THE PEN *short story *

THE PEN *short story *

By Dindy in 30 Jun 2016 | 17:15
Dindy Dindy

Dindy Dindy

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Member since: 26 Jun 2016
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thanks for reading this story which was brought to you by nnamdi aka Dindy

Hello name is pen.I am going to tell you guys how the life of a pen feels like.I will take you guys on a long distance wave of an unstable ocean that grow each time the moon light drops deep in to the light of the day.I know all that I said was confusing.but what I meant was.I am going to tell you guys about my rough tough long story.many of you might not understand how it is to be a pen in a large world of moving breathing things that sometime miss handle you in a very wrong way .now let me take you back in time when I was produce as a story is full of stuff you won't imagine in anyway.ok let's stop this talking and start the all started when I was made in a factory...................................................................................going back in time......................I wake up under a low light like a robot which has just being made with my eyes (not a real eyes)wide open.I looked beside me and I saw how others of my kind everywhere around me.I was laying on top another pen.I guess "it" was still sleeping(we don't have gender).every thing was strange to me.I started to wonder "what I am" and "who I am" and "where I am".I was still trying to understand what was going on around me when the large tray we were dropped in started to make its way to place that was full with brighter light shining and looking lovely.the tray stoped and made a turned round to the right making me to see the size of the factory. then a hand came(human hand)and picked up a pen that was laying right above my head.when I saw the hand moving to my head I was afraid(I am sure other pen were afraid too but they couldn't talk like me nor even make a sound)because I didn't understand what really was happening around me at that given time of life I had in me.the hand kept coming back for more pen.I didn't know why the hand kept coming until it got to my turn.I was picked up by the slow motion -i saw some of the areas in the factory (which I didn't see before due to inability to see from a lower position) and how it look like.I saw my kind everywhere.some where being molded into my figure.I saw how the robot the human made did its job by fixing our head to our tube which contains our blood(ink) and how the robot fix us together with our butt(the lower cover).now i was right in front of the human.i could see "its"face it doesn't look like my kind at all.
the human took its(I said "its" because I don't know gender) hand and fix something on my head that covered my head to my neck but lucky me I could still see because the cover was transparent.before my cover was fix on me.I saw as the second human who was siting beside the human that held me fix a cover on a pen which it was holding.the human put me into something where my kind was.they were many of them in that place.after he did that he covered the the cage(I called it a cage because there was no way out except the top which he has closed up).there was a very little light in the close cage.
The cage start moving then I felt a downward movement.that got me scared because I don't know what was going on.the little light I could see before disappeared and there was total darkness.I felt an upward moved(my cover hit the top of the cage) and a downward movement(my butt landed on the bottom of the cage).from there onward I didn't understand a thing that went on in that place be continue.....story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi

30 Jun 2016 | 17:15
Bring It On.
30 Jun 2016 | 17:21
30 Jun 2016 | 17:21
PEN 2 I was in that dark cage for a long time.things seems to be weird to me.things were going on around me but I don't know what it was or how it look like.I was trapped in a cage with my kind.I was in a state where my kind called "place of imprisonment".but I was already getting use to staying there because it kept Me away from the creatures and world unknown to me. A time came and little light shined in side the cage.then I felt a downward movement. the cage was opened.i finally had the chance to see the light in full 3D.the light didn't look like the light I saw in the place I came from.this light was more yellowish in colour. I felt heat and my cap(top cover) was hot when the light touched my whole body for a very long time.unlike the place I came from which was at a normal temperature.I saw many of them(humans) after the cage was opened. they were every where and they all look different in sharp,size,height,colour and I saw them I started to understand little by little that they are the ones who rule this dimension of the world.I came to understand that they are our master.but I didn't still understand why they made us.I didn't understand why they dress in funny ways.and why their bodies were not like ours.the humans in the place I came from dressed more in a uniform manner but the humans here dress more in disorderliness.they do things differently than the place I was made.they even have the ability of speech but the place I was made it was only the robots that had the ability of speech(sounds only).............(the pen thoughts)or maybe they had the ability of speech. maybe if I would have stayed longer I would have seen them speak............the place I came from didn't have such space clear view but here has so much view that you could see colours.everything here looks lively but the place I was made was so........(the pen talking)hi! I can't condemn the place I came I won't say how it was......... One of the human came to the place where I and my kind was kept(in the cage).it(human) point at us.I didn't even know that there was another human right at the back of us siting.........(the pen talking)I guess I didn't notice because I was busy looking at each and every human that passed there and my mind was praising the surrounding and what it saw........the human behind collected something from the other human in front. then the human behind picked up one of my kind from the cage and gave it to the other human in front.then the human in front removed the cap(top cover)from my kind's head which really gave me a held my kind and used its head to do something on the cage we were in.but my kind didn't release its blood(ink)..........(the pen talking)our head is always full of blood(ink) if its not then it means we are still sleeping or sick or it is the type my kind calls "the bad ones"........ then the human in front starting talking to the human behind.then the human behind took my kind from the human in front and tried to use my kind again. but this time it(human) shook my kind(pen) so hard that it release its blood(ink).I was now really afraid seeing how this so called humans used my kind roughly.the human behind gave the human in front my kind(pen) back ,then the human in front put my kind into something green then It(human) walked kept on ringing in my thought that it was how we are all gonna be used all our life time. Time after time came and went as my understanding of things around me in this unknown dimension increased by size.I started to understand that the human behind us was not just a human but a seller.........(the pen talking) it sells many other stuffs apart from us and it buys too from a company.i usually see buses and truck come here time to time and they sell to it(human) in bulk).I started looking at their lips and was trying to figure out the words that come out of their lips.word like "mama" was one common word I notice to see......(the pen talking)we PENS don't have ears or mouth to hear or speak but we can only see....... in most humans lips that came to where I was to buy things from the human behind us.I later learnt that humans actually use us to write........(The pen explanation)I came to the understanding of this when a saw a human using my kind to draw something on the cage.I got the opportunity to read its use the same word "writing" like 2times which made me to fully understand what we were used for.but it was not my first or even fifth time of see that word moving on a human's lips...........but I really never still understood why they always shook us which made me wonder whether we were used for writing and other things As time went on like a man who was after his wealth and fame.I and some few remaining pens waited and watched for our expected time to be picked or to be misused by the humans.but inside me I was afraid and not sure whether I wanted to be picked by a human but the other side of me wanted to leave the cage to see other places.the other side of me wanted to know all about the humans and how they relate in this world.i pray I get picked on time before i fall sick or loose my ability to release blood(ink) be continue.....story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
30 Jun 2016 | 17:22
PEN 3 The set time came for the waiting (which was me) to be removed from its position to another level of higher ground of was a lightful eyes(not real eyes)saw two creatures that were playing together on a tall wooden thing.......(the pen talking)I think you humans call it tree...........they looked smaller than the human.they didn't wear cloth.I had no Idea what they were.I have seen so many things since I came to this dimension but this was my first time of seeing such creatures of beauty.I was still trying to figure out the name of the creatures. when a little human came in front of the cage I was inside and was talking to the human (seller)at the human)pointed at the cage while its lips moved.then it(little human) picked me!.I was so afraid but yet so happy.I was in a state of human) open up my cap(top cover)........(the pen talking)when the human removed my cap.I felt cold air.i never felt such air before because since I left the place I was cap has never left my head....... and fixed it on my butt.then it use my head to draw lines on the blood(ink)came out my head.when he saw that my blood has stained the cage he stoped drawing.then it(little human) fixed my cap(top cover) back on my head. then it(human) gave the seller something coloured in green like a leaf........(The pen talking) I guess that was what they regularly use to buy us.......then it(little human)walked away with me still under its hold. I now knew how it really felt like to be carried by a It(little human) walked.I got the opportunity to see how other humans relate and how things were away from the cage.I saw so many things that I had no idea what it was or how to explain them at that point.I even saw another level of human fashion and style. But what got me more excited was been held by it(little human).It was as if I was high up in the blue colours above(sky).It was totally fun until it(little human) left hold of me and I fell as my cap landed first then my remaining body on the rough hard ground.the impact was very high and the pain was intensive to my whole I was regretting why I was picked in the first many other thoughts went through my little mind of human) bend down and picked me up.then It(little human) continued walking with its hold on me more tight than before. We got to a place where they all dressed in the same way.even the little human that held me wore the same thing like them.......(the pen talking)they all wore uniforms.........I wondered what that place was.I wondered maybe it was another factory where humans made Stuff. as I continued wondering and thinking the little human made its way into a big building. it(little human) brought down something that it(little human)was carrying at its back(bag). then it(little human) opened it and threw me inside it. then it(little human) closed it.when I was inside I saw stuffs I have never seen before.I even saw an empty body of my kind with no cap or head or tube.and the body was different from mine.and It was as if something attacked it because it was broken.after looking at the pen I was kinda afraid that it(little human) will use me like this.then my mind fell back to what happened to me when it(little human) was holding me.which made me regret ever been picked.I was still pondering about how hard my life will be. then i noticed that there was blood(ink) of my kind on a book........(The pen talking)I came to learn of the word "book" and the looks of it when I was in place of the human who sold me........the book has both writings and drawings on it.I guess it(little human)likes drawing and writing. I was still looking at the things that I saw on the book and was trying to understand what it was when it(bag) opened and I saw its(little human) face. then it(little human) picked me up with a book.then it(little human) dropped the book on the wooden table(desk) that was in front of it(little human).then it(little human) removed my cap and wore it on my butt for me.after that it(little human) began to use me to human) was fun when I was used to write.the little human has a very good looking writing.I didn't understand some of the words it(little human) wrote.when it(little human) stoped writing I had the opportunity to see other pens that was around, humans and the place I was in. As time pass by I came to the understanding that where I was,was not a factory where humans made stuff but a school where people come to learn.the little human's name was "daniel".I got to know his name and gender when he used me to write it.I later learnt so many things when he used me to write.I understood that what he carried at his back was called a "bag" and the blue area above is called a "sky" and the white stuffs up there are called "clouds".I learnt so many things.I guess school is really a place for learning but not only for humans but for us pens too.........................................To be continue..... story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
30 Jun 2016 | 17:26
PEN 4 It has been more than a week since daniel bought me from the lady in the shop and everything was becoming old.i still saw new things that I have never since before but it was not surprising as the first time I came out side.......(The pen talking)I know you guys will wonder how I learnt all this english words,well what do you expect when the kid that bought me writes a lot and he like english and enjoys drawing even ought he draws with his pencil some times..........things were more like interesting than ever because i start knowing as times move and other stuff like that. even ought I fell and was beaten by him severally when my ink didn't come out .well I don't blame him for that because he doesn't understand our mechanism. Let me tell you a little thing about this boy called daniel or let me say my master.he is a good kid.he is fair in complexion.he is very intelligent.he is one of the best in his class.he has this unbelievable ability of solving things fast and quick.well that is enough of him let me go back to me.Daniel taught me a lot of things but I am sure he didn't know.i am sure that he never knew that the more he used me to write the more intelligent I become.well we are both benefit from one another.everytime he uses me to write it can never be forgotten by me because a pen never forgets its ink which was used to put down a word/number/drawing,we never forget it because the ink is part of is what keeps us alive .......(The pen talking) you humans are always ignorant about things around you,you humans won't believe me if I tell you what things around you can do.sometimes things around you save you from death without you know it at all......... There was a day daniel was in class siting and drawing with a pencil.i was kept beside the book that he was using to draw. one of the kid from his class walked up close to him and said something.......(The pen talking)even ought I was made not to hear or smell anything or say a word.I was not use to the feeling of not having the ability.because if I had all those ability I would have learnt so many things even more than the things I know now.......he left me on his desk beside the book with the pencil still in his hand and followed the other kid as they both went out side.......(The pen talking)it was unlike daniel to leave me like that.he is not a careless kid.he takes good care of his things.even his books are well arranged in his bag and non of them look worn-out or of his friend saw me and picked me up,I was so annoyed when he picked me up.......(The pen talking)if only I was able to shout. I would have shout so loud that even daniel that went out will hear me.......his name was unknown to was his reason for why he had the to pick me up like he is my master and king .he put me in his left pocket in an upside down position.while I was there I just wished and hoped that daniel will come back quick enough before this kid do what he did to the other pen I saw in his hand the other day to me........(The pen talking)on that faithful day. I was looking around and my sight got hold of him while he was chewing the tube of a pen.I wonder why the kid did that.maybe the kid was trying to chew the pen down to a smaller size so that it could fit into another pen's case.or maybe he just did it for fun sake.any which way I don't just want to become a victim of his brown and large teeth that looks like a madman's hair.......... A big blow land on my head......(the pen talking)my cap wasn't on my head it was on my butt.....the blow was heavy which caused my body to crack at the side.It hurts so much.i knew it was the kid's hand that did that because I know the touch of a finger(remember I am a pen). The kid dipped its hand inside the pocket to bring me out. I saw light again which was cool but I was really furious. in my front was daniel standing and looking at the kid.Daniel's lips were moving but I was not able to understand because I was still adjusting myself to the crack that disorganized my sense of actuality.I was happy to see him.the kid handed me over to daniel......(The pen talking)in my mind I was saying "yea you better give me back to daniel if you don't want the thunder raining on you".I know it was a silly talk.but I was angry that time so everything I said that time was a random talk that came from anger.......when my body touched Daniel's hand it felt like home.believe me when I say "when your master touches you" it feels like feels like life itself.most of you won't understand until you meet your creature.......daniel was angry with the kid that took me.I saw how his face was frowned.then the kid pointed at me.Daniel relied him back by showing him the little tiny mark he gave me when he bought me newly......(the pen talking)the day Daniel have me that mark was a day of was the day I realize that he was my real master and I was made to serve him all my life until there are no more ink left in my tube........the kid turned and went out after seeing the mark that Daniel showed him on my body. As Daniel removed my cap from my butt and placed it on my head.i just relaxed and took a short minute sleep be continued......story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
30 Jun 2016 | 17:35
PEN 5 TLE (THE LAST EPISODE) Weeks passed and I was in my last drops of ink.I knew my time to be thrown away will come someday.but I didn't expect it to happen at this level of life I am.........(The pen talking)I am just a month old but it is equal to that of a man in his 50s........It really hurts me to know that all my knowledge would go with me.It hurts to know that all the lovely times I spent with my master was going to be all wiped away by the power of death.I will really missing the way daniel held ,touched and used me even ought he was presently using me to write his english assignment.but I still missed it because I knew my end is close at hand. I could still remember the day I solved my first math with him.we were in his room and he was about to write his assignment which was given to him by his math teacher.when he started solving the first I didn't understand all that "3x+2=6".but when he was done I realized that the question was looking for a "x" which is the unknown valve.............(the pen talking)but seriously why would humans whom have higher level of understanding choose to find an unknown value.if it is unknown then leave it that way simple because it was not meant to be known.but really you guys need to stop that because it could make you go gaga sometimes when you get he moved to the next assignment it was more easier because it was english!.I so love that is very easy.but the only thing with it is that it changes like a seasonal water.after his assignments he left me and the book there while he went out of his room leaving the door open.I got a chance to see how the other side looks(out side his room).......(the pen talking) I have never gotten the chance to see the out side of his room because he always keeps me in his bag........ with the little I saw,I could tell that the other side(out side his room) is more beautiful.but inside me I knew that some day I will have the chance to see how it really looks I allow my thoughts to engulf me a human came from the door approaching me in a speedy motion.she picked me up.I didn't find it normal for another human to pick A pen that doesn't belong to him/her..........(The pen talking)when I was first owned by daniel.I saw so many things wrongly and even saw some wrong things as the right things.let me just say things were rather confusing than straight she walked to the other side(out of daniel's room).I felt so that time I didn't even remember that it was not daniel that was holding she fully stepped out.I then had the chance to see the whole was even more beautiful than I thought.It was highly above beauty.if only you could understand how it feels to see something you have never seen and you wished for it and it came quicker than an order you placed on SLOT or JUMIA or KONGA........(The pen talking)in my mind I was like no wonder daniel left me in his room.the place it awesomely outstanding..........there was more light here than in daniel's cage..........(The pen talking)I called daniel's room so many things back then,like cage and prison...........and more space to add to it.I didn't enjoy full time with the beauty that behold me.she took a left turn and she landed herself in front of another door which was quite not to far from daniel's room.she turned the nob on the door which was facing her.she opened with a little force. When we got in I saw an older human(man) I think he might be the owner(aka dad) of daniel because he looks to much like daniel...she pushed her hand forward to give me to him.he collect me from her. then he place me beside a book as he stood up to put on a first I didn't like the idea of moving from one human hand to the other but when I thought of it over again and I came to a conclusion at that point. that if the man is daniel's owner then its okay if he uses me. A minute later I started feeling a cold chill on my body.I began to wonder how possible is it for a room to have weather was not common to me.the temperature of the room dropped gradually so did my ability to gave out my ink.the more the place got colder the more I became more and more dizzy by the passing minutes.the problem was not only did my ability to gave out ink became weak but also that the man kept on hitting my small head.he later dropped me down beside the book..........(The pen talking)I think he was fed-up of hitting and hitting me continuously.........after Some minute she came back(the girl that picked me........(The pen talking)I think the man called her because he was fed up of using a pen like me...........he then gave me back to her.then she hurry back to drop me in daniel's room as she passed the most beautiful place I have ever seen in my life.when she finally dropped me I was happy because my wish came to life under minutes......(the pen talking)that was the best time I have ever had in my life.......... I don't have much time I think I am in my last hopes are that daniel becomes the greatest human in life.he is such an out standing kid with high knowledge of what he wants to be..............................................{THE WRITER} the pen wasn't able to finish up his words because he was out of ink. but it died a happy pen.and as for Daniel he kept the pen in his bag all through his school days and he became the man the pen wished for.............................the end.................. STORY WRITTEN BY:NNAMDI AKA DINDY WORDS FROM THE WRITER THE STORIES I SEND ARE NOT COPIED.PLEASE DON'T NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME. THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE LOVE AND FOR READING IT ........story by DINDY.....WhatsApp number:07087750433....facebook name:ossy nnamdi PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WITHOUT TELLING ME
30 Jun 2016 | 17:39
30 Jun 2016 | 17:53
30 Jun 2016 | 17:53
30 Jun 2016 | 17:54
30 Jun 2016 | 17:55
nice thinking. you are a genius
30 Jun 2016 | 18:21
Nice write up
1 Jul 2016 | 10:52
1 Jul 2016 | 10:53
Nice 1
1 Jul 2016 | 11:27
1 Jul 2016 | 12:37
Interesting story
1 Jul 2016 | 12:38
Dis is just wow!
1 Jul 2016 | 15:01
nice one
1 Jul 2016 | 18:06
pls, dnt forget to VOTE @victoriouschild as d next 2016 miss cooval God bless u as u VOTE
1 Jul 2016 | 18:08
1 Jul 2016 | 18:09
Wow wat can I say than to gv kudoz to u, welldone bro....
1 Jul 2016 | 18:10
2 Jul 2016 | 03:25
3 Jul 2016 | 05:42
Thanks guys
3 Jul 2016 | 08:45
nice story
3 Jul 2016 | 18:20
Wow....thumb up man
15 Jul 2016 | 12:00
thanks alot
17 Jul 2016 | 14:54
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17 Jul 2016 | 14:55
Hello everyone if you need any of my stories that you have read or didn't read from the beginning or didn't finish up just ask me for it directly.and please don't share my stories without letting me know First.....THANK YOU...please let it be known to all my fans that I am the original writer of the stories...i do not copy or fake identity....any other person that post any of my stories saying his/her wrote it,is a faker,and should be reported to me please...THANK YOU, FROM NNAMDI AKA DINDY Here are the list of my stories 1.NIGHTMARE 2.RAPE 3.I MISS YOU MUM 4.THE SORRY LETTER 5.THE PEN 6.ANGELS 7.THE IMBECILE AND THE EPILEPTIC 8.MY FIRST PREGNANCY 9.INSECT 10.BLIND BY NATURE whatsapp number:07087750433.... email@:[email protected] or [email protected] facebook name:ossy nnamdi ..
17 Jul 2016 | 14:58
Ohk dear
17 Jul 2016 | 15:09
17 Jul 2016 | 15:09
17 Jul 2016 | 15:20
17 Jul 2016 | 15:39
okay.. :unsure:
17 Jul 2016 | 15:39
:b :yes:
4 Oct 2016 | 21:59


Please describe about the report short and clearly.

(234) 9121762581
[email protected]


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