This isn't happening *true story* by Mirabel

This isn't happening *true story* by Mirabel

By vianney in 9 Mar 2015 | 14:08
vianney vianney

vianney vianney

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True life story of Mirabel.

Hey guys, I'm finally back :) , who missed me??

This is my first topic for the year :) and it's a very touching true life story, written and sent by my very close friend and sister, MIRABEL.

I couldn't help but cry as I read the touching story..
please sit back, relax and read with your full mind..

please also mind the comments you post because Mirabel is one of us and it really took her a lot to share her true life situation with us.

The story will be updated once daily.
9 Mar 2015 | 14:08
episode 1 Ever since I was born into this world, into my family in Lagos Nigeria, I believed that life was a bed full of roses. My family was a happy one or so I thought,,there was love,care,protection just to mention a few. My dad was one of the so many children of a popular Akure chief in south western Nigeria. He was a bit arrogant, self centered, very strict and a disciplinarian. My mom had 3kids, I was the second born and the only girl for now. i have an elder brother whose name is oyindamole. My name is Mirabel while my younger brother is called Matthew. I grew up to know my dad as someone who wakes up very early, dresses in suit and goes out for work, returning late in the night. At first i thought he was a banker, but when i got older i found out that he was a driver under Sanusi who then was a bank manager. However due to my dad's arrogant behavior, he was soon fired, a situation that turned things around for my family. My poor mum meanwhile was just a trader who sells tailoring materials because she was just an ssce holder before she got married and couldn't further her education... Soon after my dad lost his driving work, i started noticing that my parents always fought to the extent that my dad would end up beating and kicking my mother out of the house, forcing the poor woman to run back to her family in Akure because she too was from the town. However she always returned after some days, bringing oranges and guavas for us, but we always hid the fruits from my dad who was fond of seizing them if we were unlucky to keep the fruits carelessly. To him it was poisoned. It soon became a constant affair, dad using every opportunity to send mum away. it got to the extent that he brought in another woman to occupy my mother's position. I was so young, all i did was just to watch. At first, i didn't like the strange woman but later changed my feelings when the lady turned out to be friendly to me and my siblings. My mum however soon showed up with her parents, who settled everything and reconciled my parents. As a way to help us, my dad's family offered mum a little job in my grandfather's school. she was offered the job of a clerk which she happily accepted. My mum started working as a clerk, equally adding her business to it, and also selling recharge card,soft drinks,gala and some food items after school work in front of our house but my dad soon started causing problems again. He formed the habit of fighting my mother's customers, accusing the poor woman of infidelity. oh i forgot to add, my mother is a very beautiful woman... It later got to a point that my dad had to pack all the chairs customers used to sit on, giving my mom orders that no one should sit in her shop, that anyone who wants to buy something should stand and buy whatever he wants. My mother had no choice than to comply, yet despite all the conditions and treatments, my dad still went ahead to ask his brothers to kick my mother out of the school, equally kicking the poor woman and us his children out of the house.... I just didn't know what was his problem and as children all i did with my siblings was just to observe, pray and cry for things to get better, for my dad to change, but our prayers weren't answered. My mother took us to Akure with no money, no savings, nothing..... story continues tomorrow...
9 Mar 2015 | 14:33
am all eaaaarrrsssss
10 Mar 2015 | 08:58
Episode 2 when we got to Akure, there was no money, savings, nothing. my grandma was living with her husband, but she had built her own house, a poorly constructed face me I face you quarters to be precise. She gave us two rooms there and we automatically became the landlady. fortunately for us,my grandmother's younger sister was also living beside us, so we do go to her house to eat, play and sleep Mum soon got another job at a school in Ileoluji, a town a little far from where we lived. So she had to travel to the place every Sunday evening and come back Friday evening. She would cook soup for us before travelling back to her station... The age difference between me and my brothers was approximately 3years, my elder brother came three years before me, my younger brother came 3yrs after me. My elder brother was in jss1 then and i was in primary 3 while my younger brother was in nursery class. Mum took care of us with the job she just got till the two families settled the dispute between my parents not knowing that my dad had already quarrelled with his brothers who were financially sustaining him. That was the main reason why he told his mom to settle the dispute between him and my mom. I was in primary 4 third term when they settled the dispute, my dad soon decided to take me back to Lagos to continue my studies in his family's school because I was a very brilliant girl. I joined them in jss1 third term, we were not many in my class because it's a private school. But soon afterwards my father finally decided to fully move back to Akure. when we got to Akure, my mum started processing an all girl's only school for me but instead of me being in jss2 my mum asked me to start from jss1. There was little or nothing I could do about it, my brother was in ss1 then in an all boy's school while my younger brother was still in primary school. When my dad came back to Akure, he started complaining again that my mom was dating some people in her school, my mom was confused and didn't know what else to do to convince my dad about her movement, so she decided to seek transfer to Akure, so she was transferred to akure to a school nearby.... However due to constant fights in our compound, we moved to a 3 bedroom flat not very far from my grandmother's house and when we moved in I thought it was my dad who rented the house not knowing that it was my mum who took a bank loan and rented the apartment. To be continued
10 Mar 2015 | 18:41
10 Mar 2015 | 18:41
..Episode 3 During that period my mum was the one taking full responsibility of the family and equally furthering her education by enrolling in N.C.E programme. I was soon moved into a boarding house, but i couldn't stay there for long because of the punishments plus the silly bed wetting behavior that i was yet to outgrow. After the next holiday, i refused returning to the dormitory and mum was left with no choice than to enroll me in another school. Mum soon gave birth to another baby who was named Jadesola, but before the naming ceremony my parents decided to buy a new car from the share my father got out of the profit made from my grandfather's school. My father and his siblings always shared the profit made from the school at the end of every year. My dad bought a sienna with his share and brought the brand new car home. we celebrated and celebrated. unfortunately for us, the following year was very hectic than we expected, nothing seemed to be going fine with us. the school where my mother worked started owing her money, making us to cut our expenses to the minimum. Yet things went from bad to worst. we all could have perished that period if not for my grandmother who always sent us foodstuffs. My brothers were soon withdrawn from the private school they attended. We managed and struggled until my mum managed to pay up the bank loan she earlier took and soon got another loan. With the new bank loan she got a big shop and equally expanded her business by selling provisions,soft drinks, and household items in bulk. At the end of the day there wasn't any money left to pay our house bills, but we were lucky that the landlord knew my grandpa and because of it was lenient with us. He didn't come to our house to embarrass us but instead asked my dad to see him,when things were getting out of hand. My mom finally told my dad that we should move to one of my grandpa's houses which consists of 12flats. My dad first disagreed but after many persuasions he agreed and we moved to the new house. From there mum continued our business and ,we were fortunate that the market was nearer to the new house. My elder brother soon made his results both waec and neco in one sitting, sat for Jamb and fortunately got admitted in a federal polytechnic close by.. My dad was always at home doing nothing, something my mother wasn't pleased with but there was nothing she could do about it than to cater for the whole family herself. but she finally got the courage to talk to him when things became extremely tough. she told my dad that she didn't like the way he stayed at home every time that maybe he should start up a cab business with his car, a suggestion that brought a terrible quarrel between my parents but soon afterwards, dad greed, made the necessary requirements and started the work. At first things went well, with him coming home daily with nothing less than six thousand naira which improved our living condition but after a month, the devil caught hold of him again. he suddenly stopped his cab work.... to be continued.
12 Mar 2015 | 16:20
I think ur family needs deliverance
12 Mar 2015 | 17:25
12 Mar 2015 | 17:38
Episode 4
18 Mar 2015 | 08:13
Episode 4 Things became difficult again as dad stopped his cab job, nevertheless we still struggled, most especially mum who carried the family burden all alone. she soon managed to get a small land where she started building a house. A typical poor man's house, everything for the construction was sourced locally. She didn't complete the house before we moved in, there wasn't any concrete floor nor tiling done on the rooms. Every time it rained it was always trouble for us because all the rain water would enter through the open windows which had only nets and no louvers nor almaco. I finally got to ss2,but my maths wasn't encouraging at all. my mum had to register me for a lesson in my school, but when the exam results came out, I was asked to repeat because I failed maths and in my school,both maths and English were compulsory subjects. My mom understood my plight and encouraged me to study harder, spending more money on me coupled with the house she was trying her best to complete. The poor woman really worked very hard for us to be comfortable. she combined different jobs with her work, even registering students for NABTEB and equally supervising the exam, something that gave her a little extra money which she used in tiling in our sitting room and dining room. Finally around Sept 2013,dad got a new job at Ibadan through his mom as a driver in a company and so went to live at Ibadan with my grandma. During the long holiday, we all went to Ibadan to spend the holidays with dad and grandma. We were received warmly. The house belonged to my uncle who had 4wives and one of the wives lived with grandma. She had two children,a girl and a boy) and i took them all as my siblings without knowing that the boy who really looked holy and innocent had a sinister motive for me. I took him as my brother but,an incident soon happened that I can't forget in a hurry.. To be continued
18 Mar 2015 | 08:13
Let us hear it
18 Mar 2015 | 09:57
He raped you or grabbed your boobs...
18 Mar 2015 | 15:15
Rape u? Raper u? Rapest u? Not funny...ur dad is very silly nd idiotic...mtcheww
18 Mar 2015 | 15:44
Episode 5. The night before we were to come back to akr,my parents had slept,my uncle's wife too had slept.. I was in the boys room with my brother Matthew and my cousin(Joseph),we were gisting while matthew was playing game on his phone. Joseph asked me whether I had a boyfriend and I said yes,he asked for his details I told him and also told him that Matthew knew him too.I was sitting on a sofa,he now asked me to come sit beside him on the bed,I didn't take it seriously and foolishly went to join him on bed. Matthew was sitting on the sofa but his mind was on the game he was playing so he took no notice of what transpired between me and Joseph I only wore tank top and a skirt,I don't usually wear bra to bed, so I had no bra on that night,I sat beside him and we continued gisting the next thing I knew his hand was working its way towards my boobs,he was caressing my boobs there was nothing I could do than keep quiet,later he his hands were going towards my p***y. Then I knew I had to stop him because I don't allow my bf to touch that part talkless my cousin,so I stood up and quickly went to my room upstairs. [me and Matthew sleeps in the same room and because he was still downstairs I didn't lock the door) I went to bed and was reminiscing the scene all over again.I hadn't slept fully when I saw my door open. I thought it was Matthew only for me to find out it was Joseph again I was astounded, and blamed myself for mentioning that I had a bf to him which perhaps now made him to think that since I had a bf that i was no longer a virgin whereas I was still a virgin. but even if I wasn't a virgin i couldn't imagine him thinking that i could get down with him., He sneaked into my room, thinking I had slept. He took off my wrapper and started caressing my boobs again, this time trying to finger and kiss me. I roughly pushed him away, pushing him with so much force that he hit his head on the edge of the bed. he hissed and walked out but i never believed he was so determined to carry out with the act as to return again. Before I knew it,he came in the second time, this time around he was with a nylon which I later found out to be condom. He placed it on his d**k and came on top of me again, trying to unclad me. I pushed him with all my might but he was so determined and strong. i fought him off desperately, biting and wounding him. When he saw how determined i was, he gave up and left. The next morning I wasn't my usual self but was happy that nothing happened between us. I didn't tell anyone about it because I didn't want to breakup the family nor lose the love they had for me. it really was my first close encounter with a determined guy and it left a dirty taste on my mouth.... To be continued
20 Mar 2015 | 07:56
Report him to avoid another act.
20 Mar 2015 | 11:31
So useless!
20 Mar 2015 | 18:56
Shoulda given him a warnin'...
23 Mar 2015 | 07:32
Episode 6 December 2013 soon arrived and dad was given his own share of the profit made in grandpa's school. This time he was given the sum of 400k, but instead of him to use the money to complete our house and other things, he resorted to having his 50th birthday whereas his birthday was on Sept. **,,whenever my dad sees money in his pocket, he spends them the way he wants. Nobody can tell him what to do and my poor mum had to bear it all. My mother tried her best to convince him in using the money to complete the house she was struggling to build but he disagreed, saying he was nine years old when he had his last birthday celebration. All he could do was only to paint the living room and dining room and spent the remaining money on his birthday. The evening of the birthday, I went to meet my boyfriend at my friend's place who was also living in our street, I thought my parents wouldn't notice my disappearance because they were all engaged in the party. but unfortunately for me, i barely had settled with my boyfriend when his younger brother who was also in the party going on in my house came in and told me that my parents were looking for me at home. Fear instantly overcame me because I knew I was in soup. It wasn't the first time they were warning me to stay clear of my boyfriend. I quickly ran home as fast as my legs could carry me. Immediately I entered the house, my mom threw her slippers at me. I quickly dodged it and she pounced on me, slapping and hitting me furiously. If not for the visitors she would have killed me with anger. I cried and tried to explain things to her. i desperately tried telling her that my boyfriend wasnt a bad person, but she never cared to listen. When the visitors left, my parents and grandma, advised me. My mom was extremely furious because she always told me not to let boys deceive me just like my dad did to her, but she never gave me the full details as how my dad deceived her. The next morning as my grandma and cousin were about going back to Ibadan. my mom called me again and asked if I was still a virgin,I said yes,she asked again and I replied her. I now decided to tell her about Joseph because I had kept it for so long. I explained things to her and she started screaming and asked if I was sure he didn't do it and I said yes.she called everyone and told them. However Joseph denied it vehemently which almost resulted in a big family brawl between my dad and grandma. It got so bad that he packed out from the house. Joseph's father equally had nothing to say than there is nothing he could do about the accusation since it happened months ago and I was just telling them. Immediately my dad packed out of the house, he got a room very close to his workplace and soon afterwards changed to the worst................ To be continued
24 Mar 2015 | 12:31
Itz happening
24 Mar 2015 | 15:34
Hold ΰяself tirty oooooooo
24 Mar 2015 | 16:04
infact dat ur cousin is a bastard n for ur dad sorry to say dis its better for him to give up dan stay alive n waste de moni ur poor mother would hav used to tak kia of u ppl. rubbish
24 Mar 2015 | 18:33
Wow!!! I could hardly believe that an interesting story is going on here..... Life wasn't smooth though, but things had been worse for the family, there are some tribulations that do come naturaly, patient&prayer could solve it...... The story is so touching...... Kudos to the writter & the great woman whom share her story with us..... @Rhennyjay From the beginning uptil date I couldn't find your comment here, yet you are the one that summone me here... I'm so grateful for alerming me that An Angel is writting a story here......... E be like say you are a lady???
29 Mar 2015 | 04:26
Khola,no mind me jawe,,I b ghost reader datz y buh na every tory I dey follow for worry coolval don ginger me to dey comment wif dr reader of d month too wan win recharge crd.abi wetin I tok?iu no bring ya wife come here ni@tenniebenson
4 Apr 2015 | 19:33
M a lady
4 Apr 2015 | 19:33
@Rhennyjay Ohhhhhh......Thanks for reminding me oo... Oya where you deh... @Tenniebenson @Tonia @Stephanie @Oluwadammy @Japhola @Delight @Charliebryn @Mray @Anitcham @Jenny @Lollybabe1 @Sandy @GeeAdore @Valking1 @Mohjisolah @Shewa @InemLove @All (have forget others...I don't know why I can't grab all names here.).abeg ah sorry if you are here before and ah mention your name...nah out of love ah do ahm.
5 Apr 2015 | 05:53
@khola46, rhennyjay is a lady nd she's engaged, so commot ur mind 4 dia. Bn here since day 1. So i b ya senior 4 hia. Waoooooow can't bliv I beat yu t diz. Omo c achievement!!!!
5 Apr 2015 | 06:12
Present sir
5 Apr 2015 | 08:22
So sad
5 Apr 2015 | 09:10
@Mray When did you start detective work, how you take know say Rhennyjay had/has been/being engaged/engage?? My mind no wan comot for her side oo. Nah Lie.. You no first me reach here. nah since day zero I've been here @Mohjisolah Welcome Ma'm. (ah no fit wan answer that sir, but nah Angel say it.. Ma'm, I felt like I'm hearing your voice)..
5 Apr 2015 | 10:08
5 Apr 2015 | 10:24
Lolls @khola46. Since wen I realize I nid t protect my personal property.
5 Apr 2015 | 12:50
LWKMD,,khola ah sed ya wife not wives so y u kon kal lyk 50 wives,,:aaaaaaahhhhhh..*anyways mray tnkz jere,u don help me get him off my back b dat,so I no go join queue for d last wife,,,LMao
5 Apr 2015 | 19:14
@Rhennyjay No tell me say Mray was right? how you go con engaged when I'm here?? nah lie e go be David Mark must heard this.
6 Apr 2015 | 07:05
Lol, una funny die bt on a more serious page (note) @khola, na me wit mray attend her engagement party so bck out unless u wan see urself 4 inside sambisa forest
6 Apr 2015 | 08:28
@Delight tnkz jere,,,nt only david mark,kal shekarau nd obama u cn even kal micheal jackson..funny yhu sha@khola
6 Apr 2015 | 21:37
@Delight tnkz jere,,,nt only david mark,kal shekarau nd obama u cn even kal micheal jackson..funny yhu sha@khola Sambisa forest too close to home nw,cz its still in naija,abeg throw am for liberia make he go play wif ebola small nw,abi wetin I tok###WINKS###
6 Apr 2015 | 21:38
@Delight The engagement no fit geniue again since ah don come, we go cancel the engagement.......... Sambisa Forest no be hell nah, we go visit there together. or what did you think about that??? @Rhennyjay Uhmmmm..... I knew you says that out of love.... Maybe you want us to spend our honeymoon in Liberia.... When would this story continue nah or has it got to an end???.....
7 Apr 2015 | 02:42
God forbid M engaged Honeymoon ko? Honeysun ni? Liberia ke??
8 Apr 2015 | 20:29
Hhhmmmmmmm may d story continue nau. @Khola tanx
9 Apr 2015 | 12:00
Episode 7 Ever since he moved out of that house to his own house,he changed totally. He came home around march sick. M mom took care of him and on saturday she informed him that she was going to the wedding ceremony of a staff's younger sister. She went and came back late. She apologized to my dad and the staff also called dad and apologized on Sunday the next day. That same Sunday, mum wanted to attend a birthday of her friend who lived down the street but Dad refused and started abusing her again that she went to a party yesterday came back late,now she is going again, maybe she wants to go and see her boyfriend. ''That he is sick and she is partying'' ,my mum tried to explain that it was in the next street and that the woman also do come to any event we hold. The next thing they started abusing each other again and started fighting, when it looks like my mom was determined to go to the birthday, My dad quietly packed his bags and left home. I never believed that that little misunderstanding could turn to something else,unless my dad already had ulterior motives,because anything we did resulted into beatings, he left home and never came back, but before he left I told him I wanted to register for jamb because I was writing my waec and neco then,he said he doesn't have money that i should wait until I make my results before I register for jamb,I tried to convince him that everyone was registering for jamb in my class and that since I wanted to write two exams there was no cause for alarm but he didn't answer me. I cried day and night hoping they pity me because I repeated before,now another year if I didn't do jamb,I had lost hope. A day before jamb registration was to close,my mom called me and asked me to meet in her mom's place,I went there moody and she took me to someone who helped register me for jamb.I was very happy,although it was late registration the fees were expensive(7k),I registered and went for the exams, I scored 194,I was happy at least I was above the pass mark a little. My dad never came home and he never sent money to us telling us that they have not been paid,we didn't complain. It was soon time for my valedictory service(VS),I told my dad he said he didn't have any money to send that its not compulsory I did VS,I begged and begged I would have turned to my mom but she had no money herself,the VS was getting nearer. : So I sent a text message to my dad:daddy plz help me to send any amount u have,don't let me be ashamed among my peers, i'm the only one remaining'' Immediately he got the text he called back and was angry,he warned me never to send that kind of text to him again.He finally said he would send 6k, OMG that was like nothing, because we were to pay N3200 in school for the vs,then I need to buy clothes,shoes,make my hair and we do wear two clothes(native and english)there was nothing I could do about it, so I thanked him,withdraw the money luckily for me my boyfriend gave me 3k so I added it to the money,I spent it and did my vs none of my family came whereas most of my friends cooked,brought their whole family.I was kinda sad that day.. ------------------------------------------------- Since march that dad left home,he never came back and he sent money only twice:during VS and my post ume(4k),that was for the form only..I scored 46 and I made my result excellently,I anxiously waited for admission but got none,so I was sad.I called my dad to give me the number of HOD of my dept in the school I was processing because we attended the same church and dad knew the man,but I got the shock of my life when he told me to find means of getting the number myself since I was processing the admission alone,me and mum should find the number ourselves. We finally got the number from a member and met with him because he had been transferred from our church long ago... From march till November my mom was the one taking care of us,dad stopped calling us and stopped sending us money,I didn't call him too but my bro do communicate with him... November 1st 2014 something happened that tore the family apart. To be continued
11 Apr 2015 | 14:13
What sought of a useless father is dis who just don't have the family interest at heart
11 Apr 2015 | 16:36
Una for disown una papa. Afterall, it's nt only parents dat disown their children. Children nowadays do it. God is u pple's muscle.
11 Apr 2015 | 16:43
Thanks for the invitation my Director @khola46.. Omo(oh my)....although family come with many obstacles and calamity but this family is too much but I guess God has a reason for everything and I believe everything later become happiness...
11 Apr 2015 | 19:07
@rhennyjay wc. Abeg no fall 4 khola's trap ooooooo im plan 4 u no gud. @khola46 remuv ya eye 4 dia she's a no-go-area, if u no wan make her husby trowey u 4 mississipi or lake chad!!! @charliebryn, our family won't b like dat. It ll b a perfect family made in heaven nd we ll live hapily eva after!!!!!
11 Apr 2015 | 19:27
Hmmmmmn! God will save u 4rm all dz sha
12 Apr 2015 | 04:19
Uhmmmm...... Never judge book with it cover... Her father may have reason for all what he was doing...Every Smokers had their own story..... The foundation of the family maybe unplanned and worst, but that still doesn't mean what they would lay on it would be bad....."if they born you, you should try to gave birth to yourself"yoruba proverb".... Things bad do happen but it depend on how we face it.....God would help the family...though its been said that something happen that make the family scatter.... My M.D @Charliebry You are welcome sir.. @Mray I would like to qo there o, but it would be me , you and Rhennyjay... It would just be like vacation(a sweet one)....
12 Apr 2015 | 04:37
Abeg count me out ooooooo! I no knw aw t swim @khola46
12 Apr 2015 | 05:31
Dis una papa dey 2 heartless ooooo buh God is ur strenght @Mirabel
12 Apr 2015 | 15:01
Amen @mray
12 Apr 2015 | 21:25
Episode 8 On a Saturday morning,my mom went to meet one of her club members who just gave birth and lost her baby. Matthew went to play I was the one at home,I decided to go and charge my phone in the junction when I saw a man on a bike going towards our house. The man called me and I found out it was my dad, I ran back home,mouth agape,took his bags in and he questioned me,asking where was my mother, common N5 biscuit my dad didn't buy. I sneaked out and went to call my mom,not knowing that he saw me; before then I was working in a school in my street and got 4k every month,so I bought my phone bb bold2.I showed my dad and the next thing he said was that why didn't I buy one china phone, will I be able to manage it?,he now asked me why i called my mom?. I said nothing, he then said he wanted to surprise her. I told him she sounded surprised when I told her too . He soon started abusing me, calling me a fool..I just went out of the room,he strolled inside our compound and asked me when my mom did the fence,I told him,he asked me when did my mom concrete the whole house, I told him and he finally asked when my mom tiled the walls and floor of our kitchen,I explained.he was surprised that so much changes had occurred when he left. My mom later came with her parents and sister,before then my mom do call my dad every time but he won't pick up, so she stopped calling him. The parents begged him to forgive her,we all knelt down,my grandparents also knelt down, because he said he came to end the marriage. So he heeded our pleas and lied he came for a wedding ceremony that would take place tomorrow(wedding on a Sunday,,hmmm something's fishy) He took the car out later in the evening to go meet his co workers. My mom didn't trust him and told me it seems dad came to take his car, but i told her it wasnt possible, Not knowing he had perfected everything. He went away with the car and never came back home. My grandma called my mom the next day to ask her why she dropped her books and loads in her doorstep. My mom was surprised and told her she had been home since she suspected maybe dad had took the car and dropped her bags in her mom's place(so heartless) My mom cried and said my dad had taken the car she had been using for almost 5years. I cried also and called my grandma at ibadan, When I called my grandma she told me that maybe he wants to use the car as a cab or repair it or use it,she said I should call him and ask his whereabout or better still ask maybe nothing has happened to him,I replied her that even if he wanted to do that he would inform us The next message my dad sent was:you think money is everything,well I met a lady who loves me,respect me,we will soon formalize our wedding,whatever I did to the house I did it for the children,I knew that house was the plan of you and your parents. You can eat your house,whenever my children need me they will look for me.bye for ever and don't call me again.. To be continued
13 Apr 2015 | 05:11
Heartless and selfish man
13 Apr 2015 | 06:07
This is happening! Wat children wl need him wen he is never available. Its even beta he left wit his troubles
13 Apr 2015 | 06:18
Uhnmmm...... If not that its an Angel that is updating this story and if not that its an Angel story...I would have run commot here because the story is so touching, painful...... Nothing goes up and stay there, it would surely come down one day.....nothing is permanent...
13 Apr 2015 | 06:20
I swear i dnt pray 4 dz kind of father,
13 Apr 2015 | 06:23
I felt pity 4 ur mum
13 Apr 2015 | 06:24
So heartless
13 Apr 2015 | 06:36
Hmmmm heartless man.
13 Apr 2015 | 07:29
Wicked soul..... Vry hrtless.... Nxt pls
13 Apr 2015 | 09:37
Chai!! Put ur hope in God
13 Apr 2015 | 10:10
Adesewa yhu re makin lots of sense He will surely come bk bt du u tink d gal cn eva forgive him Letz put et dz way??wot if d mom wasn't working or didn't complete ha education don't u tink sometin might have happened to d kids Tnk God d mother furthered ha education cz I cnt jazz imagine wot d family wud b goin tru Buh won't conscience prick dat man??d children cn neva nid him Jazz prays notin happens to d woman,,,ah LOVE mai MOM so so so much. God plz keep ha safe for me so she wud reap d fruits of ha labour Khola46,,iffa catch yhu ehnnnn... U nd wu??wich honeymoon??at whr God forbid..I reject am @mray fenkz for supporting me jere
13 Apr 2015 | 10:17
Kent find tenniebenson here oooo I don miss her parrot maut
13 Apr 2015 | 10:19
Gud riddance to bad rubbish. He can go for all I care for. Which kain irresponsible papa b dis?
13 Apr 2015 | 14:01
Wat a wicked nd heartless man he was
13 Apr 2015 | 15:07
@rhennyjay. Got ya back anytime, anywia, any place, nd anyaw!
13 Apr 2015 | 16:49
Amen ooo Yhu cn neva c a mother wu wud abandon ha children buh et z common to men @mray fenkz jere
13 Apr 2015 | 18:41
This is reallky apenning
13 Apr 2015 | 18:48
Wc @rhennyjay
13 Apr 2015 | 18:49
Wat a misery! Happening indeed, well sha jst a little different 4rm mine. Hi guyz, abeg i no c tenniebenson waiting apun khola. @rhennyjay mray jst dey show care cuz sh av interest ni
13 Apr 2015 | 20:04
Surveying things..... The man is not heartless cos nobody is heartless....but he's a GOAT because when a goat eat at it owner house you can never see it satisfy until it chop from another person house and either they pour boiled water on it or they make it cripple..... I believe God has a reason for that,who knows maybe if the man still stay there they wouldn't be able to make it when the time comes
13 Apr 2015 | 20:42
Ahhh Interest ke??lady to lady
14 Apr 2015 | 03:32
I mean av interest in khola jare sh dnt wnt u 2 snatch im.
15 Apr 2015 | 03:21
Lol Better Winks
15 Apr 2015 | 05:10
HeMmmm writer of this story if dis is a real life talk u should have not use ur real should have just be a narrative not the other way round....keep on the good work
16 Apr 2015 | 03:23
Y keeping lng in posting d story
16 Apr 2015 | 14:18
Episode 9 People soon took note of mum not using a car anymore,some even said she should go get another car or better still go take her car from the mechanic because that was the excuse she gave people who asked about her car but within few weeks she was left with no other choice than to tell her close friends the true situation of things and they were of course very mad at dad. One of mum's friends had to even come up with a suggestion that dad should be arrested and made to bring back the car or assume his responsibilities. My poor mum at first didn't agree to the idea but after much pressure and persuasion she agreed and spoke with the CSP her friend introduced to her. The man advised her to go to ibadan, giving her the contact of another police officer. My mum got home and informed us about her plans, we all supported her. She then told me I would be the one to accompany her to ibadan because we all knew that my dad could deny that he doesn't know my mom We took the necessary evidence,pictures,receipts,vcd and a host of others. We headed to Ibadan on a Wednesday with the plan of returning on Friday. when we got to Ibadan we headed straight to the police station to see the CSP we were directed to meet. We told him that we were directed by CSP fakunle to see him. The officer then asked mom to explain everything to him without hiding anything. My mum explained everything to him,how she got married,how dad deceived her into marriage without knowing dad already had a wife with three grown up children,the last born was even older than my mum's first born,although dad's marriage to the woman was an arranged marriage and the woman was quite older than dad However dad soon decided to divorce the woman,and deserted her with her children,the woman soon died of tuberculosis when I was in jss1 at lagos and when the woman died dad was happy and planned taking all her gratuity and other money which was supposed to be hers and her children. After the poor woman died,her children had no where to go and they hated us with passion,we didn't know anything about it. we were all ignorant including my mum,they came once to live with us that is the 1st and last born,but they spent some few days with us and ran away after stealing a large sum of money from dad which they used to go back to lagos The 1st born soon got a bike and started working,the 2nd born too started teaching in a primary school and was collecting a token money,the last born went to live with my grandma at ibadan Later on,the last born called lizzy ran away from ibadan and i am very sure Joseph did the things he tried doing to me to her and that was probably why she ran away. We later heard she got pregnant and gave birth to a boy. A very young girl for that matter, no education,no parents,nothing,the father of her boy even denied her pregnancy. Its only the 2nd born that struggled to further her education,I pray she doesn't fall into any temptation nor backslide Mom told the CSP everything,the birthday pa lava,the party stuff which led to the recent fight how dad abandoned his responsibility and when he came to take his car. When we were through with the explanation,I noticed that tears dropped from the man's eyes,he wiped it quickly with his handkerchief, gave me money and asked me to go and eat After eating the CSP told us that the company where dad works is at the next street that he even knows the chairman and he knows some few workers there,so he called a man there and asked him if he knows my dad, giving the man dad's description. The man said yes and the CSP asked him to tell him about dad's behaviour at the company and his recent attitude. The man said dad is very cunning and untrustworthy that he even brought a car there some few weeks ago, throwing a party for them. to be continued
19 May 2015 | 06:21
So.....the man has done all this....very cunning indeed..
19 May 2015 | 08:10
@rhennyjay now dat u av sin d rit guy wo is ready 2 marry u.u r declining wen u dnt si sum1 2 ask u anymore u will fall in2 d hands of d wrong guy and lata u will blame God..... π° m!Π£ m€ °°°° ♥★
19 May 2015 | 09:01
Hmmmm, dis ur dad sef
19 May 2015 | 09:11
Lawman wot du u meaan?? Declining who?? I will neva fall into wrong hands IJN God will gimme my own heaven sent husband
19 May 2015 | 09:49
Cunning man indeed
19 May 2015 | 12:45
eyaaah am feeling ur pains....dats why mums are the best she will stand for u in every situation.......
19 May 2015 | 14:57
Wow viz story is nice.......... Av never known daht stories ar updated here ooooo............ Ur mum is a very hardworkinq woman i must say bt wad does she want aqain 4rm ur dad.....let him qo forever and continue wid his confused lyf jorh.............
20 May 2015 | 06:22
Hmmmmm dis man is very cunning,
20 May 2015 | 07:56
Heartless man,just collect d car nd d company should be sending moni 2 u nd ur children @ d end of d month,just file a divorce.dat ll make him stay clear frm u,nd i kw he ll later regret his steps bt it ll be too late den......
20 May 2015 | 10:33
Hmmmmmmmm LOVE MY MUM
20 May 2015 | 19:37
That man is indeed very wicked and he needed a clean treatment of f* up
31 May 2015 | 06:55
nice story, but slow updates :-(
1 Jun 2015 | 17:01
hmmmmmmmmmm such ix lyf just keep on praying............. But wait ooooooooo whr is khola wen dis is happening i think u hav 2 do somthn or else tennie must hear dis
18 Jul 2015 | 23:07
Nice $tory, nemesis will catch up with him
23 Jul 2015 | 18:17
dis kind daddy self......thank God say no be al dad's dey lik proud 2 say I LOVE MY DAD!! Next pls
14 Aug 2015 | 10:36
29 Aug 2015 | 17:02
what a touching story really can't wait to see what the end will look like
8 Sep 2015 | 11:51
What could be holding this interesting post for this long?, dear poster hope al is wel wit U
9 Sep 2015 | 15:19


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