TOO LATE TO WEEP(all that glitter)

TOO LATE TO WEEP(all that glitter)

By Sky in 23 Aug 2018 | 03:45
Sky Chinonso

Sky Chinonso

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Member since: 11 Aug 2018
story tittle: TOO LATE TO WEEP(all that glitter).
Main character..
Mrs Edward..
Veronica owes her entire life to Collins who picks
her up from the gutter and brings her into his
paradise. She allows her new life of affluence to
get into her head,thus she becames greedy,proud
and selfish. At the point when she feels that
Collins is no longer meeting her demands as ought
to,she coincidentally meets Etom in her mother's
restuarent. Etom spends a lot of dollars on her..
Veronica gets carried away and falls for him
Find out the grave consequences of veronica's life
of fantasy and what becomes of Collins..
How real is Etom's paradies..
23 Aug 2018 | 03:45
TOO LATE TO WEEP (all that glitter) . . Episode 1 . Writen by # Lyon . The sun shone brightly at the magnificent house that monday morning. There was a large room with an air conditional that reduced the temperature of the heat. On the large family Room were three friends, Queen,Natasha and Veronica. They all were in mini skirt and bomshorts looking classic. They were amazing at the luxurious 4 bed room apartment Collins got for Veronica and her Mother. " Incredible! " Queen began looking at Veronica. "That guy must really adore you to have done this much for you and ur mother".. . "Come on Queen, adore is an understatement. Clearly and frankly speaking, he idolize her. Vee, you better hold on to this guy real tight added Natasha who taped Veronica as to be serious.. They were through with the house inspection, so the three girls sat down with their glasses of juice which they had been sipping slowly while they looked round the house. "Take a good look at you, Vee," Queen, the talkative one among them, began again. "This guy has really turned your life around. I mean, just less than six months ago, you were crying out ur eyes wondering how you were going to survive but now, you look polished. You can eat ad have whatever you want whenever you want without wondering where the money will come from. You also have the hope of a bright future academically. Come October and you'll be an undergraduate. Girl, you are Lucky." "Once again, Queen, that you are lucky is an understatement," Natasha declared. "Veronica is much more than lucky,lets just say she is blessed. She is really blessed." " I totally agree with you," Queen added in agreement. " I wish i had half as much favour from men as she does but all i get are those stupid no-good guys who just want your body and then zoom off. But you know what, I know just the way to knock them off. Then they'll know who Queen really is." " I trust you, when it comes to men, you ar the bomb," said Natasha. Finally, Veronica, the cause of the whole celebration, who had said nothing but wore a bright smile on her face, spoke. "Really, girls , I thank God for this whole turning point. Who knows where i would have been right now, if it were not for Collins. Maybe i would begging under a dilapidated bridge because all the space in the good ones would have been taken." Veronica looked up, seemingly staring at the sky, although all that could be seen was the ceiling, it was as though she could see right through it. Bit by bit, she began to recall how trible it had been for her just a few months ago. But now, here was she, having the time of her life due to her new luck. She wondered for a while what would have happened to her and her mother after her father's death if she had nt meet Collins when she did. Her father had died leaving a huge debt for them to settle.. During the period of his brief illness,after he ran out of money, he had begun to borrow loan from various people hoping to pay back when he got well. Unfortunately, he never did. The illness claimed his life. Immediately Veronica had to stop school to assist her mother at her 'mama putt' food canteen. A short while later, the landlords started coming with their palaver. First, the owner of the place where they sold food askd them to move since they were unable to pay their rent. They began to cook the food at home ad carried it in a wheelbarrow to their customers. Some of them worked as a mechanics,some were roadside mallams ad so on. Soon their house landlord was also demanding his rent. He had given them a two week ultimatum to vacate the premises peacefully or face his full wrath. Just then, when they most needed an angel to help them out of the ugly situation, Collins srang out of nowhere and touched their lives with his kindness. He had helped pay the rent and had gotten a better place for her mother to open a restuarant. And now she was scheduled to resume university in October and a beautiful house has been given to her and her mother. There was no way she felt she could show her emormous gratitude except by accepting his marriage proposal. If it were not for him, the landlord would have kicked them out of the house and they probably would have found a spare room in some abandoned uncompleted building, living the street life ad feeding from hand to mouth. She owed all she was now to Collins and thanked God for using him to bless them. She was jolted out of her reverie by bursts of laughter from her two friends. Natasha and Queen. "She has really gone far o. I wonder what she is thinking," said Queen who had been observing her all the while. "What else, if not about Collins ad how he has transformed her life," answered Natasha. Veronica finally drifted back to reality at the voice of her friends. She thought she heard them say something about her but she could nt be sure because her mind had been really far away. "At last. We thought you were not going to stop thinking. So tell us exactly what you were thinking," said Queen. . TBC
23 Aug 2018 | 03:46
am all ears [hr] Link to Available Episodes •Episode 2-3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6-11
23 Aug 2018 | 04:03
ride on
23 Aug 2018 | 04:05
ride on
23 Aug 2018 | 04:37
go on
23 Aug 2018 | 10:07
Nice start
23 Aug 2018 | 15:02
Nice start, please continue
23 Aug 2018 | 17:47
Too Late To Weep. (All That Glitter). . Episode 2 . Continued from the last scene. .................... I wonder what she is thinking said Queen. "What else,if nt about Collins and how he has transformed her life," answered Natasha. Veronica finally drifted back to reality at the voice of her friends. She thought she had heard them say something about her but she couldn't be sure because her mind had been really far away. "At last. We thought you were not going to stop thinking. So tell us exactly what you were thinking," said Queen. "You dey craze! Na wetin concern you concern wetin i dey think?" asked Veronica, trying to avoid answering the question. "Shhh..." said Natasha in a fake warning tone as if she didn't want anybody to hear what had just been said. "Take it easy o, you better take your time to know what you want to say and how you want to say it. Don't you know that big girls like you are not suppossed to speak Pidgin English? Its a social crime and if you are caught,you will be fined a huge amount of money." there was laughter to the statement Natasha made. Then Veronica quickly added in a more serious tone, "Look, girls, you have got to hurry up. I need to go help my mother out in the restuarant. Are you coming?" "Definitely, as long as there would be cute classy guys at the restuarant," said Queen. "Na boy matter go kill you, added Natasha, jokingly. The three girls stood up to smoothen their clothes. Veronica called kate, her house help, to clean up the place and take the glasses away. The girls cheerfully left the house, cracking jokes all the way. They hailed a cab when they got outside and the fare was paid boy veronica. She was more than pleased to pay; afterall, someone else has been doing much more for her. Just a few months ago, she practically had to walk to werever she was going. Sometimes , when she was in luck, she would meet a good bus conductor who would agree to give her a free ride. Others would just shove her away as if she were a mere insect. She now even had a house-help courtesy of Collins. A few years ago she had been a house-help herself before being accused falsely of stealing. And then the table had turned. She thanked God so much. She was now the one with the power, the Madam with a house-help at her disposal. She had agreed to Collins's idea of getting a house help not because she wanted to live a more luxurious life but because she knew her mother would need one very soon when she eventually started school. The cab pulled up in front of the restuarant and the girls alighted. Veronica paid for the cab and they went inside the restuarant. They all went to say their greeting to Madam Edward, Veronica's mother, then returned to to the tables wher there was an unusually large number of customers. Queen and Natasha luckily found a place to sit while Veronica went to get them drinks. After that, Veronica went to join the other waiters in serving customers. A few minutes later, a really cute,good looking guy came into the restuarant and Veronica noticed him immediately. She waited for him to get seated then went over to him to get his order. "Good day sir," she greeted when she get to him. The guy was looking at the menu on the table but looked up to reply her greetings; "Yeah, good day. How do you do?" he asked with a trace of British accent. " I'm fine, thank you, what may i get you sir?" Veronica replied, trying to make her English sound classier so as to impress the guy. "I'll have what's on menu sixteen and a piece of fried chicken with a bottle of star Rader to go with it," he answered. Veronica wrote down the orders and left to get thdm. She was back a short while later with the food and drink. " Thank you," he said to Veronica and then began to eat as Veronica went to get the bill. On her way, her friends beckoned her from the other side of the room and their faces held a great deal of mischief. " Nawa oo, who is that guy and why are you paying so much attention to him?" askd Natasha. Veronica looked at them confused then answered, "That guy is jst a customer and i was only attending to him so i dnt see how that amounts to paying him so much attention." "Well, thats your own business; mine is that you should ask him if he need company because i am vry much available," said Queen. "You no see yourrelf, 'man trouser'" said Veronica jokingly then left the place. When she came back with the bill, she handed it over to the guy. He looked at it,then dippe d his hand into his back trousers pocket and brought out a leather wallet, opened it and exclaimed, "Damm it!" He brought out a few dollar notes and told Veronica that he had ran out of Naira notes and asked if they would accept payment in dollars. " No problem sir,jst pay the right equivalent" said Veronica. He handed over the dollar notes and asked her to keep the balance. He commented that there was something differents compered with other waiters and Veronica smiled,thanked him and went out. . TBC.
23 Aug 2018 | 23:11
Ride On
24 Aug 2018 | 02:01
nyc start
24 Aug 2018 | 03:12
nice one
24 Aug 2018 | 07:00
Please Ride On
24 Aug 2018 | 08:34
Guy u nor dey hear word i go disgrace u o
24 Aug 2018 | 10:27
nice start
24 Aug 2018 | 18:36
Too Late To Weep (All that glitters) . Episode 3 . The sun shone brightly that saturday morning. The leaves were dancing to the tunes of the gentle breeze. Veronica was seen in a pink top ad a blue gean trouser with a striped pink ad blue sneakers to match. She look very beautiful in it as he cat walked to Collins house to pay a visit. Collins was stuned at his beauty when she came in ad Collins praised her of her beauty with; "jesu, is this nt the morning goddess?" Veronica blushed at his word.After kissing ad romance,they both sat together to have a breakfast.Then Veronica killed the silance. "Sweetheart, i need to do some shopping. You know i will be starting school soon and i need a new wardrobe. "But Vee, you changed your wardrobe only a few weeks ago; besides, you know am broke at the moment so you will jst have to exercise patience till i am through with the contract at hand, "said Collins. "What do you mean i will have to wait? Look,Lins, i have a birthday party to attend next weekend and i need a new outfit for it. You will have to give me the money now," Veronica said, suddenly raising her voice. "Why dont't you try to understand" Collins started to say before Veronica cut in. "Understand what, Lins? That you now have a new girl in your life whom you are spending all your money on, abi? Well, I dont care if you decide to sleep with all the girls in this city. All i know is that i want that money and i am getting it now! So you did better go about this the easy way." Veronica hissed, picked up her bag and walked out of the apartmen. A few hours later, Collins came to her house and begged her to make do with the 30k which was his last card for the meantime. He promised to make it up to her the moment he completed his ongoing contract, Veronica relucaantly took the money but did not cheer up because she considered it too little. When Collins had left, her mother called her and began to advise her. "My dear, i dont understand you these days, you were not like this before. Since Collins changed our lives for the better, you have become too materialistic for comfort. How can you be angry at a person who have done all this for you and still begs you to take 30k? Do you want to kill the poor man?" "Mama, i dont want to kill anybody. I am greatful to Collins who has turned our lives around, got us this house, opened a restuarant for you, registered me in school and still feeds and cloths us. But since he has brought us up to this leve, he has to be able to either maintain us in this leve or take us higher because, I, Veronica, am nt ready to go back to my former life. So what is wrong with me asking him to give me money to go shopping and what exactly am i supposed to buy with jst a meagre 30k? Is not men like him that spend dollars everywhere the go?" "Ewo, chim, my child, dont let this world lead you astray. You are now calling 30k a 'meagre'. When your father was alive, did he earn up to that amount in a month? Did he not die just beaause we could not raise ten thousand naira for his hospital bills? Did you not lose your younger brother to death also jst because we could not raise the money to buy him an inhaler? And now that God has blessed us, you are calling 30k a ' meagre' "Mama, thats okay, please, or did i ask you for money? Is Collins complaining? I dont understand why you are taking pills for someone else's illness. Mama, you'd better go and mind your restuarant and leave me alone to handle my Collins. "Veronica stood up and walked into her room, leaving her mother alone in the sitting room. Madam Edward could not do anything but prayed to God to change her daughter life. 3pm that afteroon, Veronica dressed up for the shoping. She meet meet the gux she served at her mother's restuarant a month ago. The guy saw her and was suprised at what she was doing here instead to serve costurmers. Veronica having get a clue of what he is thinking went to him ad said hi. The guy repied with hello angel ad said he thought she was a waiter at the restuarent. Veronica told him that it was her mother that owns it and she was helping out.she introuduced her name as Veronica Edwards bt can call in short 'Vee' after much talk ad pleasantries. The guy told her to go and buy anything she wand and all bills on him. "Really?" Veronica inquired. "Really!" he replied. "Well, thank you." as the did the shopping, they exchanged information. He said his name is Etom Clinton and that he was born in the U.S but came to Nigeria a number of times. Although both his parents wer Nigerians, he did not like the idea of coming home frequently, but his parents wanted him to get familiar with the culture and would want him to get married to a Nigerian Lay someday. "well, i have been around and i have seen girls but i have never seen anyone as beautiful as you," said Etom. "thanks, i am flattered," replied Veronica. "Oh please dont be, i am not trying to flatter you, i only state a sinple fact." . One word for Vee. . TBC
25 Aug 2018 | 03:19
Stop copying n pasting people story. Write ur own.... . D story is written by Lyon
25 Aug 2018 | 05:49
next pls
25 Aug 2018 | 09:29
Na wa for this Vee
25 Aug 2018 | 09:56
an ingrate
25 Aug 2018 | 10:56
25 Aug 2018 | 11:33
@focusboydestiny: did he say d story is his?
25 Aug 2018 | 11:36
@focusboydestiny is like something is wrong with you @Ireoluwa Emmanuel. Don't mind him did I claim it
25 Aug 2018 | 12:17
@focusboydestiny is like something is wrong with you @IreoluwaEmmanuel. Don't mind him did I claim it ehh
25 Aug 2018 | 12:18
25 Aug 2018 | 17:04
one word for vee: Motherfucker its high time we let dis gals know dat boifrnd ain't ATM machine. most gals do confuse d role of boifrnd and a father(boifrnd ain't father)
25 Aug 2018 | 17:37
No adjective qualifies her. she Don see dollar man..
25 Aug 2018 | 17:57
by d tym vee relizie dat Collins z d ryt man for her it will b too late to claim metcheew
25 Aug 2018 | 17:59
Dont start what u ll regret later.
25 Aug 2018 | 20:31
A bloody ingrate who doesn't know what is gud for her!!!
26 Aug 2018 | 09:14
26 Aug 2018 | 15:49
Too Late To Weep (All that glitters). * Episode 4 ¤ continued from the privious scene * "Money and Stupidity always walk hand in hand. This the case of Veronica who chase the world of fading fantasy,forgeting that the Devil you know is better than the Angel you dont know." Did she archived her aim? Is Etom fake or real? Found out as the story unfold. ¤ Thanks all thesame. By the way, did i ever mentioned that you are the cutest guy with the most sweetest mouth i have ever meet? "hmmmmm" Yeah, well you are the cutest guy with the most sweetest mouth i have ever seen. I would repeat it again. "Huh.. Thank you" Etom replied with a smile. You know this is the problem i always have with guys. Tell them the pure truth and they started blushing. "i was not blushing, Etom tried to deney". Yes. You were! No, i was not.. Yeah you are and you ar still blushing. Etom tried to protest bt gave a quick thought of it. They both shared a moments of fun fill with laughter as the went over to the cashier to pay for their accessories billed. Etom again paid in dollars, apologising that he ran out of naira notes. They packed their shoping and set to leave and Etom offered her a ride home which she jejely rush without thinking once. Thought she had the money to take a cab home bt wanted to enjoy time with Etom who is smarter than she thought. It was jst a 30 minutes ride and when the get to Veronica flat, she insisted that he come in ad have a lunch or probably take a water to which her refused at fi.rst. After much persued by her Etom agreed to go in. There were no one else at home execpt Kate their house maid. Etom had only d glass of eve win and the stood up to leave. Veronica saw him off to his car outside the gate which she have nt done for Collins since she meet frank at her mum restuarant. Etom told her that he would pick her up in 3days time for dinner aroup 5pm which she could not reject. She agreed and bade him good bye. Etom smiled that his game is going as planned. Kissed her on both checks and speed off. Verorica was full of joy and ran into the house jumping up around the house like a christmas Goat that want to free itself from the person going to slugter it. She was very happy that the man of her dream have finally shown up. She though of telling her friends but kicked against it cos they dont know much about him,and also feared about Queen reaction. She decieded to tell them the good news when Etom oficially asked her out which of caurse, she will be more than happy to say yes, since Collins was now a hard nut to break. But little did she know that her wish can never came to reality. She heard a car engine and immediaiately know that Collins is the one. Usually, she would ran out to hug him but in this case, she ignored him stating the fact that she jst arrived and continued to admire her newly clothes,shoes,bags and other expensive ladies accessories. Collins was speechless on seeing all this and can recalled that he only gave her 30k before going out. For a morment he was highly impressed with the thouth that Vee have a personal savings. With a Bright smile and a jovial voice that girls can die fore, he asked her.. "Donth tell me all these came from just 30k?" Collins enquired cheerfully admiring all thd expensive items that spread the whole sitting room. Ofcours they dont! Do you think that any of these accessories displayed here look like a product of your miserable 30k?" Her words shocked Collins to the marrow and the smile and cheerful face disappeared at once and the jovial tone faded as he managed to get her voice and askd wher the money came from in getting all this?. Oh thought you wont ask. Well a generous guy paid for all these and even wanted to get more if i had nt stoped him bt heare u are asking me silly question of how i got the money. Rubbish... Its your mates that are throwing dollars here and there and ur here asking me how i got money instead of working hard to make sure that i lack nothing not talk of never to ask me that stupid question.. Because you will be the one to provide all my wants. Collins, now in low spirit sank into the chair feeling heartbroken by Veronica's word. He requested a glass of water. You want water abii? I will get it for you. Bt jst take a look at urself. I told you to go and work hard and you decieded to sit down. Is sitting down in anyway related to working hard? Then you want water. I will go and get it. She went ad brought a bottle of cold water ad placed it on the table in Collins front and started to rearrange her cloths. Collins pured himseld a glass sin Vee had nt deem it neccesarry to do so which is unlike her before. He startedt to say something else but Vee packed her cloths and went inside her som. Ignoring him and the fact that she had a guest. Collins clearly seeing that he had come on the wrong time stood up and left for his house heart broken and eyes teary.. . Another world for Vee. What will be of Collins now?. ¤ TBC
27 Aug 2018 | 10:16
Collins just be patience and watch her go astray
28 Aug 2018 | 06:16
Collins you better know what is right for you
28 Aug 2018 | 10:59
Only time ll tell
28 Aug 2018 | 16:06
Vee you will regret this
28 Aug 2018 | 18:58
28 Aug 2018 | 19:48
Dis gal will surely regret her actions sha.... Hmmmmmm just watching her closely to see de end!!!
29 Aug 2018 | 20:48
¤ TOO LATE TO WEEP (All that glitters) ¤ Episode 5. ¤ Collins was driving home that night in a very high speep. He was emothonally down and heartbroken. He could nt put a finger to what have aaused the recent attitude of Veronica. Is this not the heart hearted Vee he knew that would beg him to reduce the amount of money he gave her to 10k or at least 5k. But now he beg her to take 30k and to make it worse, she talk anyhow to him. "No", this cant be, he sobliquized.. He turned the starring and deciceded to let Veronica mother know. After a minutes ride to the restuarant, Collins told Madam Edward whte her daughter have been doing. "Honestly Ma. I no longer understand her, she have completely changed within a few days and there is nothing i do that pleases her. Nothing i gave her satisfies her. I dnot know where all this is coming from. I cnt think of any other thing but to think that there is anoda man in her live. "Tufiakwa! God forbid such, she dare not" Madam Edwards cut in. Why will you even think of such a thing? Another man in her life after all you have done for us. No...its impossible. I dnt nt train her to be an ingrate.. "But why all these strange behaviours. Veronica makes me cry., i cnt stand losing her to another man. Never." Collins lamented. "Dont worry Collins. I will talk to her. But you get to understand that she is still a kid and will behave sometimes. So dnt let it get over u. I will talk to her". "Ma pls do. I will be happy". "I will my son", trust me". Ok Ma,, i have to go nw to finish a contract am working on for tommorow business am going to attend. Both said goodbyes and Collins left the restuarant wit a renewed hope. Madam Edwards was so worry about her child behaviour. Though she felt it too but prayed to God that Collins thoughts would not be true. Cause there is no way she will sit and watch her daughter drain the guy who had brought the out of the dustbin and give them a better life to live. Mo cnt happen. But what she dont understand is why she would change at this point. She decided to keep the mater at rest untill she go home and talk sense into her. When Madam Edwards got home, she did nt bother to take water but went straight to Veronica's room to talk abou t the issue Collins have brought to her. After greeting and asking about each other day, Madam Edward started to talk what have been bothering her since Collins came to the restuarants.. "Veronica", her mother called. "Yes Mama", she ansered from where she was sitting. "Veronica", she called again. "Mama". At this point she knew she will call her the third time and then begin that her long and boring talk about Collins which she hate to hear. "I called you three times right"? "Yes Mama veronica. I carried you in my womb and gave birth to you and when i ask you a question, i expect you to tell me nothing but the truth, What actually is going on between you and and your groom to be Collins?" Ahh mama, Veronica feigned a suprise look and pretend as if she had no idea of what her mother is talking about. Mama, i dont get you. Did he tell you that there is anything wrong between us? She askd her mother. I dont need anybody to tell me things before i know what is going on around me. However, i need someone to give me a clue before i can say anything in such matter like this. So tell me the truth, what is the problem? Mama, there is no problem at all. Colling was here today. He spent a minutes with me and left after taking a glass of water. "You are stupid", are you trying to say that he left his work ad even his house just to come and get a glass of water? "It is possible" Vee said. "If you think so, then you must be very stupid and an extra stupid for saying that. Infact you ar a fool. He came her to talk to you but you ignored his presence which made him to leave cause he you left him with no other option than that. "Veronica, tell me. Are you seeing another man?" " Not yet mama" "And what does that means?" "it simply means that am nt seeing any man for now but very soon i will." " Listine Veronica. If you know what is good for you, then you better not play any games that will risk and endanger and also make or mar your reletionship with Collins. He have done more than enough for us and there is no way i will sit, fold arms and watch you jilt him".Never... And if you refuse to listine to my words. It will be too late to weep and you will know that all the glitters are not gold. And never say i dont warn you. Madam Edward did no wait fore her to reply. She jst said what she had to say which is final and walked out of the room. ¤ TBC
30 Aug 2018 | 12:07
by d tym vee understands dat d enemy 've come to eat nd distroy it will b too late for her to keep just lyk her mum says.. ladies all dat glitters is not gold
30 Aug 2018 | 14:40
Too Late To Weep (All that glliters) ¤ Episode 6 ¤ Life they say its not a bed of rose.where you are fighting hard to be is where someone else left and another person starting point. He who what everything everytime will lose everything anytime. What happened to Veronica. Did she heed to her mothers word or did she countinue to chase the greater heaven. Find out as the story goes on. Veronica was downcast and sank into the bed. She knew very well that what her mother said was true and Collins have nt in any way provoke her or deney her anything. But she want to be great and among the big ladies in town spending dollars here and there. She decieded to go against her mother's word and could nt think of Collins but all abt Etom. She fall for him at the first sight,and all the gifts and gestures he have been showing her,the date he askd for convinced her that Etom is really interested in her. She was so happy that she would soon be among the greats ad be dating a multi millionaira guy who spent dollar here and ther. She never bother to ask him the source of his wealth. Collins will be busy negotiating and went around with a few naira notes but Etom is busy skiping attendents and spending dollars. With that Etom is now more favourable than Collins to her. She could nt wait ad prayed the day go fast so she can have dinner with the guy of her dreams. She was ever ready to dump Collins for him then or now. Yes he showed up jst when they needed help but that did nt mean she would show her gratitude by wedding him without loving him cause to her,she dont love Collins but want to make him happy. He mind was made up and no turning back. She cnt stay with him again. There is no way she would feign happy with a reletionship that have lost its value. She would just go ad explain things to him and wheather he take it or not is non of her business. She decieded to consult her two friends, to se if they could help her out with it. She gave it a thought and nod to herself thet she have jam. She dreamt that she was wedded to Etom and Collins was the best man while Queen was her maid. But little did she know that she was making the greatest mistake that would even land her back to her old self or even worst than before. Having realising the dream,she was happy that Etom would adheed to her jst like the dream. The cold harmatan breze was blewing and making the day lively. A set of boy could be see removing their sheets to feel the free gift of nature. One of them said "Guys una dy see how dis breeze dy cool mah body,chaii i dy heaven oo. I wish Amaka go rush me like how diz breeze dy take rush us". There were up roar of laughter as the continue to enjoy themselves. Veronica and her friends were having drinks inside the house and she told them her intention of dumping Collins for Etom. "I cant believe this. I dont even want to hear nt talk of believeing it. How can you say such a thing like this. To dump Collins for a guy u jst meet a week ago who have nt even profesed love to you.. Its totally insane" Natasha angrily said. She cnt believe that she weasted her time coming to her house to hear this nonsense. She thought it was that her usual joke,but when shn pushed her for her desire,she then know she is serious. She was even more suprised that Queen supported her and all she could say was its ok as long the guy is rich. "But Tasha,i dont jst get you, you have nt meet the guy self but your speaking about him as if you know him since childhood. Vee said the guy is super rich ad was bore in USA. Unlike he Collins, Etom is more classic and more handsome to Vee teast. So let just wait and meet the guy first before u can judge him" Queen said. "And what will be my gain after judging him and Collins have already Gone from Vee life then?" "Tasha it dont matter,true love they say wait.if Collins really love her as he claim,then he will wait for her to come back" Queen am not suprised that you will say this cos.. "cos what? Veronica who could nt take the argument between her friend any more cut in. "What exactly has he done that have nt been don before? I only wnt to marry him as a mean of showing my gratitude to him but if he is really a kind person,the he ought not to expect anything from me as compasionate for all he did". "Oh no, he ought to Vee, Natasha said. He did nt fore you to marry him. He asked only and you meekly and poliitely accepted him because you thought he was the richest guy then. You dont love any of them but their money, do you? And its what you are after., Natasha added as if she is reading Veronica's mind... ¤
15 Sep 2018 | 11:09
Too Late To Weep (all that glitters) ¤ Episode 7. ............................. Have you got to a phase where you will made a mistake,but your friends where trying to make you realize your on the wrong step,but at last you wished you listined. What do think will became of Veronica after she shunned Natasha advice? Find out as the story goes on. ¤ *countinued from the last scene* And what is wrong for her to like money after years of lacking it? Queen asked. Collins is a step in her life, he helped her to this stage does not mean she have to remain there, shee needs to move on and Etom is vividly the way forward. She cnt just stay in a reletionship that dnt worth it, just because she owes too much. Nah, Tasha we ar talking about progress her. None wishes to stay in one place forever and To Vee, this the way to the next stage", added Queen. "oh i see, so Collins is the tool you use to get up to the ladder and dump half way, right? Natasha asked. None could answer her question and she spoke again, "now tell me,is that nt it? You Collins to increase your social level and dumped him cause you have found a richer guy and thats what you will also do to Etom as ynu call him if you also meet a guy richer than him." Veronica spoke in a meek ad low tone, "Tasha, i dnt get you again. You are to be my friend and want my success,but from the way your talking, it seems you want me to remain here." "Vee, you and i know its not true. I want your success than you ever think of and you know it. But you cant achieve it by betraying the man that have done so much for you. Do you think that Etom or whatever you call him will take a second look at you if he had meet you in same way Collins did? Do you ever think he would take the shame and pain to clean you up and brought you here you ar now? Its girls like you that made it hard for guys to help ladies in such situation you were before. Search your heart Vee and tell me if Collins have done anything wrong to deserve such heartbreak and betrayal of this sort. You said Etom has more cash because he spend dollars everywhere that none knows if its real or fake. You have not take your time to ask him the source of his wealth and you forgot that the devil you know is better than the angel you dont know. Vee please, you better take your time and think about this and you will prove me right that Etom dnt worth the trouble. Just give it a thought sweetheart. You still dont get me Tasha. The day is only tomorrow and he is going to ask me out. Thats why i need to breakup first with Collins so as to give him a good answer without telling him lies. Dont you get it? I feel its better to just make Collins see reasons now than to cheat on him which will hurt him more.. What? You wnt to make Collins see reasons? How do want to explain it after he have cleaned u up ad he is no longer rich enough for you? Do you think He will see a dying soul and ever try to help the person again in his life? People like you ar the ones that make it hard to get help in this country and futuremore... Heey hold it ther Tasha, Vee said cuting her in mid sentence. I have heard enough and am tired of you painting him the saint while me the devil. Who are you? You have no right to me what to do with my life. I called you as a friend to help me out not to debate it. So if my move dont go down well with you, you can use the door.. Vee it has not goten to that nah, Queen try to appeal but both parties have lost their cool and she could not do anything. Natasha gave a short sigh, stoop up and take a three pace towards Vee and said; "You invited me here to hear my opinion but now your kicking me out just because am against you plan of betraying Collins. You ar happy to see Queen supporting you but you seem to forgot so soon that shis a pro in her games and you in the other hand is just a learner. Follow Queen idea and watch how your world will crash before your very own eyes." Today you have choosen to end our many years of friendship over a guy you meet just a few days ago nt up to a week. I will leave but hear my las words; "HE WHO ABANDON HIS PARADISE IN SEARCH OF A GREATER HEAVENS MUST TREAD WITH WISDOM OR DND UP IN LUCIFER'S KINGDOOM", you as my friend lack wisdom and you refuse to be advised. Make sure you dont come to me at the end for i will surly tell you "I TOLD YOU". All thesame i wish you the best but know that i wont and would never be part of this devilish act.. She picked her bag and waved to Queen and left the house slamming the door in anger. It was her last time to go there again she thought in her mind. Veronica was downcast and see truth to what she said and will miss her dearly and have prefered her over Queen and so is Queen, but her pride wont let her see reasons or plead with Natasha. She felt its better she left, cause she cant stand it seeing her friend tell her what to do. If she care for him this much,then let her go and marry him and let her be.. ¤ TBC Am sorry for the delay. August 27 at 10:08 AM · Public
15 Sep 2018 | 11:10
Too Late To Weep (All that glitters) ¤ Episode 8. ............. Money and stupidity walk hand in hand. She who want everything,everytime will lost everything anytime. And thats the case of Veronica as he chase the greater heaven but later end up in lucifar's paradise. Find out more as the story goes on. ¤ As at 4pm that saturday, Veronica have already prepared for her big outing dinner with Etom. She was greatful that she had Queen on her side. And Queen been a mastermind in relationships,she had no doubt that she would give her a tips of how to get Etom ad ofcourse Etom is hers already. But little did she knew that Queen was also playing her own game cos its said that if you dont build your dreams,other will hire you to build theirs and thats what Queen did. Within a minutes she is fully dressed. She wore a long pink gown and a silver heels to fit the silver belt at her waist. All other accessories were silver in colour except her hand bag that was white but was adorned wit gold. It was a beautiful colour combination and her her coiled and falling at her back. She was a beauty to behold.she is as beautiful as the morning sun. But since the event would take place at night,i did opt to call her moon princess and that what Etom discribed her whe he arrived. But before he did, Collins was there. Collins had come an hour before a minute to 4 and was amazed to see Veronica dressed like this as if she was expecting donald trump which she have never dressed before since his visits to her. He was more delighted to have tome to give her a treat to makeup their recent misunderstandings. He said he was jst a way to finish his contract and the company he was working for had consequently given him part paymen.t He was suprised that after all he said, Veronica turned him down saying she couldnot go anywhere with him or accept his offer cos she dnt feel like. He had become more worried than ever by Veronica's attitude. It was as if he wanted him to leave,so he decided to wait a little to see if She was really expecting one or going out. Not just a few minutes,Etom arrived and horned. Veronica could nt wait for him to come in before he started excusing herself from Collins presence stating that she had somewhere important to go. She left the house before Collins could say anything. However the person that brought the car was still horning and it dawned on Collins that his car was probably preventing the driver to revers.. He dont want to cause any dispute cause he is the cool and gentle type, so he decided to get his car off so the other can reverse. He left the house but went over to the flashy golden chevrolet to see who it was that had succeded in making his own relationship go sour. He got a sight of Veronica in the front seat and when he got to view the driver, he was shocked and suprised at who he saw. He did nt say a word to both parties but jst walked away to his red honda . He got his car out of the way to the other side so Veronica's date can drive out. He watched as the drove out of sight. He entered his own car ad drove off. He was half way into the main road when he decided against it. He parked it properly again,secured the care and went back to the house. He opted to wait till Veronica return and hear what she had to say. When he got to the door,kate had already locked the doors as instructed by Veronica,so he had to use the bell. Kate was told not to let anyone in except her and her mother bt she knew she had to make a decision on a case like this. She kew it was Collins that paid the house rents ad was the one that imployed her and pay her her monthly salary. She let him in. Collins did not want anythiing but to wait for Veronica till she returns. Its was going to be a long ad boring wait,but it worths it. He wandered back how he meet Veronica. He showed her so much love the he didnot mind about how much he is spending on her. His cousin had often warned him about Veronica and told him that she was only after his mone.but he refused to believe him then but now he have proved him right. He cried inwardly bt got to bear it. He took the romote control and switched the television on. He did so to while away time. ¤ Bact to the dinner date, Veronica was enjoying herself. Wow,its lovely. She exclaimed as Etom brought her to a luxurious restuarand near the island. They sat on the table close to the window where one can viwe the beautiful ocean beyond the horizon. It was her firstime ad first time treated like this. She knew in her heart that to what Natasha though and her mother's fear, she was nt making a mistake cause Etom was the man for her. To hell with Collins she said in her mind. ¤ Who is this cousine of Collins? Does Etom and Collins knew each other. What game do u think Queen is playing?. Drop your thoughs. ¤ Am sorry for the delay guys. I ran out of data. Jst a few episodes to go. ¤ TBC
15 Sep 2018 | 11:11
Too Late To Weep (All that glitters). ¤ Episode 9. ¤ Only the sturbborn hen enter the soup pot. ¤ Still at the dinner date. …………… As if reading her thoughts, Etom smiled. The smile was a full mega one that melted her heart and it sink in just the same way chocolate would sink into an apple pie. She flashed back her own smile revealing a set of beautiful healthy looking white teeth. There was a moment of tension between them, but Etom broke it by uncovering the dish in front of him and gesturing to Veronica to do same. “Lets eat”. Veronica uncovered her own dish. It was a stock combinatiom of different intercontinental dishes , with names which she dont even know. From the set of cutlery lined before her, she picked a fork and began to eat. She was so happy, That she barely was able to contain all the excitement inside her that was about to bust out. She could not believe she was been treated like a Queen. To hell with Collins she thought again. How many times had Collins ever taken his time to give her this kind of treat? He was alwas busy, broke or tied up with on contract or the other. Collins was just not the kind of guy she want. Etom was the guy for her and she wont hesistate to break up with Collins should he confront her about what happened today. She was vry greatful for the fact that Etom had not thought its important to ask her who he was when he had rudely came up to them earliar in the car. At that moment, she thought and feared that Collins was going to confront Etom in the car. She was relieved when he simply walked away to remove his pickup from the road. Pickup was nw what she call Collins car bt before she meet Etom,she boast of it and call it classic but now jst a mere touch of the care is an insult to her and her pride. She jst decided to wave everything about Collins and his misfortunes and enjoy her pleasand dinner date. ¤ (Music playing in the backgroud; danger by p.square) ¤ Back at home, Collins was jerked up by by the cracking sound of the door. He get up and rubbed his eyes. He could nt remember how he had fallen asleep bt it seemed he lost track of time. He must have slept for hours, he thought ad looked at his watch to realise it was past 11pm. The television he put on was still on and he reached the remote and put it off. Just then Madam Edward walked ing she was suprise to see Collins sitting alone on the chair when Veronica was supposed to keep him company. As soon as she noticed him looking downcast, she knex at once that Vee is at it again ad puting their reletionship at risk. She felt for Collins but felt there is little she could do since Vee have refused to listine to her. This was a young man Who showed up like a guarding angel that God used to wipe their tears and brighten their lives with joy. The same man that had lifted them out of their misery and made life a paradise for them, even Vee have been greatful but now, all of sudden, things have changed and she had changed so much that one would think she was acually paid to fustrate Collins so he would end up the reletionship. And since Veronica have refused to listine to her, there is nothing she could do but pray tha she would soon get back to her sense. Lins, how are you, Madam Edward asked after joining him in the living roomg. “I am fine mama. Welcome back”. “Thank you” she replied and where is Veronica? She asked meekly. “She went out”,Collins replies teary. “Chim..gini.” went out to where and with whom? Madam Edward askd with more concer in her voice. Collins told her everything that have been happening and what went happened today. He explained that with tears that all he did to make up wit her but she refused. He told Madam Edward to start saving money now and he would also will be sending her a monthly pay out of his salary cause by what he is seeing, Veronica was only after money and very soon, she will return back to her first life if she dont change which he dont want cause he dnt wnt her the mother to suffer again ad she will use the money to help herself if it happens. Madam Edward take his word at heart ad said she would do so but prayed that it dont come to pass.. He added that he can take anything from her but will nt take it when she cheats on him and take him a fool. He will never take that. ¤ TBC.
15 Sep 2018 | 11:12
Too Late To Weep (all that glitters) ¤ Episode 10 ¤ Countined from the last scene ¤ "Dont desire to have what you dont have cause what you have now is what you once desired to have" Would Veronica listine and stop desiring for what she dont have? Find out as the story goes on. ¤ Collins finished all he want to say to Madam Edward,he have been keeping his cool all this while but this is the last straw of it. He could not tolerate Veronica calling him an idiot and a fool to his own face. He was disgraded when she left him excitedly in the house and jumped into the car of another man in his presence just because he was richer and his car was more classic than his. He might not be wealthy enough to live like a multibillionaira,but what he had is enough to take care of his needs and those of Veronica and her mother. There are many people richer than him,but then he knew that there are even more people still struggling to attain quter of what he had, so there was no way he was going to let himself be used and then dumped like a worthless piece of rag. Never. He could not believe that Veronica could be heart- hardened to the extent of doing such thing to him. He saved her and her family from their poverty,took them out of the dustbin and made life more lively for them by getting them this apartment and opening a restuarent for her Mother so they can be able to help themselves out and not to aways run to him whenever the need 20naira for maggi. He thought it was wise to do all this for them bt Never knew that Veronica was only taking him a fool and a tool to get what she desired. No.. Its going to end today. She is going to quit that game and stupidity and face their relationship or quit the relationshi and move on to desire what she dont. He knew it would hurt him dearly but is better than be cheated,called an idiot and taken as a fool. Madam Edward knew what Collins said was true. "I understand that you are very angry,but you have to take it easy as not to hurt ur health. Veronica is jst a kid and she dont get the consequences of what she is doing". She was about to get up and take her bag on the table when the door cracked open and behold Veronica sneaking in as if she dont want her entrance to be noticed by her mother cos its already after 11 ad her mother may not be in bed. She have cooked up lie to tell her if she is there that she was wit Collins but little did she knew that Lins was there watching her as she hold her shoe so as not to make noise and walked barefoot. She was more than shocked when she saw her mother staring at her and Collins sitting down same spot she left him in the morning. She could not believe he actually waited for her for such long hour. She get to realise that only a man that truely loves you dispite all she is doing can wait for such hour,but she could no go back cause she is enjoying Etom and cant let go of him. She was observant enough to notice his care outside and she had no idea that he was still there. So she made up her mind to quit with him whenever she saw him. She dnt thing now is the right time to do so ,not that she would decline to it if called for it. The shock left her and she regained her composure. She greeted her mother good evening but Hi to Collins and made to go in when Collins Cold voice stopped her. "Veronica,we get to talk". "Look, Lins i dont think this the right time to talk okay. Am tired and exhausted and its late already. Please, i think you should just go now and come back tomorrow." she turned to go in but Collins caught her by the arm and dragged her back. Madma Edward seeing this,left cause she realized they need privacy. Anger and rage was now begining to dominate the better part of cheerful and meekly Lins as he spoke. "I said i want us to talk and i mean now!" Veroni was scared but she quickly stop it from showing as he regained her balance. "Fine,what do u want us to talk about?" Collins let go off her arm and said. "I only have two questions for you Vee, but before that i want you to think of the old times. I want you to search your heart really deep and tell me if i have ever done anything wrong to deserve this kind of treatment from you. I want you to invoke every single memory you have and recall if there has ever been a time that i did anything to hurt you. I want you in alll honesty and tell me if i deserved this. And most of all, i want to know how you take me, a fool or a stupid idiot who does not know how to spend his money. I want you to tell me exactly what you think i am and why you would think that i derserve what you are doing to me now" pls i need a honest reply. Veronica was shocked to the marrow. She could not found her voice. She knew that Collins have not in anyway do anything to her nor hurt her. She knew that Collins love her dearly but she want money at this moment which collins dnt have and she have found someone that could give it to her, so she wont let the chance slip away. ¤ TBC. Sorry for the delay. # HNM ..
15 Sep 2018 | 11:13
¤ Too Late To Weep (All that glitters) * Quter-final ¤ Continue from the last scene. .. ....................... If you dont build your dream,others will hire you to build theirs.. ¤ There was a long silence in the room as Collins walked to and fro waiting for an answer to his question to vee,bt none seem to come. So he decided to asked his questions. He went back and sat on the sofa he was sitting before and leaned on it. He sat there for a some minutes looking at Veronica whose head was bowed down. "Veronica,he called, who was the guy you went out with today"? Veronica saised her head then stand up. She was ready for the breakthrough, she had been praying for this very moment to come ever since she meet Etom and now here it comes. She was ever ready to grad it and set herself free from this hell he called relationship. "He is the love of my life,my new boyfriend or probably my fiance", she said confidently. "Good", Lins said. So what about our own reletionship? he asked. "huh, it came to an end a very long time ago Lins" Vee replied happily. It was finally over. " The spark is no more and you know it. Find yourself another girl and move on with your life". Collins stared at her for a while and could not believe she would do such thing. He stood up then looked at her and said "Hope you know what your doing? Watch your back least you fall. Time will tell". I wish you the best of luck in your new found love. With that he walked out ad headed to his car. He felt great pain in her heart but always a tough one, Collins was never the type that cry over spilt milk. She have decleared her intention, so there is no point or gain exchanging words with her. This not the first time he is having a bad fate and he always get a way to deal with such things. There was no way he was going to let himself down cause of a girl. Not talk of one like Veronica who dont know how to value what she had. He was not going to reveng but he knew what awaits her. He entered his car and smiling at Veronica stupidity. He knew the kind of guy Etom is. He was the type that never like women like her and will use and dump her after geting under her skirts cause thats how he teach them a lesson. He gave a bitter laugh and said to himself "if only she knew who Etom is". With that he engineted his car and drove off, ready to start a new life with someone special as he called it. ¤¤¤ it was eight months now since Veronica denounced Colling over Etom. She was 7till having a good time . She was showing off round the city of Abuja as he never dying romance wit Etom blossome greatly. She was now in love with Etom. Though at the begining, she knew she was lusting after his money but now it have developed into a red hot passion. He had nt proposed to her promised to take her to his family in a few days. That sound so great and promising. He would not want her to meet hi.s family if he dnt have a plan to settle with her. She is in school but at presently on her first semester break and even when it was on,she use the little chance she got to see Etom and sleep with him what she never gave to Collins. But she gave her viginity to Etom. He was now the one feeding and clothing them,paying their house rents and catering for their day to day needs. So she have no reason to miss Collins nor regret breaking up with him but little did she knows that karma lives and nature have ways of paying back,it may nt been now or then but it will definitly come for you. ¤ Etom had taken up the responsibilities. She had informed him of the expired house rents. He told her that paying the rents was not a problem and promised to pay it after he introduced her to his family. She could not wait to meet them. She was sure that they would be such a wonderful people and since she is always attracted to people,she had no doubt that they would like her. ¤ Hmmm what a stupid lady she is.. ¤ Ever since she meet Etom,her lifestlye with people have changed. She never spoke wit Natasha who was ever admant to her words and angry that she dumped Collins cause of Etom who she barelly know ad jst meet a weeks ago. On the other hand,Queen her relationship specialist now avoid her most times she called or want to talk to her. She always gave her excuses that she is busy with this or that ad would visit her bt yet she wont. To make it worse,her mother now ignore her like a virus for breaking up with Collins. She never liked her for once or even accept his greeting. Her attitude toward him was always cold and whenever she did that Veronica felt like killing her mother for treating the Love of her life that way. Her mother have even refused all the gifts Etom sent her either money or acessories. She simply dnt have anything to do with Etom. And that got Veronica angry the more. ¤ TBC.
15 Sep 2018 | 11:17
Ur fall is near miss vee
16 Sep 2018 | 13:25
Your doom is nigh
16 Sep 2018 | 14:50
I pity your life
16 Sep 2018 | 18:13
ride on...
16 Sep 2018 | 18:48
hmmmmmm,,,, it will definitely be too late for her to cry bcos Collins will marry Queen her adviser
17 Sep 2018 | 04:24
Vero Vero, d law of karma still Exists o
17 Sep 2018 | 16:31
V I laugh at ur stupidity
17 Sep 2018 | 18:59
Why do I have dis feeling DAT Queen will go n win Collins' heart n show him de luv he's so seeking,,,time will tell... As for Vero,no comments for now!!!
17 Sep 2018 | 19:16


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