The Voice

The Voice

By ¤Prince~Jude¤ in 23 Feb 2017 | 18:08
¤Prince~Jude¤ ¤Prince~Jude¤

¤Prince~Jude¤ ¤Prince~Jude¤

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Posts: 2457
Member since: 4 Jul 2015
[b]No part of this work should be reproduced in any
format or shared on any other platform without
express written permission of the writer.
Disclaimer : This work is a complete work of
fiction. Resemblance to any persons whether
dead or alive, place or thing is not intended and
should not be inferred.
Copyright 2017 © Alabede Jude Oluwabamise
WhatsApp contact: +2348135330151
email: [email protected]

About the story
The Voice
Detective Cole is an anti crime fighter who was
specifically trained in hand combat and a
professional in the use of guns.
he rose through the ranks rapidly and became
the hitman of the CIB.
he lived a carefree life and was happily married
to a young beautiful woman who triggered his
success in the force but his success were cut
his travails started with an unsolved crime. The
cataclysm of the crime enhanced a voice to
surface terrorizing the state.
it was an anonymous voice which couldn't be
traced to its source.
through the voice, many lives were lost and there
are still many more to be lost.
detective Cole who was bent on getting to the
root of the case was injected with an amnesia
virus which wiped his memory off the case.
it became a mystery to unravel, an arduous task
to the whole of the CIB department.
who could be behind all these?
find out in this intriguing story.
The voice.
To be posted on Mondays, Wednesdays and
23 Feb 2017 | 18:08
Bro @Hormortiyor I don't have any snacks
23 Feb 2017 | 18:37
owk. @victoriouschild. Let me visit the Mammy market then.
23 Feb 2017 | 19:01
@victoriouschild, @froshberry-2, @mercy1, @vivian8, @talentbad, @yohmi, @sonshine, @oluwaferanmi, @jummybabe, @frankkay, @hi-bee-kay. New story here Fellaz.
23 Feb 2017 | 19:19
I am here
23 Feb 2017 | 19:41
Episode 1 it was a monday morning, in the city of calabar. People could be seen walking to and fro. Every young and old folk were walking briskly to their destination. The city of calabar is always a beehive of activities. People going to their various workplace could be seen rushing to avoid getting late to work. Some stood on the road flagging down vehicles that would convey them to their destination. There was a sonorous noise in the whole city which was incessant &clamorous. The noise which came from the fast moving vehicles was accumulated with the noise of the hawkers, who were displaying their wares. All moving vehicles suddenly came to an halt. It seemed as though, there was a gigantic traffic withhelding them from moving. All drivers peered outside through their window with a puzzled look on their face, wondering what was happening. All the cars queued up within a short while causing a heavy traffic jam. Different car horns blared loudly as the drivers tried to create a way but all efforts was futile. The hawkers were elated and gratified at the traffic jam. As they saw it as an opportunity to sell their wares. They moved from vehicle to vehicle propelling passengers to patronize them. Detective cole sat in his BMW car and was on the wheel. He was extremely infuriated at the traffic jam as he checked his golden wristwatch persistently, which his wife Nora bought for him as his birthday's gift. He was running out of time and he disdain getting late to work. He angrily banged the horns of his car with a clenched fist. "holy shit!" he cursed under his breath and removed his seatbelt. He decided to go have a look of what caused the traffic. He adjusted his tie properly and alighted from the car. He hadn't taken more than three steps when he heard an explosion which came far away from where he stood. Before he could comprehend what was happening another sounded and swept everyone away from their feet. The second explosion reverberated and flung him far away. Just like flash, everything happened within a second. The cloud of debris and pieces of scattered flesh and car's fragment with a huge puff of smoke was all one could see. In no minutes, the police came rushing to the scene with their sirens blaring loudly accompanied with tons of Ambulance vehicles. Three officers jumped down from the van and walked closer to the victims. While the other officers cleared the way for other Ambulance vans. They rushed out an carried the remainant of the dead bodies on stretchers into the waiting vans and immediately sped off. ~ The light stung her eyes as she opened them, Nelson Nora shielded her eyes with her right hand and pulled herself up from the sofa with her left. She rubbed her forehead, they banged in a way she had never experienced before. She had just dismissed Cole her heartthrob for work an hour ago before she slumped on the chair and slept off. It was the headache that woke her up and the pain she felt at the moment was unbearable, they threatened to split her head. She reached for the television remote control which was laid on a low stool in front of her and turned on the t.v set. She never wanted to do so, but something she couldn't attest to, propelled her to do so. The sound coming from the television was going straight into her head and she decided to switch it off but something caught her attention. It was the news flash. She restrained and squint her blurry eyes to read the headline. 'A Nuclear bomb blast in calabar city.' was the breaking news headline and a video footage of the explosion was shown afterwards. She readjusted her sitting position to have a clear view of the footage. She saw dead bodies and fleshy pieces being carried away into the vans in haste, then the reporter was shown. It was a female reporter which one could guess was in her mid-twenties. "this is the first Nuclear bomb blast of this kind that this city has seen and experienced. Five hundred and three (503) people were confirmed dead who were victims of the unfortunate incident and twelve (12) were found injured including our beloved detective Cole who was trapped in the traffic jam before the explosion" Nora suddenly sprung up as though, she was being poured hot water. She was aghasted and petrified that Cole was also a victim. Beads of sweat immediately formed on her forehead and her legs started vibrating. The bangs on her head doubled from worse to worst. She tried to catch up with the last details as she concentrated on the t.v screen. "the police are yet to comment on the bomb blast, we will be back with an official police statement. its lance Kayle reporting. thanks for watching, stay with us." the reporter said and her pretty face gave way for a bank advertisement. She switched off the television and paced up and down with worriment. She touched her forehead and the pain was severe, she became dizzy & her legs twitch. She couldn't hold on any longer, it gave way and she slumped to the ground. To be continued....
24 Feb 2017 | 03:56
Geez! Cole must survive the explosion.
24 Feb 2017 | 06:03
Episode 2 Nora felt her back rested on a soft bed which she presumed not to be hers, since her bed was rock hard and stiffy. She slowly opened her eyelids and saw a white ceiling instead of a brownish customized ceiling. She was surprised and She swiftly turned her head sideways to be sure of where she was. She realized she was on a hospital bed but how she got there was a mystery to her. She recalled back what happened earlier four hours ago and realization hit her. The bangs throbbing her head was gone and she felt much more better. A big thanks to the nurses who quickly took charge of the situation immediately she was brought in. She remembered Cole and her face turned pale and worried stiff. She thought about what might have happened to him. The more she thinks about him, the more she got herself worried about him. She was too engrossed in her thoughts that she never knew when the door to her ward was opened, not until she felt a hand tapped her and she jerked back to reality. She looked up and saw Emily's smiling face. "Emily?" she heard her own voice say in a muffled tone. Emily smiled, she knew the questions throbbing her mind but its just a matter of time before she let her know how she saved her ass. Emily and Nora were bossom friends right from childhood till their adulthood. They were the ideal meaning of real and true friends. They were always there for each other, in times of needs and wants. Back in the day, Emily used to be a hard headed person, a naughty-girl as Nora would describe her but then, time passed, they both are a grown woman now, an independent one.. strong, powerful women who is sufficient to rule a community. . "hey doctor am okay, am i not good to go?" Nora asked as she couldn't figure out why she was still held captive on the hospital bed since she was very much okay. "sorry ma'am, you'll be discharged soon but you really need to rest a little bit more, only then will you be good to go" Doctor Okon said with a smile while Nora shrugged. he wrote somethings into his notepad and left afterwards with the nurse. Nora looked at Emily with a questioned look who was now seated on a harmless white chair beside her. "how did i get here?" she asked her waiting for an explanation. "Nora! So you're so curious to know?" Emily asked surprised at her curiosity demeanor. "yeah! Sure, why won't i be?" she said in affirmation with a raised brow. "but you know curiosity kills the cat, don't you?" "i sure do but not this one" she replied while Emily laughed. "was that funny?" she asked laughing herself. "oh, if it wasn't, then why did you laugh?" "i dunno but your laugh compelled me to." she replied and winked at her. "how is Cole?, did you hear the news?" Emily asked with a serious tone while Nora's expression changed immediately to a sober one. "yeah i did, i heard the tragic news." Nora replied with a teary face. "c'mon Nora, he isn't dead, he was only injured" Emily said consoling her. "but do you know how worse it is? Tell me, do you?" Nora asked trying to fight back the tears. "no, i don't but be rest assured that he will be fine" Emily replied feeling defeated. "please. Lets go see him" Nora said and sat upright. "actually, that was why i came but unfortunately i saw you sprawled on the floor almost dead and i had to rush you here" Emily said and stood up. She paced the room up and down. "you came for us to go see him together? " Nora asked with a raised brow, she found it hard to believe that. Emily stopped in her tracks and gazed at Nora, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "not really, but the truth is, i came to ask few question about his own part of the incident, to gather information and merge it with others. You know my job could be ludicrous at times" Emily said and quickly let out a smile. "so because you're a journalist, you came to question Cole who we don't know his fate yet huh?" Nora said agitated obviously in a raised tone. She rose up from the bed and walked to the door, she turned the door knob opened and paused. She sighed and turned back to Emily whose head was bent down in remorse. "Emily, i'm sorry and thanks for the other time, i need to go see the doctor, will you come with me?" Nora asked still standing waiting for her response. Emily raised her head up, smiled and got up. She took her handbag which she kept on the table and walked closer to Nora. "sure" she said and smiled broadly. "thanks" Nora said and smiled too, she opened the door and they both went to the doctor to append the discharge file. ~ Detective Cole opened his eyelids slowly, the rays of the sun which pierced through the open louvres penetrated into his eyes and he quickly shot them back. He blinked his eyes repeatedly so his pupil could adjust to its surroundings. He eventually opened them and looked up straight. He felt some pains on his forehead and he closed his eyes abruptly and opened them back. "you're awake" a familiar voice said. To be continued....
25 Feb 2017 | 15:37
@victoriouschild longest time I sawded u
25 Feb 2017 | 15:40
Sweety mi Whizjay why won't you say longest time when you totally forget me your wife?
25 Feb 2017 | 15:51
lol @victoriouschild I never forgot u my love I always remember u in my dream na
25 Feb 2017 | 18:30
Just imagine, you only remember me in your dream
25 Feb 2017 | 23:59
yes na @victoriouschild I can only remember u in my dream if i do in reality, guyz will start stalking me, sending anonymous threat message and u know my watchword 'I love my life'
26 Feb 2017 | 01:11
Bia Whizjay are you not the one that is suppose to be Sending them threat not them....weakling hubby
26 Feb 2017 | 02:22
ah lol @victoriouschild yes I have to be a weakling hubby when it comes to seeing Mr obedience 'GUN' I still love my life
26 Feb 2017 | 03:27
Sweety ni am going to divorce you because I can't have a weakling for a hubby
26 Feb 2017 | 03:59
load more
26 Feb 2017 | 04:10
nice one
26 Feb 2017 | 04:43
Nice story... Ride on
26 Feb 2017 | 06:11
Nice one
26 Feb 2017 | 07:11
The Voice Episode 3 and 4 Cole turned his head sideways to look at the person whose voice he heard. it was Agent bola, his assistant at work. he stared at her with a surprised look on his face. "what're you doing here?" he found himself asking and tried to get up but the pains that surge through him sent him back on the soft bed. "don't hurt yourself detective" Agent bola said, her eyes imploring. Cole groaned in pains, squeezing his face like someone who find it hard to defecate. he scrutinized his surroundings and then realization hit him. he was in a hospital not his house as he had thought. "how're you feeling?" she asked touching his forehead while Cole yelped in pains. his head was bandaged due to the crummy falling. the reverberation of the explosion made him land facedown hitting the ground with his head. "ouch! that hurts" Cole said still wincing in pains. "yeah sorry for that, the doctor would soon be here to administer you some pain killers" Agent bola said. just then the door creaked open and a doctor walked in, accompanied with a nurse who carried a small tray in her hands, containing different type of syringes. "welcome doctor" Agent bola said while the doctor only nodded his head in reply. "detective, we've not gotten any useful lead yet, no traces, no video footage. the bomber got his/ her tracks covered" Agent bola said and paused when Cole's facial expression changed to a sad one and the effect of the news made him sit uprightly. "I wish you quick recovery so we can nab the perpetrator" she said, sighed and adjusted her curly blonde hair. she walked out of the room with her high heels shoe clumping, attracting stares to herself from the trio in the room. Detective Cole fell back on the bed immediately she was out of sight. he exhaled deeply. he was worried and panicked-stricken. his fears were not finding the bomber to apprehend him. he had no idea, if the bomber was a he or she but one thing he was sure of is that, he would dig in deep to fetch the culprit. "Detective Cole" The doctor called out for the umpteenth time obviously bringing him back from his reverie of thoughts as he jolted back to reality. he sighed heavily and looked up at the doctor with an apologetic look. "you dont have to jeopardize yourself thinking, remember you are still a patient and you need to rest so you could recover fast" "No thanks doc, am very much okay sir" Cole said now sitting uprightly removing the syringe on his wrist which was connected to a drip. the doctor's eyes popped open when he saw him removing the drip and putting them on the bed, he quickly rushed to him and held him back. "you can't go like this detective, you are .. " "No, I have to go, please discharge me now" Cole said in a command tone. "no, you can't .. " the doctor objected. "your wounds are still fresh and you .." the word hanged in his mouth as Cole cast him a deadly glare which he immediately adhere to. "you you are free, you can go" the doctor stuttered. Cole rose up and walked past the doctor to the door, he turned the door knob and paused, he looked back at the doctor and mumbled the word 'thanks'. with that, he left the room and off to the CIBbuilding. ****** "do you know the hospital Cole was taken to?" Nora asked Emily as they both hopped into a Camry car. "not really but it should be the general hospital" Emily replied and ignited the car engine, she drove off. minutes later, they arrived at the hospital and pulled into the carport. they walked in, and both went to the receptionist. "hi Cora" Emily greeted with a wave of hand. the receptionist stopped what she was doing and looked up at her surprised wondering how she knew her name. "good afternoon ma'am" she greeted with curtsey bowing her head a little. "yeah, is detective Cole brought in here?" Nora impatiently asked. the receptionist quickly navigated through the record book of the admitted patients with her pen checking names. she abruptly stopped and looked back at Nora, "yes he was admitted here ma'am" she said and looked back at the book to be sure. "but ...." they were gone already, she saw them afar walking along the hallway on the lookout for the emergency unit. she immediately ran after them "excuse me ma'am" she started, gaining their attention. "he is discharged already" "discharged?" both Emily and Nora asked surprised. "yes, I saw him walkedout not too long" "why would he be discharged so soon?" Emily asked. "that, I can't tell" "alright, thanks Cora" Emily said and they made to leave but Cora stopped them. "sorry ma'am, am just wondering how you got to know my name, do you know me before?" "no I don't, your name tag is ....." Emily couldn't finish her statement as she was dragged by Nora who couldn't wait anylonger the duo walked out of the hospital and off to the parking lot. ********* Ryan, the director general of the CIB was seated on a swivel chair and piles of document graced the desk at his front with two laptops. his office was exquisitely furnished with different paintings and sculptures. large frames of the president was hung up above his head and beside it was the picture of the governor of river's state. he had the picture of himself, dressed in the CIB uniform hung up on the wall adjacent to the other pictures. all the pictures were arranged accordingly but a picture stood outstandingly elegant, the designs were different from the rest, though it was performed professionally by the same sculptor. the image was his late wife, she was grinning in the picture displaying her sparkling white teeth. the grin never left the face for once. even when she died, she was grinning, grinning at no one in particular. Ryan took a file, it was the case file of a notorious serial killer who was just apprehended. the whole of the CIB did a great job on the case and they were credited for it, it was their best and arduous case they ever solved but yet another serial killer emerged which was more ruthless and inexorable. the serial killer had caused more than enough havoc to the state. The insidious effect was a deterrent to the CIB due to the loss of lives. but Ryan was always dauntless and as a valiant, he would encourage the team to be courageous and should always believe in the impossible. and they must show infinite loyalty to their job which would always lead to success. . Ryan flipped through the pages of the file, though it was a closed case but he had other things to do with the case. he was looking for similarities between the newly infamous serial killer and the convicted one. he smiled satisfactorily having found What he was looking for. he pushed the file aside and drew his personal laptop to himself. he pressed the startup button and the system came on but it was passworded. he punched in his password and was about to press the enter key when he saw Cole approaching his office, he quickly cleared it and closed the system. Cole pushed the door open and stepped into the office, he bolted the door behind him and walked towards him, he saluted him immediately he got to his front. Ryan couldn't reciprocate the gesture but rather showed his bewilderment on seeing him. "Cole, why are you here?" he said and stood up. "you should be in the hospital" "no sir, I ought to be here, besides, am okay now." "no you're not, you are bleeding" Ryan said pointing at his forehead. Cole touched his bandaged head and blood trickled down his face. he looked at his worried boss and shook his head. "I'll be fine" "but you...." Ryan was saying but was interrupted by a loud noise emitting from his phone which was on the table. Cole's phone also rang out loud at the same moment. he brought it out out from his pocket and saw the word 'PLAY' boldly inscribed on the phone's screen. he looked up and met his boss gaze, both wondering how it got there. Cole and Ryan communicated with their eyes. Ryan nodded his head in affirmation to go ahead. they both tapped PLAY. ~ @the same time different location ~ Emily and Nora were sitting down on a couch in Cole's house. Emily sat opposite to Nora. both were fatigued due to their fruitless search for Cole, they had went to different places but couldn't find him, an idea suddenly struck Nora's head and she quickly stood up in excitement to the bewilderment of Emily. Emily was about to ask why she was excited but their phone rang out loud at the same time and both went for it. Emily was the first to get hers from her bag, she looked at the supposed caller but was surprised when she saw PLAY on the screen, she looked up to meet Nora's gaze fixed on her. with fear and trepidation, they both tapped PLAY. To be continued...
26 Feb 2017 | 16:38
PLAY! What's this PLAY of a thing all about?
26 Feb 2017 | 17:45
Who, what is PLAY? The KILLER?
26 Feb 2017 | 17:58
PLAY Will just be listening to already recorded voice
26 Feb 2017 | 21:09
dis person is just a professional. I hope he/she doesn't harm any of them
27 Feb 2017 | 02:41
lovely story
27 Feb 2017 | 03:06
27 Feb 2017 | 07:25
watin dm d play na.
27 Feb 2017 | 08:03
Chai . . I almost came late . . Let see if it is a video or Audio .Continue.
27 Feb 2017 | 08:25
Play hmmm play death
27 Feb 2017 | 08:42
27 Feb 2017 | 09:34
27 Feb 2017 | 19:29
Episode 5 Cole and Ryan waited in anticipation as they both tapped PLAY. The screen went blank immediately they clicked the play icon. They waited .... Waited... Waited .... but nothing happened. still blank... Long silence... Then suddenly, both screen lights came on and a timer appeared counting down rapidly, showing 12 mins 25 secs. Cole and Ryan looked up at each other, their mouth opened wide agape with fear and surprise. they couldn't comprehend what was happening as the timer looked real like a bomb timer but how the timer got to be reading on their phones was a mystery. Cole looked back at the screen, the timer was now reading 7 mins 4 secs. his hands were shaking vigorously that the phone almost fell off his hands. he looked back at Ryan who also looked at him at the same moment. he saw Ryan nodding his head and he knew what that means. without a second thought, they both ran out of the office and off to the cyber division with the phone in their hands which was now giving a beeping sound indicating that they have little or no time left. ~∆∆∆ @ the same time Location: Cole's residence ~∆∆∆ "what's happening?" Nora asked fearfully, her heartbeat beating faster than normal. the only time her heart beats that way was on her wedding day with Cole, it was when the priest asked that dreaded question they always asked. "speak now or forever hold your peace" The priest said and there was an intense silence in the auditorium. Nora's mind had wandered away, she looked on at every prying eyes looking at where their hands were positioned, was it held up or down? her beats started gradually like it always does, then later it seemed to have lost control that it was almost heard by the audience but Cole suppressed it by clutching to her tight and then, no hands came up which eased the tension and she was at peace. but she wasn't sure if that would be the situation here too. "Nora! Nora!" Emily called on top of her voice jolting her back to reality. "Emily what is it?" Nora asked. Emily looked surprised and pouted her lips in abhorrence, she looked baffled and shocked. "Are you out of your mind?" she asked rhetorically. "don't you see there is a bomb timer reading on our phones?" that was it, that was all she had to hear. she sprung up checking her phone immediately and oops! it was 3 mins 50 secs. she looked at Emily with a terrified look on her face, scared to the core. Emily was more scared than she was. "what are we going to do?" came the question from Nora. Emily shook her head. "No idea" "are we going to die?!" Nora shouted rattled at the thought. The two phones started giving a beeping sound and the timer reading 1 min 00 sec. Emily looked up at Nora and their gaze met, each seeing a fearful look. on a normal day, Emily would have laughed and joked about it but it wasn't something to joke about. it was something more serious than peeing in the pants. "I think I have an idea" Emily said thoughtfully raising her index finger. "what's it?" "let's throw our phones away in the pool" ~ Location: CIB TOWER ~ The cyber is a division unit in the CIB. it has two big rooms but was well equipped with computer facilities and technology gadgets which helps facilitate in cyber securities and for investigating cyber attacks by criminals, overseas adversaries, and terrorists. The threat is incredibly serious—and growing. Cyber intrusions are becoming more commonplace, more dangerous, and more sophisticated. Citizens are targeted by fraudsters and identity thieves, and children are targeted by online predators. Just as the CIB transformed itself to better address the terrorist threat after the 9/11 attacks, it is undertaking a similar transformation to address the pervasive and evolving cyber threat. This means enhancing the Cyber Division’s investigative capacity to sharpen its focus on intrusions into government and private computer networks. which was why the cyber is mostly needed. . All eyes in the cyber unit turned to Cole and Ryan immediately they stepped in. Cole couldn't hid his surprise on seeing everybody's phone emitting an intensive beeping sound and almost immediately, showing a blinking red lights. within a second, everybody's gaze was on their phones and a second later,, the faces changed to a more serious one. "please do something!" Cole shouted more terrified. All cyber agents sprung up to their feet and started punching the keyboard like a pro which they were. they were computer experts specifically trained to ensure maximum security on cybercrime. each and every of one them were working on one thing or the other with intense fear. "can you stop it? or we devise another plan before this thing goes off" The DG fearfully asked Mr Sylvester who was the head of the cyber unit. "we can't really say for now sir" Mr Sylvester replied without looking at him but rather has his focus on the computer screen. Cole paced the room obviously worried and scared, he rubbed his head with his palm and at the same time checking the screen of his phone. it was reading rapidly blinking 57 secs. he wiped the sweat that had formed on his forehead with his bare palm and continued pacing.
2 Mar 2017 | 05:58
2 Mar 2017 | 10:03
2 Mar 2017 | 11:50
just trow the phone in a pool of water
2 Mar 2017 | 12:53
2 Mar 2017 | 14:32
Please do something about it
2 Mar 2017 | 16:30
Haha... No bomb in there or anywhere! My instincts told me that! If they've clicked on the PLAY button seperately, the time reading would have differed! Roger that?
2 Mar 2017 | 17:54
Haha... No bomb in there or anywhere! My instincts told me that! If they've clicked on the PLAY button seperately, the time reading would have differed! Roger that??
2 Mar 2017 | 17:55
Hmmm, next plz!
3 Mar 2017 | 14:28
Episode 6 ~ "sir, i have an idea" an agent of the cyber unit started, raising up his hand. he was a young agent and the youngest of all. The DG (Mr Ryan) looked up at him dejectedly, he gazed at him for a moment and shook his head. what could a small boy of his age do on a death case such as this? he was just a boy of eighteen years old and was considered the smartest among his colleagues but that doesn't mean that he needs his help or whatever idea he got. "what's the idea!" Cole shouted walking towards him, checking his phone as he walked. "we have no time left, we have to..." Cole was cut short interrupted by the young boy. "sir, there is no bomb!, its only a ploy" he said and stood up facing cole with an apologetic look for the interruption. "i did a ..." the boy was saying but had to stop when all the phones gave a loud beeping sound, it stopped and a loud noise erupted from the devices. "hello everyone" an unknown voice started. "I can see you having a hard time solving this but anyway, I don't mean to harm you yet because this monster hasn't tell me to. you are wondering who this monster is right?" the voice stopped and laughed, laughing inhumanely. "well, even I myself doesn't know" it continued. "but when this monster entered my brain, I never knew. But it here to stay. Society can be thankful that there are ways for people like me to relieve by daydreams of some victim being torture. It a big complicated game my friend of the monster play putting victims number down. Follow them, checking up on them, waiting in the dark, waiting, waiting… maybe you can stop him. I can’t. He has already chosen his next victim and it might be you, yes you!" the voice screamed and laughed again. there was silence at the other end of the phone. long silence "I will be right back" the voice said after a long silence and it went off. everybody gazed at each other surprised and petrified. "we have no idea of what we are up against" Ryan said and looked on at the team. "you'll need to workout something useful, we need a lead" he completed his speech and walked out of the room while Cole followed behind. "go get some rest and get that covered up" Mr Ryan said immediately they got to his office. "I will" Cole replied "you can take a whole week off" Cole gasped "a whole week?" "is that too small? if it is make it two" ~ The night was cold and windy, it was a good night to kill. He had watched her for two weeks and he knew she was coming, she always did. The road was straight and clear, he would see her long before she came close. he stood up from the long bench he sat on which was reserved for travelers and made a walk down the deserted alleyway to the main road. he was always clad in a black suit whenever he want to kill, dressing corporately like every other responsible man. anyway to himself, he was a good responsible man. a good bad guy. to kill is now part of himself though not a self will but he was compelled. compelled by who? the monster? he chuckled and smiled. yes the monster made him do it, they made him do it and he wouldn't stop until he feels its enough. he got to the main road, no cars passing by, he didn't expect any either. he could not afford any witness and he would get none. he looked up and there she was, cat walking like she was having a show off of her walking skills. she was getting closer now, he stepped back and hid behind a coconut tree. he could not make any mistakes albeit the fact that he cared less of making one. even if he did, he got himself covered. he smiled mischievously, those fools the CIB would never get me they sure can't. he inhaled her scent deeply as the wind blew it to him, he knew she was very close and doesn't need to scare her away. he shoved his hands into his pocket and brought out a set of hand gloves. he wore it getting ready for the kill. her high heels shoe clumped on the ground as she moved closer towards him. she was five feet away when he stepped out from behind the tree. "hello angel" he bellowed out disguising his voice. she freaked out when she saw him. "what the heck?" she screamed but he immediately lounge an attack on her. he held and twisted her hand and dragged her to himself stifling her throat. "do you want to die?" he asked with a crooked smile looking up at the security cameras, he was less perturbed by it. "No" she managed to gasp. "neither was she" he said before slitting her throat with a short knife. he dropped her lifeless body on the floor by the road side. he smiled, and he could also see her smile. . To be continued...
5 Mar 2017 | 17:31
What? What a heartless monster? Who could that be? Next?
5 Mar 2017 | 17:54
wot a bloody monster
6 Mar 2017 | 03:46
6 Mar 2017 | 06:53
really a monster
6 Mar 2017 | 07:14
Hmmm.. Who is that man sef
6 Mar 2017 | 08:05
What is happening
6 Mar 2017 | 09:36
Geez! Compelled To kill right? @willingyung Vhis's interesting, get on with this!
6 Mar 2017 | 17:43
Next plz really interesting
6 Mar 2017 | 19:37
Next plz!
6 Mar 2017 | 23:31
Episode 7 [b]The next day, @ Cole's residence [/b] ~ Cole was lying down on a settee in the sitting room, his head resting on Nora's lap. both were giggling and laughing as they had their gaze on the flat plasma screen which was displaying a comedy show. minutes later, the comedy show ended and a cowbell advertisement was shown afterwards. "oooh! the show ended so soon?" Nora asked rhetorically stamping her foot on the tiled floor. "nooo, its just starting mumu" Cole replied sarcastically and sat up immediately the news flash was shown. the headline caught his attention first then the DG giving a speech. different microphones were stretched out to him while other reporters were taking pictures of him as he talked. "Good morning people of river's state, we are sorry for the misfortune that befell our once peaceful state. I would normally not comment until proper and full investigation is being carried out but you have nothing to worry about because whoever that did this would be apprehended and brought to justice very soon and about the bomb blast which occurred three days ago, we are sorry for the loss, the family of the deceased should please accept our condolences. I do realize how hard it is to lose a loved one because I've experienced such and its nothing to write home about but be rest assured that we'll do our best on the case and the culprits would be brought to justice. thank you very much." The scene faded off and a newscaster continued with the casting of the remaining part of the news. "oh my God! another murder?" Nora exclaimed looking at the perplexed Cole, who quickly stood up and rushed into the room. minutes later, he came out fully dressed in his detective suit holding a neck tie. "are you going out?" Asked Nora, surprised seeing him fully dressed for work. "yes I am, I have to get going now" Cole replied, knotting his tie. "but you barely used a day and you're given two weeks off, so you shouldn't be going this soon" "sorry Nora, I have to go now and moreover, this is a delicate case that needs my attention, I should be the one giving that speech not him" "oh I get it now, but at least you should rest and be hale hearty before you go Nah!" Nora complained, wearing a forlorn look on her face. Cole took a step forward on seeing the look on her face, shook his head. "don't worry, I'll be fine honey" he said, kissed her on her lips and left. he closed the metal door behind him as soon as he was out and walked to the park. Nora fell back on the settee dejectedly as soon as he was out, she couldn't envisage why his job would impede the time he ought to spend with her, though she loved his job and even helped solved some mysteries but at times, she disdain it when it comes to killing. . One hour later, Cole drove into the CIB building The guards saluted as he drove past the gate, he ignored them and pulled into the carport.
8 Mar 2017 | 04:32
he opened the door and stepped out of his old Peugeot car, he had lost his BMW car to the ashes due to the bomb blast. he hurriedly walked to his office and met agent bola halfway. she stopped in her tracks on seeing him, surprised. "Cole, but you shouldn't be here or have you heard?" she asked "yes I have and that's why am here" he replied and walked towards the door to his office, he pushed it open and went in while agent bola followed suit. he sat down heavily on the swivel chair making it squeak and heaved a sigh, not of relief but of the arduous task that lay before him. "what do we have? and who got killed?" Cole asked agent bola who also settled down on a chair which was at the front of Cole's desk. "that file....." she said pointing to a blue file on his desk "is a summary of all we know about the murder" "oh this!" he said and took it "you know reading it is a waste of time, just give me the main points" Cole demanded with a pleading eyes. bola shrugged, "first, the victim is a lady..." "I know that, I need the name, where she works and the place of the crime scene" "if you need to know all that, let's get to the crime scene first" bola replied and stood up. "then get the forensic, let's get to the crime scene now." he ordered and stood up also, walked out to the park and got into his car, his phone beeped and the lights came on, he checked it. it was a message from agent bola which entails the address of the crime scene. he ignited the car engine and drove off. minutes later, he arrived at the crime scene and pulled beside the road, the cops already placed a barricade on the road and the road looked empty except for a cop vehicle which was parked at the far end of the road. he walked further to where the body lay. it was covered with a white silk cloth. he bent down low and slowly, he uncovered the body to reveal the body of a lady. "here" a voice said and he jumped out he looked back to see agent bola laughing hysterically. "you scared me" "but you shouldn't be scared as a detective." bola replied still sniggering quietly. "take this" bola said, her hands outstretched and a set of hand gloves was embedded within. Cole took it and wore it, he looked back and saw the forensic coming to join them. he bent low again, scrutinizing the cuts on the lady. "the cut is from a knife" the forensic said and squatted beside Cole. he was also from the CIB crib. "judging from the way the cut is on her neck, the murderer slitted her throat at a close range." the forensic explained further. "who is she?" bola chipped in, who stood watching quietly. the forensic brought out his iPad and showed them a picture. it was one of the girl's pictures. "she is identified as Wilson Cora, she works in the newly opened general hospital" the forensic paused and looked at their face. "she is the daughter of the senate president" "senate president?" Cole gasped. To be continued.... [b]check the previous page for the first part[/b]
8 Mar 2017 | 06:13
u better take care of urself first
8 Mar 2017 | 14:52
I think Cole is angry
8 Mar 2017 | 15:28
Senate president?
8 Mar 2017 | 15:32
Nice episode. Ride on.. Senate president's daughter? Chai!
8 Mar 2017 | 15:50
na wa ooo. senate president
8 Mar 2017 | 15:56
Senate president's daughter? More interesting
8 Mar 2017 | 17:11
8 Mar 2017 | 17:31
Huh? The senate president daughter?
9 Mar 2017 | 01:29
Hmmn, continue
9 Mar 2017 | 11:27
9 Mar 2017 | 12:50
Episode 8 and 9 ~ The news of the murder of the senate president's daughter has spread wide all around the country like a raging fire. The senate president himself is out of the country on a business trip and it's only a matter of time before the news reached him. ~ Cole stood up from the chair he previously sat on, he took the file on the table which was at his front. a knock sounded on the door just as he was about to open it. "come in" he said aloud. the door knob turned open and agent bola walked in with a file in her hands. "the forensic found something and he wants you to come check it out" she said dropping the file on his table. "oh!" Cole exclaimed gleefully. "I hope it should be something useful, anyway let's get going" he said and left for the CIB lab. the CIB lab was located at the second to the topmost floor of the CIB tower, while the topmost floor was the DG's office. "welcome detective" the forensic welcomed him immediately he sighted him coming out of the lift, bowing his head a little. "yeah thank you" Cole said and added. "so, what do you have for me" "yeah I got something" the forensic started, and walked to a big flat computer which was embedded on the wall, he punched in a command on the monitor and finger prints appeared on it, six in a row. "from all the research I have done so far, i found a distinctive fingerprint on the neck region of the lady.. " "fingerprints?" Cole asked, his face lit up with a glint of hope. "yes, I ran a test on it but it didn't match with any of our suspects but am running a background check to clarify if it would match with any, the results would be out in two hours time" the forensic explained. "did you check the CCTV footages?" Cole asked expecting him to say yes. "yeah I did" the forensic replied. "did you find anything?" Cole asked anticipating his answer to be yes also. "No" Cole face changed, he shook his head and walked towards the system putting his hands on his waist. "I found nothing spectacular, it was like every other day walking out from the hospital to her boyfriend's house." the forensic said removing the black sunshades from his face and sat down beside Cole facing another system. "is that what you found?" Cole asked without taking a glance at him as he had his gaze strictly fixed on the monitor checking the footages. "what else would I have found?" the forensic asked rhetorically. Cole immediately glanced at him with a furious look and returned his gaze back to the screen, he clicked on a footage and fast forwarded it to 23:00. the footage showed a lady who walked out from a hospital and the footage ended. Cole was surprised, he replayed it again but yet it ended. "the remaining part of this footage has been deleted" Cole said casting a glance at the forensic who immediately stood up with a puzzled look. "deleted?" he asked doubtfully. "yes or didn't you notice that?" "I didn't take note of that" he replied Cole checking the footage himself and realization hit him. "who could have done this?" he said aloud to himself. "who else could have done it?" Cole asked rhetorically raising his brows. "were you compromised?" Cole asked already figuring him out as the culprit. "no I wasn't, am not ..... I didn't do it" the forensic stuttered trembling ferociously. "how can I believe you?.. huh?" Cole said angrily slamming his hand hard on the table at his front. "if you didn't do it, then who did?" Cole couldn't take it anymore, he stood up angrily, already pissed off. he walked out of the office and stopped abruptly at the door, he glanced back at him, shook his head and said. "even if you didn't do it, no one could have possibly hacked into our systems because you and I know we have the highest maximum security breach" he paused and looked at the young man, his head bent low in remorse as if he was being chastised by his father. "you know, you are now a suspect" Cole finished and left the room with a vast agitation. ~ Mr Ryan was fully clad in a designer agbada, a Yoruba attire which is usually worn by the local chiefs. he stood before a standing mirror in his room, checking himself out. he looked radiant and stunning in the outfit even though, he was a round, big, robust man with a pot belly that seems to house a set of triplets. he had a bald head which was concealed by a green cap to match with the attire. he was obviously going out to one of his Friend's birthday party. which he had to look exquisitely handsome and he did his very best at it. he straightened his cloth and made to leave forgetting his two phones. one of the phones rang out loud and it reverberated in his head, he quickly went for it checking the caller. the name he saw on it made him froze for a moment, he couldn't think straight anymore and his once smiling face changed to a panicking one. he picked it. "sorry, it wasn't you, it's a mistake" he heard a female voice say and his heart leapt up for joy, grinning. the phone rang out loud for the third time and realization hit him. that was only his imagination and not the reality. the reality was here, here for him. he wished he could swap his reality for his imagination but thats not possible. the phone was still ringing in his hand and the caller I.d keep on displaying state governor. on a normal day, he wouldn't have panicked but he knew what he had to deal with. with what seem like eternity, he eventually dragged the green icon on his iPad, the call came through his private number just as it always does if something crucial is to be discussed. "hello, hello, hello..." a husky voice said repeatedly. "are you there?" the voice came on again.. he kept mute, as he couldn't talk he needed to cool his nerves first before he could talk and he eventually did. "hello sir" he said trying to be calm which did a little to hide his nervousness. "why didn't you pick the call when I first called?, why were you not talking when you eventually picked up? and what is all these am hearing?" the state governor bawled over the phone asking dozens of questions at a time. "am sorry sir!" Mr Ryan replied with a concealed tremor in his voice. "is that all you could say?" "yes sir" "what are you spitting out of your mouth?... huh?..... do you realize that the senate president called me?" "senate president?" Mr Ryan asked stupidly, his trembling voice now obvious. "don't act as if you do not know, you do know that his daughter was murdered in my own state, right under your nose!" he yelled... "am sorry sir..." "no you not sorry, coz if you really are, you wouldn't have allowed that to happen. now see what you caused to yourself, to me, to the state and to Nigeria as a whole...." "you do realize I made you the director general of the flawless, criminal investigation bureau and I can fire you anytime, any day if you prove yourself to be incompetent. the state police CID wants to interfere and I would give them the chance they seek, they will work with you on this case to find the son of a bitch" the state governor finished saying and paused while silence was given the crown for the moment. with what seemed like eternity, the state governor eventually talked easing the intense silence.. "do not talk with me in a trembling voice next time I call you again, am I clear?" "crystal clear sir!" "keep me updated" the state governor said and hung up the call. Mr Ryan let out a deep breath, his nerves now cool. he had to cancel his trip to the party, since his mood is badly depressed. he doesn't like the idea of the police CID working with him, he had to do something, not just something but something reasonable. ~ hours later, Cole was in his office, his head on his crossed hands which was on the table. he looked tired and exhausted coz his face said it all. he kept on thinking of his futile investigation which he carried out hours ago, he had gone to the hospital she worked in and he could only gather little information about Wilson Cora, the deceased. her coworkers in the hospital all said they know nothing about her, that she was being secretive except for her close friend who divulged the crucial information he had to know. "she always goes out late at night to see her boyfriend" her friend said with tears prickling down her pretty face smearing the make up on her face. she sat opposite to Cole and a table demarcated them. Cole opened his mouth wide agape, surprised at the info. "who is the guy?" Cole asked as he jotted something on his notepad. "I don't know him" the girl said amidst sobs, she paused to clean the tears on her face with her bare palm. "but she once told me that his name is Alex" the girl continued. "is that all you know?" Cole asked. "yes sir, I know nothing again" the girl replied. "but do the doctors know about she sneaking out in the night?" "i think they do because they approved it" "was it because she is a daughter of the senate president?" Cole asked. "I think so" " but come to think of it, why don't she use a car instead of walking on foot, she could have called one of her father's driver to come pick her up." Cole said thoughtfully. "no, her boyfriend lives close by, so the need to use a car never arises" "oh I get it now, thank you for your time, you've been really helpful and in case you have anything I need to know, make sure you do let me know" Cole said and stood up, he brought out his card from his front pocket and dropped it on the table. "just call me, I'll pick at first ring" Cole said and left. minutes later, he found himself at the front of a big mansion which belonged to the son of a hotel owner. finding the mansion amongst all mansions wasn't easy, he had to go to each mansion before he finally found it. he banged the gate but no one answered. he saw the doorbell beside the huge gate. he pressed the bell and heard the chime. still nothing, no one answered. just for the heck of it, Cole tried opening the gate, hoping it might be unlocked. it wasn't. he ranged the bell again, keeping his finger pressed against it until it rang a third time too. "hu be rat?" a hoarse male voice sounded from inside. Cole kept mute, said nothing and he listened for any movement. his ears picked one, footsteps approach the gate, he was sure the sound emanating from the steps was presumably a Dunlop slippers as the owner of the supposed Dunlop slippers dragged its legs on the floor. Cole peered through the hole of the gate. he could make out a hazy figure coming towards the gate, the steps becoming louder, he heard a bolt slide and a chain rattle and then the gate opened. Cole quickly stood uprightly and gazed at the man, obviously a gate man. he looked downwards to his leg and he confirmed his instinct to be true. the black skinned man had a Dunlop slippers on. the man wondered what he was looking at. "wetin u want?" the man asked revealing his brownish teeth. "I need to see your boss, Alex" Cole said peeking through the space the boogie man left as he stood on the door way. "hu yhu be?" the man asked. Cole didn't have to talk, he only flashed his I.d and the man respected his old self, he retreated and headed back into the mansion to inform his boss. minutes later, the boogie man came out with a furious look. "oga talk say he no wan see u, make u comot for Im kaba" the man said in his pidgin dialect. Cole shrugged, he did expect that and he had other plans. "alright thank you" Cole said extending his hand for a handshake, the man shook hands with him grinning widely revealing his brownish teeth once more. Cole smiled and headed back to his car which was parked far away from the mansion. his mission had been accomplished. ~ a knock sounded on the door bringing him back from his reverie of thoughts. he immediately sprung up thinking it was the DG. the door opened and the forensic entered. Cole stood up, his face contorted in abhorrence staring at him . "here are the results" the forensic said dropping a file on the table with his iPad. Cole checked the iPad first, the file can wait. what he saw almost threw him off balance, he checked again to be sure of what he saw. yet, it remained indignant. his mouth flew open wide agape like the gate to Jerusalem. the finger print matched with his, which only mean one thing..... he is the culprit. "it was you" the forensic said pointing to him. "no I didn't, it wasn't me" Cole defended. "who would believe you detective?" "you did it or not, you are now a prime suspect" the forensic said and left the puzzled Cole. To be continued......
11 Mar 2017 | 17:48
[i] @victoriouschild @froshberry-2 @mercy1 @vivian8 @talentbad @yohmi @sonshine @oluwaferanmi @jummybabe @frankkay @hi-bee-kay @dbramo @bukkie Episode 8 & 9 here fellaz. [/i]
11 Mar 2017 | 18:30
Thank u for notifyin me @hormortiyor i refuse to believe, d killer cant be cole
12 Mar 2017 | 04:41
this is serious
12 Mar 2017 | 04:47
Cole can't be the killer
15 Mar 2017 | 03:36
why am I suspecting this forensic
15 Mar 2017 | 11:18
dis is a setup
15 Mar 2017 | 11:27
This is a set up
15 Mar 2017 | 11:29
Episode 10 . . She stepped out of her new Toyota rav4 jeep, straightened her short skimpy skirt and walked towards the gate. she banged the huge large gate with her clenched fist but a bang is not enough for the gate to be opened. she hated banging on gates, such as this one which doesn't get to be opened with a bang. worst still, no doorbells?. she scanned frantically around the gate and she saw it. it was hung inconspicuously on the wall far beside the iron gate, she pressed it long and hard such that it rang a couple of times and didn't stop until a thick hoarse voice answered from inside, presumably the gateman. "wu be dat!?" she keeps her cool and waited for the supposed gateman to open the gate. she heard the bolt of the gate slide and then the gate opened to reveal a huge black skinned man with a frown on his face. "wetin u want?" came the question from the man. she was indecisive, contemplating on revealing her true identity or faking it to be granted entrance. she knew well enough not to let her guard down by letting her cover blown which automatically means no interrogation from the prime suspect and that shouldn't be the order of the day. "u deaf? I say wetin u want!" the man barked looking at her in the face. he smirked, she was pretty enough to have a night out with her, but that would only happen in his dream not even in his afterlife would he have such a privilege. she dressed decently and adorably beautiful in her red sleeveless top adorned with a black short skirt, her long curly hair was banded in a way which seemed like a pony tail. he immediately visualized himself with her on bed but he knew better, that was only an exaggerated fantasy. She studied him well and read him easily like a book, she could easily decipher in his facial expression that he was long gone in his day dream, she smiled. does she really have this effect on guys? well, that was to her advantage since the ball is In her court she only had to play it well. "sorry sir" she began smiling seductively, raising her index finger. "oh!" he exclaimed as he jolted back to reality. "i'm here to see Alex" she said, still smiling "Alex?" he asked surprised and devastated. "yes, he told me to come see him here" "ah! okay... come in" he stuttered and stepped aside for her to come in. she walked past him and he stood, his legs transfixed and rooted to the spot, her sweet aura wafted across his nostrils as she walked, her high heels shoe clumping on the ceramic tiled floor. "chai! see ass, omo wa loaded" he exclaimed putting his hand on his head like the (mogbe modaran mode). he could only imagine but the reality? wasn't sure. what was he thinking before? he shouldn't have been thinking of getting a lady exquisitely pretty such as her, he was pretty sure his qualifications were not even up to the standard, destabilized by his post of a gateman and demoralized by his wife and kids starving at home. he shrugged and retreated into his house which seemed like a cottage. she stood on the porch waiting for the door to be opened, she looked through the pebble glass, but the view was too distorted. she kept her face pressed against it, searching for movement. "who is it?" the male voice was tentative --------- understandable under the circumstances. "its Emily, could you please open the door?" "who?" "Emily, please open the door" "just a minute" came the voice from inside. Emily waited, she kept peering through the pebble glass, she could make out a hazy figure coming down the stairs now. Alex Dollinger, she assumed. his steps were as tentative as his voice. she heard the door clicked and then it opened.. Alex Dollinger opened the door wide ajar and he stepped aside to let her in. he smiled, busty light skinned girls. that was his favorite, and here is one. "I don't mean to disturb you at such a terrible time, but I really need to ask you a few questions." Emily said as soon as she settled down on one of the couch in the large sitting room. the sitting room was spacious and beautifully decorated. luxurious chairs of exquisite taste. there was a huge plasma teleevision on the wall. The walls were decorated by beautiful paintings and work of art. A transparent chandelier hung from the ceiling. she could only imagine how stinkingly rich he was. apart from being the son of a rich man who owned many hotels all over the country and even overseas. he could be a drug dealer too, who knows? "nice dress and . ugh pretty face" Alex complimented grinning widely. "yeah thanks" she replied smiling sheepishly "you most welcome" he sat down also on a couch facing her directly. "who is Wilson Cora to you?" Emily asked, grabbing a pen from her bag. he chuckled. "was it funny?" she asked raising her eyebrows. "not really, but you are asking the obvious which am sure you know the answer" she breathed hard and deeply, this was going to be hard and not as easy as she had thought. "are you the killer?" she asked the unexpected. Alex opened his mouth and stared at her. Emily knew she was out of practice and she probably shouldn’t have been so blunt, that soon. she had asked already though so she had to stick to the bad cop angle she had chosen. “Answer the question Mr. Alex.” “I did not kill her.” Alex said. Emily studied Alex’s face, he looked like he was telling the truth but she could not trust her gut so much right now. Her gut was out of practice too. "if you didn't kill your girlfriend, how come you are here, happy and didn't grieve for her death" "you know, everybody mourns their own way" "but then, why would you allow her come to your house late at an ungodly hour" "her job" he said and readjusted his sitting position crouching on the backrest of the couch. "her job?" "please, am done talking here" his expression suddenly changed and he stood up fiercely. "could you please get out of my house?" Emily's jaw dropped, she was gobsmacked and couldn't believe her hears. "I shouldn't be talking to you at the first place, I need to get my lawyer first.". Alex added. Emily dragged herself up, one last look at him, and she was out. she screwed up big time, but she doesn't feel sorry for it, she was only pulling a fast one on him but it only led to a backstabbing. there was a tendency of him being the killer, because husbands or boyfriends always have the case of them murdering their wives plus his rudeness. jeez! he was just too rude for her liking. she approached the gate, only few metres away. the gateman stepped out of his cottage smiling sheepishly. "u don dey go?" he asked showcasing his brownish teeth. Emily almost laughed but she concealed it with a chuckle, she wondered when last a toothbrush did justice to the teeth. ain't teeth supposed to be white? as white as snow but his was brown and sparkling like gold. "am going and thanks for your cooperation" she said and made to leave but she abruptly stopped. he might be useful, she never can tell. "take this" she dropped her card in his outstretched hand. "ah tank u vewi mush!" he appreciated smiling like he won a jackpot, if not even more than a jackpot. she only nodded her head and walked out to her parked jeep. she opened the door, slid in and ignited the engine. almost immediately, she felt a round cold metal pressed against her back. she squealed, and cringed in fear. "just drive!" a gruffy voice said from behind. . . To be continued...
15 Mar 2017 | 18:13
Next o
15 Mar 2017 | 19:19
hnmm! following...
16 Mar 2017 | 03:38
OK. still following
16 Mar 2017 | 03:47
Who could dat be
16 Mar 2017 | 04:39
Still following..
16 Mar 2017 | 10:10
Who is in the car waiting patiently for the next episode
16 Mar 2017 | 11:05
Women...hmmm...u wer nt smart enough Emily
16 Mar 2017 | 19:17
Can't wait for the next episode plz
16 Mar 2017 | 19:31
Episode 11 . . [b]Hours ago[/b] . Cole was in Mr Ryan's office, he had his head bent low in a way which seemed like he was being reprimanded. "Cole!" Mr Ryan called with an angry venom in his voice but that didn't shake Cole a bit. "what is this am hearing.. huh?" "sir!" Cole interjected. "believe me, I have no hand in the murder, it was only a ploy to set me up" "you think its a set up?" Mr Ryan asked doubtfully. "yes sir" "but who would want to set you up over this case? or do you have a rival?" he himself hasn't think about it, but come to think of it, who would want to set him up? for what reason? "No, I don't think I have one" Cole said shaking his head. "I enjoyed living a carefree life, a life free from trouble nor rivalry" "then the question is who is behind this?" Mr Ryan said.."or do you think it could be the forensic?" "I can't really say because I ran another test myself and the result was the same" Mr Ryan took a deep breath, stood up and faced cole "we have to be more careful, one of us might be a mole, working with the killer" a knock sounded on the door and the door opened almost immediately, a young man of about 25 years old walked in, dressed in a police uniform. he was dark, tall and muscular in shape. both Mr Ryan and Cole gazed at the man surprised. "you two look surprised" the man said and sat down on a chair beside Cole without greeting. Mr Ryan and Cole quickly regained themselves and sat down. "I know you weren't expecting me this soon but I have to be here" the man paused and look at their faces, he could tell they were not happy about his arrival. "anyway, I'm inspector kunle from the state CID police, hope am welcomed here" "we know that already" Mr Ryan said. "oh sorry, its just for official introduction... you know" inspector kunle said. "I'm detective Cole" Cole said extending his hand for a handshake. "its a pleasure to meet you sir" inspector kunle said and shook hands with him. "I heard you are in charge of the murder case" inspector kunle said.. "yes, any problem?" Cole replied "no, not yet for now.. " he said and dropped a case file on the table. "can you transfer the case to me?" inspector kunle asked looking at Cole in the eyes. . [b]present time[/b] ~ cole's device gave a beeping sound while he was in the elevator, he checked it and saw the video footage of the bug he planted on the Gateman's wrist. he had slid the tiny silver bug into the man's wrist when they both shook hands which was unknown to the man. he could see the man conversing with Emily. Emily? what's Emily doing there? the elevator door opened and he stepped out to meet agent bola who was waiting patiently for him. "have you seen inspector kunle?" bola asked as they both walked down to Cole's office. "yes I have, he want me to transfer the case to him" Emily's jaw dropped, surprised. "what game is he playing?" agent bola asked but Cole didn't reply, he was too engrossed with the video footage he was watching. "what are you watching?" agent bola asked and immediately snatched the device from him. Cole quickly retaliated, and went for it but it was too late as agent bola held it with a firm grasp. she checked it whilst running, she suddenly stopped and looked back at Cole who walked in a depressed manner. "don't tell me you bugged her" "no.. I didn't, I bugged Alex Dollinger's gateman only to find out that Emily also wants to interrogate Alex" Cole replied catching up with agent bola and they proceeded into the office. "have you interrogated Alex?" agent bola asked as they settled down on the chairs respectively. "no I haven't, I wasn't granted entrance" "so you went without me .. huh? .. what am i your assistant for?" agent bola asked ln a playfull manner. "sorry mumu, i just had to go" "but wait, you said you didn't?" agent bola asked alarmed standing up. "what's the problem?" Cole asked surprised. "we have to do that now or we file an arrest" agent bola said and sat down back. "we? or i ?" he asked with a crooked smile. "no we joor" she smiled back. " then later, we go for lunch together" Cole hummed, "let Nora catch you, you are good as dead" "let's go joor" they both walked out to the carport, hopped into the car and drove off. Cole joined the lane driving slowly, he watched many other cars sped past him but he was less perturbed by it. driving slowly wasn't his thing but today's own was uncalled for. he enjoyed driving at maximum speed always hitting the 220km/hr, he wouldn't carry last if he were to feature the fast&furious guys in a race. he tried reminiscing about his past life but it was void, blank and blunt. Nothing came to his head, but he knew who he was anyway. A detective, but in the past he couldn't tell who he was, and nothing seem to trigger his memory to remember, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. it was like reading a blank book. "hey Cole watch out!" agent bola shouted very alarmed and terrified but Cole seemed not to hear at all. she kept on shouting but still, nothing entered his eardrum. it was when she hit him at the back before he regained himself. he looked up and a terrified look appeared on his face. he was about running into a tall building. he quickly long pressed the break and swerved left in a swift turn. the car screeched and it halted. "that was close!" he said exhaling deeply. "what were you thinking before?" agent bola shouted hitting him hard on the shoulder. he winced and contorted his face in pains. "ouch! that hurts!" he said rubbing his shoulder. Cole's phone suddenly beeped, the screen lights came on, he took the phone from the dashboard and checked it. an image appeared, it was a lady strapped to a chair with bomb tied on her stomach. "Emily!" Cole gasped out of shock and fright. To be continued.
17 Mar 2017 | 18:06
The person in the car is the one that tie the bomb on Emily I think all this is from Alex
18 Mar 2017 | 10:19
Getting dangerous
18 Mar 2017 | 14:06
18 Mar 2017 | 16:06
Episode 12 . . Nora paced around the house, obviously in a devastated mood. she couldn't fathom why Emily was not picking her calls. she'd tried countless times but it was never picked but rather busied. she'd left a lot of messages but yet none seem to be working. Exasperated, she made to dial Cole's number but before she could, an image appeared on the screen of her phone and she Checked it out, it was the answers to the unanswered questions that had been throbbing her heart. "omg! Emily?" She could see Emily tied to a chair, her mouth was gagged and on her stomach was something scary and frightening. bombs was attached to her stomach and the timer was reading but she couldn't make out the figures as her eyes went dim and weary, it started getting blurred. ~ Cole pulled the car to a stop beside the gate of Alex Dollinger, he picked up the bottle of water on the dashboard and downed the entire content of the bottle. Agent bola glanced at him, shook her head and stepped out of the car while Cole followed suit. They both walked to the large gate, Cole rang the bell and the gate opened slightly revealing the gateman who peeked at them. "Detective Cole from the CIB" Cole shoved his ID in the man's eyes. "we need to see Alex Dollinger" agent bola chipped in. "abegi no vex, my oga no dey house, he just comot now now" the man replied... "which way did he pass?" Cole asked. "na straight he go, hope say he no get am for wahala" "not yet" agent bola replied . . "quickly check out the location of where Emily is kept" Cole said to agent bola who immediately started working on her device as they walked back to the car. Cole hopped in first followed by agent bola and he ignited the car engine. "I'm done" agent bola said showing him the device. "outskirts of the city?" Cole asked "yeah and we have no time" "we need to come up with a plan, but we have no idea of what awaits us "do you realize there is timer reading on Emily's chest?"agent bola asked fidgeting with her device. Cole's eyes popped out open, "are you serious?" "do I look like am joking" agent bola snapped and looked at him angrily. "what's the timer reading?" cole stepped on the accelerator and sped off "30 mins 59secs" he changed gears and increased the speed driving recklessly, overtaking many other cars in the process. "that means we have less than 30 minutes to" Cole's phone rang out loud interrupting him in the process. he used one hand to pick it from the dashboard while the other hand is on the steering wheel. "hello baby" Cole said immediately he picked it. "don't baby me joor" Nora replied jokingly. "Cole something terrible has happened to Emily" Nora said in a serious and trembling tone. "yes I know and I'm on my way to rescue her" "please make sure she's safe, please" "I'll do my very best" "and please stay safe also" "don't worry, I'll be fine" Cole said and hung up the call. he noticed Bola's gaze was on him throughout the conversation with Nora, he could tell the look on her face, it was an envious look. it was an open secret that bola is tripping on cole,Cole knew this himself but he rather chose to play cool with it, though he had nothing for her, she was just his assistant and junior at work. she might one day go beyond boundaries, but he couldn't tell if that would happen. 20 minutes into the journey and they were out of the city, driving through an untarred road, bush paths. Cole still drove at high speed, he swerved right and cut into another road which was more of a bush part. he pulled to a stop beside a fenced uncompleted building and both hopped out of the car. "we're moving in" Cole said into the earpiece stucked in his ear. To be continued...
23 Mar 2017 | 18:59
I hope nobody get hurt
24 Mar 2017 | 03:44
please you guys should be careful
24 Mar 2017 | 05:18
Be careful Cole!
24 Mar 2017 | 13:19
just be careful
24 Mar 2017 | 15:00
Episode 13 . . "whats the situation over there?" Mr Sylvester's voice rang in Cole's ears as he walked stealthily to the fenced wall. he looked behind his shoulders, agent bola was following behind with her revolver leading the way. "we are yet to move in, just keep track and send us backups if the need arises" Cole spoke into the earpiece checking the surroundings of the building. The building was extravagantly tall, ten stories but it was an unfinished structure. the planks for roofing were still up and the sheaths only covered a small part of the building. he wondered why such a building would be put up in a remote village where bushes were its only neighbors. he pressed himself against the tall fence and peeked through the hole of the gate, there was no one in and it was void of movements. he gestured towards agent bola and she moved towards him. "are there guards in there?" agent bola asked leaning her back on the wall. "No, no one is in there" "do we still move in?" Cole looked at her surprised, he couldn't believe agent bola could ask such a frivolous question. "why not, you know Emily is still in there" "how are you so sure?" agent bola asked. "dunno know yet, but the red dots Indicated here" Cole replied and loaded cartridges into the short guns. he tucked two shortguns into his hostler, one by his left thighs and the other by his right. he brought out a loaded 43 gold plated automatic pistol from the inner pocket of the suit he wore. it was his favorite, though he rarely use it but he just had a fetish love for it and he knew well enough to bring it along since it would be a life saver and a life companion. Cole looked at the gate handle, it wasn't locked but was slightly opened. "let's go in now" Cole announced to the hearing of bola as he walked towards the gate, he pushed the door open and both walked in stealthily making no sound. the compound was large and almost empty except for some bricks which were arranged on the ground at the far end in the compound. Cole walked past the main door leading to the building, he bent low as he walked, and moved towards a window which enclosed a room. he peeped in through the window, he saw nothing. Cole shook his head, they were taking more time than expected, yet there was no guard in the building but he couldn't be so sure. his instincts still got him playing cool but there was the case of the timer reading fast on Emily's chest, he knew they had less than five minutes to locate her. "what do we do?" agent bola asked whispering, hardly could Cole comprehend what she said but he reciprocated in a matter of seconds. Cole waved her over and put a finger to his lips, signaling her to keep quiet. "I'll have to go in" Cole whispered to bola. “Stay by the door and don't come in except you hear gunshots or I call for help, okay?” “Wait for gunshots? You could be dead by then.” agent bola said. “Or we could go in together and both die. Just do what I said, the world needs you alive.” cole said and turned towards the door. "please be careful" agent bola called after him. Cole stood by the main door, it was opened wide ajar. he peered in but still there was no movements. he stepped his foot inside on the ceramic tiled floor and walked on, moving sideways and his gun pointed straight. he looked backwards and sideways and continued moving stealthily. it was a long hallway, there were two doors at the far end of the hallway. the doors were opposite each other, he opened the left hand side and peered in, the room was empty. he closed it gently and opened the other one at the right, but Oops! was locked. it wasn't a problem though, he had a way of opening locked doors, something he couldn't remember where he learned it from. he brought out his pick and wrench and he went to work. he had to resist the urge to hum while his fingers twisted and turned, he was enjoying this, something he should be afraid of. he made the last twist and waited for the click. it came and he stood, a job well done. he pushed the door opened and he stepped in, closing the door behind him. he looked up to see the staircase which led to the rest top floors. he climbed avoiding making a sound, he finished climbing the stairs and another hallway came into view. he walked sideways using the walls as covers, he stopped at a door which was opened ajar. he peeked in, but only ended up opening his mouth widely in surprise. it was a grotesque outline of a lady, the back was turned to him but he could tell, it would be Emily. his legs sprung into action and he ran inside stopping at her front, it really was Emily but she was blindfolded. he couldn't. believe, it would be that easy to rescue her. cole freaked out as the door suddenly jammed and locked behind him. "it was an ambush!" he screamed over the earpiece but it was already disconnected. To be continued....
24 Mar 2017 | 19:33
25 Mar 2017 | 02:35
let them not harm you ooo.
25 Mar 2017 | 03:00
Why will you guys go there without a back up We are talking about bomb here I knew from onset that it was just a set up
25 Mar 2017 | 05:02
25 Mar 2017 | 05:12
Hope e make it out alive
25 Mar 2017 | 11:05
25 Mar 2017 | 12:48
Episode 14 . . . Agent bola was still standing by the main door leading to the building, she felt the urge to go after him but she knew better, Cole would not like the idea of she disobeying him and moreover, she hadn't hear any sounds of gunshot nor any movements yet and it could be perilous for her to move in without knowing the order of things going on. if she couldn't move in, at least she should be able to comb the entire perimeter of the building and secure maximum security. Agent bola brought out her gun from the hostler and filled it with cartridges, she stooped low and moved to the far end of the building looking forth and back, she could see no one moving nor any sound of someone nor something. she concluded in her mind that if it eventually turns out that there were no guards and no Emily then it would be a ploy for their death, she could only hoped that it wouldn't be true. "Cole what's the situation over there?" agent bola spoke Into the earpiece but it was disconnected. she was shocked and petrified, whats happening? she quickly walked in through the back door of the building, she had studied the doors of the building and she could tell where they could lead to. her gun led the way as she moved stealthily, looking forth and back. a bullet whizzed above her head and she immediately ducked and leaned on the wall. she stay put making no movements nor sound. that was more than enough to be sure that there are guards, but she couldn't tell how many they could be since no one came into view and the bullet couldn't have been a mistake. after thirty minutes of waiting, nothing happened and she proceeded walking. she opened a metal door and peeked in, there was someone inside tied to a chair, the back was turned to her so she couldn't make out the face but she could tell it would be Emily. she opened the door more wider and stepped in, she walked slowly to the figure trapped on the chair. the door jammed and locked just as she got to her front. she jumped out, it wasn't the door but it was something else. ~ Cole walked over to the door, he tried opening it but it was locked, he looked back at Emily who was still on the chair shaking tremendously, he shook his head.. he never knew it would be arduous such as this, he himself was trapped but yet he had to save her or they both would turn into ashes. he hurriedly ran back as an idea got into his head, he bent low and removed the blindfold from her face but she was still gagged. "don't worry Emily, I'll get you out of here" Cole said while Emily only nodded her head as she couldn't talk. Cole stood up, paced the room and kept glancing at Emily who quivered on the chair. the timer was still reading and he has less than three minutes to detach the bomb. he could do nothing and he knew nothing to detach the bomb. he knew well enough not to try detaching it as it would automatically explode. he had to do something, but the ideas weren't forthcoming. "hey detective" a voice rang in his ears. he was taken aback by the voice, it was Mr Sylvester's voice, he thought it had disconnected but somehow they had their way. "please we need your help, we are trapped in here" Cole spoke gently but not in a cool voice. the situation there wasn't cool so he couldn't be cool. "backup are on their way already" Cole gave a deep breath and relaxed for a moment but then, his heart raced more faster when he glanced back at Emily. "the bomb" he said tentatively, "how can I detach it?" "what type of bomb is it?" "its a timer bomb, we have just two minutes to detach it, please hurry up". Cole said in a quivery voice, though his voice betrayed him but he doesn't want to betray himself by being a coward. "how many wires are connected to the bomb?" "just three, red, blue and black" he replied almost immediately, he couldn't wait. not now. Cole heard a loud sob burst, he spun around, it was Emily, tears trickled down her pretty face. "pleeeeeaaaaaseeee!" Cole stressed the word, he couldn't hold on any longer, there was silence for a moment. "just a minute, still working on it" Mr Sylvester's voice came over the earpiece. "be fast!" Cole almost screamed. 1 min, 05 secs. "done, get a metal tool!" Mr Sylvester's voice came on again. "don't use your hand, I repeat don't use your hand!" that seemed more of a threat than warning to cole. but he knew better than playing with his life. luckily for him, he still had the metals in which he had used to unlock the previous door. he quickly brought it out . "done !, what next?" "remove the red wire and the black one with the metal not your hand!" ...."do you copy?" . "yeah, copy" "it should be at once, remove it all at once!" Mr Sylvester screamed emphatically. he took the metals and set it on the red wire, but he had a problem. there was no way he could remove the two wires all at once. he could only use his two hand for one, not two for two and he had no four hand to do the needful. 00:34 secs Emily was wailing audibly now, she knew she wouldn't get out alive and she never knew she would die this way. she had wished to die peacefully when due not now. she really wished she still could be alive but it seemed impossible. death they say is inevitable, there is no Running away from it. no matter how hard you try to run away from death, it would always find you. 00:10 secs Emily looked into Cole's eyes, she could see a faint glint of hope in them but she couldn't rely on them. it would be better if she quickly say her dying wish before the bomb goes out. but there was no way she could do that, her mouth was gagged. tears uncontrollably streamed down her face when she remembered that she would leave her husband without bearing kids for him. Cole was still fidgeting on what to do and the time is almost up, an idea suddenly popped into his head. Emily should be able to help but her hands were tied, he quickly untied it and gave her the metals. "just pull the black wire out immediately I count three." Cole said checking the timer. 00:05secs he breathed deeply and braced himself up. 00:04 he shook his head, now its time. "one!" Cole counted holding the metal tightly which curled around the red wire. 00:03 "two!" 00:02 "three!" 00:01 they both pulled out the wires at once and the device gave a long beeping sound. 00:00 the timer stopped blinking red and the lights went off. "successfully done!" Cole shouted over the earpiece elatedly. "no, it wasn't yet" a voice said from outside and the door opened. . To be continued...
25 Mar 2017 | 19:43
U guys are so stupid...u did't plan it well
25 Mar 2017 | 21:16
next please
26 Mar 2017 | 01:55
26 Mar 2017 | 05:43
Your planning was horrible
26 Mar 2017 | 08:25
tough situation
26 Mar 2017 | 08:29
Another problem
26 Mar 2017 | 10:32
26 Mar 2017 | 10:52
What??? Anoda problem?
26 Mar 2017 | 15:18
Episode 15 . . The door opened and a man in hood stepped in, his face was covered with the hood but his gun was pointed at Emily. Cole knew danger when he saw one and right there before him was one. he couldn't take the risk of shooting the man as he knew well enough that the man could also retaliate and by so doing, Emily might go for it but he doesn't want Emily to be the bait. Cole watched as the man proceeded walking towards him and Emily, he also had his gun pointed at him and his fingers were on the trigger ready for any foul play. "wow! impressive" the man exclaimed clapping his hands, "but am sorry, you've to try more" "who the hell are you!?" Cole asked angrily the man chuckled, "wrong question" "just answer the damn question!" Cole snapped at the man, he clutched more tightly to the gun in his hands, he could shoot any moment. "oh no detective, don't do that_" he smirked in his concealed face.. "it's at Emily risk if you do, I do realize you do not want her to die, you will be blamed if she dies" "shut up! you jerk!" Cole screamed. "oh, you call me jerk?" the man chuckled again. Cole looked behind him with an eye and kept the other eye on the boogie man, Emily was still on the chair cowering, her legs were tied and she dare not make a move to untie it or her hands will go for it. "hand over the gun" the man ordered Cole. cole shook his head, the man is playing smart contrary to what he thought. he handed him his gun and almost immediately, he brought out his shortgun from his holster and shoot the legs of the man, the man went down but not without retaliating, he shot Emily but where? Cole couldn't be sure as he heard Emily screamed, he felt like knocking himself over and over again for being so silly. first, it was their stupid plan which went wrong and now, his stupid decision to shoot the man which led to Emily being shot. he had to get over with this, he released two quick shot at the man hands, The gun fell off the man's hand and he sprawled on the floor face down though he wasn't dead yet. Cole moved over to the man, he kicked the gun far away, bent low and unveiled the hood from the man's face. he stared blankly at the face for a moment, it was Alex Dollinger. he had suspected him but he never knew he could go this length. Cole rose Alex up on his haunches, Alex grunted and winced in pains, blood gushing out from his legs and hands and he was fast losing consciousness. "why did you do it?"Cole asked "no I didn't do it, it wasn't me" Alex replied in a low pitched voice. "then who did?" "it was him" he said and paused. "who is the him!" Cole barked. "Bamidele Williams" ~ [b]minutes ago[/b] . Agent bola stood gobsmacked, it wasn't Emily as she had thought, it was someone else, someone she never expected. Her kid sister was trapped on the chair, blindfolded and mouth gagged. and on her stomach laid the dreadful, the bomb. it was there with the timer reading fast. A tear dropped from her eyes as she felt the pulse of the young girl, it was weak, very weak as she was unconscious. what could she do to save her, she knew she had failed her city and most importantly, her family. years back, she was a young naive girl who loved anything to do with gun, she grew the zeal to study criminology from watching movies, especially the crime/action genre. her parents objected to this but she still went on and here is where she found herself. she checked the timer, she had less than ten minutes to do something but what could she do? nothing! absolutely nothing! she ran her fingers through her hair as she paced the room, she couldn't touch the bomb, in as much the bomb was a sensitive one, it would blow off if it comes In contact with a human skin. Emily dropped down and sat on the dusted tiled floor, she threw away her gun and waited for death to come, she knew Cole would be safe since she hadn't heard any gunshot. 00:03 she closed her eyes and covered her ear, it would all be over in a matter of seconds now. she waited, nothing happened. no explosion? she opened her eyes when she was sure it was way past five seconds, she looked at the timer, it had stopped blinking but there was no explosion. she heard sounds of gunshots as she made to stand up, she was taken aback. was Cole shot? ~ [b]continued from the last scene [/b] . Cole wasn't surprised, he had suspected the forensic man too but he hasn't gotten enough evidence to put him behind bars but now he got what he needed. "he sent me, he killed them and her" Alex continued, his voice now fading off. "why are you telling me this?" Cole asked. "because..." Alex drooled on the word as if he was considering something. "because I want to help you, he killed Cora, my girlfriend" he said it in a way that seemed it was the most painful thing that ever happened to him. "please, don't kill me" Alex managed to mouth the words, he was barely audible. he had lost too much blood, he closed his eyes and embraced the darkness. "put your weapons down and surrender" a voice said, it was from a mega phone. Cole smiled, the backups weren't needed after all. . To be continued...
26 Mar 2017 | 18:04
They are watching you guys
27 Mar 2017 | 02:29
27 Mar 2017 | 04:11
Stupid back up they are just coming now Nigerian police they are always late
27 Mar 2017 | 07:05
What happened to Emily
27 Mar 2017 | 09:10
@Jummybabe even for U.S.A backups are always late. As long as Actor is there.
27 Mar 2017 | 09:41
Next plz
27 Mar 2017 | 12:17
Forensic man on the run i presume.
27 Mar 2017 | 13:13
Hmmm. What again?
27 Mar 2017 | 17:02
27 Mar 2017 | 17:10
Are u sure dis Alex of a guy is tellin de truth?
27 Mar 2017 | 19:43
Episode 16 . . Cole stepped out of his old Peugeot 504 in front of the CIB building, he waved at the officers who saluted him as he walked to his office. on a normal day, he would have ignored them but he was in a frenzy mood. he opened the door and entered his office. the office looked untidy, books and case files were scattered on the table but he was less perturbed by it. Cole sat down heavily on the swivel chair making it swirl around, he let out a deep sigh, a sigh not of relief but of disappointment. things were heating up and getting more hazardous. First, it was the bomb explosion which he cheated death and escaped, he doesn't know what to expect from his shortcomings. Bamidele Williams (The forensic) was convicted for the atrocious crimes he was alleged to have committed but one thing is not right. he wasn't allowed to interrogate him nor carry out investigations, the DG restricted him from doing that. worst still, he couldn't visit his cell.. what does that make him?... a suspect? he wasn't surprised the case was passed over to inspector kunle, it was something he'd expected but why? he couldn't tell. he knew someone out there is setting him up but who? a knock sounded on the door, and agent bola walked in without being granted permission to. "Cole!"_ she called walking towards him.. "you wouldn't believe if I tell you that, bamidele Williams disappeared in his cell overnight" Cole's jaw dropped, "disappeared?" "yes, one of the guards guiding the cell just announced it" Cole sprung up immediately, what's going on? "apparently, the guard said he was released" agent bola said "released? on what grounds?" Cole was more than gobsmacked, "who could have released him?" "that, we don't know" ~ Cole flashed his ID more than ten times before he got to the cell where the forensic man had been held. he entered the cell and looked around, the room was empty and it looked dirty. "where are the other members of the cell?" Cole asked a guard who stood watching him. "they are moved to ward 2, cell 502" the guard replied tentatively and looked away. "ain't you here when they released him?" Cole asked "yes I was but.. " the guard stopped saying when he realized something, he looked away and took three steps back. "but what?" Cole asked already figuring it out that he had the answers he seeks. "I can't say this now, and not here" the guard replied uneasily looking back and forth for any intruder. Cole seemed to reason with him, it might be something crucial which he couldn't spit out there. probably, it could lead him to the killer. but come to think of it, why will he be released? "sir!" the guard called with a quivery voice, obviously having a paranoia feeling. "I will only tell you this in a secluded area, somewhere safe from prying ears." "I hope its something worth taking my time" "sure! and please come alone" the guard said emphatically and left when he saw agent bola walking towards them. ~ The forensic man has been away for six hours and the whole state is looking for him, they had checked his house both with his private house which was situated in Lagos but they couldn't find him. they went as far as closing all borders and airports to search for bamidele Williams but all efforts to find him were futile. Cole was not sure how the press got the news, because the press broadcasted the news on all types of platform and it was the latest trending news in the whole of Nigeria. Cole's phone rang as he was about to step into his office, it was agent bola. he swiped the green icon on his android device and pressed the phone to his ear. "hello"cole spoke into the phone. "he has been found?" agent bola shouted over the phone. "who?" "bamidele Williams, he was found dead " To be continued...
28 Mar 2017 | 18:36
this is tough
29 Mar 2017 | 03:40
29 Mar 2017 | 04:20
He was killed so as to close his mouth! Next plz!
29 Mar 2017 | 05:58
Killed him for what?
29 Mar 2017 | 07:34
they have killed him
29 Mar 2017 | 08:00
to protect dia secret
29 Mar 2017 | 13:55
30 Mar 2017 | 14:43
Episode 17 . . Detective Cole arrived the crime scene in a matter of seconds and meet a small crowd of people already at the scene. He made his way through the curious crowd shoving his ID card in their faces as he screamed “Make way. excuse me, leave the road please" he had an intimidating figure which was more than enough to make way even if he doesn't have his ID with him. he had broad shoulders with rippling biceps. He stood at 6ft. tall and always wore very tight black shirts. He bent and got into the yellow tape area. The medics where talking to a few pressmen and some other officers where huddling around the crime scene looking for more evidence. There was a body by the lagoon in white cloth. He moved close to the body and bent down. He pulled away the white cloth. The white, lifeless and decaying body of bamidele Williams stared back at him in the face. he looked at the body closely, there was no gunshot wounds, no marks. it looked like a suicide, but why would he kill himself? that question was eating him up and he needed answers. if bamidele Williams was innocent as he had claimed but why would he take his own life?, was there foul play?, did somebody kill him and make it look like a suicide? this and more of the questions throbbed his worried heart. "you shouldn't be here"_ a voice sounded behind him. Cole looked back, it was inspector kunle, the trouble maker. he was clad in a black trouser and a police cop vest. "why are you here?" inspector kunle asked. "the same reason you are here" Cole replied nonchalantly. "but I thought you're off the case already" inspector kunle said looking at him in the eyes with an hidden smile. "I am but I can still carry out my own investigations which is none of your business" Cole replied and walked away, his mood more messed up. "its none of my business indeed!" inspector kunle shouted after him but Cole never looked back nor replied. ~ Cole opened the door to his sitting room and entered the house, he needed to cheer up but Nora is the only way he could do that. he missed her too much and he had to see her, little wonder why he found himself in his house instead of his office where he would be battling with unsolved crimes. "Honey!" he bellowed out but got no response. he walked to the bedroom, turned the door knob and pushed it slightly open. he peeped in, but she wasn't there. where could she be? he checked the kitchen, she could probably be cooking but she wasn't there too. he was now getting scared. he ran, checking all fours and corners of the house screaming at the top of his voice. he even checked the basement but he couldn't find her, his heart was beating fast now. where could she be? was she kidnapped?, his heart skipped a beat at the thought and a shudder of chills slid down his spine. "Nora where are you!" he screamed but the only answer he got was the echoes of his voice. he ran his fingers through his hair as he paced the house dejectedly. Eureka! he hasn't checked one place, the pool. he ran as fast as his legs could carry him to the back of the building. he suddenly stopped abruptly in his tracks, and stared in awe and admiration. it was Nora, she came out of the pool drenched with water, picked a white towel and wiped her face. she became more exquisitely beautiful as she freed her hair and let it fall freely. She looked so sexy and sweet in her pink g-strings pant with a bikini wear. Cole watched as she bent down drying off her body with the towel, her back side was turned to him. she had a massive ass and killer curves that drove men crazy, what intrigues him most wasn't the massive ass but the beauty which she was endowed with. Cole couldn't wait anymore as he ran towards her inadvertently and jumped on her, Nora screamed oblivious of who it was as they both fell into the pool making the water splash. "oh baby! it was ..." Nora couldn't complete her statement as Cole kissed her on the lips, she held him more tightly to herself as their lips intertwined in a long passionate kiss. they dived deeper into the pool and continued kissing and smooching. The intensity of the kiss and romance session heightened that they almost choke. Cole swarm up with Nora in his hands as they panted catching their breaths. "I love you baby" Nora said with a wide grin. "I love you more munchkin." ~ He stepped out into the frosty night air, the night was cold and hawkish and it caressed his skin frigidly. he shook his head, that wasn't good. he looked up and stared into the sky, the stars were up and shining and the moon shone brightly. he was clad in his suit yet again but this time, he adorned the suit with a hood but it looked odd and that wasn't good too. he had to take extra measures, he couldn't afford is cover to be blown, that was the dreaded thing he could ever imagine. he walked down the alleyway like he always does, humming to an imaginary song. he suddenly stopped in his tracks when he saw her, who was that? she stood 6ft tall, her hair ragged and it looked haggard, her eyes were sunken red. he looked for the smile that she always had on her face but it wasn't there. instead he saw a frown, a deadly one at that. that wasn't good at all. he knew what that meant, she was angry again, he needed to kill and take revenge. at least, to make her smile. but the night was not a good one, he knew it, things might go wrong. The detective, he is getting closer to him day by day but he is always a step ahead. The figure standing faded away, at least that was what he thought. he continued walking, things weren't just right but he had to shake it away. he stopped and hid behind the coconut tree, covered his head with the hood and wore the gloves. The type of gloves he used for the previous murder night, it was a false finger print hand glove which had the detective prints on it. he shook his head, she wasn't coming and doesn't look like she would come anytime soon. he shook his head, nothing was going well at all. he suddenly heard the tyres of a car screech from afar. that was it, he knew she was coming but not this way, she ought to be on foot. he brought out his hand revolvers getting ready for the kill. he stepped out onto the road and fired sporadically at the tires as the car approached. it wasn't a propitious time to attack at all but he already did anyway. The tires bursted making the car somersault and skid off the road. he fired continuously and suddenly stopped when the car went up in flames. "holy shit!" he cursed under his breath. Nothing really was going well. To be continued...
30 Mar 2017 | 18:03
31 Mar 2017 | 03:29
OK continue
31 Mar 2017 | 04:03
31 Mar 2017 | 14:06
Holy shit! Who could dat be?
31 Mar 2017 | 20:07
Doesn't seem good Next
31 Mar 2017 | 23:37
1 Apr 2017 | 21:25
Episode 18 . . Cole opened his eyes slowly as the sun penetrated into his eyes, he knew immediately that it was morning. he rolled the duvet away and made to sit upright but felt a body resting on his legs. he turned his head sideways and looked at Nora. Nora was still sleeping peacefully half naked, the duvet did a little with covering her body. Cole remembered their last night sex escapade, he smiled. it was mind blowing and he couldn't get enough of it until he was exhausted. it was such a great night that he decided within himself that he would take a week off at work, its worth it and he had to succumb to Nora's pleas. he smiled again, inspector kunle wouldn't bug him anymore for any case whatsoever, he had already handover the case to him and he never thought he would be glad for it until now, he was more than glad. Cole stood up and covered Nora with the duvet carefully not wanting her to wake up. he yawned hard like a dog waking up from its slumber as he peered out of the Louvre, the sun was shining brightly as it illuminated the room. he could see houses of different sizes and shapes right from where he stood, his house was a four storey building which was the tallest in the entire area. he narrowed his gaze on people walking along the ever busy city road of calabar, different car horns blared loudly and hullabaloo of vast activities soared high in the whole city. he dropped the curtain and walked to the semi bathroom which was attached to the bedroom. he was about to take his toothbrush which was hung in its case when he heard his phone ring. "my problems are over now" the speaker of the phone resonated to the music.. the song was Cole's best music, he usually put the music on repeat whenever he turns on the car's stereo. the song was sang by his favorite musician, holmie bliss as he was fondly called. Cole wondered when his problems would be over, he had always believe in the song and it became an incentive move to him which taught him never to give up until his problems are over. Cole checked the caller as he got back to the room with a towel tied to his waist. it was agent bola, Cole knew she would call as it was uncalled for him getting late to work but he wasn't going anyway. "hello" he said immediately he picked it. "there is another murder" her voice sounded terrified. "what?" Cole gasped. "and..." "and what!?" Cole shouted over the phone which woke Nora up. "the culprit left a note for you" "a note?" "just turn on your TV, the news is on.." agent bola said and hung up on him which frustrated Cole. he doesn't know what frustrated him more, the murderer? or agent Bola's rude behavior. Cole switched on the TV with the remote control in his hands. The noise that emanated from the TV was deafening that Cole had to low the volume. NEWS at 10am. A lady was shown casting the news and then the scene was shown. a burnt car was shown, and then five burnt bodies, three were burnt beyond recognition and the remaining two bodies had some part not burnt. inspector kunle was also shown talking to a reporter. "good morning people of river sate, we are sorry for the loss and the family of the deceased should please accept our condolences. I and my team are working tirelessly on this case and am sure the culprit would be brought to book. you have nothing to worry about because these killings would be over soon, we the state police CID would ensure the perpetrators meet their waterloo. thank you." he said and the scene faded away and the lady continued casting the remaining part of the news. Cole found his mouth opened wide agape throughout the speech of inspector kunle. he wondered the type of game inspector kunle is playing, he is giving the credits to himself and his team and not the CIB. Cole shook his head, well he got what he wanted and that was good for him. "what's going on?" Nora's voice sounded behind Cole. Cole looked back, she was walking towards him and was just inches away. Nora had changed into something more flexible and coverable, she was putting on bumshort and a blue armless top. "am sorry babe, I have to go to work now" cole said and hurried back into the bathroom to take his bath. Nora shook her head, this ain't gonna go down well... not for once. she locked all doors including the door out of the sitting room and sat down on the bed awaiting Cole's arrival. Cole came out in a jiffy, dressed up and made to leave, he looked back at nora, his hand was on the door handle.
2 Apr 2017 | 19:15
Cole walked up to her and gave her a peck on her cheeks. "I will be back soon babe" he said glancing back at nora who never smiled. Cole turned the door knob but it didn't give way, it was locked. he shook his head and looked back. "i'm sorry, you ain't going anywhere throughout this week" Nora said as she stood up cat walking towards Cole. "oh No! Nora please I have to go" Cole begged. "I guess you already promised me you gonna stay for the whole week" "yeah I did but plans do change, and this was one." "I don't care, just make love to me baby" Nora said unbuttoning his shirt. "Omg!" Cole gasped. To be continued...
2 Apr 2017 | 19:58
very short
3 Apr 2017 | 03:26
that's good
3 Apr 2017 | 03:31
sorry, did not see the upper one. Cole is on house arrest for a week
3 Apr 2017 | 03:39
sorry guyz, scroll up and check the first part.
3 Apr 2017 | 07:20
my dear you are under house arrest so embrace it
3 Apr 2017 | 09:22
Oh Cole just enjoy yourself
3 Apr 2017 | 13:15
Go and give her her right!
3 Apr 2017 | 17:48
3 Apr 2017 | 18:56
Episode 19 . . Emily sat on a settee in the sitting room, she had her gaze fixed on the TV screen but her mind was far from it. there was a program going on that she usually loves to watch and she rarely miss it but today was just exceptional. she wasn't in the mood at all, the program usually interest her but instead, it bored her.. Emily couldn't think straight, she had varieties of thoughts ranging from her kidnap to her husband and to her work. she took the remote control from a low stool which was in front of her and switched off the TV, it wasn't helping matters instead it got her incensed. she relaxed back on the backrest of the settee as her thoughts wandered off in wonder land. is five years of marriage not enough to bore a child? is my husband impotent? No, she dare not say he is impotent. they've done several medical checkups which proved that he really was okay but yet the solution to their problem never surfaced. Emily knew too well that her husband could marry a second wife all because she bore him no child, and she doesn't want that. she posses all the qualities a wife supposed to have but one thing is just not right with her, which was the ability of making babies. although, Nora is yet to bore Cole a child too but it was just two years of their marriage and they don't seem to be ready for it. her thoughts was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell and she immediately sprung up and went for it. she opened the metal door wide enough to accommodate her head as she peered outside. A smile quickly crept over the frown on her face as she continued to stare at the handsome man standing before her. "are you gonna use a decade staring at me?" Ben asked with a smile, his hands at akimbo. "oh! am sorry honey" Emily said and embraced him tightly. they disengaged, and both walked into the house. "its good to be back, sweetest home" Ben said as he fell heavily on one of the couch and heaved a sigh of relief. "how was work?" Emily asked settling down beside him, staring keenly at him. "work was fine and tiresome" "I hope you back for real" "am back baby, honey wants to take a warm shower"_ Ben said as she caressed Emily soft skin and kissed her on the lips while Emily giggled. "alright honey, am gonna prepare you lunch" Emily watched as Ben climbed the stairs, the smile still flourishing on her face. she loved Ben with all her heart could muster but the funniest thing is that she had never set her eyes on his parents ever since the day they wedded as couple, she had always pestered him about it but he would always say she can't see his parents if she doesn't have a child to show off. but then what could she do?, she only had to keep mute and wait for God's intervention. She heard sounds of steps coming downstairs and she immediately sprung up to her feet and ran to the kitchen. she had to prepare his best food, pounded yam and egusi soup which would take her time and energy but she was less perturbed. "work calls baby!" Emily heard Ben's voice shrieked from the sitting room. she suddenly stopped what she was doing and headed for the sitting room. "work?" Emily asked surprised. "yeah baby it's urgent, I have to ship in a car which would be an hour time." "oh No" Emily stamped her feet on the tiled floor almost closed to tears.... "you just came in here which is not up to an hour and you already going back" "am sorry baby, I just have to go and I will be back soon" Ben said and pecked her on the cheeks. "soon?" Emily asked bewildered.. "do you know your soon?, your soon is probably three months or if not more" "no I won't take that long baby" Ben said as he adjusted his tie properly, he took his briefcase and made to leave but Emily stopped him. "no I won't allow it, not again" she held unto him tightly in such a way that Ben couldn't move. even if he did, she would get hurt and she knew too well that he wouldn't allow it. "Ben it's been six months you last walked in here, six months Ben and all your excuses is work, so you chose work over me... huh?" Emily lamented obviously in a loud pitched voice. "no baby, its not like that ..." "its like what?" she objected. "keep your voice down Emily, shouting won't get you anywhere__" "and lying won't get you anywhere too!" "sorry, I have to go"_ Ben said and slightly pushed her away but she held his shirt strongly. "you ain't going anywhere Ben¡" Ben heaved a sigh of frustration, he never knew she would be a hard nut to crack. he gave in, and relaxed back on the couch with a pensive mood. "alright accepted, am not going anymore" he said without looking at her. "oh yes, you just talking" Emily smiled. ~ Cole was in the pool with Nora, both enjoying the bliss of the moment, the water was cold and it suit the evening atmosphere. Cole couldn't believe he could use the whole week with Nora not even stepping a foot outside. he smiled, he doesn't even care about his job anymore, nothing on earth gives him much happiness as Nora does. now that he reasoned it, he would love to spend more time with Nora than solving a mysterious case. Nora threw a ball at Cole, Cole saw it coming and he caught it with both hands. he threw it back at her, Nora tried to catch it but she wasn't a good catcher, it hit her on her forehead. she lost control and sank into the pool. Cole saw her drown gasping for breath, he raced there with a professional front stroke but she was already down. Cole's heart skipped several beats, he searched frantically for her with his hands but he couldn't reach her. he quickly breathed in and out immersing himself in the pool, he got to the bottom and stood for a few seconds. cole tried opening his eyes, but he couldn't even if he did, his vision would be blurred and vague. he swarm up fighting for his life as he struggled to catch his breath. just then he saw her, Nora was up, she grinned at him, her trick had worked and she won this time. Cole smiled too, he was fooled and he was happy he fell for it. "my problems are over now" cole heard his phone ring, he swarm up and stepped out of the pool. he took a towel, wiped his face and picked up the phone. he checked the caller, there was no number. probably it was a mistake, so he thought. but the phone reverberated for the third time indicating that the call was on purpose. he picked it fearfully and pressed the phone to his ear without muttering a word. "hello detective" a customized computer voice said. "I see you're really enjoying yourself in the pool, I bet you do miss me and the troubles I make but its not my fault, the monster made me do it and I won't stop until I have my revenge." the voice stopped and laughed for a while. Cole's mind wandered off, different thoughts running through his mind. "Your end is near detective, believe me you will surely pay for this" the voice said and the call ended. Cole opened his mouth in bewilderment and trepidation. fear engulfed him at the threat, he glanced back at Nora who was still in the pool, their gaze met. Nora still had a smile on her face but Cole's smile had varnished since a while ago. To be continued....
4 Apr 2017 | 19:05
5 Apr 2017 | 04:28
am suspecting dis Ben of a guy how can Emily not see her husband's parents since she got married. dis is serious ooo
5 Apr 2017 | 05:54
I don't trust Ben o
5 Apr 2017 | 06:19
na wa ooo.. This is serious
5 Apr 2017 | 06:36
It could be that ben is married somewhere, and have introduced his main wife to his parents, that's why he doesn't want Emily to see her parents.
5 Apr 2017 | 07:21
5 Apr 2017 | 12:06
5 Apr 2017 | 13:06
Monster I hope cole is save
5 Apr 2017 | 17:30
Episode 20 . . Mr Ryan sniffed and adjusted himself before the cameras for the third time. he would go live on all stations but he wasn't just okay. it was more of being afraid or the fear of being shown live on all stations in the whole of Nigeria but it wasn't his first time and he couldn't attest to why he was feeling awry. he comported himself for the last time and faced the cameras, he had to appear calm before the cameras. The director sensed his anxiety and gave him a reassuring smile. "All is well" she muttered to him and smiled. And that was all he needed, he smiled too and he braced himself up. he looked at the lady who sat in front of him, she would interrogate him but he wasn't sure and ready for the questions she would ask. "One" .. "Two..." The camera men counted when he would go live. "Three"... . . The Lady faced the cameras and spoke into the set of microphones before her. "Good morning, am kyle Florence and right here beside me is Ryan Richard, the director general of the state Criminal Investigation Bureau. This is another interview showing live on AIT." Kyle faced Mr Ryan and the cameras shifted to their side. "Mr Ryan, what would you say about the recent murders in river state and your investigations so far" "Good morning great people of river state. we are sorry for the recent murders and bomb blast which occurred months ago in rivers state. we beg the family of the deceased immensely to please accept our condolences. with our investigations so far, the culprit behind the murders is not just killing because he wants to or because he likes it, it was known to us through different devices that a spectacular voice do emanate from. in one of its voice messages, he made it known to us that he was killing because he had to and he was being compelled by a monster." Mr Ryan said with a cool but gruffy voice. Kyle hummed, tilted her head towards the camera and shifted her gaze back to Mr Ryan. "But sir, why would a monster compel him?" Mr Ryan smiled. "I really don't know why a monster would compel someone to kill but with the way I viewed it, he was killing for revenge" "Revenge? but the killer is not just killing for revenge, there might be more to it." "yes that's true" Mr Ryan nodded his head. "sir, with the killer out there free won't there be more murders?" "I pray there should be none and we will do our very best to impede any impending attack by the killer." kyle heaved a sigh and faced the cameras "this would be the end of today's interview with the director general of the CIB." she gazed back at Mr Ryan, "sir, what message do you have for the people of river state." Mr Ryan faced the cameras. "Great people of river state. I have nothing to say but I will say this, I assure you that we will catch the perpetrator and justice will be done like the previous serial killer, thank you." he finished saying and faced kyle who smiled at him. "thank you sir for coming and we will sure reach you some other time" Kyle said and they shook hands. The camera light blacked out and the scene faded away. Mr Ryan stepped out of the AIT station and slid into his car, he ignited the car engine and sped off. ~ Cole opened the case file on his table for the third time, he flipped through the pages but nothing made sense to him. he closed the case file and heaved a sigh of frustration. inspector kunle couldn't allow him do anything on the case and he was worried. inspector kunle wasn't and would never be the hero but he was and he would be again this time. The credits are meant for the CIB and not the CID. he wouldn't allow things to continue that way. he heaved another sigh of frustration, he was fatigued and exhausted. probably because he was already missing his heartthrob. Cole stood up and walked out of the office. Agent bola stepped out of the elevator while he stepped in, he spun around and met agent Bola's gaze, she winked at him and scurried away. Cole shook his head, that wasn't good. The elevator door clicked open and he stepped out and walked into Mr Ryan's office. he pushed the door open without knocking, he had forgot his manners. he abruptly stopped in his tracks, Mr Ryan wasn't present in the office, he spun around and made to go but he didn't. he just felt like checking Mr Ryan personal investigations. he sat down heavily on the swivel chair and looked at the two laptops in his front. he saw the logo of the CIB on one and the other was the logo of the CID. Inspector kunle might have left his system here but he felt like checking it. he opened the system and powered it on. he couldn't operate it as it was passworded. he shook his head, he never thought it would be passworded. he closed back the system and stood up, he felt weary and he needed to rest. One hour later, Cole got to his house and opened the door, it was locked but he had a spare key. he opened it and stepped in, the house was eerily silent. that wouldn't be the order of the the day again. soon enough there would be kids flooding the house. Cole brought out his phone and dialed Nora's number, probably she had gone to the clinic for check up. it was now an open secret that Nora is two weeks pregnant, and he would be a father soon. Cole smiled, it was going to be a girl. he knew it, his guts were never wrong. he dialed her number again but he kept on hearing the annoying words of the network agent. 'The number you dialed is switched off, please try again later or you..." Cole angrily clicked the hangup icon and slipped the phone back to his pocket. why would her phone be switched off? he had to go check for himself. Cole entered his car, poured life into the engine and sped off. he sped past several cars, speeding like a maniac as if he was one. he got to the hospital in five minutes time which on a normal day would cost him nothing less than thirty minutes drive from his house. Cole pulled into the carport and stepped out of the car. he raced inside the hospital and walked over to the receptionist attendant. "sorry nurse" Cole said raising his index finger. "is Nelson Nora registered here?" "yes sir, she registered here but she hasn't sign in for today." the receptionist replied. Cole shook his head, where could she be? "my problems are over now" Cole's phone rang out loud. he brought it out from his pocket and checked the caller, hoping it would be Nora but it wasn't. there was no number, Cole immediately feared the worst. he picked it and pressed the phone to his ear without uttering a word like he did the previous time he answered the unknown call.. "Hello detective, don't disturb yourself much, Nora your wife is trapped here with me. I told you, I will take my revenge and don't come looking for me because you will never catch me." the voice threatened and hung up. Cole went cold immediately, his face went pale and he gasped with fright. "what's the problem sir?" The receptionist asked as she noticed his sudden demeanor. "Am screwed" Cole replied. To be continued...
7 Apr 2017 | 17:58
who is dis person sef
8 Apr 2017 | 03:34
Who could be the owner of that voice?
8 Apr 2017 | 04:13
Wno could that person be
8 Apr 2017 | 06:09
I suspect that inspector kunle
8 Apr 2017 | 08:32
Who did you offend cole
8 Apr 2017 | 14:30
Shit! Who the hell is that?
8 Apr 2017 | 19:04
I suspect inspector kunle
8 Apr 2017 | 20:48
Episode 21 . . Emily sat on a swivel chair in her spacious office, pile of files graced the desk at her front not excluding a laptop system. She was working on a news article for publication but her mind was far from it. she had edited the news article countless times but yet, it wasn't just perfect. she re-edited it for the last time but to her it wasn't yet good for publication. something was certainly missing, she shook her head and closed the system. she was done for the day even though, she hasn't done what she ought to do. Emily crashed back on the backrest of the swivel chair and it swirl around in rotation. Her thoughts wandered off again, this time it was Ben. she couldn't think of anything else except Ben. Ben wasn't back since the day he left, it was now a week since she had last set her eyes on him all in the name of work. she just can't sit idle watching fire burn her roof. Nora should be of help, so she thought. Emily picked her phone on the desk, she squinted her eyes at the phone there was a message, she opened it hoping it would be from Ben but it wasn't. the message had no sender and it looked bizarre. the message was encrypted in numbers, Emily couldn't understand what it meant. "4151420 - 21598518 - 2515211819518 - 1415181 - 919 - 715145". Emily was puzzled and confused on what to do, an idea suddenly crept in and she smiled. she scrolled through her contacts and dialed a number. "hello, please help me decode this numbers and get back to me as soon as possible" Emily hung up and send the coded numbers via messenger. within a minute, a message popped up on her phone. she opened it, the message had been decoded and it reads. "don't bother yourself, Nora is gone" a frown appeared on Emily's face. ~ Cole sat down at the corner of the ever wild Miracles bar. he hummed and nodded at the groove of the music being played as he opened another bottle of beer. he drank it all in one gulp and dropped the empty bottle on the table. he took another bottle, opened it and gulped it in again. he sighed and belched loudly. drinking wasn't his thing but he had to and he did anyways, he knew drinking h is best in times like this. nothing could ever make him good, except he drinks but this wasn't going well at all. he looked at the dancers on stage, he squinted as his eyes was very blurry and obscured, he could make out hazy figures dancing but he couldn't distinguish between a male and a female. Cole looked back at the empty bottles on the table, he counted it and smiled. he couldn't have believed if he was told he drank 20 bottles but he did anyway, the killer made him do it. Nora is gone but he's gonna find her one way or the other. Cole drooled over the bottles, he saw a figure hovering above him. he looked up, looking straight into the eyes as though he was looking for a lost treasure, he couldn't see anything rather than a blonde hair and a hidden face. "who are you" Cole asked in a gruffy and drunken voice which was barely audible to the ears. Agent bola sat down ignoring his question, he had called her himself to meet him at the bar only to show up and ask her who she was. she opened her mouth as she saw the bottles littered on the table. something was amiss, Cole doesn't drink that much. "what's wrong Cole" Agent bola slammed the table and two bottles rolled over and crashed on the tiled floor. Cole could recognize the voice but not the face, he knew who it was. she was clad in a red gown which looked like blood to Cole. "please fix me" Cole said with pleading eyes. "what?" Emily raised her eyebrows surprised. "you heard me right?" Agent bola still looked on with surprise written all over her face. she knew he was drunk but never the less, he knows what he was doing. "please..." Cole drooled over the word, like its a life saver. Agent bola shook her head. he really needed to be fix because Cole looked distraught like he lost something valuable. Agent bola smiled, the moment she had been waiting for was here. she just had to play her card well. "let's go" agent bola muttered to him as she stood up. Cole stood up and fell back on the chair. he was heavily drunk, hardly could he lift himself. agent bola walked over to him and gave him a helping hand and they both managed to go out of the bar. She pushed Cole into the back seat while she sat at the front seat. agent bole ignited the car and stepped on the throttle of the car, she sped off. "where are we going?" agent bola asked glancing back at Cole who was half asleep. "anywhere" Cole replied. Agent bola slammed on the brakes and pulled over to her house. She helped Cole out of the car and they both walked into the house staggering as they walked, Cole's body was wet as he had spilled the drinks on his body. she dropped Cole on the settee in her sitting room, the house was pitch black and void of light. agent bola switched on the lights, the lights flickered and came on. she looked at her body, it was messed with Cole's body. she undressed and pulled off her gown. Cole watched as she undressed, he gulped in the lump that came to his throat as he stared at her not too massive boobs fighting to be freed in the tiny bra. his sight became clear as he looked on downwards to her backside which was turned to him. Cole looked away immediately their gaze met, he felt tempted but he couldn't resist the urge. Bola smiled, she would surely get what she wanted. she walked over to him smiling seductively. "am gonna fix you now"she said and unbuttoned his shirt. Agent bola couldn't help it, a wide grin appeared on her face. it would be a long night. To be continued.. Not edited
9 Apr 2017 | 18:07
Who could this mysterious being be?
9 Apr 2017 | 21:25
Wow enjoy urself to d fullest agent bolly, am sure Cole can handle you.
10 Apr 2017 | 03:57
What are you doing Agent Bola
10 Apr 2017 | 08:10
Agent Bola, you should not take advantage of Cole pls ooo
10 Apr 2017 | 10:03
That is unfair you know that Agent Bola
10 Apr 2017 | 10:22
0h! Long night.
10 Apr 2017 | 15:12
Why would u want too do dat
10 Apr 2017 | 15:29
Oh! No...u will regret it Bola
10 Apr 2017 | 17:14
Episode 22 . The rays of sun peered into the open louvers and it illuminated the room. Agent bola stirred on the bed rolling sideways, she reached for Cole but her hands only grab the duvet. she opened her eyes immediately and tilted her head sideways. Cole was gone. she sat upright bewildered scanning the room for any movements of Cole. The entire house was eerily silent which made it obvious that Cole wasn't in the house. she rolled the duvet away and stood up. she was naked from head to toe, not even clad in undies. she smiled as events of the past night replayed in her head like a filmstrip. the night was heaven on earth, too superb and awesome. Cole drove her nuts, she could tell it was due to pain and anguish which triggered him to fire continuously and tirelessly but the question is why? she was less perturbed by it, in as much she got what she craved for. Agent bola walked into the bathroom naked, her nipples erected due to the amorous thinking of getting laid with Cole. ~ Cole downed the glass of scotch at a go and swallowed a cube of ice. Cole looked distraught and worn out, he was seated on a chair in a mini bar at the back of his house beside the pool. his conscience pricked him as he remembered every part of the event which accidentally happened the other night. that was not good. He coughed till his eyes were red and watery. it looked like nothing was going well for him, not even drinking. Nora is missing and the best he could do is to sleep with some slut. slut? He poured another cup and took a sip. He had a lot to think about but his mind was numb. Alcohol was not the solution but it certainly could not make things worse. but it did the other night, it really made things worst from worse. Cole swallowed hard, why did he do it? why can't he control himself? his anger grew with each and every passing second as he reminisced on the dreaded act. Tears welled up in his eyes, what had he done to deserve this? The killer was really at his neck, playing a prank with him. was it really a prank?.. no it wasn't... this was real.. it was fucking real! Cole grabbed the glass and threw it into the pool. the splash did not have the crash effect he wanted. nothing was really going well at all. his phone beeped and the lights came on. Cole hissed, it was another message from the network provider. he thought presumably but wasn't sure. he felt the urge to open but he didn't. he just doesn't want to. .. He heard footsteps coming from behind him and he sprung to his feet. Nora? it wasn't her, instead it was the DG. "looked like you expecting someone really important." Mr Ryan said as he settled down facing Cole. "hey man, what's wrong? what happened?" Mr Ryan asked with concern as he noticed Cole's distraught mood. "Nora is gone" Cole said and bursted into fresh tears. "you ghat to be kidding me"_ Mr Ryan stood up gobsmacked, it doesn't look like he was kidding. "this can't be possible Cole" "it's..... " Cole was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. "My problems are over now" Cole hissed loudly, he felt like throwing the phone too. when would his problems be over? The phone rang for the umpeethent time, still he didn't pick up nor check the caller. Mr Ryan persuaded him to pick up but he was adamant to his decision. The phone kept on ringing and the lyrics of the music aggravated his anger. he finally picked it up and pressed the phone to his ear. "Detective, please come to my house alone. I now have the information in full" a voice said impatiently. "please who is this!?" Cole snapped. "its the guard, the..." "what do you have?" "Come alone please" The line went dead, Cole stared at the phone like he was just seeing it for the first time. he gazed at Mr Ryan and stood up fiercely. "what's wrong?" Mr Ryan called after him but he was gone already. Cole drove tremendously fast, a hand on the steering wheel and the other on his phone. he quickly checked the database of the guards and he got the location. Cole drove more faster and he got there within a twinkle of an eye. he dropped down and clutched to the gun in his hand. he didn't even think before he swung into action. it could be a trap, who knows? he moved stealthy towards the main door of the house. it was a flat but the door was wide open. Cole shook his head, he had no accurate plan. "hello" he bellowed out as he stepped in. silence answered, he looked back and forth there was no one but he couldn't be sure. Cole pushed a door leading to a room. he halted, an horrific sight welcomed him. The man sprawled on the floor face down, blood leaked out from his side. Cole took three steps forward and bent low, he was stiff and motionless. .To be continued...
11 Apr 2017 | 20:19
let them not say that you killed the man ooo
12 Apr 2017 | 03:47
Nawao the killer knows every step u make.
12 Apr 2017 | 04:27
It can't be put on ur head, moreover u re a detective @Cole
12 Apr 2017 | 05:44
I hope they won't term you as the killer
12 Apr 2017 | 06:56
This is a set up.
12 Apr 2017 | 07:30
They set u up cole
12 Apr 2017 | 09:47
12 Apr 2017 | 13:33
I no trust dat ur Director! Next plz!
12 Apr 2017 | 16:20
Shit! It was a set up...u wil be termed as de killer
12 Apr 2017 | 20:40
Hmmmmm... Watch out!
13 Apr 2017 | 16:45
Episode 23 . The scene was flooded with the medics, the press and some CID police officials. The press were talking to the medics while the camera men were taking pictures of the scene. Different sounds of sirens blared outside. some onlookers gathered distance away, they couldn't come any closer as the house was sealed with the CID yellow tape. Cole bent down and uncovered the body, he was the only CIB cop that was present at the scene. Cole stared hard at the body, the blood was still gushing out from the stomach side and the guard's phone was beside him but the screen was broken. he could tell he was shot while making the call but who could have done this?. The killer made it look like a trap.. why is the killer setting him up? "Sir, your attention is needed in the CID interrogation room." Cole heard a voice behind him and he sprung to his feet swirling around. it was a young CID cop. Cole shook his head, he was in for questioning. "alright I'll be there soon" Cole said and glanced back at the body. "No sir, I was ordered to bring you along immediately." The young cop said fearfully. Cole blanched, he stared at the young cop for a while. he was dressed in the CID uniform, the boy was probably a sergeant. The boy's leg twitched with uneasiness, the glare was making him scared. "who sent you?" Cole asked without taking off his gaze. "Inspector kunle" Cole smiled, he knew all along that it would be him but anyway he was going to prove who the boss really was. "let's go" cole said and they both left the building. Minutes later, Cole found himself in the CID building. The building wasn't that tall compared to the CIB but it was well equipped with computer facilities. Cole sat on a chair, there was an empty table in front of him. the room was empty too except for the chairs and table. Cole looked up, there were cameras hung up in the four corners of the room. The door suddenly flung open and Inspector kunle stepped in, he trotted to the table and sat opposite Cole. he dropped a file on the table and gazed at Cole for a while before he eventually spoke. "Good readings to you detective Cole, I see you're surprised at the turn of things" Cole kept mute and stared into the air, he wasn't going to talk. Inspector kunle noticed the mood he switched to, he shook his head. that wasn't going to stop him from doing his job. "detective, do you have any personal issue with the Guard?" Cole looked up at him, his mouth pouted in abhorrence. "oh you ain't gonna talk huh?" Inspector kunle said in a raised pitched voice. "after you killed the guard, you wanna prove innocent here by not.." "spare me that fucking crap!" Cole angrily slammed the table. His eyes widened as realization hit him, what did he just do? they are watching! everybody's watching!. Cole heaved a sigh and readjusted his sitting position. "ready to talk?"_ inspector kunle smiled. "not really but I will in all diligence." kunle smiled again. he brought out the guard's broken phone and a small android device. "look" inspector kunle showed him the device. Cole squinted his eyes, he saw a number on the call logs of the device. "what's this for?" Cole asked in a hoarse voice. Inspector kunle frowned. "isn't that your number?" Cole squinted again, it really was his. "its mine" "he called you last and then he was killed" "I didn't kill him" Cole said tentatively. "I didn't say you killed him" inspector kunle objected. Cole twitched on the chair. this wasn't going well at all. ~ Nora twitched in pain and discomfort as a bucket of cold water was poured on her face, her eyes opened slowly. Her vision was blur at first and she felt drowsy, she was seeing more than fifty faces staring down at him at first. It took her sometime before her vision became clear, then she saw a man seated on a chair with his legs crossed. she looked around the room, squinting her eyes to accommodate the light as her head pounded with an headache, the room was quite empty. she tried to sit comfortably, but only ended up groaning loudly. she was strapped to a chair, hands and legs firmly tied. what's happening? she couldn't recall what happened or how she got there. it all looked like a mystery to her. "where am I?" her voice shrieked. To be continued...
13 Apr 2017 | 20:16
14 Apr 2017 | 04:30
What did Cole ever did to the killer
14 Apr 2017 | 10:49
Cole u ar in deep shit
14 Apr 2017 | 11:13
Oh shit! Cole has really suffered bcos of dis killer.
14 Apr 2017 | 20:29
dis killer really mean cole
15 Apr 2017 | 04:11
Vhiz gonna be tough
15 Apr 2017 | 07:42
The voice . Episode 24 . LOCATION: Isolo , Lagos state. 12:05pm. . Emily alighted from a commercial hired cab. she straightened her red gown and stepped into the compound as the gate was opened by the gateman. She long pressed the doorbell and it rang for a couple of times before someone opened the door. A head popped out of the door first, then the body. it was a boy of about seven years old clad in white shorts and singlet. "aunty Emily" the boy shouted immediately he saw her. he ran and jumped into Emily's waiting hands in a brief hug. Emily let the boy down with a nourishing smile emitted from her face. "how you Jacob?" Emily asked as they strode into the spacious living room. "I'm fine aunty" the boy replied smiling gleefully. "where's your mother?" Emily asked as she sat on a couch. "she's inside the kitchen" "oh... please fetch her for me" Emily said pleadingly. "aunty, you didn't buy anything for me abi" "oh I almost forgot, I bought you this" Emily hurriedly brought out a wrapped parcel from her hand bag and handed it to the boy. The boy happily collected it and unwrapped it immediately. "wow!" The boy exclaimed as he saw what was in it. it was a big toy jeep. "hope you like it?" "No aunty I don't like it. I love it" the boy grinned showing his missing tooth. "oh Emily... is this really you?" A voice called and Emily looked up to see her cousin walking towards them with an outstretched arms. Emily stood up and embraced her tightly, she let go afterwards. "you never told me you were coming, I would have prepared your favorite" "No aunty, I just want to pay you a surprise visit" "oh... so how you doing Emily" she asked as she also settled down on a couch adjacent to Emily. "just trying to be fine aunty" Emily replied wearing a forlorn look. "trying to be fine?.. what's the problem Emily?" "its a long story aunty" Emily sat back resting her head on the armrest of the couch. What other problem does she have if not Ben. she had decided to visit her cousin all the way from river state to isolo where she resides just to advice her on what to do even though, she herself was yet to meet Ben. "let me quickly call my husband, he has been wanting to meet you" Jacob's mother said as she stood up. Emily nodded, "have been wanting to meet him too, you know he's always not around whenever i come here_" "lucky you, he's around today" Emily smiled, lucky indeed. "Honey ... honey..." Jacob's mother called as she walked out of the sitting room. "yes baby" a faint gruffy voice answered from inside. "My cousin Emily is here" She shouted and strode back to her seat. "how's life in rivers state?" Emily was about to answer the question when her eyes darted to the door leading to the sitting room. her face suddenly formed to a shock demeanor as her mouth flung wide open surprised. Ben stepped into the sitting room oblivious of Emily who had already seen him. "baby .. I ..." the word hanged in his mouth as he saw Emily. his legs became rooted to the spot and couldn't move an inch. Jacob's mother on the other hand was all smiles. that's before she noticed the weird and intense silence from both party. she followed Emily's shocked gaze and saw Richard which was the supposed Ben also shocked. her instinct immediately told her that something was really amiss. ~ CIB TOWER ~ "what did you do to me!?" Cole asked agitated fuming with rage. obviously in a loud pitched voice. he was once seated on a swivel chair in his office but stood up immediately Agent bola entered his office. Cole was irked by her presence and aggravated with the fact that she didn't knock before she entered. "keep your voice down Cole" Agent bola said in a rather cool voice. Cole surprisingly suppressed his anger as his anger diminished at the thought of being in the office and at work. "Why did you do this to me? .. bola why?" Cole bursted into fresh tears, the tears subsided and turned to sobs. he couldn't imagine betraying Nora. worst of it, she was missing and the best he could do was to sleep with some slut. tears streamed down his face as pangs of conscience pricked him. what had he gotten himself into? Agent bola on the other hand showed no remorse for what happened. instead, she felt elated as it was now a part of her achievements. "you don't seem to care?.. do you?" Cole asked amidst sobs. "no I don't, you wanted me to fix you and I did just that. so why should I care?" Cole swallowed hard, it was all his effort. he was damn fucking stupid!. He sat down slowly uttering incoherent words to himself like he was going crazy. he was really going crazy. a knock sounded on the door, Cole immediately comported himself as he sniffed and cleaned the tears and mucus that had gathered on his face with the back of his hand. Agent bola opened the door and left without saying a word. A young man stepped into the office after a thorough scrutinization on Agent bola. "Good afternoon sir" he greeted. he was dressed in the CIB uniform and his tag indicated that he was from the cyber security unit. "how may I help you?" Cole asked in a gruffy voice which suggested that be wasn't happy. "sir, I have found the location of the killer" Cole's face lit up as he heard the frolic news. "are you kidding me?" "No sir. am not" "then how did you know it's the killer location?" Cole asked. "I have been working on this tirelessly, day and night trying to breach the killer's security wall and today, it came as a success." David said showing him the device which displayed the location. "we need to move immediately" Cole voiced out after minutes of consideration. To be continued...
19 Apr 2017 | 18:30
Chai. Sam marrying two wives secretly. nawa ooo Cole, are you sure is not a trap
20 Apr 2017 | 03:59
Cole be careful
20 Apr 2017 | 06:21
Hope de find Nora
20 Apr 2017 | 10:51
Dat Ben is a stupid man
20 Apr 2017 | 12:32
This story is taking a slow turn o @Mr_poster
20 Apr 2017 | 13:20
Observing mode activated
20 Apr 2017 | 14:26
I knew it! Ben was up2 no gud. gush! why are men so full of deceit?
20 Apr 2017 | 14:51
Episode 25 . Nora opened her eyelids for the umpteenth time in a day. everywhere was dark and vague the last time she opened her eyes that was due to the blindfold that covered her eyes. She blinked her eyes and closed it afterwards, her pupil was just adapting to its surroundings. she opened it the final time, now conscious to her environment. The room was empty as usual but it looked dirty as though a broom never touched the plastered floor for once. She heard footsteps from a distance coming nearer to the room she was kept hostage. She still couldn't visualize how she got there but she knew better. she was kidnapped! but to be killed? she can't really tell. The footsteps stopped at the doorstep and the door knob turned open. Nora quickly closed her eyes pretending to be unconscious though she hardly breaths. She could hear the sound of the footstep stopping just before her. she felt tempted to open her eyes but she resisted the urge. "stop pretending and open your eyes" Nora was surprised. she never knew her pretense would be known so soon. She opened her eyes to see a man dressed in an all black with a mask covering the face. he wasn't tall and wasn't short just average like every other normal person. "Who the hell are you?" Nora shouted but it was more of a whisper. "wrong question" The man in mask replied. "please!. why are you doing this to me?" Nora asked after finding her voice back. The man grinned through the open holes of the mask. "That's a good question" The man circled Nora who was strapped to a wooden chair and stopped at her front. "Cole caused this" The man looked away like he was hurt trying to hide the pain that engulfed him. "he killed my wife. . " he said tentatively in a low tune. "he killed her and I will have my revenge" "but Cole never killed anyone" Nora retorted. The man laughed and didn't stop until he thinks he had enough of it. "Cole never killed anyone?" he mimicked Nora then laughed for a while. "well I don't blame you because you never knew who he was before you met him." "and who was he?" "he was a monster, a deadly one at that. he was the one that compelled me to kill too" Nora found his words meaningless, it doesn't makes any sense to her. how could cole be a killer and the monster that compelled him to kill. "he was an hired assassin, he kills without leaving a trace " the man started circling her again. "no one knew him to be a killer not even me." The man again stopped at her front, "he was popular in the game and they respected him a lot. Cole was a carefree type. he made life convenient for people but once you're on his death list... you die and no one would find his trace." The man squatted in front of Nora and placed his two hands on Nora's thighs. Nora twitched her legs trying to snap the hands off but she couldn't. reason? she was tied. "I had been wondering who this smart dude is and why he was never caught. my curiosity got the better of me when he killed my wife." The man smiled in his masked face. "she was beautiful like a goddess and I really do love her.. I loved and I still love her. that's why I can't stop until I have my revenge." "after the death of my wife, I became determined to know who the killer really was but then, Cole suddenly stopped being an assassin. he became a better person and joined the CIB bureau with a new identity. Cole wiped off his memory himself to keep the past away from haunting him and then he became something else. he became a detective, trying to keep the state peaceful but my main objective is to make life a living hell for him after which I will kill you just as he killed my wife" Nora froze at the point of being killed. what? Cold was once an assassin? "I will kill everyone he loves starting with you. I will ...." a sound interrupted him. he brought out a small device from his pocket and saw it blinking red. Oops! Cole has found him!. ~ Cole locked his office door and pressed the combination codes to permanently lock it. He stepped into the elevator and pressed the exit button. He walked out of the elevator as it opened. Cole jumped on his powerbike and sped off towards the location blinking on the tracker. he loved speed and it helped clear off his head. backups were just getting ready and he couldn't wait. he really needed to teach the son of a bitch an indelible lesson. Cole noticed a truck on his trail through the rear view mirror. The black truck changed Lane and started speeding towards him in the opposite direction. He always had very sharp Instincts, he trusts his guts so much. He quickly slowed and jumped off the bike into nearby shrubs before the truck made impact. The noise was deafening. Cole rolled far away from the collision deeper into the shrubs. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed a speed code. it sent a signal to the CIB, indicating that he was in trouble and they could Track his location. A team was sent to his location immediately. his eyes were closing and he was fast losing consciousness. he barely heard what was going on around him. The last thing he heard from the crowd confirmed his fears. The driver of the truck was no where to be found. To be continued...
20 Apr 2017 | 20:03
Oh shit! Dis a'int fair at Ben married 2 cousins?
21 Apr 2017 | 18:23
Episode 25 . . Nora opened her eyelids for the umpteenth time in a day. everywhere was dark and vague the last time she opened her eyes that was due to the blindfold that covered her eyes. She blinked her eyes and closed it afterwards, her pupil was just adapting to its surroundings. she opened it the final time, now conscious to her environment. The room was empty as usual but it looked dirty as though a broom never touched the plastered floor for once. She heard footsteps from a distance coming nearer to the room she was kept hostage. She still couldn't visualize how she got there but she knew better. she was kidnapped! but to be killed? she can't really tell. The footsteps stopped at the doorstep and the door knob turned open. Nora quickly closed her eyes pretending to be unconscious though she hardly breaths. She could hear the sound of the footstep stopping just before her. she felt tempted to open her eyes but she resisted the urge. "stop pretending and open your eyes" Nora was surprised. she never knew her pretense would be known so soon. She opened her eyes to see a man dressed in an all black with a mask covering the face. he wasn't tall and wasn't short just average like every other normal person. "Who the hell are you?" Nora shouted but it was more of a whisper. "wrong question" The man in mask replied. "please!. why are you doing this to me?" Nora asked after finding her voice back. The man grinned through the open holes of the mask. "That's a good question" The man circled Nora who was strapped to a wooden chair and stopped at her front. "Cole caused this" The man looked away like he was hurt trying to hide the pain that engulfed him. "he killed my wife. . " he said tentatively in a low tune. "he killed her and I will have my revenge" "but Cole never killed anyone" Nora retorted. The man laughed and didn't stop until he thinks he had enough of it. "Cole never killed anyone?" he mimicked Nora then laughed for a while. "well I don't blame you because you never knew who he was before you met him." "and who was he?" "he was a monster, a deadly one at that. he was the one that compelled me to kill too" Nora found his words meaningless, it doesn't makes any sense to her. how could cole be a killer and the monster that compelled him to kill. "he was an hired assassin, he kills without leaving a trace " the man started circling her again. "no one knew him to be a killer not even me." The man again stopped at her front, "he was popular in the game and they respected him a lot. Cole was a carefree type. he made life convenient for people but once you're on his death list... you die and no one would find his trace." The man squatted in front of Nora and placed his two hands on Nora's thighs. Nora twitched her legs trying to snap the hands off but she couldn't. reason? she was tied. "I had been wondering who this smart dude is and why he was never caught. my curiosity got the better of me when he killed my wife." The man smiled in his masked face. "she was beautiful like a goddess and I really do love her.. I loved and I still love her. that's why I can't stop until I have my revenge." "after the death of my wife, I became determined to know who the killer really was but then, Cole suddenly stopped being an assassin. he became a better person and joined the CIB bureau with a new identity. Cole wiped off his memory himself to keep the past away from haunting him and then he became something else. he became a detective, trying to keep the state peaceful but my main objective is to make life a living hell for him after which I will kill you just as he killed my wife" Nora froze at the point of being killed. what? Cold was once an assassin? "I will kill everyone he loves starting with you. I will ...." a sound interrupted him. he brought out a small device from his pocket and saw it blinking red. Oops! Cole has found him!. ~ Cole locked his office door and pressed the combination codes to permanently lock it. He stepped into the elevator and pressed the exist button. He walked out of the elevator as it opened. Cole jumped on his powerbike and sped off towards the location blinking on the tracker. he loved speed and it helped clear off his head. backups were just getting ready and he couldn't wait. he really needed to teach the son of a bitch an indelible lesson. Cole noticed a truck on his trail through the rear view mirror. The black truck changed Lane and started speeding towards him in the opposite direction. He always had very sharp Instincts, he trusts his guts so much. He quickly slowed and jumped off the bike into nearby shrubs before the truck made impact. The noise was deafening. Cole rolled far away from the collision deeper into the shrubs. He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed a speed code. it sent a signal to the CIB, indicating that he was in trouble and they could Track his location. A team was sent to his location immediately. his eyes were closing and he was fast losing consciousness. he barely heard what was going on around him. The last thing he heard from the crowd confirmed his fears. The driver of the truck was no where to be found. To be continued...
22 Apr 2017 | 00:09
Hmmmm,Cole once an assassin
22 Apr 2017 | 04:46
I can't believe that Cole was an assassin
22 Apr 2017 | 04:55
Cole was once an assassin I didn't see that coming
22 Apr 2017 | 05:01
Cole was once an assassin Thats so bad
22 Apr 2017 | 08:14
nawao. wolf in sheep cloth
22 Apr 2017 | 12:43
Who want you died cole
22 Apr 2017 | 18:01
Could this be true?
23 Apr 2017 | 09:44
The voice . Episode 26 . Time was tickling very fast, emotions were becoming more heated. Seconds turned into minutes, and the moment was approaching gradually. The silence in the house was deafening safe for a young boy named David who was playing with the toy jeep Emily bought for him. The boy was less perturbed about the happenings around him as he played on running about. Emily's mouth was still wide agape, Ben was also dumbfounded and lost in thoughts still standing like a statue. his head tilted towards Emily and they were locked up in a gaze. David's mother was also surprised, she was seated on the couch adjacent to Emily but was wondering why silence engraved the house and why they acted as if they were held up by a trance. With the look of things, they might stand there forever without being conscious of their environment. David's mother shook her head. she had to do something. "what's happening!?" David's mother shouted at no one in particular. Emily was the first to regain herself from the trance that held her. She closed her mouth when she realized her mouth was opened. "Ben?" Emily muttered under her breath with short gasps but loud enough for Ben to hear. Ben shook uneasily as he stood, he'd never anticipated that the world would come crumbling on his head such like this. Had it been he knew.... he wouldn't have dare the dreaded. worst still, he married two cousins with different characters. one is cool but desperate while the other dangerous. he fucked up big time! "he's not Ben Emily, he's Richard" David's mother angrily retorted. Emily tried hard not to blink her eyes because the tears could spill any moment. She'd always known that Ben had a wife somewhere else but she couldn't be sure as she'd never caught him with one but right there is her worst nightmare playing right before her. "Ben how could you?" the tears came running on her cheeks like the water falling off a hill. Emily couldn't withstand the excruciating pain that engulfed her as she ran out with her handbag. A sob burst out, the tears welled up in her eyes streamed and poured out like an heavy rain. She quickly brought out her handkerchief and soaked it with the tears. ~ Detective Cole opened his eyes to find himself in a strange place. The walls were tiled and painted white. strange smell wafted across his nostril and the bed was very small and uncomfortable. He tried to sit upright but the sharp pain that surge through him sent him back on the bed. there was a drip on his left wrist and a small amount of blood had formed on the tip needed. how did he find himself there? which hospital was he? He remembered just a little part of the previous events. He was riding a power bike and then he had a collision. that was all he could remember. Cole pressed the emergency button. "Nurse!" he called out but got no response. "Nurse!!!" he called again screaming as loud as his voice could carry him pressing the emergency button a million times. Minutes later, a young man came in wearing a white apparel. he was all smiles as he approached Cole on the bed. Cole's eyes widened when he realized who was standing before him. He was dumbfounded and his face went pale. it can't be him... no it can't. it can't be the forensic man... it can't. he's dead. Cole argued within himself. he became scared with the thoughts let alone the presence of him. "seems like you're surprised detective" the doctor said with smiles. "who are you?" Cole's asked with a quivery voice. "bamidele Williams, the forensic man you detained who happened to be dead but very much alive" Cole was gobsmacked, "but you were confirmed dead by the medics" "I wasn't the one, I made the man do a face surgery which was the replica of mine. I had my ways like I always do" The forensic man brought out a syringe and drew some liquid from a finger sized plastic container. He tapped Cole's free hand and found a vein. Cole drew back in fear, "what are you doing to me!" he shouted but it was more of a whisper. fear engulfed him and he looked on with horror as the forensic man injected him from the syringe. The forensic man removed it from his body after the contents had gone down Cole's body. he smiled.. "am sorry I set you up, you weren't an assassin and never a killer but I had to do what I have to do. to cover my tracks which prone the killer to be on your trail." "I changed for good but one way or the other, the past came haunting and I had to go back to my old self. I have to stop the son of a bitch before he learns the truth which is why I am doing this to you. I injected you with a form of amnesia virus which would make you lose your memories of the past three weeks." "I was never here detective, have a nice day" Cole only heard the words ringing in his head as his eyes were fast closing and becoming blur. he heard the bang of the door which indicated that he was out. Even though he would lose his memory but he would try hard not to forget the voice. To be continued...
25 Apr 2017 | 17:47
This is bad
26 Apr 2017 | 03:12
26 Apr 2017 | 03:33
Too bad
26 Apr 2017 | 04:36
so bad
26 Apr 2017 | 06:50
So he isn't an assassin that is a relief
26 Apr 2017 | 11:07
Cole was not n assassin he set him up
26 Apr 2017 | 13:14
Shit! Dis is so bad
27 Apr 2017 | 08:50
The Voice . Episode 27 . Cole opened the small gate and entered his house. water prickled down his body saturating the blue Chelsea jersey he was clad in. he had just finished an hour jog and was sweating profusely like a Christmas goat. Jogging for an hour everyday has become a daily routine, it was the psychologist prescription as a way to get some of his memories back plus it helped clear his head and it made him think. it had been four days since he had been discharged from the hospital. he was tremendously infuriated at his inability to recall the past three weeks event. He had a bad feeling that it was not just the accident that made him lose some of his memories like the doctors had claimed. he knew it was more than the accident. he could have forgotten all his memories but he didn't, it was only three weeks amnesia and why not total amnesia? something was definitely fishy but he just couldn't tell. he had tried times without number to recall what actually happened in the last three weeks but all to no avail. it was blank like it never existed. this to him was more annoying than being alive. He sat on a couch in the large sitting room, the house looked empty with no one in it. His mind drifted to Nancy and a sad expression replaced his once puzzled look. He remembered he had a wife. Nancy, someone who he was yet to see. he'd tried numerous ways to reach her but none went through and without much ado he being told that she had been missing since two weeks ago. what was happening? He couldn't think straight anymore, his life was messed up and whoever that is doing this is making life a living hell for him. his phone beeped on the table and he picked it. it was an emergency. he suddenly stopped and he frowned. another murder? Cole stood up and rushed to the bathroom. he had a quick shower and a change of clothes. he got his keys and got into his Peugeot 504. he ignited the car engine and it roared to life. He stepped on the accelerator and sped off. He was going to the location of the murder which just happened. he wasn't going to allow the killer get away not this time with puffed vexation. he had enough and couldn't withstand to get more of it. The car came to a screeching halt as he stepped on the brakes. A small crowd of people had formed distance away. some policemen had arrived the crime scene, some were keeping off the crazy crowd away from the crime scene while some huddled around looking for evidence. Cole stepped out of his car and ran to the crime scene. a body lay disfigured in a pool of fresh blood. Cole bent down scrutinizing the body. it was a man with an oval structure of a face, he had scars on the disfigured face with a goatee beards which was soaked in his blood. Cole saw the gunshot wound and then the bullet that did the job. he picked it up rolling it in his hands. he knew it was from a 9mm pistol and with the way it was shot, he could tell it was from a close range but the question is how? "send me video footages of thirty minutes ago" Cole said into the mouthpiece of his phone. "make sure it is as fast as possible" He hung up the call and walked back to his car. His phone beeped after some minutes, he opened the videos and he started watching. He found nothing after some minutes of watching, it was just the normal daily activities of cars passing by. he was about to exit the video when he saw a car sped away and a body falling from the car. Cole immediately paused it and zoomed in on the car, he couldn't see the face of the driver as he was well disguised in the black cap he had on. He jotted the plate number of the car and he rewound the streaming. He saw a Camry car following the black corolla in a hot pursuit. Now, he could tell what actually happened. It seemed like the killer was in the cab with the driver and while trying to get away, he shot the driver in the process. Cole sent a message to all checkpoints with the number of the car asking for the car to be stopped when spotted. Cole changed gears and he continued driving at an alarming rate of speed not minding the insults he received from pedestrians and drivers. His device beeped and the screen lights came on. he used one hand to pick the phone and the other hand on the steering wheel. a tracker had been activated showing the location of the person he had tracked down. but who did he track? he couldn't remember tracking anybody but out of curiosity, he set to go and find out. He made a u-turn and changed the lane, he was going to find out who he'd tracked. After minutes of driving recklessly, he came to a halt at the front of a house which looked like a warehouse. Cole suddenly stopped in his tracks, the corolla car he had seen and had written the number was parked outside the ware house. The plate number had been ripped off but he recognized the car. he became very alarmed as he brought out his gun tucked in his hostler. He pushed the door open and he stepped into the spacious compound with tentative steps. The ware house was void of movement and activities. it seemed like the ware house had been abandoned for years as grasses grew out of the tiled floor. Cole moved stealthily and slid down creeping in through the closed gate of the warehouse which the down part was slightly opened. He crawled in and rose to his feet but a sudden kick sent him back sprawling on the floor. He saw it too late and couldn't dodge or weave it away. A man with a black face cap stepped out and followed suit as Cole landed on the floor and he quickly gagged Cole with a handkerchief. Cole writhed on the floor shaking vehemently as he consumed a mouthful of the substance. His eyes went dim and he fell into unconsciousness. To be continued...
1 May 2017 | 00:07
Hmmm cole be careful
1 May 2017 | 04:11
u knw get beta instinct
1 May 2017 | 05:01
What a trap
1 May 2017 | 05:43
Oh no! Dis shldnt be happening to Cole, he has suffered a lot
1 May 2017 | 06:20
1 May 2017 | 06:30
Another trap
1 May 2017 | 08:32
if only the substance will get your memory back no problem you better inhale all of it
2 May 2017 | 03:40
you always go on a mission without back up
2 May 2017 | 03:42
Another unconscious
2 May 2017 | 11:07
The voice . Episode 28 . Cole opened his eyes slowly, it felt heavy and sunken red. his head ached and pounded with an headache as though it would rip off. he steadied his eyes but darkness stared back at him. he peered hopelessly into the darkness. he heard a click and lights flooded the room. he immediately closed his eyes as the brightness was too much. minutes later, he opened them already conscious to his environment. Cole looked around the room, what was this place? The room was empty but dusty. no bed, no furniture except for a wooden chair which he was seated on. The room had no windows, no other entry nor exit points aside from the one situated at the front. He looked up at the high ceilings, he saw a small vent, it was probably what supplied air into the room. Then he saw a picture on the wall, a beautiful smiling woman. He looked closely, she looked familiar but he couldn't figure out where she knew her and who she really was. The door suddenly creaked open and a figure took shape. "Hello detective" the voice said and Cole looked up. He blanched with utmost surprise. ~ (Hours Earlier) . . Nora's stomach sang a melodious tune to her ear but not at all melodious. The worms were churning her stomach and she had grown old in a matter of weeks without food. She stared at the food below her feet, fried rice garnished with assorted meats. it was such a delicacy she wouldn't want to miss but hell no! she wasn't gonna eat like she had been doing for the past few weeks refusing to eat different types of delicacies brought to her by a masked man. her reason refusing to eat wasn't far fetched from the fact that the food might be poisoned but she knew better. it couldn't have been poisoned . more so, the masked man wouldn't be so blunt to use poison since there are many ways he could use thus eating was the least on her mind. different thoughts had been throbbing her mind lately. Reason why the masked man never showed her his face and there is the issue of cole being an assassin, a dreaded killer at that. probably that was the reason why he never came looking for her. She just couldn't believe it, Cole a killer? tears welled up in her eyes threatening to spill, just a blink and it came rushing like a flowing river. The hatred that engulfed her was way too much that she felt like strangling cole herself if she ever set her eyes on him. What a wicked soul? and he hid the truth from her all these while. Nora was enflamed with immense hatred and it rekindled when the thought of suffering because of him flashed through her. "Crying?" a voice said and Nora looked up. The tears continued to spill and couldn't clean it off as her hands were tied behind the chair. She nodded with short gasps. The masked man stooped low in front of her looking into her teary eyes. he could see hatred in them and he smiled. Nora would kill Cole herself and then, he would kill Nora. To be continued...The voice . Episode 28 . Cole opened his eyes slowly, it felt heavy and sunken red. his head ached and pounded with an headache as though it would rip off. he steadied his eyes but darkness stared back at him. he peered hopelessly into the darkness. he heard a click and lights flooded the room. he immediately closed his eyes as the brightness was too much. minutes later, he opened them already conscious to his environment. Cole looked around the room, what was this place? The room was empty but dusty. no bed, no furniture except for a wooden chair which he was seated on. The room had no windows, no other entry nor exit points aside from the one situated at the front. He looked up at the high ceilings, he saw a small vent, it was probably what supplied air into the room. Then he saw a picture on the wall, a beautiful smiling woman. He looked closely, she looked familiar but he couldn't figure out where she knew her and who she really was. The door suddenly creaked open and a figure took shape. "Hello detective" the voice said and Cole looked up. He blanched with utmost surprise. ~ (Hours Earlier) . . Nora's stomach sang a melodious tune to her ear but not at all melodious. The worms were churning her stomach and she had grown old in a matter of weeks without food. She stared at the food below her feet, fried rice garnished with assorted meats. it was such a delicacy she wouldn't want to miss but hell no! she wasn't gonna eat like she had been doing for the past few weeks refusing to eat different types of delicacies brought to her by a masked man. her reason refusing to eat wasn't far fetched from the fact that the food might be poisoned but she knew better. it couldn't have been poisoned . more so, the masked man wouldn't be so blunt to use poison since there are many ways he could use thus eating was the least on her mind. different thoughts had been throbbing her mind lately. Reason why the masked man never showed her his face and there is the issue of cole being an assassin, a dreaded killer at that. probably that was the reason why he never came looking for her. She just couldn't believe it, Cole a killer? tears welled up in her eyes threatening to spill, just a blink and it came rushing like a flowing river. The hatred that engulfed her was way too much that she felt like strangling cole herself if she ever set her eyes on him. What a wicked soul? and he hid the truth from her all these while. Nora was enflamed with immense hatred and it rekindled when the thought of suffering because of him flashed through her. "Crying?" a voice said and Nora looked up. The tears continued to spill and couldn't clean it off as her hands were tied behind the chair. She nodded with short gasps. The masked man stooped low in front of her looking into her teary eyes. he could see hatred in them and he smiled. Nora would kill Cole herself and then, he would kill Nora. To be continued...The voice . Episode 28 . Cole opened his eyes slowly, it felt heavy and sunken red. his head ached and pounded with an headache as though it would rip off. he steadied his eyes but darkness stared back at him. he peered hopelessly into the darkness. he heard a click and lights flooded the room. he immediately closed his eyes as the brightness was too much. minutes later, he opened them already conscious to his environment. Cole looked around the room, what was this place? The room was empty but dusty. no bed, no furniture except for a wooden chair which he was seated on. The room had no windows, no other entry nor exit points aside from the one situated at the front. He looked up at the high ceilings, he saw a small vent, it was probably what supplied air into the room. Then he saw a picture on the wall, a beautiful smiling woman. He looked closely, she looked familiar but he couldn't figure out where she knew her and who she really was. The door suddenly creaked open and a figure took shape. "Hello detective" the voice said and Cole looked up. He blanched with utmost surprise. ~ (Hours Earlier) . . Nora's stomach sang a melodious tune to her ear but not at all melodious. The worms were churning her stomach and she had grown old in a matter of weeks without food. She stared at the food below her feet, fried rice garnished with assorted meats. it was such a delicacy she wouldn't want to miss but hell no! she wasn't gonna eat like she had been doing for the past few weeks refusing to eat different types of delicacies brought to her by a masked man. her reason refusing to eat wasn't far fetched from the fact that the food might be poisoned but she knew better. it couldn't have been poisoned . more so, the masked man wouldn't be so blunt to use poison since there are many ways he could use thus eating was the least on her mind. different thoughts had been throbbing her mind lately. Reason why the masked man never showed her his face and there is the issue of cole being an assassin, a dreaded killer at that. probably that was the reason why he never came looking for her. She just couldn't believe it, Cole a killer? tears welled up in her eyes threatening to spill, just a blink and it came rushing like a flowing river. The hatred that engulfed her was way too much that she felt like strangling cole herself if she ever set her eyes on him. What a wicked soul? and he hid the truth from her all these while. Nora was enflamed with immense hatred and it rekindled when the thought of suffering because of him flashed through her. "Crying?" a voice said and Nora looked up. The tears continued to spill and couldn't clean it off as her hands were tied behind the chair. She nodded with short gasps. The masked man stooped low in front of her looking into her teary eyes. he could see hatred in them and he smiled. Nora would kill Cole herself and then, he would kill Nora. To be continued...
2 May 2017 | 18:20
2 May 2017 | 19:56
Nora, you shouldn't have believed what that man said. Cole, you just went there without informing anybody
3 May 2017 | 03:20
Repetition upon repetition
3 May 2017 | 05:38
Nora can't do it
3 May 2017 | 06:07
God will see you guys through
3 May 2017 | 06:15
Hmmm.. Lets wait and see what happen next
3 May 2017 | 08:06
Still observing closely
3 May 2017 | 10:16
Still here
3 May 2017 | 12:46
Wahz this
3 May 2017 | 13:01
Since he is innocent, he will pass dis
3 May 2017 | 18:41
The voice . Episode 29 . Cole blanched with utmost surprise, he was stupefied and dazzled at the man standing before him. not that the man was appealing in his black detective suit but was rather appalling because he was the least person Cole would ever imagine to be the dreaded killer. Mr Ryan stood on his feet with a devilish grin on his face, he pocketed his hands and catwalked towards Cole who was stunned and gobsmacked beyond belief. "still surprised?" Mr Ryan said in distinctive tone. Cole blinked his eyes a million times. was he dreaming?.. or rather hallucinating?.. it all felt too real to be a dream and yes he wasn't dreaming. he had not suspected the DG. not once, not even when agent bola figured it out that it could be one of the staffs. he had only suspected the forensic man and yes, he was right. the forensic man also had a skeleton well hidden under his sleeve but his instincts never brought him near the DG. Come to think of it, the director general of the reputable CIB was the one behind all these? "you?.." Cole voiced out with a confused look. "You have questions?" Mr Ryan said and started whistling twisting his legs in a form of dance. "why did you ...." "no stop right there!" Mr Ryan interrupted Cole with a wave of hand. "don't ask any question I'll provide the answers. just allow me do the talking." Cole nodded in approval, he really needed to know why he did it, how he pulled those stunt. "Cole!" Mr Ryan started, stressing his name. "You caused this made me do it" "what? what did I do?" Cole asked confused. "you killed her" Mr Ryan stared longingly at the picture hung up on the wall. "what?" Cole gasped with his eyes widened. then the images flashed through his memory. he remembered very well, those pictures. he now remember why the picture was familiar. he had seen one of the pictures in Mr Ryan's office hung conspicuously on the wall. "she was beautiful until you took her away from me" Mr Ryan's voice was low pitched in a depressing way. "but I didn't kill anyone!" Cole retorted angrily, he jerked but he was trapped. A smile emitted from Mr Ryan's face then suddenly, he started to laugh... slowly, then the velocity of the laughter increased. "Stop!" Cole shrieked. Mr Ryan seemed to obey the command as the laughter subsided and his face changed to a serious one. "You didn't kill anyone?" Mr Ryan mimicked Cole still sniggering quietly. "Yes I didn't" his voice was defiant. "you did!" Mr Ryan answered almost immediately and he stooped low in front of Cole. "killing was fun to you, you killed ruthlessly having no remorse for the deceased. You were once an assassin before you changed your identity and joined the CIB crib." Cole glared long at him. how possible? once an assassin?. "you killed her, you killed my wife"_Mr Ryan said with pain and anguish in his voice. His voice resonated in Cole's ears and it angered him. "I said I didn't!"_Cole shouted as loud as his voice could carry him. "the earlier you admit it, the betterment for you" Cole clenched his teeth and struggled to free himself from the shackles that was used to tie him but he couldn't. he was trapped and there is no getting away. Mr Ryan smirked when he saw this, he brought his face lower to Cole. "I will make you pay, Nora would die in your arms like mine did." Cole spat in his face and Mr Ryan drew back, his face contorted in disgust and abhorrence. he stared at Cole for a while and then, he launched Cole a hefty blow on the face and his nose bursted open. Cole felt some liquid dripping off his nose. there was a moist in his mouth and he spat it out. it was damn bloody red!. He looked up and stared at him with cold eyes... "You ain't getting away with this" Cole said amidst clenched teeth. A crooked smile suddenly appeared on Mr Ryan's face subsiding his initial anger though he still had a fierce look. "we shall see" with that, he stormed out of the room. Cole heaved a sigh of frustration and worry immediately he was out. He'd never imagined Mr Ryan could go as far as this, he never thought he could be the one behind the voice threatening him. yet, he acted like a friend and a boss who he was. he should have seen it coming but it came rather too late. Cole twisted his fingers trying to untie his hands but it wasn't working. he was well strapped to the chair with his hands tied behind. if he was going to escape or survive this, he would need a miracle. He wasn't going to die, not yet. if he dies, that would likely mean Nora would die too. Cole watched as Mr Ryan strode into the room, he was full of smiles. he wondered what was behind it. "look, I don't actually beg criminals. I would rather ...." Cole had to stop when he saw Nora walked into the room accompanied with a gun at the back of her head. a figure took shape as they finally came into view. it was inspector Kunle, he was grinning mischievously. Cole was surprised, another thing he least expected. his eyes darted to Mr Ryan, inspector kunle and then Nora. he gazed at Nora in disbelief of what she had turned to. Her once glowing face had turned white flecked and pale, her hair sprouted over her face haggardly and she looked unkempt like she had been starved for years. "what's happening?" Cole's voice shrieked in extreme pain and anguish. "welcome to hell detective" inspector kunle said smiling devilishly. To be continued.... . sorry for the late update, I'll sure make it up to you guys.
9 May 2017 | 17:29
chai. Ryan and Kunle. unbelievable
10 May 2017 | 03:22
Cole could have a twin
10 May 2017 | 05:31
Chai see too much suspense
10 May 2017 | 07:40
Twin if care is not taken
10 May 2017 | 08:16
10 May 2017 | 08:43
What a wicked world
10 May 2017 | 09:32
This is not good at all
10 May 2017 | 10:38
Hmm nemesis on the way, karma come show ur face
10 May 2017 | 13:05
Days is unbelievable
10 May 2017 | 13:57
Oh no! These guys r unbelievable
10 May 2017 | 19:02
Who will help u out! Next plz!
12 May 2017 | 12:02
The Voice . Final Episode . Episode 30 . Emily wept for the umpteenth time in the day. she sneezed and then cleaned off the tears with the back of her palm. What's happening? her life seemed to have turned upside down with the recent happenings. First, it was Nora her best friend being kidnapped and Cole is now missing too. Yet, her predicament got worsened by the good for nothing husband she had. How cruel of him?.. she should have known. Ben was a player and a cheater. to make matters worst, he was dating two sisters who never knew they were being played. She still hates to admit it, how would she be able to stay under the same roof with her cousin sharing the same husband? Hell No!, it doesn't make any sense. she would rather choose to be back in the single and searching game rather than choose to live with a man who'd been lying to her for years... . ~ Continued from the last scene. . "welcome to hell detective" Inspector kunle said smiling devilishly. Cole watched helplessly as inspector kunle pushed Nora aggressively to the floor. She fell with no resistance and a loud groan escaped her lips. Cole could only imagine the kind of tortures she would have gone through. he was bent on finding her and here she was about to die? or about to be killed? "what do you want?" Cole shouted with vigor directing the question to no one in particular as his eyes roamed the room. "good question" Mr Ryan said with a broad smile on his face. "just confess is all I want" confess? "Confess what?" Cole looked surprised. "confess who you are to the world and I will let you go unhurt" Mr Ryan leaned on the wall, the smile still plastered on his face. looking at him now Cole could not believe he had not suspected him. it was obvious the devil himself lived inside of him.. "Confess who I am to the world?" Mr Ryan nodded as he left the room leaving Cole all alone with Inspector kunle. Cole shook his head as he closed his eyes. he knew he had to do something. something desperate to save him and Nora. he could not just let this happen. he had no idea what to do his hands were tied and feet too. even if he shouted, no one would hear him. Apparently, the room was sound proofed. he was sure no one would find him where he was. the DG had it all planned out. he had the CIB off the case and with the help of inspector kunle the CID would be off too. he could now figure it all out. that was why the DG insisted on him handling the case over to inspector kunle just for them to carry out their nefarious activities. "are you praying?" He opened his eyes and saw inspector kunle standing in front of him. the devilish grin never left his face for once. Cole only gazed back with a cold bloodshot eyes. Inspector kunle chuckled when he saw this. "you can pray all you want so you could make heaven" "go to hell!" Cole snapped. "hell?" inspector kunle chuckled again. "you wanna say hi to Lucifer?" Cole was tremendously irked by his pranks. he wished he was free, he would have dealt him with a blow on his chin. Cole's blazing eyes darted to Nora who lay on the floor stiff and motionless. his expression and demeanor immediately changed to a sober one. he became scared. a question throbbed his mind. is she dead? "she is not dead yet" Cole looked up, Mr Ryan strode into the room with a camera stand embedded with the camera itself. "what is that for?" "to tape you live on all stations while you confess" Cole knew it was getting serious, what was he gonna confess? to confess he was a coward assassin? "Just to confess and I would be free?" Mr Ryan nodded in affirmation. "just confess is all you have to do but.." Cole grinned, "I knew there is a but coming" Mr Ryan ignored him as he proceeded on setting the camera stand and the voice emulator. he faced him when he was done. "start now and don't leave any details" Cole smiled, he had to buy time. "am I going to confess with all these shackles?" Mr Ryan shook his head, "that's the only option you've got" he gave inspector kunle a wink which he immediately reciprocated as he rose Nora up to her feet and handed her a gun. the instruction given to her was simple. "blow off his brain if he tries anything funny." Cole shook his head as he watched Nora pointing the gun at him, he was slightly petrified. would she do it? He returned his gaze back to the camera, his hands were loosed and free but his legs wasn't. at least, that was enough. he couldn't confess live with shackles that would likely mean he was held hostage. Cole cleared his throat and smiled widely. "Hello my fellow Nigerians. don't be surprised .." "spare me those shits and go to the main point" Mr Ryan yelled. Cole smiled again, "I have some confessions to make." he looked at Nora, she was shaking vehemently with her fingers on the trigger. "I am Detective Cole" Cole heard the gun cocked but there was no gun shot. he looked at Nora, the gun was now aimed at Mr Ryan but ... but there was no bullet, he wasn't taped live... but were only tested. Mr Ryan laughed, "i knew this would happen more reason why .." the ringing of a phone interrupted him. he immediately reached for the phone in his pocket and walked out of the room to answer the call. Inspector Kunle smirked as he walked towards cole, he stooped low in front of cole but that was his greatest mistake. Cole threw a punch which met his right eye. inspector kunle doubled over and fell on the ground. he immediately recovered as he stood up and brought a gun from his waist hostler. he aimed at Cole with a smirk on his face. Cole knew the end is near but he never imagined he would die this way. he suddenly heard a gunshot. he was numb for a moment thinking he was shot but he was very much alive. he looked at inspector Kunle, he had a shock expression on his face with his mouth slightly opened. he stood static for a moment and then, he suddenly dropped dead with a hole in his forehead. Cole was dumbfounded, how did it happened? and who did it? his questions were answered in a twinkle of an eye as a masked man came out of the blues. Apparently, he dropped down from the vent in the roof. The masked man stood on all fours in front of Cole. then slowly, he uncovered his face. Cole's face immediately grew pale, he had seen a ghost. it was the forensic man. "Hello detective" he said amidst smiles. "we meet again" Cole was surprised, he was dead. The forensic man was confirmed dead, how come he's alive?. Mr Ryan walked in but abruptly stopped in his tracks when he saw him but he wasn't surprised. The forensic man noticed his presence and he shot sporadically at him. Mr Ryan immediately ducked and ran over to Nora who cringed in fear. he held Nora up and used her as cover whilst pointing his gun at the forensic man. "don't use her as a threat" the forensic man grinned, "I only came to clear off all trails and tracks and am going to kill everyone here in this building" "lets see who gonna kill who" Mr Ryan fiercely pushed Nora to the front and shot twice at the forensic man who also retaliated and took a clean shot which caught Mr Ryan in the thighs and he yelped out loudly as he fell. Mr Ryan didn't give up as he continued shooting sporadically which pierced the body of the forensic man and he fell face down. Cole only watched in horror as the scenario played on. his darted to Nora. she was also on the floor but he couldn't tell whether dead or alive? Cole fumed with rage as adrenaline rushed through him, he pushed himself down rolling on the floor but Mr Ryan stopped him with his gun pointed at him. "you aint gonna live, i have nothing to lose." Cole felt a lump in his throat, he was going to die. he couldn't move, his legs were still tied. Mr Ryan cocked the gun. Cole closed his eyes and prayed silently, he knew the moment was now. there was a loud bang, his ear rang and his head buzzed. he felt some wetness around his stomach and looked down. his shirt had gotten red; he was bleeding. he had been shot!. there was another loud bang and everything became still. there was long silence. A sob burst out, Nora crawled towards Cole with a gun in her hands. She had no idea on how to use gun or aim at a target. she had mistakenly shot Cole instead of Mr Ryan but the second time. she couldn't make the same mistake, she shot Mr Ryan squarely in the face and his skull splattered. she held Cole in her arms, blood saturated their clothes. "please baby stay with me!" Cole tried to steady his eyes, his head almost exploded with relief. Nora was alive and thats all that matters. pain surge through him as he tried to stand, he struggled to keep his eyes open but a dark mist enveloped him and with each second his eyes sank deeper into the darkness. "please baby stay with me!" Nora cried. Cole smiled and mouthed the words "am with you honey" there was no point struggling, he closed his eyes and let go. . The End. . P.S. sorry for the late update, i was incapacitated by sickness and couldn't post. update would continue soon on The Atheist. Thank you'll for reading.
15 May 2017 | 19:41
The voice Epilogue. ******** Detective Cole laid on a bed in the state government hospital. There was a drip on his left wrist and a small amount of blood had formed on the tip needed. Nora held Cole's hands in hers, watching Cole sleeping peacefully. Her eyes was swollen and puffy from crying. Cole had been operated on and the bullet has been removed but not without having complications thus, he was still unconscious. Nora had been with him since the day he was brought into the hospital. She had been with him; crying and praying all through the night. Cole's vitals were okay as seen on the monitor hung beside the bed and should have been awake as presumed by the doctor who operated on him but it seemed like his assumptions were wrong. Detective Cole's hands suddenly moved and that startled Nora. Nora thought she was hallucinating not until she saw him open his eyes and then his lips moved saying incoherent words. Nora jumped up screaming the doctor's name. *********** Two months later. Location: Cole's residence. The sounds of singing birds could be heard distance away. Cocks were crowing from neighboring buildings announcing to the world that it's morning. The sun was just coming out of its abode as the velocity of the sunlight is still at a minimum reach. Rays of light pierced through the open louvres, illuminating the room. Cole blinked his eyes then, he eventually opened them and almost immediately, he covered his eyes to avoid the sun's penetration. He reached out to Nora but his hands only caught the duvet which indicated that Nora was out. He rolled the duvet away and stood up, went to the bathroom and took his bath. Moments later, he dressed up in the CIB suit checking himself in the mirror. Floods of memories flashed through his head as he stood staring at the mirror. The reflection shown on the mirror wasn't an image of him but an image of the past. Mr Ryan, Inspector Kunle and the forensic man are all dead. The news was broadcasted on almost all of the T.V stations and Newspapers in Nigeria. Cole was afterwards promoted to the rank of DG. He became the Director General of the Criminal Investigation Bureau. A smile wafted across his face, No more anonymous voice threats. He's a freeman now. "Honey." Nora called as she entered the room only to meet Cole staring at the mirror lost in thoughts. She walked up to him and shook him, bringing him back from his reverie. "What's wrong honey?" Nora attacked him with the question immediately he faced her. "I'm fine baby." Cole said smiling broadly. Nora raised an eyebrow and Cole gave a short laugh. "C'mon, what's with that face? honey is just thinking about the dreadful past." Nora hummed and smiled. "I'm happy its all over" "Me too baby" Cole said and embraced her. "I need to get going now" They let go of each other and Nora contorted her face, disappointed. "but honey don't you think you need to resign?" Nora asked. "I know but I can't, not now that I am the DG" "Please honey, just do this for the baby" Nora begged pointing at her protruding stomach. Cole bent down a little, squatting so he could kiss Nora's stomach. "I love our baby but I also love my job" "So you love the job more than the baby?" Nora asked with a raised eyebrow. Cole shook his head, "I love the baby more" "Honey can't you just think about it? no more looking over your shoulder, no more killing people and no more threats if you resign" Nora said in a loud pitched tone obviously getting angry. Cole heaved a sigh of frustration, he knew he had to take it cool with her or else she would get more aggravated by it. "I'm sorry baby, I love you and I won't allow anything jeopardize our love but I love what I do, I don't kill people but I rather save them" Nora melted and fell into his embrace and Cole kissed her on the forehead. "I love you baby" "I love you more" Nora replied and their lips locked in a long passionate kiss. ********* Location: Paris Emily looked down through the window of the plane as it continued its descent. She smiled, the atmosphere was clear, it was going to be a lovely week. She glanced back at Jude who sat beside her reading a magazine. Jude was Emily's fiancee, they were friends right from high school and they both finished their college together but then, Jude traveled to Spain without notice and they lost contacts. It was not until last three months that they ran into each other in a shopping mall and they got back talking. Jude had taken Emily out on most occasions catching on old times and then they both realized that they had a thing for each other and their love story started. Emily craned her neck as she looked down. There were tall fascinating buildings and different roads, mostly bridges, exotic and modernized ones. A few minutes later, the plane stopped and the ‘fasten seatbelt’ sign went off. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Charles de Gaulle airport, paris" the captain announced. “the time is 10:05am…” Emily ignored the mumbling pilot and unfastened her seatbelt, she stood up and looked beside her Jude was gone. She looked around, she couldn’t find him. Emily descended the stairs, clad in a red flowing gown that kissed the ground with a red high heel italian shoe. She looked undoubtedly beautiful such a girl any guy would love to get down with. "Hey baby, got a cab?" she heard a voice say. she spun around and there he was grinning sheepishly. He was clad in a body hug suit with a black hat on his head. He looked handsome. "Where went you?" Nora asked. "I was behind you all these while" "that's a lie joor" Emily replied chuckling. Jude suddenly went down on a knee then, he brought out a golden box, popped it open and brought out a shining diamond ring. "will you marry me?" Came Jude's voice. Emily was dumbfounded, she couldn't believe her eyes. She knew a day like this would come but never knew it would be now. She now know the reason behind him taking her out on a vacation to Paris. "Emily, please marry me" Jude voice rang in Emily's ears again and she realized that she had kept mute all these while. "Yes, yes, I will marry you" Emily screamed and Jude inserted the ring into her finger and they kissed. The onlookers who had formed a small crowd cheered them and clapped. what Emily felt that moment was more than what she could comprehend. To say she was happy is an understatement. She was delighted she now had a man of her dreams, Ben was a cheater and a monster who married two sisters without their knowledge. Nemesis finally caught up with him and he became a poor wretched man after selling off his house and cars to settle the bank loans. A month later, Emily and Jude became the latest couple having their wedding done in Nigeria but went to England for their honeymoon. The End... Written by Alabede Jude
16 May 2017 | 02:33
Nice one
16 May 2017 | 04:34
nice story
16 May 2017 | 05:51
Nice story.. Thumbs up
16 May 2017 | 06:51
wow I no say Cole no go die
16 May 2017 | 07:04
So where is the Epilogue
16 May 2017 | 10:24
Nice story... Thumbs up
16 May 2017 | 16:13
Nice de truth would hav been discovered fully
16 May 2017 | 18:55
I don't really like it when the protagonist died along with the enemies Nice story tho ATHEIST
17 May 2017 | 02:11
Rip Cole. Nice story.
17 May 2017 | 04:58
thanks guys for your wonderful comment but am sorry, i didn't mean to end the story that way Cole didn't die but fainted due to the fact that he lost too much blood. I could have written the epilogue but there was no prologue. thanks to you'll
17 May 2017 | 05:43
12 Aug 2017 | 11:30
Thanks to you also
13 Aug 2017 | 02:18
nyc bt is dis realy d end
23 Aug 2017 | 15:48
21 Sep 2017 | 18:59
[b]The voice Epilogue. ******** Detective Cole laid on a bed in the state government hospital. There was a drip on his left wrist and a small amount of blood had formed on the tip needed. Nora held Cole's hands in hers, watching Cole sleeping peacefully. Her eyes was swollen and puffy from crying. Cole had been operated on and the bullet has been removed but not without having complications thus, he was still unconscious. Nora had been with him since the day he was brought into the hospital. She had been with him; crying and praying all through the night. Cole's vitals were okay as seen on the monitor hung beside the bed and should have been awake as presumed by the doctor who operated on him but it seemed like his assumptions were wrong. Detective Cole's hands suddenly moved and that startled Nora. Nora thought she was hallucinating not until she saw him open his eyes and then his lips moved saying incoherent words. Nora jumped up screaming the doctor's name. *********** Two months later. Location: Cole's residence. The sounds of singing birds could be heard distance away. Cocks were crowing from neighboring buildings announcing to the world that it's morning. The sun was just coming out of its abode as the velocity of the sunlight is still at a minimum reach. Rays of light pierced through the open louvres, illuminating the room. Cole blinked his eyes then, he eventually opened them and almost immediately, he covered his eyes to avoid the sun's penetration. He reached out to Nora but his hands only caught the duvet which indicated that Nora was out. He rolled the duvet away and stood up, went to the bathroom and took his bath. Moments later, he dressed up in the CIB suit checking himself in the mirror. Floods of memories flashed through his head as he stood staring at the mirror. The reflection shown on the mirror wasn't an image of him but an image of the past. Mr Ryan, Inspector Kunle and the forensic man are all dead. The news was broadcasted on almost all of the T.V stations and Newspapers in Nigeria. Cole was afterwards promoted to the rank of DG. He became the Director General of the Criminal Investigation Bureau. A smile wafted across his face, No more anonymous voice threats. He's a freeman now. "Honey." Nora called as she entered the room only to meet Cole staring at the mirror lost in thoughts. She walked up to him and shook him, bringing him back from his reverie. "What's wrong honey?" Nora attacked him with the question immediately he faced her. "I'm fine baby." Cole said smiling broadly. Nora raised an eyebrow and Cole gave a short laugh. "C'mon, what's with that face? honey is just thinking about the dreadful past." Nora hummed and smiled. "I'm happy its all over" "Me too baby" Cole said and embraced her. "I need to get going now" They let go of each other and Nora contorted her face, disappointed. "but honey don't you think you need to resign?" Nora asked. "I know but I can't, not now that I am the DG" "Please honey, just do this for the baby" Nora begged pointing at her protruding stomach. Cole bent down a little, squatting so he could kiss Nora's stomach. "I love our baby but I also love my job" "So you love the job more than the baby?" Nora asked with a raised eyebrow. Cole shook his head, "I love the baby more" "Honey can't you just think about it? no more looking over your shoulder, no more killing people and no more threats if you resign" Nora said in a loud pitched tone obviously getting angry. Cole heaved a sigh of frustration, he knew he had to take it cool with her or else she would get more aggravated by it. "I'm sorry baby, I love you and I won't allow anything jeopardize our love but I love what I do, I don't kill people but I rather save them" Nora melted and fell into his embrace and Cole kissed her on the forehead. "I love you baby" "I love you more" Nora replied and their lips locked in a long passionate kiss. ********* Location: Paris Emily looked down through the window of the plane as it continued its descent. She smiled, the atmosphere was clear, it was going to be a lovely week. She glanced back at Jude who sat beside her reading a magazine. Jude was Emily's fiancee, they were friends right from high school and they both finished their college together but then, Jude traveled to Spain without notice and they lost contacts. It was not until last three months that they ran into each other in a shopping mall and they got back talking. Jude had taken Emily out on most occasions catching on old times and then they both realized that they had a thing for each other and their love story started. Emily craned her neck as she looked down. There were tall fascinating buildings and different roads, mostly bridges, exotic and modernized ones. A few minutes later, the plane stopped and the ‘fasten seatbelt’ sign went off. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Charles de Gaulle airport, paris" the captain announced. “the time is 10:05am…” Emily ignored the mumbling pilot and unfastened her seatbelt, she stood up and looked beside her Jude was gone. She looked around, she couldn’t find him. Emily descended the stairs, clad in a red flowing gown that kissed the ground with a red high heel italian shoe. She looked undoubtedly beautiful such a girl any guy would love to get down with. "Hey baby, got a cab?" she heard a voice say. she spun around and there he was grinning sheepishly. He was clad in a body hug suit with a black hat on his head. He looked handsome. "Where went you?" Nora asked. "I was behind you all these while" "that's a lie joor" Emily replied chuckling. Jude suddenly went down on a knee then, he brought out a golden box, popped it open and brought out a shining diamond ring. "will you marry me?" Came Jude's voice. Emily was dumbfounded, she couldn't believe her eyes. She knew a day like this would come but never knew it would be now. She now know the reason behind him taking her out on a vacation to Paris. "Emily, please marry me" Jude voice rang in Emily's ears again and she realized that she had kept mute all these while. "Yes, yes, I will marry you" Emily screamed and Jude inserted the ring into her finger and they kissed. The onlookers who had formed a small crowd cheered them and clapped. what Emily felt that moment was more than what she could comprehend. To say she was happy is an understatement. She was delighted she now had a man of her dreams, Ben was a cheater and a monster who married two sisters without their knowledge. Nemesis finally caught up with him and he became a poor wretched man after selling off his house and cars to settle the bank loans. A month later, Emily and Jude became the latest couple having their wedding done in Nigeria but went to England for their honeymoon. The End...[/b]
2 Oct 2017 | 05:17
Nice story there
2 Oct 2017 | 07:13


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