Three Days to Fall in Love

Three Days to Fall in Love

By Jonzy4u in 7 Feb 2019 | 07:04
Jonzy4u Jonzy4u

Jonzy4u Jonzy4u

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Three More Days Until High School is Over.
Three more days until I can kiss my
chances of ever finding out if Parker likes
me goodbye.
Parker Finn is a boy who's full of secrets
and just so happens to rule the school.
Quinn Moore is a quiet, shy, nobody who
stands in the shadows.
Since fourth grade they've liked each other.
Quinn fears Parker may have outgrown the
long time crush a long time ago. She has
three days to find out if he really loves her
or if he has forgotten about her completely.
Together, they have three days to fall in
7 Feb 2019 | 07:04
------------------------------ Fast link to available episode scroll for episodes 1 and 2 [hr] •Episode 3 Episode 4
7 Feb 2019 | 07:06
3 days "Stop drooling," Alexis states as she pulls back her blonde hair. Her curls bundle up together in a messy bun. She taps my chin. "You had your chance." "Yeah. In fourth grade." I roll my eyes and turn back towards my locker. I pull out my textbooks and shove them into my bag. Alexis laughs softly at my side. "What's so funny?" "He probably still likes you," she says, glancing behind us. "No," I whisper. "Yes," she argues. "Really, Alexis? He avoids me at all costs. He doesn't remember my name. He has gone out with half the student body." "Funny how were both in the other fifty- percent. You'd think he'd ask one of us out by now." "I'm quiet and neutral." "I'm loud and bright. He has to have noticed us." She shakes her head. "I believe that he likes you." "I believe he doesn't know me." "It's not just a coincidence that he hasn't made a move on me yet." She raises her eyebrows. "I'm a senior, I'm blonde, I have a nice body, I'm nicely tanned. You could call me flawless." "You're conceited." "And you're not?" "I don't boast about it," I say. "I think that if you got him to notice you he'd remember you. He'd fall to his knees and beg for you." "We are talking about Parker, right?" I ask. "Yes." "I don't think so, Lex." "We graduate in three days. You have three days to find out if Parker really likes you." "Alexis," I begin. "No. You have liked each other for eight years. Eight years." "Technically I've like him for eight. He probably liked me for three." "Please, Quinn." "Whatever." "I'll help you. Just do what I say." I roll my eyes again. "Oh. And be yourself. Always be yourself." "Okay, Alexis, I got it." "I'm sure you do. You've gone out with about . . . zero guys. Where as he - he has gone out with about a million girls." "Way to boost my confidence and I'm pretty sure it's not a million." "Close enough." "Again, that's enough confidence boosting for one day." I lay the sarcasm on thick and turn to walk down the hall. Alexis follows me. "Why are you so interested in him?" "Because you've always liked him and you had to watch him change from a sweet young man to what he is now. That must've been hard. And you've never stopped liking him." "I know. I think that he's truly the same. He just had to change to . . ." "To what?" "I don't know," I say, shaking my head. "To get over you?" Alexis suggests. "Let's just drop it." "No. I think that you can use these last three days to prove that he still likes you. I said I'll help." She nods her head like a crazy woman. Her eyes light up and I know she's forming a plan. I reach my car and turn back to Alexis. "Okay, what do I do first?" "Tomorrow wear those black strapped sandals." "That's it?" "Oh. And get here like an hour early." "Is the school even open then?" I ask. "Yeah." "I'll see you tomorrow." "See you tomorrow." She walks away with a huge grin on her face. I shudder from her creepiness. On my way home I think a lot about our conversation. I have three days to find out if Parker still has feelings for me. Does he have feelings for me? I don't know.
7 Feb 2019 | 07:10
@coolval222-2 @jummybabe @itzprince @hormortiyor @frankkay @oneal32 @confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com @myraruby @denciebabe @ryder @senatordaniel @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-nontexdick @fb-etzprince @lonewolf05 @fb-Priscilliacosmas @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel @fb-anthonyjunior @fb-marienkeng @fb-dorkaeedee @bouqui1st @fb-christianmamah @Nancy and others.
7 Feb 2019 | 07:52
nice start.... waiting patiently
7 Feb 2019 | 09:12
nice start...waiting patiently
7 Feb 2019 | 10:06
Nice start
7 Feb 2019 | 12:06
2 days I stomp down the stairs with a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt on. My mom notices the way I'm dressed and how early it is. I ignore her stares and reach for an apple. "Why are you heading out so early?" she asks. "Alexis and I have some last minute things to do before school." "Alright." She goes back to her coffee she was drinking. I open the door but her voice stops me from stepping outside. "And those sandals do not go with that outfit." I laugh. "Thanks for the tip, mom." When I arrive at school I hurry to the front doors. I expect them to be locked but they open on the first try. Right when I step inside I'm greeted by Alexis. "Good. The braids, sandals . . . wait. Is your bra white?" "Yes. I followed every rule." "Then we should be okay." She grabs my hand and leads me to the nearest restroom. "Take off those nasty clothes." "Yes, your highness." I roll my eyes and take my pants off as Alexis throws me a pair of high waisted shorts. "Really?" I ask while putting them on. "These only look good on Taylor Swift." Alexis smiles. "Good thing you have long legs and a small waist. And even if you didn't, you're gorgeous so who cares." "Thanks, Lex." I remove my sweatshirt and she hands me a white top that'll barely go down to my belly button. "Where did you get these clothes? I'd never wear these on my own terms. Never." "Just making you noticeable." Alexis shrugs her shoulders, then begins to take out my hair. "You left these in all night, right?" I nod my head in response and she just smiles back. "Yesterday, you told me to be myself, but now look at what you've done." Alexis rolls her eyes. "And you know we should be focused on our last day of school, not some silly plan to make some guy notice me." "One, you can still be yourself personality-wise. And two, we have school for one more day. One day. Then on Friday, we leave this place for good." She finishes taking out my hair and starts to pull some of the dark waves back in some elaborate way. "And besides, are final exams really that hard?" "Yes, they are. I need all my focus to be on them today, then tomorrow . . ." "We are done!" Alexis finishes for me. "Exactly," I say, "so I don't know why I agreed to this crazy idea." "Because you like Parker." She finishes pulling my hair back and walks over to her bag of stuff. She starts to dig through it. "I do not." I roll my eyes as she throws me a cardigan. "Uh, yeah you do. And that's that sweater you let me borrow, like, three months ago. I know you won't be totally comfortable in this outfit so you can wear that, too." "Gee. Thanks, Lex." "I love you, Quinny." She sticks out her bottom lip. "Do this? For me?" I pull at the waist of the shorts, where they were barely able to tuck in the shirt. "Alexis," I breathe. "Please?" "All right." I pull the cardigan on and look up at my best friend. Her brown eyes are bright "You look beautiful." "Thank you," I say. "But I love you just the way you are. Remember that. This is just to get him to notice you, but you have to always be yourself. Got that?" she asks. "Yeah. I've got it." I give her a small smile and she returns it also instantly.
7 Feb 2019 | 19:18
What a desperate girls
8 Feb 2019 | 05:29
8 Feb 2019 | 06:26
nice one
8 Feb 2019 | 06:50
Him to notice you? Sounds like a silly plan
8 Feb 2019 | 09:01
go on
8 Feb 2019 | 14:41
Haha tryx to impress him i see
8 Feb 2019 | 15:46
2 days The only class I have with Parker happens to be the last class of the day. I've just finished my final exam and I feel as if a weight has been lifted off of me as a rush of relief floods over me. I get up to turn in my test. Parker stands from his seat at the same time. We walk to the box, but he reaches it before me because he sits two rows in front of me. When he turns to go back to his seat, he looks at me and flashes me a small smile. I try to smile back without dying. Like Alexis intended, he noticed me. I just hope he will say something before the end of the day. I walk back to my seat, purposefully avoiding Parker's line of vision. I have to wait for the rest of the class to finish their tests before I can talk to anyone. Or make any noise. With nothing else to do, I stare at the back of Parker's head. His friend, Oliver, sits next to him and is whispering to him. That's against testing rules. Makes me wonder what's so important that they have to talk about it now. Realizing that I am being super weird, I look down at a blank sheet of paper that sits on my desk. I grab my pencil and begin to draw random lines across the paper. Gray swirls cover the once pristine sheet. "What are you drawing?" The girl next to me, Jenny, asks. I shrug my shoulders and she laughs. Well, it's more of a low chuckle. Last time I checked, Jenny didn't have that low of a voice. I turn in my seat to see Parker occupying Jenny's usual chair. "Hey." He waves at me. "Hi," I dumbly reply. I didn't notice that Mr. Smith gave us the go ahead to talk. "What's, um, up?" "Nothing much," he smiles. "Just enjoying the last few minutes of high school I have left." "Are you gonna miss it?" I ask. "No," he scoffs. "Are you?" Choose your words wisely, Quinn. "No. Maybe. I mean . . . I'm going to miss, like, seeing some people everyday. Most people I never want to see again." The words tumble out of my mouth all at once. "Oh, I see." Parker glances at the clock above the door. "Not you," I mumble. "What was that?" he asks, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. I take a deep breath before responding. "You aren't a part of that second group of people." "Oh." He turns to face me completely. "Does that mean I'm in the first group?" "I don't know what group you are in, Parker. I haven't talked to you in years." "Well, we can change that right now, Quinn." He smiles. He rakes a hand through his messy blonde hair. "So. What d'ya say?" "Say to what?" I ask. But all I can think about is the fact that he hasn't forgot my name. "Talking to each other again." I look up at the clock. "We only have three minutes of school left," I whisper. "Three minutes is better than none," he counters. I look down at the sandals that I was told to wear. "What do we talk about?" He puts a finger under my chin and tilts my head up. Bold move, Parker. Alexis would approve. My dull eyes meet his vibrant, blue ones. "I don't know," he answers with a smirk plastered to his face. "But we only have about one and a half minutes now." "Um . . ." "Wanna go to a party with me tomorrow? Like, as an end of the year hoorah." "A p-party?" I ask. I have never gone to a real high school party. This wasn't part of the plan Alexis had conjured up. But what would she say? "Yeah. Henry is throwing one at his place. You don't have to go if you don't want to." "Sure I'll go," I say just as the final bell of high school rings.
8 Feb 2019 | 16:21
you just bought urself a ticket to a party
8 Feb 2019 | 19:56
That's all what you kuku wish for
9 Feb 2019 | 03:09
all is going as plan Qinn
9 Feb 2019 | 04:08
he is still crushing on you Quinn
9 Feb 2019 | 15:46
party things on your mind
9 Feb 2019 | 16:46
1 day "He asked you to go to a party?" Alexis whisper-shouts. "Yeah." "And you said . . ." "Sure." I shrug my shoulders. The offer he made was no big deal. To any other girl, it probably wouldn't be, but to me it is. I act like it isn't. "You've never been to a party. You've never really gone out on a date before. You got asked out by the dude you like. I don't know if this is a bad thing or a good thing," she laughs. "It's a good thing. Duh." I tug on the black cap that fits snugly on my head. "Oh my gosh." Alexis stares past me. "What?" I ask trying to turn around. Alexis hits my shoulder. "What?" I ask again. "He's coming over here," she whispers, her eyes wide. "What're we going to do?" "Why are you worried?" I ask her. Shouldn't I be the one freaking out right now? "Oh yeah, huh? You're the one who likes -" Alexis puts on a very fake smile. "Likes what?" I hear Parker ask from behind me. "Chocolate," she replies. She turns to me. "So make sure it's a white cake, hon. I'm going to go chat with some losers over there. Care to join?" "I'm fine," I say. I watch her walk over to a group of friends and they instantly begin to laugh. "You're baking a cake?" Parker asks. I turn towards him and shake my head. "Then what was that about?" "She's a bit crazy," I explain. "The last time I tried to bake something, I almost burnt my house down." Parker chuckles. "Tonight," he asks, "can I pick you up at seven?" "Seven's good," I say, trying to act nonchalant. "Great." We awkwardly stand their for what feels like an eternity, but is really only a mere second. Parker turns and looks to his group of friends he must've been talking to earlier. Oliver is the only one looking back. He starts to pucker his lips, but Parker turns back around, his face heated. He looks up at me and smiles softly. "Um," Parker begins. "Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" "Other than to graduate? No." I smile at him and try to hide the fact that I'm totally embarrassed by my lame joke. "Do you?" "Just a family dinner. After graduation. Wouldn't want to miss that," he says. His joke is actually funny and it works a laugh out of me. "I might actually skip the ceremony." My tone is serious and for a second, Parker believes me. I break the seriousness with a small grin. "I don't know if I look that good in this thing," I gesture to my gown. "You look great in it," Parker whispers. His cheeks redden and he coughs while looking away. "Thank you," I say. I pull at the cap on my head again. Parker turns back around. "Here's what I know about you," he says. "I know that you can't bake, your best friend is strange, and that you look good in a cap and gown. What else?" "I graduated at the top of our class," I mumble. "I'm an only child, my favorite color is purple, I've never had a cavity, I like to drink tea. There's a lot about me that you don't know." "I already know that you have no siblings and that your favorite color is purple," Parker says. "Really? How?" I ask. "You told me when we were younger. I didn't forget about you, Quinn," he admits. "I didn't forget about you either. You have two younger sisters and your favorite color is blue." I smile sheepishly at the ground. "Why did we ever stop talking?" he asks. "Do you know?" "You cha-" I'm cut off by our school's activities director, Miss. Reynolds. "Okay! Let's get lined up! You don't know the exact order, but you do know that our valedictorian and salutatorian are in the front! Get moving!" Alexis runs up to me. "Perks of having a smart best friend. We get to walk first. Let's go." She grabs me by the arm and drags me to the front of the crowd. We line up in rows of two. This is just the award assembly. A place where they recognize the significant scholars so they won't have to do it on our actual graduation night. Takes too much time. "Are you ready, Lex?" I ask her. "No." "I just hope I won't trip." "You won't," Parker says from behind me. I turn to see him and his friend, Oliver. They're standing right behind us, meaning one of them graduated as second in our class. I turn back around and smile, knowing that the old Parker is still right there, behind me.
9 Feb 2019 | 18:56
okay, its getting more easier for her and interesting
9 Feb 2019 | 19:41
Ride on
10 Feb 2019 | 02:54
Little by little shez almst there
10 Feb 2019 | 08:37
just exactly as she wanted it!!! ride on
10 Feb 2019 | 11:06
1 day At five till seven, there's a knock at the door. My mom beats me to it. She swings it wide open. "Hello," she greets. She is smiling like a mad woman. I cringe at her weirdness and stand up. I walk up behind her. I see that Parker is on the other side of the door. "Hi, Ms. Moore." "You must be here to take Quinn out. She kind of never goes out with friends or people. She's always studying and I always tell her to live a little." "Mom, I'm right here." "Oops. Anyway, she's always been a little awkward. She came home one day from fourth grade wiping at her lips because some guy kissed her. I was laughing and congratulating her and she told me that a guy will just get in the way of the novel she was writing." My mom begins to laugh. Parker smiles a bit. I groan. "I'm still standing right behind you, you know?" Parker looks past my mom, at me. "You were writing a novel?" "She finished it," my mom says. "It was pretty good." "I'm gonna leave now." I push past my mom and out the door. "Bye." "Keep her out past midnight," my mom yells. "That poor child made herself go to sleep at, like, eight every night." I roll my eyes, walking past Parker and to his car. "I'll try," he tells my mom. "It was nice meeting you." My front door slams shut and I let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry about her. She can get a little weird at times." "It's no big deal," Parker says. His face lights up in a smile. "I'm sorry that I almost got in the way of your writing." "It's no big deal," I laugh awkwardly before stepping into his air conditioned car. I didn't realize it was so hot outside until I felt this drastic change. It feels nice. "Have you ever been to a party?" Parker asks while driving down my street. "You heard my mom. I've never done something like this." "Not with Alexis?" he asks. "Nope. We aren't the partying type. We stick to binge watching Netflix. Movies, TV shows, documentaries, whatever." I shrug my shoulders, as if going to parties never even crossed my mind. But it has. "Do you go to a lot of parties?" I ask. "Not as many as people would like to think. I've maybe been to three. Oliver always invites me since him and Henry are cousins." "You only go to Henry's?" "Yeah. His is probably the safest party you'll go to." He sighs and pushes his hair back. "I mean, there's no, like, drugs and he keeps the noise level down." "Okay," I say softly. He parks the car on an empty street. "I'm sorry," he says. His forehead falls onto his steering wheel and he lets out yet another sigh. "What for?" I ask. Maybe I'm being brave, but I'm pretty sure that I'm just not thinking. I place a hand on his arm. "Taking you here. I'd rather have taken you to some place nicer but I promised Oliver." "It's all right. It's not an ideal place to have a nice chat, but I've never been to a party. It'll be . . . fun?" "It won't be fun." Parker lifts his head and looks at me. He smiles a little. "But we can try and make it better." He steps out of his car and makes his way around it to my door. He opens it and stretches out his hand. I grab it so he can help me up. He, surprisingly, doesn't let go. We walk around the street corner and to a house. People are in the yard doing who knows what. We walk up the front steps to the door. "Ready for your first party, Quinn Moore?" "Ready as I'll ever be, Parker Finn." He opens the door and the nasty stench of alcohol overtakes me. Loud but, like Parker said, not too loud music blasts through speakers. He leads me inside and does that weird head nod greeting to a few of his friends. We pass by the kitchen and he offers me a drink. "I don't drink," I say. "I don't either," he laughs. "Want to go somewhere quieter?" I nod my head in response. Still holding my hand, he walks to the stairs and up them. He goes to a door on our left and unlocks it with just his finger. "It's his sister's room. Henry doesn't let people in it to . . . you know?" "I get it," I say while we walk into it. Parker locks it back up and sits on the floor. I follow suit and sit facing him. "Wanna talk?" he asks. "About what?" I ask, while playing with a loose thread on my pants. "Life. How's it going?" "Good. I mean, my mom has always been crazy even before my dad . . . And I've always been studious but it got worse after that so she always brings it up as a joke. That's what she was doing today. I'm sorry about that." "I'm sorry about your father." Parker looks down at the floor. "Thank you, but it's okay. I mean, we'll never get over his passing but I don't know . . ." I look down too, bite my lip, and try not to cry. "I'm sorry I asked to talk," Parker says. "Don't apologize," I laugh. "We've both been apologizing all night." Parker scoots closer to me. He leans towards me. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry," he says. With each word, he leans closer and closer. "Sorry." He leans his head down and captures my lips with his own. At first, it catches me off guard. But then, I return the kiss. I've never really kissed a guy before. I don't even know if I'm doing it right. But I just follow his lead. Our kiss deepens until I'm pressed against some twelve year olds bed frame and Parker's hands are just under the hem of my shirt. I pull away. I never knew that my second kiss would be with the guy who was my first kiss and would turn into some heated make out session. "I'm sorry," he whispers. "I'm not like that," I tell him. "I'm not either," he says, his voice almost questioning. "Oh," is all I manage to get out. He stands up. "Oh?" he repeats. "Well . . . There's these, um, rumors." "That's what they are," Parker spits out. "Rumors. I knew that you would've heard them by now." "They're not true?" I ask. "No. I've had two girlfriends. Kissed one of them, maybe, five times before she broke up with me. She started talking about me like - like that." "I'm sorry." "I should take you home."
11 Feb 2019 | 02:22
11 Feb 2019 | 03:16
11 Feb 2019 | 12:19
11 Feb 2019 | 16:54
11 Feb 2019 | 18:20
12 Feb 2019 | 12:47
Am really sorry for not posting this story for a while........... 8 hours "Bah bum bum bum bah baaaah," Alexis screeches. "We are going to graduate today!" "I know, Lex. And now the whole world knows, too." I roll my eyes. "Well, I'm just excited. Finally leaving this place," she says. We stand in front of our schools front doors. "We better go in. We're gonna be late." "You just wanna see Park-er," Alexis sings. "After that kiss last night, I'd want to see him, too." "Quiet," I scold her as we step inside the school. "And, besides, we kind of had a small argument or whatever you want to call it." "I know, you told me. It wasn't an argument, I promise." We walk towards the gym, hand in hand. Alexis kind of skips and pulls me along. "I hope you're right. I mean, he's kind of the only guy I've liked like this and the only guy I ever kissed and –" "Yeah, I know you're pretty inexperienced. You can stop now." "I just don't want this to be the end," I tell her. "It won't be, Quinny." She gives me a hopeful smile. We step into the gym and I drop her hand. Rehearsal for graduation. I'm graduating. I can't believe it. "Quinn." Alexis grabs my shoulder. "Quinn, you coming?" "Yeah. I'll be there in a second." I wave her off. We still had about ten minutes before rehearsal was supposed to begin. Not begin begin, but when people would need to start following directions. I walk back out into the hallway, outside of the gym. I go near a vending machine and look at the price for a candy bar. I check my pants pockets for any change. I find fifty cents and buy a pack of fruit snacks instead. I start to roam the halls. This'll be my last chance to do this. I try not to walk too far, knowing I'll have to be back soon. I make it to the science wing before falling to the floor. I don't cry, because I won't miss this place. Not really. But I feel empty. This place has been a big part of my life for four years. And now I'm just supposed to leave it. It feels like I've been sitting here for hours, but I know that's not true. I hear footsteps behind me. "They're 'bout to start," Parker says. I turn to look up at him, but I don't have to because he's already starting to sit down. "Hey." "What're you doing over here?" he asks. "I don't know. How'd you find me?" "Alexis said she saw you walk out of the gym." "Want a fruit snack?" I ask, holding the bag out to him. "No thanks. Thank you, though." He runs a hand through his hair. "Quinn . . ." "What?" I ask, fishing out the final chewy piece. I crinkle the bag and look up at Parker. His eyes are darker, not as bright as they usually are. "I'm sorry –" "Stop," I say, shaking my head. "We've only been talking to each other for less than three days and all we can do is apologize." "But, Quinn, I really am sorry. Last night was a mistake. Taking you to that party." "Don't apologize about that of all things," I whisper. "I'm not really apologizing about that. I'm sorry because what we did, that can't happen again. We're going off to college. We won't see each other. I don't want to lead you on." "You aren't leading me on," I tell him. "I know what happens after we graduate, Parker." "It's not just that," Parker says. He takes my hand in his. "I don't want to hurt you." I look down. "We can't be together like that again," he whispers. He lifts my hand to his lips and brushes them against it. I pull it out of his grasp. "We should go," I say before standing up and walking back down the hall.
14 Feb 2019 | 14:57
7 minutes "Your father would be so proud. I'm so proud." My mom wraps both Alexis and I in a hug. "I love you, girls." "I love you, too," we say in unison. "We'll leave soon," my mom says. She kisses the top of my head - which is probably sweaty from my cap - before letting us go. "We'll walk you to your parents, Lex." "Thanks, Quinny." She links her arm with mine. My mom follows us as we search the field for them. "There they are," my mom says. She steps in front of us and walks up to Alexis's parents. They start to chat and laugh and smile. "We are free," Alexis whispers to me. "Yeah," I agree. "And don't worry about you-know-who. He did what he thought was right. Okay?" "Yeah. I won't worry. What's meant to be will be." "I just want you to be all right. As long as you're all right, I'll be okay." "I'm okay, Lex. I promise." "I hope you aren't lying," Alexis says. "Would I ever lie to you?" I ask but before she can answer, Oliver runs up to us. "Hey, Alexis!" he says with a smile. She unhooks her arm from mine and folds it across herself. "What do you want?" she asks, almost harshly. "I wanna show ya something." He keeps looking behind us. "If you're naked under that gown and that's what you want to show me, Oliver, I swear -" "I'm not naked," he says with an eye roll. "Just come on." "All right. Okay, I will." Alexis turns to me. "I'll be right back. Don't you dare do anything stupid while I'm gone, Miss. Smarty Pants." "I won't," I promise. Oliver looks at me, then looks behind us again. He winks and smirks at someone before dashing off and waving at Lex to follow. I don't turn around because I know what's coming. I stare ahead at the three adults, one of which is my mother. They look at me, probably knowing that I am watching them. I wave. "Quinn," he breathes. He doesn't say my name, it just falls out of his mouth. Like that's what it's supposed to do or something. My mom goes back to talking, not paying me any attention. I still don't turn around, though. He said that we couldn't be like that. He seemed like he didn't want to talk to me ever again because he didn't want to hurt me because we probably wouldn't see each other again after tonight. Well, I'm hurting now. Why did Alexis leave me? I don't say anything. I can tell that he's walking slowly around to face me because I can see him out of the corner of my eye. I still don't turn because this, right now, hurts more than anything. Like I told Alexis this morning, he was this guy that I liked and the only guy that I really liked. I'm afraid to admit that I'm heartbroken. When he walks all the way around to stand in front of me, I finally just look at him. I can tell. It's something about his eyes. How they're still dark like before. He's heartbroken too. "Quinn," he says again. "Parker?" "I . . ." He scratches the back of his neck nervously. "Don't say you're sorry," I tell him. I turn around and begin to march towards the exit of the field. I just want to go home. "But that's not what I was going to say." I can hear his feet pounding on the turf, running after me. "I was gonna say that I made a mistake." "Yeah, yeah. I know. Kissing me was a big mistake. Taking me to that party was some big mistake." "Not that. Those weren't mistakes." He's walking behind me, but I'm not going to stop just to chat it up with him. "I made a mistake by saying those were mistakes." I roll my eyes. "Quinn!" he says again. "Stop walking." "No thanks." I say. I make it out of the gate. Away from the field and from the crowds. "Can you just listen to me so I can say that I love you? That's all I wanted to say." He lets out a low sigh. I turn around and notice he's bright red and I don't think it's from chasing me. He's blushing. "You what?" I ask. "I love you," he says again. I take a step towards him. My eyes question him the way that my words can't. "Why do you think I've been avoiding you for years? Because I'm crazy. I should've been spending that time with you. I'm stupid and I make too many mistakes and I'm telling the girl that I love that I love her at the worst possible time." "Stop talking," I demand. "W-why?" he asks. "Because I love you too, you know? And I just want you to kiss me because in three months we'll be at different schools and we won't be able to kiss each other for long periods of time." "You're funny, Quinn." "You're wasting time, Parker." He takes a few steps and finally catches up to me. His blue eyes are bright again. He's wearing the biggest smile and even when he kisses me, I can still feel it on his lips......
14 Feb 2019 | 14:59
awwwwn, beautiful ending
14 Feb 2019 | 15:13
15 Feb 2019 | 09:54
15 Feb 2019 | 11:01
carry on!!!
15 Feb 2019 | 15:49


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