( a female once again). Where you only destined for the ladies?
22 Jul 2016 | 07:37
22 Jul 2016 | 07:37
Loving dis story
22 Jul 2016 | 09:09
Hmm,watching things
22 Jul 2016 | 09:46
22 Jul 2016 | 09:46
Ride on
22 Jul 2016 | 09:47
22 Jul 2016 | 09:47
Episode 14 So many other first timers stood up, we were celebrated, and we were asked to follow a guy who gave us a form to fill. The form has a part asking whether or not we would like to Join the church, if we would like to Join the work force, and what unit we would like to Join. Mayowa filled No/Nil all through, he never liked church anyways. I filled yes all through, and I answered that I wanted to join the choir. The girl did the same, so I was forced to talk to her. “You sing pretty well.” I said to her. She looked at me, trying to be sure that I was talking to her. “You mean me?” She asked. “Yes, you.” I answered. Mayowa was already getting angry with the whole situation, because he doesn’t like ‘church-girls’, so he didn’t really like the fact that I was talking to her. Since he filled ‘No’, that he didn’t want to join the church, he didn’t have to wait for any extra meeting. He told me he was going already, then I said bye to him. So the girl answered me. “that I chose to join the choir, doesn’t mean I can sing. Wait! Were you peeping into my form? I denied briskly. ” No, it was when you were singing beside me that I heard your voice, and discovered that you sing so well.” She looked at me suprisingly and said “during that awesome worship, you were noticing someone’s voice?” I answered immediately. “No, it’s not like that, I’m just so sensitive to sound”. . . We continued the conversation. . . Me: So what part do you take exactly? The girl: I take all parts, but I mainly take alto Me: Wow that’s just like me, but the difference is that I’m more comfortable taking tenor. The girl: That’s really great. I’m Aramide, what’s your name? Me: Please pardon my manners, I’m Dapo. It’s really nice meeting you. Aramide: The pleasure is all mine. You are in what department? Me: MCB, what about you? Aramide: English Language. . . We were going to continue the conversation, but some guys came to address us, to tell us about becoming a member, a ‘worker’ and other things like that. Immediately after the meeting, we prayed, and when I opened my eyes, I didn’t see Aramide. Where she went, I didn’t know. I just took my bible, and started going to my hostel. Right there and then, I knew I had fallen in love. Aramide is so beautiful, she speaks softly. She isn’t like Sandra who talks like a parrot. She’s God fearing, and she is nice too. I knew it was too early to conclude, but that was my conclusion. I took a bus and headed straight to my hostel, since I was going to start lectures the following day. Now I have Sandra, my lousy, saucy friend, Moji my FDF, then Aramide whom I really love. What next? Find out in EPISODE 15
22 Jul 2016 | 10:09
22 Jul 2016 | 10:11
Episode 15 I got to my room, and I met Mayowa, already sleeping. I just went straight into preparing for the next day’s work. Mayowa had cooked ‘condition rice’ before sleeping. So I ate, then I tried sleeping too. It was then my phone rang, it was my mum. That was the second time she was calling me since I resumed school. I was so happy to hear from her. I apologized to her for not calling her earlier, I told her I have been busy with registration activities. She told me a lot of things, and repeated the ‘Ranti Omo Eni Ti o n Se’ speech. But what surprised me the most was that this time around, more emphasis was laid on ‘No 3’ of the list. She kept on telling me to be careful with girls, maybe she had seen some things in the realm of the spirit concerning me. I thanked her, and told her, I won’t let her down, then she ended the call. Lectures were going to start the following day, it was going to start with an ‘8 o’ clock’ chemistry class which would last for an hour. Abdul told us (Mayowa and I) to get to the venue as early as 6:30, or else, we won’t get a sit. We considered it as an exaggerated fact, how can we go for a class, 1 hour, 30 minutes earlier. Mayowa started the ‘church-gist’ in the evening around 8pm. He told Emeka and Olu how I was behaving like a ‘church- freak’. Those ones, blamed me too, they said I should have followed him when he said he was coming to the hostel, after all we went together. Mayowa started talking about Aramide, how I was talking to her, about music, and he had to leave, since he didn’t like music talks. Emeka was surprised that I was talking to a girl again. “Guy, you be woman rapper o, you never even finish Sandra patrol, you don dey start another one.” Emeka said to me. “Watin be the girl name self?” He asked. “Aramide” I answered. I didn’t tell them I have fallen in love. We talked till around 12am, and slept. We woke up around 7am, we rushed up and by 7:45am, we left the hostel for the Chemistry class. What next, find out in Episode 16
22 Jul 2016 | 10:11
@sonshine new episodes dan land ooo
22 Jul 2016 | 10:12
una two na jjc
22 Jul 2016 | 10:44
[color =red]♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥[/color] [color =gold]★★★★★★★★★[/color] NEW EPISODE HERE BLESSED PALS GENERAL REGISTER ⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ @pizzaro♚ @Promzy♛ @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdkingmaster @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @SONSHINE @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim @missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homestrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @emmablink23 @divathemmy @mavbirth @somisom @gsoul @oyeyemiomolola @peacebright @Sunny @damsyn @Fortune @tomilayoadebukola @Tommie @dbramo @Osaka @delpiero @omolara @jpresh88 @motunrijoy25 @oliviacute @sabinto @considerobah @miztr-fabulous @okoro @Itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @ayanfemi @emperorsndyheartless @gallas888 @olaborry @dannyboy @emzy602 @mackabsolute @kaka @toochi @1mikipat @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @jacy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @Preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @ladyt @talentbad @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky
22 Jul 2016 | 10:46
enjoyin dis.....ryd on
22 Jul 2016 | 10:50
22 Jul 2016 | 11:13
Emeka just affirmed my statement "Why is it that you only meet, chat up and become friends with only girls anywhere you go"? Where you destined only for the female folks? Firstly it was Snadra, next was Moji and it's now Aramide. You should be nicknamed "CARETAKER" nICE STORY
22 Jul 2016 | 11:25
ride on
22 Jul 2016 | 12:23
Nice story u've got on dude!!!
22 Jul 2016 | 12:25
♥♥♥♥♥Like viz story♥♥♥♥
22 Jul 2016 | 12:27
22 Jul 2016 | 12:37
Enjoyin dis story.......................... Ride on, am wit u
22 Jul 2016 | 12:37
Move it
22 Jul 2016 | 13:11
22 Jul 2016 | 13:53
Ride on
22 Jul 2016 | 13:54
Woman wrapper... Oboy i no feel laugh o
22 Jul 2016 | 14:03
22 Jul 2016 | 15:46
I don land oooo
22 Jul 2016 | 16:35
Ur mumsy is seeinq thinqz, especially that no3.... I think that will be ur weakness that z why she emphasize on qirls matter wella....
22 Jul 2016 | 16:55
waitinq for more.
22 Jul 2016 | 16:56
22 Jul 2016 | 17:16
Woman no go kil u oh
22 Jul 2016 | 17:29
Enjoin d story..
22 Jul 2016 | 18:11
Xme here.. more
22 Jul 2016 | 18:12
22 Jul 2016 | 18:25
Am in love wit da story
22 Jul 2016 | 18:25
22 Jul 2016 | 18:56
Finally Here :b
22 Jul 2016 | 23:59
Episode 16 When we got to the class, what Abdul told us turned out to be true. We got to the class 7:55am, and the whole ‘lecture theatre’ was filled to the brim. Some people sat on the floor, while others were standing, holding their notes. The lecturer was not around yet, so the place was so rowdy. People were walking up and down, looking for empty, unnoticed seats. Mayowa and I joined in the quest. This quest was for people who didn’t want to sit on the floor, or stand all through. As we were going to the front, looking around, someone was waving at me, it was my FDF (Moji). I went to her, and she offered me a seat, right in the third row. I managed to ‘enter’, managing the space with mayowa “You kept the sit for me?” I asked her. “No, not exactly, I kept it for my roommate, who later decided to sit at the back with her friends, she said she doesn’t like sitting in front. When I just saw you, I decided to give my FDF the seat.” She answered. “That was thoughtful of you.” I said. “Yeah right!” She answered. The lecturer came around 8:05am, and when he entered, everywhere became as a grave yard. You could literarily hear the sound of a falling pin. The man started by welcoming us to the university system, as he laughed at those sitting down on the floor. He told us he is also a graduate of OAU, and during his time it wasn’t that bad. He welcomed us to the course ‘CHM101’, he was successful in planting the seeds of fear in our hearts after telling us the high percentage of people that do fail the course, and cases of people who had extra sessions just because of this course. He discovered that he had only succeeded in causing panic, he told us that it’s not that difficult, all we had to do was to study well, and everything was going to be fine. Now, everyone became a bit relieved, then he started taking the course. Since it was the first class, he just gave us the course outline and recommended some texts. He talked about ‘readings’ and ‘errors’, and before we knew it, it was 9:00am already, and we had to end the lecture, as some students of ‘arts and humanities’ were already waiting outside to use the same venue for their lecture. The lecturer ended the class, and everywhere was conjested, about 1500 people were trying to exit the hall, while about 750 were trying to come in. “You didn’t even call me at all, after I fixed your phone.” Moji said to me as we were slowly moving to the exit. “Why didn’t you call me too?” I shifted the blame briskly, I had forgotten that I didn’t give her my number. “You didn’t give me your number, it was your phone I fixed, you didn’t get to fix mine”. She said to me. Now it occurred to me that I didn’t give her my number. “Oya ma binu, I totally forgot.” . . This time, we had gotten to the exit. We continued the conversation, as we were going to the hostel. Mayowa wasn’t angry with the whole thing in anyway. in fact, he was joining in the conversation the little way he could. . . What next? Find out in EPISODE 17
23 Jul 2016 | 03:24
Episode 17 “So what have you been eating, all the while? Do you cook?” Moji asked me. “I cook a lot, but my foodstuffs have finished already, I only have small garri left. I don’t even know what to eat tonight.” I answered. “Wow, that’s serious. Please, flash me with your number.” I was surprised at what she said, I was telling her, I didn’t know what to eat that night, and all she could do was to talk about something else. “She is not my mother anyway.” I said to myself, and flashed her as she said, and she saved my number. “Have you gotten your practical manuals?” She asked. “No I haven’t, I will get it from the class rep probably tomorrow”. I answered. We talked about lot’s of stuffs, and before we knew it I had gotten to my hostel, but we went through anglomoz and entered my hostel through the annex. So that we (Mayowa and I) walked her to her hostel. She really appreciated it, as we shook hands and went our separate ways. As we were going into the room, Mayowa and I stated a conversation. . . Mayowa: Dapo, I swear, that girl like you die. Me: (laughing) why did you say that? Mayowa: didn’t you see the way she was looking at you, even when the lecture was on going? Me: I didn’t notice o. But guy wait, why you wan spoil my life, you say make I follow Sandra up, I dey try follow am, now this one again. What exactly do you want me to do, even if she really likes me? Mayowa: don’t talk like that now, Sandra is just a street girl wey you go chop clean mouth, but this one na very good girl o. Me: And Aramide? Mayowa: Those church girls aren’t really what they claim to be, most of them are pretenders. Me: Well, if there is any good girl among the three of them, I think it us Aramide and not Moji. Mayowa: You fit no see girl wey go like you like this again o, I don talk my own o. . . We got to the room, and Mayowa and I had minutes of argument, just because he said Moji is more beautiful than Aramide. Sandra is the most beautiful, no doubt about that. But Aramide is more beautiful than Moji. Well, beauty they say, is in the eyes of the beholder, and Mayowa isn’t certainly that beholder. I told him most of these things and he was just laughing. I was running out of cash, and didn’t even know what to eat that night. I called my mum, and all she did was to complain to me about how ‘hard’ things were at home, how her fruit business was almost crumbling. I sat on my bed, I was so depressed. I didn’t tell anyone what I was going through. In fact, only Mayowa knew I had lost my father. I was deep in thought, then my phone rang. Guess who it was! Find out in EPISODE 18 Episode 18 To my surprise, it was Moji. That was around 6pm. “Why exactly is she calling me?” I said to myself. I picked the call. . . Me: Moji, whatsup naw, so good to hear from you. Moji: yeah right. Where are you please? Me: My room. Moji: Have you eaten? Me: (getting curious)No, not yet. Moji: I’m cooking rice now, and I was thinking, that if you won’t mind, I can bring you some. Me: Seriously, that’s so thoughtful of you. I won’t mind at all. In fact I can’t wait to taste your delicacy. Moji: (laughing) I will call you when the food is ready, you will come and take it at Anglomoz. Me: Thanks so much Moji, I really do appreciate you. Moji: Never mind, what are friends for. I will call you when it’s ready. Bye. Me: Bye, thanks (she ended the call). I told Mayowa about the whole ‘package’. “I told you she likes you, you were pretending you didn’t know. Anyway, me i go chop o.” He said. I answered and said, “you just said this girl likes me, what if the food she is bringing me contains love portion, I will eat alone o so that I won’t implicate you.” Mayowa answered immediately. “Let the love portion catch us together o, I don dey notice say I no dey love these days, it be like say I need love portion wey go ginger my ministry.” We started whining each other, as we both laughed. I was pulling his legs, and he was equally up to the task. Some minutes after 7, Moji called me that she was waiting at Anglomoz already. I went there with Mayowa. When we got there, Moji was quite surprised to see that I came with Mayowa. “You and this your friend, you are just like the snail and it’s shell”. She said. “We are like twin brothers.” Mayowa answered. Moji handed over a cooler to me, in a black nylon. I opened it, it contained white rice, stew, and two fish. “Moji, seriously you are a darling. Thank you so much.” I said to her and gave her a hug. “You don’t have to thank me, what are friends for? You know you told me in the morning, that you didn’t even know what to eat tonight. I can’t hear that and do nothing about it. That’s why I took your number so I could call you.” Since I told moji in the morning that I didn’t know what to eat that night, she didn’t forget about it and brought me food. “Maybe it was my dad in action (Yoruba beliefs).” I said to myself. I took the food, said ‘bye’ to Moji, and went back to the hostel. We got to the hostel and saw Emeka. “You guys went to buy food?” He asked. “No,I went to collect it from Moji at Anglomoz.” I answered. “Who be Moji again?” He asked. “She is a girl in my department, I met her on the bus when I was coming to Ife.” I answered. The guy told me what just happened is called ‘cooler ministry’. For those of you that have been getting or giving food via cooler. What you’re doing is what Emeka called ‘cooler ministry’. It is not bad though, it’s totally good as long as it is done with a good heart, both on the giving end, and on the receiving end. Mayowa and I ate the rice, Moji is such a good cook. The stew tasted almost like my mum’s. I felt at home for the first time, since I came to Ife, I had been eating ‘condition rice’. “What a wonderful girl Moji is”. I said to myself. What next? Find out in Episode 19
23 Jul 2016 | 03:24
@sonshine new episode dan appear.
23 Jul 2016 | 03:25
23 Jul 2016 | 04:13
[color =violet]◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆[/color] [color =gold]★★★★★★★★★[/color] N£w €pi$ode H€r€ Wond€rful P€€pz° [color =red] ⇩ ⇩ ⇩[/color] @pizzaro♚ @promzy♛ @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdkingmaster @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @SONSHINE @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim @missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @E-cube @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homestrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @emmablink23 @divathemmy @mavbirth @somisom @gsoul @oyeyemiomolola @peacebright @Sunny @damsyn @Fortune @tomilayoadebukola @Tommie @dbramo @Osaka @danco4real @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @jpresh88 @motunrijoy25 @oliviacute @sabinto @considerobah @miztr-fabulous @okoro @Itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @jacy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @Preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @ladyt @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef @ohikhueme19
23 Jul 2016 | 04:51
I already knw who the caller is but MUTE.
23 Jul 2016 | 06:20
23 Jul 2016 | 09:37
moji as dish ur dinner
23 Jul 2016 | 10:45
23 Jul 2016 | 10:55
Mayowa is riqht... If you have to choose between the trio... I think Moji is ok, forqet about sandra and Aramide her beauty and melody voice
23 Jul 2016 | 11:00
Moji ni
23 Jul 2016 | 12:13
just guessed
23 Jul 2016 | 12:13
M O J on the line
23 Jul 2016 | 12:26
no need telling us
23 Jul 2016 | 12:38
its mojisola
23 Jul 2016 | 12:40
Episode 18 To my surprise, it was Moji. That was around 6pm. “Why exactly is she calling me?” I said to myself. I picked the call. . . Me: Moji, whatsup naw, so good to hear from you. Moji: yeah right. Where are you please? Me: My room. Moji: Have you eaten? Me: (getting curious)No, not yet. Moji: I’m cooking rice now, and I was thinking, that if you won’t mind, I can bring you some. Me: Seriously, that’s so thoughtful of you. I won’t mind at all. In fact I can’t wait to taste your delicacy. Moji: (laughing) I will call you when the food is ready, you will come and take it at Anglomoz. Me: Thanks so much Moji, I really do appreciate you. Moji: Never mind, what are friends for. I will call you when it’s ready. Bye. Me: Bye, thanks (she ended the call). I told Mayowa about the whole ‘package’. “I told you she likes you, you were pretending you didn’t know. Anyway, me i go chop o.” He said. I answered and said, “you just said this girl likes me, what if the food she is bringing me contains love portion, I will eat alone o so that I won’t implicate you.” Mayowa answered immediately. “Let the love portion catch us together o, I don dey notice say I no dey love these days, it be like say I need love portion wey go ginger my ministry.” We started whining each other, as we both laughed. I was pulling his legs, and he was equally up to the task. Some minutes after 7, Moji called me that she was waiting at Anglomoz already. I went there with Mayowa. When we got there, Moji was quite surprised to see that I came with Mayowa. “You and this your friend, you are just like the snail and it’s shell”. She said. “We are like twin brothers.” Mayowa answered. Moji handed over a cooler to me, in a black nylon. I opened it, it contained white rice, stew, and two fish. “Moji, seriously you are a darling. Thank you so much.” I said to her and gave her a hug. “You don’t have to thank me, what are friends for? You know you told me in the morning, that you didn’t even know what to eat tonight. I can’t hear that and do nothing about it. That’s why I took your number so I could call you.” Since I told moji in the morning that I didn’t know what to eat that night, she didn’t forget about it and brought me food. “Maybe it was my dad in action (Yoruba beliefs).” I said to myself. I took the food, said ‘bye’ to Moji, and went back to the hostel. We got to the hostel and saw Emeka. “You guys went to buy food?” He asked. “No,I went to collect it from Moji at Anglomoz.” I answered. “Who be Moji again?” He asked. “She is a girl in my department, I met her on the bus when I was coming to Ife.” I answered. The guy told me what just happened is called ‘cooler ministry’. For those of you that have been getting or giving food via cooler. What you’re doing is what Emeka called ‘cooler ministry’. It is not bad though, it’s totally good as long as it is done with a good heart, both on the giving end, and on the receiving end. Mayowa and I ate the rice, Moji is such a good cook. The stew tasted almost like my mum’s. I felt at home for the first time, since I came to Ife, I had been eating ‘condition rice’. “What a wonderful girl Moji is”. I said to myself. What next? Find out in Episode 19
23 Jul 2016 | 13:29
Episode 19 The next day was a Tuesday, and that day was bible study in my church. I didn’t want to go, as I could have just stayed in the room to read. Because that was a chance to see Aramide again. I wore my only and best pair of shoes, a white shirt with a black pant, and a red tie. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I looked really good. So I headed straight for church. I got to church early, and I had to seat in front. The 2nd row precisely. In a service of about 800 people, how exactly was I going to see Aramide? The pastor really preached, as I could remember that he was going up, and coming down. My mind wasn’t in the service. I was just surveying the whole congregation. But I couldn’t find her. “Maybe she didn’t come at all.” I thought to myself. Aramide to me didn’t look like someone who would miss weekdays’ service unless she has to be unavoidably absent. After about 1 hour 30 minutes, the whole programme ended and we shared the grace. I looked around, but couldn’t see any ‘lookalike’ of her. Well, I had to give up, as I was trying to show a strong resolve, though I was very sad on the inside. As I was on the main road looking for a bus, someone called my name. “Dapo!” I knew it was her, or let me say I wished it was her. But you know, wishes do come true. Indeed, it was Aramide. Aramide: I looked around and didn’t see you, I thought you didn’t come. Me: Really? I sat at the second row in front. (The reply should have been; same here, but I didn’t want to be forward) Aramide: Hope you enjoyed the message? Me: Definitely, I did. The man of God is just so blessed and anointed. Aramide: Did you hear when he talked about the health center? Me: Yeah, it was really profound. (I didn’t listen to anything, I just didn’t want to look like a bad Christian). The buses were coming, but so many people were there, also trying to get a bus. Which means that one would have to struggle to enter the bus, since it was just some minutes to 7pm, I just continued my conversation with Aramide, and didn’t bother rushing for the bus. Aramide did same. Me: So what church to you attend at hone? Aramide: RCC Me: Redeem? Aramide: Yeah sure. Me: So you are a redeemer? Aramide: (Laughing) Jesus is the redeemer, and I’m just the redeemed. Me: Wow, nice analysis. We continued discussing, and it was getting really interesting. We just continued. . . Aramide: Actually, to be sincere, I’ve been looking for you since I entered church. Because there is something I want to ask you, and something I want to tell you. Me: (My heart beat became ten times faster, because the girl in question is a girl I liked since the first time I saw her. “Is she going to ask me to date her? or tell me she liked me? Or. . .” I kept wondering what she wanted to say as I prepared my big YES for the big question. I was keeping mute for too long, so I had to say something) You said you want to tell me something, and ask me a question. Which one do you want to do exactly? Aramide: (Laughing) Both. Me: (Now it seems like it’s what I was thinking, but I just kept calm) So let’s hear the question. Aramide: The question is: DO YOU. . . What was the question? Find out in Episode 20
23 Jul 2016 | 13:30
@sonshine New episodes dan show
23 Jul 2016 | 13:32
23 Jul 2016 | 13:45
next hammy
23 Jul 2016 | 13:46
Real suspense
23 Jul 2016 | 14:24
[color =red]♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥[/color] [color =gold]★★★★★★★★★[/color] HAPPY WEEKEND PALS NEW EPISODE HERE BLESSED PALS GENERAL REGISTER ⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦⇦ ⇩ ⇩ ⇩ @pizzaro♚ @Promzy♛ @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdkingmaster @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @SONSHINE @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim @missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homestrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @emmablink23 @divathemmy @mavbirth @somisom @gsoul @oyeyemiomolola @peacebright @Sunny @damsyn @Fortune @tomilayoadebukola @Tommie @dbramo @Osaka @delpiero @omolara @jpresh88 @motunrijoy25 @oliviacute @sabinto @considerobah @miztr-fabulous @okoro @Itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @ayanfemi @emperorsndyheartless @gallas888 @olaborry @dannyboy @emzy602 @mackabsolute @kaka @toochi @1mikipat @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @jacy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @Preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @ladyt @talentbad @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @ohikhueme19 @grealdobinna @evershine
23 Jul 2016 | 14:44
like me?
23 Jul 2016 | 16:00
wanna hear the biq question.
23 Jul 2016 | 17:13
23 Jul 2016 | 17:16
following jejely,,@chrisgold swtie,,ure needed
23 Jul 2016 | 21:48
Not good in guessing
24 Jul 2016 | 02:05
24 Jul 2016 | 02:06
Nice episodes
24 Jul 2016 | 04:01
Hmmmmm... wonder which q b that...
24 Jul 2016 | 04:07
Let me watch out for the nxt epi
24 Jul 2016 | 04:08
24 Jul 2016 | 07:10
24 Jul 2016 | 08:00
next pls
24 Jul 2016 | 08:00
the question is: have you given your life to christ?
24 Jul 2016 | 08:53
24 Jul 2016 | 09:54
wonderfull story nxt plz please don't forget to vote @ele1 in the upcoming Mr. coolval contest
24 Jul 2016 | 09:58
hmmmmm....I see
24 Jul 2016 | 12:47
Love me....
24 Jul 2016 | 12:59
Wow!! Am finally here. Interesting story so far. Mehn, The suspense is really much. Fire on @Hammychenko.
24 Jul 2016 | 13:06
Hmmmm, i dey wait o
24 Jul 2016 | 19:25
Episode 19 The next day was a Tuesday, and that day was bible study in my church. I didn’t want to go, as I could have just stayed in the room to read. Because that was a chance to see Aramide again. I wore my only and best pair of shoes, a white shirt with a black pant, and a red tie. I looked at myself in the mirror, and I looked really good. So I headed straight for church. I got to church early, and I had to seat in front. The 2nd row precisely. In a service of about 800 people, how exactly was I going to see Aramide? The pastor really preached, as I could remember that he was going up, and coming down. My mind wasn’t in the service. I was just surveying the whole congregation. But I couldn’t find her. “Maybe she didn’t come at all.” I thought to myself. Aramide to me didn’t look like someone who would miss weekdays’ service unless she has to be unavoidably absent. After about 1 hour 30 minutes, the whole programme ended and we shared the grace. I looked around, but couldn’t see any ‘lookalike’ of her. Well, I had to give up, as I was trying to show a strong resolve, though I was very sad on the inside. As I was on the main road looking for a bus, someone called my name. “Dapo!” I knew it was her, or let me say I wished it was her. But you know, wishes do come true. Indeed, it was Aramide. Aramide: I looked around and didn’t see you, I thought you didn’t come. Me: Really? I sat at the second row in front. (The reply should have been; same here, but I didn’t want to be forward) Aramide: Hope you enjoyed the message? Me: Definitely, I did. The man of God is just so blessed and anointed. Aramide: Did you hear when he talked about the health center? Me: Yeah, it was really profound. (I didn’t listen to anything, I just didn’t want to look like a bad Christian). The buses were coming, but so many people were there, also trying to get a bus. Which means that one would have to struggle to enter the bus, since it was just some minutes to 7pm, I just continued my conversation with Aramide, and didn’t bother rushing for the bus. Aramide did same. Me: So what church to you attend at hone? Aramide: RCC Me: Redeem? Aramide: Yeah sure. Me: So you are a redeemer? Aramide: (Laughing) Jesus is the redeemer, and I’m just the redeemed. Me: Wow, nice analysis. We continued discussing, and it was getting really interesting. We just continued. . . Aramide: Actually, to be sincere, I’ve been looking for you since I entered church. Because there is something I want to ask you, and something I want to tell you. Me: (My heart beat became ten times faster, because the girl in question is a girl I liked since the first time I saw her. “Is she going to ask me to date her? or tell me she liked me? Or. . .” I kept wondering what she wanted to say as I prepared my big YES for the big question. I was keeping mute for too long, so I had to say something) You said you want to tell me something, and ask me a question. Which one do you want to do exactly? Aramide: (Laughing) Both. Me: (Now it seems like it’s what I was thinking, but I just kept calm) So let’s hear the question. Aramide: The question is: DO YOU. . . What was the question? Find out in Episode 20.
27 Jul 2016 | 09:48
Episode 20 “Do you have a consistent prayer life?” She asked. When I heard the question, it was as if I had been dreaming all the while. What I thought the question would be was “do you love me?” But come to think of it, how can a girl I’m meeting for the second time ask me such question? My love for Aramide had probably affected my psychology. Even if she was so cheap, she couldn’t have asked that question so soon. Even Sandra can’t ask such question. She discovered that I was thinking for too long, then she broke the silence. . . Aramide: Why are you quiet? You really don’t have a prayer life. Do you? Me: (I was quite bewildered) Actually, I do have a prayer life. But it hasn’t been really consistent since I came to school. You know Awo is not really a place you can pray comfortably. Aramide: Prayer isn’t about being convenient. Its a sacrifice you make in and out of convenience. As a Christian, prayer is very important. This is because God is our father, and without communication, we can’t have a good relationship with him. And the only way to talk to God is through prayer. Me: That’s very true. You told me you both want to ask me something and tell me something, you’ve asked your question, what did you want to tell me? (Hoping for some ‘good news’.) Aramide: You know what? For the past 3 days, I’ve been going to the sports complex to pray. And if you don’t mind we can become prayer partners. Me: (I didn’t really like religious activities, but agreeing will make me closer to the one I love) Why not? I would really love to. Aramide: If that’s the case, give me your number. So I can call you when I’m going. Me: Alright then. . . We exchanged numbers, and later on, we got a bus. Her hostel was Alumni, she got off the bus when she got to her hostel. “I will call you” She said. I got to my hostel and told Mayowa the whole story. He made jest of me, and told me that he had warned me earlier about church girls. No matter what he said, I was still going to go anyway. If praying would make me closer to the one I love, I decided to become a prayer warrior. The following day? Aramide called me as she promised and we went to pray together. We prayed for almost an hour. That was around 8pm-9pm. That became our regular praying time after which we will go to read. Aramide taught me a lot of things (not academics). I really gained a lot from being her prayer partner. We were always together from 8pm till 12am everyday. My academics and spiritual life took a new turn. That made me love her so much, I was literarily burning with passion. “But what if I tell her and she decides to stop being my prayer and reading partner? How will I forgive myself? It is better to keep mute and not lose her, than to to tell her my feelings for her and lose her. If she should tell me “NO”, our relationship and closeness can never be the same.” I thought to myself. So I decided to keep my feelings for Aramide to myself, and keep it strictly on friends basis. Though it was really painful, but I had to learn to control myself. What next? Find out in Episode 21.
27 Jul 2016 | 09:49
Episode 21 The friendship between Mayowa and I was put to test. Mayowa didn’t like Aramide, he isn’t Godly. His name “Oluwamayowa” which means “God brought joy” shows his background. “Adedeji Oluwamayowa Samuel”. Samuel is his baptismal name which means he had been baptized. But all he does is to party, go to bars, drink and get high, and sleep around with girls in corners of campus. He wasn’t a lover boy like me. He is quite handsome anyway, and he had been in the game way before he came on campus. I really liked Mayowa, because looking beyond the fact that he wasn’t really Godly, he was very nice. So I had to talk to him to sort out our differences. It was so difficult making that decision because there is no way I would be close to him and not copy some of his evil ways. I talked to him about Aramide, and he said to me. “I know say u no dey religious, so u are only doing all this because you want to sleep with that girl?” . . . Then we had a long conversation. Me: I never said I want to sleep with her, I just said I love her. Mayowa: If you love her then you can marry her? Me: I’m lookin forward to it. Mayowa: So when you get married, won’t you guys have sex? Me: That will eventually happen. But that’s not why I love her, I just love her because she has a pure heart and that’s all. Mayowa: Stop being a fool dude! No woman on earth has a pure heart, even my mama no get pure heart. You need to be smart, and step up your game. Me: Okay, but the first time I saw her I felt a kind of bond. I just know she is the one for me. I just know it. Mayowa: There he goes again. You know what, if you won’t listen to what I have to tell you, then this conversation is over. Go ahead and do whatever you want to do. I’m solidly behind you Me: Mayo, just try and understand me, you are saying all these because you have never been in love. Mayowa: (looking at me, and talking gently like my mum) It’s true I haven’t been in love before, the same way I haven’t seen a dinosaur before. Because both don’t exist. You can’t afford to limit yourself with that feeling that is just virtual, you still have a long way to go. You need to have fun. It’s like having a DSTV and watching just one station, you will surely get bored. At some point, you have to change channels. Don’t say I didn’t warn you o (He left the room) I was so deep in thought as I meditated on what Mayowa had told me. Everything sounded kind of right. Nothing seemed wrong with what he said. I didn’t want to do it anyway, because the outcome might be unbearable for me. I continued the whole stuff with Aramide. Praying-reading together. Moji remained very nice to me. She had been buying me stuffs and giving me food. I would go, get the food at Anglomoz with Mayowa. Moji and I became so close that I told her everything about my past. She was so sad. I told her about the condition at home. She was really kind to me. She was really nice to me. She is a really good girl, but Aramide’s love had so blinded me that I couldn’t see anything coming forth from that relationship than friends. In fact, I made Moji very close friend, I call her always and tell her stuffs I can’t even tell Mayowa. Soon, Moji became my best friend. She was such a good person to me. She’s a really nice person. * * * * * I was on my bed one Friday morning, I had forgotten already that Sandra even exist. So I just decided to give her a call. I called her first number then it was switched off. Thank God she had two numbers. I called the second one it rang then she picked it. What was the conversation? Find out in Episode 22.
27 Jul 2016 | 09:50
Episode 22 As she picked the call, what I heard was “so you still have my number?” That’s Sandra for you, she says it the way she sees it, she doesn’t form. . . Me: Sandra, you see I’ve been very busy with school work, practicals and all. It’s been very tiring. Biko, ma binu. Sandra: I would have called you but I just wanted to give you time to miss me. Me: Seriously, it really worked, I’ve been thinking about you all day, so I just decided to give you a call. Sandra: (She laughed) Anyway, what are you doing tonight? Me: Nothing really. (I had forgotten that I had to go pray- reading with Aramide) Why did you ask? Sandra: I’m going for TGIF party at ‘NEW BUKA’ later in the evening, if you don’t mind, we can go together. Me: (Stammering) Hem hem eer, the thing is I’m really broke right now, and I can’t afford to go there. Maybe some other time, I’ll call you so we can go. Sandra: See this guy o, who told you to hold money, I’m paying for the whole thing. Me: (Surprised) Really, Sandra thank you so much, you are a darling. You are such a wonderful girl. Sandra: Hmmm, if you say so. I’ll call you by 10pm, anyway thanks for the call. Me: Are you whining me? I should be thanking you for the kind gesture. Sandra: I’ll call you joor, bye (She ended the call) It was when I dropped the call that it occurred to me that I had to see Aramide that night so we could pray, and go read afterwards. I was so puzzled. “Should I call Sandra that I won’t be able to make it? Or call Aramide that I won’t be able to make it?” I pondered on it for about two hours, and could not decide on what to do. As I was wondering, a call came in, who was it? It was Moji. She called to tell me that we had ‘zoology practical’ by 1pm. I had forgotten totally about the practical. I went for the practical which lasted for about 2 hours. I didn’t really concentrate during the practical, my mind was just processing different lies I could tell one of the two. Moji noticed that I wasn’t myself so she came to me. “Are you sure you are fine?” She asked me. “I’m totally fine.” I answered. The practical was over, I left the venue, took a bike, and went straight to the hostel. On a normal day I would have waited for Moji, but she is very observant and I won’t want to lie to her again. When I got to the hostel, I decided to call Sandra and tell her that I won’t be able to go for the party anymore. As I picked my phone to call Sandra, the process was interrupted by a call. It was Aramide. I picked the call, quite surprised. . . Me: Hello Mide, whatsup naw. Aramide: I’m not feeling to well, and I won’t be able to come to the prayer meeting tonight. You can just pray in your hostel. I pray that by tomorrow, I would have gotten better. Me: (I was very excited, but I was trying to hide it) Eeyah, please take good care of yourself, and rest well. I will check on you tomorrow dear. Aramide: Alright dear, take care too. Bye (she ended the call) . I was so excited as I thought all my problems were solved. I took my best T-shirt wore it when Sandra called me. With a nice pair of Jean-trousers and shoes. I went to Anglomoz, and saw her. Her make-up shows that she was ready for me that night. She is a very tempting lady, when I saw her that night, I was ready to give her whatever it takes. I was ready to show her I’m a man just like Emeka said. We walked slowly to new buka. As we were going gently, Sandra kept coming close to me just as if she was going to enter into me. The more she drew close to me, the closer i drew to her. It was indeed a ‘do me I do you’ affair. Before I knew it, my hands were round her waist, and we were walking to new buka like the couples that we were not. Finally, we got to new buka. When we got there, guess who I saw drinking and dancing with different guys. . . Who did he see? It might not be who you are thinking. Find out in Episode 23.
27 Jul 2016 | 09:50
EPISODE 23 Finally, we got to new buka. Guess who I saw drinking and dancing with different guys. It was the love of my life – Aramide. I was so bewildered. I was confused. I was perplexed. “It can’t be her!!!” I was so confused that I just kept repeating the same thing. “It can’t be her. It can’t be her. It can’t be her. . .” My doubt was cleared when a guy called her “Mide”. Why exactly did she lie to me? We were supposed to have a prayer meeting that night but she told me she couldn’t come because she wasn’t feeling fine. The most painful part was that she was holding a bottle or ‘trophy’. She was so drunk that she couldn’t even see or notice the way the guys were touching her sensitive parts. I wasn’t really grown spiritually, I thought Aramide was God sent. She had really helped me to grow spiritually. In fact, at some point, she was the one I discussed spiritual stuffs with. I was so deep in thought, and I thought for a second about Mayowa the ‘flashback’ came. “No woman on earth has a pure heart, even my mama no get pure heart”. Tears were rolling down my cheeks as I couldn’t control them. I had to go out of the venue to avoid embarrassment. The Aramide that had been teaching me to be a good person wasn’t an Angel after all. It was really painful. I cried, cried, cried and cried. It was a really bad experience. I shouted so loud “To hell with love!!! . . .To hell with church girls!!! . . .I hate them!!! . . . No woman has a pure heart!!!” I was literarily roaring like an angry lion. Sandra had been looking for me, so she saw me outside, under a tree. When I saw her coming I wiped my tears as if nothing had happened. I said to her before she could ask questions. “Let the Party Begin” I went straight into the bar, took two bottles of trophy, one for me and one for Sandra. That was the first time I tasted alcohol. It didn’t taste sweet like ‘Fanta’ but I just kept drinking. I knew it was wrong, but I was just drinking and drinking. And everything started fading off. I couldn’t see well again, yet I continued. I didn’t know what happened, but I could remember everyone was looking at me and laughing. I knew I had lost control and was dancing uncontrollably like a mad man. And before I knew it, my senses stopped working right. I couldn’t remember anything that happened. Whether Aramide saw me or not, I didn’t know and I didn’t even care. * * * * * I woke up and found myself in a room. I had just my boxers on. I was in my right senses. The room was smelling nice, it was a guest house. “How exactly did I get here? What happened over the night? Did I sleep here alone?” I kept asking myself these questions. As I was asking myself these questions, my doubt was cleared when Sandra came out of the bathroom with Towel. I was really baffled. . . Me: Don’t tell me it’s what I’m thinking. Sandra: (chuckled) it depends on what you are thinking, if what you are thinking is that we had sex, yes we did! And to be sincere, you are such a horse. At first I didn’t want to, but you just kept begging me for more. Me: (My heartbeat became faster, a part of me was saying “that’s my boy”. Another was saying “what have you done?” I felt what I did was best, since Aramide can be like that, why can’t I be anything I want to be) I’m just the man Sandra: Yes you are the man. My Dapo is the man We both laughed, and she came to me and planted a kiss on my lips, it was like a bolt was loosened in my brain. And before I knew it, the towel went off and it happened again. This time, I can’t blame it on alcohol because I did that in my right senses. Sandra paid for the guest house till Sunday morning so I was with her. We got so intimate most times. It was so good to me. To me, I thought my life just got ten times better. It was Sunday morning, and we went back to our hostels. I didn’t say anything to Mayowa about it or anybody in the room. Not even Moji. In fact, I didn’t even think of that, because how on earth will I explain it? how do I tell her? What do I say to her. I just kept calm in the room. Though I was devastated by the true identity of Aramide, I thought sleeping with Sandra had solved the whole problem. But I was wrong. This is the problem, it is not wrong to have someone you look up to, in any sphere of life, be it in religion or in business. But don’t be too dependent on their outcome or their conduct to inspire you. This is because if they fail, you will most certainly lose focus and fail too. And that was what happened to me. I didn’t regret my actions one bit. I was looking forward to more of the act from Sandra. That Sunday morning, I didn’t go to church, and I had decided to stop going to church finally. As I was on my bed, around 1pm I got a call from Aramide. “Hello, Dapo, I didn’t see you at all in church today, what happened?” . . . Me: Who do you think I am, a fool? You are such an Idiot. I saw you at new buka the day before yesterday. So you’ve been deceiving me all the while, so you are not a saint after all. Don’t ever call my number again in your life. Aramide: (Chuckling). I understand the whole thing, but can you just hear me out? Me: Are you crazy? You know what, this conversation is over. (I ended the call). I was so angry, I threw my phone at the wall, and the screen got cracked. What next? Find out in Episode 24
27 Jul 2016 | 09:51
EPISODE 24 I was really angry. The next day, I went for classes, but I discovered that I had lost concentration. I decided to share the problem with Mayowa, Olu and Emeka. At least, a problem shared they say is half solved. I narrated the whole story to them, and the conversation was as expected. Mayowa: ‘Idiota Oponulensis’ didn’t I tell you that the girl is nothing but a pretender. I told you but you wouldn’t listen. You were just fooling around for nothing all the while. These church girls are not always what they claim. So have you learnt your lesson now? Next time, when I talk to you, you will listen. Me: (I felt so bad) It’s not my fault now, the so called love I have for her is what blinded me. Emeka: (You should trust him naw) Abeg, make una calm down. The Aramide matter no pain me o, girls don craze tae tae. But watin dey baffle me be say all the programme wey una dey gather go na fake too? Na dat part I no understand. Olu: It was all drama joor, those bad girls will do anything to get a good guy. Emeka: Wait o, Dapo you don craze o. You drink high, con go f**k olosho for guest house. Me self wey dey final year, na inside Agric I dey run tins. If for part one, u don dey f**k for guest house, when u reach part 4, na also rock u go dey go o. Patience Jonathan must surely hear am for your hand o. Olu: The guy don bad die. Mayowa: The guy don dey alright now. Hin dey fumble before. Me: That Sandra girl bad die, she just dey do tins wey I no even sabi. Olu: I talk say make you gimme dat girl, u no wan gree. Emeka: Olu, watin dey do u self, wat of dat girl wey dey waka like who wan die, dat one never do you? Olu: I just dey whine am ni o. Me self get girls wey I never even handle finish. . . Those guys succeeded in encouraging me and pushing me into more of the act. I started going to bars with Mayowa, I started drinking and smoking. I totally stopped going to church. My cracked phone was a big disappointment. How would I be so angry to crack my one and only bb tour? I went to Sandra in the usual place, and when I got there, she kissed me for over 20 minutes. We should get an award for the world longest kiss. Then she said to me. “I have a surprise for you.” She blindfolded me. I was so scared, because Sandra was really crazy and could do something stupid. She then put a nylon in my hands. I didn’t see it, but I felt a box in the nylon. Sandra removed the cloth. Guess what it was, it was a brand new Samsung android, just like the one she was using. I was so glad. I kissed her so passionately and as a token for appreciation, ‘it’ happened again. Then we left the place. I was so eager to show my roommates. I showed it to them, they were so surprised. “Her papa na Obama?” Emeka said. The phone was so nice, it was so cool. My blackberry had cracked. The phone came when I really needed it. I was so glad. Moji saw the new phone, and asked me how I got the phone. I told her a friend got it for me. I saw unbelief in her eyes, but she didn’t ask me anymore questions. I felt bad that I was hiding stuffs from Moji, but how will I bring myself to tell her that a girl I’m sleeping with bought the phone for me. Moji had done a lot for me. I felt so bad hiding things from her. The affair continued between Sandra and I. She was always taking me out, buying me drinks. And after all that, we would make out. My christian life got totally down. I kept doing that ungodly act. In a way, it keeps me happy, and make me forget the disappointment and heartbreak I experienced with Aramide. But in the other way, whenever I think about my mum, and how much she has done for me, I can’t help but feel bad for what I was doing. That didn’t make me stop it after all. Aramide didn’t stop calling me, I didn’t pick her calls. But on the 8th day of the whole incident, I just decided to hear what she had to say to me. Aramide: Hello Dapo, I’m so glad you picked my call today. But why did you react that way. As a child of God, you shouldn’t react that way in situations like this. Me: Look at idiot o, you are such a whore, so you did all the coming to church because you just wanted to sleep with me. You bitch!!! Aramide: Stop that Dapo, the Bible says “let no corrupt communication proceed out of your. . .” Me: (I didn’t let her finish) Shut up!!! I just believed that the devil knows the bible too you know what, I’m done with this conversation. Aramide: Dapo I’m. . . (I ended the call) This time I was really angry but I dropped my Samsung in my chest pocket to avoid stories that touch the heart. The phone vibrated. It was a message from Aramide. I opened it, abd it read “Dapo, we need to see and talk, I AM A TWIN”. Was she lying or she was being sincere? Find out in Episode 25
27 Jul 2016 | 09:52
gobelicious situation. is this aramide crazy ni?? [img][/img]
27 Jul 2016 | 10:36
next jae. . . . .
27 Jul 2016 | 10:37
haaaaaaa the suspense is too much naa
27 Jul 2016 | 12:22
She be twin??
27 Jul 2016 | 13:52
27 Jul 2016 | 15:27
Twin gini
27 Jul 2016 | 16:52
Forked story
27 Jul 2016 | 18:56
27 Jul 2016 | 19:17
27 Jul 2016 | 20:43
28 Jul 2016 | 01:48
EPISODE 25 “I’M A TWIN”. When I read the message, I was much more confused. Even if it was just mere resemblance, and it wasn’t really Aramide, I heard them call her ‘Mide’. “Is this one of the plans of this goat in sheep’s clothing to deceive me?” I thought to myself. I told Mayowa the whole thing. And Mayowa told me she was lying, that she isn’t a twin. I didn’t really believe Mayowa. A part of me believed what Aramide told me, while the other chose to believe what Mayowa said. But I decided to give Aramide a chance to prove to me that she was telling the truth. I called Aramide immediately. . . Aramide: Hello Dapo, thanks so much for calling. I do not take it for granted. Please listen to me. I’ve been trying to explain to you all the while that I have a twin sister. We are identical twins, and she isn’t born again. She drinks and does all sort of stuffs. I should be praying and reading with my sister but she doesn’t like any of the two that’s why I chose you. Please believe me. It wasn’t me you saw. Me: I don’t believe you. I will never believe you until I see for myself the two of you. Don’t send me pictures o. Meet me in Anglomoz right now with your twin sister Aramide: Yes, but she is not around right now. I’ve spoken to her about the mess she caused, I’ve convinced her to come meet you since that’s the only way to clear your doubts. I’ll call you when she’s back. Me: (chuckles) Alright, I will expect your call. (I ended the call) I thought to myself that she was lying, and that was why she said her twin sister was not around. But I was surprised when she called me after 30 minutes to tell me they were waiting for me at Anglomoz. When I got to Anglomoz, I saw Two ‘Aramides’. They were so alike, same eyes same nose, same hair type, though different styles. I was so sad. That was the reason I did backslide. It was such a terrible thing. So it wasn’t my Aramide that was at the bar. . . Aramide: Dapo meet my twin sister Ademide. Ademide, meet my prayer and reading partner Dapo Me: (Stretching my hands to Ademide) Its nice meeting you. Ademide: (Not reciprocating the handshake) Dude what’s up. I’m Ademide, and besides, I’m not here to make friends with you, I’m here to clean my mess. And now I hope everything is settled? I’m out! (She left) Aramide: (Her eyes were filled with tears than didn’t roll out) I’m really sorry, it was all my fault. ( She wanted to go, but I held her hand.) Me: (Humbly) See the resemblance, who wouldn’t have thought it was you. I know its my fault, I should have believed in you. How would you have done such a thing? How? It couldn’t have been you! (I went down on my knees and all efforts to pull me up proved abortive) Please, just find a place in your heart to forgive me. I should have known it wasn’t you, I should have known. Aramide: (Now she couldn’t control her tears) It’s alright! It wasn’t your fault. Please stop crying. The whole ‘revelation’ scene ended, and I went back to my hostel disappointed. It was the mistaken identity that caused the whole problem. That was why I slept with Sandra, that was why I stopped going to church. “But they called her Mide at the party”. I thought to myself. It was then it occurred to me that the ‘Mide’ was a short form of ‘Ademide’. That was the new custom of Yoruba people. They stopped naming twins Taye and Kehinde, but names sounding similar. E.g Ayomide & Ayomikun, Mosunmola & Sunmisola, Damilola & Demilade etc. And that was the case with Aramide & Ademide. The deed has been done, but Sandra did not want to let go. She kept stalking me always. She was literarily suffocating me. “What can I do?” I said to myself. What next? Find out in Episode 26.
28 Jul 2016 | 07:52
Episode 26 Sandra’s problem was becoming rather unbearable for me. She was always stalking me, and she was really irresistible. What made me put myself into the whole mess was the misconception I had about Aramide which turned out to be nothing but a mirage. But then, the whole issue has been resolved, I didn’t seem to be able to come out of the pleasure that was having a grievous effect on my soul. The friendship between Aramide and I suffered a downturn. Aramide started avoiding me. I could not even look her in the eyes after calling her all those dirty names. Even if it was her, I shouldn’t have acted that way, but I was really disappointed, and I really blew a fuse, I really overreacted. My little affair with Sandra had really affected my academics. I did not seem to grab things easily anymore. Because each time I opened my books to read, all I could see was Sandra. I discovered that I needed help, then I decided to tell Moji the whole truth about my affair with Sandra. I would have told my roommates but what else can I expect from such people than encouragement to continue. On a Thursday evening, Moji and I had a stroll to a quiet place, I told her I wanted to tell her something important. When we got to a spot, we sat and I started talking. . . Me: Moji, there is something I want to tell you. Moji: I know, that’s why we are here Me: Moji, I want to say this with all sincerity from my heart, because it’s a feeling I’ve been having due to things happening in my life. If I tell you this, hope it won’t change the way you see me? Moji: Tell me anything, I’m all ears Me: And if it turns out that you’re hurt with what I’m about to tell you, please remain my friend. Because you’ve done a lot in my life, I appreciate it, and I don’t want anything to come between us. Moji: (loosing her patience) What is it you want to say, just tell me, I’m listening to you. Me: I am in . . . ( A phone call interrupted what I wanted to say, it was an unknown number) Please let me pick this call. Moji: Alright, No problem Me: (I picked the call) Hello, good evening who am I speaking with please? Voice: Good evening, are you Mrs Omishakin’s son? Me: Yes I am. How may I help you? Voice: Your mother was rushed to this hospital now. She collapsed in her shop, (I was already losing control) and was rushed to our hospital. She is here as I speak. Your number was the only relative’s number we found on her phone, because she saved it with “my son”. We want to have a word with you, please come to St Peter’s hospital as soon as possible. Me: No!!! What happened to my mum? Hello! Hello!! Hello!!! (The call went off, I tried calling the number, and it wasn’t reachable. Moji knew what was going on) Moji: What happened to mummy? Me: (Panicking) I don’t know too, the guy said she slumped in her shop and collapsed. I’m going to Ibadan tonight (That was around 10pm) Moji: Please Dapo, we can’t get a bus tonight, let’s go tomorrow Me: I need to see my mum (shouting). Wait did you say we? Moji: Yes I’m going with you. We have just one class tomorrow. We will surely stab the lecture. We will go through all this together okay? We’ll pull through. I’m here for you. Just calm down and let’s leave by 5am tomorrow morning. After so much pleas by Moji, I finally agreed, I was so disorganised We went to the hostel to sleep but I couldn’t sleep all night. I kept looking at my watch as it was really slow. “I hope nothing bad has happened to my mum? Lord please protect my mum.” I was thinking all through the night. That was indeed the longest night of my life. When it was 5, Moji was already at Anglomoz car park. Moji paid for the whole journey. I started thinking back and forth “So God wants to use my mum’s life to punish me for sleeping with Sandra?” I thought to myself. The journey was so long. We left ife around 6am. We got to Apata around 8am. We went straight to St Peter’s. When we got there, we entered straight into the doctors office. The nurses were trying to restrain us but the doctor told them to leave us. . . ” I’m Mrs Omisakin’s son, please where is my mother what happened to her?” I said with so much fear. “You must be Dapo, your mum kept mentioning your name”. The doctor said. This time around I had totally lost control. I shouted so loud in tears. “Doctor where is My mother?!” The doctor looked at me with pity, and said. “Mr Dapo, I’m very sorry. . . What happened? Find out in episode 27.
28 Jul 2016 | 07:54
@sonshine e dan land again oo
28 Jul 2016 | 07:56
Don't jump into conclusions.
28 Jul 2016 | 08:04
what happened?
28 Jul 2016 | 09:13
Wait o, if Aramide has a twin sister what is gonna happen then....... I can't wait to read the next episode.
28 Jul 2016 | 09:19
Dapo,ur mum is dead.
28 Jul 2016 | 10:25
Ah! What happened to ur mum? Pls don't tell me that ur mum is dead.
28 Jul 2016 | 13:44
Bring it shap shap... cnt wait to find out what happen
28 Jul 2016 | 18:15
Following closely..
28 Jul 2016 | 18:16
I pray dat woman does not die
28 Jul 2016 | 20:29
I dnt tink she's dead
29 Jul 2016 | 02:38
hmm. . .
29 Jul 2016 | 03:26
29 Jul 2016 | 03:27
hmmmmn am back ooooo
29 Jul 2016 | 04:09
i pray nothing should happen to d woman oooo next ooo
29 Jul 2016 | 04:10
@damsyn shey you travel before ni??
29 Jul 2016 | 04:12
Episode 27 “Mr Dapo, I’m very sorry, your mum is in a very critical condition. She has shortage of blood, and that was what caused the collapse. She is unconscious as we speak. Her condition has gotten really worse.” The doctor explained. “What is the way forward now, doctor?!” I asked the doctor. I was covered in sweats, Moji stood behind me as I talked to the doctor. I even thought the doctor would tell her to excuse us, but he didn’t say that. “She needs blood transfusion urgently, and she’s O-positive. Right now, we don’t have any blood that is O-positive in our blood banks. So right now, the only solution is a donor, and we have limited time. But it’s good you are here. We really hope you are O-positive.” My eyes were clouded with tears. I had a blood test when I wanted to resume school. I had been tested to be AB. I am a student of microbiology, I know the implication of what the doctor said. There are four blood groups: A, B, AB and O. ‘AB’ is referred to as ‘universal recipient’, because it can take blood from any of the other groups. ‘O’ is the ‘universal donor’ because it can donate blood to any of the other groups, but the problem is that it can only get blood from ‘O’. Blood from any other group entering into the system will only result in clumping of antibodies, agglutination, then death won’t be evitable. I was so sad, as I cried bitterly. “Where exactly am I going to get someone that has the ‘O’ group, my mum has just a short while left.” I thought to myself. I answered the doctor’s question, now I couldn’t control my tears. “Doctor, I’m not O, I’m AB.” I cried bitterly. Suddenly. I heard a voice behind me. “Dapo don’t worry, they can get the blood from me, I’m O- positive”. The voice sounded like Moji’s but I didn’t believe it. I turned back and it was really her. I didn’t believe it, I had mixed feelings. I’m happy, at the same time Sad. Happy that we finally got a donor. Sad about my mothers case. “Alright madam, we don’t have much time left. Please come with me for confirmatory test.” The doctor said to Moji. “I’ll be right back dapo. Just calm down okay, everything will be fine.” Moji said, and she followed the doctor for the test. I didn’t alter a word, because I was dumbfounded. I didn’t know what to say exactly. “How can someone be so nice? What have I done to deserve all the kind gestures? How on earth am I going to repay Moji for everything she has done for me?” I started thinking about her but I stopped, and started praying for my mum’s wellbeing. Moji came back after 20 minutes holding an Apple and a can of Malt. She sat close to me and kept comforting me, telling me to calm down. The doctor came out too. “Congratulations Mr Dapo. The blood is perfect, and we have the blood already. As a matter of fact, the blood transfusion is going on already.” I was so happy, I hugged Moji immediately. I was so happy that I held her so tight. She was very happy too. The doctor was smiling. “If I may ask, who is she?” The doctor asked. “My blood sister, I answered.” Moji laughed. ” Why are you laughing now, the same blood flowing through your veins is the one flowing through my mum’s right now.” I said, The doctor laughed as well as Moji. “Doctor don’t mind him, I’m his friend, we are in the same department in school.” Moji answered. “Friend? Are you sure you guys are not dating?” The doctor asked Moji, but I took over to answer the question. “Sir we are very close, in fact, we are like brothers and sisters. That’s what people think when they see us”. As I was talking, Moji kept nodding her head in agreement. “You guys must be really close for you to come with him from school, talk less of donating blood to his mum”. The doctor said. Moji changed the topic. “Doctor. Please can we see mummy now?” Moji asked. “No please, she is yet to gain consciousness, but in the next two hours, we believe everything will be fine. But in this hospital, we save dying people first before demanding money. Because we know that life is like an egg. And is priceless. So please, you guys should go and bring money to settle the bills, for the drugs and injections administered to her”. I was really baffled as I didn’t even know where to get that from. Moji broke the silence. “How much is the bill?” Moji asked. “It’s 30,000 Naira ma” The doctor replied. I was so sad as I didn’t have that money. Neither did my mum. Everyone knows that in St Peters hospital, the prices are not negotiable, and if you fail to pay, asides the fact that the patient won’t be discharged on time, you will have to pay extra money. Moji stood up, and went out of the office. I didn’t know where she was heading, so I followed her to see where she was going. . . What next? Find out in Episode 28
29 Jul 2016 | 09:18
Episode 28 I followed her to see where she was going. She went straight to the payment section. She asked the woman a question, the woman nodded her head to say ‘yes’, then Moji brought out her ATM, while the woman brought out POS. The woman then gave her a receipt. It was then I understood the whole thing. Moji just paid my mother’s hospital bills. Moji discovered that I had been watching. So she came straight to me and stretched the receipt to me. “Please, show the doctor”. She said. I took the receipt, on it stuffs like “Mrs Omisakin, 30,000 Naira only etc.” were written. I was so surprised, I didn’t know what I could say. I’m so indebted to Moji. But the question is: How come Moji has such amount in her account? I wanted to ask, but I didn’t. Her parents are rich. We waited at reception, and about two hours later, a nurse came that my mum wanted to see me. I was so excited, Moji and i rushed into the ward that she was. I saw her lying on the bed. Her eyes were opened. “Maa mi, you really scared me. I am so glad you regained consciousness.” I said to her. She replied me, and her voice was somehow faint. ” Ma binu oko mi, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just in my shop, trying to park. That’s all I could remember.” She said. She noticed Moji who had been silent all the while, looking at d mother-son movie. “Who is this? She asked. “Mummy, this is Moji, my course mate in school. Thank God she came with me. You had blood transfusion, it was her that donated blood, otherwise the worst might have happened. And number 2, she paid all your bills. That’s about 30,000.” I explained to my mum. “Ah, thank you my daughter, I’m so greatful. Thanks for saving my life. E se eku inawo o.” She thanked Moji. “Don’t thank me ma, I just did what I had to do ma. Thank God you’re fine now ma”. Moji said. “I’m very fine now, in fact I’m going home now.” My mother said. “No o, you are not going anywhere, doctor said you will have bed rest for two days.” I said to her. My mother had a long conversation with Moji, and it was really funny. She asked questions about her parents and the job they are doing. I knew she was saying all that because she was surprised how an undergraduate can settle 30,000 Naira bill. Her dad was the chief auditor in a big company that had their headquarters in Ibadan. Moji is the only child of both parents. They always give her whatever she asks for. Her monthly allowance was almost 40,000 Naira. She was able to pay the bill, because she saves money a lot and she isn’t extravagant or showy. Moji is from a very rich family, but you can’t know unless you are really close to her. She just told my mum her dads job. Since my mum didn’t ask for other details, she didn’t go into facts about her allowance. I advised Moji to go back to ife the following day. That day was Friday, and the following day would be Saturday. Moji told me that since its a Saturday (the next day) that she would just go on Sunday, then continue lectures on Monday. We agreed, since her view was only logical. Moji and I slept, at the hospital that night. I would have taken her home, but I’m so shy of our house which wasn’t really attractive. She really went through a lot, because the mosquito’s there were so strong. It was Saturday morning. It was Mayowa’s call that woke me. I had totally forgotten that I didn’t say bye bye to them before traveling to Ibadan. I was really disorganised that day and I left so early. No one could have seen me when I left. I felt so bad about what I did to my roommates. I picked the call. . . Mayowa: Guy, where have you been since the day before yesterday? I’ve been trying your number and it wasn’t reachable. You got us so worried. Me: Mayowa I’m really sorry, my mum was seriously ill. Moji and I had to rush to Ibadan as early as 5am yesterday. Mayowa: (He was surprised when he heard that Moji went to Ibadan with me.) Moji? Anyway how is your mum’s health now? Me: She has gotten better. Thank you. Please Mayowa, I need to go now. I’ll call you later in the day. Mayowa: Alright guy. Take care of yourself, your mum and Moji o (laughing) Dapo: Alright bye. The Saturday morning, Moji had been bitten by mosquito’s, so I decided to take her to my house at night. So that she can sleep comfortably to an extent. We went to my mum’s ward. We played with her till around 4pm. Moji and I went to buy her food. (Don’t bother to ask who paid). And she ate then around 8pm, I told Moji we were going to sleep at home then she agreed. We said bye to my mum, and we went straight to my house. What happened overnight? Find out in Episode 29.
29 Jul 2016 | 09:20
@sonshine register pls
29 Jul 2016 | 09:23
@sonshine pls register ooo
29 Jul 2016 | 09:31
Where is epi 26?
29 Jul 2016 | 09:39
Huh... So Interestinq :mrgreen:
29 Jul 2016 | 09:47
29 Jul 2016 | 09:48
I believe nothing happened over the night cos if it were to be me, nothing would have happened only that we will enjoy a better sleep free from mosquito bites. Moji is really a God sent to you. She's presently your Saviour cos i wonder what would have happened if she wasn't there with you. I guess it's high time you recognize that she loves you and give her the rightful place in your life... My thought though!
29 Jul 2016 | 10:02
hahaha! Twin?
29 Jul 2016 | 10:04
cud dat be true? Nxt epi abeg
29 Jul 2016 | 10:05
pls kindly vote @eliboy as d next Mr. Coolval, God bless u as u do
29 Jul 2016 | 10:06
29 Jul 2016 | 13:10
next oooooo
29 Jul 2016 | 13:49
she's in a critical condition.
29 Jul 2016 | 13:59
[color =violet]◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆[/color] [color =gold]★★★★★★★★★[/color] Thank God it's Friday Dearest Friends, I'll be away for a while, if you need reg... call on @Onahsunday631 @Frankkay @Victoriouschild or @Eliboy to deliver it to you N£w €pi$ode H€r€ Wond€rful P€€pz° [color =red] ⇩ ⇩ ⇩[/color] @pizzaro♚ @promzy♛ @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdkingmaster @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @SONSHINE @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim @missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @E-cube @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homestrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @emmablink23 @divathemmy @mavbirth @somisom @gsoul @oyeyemiomolola @peacebright @Sunny @damsyn @Fortune @tomilayoadebukola @Tommie @dbramo @Osaka @danco4real @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @jpresh88 @motunrijoy25 @oliviacute @sabinto @considerobah @miztr-fabulous @okoro @Itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @jacy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @Preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @ladyt @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef @ohikhueme19 @grealdobinna @evershine @ifuujulietgmail-com @kingzy @Lucia1
29 Jul 2016 | 14:10
We wont know what happened until u tell us
29 Jul 2016 | 14:44
Really enjoying the story. . .
29 Jul 2016 | 15:01
next dude hammy.
29 Jul 2016 | 15:02
Ride on
29 Jul 2016 | 15:22
Moji.... She is really a God sent.... Unless u tell us.
29 Jul 2016 | 17:04
Moji.... She is really a God sent.... Unless u tell us..
29 Jul 2016 | 17:05
Moji.... She is really a God sent.... Unless u tell us.....
29 Jul 2016 | 17:07
Hmmmn... Wetin go happen 4 aous
29 Jul 2016 | 17:11
Am nt moved...Nothing will happen overnight
29 Jul 2016 | 17:42
29 Jul 2016 | 17:51
29 Jul 2016 | 19:17
29 Jul 2016 | 23:33
bring more
29 Jul 2016 | 23:34
Notin must happen oh, following keenly, next plsssss...
30 Jul 2016 | 05:59
unto the nxt one!
30 Jul 2016 | 08:11
wat happened?.. u guys did mummy and daddy's play
30 Jul 2016 | 08:13
Episode 29 When we got home, we were so lucky that there was light. Our DVD needed to be beaten several times for it to work. Or else there is no DVD for you. I did that repeatedly and the DVD did not seem to be responding. Moji advised that we should just leave the DVD. That was some minutes past 9pm. I was quite disappointed. Because as students, we don’t sleep until after midnight. “So how are we going to get busy? Or are you feeling sleepy?” I asked Moji. “I didn’t take sleeping pills, I’m not feeling sleepy at all. You know in school, we don’t get to sleep until past 12, so the body is programmed already.” Moji answered. “Let me try the DVD again”. I said, going straight to the DVD, This time, it worked perfectly. I was so happy. I played Moji’s favourite movie – ‘King Kong’. That was the only film I had anyway, I bought it when I was in SS3 because I really liked the movie then, but not anymore. Since that’s Moji’s favourite movie, I automatically like it too. “Oh my God!!! Is that king Kong? I love this movie” Moji said. I was really happy to see Moji happy. Moji was really enjoying the movie, but unfortunately, they took the light. I switched on my phone torch, and put it on the table so we could see. It was really disappointing that they took the light, since we didn’t have a generating plant. So I thought that was a good time to tell Moji thank you for all she has done. . . Me: Moji, I don’t know what I would have done without you. How can I thank you enough. You donated blood to my mother, paid her hospital bills, stabbed lectures for my sake. Moji, seriously, you are God sent. Thank you so much. Moji: Dapo, you don’t have to thank me. (Looking straight into my eyes) I hold you in high esteem, and you are so important to me. In fact, you are just like my twin brother. I will do for your mum, whatever I can do for my mum. Because your mother is my mother. Me: (I was really touched by everything she said, she’s really God sent) I understand you Kehinde. Moji: Did you Just call me Kehinde? Me: Yes I did. Moji: Why in God’s name did you call me that. Me: Because since I’m like the twin brother you never had, I will be Taiwo, and you will be Kehinde. Moji: (Laughing) You can be whatever you want to be. In fact, if you want to be Idowu, I’m cool with it. . . We just kept talking and we really had fun talking about everything that should be talked about (except Sandra). We talked till around past 12, then I offered her our room, while I slept in the sitting room. I couldn’t sleep overnight, because I just kept thinking of how bad I was as a person. Keeping a secret from such a wonderful friend. “If I had told her about Sandra, probably she wouldn’t have paid my mum’s hospital bills”. I thought to myself. But after thinking back and forth. I discovered that I can’t hide the truth forever. Sandra had been so disturbing, and it was affecting everything about me. The only person that could help me was Moji. The only solution was to open up to her, because if she finds out on her own, it would be so disappointing. But the problem wasn’t what I wanted to say, it was how I was going to say it. I started rehearsing different ways of saying it. “Moji, I am sleeping with a girl called sandra, and she is stalking me every time. I really don’t know how to stop sleeping with her, can you help me? NO!!!” I tried another. “Moji, you’ve done a lot for me, and I don’t want you to hear this from anyone else. I’m sleeping with a girl called Sandra. I didn’t really want to do it, but I just had to. I’m really sorry if you are disappointed. NO!!!” None of the ways I tried sounded good. It all sounded bad to me. Moji was traveling back to Ife that Sunday morning. So I had to tell her that morning. When Moji woke up, she had her bath in our pan-made bathroom at the back yard. I’m sure she had never taken her bath in such a local bathroom before. That is just how humble she was. She got dressed and she told me she wanted to see my mum before going. She we went to the hospital to see my mum. My mum thanked her for everything she had done, and told her to be careful on her way back to Ife. I walked her to the bus stop and my heartbeat was getting faster than normal. I was really scared of what her reaction will be if I should tell her. “You wanted to tell me something before we received that emergency call, can you please tell me now?” Moji said to me. I was so scared of telling her . . . WILL HE TELL HER, FIND OUT IN EPISODE 30!
30 Jul 2016 | 08:17
he will not tell her
30 Jul 2016 | 08:43
I knw he won't
30 Jul 2016 | 09:03
If he like make he tell am
30 Jul 2016 | 10:01
Next pls
30 Jul 2016 | 10:03
ntn must happened to his mum o
30 Jul 2016 | 10:19
30 Jul 2016 | 11:24
Oga tell her joor...the early the better
30 Jul 2016 | 11:35
tell her then she will trust u more though she might be annoyed at first
30 Jul 2016 | 12:08
Dnt kn or else u tell us
30 Jul 2016 | 12:23
wat happened overnight?
30 Jul 2016 | 14:52
waitin 4 u to tell us
30 Jul 2016 | 14:53
waitin 4 u to tell us
30 Jul 2016 | 14:54
pls kindly vote @eliboy as d next Mr. Coolval, God bless u as u do
30 Jul 2016 | 14:54
i dont tink he will
30 Jul 2016 | 19:26
its your choice jare!
31 Jul 2016 | 05:05
dude next epi. ,
31 Jul 2016 | 05:06
tell her na
31 Jul 2016 | 09:13
tell her na b4 its too late
31 Jul 2016 | 09:14
Pls kindly vote @eliboy as d next Mr. Coolval, God bless u as u do.
31 Jul 2016 | 09:15
Pls kindly vote @eliboy as d next Mr. Coolval, God bless u as u do.
31 Jul 2016 | 09:28
Is better now to save ur friendship.... It will qet sour if she qet to know 4rm anoda mouth..,
31 Jul 2016 | 12:22
Episode 30 “You wanted to tell me something before we received that emergency call, can you please tell me now?” Moji said to me. I was so scared of telling her, so I decided to postpone the whole thing. “Don’t worry, when I get back to Ife, we will discuss it fully”. I answered her. “Alright no problem”. She said. Moji later got a bus, and I went back to the hospital to meet my mum. My mum got discharged later in the evening, and we went home. When we got home, my mum kept looking at me, but she wasn’t saying anything. I knew there was something she wanted to say, so I started the conversation. . . Me: Mummy, I noticed that since you came back from the hospital, you have been looking at me in a very funny way that I cannot even explain. If there is anything, you can talk to me, everything will be resolved. My mum: Thank you oko mi, thanks for the observation. Its about that girl. Me: What girl? My mum: How many girls do I know you with? The one that paid the bills of course! Me: Oh! You mean Moji? My mum: Yes, my son. Me: What’s wrong with her mummy, did she do anything bad? My mum: No my son. It’s about you. As an elder, I’ve been in this game long before you were born. The both of you are in in love with each other. Me: (laughing) Mummy, Moji is just my friend. She is just my best friend. In fact she brings me food. My mum: That’s the point! How will a girl that is not your wife cook for you, if no strings are attached. How will she follow you to see your sick mum if she doesn’t have feelings for you? How did she know that I was sick, if not because you do tell her almost everything? How will you allow her to follow you to Ibadan if not because you are strongly attracted to her? Me: But Mummy. . . My mum: (Interrupted) Shut up and listen to me! I’m not arguing with you whether or not you are attracted to her or she is attracted to you. What I’m saying is that you have to be careful not to do something you’ll regret. Before you go into anything in life, be sure you are ready for it, lest you regret your actions. Me: Alright mum, I’ve heard you, and I won’t disappoint you. I thought about Sandra for a while, and I was really sad. If my mum should know about my affair with Sandra, she won’t believe her son could do such a thing. My mum persuaded me to go back to school the following day, but I refused, because I didn’t want to leave her all alone. But after so much sermon, promising me that she’s well already, I agreed to go back to ife. Her words kept ringing in my hears “Don’t do anything that you will regret.” “I really hope I don’t regret everything I’ve done with Sandra.” I thought to myself. As I was going back to school, I decided to put the whole affair with Sandra behind me by opening up to Moji. The following day, I took the only back pack I brought, said ‘bye’ to my mum, and went back to school. It was an easy journey. It seemed faster than all others. When I got to my room, my roommates were very happy to see me. . . Mayowa: How’s mummy’s health now? Hope she’s alright? Me: Yes she is. In fact, she said I should greet you guys. Emeka: Omo no be small tin o. Wen I no see you for like two days, I think say you don die ni. I don dey reason am say how Sandra wan do naw, d girl go miss you if you die o. Me: God forbid, I no go die in Jesus name. Emeka: Wait o, Mayowa talk say that girl wey den dey call Moji follow you go house go see your mama, guy you don marry be dat o. Na mother-in-law to daughter in law introduction you do so. Mayowa: No mind the guy, soon now you go dey talk say you no like the girl. Girl wey be say you don carry go show your mama. Me: Guys, you know the funniest thing? Thank God Moji followed me. She was the one that donated blood to my mum. The case would have gotten worse Emeka: Na lie! She give your mama blood? This girl don win your mama already. In fact, na she you go marry. You no get choice. I was just laughing as Mayowa and Emeka were pulling my legs. Olu was not in the room that day, it would have been much worse. I had really missed those guys, and I kept teasing Emeka especially to talk more. Later in the evening, I called Moji that I was in school already. She was really surprised as she thought I would stay with my mum quite longer. I made up my mind to tell her the whole truth that night, I decided to conquer my fears. I told her to come and meet me at Anglomoz. That was around 9pm. She came and we started talking. . . Moji: I never knew you would come today, I thought you would stay with mummy quite longer. Me: She told me she didn’t want me to miss lectures. Moji: Why didn’t you tell her that I was writing all the notes, and making photocopies for you. Me: (If I had told my mum that, it would only have confirmed what she said) It skipped my mind. Moji: Anyway, if she is really okay now, then no problem. Me: Yes. Eeeeer Moji, there is something I want to tell you. Moji: There he goes again, I really hope you say it this time. Because I can’t wait to hear it. Me: I hope you won’t. . . Moji: (Interrupts) Stop that, I won’t kill you, I won’t do anything, just say it Dapo, please. I’m all ears. Say it! Me: Moji, the thing is. . . What next? Find out in Episode 31.
1 Aug 2016 | 01:41
Hope you tell he this time
1 Aug 2016 | 03:03
Patiently waiting for the next update
1 Aug 2016 | 03:08
happy new month pals
1 Aug 2016 | 03:27
Spill d beans oya
1 Aug 2016 | 03:52
nice one
1 Aug 2016 | 05:52
GENERAL REGISTER @pizzaro ♚ @promzy ♛ @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdkingmaster @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @adeshewa @softel @nifemi @abradek @beauty74 @cizzle @omolarami @nazysophy1 @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @coolbaby @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @vicoch @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @psam @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @classy @omodemilade59 @rufus @ladygrasha @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @noskid @kodedreal @petermikel @frankymario @olatunjitobi @pweetylizzyqueen @olutcoded @sayrah @tomtim @missdammy @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @adeolaajala1234 @olalekana69 @dbest @skulboy @beautyqueen @naomacjoyous @onyinyessica @drumsaint @debbi2nice @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @rahzycute1 @hangellah46 @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @praisee @josephjuliet @xtopher @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @whizjay @anthcunny @freeday @ninny @abasienyene @henryjay @horgzy @abosmart @omodemilade59 @judith @mercykris @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @inifek @pattiejoe7gmail-com @opinxymenumento @bobbidi-boo @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @addieola @chinedueze @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @daintyshewa @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @samnolimit @ugochisunday @yusfaty @muffybaba @micheal1 @judiee @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @coolbaby @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @gamanuel @barrywhite @nekekingsley @flindy @cedar1 @steveokos @gentleme @queeneth2 @anorexia @turtiano @ayanyemisoliuyahoo-com @teeboi53 @profmiftau @bamigift1998 @sunshine1993 @audreytimms @joezeal @edison82 @pricelessangel @fortunate1 @bidex @fortunate1 @bright @deweny @reyhanat @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nero @toochi @tonia @nwamajor @sommyangel @ugochisunday @oneal32 @motunrijoy25 @blazer @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @dexter22 @skylod @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @klaussimbo @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @princeocity @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @rossi @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @dahappyone1 @frostan @israelsix94 @eben @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @aanu001 @chidij1 @lilpaco @light1259 @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @gorgeousdammie @maltty @niceoneofficial @hi-bee-kay @homestrung @mizzykevin @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @eliboy @noel @ezemarcel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @emmablink23 @divathemmy @mavbirth @somisom @gsoul @oyeyemiomolola @peacebright @sunny @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @omolara @jpresh88 @motunrijoy25 @oliviacute @sabinto @considerobah @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @ayanfemi @emperorsndyheartless @gallas888 @olaborry @dannyboy @emzy602 @mackabsolute @kaka @toochi @1mikipat @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @jacy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @ladyt @talentbad @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @ayanfemi @adehsam @olorivicky @blissymo2 @yohmi
1 Aug 2016 | 05:54
My guy this suspense is not good 4 persn health so please update sharparly make ah sabi wetin go happen
1 Aug 2016 | 08:57
Waiting To C Moji Reaction After Knowing Wat He Have To Say
1 Aug 2016 | 09:31
Waiting To see Moji Reaction After Knowing Wat He Have To Say
1 Aug 2016 | 09:32
Next please!
1 Aug 2016 | 09:41
i think moji is in love wit u
1 Aug 2016 | 10:09
spill it .
1 Aug 2016 | 13:14
u need to fn out.
1 Aug 2016 | 17:57
Dont beat about the bush!! hit the nail by the head dude......
1 Aug 2016 | 20:18
patiently waiting for the next part
1 Aug 2016 | 20:19
tel her d true now.
2 Aug 2016 | 04:35
Just tell her d truth
2 Aug 2016 | 05:26
Hope u say it dis tym
2 Aug 2016 | 08:33
Guy,why The Suspense Always Nah? I Guess It's Just To Get Us Begging For More....Lols,weldone Anyways
2 Aug 2016 | 10:29
the tin is u've been bleeping sandra since
2 Aug 2016 | 11:10
hope say u tell her dis tym around
2 Aug 2016 | 11:14
Pls kindly vote @eliboy as the next Mr. Coolval 2016 God bless u as u do.
2 Aug 2016 | 11:14
Interesting......Just Tel Her And Let It Go
2 Aug 2016 | 11:22
2 Aug 2016 | 17:31
tell her nd let her go
2 Aug 2016 | 17:32
Now or never..
2 Aug 2016 | 23:19
Episode 31 Me: Moji, the thing is that; I have a very big problem. I need to tell you because a problem shared is half solved. And I don’t want. . . (Sandra came from no where, she came as if she was going to fight one of us) Sandra: Hold it there! Now I know why you haven’t been picking my calls. It’s all because of this thing (pointing at Moji) that is not even half as beautiful as I am. Dapo, what do you want that I don’t give you? Why have you decided to cheat on me. After everything I’ve done for you. (Sandra was really creating a scene at Anglomoz, and people were staring already. Moji took charge before I could utter a word.) Moji: (smiling) Just calm down please. I’m not dating your boyfriend, he is just my friend. In fact he has told me a lot about you. I’ve been telling him to introduce me to you but he wouldn’t. (Moji lied) Anyway, I’m Moji. Me: (I was really dumbfounded as what Moji said really surprised me, but I just played along) Eeeerm, Sandra, it’s nothing serious, you don’t have to make a scene, she’s just a friend. Sandra: (Feeling reluctant) I’m sorry for everything I said, I was just protecting my Man. Moji: Yes, I would have done the same if I were in your shoes. In fact, we are done with our conversation. Let me go to my room and give you two time to discuss. I’m sure you have really missed him. Sandra: Thanks Moji, I’m Sandra, sorry I didn’t tell you my name at first. Moji: No problem. I understand everything. You guys should have fun okay? Dapo: (Moji was going to her room. I could have bluntly denied being Sandra’s man right there. But Sandra is a crazy fellow. She will pull down the whole Anglomoz.) Moji, I will call you! Moji: Alright! Bye. (She left) I felt uneasy when Moji left, Sandra was really happy to hear Moji say that I had told her (Moji) a lot about her. So she started conversing with me. . . Sandra: I don’t really like it when you keep female friends, you know anything can happen from there. And I won’t want to share you with anyone. We make each other happy don’t we? Me: (I was so angry, and I could not control my temper any longer) Sandra, shut your mouth and listen to me! I had sex with you. Yes!! I’m not denying that fact. But that doesn’t mean we are dating. I’m not into any kind of commitment with you. I don’t have feelings for you. You are very beautiful, no doubt about that. But we are not compatible. In short, you are not my type, and I really. . . Sandra: Shut up dude! What trash are you vomiting from your mouth. When you were having sex with me and asking for more, did you say we are not compatible? I am always taking you to the bar, paying for all your drinks, did you say we are not compatible? I bought you a phone worth 65,000 Naira. I’m sure nobody in your generation have used a phone that expensive. Did you say we are not compatible? You know what you are? A gold digger! And if you think I’m gonna let go of you that easily, then you have just deceived your self. I’m not going to let go of you! Whether you like it or not. Me: You know what you are? A spoilt brat! How dare you talk of my generation! What exactly do you know about me? What exactly do you know about my family (I got really angry). That you are rich doesn’t mean you get whatever you want. If I don’t want you in my life, you have to leave. You really have to leave. Sandra: You know nothing about me also, because if you do, you should know I’m not someone you can toy with and get away with it. You want me to leave you? Fine!!!. You need to pay me back every Kobo I spent on you. Plus the money for the phone I bought for you. That’s about 100,000 Naira. And I’m sure you can’t pay that so. . . Me: (Very Angry now) Give me till next week I will pay you back, every dime. Though I didn’t force you to spend it, neither did I ask. But I will pay you if that will make you leave my life (I stormed out of her presence, heading straight to my hostel) Sandra: (Calling my name) Dapo! Dapo! Dapo! I didn’t answer her, as she called my name so loud with anger. That was some minutes to 10pm. I went straight to my room really angry. I couldn’t sleep. Because I was just thinking about Moji. What next? Find out in Episode 32.
3 Aug 2016 | 05:43
Episode 32 I couldn’t sleep, because I was just thinking about Moji. I went for Physics class the following morning, I tried to call Moji, so that we could go to class and sit together as usual but her number wasn’t going through. I had to go to the class alone. As I was going to class, its like I forgot something. But in the real sense, I didn’t forget anything. It was Moji that was missing. I wasn’t my self in the class, I could not even grab anything that was said in the class. I just kept thinking about Moji. “She must be really hurt. I was just trying to tell her the whole truth when Sandra showed up and ruined the whole thing. How on earth will Moji forgive me for keeping this from her? Is this why Moji didn’t come to class? Should I go to her room? I’m not even sure she wants to see me now.” I kept thinking to myself. I couldn’t come up with any solution. Before knew it. I had developed a fever. I was so ill. I didn’t know what was wrong with me. I had to leave the class. I headed straight to the hostel. When I got to the hostel, the whole condition got really worse. I was taken to the health center by Matthew, where I took some drugs and went back to the hostel. Mayowa, Olu and Emeka were not in the room. It was only Matthew that was in the room. He prayed for me, and I laid on my bed. Even on my sick bed, all I could think about was Moji. “I think I love Moji” I was thinking, and before I knew it I started repeating it. “I love Moji! I love Moji! I love Moji!” That was around 11am. I thought about Moji till around 3pm. Everything she did for me, how I felt so incomplete when she didn’t go to class with me. How her absence made me feel incomplete. In fact, I didn’t see her that day, maybe that’s why I became sick. I was so motivated. It was then it occurred to me that I have always loved Moji. What I felt for Aramide was just brotherly love. Moji is my true love. I’ve always loved her all the while but I was too blind to discover. But then, her absence made me discover that Moji is really special to me. I was so ready to tell her how I feel for her. Is it really possible to have deep feelings for someone and not know until something happens? Well I don’t know. But I guess that was what happened to me as far as Moji is concerned. I was literarily burning with passion. I was so lost in thought that all my roommates were around already, but I didn’t know. Since I laid on my bed, and closed my eyes they thought I had slept so they treated me that way. I decided to call Aramide immediately and tell her what I feel for her. I tried her but her number was switched off. Mayowa saw that I was awake. “Dapo, what’s wrong with you? Matthew said you are not feeling too well.” Mayowa asked. “I really don’t know too”. Emeka cuts in “Guy, wetin you go chop naw, please you gax eat something”. Emeka said. “I will be fine, this isn’t a physical problem. Its kind of emotional ” I told them everything that happened the previous night between Sandra, Moji and I. They were so surprised that Moji lied to avoid trouble. This time around, I confessed to them that I really do love Moji, and I’ve been trying her number but switched off. . . Mayowa: You don’t have to tell me that, I know it already. You both have feelings for each other. You guys should just stop forming and get it on. Emeka: Eeyah, No be Aramide again, na Moji now? Your mata don tire me self. Shey you wan turn father of all nations ni? Olu: Free the guy now, the guy no dey alright. In short, Sandra don spoil your show now. Me: I need to see her, I need to talk to her. She doesn’t even know what I feel for her. Emeka: No dey talk love for where we dey. Love no dey. All of us just dey act up ni. Mayowa: Seriously, I think you and Moji are just so compatible. You guys really compliment each other. Please if you really love her, just tell her. If she doesn’t feel the same way leave her. She don friend zone you be dat. Me: (As I was discussing with them, I started feeling much better.) If Moji friend zone me, I can kill myself. I’m madly in love with her. You can’t afford to be ‘just friends’ with someone you are madly in love with. I’ve been calling her but her number has been switched off. I know she is angry with me. As we were talking. My phone received a new message. Behold, it was Moji. I read it, and the contents were. . . What was the message? Find out in Episode 33.
3 Aug 2016 | 05:45
next pls
3 Aug 2016 | 06:04
oga wey suspense dis
3 Aug 2016 | 08:54
Tor i d wait
3 Aug 2016 | 10:23
Wanna know what she sent via the text message.
3 Aug 2016 | 11:07
next plz.
3 Aug 2016 | 11:08
next plz..
3 Aug 2016 | 11:08
c'mon..... let de next episode flow... I beg
3 Aug 2016 | 11:09
3 Aug 2016 | 13:26
Just roaming abt if i cud catch d next epics
3 Aug 2016 | 13:26
3 Aug 2016 | 13:27
Why did it take you this long to notice and agree that you love Moji, Just when things have gone worse.... Lets get to know the content of the text she sent you... it sounds as if she'd gonna break up with you...
3 Aug 2016 | 13:27
Until u tell us
3 Aug 2016 | 13:58
Whc Kind Suspence Be Diz Na
3 Aug 2016 | 14:00
We are waiting for you to tell us
3 Aug 2016 | 14:36
Next abeg
3 Aug 2016 | 14:37
wanna know the contents of the text u received from moji..
3 Aug 2016 | 14:39
please... Dont keep me waitinq.
3 Aug 2016 | 14:44
pls post d next epl oh oh.
3 Aug 2016 | 16:12
impatiently waiting 4 d next
3 Aug 2016 | 17:02
Wats d content?
3 Aug 2016 | 17:03
Hun hun hun
3 Aug 2016 | 20:09
the content??
3 Aug 2016 | 20:10
Next pls
3 Aug 2016 | 21:00
This is suspense o
4 Aug 2016 | 00:50
This is suspense o
4 Aug 2016 | 00:51
Maybe the content of the message is that she loves you
4 Aug 2016 | 00:52
Maybe the content of the message is that she loves you
4 Aug 2016 | 00:52
Episode 33 As we were talking. My phone received a new message. Behold, it was Moji. I read it, and the contents were. . . “Is there any quiet place we can sit and talk, where your pretty girlfriend won’t create a scene?” Text me back if there is”. Seriously, I was so furious, I knew Moji was being sarcastic when she made the statement ‘Your pretty girl friend’. “She must be really jealous. Maybe she feels the same way I feel for her. Or why will her phone be switched off? Why would she not go to class the next Day after the whole incident? Moji must have deep feelings for me. She loves me. Even more than I love her. Why will she stab lectures for my sake? Why will she follow me to see my sick mum? Why did she give her blood? Why did she pay her hospital bills? Why has she been bringing me food? Why is it that I don’t get to see any guy with her? Why has she been there for me all the while. She really loves me. She adores me.” I was thinking about her. I was so convinced that she really loves me. Mayowa took my phone, and read the message. “Dapo, this is jealousy, this girl loves you already. Just go to her and pour out your mind. Na ogba we dey o. If dis girl do mistake commot your hand, you no go fit get her again o” Mayowa said to me. This time, it’s like some spiritual injections were administered to my system. I had gotten really better already. I really did not know what to send to her. Emeka was observing the whole situation. “Guy, make I tell you one short story wey go make you get sense.” Emeka Said. “Je ko mo (let him know)” Olu answered, pushing him to tell me the story. “Emeka, you, tell me story?” I said, laughing hysterically. . . . Emeka: Guy, no reason am o. I get experience wella for this whole tin o. It get one adage wey den dey talk say. “It get wetin elderly man eye see wey make hin eye enter inside. Mayowa: Emeka, wen you turn elderly man naw? Olu: (Laughing) I tire for the guy o. Me: (sarcastically) Make una leave boss make hin follow us talk o. Emeka, abeg no mind them I’m all ears. Emeka: (Laughing) Olu and Mayowa, it be like say una dey mad abi? Instead may una calm down listen to story wey go change una life. Una dey form boss. Una father well well (Opening his fingers wide and pointing them at Mayowa and Olu) Me: Emeka leave them joor, tell me d story wey u wan tell me. I listened attentively as Emeka narrated his story. Emeka: It get one girl for my secondary school, her name na Amaka. This girl, I like her die. In fact dat time, me self think say na love. This girl tell me say she love me. That time, den dey give me 100 Naira as money for food. I go give her 80 Naira, take the remaining 20 drink water. Na when I reach house I go chop. Na when we reach SS1 I see say na one SS3 boy wey resemble monkey she dey date. Because dat one papa dey work for oil company. Na so I go tell her say say she dey mad, say God go punish her. She con tell me say I be fool. Say my name na ‘helper’. She talk say I just dey help her ministry as other guys dey do. Na since that time I know say love no dey. Me: (I couldn’t help but laugh at his story. Emeka has a very funny way of talking, that even when he is serious, people still find him funny. Mayowa and Olu were rolling on the floor as they were laughing) Eeyah, dat girl dey craze o. Olu: (couldn’t control his laughter) Eeyah, you for marry that girl o. You be Emeka, she be Amaka. Una go born Umuka, Omoka, Amoka, Emaka. . . Mayowa: Emeka Abeg, na which station you watch that film. Everyone in the room made jest of Emeka that day. He would have wished he never told us the story. He didn’t even feel embarrassed, he was just laughing alongside everybody in the room. I really did not know where to see Moji, I later decided to see her in the departmental block. I texted her immediately. She didn’t reply my message, then I just hoped she had seen the message. Around 8pm. I went to the departmental block, and didn’t see Moji. I called her Number and it was switched off. . . What next? Find out in episode 34.
4 Aug 2016 | 18:02
Episode 34 “What exactly was Moji doing? Why on earth will she ignore my invite? The Moji I know will never do such a thing to me.” I felt so dejected I sat at a spot in the department. As I was thinking about the whole thing, I just heard a voice. “Sorry I’m late”. It was Moji. I was really happy to see her. I had missed her so much. In fact, when I saw her, she appeared prettier than ever. “What was wrong with me all the while? How come I’ve not been able to see such a beautiful damsel for so long? What exactly was covering my eyes?” I thought to myself. “Sorry I couldn’t go to class with you today. I felt a bit weak this morning. It was when I got better that I texted you because I really want to see you”. Moji said. When I heard her say that she really wanted to see me, I thought to myself. “Maybe I’m right after all, maybe she is as attracted to me as I am to her”. We started the whole conversation fully. . . Me: Moji, about Sandra, I think. . . Moji: (cuts in) No, don’t do that. You don’t need it. That’s the more reason why we need to talk. We are very close, in fact, we are like siblings. We talk about everything, but we hardly talk about our love life. . . Me: Moji, just listen to me, I can’t afford not to tell you this now. Sandra isn’t my girl friend. The affair started when I had issues with church and God. That was when I went to the bar, got drunk, and before I knew it, I was naked on the bed with her. Moji: (Covering her mouth with both hands) You slept with her? Me: Not once, not twice, not thrice. I did it several times. She bought that Samsung phone for me. I’m so tired of the whole affair. I’ve been trying to tell you but I didn’t have the courage to. The day I finally summoned courage to tell you, that was when my mum got sick, and we had to go home. I tried to tell you the other day too, but Sandra came and ruined the whole thing. Moji, please get it right, I have nothing to do with Sandra. She is in my past, and I’m trying to correct everything. Please all I need is your support. Moji: (Confused) You had issues with church and God? So that’s the next thing to do? Sleep with that useless, saucy, good-for-nothing lady? Dapo, if you love that girl it’s cool. You don’t have to deny her. She’s your girlfriend. Me: Moji, believe me. I never liked that girl once. It was just a mistake. It really wasn’t my will. Moji you’ve always believed in me. Please believe me this time. Sandra is nothing but a slut. I’m sure she has so many guys like that in her life. She is just a selfish girl that thinks she can get whatever she wants. Moji: Hmmmm, I believe you. So what is the way forward? Me: Thank you. The mistake I made is that I could have bluntly refused her yesterday. But she is crazy, she can even hit you. I just had to play along and. . . Moji: Please spare me all that story. What is the way forward. Me: I told her I’m done with her yesterday, she told me that I should pay her back every dime she has spent on me. Else I’m going no where. Including the money for the phone. Moji: Wow! That’s serious. You are in serious mess. So, like how much are we talking about? Me: The phone is 65,000 Naira, but she said plus everything she has done for me, she will take a whole of hundred thousand Naira. Moji: Hundred thousand Naira? Does she want to buy a land? Wait Dapo, did you ask for all those things before she bought it for you? Me: No, in fact that’s what I told her. She did everything on her own will. That’s a good point. Maybe I shouldn’t give her a dime. After all, I didn’t force her to do any of those. Moji: Dapo, we can’t do that. That girl is capable of doing anything. Let’s give her whatever she asks for. Me: Moji, stop saying ‘we’ I put myself in this, I’m going to come out of it. I can’t afford to disturb you this time. It’s my mess, let me just clean it. Moji: How would you say such a thing, didn’t I promise to be always there for you? You share my brother’s (Younger cousin’s) name. You are just like my twin brother. We will pull through all these together. Just relax. Me: Thank you so much Moji, how will I thank you enough? I really do appreciate you Moji: But there’s a problem. Me: A problem? What’s that? Moji: I don’t have up to hundred thousand in my account right now. I don’t have more than 60. Me: Don’t worry Moji, I will find the rest. Moji: You and I know that you don’t have that money, and you don’t have a source through which you can get that money. Me: I hate to admit, but I really do not have any means. Moji: Don’t worry, I’ll just call my boyfriend, maybe I can get some money from him Me: Boyfriend?!. . . What next? Find out in Episode 35.
4 Aug 2016 | 18:07
It's complicated... Tryinq to clean ur wound she poured sand on it aqain... Waitinq for next epic to know who she call her bf.
4 Aug 2016 | 19:16
Complicated Scene!
5 Aug 2016 | 03:32
Nxt Plz.
5 Aug 2016 | 03:33
gbamsa...... Boyfriend?...... Um-m-hhhhhh.
5 Aug 2016 | 03:41
5 Aug 2016 | 04:01
Wow, na now u go see say Emeka story get meaning. She just take u as a friend but believe me she has feelings for u too. She may even love u more than her bf
5 Aug 2016 | 04:05
bad market for you
5 Aug 2016 | 04:08
Boyfriend... Wow... What next
5 Aug 2016 | 04:35
5 Aug 2016 | 04:45
:b :g :s
5 Aug 2016 | 04:46
Nice epi
5 Aug 2016 | 04:46
5 Aug 2016 | 05:15
Maybe she doesnt have a boyfriend, just trying to make yhu jealous
5 Aug 2016 | 05:40
chai.... boyfriend ke...
5 Aug 2016 | 06:01
Moji u have a boyfriend? That is unbelievable, let find out in the next episode
5 Aug 2016 | 06:47
Chai! Boyfriend?! *E don red o! Maybe nw fmt sha. . .
5 Aug 2016 | 07:41
So u tink say u go get gf mak she no get bf olori
5 Aug 2016 | 08:12
5 Aug 2016 | 08:14
Episode 35 I was really surprised to hear that Moji had a boyfriend. Before I knew it, my whole system was disorganized and my lips were shaking. “So I have been wrong after all, Moji has got no feelings for me”. I thought to myself. Moji noticed that I wasn’t myself but didn’t alter a word. “You m-m-mea-n you have a bo-bo-boyfriend?”I asked as I stammered. “Why are you stammering? Why are you so surprised? I wasn’t this surprised when I found out about Sandra. Why are you acting like a man whose wife is cheating on him? Moji rushed me with the questions. I really had to compose and be a man. “It’s nothing, I’m just surprised that you have a boyfriend, and I know nothing about it. I couldn’t have believed it.” I said to her acting as if everything is alright. “Why should you be surprised that I have a boyfriend? Do I look like a girl that a guy cannot be attracted to? Am I not pretty enough?” She rushed me with questions again and I was getting really nervous. I just had to keep calm. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that. I’m just saying I’m surprised you didn’t tell me.” I replied. The whole thing had turned sour, “I can’t even tell Moji about my feelings anymore. I have lost Moji, I’ve finally lost her”. I thought to myself. . . Moji: You don’t have to be surprised joor. Aren’t we like brothers and sisters? Me: (Answered quickly) Yeah sure, but as brothers and sisters, you should have told me about your boyfriend earlier. Moji: The same way you told me about Sandra? (Sarcasm) Me: Sandra isn’t my girlfriend. If she is my girlfriend, I would have introduced her to you. I’ve not introduced any girl to you because I don’t have any other girl in my life. . . Moji: Did you say another? You mean any other apart from Sandra? Me: No, don’t worry never mind. I’m just really nervous about the whole Sandra issue, maybe that’s why I’m saying rubbish. Moji: You don’t have to be nervous, didn’t I tell you I’m here for you? Aren’t we like siblings? Me: Yeah (I started hating the brother and sister thing. Each time she said that, I got very angry.) Moji: So just put your mind at rest. Me: That’s by the way, tell me more about your boyfriend. Moji: What do you want to know? Me: Everything Moji: His name is Harry, I started dating him not quite long, its been six months now and it has been really awesome. He treats me like egg. Me: Is he also in OAU? Moji: Have we spent up to six months here? Of course not. He is in Canada. He is doing his masters. Me: Masters? Moji: Yeah sure. Me: How old is he? Moji: He will be 24 this year. Me: Wow! Dats kul. So how did you meet him? Moji: (A call came in immediately into Moji’s phone.) That’s my boyfriend. (whispers pointing at the phone. . She picked the call and started talking) Hello. . .yeah sure. . . . I’m fine o. . . . not really. . . (laughing and playing with everything around with her hands) hope you haven’t missed me too much. . . I trust you, I’ve missed you too. . . Hope those white girls are not disturbing you? . . They should not disturb you o, I’ll kill them ni o. . . . (I was really angry with myself. “How did everything turn like this? The Moji I know never makes call when she’s with me. Unless the call is really important, she doesn’t even pick it. What happened overnight?” I thought to myself”. Moji continued the whole conversation, asking foolish questions from the guy, and laughing hysterically. For the first time, Moji”s laughter made me angry. After talking for like ten minutes, Moji finally ended the call. . . Moji: Sorry about that, he talks with me for so long. Me: (pretending) It’s alright. Moji: Let me show you his picture. (She took her phone and looked for the picture, she finally found it) here he is. Me: (The guy is so handsome, much more handsome than I am. He has beards and teddy. The picture background was dope. The picture quality was superb. He looked just like a model. I was really jealous.) Wow! He’s so cute. I’m happy for you Moji: (Smiling) I’m glad you are. We had some discussions that I can’t even remember, because my mind was in Canada already, beating that idiot called Moji’s boyfriend. We finished the whole discussion and we went back to our hostels. Moji kept talking and talking. “She was never a talkative, what came over her”. I thought to myself. . What next? Find out in episode 36.
5 Aug 2016 | 08:57
Episode 36 I finally got to my hostel, I couldn’t eat or drink, I couldn’t even sleep, I was just on my bed. I was really helpless. “So Moji doesn’t have feelings for me? So I’m just an idiot, loving a girl who is in love with another guy?” I thought to myself. Compared to her boyfriend? I’m nowhere near him. The guy is so handsome, he’s such a dude. “She can never love me! If she can date a guy that handsome, how on earth will she love someone like me? I lost her! I lost her!” I kept repeating the same thing in my mind. I was just there helpless on the bed. All my roommates have slept already. I was there alone with my thoughts. It was morning, Mayowa and I didn’t have a class until 12pm. Emeka, Olu and Abdul were not in the room. It was just me, Mayowa and Matthew in the room. Well, whenever we are talking about love, sex and relationship, Matthew doesn’t involve in the conversation. Maybe that’s a rule to him. I told Mayowa everything that happened the previous night. He was really surprised to hear that he was wrong after all. . . Mayowa: Are you saying that Moji has a boyfriend? Me: That’s the exact thing I’m saying. She kept repeating that we are like siblings. I don’t want to be her sibling. I love her. I am sure of it. I can’t afford to be just friends with someone I’m madly in love with (panicking) Mayowa: Just calm down. If she has a boyfriend already, I don’t think there is anything you can do. At least, you can’t ask her to break up with her boyfriend. And you don’t want her go double-date do you? Me: Of course not! I just want a serious relationship with her. She knows my every move. Even when I’m not talking, she knows what I’m saying. Even my mother doesn’t know me the way she knows me. Mayowa: Guy stop being so emotional. Just move on with your life. You are still too young to love like this. If she is already dating, then move on with your life and forget about her. Me: Hmmmm, I really don’t know what to do. Mayowa: I just told you what to do; Forget about her and move on. Me: Hmmmmm, it’s harder than you think. It’s not that easy. Mayowa: I understand, but you have to try. It won’t be an easy task, but just try. As we were talking, Emeka came in. He discovered that my face was all gloomy. “Guy wetin dey do you naw?” Emeka asked. Mayowa explained the whole thing to him. You know Emeka by now, the crazy guy himself. “Oh boy, your mata bad gan o. So that Moji wey u wan die on top don get boyfriend? Aah you don throw banana give monkey. You don dash the girl out to Canada bobo. Wait self, shey u think say she go love you? How much you get self? You don buy her water before? You buy Brazilian hair? You con dey talk say she go love you? If she love you make I know why.” Emeka made matters worse. Mayowa was already laughing, but I didn’t find it funny. Emeka just kept making jest of me. I didn’t even laugh, I was just there. I stood up, and dressed up for my 12 o’ clock class. I went to Anglomoz to meet Moji, so we could go to the class together. Moji was gisting me as we were going to the class, but I didn’t even care to listen. I was just going with her, and contributing the little way I could. We got to the class, it was a Botany class. I just sat, and I was just quiet. After an hour, the lecture finished. I thought about what Emeka said, and I decided to act on it. I took 200 Naira, bought two cold ‘viju-milk’. One for me one for her. “You must have been really sapped, I got this for you.” I said, handing her the viju-milk. “Awwwwwwwn, you are so sweet. Thank you so much”. She said, collecting the drink. It was then it occurred to me that I haven’t bought anything for her since we met. I was really happy that she called me “sweet” I decided that I would do anything to impress her. We sat in a quiet place, as we waited for our next class which was 2pm. That was Sociology class. As we were seated my phone received a new text. Behold it was Sandra. “What is the message all about?” I asked myself. But I couldn’t even guess right. So I opened the message. The contents really disorganised me. They were. “Hey dude, congrats. You are gonna be a father. Cause I’m pregnant for you, and I’m keeping it.” . . . What next? Find out in Episode 37.
5 Aug 2016 | 08:58
wats d content of d msg
5 Aug 2016 | 10:22
lets knw abeg
5 Aug 2016 | 10:23
I am truly shocked. I never knew she had a boyfriend
5 Aug 2016 | 12:31
Waiting for the next ep make i see as everyting go play out
5 Aug 2016 | 12:32
This story just be like Church blessing and i cnat seem to get enuff
5 Aug 2016 | 12:33
Dis ur Sandra is somethin else o
5 Aug 2016 | 13:59
Next Ooo
5 Aug 2016 | 14:32
Vry complicated
5 Aug 2016 | 17:25
Nxt epi.... cnt wait
5 Aug 2016 | 17:26
That one na big fat lie
6 Aug 2016 | 01:16
Moji might be pretending to be in love with her boyfriend while she is not
6 Aug 2016 | 01:18
Guy... Sandra don qet you wella.... No more I wanna quit..
6 Aug 2016 | 07:14
As Moji matter... Is better she friendzone you
6 Aug 2016 | 07:15
Nice one
6 Aug 2016 | 07:22
See the power of love oo
6 Aug 2016 | 07:22
6 Aug 2016 | 07:23
6 Aug 2016 | 09:42
no tink am too much
6 Aug 2016 | 09:43
6 Aug 2016 | 12:07
ride on dear
6 Aug 2016 | 17:43
Episode 37 “No this can’t be. It just can’t be. What have I done? This is a big mess.” I said it out loud that Moji heard me. “She took the phone from me, and read the message. “That’s Sandra right?” Moji asked me smiling. “Yes, that’s Sandra, and besides this isn’t funny. Why exactly is that smile on your face?” I was really nervous as I asked her the question. “I knew she was going to do this”. Moji said with so much assertiveness. “I don’t really get what you are saying. I really don’t understand it.” I said to her. . . Moji: Number one, that girl is a slut, she has been in this game for too long already. She can only get pregnant if she wants to. If she is really pregnant, it will affect her studies more than it will affect yours. So it won’t be wise of her to get pregnant, and I doubt that she would. Number two, she doesn’t want you to go, she wants to keep you to herself, which means that she will do anything possible to hold you to herself. Me: So you think she is lying? Moji: I don’t think she is lying, I know she is lying. Me: What if we think she is lying, and it turns out that she is telling the truth? Moji: That is why we need to take the next step. Me: The next step? Moji: Yes, we have to prove that she is lying. I will take my phone and search for tips on pregnancy. Then you go ahead and investigate. Me: She might be telling . . . Moji: (cuts in) Are you ready to be a dad? If you are, tell me so I can quit trying to help you. And if you are not, man up, and let’s prove that idiot wrong. Me: (fear was written all over me) seriously, I don’t know what to do, I don’t know what my mum will do if she finds out about this. Moji: But Dapo, what came over you, how come you had unprotected sex with a girl like that? You could have contacted an STD in the process. You need to go for check up after sorting all this out. Me: I won’t have STD in Jesus name. Moji, don’t wish me evil. Moji: (Lowering her voice) God sees my heart that I want the best for you. I just want you to know in case you have a problem. Me: Alright, let us solve this first before we even think of that. . . It was time for sociology class. The man said some things about teenage pregnancy. What a coincidence that was. I looked at Moji’s face to see her reaction. She didn’t even look at me. Her eyes were so glued to the lecturer. We finished the lecture, and went back to the hostel. When I got to the room, That was around 3:30pm, Everyone was in the room except Abdul and Matthew. Those two guys are always reading like bookworms. As Emeka will always tell them “Una wan carry first?” That means that University is not about being the best student overall, it’s about having good grades and graduating. That is just Emeka’s opinion anyway. At first, when I saw Emeka and Olu in the room, I didn’t want to talk about my issue with Sandra. But since those guys are older and more experienced than me as far as the issue on ground is concerned, I decided to seek their opinion. . . Me: Guys, please I have a problem and I really need your advice. I don’t know what to do. Emeka: Watin dey do you self, you go just dey blow grammar like say na house of rep we dey. Olu: Leave am, make hin dey show hinself. Mayowa: Make una hear wetin hin wan talk naw, dis one wey hin call meeting like say hin wan share will. Me: Guys, this is serious. Emeka: I no fit see rious pass the one wey I don see. Na the problem wey you get make u tell me. Make I help you use elderly man eye look am. Me: Sandra texted me yesterday that she is pregnant. Emeka: Na which kind talk be that one, if u wan turn basket mouth wey dey crack joke, shey na this kind thing den dey use do comedy? Guy abeg if na joke stop am. Olu: If I hear say that girl get belle, girl wey don know her way already. As you dey do her, she know wetin she go chop, wetin she go drink wey go make belle run. Mayowa: Wait self, that girl no look like person wey dey do just one guy. When you slept with her, was she a virgin? Me: Of course not. Emeka: If that girl be virgin, it mean say my grandma self na virgin. See my guy, no fear. That girl no fit get belle. The way una dey talk am self, she no look like person wey get womb. Your tin don sweet am for body, she no wan make u go. Na why she dey lie that lie. Na so one girl do me for my area, wey dey lie give me say she get belle. Na later I discover say 1 year don pass she no born. I con see say her belle self no change. Just thank your star say this one no need your money. She for use am collect your money well well. Olu: Emeka, abeg joor, make we hear word. Na everything don do you before. Dapo (Facing me) The way me dey look am, dat girl no get belle o. She just wan spoil your life ni. And I no wan make you gree for am. Me: That is the same thing Moji said. Mayowa: Are you crazy? You told Moji that Sandra is pregnant? Me: It’s not like that, she kind of discovered by taking my phone to read the text. My roommates said the same thing Moji said. Sandra was just trying to tie me down. “Now I have some investigations to do with Moji. I need to uncover her lies. She has to lose this game once and for all”. I thought to myself. . . What next? Find out in Episode 38.
6 Aug 2016 | 18:14
Episode 38 I started investigating, alongside Moji. We searched for means through which we could prove her wrong, but there is no other means of actually confirming, than getting close to her. Moji wasn’t really comfortable with this idea. “Get close to her? No way! What if in that process, you get her really pregnant this time. I’m sorry, but it won’t be possible”. Moji protested. I didn’t really understand why Moji was acting that way. She had a boyfriend already, and she was being overly protective over me. “I can assure you, nothing will happen between us.” I said to Moji. “Promise me you won’t have anything to do with her.” Moji said to me. “I promise!” I answered her. Moji agreed that I go to Sandra, Sandra had rented an apartment already in town around an area called ‘Asherifa’. So I went to meet her in her house. Getting the truth from her won’t be a difficult task. After all, Sandra is a talkative. All I have to do is engage in a long discussion with her. It will only be a matter of time before she vomits the whole truth. When I got to her house, she was too pretty for someone who is really pregnant. At first that made me suspicious, but I just kept my calm and sat on a chair in her room. . . Sandra: I knew you will come. (Sending the message to me with a seductive smile) Me: Yes baby. I’m sorry I shouted at you the other day. It wasn’t my doing. I just got uncontrollably angry. Sandra: It’s all right. I know you didn’t mean all that. What do I offer you? Me: No I’m totally fine. (Thinking to myself) You think you can drug me? Sandra: So now that I’m pregnant for you, you need to come here often, so you can perform your duties as an expectant father. Me: And what are those duties? Sandra: You sleep with me regularly. In order to ensure safe delivery. Me: No, that’s not good for the baby. We shouldn’t do that. Sandra: But that’s what my doctor said. Me: Yes, I’ve been thinking that as the father of this baby, I need to have a discussion with that doctor of yours, you know I have to see him, so he can put me in line as regards things to do, and things not to do as far as our baby is concerned. Sandra: (stammering) ern ern ern no. Let’s just focus on oiling me. (Coming close to me) Me: (Restraining her) I’m not doing anything until I talk to the doctor, and he says that it is safe for the baby. The baby is not even up to two months. I don’t want anything to happen to my baby. Without a qualified doctors advice, I’m doing nothing. Sandra: I understand what you are saying but. . . Me: There are no. . . (I looked at my side, and saw a guys shirt) What is this Sandra? Sandra: (Being defensive) Its not Important it’s just. . . . Me: (Cuts in) It’s just what? I can’t believe you are cheating on me. Sandra: I swear to God I’m not. It’s just a neighbour that came here to rest yesterday. We are quite close. I swear nothing is between us. (trying to convince me) Me: How can I be so sure that you guys didn’t have sex yesterday? Sandra: We couldn’t have had sex, because yesterday I was on my period. Me: Alright. Alright. Alright I believe you. I stayed there for some hours, she pressurized me to sleep with her, but I didn’t fall for it this time. The promise I made to Moji kept me going. I was so in control, as I had made a firm decision not to do a thing with Sandra. “I think I have to go now, I will see you later.” I said to her. Though her face was gloomy, but I didn’t look at that for a second as I have my own life to live. I left the place, and immediately I entered campus, I gave Moji a call. Moji came to see me and we started talking at Anglomoz. . . Moji: How did it go? Me: I didn’t find anything. But the girl is a slut, I found a guys shirt in her house. She told me she didn’t have sex with him, because the guy came yesterday, and she was on her period then. She wanted me to have. . . Moji: (Cuts in) Wait, what did you just say? Me: She wanted me to have sex. . . Moji: (Cuts in again) No, not that, she was on her what? Me: On her period. Moji: I knew it!!! Me: What’s that? Moji: Women don’t menstruate, when they are pregnant. This can only mean that she is lying about one of the two. It’s either she is lying about her pregnancy, or lying about sleeping with the guy with the shirt. Either way, we will use it to our advantage. You will have to go there again, and tell her you have phobia for pregnant women, and that’s why you can’t have sex with her. Just act the whole drama well, and you will get the truth. . . To cut the long story short, some days later, I went to Sandra, I told her what Moji had taught me. “I really want to do this, but I have phobia for pregnant women. I’m just here talking to you because of the love I have for you.’ I said to her.”Seriously? Owk, Dapo there is something I want to tell you.” She said. “Okay, I’m all ears”. I answered. “Promise me that you will stick to me, and give me what I want if I tell you the truth”. She said. “Just tell me”. I answered. “Actually, I’m- I’m- I’m not really pregnant”. She said. I got really excited, but just kept playing along. “oh my God! I thought I was going to be a father. I can’t wait for you to be the mother of my children.” I said to her and planted a kiss on her lips to make her tell me more. “I know, but getting pregnant now will really affect our lives. Let’s just keep having fun. I can only get pregnant. If I want to”. She said, trying to draw me to herself. But I pushed her away to the bed. “You bastard! I never want to see you again. I will pay you your money and it will be all over.” I got really angry. I stormed out of her room with mixed feelings. Anger/Relief was the feeling. I entered campus. Moji was already waiting at Anglomoz to hear the report. . . . What next? Find out in Episode 39.
6 Aug 2016 | 18:16
7 Aug 2016 | 03:21
feed me more
7 Aug 2016 | 03:22
Chai! U For Knack Her Kpekus B4 Storming Out Of Her Room Nd Her Life Totally....Bi**h
7 Aug 2016 | 03:38
You shouldn't have acted like that
7 Aug 2016 | 03:40
Its good ur out of her trapp
7 Aug 2016 | 04:25
U be no try at all Ooo
7 Aug 2016 | 04:59
i knew it
7 Aug 2016 | 05:00
U 4 chop her berfore u. Commot her room
7 Aug 2016 | 05:00
God save ur ass
7 Aug 2016 | 05:08
Bro guess your eyes is opening now..
7 Aug 2016 | 05:57
still with u.... Am doubting something..... Ur mother...
7 Aug 2016 | 06:20
7 Aug 2016 | 06:47
Moji is your half sister and she's the painful pleasure.
7 Aug 2016 | 07:32
dat is good.
7 Aug 2016 | 08:42
interesting so far
7 Aug 2016 | 09:05
Sandra U See Moji Smart Than U
7 Aug 2016 | 10:09
carry on
7 Aug 2016 | 10:49
So interesting moji u get mouth
7 Aug 2016 | 11:57
[b] [u]Nice update bro... carry-on[/u] [/b]
7 Aug 2016 | 12:15
Just Observing
7 Aug 2016 | 12:24
finally seated..... moji doesn't have any boyfriend , she's just trying to make u feel bad for not professing ur love to her rather u go around to sleep with a whore... Sandra has many tinx in stock for u in case u don't knw
8 Aug 2016 | 01:24
8 Aug 2016 | 02:31
8 Aug 2016 | 02:32
enjoying this! feed me more!
8 Aug 2016 | 02:33
:g [s]Thats not Moji's boyfriend,it was just like a think up to know your feelings[/s]
8 Aug 2016 | 02:37
Episode 39 I told Moji about it, she wash really excited as she gave me the ‘I told you so’ look. “This calls for celebration.” Moji said to me. “There is no celebration please, don’t forget that we still have to pay Sandra a sum of hundred thousand Naira.” I replied her. “You see, money isn’t the problem, we can just go, grab something on Saturday.” Moji said. “Please Moji, can you just do me a favour?” I asked. “What favour is that?” She asked. ” Would you please just allow me to sponsor this date? Oh! sorry outing!. I said to her. Moji looked at me smiling. “Don’t worry, let’s just call it a date. We haven’t really had time to ourselves these days. It’s been one problem or the other. So let’s just go to the movies or go swimming or grab some food. Whatever you have in mind, it’s all good, and you can sponsor it if you want to”. Moji said to me. My whole system became hyperactive, as I was really excited that Moji accepted our outing as the date that it really was. “That will be a good opportunity to express my feelings for her, irrespective of whether or not she has a boyfriend.” I thought to myself. We departed and I went to my hostel. My life had gotten ten times better, I was really gallant. People around me can’t help but notice it. I really could not wait to tell my roommates that Sandra’s pregnancy is not true. It was just her scheme to lure me into sleeping with her again. The best part of the whole stuff is the fact that Moji indirectly agreed to go on a date with me. I got to the room but nobody was in, because there was a football match that day between Barcelona and Real Madrid. I’m not much of a football fan. So I just stayed in the room, thinking of how to ask Moji out on our date. Some minutes later, the guys came in, shouting. What more can be expected of guys who just finished watching a match between two big teams. “Messi omo mi, oloun gbo. Ronaldo o le ba.” This actually means Ronaldo is no where near Messi. I really wanted to tell Emeka, Olu, and Mayowa about Sandra, and Moji. But there were too many people in our room, and they were making a hell of noise, arguing about Messi and Ronaldo. It was really noisy. After about two hours of the whole Messi/Ronaldo argument, the whole thing died down, and everyone went to their rooms. I was really glad that I finally had the chance to pour out my mind to my friends. It was really great. “Guys guess what?” I started the gist with the question. Mayowa, Emeka and Olu were there. . . Emeka: Wait self, why you like to dey do like girl. How you go dey tell us say make we guess? We be girls? Olu: Me I no fit guess, but I know say wetin you wan talk dey related to woman mata. Me: Number 1, Sandra is not pregnant, she confessed to me herself that she was just trying to tie me down. Emeka: You mean am? Shebi I tell you say that girl no get womb, it be like say I dey exaggerate. Shey una don see now? Mayowa: Omo God save you o. Just free dat girl, make she dey her own lane o Olu: The tin no even surprise me at all. Me don know before say na lie. Na number one be dat. Abeg, wetin be number two? Me: Moji has agreed to go on a date with me this Saturday. Mayowa: You asked her to go on a date with you? Me: Not exactly. She suggested that we should celebrate the fact that Sandra’s pregnancy isn’t true. I called it a date, and tried to take it back, but she didn’t see anything wrong with it. Emeka: No be dat girl wey get bobo for Canada? Me: Yes, that’s her. Olu: You wan go date with girl wey don get bobo already? You wan kill yourself abi? Me: It really doesn’t matter whether she has a boyfriend or not. I’m dying in silence. I plan to tell her what I fell for her, right there. Mayowa: What if she says no? Me: If she says no, I will forget about her, and I will never love anyone again. In fact, I will be a player for the rest of my life. Because I can’t love any lady, the way I love her. Emeka: Abeg, wetin this guy dey talk dey vex me. (He took a shirt and left the room). Olu: Wait self, why you dey tell us? (Referring to me) Me: I need your help please. Olu: What is that? Me: I told Moji that I want to sponsor the date, then she agreed. And you know my pocket. I know if I tell you, you will give me some money, so I can be alright financially. Olu: Na me koba you? Me: Olu abeg naw. Olu: I no get pass 2k o Me: 2k is really dope, I will just get another 2k from Mayowa. Mayowa: As I dey, na only 1k you fit see for my hand. 3k don do you naw, you wan carry her go Atlanta? Olu: Leave am. If 3k no do you, you no go anywhere again be dat. Me: Thanks so much guys. Mayowa: Make she say yes ni o, if she no say yes, you go return my money o. . . . (We all laughed, as I rehearsed different ways of telling her my feelings for her.) I became really gallant all through the week, I was really happy as I would finally have the chance to express my love. Somehow I was scared what the response will be, on the other hand, I was overly excited. Finally, Saturday came. . . . Finally, Saturday came. I had been thinking of what to do over the weekdays. I had decided to take her to a restaurant called ‘Indulge’ at ‘New Buka’. I was really glad. I wore a shirt, trouser and a bow tie. I looked really corporate. I had collected the three thousand Naira from my friends already. In order to look good, ‘pocket-wise’. I went straight to our meeting point (Anglomoz). It was around 6pm. There I saw Moji, wearing a purple-coloured gown that matched perfectly with her make-up. Her ear-rings were on point, and she looked stunning when I saw her. Her love gripped me, it was literarily killing me already. I just kept calm. “You look stunning!” I said to her. She accompanied her reply with a smile which was powerful enough to make me float to outer space. “Thanks!” She said. We walked to ‘new buka’. To the restaurant there called ‘indulge’. This is actually different from where I saw Mide the other day, this is a decent place for decent people. Just in the same area. When we got there, I ordered a plate of fried-rice, and chicken. With a ‘5-Alive’ drink and two glass. I was very glad that I was buying something for Moji. Though she has the money, and can pay all the bills. I really wanted to pay her bills so I can feel like the man. The food was really delicious, as we were teasing each other, feeding each other and having fun. The Moji I saw that day is really the one I love. I was so happy being around her. My life was really going well. We just enjoyed the meal as we were enjoying a movie on the TV in the restaurant. After two hours, everywhere had gotten dark. I really needed to tell Moji about my feelings. So that I wouldn’t die in silence. Moji and I left the restaurant, and went straight to Anglomoz to continue talking. Moji just kept talking about lots of stuffs I didn’t wish to hear about. I was just listening so I can show myself as a good listener. I knew the time was near to tell her about my feelings, but I got really scared and nervous. “What if she says NO?” I thought to myself. A part of me was telling me to say it, while the other was telling me not to. “Moji, there is something I have to tell you”. I said to her. “I’m all ears.” She answered. I got really nervous. I don’t know if it’s true, but I guess that’s how it feels when one wants to confess one’s feelings for someone he really cares about. Not considering how scared I was, I just let it out. “Moji, I understand that we’ve been just friends for a while now, in fact, I know that you see us as siblings. I know that you have a boyfriend. I also know that you adore him. I know that I’m not rich. I know that compared to your boyfriend, I’m not handsome. I know that I’m just in part one with you. I know that your boyfriend has his masters already. I know that what I’m about to say might surprise you. I know that you do not expect such from me. But above all, one thing I know is that, I’m in love with you. I’m literarily dying in silence. I don’t know whether you have to break up with your boyfriend? I don’t know whether you have to double date? In fact, I don’t think I can share you with anybody. Please Moji (I went on my knees, without caring whether or not people were looking at me) Just give me a chance. All you’ve done is to be kind to me. Moji, what more can I ask for. You are beautiful, kind and intelligent. I can’t afford to be like your brother, it hurts me whenever you call me that. I want you to be mine forever, in fact, we will surely get married. You will never be my ex. You are the first woman in my life I’m telling this, please make my love story complete.” I finished my speech on my knees. Moji stood and was looking at me. She was really moved to tears. She came closer to me, asked me to stand up. She opened her mouth to talk, and what came out surprised me. “Do you think you have anything that can make me have feelings for you?”. . .She asked My lips were shaking as I was really disappointed. I wanted to answer her question, but she told me not to. “Please, you don’t have to answer that question. You’ve said it all already.” I kept calm and listened to her. My feet were shaking in disappointment. She continued. . . “Dapo, you know what? I have no reason to love you, it’s not that you are rich or special. There are so many guys that are better than you on this campus. You rarely buy things for me, not until recently that you just changed. But you know what? I have always chosen you. It has always been you.” She said. I didn’t really understand what she was saying, so I just listened to her. She continued “Since the first time I saw you, I’ve loved you. But what did you do? You took me for granted, and was fooling around with some slut. Anyway, I’m glad the whole thing is over. Do you know how long I’ve waited for you to tell me this? As you have said, you most likely do not have anything that can make me love you. But the truth is; if I love you because of your money, if you stop being rich, I will stop loving you. If I love you because of something that fades, when that thing leaves I will stop. Dapo, I have discovered that I can’t stop loving you. At some point, I tried to stay away from you, but it almost killed me. I can’t just stop, I can’t just stop, I can’t just stop. . .” She kept repeating the same thing, this time, she couldn’t control her tears. They just started coming out uncontrollably. It’s like I was dreaming. So Moji had always loved me. How come I didn’t see it, how come I didn’t know it. If I had known that she has feelings for me, even if I didn’t love her, I would have asked her out. I was really confused. I didn’t know whether to hug her in excitement, or apologize for talking so late. “Is that a yes?” I asked her. “I don’t know whether it’s a ‘YES’ or a ‘NO’, but I do know that I want to be yours forever, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” She said to me. This time around, I had lost control, I was really excited that I hugged her so tight, as we both started crying as if someone just died. It was really epic. It was really eventful. I got a ‘YES’ at last. Apart from the day I gained admission into OAU, the day I gained admission into Moji’s life is the second happiest day of my life. We finished all the emotional display, and we said goodbye as late as 11pm. We didn’t want to leave each other but someone had to take the bold step. It never occurred to me to ask about her boyfriend harry. I just went to my room overly joyous. I slept like a king, and dreamt of Moji. What more could I have dreamt of. I woke up on Sunday morning. Well, that is our free day since Matthew is the only one that goes to church in the whole room. Abdul was not in the room, since Sunday was his special reading-day. I told my roommates about the improvement. They were really happy. I used the change from the date to buy them drinks. We were flexing happily. “Omo, I happy say that girl love you back o, you for kill yourself”. Emeka said to me. As we were talking, a message came into my phone, it was Moji. I read it, and it the contents were: “Harry is just my cousin in Canada. I’m all yours dear. I love you so much.” I got overly excited, and showed my roommates. “I told you she likes you, you didn’t believe it”. Mayowa said. It was really a great day, as I announced officially to my roommates that I’m engaged. They laughed at me, but I was too excited to care about that. My life was going great, as I started dating Moji. We paid Sandra her money. Before we knew it, CHM test was around the corner. I really tried so hard to prepare for the test. We wrote the test on a Saturday. And two weeks later, the results were pasted. I know my Matric number, and Moji’s own too. The test was over-40 so I went to check My result and Moji’s. . . . What next? Find out in the final Episode
8 Aug 2016 | 05:16
8 Aug 2016 | 08:16
8 Aug 2016 | 09:27
8 Aug 2016 | 09:28
8 Aug 2016 | 09:29
:b :g :s :whistle: :yes:
8 Aug 2016 | 09:29
Wow wat a gud turn up
8 Aug 2016 | 09:33
8 Aug 2016 | 09:59
Final episode so soon
8 Aug 2016 | 10:09
8 Aug 2016 | 10:28
8 Aug 2016 | 10:34
Wow.. Congrat Bro... For earning a new love...
8 Aug 2016 | 10:39
just start to dy celebrate 4 u to have muji in life.
8 Aug 2016 | 10:44
Wish you best of luck
8 Aug 2016 | 10:50
Wow Am Happy For U Guyz
8 Aug 2016 | 11:18
tank God for ur life o
8 Aug 2016 | 11:20
dis sandra self nawa o
8 Aug 2016 | 11:21
At last. . . Am happy for you o
8 Aug 2016 | 12:17
Wao Intrestin
8 Aug 2016 | 13:26
Interesting story
8 Aug 2016 | 16:54
Buh if sandra should find out, there will serious problem btw the three of u
8 Aug 2016 | 16:55
Episode 40 (FINAL EPISODE) I was really surprised when i saw the result. I scored ’11’, while Moji had ’26’. That was the first test result. Moji has shown to be a guru by having the highest score in the department. The scores were bad generally, but 11 is rather on the extreme side. I went to my hostel really sad. I didn’t even know how I was going to face Moji. I wrote post utme thrice to gain admission, but then I failed chemistry test. I’m not really surprised that I failed the test, since I’ve only preoccupied myself with emotional issues from Aramide, to Sandra to Moji. I didn’t tell any of my roommates about my result since results are always confidential. I just kept calm, as I was deeply thinking about the whole thing. At first, I thought of breaking up with Moji, but I can’t just afford to do that. I saw Moji, she had seen the result already. “It’s fine dear”. Moji said to me. She really encouraged me. I just told Moji how weak I was academically, and Moji became another Aramide for me except for the prayer part. We started reading, preparing very hard for other tests and the exams. I really gained a lot from Moji. She taught me all the topics I found difficult in Chemistry and Physics. She taught me shortcuts of knowing the tough names in zoology. Moji and I were dating, quite alright, but all she did was to shield me and help me to become better academically. Aramide is totally gone, I see her sometimes, but we just wave at each other. As for Sandra, after I paid her money, she left me for good. I believe she got herself a new ‘machine’. Since there were more guys than girls in OAU. Moji was my ‘Aramide’, she became just like Aramide was then. In fact better than her. My relationship with my roommates suffered. I was always going to read. I was so scared, I didn’t want to carry any course. Moji is really brilliant, and as the Man, I needed to live up to expectations, by doing well academically also. I became sure of myself. I was really ready to face all the exams. To cut the long story short, we wrote all the Exams and we were expecting results. The results came and it was as expected. Except for Chemistry and Physics, where I had 53C and 55C respectively, all other subjects were A’s and B’s. My result was quite good to me, but it’s nowhere near my Moji’s result that has A’s except a ‘B’ in Zoology where she had a C. It was Part two. Moji and I rented two different apartments in town. (Don’t bother to ask who paid). It was in the same area. My place was just a stone throw from hers. We were always visiting each other regularly. There was a day she came to my place, I kissed her, then I tried to touch her. She refused. “Not until after our wedding”. She said. I quickly apologised to her and promised never to try such again. To be sincere, at that point, I kind of missed Sandra. It really made me stronger. I was once a weak-willed person, but dating Moji made me have a stronger will. Moji is a Christian too, she goes to church only on Sundays, I decided to join her. We started going to her church. We made church ‘Sunday-Sunday-Tablet’. And our lives were going great. My academic life was going smoothly. I studied really hard. Although, Moji is always having better grades than me. I did all these for the remaining three years. Soon, Moji and I defended our projects and graduated. Moji was one of the three people that graduated with a first class in our department, and had the second best GP. I just maintained my ‘2.1’ (Second class upper) honours. Luckily for us, we were both posted to Lagos for service. My mum was really happy. She blessed me, and you know, what else can be expected of her than the ‘get a job and get a wife’ speech. “You know what, my son. You are in a very delicate part of your life. There is something I’ve always wanted to tell you, but I knew it wasn’t time yet. But now, you are old enough to understand me.” She said to me. “Alright mum. I answered her”. She started the talk. . . “Before you react to what I’m about to tell you, think about what I’ve done for you so far.” I didn’t understand what she was saying so I voiced out. “Mummy, I don’t understand what you are saying, but there is something I want you to know; there is nothing you can tell me that can change the way I see you. You’ve done a lot for me, and I appreciate all your efforts, no matter what I give you maami, I can’t pay you enough.” I said to her, pledging my allegiance. “Thank you my son, I’m glad that is coming from you. I should have told you this since you were much younger, but you were too young to conceive it.” She said. I became quite anxious to know what is so big that she had to use so much preamble. She continued. “When I married Ayo (That was the name of my father that died). We waited for so long, but we didn’t have a child. Then, the doctor tested him, and said that he was sterile. I love him so much, and I want to stay by him. So I suggested that I should find a man, get pregnant for him, and pay him off. So I met a man called ‘Akin’. Akin was my child hood friend. And started an affair with him. My husband pretended he knew nothing about it. After 2 months of the affair, I discovered that I was pregnant. I stopped the affair, and the man left me for good. Since he knew the intention. Dapo, you are that son.” My eyes were filled with tears, they started rolling out. I couldn’t believe that I had been a bastard all the while. The name ‘Dapo Omisakin’ is not actually my name. My mum continued. “Please my son, don’t cry, I can’t afford not having a son. If not that my husband died, I had thought I would never tell you this. But right now, I have to. You are old enough to know the truth.” She said to me. I was devastated, I was really sad. “Who will I tell my story, how will I explain it”. I said, crying. My mother was crying also. For the first time, I was really angry with my mother. “The only thing that can cause problem is if you don’t show me my real father. I said with so much rage. “My son, the man also died two years after your father died.” She answered. I saw uncertainty in her eyes, but I didn’t want to cause her tears. I knew it there and then that if I told her that she was lying, it will only make her sad. Making my mother sad was the last thing I wanted to do in life. So I just let it go. Moji and I served in Lagos. We spent almost a year, then we finished the service. The night before we were coming back to Ibadan, Moji came to my one room apartment, this time, I really could not control myself. I told her about it. Immediately after the youth service the next thing was to get a job and get married. Moji allowed me. “You have really tried,” she said. It was the first time with Moji, and Moji’s first time in life (She was a virgin). I was really surprised that she was a virgin, despite the fact that she came from a rich family. My respect for her stepped up, and I was so glad I had Moji in my life. We came back to Ibadan, and Moji’s dad helped me to get a Job in ‘Fuman’ juice company in Ibadan. My monthly salary was 80,000 Naira, and I was quite comfortable with it. I rented an apartment in Ibadan, and started living as a bachelor. My life was going great. One day, Moji came to me with a white envelope, as she looked quite sick to me. I asked her. “what is wrong with you, why is your face like this.” I said to her. “I was feeing symptoms in my body, so I went to the hospital for checkup. They told me I’m six weeks pregnant.” She answered. . .I took the envelope from her, and checked the contents. Pregnancy test was positive. Moji felt somehow about the pregnancy. But as for me, I was really excited. Moji is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, so there is no issue if she gets pregnant for me. “Moji, there is no problem, Okay? My mum will come and see your parents, and we will plan our wedding. We should do it as soon as possible, before you become heavy.” I encouraged her. Moji was as happy as I was. We hugged each other. “Finally I’m going to marry the woman of my dreams”. . . I got home, and told my mum about the pregnancy. She wasn’t really happy about it, but she didn’t talk much since I’m no longer a child. Moji told her parents too, and a date was picked for the introduction. The day finally came, my mum, and few of my mum’s extended family members went with us to Oluyole. Moji’s Father’s house was an Edifice. It was a large impressive building. My family members kept looking around in surprise. The man is so rich. We sat down, some people were already there, waiting for us; the groom’s family. We sat, expecting the brides parent to come and attend to us. Moji’s mother was the first to come. She greeted everybody and went back inside. Moji came out to see me. Her make up artiste had done a really good job. Moji looked just like the angel that she is. The event was going to start, then Moji’s Father came out. “Akin!!!” My mum shouted. Everyone was looking at my mum in surprise, including me. “Cecilia!!!” Moji’s father called my mum’s middle name. I was really surprised that they know each other so well. “This marriage can never happen!” My mum shouted. I thought my mum had gone insane. She faced Moji’s father. “Akin, you remember that pregnancy, here is the boy!”. Pointing at me. It was then I remembered the story my mum told me. “But she told me Akin was dead”. She had lied to me. It was then it occurred to me, that Moji’s father is also my father, and that Moji is my half-sister. “Cecilia, you mean one of my children impregnated another, and they are about to get married? I’m doomed. Where in the world is that done? This marriage cannot happen.” Moji’s father (my father) said. Moji had been hearing the whole conversation. She came out, covered in sweats. Her eyes filled with tears. “You mean Dapo is my brother, and I’m carrying his baby?” Nobody could alter a word. The situation was really critical. I was crying bitterly where I was. Whether culture allows it or not, I had determined that I was going to marry Moji. Moji’s mum was crying too. She knew the time was not a good time to blame anybody. She was just crying. One of my family members shouted “Eemo re o”. Which means “This is strange.” Moji ran into her room, her mum ran after her then I followed. “Moji! Moji! Moji!” We were all shouting her name. She didn’t answer us, she entered the room and locked the door behind her. “Moji please open this door! Moji I love you. Moji, nothing can come between us. Please just open this door. I promise to take full responsibility for our child. Please open this door”. All my efforts to plead with Moji were in vain. People came to the door, as they pleaded with her. Her mum had completely lost control. We had no choice than to break the door. Some men took a rod and after trying several times, the door finally got opened. When we opened the door, we saw Moji’s body lifeless on the floor with a knife in her stomach. She had stabbed herself. She committed suicide. When I saw the body, that was the last thing I could remember. I opened my eyes then I saw my mum and her brother beside me, I was in a hospital. My mum held my hands and said to me “I’m sorry Dapo, Moji died, and the baby couldn’t have survived it. I cried bitterly. I can remember vividly how we were like brothers and sisters back then in school. I remember vividly how she used to say that we are like siblings and I hated it whenever she said that. “So Moji and I are really siblings, now I have lost the love of my life. Oh death! Where are thy strings! I just want to die. Please help me tell the doctors to kill me.” I shouted so loud. My mum was just pleading with me to calm down and forget about the whole case. Four weeks later, my mum also died of high blood pressure. I decided never to love anyone again. And up till now that I’m writing this, I am just alone. My Moji is dead. My mum is gone. All I have is a father that showed up late in my life. He is even the last person I want to see. The best times of my life where the times I spent with Moji, but it later brought me pain. At first, I was really happy and my life was going great, but now it resulted in bitterness. It all became A PAINFUL PLEASURE. . . *******THE END******* To all fans of TPP, thank you so much for the support. To all the TPP CREW (Debby, Ikky and Nosa). Thank you so much for supporting the project.
8 Aug 2016 | 18:50
8 Aug 2016 | 20:09
Dats good 2 hear
8 Aug 2016 | 23:38
What a tragedy! Too bad
9 Aug 2016 | 00:49
wow .... so sad dat u and moji don't end it well.,.. nice story u gat bro, anticipating for another story
9 Aug 2016 | 00:52
Nice story, thump up! :b
9 Aug 2016 | 00:54
9 Aug 2016 | 01:30
Nice 1. .
9 Aug 2016 | 01:30
Oh Moji... #Sobs#
9 Aug 2016 | 03:05
Interesting story. But i hope it's not a true life story tho!!?
9 Aug 2016 | 03:07
God help me neva to experience dis .
9 Aug 2016 | 03:19
Nice one bros bt d ending was sometin x thumb up :g
9 Aug 2016 | 04:13
Am happy for u
9 Aug 2016 | 04:28
Hmmm touching.
9 Aug 2016 | 04:34
Wow...wat a wonderful story ...keep it up men
9 Aug 2016 | 04:49
Nice Story
9 Aug 2016 | 05:18
I so much love this story.
9 Aug 2016 | 05:44
Ndo my brother
9 Aug 2016 | 05:55
[color=deeppink][size=90][b]It's touching..Nice story so far[/b][/size][/color]
9 Aug 2016 | 05:57
So sad
9 Aug 2016 | 06:07
awww I Neva knw it ll end dis story
9 Aug 2016 | 06:17
I fill ur pain take heart,nice story
9 Aug 2016 | 06:18
What a story emotionally that end with a sad note
9 Aug 2016 | 06:40
Nice ending
9 Aug 2016 | 06:49
sooo painful
9 Aug 2016 | 06:58
Wow: ur moji went 2 far, nice story bt sad ending
9 Aug 2016 | 07:00
I love dis story,nice job bros
9 Aug 2016 | 07:13
9 Aug 2016 | 08:14
wat a gud turn up
9 Aug 2016 | 10:12
Am happy for u dude
9 Aug 2016 | 10:15
So sad. What a tragedic ending? KUDOS TO YOU & THE REAL WRITER
9 Aug 2016 | 10:21
Hmmmm Happy Starting Sad Ending Tnks For Compltin It
9 Aug 2016 | 11:30
Nice story but so sad it ends dx way.... Really a PAINFUL PLEASURE. :b
9 Aug 2016 | 13:24
Thumbs up.... You need to love aqain to ease the pain..
9 Aug 2016 | 13:26
Wow..Nice Ending..
9 Aug 2016 | 14:22
I so much love the story.. nice one @hammychenko
9 Aug 2016 | 14:23
What an agony.. kudos 2 d writer..
9 Aug 2016 | 15:36
Nice story
9 Aug 2016 | 16:13
Kudos to you dear :g
9 Aug 2016 | 16:16
so inspiring!
9 Aug 2016 | 17:53
Hmmm tragidy
9 Aug 2016 | 17:58
Bravo bro.... More grease to your ampit
9 Aug 2016 | 19:55
Wow i am speechless
9 Aug 2016 | 22:52
Such a breathtaking but sorrowful end
9 Aug 2016 | 22:53
waoo.. Nice story
10 Aug 2016 | 02:23
weldon dear
10 Aug 2016 | 02:24
Good job hammy
10 Aug 2016 | 02:29
I really enjoyed this story
10 Aug 2016 | 02:30
Waiting for your next story
10 Aug 2016 | 02:31
10 Aug 2016 | 02:32
Nice 1 bro...
10 Aug 2016 | 05:22
Itz touching
10 Aug 2016 | 05:23
I felt 4 u...
10 Aug 2016 | 05:24
Nice Story
10 Aug 2016 | 06:12
next please
10 Aug 2016 | 07:09
i dy gbadun u
10 Aug 2016 | 09:25
Wow, did story is interesting nd sorry abt moji's case.
10 Aug 2016 | 10:15
Am touched...dis is emotional....Rip to Moji...please just try and move on with ur life all will be well.....LOVE EXISTS.
10 Aug 2016 | 11:15
beautiful title for a story
10 Aug 2016 | 14:22
forever yours is a song I love so much
10 Aug 2016 | 14:23
painful pleasure is a great story
10 Aug 2016 | 14:24
been following from day one
10 Aug 2016 | 14:25
keep the lamp burning
10 Aug 2016 | 14:26
following the vnovella till the end
10 Aug 2016 | 14:27
don't stop halfway dear
10 Aug 2016 | 14:28
next please
10 Aug 2016 | 14:28
10 Aug 2016 | 14:29
11 Aug 2016 | 09:36
Uhmmmmmmmmmmmm so pathetic, nice one dear kudos
11 Aug 2016 | 09:38
11 Aug 2016 | 11:31
11 Aug 2016 | 12:42
what a tragedy
13 Aug 2016 | 15:10
sorry 4 d lost brother, am reall touched by ur story. BUT PLEASE GIVE <<<<< LOVE >>>>> A CHANCE
17 Aug 2016 | 14:54
so touching story... could you believe that am crying? may her soul rest in peace... this mistake is from the mother.
17 Aug 2016 | 19:31
great story.
30 Aug 2016 | 13:58
Nice story Nice ending
3 Sep 2016 | 22:05
Vry interesting but sad
7 Sep 2016 | 08:23
nice story
7 Sep 2016 | 19:02
very nice story
8 Oct 2016 | 06:25
it must be sandra
8 Oct 2016 | 06:42
I've Knew This From The Start That The End Will Be Disasterous. I Feel For This Guy Like Seriously. But Pls Try And Give Another Lady A Chance. Even If Moji Was To Still Be Alive, She Will Still Want You To Get Married And Be Happy. Sorry Ehn. Kpele
19 Oct 2016 | 16:38
26 Oct 2016 | 11:41
What d fuck datz very bad ur mum did nt wait 2 eat d fruit of her labour wow so touching rip Moji
10 Nov 2016 | 14:30
I really enjoy this story tho ended tragedy...
11 Nov 2016 | 05:07
Wow!so touching
12 Nov 2016 | 03:09
That's 9ce!
12 Nov 2016 | 23:37
sorrowful ending
14 Nov 2016 | 00:06
18 Nov 2016 | 13:10
Oh! It's really a painful pleasure
20 Nov 2016 | 06:38
it is really a painful pleasure
25 Nov 2016 | 12:00
wtf....oooh mhenn...ntng i hate more dan a happy begining wit a sad ending
19 Dec 2016 | 06:14
Lets get going
25 May 2017 | 09:02
Code she be saying de truth.??
3 Dec 2017 | 01:21
Hmm e touch me oh!
14 Apr 2019 | 20:17
4 May 2019 | 15:43
4 May 2019 | 16:16
4 May 2019 | 16:50
4 May 2019 | 21:53
Wow nice story
23 Feb 2020 | 03:41
Indeed TPP
23 Sep 2021 | 15:30
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24 Sep 2021 | 11:01


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