

By MasterSam1 in 14 Aug 2015 | 05:19
MasterSam1 MasterSam1

MasterSam1 MasterSam1

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Posts: 137
Member since: 11 Aug 2015
A young man by the name of Harry Styles
decided to move into the old Sexton House on
the end of Maple Grove, the house being
known as 'haunted' by Anna Sexton. The
young owner's daughter was struck by
lightning in the attic over a hundred years ago
and little did Harry know what he would find
in the tower window...

WARNING: Do not read if u do not believe in ghosts......
14 Aug 2015 | 05:19
CHAPTER 1 Someone that really gets on my nerves is my mother. I love the woman dearly but, GOD, let me breathe! I'm twenty one years old and still treated as if I'm five. I'm a grown man but yet she doesn't see that I don't need her to take care of me anymore. I'm perfectly capable of picking out my clothes for the day or tying my own tie and that's why I'm moving. Moving away from her and her over protected self. Sure we may be miles away but it's not like I'll never see her again, I'll come down for Christmas and Thanksgiving and probably the rest of the yearly holidays. She wasn't very happy when she heard about what house I had picked out but she didn't get the awesome deal I got. Sure, the house has been on the market for years because of the story behind the house, it's known for being haunted, but honestly I do not believe in ghosts nor demons. So why worry? Even if it is haunted at least I won't be lonely, ha ha. Plus, my mother did say she wouldn't come visit me if the house is haunted so maybe this will keep her away for a while. Just enough time for me to get settled in and have some time alone. I don't mind her visiting, I just need some alone time. I switch the radio station from country since that's all they seem to play around here in Kentucky. I'm careful not to miss my street. I need to be turning on... Maple Grove is the name, I believe. A beeping noise goes off signaling that I need to get gas. I stop at 'Russellville Gas Station' pulling up to a pump and filling the tank up. As I'm waiting I look around the small town of Russellville, Kentucky seeing small shops of all sorts and little diners. It was a cute town, I guess you could say. People here spoke with country accents and rode horses in town, something you would never see or hear in New York. I moved from London to NYC in late 2011, it's a beautiful city but me and my mother wanted to get away from the bad memories we left behind and make new ones. New York was great and all but it was just too fast paced and busy. I would much rather live in the country where it's quiet and peaceful. After putting the pump back I jumped in my old blue truck heading towards the end of town. About three minutes later I was at the edge of Russellville. From the small size of it my eyes landed on a street sign which read 'Maple Grove'. I turned on the street being met by a large old white house with a small sign nailed to the brick, reading, 'The Sexton House'. "Well, this must be it." I said out loud only talking to myself. I pulled in to the gravel drive putting my truck in park before getting out. I headed for the front door digging around in my pockets for the key. Once found I unlocked the door, opening it with ease. "Wow." I breathe out. I'm standing, I guess, in the living room. The carpet is red as ruby and the ceilings are so high I have to strain to see the top. Antique furniture with all sorts of colors are scattered on the floor, a fireplace is on the far left side wall. I walk over to it excited for the late night marshmallow roasting! Above the fireplace a portrait of a young girl with long, dark hair and piercing blue eyes with porcelain skin sits on a chair staring deeply at me. Below the painting reads, 'Rest in peace, our lovely Anna'. She was a beautiful girl, I had to admit. Stunning, actually. The longer I looked at the picture, the more lovely her face became. She had to be around the age of seventeen or eighteen. "You must be Mr. Styles." I almost jumped out of my own skin from the voice. I quickly turned around to be met with an old man with white hair and stubble for a beard. He was dressed in all black with bags under his eyes. "Jesus, you scared the shit out of me." I breathed out trying to slow my heart rate down. I didn't know anyone else was supposed to be here. "Oh, I'm sorry. I probably shouldn't've sneaked up on you like that." He laughed lightly at himself and I. "No kidding." I looked over at the man with a 'can I help you?' look. "Oh, yes. Yes. I'm Charlie, the Sexton House caretaker. I came to show you around the place." He told me. "Well then, let's see the rest of this house!" I happily said. Charlie took me to the kitchen where there were off white color walls and white floors and counter tops with cherry wood cabinets and matching table and chairs. It was very nice and big. He then lead me to the library which was filled with four walls covered in books and a few tables scattered around. There are two matching bedrooms on the first floor, both with king size beds with full baths. "Is there a basement?" I asked, Charlie looked over at me answering, "No, but there is a storm shelter out back but it's pretty old. I don't recommend going down there." I nodded my head not planning to go see it. "I saw a stair case in the living room, I'm guessing there are more rooms upstairs?" I wondered. Charlie stopped and turned around to look at me. "Only the tower window, it's a small room with a twin size bed and a boarded up window." He spoke with a hushed voice like someone could hear us. "Well, let's go check it out." I said heading for the staircase but I was soon grabbed by the forearm. "I don't go up there and I advise you not to either." I stepped back onto the ground floor waiting for him to let go of my arm for it was beginning to hurt. "And why's that?" I ask the old man in front of me. "Mr. Styles-" "Please, call me Harry." "Alright, Harry. I don't know if you got the memo or not but this house is haunted and has been for years." He says with fear written on his face. "By who?" I wondered. "By Anna Sexton. Joe & Rose Sexton's daughter. She got struck by lightning in that tower room by the window. It's said that the outline of her is still imprinted on the window and that's why it's boarded up." I thought for a moment. So a young girl died in this house and I'm now living in it... What a freakin awesome story to tell! "Wait, so the girl in the picture above the fireplace is..." "Anna Sexton." [hr] [color=maroon]LINKS TO AVAILABLE EPISODES[/color] epsode 2&3 epsode 4&5 epsode 6&7 epsode 8 episode 9 epsode 10&11 epsode 12&13 epsode 14 epsode 15 epsode 16-18 epsode 19 epsode 20&21 epsode 22&23 epsode 24 epsode 26 epsode 27 epsode 28&29 epsode 30&31 epsode 32&33 final epsode
14 Aug 2015 | 05:35
I land the crib make I call my goons @Titimi @mray @sofia @Mumabel @Pizzaro @kampat @Omoobaa @T-dak come and call them all
14 Aug 2015 | 05:35
okay ride on boss @t-dak come call register oo uncle @mastersam1 is here
14 Aug 2015 | 06:23
@taiwo @ibrams @mray @tenniebenson @skookum @pizzaro @khola46 @jennifer @mary @ others make una come oo
14 Aug 2015 | 06:26
I don Land
14 Aug 2015 | 06:52
@Ritagold tanks sweetie....... OP u na ghost stories u like oooooo I just the dream at night..... OK give us the boom...
14 Aug 2015 | 06:55
14 Aug 2015 | 07:08
Nice start... I don land o, op there is stil a vacant sit 4 me
14 Aug 2015 | 08:49
@ritagold u ar the best tnkx 4 the call oya chop kiss #muahhhh# @masterSam001 I dey gbadun u but u too like ghost story sha
14 Aug 2015 | 11:06
CHAPTER 3 I guess living in a 'haunted house' is a bit unnerving. Also knowing, supposedly, that someone else lives in this house too. But like I said before, I do not believe in ghosts and never will, until I see one. After Charlie told me that he left soon after, saying something about getting back to work over at the grave yard behind the house. I walked to the end of the hallway where a glass window stood. I peeped through the blinds to see a small backyard then an iron fence. On the other side was an old grave yard. I put the blinds back, no longer wanting to see the creepy old cemetery. Just then I felt my phone buzz in my pants pocket the name reading, 'mother'. I roll my eyes a bit before sliding my finger across the answer bar. "Hello, mother." I say into the phone. I can already hear her ongoing chatter. "Harry, you're okay! Why didn't you call? I told you to call me once you pulled up in the driveway." Wonderful, my mother was already getting on my nerves and I'm not even with her. "Mom, I just got here. I was going to look around the house and then I was going to call you." A little lie won't hurt. I was going to call her but maybe later, or tomorrow. "Well, I'm glad you're okay. How is the house? " She asked. "Good." I answered her. "Just 'good'? You drove all the way from New York to Kentucky for the house to be just 'good'? Not wonderful or beautiful?" I walked back to the living room before answering her. "Yes, mother. It's all that and more, I'm just tired." I admitted which was true, I was tired. "Okay, well... I love you. I want you to call me before you go to bed, okay?" I rolled my eyes, yet again, at her. "I love you too." With that I hung up, sliding the phone back in my pocket. I headed for my truck, dreading the thought of unpacking all of those boxes full of clothes, bath towels and what not and my little nicknacks of everything I collected over the years but I knew that I needed to put away my things sometime or another. I pulled the bed of my truck down stacking three boxes on top of each other and then carrying them to the house. I left the door cracked so I just needed to push it with my foot for the old squeaky wooden door to open. I sat the boxes down in the living room, then going back out for more. After I repeated this about seven times I had finally gotten all of the boxes into the living room safely without dropping one. I started with unpacking my clothes and sheets first since I'll be needing them soon, moving on to toiletries after. When the bathroom was done I started putting away pots and pans and anything else that belonged in the kitchen. There wasn't any food here so I decided to run to the store and get some. I grabbed my keys off of the coffee table locking the squeaky door behind me. I jumped in my truck, the sun starting to set making the sky a beautiful orange pink color. After admiring the beauty I put on my seatbelt then headed for the store. I was just now pulling into the parking lot of 'Aldi'. I ran in the store, grabbing a shopping cart and heading for the snack foods. I threw in some chips, Oreos, Gold Fish and anything else that sounded good. After getting milk, bread and some meat I was done and in the check out line. The cashier was a young girl, probably sixteen years of age, with blonde hair that was pulled up into a ponytail. I saw her blue eyes glance my way with a small smile. She was a very pretty girl but much too young for me. "Hello." Her soft voice spoke. "Hey." I replied as her eyes met mine. She started to scan the items, then put them into the white plastic bags. "You must be new around here." She said. "Yes, I am." I said, standing up a little straighter. "It's a small town so it's pretty easy to guess who's new and who isn't." She smiled up at me. "Indeed, it is small." She was half way done with scanning and putting the items away. "There aren't many houses for sale, I'm surprised we actually have someone new around here." She laughed lightly. I could tell she was trying to make conversation and I guess that I honestly didn't really mind it. "Well, I just moved into the Sexton House." She stopped for what she was doing for a moment then said a small, "Oh." And continued her work. "Is something wrong?" I asked the young girl. "Only a fool would live there." Why was everyone in this town so afraid of this silly house? So a girl died in it, that doesn't mean it's haunted. "Well then. I guess I'm a fool." I spoke with a laugh laced in my words. "Indeed, you are. Especially on a night like this." She nodded towards the front window where a storm was starteing to come in. The trees blew and the sky was dark with thunder clouds. "So? It's just a storm." I wondered why the girl was acting the way she was. "But Anna doesn't like storms..."
14 Aug 2015 | 13:13
Chapter 3 I stared at the young girl who's name tag read 'Britney'. "What do you mean 'Anna doesn't like storms'?" Britney just chuckled saying, "You'll find out soon enough." "But... Anna is dead?" I said it sounding more like a question than a statement. She just shook her head, lightly laughing. "And how did she die?" She asked rising her eyebrows knowing good and well the answer. "She got struck by lightning..." And then I realized what she was implying, Anna didn't like storms because she died from one. I quickly gathered my boxes and bags heading for my truck before it started raining too hard. The wind was blowing, making the trees bend and creak and the clouds come together in dark patches. I hurry and speed down the crooked narrow roads going over the speed limit. I turn on Maple Grove then pull into my driveway dreading going in but knowing I couldn't stay out here in the storm either. I gather my few bags and boxes and head for the door. I unlock it and turn on the lights then head straight for the kitchen. I put away everything that needs to be in the fridge and then put away the snack foods. Once done I grab a bag of chips and some water and head for my room which is, for now, the hall across from the living room. I jump on my bed getting my phone out of my back pocket seeing a missed call from my mother. I decide I better call her back since I wasn't being very nice earlier. It rings two times before she picks up, "Harry! How is my big boy?" Wow, really mom? "I'm good." I blankly answered. "I've missed my baby so much!" I roll my eyes. "I bet," "Haven't you missed me?" "Of course mother." I said grabbing another chip. "How could I not." I took a drink of my water washing down the dry chips. "Well, I can't wait to see you again! I already made plans to fly down and see you on Friday." I sit up in bed saying, "But it's Sunday, Friday is in just a few days." I replied, not believing my mother would be coming down this soon. "Yes, Harold. It is." Great, just great. My mother will fly down and nag on me how this house is too old and dusty and then ask, 'why did you buy this house again? Isn't it supposed to be haunted?'. My mother continues to talk about Gods knows what. Lightning strikes outside, startling me. Thunder follows right after but once the loud noise ceases a blood curdling screams sounds from upstairs followed by banging and the sound of sobbing. I freeze, dropping my phone in my lap. I sit frozen on my bed not daring to move a muscle. I can still hear my mother talking away on the phone having no idea what is happening on my end. I pick the cased phone up speaking into it slowly. "I-I got to go... Bye." I hung up waiting patiently for the noise to start up again but it didn't. The house was silent, only the sound of rain hitting the roof could be heard. I slowly got up from my warm duvet that covered my king sized bed. I made sure to grab my phone before leaving the room. I walked to the living room. Sitting by the door was my old glove and bat. I decided it would be wise to take some kind of protection with me, I grab the wooden handle picking it up and holding it close to me. I stare at the red velvet stairs asking myself if this is really a good idea. It probably isn't but I need to find out what all that screaming was. I make my way up the stairs, each step creaking as weight is put onto it. My hands are shaking as goose bumps form on my skin, my mind is screaming at me to run back down the stairs and call the cops but something tells me I need to keep going. Just as I'm standing on the top step I see a dark wooden door sits in front of me. Lightning flashes outside and thunder booms in the background. I reach for the door handle, my heart beating out of my chest and hands shaking so bad I can barley keep them still enough to grab the knob. I have no idea what will be hidden behind this door. Just as I reach for the door handle there's a knock on the front door. It startles me, I run back down the stairs skidding to a stop by the entrance. I open it to be met with Charlie standing out in the rain with a black coat and a hood over his head. He looks rather frightening as lightning flashes across his face. "Harry, many trees have fallen, tearing down the electrical lines. I came to see if the lights are out." He talked in a hushed voice but still loud enough to hear over the storm. "They're still on and working but you really didn't have to come out in this storm." I tell him looking up at the sky. "Oh, no worries. I was already out." He told me. I was shocked that he would be out in this mess. "Already out? There's lightning for God's sake." He just laughed it off saying, "Don't worry about me, I was just checking out some things over at the grave yard." All I could think of was, who in their right mind would want to be in a cemetery at night in a storm like this?! "Well, since everything seems to be alright over here I guess I'll be going." "Okay, well... Be careful!" I yelled over the storm as he walks down the steps. "Oh, and Harry, I would keep that tower window door locked if I was you." He said pointing up at the top of the house. I walked out in the storm and off of the porch to see what the old man was gesturing to as my eyes land on the window. My breath catches in my throat at the sight there. In the body length sized glass window stands the outline of a young girl... Anna Sexton.
14 Aug 2015 | 13:15
you are in for a surprise
14 Aug 2015 | 14:04
Go on man i dey ur back notin will happen
14 Aug 2015 | 19:05
No I.V. But I don land wit ma k.k(kunu and kola)... Anybody dat cares shld join.. . . . . @Harry... U are in 4 suprise... . . . Oly a fool will buy sexton house.. . . @mastersam.. Nice wrk u qot here.
14 Aug 2015 | 19:54
Tnkzzz @tholartee @ritagold
14 Aug 2015 | 22:36
U were warned
15 Aug 2015 | 07:45
CHAPTER 4 It's Monday night, exactly one day since I saw the outline of Anna Sexton. I haven't tried going back to the room, I'm far too frightened, as cowardly as that sounds but I've never in my life heard screaming quite like what was coming from upstairs last night. I'm sitting in the living room with Charlie, he decided to come over. I don't really mind, he's just on the weird side I guess but I'm hoping he can tell me more about this house and Anna. "So, Charlie. How long have you been the caretaker here at the Sexton House?" I asked folding my hands in my lap. "I've worked here for thirty-seven years." He answered. I couldn't believe someone would work at a haunted house for this many years without getting scared away. "What made you want to work here?" I asked "I needed work, plus it seemed easy enough." I nodded my head in understanding. "And you, Harry? What made you want to move into this old dusty house?" I had to think on his question, I didn't really know the answer. "Well... It was all I could afford and it seemed interesting." "Ah, I see." It was silent after that. My mind wondered on what I could ask him next. There are so many things but I just have no idea where to start. "You seem to know a lot about Anna." I finally spoke up. "Indeed I do." Charlie answered sitting up straighter in his chair. "How is that? Besides the point of you working here so long." He looked like he was in deep thought, like he was debating whether or not to tell me something. "Well, you see... I had an encounter with Anna a few years back and she doesn't seem too fond of me." He chuckled at the end. "And why wouldn't she be?" I asked leaning forward in my navy blue chair. "Anna doesn't like anybody, she's mad at everyone. That's why I warn people of that tower window." He seemed almost frightened to be saying that in this house, knowing Anna is right upstairs -which is still hard to believe. "Has Anna ever been seen downstairs?" I was scared to know the answer but I was also dying to know. "No." I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in, a wave of relief washed over me. "No. She has never been seen down here on the main floor which is good but that still kept the buyers away." Charlie continued on, "This house has been on the market ever since she died. Her parents moved out, packing up and leaving as fast as they could." He spoke knowing the story behind this house very well. "Why did they leave so quickly? I know she died here and all but they left behind memories." I wondered. "I really don't know, Harry." After that Charlie left saying he had to check on some things over at the grave yard which I still thought was crazy. He was always over there but why? I should have asked him that earlier. I headed for the kitchen reading the clock above the stove, it being 8:33pm. I really needed to start eating dinner earlier than this. I poured myself some milk and added Coco pops since I was too lazy to fix anything else. I ate thinking about how my mother will be down here in two days. Tomorrow I should probably dust a bit so she won't be so ill about the house. Maybe if I cook her dinner she'll be a bit more happy, I just hope she doesn't stay a long time. I don't think I could handle her more than two or three days but even that sounds too long. I turned on the TV since the cable guys came today and set up the TV for me. I flipped through the channels stopping once I landed on Food Net Work. They're cooking some kind of chicken breast with a sweet and sour sauce to go over the top. The dish looked wonderful. I was so into the show that at first I didn't even hear the foot steps creaking above me....
15 Aug 2015 | 08:26
Chapter 5 I froze at the sound of foot steps as lightning filled the sky. There seems to be a storm here way too often. I slowly got out of bed, determined to find out what was going on upstairs. The floor creaked as my weight balanced between the wooden boards. I slowly made my way to the living room. Once there I stood before the red carpeted stairs. I quietly walked up them, thankfully the lights didn't flicker as I made my way to the door. I was now standing before the old wooden entrance. I grabbed the door knob, sucking in a sharp breath. I pushed the door in as it opened completely. It was pitch black but the window right across the room illuminated the small area making it not as difficult to see. I searched for a light switch but couldn't find one, I was very tempted to shut the door and go back down stairs like nothing had happen but I knew I couldn't do that. I took my phone out of my pants pocket, turning on the flashlight and scanning the room with it. The only things I could make out were a twin size bed and a full length mirror. Just as I was about to give up and leave, my light landed in the corner of the room where someone I never thought I would actually see was. My breath caught in my throat as a pale, tall, white, beautiful girl with long, dark hair stood with piercing blue eyes staring right at me. I stood there in utter shock, so did she. I blinked several times, not believing what I was seeing. It couldn't be, I thought as lighting flashed in front of her. When the light left her so did she, she was gone... But where? Just as I thought that someone knocked my phone out of my hand. I let out a scream as it screamed for me to leave and I obeyed, leaving my phone behind and running down the stairs without a second thought. I quickly ran to my room, cursing at myself for not shutting the damn door behind me. I curled up in bed and turned off the lights and tried to sleep. It was hard after what had just happened upstairs. I had just seen Anna Sexton for the first time and she doesn't seem to like me either. * * * The next morning I woke up to a pounding headache. I rolled around in bed trying to get it to stop or at least ease up but it had a mind of it's own. I finally got up out of bed and headed for the kitchen to try and find some Advil. As I inter the kitchen everything from last night slowly starts to come back. How Anna knocked my phone out of my hand and how she screamed at me to leave. I grab the bottle of Advil and sit down at the table trying to think of a way I could get my phone back. I decide I'll just look up ways on the internet, even though it'll probably be a bunch of bullshit. I need something though because I'm clueless about ghosts. I go on Google and type in the search bar, 'how to keep ghosts away'. Thankfully a whole bunch of sites appeared. I click on one, reading through some of the things you can do. One being to paint around your doors and roof blue so the ghost will think it's water because it's believed in some countries that ghosts can't cross water. Another article said to wear a cross necklace, it's said to keep away ghosts and demons. I read through more before closing the computer and heading to my room. I search my closet for a small wooden box, I throw clothes and sheets to the side as I looked for the box in a hurry. Once I grasp it in my hand I take it over to my bed and open it carefully digging through the gold and silver chains until I spot what I am looking for. I take out the cross pendant and fasten it behind my neck. I used to attend church when I was younger but lately I haven't, not after we moved to New York. Everything changed once we moved, in good ways, yes but bad memories still followed us even when we left behind so much. I hurried up the stairs, trying not to think too much about what I was doing because I knew if I did I would regret it and chicken out. As I neared the door, I opened it. The door was already cracked open since I forgot to shut it last night. I go in looking around, I could finally see everything and thankfully there wasn't any sign of Anna. A small bed was set off to the corner, the full length mirror I saw last night was standing on the opposite side of the room and the window was partly boarded up -some pieces of the wood had fallen down and were resting on the floor below. I step forward and my right foot kicks something sitting on the floor. I look down to see I had kicked my phone, I pick it up thanking God it hadn't cracked. After having one last look at the room I shut the door behind me and went down stairs. "That wasn't so bad." I said to myself just as the door bell rang.....
15 Aug 2015 | 08:29
Nice work man
15 Aug 2015 | 11:18
Dats Good man let nxt episode roll in . @ebube I wish to join yu jare Hope sit dey for me
15 Aug 2015 | 13:28
@blaisebrayne... U can... There z sit... But i hate noise makinq... . . . . . Wu z dat at d door.
15 Aug 2015 | 19:12
Ok @ebube I don take my sit Make i drink the drinkable and chop the chopable and make the tori dey go
16 Aug 2015 | 05:57
Nice work man, next plz
16 Aug 2015 | 07:47
Haaa you try oo if na me erhn let the phone go to hell bt going back to that room will never come my mind oo nice story keed it rolling
16 Aug 2015 | 08:00
16 Aug 2015 | 08:34
@Mastersam1 you re good @scary ghost stories...oya next plzzz
16 Aug 2015 | 08:36
Dats jux watam talkin abt, dis ghost stories are jux d bomb.. ride on pls
16 Aug 2015 | 09:33
16 Aug 2015 | 09:46
Am scared o
16 Aug 2015 | 14:34
Making sense
16 Aug 2015 | 16:31
wu ever dat z scare shld nt read stori... 2 avoid dreaminq abt qhost. Nxt plss.
16 Aug 2015 | 19:52
next epi..nyx job
16 Aug 2015 | 20:09
dis one na horror things oooo
16 Aug 2015 | 21:01
Chapter 6 I walked over to the front door with my phone in hand and unlocked the door. I pulled it open to be met with a young man looking to be around my age, he's dressed all in black -a bit too dressed, might I add. His brown hair is gelled back, away from his face and he's tall - but not as tall as I am. "Hello." He greets me. "Hey." I say back. "Can I help you?" I asked. "Yes, I'm Max Williams. I came to see the house." He said while looking around the porch. "I'm Harry Styles and what brings you to see my house?" I wondered, he looks at me a bit shocked. "Your house?" He raises a brow. "Yes, I just moved in this week." I shifted in my standing position. "I see..." He seems a bit disappointed to my answer. "Here, please come in." I offered, he walked in and I showed him to the couch. "You weren't here to look at the house to buy, were you?" I asked hoping he wasn't. "No, no. I just came to look around, an old friend of mine used to live here." He said as he scanned the house. "Oh, really?" I asked. "Yes, A lovely friend." He tells me. "Well you are more than welcome to look around if you want. It's bit of a mess but you can." I offer. "Oh no, I wouldn't want to intrude plus, I best be going. It was nice meeting you. Harry Styles." He stands from his seat and is at the door before I can even get up from the old wooden chair. "You too-" I say but he already has the door shut. "Well that was weird." I say walking over to the door and locking it. I look out the window expecting to see him get in some kind of a car but there's nothing parked in the driveway other than my old truck. I decide I better start cleaning a bit since my mother will unfortunately be coming down in just a few days. After dusting the living room and washing what little dishes I had I put away a few boxes and then vacuumed the sitting room. Once done I sat on my bed trying to think of what I should do next. A thought pops into my head when I hear what sounds like a mower outside. I get up and slip on my shoes heading towards the back door which is located in the kitchen. I open the sliding door -which must be new since it doesn't look like something built over a hundred years ago. Once I'm on the back porch I see that it's screened in which must be new as well along with a porch swing, patio table and chairs. I open the screen door and head out to the back yard which isn't much because the cemetery gates run right through what little yard I have. I see Charlie out on a mower cutting the grass around tombstones, he doesn't seem to notice me even though we're standing hardly ten feet away. I turn around to go back inside but right when I do the mower cuts off and I hear a raspy old voice call my name. "Harry!" I turn back around to see Charlie off the mower and walking to the gate. He unlocks it -which is really him just sliding a metal board over. I just laugh, hoping he doesn't think that little thing locks people out. "It's to keep the 'coons out so quit your laughin'." He tells me as he walks towards me. "I see you've come to see me." "Not really you but more the back yard." I say not trying to be rude. "Well I'm prettier to look at than this shitty old yard." I laugh at his remark, liking this less creepy side of him. "I don't know about that." I chuckle. "I'm needing a bit of help, you up for the job?" Charlie asks me randomly. "Well... I-" I fumble with my words asking my self if I really want to help him or not -as bad as that sounds. "Come on, boy. Spit it out, I ain't getting any younger." "Sure, what do you need help with?" I finally say. "Well, I need you to put these flags in the ground for anyone in there that served for our country. Just stick them in front of the grave." He told me. "So you want me to go through everyone in there and just put flags on the military ones?" All I was thinking is this will take forever, the cemetery is huge! "That's correct and of course I'll pay you for the trouble." He said turning around and heading to a small building in the grave yard. I followed behind, smiling from the fact I'll be getting paid for doing this. "Here are the flags, try to get them all out before sundown." He told me while handing me the American flags. "And if I don't get them all down before sundown?" "Then you're walking around in a grave yard, alone. At night." He told me bluntly. I take the flags and start at the opening of the grave and start reading off names. I learn quickly that the tombstones that are made flat on the ground have served as well as the plain simple white ones. After getting half the flags put into the ground I'm tired and regretting doing this even though I am getting paid. I read the last tombstone, the name catching my attention. 'Daniel Sexton Our joyful, loving son. May you rest in peace.'
17 Aug 2015 | 05:01
After reading the stone I see it's beginning to get dark, I look down at my hands. Only one flag is left so I stick it in the ground at the front of his grave and begin to walk back. All I can think of is, the Sextons had a son. Not only a beautiful daughter but a joyful son and he was only three when he died. All the attention was on Anna that no one remembered their son, which makes me sad since he did die at such a young, innocent age. But the question is, How did he die?
17 Aug 2015 | 05:04
CHAPTER 7 I wake up the next morning to the sound of someone beating down my door. I drag myself to the front of the house and unlock the old wooded entrance to find Charlie standing on my front porch. I wipe the sleep from my eyes, "I've been knocking on your door for twenty minutes why weren't you up?" He asks me. I stretch my arms out behind me before answering. "Why would I need to be up?" "You start work today remember?" Shit. I forgot all about me agreeing to work at the cemetery with Charlie. "I'm sorry I forgot." "It's fine, now get dressed we need to work fast to catch up on the time we lost." After Charlie told me to meet him in the backyard once I was dressed, he left. I ran around my room, grabbing an old T- shirt and jeans and pair of tennis shoes, I walked into the kitchen grabbing me a banana and headed towards the back door. I opened the sliding door before meeting Charlie in the back yard. "Alright, I want you to start with taking this trash bag," he said heading me the black bag, "And pick up all of the fake flowers, throwing the ones that look old away." I took the bags and starting picking the old flower arrangements off of the tombstones and throwing them away. After getting about half the cemetery done, which took over an hour, all the trash bags Charlie had given me were full. I started heading back to the front of the graveyard so I could throw these away and get some more, but before I could an elderly women stopped me. "Sir? Is there anyway you could fix my husbands stone it seem to be split right down the middle." I followed her gaze to the old tombstone that looked very old. "I'm not really sure... I just started working here today but if you'll follow me I can ask my boss for you." I wasn't really sure if Charlie was my boss or not, but what else could he be? "Oh, I better be going anyway." I turn towards where she was standing but she was gone. Where the hell did she go? I look all around me, trying to find a obvious reason as to where she could have went, but there was none. I started walking back towards the front of the cemetery to find Charlie. "What took you so long?" he yelled from a few feet away. Did I really want to tell him about the old lady? Will he think I'm crazy? Probably, but Charlie is crazy enough as it is. "An old women stopped me and asked if I could fix her husbands tombstone." I said, laying the two garbage bags in the trashcan. "Well, you must be imagining things because the cemetery is closed today for maintenance." This can't be true. Maybe the old women just snuck in or something that has to be it. "Or maybe she was a ghost." He said with all seriousness, then he cracked a smile and told me, "I'm joking, but did you see your face? It was priceless." "Yeah, real funny." I grabbed another bag and headed back to the cemetery. Charlie sure was acting weird, yet I too was talking about an elderly lady talking to me. I hear a bang upstairs the noise causing me to drop my chips onto the ground. I picked them up, sweeping the bed clean from crumbs. I knew what the sound was and honestly this girl was getting on my nerves. I know I should be running home to mommy after the first time I heard her, but if she's a ghost, why is she here? Why do ghost even exist? What's her purpose here? So many questions are whirling through my head I'm not even for sure which one I should figure out first. I grab my laptop from the side table, going straight to Google. If anything can help me understand this 'ghost girl' than Google is a good start. I type in 'Ghost Hunters' laughing at what I typed in, but to my surprise some links and articles popped up. I pushed on one, reading some on it. It's about people who hunt down ghosts for a living, you can hire someone to come to your house and bring all types of ghostly gadgets. I almost push the bar reading, 'find ghost hunters near you,' but decide against it. I need to figure this out on my own and fast too, my mother will be arriving in just a few short days and if she finds out this house is actually haunted and not just a made up story she'll haul my ass back to New York before I even get a word in to protest against it. I set my computer on the nightstand beside me and cover up, trying to block out the noise of my ghost roommate. The next morning I wake up ten minutes before my alarms sounds. "Is it eight thirty already?" I asked, looking around for a clock to indicate I was late for work. "No, no, we won't be working today a storm is brewing." Brewing, really? "Oh, okay." I say as both standing there awkwardly. "You can come in if you want?" I ask him. I know I won't be doing anything all day so I might as well have someone to spend it with, even though Charlie is a bit weird. "Sure," he says and we both walk back into the kitchen. I fix myself a cup of coffee before offering Charlie some. "So, tell me some more about the Sextons." I'm hoping he won't shut me down on it, because the more I know about them, the more I'll be able to understand why their daughter haunts my house. "Harry, I'm really not sure why you're so interested in them, they're dead and not coming back." He tells me dryly. "I'm interested in them because their daughter, Anna, haunts my home." I fire back and Charlie looks a bit stunned. "I know she does, but maybe you should just let it go?" I can't just let it go, when there is an freaking ghost upstairs doing only Gods knows what.
17 Aug 2015 | 05:12
Dis Charlie Is Really Weird.I Think D Woman U Sw is A Ghost.
17 Aug 2015 | 06:37
Is it a must 4 u 2 live dia?
17 Aug 2015 | 06:43
Hmmmmmn...there must be a reason why Anna is haunting dat building...Harry seriously you get mind ooh sleeping on d same roof wid a ghost n having a cemetery @ya back yard..u geh liver oo abi kidney sef..nxt plz.
17 Aug 2015 | 07:54
Hmmmmmm, next plz
17 Aug 2015 | 08:14
17 Aug 2015 | 08:16
he's brave oooo,living in a haunted house nd moving freely.thumbs up to Harry
17 Aug 2015 | 08:28
17 Aug 2015 | 08:40
Sure! Dt woman ws a ghost
17 Aug 2015 | 09:02
U beta move out of dat house
17 Aug 2015 | 09:05
So u believe in dis ghost trash thing, well I guess its all a play bt nice story anyway, kudos to u.
17 Aug 2015 | 09:26
Getting intresting more nd more
17 Aug 2015 | 09:54
Hmm that house is too scary to my liking i cant stay there
17 Aug 2015 | 10:33
Na wa oh, dis one na ghost things, interesting. Ride on
17 Aug 2015 | 12:07
Chapter 8 Once the door is fully opened, we both step inside. A small bed is pushed against the wall, along with a full-length mirror. It's not as dark in the room as I thought it would be, considering the window is boarded up, and small pieces from the wood are laying below the window. I'm guessing they have fallen off over the years. "There's nothing up here, let's go back downstairs, before that changes," Charlie tries to convince me. "No. We need to look around while we can," I tell him, walking over to the window. "I wouldn't mess with that, if I were you," Charlie warns me. I tear off a small piece of wood that was loosely hanging off the frame, forgetting he had just told me not to. "I think we should open up this window," I tell him, pulling off another board. They are beginning to fall off anyway, so there's no need to leave them. "I really don't think that's a good idea." I turn around to face Charlie. "Why are you so afraid? Don't you want to figure this out?" "I've been trying to figure this out for over thirty years, and in that time spent I've learned it's better to just let it be." He's crazy to not want to help solve this case (if you even want to call it one). This may scream 'Danger: Keep Out' but, honestly, if I'm going to live here then I'm going to figure out why Anna Sexton haunts this place. "I'm going back downstairs. Be careful," he tells me, before disappearing out of the door. I can't believe he's really that scared, it's not like I dragged him up here in the middle of the night. This was the only time I've ever encountered her so late in the evening, or early morning, as it is just before sunrise. My mother will be down tomorrow, so I'm hoping Anna will be quiet and not scare her away. I would do anything for her not to come down so soon, I literally just moved in this week. The last thing I need is a nagging mother telling me how dirty my house is, and how I shouldn't have moved out. I love her to death, I really do, but sometimes she just needs to mind her own business and keep her mouth shut. That's the big reason I moved out: I was tired of her constant nagging and overbearing nature. I run downstairs to grab a broom, looking throughout the kitchen in search of the stupid thing, when I hear the doorbell ring. I stop what I'm doing, heading for the door. I'm guessing Charlie left, because I don't see him anywhere. I unlock the door, opening it with ease, and my eyes widen at who stands in front of me. "Mother! What are you doing here?" I'm stunned to see her standing before me. "Well, I came to see my baby. What else would I be doing?" I fight back from telling her to stop with the 'baby' thing. I'm not your baby anymore, I'm twenty- one years old for God's sake. "But I thought you weren't coming down till tomorrow?" Why would she come today? I'm nowhere near ready for her, the sink is full of dishes, there's trash all over my bedroom, and not to mention the ghost living upstairs! "I just couldn't wait any longer to see you." "It hasn't even been a week," I rudely remind her. "Loose the attitude," she warns, pointing a finger at me. And this is why I can't stand my mother, she treats me like I'm a child. I was just telling the truth. "Well, are you going to invite me in, or are you going to leave your poor mother standing out here in the heat?" I was tempted to tell her 'yes', but then thought better not. "Yeah, yeah, come in." I open the door further so she can walk through. "It stinks in here," is the first thing she says, her nose is crinkled up in disgust as she holds it with her perfectly done- up nails. "The house is old, what can I say?" She whips around, making her hair flip onto her face. I'm preparing myself for some lecture that is bound to come. "Harry, darling, I told you this house was a terrible idea." And there it is. My mother reminds me, for the hundred time since I bought this house, of how bad of an idea it was. "I know, Mom..." "Let me finish." But I don't want you to finish! "I warned you about buying this piece of... What's the word?" "haunted house" I told her "Just know I warned you," she huffs, then walks off to only Gods-knows- where. * * * The past few hours spent with my mother have consisted of bickering back in fourth, telling a few off-coloured jokes (which earned me a few slaps across the back of the head), and her reminding me of my mistakes. Such as, you guessed it, buying this house. If I'm being honest with myself, I cannot wait for my mother to leave. I love her dearly, but she just doesn't know when to shut up. "Harry, what all is there to do in this little town?" her voice interrupts my thoughts of kicking her out. "Um, I'm not really sure, I haven't had the time to look around much. I've been busy," I tell her, tossing the dishes in the sink. I'll clean them up later. "What have you been so busy with?" And here it comes, her never ending questions. "I got a job, plus I've been trying to clean up a bit." She walks over to the sink and starts the water to wash the dishes. "My son, cleaning? I don't believe it," she tells me, filling the sink with water and soap "What kind of job did you get?" Oh, Lord. How will I tell her I work in a graveyard? That's like the worst place to work in, other than McDonald's, which is worse. "I work at the cemetery behind the house..." I take a few steps back from her. "You what!? My baby, working with dead people? You have got to be out of your mind!" she raises her voice, throwing her hands in the air. "It's not as bad as it sounds," I try convening her. It really isn't, I don't think. "You are working over dead people!" she shouts. Does she think I am deaf? "It's..." The sound of something shattering upstairs interrupts me. "What was that?" my mother asks, fear written clear as day on her hard features. "Great timing, Anna," I say, under my breath. "Who's Anna?"
17 Aug 2015 | 14:10
Every thin is wired****huh****
17 Aug 2015 | 14:26
Lolz hope ur mum wnt poo 4 body o
17 Aug 2015 | 15:50
Who d heck is charlie......ix a weirdo
17 Aug 2015 | 16:22
Chapter 9 "Who's Anna?" My mother's words replay in my head. What am I supposed to tell her? That she's a ghost who happens to live in my attic? Hell, no. I can't tell her that! "Harry, are you listening to me?" No, Mother, I'm not. She must have said something that I didn't hear. "I asked you who Anna is. Does my big boy have a girlfriend he's not telling me about?" Why would she think I have a girlfriend? I've just moved in here. "Well, do you?" she has one eyebrow cocked up, now; her hands on her hips. "I...something must have fell. I'll check up on it later." There is no way I'm going back up there right now. The last time I saw her she made it pretty clear that she didn't like me. "Well, if you did, I wouldn't be upset...although I really don't like the thought of another woman in your life," she tries to tell me, her voice cracking like she's about to cry or something. God, I hope not, I'm really not in the mood for dealing with my sap of a mother. She can literally make any situation sad or cry-able. "I'm just afraid you're going to find somebody and forget about me. Harry, you're my only child, it's hard for me seeing you grow up. You moving here to broke my heart." She is practically sobbing by the time her little confession is done, and being the good son I am I embrace her, telling her I'll never forget her. "I love you, Harry, now give me a kiss." She turns her face so her cheek faces my lips. I love my mother dearly, but there's no way I'm going to kiss her. I'm twenty- one years old, she's lucky I even hugged her. "I think I'm good, thank though." I pull back from her. "Fine: I get it. You think you're too old to give your mom a kiss it's, I understand. It's not like I gave birth to you or anything. That ten hours of labour didn't really feel good, but I get it!" That's another thing: my mother is good at making you feel guilty till you give into whatever she asked; or apologize for the rest of your life. I groan, giving in and placing a quick peck to her cheek, wiping my mouth off right afterwards. "You're still a Momma's boy." She smiles and pinches my cheeks. I swear if she doesn't start treating me like an adult I'm going to have to go find a condom and throw it at her, reminding her I'm not five anymore. "My boy is so handsome. I think I did pretty good." She smiles, examining her work. "Mother, that's a bit weird," I call her out on her weird way of complimenting me...Or maybe she's complimenting herself. I'm not really for sure. "Hush or I'll put you in timeout," she warns, pointing a finger at me and chuckling to herself. She knows this drives me insane, that's why she does it. She asks to watch a movie. The next morning, I wake up and take a shower before heading towards the kitchen. I need to work today, so I'm hoping my mother won't be to upset. When I enter the kitchen she's sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee in her hands. "Did you sleep well?" She's the first one to speak. "Yeah," I lie. I slept horribly. He filled my dreams, causing me to wake up in the middle of the night; sweat gathering at my forehead. "That's good." I pour myself some coffee and grab an apple off the counter before biting into it. I should probably tell my mother I have to work today, I already know she won't be pleased, but she can get over it. "I have to go to work today, so you can hang out here or go into town," I tell her. "You'll probably want to go to town, it's pretty boring here." Actually, Mom, it's not boring here at all, I just don't want you and Ghosty seeing each other. "I guess I'll check out the stores, maybe they will have some cute little antique shop." She folds her hands in front of her. "Maybe," I whisper back, sipping on my coffee. Suddenly there's a knock on the door.
17 Aug 2015 | 17:22
The mysterious man in black is back....... Or,is it Charlie????
17 Aug 2015 | 20:10
Hmmnn,,,,,,,,,dis one is strong
17 Aug 2015 | 20:13
Na Charlie
17 Aug 2015 | 21:11
who z there
18 Aug 2015 | 01:50
Next oo I beg
18 Aug 2015 | 02:08
Hope she wount hurt ur mum..
18 Aug 2015 | 04:17
18 Aug 2015 | 04:25
Ah pray she doesn't hurt ur mum
18 Aug 2015 | 05:22
18 Aug 2015 | 05:48
just be careful...Next pls
18 Aug 2015 | 06:28
Hmmm your mom really mean bussines ooo
18 Aug 2015 | 06:49
Hmmmm, next plz
18 Aug 2015 | 07:40
18 Aug 2015 | 08:34
is serious ooooo
18 Aug 2015 | 08:45
who is that make the person enter
18 Aug 2015 | 11:02
Chapter 10 Chapter 10 Who would come over at seven in the morning? I groggily walk to the front door, hoping it's just Charlie telling me I don't have to come to work today. I unlock the door, pulling it towards me. "Hello! My name is Maggie. and I am from Roland High School. One of my teachers assigned us to write a story on something that interests us, and I was hoping I could interview you about this house. I'm a big fan of ghost stories." By the time the young girl is done with her little speech I am ready to sit down. It's too early for me to be dealing with teenagers. "Uh...maybe a different time, I guess? I mean you do have all summer right?" I don't really want the young girl to stir up anything else about this house, but she just seems so overexcited and I don't want to be the one to crush her dream. "Correct, but I like getting things done. Plus, there's a lot to this house and it's story I want to be able to get every detail- it's very important that this assignment gets done properly," Maggie explains, flipping her hair behind her shoulder. "Well, I have to work today, so maybe some other time?" I try to reason. "How about later? I'll come by after you get off work." "Uh-" "What time do you get off work?" I'm guessing she doesn't take no for an answer. "I get off at four today," I tell the pushy girl. "Okay, I'll see you then!" she practically screeches. Maggie waves 'bye' and hurries off the porch, getting into her VW. I shut the door and lock it. "That was weird," I say to myself. "What was?" my mother asks, coming into the living room. "Nothing. It was just some girl selling biscuitss," I lie, because I really don't want my mother to find out why she was really here. "Oh, really? Did you buy me any?" "No, I'm sorry, I'm trying to cut back on sweets." It's an even a bigger lie then the first one. "I'm off to work, I'll be back around six." I tell my mother 'six', hoping she'll stay out until then so I can talk to Maggie without her knowing. "I'm going to look around town. Be safe," she tells me, kissing the side of my cheek. I wipe it off when she's not looking. * * * "Harry, you're late" is the first thing that comes flying out of Charlie's mouth as I walk over to the shed. "Yes, I know. I'm sorry, my mother is in town." Charlie's head pops up, at the word of 'mother' I'm guessing. The same old tombstone of Daniel Sexton catches my eyes. I take a seat near his stone, resting for a minute. It's only three o'clock right now and I get off in an hour, so a ten minute break won't hurt. A small, penny sized jewel catches my eye, it sits in the middle of the stone in between Daniel and Sexton. I haven't noticed it before, the last time I was here I guess I wasn't paying much attention, I was too caught up in why Daniel was buried all alone at the back of this cemetery. I'm still not for sure if he's even related to Anna Sexton or not, he could be a cousin or something. I rest for a few more minutes before I get up and start heading back to the shed. Maybe Charlie will let me leave early, since I did clean up the whole graveyard. As I'm nearing the small building I see Charlie sitting on his ass, eating what looks like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Are you hungry? I got an extra one," he offers me, but I deny.
18 Aug 2015 | 11:41
Chapter 11 I head back over to the door, unlocking it and pulling the wooden door towards me. "Hello!" Maggie, the bubbly girl that showed up on my door step, says as I'm face to face with her. "Hey," I weakly say, not really in the mood to talk. "May I come in?" she asks, looking inside the house. I step to the side. "Yeah, yeah." I lead her to the living room to sit down on the couch, and sit across from her on a red velvet chair. "So," she starts, pulling out a notepad from her backpack, along with a pen. "I'll ask you questions about the house, and you just answer them the best that you can, okay?" she squeaks. I stretch in my seat, nodding my head at her. "Alright, so the house is named: The Sexton House, correct?" I nod. She jots that down. "How old is this house, and how long have you lived here?" I'm not really for sure how old the house is, all I know is that it's old. "It's over a hundred years old, and I've only lived her for about a week now." It feels like longer than a week, but I know it hasn't been. "Okay... have you ever encountered Anna Sexton?" she looks up from her pad of paper, raising a brow. I'm debating with myself whether I should tell her or not. "No, I haven't," I lie. She'll be turning this paper in, and someone will end up seeing it. If word gets around that this place is still haunted, I'm afraid to know the town's reaction. "Are you in anyway related to the Sextons?" "Nope." She asks a few more questions, mainly on the house since she believed me that I know very little of Anna. "Well, thank you so much for answering my questions. I've been dying to get a scoop in on this house." she smiles, placing her belongings back in her backpack. "It's no problem." I said as she left. **************** Just as I'm turning on the stove, I hear what sounds like the creaking of the staircase. I pause, my eyes widening. "No, no, no," I repeat to myself, sitting down the pan I have in my hand. I dart to the living room, my breathing uneven. She can't be upstairs, what if she sees Anna? She would flip her shit, and probably make me move back to New York, even if I am twenty-one. Just as I enter the sitting room, I see her nearing the top step. "Don't go up there!" I yell, not realizing how bad that sounds. Now she'll really thinks something's up. She snaps her in my direction, whipping her hair across her face. "Why?" "Uh... there's..." I mumble, silently cursing at myself. "There's what?" she looks between me and the wooden door. "There's rats!" I spit out the first thing that comes to mind. A quiet gasp leaves her lips, before she hurriedly walks back down the stairs. "Harry! Why would you buy a house with rats?" she screeches when she reaches me. I just shrug, glad she didn't actually get to see what is really behind the door. * * * It's Sunday, and Charlie told me I didn't have to come in today. My mother got a call late last night from work, notifying her that they needed her back in the office by Monday morning. Even though I had dreaded my mother's arrival, it's been kind of nice having her around. After her belongings are packed, minus the large cat, I load her luggage in the back of my truck. I have offered to drive my mother to the airport, but she insisted that she will take the bus there. I see storm clouds rolling in, filling the sky and casting a dark blanket over the town. I remember who seems to pay a visit every time the sky turns grey.
18 Aug 2015 | 11:52
Ann wanna pay a vissit!
18 Aug 2015 | 13:02
carry go ur tori sweet die
18 Aug 2015 | 14:42
This Harry boy get liver o
18 Aug 2015 | 14:44
harry u dy lie for ur mum
18 Aug 2015 | 14:55
Una sure sey dis guy no be ghost him be,how person go buy house of ghost? Nawa oo nxt pls.
18 Aug 2015 | 16:57
Wu z dia
18 Aug 2015 | 18:31
Chapter 12 I quickly dart to the door as rain starts pouring outside, making the loose curls on the top my head stick to the back of my neck. I unlock the door, shaking my head off at the entrance. The water hits the floor in droplets. I quickly strip down, starting with my black T-shirt, which is clinging to my wet skin. After successfully removing the soaking garment, I finish off by ridding my body of my tight black skinny jeans. They hit the floor with a click, the noise caused by the belt attached to my pants. I walk to my room, clothes in hand, and throw them in the washer before making a turn to my bedroom. I find a new pair of black boxers and slip them on after taking off the wet ones. I almost decide to just spend the rest of my day in bed, but then a thought pops into my head. I head for the staircase, determined to figure out why Anna haunts my home. Not an ounce of fear seems to come to mind as I quickly walk up the stairs, opening the door without a second thought. Once I'm in the room, (which is surprisingly not too dark, from the window only having half the wood on its frame) I step towards the window, pulling the rest of the wood off and making the room even brighter, even though the sky is littered with clouds. As I'm ripping off the last piece, I feel a sudden cool breeze seem to blow past me. I stop what I'm doing, about to turn around when a voice stops me. "Who said you could do that?" a sweet yet awfully creepy voice asks. I hesitate before slowing, turning around and bracing myself for the worst. Standing across the room is a tall, slim figure, staring intently at me. A gasp leaves my lips. Anna is standing before me. I'm not for sure if I should talk to her, or just quietly leave. My plan of figuring out why she is haunting my house no longer worries me, now that she's standing right in front of me. "Must I repeat my question?" her stare seems to harden, the longer she locks gazes with me. "I-I..." I'm completely lost for words. "I have a strong feeling you lack intelligence," she tells me, taking a step closer and slowing bringing her hands to the front of her dress. I can see it glisten when the light hits it: a knife. "Has the cat got your tongue? Or should I do that for him?" a sinister smile seems to take over her features as she raises the knife clearly, to where I can see it. "I advise you to leave," she says, glancing over at the door. Something inside of me tells me she's harmless, even though she's holding a knife and practically threatening me with it. For some odd reason, I feel fearless. "No," I finally spit out, standing my ground. She looks taken back. "No?" she repeats. "That's what I said, isn't it?" I smirk, seeming to irritate her even more. She starts laughing- well, more like cackling- her heads falling back before she snaps back up to look at me. Before I know what's happening, she has thrown the knife and it hits the window frame, directly beside my head. I freeze, no longer feeling fearless against her. "I meant to miss," she tells me coldly, and makes her way towards me. I find this a good time to get the hell out of there, running out of the door, passing her up and sprinting down the steps. After slamming the door, I grab my keys and wallet before heading out the door and getting in my car. I speed down the slick wet road, driving through town searching for a cheap hotel I could spend the night at. * * * I wake up the next morning, stretching before getting out of bed. I grab my phone and wallet off the nightstand, before heading out of the room and back towards the Lobby. It seems to be a pretty decent day, the sun is out and only a few clouds fill the sky. I open the door to the motel. Going straight for the desk, I hand over the key to the old man. I turn to leave when his voice interrupts, "You bought The Sexton House, didn't you?" I slowly turn around to face him. "I did," I say, running my hand through my messy hair. "She's still there, isn't she?" his voice lowers, like someone could hear our conversation. I nod. "Yes. She is." he's the first person, other than Charlie, that I have told about Anna. "Is that why you stayed here?" he asks, shifting behind the counter that separates us. "Yes, sir." he starts to laugh, shaking his head at me. "You can't run from her, son." his face becomes serious before saying, "I tried that long ago...And guess what?" he pauses, shaking his head as I raise a brow. "I still am."
18 Aug 2015 | 18:36
chapter 13 The old man's words seem to spark some kind of fear deep inside of me, and it only makes me want to learn more about Anna, and why she is the way she is. "What do you mean: you still are?" I ask, taking a few steps closer to him. He stands up a little straighter before saying, "Well son, if you have time for a cup of coffee I'll be glad to tell you a very haunting story." I nod my head, nervous but also eager to know what this man's story is. "Take a seat and I'll go get some drinks." he motions for me to take a seat in the lobby area. I guess I try my best to get comfortable on the hideous flowered printed couch as I wait for the old man to return. After a few minutes, he comes back with two cups of coffee, I'm assuming. "Here you go." he hands me mine before sitting down across from me, on an almost equally ugly couch. "Well, before we start, I'm George Harrington." he reaches his arm out for me to shake. I accept. "I'm Harry Styles." "It's nice to meet you, Harry," he says, nodding his head at me. "You too, sir." we both relax back in our seats before George speaks again. "Well, it all started sixty years ago, at the time I was seventeen; that young and dumb age." he chuckles, smiling at a memory. "The Sexton House had been haunted for about forty or so years before I was dared to go in. Nobody lived there, only a few people kept up the yard, but no one had stepped foot in the house for years." he explains, coughing a bit at the end. "I was over at one of my buddies' house with some other friends, and they dared me to go in... because at the time I was scared of every little thing. They thought it would be funny." he shakes his head before continuing. "They promised me they would go in with me, and they did, but once I was in the house they said for me to really prove I was no longer chicken, I needed to go upstairs. So I did, as the rain poured down, and lightning struck outside, adding to my nerves. But I was determined to prove to them I could do it." George and I sipped on our coffee. "Once I was in the tower window room, I heard the door downstairs slam shut and I knew at that moment I was in big trouble. But I didn't run, I convinced myself it would be alright. And just as I was looking out the window, this was before they boarded it up, I felt a cold presence behind me, and at that moment I knew I wasn't alone..." I grip onto my cup, remembering how it felt last night when she showed up. It got icy cold in the room, right before she spoke. "When I gained enough courage to turn around, I was shocked. Anna was standing mere inches from me. I, of course, screamed bloody murder and started to run out the door, but right as I was beside the exit she threw something sharp at me." he pulls up his sleeve to show a large scar, reaching from his wrist, all the way to his elbow. "Oh my God." "Yeah. I thought I would die that night. I won't step foot in that house again for anything." he shivers at the haunting memory, shaking his head. "You said earlier she still haunts you?" he looks up, locking gases with me. "She does. She's in my dreams every night. I can still feel her cold presence, even in the middle of summer." I nod my head, almost tempted to call Charlie and tell him he can have his damn haunted house back, but I have a feeling I'm already in too deep. "Shit," I curse to myself. I forgot all about working today at the graveyard! Charlie will have my head, I've already been late once. "What's a matter, son?" George asks. "I just remembered I have to work today," I tell him as I get up. I check my watch to see it's already after eight-thirty. "Thank you for telling me your story, I'm sure I won't forget it anytime soon." I sit my cup of coffee down, thanking him for it. "No problem," he says as I'm about to walk out the door. "Oh, and Harry... be careful." I nod my head and sprint towards my truck. Thankfully the weather is nice today and not storming like it was last night. * * * As I arrive back home, I go straight to the kitchen, grabbing myself a banana before going out the backyard and heading towards the little shed. I can see Charlie tying up what looks like garbage. Once he sees me he shakes his head, before he goes back to tying the bags. "It's about time you showed up," he says, annoyed. "What'd you do, stay out with some girl?" he raises a brow at me. I laugh before saying, "Yeah. Something like that." if only he knew the encounter I had with one last night. "Well don't just stand there, grab these bags and take them around back and throw them in the trashcans," he orders me. I do as I'm told and grab the heavy bags, before attempting to carry them. "What in the world is in these bags?" I ask, raising my brows as I tug on the tie strings. "Bodies," he simply says, looking me straight in the eyes. For a second I believe him, before he cracks a smile. "Ha ha, very funny," I tell him sarcastically. I throw them over my shoulder, groaning at the size before carrying them to the side of the graveyard, where the big blue dumpsters are. I lift the lid, holding my breath from the stench and then throwing them in. I close it again and start walking back towards the shed. "What else do you need me to do?" I ask Charlie once I'm back. He looks a bit annoyed. "How about you try using the weedier and going around the tombstones," he tells me, pointing towards the stones. "All of them?" he looks up. "Yes, is something wrong?" I shake my head before grabbing the weedier and starting to cut the weeds around the stone tombs. * * * I get to the back of the cemetery where the familiar stone of Daniel Sexton lies. I sit the weedier down before taking my break in front of his tomb. The longer I stare at it, the more I wish I knew. "I sure do wish you could talk, buddy," I whisper, tracing the cement. I start to pull at the grass around the area before speaking again. "I'm going to figure out who you are." I get up and grab the weed cutter, stalking back towards the shed. I plan to go to the library in hopes of finding something out about him. If he's anyway related to the Sextons, then there should be something there. I drop off my stuff at the little shack, before heading inside and stripping down to take a shower. I try not to let the memory of Anna last night creep its way back in my head as I run my fingers through my hair with soap. After I dry off, I grab some clothes and put them on, before putting on my shoes and heading for the kitchen. I make sure to get the keys off the counter before locking the door behind me.
18 Aug 2015 | 18:50
Anna..great war?
18 Aug 2015 | 19:32
Harry.. U can run.. But cant hide she find u.
18 Aug 2015 | 22:19
Harry! Surely u doing great!
19 Aug 2015 | 07:31
living with a ghost...Ah i fear 4 ur life o
19 Aug 2015 | 07:48
My friend u are in for it
19 Aug 2015 | 07:56
Sereous story
19 Aug 2015 | 10:43
Harry pls b careful
19 Aug 2015 | 11:07
Just B Careful.U Get Mind O,if Na Me, I 4 Don Turn Cold Water.
19 Aug 2015 | 11:54
Hummmmmm just readin
19 Aug 2015 | 14:00
Could these really happen in real life? I strongly doubt that as i don't believe one bit in the existence of ghosts. Well Harry, Lets see how you solve the mystery behind this haunted sexton house.
19 Aug 2015 | 14:53
Dis is wat we call MIND
19 Aug 2015 | 18:30
Chapter 14 I get in my car and start driving towards town in hopes of finding the library before it closes. I pass a few cars while driving around town below the speed limit making sure I don't go past it. After driving for about twenty minutes I finally pull up to the building, turn off my engine, get out of the truck, and head for the entrance of the small yet tall brick library. As soon as the door opens, I smell dusty old books and see many shelves. I walk towards the counter deciding it would be best off just to ask if they have any books on The Sexton House so I stride over to the counter where piles of books are stacked high. "Hello?", I say looking over the novels that block my view and seconds later a short, blonde headed girl peeps through the crack. "Oh hey, um I'm sorry for that..", she says grabbing the books and sitting them on the ground, "..normally nobody comes in this late", she finally says once I can fully see her. I check my watch to see that it's only five o'clock. "Can I help you with anything?", she smiles at me and I forward the gesture saying, "Yes, I'm looking for books on The Sexton House or just on the Sextons". As I'm observing, she seems to have a petite body, golden blonde hair that falls loosely off her shoulders, and sea blue eyes that shine in the dim lighting. She is stunning I must say. "We actually do, they have their own section", she says coming out from behind the counter. Her outfit consists of a blue knee length dress with simple flat footed shoes. I follow her to the back of the building to the far left hand corner. She stops to scan the book shelf before reaching up to grab a few books, but she's sadly about four inches too short for it. I come up behind her, brushing my chest against her back and reaching above her to grab the books off the shelf. "T-thank you", she stutters while her cheeks suddenly turn a light shade of red and messes with a loose string on her dress. "Is there anything else I can help you with?", the young woman sweetly asks. I look down at the books in my hand before saying, "By any chance do you know anything about The Sextons?", and I raise a brow. "You bought the house didn't you?", she looked almost hopeful that I asked and something seemed to spark inside of her. "Yes I did", her smile widens before she says, "I love that house". She is the first person I have ever heard say they 'love' The Sexton House, everyone seems to be afraid of it,(which they should be). "Really?", I wonder. "Yes really, I used to go there all the time". Why would anybody want to go there? And ALL the time like it was a fun place or something? "Really? That'", I finally say taking my books and setting them down on a table. I motion for her to sit down as well, "Yeah I know it's kind of weird but honestly I love that house", she says and smiles shyly down at the hardwood table. "Why the liking for the house?", I say looking through the three books placed in front of me. One is called 'The Sextons Before The Haunting' with a picture of the house which I'm guessing is a newer one. "My older brother used to work there he would always let me come and visit him..", I take in what she's saying and make a guess that Charlie had a helper back then. "....and he would let me go in the tower window as long as it wasn't storming of course". I'm guessing this girl is fearless since she loved going to this house where Anna haunted at. "You're crazy", I laugh shaking my head at her while she laughs along with me. "I've heard that before", she smiles and says, "I'm Jane by the way". She reaches to shake my hand from across the table before letting go, "I'm Harry", I say. We talk for probably two hours about the house and just ourselves. I mainly did the talking since she seemed a bit shy but overall it was a nice little chat. I rent the books for a week hoping I can get some reading time in and learn more about the Sextons hoping to find some information on Daniel, like who he was. I'm heading home with the windows down and music blasting when I hear my phone ring. I pull it out of my pocket while turning the volume down and rolling up the windows before answering, "Hello", I speak through the phone. "Harry! How's my big boy doing?", oh wonderful it's my mother. "I'm good mom", I say rolling my eyes. well have you got rid of the rats yet?", she asks and I pause for a second. Rats? I have rats? Oh yeah! My excuse.... I laugh to myself before saying, "Yeah I did but don't worry". We talk till I arrive home and it's her mostly repeating how much she misses me but I finally had to tell her I had to go before my phone dies. Once that was finished, I jump out of my truck and lock the doors behind me. I jog up the steps and unlock the door as soon as the door opened i see my best friend...
20 Aug 2015 | 09:07
chapter 15 "Hello, Harry," she whispers, getting up and embracing me. "Madison, what are you doing here?" I'm shocked. I have no idea why she would be here, I thought I made it pretty clear that we couldn't see each other, since I was moving to Kentucky. "I missed you, silly! You can't just up and leave your best friend in New York and not expect me to follow." she laughs, hugging me tighter. I've tried to forget about Madison. We've been friends since I moved to NYC. I had... well, still have, a big crush on her, but ever since she got a boyfriend it was pretty clear he was a keeper for her. "Very true, but you know how much I wanted to move," I tell her. I was hoping that if I moved away from her, my existing feelings would just vanish, and they had... up until she showed up. "I know, Harry, but still you're my best friend, and I miss you." she smiles, finally letting go. "How did you get in my house?" I have to ask. I look around, expecting to see a broken window, but thankfully there isn't one. "The door was unlocked," she simply replies. She starts to head towards the kitchen, so I follow. Madison has always been the type to make herself at home; she's very open about things and pretty much just says what she want. She doesn't really have a filter. "Are you hungry?" I say, coming up behind her. "A little, we can make dinner later though." I wonder how long she is planning on staying. "It's a nice house, kind of old, but still really cool." her hazel eyes scan the kitchen as she runs her hands along the granite counters. Her long blackish-brown hairs is in loose curls, a few strands are covering her flawless tan skin. "It's got character," I say, shaking my head. Madison is a very distracting girl. Her beauty catches any guy's attention, and her personality is almost perfect. She's girlfriend material. "Yeah... Oh, and by the way, I put my stuff in the guest bedroom. I hope that's okay," she tells me. "Yeah, that's fine- wait, which guest bedroom?" I ask, raising a brow. She smiles sweetly before saying, "The one upstairs." As soon as she says that, I sprint towards the living room and head for the staircase. "Is everything alright?" I can her Madison following closely behind. I ignore her and take the steps two at a time. "Harry, what's wrong?" I feel her hand touch my shoulder. "The bedroom is old and dusty, I wouldn't want you up here," I lie, and continue my way up the steps. Once I reach the door, I walk in with a slight hesitation. I spot her bags on the ground, she must have brought her whole apartment. I grab a handful and she does the same. "Are you sure it's not alright for me to stay in here?" I have no idea why she even wants to claim this room as her own, since there is a thick layer of dust covering everything. "Did I mention there's rats?" as soon as the words leave my lips, she screams and runs down the steps. "Works every time," I mutter to myself. I shut the door behind me and drag her bags down the steps and to the other guest bedroom that's located right across from mine. "Is the whole house infested with rats?" she screeches, fright written all over her face. "No, just that room." hopefully she'll believe it. She nods her head before placing her bags on the bed. "So how long on you planning on staying?" I ask, eyeing her bags. She hesitates for a minute before saying, "I'm not really for sure... I was hoping for a while though." she looks down almost ashamed, a sad expression taking over her beautiful face. "Is everything alright?" Madison has always been this happy, giddy girl everybody loves- you hardly see her down. "Not really," she admits, sitting down on her new bed. "What's wrong?" I ask, sitting down beside her. She shifts a bit before facing me. "It's James. W-we broke up." Madison's head hangs low as a tear runs down her cheek. "Hey, it's okay, he's a jerk," I tell her. She lets out a laugh before saying, "Yeah. Too bad I didn't know that two years ago." "What happened between you two?" they seem like the perfect couple; they just fit, it was like they were meant to be. "He cheated," she simply says, throwing her hands up. "With who?" she stands up, shaking her head. "It would be easier to tell you the girls that he hasn't slept with!" her face turns red, the tears no longer in sight as rage takes over. "I just don't get how I didn't know! I was so stupid, all the signs where there," she scolds herself. I'm not really sure if I should tell her it wasn't her fault, or that she's not stupid... but I think it would be better for her to get it out of her system. "He was cheating on me for a year! A freaking twelve months and I didn't know!" Her hands go in different directions as she paces the room. I'm worried she might burn a hole at the rate she's going. "Harry, am I stupid for not knowing? For not seeing the signs?" She finally stops pacing as she stands before me. "No, you weren't, everybody thought you guys were in love," I tell her the truth. Even I thought they would grow up and get married and have adorable little Madison and james babies, but I guess that's all bullshit now. "Really? So I wasn't dumb to believe he actually had feelings for me?" I stand up, grabbing her face and saying, "No, you weren't." the urge to kiss her, since we are already so close in proximity, is weighing on me. My body says kiss her but my mind screams bad idea. Just as I think she's thinking the same thing, I hear a crashing noise coming from upstairs. We both pull away, our attention directed upwards. "What was that?" fear is written all over her beautiful face, and I know there's no way I can tell her that a ghost lives in my house and she so happens to not like me. "Harry? What's going on? What was that noise?" "I-I... uh..." This is really bad.
20 Aug 2015 | 09:17
Is beta u tel ha dat d rats fall down something upstair
20 Aug 2015 | 09:30
Oh oh.. Just tell her its d rats..
20 Aug 2015 | 11:41
tell her you ve a co tenant upstairs lolzz
20 Aug 2015 | 12:54
u better tell her
20 Aug 2015 | 13:02
u better tell her to calm her fears
20 Aug 2015 | 13:17
Nawa o
20 Aug 2015 | 13:58
dat anna gan is sturborn
20 Aug 2015 | 14:02
Better explain dat house to her bfore Anna deals wid her biko....
20 Aug 2015 | 14:09
Nice story. Hmmm stil observin o bt i tink ds story z nt goin 2 gv me sum nitemares unlike catherine and d ghost. Nice story u gat here buddy!
20 Aug 2015 | 16:09
It seems that Anna hated love making... .. Hmm still observing
20 Aug 2015 | 16:24
20 Aug 2015 | 16:34
lol...u better tel her o
20 Aug 2015 | 16:51
Hmmm i think this anna love you oo
20 Aug 2015 | 17:28
Rat disturbing d room
20 Aug 2015 | 18:30
d rat ofcouse
20 Aug 2015 | 19:08
rats z disturbinq... Anna havinq fun of u 4 ur boldness.
20 Aug 2015 | 22:29
This anna na bad belle oo
21 Aug 2015 | 02:28
21 Aug 2015 | 06:02
Harry Potter not harry Styles
21 Aug 2015 | 07:14
Chapter 16 "Harry, what's going on?" fear is written all over her face as she searches mine for any kind of exclamation. I fumble with my words, not knowing how to tell her; or if I should even tell her. "Harry, answer me, you're starting to scare me." she grabs my hand and my eyes meet hers. Just as I'm about to speak, the sound of thunder booms outside, startling both of us. "I-I can explain... just not right now." After telling Madison to stay downstairs while I go see what is making that noise, even though I know exactly what it is, I take two steps at a time, just wanting to get this over with. Once I have reached the top of the stairs, I stop at the door, taking a deep breath. I place my hand on the knob, slowly opening it. Rain pours outside as lightning strikes and thunder sounds, making this whole thing ten times more nerve-wracking. I walk in, looking around the room for any signs of Anna. Luckily, I see none. I probably do one of the stupidest things in my life by locking the door behind me, but I have to keep Madison safe. If Anna threw that knife at me without a second thought then I don't even want to know what she will do to my Maddy. I walk over to the window, which is no longer boarded up since I took the pieces of wood of not too long ago with Charlie. I'm about to turn around and leave, when I hear what sounds like crying. For a second I think it's Madison, but it's too close. I slowly turn around, squinting to see in the dark, and there, sitting in the corner of the room, sits none other than Anna Sexton herself. I take a step towards her, not planning on doing anything, just making sure my eyes aren't playing a trick on me. "What do you want?" she spits, looking up at me. I take a step back, I wasn't expecting her to speak. She has her back against the wall with her knees pulled to her chest, giving her long dress little-to-no coverage of her lower area. "Well? Are you just going to stand there, or answer me?" she glares up at me. "Or do you want me to cry some more?" I'm at a loss for words, afraid I might say the wrong thing and she will try to throw another knife at me. "I was just seeing what all the noise was," I whisper, looking down. She laughs. "Well, it was me breaking that mirror over there." she points towards the corner opposite of her, where there stands a broken stand-up mirror. It's shattered for the most part, only a few shards are laying on the ground. "Why'd you break it?" I have to ask. I actually liked it. "None of your business," she spits and stands up, fixing her dress. I take another step back, keeping my distance. I'm only being this way around her because I don't want to get another knife thrown at me, or worse: get killed by a ghost. I wonder how my mother would cope with that. She probably wouldn't. Anna takes another step towards me. I look around me, hoping to find a weapon of some kind, but sadly there are none. I spot the glass on the ground near my feet and bend down to pick it up, but notice a pair of bare feet standing before mine. I slowly raise up, coming eye to eye with Anna. "Boo!" I jump back at the sudden noise, making my feet come in contact with the shards of glass. I curse under my breath, as I can already feel the blood seeping out of the cuts that are bound to be covering my foot. I stand back up, holding back the urge to cuss Anna out, and hop over to the door, unlocking it and going out right. Before I do, I stop and turn to look back at her, only to see a slightly guilty expression covering her flawless features. "Don't come downstairs." with that, I shut the door and hobble down the stairs. Madison meets me halfway and sees my bloody foot. "Oh my God, what happened?!" she runs up to me, trying to balance my weight on her by putting her arm under my left shoulder. "I figured out what that noise was." I laugh painfully. "The mirror had broke and I- being the smart man that I am- stepped right on the shards." she looks at me with caring eyes. "Oh, you poor baby." she takes me into my room and helps me up on the bed. "You stay right here and I'll go get the first aid kit." she runs off, not knowing where it even is, but I know she'll find it. I lie back, thinking back to how sad Anna looked. She almost looked guilty, but why would she be? How could she be? She's dead, isn't she? I have so many questions, and no answers. It's like everything I knew about ghosts were just lies. Like, for one, how I thought they weren't even real; and two, they have feelings. She can cry and she's dead! How is that even possible? That's just it, I don't know, and it kills me to know that I may never find out. "I found it!" Madison comes back with the first aid kit and opens the box, taking out band aids, cotton swabs, and some kind of disinfectant spray. "This may hurt a little bit." she looks up at me from the floor where she's on her knee. My legs are hanging off, providing her access to my bloody foot. I nod my head, preparing myself for the sting that's destined to come. She slowly wipes the cut, cleaning it, before taking tweezers and starting to dig out the glass. I flinch at the pain, but it's nothing I can't handle- even though I did practically cry upstairs when I stepped on the stupid thing. After a few minutes of her just picking at my foot, she's finally done and starting to wrap it with some kind of white cloth. "There, all better." she stands back up and smiles at me. "Thank you."
21 Aug 2015 | 09:15
17 I hear a knock on the door but try to ignore it. Unfortunately it just grows louder at each passing second, so I drag myself, half-asleep, out of bed and head towards the living room where the banging is coming from. "I'm coming!" I yell. It just gets louder, causing a headache to appear. "Charlie," I mutter once I open the door and see that it's the old fart himself trying to break down my door. "Good, good, you're awake." he grins. "What do you want?" I ask rather coldly. He raises a brow before saying, "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I just glare at him, not in the mood for his shit. "Did you want something or not?" I don't understand why he's here this early, I'm pretty sure I don't have to work today. "I just came by to tell you that the tower window broke and it needs to be replaced." I step out on the porch and down the stairs, not believing the stupid thing busted. I look up towards the sky, the sun blinding me. "Of course," I mutter as I spot the broken glass, shattered. "You might want to get that fixed or you'll have bats." I scratch the back of my neck before saying, "Yeah I know." I start to head inside, hoping to get rid of the headache that has seem to appear since Charlie's door banging a few minutes ago. Once in the kitchen, I start a pot of coffee, hoping to wake myself up a bit. I grab some pain killers from the cabinet and I pop two in my mouth as I hear the creaking of the floor boards, followed by Madison wrapped in her pink robe. "Good morning," I greet. She smiles at me before sitting down. I grab her a mug from above the sink, filling it with coffee, and sit it in front of her. "Did you sleep well?" "Fine, you?" I nod my head, sitting across from her after filling my coffee up too. "I have to go into work today," I say, leaning back in my chair. "Oh." I shift in my seat, feeling the awkward tension slowly build up... soon I'll be able to cut it with a knife. "I also have to run into town today to get a window." she slightly nods. "That one upstairs broke."
21 Aug 2015 | 09:20
chapter 18 I'd decided I needed to get out of the house, hopefully giving Madison some time to cool off. I grab my keys and head out the door, making sure to get my wallet. I pull up to the hardware store, hoping to find a window, or at least something I can patch it with. "Hello, can I help you?" I'm guessing the owner asks. I nod my head before saying, "Yes, I'm looking for a window or something to patch one with." he leads me over to where some tarps are at. "What size is the window?" "Do you know the Sexton House?" I ask, guessing he would know what house I'm referring to. "Yes, of course." He says. "Well, I own it now, and the tower window shattered somehow, I'm not really sure how, but I need to patch it or get it replaced." I explain, hoping he won't be afraid, since most people are. "Oh, yes. I know exactly what you're talking about." After talking with him for a while, he finally finds a window that will fit. I start to head home, when the Library catches my attention. I head over and park, getting out and heading for the door. The building is empty, people-wise. I head over to the front counter, hoping to see the same girl that was here last time. "Hello?" I call out when I see nobody. "Oh, I'm sorry, I was putting away some books," Jane, I think her name is, says. She doesn't look at me while she's speaking, since she is still trying to put books away. "It's fine, I was just looking around." She turns around at the sound of my voice. "Harry, right?" She raises a brow. "That's me." I lift my shoulders, sticking my hands in my pockets. She walks over to me and says, "How were the books? Find anything interesting on the house?" I shake my head before saying, "Well, I haven't had much time to actually read much of them." "Oh, well. You'll find time, and if not I'm more than willing to tell you anything I know!" Her smile is bright; she just beams with joy. "That would be awesome." After talking with her for a bit, I decide to go and check out some more books, hoping to find others like the ones I originally found. When I'm getting ready to leave, I stop by the counter (even though I didn't find any more books) to talk with Jane a bit more. "Hey, would you maybe want to come over? Since you like the house and all." I don't want to sound too desperate, even though I would love to get to know the stunning blonde. "Yeah, I would love to." She smiles at me. "Maybe tomorrow night?" I add. I hope she will. "That would be great!" After talking with her I head home, hoping to forget about the conversation I had with Madison earlier. I do care about her- damn I care so much about her- but I just don't feel comfortable being her distraction. I feel used, to be honest. When I get home, I shut off the car ignition, walk up the few steps I actually have, and head inside. What is laying in front of me when I open the door almost gives me a heart-attack..
21 Aug 2015 | 09:21
wow,ad who shuld dat be
21 Aug 2015 | 10:37
Hmmmn wah was dat???...
21 Aug 2015 | 13:39
Wat is it?
21 Aug 2015 | 14:12
u be bold oooo,facing Anna Sexton
21 Aug 2015 | 14:30
21 Aug 2015 | 15:07
Hope anna dd nt kill maddy
21 Aug 2015 | 15:40
Ride on dude
21 Aug 2015 | 16:15
Dis guy ur mind no b here oh U strong die, I throw way Cap 4 yhu
21 Aug 2015 | 16:59
Is Anna downstairs nii?? Abi u saw Maddy's luggages, getting ready to leave cos she's sighted Anna??
21 Aug 2015 | 18:04
I hope it not wat am thinking
21 Aug 2015 | 18:35
what z dat? Nxt?
22 Aug 2015 | 00:40
Hope madison is nt kill by anna
22 Aug 2015 | 04:40
D suspense z much,we need a quick update pls
22 Aug 2015 | 05:20
Update sharperly b4 u kill person wit suspense
22 Aug 2015 | 05:38
U saw wah?
22 Aug 2015 | 11:50
next episode nah...biko
22 Aug 2015 | 16:01
Anna sexton has finally decide 2 come pay u a visit down stairs..... Dis dude sef ur lever nobi small. If truly u ain't afraid of ghosts den there's nofin ur gonna b afraid of.
22 Aug 2015 | 17:54
19 When I open the door and my eyes land on the floor, I almost have a heart-attack. Maddison is laying on the hard wood with blood smeared on her face. I run over to her, kneeling down beside her. "Maddy! Oh my God, what happened?" I try shaking her a bit, trying to get her attention, but she doesn't respond. I look around the room, trying to figure out what could have caused this, but nothing seems to catch my eye. "Madison, can you hear me?" I say, hoping she can. After a minute her eyes start to flutter open. "H-Harry." she looks around frantically after she realizes where she is. "Hey, it's okay, calm down." She starts shaking her head, before her eyes scan the room. "No, no, no!" She screams, trying to get up. "No, Madison you need to sit here, you're hurt." I tell her, but she stills tries to fight me. She grabs me by the face before saying, "She's upstairs, I saw her." the blood drains from my face. "Sh-she's crazy!" I look up towards the stairs, noticing the door is cracked opened. I get up, walking over towards the staircase, "Harry, don't," Maddy says. I turn to her and say, "Stay here." I slowly walk up the stairs, making sure not to make much noise. I don't know why Madison went up here, what was she thinking? What was Anna thinking? The door creaks when I open it, but I try to ignore the eerie sound. Thankfully it's still daylight out, so coming up here isn't so bad. I scan the room, keeping my eyes peeled for any signs of Anna. I'm honestly pissed that she would do something like this. I know she's probably delusional and all, but still. "Is she dead?" A voice utters. I turn around to find the voice coming from Anna, standing in the corner with her head directed towards the window. "Was that your plan? To murder her while I'm gone?" I start to raise my voice, balling my fist up. I'm not scared of her anymore, even if she did just hurt Maddison. "She was the one to come up here. She asked for it," Anna hisses back. I can't believe it, she actually did do it. I was hoping Maddison was just lying or just thought she did, I didn't actually expect it to be true. "What did she ever do to you?" I wonder, knowing she did nothing. "She came up here. This is my room," she speaks. I can't believe I'm standing in my guest bedroom arguing with a ghost. It's insane. "Well, I'm up here?" I argue back, taking a step closer to her. She looks up at me, the window cascading a shadow over her face as the wind picks up outside and the branches hit the side of the house. "You're different." She whispers. Her eyes find mine for a moment before she looks away. "You need to go, the storm is letting up." The sun starts to peek through the tower window, signalling that the storm is almost over with. I'm shocked as to why she said that, what did she mean? Right as I'm about to ask, she looks my way, saying, "Goodbye, Harry." With that, she starts to slowly fade away, before she completely disappears. I stand there, dumbfounded, with my mouth hanging open. "What the-" "Harry, be careful." I hear Maddison yell from the stairs. I turn around and head back towards the staircase, almost having forgotten about her for a second. "There you are!" She tries to get up, but I tell her no, before she hurts herself even more. "What exactly did she do to you?" "She threw something at me." She hisses, thinking back on the memory. "Then why did I find you at the bottom of the stairs?" "The bitch must have pushed me." She turns her nose up and gets off of the ground. I help her up before she stumbles and falls. "I swear if this leaves a scar I'm going to sue!" She screeches when she sees the nice size cut on her forehead. If only she knew Anna was a ghost. "Who was that girl anyways? And why the hell was she in your house? Oh my God, you're sleeping with her aren't you?!" I'm guessing the old Maddison is back. The one who turns into a total bitch when she's mad. "Maddison, it's complicated, don't worry about it." I try to convince her. "So you're sleeping with her? Don't lie to me, Harry." She glares at me from a few feet away. I can already see her plotting my death now, and when I say 'plotting my death', I mean literally plotting my death. "Madison, I am not sleeping with her.," I grab her by the face and say. "Then who the hell is she? Huh?" She gets up into my face, waving her hands around, and for a second I don't even know this person. We never fight. I have seen her argue with plenty of people, but never me. "Maybe you should leave," I whisper, cutting her off mid-yell. "What did you just say?" The house goes silent as she continues to glare at me. I can see the horns forming on the top of her head, along with a pitch fork in her hand. I laugh internally. "I think you heard me..." I trail off. I feel bad, I really do, but she has no right questioning when clearly I don't even know the answer. "Go to hell," she spits, then storms out of the house, leaving her belongings. In an odd way, I'm glad she's gone. I feel like she was only using me to get over her ex, but now that she is gone I have Anna to deal with on my own. This is going to be interesting.
22 Aug 2015 | 21:01
yea real intresting
23 Aug 2015 | 02:52
0 Likes the ghost falling inlove with you....
23 Aug 2015 | 06:18
Ghost Anna.....was she jealous
23 Aug 2015 | 06:21
Dealing with a ghost.....just be careful o
23 Aug 2015 | 06:48
How can you deal wid a ghost???...
23 Aug 2015 | 07:27
Hmmm, this is interesting story, following sha, lets see wht happens next
23 Aug 2015 | 07:29
Interesting indeed
23 Aug 2015 | 07:50
interesting mehn, nice work....abeg, be posting lyk 3 episode in the morning, in d afternoon and night...9 per day... What'll happen next? Curious as f**k...
23 Aug 2015 | 08:03
I like dis dude, got balls, can communicate wit ghost witout givin a f**k abt it. Anna has got feelings 4 u by sayin ur different n she even bid u goodbye which shows she's into u. Hav dis feeling she'll soon get jealous of u bringin women into d house. Nxt plsssss......
23 Aug 2015 | 10:12
Very intresting hmmmmmmmm
23 Aug 2015 | 10:13
The ghost mood activated nxt pls
23 Aug 2015 | 11:26
dis so interesting indeed mayb anna is jealous of her nd also mayb she av fall in love wit u
23 Aug 2015 | 15:03
Anna surely lyk u,,, nxt pls
23 Aug 2015 | 15:11
Are u a human being?living with ghost in ur home
23 Aug 2015 | 15:46
Lol when the dead fall in love with the living
23 Aug 2015 | 15:50
Na wa oh. Next
23 Aug 2015 | 16:23
23 Aug 2015 | 19:51
U are different... Anna Sexton has fallen 4 u... But be careful when u say *dealinq withe her* #GHOST.
23 Aug 2015 | 20:41
Ghost fighter
24 Aug 2015 | 03:25
24 Aug 2015 | 03:55
ANNA _____________ A man is downstairs. One that was not invited into my home, nor welcome. I don't know what possessed him to move into a place filled with childhood memories, memories I made with my family so long ago. Maybe he is lost; trying to find his way in this corrupted world filled with chaos and hurt. Whatever it is, I hope he finds what he is looking for. I stare out at the window which holds so many memories as well as the rest of the house, just this one seems to hold painful ones, memories I can't seem to face. The storm hasn't let up in several hours, which doesn't bother me. I've grown used to the flash of lightning and the boom of thunder that follows. One day I hope to be able to enjoy the vibrant sun again, but as of now I'm afraid that may never happen. I have spent too many years in this room for anything to change now. I hear the sound of glass shattering, followed by a string of profanities being spat out in one big breath of air. It's the man, the one that has found my house to be his. I walk over to the door, not planning on going out, just hoping to see a glimpse of him again. His tall posture stands proudly, well over six feet. His chocolate hair falls in almost perfect waves, framing his face, creating a sharp jawline. Everything about this man is striking; absolutely breath-taking in every way possible. Maybe I'm drooling in a sense, but there's something about the way he carries himself, so carefree? It's like he doesn't have a worry in the world. I step back from the door when I see him look my way. My face changes back to its normal stone cold expression. He mustn't know I was gazing... staring, more like. I look around the almost empty room- feeling sad? I'm not really sure what this emotion feels like anymore, I know I felt it often when I was alive, but now it feels so foreign. I see the shattered mirror in the corner of the room, feeling much like it: broken, lost, worthless. I almost killed that poor excuse for a woman earlier today. She had it coming though, she disobeyed the tall man downstairs. I heard him even say to her not to come up here, but she did anyway. Plus, after what I heard a few nights before... how is it that said it nowadays? Sucking face? No that's not it. Maybe locking lips? Either way it sounded disgusting, similar to the sound of my old cat eating after days of having nothing. That woman sounded very hungry, much like Muffin. I walk over to the broken glass, picking up the shards that broke a few nights ago. I start to gather them up in a pile, placing the larger ones in one section and the smaller ones in another. I scan the room before walking over to the closet and digging through the mess hoping to find what I need. After minutes of searching, I spot the glue. I take it out and walk back over towards the mirror. Bending down, I start applying glue to the back of a glass shard before pressing it onto the frame. After about two hours of repeating this step, the mirror is back to one piece; distorted, but in one piece. I kind of realize how even if you break something and fix it, it will never be the same, there will always be flaws. I can't take back the things I have done and said to the man downstairs, but I can ask for forgiveness. It's just knowing when the right time is. He seemed pretty upset with me after he saw what I did to the woman. Forgiveness may not come easy. is this affection? I hear a knock start to pound on the front door, alerting my occupied mind. I step towards the door, noticing a new young woman walking into my home. Her blonde hair and captivating blue eyes catch the attention of the man downstairs.
24 Aug 2015 | 05:51
harry ________ I hear a knock at the front door. I walk over and pull open the large wooded entrance to see Jane wearing a loose, white blouse with a pink skirt and sandals. Her smiles is bright as she notices me checking her out. "You look stunning." I compliment, grabbing her hand and leading her to the kitchen. "Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." She grins. I take her into the kitchen, pouring her a glass of tea. "So, how do you like the house?" She questions, sipping on her drink. "It has character alright." I laugh a bit, trying to cover it up with taking a sip of tea. "Oh, it does, but good character." She reassures me. "My brother used to let me make brownies here while he did the upkeep." I smile as she remembers a memory I'm guessing from her childhood. "I bet that was nice." "It was lovely." We chat for a while before I start to make dinner. I let her do the easy things since she assured me that her cooking skills were limited. "Well, what about the brownie making? You must be good at those." I say, putting the chicken in the oven. "I am a beast at making brownies." She smiles proudly, flicking her hair off her shoulder dramatically. "But that is about the only thing I can actually make without burning." She giggles and I laugh along with her. "Would you like some wine?" I ask once we finally settled down with our chicken and grilled veggies. "I would love some." I get up and grab the box from the cabinet, laughing at myself for actually offering her boxed wine. "Well, isn't that fancy." She suppresses a laugh. "The finest there is." I joke, pouring her a glass. The taste isn't bad, but not very good either. "So, did you ever see Anna while your brother was working here?" "Oh, no, but my brother claimed he saw her one night while he was cleaning that room. He said she was stunning - breath-taking - but very cold, and seemed angry at the world." She explains. "He said he'll never forget the look in her eyes, the hurt. He told me you could tell the girl had been to hell and back." I take a moment to take in her words, remembering how sad she looked when I talked to her yesterday, but she was also easily irritated. "That's insane, but believable." "It really is, but she had every right to be mad." she finishes off her chicken. "And why is that?" I wonder, leaning further into the table. "Her parents had high expectations for her, ones she felt she couldn't fulfil, but they insisted that their children would excel in life." She takes a sip of her drink. "The poor girl had the weight of the world on her shoulders, yet her parents just added more. She became depressed, causing her to fail in her classes. Of course that just angered her parents even more, to know their child was failing, so they pushed harder." She explains, like she has told the story a million times. "Wow, that's terrible. How do you know all of this again?" "It's all in the books. I read a lot and find her to be very interesting. Family and close friends of hers were interviewed, her parents would have never admitted their child had depression, the Sextons were supposed to be perfect. Not a flaw was found in that family until her death." I think on everything Jane had said in the last five minutes and find this house to be even more intriguing than I thought. "Well, thank you for having me over for dinner, it was beyond lovely, even the boxed wine." She giggles. "I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Maybe you can join me for a proper date sometime." Jane nods, saying, "I would love that." I tell her goodbye before she leaves down the driveway. I shut the door and head into the kitchen to start cleaning up. I throw the dirty pans in the sink and start up the dishwasher, and hear the doorbell ring. I head back over to the living room and see who it is.
24 Aug 2015 | 06:20
Chapter 22 "Charlie. What are you doing here?" I ask once the door is fully open to reveal the old man. "Well, Harry, I was just wondering why you didn't come into work? I could have really used the help." I totally forgot about work today, I was so excited about seeing Jane. "Shit. I'm sorry, I was busy today." I try an apology, hoping he will just accept it and forgive me. "It's alright, but you better be at work tomorrow. There is a funeral being held and I'll need help." I nod my head, making a mental note to make sure and go into work. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow at eight o'clock sharp." I nod again, planning to get up early to make sure I'll be there on time. I really don't need to lose my job, I would be screwed without it. "Who died?" I speak up before he leaves. "I'm not sure, but all I know is that person knew a lot of people. This will be the biggest funeral we've had since Anna Sexton died." After that, Charlie leaves without another word, leaving me wondering more and more about the Sextons. I shut the door, head to the kitchen and finish cleaning, hoping to get done before it's too late. I don't want to be late for work tomorrow. After the kitchen is clean, I decide to go upstairs, this time without being frightened or even mad like the last time I was up here. The door creaks open like it would in any horror movie, but I just ignore it and go on in, turning on the light to make it less eerie-feeling. Surprisingly, when the lights come on the room is empty, only the bed, a small nightstand and the mirror are there. I walk over to the mirror, seeing that someone had fixed it, or at least tried to. The reflection it shows is a distorted one. Anna must have fixed it, but why? Why would she want to fix something that will never be the same again? I step back from the mirror and towards the window, noticing it's still broken. I forgot to fix it earlier, but hopefully I can sometime tomorrow. I head back downstairs and get in bed. * * * I wake to the sound of my alarm and get up, heading for the bathroom to take a shower. After lathering up my hair, I start to rinse off the scented soap. I dry off quickly, since it's a bit cold being wet and all. I brush my teeth, then head for the kitchen to fix myself something for breakfast, deciding on toast and eggs since those are fairly easy to make. Once finished, I throw my plate in the sink and start out the back door to meet Charlie in the cemetery. "Wow! You're actually five minutes early." He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air. I just laugh and say, "Well, I did actually put in some effort to get here on time." "You mean you actually put in effort to wake up?" He reads my mind. "Yes, that's what I meant." "Well, these chairs aren't going to get set up by themselves." He motions to a stack of white stairs, I'm guessing for the funeral. We head towards an empty spot where a grave is being prepared to be dug. "Just start lining these up around the tombstone." I do as I'm told and start unfolding the chairs and placing them as directed. It didn't really hit me till last night that I am actually working at a graveyard, sure I knew I was working at one, but it's so depressing now that I'm setting up chairs to be sat in later for someone's final resting place. To know all these people will be gathered here soon, weeping over the one they've lost. "That looks good. Now wipe them off, they have been sitting in the shed for a while, so they're probably dirty." Charlie comes up behind me and hands me a rag. I start to clean off the chairs before people start showing up, and once they do I stand off to the side, hoping to see Charlie somewhere to ask him what I can do next. I walk around, trying to avoid the people, I'm not really dressed for a funeral. I feel out of place in my T-shirt and ripped jeans.
24 Aug 2015 | 06:22
ah tot anna said she saw anoda gal cum into d upstair room xo who was dat
24 Aug 2015 | 08:08
Nyc 1
24 Aug 2015 | 10:16
"Harry, is that you?" I hear a sweet voice call. I turn around, looking for where it came from. I spot a stunning blonde with a black dress that's tight around the waist but flares out at the bottom; a dark floppy hat is resting on her head of loose curls that cascade down the front of her chest. "Jane, what are you doing here?" I wonder as she makes her way to me. "What do you think?" She motions around the graveyard. "Oh, that was a stupid question." I admit, looking down at my feet. "It's alright. What are you doing here?" She ask, looking around the area. "Or is that the obvious as well?" She giggles. "No, actually I am working here." "Oh, really? I didn't see you as the type to work at a cemetery." She tell me as she makes her way closer to where I'm standing. "Me either, but I needed a job, so yeah." I start messing with my hands, not seeming to be able to look Jane in the eyes, I'm not sure why though. "Whatever works." She smiles. Her smile is one to light up a room, it's just so warm and welcoming. "I still want to take you on a proper date," I blurt out. I really do, but I'm not for sure if she feels the same why. "I would love that, Harry." The smile that covers her face is one which I wish I could get a camera and capture so I can have it forever. She's truly stunning, and she's got me wrapped around her finger. "That is a relief, I thought you hated me." I laugh off the nervousness I had a few minutes ago. "Why would you think that? Our date was lovely, I would do it all over again just to experience the boxed wine." Her giggles fill the open area, and a few looks are sent her way from laughing in a graveyard, but she just shrugs them off. "I honestly loved it, Harry." Just as I'm about speak, a man carrying a drink tumbles over and spills his cup of what looks like vodka all over the front of Jane's dress. "My dress..." I hear Jane say as she looks down at the mess that has been made. Thankfully, since her dress is black you can't really notice any stains, but you can see the liquid dripping off of the garment. "I-I'm really s-sorry miss." The man stutters as he downs what is left of his drink. "Are you drinking vodka?" I ask with a raise of my eyebrow. "It's w-water." "Doesn't smell like water." I say under my breath. I grab Jane's hand and lead her through the backyard. More displeased looks are sent our way as the smell of the 'water' hits their noses. I open the fence and take her onto the back porch where I unlock the back door. "Who drinks at a funeral?" I mutter under my breath. I lead her into my bedroom and to the master bathroom. "Don't be upset, Harry." Jane grabs my forearm and starts to rub soothing circles. I nod my head knowing I shouldn't be mad, but damn she just looked so good and then he had to come along and mess her dress all up. "Here, let me," I say, grabbing a towel and drying off the wet spots on her dress. The smell is awful and I feel bad, but I can't do anything else about it.
24 Aug 2015 | 12:02
Chapter 22 My hands seem to find their way into her long blonde hair, tangling between my fingers as I run them through. Her face moves closer to mine, as her breath fans my face. "Are you going to kiss me or what?" Her voice speaks with a hint of seduction as she bats her eyelashes at me playfully. I lean into her ear and say, "Only if you want me to." Without hesitation, she leans in the rest of the way and crashes her lips to mine in an almost desperate matter. I'm a bit shocked at how daring she is being. I imagined our first kiss to be sweet and gentle, not hot and steamy. She starts to slowing unbutton my button-up T-shirt, her eyes never leaving mine. It's when her hands find my belt buckle that I notice the desire in her eyes. I didn't really know what made me remember Anna
24 Aug 2015 | 12:10
Chapter 23 Her hands fumble with my belt, as her eyes stay locked on mine. She starts to unbutton my jeans, before I stop her. "I don't think this is a good idea, I want to, but I don't think now is a good time." I tell her, as I button my pants back up. "Oh, gosh. I don't even know what I was thinking, I'm so sorry, Harry." She backs up and straightens out her dress. The look on her face is pure shame, I can see the regret written on her features, as her cheeks turn red and she can't make eye contact. "Don't feel ashamed, Jane." "I-I don't know what I was thinking, I'm not even that type of girl." She admits, as she runs her hands through her hair. "It's fine, really." I reassure her. "We should probably get back out there." I comment. She nods, walking out of the bathroom." We head back for the cemetery, where it looks like the funereal is about to start. After leading Jane out of the house and through the gate I hang in the back since I'm not really supposed to be here for the actually funereal. "Harry, there you are." I turn my head to the sound of the voice only to see Charlie walking my way. "I've been looking everywhere for you, where have you been." I know I can't tell him the truth, because he would be upset if he knew I was in my house making out with a girl I hardly know. "I had to run to the bathroom." I lie, praying he doesn't question me. "Oh, well you should have told me I've been looking everywhere for you." He says motioning around the area. "I'm sorry, I'll remember that next time." After talking with Charlie for a bit he sends me off to the back of the cemetery to clean up the brush that had fallen over the past few days. When I arrive I start bending over and throwing the limbs in the wheel barrel, that he had ordered me to bring with me. It's not till I'm at the back of the graveyard that I notice the tombstone of Daniel Sexton, the old stone is covered in branches making it very hard to even see that it's there. I clean off the stone and bend down beside it, wiping away the wet grass blades that seem to stick onto the old cement. "Who are you?" I whisper to the stone, fully aware that it cannot hear or speak. I just wish I knew who he was, what his life was like. How he was related to the Sextons. I need to read those books Jane gave me, maybe there will be something about him, anything will honestly help the wondering voices in my head. Speaking of Jane, what was she thinking? It was so out of character for her to do something like that, or maybe I'm wrong, maybe I just don't know the real Jane. I still like the girl, but I feel like I was being used. I don't need another Madison in my life. "Hey, what are you doing?" I hear a almost angered voice call out from behind me. I turn to see where it's coming from only to see a young man that looks around my age walking towards me. "I was cleaning the stone." I reply back, standing up from my sitting position on the ground. "Why? Nobody is ever at the back of this cemetery." He spits, motioning around the almost empty area. " It's my job." The man runs his hand through his overly gelled hair, before saying, "well, maybe you should go clear off someone else's."I take a step towards him. "Why are you getting upset? This is my job, I'm getting paid to do this." I try to explain. "I'm sorry, it's just nobody is ever back here and I didn't expect to see anyone." I listen to what this man has to say, slowly realizing that he looks familiar. I have seen him before. "Do I know you?" I randomly ask. " I feel like I have seen you somewhere." My brows raise, waiting patiently for his answer. "We met awhile back, I came to your house." I think back to when I first bought the house. I remember a man showing up on my doorstep saying an old friend used to live here. "Oh, yeah I think I remember you." I tell him " what's your name again?" I ask, no longer wanting to punch the guy like I was a few minutes ago. "Max Williams. You're Harry Styles, correct?" I nod my head, wondering how he remembers that was a few weeks ago. We talk for a few minutes before he leaves disappearing behind the stones. I head back for the front of the cemetery after loading up the wheel barrel full of sticks. "Done already?" Charlie ask, once I am back at the shed. "Would have got done sooner, but I ran into someone at the back of the graveyard." Charlie snaps his head in my direction saying, "Who did you run into?" I start to toss the sticks in a pile as directed by the old man himself. "His name is Max Williams." Charlie drops what small tool he had in his hand, freezing to the spot he is currently standing in. "Max Williams?" His voice is shaky, as the name leaves his mouth.
24 Aug 2015 | 12:12
Oh oh
24 Aug 2015 | 12:15
Another ghost
24 Aug 2015 | 12:31
Hmm nice story so far
24 Aug 2015 | 13:04
there must be sumtin abt dat guy max Williams
24 Aug 2015 | 13:09
24 Aug 2015 | 15:21
U ran into anoda ghost.
24 Aug 2015 | 15:50
who could dat be?
24 Aug 2015 | 16:31
anoda ghost haa
24 Aug 2015 | 16:55
Chapter 24 Charlie's mouth falls a gap at my words. "Is everything alright? " I ask taking a step closer. "Yeah, yeah. Just felt a bit light headed there." After that Charlie acts really odd for the rest of the day, leaving me wondering why the name "Max Williams" would make him act so odd. After putting away the wheelbarrow, I head inside hoping to find something to eat before heading to bed. Once in the house, I go straight for the kitchen where I search the fridge in hopes of finding something editable. It's not till I start hearing thunder outside that I wonder if Anna will make an appearance tonight. I head over to the staircase, swiftly making my way up them, before slowly opening the door. Thankfully I had brought a few candles with me, so illuminating the room was fairly easy after I successfully lit all four candles without burning down the house. A creaking noise sounds from the opposite side of the room, startling me. I turn to the sound of the creek, spotting a dark figure standing in the corner of the room. "What are you doing up here?" The slender figure speaks. I step back a bit, making sure not to get too close just in case I upset her. " I was curious." I admit, stepping closer. "About what?" Her gentle voice speaks, as she takes a step closer. My palms start to sweat as I realize the things she could do to me, but a small voice in the back of my head tells me to trust her. "You." I simply say. Her body emerges from the dark shadows, creating a eerie, yet captivating scene. Long dark strands of hair fall over her flawless, porcelain skin. "And why is that?" She ask, almost hesitant. "You intrigue me... I guess." The look on her face holds pure shock, as she gazes at me. "What is so intriguing about myself?" "According to everybody in this town you're a ghost. If that isn't intriguing, then I don't know what is. " Her eyebrows crease in thought, as I stand waiting patiently for a reply. "They're right, Harry." There's a hint of sadness in her voice, as she looks down then over to the large window. It's silent for many minutes after that before I decide to speak up. "Do you know who Daniel Sexton is?" Anna's eyes snap to mine, before she quickly looks away. "Is something wrong?" I ask, keeping my distance. "I think you should go, Harry." "You know him don't you?" Her eyes find mine yet again, the sadness evident. She looks like she is about to cry, before the gloominess in her eyes turns to anger. "You need to leave. Now." I step closer saying, "It's okay you can tell-" "I said, now." Her voice turns colder than it was before, so I take that as my cue to leave. I will deal with this later. I head downstairs and take a quick shower before getting in bed and grabbing one of the books that Jane had recommended me to read at the library. The first one I pick up is titled, "Secrets Within The Sextons." I flip to the first page and begin to read, slowly finding out the picture perfect family, wasn't so perfect after all.
24 Aug 2015 | 17:18
Chapter 25 The cool air around me sends a shiver down my spine, as the dark night starts to close in on me. The sun starts to lower in the sky as I walk through an empty space. I'm not really sure where I am or how I got here, but I must be here for a reason. The farther my legs take me the more I realize where I am. The concrete stones around me start to get duller as I continue my journey through the graveyard. It's not till I'm face-to-face with the headstone of 'Daniel Sexton' that I start to grow anxious as to why I am here. A little boy appears, probably around the age of three. He peaks out from behind a tombstone with piercing blue eyes. I'm taken back as to why a child would be in a cemetery at this time of day and also being alone. "Hey, little guy." I try my best to not sound frightening, but oddly he doesn't seem to be scared. He has dark hair and pale skin with blue eyes. He doesn't speak, but I'm not really for sure if he is even old enough to. "What are you doing here?" he clearly speaks, without a stutter or hesitation. I'm taken back at how well he talks for looking so young, maybe he's older then what I thought. "I'm not really sure why I am here." I truthfully admit to the child. I bend down so I am resting on my knees. We're now eye-to-eye level. "I know why you're here. You came to see me." My eyebrows crease at the young boys words, but I'm too intrigued to interrupt him with pointless questions. "You were sent to help me, I know it." He excitedly speaks. "I've been waiting years for this." I'm so confused at what the young boy is saying, but I'm very interested. "Who sent me?" I finally ask. "Someone, don't worry about it." "Well, why was I sent to help you? Are you in trouble?" The boy looks down with a sad expression on his young features. He looks up at me with his big blue eyes and says, "I'm dead, Harry." My mouth falls a gap. "What do you mean? How do you know who I am?" My mind swirls with questions. "You have to help us, Harry. You have to." He almost begs as he starts to disappear. "Who? Who is us?" I frantically ask, as he starts to slowly fade away into nothing. "Her..." He trails off as he points towards the house. " Anna." My body jolts forwards as I wake up from a very weird, but realistic dream. My breathing is uneven as I slowly enter back into reality. I roll over onto my side as lightening strikes outside. My hand lands on the book I started reading before I fell asleep. I pick it back up and start reading where I left off. I'm about four pages into the book titled, "Secrets Within The Sextons" when I learn a shocking fact. Daniel Sexton was murdered October 12th, 1905. It doesn't say who killed the young boy it just says he was strangled and beaten to death. My heartaches knowing a three year old was brutally murdered like that. I set the book down on the bedside table before getting up and heading towards the staircase. I am determined to figure out what that dream meant and how Anna is involved. I swiftly climb the stairs two at a time before standing before the old, wooden door. I take a deep breath before entering. Lightening continues to strike outside and the branches on the trees brush and bang against the house and windows, creating an eerie feel. I light the candles that were up here last time. After successfully lighting all four wax sticks I stand in the middle of the room waiting, waiting for her to show herself. Minutes pass and nothing happens, maybe she is not here. I start to leave, giving up on her, but before I can a voice stops me. "Don't go." A soft, delicate voice speaks. I turn around towards the sound of her voice. There in the corner of the room she stands with her hands behind her back and hair cascaded down the front of her dress. "I won't if you don't want me to." She nods before saying, "Stay. I want you too." This is oddly going better then I originally thought it would, I'm honestly shocked. She motions for me to take a seat on her bed, so I do. The springs squeak as my weight shifts on the mattress. She decides to stay standing from a few feet away. " Harry, right?" I nod my head." I'm sorry about last night... Daniel is a touchy subject for me. " She puts her head down, acting as if she is about to cry. "It's alright, I shouldn't of asked." I tell her. "It's fine you didn't know."She replies back, locking eyes with me. "Can I ask you something? It's quite important to me." She seems almost hesitant to ask whatever it is. "Yes, of course." "Why did you move into my house? You do realize all the memories that these four walls hold? I've always wondered this since you moved in." I think on her question, knowing at the time I just wanted to get away from my overprotective mother. "Well, you see my mother was the main reason why I moved out and into this house. She likes to control my life even though I am a twenty-one year old man." I start to explain myself. " She has always liked to control my life, ever since I was little she has felt the need to. But recently I finally grew a pair and stood up for myself and told her I was moving out and away. It broke her heart to see her 'baby' go, but I had to get out of there." Anna listens with eager eyes, as she slowly makes her way to the edge of the bed where she sits gazing at me. "Your mother seems like a wonderful woman, I have no idea why you would want to leave her." Anna says with all seriousness. "What are you kidding me? She is terrible- okay maybe not terrible, but she is pretty bad." I laugh, knowing my mother loves me dearly, she just needs to learn to let go. "Well, to me she sounds lovely." Anna says, raising her head up. It's so odd how different she is acting tonight. Like one day she doesn't want me in her sight, then the next we are actually having a civil conversation. It's quite odd. "So are you really a ghost? I know we have already gone over this, but I find it really hard to believe." I admit. I have always wondered if maybe this was some kind of twisted joke. "Dead? Yes. Ghost? I'm not really sure. People say I am, but I don't really know, Harry." She explains. " Well if you're dead then why aren't you in the afterlife? Or wherever deceased people go." I questioned, not fully understanding all of this. "Well, Harry I don't really know that either." Her features fall into a frown, as the truth of her words hit her. " I've been up here for years, I just assume this is my resting place." She plays with the lose strings on the end of her dress, looking down at her feet. "Do you remember being alive?" She slowly looks up at me, but in a non creepy way. "Yes. I relive it all the time." "What do you mean?" My eyebrows raise, intrigued to know the answer. "Do you remember one time you came up here and I disappeared?" I nodded remembering how confused I was. "Well, when that happens I wake up to my old life. I run downstairs greeting my mother in the kitchen, as she fixes father breakfast before he leaves for work. My father always kisses me on the forehead before he slips out the door. Everything is perfect, back to normal. And then it happens." She pauses, looking over to the window where branches lightly rub against the glass.
24 Aug 2015 | 17:23
Waow,geting more interesting
24 Aug 2015 | 19:22
cordial relationship has started.. Harry... She likes u... I want 2 knw y daniel sexton said... *u need help us*.. Pointinq at d window.
24 Aug 2015 | 20:08
d suspense is killing abeg jex post all d episodes at once...
25 Aug 2015 | 04:04
Wat happen?
25 Aug 2015 | 05:03
25 Aug 2015 | 05:16
keeps getting interesting,waiting for d next episode
25 Aug 2015 | 06:20
she is traped, she needs help to go to the after live
25 Aug 2015 | 06:30
vis story is jux sumhw...
25 Aug 2015 | 06:58
Nice write up
25 Aug 2015 | 07:01
25 Aug 2015 | 07:55
I can't help but always wonder and ask if these tales actually happened or cld happen? Harry, a living soul sitting and having a decent conversation with Ann, a dead cold ghost.
25 Aug 2015 | 07:56
interesting than ever
25 Aug 2015 | 08:20
May b she x a living dead
25 Aug 2015 | 08:27
hmmm,she really likes u
25 Aug 2015 | 09:00
Tor what nxt oya oo
25 Aug 2015 | 09:40
Ride on bro, dis superb
25 Aug 2015 | 09:48
Oh my!!! so ghosts can be so real lyk dis? . . . Pls nxt d suspense is killing me here
25 Aug 2015 | 12:03
Abeg next episode
25 Aug 2015 | 12:56
kip it rolling
25 Aug 2015 | 13:28
Nice. Next plz
25 Aug 2015 | 17:51
25 Aug 2015 | 17:58
26 I sit dumbfounded on the old springy mattress, as I wait hoping Anna will come back, but sadly she never does, at least not tonight. I rise up from the bed and walk over to the window, looking out into the sky where dawn is clearly near. The sun peaks through the clouds, as a new day starts. I walk back to the door and down the stairs, hoping to find something to eat. I dig through the cabinets not finding anything appetizing, so I just eat a poptart. After eating I sit playing on my phone for a couple of hours before realizing I'm wasting a beautiful day. I go back to my room and throw on some clothes before handing outside to my old truck. Just as I'm getting in, a car pulls up beside mine. I squint my eyes at the vehicle, trying to see who it is. I spot a head of curly blonde locks, knowing exactly who they belong to. "Harry, hang on a second." Her voice calls out, as she hurries out of her car. I roll down my window. "I-I wanted to apologize again for what happened the other day. Again I am not that type of girl, I honestly have no idea what I was thinking." I had almost forgotten about her trying to make a move on me at the funeral. It wasn't all her fault I kind of wanted it too. "It's fine, really." I truthfully say, no longer allowing it to bother me. She lets out a breath before saying, "Thank God I felt really bad and I didn't want what relationship we had built up to break because of some silly hormones." She laughs, her cheeks turning red. " Me either. You seem sweet and I really want to get to know you more." I smile back at her. "Well, I would love that." Jane beams. "Are you headed somewhere?" She ask, raising a brow. "I was just trying to get out of the house." I explain, while tapping my fingertips on the steering wheel. "I know this cute little park not far from here if you wanted to maybe grab a bite to eat and take it there." I nod my head, excepting the offer. I tell her to get into my truck and we start driving. Jane points me into the right direction since I'm not really familiar with the roads. I have yet to go exploring in the little town. "So what would you like to eat?" Jane questions, as we head into town. "Anything is fine with me." I answer, remembering all I've had today was a poptart. We drive for a few more minutes before we pull up to a small store. Jane runs in after telling me she promises me she'll bring back something good. It's about ten more minutes before she comes back out carrying two full bags of groceries. "What all did you buy?" I laugh, as she places the two overly filled bags in the floorboard. "Well, I didn't really know what you liked, so I just bought a variety of things." She giggles, her cheeks blushing a bit. We head off towards this park she's been raving about, I don't get it it's just a park. What is so special about a park? After flipping the radio many times to different channels, I give up and switch it off. "You don't like country music?" I shake my head, "Never have, never will." I say with all honesty. I literally can not handle the sound of it. "Well, that's a shame. I like it very much." "Why? It's all about beer and big tractors." I chuckle to myself, as I look over at Jane. "I don't know, I just do." We pull up to the park, a bed of green grass filled with picnic tables and small children playing on the plastic playground liters the open area. "So, tell me, why is this park so special? It looks like every other park I've ever been to." Jane rolls her eyes before saying, "You haven't even seen the best part yet." We grab the bags and I follow Jane, as she leads the way. A few minutes pass and we both stand before a large pond filled with ducks. A fountain is placed in the middle, spitting water out from the top. The smell of fresh cut grass fills my senses. "It's pretty cool, right?" I nod, taking in the scene. "Yeah, it's pretty cool." We place our groceries on the ground, before Jane opens up one of the bags and pulls out a quilt. "Where did you get that at?" I question. " I got it while I was in the store, I thought we would need something to sit on." I nod, agreeing we do. "So, how is your sandwich?" Jane questions, as she peers over her turnkey sub. "It's good, you did a nice job at picking it out." I take another potato chip and cram it in my mouth with the rest of the food. "It's so peaceful here." I comment, gazing at the pond where ducks swim freely. "Indeed. I come here when I need to think." We sit, eating our subs in peace. My mind wonders back to Anna and what she meant when she said Max. Was she referring to Max William's, the guy I ran into in the cemetery? Or was it someone else? I have a lot of questions that need to be answered. Hopefully I can see her again tonight.
26 Aug 2015 | 04:01
27 After Jane and I left the park I drove her back to my place where she bids me goodbye. She said she had something to do, so I didn't question her. I grab the left over groceries that Jane said I could have since she just went shopping for food. Just as I'm walking up the front steps my foot gets caught on the last step, causing myself and the food to come tumbling down onto the porch with a loud bang. Profanity was shouted loud and clear for anyone near could easily hear my words of anger. I get back up after gathering the groceries that had fallen out of the bag with my little stumble I just had. "Great, this is just great." I mutter to my self in callous tone of voice. The bottle of coke had somehow busted and was now all over my porch, leaving a sticky residue. I take the bags inside where I sit them down on the counter in the kitchen. I head over to the closet, in hope of finding a mop of some sort. After finding one, along with a bucket I fill it with soap and water. I head back out towards the front and onto the porch. I begin to mop away the sticky mess that the coke had left. After a few minutes of mopping the porch was soda free. I head back inside and place the mop back in the closet where it belongs. I put away the groceries, (After wiping the coke off of them.) I make my way outside to the back yard where I see Charlie resting in a lawn chair. "Taking a break?" I amiably question. "If you call sitting out here for a two hour break, then yes, yes I am." He grins widely, which follows a raspy chuckle. I shake my head at the old man before pulling myself up a chair and joining him. "I saw you leave with Jane earlier. " He suddenly says. "I did. We went for lunch at this cute little park. " I admit, remembering the smell of fresh cut grass. "She's a lovely girl." Charlie tells me, while picking at his lawn chair. "She really is. How do you know her again?" "Her older brother used to work with me when she was younger." He answers, as he continues to pick at his chair. "Oh, okay. What does he do now?" I fold my hands together, as I wait for a reply. "He died a couple years ago..." Charlie trails off, looking out into the graveyard. I'm taken back and surprised, Jane never spoke of her brother passing. "How did he die?" I know it's none of my business, but I would really like to know if he's willingly to tell me. "Car wreck... The engine caught fire, the vehicle was in flames within seconds." My heart aches for her, I know that must have been terrible. I sit there and think how precious life really is. You never know when you will die. It could be today, tomorrow, five years from now or even fifty years from now. But nobody knows and that's scary because you never know when the last time you will talk to someone will be. You never know. Value them, because they could be gone..
26 Aug 2015 | 04:02
I felt pity 4 jane
26 Aug 2015 | 04:51
Dat z life 4 u,nobody knws when the inevitable will happen
26 Aug 2015 | 04:59
So bad. & she never dim it fit to mention d@ to u. & i wonder why?. Poor Jane.
26 Aug 2015 | 05:52
life is unpredictable
26 Aug 2015 | 06:46
true....small small we go knw who max be
26 Aug 2015 | 07:40
26 Aug 2015 | 08:08
Na so ooo just keep cool with everyone
26 Aug 2015 | 08:53
Are you sure it's not Anna that fell you down.
26 Aug 2015 | 12:21
Dat bad
26 Aug 2015 | 12:37
na so lyf be... first tym to comment
26 Aug 2015 | 17:48
Dats hw it z... Just need 2 make best out of it each day u wake up
26 Aug 2015 | 19:50
26 Aug 2015 | 20:11
That's is the real defination of life 2moro is hidden 4 everybody
27 Aug 2015 | 08:50
Update o
27 Aug 2015 | 10:25
Abeg.....wey d next episode na
27 Aug 2015 | 15:28
Very interesting story....pls when will the next chapter come?
28 Aug 2015 | 09:50
Hmmmm......... Next episode pls........
28 Aug 2015 | 12:24
The Sexton House Indeed.Nx Update Is Takin 2o Lng.
28 Aug 2015 | 16:57
Nxt pls
28 Aug 2015 | 18:03
The Sexton House chapter 28 After Charlie had told me about how Jane's brother died in that car wreck, I became slightly depressed. I feel like I hardly know Jane, yet we talk as if we have known each other for years. Jane is a sweet girl, she really is. I think we get on well. After sitting outside alone for a few minutes I finally get up and head for the house, slowly making my way to the back porch and inside. I kick off my shoes, since it started raining, and mud has stuck to the bottom of them. I grab myself a cup from the kitchen and fill it with water. I head upstairs hoping Anna is in a mood to talk. I open the door, hoping I won't startle her. As the door opens I spot her standing near the window gazing out at the stars. "They're beautiful, aren't they?" I say leaning against the doorframe. She jolts back, obviously startled, even though I wasn't trying to scare her. "Oh, Harry I didn't even hear you come up here." She says while holding her heart. I wonder why she does that? " I didn't mean to scare you." I laugh, while walking over to the large window where she stands. "I would say you scared me to death, but it's a little late for that." She cracks a smile and so do I. "That's terrible." I laugh, she nods her head agreeing that it was wrong. "So you like star gazing?" "Very much so. Sometimes I forget how big the world really is, that is until I look up at the sky and see all the millions of stars that litter it. It's truly extraordinary." The moon cast a glow onto Anna's face, which holds such peace, calmness. She seems so peaceful just gazing up at the sky. "Would you maybe want to experience it a little closer?" I question, nodding my head towards the doorway. "No, no, Harry. I haven't been out of this room in years." She explains, stepping away from the window and over by her squeaky, old bed. "Why not? The world is beautiful. There is so much to see. How could you live your life in this tiny room?" "I will agree, the world itself is beautiful, but the people in it aren't." Her eyes never leave mine. She seems so serious about it. "The world is a terrible place, Harry. There is so much to fear and so little of good in the world." "I will agree, the world is a frightening place, but that's part of it. That's part of life. We have to face things that scare us or we will never overcome them." Total silence. Not a word was said for several moments. "How do you face something that is living, when you aren't even alive yourself?" I'm taken back. Sometimes I forget that Anna is actually dead, and has been for years. "But everyday they have the possibility to die, and you don't. So what are you afraid of?" I question, watching as she messes with a piece of lose string on the bed. "I guess I'm afraid of living." She looks back up at me and says, "I guess I'm afraid of feeling again. I've been numb for years, Harry. I don't even know what it feels like to feel again." I walk over to her bed and sit beside her. "What if I promise to protect you? I'll be your shield, I won't let anyone or anything harm you." She shakes her head, "I don't know, Harry the world is a terrible place, you might get tainted by the worlds harsh and unforgiving colors. You seem like a good man, I wouldn't want you risking that over someone who isn't even alive." "Maybe I want to, Anna." I grab her face and say,"please let me show you what's beyond these four walls." I search her eyes, wanting, craving for her to give me permission to show her what's outside of this house. She takes a deep breath before saying," well since you aren't getting any younger, I say we do this." She speaks in such a proper voice. My smile stretches across my face. "I can show you the world just like Aladdin did with Jasmine," I joke, as I stand from my seat. "Who?" Anna questions, as I grab her hand.
28 Aug 2015 | 18:30
Chapter 29 "Who?" Anna questions, as I grab her hand. I laugh to myself, as I take her hand in mine. It's not till we are near the doorway that I realize I am holding a dead girls hand. I jolt to a stop and turn towards her. "I have a question before we precede on." I state, loosely letting go of her hand. "And what might that be?" She questions back. "If you're a ghost then how on earth am I touching you?" My eyebrows raise, obviously wondering how in the hell this is possible. "Oh, Harry you're so naïve." Anna laughs, throwing her head back slightly. "Ghost aren't like they are in stories, not at all. We aren't transparent nor are we sheeted beings." My eyebrows seem to raise a notch higher at her words. "Sheeted beings?" I question with a confused look. She huffs before saying, "we don't run around with sheets over ourselves trying to scare poor innocent people like yourself." Well that explains a lot. "Then what makes us different?" "I am dead. I have no heartbeat. I am numb, I can not feel anything." She admits, looking back towards the window. I knew Anna was dead, but I didn't realize how similar we are yet we are also like total opposites. "So you can't feel this?" I say, as I reach for her hand and inclose it in mine. Slowly rubbing my thumb against the back of hers. "Not at all." I'm sadden to know that Anna is literally numb to the world and will be forever. It's honestly a tragedy that such a intelligent, young women like herself will never feel again. "Well that's unfair." I admit dropping her hand. Anna's eyebrows raise. " I lead her towards the doorframe and walk through, leaving her standing on the other side. "It's been years." She softly speaks, gazing at the frame. "I don't know if I can do it. I haven't left this room in so long, Harry." "I know you can, Anna." "Change is good, correct?" She ask, looking hesitantly at the door. I can tell she's scared, and I guess I would be to if I haven't left a room in years, but she must face this fear if she is ever going to overcome it. "Remember what I promised you?" I say, entering back into the room. "Yes, I remember. You said you would protect me even if it meant you getting hurt in the process." I nod my head, staying true to my word. Anna takes a deep breath, before slowly walking towards the door. I follow suit, taking small steps that match hers. When she is right at the frame, she raises her chin and steps forward looking ready to take on the world. "You did it." I congratulate her. She smiles big before saying, "That felt so good! I haven't been able to leave that room in years. I was actually scared I might not be able to." I take her hand in mine and lead her down the stairs. Her big blue eyes scan every inch of the room. I can tell she is just trying to soak it all up before she has to go back to that small space. "Wow. I like what you did with the place." I shake my head, " I actually haven't done anything." She turns her head towards me. "Really? It looks different. Then again it could be because I haven't been down here in so many years." I nod my head, agreeing it's probably the latter one. We maneuver through the house and out to the front porch. "This will be your first bit of fresh air in awhile too." I laugh, knowing she'll make a big deal out of this too, which she should. I mean she is finally leaving a tiny room after years of being stuck up in it. " Yes, I know." We head outside, I watch as she takes in the night sky. Even though it's pouring rain out, she still looks amazed at the view. "Wow..." Her ocean blue eyes glance in every direction trying to absorb all of God's great creation. It is truly beautiful, even though I can see it anytime I want, but there will come a day when that is no longer possible. One day I will be gone. Dead, that is. I won't be able to walk outside and enjoy a lovely day, and I guess that is what sucks about life, you never know when will be your last. Enjoy your time here, for one day you won't be able to. "This is nothing compared to what I want to show you." I whisper to Anna, who seems deep in thought. "Really? Let's go." I take her hand we start running down the road. We could have taken my old truck, but I think skipping through the wet streets in the middle of the night is much more fun. We both run as if we are running from our life. And I guess in a way we are. No we're not being chased by men who want to harm us, but we are running from our problems and the reality of life and death. Anna may be dead, but that doesn't mean she can't have fun and enjoy her earth life. I know I'm crazy for running off with a ghost, but if you got the chance to do the same, wouldn't you run away to? You wouldn't pass up a once in a life-time opportunity. "I've never felt more alive!" Anna screams into the night. Joy and pure glee is laced within her words. I agree with her, it feels good just to run away, even if it is only for a little while. After running through the streets we finally make it to the park, the same one Jane brought me to. I lead Anna over to where the duck pond is located at and motion for her to sit on the ground. Soft thunder booms in the background along with strikes of lightning. "Wow this is beautiful." Even though the storm kind of frightens me I know Anna is enjoying herself, so I don't let on that I'm actually scared shitless. "I thought you might like it." I say, looking over towards her only to see a wide smiles stretching across her features. I knew at that very moment with the moon shining on the water which reflects a glow on her fare skin, that I was slowly falling for a dead girl, and there was no way for me to stop the feelings I felt for her.
28 Aug 2015 | 18:45
its obvious u hav won her hrt... Makinq her feel alive and promisinq protection.
29 Aug 2015 | 01:01
Hmmmmmm. Next plz
29 Aug 2015 | 04:45
Hmm...Dis One Is Strong.Anna Also Wil Fall 4 U In Return.Nw Dat U've Promise 2 Always Protect Her,i Hop U Won't Get Hurt In Return.
29 Aug 2015 | 05:04
29 Aug 2015 | 08:04
Nawa o,are u sure dat anna z dead? Or maybe someone cast an evil speal on her dat make her think dat she z enjoying dis story
29 Aug 2015 | 08:44
29 Aug 2015 | 09:03
Mehn! So interesting
29 Aug 2015 | 09:31
I first thank God you came to continue the story . . . This one is realy seriouse oo falling for a dead girl
29 Aug 2015 | 09:52
U dey craze? U fall in luv wit a ghost
29 Aug 2015 | 09:54
Falling 4 a dead gal? Ur kidding ryt? Mehn dis is s**t Total madness, insane
29 Aug 2015 | 10:22
Hmm its fun right? @harry haa with a ghost #love mood activated
29 Aug 2015 | 10:25
Hmmmm, u are doing a great jor@mastersam1
29 Aug 2015 | 10:42
Anna's dead, struck by lightnin after cursing God on a night she was preparing for a prom..hope I'm right sha.
29 Aug 2015 | 10:53
Falling for a ghost isn't a big will be fun to experience such love....what do you guys think?
29 Aug 2015 | 11:03
Take her 2 mama
29 Aug 2015 | 11:32
oh my Goodnes
29 Aug 2015 | 11:35
Geez..... U're falling for a dead gal???? Harry what dey heck is wrong with ur brain?
29 Aug 2015 | 11:40
Anna's POV It's odd how one person can change your life in an instant. How they can come into your life unexpectedly, as well as unwanted. But somehow end up being a blessing, a life changer. I honestly thought I would never leave that room. After I died I had thought I was banned from the outside world, but I wasn't. When Harry moved into my home I was mad- no furious! I hated the idea of someone else living in my house, a house where memories were made years before. He didn't belong there, but that was my perspective then. Now I enjoy his company even though sometimes he get's a bit nosey. "Are you alright?" His deep, raspy voice asks. "I'm fine. I was just thinking." He nods and continues to gaze out at the pond and I do the same. After gazing for what seems like hours I notice the sky starting to clear up. The clouds have disappeared and the rain is slowing. I need to get home or at least bid Harry, 'goodbye'. "Harry, I think we need to leave." He turns his head towards myself. "What for?" His eyebrows crease along with his shoulders dropping. "You can stay, but I wanted to say goodbye the storm is letting up, so that means I have to go." I explain myself. "Oh, well do you have to?" "I don't really have a choice. Once the storm is gone, so am I." I can start to sense myself slowly fading away, so I wave towards Harry until my worlds fades to complete darkness... with what I'm doing with harry I knew soon my days with him would be over....
29 Aug 2015 | 12:20
Harry _____ I watch as Anna slowly fades away to nothing. I reach my hand out to where she was just sitting, and My hand whips through the air as expected. I stay seated for several minutes before finally getting up and starting home. Since we walked- well, more we ran here it will take awhile. My thoughts seem to find their way back to Anna, as they usually do. She is such an odd soul. There is so much mystery about this girl, I can't keep her off my mind. I know the more I think about her the more I will wonder. It's odd how I have grown so attached to her so quickly, but there is just something about her that makes me want to learn more. I feel like I am supposed to protect her from this cruel world. She has already been through so much I can't stand the thought of her enduring anymore. I mean she is just a lost soul wanting to go home, but that's just it, she doesn't have a home or resting place she is stuck here left to fend for herself. Someone has to take care of her, and I know she has taken care of herself for years, but it's never to late to show someone what love can be like. Love doesn't always have to be shown through sexual acts or buying of gifts. Love can be as simple as taking care of someone because being loved is about feeling belonged and wanted even if you're broken in so many pieces that it takes a certain type of person to put you back to being whole again. I guess you could say I'm slowly falling in love with Anna Sexton, the ghost in the tower window. If only she was alive this might actually work out. I know Jane has something for me and at one time I felt something for her too, but it's different now. I don't know what it was about tonight that just made it feel so right, but it did and I want everyday to feel like today. It's hard though having feelings for a dead girl, because well, she's dead and there's nothing I can do about that. I finally come up on my street and jog the rest of the short walk to my house. I open the door since it wasn't locked, due to forgetting earlier when we left the house. I kick off my shoes at the door and leave them sitting there. I head to the kitchen for a glass of water and grab a bag of chips while I'm at it. I take my food to my room and get comfortable. I switch on the TV and flip through the channels before deciding on the History Channel. Soon after I fall asleep to the sound of the TV. I wake up the next morning to the sound of rain hitting the roof in droplets. I roll over on my side trying to find a comfy position, but am surprised to be met with Anna standing before my bed. I jump back in pure shock and grab at my heart. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you." Anna apologies, covering her mouth. "It's alright it just shocked me." I laugh off the little heart attack I just had and get out of bed. Last night was...Amazing and I honestly can't thank you enough for helping me leave that room." Anna says as she sits down at the table. I take a big bite of the food before saying, "It was really nothing, but I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I had a really great time too." I continue to eat my food as Anna repeatedly thanks me for helping her leave the tower window. "So tell me, do you work anywhere?" I'm pretty sure I have already mentioned this, but I go ahead and tell her again anyway. "I work at the cemetery behind the house." What I said seemed to spark something inside of her. Anna's eyes bugged slightly before saying, "Do you work today?" I nod my head remembering I have to be outside in about thirty minutes. " Yes, I do." I get up to wash my plate off before putting it in the dish washer along with the others ones. I put some of the leftovers in the fridge for later. "Oh, well maybe sometime I could go with you. I haven't been back there in years." "Do you know people that is buried in there?" I ask, hoping I don't trigger anything. "Yes, someone very special..." She trails off. " Well if you want to maybe you could come later tonight when it's dark." She nods her head before standing from her seat and saying, "That would be lovely." After that Anna leaves, going back upstairs and shutting the door. I stay standing in the kitchen leaning on the counter, still endlessly thinking about her.
29 Aug 2015 | 12:25
she has finally cum out frm her room....
29 Aug 2015 | 12:37
dix is MaDnEsS
29 Aug 2015 | 13:03
Dis one serious oh!
29 Aug 2015 | 14:29
Well well,harry is in love...cheers but wit who?
29 Aug 2015 | 14:46
So intresting
29 Aug 2015 | 14:56
I tire for dis kind love ooo haaa.
29 Aug 2015 | 17:24
Chapter 32. After standing in the kitchen with my thoughts lingering on, I head outside to meet Charlie. I spot the old man by the shed. He is messing with what looks to be a cell phone. "Harry, there you are! I need your help." He says, motioning me over. we finally get to work. He sends me off to take the dead/colorless arrangements off of the tombstones. I start at the front of the cemetery where I begin to throw the old ones away. It takes me about a hour to make it near the back of the graveyard. I pass by Daniel's stone. I stop by it and dust the dead grass off of it. After staring at the stone I turn towards the woods away from the house. I leave the bag of arrangements sitting beside Daniels grave. I walk to the edge of the tree line and squint into the dark forest, attempting to see inside. I proceed into the woods, not afraid of what might be lurking ahead of me. Branches snap underneath my feet as I make my way through the wooden area. My thoughts seem to find their way back to Anna and how she said she knew someone buried in the cemetery. The only other person with the last name 'Sexton' buried in the graveyard is, Daniel. Maybe he is her cousin, I'm not really sure. I continue maneuvering through the woods, not really sure what I'm looking for, hoping to fine something interesting, After awhile of walking and pushing back branches the thought hits me that I might not be able to find my way back out of here. I brush off the thought and continue my journey in the woods. Within just a few minutes of walking longer I begin to hear the sound of running water. I speed up my walking pace and jog in the direction of the sound of water. I break through the heavy trees and end up in a open area. the area is in the shape of a circle with trees lining the circle. In the middle of the clearing sits a small Crystal clear pool with a small waterfall coming off of the side of a rocky area behind the pool of water. i walk towards the water and stand near the edge, looking down at what looks to be endless amount of water. I dip my feet into the water to be surprised with a lukewarm substance. After checking out the place I go over to the waterfall and climb the rock in hopes of seeing which way home is. Thankfully when I reach the top I spot which way I need to be heading in. After walking for what seemed like miles, ( but was only like twenty minutes.) I make it back to the back of the cemetery. I grab the bag of dead flowers and start making my way back to the house. On the way to the shed, I toss the bag into the garbage can and bid Charlie goodbye. once in the house I wait for Anna, excited to tell her about my new discovery.
29 Aug 2015 | 17:55
Semi Final Chapter I head over to my room hoping to get a nap in before telling Anna about my new discovery. I just know she will want to head straight over there once I tell her. I kick off my shoes and lay down in bed, hoping to fall right asleep, which I surprisingly do. It seems that only a few minutes has passed since I fell asleep, but when I look at my clock on my nightstand it reads '5:03pm.' I toss around in bed for a few more minutes until I start to hear a drizzle of rain coming down onto the roof. I sit up in bed, kicking my feet over the mattress and putting my shoes back on. I drag myself to the bathroom and brush my teeth, since my breath doesn't taste the best- and probably doesn't smell the best either. After using the bathroom I head upstairs in hope of finding Anna. The stairs creak with every step I take, but it's not as creepy as it used to be. I have learned to ignore the noise and focus on the reason why I'm walking up the stairs, which is to see Anna. I push the door open, it creaking as well. I flip the switch on after seeing Anna wave lately to me from her bed. "Hello," I say waving back at her. She smiles brightly at me. "Hey, how are you?" I walk closer to her until I'm at her bedside. "Good, good. I came to tell you about my discovery." I tell her excitedly, throwing my hands up like an idiot that I know I truly am. "Oh really? Tell me all about it!" I begin to tell her, but then I think to myself that it would probably be a better idea to just show her. "So what do you say? Will you come back there with me?" She thinks hard on my offer, before sending me a bright smile that means yes. We head down the stairs and to the back porch where we then cross the backyard until we are in front of the gate to the cemetery. I move the small handle over that keeps the gate closed, letting Anna proceed first before closing the gate back. "It's at the back of the graveyard, so it will take a few minutes to get there." I tell Anna, who looks deep in thought. I want to ask her what she is thinking about, but I don't want to come off as nosy. I can't stand when people ask me what I'm thinking or why I look so sad. It honestly gets on my nerves, but something tells me I should ask her about it anyways. Anna was never going to see him again. but she didn't know how to tell him. "Are you alright?" It takes her a minute to respond before she quickly says, "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking." I nod my head, telling myself not to push it but I know there is something else wrong. "Are you sure there isn't anything wrong? Maybe something else that is on your mind?" I have always hated trying to figure out girls and you would think once they're dead you wouldn't have to worry about it anymore, but no I still do. But this girl is different, so I don't mind. "This graveyard just brings back memories I guess..." She trails off, looking down at her hands. I stop walking knowing I must figure out what is upsetting her about this cemetery besides the obvious that it is, in fact, a cemetery.
29 Aug 2015 | 18:07
"You can tell me whatever it is. If I would have known it would have upset you, I wouldn't have mentioned it." I feel slightly bad now since it was my idea to come here, but I just knew she would love it once she saw this place. "It's just that someone very special to me is buried here and it just made me think of them since we are here." I nod my head in understanding and say,"If you want to go back we can. We don't have to go. It's honestly no big deal to me if we don't." She shakes her head no before grabbing my hand and enclosing it with hers. We walk in silence only the sound of the night and all the creatures that lurk in it. Once we make it to the back of the graveyard we go straight into the woods, staying close to each other since the trees shade hardly letting any light seep through. Somehow or another I managed to remember how to get back to this place even in the dark night. "It sure is creepy out here." I whisper, no longer trying to sound manly since that obviously isn't going to work since I'm slightly terrified of the dark. "I agree, but it's also kind of peaceful. You're just a scaredy cat." Anna teases. I hit her shoulder with mine and she bumps me back. "I am not a scaredy cat, I just don't like the dark very much." Anna laughs at me before saying, "It's okay to be afraid, Harry. You're alive, so you have a right to be. I am dead so I'm not really worried about getting attack by a bear or whatever you are scared of." I nod my head, knowing that she is right, but still hating the fact that she knows now that I'm afraid of something so childish. "Well, it looks like we are here." I say, looking over at the small river like place. I take Anna's hand and pull her with me to the water until we are right up on it. I sit down and stick my feet in, feeling the lukewarm substance. I pull off my T- shirt and jeans leaving myself in only boxers. I slip into the water swimming around a little while I wait for Anna who looks hesitant to get in. she was making up her mind. she wasn't going to tell him..she would make tonight unforgettable for him. "What's wrong? Is somebody afraid of a little water?" I tease, in a baby voice. She looks at me with her hands on her hips and says, "No. I was just shocked that you would strip down like that in front of me." I laugh to myself, even though I probably should have brought swimming trunks with me, but sometimes you got to live a little on the wild side. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know ghost could get turned on." I laugh to myself, as the look on Anna's face is priceless. "Harry! I am a lady and you shouldn't say these things!" She yells/laughs at me. I shrug not really caring if it embarrassed her or not. "Are you going to get in? Or am I going to have to drag you in?" I wiggle my eyebrows, before swimming over to the edge and pulling myself out of the water all while Anna is shaking her head no and repeating over an over, 'Harry, no.'I just laugh and grab her by the waist and throw her and myself into the water. She comes up and smacks me across the face before saying, "Harry! What is wrong with you?" She half laughs, holding onto me since the water is really deep. "That was funny, don't lie and you can't say I almost killed you because then that would make you a liar." I grin at her. She narrows her ocean blue eyes at me before saying, "You're something else." We both swim around for awhile Anna staying close to me, which I don't mind at all. After about an hour of just talking small talk and enjoying the water she speaks up and says, "Have you ever been in love?" The question takes me by surprise. I cough a bit before answering. "I thought I was at one time, but now that I look back on it I realize that wasn't really love it was just lust and the idea of us being together. Have you ever been in love?" "Yes. I was madly in love with a boy, he was my other half. We were completely for each other in every way possible." For some reason I feel some kind of jealously for the guy that Anna was supposedly madly in love with. I know this had to have happened in her human life but still it slightly bugs me.
29 Aug 2015 | 18:11
dont tell me she's gonna leave n never come back.
29 Aug 2015 | 18:17
dis love strong no be small
29 Aug 2015 | 18:22
FINAL CHAPTER Anna loosely holds onto my back, as I float both of us above the water. Her head is resting on my shoulder and legs wrapped around my waist. I begin to hum a random tune while holding this stunning girl in my arms. I honestly can not imagine life without her, but if you would have asked me a few weeks ago I would have never thought I would be in this position. I didn't even believe in falling in love so quickly, let alone falling for a ghost. But that just shows that time can change anything. The rain drizzles down on us, slowly starting to die out. I wish it would rain everyday just so I could be with Anna, but I know that won't happen and I also know that she will be leaving me soon since the rain was falling. "I don't want to go," she whispers against my shoulder blade. I don't want her to go either, but I know that is destined to happen. "You won't be gone long." I try to reassure, thinking she will be back within a couple of days. If I could sit here in this water and hold her all night I would, if it meant she would get to stay longer, I would. "I will miss you..." She trails off, as I start to feel her body fade away from mine. Within seconds she is completely gone. The rain stopped, leaving the ground slightly muddy. I get up out of the water and start to head back towards the house. My mind focused on Anna the entire way there. When I finally do make it back, I head straight for the shower, before heading to bed. I lie awake, craving for another minute with her. I wake the next morning to the sound of someone pounding on my door. I roll around in bed, attempting to block out the obnoxious noise from my ears, but with no luck, I finally get up and stride towards the door in only my boxes. "Okay, Charlie that is enough! I am coming." I yell. its been 2 years now and I haven't seen Anna. I'm moving to another country but the memories of this house will forever remain with me. I'm happy for the moments I spent with Anna but I'm disappointed I couldn't solve the mystery of the old house..I didn't know about Max Williams or Daniel Sexton.
29 Aug 2015 | 18:22
Av known 4rm d start dat u will fall 4 her, goodluck
29 Aug 2015 | 18:23
The Sexton House in Russell ville KY. The old house sat at the corner of the cemetery it is spooky looking. It was the kind of place you would expect to be haunted. There was never anyone around the house, and the lights were never seen on. It just sat there guarding the ornate markers and gravestones of the cemetery. The second floor tower held old glass windows that shimmered colors of blue and purple in the sunlight. When the sun’s reflection was just right you could see the outline of a girl in the old glass, and that has become the ghost of the sexton house. Legend has it that a hundred years ago a young girl who lived in the Sexton House was waiting for the arrival of her boyfriend to go to a dance in town. The weather was turning bad and thunder clouds were on the horizon. The girl’s father, the sexton, forbid her to go to the dance thinking that it was probably canceled anyway due to the storm, and her boy friend never arrived. She was angry with her father, angry with the weather, angry with her boyfriend. She cursed God and swore at her father. At that moment, while she stood at the window cursing God, lightning struck her, forever casting her shadow into the glass of the tower window.
29 Aug 2015 | 18:27
Hmmm we r in love with miss anna sexton a ghost for that matter harry hope you r okay shaa lol
29 Aug 2015 | 18:54
wow, cursing God? Hmmmn
29 Aug 2015 | 19:13
Dere's nofin u can do its a nature
29 Aug 2015 | 19:51
Waow,what a nice story..
29 Aug 2015 | 20:04
@MasterSam1 thumbs up.. When next u post tag me,.. Harry u try fallinq in love with a qhost likewise her 2.
29 Aug 2015 | 20:20
will der be a season two
29 Aug 2015 | 20:49
THE END!!!! Do not miss this new one "HAUNTED HOUSE" Written By Molly Stance
29 Aug 2015 | 21:32
Wow!! Good work @mastersam001.. Anna..cursed God?? Oginni?? Haunted house?? U nd ghost stories sha... *more sub to ur phone*
29 Aug 2015 | 21:44
Whao nice story really love dis
30 Aug 2015 | 00:21
nice write up
30 Aug 2015 | 06:34
Oooohhhhh its so annoying d story ended
30 Aug 2015 | 06:41
Hummmmm wat a story
30 Aug 2015 | 09:26
Wow nice story weldone...
30 Aug 2015 | 09:56
Hmmm...wot a sad endin..wot a world!!
30 Aug 2015 | 10:40
Wow! Really love dis story. Thumps up!
30 Aug 2015 | 10:41
Nyc ending
30 Aug 2015 | 11:08
I must say am abit disappointed hw d story ended. Much like nija home video, jez wen ur begining 2 feel d movie it'll abruptly end.interesting story though. Nice work
30 Aug 2015 | 11:50
Nyc story n thumbs up 2 u @ mastersam1.
30 Aug 2015 | 14:51
Waooo nice work man. . . . . . O boy so sey na Madison u go back to or Jane
30 Aug 2015 | 14:57
hmmm!!interesting u ve done a good job
30 Aug 2015 | 18:21
Wow!! U did well but d end is like 9ja movie, it doesn't end well......Kudos anyway
30 Aug 2015 | 18:48
@MasterSam001... Share d link 4 *hunted house*
30 Aug 2015 | 19:38
At last thaks 4 this story
31 Aug 2015 | 05:42
Read Haunted House Here
31 Aug 2015 | 11:54
wonderful story ,thumb up
3 Sep 2015 | 12:17
Cool but horrible! Anyways, its good
23 Sep 2015 | 01:50
u get mind ooo
9 Nov 2015 | 17:34
Gud one
10 Dec 2015 | 11:57
woow, really interesting
13 Dec 2015 | 07:18
wow a real love story
25 Dec 2015 | 22:03
You are in for it just praying that you may survive
22 Apr 2016 | 03:30
Hmmm interesting
19 Jun 2016 | 16:46
Cool story mee
25 Jun 2016 | 04:55
Nice story
18 Jul 2016 | 14:34
Nice story
22 Jul 2016 | 08:48
Nice story
4 Nov 2017 | 08:49
Thumbs Up Bro..
26 Apr 2019 | 20:46


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