Top 34 Study Habits Of Highly Successful Students Today

Top 34 Study Habits Of Highly Successful Students Today

By Wisdom in 8 Jan 2018 | 01:45
Wisdom Micheal

Wisdom Micheal

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The toppers in any school or class are prevalently considered as geeks or nerds, the individuals who don't get saw until there is a test or it is exam time. At that point everybody begrudges their pizazz in acing the papers and all the awards.

Despite trying to be as discreet as possible in our admiration, we do get impressed by how they make it seem so easy to get top grades while most of us struggle for B and C grades. We all wish to score like them, but feel it’s their higher IQ or special genes that give the super tests-acing powers to them.
Well, that’s right, their grey cells probably have a turbo mechanism but more than that, it is their positive mindset and habits that help them achieve academic success.
They are in the habit of doing all the right things at the right time and avoiding anything that can shift their focus from their goals. They take a lot of small positive steps, all the time, and they steadily move towards their destination. They are like seasoned marathon runners, the ultra-marathoners, who set a steady pace from the start and even after hours on the track, they keep going steady until the finishing line.
The rest of the ordinary denizens of the class too can do well and excel if they just pay attention to the productive habits of top graders. Although there isn’t a one-size-fits-all formula for success, it is within everyone’s reach, provided they are ready to go the extra mile, or rather, run a marathon.
We spoke to a bunch of top students & first class student and asked them all the things they did that ensured their success. These are the things they all have in common:

Compilied Below Are Top 34 Study Habits Of Highly Successful Students Today;

Motivation is not going to come to you until you make the effort to get it. You need to find reasons to become motivated to study well and get better grades than before. And a good way to motivate yourself is to visualise success.
Use your power of daydreaming to see yourself as a top grader in your school, getting into the best college and university, and becoming a successful professional. You are bound to feel good. Use this adrenaline-boost to motivate yourself to work harder, study intensely and be the best you can be.
You can’t wait for motivation to strike. Successful people take hold of their present to march towards their goals, because they know that the perfect moment is now — or never. If you keep waiting for the next test, the next exam or the next class to take positive actions and work harder, you will always have an excuse about why you can’t start today and you will never start. Just do it!

You need to be ready to change if you want your results to change. Don’t fear change, because change is the only constant. Nothing remains the same, and to evolve, especially into a better person and better student, you must be willing to change your study habits. Change is required for self-improvement in all spheres of life.
Move out of your comfort zone, take on new challenges and don’t be afraid to fail. These are what you need to be proactive and productive. Get rid of your ego or any fear that is stopping you from changing your fruitless habits for some fruitful ones. Don’t be afraid to be called a geek or a bookworm — a high-achieving geek is better than a failure with a lot of swag.

3. Learn To Meet Important Persons:
Every great student is a helped student; No young boy or girl is self-made. Great students are those who enjoyed the ministry of helpers.
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In one or two ways, you have met helpers you inspired you to the top. Remember, the books you have read were written by humans.
There are persons you should not miss in life and destiny. These persons have been programmed to help you climb the ladder of life. Even in Jamb and other examinations, you need to meet persons that would help you succeed.
Meet as many persons as possible because you never can tell the persons who would help you achieve your goal.
One of the persons you should meet in life are mentors. Mentors are those who are already living your dream. They will help turn your dreams into reality.

4. Learn To Read Long Articles:
There is usually one complain you notice when you visit Nairaland and other forums. Students always complain about the length of articles and eventually demand summary. They get scared of long posts.
With every passing day, we hear things like, “this write-up is too long; please summarise it”.
Nothing gives depth of knowledge like detailed articles. Pay attention to helpful articles irrespective of the length.
Long articles don’t only help you improve on your reading habits, also, they help you build strong vocabularies and get use to the English language. Your reading skill goes a long way to affect your writing skill.

5. Learn To Read News/Magazines:
These days, we have students who know the latest song of Rihana and Davido but do not know the president of Uganda. They would prefer to go to talent hunts instead of seminars that would add value to their life.
It is high time you started reading news to get valuable information. Read and listen to stuffs that will add value to your life. You can’t afford to be empty in this 21st century.
The 21st century is the current century of the Anno Domini era, in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. It began on January 1, 2001 and will end on December 31, 2100.
News updates would make it easy for you to answer current affairs questions in Scholarship examinations and job interviews. It is time to invest in your personality.

6. Limit Your Usage Of Social Networks:
Of course, it is good to use Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram and Google Plus. However, these social platforms have killed many students both morally and academically.
Don’t be online for 24 hours if it doesn’t add value to your life. There are many other things you should do with your phone and precious time.
In addition, learn not to abuse people online. Good manners is the number one thing expected from every student. Boost your Ethics.

7. Find Your Passion:
If I may ask, what do you really want in life? It is time to find something to do with your life. The fact that you are a student doesn’t cover everything.
You must look form something that you can do very well. If you think you don’t have talent, then learn skills. Nothing adds value to your life as a student like skills. It is your skill that would advertise you in school.

8. Invest In Your Passion:
In number 5 above, I explain the fact that you must discover your talent or learn a skill that you are passionate about. The next step you must take is to invest in your passion.
Do not hide your talent. Nurture it so that it would grow and make you a star. The best way to nurture your talent or skill is to meet those who you want to be like. These set of persons are called mentors. They will help bring out the best in you.

While weak or mediocre students focus on the boring aspects of a lecture, the top ones are like detectives, keeping their attention focused to look out for clues to get to the wealth of knowledge hidden in each lesson.
They don’t let themselves get distracted by gossips, giggles or glances. This is why all toppers know what the teacher said and did in each class while the rest of the class knows what they said and did in a class. So do you want to stay updated on class gossip or class topics?
Anything discussed during a class is important, and topics and problems discussed in detail are very, very important. Teachers also drop hints about topics and sections they will be testing students on and such hints before an upcoming exam are not to be missed.
Therefore, in the class, always bring your related textbooks and notebooks, note important points and examples, underline important terms and sections in the textbook. All these are productive ways of attending a lecture. And do try to sit in the front rows so as not to get distracted by others, and to hear the teacher and see the board clearly.

Good students go through the class lecture notes, notes given by the teacher, the textbook and other study material, and consolidate and organise them into their own individual notes.
By doing this you will be studying all these and by the time you have completed your notes, you would have understood and learnt most of the stuff. And when the exam time comes, you will not find it hard to understand and learn your notes because you have written them after understanding them.

The top position is above all others, so it requires an effort that is more than that of others. Toppers don’t just study to learn, but they study to over-learn. Yes, “over-learn”. This sounds insane, doesn’t it?
Well, it really isn’t. Let me explain, by over-learning I mean making the effort to learn more about any topic and not relying on ‘memorising’ more because we can only memorise a limited amount of things. However, the learning process is a life-long one, so you should focus on being interested in knowing how to solve a problem, why a certain formula is used in solving it and the steps required, rather than just memorising the steps without understanding them. Learning and knowledge stays with us for long while our memory can fail.
The purpose of everything that tops students do is to learn something new or more about something they already know. They watch TV programmes that add to their knowledge, play word and strategy games, take online quizzes, read lots of books and all their discussions are centred around sharing information and knowledge.
By frequent processing and absorption of information, their brain becomes sharper and quicker. The brain is a wonderful organ, the more it is used, the better it gets. And if the most you use your brain for is to decide what to wear, eat or comment on your social media account, your grey cells are going to get sluggish and rusty.

Knowledge, when applied, becomes reinforced and lasting. This is especially true about [url=]technical subjects and skills[/url].
Tops students apply and practice what they have learnt. Subjects such as maths, especially algebra and calculus, and language, need practice for active.

13. Become A Thinker:
This may be the first time you are coming across an article teaching you to become a thinker. Yes, you must become a productive thinker. If you don’t develop your thinking faculty, you would have issues in your actual faculty. [url=]95 Tips To Successfully Get Fast And Easy Admission In Nigeria Universities Free[/url].
Learn to “think everything through” as a student. You will eventually become what you think. Little wonder Joshua Abuwa said, “you look like your mind”.
If you don’t develop your thinking faculty, you would have issues in your actual faculty.
Before doing anything, think about the consequences. There are many benefits you will enjoy as a productive thinker.

14. Set Targets And Try To Achieve Them:
If you don’t have target, you may become the target. As a student, you should be able to set target for yourself. Think about what you want to achieve and how to achieve it.
Don’t continue to live by the opinion of others. Find out what you really want out to life and stick to it. If you want to become the best graduating student of your set, it is time to plan it.

15. Level Up Your Reading Life:
One of your biggest tasks as a student is reading. Never undermine the place of reading. Read your books to get good grades academically. Read like never before.
Even as you read to pass your examinations, try to read books that would help you learn more about life.
In all, be careful of the kind of books you read. Books go a long way to change your mindset and “lifeset”.

16. Buy Books:
So many students, especially females, put on weavons on empty brains. Instead of buying material things that don’t add value to your life, spend money to buy valuable materials. Buy books and continue to buy books. Humans start dying the day they stop to learn.

17. Avoid Bad Peer Group Influence
As we all know the result of keeping bad friends or bad peer groups. He/she would also be influence to do bad things like smoking, stealing, cheating, exam malpractice and lots more. Try as much as possible to mind the kind of friends you keep.

18. Accept Corrections:
So many students think that they are always right. This is a wrong mentally. No one knows it all. You need to take corrections and learn from others. With this, you will become influenceture.

19. Have Principles:
It is principles that eventually makes you a principal. If you don’t have something that you stand for, you will surly fall for everything.
Don’t eat everything or drink anything that comes, don’t go everywhere and don’t do things because others are doing it. Look for what created the desired result in your life and simply stick to it.

20. Check For Available Scholarhips/Grants
Always try to keep up and get legit information about available scholarships/grants. Because it might be an opportunity for you to study aboard and you can also be rewarded financially to foster your education. See Latest Scholarships Available In 2018

21. Simplify.
When we asked high-flying students how they managed not to forget the things that they studied, they told us about this trick; simplifying. So this is what they'd d; they'll take something they were taught, and simplify it in terms that are more relateable and easier to understand. So let's say they learned something about the economy on a large scale, they'd simplify it on the scale of buying sugar from a local seller.
E.g. When demand for sugar is high, our sugar seller might feel the need to increase the price.

22. Attend Seminars And Workshop:
Foolishness is when you prefer clubs to seminars. Seminars are designed to spur you up for greatness. Ensure to attend a seminar at least once in 6 months.

23. Learn To Invest:
If you don’t invest in your tomorrow, it will have nothing to offer you. You should only expect profit in the future when you have invested in the future. Now, are you investing in your future or you are emptying your future?
Until you invest, you will not harvest

24. Don’t Be A Womaniser:
As a womaniser, you will waste so many resources . So, don’t be one.

25. Continous Assessment goes a long way.
Now, this mostly involves following instructions. It's probably an assignment or a mini quiz. I'll explain. Let's assessment is 30 marks. You tidy up the assignments and tests, and probably land at about 25 marks, you know you're going into the exam hall to hustle, say a 50 over 70 When you hit that, score high you get an A. Look who's happy now.

26. Don’t Joke With Time:
Assets put money into your pocket while liabilities take it away. Now, time is the greatest asset that has been given to every student equally. What you don with time is what life will do to you.
Please! Don’t joke with time. Killing time is not murder but suicide.

27. Stay out of trouble.
Okay, this is definitely not textbook advice. But you might want to stay out of trouble as much as you can. Even if you're on the right, there's a strong probability that it will be costing you precious time you need.

28. Use A Good Phone:
So many information would be hidden from you if you don’t use a good phone. As a student, do all you can to get a good Android or apple phone. If you're using a smartphone you can download our android app.

29. Learn To Use The Internet:
The Internet contain just all you need to be a great student. Learn to pull out resources online and use them for your own good. Life is not all about Instagram and Facebook.
When you have questions or come across what you don’t understand, simply Google it.

30. Be Yourself:
When was the last time someone said to you, you are different? Don’t try to live your life like others.
We are all wonderfully and separately made. Simply be yourself and become your best. Life is not to compete but to complete.

Good students don’t rely on only doing all the regular assignments and learning their course, they test themselves too. To make tests and exams pressure become easier to handle, especially answering question under time restrictions, they attempt practice test questions and past exam papers. This is done with all books closed and time limits set.
Repeated self-testing shows them their weak areas and help in retaining things longer. In addition, past exam papers are great for learning how questions can be formed and how they need to be solved.

Doing corrections of question done incorrectly in the class and tests is important in order to not repeat it later on in mid-terms or final exams. Mistakes also show our weak areas and what we need to work harder on.

Successful students use all means to improve themselves, even if it means asking for help from teachers, seniors and their fellow students. Staying silent when you don’t understand a lecture is not going to make you seem smarter because when it will come to answering questions about it, you will be stuck. So ask for help when you are lost.

34. Visit Jobshandle Daily
Becoming a regular visitor to jobshanlde will certainly help you improve both academically and in life. We have a plethora of resources to meet your need ranging from examination guides, career guides, helpful/life-changing guides, scholarship update and daily Job vacancies. What else do you need? Come on go ahead and tell your neighbors. Tell your friends to visit jobshandle if they truly want to change their lives.

These are well-known ways of doing well at studies and in other things in life, I am sure all of you are smart and already know all that has been discussed. You just need to put these secrets of success into practice — and start from today. Good luck!!


8 Jan 2018 | 01:45
8 Jan 2018 | 02:03
8 Jan 2018 | 02:25
Thanks bro
8 Jan 2018 | 03:21
8 Jan 2018 | 04:13
I can't finish all this now
8 Jan 2018 | 05:14
Thanks bro
8 Jan 2018 | 06:56
8 Jan 2018 | 07:48
8 Jan 2018 | 15:50
Thanks. I'll surely work on this.
9 Jan 2018 | 00:45
9 Jan 2018 | 05:31
I love dis
9 Jan 2018 | 05:32
Pls A Link To '45 Days'
11 Mar 2018 | 14:39


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