

By sheegokeys in 6 Jul 2018 | 04:07
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sheegokeys sheegokeys

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The reckless lover
Episode 1
It all started when I was admitted Into faith primary and secondary school,the day I met the love of my life.
I looked at the time and it was six am,I quickly got up took a shower,put on my new uniform and headed for the kitchen for breakfast, I met my mom in the kitchen preparing breakfast. oh I forgot to tell you about my family,I am a family of five which consist of myself, my elder brother Micheal, my younger sister favour and mom and dad. Mom is a very jovial person who tried her best to raise us as obedient children and also us to make decisions that is best for us,but dad on the other hand is the type who always want to detect what goes on in our lives and also the type of father that is always busy even tough he is the owner of a big company. My brother is the type who still saw me as a little girl and always try to protect me,my brother and I and my younger sister once attended the same school but I decided to have a change of school after I wrote my jss3 exams so as to get away from my protective brother, he is nice tough but I just want to meet new things and that is y i was admitted into faith primary and secondary school and today is my first day as an ss1 student and my first day as a student at faith primary and secondary school.
I got to school by 7:15 am and by 7:30am we started assembly and left for our various classes by 7:50, by 8:00am a slim fair lady of about the age of 30 years old walk into our classes and introduced herself as miss Eunice. she asked to know our names so as to be introduced with the new students who just got admitted.
She got to my sit and I introduced myself as Cynthia David and the young handsome dude sitting next to me introduced himself as David Austin
6 Jul 2018 | 04:07
The reckless lover Episode 2 . . I look at the young dude and I could see him smiling at me, wow this dude is so handsome I said to myself and sat down. Miss Eunice went to the board and wrote mean on it, she asked the class to define it but everybody is quiet ,she called about two people to define it but they couldn’t then she called me. I defined it as summation of all the data in a value divided by the numbers of value in a set of data. After few minutes she wrote a question on the board and asked one of us to come out and solve it but none of us came out except for David Austin who solve it and got it correctly She tought us for about one hour thirty minutes before the next teacher comes in,few hours time the bell rang for break. l couldn’t go out for break because this is my first day in this school and i am a very shy person ,I was in my sit when a girl of about my age walk up to me and introduced herself as Sonia Dickson. she was slender, average in height and a little light in complexion. The only difference between the both of us is that I am dark in complexion and average in body size. I introduced myself as Cynthia David and we both exchange handshake after that she told me that she is impressed by the way I answered question at my first day at school and that she would like us to be friends, I was so happy and she offered to buy me lunch for accepting to be her friend. She took me to a carteen in the school where we bought meatpie and soft drinks,as we are about eating David Austin walked into the carteen,I looked at him and he smiled at me,he walked up to us and asked to joined us. Sonia quickly accepted and we all had lunched together happily, the bell rang few minutes later and we all left for our classes,at 3:30pm the closing bell rang and everybody started preparing to go home,some people could not even wait for the bell to finish ringing before running out of the class. Everybody left the class except for Sonia and i because I was waiting for her to finish copying the assignment on the board, when she was true we started going home when we heard somebody calling my name, I turned and it was David Austin running and calling out to us Tbc
6 Jul 2018 | 04:10
Ride on
6 Jul 2018 | 06:45
ride on
6 Jul 2018 | 06:56
Ride on
6 Jul 2018 | 10:10
Next Pls
6 Jul 2018 | 14:41
The reckless lover Episode 3 . . David walk up to us and asked us were we live ,we told him our various houses and he offer to drop us off,his driver came and we all got into the car, on our way home we talked about a lot of things,I finally got to my destination and bade them goodbye. I got home by 4:15, did my assignment before going to the kitchen to help mom prepare dinner. we all ate dinner together that evening before retiring to the parlour to watch a movie,at 9pm I went to bed but sleep couldn’t come,I started thinking of what happened between I and David at school,the way he looked at me,the way he smile at me,l think I am beginning to fall in love,I said to myself as I ly down to sleep. the next day at closing of school when the three of us are on our way home,David asked us for a change of phone numbers, he told us that he would like to be reaching us at home. Sonia didn’t hesitate to give him her number but i couldn’t give him mine because I don’t have a phone, I could see the look of disappointment on his face when I told him that I don’t have a phone, he offered to get me one but I decline and told him I will get one myself because i don’t want him to think that I don’t have a phone because of money. I got home that day very angry with my parents for not getting me a phone,they bought my brother a phone immediately he passed the common entrance examination and was about going into secondary school,why will mine be different,that day I promised myself that I will do everything possible to have a phone of my own because I want to be chatting with David at home as well and I also don’t want him to get too close to Sonia. I slept off after thinking of a way to asked my parents for a phone but I could not think of anything, I woke up by 5:30pm,did my homework and quickly went to the kitchen to help mom with dinner. After dinner I decided to go to dad room to talk to him about getting me a phone,I went to his room and met him working with his laptop. Dad has always been busy with work and that is why he lift home early before we all wakes up and comes home late at times ,sometimes I couldn’t help but wonder why dad couldn’t just take a break sometimes because he is the owner of the company. Dad was so happy when he saw me in his room, he quickly asked me to sit down. I sat down and we spoke about some other things, after some few minutes I decided to tell him the reason for coming,I was so scared at that moment because I knew dad to be very harsh at times but I quickly waved and told him the reason I came to see him but you won’t believe what dad told me. Tbc
6 Jul 2018 | 17:17
The Reckless lover EPISODE 4 . . Dad told me that he and mom have discussed the issue and to have decided to get me a phone immediately i get to ss3, i was so angry with my dad for what he said but i didn’t show it,i left his room and went to my room to think about the next thing to do but i couldn’t think of anything reasonable so i decided to talk it over with sonia the following day in school I woke up the next day looking very sad,i could’nt even had dinner,mom notice my mood and asked me what the problem is but i told her not to worry because i know that if i let her knew about the issue of my phone and she agree to get me one,dad will decline and warn her not to do it. We started our first subject by 8:am and i not even concentrating. david noticed it but i dont care about who noticed me because all i want at that moment is a phone for myself,the bell rang for break and Sonia and i left for lunch,while we were having lunch i told Sonia about the issue of my phone including how my dad told me to wait till ss3 before he can get me a phone. She was so suprised about what my dad said but told me that if my parents has refused to get me a phone i should simply accept david offer and lie to them that i bought it with the money i saved from the money they gave me to school everyday for lunch or better still hid it from them till i get to ss3. I made up my mind to heed to Sonia advice but that will be after talking to my elder brother to get his own opinion. Sonia also told me that she and david will be going out for lunch the next day which is saturday and i am not happy about it because i am suppose to be the one going out for lunch with David and i also believed that David liked me more than her for offering to buy me a phone just to be able to reach me at home. she also told me that she think David is beginning to grow fond of her and she is very sure that he is going to asked her to be his girlfriend soon enough,i was so jealous at that moment and i promised myself to do everything possible to make david asked me to be his girlfriend and not sonia even if it means talking to David and let him know how i feel towards him. that same day on our way home i asked sonia why her parents will allow her go out with a guy for dinner without getting angry but she laughed and told me that she is not stupid to let her parents knew that she is going out with david,she told me that she will just tell them that she is going to borrow a book from her classmate and by the way she is the only child of her parents and they always let her have her way. i was very jealous of sonia that day,i wish my parents were like her parents who will always let me have my way and i would have been the one going out with david. I was very tired when i got home that day so i decided to rest because its friday and i can work on my assignment the following day which is saturday,i woke up by 4:pm that same day and went to my brother room to discss the issue with him before helping mom in the kitchen to prepare dinner but on getting to his room,i met him crying.
6 Jul 2018 | 17:18
The reckless lover Episode 5 . . I was very surprised to see Micheal crying ,I know something was wrong and I pleaded with him to tell me about it but he refused to tell me. He only told me that he and dad has an issue but he will look for a way to sort it out,I stayed with him for sometime before I left for my room. All my hope to talk to Micheal and explain everything that was going on to him was lost because he already has his own problems and I don’t want to add mine to it so I made up my mind to accept David offer of buying me a phone and decided to hid it from my parents for the time being. Monday came so fast and I woke up very early so as to talk to David before class commence but unfortunately for me David did not come to school that day,I decided to asked Sonia if she knew the whereabouts if David but you can’t believe what Sonia told me,she told me that she was with David mother all through yesterday evening because she was seriously I’ll and she had kidney problem . I was so shocked and decided to go with Sonia to visit David and his mother but she declined telling me that her mother has already taken care of her,what do you mean by your mother has already taken care of her I asked Sonia but she told me not to worry and assured me that she will send my greetings to David. she quickly changed the topic and asked about the issue of me getting a phone, I told her that I have made up my mind to accept David offer but i have to change my plans because I can’t bring such an issue to David now that his mother is I’ll but she told me to bring up the issue to David anytime he shows up in school ,I made up my mind to talk to David anytime he shows up In school since Sonia won’t let me visit him. waiting for David to show up In school is like hell to me,I can’t help but think that i am stupid for not going to see David and his mother at the hospital but there is nothing I can do because anytime I brought up the issue to Sonia she will always find a way to wave it off and she has also refused to give me his house address or the hospital address so I have no option than to wait David showed up at school the next week Tuesday, I was so happy when I saw him ,I quickly walked up to him to talk to him but he refused to talked to me and ignores me ,I was so confused, what could I have done,I said to myself or is it because I didn’t visit him and his mother at the hospital Sonia told me that everything is ok and refuse to let me see him,or could Sonia be lying to either one of us,I made up my mind to talk to Sonia at break time to find out what she has but done but as soon as the bell rang for break the both of them walked out of the classroom like newly weds,I was so hurt at the moment, I couldn’t believe what I saw,does it mean that the both of them are now boyfriend and girlfriend,no I quickly said to myself and waved the tought of that off because I believed that David and I are meant for each other right from the first day I saw him,after a while I went to the carteen to get something to drink when I met the both of them eating and playing happily,I was so jealous at that moment, I felt the urge to rush to Sonia and dragged her away from David but I quickly hold myself back because I don’t want to make a fool of myself in the front of the whole school. I walked up to them and asked to joined them and Sonia agreed but I noticed the changes in David mood when I sat down,I knew very well that Sonia is behind his sudden change towards me so I decided to turn the tables around against her, I asked him of his mother health and he told me that she is getting better but his face is still not brighten so I pleaded with him to have a talk with me privately whiched he agreed to and we both left the carteen,I noticed that Sonia is not happy but I don’t care because that is e exactly what I want,to turn the tables around against her so she can feel the pain of what she she is doing to me as well ,I bade her goodbye and walked out of the carteen with my David with a fulfilled mind. Tbc
7 Jul 2018 | 03:16
The reckless lover Episode 6 . . as soon as David and I left the carteen I started a conversation between us by asking him the reason for acting so cold to me,and he started calling me names,he told me that I am a very wicked person and that he can’t have anything to with someone like me,I was shocked by what is coming out of David mouth, I quickly cut him short and asked him to tell me what the problem is and stopped beating around the bush,that was when he voiced it out.he told me that I aware that his mother was admitted at the hospital and I didn’t even tried to come and visit him or even try to call him with a business line,he told me to stay away from him since I don’t care about him and walked away without giving me the chance to explain,I was so confused and didn’t know what to do. I went to class feeling very hurt and bitter but I tried to hide it so as not to give David the satisfaction that his word has an impact on me,I knew very well that Sonia is the cause of everything that is happening between David and I because I told her that I want to go with her to see David and his mother but she refused,I made up my mind to talk to Sonia at closing time but as soon as the closing bell rang,she and David went home together,I almost fainted at that moment,how can Sonia do this to me,I noticed tears falling from my eyes but I quickly wipe it off so as not to embarrass myself and walked home . I got home that day and went immediately to Michael room and explain everything to him, he told me not to judge Sonia before hearing her own side of the story because she may be innocent and I might be accusing her wrongly so I made up my mind to talk to Sonia the next day,I also use that opportunity to ask Micheal about the reason he was crying the other day,him mood change immediately I ask ask him what the problem is but after some few minutes of pressuring him he told me that he and dad has a fight about the course he is going to be studying at the university since he is about to sat for waec and jamb, dad has always wanted Micheal to study business administration in school because he wants Micheal to take charge of his company when he graduate but Micheal dream is to become an Electrical engineer, I really felt bad for Micheal and did my best to calm him down before I left for my room. The next day at school I tried to talk to David but he kept on ignoring me but I didn’t pay much attention to that because all I want at that moment is to talk to Sonia and listen to her own side of the story before taking any decision as Micheal advice. I look at the time and it is almost break time so I quickly packed my books into my bag and left for Sonia sit because I knew that if I don’t act fast she would go out with David and I won’t have the chance to talk to her that day,I went to her sit and whisper into her ear that I would like to discuss something with her at break time,just at that moment the bell rang for break and we left the classroom together. She told me that she would like us to go to the carteen but I decline and told her that I prefer for us to the block at the back of the senior classroom and she obliged,we got there, sat down comfortable and started discussing about school, after few minutes I told that I would like to discuss a very important issue with her,she asked me what it is and I narrated everything that has happened between David and i to her,after narrating everything to her I asked her her why she didn’t tell David that she was the one who refuse to let me go with her to visit David and his mother but you won’t believe what she told me,she told be that David is her boyfriend now and warned me to stay away from him,and that what she did is to make him stay away from him and that she will do more things to keep him away from me and walked away.
7 Jul 2018 | 03:16
Owch!! that hurt
7 Jul 2018 | 06:09
Too bad
7 Jul 2018 | 10:04
The reckless lover EPISODE 7 . . I got home that day very angry with sonia but decided to seek some advice from my brother before taking any action against her.After dinner i went to Micheal room and explain everything that happened between sonia and i to him. he was very angry with sonia but he told me to talk to david and explain everything to him because the only weapon i can use against Sonia is David. The next day at break time i explained everything to David,i told him that i want to come and see him but Sonia refused saying that i should wait for him to show up at school and suprisingly for me he wasnt mad at me anymore,he told me that he want us to put everything that has happened behind us and go back to the way we were before. he offered to buy me lunch but on our way to the carteen he told us to have lunch somewhere else because he dont want sonia to see us together and spoil our fun. while we were having dinner,i ask him if he and sonia were a couple but he told me that they are nothing more than friends but he knew that sonia want something more from him and that is the reason why he is keeping his distance from her for the main time because he has no feelings for her and he dont want to hurt her. I felt relieve when he said that but i also wonder within myself why sonia would ly to me that she is his girlfriend,i quickly wave off that tought and decided to go out with him often so as to know the reason why sonia is pushing me away from him,we had a lot of fun that day and i was so excited,on our way home, he asked me if i had gotten a phone and i told him that i havent gotten one for now but i will get one soon. I got home and met mom and dad quarrelling over micheal issue of studying science,i went up to my room without saying a word,altough i wonder within myself y dad will always want to choose for us. i quickly took a shower and slept off, i woke up and saw mom in my room staring at me,i was suprised when i saw her because i wasnt expecting to see her in my room. Tbc
7 Jul 2018 | 16:52
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 8 . . mom asked me to sit down which i obeyed without saying a word,she told me that she knew micheal and i always think that dad doesnt love us but she want to make it clear to us that dad loves us very much and that he is only doing the best for us because he dont want us to go astray and he want us to have a better future tomorrow so all she want is to know that dad love us the same way she did.i told mom that i understand everything dad is doing for us but i also want her to talk to dad and make him see reasons why micheal want to become a science student,i also told her that i and micheal love dad so much and we wont ask for a better father but all we want is for dad to know that we all have dreams.she told me that she will talk to him and we both left for the kitchen to prepare dinner’ Dinner was set by 7:30 pm but micheal refuse to come down for dinner,he said he would prefer to have his dinner in his room,after somuch argument i took the food to his room,i left his room by 10pm after narrating everything mom said to me to him,i told him to make dad see reasons why he want to become a science student and if dad refuse we will think of another way out i got to school very excited the next day but i really dont know what is making me excited,i went to my classroom and met david there already,i greeted him,i greeted him and sat down,i turned left and saw sonia staring at us and by the way she is staring at us,i know that she is jealous but i dont care because she is the first to betray me,i ask david of his mother health and he told me that she has fully recover and just then our english teacher walked into the class and we started english ,I could still see Sonia staring at us but I behave like I didn’t see her,I knew that she may be planning something against me but I don’t know what she is planning, I decided to talk it over with David at break time. few hours later the bell rang for break and David and I left for lunch, we had a quiet lunch together without saying anything to each other,after some few minutes David broke the silence by asking me if I noticed the way Sonia has been staring at us in class,I told him that I noticed her but I don’t care,he told me to be careful of her because he knew that she is planning something bad against me and I told him that he shouldn’t worry because I can handle Sonia myself,he also told told me that he will try his best to protect me from her as well,I looked at him and we both started laughing and just then Sonia walked into the carteen,she gave us a weird look and went to sit down at the corner. David stare at her for sometime and asked me to take my mind off her,I told him that my mind is far away from her and he asked me where my mind is ,I told him that my mind is on him. he smiled and told me that he has a gift for me and he quickly brought out a mobile phone and gave it to me,I was so happy thatbi didn’t know when I jump and hugged him,everybody at the carteen started staring at us including Sonia. Tbc
7 Jul 2018 | 16:53
8 Jul 2018 | 02:05
8 Jul 2018 | 02:43
De battle line is being drawn, I wish I knew what Sonia is up to sha!!!
8 Jul 2018 | 06:21
Okay continue
8 Jul 2018 | 10:20
Ride on pls
8 Jul 2018 | 16:50
THE RECKLESS LOVER Episode 9 . . I got home that day very happy,I quickly went to Michael room and show him the phone. He told me that he is happy for me but warned me to keep it away from mom and dad for now. A phone call woke me up by 6pm,I looked at my phone and saw a strange number.I answered it and heard David voice,I was so happy that what I want is coming to pass. He asked me if I got home safely and I told him that if I didn’t get home safely I wouldn’t have been chatting with him,we bother laugh together and just then I heard mom calling my name and walking towards my room,I quickly told him that I have to go now and he hang up with the word sweet dreams tonight. I quickly hid the phone and ran out to meet mom,she gave me a weird look and told me to help her in the kitchen, I obeyed without saying a word. we all ate dinner together by 7:30pm and I retired to my room,I brought out my phone and saw a text message from David ,I read the content of the text message which says he is wishing me the best of dreams tonight. I lay on my bed to sleep but sleep couldn’t come,I started thinking of David and all that has happened between us ever since I was admitted into faith primary and secondary school, I knew that I am already falling in love with him but what about him,is he falling in love with me but what if he is just playing with my heart,I asked myself again and again but got no reply from myself. I got to school very early the next day and met Sonia already sitting in our classroom reading a book, she look up at me and continue reading,I walked up to my sit and sat down but surprisingly I saw her walking towards me and I became scared,I quickly remembered that David told me to be very careful of her and made up my mind to be very calm with her because we are the only students I. the class and I knew that she can easily harm me with all the anger in her. she walked up to me and smiled at me but I didn’t smiled back at her,I just behaved like I didn’t noticed her presence but inside me was praying for someone to walked into the class and saved me. Tbc
8 Jul 2018 | 21:35
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 10 . . Sonia walked up to me and sat close to me,i still behaved like i didnt see her,she looked at me and asked me if i am happy,i looked at her and i told her that i didnt understand what she mean,she stare at me for sometime and ask me if i am happy after stolen something precious to her,i still dont understand what you are talking about,i you dont understand what i am talking about right after stolen my boyfriend from me you are pretending like you dont know right,she said and made to slap me but i was fast enough to hold her hand,dont you dare slap me sonia,david is not ur man and will never be your man,i replied. she dragged her hand away from me and told me to watch out for her and that she will do everything in her power to seperate david and i,i quickly looked at her and told her that i am too young to be fighting for a guy and was about walking away when she dragged me back and told me that if she cant be with him then no one can be with him, just then the bell rang for assembly and i left the classroom At break time i told David about what happened between sonia and i,he was not suprised about it and he told me that he will talk to sonia and warned her to stay away from me,i asked David if he and sonia had a relationship for the third time and he denied it,i knew that david is hiding something from me and i dont know what is it but i intend to find out what it is. David asked if i will be available the next day which is saturday so he can pick me up at 12noon because he would really want us to spend some quality time together. as much as i love the idea i doubted that my parents willnallow me to go out with a guy they dont know and even tough mom agree,dad will never agree so i decided to talk it over with micheal at home first to see if he can cover up for me but i also doubt if david will allow me to go out with David alone,i told David i will think about it and give him a reply later at home and he obliged I got home and took a shower and went to micheal room to discuss the issue with him but he was so furious at me,he told me that he dont like the idea of David and i going out alone but after so much pleading he agreed to allow me and cover up for me on the condition that he will be the one to take me to David so he can knew where he is taking me.i agreed with him and we agreed to tell mom that we are going out as brothers and sister to have a wonderful time together,we didnt worry about dad because i promised him that i will be back before dad return. I went to my room and send a text message to micheal that i have accepted his offer,i lay on my bed to sleep but sleep couldnt come so i decided to go to mom room and chat with her for a while but i got the shock of my life when i got to mom room Tbc
8 Jul 2018 | 21:36
what do u see
9 Jul 2018 | 11:46
What did you see
9 Jul 2018 | 13:49
What did you see??
9 Jul 2018 | 18:50
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 11 &12 . . I saw mom lying lifeless on the floor.I quickly call Micheal and we took her to the hospital. Micheal called dad who later joined us at the hospital and after sometime,after sometime the doctor came out and told us that mom is OK but he will like to speak with dad privately. Dad told us to keep calm and left with the doctor, dad later came back and told us that we all will be spending the night at the hospital because she is too weak to be discharged tonight but he refused to tell us what is the cause of mom sickness and why she fainted. Micheal told dad that he has to go home and stay with favour because she is home alone and dad agreed with him,dad and I slept in the hospital that night and I used the opportunity to ask him if he has tought about what we discussed about Micheal studying science and he told me that he is still thinking about it. Michael came to the hospital with Favour the next morning, he told us that she has been demanding to see mom all trough the night, I took her to the room to see mom and Micheal left to buy some food for us,dad left to the doctor office to ask him if mom can be discharged but he came back and told us that mom will be discharged the next day which is Sunday,I was very angry when I heard that because that means we will be spending another night at the hospital, after some few minutes dad told us that he will be leaving for work,he gave us some money and left,I looked at Micheal face and I could sensed that he is not happy with dad for leaving and so do I but what can we do,mom knew that we are not happy and she told us that dad has an important appointment so that’s y he had to leave. I walked out of the room and started thinking about dad an how he just left us there just because of work,just then David walked up to me and gave me my phone ,I saw sixed missed calls and a text message from David and just then I remembered that I have a date with him by 12 pm,Micheal asked of I would still want to go out with David today but o told him that I would rather spend the day with mom. I called David and explained everything to him,he told me that he will be coming to the hospital to see me but I refused and told him that mom is OK and will soon be discharged. Dad came back in the evening with some dinner for all of us,he also bought ice cream and suya and we all ate together happily, dad later told Micheal to go home with favour but she refused saying she wants the night at the hospital with us,dad pleaded with her to go home but she refused so dad left her and we all spend the night at the hospital. Mom was discharged the following day which is sunday,I made dinner that evening because the doctor told us that mom that mom should not engaged In any work for now and she also need rest ,we all ate dinner and retired to our rooms but I told favour to sleep in my room so I can sleep in mom room to make sure she is OK all through the night. I woke up the next morning and quickly left for my room to get ready for school when I met favour playing with my phone, I quickly took it from her and told her to keep it as a secret from mom and dad and she agreed in the condition that she will be spending the night in my room so she can use it at night before sleeping and I agreed because I have no choice,I was about getting ready for school when mom came to my room and asked me to stay at home that day so I can take care of her because dad has left for work,u was sad but I had no other option than to stay with her,I prepared breakfast and we all ate,Micheal and favour left for school because they attended the same school and their school is a little bit far from home. I left for my room and dialled David number but to informed him that I won’t make it to school but he isn’t taking my call,I left to mom room to stay with her for sometime, we chatted for a while and she slept off,I went back to my room and called David for the fifth time but he still didn’t take my call,I was surprised because this is the first time David has rejected my call’s, I sat down and tought of what to do but nothing cane into my mind except for me to tell mom that I just remembered we had a test. I was about leaving for mom room when something cane unto my mind to send david a text message, I quickly send him a text message telling him that I can’t make it to school because I need to take care of mom,I dropped the phone and was about leaving for mom room when a text message came into the phone ,I looked at the text message and it is from David,I quickly opened the text and I was shocked by the content which says that I TOLD YOU I AM GOING TO WIN BUT YOU DOUBTED IT,I AM WITH DAVID ALL THROUGH YESTERDAY AND WE ARE TOGETHER NOW,HE GAVE ME HIS PHONE TO SENT YOU THIS TEXT MESSAGE BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN DISTURBING HIM AND HE IS TIRED OF YOU, THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING FROM SONIA. Tbc
10 Jul 2018 | 03:08
Wow,de battle line has just been drawn,wat is wrong with Dis David sef,let me not jump into conclusion yet!!!
10 Jul 2018 | 03:25
10 Jul 2018 | 04:16
uselez friend
10 Jul 2018 | 14:56
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 13 . . Micheal and Favour came home later in the day and the three of us ate lunch together,after lunch i went to Micheal room and narrated everything that has happened between Sonia and i in the morning to him. Micheal told me not to judje David before hearing his own part of the story because this may be another plan of Sonia,i went back to my room and met favour searching my room for my phone,i almost gave her a dirty slap but i hold myself because i know she will definitely tell mom and dad that i had a phone,i asked her what she was looking for in my room and she told me that she wants to play with my phone for a while,i told her that we agreed for her to be using it in the night and not in the day time but she pleaded with me to use if for a while and i had no other option than to allow her use it so i gave it to her.,she played with it for sometime and we left to the kitchen to prepare dinner. dad came home and we all had dinner before retiring to our rooms except for micheal who was watching a movie,favour and i got to my room and met my phone ringing,i looked at it and saw my phone ringing,what does he want now,i said to myself ,i answered the call and warned David not to call me again but he pleaded with me to just give him one last chance to explain everything to me at school the following day,i quickly remember what Micheal advised me to do and i told David that i will be waiting for his explanation the next day and hung up,i gave the phone to Favour after asking her to drop the phone after thirty minutes time. a call from David woke me up telling me to come to school very early because he asked something very important to tell me before class commence. I quickly took a shower and left for school but on getting to school i saw David and Sonia sitting together discussing.
11 Jul 2018 | 06:52
Discussing again
11 Jul 2018 | 14:20
Haha...... Why na DAVID
11 Jul 2018 | 14:59
Discussing??? What cud it be den???
11 Jul 2018 | 19:39
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 14 . . I almost fainted when i saw the both of them together but i kept my cool and sat down close to them,david stood up and told me that the reason he called me is because he and Sonia have something important to tell me,my heart skipped a bit as soon as he said that and i kept praying in my mind for them not to tell me they are dating because i cant take it,just then sonia stood up and started pleading with me to forgive her for all what she has done to me,i looked at her very well just to be very she is the one speaking because i find it hard to believe that the same Sonia who asked me to stay away from david and sent me a text with david line is the one asking me to forgive her,i asked david if this is the explanation he promised to give me but he didnt give me any answer,i asked Sonia if she was the one that send me a text message with david phone and she told me she was the one but she has learnt her mistake,i stood up and made to slap her for what she said but david hold me back but that didnt stopped me from telling her my mind,i told david to give us some few minutes so i can pour my mind to her but he refuse so i had no option than to talk to her in david presence. I stood up and ask her why she has to realize her mistake now after all she did yesterday but before she could say anything David told me to sit down so she can explain everything i need to know to me in a calm toon because shouting will not solve anything,i quickly sat down because i really need an explanation from both of them,both of them sat down as well and sonia started narrating everything to me. she told me that David came to school early and met her in the class reading when he walked up to her and told her that he had something very important to tell her but just as he was about to say it the bell rang for assembly and he left her in the class leaving his bag behind,she opened his bag and collected his phone when she saw me calling but as she was about to answer it she heard a teacher walking close to the class and she quickly kept the phone in his back and ran to the assembly.after the assembly she tried to looked for a way to collect david phone but he didnt left the class for a minute so she lied to him that her dad asked her to deliver a message to her mom and she forgot her phone at school and pleaded with him to borrow his phone to her for some minutes to deliver the message to her mom. David gave her the phone the phone and ask her to be fast with it ,she walked out of the classroom and was about dialling my number when a call came in from me but as she was about answering it she saw a teacher walking towards the clasroom,she lied to the teacher that she was about going to the toilet,the teacher told her to be fast and she ran off to the back of the toilet to call me but as she was about to she saw a text message from me and got jealous and that was when she sent me a text message telling me she was with david. After she finished narrating everything i asked her why she is apologising to me now and she told me to be patient and listen to everything she has to say which i did,just then the bell rang for assembly and we all left for the assembly after sonia promised to continue at break time,the bell rang for break and we all left to the back of the senior classroom to continue our discussions. Sonia continue after asking me if i had forgiven her but i decline telling her to explain everything to me first and she continue. she said after sending the text message to me she returned back to the classroom and gave the phone to david and just then she remember that she has not deleted the text message she sent to me from the phone and she knew that David will get back at her if he saw the text message so she decided to ran home,she quickly went to the staff room and told lied to the teachers that she is not felling well and she wants to go home and get some drugs,the teacher allow her to go but on her way home a car hit her and she was rushed to the hospital.
13 Jul 2018 | 06:09
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 15 . . She was taken to the hospital by the man who hit her on the road but on getting to the hospital the doctor told them that the car didn’t hit her but she fell as a result of shock,that was when she realized that the world is not as easy as it seems and she tought within herself that if the car had hit her she may have died and who know where she is going to go after everything she has done to David and i ,that was when she realized her mistake and called David who later came to the hospital and she narrated everything to him and asked for his forgiveness and that is why she is also asking for my forgiveness. I felt so much pity for her after listening to her story but I still don’t trust her so I decided to talk it over with Micheal and get his opinion before deciding, I told her to give me sometime to think about it and she obliged after telling me that she knew I have forgiven her inside me but I don’t want to say it out for now and she understand, she offer to buy us lunch and we all for the carteen together. I got home happy and sad at the same time,happy because Sonia and I have made up and sad because David and I will no longer be hanging out alone,I went to Micheal room and he is not yet back from school so I left for my room,took a shower and was about working on my homework when mom came into my room and started yelling at me,she told me that shei is not happy about the way I left for school this morning without telling anyone and the worst of all is that I didn’t prepared breakfast. I quickly lied to her that I need to get to school early so I can copy the homework on the board before they wipe it off ,she gave me that I don’t believe you look and walked out of my room with the word WHATEVER YOU ARE HIDING I WILL FIND OUT SOON ENOUGH. I was shocked by what mom said and I knew that she has started to suspect something about me but I could not bring myself to tell her the truth because I knew what her reaction would be ,I started my homework but before I could finish it ,Favour came into my room and told me that Micheal wanted to see me,I quickly left for his room,I got there and met him eating snacks,he gave me some and we started chatting, he asked me why I didn’t tell anyone before going to school and I narrated everything that happened in school that day to him,he told me that he think Sonia is speaking the truth this time but I still have to be careful with her and use this opportunity to watch her because she might be acting this way to gain my trust and betray me easily,I promised him that I am going to heed to his advice and left his room happily. I got to my room and saw my phone ringing, I looked at the screen and saw an unknown number,I knew that it us not David because I already saved his number on my phone,I kept wondering who it was because the only people that have been calling me since i got the phone is David and Micheal. I picked it up and heard a lady voice and I quickly recognized it as Sonia voice,I asked her how she got my number and she told me that David gave it to her,she told me she called to check up on me and to ask if I have forgiven her,I told her that I am still thinking about it and she told me that she will be expecting yes the next day and hung up,I hide the phone and left for the kitchen to help mom prepare dinner. I got to school very late the next day and quickly ran to my class and luckily for me our mathematics teacher is not in the class because it is our first subject for that day,I sat down next to David and we charted for a while before our mathematics teacher came in,few hours later the bell rang for break and the three of us left the class together, on our way to the carteen Sonia asked if I have forgiven her and I told her that I have forgiven her,hug she was so happy that she gave me a hug. David gave me a friendly hug also and we ate lunch together at the carteen happily and from that day the three of us became best of friends but little did I know that the trouble has just begun. Tbc
13 Jul 2018 | 06:10
Sonia is a green snake
13 Jul 2018 | 14:40
i don't trust that sonia from the beginning, she only made friend with just to get close to david. seriously, something is going to happen between the both of them
13 Jul 2018 | 15:04
Sonia will soon backstab you
14 Jul 2018 | 02:33
I knew ur acquaintance with Sonia will bring trouble,she's definitely up to something!!!
15 Jul 2018 | 05:47
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 16 . . How time flies,i looked at myself,i am in ss3 now at faith group of school,David ,Sonia and i are still best of friends and we are all preparing for our ssce together. Favour my younger sister is now attending faith group of school together with us,she is about taking common entrance examination,she is a big girl now and very brilliant and she no longer blackmail me for my phone because i gave it to her after dad bought me a phone in ss3. Micheal my elder brother is in the university now studying petroleum engineering his dream course, you may wonder how he get to study engineering because as you all know dad has always chosen art for him so he can study business management,dad allowed him to study engineering on the condition that i will study business management so i can run the company when he retired and i didnt decline because that has always been my dream course because i have always want to be my own boss,dad is no longer like before altough he still wanted to choose for us but he allowed friends to visit us on weekends and also allow us to go out on weekends but that will be the ones he knew. David and Sonia often comes to visit me at home especially on weekends and we all make preparations together for our coming ssce, finally we all wrote the exams and came out in flying colours,Favour also wrote the common entrance examinations and came out successfully,she is now in ss1 at faith group of school. David,Sonia and i no longer attend faith group of school because we are preparing for our jamb and we no longer see each other often except on weekends,we all choose university of benin as our first choices to study our dream courses. David chooses to study mechanical engineering,Sonia chooses mass communication and i chooses enterpreneur and business management, Micheal came home for holiday and also help in tutoring us for our jamb and post ume,we all came out successfully and was admitted into university of benin to study our various courses. Dad was so happy to hear that i have gained admission into the university,mom was also very proud of me,she told me that she felt the same joy she felt when micheal gained admission into uniport and that she is very glad we are all making her proud.Dad took all of us out that evening for celebration and we all have fun together, i was so glad to see dad very happy that evening because dad hardly took us out together for celebration and i can easily count the days we all went out with dad for celebration because dad only do that very happy so i made up my mind to make dad more proud of me when i get to the university. Micheal came home the next day to help me out with the things i need, i looked at him and i could see that he is no longer the Micheal of our secondary school days,he has now grown tall and handsome and i wonder if he has a girlfriend in school because i have never heard him talked about such things. Micheal wrote a list of all the things we need and showed it to dad,dad gave him some money to get the items and we all left to david apartment because he told me that he and Sonia will be waiting for me there,david told me few days back that his mother has been the one sponsoring Sonia to the university and she claimed that she is doing it because of the love Sonia and her mother showed her at the hospital when she was admitted but he suspected that there was something more to that. Micheal and i got to David apartment and from there we all left for the supermarket to get the items,we all have fun together that day and left for our various home. The next day david called and told me that his mother will be taking him and Sonia to school the next day to pay the required bills, i told him that i will talk to my parents and see if they can come with me so we can all go together,after dinner i told mom about the idea and she agreed to come with us the next day,the next morning mom,David, Sonia, David mom and i all left for the university, David mom paid the required bill for sonia and David and mom paid my bills after that they rented two apartment off campus, one of them is for David and the other one is for Sonia and i,my mom insisted that Sonia and i should live in the apartment she rented for me because we are both girls so David can live in the one his mother rented for him because the both of them cant live together and it will be a waste of money if she rented two apartment for both of them,david mother thank my mother and we all left for our various home. Tbc
15 Jul 2018 | 12:31
THE RECKLESS LOVER Episode 17 . . we all move into our apartment and started schooling,the university opened another sphere in our life,a sphere to a whole range of new activities,university life is quite different from secondary school life,here we dont have to go back home to our parents everyday,we have to stay till the end of the semester before going home for holidays. The building is different from secondary school building,the large halls and buildings in the campus,the library,the lecture halls,various auditoriums,living apartments,cafeteria and so on. what baffles me the most is the kind of people there,youth with different characters and all that, i asked sonia how she find the new environment one afternoon when we were coming back from lectures and she told me that the environment is good but the students are inresponsible, i told her that some of them are responsible and that we should work hard to be among the responsible ones. We got to our apartment,made something to eat and left for david apartment which is not that far from our apartment to spend the rest of the evening with him,we all chatted for a while and he offered to take us to dinner the next day.The next day at noon Sonia asked me if i have already picked out the clothes i will be putting on to dinner with David, i gave her a wierd look and asked her if that is the first time we will be going out with David and she told me that this is the first time we all will be having dinner together as an undergraduate, i told her that there is nothing so special about that and she told me that if it is not special to me then it is very special for her. I looked at her and i wondered within myself if she still have feelings for David, i looked at myself and asked myself the same question but got no reply from myself. David called me that evening and asked if we are ready,I told him that we are almost ready,we quickly got ready and went over to his apartment,we met him at the front of his apartment waiting for us,I looked at him and I could see that he is all dressed up,we all exchanged greetings and left to a fast food that is not quite far from his apartment, he asked us to order what we are going to eat and we both order fried rice and malt,he ordered for what we ordered and we all started eating,while eating I asked him why he ordered fried rice and he told me that he ordered it because I ordered it I looked at him and we both started laughing, he stop laughing and asked me if I knew how to prepare fried rice,I told him I can try and we all ate together silently, we finished eating and was about going home when he told us that he has a surprise for us,he brought out three tickets from his pocket,he gave one to me and gave one to Sonia,I look at it and saw that it is to watch a movie, we all left together to the cinema to watch a very interesting movie,after the movie we all left for his apartment, we chatted with him for sometime and left for our apartment. We got to our apartment and I asked Sonia if she enjoyed the outing,she told me that she enjoyed it but I could sensed that there is something unusual about since the outing, I tried to find out what is bothering her but she told me that everything is OK. I lay on my bed to sleep but sleep couldn’t come,I started thinking about David and now Sonia and I have fought for him in the past,I knew that Sonia still love David and I also love him deeply but what about him,does he love any of us ,I asked myself or is he just here to shatter our friendship, but if he love any of us why can’t he just say it out,I kept questioning myself ,I looked at Sonia and I prayed within myself that the time won’t come when we will have to fight because of David again. Sorry for taking much of your time, Something came up Tbc
15 Jul 2018 | 12:32
it seems i've read this story somewhere before. but it's really good am re-reading it again
16 Jul 2018 | 09:31
Maybe he's just playing with your feelings
16 Jul 2018 | 12:30
David is not serious at all
17 Jul 2018 | 11:31
Hmmmmmm still waiting to see what will happen next!!!
17 Jul 2018 | 20:48
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 18 . . David call woke me up the following morning,i could tell that he calls me more often these days,i picked up and he asked me if we are ready for church,i quickly remembered it it sunday and tell him that we are almost ready,i quickly woke up sonia and we both got ready. David came to our apartment few minutes later and we all left for church, on our way back home David asked me to accompany him to the market to get some food stuffs, i told him that i will meet him in his apartment in an hour time and he agreed. Sonia and i got home and i quickly had a change of clothes and prepare indomie and egg,we both ate together and i ask her if she will accompany me to David apartment but she refused and told me she has an assignment to finish, i picked up my purse and left for David apartment,i got to his apartment and we both left for the market,i asked him what he want to prepare but he told me to choose for him instead, after much persuading we both agreed on fried rice,we bought the spices for fried rice and some other food stuff that will last him for some few day and went back to his apartment. We got to his apartment and he told me that he want me to prepare the rice for him,i refused at first but after so much pleading from him i agreed on the condition that he will help me in the kitchen and he agreed,we got to the kitchen and started cooking, he help with the slicing of the ingredients while i steam and fried the chicken,after that we started cooking the rice,i made so many passes at him while cooking he will always give me that i dont care look,we both have so much fun cooking and after cooking we ate together happily,we have so much fun that day and i was so happy because this is the first time David is showing interest in me, after eating he ask me to take some food to Sonia which i did and he saw me off. David and i became more fond of each other from that day,we became so close and often spend time with each other,our friendship graduated into something i dont have an answer to but i knew that i always have this feeling of joy when i am around him and i always feel comfortable around him. We wrote our exams and traveled back home for holiday,i was sad and happy on my way home, happy because i will be seeing my family after a long time and sad because i wont be seeing David more often. I got home and met Micheal home and was suprised because he told me he will be home the following day but i was very glad to see him and we both hug each other happily. Mom and Dad were very glad to see me,they gave me a very nice welcome before leaving for my room. Favour came back from school in the evening and was very glad to see me as well, she told me that she will be taking her ssce from ss2 and i promised to help in tutoring her before going back to school. Dinner that evening saw the whole family at the table, dad,mom,micheal,favour and i. Mom prepared a very delicious mean of Rice,fried plantain,chicken and stew,after dinner Favour retired to her room and the rest of us retired to the sitting room, we all chatted a lot about school life before retiring to our various rooms,i got to my room and dialled David number, we chatted for a while and i hung up with the word sweet dreams,i dialled Sonia number but she didnt take my call,i wondered within myself why she have been acting cold with me for sometime now but i couldnt get an answer,she no longer goes out with David and i and she always keep to herself,what baffles me the most is that anytime i tried to talk to her about it,she will always changed the topic or ly to me that everything is ok but i know deep down that something is wrong with her. few minutes later Micheal came to my room,i was very happy to see him in my room and i knew he came for a purpose. I told him to sit down and we both chatted for a while but he brought the issue of David after few minutes, he asked me how i have been coping with Sonia in the same apartment and i decided to use this opportunity to confide in him, i narrated how David and i has gotten close to each other lately and how Sonia has been so cold to me lately,he told me to be very careful with her because she is jealous of David and i and she is hurting deeply because of the feelings she had for him,he also told me not to allow David destroy the friendship Sonia and i shared because he might has somebody else somewhere and just be playing with our heart. I was so angry with David and i told Micheal that i will force him to choose between the both of us or stay out of our lives for good but he told me that that will make me look cheap to him because he may not even have feelings for any of us and the best way is to just continue my friendship with him and if he choose to confess his feelings for any of us then it will be from his mind,we chatted for a while about his girlrfriend and when finally admitted that he has a girlfriend and promised to introduce me to him anytime i pay him a visit in school,he bade me goodbye and was about leaving when he came back and advice me to try and forget about him and move on with my life instead of putting all my hopes on him,i told him i will try to do it and he left,i tried to sleep but couldnt sleep because Micheal advice kept coming into my mind,i knew that i cant forget about David but what if he is using us as Micheal said,will i be able to forget about him and move on with my life and is Sonia really jealous? but what is even wrong with David,if he really love any of us then why dont he say it out and stop tormenting us. Tbc
18 Jul 2018 | 15:47
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 19 . . I tutored Favour all trough the holidays and sometimes goes out with David on weekends,second semester came so fast and we all travelled back to school.David and i were so happy that we are back in school and could see each other more often,i tried to confront David about what micheal said but i quickly wave the tought aside and continue my friendship with him. Sonia still wore the same gloomy look,i was so worried about her that i told David about it so he can talk to his mom about it because she has been the one taken care of her she we got admitted. David promised to talk to his mom about her but he asked me to sit her down and talk to her as a friend and also invite her over anytime we are going out but sonia will always refused, anytime i tried to invite her over with me to David house,she will either ly to me or try to pick a fight with me. One evening i got very angry with Sonia after refusing my offer to come with me to see David that i dont knew when i slapped her,that was when she poured out her heart to me,she told me that she cant bear to see David and i together because she still had feelings for him and that she will always cried her eyes out after i have left to see David because she cant bear the tought of us being together,she told me that she has falling in love with david when David was admitted into faith groups of school,she always tried to get close to him but he didnt even noticed her and that was the only reason she asked to be my friend immediately i was admitted because i am the one sitting next to David and she sees me as a way to get close to him but everything changed when David started paying more attention to me than her and that was the reason why she lied to be back then about David and her being together and tried to make me look bad but things didnt worked out as she has planed,i looked at her as she narrated everything to me in tears and i couldnt help but felt pity for her,i quickly remembered Micheal advise to me about David trying to ruin our friendship,so Micheal his right after all about David trying to ruin our friendship and about Sonia still having feelings for David,all the love i have always felt for David turned into hatred that moment and i made a promise to Sonia that i will stay away from David. I Stopped every connections between David and i and i no longer take his call nor pay him a visit,anytime he visited Sonia will always stop him at the door and told him that i am not around,anytime he tried to confront me about my distance to him in school i will always run off without giving him the chance to explain ,it was hurt doing it at first but i will always console myself with the fact that he is not worth my friendship for trying to destroy the friendship i shared with Sonia but David always make matters worse by not letting me be so i travelled home for sometime to see if that will help but it only made matter worst when i got got back to school and discovered from Sonia that David has been very ill since i left,i cant help but felt guilty for abadoning him but i couldnt break the promise i made to Sonia,i asked Sonia why she hasnt been taken care of him but she told me that David will always ask her to leave him alone anytime he tried to help him and she would have called his mom as well but he told her not to ,i felt so much guilt at that moment but there is nothing i could do because i already made a promised to Sonia.I didnt know what to do at that moment so i decided to visit Micheal in school and seek advise from him because he is the only one i can count on at times like this. I called Micheal and imformed of my visit and he was very happy, i got to Micheal house the following day and explained everything to him but he called me a fool for allowing Sonia to come in between David and i because even if David has been using us it doesnt mean that i should end my friendship with him and stop all connections with him because he had always been a good friend to me,he told me to be careful of Sonia now more than before because she might been the one that is trying to seperate me from David because she cant bear seeing us together and pleaded with me to go take care of david till he become well and after that i can decide on what to do because his blood will always been on my hands if anything should happen to him because of my foolishness. I cant help but feel stupid for jumping into conclusion and make hasty decision because of Sonia,i got back to school the following day and told Sonia that i would be going over to take care of David till he become well,she told me that i can do whatever i want to do and i left for David apartment,i got to David apartment and was very shocked at the sight of him,i cant help but regret all i have done,he was very happy to see me and that brighten him up a bit,i quickly got him some food and drugs and prepared hot water for him to bath,after that i took him out for a walk and continue taking care of him for a few days till he become fully well. David and i became close like the way we were before he got sick and Sonia was not happy about it,she called me one evening and asked me to keep my promise and stay away from David because he is no longer sick,i told her that i remembered my promised to her but i just want to stay with David for a while till he become fully strong and i will let him be,she told me to be hasty about it and walked away,i tought about how Sonia and i have become friend back in secondary school but David shattered everything and later on we all get back together but he is still trying to seprate us,i made up my mind to go to David apartment and asked him to stay away from me but i got the suprised of my life at his apartment.
18 Jul 2018 | 15:49
What could that be?
19 Jul 2018 | 17:45
he has a girlfriend?
20 Jul 2018 | 04:07
What surprise cud DAT be???
20 Jul 2018 | 09:08
What is that o
20 Jul 2018 | 17:01
Hmmm u we be very careful with this ur friend
21 Jul 2018 | 05:18
What happened?
21 Jul 2018 | 05:19
Discussing abt what na?
21 Jul 2018 | 05:19
21 Jul 2018 | 05:22
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 20 . . I knocked at his apartment door but got no reply from him,i called his mobile phone but he didn,t pick up,i was about leaving when he called me back,i answered it and told him that i am at the front of his apartment but he became so nervous as soon as i said that,he managed to plead with me to give him some few minutes because he is busy with something and hung up I knew that something is not right with him and he is up to something but what could he be doing that warrant me staying outside or is he with a woman but i quickly waved that tought off my mind because i have never seen him with a woman before,i made up my find to out what he is hiding,i knocked out his apartment door for the second time but got no reply from him,i called his number but he still didn’t pick up,i was very hurt at that moment,so David has been dating another lady all this while and kept it from me. Micheal has been right about him all this while,he didn’t even have feelings for anyone of us and we have been killing ourselves because of him but where is this lady when he was sick and has no one to take care of him,where is she when i spend two weeks of my precious time taking care of him,i kept questioning myself that even some passers by kept looking at me like a mad person but i don’t give a d--n because they will do worst if they were in my shoes,i almost left for my apartment but decided to wait and see the face of his girlfriend before leaving,i tried to see her trough the window of his apartment but the window is locked so i had no choice than to wait for him outside his apartment. he came out later and ask me to go in,i gave him a very angry look but that didn’t stop me from going in because i want to see the face of the lady that he has been going out with,i got into his apartment but didn’t find the trace of anyone,i ran into his bathroom and kitchen but i couldn’t find anyone either. David just stood there looking at me in a confused state,so he has hidden her, i said to myself but where could he had hidden her because his apartment has no other door except for his front door,i looked at him and saw him still looking at me in a confused state and that made me got angry the more and i don’t know when i voiced it out to him. “where is she”,i asked him in a very harsh toon. He looked at me in a more confused way and ask me who i was talking about. “so you are still trying to pretend” i said to him angrily. “I cant believe you are this ungrateful David,after all i did for you to notice me you still brought another woman into your life”. “what,is that what you think,i am so disappointed in you Cynthia,how can you even think that i will bring another woman into my life after all you have done for me,i cant believe you think of me this low”,David replied in a very harsh toon. “I cant believe you are still trying to deny it right before my very eyes”,i said to him angrily. “If you so much believed i asked you to wait for a while just because i am with a woman then you still don’t know me”, he replied in a very calm toon. “Yes you are right”, i replied. I have always tought i knew you all this while but now i know better,you are not even the good guy you painted yourself to be but you are the worst of them all—– “Will you shut up”David cut in. Do you really want to know the reason why i asked you to wait for a while. ” no i don’t want to know”,i said to him and was about leaving when he hold me back and pointed to the top of the wall of his apartment,i was so shocked by the written on it which says CYNTHIA WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND I was so shocked at that moment,i looked at him and he was holding a paper which in it was written I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART CYNTHIA PLEASE ACCEPT ME. I made to say something but he stopped me and told me that he asked me to wait outside because he wants to complete this and make it a surprise for me but now he know better and cant afford to spend his time on a lady who don’t trust him and think very low of him. Tears started flowing freely from my eyes,this is the moment i have been waiting for since i knew him and now that it has happened it is slipping away from me before my very eyes,i made to say something but he stopped me and told me to leave his apartment,i don’t know what to do at that very moment and i ran out of his apartment in tears.
21 Jul 2018 | 06:34
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 21 . . I ran to my apartment in tears, I can’t believe that my foolishness has made me lose David, i tried calling him but his number is not reachable. Sonia came home the following day and notice that all was not well with me,she tried to find out what the problem is but I didn’t tell her because I am very angry with her. Three days pass by and I still didn’t got a call from David,not even a flash,the past three day was like hell to me,I can’t imagine living my life without David especially now that he has confess his feelings towards me,I knew I had to do something about it because I am loosing my mind,I almost went to his apartment to see him but I later changed my mind and travelled to Port Harcourt to see Micheal because he is the only person that understands me but everything changed when I explained everything to him,he became so mad at me and blamed me for everything that has been happening to me,he told me that he has always warned me about Sonia but I wouldn’t listen and now I am letting her decide my life for me and that I am no longer a kid so I should know what is right for me and what is not right. I am more than shocked to see Micheal making those statement to me because he has never shouted at me before,I tried to calm him down but that made him worst,he was about walking out on me when Jane his girlfriend walked into his apartment. Jane was very happy to see me but when she saw the look on our faces she knew that something is not right. “What is going on here,”she questioned staring at us confusingly. “You don’t have to worry Jane,we were just having a brother and sister argument,” Micheal replied and walked out. Jane knew that something is not right and quickly asked me to come with her to her apartment so we can talk,I quickly obliged because I really need to talk to someone at that moment. We got to her apartment and luckily for me, her roommate Esther has gone out and won’t be back until the next day. She offered me a sit and was about getting me a drink but I decline and told her that I don’t need a drink but she wouldn’t take no for an answer and kept pressuring me,after much pressure I agreed to take water. She got me the water and sat close to me,I knew very well that she want to find out what happened between Micheal and I and just as I expected she asked me what happened between Micheal and i,I told her that is nothing serious but she told me she didn’t buy it because she haven’t seen Micheal that angry before. I tought about explaining everything to her but I don’t trust her yet because Micheal only introduced her to me some few weeks back so I told her not to worry. She told me that she heard Michael and I arguing about some guy name David and she know very well that our argument is about that same guy,after much pressure I narrated everything to her,I tought she was going to judge me but surprisingly to me she didn’t judge me,she told me that I am wrong to judge David without proper confirmation but that doesn’t give him the right to chase me out of his apartment because we are all human and we are bound to get jealous once in a while,I told her that I will apologise to David immediately I get back to school but she told me that it will be unwise to do that because a man should always be the one to fight for a woman love and if it is the other way round then the woman will appear cheap to a man and will be the one to continue begging in the relationship, she told me to go back to school and pretend not to be affected by what he did and when he get to know that what he did is not affecting me in any way then he will come to apologise me and even if he did apologise I shouldn’t accept him in a rush, I should make him fight for my love because if I go into a relationship with him after fighting for his love then I will be the one to continue fighting for his love in the relationship. I thanked Jane so much for her advise and promised her that I will act on it. Micheal came to her house in the evening and apologised to me for what happened in the afternoon, I told him I have forgiven him but i would like to spend the night at jane apartment,he obliged and left for his apartment. I travelled back to school the next morning and quickly rushed down to my apartment to prepare for lectures but on getting to my apartment I met David waiting for me at the front of my apartment
21 Jul 2018 | 06:35
21 Jul 2018 | 12:40
Ma dear,if u should listen to DAT lady's advise, u will lose David to ur friend,trust me,pls listen to ur heart n follow it KK!!!
21 Jul 2018 | 15:45
Comment reserved
22 Jul 2018 | 06:42
What can I say?
22 Jul 2018 | 16:24
Ride on
22 Jul 2018 | 17:31
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 22 . . He saw me and walked up to me but I ignored him and kept walking to my apartment, he ran up to me but before he could get to me,I ran into my apartment and locked the door,I heard him knocking on the door and calling out my name but I didn’t replied him because I have made up my mind to ignore him and make him fight for my love as Jane advised,he kept knocking for sometime and left when he got no reply from me. He came back later in the evening but Sonia made things worst for him by telling him that I don’t want to have anything to do with him ever again,he tried to force himself into our apartment but Sonia closed the door on him The following day i came back from lectures and saw David sitting at the front of my apartment, I made to run but he caught hold of my hand. “Let go of my hand Dave”,I shouted at him and tried to free my hand from his but he was way stronger than I am so I had no choice than to concur. “Why ate you doing this to me Cynthia,” he replied almost in tears. “Oh,so you don’t know the reason why right,you are trying to tell me you don’t know the reason why you sent me out of your apartment by 8pm four days ago right,”I shouted at him. “But you are the cause of it Cynthia, you should not have judged me without proper confirmation,”he replied in a calm toon. “If that is the case then what are you doing here,”I replied. “I am here to make amends, these past few days have been a living hell to me without you, I tought you were going to come to me but you didn’t,” he replied. “Oh so you think I will keep running after you for the rest of my life,I am sorry to disappoint you Dave but that ends now,I can’t spend the rest of my life chasing after a guy who don’t even care about me,”I replied In tears. “Of course I care about you Cynthia, you are my life and you have always been there for me,I sent you out of my apartment because I was hurt by seeing how you think low of me but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you,”he replied “No Dave you are only saying this because I have always been there for you and you felt pity for me but I don’t want a guy who will love me because of all what I have done for him in the past,I want a guy who will love me for who I am,”I replied in tears. “Don’t say that Cynthia,you know that I have always loved you, my love for you is genuine and not for pity but I was just waiting for the right time to tell you”, he replied. “Don’t you dare say that Dave, don’t you dare say it to my face,you are only saying all this because you don’t want to hurt me and you knew it, i am tired of this Dave, I am tired so please stay away from my life and never come back”,I said to him and was about going into my apartment when he caught hold of my hand and knelt down. “I have always loved you Cynthia, right from the day i set my eyes on you I fell in love with you but we were too young then and I dont want to destroy our future,I was only waiting for the right time to tell you and that’s was why I chooses uniben because you choose it and I want to be closer to you”,he replied. “Please don’t shut me out of your life because I made one mistake,please I beg you Cynthia”. Seeing him kneeling down and apologising to to almost changed my mind but I knew that was not enough to make he accept him,if he really love me then he has to do more,I said to myself and ran into my apartment. “What is he doing here”,Sonia said to me as soon as soon saw me. “Sonia have you ever think of me as ur friend,you saw the way I ran into the apartment in tears and you didn’t even care to ask me why and all you can think about is why David is here”,I said to her. “Just shut up and answer my question, what us that fool doing here,”she shouted at me. “Don’t you dare call David a fool again”,I shouted at her. “I will call him what I like and there is nothing you can do about it”she replied. “Just look at yourself shedding tears for a guy that sent you out of his apartment by 8pm,I am so disappointed in you Cynthia. “For your information David loves me and he has confessed his love to me,”I replied. “What did you just say” she replied shockingly. “You heard me very well,David asked me to date him and I am thinking of saying yes to him”I replied. “I dare you to say yes to David”, she replied In a very harsh toon. “You can dare me for as much as you want but I am saying yes to him and there is nothing you can do about it”,I shouted at her. David just ask you out few days ago and you are planning to say yes to him,”she replied. Yes I am or are you jealous?”,I asked her in a mocking manner. “No my dear”,she replied. I just find it our to believe that I have been living with a cheap prostitute. “How dare you call me a cheap prostitute,” I replied and gave her a dirty slap. “Did you just slapped me”, she said to me rubbing her cheek. “Yes and I will do it again and again if you dont choose your word carefully,”I shouted at her. “You are going to regret this”,she said to me and walked out of our apartment. Tbc
23 Jul 2018 | 02:53
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 23 . . Three days later I was at home working on my assignment when I got a call from one of my course mate name Chike, I was surprised because Chike don’t called me often,I quickly picked up my phone and answered it. “Hello Chike, how are you” I said to him. “Pls rush down to school immediately “he replied. “What happened, do we have a test today”. “No Cynthia please come to school now,this is matter of life and death. “What,I shouted on hearing a matter of life and death. “David has been involved in an accident and has been rushed to the hospital,”he replied. “Oh my God,”is it severe,how did it happened”. “Stop asking too many questions, just rush down here to the library so we can go together. “Ok I am on my way,”I replied trying to catch some breath. I quickly put on a light blue polo on top of the three quarter I am putting on and ran out of the apartment. I got to school and tried calling Chile but his number is not going through, I was to worried about David,the worst of all is that I don’t know the hospital he was rushed to,just as I was deep in tought two girls from David department ran up to me and told me David asked them to bring me. “David asked you to bring me, but I tought he has an accident”, I asked them confusingly. “Don’t worry just come with us first”, one of them replied. “Alright,I replied and went with them because I had no other choice. They took me to the back of the library and I saw David standing there looking very healthy, I looked around and the whole place was decorated,my pictures are everywhere and almost half of the children are gathered there,I know something was not night especially the way the students were staring at me,I turn around to asked the girls who brought me about what is happening but they have already joined the crowd. Just then David walked up to me and gave me a bouquet of beautiful flowers,I collected them from him and tried to ask him what is going on but he ignored me and knelt down before me,he dipped his hands into his pocket and brought out a card which say, I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART CYNTHIA, PLEASE ACCEPT ME. tears started flowing freely from my eyes,I didn’t believed David can go this far just to ask me to date him,I made to say something but he stopped me. “Cynthia please don’t say no to me,and don’t tell me you will think about it because I can’t stay one more day without you, please don’t shot me out of your life because my life will be a living hell without you, pls make me the happiest man on earth,”. Dave”,I said but he stopped me “Please don’t say anything yet,I don’t want youj to say that I am doing this because I felt pity for you or because of what you have fine for you in the past,right from the very first day you were admitted into faith group of school, I fell in love with you and that was why I tried to get close to you, I tried to tell you but I was afraid to tell you because you were too young to start a relationship and that might ruin our future so please accept me Cynthia and make me the happiest man on earth and I promise never to break your heart. Tbc
23 Jul 2018 | 02:54
Wooow how romantic,,, pls say yes.... But u ve still got to be careful of DAT Sonia u call a friend,she's very unpredictable n capable of doing anything!!!
23 Jul 2018 | 20:17
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 24 . . “I just kept starring at David because I don’t know what to say,I turned to look at the crowd and saw some of them urging me to say yes while some of them were starring at me with jealousy, I turn to look at the other side of the crowd and saw Sonia shedding tears,I felt a lot of pity for her that moment, I knew that I can’t fulfill the promise I made to her at that moment but still I can’t break it in such form,I need to talk to her and get her consent first before accepting David, I was still deep in tought when David interrupted me by asking me to say something, I looked at David and turned to look at the crowd, I know that saying no to David will be a big disappointment to the crowd but I can’t just say yes because I need to talk to Sonia first. “I am very sorry Dave,” I told David in a very low toon and ran out. David stood up and ran after me but couldn’t caught up with me because I ran as fast as my legs could carry me,I ran past his apartment and tought he was going to stop at his apartment but surprisingly to me he kept running after me until I got to my apartment, he caught up with me when I tried to opened the door to my apartment and find out that the door is locked. “Cynthia why are you doing this to me,did I do something wrong by asking you to be my girlfriend or are you in love with someone else, please talk to me”, he said to me almost in tears and I felt pity for him. Just then Sonia walk past us,gave us a weird look and walked into our apartment,I was about explaining everything to him but Sonia didn’t give me the chance to do that,she walked out of our apartment and demand to speak with me in private, I excused myself from David and followed her to the corner of our apartment. “What was that for,” I said to her angrily. “So you have finally accepted him after everything I told you. “You can’t run my life for me Sonia, I can’t let you do that because we have our different life to live”. “So I am running your life for you now right,anyway I have nothing to say to you for now because he is still here, I am going to madam Osas carteen to get some food because there is no food in the house,do you want me to get some food for you?”. “No,I will just prepare indomie and egg”, I replied. “Alright then I will see you later,” she said and left. I went back to David and invite him into my apartment, I offered him a drink but he decline and continue asking for a reply to his questions,after a while I made up my mind to explain everything to him but I can’t explain it to him at my apartment because I knew Sonia can walked in any moment from now. I pleaded with him to calm down which he did and I told him I will give him answer at him apartment and we went to his apartment, we got to his apartment and I explained everything that has been going on between Sonia and I to him including how she has been threathening and fighting me all because of him. “What,you mean Sonia has been doing all that to you and you didn’t even bother to tell me?”, he asked after I explained everything to him. “I don’t think it is necessary Dave”, I replied. “You don’t think it is necessary, what if she did something bad to you”. “She is harmless, she is just saying all that because she is hurt” “Well I am going over to your apartment to give her the warning of her life,how dare she threatened you because of me”,he replied and made to walk out of his apartment but I quickly caught hold of his hand and stopped him. “Please let her be Dave,I will handle her my own way”. “How can I let her be when she is hurting you,what if she decided to carry out all her threat some day”. “Don’t worry Dave, I promise to handle her soon enough”. “Alright if you say so,I just felt like giving her a very dirty slap right now”. Please calm down, I promised to handle her ok”. “I have heard you but please be careful of her and don’t let her come between us because I love you so much and I can do anything to prove it”. “Is OK Dave you have already done a lot to prove your love for me and I think that is enough,all I want for you is to give me sometime to think about it,relationship is not something we rush into ok”. Alright you have all the time in the world to think about it but please don’t be too long because you may come back and meet a dead man”. “Funny you Dave”. “Is not a joke Cynthia I meant every word I just said”. “Don’t worry I won’t take too long ok, now please come and see me off”. “Alright let me see you off because I will be the happiest man on earth in a few days”,he replied and walked me out. I got to my apartment and met Sonia sitting outside talking to herself and almost ready to pick a fight,I almost went back to David apartment but i changed my mind and decided to face her. Tbc
24 Jul 2018 | 02:58
THE Reckless LOVER EPISODE 25 . . I greeted her and got no reply from her,I ignored her and started walking Into our apartment but she ran to my front and blocked my way. “What is the meaning of this Sonia”,I shouted at her. “I want to have a serious talk with you right now”,she replied. “Is that why you won’t let me go into my own apartment”. “Like I said its very serious”. “What could be so serious that warrant you waiting outside for me,why can’t we talk about it inside,you know its cold out here and you can get sick” “He he he,don’t even try to act smart,” she cut in. “I don’t understand what you are trying to say” “Oh just quit the pretence Cynthia, you know exactly what I am talking about” “Look if you have something to say just say it to my face or get out of my way,”I replied in a very harsh toon. “Why are you not keeping your promise Cynthia “What promise are you talking about” “So you are still trying to pretend” “Look Sonia,I don’t have time for games so if you have something to say,say it to my face and stop beating around the bush”. “Good,let me put in a way you will understand, why are you not staying away from David as you promised me”. “So this is about David again right,anyway I am sorry to disappoint you Sonia but promises are meant to be broken,I can’t keep that promise any longer”. ” No Cynthia, promises are meant to be kept not broken”. “Look Sonia, I know I made a promise to you but David is my life and I can’t live without him,just try to understand,” “Then why did you promise me that you will do it when you know very well that you can’t do it,why Cynthia”. “Because I don’t know that he feel the same way for me then and now that I know about it,I can’t just let him go,just try to understand me Sonia,please don’t make David come in between our friendship,” I replied in a very calm toon. “You should have tought about our friendship before taking David away from me” “Point of correction Sonia,I didn’t take David away from you”. “Of course you took him away from me,you took my only love away from me”. “David was never yours before and will never be,just accept it and move on and I am sure another guy who love you will come your way,I replied in a very calm toon. “Just prepare to here from me Cynthia because you can never have him as far as I am alive I will do everything in my power to separate the both of you,I promise you that”. “You cannot do anything Sonia, those are just empty threats”. “We shall see about that Cynthia, nobody dares me and get away with it” “Well there is always a first time my dear,and I will be the first, now please excuse me because I don’t think I will be able to spend the night with you in this house after this argument so I rather go and spend the night at somewhere very safe and sound”,I replied her in a mocking manner and ran back to David apartment. I got to David apartment and he was very surprised to see me. “Did you forget anything”?,he asked confusingly. “No Dave, I didn’t forget anything,”,I only came to tell you that I have accepted you in my life,”. “This is a joke right Cynthia”,he replied looking at me as if trying to read my expression. “Of course is not a joke Dave,you know I can’t joke with something as serious as this”. “Oh my God,Cynthia so you mean you have finally accepted me,you mean we are now dating,thank you lord I knew it just a matter of time and you will accept me,you have made me the happiest man on earth today”. “is OK Dave just take it easy”. “No I can’t take it easy, he replied and hugged me”,are you been serious about this Cynthia?”. “Yes Dave, I have tought about this and I don’t think there is any need denying what I feel for you”. “Oh my God,you have made me the happiest man on earth,” he replied and planted a kiss on my lips, we kissed passionately for two minutes and he broke the kiss. “I am so happy Cynthia, this calls for celebration, just name anywhere and I am taking you there tonight”. “No Dave,going out is not the celebration I want tonight”. “Alright,what kind of celebration do you want,just name it and its done,I don’t care if I closed my account just because of it but you deserved it Cynthia so just name it. “I want you to make passionate love to me Dave,I want to feel you inside me”. Tbc
24 Jul 2018 | 02:59
Cynthia u are a fool.... one, for still staying in same apartment wt Sonia after all her threat, nd for offering ur body to Dave d very same day u accepted him.
24 Jul 2018 | 04:43
not too good of u
24 Jul 2018 | 07:37
Look at this Certified fool called CYNTHIA
24 Jul 2018 | 12:46
Eiii so soon??? How cud u,Cynthia!!!
24 Jul 2018 | 15:23
Cynthia u are a fool…. one, for still staying in same apartment wt Sonia after all her threat, nd for offering ur body to Dave d very same day u accepted him.
She is stupid
24 Jul 2018 | 19:07
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 26 . . “What,how can you say such a thing Cynthia, are you out of your mind” “No Dave,I just want to feel you inside me,is that too much to ask”. “It is not too much to ask but isn’t it too early for that?”,he asked. “A day more,a day less,what is the difference Dave?”. “Listen Cynthia, I don’t know why we are arguing about this but I just can’t bring myself to do it,this is our first day together for Christ sake “. “It doesn’t matter Dave,what matters is that we love each other”. “I don’t think this is the Cynthia I fell in love with but whoever you are you cannot tempt me”. “So I am a devil now right?” “No that’s is not what I meant Cynthia” “Fine Dave,why won’t you call me a devil because I expressed my feelings to you”. “Cynthia please don’t turn my happiest day into the worst”,for God sake this is our first day together and we shouldn’t be arguing please Cynthia just understand”. “Did you just say our first day together,is that the only excuse you have or is there something you are not telling me”. “Something like what Cynthia, something like what, listen Cynthia there is nothing you will say that will make me have s-x with you on our first day together”. “Did I just hear you say our first day together, listen Dave if you didn’t do what I ask of you then consider this relationship you so much treasure over”. “What,is that a treat or what”. “No my dear Dave,it is a statement of fact and you know I hardly go back on my words”. “You mean you are breaking up with me when we haven’t even started a relationship”. “Look Dave, I don’t have time for this,I am going home so just have it in mind that we you and I together never existed”,I replied and made to work out but Dave ran to me and stopped me”. “Cynthia wait,you know I can’t let you go now that I have you because I know what it takes to make you mine so please don’t leave but are you sure about what you are asking”. “I know what I want Dave,it doesn’t matter how many days we have been together,I just want to feel you, do you know how long I have been waiting for this day to come,is been years Dave, trying to hide the feelings I had for you and waiting for you to make the move and now that it has happened I don’t see any reason to wait,I replied and kissed him,he responded very well and we end up making love. “Cynthia I want you to promise me that we are going to end up together no matter what”,David said to me after we finished making love. “How can you ever think that I am going to live you Dave”I replied. “I know but I don’t want to loose you especially now that I have you, please promise me,”he pleaded almost in tears. “I promise Dave,I don’t want to lose you too”,I replied. “Oh Cynthia my love,I promised that you are never going to loose me,no matter what,you are my life”,he replied and hugged me with so much passion and I felt like the happiest woman in the whole world for having Dave. I slept at Dave apartment and went back to my apartment the next morning but I met Sonia packing all her belongings. “Where are you going to?”,I asked her. “Why do you care when you have being with your sweetheart since yesterday evening, you both must have made sweet love to each other but I promised you one thing,you will hear from me soon”,she replied in tears. “What is so wrong in spending the night in my boyfriend apartment?”,I asked her angrily. “Everything is wrong with it my dear,he will always see you as a cheap slot for having s-x with him in the first night of your relationship,” she replied in a mocking toon. “Don’t you dare say that to me”,I replied and made to slapped her but she caught up with my hand and hold it in the air. “Don’t you dare Cynthia, the battle line is drawn between us now,just count me as your worst enemy because that is what you are to me now,just watch out for part two of Sonia because nobody dares me and get away with it”,she replied,picked up her bags and was about walking out of the door but I ran to stopped her because I can’t imagine life without her even tough we fought most time. “Please Sonia don’t live,let’s just settle this between us please,we can talk about it,you know you are the only friend I have in this school apart from David”. “You should have tought about that before betraying me just prepare to hear from me soon,now get out”,she replied pushed me to the floor and walked away. Tbc
27 Jul 2018 | 18:06
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 27 . . I tought Sonia was just angry with me and was going to come back but when a week pass by and I didn’t see any sign of her I became worried, David told me to calm down but I couldn’t calm down, we tried to find out about her from some of her friends and course mate but they don’t know her whereabouts either. The worst of all is that I don’t know where she lives back home,anytime I tried to find out from her or follow her home she will postpone it with an excuse. I search for her for two weeks and still didn’t find her,David called his mom to find out if she knew her whereabouts but she denied having knowledge of her whereabouts but promised to find out from her mother,few days later she called David and told him not to worry about her but she didn’t told us if she have seen her or not but that gave David and I some hope that she is OK and we gave up on searching for her and continue our lives. David and I became more fond of each other,we can’t even spend a day without seeing each other,we attend lectures together even tough we were not from the same department and go to library together, we goes to the market together most of the time and we spend the nights together at his apartment, we became Inseparable and most of the students became jealous of us and nicknamed us Romeo and Juliet. Everything went well for both of us until some few months in our relationship, David travelled home for his younger sister birthday party and I am the only one at home, I spend the night at David apartment so as to get to morning lectures on time because his apartment is more closer to school than mine,my alarm woke me up by 6am and I quickly took a shower and prepare bread and tea but as soon as I sat down to eat I started having headache,I tried to eat but the headache got more worst,I stood up to get some drugs from David cupboard but as soon as I stood up I started feeling dizzy and before I knew it I started having a nausea filling in my stomach and I felt like throwing up,I quickly ran to the toilet and throw up,I almost stayed at home but I knew what missing Mr Okafor lectures meant so I quickly rinse my mouth, pick up my books and left for school. I couldn’t concentrate all through the lectures,the headache became more worst than it was in the morning and it was as if monster’s were playing a game of football in my head, I kept praying for Mr Okafor to round up the lectures because I knew the punishment for walking out of Mr Okafors class,he rounded the lectures few minutes later and we all went home, on my way home I decided to stop by at Mrs Sandra chemist shop that is close to David apartment to get some malaria drugs. “Good afternoon ma,”I said to her as soon as I got to her shop. “Hey Cynthia, how is lectures today?”she asked “I am not fine ma,I have been having headache since morning”. “Sorry dear,have you taken any drugs”. “I took paracetamol in the morning but it only got worst”. “How did it started?”. “Is just this morning ma,I was about eating breakfast when it started, I tried to take some paracetamol but I felt dizzy and throw up”. “I thinks this is more than headache”,she replied. “Yes and that’s why I cane to explain things to you because I think it is malaria but I want to explain things to you before taking more drugs. “I am suspecting something else but let me not jump into conclusions yet”,she replied. “What are you suspecting ma”. “Have you seen your monthly flow for this month?”. “Not yet because its not yet time for my monthly flow but it came last month”. “Alright dear,let me give you some malaria medicine for now”. “Please wait ma, are you suspecting that I may be pregnant?”,I asked almost confused. “Not really my dear but there is a possibility that you may be pregnant”. “Eeeee God I am finished oh”,I shouted almost In tears. “Calm down my dear,I am not saying that you are pregnant, all I am saying is that the symptoms you just mentioned now are symptoms of malaria but they are also symptoms of pregnancy so the best thing is to wait until the date of your monthly flow and if it didn’t come then you can come back to me and I will give you a home pregnancy test but for now I will give you some drugs to subside the headache OK. “Oh God please this shouldn’t be pregnancy”. Tbc
27 Jul 2018 | 18:07
Cynthia Is Pregant, And She Will Try To Do Aburtion The Child But Miss Wil Lie To Her And Gave Her Fake Madecine. Becos She Is Ashme Of How She Wil Be Carring Pregant For Leatcure. Whe David Knows About It She Wil Be Over Joy Not Knowing That Cynthia Want To Abort The Child
28 Jul 2018 | 05:07
You're done for...... Slut
28 Jul 2018 | 06:16
u are pregnant miss. u shldnt have jumped into bed with him so early, nd wtout protection. sorry Is ur name girl
28 Jul 2018 | 06:49
Mumu,u r now praying to God,wat else were u expecting when u were busily forcing a guy to have sex with u???
29 Jul 2018 | 20:59
I hope u are not pregnant
30 Jul 2018 | 15:35
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 28 . . “Don’t worry my dear,we haven’t concluded anything yet so just take things easy”,she replied trying to console me. “Please ma can’t I just go ahead and do the test without waiting for the date of my period”. “Cynthia please take it easy,this is why I don’t want to tell you in the first place”. “Ma how can i take it easy, I am still in school and if my parents ever find out about this then I amm dead”. “Cynthia you are a grown up girl now and you will soon be a graduate, there are so many girls who have gotten married in school and graduated with a good certificate, i don’t know why you girls of nowadays always panicked when you hear about the possibility of getting pregnant”. “Ok ma I have heard all you say and i will wait till the date of my period because there is no need to jump into conclusions”. “That is my girl,let me get you some drugs to subside the headache OK”, she replied and gave me some drugs and I left for my apartment, I got to my apartment and try to eat but I couldn’t eat,madam Sandra word’s kept repeating in my heads,how can I get pregnant in my second year in school and how is David going to take it if it is true, oh God please don’t let this happen to me because I can’t take it,I quickly remembered Ngozi, Ngozi is a daughter to my mother’s friend,she got pregnant at her third year in the university and decided to have an abortion because the guy responsible for the pregnancy denied it but unknowingly to her the doctor in charge of aborting the pregnancy knows her mother very well through his wife who is a friend of Ngozi mother,the doctor told her to come back the following day but when she got there the next day her mother is at the doctors office waiting for her because the doctor have asked his wife to inform Ngozi mother about what her daughter is about to do and that was how Ngozi became a school dropout because her mother didn’t let her abort the pregnancy and she is ashamed of going to lectures with the pregnancy,she was later forced to marry a rich old man who agreed to marry her and cater for the pregnancy because her parents are not well to do and now she is a mother of three kids,two for the rich old man and the eldest daughter was the result of the pregnancy he married her with. She is living happily with the man but the children of the man who were almost twice her age were making things difficult for her because they think she married their father for his money and that she will try to take all his wealth and turn his love away from them,oh my God please I don’t want to end up like Ngozi, please help me. Waiting for my period is like hell to me,I couldn’t bring myself to tell David about my problem because I don’t want to spoil the fun he is having at home and I am also afraid of what his reaction will be so I decided to wait for my period date like madam Sandra advised. The day finally came but my period didn’t came, I waited from morning till evening but it didn’t came so I quickly ran to madam Sandra shop but she told me to wait till the next day,I tried to persuade her for the home pregnancy test but she insisted that I have to wait till the following day, I tought of going to the hospital or even another shop but I don’t want to broadcast myself so I had no choice than to wait till the following day,waiting for the following day is like hell to me,I tried to force myself to sleep but sleep couldn’t come because all that was in my mind was to know my faith and think of the next possible solution. As early as 7am the following day I ran to madam Sandra shop but she hasn’t opened for the day so I sat down to wait for her at the front of her shop. “Ha Cynthia you are here this early morning”,she said to me immediately she came down from the bike that brought her. “Yes ma I had come to tell you that I haven’t seen my period yet”. “Ha Cynthia you worry too much so that’s the reason why you are here so early?”,she asked. “Please ma there is no need to delay,I just want to know my faith in this”. “Is OK let me clean up and help you with the test but first of all you have to go home and bring your urine”,she replied and gave me a cup with a cover. “Ma isn’t there any toilet I can use around here”. “I would have let you use the toilet over there but people know you around this area and they may suspect so its better you go home and bring it”. “Ok ma,”I replied and quickly ran to David apartment, I came back fifteen minutes later with my urine in the cup she gave me and gave it to her. She brought out a white sachet,tore it open and brought out a tiny something that look like aluminum, she explained how it is used to me but didn’t allow me used it myself because she said that I am nervous and may not do it well, she dipped one end of it into the cup that contains my urine and told me to wait for three minutes before bringing it out and if three or two lines are red or even light red then it means that I am pregnant. Tbc
2 Aug 2018 | 03:04
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 29 . . “Bring it out my dear,its past three minutes already”,she replied. “E e e e e ma please can you help me bring it out because I am very nervous and scared”. “You were the one who is so anxious about knowing your faith about this pregnancy so it will be better if you bring it out yourself,”She replied in a calm toon but I still couldn’t bring it out and I just stood there nervous and confused. “Go on dear or you won’t be able to see if it is positive or negative if it take too long”. “Immediately I heard her say that I quickly dipped my hands into the cup and brought it out but I still couldn’t looked at it”. “Please look at it and see if it is positive or negative and tell me because whether you are scared or not it will still remain what it is,it won’t change anything so please just look at it so we can know the way forward please”,she replied trying to urge me. What she said gave me some courage and I quickly looked at it and saw that all the lines are light red,the fear in me came back and I quickly showed it of her,she looked at it and told me that it is positive, immediately she said that I fell to the ground and started crying and shouting. “Cynthia please just quit acting like a child because this is not the end of the world and besides a child is a blessing from God,”she replied and pat my back. “This child in my womb is not a blessing from God, it is a punishment”,I replied in tears. “Don’t say that my dear,I know things might be a little hard for you now but I promised you that you will enjoy this child later”. “What do I tell my parents,they sent me to school but I got pregnant instead and now I have disappointed them instead”,I replied in tears. “No my dear you haven’t disappointed them and you can still continue your education with this pregnancy, don’t allow this pregnancy be an hindrance to the bright future ahead of you my dear”,she replied trying to console me. “Yes ma I don’t want this pregnancy to be an hindrance to my future and that is why you have to help me please”. “Count on me for any help you need OK”. “Madam please give me some drug’s to flush this thing out before it will be too late”. “What,I can’t believe I just heard this from you Cynthia, how can you even think of committing an abortion or don’t you know that you are pitting your life at a very higher risk”. “Madam this is not an abortion, the baby hasn’t even formed yet and I am sure it is just a combinations of blood that is in my womb now and I want to flush it out”. “Listen Cynthia you are like a younger sister to me and I cant let you do such a thing,this is murder for Christ sake and the worst of all is that you are killing your own blood”. “I know that madam but look at my situation, David and I have a bright future together and I can’t ruin it with this unwanted pregnancy, please understand me ma”. “There is no excuse for committing abortion Cynthia and no matter the situation you are in just be greatful because there are people who situation are worst than yours”. “Ma please I don’t have anyone else to help me”. “In as much as you want this I can’t help you murder your own blood and by the way is David responsible for this pregnancy”. “How can you asked me such a question ma,of course he is responsible”. “Then why don’t you talk to him about this and get his opinion”. “I already told you ma,I don’t want to ruin the bright future ahead of us with this pregnancy so its better I get rid of it behind his back”. “What, how can you think of having an abortion when you haven’t even told the guy that is responsible for it to know if that is what he wants or not, do you think if he finds out that you abort his child behind his back he will be happy about it,of course not my dear,if David ever finds out that you abort his child behind his back than that will be the end of the relationship for both of you no matter how much he loves you” “What is going on here and what pregnancy are you two discussing about and trying to get rid of,”somebody shouted from the corner of the chemists and walked towards us,we both looked at him and e were shocked to see David standing at the front of the chemist with an angry look on his face.
2 Aug 2018 | 03:06
Original trouble
2 Aug 2018 | 13:51
lolz busted
2 Aug 2018 | 15:27
am sure that the woman wil tell david
2 Aug 2018 | 16:05
2 Aug 2018 | 16:06
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 30 . . “Don’t just stand there Cynthia, I asked a question,” David said in a very harsh toon. I looked at madam Sandra and she gave me a sign with her eyes to tell him the truth but i couldn’t bring myself to tell him so I tried to changed the topic instead. “E e e e Dave what are you doing here eee I didn’t m mean that you didn’t have the right to come here but I spoke to you on phone yesterday and you didn’t told me you were coming,I even came to your apartment this morning but you weren’t back so let’s just say that I am very shocked to see you here”,I replied trying to changed the topic. “Don’t try to act smart Cynthia, I came back without telling you because I wanted to surprise you but I got to my apartment and I didn’t see you and I also went to your apartment but you weren’t there either, I waited for you but you didn’t come so I tought you went to somewhere far and I came here to buy airtime and called you but I heard your voice instead and I decided to eavesdrop because as far as I know i have never saw you discussing so serious with anyone and I know you two must be talking about something very serious because lately you have been acting very weird and even tough I travelled I can still sense it on phone so I want you to clarify everything I heard by your answering my questions” ” E e e e Dave all what you heard is Ntin serious, madam Sandra replied trying to console him but he only got worst”. “Madam Sandra please stay out of this because this is between Cynthia and i,now answer my question Cynthia,”David replied in a very harsh toon. “David please just calm down”,I replied trying to calm him down. “Don’t you dare tell me to calm down,I demand an explanation right now”,he replied in a more harsh toon. “David this is not the way to settle things here,just calm down so we can talk about it please,”madam Sandra told him and tried to calm him down. “Madam I told you to stay out if this because this is between Cynthia and I”. “Dave i don’t understand why you are so angry,is not that you saw us killing someone,I replied. “Oh yes you expect me to congratulate you for keeping secrets and prefer sharing them with her right. “No that’s not what i meant Dave”. “Yes that is what you mean,you expect me to run to you,give you a big hug and say thank you Cynthia for keeping secrets”. “This is so unlike you Dave, you can’t even show some modesty and obey madam Sandra”. “How do you expect me to respect her when you can’t even respect me,I ask you a question like about five minutes ago and you are here diverting it to somewhere else”. “Is alright Dave,I will give you answers but not here and you have to calm down first”. “And what do you mean by not here”. “What I mean is that I will answer your question if you can calm down and we go home and we can talk at home please my love”. “Heeeeee please just save those sweet words for another day because I am not in for it”. “You are just saying it because you are angry and when you calm down you will apologise but don’t bother to apologise because I already forgave you ” Look Cynthia I am not here for games so you better go straight to the point”,David cuts in. “I am sorry,so can we go home and I will explain everything to you” “No I can just give the both of you some few minutes to talk about it,”madam Sandra cuts in. “No there is no need for that madam, I prefer we talk about this at home and decide very well”. “What are we deciding about,”David cuts in. “Please just calm down Dave,I promise to tell you everything at home”. “Alright then come out so we can go” “Goodbye ma and thanks so much for your advice”. “Oh is nothing my child,just take things easy and tell me what you both decided OK and please tell him the truth”. “Yes I will ma,have a nice day”. “So now that we are home can you explain everything I heard very clearly to me,”David told me as soon as we got to his apartment. “Dave please just give me time,you know we just got here”. “Don’t you try to play dumb Cynthia”he replied in a very harsh toon. “Alright fine but please take what I am going to tell you like a man”. “Please Cynthia just say it and stop beating around the bush”. “I am pregnant”I replied very scared and I couldn’t even look at his face “What did you just say”he replied almost stammering. Tbc
2 Aug 2018 | 18:15
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 31 . . “What did you just say”he replied almost stammering. “I said that I am pregnant and madam Sandra just confirmed it this morning and moreover you said you heard what we discussed so why are you so surprised”,I replied looking at him and trying to read his look. “The truth is that i didn’t heard what the both of you discussed, I only heard the last word you said about aborting a pregnancy behind the father’s back and I decided to pretend to know if you are the one that is pregnant”. “well thank God you have confirmed it for yourself”. “wait Cynthia so you mean that you are actually pregnant for me”. “of course Dave you know I can’t joke with something as serious as this”. “Oh my God Cynthia when I heard it I tought you too were just joking and now that you have confirmed it for me I am so happy”. “Wait wait wait Dave, so you mean you are very happy that I am pregnant”. “Of course my love, apart from the day you agreed to date me, today is my happiest day”. “Dave don’t tell me you are planning on asking me to keep this pregnancy”. “Don’t tell me that you have other plans in mind because I heard you and madam Sandra talking about aborting the child behind the father’s back”. “Yes Dave I told her to give me some drugs so I can abort this pregnancy behind your back but she told me to talk to you about it first and get your opinion and that is the only reason I am telling you”. “What Cynthia how can you think of aborting my baby behind my back”. “Is not what you think Dave but that is the only thing I can think of at that moment and I don’t want to ruin our future”. “My goodness Cynthia what future can be better than getting married and having a child who will wake you up every morning and call you mother and call me father, what future Cynthia answer me”. “Dave I don’t understand are you telling me that you want us to keep this baby”. “Of course my dear we are keeping this baby”. “And you didn’t even care to ask me if I want to keep this baby or not,for Christ sake Dave this is also my baby and I have a right too”. “Do you considered that before trying to abort the child behind my back”. “And that is exactly what I am going to do Dave,I am getting rid of this baby because I don’t want it to destroy my future”. “You are not aborting this baby Cynthia, I disagree with you and I don’t care about what I have to do but you are keeping this child. “No I am not dave,I can’t let this child destroy my future” “And I asked again,what future can be better than having a child who will call me dad and call you mom everyday”. “For Christ sake Dave we are still in school,have you ever sit down and tought about what your parents will say if they get to find out about this”. “I don’t care about what they will say and I don’t care about what people will say but all I know is that a guy and a lady can do whatever they want as soon as they get to 18 years and as far as I know we are more than 18 years so please calm down and have faith”. “Please Dave let’s just get get rid of this baby, we will have a baby at God appointed time”. “If this is not God appointed time then you won’t have been pregnant by now,listen have you for once thought about the damage you will be doing to yourself by having an abortion, what if your womb got destroyed in the process and you couldn’t give birth in your life or what if you died in the process do you think you can make heaven”. “Dave please just stop telling me about what might happened to me”. “You don’t want to hear it because you know its true”. “Oh God I don’t know what to do anymore, if my parents find out about this then I am dead”. “Don’t talk like that my dear we can walk something out,I will talk to my dad and we will come see your parents before they get to know about the pregnancy and if they agreed then we can go ahead and get married before people will start suspecting that you are pregnant we would have been married or don’t you want to marry me”. “Of course I love you and I want to marry you Dave but not this way,not in a hurry”. “Stop Cynthia the best thing is that we will be getting married and we with be having freedom to do whatever we want OK, just think about it but first you have to go to the hospital for a test to know how old the pregnancy is”. “Oh God please it shouldn’t be up to a month”. “Don’t worry even if it is up to a month we can still work things out but promise me that you won’t get rid of this pregnancy behind my back”. “Dave please don’t put me in this situation”. “No just promise me first”. “Alright I promise” “That’s my baby so let’s get inside the bathroom, take a shower and then I go for lectures and you to the hospital to find out how old the pregnancy is”. “Alright Dave but you have to carry me to the bathroom”. “You know I can carry you round the world Cynthia,he replied and carried me to the bathroom,we took a shower and depart to our various destinations. Tbc
2 Aug 2018 | 18:16
3 Aug 2018 | 03:06
Hmmm u better not go behind him an do something else
3 Aug 2018 | 15:31
Hmmmmmm even in Dis situation u still want to be carried about,u have no idea what is about to happen to u sha!!!
3 Aug 2018 | 19:03
THE THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 32 . . I got to the hospital and explain what I want to one of the nurses and she took me to the lab for the test,she told me to wait for few minutes and I sat down and tried to get myself busy with my phone,few minutes later she came out and called me to the doctors office and I went with her. “Hope there is no problem?”,I asked her on our way to the doctors office. No not at all,is just that the doctor is the person in charge of giving out text result to avoid mixed up”,she replied in a very friendly manner and I smiled at her. “Good afternoon doctor”,I greeted the doctor as soon as we entered his office. “Good afternoon madam,please what is your name?”,he asked. “Miss Cynthia David’s”,I replied. “He screw through the envelope and brought out one if it with my name attached to it. “Madam do you want me to read it out or give it to you to read yourself?”,he asked. “Read it out to me doctor”. ” congratulations Madam this result here has confirmed you four weeks pregnant”. “What”,I shouted on top of my voice. “Madam is anything the matter”,?both the doctor and the nurse asked at the same time. “No is nothing to worry about,”I replied and walk out of the doctor’s office. I was about stopping a bike when I heard the nurse calling me and running towards me. “Good afternoon aunty”,she greeted as soon as she get to me. “Good afternoon, can I help you”,I asked her. “No on the contrary because I am the one who wants to help you,”. “How do you mean?”,I ask her looking confused” “madam what I want to help you now is not part of my job and I don’t want you to misjudged me and the only reason i am telling you this is because I saw your mood in the doctor and i like you and I think you need help that’s why I am volunteering to do this from my heart”. “Please nurse just go straight to the point because as you can see I am in a rush”. “Alright madam, I saw the way you looked when the doctor told you that you are four weeks pregnant and I know that you are not happy about this pregnancy so I came to tell you that I can help you get rid of the pregnancy in case you need someone to do that for you”. “so that is what you nurses do here”. “is not like that my dear, I hardly tell people things because they always come to us themselves and its not like all the nurses known anything about it,is just me and one of the nurses that do this and apart from them no one knows about this”. what about the doctor did the doctor knows about this?”,I asked her. “No is just what we nurse do to help young help young girls like you here and be rest assure that there will be no side effect because we are an expert in it”. “and who gave you the feeling that I need help with my unborn baby”. “listen my dear I am a nurse and I have seen so many women with the same situation as you but what about the father of the baby and have you told him”. “that is non of your business nurse”. Alright then this is my number you can call me if you made up your mind,I have to go now because they might be looking for me just take care and don’t hesitate to call me as soon as you make up your mind OK and please think carefully about this,if you want the child you can keep it and I don’t want you to think that I am trying to make you get rid of your baby because of money so please give this a tought and get back to me with the number OK”,she replied and left. “The following day I was at home reading when I got a call from my phone,l looked at the number but it is an unknown number so I ignored it but it kept calling and I answered it on the fourth ring”. “Miss Cynthia you have been ignoring my calls right”,a lady said as soon as I answered “How do you mean and who is this”. “This is one if the ladies that has been sharing your boyfriend David with you and I would like for us to meet so I can tell you the details because I don’t want you to end up with such a guy”. “What are you talking about and how do you mean”. “Listen miss Cynthia you will receive an address in a few minutes and if you want to know more about this Information then come to the address immediately, see you soon”,she replied and hang up. Few minutes later the address came into my phone,I quickly board a bike and went to the address immediately. the nurses and she took me to the lab for the test,she told me to wait for few minutes and I sat down and tried to get myself busy with my phone,few minutes later she came out and called me to the doctors office and I went with her. “Hope there is no problem?”,I asked her on our way to the doctors office. No not at all,is just that the doctor is the person in charge of giving out text result to avoid mixed up”,she replied in a very friendly manner and I smiled at her. “Good afternoon doctor”,I greeted the doctor as soon as we entered his office. “Good afternoon madam,please what is your name?”,he asked. “Miss Cynthia David’s”,I replied. “He screw through the envelope and brought out one if it with my name attached to it. “Madam do you want me to read it out or give it to you to read yourself?”,he asked. “Read it out to me doctor”. ” congratulations Madam this result here has confirmed you four weeks pregnant”. “What”,I shouted on top of my voice. “Madam is anything the matter”,?both the doctor and the nurse asked at the same time. “No is nothing to worry about,”I replied and walk out of the doctor’s office. I was about stopping a bike when I heard the nurse calling me and running towards me. “Good afternoon aunty”,she greeted as soon as she get to me. “Good afternoon, can I help you”,I asked her. “No on the contrary because I am the one who wants to help you,”. “How do you mean?”,I ask her looking confused” “madam what I want to help you now is not part of my job and I don’t want you to misjudged me and the only reason i am telling you this is because I saw your mood in the doctor and i like you and I think you need help that’s why I am volunteering to do this from my heart”. “Please nurse just go straight to the point because as you can see I am in a rush”. “Alright madam, I saw the way you looked when the doctor told you that you are four weeks pregnant and I know that you are not happy about this pregnancy so I came to tell you that I can help you get rid of the pregnancy in case you need someone to do that for you”. “so that is what you nurses do here”. “is not like that my dear, I hardly tell people things because they always come to us themselves and its not like all the nurses known anything about it,is just me and one of the nurses that do this and apart from them no one knows about this”. what about the doctor did the doctor knows about this?”,I asked her. “No is just what we nurse do to help young help young girls like you here and be rest assure that there will be no side effect because we are an expert in it”. “and who gave you the feeling that I need help with my unborn baby”. “listen my dear I am a nurse and I have seen so many women with the same situation as you but what about the father of the baby and have you told him”. “that is non of your business nurse”. Alright then this is my number you can call me if you made up your mind,I have to go now because they might be looking for me just take care and don’t hesitate to call me as soon as you make up your mind OK and please think carefully about this,if you want the child you can keep it and I don’t want you to think that I am trying to make you get rid of your baby because of money so please give this a tought and get back to me with the number OK”,she replied and left. “The following day I was at home reading when I got a call from my phone,l looked at the number but it is an unknown number so I ignored it but it kept calling and I answered it on the fourth ring”. “Miss Cynthia you have been ignoring my calls right”,a lady said as soon as I answered “How do you mean and who is this”. “This is one if the ladies that has been sharing your boyfriend David with you and I would like for us to meet so I can tell you the details because I don’t want you to end up with such a guy”. “What are you talking about and how do you mean”. “Listen miss Cynthia you will receive an address in a few minutes and if you want to know more about this Information then come to the address immediately, see you soon”,she replied and hang up. Few minutes later the address came into my phone,I quickly board a bike and went to the address immediately. Tbc 6:30pmTHE THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 32 . . I got to the hospital and explain what I want to one of the nurses and she took me to the lab for the test,she told me to wait for few minutes and I sat down and tried to get myself busy with my phone,few minutes later she came out and called me to the doctors office and I went with her. “Hope there is no problem?”,I asked her on our way to the doctors office. No not at all,is just that the doctor is the person in charge of giving out text result to avoid mixed up”,she replied in a very friendly manner and I smiled at her. “Good afternoon doctor”,I greeted the doctor as soon as we entered his office. “Good afternoon madam,please what is your name?”,he asked. “Miss Cynthia David’s”,I replied. “He screw through the envelope and brought out one if it with my name attached to it. “Madam do you want me to read it out or give it to you to read yourself?”,he asked. “Read it out to me doctor”. ” congratulations Madam this result here has confirmed you four weeks pregnant”. “What”,I shouted on top of my voice. “Madam is anything the matter”,?both the doctor and the nurse asked at the same time. “No is nothing to worry about,”I replied and walk out of the doctor’s office. I was about stopping a bike when I heard the nurse calling me and running towards me. “Good afternoon aunty”,she greeted as soon as she get to me. “Good afternoon, can I help you”,I asked her. “No on the contrary because I am the one who wants to help you,”. “How do you mean?”,I ask her looking confused” “madam what I want to help you now is not part of my job and I don’t want you to misjudged me and the only reason i am telling you this is because I saw your mood in the doctor and i like you and I think you need help that’s why I am volunteering to do this from my heart”. “Please nurse just go straight to the point because as you can see I am in a rush”. “Alright madam, I saw the way you looked when the doctor told you that you are four weeks pregnant and I know that you are not happy about this pregnancy so I came to tell you that I can help you get rid of the pregnancy in case you need someone to do that for you”. “so that is what you nurses do here”. “is not like that my dear, I hardly tell people things because they always come to us themselves and its not like all the nurses known anything about it,is just me and one of the nurses that do this and apart from them no one knows about this”. what about the doctor did the doctor knows about this?”,I asked her. “No is just what we nurse do to help young help young girls like you here and be rest assure that there will be no side effect because we are an expert in it”. “and who gave you the feeling that I need help with my unborn baby”. “listen my dear I am a nurse and I have seen so many women with the same situation as you but what about the father of the baby and have you told him”. “that is non of your business nurse”. Alright then this is my number you can call me if you made up your mind,I have to go now because they might be looking for me just take care and don’t hesitate to call me as soon as you make up your mind OK and please think carefully about this,if you want the child you can keep it and I don’t want you to think that I am trying to make you get rid of your baby because of money so please give this a tought and get back to me with the number OK”,she replied and left. “The following day I was at home reading when I got a call from my phone,l looked at the number but it is an unknown number so I ignored it but it kept calling and I answered it on the fourth ring”. “Miss Cynthia you have been ignoring my calls right”,a lady said as soon as I answered “How do you mean and who is this”. “This is one if the ladies that has been sharing your boyfriend David with you and I would like for us to meet so I can tell you the details because I don’t want you to end up with such a guy”. “What are you talking about and how do you mean”. “Listen miss Cynthia you will receive an address in a few minutes and if you want to know more about this Information then come to the address immediately, see you soon”,she replied and hang up. Few minutes later the address came into my phone,I quickly board a bike and went to the address immediately. the nurses and she took me to the lab for the test,she told me to wait for few minutes and I sat down and tried to get myself busy with my phone,few minutes later she came out and called me to the doctors office and I went with her. “Hope there is no problem?”,I asked her on our way to the doctors office. No not at all,is just that the doctor is the person in charge of giving out text result to avoid mixed up”,she replied in a very friendly manner and I smiled at her. “Good afternoon doctor”,I greeted the doctor as soon as we entered his office. “Good afternoon madam,please what is your name?”,he asked. “Miss Cynthia David’s”,I replied. “He screw through the envelope and brought out one if it with my name attached to it. “Madam do you want me to read it out or give it to you to read yourself?”,he asked. “Read it out to me doctor”. ” congratulations Madam this result here has confirmed you four weeks pregnant”. “What”,I shouted on top of my voice. “Madam is anything the matter”,?both the doctor and the nurse asked at the same time. “No is nothing to worry about,”I replied and walk out of the doctor’s office. I was about stopping a bike when I heard the nurse calling me and running towards me. “Good afternoon aunty”,she greeted as soon as she get to me. “Good afternoon, can I help you”,I asked her. “No on the contrary because I am the one who wants to help you,”. “How do you mean?”,I ask her looking confused” “madam what I want to help you now is not part of my job and I don’t want you to misjudged me and the only reason i am telling you this is because I saw your mood in the doctor and i like you and I think you need help that’s why I am volunteering to do this from my heart”. “Please nurse just go straight to the point because as you can see I am in a rush”. “Alright madam, I saw the way you looked when the doctor told you that you are four weeks pregnant and I know that you are not happy about this pregnancy so I came to tell you that I can help you get rid of the pregnancy in case you need someone to do that for you”. “so that is what you nurses do here”. “is not like that my dear, I hardly tell people things because they always come to us themselves and its not like all the nurses known anything about it,is just me and one of the nurses that do this and apart from them no one knows about this”. what about the doctor did the doctor knows about this?”,I asked her. “No is just what we nurse do to help young help young girls like you here and be rest assure that there will be no side effect because we are an expert in it”. “and who gave you the feeling that I need help with my unborn baby”. “listen my dear I am a nurse and I have seen so many women with the same situation as you but what about the father of the baby and have you told him”. “that is non of your business nurse”. Alright then this is my number you can call me if you made up your mind,I have to go now because they might be looking for me just take care and don’t hesitate to call me as soon as you make up your mind OK and please think carefully about this,if you want the child you can keep it and I don’t want you to think that I am trying to make you get rid of your baby because of money so please give this a tought and get back to me with the number OK”,she replied and left. “The following day I was at home reading when I got a call from my phone,l looked at the number but it is an unknown number so I ignored it but it kept calling and I answered it on the fourth ring”. “Miss Cynthia you have been ignoring my calls right”,a lady said as soon as I answered “How do you mean and who is this”. “This is one if the ladies that has been sharing your boyfriend David with you and I would like for us to meet so I can tell you the details because I don’t want you to end up with such a guy”. “What are you talking about and how do you mean”. “Listen miss Cynthia you will receive an address in a few minutes and if you want to know more about this Information then come to the address immediately, see you soon”,she replied and hang up. Few minutes later the address came into my phone,I quickly board a bike and went to the address immediately.
6 Aug 2018 | 02:06
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 33 . . I got to the address but I saw no one there,I tried to call the number but it was switch off,I tried to asked some passers by if they have seen anyone but all if them denied seeing anyone so I had no choice than to wait,few minutes later I saw two girls walking towards my direction,one of them is dark in complexion, average in height and about my age but the other is slender, tall and fell in complexion but she look younger than the other one and beautiful as well. “Hello miss Cynthia,I know that you will come,its very hard to believe that the one you have loved all your life is cheating on you right, don’t worry I am sure you would find another guy that is far better than him”one of the girls said to me as they approach me. “What do you mean by Dave is cheating on me and with who?”,I asked very confused. “He is cheating on you big time and not only with the two of us but with some other girls as well and I can prove it”,the other girl replied. “No I don’t believe you because my David can never cheat on me”I replied in a very harsh toon. “We just told you that we can prove it”. “I don’t care about your stupid prove you can take it elsewhere”,I replied and made to live but they stop me”. “Miss Cynthia you are carrying a child for David right and you just came back from the hospital to find out how old the pregnancy is”,the first girl replied and shocked me with her words” “What how did you know,it doesn’t matter and we told you that we have proved”, the second girl replied. “And not only that my dear,he travelled for his younger sister birthday and stayed for almost two weeks right,miss Cynthia have you asked yourself why he stayed for two weeks for just a birthday that wouldn’t even take up to one day,he spend one week with me in a hotel and five day in his parents house,”the first girl replied pointing to the second girl. “This is the receipt he used in paying for one week for both of us, he throw the receipt on the floor but I picked it up because I need prove to be able to tell you all this but that is not why we are here,we are here to save you”. “I got pregnant for David like you did and he told me not to get rid of it and that he will speaks to his parents and they will come see mine and he told me to go find out how old the pregnancy is and I told him after finding out about it ,the next morning he woke me up for breakfast and I followed him to the table and joined him,we hate bread and tea but i didn’t know that he add drugs to my tea and now my womb is damaged and that was about 8 months ago,he didn’t cheated on you with me tough because by then you two were just friends but i don’t want you to end up like I did even tough I will make David pay for what he did to me”,the second girl said to me with tears in her eyes and I felt very sorry for her. “But how did you know that he drugged you?”,I asked very confused. “that day I got home and started bleeding and God send Ijeoma my friend here to visit me and she met me in a pool of blood and rushed me to the hospital,That was when the doctor told us that I have been drug by someone who want to get rid of my pregnancy and my womb has been damaged because of it,I told David about it but he put the blame on me by telling me that I shouldn’t have go behind his back to abort the pregnancy and he broke up with me, i told Ijeoma about it and he was very mad at him” ” Let me continue from there aminat,” the first girl Ijeoma cuts in. “Seeing aminat in that condition really make me mad so I Decided to see this David that did this to her and make him pay but on getting there I met the same guy who has been asking me to be his girlfriend for two months now so I quickly used that as an advantage and accept him because that is the only way I can revenge for aminat here,look here is the spare key I collected from his bunch of keys and this is aminat pictures I took her when she was at the hospital, I took those pictures so we can use it to get him arrested but we changed our mind when we find out that he is the same guy that has been asking me out because we know that is the best way to have our revenge”. Tbc
6 Aug 2018 | 02:07
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 34 “Is OK Cynthia just try to avoid him as much as you can and get rid of this baby yourself before he do it himself because I don’t want a fellow girl like me to make the same mistake I make but I know that David will pay for this,”. “But how did you too get to know about me and my pregnancy?,” “Listen miss Cynthia we have tried all we can for you but we can’t disclosed such information to you because it is private”,the first girl Ijeoma replied. “I have another proved for you because you are still doubting us and I don’t want you to make the same mistakes I made,here is the paper Ijeoma signed as my best friend before the doctor removed my womb so I can live but if you still don’t believed us then so be it”,the second girl aminat replied and gave me a paper. I looked at it and its just as they has said it,Ijeoma signed so aminat womb can be removed because aminat parents are not there and the only person available is Ijeoma, I really felt pity for Ijeoma but what is done is done and nothing can change that and I prayed in my heart not to get into the situation she is now because I am pregnant for David as well. “But how can you be dating David without introducing him to your friend Ijeoma here?”,I asked aminat just to be sure of what they are saying before making any decision. “Well you know how we girls are about boyfriend, we are afraid of losing our boyfriend to our friends so we hardly introduced them,”. “Yea you are right about that I am really sorry about David once more and I will be praying for you”. “Well thank you but we have to go now please think about what we said OK and have a nice day”,Ijeoma replied. “Wait please can I reach you with the number you called me with so I can call you after confronting him and tell you what he said”. “So you are planning to confronting him do you think he will tell you the truth please just get rid of that child in your womb before it becomes a barrier to your life or even your education and as for reaching us that is not possible just think about what we said,goodbye and have a lovely day”,Ijeoma replied and they left. i felt really convinced about what they said after they left, So David actually did this to me after all we have been trough together he have the guts to do this to me,noooooo I must find a way to punish him and I don’t care about what will happen between the both of us now but he must pay for this,but the question is how can I make him pay?should I really get rid of the pregnancy as Ijeoma and aminat told me? but what if they are not telling the truth then i will be making a fool out of myself and that may destroy my relationship with David but if they are not telling the truth then how did they find out about my pregnancy or should I confront David about this and get his opinion, oh Cynthia you are stupid how can you even think that he will tell you that he is guilty, he will deny it for sure just as they as said but what do I do now and I really need someone to talk to now before I do something rash but i can’t possibly go talk to Micheal and Jane about this because they will be very mad at me if they get to know that I am pregnant and Micheal can tell mom and dad about it and that means more trouble but I need to do something or should I abort the baby as they as said,i think they are telling the truth and they really want to help me like they said because they really have a lot of prove but could david really want to drug me as they say but people are hard to be trusted this days and i cant put my life on the line because of this baby so this is my chance to get rid of it because for all i know david may be planning to drug me now and i am here talking about trust. I quickly called the nurse at the hospital. ” hello nurse this is Cynthia David that came to the hospital where you work this morning”. “Yes miss Cynthia I remember you so have you made up your mind about what to do with the pregnancy?”. “Yes I have tought about it very well and I am ready to get rid of the pregnancy right now”.
6 Aug 2018 | 02:08
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 35 “Is good that you have tought about it very well miss so just give me sometime to fix an appointment then I will call you back”. “No you dont get it nurse i want an abortion and i want it right now”. “Is not that I can’t help you with it but you have got to understand that the doctor have no idea about about this so we can’t do it in his presence”. “Then find another way because I want to get rid of this baby today and I don’t care how I do it”. “Alright miss,the only way we can do this is at my house and I am not sure if you can make it there”. “How can I not make it there,listen just text the address to me and I will be there right now” ” Not so fast miss,you can’t possibly come now because I will be off work by 4pm so you have to come by then”. “Is already 2:30 already so why don’t you text the address to me and I will start getting ready”. “Alright then I will text it to you immediately but I need you to do me a favour”. “I hope you are not trying to postpone it because I will just look for somewhere else”. “No is not that miss” “So then what is it?”. “I don’t want you to eat any solid food from now till two hours after the abortion”. “Oh just that,don’t worry I won’t take any solid food,just text me the address so I can start coming”. “Alright miss I will send it to you immediately, take care and see you soon”. “Alright see you bye”. I ended the call and quickly rushed to the bank to withdrew some money for her payment, I left the bank by 3:15 and went to the address she send to me,I got there and she is not yet back so I sat down at her veranda to wait for her,I brought out my phone from my bag and saw 17 missed call from David,why is he calling me now or did he want to hurt me like he did to Ijeoma,I ignored his calls and kept my phone,the nurse arrived at exactly 4:13 pm and we went into her apartment. “So miss Cynthia what can I offer you”,she said to me as soon as we enter her apartment”. “Oh nothing nurse,let just get to why I am here so I can go back immediately”. “We will go to that but I want to be sure if you are doing this from your mind”. “Of course is from my mind and I know what I want”. “But what about the father of the baby,have you told him about what you are about to do”. “Listen nurse I don’t have time for questions now,do you want to do this or not”. “Alright then let’s get down to business since you don’t want to talk to me”. “Yes but hope it won’t hurt”. “I am sure this is your first time”. “Yes it is my first time” “Don’t worry its going to be a little painful but it won’t take long and i will give you some drugs to breakdown the pains so let’s go to my room”. Aright then,I replied and followed her to her room and she performed the abortion in few minutes. “Hope you are not feeling much pains”,she said to me after the abortion. “No i am just having a little pains under my waist”. “You must surely fill pains under your waist after an abortion but don’t worry it will die down in no time,here take this drugs and drink it every morning and evening for three says even tough the pain die down or not OK”. “Yes I will,thank you very much nurse,you have really been helpful to me”. , “Oh is nothing miss just follow the step I have told you”. “Alright how much am I paying you”. “Just give me anything you have from your mind “You mean I should give you anything from my mind?”. “Yes dear,I understand that you are only a student so you can give me anything”. “Thank you so much,please manage this token of 5000naira”. “Wow this is more than what I charged”. “Just managed it,you deserve more than that”. “Thank so much and don’t forget to call me if you need anything or if you feel like talking to someone,you can reach me with that number I gave you at the hospital”. “Alright I will but I have to go now I will give you a call when I get home and thanks a lot once again”. “You are welcome once again, she replied and saw me off. I got to my apartment and met the door open,who could have opened the door of my apartment,I said to myself as I walked in,I walked in and I was shocked to see David staring at me angrily. “Hi Dave, are you back from lectures already?”,I asked him trying to start a conversation but he ignored my question instead “where are you coming from by this time Cynthia, he asked me very angrily. Tbc
6 Aug 2018 | 02:08
U just made a mistake u will forever regret girl
6 Aug 2018 | 04:16
Cynthia you are a dumbass
6 Aug 2018 | 12:28
U are a big fool to forget ur friend threat, I believe she is behind the act, now u are going to loss Dave maybe to her ,what if ur womb damage too ???
6 Aug 2018 | 14:21
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 36 . . “Don’t you dare answer me with a question, I asked again where are you coming from”. “Ha Dave what’s wrong with you, the both of us know that I went to the hospital to find out how old the pregnancy is”. “But you went there yesterday”. “I just went to another hospital to confirmed what the doctor told me and its the same thing as the result of the first hospital, I tought I told you before but it seems I forgot”. “And you are coming back by this time right”. “You know how this lab things is,so many people were there before me and I have to wait for my turn and all that”. “Cynthia so you have the guts to look me in the eye and Ly to me”. “Dave how can you accused me of lying to you”. “Then explain to me how you were saw at uwelu road with two girls this afternoon”. “Me,who told you that ly”. “Don’t you dare ly to me”. “How can you even think that i am lying to you”. “Oh Cynthia I don’t even know what you are turning into this days,this is not the Cynthia I fell in love with,just today we were talking about getting married and living happily but I don’t know if I want that anymore”. “Yes I don’t want that too and that is why I had an abortion”. “What did you just say Cynthia”. “You heard me very well Dave, I had an abortion”,I replied but before I could finish speaking a very hot slap landed on my cheek. “You have the guts to abort my child”. “But it is also my child and I have a right too”. “Just shut up or I will give you another slap,you know what i think i have had enough of all this”. “What do you mean by that Dave”. “Oh so you don’t get it right,why will you get it when all you think about is yourself”. “Don’t you dare blame it on me Dave because you were the one who pushed me to do it”. “What do you mean by pushed you to do it”. “Oh yes Dave,if you didn’t go sleeping around then all this wouldn’t have happened”. “How dare you accused me of sleeping around, in as much as I love you I won’t take it from you”. “Oh yes you will take it from me because you know that what I am saying is true”. “I don’t understand what you are talking about Cynthia”. “Then I will explain it to you, you drugged aminat because you find out that she is pregnant for you and you planned to do the same to me”. “What,it really hurt me to say that you still don’t trust me”. “Oh yes I don’t trust you Dave and I will never trust a guy like you”. “Oh so that is the reason why you abort my baby behind my back right for revenge”. “Yes that is the reason why Dave and this is just the beginning”. “Oh no Cynthia I just can’t take this anymore”. “Instead of you to apologise to me you are there complaining”. “Why should I apologise to you for something I know nothing about and why should I apologise to you for getting rid of my child,oh I see I have shown you so much love and I have done everything you asked me to do since we started dating,no wonder my friends told me that a woman will always use you if you shown her how much you love her and that is exactly what you are doing to me”. “Oh no Dave I am the one who should be talking about showing you much love because I was the one who did everything possible to make you asked me to date you”. “All what you did then to make me noticed you did not measure up to half the love i have shown you since we started dating and you known it,I will always do everything in my power to please you and you have the guts to throw my love at my face,I can’t take this anymore Cynthia, the pain is just too much for me to bear”. “What are you trying to say Dave”. “In as much as it hurt me to say this I must say it because it what I must do,I just can’t continue with this relationship any longer”. “No Dave please don’t say that,I am sure that we can work something out,we can make amends”. “No Cynthia nothing measure up to what you did today,you abort my child because some girls you don’t know told you things about me and you didn’t bother to confront me about it,you just went ahead to get rid of my child. “Dave please I am sorry,I tought they were saying the truth”. “Even tough why didn’t you tought about asking me before getting rid of my child, no Cynthia all this must end today,this relationship must end right this minute”. “Dave please forgive me,I promise to be the best from now on,I promise to trust you with all my heart but please don’t just live me,my life is nothing without you and you know it,please I am begging you don’t just live me because of one mistake I made please have a second tought about this and I promise to change my ways and put you in everything I do but don’t just live me please I am begging you”.
6 Aug 2018 | 19:41
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 37 . . “Listen Cynthia did you know what you just did,you murdered a child and not just any child,my child,our child Cynthia, do you know the plans that I have made for us,I have even called my mom and told her that you are carrying my child and she promised to talk to my dad about it so we can go see your parents and now how can I explain to her that you had an abortion”. “Dave please I am sorry I am sure she will understand because she is a woman like me”. “Don’t you dare say that she is a woman like you, she is not a woman like you because if she has aborted me then I will not be alive today,Cynthia I had good plans for us but you just took advantage of my situation, I know its hard for you to cope with pregnancy as you are still in school but abortion isn’t the best choice”. “I am sorry Dave but aminat and Ijeoma pushed me into this”. “Who is aminat and Ijeoma in the first place”. “Listen Dave if you calm down and promised not to leave me then I will explain everything to you”. “No Cynthia this is more than I can bear so I can’t promise you that”. “So you are still going to break up with me then”. “Listen Cynthia what you did is murder and even the worst of all because you murdered an innocent child and I don’t think I can forgive you for that please understand what I am going true because what you did really hurt me and I need some time alone,I really don’t know what is going to happen between the both of us from now on but I wish you luck,he replied and was about leaving but I ran to stop him because I couldn’t saw him leave”. “No Dave please don’t leave,if you live me then my life will be empty,please I an begging you Dave”. “Cynthia please just let me go,I am not leaving you, I just need sometime to be alone and I need you to understand”. “No Dave if you leave now without forgiving me then I know that you won’t come back to me anymore, please don’t leave me because of one mistake I made”. “You call what you did just one mistake, what you did is ten times a mistake and I just can’t look at your eyes and pretend that everything is alright and like I said I need sometime to decide what is going to happen to our relationship so don’t turn this Into some sort of tragedy”. “Dave you know I can’t live without you”. “Then you should have tought about that before making your own decision on something that concern the both of us, I am sorry but I have to leave,”he replied and walk away”. I almost died after Dave left me,it is almost a week now and I haven’t seen him and I have looked for him everywhere but still couldn’t find him,it is just like my life is crashing before my very eyes and I don’t know what to do, just as I was deep in tought I heard somebody knocking on my apartment door,I tought it was David so I ran to open the door but it was no other person than Tracy my course mate, she was the one who has been there for me since Sonia left but we became more closed when I told her about the issue going on between David and i and she tried to help me apologise to David but he was not at his apartment for six days now and he is not taking my calls either so she has no option than to give up and talk me out of him”. “Cynthia what is wrong now,she said to me as soon as I opened the door”. “Everything is fine Tracy”. “Don’t tell me that everything is fine Cynthia, you haven’t attended lectures for days and you always stay indoors and you don’t take my calls either, don’t tell me that you are still thinking about David”. “Why did he have to break up with me and ran away from his apartment all because of me,I tought he said he love me and we promised to be together forever”. “I have no doubt that Dave loves you but you have to understand that he needs sometime to get over the pain you caused him”. “But I have apologise to him,I have sent him series of text just to tell him that I am sorry,what else can I do to make him forgive me”. “Don’t worry Cynthia, he will forgive you and I am sure of that”. “When will that be Tracy,when is he going to forgive me,he no longer take my calls and I am losing my mind”. “Is alright Cynthia,” she replied and hugged me. “Now my dear you have to come with me to somewhere”. “No I don’t feel like going out right now”. “You see Cynthia this is exactly what I am talking about, you have to be strong and keep leaving your life, you can’t spend the rest of your life thinking about Dave,you have your life to live”. “But i love him”. I know that you love him but if you dies will that love still exist,that’s why you have to be strong and face your problems OK. “And how can I face my problems” “by going out and doing things you like,meeting people and all that”. “Alright I will go with you”. “That’s my girl,so go take a shower and get ready and I will be right here waiting for you and please be fast ok so we can get there on time”. “I stood up and I was about going into the bathroom a text message came into my phone and i quickly rushed to read it because I tought it was from David but I look at the sender and it is not from David but from an unknown number, I quickly opened it and read the content of the test but it almost gave me an heart attack.
6 Aug 2018 | 19:42
7 Aug 2018 | 07:41
U were so dumb to believe dos gals in de first place forgetting DAT u have an arch enemy somewhere in de person of Sonia.... Now see wat u ve caused???
7 Aug 2018 | 10:10
This is all your fault
7 Aug 2018 | 14:25
from ur friend abi
7 Aug 2018 | 15:45
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 38 . . The content of the text message is HELLO CYNTHIA I HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE AS STUPID AS YOU, YOU CANT EVEN TRUST A GUY YOU CALL YOUR FIANCÉE AND CLAIMED YOU LOVED,I AM SORRY TO TELL YOU THIS BUT THE TRUTH IS THAT YOU DON’T LOVE DAVE AS YOU CLAIM YOU DO AND YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO LOVE HIM,SOMEONE CLOSE TO DAVID GAVE US DETAILS ABOUT YOU BOTH AND ASK US TO CONVINCE YOU TO GET RID OF THE CHILD AND I TOUGHT YOU WEREN’T GOING TO DO IT BUT YOU WENT AHEAD AND DO IT,IS GOOD YOU DID IT TOUGH BECAUSE IT HAS DOUBLE OUR PAYMENT, THE PERSON WHO ASKED US TO DO THIS REALLY PLANNED IT VERY WELL AND THE PERSON KNOW HOW FOOLISH YOU ARE BUT I DONT BLAME THE PERSON THAT ASK US TO DO THIS RATHER IT IS YOU I BLAMED FOR NOT TRUSTING SOMEONE YOU CLAIM YOU LOVE,I AM VERY SURE DAVID MUST HAVE LEFT YOU BY NOW BECAUSE NO MAN WILL EVER WANT TO LIVE WITH A WOMAN WHO CAN COMMIT MURDER AND LET ME TELL YOU THIS PLAIN TRUTH ABOUT YOU BOTH. DAVID WILL NEVER COME BACK TO YOU AND EVEN IF HE DID THINGS WILL NEVER REMAIN THE SAME AND HE WILL ALWAYS HAVE A SECOND TOUGHT ABOUT MARRYING YOU BECAUSE WHAT YOU DID HAS LEFT A SCAR IN IS HEART,A SCAR THAT WILL NEVER HEAL, AND THAT ANYTIME HE LOOK AT YOU OR HAVE AN ISSUE WITH YOU HE WILL REMEMBER WHAT YOU DID TO HIM AND THE SCAR WILL BECAME FRESH SO IF I WERE YOU I WILL REJECT HIM EVEN IF HE COME BACK TO ME BECAUSE THE BOTH OF YOU WILL NEVER END UP TOGETHER BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID AND YOU STUPIDITY NEVER NEVER NEVER HAHAHAHAHAHAHA A FOOL AT 40 IS A FOOL FOREVER, ADVICE FROM IJEOMA. Noooooooo noooo,I shouted after reading the text and before I knew it everywhere became dark and i woke up at the hospital bed with Tracy sitting by my side. “Thanks be to God, Cynthia you are awake”. “What happened and why am I here”. “You fainted after reading the text message Ijeoma send you”. “That b---h, she has the guts to mock me after everything they did to me”. “Cynthia they did nothing to you and you know it,all this won’t have happened if you didn’t adhere to their words”. “She wrote that Dave will never come back to me Tracy”. “This is exactly what I am talking about,you are listening to her again,can’t you see what she is trying to do to you”. “What is she trying to do”. “She is trying to make sure you reject David if he comes back to you because she is positive he will come back”. “But when is he going to come back to me Tracy”. “He will come back Cynthia but just give him time and be Strong for yourself”. “Do you think what Ijeoma wrote is true,that if he come back everything won’t be the same anymore and we might not end up together anymore”. “Forget everything Ijeoma said, what do you think Ijeoma is,a forecaster that foresee the future and always see and say the truth, don’t believe in anything she says because if you keep believing then that’s what is going to happen to you”. “But who could have planned all this things against me”. “Just forget about that person,I am sure the truth will comes out on his own but all I know is that who did this to you have a huge grudge against you and hate to see you happy and the person knows so much about your relationship with Dave”. “But no one knows about my pregnancy” “Yes the person who did this knows about your pregnancy and knows the exact time and date you went to the hospital to confirmed how old the pregnancy is because you told me the girls mentioned that”. “But i am very sure I told no one about this and you didn’t even know I was pregnant at that time so who could I have told”. “Think very well Cynthia because there is no way someone must have guess something as serious as pregnancy and for the person to pay people to convince you to get rid if the pregnancy then it means he or she is very sure of it”. “But who could this person be because I am very sure I told no one about it and how did the person get to know about the exact date and time I went to the hospital” “That is what I can’t say but it could be that the person is following you and monitoring your movement at that time”. “I am sure going to figure out who that person is that want nothing but my downfall”. “But if you are sure you told no one then it could be that someone eavesdrop on you when you are having a discussion about the pregnancy with David”. “Yea I think so too”. “But have you ask David if he told someone about it”. “He hasn’t take my calls since then so there is no way I could ask him but wait a minute,I just remembered something Dave told me”. “What did he tell you?” “Dave told me that he called his mother and told her about the pregnancy and she promised to talk to his dad so they can choose a date to go see my parents”. “That means she or his dad can also be behind all this”. Tbc
9 Aug 2018 | 18:02
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 39 . . “No I trust Dave parents so much and I am sure they can never do such a thing to us”. “Don’t be so sure Cynthia” “But why could they even want to do something like that to me”. “Are they aware of your relationship with their son”. “No I don’t think they were aware until David told his mom about the pregnancy but I don’t think she has told his dad about it before all this happened because David told me his dad travelled for a business meeting at that time”. “Then it could be that his mom planned all this without his father’s consent”. “Cynthia you should know all this things,you are no longer a kid”. “That’s what I am trying to figure out but I can’t see any reasons”. “Listen she is a mother and all mother’s want the best for their children, it could be that she is not happy about her son getting married at this age and she is afraid that his future may be ruined if he got married because he is still in school,all parents must have that feeling or it could also be that she is afraid of losing his attention to you because he is her only son,all mother’s are like that and you might do the same thing if you are in her shoes and I wouldn’t blame her if she is behind all this because she knew that her son would not listen to her if she told him not to marry you and she knew that the only way to stop David from getting married to you is by convincing you to get rid of the child and you wouldn’t do it if she ask you to do it nicely so she did it in her own way”. “she will always have his attention and he will not neglect his studies if we get married”. ” you never can tell and you know its not easy to cope with being a father and a student”. “Dave has always been serious about studying and nothing can change that”. “Listen we are not yet sure that she is behind it yet so all we have to do is watch her and the only way you can do that is by getting together with David”. “But how could she have known that I went to the hospital to confirmed how old the pregnancy is and how could she even know the exact date and time”. “When did David called her and informed her of the pregnancy”. “I think it is the same day I went to confirmed how old the pregnancy is”. “Then she could have ask about you and David told her where you went and what you went to do because it concerns the pregnancy”. “Oh my God Tracy i don’t want to believe this”. “Open your eyes Cynthia,so many things are happening around you that you don’t know”. “Still I don’t believe that David mom could do this to me”. “Alright then if you say so”. “I just hope I find out who that person is soon enough so I can pluck out his or her eyes”. “Then you better start plucking yours out because you are also to blame for listening to everything they say to you”. “Why do you always have to remind me of my mistake all the time”. “I just want to remind you that you are also to blame for everything that is happening to you and nor just the people behind this”. “Alright I have heard you but please stop reminding me because it makes me feel stupid”. “Alright but what about your else roommate Sonia”. “Oh Sonia, I really hope that she is OK anywhere she is”. “Remember you told me that you two always fought about Dave and she always threatened to make sure you both never end up together”. “Yes I remembered the day she left very well,she threatened to do everything in her power to make sure Dave and I don’t end up together”. “So don’t you think that she may be behind all of this because she knew you so well”. “Sonia no no no,I don’t think so all those things she said are just mere words to scare me away from Dave because she love him and want to be with him and by the way she didn’t even know that I am pregnant”. “Don’t trust people so much Cynthia, this girl threatened you before leaving your apartment and you say she is saying mere words, maybe she is carrying out her threat”. “No don’t even go there,I am sure she isn’t behind all this . “alright if that’s what you think but just be sure that if you keep on trusting people then we won’t find out who did this to you and it is better we figure out who did this because the person maybe planning something else”. ” I remembered I told madam Sandra also,I didn’t told her but she was the one that carry out urine test on me but she didn’t knew I went to confirmed how old it is at the hospital”. “You mean madam Sandra that sell drugs close to David apartment right”. “Yes she confirmed my pregnancy with a urine test and she may be behind all this”. “But she didn’t know that you went to confirmed it at the hospital right”. “yes she didn’t know about it but I told her to give me some drugs to get rid of the child behind David back”. “Cynthia how can you even do such a thing”. “I didn’t know what to do at that time, I was just so confused”. “If not that you were my friend I wouldn’t have stand by you but what about the nurse who aborted the baby for you”. “she is ok”. “I am also suspecting her as well because she was the one who came to tell you that she can abort the child for you”. “yes that is true Tracy because she work at the hospital and she knew the exact date and time I went to find out how old the pregnancy is”. “yes she is suppose to be our number one suspect”. “I think we should go to the hospital and talk to her” “but why should we do that”. “because I have no business with the nurse and if she is behind it then somebody must have paid her to do it as well” “yes you are right but we are not sure it is her yet”. “but we can find out by talking to her”. “Alright but that is going to be after you are strong enough bit I doubt she will tell us anything even if she is behind it”. “Thank you so much Tracy you are a true friend”. “is ok all i want is for you to be strong and that means we have four suspect now including Sonia but the funniest thing is that they might not even be the one behind all of this but Let’s forget about that for now,here I brought you food because you might be hungry by now”. “No I am not hungry,I just want to see Dave”. “Cynthia please just eat first and I promised you will see Dave but that will be after you have ate and rest so you can be physically fit OK and after that I will do everything I can to make him come and see you”. “Ok”, I replied and ate some of the food and rest,I woke up and saw Dave sitting beside me. Tbc
9 Aug 2018 | 18:05
This girl mumu no be small
10 Aug 2018 | 04:55
This girl is so annoying
10 Aug 2018 | 12:26
10 Aug 2018 | 20:29
i won't blame cynthia lyk dat bcouz too much trust is not good but she should have trust him even is 50% trust
19 Aug 2018 | 03:01
please continue
21 Aug 2018 | 07:16
21 Aug 2018 | 07:28
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 40 . . “Dave what are you doing here”. “Tracy told me that you fainted so I quickly rushed down to see how you are doing”. “Thank you so much for coming” “You are welcome so what happened”. “Is a long story Dave but I am OK now as you can see but how did Tracy get to talk to you because as far as I know,you don’t take my calls and you are not at your apartment”. “When she called and I didn’t take her calls, she sent me a text message telling me that you fainted and you ask to see me before eating your food so I rushed down here”. “Ha Tracy, she has really been a good friend to me since you left me”. “That’s good and I am really happy that you have someone like her”. “Yea but I want to use this opportunity to apologise for what I did that lead to our break up”. “Cynthia please just forget about that for now,what matters most is your health ok”. “No Dave your understanding matters to me now more than anything, your love,your care”. “Cynthia please” “No Dave,I will understand if you won’t be able to go on with our relationship but what I want is your life and our friendship, go back to your old life and come back to your apartment,we can still be friends, I knew that I don’t deserve forgiveness because of what I did but anyone could have made the same mistake and I don’t want you to suffer for it so please don’t destroy your life for me”. “Cynthia please you shouldn’t be saying all this for now,just get well first”. “How can I get well when you are like this Dave”. “Listen Cynthia I told you that everything will be fine but I just need sometime alone”. “But its one week already Dave, isn’t that enough time,Dave please stop keeping me in suspense, just tell me that its over so we can both move on with our lives”. “Don’t say that Cynthia, you know I can’t break up with you,I agreed I was mad at you and I ask for sometime alone but that doesn’t mean I want to end our relationship that took us time to built to this level, alright I will come back to my apartment and start attending lectures and we can start all over again”. “No Dave I don’t want to force you to accept me back into your life, I want you to accept me from your mind and not because it is what I want OK”. “Listen Cynthia I was mad at you and all that but I never for once tought of leaving you,you know I love you so much and will never do that”. “If that is the case then let me ask you a question?” “Yes ask me I am listening”. “Would you have come to see me if Tracy didn’t sent you a text informing you that I fainted and was rushed to the hospital”. “I would have come see you and even if I didn’t come today,tomorrow or all through the week,I would have still come see you because I already forgave you and I knew that you didn’t do what you did from your mind,some people who don’t want us together pushed you to do it and I will be giving them what they want by ending our relationship”. “so you mean you still love me from your heart and you have forgiven me for what I did to you” “Oh my God i am so happy,Thank you so much for understanding me Dave,I promised not to hurt you ever again”. “And I also promised not to hurt you as well”. “Oh I love you so much”. “I love you too”. Hmmmm,Tracy cleared her throat as she walked into the hospital and saw us hugging,we quickly freed ourselves from each other as soon as we saw her. “I am so happy that you both are back together at last”,she said to us happily. “Me too I am so happy and all this won’t have happened if not for all your effort”,David replied her”. “The pleasure is mine Dave, all I want is my friend happiness and I will do anything for it and believed me I have really talk some sense into her and I believed she will not misbehave again”. “So I am here and the both of you are conspiring against me”. “We are not conspiring against you Cynthia, all I want is the best for you and I am only thanking Dave for giving it to you”. “I know that Tracy and I am very happy for having a friend like you and just as David said,all this won’t have happened without your support, thank you so much my friend, you are a true friend and I thank God for giving you to me”. “Is OK Cynthia, you know that your happiness is my happiness, and Dave thank you so much once again for forgiving her,I will live you two together now,and Cynthia the doctor said you can go home now and I knew Dave can help you with that so I will come and see you at home tomorrow”. “Yes you have tried a lot and I will take her home,thank you once again,Dave replied her. “Alright bye and thank you so much once again,I will call you as soon as I get home”. “Ok take good care of yourself and take care of Dave,”she replied and left. “She is a very good friend and she love you so much”,Dave told me as Tracy left. “Yes she is Dave and I love her too”. “So where am I taking you,my apartment or yours”. “Anywhere of your choice as far as we are together”. “Then my apartment will do because I have a cool bottle of wine for for celebration of the both of us together”. “Alright then let’s go, I replied and made to stand up but he stopped me and carry me”. “I need to carry you just to be sure you won’t faint again because I don’t want to lose you ever again”,he told me on our way out. “You are really funny Dave and I really missed you so much”,I replied. “you have no idea how much I missed you”. he replied and kissed me and we took a cab and left for his apartment. Tbc
26 Aug 2018 | 04:38
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 41 . . David and I became more fond of each other after getting back together and it is just as if that issue was a way to bring us more close to each other,I showed him the text message and he told me to stop investigating who did it because the truth will eventually comes out on its own,we stay together until my finals in the university but still a year to Davids final because he is studying engineering and has to stay for five years instead of four years like me. After our 400level first semester the three of us including Tracy travelled home to prepared for our second semester and also to see our family,Tracy travelled home a day before David and I left and David and I travelled home together alone and it was so much fun travelling together in a bus with someone you love,half way trough the journey there was an heavy rainfall and I rest my head on David shoulder and that made the journey more interesting, we finally got to our destination and we departed to our various homes after David promised to called me that weekend so we can go out. I got home and my family were so happy to see me ,I forget to tell you something that happened in my third year,Micheal my elder brother got married to Jane and they now base in port Harcourt including my younger sister favour who is living with them because she is studying mass communication at the university of port Harcourt. “Oh my daughter is back oh”,mom replied as soon as she saw me. “Yes mom I am back”,I replied and hugged her. “How was the journey my daughter”. “Thank God mom,is very great”. “Dad is still at work right”. “Yes my child you know your dad is a very hard working man”. “Yes mom I know that”. “I don’t know why you insist on travelling with public bus, you know your father can come pick you up from school instead”. “Yes mom I know but you know dad is a very busy person and I don’t want to stressed him with that”. “Then I can come if you like”. “Ha mom you don’t have to worry,I am OK with the public transportation”. “Ok my child if you say so,I know you must be tired now after the journey”. “Yes mom I am tired and need a lot of rest and food as well”. “Ok just go to your room to freshen up while I fix you something to eat”. “Alright mom but why is favour not yet back”. “Don’t mine your sister, you know that Jane is pregnant and need somebody to help her so she don’t want to allow your sister to come home but I have called her and she told me she will come home tomorrow”. “Ok mom I will be expecting her then because I have really miss her and Micheal but what about Micheal, Isn’t he going to come with Jane since favour is coming and there is nobody to help her do some work she can come over here for some time”. “Yes I told your brother but he hasn’t said anything about it yet”. “Okay mom let me freshen up and get ready for your food because i missed that a lot”. “Ok my daughter we will talk more when your dad comes back from work”. Later in the evening dad sent for me after dinner and I went to the sitting to answer his call,I met mom and dad sitting and I know dad sent for me for something serious. “You sent for me dad”,I said “Yes my daughter, i sent for you because your mother and I have something important to discuss with you so please sit down”. “Ok dad “,I replied and sat down but still confused about why they sent for me”. “You are welcome once again my daughter”, dad said to me as soon as I sat down. “Thank you dad and I am also happy to see you and mom after a long time”. Welcome, I know you are wondering why we sent for you”. “Yes dad I am wondering about it and I hope there isn’t any problem”. “You don’t have to worry my child, we called you here because we have goodnews”. “Really then tell me because I can’t wait”. “The son of Mr Oyibo is coming back from America tomorrow and he promised to come see you as soon as he comes back”. “Mom,dad,who is Mr oyibo and who is his son”. My daughter, Mr oyibo is a business partner of your father, he gives contracts Worth’s of millions to your father and his son that travelled abroad 8years ago is coming back tomorrow and the best part is that he is coming back to get married, he has ask his father to find a wife for him ,so your father and his father has agreed that the two of you will get married to secure your fathers business because Mr oyibo might stop giving your father contract one day but if the both of you get married then our mind will be at rest and you two will run his father’s company and your father’s company together”. Tbc
26 Aug 2018 | 04:39
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 42 . . “Mom, dad,how can you even think of something like this,you want to marry me out to someone I don’t have canal knowledge of and you think I will consent to that”. “My dear we are your parents and we want the best for you,we know that Tony is the right guy for you and that is why we are telling you this”. “No dad I disagree with you and i will not marry Tony”. “You are only saying this because you haven’t seen him,I bet you will love him when you meet him so just relax and prepare for his visit”. “No mom I will not marry him and that is final, I replied and went to my room”. How can they even think of getting me married just like that to someone I don’t know and they don’t even care to know if I loved him or not,no I will not marry Tony or whatever his name is, I said to myself as soon as I got to my room. I woke up the next day very late because I slept late,I went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat and I met mom preparing a lot of food. “Good morning mom”. “Good morning my daughter, how was your night”. “It was OK Mom”. “I don’t want to wake you because I knew you must be tired from your journey yesterday”. “Yes I am very tired but why are you preparing so much food or has Micheal and Jane agreed to accompany favour here and spend some time with us”. “No my daughter, it is true that your sister is in her way but your brother is not with her,he said that he is busy at work and that he will fix out time to visit us soon,”. “So why is there so much food”. “You seems to forgot so soon about what we told you last night”. “What is that about”. “Tony the son of your dad business partner is visiting today to see you”. “Mom I tought I told you and dad that I will not marry Tony”. “I know you said that but we know you can’t agree just like that,you have to see him first and get to know him and then you can make a decision”. “Mom I don’t know why you and dad are trying to force me to marry someone I don’t love but I am assuring you that it is not going to work,tell dad to secure his contract with someone else and not me please,for Christ sake I don’t know why dad always wants to decide everything for us and now he has take it on him to choose who I will marry”. “Your father gave birth to you and he wants the best for you”. “I know that but he is taking it too far”. “Ok let’s make a deal,just try to act nice with Tony and be free with him for just two weeks and after that two weeks you can decide if you wants to marry him or not and if you don’t want to marry him then I will talk to your father and he will let you be”. “Mom I can’t do that because I have someone I love”. ” I am not asking you to break up with who you say you love,I am only asking you to spend some time with Tony and get to know him and that is why I am giving you two weeks and after two weeks you can decide who you really want”. “But what if I fell in love with Tony after that two weeks”. “Then it means you don’t really love the guy you are talking about”. “Alright mom but if I told you I don’t want Tony after two weeks will you accept the guy I love?” “Of course so do we have a deal”. “Yes mom we have a deal and I am only doing this because of you and I also want to prove to you that I am deeply in love with the guy I am telling you about”. “Ok my dear let’s wait until the end of two Weeks”. “Mom”,favour called from the sitting room and we both ran to welcome her”. “Oh my beautiful sister,you are here already, I replied and hugged her. “You are welcome my child,mom said to her and hugged her as well. “So you have been here big sist and you didn’t even bother to tell me”. “I am sorry kid sister, mom told me you will be coming today and I want to surprise you”. “So how was your journey?”mom asked her. “It was a bit stressful but is OK because I took the first bus”. “You are welcome my daughter and how is your brother and his wife”. “They are fine mom and aunty Jane ask me to greet all of you especially you Cynthia, she told me she look forward to see you soon”. “Hmmm I will call her today to tell her to hasten her visit because I missed her”,I replied. “Hmmm mom look at everywhere, I guess you are making one of my favourite meal? “Yes I am preparing banga soup and starch to welcome your sisters suitor”,mom said. “Hmmm so you already have a suitor and you didn’t tell me about it big sist? she asked. “Don’t mine mom,she is only trying to pull yours legs,come with me let’s go to my room and talk more because mom is busy in the kitchen”,I replied and we went to my room”. “You girls shouldn’t stay long there, you know I need help in the kitchen”,mom said to us. “So tell me about the suitor mom is talking about?”she asked after dropping her bags. “I know you will ask”. “Of course,who wouldn’t ask about her sisters suitor”. “Anyway Tony is not my suitor, he is the son of dad business partner and dad want me to marry him to secure his contract or something, he came back from American today”. “Do you just say Tony”. “Yes his name is Tony Oyibo and he is coming here today”. “Woah you are so Lucky big sist”. “How do you mean by I am so lucky”. “Tony is a friend of brother Micheal and he told me a lot about him,he travelled to American 8 years ago to further his education and he is studying pharmacist,brother Micheal told me that he is coming back to look for a wife,he even told brother Micheal to look for a decent girl for him because he won’t be staying long in Nigeria,I think brother Micheal told dad about the both of you or maybe his father did”. “So is that why you say I am Lucky”. “Sist you are Lucky, I have seen his picture, he is very handsome and brother Micheal told me that he is every woman’s dream,you will like him when you see him”. “Is something holding you girls there,”mom said from the kitchen and we ran to help her”. After we finish setting the table,we heard the door bell ring. “Go and answer the door Cynthia,that must be him”,mom said to me and I quickly went to answer it,I opened it and behold I saw the most handsome looking guy I have ever seen standing by the door, he is so handsome and his skin colour is the colour that will be referred to as the colour of an half-caste, his hair is curly and I fell in love with his smile,I just stood there staring at him because I am amazed at his sight”. Tbc
26 Aug 2018 | 04:39
What will be Dave's fate now
26 Aug 2018 | 16:38
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 43 . . “Hello you must be Cynthia”,he said to me. “Em y y yes i i am Cynthia”. “And i must say that you are splendid,you are more beautiful than what your family told me”. “Thank you but who might you me”. “I am Tony Oyibo,your husband to be”. “Really, so you have already concluded that without asking if I want to be your wife or not, isn’t it unusual for a man to marry a woman without her consent”. “My lady don’t say that, that’s why I am here to formally ask for your hand in marriage”. “That is good then,so that mean i can tell you what my answer is now”. “No my lady i can’t let you give me an answer just yet because that answer won’t be from your heart so maybe after few more days then you can give me your wonderful answer”. “Hmmmm so you think some days can change a mind that is already made up”. “Of course my lady,just a minute can change somebody life forever so why can’t it change what is in the heart”. “Is something holding you there Cynthia”,mom called out from the sitting room. “Forgive my manners, i am suppose to let you in but I let you stand here”. “Oh is nothing,I am ready to do anything for my lady who is just getting to know her man”. “Please come in’,i replied and let him into the sitting room”. “Oh Tony my child,you are already here”. “Yes mama,i couldn’t wait for even one more second before seeing my bride to be”. “I Guess the both of you are getting to know each other already”. “Yes mom,she is more than what I expected her to be and who is this beautiful damsel standing by your side”? He asked mom pointing to favour. “Oh this is favour my younger sister and she is waiting to meet you,I quickly replied”. “Oh so you are favour,I must say you are as beautiful as your sister”. “Thank you for the complement brother Tony” ,favour replied. “You are welcome my dear,you have really grown so big and beautiful especially you my lady,”he replied facing me. “What do you mean by grown so big brother Tony, have we met before? Favour ask him. “Oh yes my dear but I guess you won’t remember, your sister here must remember”. “No I don’t think we have met before,I replied. “Mom so the both of them don’t remember me anymore”. “Girls Tony and his family was our next door neighbour at the time we live at port Harcourt before relocating to delta here,at the time favour was still very tender but Cynthia you are almost 11 then so you should remember him”. “Yes mom i think i remember him now,you are almost a teenager at time, i guess you may be 13 or 14 year old at that time and your father relocated to Delta here because of business and you promised to always write me but you didn’t, you forgot about me”. “No I sent you letters”. “You sent me letters then but i didn’t receive any of them. “Maybe I was mailing them to the wrong address but I am sure I sent you letters”. “Ok OK children enough of this getting together, let’s go have lunch first and after that you can have all the time in the world to know yourselves better but for now let’s eat before the food get cold”,mom told us and we all went to the dinning and have a delicious meal of bagan soup and starch,at most time I will caught Tony staring at me and I will smile at him and he will smile back at me all through the lunch time after lunch we all retire to the sitting room. “Mom I haven’t seen Dad since I came here”. “Oh he went to work but he promise to visit you after work”. “Alright then I will be expecting him”. “So how is everything abroad”. “Everything is working fine for me there and I give thanks to God”. “That’s good and you wants to settle down in Canada or Nigeria here”. “I will settle down there mom because that is where my work is so that is why I can’t stay long in Nigeria, I only took some few months off”. “You mean you will soon be leaving? I asked. “I think somebody is already afraid of losing somebody here”,mom cuts in. “Mom please i am only asking” “Yes i don’t have much time here because I have a lot of work to do in Canada”,he replied. “But why didn’t you take a wife in Canada”. “I have someone I love right here in Nigeria mom,I have always felt something for Cynthia while we were young then but we are too young for such things then so I didn’t tell her,last month I asked Michael if she is married and he told me that she is not yet married so I want to take that chance to show her how much I love her”. “Do you hear that Cynthia,favour let’s leave both of them alone for now so they can be free with each other,”mom said to favour. “Alright mom,see you later big sist and please take care of her for me brother Tony”. “Of course I will and it is nice to see you again”. “You too be good,mom replied and they left”. “Is it true that you felt something for me then”. “Yes Cynthia I have always hope we will see each other some day but before your family relocated to Delta here i have travelled abroad already, I don’t know how your elder brother got my number and we started communicating some few months back”. “But why didn’t you tell me then?” “Cynthia you where just about ten to eleven years then”. “At least you should have told me in a way that I will understand because it is too late now,I already have somebody i love so much”. “Please Cynthia i am not asking you to agree now but all i am asking is that you give this a tought because I have not have any serious relationship, I can’t deny the fact that i have dated girls in Canada but nothing serious because my heart always long for you, please just give me a place in your heart, please I am begging you just think about this very well”. Tbc
26 Aug 2018 | 23:39
I pity David, I hope u I'll, not break his heart
27 Aug 2018 | 07:16
Hmmm... At a cross road
27 Aug 2018 | 08:25
I pity u
27 Aug 2018 | 10:26
I pity David
27 Aug 2018 | 14:08
Hmmmmmm let's see how it goes!!!
27 Aug 2018 | 22:18
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 44 . . “Do you expect me to break up with the guy i am dating now”. “No I didn’t say that,all I am saying is that you should get to know me”. “Get to know you and then what,what is the point of getting to know you when i already have someone else and what if after getting to know you i still stand by my word,wouldn’t that hurt you the more or what if i choose you after spending time to know you then what will happen to the one i love,getting to know you will just be a way to hurt you people,just accept the truth and go look for somebody else”. “Cynthia please don’t deny it,i know you feel something for me or can you deny the fact that you don’t like me or have a little crush on me”. “Stop it Tony, stop making me feel that i am not loyal to the one i love”. “I am not the one making you feel that you are not loyal to him,you know it yourself that you are not loyal to him,you don’t love him Cynthia i can see it in your eyes”. “I can see that this discussion is getting us nowhere, maybe we can talk better after cooling our head for a while,please excuse me”,I replied and made to leave but he grabbed my hand and stop me. “Please think carefully about what i told you, you know i don’t have much time here and it will be a lot of pain to me if i go back without you because I don’t think i can love anyone the same way i love you and i may not get married again, say goodbye to everyone for me,I will come and see you tomorrow,he replied and left. Oh my God what am i going to do now,should i agree and get married to him,no I can’t do that to Dave who has always shown me love,but he just told me that he may not get married to any other Lady if i should reject him,but i can’t leave Dave after all we have been through together, how is he going to feel,speaking of Dave he hasn’t called me today, let me call him to know how he is fairing”. “Hello my love how are you doing”,he said to me after answering. “I am fine Dave,how is Rose doing?” “She is fine and dying to meet you”. “Hmmmm tell her she will meet me soon”. “Is everything okay with you my love?” “Of course everything is fine, why do you ask?” “Your voice,the way you talk i think you have something you are hiding from me”. “No Dave,how can i, i just miss you and that’s it”. “I am planning of asking you out today, will you be available”. “Yes i am very excited, i really missed you a lot”. “Ok i will come pick you up at your junction by five, please don’t be late”. “I won’t my love,please don’t fail,i love you so much”. “I love you more,take good care of yourself for me OK,see you later”. “Sist where is Brother Tony, has he left already without saying goodbye,”Favour said to me as she walk into the sitting room. “He got an urgent call from somebody and he has to run”. “Oh so tell me,don’t you find him attractive”. “Favour you have started again”. “This is not the matter of starting again big sist,I saw the glance the both of you were giving to each other during lunch and I know that you already like the guy but you are trying to deny it,the guy is super cute anyway so any girl could easily fall for him”. “So why don’t you fall for him then”. “Sist you know i am still too young for marriage”. “So you mean that i am overdue for marriage”. “Ha big sist stop acting like you don’t know what i meant”. “Alright alright enough of Tony,i have a date with Dave and i need you to choose what will fit”. “Big sist don’t tell me that you are dating Dave”. “Favour stop asking too much questions please”. “Ok OK let me not say anything again for now,”she replied and followed me to my room”. We got to my room and we end up choosing a dark blue three quarter gown and a black gown and black shoes,after few minutes Dave called me and inform me that he is already at the junction, i quickly took my bag and ran to the junction. “Wow you are looking splendid”. “And you are looking handsome as always”. “Wow you brought a car”. “Yes i ask my dad to lend me his car because today is a special day”. “Hmmm i don’t know you love me this much”. “Of course i do,please hop in so we don’t miss our reservation, he reply opening the door. I hop in an he took me to a very fancy restaurant. “Woah this place is very nice”,I said immediately we entered the restaurant. “Yes this is the best place here,”he replied. “I told dad that i want to take somebody special out and i need a very beautiful place so he made reservation here for us”. “Thank God i dressed very well or else i would have regret it because everybody here is all dressed up,i replied. “You are beautiful just the way God created you and you know it,”he replied. “Hmmmm all this your lovely complement is making me love you more by the day”. “So tell me what would you like to have”. “Anything you can order for me”. “Waiter please come take our order”,he said to the waiter and he walked up to us. “Good evening madam”,please what would you like to have. “Anything you can recommend” “What about you sir”,he replied turning to David. “Just give us two plate of fried rice and salad and a bottle of red wine”. “The waiter left and returned with two plate of food and a bottle of wine,he carefully place it on our table and Dave ask me to open the one closer to me,i quickly opened it and behold a very beautiful ring was lying on my plate, i was surprised and i turned to face him,he quickly opened his plate and a microphone was on it, he picked it up and turn around”. “Hello everybody i want you all to witness a very special day of my life,the step i am taking today is not an easy step to take but i have tought about it and i have decided to take it with someone very special to me and i need your support “,he said to all the people present at the restaurant and all their attention came to us, Today i will be proposing to the love of my life and i want you all to witness it”.everybody started clapping immediately he said that and that drew their attention more to us, some of them quickly brought out their camera and camera phone and started videoing us. I was so shocked by what he said,i didn’t believe Dave will proposed to me so soon at least not now, He turned to me, picked up the ring and knelt down close to me and asked me a very important question that every woman including ladies hope, pray and long to hear some day from the opposite s-x. “Cynthia David will you be the mother of my children, will you marry me”. Tbx
28 Aug 2018 | 00:33
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 45 . . Everything was just like a dream to me,why is David proposing to me now that Tony is into me and wants to do everything possible to marry me but i can’t just say no to Dave because he will surely demand answers and i love him and also we have been dating for years unlike Tony who i know nothing about except that he is my childhood friend,i turned to look at the people there and all their attention were towards me,some were telling me to say yes while some were telling me to say no so they can take him from me,some of them where telling me that i am very lucky, i look at David and i could see desperation in his eyes,i know that he won’t be able to take it should i say no and that will also be a lot of disappointment to the people present there but i shouldn’t care about what they think because this is a question that concerns me alone,whatever i decide will determine my future and i know i have a better future with Dave. “Yes i will,yes i will marry you Dave”,i blurted out”. “Oh my God,ladies and gentlemen do you hear that, she will marry me,” he said to them with the microphone and slide the ring into my finger,they all gave us a round of applause immediately he slide the ring into my finger,some of them came to congratulate us while some of them send us greetings from where they sat down, some of them even gave us their number and address so we can Invite them for the wedding because they want to be there to witness it as they witness the engagement,some elderly ones advise me a lot by telling me to always care and understand him because he love me a lot,David end up paying for food and drinks for everyone and there is a lot of merriment, it was more like an engagement party,David and i bade them goodbye and left after some time. “Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth “, he said to me on our way home”. “Come on Dave,i am your girlfriend and it is my duty to be your wife as well”. “But still i have to thank you, you know at first i was scared you would say no”. ” But why do you think that i will say no to you”. “Is normal for a guy to be scared when asking his lady to marry her”. “Hmmmmm but since when have you been planning this and who gave you hint to proposed to me in such a romantic way”. “I have been thinking about this for a long time but Rose gave me some hint on how to go about it because she is a woman like you and she may know what you will like”. “So you mean she knew that you will be proposing to me today”. “Of course she knew,we planned everything out together”. “Oh Dave you make me love you the more because of what you did today”. “And you make me glad by accepting me,so when do we start preparations for the wedding?” “I think we should wait till after my final exams which is four months from now and then you will be in your final year and that will make the preparations more easy”. “But isn’t it too far”. “Ha dave,we have be dating for more than four years now so how can you think four months is too much time to wait before we get married or are you afraid of losing me”. “No i trust your loyalty to me but we can also break the goodness to our parents right”. Immediately he said breaking the news i quickly remembered Tony. “No i said,i mean not today because its already late”. “I didn’t mean today, i will pick you up tomorrow by five so i formally introduced you to my parents as my wife to be then after that we can fix a date to meet yours”. “But why the hurry? i ask, we can meet them anytime”. “No i can’t wait anymore, i just want my family to know you so please be ready”. “Alright then,i will see yours but i will think about introducing you to my family for now”. “Why don’t you want tell your parents about us Cynthia, is there anything you are hiding from me that I should know of?” “No of course not Darling, you worry too much, i need to get home now before my father get home before me,i will call you and please drive carefully,i replied gave him a goodbye kiss and went home”,i quickly take the ring off my finger and hide it before my parents figure it out because i can’t tell them for now,i got home and i saw mom in the sitting room. “Good evening mom”. “Good evening my daughter, where are you coming from?” “I met up with some old time friends but where is Favour? Has she slept already. “Yes she is tired of waiting up for your father so she went to bed”. “Alright i will talk to her tomorrow”. “Alright your food is on the table”. “I already have dinner with my friends mom, all i just need now is some rest”. “Ok you can go and rest so you can have enough time to gist me about your talk with Tony and how it went because he left without saying goodbye to anyone”. “He left because he got an urgent call but i will tell you about the rest tomorrow but for now i need to rest,see you tomorrow mom”,i replied and went to my room. A call woke me up from sleep the following money,i saw that it was from an unknown number, i wondered who it was before answering it. “Hello who is this please? I asked immediately i answered it. “My Lady it is me Tony”,the caller replied. “Oh Tony how is everything with you?” I asked. “Everything is fine my Lady and you how is everything with you”. “I am fine thank God, but how did you get my number? ” “Your father gave it to me when he came to visit us yesterday”. “Ok then”,i replied. “I am sorry for the way things ended between us yesterday”,he replied. “Don’t worry about that,this things happen”,i replied. “Could you give me the honour of apologising by taking you out for dinner this evening”. I quickly remembered my engagement to Dave and my promise to go with him so he can introduced me to his parents and i also remembered my deal with mom to be nice with Tony for two weeks and after that i can choose who i really want and mom will be very furious at me if she finds out that i refuse Tony offer for lunch because that will mean that i am not keeping to the deal i had with her and that will only make things worst but who do i go for,dinner with Tony or meeting Dave parents as i promised him. Tbc
28 Aug 2018 | 00:39
The ball is in your court
28 Aug 2018 | 07:16
play your cards well
28 Aug 2018 | 08:28
I can see u r in a very tight corner ma dear but I will advise u to follow ur heart!!!
28 Aug 2018 | 09:53
na you sabi
28 Aug 2018 | 10:00
I hope u ll not disappoint D
28 Aug 2018 | 14:40
You don't love David You didn't accept the ring cos of Love you accept it cos you don't want to embarrass him
28 Aug 2018 | 17:01
You don't love David You didn't accept the ring cos of Love you accept it cos you don't want to embarrass him
28 Aug 2018 | 17:01
Ma u sabi
28 Aug 2018 | 22:24
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 46 . . “Alright Tony i will go with you”,i replied. “Thank you so much,you don’t know how happy you made me, i will pick you up by 6:30”. “No why don’t you make it 7:30”. “But why postpone it”. “I have to help mom prepare dinner and i will only be free by 7:30pm”. “Alright then 7:30 it is,see you later”. “You too bye”,I replied and hung up,thank God he is picking up by 7:30,I will meet Dave by 5pm and after that i will go out with Tony by 7:30,what a perfect day,I said to myself,dropped my phone and left for the kitchen to prepare breakfast. David called me by 7:30 to inform me that he is on his way to my junction, i quickly dressed up and left my room,i got to the sitting room and i met mom watching TV. “Mom i am going out”. ‘Where are you going to by this time,i tought you told me that you are going out with tony by 7:30 pm”. “Ha mom you worry too much,i am just meeting with some old time friends of mine”. “I tought you told me you met with them yesterday evening”. “Yes i met with them yesterday evening but you know we have not seen each other for long so we want to make the most of the little time we had with each other now before we all travelled to our various school”. “And you want to end the date you had with Tony because of that”. “Don’t worry mom i will be be back before then trust me”. “Ok oh please keep to your word”. “Yes mom i promised”i replied and left”. I met Dave already waiting at the junction in his fathers car,i quickly hop in because i want to return on time so i can go out to dinner with Tony. We got to his apartment and his family welcomed me warmly,especially Rose his younger sister and his Mom. We all had a delicious meal of jollof rice and chicken and after that his mom ask me to accompany her to her room because she wants to show me the decoration, we got to her room and she started acting weird. “I know that you must be wandering why i asked you to accompany me to my room,she said to me after asking me to sit”. “No ma,i mean you already told me that you want me to see the decoration you chooses for your room and i must say that it is very nice and beautiful”,i replied. “It is nice but that is not the main reason i invited you to my room”.I became scared as soon as she said that. “The main reason i invited you to my room is that i have a very deep secret to share with you and i will need you to do something for me after i must have shared my secret with you for you and my son good so can i trust you to do it”. “Alright ma i will do everything you asked me to do”. “But first you have to swear it to me that you will do what i ask you to do”. “Ma how can i swear to do something i don’t know”. “Alright i will tell you about it but you must do everything i will ask you to do”. “Alright ma i will be happy to listen and i will do my best not to disappoint you”. “i understand that you and Sonia have been best Friends since secondary school”. “Yes ma we have been closed but its been long i saw her”. “Then you know of a time that i was seriously Ill and was admitted at the hospital”. “Yes ma,I remembered that time very well,i just got to know Sonia and David at that time and please don’t be angry because i didn’t visit you at that time because Sonia told me that it is nothing serious”. “I have kidney problem at that time”. “Jesus, i shouted. “I am so sorry ma,i didn’t know that it was that serious”. “Is ok and i give thanks to God for saving me by my long lost best friend”. “How do you mean ma”. “When i was still at the hospital, God used somebody very closed to my son to save my life and i can’t stop being grateful to God and my wonderful helper,you know Cynthia, back then when i was young i have a friend named Esther Akponome,she is a very good friend to me and we are so inseparable but you know that there must be an obstacle to any thing in this life and the obstacle i had with Esther was my mother, she hate Esther so much and always warned me against associating with her because she is poor and i was rich, there was a time i stole my mothers money and gave it to Esther to pay her school fees because her parents couldn’t pay her fees for that term and my mother find out about what i did,do you know what she did?” “No i have no idea ma”. “She arrested her parents and told them that she will only set them free if they returned the money and Esther has already gave the money to her teacher for her school fees, it was only the intervention of my father that could released them. My mother agree to released them on the condition that we will all relocate to Abuja without letting me say goodbye to my best friend who i put in so much pain, as soon as we packed our luggage she called the dpo and asked him to released them and by the time they were released we were already on our way to Abuja and that was how i lose contact with my best friend and her family until i was sick at the hospital and God used my son to bring my long lost friend to me”. “But how did she know that you were admitted at the hospital”. “That day David came with a young girl to the hospital,immediately i saw her i remembered my long lost friend because she look a lot like her and i also remembered that the doctor told me that i had just three months to live and all i could wish for at that moment was to see my long lost friend before i die and God made it possible through that young girl”. Tbc
29 Aug 2018 | 17:00
Hmmm... Complicated
30 Aug 2018 | 06:52
Complicated indeed
30 Aug 2018 | 07:56
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 47 . . “Yes Sonia is here and she asked me to keep it a secret from you because of her promised to her mother”. “Wait you mean you know Sonia is here all this while we were looking for her and you did even bother to tell me about it”. “Cynthia”. “Don’t you dare call me Dave”. “I am only doing what my mother asked me to do”. “Yes keep doing everything she asked you to do,go ahead and marry Sonia as she asked “Please don’t talk like that Cynthia, you know how much i love you”. “Do you just say love,do you think love can overcome all this problems, please Dave go ahead and marry Sonia, i am more convinced now that ever that we both are not meant for each other”. “Please don’t say that Cynthia, you are breaking my heart”. “Stop telling me to stop, just few days back my parents introduced me to a guy named Tony and asked me to marry him,i am still trying to get out of that and now this is coming up”. “You mean all these are happening to you and you didn’t tell me”. “I didn’t tell you because i taught i can handle it but now i know better”. “Please don’t give up now, we can work things out”. “Let her give up”,his mother cuts in. “Dave all i did and still trying to do is for your own good and you know it”. “No mom,you did what you did for your own selfish desire and not for me”. “So you mean Sonia’s mother sacrifice her kidney for me just for my selfish desire”. “Exactly mom”,he replied but before he could say anything more he received a very hot slap from his mother. “How dare you talk to me your mother in such manner”. “Slapping me won’t change anything mom and you know it,what you did is very bad and you know it,you have kidney problem and you kept if away from dad and i and then your friend sacrificed his kidney for you, what make you think that we won’t have done the same thing if you have told us about it and because of that you send some girls to convinced Cynthia to get rid of your own grand child”. “I didn’t tell you because i don’t want you to worry about me”. “And you think going through my back to convinced the lady i am about to marry to break up with me is the Best choice right”. “Dave please just do this for me,remember that i am your mother”. “No mother,i will not do such a thing,go and find another way to settle your best friend and her daughter because i will not give up the lady i love . Tbc
30 Aug 2018 | 08:18
So David's mom was behind the abortion
30 Aug 2018 | 12:06
these is getting more intresting
30 Aug 2018 | 13:11
Nice next
30 Aug 2018 | 18:48
30 Aug 2018 | 18:56
Continue please nice story
30 Aug 2018 | 19:26
THE RECKLESS LOVER Episode 48 “No Dave,i will give you up if you won’t give me up”. “Cynthia please don’t do this to me, can’t you see that i have refused her offer”. “And that is why i am asking you to accept her offer”. “No Cynthia i will not,even if i have to die rejecting her offer then let death come,i will not marry Sonia no matter what”. “Dave can’t you see that she is asking you to do it,please do this for me please i am begging you”. “No mother, Cynthia is the one i love and she is the one i will marry”. “And i say that i will no longer marry you Dave”. “And why are you so bent on breaking up with me because of this issue”. “I just want you to do what your mother said”. “But it doesn’t seem so,it appears to that you are breaking up with me just to be with the guy your parents want you to be with”. “How dare you say such a thing to Me Dave”. “Why won’t i say such a thing to you,here i am arguing with my mother and trying my best just to fight for Our love but all you wants is to break up with me, how am i even sure that you haven’t fell for that guy”. “What,how can you even say such a thing to me”. “Yes why won’t i say so,listen if you want to break up with me then go ahead and do it,just go ahead and do it because i am tired of pleading with you all the time,if you are tired of this relationship then go ahead and end it and stop forcing yourself, God knows i have tried my best,i am even arguing with my mother right now so we can be together but it seems you don’t want that and i can’t keep on forcing you to do what you don’t want” Are you asking me to break up with you Dave ? “I am not asking you to break up with me Cynthia but here am i fighting for us to be together but all you could do is to make things worst for me by trying to break up with me that’s why i am simply telling you to follow your heart”. “I love you Dave but i am really confused right now”. “If you loved me then don’t be confused, we are going to work things out and be together, i promised. “Dave don’t tell me that you chooses Cynthia over me”. “Mom i love Cynthia and she is the one i will marry”. “No Dave i can’t take this anymore, “i replied and ran out of his apartment but he ran after me and i heard him calling my name and asking me to stop but before he could get to me i took a bike and left. Tbc
30 Aug 2018 | 19:30
Eleyi gidi gan o
30 Aug 2018 | 19:53
Wahala don come oo... Dis is a very complicated issue,nawa oo!!!
30 Aug 2018 | 20:43
it is true. Reckless lover
31 Aug 2018 | 06:20
31 Aug 2018 | 09:36
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 49 . . “Where are you coming from”,mom said to me as soon as i entered the sitting room”. “Mom please i am very tired and i need some rest”,i replied. “Don’t you dare play dumb,i ask you a question and i won’t repeat myself”. “Mom i tought i told you where i am heading to before going out”. “So you are trying to tell me that you stayed with your friends till now”. “Yes mom,we had so much fun”. “And you ignored the date you had with Tony because of that isn’t it”. “Oh i forgot about it mom,please don’t be angry”. “Cynthia i am your mother and i have played such games before, you and i know very well that you weren’t with your friends and i demand an explanation right now”. “Mom i told you that i was with my friends and i forgot the date with Tony”. “Alright then if you don’t want to tell me the truth then i won’t bother you about it but let me warn you if this particular incident ever repeat itself again then you shall hate me”. “Don’t worry mom,it won’t happen again and about Tony i will call him and find a way to make it up to him just trust me”. “You better make it up to him because that young man has been waiting for you for hours and the worst part Is that you refused to take your calls”. “Mom my phone was in my bag,i will call him as soon as i get to my room,I will go ahead now mom. see you later”. I got to my room, brought out my phone from my bag and i saw fifteen missed calls from Tony, five from favour,three from mom and seven from Dave,I ignored Dave and put a call to Tony. “At last you agree to turn up”,he said as soon as he answered the call. “Listen Tony i am really sorry about today, is just that i forgot about our date”. “Of course i can be forgotten very easily because i am not important”. “Please don’t talk like that, i am really sorry about everything, i will make it up to you”. “How can you make it up to me Cynthia, after all the preparations i made for us today, you didn’t even take my calls or even call me at least to tell me that you can’t make it”. “Tony please believe me i didn’t mean to hurt you,please forgive me”. “Is OK,what can i say or do anyway so i forgive you”. “Thank you so much Tony,I promised to make it up to you tomorrow”. “How can you make it up to me my lady”. “Why don’t i make it up to you with a lunch date tomorrow”. “Hmmmm ,are you sure about this because i don’t want a replica of yesterday”. “Don’t worry Tony,i won’t fail this time,i promised”. “Alright then i will come pick you up by 1pm if that’s OK by you”. “Of course its OK by me,i will be expecting you and i apologise once again”. “And i forgive you once again my lady,take care of yourself and see you”. “You too dear,bye,I replied and hung up just in time to see Favour staring at me”. “When did you entered my room?” I said to her angrily. “Calm down big sist, i just came in but you didn’t noticed me”. “So what are you doing here”. “Cant i visit my elder sister again”. “Hope you didn’t come here to ask me why i didn’t go out with Tony”. “That was exactly what i came here to do but i changed my mind due to what i just heard. “And what did you heard now”. “That you are telling some people that you want to make it up to them with lunch”. “So you were eavesdropping on me now right”. “No i am not eavesdropping on anyone is just that i overhead that’s all but seriously speaking i think you are falling for the guy already”. “Listen i don’t have time for your teasing today,i need to sleep”. “Yea that’s true,you need a lot of rest so you can prepare well for your lunch date with your sweet Mr lover boy,good night big sist”,she replied and left. “The next day at 12pm i quickly put on a pink long gown and a white shoe and white hand bag to go with it for my lunch date with Tony because i want to get ready on time so as not to disappoint him like yesterday,at one pm favour came into my room to tell me that Tony is already waiting for me at the sitting room. “Tell him that i will soon be with him,i told her and she left, i quickly picked up my handbag and went to the sitting room”. “Wow,you are definitely an Angel to behold”, he said to me as soon as he saw me. “I am flattered, i replied,kiss mom and favour goodbye and left with him”. He took me to a very wonderful restaurant with few people in it and we took a seat. “I hope you like this place”,he said to me as soon as we took our seat. “Yes this place is very wonderful but there aren’t much people in it”. “Yes and that is because this restaurant is for rich people and not much people can afford it”. “Hmmmmm, thank you for bringing me here”. “Anything for you my lady so what are you taking”. “The truth is that i don’t want anything strong so Irish cream will do”. “Don’t you want to have any food”. “No no no,i ate before coming”. “Are you sure about that my lady”. “Of course i am very sure”. “Alright if you say so,” he replied and asked the waiter to bring Irish cream for me and champagne for him and in no time the waiter came with our order”. “So what are you studying in school”,i asked as soon as we started drinking. “I studied pharmacist and you”. “I am studying marketing at the university of Benin”. “Is marketing the course you have always dreamt of studying”. “Yes i have always dreamt of studying marketing because i want to be my own boss no matter how small my business is”. “Hmmm,my marketer but seriously i am happy for you so when are you graduating”. “I am about writing my final exams and what about you, have you graduated”. “I graduated last year and i am now working so that’s why i don’t have much time here because i only took three months leave, Cynthia please i am begging you just give me a little place in your heart,i want to travelled back with a fulfilled mind with you by my side”. Tbc 9:30pm “Is OK Tony, I will think about your proposal, i promised you that”. “Please do because i don’t think i can live without you anymore, i love you so much”. “Is OK i will give you a reply very soon so enough of this emotional talk”,we talked for a while and he dropped me off at my apartment,that same evening i got a call from a strange number, i quickly answered the call to found out who the caller is”. “Hello Cynthia please don’t hang up on me,this is David mother and i need you to do something for me please don’t say no please because it is very important”. “So what do you want me to do for you ma’am”. “I need you to go talk to David for me,he has been in a very bad mood since yesterday and i think that he can harm himself and I am not home please don’t say no”. “Alright ma’am i will go there right away”,I replied. “Oh thank you so much Cynthia, i really appreciate and please go there right away”. “Ok ma’am i am on my way already”,i quickly pick up my purse and left for David apartment and i got there just in time to meet the shock of my life. Tbc
31 Aug 2018 | 18:30
centhiy u are stupid
1 Sep 2018 | 06:32
U dnt think b4 u act Cynthia
1 Sep 2018 | 11:57
Can't you call him before going there?
1 Sep 2018 | 12:13
What in heaven's name did u see,I hope it's nothing nasty? Or David's mum set u up to go n see something nasty? I hope David was not making out with Sonia? Or David has gotten pictures of ur outing with Tony? I just hope it's not what I'm thinking sha!!!!
1 Sep 2018 | 18:23
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 50 . . “Good evening miss,the gateman said to me as soon as he opened the gate”. “Good afternoon, is David in? i replied and asked him “You mean small Oga”. “yes ” “Yes he is inside with small madam”. “Oh you mean Rose is back”. “No i mean small madam Sonia”. “You mean Sonia is inside with David right now”. “Yes miss,she came back yesterday”. “Wow i am so happy,let me quickly go in and see her,” i replied and ran in happily,i got into the house and call out David name but i got no reply,i called out Sonia name and got no reply either, i quickly remembered what David mother told me about David that he may do something bad to himself if i didn’t go and see him,i became scared and ran to his room,i didn’t bother to knock on the door, i quickly opened it and saw Sonia lying down on top of David almost unclad and Dave was putting on a trouser and a singlet, they didn’t noticed me and i had to call out David name before he noticed my presence, he quickly pushed Sonia away from him and try to explain but i ran out of the apartment in tears,the gateman noticed me and try to talk to me but i opened the gate and ran out,David ran after me and caught up with me outside”. “Cynthia please just let me explain”,he said to me as soon as he got hold of my hands. “Let me go”,i shouted at him. “Please just let me explain, its not what you think”. “Its not what i think right”. “Yes Cynthia, you are just seeing things differently”. “How dare you open your mouth and tell me that what i saw right now is not true”. “I swear Cynthia, please just give me the chance to explain”. “There is no need to explain anything Dave, what i saw is clear to me now,you have finally chosen to do what your mother want”. “Cynthia please its not really like that”. “Then what is it really like, answer me Dave, what is it really like”. “She is trying to seduced me but i didn’t give in, please trust me even if it is for just this once please”. “She is trying to seduced you but you where there enjoying everything right”. “Cynthia i am a man and it is not easy to overcome temptation but i was trying to push her away from me and i couldn’t because it looks like she drugged me”. “Oh yes you are a man and all men are the same,oh God i should have known but i am happy because everything happens for a reason”. “Yes everything is happening for a reason my dear”,Sonia said as she walk toward us”. “Sonia i can’t believe that you did this to me”,i replied. “Open your eyes and believe it my dear,David is no longer yours and you know it”. “And that’s is not for you to decide”,i replied. “Oh yes my dear,it is not for me to decide but it is for his mother to decide,his mother want me to be with him and not you”. “Sonia go ahead and tell her the truth”. “What truth Dave,” she replied. “Go ahead and tell her that what she saw is a plan work,you know very well that Cynthia will be coming to my apartment so you drugged me and try to seduced me”. “And since when can drug make someone respond to what he or she don’t want, listen my dear Cynthia what you saw today has been happening for a long time but we are keeping it a secret from you but thank God the truth is out on it’s own”. “Sonia that’s a fat ly and you know it,Cynthia remember she told you that she will do everything in her power to tear us apart, can’t you see that DAT is exactly what she is trying to do now,please don’t give her the chance to do that”. “Dave you have already given her the chance by having s-x with her”. “Cynthia please believe me,i didn’t have s-x with her,why can’t you just trust me”. “How can i trust you Dave, when you always give me reason to distrust you”. “Cynthia please don’t listen to her,i am telling you the truth”. “No he isn’t telling you the truth Cynthia, Sonia cut’s in,have you ask yourself the reason why he refused to tell you that i am here”. “That is because mother asked me not to tell her”. “That’s is a ly Cynthia,he didn’t tell you because we are having a secret affair and he don’t want you to find out about us”. “Sonia please stop lying to her”. “You are the one that has been lying to her and you know it”. “Cynthia please don’t listen to her,she is just trying to tear us apart”. “Dave what i saw is real and you know it but what baffles me the most is that you are trying to deny what i saw right before my eyes,go ahead and continue what you started and thank God that it is now out in the open so there wouldn’t be any need to hide it anymore”. “So are you saying that you believe her more than me”. “I don’t believe in anyone, i only believe In what i saw,i wished the two of you luck,” i replied and ran off. “Cynthia where are you coming from at this time”,Dad said to me as soon as i entered the sitting room and i was surprised to see him at home so early including favour and mom sitting next to him. “Dad i went out with my friends,i replied. “It looks like you have been crying because your eyes are swollen”,mom said. “Yes that’s true,”favour chip in”. “No mom,something must have flown into my eyes,mom dad,I have been thinking about something and since all of you is here together, i think this is the best time to tell you about it”. “Go ahead my child,we are listening”,dad replied. “Yes my daughter tell us about it because i have this feeling that it is good news”,mom replied and try to urge me. “I have made up my mind to marry Tony”. “What”,all of them replied. Tbc
1 Sep 2018 | 18:25
Hell no!Cynthia, u r making a big mistake by taking DAT decision to marry Tony which u r going to regret,I strongly believe Dave is telling de truth... Not all DAT glitters r gold,Tony is going to be dat reckless lover,don't say I didn't warn u oo!!!
1 Sep 2018 | 18:44
Don't make decision when you're angry
2 Sep 2018 | 20:40
RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 51 . . “What”,all of them said almost at the same time. “Yes,we have gotten to know ourselves more better and i think he is the right guy for me so i have decided to accept him”. “Are you sure about this Cynthia”? Dad asked. “Yes dad,i am very sure about this”. “But isn’t it too soon”. “Mom i don’t think there is any need denying what i want”. “Mom there is nothing soon about this,remember i told you that sister Cynthia has already fallen for Tony and you told me that you don’t believe me?” Favour asked. “Yes my daughter you told me but i didn’t think that she will fall for him so soon”. “You just don’t want to see this things mom”,she replied. “Ok my daughter i will put a call to my friend first thing tomorrow morning, so we can start planning for the wedding because he will soon travelled back and you will soon go back to school so its better we take advantage of the little time that the two of you have”. “Yes you are right dad but i don’t want you to tell your friend just yet”. “But why my child”. “Because i want to break the news to Tony myself”. “So you haven’t tell him about this yet”,mom cuts in. “No mom,i wanted to tell you first to get your opinion before telling him”. “Well if that is the case,you have our full support”,dad replied. “Thank you very much dad”,i replied and Peck him. “I am so happy for you big sist”,favour said to me. “Thank you favour, I have to go and rest now,i will see you guys later”. “Alright bye”,mom said to me and i left for my room. Few minute later i put a call to Tracy and she answered it. “Hello babe,how is everything”,i said to her as soon as she answered”. “Hey Cynthia, longest time”,she replied. “Why won’t you say so when you no longer call me”. “I an sorry Cynthia, i lost my phone and i just retrieved the line about three days back so i don’t have your contact, i have been praying for you to call since then so i can get yours and thank God now that you have called, so how is Dave”. “Hmmmmmmm Dave”. “What happened, is everything not alright with him”. “Dave is the worst nightmare that has ever happened to me”. “You mean Dave, i can’t believe you are talking about the same Dave you told me proposed to you the other day”. “Those things are just show face Tracy, i caught that same Dave in bed with my else roommate Sonia”. “That’s a ly Cynthia”. “I know that you won’t believe it but it is the truth”. “My goodness, so you mean Dave is having an affair with Sonia”. “Yes my dear,i caught them red handed”. “But have you talk to him about this”. “He tried to deny it off course,you know he won’t say the truth”. “No Cynthia the same Dave i know will never do that to you”. “But he just did”. “Cynthia please i will text you an address just now so we can see and talk about this”. “Ok dear,i will be expecting your address, see you soon, i replied and hung up. Few minutes later the address came into my phone and i left for the address”. “So you are leaving Dave for Tony now?” Tracy asked after i have narrated everything to her”. “Yes my dear,when one way closed another will open”. “But you should have investigate Dave very well first,just to be sure”, she replied. “Don’t tell me that you are taking sides with him?” “I am not taking sides with him but all i ask is that you should investigate this issue”. “How do you mean by investigate this issue”. “For all you know this may be planned by Sonia and David mom just to get you out of the way that’s why i want you to hire someone who can investigate the both of them for you so you can be sure”. “Listen Tracy, even tough we investigate Dave and he comes out clean,i will still go ahead and marry Tony because there has been a lot of obstacles trying to separate Dave and i and i think i will be better off with Tony”. “That is to say that you are already in love with Tony”. “I don’t know but i won’t go back to Dave anymore so there is no need to investigate them,so they can go ahead and do whatever they want”. “But you are leaving him with a bad name and that is what i don’t like”. “Dont tell me that you are saying that i am lying to you”. “Cynthia don’t get me wrong,all I am saying is that even tough you wouldn’t go back to him,at least can you break up with him with a good name,you are leaving him with a bad name and he may be innocent”. “So you think investigating him will prove him innocent right” “I don’t know but i just want to know the real truth that is if he is innocent or not”. “Alright you can go ahead and investigate him but let me repeat myself again, even tough he comes out clean i will still push through with my wedding with Tony”. “All i see here is that you don’t want David anymore and it is not because you caught him cheating, you are just covering up with this cheating”. “No matter what you say my mind is made up and i won’t go back to him so just go ahead with your investigation while i plan for my wedding”. “I can’t go ahead and investigate them because they know me but i know of a lady who can do that for us,her name is Linda and she is good at all this investigating things”. “Alright call her and set up a date with her so she can start”. “Ok let me call her to see if she is around”,she brought out her phone and dialled her number, they spoke for a while and she ended the call and told me that she is waiting for us at home, we quickly took a cab and left for her apartment ? Tbc
3 Sep 2018 | 02:46
3 Sep 2018 | 11:51
Oh no Dis gal is making de worst mistake in her life which she will later regret... I have Dis strong conviction DAT Dave is innocent n I know Linda's investigation will prove DAT!!!
3 Sep 2018 | 18:17
RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 52 . . We got to apartment and she offered us drinks and we started discussing after Tracy introduce me to her. “so miss Cynthia, what exactly do you want me to do for you”? she asked me. “I need you to investigate somebody for me”,i replied. “Actually we need you to investigate her boyfriend for us because she caught him cheating with a girl and we want to be clear because he is denying it and saying that she saw something else”,Tracy cuts in. “Why do you have to tell her everything”,i said to Tracy almost in a whisper. “Please excuse us Linda”,Tracy said to her and dragged me outside. “What is wrong with you Cynthia? “She said to me outside. “What do you mean by what is wrong with you, how can you tell her everything just like that,must you tell her that he is my boyfriend?” i replied. “Don’t tell me that you are already ashamed of calling David your fiancée”. “That is not it but i don’t want her to know that he is my boyfriend and by the way we are no longer together, let’s just tell him that he is somebody we know and that’s it”. “Cynthia what is even wrong with you,don’t you know that she wouldn’t be able to investigate the case if we did not open up to her, for us to get the truth we have to explain every details to her or don’t you want the truth?” “I already knew the truth but you are the one that is insisting on this”. “Yes and that is because i want to prove you wrong”. “David is my else,you don’t know him well more than me”. “If you know him well then you should have trusted him”. “Tracy please don’t start now,this is my relationship not yours”. “It is not mine but all i want is the best for you because i don’t want you to end up with the wrong guy”. “Tony is not the wrong guy,we are getting married and that’s it”. “Fine but all i want is this investigation just go true with it and after that you can go on and get married to your Tony or whatever his name is”. “Alright then let’s continue with it but during her investigation i will be planning my wedding because i can’t wait for her and you know very well that Tony will soon travel back so we have to get married as soon as possible”. “So you value your marriage more than anything in the world right”. “Don’t even start now Tracy, let’s just go inside and talk to her,you will go on with the investigation with her while i go on with my wedding plans with Tony”. “I just hope you won’t regret this later”. “Let just go inside please”,i replied and we went back inside. “So as we were saying you are to investigate her boyfriend and the girl she caught her with, his name is Dave and the girl name is Sonia”,Tracy told her. “And not only that,” i cuts in. “You have to investigate if he is sleeping with other women apart from the girl i cuts her with”. “Alright i can do that for you but i need his details and the details of the girl in question especially his pictures, the place he visits,his house address and the girls as well”,Linda replied. “Ok we will get you that tomorrow because we are not here with those”,Tracy replied. “No there is no need for that Tracy,i will collect your number from Tracy and text his details to you and i will send his pictures to you through Whatsap,” i replied. “Perfect then my job will start tomorrow and i will give you reply in two to three days”. “Isn’t three days too short to catch a cheat?” I asked. “No miss Cynthia, i will follow him to anywhere he goes for that three days and to catch a cheat or anybody doesn’t need much time and besides this is my job and i will also give you proof if i should find out that he is cheating on you so you don’t have to worry but i can increased the days if you want”. “No need for that just made do with the three days for now”. “Alright then my bill is thirty thousand naira minus my cost of fuel to follow him”. “So how much is your cost of fuel?” I asked. “That will be after the deal because i don’t know how many days it will be for now”. “Alright then i will send you the details when i get home and i will send you part of the money to your bank account”,i replied. “Don’t worry let me pay,you know that this is all my idea” Tracy replied. “No Tracy this is your idea but you are doing this for me so let me pay”,i replied. “Alright then you will pay but on the condition that i will pay for the fuel and other expenses”. “Alright i agreed so let’s get going because i have a date with Tony tonight”. “I have nothing to say to you for now, Linda please text her your account number as soon as she send you the pictures and details on Whatsap”. “Alright i will,please take good care of yourself and you miss Cynthia just relax your mind because all the information i will bring to you will be nothing but the truth so just relax your mind and leave the rest to me because i have been doing this for years”. “Alright miss Linda i believe in you, see you tomorrow then bye”,i replied. “Alright bye dear,see you tomorrow and please bring goodnews for us”,Tracy replied “Just trust me to give you the truth”,Linda replied. “I trust you dear bye,”Tracy replied. “Alright bye”,i replied. “Alright see you bye”,she replied and we left. “I hope she brings us goodnews”,Tracy said on our way home. “As in how do you mean by Goodnews?”I asked “I mean that David should come out clean”. “That is not my business,i already caught him and that’s it”. “Cynthia has something come over you or don’t you want him to come out clean”. “Oh please that is what you want not me,i caught him red handed and that’s it to me”. “I will say this again,i just pray you don’t regret this”. “I will not regret anything my dear”,i replied and just then my phone started ringing, i look at the caller and found out its Dave. “Is Dave”,i said to Tracy. “Answer it then”,she said to me but i refused to answer it and he kept calling. Tbc
3 Sep 2018 | 19:24
I don't think she love DAVE
3 Sep 2018 | 19:28
3 Sep 2018 | 20:06
4 Sep 2018 | 20:51
Hmmmmmm lemme keep quiet n observe things sha!!!
4 Sep 2018 | 21:07
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 53 . . “Answer it then”,she said to me but i refused to answer it and he kept calling. “Cynthia please answer his call and hear him out”. “For what Tracy, so i can listen to his lies right”. “At least just hear what he has to say first”. “No i don’t want to hear his voice”. “And why don’t you want to hear his voice?”. “You know Dave,he may pressure me to go back to him and i don’t want that”. “That means you still love him right”. “Of course i love Dave,you of all people should know that”. “Then why are you getting married to Tony”. “I told you that i am tired of the obstacles trying to separate us”. “What obstacles are you talking about now”. “Tracy can’t you see,my parents want me to marry Tony, in fact all my family want me to marry Tony and his parents want him to marry Sonia,can’t you see that we just can’t be together, i just want us to follow our parents wish,because they want the best for us”. “The best thing that can ever happen to you is marrying the guy that you truly love and now you are throwing it away because of your family,your family is not the one marrying him,you are the one”. “I know Tracy but i have made up my mind to do this for David and I”. “How can you say that you are doing this for David when all you are doing is hurting him”. “Tracy do you think that i am not hurt by all this,i am hurt as well”. “No you are not Cynthia,if you are hurt then you won’t take joy in throwing away your happiness”. “My happiness for now is with Tony and no one else”. “Do you honestly think that you will be happy with Tony”. “I KNOW i Will”. “So you think you will be happy with a man you don’t love,a man you don’t even know”. “What do you mean by i don’t know him,i know him and i will get to know more of him when we get married”. “And by then it will be too late if you were to found out that he is not who you think he is”. “Tracy why are you so Keen on making me fill bad about this”. “I am not trying to make you feel bad,you know within yourself that what you are doing is bad and you just wouldn’t admit it”. “Tracy i am doing the right thing and i know it”. “What if you marry Tony and get to know after that dat he is not who you think he is”. “Tracy please not today,let just go home and send those things to Linda”. “Alright i have tried my best so let me be still,she replied and we said nothing until we get to her apartment. “The following day i got a call from Tony and answered it”. “Hello my sweet beautiful lady,how are you doing today”. “I am fine,Tony you have your own way of making me smile”. “Hmmm,i am glad i made you of all people smile and that is an achievement today”. “Of course you are trying to do it again”. “You know that your happiness is my priority so i can give out all my assets just to see you smile”. “And why would you do that”. “Because i love you more than anything in the world”. “Alright so how is everything”. “Everything is fine,i called you because i want you to do me a favour”. “And what could that be”. “I want you to go out to dinner with me tonight”. “Wow that’s lovely”. “Does that mean you have accepted”. “Of course i have accepted”. “Alright i will pick you up by 7pm if that’s OK with you”. “Yes of course,i will be waiting for you” “Alright then just keep smiling for me till then, i love you OK”. “Alright i will,take care bye,” I replied and hung up. Later in the evening Tony took me to a bar instead of a restaurant. “What are we doing here Tony”,just relax my lady. “What do you mean by relax,you took me to a bar instead of a fast food and you are asking me to relax,Tony please take me out of—— , before i could finish what i want to say the light went off and i couldn’t see his face any longer. “Tony”, i called out and called no reply and i became more scared than ever. “Tony Tony where are you please talk to me is everything okay”,and i got no reply either, I have this feeling that something amiss is going on and i tried to locate my way out in the dark, i quickly put my right hand into my bag to bring out my phone but before i could do that someone got hold of my hand”. Tbc
5 Sep 2018 | 06:37
I think he wants to part propose... But in a bar? Hmmm
5 Sep 2018 | 08:57
Jumping into a new relationship like that might be a mistake
5 Sep 2018 | 11:02
that is gud of you becos u are reckless
5 Sep 2018 | 11:43
I think DAT is de way he has chosen to propose to u,let's keep our fingers crossed n see how it goes!!!
5 Sep 2018 | 18:42
How many times una go post this episodes na
6 Sep 2018 | 02:15
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 54 . . “Who are you”, i shouted and just then the light went on and i saw Dave holding my hand and saw our family on the other side. “What is going on here?”i asked, he said nothing and knelt down on the flowers sprinkled on the floor and that was when i noticed flowers has been sprinkled on the floor around the both of us,i looked at him and tried to say something but he stopped me. “Today i will be taking the step any man will want to take with a woman like you”, he replied dipped his hand into his pocket and brought out a golden ring,I looked at the ring and tried to compare it with the one David gave me but i couldn’t because his ring is far more beautiful and expensive than the one David gave me. “Cynthia David, i have search the whole world just to found the one and i am very happy that i have found it in you, you are the one for me and from the very first day i set my eyes on you i know at that moment that you are the one and that is why i have decided to take this bold step with you today,Cynthia David will you spend the rest of your life with me,will you be the mother of my children, will you make me the happiest man on earth,will you marry me?” I looked at my parents and i saw the nervousness in mom eyes and favour is urging me with her eyes to say yes including his dad my dad and his younger sister, i remembered Dave at that moment,what is he going to do if he finds out about this but i know that i am doing it for him and our happiness, i looked at Tony and i could see desperation in his eyes as he looked at me. ” yes i blurted out,i will marry you Tony,you don’t need all these scenes to ask me to marry you, i will gladly marry you”,i replied and he slide the ring into my fingers, stood up and give me a kiss. “Thank you so much Cynthia, you have made me the happiest man on earth and i will cherish this day,he replied and kissed me again,” all our family are very happy, they gave us a round of applause and came to congratulate us including the rest of the uninvited guest,we have a lot of merriment before leaving for his apartment. “So when do we start planning for the wedding?”, David father ask after we have settled down at his apartment”. “I think we should start planning as soon as possible before your son travelled back”, dad replied”. “Yes dad he is right because i only have one month left and i want to make sure we are married before leaving so that my mind will be at rest when i am there,”Tony replied. “Yes dad but i think we should plan something small because i don’t want something big and also i want the wedding to be in two weeks time so the both of us can have a wonderful time before Tony leaves so i won’t miss him that much”, i replied. “Don’t worry Cynthia once you are done with your studies i will make the necessary arrangement for you to come join me there but what matters is that the necessary things have been done and that is what we are talking about here now”, Tony replied. “But sweedy why are you in a rush for the wedding?” Mom asked. “You worry too much,she is just happy and that is the reason she is rushing everything”, dad replied. “Yes mom”, favour cuts in or didn’t you hear her say that she want to spend time with him before he leaves so don’t worry”. “Alright then if that is what you want then we will work towards that”, mom replied. “Thank you so much mom”, i replied. “I guess we have to start going now,we will see you tomorrow to talk more because we have just two weeks to plan this wedding”, dad replied and stood up and we all stood up. “Yes that’s true”, his father replied. “I will personally visit you first thing in the morning with my son to fix a date for the bride price” “Alright i will be waiting for you,” dad replied and we all went out,we bade them goodbye, hop into dad car and left for our apartment. The following day Tony came with his father and some of his father brothers, dad also called two of his brothers to join us and the date of the traditional pride price was fixed in one week time and the wedding was fixed for two weeks time, i was so happy that i am getting married and i quickly went to Tracy apartment to invite her and to ask her to me my maid of honour”. “So you are really going trough with your wedding with Tony”. “Yes of course i told you about it some days back” “And now you are asking me to be your Maid of honour”. “Yes i can’t think of anyone else,you are my best friend and you have always been there for me even when times are hard you stood by me”. “And now that same best friend is asking you to call off this wedding”. “And why should i do that”,i blurted out and just then Linda walked into the apartment”. “Hi Linda you are here”,i said to her. “Yes and i am glad the two of you are here so this is the right time for me to tell you both all what i have discovered including investigating the guy you are marrying Tony”. “You are investigating Tony”,i asked looking at Tracy confusingly. “Yes we are”,she replied looking at me. Tbc
6 Sep 2018 | 14:50
oh chia what a mess. Hey look if i catch you for this head you are given me. U go see. I beg cm and continu with the story befor some thing happen
6 Sep 2018 | 15:20
na u no ooo
6 Sep 2018 | 19:37
hmmm this is serious
6 Sep 2018 | 19:38
Hmm na wow
6 Sep 2018 | 19:39
What if she is planning to harm u Cynthia? can't u think before acting?
6 Sep 2018 | 19:39
I hope u are not making mistake that u I'll regret one day
6 Sep 2018 | 20:05
U where not even in love with him in the first place
6 Sep 2018 | 20:06
Ghen ghen...
7 Sep 2018 | 09:30
next plss
7 Sep 2018 | 10:54
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 55 . . “How dare you investigate my husband to be”. “Why shouldn’t i investigate him,aren’t we investigating Dave your ex” “You just said it all,Dave is my else and Tony is my husband to be, can you see the difference and we are only investigating Dave because he cheated on me”. “Still i know nothing about this Tony you are marrying, i only want the best for you”. “The best for me isn’t going behind my back to investigate my fiancée”. “Your fiancée right? what about Dave? Who is he to you” “You just said it few minutes ago,he is my else boyfriend”. “And you still have his engagement ring with you”. “I will return it to him when i had the Chance”. “Girls please stop quarrelling because of this little issue, Cynthia you have to understand that Tracy is doing all this because she want the best for you”, Linda cuts in. “I want the best for myself as well and what i am doing is the best”. “Alright then, Tracy let’s stop investigating Tony and let her do what she want”. “No i won’t stop investigating him,we have started it and we must finish it”. “Why are you so bent on stopping me from marrying Tony”. “Because i want you to marry the right guy for you and Dave is the right guy for you”. “Dave is not the right guy for me”. “Ladies please just stop this madness, two of you are suppose to be one,don’t let this issue be a hindrance to your friendship please”, Linda cuts in. “Alright fine just tell us what you have found out”, i replied. “I have investigate the three of them but let me start with Dave, Dave is very clean,in my years of experience in this job i have never seen a guy like Dave,i followed him for four good days and i could describe him as the ideal type of man,on the last day of my investigation he caught me,he told me that he has been observing me from the very start and he know very well that i have been following him for four good days, he is very smart and so i had to open up to him to save my face because i have already gotten enough information so i told him someone ask me to investigate him but i didn’t told him that you were you one”. ‘Who could have been investigating me and what could i have done’. “That was his reply and we get to know our selves more from there,he even told me about you and i tried to use that way to get information about you from him and he told me the exact word Tracy told me that he told you the day you caught him,he was drugged and he didn’t do things intentionally, Cynthia Dave need you more then ever now, he is really depressed and if something is not done to bring both of you back together then i afraid something bad might happen to him, forget his family because what matters is what you both fell for each other, the family will adopt later, please just this few days i have see true love in him for you”. “So Dave has finally brainwashed you and you are asking me to call of my wedding and go back to him right”. “No Cynthia, all i am saying is that the guy is clean, he is not cheating on you like you think not with Sonia and not with any other Lady, he truly loves you and what you are doing is causing him a lot of pain,please do this if you truly love him,this is not just about my investigation, it is about what he told me about the both of you, he is heartbroken right now and needs you by his side,he didn’t even knew that i am working for you before telling me everything about the both of you”. “Cynthia please listen to Linda, forget about Tony and go back to Dave,he truly loves you and my mind won’t be at rest if you should marrying somebody else”, Tracy cuts in. “I can’t believe you girls are asking me to call off my wedding because of Dave”. “What do you see in this Tony that makes you think he is better then Dave?” Linda ask. “Let me tell you something Cynthia, you think Dave will always fall for you forever right, no my dear,a time will come and Dave will no longer fill anything for you because of all this things you are doing for him,there will always be someone by his side now and he will fall for that person for being there for him and that is why we are asking you to stay by his side now because i don’t want you to come crying to my shoulder later when everything is complicated because of all this things you are doing to him”,Tracy replied. “That’s true Cynthia,he can’t keep pleading with you everytime, time will come and he will take the decision to forget about you and seek happiness somewhere else”,Linda said. “Enough of all this,i will not call off my wedding with Tony and that is it,let him go ahead and seek happiness somewhere else because i am already doing mine with Tony”. “Fine but i Can tell you that this Tony guy is not who he seems he is,” said Linda. “What do you mean by he is not who he seem he is?” I asked. “Yes Linda, have you found out anything about him?” Tracy asked. “I don’t want to tell you this yet because i haven’t gotten enough proof but i just have to say it because it seems you have fallen head over hills with him”. “Please just say it out”,i replied. “That guy Tony is not a medical doctor as he said, he is a drug dealer”. “What”,Tracy and i said at the same time looking at each other. Tbc
7 Sep 2018 | 14:20
You see your life outside
8 Sep 2018 | 11:53
If u like hear, it's ur choice
8 Sep 2018 | 12:46
Did i just hear u say a drug dealer??? Hmmmmmm,,,lemme keep ma fingers crossed n see how it goes sha!!!
8 Sep 2018 | 21:13
THE RECKLESS LOVER EPISODE 56 . . “Enough of all this,i will not call off my wedding with Tony and that is it”. “Fine but i can’t tell you that this Tony guy is not who you seem he is,” said Linda. “What do you mean by he is not who he seem he is?” I asked. “Yes Linda, have you found out anything about him?” Tracy asked. “I don’t want to tell you this yet because i haven’t gotten enough proof but i just have to say it because it seems you have fallen head over hills with him”. “Please just say it out”,i replied. “That guy Tony is not a medical doctor as he said, he is a drug dealer”. “What”,Tracy and i said at the same time looking at each other. “Yes girls your so called Tony is a drug dealer”,Linda replied. “But how are you so sure of that,you may be mistaken about him, Tracy said. “I am very sure about it and i can’t be mistaken about him,” Linda said. “few days back I followed him just like you said and he stopped at a bush part, he looked around to make sure nobody noticed him and brought out a box from his car and walked into the bush,i followed him carefully so he won’t noticed me and he stopped after a while and said BOSS THE COAST IS CLEAR, just then a heavily built guy and two other guys walked out of an hidden corner behind the bush,he opened the box and it is filled with cocaine, immediately i saw the cocaine i reached for my handbag to bring out my camera but couldn’t find it and it was then i remembered that i left it in my car,he quickly gave the box to the guy in exchanged for another box the guy gave to him, he didn’t opened the box the guy gave to him but i am sure it is money,i quickly hurried to my car and drove off before they noticed me”. “Enough of this rubbish Linda, how can you even say that Tony is a drug dealer when you don’t even have proof”,i replied. “Are you calling me a liar,”she asked. “Yes, i knew very well that you and tracy planned this all because you don’t want me to marry Tony but it is not going to work”,i replied. “How dare you Cynthia, how dare you call me a liar simply because i am trying to open your eyes”,Linda shouted. “Cynthia how can you even think that we both planned this?”,Tracy asked. “Yes you both planned this because you have never approved of me marrying Tony for once so you planned this with Linda to make me call off the wedding but let me tell you this,your planned has failed because i will never call off my wedding with Tony no matter what, i replied. “Enough of the rubbish”,Linda cuts in.”how dare you call me a liar just because i am trying to help you, now i am more than convinced that you don’t deserve David and i promised to do everything possible to make him forget about you because you don’t deserve the love and care he has shown you and you don’t deserve any man,a woman like you should remain single for life,David may be depressed right now because of you but i promised to bring him out of that depression very soon and do everything possible to make him forget everything about you and as for Tony, i will make sure i do everything within my power to make sure i proof that he is a drug dealer but i am not doing this for you, i am doing this to proof you wrong about me lying about him because i have my image to protect”, she replied and walked away angrily. “I can’t believe this Cynthia, i can’t believe that after all my effort to make you happy you still have the guts to insult me,just like linda said you don’t deserve David and i will do my best to help Linda in making him forget about you, Tracy said to me with complete seriousness and i know that she is serious about what she said but i don’t care about what she said because all that is in my mind is to talk to Tony about what Linda said even tough i don’t believe them. “Listen Tracy,i don’t care about what you and Linda said or try to do but let me tell you this,i will never call off my wedding with Tony no matter how many proof you guys said and as for Dave, you can do anything you want with him because after all he is my left over and i can’t go back to my left over, i said to her and walked out of her apartment”. Tbc
9 Sep 2018 | 04:36
Oooh I see... Very interesting times ahead!!!
9 Sep 2018 | 09:28
I dey see shame ooh
9 Sep 2018 | 11:42
Don't you have brain at all?
9 Sep 2018 | 12:08
next pls. It's getting more intressting
9 Sep 2018 | 15:36
You are very stupid cynthia
9 Sep 2018 | 16:59
U are so dump, did u even love him in the first place??
9 Sep 2018 | 17:39
OK,,,, don't worry by d time u realize it,,,, Linda will be getting married to David,,, just wait and see
10 Sep 2018 | 03:09
even 4rm d bigning of d stry cynthian don't hv brain
10 Sep 2018 | 12:52
becos with cynth brother they would hv seprated
10 Sep 2018 | 12:53


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