

By Viciyoung in 19 Apr 2018 | 18:40
Viciyoung Viciyoung

Viciyoung Viciyoung

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A True Story by Miss Lincy Gyamfi,


Please sir, have mercy on us ok? Consider my current situation. I am very sick, my parents do not have enough money to take me to the hospital. They brought me here to find money to cure my ailment.
Sir, if you sack us from this land, I may die out of stress. I pleaded in tears.
The man turned to look at me with a surprised face.
How can a small boy like you talk with so much sense and touch? He asked.
Now talk to me, where are you from and why do you intend to settle on my land of all the lands in this town? He inquired.
Sir, my name is Zach Zany, and these are my parents and siblings. I am the youngest of my three siblings.
We come from the Northern part of the country.
Sir, we traveled all the way from our hometown to seek greener pastures to be able to cure my strange ailment but because my parents are old, we couldn't leave them behind. There wouldn't be any one to take care of them if we had come here without them. I narrated.
So tell me, what are all these rashes on your skin? The man inquired.
Sir, I don't know where they came from. I've suffered from it for years now.
We've visited all the shrines in our village, but they didn't see anything. I responded almost in tears.
That is quite strange and worrying. Sorry about your ailment but unfortunately, this land you are settling on right now is mine, and I want to build on it so I can't allow you to stay here. He said.
I quickly went down on my knees.
Please sir, have mercy on us. I believe you have a son like me. Kindly be a father and treat me as such. I pleaded in tears.
It's alright, just get up. You are even getting me sad. I give you three months to get well, I will come for the land afterwards. He responded and walked away.
As hardworking as my two elder brothers were, they went to a bush and got bamboos to mount a structure for us to get a roof over our heads.
They later began to work in the market as loading boys for the market women.
They brought their proceeds to the house for upkeep.
There was nothing left to be saved towards my condition.
My condition began to detororiate. I became weaker by day.
The only thing my aged parents could do was to weep over my painful and dying body.
Days ran faster than we thought, and our three months stay on the unknown man's land was up.
A week after the three months, the man visited the land.
My siblings had gone to do their usual menial jobs.
I laid very weak and ill self on my sick mat, whiles my parents sat beside me in tears.
Good morning family. He greeted, as he entered the hut.
Good morning sir, I struggled to respond.
Your three months stay on this land is up and I am here to inform you to pack bag and baggage and leave here. He said in a bit of anger.
To be continued...

Written by Lincy Gyamfi

19 Apr 2018 | 18:40
@mytaryby u are special Invited
20 Apr 2018 | 02:27
@myraryby u are special Invited
20 Apr 2018 | 02:27
@myraruby @jummybabe @ryder @oneal32 @fb-joshuajohn @chimmy @denciebabe @sanctus4real @sabinto
20 Apr 2018 | 02:30
seated.....@senatordaniel the boss thanks for the i'v
20 Apr 2018 | 04:35
@senatordaniel am seated
20 Apr 2018 | 06:00
20 Apr 2018 | 07:56
@toyobabydiva come seat with me i brought goodies
20 Apr 2018 | 09:06
tanks 4 d iv senator lets continue
20 Apr 2018 | 09:08
20 Apr 2018 | 09:26
20 Apr 2018 | 12:44
Thanks for the iv @ senatorDaniel
20 Apr 2018 | 12:45
Continue the ride
20 Apr 2018 | 12:46
20 Apr 2018 | 12:55
20 Apr 2018 | 17:21
20 Apr 2018 | 19:29
Nice start
20 Apr 2018 | 20:41
tnx for d iv @senatordaniel ride on my love @denciebabe new story here
21 Apr 2018 | 09:10
@senatordaniel thanks for iv
21 Apr 2018 | 09:59
bring it on
21 Apr 2018 | 10:00
EPISODE 2 Continues.. Your three months stay on this land is up and I'm here to inform you to pack bag and baggage and leave here. He said in a bit of anger. He said in a bit of anger. My parents burst into tears. Papa, we are begging you in the name of almighty God to have mercy on us. As you can see, my son is still struggling to survive. We've still not gotten enough money to cater for his ailment. My father pleaded. What kind of trouble at all is this? Where at all are you people from that you are forcefully taking over my land? The man responded angrily. Sir, we will move out of here very soon but may I please ask one simple question? I asked. Yes go ahead and ask anything. I want you people out of here right now. He responded. Sir, please, how many children do you have? I asked. Is that all your question? He rhetorically asked. Well, if you care to know, I have a daughter and a son. He responded proudly. Sir, as I lay here, as I just closed my eyes and opened, I saw your son on a shrine mat. Terribly sick and at the verge of dying. I saw a lot of witch doctors around him but they are unable to save him. Sir I saw your son's sole screaming in pain and agony as..... Stop it! Stop it! You should have told me you are a seer. My son is currently in the states, please help me, what can I do to save his life? Please talk to me!! The man screamed in fear. Calm down sir, please calm down. Everything is going to be fine but please tell me how you feel right now. Tell me before I help you. I said. I feel sharp pains through my spine. I can't afford to loose my son. I must do anything possible to save his life. I'd rather die in his place. Please Zach, help me. He burst into tears of plea. Sir, I am not a seer, neither am I a spiritualist. I only wanted you to feel what my parents are feeling right now. I wanted you to feel how it is like, to watch your son die without being able to help. My parents are aged as you can see. They don't even have the strong voice to wail for people to come to their aid, yet you look them in the face and tell them to carry me out of your land whiles my siblings are not around. Wheredo you want them to take me to? You only felt your son's pain and look at the tears you are shedding. What then are you going to do when you see him dying like the way I am? Think through these and find answers for yourself. I said whiles struggling to stand up. The man stood there motionless. Zach, you can't stand on your feet, where are you going to? My mother asked in tears. I want to stand up to pack our things for the man to have his land. I responded. Don't worry, just lay down, I will pack the things. My father responded and started packing up. Eeerrrmm please, stop packing. I'm sorry for my hostility, I never meant any harm. I just allowed my brains over my sympathetic heart. Forgive me. I will give you enough time for your son to get well and also to get a proper roof over your heads before I come for the land. The man told my father. And to you Zach, God has given you real intelligence, I will not leave you to die. I will do anything humanly possible to get you well, and I believe God won't forsake you. He said. Thank you so much Papa, we are very happy to hear these words from you. Thank you. My father responded happily. Sir, the best apology in this world is a changed behavior. Since you have changed your mind, whatever hostility you've shown to us is forgiven you. I see a father in you. God bless you abundantly for offering us a land to occupy and the promise you've just spewed towards my health. I said with tears on my cheeks. It's alright Zach. Anytime you talk, I have goose bumps all over my body. You are so intelligent. I promise to be here tomorrow to take you to the hospital. He said. Hospital? Is that the name of your shrine in this town? I asked naively. Hospital? Is that the name of your shrine in this town? I asked naively. No Zach, it is a modernized place where diseases are cured. They don't use gods to cure diseases as it is done in the shrine, they use medicines. He explained. Alright sir, thanks for the clarification. I responded. Anything for you Zach. I will see you tomorrow. Just stay strong. He said and walked away. My parents were so happy for the latest development. We all rejoiced in spite of the pains I was going through. In the evening, my siblings returned from their job with the little they earned for the day. We prepared supper with it and enjoyed it as a family. Early the next morning, my siblings left for work leaving behind my parents and I. We were eating our left over food when the land owner bumped into us again. Good morning family. Zach, I hope you are ready, I'm here to take you to the hospital. He said. Alright sir, I'm ready but I can't walk unless we wait on one of my siblings to come back home to carry me. I said. Don't worry Zach, I will help you into the car. I've parked my car right in front of the hut. He said. He carried me into the car and drove me to the hospital (the anticipated shrine). They did a lot of unknown things to me. Gave me what they called injections and some white stones called tablets to swallow. Sir, your son will have to stay in the hospital for some days so that we can monitor his condition properly. The doctor (anticipated witch doctor) told the land owner. No problem doctor, I'm willing to do everything possible to make him better. The man responded. They carried me into a room where there were other sick people. They gave me a bed to sleep on. Wow! This place is more comfortable and nicer than the hut in which I stay with my parents and siblings. I wish I will never go home. I thought. The workers attended to me one after the other. My siblings and my parents visited me from time to time. The man also visited me at regular intervals with foods and drinks I'd never tasted in my entire life. Days later, I was discharged from the hospital with a massive improvement in my condition. I had few rushes left on my body. I felt the weakness no more. These people in this so called hospital are more powerful than the witch doctors I have in my hometown. I thought. The man paid for everything and took me back to my parents. Thank you so much for saving our son for us. Our God will reward you handsomely. Thanks a lot. My mother said to the man happily. Papa, can we please know your name? My father inquired. The man giggled for a minute. Please, I am the one to call you Papa, and not the other way round. You can give birth to me so simply call me Owusu Ansah. He responded. Alright Owusu, we are a family now. We will like to know your home so that Zach will come there from time to time to run errands for you. My father said. I want him to get fully fit, and I will come and pick all of you to visit my home. He responded. I want him to get fully fit and I will come and pick all of you to visit my home. He responded. Zach, don't forget to take your drugs as the doctor told you ok? I might be here tomorrow to see you if I don't travel. He said and left. My parents continuously showered words of blessings unto him after he had left. Days passed, and the man had not visited us again. I began to worry. What at all has happened to this man? Where can I locate him in this big town? I thought. When he was not visiting us again, I joined my brothers in the market for the loading job. It was so tedious but I tried my best. A month afterwards, I was on my way back from the market into the house with my siblings when a car stopped by us. Hello Zach, come on here. I can see you are fully fit. It was Mr Owusu. Yes sir, I am doing well now. I've joined my siblings with loading of goods in the market for the market women. We just closed and we are on our way back home. I responded shyly. That is wonderful. Sorry I haven't come to see you again. I traveled to the states to visit my son. I came back just yesterday. He said. That is OK sir, please I hope he's doing well? I asked. He's very fine. We even discussed you. I will come to your place to see you tomorrow and tell you everything. Just go home, your parents might be waiting by now. He said as he drove off. My siblings had taken the lead, I run to join them and told them everything the man told me. They got so happy. The next day, I didn't join my brothers to the market because of Mr Owusu's promise to visit. Indeed, the man of his words visited. He greeted happily and exchanged pleasantries with my parents. He then explained to them why he had not come to see us in a while. Eerrrmmm Papa and Mama, I have a surprise for you all. I want to take Zach to go and stay with me in my house so that he will run errands for me and my family. Mr Owusu. This sounds too good Owusu. Oh, what have we done to deserve all these goodness from you? You are real messenger from God. Thank you so much. My mother said happily. So when are you taking Zach away? My father inquired in ecstasy. I will like to take him away right now only if you will permit me. He responded. You have our permission Owusu, just take him away and make him useful to your household. My father said. I quickly packed up my few and only clothes into a polythene bag and joined Mr Owusu in his car to his home. We got to the house and I couldn't believe we were still on planet earth. A total different environment I had never gone closer to in my entire life. A magnificent storey building, well fenced with an electric security wiring. I stood at the compound rotating my head, wanting to see things well. Mr Owusu walked closer to me, and held my hand. Let's go into the house Zach, you will have all the time in this world to watch the house for your stay here. He said. I followed him into the room. Instantly, I fell down on the floor due to the shock I had. It continues after comment's..
21 Apr 2018 | 10:37
sips malt next episode
21 Apr 2018 | 10:52
move on
21 Apr 2018 | 17:57
21 Apr 2018 | 18:09
21 Apr 2018 | 18:39
Oh my gosh
21 Apr 2018 | 18:51
seating and reading one love
21 Apr 2018 | 18:53
fairy tale... not matured
21 Apr 2018 | 21:18
Move it
22 Apr 2018 | 03:15
LOL, u fell on the floor. that is funny
22 Apr 2018 | 11:25
Episode 3 . Continues.. Instantly, I fell down on the floor due to the shock I had. Mr Owusu and the family burst into laughter. What is it Zach? He inquired. Sir, I have never seen such a beautiful place in my entire life. Look at all these things in this room. Are you sure we are still on planet earth? I asked in shock. Yes Zach, we are still on planet earth. Just calm down, you will soon get familiarized with everything in this house. Mr Owusu said. Now meet my wife Mrs Rebecca Owusu and my daughter Mabel Owusu. My wife please meet Zach Zany, the boy I told you about. He introduced. Since Junior my son is not here in the country, Zach will be taking his place in this house as my son. Please, treat him like your own son. He said. Alright my husband. I've heard everything you've just said. I hope he is also going to be a good boy. Mama Becky asked. Very well mama, I will be the best son ever. I responded happily. Eeerrrmm Zach, I hope you are going to do everything my brother Junior was doing for me in this house before he left for the States? Mabel asked. Yes Mabel, I promise to be a good brother to you. I responded. Mr Owusu showed me to my room. It was such a big room with a big bed and a television. I jumped about in the room in ecstasy. Baba God thank you oooo. I promise to do anything humanly possible to reward this man handsomely. I thought. I quickly changed and went back to the sitting room to join the family. Mama, can I please do something for you? I asked politely with my hands behind me. Eeerrrm Zach, you are part of the family now, kindly sit down and feel free. If I need anything, I will let you know. She responded. I sat my sorry ass down on their expensive couch and began to watch television. Later in the day, I joined Mama Becky in the kitchen for supper whiles Mabel sat unconcerned in the sitting room with her legs crossed. This attitude of Mabel continued for some months and I couldn't contain it. One day when she was seated alone in the compound watching a movie on her laptop, I decided to confront her. Mabel, can I please talk to you as your brother? I asked. Yes Zach, I'm all ears. Just have a seat and talk to me. She said and pulled a chair for me. Eeerrrm Mabel, I am very happy to be part of this family. I am equally happy and honored to be seated with a rich man's daughter like you. Mabel, there was this lady who got married to a rich man. The man had everything in life except a woman who will love him and be a wife to his rich home. Unfortunately, the woman could neither cook nor wash because she was equally from a rich home and as such spoilt. The man fell out of love for his wife and broke up with her. The woman went back to her family to be worshipped like she used to do. When she got there, the mother had died and her father had become so poor that, he had sold the house. The lady decided to go back to her husband's house to plead but unfortunately, another woman had taken her place. I narrated. The lady decided to go back to her husband's house to plead but unfortunately, another woman had taken her place. I narrated. Eeeiii Zach, this is too pathetic. So what did the lady do? Mabel asked in shock. Mabel, the lady pleaded with the husband to accept her as a second wife but the man refused, so she went back to her poor father and joined him in his poverty. Life became very unbearable for her when the father kicked the bucket. Whaaat! Just because of cooking and cleaning? She had to suffer for the rest of her life? Mabel screamed. Yes Mabel. Nobody married her, she became a subject of mockery in the society. She really suffered until she committed suicide. I explained. Zach!!! Please help me ooo, I don't want to be a victim. Please help me. Mabel pleaded worriedly. Calm down Mabel. Why do you even think you will be a victim? I asked deliberately. Zach, I also don't know how to cook ooo. My mother doesn't allow me to do anything in this house, she says my palms will be hard. And she doesn't want me to be tagged as a rich man's daughter with hard palms. She says hard palms are meant for slaves and servants. She explained bitterly. Hmmm Mabel, I don't even know what to say but the little I can say is that, hard palms are better than hard and tough life. It is better for people to mock you today for you to be successful in life than for people to mock you later in life due to failure. Mabel, you can put your life in position to win by playing hurt, and when you finally win, nothing hurts. Get on your feet, learn how to be a SMART lady. *S*_SIMPLE: Overlook riches and be submissive. *M*_MERITABLE: Live to deserve a reward. *A*_ATTRACTIVE. Be every man's dream. *R*_RESPECTFUL. Regard everyone as human. *T*_TOLERANT. Be able to withstand life's difficulties. These are the few important words I can spew to you Mabel. I said. Thanks so much Zach, I will forever be indebted to you. God bless the day you joined this family. God bless the womb that conceived you. Mabel said happily. Anything for you my sister. I hope you will start heeding to the advice tomorrow? I asked. No Zach, I am starting right away but I need you to please teach me all these, the house chores I mean. She said. Let's start from the kitchen then. Mama is sleeping, by the time she wakes up, you and I would have prepared lunch. So let's go. I said. Mabel followed me into the kitchen and we prepared lunch together. Though she didn't know anything, she was more than willing to learn. I taught her few things important kitchen tips. She ran upstairs afterwards to wake her mother up. Mama Becky drowsily got into the kitchen to talk to me. Zach, is it true Mabel partook in the cooking? She asked. Yes mummy. She helped me. I responded. Zach, I don't want my daughter to go through any stress. I am therefore begging you never to involve her in any chores. She needs soft palms and body for her future husband. Mama Becky said. Not anymore mummy. Any man who falls in love with her soft body will one day dump her when the soft body hardens out of a situation. Any man who will love her inspite of her looks, will forever be with her. I am also pleading with you mama, to allow her gain an experience that will fit her into the society without difficulty. I pleaded. Yes mum, I want to be a woman of virtue. I want to be SMART. I really want to live a simple life. I want to pause this TV and Laptop life, I want to be called a woman. Mabel pleaded. Alright, if you say so. But please, wear protective clothing for me. Mama Becky pleaded with her daughter. I will mum, thanks so much for understanding me. Mabel responded happily. I will mum, thanks so much for understanding me. Mabel responded happily. Everything was moving on smoothly for me in the house. I sought permission from the Osei's one day and visited my family in the hut. Zach my son, you've completely changed. You are looking like a town boy. Mother complimented. Anyway, how is the man and his family treating you? My mother inquired. All is well mother. They are indeed the true image of God, very humane and loving. I responded. I turned to Buba. Buba, why didn't you go to work today? I asked my senior brother. Why didn't I go to work today? I am not feeling well. Do you think it is that easy to work tirelessly everyday to look after our parents whiles you stay in that luxury? Don't annoy me this morning Zach. He responded harshly. I'm sorry if my question sounds insulting. I'm only showing concern. I responded. Leave me alone Zach, go and enjoy your luxurious life. Who cares? He responded harshly and walked out of the hut. Mother, what have I done to Buba? I asked a harmless question and it's as if he has been fighting me for decades. I asked worriedly. Don't mind your brother, he might just be angry because he's hungry. Just go back to your home and relax. My mother responded. Alright mother, but where is Papa? I inquired. Eeerrrmm, Papa, is strolling around. He might have gone a bit far that's why he's not here yet. She responded. A bit far? Can Papa walk that far? I asked. You worry too much Zach, go back to your new family, they might be waiting for you. Just go. My mother sacked me. I walked back to my rich home unhappily. What is happening to my family? My brother was so hostile towards me, I didn't also see my father and my mother seemed to be hiding something from me. God! I'm not happy. I thought. The next day, I sneaked out of the house to go and see my immediate big brother in the market, probably, he can tell me something. I thought. I got to the market and indeed, he was around. I greeted him and started with my mission. Bro Assan, how are you doing? I greeted. As you can see, I am not rich as you are. I am still hustling. He responded. Oh bro, why are you talking like this? I am not rich ooo. Riches are not servantly transmitted, it takes hard work to be rich. The fact that I am a servant to a rich man doesn't make me a rich servant. I responded bitterly. Zach, can you please spare me all these sermon and allow me to concentrate on my hustle? He asked harshly. Assan, please don't talk to me this way. Don't push me away, I am your brother and I need you to treat me as such. Without you, there is no me. I responded sadly. Well Zach, if you really want us to be nice to you, then you will have to lobby for either me or Buba to also come and stay in that rich house. If not, forget us ever relating nice to you. He responded and walked out on me with a load on his head. Tears dropped off my cheeks. God, what at all is happening? Why this sudden hatred from my own blood brothers? I thought. I walked back home sadly. Zach, where have you been? I've been searching everywhere for you. Mabel asked hyperactively. I was strolling around the neighborhood Mabel. Now talk to me, where from this extreme happiness written all over you? I asked. Zach, I've gained admission into one of the renowned universities in the states to study engineering. She responded happily. Wow! This news is more than great. I'm happy for you my sister. I responded. Hmm Zach, this is my third time of trying after I completed my high school. I made up my mind to study abroad at all cost. And indeed, God has listened to my prayers. Finally, I am leaving this country next year to achieve my dreams. She said. That is great Mabel. You see what determination can do? The impossibility is often the untried. All glory be to God. I responded. You don't seem too happy Zach, is there anything I must know? Mabel inquired. No Mabel, I'm ok. Just a little headache which I can handle. I responded. Alright, get inside and get some rest then. We will talk later when you are up. She said. I walked into my room quietly in thoughts. I loosed down and laid quietly on the bed. Before I knew it, sleep had carried me away. Just then, I felt a hand on my body and I quickly woke up. Ssshhhhhhhhh! Don't say anything. I don't want anyone to hear us. Mama Becky said. But mama, what are you please doing in my room with your hands on my body? I asked in fear. Bring your voice down Zach. Has anyone ever told you that you are handsome? You look older than your age and I think you and I can get intimate. She responded. Mama, please, don't do this. Mr Owusu won't be happy about this? Please!! I pleaded. Come on Zach, you are talking too much. Just go ahead and touch me. Mama Becky said and unbuttoned her dress. She stood fully naked before me. I just didn't know what to think nor do. I became so confused. She forcefully held my hands and placed them on her breast. I pulled my hands back and pushed her on the bed. I run out of the room and descended the stairs with my bear chest and under shorts. Who is after you Zach? What is hunting you? Mabel asked in a terrified voice. Eeerrrm Mabel, I... I... I... What is happening there? Mama Becky yelled from upstairs. Zach, why are you standing before my daughter half naked? What do you seek to achieve? I stared at her pretending face in shock. Mama but.... But what! Will you shut up and get into your room and wear something descent? She yelled. Mum, why are you yelling at him like that? At least let's know what is hunting him. Mabel cut in. Will you also shut up there? What is hunting who? Mama Becky yelled at Mabel too. It continues after comments..
22 Apr 2018 | 13:32
Hmmmm,,,,, this is d beginning of problem oooo,,,,,,
22 Apr 2018 | 17:21
What sort of woman is Mrs Becky
23 Apr 2018 | 07:56
Zach may GOD help you over this woman and her evil plans against you
23 Apr 2018 | 07:59
Continue the ride @viciyoung
23 Apr 2018 | 08:00
23 Apr 2018 | 08:59
this is d beginning of trouble
23 Apr 2018 | 09:00
trouble's around
23 Apr 2018 | 09:28
trouble every where
23 Apr 2018 | 10:05
Episode 4 . Continues.. Will you also shut up there? What is hunting who? Mama Becky yelled at Mabel too. I walked slowly and fearfully back into my room. Later in the day, I joined mama Becky in the kitchen for supper. Mabel joined as too. This kitchen is too crowded. Can one of you leave for the rest two to cook? Mama asked. Alright mum, then go back to your room and rest whiles I help Zach. Or better still, let Zach go and rest because he's not well today, so that I will rather help you. Mabel suggested. Mabel, since when did you start dictating to me in this house? In front of a total stranger, you are dictating to me. How dare you? Oh mummy, I'm sorry. I never meant anything bad. Please forgive me, but calling Zach a total stranger is also too harsh, I thought you said he's your son. Junior's replica in this house. Why these sudden words of hatred? Mabel inquired. Mabel, I command you as your mother to leave this kitchen. Go to the guest room and mop the floor if you want something to do. Mama instructed. Mabel walked out the kitchen in anger. I was now left with Mama. I bowed down my head whiles doing my chores. Zach, you see the problems you are causing between my daughter and I? Why don't you become flexible? I promise to make your stay in this house a happy one if you succumb to my request. She said. Now take a look at this. She stated and raised up my head to look at her exposed breasts. Don't you love them? She asked. And look at this too. She stated whiles pulling down her skirt to show me her buttocks. I quickly stood up wanting to leave the kitchen. Come back here! You insolent boy. How dare you walk out on me for the second time. She yelled. Quickly, Mabel rushed into the kitchen. What is happening here mummy? Why are you raising your voice at him? He's so disrespectful. I only asked him to wash the utensils and he's giving me attitude. I don't even know why he has grown those long horns suddenly. Mama Becky alleged. I stood there in shock watching her face. How can this woman frame this cock and bull story against me? Where have I gone wrong? I thought with my eyes full of tears. Zach, why are you disrespecting my mother? Why this change in behavior? Mabel asked. Mabel, it is not...... I tried speaking. Will you shut up? Don't ever try to talk when I'm talking. Mama yelled. It's ok mummy, pardon him. It won't happen again. Mabel interrupted and walked away. My stay in the house became very difficult. Mama Becky kept yelling at me at every slightest opportunity. I began to feel uncomfortable. I'd wanted to go and inform my parents but she didn't allow me step out of the house. She gave me close monitoring. I'd wanted to tell my parents but she didn't allow me step out of the house. She gave me close monitoring. God, what do I do? Should I tell Mr Owusu or Mabel? What if Mama Becky convinces them against me? That means Mr Owusu will throw me out of the house, and throw my family out of his land. Where will we go to? My aged parents will suffer. Aaahhh! What do I do? I thought. Days passed and business man Mr Owusu went for one of his usual business trips. Zach, I will be away for one week, you are now the man of this house, take care of yourself, your mother and your sister for me. Please, don't go anywhere and leave them. You don't know who will attack them in your absence. Mr Owusu told me. Alright daddy, I even wanted to discuss this with you earlier. I wanted to suggest to you to get a security guard at the gate, so that, thieves wouldn't dare venture this place. I convinced. That sounds brilliant Zach, you can ask around the neighborhood if anybody is interested in that job so that we employ the person with immediate effect. He responded. Daddy, I was thinking of recommending my senior brother, Buba to you. He's more than capable of that job, and besides, he can't charge you for the services because of me. I responded. Alright Zach, I've heard you. As for the services, I will definitely pay him for it because he was doing his petty job before I employed him. Anyway, let me go and come so that we go and inform him. Mr Owusu responded. Alright daddy, thanks for understanding me. Have a safe trip. I bid. Wow! What a relief! Buba will soon be coming to stay with us in this house, and Mama Becky can't have the guts to try seducing me any longer. I thought. In order to avoid Mama Becky from entering my room uninvited, I devised a strategy of locking my door immediately I enter the room. One night, I was in my room when I heard someone opening the door. I quickly stood and rushed towards the door. Before I knew it, Mama Becky had entered the room. Zach, what did you do? Locked the door? Have you forgotten so soon I was in this house before you came? Well, sorry for you, but I have spare keys to all the rooms in this house. She said boastfully. Mama, please what can I do for you? What at all is it? I asked. Zach, this is simple, I want you to make love to me. I want you to taste this body. In fact, eat up this goodies you see. She said and stripped naked. Mama, why should I do this to a man who has been so good to me? Why do you want me to sin? Why? I asked almost in tears. Ssssshhhhh Zach, be calm. This body is mine, and not your father's. I choose to do what I want with it. She responded. But Mama, he married you because of this body. I said. I thought you told me some days back that, real men don't marry for body... Or? She asked. Yes I said that, but he married you for everything that makes you, including your body. So everything you have belongs to him. I responded. Zach, cut the long talks and let's get to business. Fuck me or else, I will blackmail you and ensure your exit from this house. She threatened. My heart skipped a beat. Fuck me or else, I will blackmail you and ensure your exit from this house. She threatened. My heart skipped a beat. Mama, please calm down, don't do this to me. I pleaded. Zach, this is the third time I'm showing you my nudity, what is preventing you from tasting me? Am I not beautiful enough? She asked. Mama, you are more than beautiful, but I can't sleep with someone else's wife. That was not what my parents taught me. Just when I landed with my words, She pushed me on the bed and forced her body on me. Come on Zach, Mmmmmmmmm! I'm too horny, please Fuck me. I'm burning inside, Fuck me. She started moaning. Mama, get up! Get up before I scream the walls down! I threatened angrily. She was still on me struggling to kiss me. I pushed her with all my strength and stood up. Now walk the hell out of this room, you cheat! I insulted. Zach, you dare open your mouth to insult me? I will put you where you rightly belong. I will make sure you smell pepper. You will leave to regret this day. She threatened and walked out of my room. I laid quietly on my bed panting. What at all is wrong with Mama Becky? Why can't she control herself? I thought. Now, I'm about leaving this house because of her uncontrollable libido. I can't allow this to happen, I must tell Mabel. I thought again. The following morning, I went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Fortunately, Mabel, was busy mopping the floor when I got there. Good morning Mabel, thank God you are here. There is something I want to tell you but I want you to promise me it will stay between us and that, you are going to help me out. I said. Talk to me Zach, you know I'm your sister, I promise to do anything to make you happy. She responded. Mabel, your mother has been.... I tried to speak. Just then, Mama Becky entered the kitchen. I knew it Zach! I knew you've always wanted a chance to molest my daughter. I've caught you red handed. What in God's name are you doing here with my daughter at this dawn? Her father must hear this. She threatened. Mama, I came to meet her here. Why are you trying to blackmail me? I asked with seriousness. Before I could continue with my words, she slapped me so hard against the wall. You dare challenge me in my matrimonial home? Did you try doing that? She asked angrily. Oh Mummy, why are you beating him up? Why this sudden hatred towards him? Why would you even think Zach will date me? He's like a brother to me. Mabel yelled at her mother. Mama Becky turned and slapped Mabel so hard too. How dare you take sides with a stranger against me? Stupid girl! She insulted. Mabel run in tears into her room whiles I sat on the floor weeping. Mama Becky walked back into her room in anger. Minutes later, I also went into my room to think of the next action. I must leave this house before Mr Owusu returns. I have to go and tell my family what I am going through. After all, what is land? Even if it means going back to our hometown, why not? I thought in anger. I packed my belongings and quickly descended the stairs. Just when I was sneaking out of the sitting room, Mama Becky shouted at me. Where do you think you are going to Zach? Running out of this house? I knew you will try escaping so I securely locked the main door. I looked on in shock. What are you thinking? To scale over the wall? Unfortunately the electric wires are on. Unless of course you want to commit suicide, that, you can try. She sarcastically announced. Zach, nobody messes up with me and go scot free. She said boastfully and walked back into her room. Before I knew it, tears started dropping off my cheeks. What a world! This woman will kill me in this house. God please have mercy on me. I prayed silently. I went back into my room and stayed there till evening. After a while, I heard Mama Becky knocking on Mabel's door. Mabel, please open this door. She knocked for minutes but Mabel didn't mind her. I peeped through my window watching her wicked face. She went back into her room for the spare key and opened Mabel's door. What are you doing here in my room mummy. Walk out! I don't ever want to see you! I overheard Mabel screaming. I'm sorry my daughter, I didn't mean to slap you. Zach got on my nerves and I lost control. She explained. Mummy, what at all has Zach done to you? He only came to prepare breakfast for us and I was already in the kitchen mopping. Why are you framing us up? Mabel spoke in tears. I'm sorry my daughter, the truth is, you have to be very careful with Zach. I've been having bad dreams about him. He's evil minded. He wants to win your sympathy so that he will use that opportunity to rape you and run away. Be careful Mabel. I overheard Mama Becky saying. Really? How authentic is this explanation mummy? Mabel asked. Mabel, I am never a bad person, and you know it. Anytime God speaks to me, it comes to pass. I am your mother, and I won't do anything to hurt your feelings. Trust me, Zach is possessed. Mama Becky convinced. Mummy I'm shocked! You should have told me this earlier. I wouldn't have given him the chance to even talk to me. I overheard Mabel saying. Tears streamed down my face as I eavesdropped their conversation. Aaaaahhh Mama Becky, where did I go wrong? How can you incite Mabel against me? I thought in tears. I quickly thought of what next to do. I probably have to dance to Mama Becky's tune or better still deceive her with a fake assurance. I will talk to her when she's alone. I thought. Hours later, I came out of my room and met Mabel in the corridor. Mabel, I'm so sorry for being the cause of your problems with your mother. I apologized. Whatever Zach, I don't need any apology from you. All I need is for my father to kick you out of this house. She responded harshly. Oh Mabel, please don't talk like this. I pleaded. Go to hell Zach, I don't ever want to hear you mention my name. She responded and walked out on me into the sitting room. For the fear of the hatred Mr Owusu might develop for me on his return, I decided to act fast. I went to knock at Mama Becky's door. Yeeeessss come in. She responded. . To be continued...
24 Apr 2018 | 18:35
And your problem start now
25 Apr 2018 | 01:22
well it's a story if it's real you will just go to Mabel and tell her what happened but all the same good works
25 Apr 2018 | 04:24
25 Apr 2018 | 06:11
Hmmmm,,,, wateva mama Becky wants from u,,,, u shouldn't give her oooo
25 Apr 2018 | 07:16
25 Apr 2018 | 09:44
mama Becky why can't u control ur sexual urge
25 Apr 2018 | 09:45
I prayed she will not suceed
25 Apr 2018 | 09:46
Pls Continue
25 Apr 2018 | 13:17
this woman is dangerous u need to be very careful because she is in her house.
26 Apr 2018 | 03:37
Episode 5 Continues.. Yeeeessss come in. She responded. I walked into the room and quickly, she closed her laptop. What is this woman hiding from me? I wondered. Wow Zach, you are here. How did you know I needed you badly? How did you know I am horny? She asked seductively. Eeerrrm Mama, I'm here to talk to you. We have to strike a deal. I said. Yeah sure Zach. Just go ahead, I'm all ears. She responded. But before then Zach, watch this to wet your appetite. She stated and opened her thighs wide, showing me her pussy. I just got confused. What was I even saying? I asked. You see? You see you've forgotten what you were saying? I tell you Zach, if you dance to my tunes, you are even going to forget the name of your hometown. Just try it, try and taste me. She responded seductively again. She stood up and sat on my laps. She began to swing her waist seductively. She rubbed her fat ass on my dick. Mama, please get up and let's talk, Mabel might bump into us, I met her in the corridor. I pleaded. She quickly stood up and sat on her bed. Now be fast about it Zach, what is the deal? She asked. Mama, I will Fuck you like you've always wanted me to but I want you to tell me the reason behind your uncontrollable libido. I said. Is that all? She asked. Well, this is my reason. She responded and opened her laptop showing me a ponographic movie. Though I was shocked, I had to act wisely. Wow Mama, so you've been watching all these alone? I asked. Yes Zach, I'm addicted to porn. I can't stop watching it, and anytime I watch it, I feel like making love. She responded. So what if daddy is not around? Who satisfies you? I asked. That is not necessary Zach. What matters is you are here to do it for me. She responded. Sure Mama. I will give you the Fuck of your life, but tell me, is daddy aware you've been watching porn? I inquired. No Zach. Why must he know? What for? She asked. Alright then Mama, Mabel is in the house now, we can't do anything. Unfortunately, daddy is also coming tomorrow but I assure you, I am going to be your sex toy anytime he's away. I promised. That sounds good Zach but please, suck my boobs for a while before you leave. I am too horny. She responded and brought her breasts from the brazier. I just lost thoughts. What can I do to save myself? Just then, I heard Mabel knocking at the door. Mummy, open the door. My laptop is having problems. I quickly run to hide in the washroom. Mama Becky opened the door and ushered her in. Mama Becky opened the door and ushered her in. I hid in the washroom in fear and panic. Mummy, I want you to install something on my laptop for me. I overheard Mabel say. Mabel please, I'm very tired, I want to take a nap. I will call you to bring it when I wake up. Mama Becky responded. No oooo mummy, I'm not leaving here until you do it for me. I'm almost pissing on myself, let me even use your washroom and come. Mabel said and headed towards the washroom. No Mabel, don't go there. Mama shouted. Why mummy? I'm pressed. Mabel responded. Eeerrrmm Mabel, my water closet is unable to flash. You can't use it. Mama smartly responded. Mummy, why are you sweating this way? Is it because you are tired or because you don't want me to use your washroom? You are acting quite strange. Mabel said. Mabel, I told you I'm tired but you don't want to listen. Please, give me few minutes to rest. I'm begging you. Mama responded. Alright mum, I will be back in thirty minutes so get prepared not to sleep more than that. Mabel said and walked out. Mama quickly locked the door behind Mabel and called me out from my hideout. Zach, come out, she's gone. She said. I came out from the place in sweats. What a narrow escape! I was just about to be accused of something I've not even thought about. I said. Zach, don't be scared. Let's be swift about it. We have thirty minutes to spend together before Mabel comes back. She said and stripped off her gown again. Not again mama. Let me go. Like I said earlier, I promise to be your sex tool from now on but we must ensure nobody suspects us. I said. Alright Zach, have a peg then. She said and knelt down to peg my penis through my trousers. I held her head, and gently pushed it away. Quickly, I walked out of her room. Zack, stand there! Mabel commanded. I saw you coming out of my mother's room. What did you go to do there? She asked. Mabel, eeerrmm Eeerrrm Eeerrrmm! I stammered. Speak up! She yelled. Just then, Mama Becky came out from her room. What is it Mabel? Why are you talking on top of your voice? She asked. Mummy, I don't trust this guy here. I saw him sneaking out of your room. Are you sure you are OK? Mabel asked the mother. I'm very fine Mabel, I invited him to come and check the water closet for me, and he has marvellously worked on it. Mama responded. If you say so mummy. I thought he came to hurt you. She teased and walked back into her room. I walked into my room with a sign of cross. Thank you God for saving me from these two people. I prayed silently. Thank you God for saving me from these two people. I prayed silently. I laid quietly on my bed reminiscing what had just transpired between Mama Becky and I. God, some women are shameless, how can you wish to sleep with another man aside your husband? How can you sleep with a boy of your son's age? How can you get addicted to porn instead of getting addicted to the Holy Book. Aaahhh God, there are descent women out there who are struggling to get married. Why then do you allow adulterers to have a good man like Mr Owusu? I thought of all these until sleep carried me away. The next morning, Mama Becky woke me up for breakfast. Zach, wake up, breakfast is ready. She knocked. I quickly came out of the room. Good morning Mama, I'm sorry I overslept. I said. Don't worry Zach, I believe the things I showed you yesterday coaxed you to sleep that deep. She said seductively. Just then, Mabel came out of her room. I quickly walked downstairs when I saw her. Mummy, why the sudden change of attitude towards Zach again? Why do you keep switching attitudes towards him? I overheard Mabel asking. Mabel, don't forget he fixed my WC for me yesterday. I am just showing appreciation. I overheard Mama responding. Minutes later, they joined me at the dinning table. Eeerrrm Zach, thanks for fixing mum's WC yesterday. Mabel said. Anything for this family Mabel. I am not a bad person, my intention for this family is plain without dot. I will never hurt anyone of you. I seized the opportunity to explain my motives. I got so busy afterwards with the trimming of the flowers on the compound. I did that to avoid Mama Becky from worrying me again. In the afternoon, Mr Owusu returned from his trip. I was so happy to see him. He has come to save me from Mama's hands. And now that he's here, we will go and bring Buba into the house and that alone will prevent this evil woman from getting closer to me. I thought. Two days after Mr Owusu's arrival, he requested we go to bring Buba into the house together. I was more than happy to hear that. It's been a while since I saw my family. I thought. We got to the place and my family was sitting outside the compound in the tears. What is it Mother! Buba, talk to me, what is happening? Where is Papa? Assan, you people should please talk to me. I pleaded in tears. Mr Owusu held me to calm down. Calm down Zach, just calm down and allow me to talk to them. Mama, please what is happening here? Why is the entire family in tears? Mr Owusu asked my mother. Hmmm my son, my husband has passed on. She responded. How? When? What happened? Mr Owusu asked in shock. How? When? What happened? Mr Owusu asked in shock. He fell sick and my children took him to the hospital with the little money they had saved. A week later he passed on. My mother narrated in tears. Aaahhh Mama! So why didn't any of you call me? Why didn't you come to my house? Mr Owusu asked. My son, you know I can't walk properly, besides I asked Buba and Assan to call but they said your telephone was off. When I asked them to come to your house, they said they didn't know where you stay. She explained. How long now Mama and which hospital is his remains deposited? Mr Owusu inquired. It's been a month now since he died and we buried him a week later because we couldn't pay for the mortuary fee. We had even wanted to send him to our hometown but there wasn't enough money. We therefore had no option than to bury him here. Mother explained further. Aaaahhhh mother! You people have killed me Oooooo! How can my father die and be buried like a fowl without giving me the opportunity to even see his face for the last time? Mother why? Why? I wept bitterly. Mr Owusu held me tight. Stop crying Zach, please be a man. Be strong for me. He consoled. After minutes of shedding tears, Mr Owusu narrated his mission to my mother. Mama, I'm here to pick one of your son's again. What I will do is that, I will leave one of them to stay with you without going to work. I promise to provide you food and anything else you might be needing. Again, I will rent accommodation elsewhere for you so that you can move out from this hut. Lastly Mama, I will be paying your sons every other month for their services in my house so that, they can save enough for their future. Is that ok by you? Mr Owusu asked. Oh my son, my God will bless you abundantly. Thanks so much for taking my family as your own. What would I have done without you? My mother complimented gratefully. Anything for you Mama. I will forever be there for you. Mr Owusu responded. So when do you intend picking him? And which one of them are you going with? Mother asked. Buba quickly volunteered to come with us. Alright Buba, we are going with you. Please pack up and let's go if you are ready. Mr Owusu said. He ran into the hut and brought his clothes in a polythene bag. I am ready Sir. He said in smiles. As if he was not the one who was crying minutes ago. I stared at him in tears. It was supposed to be a happy moment for me but I couldn't just accept the fact that, my father was no more. I wept silently as Mr Owusu drove us to the house. Zach, stop crying and show your brother to his room. Mr Owusu stated when we entered the house. I walked Buba into one of the empty rooms closer to mine. Zach, are you shedding tears because of my presence in this house or what? Buba asked. Buba, it is through my efforts that's why you are in this house. Why then would I shed tears over that? I unhappily asked. Because you are selfish Zach. I don't believe you played any role in bringing me here, the man genuinely came for me. Buba responded. Buba, I don't know why you are growing fast in hatred for me. Keep whatever you think and feel to yourself. What I know is, my father is dead and I am mourning him. I stated and walked out on him into my room. Minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. To be continued...
26 Apr 2018 | 20:33
what the problem of buba self
27 Apr 2018 | 04:05
I think buba is going to add more salt to ur wound
27 Apr 2018 | 04:06
u need to be careful in DAT house make sure u avoid mama becky
27 Apr 2018 | 04:08
This buba abi iro problem sef is getting too much
27 Apr 2018 | 04:17
this buba get scoring o why you always act foolishly toward your brother and I thinks you are have to open up for Mr nwosu before is to late
27 Apr 2018 | 04:20
buba will add salt to ur injury
27 Apr 2018 | 06:26
His presence(Buba) won't even help the situation instead he's likely to take up the duty of servicing Mrs. Owosu
27 Apr 2018 | 07:19
Sorry for your loss Zach
27 Apr 2018 | 08:44
27 Apr 2018 | 09:07
I know buba will jump at dat opportunity of sleeping with mama becky
27 Apr 2018 | 09:41
Episode 6 . Continues.. Minutes later, I heard a knock on my door. I went to open up and it was Mama Becky. Zach, I learnt your father passed on, I'm sorry for your loss ok? Please take heart. She sympathized. Thank you Mama. My God will comfort me. I responded. Can I kiss your pain away? She whispered. Please Mama, not this time when everyone is home. What if someone bumps into us? I asked in a gentle anger. Come on Zach, you need me. Don't avoid my miracle kiss, it will perform some magic for you at this painful moment of your life. She said whiles trying to kiss me forcefully. Stop it! I yelled. What at all is wrong with you? Don't you have shame? If even you don't have shame, don't you at least respect your husband's presence? I added angrily. Just then, Buba entered my room. What is happening here? Why are you screaming at an elderly person who is capable of being your mother? He asked. I thought you've left behind that your disrespectful attitude, I never knew you are still living with it. He scolded angrily. Buba, who even invited you into this room? And what do you know about what is going on between us two? How dare you try to paint me black? I yelled at him. Buba, I'm very happy you've confirmed your brother is disrespectful. This is how he talks to me in this house. Mama Becky acted innocently. And what are you still keeping him in this house for? I have another brother Assan, who is much more respectful. He wouldn't have talked to you this way if he was in this stupid boy's position. Buba painted me black. Buba, I can see you are here to pull me down, but trust me, my God will never allow you to succeed. Now get the hell out of my room, you two! I yelled. Just then, Mr Owusu walked in. What is happening here? Why are you boiling with anger Zach? He inquired. Before I could say anything, Mama Becky burst into tears. My husband, I only came here to extend my condolences to Zach, only to attract his wrath this way oooo. I don't even know where I went wrong for a small boy like Zach to harshly talk to me that way. She pretended. Daddy, it's never true. She was trying to.... I tried speaking. Shut up Zach! How dare you talk to your mother that way? How wrong was she to have come here to console you? Mr Owusu asked angrily. I burst into tears. Daddy, I'm sorry, please hear me out. I didn't mean to treat her bad. I'm sorry. I pleaded. It's alright. You people should stop crying. Zach, I know you are going through emotions that's why you acted that way. I've pardoned you. Mr Owusu told me. Becky, please, forgive him. He's bereaved that's why he might have spoken to you that harsh. You know Zach is a good boy. He said to Mama Becky and walked out with her. I was now left with Buba in the room. Buba, what are you still doing here? Walk out before I push you. You ingrate! I insulted. Zach, watch out for me in this house. I am here to torment you. He stated and walked out of the room. Zach, watch out for me in this house. I am here to torment you. He spoke angrily and walked out of the room. His words pierced my heart deeply. What at all have I done wrong? Why is my own blood brother hating me so much. After all the efforts of bringing him into this house, he's here to torment me? Aaaahhhh. I thought amidst tears. I tossed on the bed throughout the night, thinking through how I am going to handle issues in the house. First of all, I must get closer to my brother and apologize to him for anything I have done. Secondly, I must continuously deceive Mama Becky to avoid her wrath. I thought. Early in the morning, I went to Buba's room to talk to him. Zach, why are you scaring me this way? Why did you enter my room without knocking? Buba asked angrily. I'm sorry bro, I didn't want to wake anyone up with my knock. I want to have a discussion with you as my bro. I responded. Well, I'm listening. He responded. Buba my brother, I'm so sorry for anything I've done knowingly and unknowingly to offend you. You know how much I love you and as such, have no bad intentions for you. I personally convinced Mr Owusu to bring you into this house. Buba, I want us to come together as brothers and fuse ideas in other to make a life out of our journey into this town. My brother, I love you dearly, please don't hate me. I pleaded. I've heard you Zach, I will try my possible best to love you again. He responded. There is one more thing Buba, there's something going on between Mama Becky and I, that I want to tell you. I said. Something? Zach what thing? He asked. Buba, Mama Becky is an adulteress, she's been trying so hard to seduce me. She wants me to sleep with her. I narrated. Whaaaat! Zach, this is too big an allegation. Are you sure of what you are saying? He asked surprisingly. Yes Buba, it's very true. You know I will never lie. I like her so much, I will never tarnish her image for anything. I responded. Hmmmm, this is a serious issue Zach. I don't even know what to think nor say. Now tell me, what do you suggest I do? Buba asked. Buba, I want you to help me expose her to the husband. Or better still, help me change that evil attitude of hers. I responded. I will think of what next to do and get back to you. Buba said. I will think of what next to do and get back to you. Buba said. Alright Buba, I'm going to the kitchen to fix breakfast, please wake up and start doing something to make Mr Owusu happy. I advised. I went into the kitchen and met Mama Becky awake already. Good morning Mama, I didn't know you are awake. I said. How does that concern you Zach? Should I ask permission from you before I come into my own kitchen? Don't you dare try dictating to me in this house. She responded angrily. Sssshhhh Mama, bring your voice down. I know you are angry because of yesterday. I only acted fast to avoid my brother from hearing or seeing us. He was just about entering my room when you walked in, so he was standing right behind the door when you tried kissing me. He might have bumped into us. Zach are you sure about that? She asked. Mama, just chill, I am going to make you feel like a real woman. I convinced smartly. Instantly, she calmed down and began to smile. I always melt like a piece of candle anytime I hear you talk like this. Zach, you are so handsome, I believe that thing in between your thighs will be huge enough to fuck out my problems. She responded seductively whiles trying to hold my dick. Just then, Buba walked inn. What is happening here? He asked. What is happening where? What do you want in this kitchen? The main gate is your working place. Instead of going there to guard it, you are sniffing around issues that doesn't concern you. Mama Becky responded angrily to cover her guilt. I'm sorry for interfering Mama, please forgive me. Buba responded sarcastically. Interfering what Buba? What the hell are you insinuating? Mama asked. Nothing bad Mama. I only thought you were scolding him for disrespecting you yesterday. Buba responded. Whatever! The two of you should go to hell! Mama Becky stated and continued with her chores. Eeerrrmm Zach, I'm not feeling so well to guard the gate this morning, I will start tomorrow. Can you please guard it for me while I help Mama in the kitchen with my little energy? Buba requested. Sure Buba, I will be at the gate then. I responded and walked out of the house to the gate. I trust Buba, I know he's going to deal with this woman maturely. Thank you God for bringing Buba into this house. I thought. I was so happy at the gate. I can't wait to hear Buba's plans of handling this woman. First of all, let me get into the kitchen and see what is happening. I thought happily as I stood up to peep through the window of the kitchen. I tiptoed to the window, and nearly screamed when I saw what was happening in there. Buba was busily sucking Mama Becky's breasts. He was sucking them as if he has been starved for years. Mama Becky moaned silently in pleasure. Buuuuuuba! Where have you been. Mmmmmmmmm! I've been missing this for so long. Aaaahhhh! Minutes later, I heard Mr Owusu calling Mama Becky from upstairs. Becky! Becky! Where are you? She quickly put back her breasts into the brazier and run out of the kitchen to respond to her husband's call. Buba pretended to be busy with the mopping of the floor. Tears spewed out from my eyes as I watched my wicked brother being that smart. I walked back to the gate and buried my teary face in my palms. . To be continued...
28 Apr 2018 | 21:07
lols sharp guy
29 Apr 2018 | 00:13
u re busy Dullin buba took his opportunity
29 Apr 2018 | 00:29
I know it will come to that
29 Apr 2018 | 04:31
29 Apr 2018 | 04:36
I know he would fail u
29 Apr 2018 | 04:41
buba of ur brother is going to betray u
29 Apr 2018 | 05:54
u better be careful
29 Apr 2018 | 05:55
more stories
29 Apr 2018 | 05:57
29 Apr 2018 | 06:59
I knew Bubt would take up that role but i'm hoping that he wouldn't go the extra mile of setting you up for eviction
29 Apr 2018 | 09:39
I know mama Becky will not sweat it at all,,, buba will instantly fell for it
29 Apr 2018 | 11:40
but scared for u oooo bcos dis Ur wicked bro will see to it dat u leave dat house
29 Apr 2018 | 11:42
Buba the sharp shooter
30 Apr 2018 | 06:22
Episode 7 Continues.. I walked back to the gate and buried my teary face in my palms. Oh Buba! How can you betray me this way? Just your second day in this house and you are betraying the heart that wishes your family nothing but the best. Aaaahhhh God. Why? Why did you allow this to happen? I sadly thought. Zach! Zach! Where are you? I heard Mr Owusu calling me from the house. I hurriedly attended to his call. I'm here daddy. I said. Zach, why are you at the gate instead of Buba? He asked. Before I could respond, Mama Becky quickly responded from behind. Eerrm my husband, I personally asked him to be at the gate. The tiles are discolouring lately because Zach have not been mopping well, so I decided to try Buba and see if he can work on it better, and trust me, he has done a wonderful job this morning. The tiles are sparkling than before. She happily spoke. Alright then, if that is what you people want, I'm cool. After all they are brothers, so anything goes for the two of them. Mr Owusu responded. Eheh Zach, I will be travelling tomorrow, and I will be leaving money with you to purchase foodstuffs for your mother. I will also leave some money with you to rent a room for them. I've already spotted a nice place at the market area, you will only go there and pay for it. Mr Owusu announced. But Owusu, Buba is the eldest, why don't you leave everything in his hands? Besides, Zach is the gate man now, he cant just leave the gate and run all these errands. Mrs Owusu proposed. Zach, is that ok by you? Do you prefer I leave the money with your brother? Mr Owusu asked. I'm very ok daddy, everything is so fine by me. I unhappily responded. Buba where are you? Mr Owusu called. Buba quickly run from the kitchen and came to kneel before Mr Owusu. Sir, I'm here, please do with me as you please. He acted humbly. Wow! My husband did you see that? Buba is so humble. How many youths of today will kneel down before you at your call? Mama Becky exclaimed happily. This is so wonderful Buba. I never knew you are this humble. Mr Owusu complimented happily too. That is what my culture and tradition teaches me sir. It takes only disrespectful people to overlook that. Buba insinuated. That is OK, please get up. Get this money and buy foodstuffs for your mother and use the rest to pay for their rent. I will give you the landlady's number for you to call her. Mr Owusu said and handed the money to Buba. I stood quietly with my hands behind me, observing every scene. Indeed, human beings are wicked. I thought. The next morning, Mr Owusu embarked on his journey. Mama Becky's relationship with Buba became so intimate. I just didn't know where to handle the situation from. I didn't want to involve Mabel because her mother had already instigated her against me and she is also too naive for such an issue . I didn't also want to confront Buba because, he might be able to penetrate through Mr Owusu's heart with his pretentious attitude to sack me from the house. I won't tell my mother because she will confront the situation and it will still be like confronting Buba myself. But in any of these case, I must get an evident way of exposing them to Mr Owusu. Both Mama Becky and Buba didn't deserve to be in his life. I thought. How do I get the evidence? I don't have a mobile phone. God help me through this. I prayed silently. I kept monitoring their every movement in the house. One midnight, I was asleep when I heard Buba's door opening. I quickly stood up and peeped through my window, only to see Buba sneaking into Mama Becky's room. I spied on him until he finally entered. Quickly, I opened my door and went to hide behind Mama Becky's door. I peeped through the door hole and Oh God! It was nasty. The both of them were naked. Buba was busily sucking Mama Becky's breasts. He did that vigorously for minutes and slowly flew her legs apart. He went down to lick her pussy without fear. In fact, he ate her pussy up. Mmmmmmmmm Buba! Buba! I need your cock now. Please penetrate me. Pleeeeeeasseee! Mama Becky groaned softly. Buba slowly penetrated the horny woman and started fucking the hell out her. They both groaned and moaned in ecstasy until Buba finally ejaculated. Mama Becky couldn't just let go of Buba, she held him tight until Buba begged to leave. Mama, I am in this house for you, I will give it to you any day, and anytime you want it. Buba assured. Mama then allowed Buba to dress up and leave. I quickly sneaked back into my room and laid quietly on the bed. Minutes later, I heard Buba tiptoeing into his room. I got buried in thoughts as to what next to do. Unfortunately, nothing good had come in mind still. The next morning, I woke up and went into Buba's room to trick words out of his mouth. Zach, what at all is wrong with you? Why do you enter my room as if it is meany foe the both of us? From now onwards, seek permission from me before you come into my room. He spoke angrily. I'm sorry Buba, I didn't mean to invade your privacy. I responded. Eheh, what brings you here this early morning? He asked. Buba, how far with what I discussed with you about Mama Becky? I asked. Zach, is the woman still worrying you? Buba asked. No Buba, she's no more pestering me. I responded. What then is your problem? Buba asked. But Buba, what the woman did is very wrong. We really need to confront her. I responded in pretence. Zach, if you try anything silly, I will get off your back. The woman might have been interested in you, but now she's no more. Why can't you allow sleeping dogs lie? Zach, for the last time, I am warning you not to try anything silly with Mama Becky, or else, I will team up with her against you. He threatened. Mama Becky is a good woman, and as far as I'm concerned, she has not done anything to jeopardize that. He added. Hmm Buba, I have heard you. I promise not to talk about this anymore. Thanks for your advice. I unhappily responded and walked out. Minutes later, I overheard Mama Becky calling me. Zach! Zach! I run faster to meet her downstairs. Please Mama, I'm here. I said humbly. Zach, Buba is very tired, you have to attend to his chores as well as yours. Mop the whole place and fix something for breakfast. I will be in my room waiting. She instructed and walked away. Buba is sick or tired from fucking? Which is which? Sinners are indeed the best jokes ever told. I thought. I began with the chores and soon, Mabel joined me. Zach, where is your brother? Mabel asked. He's not feeling well so he's in his room. I responded. Oh! That's really bad, let me go and see him then. Mabel said. No Mabel, don't go into his room, he might not be happy about that. I prevented Mabel from going into Buba's room because I knew what he was capable of doing. Zach, your brother is sick and you are here preventing me from going to see him? When at all will you desist from being selfish and wicked? Mabel responded angrily. I'm sorry Mabel, I didn't mean any harm. I apologized and she walked away into Buba's room. Hey Mabel, what are you going to do there? I overheard her mother yelling at her. Mummy, I learnt he's not feeling well so I'm going to check on him. Mabel responded. Get back here! Are you a doctor? Mama yelled at her again. I'm sorry mummy. Mabel responded and descended from the stairs into the kitchen again. Zach, I so much hate you. In as much as you've taught me how to cook, I still hate your wicked and selfish heart. I just hate you. Mabel displaced her anger on me. Mabel, no scan nor X-ray can prove the intentions within a man's heart. No actions can do so either, but I tell you Mabel, the God I serve, knows all everything before we even plan them. He will be my judge someday. I unhappily responded and walked out on her into the sitting room to serve the breakfast while she shockingly looked on to my words. After serving the food, I went upstairs to draw Mama Becky's attention to the served breakfast. To be continued...
1 May 2018 | 21:21
and you meet her absent in are room then you meet her in buba room suuuuuuuuuuw
2 May 2018 | 09:04
this is so bad
2 May 2018 | 15:01
so bad
2 May 2018 | 15:03
bring more
2 May 2018 | 15:04
dis Ur buba, I don't know wat to say to him,,,, he's such a stupid, brainless guy
3 May 2018 | 10:34
Continue with being a good boy and stay out of their way... Karma will play out someday cos nothing is ever hidden for ever
3 May 2018 | 18:39
EPISODE 8 . continues.. After serving the food, I went upstairs and drew Mama Becky's attention to the served breakfast. Mama, please I'm done with breakfast. I said. Alright Zach, go and call Buba to meet me at the dinning hall. He must eat something. She said. I went into Buba's room to call him. What is it again Zach, can't I have my peace of mind in this house? He yelled. Master of the house, please, madam of the house says I should call you to come and have breakfast. I stated sarcastically and walked away. I took my food and went to sit at the gate. Life at the gate became so boring, there was no one to talk to. I was always seated quietly while the two love birds stayed in the house in enjoyment, to the blind side of the blind spectator Mabel. I adopted a strategy of walking around the neighborhood to release boredom. On my first day out, I saw a gang of guys playing draft. Hey, you this boy! Are you the talked about adopted son of the rich man? One of the guys asked fearlessly? I curiously got closer to them. Where did you hear that from my brother? I asked in smiles. I overheard some people discussing it in the neighborhood. I've been wanting to see your face but you never come out. All because you are in there, eating all the good foods in the world. He teased. From the way you are talking, you only seem to be jealous of those of us in that house because of food. I said playfully. They all burst into laughter. Heerrr ma guy, you are damn funny. You have all these sense of humor and you are wasting it in the house? He said. What do you suggest I do with it? I asked. Come here often and entertain us. He responded. Alright, I promise to come here often with lots of food. I said. Yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy! They all chorused. Ma guy, you are the Don! They exclaimed happily. I conversed with them for a while and asked permission to go back into the house. I was so happy to have made friends. I walked back home with smiles. The next morning, I sent to the guys my breakfast. Guys, let's have breakfast together. I said. They all surrounded the food and we ate happily together. Ma guy, next time bring something heavy ooo. These light foods are for rich children like you. One of the guys commented. Alright bro. I will bring something heavy next time. I said in smiles and began to walk away. But hey, what is your name? He asked. My name is Zach. What about you? I asked. Call me Ganja ambassador. Ganja for short. He responded. You will get to know the rest of my guys with time. I am the leader of this group. He added. Group? What group? I inquired naively. You will understand later. Just go home. He responded and I walked away. I went back into the kitchen to wash my bowl and before I could enter, I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I tiptoed back into the compound and went to hide behind the kitchen window. Mama Becky was giving Buba a blow job. Ooouuucchh! Mama! Mama! Come on, swallow me up. He whispered in ecstasy. After some minutes, Buba quickly raised Mama Becky's dress and penetrated her. Aaaawwwchh Buba, Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck meeeeeeeeee! She moaned softly. Soon, Buba ejaculated. Wow Buba! That's such a wonderful quicky. You are more than good. Mama Becky complimented. Yeah Mama, that is me. I possess the biggest gun ever, so I don't target ants, I target lions like you. Buba bragged happily. I am the only Osama Bin Laden to the United States. The only Buko Haram to Africa. In fact, I am the only Onaapo fucker to horny women like you. He added playfully. Eeeeiiiiiii God! Where at all is Mabel? I thought. I went inside the house in anger and tried to enter the kitchen but the people were so smart to have locked it. I banged on it severally and Mama Becky opened. What is wrong with you? Can't you see Buba is fixing the broken sink? The broken sink indeed. I thought with a deep stare into her face. Buba busily pretended to be fixing the sink really. Buba busily pretended to be fixing the sink really. Why are you staring at me like a robot? You better leave here and go to your post. Mama Becky angrily instructed. I walked out quietly out of the kitchen and climbed up the stairs to check on Mabel and to figure out why she's been acting so dumb and blind. I knocked on her door. Mabel, please are you there? I asked. She quickly came out. Yes Zach, can I help you? She asked. I just came to check up on you and to know why you are not coming downstairs. I said. Aaahhh Zach, are you serious? Come downstairs to do what? Please get out of my sight if you don't have anything to say. I am busy browsing information on my school stuff. She responded and walked out on me into her room. I went back to my post in disappointment and deep thoughts. Mama Becky and Buba continuously fucked like no one's business. I was at my post one afternoon whiles Mama Becky and Buba were in her matrimonial room making their usual love. Just then, I heard Mr Owusu blowing his car horn to gain entry into the house. I quickly ran to open the gate. Today is today. Thank you God for this day. These people will be caught red handed. I thought happily. Mr Owusu got down from his car in smiles. Zach, I really missed you. How have you been? He asked. I am very fine daddy. Welcome back. I responded and picked his bags and followed him upstairs. We knocked at the door severally and there was no response. Zach, is your mother out of this house? He asked. No daddy, she's inside. I responded desperately. We knocked again severally but she was not responding. Mabel came out from her room and joined us in knocking. Daddy, let me go behind the house and check from the window. I suggested smartly. Alright Zach, be fast about that. He responded. I was so happy as I descended the stairs. I ran to the back of the house to enter the room through the window. These people must be caught today no matter what. I soliloquised. Just when I was about to climb up with the ladder, I saw Buba jumping out of the room through the window. He landed straight on the roofing sheet leading to the sitting room and straight on the floor. Buba, what were you doing in Mama Becky's room? What were you doing there? I screamed. Zach, can't you see I've twisted my leg, instead of you sympathizing with me, listen to the silly question you are asking me. He responded harshly in pain. Buba, if you don't tell me, I will raise an alarm. I threatened. Go ahead and raise the alarm. You left the gate without informing anyone. I saw a thief entering Mama Becky's room through the window, I decided to catch him red handed and he ran out. I was jumping out to chase him and I've landed on the floor this way. And there you are as my wicked brother questioning me instead of helping me up. He lied pathetically. Before I could debunk those lies, Mr and Mrs arrived at the scene with their daughter. How are you feeling Buba, were you able to catch him? Mama Becky asked in pretence. No Mama. I've even twisted my leg. He ran out before I landed on the floor. Buba responded. Oh! My husband, thank Buba for me. Had it not been him, these thieves would have stabbed me to death this afternoon. Even when you were knocking at the door, I thought it was one of them. I went to hide in the washroom, that was why I couldn't even recognize your voice. She lied. God! Why are these thieves worrying my family this way? Zach, what are you standing there for? Help your brother up! Mr Owusu commanded. I quickly helped Buba onto his feet and slowly, I walked him into his room. Now come back here Zach! Where were you when the thieves entered this house? Mr Owusu asked. Sir, I didn't see any thief entering this house. I've been at the gate the whole of today. I responded. Eeeiii Zach, you are such a lier! An hour ago, I came to check up on you before I went into my room but you were nowhere to be found. It was minutes later that the thieves gained entry into the house. Mama Becky quickly responded. Zach, this must be your last time of leaving the gate. The next time I hear a complain as this again, you will leave this house. Mr Owusu warned angrily. . To be continued...
3 May 2018 | 20:35
Just watch your back cos this people are ready for you
4 May 2018 | 04:14
4 May 2018 | 06:10
4 May 2018 | 08:42
every day for the thieve one day for the owner
4 May 2018 | 08:48
4 May 2018 | 08:49
this woman get trick pass ooo OK they will soon enter your net
4 May 2018 | 09:06
Zach, I guess it's time to start praying for your safety and continuity in that house
4 May 2018 | 10:38
Zach all dis would have been so easy on u, assuming u Hav a phone, u wil just record dia shameful act
4 May 2018 | 19:51
EPISODE 9 The next time I hear a complain as this again, you will leave this house. Mr Owusu warned angrily. Alright daddy, I promise it won't happen again. I responded and went back to the gate. Eeeiii! So how could Mama Becky and Buba be this smart? They've rather pushed all blame on me. I thought sadly. I was still buried in thoughts when I heard someone knocking at the gate. It was my area friend Ganja. Hello Ganja, how are you? What brings you here? I asked as I ushered him inn. Yo ma guy, I have not been seeing you lately. How are things? He asked. I'm doing great Ganja, sorry I have not been bringing you food lately. I am a bit tight that's why, please forgive me. I said. Alright ma guy. I also came to visit you as a friend. I must start going before your father sees me. He doesn't really like the niggas in the hood. He responded and walked away. The next day, I went to see Ganja and the other guys with food. When I was returning home, Ganja escorted me. Ma guy, Eeerrrm, you know say you be ma paddy and I love you bad. One thing I want you to know bi say, don't be coming to our ghetto plenty times. People tag us bad, so I no want your image be drag in the mud. He advised. Ganja, talk to me, why do people see you as such? What have you guys done bad or been doing bad? I asked. He began to scratch his head. Eeerrmm ma guy, inno bi anything bad ooo. Just some little herbs wey we dey apply, then small women ass we dey press press oooo. Nothing serious. He responded. Ganja, I understand you perfectly but that shouldn't be a problem between us. You said you like me right? I asked. Not just common like ma guy. I dey love you dearly as my brother. He responded. That's great to hear Ganja. If you really love me as your brother, then, I have every right to come closer to you anytime, any day. And for that matter, if there is a lifestyle your are living that you think will affect my image, I am pleading with you to stop. It won't be easy Ganja, but I tell you, with determination, you will surely overcome. Please stop applying those herbs in whichever way. And the women, stop molesting them. You can get one of them for your future. I advised. I see a great person in you ma guy Zach, and I want to benefit from it someday. I promise to try then put a stop to all the atrocities. Thank you for touching ma hardened heart ma guy. You are the Don. Ganja responded and walked away. I walked back into the house and sat quietly at the gate. Minutes later, I was approached by Mr Owusu. Zach, you seem very quiet these days, talk to me, what is bothering you? He asked. Before I could open my mouth, tears started dropping off my cheeks. Daddy, it takes a saddened soul to be able to depress an active body like mine. When the soul foresees danger, it sounds a bell of warning, but it takes a recalcitrant ear, to act deaf. I have no enough facts nor proof daddy, to tell you what I know but I wish you could for the first time in your life, trust a total stranger like me. I said. What is it Zach? Why all these parables? He asked. My husband! I've been looking everywhere for you. Mama Becky appeared at the scene. Yes, I've been here with Zach. There is something he's even trying to tell me. Mr Owusu responded. Something? What thing? Zach what is it? Mama Becky inquired innocently. Nothing really Mama. I was only trying to make him understand how I'm feeling towards my father's death. I lied. Aaahhh Zach, is that your reason for the numerous proverbs and parables? You've just wasted my time. Don't try telling me anything again, you are just a waste of time. Mr Owusu unhappily stated and walked away. Mama Becky stayed back, watching my face. Zach, so you actually wanted to tell my husband how I tried making love with you right? Well, sorry for you. You won't get that opportunity again. But the next time you try that again, I will expose you on how you tried molesting Mabel. Mabel is my daughter and she's going to witness against you. If you like, try me. Useless boy!! She threatened and walked out on me. Eeeiii, so this woman has actually planned to blackmail me. God, I need to be careful . I must think of another way of exposing her. I thought. I sat quietly thinking through my problems when I heard Mr Owusu calling me from the house. What is it again? I thought as I ran to his call. Daddy please I'm here. Eheh Zach, I forgot to ask about your family. How are they doing and what is their feedback on their new place? He asked. Daddy, please I haven't heard from them. I was not the one you gave the money to. I responded. Oh yeah, I remember now. Sorry for bothering you unnecessarily. Go and call Buba for me. He said. I climbed the stairs and went to knock on Buba's door. Buba, please daddy is calling you. I said. He followed me to the sitting room. Sir please I'm here. He knelt down and said. Get up Buba. I only called to find out about your mother and your brother. How are they copping in their new home? Mr Owusu asked. I'm sorry daddy, I couldn't pay for the rent. I lost the money when I was on my way there so I came back to inform Mama and she told me to wait for your return. Buba explained. How can you be that careless Buba? How can you misplace such an amount. So in a nutshell, your mother is starving in that hut. Aaaahhhhhh! Mr Owusu exclaimed in disappointment. You can leave my sight now. Just go! He angrily said. Zach, please remind me so that we go and see them tomorrow. Mr Owusu said. I went to sit at the gate in misery. Oh! Why did we even come into this town? My parents should have allowed me to die so that they live. I lost my father few months after we came here and now my mother is starving to death. Oh God why? Why did you give me these heartless siblings? I wept silently in thoughts. Early the next morning, I went to remind Mr Owusu about my mother. Alright Zach, get ready and let's go. He said. My husband, where are you taking Zach to, who will be guarding the gate? Mama Becky asked. Becky, call Buba to do it. Zach and I are going to visit his mother. Mr Owusu responded. No oooo, Buba and I will be busy. He can't add that to his job. She said. Busy doing what Becky? What is it that can't wait? If the two of you will be busy at the same time, then that's your choice. I can't go without Zach. He stated and we drove out of the house. We got to the hut and met my mother laying pathetically on the floor. I run to hug her in tears. Zach, why have you abandoned me? She asked with tears in her eyes. I'm sorry mother, I haven't abandoned you. You are always on my mind and I pray for you each and every day. I responded sadly. Mr Owusu exchanged greetings with her and asked of Assan. Mama, please where is Assan? He's gone to the market to work. Since you couldn't honor your promise, we couldn't stay back here to starve, so I asked him to go and work. My mother responded. That is alright Mama. We are sorry for not honouring our promise. We are here to honor it now. Mr Owusu responded. We packed up all the belongings in the hut and moved them into the car. We then drove straight to the new place. Fortunately, we met the landlady in the house. A very young woman. We exchanged greetings and Mr Owusu began talking with her. Naana, I'm very sorry for the delay in payment. I traveled and came back yesterday. Mr Owusu said. Don't worry Mr Owusu, I knew you will definitely come to pay no matter how long it takes. Rich men don't owe. She responded playfully. We all laughed over it and Naana showed us to the room. It was a chamber and hall apartment. My mother and I were so happy. We knelt down and thanked Mr Owusu. Get up Mama, you are like a mother to me, so please, don't be thanking me when I do something for you. Mr Owusu said. We moved the things into the room, gave mother some money and drove off to call Assan from the market to come and take care of her. We got home a bit late. Zach, get into the kitchen and bring me scissors to cut off this robe hanging on the wall. Mr Owusu said when we got down from the car. Zach, get into the kitchen and bring me scissors to cut off this robe hanging on the wall. Mr Owusu said when we got down from the car. I run into the house and just when I was about to enter the kitchen, I heard Mama Becky moaning. I spied on her and I could see Buba fucking her so hard. God! What do I do? Should I bump into them or I should go and call Mr Owusu? I thought. I decided to go and call Mr Owusu. Just when I was running back to the compound, Mama Becky called me. Hey Zach, Stop there! Where are you running to? Where are you coming from and in fact, why are you breathing this way? She inquired. Eeerrrm Mama, daddy said I should come and pick something from the kitchen but when I entered the house, I forgot what it was so I was running back to go and ask him what it is. I lied. Zach, are you sure? Are you very sure you didn't get to the kitchen? She asked with guilt. No Mama. I didn't get there, not at all. Please is there something I must know? I asked in pretence. There is nothing you must know. I hate people sneaking around me when I'm in the kitchen cooking. She lied. Sorry about that Mama, but the truth is, I didn't even get there. I responded. Just then, Mr Owusu walked into the scene. Zach, how long will it take you to pick up a common scissors from the kitchen? He asked. I'm sorry daddy, I forgot what you told me to pick. I responded. Mr Owusu walked pass Mama and I and entered the kitchen to pick the scissors himself. Buba, what are you doing here this late? Still mopping the floor? Ain't you tired? Mr Owusu asked. No daddy, I want the place to be very neat. I overheard Buba responding. Becky, so won't you allow Buba to rest? How can you allow him to be mopping the floor at this time of the day? Isn't he tired? Mr Owusu asked worriedly. My husband, that is his purpose in this house and he must fulfill it. She responded. Becky, I hate it when you maltreat other people's children whiles you over pamper yours. Mabel is comfortably asleep in her room and here you are abusing someone's child. He said angrily. Buba and Zach, go to bed at once. You also deserve to rest. He ordered. I walked quietly into my room in thoughts. How can Mama Becky and Buba make a fool out of Mr Owusu this way? Oh God of Israel. The next morning, we went out to do our usual chores. I was busy sweeping the compound when Mabel came around. Zach, daddy says he has a meeting with us at 10am so get ready. Alright Mabel, thanks. I responded. Zach, you seem quiet these days, are you ok? She inquired. I am very fine Mabel. Since I became your enemy, I've always tried to stay out of your way to avoid your wrath. I responded. You are not my enemy Zach, just that mummy sees evil in you. She responded. Just then, Mama Becky appeared on the scene. What are you still doing here with him Mabel? I thought your father only asked you to relay an information.. Or? She asked angrily. I'm sorry mummy. Mabel responded and walked to the house. Zach or whatever you call yourself, you are a threat to my happiness in this house and I must kick you out very fast. Mama threatened and walked out on me. To be continued...
5 May 2018 | 09:07
Episode 10 Zach or whatever you call yourself, you are a threat to my happiness in this house and I must kick you out very fast. Mama threatened and walked out on me. I kept thinking through her words and how best I could vindicate myself by exposing them. First of all, I must get a phone so that I can record them to gain more evidence to expose them. I thought. Soon it was 10 am and I joined the family in the sitting room. I welcome you all to this family gathering. My agenda for this meeting is precise and concise. We must make it snappy for all of you to go back to your various posts. Mr Owusu said. I am glad to inform you that, my only daughter Mabel will be leaving us in two weeks time to the states. She's going to continue her studies there. So officially, I'm informing the entire household on her behalf. Mr Owusu explained happily. This sounds great daddy, but the house is going to be a bit boring without her. We will be missing her. Buba quickly responded. Not at all Buba, Junior my son, has also finished with his course, so he will be coming back a month after Mabel's departure. Mr Owusu responded. That is good daddy, that means, he's coming to fill Mabel's vacuum. I happily asked. Yeah sure. You all have to be on your toes because unlike Mabel, Junior is tough and straight forward. Mr Owusu responded. Mama Becky seemed unhappy. She kept staring at Buba's face trying to communicate something to him with her eyes. Wow! This is a great news. A man who is tough will soon be in this house, and we shall see Buba's stand. I thought happily. On this note, if anyone doesn't have anything else to say, I will like to dissolve the meeting. Mr Owusu said. We all wished Mabel well and left for our posts. Buba to the kitchen and I to the gate. A week later, I was at the gate when I heard Mr Owusu screaming in the house. Where is everyone! Come here right now! I command you all. I run into the house and I met Mr Owusu fuming in anger with Mama Becky standing beside him. Just when I got there, Buba also came down from his room. So did Mabel. We are here daddy. We chorused. Which of you entered my room and took 5000 Ghana Cedis from my suitcase? He asked angrily. We all went quiet. I repeat for the very last time, I said which one of you, took money from my suitcase? He asked again. We all responded negative to his question. My husband, this is simple, let's go into their rooms and search. Mama suggested. Now move! All of you. We are searching every room. Mr Owusu angrily said. I just knew the worst had happened. I just knew the woman had framed me up. Buba kept smiling while we climbed up. Mabel's room was the first for the search, and nothing was found. They entered my room and minutes later, came out with the money. Mr Owusu slapped me hard. You are such a disappointment Zach. So you had the guts to walk into my room to steal right? He yelled. I tried speaking but Mama shut me up. Shameless boy, will you shut your smelling mouth before I shut it for you? Now go into your room and pack all your things. You are leaving this house this minute. You are not what I thought. Mr Owusu said. I burst into uncontrollable tears. Daddy please have mercy on me. Please don't sack me. I didn't steal the money. I have never entered your room. Please believe me. I pleaded in tears. Mr Owusu held my shirt and dragged me on the floor into my room. Pack up your things very fast. I don't even want to see your face here in the next ten minutes. If I do, I will call the police to arrest you. You are a criminal. Mr Owusu manhandled me with insults. Oh God! So is this my reward for all my good intentions? Where have I gone wrong in this life? I wept in thoughts while packing. Zach please stop packing. Mabel screamed. Mabel, don't annoy me, who are you to interfere with your father's orders? Mama Becky asked angrily. Mabel, leave my presence before I slap your stupidity out of you. Mr Owusu yelled. I am not going anywhere daddy. It isn't Zach who stole the money. Mabel screamed worriedly. Who did? If not Zach, who else? Daddy asked. I did daddy. I stole the money. Mabel responded. Whaaaat! Mabel please don't disgrace me! You didn't steal the money. It is Zach who stole the money. Mama cut in. I know what I'm talking about mummy. I stole the money for a friend's birthday party. I was going out with the money when I saw daddy climbing up the stairs so I quickly run into Zach's room to hide the money since that was the closest room to where I was standing. Mabel confessed. Mr Owusu stood there in shock! Oh Mabel, you've disgraced me. How could you do such a thing? He shouted at her. I'm sorry daddy, please forgive me. I am a thief, please forgive me. She wept bitterly. I finished packing and picked up my bag to leave the house. Zach please don't go anywhere. I have accused you wrongly and I need you to forgive me. Please stop weeping and pull yourself together. Mr Owusu apologized. No my husband, he has bewitched my daughter. He's supposed to be the thief. He's supposed to be leaving this house by now. Mama Becky said painfully. What do you mean by that Becky? Are you the one who put the money in his room? Why are you insisting that he must be the culprit, when your daughter has confessed? Why? Mr Owusu yelled at Mama Becky. I'm sorry my husband but I have never known my daughter to be a thief. She responded shamefully. Mr Owusu consoled and convinced me to stay back. Zach, remember our first meeting when you pleaded with me for the land. I reluctantly but easily gave in to your request and plea. Please kindly do same for me. Forgive me and stay here with me. Take me as your father who has accused you wrongly. Please. He apologized remorsefully. I have heard you daddy. I hold nothing against you nor Mabel. I responded in tears still. He thanked me and they all walked away. The next day, I was seated at the gate with my head bowed down when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Mabel. Zach, I am deeply sorry for what happened yesterday. I know you went through trauma, but please, forgive my father. She said. Why are you pleading on your father's behalf when you personally owe me an apology? I asked in shock. That is because I didn't steal the money. She boldly responded. To be continued...
5 May 2018 | 09:12
Mabel it too late if you give him chance to tell you what's happened in the house you will know by now that he is someone you close too
5 May 2018 | 11:43
I tot Zach would Hav told his street Frnd wat is going on in dat house, dos ones would Hav helped him to uncover d truth bcos dey are street guys,,,,,, but wat kind of brother is dis buba for crying out loud, he is just so cruel,,,,, I know Mabel lied in oda for Zach to stay back in d house, and dis should be d perfect time for Zach to bear out his mind to Mabel.
5 May 2018 | 12:19
Hmmm Mrs. Becky put the money there to implicate u, Mabel just lied to cover u
5 May 2018 | 19:27
I knew Mabel didn't steal the money but just saving Zach's ass. I just hope the evil perpetrators be exposed sooner
6 May 2018 | 07:34
You owe Mabel a favour Zack
7 May 2018 | 04:04
Episode 11 That is because I didn't steal the money. She boldly responded. What do you mean by that Mabel? You confessed right in front of everybody, so why are you trying to deceive me now. I asked. Zach, from the very first day I saw you in this house, I knew you were a good person until mummy started having those nightmares about you. I believed everything she told me, but one thing I can never believe about you is that "you are a thief". I tested you in several ways by placing money at places you could see, but you never picked a coin from it. So how come you gathered courage all of a sudden to steal from daddy's room? The daddy you love so much and you are so much dedicated to? I know you won't do that. Mabel explained. Mabel, you are getting me confused. First I thought someone set me up until you confessed. So I have come to believe your confession wholeheartedly. Why this quick turn around? I asked confusedly. Zach, I also believe someone set you up but I don't know who. I only accepted blame because I didn't want you to leave this house. Mabel responded. What! Mabel! So you are not the thief? You only accepted blame just for me? Oh Mabel, you shouldn't have done this mess to your image. You shouldn't have done it at all. I don't deserve this from you. I said in tears. Stop crying Zach, you have done to me so much good. You taught me how to be a woman and how to treat and love everyone irrespective of their status. I'm glad to announce to you that you are my first victim. She said with smiles. Thank you so much Mabel. Thanks a million for this massive sacrifice. I said. Thank yourself Zach. The good you did for me returned to you when you least expected it. It's rather unfortunate I am leaving this house, I would have helped you to hunt down the person who set you up this way. But all the same, I wish you well. Kindly stay out of trouble and remember, everyone in this life has an enemy. It takes prayers and self care to conquer them. Be good. Mabel advised. I was so happy to hear all these from Mabel. I shed tears of joy as I watched her enter the house. God, thank you for using Mabel to vindicate me, but whoever my enemies are, please put them to shame. I prayed silently. When I raised up my head, I saw Buba standing before me. You scared me Buba, what are you doing here? I asked. Zach, what were you discussing with Mabel? I saw her here few minutes back. He asked. Why do you want to know Buba? Don't I have the right to talk to her any longer? I asked back. Zach, is there something you have seen or know in this house? Is there something I must know? He asked guiltily. Buba, is there something going on in this house that you think I know? Is there something you are hiding from me? I asked back. Zach, I know you don't respect and you are going to challenge me as usual but I assure you, if you try anything funny, Mama will kick you out of this house. You are being unnecessarily African Buba. Almost every African sees the truth as insult, I'm therefore not surprised you see me as disrespectful. Anyway, as the second in command as you are in this house, I have wholeheartedly taken your caution to heart. I stated sarcastically. Whatever Zach. I don't care about you or what your foolish brains think. He responded and walked away. I looked on with smiles. Oh Buba my brother, I pity your evil heart. I thought. Days later, Mabel left the house for the States. Mr Owusu took her to the airport. The house was now left in the hands of the two evil hearts. That night, I was laying quietly in my room when I saw someone opening my door. I quickly stood up and switched on the bedside lamp. Hey Zach, don't panic, it's me. Mama Becky whispered. Please what are you doing here? I asked angrily. Calm down Zach, I still haven't given up on you. I still need you to taste this sugar. She whispered and stripped naked again. Mama please, I can't do this with you. I hate what you are doing, leave here before I raise an alarm. I responded. Zach, why are you proving stubborn? You deceived me to tell you my secret about my addiction to pornography and now you are refusing to share my guilt. You must sleep with me or else... Or else what? Just because I know your secret, you want to bribe me with sex? Well Mama, take your guilt away, I refuse to be part of it. I responded angrily. Zach, apart from my pornographic addiction, is there something else you know about me? I mean is there something you've seen in this house about me? She inquired. Hahahahah Mama, I pray guilt doesn't kill you in your own home. There is nothing I know but I'm willing to listen if you will tell me. I responded. Go to hell Zach, you will never get away with this. I will deal with you drastically. She threatened and walked out. I looked on in smiles. So Mama Becky and Buba think I know about them. That's why they are trying very hard to confirm from me. Wow! I thought. The next morning, I did my usual chores and went to sit at the gate. Buba was also busily scrubing the sitting room. Soon, Mr Owusu arrived in the house. Welcome daddy. I greeted. How are you Zach? How's back? He inquired. All is well daddy. I responded. Daddy, please I want to make a request from you. I humbly said. Go ahead Zach. He responded. Daddy please I need money to buy a phone for myself and my mother so that I can be calling regularly to check up on her. I humbly said. That is no problem Zach. I have even opened a bank account for you and your brother. I am saving your salaries there for your future. In two years, each one of you will tell me what you want to do with it and I promise to withdraw it for you. But in the mean time, if you need anything from me, just let me know as you've done now. He said. Eheh Zach, I've been wanting to ask you this but busy schedules won't allow me. Zach, do you want to go to school? Mr Owusu inquired. No daddy, I want to establish a business. I responded happily. Alrightthen, let's wait for two years and get everything started. I will be educating you from time to time on all the business strategies. Anytime you see me home, just get closer to me and let's talk business. He added. Alright daddy, I'm more than grateful for your kindness towards my family. My God will bless you. I responded. I will soon get you two nice phones so that you send one to your mother. I only need you to be a good and hardworking boy. He advised and walked into the house. Wow! This is great news. I am going to get a phone and I can video all the evidence I need. I thought. A week later, Mr Owusu brought me the two phones. Zach, these are the phones, try and send your mother's own to her tomorrow. I don't want you to miss her too much again. He teased. Thanks a lot daddy. God bless you. I responded. Eheh Zach, a quick reminder, my son will be coming in three weeks time so kindly clean up his room for me when you are free. He said. That also means I will not be going anywhere in the next three weeks. I need to rest and wait for my son so kindly come around for the business chat anytime you are less busy. He added and walked away. God will bless this man. I will do everything possible to ensure his happiness. I will never betray him like Buba. I thought. I quickly went into my room and hid the phones at a safer place. I didn't want Mama Becky and Buba to know I had a phone. I planned. Early the following morning, after my chores, I picked one of the phones and went to my mother's new place. Good morning mother, I've really missed you. I run to hug her as usual. Good morning Zach. What brings you here this early morning? She asked curiously. I brought you a surprise. I responded happily and handed the phone over to her. Eeeiii Zach, how did you get this? And how am I going to use it? Mummy asked in a mixed feeling. Mother, Mr Owusu bought it for you. He said he will be calling you on it. I said. But mother, where is Assan? I inquired. Hmmm Zach, I don't know what it is with Assan and the landlady ooo. He sleeps in her room now after few weeks of tight friendship. I've asked him severally but he said there is nothing going on between them. My mother narrated. Eeeiii mother! That woman is married ooo. How is the husband going to take this? I worriedly asked. Zach, the husband is outside the country. I believe that's why she's becoming intimate with Assan. I've tried warning Assan several times but he doesn't mind me. Anytime I talk about it, he refuses to give me food. Mother narrated sadly. Mother, don't talk about it again. I don't want him to starve you to death. The two of them are matured enough to know the right from wrong, so if they want to continue, karma will lead them to their reward. I advised. I stayed with my mother for a while. I cooked yam and her favorite kontomire stew for her. After eating, I asked permission to leave. Just then, Assan entered the room. Zach you are here. How are you doing? He asked. Very well Assan. Where have you been? I asked. I was in Naana's room, helping her to do some stuff. He responded. Alright, I brought phone for mother. Mr Owusu asked me to do so, so that he will be calling her from time to time to check up on her. I narrated. Wow, that's great. Do you have a phone too? Assan asked. No bro, I will be calling with our land line. I lied to avoid Assan from blowing up my cover to Buba. That reminds me Zach, Buba came here few days ago and I must say he's looking awesome. I've always trusted Buba to make it big in life. And I will surely follow his footsteps to be like him. Assan spoke boastfully. Make sure whatever footsteps you are following is in the good direction, or else, you will be as good as dead. I advised. I hear you Mr know it all. Thanks for your empty advice. I much appreciate it. He responded and walked out on me into Naana's room again. I bid Mama goodbye and left there. What is happening to my brothers? So Buba has succeeded in influencing Assan to sleep with someone's wife. Just because Mama Becky is paying him for the sex services, Assan has also decided to embark on the same evil action. I thought worriedly as I walked back home. Welcome back Zach, how is your mother? Mr Owusu asked. She's doing very well daddy. She extends her greetings. She was so happy to have the phone and she extends her gratitude. I responded. Days passed and it was time for Junior's arrival. Mr Owusu travelled to the city to bring him home from the airport. In the evening, I decided to monitor Mama Becky and Buba to see what they were up to. Buba tiptoed into Mama's room while I stood in my room watching him from the window. Minutes later, I walked out to spy on them. I picked up my phone to see if I could record or video them. Unfortunately, I couldn't video them because they had covered the door hole. I set the phone on record and stood there waiting. Buba, unfortunately my son is coming and we need to be very careful. Mama cautioned. Mama, are you saying we are not going to make love anymore? How can I cope without tasting your sexy body? Buba asked seductively. Mmmm Buba, you are even turning me on with this your voice. I never said we are not going to make love, what I'm saying is that, my son is very smart unlike Mabel. In a nutshell, I will be calling the shots. I will call you anytime I need you. She explained. That is not fair Mama, that means when I'm horny, I can't satisfy myself unless you are ready. Now, I've gradually gotten addicted to the pornographic movies too. I have series of them on my phone now. How then am I going to control my libido? Buba asked. Buba, you worry too much. My son is smart like I said and he's always hovering around me and his father. I don't know how I can satisfy you when you need me. Please understand. She said. Eheh, there is something you can do when you are horny, I will teach how to masturbate. Mum added. Teach me now Mama, I can't wait. You've spoilt me to an extent that, I feel like making love to you everyday. He responded. I could hear Mama Becky booting her laptop. Soon, they started watching one of their pornographic movies because I could hear the sound. Mmmm Mama, this one is too much. Look at how the man is rubbing his dick. Buba exclaimed in excitement. Yes Buba, that is what we call masturbation. Mama responded happily. They watched it for a while and and they started making love. I could hear Mama Becky moaning like crazy. Aaaaahhh Buba, fuck me. Fuck the hell out of me. Aaaaaaaahhhhh! Mmmmmmmmm! Don't stop baby, fill me up. I stood quietly behind the in anger recording them. An hour later, they were done. Wow Buba, this is a great one. Have you been taking aphrodisiacs lately? Mama asked happily. Yes my horny sexy Mama. Since this is what I can do to make you happy, why not? I've gotten some drugs that is helping me fuck your boredom. Buba responded. Eheh Buba, that reminds me. Are you very sure Zach still knows nothing about us? Mama inquired. He's as stupid as hell. He doesn't know anything. I've personally confronted him about us but he seem green about it. He was rather blinded by your daughter Mabel, he wanted to fuck her before she leaves for the States. Buba responded with confidence. Really? I sensed it so I was not giving him space at all. Thank God Mabel is no more in this house and thank God Zach is also not having a phone to communicate with her. Mama responded. Mama, the kind of penis Zach is possessing, if he had succeeded in penetrating your daughter, that would have been the end of her life. Buba teased. Zach has a crazy Penis that my parents are even afraid of. It's so huge and long. He added. They both laughed over it. Buba, keep monitoring his movements so that he won't suspect us. Mama Becky said. Don't worry Mama, even if it takes me killing him to hide the truth, I will do it. The day he will find out about us, will be his last day on earth. Buba threatened. To be continued...
8 May 2018 | 00:40
bad bele you will fail if you try to kill Zach
8 May 2018 | 04:24
did brother is bad brother indeed.
8 May 2018 | 04:32
Buba why did u hate ur brother this much
8 May 2018 | 06:58
Such a worthless and stupid brother you've got in Buba and unfortunately, Asan has joined
8 May 2018 | 07:12
thank God u have a good evidence
8 May 2018 | 08:49
bubs ur stay in this is numbered
8 May 2018 | 08:50
let see how u are going to escape this doom
8 May 2018 | 08:50
next episode pls
8 May 2018 | 08:50
Buba on top wetin
8 May 2018 | 10:29
Jesus!!!! wat kind of brothers do u Hav? are u sure u are from d same loins and womb? I doubt it,,,, buba want to kill u bcos of a secret dat wil never be covered,,,, dat is serious
8 May 2018 | 14:01
Episode 12 That is because I didn't steal the money. She boldly responded. What do you mean by that Mabel? You confessed right in front of everybody, so why are you trying to deceive me now. I asked. Zach, from the very first day I saw you in this house, I knew you were a good person until mummy started having those nightmares about you. I believed everything she told me, but one thing I can never believe about you is that "you are a thief". I tested you in several ways by placing money at places you could see, but you never picked a coin from it. So how come you gathered courage all of a sudden to steal from daddy's room? The daddy you love so much and you are so much dedicated to? I know you won't do that. Mabel explained. Mabel, you are getting me confused. First I thought someone set me up until you confessed. So I have come to believe your confession wholeheartedly. Why this quick turn around? I asked confusedly. Zach, I also believe someone set you up but I don't know who. I only accepted blame because I didn't want you to leave this house. Mabel responded. What! Mabel! So you are not the thief? You only accepted blame just for me? Oh Mabel, you shouldn't have done this mess to your image. You shouldn't have done it at all. I don't deserve this from you. I said in tears. Stop crying Zach, you have done to me so much good. You taught me how to be a woman and how to treat and love everyone irrespective of their status. I'm glad to announce to you that you are my first victim. She said with smiles. Thank you so much Mabel. Thanks a million for this massive sacrifice. I said. Thank yourself Zach. The good you did for me returned to you when you least expected it. It's rather unfortunate I am leaving this house, I would have helped you to hunt down the person who set you up this way. But all the same, I wish you well. Kindly stay out of trouble and remember, everyone in this life has an enemy. It takes prayers and self care to conquer them. Be good. Mabel advised. I was so happy to hear all these from Mabel. I shed tears of joy as I watched her enter the house. God, thank you for using Mabel to vindicate me, but whoever my enemies are, please put them to shame. I prayed silently. When I raised up my head, I saw Buba standing before me. You scared me Buba, what are you doing here? I asked. Zach, what were you discussing with Mabel? I saw her here few minutes back. He asked. Why do you want to know Buba? Don't I have the right to talk to her any longer? I asked back. Zach, is there something you have seen or know in this house? Is there something I must know? He asked guiltily. Buba, is there something going on in this house that you think I know? Is there something you are hiding from me? I asked back. Zach, I know you don't respect and you are going to challenge me as usual but I assure you, if you try anything funny, Mama will kick you out of this house. You are being unnecessarily African Buba. Almost every African sees the truth as insult, I'm therefore not surprised you see me as disrespectful. Anyway, as the second in command as you are in this house, I have wholeheartedly taken your caution to heart. I stated sarcastically. Whatever Zach. I don't care about you or what your foolish brains think. He responded and walked away. I looked on with smiles. Oh Buba my brother, I pity your evil heart. I thought. Days later, Mabel left the house for the States. Mr Owusu took her to the airport. The house was now left in the hands of the two evil hearts. That night, I was laying quietly in my room when I saw someone opening my door. I quickly stood up and switched on the bedside lamp. Hey Zach, don't panic, it's me. Mama Becky whispered. Please what are you doing here? I asked angrily. Calm down Zach, I still haven't given up on you. I still need you to taste this sugar. She whispered and stripped naked again. Mama please, I can't do this with you. I hate what you are doing, leave here before I raise an alarm. I responded. Zach, why are you proving stubborn? You deceived me to tell you my secret about my addiction to pornography and now you are refusing to share my guilt. You must sleep with me or else... Or else what? Just because I know your secret, you want to bribe me with sex? Well Mama, take your guilt away, I refuse to be part of it. I responded angrily. Zach, apart from my pornographic addiction, is there something else you know about me? I mean is there something you've seen in this house about me? She inquired. Hahahahah Mama, I pray guilt doesn't kill you in your own home. There is nothing I know but I'm willing to listen if you will tell me. I responded. Go to hell Zach, you will never get away with this. I will deal with you drastically. She threatened and walked out. I looked on in smiles. So Mama Becky and Buba think I know about them. That's why they are trying very hard to confirm from me. Wow! I thought. The next morning, I did my usual chores and went to sit at the gate. Buba was also busily scrubing the sitting room. Soon, Mr Owusu arrived in the house. Welcome daddy. I greeted. How are you Zach? How's back? He inquired. All is well daddy. I responded. Daddy, please I want to make a request from you. I humbly said. Go ahead Zach. He responded. Daddy please I need money to buy a phone for myself and my mother so that I can be calling regularly to check up on her. I humbly said. That is no problem Zach. I have even opened a bank account for you and your brother. I am saving your salaries there for your future. In two years, each one of you will tell me what you want to do with it and I promise to withdraw it for you. But in the mean time, if you need anything from me, just let me know as you've done now. He said. Eheh Zach, I've been wanting to ask you this but busy schedules won't allow me. Zach, do you want to go to school? Mr Owusu inquired. No daddy, I want to establish a business. I responded happily. Alrightthen, let's wait for two years and get everything started. I will be educating you from time to time on all the business strategies. Anytime you see me home, just get closer to me and let's talk business. He added. Alright daddy, I'm more than grateful for your kindness towards my family. My God will bless you. I responded. I will soon get you two nice phones so that you send one to your mother. I only need you to be a good and hardworking boy. He advised and walked into the house. Wow! This is great news. I am going to get a phone and I can video all the evidence I need. I thought. A week later, Mr Owusu brought me the two phones. Zach, these are the phones, try and send your mother's own to her tomorrow. I don't want you to miss her too much again. He teased. Thanks a lot daddy. God bless you. I responded. Eheh Zach, a quick reminder, my son will be coming in three weeks time so kindly clean up his room for me when you are free. He said. That also means I will not be going anywhere in the next three weeks. I need to rest and wait for my son so kindly come around for the business chat anytime you are less busy. He added and walked away. God will bless this man. I will do everything possible to ensure his happiness. I will never betray him like Buba. I thought. I quickly went into my room and hid the phones at a safer place. I didn't want Mama Becky and Buba to know I had a phone. I planned. Early the following morning, after my chores, I picked one of the phones and went to my mother's new place. Good morning mother, I've really missed you. I run to hug her as usual. Good morning Zach. What brings you here this early morning? She asked curiously. I brought you a surprise. I responded happily and handed the phone over to her. Eeeiii Zach, how did you get this? And how am I going to use it? Mummy asked in a mixed feeling. Mother, Mr Owusu bought it for you. He said he will be calling you on it. I said. But mother, where is Assan? I inquired. Hmmm Zach, I don't know what it is with Assan and the landlady ooo. He sleeps in her room now after few weeks of tight friendship. I've asked him severally but he said there is nothing going on between them. My mother narrated. Eeeiii mother! That woman is married ooo. How is the husband going to take this? I worriedly asked. Zach, the husband is outside the country. I believe that's why she's becoming intimate with Assan. I've tried warning Assan several times but he doesn't mind me. Anytime I talk about it, he refuses to give me food. Mother narrated sadly. Mother, don't talk about it again. I don't want him to starve you to death. The two of them are matured enough to know the right from wrong, so if they want to continue, karma will lead them to their reward. I advised. I stayed with my mother for a while. I cooked yam and her favorite kontomire stew for her. After eating, I asked permission to leave. Just then, Assan entered the room. Zach you are here. How are you doing? He asked. Very well Assan. Where have you been? I asked. I was in Naana's room, helping her to do some stuff. He responded. Alright, I brought phone for mother. Mr Owusu asked me to do so, so that he will be calling her from time to time to check up on her. I narrated. Wow, that's great. Do you have a phone too? Assan asked. No bro, I will be calling with our land line. I lied to avoid Assan from blowing up my cover to Buba. To be continued ...
12 May 2018 | 14:26
Episode 13 No bro, I will be calling with our land line. I lied to avoid Assan from blowing up my cover to Buba. That reminds me Zach, Buba came here few days ago and I must say he's looking awesome. I've always trusted Buba to make it big in life. And I will surely follow his footsteps to be like him. Assan spoke boastfully. Make sure whatever footsteps you are following is in the good direction, or else, you will be as good as dead. I advised. I hear you Mr know it all. Thanks for your empty advice. I much appreciate it. He responded and walked out on me into Naana's room again. I bid Mama goodbye and left there. What is happening to my brothers? So Buba has succeeded in influencing Assan to sleep with someone's wife. Just because Mama Becky is paying him for the sex services, Assan has also decided to embark on the same evil action. I thought worriedly as I walked back home. Welcome back Zach, how is your mother? Mr Owusu asked. She's doing very well daddy. She extends her greetings. She was so happy to have the phone and she extends her gratitude. I responded. Days passed and it was time for Junior's arrival. Mr Owusu travelled to the city to bring him home from the airport. In the evening, I decided to monitor Mama Becky and Buba to see what they were up to. Buba tiptoed into Mama's room while I stood in my room watching him from the window. Minutes later, I walked out to spy on them. I picked up my phone to see if I could record or video them. Unfortunately, I couldn't video them because they had covered the door hole. I set the phone on record and stood there waiting. Buba, unfortunately my son is coming and we need to be very careful. Mama cautioned. Mama, are you saying we are not going to make love anymore? How can I cope without tasting your sexy body? Buba asked seductively. Mmmm Buba, you are even turning me on with this your voice. I never said we are not going to make love, what I'm saying is that, my son is very smart unlike Mabel. In a nutshell, I will be calling the shots. I will call you anytime I need you. She explained. That is not fair Mama, that means when I'm horny, I can't satisfy myself unless you are ready. Now, I've gradually gotten addicted to the pornographic movies too. I have series of them on my phone now. How then am I going to control my libido? Buba asked. Buba, you worry too much. My son is smart like I said and he's always hovering around me and his father. I don't know how I can satisfy you when you need me. Please understand. She said. Eheh, there is something you can do when you are horny, I will teach how to masturbate. Mum added. Teach me now Mama, I can't wait. You've spoilt me to an extent that, I feel like making love to you everyday. He responded. I could hear Mama Becky booting her laptop. Soon, they started watching one of their pornographic movies because I could hear the sound. Mmmm Mama, this one is too much. Look at how the man is rubbing his dick. Buba exclaimed in excitement. Yes Buba, that is what we call masturbation. Mama responded happily. They watched it for a while and and they started making love. I could hear Mama Becky moaning like crazy. Aaaaahhh Buba, fuck me. Fuck the hell out of me. Aaaaaaaahhhhh! Mmmmmmmmm! Don't stop baby, fill me up. I stood quietly behind the in anger recording them. An hour later, they were done. Wow Buba, this is a great one. Have you been taking aphrodisiacs lately? Mama asked happily. Yes my horny sexy Mama. Since this is what I can do to make you happy, why not? I've gotten some drugs that is helping me fuck your boredom. Buba responded. Eheh Buba, that reminds me. Are you very sure Zach still knows nothing about us? Mama inquired. He's as stupid as hell. He doesn't know anything. I've personally confronted him about us but he seem green about it. He was rather blinded by your daughter Mabel, he wanted to fuck her before she leaves for the States. Buba responded with confidence. Really? I sensed it so I was not giving him space at all. Thank God Mabel is no more in this house and thank God Zach is also not having a phone to communicate with her. Mama responded. Mama, the kind of penis Zach is possessing, if he had succeeded in penetrating your daughter, that would have been the end of her life. Buba teased. Zach has a crazy Penis that my parents are even afraid of. It's so huge and long. He added. They both laughed over it. Buba, keep monitoring his movements so that he won't suspect us. Mama Becky said. Don't worry Mama, even if it takes me killing him to hide the truth, I will do it. The day he will find out about us, will be his last day on earth. Buba threatened. My heart skipped a beat. Instantly, I felt dizzy. Looking at how Buba hates me with passion, he can do anything wicked. I thought as I tiptoed back into my room. I quickly grabbed the phone to listen to the recording. I searched through the whole phone but I couldn't find it. Aaaaahhh, where is this conversation I just recorded? I wondered. I tossed on the bed till the next morning. I quickly did my chores and stepped out of the house. I have to see Ganja. He's using a phone so I believe he can help me. I thought. Soon, I got to their camp. Good morning guys. I greeted. Hey Zach, how body? It's been a long time you brought us food, what happened? One of the guys asked. I'm sorry about that bro, I've been busy lately, please forgive me. I apologized. Please where is Ganja? I asked. Oh Ganja? He traveled for say, one week now. He bell me say, he go drop tomorrow sharp. The guy responded. Damn! Who's going to help me retrieve this recording then? I don't trust any of the guys. I don't even want them to get a hint about it. I thought. Alright bro, I will be back tomorrow to check on him. You guys should take care. I advised and walked away in worry. Zach, where are you coming from? Buba asked immediately I got to the house. Some kids came to knock at the gate and I was busy chasing them away. Is someone looking for me? Or does someone need my services? I asked sarcastically. Go to hell Zach, what better services can you render in this house? The fact that you have that stupid penis in between your thighs doesn't make you a champion. Get that into your thick skull. Buba responded angrily. Calm down Buba, I am interested in this conversation. Now tell me, do we now use penis in rendering services in this house? I'm a bit confused, please throw more light. I asked teasingly. I will throw more darkness rather. Take your foolishness and get the hell out of my sight! Useless boy! He insulted to cover up. Well Buba, you are the one standing in my sight now because this is my post, and you must rather get out of here. I responded. Whatever! Primitive swine! He puffed and insulted as he walked out on me into the house. I gave a half smile and sat quietly at my post, thinking about how to retrieve the recording to play to Mr Owusu. I sat down for a while and decided to go into the house and take some water. When I entered the house, I heard voices from upstairs. I knew Mama Becky and Buba were at it again but this time around, Mama seemed to be in distress. I climbed up silently to see what was happening. I spied on them through the door hole. Buba please stop it! You are hurting me stop it! Ooouuucchh! This is painful! I can't bear it. I heard Mama screaming in pain. Come on Mama, your son will be here any moment from now, please allow me to have my taste. Buba responded. Buba! You are hurting me, stop or else I will scream! I said stop it! She said and forcefully pushed Buba on the bed. Buba! How dare you sleep with me like a prostitute? You took your useless aphrodisiac and the best place you can penetrate is my anus? Are you mad? Mama said angrily. Calm down Mama, Zach is at the gate, he might hear us. Please bring your voice down. Buba pleaded. I don't care who hears me. All I know is am in pain. Now listen to me, this is your last time of sleeping with me. It is over between us. Get the hell out of my room now! Mama yelled. Oh Mama! Are you breaking up with me because of this simple issue? I only tried to explore how anal sex feels like. I didn't have any intention of hurting you, please understand and forgive me. Buba pleaded. Buba I said walk out of my room! Get the hell out! Mama yelled. To be continued...
12 May 2018 | 14:27
Episode 14 Buba I said walk out of my room! Get the hell out! Mama yelled. Enough of this nonsense yelling Mama! Who do you think you are? A smart bitch? Because your son is coming, you want to use this flimsy excuse to end our relationship? I won't give up on you, never! You have no right to dump me. I will quit you when I want to, not when you want to. Buba threatened. Buba, what do you mean by that? So you've grown horns to insult an elderly person like me right? Mama Becky asked angrily. That is where you are getting everything wrong Mama. You are no longer older than me. The very day I penetrated you, was the very day you became my age mate. Get that into your head. Buba responded angrily. Buba, get out of this room before I slap the stupidity out of your face. Mama screamed in pain. I will leave Mama, but get ready to be exposed. I will make sure you descend into the gutters with me. Buba threatened and stood up. I quickly run into my room. The stairs was too long to descend, I didn't want to be caught. Buba come back! Please come back! I overheard Mama calling Buba as he walked into his room in anger. I stayed in my room quietly in fear. Eeeeiiii God! When did my brother become this evil? I thought sadly. Mama Becky came knocking at Buba's door. Buba, please open the door, it isn't my fault. I'm afraid of my son, he won't be happy to see us in this act. He's going to inform his father if he finds out and that means, I will loose every asset my husband has willed in my name. She explained behind Buba's door. Mama, just go! I don't want to hear anything from you apart from you and I coming back together. Buba responded from the room. Alright Buba, I will do as you say. I won't break up with you . We are going to fuck but with caution. Is that ok? Mama asked. Buba please open the door and let's have one more hot sex. Mama requested. Buba quickly opened his door and ushered Mama Becky in. I could hear them groaning and moaning in pleasure. I tiptoed back to the compound and sat at the gate in tears. What a great sin! What a disrespect to God and humanity! What a mockery to Mr Owusu's innocence! What a step down on his personality! I blinked my eyes in tears. In about twenty minutes, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Zach, what is your essence at this gate? I've been knocking for minutes now but no response. I even walked in and yet, you didn't recognize my presence. What are you thinking about? It was Assan. Welcome Assan, I'm not feeling so well that's why. I lied. What is your mission here? I asked. I came to visit my brother Buba. He called me last night that his rival has traveled so I can come here. Assan narrated. Assan, did I hear you say his rival? Does Buba have a rival in this house? I asked in shock. Did I say rival? I mean to say his boss. Assan smartly responded. But Zach, you seriously need to get yourself out of this miserable life and find something better doing. Can't you see how Buba and I are looking these days? He asked rhetorically. Assan, how you look doesn't guarantee your entry into heaven. I responded angrily. There you go again as usual with your insults. Anyway, your mother extends her greetings. He said and walked pass me into the house. I overheard them making merry in the house. Playing music and dancing. Few minutes later, I heard Mr Owusu blowing his car horn. I quickly opened the gate and he drove into the house. I run to embrace him and the son Junior. What the fucking hell is going on in this house? Where is the shit noise coming from? Junior slanged in anger. Zach, who's is playing that loud music in the house? Mr Owusu asked. Daddy please I haven't gone in there since morning so I don't know who. I responded. Well, let's all go there and see. Carry the bags and let's go. Mr Owusu instructed. I quickly carried the bags and took the lead. Daddy will slap the hell out Buba and Assan today. I thought. Just when I entered the house with the bags, Buba and Assan run upstairs to hide in Buba's room. Mama was also seated in one of the couch's with her legs crossed, sipping wine as she looked on. Becky, what is happening here? Why this loud music? Mr Owusu asked in a bit of anger. Come on here my son, she stood up and embraced her son instead of responding to Mr Owusu's question. Becky, I asked a question. Mr Owusu asked again angrily. Calm down my husband, can't you see my son's arrival is the reason behind my merry making? She asked. That is too much, don't you think? You are disturbing the entire neighborhood. Mr Owusu responded. Chill daddy, allow the old girl to have fun. She deserves it. Junior cut in. Mama Becky lowered the music volume and came to hug his son in happiness again. What are you still doing here Zach, ain't you done with the bags? She asked angrily. Who's this nigga mum? Junior inquired. Ask your father, he knows him better. Mama responded. How can you be this mean Becky? What sort of answer is that? Mr Owusu responded in disappointment. Yo! You guys should chill. This broke dude is not worth your quarrel. Daddy, who's he? Junior inquired. He's Zach, the guy I told you about some months back. He's the security guard. Mr Owusu responded. That reminds me, where is Buba? He added. He's upstairs taking a nap. Mama responded in lies. Zach call him for me. Mr Owusu said. I quickly climbed up and called Buba. Eheh Junior, this is Buba, Zach's brother. Your mother seem to like him more than Zach and I'm yet to find out what her reasons are. Mr Owusu introduced. Oh really? Wow! Junior said whiles staring at Buba from head to toe. What do you mean by that my husband? What else is there to find out? Isn't the writing so clear on the wall that Buba is hardworking than Zach? I hate lazy boys like Zach. Mama fambled with words. Like really mum? He's more hardworking yeah? I can see that. Anyway, enough of this wretchs, I got to get some rest. Junior said and climbed up to his room unhappily. Buba quickly entered the kitchen and started his fake services as a chef while I walked back to the gate. I sat down quietly thinking through what had just transpired in the house. Mr Owusu passed an innocent comment about Mama Becky and Buba but Junior seem to have taken it serious. That means Junior is extremely smart as his mother keeps saying. And now that Buba is not ready to let go of Mama, it means Junior will by all means catch them. Wow! This house is going to be on fire because Junior seem to be a no nonsense guy. I thought happily. Zach, why are you beaming with smiles? Assan disrupted my thoughts and asked. Eeeiii lucky boy, are you still in this house? I thought you had jumped through the window. I teased. I will never jump through the window when my brother is a potential owner of this house. He responded. Well, I didn't blow your cover because you are my mother's keeper. Now that you've escaped unnoticed, kindly walk out of this house before the American dude comes out to murder your stupid self confidence. I teased. Zach, you are just jealous. I assure you, poverty is going to kill you with this primitive attitude of yours. As for me, I don't guard gates ooo, I guard sexy bodies, and I get paid for it. He teased back and walked out. I burst into laughter as I looked on. Wow, look at that pathetic temporal guard who will soon dine with karma. I pity your pathetic soul. I soliloquised. To be continued...
12 May 2018 | 14:29
Episode 15 I pity your pathetic soul. I soliloquised. The next morning, I was guarding the gate with the hope that, Ganja will return from his trip to help me out retrieve the recording from my phone. Before I could think further, I heard someone knocking on the gate. I opened, and it was Ganja. Hey ma guy, longest time. I hear say you come look for me yestee. He said happily. Thank God you are here Ganja, I need your help. I said. Ganja please, I recorded a conversation and I want you to retrieve it for me. I stated and handed over the phone to him. Minutes later, he handed the phone back to me. Ma guy, you didn't save the recording. It is not on the phone. He said. Oh! You mean all my efforts are in vain? Whaaaat! I exclaimed in disappointment. Ma guy wait a minute. Who are the people you recorded? He inquired. Ganja, I will tell you some other time but not now. I said sadly. Zach, you need to be careful. It is not easy to get evidence to back claims. It is a very dangerous thing, you can be killed for it. He cautioned. Thanks Ganja. I will be careful next time but I must get this evidence or else, my future is at stake. I responded. Alright ma guy. I wish you the best but let me know when you need help. He said. Wait a minute Ganja, I want you to teach me how to do it. I said. He took the phone and taught me all I needed to know about it. I rehearsed it with him and indeed, I passed. You are such a fast learner ma guy. Your smartness will take you far, I swear. Ganja complimented. Thanks Ganja. God bless you. Please you must get going before daddy comes out. I said. Ganja left and I beamed with smiles over his help. Should I involve Ganja? No! That will be a disgrace to Mr Owusu. That man is too good to suffer shame. I can't drag his reputation into the mud. I thought. Zach, who was at the gate? Mr Owusu asked from behind. He was a begger daddy. I dashed him some coins before he walked away. I lied. That's good of you. You are really doing well at the gate. Anyway, I'm waiting for Buba to come so that we go to the supermarket to get provisions, since he's the chef of this house. Mr Owusu stated sarcastically. Just then, Buba came out wearing his favourite shirt. He joined the car and Mr Owusu started the engine. That reminds me Zach, I brought some shirts for you and your brother. Get inside and tell Mama to give them to you. Tell her they are in my traveling bag. He instructed and drove away. I run into the house in ecstasy. New shirts? Wow! Just before I got to the door, I overheard Junior and his mother engaged in hot argument. Junior, please understand me, it is not what you think. Buba and I have nothing going on between us. Mama convinced. I don't believe that mummy! Look at how he was staring at you seductively. I ain't any kid, I know it when two people are sharing a bed. Junior responded angrily. Junior, before you left this house, I promised to stay committed to you. And truly, I have. What else do you want me to do? It is your father who brought those riff raffs into the house. I don't have any business with them. Mama explained. Mummy, I went to the States and I didn't pick any girlfriend because of you. I can't afford to share your pussy with anybody. Not even daddy, I'm matured now, and I'm ready to hunt down any vagabond that tries sharing your pussy with me. I swear, daddy is my first target. Junior threatened. Instantly, I fell down on the floor. God! So Junior is also sleeping with his mother! Eeeeiiiiiii! I thought in tears. Who's behind the door? Who's there? Zach! Zach! I heard Mama screaming. I run back to the gate as quickly as possible. Minutes later, I saw Mama Becky approaching me. Zach, who entered the house? She asked. Nobody Mama. I've been here since morning and no stranger has entered the house. I responded with confidence. Are you sure? Are you very sure? She asked with all seriousness. Trust me Mama. Daddy even said I should come for some shirts but I haven't been there yet. I was waiting for him to return so that he will personally give them to me. I responded. If you say so. That reminds me Zach, I learnt you have a huge dick that can fulfill my purpose on earth, yet, you are refusing to allow me taste it. She shamelessly said. Mama, did you say you learnt? From which school? I asked cheekily. Zach, when are you going to include some decency in your utterances? How can you give me that cheeky answer? Anyway, forget it. I only said it for fun. Chew Your Own dick! Useless boy. She said and walked away. God! That was close. This house is gradually becoming scary. What at all does Mama Becky have, that her own son is dying for? Now, Buba is willing to kill me for Mama Becky, and her son is willing to kill his father for her. God, please protect me. I need to do everything possible to protect Mr Owusu too. He has done enough for me and my family. I thought. Hours later, Mr Owusu and Buba returned from the market. I helped them carry the stuffs into the house. Welcome back home daddy. Junior greeted. Thanks Junior. Has your mother given you something to eat? Mr Owusu asked. Not yet daddy, I'm yet to taste the sweetness in her. I really missed that. Junior responded shamelessly. Sweetness in her you say? Daddy asked. Yeah daddy, I miss her food so much. Junior answered smartly. The next day, I decided to visit my mother. I was gradually getting scared in the house. When I got there, mother was sleeping. I woke her up and she was very happy to see me. Zach, what brings you here? You visited not long ago. She said. Mother, there is something I want to tell you and I want you to promise it's going to be a secret between us. I pleaded. I'm all ears my son. I promise never to betray you. She said. First of all Mother, where is Assan? I inquired. He's in Naana's room. She responded. A minute mother, I said and walked out to spy on them to make sure he's not coming into mother's room anytime soon. Oh God of Israel! Assan was busily making love to Naana with the door opened. I stood there quietly for a while and walked back to mother's room. I explained everything to my mother. From Buba's sexual life with Mama Becky and to Junior's atrocity. I further explained how my life is in danger and that of Mr Owusu's. Mother, what do I do now? I want to run away from the house but I don't know where to run to. I said in tears. Eeeeiii Zach! This whole thing is serious. This is an abomination! Your brother Assan is doing same in this house, I've warned him several times but he's proving recalcitrant. God! Why did you allow me to give birth to these beasts? Why? Mother cried. Mother, this is not the right time to cry. We need to make a decision. My life is at stake, please help me. I said. Zach, first of all, don't run away from the house. Buba and the woman will suspect and hunt you down. I want you to remain the brave boy you've always been and expose them with an evidence. Listen to me Zach, whoever does good for you deserves your sacrifice. Mr Owusu saved your life so please, stay in that house and save his. Video them secretly and show it to the man. Record their every conversation. Kill the fear in you and go back to win. In this life my son, if there is something to fear, it should be 'fear itself'. Fear is the only scariest thing that can drag you into failure a zillion times. Go Zach, go and fight for what is right. Mother advised. I'm motivated mother, I promise to make you proud. I will help save the innocent man like he did for me years back. But wait a minute mother, how did you know about videoing and recording? I asked surprisingly. She burst into laughter. You know I was smart in my youthful days, so I didn't find it difficult at all when Assan taught me. She responded. That sounds great mother, I will like to take my leave now. I stated and walked away. I got home fully energised. I have to monitor events for a while then strike. I thought. I entered the house but Mr Owusu wasn't around. The whole house was quiet. Where is everybody? I thought. I climbed the stairs to Buba's room but he was not there. I tiptoed to Mama's door but nobody seemed to be there. I walked to stand behind Junior's door and I could hear voices. I looked through the door hole and God! He was fucking the mother. He fucked her vigorously for minutes and stopped to sip water. Junior, you are delaying, your father might come home soon. Please be fast. Mama Becky stated in haste. Relax Mama, who the fuck is daddy? That man is as good as dead. Just chill. He responded. He walked back to the bed, opened his mother's legs wide and began to finger her. Ooouuuucchhh Junior! Junior! Easy! You gonna make me cum! Easy! Mama moaned in pleasure. I could see a pornographic movie showing on the giant screen television on the wall. Cum baby! I want you to cum. Come onnnnnnnnn! You deserve better! Junior groaned too. Minutes later, he jumped onto the mother and forced his dick into her mouth. Mama Becky sucked it with pleasure. Aaaaahhh! My Mama, my baby! My little big girl! Suck that shit! Suck it! Mmmmmmmmm! Junior moaned. He then withdrew his dick from her mouth and penetrated her once again. He thrusted until Mama begged him to stop. Aaaaahhh Juniiiiiiiiiooooorrrr! You killiiiiiiiiinnnng meeeeeee! Mmmmmmmmm! Please stop! Your sweetness will kill me. She pleaded in ecstasy. Minutes later, they were done with their heartless pleasure. Mama you know, this pussy is not what I left behind some years back. An asshole has found his way there. I promise to hunt down whoever that useless person is. Nobody dares takes what belongs to me. Junior spoke angrily. To be continued...
12 May 2018 | 14:32
this Beck is a beasts
12 May 2018 | 16:48
what a house full of atrocity
13 May 2018 | 05:30
Zach u must try ur best to save this situation
13 May 2018 | 05:32
next pls am waiting
13 May 2018 | 05:33
hmmm strange
13 May 2018 | 05:35
13 May 2018 | 05:35
hmmmmmm,,,,,, dis boy needs to be very careful in dat house oooo, or else,,,, he will be killed,,,, he needs to be smart in wat he will do
14 May 2018 | 01:57
dis is a scary house,,,,, very scary,,, junior haba!
14 May 2018 | 01:58
Chai......Becky what a taboo you've committed
14 May 2018 | 04:47
it seems all d children in that house were adopted
14 May 2018 | 16:15
Episode 16 Nobody dares takes what belongs to me. Junior said angrily. Calm down Junior, I know you are mad over me and I'm equally mad over you. You see how I poisoned your girlfriend? That should tell you how obsessed I am about you. Mama responded. I videoed everything secretly and walked back to my post. An hour later, Mr Owusu and Buba came into the house. Zach, where have you been? Mr Owusu asked. Daddy, I went to visit my mother. I had a bad dream about her. I responded. That's ok but please, the next time you are going out, kindly inform me. He said. Anyway, help Buba to carry the foodstuffs into the house. He added. We entered the house and met the supposed mother and son in the sitting room watching TV. Buba or whatever you call yourself, put the things in the kitchen and get me drinks from the fridge. Junior instructed. Junior, with all due respect, my name is Buba and not whatever! Buba responded angrily. How dare you talk back at me? How dare an illiterate like you talk back at me? Junior stood up and walked towards Buba in anger. Junior, what is it? This isn't any big issue to vent your spleen about. Please calm down. Mr Owusu intervened. No daddy, to me it is a big issue. I don't trust this asshole! I don't trust him one bit! Junior yelled angrily. And I don't trust you either! Who do you think you are? Why do you want to make this place a living hell for me? Why? Buba responded angrily. Buba, don't talk to my son that way. Why should you ask him who he thinks he is? He's my son and he has control over this house. I never support what he's doing but you also have to exercise restraints. You don't have to respond to an angry person in anger, you both will explode. Mr Owusu advised Buba. And to you Junior, if not for these boys you see here, this house wouldn't be kept neat and maintained as you are seeing. No matter how unimportant they may seem to you, they serve a purpose of at least, fetching you drink from the fridge as you just demanded. Show them respect. Mr Owusu advised Junior too. Eeeehhh? Daddy so you are siding with strangers against me right? And to you mummy, I can see you are dumbfounded. Listen and listen to me carefully, this asshole is gonna pay for entering into my territory uninvited. Junior threatened and run in anger into his room. Becky, what is he talking about? What is the meaning of all the nonsense he just spewed. Mr Owusu asked. I'm glad you've realised it's nonsense! Since he returned from the States, he talks like a mad person. I believe he's using drugs. Mama lied. And you Zach, what are you still standing there for? Get out of my sight! Gossip! Mama insulted. I walked back to the gate in haste. Wow! This house is gradually becoming a war field. I must be careful so that no one suspects me. I thought. Now that I have the first evidence against Mama Becky and Junior, I have to thread cautiously before I get killed. Thank you God for seeing me through to this stage. I'm left with Buba, I must get his evidence too to make the whole exposing process, a success. I thought further. The next day, Mr Owusu embarked on one of his usual business trips. Zach, take good care of yourself, I will be back next week. Your brother and my son are not making the house lively for me. He said worriedly and drove off. I sat down worriedly too. God, why is this innocent man going through all these? God why? I thought. In the afternoon, Junior's friend visited him and they left the house. Zach, I'm going out, please take good care of my mother for me. Be going into the house frequently to check on her if she needs anything. Junior smartly stated. Alright Junior, I will do as you say. I responded humbly. I sat down quietly wondering what will happen next. Now it's Buba and Mama in the house. I sneaked into the house and I could hear Mama and Buba engaged in a heated argument in the kitchen. Buba, calm down. It has not gotten to this. Please calm down. Mama pleaded. I've said it Mama! Your useless son wants to know what is going on between us and I'm ever ready to tell him everything. If he's obsessed about you, I am too. I don't know what it is you are hiding from me but I believe strongly you are sleeping with your son. His love for you is too strong to be genuine. Buba fumed in anger. Buba, he's my son and I can never sleep with him. Please understand me. Kindly don't think that way. Mama pleaded. I tiptoed back to my post because I knew the argument was not ending anytime soon. Minutes later, Mama came to my post and handed her phone to me. Zach have it, Junior wants to talk to you. She said. Hello Junior. I said. Yeah Zach, what's up in the house? Is my mother safe? He asked. Yes please, she is. I responded. That's cool, I will be home soon but kindly be going into the house to check on her for me. He said. One more thing Zach, don't tell her what I just told you. He added and hanged up. I gave the phone back to Mama Becky. Zach, what did he say? She asked. Mama, your son seem to care so much about you. Anyway, he said you were having a slight headache when he was leaving home, so I should get to the pharmacy and get you some analgesics. I lied. That sounds great. Please leave immediately because I'm unable to contain the pain. And listen to me Zach, I'm taking a nap so don't come into the house to wake me up when you come. I will personally come for it when I wake up. Mama instructed smartly. I smiled within and walked out of the house in pretence. I stood behind the gate for few minutes and walked back into the house secretly. I must be smarter this time. I know Mama and Buba might be up to something, this is my only chance to get every evidence from them. I thought. I tiptoed into the house and spied the two rooms. Mama and Buba were busily making love in Buba's room but unfortunately, the doorhole was covered. I run back to pick up a ladder to climb up the ceiling. Every ceiling in the house, in the various rooms was having a space for hideout, in case of robbery attack. I climbed up into Buba's room and laid down silently on the ceiling videoing them with my phone and wow, the view was so clear. Buba please, let's be fast about this. Junior will be home soon. Mama pleaded. Mama, your mind is too centered on Junior. Please bring your mind here and get wet for me to penetrate you. Buba said. Buba, I'm too scared, please if my pussy is too dry for your liking, just go ahead and penetrate my anus. Mama said and turned her back for Buba. Without pity, Buba penetrated his huge erected dick into mama's anus. Mama screamed in pain of pleasure. Aaaahh Buba! Please easy! Easy on me! Buba kept thrusting with speed. Now talk to me, who fucks you better? Come on talk! Buba or Junior? Buba asked in pleasure. It's you Buba! It's you! Please Fuck me! Fuck me! Aaaaahhh! Mmmmmmmmm! Mama moaned. Why then did you sleep with Junior? If I fuck better, why don't you dump him for me? Talk to me sweet bitch! Buba questioned whiles still fucking with speed. Aaaahhhh Buba! I can't stop fucking your dick! Forgive me! Junior had his way because I had not met you! Mmmmmmmmm! Oooouuuuuccchhhhh! Mama confessed in delight. Buba kept silent after Mama's confession and fucked till he finally ejaculated. Wow Mama! You are such a sweet fucking bitch! You are such an executive prostitute! Buba insulted. Buba! Why all these insults? I thought you enjoyed me, why then are you insulting me this bad? Mama asked in shock. Mama, I thought you said Junior is just your son and you have nothing doing with him. You see how your stupid high libido has just given you up? Buba asked angrily. Whiles in this house taking all aphrodisiacs to satisfy your pornographic high libido, you are busy fucking your son's small pencil dick! He added. You deserve to be insulted more than this. I should have known better when you forced your horny self on my kid bro Zach. You are so shameless! Buba insulted brutally. Buba! I've gotten everything up to my throat, I can no longer tolerate it. You can go ahead and try exposing me, no one will believe you because you have no evidence. I'm out of here! Mama responded angrily and stood up. Not so fast Mama. Buba responded and held her hand. To be continued...
15 May 2018 | 03:50
Episode 17 Not so fast Mama. Buba responded and held her hand. I am proud to inform you that, every thing that has happened between you and I right now is securely recorded. From the anal sex to the confession and to the conversation. Eeeiii Buba! You've killed me! My son will kill me! My husband will also kill me! Buba please, don't do anything to hurt me. Mama broke down in tears. Yes Mama, let's solve this amicably. Initially, I was doing all these for fun, food and new clothes, but I am gladly informing you that, I have graduated from those petty stuff to real cash. This is how we are going to do it, you are going to pay me 1000 Ghana cedis at the end of every month for six months, and on the seventh month, we will kill your husband and I will marry you in other to have my share of the property. He explained. As for Junior, don't worry about him, I will handle him in my own way. I hope that is OK by you? He asked Mama. Yes Buba! Everything is fine by me. I can't afford to loose my husband and loose the property too. I must loose him to secure the property. And please Buba, Junior is my only son, please don't kill him. Mama pleaded in tears. Don't worry Mama, I will get him kidnapped. By the time he comes back, he will be my step son. Buba responded happily. Now Mama, get your contaminated pussy out of my room! Buba instructed. I turned quickly to descend from the ceiling before Mama gets out but unfortunately, the ceiling broke down and I fell heavily on Buba's bed. Blood of Zacheus! Who is this? Zach! How did you find your way into this room. Buba screamed in shock and anger. He struggled to strangulate me with the help of Mama Becky. I will kill you today Zach! So you've been spying on me all these while? Bastard! He insulted as we struggled. Buba kill him! Kill him! Don't spare him! Don't allow him to get away with this secret. Mama shouted. It was a struggle between life and death. Buba held my neck firmly. I struggled with all my energy and managed to slip through their hands. I run as fast as my legs could carry out of the room but Buba gave me a hot chase. Catch him Buba! Catch him! I overheard Mama screaming. I run out of the house into the compound and Buba caught up with me. He pushed me so hard into the flowers. I struggled for my life. My mother's voice kept echoing in my mind. "Zach, don't fear, fight for what is right" Her voice gave me the strength to fight back Buba. Mama quickly brought him the kitchen knife and asked him to stab me. Kill him Buba! Kill him! Buba took the knife and stabbed me. I could still hear my mother's voice. "Zach, please fight! Please fight for what is right. Don't give up! Fight" I wrestled with the remaining energy in me and stood up on my feet. With blood oozing from my chest, I picked a block and hit Buba's head with it. Instantly, he fell down and I took to my heels. Mama Becky tried chasing me but I was faster than she was. I didn't know when she got off my back. I run into an unknown bush and sat down with massive pain. After minutes of trying to arrest the bleeding with my shirt, I realised the phone was not with me. It might have fell in the house or somewhere along the road. I thought. Anyway, what matters is that, I still have life. Fortunately for me, the stab was not deep. I used the herbs my father thought me to arrest the dripping blood. I stayed in the bush two days without food. I knew Buba and Mama will fabricate a story about my departure from the house. I also knew they will not give up on the chase until they see me dead. I stayed in the bush in fear. On the third day, I was laying down in pain thinking about what to eat when all of a sudden, five masked people surrounded me. The sixth unmasked person among them was Buba. I began to panic. Hahahahahahaha Zach, you can run but you can't hide. Your cup is so full. You thought you could get away with this evidence right? I pity you! He threatened. Guys, finish him! He instructed. They tied me up and Buba slapped me so hard. Wait a minute Buba, don't touch him. One of the guys instructed. This is our job. Allow us to handle it. We just don't kill people, we first of all torture them. Besides, we have a special place where we do all those things, we will carry him there for the assassination and bring you evidence of his dead body later. The guy explained. I nearly fainted when I heard those words. Oh! So finally, this is my reward for doing what is right? What happens to my mother? God please protect her for me. I began to say my last prayers. They placed a handkerchief on my nose and I didn't know when I passed out. I woke up later to realise they had transported me to a different place. The guys still surrounded around me with the exception of Buba. They were still in their masks busily smoking Wee. I got frightened and began pleading with them. Sir, I'm begging you in the name of God not to harm me, I have an old mother to take care of. Please have mercy on me. I pleaded. Shut up over there. You are still alive because our boss is not yet here. He's gone with your brother to finalise your execution fee. As for death, you can not escape it so begin to say your last prayers. The guy threatened. I wept bitterly within. So because of money, my own brother has given me up to be killed. And because of mere pleasure, Junior is also ready to kill his own father. God! Who is to be trusted? Are human beings worth trusting at all? I thought in tears. An hour later, the leader of the gang arrived in a mask. He got closer to me and held my chin. Hey boy, how are you? Your execution fee is right here with me but I want you to confess to me why you spied on someone's deepest secret. I also want you to tell me if you have any evidence against them. Your time is limited so begin the answering now. He commanded. Sir, in the first place, I'm terribly sorry for spying on someone's deepest secret. The truth of the matter is that, I am unable to stand betrayal. Buba is my brother and he is betraying Mr Owusu. The man who feeds him and his family. The man who saved my life. Sir, Buba is sleeping with the man's wife and they are planning to kill him. I explained. My answer to the second question is that, I video them on my phone but whiles running away from the house, the phone fell somewhere along the road. So as I speak to you, I don't have any evidence. I added. So in a nutshell, you are the second savior of the world right? That also means you are ready to die in his place. The leader asked. Yes sir, I'm ready to die in his place. If you kill me, please make sure Buba doesn't kill Mr Owusu. If I die, Mr Owusu will be capable of taking care of my mother. I responded in tears. Wow! You are so brave. I've never met anyone like you who's willing to die for a total stranger. Now tell me, why didn't you sleep with the woman when she wanted you to? He asked. I stared at his covered face for a minute. Sir, I know Buba told you all these, but the truth is that, I can never sleep with someone's wife. I worship a True God who forbids all that. I responded. Immediately after my words, the leader removed his mask. My jaw dropped with shock. Tears spewed from my eyes as I stared at his face. Ganja! Is that you? I screamed sadly. Sssshhhh Zach, don't scream! I need to protect you from death. He whispered. Ganja so you are an assassin? I questioned. No Zach. Like I told you some months back, my guys and I only smoke Wee and womanize. But since you advised me to stop, I have put all that behind me, except my guys. He explained. So how come you were hired to kill me if you are not an assassin? I asked. Zach, you know how the public perceives every smoker. They see all of us as criminals, but unfortunately, some of us can't even hurt a fly. Some of us are only addicted to what we are striving hard to avoid. He explained. So what really happened? How did Buba locate you? I asked desperately. I was there yesterday with my guys in our ghetto when your brother came there with Mama Becky. Their mission was to contract me and my guys to kill one Zach boy. I was about to sack them when I remembered the person involved could be you, because, you are the only Zach in that house. I quickly agreed to their request and asked my boys to help me find you. I got scarier when they told me they had stabbed you. He explained. Zach ma guy, thank God you are alive. Now, I have to give them evidence that you are dead, else, they will contract other people to hunt you down. He added. I burst into tears. Ganja please help me. Don't allow them to kill me. I have to take care of my mother and Mr Owusu. They need me to survive. I pleaded. I know Zach. You are such a good person and I will do everything possible to ensure your safety. What we are going to do is that, I will buy a goat with the money they've paid to me, and kill it so that we splash the blood on you to make it seem you are dead. I will then take pictures of you as evidence and go and give it to them. Afterwards, we will plan what next to do. Ganja explained. Thanks so much Ganja! God bless you! I responded in an uncontrollable tears. To be continued...
15 May 2018 | 03:51
Thank God for your safety
15 May 2018 | 15:54
God really save u
15 May 2018 | 16:36
is good to be good
15 May 2018 | 18:18
thank God for ur survival
15 May 2018 | 18:19
next episode pls
15 May 2018 | 18:21
Thank God for ur life Zack
15 May 2018 | 18:38
now let me just jayin tan if you see ganjarian most of them has pious heat but most people do se them as a bad fellow I don't say you should in doge in that kind of act oo lobatan
15 May 2018 | 18:54
It's good to be good
16 May 2018 | 00:49
wow,,, tnk God for Ur life,,,, Dats y u should Hav told Ur Frnd den
16 May 2018 | 09:48
16 May 2018 | 09:54
Episode 18 Thanks so much Ganja! God bless you! I responded in an uncontrollable tears. Ganja sent one of his guys to go for the goat whiles the rest stayed with him, guarding me. Buba kept calling and Ganja put the phone on speaker out for us all to listen to their convo. Hello boss, please how far? Is he dead or yet to die? He asked. This job is ours ma guy. You don't have any problem, just continue fucking the woman, I will soon bring you the evidence. Ganja responded in a heavy voice. Alright boss. Mama and I are waiting. She's desperate so kindly make it fast. Buba responded. Ma guy, should I bring you his head as evidence or you need the whole body? I fit carry bring it to you for house. Ganja stated sarcastically. No no no no boss! If you bring any of the body parts here, we might be caught. Just bring us pictures and we will burn them after watching. Buba responded in fear. Alright ma guy. I go do a clean job for you and your mistress. Just have fun. Ganja responded and hanged up. I stared into Ganja's face in tears. Oh Ganja! So indeed, my brother wants me dead? Aahh! Life is not fair. I lamented. Don't waste your tears on people who don't deserve it. Just be strong and bear in mind that, everyone has an enemy, and that enemy can even be your mother. Ganja advised. In few minutes, the guy brought the goat. Ganja took me to the backyard of the building and laid me in the grass. He then slaughtered the goat and sprinkled the blood on me. The guys helped him to make me up with the blood. Zach, we are going to chlorophyll you again. We need to make the whole process look real. In your unconscious state, we can do a clean job. Ganja explained. Ganja, are you sure? Are you sure you are not going to kill me? I asked in fear. Hahahah ma guy, if your own brother could wish you dead, I don't blame you if you doubt a stranger like me. But hey, for once in your life, give trust a try. He said. Alright Ganja, I don't even know why I'm afraid, my mother has cautioned me about fear. Please go ahead and do what your mind tells you is right. I said and closed my eyes. They then placed the handkerchief on my nose and I passed out again. I woke up subsequently to find myself in Ganja's room. Zach ma guy, I welcome you back to a new life. A life of successful strategies. Ganja stated happily. Thanks once again Ganja. How did the whole procedure go? I asked. Ganja quickly brought out some of the pictures from his jacket and oh my God! Everything looked so real. I was so impressed with the kind of job he has done. Zach, you can't believe it if I play the voice recording I have on my phone to you. They were so happy when I sent the pictures to them. I made them meet me at a place and I gave it to them. Zach, I have their voices on my phone right now, but that is not enough evidence to expose them. They can easily deny it. What we need is a photographic evidence. Ganja explained. How do we get that Ganja? How? I asked confusedly. Zach, you need to go back to the Owusu's house. Ganja answered. What! Ganja! That sounds crazy. They are going to kill me! I screamed. Calm down Zach. No one is going to kill you. You ain't going with this face. My guys and I are going to disguise you. I've already told Buba and Mama Becky that, I have a brother who is wild like me to protect them from being caught. And if anyone dares spy on them, my brother is going to kill them with ease. I also told them that, my brother is dumb but not deaf. In a nutshell Zach, you are not going to talk for them to hear your voice. You will stay calm and focused whiles I give you the directives to expose them. Is that ok by you? He asked. This sounds scary but I am ready to go the extra mile to expose them. As far as I have you, I am sorted. I said. That's the spirit ma guy. That's the "can do spirit". Ganja applauded. First of all Zach, your wound needs treatment. I will go to the pharmacy with some of the money to purchase drugs to treat it for you. The money for your death is now serving a purpose for your life. He teased. We both laughed over it and he went out. Minutes later, he came back with some drugs to be taken to aid in the healing of the wound. In a week's time, I got better and ready for the pending task. Ganja then called Mama Becky to inform her about my coming. Hello sexy Mama. What's up with you and your fine guy? He asked. We are great Ganja. We still can't thank you enough for your help. Had it not been you, I would have lost all my property. She responded happily. That's the least I can do for you Mama. The mega one be say, my brother has arrived from Nigeria last night, purposely to come and guard your house like we discussed. You know Mama, I'm doing all these for you because of the good cash you paid me for my services. I promise that, not even a housefly can trespass into your privacy with my brother at the gate. Secondly Mama, when it is time to kill your husband for the property, just let him know. He will handle it with ease. Ganja explained. Thanks so much Ganja. I don't even know how to thank you. You are such a wonderful person. Can I come over to your house tomorrow to show appreciation? She asked happily. No Mama, that won't be necessary. Pussy is no problem for me, I have lots of them waiting for me in queue. Ganja responded boldly. Alright Ganja. I've already spoken to my husband and my son about him, so we are all expecting him. She said. That reminds me Ganja, how much salary is he going to take? She asked. 1000Ghana cedis is ok for the start. You know he's not only going to guard the gate, he's going to guard you and your sugar boy from being caught. At the same time, he's gonna finish your wasting husband to pave way for your inheritance to the property. Ganja explained and hanged up. Immediately after the call, Ganja called his guys and they came to dress me in disguise. They fixed artificial moustache and beard. They also gave me a daily cup to wear. I looked totally different from the real me. That's a great job Ganja. Thanks guys, I owe you gratitude. I said happily. Zach, don't forget, your new name is Siru. Ganja said. Early the next morning, we set off to the Owusu's house. We got there and Buba was the one guarding the gate. He ushered us into the house and acted as if he had never met Ganja anywhere. Ganja acted same. Mama Becky was extremely happy to see us. My husband, please come ooo, we have visitors. Mama Becky called out the husband from upstairs. Mr Owusu came down and welcomed us. Junior also followed suit and the conversation began. Welcome to my home my children. Mr Owusu said. Please what brings you here? He asked. My name is Ganja sir, and this is my brother Siru. Mama contacted me for a security guard so I recommended my brother to her. He returned from Nigeria yesterday purposely for the job and I decided to bring him here. Ganja explained. That is no problem my son. My wife has already discussed his coming with me. It is rather unfortunate that my former security guard attempted to rape my wife. It took the timely intervention of his own brother to save my wife from his hands. When they tried to call the police, he escaped from this house. As I speak to you, nobody knows his whereabouts. I've informed his mother about the whole incident and she has also promised to bring him to me when he comes to her. Wherever he has run to, he should go, I won't waste my energy chasing him, his own sins will chase and catch up with him. Mr Owusu narrated. I got so sad hearing the lies Mama Becky and Buba had cooked against me. My mother may have said what she said because she knew I was up to something. I thought. Now Ganja, I hope your brother is not going to be like my former security guard who betrayed my trust? Mr Owusu asked sadly. Not at all sir. My brother is down to earth and he's willing to sacrifice his life to save yours. Ganja responded. My son, how good can you be to my family? My Owusu turned and asked me. Oh my husband, have you forgotten I told you yesterday, he's dumb? He can hear you but he can't talk. He can only communicate with signs. Mama Becky cut in. We talked for a while and Ganja asked permission to leave. I could still see the friction between Buba and Junior was still persisting. They all walked Ganja to the gate and returned into the sitting room. I sat at the gate and began my work. Before I can do anything, I must hear from Ganja first. I thought. To be continued...
16 May 2018 | 17:15
Episode 19 Before I can do anything, I must hear from Ganja first. I thought. I observed every movement in the house. Mama Becky served me varieties of food just to make me happy for the job. I continuously wore a serious fearful face, just to scare the entire household from coming closer to me unnecessarily. The next day, I was comfortably seated at the gate when Buba approached me. Hello boss, I know you can't talk but can I talk to you? He asked. I nodded my head in affirmative. Yeah that's good. Please nod your head if you can grant the request I am about to make. He said. Boss, I want you to do me a favor. I want you to help me get rid of Mr Owusu's son. Buba said. I gave a half smile and nodded my head. Please, I won't understand your sign language but you can communicate with Ganja about how we are going to strike it, since he's your brother, I know he will understand you better and communicate back to me. He added and walked away. Interesting times. Buba now wants Junior dead too. I strongly believe he's giving him a tough time in the house. I thought. Later in the day, Mr Owusu and Junior went out to visit a family friend. I entered the house to monitor what was happening there. Buba and Mama Becky were in the kitchen having a conversation. I had no phone to record them but I decided to listen to get enough facts to strike. Mama, you refused to pay my sex salary last month, and this month too, you are slacking. Do you want me to expose you? Buba asked. I'm sorry about that Buba. As you know, Zach's death involved a lot of money so I'm currently broke. I've asked my husband to give me money but he hasn't given it to me yet. Mama explained. Mama, anytime you make mention of this useless husband, I get nauseous. So when exactly are we going to kill him to inherit all these property? When are you going to stop begging him for money and own everything? Buba asked angrily. Buba calm down. We have to take things slow. You and I know Junior is in this house. Even if we kill my husband, Junior won't allow us to inherit the property. My husband has willed almost everything in his name. He willed few for Mabel and I, and those few cannot make us rich. Mama explained. Mama, listen and listen carefully, I've already spoken to the new guard, Siru, to kidnap Junior, so that we can kill your husband very fast. Buba informed. Buba, Junior is my only son ooo. Are you sure he's not going to kill him? Are you very sure? Mama asked worriedly. Trust me sexy Mama. It is only a kidnap and nothing else. Buba assured. I walked back to the gate and sat down in thoughts. Mr Owusu and Junior later returned from town. Daddy, I want to sit atbthe gate with the guard for a while. I will join you in the house later. Junior told his father and came to sit beside me. Hello nigga, are you OK? You seem too serious. Junior teased. I gave him a wicked smile and stayed focused again. Anyway, I like your seriousness, and I'm beginning to have some trust in you. He said. You know what, I want you to help me perform a task. Should I go ahead and name it? He asked. I nodded my head to his request. Good. I want you to help me kill my father next week. I've already arranged with assassins to come into the house and gun him down. What I want you to do is to give them a struggle free entry into the house when they come. He explained. I made a sign to tell him that wasn't the best idea. I signed to communicate with him to leave everything in my hands and that, I will handle it within the shortest possible time. Thanks so much for the assurance nigga. I'm counting on you. Please don't disappoint me. He thanked and walked into the house. The next day, I quickly went out to meet with Ganja. Zach ma guy, what's up? Ganja asked happily. Ganja, we have limited time to strike. Buba wants to kill Mr Owusu, and Junior is also determined to do same. Please, let's be fast. I said worriedly. Ma guy, just relax. Nothing bad is going to happen to that good man. Now tell me, is the sex party in the house still ongoing? He inquired. No Ganja. Since I got in there, I haven't witnessed any. The fact is, Junior and Buba are on each others neck, so there isn't any space for any of them to have sex with the woman. I explained. Wow! I now see why she wanted to pay me with sex after your execution deal. I can feel how horny she may have been. Ganja teasingly said. Anyway Zach, I have a plan. Junior might go ahead and bring those assassins into the house to kill his father if he realizes you are slacking. Ganja added. What do we do then Ganja? I'm scared for the man's life. He's in a real danger now. I said almost in tears. Eeerrrmm Zach, I will take him out of town. I mean, I will travel with him to a far place and stay there with him until things are cool. Until we get an evidence to expose them both. As it stands now, if I use the evidence I have against them, Mama Becky and Buba are the only people who will be arrested. Junior will go scot free. Ganja explained. How do you travel with Mr Owusu then? What will you tell him? I asked. Zach, I will pose as a real business man who wants to transact business with him. I will then ask him to meet me in the city for the deal. Ganja explained. Ganja, how then do you keep him there for such a long time until we get an evidence? Will he agree to that? I asked. Yes ma guy, when we meet, I am going to tell him that my company in China will be importing the goods to us in a month or two's time. So he should stay with me and wait, because if he leaves, I will transact the business with someone else. Ganja explained. This sounds brilliant Ganja. Looking at how Mr Owusu loves business, I know he will surely fall for it. But Ganja, where are the both of you going to stay? I asked. We are going to stay in a flashy hotel just to prove to him that I am wealthy. Trust me Zach, I will execute this deal as an expert. Ganja assured. Ganja, don't also forget Mr Owusu knows you. I mean he has seen this your face before. I said. That's true Zach, I've already made up my mind to disguise myself as I did for you. I promise not to leave any trail or trace. He responded. I trust you Ganja. I don't know how best I can even thank you but I know my God will reward you someday. I said. Less I forget Ganja, what money are you going to use for all these? I asked. Oh ma guy, have you forgotten so soon that Mama Becky paid me 30,000 Ghana cedis just to get you killed? Hahahaha! It is such a huge amount to cater for all these deal. He responded. I never knew the money was that huge Ganja. This woman might have stolen the money from her husband. I said. Anyway Ganja, thanks once again. I owe you gratitude. I said. That's alright ma guy. Like I always tell you, I see greatness in you, and I know when you become great, you won't forget me. Ganja said happily. That's ok Ganja. I must start going now. Please when are you embarking on the journey? I mean when are you going to call Mr Owusu? I inquired. Eeerrmm, let me do it right away before you leave. He said. Do you have his number? I asked. No oooo ma guy. Get to the house and get it for me. Ganja said. I quickly went home and saw Junior seated in the compound fidgeting with his laptop. I signalled him to come. He quickly stood up and came to sit beside me. I signed him that I needed his father's number. He got so happy. Yo! That's ma nigga. Charlie, I knew you were real. Wow! This man is as good as dead! He exclaimed happily and wrote the numbers down for me. I thanked him and stood up and left the house. Ma nigga, how much is the execution gonna cost? He inquired. I gave him a smile and signalled him that, it hasn't gotten to payment level. That's cool nigga. I trust your efforts. He responded. I smiled wickedly again and walked out of the house to give the number to Ganja. Life is not so fair! Your own son? Wanting to kill you? I thought worriedly as I walked to Ganja's place. I got there soon after, and gave the numbers to him. He quickly called Mr Owusu and fortunately, he answered. To be continued...
16 May 2018 | 17:17
Episode 20 He quickly called Mr Owusu and fortunately, he answered. Ganja spoke with a heavy comfortable voice. Hello, am I speaking to Mr Owusu Ansah, the vehicle spare parts dealer? Ganja asked with the phone on speaker out. Yes please. Who do I have on the line? Mr Owusu responded. I'm glad to have you on the line Mr. Eeerrmm my name is Mr Appiah, vehicle parts importer. I actually import vehicle parts to Nigeria, Benin and Gabon, but since I am a Ghanaian, I want to import some into my motherland. I made few enquiries and I was told that, you are the only capable person who will genuinely transact business with me without problems. Though lots of people have shown the interest, I insist on transacting the business with you. Ganja explained. That sounds like a real good deal, but unfortunately, I have importers that I work with, so I can't work with you. He said. Mr Owusu please, don't you have friends that I can work with? Ganja asked. I have friends but they don't have enough money to buy the goods from you when they come. He responded. No at all Mr Owusu. My business transaction is different from other people's. What I do is that, when the goods arrive, I give them to you on credit till the time you finish distributing and pay me back. I am not a bad person at all. I am more than flexible. Ganja explained. Alright Mr Appiah, I will talk to my friends on your behalf and get back to you. Mr Owusu responded and hanged up. Damn Ganja! This plan has backfired! Aaaahhhh! I exclaimed in disappointment. Relax ma guy. Even if this plan doesn't work out, we will have to execute another plan by tomorrow, to keep the man safe. Ganja assured. Alright Ganja. I will be back tomorrow for the new plan. I said and stood up to leave. Zach, get this phone, in case the sex party begins, you can video an evidence out of it. He said and handed over the phone to me. That reminds me Ganja, I want you to call my mother for me. I want her to know I'm fine and still on course. I pleaded. Alright, give me her number. Ganja said. I hit my hand on my forehead. Damn Ganja, I don't have it in mind. It was on my lost phone. I responded. Don't worry ma guy, just give me the directions to her place and I will go and deliver your message to her. Ganja offered. I gave him the directions quickly. Ganja, my brother Assan is there with my mother, so kindly disguise yourself when going. I pleaded. Hahahah Zach, don't forget I'm older and experienced than you. I got influenced by my peers at an early age, so I know the good, the bad, the ugly and the wicked. I've already planned to dress as a health worker who is going house to house to check on the aged and give them the necessary care. Ganja explained. Wow Ganja! You are such a genius. I just love you! I exclaimed happily. I'm happy you are happy ma guy. Just go home and come for the feedback tomorrow. When you go, tell Junior to pay 20,000 Cedis for the murder of his father. Ganja added. That is a huge amount Ganja. Can he afford it? I asked. Yes he can. Don't forget he just returned from the States. I want us to milk him dry so that he will not have a dime to contract other assassins. You dig? Ganja asked? Alright Ganja ma guy. I dig well well. I responded teasingly. We both laughed over my imitation and I went back home. Junior was still seated in the compound when I got there. Siru ma nigga, welcome back. Please how did it go? He inquired. I communicated to him the amount Ganja and I agreed on. Wow! That's a huge amount. Anyway, I will clear everything in my account and pay you tomorrow, but please, don't leave any trail or trace. He cautioned. I nodded my head in agreement and he left. Just when he walked into the house, Buba approached me. Boss, I hope that stupid boy Junior is not planning anything funny about me. He inquired. I smiled and communicated to him that, Junior only wanted me to teach him a sign language. Alright boss, I trust you. He responded and walked back into the house. Hahahaha Life is funny. Look at who is afraid of death. The evil that men do, give them blue balls even after ejaculation. I soliloquised. Early the next morning, I went to Ganja's place. Zach ma guy. I sure say you didn't sleep last night. Why are you here this early? Ganja teased. Come on Ganja, you and I know very well that I can't sleep under the serious circumstance surrounding Mr Owusu. I responded. Please talk to me, what is the next plan? How are we going to protect him from those evil hands? I asked. Zach, I've thought about something really good. It is very delicate but that is the only remaining option. Ganja said. I'm all ears Ganja. Just talk to me. I responded nervously. Zach, the only option is for me to kidnap Mr Owusu. Ganja said. Eeeii Ganja! That is really serious. Don't you think it is going to attract the police? Don't forget the man is known by almost everyone in this town and beyond. Please don't forget that. I stated worriedly. I know Zach, but what I want to do is that, we will tell him every truth he needs to know for the kidnap. Ganja explained. Ganja, that man loves his family too much to believe a stranger against them. If he doesn't buy our confession, he will go to his house and eventually fall into their trap. I explained. OK let's do it this way, let's take him far away from this town until you gather enough evidence. When you do, just call me and I will be there to pick it and show it to him. Ganja suggested. That is alright Ganja. Please, don't leave any trace ooo. I don't want us to eventually fall culprits of someone's crime. I pleaded. Anyway Ganja, how did your visit to my mother go? I asked. Heeeerrr ma guy, I must say your brother Assan is really having a great time in that house. Ganja said. I actually went there as we discussed yesterday. The whole house was very quiet and I didn't know which room your mother was, but there was this room that was not locked. I knocked at it severally but there was no response. I could hear voices from there so I peeped through the window to see what was going on. I saw a lady on top of a guy she seemed older than. They were busy making love. Instead of the guy moaning in pleasure, he was rather pleading. "Baby I'm tired, please have mercy on me. You know this is the fifth time of making love today. I'm tired, please let me rest". He continuously pleaded. No Assan, I am not yet satisfied. You have to make me cum one more time. This is the more reason I pay you huge amounts. Come on, Fuck out my loneliness. The woman responded in pleasure whiles the guy pleaded in suffer. Ganja explained teasingly. I walked back to the entrance of the house, not knowing what else to do. I was standing there when I saw an old woman walking into the house. He added. Hello mother. How are you? I asked. I'm doing well my son. Can I please help you? Are you looking for somebody? Your mother asked. Yes mother. Actually, your son Zach, sent me to you. I whispered. Zach? Where is he? How is he? She whispered back. Mother, Zach is doing very well, just that, he is in a hideout. He asked me to come and see how you are faring. I explained. I knew nothing bad will happen to my son. His God father reported him to me months ago and I knew his plans backfired, but I am very much convinced that, Zach was born to win. He will definitely succeed for his quest for justice. Your mother responded. That is true mother, we are planning very well towards it and I know we will succeed. Please, continuously pray for us. I said. I will my son. Please start going before Assan comes out from his sex job. I don't want him to see you, else, he will inform his brother Buba. Your mother said. I walked away from the house happily yesterday ma guy. Your mother is smart and your brother is a prat. Ganja narrated. Thanks so much Ganja. I'm glad for my mother's words. She has always trusted me and I don't ever want to disappoint her. I responded happily. As for my brother Assan, his karma will not come from me like Buba's, he will personally run to embrace it. I added. Anyway ma guy, get ready, we are kidnapping Mr Owusu tomorrow. Ganja cut in. Alright Ganja, tomorrow it is then. I will be sending you updates on his movements, via text messages. I stated and stood up to leave. Just then, Ganja had a call. Hey ma guy, stand there! He screamed. Guess who is calling? Who? I nervously asked. It's Mr Owusu. Let's hear what he has to say. Ganja said happily and answered the call. As usual, he placed it on speaker out. Yeah Hello, who do I have here? Ganja intentionally asked. Am I speaking to Mr Appiah? Mr Owusu asked at the other side of the phone. Yes you are. How may I help you? Ganja asked. Mr Appiah please this is Mr Owusu the business tycoon. I called to let you know that I've accepted to transact business with you. May I please know how we can meet? He asked. That sounds great Mr Owusu. I was about to award the contract to someone else but for your timely bounce back, I will award it to you. Please, meet me tomorrow in the nation's capital and kindly call me when you get there. Remember, it is tomorrow or never! Ganja warned. Alright Mr Appiah. I will be there by evening. Mr Owusu responded and hanged up. We began jumping about in the room. This is the best out of all the plans. Mr Owusu will be out of the house till we expose these people. I stated happily. . It Continues After comments
16 May 2018 | 17:19
People are really wicked sha, anyways Ithank God for ur life.
16 May 2018 | 17:53
Great job
17 May 2018 | 05:47
Welldone guys
17 May 2018 | 06:33
wow this is intresting
17 May 2018 | 07:20
Next Pls
17 May 2018 | 07:22
hmmmmmm,,,,, I pray for d success of Ur plan,,,, but how can junior be dat cruel? wanting her father dead bcos he want to be slpin wit his mother. nawa oooo
17 May 2018 | 07:24
nyc one.. ride on bro I dey ur bk
17 May 2018 | 09:11
this is getting serious
17 May 2018 | 15:19
thank God Mr owusu agreed to it
17 May 2018 | 15:19
next am waiting
17 May 2018 | 15:21
I pray you succeed
17 May 2018 | 19:26
Ganja you're the boss
18 May 2018 | 08:11
Episode 21 This is the best of all the plans. Mr Owusu will be out of the house till we expose these people. I said happily. I went home and sat at the gate with my usual serious face. Minutes later, I saw Junior coming out of the house with his mother holding a mini bag. They got to the entrance and Mama Becky bid him goodbye. Junior, please take care. Since it's a birthday party, don't overstay. Besides you know your father is not aware you are traveling. I won't inform him either. I will lie to him when he asks of you. Mama Becky said. Alright mummy. Take good care of yourself too, and don't allow anyone to enter my territory. Junior responded and walked away. Where could this guy be going to? Somebody who has an execution deal with me, he didn't even tell me anything before leaving this house. I thought. Early the next morning, Mr Owusu embarked on his "Ganja Business Journey". Siru, I am traveling for business purposes, please take good care of yourself and my family. I leave them in your hands. Mr Owusu said and drove out. Buba was now left with Mama Becky in the house. I knew these two people will be fucking, so I got ready with my phone to video them. I entered the house almost every hour to monitor what was happening but nothing seemed to be going on. I began feeling disappointed. In the afternoon, Buba dressed up and left the house. Mama Becky then came out and called me into the house. Eeerrrm Siru, I must say you are a very hardworking guy. You are equally a nice guy. She said. I gave her a half smile because I knew where the conversation was leading to. Eeerrrm Siru, take a look at this. She said and pressed the play button on her laptop. She was actually showing me a photographic movie to turn me on. I hope you like what you are seeing. If you do, we can enjoy ourselves same way as they are doing. She said and pulled down her skirt. I stood firmly on my grounds watching her. She went ahead and slowly stripped herself naked. She began twerking her ass. She then laid down in the sofa and opened up her thighs wide and began rubbing her clitoris. I still looked on unperturbed. After minutes of her seductive acts, she stood up and tried touching my penis. I pushed her so hard into the sofa and walked away. I went to sit at the gate in thoughts. So because of this ponorgraphic movies this woman has been watching, she's willing to sleep with anybody to get satisfaction. What kind of woman at all is she? I thought. Hours later, she walked up to me at the gate. Siru, I'm very sorry for what happened in the house minutes ago. I didn't know you are not interested, I wouldn't have asked you for it. Please, forgive me and don't tell Ganja about it. He respects me so much. She pleaded. I only nodded my head to her plea and she walked back into the house. In the evening, Buba returned from town and I went into the house to check on them again. I could hear Mama Becky and Buba in a hot argument. Buba, I've paid you for all the love making, so you don't have any cause to tell me you are tired. I believe you are seeing someone else. She angrily yelled. I am not seeing anyone Mama. I'm just sick and tired of your son and husband's presence in this house. Buba responded angrily. Buba, what do you want me to do? Why don't you vent your spleen on the new security guard? Was he not the one we employed to take care of all that? Didn't you tell me you've contracted him to kidnap Junior and kill my husband? What else do you expect me to do? Mama responded angrily. Yes, I told you all that, but don't you also know that everything involves money? What money do you expect me to pay him with? Buba asked. Well Buba, like I told you earlier, I am currently broke. I don't have enough money on me. My husband has traveled, let's wait for him to come back and I will get the money for you. But in the mean time, try talking to the guard if he can do everything for us on credit. Mama responded calmly. Let's wait for your husband to come back. Even if we kidnap Junior now, it wouldn't be of any use, because your husband is out of town. Remember we are kidnapping Junior to kill your husband, so if your husband is not around, there is no need kidnapping him. Buba explained. Alright Buba, just be rest assured that this is my husband's last business trip, the next journey he will embark on is a journey of no return. I mean his death. Mama Becky said happily. I tiptoed back to the gate. In the night, when Buba and Mama Becky were asleep, I stayed awake thinking about everything that was happening. How successful Ganja's journey with Mr Owusu was going to be, and how fast we can expose Mama Becky, Junior and Buba on all their atrocities. Minutes later, I saw two people scaling over the wall into the house. I quickly stood up and hid behind the door in my security lodge. The two masked men, entered my lodge and dragged me out. They then pointed a gun at me. Where is Mr Owusu? Show us now or we shoot you. They threatened. I pointed at the main house and sounded as if I was really dumb. They dragged me into the main house and opened the door with their master key. I led them out of fear to the stairs and to Mama Becky's room. One of them forced Mama Becky's door opened. Unfortunately for her, Buba was busily making love to her. Buba quickly stood up and raised his hands up. Lay down all of you ! They commanded! I quickly joined Mama Becky and Buba on the floor. They pointed the gun at Buba. Mr man, we are looking for Mr Owusu, but you seem too young for the description we were given, yet, you were making love to his wife. May we know who you are to her? They asked sarcastically. Eeerrmm Sir, I am not Mr Owusu, I am rather the chef of this house. Buba explained in a trembling voice. Wow! A chef chopping his boss's meat. How interesting. One of them responded. Anyway, we are here to see Mr Owusu, where the hell is he? One of them asked angrily. Please, please, my husband has traveled. Mama Becky responded fearfully. Don't lie to us woman! We were reliably informed that your husband was here today, so produce him now, or we shoot you all. The robber shouted. Please believe me. My husband traveled this morning. He's not in this house. Please don't kill us. Mama pleaded almost in tears. I couldn't utter a word because I was supposed to be dumb. I laid down with my trembling legs. The robbers stepped on us one after the other and walked out of the house in haste. We laid down for minutes before gaining the courage to stand up on our feet. Siru, you are supposed to be the security, why didn't you stop them from entering the house? Mama Becky asked angrily. Mama relax for him. They took him unawares, I believe he will brace himself next time. Buba intervened. Whatever Buba! You all should get the hell out of my room. Mama responded angrily. I walked back into the sitting room in fear. I was so afraid to go back to the security lodge. Who hired these people to come into this house for Mr Owusu? Could it be Junior? Because he's the only one who doesn't know Mr Owusu has traveled. I thought. Damn, this guy is smart. If we had not taken Mr Owusu out of this house today, Junior would have murdered him. I thought almost in tears. And whiles I was busy guarding the gate, thinking the sex party was on strike, Buba and Mama Becky were busily fucking hard. Aaahhh God! I'm even getting fed up with this whole life. I thought deeply. The next morning, I went out to call Ganja. Hello Ganja, how far? Have you met Mr Owusu? I asked. Yes ma guy. Like we planned, everything is on course. He's very happy for the business deal and he's willing to stay for a month to wait for the goods. As I speak to you, he's in his five star hotel room, relaxing. Ganja explained happily. Ganja, are you sure he's not going to smell anything fishy? I asked. Not at all my guy. I've hired some men who are into that business and they are really helping me to make everything look real. Ganja explained. How were you able to do that Ganja? That sounds tough. I inquired. Relax ma guy, money can do everything. Money talks. Ganja responded. Anyway Ganja, I escaped death last night, so did Mr Owusu. I sadly informed. Zach, what are you talking about? Talk to me. Ganja asked worriedly. Ganja, assassins stormed the house last night in search of Mr Owusu. I narrated. Damn, that was close ma guy. I just can't believe this. The man would have been dead by now. Ganja responded in shock. Who could have done that? Who wanted to outsmart us? He asked. Ganja, as I speak to you, I'm still panicking. I believe it is his son Junior. Junior left the house yesterday in the name of attending a friend's birthday party, only for the robbers to storm the house the next day. I suspect him strongly. I explained. I see. Zach, please don't give up. Nothing bad will happen to you. All I want you to do is to get the evidence as fast as possible. Please try your best. Ganja pleaded. Alright Ganja, I promise you three weeks. Just three weeks and I will blow their cover. I hopefully promised and hanged up. To be continued...
18 May 2018 | 22:34
Episode 22 Just three weeks and I will blow their cover. I promised hopefully and hanged up. I walked back into the house with determination. I must strike once and for all. I went home and Buba had gone out, leaving Mama Becky seated lonely in the sitting room. I went in there and signed her about Buba's whereabouts. Siru, Buba has gone to the market to buy foodstuffs, please sit down and let's talk. Mama responded. I sat down with a serious face. Eeerrmmm Siru, I'm very sorry about how I talked to you last night. As I sit here, I am the most confused person in the world. Why Mama? I signed. Siru, I have cheated on my husband with Buba and my son, and now, each one of them want to get rid of my husband and have me. I just don't know what to do. She narrated. Do you really want your husband dead too? I signed. No Siru. I actually didn't want him dead. I was just having fun with the both of them until they got obsessed over me. Unfortunately, Buba is having a video of him and I making love. So he has threatened to show it to my husband if I try breaking up with him. He also demanded we kill my husband to inherit his property. Mama explained. That sounds serious. What about Junior too? Why can't you stop sleeping with him? I signed. Hmmm Siru. I just don't know what is happening, but the truth is that, my son and I have fallen in love with each other. We can't let go of other. I even killed his girlfriend because of the love I have for him. Mama confessed. So what do you want to do now? I signed. I want you to help me get rid of Buba so that, I will help my son to get rid of my husband in order to have access to ourselves without interference. Mama said. That is no problem. I will help you, but who brought those robbers to the house last night? I signed. I believe it is be Junior. He didn't tell me about it but he's the only person who doesn't know his father has travelled. I called him this morning to enquire but his phones were off. Mama responded. Have you called your husband to inform him? I signed. No Siru. If I do, he will be scared and might inform the police to investigate. And if he does, my son might be in trouble. Remember I told you, my son is the love of my life now. She responded. That is alright Mama. Give me two weeks to get rid of Buba for you so that everything will fall in place. I assured in a sign and walked out of the house to my post. Wow! This is a smart one! I have recorded the conversation sharp, but like Ganja said, an audio isn't enough. We need a photographic evidence. I thought. Minutes later, Junior entered the house. He greeted me and walked pass me into the house. I overheard him yelling at the mother, so I quickly run to hide behind the door. Mama, you've disappointed me. You have really disappointed me.! Junior yelled. Calm down Junior, I didn't know your father will be traveling, and you also didn't tell me about your plans to kill him last night. I wouldn't have even allowed him to travel. Mama responded. That is not what I am talking about you bitch! What in God's name was Buba doing on top of you when the assassins entered your room? You have the effrontery to cheat on me right? You dirty bitch! Junior insulted angrily. Don't you dare insult me Junior. I love you, yes! But it is also not my fault that you have a small penis! Mama yelled. Before she could land, Junior slapped her heavily and she fell on the floor. He then pounced on her and began to beat her mercilessly . Mama gave out a loud cry! Siru! Siru! Come and rescue me! I run into the house and separated them. Tell that Buba guy that, he's as good as dead! I will deal with him once and for all. Junior threatened and climbed the stairs. I took Mama Becky with me to my post in consolation. Just then, Buba came back from the market. What is happening here? Why are you crying like this Mama? Buba asked. Buba, it is Junior. He found out that, you were making love to me last night. As I speak to you, the beast in him is roaring in the house. I suggest you find a place to go and stay till he's calm. Mama suggested. Oh really? So it was Junior who brought those robbers into the house yesterday right? I see. Buba responded angrily and walked out of the house. Mama Becky later thanked me and walked back into the house. I sat down thinking about what might be happening in the house. I checked on them from time to time but nothing seemed to be happening. I was even happy Buba was out of the house. Very soon, Mama Becky and Junior's sex party will begin and I will video them. I thought. In the evening, Buba entered the compound. Siru, is everyone calm now? He asked. Not at all Buba, the place is burning like hell. You better go back, or else, Junior will shoot you dead! I lied in a sign language. Buba walked back to wherever he was coming from out of fear. I laughed out loud when he left the house. A fool in fools paradise. Mr big penis! The only champion penis man who can even be a gay mate to Goliath! Useless Buba. I soliloquised in insults. The next day, I went into the house to check on my madam and her pencil penis son. I walked in there and they both seemed to be in bed still. I climbed the stairs and tiptoed to Mama horny's room and as sure as my nose is on my face, she was making love with the son. I quickly removed my phone and began to video them through the door hole. Junior was sucking his mother's boobs like a baby whiles Mama Becky was seductively moaning to it. Mmmmm Junior! Junior my love! Aaaaahhh! Junior paused with the breasts and penetrated his mother so deep. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Fuck me harder! Please harder! Ooouuuucchhh! Mama still moaned. Will you cheat on me again? Talk to me! Mama talk to me! Will you? Junior fucked whiles talking. No Junior! I will never cheat on you again! Buba is not my type of man! You are the one I love. Please Fuck me! Fuck me! Aaaaahhhhhh They finished in minutes and I walked back to the gate. I must say Buba fucks better than Junior. No wonder the mother can't do away with Buba. I thought. Anyway, I have the first evidence and I must tell Ganja about it. I quickly walked out of the house and called Ganja. Hello ma guy, how far? Any update? Ganja asked. Yes Ganja, I have the first evidence. An audio of Mama Becky's confession and a video of Junior and his mother. I responded. That is great Zach. Unfortunately, mr Owusu is willing to come back home. He says he has been having nightmares about his family but anytime he calls the wife, she says everything is fine, so he personally wants to come and check on them. Ganja explained. Ganja please No! Don't give him that chance to come home. He's everyone's target. I pleaded. Yes ma guy. I will make sure he doesn't come. I am going to tell him the goods will be arriving in two weeks time instead of the agreed one month. That means, you have to be more than fast about your gathering of evidence. Ganja explained. Alright Ganja. I will. I responded and hanged up. I walked back into the house worriedly. God! Where is Buba? He should come home for me to get my evidence. I thought. Three days and Buba had still not come home. I went into the house and questioned Mama about his whereabouts in a sign language. Siru, since Buba left the house, I've been calling his line severally but he isn't answering . I seriously need him to come back home so please, look around the neighborhood if you can find him. Mama responded worriedly. I went in search of him in the neighborhood and beyond but there was no sign of him. I came back home in disappointment. It was almost a week and he had still not come home. To be continued...
18 May 2018 | 22:37
Ahhhh,,, wia could buba Hav gone to?
19 May 2018 | 05:13
this is war
19 May 2018 | 10:10
pls u need to bring more evidence
19 May 2018 | 10:13
next episode am waiting
19 May 2018 | 10:13
Welldone Zack, u are almost there
19 May 2018 | 11:30
Where are you Buba
19 May 2018 | 11:42
maybe buba will escape this but junior is in your net
19 May 2018 | 17:34
so where de hell is buba,abeg come back n sleep with mama Becky oo cos we need our evidence badly to implicate u guys sha!!!
19 May 2018 | 20:21
Episode 23 It was almost a week and he had still not come home. One morning, I was at the gate when Junior approached me. Ma nigga, what's up with you? Sorry I gave your contract to other people. I realised you were slacking. He explained. I am the best person for this job Junior, allow me do it. I signed. I hear you nigga. He responded. Anyway, the flowers have overgrown, kindly trim it for me. He requested and walked back into the house. I picked the cutlass and began triming the flowers in worry. Time is going oooo God! Where at all is Buba? He must come home before Mr Owusu comes. I thought. After triming the flowers, I began to gather the leaves to burn. My hand touched something hard and I quickly stood up. Ah! What the hell is that? I thought. I quickly went to pick a stick and began spreading the already gathered leaves. My O My! I've found my lost phone! I've found my lost phone! My evidence phone! I've found it! I began jumping about. Siru, what is it? Why are you jumping like that? Junior asked. I saw something like a snake but it wasn't a snake after all. I signed. I took the phone and went into my lodge to check on the videos. I searched through it and I found the both videos, that of Junior and Buba, all making love to Mama Becky. So this phone fell in this house and I was busy thinking it fell on the road? I thought happily. I quickly went out and called Ganja. Hello Ganja, get prepared to come home. I have all the evidence with me. I am sending them to you right away so that you will explain and show them to Mr Owusu. When that is done, call me so that I can leave the house as well. I announced happily. Ma guy, trouble has come ooo. I was just about calling you when your call came through. Ganja said worriedly. What is it Ganja? You are scaring me. I said with a trembling voice. Zach, I woke up this morning and went out to check on Mr Owusu but he had packed out of the room. The receptionist told me that he checked out very early in the morning and left a message with her that, he will be back in evening. Ganja explained. What Ganja! What are you saying? Where do you think he has gone to? Please talk to me. I screamed. I believe he's coming home to check on his family. I've tried his line severally but it isn't going through. Ganja responded. Ganja, this house is too dangerous now for hi. You must find him and stop him from coming here before it is too late. I warned. Alright ma guy, I'm still trying his lines. I will get back to you. Ganja responded and hanged up. God! This is not happening. This should not happen! Not now! I screamed. I walked back into the house and buried my face in tears. If Mr Owusu is indeed on his way here, then I must guard this gate properly to avoid his entry. I ain't moving an inch! I thought. Few minutes later, Buba came back from his hideout. Hey Siru, how have you been? I believe this house is calm now. He asked. Yes bro. Everything is settled, Mama has been looking for you. Where have you been? I signed. I went to my mother's place. I went to hide there for a while. He explained. That's ok. How is she? I asked. Don't mind that old woman. I believe my late brother Zach told her about my affair with Mama Becky, so she seem mad at me. But hey, I'm cool. Buba responded and entered the house. Your late brother indeed. Wicked soul. I insulted in pain. Just when Buba entered the house, Junior walked out of the house. God, I don't trust Junior. Where is he going to? I thought. I stood up from the gate and went to hide behind the door to the main house. Welcome back Buba. I really missed you. Mama pampered. I missed you too Mama but I have a different idea now. I have hired other people to kidnap Junior tomorrow. So be ready. Buba responded. That is no problem Buba, I am solidly behind you. Please take water and let me bring you your favorite food. Mama pampered. Buba took the water and Mama went into the kitchen to bring the food. What is happening? Mama Becky is over pampering my brother. Is everything alright? I worriedly thought. Few minutes after drinking the water, my brother fell down on the floor. Aaaaahhh Mama! My tummy! My tummy! What did you put in the water? He screamed in pain. I run into the house and held him. Mama quickly came out from the kitchen. Siru leave him, he has just drank poison. Mama stated happily. I nearly opened my mouth to talk but I was supposed to be dumb. I held Buba and tried to carry him to the hospital but Mama prevented me from doing so. Leave him Siru! What is your problem? You are supposed to be a spectator not a good Citizen. Leave him I say! Mama yelled at me. Just then, Junior entered the house. Wow Mama, I can see we have succeeded. At long last, the bastard is down. Junior stated happily and spat on Buba. I didn't know what to do nor say. I stared at their faces with teary eyes. Siru, now help me carry him to his room. We must make it appear as if he poisoned himself. Junior said. I stared at Buba's lifeless body with tears in my eyes. Siru, I'm talking to you! Why are you acting this cold and weak. You were supposed to do the killing but here you are acting with so much care. Listen to me, this guy deserves to die. He tried to blackmail my Mama whiles his kid brother tried to rape her. They are a bunch of wicked family. Junior explained. I stared deeply at him and walked out of the house. I walked into my lodge and burst into tears. Ah Buba! I never wanted you dead. I only wanted you to repent in prison. Why do you have to die like this? Buba whyyyyyyyy? Minutes later, Mama and Junior came to my lodge. Siru, you are acting so strange. You don't seem happy about Buba's death, yet you assured us of killing him, days back. Mama said. I'm not acting strange. I'm just not happy about how you guys went about it. As it stands now, his body is still in this house and you might be caught. I explained in a sign language. Don't worry about that my nigga. We have placed a poison beside him, making it appear as if he really committed suicide. We've called daddy that there's an emergency case in the house and he said he's already on his way here, so we are waiting for him to come and report it to the police. Junior explained. Yes Siru. This house will soon be freed from unwanted people. My husband will also be murdered this night after his arrival. We will make it appear as if Buba's friends came to attack us and killed my husband in the process. Mama narrated. I got so frightened hearing all these confessions from them. That sounds great Mama. I am solidly behind you guys. I signed. They walked back into the house happily. I run out of the house to call Ganja. Hello Ganja, my brother is dead! Mama and her son has poisoned him. I explained in tears. Chill ma guy. You don't have to cry over someone who wanted you dead. You must take your mind off him and focus on our task ahead. Ganja responded. Ganja you don't understand. This is my blood brother we are talking about. The pain is too much to bear. I responded in tears. Ma guy, I know how you feel, but you must pull yourself together to fight for the stranger who sacrificed everything to see you alive, and not the brother who borrowed energy to see you dead. Ganja responded. Ganja I feel terrible. I can't hold it! Buba followed me into this city to help me recover from my sickness. He had no bad intentions. God help meeeeee! I am broken! I wailed. Zach I'm sorry, I'm sorry for your pain. Please calm down. Ganja consoled me for several minutes till I became a bit calm. Ma guy, I have been able to reach Mr Owusu and he said he's on his way back home. As I speak to you, I'm rushing to the airport to get a flight to catch up with him, but in case I don't get to town before he arrives, I'm begging you to be strong and fight to save him. Or better still, don't allow him enter the house, send him somewhere and show him the video. He said. Alright Ganja. I ain't moving an inch from the gate. I will do as you say. I responded. Zach, in the mean time, send the videos to me. I will take them to the police station immediately I arrive. Brace yourself because, the police will soon storm the house. He said and hanged up. I run back into the compound. Where are you coming from Siru? Junior asked. In fact, I'm beginning to suspect you. He added. I gave him a straight wicked face and responded in a sign language: I am covering all trails so that you guys will not be caught. Remember if you are caught, I will equally be caught. I explained. If you say so Siru. Please, don't allow anyone to enter this house apart from my father. He instructed and walked away. To be continued...
22 May 2018 | 04:54
Episode 24 If you say so Siru. Please don't allow anyone to enter this house apart from my father. He instructed and walked away. I looked on in tears still. How can my brother die this way? We came from our hometown to seek greener pastures, only for me to loose my father and my brother. How is my mother going to take this? How? I thought sadly. I sent the videos to Ganja and still stayed at the gate with a burdened heart. I don't trust Mama and Junior. They might even not wait for night to fall before they shoot Mr Owusu. I thought. Hours later, Junior came to sit beside me at the gate. Gosh, this guy don't seem to trust me. He wants to outsmart me. I thought. Siru, you seem very worried. Is everything alright? He asked. I am very fine Junior. I lied in a sign language. Junior then stood up and entered the house again. Before I could think any further, I heard a car horn at the gate. I run to check, and it was Mr Owusu. He blew his car horn again and I quickly went out to meet him instead of opening the gate. Welcome home sir, please you can't enter this house. Your wife and son wants to kill you. I explained in a trembling voice. Are you mad? Siru, I thought my wife told me you are dumb. He asked angrily. I am not dumb sir. I have an evidence to back my claims. Please wait and let me show it to you before you enter the house. I said whiles searching my pocket for the phone. Damn, the phone is not in my pocket. I run into the compound to search but it wasn't there too. I thought quickly run through my mind. What! Junior has picked this phone. How did he know about the phone? Probably when I was sending the videos to Ganja, he saw me. Should I run away or I should stay and fight? I thought. Mr Owusu kept blowing his car horn. I went out to talk to him. Sir, your son has stolen the phone. It's true, he has stolen it. I tried explaining. Just then, Junior came out. Siru, what is happening here? What is my father doing outside instead of opening the gate for him to enter the house? He asked angrily and went to open the gate for his father. I followed them into the house and Mr Owusu got down from the car. Junior, catch this guy, he's a fraudster. He's not as he poses to be, he's not dumb. Mr Owusu alerted. Junior quickly pulled out a pistol from his pocket. I know that already daddy. I just picked an evidence from his pocket. Junior responded. Now the both of you move into the house or I pull the trigger. Junior pointed the gun at Mr Owusu and I and commanded. Junior what are you doing? Why are you pointing a gun at your father instead of the fraudster? Mr Owusu asked in a trembling voice. Move it you bastard. Who told you I am your son? You are my fucking rival! You asshole. I placed my hands on my head while Junior walked us into the house at gun point. I began to say my last prayers. Junior is going to shoot me dead. I thought in tears. He walked us up the stairs and straight into his mother's room. Well well well! This is the day the lord has made. The day to do away with all obstacles and have my son all to myself. Mama Becky said happily. And you Zach, you thought you could outsmart us right? So all these while, you were not dead and you still posed as another person to expose me right? She asked happily. What do you seek to achieve? You were fortunate to have escaped death, yet, you didn't run away, but to still pursue your quest to hunt me down. I pity your poor soul. Mama teased. Quickly, Mr Owusu turned to look at me. Zach, is that you? What do you want in my house after trying to rape my wife? He asked furiously. And to you Becky, what is going on here? Why are you and your son pointing gun at me? What is happening? Mr Owusu asked worriedly. Calm down my husband. You will understand everything before you die. The truth is that, I've fallen in love with my son and we don't want anyone to interfere. We are therefore killing you as the main obstacle. Mama explained. Eeeiii Becky! Since when has this been happening? How can you fall in love with your own son? Mr Owusu asked in tears. Yes, we've been fucking for years now and I must say, he tastes better than you. Mama responded. Becky, please let me go. Don't kill me, I promise to leave the two of you in peace. Mr Owusu pleaded. No my dear husband. You Won't leave the property for us if we allow you to go. You might even cause our arrest. I'm sorry for this day. Mama said. Junior, you can shoot now. She instructed. Yes Mama, choose who goes first. The evidence man Zack Siru, or the pussy tresspassor Owusu? Junior teased. Your father first Junior, just shoot. Mama instructed with all seriousness. Junior pointed the gun at Mr Owusu and I quickly held his both legs. He fell down heavily and still held onto the gun firmly. Run daddy, please run! I screamed. Mr Owusu tried escaping but Mama held his shirt and struggled with him. We all began to struggle with each other. Mama with Mr Owusu and I, with Junior. My mother's voice began to echo in my mind "Fear not Zach, fight for what is right" I began to struggle tirelessly with him to get hold of the gun but he pulled out the trigger. Unfortunately, the bullet hit Mama Becky's chest. She screamed so loud and fell down on the floor. Zach, Fuck you! Fuck you! You've killed my mother! Junior said whiles struggling to shoot me too. Mr Owusu helped me in struggling with him. Run daddy! Don't stay here! Please run! I screamed so loud. Mr Owusu took to his heels and run out of the room. I still held Junior's hands trying to take the gun from him. He once again pulled the trigger and it hit my chest. Instantly, I felt dizzy. Whiles going down on the floor in my blurred vision, I saw Ganja and police men entering the room. That was the last thing I saw. Zach! Ma guy! Zach! I could hear Ganja's voice far away until I finally passed out. I walked to a very far place and I saw Buba sitting down in tears. He stood up and walked towards me. Zach, I'm sorry for everything I've done to offend you. Please go back and tell Assan to refrain from the sins I taught him. It will lead him nowhere but death. Zach, I am lonely, I wish I could come back to life again. I wish I could come and live the righteous life you are living. Hatred and greed took over my conscience. I'm sorry. Buba apologized in tears. No Buba, you are not lonely. I am here to stay with you. I responded. You don't belong here Zach, go back and take care of mother and Assan. Go back and grab your glory. He said. I can't leave you here Buba. Please get up and let's go. Please! I pleaded in tears. Go now Zach! The dead are coming to torment you. Please run! Run my brother! Buba screamed. I run so fast in fear. Just then, I woke up to find myself on a hospital bed with Ganja sitting beside me. Various tubes were connected to my nostrils and mouth. Zach, you are awake! You are awake! Ganja screamed happily and run outside to call the doctor. They attended to me and put all the necessary measures in place. It was late in the night so Ganja asked me to rest and that, we were going to talk tomorrow. He slept by me till the following morning. Ganja, please talk to me, where is Mr Owusu? I asked worriedly. He's very fine ma guy. He was with you till midnight when the nurses came to tell him that they can only allow one person to stay with you so he should go home. He said he was afraid of his house so, he went to his friend's place to sleep. He might be on his way here. Ganja explained. Thank you God! Thanks for saving this man for me. I prayed silently. Ma guy, you've really escaped death. You can't believe it if I tell you I pissed in my pants yesterday when I saw you hitting the ground. Zach, I thought I had lost you. I thought you gave up for justice. Ganja explained with tears in his eyes. Ganja, talk to me, what exactly happened? Where is Junior? I asked. Hmmm ma guy, when I arrived yesterday, I run to the police station with the videos you sent to me. Quickly, the police moved with me into the house. When we got there, we met Mr Owusu at the gate trying to run out of the house. He was so much terrified. Officers, please rescue my security guard, they want to kill him. He screamed. One of the officers held him and the rest moved into the house with me. When we got to the house, the officers dispersed. Some hid in the kitchen whiles the others hid in the sitting room. The rest proceeded into the bedroom. Just when we were climbing up the stairs, we heard the gunshot. We sped up into the room and saw you hitting the ground. Junior pointed the gun at us and threatened to shoot if we don't back off. Ma guy, I tell you, Junior is a smart dude. Can you imagine, he walked all of us into Buba's room and locked the door? Unfortunately for him, the officers gunned him down in the legs when he was running out of the house. Whiles on the floor, he engaged in exchange of bullets with them. One bullet hit his head and he passed on. As I speak to you ma guy, Junior is also dead. Ganja narrated. To be continued...
22 May 2018 | 04:56
Episode 25 As I speak to you now ma guy, Junior is also dead. Ganja narrated. Ma guy, when Junior locked us in the room, we saw your brother's lifeless body on his bed, with a poisonous concoction beside him. After Junior was gunned down, the police picked all the bodies and sent them to the mortuary while we rushed you to the hospital because you still had pulse. Ma guy, you should have seen Mr Owusu. You should have seen how he was weeping like a woman. I really wept for him yesterday. I stopped weeping when the nurses reassured me that you were going to be fine. In fact, this hospital staff have really worked tirelessly on you and I much appreciate their efforts. It was when the nurses were resuscitating you that, I narrated everything to Mr Owusu. From your escape from the house as Zach the rapist and your return into the house as Siru the saviour. I also told him about our plan to take him out of town to avoid his death. Ma guy, in fact, I've told him everything you did to save him and I must say he was more than grateful. Ganja explained. I bowed down my head in tears. Oh God! This is not what I wanted, I didn't want them dead. I only wanted them out of the innocent man's life. I lamented. Ma guy, why are you talking like this? The ways of man, is not the ways of God. And don't forget that, he who pulls the sword, dies at the edge of the sword. Buba wanted you dead right? He died instead. Mama Becky and his son wanted Mr Owusu dead right? Well, they died instead. Like I always say, the wages of sin is death. Ganja explained. Just then, Mr Owusu entered the ward. Zach my son, I'm glad to see you awake. I couldn't have afforded to loose you. You really scared me. He said happily and embraced me halfway because of my chest wound. Zach, I don't know where I would have been by now without you. So my own wife and son actually wanted me dead? I still can't believe it. Oh! Where did I go wrong? Where? He lamented bitterly. I'm sorry for all the pains you are going through now daddy, you deserve better than this. Your good deeds fought your battles. I responded. Yes sir, though you've lost two valuable people in your life and I know it is a tough moment for you but please, take heart and move on in life. Ganja added. I am not sad because I lost them, I am only sad because I never did anything to wrong them. He responded. Daddy, please where are the bodies now? I asked sadly. The police deposited all of them in the mortuary. I am just coming from the police station. I went there to fill the necessary forms with the help of my friend. Zach tell me, why did your brother Buba commit suicide? Mr Owusu asked. He didn't commit suicide daddy, Mama and Junior poisoned him right before my eyes and made it look as if he committed suicide. I responded. So why didn't you report them to the police? Mr Owusu asked. Daddy, if I had moved an inch out of the house, you would have fallen into their trap and they would have killed you before the police arrived. I responded. So Zach, you actually sacrificed everything to see me alive? Oh! He exclaimed in tears. Don't worry daddy, you deserve more than this. I will live to see your safety anytime, any day. I responded. Daddy, please, is my mother aware of all these? Have you broke the news to her? I inquired. Not yet Zach. I have not had the balls to do that. I wanted to seek your well-being first. Now that you are better, I will do that. He responded. No daddy, let me get well so that we all go there. I know my mother very well and I know how to break the news to her without hurting her much. I responded. If you say so my son. Eheh Ganja, the police has not yet shown me the videos. Can you please show them to me? Mr Owusu requested. I will show everything to you when Zach gets well sir. Now, I want you to be very strong and move on for me. Ganja said. It is a difficult moment for me Ganja, but I know things will fall in place with time. As it stands now, I cannot go into my house alone. I'm waiting for Zach to get better first. I've also called my daughter Mabel and she will be returning from the States next week. Mr Owusu explained. Zach, let me go and order food from the restaurant for you. He said and left. Oh Ganja, I'm feeling Mr Owusu's pain really. It is so unfortunate to loose a wife and a son all in a day. This is too much for him to bear. I said. Ma guy, stop worrying. If they had not died, the man wouldn't have been alive today. The best you can do is to replace his lost son. Fill the vacuum for him. Ganja advised. Two weeks later, I got better and was discharged from the hospital. Zach, I have still not been able to go back to my house. I want my wife and my son to be buried first. I will then ask my pastor to help me pray and sanctify the house before I move in there. Mr Owusu sadly said. What do we do then daddy? I asked. Zach, I am glad to see you alive today, but one thing that is still bothering me is the fact that, we've still not informed your mother about Buba's death. Mr Owusu said worriedly. What do you suggest daddy? I asked again. Zach, I want to send you to your mother, in order to seize that opportunity to break the news to her. I will also leave you to stay with her till I'm done with the burial of my family before I come back for you. He explained. That is no problem daddy, but I wanted to stay with you to help in the preparation towards the burial service. I said. I understand how much you are willing to help me, but I can't move into my friend's apartment with you. Besides, you are not so fit for that heavy funeral task. Mr Owusu explained. I understand you daddy. I wish you the very best in everything. I responded. That reminds me daddy, please when is Mabel coming down from the States? I inquired. She will be here in two days. I will bring her to see and congratulate the hero that saved her father's life . Mr Owusu said. With the help of Ganja, Mr Owusu took me to my mother. She was so happy to see me. She screamed loudly and happily when we entered the house. Zach! Zach! Is that you? Zach I can't believe you are alive. She exclaimed. This is me mother. I am very much alive. I responded happily. She offered us a seat and we sat down. Oh my son, Zach my heartbeat, tell me you've succeeded in your quest for justice. Tell me you've been able to expose the wicked minds. She said. Calm down mother. That is the more reason why we are here. Mr Owusu cut in. I am desperate Owusu, tell me something, have you finally realized my son is not a rapist? Has he been able to give you evidence to his innocence? Mother still asked. Yes mother, Zach has been able to give me enough evidence to prove his innocence. He has also been able to rescue me from death. Mr Owusu responded. Mother instantly fell on her knees and raised her hands up praising God. Thank you God Almighty. Thank you God the vindicator. Thanks for setting my son free. Thanks for making him overcome the trial of the wicked. Mother lamented. So tell me, what have you done to your wife and your son? What have you also done to Buba? I believe you've caused their arrest? Mother asked desperately. Just then, Assan came out from Naana's room. What is going on here? Why so much noise in this house? He asked. Ah, wait a minute. Zach, is that you? I thought you were dead? Buba told me.... He tried speaking but paused. Buba told you he murdered me right? He told you I am dead and buried right? I cut in in tears. Not at all Zach, he didn't say he murdered you. He only told me your curiosity killed you. Anyway, I've been to your house many times for days now but I don't meet anybody. Where did all of you travel to? Assan inquired. We snubbed his questions and Mr Owusu began talking to my mother again. Mother, back to your questions. As I speak to you, my wife and my son are dead. Mr Owusu answered bluntly. What! How? Who killed them? Mother asked with shock. Hmmm mother, my son tried killing me but unfortunately, he killed his mother. The police tried arresting him, but he tried battling them. Out of self defense, they killed him. Mr Owusu responded in tears. I'm so sorry about your loss my son, please take heart. Don't cry anymore. Mother consoled. I also burst into tears. Mother, Buba is also dead. I announced. Buba!!!! Dead? How? Who killed him? Who killed my son? Mother burst into tears too. Zach talk to me!!! Who killed my son? She yelled in pain. Mother, Mama Becky and her son poisoned him. I explained. Oh God! God why? Why? Mother wailed. More Comments More Episodes..
22 May 2018 | 04:58
Hmmm It pained me that these wicked people have to die
22 May 2018 | 13:14
this dia reward is too much oooo but dia is nothing anybody can do abt it, mr owusu caused more of it bcos he came home, he shouldn't Hav come home,,,, and buba should Hav stayed away and not bother coming home at all
22 May 2018 | 14:40
The reward of sin this dead
22 May 2018 | 17:18
The reward is not really what I expected but there is nothing anybody can do
22 May 2018 | 21:21
Episode 26 Oh God! God why? Why? Mother wailed. I'm sorry mother, it's all my fault. Please punish me for it. Just punish me! I consoled in tears. We all shed tears for minutes and Mr Owusu calmed down to console my mother. Mother please forgive me for implicating your family this way. Please forgive me. If I had not brought your sons into my home, Buba wouldn't have died. Please forgive me. Mr Owusu consoled. Mother calmed down finally and began to sympathize with Mr Owusu. Don't talk like this Owusu. You had no bad intention towards my family. I know you wanted the best for them, but it's unfortunate things have messed up this way. She said. Owusu, you've lost two most valuable people of your life all because you were helping my family. That is not supposed to be your reward. Not at all. Mother added. I am weeping because, Buba couldn't repent from his sins before passing on. I am not weeping because of his mere death. After all, he wanted to kill you and Zach, and I knew very well that, he wouldn't go free with that evil intentions. Mother further explained. It's alright mother. Those who are dead, deserved to die because they first pulled the sword. Though it is disheartening to see them go, but it is as result of their evil deeds. Please stop worrying and let's look into the future with hope. Mr Owusu advised. I hear you my son. Please don't give up on my family. Mother pleaded. I will never do that mother. Zach is the only son I have now. I can never give up on him. Mr Owusu responded. Mother please, take good care of Zach he has sustained gun injury and he needs proper care. I will come back for him after burying my wife and son. Mr Owusu said. That reminds me mother, What about Buba? When do you want us to bury him. Mr Owusu asked. As you can see my son, I am not very fit to send him to our hometown. And I can't allow Zach and Assan to take him there alone. Please help me bury him like we did for the father. Mother responded sadly. I've heard you mother. I will inform you on any latest development. Please, like I said, take good care of Zach for me. Mr Owusu said and asked permission to leave. Ma guy, stay safe. I will be here tomorrow to check up on you. Ganja added and walked away with Mr Owusu. Assan still buried his face in his palms in tears as they left. Assan, why are you crying? You are supposed to be jubilating. Mother stated sarcastically. Mother don't talk to him like this. Allow him to mourn Buba. I cut in. Mourn Buba you say? He was part of Buba's wicked and evil plans. Buba came here every other day and took Assan outside for secrets best known to them. I very well knew they were mounting plans to execute you and the man. I continuously prayed to my God not to forsake you Zach. Mother explained. Oh Assan, so you were part of all these plans right? That is to say, you helped Buba to run into his death pit. I exclaimed. The two of you should go to hell. I will not sit here and listen to any nonsense from you. Why am I still here when my wife is in bed waiting for me? Assan stated angrily and walked out on us into Naana's room. Mother, did I hear him say his wife? Is he married to her now? I asked surprisingly. You can ask that again my son. They are now living together as husband and wife. Meanwhile, Naana's husband keeps sending her money from the States. Mother responded. This is risky mother. What if the husband returns from the States? What will happen to Assan? I inquired. Zach, I've said everything I can, but your brother is money and fun minded. He even threatens to beat me most times. Zach, now that you are here, I believe you can add your voice to the advice. Mother said. I will try my best mother. I don't want him to meet his untimely death like Buba. I responded. The next day, I went to knock at Naana's door. She quickly came out and stared at me from entry to exit. Yes, how may I help you? She asked. Please I'm looking for Assan. I responded. Assan is currently at work. He's busy working towards his salary. She responded cheekily. His salary? In which factory? I asked cheekily too. Wow! I can see you have guts. How dare you ask me such a stupid question. Naana burst out in anger. Madam, I only asked a simple question and you seem to be exploding. If Assan could work for his salary every other day without a common break, then I guess the factory he is working for is really huge. I advise you employ more people in order not to kill your loyal and devoted employee Assan. I stated sarcastically. You must be that disrespectful Zach of a boy that Assan talks about always. You truly luck respect. She responded angrily. Of course I do. I truly luck respect for those who have no self respect like you. I said. How dare you insult me in my matrimonial home? How dare your miserable mouth? She yelled angrily. Tone down Madam married woman. The next time you try engaging in an intellectual talk, make sure you come along with your certificate, and that is your brain. Never banter words with your temper, it makes you a loser. I responded harshly. Get the hell out of my sight you fool! She screamed so loud. I knew it will come to this. Weak and failures always ask me to get away from their sights when they are unable to stand the truth. Anyway, Madam Sex Employer Naana, in case my brother goes on break, tell him I need to talk to him. I stated and walked away. Zach, what ensued between you and Naana? I could hear her screaming. Mother inquired. Don't worry about her mother, her sins were giving her dirty slaps on the face. I responded. Anyway, were you able to talk to your brother? Mother asked. No mother. From the way he was quiet in the room, I believe he had collapsed from hard labour. In case he's resuscitated, I will go and talk to him. I responded teasingly. Ganja visited in the evening and we had a lengthy chat over the past issues. Ganja, I owe everything to you and God Almighty. You have actually helped me in my quest for justice. I said. Zach, I will be there for you till forever. The very first day you brought food to our camp, do you know what it did for me? I had no dime on me that day, and I was wondering what I was going to eat. Only for you to bring me that food. Zach, you possess a heart of gold, and the world will worship your feet someday for it. Ganja explained. Instantly, I had goose bumps all over my body. I'm lost for words Ganja. Thanks so much for appreciating my little efforts. I responded. But tell me Ganja, is it true you've quitted smoking and womanizing? I asked. Yes ma guy. I wouldn't have had time for you if I had not quitted. Zach, you've really transformed my life to it's betterment. Ganja said. Ganja, so what really motivated you to smoke? I inquired. Hmmm my guy, when I completed high school, I had the best grades. My parents proudly enrolled me in a university. Instead of focusing on my books, I joined a gang of smokers and womanizers. I got influenced and eventually addicted to their lifestyle. In level 200 of my education in the university, I lost my both parents in a fatal accident. That same period, my gang stole something from the school and we all got expelled. Life really became a living hell. I just knew that was the end of life for me, so I began to sell wee and condoms at our camp. That was what I was living on until I met you. Quitting all that was difficult, because, there was no other source of income. But eventually, I did it to inject some morality into my life. Now that you are alive and kicking Zach, I will have to find some menial jobs like weeding and other stuff to survive on. Ganja narrated. I'm sorry for all the troubles you've gone through Ganja. I know, your changed personality is going to pave way for your blissful life someday. I said. Less I forget Ganja, where is the rest of the money Mama Becky paid to you for my execution? I asked. It is with me Zach. I have made up my mind to give it back to Mr Owusu when everything is settled. He responded. I'm proud of you Ganja. You are such a real person. I congratulated. To be continued...
23 May 2018 | 15:08
Episode 27 I'm proud of you Ganja. You are such a real person. I congratulated. Just then, Assan came out from Naana's room. Zach, what nonsense did you come to tell Naana in the morning? He asked angrily. Calm down my brother. The little energy you have in you now must not be wasted. Please use it to psyche yourself and sit down for us to talk. I responded. Zach, when are you going to learn how to respect adults? Do you always have to insult anyone you meet? Assan asked. My brother, is it a disease for every guilty person to see the truth as an insult? Buba saw it same, Mama Becky too, and now, it is Naana. Why can't you do yourselves a simple pleasure of living a moral life? I asked back. Assan stood still watching my face. Anyway, now that your mind is awaken to listen to me, let me make it snappy before your break is over. Assan, you must be very careful with what you are doing with someone's wife. That person will never be happy to find out about it. When I was unconscious, Buba's spirit told me to tell you to repent. He said, if you don't, there is danger ahead. I explained. Zach, you should have died instead of Buba. And who even knows, probably you were the one who poisoned him. You are such a pathetic soul who will die in misery and poverty. Assan responded to my advice with insults. Assan, I will never descend into the mud with you. If I do, people wouldn't know who is rescuing who. You can call me all the names you like, you can attribute all deaths to me, but I assure you that, you are so free to get away with it because you are my brother. But remember, God has given you enough time to repent. I said with all seriousness. Go to hell Zach! If you know how to advise, I suggest you go and advise your so called God to close heaven, because the master devil has won all the souls including yours. He blasphemed and walked back into Naana's room. I quickly stood up and tried slapping him but Ganja intervened. Zach Stop it. Remember you are not fully fit. Ganja said. Ganja, I can take every nonsense from anybody, but one thing I cannot take is to look on to insults on my God. Who are we without God Almighty? We would have fallen a prey for the evil one if not for him. Why then should I sit down for a sinful mouth like Assan's to insult him? I said almost in tears. Calm down Zach. I know how much you love your God. Allow him to handle issues like this. Ganja advised. He later asked permission and went home. Three days later, Mr Owusu visited. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him with Mabel. Mabel run so fast to embrace me. Zach, I am happy to see you. She said. Same here Mabel, you've grown so big. I responded. My mother came out and we welcomed them. My daughter, welcome back home. How was school? Mother asked. School is ongoing mum but unfortunately, I had to come down to see my father and Zach. I actually came down to help them thank God for escaping death. Mabel explained. Hmmm. I am so sorry for everything that has happened. I know you are going through a lot but I am asking God to console you. Mother said. It is a difficult moment mother, but my Bible tells me that, whoever pulls the sword, dies at the edge of the sword. I am not happy they died, I am happy the scriptures never failed. Mabel responded wittily. You've spoken well my daughter. God bless you. Mother said. And God bless you too mother, for giving birth to a hero. Through him, God saved my father, the man who works tirelessly to ensure smiles on the faces of his own and others. Mabel responded. Anyway, how are you doing today Zach? Mr Owusu cut in. Very well daddy. I am better than the other days. I responded. That's alright. We are here to inform you and mother that, there is going to be a mass burial for my wife, my son, and Buba next week. It will be a simple burial service. They need not to be pampered. Mr Owusu said. Alright Owusu, we will be there to pay our last respect. Mother responded. Alright then, we shall meet next week. Mr Owusu said. Zach, do you use a phone? If yes, please call out your numbers to me. Mabel requested. We exchanged contacts and they left. Zach, I pity Owusu and his daughter, who is going to take care of them, now that his wife is no more? Mother asked worriedly. God will take care of them mother. Stop worrying. I said. The next morning, I was busy fixing breakfast for my mother when I saw Naana coming out from her room. I pretended I had not seen her. She walked to me and began talking without even greeting me nor my mother. Zach, get inside your room and bring me Assan's bags. I'm moving him out of your room to my apartment. She said. Naana, what has happened to Assan? Is he finally paralyzed that he can't even walk to pick a common bag? I asked. Zach, I don't want to have problems with you this morning, just get inside and bring me the bags. She instructed. Naana, as you can see, human beings are hungry and I am busy fixing something to satisfy our empty bellies. I responded. She stood there for minutes and walked back into her apartment. Later, Assan came out. He picked his bags and walked out on my mother and I. Assan, where are you going to? Mother asked. As you can see mother, this room is too small to contain you and I, including the new trouble Zach. I am therefore moving to stay with my wife Naana. He responded. Assan, I might look like a trouble to you because troubles only see troubles. You can stay with Naana for as long as you wish, after all, she has not seen a sinful penis like yours before. I responded. He hissed and walked away. Zach, I am really scared for Assan ooo. What at all has come over him? Has Naana bewitched him? Mother asked worriedly. No mother, his sinful mind is what is controlling him. He's so much into material things that's why he's not heeding to our advice. I responded. Days passed and the week for the burial service soon arrived. Ganja came to call me and we went to help Mr Owusu in the preparations. Mabel was all over me. She followed me everywhere I went. Ma guy, I'm beginning to suspect something fishy between you and Mabel oooo. Ganja teased. Come on Ganja, Mabel is like a sister to me, I don't have any intention of getting into a relationship with her. Besides, her father will not be happy about it, even if it so happens. I responded. If you say so ma guy. Just be careful not to cause the man more pain. Ganja advised. I began distancing myself from Mabel when Ganja drew my attention to the implications of our closeness. I refused to pick her midnight calls and anytime I see her coming closer to me, I swerved her. The final day for the burial service arrived and people came from far and near to mourn with us. It was a pathetic scene to behold. I went home to bring my mother to the funeral grounds. Assan was still indoors with Naana when we were about leaving. I excused my mother and went to call Assan. After knocking for minutes, Naana came out half naked. She had wrapped her body with a small towel, leaving her thighs and fat fair legs. Yes what is it? She asked in a bit of anger. Please call Assan for me. I responded. Zach, I believe you are not blind. I believe you can see we were making love when you interrupted. She responded angrily. Naana, I don't care if you were making hatred. All I want is to talk to my brother. Today is a sad day for our family. I responded unhappily. I know today is your sad day that's why I am doing my possible best to make Assan happy. She responded back. Naana, I don't know whether your everyday fucking is facilitating your entry into heaven, you seem very serious about it. I stated angrily. No Zach, it is rather solving my horny problems. Now leave here if you don't have anything to say. She responded angrily. Just then, Assan came out of the room. My love, don't tell me this thing is the one delaying you. Can't you hear my penis calling your sweet pussy? Assan asked. Assan, we are burying Buba today and I came here to inform you about it. At least, we should all be there to pay our last respect. I cut in. Zach, take the lead, I will join you later, but please, if you get there, make sure your tears bring him back to life before I also get there. He said cheekily and walked back into the room. Naana raised the towel a bit, showing me part of her ass. You wish to taste this Zach, but you will never get. She teased. No Naana, bleached stretch marks buttocks like yours is not my type. I responded cheekily. Get out of my sight. Useless boy! She yelled. As usual Naana. I was waiting for you to say that before I leave. Loser! I responded and walked out on her. I picked a taxi and took my mother to the funeral grounds. People were mourning the departed souls in grief. I walked my mother to where the corpses were laid. Mother stood there for minutes and broke the silence more comments more episodes..
23 May 2018 | 15:10
hmmm your mother should take heart
23 May 2018 | 17:06
that's the reword for the wicked
23 May 2018 | 17:08
speechless on dis case
23 May 2018 | 17:59
Assan nemesis is @ the door
23 May 2018 | 21:34
You don't have to mourn them
24 May 2018 | 07:11
assan u need chris
24 May 2018 | 09:35
why can't u learn from ur brother mistake
24 May 2018 | 09:36
next more
24 May 2018 | 09:37
take heart mama
24 May 2018 | 12:24
Sorry mother
24 May 2018 | 13:02
I can see Mabel is gradually falling for Zach,anyways rest in peace to the departed souls!!!
24 May 2018 | 15:57
what a lost soul
24 May 2018 | 15:58
hope dis Assan will not meet his doom very soon? bcos a fly dat fails to listen to warning will eventually follow d corpse into d grave.... and Assan in my language is vanity,,, so I think dat name is his problem
24 May 2018 | 19:03
i think there is more to this assan's problem
25 May 2018 | 02:00
Finale Episode 28 We both run as fast as our legs could carry us to the house. God save my mother! God take care of her for me. I thought in tears as I run. Finally we got to the house. My mother was wailing in front of the house with lots of people gathered around her. Mother! Mother! Are you ok? Please talk to me! I forced my way through the lots of people and asked. Zach! Zach! The worst has happened to me oooooooo. Zach I'm breaking! She wailed. Mother what is it? Talk to me! I pleaded. Zach, it's Assan! Assan oooo! She responded in tears. Somebody talk to me! What has happened to my brother? I asked in fear. Zach, Naana's husband just returned from the States. It's as if someone has been feeding him with information. I was seated in front of our room when I saw him entering the house in extreme anger. He didn't say anything to me, he just walked pass me into Naana's room and before I could blink, he had poured something on them. Naana and Assan screamed so loud for help and I rushed in there to see what was happening. When I entered the room, the man run out of the house. Zach, instantly, both Assan and Naana were not moving again. Their faces were burnt deeply. I came out to call for people to help me take them to the hospital. As I speak to you, they've been rushed to the hospital and I don't even have the strength to go there. Mother explained in tears. God! That must be acid. Why should you allow this to happen. God why? I screamed out loud. Ganja held me so tight. Easy Zach, please easy. Be a man and let's go to the hospital, we must confirm what has actually happened. Ganja consoled. We rushed to the hospital but we were not allowed in. The doctors and nurses were busy working on them. I stayed at the entrance impatiently in tears waiting for a miracle to happen. Hours later, we were called in. Who are you people to the victims? The doctor asked. We are their brothers. We responded. Well, fortunately, the two of them are alive, but they've sustained degrees of injuries on their faces especially. The doctor explained. Thank you God! Thanks for saving them. I knelt down instantly to glorify God. There is one more thing, their eyes have been affected and we counting on miracle to help them regain their sights. The doctor added. Alright doctor, it is better than death. Once they have life again, they have everything. Ganja responded. I was a bit sad to hear that but at least, it was better than Buba's demise. I thought. We went back home later to inform my mother about the latest development. Zach, talk to me, is my son dead? She asked in tears immediately we entered the house. No mother, he is alive. In fact, the both of them are alive. I responded. She heaved a sigh of relief and began to thank God. The next day, I went to inform Mr Owusu about the tragedy that had befallen my home. Zach, so all these were happening and you never told me about it? The last time I called Naana she told me she was not in the country. That is the more reason why I've not been asking of her when I come to the house. Not knowing she was busily engaged in sex services. What at all do these women want? If you have money, they want sex, if they get sex, they want money. How on earth do you get money when your husband stays with you 24/7 in the house without working? And how on earth will your husband give you everyday sex when he's out there working to bring you money? A woman wants to look good, eat good, feel good, and have everything good. What measures are they putting in place to ensure the acquisition of all their needs? Instead of them sacrificing anything to get something, they sacrifice nothing and expect everything. I pity them really. It's about time they learn to appreciate the little things we do. It's about time they realise we are humans like them and deserve some fairness. It's about time, they sow to reap. If not, they will hurt us everyday and it will bounce back to them in a million fold. Mr Owusu lamented bitterly. I'm sorry for not telling you daddy, please forgive me. I apologized. A month later, Mabel came to the house and informed us about her return to the States. Zach, I am leaving, I will be back in two years time after school. Please take good care of my father for me. I wish you and your family well. She said. Thanks Mabel. It's rather unfortunate I couldn't have enough time for you when you came. Things have really not been easy, but with God, we will sail through with ease. I assured. Assan and Naana were on admission for three months. It was Mr Owusu who footed every bill till their discharge. Naana's family members came to take her to their hometown whiles I took Assan back to my mother. Mr Owusu arranged and moved them out of Naana's house to a different rented place. Assan was totally blind. Mother, I will get a maid for you to help take care of you and Assan whiles I take Zach to go and stay with me. Mr Owusu assured. Owusu, I don't know what I would have done without you, you are such a saviour. Mother thanked. Mr Owusu did as he promised. He got a maid for my mother and moved me into his house. Zach,I am glad we've met in this house again as a family. Through thick and thin, you never gave up on helping me. I have few things to tell you Zach, please listen to me as a father. He said. In this life, everything we do has a reward. My wife was rewarded for sleeping with my son. My son was rewarded for plotting to kill me. Your own brother Buba was rewarded for plotting to kill you. I met you few years ago and you've rewarded my little help towards you and your family with gratitude and sacrifice. You see how the cycle goes? Nothing in this life goes unrewarded. I am also here today, to reward your sacrifice. Zach, I have willed all my property in you and Mabel's name. Henceforth, you are going to take over my business and make it a success. When Mabel returns from school, she will join you to support you. Mr Owusu said. I burst out in tears of joy and gratitude. Thanks so much daddy, God bless you. God! I don't even know what to say. I said. Don't say anything Zach, just brace yourself to be the new Mr Owusu. You are going to work towards your own future. I will teach you the basic techniques involved and God will handle the rest. He responded. Days later, I called Ganja into the house. Ganja, I am taking over Mr Owusu's business. He has entrusted everything in my hands now. From today onwards my brother, you are appointed as my personal assistant. We are going to work together for success. I will pay you a good salary, and treat you like myself. I assured. Ganja thanked me in tears. Zach, you are one of a kind. God will guide you in everything you do. I promise my dedication to my new appointment. He said happily. The next day, he came to the house and gave Mr Owusu the money Mama Becky paid for my execution. Ganja, please, keep the money and let's give it to charity. We drove off to an orphanage and gave it out. Two years later, Mabel returned from the States with her friend. One thing led to the other and I fell helplessly in love with her friend. Mabel congratulated us and gave us her blessing to tie the knot. We became the best couple ever. Mabel on the other hand became the best sister and business partner ever. She also fell in love with Ganja and they got married. My mother congratulated me on my success. Zach, this is your Reward, enjoy it with Peace. She said. THE END!!!!!
25 May 2018 | 14:17
oh this is lovely nice ending
26 May 2018 | 04:21
nice story
26 May 2018 | 04:26
every deeds has it own reward
26 May 2018 | 04:27
this is such a wonderful ending,,,,, Assan also got his own reward "vanity"
26 May 2018 | 05:09
and wat mr owusu said abt ladies is right sha,,,, women!!!! they want everything to go d way dey want it. dey Hav forgotten dat a man dat his working his ass out for his family can not fulfill much of his obligations on bed,,,, dey should learn to leave some things for some things,,, pick wat dey feel like is d most important to dem
26 May 2018 | 05:13
26 May 2018 | 05:34
Wow! Zack U stood by Mr. Owusu through thick and thin, u deserve the reward. Happy ending
26 May 2018 | 10:31
They all got what they deserve
26 May 2018 | 12:18
Wow.....happy ending
26 May 2018 | 12:47
wow! nice story with happy ending. more wisdom to the writer!
26 May 2018 | 13:35
Nice ending, kudos to u,Mr writer!!!
26 May 2018 | 19:50
This lovely
27 May 2018 | 03:06
a nice story indeed. congrats the writer
27 May 2018 | 10:53
Nice ending
27 May 2018 | 15:45
What a happy ending... May d soul of the deceased rest in peace
21 Aug 2018 | 12:13


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