Total Love by Temitopedaniel

Total Love by Temitopedaniel

By Cool in 19 Feb 2015 | 09:51
Cool Val

Cool Val

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Posts: 3735
Member since: 17 Jun 2013
Episode 1-

It was as usual, the king was rushed into the car. The driver was already panicking, he was at alert to rush down to the hospital. The gate was quickly opened by the gate keeper the driver rushed out, the queen was sitting beside the king at the back seat. She was breathing out fast. Ruth had already ordered the second driver to drive her to the hospital also.

They got to the hospital, the nurses rushed out to aid in bringing him in as usual. They'd seen him inside before he was brought out. He was carried into the private ward that had been provided for him and his only daughter Ruth. The doctors that normally attend to him got the information about his arrival and got to work.

It was serious.

The drivers and guards were standing outside the hospital to guard, the Queen was sitting by the reception at the front of the private ward with her daughter. Ruth was weeping, it was normal of her because both of them are normally the victims. She was not herself, as she was standing, she would sit again, she was not in the mood to pick any call and neglected all her friend's calls.

The nurses were coming in and out of the ward with trays and different things on them. They were also running up and down taking care of the King of that Kingdom. The doctors who knew and don't even know about the illness were also there taking good care of him.

The overall doctor came out sweating profusely. Queen and her daughter rushed up to him. "How is my father?" Ruth quickly asked.

'What of the king!' The queen shouted out.

The doctor was sweating and looking at both of them. He was looking tired within. He didn't say anything to them, he rose hid index finger up, 'Let me see you in my office' he said and headed there.

'Can't you tell me here!' The Queen shouted.

"Office, my queen.' He replied.

The queen wondered and hurried after him.


Just One Click:::::

Episode 4

Episode 5&6

Episode 7&8

Episode 9&10

Episode 11&12

Episode 13

Episode 14&15

Episode 16&17

Episode 18&19

Episode 20&21

Episode 22

Episode 23&24

Episode 25,26&27

Episode 28&29

Episode 30

Episode 31

Episode 32&33

Episode 34&35

Episode 36

Episode 37 nd 38

Episode 39 nd 40

Episode 41

Episode 42

Episode 43

Episode 44

Episode 45

Episode 46

Episode 47

Episode 48 nd 49

Episode 50

Episode 51

Episode 52

Episode 53

Episode 54

Episode 55

Episode 56

Episode 57

Episode 58

Episode 59

Episode 60

Episode 61

Episode 62

Episode 63

Episode 64

Episode 65

Episode 66

Last Episode
19 Feb 2015 | 09:51
Episode-2- Daniel was hurrying home, he had just gotten his admission letter into a university. He was hurrying home to show his parents that the school princes and princesses and other people would attend is the school he had been given scholarship into. He got near the house and was hearing shouts from the house. He thought in him 'this man has started today again, I will deal with him with my happiness.' He entered into the house because the gate was opened but the sliding door was locked. He was looking at how his mother is being beaten up by his useless father after he had gotten himself drunk in the afternoon. Daniel hurried back to the backyard, he got a pestle and broke the sliding door in. He ran towards his father that rose his head on hearing a smash at the sliding door. Daniel angrily hit the pestle on him and his father fainted. Daniel's only sister, Beatrice that is normally called Bibi was just on her way home with her friends from the secondary school. She got home and met the pandemonium, she was embarrassed in front of her friends and told them to leave for their various houses. David, Daniel's father was taken inside the room, a lot of water was poured on him and he was exposed to fresh air. Gloria, the mother was still crying profusely. At last he came conscious again, Daniel hissed and left the room. Gloria was still beside him despite the fact she was thoroughly beaten up by him. She loved her husband. ...... The doctor took her royal highness in to tell her about the critical condition of the King. "He has to be flown abroad for further treatment, he will need a kidney transplant operation that is tight, I guess it should be done abroad, not here for safe job.' The Doctor said. 'That's no big deal, it will be done with immediate effect.' She replied. 'But, you'll need a donor, you highness.' The doctor said. 'This is the third time he will be doing this, I will get one sir, at least I can't donate to him, they aren't compatible.' The queen said. 'Its alright.' The doctor replied. ....
19 Feb 2015 | 09:53
Episode 3- The news of Daniel's scholarship soon spread through the kingdom. He was so happy that at last he made it, although his parents weren't that rich to cater from him that much. The family members will also come for assistance from his father. He loved his mother and his sister dearly, he hated his father when he turned his mother to a punching bag. The father didn't remain the same again after the pestle had been hit on his head. After David, Daniel's father became conscious that day, he complained about severe headache, Daniel didn't do as if he heard all his shouts from inside. When it became too much, Gloria begged Daniel to please drop his father off the hospital, at least David had a car that he did push around. Daniel got up reluctantly and drove him there. He was surprised seeing the guards at the front of the reception door He and his mother helped his father down the car and the nurses came out as usual to help them. He was taken in and admitted, Daniel was sitting at the reception when he saw princess Ruth pondering about. He looked at her with a pitiful face. 'What could be happening?' He asked in him.' The queen rushed out with Ruth running after her, they headed to the palace. Although many in that palace hated the Queen because of her wickedness. She got into the palace and urged the guards and maidens to get someone that can donate the king his or her kidney. They all refused doing this, they remembered one of them that tried it for the king and died the next day. They all thought they would die after donating the kidney. 'It will be done abroad this time around not in this kingdom.' She said. The guards and maidens continued murmuring and still refusing on donating a kidney. 'What next?' She thought in herself[/quote]
19 Feb 2015 | 09:55
Hmmmm interestine waiting for the next episode
19 Feb 2015 | 10:28
Following. hope et wont be a tragycomedy
19 Feb 2015 | 13:26
Mighty wickedness has now turn to Soft-Kindness (Queen).. Some critical illness are so difficult to heal.... Wish the king get better! The connection(David & Ruth) is about to start! Next please
20 Feb 2015 | 03:55
Opppps! (Daniel & Ruth)....
20 Feb 2015 | 03:57
Nyc writeup,continue plss
20 Feb 2015 | 05:56
Episode 4- The Queen and the princess rushed back to the hospital to check on the king and tell the Doctor that nobody was found. The driver drove as fast as he could, the queen rushed down and straight to the Doctor's office to tall him about it. 'Your Royal Highness, you have to get, its dangerous.' The doctor worried. 'But no one is trying to volunteer, nobody. I wish I can.' She said sadly. 'But I can help you ma.' The doctor said. 'Yes, any amount, I will pay.' She said fastly with loud voice. 'I can get someone that will donate but its costly.' He said. 'Just tell me the amount of money, I will pay.' She said with panic. 'A million naira?' He asked. 'Is that all?' She paused. 'I will pay!' She exclaimed. 'Okay, just take It easy, please ma!' He said with concern. 'I want to see him.' She said quickly 'You can go ma.' He said. The doctor smiled when he left. 'I'm gonna get manie!' He said and laughed. Daniel was looking at the princess where he was, he stood up and moved near her. 'What's happening here please.' He inquired softly. The princess looked at him, she thought if she should damn him or at least answer him. 'The King is ill.' She said and faced front. 'Ill?' He said and wondered. 'Yes!' Princess shouted. He was scared at her shout and went back to sit down quietly. Ruth thought in her that it was wrong of her to do that, she went near he was sitted and sat with him. 'I'm sorry please, its not my fault, we need a donor critically.' She said soberly. 'Donor? Kindney?' He asked. 'Yes.' She replied. 'I guess I can help.' He said. 'What!' She wondered. .....
20 Feb 2015 | 14:33
Episode 5 Gloria came out and met her son trying to volunteer himself as a donor, the queen also arrived at the scene and was surprised seeing Daniel, wanting to be a donor. She rushed to advice the doctor that she had found a donor for the king. The doctor rushed out on hearing this, he was annoyed but pretended to be happy seeing him. Preparations started for both of them to travel out. The king was in pain, and was happy he found a donor. Gloria wasn't happy hearing her son being a donor, same as his father, David. Princess Ruth was so happy that the guy would help her father, the Queen was also happy and promised to repay them with goodness. ..... The council of elders and the Queen were sitting at the palace for a meeting. They wanted to choose a representative in place of the king till he comes back. The Queen was just shouting on top of her voice, she insisted ruling her husband's throne. Queen was a wicked and heartless woman, it wasn't that she loved her husband that much, she was only pretending. She was happy she had no male child so that if the king should die, she would take over the throne. To the greatest surprise of the council, she stood up and put on the crown, she sat on the throne and said,' as from today till my husband comes back, I will be controlling this kingdom.' She said and laughed out. ******* Ruth and her friends were in Ruth's room, gisting about their admissions. They were all happy they made it, although they were all not brilliant but the fact about them being the children of chieves in that kingdom. 'That guy is great o, never knew he would do it.' Princess said 'What are you saying? Rachel asked. 'Just remembering the issue of the guy who told me he would donate kidney for ma dad.' She said. 'Hmmn! Don't let me hear oo.' Beatrice added. 'That what?' They all laughed. ....
20 Feb 2015 | 14:36
Episode -6- Two women ran inside the palace, they were in wrappers and fighting over a new born baby. The guards at the front of the door tried to stop them from entering but they pushed him to a side and rushed in. The queen was on the throne, relaxing with two guards at her back holding a fan. The queen was surprised seeing them rush into the palace, they both knelt before the throne with one weeping and the other with a baby boy sweating profusely. 'What is the meaning of this rubbish?' She shouted. The two women were shivering with fear, the one with the child expressed. "We both gave birth to a child yesterday night, this foolish woman also gave birth to a boy, she slept on her child and he died. She has now been claiming that she's the owner of the child." She said. 'What!' She shouted. "Is it now because of this foolish issue you've barged into my palace? You have no courtesy, I'm the king presently and order for you both to be beheaded tomorrow and the baby becomes the royal baby.' She uttered sharply. **** The two women were beheaded the following day, everyone, including the chieves feared her and all prayed for quick recovery of the King. The King is not as wicked as this when he was there. She received a phone call that day from the Doctor, who informed her that the operation was successful and they would be coming in some days time. She was upset by this call, she threw away the phone and thought in her "this man is coming again to rule.' She thought. A maid just came out of the kitchen with a glass cup and a juice. She knelt before her to serve her the juice. She looked at her angrily as she was pouring the juice into the glass cup. She shouted at her suddenly and the juice fell, she ordered for her to be locked up in the cell. The guards themselves were worried, they didn't know what to do to satisfy her. She was wicked. ...To be continued
20 Feb 2015 | 14:38
She ll regret her action,just dnt wori
20 Feb 2015 | 15:23
Very funny 2 me. Is dis some kind of a movie? Don't know I pictured Ozokwor Patience as d wicked queen cos dat's so like her xter. Jst saying
20 Feb 2015 | 16:07
Lol.... She slept on her child??.. What kind of woman is this queen?? I don't even think she is human! All guards are now running from Next please
21 Feb 2015 | 02:24
Dat's nice of u, Daniel.
21 Feb 2015 | 09:13
Episode 7 -7- 'The king would be arriving soon.' The doctor proclaimed the arrival of the King to the queen. She was worried on hearing this, she wished her husband was dead, she hated Daniel for saving the King's life from danger. .... It was as everyone knew, it was as usual. David was beating his wife again, this time, there was nobody to save her away from him. David beat her till she fainted. He was drunk that afternoon. Bibi couldn't help the situation, rather, she was also beaten. She had always pray for a safe trip for her brother so that he could be able to deal with her useless father. At last, the king and Daniel returned from overseas, the operation was successful and all turned out to be success. The king could walk on his feet again, the driver was already at the airport hours before the arrival of the king. People were happy seeing the king again, hale and hearty. He was taken to the palace and Daniel. The king was really happy with Daniel. He never expected him to do that for him. He called a meeting with the chieves, to greet them all, to know what had been going on since he left and to know what he can do to appreciate Daniel. 'The kingdom has been in a total confusion my king!' Chief Tunde said. 'Confusion? What happened.' He asked wondering. 'Yes my king, the queen has turned the kingdom into total confusion, she sat on the throne, commanded and killed many people my king.' Chief collins uttered. 'What! Let's leave her issue for now, let's talk about Daniel. As you all know what he has done for me, what can I do to pay him.' He asked. 'King, I guess you can send him to school, at least he's not from a family that is that okay.' Chief Tunde commented, smiling. 'You can also give his family a lot of money.' Chief Kolade added. 'You can let him start living in this palace as a Royal Son.' Chief Collins added. 'They will all be done as you've wished.' He said. 'I'm so sorry for all that happened in my presence, I will correct them all my chieves.' The king quickly added. ********** The king became furious about what the queen did. He was infuriated and very annoyed. He spoke annoyingly to her and warned her never to do that again. The king called a meeting between his family about the issue od Daniel that will start living with them. The queen was angry on hearing this, she became annoyed and left the meeting angrily. Ruth was so happy that Dan will start living with her family. All she had ever wanted! ....
21 Feb 2015 | 09:14
Episode 8 -8- DARASIMI, a young looking beautiful girl. She is a little bit tall, just of the same height with Daniel. She is from a polygamous home, her father with three wives. She is the first daughter of the family and the first born. Her mother, the first wife. She attended the dame secondary school with Daniel. She was always giving off sweet scent and was so beautiful. She had the best handwriting that set, the best hairdo and the likes. She was a very intimate friend with Daniel before they started "going out". She was also a christian, she had no siblings. She had been expecting the arrival of Daniel for long. She was outside their compound with some of her friends that went to that same school, that fortunate day. The jeep pulled out from a corner, leading to Darasimi's house. It was Daniel. He had sat very close to the door, eager to see if he would meet a padlock at their gate or meet her at home. To his great surprise, Darasimi was outside. He rushed down of the car immediately he ordered the driver to halt. 'Darasimi!' He screamed. Darasimi viewed him and rushed to him also. 'Daniel!' She exclaimed also. Daniel held her hands firmly and both walked up to Dara's friends. He bowed and greeted them. They were happy seeing him, he was the head boy of the college before they graduated. 'How are you?' The waved to him. Daniel just went there to excuse Darasimi from them, so they went out to catch fun together. .. To be continued
21 Feb 2015 | 09:16
21 Feb 2015 | 09:41
Lol... David. David. Mr Stone Code... Your wife has now turn to your punching bag.. Find your way to stadium if you wish to fight,many are there ready for your punch.... Mrs Queen,you are not GOD, Your wickedness will lead you nowhere.. Mr Daniel, Only God knows your faith(wether you will end up with Ruth or Darasimi)... Next please
21 Feb 2015 | 10:44
Episode 9 Daniel and Darasimi talked for long time, Daniel gave her all she brought for her. Both were happy and departed. The car headed back to the palace. Daniel got into the palace, the car was parked by the driver he came down of the car, turning his head to the right side. He saw Ruth and her friends sitting there, they were all gisting with textbooks with each of them. They were all preparing for the post UME examination. Daniel smiled a little, he trudged to the swimming pool, just to greet them before entering into the palace. He got there and continued smiling. Rachael sighted his presence first. She smiled back at him. 'Hi.' She waved. The other friends also looked at the back at the same interval. They were all smiling at Daniel. Daniel bowed for them all and walked closer. 'Hello friends.' He smiled. Ruth was facing the textbook she held squarely, as if she was that serious with it. She was only shy to greet him and couldn't look at him. 'Hello.' Beatrice also waved smiling. 'Yeah, hello' Stella also greeted. 'I'm Dan, may I know you all, apart from My Princess.' He replied still smiling. 'I feel flattered.' The princess thought in her, nevertheless, she didn't behave as if she saw all what was on. 'I'm Rachael.' She introduced, standing up and smiling. She stretched her hand forward to shake him. 'Oooh! Good name.' They both shook. Stella also stood up and stretched her hand forward. 'I'm stella.' She used her hand to pull up her gown at the chest, as if she was in a fashion parade. 'What's all wrong with this one, is it the matter of her blue gown or what? As if her name is even fine.' Daniel thought within him. 'Aah! You girls have good names, Stella! Wao!' He smiled, although not that impressed. Beatrice also stood up and smiled, stretching forward her hand also. 'I'm Beatrice.' She also introduced. 'Beatrice?' Daniel was surprised. 'Sure, you don't like the name?' Beatrice asked smiling. 'I do, even like mad. That's the name of my sister, that's why I'm a little bit surprised. 'That sounds cool.' Beatrice laughed. Daniel walked back to the princess and bowed. 'My princess, I greet thee.' He uttered bowing. Ruth just faced her back and saw him bowing. They all laughed out at him. 'You don't need all this Daniel.' She smiled. Daniel raised his head and also smiled to her. "I do ma, you are the princess of this Kingdom. I do need it.' He uttered. 'That! I won't receive from you, don't use "ma" for me again.' She smiled and wondered. 'I must, its your deserved right, I must always place it on you.' He uttered. Beatrice laughed out from within. The other girls came together and started talking silently. They all liked Daniel. 'I insist! No!' The princess said. 'Alright ma.' He uttered. 'You've just said ma again!' She exclaimed. 'I'll just start getting used to it ma.' He replied. 'Okay, make that fast.' She smiled also. 'What have you guys been reading?' He asked and smiled. 'Working some difficult-without-answer mathematics questions. So tough.' Princess uttered. 'Sure. We've not gotten any, since.' Rachel uttered. Daniel moved towards their textbooks and taught them all. ....
22 Feb 2015 | 14:41
Episode 9 Daniel and Darasimi talked for long time, Daniel gave her all she brought for her. Both were happy and departed. The car headed back to the palace. Daniel got into the palace, the car was parked by the driver he came down of the car, turning his head to the right side. He saw Ruth and her friends sitting there, they were all gisting with textbooks with each of them. They were all preparing for the post UME examination. Daniel smiled a little, he trudged to the swimming pool, just to greet them before entering into the palace. He got there and continued smiling. Rachael sighted his presence first. She smiled back at him. 'Hi.' She waved. The other friends also looked at the back at the same interval. They were all smiling at Daniel. Daniel bowed for them all and walked closer. 'Hello friends.' He smiled. Ruth was facing the textbook she held squarely, as if she was that serious with it. She was only shy to greet him and couldn't look at him. 'Hello.' Beatrice also waved smiling. 'Yeah, hello' Stella also greeted. 'I'm Dan, may I know you all, apart from My Princess.' He replied still smiling. 'I feel flattered.' The princess thought in her, nevertheless, she didn't behave as if she saw all what was on. 'I'm Rachael.' She introduced, standing up and smiling. She stretched her hand forward to shake him. 'Oooh! Good name.' They both shook. Stella also stood up and stretched her hand forward. 'I'm stella.' She used her hand to pull up her gown at the chest, as if she was in a fashion parade. 'What's all wrong with this one, is it the matter of her blue gown or what? As if her name is even fine.' Daniel thought within him. 'Aah! You girls have good names, Stella! Wao!' He smiled, although not that impressed. Beatrice also stood up and smiled, stretching forward her hand also. 'I'm Beatrice.' She also introduced. 'Beatrice?' Daniel was surprised. 'Sure, you don't like the name?' Beatrice asked smiling. 'I do, even like mad. That's the name of my sister, that's why I'm a little bit surprised. 'That sounds cool.' Beatrice laughed. Daniel walked back to the princess and bowed. 'My princess, I greet thee.' He uttered bowing. Ruth just faced her back and saw him bowing. They all laughed out at him. 'You don't need all this Daniel.' She smiled. Daniel raised his head and also smiled to her. "I do ma, you are the princess of this Kingdom. I do need it.' He uttered. 'That! I won't receive from you, don't use "ma" for me again.' She smiled and wondered. 'I must, its your deserved right, I must always place it on you.' He uttered. Beatrice laughed out from within. The other girls came together and started talking silently. They all liked Daniel. 'I insist! No!' The princess said. 'Alright ma.' He uttered. 'You've just said ma again!' She exclaimed. 'I'll just start getting used to it ma.' He replied. 'Okay, make that fast.' She smiled also. 'What have you guys been reading?' He asked and smiled. 'Working some difficult-without-answer mathematics questions. So tough.' Princess uttered. 'Sure. We've not gotten any, since.' Rachel uttered. Daniel moved towards their textbooks and taught them all. ....
22 Feb 2015 | 14:42
Episode 10 [ Daniel trudged back to his room after teaching Princess Ruth and her friends the mathematics. He was respected for his intelligence and brilliance. It was of a great surprise to the princess and her friends that the questions they didn't find an answer to was gotten by Daniel. The king had some visitors, so Daniel couldn't stay with him. During their trip to abroad, the king bought it a powerful golden mouth organ, although he demanded for it. As from then, the king has begged him that he would be playing it for him in the palace, when he needs it. It did bring comfort to the king, whenever he listens to his musics played on mouth organ. Daniel has composed a lot of songs, this made the King like him so much, he was creative, obedient, intelligent, brilliant, a normal stature and handsome. The Princess also loved him for all this features, but the Queen didn't that love him. She would think it in him as the saviour of the King, that made her spend a short time on the throne. The king bought a lot of inhalers while coming back from abroad, the princess was an asthmatic patient who did experience it frequently. She was also a very beautiful and attractive lady, she wasn't that brilliant but of a little intelligence. She was of the same height with Daniel and blessed with a sparkling with teeth. She hated lies and hated it when all what she wanted wasn't gotten for her. A friend to all the chieves' daughters, the Princess without rival, the princess of the Kingdom. Darasimi, also one of the most beautiful girls in that Kingdom, also with her white teeth and a space at the two front teeth, upper jaw (incisors). That made her more beautiful whenever she laughs and don't. Also intelligent and brilliant, always giving off a sweet scent, had the best hairdo when she was in the college. It was only her that her mother gave birth to. She made all her papers out of the college but no money to further the education. She wasn't among those that were awarded scholarship. The college normally select five best students for the scholarship, she wasn't good to the extent of scholarship. Rachael, the princess' friend. She was the one the princess liked most amongst her friends. She was taller than the princess, loved waring trousers and tight t-shirts and tops. She wasn't that brilliant, didn't worth the that student should attend the university she intended in herself. She loved guys generally, she had more than three guys she was dating that time. Her father was Chief Tunde, a great chief in the palace. Beatrice, the princess' friend also, she was also like the same height with the princess, not that tall. She hated guys generally from her view, when she had been dumped by two guys in her high school. She had promised herself never to date any guy again, not to talk of marrying. she was the daughter of chief Kolade, another respected chief in the palace. She was the most brilliant among the princess' friends, although not as brilliant as Darasimi. Stella, she was the daughter of Chief Collins, she did visit the palace frequently. She was the only one out of her friends who hasn't dated any guy as at that moment. She was faithful at going to church and reading her bible. She also liked Daniel when she sighted him. ***** Darasimi got into her mother's apartment, each mother had an apartment. She took in all what Daniel brought for her. She found a phone and a sim pack, she had always dreamt of the day she would use a good and camera phone, so she would oppress her friends with it. She was so happy and inserted the sim into the phone. There was electricity, luckily. She charged the phone and waited for her mother to arrive. Not quite long, her mother Olufunke arrived home. She was sweating as if she went in search of a job. She brought in the foodstuffs as usual, although, all what she bought was just like five hundred naira, but can last she and her daughter for at least a week. They eat twice daily, the mother had no phone since her phone spoiled. Darasimi rushed to collect the black polybag from her mum and took it to the kitchen. Funke was resting her back on one of the plastic chairs in there living room. The had no sofa, couch, no curtain at home. The floor wasn't rugged, no carpet, it was even tiled. Although the house was always neat, but not attractive at all. 'Mum, Daniel was here.' She uttered as she pulled out from kitchen. 'See, I'm tired for now, don't have time to start discussing. 'No mum, just listen to me this once.' She uttered. 'You this girl, will you spare me at all.' She frowned at her, looking so tired. 'Until I finish telling you this.' She replied, she carried another plastic chair and sat by her side. 'Won't you start preparing food for us?' She questioned and stared at Darasimi angrily. 'I will, at least just want to tell you what happened today.' She replied smiling. 'What else would have happened, either the woman at the other street came to ask for her money or the butcher came for his money.' She replied. 'No, far from it. I said Daniel came here.' She replied. 'Daniel? The one that donated for the king?' She wondered. 'Yes, so you didn't hear I said it before.' She smiled out. Funke, still wondering.'Why was he here?' She asked. 'He came to greet me. He brought the phone there for me and a box is inside the room presently, clothes, jewelries are inside it. He also gave me money, that I should give you. So we can pay for our debts now.' She smiled. 'He did all this?' Funke wondered. 'Sure, he's now living with the King.' She added and smiled. 'Wao! The boy is lucky o, so where is the money.' She smiled at Darasimi. 'When I told you I wanted to discuss with you, you said NO, now you want money.' She laughed and stood up. 'Does it matter? Just bring the money and I'm going to collect that phone, I'll be using it. He can buy you another.' Funke uttered. 'What!' Darasimi exclaimed. 'And wait, why did he bring all this, or are you....' She winked Both laughed. ....To be continued
22 Feb 2015 | 14:47
C interest as she heard abt money.
22 Feb 2015 | 16:02
All these girls for you only(i can sense it that all of them likes you) Daniel... Hmmm Iya Darasimi.. Heh.. Free money make your eye brighten.. Be careful sha(Darasimi), because Miss Princess may turn against you out of jealousy! Next
22 Feb 2015 | 16:10
Episode 11 [-11- Daniel picked his phone later in the day, to speak with Darasimi on phone. He then knew she had given her mother the phone. He had been thinking of buying his sister and mother phones too. He thought in him that the three of them need phone presently, and he was going to buy for them. .... AKINPELUMI, Darasimi's father. He had three wives, of which Olufunke was the first wife, he married Shade their after, since Funke couldn't provide him with a male son. Shade also gave birth to triplet, Taiwo, Kenny and Aarin. He went ahead to marry Layo as his third wife, she gave birth to two male children. Akinpelumi was just a drunkard, known all over the village. He works as a hunter, and brings a lot of meat home. He sleeps with only Layo, and feed them, has never thought of he having other wives that needs a lot of care and children. He was a useless father. Throughout Darasimi's days in school, he didn't give a dime, for the books, textbooks, school fees and project fee. Layo had been a bone in the throat of the Funke in that house. She and Shade had been troubling her life, whenever they sight Darasimi, they question her for what she hasn't done. It was of a great surprise that Darasimi could pass her final SSCE examination, they disturbed her throughout the examination period because they wanted failure for her. Darasimi and Daniel read under their normal meeting tree throughout the examination. Darasimi wasn't sure of her place of study now, her father won't assist her at all for her to further her studies, her mother just sells yam at the market. ********** Daniel was in his room, also studying for the examination coming by, not quite long, Ruth knocked on his door. Daniel walked down there and was surprised seeing her. 'My princess, here?' He asked with surprise. 'Yeah, why are you surprised?' She smiled. 'I should be, wasn't expecting you.' He replied. 'I've brought some word problems to you, for you to solve for me.' She said. WORD PROBLEMS...
23 Feb 2015 | 10:08
Episode 12 -12- Daniel ushered Ruth to the balcony. They both sat together, he taught her all what she requested for. This time, the queen had been searching for Ruth. "Ruth." She heard from some distance. 'That's mum calling you my princess. You have to hurry.' Daniel uttered. 'Yeah, I can hear also.' She stood up and left the balcony immediately. Daniel had a soft breath and rested his back. .... "Where have you been? I've been searching for you." Queen uttered. 'I've been upstairs with Dan. She uttered. 'DANIEL? Both of you all alone?' She wondered. 'You are surprised? Yes we've been together. He has been teaching me Math.' She smiled. 'Alright, just checked your room and didn't see you, the driver also said you've been at home, that's why I've been searching for you.' She smiled back. 'Alright mum.' She replied. 'And call me Daniel, the king wants to see him.' The queen added. 'Oooh! See him? What for? We are busy now!' She complained. 'He needs mouth organ. He said he is bored.' The queen smiled. 'Alright, but its not fair mum.' She said as she was going. .... She entered into the balcony back, she met Daniel playing a football game on his phone. She smiled and had her sit beside him back. Daniel continued playing the game without raising his head to know who entered. 'Doesn't he know that I'm here?' Ruth thought in herself. 'I'm here!' She exclaimed. Daniel raised his head and paused the game. He looked at her and smiled. "I've forgotten someone entered." He continued smiling. Ruth's phone started ringing, she stood up and stepped to a corner to pick up the call. It was her guy that was calling her. 'Then why are you calling me!' She shouted on phone. Daniel that had continued playing his game paused the game and raised his head up on hearing the noise. 'Are you sick, you know I have my standards! I've told you I don't like it when you call me by that name.' She uttered angrily. 'What sorry are you saying! You must be really crazy!' She said and hanged the call. She was already looking angry. "I'm sorry, I don't think I will be able to continue with the mathematics. This fool has spoilt my mood.' She said and walked out of the balcony. "What is the meaning of all this?" Daniel thought and continued with his game. .... The noise of someone falling from the staircase was heard by Daniel immediately Ruth left the balcony. She already had her asthmatic attack on her way to her room, she slipped on the stair case and fell. Daniel rushed out and hurried to meet her on seeing her. He rushed to her room to get the inhaler, it didn't look as if she was with it. This time, the maidens were already around, they've surrounded her, one of them was running to Ruth's room when she ran into Daniel and both fell. Daniel stood immediately and hurried to where she was, he pushed all the maidens around and shivered to the princess to apply the inhaler on her. The King was already coming this time, he rushed there and started shouting at the maidens for not guarding his daughter properly. He was totally angry, he watched Daniel as he was trying to help her out of the problem. Sooner, he carried her to her room and was beside her. ......To be continued
23 Feb 2015 | 10:10
Wonderful story
23 Feb 2015 | 11:38
WORD PROBLEM sometimes lead to PROBLEM(Not with dirty mind o). Ruth is now rejecting her guy because of Daniel and her anger turn something else.....! Oga o! Mr Drunk, E deh your body(not cloth).. Because Darasimi's Mother can't give you a male... You'll soon see that you have turn back against your fortune(Darasimi).. Mrs Queen! Take time o.. Whats your concern about Daniel & Ruth WORD PROBLEM?.. Next
23 Feb 2015 | 13:00
@Khola 46, u really made an anlysis of d tori. Well done ooh. What an interesting story. Ride on.
23 Feb 2015 | 16:41
ah really love this khola he always summarize every episode....keep it up bro
24 Feb 2015 | 11:03
@Tonia & @blayse.. Lol..... Thanks! But you be my boss o...
24 Feb 2015 | 11:46
Episode 13 - The princess was eventually alright, Daniel was with her althrough, she woke up and saw Daniel by her side. She began her thoughts as usual. "Maybe he loves me, or he wants me to know that he cares for me a lot." 'So how are you my Princess?' 'I'm alright, I'm sorry I frightened you. This will be your first time of seeing me this wasy right?' She smiled. 'Yes, I was so much surprised.' He replied. 'How pathetic, I wish God never created me.' She commented. Daniel rushed into her comment."No! Never think of that again, if you mostly visit pages on facebook, you'll see that what's happening to you is just a little. Different people are out there, many dead, many begging for money, many in prison suffering for what they've not done. Its not your power but the grace of God.' He replied softly. 'Then if God wanted to create me like you, he would have created me like you. He did this deliberately, why me, why not another person.' She said sadly. The Queen and the King were already outside the door, eavesdropping. 'Nooo! I still say no! So if it wasn't you, who could have gotten it? God is great in his power, he does thing you'll think he has done you bad. Like now, let's talk about this asthmatic patient. She was asthmatic, she didn't know God, she engages in all kinds of bad things, she had been crying to God for a good husband but she didn't get. There was a day she had an attack, she was rushed to a different hospital from where she was usually rushed to, it was there she met her husband. Can you now see, assuming she wasn't asthmatic, she may have found someone who isn't the will of God for her life and mayn't meet the right man. God has planned our lifes, he knows what we'll pass through before attaining our joy.' He said, looking sad too. 'This boy's words are powerful' the king said softly to the Queen. 'I'm touched, sincerely.' The queen replied. 'God! God! God! All is God right? Why hasn't he designed my life to the right path and let me meet the right person, if that's his will.' Ruth said to him. 'All isn't God, satan too can be blamed on this. Although, if God doesn't allow satan to do things, it won't come to pass. The satan I'm talking about isn't the satan of the bible, that satan maybe included but not the ultimate one. The King or Queen, as the leader and paramount rulers of this Kingdom, many will hate them, for some reasons, for no reason. Many might have done this to you, but God will also allow it to bring some promises to pass.' He added. 'Which is the satan of the bible, what's the bible all about? She asked. 'You don't go to church? Do you have a bible?' He inquired. 'We don't go to church here, I don't even think there is a bible in this house.' She replied. 'You don't go to church?' He asked surprisingly. "I wish you all can start going." He said. The door was opened suddenly, Daniel and Ruth were afraid, it was the King and the Queen that entered, both looking good and smiling. 'And we all will start going to church as from this Sunday.' The king uttered as he was entering. 'Huh?' Princess was surprised. 'Dad, mum, so you've been out there?' Ruth asked. 'Sure.' Queen answered. 'I've been touched by all what Daniel was saying, I'm impressed. Now, you won't only be playing me mouth organ, you'll start preaching to me too.' The King uttered. Daniel laughed, he was so much surprised. "Aaah! Dad, that will be tough, please Dad.' He begged. 'So where are the guards? You both aren't with any of them. Its unlike you.' Princess uttered. 'I sent them away, so we can listen to you both well.' Queen smiled. 'Now, Daniel. You'll just go out now, I'll give you money, you'll go buy each person a quality bible out there. The driver will take you there.' King smiled to him. Daniel prostrated happily. "Thank you sir." He laughed. He rushed out as he was told, to get the bibles. ....
24 Feb 2015 | 13:43
Episode 14 Daniel got the bibles as wished by the King. He was so delighted the king accepted all what he said to Princess Ruth. He hurried back home to present each person with bibles. It was King James version he bought. As he arrived, the king told him to sit and play him the mouth organ. He did found joy whenever he listens to the sound of that mouth organ. Daniel was also talented, he was greatly talented because he wasn't taught by anyone on how to play the instrument. He had also composed a lot of songs. Daniel sat down as commanded by the King and started playing the mouth organ. He king rested his back and neck on the throne he was sitting on. He was just enjoying all Daniel was playing to his hearing. .... Ruth's friends had already arrived to check her health. She called them when Dan went out to buy the bibles. They were inside gisting about Daniel, he had already completed the playing of the mouth organ for the King. 'I just love that guy.' Ruth uttered. Beatrice stared at her angrily for few seconds and smiled back at her. "You must, at least he's your life saver." She responded. 'You guys better don't let him hear. As if you don't have a boy-friend.' Rachel smiled. 'That idiot! I will soon break up with him. He doesn't worth a lady like us, he's so foolish and unrepentant.' Ruth said. 'Unrepentant, I can't laugh. When did you become a christian? You are funny o.' Rachel laughed. 'Na you sabi, he went out to get us all bible.' Ruth smiled. 'Bible?' Rachael and Beatrice stared at each other laughed suddenly 'It seems there is something going wrong with you guys. What's funny anyways? He went to get our family bibles. Are you guys a christian and that your stupid last friend.' Ruth said and smiled. The three of them were smiling. Daniel got to the front of the door and knocked. The three stared at the door. "Who is... it?" Ruth asked 'My princess its me." Dan said from outside. 'Dan?' Beatrice smiled at Rachael. 'You can come in Daniel.' Ruth smiled. Daniel entered, they were all staring at him. His look was unresisting to them all. 'I've come here to drop the bible.' He moved towards the princess and stretched the bible to her. 'Good day misses.' He smiled at Rachael and Beatrice. The two laughed. "Good day Bro Dan." Beatrice smiled. 'Bro?' I'm not a bro oo.' He smiled back. Ruth was wearing an angry look. She was looking at Bibi and Rachael as if she should move near them and slap them. she was also smiling a smile that's not from the deepest part of her heart, she was just smiling that way so that they won't turn her to a topic. 'So what are you, at least you said you have a sister also bearing Bibi.' Beatrice continued smiling. 'Yeah, so that's why you addressed me as bro... You aren't serious.' He laughed. 'Good day jare sister Rachael.' He bowed. 'I'm not sister too oo.' They all laughed.
24 Feb 2015 | 13:46
Episode 15 - The examination day arrived just like a dream. It was Daniel and princess ruth that both read all night at the dinning table of the palace dinning. After reading all they could, they both read their bibles and prayed for success in their examination. Each person went back into various rooms. Daniel prayed again and revised all he read with Ruth on the dinning. He took his bath and slept off. Ruth also took her bath and slept off. The exam would start by nine that morning. Daniel woke up by 7:30 and got dressed. By that time, princess was already dressed and set. He came out dressed in a shirt, brown trouser and a brown shoe. He was looking so handsome. He went straight to the living room to greet the king and the Queen. He shook princess Ruth and both left the house with different cars. They got to the main campus. Daniel and Ruth got down from the car and stood together, reading. They got there by some minutes past eight. Both were just gisting till princess' friends arrived by 8:30. Each also with her father's car and a driver each. They were all happy to see one another, Daniel was standing by the door side, reading his jottings. He greeted the friends all and continue reading until they were all called into the exam hall. The examination was computer based. The whole thing started, Daniel was the first to finish the exam. He submitted to the computer and left the hall, straight into the car and listening to music. It was so simple to him. He waited for his other friends to come out so he can quickly get home and visit Darasimi and her family that week. Finally, they arrived from the exam hall. Smiling and gisting. "It was so simple." They were saying till they got to the car. Daniel had a slight smile at them, got down and asked how the exam was. 'It was hmmn... Should I say soft?' Bibi uttered. 'Which one is now hmmmn... It was awesome.' Rachel said. 'It was beautiful!' Stella said hers too. 'We thank God!' Ruth uttered and smiled. She knew that Daniel would still pay reference to that sentence she just made. 'You all are somehow. Apart from her highness. You said it was soft, beautiful, awesome. Argh!' Temitope said. 'So what would we have said. WE THANK GOD. They all laughed and hopped into the car and went home. The exam result would come out in the next one hour. They all went straight to the palace, so that they would check the result together there. They went in to greet the King and returned back to the swimming pool to sit with each person with his and her laptop. Not quite long, the result was released. Each person was busy checking his and hers. No one was ready for one another. Princess got 82% as her overall mark, Stella, 78%, Rachael, 75.3%, Beatrice, 77.4%. To their greatest surprise, Daniel's result wasn't released. They all filed up to the king to show their results. Daniel was told to come to the school that day. He was so worried and rushed back to the school. He was told he got the highest mark out of all that came to the examination, but he was given another examination tougher than the one he did before. He was surprised so much and did the examination in the midst of many lecturers and the school' board of directors. His examination was totaled by the computer immediately he finished it and got 96%. He got 98.8% in the former one he did, they were all proud of him there. He was so happy himself. All the lecturers where beyond surprised at him. With everyone still standing there he wasn't distracted and focused till he made it. He was congratulated and was given a lot of prizes that day .... To be continued
24 Feb 2015 | 13:48
Wow! Daniel.... You are such a preacher even The Wicked Queen was touched by your words! Hifive to your for that examination.... But please don't forget My Angel(Darasimi). yeah She is an angel to me now for what Mr Drunk did! And also remember your parent o(don't let Mr Boxer kill your mother).... Ruth is even jealous when her friends was only smiling at Daniel, What if she sighted Daniel & Darasimi together??... Hmmm.. Only God & the writter knows best...
24 Feb 2015 | 14:33
Nyc one continue plss
24 Feb 2015 | 15:56
Episode 16 . Daniel hurried back to the palace with his result. It was very surprising to see him beat up all others that came for the examination. He was damn brilliant. The princess' friends and Ruth congratulated him. He couldn't wait to greet them all, he wanted to visit Darasimi right from time and his parents. He left the house again, off to Darasimi's place. Her mum was in, he took Darasimi out for a walk to the farm. The driver parked at the front of that house while Dan left. 'Its not easy to live in this compound. Not easy Daniel.' Darasimi uttered. 'I understand, I wonder how you are coping with this. How's the school processing?' Daniel asked. 'My father's rich brother said he can help me. I'm part of the second batch of your school now.' Dara smiled. 'And you never told me!' Daniel exclaimed with surprise. 'Just want it to be like a surprise package to you. I will also start working so that I'll be able to generate income.' Darasimi said and smiled. 'That's no problem, I'll make sure I get money that I'll give you to start something.' Daniel said. 'Start something? Rather give it to my mum. I'll be working somewhere and receiving a huge salary from the entrepreneur.' Darasimi replied. 'That's a nice idea, so you'll be saving the cool cash then. Don't worry, God will see us through.' Daniel smiled. 'Sure, that'll be the best thing dear.' Darasimi smiled back. 'Yeah, how are you coping in the palace also. How's everything?' She continued smiling. 'Argh! That. Good, I even preached to the princess and the King with the Queen heard all what I discussed with her.' Daniel uttered. 'What did they now say?' She asked wondering. 'They were impressed and gave me some money to get them bible. They've made up their minds to start going to church now.' Daniel smiled. 'Wao! That's wonderful!' Darasimi faced him. 'And even gracious!' Daniel smiled. ****** Darasimi also went for the examination, it was time for the second batch examination. She made a total of 86% in the examination. She was also given admission letter to study microbiology, which she wished to study. Princess wanted to study nutrition and dietetics, while Daniel, Engineering. ....
25 Feb 2015 | 12:53
Episode 17 The school resumed. Princess and her friends were given the same room to stay. Although, they never wanted to live in the hostels, they preferred coming for lectures from their various homes. It was Daniel that insisted for them on living in school with other students and learn together. Darasimi was staying in the room next to the princess and her friends'. Guys are not allowed to move close to the female hostel, likewise the ladies. They all started as jolly friends, the princess loved Darasimi because she was very beautiful. She also joined their friendship line and they all attended classes together. Daniel also met friends in his room there. He was started his friendship with the guys in his room. They were all very good friends and brilliant, they study engineering also. So lucky for them! ******* The lectures ended that evening, each student was tired and trudging into their various rooms. Daniel was also walking with Favour, his best friend for them to go to the hostel. He sighted Darasimi and princess' clique. He tapped favour to wait for him and walked towards them. 'Hey girls!' He called. 'The princess looked at the back, she already recognized his voice. Same Darasimi too. 'You girls are not taking your cars today. Why?' Daniel asked. Princess smiled to him. 'Yeah, isn't it good? We just decided to walk down there. What of you?' Princess smiled. 'Nothing. My car is in the hostel, just don't feel like.' He replied. He walked towards Darasimi and hugged her. He shook the princess' friends and bowed. 'Do you know her?' Rachael pointed to Darasimi. Daniel drew darasimi out and showed them. 'This is my girlfriend.' He smiled. GIRLFRIEND? They all wondered. 'Yeah, she is. I'll see you all later please. I'm damn tired.' He said and walked away. The princess and her friends continued walking. They were just staring at Darasimi. 'Is it true?' Princess asked Darasimi. 'Yeah, we started from...' She was saying. 'Alright, I've heard! The princess cut in. And walked faster. Darasimi was just wondering what was making them angry. She smiled slightly and walked into her room, and started met her friends playing games, she went into the bathroom, had her shower, prayed and read her bible, afterwards she set an alarm on her phone, Daniel just bought it for her. She then slept off hoping to wake in the midnight. .. To be continued
25 Feb 2015 | 12:56
Nyc one lovely indeed
25 Feb 2015 | 14:04
Hmmmm......... Something is about to go wrong now that they are all living in the same hostel and the ploty fact that they have known her(Darasimi) as Daniel girlfriend.... Its good as Daniel have introduce Darasimi to them in time!!! She hope to wake up at the midnight,I'm also hopping her hope comes through.... Darasimi is now at the centre of her enemy..... Well... Next
25 Feb 2015 | 14:33
Daniel has helped dem to c d salvation of Christ Jesus.
25 Feb 2015 | 15:49
Ride on
25 Feb 2015 | 20:20
Episode 18 Darasimi woke up to read in the midnight as she planned. She read till morning and got dressed to leave for class. She waited at the Princess' room as usual, hoping for her and her friends to come out then they all should go for that day's lecture. Princess and her friends came out at last. They stared at her angrily on seeing her. "Can we help you?" Rachael quickly asked. Darasimi laughed. "You see you these ladies are always funny. Let's go to the lecture room jare, time is going.' She replied. 'It seems you think we're playing with you right? Will you leave this place at once!' Princess shouted. 'It seems these ladies are taking this matter serious.' She thought in herself and left. 'Idiot. She's always looking for a ride!' Bibi laughed. 'Yes oo, imagine that yesterday we didn't take our cars along with us, she wasn't that fine. Husband snatcher!' Princess uttered and they all laughed. *** The King's illness started. He was shivering and was always in the room throughout. Daniel and Ruth were informed by the princess in the school to come and see. As the illness was going, it seemed it would turn to death for the King. Daniel arrived and got his things from the car booth. He rushed into the King's room to see. There were many chieves in the room with the King that particular time. Daniel rushed to the King's side and sat. 'Father, what really is wrong. Talk to me.' He was sad and was crying. 'Son, I'll be fine.' He replied. Ruth entered too with full force. She climbed the bed from the other side. 'Dad, talk to me, is anything the issue?' She asked shaking the King's cloth. 'No, take it easy!' Chief Tunde said. 'Hasn't he been taking to the hospital?' Daniel asked the Queen. 'The Doctor said nothing is wrong with him medically.' Queen replied, also sad. King smiled at Daniel. Daniel stood up at once and went out of the room to search for his mouth organ. He brought in and started playing "it is well" on it. He was playing it loudly for minutes there. 'Will you stop this noise!' Queen shouted. Daniel continued and didn't behave as if he heard all what she said. Suddenly, as if it was a miracle, the King started moving his hands and could sit down. It was just like a miracle to them all. 'Is this a miracle or what?' Daniel himself thought. Ruth for minutes stood and stared at Daniel. Everyone including the Queen wondered on what just happened. 'Wait, how are you my King?' Chief Kolade asked. 'I don't know. I'm now... I'm okay.' The king said wonderfully. 'Wait oo.. What is inside that thing you just brought in?' Chief Collins watched him and the mouth organ closely. THE STORY BEGINS... To be continued plz.
26 Feb 2015 | 14:48
Episode 19 [ The King stood up after the whole incidence, the chieves were still wondering and others. "There is something to this thing this boy is holding." Chief Collins said again. Daniel tried to move towards them, they all ran outside. The Queen and the Princess were standing by the side of the wall, both were looking at the King and Daniel, Ruth started shivering. She was more than surprised. 'This, I've never seen in my entire life. For this, its this your God we'll all be serving in this Kingdom.' The king said and shook hid head, he was also amazed. ''Thank you, your highness.' Daniel prostrated. He was very happy to have heard that from the King. 'Your highness, are you al.... Alri... A.. Alright?' The Queen stammered. The King turned his face to the back to see them where she and her daughter were."I'm more than alright. I don't know, immediately he started blowing that mouth organ, it was just like something entered into me and changed my entire body system." He replied. 'Mum let's go and meet him.' Ruth said with a low voice. Daniel walked towards them. "There's nothing to fear about, as a matter of fact, no one here is as surprised and amazed as I am. Just come with me, the king is now fine.' Daniel smiled to them. The queen smiled back and walked slowly to the King, Princess was still there, afraid and shivering. The King also smiled and walked towards the Queen, he gave her a slight hug then moved to Ruth and cuddled her. "I'm now fine." He uttered. Daniel stood behind smiling, looking at the happy family, as the king hugged his family members. "I wish my family can be united like this." Daniel thought in him and started weeping. He went out before anyone would notice, he saw that the chieves were nowhere to be found. He went outside to the guards to ask of them. He was told they've ran away. *** Beatrice, Daniel's sister was just at the backyard of the house, she was washing the plates they used to eat when she heard noise from inside. The incident has started again as it used to. She ran inside, seeing his father terribly beating Gloria. He rushed there to save her, she was pushed away by the useless father, she fell on the standing mirror and started bleeding. Daniel was already going home to see his family, at least he won't return back that day. Only for him to get there and meet the scene he met. He was provoked. He rushed in and went straight to that room. The guards that followed him couldn't stop him as they tried to. He carried a stool from the sitting room along with him and hit it on David's head. Gloria stood up immediately, weeping, she rushed to Beatrice. Daniel just noticed her there when his mum rushed to meet her where her father pushed her to. He rushed there also and carried her out of the pool of blood. Gloria was bleeding also. He carried Bibi and gave it to one of the guards that entered, trying to stop him to take outside. He dragged his mum also to let them go. 'I can't just go like that, your father is also bleeding. Let's help him.' She pleaded. 'Mum, I've never spoken harshly to you before, don't let this be the first! Let's go!' He shouted at her and dragged her outside. They left the door to the house wide opened. He rushed them to the hospital. He sat with Beatrice at the back, he was staring at her and crying out so much. She was already unconscious and her cloth soaked with blood. He couldn't help himself to stop the tears, he was just crying. They got to the hospital, he carried Beatrice himself, rushed into the hospital, he declined the offers of the two guards to carry her for him. She was rushed into the emergency room and Gloria was admitted.[ To be continued
26 Feb 2015 | 14:51
Nice one
26 Feb 2015 | 15:18
God ll heal dem @ dan,just be prayerful
26 Feb 2015 | 15:28
@Inemlove.. Lol... Thanks!! Daniel,though I didn't support your father's behaviour but what you just did to him was totaly wrong,you shouldn't have gone to far!!! Lmao....Those chiefs are nothing but a coward... Darasimi just need to move away from Princess & Her Friends,they would bring her more pain than gain!! Hope nothing happen to Beatrice sha..... I wish David also won't die because I realy want their family to re-unite back! Next
26 Feb 2015 | 16:48
It seems there is a mix up sumwher my reason is that u said earlier that daniel got a schoolarship into the university and u also said his a senior to the princess and darasimi so how come they are writing the same exam and gain admission the same time wen daniel as already been giving schoolarship earlier...please kindly expantiate betterthanks.
27 Feb 2015 | 08:32
@mohjisolah .Thats another story,its just that the character's name(daniel) are the same.. You are refering to *Individual Cross*by Mzinumidun!!!
27 Feb 2015 | 08:48
@mohjisolah (continuation*lol) Danie was been given scholarship in a story titled *Individual Cross*, Maybe the Author of this story decided to take it from Daniel...Lol.... Daniel,Darasimi & Princess with all Her Friends are agemate(maybe agemate but the same level in school)!!! But Daniel has a younger sister that bear the same name with one of Princess Friends(Beatrice), Maybe thats where you look confused?..
27 Feb 2015 | 09:04
U are the one getting it all wrong.go back to episode 2 wen the writer first mention daniel,he said he was goin home to inform his parent about d scholarship into the university in which princes and princess would have love to gain admission into and wen he got home he met his dad beating his mum b4 he hit his dad n later rush him to the hospital where he met ruth d princess and decided to donate his kidney
27 Feb 2015 | 09:40
Then look past it as if you don't see it(It maybe mistake)... We are all bound to make a mistake!! Daniel has lost the scholarship......
27 Feb 2015 | 10:00
The Autor is also bearing Daniel, maybe they have switched the scholarship... The Autor may also be jealous about Daniel Scholarship,so he has removed that side!!!
27 Feb 2015 | 10:21
Episode 20 -20- He was there till evening. The King had been calling his phone number but he didn't hear, his mind wasn't there, he later picked it and explained everything to the King who sent ten more guards to the hospital for him. He also promised to visit them in the hospital in person the following day. Not quite long after, the Doctor came out. "Can I see you in my office?" The doctor raised his index finger. Daniel rose immediately. "No Doctor, tell me whatever it is here now." He said right in front of him, sweating and panting. He was already stained with blood too. 'This is an office talk.' The Doctor replied. 'Noo! I insist!' He screamed. 'This is a hospital please, you are disturbing other patients.' One of the nurses at the reception said and eyed him. 'It seems you are crazy, I can destroy your life for you now!' He shouted at the nurse. 'Sorry sir, don't please. Alright I'll tell you here.' The Doctor begged, he was also afraid of his anger. 'Alright I'm hearing you.' He replied. 'She won't be able to walk again. Her spinal cord had been disturbed sir.' He said, shivering. He was afraid to tell him, he didn't know if telling him that will cause him death also. 'She won't be able to do what?' Daniel asked, tears dropped from his eyes, he sat down on the floor there still on the same spot weeping. 'Sorry uncle, I'm sorry about that.' The nurse addressed. 'What of my mum?' He asked the Doctor, still weeping. 'Its Doctor Kenneth that is attending to her, just let me go and see how far they are.' The Doctor said and turned back, walking to the ward. One of the guards outside just came in. He was also looking sad. He stretched his hands forward to draw him up. 'Your highness, stop this. You don't need tears on your face. Believe in God.' He addressed. Daniel remembered, he had a flash-back of the King, hugging his family. He couldn't control the out-flow of tears from his eyes. The guards the King sent to him arrived some minutes after. They were eleven, and guarded the hospital. It was then the nurse was reasoning that Daniel would be the guy who's the talk of the town. Everyone had been talking about, about him as the adopted son of the King. The Doctor came out with Doctor Kenneth, he was also panicking on hearing about Daniel's madness. 'What of my mum?' He quickly stood up. 'She's fine and responding to treatments.' The Doctor replied. 'May I see them?' He requested "Sure, come with us." Doctor Kenneth moved forward. He followed them to go and see Beatrice. **** Fredrick, Peter, Dammy, Faith, Tade and Blessing. They were regarded as "6-cliques" of that university. They were all from rich homes and parents, they've known one another from their childhood. Fredrick was the only son of Charles Family. Mr Olamide Charles who is his father worked with chevron and in millions of naira. He loosed his mother at his childbirth, he hated pride and loved humility and truthfulness. He had been told by his father and many of his father's friends to attend a starndard university like Oxford university, overseas. He always refuse different offers and want to pass through fire, so that he would be prudent and economical. He's the most easy-going of the friends and had a little interest in ladies. One of the most brilliant of the guys. ...
27 Feb 2015 | 13:40
This story is like a Yoruba Movie.... Hmmmm... Still observing sha...! David has done worst!!! Daniel has done worse!!! Who would do bad(Queen or Princess&Her Friends or The 6-cliques or Darasimi)??? Next sha
27 Feb 2015 | 14:10
Continue plss
27 Feb 2015 | 14:17
Episode 21 -21- Peter was a tall and fair guy. Also brilliant and taciturn, he loved eating so much and hated pride and lies. He was fredrick's best friend in the room because he was somehow more holy than the other friends left. Dammy, he was refered to as the Boss. He was a complete womanizer, he loved girls and had interest in them like shi. A fair and tall guy, handsome and had kept afro haircut. He loved wearing pencil jeans and a white top. He was just a dullard that never heed to advice from people. Faith, a dark and handsome young guy with a white and beautiful set of teeth. He had pink lips and was a neat guy. He was a talkative and also loved food. Tade was a dark guy also, not very handsome and do have "obama" haircut. He was shorter than all of them and also loved girls. He and Dammy did finish the business about girls together. *** Beatrice and Gloria were eventually discharged, the king bought the wheel chair she started using. Gloria was fine, although had several wounds on her body. The King bought them an apartment to be living and commanded the that their marriage should be broken. Not so long after the King did all this, David heard, he then brought his concubine that had been telling him to beat his wife to death so she would be able to pack in and be the proper wife in and made her his new wife. The King started catering for their well-being and sent Beatrice to school and furthered her education. He got them a driver and a car that would be driving her to school everyday and dropping her back home. She was lucky. The King had asked on what he should do to David, maybe banish him or kill him or maybe he should call the commissioner of police because of him. Gloria still pleaded on hid behalf, she pleaded that the King should just leave him and his new family and let peace reign. Beatrice was just in the living room, on her wheel chair weeping. Her mother, Gloria just came out and met her in that condition. 'What is it again Bibi, why are you just weeping? You know you are the one that will be petting me if it was me, so tell me, why are thou weeping?' She asked, standing by her front. 'Mum, I just thought of everything, I just had a remembrance of how that man pushed me to the mirror and made me someone who can't bath by herself again, someone who can't walk around as she wishes, someone who can't behave like others!' She cried. 'You ought to be thanking God, just a little thing that is even not up to this happened to them but they are dead. Who are we to question God. You don't know if standing up will make you spend a short life on earth. "IF THIS IS WHAT MARRIAGE ENTAILS, I'LL NEVER MARRY" she uttered To be continued
27 Feb 2015 | 14:21
Realy pathetic!!! I could even feel how you are so hurt, but your mother is right.. Who are human to question God???. All things that happen has reason*s*! Though its hard to take it as faith.. You will just have to cry-no-more & pray alot!! Things would be better!! Weldone oo Mr Boxer(David), that lady would suck you to death(if possible).. You can bet your life with that...
27 Feb 2015 | 14:52
27 Feb 2015 | 16:31
Episode 22 The 6-cliques were in the room, each guy on his neatly prepared bed. Fredrick was on his laptop, trying to google-search the assignment a lecturer gave them. Each person was busy on his laptop trying to get the assignment well done. 'I think I've gotten it.' Faith shouted. 'Have you seen the exact machine?' Blessing asked with concern. 'Yeah, this is it.' Faith pointed at the screen of his laptop, laughing. 'I just hope this guy is serious oo, or else you know I'll beat hell out of you.' Fredrick smiled. 'Then he'll go to heaven.' Dammy added and smiled. They all stood up and went towards him. They all sat around him and stared at the laptop. The page was blank, Faith started laughing, 'I'm just joking.' He uttered and continued laughing. 'La what!' Tade shouted. They all surrounded him and gave him the beating of his life. They all play and gist together in the room, they share their thoughts together and pray together excluding Dammy who nags whenever it comes to praying. They all returned to their various beds and continued with their work when Dammy received a call, it was from a guy that they nicknamed "Lala" he's the regular guy that provides him with ladies of different types. He smiled at the phone and picked the call. 'Ah! Lala, you dey there?' He sat up. 'Don't tell me you want to go and meet that guy!' Fredrick frowned looking at Dammy. Dammy never payed concentration to what he said, everyone neglected their laptops and focused on him. 'Alright, I'm already coming.' He replied Lala and stood up, pulling up his pencil jeans and got his comb from beneath his pillow to comb his afro hair. He smiled at them all. 'I said I'm sure you are not going to meet that guy, Lala.' Fredrick repeated. 'Sure, new babes are on ground guys.' Dammy uttered and smiled, buttoning his shirt. 'Babes? Are you okay at all? How many times have we told you to neglect all this issue of babes and let's face our studies and pass at once!' Blessing exclaimed. 'You these guys, for God's sake free me now. We've all been reading all day, searching for that useless man's foolish assignment. So, why won't I have a time to wipe off my reading sweat.' He uttered. 'On girls right? Peter stared him. 'Sure, I'm a gay or would I spend it on guys?' He smiled. 'Guys free this guy now, let him go and enjoy his life. Wait, is he at the usual place?' Tade asked. 'Sure, with hot ones.' He replied. 'Then, I'll be there soon too.' Tade smiled, Dammy left the room. Blessing stood up. A tall guy, very brilliant also. There is no day one will see hair on his head, his head is always shinning. He shook his head and sat down back. 'Guys, why are you disturbing yourselves? This is sweet world and we just have to live in it sweetly!' Tade uttered. 'Guy now, don't vex me with the horrible and annoying words of your mouth!' Fredrick exclaimed. Faith smiled. "I guess I've seen it, seriously.' Faith said frankly. 'It seems you are more serious now.' Fredrick said and all moved towards him. He was just lying and was beaten again. *** The princess and her friends too were just gisting in the room as the princess arrived back to school. Daniel and the Princess arrived a day after the incidence back to school. She started feeding them about the miracle Daniel performed. 'That guy will be a wonder guy oo.' Stella wondered. 'This is more than wonder, it just that his family has broken apart. He has a useless father!' Ruth uttered. 'Na Daniel oo!' Beatrice shouted. 'The way its doing me sef, I'm just loving the guy more like we should...' Ruth paused amd sighed. 'Hmmmmn...' Rachael stared at her and exhaled. ..
28 Feb 2015 | 11:19
Episode 23 - Daniel and Darasimi were at the library. They planned to meet there, its been a while they've seen each other. Darasimi was so happy seeing Temitope it was just as if she won a jackpot. They started gisting about school life and the likes. Temitope brought out his new laptop and gave it to her, he also gave her a new phone. "Which lappy you go dey use now?' Darasimi said. 'You don't worry about me. I'll get one soon. Just make sure you don't loose this one I've given you and read whatever you want to read, whatever project should now be easily doe shey?' Daniel smiled, dipping his hand in his pocket. He brought out a flash and handed it over to her. 'You make me worry. You know Engineering students are mostly in need of laptop, don't bother about me. All will be well.' Darasimi spoke. 'It seems you now like talking, just take them. You'll see, just meet me here by 4:00pm tomorrow. 'Alright, thanks so much.' Darasimi hugged him. Looking very happy to have a laptop. She walked to her room majestically with the new phone and laptop. She knocked at the door of the room and entered, still walking majestically. 'Where this one come see lappy now?' Seyi was the first to question her in the room. 'I no know wetin concern you there now. Girl dey flenjure jare!' Ronke said where she was. 'Thanks all, this is just a token from a great friend of mine. At least you all won't be making jest of me now. In fact, I've gotten another new and durable phone.' She smiled and raised it up in the room. 'Its a pity shola and pamilerin aren't in presently, they would have laughed at you like mad.' Seyi laughed. 'Does it matter? Omo, no trouble me oo.' Darasimi sat on her bed and opened the laptop. 'Wait, like seriously. Are you really the owner?' Ronke asked. 'Yeah, seriously.' *** Daniel hurried to the palace. He got there and met the King without visitors. He quickly told him about his laptop. Although never wanted to lie, he told him that the laptop now has a big problem. 'You can throw it away. Just go into my room and pick hundred thousand there.' The King smiled at him. 'Where exactly sir and I guess its too much dad. Eighty thousand is alright.' Daniel bowed. 'In the wardrobe. Nothing is too big for my able son.' He smiled. Daniel prostrated and went inside to get the money and went straight to get a new laptop. ... To be continued
28 Feb 2015 | 11:22
I know dat Ruth loves Daniel but shy to admit it.
28 Feb 2015 | 12:20
Out of 12-saints there must be 1-hypocryte!!! Dammy,enjoyment was just for little time,you would soon regret it,same as your brother from another parent Tade!! Ruth has now sleep(fall) in love with Daniel.. & Darasimi is whom Daniel is dying in love with!!! As the name of 1 commedian in this story 'Faith'.. Faith holds it all for you all!!! Next
28 Feb 2015 | 12:33
Lovely,continue plsss
28 Feb 2015 | 14:32
Episode 24 -24- The battle continues between the princess and Darasimi. The princess now developed a kind of hatred towards her, Darasimi never cared, she also started doing things on her own. Daniel called Darasimi the next day to show her his new laptop. Darasimi was very surprised. Although, she knew the King would do everything he wishes for him but never thought it would be as fast as that. Weeks later..... Exams preparation started, everyone now busy with the reading of their books. Many that weren't serious started their seriousness and various books started getting lost so that people who has never written note would be able to read. Dammy never began his own reading. He knew the examination was around the corner, that was when he and Tade knew there were some parties they had to catch up with. *** The results for the examinations done eventually came out some weeks after. Darasimi got home with her G.P of 3.86. She was totally happy that day, rushed into their apartment and didn't meet her mother. She couldn't control her joy, then walked to meet her father to show him the result. 'Then what's my own business with this? He shouted. 'Dad, just want you to know I passed!' She smiled. 'How does it concern me. You want to freak me with this paper right? So that I can believe that you are really in a university right? You fools.' He shouted. He threw the result on the floor and left her presence. "You'll soon understand." Darasimi thought in her and picked up the result on the floor. ... Fredrick also made his result, with 4.05. The driver came so early that day and took him home. He got home with joy and happiness written all over his face. He rushed inside the house and went straight into the living room. The living room was a big one. The floor tiled and everywhere painted cream colour with a brown shining leather sofas there. The center table was made of glass, also sparkling. There was a plasma flat screen television there and everywhere smelling nicely. Most of the things inside the house was imported. They were indeed rich. "Mum! I've made it now!" Fredrick shouted. ... To be continued[
1 Mar 2015 | 10:40
Episode 25 25- Victoria, Fredrick mother came out as she was called. Fredrick was so much joyful that time, he sat by the side of the sofa, expecting his beautiful mum outside. 'What's this noise about son?' She came out, walking gently on the tiled floor. 'Mum just see!' He smiled, stretching the paper forward to his mother. 'I've told you that its not until I go to oxford I can make it in life!' He continued. 'Wao! This is a great result!' Victoria said surprisingly, as she sat down towards him. 'Mum, its not easy. You know, as the boss!' He smiled again. 'Keep it up son.' She stretched forward her hand and shook him. ... Olufunke got home at last. Darasimi was in the living room alone with her result by her front. She was still happy, and expecting her mum until she heard the door been opened by someone. She ran up and rushed to Olufunke on seeing her. Olufunke was also surprised meeting her at home. She was so happy and both hugged each other. "You never told me you'd be come here today.' Olufunke uttered, facing her side and her left hand on Dara's neck. 'Mum, a surprise package.' She replied smiling. 'That's great then.' She replied and sat on one of the plastic chairs. Darasimi brought out her result and gave it to her. Olufunke didn't understand what was there, Darasimi explained that she passed to her. 'I'm so impressed, thank God you are my daughter!' She smiled. Darasimi also smiled and brought out her laptop to show her mother that she was given by Daniel. 'That's good also, have you shown your father your result?' She quickly asked. 'Sure I did. He abused me. Mum, why is it that my father hates us this much. He doesn't like us at all?' She asked frowning. Olufunke smiled to her. "He loves us, but you can't understand his techniques." She replied. 'No mum. He hates us in particular!' She exclaimed. "He does call me a bastard sef." She added. 'Don't mind him.' Olufunke replied. 'Mum, I'm now minding him. Before, I don't use to mind whatever he says. Now, to me mum, it looks as if he's not my father.' Darasimi uttered. 'Shut up!' Olufunke exclaimed, staring at her closely. 'Mum, get me right! He behaves well to his other wives. Why us alone?' Darasimi asked sadly. 'You'll soon get it. That will be when you'll get it, not now.' Olufunke uttered. 'Mum, you are hiding something away from me?' Darasimi asked. 'There is something about the names I gave you. You are Darasimi Enitan, that name "Enitan" means a child of history. There are some things you'll know but not now.' Olufunke smiled a little and walked inside. 'A child of history? Or is this man not my father?' She asked herself with a low voice. ... The palace was filled with the princess' friends and herself celebrating, by the pool side. They all made good results out of the exam they did. 'Well, this means that we aren't dull. We made all our papers and had no carry over.' Rachael uttered and smiled. 'That's awesome, its cool, its gracious. We are just so lucky and it worths us celebrating it as we are doing.' Stella uttered sipping from the cup of wine. 'Yes-oo. Wait, when is Daniel checking his result?' Beatrice asked. The car hooted outside. It was Daniel who was there and drove in silently. 'This guy is not a bastard. He just went to check the result. Let's see what he has brought.'Ruth said, taking her stand as Daniel walked toward them. He was dressed in a white shirt and a blacker trouser. He held a brown envelope and smiled to them all. 'Just bring the result like that.' Ruth uttered smiling and staring at the envelope. 'Alright, I'm not taking it away, just bringing it to you guys.' He smiled back and walked up to them and gave the result to princess. 'This is aweome! 4.62!' Ruth shouted as they all surrounded her to check the result. 'You tried Dan, keep it up. The King will be happy to see this!' Ruth commented smiling. 'Thanks all.' He smiled back. 'Na you oo!' Beatrice commented laughing to him. 'Thanks sis.' He replied, he stretched his hand forward to receive his result from them. 'Is it true you are dating that girl?' Ruth asked with a low voice. THAT GIRL.... ...To be continued
1 Mar 2015 | 10:44
Wow!!! Its cool they all made it!!! Funke is realy keeping something, if not she won't says there is something about Darasimi's name!!! This Princess gan sef, jealous can't take you to anywhere!!! Well... As I always says.. Faith holds it for you all....!
1 Mar 2015 | 12:10
Nice write-up
2 Mar 2015 | 06:45
Episode 26 ]-26- Darasimi was parading the room, looking so angry. She wasn't pleased with her mother's speeches with her. She took her seat and brought out the laptop to browse a little then sleep off. She was doing this until Funke entered into the room. She sat beside her & laid her left palm on her shoulder, also watching what Darasimi was operating on the laptop. She was cold to start talking with her, she stammered & started her discussion with her. "Darasimi, are you vexed with me?" She asked slowly. 'Mum, just free me. You've not answered me, so why have you now chosen to disturb me now?' Darasimi uttered & squarely- faced the laptop. "Me? See my dear, you can't understand for now only. Just give me some weeks, you'll soon get." She uttered humbly. 'Alright, mum I've gotten you.' She turned sideway and smiled. "You are a relief now!" Funke exclaimed. Darasimi smiled. .... Daniel entered into the palace without responding the princess' question... . ]-26- continued. ..... Daniel was carrying his brown envelope containing his results. He prostrated before the king, smiling at him. 'I'm back, father.' he uttered smiling. 'Just take your stand, you ate my son, you don't need to be doing all this. ' He was smiled back. Daniel smiled, stood up and walked towards the king to show him his result. He stretched his brown envelope forward to 4he king and was smiling. "There is no cause to check your results, I trust you so vety mucn, isn't it you my boy?' He smiled collecting the envelope from him. 'Thanks father. ' He bowed still amused. "I've been longing for your arrival, just go and pick the mouth something and start blowing it for me." He smiled to him cuddling him. Daniel smiled, walking in to get the mouth organ. ..... Princess felt cold after the departure of Daniel from her without responding her question. Rachel was happy within her that Daniel neglected the princess' question. She walked up to her looking sad, within her, she was happy. "My princess, hope there's no problem? She asked steering at her little sad face. 'Nothing. ' She responded, smiling as if nothing went wrong. "Greatest liar! " Rachel thought within her, also smiling back like a good friend. "WHO IS FOOLING WHO?" .....
2 Mar 2015 | 14:52
Episode 27 -27- Daniel was sitting at the garden calling Darasimi on his cell phone. Ruth was behind him throughout the making of the call. She hid herself so that she would not be seen by Daniel. She still wondered till she walked swiftly back to her room upstairs. She slept on the bed, taking all the space. She was somehow depressed and unhappy. Few minutes later, The Queen knocked on the door softly. She came to check on Ruth because she had been in her room since, it was Daniel's voice she heard that made her trace him to the garden. She changed her posture and look immediately she heard the knock on the door. 'Who's there?' She asked, clearing her throat and started at the door. The queen opened the door and came right inside. She wasn't expecting her, it was a kind of surprise seeing her just come into her room to check on her. MOM! She smiled and stood up from the mattress, walked towards her to give her a hug. 'May I know what's wrong with my beautiful and adorable daughter. The Princess of thisbgreat Kingdom, daughter of a great and mighty King?' She smiled. Princess Ruth smiled back and uttered "NOTHING". "You can't tell me nothing, dear. I know you, you know me too quite well." She paused and walked to her mattress and sat down. She continued. 'I can see it written all over you that something is wrong. It is written all over your face.' "You've caught me mum." She smiled and walked to the Queen. The queen laughed out and cuddled her to her side. "Now, tell me what's wrong with you." The princess stared at the Queen. "I don't know what to really say mum." 'You just have to start with something and from somewhere. Is it the issue of a guy?' She smiled and winked. The princess laughed. be continued. ...
2 Mar 2015 | 14:54
Hope d wicked queen won't harm Daniel sha!
2 Mar 2015 | 15:33
Daniel didn't answered her question,she was depressed, if he answered, she would be angry at him!!! Its better he didn't answered him!!! This jealousy will soon get to a point that will turn everything upside down because Daniel is not even ready to date Ruth.. And this wicked queen is about to be in the action...!!! Next
3 Mar 2015 | 03:04
well 'ld say daniel should thread carefully ryt nw and should also b prayerful and to the queen 'ld say evil means isnt the answer at all if dan loves ruth surely love wont be denied buh love doesnt need force
3 Mar 2015 | 05:02
Episode 28- continues.. Princess kept on laughing. She didn't want to tell the queen but eventually spoke out. "Mum, its just that its an issue of a guy and not an issue of a guy." She uttered. 'So can I know what that out rightly means, my daughter?' Queen smiled. 'Mum, you can't understand. I don't want to trouble you, so don't be troubled.' She said. 'One thing I love in my like is trouble, that's why I must know.' Queen uttered, continued smiling. Both laughed out. "Alright mum. Its a guy issue." She laughed. 'Dear daughter, can I know the lucky guy, trying to disturb my daughter?' She winked and smiled. 'Mum! Queen!' She exclaimed laughing. 'Sure, I'm your mother. I can be of help to sort things out.' She continued smiling. 'That's true but in this case, I don't want to get you involved.' Princess shook her head. "Alright, If you insist. I'll carry out my secret investigations on the guy and at the end you'll know me as I am.' She uttered laughing. 'Mum!' Princess shouted smiling at her. 'Are you now ready to tell me the guy?' Queen asked. 'Alright mum. Its...' She paused. 'Who now? You better talk!' Queen said watching Ruth's mouth closely. DANIEL. She said. 'DAN?' Princess asked. 'DAN?' The Queen asked. 'Y.. Yes..' Ruth stammered. Queen started her laughter back. "You this lady, you can kill someone o. Tell me you're joking.' She stared at her. 'Mum, I'm not o. I really mean it.' She uttered. 'So, is that you are now frowning? At least you are not to young for that now. Don't worry, leave everything to your mother.' She laughed. "Mum, he already has someone he's going out with." Ruth said frankly. 'Leave everything unto me, I said! Now, be happy and cheerful. I'll take care of the remaining.' The queen promised. 'Alright mum. I trust you. Its not easy.' She laughed. 'Good, just let's go.' She drew her off the bed. ... Daniel was sitting by the King and was blowing the mouth organ for him. King relaxed on the throne, the guards stood close to him. One was fanning him with a specially made hand fan. Although Air Conditioner is present in the palace, but the king hates it, likewise Daniel too. One of the maids walked quietly to the palace and knelt before the throne. "The food is ready your majesties." She addressed the King and Daniel. Daniel took off the mouth organ from his mouth and faced the king. "Thanks miss. You may go." King waved. 'Are you going to the dinning now, or should I continue dad?' Daniel asked. "Let's go and eat." The King uttered. The Queen and Ruth were already on the dinning chairs. They were sitting, waiting for the arrival of the King before they start eating. "Welcome, your highness." The Queen greeted. "Thanks." He replied and sat down. *** The 6-cliques had called one another to meet at "DAVE KENLY RELAXATION CENTRE AND GYM." They all arrived almost the same time to gist and ask of their various results. They were all looking handsome in their dresses. They sat by the pool side, taking ice-cream and eating snacks. It was only Dammy who had the lowest G.P out of them all. They all started abusing him about the issue of loving ladies so much. He was admonished by them all and promised to turn a new leaf. Although, Tade wasn't that different too, but he's better and passed than Dammy. They all got swimming trunk and started swimming after they eaten. They played together in water and played various games. Indeed, they were best of friends!
3 Mar 2015 | 15:30
episode 29- The Queen sat in her room, resting beside the dressing mirror. She thought on how she could make Daniel and Ruth best of friends so that they'll love each other. She smiled on getting an idea of how she could start. She dressed up and walked outside the room. She gave her handbag to the maid at the right side of the door and walked downstairs. Adjusting her hair, she remembered she had to call Daniel and Ruth, she pretended as if she wanted to have a nice time with them. She walked outside to the compound first, called the driver and spoke with him. "After five minutes of getting to where you'll take me and my children to, you should call my number, we'll leave there and behave as if I have a meeting." She said. 'Alright your highness.' He bowed. She walked back inside and walked up the stairs, went to Daniel's room and knocked. Daniel came out of the room, he was reading a novel then. "Go and dress up, we just want to have a nice time." She said, smiling. 'Nice time? No problem ma.' He smiled & closed the door. "Which kind nice time be this now, just want to get prepared to go and greet my mum and sister, even say hi to Dara. I pray we come early." He murmured as he flung his novel on the bed and walked inside the bathroom. Queen walked up to Ruth's room also to tell her that. Her plan was to take them there and desert them so that they could talk and gist. *** KINGLY_ JOE BAR AND GAME CENTER, it was a four-storey building, painted white down. The Queen took inside Daniel and Ruth, they took the elevator to the game reveserve center. As they were sitting to start gisting, the Queen's phone rang and she stood up, went to a corner to receive the call. "Meeting?" She shouted in pretense. "I'll be right there." She concluded. 'I'm having a serious meeting now, I'll be right back to pick both of you. She uttered and left without hearing a word from them. "What's the meaning of this now?" Daniel asked himself. Queen took the elevator down, smiling at her intelligence. She walked to the car and gave the driver five thousand naira. 'That's for the airtime.' She laughed. "Nice job!" She concluded. ...
3 Mar 2015 | 15:33
Waiting t c d outcome. Pray its sumfin i can laff a @!!! Really nid it. *wink*
3 Mar 2015 | 17:49
Love by fire by force
3 Mar 2015 | 18:23
Lol.... Mr Dammy, See as your life be,even your brotherhood from another parent made it!!!! Mrs Queen, Nice job as you have said to the driver but it can never bring good seed because Both Ruth & Daniel are like cat & dog now, they can't have good discussion!!! You can only took horse to river but you can't force it to drink!!! Your Matchmaking would never succed!!
4 Mar 2015 | 03:20
@Anitcham Lol.... I would like to know the meaning of that word oo.. Which dictionary should I check? Pidgin or Gilbrish???
4 Mar 2015 | 03:22
Episode 30 Daniel was taking the refreshments when Ruth thought of what she could bring up as a topic. She smiled and face him. "Just tell me three people that mean so much to you." She continued smiling, expecting him to mention her name. "Those are my mother, sister and ..." He paused. Ruth smiled, "me abi?" She asked in her mind. DARASIMI. He concluded. 'Ruth changed her face but pretended as if she was pleased with what she said. "I don't know this kind of meeting mum was called for. I'm pissed." She uttered. "You are pissed? Simply because I didn't mention your name right." He laughed. 'Huh? What, iu wasn't expecting my name before. Why do you think like this!' She frowned and hissed. 'I just keep on wondering why God has put me in the palace.' He smiled. 'That will be because of me. You saved my life, have you forgotten?' She smiled. NO, NOT YOU. He said sharply. "Anyhow!" She concluded. ... The school resumed back to work, now in 200 level. Everyone was quite more serious with their various studies. Dammy the play boy also turned a new leave and started attending classes better than before. Darasimi was just coming back from the class when she saw Ruth and her friends who stood by the way. She halted to at least say "HI" to them. She greeted and was about leaving, although the princess and her friends didn't reply when Stella drew her back through the collar of the shirt she was putting on. "Excuse me." She frowned as she got to their front. 'Why do you keep stepping beyond your bounds!' Stella shouted and slapped her. WHAT! Darasimi exclaimed. 'You just like snatching what doesn't belong to you and can never be. Release Daniel now!' Rachael stared at her with an annoying face. She kept her left hand on her left cheek where Steela slapped her and continued staring at them as they addressed her. 'I don't have much to say, you've heard them!' Beatrice said and gave a wicked laughter. Princess Ruth drew her closer to herself. "You are a child of nobody, even if you are killed now, nobody is going to know that. Step aside, you will be hurt if you don't!" She uttered gently. They turned back and was about leaving, when Darasimi replied them. 'Hello, I'm not a radio, neither a television that can't respond. I'm a lady of pride, dignity and integrity. Which do you have? Go and think about it!' She uttered. .... Ruth stared at her for a while and just laughed. "A normal human being will see you and even notice the signs of insanity in you!" She addressed. 'I care less about all what you utter with your mouth. Before you got to know him, I've known him and we've been dating, so what's the muscle all about?' She said. 'The battle line has just been drawn, let's see who wins. You fool.' Rachael uttered and eyes Darasimi. 'One thing is that its just someone with a certain characteristic will know if another person has. Its just because you are fools, that's why you can notice a foolish behaviour in me & wait, I'm not a fool, I reserve my comment.' She uttered. Ruth shook her head with anger as if she was pitying her. "I just dey pity this chick, I go tell my guys to whooz you.' She said. Darasimi left them talking and walked out on them. She brought out her phone immediately she left and called Daniel about what just happened. She hurried back to the hostel, she met Rachel outside the door to their room, she walked beside her angrily and entered into her room. ... The Queen was refreshed after taking two apple fruits. She ordered for her phone so as to hear from Ruth. Ruth started all the discussion from the alpha to the omega. The Queen smiled and told her not to worry, she would deal with the case PERSONALLY. She thought on how she could start her investigation about the lady "Darasimi" her daughter said to her. She sent her a message for the full description of the lady and everything she knows about her. *** Daniel was at the front of the girls' hostel when he called Ruth on phone to come out to see him. She was delighted and thought of something else. She came out in a bump short and a tank top. She wore a heavy make up and was smelling so nice. Daniel eyed her as she was approaching. "Useless girl." He said in her. 'Hi Dan.' She smiled and greeted. "Don't 'hi' me Ruth. Keep the hand you are stretching for handshake too. I've always known you'll fuck up. I've told you before I even set my eyes on you, I've been dating Darasimi, what on earth do you think you are doing!" He exclaimed. 'Man! You are shouting. I'm a princess remember.' She paused. "I get whatever I want, either easily or by force if it doesn't want to be left." She smiled. 'Do you now think someone like me can be snatched? That girl you harassed helped me through my waec fees when my useless father neglected me because I do rebuke him behaviors. She suffered from her parents to make me who I am, God blessed me through her, how can I just let her go!' He shouted. 'That's just a story. If its money you want, I'll give you to the extent you'll complain of it being too much. I'm tired of this useless girl..." 'And if you ever say that word "useless" again...' 'What will you do to me.' Ruth said. Temitope sighed and shook his head. 'Till then.' He uttered. 'Not till then because its now. She's a useless fool!' Temitope moved closer to her and gave her a slap. ..To be continued
4 Mar 2015 | 14:38
daniel eeeyeeeh u just opened the book title "TROUBLE IN PARADISE"
4 Mar 2015 | 14:56
Lmao... Dammy has join APC oooo!! Thanks to God!!! Lol... Queen's plan has just went unsucceded... Thats good..! I realy like how Daniel gave her the reply about 3people he like most. Wetin concern all these Princess Friends about the relationship between Daniel & Darasimi!!! They are just wasting their time!!! See as your mouth bring you fresh slap Princess,you are realy moving beyond your boundary!!! Hope nothing bad won't come against Daniel out of all this sha?! Next
4 Mar 2015 | 15:02
D-D-Daniel!! Why?
4 Mar 2015 | 15:05
daniel don go beyond him boundary o. Slapin a princess,im tinkin abt d punishment d queen is gonna giv 2 u.
4 Mar 2015 | 18:35
OMG,daniel u ave to calm down nw
5 Mar 2015 | 03:08
Episode 31 Princess' friends had been watching the scene since they started shouting at themselves. They rushed downstairs on seeing a dirty slap landing on her face, it was that exact time she had her asthmatic attack. Daniel was confused, he shouted at his friends to get him the inhaler, he must save her soul since he caused it. 'Rachael was standing, she grumbled throughout. Beatrice got the inhaler with immediate effect panting. She got well few minutes later, this time, Rachael had called the King himself and told him about the incident. She explained how Daniel slapped Ruth also in public and she had an attack immediately. The king was infuriated. He stood up at once on the throne and ordered for his depature from palace that minute to see "his only daughter." As he used to say. Not minding whether it was girls' hostel or not, Daniel already took his seat beside the princess with a hand fan blowing air to her. He was so much angry that was why he had to slap her. In no time, the hostel was filled, the King arrived, several students who didn't leave their various rooms got out to see see the King that minute and admired him. The guards got her into the Toyaota Sienna car they brought along and headed to the Hospital. The king avoided Daniel, he shunned him and even refused him to follow them to the hospital or step there to see how well she would be. Daniel wasn't really disturbed, he thought in him that at least this would have taught her a lesson that one doesn't poke nose into another person's affairs and don't insult anyone because of the position. He headed to the hostel and got some rest, few minutes later, the King called him. The king called him to come to the hospital. He changed the cloth he was putting on to a white lace material and hurried there. For the King to have left the palace, his daughter meant so much to him then. He met the King in the car. The air conditioner was on, he sat there and was depressed. He wondered why all had gone wrong with him. He remembered his childhood friend who also had that ailment. He was so sad because asthma eventually killed that his friend. He thought of how he met his wife and some other ladies, he smiled and shook his head, although not happy. The King lifted his head and saw Daniel beside the car. He let him in, Daniel sat beside him in the car, looking cool and remorseful. "What really happened?" The King asked with a soft voice. 'Dad, she caused it. She insulted and abused my friend in public, she disgraced her and did different things to her because she said she loves me. Although rather surprising to say to me myself not to talk of you that is hearing me. She lambasted my friend and I and called us useless. I then warned her that calling someone a useless person is wrong and I'll be mad at her when next I hear it, never knew she would say it again. She made me loose my temper to the extent of..' He paused and put his head down. 'Of what?' The king asked softly. 'Slapping her sir. I didn't even know what happened would happen.' He bowed fearfully. 'Will it ever tell you it would happen? It won't. How dare you raise your hand and beat up the princess, despite the fact that you know her state of health. It annoys me when I remember that it was from you, let's assume it was from an outsider, I can't tell where he or she will be at this moment. I would have made life miserable for the human.' He uttered. The Doctor appeared beside the car door. He bowed and smiled. The glass was shut down so they would be able to discuss properly. "She's now okay sir. What happened was a minor issue." The doctor said. "Thank my goodness." He smiled and said inwardly. 'Thanks Doctor, can she be discharged now?' The King asked. 'Yeah, certainly sir.' He bowed and left his presence to get the Princess. Treatments for Royal family was usually free. Daniel excused himself and got down on seeing Ruth coming. He opened the door so wide so that she would be able to enter, he stopped the guards from doing the work. Ruth stared at him and smiled. She waved at him and uttered. "Hi love." Daniel wondered what was wrong with her. Firstly, despite the fact of what he did to her, she came out and said "hi love." He laughed to himself. He watched the cars as they left the hospital. He took a bike and followed them straight to the palace. The bike dropped him at the junction of the palace's estate, he walked to the palace sweating. He walked into the main door and led to where the King was sitting. The maids ushered Ruth inside her room, she was not all that balance. The King sighted him and called him to his side so they would continue with their discussion. 'Yeah, as were saying. The lady she insulted, who is she to you?' He asked. Daniel took off his face and used his index finger to scratch his head. He was smiling a liitle, didn't want him to be seen by the King. 'Answer me, we don't have all the time.' The King exclaimed. 'A close friend dad.' He replied, his two hands were together, he couldn't look at the face of the king. He was mute. 'Since she's just a close friend, I'd like a relationship of you and my daughter as the Queen discussed with me.' He uttered. 'Huh?' He looked at the eyes of the King. 'Yeah, I've not pleaded with you but commanding you as a father and King.' He uttered. Daniel was quiet. ... Daniel headed to his mother's place to greet her after he reluctantly stood up from the side of the King. He was somehow annoyed but couldn't show it. He got to the place while Bibi rushed out, looking more beautiful, she drove the wheel chair as fast as possible. 'Girl, you're looking more gorgeous!' He admired and hugged her. 'You are looking more handsome too bro.' She winked back. Daniel managed to smile, although not that happy. He turned the wheel chair and drove her in. Gloria walked out of the room to see who was at the door that has made Beatrice so happy and saw Daniel. 'You this foolish boy!' She uttered with an angry face. ...To be continued
5 Mar 2015 | 11:05
Naisense(As Anita had type before).. Check the health of that King, He need chloroquine(hope i got that?).. How would they be forcing someone to be in a relationship!!! Whats wrong with Gloria, is she joking or what?? Even if she has heard about what Daniel does, she can't utter such! She must be joking!!! orelse I go arrange person weh go treat her F'up!!!
5 Mar 2015 | 11:13
I knw diz going t apn buh dunno it ll b diz soon!!
5 Mar 2015 | 12:01
to love na by FORCE?! Bcumin mre nterestn.
5 Mar 2015 | 12:11
huh!, was dah ''you this foolish boy''. Wat has he done? d king didn't see a close frnd as lover so i dont blame him rather i'll put d blame on daniel. Next
5 Mar 2015 | 16:13
Episode 32 Daniel stared at his mum for a while. "Has she known?" He asked in his mind." She walked up to him and smiled. "It caught you. Just joking, welcome here." She smiled. Dan stared for some seconds before he got himself together. "Em.." He stammered. 'You don't need to do that. I guess you also have a skeleton in your cupboard or why are you acting this way?' Beatrice laughed. Daniel faced her and changed his face as if he was angry but just joking with her. "Skeleton ko, muscles ni." He said while taking his seat near his mother. He relaxed and yawned, covering his mouth with his left hand. 'Why did you come home?' Gloria asked tuning the television station. 'I caused a little trouble mum.' He paused. Gloria dropped the remote control and quickly faced him. "In the palace?" She quickly asked. Beatrice also faced them squarely to listen to all they were discussing. Her eyeballs met with that of Daniel, she quickly took off her face and pretended she had not been hearing all what he was saying. 'Naughty babe. I caught you o! Keep eavesdropping.' He uttered. 'I'm not now.' She replied smiling. 'Answer me, what happened?' Gloria asked again. 'I slapped Princess then she got her asthma attack.' He uttered shyly. 'See yourself. Pastor Daniel, you that preach to them, haven't you now fucked up!' She exclaimed. 'No mum. There was even a point in the scripture that Jesus canned those buying and selling in the temple because he was so angry. I told her not to call my friend "useless" but she continued. I was provoked.' He uttered. 'I pray you won't walk on your father's path. Beating a girl! Not an ordinary one but a King's daughter!' She shouted. Bibi cleared her throat and faced the television back. "Na you sabi!" He said to Bibi and faced Gloria back. 'The King has forgiven me...' He was saying while she interrupted him. 'Thank God, but who's this friend? Male or Female?' She questioned. Daniel frowned. "Female." He shrugged. Beatrice cleared her throat more at this time and itched her head all to attract his brother's attention. 'Female?' The Queen asked. 'Yes mum.' He replied. 'Ghen ghen!' Bibi uttered although was facing the TV but was referring to Dan. He also understood her. Daniel laughed. "You this girl, you get P o!" He uttered while both of laughed. 'Who's she to you oh?' Gloria asked. 'Just a close friend of mine.' He replied smiling. 'Then what now made it so difficult to the extent of slapping the Princess?' She asked. 'She was insulting her and disgraced her because of our closeness. The King and Queen sef said I must date her.' He uttered in a low tone. Bibi sighed deeply and smiled. She cleared her throat once more. 'Then do it.' She uttered. 'Do?...' Daniel asked staring at her closely. .. Do?... He asked satring at his mum. Gloria adjusted how she was sitting and smiled. 'Yes, the King has just spoken, those that told you to be in a relationship with there daughter are in the place of authority. Since you are not going out with the other girl, I'll like you to date her.' She addressed. "Mum! I don't love her! I don't want her!' He shouted. 'Imagine. Because of what you did for him, he made you someone living in the palace and attending a great university. He changed our lives here also and has made me a happy woman again. Don't you know he has no male child and when he dies you'll be the next King.' She uttered. 'Since Princess Ruth has no elder sister, she won't marry before her now.' Bibi said. 'Yes oo.' Gloria replied. 'You people won't understand. I've got to get going now.' He said and took his stand. *** 200 LEVEL BREAK... Darasimi left the school as early as possible, she passed market side so as to buy her mother things she may need. She was excited as she headed home, she got inside the house and met her mother sleeping. She dropped her belongings in the room and rested. She brought out her phone and noticed she had three whatsapp messages. She was happy meeting her phone that way. It was Daniel that sent her a message that she should watch her movement these days, he doesn't know if anything could happen. She was scared by this message. 'Is the Princess in charge of this?' She asked herself quietly. She heard a terrible knock at the door. Olufunke also woke up, they were frightened. ...To be continued
6 Mar 2015 | 14:23
Hmmm.... Things are getting to difficult-part now!!! Maybe Daniel is suspecting Queen that the Queen is after Darasimi!!! Hope nothing bad happen to Darasimi!!!!! Gloria, Don't just tell Daniel to do what he doesn't feel like doing OUT of fear or pleasure!!!! Daniel is a man,he will sort himself out!!!
6 Mar 2015 | 14:59
Episode 33 - Olufunke was also surprised seeing someone was with her in the house again. It was such a relieve when she saw that it was her daughter. They both stared at the door, it was Funke's husband there. He walked inside the house and smiled. 'What has he come to do?' Funke thought in her. She stood up and yawned stretching her small body. "Can I help you?" She asked. 'I don't have any business with you but with this your daughter. You arrived home, you couldn't come to me directly. You came to this woman you call mother.' He uttered angrily at Darasimi. 'What's all this. Come to you? For what.' She asked laughing and beating her hands together. He faced Funke and said. "You never told me you've told her. We both promised never to tell her. No problem sha, when you are ready to go to the Palace." He uttered. PALACE? Darasimi asked and stared at his mother. He opened the door and headed outside. Funke sat down without control. "This man has disrupted everything. She won't let me now!" She thought in herself. 'Mum what did he just say?' She asked. "What did I say?" She thought inwardly. 'Em.. Him? Don't mind your father oh.' She smiled a little. 'Whose father! Mum tell me what I don't know, now or never.' She shrugged. 'Em.... Wha..t.' She was stammering. Darasimi nodded and smiled. She went inside to pick her handbag and left the house angrily. Funke sat down crying, Darasimi plied to the side of the bush, not quite long after, she was crossed by a truck carrying woods in it and carried inside the truck forcefully. She was taken away by the set of guys that bundled her inside the truck with them. They held an handkerchief that a reasonable amount of a sleeping dosage has been applied to it. She slept off after the handkerchief had been used to cover her nose for a while. She was taken to "DARI" forest by those guys. There was like a hut there with a thatched roof and made of mud. The whole place look so neat as if someone was living there. One of the guys came out and brought out his phone to call the Queen. "Job well donr ma." He uttered and bowed. The Queen smiled and stood up straightaway. She had gotten the guys to help her kidnap Darasimi so she could deal with her. 12:04 PM The queen got to the forest with her car, driven by the able driver who was terrified and afraid driving into the forest. He did it hoping he would get cool cash at the end of the day. They eventually got to the scene, the Queen alighted. She met the guys who stood far from one another guarding the place. She smiled at them and walked into the hut. Darasimi was already awake then, she sighted the Queen and was terrified. "What on earth have I done?" She asked herself in a terrified situation. Queen smiled to her and uttered "You should know me as a no-nonsense woman. It doesn't cost me anything to end anyone's life. Why are stepping into my daughter's business!" She exclaimed Darasimi couldn't speak. She was already shivering. Different thoughts were just coming to her mind. "Someone who has ordered some people to be beheaded before. At what lenght can't she deal with me?" She asked herself, still shivering and afraid as the Queen moved closer to her. 'I give you 24 hours to leave Daniel. Whatever I want, I must get!' She exclaimed. The driver was just afraid in the car he was. He was staring at the hut inside the forest and the huge gigantic men that stood by the entrance of the hut. The Queen walked out some minutes later and told those guys to untie her and let her go. She walked into the car back and counted ten thousand naira for the driver as the money for him to keep quiet. "If any man hears about what you just saw, I'll kill you!" She promised as she gave him the money. ... To be continued
7 Mar 2015 | 12:22
Hmmmm... Funke can't keep the secret for so long!! She must let Darasimi knew about what she is keeping from her!!! Thank God its just a treat kidnapped.. The Queen is just wasting her time, was Darasimi the one to harsh on or Daniel that stand on his leg on never to have anything to do with Ruth!!!!!! Well... Faith holds it for you all... Next Please
7 Mar 2015 | 13:10
Very wicked a queen
7 Mar 2015 | 13:21
Dats nt a queen,jst a witch
7 Mar 2015 | 16:12
@Original Ann Thats why I **** You oo!!! The way you think is the way I tought!!! HiFive!!!
7 Mar 2015 | 17:08
Episode 34 Darasimi made her way out of the forest. She got home sweating profusely, she sat on the floor as she entered into the living room. Olufunke came out of the room on hearing the door been opened. "You are back?" She asked surprisingly. 'Mum, sit. I want to tell you something.' She uttered breathing heavily. Olufunke sat down staring at her. "Why are you like this. What chased you?" She asked concerned about her. 'I got into trouble with the Queen.' She said. QUEEN? She quickly asked and stood up. 'Mum, I hope there is no problem?' She asked concerning her behavior. Funke shook her head immediately. "No." She replied. Darasimi started suspecting her closely. "Mum, she said I should stop being friends with Daniel or else she might kill me, and I know her for that behaviour, human lives doesn't mean anything to her." She uttered 'Then, we shouldn't leave any trace. Leave him at once, I'm not ready to loose my one and only love.' She uttered. "Leave who? Daniel? She asked me to forgo him because she wants him to have a relationship with her daughter but Daniel doesn't like her!" She exclaimed. 'Whether he does or not, yours is to obey. Leave him and let my ming be at peace. I don't want you to even have anything to do with the Palace and people living there.' She addressed. Darasimi stared at her closely. "Mum, you have an hidden agenda about the palace, the King's family. Just tell me." She uttered. Olufunke felt cold. "No." She shrugged. Darasimi sighed and walked into the room angrily. "Just come, weren't you hurt?" She asked. Darasimi didn't bother to answer. "The queen musnt even know I'm still alive." Olufunke said quietly. **** Daniel went inside the King's room on hearing his call. He took along his mouth organ, in case if the King was calling him to play the mouth organ for him. The king told him to sit down to discuss with him. 'I've seen you as a child that obeys and a son of dignity. You see Ruth, she's tha apple of my eyes and I don't want any guys to love her apart from you.' He uttered. 'Dad, I know how you feel.. But...' He paused. 'Do you know you'll become the next king if you get married to my daughter. What will it be like if she marries another man and he will be the King over you.' He said. 'Em... Dad..' He didn't know what to say. 'Just go and think about it.' He uttered. Daniel's phone beeped immediately after the King spoke. He was pinged by Darasimi who told him she doesn't think the relationship would continue The King showed Daniel Tony. His childhood friend who died of asthma. He gave Daniel one of Tony's passport photograph. 'What do I do with this?' He asked. The King smiled. "I gave you that so that you'll be able to remember my daughter whenever you see that very close friend of mine." He replied. Daniel sighed. "Alright." He responded and stood up, his mind was already at Darasimi's place to go see her concerning the message she sent to him. 'Will you just go like that without playing the mouth organ?' The King smiled at him. 'Mouth organ again. This man didn't say this before. He should have told me, I have better thing to do jare.' He thought. He played the mouth organ for some minutes before he departed and went to Darasimi's place. Their gate was always opened, he inhaled heavily before entering into the house. He entered and walked to their apartment, he exhaled heavily then and knocked. Darasimi came out of the house, she was surprised to have seen him at her place. She started stammering. "Wh..what yo.." Daniel cut in. "Can I enter?" He asked. 'Urgh... That?' Darasimi smiled and opened the door wider than she did before. She offered him a seat. Daniel sat down and looked around. There was silence for a minute, both were staring at each other. "Haha, you can't even offer someone anything!" Daniel exclaimed. 'Didn't ha see my message?' Darasimi thought and gave a smile. "Alright, I'll be right back." She uttered and walked to the Kitchen. Daniel stood up and turned around. The passport fell from his pocket as he was about to fall while turning around the house. He didn't notice. He sat down before Darasimi came and did as if he hadn't turned his head at all, not to talk of standing. Darasimi came out with a bottle of chilled Maltina drink and a neat glass cup beside it,in a new, brown tray. She got a stool and place it in front of him. She sat back on her seat. 'See me oh. You can't even open it. Where is the opener?' He uttered with a look of disturbing her on his face. 'Oh! Okay, I'll get it now.' She stood up and walked into the kitchen again. She got out in no time with an opener and opened the malt. She smiled and sat back. "Wahala boy." She uttered. 'Wahala boy, anyhow. Will I be the one to pour it inside the cup?' He stared at her and smiled. 'You have hand oh...' She replied. 'Yeah.. I saw your ping. Was that a joke or something?' He uttered, pouring the drink in the cup. 'Em.. Actually.. The Queen kidnapped me today and gave me sound warning and she said she will kill me!' She uttered. Daniel dropped the bottle and stared at her. The Queen? He asked and stood up. He walked outside angrily, heading to the palace. To be continued
8 Mar 2015 | 11:57
Lmao... Daniel has even turn Darasimi to his wife with that disturbance!! I knew Funke is realy keeping something away from Darasimi & the secret has something to do with the Palace (King & Queen)! King's friend died with asthma??.. This thing is getting to a detective and guessing issue now, Was King's friend the father of Ruth?? Because King&Queen doesn't have such decease excetp King's friend thats just mentioned!! Is there any connection with King & Funke??*well, just asking out of curiosity sha* But I knew the truth will soon be revealed!! NEXT PLEASE
8 Mar 2015 | 12:34
Just take tinz easy dan......
8 Mar 2015 | 18:58
Episode 35 'Will it be wise of me to go to the Palace to confront her? She's wicked and a murderer, she can just kill me. Wait oh, what would I have done I got there?' He asked himself thoughtfully. He heard Darasimi calling his name from the back. She had been running after him. It might just be like a password to death for her. She thought. 'Don't go, you'll put me into trouble if you should go, please save me from this. Help me, you know how wicked she is.' She addressed. Daniel turned to the back and stared at her. "Alright, I've been thinking about it too. It won't make sense to go and tell her about this. She might even kill me also. I just don't want you to do me like this, we can always behave we hate each other so that people won't go and tell her about us. I really love you!" He uttered and moved closer to her. 'I do too, but what I passed through in that forest she took me to, to warn me was deadly. I even thought I would die there, really afraid of my life oh.' She uttered. 'Don't worry dear, I'll protect you. In every aspect. During this holiday, I'll monitor her to know whatever she's doing and planning against you.' He promised. 'Dan, don't worry about that. I don't want you to risk your life for me. Everyone in this village knows how wicked and heartless she is, please don't.' She begged. 'I will, I'll just make sure I monitor my movement to the core. I'm really afraid of something happening to you.' He drew her to himself and hugged her. ... The Princess and her friends were at the usual venue of their gists and games. Beatrice was laughing out loud concerning what happened to Darasimi when Ruth was explaining to them. The Queen had assured her of not fearing him, she has scared her with death and she assured her she must have left Dan as at the morning she was telling Ruth. Ruth was so happy to hear this she called all her friends to come and play with her so they would celebrate that Daniel was now his. They were doing that when Daniel came out of the Palace. He knew the princess and her friends were by the pool side and could guess they were talking about Darasimi. They all kept quiet on seeing him come outside, he thought on what he could do and called a guard beside the entrance to the palace. 'I'm going to my girlfriend's place, when the king wakes up, just tell him I went out. Wanna go have nice time with her.' He uttered in a loud voice, so that princess and her friend would hear. ... Olufunke was clearing the living room when she discorvered the passport photograph that fell down from Daniel on the floor. "This is Tony!" She said exclaiming and was afraid. "Where has this girl found this passport, is she really investigating?" She asked himself. Darasimi rushed out and saw her mum staring at the passport. "Mum, what happened?" She asked. The broom fell off Funke's hand on hearing Dara's voice. "Em.. Nothing. Where did you find this passport photo?" She inquired. PASSPORT? She asked as she moved closer to see who was on it. "I don't know this man. Why?" She asked. 'Em... Nothing.' Funke replied smiling. Darasimi shook her head angrily. "I knew it, I knew that was what you'd say!" She shouted and went inside. .. to be continued
9 Mar 2015 | 16:50
Lol.... You shouldn't have turn against your mind nah,Daniel!!! Maybe You might have little rest in prison!!! I knew this woman is keeping somethin, Why would she be doing all these pretense?? The Earlier she reveal the secret the better it would be!!! Even Darasimi is hurting due to what her mother is doing!!!
9 Mar 2015 | 18:48
hmmm. . . . still following d st0ry
10 Mar 2015 | 03:27
Episode 36 Olufunke sat down, still staring at the passport. She wondered how the passport got into the house. "This is Tony." She kept on saying it. She took the passport and kept it in her pause, she walked inside to check on Darasimi. She entered without knocking on the door. "Sorry dear, you can't under..." Darasimi cut in immediately. "I can understand. Who is the man in the passport? Where do you know him? What do you have with the King?" She asked. 'All these questions will be answered but its not yet time. I'll tell you myself all you want to know but I want you to promise me something.' She addressed. 'I'm all ears.' She replied, putting on a t-shirt. 'You won't have anything to do with the Royal family. I don't want their wahala.' She replied. 'If I should start arguing with you now, I know you won't answer me. I've heard.' She replied. .... Ruth patiently waited for the Queen to arrive so she could tell her that Daniel went to her place that day. The queen just took her shower after the hectic day when Ruth she met Ruth seated on the couch in her room. 'Can I help you?' She said and smiled on seeing her. 'Mum, its against Daniel oh.' She uttered. 'Abi you saw him and that girl together?' She asked curiously. 'No, but I overheard him making a call of going there.' She replied. "Don't worry. I'll take care of that aspect." She replied. *** Daniel was at Darasimi's place that evening. They were at the front of the gate talking. Daniel was out of the discussion into thoughts of different kind. "Its good to be at a royal authority, the Queen commands anyhow she likes and whatever she says must be obeyed." She uttered. Daniel was just staring at her but thinking of entirely different thing. He was thinking of his father, how he would be at that present situation. "How will he be, without christ when he dies." He thought in him. "DAN!" Darasimi shouted. He came back to normal position. "Yeah." He quickly responded, and had a heavy exhalation. 'What are you thinking of?' She asked, looking worried. 'Just had a flash of my father, thinking of how he'll be presently and where he'll be without christ.' He uttered. Darasimi smiled. "I know its not just easy not to be with ones father. Me too nko?" She asked. 'You are trying to make jest of me abi, at least you have a father you live with happily but I don't. Although he may has many wives but you still live with him and he doesn't beat your mum.' He uttered. 'It would have been better to know my dad, beating my mum.' She replied. 'Meaning? You aren't living with your father?' He asked. Darasimi wasn't sure, she didn't know how to bring the matter to an understable stage. 'Em.. Not really pleased. The issue is just that mum acts so strange these days. Dad doesn't attend to our needs, he does to his other wives. He hates me and my mother, I do hear them talk about the palace also. There is something hidden.' She said in displeasing heart. 'This is great!' Daniel uttered. .. To be continued
10 Mar 2015 | 04:45
Lol... Everytime you(Queen) do take care of aspect!!! May God not let your wish be done(no be curse o,nah advice)!!! Jealousy go kill Ruth before asthma does!!! That picx must have something to do with Funke,Queen & King!!! Make I wait to see the hidden secret sha!!! Next please
10 Mar 2015 | 05:07
10 Mar 2015 | 05:58
a'ved brought my chair 2 sit down. . .waitinq 4 next episode
10 Mar 2015 | 11:21
Episode 37 Daniel and Darasimi talked for long before they departed. Daniel got to the palace looking tired, Ruth predicted he was coming from Darasimi's place. She kept quiet and was in the living room watching cartoons. The Queen had already planted a guard that has been monitoring Daniel's movements so she could know if Darasimi and Daniel was still meeting. The guard returned some minutes after Daniel returned back to the palace, he waited for the Queen to return so that he would her how everything went that day. Daniel was already in his room, he took a cold shower then remembered the passport he was given by the King. He searched his clothes but didn't find the passport, he wondered where it could be. He slept off after searching for it without finding it. He had a dream of himself on the throne with Darasimi as the Queen. He was commanding thousands of people on the throne of that Kingdom. He woke up sweating profusely and smiled, "this is not possible." He uttered as he stood up and walked to the living room where he saw that the Queen was already back from her outing. The guard had downloaded everything he saw to the Queen before Daniel woke up. The Queen pretended as if she didn't know anything and smiled at Daniel. "This girl deserves death." She uttered smiling, after the departure of Daniel from her sight. She was so desperate about getting whatever she wanted for her daughter. She started thinking on how she would eliminate her. ... Olufunke was in the room, still thinking of how the passport got into the house. She clicked that it might be Daniel that mistakenly dropped it when he came. She rushed out to ask Darasimi that was in the living room if Daniel had asked her about the passport. "Dara!" She shouted as she left the room. Darsimi turned backward and stared at her. 'Yes mum, can I help you?' She smiled. 'It seems you look happier than before now?' She teased. "Thank you mum." She replied still smiling. 'Has Daniel asked you about whether the passport we saw is here?' She inquired. "No mum." She replied. 'The passport is for him. Just tell him to see me to collect it when next you talk.' She replied. "No need mum, just give me and I'll give him personally." She urged. 'No need, just tell him to see me. I'll give him.' She insisted. ALRIGHT. She replied. Daniel got to Funke's place after Darasimi's call. He was offered seat and served a bottle of Maltina. Darasimi sat down in the living room, she was pleased she would at least tap from their discussions when they start. Olufunke got out of the bedroom and called Daniel outside. Darasimi was annoyed. "What's the meaning of this, she doesn't want me to know about their discussion? Anyhow, I'll ask Dan, he'll tell me." She hissed angrily. Daniel still didn't know the motive behind the call Darasimi called him. They walked behind the house where there was a small farm. "This passport, is it yours?" She asked as she stretched it to him. Daniel collected it and checked it. He was surprised. "Y..yes." He replied staring at her surprisingly. Olufunke smiled at him. 'You must be very surprised dear.' She concluded. "More than surprised ma, em.. How did you know it belongs to me?" He asked again. 'Wait, who's that man in the picture?' She asked. Daniel looked at her, thinking why she wanted to know. "The King told me he's Tony, his best friend who died of asthmatic attack." He replied. 'He's dead?' Funke asked surprisingly. 'Yeah, do you by any chance know him ma?' He asked politely. 'Erh.. No. Just concerned about him.' She replied. 'Urgh.. So how did you now know that I'll be the owner?' He asked. Funke sighed. "I know that I don't have visitors, you'll be my first visitor this week." She replied. "What a perfect liar." Daniel thought. 'Urgh, okay me.' He smiled. ....To be continued
10 Mar 2015 | 15:59
When would this Queen learn or knew that all her action would be fruitless?? Continue doing such thing, God won't let you succeded in it!! I knew Funke is keeping a real secret!! Its like Darasimi is from Royal Family(Maybe King's Daughter).. Something might have happened for her to keep mute!!!! Next Please
10 Mar 2015 | 16:08
10 Mar 2015 | 18:40
EXPECTING m0re updates like a with_held result!!
10 Mar 2015 | 19:12
Episode 38 Weeks later... The school resumed back. Everyone got to school with new faces, looking beautiful and handsome. Ruth changed her wardrobe and brought new sets of clothes, she had a Brazilian hair plated on her. She got new wrist watches and other jewelries and accessories, she was looking changed. ... Daniel and Darasimi had already called each other to meet at a particular place so as to set out for the library. They were more determined that semester to make it more than anyone and be the best. They met at the front of a restaurant, they were happy to see each other, they've not met since they resumed back to school. They got to the library and met the Princess and her friends there studying. "Don't let us enter, Ruth will see us." Darasimi begged. 'What the hell will she do? Call the Queen, that's all.' He replied laughing. 'I just don't want her to see us together.' Darasimi chorused. 'To your greatest surprise, see what I'm gonna do.' He said and pulled her closer to himself. He hung his hand across her neck freely and pushed her to the front, they walked into the library. Ruth was the first to see them and alerted her friends to look at them. .. Ruth and her friend kept quiet and watched them. They knew it was deliberate of them, just to make Ruth jealous. They all stood up and left the library angrily. Daniel laughed silently, he was happy he chased them out of the library. "Shey na their type dey read?" He uttered, laughing. Ruth sent the Queen a text message immediately after leaving the library, describing what all what happened to her, her friends advised her to add lies to it, like "what can the Queen do for me?" and so on. The Queen was infuriated on seeing the message. Although she was angry, she didn't want to strike then. All she wanted is for her to end her course in the university then find something horrible to do to her to make her parents regret. **** Ruth & her friends got back to the hostel. She was looking so unhappy and irritated. She jumped on her bed on entering into the room with different thoughts coming into her brain. 'You are thinking about those annoying goats right?' Bibi laughed. "Hey! This is my husband-to-be we are talking about oh. Abeg, chill out." She replied smiling. 'Na you sabi. That guy sef funny, I know sey them do that thing deliberately.' Rachael laughed. "I think I'll follow P-square's steps now." Ruth uttered. 'P-square? In this issue we're discussing. Do they correspond?' Rachael asked. "Hmmn... I'll deal with them.." She laughed, expecting her friends to finish the remaining part. PERSONALLY! They all shouted, laughing. Stella pulled out of the Kitchen. "Shey none of you is eating noodles before I cook it now oh." She asked. 'Cook am for everyone na, we dey hung here.' Ruth replied. "You guys no get hands abi? Me go dey there I go dey cook noodles for you these adults wey dey talk about a guy and babe wey dey enjoy each other out there." She laughed back to the Kitchen. 'You no well oh Stella!' Bibi shouted, they all laughed. ... Darasimi and Daniel set the pace of becoming the best and became the best, they read and passed. They checked their results together on the school website at Dara's place. The holiday started again, everything was on smoothly. Preparation for the next session started little-by-little. Ruth also performed excellently and was with her mother in the living room as they checked the result together. The Queen was so happy and told her to demand anything she wished she should do for her. Ruth smiled and told her she would tell her that later. .... Daniel was walking around the house while he dropped his pause at the computer room in the house. Ruth went inside the computer room to check if there were anything new on the computer when she left the house. She met his pause and opened it to search. She saw Tony's passport photograph. She remembered she had seen a similar picture in the King's room. She picked it and hurried to the Queen's room, she wasn't there. She had gone for meetings between the women leaders of the villages in the Kingdom. She kept the passport so that she would ask the Queen when she comes about who the person was. She was in her room as she logged into her account on facebook and read different jokes and stories. She was jobless as she just finished watching the first season of "CITY HUNTER." She was waiting for the second season to be out. There was nothing much to watch at home, she was tired of browsing and slept off in her room. The Queen arrived shortly after she slept. She didn't sleep for so long also as she woke up, she thought of what to do and logged into "" she started reading a story. She didn't know the Queen had arrived, she heard her voice faintly from her room and rushed out to quickly go and inquire about who was in the passport. She got into the Queen's room and greeted her, she didn't delay the issue before showing her the passport. 'Who's this mum?' She asked. The Queen was really surprised. Her heart beat kept skipping, she stared at it and started shivering. "Where did you get this?" She asked with curiosity. 'Mum, why who's there?' She asked again. 'Aaarrh... She stammered Tony out. ...To be continued
11 Mar 2015 | 10:24
Queen:: dats tony, ur father!!!!
11 Mar 2015 | 10:36
arrrhh.,thats ya pop man
11 Mar 2015 | 11:14
Yout father....
11 Mar 2015 | 11:26
Episode 39 'Why is it so hard to pronounce Tony? Mum!' Ruth exclaimed. 'I was surprised at how you got the picture and by the way, he's dead.' She replied. 'Dead? How come?' She asked turning the picture away from her view, she didn't want to see the picture again. 'He's your father's friend that died of asthma.' She replied. ASTHMA AGAIN? She uttered. Her heart was beating so fast, she was weeping and very afraid. "I can die at anytime too." She thought. *** The villages under the Kings' kingdom had a severe meeting and decided the heads of each village will go and visit the king towards the religion he's now interested in. He had deserted the traditional religion and priests for Pastors and churches. The other villages were still in the religion he deserted as an ungodly one. The King was in the palace with his cabinet members discussing on the way forward when these Village heads stepped in to pick a day for them to have a meeting with him since he was busy. The King told them to sit down, they would discuss everything out that day. They started their discussions, the cabinet members were also included in the meeting. The King refused to switch back to traditional religion other villages were in, he spoke to them about the new religion but all refused, including the cabinet members. They promised to start waging war with the King until he changes his religion and come back to bow before the gods of their land. THE BATTLE LINE HAS BEEN DRAWN. They left after uttering the phrase. The King was although frightened but didn't show it so that they'd know that he believed in the God he was serving. .... Ruth didn't care to know more about Tony, like Darasimi has been doing. She went on with her life. The new year was already close, preparations for the new year festival started. The King had always been waiting for this time, its usually a time the King will travel to various villages under his Kingdom to know how far with them. Daniel had bought Darasimi a lot of gifts, including his mother and sister. He wrapped them all and se out that afternoon of the 31st of December. It was 7:00pm already, although, the King wasn't around, already in a village where he would sleep and continue his journey the next day which was the new year. Daniel got back home exactly 9:30pm, the Queen was in charge of the palace then. She questioned him severally to know if he was coming from Dara's place. "Just a little time left for her to die." The Queen thought in her. It was just the first day of another year. Everything was getting rosy, Daniel left the house that morning and went to Darasimi's place. He had the intention of provoking the Queen and the Princess, he was very much good at that. Dara's mother, Funke cooked and killed only a chicken. She was happy seeing Dan at their place to celebrate christmas with them. It was already around the evening, some minutes after four when Daniel and Darasimi took a walk outside to the forest side. They started their discussion about the passport photograph. Daniel searched his entire pocket and wallet but couldn't find the passport photograph. He was surprised he loosed the passport like that. They continued their discussion about it. 'Its very surprising. But wait, let's link some things together.' Daniel uttered and halted. 'Oya, start linking.' Darasimi smiled. 'Em.. Tony was the King's best friend. He died of asthma and Ruth is asthmatic, we all know that asthma is heredity, so we can link it that Tony gave birth to Ruth and it looks as if the King gave birth to you.' He uttered thoughtfully. 'Nawa oh.. I've never thought this way, let's make a plan......... ... The Queen was alone in the room, she was thinking about Tony. The picture Ruth brought to her was just like bringing a remembrance of the past to her. She called on a maid to call her Ruth, Ruth got there smiling. She was by the pool side with her friends while her mother called her. "Where did you get the passport photograph from?" She inquired. 'Em... I told you before na.' She replied. 'No.. You didn't oh.' Queen insisted. 'Alright. I saw it in Daniel's pause.' She replied. "DANIEL?" To be continued
12 Mar 2015 | 05:02
Yes Daniel! D king giv it to him.....
12 Mar 2015 | 06:47
Ok oh............ Cheating n heartless queen
12 Mar 2015 | 11:59
What a frustrated queen,let's see if u can hide d truth forever
12 Mar 2015 | 17:31
Episode 40 Daniel got home after the whole day with Darasimi. He was looking happy as if he was with the president, he passed through the living room to his room to rest for a while. He was so tired and full, he didn't bother to come downstairs for dinner again. The Queen wasn't at peace, it was just as if her conscience wasn't giving her rest, she was sighing up and down. Although the arrival of the King was near, the following day. The school will resume on the seventh of January. .... Darasimi was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching the Television and kids that were shown that went to celebrate new year in a broadcasting corporation. She was smiling and sipping a bottle of Maltina while her mother walked out of the room, she just took a shower and relaxed on the sofa. Darasimi stared at her for a moment, Olufunke wasn't looking towards her direction. She was palming her hair that was wet, she felt refreshed. "Mum!" Darasimi suddenly called. Olufunke quickly raised her head up and looked at her. "Yeah. Why the shout?" She asked. 'Nothing.' She smiled. "Nothing? And shouted that way?" She asked with curiosity of knowing why she was suddenly shouted upon. 'Okay, just want to gist you about Tony.' She replied smiling. "TONY?" Olufunke asked staring at her, she took off her hand from her hair. 'Yeah, or you don't want to?' She asked laughing. 'You aren't serious, do you now want to start teasing me?' She shouted. "Mum, just tell me what happened back then. Tony was asthmatic, Ruth also is asthmatic. Does it mean Tony is Ruth's father?" She winked. Funke was short of words. She stared at her for a moment and smiled. She walked up to her and sat beside her. "I'll tell you want you've always wanted to hear. This is how it went................. MANY YEARS BACK... The heavily pregnant woman was rushed in by her husband. He was panicking and breathing heavily. The man just married, so that was his first time of engaging himself in a woman's labour. The woman eventually got to the midwife's place, "Omisola" by name. She was the only able and best midwife in the entire Kingdom. She welcomed them into the delivering house, she called her daughter to prepare everything needed. Her beautiful daughter, "Omitola" of twenty-five years of age. She started preparing the delivering room back to its normal structure and the woman was helped into the room while her husband was outside. •••• King Phillips, the paramount ruler of the great Kingdom. He ruled several villages under his kingdom with the rules of his forefathers and the ones he formulated himself. He was wealthy and very rich but despite all of this, he had something he was never happy with, he was asthmatic. If it wasn't the oracle that chose him, he wouldn't have been chosen as the King. Once he was attacked, it was usually very terrible, but once in a while. Queen Olatoye, the King's only wife. She was like an epitome of beauty. She was very beautiful and happily married to her husband but with no child for several years. Thank the gods of the Kingdom that King Phillips wasn't interested in women, or else, he would have married several so that he would have children in the world and even a crown prince. The family was a very happy one, just that the King was very stubborn when it comes to bringing the rules and regulations of the Kingdom to reality. •••• The woman was in labour for two days. The delivery was very serious, the husband couldn't go back home. He was very afraid and stayed with his wife but was unable to see her. It was very early in the morning, around 5:00am when Omisola called on her daughter to quickly go into the bush and get her some leaves that will aid the delivery. Omitola, the daughter was usually observant. She had always loved her mother's profession and wished to take over after the demise of her mother. The leaves were gotten and the woman eventually gave birth to a set of twins. Omitola wasn't in the house then, she got home and met the woman weeping profusely and the husband also, Omisola was also sad to hear she gave birth to a set of twins, it was just as if disaster broke out. Omitola entered and met them in the mood. She saw two handsome boys on the floor and stared at her mother. She walked closer and asked her what happened. "She gave birth to twins." Omisola replied her. 'TWINS?' ... According to the tradition and rules of the Kingdom, twin children are assumed to be evil and are usually thrown into the evil forest for them to be devoured by animals and die. The woman was weeping profusely that she gave birth to twins, they were even identical. The children were brought before the King, King Phillips who had no mercy and hated parabulating. He ordered the priests and guards in charge of things like that to eliminate the children by throwing them into the evil forest. The hard labour of two days was killed just like that because of the assumption that they were devilish and evil. •••• It was immediately after the judgment of putting the twins to death by throwing them into the evil forest that the King had his serious attack and was rushed to the hospital in the city for treatment. It was as if the babies attacked him themselves and dealt with him. The Queen was in her room, weeping and very sad. "Where someone is searching for just a child, two children were thrown into the forest." They don't pity the nine months the woman used to carry the pregnancy and the pains, blood, tears shed before the baby could come to the world. They kill twins without mercy in that Kingdom. Oluwaseun, the Queen's honorable best friend from childhood. She lived close to the palace and was very beautiful. She had given birth to four children and was living with her husband. She came around and knocked at the Queen's door, only to be surprised that she was crying and in deep thought. She sat close to her and started cooling her down and speaking sense into her. She was a patient and wise woman. 'My Queen, you don't need all this you are into mow. You ought to be happy every time, what if I wasn't the one that entered, someone else would have seen you in tears.' She uttered. 'Imagine, where someone had no child, two born babies were killed. Very soon, the King will marry another wife because of his health. We all know that asthma is very deadly and dangerous, he would want to have a son on earth now.' She complained. 'Is that why you are crying? Come of it "ore"' she hit her by her left hand. 'This is not a matter of happiness. I'm more than being sad. I jus.....' She felt dizzy and was just like vomiting. She quickly stood up and rushed into the restroom to vomit, she collapsed on her way back due to the dizziness. She was also rushed to the hospital where the King was. . to be continued
13 Mar 2015 | 05:22
Nxt pls,cnt wait 2 kw d ending of funke story 2 dara
13 Mar 2015 | 06:59
Story about to unfold.
13 Mar 2015 | 07:38
13 Mar 2015 | 07:51
She's pregnant!!. She's d 1 dat give birth t Tony
13 Mar 2015 | 10:31
Buh d present king? Mysteries t unfold
13 Mar 2015 | 10:32
Episode 41 The Doctor eventually confirmed she was pregnant. There was nothing much like happiness in her life before, she was more than sad before but now, she was more than happy. She was happy to the core, the King who was just getting alright too got off the bed on hearing this happy news. The Queen and her best friend got back home together, they were driven by the driver in a Benz car. Her joy was just overflowing, her friend was also happy for her. They started their gisting from the car. "I thought the King had impregnated someone before, that's why you are unable to conceive." Oluwaseun said. 'Does it matter?' The Queen asked smiling. 'See me oh, you that was crying some hours back, now laughing. Then don't tell me you don't know that if a King has impregnated anyone before becoming the King, he won't be able to have any other child, especially a crown prince.' She emphasized. 'Never knew. That's their business, at least I'm carrying my baby now, its a thing of joy!' She shouted. 'Anyway, don't stress yourself sha oh. I'll be checking on you every day and spend more hours than before with you. You can't know how happy I am, as if I'm the one that is pregnant.' She laughed. The Queen laughed too. "Thank you my dearest friend." She continued laughing happily. *** TWO WEEKS LATER..... The King was back on his throne with happiness written all over him. He was very happy and joyful that at last he would have a child. He suspended the meeting with his chiefs that afternoon and was in his wife's room playing with her. Olatoye too was really wondering that she had never seen the King so happy like that before. He was always frowning and exclaiming on the word "MY ORDER WILL ALWAYS BE MY ORDER." The Church congregation and Pastors arrived in that Kingdom, that afternoon. They came to come and win souls for God which was an abomination to the Kingdom. It was only Feyi, a young woman that was preached too and given bible. Her soul was totally won before the King ordered the whole people to be brought before him. He was so annoyed but in him he was thankful they've not preached to anyone and they've not shared their "useless bible" as he usually address. He ordered them to be burnt in the village square. He was without mercy during his reign. It was only a woman that was pregnant "Feyi" that could only be preached to. The Doctor was invited to the Palace for questioning about the pregnancy. He was dressed in a cream suite and around his neck was a sthetoscope, he sat with the Queen and his wife in the palace and the discussion started. "Is it possible for the unborn baby to have asthma also?" The King asked with eagerness written all over him. 'Yes your highness. It is 100% possible and it may not happen also, no one can tell.' He replied. The King sighed. He wasn't pleased by the answer he heard, he didn't want his unborn child to have asthma. "Thanks Doctor." He replied smiling. The doctor smiled back and took his stand, ready to leave back to work. He was on his way out when the chiefs also walked into the palace. They were holding their walking sticks and in Agbada attire. The exchanged pleasantries and walked into the Palace. They greeted the King normally and all took their seats. "This one that I'm seeing a Doctor from the city, hope no Problem?" Chief Koku asked smiling. The Queen stood up and excused herself to her room. The King laughed. "Its a thing of joy." The king replied smiling. 'Abi our expectation has come to reality.' Chief Koku asked smiling. "Exactly!" The King laughed out. The chieves all laughed and were happy to hear that. "I just hope its not this Doctor that will carry out the delivery" Chief Koku uttered. 'Haha! Koku! You talk too much, since we came in, you never took a rest. Just asking questions and hoping. Nawa oh!' Chief Tola shouted. The King started laughing. It seemed the pregnancy had turned the King to a free person, unlike before, the meeting was usually hot. 'Abi o.' Chief Okunola added too. 'That's your business.' He replied and faced the King back, smiling. 'Its according to our tradition, the midwife will carry out the delivery on her. We can't allow an outsider to do that for us, although, everything is now turning into a civilized world.' The King uttered. 'That's great!' Chief Koku quickly said. 'Urgh!' Chief Okunola shook his head at Koku. "Always foolish." He thought. ... To be continued
14 Mar 2015 | 10:05
14 Mar 2015 | 11:39
...Lol... Everybody just deh comment in ONE WORD or TWO WORDS!!!!. The real secret is about to shown up!! Even if The King on the throne now is wicked, I won't have blamed him,he would have took after his father!!!! This is getting wider, it means Tony is also from Royal family(because here is the King with asthma)??? Was Tony & The Thrown King not friends??? Were they family?? Next Please
14 Mar 2015 | 13:14
Kip unfolding
14 Mar 2015 | 14:03
15 Mar 2015 | 07:40
Episode 42 TEN MONTHS LATER... The Queen was rushed to the midwife's place by a car. Her best friend also went with her, the King was in the palace, he canceled all meetings and was in his inner chambers, he was there calling on the gods of his fore fathers and very scared. Seun got all the baby's necessary materials ready, the Queen didn't step the hospital after the departure of the Doctor from the palace when she conceived. The King prohibited her from going out and called on the midwife to daily come to the palace to check on her and give her concoctions till she gives birth. If it wasn't necessary that she must deliver in the midwife's place, the midwife would have personally come to the Palace to take the delivery. •••• Feyi, her husband died some days after she discovered she was pregnant. The family of her husband chased her out of the house and concluded that the baby she was carrying wasn't for their brother. She left the house, it was on the way to an isolated place in the Kingdom she met the Christians that preached to her, from then, she had been praying and steadfast in God. She neglected the idols they serve in their kingdom and was closer to God. •••• The Queen eventually gave birth so easily but it was very unappealing that she gave birth to a set of twins. She delivered two boys but luckily weren't identical. She started sobbing in the midwife's place, Omisola started thinking about how long she had been trying to conceive and even when she was in labour. 'I have a plan, before the birth-guides get here.' She quickly said. Seun was also sitting on the floor, unhappy to see that her dearest friend just gave birth to a twins. Omitola was alos present but the maids and guards guarding the delivering house were outside. 'What?' Seun quickly asked wiping away her tears. The Queen was attracted to her clause and quickly turned to her. "What is it? Please save me." She uttered weeping. 'You are the Queen of this Kingdom. You shouldn't be weeping this way, I beg of you...' 'Why won't I? I've just given birth to an abomination.' The Queen expressed. 'I feel we can keep one of these babies, your best friend will keep one and you'll withhold one. We will keep this as a secret since they aren't identical.' Omisola said. "Em.. Th..that's a great and good idea. I succumb to it.." The Queen said instantly. 'Yeah, we have to act fast before these people come to check if you've just given birth to twins.' Omitola advised. 'This will be an everlasting secret between the four of us here.' Seun said. 'That's nothing. I know my daughter, we don't disclose secrets to anyone, no matter what!' Omisola smiled. 'Now, I'll make a way so that you'll start living with us in the palace, then I can breastfeed the child there secretly.' The Queen said. "That's not a problem. I'll bring him to the palace tomorrow as the son of my late sister. I'll tell the King that Omitola was in charge of her delivery when that my sister died. So, you'll monitor the remaining." Seun grinned. 'Nice one. Its very easy, absolutely easy to tell lies!' Omisola smiled. They all laughed happily. One of the babies was given to the Queen while the other was quickly taken to the nearby bush after he had been breastfeeded by the Queen. Omitola was with the twin brother in the bush, taking care of him while Seun followed the Queen to the Palace so the King won't suspect anything. They all pretended as if nothing happened when that child examiners came to know the gender and congratulated the Queen. .. The Queen and the new born baby were conveyed to the palace that day. The King was very happy that he just gave birth to a son. He collected the baby boy and played with him, he damned all the council meetings he ought to head that day and days after due to his happiness. Oluseun was also happy that the King was pleased, assuming the all know that the Queen gave birth to a set of twins, it wouldn't have been a funny case. •••• It was early the next morning. Oluseun arrived with the twin brother into the palace, she was weeping profusely and was allowed to sit. The Queen and the King got downstairs on knowing she was the one around. "What happened?" Queen quickly asked and moved towards the baby to see if he was still alive, she was thinking of something else before, "maybe he died". 'Be patient woman!' The King shouted at Toye as she was being forward to check the baby's face. The Queen relaxed and kept her hands back. She took a seat beside her friend. "What happened?" She asked again. 'My sister kicked the bucket yeaterday evening when she was delivering this baby boy.' She uttered. 'Its a pity. I'm sorry about that.' The King said pitifully. 'Urgh! A woman that walks into the delivery house and comes back alive doesn't know what God has done for her.' Queen shook her head pitifully, staring at the child as if she should snatch him and quickly breastfeed him. 'That's why I came your highness.' Seun said. 'Thanks for your gestures concerning my wife's delivery yesterday. I guess you can give the baby to my wife for him to be well take care of, then after he has passed the stage of breast feeding, he'll be returned to you.' The King uttered. Seun and Toye stared at each other. Seun's mouth was shaking, she was very surprised the King could speak in that way. 'Is it that this man just gave birth to a prince that is making him this nice?' Queen Toye thought to herself. '.... Or you don't agree?' The King stared at her closely. 'A..ah.. W.why not sir.' She quickly uttered and handed the baby over to the Queen. "Thanks so much your highness. I'm more than surprised." She uttered bowing before him. Happiness was written all over the Queen also. She started the breastfeeding right from where she was given the baby. ¤¤¤¤STORY CONTINUES¤¤¤¤
15 Mar 2015 | 10:47
Now I'm beginning to understand this... So Tony and the King on the throne now are twins!!!! Their mother doesn't want them dead thats why she gave Tony to her friend and made the two boys seeing themselves as friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When they are killing villagers own, she want to kept her own!! Life!!!
15 Mar 2015 | 11:03
Hmm,now i understand
15 Mar 2015 | 11:24
Hmmmm. Po
15 Mar 2015 | 13:55
@wind Not Darasimi, it suppose to be Ruth because she had asthma likewise Tony
15 Mar 2015 | 18:34
I guess Tony and the present King are d twins... One had asthma while one didnt
15 Mar 2015 | 18:46
And i also think dat Darasimi nd Ruth were purposely switched at birth
15 Mar 2015 | 18:48
Episode 43 The Queen and Seun were in the living room, the king left them there to continue there talks. Seun was worried about her husband, if par adventure the baby is given back to her, where will she take him to? She and the Queen started thinking of a way out of their problem. Not farther than then, the King came downstairs. "Tell your husband to see me. I have to sympathize concerning the loss of your sister." The King said. 'Urgh?.. Ooh... Y..yes your highness.' She stammered. The King went back upstairs. Seun was totally confused, she knew the kind of husband she had, he could come and scatter everything that has been arranged before the King. 'We have no choice than to tell him.' The Queen hesitated, staring at the twin brother. 'I know my husband. He's a talkative, he can use that as a threat when we aren't on good terms or when he wants me do something I don't want to.' She replied. 'I'll beg him personally and even give him money.' The Queen uttered. 'He can use this as a medium of black mailing again. If he has money, he spends lavishly. Once the money finishes, he'll ask for more. He can drain you.' She added. "Urgh! I'm fed up now oh! Which kind hubby be yours now." They laughed. •••• Feyi, she gave birth all along to a female child. It was the midwife and her daughter that eventually took the delivery and it was successful. She took the baby back home, no one to celebrate together, to eat is a great problem. She named her "Olufunke". •••• Segun, Seun's husband got to the palace, well dressed. He bowed and greeted the King. Seun and the Queen were together, seated in the Palace when he arrived. Seun was surprised at his arrival. "Who told this man to come?" She thought to herself with fear rocking her heart. Segun was offered seat, his mouth was never closed. "You sent your guards to get me, your highness." He uttered. 'What! The guards? Is this man not going to destroy the plan bayi!' The Queen said silently with fear and curiosity written all over her. "As if I can behead him. Why did the King send the guards without letting me and the Queen know about it." Seun also thought said silently. "Yeah, I heard your wife's sister died. That's why I've sent my guards to get you since your wife has been here since, I don't want her to be roaming around when her sister just died when labouring." The King said. SISTER? LABOUR?*** 'Sister?' Segun asked thoughtfully. He faced Seun to see her reaction to what the King just said. Seun started winking and blinking at him. "I pray he gets." She thought to herself. 'Yes now.' The King replied facing him. The Queen started sweating, not in her right mood any longer. "Ooh.. Its true your highness. Her sister died, its a pity your highness." He uttered setting one eyes on the King and the other on Seun. She breathed normally and was somehow relieved. "... And congratulations about this new born baby your highness." He quickly uttered to change the topic. 'Yes, we thank the Gods of our land. And the son she gave birth to will be living with us till he's above the breastfeeding stage.' The King uttered. 'So after the breastfeeding stage, where will you take the prince to?' He asked. 'Not the prince, I mean the child she gave birth to in labour.' The king relied. 'Labour? Alright your highness.' He replied smiling and somehow looking at his wife. •••• Seun got back home and met Segun seated angrily. He had been waiting for her to arrive from the palace so he could fire her. "What's the meaning of that nonsense!" He shouted. 'Oko mi, I'm very sorry for all that. Let me explain everything to you.' She replied and took her seat. 'I'm all ears, explain fast fast so that I can know what to do. Maybe I'll go back to the King or something else.' He exclaimed. "Em.. The Queen.. Em.. She was in.. Em." She parabulated. 'Won't you talk. When did "Em" enter into your own dictionary. My friend *o je soro!*' he shouted. 'The Queen.. Em... She was in labour the other time.' She concluded and paused. 'Story, my business with that is now what? Talk jare!' He shouted at her again. "She gave birth to a.. She paused 'A? Twins?' He quickly predicted and clicked. 'Yes, so we planned it that way so that they won't be killed.' She said sadly. "THEY MUST BE KILLED!" He shouted. *oko mi- my husband, in yoruba language. *o je soro*- u beta talk "" "" "" "" "" "" "" To be continued tomao... ...
16 Mar 2015 | 09:34
Wow an interesting story, i've been a silent follower all these while but i've been reserving my comments. More power to your elbow, Mr Val. More episodes please............... Friends, how do you see the story?. You are _________ the story. a. hating b. enjoying c. disliking d. frowning at. Table your answers pls.................
17 Mar 2015 | 02:14
Episode 44 "THEY MUST BE KILLED!" He shouted. 'Why will they be. You've helped and we are thankful, they shouldn't.' She shouted back. 'So you can still shout back at me. Let's wait and see.' He replied and picked his shirt. He left the house immediately. •••• The midwife and her daughter were just in their home, discussing about the King's family and about the delivery of the Queen. Omitola was just smiling. "Mother, why is there is useless rule about twins?" She asked 'Its a long story my daughter. Let me explain. There was a family, long time ago. They had no child, and were very rich. Their richness was nothing to show off because they had no child. They later give birth to a set of twins then and immediately they were given birth to, the community turned into commotion. The King gave up a ghost and different things started happening, they would be the first set of twins that would be given birth to in this Kingdom. From then, giving birth to a set of twins was prohibited, they term them as evil children." 'Urgh, so who told them its because of those children that all that happened?' "It was their belief." Omisola replied. Tola sighed. •••• Segun left the house angrily, Seun was disturbed and angry. "Who knows where he's off to now." She asked herself and ran after him. "Oko mi!" She shouted, but Segun didn't answer her. She caught up with him and apologized to him. "Then, we have to seal a promise. You, Queen and I." He uttered. "PROMISE?" She repeated. 'Yeah.' He replied. 'What promise?' "A contract......." ... 'A contract....' He uttered. "I thought as much, he's just unfor... Don't let me complete it, he won't be unfortunate sha." She said silently. 'Em.. What contract?' She asked. 'Okay, the Queen will be present when I'll say it. I'm going to have some palm wine over there.' He uttered. 'Don't get yourself drunk oh. If you get drunk now, you can start uttering what you ought not to. And... Don't go sef.' She complained. 'No, I've promised. Once we strike the deal, nothing more.' He said. "Alright, later." She waved and turned back. •••• The Queen and Segun started the contract. Seun was also present there, looking very annoyed. "Em.. Your highness, its not that I want to be like this but situation warrants it. Let's start from 1M" he uttered. '1 M? What do you mean?' The Queen asked. 'One Million.' He uttered. 'Haha, one million? Wetin!' Seun shouted. The Queen smiled, and stared at him. "I'm not joking, I'm serious. Deal or no deal?" He insisted. 'Do you mean this that you've just said?' The Queen asked again. 'I'm serious. That's it.' He replied. 'Haha.. Segun, what's the meaning of this?' Seun shouted. "You better don't shout, it won't cost me anything to tell the King!" He shouted. 'No problem, I'll do just that. I'll get it for you tomorrow.' The Queen promised. Segun smiled. "That's all." He replied. ... Omisola and the Children examiner came into the palace with a set of twins. The Queen and her friend was with the King, all gisting. They interrupted their discussion, the King instantly understood that someone just gave birth to a set of twins. 'Your highness a woman..' One of the examiners was saying while the King cut in. 'Yeah.. Twins abi?' He asked. "Yes your highness. She gave birth to a set of twins." He concluded. Omisola was somehow smiling to the Queen and her friend. "Go and do the necessary thing for them!" He exclaimed. The Queen's mood changed instantly. She thought to herself that if the King should know that she gave birth to a set of twins, he would kill them right away. •••• The Queen handed over the money to Segun. Her account became almost empty after she gave him the money. He smiled and collected the money. He walked inside and kept the money, he had in his mind that that's how he'd collect the money everytime from the Queen till he gets satisfied. Seun was really annoyed and disappointed in her husband. They all sat down and started their discussion again. "Well, after this, there is nothing more." The Queen uttered. 'Well, I can't assure you of that. We can't tell, I can ask for more.' He uttered. 'Mr Segun! What do you mean, we are okay, this is what they refer to as blackmail!' Seun shouted. 'That's what you call it, that's what I want!' He shouted. "THEN YOU ARE A THIEF" A voice uttered from nowhere. To be continued
17 Mar 2015 | 10:35
The daughter or the king heard their discussion or someone else..... Keep it rollin'
17 Mar 2015 | 12:08
D king heard dia discussion or d queen has planted sum1 dia should in case he proves stubborn
17 Mar 2015 | 14:47
Episode 45 They heard the voice from nowhere. It was the King who spoke, they all faced the back and saw him and was terrified. •••• It was on a sunny afternoon. Lolade, a young woman who also just gave birth to a daughter and named her Gloria. She didn't know the meaning of the name and didn't know it was a christian name, she just loved it. She was walking by the road side and met Feyi there with a new born baby, weeping. She walked closer to her when she heard the baby crying and her mother didn't attend to her. "Madam, the baby is... Why are you crying?" She changed her topic on seeing her face when she rose her head. Feyi raised up her head and continued crying. Lolade walked closer to her, 'why now?' She asked wearily again. 'Your baby is handsome.' She uttered. "Handsome? She's a female, and that's not what we are talking about now. Why are you crying?" She insisted. 'Urgh, may God not let you a quater of my problem. I've just been sent out of my house.' She uttered. 'Your house? You rented it?' She continued her questions. 'Yes, my husband died when I got pregnant and his family sent me out of his house. Since then..' She wept. 'No, stop crying. Its not good if your tears drop on this girl. You don't need this. I wish to help you, I'll have to suspend where I'm going to. Let's go my place.' She said. "Ehn? D... Do you me.. Mean.." She stammered. 'Yes, don't bother. My husband is nice, you don't need to bother. If you just wish.' She uttered. Feyi wiped her tears and took her stand. "Bother? I'm ready." She uttered. Lolade smiled and helped her with the one bag she was with. " Where are the remaining luggages?" She asked. 'That's all I have.' She replied. Feyi got to Lolade's place and started living with her and her husband, she did follow Feyi to her shop and work together. ... 'You are a thief then!' The King uttered from the back. They all turned to the back and was terrified. 'Is it because she now gave birth to a set of twins?' The King smiled. Seun kept staring at him. How did he know, "we are in soup" she thought. 'Now, before all of you knew she gave birth to a set of twins, I've known. The medical doctor had told me he did a scan and saw them. I knew you'd plan it this way, such is life.' The king smiled. " kn..know?" She Queen shivered. 'Yes. Now to you Mr money collector, if I hear this anywhere, I'll assume you said it even if not you! The other child will be living here so that no one will suspect.' The King uttered. "Y... Yyy.. Ye.. Yes your h...highneess." She automatically stammered, shivering. 'Yes, no problem. I've been tracing all of you and I've been present in all your meetings, just to know if you want to eliminate one of my children.' He smiled. "Haa.. Never!" Seun shouted. The Queen was relieved and smiled. 'The one with us will bear Raymond, this one that will start living with you will be Tony. We'll gv names when the time comes but these are the names I want for them.' He uttered and left. The Queen and Seun laughed seriously at Segun. "I can now tell you to go and bring me my 1M." The Queen mimicked and laughed. «Twenty years later» Tony and his twin brother, Raymond gad grown up to twenty years. The King is already weakened by his sickness. The lives of the babies born twenty years back started. Tony had been introduced to Raymond as a friend and not his brother. They were best of friends. Loved each other like brothers that they were and but didn't know. Raymond was living in the palace while Tony was still living with Seun and was told Seun was his mother. The two "jolly friends" do go hunt and watch females by the stream everyday when they were less busy. •••• Funke and Gloria were by the river playing before they wanted to carry their clay-pot and go home. The two friends arrived there and met the girls. "See beauty!" Raymond tapped Tony and pointed to Funke. 'Na you sabi, you know Damilola musnt see me looking at girls.' He laughed. 'Shey that Dami, the daughter of women leader?' He asked, his eyes were focused on Funke. 'Yes now.' He replied. "This is serious!" Raymond exclaimed. 'My friend, take am easy oh.' He replied smiling. 'Honestly, wait here. I'm coming.' Raymond smiled and left him. ... To be continued
18 Mar 2015 | 03:51
Hmmmmmm! Waiting oooooo
18 Mar 2015 | 05:29
i am jst undastndn dis story, oliver twist.
18 Mar 2015 | 06:16
Uhm! Very Very Interesting
18 Mar 2015 | 06:56
Like i know it'll be the king....
18 Mar 2015 | 08:14
Very very story more please
18 Mar 2015 | 15:36
Funke married raymond nd gave birth 2 darasimi. Dat my thought, nxt pls
18 Mar 2015 | 16:59
This is getin more intrestin....(I love anything dat has to do with royalty both Drama,story nd even in movies) .....I must comment, ths is the most inspirin&reasonable story I hv ever come across in this site..not all does stories dat ar filled with corruptive motives nd sex excaped...#Oga-VAL#u hv got me by urside,keep goin I dy right behind u!
18 Mar 2015 | 20:52
U people won't hit commenets anymore ...ths far from wot u like (masturbatin stories)datz is full of sex sex sex..#nonesense#.... Oga-VAL...carry go jor am ur number-one fan as far as the story is concine.
18 Mar 2015 | 20:58
Hmmm....interesting..nxt plz
19 Mar 2015 | 02:51
Episode 46 Raymond walked up to the girls smiling. He was cute, tall and handsome. Smelling nice and without his father's guards. "Hi." He waved as he moved closer and smiling. 'The prince.' Funke tapped her friend and smiled. They looked at each other and stared at him without replying. "What is he doing here?" Gloria uttered silently. 'I'm greeting you ladies.' He said and walked closer. He walked closer and continued smiling at them. "How are you?" He stretched his hand forward for handshake. 'Fine.' They replied at once. 'I love your outfit, you are looking beautiful.' He pointed at Funke. 'Argh.. Thanks your Ma..' 'Don't complete it!' He interrupted quickly. "I'm Ray, don't call me majesty. Majesty bawo?" He laughed. "Ooh boy, be fast oh!" Tony shouted from where he was. Ray looked at the back and smiled. He stretched his hand demonstrating to him to wait. 'Let me help you with the water.' He uttered, stretching his helping hand. 'No.. You are a prince!' Funke stopped him. "Em.. The Prince, don't bother about that. We can do it ourselves." Gloria added. 'Noo.. I can help you. Do you live together?' He asked smiling. 'Em..' Gloria stammered staring at Funke with the face "should I tell him?" 'Ray, I'm waiting oh. We aren't with the guards oh!' Tony shouted. He shunned him. "Please talk." He quickly talked. 'Okay, around the village, beside the pap seller's place.' Gloria said. 'Ehnehn.. Em.. That place around the market?' "Exactly." Funke replied, bending to carry the pot. Raymond quickly bent to assist her with the pot. ... Raymond and the girls departed. He walked up to his friend standing around the river. "I'm sorry dude, let's go jurh." He uttered smiling at him. Tony changed his face as if he was angry and started laughing with time. "You no fit act, you can be a theatre artist. You are pretending as if you were angry but not angry." He laughed. 'No problem, we shall see. As the oga na.' Tony laughed. 'Should we go to their place now?' He asked smiling, although he wasn't ready to go just pulling Tony' legs. "Carry me there." He replied laughing, he knew it was deliberate. *** Damilola and her best friend, Dolapo were in the living room. Dami's mother who's the women-leader of the Kingdom had gone for meeting then and her father, to his place of work. They were gisting about the issue of their boy-friends happily since no one was at home to know about what they were talking about. "See that guy, I mean Tony. He won't want to do such a thing. Cheat on me? Hmmn.. I'll make him know I'm tough!" Dami shouted. 'I know you, you are tough. This Demola of mine, I can't trust him. I see him with different ladies, he's just..' 'Heeeeeeee... See the person I'm calling my best pal oh. Don't worry, leave everything to me, we'll treat his fuck up for him, he'll know that you have a crazy friend.' She expressed lifting her body up and down. 'I fear oh.. He'll be wounded now.' Dolapo was concerned. "Is he not doing more than that to you?" She asked rhetorically. 'Yes but you know..' "Girl it don finish." She uttered and shunned her, adjusting her hair. •••• Tony and Damilola were together at Dami's place gisting when Raymond arrived happily with two packs. He knocked at the door and was allowed in. Tony was surprised seeing him there. "How did you know I'm here?" He asked staring at his two hands 'Where else can you be?' He smiled. Dami kept staring at him, smiling and adjusting her hair. "See handsome guy." She was thinking and continued with her smiling. 'What do you have in there?' Tony asked standing with the mind of him collecting one. Its as usual, it must be that the King just bought us something. He wondered. Whatever the King or Queen buys for the Prince, they'll also get for Tony too. Both still didn't know they were twin brothers. 'Do you now want to snatch it? Anyway, they are phones. Father just gave them to me as a casual gift, a white man brought it into the Kingdom.' He explained. "Phone?" He smiled and stretched his hand forward to collect his own. 'There is a sim there also, I'm off to somewhere, I'll see you later.' He smiled and gave his his pack. 'Where are you going to. You aren't with the guards?' He asked. 'I'm with them. Father insisted that they must follow me............ To be continued To be continued
19 Mar 2015 | 09:49
Its gettin' confused.
19 Mar 2015 | 09:59
Nice and interesting
19 Mar 2015 | 10:03
Very interesting
19 Mar 2015 | 10:28
Xo much love dis story,..its beter dan dos sex once,..#bro val abeg try make d post twice per day na
19 Mar 2015 | 11:06
Ride on.........
19 Mar 2015 | 18:46
hmm lovely
19 Mar 2015 | 19:13
When would people stop saying the word "I Love This Story, Its Better Than Those $ex One" Or "This Is The Most Wonderful & Matured Story I've Ever Read Here"... Meanwhile they says the same thing on "Unfulfilled Promise"...... If you love a story, says it in a way that you won't be condemning others........ Not until when you condemn that you would show your feelings to a story... Stop Criticizing... Every Stories Here Are Interesting....
20 Mar 2015 | 11:50
@Khola46 i taya oo.. Like sey dem no dey read doz sex stories... Every story has its own lesson... D only reason i dnt comment here is cos i've read dis story 2 a particular point on fb sometym aqo...nd i'm waitn 4 it 2 get 2 dat point aqain so i can continue readn it... I dnt wana comment nd be tempted 2 say what happend my comments re still on hold till dey arrive @ where i stopped.... Dere is no need 2 discriminate oda ppl's wrk.. Appreci8 it nd take d exit...
20 Mar 2015 | 13:17
@Tennie That same situation warrant me here, I've read the story finished and if I would comment I may says some clue about the next episode(though I just read it immediately after my last comment).. Thats why I just kept mute..... I'm following the story because its interesting BuT I can't comment(hope y'all understand).
20 Mar 2015 | 15:30
Nxt pls....
20 Mar 2015 | 15:42
20 Mar 2015 | 18:36
Getin a litle bite confusin....but I wll get to catch up with the next episode....@oga-vaL nothin do u
21 Mar 2015 | 05:57
Episode 48 He was helped inside. Thank God the girl's parents weren't inside the house, he was well taken care of and was normal. Tony was still feeling somehow to look at Gloria and Funke, they all departed that day without revealing anything. •••• The King's cough worsened. He knew his days were already numbered. He sent for the women leader and her daughter, he invited Tony and Raymond to be seat also. The Queen and Seun were also there. "I called this important meeting because you all know that my says are numbered." The king uttered and paused. 'Numbered?' Ray said silently. "This is a medium I got to ask the hands of your daughter in marriage for my son." The King uttered facing the women-leader. 'Hmmmn.......' Tony grinned and looked sideways. He stared at Ray for some minutes. Ray's mouth was opened, he couldn't close it. His eyes was still focused on Tony, "My best friend" he was thinking. 'Em... Fath..' He was shunned by the King not to utter a word. The King continued what he was saying. "I wish you please release your beautiful daughter for my son to marry. Before a man becomes the king, he must have a wife." He uttered. 'Father, I can get..' "Shut up!" The King shouted and shunned him again. "That's a simple thing your highness, your wish is our command." The women leader uttered. Seun and Toye were seated beside each other smiling. They didn't know anything about all what was happening. 'SHE'S PREGNANT FOR ME!' It was immediately Dami and her friend left, Tony had his asthmatic attack. Raymond quickly knocked at the door so that the girls would come and render assistance. They came out with a great pretense of not hearing what Tony discussed with Dami but never knew they'd meet him that way. Thank God the two girls' parents aren't in, they rushed Tony in and Ray got his inhaler from Tony's pocket. He was okay in some minutes time but couldn't look at Gloria and Funke. "What's bothering you man?" Raymond asked him. 'Bothering? I'm not bothered. Let's get going.' He replied. 'We should start going?' He asked again. "Yes now." Raymond replied. •••• The King had started liking Damilkola from the day he saw her in the palace, she's even a daughter of an important personality in the kingdom. He invited Dami and her mother, the woman leader to the palace. He got Tony and Raymond to also be present and the Queen with her best friend. He started everything after he had some cough. "As you all know, my days are already numbered on earth." He paused. 'Numbered?' Raymond repeated. "Yes, a man with a chronic asthma can die at anytime. I don't want to be flown abroad, I'm okay. The purpose of this meeting is based on you, the women leader." The king pointed. 'Me?' She asked again. 'Sure, you. I called you and your daughter to ask your daughter's hand in marriage. I want her to marry the prince.' He uttered. "HUH?" Tony and Raymond stared at each other. 'I now see that the days of this king are numbered. What is he saying now?' Tony uttered faintly. 'Yes, what's your huh about? Please, I want you to consider this that I've said.' The King added. Tony and Damilola started looking at each other. Dami wasn't disturbed, although didn't show that she was happy but within her, she was happy. 'Its a little thing your highness, your wish is our command.' The woman replied. "So you've agreed?" The king asked smiling. 'Sure. We've concurred.' She replied. The Queen and her friend were just smiling where they were. They didn't know anything. 'Haha.. Will this girl just go like that ni?' Tony was thinking. "She's pregnant for me oh!" To be continued
21 Mar 2015 | 13:53
Episode 49 "She's pregnant for me!" Tony kept thinking uncomfortably. 'That's the final.' The King uttered. 'Em..' Raymond wanted to talk but was shunned again. •••• Dolapo and her friend met discussing about the issue of Tony and the Prince. She was happy but thoughtful about her pregnancy. 'So what are we now going to do about this now?' Dolapo asked thinking on what to do. "Its very easy now. The prince and I will marry in less than a week time, according to the King. Therefore, I can still pretend till I get married to him." She replied. "So you really much love that guy? What of Tony now and Ray's babe?" She continued her question. 'My business? They must solve themselves out. But I have an impression that the girl Ray is going out with heard all what I discussed with Tony.' She added. "Urgh.. That will be a problem now. You guys didn't look around so well?" She asked sadly. 'My mind didn't strike that, all I was thinking on was just about breaking the news.' She uttered. "Its very simple. Funke can use that to implicate you so that she would be able to glue to the prince. We'll eliminate her and her friend." She suggested. 'What of Tony?' She asked with thoughts. "Eliminate him too....." She added. 'Eliminate? The father of this unborn baby.' She uttered. "Baby? Let's go and flush this thing out my friend." She adviced. Dami stared at her scornfully. "Abort? I can never do it. So you are this short-memoried. Have you forgotten that it was abortion that killed Wunmi." She said. 'That's true.' Dolapo replied, still thinking. Dami kept on thinking. "This point we are now, we are on the lane of no mercy. We are going to eliminate anyone that crosses our path." She uttered. 'Tony?' She quickly asked. "Sure, he should even be the first." Dami uttered. 'No problem then.. I trust you.' Dolapo replied. •••• A week later... Dami and Raymond's wedding came up, great and interesting. It was after the wedding Tony started sending messages that he would reveal the secret between them. Everything turned out to be scary, she quickly called on her friend to eliminate Tony as fast as possible. . To be continued
21 Mar 2015 | 13:57
Hey........N̶̲̥̅̊Ơ̴̴͡ comment nw
21 Mar 2015 | 14:18
Dis damilola is a wicked gal o
21 Mar 2015 | 14:49
Hmmm.... Short of words.
21 Mar 2015 | 15:17
Madam eliminator, kip on doing wat u knw aW t do best
21 Mar 2015 | 19:15
HhhhhhEeeeeeeeeee am now getin the whole fact of the Story... @oga-VAL...u will live long!
21 Mar 2015 | 19:27
Episode 50 Funke was in the room, weeping profusely. She was unhappy that Raymond left like that, though it wasn't his fault. Gloria was out then, she went out to get a cup of sugar, not quite long after she arrived, Tony got to their place. He was moody, with an angry look. He got in as usual, the gate was opened. He called on the two friends to come out to see him. Gloria rushed out while Funke walked outside also moody. She was angry to see him, as his friend. "Although, his girlfriend has been snatched." She thought. 'I'm sorry to bother you. I officially came here to apologize to you about all that happened. Please, I don't want you to disclose all what you heard to anyone.' He begged. 'What we heard? Disclose?' Gloria repeated. Funke was leaning against the wall, just staring at him. 'I'm sure you guys heard about the incidence of Damilola, please, don't tell anyone. And, she knows you guys heard all we discussed, she might be trailing us. I don't know how you'll do it now but its dangerous staying here. He explained. "It doesn't concern you...." Some hefty guys came in and carried Tony in the presence of the two friends. Gloria and Funke took to their heels. The white Toyota bus was on a great speed along an express way that leads to a village in Oyo state. They've already left the Kingdom with Tony and drugged him that he didn't know what he was doing any longer and his image has blurred. The five guys including the driver was laughing inside the car there. They were happy they got that kind of job that will replenish their pockets. They all got ready, they were very close to a village and around a stony area with a continuous great speed, they managed to stand up and threw Tony out of the car on great speed, he hit his head on some stones. That was the way they usually use to eliminate anyone, they don't use guns, just drugs. ------------ THE AKINOLA FAMILY, a family blessed with money and children. They have a big building and boys' quarters in that house. The man and his wife blessed with two children. Three female children and a male child. The mother works and the father works likewise, Mr Akinola was a tough and a no-nonsense man, he doesn't pity anyone no matter who you are. •••• Raymond was already forgetting his pasts with Funke, at keast he had no choice and had always hated two wives, whereas his father even married just a wife despite all what happened. He started living happily with his new wife, Dami. Gloria and Funke left the village the exact day they witness what happened to Tony to prevent them dying. The neglected their parents to save their own lives and moved to a far village from the exact one they were in. They had no place to go to, no food to eat. Although its better that way, Damilola had started looking for them in the village and her friend. Their parents went so worried about there whereabouts and wellness, its something that will be forgotten soon. The two ladies where assisted by an old woman in the village they just go to, she provided them with all what they'd need, although old. They started wondering on how she was able to get food and everything she needed. •••• Deolu was on a normal speed. The driver for the Akinola, he noticed a body lying beside the road but neglected him. He drove Mr Akinola to that village to check on some amenities regarding the work he's into. 'Wait.' He ordered the driver and stared at Tony where he was dropped. He came down from the car and called the driver to follow him and assisted him inside his car. The guys Damilola sent returned to the normal place they do meet and called her to tell her about their moves. She got there few minutes after she received the call with her friend, Dolapo. They met the guys smoking cigarette as usual and taking alcoholic drinks. One of them stood up and talked on seeing them walking in. 'We've searched everywhere, those girls aren't longer in this Kingdom' he uttered. 'No.. You can't tell me that. They must be hiding somewhere, you can't tell me that you can't find them. I'm not safe.' She replied. 'Yes now.' Dolapo added. "Na true talk we talk for here oh. We don check the entire Kingdom and Villages under it, we no see them." Another uttered with a bushy hair on him. 'Do you guys really mean this?' Dami asked again. 'Why we go lie! Madam, waka this place jere.' A guys said from the back. •••• Tony was rushed to the hospital, he was totally unconscious, despite Mr Akinola wasn't nice and was difficult, he helped Tony on the way. The hospital attended to him immediately and was admitted. Mr Akinola cancelled where he was going to, and went back home so he would come back to check on him later. He got home and changed his clothing, he took a nap while the driver was outside with the gate keeper gisting. Grace Akinola, the wife was already at work then, the children were not around, each had gone to school. He got up some hours later and headed to the hospital, the Doctor told him Tony was still unconscious, and asked for his relationship with him. •••• It was 5:49am the following morning, Tony coughed from the sick bed, he opened his eyes but his head hurts. The Doctor was alerted to check on him, he was examined by the happy Doctor who was happy to see him alive. "What is your name?" The Doctor asked him smiling. 'Name? I don't know my name.' He replied slowly, looking around him. 'Huh?' The doctor stared at the Nurse beside him. 'Amnesia?' The Doctor asked himself. "Where are you from?" He asked him. 'Me?' Tony asked again, his voice wasn't that strong to be questioned. "I can't remember." He replied. 'Erh....' To be continued
22 Mar 2015 | 08:45
Next story please......i dey enjoy dis story o
22 Mar 2015 | 08:51
Ooooooooh my God!...wot type of wicked world is ths..(Very touchin)"I pray Tony recovers" ##Wen the wind will blow we will see the yash of the chicken#Demilola ur secret will soon let-out...@oga-VAL pls continue
22 Mar 2015 | 09:01
D rate of ur wickedness is beyond description. Don't worry tony, u ll soon b ok
22 Mar 2015 | 09:19
22 Mar 2015 | 09:22
Amnesia... Oh no... Damilola will surely later regret her actions.
23 Mar 2015 | 06:26
Episode 51 Amnesia meaning "without" is a deficit in memory caused by brain damage, disease, or psychological trauma. Amnesia can also be caused temporarily by the use of various sedatives and hypnotic drugs. Essentially, amnesia is loss of memory. The memory can be either wholly or partially lost due to the extent of damage that was caused. There are two main types of amnesia: retrograde amnesia and anterograde amnesia. Retrograde amnesia is the inability to retrieve information that was acquired before a particular date, usually the date of an accident or operation. In some cases the memory loss can extend back decades, while in others the person may lose only a few months of memory. Anterograde amnesia is the inability to transfer new information from the short-term store into the long-term store. People with this type of amnesia cannot remember things for long periods of time. These two types are not mutually exclusive. Both can occur within a patient at one time. Case studies, such as that of patient R.B., show that both types of amnesia can occur simultaneously. Case studies also show that amnesia is typically associated with damage to the medial temporal lobe. In addition, specific areas of the hippocampus are involved with memory. Research has also shown that when areas of the diencephalon are damaged, amnesia can occur. In people suffering with amnesia the ability to recall immediate information is still retained, and they may still be able to form new memories. However, a severe reduction in the ability to learn new material and retrieve old information can be observed. Patients can learn new procedural knowledge. In addition, priming can assist amnesiacs in the learning of fresh non-declarative knowledge. Amnesic patients also retain substantial intellectual, linguistic, and social skill despite profound impairments in the ability to recall specific information encountered in prior learning episodes. 'Therefore, I'm sorry the man you brought hit his head on the floor, the pressure was too much that he has amnesia and has forgotten everything about him, including his name.' The Doctor uttered. 'Ha.. What do we do about this now?' Mr Akinola asked pitifully. "The only thing is to get thing that will make him remember his pasts, like if he has a wife, children and maybe songs that he loves and other things." The Doctor explained. 'How do I get them... A man that doesn't even know where he's from.' Mr Akinola uttered. 'This is serious!' The Doctor smiled and rested his back on the chair. •••• Damilola and Dolapo were together in the living room discussing about Funke and Gloria when they heard shouts of inside. "What's happening?" Dolapo asked Dami. They started panting and rushed inside. Damilola and Dolapo rushed inside, and traced where the noise was coming from. It was the Queen and other female maids wailing, the King just gave up. "Just like that?" Dolapo uttered and the feather-like hand fan she was holding dropped. Damilola felt dizzy and fell on the floor immediately. The great man is gone... •••• Tony was in the Akinolas' living room all alone looking around. Mr Akinola came out with his family members and introduced him to all of them. He was happy to see them all although he couldn't remember all what had happened to him in the past. He greeted them with love. Esther was the first daughter of the family who's of the same age with Tony. She is a tall and fat lady, she loved eating so much and turned it to hubby, she was working with a great company on the city through his father's intervention. Boluwatife, the secong daughter, she has also completed her studies and had served. Very beautiful and dress-sensed, she had no friend except the guy she was in a relationship with, Abiola. The last daughter is Foluke. Just in her final year in a private university. She was well known for her long and dark hair and was also beautiful. The only son of the family, Durodola. He's a young and ugly guy. He resembled his father but his father isn't as ugly as he is. He loves playing BasketBall and some other games, also in the University, 200 level Engineering. •••• The whole Kingdom turned sour, everyone sad and everywhere quiet. Two great people in the Kingdom died the same day, the king and............ ...To be continued...
23 Mar 2015 | 13:38
Next please....
23 Mar 2015 | 14:29
I tink dy way dis story Ȋ̝̊̅§ goin,tony leta get well nd marry mr akintola 3rd daughter funke......nxt
23 Mar 2015 | 15:17
D king nd wu? Tony?
23 Mar 2015 | 15:18
Tony?? Or who??
23 Mar 2015 | 16:51
23 Mar 2015 | 17:43
Plz upload anoda episode nah
24 Mar 2015 | 15:47
upload nw
24 Mar 2015 | 17:50
24 Mar 2015 | 18:01
Episode 52 Two great people of the Kingdom died the same day. The King and Omisola, the midwife. The whole Kingdom and villages under and within it were calm and quiet, everyone mourning their death. •••• Tony became like a son to the Akinola and started living with them. He started working with Mr Akinola, he went to school while he was in the Kingdom. He had no idea about what his past was at all but continued his life in Ibadan. •••• Å WËÊ»K LÃTÊ® GLORIA AND FUNKE continued living in that village, it was a rainy morning, Funke felt ill and was vomiting, her eyes turned white and wasn't alright. The old woman continued staring at her and later called her to tell her she was pregnant. She was surprised, her friend was also afraid and surprised that she was pregnant. She was encouraged by the old woman, not quite far from then, some men arrived from the King of that village to tell the old man woman she has some visitors in her house. The King requested her to follow those man to come and explain herself. She was rough-handled and wasn't considered as an old woman. They got to the King where they met him and the priest seated discussing about the bad things be falling the village. The old woman was told to kneel before them and started explaining herself. "The whole village has turned upside down, things aren't going the way they should. The oracle said their are some strangers in this village, received by you." The priest explained. 'Yes, it true but they aren't the one causing all this..' 'Shut up! The King shouted. "You know the price for this that you've done, they'll be thrown into the evil forest!" He exclaimed. 'No, my King. Don't do this..' The woman begged. 'I've done this and I'm not your King.' He addressed her. It was in the evening after several beating and maltreatment, the two friends were banished from the village. •••• TEN YEARS LATER.... They got to another village after that ten years, Funke has given birth then, to Darasimi while the new Queen of the Kingdom, Damilola has given birth to Ruth. That same year they all gave birth that Gloria gave birth to Daniel too. Gloria married when she got to the new village to a young handsome guy. Life was not easy for the two of them after they left their Kingdom. ...To be continued
24 Mar 2015 | 18:21
Xo lovly..,..GOD bless coolval
24 Mar 2015 | 19:07
Episode 53 Funke lived with her friend and her husband just as Gloria's mother did. Each woman with her child. It was a day David, Gloria's husband had to vacate the house he was living, then he went back to his father's house which is in the Kingdom. At this stage, the Queen has forgotten about Funke and Gloria. They got back to the Kingdom, everything still seems to have changed a little bit and civilized. Gloria and Funke continued living together till Funke met her new husband and lived with him. **** ...... Daniel got home after the whole day with Darasimi. He was looking happy as if he was with the president, he passed through the living room to his room to rest for a while. He was so tired and full, he didn't bother to come downstairs for dinner again. The Queen wasn't at peace, it was just as if her conscience wasn't giving her rest, she was sighing up and down. Although the arrival of the King was near, the following day. The school will resume on the seventh of January. .... Darasimi was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching the Television and kids that were shown that went to celebrate new year in a broadcasting corporation. She was smiling and sipping a bottle of Maltina while her mother walked out of the room, she just took a shower and relaxed on the sofa. Darasimi stared at her for a moment, Olufunke wasn't looking towards her direction. She was palming her hair that was wet, she felt refreshed. "Mum!" Darasimi suddenly called. Olufunke quickly raised her head up and looked at her. "Yeah. Why the shout?" She asked. 'Nothing.' She smiled. "Nothing? And shouted that way?" She asked with curiosity of knowing why she was suddenly shouted upon. 'Okay, just want to gist you about Tony.' She replied smiling. "TONY?" Olufunke asked staring at her, she took off her hand from her hair. 'Yeah, or you don't want to?' She asked laughing. 'You aren't serious, do you now want to start teasing me?' She shouted. "Mum, just tell me what happened back then. Tony was asthmatic, Ruth also is asthmatic. Does it mean Tony is Ruth's father?" She winked. Funke was short of words. She stared at her for a moment and smiled. She walked up to her and sat beside her. "I'll tell you want you've always wanted to hear. This is how it went................. ... Funke was relieved explaining everything to her daughter. Darasimi also felt eased and walked into her room thinking. They all still believed Tony is dead, whereas he's till a living soul. Few hours later, Dan called Darasimi to greet her about the day they spent together To be continued..
25 Mar 2015 | 04:04
HmmMmmmmmm! Mysteries great queen ur end is near
25 Mar 2015 | 04:35
Everytin ll late be expose nd d queen ll lose @ d end
25 Mar 2015 | 05:24
Thanks dear for the update
25 Mar 2015 | 05:47
Okaaaaaay....tony gv birth to Ruth,Raymond gv birth to darasimi,so ruth nd daarasimi ar 4rm royal family,funke has to G̶̲̥̅Õ̳͡ to dy palace nd explain tinz to dy king nd queen. . . . . I luv everytin abt dis story
25 Mar 2015 | 06:51
The downfall of d queen gonna make sense tony is alive...
25 Mar 2015 | 14:39
Now, what happened years back is now clear...
25 Mar 2015 | 18:45
So loving d twist nd suspence in dis story
26 Mar 2015 | 04:27
Very interestin one
26 Mar 2015 | 07:47
Episode 54 Daniel was in his room till 10:00pm. He stood up and went to the palace. The queen was still there watching the television set. "I'm off to church." He uttered. 'No one is going to church. As a matter of fact, how sure I'm I that you are going to church?' The faced him. "Where else will I go tonight. Tomorrow is January 1st, isn't it good to receive fresh blessings before then?" He smiled. 'Do you think I'm joking? Go and pair up with Ruth and start praying together in this house.' She said. "Not me." He replied and walked into his room back. ... Tony and the Akinolas got to church as early as possible for the service, as they entered, a guy who was to play the talking drum rushed and passed his side, the perfume he used was although much, so it diffused into the air. Tony kept wondering about that smell, although, that's how Ray smells but he still couldn't remember the exact person with that scent. He entered into the church and kept on racking his brain so as to remember who exactly uses that pef. **** Tony was already living together with his wife in their beautiful house in Ibadan. Mr Akinola really assisted him in various ways and he has been seeing many things he ought to remember but maybe due to the absence of people that can make him remember, he won't. He remembered when his wife told him she pregnant, something stroke his mind that he has heard something of that nature from someone but totally forgotten. God is great. His wife also usually ask about the family he's from, his friends and the likes but none of it could he remember, since he wasn't close to people that can make him remember and things that can assist him aren't done so often. .. The six-cliques as usual met on the first day of the year for a get-together. Fredrick Charles was dressed in a black suite and a black pair of shoes, looking elegant. He entered into the relaxation center last. They started discussing with each person with a dish of food. 'Me get gist for you guys oh.' Fredrick uttered smiling at the quiet Peter. 'Why are you now smiling at me. You better talk.' Peter replied smiling. "Both of you have started now. What is it that is hard now? Faith said eating his food continuously. "FFO! Now, the issue is about the princess." He paused. "You don turn to home theatre wey dey pause! Fredrick talk!" He shouted. They all laughed. "Okay, he wishes to be the King." Peter laughed. "KING?" Dammy repeated and laughed. 'Don't mind Peter. Its just that..' He paused and continued smiling. "It seems you all aren't ready for this talk, let me bring up my topic..." Blessing was saying while he was interrupted by Fredrick. 'Em.. Its that I want to date the princess.' He concluded. 'Ehn.. What did I just hear? This is serious, our fredrick loves a girl.' Dammy laughed. 'Hmmn.. That's the reality sha.' Fredrick replied. Faith kept on eating, not bothering about what they were talking about. "Go and ask her out now. Its so easy..." Dammy smiled sipping from the cup. 'Should I?' He asked, turning and looking at them all. "Sure now." They echoed. •••• The princess and her friends were by the pool side holding their usual evening gists. The princess thought of bringing the issue of Daniel up between them and tap advice from them. "You see, this issue is getting worse. I don't even know what to do." The princess uttered. 'What is the Queen doing about this?" Bibi asked. "She said I should wait till we end our studies since we are all offering a four-year course." She replied. 'Its simple, we can deal with her personally.' Rachael suggested. 'Yes now. We can all do this, whatever we want, we must get.' Stella added. "Em.. What can we do?" The princess asked with concern. 'I have a suggestion for her.' Rachael quickly said. 'Really?' Princess moved closer. They moved closer and started whispering to one another. "Let's give this work to Agent Six." Rachael uttered. 'Who are they? And pouring acid on that girl, won't be easy.' The princess pitied. 'Why won't it? We'll pay them off and they'll get the job well done for us now.' Rachel insisted. 'That's no problem, we will do it.. Anything for you my friend, it will be done.' Stella uttered. "Em.. I'm scared" the Princess was concerned looking scared facially. Rachael took a slight rest and sighed. "Don't you want?" She asked again. 'Alright, it should be done.' Princess concluded. *** The traditionalists got to the palace with different kind of strange things, looking angry. They came to hold a meeting with the King and were very serious and determined that they won't agree until the King hearkens to them. The King was so scared by all what they brought to him to scare him, he was told about how his father ruled the Kingdom and other Kings, his own shouldn't be a problem. They were doing this while Daniel was with Darasimi talking about how the next session would be. They'd be resuming by January 7th back to the school, its been Dan that has been helping her in all what she needs. Dan got a ping from the princess to come home immediately that the King was in a coma. He left immediately and on getting home met the princess and her friends gisting. He walked towards the pool angrily. "Don't just tell me you were joking!" He said angrily. 'Dan, don't start all that. Where do you always go? Come and sit with us, let's gist.' Rachael replied smiling and bubbling the gum she was chewing. "You these girls are bunch of fools, idiots! I was doing something important there, you just interrupted it!" He exclaimed. 'Huh? Fools? Us?' The princess stood up and walked towards him. 'Don't just move closer.. I don't need to tell you this, I'm off.' He uttered and walked out. •••• David got home after the hectic day, the farm work has turned him into another dimension, looking so tired and sick. He couldn't condone the hot sun and walked home. He got to his room and met the door locked. He wondered where his wife would have gone to. He walked to his living room and started hearing shouts from inside, as if some people are playing and shouting. He exclaimed his wife's name and walked to the door. Everything became quiet, he continued knocking on the door but no one could come out to respond to him. He sat by the door. .. To be continued
26 Mar 2015 | 08:25
Nawa oooo
26 Mar 2015 | 09:25
Fun!!!dats just it
26 Mar 2015 | 10:50
i pray ntn happen to darasimi nd daniel ooo
26 Mar 2015 | 10:53
Tony plz remember ur past soonest so evrytin can b resolved. Princess n co, ur plan ll fail!
26 Mar 2015 | 10:58
Dis princess self, like mother, like daughter
26 Mar 2015 | 12:34
Acid on Darasimi? Impossible..... Havin' fun in the house when husband is knockin'... The wife is a dead meat and the husband is just the butcher!
26 Mar 2015 | 12:48
Obuso acid....where them@khola et al
26 Mar 2015 | 17:51
26 Mar 2015 | 21:45
I pray ntin apun to darasimi o.....i wish dat acid pour on ruth face
27 Mar 2015 | 04:17
Dat iz terrible ooo...Wish tony quicky recovery of his brain to rap tins up
27 Mar 2015 | 07:24
@Promzy Uhmmnn?
27 Mar 2015 | 07:46
Y uhmmmm @madstar khola
27 Mar 2015 | 08:14
Episode 55 Shalewa became so afraid in the bedroom. Sammy summoned courage and came out after putting on his clothes. "Let me pass" he said and hit David's hand with his left leg so he would be able to move out, David stood up and them. Sammy gave David the beating of his life. If not for the intervention of his wife, Shalewa, he might have beaten him to death. Shalewa packed her things immediately and left the house, they turned him into an empty barrel. •••• Dan was at the entrance to their place. Gloria came out to open the gate for him, smiling. "Happy new year son." She wished and hugged him. 'Same here mum, happy new year. You are just getting more beautiful. You've never come to greet me in the palace and even greet the King, its not good oh.' He uttered cleaning his feet and walked into the house. "..eeeeh.. Bibi, how are you!" He quickly shouted and ran to her. 'I'm good bro, happy new year.' She smiled. "Abi na, we thank God. Its a really new year." He smiled. 'I should come to the palace? For what?' Gloria asked as she walked inside looking so beautiful. "Yes now. Since the King assisted us, you've never come to greet him and I'm not even sure if you've seen the Queen before." He replied. Gloria smiled and turned into laughter. She kept on laughing and staring at Daniel. 'You won't know, don't tell the Queen about me sha.' She added. "Hmmn? Okay don't worry. I'll do as you want, stand by your will." He smiled and laid on the sofa. 'That's means all Darasimi told me is true. This Queen can harm Darasimi too, even me myself. I must not reveal anything about my mother to her not even a bit.' He thought. He slept off on the chair he laid on, he phone was personalized to silent when he was tired of his whatsapp messages, he forgot to return it back to normal. The King had called him severally but he wasn't picking up. The Queen came out and thought it would be an opportunity to implicate Darasimi more where the King is. She started her lies. •••• Tony was in his car all alone, off to get some provisions that evening, he was on a fast speed because there were some places he still wanted to touch. He got there and started picking what he'd love to get, he was listening to the sales girls as they were playing. He was smiling, suddenly he heard. "Damilola, don't take that groundnut, it won't be funny oh!" He turned and peeped at them. "DAMILOLA?" He asked again. He picked all he could and got back into his car, still thinking. He remembered the issue of perfume he smelt and Damilola he just heard flashed back into his memory. He continued thinking but still didn't hit anything, he drove home and noted that name. He got home and was somehow sad, he dropped his car key and sat in the sitting room. His two children rushed down to come and greet him, his wife was still heavily pregnant then. She came down to smiling, to welcome her husband. "Dad, what's wrong with you?" The daughters were asking. His wife came down, looking very beautiful with the Ghana weaving hair on her. She was smiling only to discover that her husband wasn't happy. "Haha. " She exclaimed and walked properly beside him. "What's the matter?" She asked with concern written all over her. 'I'm okay. Just trying to remember something.' He replied. "Remember? About that issue?" She asked. 'Yes.' He replied and smiled at her. He cuddled his daughters "don't worry dad is fine. Go to your rooms and rest." He smiled to them. The girls left for their various rooms while Tomilayo was still with him, also thinking. "I heard a name today.. Damilola. I've been trying to remember what the name is all about but can't at all." He said. 'Okay, let's start like this. She was your sister, fianceé, cousin, nephew, niece, mother or what?' She emphasized. "I don't know." He replied. •••• The students resumed back to their various schools. The princess and her friends were after bringing Darasimi down. They called the guys that will execute the work for them. They concluded that they will carry out their operation on friday night. They concluded on money and everything, those guys were exactly the same guys that kidnapped Tony. They still exist and still work together hire killing people for money. "She's gonna regret this!" The princess smiled and crossed her legs. .. To be continued
27 Mar 2015 | 08:19
Hmmm,dats jusit.,!!,cnt waIt
27 Mar 2015 | 09:44
Chai!!!!......i knw wit time tony will remember evrytin
27 Mar 2015 | 10:04
I swear ruth or wetin she cal herself go please coz suspense is killin me here o
27 Mar 2015 | 10:49
Praying dey did nt succed
27 Mar 2015 | 11:23
Lol..... Nothing ooo @madmoon Kholade
27 Mar 2015 | 12:28
Dat iz gud ooo wat a great stroy tony wil crack da shell soon
27 Mar 2015 | 12:45
U r gonna regret diz @princess. I smile nd croSs my leg
27 Mar 2015 | 14:11
@khola,i meant khola nd others.nxt o
27 Mar 2015 | 14:37
They cant hurt her... The princess will later regret it!
27 Mar 2015 | 16:31
Y iz it da tony cnt remenber anytin tin@madstar khola plz val do sumtin 2 hlp him
27 Mar 2015 | 22:06
val abeg mek it 2episode a day,pls
28 Mar 2015 | 01:57
Episode 56 The deal was completely stricken, minds were at rest that Darasimi won't escape that friday, it might even lead to her death, they didn't care. 6:30pm Friday evening..... Daniel was in his room with his friends gisting. He got a call from the students' Fellowship coordinator. He was told there would be a fellowship vigil and must at least bring two people. He was amazed and told his lazy friends about it who laughed it off. He decided to ping Darasimi about the fellowship vigil. 'I can't come for vigil oh..the lectures were tiresome today.' She replied "Please now, it won't be easy for me alone and I must bring at least to people." He replied. 'And must they be ladies?' She teased smiling. "Come if you want to.. Haha, please Darasimi." He pleaded. 'Okay, where should we meet?' She asked. Daniel smiled happily. "Okay, around the library." He replied. 'I'll be there shortly, we shouldn't walk at night.' She uttered and smiled. 'Alright. Thanks lots of love.' He smiled. •••• 08:30pm Friday evening.... The guys got to the front of the room and knocked. It was one of them that walked in asking for Darasimi. They were surprised a male could come to their hostel to ask for Darasimi. 'She's not in.' The room mate replied. "But everyone is on bed right now. How come she's not here.. You are lying." The guy smiled. 'Please who are you? I said..' "Just show me her bed.." The guy insisted. She pointed to her bed and met a girl sleeping on it. He smiled and walked towards the place. All other girls kept on watching them and busy with what they were doing, all wondering about what he was up to. He whistled and other guys broke in, everyone was afraid and couldn't face them. They walked to the bed the guy was showed and sprinkled acid on her.... . The guys left after they've completed their job. The other room mates rushed to check on Adeola who was sleeping on Darasimi's bed that was washed with acid. The girl was quickly rushed to the hospital and attended to. The guys went back home happily that they've just completed their good job while Darasimi was busy with prayer in the fellowship meeting. The princess and her friend celebrated all night when they heard that she had been rushed to the hospital, not knowing it was Deola, one of the girls in the hostel and not Darasimi. SATURDAY, 5:00 AM Darasimi was escorted by Daniel to the hostel. The princess and her friends were angrily outside then, they've discovered that it was Deola that was the victim of their bad intentions towards her. She climbed up the stairs and greeted them, they never answered but were all standing and facing the last floor looking at Dan to verify if she went out with Dan all night. They neglected her as she went in, she entered into the bedroom and met everything scattered. Nobody was in, she walked out looking so scared. "What happened?" She quickly asked the princess and her friends. They pretended as if they didn't hear all what she had been saying and started their discussions. She brought out her phone and met twenty-eight missed calls on it, she wondered what went wrong that her phone didn't ring out. She remembered she had to personalize her settings to silent so that she won't be the wave in the fellowship. She quickly dialed Funmi's number to confirm what happened but it wasn't going through. She rushed downstairs, her eyes were although heavy she got down and tried another room mate's phone number but it wasn't going through. She rushed to a room downstairs to ask of what happened, she then heard about all that happened. She rushed to the hospital to confirm. ... 12:05 PM SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Gloria and Funke were together at Gloria's place to discuss and play together. They usually see to discuss but they've seen each other for somehow long. "The Queen still doesn't know we are alive. That woman just killed Tony just like that." Funke uttered. 'Urgh..' Gloria laughed out. "Haha. What's funny now?" Funke stared at her. 'Just imagined something, Tony should just come in now.' They both laughed. 'Its true, I'll take to my heels instantly.' They both laughed. "I even saw his passport with Daniel. He said the King gave him to keep." Funke uttered. 'King? I don't even like how my son is living with that Queen, human lives are nothing to her.' Gloria complained. "Its just a matter of time, when he becomes the King now.." Funke uttered. 'Who? My son.. He can't marry that princess oh!' They both kept laughing. "You are desperate about this?" Funke smiled. 'Sure, that useless Damilola that calls herself a Queen. She can do anything to protect her useless dignity.' Gloria added. "Is it me that Is useless?..........." A voice uttered from the door. To be continued
28 Mar 2015 | 12:03
d queen,i pray ntn happen ooo
28 Mar 2015 | 12:16
Yeeeee!!!gangangangan.....wahala don apun...
28 Mar 2015 | 12:28
The end of u@queen is near cox sumhow one person will get in contant wit tony, as 4 u our fake princess u will regret oo
28 Mar 2015 | 12:34
Once she found out you alive, you're as good as dead!
28 Mar 2015 | 13:07
Yes,Ɣo̲̣̣̥ΰ ar useless queen.......
28 Mar 2015 | 14:16
ur days are near, Queen Damilola
28 Mar 2015 | 15:08
ur days are near, Wicked Queen Damilola
28 Mar 2015 | 15:09
Dat must b damilola da queen and i knw soon tony wil regain his memory and go bck 2 dat kingdom
28 Mar 2015 | 15:09
I told yu so! I told yu so!! I told yu so!!! @princess. U nd ur evil mother ll soon b put t shame!!!!
28 Mar 2015 | 16:41
D queen? Guess d end is near!!!!
28 Mar 2015 | 16:42
The queen@ur days re numbered...
28 Mar 2015 | 16:52
Such iz lyf lyk mother lyk daughter
29 Mar 2015 | 05:47
Episode 57 "Who could that be?" Gloria and Funke were startled, staring at each other. 'Did you lock the door?' Funke asked very scared. 'No, when you came in, the happiness I used to escort you in made me forget you've arrived.' She replied quietly. "Huh?" 'Yeah.' She replied quietly. They heard people laughing outside. "Mum, come and open the door for us oh!" Daniel shouted. He opened the door and noticed it was opened. He and Darasimi walked inside laughing heartily. Gloria and Funke couldn't close their mouths and was staring at each other closely. "Mum!" Daniel shouted. She faced him at once. "What just happened?" She stammered out. Daniel and Darasimi laughed out suddenly and shook each other. 'Mum, I've gotten home and didn't meet you so Dan and I decided to come here. We've been there for a while so we heard everything you've been saying. I...' She started laughing. The both continued laughing. "I did as if the Queen was at the door." She concluded. They continued laughing. Funke and Gloria couldn't take off their eyes from each opther, they were staring at each other non-stop and couldn't say anything. "Em.. I can't just utter a word now. Why did you come home?" Funke asked pretending to be angry. 'Some people attacked my room, searching for me last night and I've gone for vigil then, the girl they met on my bed was washed with a bottle of dangerous chemical, maybe acid.' She uttered. "What!" Gloria stood up. 'Yes mum.. This is serious.' Daniel said. "What of that girl now?" Funke stood up too and questioned. 'She died this afternoon.' Darasimi changed her face, looking extremely sad. 'What!' Gloria shouted. 'Yes ooh. Its so painful, so I had to leave school, we can't tell the people trailing me. The police has been involved because that girl's parents are extremely rich. 'So despite all this, you have time to scare us!' Funke shouted. "I suggested that. We came home so taciturn, I decided to at least make us laugh and happy." Daniel said. 'Oh my God! So that girl died?' Gloria sat down suddenly. 'Yes mum. I guess she should stay here for the main time or go else where, they might be searching for her.' He uttered. 'Heeeeey.. I'm fed up!' Funke uttered. THE QUEEN? Gloria asked. The princess and her friends were still in school, vexing and annoyed about their fuck-up. Stella stood up when everything was so quiet and boring to talk to them all. "I don't know why you all are quiet as a graveyard. Is it because it wasn't Darasimi or because Deola died. Cheer up babes." She encouraged. "In one word, we are *murderers*" The princess said and gave a heavy exhalation. 'No, we didn't carry out the job ourselves so we aren't the murderers and this is not the end. That Darasimi thinks she's smart, we must still dear with her!' Stella shouted 'After wasting a soul?' Princess asked wondering. "Please jare..." Rachael curt in. "Please, forget about the issue of soul. We all have our various destinies. That's what her destiny is all about, we didn't kill her. Its annoying me how you guys are doing. If you are ready for us to strike a deal, call me. I'm logging into to read some literature series." She uttered and picked her phone angrily. 'We must at least pity the girl that loosed her life. I'm afraid of something, we all know that this girl's father is stinkingly rich and I think....' 'She's the only child, don't think!' Beatrice completed. 'Can it be traced to us?' Rachael wondered. "You all, let's just get those guys now and tell them they did a wrong job. I've been told she went home this afternoon with Dan. She should be trailed but this time around I want us to change the technique." Rachael dropped her phone. 'Let's conclude this first!' Princess exclaimed. SUNDAY MORNING, 7:15 AM... Honourable Olukayode arrived with policemen into the school and sent them around the school, especially to the hostel to arrest everyone their. All the girls in the hostel were arrested and taken to prison, investigation commenced. •••• Tony and his wife was in the living room watching a program, not quite long after, the program was ended and news started about THE RILY KINGDOM. As Tony heard the name of that Kingdom he stood up immediately and stared at the television set. "Rily" he kept repeating the name. 'Is anything the matter?' "No.." He replied and smiled, took his seat back but still worried. One of his daughter walked downstairs with a Nokia booklet and sat beside her mother. The magazine contained the pictures of all the phone Nokia has made. The continued checking it and was smiling while Tony was still watching the news. It was after some minutes the news ended he could notice things around him. He stood up and walked to his wife and daughter to watch the phones they were watching. He was smiling and pointing at different phones. Soon, they got to a point with the heading "OLD MADE PHONES". The continued checking it and were laughing at the phones people were using then, suddenly Tony sighted Nokia C1. "This phone." He tapped the magazine and stood upright. He started remembering how Raymond brought it to him. "Raymond!" He exclaimed suddenly. The wife and daughter were staring at him and dropped the magazine. 'Raymond brought that phone to me and told me that the King said its for the two of us, but I can't remember where exactly I was that day.' He uttered. 'You, go to your room.' Funmi said to her daughter and she left. 'Who is Raymond and who was he when you were together?' Funmi asked. "My best friend, we do things together." He replied. 'I think this is the best time to call my friend. That guy that I said he's a Doctor, he should bring along a psychologist so that they'll help us from this that you just remembered.' She said and brought out her phone to call them. To be continued
29 Mar 2015 | 09:20
The princess will surely let the cat out cause she cant keep secret for too long.... His memory is gettin' clearer.
29 Mar 2015 | 09:40
U are [email protected] God...tony don remember...GOD punish queen and her daughter dis tym mercy
29 Mar 2015 | 09:54
hapie wit d latest developement
29 Mar 2015 | 11:54
God pls help tony to remember everytin (AMEN) As 4 Ruth she will leak dy secret Deola may ΰя soul RIP Dan nd darasimi remain at home while police finish der job......
29 Mar 2015 | 12:00
so dat murderer log-in into coolval,whr she dy 4 hre mak i block am.
29 Mar 2015 | 12:08
@evildoers,u wud soon meet ur waterloo....nxt!!!
29 Mar 2015 | 12:42
Waaooooow am hapy 4 tony. Now diz is getting nicer
29 Mar 2015 | 13:12
Ur doom is near @queen
29 Mar 2015 | 13:14
Tony congrates....Mrs queen damilola and mrs fake princess ruth u doom iz near bt still ruth iz still a princess becuz tony iz also a prince did u all remenber
29 Mar 2015 | 13:19
@Petgunners, just exactly wat i gat in mind
29 Mar 2015 | 14:45
d truth is abt to b reveal,tony congrat
29 Mar 2015 | 15:27
@Lollybabe1 Nah lie. nah my own tought go also deh your mind.........
29 Mar 2015 | 15:33
I kw everytin ll be fine 4 both dan nd darasimi @ d end,nyc write up@temmy
29 Mar 2015 | 17:12
Episode 58 The King rose from his throne angrily. "Who's the man that has the guts to get my daughter detained?" He asked shouting. 'Get the car ready, I want to get one or two things, I'll be with you now. The man will face the music!' The king exclaimed and walked into his room angrily. •••• They got to the police quatres. They met different parents their pleading for their children. Everyone was silent on seeing the King and the Queen there. "Your Majesty" they addressed. 'And who is the head of this place, I want him to come out and see me.' The King shouted. 'Alright you highness.' A sergeant at the bar stammered out and rushed to call the D.P.O. The king and the D.P.O walked to the car while the king was talking to him angrily and commanded that his daughter and her friends to be released. Investigation isn't done that way! The princess and her friends were released to the King immediately and taken home. The policemen continued their secret investigations. ... The Doctor and the psychologist were invited but the psychologist brought along a woman that could help them predict things from Tony who's named Winnie. The woman is into writing and reading of stories. She had gained a lot from their and good at predicting and as well guessing. They all got to Tony's house while they went to the balcony upstairs to start their discussions. The doctor started everything by asking him how much and well he forgets things since the incidence. Finally the job was handed over to Miss Winnie to complete. "The name of that your friend is?" She asked. 'Raymond.' He replied. 'What are the things you do together?' "I don't know?" He replied. 'Hmmn.. You can eat, play, hunt, since its in a Kingdom. You can farm, go to the stream. There, you can meet different girls sent to go and fetch........' "Wait!" He uttered suddenly. He remembered the day he and Raymond went to the stream and met two girls. He couldn't remember their names but was still thinking on it. "That's true, we go to the stream to look at girls." They all laughed. 'So which girl exactly have made friend with?' 'Em..' He remembered the day at the supermarket when he heard Damilola. "Damilola!" He voiced. 'That Damilola, she should have friends you know with her, and maybe her scent, and other things.' Winnie said. 'I can't recollect.' He replied. 'Do you still remember the name of your kingdom?' "Yes.. Rily." He quickly replied. Winnie brought out her laptop and typed rily to search. There was a map that was brought out that shows how they could get there from exactly where they were to that place. 'I guess once you get here, you'll be able to remember some things. 'No.. I was told by Mr Akinola that I was thrown at the road. I can't possibly go their wh..' "Wait!" He uttered again. 'Haa.. Damilola! She should be the one. I'm remembering..' 'Good. Be fast at that!' Doctor uttered. 'Raymond was in a relationship with a lady, Funke and that lady has a friend, Gloria. Both overheard when Damilola told me she was pregnant. 'Preg what!' Tomi barged in. 'Preg what?' Tomi barged in. "Pregnant." Tony answered frankly and turned his head towards where she was. 'You've never told me this!' She exclaimed. "And I've never remembered to.. Just remembering. "Come and have a seat here madam. Its nothing." Winnie called her. She sat down beside the psychologist staring at Winnie and Tony. "So continue with what you're saying, sir." Winnie addressed. '....Yes, I'm sure she didn't know and even doesn't know I'm still alive. It'll be like a great surprise to meet me hale and hearty. As for Funke and Gloria, they must be dead by now because I know the Queen very well.' He concluded. "This is awesome." The psychologist said and shook his head. "We'll be going for now and get back to you later, against what we'll do." Winnie said and stood up. •••• Deaola's Father was invited to the palace by the King to sort out things. The King was also in support of the investigation but his daughter was with him throughout. Darasimi had been gotten also for further investigation to know why the hired assassins were looking for her. The King provided adequate support concerning the investigation of the death of Deola. Darasimi was interrogated by the policemen on who she was suspecting concerning the issue of the acid attack. She couldn't mention anyone as she wasn't suspecting anyone. It came to a stage the whole investigation turned out to be nothing. Hon. Olukayode himself later removed his hands from the case and the school started their work back. Rachael wasn't pleased about all that happened. She hated Darasimi like ending her life anytime she sees her. She brought up the idea between her friends again that Darasimi should be kidnapped and killed so that they'd have their way. They invited their normal hired- killers to get Darasimi kidnapped. They scheduled their job to be Wednesday morning, on her way to the lecture hall. ********** It was Monday morning, Darasimi was off to the lecture hall, dressed in a pencil jeans and fitted blouse. She had her handbag on her and was looking beautiful. Everywhere was quiet and people were scanty. The guys got down from the car and drugged her into the car and ran off. .... They got her to an uncompleted building as wished and tied her with a rope against a pillar at the second floor. They got a place that was very quiet and no one will ever believe some one was there. The princess and her friends were already gathered there also and rounded her up, staring at her angrily. The boss of the hired assassins already stood at Dara's from laughing wickedly, Darasimi's vision was blurred then and couldn't see properly. A GUNSHOT WAS HEARD.. To be continued
30 Mar 2015 | 03:52
The police!
30 Mar 2015 | 04:07
The police!..... You're killin' this story with suspense!
30 Mar 2015 | 04:07
D cops v arrived! Mrs queen now itz tym 4 u t eat d fruit of ur labour!
30 Mar 2015 | 04:26
Tank God dan hv invite dy police....
30 Mar 2015 | 04:35
Wat a great ending for princess ruth ....And prince tony congrate's
30 Mar 2015 | 05:02
this Rachael which one is ur own?, I pray d gun shot should be from d police.
30 Mar 2015 | 07:07
Its the police
30 Mar 2015 | 08:11
i pray god save u ooo darasimi
30 Mar 2015 | 09:36
30 Mar 2015 | 11:44
Hmmmm,,,, dnt kill us wt suspense o
30 Mar 2015 | 13:11
I pray its not darasimi
30 Mar 2015 | 13:20
Dis suspense is killing me......d downfall of queen and ruth is approaching...cnt stp laughing
30 Mar 2015 | 14:29
Thank God police don show...
30 Mar 2015 | 19:32
Episode 59 A GUNSHOT WAS HEARD. •••• Since the incidence of the acid has happened, Daniel had been following Darasimi around the school with the help of one of his room mates. They both sat to discuss ways of saving her from problem. Emmanuel, his room mate brought different ideas of knowing who the people had been trailing her and the ways to deal with them all. They've started going around with camera to record and take pictures as their evidence. Daniel had gone back to the palace too to pick the car that was brought for him by the King in case something will happen. "Guy, are you this crazy for love?" Emmanuel asked him wondering as he got down from the parked car. 'Sure, but you'll help me a lot..' He uttered. "Sure now, I've started helping you." Emmanuel replied. 'Not only that, I want you to help me to be sleeping behind her hostel for like a month.' He uttered. 'What! Na me dey date her!' Emmanuel shouted. "We'll be sleeping in my car, no problem." He replied. 'No.. I still don't want that. Its not ideal, if you die because of her, who told you she won't marry again!' Emmanuel convinced. "I know but I must still protect her." He replied. 'We both know that the security of the hostel is now tough, if at all anyone wants to catch her, it should be in the afternoon and we'll always follow her.' Emmanuel said. 'But this work will be tiresome. We won't have rest?' Dan laughed. "Na you wey wan protect now." Emma laughed. ... It was Monday morning, Darasimi was off to the lecture hall, dressed in a pencil jeans and fitted blouse. She had her handbag on her and was looking beautiful. Everywhere was quiet and people were scanty. The guys got down from the car and drugged her into the car and ran off. They were behind the hostel as quick as possible and had been following her till they saw what happened. They zoomed off after the car immediately, looking so afraid. "Should we call the police?" Emmanuel asked. 'No..' 'Why not the policemen?' He asked trembling with fear. " I don't have any number that leads there now! They'll be late sef. You know too, we don't know what they'd have done before those useless policemen arrive! Are those stuffs in the booth?" He shouted reducing his speed so that he won't be suspected. 'Yes. Stop shouting jurh, I'm dead afraid, running after hired killers with just siren radio and bangers.' He shivered. ... They got her to an uncompleted building as wished and tied her with a rope against a pillar at the second floor. They got a place that was very quiet and no one will ever believe some one was there. The princess and her friends were already gathered there also and rounded her up, staring at her angrily. The boss of the hired assassins already stood at Dara's from laughing wickedly, Darasimi's vision was blurred then and couldn't see properly. Daniel and Emmanuel were by the bush side. "I guess they want to kill her now!" Emmanuel shivered. They lighted a banger stick with them and threw if further. The radio siren was also gotten and everything turned out to be as if the policemen were around. A GUNSHOT WAS HEARD. It was a banger sound but everyone dismissed immediately and on hearing the siren, they didn't wait but all ran away. Emmanuel was busy recording and taking pictures from where they were so as to use as an evidence for the policemen. They waited for a little time and could see from where they were hiding that everyone had ran away, they ran up and untied her, straight to the hospital and picked things that can serve as their evidences. •••• Emmanuel and Daniel were at the reception discussing about all that happened that day. "But you are rather brave and strong. For us to have followed and use bangers as our gun and dismiss them all. But I'm still eager about something. Do you think the policemen would listen to this?" Emmanuel asked 'Why won't they? We have our evidences. The pictures, video, the handbag of the princess we met at the scene too.' He replied. "But, we might have died if not for God's mercy, using a banger and trailing hired-killers." Emmanuel said still shivering. 'Its God's mercy. I don't have any policeman's number and before we start describing everything, and before they'd get there the man at her front might have killed her, she might have died if we'd not been following her!' He uttered, his heartbeat still beating at a fast rate. The Doctor came out to them. Both stood up at him immediately. "Was she drugged?" The Doctor asked. 'Yes ma, she was.' Dan quickly replied. 'Hmmn..' The Doctor sighed. "Can I see her parents?" She asked. 'You can tell us anything.' Emmanuel said. 'I'm sorry..' 'I'm sorry, I must see her parents.' The Doctor uttered. "We don't know her parents, we saw her lying on the floor and decided to help her." Emmanuel said. 'I'm only curious about how you're going to pay for her bills. She's now okay.' The Doctor replied. Dan laughed. "That's simple, I'll go pay to the cashier right away." Daniel replied. 'Okay, the cashier will tell you the amount that should be paid.' She said and left. •••• Daniel took Darasimi home and headed to the police station with Emmanuel. They reported the case and involved the policemen immediately who also started their investigations about the case. The policemen got to the princess' place and got them all arrested. They were detained while the King was called about his daughter's case. The evidences were all dropped and the case began. Winnie, the Doctor, Philosopher and Tony all got on their way to the Kingdom that same day. They got to the Kingdom and started asking of places till they got to the Palace. They didn't meet the King and decided to wait a little longer. The King was in the Police station with the D.P.O. The Queen was also present there with the King sorting out the issue of their daughter and her friends. Daniel was there with them seated with his friend and smiling. -to be continued
31 Mar 2015 | 04:19
Am also dia luking at d situation nd laffing!!!!
31 Mar 2015 | 05:00
Surprise awaits u @ home!!!!!!!
31 Mar 2015 | 05:01
Me too dey there dey observe
31 Mar 2015 | 06:02
Killin' the story wit' suspense is not cool val!
31 Mar 2015 | 07:21
I luv dy wey everytin ar goin.... After dy police case,anoda case ar waiting 4 Ɣo̲̣̣̥ΰ at dy palace.
31 Mar 2015 | 07:25
Feeling the story
31 Mar 2015 | 07:47
Hummmm! Thank God for d life of Darasimi
31 Mar 2015 | 08:08
U are nw in [email protected] cnt stop laughing
31 Mar 2015 | 12:05
Episode 60 The D.P.O insisted on the fact that he won't release the princess and her friends to the King, no matter what he insists on. 'The Princess and her friends must have been the ones that killed the girl, Deola, upon trying to kill Darasimi.' The officer said. "My daughter isn't a hired killer! I'm the King of this Kingdom and I have the authority over everyone!" He exclaimed. 'That was what you said the other day sir. Now, we've not concluded our investigations. One of the princess' friends has gone with my guys to get the killers here, from there we'll know what to do.' He replied. "Its the king that's before you!" He frowned. The officer laughed out. "This is not the issue of being the King. Being the King doesn't mean a princess should be doing things anyhow." He replied. The King couldn't talk and was quiet, he didn't know if he should stand up or remain seated. As a king, that will be his second time that his daughter will be arrested. He kept staring at the D.P.O's face continually. 'I'm sorry your highness, its just a matter of getting a good lawyer that can save you from this.' The D.P.O concluded. •••• The King walked out of the police station and saw Daniel seated by the bar. "What are you doing here?" He asked surprisingly. 'Em.. I came..' He stammered. "Because of my daughter right?" The king asked smiling to him. 'I guess he now loves her.' He thought in him and walked out. Daniel rushed after him, 'what did the D.P.O say about it?' He quickly asked. 'He said he's not going to release her. There are strong evidences backing her case up. But why must she do this?' The King asked frowning. "So he hasn't known I'm the one.." Daniel thought in him. The King entered into his car and off he was driven to the palace. He got to the palace and met Winnie, the Doctor and the Philosopher around. Tony was in the car parked behind the palace. The King was in real anger as he entered into the palace and met visitors waiting for him. 'I won't be able to talk to you now.' He addressed and walked in instantly. The Queen was still in the police station. She sat there thinking "a royal majesty in a police cell. Had I known, I should have eliminated this Darasimi right from time." She continued thinking of different things. The D.P.O came out looking blamed and faced the sergeants. "Release them all." He uttered. 'Release?' One of them asked staring at him. 'Yes, order from above said we should release them.' He uttered. 'Urgh...' The sergeant understood immediately, order from the commissioner of police. He shook his head. The princess and her friends were released with immediate effect. •••• Winnie and others left the palace immediately after the King neglected them to the car. They explained everything to Tony, and thought of going back. Tony refused to return. "Is the Queen there?" He asked. 'No..' They replied. "I must see them and let them know the kind of woman that the Queen is." He uttered. 'Do you think you'll be save there?' Winnie asked looking at him. "Absolutely nothing will happen." He replied. He got down and walked into the palace and was allowed in. The King had already gotten the call that his daughter and her friends had been released then, he came downstairs to refresh himself and get his anger off him. Tony walked into the palace and looked around. "This place has really changed." He thought to himself. The Queen's car started hooting outside, he entered into the living room and saw the King seated on his throne, the glass cup with him dropped immediately. He still recognized him, Tony walked more closer to him smiling. "Its me Raymond, you don't need to fear." He uttered as he walked closer, the King stood up and terribly afraid, he began to move backwardly as Tony moved closer. "To..... Tony.." The King stammered out. 'I'm alive, Ray.' He replied and continued walking closer. The Queen walked into the living room smiling that she eventually got her daughter and her friends out of their problem. She was smiling in as she saw the King afar and a man moving closer to him. To be continued
1 Apr 2015 | 04:30
Episode 60 The D.P.O insisted on the fact that he won't release the princess and her friends to the King, no matter what he insists on. 'The Princess and her friends must have been the ones that killed the girl, Deola, upon trying to kill Darasimi.' The officer said. "My daughter isn't a hired killer! I'm the King of this Kingdom and I have the authority over everyone!" He exclaimed. 'That was what you said the other day sir. Now, we've not concluded our investigations. One of the princess' friends has gone with my guys to get the killers here, from there we'll know what to do.' He replied. "Its the king that's before you!" He frowned. The officer laughed out. "This is not the issue of being the King. Being the King doesn't mean a princess should be doing things anyhow." He replied. The King couldn't talk and was quiet, he didn't know if he should stand up or remain seated. As a king, that will be his second time that his daughter will be arrested. He kept staring at the D.P.O's face continually. 'I'm sorry your highness, its just a matter of getting a good lawyer that can save you from this.' The D.P.O concluded. •••• The King walked out of the police station and saw Daniel seated by the bar. "What are you doing here?" He asked surprisingly. 'Em.. I came..' He stammered. "Because of my daughter right?" The king asked smiling to him. 'I guess he now loves her.' He thought in him and walked out. Daniel rushed after him, 'what did the D.P.O say about it?' He quickly asked. 'He said he's not going to release her. There are strong evidences backing her case up. But why must she do this?' The King asked frowning. "So he hasn't known I'm the one.." Daniel thought in him. The King entered into his car and off he was driven to the palace. He got to the palace and met Winnie, the Doctor and the Philosopher around. Tony was in the car parked behind the palace. The King was in real anger as he entered into the palace and met visitors waiting for him. 'I won't be able to talk to you now.' He addressed and walked in instantly. The Queen was still in the police station. She sat there thinking "a royal majesty in a police cell. Had I known, I should have eliminated this Darasimi right from time." She continued thinking of different things. The D.P.O came out looking blamed and faced the sergeants. "Release them all." He uttered. 'Release?' One of them asked staring at him. 'Yes, order from above said we should release them.' He uttered. 'Urgh...' The sergeant understood immediately, order from the commissioner of police. He shook his head. The princess and her friends were released with immediate effect. •••• Winnie and others left the palace immediately after the King neglected them to the car. They explained everything to Tony, and thought of going back. Tony refused to return. "Is the Queen there?" He asked. 'No..' They replied. "I must see them and let them know the kind of woman that the Queen is." He uttered. 'Do you think you'll be save there?' Winnie asked looking at him. "Absolutely nothing will happen." He replied. He got down and walked into the palace and was allowed in. The King had already gotten the call that his daughter and her friends had been released then, he came downstairs to refresh himself and get his anger off him. Tony walked into the palace and looked around. "This place has really changed." He thought to himself. The Queen's car started hooting outside, he entered into the living room and saw the King seated on his throne, the glass cup with him dropped immediately. He still recognized him, Tony walked more closer to him smiling. "Its me Raymond, you don't need to fear." He uttered as he walked closer, the King stood up and terribly afraid, he began to move backwardly as Tony moved closer. "To..... Tony.." The King stammered out. 'I'm alive, Ray.' He replied and continued walking closer. The Queen walked into the living room smiling that she eventually got her daughter and her friends out of their problem. She was smiling in as she saw the King afar and a man moving closer to him. To be continued
1 Apr 2015 | 04:30
Gan--gan! Diz z d beginning of d end!!!!!!!!
1 Apr 2015 | 05:10
D queen is in 4 it nw
1 Apr 2015 | 05:21
The end is near.... The queen will surely lose everything....
1 Apr 2015 | 05:37
Here cum dy truth Queen Ɣo̲̣̣̥ΰ must comfess ΰя sins . W I N D ......Next pls
1 Apr 2015 | 06:39
d judgement day av cum upon u,Queen Damilola
1 Apr 2015 | 09:15
Wow! Dis getting interesting o
1 Apr 2015 | 09:48
Hmmm....suspense is killin me o
1 Apr 2015 | 15:10
@Tobiloba Oh.....I'm here with you....suspense could do nothing to you.
1 Apr 2015 | 16:27
U are funny@khola
1 Apr 2015 | 16:46
Episode 61 The Queen entered and met the scene. "Hey" she shouted loudly. Tony turned back and faced her. She stared at him for a moment before recognizing him properly. The Princess and her friends too just entered into the palace, Ruth also started staring at Tony but couldn't remember where she saw the face vividly. The Queen fainted and Tony left the palace immediately without uttering a word. •••• The Queen was rushed to the hospital immediately. The King was also shivering after scolding his guards for not present inside the palace to guard him well. They all were still thinking a ghost arrived. Tony got inside the car and drove off, Ibadan straight and continued discussing with his accompanists of all that happened in the palace. "So, when are we going to come back?" Winnie asked. 'That will be determined later.' He replied and drove on, still impatient. The Queen opened her eyes and saw she was in the hospital. The King was in the palace then still shivering, not quite long after then, Omitola entered into the palace with the Children-examiners and a set of twins to show to the King. She met the King shivering, immediately the King saw her he quickly replied them "go and dispose them!" Omitola walked closer, 'is everything fine, your highness?' She asked. "I saw a ghost... Few minutes ago, a ghost came into this palace." He replied. 'A GHOST?' Omitola wondered. 'Yes, you should know my best friend.. Tony.' He replied. 'Friend? Tony?..' She was re collecting. ...Ooh.. That your friend.. She uttered remembering properly. 'Yes.' The King quickly replied. Omitola sighed and smiled to him. "Your friend..." She repeated and shook her head. 'Yes now!' The King exclaimed. 'What was he putting on when you saw him?' 'A good shirt and trouser.' He replied. "There's no boutique in heaven now, that means he's alive." She faced him, still wondering. 'He's alive?' The King asked again. YES.. •••• The Queen was discharged from the hospital few hours after she woke up and was driven to the palace. Princess Ruth was by the pool side with her friends then, as usual. They all rushed after the Queen to know her state of health. The King was seated alone in the palace, omitola had left then, he was thinking of different things that happened in the past. The maids assisted the Queen to her room while the princess and her friends returned outside. The princess and her friends started discussing about Daniel and Darasimi angrily. They were so vexed, thinking on whether stopping their acts or discard both of them. Daniel came inside the palace, looking so angry. His trouser was looking dirty, he had been walking and sweating profusely. He snubbed the princess and her friends and walked into the palace to meet the King. He saw the King seated on the throne, still thinking of Tony. He cleared his throat so that his presence would be felt. The king was attracted to his act and quickly faced where he was, he was very terrified and thought Tony had come again. "It isn't fair, punishing the righteous and releasing the unjust from what they caused to the righteous." He stepped further and his boldness increased. He looked into the eyes of the King as he walked closer. 'And you have the audacity to reveal my daughter, all in the name of hatred.' The King replied. 'No.. You are wrong. All in the name of being righteous, not hatred.' He uttered. "You are causing trouble for yourself.. What I'm I saying, you've caused trouble for yourself. You've caused havoc in the palace and made different things happen today because of your stupid act!" He shouted. Dan smiled and took one more step forward. "This is serious. I can see that the King is very angry, the princess and her friends tried to cause this and you...... Dan smiled and took one more step forward. "This is serious. I can see that the King is very angry, the princess and her friends tried to cause this and you as the King brought them out of their trouble and neglected the one that almost died." He concluded. 'I don't have time for all this your thrash. Now, where are the guards!' He shouted. The guards rushed into the palace at once. "Now get this foolish ingrate off my front and search for that stupid girl, send them all away from this Kingdom to the forbidden forest." He concluded. "FOREST?" He repeated. Gloria and Funke had prepared to go to the palace since its been some minutes and Daniel wasn't seen. They passed the place different from where the guards took Daniel along. They got to the palace gate and asked the gate keeper if Daniel was still there. They were really concerned because he left the palace with anger. This time, the palace guards had gotten to Funke's place lead by a guard that knew the place. Funke had woken already and was in the living room trying to call Dan to come. The gate was opened at once and she was also gotten. The gate keeper informed Gloria and Funke about the King's order that he said Daniel and a girl should be sent out of the Kingdom to the forbidden forest. They rushed back home immediately. ... To be continued
2 Apr 2015 | 08:16
Getting more interesting
2 Apr 2015 | 09:13
King is gonna regret it....hez also a wicked man,u accept a bastard princess and banish ur own daughter out of d kingdom...i pray ntin apun to dan and darasimi o...
2 Apr 2015 | 09:34
hmm' am watching o_O
2 Apr 2015 | 11:45
Wat a wicked king. Tony Ȋ̝̊̅§ still cuming 4 Ɣo̲̣̣̥ΰ. Queen hope Ɣo̲̣̣̥ΰ wil nt die to confess ΰя sins. Dnt wori dan nd dara God will be wit Ɣo̲̣̣̥ΰ ppl
2 Apr 2015 | 12:09
Hmm, things are becoming complicated Lol, 'boutique is nt in heaven' I thought boutique dey for heaven ni oo
2 Apr 2015 | 15:31
Hahahahahhahahha! Watch out 4 D return of Tony!!!!!
2 Apr 2015 | 16:31
2 Apr 2015 | 16:36
Episode 62 Darasimi and Daniel got to the entrance of the exit of the Kingdom that leads to a great forest. The forest was created as a boundary between Rily Kingdom and Sash Kingdom due to a fight between the two Kingdoms. There were standby guards at the exit of the Kingdom to prevent people from leaving the Kingdom. The only people privileged to leave the Kingdom for great hunting are great hunters, ordinary hunters aren't event allowed to leave the exit, great hunters also don't go beyond the quarter of the forest before turning back into the Kingdom because of the dangerous animals and spirits that can't be seen and those that can be seen. Darasimi and Daniel were lead out of the Kingdom into the forbidden forest. Some minutes later, Funke and Gloria got there, weeping but it was too late. $$$$ Tony got home smiling. He took some rest , still thinking about all that happened. He thought on when next to go to the palace to see the Queen and her husband as a surprise package again. He kept on smiling, 'that day will be great.' He thought in him. ... Funke and Gloria rushed back to the palace angrily but weren't allowed to entered into the palace according to the will of the King. He had told the gate keepers that they shouldn't allow their parents into the palace. He was still very angry, thinking of all what he had done for Daniel and what he repayed him with. The Queen was with the King in the palace then with some chieves. The Queen was really happy to hear about the King's decision. The Princess and her friends were still beside the pool, very angry and unhappy Dan had gone just like that. Chief Kolade kept begging the King that he should quickly send some great hunters after Dan and Dara to get them before its too late. "This issue isn't up to this your highness, you should have tempered justice. You've just ended their lives." He uttered. 'So I don't know what I'm doing right?' The King faced him "No, your highness..." He was trying to explain. 'Don't utter a word, remove the beads on you and leave this palace without returning.' He commanded. Daniel and Darasimi started their journey in the forbidden forest little by little. They walked for almost two hours then both viewed a man sitting on a mortal some distance away. •••• Chief Kolade walked out of the Palace disgraced. The Queen was still happy about all that happened but her mind was still clicking on the issue of Tony. She walked inside her room, some minutes later, Princess came inside and headed to her room for some findings. She walked inside her room looking so refreshed. "Mum, who was that man?" She inquired. 'Which man.. The one we saw when we came back?' She asked back. "Yes.. That face seems familiar." She replied. 'That's the King's friend that you saw his passport photograph..' She replied. 'Huh? Dead man?' She grinned. "Sure.. That was why I fainted.. Rather uncontrollable.." She replied. 'Is he not dead?' She asked. "How would I know?" The Queen replied. 'This is beyond imagination!' •••• Tony got his laptop ready and started some findings on it. Still racking his brain for more information about the issue of Queen and the King when he heard shout from inside. He rushed in and met his wife in labour. They rushed to the hospital straight. ... Daniel and Darasimi trembled with fear on seeing the man seated further them. They were both shivering and steering at each other. The man stood up suddenly and started walking towards them. ...To be continued
3 Apr 2015 | 04:27
Hw cn d king act so so so (i dnt even knw d adjective 2 use 2 qualify it), hw cn he jst subject Dan 2 such hardship after all he did 4 him, well, am sure ntin bad will happen 2 both of 'em. @ogaval, dis episode short small ooo nd its nt until 2mao b4 anoda 1 is posted.
3 Apr 2015 | 05:10
I dnt knw wat will becum of king if he finds out dat darasimi Ȋ̝̊̅§ her real daughter nt Ruth. I J̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇τ̣̣̥ pray ntin happen to dan nd dara. Nxt pls
3 Apr 2015 | 05:45
Lemme observe a little b4 1 comment
3 Apr 2015 | 05:50
D king is an idiot dnt he knw dat darasimi is his daughter nd ruth is 4 tony. He wan kill his own daughter i pity am o
3 Apr 2015 | 06:27
Tony is back wit' his wife the queen where you at??
3 Apr 2015 | 07:15
The king is a wicked person..d suspense is 2 much....i knw ntin is gonna apun to dan and dara
3 Apr 2015 | 10:10
hummm, jst wondering whr dis story is headn to? . All is well sha
3 Apr 2015 | 11:44
Dat iz nt fair
4 Apr 2015 | 06:03
this king is so wicked, ha nxt val
4 Apr 2015 | 13:31
Episode 63 'He must be an evil spirit too.' Daniel thought. He didn't know what to do. The man finally arrived laughing out loud. Darasimi held on to Daniel both were very afraid. The man stretched a black powder forward to Daniel to take. "You'll need it in your journey." He uttered. 'D.. Don't worry sir.' Daniel stammered taking a short pace. "You better take this! You'll need it!" The man uttered again. "NO!" Daniel replied walking swiftly. They got to another place and met this same man again, begging them with the substance he was holding but both refused to collect it. They walked some distance later and met him for the third time and still refused the man's substance. "Now, if you come to beg me for it, I won't give you!" He uttered. **** The King was totally confused on the throne he was sitting on. He was looking here and there to confirm if Tony is not in the palace again. The princess got down the staircase and greeted the King. "I'm going back to school." She uttered. 'Now, there's no one that can disturb you. Don't behave irrationally, and tell your friends too to tread softly.' He said. "Alright Dad." She smiled. '... But dad, the man we met here this afternoon, isn't he your friend?' She inquired. "Yes.. I don't know why his dead body came to visit me." 'He possibly can't be dead. He looked cute and okay, dressed in nice outfit. Can a dead man do all that?' She thought. 'See my daughter, Tony has died. Let go of his story and head for school, its getting late.' He replied. "...Concerning the issue of Dan and Darasimi, why did you send them to the forbidden forest?" She asked wondering. 'For them to die. Daniel is of no use to me. He's an ingrate, a foolish boy who can kill you because of an ordinary girl. I shouldn't have done that but I was over tempered then. It serves them right though.' He uttered. Ruth wondered. "Bye." She left the palace. •••• Funke and Ruth were together crying profusely. They couldn't talk but continued with their tears. "So Raymond has turned bad too, sending people into evil forest and enjoying on his foolish throne!" Gloria exclaimed. 'Urgh! Darasimi!' Funke continued shouting. Her cloth turned wet and was crying without control. At least, it looked obvious that they'll die there because even the greatest hunter mustn't pass a quatre of the forest or will be attacked by spirits. They couldn't control the rate of their tears. Two children in their final year, will die just like that? •••• Dan and Darasimi proceeded in their journey. Still hoping not to see anything wild and bad. Not quite long after they left the man, Darasimi was bitten by a poisonous snake. Immediately, she loosed control, her system changed and her tounge turned and she couldn't talk properly. Daniel was with her at the same spot weeping continuously, he didn't know what next to do. The old men with walking sticks and dressed in a white dresses walked down their and halted on seeing them. Daniel didn't even run and show his fear for seeing them but remained at the same spot shaking Darasimi and crying uncontrollably. 'This girl I'm looking at is already dead.' One of the men uttered. "Huh?" Daniel rose his head and stared at the three men and glanced at Darasimi. "DARASIMI!!!" HE SHOUTED. DARASIMI! He shouted. "She's not dead at all." Another man uttered among them. 'She has just thirty minutes to spend on earth if the forest black powder isn't used on her.' "Black powder?" Daniel asked anxiously. 'Yes that's it. The powder should be with Wisdom. You should have met him on the way.' The last man guessed. 'Powder, Man?' Dan repeated and ran back, searching for the old man. He glanced at the wrist watched on him. It was 3:30 pm exactly, thirty minutes more.. ... The King left the throne for the room to take a short rest. He laid on his bed and different thought continued flowing through his heart. He wasn't feeling alright again, maybe because I saw Tony. He thought. Different kinds of food were prepared for him as lunch but couldn't eat. His mind wasn't at rest and lost his appetite. Some minutes later, the Doctor was invited to come and check if he's alright but his condition started growing worst. The Queen that had been eating and forgotten she saw a corpse neglected her food on seeing the Doctor entering into the palace. They rushed upstairs to check on the King, it was just as if he wasn't the one that banished Daniel and Darasimi some hours back, when he was shouting. The palace became sour and everyone afraid. The first time that kind of illness occurred to the King, it was Dan's mouth organ that saved him despite the Doctor's help to assist. The Queen thought of the mouth organ and ordered the guards to go and search his room for the mouth organ. They found it at last. One of the guards who knew how to use it played differently on it, but every minute, the King's condition grew worse. ... Daniel was still running up and down to save Darasimi. He had sustained different injuries for running so fast in the forest. He kept on falling and standing, to save a soul. He glanced at the watch again, it was 3:45. Fifteen minutes more.. He thought. He finally saw the man some distance ahead of him and rushed there. The man turned his back at him. He prostrated on the dirts and stones there and started begging the man for help, but he refused. He continued begging him and was crying out but the man didn't answer him. He stood up just rushing back when his pocket bible dropped from his pocket. He picked it up and wondered. "Why have I been running helter skelter when there is something that can save me? Why I've I been disturbing myself when I ought to have used my mouth to draw out the poison and pray for her?" He ran back there and still met her groaning in pains. He had used his singlet to tie her leg. On getting there, he located the exact place and punctured it. He drew out the poison from her leg and continued praying mindfully. After this, he raised his head and met her closed. "Nothing looks as if she's still alive." He thought and rushed up. ... To be continued
4 Apr 2015 | 13:36
Suspense is killing me o...i pray ntin apun 2 darasimi o
4 Apr 2015 | 15:00
Great intresting bt darasimi most nt die
4 Apr 2015 | 15:29
Oh God save Daramisi & also protect them from that evil forest.
4 Apr 2015 | 15:50
4 Apr 2015 | 17:13
Is the king still alive? He'll regret what he did hours ago.
4 Apr 2015 | 18:24
Dan. Worry not tha spirit of excellence is already upon you and the Lord has sent his angel to shut the mouth of the Lions for you
4 Apr 2015 | 19:25
Nawa oooo....king ur days ar almost over bc u chase ur saver daniel out dy kingdom. Darasimi will nt die.
4 Apr 2015 | 20:43
My honourable pals in coolval especially the madstar couple @khola&tennie happy easther
5 Apr 2015 | 04:07
Episode 64 Darasimi coughed suddenly and opened her eyes at once. ... The palace has turned into confusion. The King's sickness continued waxing stronger every minute. Everyone unhappy and everywhere, quiet. The Doctor had invited three more Doctors into the palace. "Within how many hours, he was still in the living room some hours back shouting. What sprung up just now. Tony? Dan?" The Queen was wondering. "This is beyond our wisdom. I guess we'll have to take him to our hospital for continuous tests." The Doc. uttered. 'Let's go there now!' The Queen replied" ... 'I guess we'll have to take a short rest here.' Daniel suggested. 'I'm hungry presently.' Darasimi replied. 'I honestly don't all this! Had I known, I shouldn't have saved his life.' He uttered. "No.. You don't talk like that, its not good" Darasimi uttered. 'Hmmn.. Yes, its normal but..' "No BUT!" 'Let me go and get some fruits.' He uttered. "No.. Its dangerous to eat in this place, fruits that spirits abide in.." She uttered. 'We have to take it easy.. Are you alright?' Daniel faced her. "Yes." She replied. "I don't want us to even go beyond here. According to what we do hear, greatest hunters don't even pass here or else, na death sure pass oh." He said. Dara sighed. "But this princess..." She shook her head. 'All is well!' He replied and smiled. •••• Tony just gave birth to a baby boy. He had been in the hospital hoping to hear the Doctor's congratulations to him. He was so happy and jumped for joy on hearing this. He rushed home to quickly get his wife some food. He was in the Kitchen cooking happily and singing, he had forgotten he had asthma he suddenly had an attack and was rolling on the floor, no one was at home to assist. ... The King's condition was still the same. The Queen rushed back to the palace and called on the priests apologizing to them to help her husband and forget the issue of him not serving their god. They decided to help him. The King was brought back to the palace. It was getting late then, things turning around to evening. The priests tried all their best but didn't know the way out. It was Chief Kolade that got the pastors that visited the palace and prayed for him. "His destiny depends on someone's life. Without that person, he'll die. What God told me is that by 12:00am if the person isn't in this palace, he'll die." The Pastor uttered. 'Who could that be?' ... To be continued
5 Apr 2015 | 04:11
Daniel of course
5 Apr 2015 | 04:47
Itz Dan
5 Apr 2015 | 05:01
Is no oda person dan daniel.. Snd 4 him fast else u will die like RAT(eku)
5 Apr 2015 | 06:17
His twin brother i guess
5 Apr 2015 | 08:20
i guess it's her daughter Darasimi or his twin brother Tony jst hopin i guess rite. Nxt pls
5 Apr 2015 | 10:22
Hmmm,,,,pray notin bad happens tew tony,God help dan nd darasimi
5 Apr 2015 | 10:34
smiling.... If i'm Daniel, He'd rather die than he to save his ass... He insulted me just 'cause of his daughter.... And even wanted me dead...
5 Apr 2015 | 15:45
Serves him ryt.
5 Apr 2015 | 16:18
Uhmmm... Finally i can nw follow d story.... Dis is d point where d story stopped on fb... Aiite... Ride on
5 Apr 2015 | 18:22
Episode 65 The Queen continued thinking. 'Who is this person?' •••• Winnie and the philosopher got to Tony's place after receiving his call before he left the hospital that his wife gave birth and he'd like to visit the palace the following day. He called them so they would sort things out on their traveling plans for the following day. The gate was opened. Winnie thought within her that maybe the issue of his wife giving birth to a son has made him forget to close the gate. They walked in happily after knocking severally and met the inhaler on the center table in the living room. 'Is anyone at home at all?' Philosopher faced Winnie. "But that's the inhaler that signifies the presence of Mr. Tony at home." She replied. 'Alright. Mr Tony!' The man shouted his name. Tony had heard the shouts and added to his shouts in the kitchen for them to notice he's there and couldn't just get to the living room to get the inhaler. "Something is happening." Winnie thought and dropped her handbag, straight she went to the dining and finally to the Kitchen. "Mayor! Get the inhaler!' She screamed on seeing him on the floor. The kitchen was already stuffed with the smoke of the food on the cooker & has added to his attack. The philosopher rushed to the kitchen easily after seeing how Winnie walked there, it was easier to locate the Kitchen than looking for it. He was with the blue inhaler, Tony was rushed out of the smoke and was aided. Straight to the hospital after the first aid. •••• The Queen ordered the guards to get the greatest hunters of the Kingdom immediately. They must go and quickly search the forbidden forest to quickly get Dan and Dara. One of them should be the one that will save the King. She thought. 6:55pm... The hunters got to the palace. Dressed in their various hunting clothes, ready for the forest. The Queen granted their warrant and ordered their departure immediately. The King must be saved. 7:10pm... The hunters got to the exit of the Kingdom after a quick race. The forest guards refused on letting them into the forest. "Some people were sent there today, I can't allow you to go there with them." One of them uttered. "The Queen sent us, the King is seriously ill and we must get those people out of that place." One of the hunters convinced. "Not possible!" One shouted. 7:20pm... Two of the hunters got back to the palace to inform the Queen about the issue of the guards. The Queen got into the car with them and they drove there. 7:26 pm... The hunters finally got into the forest. They were six in number, with their giant touch-lights. They started searching and dismissed one another to start searching the forest, the way passed is unpredictable. •••• 7:34 pm... Tony woke back alive. He sat on the hospital bed staring at Winnie and the philosopher. "I'm so much grateful for this." He smiled looking at them. "Its nothing. We just have to thank God. Which is hospital is your wife?" Winnie inquired. "Em.. HIS GRACE." He replied. Winnie and Mayor, the philosopher looked at each other and laughed. "We are in the same hospital then." He replied. They all stood up and was about leaving the ward when Tony fell on the floor and started foaming out things from his mouth suddenly. Mayor and Winnie were surprised. Winnie rushed to the reception immediately to get the nurses who will assist her to get the Doctor that will attend to him. Everything was changing and getting out of hands. 7:39pm... Tomi was informed about what just happened to her husband. She was panting on the bed she was laying on, she sat down still looking around. "Someone should just come in and lead me there. At least I don't know the way, this hospital is too big to be searching for someone." She cried. She dialed the number of her pastor some second later and got him informed about the incidence. "I never knew it would be you. I've seen a great vision that must be......" •••• 08:11 pm... The hunters were already scattered in the forest searching for Daniel and Dara. They all were thinking that they must have been devoured by wild animals or killed by some spirits. They continued searching. 12:00 pm is the deadline! The Queen and her daughter were with Ray in the room, both crying profusely and praying that those two were found and gotten to the palace within the range. 11:04 pm... The Queen was getting more and more uncomfortable and covered with sweats. The palace had turned upside down then, no one could sleep, all awaiting the arrival of Darasimi and Daniel. Everyone sobbing that they'll loose the King. 11:37 pm... Dami got inside the car and ordered the driver to rush down to the Kingdom's exit. They waited there, all hoping to see the hunters come out of the forest. 11:41 pm... They finally got there, watching here and there. They should just come out! The Queen was shouting, with her heart beating very fast. 12:00 pm... It was 12 pm sharp. The Princess' phone call was received. .. To be continued
6 Apr 2015 | 04:33
I see Tony taking over the Kingdom after exposing the Queens cruelty & ills. Fingers crossed
6 Apr 2015 | 06:35
this suspense is kiling me oo
6 Apr 2015 | 07:36
All will be well..... Notin will happen to tony... Raymon will be save 4 nw but will die leta after dy hole world hv knw dy truth. By den Tony will becum dy king.
6 Apr 2015 | 07:42
Next pls
6 Apr 2015 | 08:55
Just cum t mark attendance
6 Apr 2015 | 11:25
d king is dead
6 Apr 2015 | 12:03
hmmm I think d King is dead.
6 Apr 2015 | 12:33
Dat gud 4 d king beta go nd bring daniel nd ur daughter
6 Apr 2015 | 12:52
If king raymond die nw everytin wil b ruined
6 Apr 2015 | 14:49
Interesting... Roll on
6 Apr 2015 | 15:18
Nah, he cnt jst die lyk d@ nah, am sure sumtin must av happened, maybe tony was even rushed 2 d palace also.
6 Apr 2015 | 15:58
Episode 66 The Queen's phone started ringing. She neglected the call as she saw 12 o'clock on the phone, already weeping so much. This time, the hunters were coming out of the forest with Daniel and Darasimi. "These fools are already late!" She shouted as she hooted so that they'll notice her presence and walk faster. They all got into the car immediately they noticed her and rushed to the palace. The Queen was still sweating despite she's in the atmosphere of air conditioner. The Princess called her again. She picked it, "he's dead right? I'm dead!!" She exclaimed and ended the call. "Can't you run, is the car telling you not to press the throttle?" She scolded the driver. They finally got to the palace. The palace gates were wide open. No one was outside, the Queen couldn't contain it any longer, she jumped out of the car. WHAT NEXT? She met the guards in the living room and maids, all happy wining and dining. "Are you all mad!" She shouted and rushed upstairs. She got to the front of the King's door and met Tony standing. She freezed, and shivering. "You can go in." She pointed. The Queen rushed into the room and met the King seated. She stood in front of him with surprise all over her. Tony walked inside the room also. "Raymond." She called stretching her hand forward. Daniel had rushed upstairs too, at the front of the King's room. The King was staring at the Queen and was smiling continuously. "How are you now?" She asked as she quickly sat beside him. The King demonstrated that he couldn't talk. Tony cleared his voice so that his presence will be felt. "Let's go to the living room your highness." He uttered, staring at the Queen. They walked to the palace. The King couldn't talk. Daniel dodged on noticing them coming out. He was still surprised and didn't understand all what was going on. He walked into the King's room and looked around. He saw his mouth organ on the table there, he picked it and dashed downstairs. He stood by the dining and peeping. The Queen was shouting at the guards then. "What's the celebration about, can the King talk!" She kept shouting. Everyone kept quiet right away. The Queen was addressing them and still tilting her head to see Tony. "What is he doing here. How come? What happened?" She kept asking. The pastors came inside the palace from outside. They've been discussing and praying for the King. "The mouth organ." Tomi's pastor uttered. He came to "HIS GRACE" hospital and told them that for Tony to get well, he must also make sure he sees his twin brother. Although, they were all surprised about who the twin brother is, until the pastor told them its the King. The guards were looking at one another. "Wahala dey for palace today oh, wich one be mouth organ again bayi in this matter." The Queen was staring at the pastor as a new face. Daniel came out from the dining and walked to the living room with his bloody and tattered cloth. He stood in between everyone and showed the mouth organ. "Who is Daniel?" The Pastor asked again. Everyone kept staring at the pastor. No one understood them. The Queen pointed to Daniel and he started playing his "magic mouth organ". As he was playing, everything was changing, the King's health started turning around, till everything changed and everyone took their rest. •••• The next morning... Tony was in a hurry to leave for the city because of his wife but was delayed. Winnie was with her through out the night. The pastors didn't allow it, they said they must settle everything at once. Funke and Gloria rushed to the palace on hearing Daniel and Darasimi are back. They were allowed into the palace this time and they barged in. •••• David was also on his way to the palace to plead with the King to get him his wife and children and he has repented. He was also present in the palace that morning as Omitola was also invited to come. The issue started. "You were there when the delivery took place ma. Is it true the King and Tony are twins?" The pastor asked her. "Yes.. They are." Everyone became quiet and surprised. The King himself filled with surprise, looking at Tony, while Tony was also staring at him, smiling. "It was planned years back, when the Queen wanted to give birth that Tony will be given to the Queen's friend and demonstrated that way so that they won't be killed." She explained. Raymond sighed. "Everyone thinks I'm dead, but you're all wrong..." Tony said. "Y.. Yea... At this junction I'll confess." Damilola said sadly. "Confess?" Ruth stared at her. "Yes.. I was the one that sent the hired killers to kill him so that he won't disturb me about the pregnancy I was carrying then." She explained. "Preg what?" The King repeated and was looking at her. "Yes. T.. Tony Ruth's father." She stammered out. "Huh?" Ruth stood up at once. Daniel was smiling where he was. "See princess." He thought. "You don't mean this!" The King shouted. "I also tried to kill Gloria and Funke, but weren't found. Since then, they've not entered this kingdom." She uttered. "You this woman!" Raymond shouted. "I'm sorry." She started crying. "So I'm an empty barrel without a successor." The King's eyes turned red and he rested his back. "You have a successor!" Funke and Gloria walked in, they've been by the door since. "This is serious!" Daniel laughed from his seat. Daniel and Darasimi rushed to their mothers and hugged them happily. "A successor?" The King repeated staring at their faces. "Funke! Gloria!" He shouted and stood up, the Queen and Tony also stood up. "What's happening?" The King was looking around. "Darasimi is your daughter." Funke said. "Darasimi?" The King stared. ... To be continued
7 Apr 2015 | 04:09
Awesome story nxt plz........lolz...i'm jst imagining the kinda pandamonium dat waz going on wen diz revelations wer made.
7 Apr 2015 | 04:32
D queen is in 4 it
7 Apr 2015 | 05:39
vry interestin story
7 Apr 2015 | 05:52
Nice one there...
7 Apr 2015 | 06:07
Hmmmmm I love dis, let me see how d King will react. next plsss.
7 Apr 2015 | 06:24
Yeah ryt..... I wish i could see dia faces ryt nw
7 Apr 2015 | 06:31
Wow! wow!! wow!!!.....dis is ridiculos. So queen will lose both home nd abroad. Well let me see wat will happen nxt
7 Apr 2015 | 06:33
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Finally D truth has been revealed Afefe tife atiri furo adiye
7 Apr 2015 | 06:38
Thats so cul,,,Ruth the princess,,pele o.
7 Apr 2015 | 08:20
Datz great daniel dream becumin true
7 Apr 2015 | 09:05
Amazing cnt stop laughing,,, nxt pls
7 Apr 2015 | 14:14
I rilli love dis story...
7 Apr 2015 | 14:51
pls post nw
8 Apr 2015 | 07:30
Queen damilola plant rice and want 2 harvest beans 4 here....Her life done paforkar
8 Apr 2015 | 08:36
pls upload nw
8 Apr 2015 | 08:51
Gud one abeg post the next one.
8 Apr 2015 | 11:49
episode 67 ..."Yes, she's your daughter." She uttered. "How come.. Come here, my dear." The King called Darasimi. "I was pregnant back then, but couldn't bring myself to you. I don't want to disturb your home and even don't want to inherit death from the Queen." She uttered. "So.. I'm confused. You are Daniel's mother too?" The King faced Gloria. "Yes." She replied with her head down. "God is mighty!" The pastor smiled and shook his head. The Queen continued crying. "Oh My God! Funke.. Gloria!" Tony smiled from his place. "This is awesome. How did you escape death too?" Funke asked smiling. " A man assisted me from where I was dumped, from there, I forgot everything about this Kingdom totally before God helped me to be able to remember." "This God is great!" The pastor repeated. "No doubt about it then, Daniel is the crown prince." The King uttered. The Queen was still heavily crying. "I want us all to sit down. We need to talk." The Pastor said and stood in between them. "I won't use any bible verse but I want you to know some things. We are all humane.. We love partiality. The rule of this Kingdom is that twins should be killed but when it came to the issue of the Queen, you scraped it. God hates people who are partial. We must always do things with equality, although NO MATTER WHAT the partiality is, if God doesn't wish it, it won't come to pass. If God had wanted the King and Tony to be killed, they would be killed too. God does things because of something.. You may always think that why are you in poverty, why are you in problem.. God understands. There was a man striving to buy a car but God told him its not yet time. He made sure he stole so that he could buy a car, on his way back home to show everyone the car, he died in it. He knows the best time for us and best thing. You don't tell God this is what you want. What you want may be bad but before you, its good. Always say "LET YOUR WILL BE DONE" rather than saying you want this and that. To you Tony.. God deliberately saved your life because of the fulfillment of this day and so that his name would be glorified. Those twins that caused havoc in this Kingdom then were given by a god to the woman that gave birth to them, that was why everything turned around. Twins aren't bad! The Queen, its because you aren't in God. You could have told the former King who you are in love with and fight the battle for your love, that's a TOTAL LOVE, but because of wealth, riches, fame, you deserted everything about love and killed people. You never tempered justice. God hates it! To you the King, because of anger, you almost destroyed a soul that now saved you. God hates anger so much, I Proverbs 14, he talked about it so much through his servant, Solomon. Anger destroy things and has nothing to offer you! To forge forward, have a TOTAL LOVE for everyone and desert bad attitudes. You almost lost your soul too if not for God's mercy and the good things you've been doing. To you all Daniel, continue with the TOTAL LOVE you have, it was the one that prevented death for you also. You would have died and become a history of the forest if not for the TOTAL LOVE you have for everyone. That's what God loves and there are rewards for it. You fought for your love and you aren't the Queen who gave up her love because of wealth and riches. This is your reward, that's the Queen's reward. To the princess and her friends who believe eliminating anyone will let you get whatever you want but you are wrong! God kills, creates! If you kill, you have blames before God. That's your reward too. To you that beat your wife and desert your wife because of a woman. A promiscuous man, an adulterer, that's your reward too. You worked severally to get everything for this your wife through hard ways but at the end, see your life. Your anger got a daughter's spinal cord disturbed." "I'm sorry Gloria.. Please accept me back." David knelt. Gloria walked towards him and received him back. The pastor smiled. "That's TOTAL LOVE and there's reward for it. "Now that everything has cleared off. Dami and her daughter should leave the palace for me so that the Queen and my daughter will be here." The King shouted. "No.. That's not TOTAL LOVE. We should be able to forgive and forget. Temper justice, my King. "Alright, Funke and Darasimi will move into the palace also and we'll all live together like a happy family," he said. "Yes.. That's cool." Tony smiled. "So TOTAL LOVE HAS REWARDS AND GAINS, IT HAS JOY IN IT, HAPPINESS, MERCY AND LOTS MORE!" ... FROM THE AUTHOR'S DESK. LOVE EVERYONE TOTALLY, DISCARD HATRED, LEARN FROM MISTAKES PEOPLE HAVE MADE AND FORGE FORWARD IN ALL ASPECT. DON'T RUN AWAY FROM SOMEONE BECAUSE OF THE PERSON'S PROBLEM TO SAVE YOURSELF, SNUB ANGER, DON'T KILL. REMAIN BLESSED.. |TðÅÑ|®™ THE END. TOTAL LOVE- Temitope Daniel. ©2013
8 Apr 2015 | 14:19
Wow!!!...i rilli love dis story....U ARE D BEST...keep it up...
8 Apr 2015 | 14:46
Waooooow! Total love indeed. Luv diz story nd also learn frm it.
8 Apr 2015 | 15:22
very educative
8 Apr 2015 | 15:30
hmmm dis is great.
8 Apr 2015 | 15:37
Thumbs up for you!
8 Apr 2015 | 15:56
nice stry nd happi endin,is gud to luv one anoda cos jehovah god is luv,total luv indeed,kudos to u coolval more grace to ur elbow
8 Apr 2015 | 16:16
wow oo. total love. I enjoyed evry bit of dis story. kip it up @Temitopedaniel.
8 Apr 2015 | 16:44
I tink i should call dis all round LOVE. Temitope God bless u.
8 Apr 2015 | 17:06
Omg! Words cant describe how i feel abt this story. Great work. just like me, i av total love for everyone!
8 Apr 2015 | 17:25
Total Love here, Total Love there! I wanna show someone diz total love. Who wanna have my total love
8 Apr 2015 | 17:26
OMG! Words can't describe how I feel about this story. Great work. just like me, I have total love for everyone!
8 Apr 2015 | 18:03
wow wow wow. this is so awesome. nice work Temitope Daniel
8 Apr 2015 | 18:07
I also have total love 4 everyone. Kudos temitope Daniel..... Kudos val..
8 Apr 2015 | 18:29
8 Apr 2015 | 20:22
it has finally cum to an end
9 Apr 2015 | 02:50
Na total love gangan. Really interesting
9 Apr 2015 | 04:05
More Grease to ur elbow! Thumbs up 4 u
9 Apr 2015 | 07:34
I really love this story God bless u Temitope
9 Apr 2015 | 08:23
Nice story bro... I can see d lyrics of your story imparting more in d society in d future... TOTAL LOVE
9 Apr 2015 | 09:34
Hell Yeah let them know no partiality in Total Love.. Happy at last
9 Apr 2015 | 10:30
Tnk God i'm alive 2 read d final episode.... I dnt av total love 4 ppl..... . . . . . . . . . . Actually.... . . . . I have a Sincere love... Xpecting more 4rm u....
9 Apr 2015 | 21:11
Total love indeed, i really luv the story thumps up temitope
10 Apr 2015 | 07:24
nice story i must say.evn perfect!
10 Apr 2015 | 09:38
TOTAL LOVE indeed.... Please pray for me on today's election contesting for ABIA STATE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY IKWUANO
11 Apr 2015 | 06:06
I stop reading dis story sum time ago cos I dnt seems to understand sumtins der buh nw dat I start all over again I go to knw d story is interesting n superb..tanks to d author,more ink to ur pen.
14 Apr 2015 | 09:45
hmm! i've been a ghost reader of dis story abd dis is mah first comment. I must say i commend d great mind of d writer
17 Apr 2015 | 08:33
d best story so far,kudos to d writer,a wel job done,more greese to ur elbow,more ink to ur pen
25 Apr 2015 | 07:43
I guess she die
27 Apr 2015 | 17:57
awesome story ..rili luv it !
30 Apr 2015 | 11:24
u wan die in small pikin lol
8 Jul 2015 | 07:09
I tink there re 2 much makn me confused.anyways i wl jst try 2 blend in.nice story.kep it up
10 Jul 2015 | 10:28
I rely luv dis story becux i ave TOTAL LOVE 4 evry one so i luv u all
27 Jul 2015 | 19:30
Daniel y naa,u 4 no slap her
7 Aug 2015 | 09:15
Oh yeah! This is really total love! A lot to learn and alot to gain from the story. Thank u@TemitopeDaniel, looking forward for more of ya stories.
28 Aug 2015 | 11:10
3 Sep 2015 | 07:06
dis is lovly Nd interesting
5 Sep 2015 | 09:31
21 Sep 2015 | 10:20
wow! I pray for TOTAL LOVE, amen!
6 Oct 2015 | 17:06
nah guy if u be mi son nah kill be ur second nameooo wich kind yeye helpin be datone
21 Oct 2015 | 02:17
badbelle queen ur doze re nombad on dat throne
21 Oct 2015 | 02:22
Ah enjoy diz story thum up 2 u
12 Nov 2015 | 15:53
TOTAL LOVE indeed....i fell in love with dis story frm episode 1 to d last...thumps up d Author
18 Nov 2015 | 18:52
omg!. Love d story but hate d end... D queen, princess and her frds shld be punish.. They are criminals... Death is their reward according to d constitution
24 Nov 2015 | 15:37
wow its amazing
9 Dec 2015 | 13:05
Kudos 2d writer keep it up
31 Jan 2016 | 16:25
How do I follow up this story pls
4 Mar 2016 | 01:40
12 Mar 2016 | 13:15
21 Mar 2016 | 17:24
Dat 1 person is my Danny
24 Apr 2016 | 12:54
who is Daniel's father?
29 May 2016 | 03:29
Great work... want to c diz soon in a cinema... Love z great
3 Jul 2016 | 18:10
Well done u av done a great job
11 Jul 2016 | 06:30
Nice story
18 Jul 2016 | 15:03
Nice story
22 Jul 2016 | 09:14
tota; love not hslf but wwe neeed total love something coolval lacks now because of competitions
6 Aug 2016 | 18:05
real love is total love
7 Aug 2016 | 03:59
I love diz
8 Aug 2016 | 00:19
8 Aug 2016 | 00:19
8 Aug 2016 | 00:20
8 Aug 2016 | 00:20
8 Aug 2016 | 00:20
8 Aug 2016 | 00:21
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8 Aug 2016 | 00:22
8 Aug 2016 | 00:22
8 Aug 2016 | 00:23
8 Aug 2016 | 00:23
8 Aug 2016 | 00:23
8 Aug 2016 | 00:24
8 Aug 2016 | 00:24
Nice one
8 Aug 2016 | 00:24
8 Aug 2016 | 00:25
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8 Aug 2016 | 00:29
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8 Aug 2016 | 00:30
8 Aug 2016 | 00:30
8 Aug 2016 | 00:30
8 Aug 2016 | 00:30
8 Aug 2016 | 00:31
where do I read the continuation of the story?
9 Aug 2016 | 13:07
10 Aug 2016 | 02:04
nice one
10 Aug 2016 | 02:04
love in the air
10 Aug 2016 | 02:05
I go love o
10 Aug 2016 | 02:05
Nice story Thumbs up
10 Aug 2016 | 05:46
11 Aug 2016 | 13:37
more love
11 Aug 2016 | 13:37
most love
11 Aug 2016 | 13:38
11 Aug 2016 | 13:38
nice one
11 Aug 2016 | 13:39
cool story
11 Aug 2016 | 13:39
interesting story
11 Aug 2016 | 13:41
Pls, d last episode is nt showin
7 Nov 2016 | 20:44
Nice Story
20 Dec 2016 | 13:35
17 Jan 2017 | 17:43
Wicked queen indeed.
31 Mar 2018 | 16:30
Daniel has land into problem & wickedness family.
31 Mar 2018 | 17:08
Darasimi is already in danger, she will see the princess other side.
31 Mar 2018 | 19:46
Daniel's father is an animal o.
1 Apr 2018 | 10:52
I pray both mother & daughter will not do any evil to darasimi.
1 Apr 2018 | 17:51
This story is so interestin nd happy ending.
2 Apr 2018 | 12:36
This story is so interestin nd happy ending.
1 Nov 2018 | 14:20
24 Nov 2018 | 01:12
This story great very interesting
10 Apr 2019 | 08:45
Pls how did it get to the spinal cord She hit her chest on the glass not her back So pls explain to me how it affected her spinal cord ?????????
31 Aug 2020 | 05:04
10 Sep 2020 | 07:41
story wey bam.
24 Nov 2020 | 03:48


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