TRUE LOVE season1

TRUE LOVE season1

By HolyBoy in 9 Jan 2017 | 10:44
HolyBoy ASU

HolyBoy ASU

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Posts: 465
Member since: 24 Jan 2016

......episode 1.....John Side Of The Story......

I woke up i did not know where i was, as i
was still trying to figure it out, i saw a
magnificient figure sitting beside me. I
could not figure out who she was but the
face looked famillier. I asked with a soft and jentle voice, please who are you? And
where am i? She replied, am your mom and
your in the hospital. I smiled and i asked "do
i have a mother?" tears rolled down her
eyes as she began to explain how i got
involved in a car accident and it affected my brain resulting to lost of memory.
But the only thing i could remember is that i
was in a car then i woke up in an hospital
bed, i asked if anybody died she said yes
that i am the only surviving soul. Immediately a name came in to my mind
and i asked "mom who is Angel?" she smiled
and said i dont know, i asked if she was
sure she replied "yes":
.......Just then the doctor came in, he examined me shoke his head then told my
mom that the lost of memory is sevier and
it will take me a year to recover that's if am
lucky. He also said that as long as the lost of
memory last i will not remember anybody
or anything from my past exception of the new friends am bound to make.
He fothermore said that as a result of the
accident i have been temporally paralized
and it will also take me a year to walk on my
own without seating on a wealchair.
I layed still staring at them like a child that is seeing someone for the first time.
He continued talking while my mom
continued listening, the last thing i heard
him say was that my mum should not make
me angry wether by mistake or purposfully,
reason being that it will affect my brain thereby prolonging the healing process.
I asked my mom if i have a name, she said
yes that my name is Mark Brown but i love
being called Brown.
I chuckled as i asked "what kind of name is
that? Who gave it to me?. She replied "your dad" and i asked "who is my dad? Where is
he? Is he dead? Why is he not here?
She replied your dad died long ago as she
cried and started raning courses on the
. "Devil why? What has my son don to you to
deserve this terible accident?, as if tha was
not enough you tempered with his brain
and now he does not even know who i am
and who his dad was.
I joined her in the cry, we cried for long, the more i cried the more my head began to
When the doctor came in and saw me
crying, he querried my mom "why is he
crying? Pls he should never cry while in this condition, any thing that will make him cry
in this condition pleas abort it or els whis
condition will worsen.
My head was already aching very seriously
i screamed as the doctor came to my rescue by giving me injection and i sleept.
When i woke up a food flask contaning rice
and stew was staring at my face but i had
no apitide.
"Please eat, you must eat somthing, since
you got up from coma you have not eating anything" she said but still i rejected the
meal. Somebody was on my mind, but i
dont know who the person was, i kept
thinking. She got up from her seat, came
closer to me with the food flask in her
hands, forced me to eat, i finally ate a little she was happy at list i ate somthing.
After i had finished eating, i went back to
sleep. When i woke up, i saw some strange
faces staring at me, they had come to
sympatyze with me she told me that they
are my relations. .....We stayed at the hospital for five months,
the accident was a sevier one to the extent
that i was temporaly paralize, so going
home soon would be like comiting sucide.
Finally the hour came for us to leave the
hospital, the doctor examined me then told my mom that am well enough to leave the
hospital, but i need to be comming back
every month for medical checkup so as to
monitor the healing process incase there is
any unusual symptom or development it
can be taking care of in time. .
I sat on a will chair that she bought for me
as she rolled me out of the hospital, the
security men who where outside helped my
mom in putting me inside the car she
thanked them and drove off. We got home every where was just knew to me, i could
not recognise the buildings or the street, so
i started asking questions.
"Mom where are we? And who owns this
house? She smiled as she answered "us"i
asked "you and who?" she answered "me and you" i smilled as she rolled me into the
house on my wealchair.
Not long her phone rang, she picked, after
making the call i asked her whats that she's
holding she said a phone and i asked her
what it is used for, she said for making of calls i den asked her if i have a phone she
said "no it was destroyed as a result of the
accident i'll get you a new one".
She took me to my room and i gazed
around as i said "wow this room is beautiful, who owns it?" i asked "you" she
answered "me?" i asked again she smiled as
she said "feel at home, if you ever need
anything pls dont hesitate to let me know".
She left my room shot the door, few
minutes later she came back and asked me what kind of phone i'll like her to buy for
me, i did not have knowledge about any
phone so i asked her to get me somthing
good. When she left i began to feal dizzy
and so i sleept on my weal chair, while in
my sleep i had a dream i saw a beautiful damsel holding my hands.
In the dream we were lovers, while i was
still dreaming someone woke me up, i gazed
it was my mom she came with a phone and
placed it on my laps.
I asked "what type of phone is this?" she answered "it's a Samsong Galaxy".
Then i saw somthing inside the phone pack
it was a sim pack, but due to my state of
lost memories i could not figure out what it
was, so i asked her. She took it from me,
tore the packet brought out the sim card then told me that it is called Sim Card and it
is used to store contact.
I was amaze, i began imagining how such a
little thing could be used to store contact, i
also tried figuring out what contact is but to
no avail so i asked her "what is contact?" tears clouded her eyes but could not flow
She then began to explain "contact can also
be called phone number it is a.........
I interupted "what is phone number?" after
hearing my question the tears broke down freely.
She wept silently i became confused, i asked
my self "is she crying because i asked her a
She got up went out of my room then came back with a biro and excersice book.
To be continued.......
9 Jan 2017 | 10:44
Whoa!! Continue please This seems thrilling already
9 Jan 2017 | 10:57
9 Jan 2017 | 11:11
Interesting story... Ride on
9 Jan 2017 | 11:25
Seated Hope to follow the ride
9 Jan 2017 | 11:27
Bro hope the correction Is accepted and right? @holyboy12
9 Jan 2017 | 11:31
9 Jan 2017 | 11:32
@Vict-viKING d ghost please dont cry @Alpha-Romeo i'll continue @Etz Froshberry i know ur here i can c ya @ola am ridding on chum @Frankkay Fasten ur seat belt cus d ride is going to b a long one @Specialme y d hmmmm?
9 Jan 2017 | 11:58
Hmmn, Seated
9 Jan 2017 | 12:04
@Harkeem1 Pls keep seating
9 Jan 2017 | 12:17
Really touching....i feel for the guy
9 Jan 2017 | 12:22
this is tough
9 Jan 2017 | 12:26
Nice start bro, keep it up.
9 Jan 2017 | 13:20
Go on.
9 Jan 2017 | 13:34
@Khachiska @oneal @Favour @jummybabe Thank u all 4 liking my story
9 Jan 2017 | 13:46
Bros ride on
9 Jan 2017 | 13:55
nice story, ride on
9 Jan 2017 | 14:01
this one go sweet past super story
9 Jan 2017 | 14:12
Nice starting ride on pls
9 Jan 2017 | 15:19
nawao just feel like crying cos it's going to be a long ride for the mother o. lego jawe
9 Jan 2017 | 15:34
This will be really touching
9 Jan 2017 | 15:35
0 Likes start . . Continue
9 Jan 2017 | 16:06
Episode 2 She asked me to identify any of the numbers, i gazed at her for a moment then turned to the excersise book but could not identify any of the numbers. She smiled as she said loudly "is not your fault, and i know very soon this will be over and you will be the Mark Brown i use to know, the inteligent and hard working Mark Brown. My enemies, they think they have succeded but my God will put them to shame. She taught me how to count in numbers and soon enough i was able to count in numbers. She explain amd taught me the rest of the things i needed to know about the phone, then i asked if she was able to recover my sim from the damaged phone she said no but was she telling the truith? Time will tell. ......I told her about the girl in my dream if she knows her she said "no the girl could be someone you are bound to meet in the future" i stared at her, i knew she was lieing but why would she lie to me? I asked my self. Maby i did not give her a clear cortal difination of who i saw in my dream, but how on earth was i surpose to know who she was? Then i remembered the doctor had said any thing tha will cause me pains should be aborted. Maby knowing who she was would cause me great pain, but that was not enough reason for her to lie to me, i knew there was more to it. I asked her if she was my girl friend before the accident she said "no i told you it may be the girl your bound to meet in the future", then i remembered she told me her name is Angel the exact name i had mentioned in the hospital. Immidiately i told her that she said her namme is angel "mom does that name sound familier to you?" i asked she answered "no i dont know the name and non of my friends, relative or even your friends bears that name. I guessed i was halucinating so i just decided to forget about the name. .......When she had left, i took my phone rolled my weal chair to where i had my extention pluged, i then pluged the phone and left it to charge according to what my my mom told me, i must charge it for at list two hours before use. So i let it charge for three hours, then inserted the new sim and memory card she bought into the phone and switched it on. The phone was empty like a new born baby, i could not operate it so i called my mom to come help me out by teaching me how to operate it. I watched closely as she started serting up the phone, i told her that i'll be lonley alone at home if she goes to work, i need someone i can chart with inother not to be idle. She smiled then said she will bring someone to keep me company but in the main i'll enjoy myself more and make a lots of friends if am sign to a social media account. I asked "what is a social media account ment for?" she answered "a social media account is used for charting and making of friends, we have many social media networks like face book, 2go, whatsapp, twitter, instagram and many others. If you sign up to any of this social media network, they become your social media account, you can use them to chart with your friends, love ones and you can also make friends true your social media account so the house wont be boring for you. I asked her if i had any social media account, she said the only one she knows of is facebook. I was happy, i asked her to help me with the account maybe i can reunite with my friends there. My excitement vanquished when she told me that she dont have the details to my facebook account, i asked what kind of details? She said she does not have access to my account meaning she does not know my password and my email. My face brightened up when she said she will creat a new facebook account for me, i asked her "mom what is password and email used for?" she answered "it's used to access and log into your social media account. The password is your secreat pin that only you can have access to. It can be eight or more digit number or alphabet of your choice, while the email is what you use to receive notification about your facebook account and its also used to recover your password if you forget it. She went to operamini home page and typed in the search it loaded and a facebook page apeared. I saw log in, new user? Forgot password?, she clicked new user it loaded and a new page appeared. I saw first name, surname, phone number or email adress, i had no email adress i could remember so she decided to creat an email for me. She minimized the facebook page she was on, opened a new page typed in in the search space provided at the top of the phone in my operamini browser. It loaded ana a gmail page appeared, she started filling the informations while i never stoped gazing as if she was performing magic. They requested for my names, number, age, gender and password which she imputed in the given paces. I could not remember how old i was, so i watched her closely as she imputed 5th jully 1990 in the given spaces. When she was done filling the blank spaces with the required details, she screwed down, i saw agree to the terms and conditions she clicked agree. After that the page loaded and we were directed to another page where i saw an sms containing your confermation code will be send to this number 0817*****46 if the number is not yours change it. It was mine so she ignored that and moved down to where i saw send and she clicked, few seconds latter an sms arived my phone. She opened the sms, i saw your confermation code is 563257 she copied it and pasted in the gmail page at a space provided below were i saw type code. She clicked send it loaded and i saw congratulations your gmail account has been successfuly created, i gazed at her and smiled. She went back to the facebook page she had minimised, filled in my email adress and name in the provided spaces. Then she screwed down to were i saw Gender male, female she tick male. I was just gazing at her without ultaring a word from my mouth, next thing i saw was birthday she imputed corectly 5th jully 1990 then what i saw next was new password, she imputed my name as the password i saw confirm password she imputed the same password again. Then i saw a message that says: by clicking sign up, you agree to our facebook and that you have read our data policy, including our cokie use. You may receive sms notification from facebook and can opt out at any time. To be continued........
9 Jan 2017 | 17:23
@holyboy12 u will post d episode on d first thread as a comment and post it
9 Jan 2017 | 17:31
nice one ride on
9 Jan 2017 | 17:34
@jummybabe ok i'll do just that in my next episode @blixinluv tank u
9 Jan 2017 | 17:41
nice one though! Buh I just join d tory here. d link to d first episode is urgently needed... lol
9 Jan 2017 | 17:43
@TALENT SCOUT thank you bro
9 Jan 2017 | 17:46
@TinaGabe i dey with u lets go together @Tolani yes very touching
9 Jan 2017 | 17:49
Wow thz gonna be awesome
9 Jan 2017 | 18:03
@Etz d’bramo
9 Jan 2017 | 18:06
Wow nice story
9 Jan 2017 | 18:09
@JayTB u think so?
9 Jan 2017 | 18:10
9 Jan 2017 | 18:22
So touching
9 Jan 2017 | 18:22
eyaa sorry
9 Jan 2017 | 18:29
mum take heart..all wuld b well ride on...
9 Jan 2017 | 18:29
feel lyk 2 cry
9 Jan 2017 | 18:30
@Adeshina @LuckyThompson pls u guys should not cry oh mbok
9 Jan 2017 | 18:48
What a pathetic story, oops all episodes would'nt be this sympathetic...
9 Jan 2017 | 19:35
@Le’ Chris just keep reading u'll find out ur self......
9 Jan 2017 | 19:44
@holyboy12 come and pilot us nau mbok!
10 Jan 2017 | 04:18
nice starting
10 Jan 2017 | 05:20
@TinaGabe i will pilot u guys but i dont have airtime
10 Jan 2017 | 05:56
Episode 3 ...........Mark Side Of The Story Continues....... ----------------------------------------------- Nex i saw sign up, she clicked on the sign up message it loaded then directed us to facebook setup page. The first thing i saw was information about where i work, where i schooled, where am from and where i live she field every of the information correctly. Then next i saw profil picture, i was asked to put a profile picture so i could get more ataintion from felow facebook users, but i had no new picture so she used one of the diffult wall papers in the phone i kept on gazing as she did her magic. ---------------------------------------------- To me i was just starting life like a day old baby, concidering my state of lost memories, so to me she was perfoming magic. I did not know what she was doing and how she did it, so i just continued gazing at the phone, while she kept on performing her magic. She filled every details corectly, the last thing i saw was people you may know, i checked but could not identify any of them. She just added them afteral am looking for friends, she added up to hundred friends. But i discovered somthing, if she see's a femail profile she will go true it carefully by checking the name and pictures carefully before adding. I asked her why she did so she said it's for security purposes. I was exausted and filling slippy, i asked her to stop that i'll complet it latter am tired. She pluged the phone to charge, then rolled me on my weal chair to where my bed was. Getting up from my weal chair to my bed was difficult for me sometimes my mom would assist me, somethimes i got up on my own but with so much stress and pains. But at list i could go to bed on my own without assistance. ------------------------------------------------- Two weeks had passed and i had forgoten about the facebook account she created for me, then suddenlu a notification came into my phone it was facebook notification informing me that i have a message from James a facebook friend. I opened it it reads "hullo chap" i replied "hullo" he asked me where am from, i remembered my mom typing Imo State in the giving space when she was setting up my facebook account so i told him am from Imo State. He asked me "which local government?", i did not know so i told him i dont know, he posted a smile icon then said i should stop joking and tell him the truith but i told him that am serious i dont know my local goverment. He was curious to know why, so he asked why a grown up man like me would not know my local government, "or have i not been going to my village?" he asked. I had no choice than to tell him about the accident and it's damage to my memory, he felt pity on me then asked me to send him my picture, but i told him i dont have any new pictures and i dont have any idea about the old ones but in my spare time i'll look for them. He asked if he could come visit me i agreed, he asked for my house adress and phone number. I knew the location our house because my mom had told me when we went out for shopping. So i gave him the location of our house at Marian and my phone number. ---------------------------------------------- I was in my room when i was charting with him, i rolled my weal chair to the palour. My mom was seated with her both legs crossed watching Z World. I asked her my local government she told me, then i asked her about my pictures if i have any she said yes she'll bring them to me. Then i asked "how many pictures do i have?" she answered by saying uncountable "uncountable?" i asked she noded her head as she said "yes you loved taking pictures, any new cloth or pair of shoe you baught you will never forget to snap at list 10 pictures with it maby because you are photojenic. I asked "wat is photojenic?" she answered "someone who looks more handsum in photos than in real life is said to be photojenic ,so you have a lot of pictures to call your own". I was curies to see the photos so i asked her to go get it for me at that particular momment. She said no that she will get it latter for me because she does not want to distract her self from the movie she was watching. I asked the tittle of the movie she was watching she said true love, then i told her that a chum of mine is comming to pay me a visit. She was suprised and excited, she asked "male or female" i answered "male" after hearing male the excitement in her face reduced a little. She asked "where did you meet him? Because i know since we got back from the hospital you have not gone out all by your self, we always go out together and in all this times we went out i did not see you talking or exchanging number with any chap. I chuckled as i said "mom have you forgoten that you created a facebook account for me? That is where i got this chap from" she replied "wow that's nice before two weeks you would have gotten enough chums to keep you company in my absence". ----------------------------------------------- While in the middle of the conversation a call came into my phone, i checked it was an unknown number, i picked the voice said "hullo chap" i replied "hullo, please who am i speaking?" the voice answered "James" when i heard James i was excited i asked "where are you?" he answered "am outside your gate that's if i got the adress correctly. Inother to be sure, i asked if the gate is painted red because our gate is the only gate around that street that is painted red. He said yes, i told him to wait my mom is comming to escort him in, i turned to my mom bekon on her to go and usher in my visitor. She left, few seconds latter she came in with a tall beard muscular young man, black in complection with nice white teeth, he had dimples when he smiled, his hair was plated all back and he was every girls dream. I stared my gazed at him for some second then greated him "hullo James" he replied "hullo, is this Mark Brown?" i said yes. Tears rolled down his chick as he stared at me then came closer and huged me tight. My mom left the palour letting us get along, we charted for an hour about so many things he told me much about his life, and i told him about my little life i had left after the accident. I told him that he is the only friend i now have since i had the accident, he smilled as he said "dont wory i will not let your gurd down, i will always be there for you as a true friend. ----------------------------------- Could he be the one who will help me in discovering who Angel is to me? That i will soon find out. to be continued.......
10 Jan 2017 | 06:08
but this one you are using to reply some chart will av gone a long way o@iceprince
10 Jan 2017 | 07:39
nna mheen
10 Jan 2017 | 08:10
@jummybabe i did as my lady commanded
10 Jan 2017 | 08:12
@TinaGabe i have posted episode 3
10 Jan 2017 | 08:16
………..Mark Side Of The Story Continues……. ———————————————– Nex i saw sign up, she clicked on the sign up message it loaded then directed us to facebook setup page. The first thing i saw was information about where i work, where i schooled, where am from and where i live she field every of the information correctly. Then next i saw profil picture, i was asked to put a profile picture so i could get more ataintion from felow facebook users, but i had no new picture so she used one of the diffult wall papers in the phone i kept on gazing as she did her magic. ———————————————- To me i was just starting life like a day old baby, concidering my state of lost memories, so to me she was perfoming magic. I did not know what she was doing and how she did it, so i just continued gazing at the phone, while she kept on performing her magic. She filled every details corectly, the last thing i saw was people you may know, i checked but could not identify any of them. She just added them afteral am looking for friends, she added up to hundred friends. But i discovered somthing, if she see’s a femail profile she will go true it carefully by checking the name and pictures carefully before adding. I asked her why she did so she said it’s for security purposes. I was exausted and filling slippy, i asked her to stop that i’ll complet it latter am tired. She pluged the phone to charge, then rolled me on my weal chair to where my bed was. Getting up from my weal chair to my bed was difficult for me sometimes my mom would assist me, somethimes i got up on my own but with so much stress and pains. But at list i could go to bed on my own without assistance. ——————————————— Two weeks had passed and i had forgoten about the facebook account she created for me, then suddenly a notification came into my phone it was facebook notification informing me that i have a message from James a facebook friend. I opened it it reads “hullo chap” i replied “hullo” he asked me where am from, i remembered my mom typing Imo State in the giving space when she was setting up my facebook account so i told him am from Imo State. He asked me “which local government?”, i did not know so i told him i dont know, he posted a smile icon then said i should stop joking and tell him the truith but i told him that am serious i dont know my local goverment. He was curious to know why, so he asked why a grown up man like me would not know my local government, “or have i not been going to my village?” he asked. I had no choice than to tell him about the accident and it’s damage to my memory, he felt pity on me then asked me to send him my picture, but i told him i dont have any new pictures and i dont have any idea about the old ones but in my spare time i’ll look for them. He asked if he could come visit me i agreed, he asked for my house adress and phone number. I knew the location our house because my mom had told me when we went out for shopping. So i gave him the location of our house at Marian and my phone number. ———————————————- I was in my room when i was charting with him, i rolled my weal chair to the palour. My mom was seated with her both legs crossed watching Z World. I asked her my local government she told me, then i asked her about my pictures if i have any she said yes she’ll bring them to me. Then i asked “how many pictures do i have?” she answered by saying uncountable “uncountable?” i asked she noded her head as she said “yes you loved taking pictures, any new cloth or pair of shoe you baught you will never forget to snap at list 10 pictures with it maby because you are photojenic. I asked “wat is photojenic?” she answered “someone who looks more handsum in photos than in real life is said to be photojenic ,so you have a lot of pictures to call your own”. I was curies to see the photos so i asked her to go get it for me at that particular momment. She said no that she will get it latter for me because she does not want to distract her self from the movie she was watching. I asked the tittle of the movie she was watching she said true love, then i told her that a chum of mine is comming to pay me a visit. She was suprised and excited, she asked “male or female” i answered “male” after hearing male the excitement in her face reduced a little. She asked “where did you meet him? Because i know since we got back from the hospital you have not gone out all by your self, we always go out together and in all this times we went out i did not see you talking or exchanging number with any chap. I chuckled as i said “mom have you forgoten that you created a facebook account for me? That is where i got this chap from” she replied “wow that’s nice before two weeks you would have gotten enough chums to keep you company in my absence”. ———————————————– While in the middle of the conversation a call came into my phone, i checked it was an unknown number, i picked the voice said “hullo chap” i replied “hullo, please who am i speaking?” the voiceanswered “James” when i heard James i was excited i asked “where are you?” he answered “am outside your gate that’s if i got the adress correctly. Inother to be sure, i asked if the gate is painted red because our gate is the only gate around that street that is painted red. He said yes, i told him to wait my mom is comming to escort him in, i turned to my mom bekon on her to go and usher in my visitor. She left, few seconds latter she came in with a tall beard muscular young man, black in complection with nice white teeth, he had dimples when he smiled, his hair was plated all back and he was every girls dream. I stared my gazed at him for some second then greated him “hullo James” he replied “hullo, is this Mark Brown?” i said yes. Tears rolled down his chick as he stared at me then came closer and huged me tight. My mom left the palour letting us get along, we charted for an hour about so many things he told me much about his life, and i told him about my little life i had left after the accident. I told him that he is the only friend i now have since i had the accident, he smilled as he said “dont wory i will not let your gurd down, i will always be there for you as a true friend. ———————————– Could he be the one who will help me in discovering who Angel is to me? That iwill soon find out. to be continued…….
10 Jan 2017 | 08:52
@tinagabe episode 3
10 Jan 2017 | 09:02
Xo uno 4get angel .e be ax if u go lyk woman wel wel oh b.4 d accident
10 Jan 2017 | 09:08
Wow intresting next please
10 Jan 2017 | 09:10
Why posting it seperately?.
10 Jan 2017 | 09:14
Stead already but dis story is,,,, well am looking forward to next episode
10 Jan 2017 | 09:55
@captainspoonz bcus i lov it dz way
10 Jan 2017 | 10:02
Post the episodes in the 1st thread you opened.
10 Jan 2017 | 10:03
10 Jan 2017 | 10:06
pls post d episode on the first thread u opened
10 Jan 2017 | 10:12
Ride on
10 Jan 2017 | 12:20
next pls
10 Jan 2017 | 13:28
10 Jan 2017 | 13:32
@hollyboy12 pls be numbering your episode thanks as u do so
10 Jan 2017 | 13:50
10 Jan 2017 | 15:29
Thanks 4 d mention @holyboy12 . James will help him stand back on his feet. kontinew
10 Jan 2017 | 15:41
Interesting story..
10 Jan 2017 | 16:57
hmmm nice 1
10 Jan 2017 | 18:01
EPISODE 4 ..............Mark Side Of The Story Continues From Mark's House In The Evening. --------------------------------------- He stayed with me till around 7pm and decided to take his leave. I said "i would have loved to see you off but i can't, am stocked to this dam weal chair" he smiled as he said "dont wory i know my way out" i smiled back at him as he walked awa. Just then my mom came in as if she was timing us, maby she realy was timing us. "Hm i just pray he be a good friend to my son" she had said. We had a few discortion, in one of them she reminded me that i had requested for her to bring me someone to keep me company in her absent. "so tomorow someone is coming to keep you company" she said i asked who it was she said her friends daughter by name Gift. I said to her "though i had asked you to bring me somebody to keep me company in your absence, but now i dont need anybody to keep me company anymore, i have James who is now my friend and am okay with him. We argued over the matter, i left her in the palour, i went to my room and began thinking why she wants to bring a femail friend into my life. -------------------------------------- Even though i had requested for her to bring me someone to keep me company, i did not say she should bring a girl. I was tired, farmished but i did not care for food so i went to bed with an empty stomach. ......It was 8am the next morning when my mom walked into my room with an unknown figure standing beside her, i guessed she was the girl my mom was talking about yesterday. "Baby gracious morning tide to you, how was your night?" she asked i replied "it was fabulous and yours?" "fantastic" she answered. She continued "meet my friends daughter Gift the one i told you about yester-night, i gazed at her quietly. She had long dark hair, black in complexion, beautiful with open teeth, very tall and plumpy. I never liked her even for one second but i dont know why. Each time i see her i feal like i have just seen my worst enemy, i always prayed for the grace and ability to like her, just like before i can even start talking about love. You know you cant just start loving someone without first liking them, but the more i prayed the more my hatred for her grew stronger. I always find fault in every thing that she does, why is it so? I cant explain maby my spirit and her spirit do not agree, agree to what? I dont know. She came closer to me and she said "hi chum, i heard what happened to you but you dont need to wory i'll make you feal beter the best way i can. If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to let me know okay. I gazed at her for some seconds without ultaring any words from my mouth, the only thing on my head was the name Angel, it's obvious she was my lover before the accident. My problem now is how i could see her again, and my mom was not telling me the truith i needed to know. --------------------- I smiled at her, then i said "i dont need any thing even if i need something my mom will get it for me". I turned to my mom, in anger and fraustration a question just came out uncontrolebely from my mouth. "Mom was she also in the car when i had the accident?" Gift asked "please who is he talking about?" "shut up i wasent talking to you" i said to her then repeated my question. "Mom was she also in the car when i had the accident?" she asked "who are you talking about?". Angrily i said "please dont pretend as if you dont know who am talking about, am talking about Angel. I could see the shock in her eyes upon hering my question, she did not reply or even move her body. In anger i asked again "mom was she also in the car when i had the accident?", angrily she answered "no i told you i dont know her, and pleas dont you ever mention that name again in this house" she hissed and walked away. I was angry and needed to be left alone, Gift came closer trying to console me but the more she tried the more angrier i became. I made her very uncomfortabel the best way i could she got angry and left. She went to meet my mom, i over heard them discorsing but i paid no ataintion to their discorsion. I belived she was explaning to my mom how badly i treated her. I picked up my phone, put a call across to James he picked "hullo chap" i said he replied "hullo chum" i asked if he could come take me out, he replied "why not, i was about coming to your side before your call came in". I told him i'll be wating he said no problem, i ended the call undressed tying a towel around my wast as i was about going to the bathroom to take my bath my mom walked in. -------------------- She asked me what i did to Gift that made her unhappy i replied "nothing, i just told her the truith and you know..... She interupted "truith about what?" i answered "that she cant be my friend, i dont like her even for one second cant you see? "see what" she asked i answered "see that she cant be my friend because i dont like her. She frawn and was about to leave, then i told her that the only female friend i want to see is Angel. "that name again? What is wrong with you? I toth i told you never to mention that name again here in this house? And i remembered telling you i dont know her, what do you want me to do?" she asked. I yeld at her "you are lying mom, its obvious she was my girl friend before i had the accident, the looks on your face tells me that you dont like her and that is why you'r hiding the truith from me. But i will not stop untill i uncover her true identity". gift walked in she told my mom that she' about leaving, but my mom insisted that she stayed a little longer, she insisted on going saying she has somthing to do at@home for her mother. But i knew she was lying, from the way she said it. To be continued..... @TinaGabe @Adeshina @Williams @ola @Kotani93
10 Jan 2017 | 18:45
come and read episode 4
11 Jan 2017 | 00:49
11 Jan 2017 | 00:51
11 Jan 2017 | 00:52
hullo @Vincentjackson174
11 Jan 2017 | 00:54
your mom is hiding something
11 Jan 2017 | 02:33
Hmmm continue o
11 Jan 2017 | 02:56
Where angel naa? Come o cus mike wana see you
11 Jan 2017 | 03:50
11 Jan 2017 | 04:39
Angel, where are you? Mike is looking for you ooo
11 Jan 2017 | 04:48
@holyboy12 thanks for the mention. but who is this Angel sef. is she real Angel or?
11 Jan 2017 | 05:35
nice one
11 Jan 2017 | 05:55
Mmmmmmm where is d angel o o come o o
11 Jan 2017 | 06:18
@TinaGabe hahaha yes ohh she is real angel ohh angel of beauty just like u are.
11 Jan 2017 | 06:28
@ISIOMA she is coming ohhhh
11 Jan 2017 | 06:29
11 Jan 2017 | 06:56
Ride on am waiting, na wa for this mum
11 Jan 2017 | 07:34
Angel Na ur dream girl joor Dont retaliate keep pestering her okay
11 Jan 2017 | 07:38
I guess Gift is the lady your mum want for you but you are in love with Angel and your mum is now trying to use the advantage of you loosing your memory to matchmake you and gift but it seems not to be working
11 Jan 2017 | 11:38
[color =black]your correct [/color]
11 Jan 2017 | 11:49
11 Jan 2017 | 12:12
Next bro
11 Jan 2017 | 12:49
Still following...
11 Jan 2017 | 15:00
11 Jan 2017 | 18:22
Ride on
11 Jan 2017 | 18:43
12 Jan 2017 | 01:43
[color =red]MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHOR!! Hope your enjoying my story? If yes seat tight and relax while i bring to u episode 5 Thank U [/color]
12 Jan 2017 | 08:38
Next pls!
12 Jan 2017 | 09:54
[color =red]EPISODE 5 [/color] ------------------------------ [color =red]MARK SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES FROM HIS ROOM WITH HIS MOM AND GIFT [/color] ------------------------------------------------ I stared at her i knew she was lying, from the way she said it it was very clear that she was lying, even my mom could see it in her eyes. I knew she was not comfortable with the unplesant atmosphere i created for for her and that's why she decided to leave. ---------------------------- I never wanted her to stay even for a second not to talk of an hour, my mum turned her gazed at me with an angry tone she said. "you see what you have cause?" she hissed and they went out of my room. I wass a little bid releave knowing that she had gone out of the house, i went into the bathroom to shawer. While shawaring i tried my possible best not to think about what just happened. I finished bathing, came out clean and dry applied a little pomade on my skin, then i remembered i had not brush my teeth. I wemt into the bathroom took out my tooth brush spread a little tooth past and had my teeth and toung torolly brushed. I came out, put on a new cloth and had my hair combed, and rolled myself in my weallchair into the palour. Not long i heard a sound it was the sound of a car horn, i guessed it was James but the last time he came he did not come with a car. I rolled myself outside on my weallchair. The gate man had gone outside to meet with who so ever was in the car, he was outside for about 10 seconds i guessed he was trying to inquire about the persons identity. If it's James the gate man wouldnt know because the first time he came the gate man was not at his duity post so he did not get the chance to meet with him. After the conversation he came, open the gate for the car to drive in, my guess was true when i saw James come out of the car and walked towards me then gave me a hog and asked if i was ready i replied witha yes "yes am ready". He rolled me to where his car was parked, my mom just walked into the compound as he was trying to cary me inside his car. She helped him in puting me inside the car, then fold my weallchair and put it inside the back seat of the car. Then she turned to James and said "please take good care of him for me, he's all i got left. The gate was open and we drove out. ------------------- We went to Marina result, he drove me round, i had a glims of what i dont know if i had seen before i had the accident. I had great fun. Afther which he took me to a very nice fast food joint around, he ordered for fufu and afang sup while i ordered for Rice and stew. While eating i asked him if he knows anybody by name Angel he answered "the angel i know is the friend to my lover who was involved in a gastly motor accident just like you. But she is very lucky she was not badly injured like you, she just had a broken leg which in few months from now she will beable to walk again". When he had finished speaking he pussed looked at me for a while i gazed back at him at this time i was in a state of anxiety and confusion. I was anxious to know more about her, confused thinking if she is the angel i have been searching for all my life since i got back from the hospital. He asked me the reason for the sudden question i trew at him. I then told him that "when i was in the hospital after recovering from coma a name came in to my head, i asked my mom if she knew anybody by name Angel she said no but i know she is lying. Since then the name never sized from my memories, i even had series of dreams about her and she is always my lov in the dream". He replied saying he has no doubt the girl am talking about is my lover, the girl i use to love before the accident. I asked him if he knew the month the girl had the accident, he said 5th january 2016 i told him that that was the month i had my accident. From the look on his face i could tell he was shocked, amazed and confused. I then asked the name of the car she was in that had the accident, he told me safety motors and that was the exact motor i was in before the accident that's what my mom told me. With my eyes wide opened i was a bit realive thinking that my search was comming to an end, not knowing that was the begin of my journey in search of Angel. I asked him if he could take me to her, he agreed i had lost apitide so i stoped eating, he also did not finish his food i guess he had also lost apitide. [color =red]ANGEL SIDE OF THE STORY [/color] -------------------------------------- I was rushed to the hospital by good samaritans who where at the scen of the accident. I was unconcious for two weeks, when i regain conciousness i saw the doctor walking in with someone a lady to be precise. I did not recognise her immidiately because i was not fully concious of my envaronment and hapenings around me. She came closer but could not identify who i was because my face was covered with bandage reveling only my eyes, noes and mouth for the world to see. Because of the accident my face was damage beyound repairs, so they had to tie it up with bandage at such even my mom could not have recognise her own daughter if she was still alive. Tears rolled down her eyes as she stared at me, but i did not know why she was shading tears i later discovered that she was shading tears because of my condition. She then asked if am Angel, after hearing her voice i now knew she's Mark's mom. I replied "yes mam am angel, how is Mark Is he okay? Can he come and see me?" i asked she simpared as she said "no he can't see you, not now, not ever" "but why mam?" i asked. She turned to the doctor then told him that i should be transfer to a different hospital as soon as possible. Upon hering this, i broke down in tears, the doctor asked "why?" she said it's for my own good. Also she don't want her son to set eyes on me when he regain conciousness for security reasons
12 Jan 2017 | 09:59
12 Jan 2017 | 11:29
Mark's mum ....whats up now
12 Jan 2017 | 12:10
12 Jan 2017 | 12:48
D truth wil always find a way awt no matta wat
12 Jan 2017 | 12:56
na wa for Mark's mom
12 Jan 2017 | 13:13
Hmmm cotinue
12 Jan 2017 | 13:18
12 Jan 2017 | 13:43
Hmmmm i see...
12 Jan 2017 | 14:29
@fii-fi [color =red]what did u c? [/color]
12 Jan 2017 | 14:39
That woman deserve punch o
12 Jan 2017 | 14:47
@holyboy12,[b]what Mark Mom did[/b]...waiting to find out what is next
12 Jan 2017 | 14:52
@fii-fi[color =red]u will soon find out dont b in a hury cus anxiety kills d cat [/color]
12 Jan 2017 | 14:59
Please continue
12 Jan 2017 | 15:12
hmmm let's see what abt to happen
12 Jan 2017 | 15:36
12 Jan 2017 | 15:40
@ISIOMA [color =purple]pls dont b angry with her ohhh she just want d best for her son [/color]
12 Jan 2017 | 15:53
woman wahala
12 Jan 2017 | 15:53
@TinaGabe [color =red]hahaha real woman wahala [/color]
12 Jan 2017 | 15:59
why will she do that
12 Jan 2017 | 16:13
@jummybabe[color =red]maby because shes wicked or somthing els i dont know [/color]
12 Jan 2017 | 17:31
Wow continue plz
12 Jan 2017 | 18:46
@JayTB [color =red]U say make i continue u go gv me airtime? [/color]
12 Jan 2017 | 19:04
What kind of woman be dis
12 Jan 2017 | 20:07
@olayintan [b]u dey ask me?[/b]
12 Jan 2017 | 20:22
New episode @pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo
12 Jan 2017 | 20:27
woman sha
12 Jan 2017 | 21:24
too much suspense.….. where are we going now... looking forward
13 Jan 2017 | 03:38
[b]FROM D AUTHOR[/b] [color =red]we are going some where just chilax bro [/color]
13 Jan 2017 | 04:52
[color =red]EPISODE 6 [/color] [b]----------------------------------------------------[/b] [color =red]PRINCESS SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES [/color] [b]----------------------------------------------------- She dipped her hands into her bag, brought out 100 thousand naira and gave to me saying "take this money it's 100 thousand naira, i know it will be enough to erase memories of my son from your head. I know you dont love my son it's his money you love, i have given you enough money take it and forget about my son. Go somewhere far, somewhere he cant reach, just get lost. I rejected the money saying "i dont need your money, no amount of money can byu my love for your son Mark. I realy do love him and cant........ I did not complet my sentence she interupted "i told you i dont want to ever set my eyes on you near my son again even if its in my dream world do you understand?! With tears in my eyes i replied "yes mam, you will never see me any where near your son again i promise" she smiled then said "that's good, good girl you have taken a wise step in letting my son go. She turned her gaze that was stocked on me back to the doctor "please i dont want to see this girl here by tomorow morning, or els i'll have no chouce than to transfer my son to another hospital. The doctor knowing how wealthy the woman was, afraid to lose her son as a patience. So he agreed to meet her demands by transfering me to a different hospital. While she was about to leave i said "please mam come take your money i don't need it, she hissed took the money and walked away. When she got to the door, she opened it then turned back, gazed at me simpared and walked away. I layed still on my sick bed with tears in my eyes, that same day i was aranged to be transfered to a different hospital where i will neva get the chance to see my Mark again and that was the begening of my sorows. When i arrived at the new hospital, the shock of not seing Mark again affect me and i went unconcious again for 2 weeks. When i regain conciousness, the doctor told me that my face was badly damaged beyound repairs as a result of the accident. In other to fixe it back to normal they need to perform a plastic surgery on my face i.e giving me a new face. I could no longer control my imotions as i burst into tears, the doctor comforted me by saying "dont cry everything will be fine, you should thank God that your life was not lost inthe accident. Remember God said in everything we should give him thanks for he knows best. I was not only crying because my face was to me changed, but i was also crying because Mark will not get the chance to see me before my face get changeed. So even if he gets the chance to see me again, he wont recognize me because by then i'ill be ha ving a new face. I layed still soacked in tears, the taught of losing Mark for ever made me cry blood, i cried uncontrolebely like a baby. T he doctor who had left the word came back, he asked me if i knew any one i could reach to come see me before they caryout the surgery. I said yes i have a girl friend by name Precious, i dont have her number off head but i can still remember her house adress". I gave him her house adress, i was week and hungry at the same time so i told the doctor that i needed food he smiled, then said "dont wory i'll call on one of the nurse to get you somthing to eat. You have not eating since you regained conciousness, so i'll order for somthing heavy for you to eat" then he left. Some minutes latter a nurse walked into my word with a plate of rice in one hand and locozet boos in the other hand asking me to eat and be strong, i smilled got up with the help of the nurse and sat upright and began to consume my plate of rice. The nurse sat and watched me eat my meal, after eating and drinking she took the plate away and then i sleept off. I don't know how many hours i sleept on the bed all i know is i woke up, saw the doctor examining me. When i saw him i smilled, he told me that he did not see my girl friend, the neigbours told him that she has relocated to a new appartment. I asked where she relocated to, he said he was not told the neigbours do not know where she relocated to. I lay still letting the tears drop, within me i said "so i will not get the chance to see Precious again, not even Mark. The taught of not seeing either of them again made me cry like a baby. The doctor said i will be getting the surgery don in four days time, i should not wory every thing will go on well as it is surpose to. I smiled, the doctor then stared at me with pity for some seconds, then came closer and asked me if i dont have anyother person i could call. I then told him that i am the only child of my mom i lost my mom when i was 15 and my dad i have not seen him since i was born, my mom told me that he abandoned her with pregnancy of me. The tears that was glue to his eyes began to flow freely. He then asked me to tell him about my past life's experience before the accident. I dont know the reason why he asked the question, and i did not care to know why, afteral i needed someone to share my story to so as to lighten my burden. With tears in my eyes i began to narate to him my past life experience with mark, thats the only past life experience i'll always want to talk about because it brought me joy, hapiness, pain and sorrow altogether. Its also because of it i had this terible accident with Mark, we where about fleing the state to another state before the accident occured. ----------THIS IS MY STORY------------- I had a lover by name Mark we meet in school at our final year on october 5th 2015, that days experience i will never forget in a hurry. I came out of class at around 7pm, i was tired, farmished and also angry for staying so long at school. I left for school at about 7:45am and we finidhed our last lecture in the evening at 7pm so as i was about comming out of the lecture hall without looking left or right i just bump into Mark. We colided, i was not having any strenght in me because of the tiredness and hunger i was filling so i fell on the floor. -------------------------------------------------------- [/b] [color =red]To Be Continue [/color]
13 Jan 2017 | 06:59
13 Jan 2017 | 08:36
New episode @pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @ jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @ hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @ inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @ justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @ sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @ temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @ softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @ daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @ gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @ natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @ jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @ petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @ lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @ hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @ onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @ horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @ inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @ sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @ chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @ judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @ certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @ bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @ kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @ saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @ profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @ johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @ light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @ bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @ homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @ maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @ sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @ orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @ sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @ danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @ prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @ bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo
13 Jan 2017 | 09:03
such a pity
13 Jan 2017 | 13:10
nice story
13 Jan 2017 | 15:57
@Babyremi tank yah chum
13 Jan 2017 | 16:03
Such is life
13 Jan 2017 | 16:13
[b]AUTHOR[/b] @Peacechinaza93 ur right
13 Jan 2017 | 16:31
13 Jan 2017 | 16:39
13 Jan 2017 | 17:10
still following
13 Jan 2017 | 17:50
eeya sorry
13 Jan 2017 | 17:55
13 Jan 2017 | 19:44
what a pity
13 Jan 2017 | 20:10
I don dey cry , so touching
14 Jan 2017 | 04:12
14 Jan 2017 | 10:54
Nice one, next!
14 Jan 2017 | 14:10
14 Jan 2017 | 16:27
[color =red]EPISODE 7[/color] [b]-----------------------------------------------------------[/b] [color =red]PRINCESS SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES...............She's still telling her story to the doctor [/color] [b]----------------------------------------------------------[/b] [b]He held me up to my feet and then said he's sory, i was the one who was sopose to apologise because i did not look where i was going but the revers was the case. He apologised leaving me doumbfounded, because i have never seen such a man with such humility before in my life, the ones i meet are either proud, arogant or poppus. That was the begening of my affection for him, you may call it love at first site. He could see how tired and hungry i was, it was reating all over me, s o he requested to take me to a cantin in malabo Repoblic where i can eat, but i said no am okay i just wona go home but he insisted. I had no choice because i was really hungry, he took me to a restorant in malabo republick where he asked me to order for any thing i want to eat. I ordered for fufu and afang sup, while he odered for garri and white sup. While eating we had a few discursions, he aske for my name i told him my name is Angel. What a beautiful name he said then asked my level in school and what am studying. I told him am a final year student, studying theatre Art and media studies. He replied with a lovely smile on his face "wow what a nice course and a lovely name you'hv got . I also asked his name, the course he's studying & his level in the university. He stared at me for some second then said "well am studying medcine and sugery and am also in my final year my name is Mark Brown, but it will be nice if you call me brown. I chuckled as i said "what a funny and nice name you'hv got" we smiled at each other. The i told him playfully "make sure you study hard oh so you will become a professional doctor, so tha i'll be coming to your hospital for free treatment". He chuckled as he said "my dear chum nothing is free in this nigeria oh, even if i dont collect money from you you will always pay in another way we both laughed together. after we had finished eating, i got up told him am about leaving, he requested to give me a ride back home but i told him not to boder he insisted on taking me home i finally accepted. He walked me streight to where his car was parked, he aopened the front door for me i hoped in and we zoomed off. While on our way he asked to know where i was staying, i told him Goldie by Mount Zion, Akpanim street. When he heard Goldie Mount Zion he screamed wit a low tune "wow your such a strong lady to leave in such areas were principalities are gathered" by principalities he mean area boys, i smiled as i said to him "well am used to the roughness of the area" "even if they give me one million i wont leave in calabar south" he muttered. Finally we arrived at my area of resident @ No. 20b Akpanim street, Goldie by Mount Zion calabar, he asked if he could come visit me another day. He's not harmful, he's jentle, he's humble and kind so if he want to come visit me next time i dont see any problem with that i said to my self. I told him he can come visite me anytime, any day, any were but, when he hered but his count nance changed he gazed at me. I continued "but i dont wellcome male visitors........... I did not completmy statement, he interupted by saying "but you said i could come visit you any time, any where & any day" i replied "yes" he continued "but why then did you say you dont wellcome male visitors, and that includes me because am also a male. I gazed at him for a while, smilled then said "you did not allow me to complet my statement before interupting me that's why you did not get a clear cortal understand of what am trying to say. "What are you trying to say?" he asked with a smile on his face, i answered "what am saying is that i dont wellcome male visitors in my house from 8:pm upwards, so if you are coming by 8 you should be leaving". He chuckled then sked if he could get my digit, i said no problem. I called out the number for him, he typed it then gave me a flash, it rang he noded in confermation. I bid him good by as i steep out of the car into my appartment, i stood at my door post and watched him zoom off as i waved at him. That was the begening of my sorow, pain, joy & love, i could not sleep that night i was beasy thinking about him and i belived he did the same. ---------------------------------------------------------- The next morning while i was preparing for 7 O'clock lectures, some one drove into my compound i checked it was Mark. I was excited upon seeing him, i wanted to runout to go & meet him but i held my grib saying "if i run now he'l think am one of thoes cheep girls". So i stayed behind letting him come to me. I pretended as if i did not see him comming, he knocked on the door i went majestically, opened the door and welcome him in. He came in, i gave him a seat to seat and i asked why he's at my abode this early in the morning "i forgot to tell you yesterday that i dont wellcome male visitors at my house at this time of the day 7:20 am" though i was joking. He chuckled then said "i came to pick you and drope you at school," i smilled as i said "but you did not have to boder your self nah. I have been trecking since i started school, and am used to trecking". He replied "hush little baby dont you worry, now dat am your friend you dont need to boder yourself about trecking anymore. All you need do is to pick up your phone and dile on my number and i'll be at your service anytime, anyday & any hour, but i dont pick girls in my car when it's 8:pm i chuckled, it' obvious he's trying to say to me what i had said to him yesterday when he requested if he could come see me. Because i told him i dont wellcome male visitors at my abode when it's 8:pm, that's why he's also saying he does not carry girls in his car when it is 8:pm. [/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED.......... [/color]
20 Jan 2017 | 10:33
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo @Alpha-Romeo @froshberry-2 @olayintan @frankkay @specialme @harkeem1 @Khachiska @jummybabe @favour @oneal @kessbenson @chilovely @adeniyi @olushegzy @tinagabe @tolani @fii-fi @blixinluv @jaytb @love @osiwi @captainspoonz @eddyebere @ Adeshina @pheyisexy @gentleman @oneal @vincentjackson174 @isioma @Kotani93 @chriswayne @Eliana @bennydamsel @toochi @dinosquad @victoriouschild @paddy2x @taiwo
20 Jan 2017 | 11:24
I don't understand this story again o. or maybe am confused shaa
20 Jan 2017 | 13:24
@TinaGabe confuse ke?
20 Jan 2017 | 14:07
Trend carefully
20 Jan 2017 | 14:59
Enjoying this
20 Jan 2017 | 15:53
Bring it on
20 Jan 2017 | 16:37
wow! ..... Am inlove with this story continue
20 Jan 2017 | 16:50
Ride on....
20 Jan 2017 | 17:13
20 Jan 2017 | 17:32
20 Jan 2017 | 17:39
20 Jan 2017 | 17:45
20 Jan 2017 | 17:54
@jummybabe wt do u mean by 1-1 ok i c
20 Jan 2017 | 17:57
@jummybabe wt do u mean by 1-1 ok i c :g
20 Jan 2017 | 17:58
:b :g :s :whistle: :yes:
20 Jan 2017 | 17:59
20 Jan 2017 | 19:48
20 Jan 2017 | 22:17
@holyboy12 they both said d same thing Because i told him i dont wellcome male visitors at my abode when it’s 8:pm, that’s why he’s also saying he does not carry girls in his car when it is 8:pm. that why I said 1-1 hope you understand
21 Jan 2017 | 05:09
@jummybabe hahahahahahahaha y i no go understand i understand ohhhh wella my lov :s
21 Jan 2017 | 05:41
@jummybabe how do u tink d story is going to end, or should end? :b :s :whistle
21 Jan 2017 | 05:42
21 Jan 2017 | 08:31
@holyboy12, here i am
21 Jan 2017 | 09:47
@Oluwaferanmi tank u my bae. How's d story like?
21 Jan 2017 | 10:22
ride on boss
22 Jan 2017 | 10:41
Its nice,interesting @holyboy12
22 Jan 2017 | 15:26
@Oluwaferanmi wow tnk u bae
22 Jan 2017 | 16:57
What is delaying this story
23 Jan 2017 | 06:26
nice following
23 Jan 2017 | 08:05
@jummybabe I don't HV data
29 Jan 2017 | 06:49
nawa for this guy mother ooo she can't even pity her son
19 Feb 2017 | 18:47
@shobandewariz0405gmail-com dont mind her ohh but any way shi tinks shi's doing d right thing
5 Mar 2017 | 11:24
[color =red]Episode 8 Loading.................[/color]
5 Mar 2017 | 16:51
[color =red]EPISODE 8[/color] . [color =blue]*************************** [/color] . [color =red]PRINCESS SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES: She's Still Telling Her Story To The Doctor.[/color] . [color =blue]************************ ******[/color] . [b]I told him "i cant never call u to com pick me up when it's 8pm, why because i don't go out at Night am sorry. Not long his phone rang he picked, it was his mom calling. The phone was on loud speaker so i could clearly here what his mom was saying. "Hullo mom how's your night?" "it was good and yours?" "fine mom, it was fine" she continued "Why did you have to scare me? Imagine you left the house verry early without informing me' leaving me worried and scared unlike you". "Mom i have told you not to worry too much about me, am a full grown man now and i can take care of my self" I know you are a full grown man and i dont nee you to sing it as a song in to my ears. You're a full grown man is the most reason why i should be worried about you, and beside you're my one and only sweet heart. You left the house verry early, i woke up and did not set my eyes on you and you expect me not to be worried.[/b] . [color =blue]************************************[/color] . [b]While the conversation lasted i never stoped smilling. . "Where are you?" she asked "in my crush place" "crush?" "yes" he replied. When i heard the word crush i was flabagasted, "is he relly serious? Me his crush?". I kept on thinking why he called me his crush, because he bearly know me from adam. As much as i wonted to be his crush, that was the last word i expected to here come out from his mouth. . [color =blue]**********************************[/color] . They continued their discourtion, he told his mom that he would be bringing me home after lectures so she can get to know me. . She was happy and anxious to see me i could notice it from the way she spoke, i was also anxious to see her. After he had ended the call i asked "who is your crush? And why did you tell your mom that am your crush? You barely know me". . He smilled "when you meet your soul mate , you dont need to spend 2 years with the person before you get connected with the person both in body, spirit, soul and also get to know the person". "Hm are you serrious?" "yes am serious" he replied. My stomach started aching me and i excused my self, went into the toilet to deposit som unwanted substance. . I came out afterr i was don, he gazed at me then said sorry for the stomach upset. I turned to my rist watch, then i said to him still facing my watch. "Am late for lectures because of your call that never wanted to end. He said he's sorry for taking much of my time and it wont happen again. . "Can we go now?" "yes we can" he replied. We went out i shot the door behind me, walked streight to the car as i taught, the door was opened for me to hop in which i did and he zoomed off. . While on our way he asked if i'll love to meet with his mom, i said yes with a smile on my face. The next thing i saw was trafic jam meaning i'll be late for lectures. I wanted comming down to treck, but he insisted that i should remain in the saying the trafic jam wont last long. Finally the road was cleared and he zoomed off. We arrived at school and he drove me to my lecture venue pavilion 1 (pav 1). . He then asked when i'll be true with lectures so he can come pick me up, i told him 12 O'clock he said 12 is too long what will i eat i said "nothing till i come back, am used to staying that long without food on my stomach. . He brought out his walet, removed 1,000 naira and gave to me to get something to eat if i get hungry. I took the money, apriciated him, as i was about to open the door and get out he held my hand and told me not to. I stared at him not knowing what he's about to do next, he drew closer to me and then..........and.......and...... and then tears rolled down from my eyes. The doctor dipped his hands inside his pocked, brought out habdkachief used it to wipped my face then asked me to continue i continued. . And then he gave me a romantic kiss that am yet to forget in a hurry, after which he came out of the car. I sat still shocked, flabagasted,amazed and dumfounded, i did not know wether i was dreaming or seeing a vission. He came opened the door for me and i came out, he said "am sorry for the kiss it wont h ppened again. Without a word i left, when i got to the lecture hall i turned my gazed back at him i watched him as he zoomed off. . [color =blue]******************************[/color] . While the english class was going on my mind was not there it was far away, i was beasy thinking about the kiss. Soon the class was over, i picked my phone and gave him a beep he called few seconds latter. I told him am true with lectures he told me to wait he is on his way. I sat on one of the cement sits outsid, i was hungry so i left went to get some snackes then came back and waited for him. While wating i began to consume my snacks. . One hours latter he arrived, when i saw him i was delighted. He came down from the car wallked towards me,gave me a smile as he said am looking fatabulous i smilled as i repplied "your looking nifty this afternon" "thank you crony". He ushered me into the car i was extrimely happy because i was about to meet with his mom.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED..............[/color]
6 Mar 2017 | 16:09
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo @Alpha-Romeo @froshberry-2 @olayintan @frankkay @specialme @harkeem1 @Khachiska @jummybabe @favour @oneal @kessbenson @chilovely @adeniyi @olushegzy @tinagabe @tolani @fii-fi @blixinluv @jaytb @love @osiwi @captainspoonz @eddyebere @ Adeshina @pheyisexy @gentleman @oneal @vincentjackson174 @isioma @Kotani93 @chriswayne @Eliana @bennydamsel @toochi @dinosquad @victoriouschild @paddy2x @taiwo
6 Mar 2017 | 16:16
it as been long for this story o
7 Mar 2017 | 02:59
Hmmm, continue
7 Mar 2017 | 03:19
Nice and true love indeed . Thats how i felt when i met my true love also.
7 Mar 2017 | 04:17
Enjoying this
7 Mar 2017 | 04:52
@captainspoonz really??
7 Mar 2017 | 05:21
@TinaGabe m sorry ohh dear i dont alwys hv mb & bsid m not using a big phone. Am using nokia E-500
7 Mar 2017 | 05:23
7 Mar 2017 | 07:36
Next plz!
7 Mar 2017 | 10:39
7 Mar 2017 | 15:11
7 Mar 2017 | 19:19
Will his mum welcome you?
7 Mar 2017 | 20:52
@Victoriouschild lets watch & c if his mom will welcom her
8 Mar 2017 | 02:59
16 Mar 2017 | 10:55
[color =red]EPISODE 9[/color] [color =blue]******************************[/color] [color =red]PRINCESS SIDE OF THE STORIES CONTINUES...........[/color] [b] While on our way i asked him to tell me more about his mom, he told me his mom is friendly, nice kind gnerous and lastly he said that his mom will love me when she see's me. I guess he did not know his mom so well to know that she wont like the mare site of me. When we finally arrived at marian where they live, the gate man came out and open the gate after hearing the sound of the car hon. He drove in, ordered me to stay calm while he cam and open the door for me to come out. I came out smilling, he ushered me into his abode. [color =blue]**************************************[/color] His mom was in the kitchen cooking Rice and stew, the aroma had filled the house as such even a blind man could tell that its Rice and Stew that's steaming in the kitchen. I was still standing when he asaked me to make my self comfortable by seating, i sat on 1 of the couch. He excused himself into the kitchen to meet with his mom. From the palour to the kitchen is far, because the house is very big sisx bed room flat so i could not here what they where saying but i did not care because i was co happy and excited. I was still staring at the big palour, beautiful art work and photo enlargement on the wall when i noticed his mom presenc. I turned my gazed at her smilled, got up and greted her "Good afternon mam" she gazed at me without a word for some moment then replied ''Good afternon young lady" without saying any more word to me she took hre son into the room. [color =blue]**********************************[/color] I did not here what they were saying and i was worried, two many "questions on my mind. Questions like dosent she like me? Or am i not looking good enough for her son? Or was he lieing when he said she will love me when she see's me? All this question kept playing in my mind. Seconds later they came out, he was not looking nifty at all i senc somthing was wrong, but what was it? I dont know. He gazed at me then brighten up and asked me to seat down as he continued speaking. "My mom is really pleased seeing you" was he telling the truith? I did not know but i was confused afther hearing those words. I said to myself "then why wasa she acting so strange as she saw me? He then requested that i stayed for lunch which i agreed, but i was fealling uncomfortable. While we were still having the ter-ter-ate his mom came in the plate of food, placed it on the dining table, then ushered us to the dinning table. She never stoped simparing at me and it made me to be fret. I tried not to gazed at her while on the dinning, after the meal that day she spoke to me again for the second time. She said bluntly "I dont want to see you again in my house" Am i dreaming? I asked my self, no this cant be a dream i said. While in my predigament Mark in anger spoke bluntly to his mom. "How dare you embaras my guest?" I told him to calm down "you dont have to speak to your mom in such a bluntly manner". She stared at the two of us for some moment then hissed and walked away. [color =blue]***************************************[/color] I was uncomfortable, so i beged him to drop me at home. He took his car key, we went outside got into the car the gate man was not at his duity post he called out in anger Moses! Moses! The gate man ran out and open the gate he zoomed off. When we got to my place of resident, he told me not to be angry he never knew his mom would behave in such a manner. I told him that am not angry i am happy atlist i finally got a chance to meet with his mom he smilled. I told him i'll like to meet with his mom again to know why she acted the way she did. I wish, i just wish i did not have to take the decision i took. The decision of going to meet his mom again, because till now, even on this hospital bed am still regreating my decision and i just which i could bring back the hands of time to correct the mistake the one mis take i made. [color =blue]****************************************[/color] Every thing seems nice when you're in love even pain, i guess that's why i could not feal or recognis the pain i had due to my love for Mark. We came out of the car he followed me into the house, he stayed with me for long. Finally it was 8pm and i asked him to start going because my area is always dangerious at night. He left that night leaving millions of smilles on my face, smilles that did not last long. I went to sleep that night like a baby, i sleept verry sound forgetting the trouble his mom had created only his face i could see in my dream. The next day was saturday, i got up verry late from bed, i got up at exacly 10 am maby because i over sleept, i sleept like i had never done before. I sleept sound and happy because the previous day was a memorable one . I did my usual morning devotion after which i went to do my morning chorse. Like we all know, saturday is a day when all the house work is being done like cleaning, washing, clearing etc so i had to do all of that then took my bath prepared somthing to eat. Then i remembered i said i am going to go see Mark's mom.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED..........[/color]
17 Mar 2017 | 07:43
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo @Alpha-Romeo @froshberry-2 @olayintan @frankkay @specialme @harkeem1 @Khachiska @jummybabe @favour @oneal @kessbenson @chilovely @adeniyi @olushegzy @tinagabe @tolani @fii-fi @blixinluv @jaytb @love @osiwi @captainspoonz @eddyebere @ Adeshina @pheyisexy @gentleman @oneal @vincentjackson174 @isioma @Kotani93 @chriswayne @Eliana @bennydamsel @toochi @dinosquad @victoriouschild @paddy2x @taiwo
17 Mar 2017 | 07:58
17 Mar 2017 | 14:57
so she will insult u again. OK, continue
17 Mar 2017 | 15:10
Ride on... Let see what happens next
17 Mar 2017 | 15:33
so what happened when you get there
17 Mar 2017 | 18:26
Ok, following what happened next
17 Mar 2017 | 18:54
Ride on.. What happened next
17 Mar 2017 | 19:47
17 Mar 2017 | 19:53
guy, u just succeeded in making someone lose interest in dz Tory.. u have a very nice nd interesting story here buh d update is taking like forever... thumbs up bro, nd try make d update as fast as possible.. keep d good work going
17 Mar 2017 | 23:38
Just as if I knew she wasn't going to welcome you
18 Mar 2017 | 00:02
18 Mar 2017 | 06:13
18 Mar 2017 | 08:36
Waoh... Finally here Now following the story
19 Mar 2017 | 09:25
U self dey fly
22 Mar 2017 | 07:02
[color =red]EPISODE 10[/color] . [color =blue]************************ **********[/color] . [color =red]PRINCESS SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES.........[/color] . [color =blue]************************ *************[/color] . [b]I wish i knew, i wish i could see the future i would not have gone at all. . I got dressed took my phone and beeped Mark, he called i told him i was coming to see his mom. Afther the call i got out of the house shot the door behind me and left to meet my doom. When i got to their resident Mark's mom was outside washing her cloth, i greated her good morning mar she did not respond. I greated again, good morning mar. She then responded in an angry tone . "what is good about the morning? I taught i told you i dont want to see you around my house any more?" . "Am sorry mar but i came to see you. I taught wee could have a little chip chat, i can even help you to wash if you dont mind mar". . She chuckled then said bluntly . "i dont remember inviting you here to come have a chip chat with me, and i dont need your help in washing my cloths. Please take your witch self out of my compound and out of my son's life, i dont want you to bewitch my son for me he's all i got please biko". . Tears gradually rolled down my chick as i said "ma ma....... She interupted . "who is your mama please am not your mother. I cant remember giving birth to a witch like you so stop calling me your mother biko". . "Ah mar hav i done wrong by loving your son, that you're now calling me a witch? Please mar if i have ofended you in any way forgive me". . She went inside came back with hot water and poured it on me. Due to the shock and the hotness of the water i fell on the floor, i was on the floor lifeless i could not speak, move or even get up. While i was lying lifeless on the floor i could here her say . "If i ever see your useless footh here in this compound again i'll kill you with my bare hands".[/b] . [color =blue]************************ ************[/color] [b]She left mi outsid on the floor, not long Mark came he rushed towards me when he saw me lying lifeless on the floor. Part of my body where burnt as a result of the hot water she poured on me. He carried me into his room and gave me first aid treatment, afther which i was a little bid realive and revived. He asked me what happend i narated all to him afther which he ran out of the room. I yeld with the little strenght i had left. . "Take it eassy dont do anything stupid please". . He went to meet with his mom, his voice was loud so i could clearly hear what he was saying. He called out angrily . "mom! Mom! What have you don to her? . "Nothing or did she say i did anything to her?" . "Mom if anything happens to her you will pay for it" . "I dont eva want to see you with that witch again!!" . "Mom what is wrong with you? Are you the one to choose a girl for me ehh? Am an adult, a full grown man and i know what is right and wrong, i know what i want and what i dont want". . [color =blue]************************ **********[/color] [b]They quarel and arguement was so much, i dont like it when he's having a quarel with his mom because of me and so i went out to stop them even though i was not strong enough to go out. "Please Mark stop this, please dont quarel with your mom for my sake". Angrilly he left, as i was about to follow him his mom shouted at me. . "Hey! Where are you going to!? Before i close and open my eyes vamus out of here and neva return again do you understand!?". I stared at her with tears in my eyes and without saying any word. Angrily she said "Are you deaf? Please leave now!!". I left without hesitation, i was not very okay due to the hot water she poured on me so i went streight to unical teaching hospital and was admited for one week. When i got to the hospital Mark called me but i refused picking, it rang and rang i did not respond to the call. Latter i called him back, i dont know why but i had to. He was excited hearing my voice, he asked why i refused picking his call earlier i told him nothing. He then said he came to my house but did not see me i told him am in the hospital, and i gave him the adress to the wod i was admited in. I stayed on my hospital bed with tears in my eyes, i began thinking why his mom has so much hatred for me when she barely know me. Mabey her spirit and my spirit are not in good terms, is that the right words to use? I just dont know. While in my predigament Mark walked into the wad, i was so deep in my taughts that i did not notice his presence. I realised myself when he kissed me, he asked what i was thinking of i told him neva to com visit me again because i love my life. Tears rolled down his eyes hearing thoes words come out from my mouth, i could not stand seeing him shade tears i told him to use his handkachief to wip his face. "You'r in the hospital please dont disgrace yourself by crying here, what if someone com s and see you crying as old as you are? I dont mean to sound so harsh but what must be must be. Mabey we are not meant for eachother, if faith wons us to be together nothing can stop us. But for now stop visiting me and stop calling my line also. Be with who soever your mom wants you to be with, please just try and understand that she wants the best for you no mother will eva want anything bad for her child". Afther i had finish speaking he stood up gazed at me then said . "Nobody can take you away from me not even my mom" He located the doctor and paid for my hospital bills and left. It wasent in my plan to say what i had said but i had no choice because that is what his mom wanted.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUES........[/color]
31 Mar 2017 | 05:28
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo @Alpha-Romeo @froshberry-2 @olayintan @frankkay @specialme @harkeem1 @Khachiska @jummybabe @favour @oneal @kessbenson @chilovely @adeniyi @olushegzy @tinagabe @tolani @fii-fi @blixinluv @jaytb @love @osiwi @captainspoonz @eddyebere @ Adeshina @pheyisexy @gentleman @oneal @vincentjackson174 @isioma @Kotani93 @chriswayne @Eliana @bennydamsel @toochi @dinosquad @victoriouschild @paddy2x @taiwo
31 Mar 2017 | 05:32
that woman went too far by pouring you hot water
31 Mar 2017 | 10:12
Next plz
31 Mar 2017 | 13:21
Very wicked woman
31 Mar 2017 | 13:40
so sad
31 Mar 2017 | 16:29
Chai chai chai . . So sad
31 Mar 2017 | 17:12
I wonder y luv hurts so much
31 Mar 2017 | 18:01
Hmmm what will be will surely be
31 Mar 2017 | 18:13
31 Mar 2017 | 18:57
Hmmm...dat kind hatred...I dnt tink any mother dat loves her son will do dat. She doesn't even knw u sef.
31 Mar 2017 | 21:21
His mum is really heartless
31 Mar 2017 | 23:10
[color =red]EPISODE 10[/color] [color =blue]*****************************************************************************************[/color] [color =red]ANGEL SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES..........[/color] [color =blue]*****************************************************************************************[/color] [b]One week latter i was discharge from the hospital. I was preparing for lectures in the afternon at around 12:30, i heard the sound of a car in my compound i checked it was not Mark's car. Maybe the person is here to visit one of my negbours or it could be one of the Assembles of God members, their church is ajasen to our compound. because our compound is big most of their members use to park their cars in our compound. The person inside the car came out lo and behold it was Mark's mum, i was in a state of confusion i wondered who gave her t5he adress to my humble abode. Maybe it's Mark, but Mark can't do that. I wanted to come out and meet with her, but that will be very risky and so i decided to stay calm and watch were she would be heading to. then i saw her walking towards one of my neigbours apartment, the neigbour is a new male tenant who just parked in few days ago. "What if she finds out that i live here what will be my fate?" as i was about to move out of the house they came outside with a long bench i ran back inside because i did not want her to see me. I watched closely true my window and i saw them seating outside, it seems the house was hot so they decided to take fresh air outside. I could not go out again because of here and so i stayed inside, i could only here little of what they were saying and so i paid no attention. they sat outside for about an hour, i sat close to my window watching them until i was tired and i went to sleep. When i got up from sleep i checked my window, i saw them getting up from the bench he took the bench inside, i guess she was about to take her leave he escorted her while they keep on charting. I checked my wristwatch it was 4:30 pm the class was a 3 hours class from 3 to 5 so i decided to still attend the class. I redo my makeup that has been washed away by sweet and off i went.[/b] [color =blue]*******************************************************************************[/color] [b]When i got back home, i saw the tenant Mark's mum had earlier came to visit. I went to him and asked who Mark's mum is to him "Good evening sir, please sir the woman that came to visit you earlier today who is she to you?" He stared at me with a frown face. "And why are you asking?" "Am sorry sir i just wants to know about her" "Come this one that you are asking who she is to me, do you know her?" "She is my boy friends mother" "Wow does she knows that you stay here?" "No she does not know" "Then i will let her know you leave here" "Please dont "But why?" "Nothing sir, please just dont let her know i leave here i beg of you" He became confused and surprised, one could tell from the look on his face. "Okay i wont let her know that you are leaving in this compound i promise" "Thank you sir" and then i left. I did not even border asking his relationship with her again, maybe i forgot or i did not just want to disturb him about the issue. Two weeks pass and i did not receive any call from Mark, and i did not even set my eyes on him since the last time he visited me at the hospital. Maybe he had com to understand the fact about our relationship, the fact that we cant see each other again. I was happy thinking he will let me be at list till his mom change her mind towards me, but i was wrong. He just let me be for a while maybe so i can forget ball that had happen or maybe he just wanted to lay low. Though i never stop thinking about him but there was nothing i could do to help than just seating and thinking about him every day. It was around 12 am on a Saturday evening i was seating outside my apartment in front of my door charting with my pals on Facebook when i saw Mark's car driving in, i was surprised he was the last person i never taught of seeing. I inquired about what he came to do in my humble abode. I amusement and shock he replied. "Who els would i com to visit if not you? or do i have another friend in this compound apart from you my angel?" "Your Angel? please who is your angel?" "You are my angel" I chuckled as i replied "I taught i told you never to come visit me again, why are you here? it seems you don't love me as u claim because if you do you would have stayed away from me as your mom had requested but you don't want to" I had no choice than to be rude, maybe i should not have said what i said, but bit needed to be said if i must live a free and happy life. With tears in his eyes he asked "Do you still love me?" "Yes i still Love You" "No you are lying, if you love me you would not have made the greatest mistake you made" "
4 Apr 2017 | 11:28
[color =red]EPISODE 10[/color] [color =blue]*****************************************************************************************[/color] [color =red]ANGEL SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES..........[/color] [color =blue]*****************************************************************************************[/color] [b]One week latter i was discharge from the hospital. I was preparing for lectures in the afternon at around 12:30, i heard the sound of a car in my compound i checked it was not Mark's car. Maybe the person is here to visit one of my negbours or it could be one of the Assembles of God members, their church is ajasen to our compound. because our compound is big most of their members use to park their cars in our compound. The person inside the car came out lo and behold it was Mark's mum, i was in a state of confusion i wondered who gave her t5he adress to my humble abode. Maybe it's Mark, but Mark can't do that. I wanted to come out and meet with her, but that will be very risky and so i decided to stay calm and watch were she would be heading to. then i saw her walking towards one of my neigbours apartment, the neigbour is a new male tenant who just parked in few days ago. "What if she finds out that i live here what will be my fate?" as i was about to move out of the house they came outside with a long bench i ran back inside because i did not want her to see me. I watched closely true my window and i saw them seating outside, it seems the house was hot so they decided to take fresh air outside. I could not go out again because of here and so i stayed inside, i could only here little of what they were saying and so i paid no attention. they sat outside for about an hour, i sat close to my window watching them until i was tired and i went to sleep. When i got up from sleep i checked my window, i saw them getting up from the bench he took the bench inside, i guess she was about to take her leave he escorted her while they keep on charting. I checked my wristwatch it was 4:30 pm the class was a 3 hours class from 3 to 5 so i decided to still attend the class. I redo my makeup that has been washed away by sweet and off i went.[/b] [color =blue]*******************************************************************************[/color] [b]When i got back home, i saw the tenant Mark's mum had earlier came to visit. I went to him and asked who Mark's mum is to him "Good evening sir, please sir the woman that came to visit you earlier today who is she to you?" He stared at me with a frown face. "And why are you asking?" "Am sorry sir i just wants to know about her" "Come this one that you are asking who she is to me, do you know her?" "She is my boy friends mother" "Wow does she knows that you stay here?" "No she does not know" "Then i will let her know you leave here" "Please dont "But why?" "Nothing sir, please just dont let her know i leave here i beg of you" He became confused and surprised, one could tell from the look on his face. "Okay i wont let her know that you are leaving in this compound i promise" "Thank you sir" and then i left. I did not even border asking his relationship with her again, maybe i forgot or i did not just want to disturb him about the issue. Two weeks pass and i did not receive any call from Mark, and i did not even set my eyes on him since the last time he visited me at the hospital. Maybe he had com to understand the fact about our relationship, the fact that we cant see each other again. I was happy thinking he will let me be at list till his mom change her mind towards me, but i was wrong. He just let me be for a while maybe so i can forget ball that had happen or maybe he just wanted to lay low. Though i never stop thinking about him but there was nothing i could do to help than just seating and thinking about him every day. It was around 12 am on a Saturday evening i was seating outside my apartment in front of my door charting with my pals on Facebook when i saw Mark's car driving in, i was surprised he was the last person i never taught of seeing. I inquired about what he came to do in my humble abode. I amusement and shock he replied. "Who els would i com to visit if not you? or do i have another friend in this compound apart from you my angel?" "Your Angel? please who is your angel?" "You are my angel" I chuckled as i replied "I taught i told you never to come visit me again, why are you here? it seems you don't love me as u claim because if you do you would have stayed away from me as your mom had requested but you don't want to" I had no choice than to be rude, maybe i should not have said what i said, but bit needed to be said if i must live a free and happy life. With tears in his eyes he asked "Do you still love me?" "Yes i still Love You" "No you are lying, if you love me you would not have made the greatest mistake you made" "What kind of mistake did i make?" "The mistake of listening to what my mum had said" "I made no mistake, your mum tretend my life and i will not die because of love my friends, family and well wishers they still need me alive am sorry. What must be must be, there are somethings in this life we can not change even if we try" "Thinks like what?" "Your mum does not want us to be together and there is nothing we can do about it" "Do you really love me?" "Yes i really do love you but...... He interrupted "But no but, if you still love me as you claim then lets leave this state lets runaway to another state" "No i cant run away from my land just because of a woman" "Then lets stay and fight together" Should She Runaway Withe Mark Or She Should Stay Behind And Fight??[/b] [color =red]
4 Apr 2017 | 11:45
[color =red]EPISODE 10[/color] [color =blue]*****************************************************************************************[/color] [color =red]ANGEL SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES..........[/color] [color =blue]*****************************************************************************************[/color] [b]One week latter i was discharge from the hospital. I was preparing for lectures in the afternoon at around 12:30, i heard the sound of a car in my compound i checked it was not Mark's car. Maybe the person is here to visit one of my negbours or it could be one of the Assembles of God members, their church is ajasen to our compound. because our compound is big most of their members use to park their cars in our compound. The person inside the car came out lo and behold it was Mark's mum, i was in a state of confusion i wondered who gave her t5he address to my humble abode. Maybe it's Mark, but Mark can't do that. I wanted to come out and meet with her, but that will be very risky and so i decided to stay calm and watch were she would be heading to. then i saw her walking towards one of my neighbors apartment, the neighbor is a new male tenant who just parked in few days ago. "What if she finds out that i live here what will be my fate?" as i was about to move out of the house they came outside with a long bench i ran back inside because i did not want her to see me. I watched closely true my window and i saw them seating outside, it seems the house was hot so they decided to take fresh air outside. I could not go out again because of here and so i stayed inside, i could only here little of what they were saying and so i paid no attention. they sat outside for about an hour, i sat close to my window watching them until i was tired and i went to sleep. When i got up from sleep i checked my window, i saw them getting up from the bench he took the bench inside, i guess she was about to take her leave he escorted her while they keep on charting. I checked my wristwatch it was 4:30 pm the class was a 3 hours class from 3 to 5 so i decided to still attend the class. I redo my makeup that has been washed away by sweet and off i went.[/b] [color =blue]*******************************************************************************[/color] [b]When i got back home, i saw the tenant Mark's mum had earlier came to visit. I went to him and asked who Mark's mum is to him "Good evening sir, please sir the woman that came to visit you earlier today who is she to you?" He stared at me with a frown face. "And why are you asking?" "Am sorry sir i just wants to know about her" "Come this one that you are asking who she is to me, do you know her?" "She is my boy friends mother" "Wow does she knows that you stay here?" "No she does not know" "Then i will let her know you leave here" "Please don't "But why?" "Nothing sir, please just don't let her know i leave here i beg of you" He became confused and surprised, one could tell from the look on his face. "Okay i wont let her know that you are leaving in this compound i promise" "Thank you sir" and then i left. I did not even border asking his relationship with her again, maybe i forgot or i did not just want to disturb him about the issue. Two weeks pass and i did not receive any call from Mark, and i did not even set my eyes on him since the last time he visited me at the hospital. Maybe he had com to understand the fact about our relationship, the fact that we cant see each other again. I was happy thinking he will let me be at list till his mom change her mind towards me, but i was wrong. He just let me be for a while maybe so i can forget ball that had happen or maybe he just wanted to lay low. Though i never stop thinking about him but there was nothing i could do to help than just seating and thinking about him every day. It was around 12 am on a Saturday evening i was seating outside my apartment in front of my door charting with my pals on Facebook when i saw Mark's car driving in, i was surprised he was the last person i never taught of seeing. I inquired about what he came to do in my humble abode. I amusement and shock he replied. "Who else would i com to visit if not you? or do i have another friend in this compound apart from you my angel?" "Your Angel? please who is your angel?" "You are my angel" I chuckled as i replied "I taught i told you never to come visit me again, why are you here? it seems you don't love me as u claim because if you do you would have stayed away from me as your mom had requested but you don't want to" I had no choice than to be rude, maybe i should not have said what i said, but bit needed to be said if i must live a free and happy life. With tears in his eyes he asked "Do you still love me?" "Yes i still Love You" "No you are lying, if you love me you would not have made the greatest mistake you made" "What kind of mistake did i make?" "The mistake of listening to what my mum had said" "I made no mistake, your mum tretend my life and i will not die because of love my friends, family and well wishers they still need me alive am sorry. What must be must be, there are somethings in this life we can not change even if we try" "Thinks like what?" "Your mum does not want us to be together and there is nothing we can do about it" "Do you really love me?" "Yes i really do love you but...... He interrupted "But no but, if you still love me as you claim then lets leave this state lets runaway to another state" "No i cant run away from my land just because of a woman" "Then lets stay and fight together" Should She Runaway Withe Mark Or She Should Stay Behind And Fight??[/b] [color =red] TO BE CONTINUED..........[/color]
4 Apr 2017 | 11:47
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @musty @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo @Alpha-Romeo @froshberry-2 @olayintan @frankkay @specialme @harkeem1 @Khachiska @jummybabe @favour @oneal @kessbenson @chilovely @adeniyi @olushegzy @tinagabe @tolani @fii-fi @blixinluv @jaytb @love @osiwi @captainspoonz @eddyebere @ Adeshina @pheyisexy @gentleman @oneal @vincentjackson174 @isioma @Kotani93 @chriswayne @Eliana @bennydamsel @toochi @dinosquad @victoriouschild @paddy2x @taiwo
4 Apr 2017 | 18:32
she is your boyfriend mother or she was your boyfriend mother
5 Apr 2017 | 06:34
Am not understanding again, i thought mike is on wheelchair?
5 Apr 2017 | 07:29
still observing
5 Apr 2017 | 08:34
Stay nd fight
5 Apr 2017 | 13:54
You guys should stay nd fight together
5 Apr 2017 | 15:30
Continue . . Still following
5 Apr 2017 | 17:40
5 Apr 2017 | 18:40
Fight for love
6 Apr 2017 | 15:37
stay and fight for their love
6 Apr 2017 | 16:37
Pls what is delaying this story
5 May 2017 | 17:05
@jummybabe mah lov i am preparing 4 jamb no tym to post plus mah phone is small am using nokia E-500 and so it takes mi tym to type alll this long and much letter
6 May 2017 | 05:45
@holyboy12 good luck on your exam
6 May 2017 | 18:06
[color =red]Episode 11 is loading::::::::::: thanks 4 waiting i lov u all pls read and comment[/color]
8 May 2017 | 07:18
[color =red]Episode 11[/color] [color =blue]******************************[/color] [color =red]PRINCESS SIDE OF THE STORY continues[/color] [color =green]SHE IS STILL TELLING HER STORY TO THE DOCTOR.[/color] [color =blue]******************************[/color] [b]One week latter i was discharge from the hospital. I was preparing for lectures in the afternon at around 12:30 i heard the sound of a car in my compound, i checked True my window it was not Mark's car. Maybe the person is here to visit One of my neigbours or it could be on of the Assemblies of God members, their church is ajasen to our compound. Because our compound is big most of their members use to park their cars in our compound. The person inside The car came out lo and behold it was Marks mom, i was in a state of confusion i Wondered who gave her The adress to my humble abode. Maybe it's Mark, but Mark cant do that. I wanted to com out and meet with her, but that will be very risky and so i decided to stay calm and watch Where she would be heading to. Then i saw her walked towards one of my neigbours apartment, the neigbour is a new male tenant who just parked in few days ago. "What if she finds out that i leave here what will be my faith?" As i was about to move out of my apartment the came outside with a long bench i ran back inside because i did not want her to see me. I watched closely True my window and i saw Them seating outside, it seems the house was hot so they decided to take fresh air outsid. I could not go out again because of her so i stayed insid, i could only here little of wat they where saying so i paid no aten. They sat outsid for about an hour, i sat close to my window watching Them untill i was tired and went to sleep.[/b] [color =blue]******************************************[/color] [b]When i got up from sleep i checked my window, i saw Them standing up from the bench, he took the bench inside, i guess she was about to take her leave he escorted her while they kept on charting. I checked my phone it was 4:30 pm the class i am supose to atten that day is a three hours class sheduled to hold from 3-5 so i decided to still atten the class. I redo my make up that had been watched away by sweet and off i went. When i got back home from lectures, i saw d tenant Mark's mom had earlier came to visit. I whent and asked who Mark's mom is to him. "Good day sir, please sir the woman that came to visit you earlier today who is she to you?" He stared at me with a frown face "And why are you asking?" "Am sorry sir, i just want to know about her" "You just want to know about her? this one you are asking who is she to you? Do u know her in anyway?" "She is my boy Friend's mother" "Wow so does she know that you leave here?" "Know sir, she dosent know" "Then i will let her know that you leave here" "Please sir dont" Looking confused he asked "But why my dear?" "Nothing sir, please just dont let her know i leave here i beg of you" He became confused and suprised, one could tell from the looks on his face. "Okay i wont let her know that you are leaving in this compound i promise" "Thank you sir" And then i left. I did not even bother asking his relationship with her again, maybe i forgot or i just did not want to disturb him about the issue. [color =blue]************************************[/color] [b]Two weeks pass and i did not receive any call from Mark and i did not even set my eyes on him since the last time he visited me at the hospital. Maybe he had come to understand the fact about our relationship, the fact that we cant see eachother again. I was happy thinking he will let me be atlist till his mom change her mind towards me, but i was wrong. He just left me for a while maybe so i can forget what had hapened in the past or maybe he just wanted to lay low. I never stop thinking of him but there was nothing i could do to help than just seating and thinking of him all day long.[/b] [color =blue]********************[/color] [b]It was around 12 am on saturday i was seating outside my door post chatting on facebook with my pals when i saw Mark's car driving in. I was suprised, he was the last person i eva taught of seeing. I inquired about what he came to do in my abode, in amusement and shock he replied "What else would i have come to do if not to visit my Angel? Or do i have another Angel in this compound apart from you my Angel?" "Your Angel? Please who is your Angel?" "You are my Angel" I chuckled as i replied "I taught i told you neva to come visite me again why are you here? It seems you dont love me as you claim because if you do you would have stayed away from me as your mom had requested but you dont want to" I had no choice than to be rude, maybe i should'nt have said what i said, but it needed to be said if i must leave a free and happy life. With tears in his eyes he asked "Do you still love me?" "Yes i still love you" "No you are lieing, if you do love me you would not have made the mistake you made" I was suprise hearing his statement "What kind of mistake did i make?" "The mistake of listening to what my mom had said" "I made no mistake, your mom tretend my life and i can not die because of love my Friends still need me alive am sorry. What must be must be, there are some things we can not change even if we try." He asked "Things like what?" "Your mom does not want us to be together and there is nothing we can do about it" "Do you really love me?" "Yes i really do love you but....... He intarupted "But no but, if u still love me as you claim then lets leave this state lets runaway to another state."[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED…........[/color] [color =green]Sorry 4 not posting regularly exam things on my mind pls bear with me chums. Thanks 4 understanding.[/color] :b :g
8 May 2017 | 07:24
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ele1 @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef @ademolar @splendidgirl @purplewunmzy @belove @uniquegirl @topbliss @oluzo1 @haykaylaw1 @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @ inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @ justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @ sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @ temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @ softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @ daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @ gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @ natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @ jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @ petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @ lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @ hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @ onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @ horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @ inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @ sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @ chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @ judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @ certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @ bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @ kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @ saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @ profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @ johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @ light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @ bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @ homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @ maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @ sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @ orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @ sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @ danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @ prince111coolva22- com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @ bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo
8 May 2017 | 07:29
U repeat the same episode
8 May 2017 | 13:03
Why re u repeating dis episode nau
8 May 2017 | 13:46
This is still the same episode
8 May 2017 | 15:06
repeated episode
8 May 2017 | 15:37
We don read dis one nw,y repeating it?
8 May 2017 | 15:41
Repeated Episode . . Waiting for a new one ooo, hurry
8 May 2017 | 16:29
Oga you have repeated this episode like five times now
8 May 2017 | 16:35
Why repeating same episode
8 May 2017 | 20:03
@denciebabe @jummybabe @Chilovely @damsyn @fii-fi @abastian @Victoriouschild @Juddy it is not a ripited story ohhhhh mbok check it well
10 May 2017 | 17:21
[color =red] EPISODE 12[/color] [color =blue]********************[/color] [color =red] PRINCESS SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES[/color] [color =green] She Is Still Telling Her Story To The Doctor At The Hospital[/color] [color =blue]********************[/color] [b]I objected. "No i cant run away from my land just because of a woman" "Then lets stay and fight together" "Fight who?" "My mom" And then he came closer, gave me a kiss and then the tears just droped from my eyes as if it was wating for the kiss before it could gush out, we kiss for 10 seconds then i release my self from him. "I'll do any thing just to be with you even if it means me running away with you, but i cant run and leave my education behind. Am a final year student just like you and i need to stay and complet the remaning months left for me to graduatee after then i can run with you." He smiled, just then his mom drove into the compound. I saw her before she could see me and so i discharge my self into my humble abode and shut my door then peep true my window. He was suprised on seeing my action, he asked me what the problem was i gave him a sign asking him to turn around. He was shocked and suprised when he saw his mom comming out of the car, his mom was also suprised seeing him in the compound. They all spoke in unism "What are you doing here?" I giggled when i heard their unism statement. From the the looks on her face i knew she was suspecting somthing fishi, he asked again with confident and boldness as if nothing fishi had happened. "What are you doing here?" She replied "I came to see my friend, and you what are you doing here?" "Male or female?" he asked. Angrily she spoke "What arant noncence, who gave you the odacity, the termedity, the impetus to ask me such a stupid question? What is your concern with who i came to visit? And by the way you have not answered my own question. What are you doing here?" "I came to visit a chum of mine" "Male or Female?" "Male" he answered He watched his mom closely as she entered into one of the appartment, when i saw that she had gone inside i open my door and came out. I told Mark to go before his mom finds out that he came to visit me, without hesitation he left. When he had gone i was releaved. Just then his mom came out of her friends apartment walked towards the direction of my own apartment i almost fainted thinking she had seen me talking to Mark. I was releaved when i saw her else and then my negbour whom she had came to visit also came out and walked towards her direction. Then i saw them pointing their finger at some direction, i guesse he was showing her the beautiful houses at the next compound.[/b] [color =blue]********************[/color] [b]We had and unfinished ter-ter-ate that day so i decided to go an see him in the evening to complet the ter-ter-ate at my own risk. But was it really an unfinished discortion? I always get my self in to trouble. There was nothing there to convers about but i had the urge of having a ter-ter-ate with him again. I dont know why i want to convers with him again maybe because of love, i just wanted to have the very last ter-ter-ate with him and it got me into trouble with his mom. I picked up my cell phone, i checked it was 8:10 pm the perfect time to go see him because by then his mom would be sleeping or watching Telemundo so i taught. I called Mark, he was suprised when he heard my voice i told him am comming to his house, he asked why? I told him i want us to complet the finished conversation because i wont want him comming to my humble abode again to prevent his mom from seeing us together one day. He chuckled and then told me to come he's waiting i ended the call and headed to his place. As soon as i got to their compound nepa struck, they took light, before they took the light i saw Mark standing in a distance i did not see him clearly but i belived it was Mark. He was wearing T. Shirt , face cap and trouser, but unlike him i have neva seen him cover a face cap before why is he covering it now? For fear that his mom might come out at any time i did not go closer to him i stood still where i was in case of necesity and i began to speak to him in the dark.[/b] [b]"Today is my lucky day thank God she did not see us together, i was quick enough to hav seen her before she drove in and i wont want to be put in such risk again. So please stop visiting me at my abode, because if u keep comming to visit me at my compound she will defenately see us one day becasue she has a chum there whom she usually come to visit regularly, maybe its her boy friend. If she finds out that i leave there then am in serious trouble because, she will treten my life and i will be left with no option than to park out. Parking out of that compound is the last thing on my mind now because my house rent has not yet expired. If we must see eachother again the it has to be in school please. Am sorry i dont mean to cause you pain, but i have no choice than to say what must be said and done in other to be free from your moms web". I paused waiting for replies but he did not speak maybe he was soaked in tears and as such could not speak. Normally i would have gone closer to him to pat him on the shoulder but because of his mom i stood far incase she apears i can run away without her geting hold of me. When i noticed he wa not ready to speak i continued. "All this month since i meet you i had always been a happy girl thinking i have found love, love without fear, love without trouble but all this month i was wrong, totally wrong. Is not your fault that am going true what am going true right now, pain, sorrow and haterate so i wont blame you it's all your mom's fault. But what i cant atill figure out is why she hate me with so much passion". I was already soacked in tears, as i kept on talking the tears kept flowing down my chick. My mind told me somthing is not right but what is it that was not right? Why is he not responding? Somthing was wrong some where, but what could that be?..[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED.........[/color]
14 May 2017 | 17:38
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ele1 @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef @ademolar @splendidgirl @purplewunmzy @belove @uniquegirl @topbliss @oluzo1 @haykaylaw1 @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @ inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @ justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @ sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @ temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @ softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @ daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @ gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @ natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @ jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @ petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @ lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @ hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @ onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @ horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @ inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @ sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @ chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @ judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @ certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @ bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @ kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @ saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @ profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @ johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @ light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @ bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @ homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @ maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @ sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @ orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @ sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @ danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @ prince111coolva22- com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @ bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo
14 May 2017 | 17:54
ooh no. you might be talking to his mom
15 May 2017 | 04:40
I think d person standing before u isn't Mark
15 May 2017 | 04:52
Place tell me you are not talking to his mom @mr poster Pls try edit the story b4 posting to avoid grammatical errors Thanks in advance
15 May 2017 | 05:42
Pls tell me you are not talking to his mom @mr poster Pls try edit the story b4 posting to avoid grammatical errors Thanks in advance
15 May 2017 | 05:43
Chai i hope it's not his mum you are talking to
15 May 2017 | 06:02
Keep talking like parrot ok wen u hear u dis girl again datz wen u we realize dat u ar talking to Mark mom
15 May 2017 | 10:04
Are you sure you are not talking to his mum
15 May 2017 | 11:59
I hope is not his mum . . Waiting to find out who that person is
15 May 2017 | 15:19
Wu is dat?
16 May 2017 | 18:43
[color =red] EPISODE 13[/color] [color =blue]********************[/color] [color =red]ANGEL SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES..........[/color] [color =green]She Is Still Telling Her Story To The Doctor[/color] [color =blue]********************[/color] [b]The persaon i was talking to stood still without saying a word or move towards me, unlike mark he would have come closer to me. Maybe that day was just an unusual day or could it be that i have been talking to the wrong person? If i have been talking to the wrong person all this whil then am in trouble because it's only two people that leaves in this compound, Mark and his mom. So if it's not Mark then it's his mom, but his mom would not be wearing a T. Shirt, face cap and trouser and i have never seen her wear such dress before so i was fully convience it is Mark i was talking to so i continued. "Your not responding it's okay i know how you feal, if i where to be in your shoes i will feal the same, probaly even worse. But in life they comes a time where life trows us in a setuation where we would have no choice than to accept what ever we see and the way we see it, and that's what is hapening now. We have no choice than to accept our faith. If i say i dont love you any more then am lieing, i really do love you but we have to lay low for now, when am done with school we can run away like you had sugested. Leave this state for good go somewhere els, somewhere your mom wont beable to locate us. Please thanks for understanding" Just then nepa brought back the light, my eyes saw what i did not expect to see. The person i had been talking to all along was Mark's mom, though she was still backing me but i could see clearly that she was the one. My heart beat increased so fast as if it was about to jump out, slowly she turned and faced me i almost fainted in shock. "So all this while i was talking to Mark's mom and not Mark" She gazed at me, she was shocked hearing all that had come out of my mouth. We did not say anything to eachother for 5 minutes, it was as if the ground should open and swallow me. She broke the silent. "So you're more than what i said you are? I gave you a strict worning never to seth footh in this compound again, oh! No u wont listern to me, here you are planning on how to run away with my son. I know it, from the first day i seth my eyes on you, that you are a witch and here you are proving me right. I interupted her. "Please mar is not what you think" "Shut up your daty mouth, so is you my son came to visit that day i saw him at my friend's compound. So that's where you leave? And he had the gods, the odacity, the efontry and the termedity to lie to me his mother" Just then Mark came out, he had been inside since. "What's going on here? I have been waiting for your call since and did not receive any call from you. And by the way what are you two chatting about? Or have you two start to get along?" "So you are planning to run away with her to another state?" She asked. He was suprised when he heared the question that came out of her mouth, he turned his gazed at me.[/b] [b]"How could u? Why did u leak out our plan? What came over you? Please answer me. "Am sorry dear, i never knew you where not the one i was talking to. When i came into the compound i saw her with this T. Shirt, face cap and trouser she is puting on now, before i could get a clear picture of her to know wether it is you or not nepa took light so i taught it was you and so i began to speak." "Have you ever seen me cover a face cap before since you knew me? And why did'nt you go closer to confirm the persons true identity?" "I was scared, i did not want her to get hold of me if she see's me and so i kept my distance incase she comes out i can run". His mom who had been silent true out our conversation broke her silence. "Look at you, i dont know what you see in her that is making you still love her despite my wornings. And you she turned her gazed at me just thank your Chi that he came right on time, if not by now you would have been driking water from the left side of your chick. Nonsence. Before i close and open my eyes i dont want to see you here again, she closed her eyes before she could open it i had desapeared from their presence.[/b] [color =blue]********************[/color] [b]When i got home i was very weak i could not belive my eyes. "Was i dreaming?" I asked my self then it dawned on me that it was all a reality and not a dream. I started thinking on what next to do now that she knows where i stay, and she also knows about our plan. While in my plredigament Mark called. "Hullo baby, am so sorry for what ever my mom might have said to you at our house." "Now that she know all our secreat what are we going to do? And she also knows i stay in the same compound with her chum. Now am in big trouble because any time she comes to visit that her chum she will watch out for me." "Then park out of the compound, go somewhere els, somewhere far, somewhere she wont beable to locate." he advice. "But my rent has not yet expired so how can i runaway? And i dont have money to rent aonther appartment somewhere els. "Dont worry about money, i will give you money to rent a new apartment." When i heard he would give me money to pay for a new appartment i was verry happy. "Thank you my love, but now that she know our plan of running away to another state what are we going to do?" "Leave that to me i will take care of it baby" I told him not to come visit me again untill i relocate to a new appartment he agreed. I was happy. "At list i am going to be free from his mom's trouble" I had said then made somthing to eat, i ate with happiness, joy and gladness.[/b] [color =blue]********************[/color] [b]Two weeks latter Mark called telling me that he has seen a new appartment where i can stay, i was happy, i gazed at my phone in rapture for some second then i asked. "How much is the house worth?" "It's worth 50 k and i know you will love the house when you see it" "Where is the house located?" "It's located at Etagbor, i will come right away to take you to the house good by." he ended the call. Hours latter he arrieved at my abode, i hoped into the car and we zoomed off. When we got to the place, we saw the landlord who took us to the appartment , the room was big and i loved it and i accepted to leave there.[/b] [colour =red]TO BE CONTINUED.....................[/color]
19 May 2017 | 14:02
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ele1 @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef @ademolar @splendidgirl @purplewunmzy @belove @uniquegirl @topbliss @oluzo1 @haykaylaw1 @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @ inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @ justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @ sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @ temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @ softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @ daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @ gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @ natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @ jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @ petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @ lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @ hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @ onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @ horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @ inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @ sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @ chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @ judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @ certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @ bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @ kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @ saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @ profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @ johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @ light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @ bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @ homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @ maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @ sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @ orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @ sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @ danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @ prince111coolva22- com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @ bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo
19 May 2017 | 14:30
Ride On . . Let See What Happen Next
19 May 2017 | 15:48
20 Jun 2017 | 16:47
@pizzaro @promzy @tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ele1 @gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmickey @blazaer @chrisgold @froshberry-2 @3plex @youngdave @orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @prince111coolva22-com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @olorivicky @shaklef @ademolar @splendidgirl @purplewunmzy @belove @uniquegirl @topbliss @oluzo1 @haykaylaw1 @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @ inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @ justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @ sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @ temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @pearl @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @franklin @kolababs @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @vizkid @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @ softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @ daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @ @ gracedkyenny @olami @hardeyhorlar9 @beryl @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @ natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @sapiens @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @paje @uncleba426 @ jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @dgreat @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @prestigiousfirstlady @ petersandra121 @psam @jenny1 @oluwanifemi @bryten50 @fallancy @jimmyjab @arosunshine @fii-fi @mercy1 @vivian8 @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @rosey @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @ lollycobra @hardey1292 @ele1 @adeblow23 @nifemi @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @softel @adeshewa @abradek @omolarami @coolbaby @nazysophy1 @beauty74 @yemitefestus @cizzle @omoniyiola @inifek @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @sirmike @aminzy @sunnyklin20yahoo-com @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @ hayzedefoe @chidex14 @ladygrasha @omodemilade59 @rufus @classy @frankymario @ennylincoln @kingz1 @starlord1 @olatunjitobi @noskid @missdammy @pweetylizzyqueen @kodedreal @petermikel @olutcoded @sayrah @latienco @bimrach @mubarak @mubavak @skulboy @ onyinyessica @adeolaajala1234 @dbest @olalekana69 @drumsaint @beautyqueen @tomtim @naomacjoyous @xtopher @debbi2nice @rahzycute1 @jamesgentility @megatron @okiripoto02gmail-com @hangellah46 @praisee @deltavictory @kay2ty7 @josephjuliet @richymore @temmy744 @mrmorie @abosmart @whizjay @adfaustina595gmail-com @adetolaadejoke @ninny @anthcunny @freeday @abasienyene @henryjay @abosmart @mercykris @omodemilade59 @horgzy @judith @superstar4real @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @ horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @oluwatosin @chinenye5404 @dharmex @opinxymenumento @pattiejoe7gmail-com @bobbidi-boo @ inifek @gooddysmart3 @elijezy @drumsaint @chinedueze @oshio @musterfi @khaleedwr @daintyshewa @addieola @praise22 @mdsodeeq @ sirjerro @masterbill @emileagosu @kabazi95 @klaussimbo @peoray @samnolimit @babswalexyttyahoo-com @shania55 @conspirancy @ chinyenorah @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @amibabe @mrsolace @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @cassiewells @ judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @abbeygirl25 @serikibazooka1 @yusfaty @samnolimit @muffybaba @ugochisunday @micheal1 @ certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @victoriouschild @temmyluv @oyefestus @xtremexamxong @tessy @gamanuel @coolbaby @pricelessangel @bidex @ bright @deweny @nkluv @hardehbaryor112 @nero @amazingbaby @toochi @sommyangel @reyhanat @hardehbaryor112 @tonia @amazingbaby @yusingkey @olamibobo @nwamajor @sommyangel @oneal32 @ugochisunday @blazer @motunrijoy25 @dewizki @emzy @ kabazi95 @skylod @dexter22 @klaussimbo @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @bayslaw007 @ saviour @henryjay @ajisam @peretyarimaj @slyking @cynthia20 @solomon @survivor1 @donpaschalo @reyhanat @blixin @eben @wunmi @ profeze1 @best98 @dahappyone1 @ johnudo @luckykeyzz @horlamzy @nabla @histee @slimprincessjemmy @hormortiyor @dublhind @shadow101 @frostan @israelsix94 @marvwhite @olayintan @mayorgold @ernesto @ light1259 @adeyemi @desmoddan @wisesam @ bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @aanu001 @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @kessben @ homstrung @emperorsndyheartless @ maltty @niceoneofficial @chidij1 @hi-bee-kay @vickkyjay @thorlar @jeph @ralphjoe @olaromeo99 @whiteley @agboaugust @samora @danielbrown @starplus10 @ sopedammy @jakaph @abbamayor @usen @princekidhonest @ocmicke @ orevastar5 @ezemarcel @eliboy @noel @adauche @donchinekx @chisomchris @hayomi @luzzy @hauwa @luzzy @noblemaster @eden-presh @mavbirth @nobu @kwadwoguyguy @benkazy1014 @feisty @jessybrown @macrex @humphreycool @gsoul @emmablink23 @gsoul @lnetfunmiyahoo-com @somisom @divathemmy @deborah200 @adebeauty @peacebright @mavbirth @michaelendurance @miztr-fabulous @ sunny @emmablink23 @sunny @somisom @peacebright @oyeyemiomolola @jacy @damsyn @fortune @tomilayoadebukola @tommie @ danco4real @dbramo @osaka @delpiero @idrowest @omolara @motunrijoy25 @jpresh88 @considerobah @oliviacute @sabinto @miztr-fabulous @okoro @itzshane @adesam34 @olufemi629 @legionkrissb @iykemontero123 @ladyt @blissymo2 @side2side @cutietomisin @lordebusko @olafunke @tennyola @mc-dowell @beauty01 @radiance @mavchamp @donchinekx @ositajustin @temmytope1 @misixgift1 @adrino26 @dangerkelv @princeocity @diamora @temmy @annie01 @anitabaker9090 @robidon @oju34 @olumlam @irepjoecute @niceoneofficial @gentlestar @feyisayo @ prince111coolva22- com @michael @preciouschild @hardey1296 @don-funtie @chrisgold @cool-blessed @mathiasademolarharno @sirtims @kingin55 @oma @shaklef @ bhorllhyqueen @jovitaej @evergreen @jummybabe @excellentsmart @dennis100 @peacechinaza93 @ djlewiss @tiana @harkeem1 @damon @sirdx @ adetolaadejoke @aerofist @herdeyshine @ whiteangel95 @tluv @olushegzy @timothy @dapada80 @ itzsmart-don @kachiska @lexxxino @sassyqueen2 @kaka @eddyebere @adetolaadejoke @3plex @mardiyahabdulkadirgmail-cm @gift- hmussagmail-com @okoro @dbramo
20 Jun 2017 | 16:56
Good for you o
21 Jun 2017 | 08:40
you are free for now
21 Jun 2017 | 10:20
21 Jun 2017 | 10:44
lets see how things goes
21 Jun 2017 | 11:20
welcome back! Next please!
21 Jun 2017 | 11:27
ride on
21 Jun 2017 | 13:26
right on time ....rife on
21 Jun 2017 | 15:22
When you saw that he wasn't responding, you were suppose to keep your mouth shut not continue talking
21 Jun 2017 | 16:51
I hope his mom won't locate you again
21 Jun 2017 | 20:06
Happy for ur freedom for nw
7 Jul 2017 | 17:25
Gosh, won't it continue again?
13 Jul 2017 | 03:29
@baybifwesh it will CONTINUE ohhh i dont hav a phone dats y
17 Oct 2017 | 15:00
[color=red]EPISODE 14[/color [color=red]Princess Side Of The Story Continues..... She's Still Telling Her Story To The Doctor.[/color [color=blue]********** [/color [b]He paid the money to the land lord who then gave us receipt, i sign at where i was supose to sign in d receipt and we left to com back later in the evening with my load. It is a normal thing in this part of the country Nigeria when people are relocating to a new apartment, they tend to do it in the evening i dont know why but that is how i grew to see it. When it was exacly 7 o'clock he came with a truck, and we parked my little belongins in to the truck and we drove to my new apartment. We ofloaded them into the new, slow and steady every thing was arange perfectly in to my new apartment. Finally the house was set for someone to live in. He paid the truck driver and he left. ......Mark spent the night that day at my house, it was a memorable night for me, and we had lots of fun. He left very early the next day, i woke up but could not find him, all i saw was a text message he had send to my phone telling me that he had something to do at home that is why he had to leave very early. He did not want to disturb my sleep that is why he left without letting me know. Life at my new compound was not an easy one, i was just trying to get along with my new neigbors when the worst happened. I woke up one morning and saw the worst, i saw who i never expected to see, i saw Mark's mom. She drove into the compound, came out of her car and went to one of the apartment. She knocked at the door and some one came out, a lady one of the new neigbors i had gotten along with. Her name is Rit, she's 34 years of age, from Umuahia, fair in complexion with very long dark natural hairs, eye lashes. She's an half cast her mom is from India while her dad is from Umuahia. She went inside with her few sends later they came out of the house and went straight into the car and zoomed off. My whole word stoped for a minute, i did not bealive what my eyes just saw. Was i dreaming? I did not know what to think any more. Immediately i picked up my cell phone and Phoned Mark, i told him who i sa, he was suprised when i mention his mom. "Is it that any where i leave your mom must apear there?" "Dont you think it's a coincident?" "Coincident?" ' "Yes coincident, or are you trying to say that my mom is a witch?" "You are the one that said it, i did not say your mom is a witch. Is just that am..... am confused right now, i dont know what to think anymore." "My love dont wory every thing will be fine." I got angry as i replied "Every thing will b fine? How would every thing be fine enh? I was lucky enough enough to have parked out of my formal apartment before she starts her troubles, and now just like magic she also has a friend whom she comes to visit in this my new compound and you are telling me every thing will be fine." "Is it my fault that she also has a friend whom she comes to visit in ur new compound? How was i supose to know that she has a friend in that compound as well? If i knew, i would have searched for another hose for you so dont blame me." "Am not blaming you am just confused. So what am i going to do now?" "Nothing" Am not going to do anything. And beside i just got to the compound so there's no way I'll park out of the compound because of just because of a fellow woman like me. I made up my mind to stay and face the challenges that will come. I told him not to come visit me at home for the main time and he agreed. It was on a tuesday morning around 10:40am, i was outside with Rita my neigbor when Mark's mom drove in. I was not suprised seeing her, but i never taught she will come visiting that very day, everything just happened so fast. When i saw her i pretended as if i dont know her, She was shocked seeing me, ofcourse she never expected to see me there at her friends place. She did not say a word to me, neither did i. She greeted her friend Rita who introduce me to her as her new neig. She did not greet me, she snobed me. Her presence made me uncomfortable so i excused my self into my apartment. When i got inside i picked up my cell phone and beeped Mark because i was not having enough credit to call him. Seconds later his call came in. "Hullo your mom is here at my compound right now" "What is she doing there?" ' "Is that a question? She came to see her chum Rita ofcourse." "Please dont go out stay indoors, dont let her set eyes on you." I chuckled "She has already seen me oh" "You mean she saw you?" "Yes na, she did" "How and why did you let her set eyes on you?" "I was outside with my neigbor Rita when she drove in, and you dont expecte me to jump up from my seat and run because it will look okward and beside she had already see me." "And what did she say when she saw you?" "Hm nothing, she did not alter any words to me. Even after i was introduced to her by her friend Rita as her new neigbor she snobed me. Her presence made me uncomfortable and so i excused my self in to my apartment. Am scared baby." "Scared about what?" "Am scared of her troubles, because i know what she can do if she wants to." "I think we should just elope right now an be happy once and for all baby." ' "Are you serious? But i told you not now, untill am done with my education." "Okay if you say so, but dont come complaining about my my mom to me if she sarts her troubles" "Okay i wont" call ends "After the call i stared true my window i saw them still seating together having a chip chatt. I did not go out because i did not want her to see me again, so i stayed back in my room took my phone open facebook and started chatting. I chatted till 1pm, when i saw that she had gone, i smiled then came out of my room to by some food stuf. While on my way i saw my neigbor Rita returning from escorting Mark's mom. I greeted her and asked what type of relationship she had with the woman that came to visit her (Mark's mom). She said they had been friends for long, for about 6 years. I smiled, she asked if there was any problem, i said no, just wanted to know. She went home while i went to my food stuff. ********* CONVOCATION DAY ONE YEAR LATER. To Be Continued.... Please like and comment
17 Oct 2017 | 16:01
This story is keeping too long with its update ... Loving this and let the updates flow
17 Oct 2017 | 19:56
Welcome back,, after such a long time.. But you should have given us 2-3 episodes na
18 Oct 2017 | 04:53
18 Oct 2017 | 06:58
Wlcm bk, continue
18 Oct 2017 | 09:01
Ride on
18 Oct 2017 | 11:04
Hm..Chai.. Long time... Nxt
18 Oct 2017 | 11:47
After 3 months welcome
18 Oct 2017 | 11:51
@jummybabe @jessyje Sory guysz my phone is bad dats y
18 Oct 2017 | 13:25
@dencieb [color=red]u ar no more replying my msg on fb dats y u did not no my chalenges.[/color [b]pls help me with d roll call[/b
18 Oct 2017 | 13:37
[color= red]bond ohh of me[/color [b]hahahah
18 Oct 2017 | 13:39
welcome back
18 Oct 2017 | 14:20
@olayintan thank u
18 Oct 2017 | 14:23
EPISODE 15 Princess Side Of The Story Continues..... ********** Convocation Day. One Year Later ********** Finally the d-day came, it was the day of our convocation. The day we have been waiting for all our Lives so we can elope to another state. I was so happy that i almost shouted at the top of my voice. I was at my house at around 7am when i phoned Mark, as if he was waiting for my call before it could ring he had already picked. ' "Hullo Angel am very happy for today." ' "Am the one that called you and you did not allow me to speak before you say what's on your mind." ' "You know baby after today we will beable to run away from my mum and her troubles, so that's why am over excited baby." ' I was happy, over happy because i was true with school and i'll now have the chance to elope with my lover Mark. ' "Can you come pick me up when your done preparing your self?" i asked ' "Why not baby? Just give me some time i wona shawar. When am done i'll be at your door post calling. And dont forget to look special because today is a special day for us. And after toda, tomorrow without wasting time, we park our bags and say good by to Calabar, Lagos here we come. Where there will be no more disturbances from my mum while waiting for our N.Y.S.C call of Laters." call ends. ' Hours later i heard a knock on my door, it was Mark he had come to pick me to the venu, Malabo. When we arrived at the venue, it was as if i was about going to heaven. Finally am going to be with the man of my dreams. We took lots of Pictures, uncountable Pictures, wait and take as it is called. I was awarded best graduating student in Theater and Mediastudies which came with a price som of tenthusand naira. ' The next day being the day we where to travel to Lagos, i parked my logages with joy and happiness waiting for Mark to arrive at my place so we can move to the park. I had suggested we take a flight or we drive in his car to Lagos, but he said he's afraid of height and because of that he has not entered a Plain before, and he has not driven long distance before and he would not want to take the risk, so he suggested we join the busses at the park. When we arrived at the park Safety Motors Park my spirit was troubled, is like something bad is going to happen. I told Mark we should make the journey the next day he refused and i over looked it. I was very happy that i wouldn't let any thing in the world come inbetwen my happiness. We entered Safety Motors bus, and after much waiting the bus was finally filled with passengers. The driver came in, a young handsum muscular guy wih beard like that of Osama Binladin. We said a little prayers and then we zoomed of at exacly 8 o'clock. The journey was a smoth one, but the bad road was Something else. most often i fell asleep but woked up each time our bus entered a gallop. A fair lady was seated by my right hand side, while Mark was at my left. I was watching a video with my phone, a nigerian movie to be precise which attracted her attention. So she asked if she could join me in watching i accepted and gave her one of my earpice cord. While watching i asked why she's going to Lagos, she told me to pay her uncle a visit. She also inquired about my going to Lagos and i told her everything in sumary. While conversing with her, i discovered she's my name sake when she told me her name is Angel. I smiled as i got fund of her. While on our way we saw a truck ahead of us, Masin Truck, our driver tried his possible best to give the truck driver signal for us to over take but the truck driver paid no attention so he decided to overtake d truck at a bending corner after much waiting. Though we warned him but he did not listern. Unknown to us an SUV jeep was comming on high speed. He over toke the truck from the left and he also was on high speed and that is how it happened. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Everybody shoute. Gbam! We collided together, i dont know what happened next. When i opened my eyes i was in an hospital bed, it took me Hours to recognise where i was. That's all i can remember about my Life's experience that has brought me where i am today in an hospital bed. When i was don telling my long Story the doctor was already soacked in tears. ************ Mercy Side Of The Story (Mark's mom) *********** On the 5th on January 2016 at exacly 12pm i was at my palour watching Telemundo when my phone rang. I picked the call it was Mark's number but when the caller spoke it was not Mark's voice i heard. ' "Hullo please am i speaking with Mark's mom?" the voice asked immediately i replied ' "Yes am his mom and who are you please?" i asked ' "Am Dr. Kelvin from teaching hospital." When he identified himself as Dr. Kelvin from teaching hospital my heart beat increased its tempo. ' "Your son Just got involved in a gastly Motor accid, we dont know....." I did not allow him to complete his statement i shouted ' "Jesus Christ! Gastly Motor accident? Am finished oh." ' Was the last word i said, then my head started aching me and i fainted. The noise i made drew the gate man's attention and so he rushed into the palour. When i woke up i saw the gate man fanning me. Immediately i rememberd i was on a call and the caller was talking about my son being involved in an accident. I took my phone only to discover that the call had ended, but the gate man told me that he answered the call after i had fainted and was told to come to Teaching Hospital to identify Mark's lifeless body. Like someone whose house is on fire, i dressed up without my usual makeup, ofcourse there's no time for that. Like the saying goes: you dont go hunting when your roof is on fire. I took my car key and rushed to Teaching Hospital where i made inquires about the accident victims and was directed to the word where they were kept. I rushed in like a mad woman pushing any body that stood om my way, ofcourse when the life's of our son is at stake we can do any thing unconsciously without noticing, we can even go necked without noticing. Unlike the men if such news is being given to them they can still control their emotions and act normal as if nothing bad happened, but for us the women we cant and i dont know why, maybe because we are weeker vessels. When i finally got into the word, i was directed to where i saw lifeless bodies of human beings, some where probably dead and where being evacuated to the mutuary. I could not control my emotions as i cried out loud. When they saw me, they did not need anybody to tell them that am the mother of one of the accident victims. A doctor walked up to me and asked ' "Are you Mark's mom?" ' "Yes am Mark's mom you must be Dr. Kelvin?" ' "Yes mada" ' "And how did you know that his name is Mark?" ' "We saw his ID card madam." ' "Okay please where is he? How is he? Is he going to survive?" ' "Calmdown madam, just follow me." ' He took me to where my son was, and i saw my sons lifeless body lieing like someone who was already dead. He made me cry the more when he told me that his chances of survival is very low, and twenty of the accident victims who where rushed to the Hospital died before they even started attending to them. Would my son make it alive? What if he does not? ' "Oh am finished" i lamented "Please doctor how did it happened? Do you know?" ' I asked with tears in my eyes, he narrated all to me as he was told. I wandered where he wan going that he did not even bodered to inform me. The accident happened outside Calabar metropolis. Or was he leaving town? While on my taughts the doctor told me about onrushing of the accident victims, he said they saw a Picture of her and my son and he suspect they are lovers. And the passport they saw on her carried the name Ange. Immediately i knew it was Angel, and i also remembered they had Plan on running away to another state after graduation. He told me to come and identify her, what i saw wan unbelievable, her face was as if they put it inside mota and used pistle to pound it. For some seconds i felt pity for her, i could not even recognise her if not for the fact that i was told who she is. The doctor then asked me if i knew her parents, i said i dont, he also
18 Oct 2017 | 14:26
@tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg-billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe
18 Oct 2017 | 14:29
[color =red]EPISODE 16[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mercy Side Of The Story Continues(Mark's Mom)......[/color] [color =blur]***********[/color] [b]The doctor then asked me if i knew her parents, i said i dont, he also asked me if i could stand in for them since she's my son's girl friend. ' "Doctor" i said "I dont even know her" ' "But she's your son's girl friend" ' "He never introduced her to me, and so i dont know her as his girl friend am sory" i lied. ' I gazed at her with so much hatred in my heart, i hated her more for puting my son in the condition he was. If only my son did not plan on running away with her the accident wouldn't have happend. I prayed silently in my heart for her not to survive the accident, i taught it an advantage for me if she dies, because then my son will surly forget about her and move on with his new life that's if he survives the accident. Her case was serious so they rushed her to the theater, same with my son. I was not allowed into the theater and so i was asked to wait outside. I could not seat, i was moving up and down the Hospital premises talking to my self alone like someone who is insane. And i was also disturbing the peace of the Hospital. Some concerned citizens of Nigeria who where at the Hospital, knowing what had happened came to console me and finally i was made to seat down.[/b] [b]One hour later nothing happened, no good news, all i saw where nurses rushing in and out of the theater like people whose house were on fire to get what ever they wanted to get then rushed back to the theater. The process continued and i wondered if he was going to make it alive. From what i heard a lot of people who entered the theater do not make it alive, i just imagine the doctor comming to tell me that my son is dead, that will mean dead for me also. Ofcourse it would. What will i be living for if my son is dead? My only child for that matter. I saw one of the nursees who rushed out again as if her house was on fire, i garbed her asking if my son will be alright. The only thing she said was that if my son makes it alive i should go for a thanksgiving ceremony in my church and she ran, got what she wanted and came back to the theater. Her word assured me that there was no hope left for me. I had already made up my mind that if my son dies Angel wont live to tell the story because i was going to strangel her with my bare hands that's if she wont be dead already by then. I cried untill i could not any more, my eyes where already hurting me. I said to myself ' "Is this how i am going to lose my only child to the cold hands of death just because of his sturboness? If this is truely the price my son has to pay for loving, then love is wicked as they say." ' Three hours later no sign of any nurse running in and out again, i began to wonder if all was well or maybe they had gotten all what they needed for the operation. Five hours later i heard a shout, one of the doctors who was attending to my son shouted ' "Thank you Jesus" ' I began to cry again, this time it was tears of joy. From the shout i knew all was okay, people who were around who knew what was going on began to praise God with me. By that time i had forgoten about Ange, i taught she might be long dead, not long i heard a shout of joy comming from the direction they took her to then i knew she was alive. All the other accident victims where dead, only my son and Angel where still battling with dead so i taught unknown to me that three people survived. And so when i heard the shout i knew immediately that Angel was alive and it pained me the more because i wanted her dead just like her mother. I saw one of the nursees who was running in and out of the theater during the operation, the one who told me that if my son survives i should go for a thanksgiving cerimony in my church. She smiled as she walked towards my direction and then she said ' "God has answered your prayers madam, he made it." ' I already knew he had made it, but when i heard the confirmation from the nurse mouth i started another round of crying and shouting. I then asked the nurse if i could see him, she excused me, went inside the theater then came back with a doctor who ushered me in.[/b] [color =red]To BE Continued....[/color] [color =green]Sory Dsz Episode is short i promise to update it tomorrow evening by 8 thank u. Please comment and like God Bless U[/color]
18 Oct 2017 | 16:35
Ur refusal of ur sons choice of woman lead to that accident
18 Oct 2017 | 20:54
Keep it rolling
18 Oct 2017 | 20:55
19 Oct 2017 | 03:41
It is not Angel's fault it is your fault woman
19 Oct 2017 | 04:07
Woman, you are very heartless
19 Oct 2017 | 05:38
This woman is heartless, if u love ur son u will allow him to marry he loves
19 Oct 2017 | 05:45
Y delaying dis story, i av even forget it gan
19 Oct 2017 | 06:41
madam u want ur son to survive but his girlfriend to die abi, u are wicked
19 Oct 2017 | 07:40
Wickedness of the highest order
19 Oct 2017 | 10:42
Alright... Keep it coming
19 Oct 2017 | 13:03
This woman is very wicked.
19 Oct 2017 | 15:00
You're wicked madam mercy
19 Oct 2017 | 16:30
[color =red]EPISODE 17[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mercy Side of The Story Continues......[/color] [color =blue]***********[/color] [b]He was lieing motionless on the Hospital bed, the doctor told me that he's still unconscious and will regain consciousness in two weeks time. He also said once he regain consciousness i should giv him food to eat. He told me to go home and take some rest that all will be well. I then decided to go check on Angel to see how she's doing. I asked and was directed to her word, when i got there i explained my self to the doctor and he ushered me in. Her face was bandaged revealing only her eyes, nose and mouth, the doctor happily told me that she made it by the grace of God. He said she regained consciousness only to call the name Mark and then went unconscious again which is quite strange and unusual. ' "The name Mark that she mentioned is he your son the one you told me about?" the doctor asked ' "Yes he is the one" i replied ' He requested that she should be given permition to see my son after she regains consciousness which will take up to one week. I nodded, but i knew that was never gona happen. Allowe her see my son so she can finally kill him since the first attempt did not work , never. I thanked the doctor for a job well don, that's for saving her life, as if i cared. He asked me if i could locate her parents and bring them to see her, i nodded and left. One week later i went to see her at her word, i did not want a situation where Mark will get up from coma and find out that Angel is alive and also in the same Hospital with him. I also did not want anything that will bring the two of them together again, and so i taught of asking the doctor to transfer Angel to a different hospital. And i also taught of worning her to stay away from my son, go faraway where Mark will never see her again in his life time. And if Mark happens to ask about her which i knew he would, i will tell him she died in the accident. But it did not happened the exact way i taught it would. I taught Mark will ask about her, everything about her because i had no idea that his brain was affected because the doctor had not yet told me that his brain was affected, maybe he had not yet don the test on him. Mark did not even know who Angel is to him because of his lost memory, so he did not aske much about her apart from mentioning her name and asking if i knew any one by tht name which i denied not knowing. When i got to the doctors office, he took me to Angel's word. Thank God she had regain consciousness exacly what i wanted so i can get the chance of conversing with her one on one. She laid lifeless, hopeless and helpless on the hospital bed. Although she had regain consciousness she wasent strong enough, she wat still weak. I asked if she is Angel, she nodded in confirmation. I already knew who she was i just wanted to confirm it from her mouth before i procede with what brought me over. I dont know why but as i stared at her i felt tears running down my chick. When she discovered who i was, she then asked to know the condition of Mark. I told her Mark is okay. She asked if Mark could come and see her i said no he cant, not now not ever. She asked why i said Mark cant see her, i was becoming fed up with her unnecessary question so i ignored her, turned to the doctor and told him to make preparation and transfer Angel to a different hospital as soon as possible. I could see tears stocked up in her eyes ready to gosh out, but i did not care about her feallings all i knew was that she was going to leave the hospital if my son must forget about her. The doctor who was shocked after hearing my statement asked me why i wanted her to be transfered to a different hospital, i told him it's for her own good, and i did not want my son to set eyes on her for security reasons. I located my handbag, brought out onehundred thousand naira and gave to her to use and help her miserable life and also forget about my son because i taught she was after his money and not his love, i should have known better because i was wrong. I told her to take the money and disappear to somewhere faraway, somewhere my son wont reach and i remembered telling her to get lost. To my greatest suprise and shock she rejected the money, she told me she dont need my money reason being that no amount of money can buy her love for my son, Mark. ' But was i trying to buy her love? ' She said she really loves my son and so on.... She was talking plenty and i was fed up with her talks which made no meaning to me. I made her to understand the fact that i did not want to see her with my son again even if it's in my dream world. She promised that i will never see her near my son again, i was happy hearing thoes words come out of her mouth. I told her that she has taken a wise decision in letting my son go out of her life. I fixed back my gazed at the doctor and told him plainly that i dont want to set eyes on her the following day, if i do, i will have no choice than to transfer my son to another hospital. He was scared of losing my son as one of their patience in the hospital, so he agreed to my demands of transfering her to a different hospital. While i was about to leave her word she told me to come take my money she dont need it, though she told me before that she dont need the money reason being that no amount of money can buy her love for my son Mark. But i deliberately left the money on her bed because i knew she needed the money, maybe she was just forming so i taught. When she told me to come take my money i did not hesitate, but i taught her to be a fool for rejecting such a money when she knows she need it. I hissed took the money and walk to the door, open it, stared back at her then walked away never to see her again. When i got back to the word to see my son, the doctor called me into his office. He stared at me for some seconds without a word, his countanance gave me the feallings that everything was not alright. ' "Doctor is everything okay? You have not said anything to me for some seconds now since we got into ur offi. Is my son okay? Is he going to regain consciousness? Doctor talk to me." ' "Ma'am your son is oka, when the time comes he will regain consciousness." ' "Then what is the matter? Why are you silent Doctor?" ' "Your son has lost his memories." I did not understand his statement and so i asked ' "Meaning?" ' "You see madam, the accident affected his brain badly thereby resulting to lost of memories. Though temporal. As long as the lost of memory last he would not remember who you are, who he is, his friends, his school etc anything you can think of. He will not remember anything that has to do with his past, his brain is like that of a new born baby now. He will only remember all what he has forgotten when he regains back his memories which will be a gradual process, madam. I know this is going to be hard on you but you have to take it easy on your self God knows best." ' Take it easy? Am i supose to Take this easy? ' I did not know when i shouted with tears in my eyes ' "Angel oh! You have failed, you will not succed, your evil plans will not work." ' But to be honest, was she the cause of my son's problems? ' It was as if my head was going to explode, the doctor came to my rescue, asked me to calm down. Seeing my condition he could not go further with everything he wanted to say, so he told me to go home and get some rest all will be fine. *** I could not sleep the whole night, i was bussy pondering about what the doctor told me. And all that he said made no sence to me, maybe i was deraming and needed to wake up from the dream as quickly as possible. But it was never a dream, it was a reality staring right at my face, i sobbed. Two weeks later i was at the hospital, i had been frequently visiting the hospital because of Mark. Day and night i sat by his side praying for him to open his eyes and see his mom atlist, even if it's for a second. It seems to me like he was going to remain unconscious for ever. The doctor said two weeks but two weeks seemed to be a decade and never wanted to arive. I keept glancing at him and praying silently for him to regain consciousness, but it seems my prayers where not answered and was never going to be answered. On that faithful day as i sat by his side, with the strong fealling that he was going to regain consciousness. Three doctor had said that if he regains consciousness i should give him food without wasting time, and so i preptred his favourite meal and brought it alongside. *[/b] [color =red]To Be Continued....[/color] * [b]Pleas Like and comment. PLEASE mention ur frnds to the post God bless u[/b]
19 Oct 2017 | 17:57
@tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c- roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg- billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe
19 Oct 2017 | 17:59
Next.This woman called Mercy is very wicked.
20 Oct 2017 | 05:37
Hmm wickedness
20 Oct 2017 | 06:56
You we now see how ur wickedness is taking u to mother, mark u I'll be well by God grace.
20 Oct 2017 | 08:45
How can Mark Mom behave like that
20 Oct 2017 | 09:51
this woman is wicked ooo
20 Oct 2017 | 14:04
Hmm...wicked woman
20 Oct 2017 | 14:11
wicked woman
20 Oct 2017 | 17:03
so this woman want to follow Angel to her last breath. is not good o hmm God is watching oo
21 Oct 2017 | 15:42
[color =red]EPISODE 18[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mercy Side Of The Story Continues.......[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]I had the strong fealling that he was going to regain consciousness that day as it was two weeks and three days since the accident happened. I sat down with two many taughts in my head without noticing that he had regain consciousness, not untill he spoke to me, my heart almost jumped out in joy. He spoke with such a voice that depics that of a baby. He said, ' "please who are you? And where am i?" ' I was not suprised at his questions, the doctor had already told me that he has lost his memory and will not remember any one including me. ' "Am your mom, and your in the hospital." ' "Do i have a mother?" ' After hearing the last question of his, tears began to flow true my eyes as i began to explain how he got involved in a car accident and it affected his brain resulting to lost of memories. But non of my explanation made sence to him, i could tell by the way he was just staring at me like a new born baby. He asked if any body died in the accident i said yes, that he's the only surviving person, but i lied. He asked again almost immediately ' "mom who is Angel?" ' The question gave me a resounding blow to the face, but i managed to keep calm, smiled and answered. ' "I dont know." ' "Are you sure?" ' "Yes am sure, i dont know who Angel is." I lied. ' I wondered why he did not forget that name Angel after he had lost his memories, all the same i was happy he could not remember anything about the bearer of the name. Not quite long the doctor came in, he examined him shoke his head then told me that the lost of memory was severe and it will take him up to a year to recover, that's if he's lucky. He repeated what he told me in his office some weeks ago. He said that as long as the lost of memory last he wont remember anybody or thing from his past exception of the new friend's he's bound to make. I was happy knowing that he will not remember who Angel is any more apart from remembering only her name which is not a tread to me. He then told me somthing new, somthing he did not tell me at his office. Maybe because of my emotions then. He said, ' "madam, am sorry i did not tell you this earlier at my office. Your son is temporally paralysed and it will take him a year to recover. And please madam, due to his condition, dont do any thing that will make him angry or cry wether by mistake or on purpose because it will affect his brain thereby prolonging the healing process." ' When he was don talking, he gave a smile and left the word. All this while Mark was just staring at him like a baby who is seeing someone for the first time. After he had left, Mark then continued with his questions. ' "Mom, do i have a name?" ' I was suprised that he could not remember even his own name. ' "Your name is Mark Brown, but you loved being called Brown." ' "What kind of a name is that? Who gave it to me?" ' "Your dad." ' "Who is my dad? Where is he? Is he dead? Why is he not here?" ' I could no longer control my emotions for the questions were too many for me to answer, but i managed to reply. ' "Your dad died long ago," as i cried and started raining curses on the devil. ' "Devil why? What has my son don to you to deserve this tereble accident? As if that was not enough you tempered with his memories, now he does not even know who i am and who his dad was. That one was still not okay for you, you had to tempere with his legs now he's paralysed." ' He join the cry, when the doctor came in and saw us crying he queried me. ' "Why is he crying? Please he should not cry while in this condition, anything that will make him cry in this his condition please avart it or else his condition will get worse." ' His head was aching him seriously and so he screamed. The doctor came to his rescue, gave him injection and he sleept off. I sat beside him with the food flask in my hand waiting for him to wake up from sleep so i could spoon feed him. Since he regain consciousness he has not eaten as the doctor had instructed. When he finally got up from sleep i tried to spoon feed him but he rejected the food, somthing was bodering him but i did not care to know what it was, all i wanted was for him to eat. And so i insisted. ' "Since you regain consciousness you have not eaten, the doctor said i should give you food to eat when you wake up. So please eat, even if it's a little, just eat something. you need food in your body system so you can take your drugs," but he rejected in still. ' I did not give up, i tried again, finally he ate just a little and i was happy at list he ate something. After he had finished eaten he went back to sleep. Some of my relatives, families and friends came to visit us at the hospital.[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]Our stay in the hospital was long, we stayed for five months. During this period of five months the doctor had told me to get him a weal chair, when he begins to recover then i can get him crouches. I did so, i bought him a weal chair. When we were about to be dischard from the hospital after our five months stay at the hospital had elapse, the doctor did some quick test on him then told me he's well enough to leave the hospital, but i need to bring him back every month for medical check up so as to monitor the healing process incase there's any unusual symptoms it can be taken care off in time. Finally we left the hospital and went back home. Glory be to God he was now finally okay to be discharged from the hospital. Before we left the hospital, his phone and belongings that were not distroyed in the accident were handed over to me. And i had asked how they manage to know it belonged to him and was told because of his pictures they saw inside his bag and his phone. When we got home he started asking questions that almost made me cry blood.[/b] [color =blue]To Be Continued....[/color] [color =red]Please like, Read, comment and mention at list 10 of ur frnds to d post. Thank u[/color]
22 Oct 2017 | 10:43
@tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c- roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg- billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe
22 Oct 2017 | 11:37
What did he say that make you cry
22 Oct 2017 | 13:37
@jummybabe pls help me WITH d roll call
22 Oct 2017 | 15:20
New episode is here @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @Patrick @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174 And others
22 Oct 2017 | 16:33
Hmm.. Continue pls
22 Oct 2017 | 17:13
continue oh
22 Oct 2017 | 17:18
following keenly
22 Oct 2017 | 18:18
@jummybabe THANKS baby, dats y I LOVE U :yes:
22 Oct 2017 | 18:53
Hmmmm.... Ride on
22 Oct 2017 | 19:01
Get well soon an remember Angel
22 Oct 2017 | 19:19
23 Oct 2017 | 00:08
[color =red]EPISODE 19[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mercy Side Of The Story Continues......[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]When we got home he started asking questions that almost made me cry blood. He asked, ' "Mom where are we? And who owns this house?" I smiled with tears in my eyes as i answered, ' "Us" ' "You and who?" ' "Me and you." ' I rolled him on his wheelchair into the house. While on our way my phone inside the house my phone rang, after the call, he asked me what i was holding and i told him it's a Phone. He asked what it's used for and i told him for making of calls. He then asked me if he has a Phone. I said, ' "no you dont, it was distroyed as a result of the accident," i lied. "I will get you a new one" ' Ofcours am not supose to give him the phone because it will bring back memories of Angel to him. Her Pictures and contact are in the phone, so there's no way i could have handed over the phone to him. I Just wondered why the phone was not distroyed in the accident. I took him to his room, he smiled as he said, ' "wow this room is beautiful" And he asked "who owns it?" ' If he could still remember that this is a room then why cant he remember who owns it? ' "You i answered" ' "Me?" ' I smiled ignoring his question for they were becoming boring. ' "Feal at home, if you ever need anything dont hesitate to let me know." ' What accident can cause, i was now telling the owner of the house to feal at home, if he needs anything in his own house he should let me know. I left his room but then i remembered i had to get him a new phone since i was not going to hand over the old one to him. So i came back and asked him the kind of phone he'll like me to by for him. Silly me, i almost forgot he dosent know any thing about phones. He told me to get him anything good. ' I left his presence, but did not go streight to by the phone, i went streight to my room. During the period he was in the hospital after discovering that he had lost his memories, i ransacked his room removing anything that has connections with Angel. Things like Pictures, i did not have the time to start selecting the photos to separate his own pictures from her own so i Just took the whole photo album to my room. I took his cloths, shoes and the wristwatche she had bought for him and other wristwatches he had etc so they wont contribute in bringing back the memories of Angel that he had forgotten. From my own understanding, since he has forgotten his old life and now has a new life as a result of the accident every thing around him should be new. That's why i had to remove all of his belongings shoes, cloths, wristwatches etc because they now belong to his past. The onlything that was remaning in his room where his matrass, chair, books, reading table and reading lamp. I had also painted his room with a new colour. Money was never my problem, so buying him clothes, shoes, wristwatch wont be a problem to me and that is part of the reasons i did what i did. Maybe if i did not have money i would not have ransacked his house removing all of his belongings because i wont have money to buy new onces. I took his cloths the once i got from his room and the ances that was given to me at the hospital. I package them into one of my empty box so i can take them to my drycleaner to wash and iron on my way to get him a new phone, so i can dash them out. I took his shoes wash them and dry them outside, so i CAN dash them out too. Though i taught of burning them, all of them, but it would not be a good idea when there are people looking for what to wear, does who dont have cloth. So the taught of given them out now came into my mind. ' When i was ready to leave, by then the shoes where all dried, i package them all and took them into the buth of my car and zoomed off after the gateman had opened the gate. First i distributed everything to thoes who needed them most, and they told me[/b] [b]"Thank you God bless you," which ment alot to me. ' When i was don distributing every of his belongings i then went to buy him a new phone at Royal Line Technology. I checked true their phones and their prices, finally i settled for a Samsung Galaxy. He's the type that use to love big phones so buying him this one wont be a bad idea. I paid for the phone and a receipt was issued to me and i was asked to sign somewhere below at the right side of the receipt which i did. And the phone was packaged for me in a small bag. * When i got to his room he was asleep, i had to wake him up. I placed the phone on his laps and smiled. He then asked, ' "What type of phone is this?" ' "It's a Samsung Galaxy," i said. He then pointed at a simpack, Airtel sim that i bought from Airtel office. He asked what it was, i took the sim tore the packet brought out the Airtel sim then began to explain what it is. I did not blame him for asking such a question because i knew he had lost his memories. I told him its called sim card, and it's used to store contact. He then asked, ' "what is contact?" ' I fealt like crying but could not. I began to explain ' "Contact can also be called phone number, it's a..... He interupted ' "What is phone number?" ' I could not hold it again as i began to weep. I got up went inside my room then came back with children wallpaper, the one they used in learning how to count in umbers.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED....[/color]
23 Oct 2017 | 05:11
[color =red]EPISODE 20[/color] [color =blue]**********[/olor] [color =red]Mercy Side Of The Story Continues.......[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]I asked him to identify any of the numbers, i was not suprised, he could not identify any of the numbers. ' "Is not your fault and i know soon this will be over and you will be the Mark Brown i use to know, the intelligent and hardworking Mark Brown. My enemies, they think they have succeded but my God will put them to shame." ' I taught him how to count in numbers and soon enough he was able to identify and count in numbers. I also taught him letters of the alphabet. I explained and taught him the basis he needed to know about the phone, like how to make and receive calls, send text message, how to brows and how to charge the phone when it is low. He asked if i was able to recover his sim from the damaged phone, i said no which is a lie. I was shocked to the bone marrow when he latter told me that he had a dream about someone named Angel, the exact name he had mention to me at the hospital after regaining consciousness. And in the dream they were lovers, so he said. He asked if i knew her. ' "I dont know anybody by that name, Angel. Maybe she could be the girl you are bound to meet in the future," i concluded while fixing my gaze on his eyes not to arouse suspicion of any kind. ' He stared at me for some moment with disbelief, then look streight into my eyes and ask without missing words. ' "Was she my girlfriend the one i use to date before i had the accident?" ' The question hit me so hard on my chest as if someone actually hit me on my chest. How come he's begening to know who Angel is? I became confused and angry at the same time. ' "No, i told you it may be the girl you're bound to meet in the future." ' "Okay, but does the name Angel sound familier to you?" ' "No i dont know the name, and non of my chums, relatives, or even your own chums bears that name, Angel." I lied. ' Finally i left his room leaving all his questions behind, i could not think streight anymore. All i was thinking was why he did not forget Angel completely, even though he cant really remember her but mentioning her name makes me want to go mad. And from the look of things he's begeninig to get a little knowledge about her and if i dont act fast he will fully remember who she was to him and every other thing about her, which i dont want to happen. Then the taught of introducing a girlfriend to him came into my mind. I already had someone in mind, my chums daughter by name Gift, she's very prety and i knew my son will like her. Bringing Gift to the scene will change a whole lot of things in his life. Most importantly she will help him forget every remaning memories he has left of Angel. Immediately i took my phone placed a call across to her mother. It's been quite a long time Since i last saw her mother not to talk of hearing her voice, for like three months now i have not spoken to her or even see her. ' "Hi baby girl longest time." ' "I dey oh, you just forget me like that ba?" ' "No na, you know am very bussy na, work here work there, woman must survive." ' "Abi?" ' "Na so na, so how is the family? How oga?" ' "Oga dey oh, im travel sha, till next month before im go come back." ' "Okay how my Angel, Gift? Hope say she don turn fine chick finish?" ' "Hahahaha, she dey oh, she even the miss you self." ' "Ah me too oh, tell her say i dey miss her much. And also tell her say make she find time come see me any day she get chance, i get something way i one discurs with her." ' "Okay i'll convey your message to her." ' "That's my baby girl, okay take care. Just do your flexing small small oh. This one wey your bobo (husband) no dey house i no say you don flex tire." ' "How i go do my sisther? Woman must flex na. Now way i get chance make i flex, because when im come back i no go the commot again. Na sex three times a day im go take kill me. You know na as e dey be."[/b] [b]"Hahahaha, my sisther i feal your pain, but you know say you be fine mama na, so im need to the enjoy im fine mama. Like say you no the enjoy am too. And if im no sex you who will? Just take it easy." ' "My dear leave that thing. But wait o, you no one find boo take keep body and soul together? Since way your husband die you just day like that, body no be fire wood na." ' "I know say body no be firewood and i no just day like that, trust me na sex three times a day. You know say na me fit that your husband wella when it comes to sex, i no dey like you way no fit withstand comon three hours. Watin day be say i no one go into any serious relationship now, why because all the boys way i dey see even men too na the once wey one chop my money run. So as a sharp mama way i be na fuck and go wey i dey do and not fuck and stay. Make them take their wahala go, i need to use my head before my head use me. You know na." ' "Hahahaha, sharp mama, that your name ehn hm na confarm name be that oh." ' "Hahaha, my credit don finish, no come use my head talk finish my credit. You know as we the do am na, you one talk you call. I one talk na im make i call you, now wey i don talk finish i need to go. If you one Continue to the talk then it's simple, you call me." ' "Hahaha, okay by by greet my love, Mark for me oh." ' "Okay i will, if im go even know you self. You know say im no know any body again apart from me." "Im must no me weda im like am or not. By hav a nice day." ' "And you too sweet heart by." call ends. ' The friend i just finish talking to rite now her name is Margret, any time i call her or she calls me, we always spend hours on the phone talking, u no na women talk. She's such a good friend and a best friend for that mater. Most of the evil thing i do, i do seek advice from her on how to do them and keep a clean sheet. Like wen i killed Angel's mom she adviced me on how to go about it without leaving any trace behind. You wona know more about what i just said? Ya you will but not now.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUE......[/color] [color =green]Read, Like, Comment, Invite and Mention your chums to de post. Thank and Jah Bless.[/color]
23 Oct 2017 | 05:26
pls som1 should help me with d roll call asap
23 Oct 2017 | 05:28
Ooo!!, so you killed Angel's Mom.. Hmm... Too Bad
23 Oct 2017 | 05:40
@qeenvick @jessyjenny @itzprince pls help me with d roll call. Jah Bless
23 Oct 2017 | 05:43
New episode is here oo!! @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @patrick @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174 And others
23 Oct 2017 | 05:49
Wow nice story u got here. sweethert @fridex oya come o
23 Oct 2017 | 06:26
23 Oct 2017 | 14:36
So you kill Angel's mom
23 Oct 2017 | 16:39
Please can you skip Mercy's narration and just continue with the story?!, its making the story boring, its just like reading the story from begining again.
23 Oct 2017 | 17:41
So u kill her Mon an u don want hee to marry ur son abi? wicked woman u bi be that
23 Oct 2017 | 18:03
This woman is verrrrrrrrrry wicked
23 Oct 2017 | 21:53
that's why you hate her...right?
24 Oct 2017 | 01:42
u ehhh
24 Oct 2017 | 02:55
@lonewolf05 Mercy'sa side of d story need to b included so u can UNDERSTAND an c d story from ha own point of view. And also know d evil she did.
24 Oct 2017 | 06:52
[color =red]EPISODE 21 [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mercy Side Of The Story Continues.....[/color] [color =blue]*********[/color] [b]Three hours later i heard his call from the kitchen where i was and so i hurried to his room to here what he's calling me for. He told me to teach him how to operate the phone. I started teaching him how to operate the phone fully, i taught him how to watch videos with the phone, play music, brows etc. He then told me that he will be Lonly and bored at home when i go to work, so he will be needing someone to chatt with in other not to be idle and bored. I was very happy, what a perfect plan. He need someone to chatt with when he's lonly and i also want to bring someone to keep him company what a perfect match. And Gift will be the perfect person to keep him company. My hear was filled with joy and gladness. I smiled as i said ' "I'll aranged a chum to keep you company as soon as possible but in the main time you'll enjoy your self more when you are sign to a social media account." He then asked ' "What is a social media account meant for?" ' I began to explain ' "A social media account is used for chatting, socialising and making chums in the internet. We have many social media network lik Facebook, 2go, Twitter, WhatssApp, We chatt, BBm, Instagraam and many others. If you sign up for any of this social media network they become your social media account. And you can use them to chatt with chums, family members, love once and you can also make new chums true your social media account, so the house wont be boring for you." ' He then asked me if he has any social media account which i said yes, the only one i know of is facebook. He was happy. He then asked me to help him with the account so he can re-unite with his lost chums. ' "Sory i dont have the details to your facebook account." ' His excitement vanished after hearing that i dont have access to his facebook account. ' "What kind of details?" he asked. ' "I dont have access to your account, meaning i dont have your password and email." ' His face brigthen up when i said i'll create a new facebook account for him. He asked, ' "Mom What is password and email used for?" ' I began, "it is used to access and log into your social media account. The password is your secreat pin that only you can have access to, it can be eight or more digit number or alphabet of your choice. And it is used to gain full access to your social media account. While the email is what you use in receiving notifications about activities going on on your social media account." ' After my explanation i began creating the facebook account for him. I typed in the operamini search bar it loaded and a facebook page appeared. We saw log in, new user?, forgot password? I clicked new user it loaded an a new page appeared. We saw First name, Surname, Phone Number or Email Adress, Gender, Birthday and New Password. He had no email adress i could remember even if i could still remember the email adress i dont have the password, so i decided to create a new email for him. I opened a new page and type in in the search bar provided at the top of the phone screen in the browser home page. I began to fill the form provided while he kept staring at me as if he was confused or somthing. To cot the long story short after about four to five minutes the google account (email adress) was created. Then i went back to the facebook page and filled in his first Name, Surname, Email, Gender, Birthday and password. Then i clicked sign up, it directed us to facebook set-up page, i think you know the rest. After filling all the information i knew about him, i now saw "people you may know" i began to add them. But i was careful enough not to add Angel, i made sure i go through the names and pictures carefuly before adding. He asked why i did so and i told him it's for security reasons. He was tired an filling sleepy so was i, and so he asked me to stop that he will complete it later because he was tired. And so i plugged the phone to charge, rolled him on his wheelchair to where his bed was. Then i went to my room to sleep because i was filling sleepy.[/b] [color =blue]**********[/colo] [b]The next day i took him out for shopping, i bought lots of things for him, cloths, shoes, wristwatches, face cap etc for him, he was happy and he thanked me. When we got back home, i prepared food for the two of us and we ate. After eating, we sat down together to watched Zworld. When it was time for sleep i helped him to his bed, then went to my room took a shower then i laid myself to rest. The next day i received a call from Gift, we talked about so many things. And i told her my plans for her, then invited her over so we could talk more on the issue. Hours later she arrived, looking more beautiful dan i had imagined her to look. Exacly the kind of girl i want for my son Mark in terms of beauty. I told her everything that happened to my son, though she knew the story but not the full story, so i explained in details to her. And i told her my plans, how i want her to get into Mark's life and erase every memories he has left of Angel, completely. If possible make him fall hopelessly in love with her. She told me that she had filling for my son but my son did not concider her worthy to be his girlfriend back then. But now that the opportunity has re- surfaced it self she promised to make use of it wisely. She said she will not only make Mark fall head over heels in love with him but she will also try her best to make sure he forget about Angel. I was happy and i smiled, that kind of smile you smile when you're planning evil. If she can do exacly as she said then i'll be the most happiest woman on earth knowing that Angel is out of the picture and out of my son's life releaving me of any possible treats in the future. Among all the beautiful girls in Calabar is Angel he saw to fall in love with, the daughter of the woman i murdered. I wont let that happened never, not while am alive.[/b] [color =red]TO B CONTINUED......[/color] [color =green]Dont 4get to Like, Comment, Invite and tag ur chums to the post. #JahBless[/color]
24 Oct 2017 | 17:23
New episode is here oo!! @fridex @qeenvick @jerrie @freshgirl @sanctus4real @denciebabe @musty @patrick @olufavour @awesam55 @frankkay @victoriouschild @delexzy01 @gwendolen @andreytimms @soma @emperore @light1259 @ugochisunday @kene @wisdomifeanyi80 @famous @dapada80 @fii-fi @coolbaby @froshberry-2 @coolval222-2 @chukskent @misterallen @oneal32 @harkeem1 @chilovely @lonewolf05 @masterplanner @oyefestus @ennyshow @adeblow23 @sommyangel @john451 @toochi @oluwaslimzy @vincentjackson174
24 Oct 2017 | 17:26
@tenniebenson @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @pizzaro @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @originalannchilexdel @fridex @frank @frankkay @simzy @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @evanz @itzshaxee @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @jclash @taiwo @chomyline @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @blessfelicity222 @anitcham @stephanie @lollybabe1 @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @promzy @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c- roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg- billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe
24 Oct 2017 | 17:31
Am sure Mercy wunt go scot free!
24 Oct 2017 | 18:09
this lady is very wicked
24 Oct 2017 | 23:36
Hmm let me sit and wait for ur end madam mercy
25 Oct 2017 | 02:29
This madam mercy is too wicked jaree
25 Oct 2017 | 02:52
This woman is really heartless
25 Oct 2017 | 03:37
This woman is evil
25 Oct 2017 | 04:29
Hmm this woman na confirmed devil
25 Oct 2017 | 08:28
Ride on....
25 Oct 2017 | 11:55
Hm... Wicked Woman
25 Oct 2017 | 12:12
u don't have a choice
25 Oct 2017 | 14:45
[color =red]EPISODE 22[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mercy Side Of The Story Continues....[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]I was happy and i smiled, that kind of smile you smile when you are planing somthing evil. If she can do exacly as she said then i'll be the most happiest woman on earth knowing that Angel is out of the picture and out of my sons life releaving me of any possible treats in the future. Among all the girls in Calabar is Angel he saw to fall in love with, the daughter of the woman i murdered. Mark was sleeping so she could not see him, and she did not want to stay any longer according to her she has somthing to do at home. I escorted her outside the gate then came back inside the house. All of a suden i started missing my husband Mike, it's been ten years now since he died in a car explosion. I just wished he was around maybe things would not have been like this the way it is. I mean Mark going bananas for Angel. Maybe things would have taken a different shape. Maybe he would not have fallen head over heels in love with Angel. I know his father, a very strong politician and a strong deciplinarian would not have tolerated nonscence from him. It's a pity he had to die so soon leaving me all alone in this world, i warned him but he wouldn't listern. *** Some Weeks Later *** ' I sat at my palour, glued to my Plasma television watching a movie on Z world Tittled True Love. The movie was so interesting that i even forgot to eat, and i did not care for food either. Mark then emerged from his room to the palour where i was seated, he asked me of his local government which i told him, but i was surprised hearing him ask of his local government but i did not care to know the reason why he asked. Then he asked me if he has any pictures, and then i remembered i had not separated the pictures, removing Angel pix from his own. I was not surprised that he asked of his pictures, because i knew someday he will surly ask. ' "Yes, i'll bring them to you." ' "How many pictures do i have?" ' "Uncountable," i said. ' "Uncountable?" he asked. ' "Yes, you loved taking pictures, so any new cloth you bought you will never forget to snape at list ten pix with it." ' So he asked me to get it for him, but i told him i'll get it later because i did not want to distract my self from the movie i was watching. He asked of the tittle of the movie i was watching i told him True Love. Then he told me a chum of his is comming to pay him a visit, i was surprised and excited. I asked, "male or female?" hoping it would be a female. ' "Male," he said. ' After hearing male the excitement on my face reduced a little. I taught it would be a female, at list if Gift can not get to his heart she would. But all the same i was happy at list he now has a chum. But i keep on wondering where he meet this new chap, because since we came back from the hospital he has not gone out on his own. I always go out with him to where ever he's going since he was not strong enough to go out all by him self. And in all this times we went out together i had never seen him talk to any one not to talk of exchanging contact with any one. ' "Where did you meet this chap? Because i know since we got back home you have not gone out all by your self, we always go out together. And in all this time we went out i did not see you talk to or exchange contact with any chap or lassi." he chuckled. ' "Mom have you forgotten that you created a facebook account for me?"[/b] [b]Immediately i now remembered ' "That's where i got this chum from." ' "Wow that is nice before two weeks you would have gotten enough chums to keep you company in my absence." ' "Some one called him, he picked, as the conversation went on i discovered that it is the chap that he's expecting to pay him a visit that he's talking to, trying to find out if he got the adress correctly. After the call he beckoned on me to go usher in his expected visitor which i oblige to. I left the palour and stumbled outside the gate to usher in his visitor. When i stumbled outside the gat guess who i saw? I saw the most handsum young man i had never seen before with the kind of physics i love. Tall and handsum, very muscular with beard like that of Osama Binladin, black in complextion with pointed nose and nice white open teeth and his hair was plated the normal men style above all he had dimples which made me go gaga for him. I saw myself falling head over heels in love with him at first sight. He gave me a smile that melted my heart, without thinking streight anymore i almost hugged him, but i came back to my sences Immediately as i compose myself and smile back at him and ushered him inside the compound. ' "Good afternoon" he said "You must b Mark's mom." ' "Yea, and and you are?" I found myself stamaring before him. ' "Oh! he did not tell you about me?" ' "Ye.. yes, he only said a chum of his is comming to visit." ' I could not even look at his face in other not to misbehave. ' "Okay i am James....." ' We charted as i leed the way into the seating room. They hugged and introduced eachother, while i left the palour so they can have their privacy. I went into my room, brought out my I Pad and dialled Gift number. I told her she should come visiting tomorrow morning so Mark can get a chance to see her. She was very much excited to come visit. After the call i started thinking of the chap that came to visit my son, his handsumness was somthing i could not tell. Among all the guys i had sleept with both young and old non of them can be compared to James interms of handsumnes. What i dont know is if he has a big cork (dick) and can last for ten hours in bed, i love guys with big cork who can last for at list ten hours in bed. Well i'll find out if he's that type of guy who can satisfy my sexual needs. And if he is i'll do anything, all i can to make him mine Forever.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED.....[/color] [color =green]Please Read, Like, Comment, Invite And Mention Your Chums To The Post and Page. Jah Bless.[/color]
25 Oct 2017 | 16:51
pls som1 should help me post d links to d EPISODE
25 Oct 2017 | 16:53
i don't like this woman at all
25 Oct 2017 | 17:14
U are a wicked mother, I pray mark I'll find angle on social media
25 Oct 2017 | 17:46
@mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @valking1 @pweety @kpumpy @justify @maurice @jummy @thankmic @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @kemkit @gracy @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @steph @aarti @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @invincible @mhzzrblayse @azeeco @temmymofrosh @sandra @sandy @kaysmart22 @cherryserah @sexynikky1994 @youngestprince @davick @semilore @oyindamola @dhemilade1 @mature @pearl @franklin @kolababs @hollar @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kristen @kingsengine @aaron @tony @ruth @romancelord @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @john @softtouch @onahsunday631 @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @vizkid @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @softie @holarbordah @ele @firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c- roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg- billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe
25 Oct 2017 | 20:41
26 Oct 2017 | 01:43
Urs is some sort of sickness oo and I pray u find a cure Tobit as soon as possible... Next plz
26 Oct 2017 | 04:15
You are so mean woman
26 Oct 2017 | 04:24
26 Oct 2017 | 07:14
[color =red]EPISODE 23[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mercy Side Of The Story Continues In Her Room With Rose On The Phone Line...[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] ' [b]Well i'll find out, and if he's that type of guy who can satisfy my sexual needs i'll do anything, all i can to make him mine forever. Immediately i brought out my phone again and called Gift mom, Sandra, to tell her about the new guy am going crazy for which is James and to also tell her about Mark and Angel issues. ' *Phone Rings* ' "Hello babe" i said. ' "Abeg who the follow me talk?" she asked. ' I became angry. "You dey craze? So even if you no look the number wey the call, you no fit recognise my sexcy voice?" ' "Hahahahaha that kind sexcy voice, abeg no vex i been the sleep na your call wake me up from sleep, so sleep never clear from my eyes thats why? so babe no vex." ' "You self you too the sleep, as your husband don travel so, im don give you licence to sleep. If you like fat pass as you dey so na you sabi." ' "Hahahaha, na you sabi. So weting the shele this one wey you remember my number again? Because i no you no the call except mata dey ground, so yarn me tori." ' "I no blame you, anyways sha na one comfarm bobo wey i just jam today o." ' "For where? You self with this your bobo them hm." ' "Na for my house oh." ' "Enhe? Like seriously? Who im come fine?" ' "It's my son chum, he meet him on facebook and they chatted, and after then he invited him to come visit. Babe this guy comfarm die, i don the go gaga for am self." ' "Just take it easy, you know he's your sons chum, so dont tell me you wona date him because if your son Mark finds out he'll be mad at you. I know you lov young blood but this one is your son's chum so dont go there. And beside your much more older than him, he's not your...." ' "Babe leave that thing, that one no mater as far as i am concerned. Even if Mark gets to know about it theres no big deal, i am free to date or have sex with who soever i want to. My main problem now is to make Mark forget about Angel." ' "Ah! But i taught he has lost his memories and cant remember anybody? Shebi na weting you tell me be that?" ' "My sisther i tire o, yes he lost his memories but the lost of memory did not include Angel. At the hospital after recovering from coma he asked me "Who is Angel?" but i told him i dont know her. He still remembers the name Angel but he does not know who she really is or was to him, but he's trying to recall that she use to be his girlfriend. And he even had a dream about her, and in the dream they where lovers. And he has been disturbing me asking if i know her. Somthing is trying to bring them back together which i must stop." ' "Hm i am suprised why he lost his memories and forget everything but did not completely forget about Angel." ' "Am as suprise as you are my dear. You know what they say about love, it's strong and difficult to quench. Even the bible said it, the greatest gift of man is love. When two people are in love, jenuen love, not even the devil can put asunder or separate them. I even went as far as distroying everything that could bring back memories of Angel and what did i get? He's still remembering her name, and if it continues this was it wont take long for him to completely remember who Angel was to him. And the doctor said if he meets with the woman he loves it wont take him much time to regain back his memories of her, and i dont want that to happen. For now that he is still remembering the name and trying to remember who the bearer of the name is to him is just because of the power of love, the love they shared is just too strong for my liking. I have never seen this kind of love before, even when i was younger i did not experience such love."[/b] ' [b]"Hm, am speachless, this is serious. So what are your plans?" ' "That is part of the reason why i called, before i called you i had already spoken to your daughter, Gift. She is the only person who can help me." ' "Hm how do you mean?" ' "We had a conversation before now and i told her to help me get into Mark's life, that is she should make him fall in love with her and by doing so Mark will completely forget about Angel. That is the only way but am scared." ' "Why babe?" ' "From my experience about love i Know that if two people who are in love by reason of anything separate or lose sight of eachother, as far as the love is still there their path must surly cross, and when it does their love will grow even more stronger than the forma." ' "Yea that i know" ' "So what do you advice i do?" ' "Shebe you sabi the hospital wey she bin the receive treatment?" ' "Erm not really, she was in the same hospital with Mark but i asked her doctor to transfer her to a different hospital so as to avoid Mark from seeing her. And i also worned her to stay clear from my sons life and go faraway to where my son wont beable to locate her." ' "Wow bravo, you did well madam. So dont you Know the hospital she was transfered to?" ' "Yes i dont." ' "But if you told to her to stay clear of your sons life then you need not wory, beside your son does not Know who she is not to talk of recalling her identity. Even if you show him Angel's pix now he wont recognise her. And shebi you said her face was damaged and a plastic surgery operation was carried out on her?" ' "Yes" ' "Then you need not wory much because Mark can never recognise her even if he sees her." ' "Ya but you Know how love works, he might begin to recall the voice because it was her face that was changed and not her voice. So she still have the same voice that Mark use to Know her with." ' "Na true talk oh, anyways no need to fear, shebi you had warned her to stay clear of Mark and go far away to where Mark wont beable to locate her? So all you need do now is to trace her whereabout to be sure she heeded to your advice and also worn her again incase of necessity. You Know sometimes i regreat our action of killing her mom for selfish interest even do you are enjoying the benefit. Now you cant allow two lovers fall in love peacefully for fear that she dating your son will eventually invite her mother spirit to tourment you. Because her mother will never be happy in her grave seeing her daughter get married or date the son of the woman that killed her, thats why you dont want to see them together." ' "Babe your hundred percent correct."[/b] * [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED.....[/color] * [color =green]Read, Like, Mention ur chums to the post[/color]
26 Oct 2017 | 13:32
I don't like this Mercy
26 Oct 2017 | 14:15
26 Oct 2017 | 19:34
@firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c- roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg- billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @felicity
26 Oct 2017 | 20:30
@mrpaulp @damariseze @victoriouschild @toochi @jummybabe @tinagabe @bimrach @blixin @vivian8 @denciebabe @viciyoung @john451 @bhorllhyqueen @abius @temmyjoy @delight @stephniepaul @jenny123 @dbramo @gracedkyenny @sommyangel @tomilayoadebukola @individual @harkeem @pheyisexy @bolanleraadebesin007gmail- @diamora @thahyzee @promzy @osiwi @froshberry-2 @pappyjay @ritagold @donfrancis @slimolayinkastar @giftgodiva @pixzybee @hardeyjorjuy @mercy
26 Oct 2017 | 21:14
This Mercy of a mom hmm Only Gid fi judge ur case
27 Oct 2017 | 04:59
Mtcheeew,wicked woman
27 Oct 2017 | 06:17
shameless woman
27 Oct 2017 | 06:33
I don't think you deserve the name Mercy
27 Oct 2017 | 06:46
Let her continue her evil ways? Karma will catch her
27 Oct 2017 | 07:48
Please u GUYsz should help me with d roster
27 Oct 2017 | 16:52
27 Oct 2017 | 18:19
U are unbelievable
29 Oct 2017 | 10:41
[color =red]EPISODE 24[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Princess Side Of The Story Continues......[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]"So on how to locate her now, did you see her present looks?" ' "No i did not." "Hm it will be hard to locate her oh since you dont know her new looks. Anyways i have an idea, go back to the hospital she was before you requested for her transfer." ' "Okay am listening." ' "Locate the doctor who was incharge of her case and ask him the hospital she was transfered to and if possible the name of the doctor that handled her case at that hospital if he knows it. When you get the required information, you go to the hospital and inquire about her. You know they always keep records of every operation and transfer made on the patience, and the date the patience arrived the hospital and the day they began the operation even when a patience dies the date and time of the death is been recorded. So when you go there you will tell them the name of the patience, the date she had the accident and the date she was transfered to the hospital. If you know the doctors name that will be better because the search will be easy for you. You'll just tell them the name of the doctor and you'll be directed to his office and there you tell him who you are looking for." ' "Thank you babe i'll do as you have adviced." ' "Okay." ' "Okay have a good night rest hony," ' "And you too." Call ends. ' I looked at the time and i discovered that the time has been fast spend. I did not realise that i have been talking on the phone for almost an hour. I took my phone and stumbled into the palour to see James leaving, i was not haappy because i did not get the opportunity to have a confabulation with him before he leaves. I turned my gazed at Mark as i said, ' "Hm i just pray he be a good chum to my son." ' I told him i have aranged with someone to come keep him company in my absent. He asked who the person is, and i told him it's my chums daughter by name Gift. ' "Though i had asked you to bring me somebody to keep me company in your absent, but i dont need any one to keep me company anymore. I have James who is now my chum and am Okay with him." ' We had a little argument over the issue. I told him wether he likes it or not she's comming the next day, he got angry and left the palour to his room. I was confused, i began to wonder if he's no more interested in having someone to keep him company in my absent. ' "Even if he has James as a chum, he also need a girl friend around because James is not a girl but a boy. Or maybe he does not need any girl friend in his life for now. Well that's his own concern all i know is that Gift is comming here tomorrow, and wether he likes it or not Gift will be introduced into his life." ' He did not ask for his dinner and i also did not have the time to go beg him to eat as i went to sleept at exacly 8:30pm. *** ' The next day which was friday, Gift came at around 7:11am as we had earlier discoursed. I was still sleeping when her call woke me up, she told me she was in the leaving room, i told her to come to my room.[/b] [b]We had a little confabulation, and after then i took her to Mark's room. He had already woken up from sleep, just relaxing on his bed. I greeted him, ' "Hello baby, gracious morning tide, how was your night?" ' "It was okay and yours?" he asked. ' "Fantastic," i replied. ' "Meet my chum daughter the one i told you about yesternight." Gift went closer to him and said, ' "Hi chum, i heard What happened to you, but you dont need to wory i'll make you feal better the best way i can. If you ever need anything dont hesitate to let me know okay." He smilled at her as he said bluntly, ' "I dont need anything, even if i need something my mom will get it for me." ' I was angry hearing him speak in such a bluntly manner to Gift. Before i knew it he turned to me in anger and bluntly asked, ' "Mom was she also in the car when i had the accident?" ' I was dumbfounded by his unexpected question, i could not say anything as i was not expecting such question from him. Gift turned to me and asked, ' "Please who is he talking about?" ' "Shut up i wasent talking to you," Mark said in anger. And then repeated his question, this time with a loud voice that got me trembling and gasping for breath. ' "Mom! Was she also in the car when i had the accident?" ' "Who are you talking of?" I managed to ask pretending not to know what he's talking about. This time he was shouting as he said, ' "Please dont pretend as if you dont know who i am talking of, am talking of Angel." ' I was so shocked to the bone marow that i could not even say anything, i just stood still Like someone who has been charmed. Angrily he said again, but this time as if he wanted to beat me. ' "Mom!! Was she also in the car when i had the accident?" ' I dont know where the boldness came from, i just had to say somthing inother to be in control, and so i found my self talking. Angrily i responded. ' "No, i told you i dont know her. And please dont you ever mention that name here again in this house." ' I have had enough of his sturboness, is high time i remind him that am still his mother, and the one in control despite the fact that he has grown taller than me or else he will take me for granted and will no longer respect my authority. I hissed and walked away leaving him and Gift in his room. I went to the palour sat down and started thinking how Mark had grown to become so disrespectful to the point that he now shouts at me all because of a stupid lady. I just wish i could send her to the grave like right now, just like i did to her mother, Ahh! And have my peace. ' "Mark! Mark! Please dont push me, dont make me do what i will forever leave to regreat, because i wont mind at all." ' While seated on the sofa i started thinking of the past, and Everything that has happened in my life and Mark's life. I taught about the manner in which my husband died to how Mark got involved with that devil called Angel and then had the accident that changed his entire life. Slowly the tears started droping. I started missing my husband like i had never done before, i know if he were to be here Mark wouldn't have insulted and spoke to me in the way and manner he did. Talking about my husband Mark dad, a lot of you dont know him so let me use this opportunity to introduce him to you. His name is Mik, Peter James, all english. A politician before his suden demise. He died in a car explotion which i know was caused by his opponent in the political game at the age of 53. Tall, dark, handsum and a very good deciplenarian. Thats all for now, you'll get to know more about him as the story continues. Something tells me he's not dead, but if he's alive he would have contacted me ever since. As far as i know no one can ever survive a car explotion, except true the divine supernatural intervention by God. I keept on thinking untill i could not anymore. The more i think the more my hatred for Angel grew stronger and stronger. I began to ask God questions. ' "Oh God what have i don wrong? Is it a crime for someone to fight for his or her right? I fought for a position that rightfully and originaly belongs to me by eliminating an upstacle that stood on my way, which i know a lot of people would have don thesame. Did you bring Angel to my sons life inother for her to take revenge for what i did to her mother? I just hope it's not so, if so i'll kill my self before the revenge mission even take place." As i was soliloquizing i was crying. ' "Angel, you might look small and harmless but i wont underestimate you because i know you're a big treat to my life and career, and i will not stand and watch you ruine down the life i have worked so hard to build. I know you did not come into my sons life just because you love him, you came because the spirit of your mother wants to use you to seek revenge which will never work. I will make sure i kill you and feed your carkas to the dogs before you even think of revenge. By the way you dont even know that i am the one that killed your mom, and that is the information i'll make sure you never have till you die an roth in hades. I know a lot of you will crusify me for what i did, but a woman gat to do what she gat to do to survive dont you think so? And if you where in my shoes wouldn't you have done even worse? Fight for what rightful and originaly belongs to you.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED[/color] [color =green]Dont 4get to like de page 1st, invite ur chums to also like de page. Read, like, comment and also mention ur chums to de post. Jah Bless[/color]
4 Nov 2017 | 10:51
@mrpaulp @damariseze @victoriouschild @toochi @jummybabe @tinagabe @bimrach @blixin @vivian8 @denciebabe @viciyoung @john451 @bhorllhyqueen @abius @temmyjoy @delight @stephniepaul @jenny123 @dbramo @gracedkyenny @sommyangel @tomilayoadebukola @individual @harkeem @pheyisexy @bolanleraadebesin007gmail- @diamora @thahyzee @promzy @osiwi @froshberry-2 @pappyjay @ritagold @donfrancis @slimolayinkastar @giftgodiva @pixzybee @hardeyjorjuy @mercy
4 Nov 2017 | 10:58
@firstladyontop @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @ariketemmy @saraya @eminem @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @gambola @monadisu @dazzlingangel @donyas @c- roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mhizzthessy @millz @bishops10 @kreepyink @olaniyiadeshina @gracedkyenny @hardeyhorlar9 @holaryinkhar @inemeka @abevica @individual @olami @beryl @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @emergencia @paula4eva @giftgodiva @divatimmy @finestberyl @sapiens @ahmad @ele1 @ferdinard @festoza006 @sharpzender @uncleba426 @paje @jenny123 @pemamezi @detector @pweetyfizzy @willingyung @napster @greg- billz @valentinelv @hayanfeoluwa @teju1 @dgreat @prestigiousfirstlady @petersandra121 @jenny1 @bryten50 @fallancy @rosey @jimmyjab @oluwanifemi @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @sparkling-2 @hoyenikky @maurice @lizzytee @zephyr @mhizterdimex @ladywen @holarmidey @scriptures @lollycobra @hardey1292 @adeblow23 @slimolayinkastar @damzybabe @felicity
4 Nov 2017 | 11:00
Hmm next plz
4 Nov 2017 | 11:39
nice plz
4 Nov 2017 | 13:20
Hmm... Speechless
4 Nov 2017 | 14:52
Mmm continue
4 Nov 2017 | 15:11
you fight for what rightfully belong to you by killing your fellow woman if it rightfully belong to you why kill someone over it So it clearly show you are lying
4 Nov 2017 | 17:38
Hmmm... I don't know what to say
4 Nov 2017 | 20:11
Wow thanks for inviting me oo
9 Nov 2017 | 13:38
[color =red]EPISODE 25[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]PRINCES SIDE OF THE STORY CONTINUES......[/color] [color =red]**********[/color] [b]I know you did not come into my sons life just because you love him, you came just because the spirit of your mother wants to use you to seek revenge which will never work. I will kill you and feed your carkas to the dogs before you even think of revenge. By the way you dont even know that i am the one that killed your mother, and that is the information i'll make sure you never have till you die and roth in hades. I know a lot of you will crusify me for what i did, but a woman gat to do what she gat to do to survive dont you think so? And if you where in my shoes wouldn't you have done even worse? Fight for what rightfully and originaly belongs to you. Gift walked in, she was not looking nifty as before. I knew somthing was wrong, maybe Mark said somthing that made her upset which i know for sure he would. ' "Ma, why are you crying?" Gift asked. ' "Nothing dear. Was just thinking of the past. And why are you muddy? You are not looking nifty what did Mark say or do to you?" ' "He said am not feat to be his chum not to talk of his lover, and he does not want to ever see me anywhere close to him. And he also said....." ' I did not let her complete her statement because i was angry and so i left immediately to Mark's room. ' "Mark Brown, what did you do to Gift that made her upset?" For the first time in many years i called his name in full. ' "Nothing, i just told her the truith. And you know...." ' "Truith about what?" i interrupted with my question. ' "That she cant be my chum, i dont like her even for a second cant you see?" ' "See what?" ' "See that she cant be my chum because i dont like her." ' "I got angry and was about to leave his room when he made me more angry by telling me that the only female chum he would like to see is Angel. ' "That name again. What is wrong with you? I toth i told you never to mention that name again in this house? And i remember telling you that i dont know her, what else do you want me to do?" He got angry and began to shout. ' "You're lieing mom! It's obvious she was my lover before i had the accident, the looks on your face tells me that you dont like her and that's why you're hiding the truith from me. But i will not stop untill i find her." ' Gift then walked in and told me she's about leaving but i insisted she stay a little longer knowing fully well that it's my son that is making her leave so early, but she insisted on going still. She said she has something to do at home for her mom which i knew was a lie. ' I turned to Mark as i said in an angry tone, ' "You see what you have caused?" I hissed and left the room with Gift. ' I escorted her outside the gate to where she can get a cab home. While on our way, we had a few confabulations and in one of the confabulations i told her not to be angry but rader to try harder in winning Mark's love and trust. I told her it's not going to be easy but she has to try for trying is the only possible way out. Nothing good comes easily. If you want something you've never had, you must do something you've never done. I encourage and also pleaded with her to forgive Mark. When we finally saw a cab that will take her home, she hoped in an i paid the cab man and he speed of. While returning back home i branched at one of my chums hair dressing salon because i was so angry with Mark and did not want to go back home immediately till my anger subside to avoid another round of quarrelling and argument. <+fg=b00000ff> So i stayed with her in her shop which is not very far from my house. We gist and gossip about a lot of things including people passing on the street. I am a natural good hair dresser and so i assisted her in the little way i could. When i was fully relaxed and my anger subsided i stood up bid her good by and headed home. When i got home i saw my crush James, Mark's chum, from what i saw they where about going out. He was in the process of helping Mark get inside the car when i arrived at the compound, so i helped him. Before they left i could remember telling him to take good care of Mark for me because he's all i got left. Despite our quarrels the fact still remains which is, i love Mark so much that i'll do any thing to make him happy even if it means killing for his sake i will. I was angry because i was not able to have a chip chatt with James before he leaves, i came Pretty late when they where about leaving. I even forgot to ask where they were heading to, but all thesame i knew it would be somewhere nice. Immediately something struck my mind, and i never taught about it all along. What if James helps Mark in uncovering the true identity of Angel and also where she leaves? That means i am doomed. Anyway i wont let that happen, i'll ask James if Mark told him anything about any girl when next i see him. I went streight to the kitchen prepared something to eat, could you imagine i had not eaten since morning. After eating, i went to the bathroom to shawer. While bathing i started thinking about what happened some hours ago and it made me laugh out loud. After bathing i went to my room necked as i was the only person at home apart from the gate man at the gate. I started fealling hony and so i picked up my phone and called Philip one of my suger boy, i told him to come over because i was alone and lonly. I always feal hony when ever am all alone at home. I ended the call, rub some pomade on my sexcy body, comb my hair and then i put on something sexcy and hot. A handles top exposing my massive bobs and a bumpshort. I applied perfume on my body and then headed streight to the palour to wait for my visitor to arrive. I switched on the plasma tv an the decoder, then waited for it to scan and then tuned to Telemundo. I layed on the couch enjoying one of my fevorite movies tittled Married Again.[/b] [b]I was so glued to the movie i was watching that i did not even notice the presence of Philip, not untill he gave me a hot romantic kiss that i regain my self. He's such a lovely guy with strong black cork, the type that always gat me screaming dont stop fuck me hard. We kissed for thirty seconds nonstop untill the heat was turn on then we stumbled into my room. Before then i had changed the movie station to channel O for non stop banging hit and then increased the volume to the highest. I saw my self falling so hard on the bed that i almost broke my waist but i did not care at all. You know when you're about to have sex you dont care about anything again, all your brain and mind knows at that moment is sex! sex! sex!. We had confu sex, carate sex, and tiquando sex, if theres is any style of sex like the once i just mention then that's the type of sex we had. He's just so good in making a woman speak in toungs in bed. After the sex i escorted him to the junction were he boder a cab home. When i got back home just as i was about opening my door my phone rang. I check the screan a foreign number from U.S.A i picked as i said, ' "Hello, hello, who is on the line? Hello, are you deaf?" No response. ' The caller ended the call. I began to think who the caller could be because i dont have any chum who stays abroad. The one i had was depoted back to Nigeria some months ago. So who could it be? I began to wonder. I dialled the number but all i heard was "The number you're trying to call is not reachable at the moment please try again later." I became worried. Later i decided to forget about the caller, if the person is serious he or she will definately call back. I was so tired and so i went to my room and drifted away into dream land. [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED...[/color] [color =green]Dont 4get to like de page 1st, invite ur chums to also like de page. Read, like, comment and also mention ur chums to de post. Jah Bless.[/color]
10 Nov 2017 | 08:08
Hmm continue
10 Nov 2017 | 08:19
I think that might be Mark's father
10 Nov 2017 | 09:20
10 Nov 2017 | 13:15
U wouldn't stop ur wicked at abi
10 Nov 2017 | 14:19
don't worry your doom is near
10 Nov 2017 | 16:46
10 Nov 2017 | 18:32
[color =red]EPISODE 26[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mark Side Of The Stories CONTINUES...... With Mark and James at a restorant in Marina Resort were they were eating.[/color] [b]With my eyes wide open i was a bid releaved thinking that my search will come to an end, not knowing that was the begenini of my search for Angel. I asked him if he could take me to her, he agreed. I had lost apitied so i stoped eating, he also did not finish his food i guess he had also lost apitied. He paid for the meal and we left. While on our way i could not stop thinking of the Angel am about to see. ' "Is she the Angel i have been searching for all this While? What if she's not? but there was no other Angel in the bus or maybe there was." i was confused. When we got to her place at Edimotop i saw an unfamiliar face a girl to be precise on a weal chair. When she saw us she smiled, my heart pounded faster, i taught she was smiling at me. In my mind i had already beleaved her to be the Angel i have been searching for. I returned back the smile. James was infront, i followed behind on my weal chair. When we got closer to her, James shoke hands with her, i did same. Without wasting of time, and without waiting for introduction i asked with smiles on my handsum face. ' "So you are the Angel i have been searching for all this while? Thank God i found you baby." ' I rolled my weal chair closer to her and gave her a side hug. She gave me a surprise look as she said, ' "please Please which Angel are you talking about? No doubt my name is Angel, but am not your missing Angel. I dont even know you not to talk of being your Angel. Please who are you?"[/b] [b] I became confused as i asked "Are you not Angel? My own Angel. We where in the same bus that had an accident, safety motors." ' She used her hands to cover her opened mouth in shock of what she just heard. ' "Are you Mark Brown?" ' I smiled as i answered "Yes baby am Mark your love, the love of your life." ' She broke down in tears, i taught it was tears of joy, i taught she was shading tears because she has finally found the love of her life. All this while James stared at us without altering a word from his mouth, he was just staring at us as if he was watching a Nigerian movie. ' "Am not the Angel your looking for am Sory," she said. ' I chuckled as the tears flowed freely down my chick. ' "What do you mean by you're not the Angel i have been searching for? I have spent weeks searching for you, now Thats i have found you you're now telling me that you're not the Angel i have been searching for. How on earth am i supose to beleave you?" ' "Hm dont you have eyes? Or have you forgotten the face of your Angel? Look at me very well am not you're Angel, am someone elses Angel. Okay here he comes." ' I lifted up my face to see a body build guy just the same size with James. He greated the two of us and proceded in given my supose Angel a hot kiss that left me speachless for seconds. I became angry and i spoke <fg=b00000ff>' "Hullo excuse me, who gave you the odacity, the permition to kiss my Angel?" ' James taped me on the shoulder asking me to calmdown but i ignored him. I was so angry, i just wishe i could get up from my weal chair and give him a resounding blow to the face. A girl i have been searching for since my arrival from the hospital, now that i have finally found her another man is kissing her right in front of me, oh how painful it is. I wept bitterly. The young chap looked at me angrily and said, ' "who the hell do you think you are? And where are you comming from? So i now need permition from you before i can kiss my Angel huh? If not that you are seated on a weal chair what i would have don to you not even your bouncer would be able to rescue you. Please Angel who are this two young men?" ' "The guy standing on his feet is James my girl friend fiancé, while the one on a weal chair is Mark Brown. The thing here is, we where in the same bus that had the accident that keep me on this weal chair and his girl friend was also in the same bus and coincidentally we share the same name, Angel. He has been on a search mission looking for his Angel according to him, now that he has seen me he thinks that i am the one." The chap laughed at me for a while then said, ' "so young man are you trying to tell me that you dont know your girl friend anymore? You cant even recognise her face. You're now calling someone els your girl friend simply because she bears the same name with your girl friend. How childish of you, even a baby of five years wont act the way you just did." ' <fg=b00000ff> I could not ulter anymore words from my mouth because i was so embaras and confused. James who has been standing staring at us like he was watching a Nigerian movie now did the talking for me. ' "Please am sory for the embarasment , it's not his fault. The thing is, the accident that happened on the 5th of january 2016 affected his brain thereby resulting to lost of memory. He does not know or remember anything about the accident apart from knowing that he entered a vehicle called Safety Motor's with his girl friend which had an accident that's all he knows. He can not even remember anything from his past. So he thinks you are the Angel he has been looking for." ' The both of them gazed at me with shock and pity, i return the gaze. I was confused, i could not fatom what was going on anymore. ' "So if you are not the Angel i have been searching for then where is she? Do you have any idea about her whereabout? Or is she dead?" The tears in my eyes filled my chick as i wept silently. ' "Am sory Mark i dont have the answers to your questions. I dont know where she is, if she is dead or alive i dont know." ' "You are confusing me the more, how did you manage to know my name if you're not Angel? Because i dont think i ever told you my name. Or was i the one who told u that my name is Mark? Because i cant remember ever telling you my name." She smiled. ' "Even if you did how would you know considering your state of lost memory? In the bus on that faithful day, i made friend with your Angel and there i got to know that she is my namesak. She told me a lot about you, and the reason you two where travelling. That is how i got to know about you. Is just so unfortunate that the accident happened, i just pray and hope she survived. I heard only three people survived which is me, you, plus one other person whose identity has not been disclosed to me. I just hope she is that one person. Am very sory Mark, Please take it easy on your self. Maybe you should trace your way back to the accident scene, make some inquires about the identity of the three survivals. Who knows she might be that one person amongst us that survived." ' When she was don speaking, it then dawn on me that there where two Angels in the bus that faithful day and am standing before one of them. Could my Angel be alive? Is she the other one person that is alive? What is she's not? I was so confused, i Could not hold back my tears as i let them flow freely. James patted me on the shoulder in a comforting way. The other guy, Angel's boy friend came closer to me he was looking sory for everything. ' "Sory dude, am sory for everything i can feal your pain. Just take it easy on your self brother, i have a strong belive that she is alive somewhere. And i pray that you find her soon." ' "We have to take our leave now," James said as he roled me on my weal chair into the car and we zoomed off. ' "Brother i know how you are fealing right now, but i assure you, if she is alive we will surly find her." ' "What if she is dead?" ' "Lets just pray and hope she is not, Brother." We continued the rest of the journey home in silence. * TO BE CONTINUED...... Dont 4get to like de page 1st, invite ur chums to also like de page. Read, like, comment and also mention ur chums to de post. Jah Bless.[/b]
5 Dec 2017 | 18:24
I wish u all the luck in ur search
5 Dec 2017 | 20:57
But it's like this story will take ages to complete
5 Dec 2017 | 20:57
[color =red]EPISODE 27[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mark Side Of The Story Continues.....[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]I could not stop thinking About everything that took place Angel's compound. "What if she's lying to me? I know my mum hats her and that's why she has been lying to me pretending she does not know anybody by name Angel. So she might have warned her to stay away from me and that maybe why she is not wanting to admit that she is the Angel i have been looking for. Then what if she is not my Angel? That means i still have a length search mission ahead of me. Oh God help me in discovering the whereabout of my Angel." I was engrossed in my taught so much that i did not even notice when he drove into our compound. He alighted from the car brought out my weal chair from the back seat without me noticing. He parted me on the shoulder before i could regain myself. "Hm brother, what are you thinking that has stolen your attention away?" "Just take me inside man, i need to rest my head am very tired and weak." He took me inside straight to my room and laid me down to rest on my bed. What happened next i don't know and i don't care to know, all i know is that i slept off. [color =blue]**********[/color] Someone was calling me, i looked around but could see no one. The voice called again, a female voice saying, "It's me Angel, am here come you will see me. Just come." I followed the direction of the voice but saw no one. Next thing i heard the voice started crying, i became confused and i asked, "My Angel why are you crying? What is the matter? And why are you hiding your face from me? Please stop hiding i want to see you." I heard the voice again in a distance, i ran as fast as my legs could carry me to where the voice was calling from. As i was running, i fell on the ground and then woke up to see my mum and Gift seating beside me. I asked what the problem is and i was told they over heard me calling the name Angel in my sleep. I then explained the dream to my mum. Gift told me not to worry or think about her again. "Please baby don't worry or think about her too much, i believe she's dead, just move on with your life. Am here for you to keep you company anytime any day." "I have told you before and I will tell you again, I don't need your company, not now not latter. You disgust me." I ignored her turned to my mum and requested for my meal. She winked at Gift and immediately she left the room, few seconds later she came back with a food flask containing Afang (African salad) and semovita. With the help of mom I stood upright and began to consume my meal.[/b] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]Later in the evening i was in the parlour watching the expendables, Gift came in and sat close to me. I ignored her, pretending not to notice her. "What's the tittle of the movie you're watching baby?" I did not respond. "Him baby....." I interrupted "Please am not your baby, I am 26 years of age, and as a 26 years old man that I am I can never be your baby. So stop calling me baby." "Okay I won't call you baby anymore, will that stop you from being angry with me?" "Maybe, just allow me to watch my movie in one peace please. A lot has happened in my life over the past few weeks, and I don't want you to add anymore troubles and problems to the one I already have I am begging you." "But am not adding any troubles or problems to the one you already have, am only trying to ease your pain and make you happy again." "Are you a pain reliever? Please you cant relieve me of my pains, the only person who can do that is Angel. Oh God give me the chance to see my Angel, even if she is dead let me just see her dead body and I will be okay." "Him it seems your love for that so called Angel is stronger than what can tear you guys apart" "Thank God you know, and I will not stop my search until I find her even if it's her grave i see I will be happy." "But you don't even know her, so tell me how do you plan on looking for someone you don't even know? I know she used to be your lover before you had the accident. But after that accident you lost your memories, which means you won't recognise or remember anything from your past. And I am hundred percent sure that if she walks in here now you won't even know she's the one. So tell me how you plan on carrying out a search mission on someone you don't know?" I gazed at her without blinking my eyes, there are symptoms of truth in the statement she just made. Even if I get to see her I won't even know she is the one, but I don't care all I know is that God will make a way. "I don't care if I can still remember her face or not, all I know is I am gonna see her and I'll know she's the one. With God on my side am sure to succeed in my search." She stared at me without saying a word, then gave me a hot kiss. Before saying Jack Robinson I hat lost my mind tearing her cloth and kissing her all over her body. While she gave a soft moan. Immediately I regain consciousness and pushed her aside. I was angry and so I left the parlour into my room on my weal chair. I could see sadness in her eyes, it was wreathing all over her, she did not get what she wanted. I laid still on my bed thinking. "How could I be so stupid letting a single kiss disfigure my brain? Thank God I did nothing with her, and it will never repeat itself again I promise." A soft knock landed on the door. "Who is that?" "It's me Gift " "Ohhh what do you want this time around? Are you back to finish your unfinished plan? I know you are not happy because your plan did not work, thank God it did not work. Let me worn you, if you ever try that nonsense again you will have your self to blame. Before I close and open my eyes get lost." "You self what is wrong with you ehn? As if you did not enjoy the long kiss, what is it she has as a woman that I don't have?" I chuckled. "I may not be able to remember her face or her character due to my state of lost memories, but I know for sure she is more responsible and more beautiful than you will ever be. You are nothing but a slut to me.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED.....[/color]
12 Dec 2017 | 04:40
[color =red]EPISODE 27[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mark Side Of The Story Continues.....[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]I could not stop thinking About everything that took place Angel's compound. "What if she's lying to me? I know my mum hats her and that's why she has been lying to me pretending she does not know anybody by name Angel. So she might have warned her to stay away from me and that maybe why she is not wanting to admit that she is the Angel i have been looking for. Then what if she is not my Angel? That means i still have a length search mission ahead of me. Oh God help me in discovering the whereabout of my Angel." I was engrossed in my taught so much that i did not even notice when he drove into our compound. He alighted from the car brought out my weal chair from the back seat without me noticing. He parted me on the shoulder before i could regain myself. "Hm brother, what are you thinking that has stolen your attention away?" "Just take me inside man, i need to rest my head am very tired and weak." He took me inside straight to my room and laid me down to rest on my bed. What happened next i don't know and i don't care to know, all i know is that i slept off. [color =blue]**********[/color] Someone was calling me, i looked around but could see no one. The voice called again, a female voice saying, "It's me Angel, am here come you will see me. Just come." I followed the direction of the voice but saw no one. Next thing i heard the voice started crying, i became confused and i asked, "My Angel why are you crying? What is the matter? And why are you hiding your face from me? Please stop hiding i want to see you." I heard the voice again in a distance, i ran as fast as my legs could carry me to where the voice was calling from. As i was running, i fell on the ground and then woke up to see my mum and Gift seating beside me. I asked what the problem is and i was told they over heard me calling the name Angel in my sleep. I then explained the dream to my mum. Gift told me not to worry or think about her again. "Please baby don't worry or think about her too much, i believe she's dead, just move on with your life. Am here for you to keep you company anytime any day." "I have told you before and I will tell you again, I don't need your company, not now not latter. You disgust me." I ignored her turned to my mum and requested for my meal. She winked at Gift and immediately she left the room, few seconds later she came back with a food flask containing Afang (African salad) and semovita. With the help of mom I stood upright and began to consume my meal.[/b] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]Later in the evening i was in the parlour watching the expendables, Gift came in and sat close to me. I ignored her, pretending not to notice her. "What's the tittle of the movie you're watching baby?" I did not respond. "Him baby....." I interrupted "Please am not your baby, I am 26 years of age, and as a 26 years old man that I am I can never be your baby. So stop calling me baby." "Okay I won't call you baby anymore, will that stop you from being angry with me?" "Maybe, just allow me to watch my movie in one peace please. A lot has happened in my life over the past few weeks, and I don't want you to add anymore troubles and problems to the one I already have I am begging you." "But am not adding any troubles or problems to the one you already have, am only trying to ease your pain and make you happy again." "Are you a pain reliever? Please you cant relieve me of my pains, the only person who can do that is Angel. Oh God give me the chance to see my Angel, even if she is dead let me just see her dead body and I will be okay." "Him it seems your love for that so called Angel is stronger than what can tear you guys apart" "Thank God you know, and I will not stop my search until I find her even if it's her grave i see I will be happy." "But you don't even know her, so tell me how do you plan on looking for someone you don't even know? I know she used to be your lover before you had the accident. But after that accident you lost your memories, which means you won't recognise or remember anything from your past. And I am hundred percent sure that if she walks in here now you won't even know she's the one. So tell me how you plan on carrying out a search mission on someone you don't know?" I gazed at her without blinking my eyes, there are symptoms of truth in the statement she just made. Even if I get to see her I won't even know she is the one, but I don't care all I know is that God will make a way. "I don't care if I can still remember her face or not, all I know is I am gonna see her and I'll know she's the one. With God on my side am sure to succeed in my search." She stared at me without saying a word, then gave me a hot kiss. Before saying Jack Robinson I hat lost my mind tearing her cloth and kissing her all over her body. While she gave a soft moan. Immediately I regain consciousness and pushed her aside. I was angry and so I left the parlour into my room on my weal chair. I could see sadness in her eyes, it was wreathing all over her, she did not get what she wanted. I laid still on my bed thinking. "How could I be so stupid letting a single kiss disfigure my brain? Thank God I did nothing with her, and it will never repeat itself again I promise." A soft knock landed on the door. "Who is that?" "It's me Gift " "Ohhh what do you want this time around? Are you back to finish your unfinished plan? I know you are not happy because your plan did not work, thank God it did not work. Let me worn you, if you ever try that nonsense again you will have your self to blame. Before I close and open my eyes get lost." "You self what is wrong with you ehn? As if you did not enjoy the long kiss, what is it she has as a woman that I don't have?" I chuckled. "I may not be able to remember her face or her character due to my state of lost memories, but I know for sure she is more responsible and more beautiful than you will ever be. You are nothing but a slut to me.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED.....[/color]
12 Dec 2017 | 04:41
[color =red]EPISODE 28[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mark Side Of The Story Continues....[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]"Parading your self all around me won't make me like you not to talk of love you, just get that into your fucken tick skull and get the hell out of my door post before I lose my temper." "I don't blame you, I blame myself for loving you. I will leave, I just wanted to tell you that am going nothing more good by." From the way she spoke it was crystal clear that she was crying, but I don't care, if she likes she can cry it's non of my business. Later that same day I got a call from James asking to know if I am alright. "Hullo brother, hope you are now okay? And I also hope you are not thinking too much? Because it's not good for your condition." "Am fine brother" I then narrated the dream I had to him. "But could she still be alive ?" I asked. "I think so, all hope is not lost brother. Let's just pray and hope we find her alive." "Even if we do, how will she be like? Because I am sure she will no longer be the beautiful Angel I use to know. Though I can't recall her face but something tells me she is as beautiful as the morning Star. But who cares, even if the accident has change her physical appearance into something else I will still love her like I know I use to." "I am hundred percent sure if she is alive, she won't be the same anymore. Just take a look at you for instance, you have a broken leg and a lost memory which will take up to a year before you get better. While Angel her namesake has a broken leg which will take months before she will stand on her two feet again. So her own case won't be any different, that accident that happened is not the type of accident that one can come out of the same way he or she was. She might even have a damaged face which will require plastic surgery. I just pray it doesn't get to that. Just take it easy on your self brother. I'll come pick you up tomorrow so we can trace our way back to the accident scene, maybe there we will get a better information that can help us in our search." "Thank you brother, I don't know what I would have done without you." "Don't mention, what are friend's for? just take care of your self. By the way have you eaten?" "Yes I have and you?" "Same bro." "Okay good by." "By," he said and ended the call.[/b] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]"Please don't go, just stay with me I am begging you. I have spent my entire life searching for you, now that I have found you you want to go away from me. is not fair oh baby." I got woked up by someone shaking me roughly. when I woke up I discovered it was my mum. Oh no, so it was a dream? not again, why do I keep having this dream about Angel? I guess God is trying to reveal something to me. "What are you thinking? and what where you dreaming about? I heard everything you said in your dream. I know is that Angel of a Girl you're dreaming about. I dont know if you want to follow her to the grave, she is dead just forget about her bikonu." "Mom are you sure she's dead? What if she's still alive?" "My dear she is dead, that accident that happen is not the type of accident that someone will survive from." "But i did, i survived and am alive today." It's because of Gods grace and mercies that you are alive today. And beside you are the only surviving soul my dear." "It's a lie mom, am not the only surviving soul from the accident." She gave me a suprised look. "My dear what do you mean by you're not the only surviving soul from the accident?" "From the information i gathered, three people survived from the accident that happened on the 5th of january 2016. One of the survival is Angel by name." When she heard the name Angel she almost fainted. "Please son am confused which Angel are you talking about?" "I learnt that there where two Angel on the buss that faithful day, the Angel am now looking for plus another Angel. Recently i got incontact with the other Angel, i taught she was the Angel i am looking for but i was wrong. She explained everything to me. She told me that three people survived from that accident, which is me, she and one other person whose identity has not yet been disclosed. What if that one person is my Angel?" I saw shock and confusion writen allover her face, she could not say a word for more than ten seconds before she finally spoke. "And what if she is not the one? Even if she is, you will never see her, even if you do you wont recognise her. Who knows she might have a damaged face as a result of the accident which will require plastic surgery. And so if you see her you wont know she's the one, plus your state of lost memory." I stared at her trying to figure out what she meant by plastic surgery. James had mention that word to me during our last call, but i could not fatom the meaning. "Please mom what do you mean by plastic surgery? I dont understand." Tears in my eyes. "Plastic sugery is an operation carried out on someone whose face has been damaged beyond repairs to change the person's face to a new one." Tears droped down my chick as i said, "So are you trying to tell me that she now has a new face?" "Am not saying so, am just guessing, what if her face has been changed?" I became confused not knowing what to think anymore. Maybe i should just forget about my search mission for Angel. My mum is right, even if i see her i wont recognise her because of my state of lost memories and she might even have a new face. But she, wont she recognise me? Yes she would, because only her face is damaged and not her brain. And i know, am hundred percent sure that my mum might have worned her to stay away from me. So even if she sees me she wont come near me. I could not control my tears as i let them flow freely into my mouth. "Please son dont do this to your self, stop crying. Remember the doctor said you should not cry while in this condition, because it will affect your brain thereby prolonging the healing process." "So you want me to smile when my Angel is probably dead? And even if she is not, i might not see her again. Just leave me let me cry mom." i cried untill my head started aching me and then i pass out and woke up in the hospital to see my mom, James and Gift with me in the word where i was admited.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED....[/color] Dont 4get to like de page 1st, invite ur chums to also like de page. Read, like, comment and also mention your chums to de post. Jah Bless.Yes I have and you?
12 Dec 2017 | 05:01
[color =red]EPISODE 29[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [color =red]Mark Side Of The Story Continues.....[/color] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]I asked to know what happened, my mum then told me that i was crying and then my head started aching me and i passed out and was rushed to the hospital with the help of Gift. "James how did you know i am at the hospital?" "I came to your place the gate man then told me you're at the hospital, and so i phoned you, your mom picked and directed me to the word you're admited in. I know it's because of this Angel of a girl. And i taught i have told you not to wory your self or cry too much over her? Now look at where it has landed you, back in the hospital bed." "Brother you dont expect me to smile when i have no reason to, or be happy when there is no damn reason to happy. No i wont be hazppy untill i find the one that my soul longs for, even if it's her dead body brother." The doctor came in, examined me, shoke his head then ask everybody to follow him to his office which they did and i was left alone in the word. I began thinking. What would my life be like without Angel? And how was this life back then with her? How i wish i could see her picture so i could remember how beautiful she was back then before the accident. But i cant, simply because i dont have access to any of her pictures. But i know something is wrong somewhere, because even my own pictures i have not seen. When i asked my mum she told me that she will bring them to me but she never did. And why is the picture even in her custody? It was supose to be in my room and not with her. So my question now is, what is the pictures doing in her custody? And am prety sure i have Angel's picutres with me, at list even one of her pictures should be with me. Even the one we snaped together should be with me. I made up my mind to remind my mum about my pictures i had requested for. I was still lying down on the hospital bed faced up looking at the celling fan and every other lookable upject in the word when i saw them comming, James, Gift and my mum. They where not looking nifty at all, my mum was even shading tears while Gift consoled her. I asked what the problem is but no one answered me. I turned to James an i asked, "Brother is anything the matter? Why is mum crying? And you guys are not looking smart as you guys where when you guys left for the doctors office. Please answer me brother, talk to me, what did the doctor said about me? Am i going to be alright after now?" "Everything is alright brother, just that...." My mum interupted. "Baby you are going to be fine i promise you that. But why?" "Why what?" I asked. "Why wont you stop thinking about that girl called Angel? What love medicine didf she give to you that does not want to leave you alone? Your brain was damaged as a result of the accident that happened on the 5th of january 2016, and it resulted to lost of memories. You cant remember anybody dead or alive, or anything that happened before the accident. You could not even remember who your dad was. But you did not forget her name Angel, is it that the love portion she gave to you is too strong and wont leave you for me? I worned you about this girl called Angel but you did not care to listern, now look at your self. While in the process of running away with her you had this accident that changed your entire life into something else. You're in a wealchair because of her, you lost your memories because of her, you're here again in this hospital bed because of her. And the doctor said you have cancer, cancer of the brain and i know it's because of her."[/b] [b]I stared at her, all what she was saying made no sence to me. But i tried remembaring somthing when she said i was in the process of running away with her before i had this accident, but i could not remember anything. Just like a flash i remembered a convocation day but could not figure out what happened during that day and what the day was all about. I did not want to disturb my head that was aching softly so i forgot about it I then asked her what she ment when she said i have cancer of the brain. "Please mom i dont understand, what do you mean when you said i have cancer of the brain?" She stared at me with tears in her eyes. I fixed my gazed on her expectfing to here what she's about to say, but she said nothing. Instead she cried uncontrolebely and started rainin curses and abuses on Angel. "Mom, why are you abusing someone who has not wronged you? Even if she did cant you forgive her? At list for my sake. She might even be dead and you're abusing the dead. It's obvious you hate her so much. Right from when i came back from the hospital you never wanted me to know anything about her. When i mentioned her name to your hearing u got angry, thank God i now know who she was to me. And i also know is because you did not approve of our relationship that we tried running, at list i am sure of that. I asked you a question i did not ask you to curse or abuse someone who is not here." "She is the course of all that is happening and has happened to you, and i will never forgive her where ever she is, even in her grave." I turned my eyes fixed them at Gift, for the very first time i saw love in her eyes. Already i dont like her not to talk of loving her, so i just had to forget what so ever i was seeing. I became hungry and i requested for food, a food flask containing my fevorite meal rice and chicken was staring at my face. I managed to seat upright with the help of James and i consumed my foodflask of rice and chicken and then i sleept off.[/b] [color =blue]**********[/color] [b]The next day i was discharged from the hospital, and we all went home. I found out that i became week all of a suden and i was always taken drugs but i dont know why. I had forgoten about the search for Angel, maybe because i was not fealling strong enough to continue the search. Even when James came to take me to the accident scene so we could trace her wearabout i told him that am no more intrested, but i dont know why i was no more interested in the girl i had always wanted to search for. The constant presence of Gift in our house changed a whole lot of things, i dont know why, i dont know how, but i became fund of Gift. Just like magic she became part of my small life, i could not do without her. In simple english i will say, i fell head over heels in love with her.[/b] [color =red]TO BE CONTINUED....[/color] [b]Dont 4get to like de page 1st, invite ur chums to also like de page. Read, like, comment and also mention your chums to de post. Jah Bless.[/b]
12 Dec 2017 | 07:09
I think she has used some love portion on u
12 Dec 2017 | 10:37
This ur love de3....hmm
12 Dec 2017 | 12:12
@rhynebryne @fii-fi pls help me with d roll call
12 Dec 2017 | 13:12
I hope ur mum is no behind the sudden change
12 Dec 2017 | 13:13
Love portion at work
12 Dec 2017 | 16:43
12 Dec 2017 | 16:48
8 Oct 2018 | 06:24
8 Oct 2018 | 06:25
30 Oct 2018 | 15:57


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