Too Late To Claim

Too Late To Claim

By ChiChi in 3 Apr 2018 | 07:53
ChiChi ChiChi

ChiChi ChiChi

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Posts: 81
Member since: 30 Dec 2017
Episode one

"There is no one without a past and there is no pass without a future people of God" I heard the pastor says as I walked into the church holding Rejoice's hand and took a seat behind for coming late.
"The most important thing is what do you make of your past,how do you react to it? do you allow it to control you or connect you?
Do you allow it to mock you or give you access to victory?
Do you continuously dwell on it or you move on and forgive?" He continued
"Mommy we are late" Rejoice said to me
"Shhhh" I motioned her to keep quiet as I listened carefully to the pastor.
The congregation applauded the pastor for his wonderful sermon as he got through and took his seat.
Altar call followed and later offering,after then, we shared the grace and service was over.
I held Rejoice's hand and we walked to where I parked my car,got in and drove out heading for home.
My mind was thinking about the pastor's message today.
Something he said touched my inner being and I felt pain.
A feeling and a memory that I have been trying to let go of since 10 years ago.
I fell something wet fell out of my eyes and I realized I was crying.
"Mommy,won't you buy me ice cream?" Rejoice asked bringing me back to reality.
"No I won't" I replied as I wiped my tears
"You were the reason I was late for church today"
"Am sorry mommy,I wanted to stay with Daddy"
"Even when you knew he wasn't feeling well"
"I am sorry please"
"Shut up,I am not buying anything" I told her almost shouting.
I heard some sniffing sound and I knew she was crying but I didn't mind as i continued driving.
The gate man opened the gate immediately he heard the horn of the car and I drove in.
I parked and off the engine.
"If you like, don't come out"I said to Rejoice as I opened the door and took my bag.
She opened the other side,came out and ran into the house.
I knew she was going to report me to her daddy as she always does whenever I scolded her.
I followed her in too.
As I opened the door and walked in,I could see some people sitting along with my hubby.
I was surprised
Was hubby expecting some visitors today?
"Here she comes" my husband said and they turned towarded me.
Rejoice was already sitting in the arms of her daddy.
I moved closer and greeted them.
I saw two elderly men,an elderly woman and a young man sitting in a wheel chair.
I greeted them and they responded as I sat down near my husband.
"Honey, these people are here to see you" he said to me.
I was a little bit surprised.
I don't know them so how come they are here to see me.
"Jessica how are you?" The elderly woman asked me.
I was shocked!!
I remember that voice.
Of course I do.
That voice that drove a pregnant girl out into the street at age 17.
Then I looked at her
"Aunt Abigail" I screamed
Hubby and Rejoice looked at me wondering why I shouted.
I looked at the two elderly men.
I recognized one
"Pastor Eric?" I asked more than an exclaim.
Then I looked at the young man on the wheelchair.
My head began to spin.
I stood up in uttermost surprise
3 Apr 2018 | 07:53
and I guess they have come for Rejoice... or u? ride on. good start [hr] Link to Available Episodes Scroll down for Episode 2&3 •Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6-7 Episode 8 Episode 9&10 Episode 11 Episode 12 Episode 13 Episode 14 Episode 15 Episode 16&17 Episode 18&19 Episode 20-22 Episode 23 Episode 24 Episode 25-27 Episode 28 Episode 29 Episode 30-31 Episode 32 Episode 33-34 Episode 35-38 Episode 39 Final Episode
3 Apr 2018 | 08:57
@maths, @ryder, @senatordaniel, @jummybabe, @denciebabe, @itzprince, @fb-ireoluwaemmanuel, @fb-etzprince, @afolabi new story is here call others
3 Apr 2018 | 09:01
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode two Life they say, is full of many twists and turns and you never can tell what will be the outcome of every journey you take except to hope for the best. My name is Jessica Vincent and this is my story. From childhood in the village,life has never favoured me. I lost my dad immediately I came into this world as a result, people referred to me as a bad luck child. I grew up with my mom taking care of me. I had no siblings nor external families neither friends because no family allowed their child or children to befriend a witch like me. School was out of it because we didn't even have enough to eat not to talk of pursuing education. At age five,I was already known as the Pure water hawker in the village though most people are afraid of buying from me because of rumours that I killed my dad nevertheless I didn't mind them as I continued to sell my water. When business got tough,I trekked to the neighboring villages to sell since no one knew me there. Rags were my best clothes. Mother would go to the tailor shop and gather all the pieces together and sew me clothes. My shoes were peeling and opened under yet I still managed. Garri was our dialy food and we never tasted anything like meat or fish till I left there. We had no bed. At night, mother spread her old smelling wrapper on the cold floor and we sleep, that is if we are lucky with mosquitoes. During dawn, our bodies ached with pains as a result of sleeping on the floor yet we don't mind. We washed our mouths with charcoal since toothpaste and toothbrush were for the rich and I go about selling my water. It was really hard for a teenager like me. Seeing other young children smartly dressed in new and expensive clothes. Seeing other families eating and throwing away. Seeing my friends going to school and gisting on what they learned in school. Mine was nothing to write about except sorrows and pains. Most times,I sat behind the house and cried my eyes and heart out. You may think I didn't understand anything because I was a small girl but I did. Mother cried too but she never showed it instead she encouraged me to focus on God and pray always. She assured me that God understands everything and it was just a matter of time. She told me never to leave God's hands and never to stop trusting him "He knows the Best Jessy and he will make everything beautiful in his time." She would often say to me. But when is that time ever going to come?? TBC
3 Apr 2018 | 09:03
seated thanhs for the iv @myraruby
3 Apr 2018 | 09:14
@myraruby come and sit with me I came with apple
3 Apr 2018 | 09:16
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode three Mother never stopped praying everyday. We had a old torn Bible which we found in the dustbin. Few chapters and verses were missing but we still used it to pray and study everyday. Mother taught me how to say the psalm 23 and the Lord's prayer too and I recited them before going to sell and during selling too. Mother didn't go to school but how she knew how to read remained a mystery to me. Did I mention we picked things from the dumpsite? Oh yes we did! We went to find things others have thrown away even down to food and we make used of them. Imagine, people waste product! Sometimes we go to the neighbors to beg whenever we were hungry and had no food. And if we were lucky,they gave us the leftovers of one week ago that have gone sour. Once I attempted stealing but I was caught. Mother flogged the living hell out of me when she got to know about it. She was so angry and warned me never to repeat it again. She told me that God is our source of provisions and he will never forsake us. Whenever food was little,. Mother would give me to eat and go to bed on empty stomach. Sometimes, when i woke up to pee in the middle of the night,I saw mother awake sitting by the corner weeping in sorrows. I saw everything. I understood everything. I felt everything even though I was little. I knew we were suffering beyond words but mother still continued to smile and pray. I really admired her courage. At times,I wonder if God is truly seeing our predicaments. I wonder when he will turn things around. I wonder why he allowed those who served him diligently to suffer like this. I doubt if he will ever heard our sorrowful hearts cried out. In all these, mother never gave up. Every Sunday,we wore the same clothes and go to church. We weren't allowed in because of the way we dressed and smelled so we stand outside and listened. We were mistaken for mad people due to the rags we were that were so precious to us. We had no offering to give but we gave our hearts to God. Once a church member had blessed us with a little amount of money. We were so happy but mother took all of it to church and donated to the project of building another church. I was so angry. For Christ's sake, we had absolutely nothing. Why will mother ever do that? She smiled and hugged me saying "Nothing is impossible with God and he make everything beautiful in his own time." Oh Mother!!! TBC
3 Apr 2018 | 09:41
Seated even not invited
3 Apr 2018 | 10:35
Ride on
3 Apr 2018 | 10:36
Thanks for the iv @myraruby
3 Apr 2018 | 11:32
3 Apr 2018 | 11:49
thanks for the IV @myraruby
3 Apr 2018 | 13:03
o boi which kind sufferness be this
3 Apr 2018 | 13:07
what a life, keep on hoping
3 Apr 2018 | 16:48
3 Apr 2018 | 17:30
go on
3 Apr 2018 | 17:34
just joining
3 Apr 2018 | 18:00
Dats d heart of a cheerful giver dat will never lack,,,, ride on @chichi dis is gonna be interesting,, I trust you @myraruby: tnx for d invite dear,, am sitted
3 Apr 2018 | 18:07
enjoying the ride
3 Apr 2018 | 18:26
ride on
3 Apr 2018 | 18:43
hmmm speechless
3 Apr 2018 | 19:26
already seated
4 Apr 2018 | 04:42
So Pity Tori
4 Apr 2018 | 06:19
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode four Year to Year, the suffering continued. We had no option than to hope on God and pray for better things. We were able to save a little so mother suggested we change our water business to something else. So I began selling fufu. Every day,I carried fufu to the markets in neighboring towns and villages to sell. I make sure that I sold everything even if it meant going home late. Sometimes, whenever I reached home late,I met mother sitting outside looking worry,crying and praying that nothing should happened to me. I have told her countless times that I can take care of myself but she refused to buy that idea because she believed that I am still a little girl. It was really stressful,but I had no option. Oneday,when I was 15 years, luckily for me, I sold all my fufu earlier than the usual time, so I hurriedly went home to carry more to sell. On getting home,I met Mother lying on a wrapper,on the floor, outside the house shivering while holding our torn bible. Immediately,I dropped the empty tray on the ground and rushed to her. She was trembling, unable to speak as tears rolled down her eyes. I guess she was praying as only her lips could be seen moving but words couldn't be heard. I felt her temperature and is was like a hot oven. "Mother what's wrong with you, answer me" I called to her but she didn't answer. With the strength of Lion,I ran to the village local herbalist, asking him to follow me to help my mom. At first,he refused, reminding us how poor we are and won't be able to pay for medication,but after much pleading and crying from me,he followed me home. On reaching home,we met Mother still lying outside but she had stopped shivering. The Herbalist moved over to her,bent a little and placed his hand on her head for some minutes,after he held her hand and carried it up. I stood looking at him though I didn't understand what he was doing. I was crying and praying in my heart that nothing should happen to her. I had stopped believing in God but I prayed to him that day. If he could grant my one wish and heal my mother,I will be the most happiest person. The herbalist repeated the same act for three times. I was getting angry. I didn't call him here to do exercise with her. Couldn't he see she needed drugs not exercise, however I just watched him. After the third time,he stood erect and shook his head and looked at me. "Do something now" I said to him crying "Is late" he replied me I didn't understand him Late for what? "Please if it is about the money, I will pay" I told him "Am sorry,she is dead". He said and walked away. I didn't think I heard him right. I moved over to mother and began to shake her but she didn't move. "Mother, Mother" I called her yet she didn't replied I refused to believe it. "Mother please wake up" I cried as the tears poured out Not now. Mother can't go. Leaving me with who? With what? How will I survive? I shouted and cried and plead till I lost my voice and my eyes were swollen and blurred. Oh Dead,I hate you!!! TBC
4 Apr 2018 | 07:02
thank @myraruby 4 d i.v. With tear in my eyes and pain in my heart I wait in anticipation 4 d next episode.
4 Apr 2018 | 09:09
4 Apr 2018 | 09:18
nice story
4 Apr 2018 | 12:48
move on
4 Apr 2018 | 13:13
We all hates death as well.
4 Apr 2018 | 13:36
ride on
4 Apr 2018 | 13:54
Life is not easy
4 Apr 2018 | 16:32
Hmmmm,,,, death is no respecter of anybody,,,, no one likes death,,, even someone dat is sick to d points of death will not want to die,,,, Pele, sorry for Ur loss,, u Hav to take heart,,, God knows and understands it all
4 Apr 2018 | 18:58
Chii God why, so saddddd
4 Apr 2018 | 19:06
Hmmm God is watching, seated
4 Apr 2018 | 19:07
4 Apr 2018 | 19:30
datz death....a wicked reaper of souls
5 Apr 2018 | 02:57
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode five Mother was buried at the back of our house with me and a village drunkard who heard what has befallen us and came to help me dug her grave to bury her. The others never mind to sympathize with me, not that, they liked us anyway. Every day and night,I wept my eyes out. I have lost my voice but I continued to cry. For three days, I didn't taste anything called food or water I became a shadow of myself and it was like I was preparing myself for death. Imagine,we were suffering when mother was alive, so what about now that she is dead leaving me alone? I cursed God in my heart. Mother had claimed that he cares and understands so why wasn't he compassionate enough to just grant my desire and save my mother? She told me that he sees everything, hears our cries and understands our pains,so where was him when she was dying? Where was he when I cried for just a favour? Where was him when death snatched her away right before my eyes and I couldn't do anything? Probably,he had travelled or he was very busy. Yes,so busy that he didn't want to be disturbed with our complains. She once told me that he is going to make everything beautiful in his own time but when is that time going to come? Is it now that she is dead? Is it now that I have completely become a orphan,a poor one for that matter. He refused to give us money,food, happiness,peace and other good things that other humans had. what kind of God is he? What did we do to him that is so difficult to forgive and forget? What happen to his hands that he has refused to reach out to us in times of our greatest needs? Seems like,he derives joy in seeing his subjects suffering in abject poverty. Of course,the cries of the poor were like music to his ears. I will never worship him again. Infact I am done with church for life that's if I will make it out of this world alive. What am I going to do? Who on Earth will I turn to? Already, people saw me as a witch so who's gonna be so merciful towards a witch that kill her parents? And I think they were absolutely right. I have heard stories of children that brought good luck, wealth and happiness to their parents at birth but as for me,I brought death and sorrows. How can my daddy died at my birth if I am not a witch? And now,my only hope that gave me the strength to cope with this unbearable and heart forsaken life gone. "Oh! Death where are you" I lamented in sorrows. Just complete the entire process and kill me too. What am I still living for? What is life for? Is it just to be counted among the living? I wished to die and just end all this once and for all. A girl of fifteen is suffering like this. Do I still have hope for the future? Do I even have a future at all? I cried uncontrollable till I had no tears to pour any longer.. ********* That night,I had a dream where mother appeared to me and told me never to allow pressures of life change my faith in God. She apologized for leaving me so early but assured me that she is in a better place where there is no pains nor sorrows. I told her to take me with her and she promised that I will come stay with her one day when I am ripe in old age and have lived a fulfill life. She told me that God is alive and he is still planning the best for us and I should never gave up. I should never stopped praying and believing that everything will be alright very soon. She warned me about the dangers of sin and told me never to allow it into my heart no matter where I find myself. Infact,this was the time I need to pray more clinging unto God as the lifter of my head,the author and finisher of my faith. I listened as she went on explaining and quoting scriptures to me emphasizing on the everlasting love and fulfilling promises of God. She told me to continue with the fufu business so I can survived. She showed me a box where she had been able to save a little money from our business and told me to spend it wisely. Lastly she promised never to leave me nor allowed anything to hurt me and assured that God and her will be with me till the end then she disappeared and I woke up sweating. TBC
5 Apr 2018 | 05:25
#getting more interesting ?
5 Apr 2018 | 12:27
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode six The next day I woke up feeling alright. I searched and found the money mother had saved. It wasn't much but will be able to substain me for the next few weeks or so. I gathered the remaining fufu in the tray and headed to the market. I was determined to make a change in my life no matter the condition. It hurt to the bone that my only companion was gone forever but life goes on. Just like she had told me,I will never gave up nor allow circumstances to pull me down and shatter my hopes. I believed that the best is yet to come and I must make sure I live my dream life in reality. As I walked to the market,I sang to myself. More tears poured but I didn't bother to wipe them. It hurted,but I believed with time I will be perfectly fine. I was lost in thought that I didn't hear the horn of a car approaching me,i ran into it and was knocked down,surpisely, nothing happened to me. A lady got down from the car and walked towarded me. I took the time to look at her while I was still on the ground. I could tell that she is a lady of class from her appearance. Her dress and shoes were that of the rich. Her face appeared so smooth and milky. Her body glitters like gold and she shone brightly like the sun. She didn't look like someone that stays in the village. As she approached me,the scent of her perfume filled my nostril and I inhaled it deeply. "What is wrong with you?" she asked me in an angered tone. "What were you thinking about that you didn't hear me honked?" "I am sorry ma" I said with tears in my eyes and a shaken voice. "Gosh!! Do you want to put me in trouble,why will your parents even allowed you to hawk, don't they know that they are endangering your life?" "I am sorry ma" i said again. She calmed down and helped me to stand up "I hope you are not hurt" she asked in a caring tone. I looked at myself,I wasn't hurt but my entire goods were damaged. Some had rolled into the gutter and others were covered with red sand. I started crying. What a bad day for me. She looked at the goods,shocked her head and headed to her car, opened the door, brought her bag out, removed some money and walked back to me. "Here,have it" she said stretching the money to me. I looked at the money. I could tell it was much, even more than the amount of fufu I had in the tray. I was about collecting it when I remembered mother had warned me never to allow someone pay for anything damaged especially if it wasn't intentional. "I am sorry,I can't accept it ma"I said to her. She looked at me in shock and asked "Why won't you,look, your goods are destroyed, won't will you tell your parents and you know that they will be so mad at you?" "It wasn't your fault ma" I replied her" I wasn't paying attention while walking, please don't worry.i will tell my mother the truth" With that I picked up my tray, dusted myself with the back of my hands and walked away leaving her with her money. I cried as I walked along. Those goods would have carried me through for the next few days but now they were destroyed. How will I manage for now? Why is life so unfair towards me? TBC
5 Apr 2018 | 14:01
u need to pray without season
5 Apr 2018 | 15:26
don't allow ur problem to weight u down
5 Apr 2018 | 15:27
tough life bt trust in God
5 Apr 2018 | 16:16
wait on d Lord,,, be of good courage and Jesus shall strengthen you
5 Apr 2018 | 16:29
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode seven The lady stood in shock starring at the little girl as she walked away. That was so rude of her to walk out on her even when she wasn't done talking to her but somehow she wasn't feeling annoyed. What she felt was pity due to what she saw in her eyes. She had heard and came across a lot of young teenagers that were hawking instead of going to school both in villages and cities. Throughout her work with the government,she had been able to interrogate them and their parents as well whenever she and her colleagues went out to examine the welfares of children and the one major issue has to do with finances. Parents complained of not having enough to carter for the needs of their offsprings,as a result, hawking goods was the only alternative left to survive. That is her job and that was the reason she had come to the village. The government send she and other workers to come examine and interview villagers and undertake some projects that will help improve their standard of living. They were done and will be leaving tomorrow so she decided to drive around the village to fill her eyes when that little girl ran into her car and was knocked down. Thank God nothing happened to her because it would have been a different story by now. She must admit,she was so angry when she got out of the car but as she approached the girl,her heart got soften by what she saw. She had saw tears and pains in her eyes when she helped to lift her up. When the girl spoke to her,she heard and felt sorrows in her voice. She couldn't let go of her Something was definitely wrong. Could it be because her goods got damaged or does she stay with step parents? Alot of stories had been told about children who were maltreated by step parents and relatives. Could it be what that little girl was going through? And she is so smart for her little age which she guessed could be around twelve to fifteen. What a brilliant girl! She had refused to collect money and even blamed herself for the damages. Something most children and adults would never do. Her mind was troubled. There is something she needs to find out about that little girl and the only way is to follow her. She got into her car, ignited the engine and zoomed off, forgetting about her plans for that day. That little girl was all that matters. ********* I got home and threw the tray away as I sat on the rock outside my house and began to shed tears. When will all these troubles end? Have I not bore enough already? Doesn't God knows that I am too young for all these challenges? All my goods are destroyed. Where will I get the money to manage for the next few days? I cried out loudly. What kind of life is this for a orphan like me? I wished mother was here to console me. I stopped crying when I heard the sound of a car stopped in front of me. I looked up wondering who could it be. The door opened,a woman got out and walked and approached me. I recognized the face and stood up in shock. Was this not the same lady that knocked me down with her car? Who showed her this place and what is she doing here? TBC
5 Apr 2018 | 19:10
humm what a fulfill life
5 Apr 2018 | 21:28
it time to get save 4rm ur strugling
6 Apr 2018 | 03:55
hnmm I gaze ur lyf z abt to change
6 Apr 2018 | 04:02
Don't be weigh down by my problem...Your story will change for good someday
6 Apr 2018 | 04:23
God still Hav you in His mind and His diary of dos He wants to Hav mercy on,,,, so hold unto Him
6 Apr 2018 | 04:43
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode eight I stood starring at her as she walked closer to me. "Hey" she spoke looking at me" I am so sorry for knocking you down" "Is ok ma" I replied her "it wasn't your fault but mine,I would have put you into trouble" "I know but I am also wrong" she told me "No you are not.As you can see nothing happened to me. I am perfectly fine and for the goods,I have no problem with that but please what are you doing here and who showed you this place?" I asked her "Oh!!I followed you home.i am a mother with feelings,I couldn't leave you like that despite you refusing to accept money from me. I need to check if you are ok" she said. At the mentioned of "Mother" I began to cry. She looked at me wondering why I was crying. "What is wrong dear?" she asked me "Nothing ma, please I do appreciate your kindness" I told her "Is ok dear" she said "but please where are your parents?" She asked me "I need to explain to them so that they won't be upset with you and maybe paid for the damages." I cried louder again. Why was this woman reopening my wound that is still in the process of healing? "Why are you crying dear?" She asked "Nothing" I replied her "please ma,you need to go,you have already shown enough care already,I appreciate" "But I want to see your parents" "I said Go" I shouted in anger She froze at the spot looking at me. I looked at her and felt remorseful. I regretted shouting at her. "Please ma,I am sorry for shouting" I said calmly "you just need to go,my parents won't like to see you here" "But why?"she asked "We don't entertain stranger" I replied She sighed and shook her head. "Alright then,if you say so" she answered and turn to leave. I looked at her as she got to her car,turned to look at me for the last time before entering into her car and driving off. I fell to the floor and wept uncontrollably. Was mother not seeing what I was going through? Was God not seeing it too? Why are they watching and doing nothing? Mother had encouraged me to bear it with faith,but how long do I bear for? When is light going to shine on my dark life? If God knew he wasn't going to take care of me,why did he bring me to earth? "Mother, please come and help me" I lamented in sorrows. My stomach groaned in pains. Since yesterday I haven't tasted any food. "Mother where are you?" I cried again. ****** She stopped and parked at a corner off the road. Her mind couldn't believed what just happened back there moment ago. That little brat shouting at her just because she requested to see her parents and apologize. What insolence! What audacity! What impudence! Imagine the effrontery! Is that how these villagers behaved? No manners not respect for elderly ones. That little girl is not even closer to the last of her children and non of her children had ever shouted at her before. What a rude girl! But why did she refused to allow her see her parents? Could she be right about her staying with step parents or relatives? But that should be the more reason why she should have allowed her to see them so they won't think she is lying about what happened to her. Back then,she cried after what she said. Though she didn't see anything wrong but she couldn't understand why she was crying just as she had cried earlier on when she was knocked down. She believed something was definitely wrong And the only way to find out is to make enquires. She doesn't understand why she was doing all this but something about that little girl triggered her inner being. TBC
6 Apr 2018 | 06:53
Oh that was a sweet dream, God I'll surely bless all ur hard work
6 Apr 2018 | 07:58
She has come to rescue you
6 Apr 2018 | 08:23
God sent u someone to help u bt u send d person away and nw u are calling on God do u think God wil come down to help u.
6 Apr 2018 | 12:45
6 Apr 2018 | 13:02
Hmm I believe God is going to answer ur players through this woman
6 Apr 2018 | 13:08
she is going to help you bt wait.... is she aunt Abigail?
6 Apr 2018 | 13:59
I think she Will help u
6 Apr 2018 | 14:33
u are sayin God is not helping u,, but He sent someone to helpvu now, and u sent her away
6 Apr 2018 | 16:56
So sad here...dis lyf iz vanity
6 Apr 2018 | 18:15
Still observing...
6 Apr 2018 | 18:20
Hmm why did u send her away when she come to help?? did u want God to come down from heaven, b4 u I'll believe him?
6 Apr 2018 | 19:09
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode nine After hours of sleepless night combined with tears,I came out the next morning only to behold the same woman standing outside, leaning on her car. What exactly does she wants from me? I coughed to make my presence known which made her turned to look at me and smiled. "Good morning ma" I greeted her "Morning Jessy" she smiled I was astonished and I looked at her with wide opened eyes. Nobody has ever called me "Jessy" not even the villagers except my mother whose soul will continue to rest in peace. "Are you surprised?" She asked me still smiling "Please ma,how did you know my name and what do you want from me again?" I asked her "Jessy" she called "I made some research and was told alot of you and I must say is so unfortunate for a teenage like you to be going through a lot of challenges at such tender age" I was still looking at her. She is yet to answer my question but I kept quiet and listened as she spoke on. "I must admit that I was very mad when you shouted at me yesterday" she continued "because none of my children will ever do that,but after I got to know what happened to you,I couldn't help but cried too.I know nobody will understand what you are going through except yourself.And at such a young age,you ought to be in school as a young smart girl and also have a parental comfort but none of these are available,I am so sorry for the death of your father and recent lost of your mother dear" I felt the wound of my heart reopened and I began to cry again, letting the tears flowed like a river. She drew near me and hugged me tightly as she said some comforting words to help calm me down. This was a woman I didn't know from Adam. A woman that I had almost put in trouble at the market yesterday. A woman who offered to pay for my goods but I refused her money. A woman that I shouted at and pursued her to go when she came to check on me yesterday. A woman with a motherly heart and love. A woman with a caring spirit and comforting soul. Despite yesterday's event,she still came here this early morning to show concern again. I cried as I hugged her too holding her tightly to myself as if I want to enter through her, letting my unstoppable tears wet her clothes. The sweet scented of her strawberry perfume filled my nostril. As I held unto her,I began to feel the presence of my mother. This was exactly the way mother hold me whenever I am crying and needs to be comforted. After what seemed like hours,I gently released her from my embrace. I saw her used a tissue paper to wipe her eyes which means she must have been crying too. I don't know her but I felt comfortable with her instantly and I also fell in love with her. She smiled at me revealing her 32 set of sparking white and lovely teeth. "I am sorry ma" I broke the silence. "Is ok my dear,is ok" she responded and held my hands looking straightly into my eyes that I felt shy for a moment. "Jessy, I may not know nor understand your entire story, I may not totally understand how you feel sweetheart or what you are going through but when I knocked you down yesterday and helped you to stand up,I saw and felt something in your eyes and even right now that I am looking deeply into your eyes,i still see and feel the same thing." I looked at her wondering what she is talking about. Could she be a soothsayer or what? "Please what do you see ma" I asked out of curiosity. "what I see,is a bright child with a bright future Jessy" she replied I smiled a little as she continued. "What I see is a fighter. A girl that won't allow circumstances of life to pull her down. A girl who cries in the night and smiles in the day as if everything is perfectly fine. A girl with an ambition to become someone better and live a fulfill life. A girl who is really to keep her head high above the ocean of life,no matter what. A smart,hardworking, beautiful and intelligent princess. A bundle of divine blessings to her generations. A girl with a difference. A girl full of potentials and valid dreams. A girl who will soar high above eagle's limit and the sky cannot stop." then she paused and took a deep breath. I sob quietly as i listened to her say all those words. For the first time since Mother's death, I felt relief and it was as if a heavy burden has been lifted off my shoulders. My soul was lifted with joy and I smiled. A genuine smile that was deep from my heart. A smile that hasn't been on my face for a very long time. She looked at me and smiled too. "Jessy" she called "Yes ma" I replied quietly "I don't know how you will feel or what you will say but I am not going to leave you alone in this village" "What do you mean ma,I don't understand" "You are coming with me to the city" "Ma" "Yes Jessy,is time to start a new life" TBC
7 Apr 2018 | 09:03
7 Apr 2018 | 12:15
7 Apr 2018 | 12:16
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode ten Just like a flash,I found myself sitting near aunty Abigail as we were heading for the city. I really didn't favoured the idea since I don't know her but it was like she wasn't willing to take a "no" as an answer. Well, after much persuasion,I accepted and followed her. I didn't have anything to pack so I just followed her like that taking only the few notes of money left. A part of me didn't seem to like the idea but I brushed it aside and I gave her my trust wholeheartedly. She doesn't look like a bad person, though is not written on the forehead but I believed she has my best interests at heart. This was my first time of leaving my village for somewhere else. I might not know what is in for me but I gave my entire journey and new beginning to God. Mother has already assured me that she and God will never leave me and I trust them. The journey was quite a smooth one. Filling my eyes with alot of beautiful sites as we drove along, amazed and impressed at the wonderful acts of our creator. I got to know alot of Aunty Abigail, ranging from her name,work to families and others that I was interested in knowing. Being an inquisitive person,I asked alot of questions,that you may never think could come from a little girl like me,and as patient as she was,she gave me sensitive replies to everything asked. She told me about her governmental work which was the reason of her visit to my village and also about her family. She is a divorcee. Her husband and her got separated after her last child was born and relocated to the states. She has four children,which were all grown up and are doing pretty well. The elderly two,a boy and a girl named Charles and Shirley are married and stayed in Germany. The third one,a girl too named Susanna,is presently spending the vacation with her daddy in America. The last one,which she called Chris was doing his NYSC and will be back in a year,so she stayed alone with just the gate man. I asked about house helps and she told me it wasn't necessary because she is not the lazy type. I wanted to know the reason behind her divorce but decided to just forget it. I mustn't know everything within a day,after all,that was going to be my new home and i still have alot of time to find out. I felt so comfortable around her and I never stop laughing throughout the journey especially when she cracked a joke about village lifestyle. At a point,she stopped and parked the car,I thought we have reached,but she told me to wait for her for few seconds,she was going to get something. To admit,I felt a little frightened nevertheless I patiently waited as she opened the door and left. She went to the eatery to get some food which I later got to learn about. I somehow felt that mother was watching wherever she was and I prayed that the decision I have taken is the best. Few minutes,Aunty Abigail came back, opened and entered. She opened the bag and gave me a package of fried rice and a big chicken like a baby head plus a bottle of cold orange juice. "Eat up dear,I know you must be hungry" she told me. I was staring at the food like a ghost, refusing to believe that all these were for me and me only. Like seriously,am I the one that is going to eat a spicy fried rice and chicken laps? She looked at me and laughed. I guess she understood what was going through my mind. "My dear, everything is for you ok,eat whatever way you want to eat and enjoy your meal" I looked up and began to cry. I never dream of a day like this,a day where I will finally get to taste the same food only rich people eat in my village. A day when I will feast on a fat,big chicken laps like this. I wished mother was here to join me. She deserved to have a taste of this blessing too. "No,no Jessy" Aunty Abigail said to me "we agreed no more tears from today onward,so why do you want to break the rules,I will be so mad at you now" "I am sorry ma" I apologized "just that is so hard to believe,it looks like a dream to me" "I know dear" she said wiping my tears with a tissue. "I perfectly understand but is not a dream ok,Jessy is time to move on.You are going to start over and I will make sure that I do my best for you" "Thank you so much ma,I am really grateful" "Is ok,now hurry and eat your food before it gets cold, eat whatever way you want but take your time so you don't get choke on it also we are stopping at the boutique to get you some nice outfits" she said I didn't understand what a boutique was but that wasn't my concern right now. The only thing on my mind was which way to tackle this chicken from. I thanked her once again and turned to the food. I smiled and grab the chicken first. Today is Today God help you if I spare you. I took a big bite like my life depended on it,which made aunty Abigail to chuckle. I know that chicken will never come as a chicken in its next life TBC
7 Apr 2018 | 12:29
ride on
7 Apr 2018 | 13:10
nothing is impossible for God to do
7 Apr 2018 | 13:11
Your Messiah has come to yr rescue in the person of Aunty Abigail
7 Apr 2018 | 14:37
am beginning to think that that Chris made u pregnant and the woman threw you out.... story for another day. thank God for sending a helper now
7 Apr 2018 | 16:00
his banner over us is Love,,, God just show how much He cares and dat He won't spare u to suffer
7 Apr 2018 | 18:51
They is nothing God can't do
7 Apr 2018 | 20:02
You totally deal with the chicken
8 Apr 2018 | 04:23
A chicken lap as big as baby head. Hmm anyway thank God 4 d new begining.
8 Apr 2018 | 12:07
Ur life will take a new turn now
8 Apr 2018 | 15:12
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode eleven We stopped at the boutique to get some attires for myself. That was when I got to understand what a boutique means. The clothes were so beautiful and designers made, quite expensive I guessed and I love them so much. I thanked aunty Abigail for her nice gesture and we continued our journey. It was quite a long journey from the village to our destination. There was nothing left to discuss so I quietly laid my head on the seat of the car and slowly slept off. I don't know if it was a traced or dream but I found myself at the bank of a river crying and pleading to cross over to meet mother who was standing on the other side. I couldn't swim so I stood crying for help and shouting at her to come over but she only told me to be careful "Jessy,be careful".she shouted again. I didn't understand but when I tried to put my legs into the river,I felt a hand pulling me backward. I gasped and jumped up in fright only to see aunty Abigail starring me,that was when I realized that it was all a dream. "What's wrong,i have been calling you for few seconds now and why are you panicking?" aunty Abigail asked "Sorry I slept off" I replied yawning Are you alright?" she asked me "Yes ma" I replied She sighed and then said "I can see you are tired" "Please how long before we get there ma?" I enquired "We are already home dear,you must have really overslept not to notice that the car is not moving"" she responded I gasped. Silly me! I turned my head and noticed that we were already inside the compound. "Come down and get your things" aunty Abigail commanded. I opened the door and got out of the car. For few seconds,I became speechless and astonished as I stood by the door of the car gazing at the gigantic mansion. I couldn't described what I saw. It was far from beautiful and I could bet that nobody has ever build this kind of mansion in my village. The building was almost touching the sky. I was so engrossed in admiration that I didn't know when I gasped . Aunty Abigail understood and she said smiled a little. Opening the booth,she brought out my bags and hand them over to me. "Welcome to my small home" she said Small? Did she just say small. Jesus Christ! I bet from what I am seeing,this building is bigger than my entire village. Wow!! What a mansion!! This is indeed a paradise. I bet happiness is secured living in this kind of house. One needs not to worry about anything. I remembered the condition of my former house. A house that you will have to bend down to gain access into. I laughed when I remembered how my head used to hit the roof whenever I am going in especially in a hurry to get something and I forgot to bend down. Mother told me that it was because of the roof,my father had died. She was in her third trimester when he decided to go the bush to find palm branches in order to fix a new one when a snake bit him and he died. His death news had come as a shock and she moved into labour that minutes after which I came out. So that was how I became a bad luck child killing my own father at my birth. My mood instantly changed and I felt liquid trying to come out of my eyes. I quickly wiped them away before Aunty Abigail noticed it. I have already promised her not to cry. I prayed to have one someday even bigger. And maybe if I have enough money,I will give my mother a befitting burial. "Hey let's go in, this is now your home,you have enough time to look around" I smiled as I picked up my bags and followed her. She opened her bag, brought out a key and inserted it in the small hole as she turned it. The door creaked,she held the knob and further turned it revealing a open entrance. She entered the house signaling me to follow her in which I did making sure my the sound of my feet is not heard. "Welcome to paradise" I spoke to myself and smiled. TBC
9 Apr 2018 | 07:43
u need to be careful
9 Apr 2018 | 13:26
remember your mother's words in the dream, life in that house is not going to be all rosy
9 Apr 2018 | 14:17
Hmmmm,,,, I don't know wat d dreams mean but I will surely say be careful too as Ur mother said
9 Apr 2018 | 14:33
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode twelve We got in, aunty Abigail sat on the sofa breathing in relief. I guessed she was very tired from the hours of driving. She told me to sit and drop my bags. Immediately her phone rang,she answered and began talking to whosoever it was. I decided to use that opportunity to take a look around. I dropped my bags on the well tiled floor but refused to sit. I remained standing as I continued looking and to be sincere,that was the most beautiful site I have ever seen. The place was very cold and smelled real nice. I felt a little bit cold like I was when in the car but I managed to bear it. I can't come and disgrace myself even though I am a villager. I later learnt that it was the air conditioner that is responsible for the cold temperature of the house. I looked around, moving slowly from one place to another admiring everything I saw. Everything was well arranged and decorated like a wedding venue. All were so beautiful and well designed to suit their various made. I didn't know the names of everything but I could see a table made of glass placed in the center of the house. I saw four blues chairs around the table which I learnt are called sofa. At the other end,were the same table and chairs and I learnt that was referred to as the dinning. I saw a big television hanging on the wall or should I say was built inside the wall? I was surprised. I have seen a television before but not as big as this one neither was it built in the wall. I smiled at the white man wonders. Who says White man is not God? Just look at this. My eyes caught a photo hanging on the wall. I moved closer to get a better view. I saw a woman sitting in the middle with four other people surrendering her. Two girls and two boys. I recognized the lady as aunty Abigail and from the resemblance of their faces,I could tell they were the children she had told me about. They were really beautiful and handsome especially the girls. And they all looked fair like her. "Wow" i exclaimed Who will ever believe that I will set my foot into a beautiful mansion like this? I noticed aunty Abigail was through with her call so I quickly sat but I jumped up in shocked. The chair was too soft like it was about to go under. Aunty Abigail laughed at me making me to feel ashamed. "Don't worry dear, you will get use to it with time" she said standing up and picking my bags up. "Come let me take you to your room so you can freshen up,I need to go buy some food stuffs at the market" I nodded and followed her. But when I saw that she was climbing endless stairs that looked like a long snake,I stopped half way and watched as she climbed. It was like she didn't hear my footsteps after her so she turned to check only to see me standing down looking at her with fears written over my face. She chuckled a little, telling me to climb that it doesn't bite but i was so afraid. She sighed and asked me to wait for her as she continued climbing and disappeared through the other way with my bags. Few seconds later,she came back without my bags and climbed down to where I was standing. "You have to learn how to make use of this Jessy" she told me "Your room is upstairs and you will use these stairs to go to it." I nodded though I was afraid. She held my hand and commanded me to follow her and be observant of her feet. Slowly,we climbed as I watched her feet and followed her while she held my hand. Though I afraid, i was careful not to fall. The stairs were quite long but we reached at the end which I sighed in relief. What a stressful work. She looked at me and smiled again, letting go of my hand and told me to follow her as we walked. I counted four rooms before we reached to the fifth one. She opened the door and we entered. Another beautiful sight to behold. There was a big bed in the right corner of the room,big enough to occupy five people. A table at the other end filled with books and other things. A big standing mirror placed at the middle of the room. A lightbulb located in the ceiling which enabled the room to shine brightly. A small room right near the bed which I learnt was called a wardrobe for keeping clothes and the other one at the other side leading to what I don't know. A small window at the upper left side of the room. Above all, the room was beautiful, tidy,cold and smelled nicely. "Hope you like it?" aunty Abigail asked "Yes ma" I smiled "This used to be my third daughter room but she travelled to America to be with her daddy,so you will be staying in this room" I gasped! Me alone in this room! Unbelievable! "But ma, what if she comes back?" I asked "Well,I doubt because I believe she will be married by then but if she does, there are other rooms available" she replied "Ok thanks so much ma" I appreciated her "You're welcome Jessy, I want you to feel free and comfortable,ask me whatever you want and I will do my best ok,I know I can't replace your mother but I want you to see me as her, never you hide anything from me,no matter what. always be a good girl and we will run along very fine" "I promise ma" I said to her "Good and what is our agreement again?"she asked me "No more crying" I replied smiling. "That's my girl, come let me show you how to on the shower" she said leading as I followed her to the other room I saw either on. The tears dropped from my tears. She had said no crying but these weren't tears of sorrows. They were tears of joy. Mother was truly right. "God makes everything beautiful in his time" TBC
9 Apr 2018 | 15:27
Wow tank God for u life now
9 Apr 2018 | 17:14
God makes everything beautiful in it time
9 Apr 2018 | 17:48
I am happy for you
9 Apr 2018 | 19:08
hmmmmmm life z not bed of roses Jessy.. ur suffering begins again. Chris raped u when u re 17yrs ND Aunty Abigail drive u out of her house..hmmmm. Chris d father of ur dauther rejoice Chris involve in accident nd only ur forgiveness can heal him.. ride on am wit u
9 Apr 2018 | 19:52
observing keenly
10 Apr 2018 | 03:20
10 Apr 2018 | 06:24
happy for u ooo
10 Apr 2018 | 06:36
thank god for ur dear life
10 Apr 2018 | 06:37
hmm.... I think u will still face Another problem
10 Apr 2018 | 07:07
God is making everything beautiful....following
10 Apr 2018 | 07:12
so far all is well bt the future is not good
10 Apr 2018 | 09:51
Thy is nothing God can't do
10 Apr 2018 | 13:51
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode thirteen Aunty Abigail showed how to turn on and off the shower,how to switch to cold,warm or hot water and how to flush the toilet. Being a smart learner,I was about to grab the idea immediately and when I did it myself I got it perfectly. She smiled,showed me the soap and towel and left the room to go freshen up and come back. I removed my clothes,sat inside the bathtub, careful not to fall because it was a little bit slippery. I took the soap,on the shower and began to bath. In less than ten minutes I was done. I took the towel,dried myself,tied it around me and walked back to the room.. I saw my bags on the table,so I opened it,picked a pink dress and wore it, going to the mirror to take a look. Gosh!! It was so beautiful that i couldn't helped but smiled. Which person like to suffer? What is life without happiness? I picked my worn clothes off the floor and shoved it under the bed. I sat on the bed and it was so soft and warm. This is what we called a bed not that rough floor mother and I used to sleep on and get body ache every morning. Oh! I wished mother was here to witness everything. She sure deserves to partake in this blessing. "I will always make you proud mother" I said to myself. I stood up,moved to the window and peeked through it. I saw a man sitting by the corner of the gate. I think that's the gate man. I was so engrossed in admiration of the building that I didn't even notice any other person outside except aunty Abigail when we arrived. I smiled again. Thanks to Aunty Abigail for persuading me to follow her. This is how I would have lost my golden opportunity of a lifetime,if I have refused to follow. I turned when I heard a knock at the door unsure whether to open or not. Few seconds,the door opened and aunty Abigail walked in. She has changed her dress and was wearing a blue jeans trouser with a black polo shirt and black slippers. This woman was truly an epitome of beauty. Despite being a mother of four,she still looked young and beautiful. I guess her children must have taken after her. She smiled looking at me. "Wow!! You look beautiful dear" she complimented me. "Thanks ma" I replied flashing a smile too remembering how mother always compliments me even in my rags. "Come here dear" she said opening her arms for a hug. I moved closer and embraced her. She caressed my hair and assured me that all is well. "Look at me Jessy" she commanded. I raised my head and stared at her. I could see a motherly love in her eyes. "You are a fighter and you will survive" I bowed my head and hugged her again. Tears tried to come out but I stopped them. I was done crying. It is now time to smile again. "Let's go downstairs,i know you must be tired but I am taking you to make your hair for church tomorrow and we will also go to the market to buy food stuff for tomorrow.After that,we come home and you will lie down and rest" I nodded as I wore the black shoes she bought for me and followed her. Only God will help me to bless this woman with a golden heart. Only few women can do what she is doing for me. I will always be indebted to her. "Aunty Abigail" I called as she was about opening the door "Yes dear" she turned to look at me "I love you" I said to her She moved backward, hugged me tightly and responded "I love you too my Jessy" We got downstairs and went outside. I was able to climb the stairs by After introducing me as her daughter to the elderly gate man whose name is John, Aunty Abigail told him to open the gate as we got into the car and drove out. The Era of a new Dawn is finally here. TBC
10 Apr 2018 | 13:58
yes,,,, God make everything beautiful in His own time,,,,, just enjoy urself to d fullest,, u need it
10 Apr 2018 | 15:48
That Aunty Abigail is indeed an Angel
11 Apr 2018 | 04:34
lets hope this things last
11 Apr 2018 | 04:46
Well, still observing
11 Apr 2018 | 04:51
I am still observing
11 Apr 2018 | 05:16
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode fourteen Chris sat on a bench outside the hostel in the camp,his hand holding his chin. One could tell that he was seriously thinking about something. Few moments later his friend Chima walked up to him swinging his hands to and fro. "Guy how far"he asked but Chris mind was far away. "Guy" Chima said tapping him on his shoulder which brought him back to reality. "Hey Chima" he reluctantly replied stretching his hand for a shake. Chima ignored his hand and sat near him. "Guy what is the problem na?" Chima asked looking at him. He adjusted himself resting his head on the wall. "Talk to your guy na" Chima said again. "Chima,I am tired of this service abeg,I can't wait to get out of here" he replied. Chima couldn't help but laughed at loud which made his friend to look at him. "Why you dey laugh na? Did I crack a joke or what?" He asked in annoyance. "Yes o, you cracked a big joke" Chima replied still laughing. He hissed and turned his head toward the other side. After seconds,Chima stopped laughing when he realized that his friend has gotten angry. "Guy" he called "I am sorry for laughing just that it was so funny, seriously that is a woman talk" "Oh really?" Chris asked turning back to face Chima. "Of course,see guy,we have come very far ok. I believed the most difficult times were during our university days. Where we have loads of exams to write and projects to do. Spending money here and there to please lecturers. NYSC may be a little stressful but there are a lot of fun in it and I tell you,i am enjoying it so much. Within few months,we will be through and out of here facing the world ready to prove what we have acquired all these years. So cheer up guy." "You know, this is the only sensible thing you have said since I know you, Never knew you have sense like this, Where did you keep it since?" Chris said smiling. "Inside your boxers idiot" Chima fired back "So what is the meaning of that na?"Chima asked frowning "So everything I have been saying since university are nonsense abi?" "Of course buddy, seriously I am actually surprised,is like the hot sun from this camp is shinning sense into your brain" Chris responded laughing. "Guy,I just don't have your time,is like the konji you never do is affecting your head" "Talking of konji" Chris replied " Seriously I am yet to find any girl to replace my university girlfriends o, Are there no beautiful damels in this camp? Man is hot o" "And why are you asking me,.as what?" Chima asked "As minister of konji affairs na" Chris said laughing again. "If I slap you ehh"Chima said laughing "but come to think of it, you might be right o,Na only fat, ugly, shapeless girls I dey see for here even the slim ones non follow as they look like a stick of broom" "Oho, you see am right" Chris said nodding in agreement. "Guy let's go take a walk around" Chima said to him standing up. "Walk or you want to search for something?" Chris asked "Both na" Chima replied laughing "Bad guy" Chris said as he stood up from the bench. "Hope you know you are the one that spoilt me" "If I hear" Chima replied "you wey spoil from your mama womb and to think you come get fine yellow face with average height, you think I don't know how you showed the girls fire during university days especially that girl Agatha" Chris laughed at loud "Yes na, that girl with big buttocks and boobs,girl that I was eyeing since" Chima continued "but come o Chris, how you dey do all these girls abi na jazz because I non understand you o,gist me na" "Abeg go joor, are you not the one that spoilt me?" Chris asked "Is true but you surpassed me now, you be the master for the game" "Let's go abeg"Chris laughed as he and his friend walked on while gisting.***** Chris and Chima had met during their first day in class at the university. They were both studying the same course, business Administration. Chima thinking that Chris was an old student,had asked for notes to copy,but after realizing that they both were new students,they made friends and went ahead to find someone to ask for notes. As the day passes,they became tight friends and were seen everywhere together. Chima was a guy that is very unserious with education and a chronic womaniser that loved to taste everything in skirts. He negatively influenced Chris with his behavior and they began rolling together. Chris was not that perfect because he had his girlfriend before entering the university but after the encounter with Chima,he forgot totally about his girl and followed Chima to sex any girl available. Being that handsome,fair and average height guy with pink lip, girls fell for his trap and soon,he began worser than Chima. They both lost concentration on studies as most of their days were spend flexing in parties and other social gatherings. Both managed to bribe their way through examinations as money was never an issues for them. Chris come from a wealthy family and his parents supported him financially. After graduation,both of them were so lucky to be sent to the same area to serve. Just like the monkey that doesn't go anywhere leaving its tail behind. Chris and Chima is ready to catch their next preys. TBC
11 Apr 2018 | 06:41
i pray for it to last
11 Apr 2018 | 08:24
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode fourteen Chris sat on a bench outside the hostel in the camp,his hand holding his chin. One could tell that he was seriously thinking about something. Few moments later his friend Chima walked up to him swinging his hands to and fro. "Guy how far"he asked but Chris mind was far away. "Guy" Chima said tapping him on his shoulder which brought him back to reality. "Hey Chima" he reluctantly replied stretching his hand for a shake. Chima ignored his hand and sat near him. "Guy what is the problem na?" Chima asked looking at him. He adjusted himself resting his head on the wall. "Talk to your guy na" Chima said again. "Chima,I am tired of this service abeg,I can't wait to get out of here" he replied. Chima couldn't help but laughed at loud which made his friend to look at him. "Why you dey laugh na? Did I crack a joke or what?" He asked in annoyance. "Yes o, you cracked a big joke" Chima replied still laughing. He hissed and turned his head toward the other side. After seconds,Chima stopped laughing when he realized that his friend has gotten angry. "Guy" he called "I am sorry for laughing just that it was so funny, seriously that is a woman talk" "Oh really?" Chris asked turning back to face Chima. "Of course,see guy,we have come very far ok. I believed the most difficult times were during our university days. Where we have loads of exams to write and projects to do. Spending money here and there to please lecturers. NYSC may be a little stressful but there are a lot of fun in it and I tell you,i am enjoying it so much. Within few months,we will be through and out of here facing the world ready to prove what we have acquired all these years. So cheer up guy." "You know, this is the only sensible thing you have said since I know you, Never knew you have sense like this, Where did you keep it since?" Chris said smiling. "Inside your boxers idiot" Chima fired back "So what is the meaning of that na?"Chima asked frowning "So everything I have been saying since university are nonsense abi?" "Of course buddy, seriously I am actually surprised,is like the hot sun from this camp is shinning sense into your brain" Chris responded laughing. "Guy,I just don't have your time,is like the konji you never do is affecting your head" "Talking of konji" Chris replied " Seriously I am yet to find any girl to replace my university girlfriends o, Are there no beautiful damels in this camp? Man is hot o" "And why are you asking me,.as what?" Chima asked "As minister of konji affairs na" Chris said laughing again. "If I slap you ehh"Chima said laughing "but come to think of it, you might be right o,Na only fat, ugly, shapeless girls I dey see for here even the slim ones non follow as they look like a stick of broom" "Oho, you see am right" Chris said nodding in agreement. "Guy let's go take a walk around" Chima said to him standing up. "Walk or you want to search for something?" Chris asked "Both na" Chima replied laughing "Bad guy" Chris said as he stood up from the bench. "Hope you know you are the one that spoilt me" "If I hear" Chima replied "you wey spoil from your mama womb and to think you come get fine yellow face with average height, you think I don't know how you showed the girls fire during university days especially that girl Agatha" Chris laughed at loud "Yes na, that girl with big buttocks and boobs,girl that I was eyeing since" Chima continued "but come o Chris, how you dey do all these girls abi na jazz because I non understand you o,gist me na" "Abeg go joor, are you not the one that spoilt me?" Chris asked "Is true but you surpassed me now, you be the master for the game" "Let's go abeg"Chris laughed as he and his friend walked on while gisting.***** Chris and Chima had met during their first day in class at the university. They were both studying the same course, business Administration. Chima thinking that Chris was an old student,had asked for notes to copy,but after realizing that they both were new students,they made friends and went ahead to find someone to ask for notes. As the day passes,they became tight friends and were seen everywhere together. Chima was a guy that is very unserious with education and a chronic womaniser that loved to taste everything in skirts. He negatively influenced Chris with his behavior and they began rolling together. Chris was not that perfect because he had his girlfriend before entering the university but after the encounter with Chima,he forgot totally about his girl and followed Chima to sex any girl available. Being that handsome,fair and average height guy with pink lip, girls fell for his trap and soon,he began worser than Chima. They both lost concentration on studies as most of their days were spend flexing in parties and other social gatherings. Both managed to bribe their way through examinations as money was never an issues for them. Chris come from a wealthy family and his parents supported him financially. After graduation,both of them were so lucky to be sent to the same area to serve. Just like the monkey that doesn't go anywhere leaving its tail behind. Chris and Chima is ready to catch their next preys. TBC
11 Apr 2018 | 08:32
I think Chris will be yr night mare
11 Apr 2018 | 08:33
Still following...
11 Apr 2018 | 08:54
enjoy while it lasts,,,, I know sorrow is on the way
11 Apr 2018 | 09:09
hmm observing
11 Apr 2018 | 11:34
C & C weldone for yur games
11 Apr 2018 | 11:36
Hmmmm,,,, Chris and chima
11 Apr 2018 | 13:35
I think Chris will be the problem
11 Apr 2018 | 13:44
11 Apr 2018 | 16:41
I hope aunty Abigail I'll not change one day
11 Apr 2018 | 18:34
Waiting for the connection
11 Apr 2018 | 19:57
The dawn of a new begining.
12 Apr 2018 | 03:18
12 Apr 2018 | 06:12
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode fifteen After making my hair,Aunty Abigail had noticed that I was feeling uncomfortable. She asked and I told her that the pains were unbearable. She smiled, gave me some pains killer and told me to bear that it will soon be gone. After,we went to the market to buy food ingredients and other home stuffs then we went home. The hair was very beautiful when I looked into the mirror properly upon reaching home. I never knew I was this beautiful. I couldn't even recognized my face because I had transformed into a beautiful damsel. I continuously blushed as Aunty Abigail kept complimenting me with sweet praises. Telling me how angelic and gorgeous I looked. Whenever she praises me,I remembered mother. Never a day goes by without mother saying sweet words to my ear especially if I made alot of sales for the day. I will never forget my mother no matter what. Here I have alot to eat but before mother would give me the only and last piece to eat and sleep on empty stomach. Goodbye is indeed the saddest world she has ever told me. Later,I went into the kitchen to help Aunty Abigail arranged the stuffs and also to prepare dinner. I took a look at the kitchen and bless the person that built the entire house. Nothing can be as beautiful as this place. Everything were neatly arranged in an orderly order. All kitchen utensils were looking clean and beautiful ranging from the pots to plates to spoons to trays.everything. Aunty Abigail showed and taught me how to use the kitchen sink, how to open and close the tap where water comes from,how to on and off the gas cooker and how to microwave food. She showed me the oven too and promised to teach me how to bake someday. She taught me many other things that I have never seen in my village. I paid keen attention as she elaborated on everything and their patio used and functions in the kitchen. I understood and kept them at the back of my mind. I was sixteen years then though I have the full mature body of a young adult. After teaching me,we went ahead to prepare rice and chicken stew for dinner. We talked about many things as we cooked together. It was then I asked her about the reasons for divorcing her husband or vice versa. She paused a little and looked at me. I guess she was shocked to know why I asked her. For a moment,I regretted asking her that. I apologized to her for trying to ask about her privacy. She smiled and told me that it was nothing. She promised to tell me everything someday. Dinner was ready but I wasn't hungry because of what I ate in the car on our way to the city. She understood and told me to go upstairs and rest so I can wake up early tomorrow to get ready for church. She kissed me goodnight on my cheeks as I sluggishly climbed the stairs to my room. It has really been a stressful day and I was very tired. The hair was really painful though but I had to manage. Aunty Abigail has given me some painkillers on our way home so I believed the pain will be gone in time. I opened the door of my room, entered, closed it and fell on the bed. I was so tired so i made the prayer short by thanking God for life,then I slept off straight to dreamland. TBC
13 Apr 2018 | 04:44
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode sixteen I was on my way to the market when I heard someone called me from behind. I turned only to behold mother standing under a tree. I couldn't believe it. I ran backward with speed and jumped on her as I embraced her tightly shouting with joy. Mother smiled at me "Mother,I missed you so much" I said to her. "I missed you too dear"she replied. "Why did you leave me like that?" I asked her. "Am sorry dear but I won't leave you again,am here now to stay" "Really" I asked "Yes Really" she responded "Look at you shinning so beautifully" she praised me. I blushed and smiled. Mother sure know how to compliments me and I loved her for that. "Mother you were so right, indeed God makes everything beautiful in his time.i can't describe how I feel now. Aunty Abigail is such a heaven sent,she loves and treats like her own.i wish you will get to meet her someday mother. She is such a woman with a heart of gold." "I will meet her someday dear, someday" mother replied me. "Ok mother,I have missed you so much" I said as I hugged her again. She didn't say anything,I paused wondering why she didn't respond. Something wasn't right because i felt a strange presence around me. I released myself from her grip only to see that mother has transformed into a horrible looking monster with horns and teeth like a vampire. She was holding a dagger about to strike me. I screamed at the top of my voice. Immediately another woman appeared, looking like my mother too then the horrible creature disappeared. I froze on the spot,trembling with fear all over me. "Jessy" the woman called "Who are you" I asked with a trembled voice. The first woman had deceived me so I don't believe this other woman is my real mother. "Jessy" she called again "what happened here just now is an evidence that you need to be careful, things are not always as they appear to be... You are very young to understand this life. Don't be carried away by things of this world.I have tried my best as a mother to impact moral disciplines inside you. Be careful Jessy, be careful" With that she disappeared. I shouted and took to my heels. Immediately,I heard a knock on the door and jumped up sweating. I looked around and saw that i was lying on the bed and I was already morning. Then I understood that it was only a dream. Another nightmare again. What is really wrong with me? Why is mother disturbing me? The door opened and Aunty Abigail entered. "Didn't you hear me knocking at the door" she asked "Good morning ma,am sorry I just woke up" I answered. She looked at me and moved closer. "Why are you sweating when the AC is on?" "I had a nightmare ma" "Another nightmare again" I looked at her, wondering what she met by that. I don't remember telling her about a previous nightmare. As if she read my mind,she replied "You think I don't know you had one on our way here, what is wrong Jessy?" I kept mute and bowed my head. Tears dropped from my eyes. "Is your mother right?" she asked I nodded. She sighed and moved closer to me,sat on the bed and placed my head on her laps. "Don't worry Jessy, you will get over her very soon. You think too much about her that's why. It is called Illusion.Very soon, you will stop seeing her" I nodded and wiped my tears. "Is Sunday Jessy, you need to go freshen up and get ready for service..We don't want to get late for church ok,come on, brighten up and don't forget your promise." I forced out a smile and got out of the bed as I headed into the bathroom. "Meet me downstairs when you are ready and don't keep long" "Ok ma" I replied I heard the door opened and closed which means she has left. I bowed my head on the sink and began to cry. Why is mother continuously disturbing me? And what does she mean by I should be very careful? ****** Chris and Chima walked along as they were discussing about NYSC. "Oboy,I have never seen a service as stressful as this, imagine,five am,we are already up" Chris complained. "Am telling you o,not as if they are giving people good money,no resting" Chima added. "Can't wait to get out of here oo Chima, seriously I am missing home especially momma's delicious meals" Chris said and smiled. "You see your life, na food go kill you" Chima joked. "But talking about your mom,so she never settled with your fuck daddy?" "Thunder with tribal marks fire you there" Chris shouted "Na my daddy,you dey insult?" "Of course na,Na fuck daddy he be. Which responsible man go leave wife with four children go run after Oyibo women,I can see that's the same lifestyle he gave you. Follow every pussy in skirts." "I non get your time this morning,see who is talking, grandmaster of ashawo,Is it not you who taught me how to be a fuck boy?" "Yes but you have grown pass my level na,I dey learn from you again" They both laughed as they walked on TBC
13 Apr 2018 | 07:16
u should keep your mother's warning in mind,,,,, BE CAREFUL
13 Apr 2018 | 07:30
not all that glitter is golf u have to listen to your mother advice
13 Apr 2018 | 12:36
Be careful Jessy
13 Apr 2018 | 15:45
i dey fear for you oo... Jessy be careful
13 Apr 2018 | 17:01
I think I know why her mother is telling her to be very careful,,, Chris is aunty Abigail's son and wit his way of life, he wil impregnate Jessy and aunty Abigail will turn around from d caring woman Jessy know her to be
13 Apr 2018 | 18:51
Nne, be careful oo
14 Apr 2018 | 04:44
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode seventeen We arrived at the church in time and was led to the two empty seats in the middle by an Usher. We arrived as the choir ministration was ongoing. Alot of people were already present and joined their voices to that of the choir singing. They sang so beautifully with wonderful voices that made some members began to share tears and throw their hands in surrender to God. Some were standing while others had their knees on the floor with eyes shut tight and arms spread wide opened as they sang along. For a moment,the presence of God overtook the entire building. Some members were already speaking in tongues while others were jumping and shouting as if they were possessed with the ushers trying to hold them from falling. It was quite an amusing scene but I tried not to laugh. I turned to look at Aunty Abigail and noticed that she was sitting, singing with her eyes closed. I was too young to understand what is going on as I have never been told about holy spirit before so I turned my focus to the church building, gazing at the magnificent construction of the building inside. It wasn't that large but big enough to accommodate one hundred plus members. The pulpit was well designed and looked beautiful. The choir had their seat facing the pulpit while the pastor and his wife seats were facing the congregation. I saw as the pastor knelt down praying. An image of Jesus on the cross was hung above the altar turned towards the congregation. The chairs were arranged in an orderly row which aided members to pass freely without disturbance. After some minutes, everywhere became quiet as the pastor climbed the pulpit to preach. He held a small bible in his hands along with a microphone which enabled him to be heard loudly. Upon seeing his bible,I smiled and remembered the torn bible I left in the village. Mother favorite book that she held even unto death. Look at me now,holding a big beautiful bible, which Aunty Abigail had given me with all the verses intact. After a little prayers,a power sermon was delivered titled "trusting in God", offerings collected, grace shared and service was over. I was feeling hungry and couldn't wait to get home but we had to wait behind because Aunty Abigail requested to have a chat with the pastor in his office. Minutes later,we were sitting in his office. It was a pretty cool office that smelled nicely with the air conditioner working. Sitting in front of him,I observed how handsome he looked. I could see that he was a young man probably between 25- 35 years. I wonder what he was doing as a pastor when he ought to be working in a company or enterprise. None of my business though. I quickly bruised that thought aside as I listened to Aunty Abigail introduced me to him. He introduced himself as pastor Eric, shook my hand with a smile,asked about my welfare, encouraged me not to give up but continued trusting in God and so on. He continued talking that at a point,I became angry with him but tried not to show it. I grinned as the worms in my stomach continued to remind me about not eating since morning. After what seemed like eternity,we finally left his office after prayers and drove home. ***** ********"" Chima stood with Chris discussing by the side when suddenly Chris eyes met a pretty looking damsel talking to a guy by the other corner. He forgot what Chima was saying as his eyes were gazed upon that beautiful maiden. He has never seen her before and never knew that such beauty existed in this camp. He starred at her from head to toe and his eyes admired what he saw. She was a beautiful damsel with a chocolate complexion,average height like him, naturally endowed with round buttocks and hips perfectly fit into the trouser she was wearing and a firm breasts that makes any guy to run mental. She had a pretty round face with a nice weavon and makeup which added to her already natural beauty. He smiled to himself imagining how great she will be in bed. Chima raised his head to look at his friend. He has been talking for minutes without hearing any response from his friend. He followed his eyes to the direction Chris was looking and saw what has made his friend to suddenly become deaf and dumb. He gave Chris a hard knock on his head drawing him back to his senses. Chris became annoyed "Why did you do that?" "Why won't I you chronic womaniser?" Chima cursed. "I have been here wasting my time talking not knowing you are busy raping someone daughter with your eyes.Did they swear for you?" Chris hissed and walked away in anger while his friend followed him. He didn't care about Chima,the only thing is how to get that Angel he has seen. TBC
16 Apr 2018 | 08:32
Chris your life is messed up
16 Apr 2018 | 11:52
Hmmmm,,,, sha don't fall into d pit u dug by urself
16 Apr 2018 | 13:35
Still observing... Ride on
16 Apr 2018 | 14:03
Ride on
16 Apr 2018 | 14:04
this chris na womanizer
16 Apr 2018 | 15:52
16 Apr 2018 | 15:53
this pair of friends na wa oo
16 Apr 2018 | 18:19
are u angry because the pastor call God??
16 Apr 2018 | 18:20
16 Apr 2018 | 18:21
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode eighteen We arrived home, after changing into normal outfits,I helped Aunty Abigail set the table. We had rice and chicken sauce prepared the previous evening along with a bottle of cold water and orange juice gotten from the refrigerator. Thereafter we prayed Grace before meal and we ate lunch in a quiet manner. I hurriedly rushed the food because of the hunger I have kept since yesterday. I haven't learned how to use knife and fork so I simply held my spoon and used my other hand to hold the chicken. I expected Aunty Abigail to frown or be embarrassed at my poor table manners but she wasn't. She told me to enjoy my food whichever way I want and promised to teach me with time. Aunty Abigail noticed how I ate with haste and asked if I wanted more food, which I refused because I don't really eat much. After eating,I cleared the table and washed the dishes while she dried them. Surprisedly I didn't have anything to discuss so I kept quiet. After all the work was done, Aunty Abigail left for her room to have an afternoon nap. I didn't feel like watching cartoons so I went outside to have a talk with Johnny our gate man. Being older than my mother,I referred to him as" Uncle Johnny" despite the fact that he worked as a gate man for my new mommy. Mother has taught me never to disrespect anybody regardless of their status in life. I got out and met him sitting by the gate, nodding his head and humming to an old school music played on his radio. I smiled at the way he was nodding. I guess he must really be in love with the song. I coughed as a signal to make my presence noticed and he turned around. "Ha,small madam good afternoon" he smiled and greeted showing his yellow and brown set of teeth which had been damaged by kola and tobacco. "Good afternoon Uncle Johnny" I responded"I have told you not to called me small madam, you are old enough to born time ten of me" "Na true o,but I must still show you respect as my daughter pekin" He said in pidgin as he off his radio. I gave up changing the topic because I know he will never agreed to call me any other name apart from that. "I can see you are enjoying yourself with old school" "Yes o small madam,na this song we dey take find woman during our small days,once you sing am,her head go dey big" I laughed out loudly as he joined me to laugh too. This man is really funny. "Really" I asked "tell me about it please" I begged as I sat down next to him on the long bench. He smelled of snuff and sweat but I had to bear. "Leave that one small madam, where is big madam?" He asked "She is sleeping" "Eya,na good woman she be, nice woman,too kind,I non know why her husband go pregnant another person when he get fine woman like her with children." I became interested and drew closer to him not minding his offensive body odour. "Is that what happened?" I asked with shock. "Yes na,he go pregnant madam friend wey dey come visit us before na" "Oh my God!!" exclaimed in shock. I didn't know when I shouted making uncle Johnny to jump in fright. I laughed and apologized while he sat back understanding why I shouted because it was too hard to believe. "Na so e happen o,I dey feel pain for that woman shaa, anyways,I know say you dey bored but no worry,her pekin got soon come back from America,na nice girl,both of una go like each other" he told me "I pray so o, but what about the one that is schooling?" I asked him. "Which one, hope non be that yeye Chris you dey talk of,see my daughter I take God beg you,non near that guy,I know say u be small Pekin but that guy non correct at all,na real ashawo man he be. Na becos of him,all the house helps run leave this place. He non gree let them stay. They non tell madam but they told me as their papa wey I be. He non get one girlfriend, anytime him mama go work or travelled na different girls dey come here and madam never catch am before,I non know how he dey take do am.i know say he non go near you but pls non see that one as your friend at all." I became confused. I didn't understand what he meant because Aunty Abigail was too strict to allow her children become wayward. I remembered her telling me that she doesn't need house helps because she is not the lazy type. What is Uncle Johnny talking about? And is this right about Chris behavior? I got up,thanked him for keeping me company and headed to my room. Uncle Johnny previous words kept ringing in my head. ******* "Hello o, excuse me, young lady, pretty lady" Chris continuously shouted as he ran behind the pretty chocolate beauty in front of him. "What do you want?" She stopped and yelled turning to face him. She had purposely ignored his calling yet he won't give up. Chris paused catching his breath. He had been chasing her for minutes now without her replying, thankfully,she had stopped. She looked at him and rolled her eyes. "I am sorry but please I mean no harm, just want to be your friend" "And what part of I don't want to be your friend, you don't seem to understand young man?" She asked "Hey easy,we are not fighting" he said "Yes, but we will soon be if you don't get your ugly face out of my front, you think I will be moved by your innocent handsome looks? hell no,I know your type" she hissed and walked away. Chris stood speechless for a moment. He had expected her to be freed and easy to get. Seems like,she is a tough one. Afterward,he smiled. He has met alot of girls who were so tough back in university, but they all ended on his bed,this girl is no exception, just a matter of time. TBC
17 Apr 2018 | 05:50
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode nineteen The girls were sitting in front of their hostel gisting about what's trending on social media when she walked to them with an angered expression written all over face. They stopped talking and turned looking at her. "Babe, what's wrong? Why are you fuming with anger?" The first girl asked "Can u imagine,one foolish guy just blocked me on my way and started vomiting trash" she shouted in annoyance "Guy block you,I don't understand" the second said "What did he say?" The first girl asked again "Wants to be my friend" she replied They all bursted into laughter. "Just because of ordinary friendship,girl you self chill" the second one said. "Is that all you are going to say?" She asked "Girlfriend,I don't see anything wrong in a guy trying to be your friend,you are a grown up woman, you never can tell where you will meet your husband, after NYSC is work or Marriage. You need to free yourself and associate with people" the first one advised "Yes but not definitely a fuck boy like that" she replied "How did you know he is a fuck boy, have you seen him with any girl on this camp, not every guy has a girlfriend here?" "He is cute and fair with a nice stature,he definitely couldn't be single,I know their type,they think their look will make every girl to fall.i am not interested" "So someone cannot be handsome in peace again?" The second asked "See girlfriend" the first said "you and I know where you are coming from,we don't have it and you don't know whether your help is in this camp, free and associate yourself,get to know the guy and drop him if you don't like never had a boyfriend so you need to and drop this mentality that all cute guys are womaniser" "And you know what" the second added "I think I have seen this guy from your description.though there are alot of cute fair guys here but I just hope is not the one I am eyeing o" "Ashawo" the first girl joked."how did you know he is the one? You like man too much o" "I just hope he is not the one because I have been in love with this guy for some times now,his friend Chima promised to help me talk to him" "So I came to explain something to you girls and you simply saying rubbish,I don't blame you people" she hissed and walked out. "You better free yourself o" the first shouted after her "beauty is like flower" "Don't mind her" the second added "but girl,if you see this guy i am talking about ehh, I swear,the guy is so cute. Fine boy with a white man color, average height,pink lips,if the guy smiled ehh, you will run mental" "All this description just for one boy" the first asked "I am telling you,I fell in love instantly when I met him during our early morning training, I asked his friend to help me talk to him because I know his friend" "So you are the one toasting a guy now,you don't have an iota of shame" "Whatever, at least I know how to appreciate good things,stay there and be forming, you that is talking to Vero to be freed, where is your boyfriend on this camp?" "I don't need one because I already have a finacee at home waiting for me to be through so we get marry, at least I am better than you that keeps dashing to every dick n Harry here.Aids is real oo, let's forget about pregnancy because abortion na small thing for you" "I non blame you,shebi na your papa I dey remove for" the second hissed and walked away. ********* "Guy how far" Chris greeted shaking hands with Chima "I dey o,wetin dey sup?" Chima asked "Oboy, the way I am angry right now eh?" "What is the problem? Or is it confirmed that you have AIDS?" "Na your father get AIDS.why don't you shut up and listen when sensible people are talking?" "Oh I am sorry"Chima apologized "Anyway, you remembered that girl we saw the last time while we were discussing about what the government has said concerning our matter." Chris asked "Which girl?" Chima asked too "Fool, the girl that made you to knocked my head" "Oh ok, that chocolate babe,I remembered but guy that girl go make sense o,I believe say she Sabi rock dick for bed,see hips and yansh,see Bobby meh, that kind yansh dey good for spanking ehh,the thing go just dey enter easily" Chima praised naughtily. Chris stood speechless looking his friend. Chima kept quiet when he realized that Chris was starring at him in anger "Why are you looking at me ?" Chima asked "I won't take her from you,I am just admiring nature" "Chima" Chris called "how did I really become your friend,was I high or drunk?" Chima hissed "Go ask Google,abeg talk what you were saying before" Chris sighed "Anyways,as I was saying before your "he goat of a brain"got loose,I met her today,I tried talking to her, you won't believe how she insulted and walked out on me" Chima laughed. Chris frowned "Can't you be serious for once, what is funny na?" "Seriously Chris, you fucked up, you supposed to know that you can't get such beauty easily,you know women especially those who are beautiful,they will want to form hard to down and plan on how to get her or allow me to make the move" "You are mad" Chris cursed while Chima laughed "I should allow you so she will end up for your dick,no way,I will get her. just a matter of time unless my name is not Chris again" He bragged. "I trust you na, Chris ,The only brostitude, after you na you" Chima hailed "Na your father be brostitude,fool, please I am hungry, let's go find something to eat" Chris said as he and Chima walked along. TBC
17 Apr 2018 | 07:05
17 Apr 2018 | 07:54
be warned of that fuck boy called Chris.... move on
17 Apr 2018 | 13:45
interesting story, continue
17 Apr 2018 | 14:50
why is it that every gateman in all the stories I have read here always have yellow or brown teeth rhn? must they all be from the.................
18 Apr 2018 | 08:14
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Twenty One month later,I was no longer the dirty village girl but have beautifully transformed into a city girl. My hips,buttock and breasts have fully developed,my face looking fresh and my skin glowing with beauty just like Aunty Abigail. Aside the beauty,I have learned almost everything about city life. I have learned to prepare both local and continental delicious delicacies, how to use the washing machine for clothes,how to use the gas cooker and microwave for foods,how to bake different kinds of cakes,breads, doughnuts and others. In addition to that,Aunty Abigail enrolled me in a tutorial class to enable me prepare for upcoming school exams. I knew some places around and have some friends in the neighborhood which I visited sometimes and verse versa. Aunty Abigail worked from Monday to Friday and came back mostly when i am asleep. She had her own keys so she opened the door whenever she comes back from work. Sometimes if there's an emergency at the office,she leaves as early as 5 am so that she won't get stucked in the traffic. During weekend,we spend our time discussing about school or something interesting. We once went to the beach,which was my first time of seeing a sea roared with so much anger. I began to shiver and cry which made Aunty Abigail to take me from there and we later settled for a children's park. One thing I loved about Aunty Abigail was that she understood me very well. Once she noticed that I feel uncomfortable somehow,she quickly changed location instead of forcing me to stay. This made me to be freed with her and I never hid any secrets from her. I spent most of my days either at my school or home with Uncle Johnny who never ceased to entertain with different kinds of stories. Whenever I don't feel like conversing with Uncle Johnny, I picked my books and studied either in the palour or my room. I have stopped seeing mother in my dreams and I was grateful to God for that because that appearance of her always makes me to panic. I know she is in good rest and I wish her eternal rest. Too bad she didn't get to enjoy the fruit of her labour. After many years of toiling and suffering from hand to mouth,i have found a true happiness at last and words couldn't express how grateful I was. ******* "What exactly is your problem Mr? Why do you keep stalking me always?" She shouted with anger. What kind of guy is this that has bluntly refused to let her be. It's been one month now of constant stalking yet he is still on. Is she the only girl on this camp? Why has the nigga refused to let her be? At first she thought he was a player but seriously a player would have quit by now after all the insults and curses she has rained on him yet it seems as if those insults only energized him to do more stalking and toasting. She is beginning to fall in love with him. Everything about him is so cute yet her heart is still hardened. She won't give in like that, not after series of heartbreaks from exes. Chris paused and smiled showing his sparking white set of 32. The kind of smile that makes every girl hearts to melt. His smile and smooth sugar coated tongue has been his weapon of destruction since he got into the game. He is surprised that this girl is yet to fall under the spell. It is a mystery to him why she is still proving stubborn to him but whatever the case,he must get to have a taste underneath. She stood looking at him. He is yet to say something to her after yelling at him. "Are you deaf dummy?" she yelled again "Oh i am sorry" He finally said. "I didn't ask for your apology" she scoffed "I said why do you keep stalking me?" "You already know my reason,I just got attracted to you,am not asking you to be my lover,I just need your friendship" "And what if this friendship leads to something else?" "Well,I will be happy but for now,I just want to have a beautiful and intelligent lady as my friend" She blushed a little but tried not to show before he thinks she is falling" "Well" she sighed "Friends then but no attachment" Chris let out a huge smile "Deal my lady,My name is-" "Chris yes I have heard that over a thousand times" she interrupted "My name is Veronica,but Vero for short" "Wow, beautiful name for a pretty angel" "Please save it,I am not one of those that blush with your flattering and sugar coated tongue, please excuse me" she said walking away. "Level one accomplished, Chris you are the bad guy" He thought and smiled. TBC
18 Apr 2018 | 08:24
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Twenty-one As the weeks passes by. Chris and Vero got closer exchanged numbers and soon began dating. Chris sometimes visit her with provisions and other whenever he wanted to. When the second girl who was interested in Chris got to find out about the affair,she became angry but since fighting was prohibited in the camp, she couldn't do anything than to let it slide though she bore grudges against Vero and both didn't communicate with each other till they left. Soon,Vero fell deeply in love with Chris that they were seen almost together everyday except maybe during busy hours. Chris in turned,loved her but not as strongly compared to what Vero felt for him yet he continued to roll with her. He loved her, yes alright,but that wasn't his main intention of getting closer to her or dating her. His major reason was to bang her which he finally succeeded in doing. After months of being together,Vero thinking that she has found the man of her dreams,finally allowed him access into new Jerusalem. What a lucky and happy day it was for Chris as if he has won a trophy. He bragged to Chima about his adventure and they laughed it off. Chris and Vero had made love uncountable times at weird places and she really knew how to make a guy cry for more which was the major reasons he got stucked to her. To admit,he had beeped alot of kitties in the camp but non were compared to that tight,sweet and soft hole Vero has between her legs. He decided to keep her for long even after the camp as to have the opportunity to beep whenever he wanted to. Money was never the issue as his mother and father embarrassed him with money every week and most of them were spend on flexing and the rest on Vero. Months later,his friend Chima has decided to quit the game of lust leaving Chris alone in it. His reason was because he has now genuinely fell in love with one of the female corper and has the desire to wife her and set his life in order once youth service is completed. He advised Chris to do the same and forget about those promiscuous lifestyle as they have nothing to offer except deceit. He told Chris about the dangers involve and begged him to stick to Vero and put his life in order, sadly his words fell on deaf ears. Chris mocked him tirelessly yet Chima didn't mind him. There is nothing like love in Chris dictionary. "fuck,pay and part " that was his slogan. "Girls are bitches and are to treated as such, what's the essence of staying with one girl when there are numerous Pussy to fuck, simply bang the hell out of her, pay if you want to and dump her, you can still keep her on the side for rainy days" He would say to his friends as they chatted and enjoyed themselves over bottles of drinks. ****** Finally after a year or months of serving our motherland or fatherland, whichever way you put it,it was time to kiss the camp goodbye. One could hear the sound of jubilation as well as cries of missing loves one too everywhere. Corpers could be seeing hugging and kissing each other goodbye. Lovebirds used that time to propose to each other and confessed undying love. Others posing with various styles as they took pictures with friends and uploading on social media. Strangers that have became good and even best friends exchanged contacts or home addresses promising to pay a visit oneday. It was really an awesome sight to behold. Love and unity is indeed the best. Chris packed his luggages as he rolled them out along with Chima. Both of their girlfriends were outside waiting for them with their luggages too wearing happy faces. Chima lifted his girl up in the air as she shouted with joy. They kissed and hugged. Chris however hugged Vero. They were all so happy. "Finally it has ended after all your complains" Chima said to him "Am telling you oo guy, can't wait to get home to my wife,I miss her so much and her delicious meals" Chris shouted in excitement "Are you married?" Vero asked in shock Chris and Chima laughed "Don't mind the idiot,na him mama be his wife, you know na mommy toy" Chima replied Vero felt relaxed as she hugged him "I will miss you baby" she said "Missing you more, promise to always come visiting"Chris replied "I Promise bb and you promise to never cheat on me" Vero said "I promise" Chris replied kissing her Chima coughed "Guy please let's go,my parents are eagerly waiting to see me" Chima said "Let's take a selfie" Vero said bringing out her iPhone and selfie Stick as they position behind the camera. "Every body says cheese" She shouted in joy. "I don't like cheese,so Rice and stew" Chima responded They all laughed as they took pictures to celebrate the everlasting memories of NYSC.
18 Apr 2018 | 09:47
18 Apr 2018 | 10:33
everlasting indeed
18 Apr 2018 | 13:48
18 Apr 2018 | 13:48
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Twenty-two As he sat at the back seat of the cab finally going home,he couldn't helped but smiled as he remembered his just concluded journey. It has been both awesome and stressful at the camp. Though humans will never stopped learning till death,he was glad that the educational aspect of his life is finally over. Kindergarten to primary to junior to secondary to teitary and now NYSC. Meh, though he is not a good Christian or good at praying but he still extend his profound gratitude to the maker. It has to be God. He smiled wider as he remembered his sweet, charming and ever looking sexy mother. He didn't call to inform her that he is on his way home. His surprise arrival will be a bomb. He missed her so much and couldn't wait to finally get to see her face again. She is the strongest woman ever. Despite the emotional challenges,she still managed to keep her head above the water. His facial expression changed to that of pains as he recalled how his daddy impregnated Miss Lucy,his mother best friend. Someone they took as a part of their family, unknowingly was having an affair with his daddy. He also recalled his first love Diana who cheated on him with a guy simply because she asked for money and he told her to bear patience. Since he experienced this two acts,he automatically threw love out the door and concluded that sex and money rules the world. He was brought back to reality at the sound of his ringing tone. He looked and saw that it was Vero. He cancelled the call and sent a text promising to call back later. She better not waste her time with him. He has no future with her. As far as he is concerned,her chapter is closed. He was done with her so she had better clear any thoughts of ever building something between them. As far as he is concerned,she is an already used product but maybe he will just continue to enjoy her till he finds another chick to replace,by then she would have gotten the signal and leave willingly. "Chris you are the main guy" He bragged to himself. "Please right or left" the driver asked him "Right please" he replied. Thanks goodness he still remembered the location of his house. "Please pack in front of that big black iron gate" He commanded the driver. "Ok" the driver replied as he slowly drove on and finally making a stop in front of the gate which has house number 10 boldly written in black at the gate. Chris smiled as he got out of the cab. The driver came out too and removed Chris' Luggages from the booth. Chris handled him his money. He thanked,got into his car and drove away leaving smiling Chris at the gate. "Welcome back home Christopher" ********* There wasn't any class today so I was home in the sitting room watching children's reality show on the television where kids demonstrated their Talents. It was an interesting show and I was so into it when I heard a bang at the gate. Aunty Abigail has never knocked at the gate before except to horn with her car. The heavy banging continued so I had to peeped through the window. I didn't see Uncle Johnny at the gate. Where could he have gone to? I became afraid as the banging increased. Should I go and open it? After much thinking,I rushed outside to open because the person continued hitting the gate harder. As I opened the gate,I met a huge,cute,fair guy standing starring at me. I looked down at his feet and saw that he was holding some luggages. "Good afternoon sir" I greeted He didn't reply but only stood starring as if he has seen a ghost. ***** He stood starring at her wondering if he was in the wrong house. He doesn't remember seeing his mother bring another girl before he left. It's been about six months that the last maid left and his mother has vowed never to employ any again. He would have thought that they have vacated the premises but his mom would have informed him. He went out to verify the number whether he was in the right place and it was the correct number. He came back asking " who are you young girl?" "My name is Jessy,I stayed here with Aunty Abigail" I replied Chris sighed in relief. There are some explanations to do but that will wait, he needed to rest. "I am Abigail Son Chris". He introduced himself. I paused and stood starring at him. "So finally I have gotten to me the Mr. Chris. I just hope it turns out to be a good one" I thought to myself ****** She smiled as she arranged her desk preparing to go home. Why she was so happy today she couldn't tell. Perhaps because of that little intelligent beauty in her house. She doesn't know what she loved that girl so much. Maybe because of her story but that girl is an amazing person. Always making herself busy with one chore or the other. Since she has learned how to cook,she has never gone home without meeting dinner ready and they all tasted delicious. Her clothes were always cleaned and well Ironed. The house so clean and flowers well trimmed. She is such a hard-working girl. She just prayed things run smoothly between them. She made a call to the secretary to cancell all appointments as she took her bag and came out locking the door. She got into her car, ignited the engine and zoomed off. Such a stressful day. TBC
18 Apr 2018 | 14:00
Hmmmm,,,, wahala is looming
18 Apr 2018 | 15:46
Jessy just as uncle johnny said be careful with cris
18 Apr 2018 | 16:04
There is fire on the mountian
18 Apr 2018 | 16:08
hmmm, so this is how it all started,,,,, ride on
18 Apr 2018 | 16:16
I think this is the beginning of yr problem
18 Apr 2018 | 17:39
Jessy, be carefu of that he-goat called chris.
18 Apr 2018 | 19:03
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Twenty-three "Oh sir, you are welcome,how was your journey?" I asked him with a smile It took him some minutes before he replied after gazing at me from head to toe. "Fine" he replied as he stepped into the compound leaving his luggages outside. I went out to bring them in but I couldn't carried them as they were too heavy. "Where is that old man?" he asked turning to look at me as he saw me struggling with the bags. "Don't tear my bags ok,they are very expensive" I was a little bit shocked but I composed myself. I was about saying something when I saw uncle John emerged from behind the house running towards us holding his trouser which was about falling. "Ha,Oga Chris" he shouted in excitement "You just dey come" he asked Chris "No,I still dey camp" Chris replied rudely "so this is what you do ehh, leaving the gate and go sit behind the house?" "No sir, na Belle dey run me oo,I am sorry" John apologized "Johnny hope you know me very well, Thank God I am back,is me and you" Chris told him "Hope you remembered how me and you used to do?" "Where is my mom?" He asked turning to me. "Not yet back from work" I responded quickly "Oga na your load be this" John asked "No na my head" Chris replied sarcastically "Sorry,make I bring am inside?" "No dash them to the neighbors fool" Chris replied heading towards the door to open it I chuckled a little at the reply, though I wasn't comfortable with his manners of approach towards someone old enough to be his father,his respond to the questions were somehow funny. I helped uncle John to carry the luggages inside the house. By them, Chris has already opened the door and was inside. When we got in, Chris was already sitted drinking a bottle of water. He removed a key from his pocket and threw it at Uncle Johnny who grabbed it immediately. Uncle Johnny and I carried the bags upstairs, opened his door with the key thrown earlier and put the bags in. That was my first time of entering into his room. It smelled badly and was totally disarranged. Everywhere was covered with dust and spiderweb looking very dirty that I felt like throwing up. We later came downstairs, Chris has removed his shirt and shoes and was wearing a singlet and his trouser. Uncle Johnny went out after hailing him for some minutes. I stood starring at him wondering what kind of person he must be. "Don't just stand there,go set the table,I am hungry" he commanded "Yes sir" I replied and hurried to the kitchen. As I microwave food,I began to wonder if really this guy was Aunty Abigail's son. He is so rude and full of himself. Commanding me as if I am working for him. Imagine the way he spoke to Uncle Johnny. I just hope I be able to cope with him in this house. I set the table minutes later and called him to eat. He walked to the table and looked at the food "What is this?" he asked me "Rice and fish stew sir" "What kind of nonsense is this?,is this why mom employed you in this house? To cook rubbish and poison" he screamed in Anger "Sir,I am sorry but it was Aunty_" I tried talking but he yelled at me "Shut the fuck up, you don't talk when I am talking ok, I am your boss" "I am sorry sir" I apologized quietly with my head bowed looking at the floor He looked at me, hissed and walked away. I looked up and saw him climbing the stairs. I fell a liquid dropped out of my eyes and I didn't bother to wipe them. Seconds later,I heard me screamed my name from upstairs. I quickly rushed to meet him. I met him at the door of his room "You called me sir" "I don't know how you and my mom do in this house but I want to let you know that I am a different being and I won't tolerate any form of laziness from you in this house" "Yes sir" "See my room" he said pointing to his room "I am going downstairs,by the time I come back,it should be sparking white and clean like my teeth" I kept quiet "Are you deaf?" he asked "I heard you sir" I responded "Better" he said walking away I raised my head and looked at him. For the first time,I broke my promise and cried louder calling for my mother. I knew I was in for a tough battle TBC
18 Apr 2018 | 19:06
o boi!! no worry wait till weekend
19 Apr 2018 | 04:43
then later he will to apologize,,, ,,,, Mtcheeew. I will wash him head to toe with hot water.
19 Apr 2018 | 05:40
Omo Chris name (were) oo
19 Apr 2018 | 05:44
I will tell him I won't clean it
19 Apr 2018 | 06:17
Hmmmm,,,, sebi Ur mum has warned you to be careful in dat house,,,, so endure
19 Apr 2018 | 08:04
Chris hmmm
19 Apr 2018 | 09:57
let me reserve my comment
19 Apr 2018 | 09:58
even if she is ur maid, u still need to treat her nicely
19 Apr 2018 | 13:01
Chris wat de fvk is wrong wid u
21 Apr 2018 | 16:21
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Twenty-four She has been horning at the gate for close to five minutes now yet no sign of it been opened or the gateman in sight. She became very furious. Where the hell has he gone to? Is this exactly why she employed him to make her stand outside her own house and horned like a crazy person? She will surely deal with him. She was about stepping out of the car when the gate flew opened showing John who was using one hand to hold the gate and the other to support his knicker that was about falling. She hissed and drove in with speed not minding whether he got hit or not. She rushed out of the car and walked up to him in anger. Within seconds,her hand has flown straight across his face giving him a resounding slap which echoed in his ear drum. "You old fool!" She cursed in annoyance. "Madam,sorry na purge" he apologized with uncontrollable tears rolling down his cheek. The slap was really a painful one but he tried not to hold his face. "Nonsense" she roared with Anger "Is this why I employed you? Do you know how many minutes you got me standing outside like a fool? Am I supposed to horn before entering my own house?" "Madam,I am sorry,I dey purge since morning" John apologized again. She calmed her temper and stood looking at him as he cried. For a moment, she felt remorseful and regretted ever hitting him. For crying out loud, the man is old enough to be her father despite the fact that he is working under her. Fate hasn't been good on his side so she had no right slapping him whatsoever. She thought on apologizing but kicked against the idea. She can't belittle herself in front of an ordinary gateman. He works for her so he is under her submission and she has every right to do whatever she pleases after all she is not maltreating him. "Let this never repeat itself again,I don't want to ever horn twice at my gate, that is why I pay you every month,to sit,open and closes this gate.If you have any issue with your stomach,make sure you sort it out before I get home,is that understood?" She asked in a commanding tone "Yes ma" he replied coldly She looked at him for the last time before turning her head heading to the front door "Madam" Johnny called but she interrupted him "I will pay you next week" She interrupted as she opened the door and disappeared. He shook his head. He was about telling her about Chris' arrival but she had interrupted him. He sighed using his hands to rub where she had slapped him. It was very hot and painful. This was one thing he disliked about his madam,she was a temperamental person who lacks self control. She reacts at every thing and let her anger controls her. Later,she would regret her actions but by then,the damages has already been done and that was the same attitude her son Chris got. Chris talked to him anyhow without any respect for his grey hairs and age. Imagine how she had slapped him. If not for condition that made crayfish bend,he is able to give birth to five of her mates and even Chris could have been his grandson. "I don't think I will continue to work here again"he said aloud for the first time in standard English. Chris sat on the sofa,his two legs stretched on the table as he was focused on the Television facing him. He had just finished eating the same meal,he referred to as poison and it was very delicious. He wondered who would have prepared such delicious meal. He turned his head to the door at the sound of its opening. His face covered with smile when he saw the person that walked in. He stood up looking at her Aunty Abigail turned to meet the figure looking at her "I am dreaming" she shouted "CHRIS" With that she jumped on him almost making him to fall if not that he supported himself against the chair. "Oh Chris my darling boy"she cried "I missed you so much" "I missed you too my ever gorgeous momma" Chris praised She disengaged herself from him "Wow" she exclaimed "look at you, finally my son is now a full grown man, Congratulations dear" Chris smiled "thanks mommy, thanks" I had just finished sweeping his room when I heard the sound of Aunty Abigail's car outside. I wanted to go open it because it seemed like Uncle John was having another purge but I changed my mind. I don't want another dose of Chris' problem on his first arrival. I didn't hear the sound again so I knew that the gate was already opened. Later I heard some shouts inside the palour. I knew she had already met her son so I rushed downstairs to greet her and I saw her hugging her son. I stood by the corner watching as they embraced in a joyful mood. I remembered mother and began to share tears. After some minutes they disengaged from each other arms. "Welcome ma" I greeted Aunty Abigail "Ehh heh" she responded still feeling excited "Hey you, have you finished cleaning my room?" Chris shouted at me I looked at Aunty Abigail while she looked at Chris ****** Vero arrived home and rested after much pleasantries from friends and family. She wasn't interested in all of that. Chris wasn't picking her calls and that bothered her alot. He had send a message to call back within some minutes which he was yet to do. She was dead worry about him. She hadn't expected herself to fall so deeply in love with him but she did. She had willingly given her heart,body and soul to him and she has decided to spend the rest of her life with him but was CHRIS thinking the same way? TBC
23 Apr 2018 | 15:49
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Twenty-five "Are you deaf?" He shouted again "I am through sir" I replied "What room son?" Aunty Abigail asked him "I told her to clean my room, imagine it was so dirty when you have a maid in this house" Chris replied "She is not a maid Chris anyway never mind" Aunty Abigail said "Jessy meet my son Chris,the one that was doing his NYSC" she said to me. I was about greeting him again when he spoke. "If she is not a maid mother,then what is she doing here? don't tell me you have opened a charity organization because I am the last born and I know all my relatives except maybe your ex husband children" he said "Shut up Chris,we will discuss it later" "Jessy, have you set the table?" She asked me "I have already eaten"Chris replied I became confused, was this not the same person who was shouting that I gave him poison to eat. "Don't just stand there fool,make yourself useful" he yelled at me. I quickly run upstairs in shock and confusion. "Chris, you need to mind how you talk to her,you are just meeting this girl and you don't want her to be afraid of you" "Who cares mother besides you have alot to explain to me but that will be after I have taken a nap" he told her walking away to the kitchen. Aunty Abigail sighed as she climbed upstairs. She was about going to her room but changed her mind and headed for Jessica's room. *** I laid on my bed as the tears continued pouring out. I had never anticipated that my staying in this house will be a total Fustration for me. I have grown to lov and cherish Aunty Abigail as well became comfortable with the environment. How can someone treat me like this on his first day of arrival? Why is he behaving as if he knew me before? What exactly did I do to deserve this? Was this another way of God testing me? I cried uncontrollable. I heard a knock at the door but never bothered to check who was knocking. Seconds later,the door opened and I could tell it was Aunty Abigail as her fragrance scent covered the entire room. This was one thing I enjoyed most being around her. She smelled so nice and sweet. She walked slowly to me and sat on the bed drawing my head up and placed it on her laps. "Jessy,I am sorry for what happened earlier,I know it hurt but I want you to overlook it. Chris is such a nice person and you will get to like and be comfortable around him soon. Just forget how he reacted to you.i guess it's because of how stressful NYSC is. Don't worry, you will get along just fine and you will like him as an elder brother.ok please don't cry" She consoled me with her smooth and tender voice. I nodded and wept my tears not because I believed exactly what she has said but because of how she said those words to me. I slowly begun to understand exactly what uncle John has told me earlier. If indeed it was true then I know I am in for a tough fight. Within me,I knew that Chris is another challenge that I need strength to overcome. ***** "Guy I have reached home " Chris said to Chima over the phone "So where you keep your home abi you non dey see your girlfriend call?" Chima asked "Abeg don't mind that girl" Chris replied "Why wetin happen,she just dey disturb me say you never call am to tell am say you don reach" "As my wetin na,she be my mama abi my wife,abeg make she park enter dustbin" "Guy,non do like that, you know that Vero loved you very much and she is a good girl,I advice that you settle down with her and change your ways" "Oshey pastor Chima infact daddy G.O" Chris mocked "See who is advising somebody,you are advising me as your boy abi wetin" "Is the truth Chris, you better listen to me" "Taaa shut up there,see let me be frank with you, I am still very young for any kind of settling down right now,I haven't even gotten a job besides if I want to marry,is certainly not Vero, that harlot that I fucked everywhere in the camp,no na" "Chris forget about job, your parents are well connected to get you any kind of job you want and as for what you are saying about Vero, you know that is not true,is not because she willingly opened her legs for you,she is a decent girl" "Guy I non understand you o,Are you Vero elder brother abi she send you to me?" "Chris think about it please" Chima begged "Ok i hear,I go call her later"Chris replied "How is your mom?" Chima inquired "She is fine but guy guess what" Chris said "What again,abi you don catch another mugu" "Not that joor,I got home only to meet a young girl.I thought she is a maid only for my Mom to say she is not a maid" "Then who is she na?"Chima asked "She promised to tell me later" "Is she a big girl?" "No,na one small rat like that o but she package for front and back shaa" "Chris, I take GOD beg you,non reach her side o" "You know I non like small children na,I am not a rapist" "I just dey beg you o" Chima responded "Ok daddy,talk to you later"Chris replied pressing the end button on his phone. **** Aunty Abigail sat in her room looking into space. What exactly is wrong with Chris? Why did he detest every girl she brought into this house? She had seen him insulted all the maids she brought into the house on many occasions. They all had left with no specific reasons but she knew that something wasn't right and she must find out. TBC
23 Apr 2018 | 15:52
let's take Ur word for u dat u don't do small children,,,,, but I know u are a dog dat will alws go back to his vomits
24 Apr 2018 | 05:07
well, madam Abigail u really must know the reasons why ur maids keep running away
24 Apr 2018 | 06:26
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Twenty-six "You got me worry Chris" Vero spoked over the phone "I am sorry honey,you know is not an easy thing seeing your son after one year,my mom couldn't let go of me" Chris apologized "Even at that,you ought to have notify me of your arrival at home,I thought something happened to you" Vero responded "I am sorry,so what's up? how are your parents? I know they were so excited seeing their princess" Chris asked Vero blushed "of course they were ,you can imagine the welcome party and pleasantries I received,I even have to slid away from them" "I know right, anyway mine was pretty cool and simple,no party though because I am not really interested in that kind of a thing but it feels so wonderful to finally be home a complete and qualified graduate after years of toiling and cracking of brains" "Yeah babe and you know what makes me happy most,is that I am finally going to settle down with the man of my dreams which is you" Vero exclaimed Chris paused and scoffed not loud enough for her to heard. "Man of her dreams my foot" She better wake up from her day dream. "Are you there boo?" Vero asked as she didn't hear any reply from him. "Of course baby,I am excited as well but I think we should settle and get a job first,you know we just arrived today baby and we have a long way to go" Chris said "I know honey but the early the better or don't you love me Chris?" "Of course I do baby,I love you so much and I want to make you the mother of my children,my special Vero" He gave a fake Compliment Vero blushed again. Her head began to swell and she smiled as she heard those words from Chris. "I love you more bby" she responded Just then Aunty Abigail walked into the room and stood standing gazing at him "I will call you back later ok"He said ending the call as he stared at his mom. "Mom, I am sure you know that you just invaded my privacy"He said to her "Sorry dear,I totally forgot to knock"she apologizing sitting besides him on the bed. "Now what is it this time?" He asked "Chris,there is something I want to ask you" She replied ***** Immediately Aunty Abigail left,I pretended lying down. Later when I noticed that she had gone,I got up and went downstairs to meet Uncle Johnny. He was sitting looking moody. I needed no soothsayer to tell me that he wasn't alright. He didn't even notice me as he was deeply in thoughts. I stared at him for a while,shook my head and walked back to the house. As I was about going to my room I heard AUNTY Abigail voice coming out of Chris' room. I paused, went closer and placed my ear on the door. ********* "And what is it that couldn't wait till later,For Christ's sake,I arrived minutes ago and I need to rest mom." "I know Dear but I am just curious to know please" she begged "Ok fine,I am listening" "What exactly transpired between you and the two maids I brought here?" She bluntly asked. Chris became shocked. Why was his mother asking? Was his secret finally out? "I don't understand you mom" he said with his voice almost shaking with fear. "Chris,I noticed that you were always having one confusion or the other with almost both of them.For the first week, you all were doing fine but I just don't understand what later transpired that made them to leave without any reasons whatsoever" "So are you insinuating that I am responsible for their departure or what?" Chris shouted in anger "Calm down Chris,I am not insinuating anything,I am just being concerned or curious" "Well since it just came to your notice,All those maids you brought here were complete Harlots, prostitutes"He shouted Aunty Abigail became shocked and confused "What do you mean by that son?" She asked in confusion "Mom, you are an educated person,I am sure you know the definition of harlot,your maids tried to force themselves on me,they wanted me to have sex with them" "What!" Aunty Abigail exclaimed in bewilderment "Yes,They made passes at me every day, wearing short expolsives things to tempt me thinking I am your ex husband that falls into every pussy hole he sees and when they didn't succeed,they became ashamed of their deeds and since they couldn't stand my presence,they had to leave" "You mean both of them" Aunty Abigail asked "What language should I spilled it in mom? how am I even sure that they didn't fuck the hell out of your darling former husband?" "I don't want to believe this Chris" Aunty Abigail held her head in shocked. "Of course,why will you believe when all you think about is yourself and your God forsaken Husband who is now your never care about me mother,did you even care to know Why I decided to stay on campus? No,you saw it as an advantage to have your husband anywhere you want." "Stop it!" Aunty Abigail shouted "just stop it Chris." "How the hell was I supposed to know when you didn't tell me? I never knew that anything of such happened under my nose?" "That is why you are a mother,you ought to be sensitive towards your children,but what you care about was your job and husband" "Oh Chris,I am so sorry"Aunty Abigail cried "I have been a bad mother, forgive me please" Chris stood up and faced her. "I am sorry Chris,I will never doubt you ever again,I am going to listen to whatsoever you says,i am so sorry" Chris moved closer to her and hugged her "Is ok mom,I love you no matter what" "I love you too son" Chris smiled within himself Mission accomplished. ***** Call it eavesdropping or whatever,I don't care. I have just left the door of Chris' room. I have stood for minutes listening to their conversation. I really don't do this but I found myself listening maybe I could get some truth out of it and maybe I did but I just became more confused. Who exactly is saying the truth? Uncle Johnny has told her that Chris tried harassing the maids sexually so they had to fleed and here Chris was telling his mother that they tried forcing themselves on him. This was just too much for a first day. Filled with confusion I opened the door of my room, entered and closed it tight, falling on my bed. TBC
24 Apr 2018 | 09:49
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Twenty-Seven I tried not to focus much on that issues as I shoved it behind me. I did everything as much as possible not to get into Chris' ways. I avoided him like a plague but make myself available whenever he calls. I do whatever he says no matter how he shouted at me I really didn't know what happened but Uncle Johnny resigned. He told Aunty Abigail that he is not interested in working any longer. We all tried begging him but he became adamant to all our pleads so we had no option than to let him go. I can't say what happened but I believed it was because of Chris attitude towards him nevertheless I will missed him so much especially his words of wisdom and jokes as well. Sunday came and we all went to church with Chris as the driver. Meh! My heart almost jumped out of its hole, Chris was definitely a rough rider. Service was wonderful, infact too wonderful. Aunty Abigail had a Thanksgiving celebration at church and an after party at home for the success of Chris' Graduation. After service, While Aunty Abigail was discussing with some friends,Pastor Eric called me aside telling me about a dream that he had where he saw me shouting for help. He told me to always pray and read my Bible. I didn't understand him and I didn't care to understand what he meant but in order not to make him feel stupid,I thanked him and ran along. The home celebration began at 2:,00pm Everywhere was jammed with people and it was really fun. I saw Chris at the other corner, chatting with a guy and a girl while pointing at me. Aunty Abigail was moving to and fro greeting people,while I was going around serving them with food and drinks along with the help of my neighbors. It was really fun,I danced and enjoyed myself like never before not minding anyone. Pastor Eric and other church members, friends and families were present even my neighbors. Being very tired, we all retired to bed feeling very exhausted. **** The next morning,I woke up early to prepare breakfast for everyone. We had a quiet breakfast after which Aunty Abigail hurried off to work. I need to prepare for class too so I hurriedly packed the dishes and carried them to the kitchen to wash. I was washing the dishes when a spoon slipped off my hand and fell to the floor. I bent down to pick it up only to turn and see Chris standing looking at me. I froze!! "What are you starting at?" He yelled at me "Nothing sir" I quickly replied "Then do your work" He said I quickly turned to washing the dishes though I wasn't feeling comfortable. I looked at him through the corner of my eyes and saw him opening the fridge to collect water, after which he left. I breathed in relief. Chris behaviors towards me had left so much fear in me that I am always troubled at the sight of his presence. I quickly rinsed and dried the dishes and rushed to my room to prepare for school. After getting ready,I went down to the palour only to meet him on the phone. I waited for him to be through with my heartbeat rising above normal but noticing my presence,he turned to look at me and removed the phone from his ear. "Yes, what is it?" He asked "I am going to school sir" I replied "Wait let me drop you off" he said putting the phone back to his ear. I didn't think I hear him right. Chris wants to drop me off. Like we are going to ride the same Car together? I was deep in thought that I didn't notice he was through. "And what are you still standing doing here,my friend go and open the gate" I ran outside in fear I wanted to protest against him dropping me off but I lost confidence to say anything. I opened the gate and waited for him. Moment laters,he arrived,we got into the car and drove out. ********** He jerked up from sleep in fright shouting Jesus. He looked around and saw himself sitting in his office. He remembered bending his head on the desk to rest and sleep carried him away. This dream again. What exactly does it means? He was no way related to Jessica. He only met her through his church member Abigail. Why the continuous dream? Looks like God was revealing something but what exactly he can't say. For the past three days,he is always having a dream, seeing her screaming for help. He took his bible from the corner and began to pray. ***** He opened the door and entered into his room falling on his bed. He had dropped her off moments ago and returned back to the house. He just couldn't explain what kind of feeling he was having deep inside. Something strange about that girl. A feeling he can't explain. He had gone into the kitchen to drink when he met an unimaginable image starring at him,that at a moment, everything became blanked in his sight. What a gorgeous ass for a little girl. She is indeed loaded. He imagined a nude picture of her in his head and how wonderful she will taste. What's wrong Chris? You have seen better asses than that You are not moved by little Children, what seem to be the issue with this little girl that you can't control. He tried to remove his mind from what he has seeing. Picking up his phone,he wanted to call Chima but found himself dialling Vero number. He surely needs to plug his cable somewhere else he might loose it. Konji is a bastard!!! TBC
24 Apr 2018 | 09:50
24 Apr 2018 | 10:19
jessica pls pray always
24 Apr 2018 | 13:23
24 Apr 2018 | 13:47
Jessy pls be careful
24 Apr 2018 | 15:23
Hmmmm,,,,, and Ur kongi palava will lead to hell
24 Apr 2018 | 16:00
Chris u be mumu
24 Apr 2018 | 17:25
Jessica be careful around chris
24 Apr 2018 | 17:26
bring more
24 Apr 2018 | 17:27
Still observing..
24 Apr 2018 | 17:47
Konji is a bad thing,
24 Apr 2018 | 17:50
24 Apr 2018 | 17:51
just like as @Ireoluwaemmanuel has said "u will soon go back to eat ur own vomit"
24 Apr 2018 | 17:58
24 Apr 2018 | 17:59
but u need to be careful around chris
24 Apr 2018 | 18:00
i think i know how this will turn out to be... "u will be raped by Chris and then he will deny that u were trying to seduce him or even successfully seduce him. so Anuty Abigail will now kick u out from the house...
24 Apr 2018 | 18:04
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Twenty-Eight I opened the door and walked into the sitting room feeling very tired. School has been really wonderful not only because of the lessons taught but because I was feeling very happy. I had a short but interesting conversation with Chris on our way to school. He apologized over how he has been behaving towards me and told me not to be afraid of him but see him as a brother and feel free to discuss anything with him. I looked around the sitting room, everywhere was quiet except for the television that was on. I saw a big black bag on the table. Was Aunty Abigail back? I peeped through the window thinking that I didn't notice her car due to how tired I was but I didn't see her car outside. Then who could be the owner of the bag and where is Chris? I climbed the stairs still wondering who was the anonymous visitor. I was about unlocking my room door to enter when I heard some strange sound emerging from Chris' room. I moved closer wondering what was going on. The sound grew louder as I drew near. "Oh yes baby,give it to me, give it to me baby,I love it honey, show no Mercy, fuck me harder bby boy" I continue to hear the voice and I knew that it was a lady moaning. Few seconds later,I heard Chris' voice too asking her "Do you like it,is it big baby,are you feeling it deep,is it touching your womb,who is your daddy?" As confused and naive as I was,I couldn't tell what exactly was going on in there but I knew that Chris was inside with a woman. Few seconds,I heard some screaming and panting sounds and Chris telling her to get dress that his mother will soon be home. I quickly ran back downstairs because I didn't want Chris to know that I heard his conversation or noticed a strange presence. I sat on the couch and pretend to be watching the television. Minutes later,I heard Chris and the lady coming downstairs while laughing and chatting. As they got to the sitting room, I turned and greeted them. They both replied and Chris walked her out but I could tell that he was looking at me. He returned after seeing her off and I was still sitting on the couch. "When did you arrive Jessy?" He asked me "Just now sir" I replied "So you didn't go upstairs?" "No sir" "Ok make sure you don't tell my mom who came here today" He instructed "Yes sir" I answered He smiled and sat near me "How was school?" "School was fine sir" "So we are now friends right?" "You weren't my enemy sir" He laughed out loud like I cracked a joke "You are really a smart little thing,I like that" "Excuse me sir,I want to go change my clothes" I said getting up and leaving him sitting there. ******** Months later, Chris and I have become good friends and it really got Aunty Abigail impressed. We were like one big family. Did I mention that Chris now got a job and was working? Oh yes he did and He comes home the same Time with Aunt Abigail but he had his own car. We got a new gateman but I wasn't that closed with him because I liked and missed Uncle Johnny. Chris showered me with lots of gifts whenever he comes back home. During weekend,we got out on flexing sometimes with Aunt Abigail and sometimes with the lady I met at home the last time. Chris introduced me to her during one of her visits again and we became good friends and I got to know that her name was Aunty Vero. She loved me like a kid sister and got me alot of goodies though Aunty Abigail was unawared of her presence and relationship with Chris. Everything was moving really good and we all were like one big family infact we were one big family. I also got to meet another guy called Chima, Chris' best friend so I learned. I remembered seeing him at the party held in Chris' honour after his NYSC. I so much loved and Cherished my family that I wouldn't trade them for anything but I would never forget my mother whose soul will continued to rest in peace. She had long ago stopped appearing to me in my dreams but I wished she was alive to witness the kid of joy I felt today. I have been able to overcome the greatest challenges and I gave it all to God. We attended service every Sunday and pastor Eric never ceased to advice me to continue praying. At a point,I became bored with him that immediately after service,I dashed off before he could see me. Oneday Aunty Abigail informed us that she would be traveling to another village to work on a certain project. I guess she was going to do the same work that had connected me to her when she visited my village. She gave me some money for upkeep and told me to make sure that I keep the house in order especially now that Chris has started working. I bid her farewell and she left early the next morning. If it were before,I would have been very much afraid of being alone with Chris but now Chris and I have become best pals and I now see him as the brother I never had. If only I knew. TBC
25 Apr 2018 | 14:56
if only u knew u were a fish placed b4 a cat,,,, u would Hav kept to urself,,,, but at d same time, u wouldn't Hav known wat was coming Ur way
26 Apr 2018 | 04:09
26 Apr 2018 | 06:13
if only u knew he's just pretending to be ur silly friend
26 Apr 2018 | 07:33
I think Chris is nice to u just to get u
26 Apr 2018 | 07:46
Chris would execute his evil plan now
26 Apr 2018 | 07:46
let watch out
26 Apr 2018 | 07:47
D sad part z abt 2pop its ugly head
26 Apr 2018 | 07:57
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Twenty-nine Everything was going smoothly till one faithful day I was home watching cartoon when I heard the sound of Chris car drove into the compound. I looked at the time and it was too early for him to be home. Chris has never been home that early so I wondered what went wrong. I adjusted on the sofa awaiting his arrival. He opened the door and walked in looking so moody. I greeted him but he didn't respond and went upstairs. I became dumbfounded because this was unlike Chris. Everything has been going on well so I didn't understand why the change of attitude. I thought on going to his room to ask but I changed my mind and headed to my room.. I must have slept off because I worked up some minutes to seven pm. I screamed and ran downstairs only to see Chris talking over the phone. He was explaining to Chima about his sudden severe headache that made him to close earlier than usual today and he also discussed some issues about Vero. I felt some guilt within me. I had never taken the time to figure out that something was wrong when he passed without saying a word. I should have known that he was feeling ill. Chris has been such a nice person to me so I am supposed to reciprocate the gesture by going to his room to find out what was the problem but I didn't,rather I went to mine and slept off. I gasped. Gosh! Is evening and I am yet to set the table. I hurriedly ran into the kitchen but I was surprised to see some used dishes in the sink indicating that he has already served himself. What kind of a person I was? I walked back to the sitting room and he was still on a call. I stood waiting for him because I definitely knew that he was going to shout at me and for the first time I deserves it. After he got through with his call,he turned towards my direction. "Hey Jessy, you are finally awake" he said flashing me a bright smile. I couldn't say a word because I was totally speechless. Chris has definitely changed or perhaps I misjudged him. I didn't expect him to talk like that to me. I was waiting for a shout of Anger or even a slap but that didn't happen. "Are you ok?" He asked moving closer to me. "I am fine sir" I replied him. "If is about the way I ignored your greetings when I arrived, I am sorry,I was having a severe headache and I wasn't thinking straight" He apologized calmly Wow!! This is such good news. Chris apologizing to me is unbelievable. "Is ok sir but I should be the one apologizing,I didn't paid any attention to you and even slept off without setting the table" "No is ok,you have been working hard since you came,so I decided to let you rest, besides I have eaten already" "Ok sir and I am sorry too because Aunty Abigail would definitely not be happy if she heard this" "Nobody will tell her, anyways since you are awake,let me go to my room to rest, you can watch cartoon if you wish" He said patting me on the shoulder and walking away. I wanted to put on the television but I felt hungry so I went to the kitchen,served some food,ate and washed the dishes while my mind did a recap of what actually happened few minutes ago. Seriously,it was unbelievable and I was still shocked at Chris' attitude and this made me to like him more. When I got through with the chores,I went to watch some cartoon. Hours later my eyes lid began to get dim and I knew sleep was calling so i off the television and headed to my room, falling on my bed and travelling to dreamland. I found myself wondering around a deserted bush screaming for help but none seems to be coming. I looked ahead and saw mother standing looking at me with tears in her eyes. I moved to her and asked why she was crying and where was I? She didn't say anything but continued crying. I kept asking her till she finally spoke. "I warned you Jessy but you failed me" I asked what she meant by that but she just shook her head and disappeared. I began to shout her name and i felt something hit me at the back of my head. I jerked and woke up in fright to someone knocking the door. Feeling a terrible headache,I moved to open the door only to see Chris standing at the door. I turned and looked at the clock hanging above the window and the time showed exactly two am in the morning. "Did I wake you up?" He asked I saw his question as a very foolish one. What would I be doing by two am if not sleeping? "What is the problem sir?" I asked him feeling sleepy "Can I come in?" He asked again I unwillingly stepped aside and allowed in then I closed the door. He sat on the bed while I stood gazing at him to say something but he was just starring at me. "Sorry, please what can I do for you?" I asked again "Please sit" He ordered I moved and sat on the chair opposite the bed waiting for him to talk. "I am sorry for disturbing you" He spoke "just that I couldn't sleep,I kept thinking about you" "Thinking about me?" I asked "please is there any problem?" "Jessy" He called "I know that I haven't really been that nice to you since I met you" "But sir, you have already apologized to me and I have forgotten it" "I know but I want you to understand why I had behaved that way to you?" "I don't understand sir, you don't know me from anywhere so what are you talking about?" "Jessy when I met you,I saw an image of my first love, the girl that I had loved wholeheartedly but she broke my heart, you brought back those painful memories and I felt anger,I know you may not understand what I am saying" "I don't sir, but I am sorry if I made you feel sad or remember someone you have forgotten but sorry Why are you here?" I asked getting impatient. It was late and I need to sleep in order to prepare for school early tomorrow. "Jessy" He moved closer to me and held my hands. I tried to move them out of his grip but he held them tighter. "After she left me,I haven't been able to find true love again, you may know about my relationship with Vero but she cannot fill the vacuum in my heart, but when I met you,I felt that inner peace, that love that was missing, that void that I have been trying to replace for years" I became confused,I wasn't understanding what exactly he was saying. " I don't understand you sir" "Jessy,I love you and I want you to be my girlfriend,I know you are still young but I can't hide it" "Jesus Christ" I shouted standing in shock. Did I hear him right? So uncle John was right after all. Chris has been pretending and I fell for it. Finally it has dawned on me. TBC
26 Apr 2018 | 09:58
26 Apr 2018 | 10:38
26 Apr 2018 | 11:53
It's too late Jessy....He will rape you and deny it...Hmmmn, my assumption tho
26 Apr 2018 | 12:59
26 Apr 2018 | 13:30
well, i knew this will happen
26 Apr 2018 | 14:06
now u know his plan for you,,, that is wat Ur mum warned u abt but wat could u Hav done? you can't pack and leave d house? even pastor Gabriel said u should be prayerful but can prayer really avert dis wahala dat is looming over Ur head?
26 Apr 2018 | 14:10
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode thirty I stood fixed to the spot for what seems like eternity unable to move or say a word. I know is not fair to judge a person but I wished I had listened and be careful with Chris. "Please say something my love" Chris spoke drawing me back to reality. I looked at him and all the likeness I had developed for him within time disappeared right away. I think this guy must be high on cheap drugs. How dare him utter such nonsense to me? "Sir please get out of my room"I commanded not minding whether he was my superior or boss. I don't care because I totally lost every respect for him. "Jessy, please don't hurt my feelings,I can't hide it. I love you,I know it may sound stupid but I do" "Sir,can you actually listen to yourself?" I asked in Amazement. "You are in love with a small girl as I am, What will Aunty Abigail say? What will I think of you besides you have Aunty Vero as your girlfriend already" I didn't understand what love was actually was,but I understood that it involves two person becoming close together. I have also been taught about some sexual harassment in school. Our teacher had warned us never to allow any Male play or stay close to our private parts. Mother has also warned me never to get close to any Male because they are dangerous. So with that little understanding,I believe that what Chris is talking about is exactly what I have been warned against. "Jessy,I can't denied that Vero and I don't have anything together because you know that she is my girlfriend but I don't love her,I love you. What I feel for you is real compared to what I have for Vero. I love you Jessy and I don't care what my mother thinks of.I just want you to say yes please.", He begged "I don't love you sir, please get out of my room"I ordered almost shouting. "Jessy please don't hurt me" He pleaded again. "Sir,I don't want to shout, please leave" "Please think about it"He said getting up. I moved to the door and opened it so he could leave. He walked closer to me,I could see feel his breathe where I stood. I became terrified, wishing that he doesn't do anything stupid to me because I may not have the strength to fight back and we are alone. He looked at me and walked out. I sighed in relief shutting the door hard. I moved to my bed,sat and began to weep. ***** After that night,I completely ignored or avoided Chris. Of course,I still served him his meals and do some work he wants me to do but our relationship wasn't like before. Infact, that brotherly love that I had for him disappeared and what I felt was complete hatred. Inorder to avoid seeing or talking to him,i desisted from watching TV in the sitting room as I spent most of my times in my room. Chris tried his best to talk to me,he even bought me alot of goodies but I rejected them all and didn't mind him. **** As time went on, Chris developed unusual habit. Chris hasn't come home late before. I wondered what was keeping him. I waited for hours yet he wasn't back. I looked at the time and it was 10pm. Chris has never stayed late by this time. I became worried as I moved to and fro thinking about what to do. I was yet to have a phone so I couldn't put a call through. Aunty Abigail promised to get me one on my eighteenth birthday. I couldn't think of anything to do. I had no idea where he was so I couldn't go to meet him. I sat on the couch awaiting his return,I didn't know when I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning still on the couch. I got up and met Chris having breakfast. I wanted to ask him about yesterday's events but changed my mind. He got up and left the house without saying a word to me unlike before that he will ask or greet. I didn't bother too and went to my room. This new behavior continued every night. He goes out in the morning and comes back the next morning. I promised myself not to be worried or show concerned about his attitude but I couldn't helped it. I was worry everyday. Infact I became lonely,I have become so closed to Chris that it hurted me so much keeping malice with him. I decided to talk to him in the next night or the next morning if he comes back. I waited till 12 midnight yet he didn't show up and as usual I fell asleep on the couch. TBC
26 Apr 2018 | 15:07
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode thirty-one The next Morning came,and I woke up having backache due to sleeping in the couch which has become my room since Chris started behaving funny. I also felt a terrible headache because of the over thinking I did last night about Chris. I looked up at the dinning thinking he was having breakfast but he wasn't there. Maybe he has gone to work as usual. My heart hurt with how Chris was behaving towards me. I got up and climbed the stairs heading for my room. Today was Friday and I chose not to go to school not because there wasn't any good school infact I had an exam to write but I missed it because I was hurt. I won't be able to concentrate especially since Chris and I began this problem. I was about entering my room when I heard Chris' voice coming from his room. I moved closer contemplating whether I should knock and apologize or not. As I got closer to his door,I overheard his conversation with Vero. He was saying all the nicest things to her and I began to feel jealous. I couldn't explain why but I felt that he is supposed to be talking to me and not her. I was even surprised at myself because I never expected myself to get jealous over his conversation with Vero. I boiled with anger as he blew her a kiss telling her goodbye that he was going to work and he will visit her as usual in the evening after work. That explains why he comes back home late these days. So he was spending the entire night at her house leaving me alone in this big not minding whether I was safe or lonely. I felt pains and anger that I couldn't understand nor controlled. Immediately I ran back downstairs waiting for him because I wanted him to see me and perhaps talk to me. When he came downstairs,I wanted to greet him but my lips became heavier and I was unable to speak. He looked at me, hissed and walked out leaving me standing like a fool. I felt my heart ripping into two and some liquid fell off my eyes. I fell to the floor and cried. Why I was hurt,I couldn't say but I knew that I feel something special for me and now it was much more than a brotherly love. ******* The car drove into the gate drawing my attention away from the Television. I peeped through the window and saw Chris' car. I was very happy at least he was back early today. I rushed into my room and changed into something beautiful. I planned on apologizing to him and reconciling with him. I missed his friendship and it hurted and affected me so much. I hurried back to the sitting and sat awaiting his presence. The door opened and Chris entered into the room but he wasn't alone. I stretched my neck and VERO appeared too. My happy face changed to that of a frown as I sighted Vero but I quickly fake a smile to avoid suspicious. "Hey Jessy" she said hugging me "How are you" "I am fine ma" I replied though I was annoyed "I bought you these" she said handling me a bag of snacks "Thanks" I managed to murmured "I am waiting for you V" Chris spoke from the stairs. She quickly disengaged herself and walked to him as they left. I hissed after her and threw the bag away not minding where it landed. I was annoyed. TBC
26 Apr 2018 | 15:09
26 Apr 2018 | 15:21
what ur problem girl
26 Apr 2018 | 16:13
u should be thinking on how to avoid chris u are here following in love with him
26 Apr 2018 | 16:16
u don't want to read meaning from your dream and connect it with your pastor's warning.....
26 Apr 2018 | 17:43
Ur mind av been polluted by his sweet word. May God save u.
26 Apr 2018 | 18:51
Why would you be annoyed? Mtcheew
27 Apr 2018 | 05:07
see this girls, u are suppose to be thanking ur creator that chris didnt rape u, u are there feeling jealous of things not important.
27 Apr 2018 | 06:28
Can't blame you Jess
27 Apr 2018 | 07:03
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode thirty-two What insolence! Imagine the audacity! He brought that girl here to spite me and get me upset because he knew I have developed feelings for him. Couldn't they have gone somewhere else rather than coming here when they knew that I will be home. "But Jessy, why are you getting angry?,they have been coming here for long yet it doesn't bother you,why are you getting work up now? Why do you feel so much hatred for Vero and why are you jealous seeing her with Chris when you knew that they have been lover for a very long time?" I asked myself. I just couldn't understand what was happening to me.Why was I have this stupid feeling for someone that I became angry with when he voiced out his feelings for me. "Jessy,you need to wake up" I slapped myself hard on the head. I didn't come here for this. God please help me I silently prayed. I thought on going to my room but I won't be able to stand hearing Vero and Chris' voice echoing from his room. So I just stayed in the palour and watch television but I couldn't focus. I found myself climbing the stairs leading up and instead of going to my room,I went to Chris door and stood before it. I could heard some moaning sounds from there. "Stupid girl" I cursed with anger "That's the only thing she knows how to do,she doesn't value her pride as a woman". I hissed and walked back downstairs after some minutes. I looked at the TV and talented kids reality show was going on. My favorite program where kids get to display their various God given talents but I wasn't interested in watching so I switched the TV off and went out to get some fresh air. After what seemed like forever,they both came out of the house. I saw them from the garden so I hid behind the flower so that Vero won't see me because I know that I might respond rudely to her since I now haboured undescribable hatred towards her. After much romance which got me boiling and even felt like slapping Vero,they got into the car and drove off leaving me heartbroken. **** That night, I made up my mind to apologise to Chris comes whatever. I was definitely losing my mind and I couldn't bear it. I longed to hear his soft calm voice as he calls me Jessy. I longed to feel his touch around me holding me like a kid sister. I missed all the goodies he brought me whenever he comes back from work. I missed us sitting and chatting like family. I missed us going out together to beautiful sites infact I missed everything about Chris. It surprised me that I no longer care about Aunt Abigail and her return. There was only one special person on my mind and that is Chris. I knew that I was gradually changing into a person that I never was. I knew that my actions was not a nice thing. I knew that mother will never be happy with me. I knew that I was never given this kind of training. I knew that I was going the wrong way but I didn't have the strength to turn and changed direction because Chris was all that matters to me. T BC
27 Apr 2018 | 08:04
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode thirty-three Chris didn't come back earlier so I had to sit on the sofa awaiting his arrival. I was determined to stay up till whatever time he comes home because I want to set things right. I believed that I was having this feeling towards Chris because we both were not in good terms. This feelings didn't developed when we were talking to each other. I have to do something right about this because I was seriously losing my mind and I was heading towards a path that could be deadly to me. The Time showed 10pm which meant he would be home anytime soonest. I patiently sat on the chair eagerly waiting for him to show. I missed this guy so much,why? I couldn't explained but all I knew that I missed him. It seemed as if the time has stopped working because it moved so slowly, which I kept gazing at often. 11pm and he wasn't back. 12am,yet no sign of his car or himself. Does this means that I won't get to see him tonight as usual? Maybe he was enjoying himself with Vero. Maybe they had gone out to flex or maybe he chose to sleep at her place. Why would he do such a thing? Doesn't he have conscience that I will be alone? I think he was wrong about loving me because you don't treat someone you love this way. Different thoughts ran through my mind and i began to have headache instantly. I looked at the time and it showed 1:15 am and I was beginning to feel sleepy now. I laid on the couch and closed my eyes as the image of Chris and his wonderful smile appeared to me. Even in my sleep,I was smiling making me looked like an idiot. I didn't know when I slept off while waiting for him again. At exactly 3 am,I heard a heavily banging at the door like the house was about falling. I jerked from sleep in fright and having a severe headache instantly. Beads of sweat forming at my forehead. The banging continued more heavily as if the person wants to break the door down. I feared that armrobberies have attacked us. And I was alone. What will I do? I have heard of armrobbing attacked but I guess today was my unfortunate day.I began to cry as I thought on what to do "Open this door,where is that fool?" I paused,breathing in relief as I heard Chris' Voice. Gosh! I almost had heart attack. "Fool, open this door,or I will break it down now" Chris screamed. I moved to the door and turned the knob opened worried about Chris waking the neighbors. Immediately I opened the door, Chris forcefully pushed me aside making me fall on the floor. "So you were hearing me yet you refused to allow me into my own house abi" He spoke. I didn't replied as I was hurt a little by the force he used to push me.I keep quiet as tears formed in my eyes. "Am I not talking to you fool?" He yelled as he staggered towards me, making an attempt to hit me but I quickly dodged it which made him to fall on the floor. I stood up looking at him. "So you purposely fall me down,I will tell my mom when she comes back,you pushed her darling Chris to the floor,you want to kill me" He continued babbling. It was obvious that he was drunk from the offensive odour and the way he staggered while speaking. "Why are you looking at me like puppy,go and wash the house else I won't pay your salary" I hissed and made an attempt to walk out on him but I changed my mind. Looking at him,I felt pitied so I moved closer to help him Stand up. "No no, don't help me,you can't bribe me,I will tell my Mom, infact go and pack your things,you must leave" I didn't listen as he continued talking trash,I held his left hand,supported myself against the wall inorder not to fall because I wasn't able to carry his weight. Thank God some part of his senses were activated as he also made things easier for me by standing up too. Like too drunk people supporting each other not to fall,we both staggered climbing the stairs and going to his room while he kept uttering senseless words. All his weight rested upon my shoulders and I began to have backache but I was least concerned about that. At last we reached his room door,I pinned him against the wall searching his pocket for the keys which I found. I opened the door,dragged him inside and gently carried him to the bed. I laid him on it and was about leaving but he forcefully grabbed me back to himself. TBC
27 Apr 2018 | 08:06
27 Apr 2018 | 08:53
God have mercy on you
27 Apr 2018 | 09:04
u use Ur hand to invite trouble into Ur life girl
27 Apr 2018 | 09:14
27 Apr 2018 | 09:25
sorry is ur second name...
27 Apr 2018 | 10:20
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode thirty-four The force he grabbed and drew me with to himself was something I didn't expect and couldn't break away from. I fought to free myself but he tighten his grip around my waist. "You pretty little thing,you have been avoiding me since days now " He said exposing his teeth as the alcoholic odour emerged from his breathe. "Please let me go" I pleased with him. "Shut your trap" He shouted at me and forcefully turned over on the bed and got on top of me. I began to screamed and cried. I thought this was someone that was drunk or did he pretend to be? "Please sir,let me go" I begged in tears but he wasn't listening. He pinned me down with one hand and was loosening his trouser zip with the other. I tried to break free yet I couldn't as I was unable to comprehend where he got some power from to hold me. Knowing that he wasn't going to listen to me,I began to screamed the gateman name, maybe he could heard me. Chris seeing that I was yelling, gave me a heavy slap on my face that made everywhere blanked for me to see in seconds yet I didn't give up shouting. He torn the upper part of my dress exposing my young mammary glands and was massaging them with his hand. His hands moved to the lower part and he carried my dress up as he positioned himself between my two thighs. I fought, cried,shouted and pleaded with him yet he paid no attention. I didn't know when I blunted out. "Please sir, don't do this to me,I am a virgin and I want to keep myself for my husband, please sir don't". I thought that would softened his heart and changed his mind concerning what he is planning on doing but it was like I added fuel to fire. He paused, looked at me and smiled. "Jessy,if truly you are a virgin,then you don't know what you are missing and I will be glad to show you the sweetest part of life" Oh no!!! I screamed in pains. "Please sir, don't do this to me I beg you,I am an orphan,.my parents are dead, please sir don't.I beg you, please I will leave your house if you want me to.I am sorry for disrespecting and avoiding you for days,I won't do it again please sir, please" My pleads fell on deaf ear as he parted my legs and send my pant to one side. I screamed as I felt something hot and big penetrated me. It was like a huge stick was forcing its way into my stomach and bringing out my intenstine. I continued yelling calling my mom and Aunty Abigail as Chris thrust in and out of me showing me no Mercy. At a time,I couldn't bear it anymore due to the undescribable pains. I immediately passed out. ******** "Jesus Christ"Pastor Eric shouting jumping up from his bed. Mrs. Eric immediately woke up too hearing her husband shout. "Honey what is the matter? Are you alright, please talk to me,are you ok?" She continued to ask in a worried tone. "So it was a dream" Pastor Eric said aloud to himself. "What dream dear?" Mrs. Eric asked looking concerned but pastor Eric kept quiet. "Honey talk to me, you are getting me worried", "So it was a dream"pastor Eric said again "but what does that means?" "That girl again" "What girl again honey?, Why are you keeping me quiet?, please talk to me" Pastor Eric quickly took his bible and began to pray while Mrs. Eric watched him not understanding what was going on. ****** The Alarm sound woke her up. She sluggishly get up and headed for the bathroom to empty the liquid content she been keeping all through the night. Walking back to her room, she looked at the time. It was 5 am in the morning. She picked her phone and opened her message which reads: "This is to inform every staff that the governor will be having an important meeting with every member tomorrow so all projects are postponed till further notice.kindly return back to your respective homes to prepare for tomorrow's meeting" She hissed and sat on her bed. Why will they make such an emergency meeting? Anyways,she still has time to go home. With that she got up and went back to the bathroom to shower. She must hurry up because it's a long journey back home and traffic in the country is something else. ***** Back in the village. A woman stood over her grave sharing uncontrollable tears. This was never what she wished for her only child. If only she could have prevented it. If only she had listened to her. If only. TBC
27 Apr 2018 | 15:20
u were foolish and naive bt the damage has been done and that's where the twist in your life begins
27 Apr 2018 | 16:05
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode thirty-five The unimaginable and undescribable pains I felt the next morning when I woke up was nothing to write about and will forever remained an experience I will never forget. I looked down at myself and was naked or should i say partially because I was still wearing my dress which has torn and my pants shifted to the other side exposing some part of my vagina. I tried getting up but my legs failed to aid me in standing. A sharp pain escaped my thighs making me to look down between them and saw heavy thick blood. Looking under me,the bedsheets was stained with blood. I looked at my side and Chris was busy snoring like a dragon. My heart divided into two and I screamed out loud in tears making Chris to jump up and look at me. "You heartless bastard!" I screamed to the amazement of myself and Chris. "What have you done to me?, What did I do to deserve this? You fooled me and used my naiveness to get what you wanted." I continued saying, crying in tears. "Please calm down Jessy" he spoke "I didn't mean to do this,I was drunk" "You were never drunk, you used that to play me, what did I do to you, what did I do to deserve this, i have always taken and respected you as a big brother. What is my offense for doing this to me.Chris you are heartless" "Jessy,I am sorry but believe me I never planned to do this but I love you so much" "You don't know anything about love,you only wanted to take my pride and I was so foolish to have fell for it. Chris you deceived me and I hate you,I hate you so much" "Jessy don't say that,I love you and I always do" He made an attempt to touch me but got the greatest surprise of the century. I gave him a mighty painful slap on his face with all the strength I summoned within me and I didn't regret it. "Don't you dare touch me,you filthy animal!"I yelled at him. He held his jaw looking at me, astonished at what I just did. "Chris,I hate you,For doing this to me I hate you.I have loved Aunty Abigail and you as a family but you have evil plan against me all this while.I now understand your attitudes and tricks you used in getting me. You knew that being a naive and innocent girl,I was definitely going to fall for it.You tricked me Chris.I should have been careful of you Infact I cursed the day I met you and believe me,I will never forgive and forget you for what you have done to me. You will never know peace. Joy will never see your face. Sorrows shall be your dialy bread and Fustration your meal. Just as you have taken away my pride and made me to share tears, your most valuable treasure shall be taken away and you will cry more than I did." I kept cursing him unawared of everything I was saying. I was just hurt and annoyed and was letting my emotions out. He didn't say a word as he kept starring at me. After I got through talking,he got up from the bed, picked his trouser from the floor and wore it, after which,he walked to the door and opened it while I was looking straight at his face bearing so much hatred for him. Turning back to me,he said "Jessy,I didn't know you were a virgin,I am sorry for taking it away but to be honest with you,I will never regret it" With that he walked out leaving me alone. His words pierced through my heart like a sharp knife, going deep into my soul. Just like a movie,Things began to unfold right before my eyes. My mother constant appearances in my dreams began to open and give me the real meaning of what she was trying to warn me about. Uncle Johnny advices to me concerning me to be extremely careful and avoid Chris gradually began to make meaning to me. Chris strange attitude now began to make sense. He knew that I was going to fall for it. He played on my intelligence, what I once felt for him was as a result of his tricks. Pastor Eric told me to be careful and always pray yet I saw his words as nonsense to my ears. Mother was right,I have failed her infact I have failed myself. With a force,I screamed like I was going to bring the roof of the house to the ground. "Forgive me mother,I should have listened to your warnings.I have indeed failed you" I raised my voice to the ceiling and wept louder. ******* Aunty Abigail was driving along the Express road when her phone began to ring. Looking down,the name pastor Eric displayed on the screen. She quickly pressed the answer button and connected it to her Bluetooth. "Good morning sir" she greeted into the phone. "Bless you sister"pastor Eric replied from the other end "How is the church and your family?" She asked him. "Doing great by grace and you?" "We thank God" "Please have you returned back home?" "I am on my way sir, hope no problem?" "Not at all, just wanted to talk to Jessy, I didn't see her in church last Sunday" "She is fine,I spoke with Chris and he gave me a favorable response concerning her,she has never missed any service,I guessed she left after church without you noticing her" "Yes I think you are right, please extend my greetings to her when you get home and please call me to pray for her" "Ok no problem,I will even put a call to Chris right away" "Ok thanks,God bless you, have a nice day" "You too sir, thanks and bye" With that she disconnected and quickly put a call to Chris. ***** I have gotten up from the bed and went to my room dragging my feet across the floor, crying due to the pains I felt. My door opened and Chris walked in. What does this beast wants again? "Haven't you done enough already? I asked him. He smiled and replied "Go have a bath and change your clothes,My mom is on her way and I don't want her to see you like this, here are pains killer, take them" He said dropping the drugs on my bed. I kept staring at him without saying a word. "Don't even dare to utter a word to my mom about this else I will kill you myself"he threatened and left. TBC
28 Apr 2018 | 06:07
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Thirty-six Upon hearing those words from Chris, Fear came upon me and I stood glued to the floor. What kind of a beast in human form is this? Where exactly did this guy kept his conscience? Threatening me even after forcefully taken my pride as a woman. Oh God!! What have I gotten myself into? How foolish was I to fall for such pretense. I went into the bathroom and washed myself spending hours in there. I kept thinking of Chris' hands over my body and I continuously scrubbed myself over to remove his touch. I was so devastated and I wished I have never got closer to Chris,at least this was never going to help me. I have no one to blame, not even God or Mother but myself. Mother promised to always be there for me and she fulfilled it. She was there always and even warned me to be careful and prevent it from happening,but I didn't listen, rather I saw her constant appearances in my dreams as nightmares and disturbances. "Chris,it will never be well with you" I cursed over and over. After I got out of the bathroom,I got dressed and picked my clothes from the floor,I wanted to take them to the washing machine to wash before Aunty Abigail comes back home but I thought against the idea, rather i tied my stained pant and torn dress in a nylon and kept them in my bag which I vowed never to forget in my life. The pains between my legs has gone down a little though I was unable to walk very well. I felt very hungry but instead of going downstairs to get some food,I laid on my bed and cried my heart out. Just when I thought that all my sorrows were over and that I have finally found the long lost joy that I desired to have,I never knew that I was dinning with the devil in the form of Chris, that unrepentant demon. Who will I talk to? Who will I expose his evil deeds to? Uncle Johnny is no longer working. I am not that close to pastor Eric,and I don't want to be used as Church sermon. Aunty Abigail trusts her son more than anyone else and will never believe me,even if she does and confronts Chris,he may carry out his plan of killing me. "Forgive me mother,I have failed you,I have failed" I wept and within minutes,I fell asleep. ******* She drove into the compound turning the engine off, sighed in relief and got out of the car locking the door. What a long journey and driving is really not an easy thing. "Welcome Mom" Chris greeted and pecked her on the cheek. "Thanks darling,how are you doing?" Aunty Abigail asked "Very well pretty and your journey?" "Very stressful but good to be home" "So why the sudden change of plans?" He inquired "Governor wants to have a meeting tomorrow with every member of the private sector" She replied "I see, anyway welcome back" "Thanks" shouting to the gateman "Come pick my bags from the booth" She and Chris walked into the house. "Where is Jessy?" "Oh she is in her room" "And why is that?, Didn't you tell her about my arrival?" "I forgot to tell you,she has been down with fever since yesterday" "What,How is she doing now? Why didn't you tell me to get some drugs on the way?" "I already bought for her mom,I guessed she is sleeping" "Oh, that's so thoughtful of you. Thanks,I am really impressed with the improvement and relationship,glad that you now see her as a sister" "Of course mom and believe me,she is such a nice, intelligent and hardworking girl" "Of course she is,let me go to see her" she said as they both climbed the stairs. ***** They entered the room and met Jessy sleeping. Aunty Abigail moved near and sat on the bed and placed her hands on Jessy's forehead. "But her temperature seems normal" she spoke to Chris "I think the drugs is working,told you I gave her some drugs" "Has she gotten something to eat?" "Yes I prepared Indomie for her" "Thanks so much Chris, You are so kind" "Anything for you Mom,Why don't you go to your room to rest,you know it has been a stressful day,I am here to check on her" "Ok thanks" She said hugging him "I am proud of you baby" She opened the door and left. Seeing that she has left,he tapped me on the arm waking me up. "I don't know whether you pretended to be sleeping or not,but my mom is back and I already told her that you have fever,so you better act according to the script else you won't live to tell the story"He threatened again, hissed and left. I looked at him and tears found its way out of my eyes. ****** Three days after, Chris and Chima were in a bar chatting over some issues. "You were right Chi,she was a virgin" Chris spoke "Who was a virgin?" Chima asked slipping from his glass of wine. "Jessica" Chris replied "Which Jessica" Chima asked again not quite understanding what Chris was talking about. "Don't be silly Chima,am talking about our maid or should I say sister?" "Oh ok, I told you, that girl is too small to have a boyfriend,though children of nowadays don't fear anything but how did you know? Did you ask her or she told you herself?" "Which ask? I confirmed it" "You confirmed it,I never knew that you studied Medicine in school or is there a machine for testing virginity?" Chris looked at him and he immediately began to understand. "Oh my God, Chris,let it not be what I am thinking, Don't tell me you rape her Chris!" Chima shouted drawing some other people attention to himself. "What is wrong with you?" Chris asked getting annoyed at how people were starring because of Chima shout. "Chris, don't tell me you did it" Chima asked again lowering his voice. "Call it whatever you want ok, I was drunk and it just happened and I so much regretted it infact I hate myself now" "Oh no! Chris, this is no joke,I am so much disappointed in you,how could you? Chris I once begged you to never go near that girl,why couldn't you controlled yourself?" "Guy,the deal has already been done and I feel so nasty about it right now, Chima,you know me very well,I am a flirt but I don't do that to children because I respect myself. I am 25 years and that girl is just seventeen,I don't know what came over me,at first I thought what I felt was love but after the deed,I hate her completely." Chima shook his head in disappointment without uttering a word. All those years,he never thought Chris was this kind of person. "So what are you going to do in fact how is she?" He asked. "She is there,still hurt, though I warned her never to say a word and we pretend like everything is cool around my mom but I feel guilty. I know I have hurt her and myself and I can't stand the guilt and shame." "So what do you have in mind?" "I have already started looking for an apartment somewhere in Star time estate" "I don't understand,you want to send her there or what" "No fool,I am moving out of the house,I can't stay with her anymore" TBC
28 Apr 2018 | 08:54
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Thirty-seven Two weeks later, Chris packed out of the house with reasons best known to him and his mom. I didn't even care to ask why or where because I hated him with passion and his presence gave me nightmares so it was a good thing that he left. Aunty Abigail didn't have any reasons to suspect that something was going on or ever happened because we both pretended to be at peace whenever she is around before he left. I go to Church but I always escape immediately after service so I won't get to see Pastor Eric. Sometimes I fake sickness so I won't go to church at all. Once,pastor Eric came to the house and I stayed in the toilet pretending to have dysentery till he left. I don't know why I didn't feel like talking to him or anyone. I became a sadist and avoided many people both at home and school. Most of my days were spend with pains and tears but I tried not to let Aunty Abigail know. I lost appetite and refused eating and lost alot of weigh but Aunty Abigail was too busy with work to notice. I felt my life has been shattered into pieces and will never be put back together. All this continued till after three weeks when I suddenly took ill and couldn't go to school. This Time around,it wasn't a makeup sickness but a real one. My skin burned like hot oven using for baking bread, headache became a dialy routine,I increased in size,had no appetite to eat and when I forced myself to eat,I throw out at every opportunity. The smell of frozen food like fresh fish, chicken and others strongly irritated me. Both of my breasts became swollen and painful. My stomach hurted and increased a little in size and I Starting feeling dizzy. At first, Aunty Abigail gave me malaria drugs since she thought that it was fever or malaria but when the situation got worse and I fell off oneday,she quickly rushed me to the hospital where a test was conducted on me. After some hours,I was given treatment and we drove back home in complete silence. Aunty Abigail didn't speak to me till we got home. I was wondering about the results of my test because she didn't tell me what the doctor had said was wrong with me. She left me in the palour and went to bed without saying a word,after minutes,i went to my room and sat but I couldn't sleep as I kept thinking and having this inner feeling that something worse is about to happen. ******* "Honey can you answer that for me?" pastor Eric shouted from the bathroom where he was having a shower just before going to bed. Mrs. Eric moved to the other side and picked the phone wondering who could be calling at this ungodly hour of the night. Does being a pastor means someone won't rest both in the day and night without getting to solve people issues every time? She smiled when she saw the name displayed on the screen,the name of their ever faithful and best steward to the things of God and humanity. She pressed the answer button. "Good evening Child of God" she spoke "Evening ma, please I am sorry for disturbing, Is Pastor Eric around?, I want to talk to him" aunty Abigail spoke. She was not in the mood for familiarities or pleasantries. "You sound so annoy, is everything alright?" Mrs. Eric asked concerned about Abigail's behavior which was totally strange. By then, Pastor Eric was through with his shower and had entered into the room to get dress.Hdress.He was listening to his wife speaking though he couldn't say who was at the other end. "I am fine, please can I talk to him?" Aunty Abigail replied getting annoyed. Can't this woman understand that she wasn't in the mood for plenty talks. Mrs. Eric handed the phone over to her husband without saying a word. He took the phone, looked at it and spoke. "Good evening Sister Abigail" he greeted "Evening, please sir,can I see you urgently tomorrow at my house in the morning by 9am?" She asked without wasting any time. "Is there any problem Sister?" Pastor Eric asked "No but it will soon be, please is it possible to see you?" She asked "Well sister,I have a counseling to do in the morning so I will be at your place by 12 pm,is that ok with you?" "Yes sir no problem, goodnight" she pressed the end button. Pastor Eric stood wondering about the unusual behavior of Abigail. "Did she tell you what's wrong?" Mrs. Eric asked him. "No but I have this feeling that something is amissed" He replied. "Well,God is in control" Mrs. Eric replied "Come let's pray. Pastor Eric moved to her and they both knelt down holding hands. ****** 6 am, Chris got up from the bed and hurriedly ran into the bathroom to empty his bladder. Coming back,he met Vero still sleeping. He has an important meeting and needed to get ready. He picked up his phone and turned it on. He had off it in the night when he was making love to Vero so that there won't be other disturbances from his many girlfriends. A message popped in and read: Call me back immediately you receive this message. Mom. He paused looking worried. His mom has never sounded urgently like this before. What could be the problem? Did his daddy finally called to resettle? Are his sisters and brother ok? His eyes grew wide in shock? Oh no! Jessica! He hoped she hasn't spilled the beans. TBC
28 Apr 2018 | 09:51
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Thirty -Eight He listened as the phone rang and his mom answered "Good morning Mom" He greeted "Morning, please I want you to come over to the house by 11am this morning" "Why,is the any issue?" " No just that we have something to discuss" "But that can wait,I will go there in the evening,I can't afford to miss the important meeting I have at the office today" "I have already send an excuse to the office on your behalf,make sure you are at home by nothing more than 11:oo am. Bye" His mood changed instantly. He knew something was definitely wrong. He knew his mother very well,the last time she gave this type of command and summoned him to be home was when his dad was caught with her best friend in their house and all the children had to come together for a meeting. He just hope is not what he is thinking. He tapped Vero and woke her up. "Good morning baby" She greeted yawning but Chris ignored her greetings. "You need to get ready,I will soon be leaving" "But you are not yet ready for work" she replied "I am not going to work,I am going to see my mom" "Why,is something wrong?" "Can't say till I get there" "Can I come along?" "Hell no, this is a family meeting, you are a third party and we weren't told to come along with people, this is not a wedding party" Vero looked at him in shock. She was hurt by his choice of words but tried not to show it. "Talking about your mom, Chris, you are yet to propose to me,I don't know where I stand in your life" "And you think this is the right time to talk about this?" Chris asked in annoyance. He doesn't understand why she was bent on getting marry to him when it was obviously cleared that they both will never be together as husband and wife. She must be really stupid to think of such. "But baby you-" she was about saying when Chris interrupted her. "Vero please,is too early to talk about this,get dress so I can drop you off on my way,I don't want to be late,I will stop by to see you later" "But why don't I stay here till you come back?" "No Vero,stop being a nag,I don't know when I will come back home, maybe today, tomorrow or three days,you can't stay in this place alone,get dress please" He shouted getting irritated by her constant behavior. Why was she behaving like a pest? She is not even his girlfriend not to talk of wife which she will never be so why the many questions.? Vero got angry,hissed, went into the bathroom. She came out dressed moment later,took her bag and stormed out of the room without saying anything. Chris scoffed and went into the bathroom. She had even made his work easier for him. She can get angry for all he cares. Since she is so blind to read the hand writing on the wall,he will continued to fuck and use her for his own pleasure till he is ready to settle down with the real woman of his dreams. ****** The sound of knock at the door made me came downstairs still feeling weak and tired. Aunty Abigail was in her room and I wondered why she didn't go to work, maybe because I was sick but she is yet to say any word to me. When I met her this morning and spoke, she only murmured a response and walked pass. Since then,we are yet to say any word to each other.I am confused on what is wrong. I opened the door only to behold pastor Eric. I almost had an heart attack. I never expected to see him this morning especially since I have been avoiding him for some time now. "Jessy" he smiled as he walked in. "Goodmorning pastor" I greeted weakly. He paused and looked at me deeply. "What is wrong with you?" He asked looking concerned. "She is having a severe fever" Aunty Abigail spoke as she walked to us. I didn't even hear her walked down the stairs. "Greetings sister Abigail" Pastor Eric spoke as he shook her hand. "You are welcome sir, please have a seat" She smiled as they both sat down. "How is your family sir?" She asked "We thank God, hope I didn't keep you waiting" Pastor Eric asked "Not at all sir, thanks for coming" "What do you say is wrong with Jessy?" "Oh,she has been down with fever,we even went to the hospital yesterday" Aunty Abigail said looking at me. I bowed my head down to avoid eye contact with her. "Is well, you will get well soon" Pastor Eric prayed. I walked away to my room leaving them conversing. "What do I offer you sir?" Aunty Abigail asked I am fine thanks,I was really worried when I got your call last night asking to see me urgently, infact I had alot of counselling and prayers to do but I had to suspend everything because of your call" "I am grateful sir,I really appreciate your coming. Thanks so much" "So what is the problem? Hope all is ok" "Of course,all is ok, just that I have something to tell you" "Ok I am listening" "Pastor Eric" She began about to say something when the door opened and CHRIS walked in. "Goodmorning sir" He greeted pastor Eric "Ha, good morning Chris, you are looking so good" "Thanks sir, goodmorning mom" he greeted his mother "Good morning, thanks for coming, please have a seat" she replied as Christ sat down. "Your mom told me you have moved out of the house"pastor Eric said to Chris "Yes sir" he replied "Congratulations,I am so proud of you.that is the foundation of becoming a man. May God guide you through" "Amen sir, thanks" he replied as he faced his mom "You sounded urgently mom" he spoke "Oh,she invited you too" pastor Eric asked "Yes sir,I did"Aunty Abigail replied. Something has happened and though I refused to believe it. It is true. "What's the problem?" Pastor Eric asked as Chris adjusted and listened attentively. Aunty Abigail sighed taking a deep breathe as if what she wants to say is too heavy for her. TBC
28 Apr 2018 | 11:09
Who impregnated Jessica????
28 Apr 2018 | 13:38
so this is how Jessy is going to be thrown out after Chris denies ever raping her,,,, hmmm
28 Apr 2018 | 16:04
jessica is pregnant, the problem is who impregnated her
28 Apr 2018 | 16:59
following keenly
28 Apr 2018 | 17:02
pray what am thinking never happen.
28 Apr 2018 | 17:04
28 Apr 2018 | 17:48
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode Thirty-nine "What is the problem sister Abigail?" Pastor Eric asked again. Chris kept quiet waiting for his mother to speak. "Jessica!" Aunty Abigail shouted calling me. I was in my room when I heard her calling so I quickly rushed down but not as fast as I used to do when I was perfectly fine. "Yes ma"I replied. I arrived and stood before them,my eyes met that of Chris but I quickly looked at the floor because I hated him so much and couldn't stand his presence let alone looking at him. I stood before them wondering why she had summoned both of them and also called me too. "Pastor Eric" Aunty Abigail began, "I don't need to tell you the Genesis of where and how I met Jessica here, what transpired and what led to me bringing her to the city to stay with me" "Of course" Pastor Eric nodded in agreement. "You have already told me the story and is one thing I am so much proud of you about and continuously prayed for God's blessings upon your life" "Amen, and also sir,I don't need to explain how I genuinely took Jessica as my daughter, treated her as if she came out of my stomach,shown her love and care that even some kids biological parents don't show them. only those who knows the real story can say the truth but as for the rest,they think that Jessica is my own blood" Aunty Abigail spoke. I stood confused, thinking about what exactly she is driving at. "Sister Abigail, Everyone knows the story and is a witness to the love and care you provided for Jessica, that is a fact that cannot be denied" Pastor Eric replied "But Sister Abigail, please what is the main issue? because I am still confused about why you summoned this meeting" "Pastor Eric, Just like you have said, Everyone and even God is a witness to the good gesture I continously show towards Jessica, helping her to become a better person and do all I can to impact knowledge and good morals into her,then sir, please help me to ask her where exactly have I gone wrong? Where exactly have I failed in trying my best to be a mother to her?" All attention were drawn towards my direction. I don't understand what exactly Aunty Abigail meant. I have never disrespected her one-day nor exchanged words with her so what is she talking about? "Sister Abigail,please You have to be cleared in the point you are driving at,I have known Jessica for quite a while now and I can bet that she is a child of moral decency because she has never disrespected me and has never given me any reason to doubt her,so what exactly are you saying?" Pastor Eric asked "Jessica is pregnant" Aunty Abigail blunted out in simple language. "What,Jesus Christ!!!" Both Chris and Pastor Eric exclaimed in the widest shock ever. I froze on the spot and everywhere became blanked. Did Aunty Abigail just said that? Pastor Eric stood up in shock. I looked at Chris and he seemed so uneasy in his seat. "Sister Abigail,do you mean what you have just said?" Pastor Eric asked refusing to believe what he has just heard. "Pastor Eric,I myself,I refused to believe it but the result of the test we did yesterday confirmed it, Jessica is pregnant,now tell me where did I go wrong? What did I not do in training this child? Pastor Eric tell me" Aunty Abigail shouted "Sister Abigail, please calm down,let settle this amicably though is not an easy matter" He said sitting down. He looked at me and called my attention to himself "Jessica, you have heard exactly what your mom has said, and to tell you the truth,I am so much disappointed in you,I am extremely disappointed Jessy,I have taken you as a good child,I was so proud of you and I always used you as an example to the young teenagers that are in the church,I am disappointed that you threw away your decency and pride, going ahead to open your legs for those wayward boys, what exactly did you lack in this house? Did you ever needed something and your mom didn't give it to you? What make you to bring such disgrace and shame to this honourable family?" As pastor Eric kept talking,I broke out in tears. "Jessica," He called "crying is not going to solve this issue, kindly tell us who is responsible for this pregnancy so we can go and meet him" I wept even the loudest as the event of that night began playing before my eyes. "You better wipe those crocrodile tears and answer before I kill you myself" Aunty Abigail yelled at me in anger. My skin almost left me,all my time of knowing and staying with Aunt Abigail,I have never seen her getting angry. It was more than a shock to me. "Sister Abigail, please calm down"pastor Eric pleaded "No pastor,I won't, what did I not do for this prostitute that she decided to pay me back with disgrace,she better open her mouth before she sees the other side of me" she threatened "Jessica, please say something,who is responsible?" I looked at Chris and he was looking deeply into my eyes, guessed he was reminding me of his threat. "Sir,Is him"I said pointing to Chris. Blood of Jesus!" pastor Eric shouted again "Who are you pointing to?" Aunty Abigail asked standing up. "Is Chris ma,he is responsible" I spoke out without any fear. "What do you mean?" Chris shouted in pretense standing up. "How dare you!" Aunty Abigail screamed as she send a resounding slap across my face in anger. I felt pains and closed my eyes for a while. Aunty Abigail has just slapped me for the first time because I spoke the Truth. This was exactly what I was afraid of saying because I know that no one will believe me. "You little liar,I never knew you are such a wicked soul,so this is how you chose to pay me back by lying against my son?" "I am not lying ma"I cried "Chris raped me when you travelled and threatened me not to disclosed else he will kill me" Aunty Abigail and Pastor Eric looked at Chris "Why are you people starring at me?" He asked "Don't tell me you believe what this liar is saying? For God's sake, you know me better mom,why will you believe such a thing? Why should I rape her when I am not a child molester" He defended himself. "This is so much complicated" Pastor Eric said sitting down "Jessica are you sure of what you are saying?" He asked me. "I swear sir, Chris is lying,he raped me,he-" I was trying to explain when Aunty Abigail slapped me again "Shut up you agent from the pit of hell,I am so shock and disappointed in you.I thought you were a nice and innocent person,I never knew that I was dealing with an agent from hell, you think you can tied my son with your bastard child,oh I see, because I pleaded with him to take you as a sister" "I am not lying ma" I replied "If this is true,then why didn't you tell me when I came back?" She asked "Because he threatened me and I know that you will not believe me" "And I will never, infact it is over, you are leaving my house now" "No AUNTY Abigail, please it hasn't gotten to that,we can settle this thing peacefully" pastor Eric pleaded on my behalf. "No way, pastor Eric,there is nothing to settle,I can't stay under the same roof with a devil and her bastard child,she must leave" "Please sister Abigail" "Pastor Eric,it is ok,I will leave if she wants me to" I said turning to Aunt Abigail "Aunty Abigail,I want you to know that I appreciate everything you did for me,you gave me love,care and family that I never had. You helped me to live a fulfilled life and I will never be ungrateful by destroying your family. You are one of a kind and may God bless you for everything you did for me and as for you Chris" I said turning to him as the tears kept pouring"I will never say I regret know you because I believe that you were a part of my destiny,if only I had listened when my mom warned me,if only I had been careful and not allowed you to play me, Chris I may be a young little girl but I understand perfectly well what you have done to me and I know a little about what I am going through right now. I am leaving,I don't know what the outside world holds for me but I will survive because I have been through it before but as for you CHRIS,I leave you with your conscience. I don't have the money and power to report you to authority or get you apprehended for what you did to me but believe me,a day will come when you will be begging,with both hands and legs on the floor, crying and begging me to forgive you and accept you or give you your child but it will be TOO LATE Chris,TOO LATE TO CLAIM" With that I opened the door and walked out. I had come with nothing and I will surely leave with nothing except the hope and faith in God. Pastor Eric tried calling me but I ignored and walked out stepping my feet into the cruel world where I once came from. I know that it is not an easy journey. I know that life will never be faired. I Know that many have not survived it. But I surely believe that I will survive. How? I don't know and can't say but I will surely survive by God's grace. As I walked along the street,people starred at me but I walked along not minding them. I was a desperate, broken and pregnant girl who was humiliated and raped at age 17. What a life! TBC
28 Apr 2018 | 18:13
I know it will result to pregnancy
28 Apr 2018 | 18:27
Chris u are such a beast
28 Apr 2018 | 18:28
oh my God!!!! sorry Jessy,,, I can't blame u for not heeding Ur mum's and pastor's warning but who could Hav tot dat was d direction of dos dreams... wish u well and dis episode really made me shed tears
28 Apr 2018 | 20:14
oh dear jessy! God is with u, believe me chris will surely suffer for what he did to u.
29 Apr 2018 | 03:48
So touching, jessy i know God would see u through
29 Apr 2018 | 04:25
Jessy GOD will guild you.
29 Apr 2018 | 04:50
Hmm sorry jessy
29 Apr 2018 | 05:06
This episode move me to tears, jessy is well wit u.
29 Apr 2018 | 09:19
hmm... speechless
29 Apr 2018 | 12:24
aunty Abigail failed there maybe that was Jesse's destiny. God will fight for Jessy
29 Apr 2018 | 13:49
Too Late To Claim Written by Chichi Episode fourty (finale) "My goodness!!" the other man exclaimed, finally speaking for the first time. "How could you do such a thing Chris?" Aunty Abigail and Chris broke out in tears while Pastor Eric shook his head in regret and pity. "Yes o sir" I replied "that's exactly what happened and as for what I went through in the outside world and how God remembered and changed my story by giving me a second chance is a story for another day.My mouth won't be able to explain exactly what I went through,I know that I once came from there but my second journey isn't something to write about.I saw unimaginable hell,I slept with hunger on the street and during child delivery,I was centered between life and death. My life left me but I am most grateful to God and to this wonderful man with a heart of Gold sitting here" I said pointing to my husband. "God's ways are not like man, just when I thought that the only option left was to commit suicide,God send him to my rescue,even after hearing my story,he didn't run away but stood and stayed with me till now, whatever I am today and will ever be,I owe it to God and him" My husband smiled and pull me closer to himself giving me a hug. "But Aunty Abigail,what happened to Chris? why is he in this condition because he was a handsome,young and energetic man when I left though is been long" I asked. Aunty Abigail didn't say a word because it was like her heart and mouth was too heavy to speak as she remembered everything that happened. "My dear,I really don't know how it happened but I was told that Chris broke up with his former girlfriend named Vero after using her to his satisfaction and she even aborted five pregnancies for him with the hope that they will married which Chris refused to do so she got angry and send thugs to beat him up, breaking every part of his bone which resulted to this condition. She was later arrested after much investigation but Chris won't be able to walk again and infact he impotent for life" the elderly man spoke again I guessed he was Aunty Abigail ex husband due to the slightest resemblance he had with Chris.I am not sure but if it is true then I thank God for them. No condition will ever made me to forget Aunty Abigail, despite what she did,I still loved and respected her till date because she is a one in a million. I understand that she did what she did due to the trust she had in her son Chris and because Chris has never given her any reason to doubt. Any mother would do the same but my only offense was sending me out into the street pregnant at age 17 who no means of survival when it was cleared that the City is 100% dangerous for matured people not to talk of a young naive child like me. "Jesus Christ!!" I screamed How could humans be so cruel? I remembered Aunty Vero very well and I smiled sheepishly as I recalled how I once felt jealous and hated her when I was having those stupid feelings I called love for Chris. She looked so innocent and no one will ever believed that she could be so deadly having the heart to carry such an evil plan but I can't blamed her not after what Chris did to her. "I am so sorry" I said to Chris "but I don't want you to give up, there is a GOD who still answers and heals and he will see you through if you believe" Chris nodded as the tears poured out of his eyes. Since they came,he has refused to look at my face due to the shame and guilt he bore within him. I let out a little smile and whispered a thank you prayer to God. Who exactly would have predicted that I will be here today? A graduate in law, very rich and happily married to the best man in the world,with a beautiful bundle of joy as a daughter and I am already pregnant with twins. Indeed God works in mysterious ways. "So what exactly are you people here for?" My hubby asked them. Pastor Eric sighed and finally spoke. "Well, just as GOD has given our sister here Jessica a second chance, he has also decided to give brother Chris another opportunity to mend his ways. If sister Jessica will recalled,I was never in support of what they did to her infact I pleaded with sister Abigail but her mind was made up. After the meeting that day,I drove along the city hoping that I will see her and take her home but I didn't,so I had no choice than to commit her safety into the hands of the Almighty.Bro. Chris realized and confessed his evil deeds after and we began our search for you since one year now and thank God we finally found you, please sister Jessica,I am begging on their behalf,I want you to find a place in your heart to forgive us because I am also included. What we did was the greatest evil ever to humanity, what if something had happened to you?you could have been killed or even molested, please my child,I want you to forgive us. Our heavenly father said if we do not forgive people,he will not forgive us. Your testimony is a living proof that you are a child destined for greatest and nothing will ever stopped you, please forgive us I begged you" I fought to control the tears from rolling but they poured out even the more. What a God we serve! My husband pulled me once more into his arms and pet me to stop crying. Rejoice handed to me a small tissue to wipe my tears. I took it from her and smiled as I wiped my tears. She is my everything and I love her so much. "Pastor Eric,I have heard everything you have said and I am most grateful for everything word you spoke.It is true that I am hurt by what Aunty Abigail and Chris did to me but I am grateful because they helped pushed me to my destiny. Look at me today, a village girl now transformed into the glory of God. I don't and will never bear any grudges against them. Everything I have become today, Aunty Abigail is the reason,she gave me the lost hope that I never had. She took and treated me like her own and I will forever be grateful. I have long ago forgiven Chris for what he did. My heart is clear and I bear him nothing. It is only the weak that can't forgive and I am a strong Woman so I have forgiven everything " "Thank you my child,thank you so much"Pastor Eric appreciated Aunty Abigail moved from her seat and fell in front of me crying as some watery mucus escaped from her nose. "Forgive me Jessy,I am so sorry, please forgive me, I had been a bad person to you, please forgive me"she continuously cried and pleaded. I stood up and pulled her up embracing her. "Is okay ma,I have forgiven you and I love you,is okay, please stop crying" We were holding each other for minutes as we cried together like we just lost someone. After minutes,I let go of her and she went back to her seat. "Now that you have finally forgiven us, please can we see the child because we believed that you put to birth or did something happened?" Pastor Eric asked "No sir, nothing happened,I put to birth a bouncing and healthy baby girl,so strong like her mother and here she is" I said pointing to Rejoice They all exclaimed as they starred at her with mouth wide opened. They never believed that she could have grown this big. "God is indeed good" pastor Eric said "Please my child,can we take her?"the elderly man that that I assumed to be Chris' father asked "Am afraid that's not possible"my hubby shouted in Anger. "you people must be out of your mind. You think you can just come from no where and take my daughter away from me? She is my daughter and will go nowhere, infact I adopted her when she was born and now she is legally mine and will forever be mine, infact you people have overstayed your welcome, please leave my house before I call the security" "Oh Jessy"Chris said falling on the floor with both legs and hands not minding whether he is wonded or not. "Please forgive me Jessy,I beg you,I have realized what i did, please don't take my child away else I will die please" He cried "Chris,you remembered what I once told you, that a day will come when you will fall on both hands and legs begging for your child but it will be too late, Chris TOO LATE TO CLAIM" "I said you people should get out before I call the security" my husband fumed with Anger. I watched as they all began to leave crying one by one. Aunty Abigail rolled Chris out of the house in uncontrollable tears. Rejoice turned to me and asked "Mommy,is that my father going in the wheelchair?" "No dear,this is your father standing before you and he will forever be your father" She smiled,ran to her dad and hugged him as he lifted her up in the air smiling while I smiled too. ******** Chris sat in the garden looking at the poisonous bottle liquid in his hands. He wept as he gulped down the content down his throat waiting for it to perform it's function and cut him out of this world. He now regretted every of his actions and wished he had changed when he had the opportunity to but now it was TOO LATE TO CLAIM. ****** stories Nine months later,I gave birth to a set of blessings,a beautiful girl and a handsome boy. Did I forget to tell you that I travelled to the village with hubby and rejoice and we changed and gave mother a befitting burial as I had once promised. I now believe that finally she is resting in perfect peace. THE END
29 Apr 2018 | 15:22
Oh no. Chris. Who even named u Chris sef
29 Apr 2018 | 17:19
So intresting
29 Apr 2018 | 18:43
Too Late To Claim indeed nice story
29 Apr 2018 | 22:07
indeed, to late to claim. What a nice story!
30 Apr 2018 | 04:38
too late to claim, and that is how God fights for the weak and uplifts the lowly. nice story with great lessons
30 Apr 2018 | 05:58
30 Apr 2018 | 06:15
wonderful, d wicked can never go unpunished
30 Apr 2018 | 06:17
I love the action of jessy husband, the same thing i could have done. Nice ending
30 Apr 2018 | 06:51
happy ending
30 Apr 2018 | 07:04
So interesting
30 Apr 2018 | 07:51
Nice ending kudos to the writter
30 Apr 2018 | 07:53
what a terrible and tragic ending for Chris,,, you jumping from bed to bed,,, raising diff skirts,, removing diff trousers dat cross Ur path, u Hav forgotten dat a day will come dat u won't be able to use Ur hands for dos things and it will remain only you in dat darkness of a world...... happy ending for Jessica
30 Apr 2018 | 10:14
See after all the sex here and there see the end of Chris .if he had listened to Chima
30 Apr 2018 | 10:18
Very interesting Indeed it was too late to claim
30 Apr 2018 | 16:27
30 Apr 2018 | 19:12
Go an ask him na
22 May 2018 | 14:46
Still following
22 May 2018 | 14:48
finally u might Chris, but be careful
22 May 2018 | 14:49
Oh my
22 May 2018 | 20:14
What ur own na? go meet him na
22 May 2018 | 20:15
If only u knew his life style u would've stay away from him abi?
22 May 2018 | 20:15
Hmm ur own done finish
23 May 2018 | 03:51
See what u got from help him ,u should've avoid him
23 May 2018 | 11:02
What an interesting story... Weldon
23 May 2018 | 12:08
So sad Jessy, I pray God should see u through
23 May 2018 | 12:09
So touching
6 Jul 2018 | 09:43
Wow What a great story Bravo writer
2 Aug 2018 | 13:58
Lesson For U Guys
27 Aug 2018 | 06:33
Really to late for him to claim
29 Aug 2018 | 02:10
Hmmmmmm too bad!!!
17 Feb 2019 | 15:10
Am crying already but Chris must suffer for what he did to you dear
27 Jan 2020 | 12:36
Wow! what an interesting story... I love it
27 Jan 2020 | 12:59
China warned you but you refuse to listen
14 Feb 2020 | 12:46
So Interestin...Happy Endin As 4 Chris R I P In Hell
5 May 2020 | 18:02
C o n t i n u e
30 Jan 2022 | 05:33
30 Jan 2022 | 05:37
#following bumper to bumper
30 Jan 2022 | 05:41
Sometimes life is unpredictable
30 Jan 2022 | 05:46
30 Jan 2022 | 05:49
Keep the flames burning
30 Jan 2022 | 05:56
Alert warning: almost dreams we had are message so miss jessy becareful
30 Jan 2022 | 06:02
Ride on
30 Jan 2022 | 06:06
Nawa for chris
30 Jan 2022 | 06:11
30 Jan 2022 | 06:15
Dnt start what you cnt finish oga chris
30 Jan 2022 | 06:21
Christ the playboy
30 Jan 2022 | 06:41
Hmmmm chris has finally destroyed dis girl's life
30 Jan 2022 | 07:16
I guess jessica is pregnent
30 Jan 2022 | 07:32
Eyah indeed what a life
30 Jan 2022 | 07:39
Hmm what a touching story
30 Jan 2022 | 07:45


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