The way she taught me

The way she taught me

By Mecuze in 20 Sep 2015 | 02:12
Mecuze Mecuze

Mecuze Mecuze

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A nice story on the way. invite friends
20 Sep 2015 | 02:12
Episode 1 I was naive as a kid,just a shy nerdy kid. Sex was foreign to me and i neva really found out about it till i was almost 19. Whenever my friends talked about their sex escapades as teens, i would listen with keen interest,basking in the euphoria of the tale. It was as if i was living vicariously through their steamy stories. I rememba John’s stories d most,he was confident and had many older brothers. We looked up to him,although we were mates. Talking to girls was easy for him,and he had them around him always. I can recall vividly how he told us about having sex in the school toilet with a girl named Clara. I felt hurt and intrigued at the same time because she was my ultimate crush,and we were just 14. I could not grasp it,how she could do something like that . Whenever i saw her walk by,the concocted image of John and her,writhing in sexual ecstasy,would form in my head,and i would immediately avert my eyes,so as not to give away my emotions. Nevertheless i still enjoyed the stories,they were the highlights of my sex life as a teen. I went thru secondary school without even kissing a girl. My fantasies were filled with them,hmmmm,girls,i knew when given the chance,i would take it with both hands. And that opportunity came,yes it came,with a bang,and i am forever glad that i was untainted,ready and willing. I met Stephanie when i was in 200level in the university. The second semester had just begun,i was at the bank to pay my school fees,as was alot of the oda students. I saw her standing near the queue, about 5 pple stood btw us. She wasnt beautiful,at least not in the sense that you and i understand. She was tall,dark and glamourous. Her slight hips protuded behind her,complementing her succulent firm breasts. She had this dreamy look abt her,confident but sexy,independent but whimsical. Her inviting lips were doused with a touch of glossy wet lips. Kiss me till u die was literarilly written all over her. God!,i was lost, i stood there looking at her,gaping,wishing. I still rememba every single detail about that day. The sun was shining brightly,but it wasnt hot,a gentle breeze was caressing my face. Her dark skin glowed in the sun. I glanced around and noticed alot of guys eyes were fixed on her . I heard a guy talking behind me,he was telling his friend, “oboy u dey see that bird so ?! “,” i must cage am!”. My heart was beating fast,i stood no chance,there were better guys here,that would get this girl.That moment I wished she would say something,i wanted to hear her voice,so i’l carry it to my dreams,were i’d cherish it for eternity. I got tired of standing,so i sat on the lush,well trimmed grass,near the bank building. Heaven smiled down on me. About 10 minutes later she came n sat near me,i guess she was fed up standing too. I almost screamed with joy,it took alot of self restrain for me not to have shouted. She said sumtin,i didnt hear at first,ofcourse i was still in disbelief,how cud i hv been so lucky ?. “Are u here to pay ur fees ?”,she askd again,this time i promptly replied affirmatively. “This system is so stressful,i cant believe we’ve been here over 2 hours”,”i feel so tired n worn out”. I wanted to tell her she still looked gorgeous, and that would hv sounded corny. To this day,i cant still understand why she spoke to me. All i could say was sorry,it’l soon be over. She just looked at me,blinked her eyes and sighed. She stood up,turned to me n said tanx. I was confused . My eyes trailed her as she walked away,a fading dream,now i was back to reality. I finished my bank stuffs n headed out d banking hall,i had almost forgotten abt her,when i saw her again.This must be fate. This time i walked over to her,in my heart i prayed she still remembered me. “hi”, “hey you” she replied. “Guess your done ?” i answered yea. We chit chatted a bit,she said she would come bk d next day to finish up,as she had something to do now. I offered to come keep her company the nxt day,to my surprise she agreed . She asked for my phone,punched in her numbers and left. It felt so surreal,i couldnt believe it,even when i got bk home and told my friends,they too didnt believe it. Obviously she was older than me,i guessed maybe abt 5 or 6 years. I was almost 19 and she looked mid mid 20s. I waited till the next day to call her,if she gave me a wrong number,i wouldnt sweat it,i was contented already,and never thought things could progress this far.
20 Sep 2015 | 02:14
Episode 2 At the second ring she picked up,time paused,i was silent,i tried to talk,no words came out,it was her voice,it was unmistakeable. It was soft and serene,music to my ears. I hung up,trying hard to catch my breath. She called back immediately,i picked and mumbled something inaudible. She knew it was me. “Are you still coming?”, ” ofcourse” i retorted. “ok see u in a bit”. She dropped the call. I quickly took my bath,put on my best attire. I wore a v-neck polo shirt and jeans. I thought about dressing formal,but something told me she wouldnt care how i looked. Her style was bohemian and carefree,so i had to follow suit. I got to the bank as early as 7:30 am,i was prancing around like a confused cat,maybe i looked suspicious,as the security men kept looking at me. I pretended not to see them. Emotions on my face changing, first i would smile,then i would grin with terror at the prospect of spending the day with this strange girl. What if she had made a mistake yesterday,because of the stress,she probably wasnt thinking straight,how will i know what to say ? how on earth would i portray myself as confident. My mind was still racing in a million places when i saw her coming. My God was i wrong,i regretted how i dressed immediately,she looked stunning,she wore a black knee length skirt,a pink top,medium heels that looked designer-ish,and a facinating smile. If i had been awestruck the day before,today it was something else. I was smitten,dazed,in love. Yea i was in love,it was as if every other thing around dissappeared from my view. Her aura enveloped my consciousness,and she was about 10 feet from where i stood. Next thing i knew she was in front of me,she said hi and hugged me,still smiling. Now for you to understand this,i hadnt really hugged a girl before,a girl i had a sexual attraction to. I wasnt used to hugging girls,and now i was in the arms of a damsel. I wished i could see my face that moment,i was in pure joy,that kind of feeling you couldnt really explain to anybody,they just had to experience it themselves. I was grinning from ear to ear,i imagine i had an awkward look on my face,because she asked me if i was ok. I regained my composure and said i was perfectly ok. We walked towards the now forming queue,i wanted to be a gentleman,so i told her to go sit down,that i would stand in place of her,when it was time to go in,she would come back. She laughed,looked at me like i was crazy,and said no. I didnt push it,afterall she was the boss,and i was at her mercy. So instead i went and sat down. I cant remember how long i sat there,but i recall i had my eyes the entire time fixated on her,an unquivering stare. I watched with keen interest everything she did,her subtle mannerisms,the way she talked,how she would nibble at her lips,how she blinked her dreamy eyes occasionally. Few times she caught my stare,she would smile,i’ll smile back and quickly turn away.
20 Sep 2015 | 02:15
Episode 3 It finally got to her turn,i didnt bother following her in,i already seemed too eager to do her bidding,there was no need embarrassing myself any further. I suspected she knew i was ready to be a fool for her,anything she wanted in fact. When she finally emerged from the bank,i had that lost puppy look on me,i was weary from waiting,waiting to see her again,waiting to hear her voice. “Sorry for keeping you this long”, “oh no its nothing” i replied. “You look very tired,have u had anything to eat”?,she said. I thought about lieing that i had,but certainly my face would have betrayed me outrightly. “Come on,we’ll get something to eat”,”i know a nice place”,she added. She kept on asking me these questions,all i did was answer,mostly with yes and nos,she virtually did all the talking. I was dissappointed with myself for not talking much,but at the same time relieved,she knew the right things to say. When she stopped talking,we walked on in silence. The only sound i heard was her heels thumping on the paved sidewalk,and my heart beating rapidly. I thought about saying something,but nothing came to my head. We kept on walking,i was slightly ahead,she was behind,occasionally i would slow my steps whenever i noticed i was walking too fast. I felt her reach out and grab my hand,i almost pulled away in shock,i was too terrified to turn and look at her. She held on tightly,it was as if she knew what was running thru my dazed mind. I could feel my arm shaking,sweat oozing from my palms,she still didnt let go. We got to an eatery in the school cafeteria,two guys hollered at her,and she went over to greet them,maybe they were her classmates,i didnt wana think otherwise. I walked into the eatery and sat down. She came in some minutes later,she didnt say anything,and i knew better not to ask. We got our orders and ate in silence. Thru out i was wondering what was goin on in her mind,she looked unpertubed,her expression indicated she was enjoying the food. God knows i didnt care much abt the taste,i just kept on munching absentmindedly,occasionally i would look at her,wondering when i was gonna wake up from this dream. About 4 people came in,a girl and 3 guys,they came over to our table,immediately she saw them,she called out the girls name,they chatted a bit,laughing. One of the guys said something funny,they all laughed. I was virtually invincible,to say the truth i preferred it that way,they were certainly not my type of people. The dark guy was looking at me,i pretended not to notice. He must have been wondering what she was doin with A guy like me. After what seemed like ages,they left,by that time i was done with my meal. She continued hers,while i watched the music video playing on the eatery’s tv. When she was done,I offered to pay for the meal,she declined . I insisted,i couldnt allow her pay for my food,she didnt bulge. Before i knew it she had payed,we strutted out of the restaurant. She didnt even give me the chance to tell her thank you. She probably had her reasons,so i remained mute. “I had a nice time today”,she said,”and tanx a million for accompanying me to the bank,u made it easier for me”. I just smiled and waved it off. She then said she had to go . “Where do u stay”? I told her,she told me hers too,and we said our goodbyes. She leaned in to hug me,this time i met her halfway. I knew i really had to get used to the hugs,seeing as she loved it. “Dont forget to call me when you get home”,”Certainly not”.i replied. I stood there and watched her as she walked away. I was the happiest man on earth that moment. I was smiling as i walked home,Stephanie on my mind all the way. That night as i lay in my bed,all i could think about was her. I was alone in my room,but i felt her presence there. The feeling was so strong and amazing,i hugged my pillow tightly,imagining it was her. The way she treated me,sex was a possibility,i forced my mind to lean towards that notion. I could feel my member awakening. I dialled her number immediately. It was kinda late,maybe 11 pm or thereabout. I was worried she would find it awkward that i was calling her so late,it was lovers time afterall. Any fears i had were quickly dissuaded the moment she picked up,she sounded pretty awake,we spoke in hushed tones. I cant really remember all we talked about,but i can recall crystal clear what she said before i dropped the call. “I’d love to know were you stay”. Jeez i was astounded,caught by surprise. I wasnt expecting it,at least not in a million years. I didnt reply immediately,i heard her tense breathing thru the phone.
20 Sep 2015 | 02:21
Episode 4 Then i calmly said tomorrow would be luvly. I was getting more confident talking to this stranger. She layed the foundations so well, You just couldnt help but float seamlessly. That night i slept so peacefully,she was in my dreams,am sure i called her name as i slept. In my heart i knew i was going to reminisce abt this day,and wish for it so bad,afterall days like this dont come by often. I dreamt a beautiful dream,that i was not able to recall,i just knew i was happy,there was music,there was sunshine,people were laughing. She was there,in my arms,a beautiful reality. The next morning i woke up a different man,i felt new. Today was gonna be special,i just knew it. Theres something about special days,it tells on you. You feel happy,light hearted and cheerful. I went about my morning chores humming a tune. Her footprints were still on my mind,threading softly,making everything feel good. Friends that entered my room that morning noticed,i couldnt hide it,no i just couldnt. “Wetin dey do this guy this morning sef?”,one of them chimed in. “Abi u don win lottery?”,another one added . I didnt reply them. I kept on humming. Then i remembered a cartoon series we were all crazy about back then,it was this dark new comedy about african american stereotypes,BOONDOCKS. This character called granddad was especially funny,and he had this signature tune,whenever he was excited about something,he’d go about humming ‘new day,neeeeeew day,newwwwwww hu hu hu hu’. I switched to this,and they all burst out laughing. They knew something was definitely up. Afterall I had been scarce around the house this past 3 days,yea,something was definitely going on. I dismissed their assumptions,went on about cleaning my room. It was already in a dreadful state. Nothing was were they were supposed to be,everything was dirty,in complete disarray,welcome to my life before Stephanie. There was something missing,a woman’s touch,it was definitely missing. I saw it in my friends’ rooms,the ones that had girlfriends,or brought girls home regularly. You felt comfortable in it,a kind of subtle solace. I finished cleaning my room,then checked my phone,it was 10 am already. I contemplated calling her,to know if she was still coming. I decided against it,it would have certainly been a bad move, i had no experience with this kind of things,but i knew as a Man i wasnt supposed to show too much eagerness. It would have been purely suicidal,if i had jeopardized this chance,this golden opportunity. About 30 minutes later,my phone vibrated,it was a text message,it was from Steph. She asked me to come meet her around the school gate,then from then we’d go to my house. After i read the text,i threw my phone on the bed,punched the air a billion times,jumped on my bed,rolled around,scattered my hair. There was nothing i didnt do that day,i was so happy!. Now when i think about it,i laugh out my heart. Theres no way on earth i was gonna forget that monent,it was etched permanently in my head,like a carving on stone. Even if i had amnesia later in life,i would certainly not forget that hour. I put on a camo short,and a stay at home shirt,then proceeded to go pick her up. On the way i called her,she answered with that same pleasant soothing voice,that was by this time,honey to my eager ears.
20 Sep 2015 | 02:25
Coolval pls help put it on de main page
20 Sep 2015 | 02:33
Wow! Nice story nd a great start... @Mary, @tenniebenson come nd call d register ooo
20 Sep 2015 | 02:58
started nicely mah invite the cookers who will add Maggie to this pot of soup of urs
20 Sep 2015 | 03:03
@mray @tenniebenson @khola46 @pizzaro @babe4biola @ennylincoln @besty @kemkit @promzy @wynie @komh @geeadore @tinagabe @ebube @ibrams @taiwo @abradek @skookum @temmyjoy @swtharyomi @deejaygrin @marvellous @jclash @pweety @blessedgirl @ewomazeal @victoriouschild @wyse-one @donmikie @somkhid @oyefestus @rufus @sofia @titimi @kampat @temmytopluck @omoobaa @mumabel @femight @hormotayor @anitcham @tonia @jenny @kaysmart22 @onahsunday631 @emileagosu @holarbordah @richie-bill @kingsbest @dangerkelv @expenza @evanz @emmyrexx @ak-maxx @simzy @ogidan @oheneba @precy @petraify @babi @horlar @semilore @adesam34 @tiffany1 @phinebraim @ikeholuwa1 @wiseman @tippex @zainet @kboy @otiski @mercie @treasurephelomena @lawman @kantiok @mufti @olajumokeh @adetunji @isrish @crusher @temtop88 @allan256 @blessed @seadurf @hardarms @perfectgentleguy @benedict @romanus @starlet @oladoja20 @Frankkay @PrettyJasmine abeg no vex iffa no invite you the names I don see be dix o.oya make una carry una Maggi come o.soup dey ground
20 Sep 2015 | 03:07
Ok everybody come @Stephanie @frank @t-dak @hbankee @crowiney @besty @wumi @wind
20 Sep 2015 | 03:41
@holarbordah thanks
20 Sep 2015 | 04:13
20 Sep 2015 | 04:15
Nice start bro
20 Sep 2015 | 05:47
Thanks @holarbordah
20 Sep 2015 | 05:49
@holarbordah ayam hear ose dear
20 Sep 2015 | 06:16
i don show o, tnks for d i.v @holarbodah. hope knorr maggi is accepted
20 Sep 2015 | 06:54
@holarbordah,thanks buh I carry pot dey come ooh.
20 Sep 2015 | 07:07
Episode 5 When i got to the school gate,she was sitting at the bus stop waiting for me. She was dressed casually this time,a navy blue jean trouser that hugged perfectly to her contours,and a maroon coloured tank top. For the first time i could clearly see much of her skin,as her flawless arms were on full display. Am fair complexioned,and always had this idea that fair is beautiful,that all changed with Stephen. She was a goddess,a finely sculpted goddess. Her clear dark skin was smooth as silk. Everything about her was symmetrical. Even her hair was natural,it was slightly brownish and short. Her midriff was showing a bit,just above her belly button. Immediately she saw me,she started walking towards me,a captivating smile plastered on her face. I was smiling too,i couldnt help it,who could say no to that face. This time i initiated the hug,i noticed the quizzical look on her,maybe she was surprised the way i hugged her warmly. There was a sense of familiarity btw us,like we had known each other for a very long time. We said our hi’s,asked about each others day so far,as we headed towards my house. I made an attempt to initiate small talk,mostly one liners. I told her she looked really beautiful,she tanked me. Then she commented about the weather,and how beautiful the day was. The day really did seem beautiful. Everything was perfect. I hailed a cab,we got in,finally goin to my house for the first time. I reclined back on the seat,thinking,this was really the first day,of the rest of my life. I led the way up the stairs,my room was in the 2nd floor of the building. She saw cigarette stubs littered carelessly on the stairs,she said something about guys in this hostel smoking a lot. I laughed and didnt say anything. “Welcome to my little world”,i said as we entered my room. Even i was impressed at how neat and arranged the room was,i put in a lot of work that morning. “Nice place”,she said. She sat on the bed,throwing her little purse at the side. I didnt lock the door,i was scared to. I didnt want her to get any impressions. No need to push things i thought,she was certainly warm,and in control. I decided to let things flow by themselves. I sat down at the oda end of the bed,playing with my phone. I asked absentmindedly what i should offer her,she said nothing.She had eating not quite long ago. Just then i heard footsteps coming to my door. An annoying friend of mine knocked,he didnt even wait for me to answer,he peeked his head in,saw Steph and exchanged pleasantries with her. Then he retreated.He must have seen the female slippers in front of my door. Boys will be boys,i knew he came to check out the girl in my room. Two minutes later i heard more steps coming. “Oh my God!!”,i thought aloud. He had gone to tell the other guys what he saw,they all trouped to my room,to see the girl. They all wanted to see what had been ‘sharking’ me since. I went red with dread,at the same time i was proud,i had a goddess sitting on my bed. I saw the look of awe on their faces. This guy has hit jackpot!,that was what must have been running thru their minds. They acted nice to her,asked her if she was comfortable,you know all that fake patronizing stuffs your friends normally say,whenever you have a gorgeous girl around. Finally my knucklehead friends left. Stephen and i joked about what had just happened. I went to the door and locked it,this time i had a genuine reason to. I didnt want anyone coming in again. “You know they like you”,i said. “They are just being nice”,she replied. “Nah,like seriously they do,i havnt seen them this excited about anyone before”. She smiled in her usual dazzling way. I drew my curtains,put on some music. I wanted to make the mood sensual,like they do in movies. Only that my taste in music was crap back then. I was playing Lil wayne’s Da drought 3 mixtape. I sat back on the bed,enjoying the music. She tapped me playfully. “Is this what you play when your alone with a girl ?”,she said. This totally hit me by surprise. “You dont like the music ?”,i asked. “I certainly dont”,she replied,”lemme give you some real good music”. She stood up,went to the music player,brought out her phone,connected it to the player. The first song was Shania Twain’s You’ve got a way with me. I can never forget that first line,the music slowly eased into my being,taking over. She came back to the bed,sat close to me,her eyes bore deep into my soul. We sat there, in silence,listening to the music. Maybe she was waiting for me to make the first move,but i was inept, inexperienced,naive to say the least.
20 Sep 2015 | 08:25
next coming up soon
20 Sep 2015 | 08:29
Episode 6 Her dreamy eyes had become cloudy,a sexual hue adorning it. She moved closer,our lips were inches apart,the sweet scent of her vanilla flavored lipstick filled my nostrils. She leaned in and kissed me,her arms wrapped around my neck. I tilted my head to the side,to better accomodate her lips,my eyes were closed,this was my first major kiss as an adult,this was my moment,and i didnt let go. She climbed on to my legs,sitting on my member,without breaking the kiss. I cant tell how she felt,but i know how i felt,i was in pure heaven,kissing an angel,with the softest lips ever. I dont know how long we kissed,but it was pretty long,when we finally broke the kiss,she told me i was a good kisser,i didnt know what to say,as it was my first kiss,i had no prior experience. She planted kisses all over my face and my neck,the look on her face was sexy and magical. Then she asked me how old i was,i told her i was 23,she knew i was lying,but she didnt say anything. Next she asked me if i had a girlfriend,my reply was a convincing No,and am sure she believed it. I didnt bother asking her back the same questions. I was scared of spoiling the moment,i didnt care about her personal details,all i cared about was the now. She held my hands,we stood up from the bed. We communicated without talking,i raised my hands and she took my shirt of. I removed my camo myself,then she undressed herself. I was still in my boxer shorts,while she was fully Unclad. Her boob.s stood firm,her Tips pointy,poking at me. I reached out to touch them,they felt soft and mushy. She grabbed me,directed my head to her breasts. I suckled on her areola,my tongue flicking the Tips in a circular motion,i kept on alternating btw the two ripe breasts,she was moaning like a wounded cat,and she was a bit loud,i knew i was doing a good job,so i kept at it,using my free hands to massage her mound.Her moaning had gotten louder by this time,i was sure the person in the next room could hear us. She pushed me back to the bed,clawed my boxer off,went straight for my member,which was rock hard already. Slowly she brought her mouth down,her luscious lips enveloping my cap,her eyes were still trained at me,as if asking if she should continue,my eyes were begging her to go on,she slowly went down on it. I almost exploded immediately,her lips felt warm on my member,i was propped up on my elbow,leaning back slightly,my hands digging dip into the bedsheet,tightly squeezing it. She continued the assault on my innocent member,God,i was lost,words are hard for me to describe this. This was the best Mouth Gig ever. She would go fast a little,then when she noticed i was about to erupt,she would slow down,as if she was intentionally purnishing me,leaving my member pulsating. All this time she still had her eyes on me,slowly teasing. Then after sucking my d1ck,she slowly climbed on top of me,she guided my d1ck,which was already wet with her saliva,into her p***y,i groaned in pleasure. She was slowly going up-down on my d!ck,she threw her head back,picking up pace. Naturally i strained to go deeper,so i tried to thrust harder. She kept on bouncing,almost gyrating,on my d!ck. I was drenched in sweat,her body was glistening too,i tried to grab her waist,so as to aid her in the thrust,but her body was slippery,so i started handling her b-o-o-bs,making sure to pinch her n-i-p-p-l-e-s. This was too much for a first timer,about 5 minutes of her f*****g me,i grunted like an animal and shot my seed into her. She collapsed on my chest. I knew she hadnt cum yet,but i couldnt help it,i couldnt control myself to hold on any longer,i had been waiting for this my whole life. I wasnt too blame,she was just too damn good. I stood up and went to the bathroom,she followed suit.
20 Sep 2015 | 08:35
Wow nice story @holarbordah tanks very much for de iv let me call one or two frds @gracedkyenny @steph @chomyline @donmikie @eminem
20 Sep 2015 | 08:57
Tnx 4 iving me u r d very best @holarbordah
20 Sep 2015 | 09:58
0 Likes all.. She af 'disvirgin' you
20 Sep 2015 | 10:15
The cold water hit my skin,making my hair stand from my pores. I bowed my head,letting the water trickle down my body. I was exhausted,the extreme pleasure had taken a toll on me. Stephanie joined me,she wrapped her arms around me,hugging me from behind,her breasts squashing against my back,our bodies meshed as one. I felt so at peace. I turned facing her,my lips finding hers,we kissed passionately,letting the water drip into our mouths. Her left hand located my member,slowly massaging it back to life. She kept on stroking it in a rhythmic fashion,making me wimp in passion. Less than 2 minutes later i was feeling reinvigorated,a burst of energy flowing back into my entire body. I pushed her to the bathroom wall,she turned around,her hands glued to the wall.Then slowly i guided my now emboldened member into her waiting cun+,she let out a low moan,while backing her behind,to meet my willful thrusts halfway,while her right hand went down btw her thighs,massaging her mound.I grabbed her waist with both hands,steadying our union. We were both writhing in extreme pleasure,every muscle in my body was on full alert,i just couldnt let her down this time around. This went on for a pretty long time,i was close to Approaching again when i heard her scream out a strange sound,she quickly covered her mouth with her free hand,muffling the animal like sound. I held on tight to her waist,pumping her faster and faster. I was like a maniac those last seconds,her protuding behind hitting my laps,producing a flap-flap sound. Finally she came,her legs going limp,while i slowly guided her to the wet floor. We lay there in a heap in silence,the only sound coming from the running shower above. We bathed each other,dried up and went back into the room. She wore only her panties,lay in the bed and asked me to join her. I asked if we could watch a movie,she said it would be better if we just lay there and talk. She crept towards me,rest her head on my chest,while i played with her hair. This was the perfect picture,i had imagined something like this all my life,but i never knew it would be better in real life,almost an epiphany. Then she started talking. ” You know am older than you right?”. “And your not really 23”. “Your a baby,but a cute baby”,she added with a chuckle. I contemplated arguing it,but knew it would be futile. This girl knew me so well,almost more than myself. We had known each other for just 3 days,but it felt like a lifetime already. It would be difficult weaning myself off her,she was a hard drug in my brain already,and if this was a dream,i prayed never to wake up. “Am sorry i lied”,i finally spoke. ” I was scared you’d stop if you knew i was younger than you”. “I knew the from the very first day we chatted”,she replied immediately. I became a little bit scared
20 Sep 2015 | 11:32
hmm u sed she wasnt beautiful wit all diz features in her hehe I wonder nyc tori bro @Mecus.tnx for d Iv @Frankkay *kisses* hope u didnt c anythin @gracedkyenny
20 Sep 2015 | 12:20
Thenx to you @holarbordah for the iv.....never knew a nice story is on already. And to you mr Bleeper, you forgot to tell us your name. I'm pretty sure when you want to cum your first, you was like..... I WANT TO PEEE...:) and she said pee inside. Lol
20 Sep 2015 | 12:37
thanks @frankkay 4 the invite.....nice story @mecus oya fire on
20 Sep 2015 | 12:38
@steph hope i'm right ???
20 Sep 2015 | 12:40
Tanks 4 d iv swt @horlarbodah. @Tholartee show ya faze
20 Sep 2015 | 13:30
@steph lolz
20 Sep 2015 | 14:15
0 Likes sex story z not gud 4 my health,unless u can find sometin dat can calm me kiding,tanx 4 d I.V @holarbordah
20 Sep 2015 | 14:15
sori@Rufus I am Mecuze
20 Sep 2015 | 14:57
Episode 8 I thought about asking her why shes with me,but decided against it. Instead i asked her if she noticed me in the bank,she said no. Then we didnt say anything anymore. We just listened to the sound of our breathing. I had so much i wanted to ask her,but i didnt know where to start from. Even scarier was the idea of saying the wrong things. I didnt realize i had been thinking for quite some time. When i looked at her she had fallen asleep. Her face looked calm,serene and at peace. In my mind no one could ever look this beautiful when they slept. My heart was hers already,there was no question about that. I adjusted my self,taking care not to wake her. Gently i lay down,spooning her from behind,i kissed her neck,held her hand and fell asleep. This angel was gonna wake up in my arms,no one could change that now. I woke up with a start,it was a dreamless nap. I looked at the clock,i must have been sleeping for about 2 hours. Stephanie was already up,she was getting ready in one corner of the room. “When did you wake up ?” i asked. “Not long ago”. She sat on the mini fridge combing her hair,staring at me. I was propped up on my elbow,my head in my right palm,returning her stare. I looked on with intent,taking in her picturesque body,my mind was not saturared yet,it was still thirsty,only her could quench that thirst. “Dont go”,i blurted out. “I wish i didnt have to”,she replied. “Then dont go”,”i’ll go get us something to eat,then maybe we’ll watch that movie,or anything you wana do”. I kept on blabbing,suggesting whatever came to my mind,hoping to make her stay. God knows if she had asked for an arm and a leg to make her stay,i would have gladly cut it off,and offer it smiling. That was how much she meant to me. I thought about sleeping alone that night,a cold shudder tickling my spine,and goosebumps appearing all over my arms. She giggled,kept on dressing,then beckoned on me to come fix her necklace for her. I struggled with the necklace clasp,trying hard to avoid touching her skin. I didnt trust my emotions one bit. Her body was pure magic to me,pure pure magic. Just then my mind darted to the moments of a few hours ago,everything we had done to eachother,the extreme pleasure,the unforgettable kiss. It all hit my mind like an avalanche,threatening to overwhelm me. I wrapped my arms around her,the smell of her freshly oiled hair hitting my my nose. She threw her hands back,grabbing my head. I leaned in to kiss her,making sure to lock tongues with her. I couldnt persuade her to stay the night,maybe she had something important to do,and i was being selfish because of how i felt. I threw on a shirt,then proceeded to see her out. I walked with a confident swagger,holding her hands. Now i was a man,a whole man,a lucky man,and above all a happy man. She had stolen my virginity,my innocence. No,i had given her willingly,and i was happy to do that,opening my mind to the possibility of endless love and pleasure. Sure enough i was in love,no one could go thru what i had just experienced and not fall turbulently in love,and have a strong feeling of respect for women,learning the right ways to keep them happy and satisfied,that in itself a story for another day. I spent the entire day indoors. The events of the day before still green on my mind. It was saturday so i had nothing to be worried about or anywere i had to be. Thank God we just resumed too. I kept going through my text messages over and over again. When she got home that day she had sent me two texts,10 minutes apart. The first one she apologized for not staying over and hoped i understood. Ofcourse i had no choice but to understand,but i really wished she had. I wanted to reply,but decided to wait for sometime before doing it,so she wouldnt think i just sat by the phone waiting for her call. Then i heard the beep-beep sound of a new text. I had no idea what the content would be,i was tense,wondering what she could have sent again. I paced about the room,contorting my face,trying to guess what was in the text. Maybe it said ‘Am in Love with you’,of which i secretly wished it would be,or she wanted to officially be my girlfriend. Infact i wished strongly it was either one of the two. Then i braced myself,i couldnt wait one more minute to see what she had sent. I picked up the phone,my heart palpitating,blood pulsating in my head veins. “Today was the most amazing day of my life,and i must confess your the best i ever had.Think of me.”,it read. To be honest i was dissappointed,what she said was nice but i was expecting more. Couldnt she see i was crazy in love with her ?,did she care only about the sex ?,what was i to her,etc. These different thoughts hovered on my mind,i couldnt think straight,i just had to let her know how i felt. Then i replied her,i left out the being in love with her part,thanked her for showing me the best time of my life,and also when i was gonna see her again. guess wat she will reply
20 Sep 2015 | 14:58
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm i'm short of word cux u're bleeping ur senior 6ta
20 Sep 2015 | 15:35
@holarbodah tnkz 4 d mention
20 Sep 2015 | 18:52
hehe lol mayb nah @Rufus , hahhahaa @Taiwo u re funny oo
20 Sep 2015 | 19:01
@holarbordah tnkx 4 d I.V
21 Sep 2015 | 04:50
21 Sep 2015 | 11:34
Hehe...maybe she took advantage of you coz of ur innocence n used u as part episode will tell m jex guessing..nice story thou ,tnkz for d iv@holarbordah
21 Sep 2015 | 12:14
@holarbordah thanks 4 d callng
21 Sep 2015 | 13:02
Episode 9 Days flew by fast. I must admit,those were the best times of my life. Before i knew it,we had known each other for 3wks. Every single moment we spent together was beyond magical,it was almost a fairy tale. I got my life in order,tried my best to drop my childish ways. I felt mature way beyond my age whenever i was with Stephanie. She had started introducing me to her friends,and most times i would feel too coy to stand shoulder to shoulder with them,stealing a glance at her i would see the gentle anger creased on her eyebrows,that look that told me this girl cared about me so much. Many times i would sit by myself,hands supporting my jaw,wondering,thinking,trying hard to understand what she saw in me . She was patient with me too,alot of times she would ignore my inadequacies or pretend not to notice when i floundered,and that was many times. I would say something silly,she would look at me,laugh in her usual charming way,then carefully go on to correct me,or teach me the proper thing as the case may be. She taught me quite alot,and i would be damn ungrateful if i didnt give due credit to her. I remember quite vividly an episode we had back then. I had called her that morning,we made a date to meet up,this time she insisted it be her place. I did all i could to kill time till it was 4pm,so i could try to spend the night. I set out for her house,it was easy locating it as she gave me explicit directions. She lived in a BQ adjoined to the main house,situated in the staff quarters of my school. The house was surrounded with neatly trimmed fern flowers,and a well maintained lawn. It was a beautiful yard,you could see nature flourishing happily in it. As i quietly opened the old iron gate,i marvelled at the sight of it all,”no wonder she’s this cheerful”,i thought aloud and smiled. She was standing by the door waiting for me. I dont think i have ever been that happy to see anyone in my entire life. As usual she had that glamourous smile on her face,you could hardly meet her when she wasnt smiling,it was a distinct fabric of her existence. Her room was something out of this world,everything was neatly in place and you could feel the cozy chill hit you the minute you stepped in. I stood there hands akimbo,trying to take in the entire spectacle,my eyes darting from item to item. I couldnt believe a student’s room could be this fine. She was truely a goddess in and out. “I feel like am in heaven”,i said,she scoffed,”dont be silly jare”. “I dont think i’ll be able to leave this place!”,”its just so damn fine”,i replied,trying to hint the fact that i was sleeping over. She didnt say anything. At least now she knew my intentions. “So how was your day”,”have you been thinking of me ?”,she asked. “Ofcos i have,you’ve been on my mind all day”,i replied immediately. We chatted more,asking eachother questions,laughing mostly. I sat on the plastic chair at the corner of her room,then i pulled her down,she sat on my laps,my right leg intertwined btw her succulent thighs. We sat there in silence,our bodies tingling wherever bare flesh touched. After sometime i traced my hands all over her belly,circling my finger around her bellybutton. Then slowly my palms crept towards her sumptious bossoms. I felt her tremble as i tweaked her nïpplës,gently squashing her mounds. She threw her head back,letting out a wimpish moan. “Plz dont stop”,she whispered. I didnt plan on stopping,i increased tempo while nibbling all over neck and shoulder. Oh how she loved it when i did that,as she told me later on. Then she stood up with a jerk,pulled me up and led me to the bed. “Am gonna teach you something today”,she said,while grinning mischieviously. I wondered what was up her sleeves as she excused her self and ran to the bathroom. “Just wait there,i’ll be out shortly”. I reclined back on the bed,waiting anxiously to find out what was to come,passion written all over my face. With beads of water still adorning her honey coloured skin,she reflected like a diamond,pure and polished. She wiped the wetness off her in the most sensual way possible,slowly trailing her contours with the milk coloured towel. Concentrating on the space btw her thighs,she looked at me,noticing i was following every movement she made. Damn she was hard to read,i was excited,but at the same time perplexed,i didnt know what was to come,or what she had in mind. That mischievious grin she had on,when she told me she was gonna teach me something,what did she mean!. Well it was Stephanie,it sure was gonna blow my mind,she could do no wrong.
21 Sep 2015 | 14:54
21 Sep 2015 | 18:01
@frankkay I don show o....... @steph let m just pretend as if Nfin hapun.
21 Sep 2015 | 20:25
22 Sep 2015 | 05:04
@holarbordah I sight u bro...thanks 4 d invite
22 Sep 2015 | 05:10
Episode 10 I kept on thinking,my mind jumping through different possibilities,while still watching her ardently. I was lost in her world,her aura deeply imbued in my brain. Its difficult to make anyone comprehend just how much she captivated me. Imagine you’ve been walking for days in the desert,your confused and disoriented,thirsty and farmished,the road ahead looking desolate. Then someone appears from nowhere,and offers you not a drop of water,but an ocean of it. Stephanie was that some1 to me. She was more and beyond. I was still lost in thought,my eyes keenly trained on her,when she asked me a funny question. “Do you watch porn?”. “Huh?”,i pretended not to have heard her. She asked again,this time slightly louder. “Uhmmmm,yea i do”,i replied with a stammer.”But occasionally though”,i quickly added. She chuckled. “Dont worry baby,am not judging you”,she said. I asked her if we were going to watch some hot porn together,my face beaming with excitement,wondering if that was the surprise. She cackled uncontrollably,throwing her nâkëd body on me. I sat there confused. I didnt know why she was laughing at me,maybe what i had just suggested was funny. I laughed too,hiding my embarrassment. Then she asked me how i felt about going down on a woman,if i had watched it before,or if i could do it. I told her i didnt understand what she meant. Then she went on to explain to me. “You know how i sucked your dick,can you do that to me too?”. I just sat there dazed,not knowing what to say. To be honest i was shocked. I had never thought about sucking a woman before,now i was right in front of it,less than 2 meters btw us. I was scared,scared i may not like it,or that i wouldnt do it properly. As if she was reading my mind,she told me not to worry,that she knew i hadnt done it before,and that she would teach me. Then she stood up,went to her music set,put on some blues and came back to the bed. “Hey babe,relax,theres no monster down there,you’ll thank me later i promise”,she chided playfully,trying to get me to lighten up. I took off my clothes,my once poking hardon now flaccid. Then she kissed me all over my face,rubbing her hands on my chest,caressing my entire body. Gently she grabbed my head and slowly guided me towards her honeypot. She spread her legs wider to accomodate me,while i poked out my tongue,touching her mons. She was bald down there,and the skin around was slightly lighter than her complexion. Her womanly aroma hit my senses,at first foreign to me,but as time went on i got used to it. I licked along her divide,trying to emulate what i had seen in pornos. Now i understood why she asked me if i watched porn. I almost laughed down there,my apprehension slowly leaving me. Then i intensified my licking,slobbering all over her beautiful püssy,i would suck her a little,then i would insert my tongue in,quickly poking in and out,alternating the process over and over again. I looked up at her face,she had this weird look,as if she was about to cry,biting her entire lower lip,pouting her mouth. She was trying hard not to scream out,but occasionaly letting out an unguarded utterance. Now if you’ve never sucked a nice püssy before,you will never be able to picture this. Her facial expression told me i was good at this,gifted actually,and am not ashamed to say it,proud to say the least. Boy did i keep on sucking harder,i gently scraped my teeth on her lâbiâ,flickering my eager tongue ,over the reddened knob that i later found out was her çlït. She went mad with passionate rage,grabbing my head and trying to push it way,while repeating ‘oh my God’! a million times. I held on tightly to her thighs,continuing the assault on her püssy,i was enjoying it by now,determined to make her orgasm. She bent forward over me,violently grabbed my hard dïçk,pumping it madly,as she squeezed my balls hardly. I almost jumped away,the searing pain travelling fast to my brain. “Sorry swity,am sorry”,she said,a prudish smile forming at the corner of her lips. I went on nontheless,by this time her juices flowing freely down her thighs. I knew she had cüm,so i lifted my head,drew her to me,as she was breathing labourously . She collapsed on my chest,totally spent. I smiled to myself,stroking her short hair. “how are you honey?”,i asked,she hesitated,then answered without looking up,”shut up you monster”. I was glad..
22 Sep 2015 | 13:20
22 Sep 2015 | 14:37
22 Sep 2015 | 15:43
@holarbordah thnk
22 Sep 2015 | 17:37
oya koma roll...waiting
24 Sep 2015 | 01:43
Episode 11 We spent the evening in bed,listening to soft blues that she loved so much. I wondered why i never used to listen to this type of music,it was truely soothing to the ears,like balm on aching bones. Stephanie was Unclad but for the flowery blanket which loosely covered her bottom.She was lying on her side,snuggling me. I had my boxer short on,but bare chested. I looked at her,she was fast asleep. Then i looked around the room,which was slightly dark,except for the muted rays of light sifting through the window,from the bulb outside. I noticed my clothes were still strewn about,lying carelessly where i had thrown them,just before our romp earlier. I turned back again facing her,this time watching her heaving brëâsts,as they rose and fell with every breath she took. It was a sight to behold,and i marvelled at the sheer simplicity of the enchanting spectacle. Beauty is a relative term,but i doubt anyone in the whole wide world would have had anything but awe,looking at her sleeping there. I thought about kissing her forehead,but i decided against it,if she woke up it would look creepy. Instead i rolled out of the bed,picked up my shirt and jeans,neatly folded them and placed it in the corner. A gentle breeze caressed my cheek,it was almost 8pm and i was starting to feel a bit cold. I threw on my shirt,quietly opened the door and went out. I sat on the steps of her porch,gazing into the night,the sound of the school community greeting my ears. I heard the sound of tv coming from the family house nearby,and what sounded like the dad scolding one of the kids. I strained my ears to hear better,but it was futile,so i resigned to my already emerging thoughts. Before i had come to see her that day,i had made a mental image of the many questions gnawing on my mind. I was determined to get the answers today. Maybe it would be better to wait till midnight,when the world was asleep,to ask her this questions. Yes i would wait,i reassured myself. Definitely i couldnt leave this place without knowing. Fairytales dont last forever,and even when it does,no one tells you what happens after the ‘happily ever after’. I just had to know,and especially to tell her how much i was in love with her. I trembled at the thought of telling her,how she would respond,or what she’ll say. What if she didnt feel the same way? What if this was all about sex for her. I dismissed the notion. Since the day she took my innocence,a kind of unspoken fog had been hanging over us,i didnt know if she noticed it,or it was just my mind playing tricks on me. Damn i was so naive back then,the world of women still alien to me. I would find out eventually,but at least i could still dream on,even if for one more day,with a goddess showing me the path.
24 Sep 2015 | 03:08
I nid 20 comments to cntinue
24 Sep 2015 | 03:09
I don land come continue
24 Sep 2015 | 07:14
@mecus am really loving dis
24 Sep 2015 | 07:17
U r doing a tremendous job
24 Sep 2015 | 11:48
Intrestin pls continue
24 Sep 2015 | 17:58
@mecus so you sucked her puddy........chai, how did it taste ??? @steph are you there ?? @mray & @tenniebenson make una come ooo
24 Sep 2015 | 18:51
try it @Rufus and knw for urself
25 Sep 2015 | 05:24
Episode 12 The light inside came on,Stephanie had woken up. I looked at my watch,it was getting to 9pm. I made to stand up,dusted my short just as i heard the door creak open. “Hey,why are u outside?,i didnt know you were awake already”. I told her i just needed some fresh air,and i didnt wanna sleep too much so i’d be able to sleep at night. “Ok”,she replied. “I didnt cook anything,we have to go into the school to eat. Do you wana go with me?”. “Yeah,get dressed na”. I just realised i was very hungry. I didnt even remember food until she mentioned it,my soliloquay had jaded my reasoning. We set out into the night,walking side by side,under the array of solar panelled street lights,which beautifully adorned the paved street. She suggested we race to the next speed bumps. I obliged and so we raced. She was light on her feet,and i wasnt particularly a good runner. I was so happy running down that street,beaming with a loud laugh as the wind gushed past my face. She beat me,or i let her win,depending on what you believe. She teased me endlessly,playfully laughing in my face,asking how on earth i lost to a girl. I told her she was very athletic,and that she won fairly. I could do just about anything to please her.Panting from the short race,i squated in front of her,implored her to hop onto my back,i wanted to carry her all the way. Damn i was tired,but i didnt relent,i was definitely gonna carry her till we got to the first shop. “I know your about to collapse,but it feels good riding on your back,lazy âss.”,she teased again. I pretended to trip her and she screamed,chuckling while landing light punches on my back. I laughed along,albeit uncontrollably. There are moments you share with that special someone,that you would never forget,and i tell you,its the little things,the shared laughter,the playful pranks and the naughty subtle acts. You never forget them. Its hard to remember alot of things from the good times in your past,but this little things act as cues,gently reinforcing your belief in tomorrow,telling you that two hearts can connect,and that love exists,no matter how much we deny it. Opting for the local bread and egg sandwiches,expertly made by the hausa food sellers,who always beckoned you to patronize them in a funny way,we sat on the stone benches and ate,talking intermittently btw bites. Then we drank beverages,and headed back home,playing as we walked. There was a bright moon that night,and shiny stars illuminating the skies above us. Our shadows formed a triangle as we stood in front of the gate,admiring the night sky. Occasionally a car would zoom past,and we’d hurl insults at the fading car,finding a familiar solace in our mischief. When a car would seem to be slowing down,we’d scramble the gate open,running inside,and then coming out again when the car disappeared. When we finally went into the yard,we sat on the porch steps,and continued gisting. She straddled my legs,while i massaged her heels. We talked about virtually everything,jumping from topic to topic,sometimes not even completing one,before nonchalantly switching to another. It was music,her family,mine,her fears,escapades,childhood years,food,and even embarrassing stories,or times when we faltered. I told her things i had never told anyone,i trusted her and i knew she understood me so well. It was easy talking to her,i let go of every restrain,at the same time making sure to listen carefully,not judging her,just laughing at the silly stories and picking up every message. “Your such a good listener,you know right?”,”Alot of girls will enjoy you”. “Hmmmmm,probably”,i replied. “I wish we were age mates,or i had met you first”,she said again,after a lengthy pause. My heart started beating fast,i thought i was gonna have a heart attack right there. This was what i had been waiting for,and she had brought it up unexpectedly,giving me no time to brace myself. I looked at her,trying hard to search her face,to know how she felt saying these words,or her general facial expression,but even the moon was not enough. I could not make out her eyes,i could not see her face,i couldnt tell how she felt. I turned my head,staring straight ahead,trying to say something,anything. The words formed in my head,but became tired lumps in my throat when i tried to open my mouth. Seeing as i was not responding,she kept on talking,pausing at times to let me reply,and then continuing when i didnt. I bowed my head btw my knees,trying hard to push away the anguish,pretending she wasnt talking to me. Subconciously her words still permeated into my being,pricking me like a thousand needles. I felt moisture on my knees,i thought i was sweating,but when i brought my hand to my eyes,they were moisty,i didnt know when it built up. I felt a tight knot in my chest,like i was suffocating,i could hear anymore,i stood up and went inside the room,falling tiredly on the bed. I didnt even bother to take off my clothes,i just lay there,the pillow covering my head,entirely thoughtless.
25 Sep 2015 | 05:26
Hmmm,u r so in luv
25 Sep 2015 | 14:05
datx ur mistake.... falling in love
28 Sep 2015 | 03:57
You don fall in love like D'banj......remember na your sister mate you dae date oooo.... This girl just took advantage of you.
28 Sep 2015 | 13:58
Come nd continue dis story @Mecus dnt tell us u dnt hv tym cos u comment 2 others story...plsss
29 Sep 2015 | 03:44
sori guys am bk
29 Sep 2015 | 15:00
bt I will start posting tomorrow due to some issues
29 Sep 2015 | 15:02
I dey gbadun ur stories
29 Sep 2015 | 16:46
Abt to start
2 Oct 2015 | 12:41
Episode 13 She didnt come in immediately,maybe she was hurt too,or just couldnt face me yet. I folded myself on the bed,assuming the fetal position. Her words spiralling in my head. Little by little,everything she had just told me started coming back. I couldnt make sense of it,no matter how hard i tried. They were like fleeting thoughts,blinking in my head,giving me an explosive ache. I tried to picture his face,nothing came of it. She had told me that she was already bethroted to someone at home,that they were probably gonna wed when she graduated and went for service. They had known each other from childhood and both families wanted them to get married. Before we resumed that semester,her mum told her about it. She said she was confused about the whole arrangement,and wasnt sure she loved the guy,but could not say no to her family and his. That was the semester we met,she said she didnt know what drew her to me,even when she knew she was older than me. The entire time she spoke,i noticed she refused to say anything about loving me. Damn i felt used,i felt betrayed. This was my first love,my first everything. And it was leading no where. Now when i think about it,i realise how it would have been perfect for a player,or how i would have reacted to it now i was older and no longer naive,although am still a hopeless romantic at heart!. I had a golden opportunity,great sex and fun,with no strings attached. Something every guy would kill for,but only a handful will ever experience. No,you dont do that to a kid in love. It’s just like buying a toy car for a child,just when you’ve taught him how to play with it,you smash it into smitterings in front of the him. Only people who have really loved hard,and felt a heart wrenching heartbreak would get the picture am trying to paint. It really did feel like someone pulling away my heart,taking something precious from me. What shocked me most was that i still loved her nontheless,i could live with what she told me.I couldnt imagine leaving now. I was gonna enjoy it till the last minute. Yes,the very last minute. She came into the room,lazily lay on top of me. I didnt turn around,she started petting me,kissing me all over,telling me she was sorry. She said she had meant to tell me earlier on,but didnt wana ruin what we had. That made two of us,i thought. I couldnt resist her touches,even now i was mad. I turned around,lay my head on her bréásts,and wept softly. I know a man isnt supposed to cry,but i couldnt help it,the tears made me strong,i would have exploded if i had tried to hold it back. She drew me nearer into her cocoon,were i was safe and sheltered,her warmth shielding me from the cold world. From then on it was pure bliss btw us,our bond grew stronger and she became more fond of me. Now i knew our relationship would not last,i decided to make the most of it while it lasted,and she did the same too,although i still secretly wished for the faintest glow at the end of the tunnel.She helped me get over the love thing,assuring me that we’ll always be special to eachother,and that she would never forget me,no matter what happens. Most times we tried to avoid talking about it,instead we focused on the present,being there for eachother, and seizing the slightest excuse to spend time together.
2 Oct 2015 | 12:42
Episode 14 Damn we became inseperable those days,and the sex was mindblowing each and everytime. It was hotter than the last time,then hotter again the next time,and then the next time again. Sometimes it’l be at my place,then other times we’d do it at her place. People who knew me before said i changed alot during those few months,even the way i carried myself,the way i dressed and above all the way i saw myself. Good sex and an alluring company really does wonders to you.My confidence was at an all time peak,and i learnt something else from her,which to this day is still part of me,her happiness and the way she saw life. She loved mischief alot and would always try to make you laugh at the slightest opportunity. Yes,my Stephanie was graceful and full of humour. She was an enigma,she was my first and i remember her not in a bitter way,but in the sweetest fashion possible. Reminiscing about our many excapades, always elicits some sort of kinky nostalgia within me. One time she spent the weekend at my house,we made love every were possible. We were virtually always nákéd when we were alone,especially when we slept. I remember one incident that almost embarassed me in front of my friends. It was early in the evening,and 3 of my friends were in my room,we were watching a movie with the lights off,as we normally did at times. We were lying on the rug,while Stephanie was snuggling beside me,with my friends sandwiching us. I think the movie was interesting,although i dont remember what it was about,as we were all really concentrating. Midway thru the movie,i felt her left hand snaking into my shorts. I froze. I pinched her hand to deter her,she giggled. My friends must have thought it was because of the movie. She started stroking my díck,while still pretending to watch the movie. It was dark,but for the faint blue light emanating from the TV set. I was afraid my friends would notice what was going on,but they were completely oblivious. Her massaging expertise left me inundated. She would stroke slowly,sway my balls from side to side,then return back to stroking. It was at such a slow pace that i almost died from holding back. I considered standing up and excusing myself,but i knew her all too well for that,i couldnt chicken out,or she would tease me about it all week. She kept on blowing me,all the while spotting a wicked expression on her face. What almost knocked me off my game,was when she placed my glans btw her fingers,rubbed it up and down,using my pre-cüm as a lubricant. Damn,i coughed hard to hide the pleasure,she innocently asked if i was ok,my friends asking too. I said i was fine,but i couldnt wait for that damn movie to end,so my friends would leave the room. The night was surely gonna be a long one..
2 Oct 2015 | 12:43
Hmmmm.... Enjoyin d story....but feelin sorry for u....cux stephane cnt just love u back due to some circumstances.... Itz dammy. New here...want to make friendz....plzz
3 Oct 2015 | 11:37
Episode 15 Have you ever waited for sex?,like eagerly anticipated devouring someone?. My eyes were all hazy,the images dancing on the screen blurry and obscure. Even the chiming of the clock was picked up by my attentive ears,time was golden to me now,every second counted. I thought about devising a plan to disrupt the now annoyingly long movie,that just 10 minutes ago i was enjoying. I couldnt wait anymore. I started talking,asking mundane questions,trying to get on my friends nerves,so they’ll get the message and leave. Boy did they leave,you just couldnt count on my friends,i was damn sure they got my message,but they stubbornly sat there determined to finish that movie. I hated them very much that minute. I was in heat,i wasnt thinking straight anymore. My throbbing member was by this time,struggling to remain confined btw my legs. I stood up,walked around,feigning to look for something. “Wetin dey do this guy sef”,one of them asked. “I tire for am o”,the other added. I aptly ignored them,hissed and stretched myself on the bed. I heard Stephanie laugh,i knew she was laughing at me. She was enjoying my torture. I chuckled to myself,soon and very soon,i’ll be the one doing the torturing. Where was Nepa when i needed them so much,to do the usual thing. That light lasted till the next morning,nothing went my way that night. I resigned to my fate,lay there,waiting for the movie to end,there was nothing i could do. “Mumu boy we don move o”. Finally,i sighed in relief. I bade them goodnight,cursed them playfully,then locked the door. I literarilly pounced on her. She snickered,her frolic still clearly amusing her. I tore off her jean,struggled with her bra clasp,almost ripping it of her back. She duely had my coçk in her hands already. Our drooling mouths kept on trying to find eachother. We would lock lips,then bite on lips,then return to kissing again. I carried her up,sat on my mini fridge,while she sat on my laps facing me. We kissed for ages,till our lips were sore and our tongues numb. My head hit on the wall behind me,but i didnt feel the pain,instead it spurred me on. She stood up slightly,steadied my rock hard diçk,and sank her screaming wet püssÿ on it. Nothing can describe the feeling,i tell you nothing,i was in 7th heaven,somewhere higher than cloud 9,the feeling was so intense,inside her was warm and comfy,her walls contracting,as she went up and down on my rager. I held on tight,poking deeper,trying to hit her wall. We were moaning so loudly,thank God the TV was on,or someone would have heard us. Not that i even cared,the whole hostel could hear us for all i cared,the only thing in my brain was unleashing my burning seeds. What i loved about her so much,was that when we made love,we never pretended,we were never shy,always so lost in the mood. We had so many great sex together,and i cant say which was the best,the first time was special,but that night was surely in the top 10. We ravished eachother thru the night,writhing in sexual heaven,scratching and biting,nibbling and moaning till the wee hours of the night. We didnt wake up till about 9 am the next morning,too tired to go to church.
3 Oct 2015 | 17:40
3 Oct 2015 | 20:36
Toto nor make you go church oooo na only God go help you.
4 Oct 2015 | 00:09
Episode 16 Every good thing comes to an end. Painfully true,but this is the bitter fact in life. We spent many weekends like this,having fun,safe in each others arms,undistracted by the lonliness of the world and grateful to have found eachother but also rueful to have done it so late. Exams were fast approaching,and she being in her finals and older,dragged me to nightclass several times. I would give flimsy excuses,wanting instead to chill with my friends,to gist or play video games. She would insist,you just couldnt say no to her,she always succeeded in dragging my lazy áss to class. We would gist all the way to the class,holding hands,taking snail steps through the narrow walkways,shaded by ripening almond trees. If there were ripe ones on the ground,we would pick a handful,feast on the juicy fruits and toss the stripped seeds far into the dark night. Other times she would play songs from her phone,and we would sing to it. My voice would oscillate between manageable and terrible,she would taunt me lovingly,then try to teach me. I just didnt learn,i’ve always had a terrible voice,while hers was crisp and golden,everything about her was that way to me. When you like someone unconditional,the good always outweighs the bad. Yes they are laden with flaws,just like every human,but you just cant see them,your deaf to it,blind to it while their best resonates to you. It is always like that when your with that one special person. The class would drag on for hours,sometimes i would try my best to read while other times i would lay my head on the hard table,and doze like a baby. Stephanie would rouse me when it was time to go. Sleepily,i would walk her home to the staff quarters,then begin the long journey to my house. We kept to this routine almost judiciously Occasionally she would ask me to stay over. Waking up very early the next morning,i would hurry off to my house,passing the early risers along the way,and the astute shop owners,who came very early to clean up their shops,in preparation for the day ahead. With the exams on and the end of semester at sight,a sudden spate of sadness fell on me. I knew our days were numbered. Soon our times together would just be memories,sweet memories to be reminisced and longed for. Damn those were difficult days,i thought i was prepared,having come to terms with the fact about a month earlier,but i was in for a shocker. Nobody can prepare for seperation,no matter how strong you are,it overwhelms you,you get irritated with people easily,you go to sleep with a forlorn expression. And then you see them in your dreams. I wasnt safe even in my dreams,she was always in it. One day i woke up crying,and i couldnt even remember what i had dreamt about. I sat in my bed for about an hour,my head heavy in my hands. She tried so hard to console me,to wean me off her gracefully,but i made it difficult for her. Then came the first rains,it was early march,the holidays were upon us. I still remember the sweet scent of rain,washing up the horrid smell of dust,which had collected throughout the dry season. It was always so relaxing,especially when we would be holed up in bed,talking about what we were gonna miss about each other,and our best times together.
4 Oct 2015 | 09:12
4 Oct 2015 | 20:39
Chaiiiiii so story don go like dix nd am wandring y d story was stop wen I cnt find it in daily update again. . . . . . . . Nice one mercus I dey behimd u cux I dey gbadun d story. . . . . . . The way the writer use his choise of words make me remember ''confesion of a ruged rough 9ja guy'',both writer pocess d same POV on choise of words,hw to use it nd wen to use it , #thumb up
5 Oct 2015 | 05:45
@mecuze try update fast na......this story is taking too much time. . . . .##THUMB UP##
5 Oct 2015 | 11:15
@mecuze wetin happen now oya com update nw
6 Oct 2015 | 12:19
abt to start pls
6 Oct 2015 | 15:29
Episode 17 The first time i saw his face,the guy stealing my happiness. I held the picture in my hands,staring deeply into it. I was in her room,she had gone out to do something,so i decided to go through one of her bags. The minute i saw it,i knew it was him. She never talked about him,but i yearned to know what he looked like. He looked horrible,at least to me. What i saw was a man with a bashed in face,bony cheeks that gave him gawky features,a crooked nose,and a mouth too big for his small face. Although later when i thought about it,he really didnt look that bad,he probably was handsome,i just couldnt see it,even if i did,my doleful mind could not process it. I saw what i wanted to see,i can be forgiven for that!. Our last night together was spent making love,passionate sweet love. It wasnt anything like before,our souls melted as one,each thrust a true reflection of the melancholy that had permeated our ambience.She was good at hiding her emotions,always hidden in that smiling façade. But that night was different. She didnt cry,but i saw the hurt on her face,and it neutered my own pain. I was sure she wouldnt forget me. We were never meant to end up together,the odds were against us,and the gods made sure of that,or else i would have been born earlier,or she later. I was consoled by the fact that i had a memory,i had a story,and that someday i would tell it with a bold face. I have seen love firsthand,and it couldnt have come any better. Different people have different stories about their first time,their first love,some even forget,but not me,it was too special to forget,it changed me. The day before our last night,we joked alot,we made half hearted attempts at comforting our deeper desires,and our unwillingness to part. She told me how i was the best man she ever met,and how our times together were forever indelible in her heart. I found solace in that. Then she went on to tell how we would be old or married to different people and find our minds wandering off to what could have been if we had ended up together. I laughed at that,although i doubt if my laughter did enough to mask my anguish. I replied,telling her how all the great love stories had one thing in common,they hardly grew old together. She laughed so hard and told me i had a twisted mind,and how on earth did i think about that. We continued with our witty exchanges,till we had nothing more to say.We sat there in quietness,lost in silent soliloquy. Moments later,i heard the gayful chatter of birds,as they perched and flew about in the compound. They had come to a sad place,i thought.
6 Oct 2015 | 15:33
More I beg
7 Oct 2015 | 08:50
Mhen Vhiz is a very wonderful love really enjoyinq viz.... Next please . . . @Mecuze U've really tried with viz cos itz very exceptional,touchinq,emotional and has so many lessons to be learnt....Thumbz upp bro :mrgreen: #PizZaro
8 Oct 2015 | 04:59
eiyaaaaa......person go soon dey cry. @pizzaro welcome. @mecuze more grease to ur elbow
8 Oct 2015 | 10:30
Thankz dear @Wyse-one
8 Oct 2015 | 17:35
Ride on@mecus.....@pizzaro u don return...
9 Oct 2015 | 10:38
Continue plss
10 Oct 2015 | 17:17
I gt a problem posting dis story o.
11 Oct 2015 | 01:49
I promise I wil strt posting soon
11 Oct 2015 | 01:49
plz kontinew oooo na god i take beg u
11 Oct 2015 | 09:57
Oya we waiting now
13 Oct 2015 | 12:31
jah eli kai..*tlkind in d spirit*...soo datd aw u bleep ya elda 6ta's mate...elii makossa
15 Oct 2015 | 07:11
@mecus wetin dey happen nah u no wan update....
17 Oct 2015 | 03:54
Wetin nw u still dey prblm wt postin
19 Oct 2015 | 10:47
Guy u ar pissin ur readers off :(
19 Oct 2015 | 10:48
So u still get prblm postin d story rubish wen u no say u wunt complete ur story y u bring it com here #meeeeetcheeeeeeew rubish
30 Oct 2015 | 15:26
Sorry guys bt according to the author it haz ended
12 Nov 2015 | 10:43
Wanna strt a new story u re all invited. Title :Oluchi, Travails of terror
12 Nov 2015 | 10:48
12 Nov 2015 | 10:49
13 Jul 2016 | 13:01


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