Twine (A Drama Series)

Twine (A Drama Series)

By Viciyoung in 6 Dec 2016 | 17:38
Viciyoung Viciyoung

Viciyoung Viciyoung

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Member since: 5 Jun 2016
Copyright 2016@ Gaglo Blessing. No part of this work should be distributed or used without a prior written permission of the author.
Email: [email protected]

Synopsis: Lives, love and different interests being intervowen by circumstances. There are those who fight for the right to love, those who fight to protect the ones they love and those who fight for the love of their own interests. Whether love triumphs or fail, that decision lies in the hand of time.

A peep into my life
I walked into the school hall drawing glances from other students. Some were even snickering behind my back! who cares?
" Na wa o! Soap don finish for naija?" i heard an albino girl in my class exclaim.
I went to the back row and took a seat.
Thursdays in Blossom high was society day. There were usually so many activities which i partook of. Need to say i always came out the winner? but today seems different, there were some men and women in suit on the high table, they had malt and table waters in front of them. The teachers were also looking extra smart. The vice principal was on a bright peacock colour attire that hurt my eyes. What was going on?
" Settle down! Every one should settle down" the vice principal said into the mic in his hand. I don't know why he was made the VP anyway. His Yoruba accent was thicker than ogbono soup.
" Stand up for the national anthem"
We all stood up and recited the anthem and plegde to our motherland.
" Today is a special day for us and we have special people in our mist today." He cleared his throat and coughed loudly with his mouth open. His left hand idly twiddle his beard. His beady eyes roamed over every faces in the hall.
" Brilliant Minds is an NGO that is focused on helping schools and also brilliant students. Give a round of applause for Mr Aregbe, the CEO and founder of Brilliant Minds as he comes to give us a speech."
The man in a sleek suit walked to the podium and gave a long gibberish speech. My ears caught the words " Overall best student" and " Scholarship " and the most important of all " Abroad " My mind was reeling, i was so happy. Everyone knew i was the most brilliant girl in the school.
" The lucky student will be given a full schorlaship to study abroad."
The hall was so silent now. All eyes were on the man standing on the podium. The VP took the mike from him when he was done and a round of applause resounded in the hall without anyone prompting us to do so.
My class teacher walked to me and asked me to step out of the hall with him. I liked him, he was a good teacher but a hungry one.
" Why are you looking so dirty and rough?! how do we introduce a dirty looking rat to the NGO!"
Why didn't they inform us or even give us a hint the day before so i would be prepared! my once upon a time white sock is now the color of a brown mud. I wore the front all through last week, this week i turned out the inside and wore it. It wasn't as bad as Mr Kamal was making it out. Don't mind him.
" I look okay sir"
" No you don't look okay! your hair is rough! your uniform has spots in it and it is rumpled! your socks look like you just crawled out of a sockaway!"
This people knew that i was always like this! why is the devil trying to use them now? why didn't they tell me ahead of time.
" Sir.....why didn't you tell me yesterday"
His eyes almost popped out of his socket." My friend who are you! go! go! go back to your seat!" he walked away from me muttering under his breath.
I remembered my mother screaming at me the previous day to wash my uniform. I was glued to the black and white TV set watching my favorite Mexican series on AIT. How is it my fault that i was born to be lazy? did God not create us in his image?
I walked back into the hall and took my seat.
" Oyinyechi Okafor" the VP shouted.
What was going on? She was the albino girl in my class. She used to be my seat mate but i changed seat because of the rate at which she carries expo during exams. This girl can even write expo on her eyelids if possible. The only thing likeable about her is her tidiness. She even brings an extra socks to school which she wears when we close from school. The gators in her uniform could be related to a sonnet. 14 lines no doubt. Why was the VP calling her instead of me? I sat upright, my palms were sweaty already. I must not miss this golden chance.
" I present to you our most brilliant student, Oyinyechi Okafor"
The hall went silent and all eyes on me. I felt my face heat up gradually as tears stung my eyes. What has dirtiness got to do with intellect? this must be the devil' s handiwork o. The treacherous students started clapping after being prodded to do so. How could i lose this golden opportunity to an albino and one who even carries expos! I ran out of the hall and almost collided with our Yoruba teacher.
" Ekun ki ni lo wa sun? Shior!" ( Why are you shedding tears) when i was told you to always be looking good did you hear me. Shey oti ja lo ju e bayi......e don clear for your eyes now?"
I continued crying. What is this one saying? is that what this bleached out pig should be saying now?
" Opolo ( brain) is not by book alone but by all things! See nau Na omo ibo afin ( Albino) will collect the scholarship. Shior! '' she walked into the hall and left me standing there drowning in my tears.
The previous night flashed before my eyes, at 8.30 pm my mother suddenly remembered that she has not seen my school uniform hanging on the rope outside.
" Tomi have you washed your uniform? "
Diego was leaning close to Paloma on the TV screen. And this woman was talking about uniform! I was the inventor of ' wash and wear' So no shaking.
" Iwo ko mo n ba so ro ni? ( Are you not the one i am talking to?) My mother shouted.
Paloma was passionately returning Diego' s kiss now. Oh that kiss!
" I will wash it mummy"
" OK o. Motigbo"
I knew she also enjoyed the Mexican love series but she will be forming like i was the only one not doing what she was supposed to do. 8.30 pm and dinner is not even on the cooker yet. Wait till daddy comes back, that is when you will hear your own.
After When you are mine, Gardener' s daughter came on. My mother and i both rushed into the kitchen when we heard dadddy' s car drove in. Like mother like daughter abi?
When dinner was served it was after 10pm. Daddy fumed and kept muttering under his breath. Immediately after dinner i rushed into my room but i couldn't find my socks. I checked my school bag, my mountain of dirty clothes in a corner of the room, inside my bathroom, behind the toilet. I finally found it by 10.56 pm, it was under my bed! it was there the whole time! I picked my uniform and socks as the wall clock in my room read 11pm. Ehen no lele, no be today i thought. I will quickly wash it and dry it on the standing fan in my room. Guess what happened as i stepped into my bathroom?
You guessed right.
The light went off.
" Do i blame Nigerian government? or myself?" I said out loud.
I ran into an empty class room and sobbed my heart out. This is so unfair! i was cheated out of my right.....i was the most brilliant student. I won several competitions for my school in the past. My school was the number one in our district because of my brilliant performance in national quizzes and competitions. The new library in Blossom high was built by a Christian NGO because of a brilliant story i wrote. If my look wasn't a problem in the past, why now? the heart of man is truly wicked.
Prologue closed.

To be continued .
6 Dec 2016 | 17:38
Oh so sad
6 Dec 2016 | 17:50
Dis girl funny sha, continue
6 Dec 2016 | 21:11
7 Dec 2016 | 00:55
Eyah...pls continue
7 Dec 2016 | 01:53
7 Dec 2016 | 03:40
Pls Continue
7 Dec 2016 | 03:53
Woaw, gotta be hot...
7 Dec 2016 | 04:18
seriously it serves u right
7 Dec 2016 | 04:19
Sory Oh
7 Dec 2016 | 04:30
Too bad, they need the most brillient not the overall neat student!
7 Dec 2016 | 06:28
Dem do u wel y u supoz dirty
7 Dec 2016 | 06:35
7 Dec 2016 | 07:17
7 Dec 2016 | 07:17
Episode 1 " My mom wants to meet you" Richmond my boyfriend said." She invited us to dinner" " What? When? Why are you just telling me now!" It was on a Saturday morning, this crazy guy could have told me this five days ago but he was just telling me now! " Calm down babes. She is only inviting us to dinner tonight. " he walked into the bathroom unclad. My God! i didn't have a single clean dress in my wardrobe! I used to send my laundry to the dry cleaners but my mom' s health coupled with other expenses made me start doing them. By doing them i mean, pick what i want to wear the next morning and wash it the night before. By morning it would be dry, a quick touch of iron and I was ready to face the day. " Rich I am going home! What time is the dinner?" " 6 pm and why are you going back home?" he called out from the bathroom. I ignored him and picked up my bag. " I will be ready by five. Yea come pick me up by five pm." I practically ran out of his apartment. I was just opening the door to my own apartment, when i heard the clap of thunder and it started raining. How will my cloth get dry now? My sitting room was a big mess, clothes were strewn on the sofa, a box of pizza sat on the table. I thought i had thrown it out! my house smelled like rotten veggies! what the heck! I was only at Richie' s place for two days, how could it smell this bad? i searched for the source of the foul smell and voila! It was a bowl of salad i made some days ago. When did i leave this one here? oh! I made it for Richie and i must have forgotten to take it along with me. I washed it out, opened my windows to let in air and i totally forgot to rinse out the bowl and dry it. ' Grrrrrrrrrrrrr' I picked up my phone from the kitchen counter. " Is that proposal ready now?" Linda. " Hello..... Hello.... the network is breaking...." I disconnected the call. Linda was my boss and the CEO of the company i work for. This was supposed to be a two weeks leave for me but she has been disturbing me with one thing or the other. I don't have her time now, i have a bigger crisis on my hands. I rushed into my bedroom, I threw open my wardrobe and my heart skipped a beat. It was bare. I searched through my bulky laundry bag and picked out a long silky dinner gown. I gave it a quick wash, squeezed it extra hard to drain out the water. I felt it with my hands, yea it should be dry in no time. Richmond picked me up some minutes to five, he complimented my look and i beamed at him. He was a tall guy with six packs, his nose was slightly crocked as a result of a fight in high school. He had no idea how i live or how much my energy battery was on conserving mode.I cook dinners at his place or take it along with me on my way to his place. " Welcome son" A beautiful middle aged woman, definitely Richie' s mom kissed him on the cheek. " Is this your guest?" No. His handbag. " Yes Mom. Meet Tomi" I was expecting him to say meet my girl friend Tomi. What was the essence of coming here if i don't even get introduced as his girl. '' Do come in Richmond, dinner is getting cold." " Good evening ma." " Evening my dear" her eyes sized me and from her looks i was definitely wanting. My hand crept to my hair, i was always having a bad hair day because i don't give it a good brush before going to bed. Or is it my make up? i don't know how i always manage to smear mascara on my cheek bone. We followed her into the grand living room. I saw my reflection in a glass door leading to the stair case and i froze. I looked like a tangle of mess. My hair, if i could still call it hair looked like something a cat coughed up. My silky gown had spots of dirts on it. My lipstick was a scarlet mustache around my lips. Why didn't Richie tell me! the dinner was like a mini society party. There were kimkardshians look alike and Kate Middleton look alikes. They were all expensively decked out in pearls and furs. " Hey Rich" A big boobed barbie walked up to us and planted her lips firmly on his lips. " Woow! Woow! Alicia!" He laughed uneasily. I walked away from them, it was all going wrong. It wasn't what i envisioned. Now i know how Alice must have felt in wonderland. Nobody paid me heed and a glance backward showed Richie was no where to be found. " Come, come to the dinning room" Richie' s mom announced. Everyone rose and i followed them. Someone took hold of my arm. " Where were you?" I seethed. " I should be asking you babes, I wanted to introduce you to my cousin Alicia but you were no where to be found." We went to the dining table, before Richie could pull out a chair for me, cousin Alicia had already pulled him onto the seat next to her. I took the seat beside her, Richie gave me a " I am sorry look" . They were all laughing loudly and talking at the same was more like bragging. My son is in oxford, my daughter is in France learning the Art of sex, my grandchild went to the moon. Alicia nudged me. " Ehen'' She gave me a look." Where did you school?" " School? Lagos" " Oh really? Richie and i went to Cambridge you know." She faced him." Those were the real days of fun!" The others laughed like a pack of hyena. " My dear you didn't touch your Thai curry" this came from Richie' s mom. My gaze dropped to the bowl of yellowish soup with chunks of red pepper, carrot and chicken breast. She didn't even ask me before dishing it on my bowl and exclaming it was Richie' s favorite soup. The dishes on the table were a variety of Italian and Chinese dishes. I couldn't say no so i forced a smile and put some into my mouth. " Don't you like it? i spent hours in the kitchen sweating to make all this" she pouted. " I like it" i lied. Richie winked at me, he knew. " Pablo Picasso. i think his works are masterpiece." A girl with lips too big for her face said. " What do you think of what she just said" Richie' s mom directed her question at me. What were they even saying? i gave her a blank look. " Do you think Pablo Picasso' s works are always masterpiece.?" " Pa....pablo?. Yes" A bald headed shouted "No, no, i disagree! i totally disagree with you young lady unless if you care to elucidate on that!" They were all staring at me now. Richie looked uncomfortable. Alicia was smirking. " I don' t know who he is" The noise died down, mouths hung open, eyes were widened in shock. I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment. I stood up, i moved too fast, not knowing the chair sat on my dress, the sudden movement knocked the bowl of Thai curry onto Alicia' s thigh. She shrieked. I turned around and fled from the room. I heard Richie calling after me but i ran and kept running. Out of the building, out of the compound, i wanted to run to the end of the world and take a plunge below. To be continued..
7 Dec 2016 | 07:56
as matured as u re u so dis dirty....gosh.
7 Dec 2016 | 09:13
why are you so dirty
7 Dec 2016 | 09:30
7 Dec 2016 | 10:11
7 Dec 2016 | 10:48
Hmmm...bring it on
7 Dec 2016 | 11:28
7 Dec 2016 | 11:38
7 Dec 2016 | 12:17
Hahahaha. Tomi u ar a complete mess
7 Dec 2016 | 12:24
Ayt . . Seated . . Let Ride
7 Dec 2016 | 12:33
Hmmm, I pity you!
7 Dec 2016 | 12:57
Nice story Ride on
7 Dec 2016 | 14:12
Hmmm...see wat ur laziness cause u? Next plz
7 Dec 2016 | 17:54
Episode 2 Continues.. Johnson' s residence. Chief Adediwura Johnson was in his private study with his first son Kelvin. Is this the demerit of sending one' s child to school abroad? they become too opinionated, its like they left the respect back home in Nigeria before boarding the plane abroad and when they got back they just couldn't find it anymore or don't care to. " Dad i am telling you I can't marry that girl! Hell no! have you ever spent even an hour in her presence? she's too arrogant and rude! " " Kelvin the marriage rites were done when you were both babies! this is for our own good....her father has multinational companies in five different countries!" " I don't care! I don't fucking care!" He stood up and faced his son." If you refuse to marry her i will disown you! never will you step your feet into this house again or even speak to any member of this family! I am your father! When i talk you listen because i have been on this earth before you! You were both aware of the fact that you will become man and wife right from cradle! " " I will not marry her and that is it dad!" He walked out of the study banging the door after him. His mother called out to him but he ignored her and walked out of the house. It was drizzling lightly, he got into his car and pressed the horn angrily. Musa the gate man opened the door for him and he drove out. Thank God he saw the apparition in time, it was a bundle of white silk and a mass of tangled hair that tried to run across the street, if he wasn't an experienced driver he would have knocked her into the gutter. He was furious now and he marched out of his car angrily. " Hey you! Are you blind?! " She continued walking in the rain acting like she couldn't hear him. The fool. The least she could have done was to apologize but Nigerians.......he got back into his car and rolled the car to where she stood waiting for a bus. " Where are you going?" " Leave me alone! You almost killed me and all you could do was to shout at me! I am not surprised tho! Its typical of you Nigerians!" She shivered. He couldn't help laughing. "I could say the same of you too." She looked like a rat caught in the rain. A sexy rat....he amended and laughed out again. " What is funny?" " Nothing. Where are you going?" " Thank you. I will wait for a bus" " Your choice. " he said and drove off. He was just about getting to the end of the street when the downpour became heavy. He should just drive home, she wasn't his business but something told him It was the right thing to do. He found himself reversing back to where she stood. " Get in" he shouted. The drenched bundle of silk and tangled hair got into the car, dripping water on his car seat. " Sorry about the mess" His eyes dropped to her feet. One of her shoes was missing. " Where is your shoe?" She bit the bottom of her lipstick smeared lips in embarrassement. " I can't find it. You can drop me off in front of bright crescent school " He gave her a look of pity. She was a beautiful lady but right now what he had in front of him wasn't even worth being compared to beauty. " Don't worry i will drop you off in front of your house. Just give me the direction " " Thank you." The rest of the ride was in total silence except for her shallow breathing. She was coming down with cold. " What were you doing out in the rain. Umbrella is quite cheap these days or don't you think so?" " Here. Please stop here." " Alright. " She alighted from the car, her legs wobbled, she held onto the door of the car to steady herself. Kelvin came down from the car and gave her a helping hand. " Oh my goodness!" He screamed. She had thrown up on his body. " I am sorry...... I' m so sorry " The smell of whatever she ate was galling. He helped her to her apartment, opened the door when she couldn't open it after three attempts. Her house was like a rabbit hole, there were clothes and bits of things everywhere. He couldn't resist asking. " Is this a mobile shop?" She gave him a dirty look. " The bathroom is that way. " He walked into what was a supposed bathroom. There were novels on the egde of the bathub. A nail polish was on the toilet flush, he spied some silky panties hanging on a rack. He sighed heavily. Who is this girl? he got some water and washed the front of his polo. It stank after the wash, there were two feminine perfumes on the toilet seat which had been placed down. He took hold of one, spraying it on himself generously.He brought that particular part of his polo to his nose, the smell was minimal. Good to go. " Hey I am through. " he called as he walked back into the living room. " In here" she said in a little voice. She was on her bed in the drenched muddy silk gown. " Do you want to die? or you think pneumonia is something to joke with?" " You may leave now, i will rest a bit and get out of these cloth" " You should get out of it now, is there someone you could call?" He touched her forehead and snatched his hand back." You are burning with fever! stand up! go remove the cloth now" " No, no, go! " she moaned. He carried her out of the bedroom while she gave a feeble struggle. He took her into the bathroom and dumped her into the bathub. " My novels......they will get wet" He took the books into his arms, he threw them in a corner of her room. He waited for her in the living room but when he didn't see her after some thirty minutes or thereabout he went to knock on the bathroom door. " Miss! Miss! are you in there?" He opened the door gently. She had gotten out of the wet cloth but she wasn't in the tub. She was unconscious on the bathroom floor. He checked her pulse and shook her gently and She gave a little moan. She was alive. He carried her back into the bedroom, he threw open her wardrobe looking for a duvet to cover her but the wardrobe was bare. He saw a bulky bag that seemed like a lundary bag. He found the duvet in there, it smelled of heat but he covered her with it anyway. " I want to go get you some drugs. Is there anyone i should call? Or your neighbor?" " Neighbor is a head!" " Who else should i call? a husband, brother or boyfriend? " " No, no, i don't want him here! You can.....can ......go" " Cool. I am going to get you some drugs now. What is the name of this street again?" She whispered it and he raced out of her apartment. To be continued..
8 Dec 2016 | 02:59
Hmm I don't even knw what to say here just bring it on plz
8 Dec 2016 | 03:56
Tanx for the invit @vicyoung
8 Dec 2016 | 07:36
next pls
8 Dec 2016 | 08:59
8 Dec 2016 | 09:07
The girl is a mess.
8 Dec 2016 | 09:24
Dis girl na character o
8 Dec 2016 | 09:35
8 Dec 2016 | 11:05
8 Dec 2016 | 11:13
0 Likes pls
8 Dec 2016 | 11:58
Nice one, all the girl just need is somebody that will direct her and teach her. Nice story bro!
8 Dec 2016 | 12:19
Ride on..
8 Dec 2016 | 12:31
I dey follow
8 Dec 2016 | 12:55
8 Dec 2016 | 13:41
Episode 3 * Continues* A knock sounded on the door. Kelvin walked to the door twisting his neck left and right. He had spent the night on a hard couch with some invisible thing digging into his ribcage. He tried to find the cause of his discomfort but he soon gave up the futile search. Hours later his hand absently touched a hair pin, he reached his hand into the side of the couch and it came out with a hair clip, knitting pin and a tube of toothpaste. " Who are you?" The handsome dark skinned guy asked. He charged into the room without waiting for an answer. " Tomi! is this what you have been doing behind my back? "! " Hey calm down man! Its not what you think? " Richie drew nearer to him, daring him." Then tell me what the hell it is!". His eyes landed on Tomi' s skirt and blouse on the other couch, before he could control himself he had connected his fist with Kelvin's jaw. '' What the hell?!" Kelvin staggered as a result of the unexpected punch. He moved back and returned it on his opponent' s nose. Richie slammed into him with his upper body and they both came crashing on the hard floor. They knocked over the glass center table and it took a hard fall. It broke into two, shard of glasses flew in every direction. The nose woke up Tomi, she pulled the duvet round her form and walked into the living room. She couldn't believe her eyes, two hunks were wrestling on the floor of her living room. Worst of all her center table which she had bargained hard for in a garage sale was broken! Now where will she get another glass center table so cheap! the sad part is the garage sale holds once a year! " My table! You broke it!" She cried. Kelvin pushed Richie off him, the later staggered to his feet wiping the blood streaming out of his nose with the back of his palm. " Is that all you have to say?! After all the banging i gave you only days ago you have gone looking for another c.ock!" He spat out. " Richie! There's.....blood coming down your nose.... let me clean it for you " she tried to touch him but he pushed her away. " You! what are you still doing here?!" She shouted at Kelvin." I thought i told you to leave last night! " " Yea after he f* ucked you! God! No wonder my friends wont even touch a Nigerian girl with a ten foot pole! " " No, no. It is not what you think! Hey say something!" She poked her finger into Kelvin' s chest. " Go on! tell me some lies!" Richie jeered. Tomi forgot she was clutching the duvet with her left hand, she tried to reach for her boyfriend with both hands and the duvet pooled around her feet. She was stark na.ked. she quickly pulled it up, there was a big Bloch of whitish stuff on the edge of it. The four male eyes settled on that whitish spot. " Hell! Its not what you think dude! I don't even know her....I gave her a ride but on getting here she slumped and i only stayed back to make sure she was alright." Richie' s eyes stayed glued to the spot. "That is yoghurt dropped on it while i was eating it in bed" " If i believe that then i can believe pigs could actually fly! You are stark Na.ked under that duvet and his cum is on it! Save the sorry a$$ excuses!" He said in a voice filled with pain. He stormed out of the room while Kelvin dropped to the couch moaning about his head. Tomi dropped to the floor despite the pieces of broken glass on it. Knife or gun? which will kill this intruder faster she thought? To be continued ..
8 Dec 2016 | 13:49
8 Dec 2016 | 14:22
8 Dec 2016 | 14:27
Humm,ride On
8 Dec 2016 | 14:41
drama indeed!
8 Dec 2016 | 15:17
quite interesting
8 Dec 2016 | 15:18
Naxo e day start
8 Dec 2016 | 15:33
8 Dec 2016 | 17:55
Menh...u see de demerit of laziness?
8 Dec 2016 | 19:25
Kelvin might hv found who he wl marry, let me b observing.
9 Dec 2016 | 00:30
Episode 4 Continues Tomi ‘’ Are you alright?’’ he asked me. ’’ Please you may take your leave now” He went into the bathroom; I could hear the sound of water as he splashed some on his face. “I am sorry for what happened earlier” “It’s okay. Please just go” “Do remember to take your drugs and stay away from cold” I nodded my head. He was almost out of the door when I whispered a “Thank you” but he didn’t even glance back. I dragged my feet into the kitchen; I swept the broken glasses into the waste basket. It took me some hours to clean up the mess, afterwards I made myself a chicken sandwich and got ready for the task at hand. “Richie! Richie!” His car was parked in the yard so I was certain he was inside the house. I tried the door knob and it opened. There were empty cans of beer on the vinyl floor, I squatted, gingerly picking up one of the cans, it was so unlike him. He was a neat freak, he knew where every item in his house was, he could close his eyes and point to each of them and he would be right too. I sneezed hard and dropped the can. ‘Harder! Harder! Give it to me hard!’ a feminine voice cried out I took a step forward and paused. Was he watching porn? How could he be watching porn in the middle of the day when he ought to be at work! Anyway he could afford to laze about since he worked for his dad and as the only son he enjoyed unlimited privileges. ‘Oh boy! F*uck me harder!’ I pushed open the door and gasped in shock. My boyfriend was balls deep in her puvssy, she was blindfolded while her bottom was raised up, whilst he was behind her, giving it to her in the doggie way! Something he has never tried with me! I ran out of the apartment banging the door loudly. I seem to be running too much these days, I was blinded with tears, I didn’t see the puddle of muddy water outside his compound. I ran into it, felt my legs slowly give way under me and I landed hard on my rump in the muddy water. A crazy driver chooses that very moment to speed by and I was drenched from head to toe in sticky stinking muddy water. *************************************************** “Was that the little girl you have been f*ucking?’’ Linda asked him, pulling down the blindfold. “Shut up!” he smacked her hard on the a$$. She pushed him away, eyeing him. She had met him some days ago at a cocktail party, her aunt Maggie had introduced them but she couldn’t help fantasizing about a certain part of his anatomy. The guy was just so tall and handsome with the right body too. Just the way she liked it. She had pulled him towards the bar thinking it would accelerate things faster but to her surprise he declined, her subtle flirting and sexual innuendoes were lost on him! She had taken matters into her own hand right then. She blatantly told him she wanted him to suck her and do her but he laughed it off as a joke! She had to look at his right hand again to be sure she hadn’t missed the ring, perhaps a jealous wife or girlfriend lurked around the corner. “Is your wife hiding somewhere here” she couldn’t believe a guy born of a woman actually turned her down. He walked away from her and joined a group of guys chatting about football. She heard a girly laughter and turned around. She glared at her best friend. “He turned you down right?” Oyinye laughed. “You won’t be the first anyway” She pouted. “You know him?’’ “Yea. His name is Richmond; we went to the same school in the UK” “He turned me down! Can you imagine that? No man has ever said no to me before!” “Well there’s always a first time.” She lifted Linda’s glass to her lips. “I could help you get him but it will cost you. Hundred thousand” “What? Seriously? I knew you were a gold digging albino bi.tch right from the first day I met you!” She laughed mirthlessly. “Talk won’t land you that hot d.ick your pussy need so which will it be?” Linda considered it briefly; Oyinye was someone who had a way of getting information. She was like her own personal PI, the girl was just too anxious to belong to the circle of the rich and she was too greedy. But she was a worthy friend to have in case of emergencies like this. “Alright” “Cool. When do I get the cash?” “When you deliver him to me” She watched Oyinye cat walk away from her, she watched keenly as she approached a big bobbed ugly Nicki minaj wannabe. They chatted briefly before Oyinye brought out her Iphone and typed something into it. She walked back to where her friend was. “I have his number right here but you have to pay me first!” ‘’ I don’t have any cash on me now but I will pay you. Who was that fake doll?” ‘’ Alicia, she is some sort of cousin to him but believe me she’s got the hots for him” Linda sighed. “Who Wouldn’t?” She had left him several messages on whatapp but he never replied her, she was a determined lady, she persisted, until till this morning when he gave her a call! She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw his in_coming call. “Are you alright?” he asked. ´’ I should be asking you” she quipped. Her phone rang out; she got out of the bed, picked up her jean on the floor and answered the call. “Dad” “Linda, the investors want to meet with you in Abuja tomorrow” “Why are you just telling me now? My stupid assistant is yet to send me the proposal and other documents I asked her to draft. I should just fire her a$$.” “The meeting is at 12 noon. I want Victoria to be present as well!” “I don’t want her slutty a$$ there!” “Don’t talk about your sister like that! It is my company and I decide who will or will not be present at that meeting” She disconnected the call and hissed.” Foolish man! Sister, my foot!” To be continued ..
10 Dec 2016 | 18:22
11 Dec 2016 | 03:29
11 Dec 2016 | 03:33
11 Dec 2016 | 04:51
11 Dec 2016 | 06:21
Hmmm, next!
11 Dec 2016 | 06:26
11 Dec 2016 | 08:48
11 Dec 2016 | 10:36
Ride on
11 Dec 2016 | 13:55
I am still here
11 Dec 2016 | 15:18
11 Dec 2016 | 16:19
11 Dec 2016 | 16:44
11 Dec 2016 | 20:13
Episode 5 Continues.. A devil named Linda * Tomi* I cried all day, my throat became sore, my eyes were red and puffy. I filled the bathtub with my tears, i didn't even know what names to call Linda any more, she was a manipulating, evil and conniving b.itch. How and where she had met or known Richie was beyond me. Will i tell my mom I lost yet another relationship? the poor woman want to tell people to come buy her own daughter' s aso ebi too. She was always asking after " him" and her calls always end with " When are we meeting him?" I remembered to cuss that guy too! why didn't he go home when i asked him to? he made Richie believe i was cheating on him! I sat so long in the tub, i was begining to feel cold. If Richie truly loves me why didn't he run after me when i caught them? why didn't he run after me when i left his parent' s house? he didnt even call to check up on me! " Nobody want me, who will anyway?" i said to myself. I don't even know what colors to match, I can't even get my hair to listen to me!" How long has Richie been cheating on me with Linda? Oh Linda? how do i stay in the same office with someone so evil?.....i was only her assistance but i do most of the work and she takes credit for it! where will i get another job that will pay me as much as they pay me? Richie didn't even run after me like they do in those Mexican Operas and he hasn't even called yet! I buried my head between my thighs and wept. Why Linda? She could have gotten any man of her choice with just a snap of her fingers but she choose my own man! How do i even begin to look for another job? i was the one paying my mom' s hospital bills because my dad was living on pension. I wanted to talk to someone, I can't even call my mom because she will be heartbroken .......i have just lost her future son in_ law. ************************************************** Joseph Residence " None of you complimented the food, is it not good?" Maggie joked. " Oh Auntie, the meal is delicious! and you are the best cook in the world" Victoria said. Mr Joseph laughed heartily. " Don't mind your aunt, she's always fishing for compliments. Anyway i love the meal, i like how you cooked the fish and the sauce is fantastic " Maggie beamed like a little girl. She scooped some sauce into Victoria' s plate, she patted the hand of the young girl lovingly. Vicky was always her favorite, she felt guilty at her thought. It wasn't Linda' s fault that she was the way she is. Linda had always been a difficult child and she has become a very bitter person. The girls mother, bless her heart, had taken Maggie under her wing when she was a young girl. Their mother was such a kind hearted woman but she had a heart condition which led to her untimely death. Maggie felt the only way to repay her kindness was to take care of the little girls she left behind. She had tried her best to raise up the girls properly but somehow she had failed with Linda. '' Are you alright Maggie? you look so gloomy " Mr Joseph asked with concern. " Goodness me! I was only reminiscing over the past'' " No wonder you look so sad. I will have that exact look on my face if i led a wasted life. Especially if i lived my life playing second fiddle to a dead woman" Linda smirked at her aunt. " Linda! What is wrong with you?! " her father admonished. " How could you say that? " Victoria said. " Don't mind her auntie " " Apologize to your aunt" Maggie laughed uneasily to ease the tension in the air. She had slaved hard in the kitchen to make a grand dinner and it was all going wrong. " Raising you two is the best thing to ever happen to me and I will do it all over again without a second thought. That to me is a fulfilled life, raising two beautiful and intelligent women" '" That is so lovely auntie Maggie. I love you " Victoria crooned. " I love you too sweetie. Linda, you want more sauce?" " No thank you " she said in a clipped tone. " I still haven't heard you apologize to your aunt" her father said. " Why should i apologize to her dad? and who the hell is she?" Victoria gasped. Linda scraped back her chair and stood up. " This is my house and the food you were eating seconds ago was bought with my money! While you are under my roof you will respect me and your elders!" " She is just an over paid nanny! Isn't it time she move on?" She threw her fork on the table and walked out of the dining. " Linda! Linda!" Maggie got up. " Let her go. Her days in my house are numbered" They went on with dinner like nothing happened but the tension and unspoken emotions hovered in the air. Alone in her room, Linda paced up and down. She dialed a number on her phone and waited. " Hello. How far?" A deep male voice said. " I have a job for you." " Details" " I want you to hold someone hostage for twenty four hours" " Details and consider it done" She smiled as she gave him the details of the job she had for him. To be continued.. Will you still work for a boss that slept with your lover?
13 Dec 2016 | 06:34
forget that damn work of urs and go and find another job
13 Dec 2016 | 09:09
I will act lik nothing happened nd move on
13 Dec 2016 | 14:23
Ofcourse i will,i would just let that go away and continue with ma life
13 Dec 2016 | 14:42
yea move on
13 Dec 2016 | 15:01
Hmmm... Observing.
13 Dec 2016 | 15:22
I will
13 Dec 2016 | 15:45
Hell no
13 Dec 2016 | 16:10
Next plz!
13 Dec 2016 | 16:35
13 Dec 2016 | 16:51
She hav no option oooooooo
13 Dec 2016 | 17:00
13 Dec 2016 | 17:31
0 Likes on
13 Dec 2016 | 18:11
13 Dec 2016 | 18:23
Yes but while still staying i will be looking for anoda offer.
13 Dec 2016 | 20:01
hmm.. a drama series indeed
14 Dec 2016 | 05:31
Hell No,kudus
14 Dec 2016 | 05:39
I can't work with a boss that slept with my lover
14 Dec 2016 | 06:32
No way!
14 Dec 2016 | 07:29
Episode 6 * Continues* Tomi I was furiously typing my resignation letter on my laptop when an unknown number popped up on the screen of my phone. " Your leave has been cut short. Send the proposal and other documents I asked you to draft now. We have a meeting in Abuja tomorrow, the driver will pick you up by 8.30 am. By the way don't wear one of those your tacky suit." Linda said and hung up. I fumed and cursed under my breath. My phone rang out again and i reached for the phone, prepared to give Linda a piece of my mind but my dad was the caller. I took a deep breath and answered it. " Hello Daddy!" i said in the most cheerful voice i could muster. " Hello Omo dada ( good child) how are you? Woman lower the volume of the Tv!" I could hear mom bickering in the background as she tune down the volume of the old Tv Set,Their playful banter brought a smile to my lips. " Hello Eyitomi are you there? your...your mother is going deaf o. If she persist in this way i will go look for a young girl to marry" I could hear mummy telling him to go look for the young girl. " No woman can hold a candle to my mother" i said. " Oh oooo, i know you will take sides with her. Ehen i have priced the mini bus, it is six hundred and fifty thousand naira". How could i have forgotten about that? My dad was retired now and waiting for his pension money to come through is like waiting for the second coming of Christ. I asked him to purchase a bus which will be given to a driver who will work and deliver. " OK sir" " When will you send the money you promised me?" How do i tell him that i was typing my resignation letter at that very moment? i mentally calculated how much will be left in my account if i give him half of the money. I will definitely go broke, i stared at the screen of my laptop as tears filled my eyes. I wiped it away with the back of my palm. " I will transfer three hundred and fifty thousand naira to you tonight " i heard myself reply. I heard him sigh happily and it gladdened my heart. '' Okare Omo Ekun, ose, your children will also do same for you " " Amen" He handed the phone to mummy who rained more prayers into my life. God knows i need those prayers. I deleted the resignation letter I was typing, i sent the proposal and documents to Linda' s mail before i could change my mind. I had no choice anyway, where will i get another job that will pay me as much as my current job? ******************************* Twenty year old Victoria Joseph walked down the stairs. She was a beautiful, slim young lady with an ebony glowing skin. Her eyes were perhaps a bit big for her face but they accentuated her beauty rather than mar it. She pinched her full love shaped lips between her teeth, she could never tell the best feature about her face, her aunt said she was as beautiful as a morning rose and her dad once likened her beauty to that of Michelle Obama but they were her family and they would say anything just to please her. She wished she favored their mother like her sister, Linda had a flawless glowing skin, she was tall, her long legs went all the way up. She was so beautiful, her list of suitors were as long as, from here to Antarctica. She smiled, maybe she exaggerated a bit but Linda was classy, she had poise and she never had a hair out of place. She was a lady through and through even if she makes no effort to be one. Victoria wished she could flutter her lashes too and have men drop at her feet, she wished she could even flirt properly, flirting was a talent her sister was born with. But she was content to be herself, a comely shy and quiet introvert. She met auntie Maggie setting breakfast, she gave her a big smile. " Good morning Auntie, how was your night?" Maggie beamed back at her, a dimple reflected on her left cheek." Morning dearie, my night was pleasant, how was yours?" She lied smoothly. She had tossed all night, unable to sleep. The hurtful words Linda hurled at her the previous night had gotten to her and she realized they had an atomb of truth in it. " My night was fine. I' m going to check on Mrs Adams" Mrs Adams was a widowed old woman who had no children. Victoria takes a basket of fruit to her every morning. " OK dear. Please hurry back, you know your flight is at" " I will hurry back Auntie" " Alright. Please take some cookies along for her too, she sure loves cookies" " I will " Victoria replied. She packed a basket of fruit and other things she knew the old woman likes and went out of the house. She could have driven the short distance to her place but she choose to walk. Early morning walks soothes her, she loved humming to herself and there's a certain kind of bliss in listening to the cheerful chirping of the morning birds. This morning the streets were almost deserted, which was the way she liked it. It was like the whole world belongs to only her. " Aunty! Aunty!" She looked around. A large muscled man was trying to catch up with her. The poor man, he must have been trying to get her attention for a while, she was so deep in thought that she didn't hear him. " I seem to have lost my way" he said drawing close to her. He gave her a cold calculated smile as he lifted up the hem of his polo to reveal the gun tucked into his jean pocket. Victoria gasped and trembled in fear, her big eyeballs widening in fright. " Please sir, please don't hurt me" " I won't hurt you if you cooperate with me but if you pull any funny stunt i won't hesitate to splash the content of your skull all over this place. " He collected the basket from her, he took hold of her arm like they were lovers going for a morning stroll. " Move and act like nothing is amiss." She nooded her head vigorously. " Where taking me? " Two elderly women jogged towards them, she wanted to cry for help but she knew she would only be endangering their lives and hers too. The man tightened his grip on her arm and pulled her forward. " Shut up and keep moving" A black Suv pulled up next to them and he shoved her into it. The elderly joggers were gisting about their grand kids, they didn't notice anything strange about the couple ahead of them. Linda came down for breakfast in a navy colored Italian suit. She glanced at her wrist watch, the time was 8.45am. Her aunt was spreading syrup on her pancake. She pulled out a chair and sat down. " Good morning Linda" Maggie said cheerfully. " Where is Victoria? " Maggie looked worried." She took a basket of fruit to Mrs Adams. I have been trying to reach her but her number is not available. " " Why didn't you go look for her? why are we paying you so much money if all you do is to sit on your rump and eat us out of home. Anyway, that girl knew we had an important meeting today yet she choose to go play charity" " Please don't talk about your sister like that. I will go get her" she stood up. " You should. It is your job" Maggie hurried out of the house. Immediately she left Linda called the driver and left for the airport. To be continued..
14 Dec 2016 | 11:57
linda u go see wetin u do ur self idiot
14 Dec 2016 | 12:38
14 Dec 2016 | 15:01
14 Dec 2016 | 15:07
14 Dec 2016 | 15:39
14 Dec 2016 | 15:58
14 Dec 2016 | 16:38
This Linda self
14 Dec 2016 | 16:48
nawa oo, you kidnap your own sister again
14 Dec 2016 | 17:00
This linda sure needs to examine her head,she behaves like a phsychopath...*thinking* or maybe she is suffering from too much intake of dicks.....
14 Dec 2016 | 18:05
14 Dec 2016 | 18:27
Bad girl Linda! Next pls!
15 Dec 2016 | 00:37
I think Linda is behind her sis kidnap
15 Dec 2016 | 03:30
Am following
15 Dec 2016 | 03:57
15 Dec 2016 | 11:56
Episode 7 Continues Dantata I don't know if what I did was the best. I sat down on a low fence calculating my chances. I could hear my heart beat. Maybe it wasn't the regular thumping sound, just the squeeze like you've lost something. I have lost something. It is something I consider priceless as most of my life work is in it. Yes, my laptop. How did it get lost? I have been racking my brain for the answer. The last succor is this fence I am currently seating on. The sound of loud music blaring from the speakers in the beer palour did not move me neither did the numerous girls plying their trade entice me. Maybe one had. Tall, fair, obviously bleached, had a massive cleavage. Yes, I love cleavages but there are well packaged ones that when freed from the momentary prison called brassiere, would force tears down your eyes. Women are deceitful and men, just blind. I had stared at that particular commercial sex worker longingly but the thought of my laptop pushed my lagging legs into jet motion. One must not live by bread alone, in this context, breasts. You allow those things control you and you will end up a tad poorer. If you are among the unlucky lot, you will have urine laced with latex condoms as an evening bath. Better stay away from them and by them I mean sex workers referred to as ashawo in some quarters. My name is Dantata and I like to rant. I am not much of a talker but if you should open my mind, be sure to cover your ears with wax. I am a jigolo by coercion. Yes, I know I have judged the girls but then, they are the masters of the game. They have the freedom to come out in the night and display their huge packages, flaunt what their mama gave them but us guys, a long story. You try to flaunt yourself and you will incur the wrath of the mob. Many a guy had been mistaken for gays and had been set ablaze. When your clients decides that you have to meet them dressed in seductive clothing then putting on tight fitting leather trousers that brings out the contours of your buttocks comes into play. One had to survive. In my case, I was surviving for my family or helping my family to survive. I had not always been like this, meeting clients, rich women, taken to posh hotels and returning with fat envelopes and a painful waist. Yes, I did not have to think if by the age of fifty I would start using diapers when I meet clients that decides that my shithole would be their tool of amusement. They poke me with different set of objects and even use horse whip on me. All through I have to pretend that I enjoy it. ************************* There are days you don't forget in your life. These days are marked by incidents that altered the course of your life forever. I was in my room, room that I had managed to push my dirty clothes that littered everywhere to a corner and covered it with a not too clean bed sheet. My dad had gone on one of his numerous journeys and had promised to get me a PlayStation One if I manage to keep my room clean. He said he was going to return in exactly a week's time. Today makes it the seventh day. I had woken up and had quickly piled my clothes in a corner then went ahead to dig through it again to get a clean boxers. The one I was putting on smelt like a rat had died in it. Anytime I dip my hand, scratch my balls and return same hand to my nose, the smell seem to knock me out. The "fresh" boxers smelt less bad but it smelt damp. I had no time to spread it out on the line to dry. After covering my clothes, I swept my room for the first time in many days then proceeded to play "Chicken Invasion" on my desktop computer. "Dantata." It was the voice of my elder sister Suraiyya which she had Americanized to Suresh. I turned to look at her, my finger on the left click button as I wasted the damn alien chickens making drumsticks from their body with the bullet fire from my jet. "Ina kwana?" I greeted her. She was chewing bubble gum and did not bother to respond. Instead she twisted her nose upward and said in a nonchalant voice. "Daddy is dead. The plane he was travelling in crashed." She did not wait for my reaction before spinning around and leaving my room keeping my door ajar. A thousand and one reaction came to my head but none surpassed the numb feeling that ran from my head straight down to my legs. "Alhaji ya rasu..." I muttered over and over again. To be continued...
16 Dec 2016 | 18:10
17 Dec 2016 | 03:22
Sooo sad,RIP Alhaji
17 Dec 2016 | 03:23
17 Dec 2016 | 03:35
Am not just understanding this story oh.
17 Dec 2016 | 03:42
17 Dec 2016 | 03:49
17 Dec 2016 | 05:01
is that how to break a bad news? this Ur sister sef. nice story here...loving it.
17 Dec 2016 | 06:24
nice twist....
17 Dec 2016 | 07:08
sorry ooo Dantata
17 Dec 2016 | 07:27
Sori ooo...Rip to him
17 Dec 2016 | 09:17
17 Dec 2016 | 12:50
17 Dec 2016 | 14:13
Me no understand dis story again ooo
17 Dec 2016 | 16:14
18 Dec 2016 | 00:43
Episode 8 *Continues* Kelvin “Tomorrow is parents meeting in Kelly’s school. I have no idea what to wear” Tosin said getting up to refill his glass at my mini bar. “You are the latest dad in Town, I am sure you will figure it out” I said laughing at his predicament. “You still haven’t told me who gave you that black eye” I cursed and gulped down my drink. My left eye was blackened with purplish circles under it, which made me resort to using dark shades when stepping out. “How is Kelly?’’ I asked, changing the topic. If there was anything my friend liked it was talking about his five year old daughter. “Dude did you just change the topic? This is serious! What is her name?” I feigned ignorance and tried my best to give him a blank stare, Tosin obviously didn’t buy into the” I ran into a wall” bull story I dished to him earlier. Who would believe such lame story? “Kelvin I have known you since childhood, you are not the type to run into a wall. It is more like you ran into a jealous boyfriend’s fist” he taunted amidst roaring laughter. I cursed and gave myself away. “Don’t you have something better to do?” “Oh please! It has been long I had a good laugh. What is her name?” “I don’t know!” I muttered. The silly girl had being more concerned about her table than the guy who saved her life. My only soothing thought was the fact that I bloodied the nose of her so called boyfriend. “A night stand no doubt, but how did her boyfriend get involved? Was he the bouncer at the club where you picked her up?” he teased. “I only saw her na.kedness and I got this” I pointed to my eyes. “I wonder what will happen if I actually stick in my stuff” Tosin’s laughter resounded in the room. It was good to hear my friend laughing once again. The last five years has been terrible for him, a dark secret tore his family apart and sowed the seed of hatred between him and his father. His elder brother whom he looked up to betrayed him and he found himself out on the street with only the clothes he had on his back. He was resilient and that resiliency has paid off but he was never the same again, the only bright spot in his life now was his five year old daughter, Kelly. “So you didn’t even stick it in! I have to go pick up Kelly at school” I reached for my Iphone ringing beside me on the sofa. “Kelvin You have to go see your fiancé now! She needs you now, more than ever” My mother said. “ Your father and I will meet you at their place” “Calm down mom, what happened?” “Victoria has gone missing; the family is frantically searching for her and your fiancé need you by her side now” I don’t know why my family keeps pushing Linda on my neck. She was classy and sexy but there was a certain dark aura about her which I don’t like. She was nothing like her petite and kind hearted sister. “Mom have they notified the authorities?” “Kelvin please quit asking questions. You should already be on your way now; it will speak well of you if you are there to comfort Linda” “I will Mom” “Thank you son” she said and disconnected the call. Tosin sat down on the sofa, a frown marring his handsome face. “What happened?” “Linda’s sister, Victoria has gone missing” “My God!” He pushed up his phone from his jean pocket; he pressed some numbers into it and raised it to his ear. “Hello Mother. Please can you pick Kelly from school? …….. alright.” I laughed in disbelief. I couldn’t believe the obsessive dad just called his mother to pick up his child. “Why are you not picking your daughter yourself?” “Didn’t you just say Linda’s petite and sexy sister has gone missing? We are going to help look for her of course!” he stood up, urgency oozed from every pores on his body. “Wait dude, you met the babe only once last year and you are willing to play cop because……..” I trailed off intentionally hoping he would complete the sentence. “Kelvin let’s go. Have they notified the police? How long has she been missing?” Tosin kept bombarding me with questions on the way to the Joseph’s Residence. He was genuinely worried and I wondered briefly if there was something he wasn’t telling me. I remembered the first time I came to this house, years ago, I must have been five or six. My mother and some ladies were having tea with the late Mrs. Joseph, Linda and I was the only kids present so we were asked to go play in the yard. “My father said you will be my husband someday” the little girl said revealing her bare upper gum. I ignored her and continued kicking the ball I saw in the yard. “Are you deaf? Well……… I don’t want to marry you! You look too thin and your mother looks like a pig! A fat pig!” she laughed, spinning an imaginary hula hoop round her tiny wispy waist. “I will knock out your teeth if you call my mother a pig again!’’ I threatened the little demon. “Try it and see! Your mother is a……..” I shoved her hard onto the green grass. She stood up, dusted her behind and marched into the house. Minutes later, I heard the ladies in the house screaming and they all rushed out to the yard where I was. My mother was in front of them like she was leading them to the war front. “You naughty, naughty boy!” she took hold of my ears with both hands, twisting it hard. “Boys are so naughty!” One of the women said. ‘’ You should train this boy properly, his heart is too dark for a little child?” “Mom Please….. I didn’t do anything to her.” My mother grabbed both of my ears, twisting it hard. “Please don’t tell lies Kelvin…..…you should apologize to your friend for hurting her so” Linda’s mom said in her angel like whispery voice. That was when I saw the blood on Linda’s thumb. How she could hurt herself just to implicate me was beyond my young mind and thoughts. “He used a blade to cut my finger” she cried.” He threw the blade there” she pointed towards the Dog cage. Her mother lifted gently into her arms carrying her back to the house. The other ladies admonished me while my mother continued twisting ears. In the end I was made to apologize to her, till date I don’t know how she managed to pull that off. The gate man threw open the gate and I drove into the Joseph’s residence. The house was unusually quiet. The Sitting room was packed like a funeral was being held for a dear loved one. Dantata and his family were seated, his flighty sister was chewing gum as is her usual hobby, his Mother was decked in a flowing sequin gold gown like the queen of Egypt. Linda’s handbag, Oyinye was sipping red wine from the wine tumbler in her hand with no care in the world. She is another heartless biitch I wouldn’t wish on my enemy. She flashed a wide fake smile in Tosin’s direction but his mind was on something else. Auntie Maggie was crying into her hankie whilst Mr. Nwosu Joseph was pacing the length and breadth of the elegant sitting room in worry. We greeted them and asked for updates on the issue of Victoria. “What really happened?” I asked, my heart palpitating as it dawned on me that Vicky was truly gone. “She was taking a basket of fruit to Mrs. Adams this morning but she never got there and she isn’t back home till now” Maggie blew her nose into the tear soaked hanky in her hand. “Has the police notified?” “The inspector General of Police called me just now, he has assured me they are doing all they could to find her” Mr. Joseph said. “We have combed the entire area but Vicky isn’t a baby who will get lost on her way home! Tomorrow i will go to the media, my daughter must be returned to me hale and hearty!” he sat down on the sofa, his faced buried into his hands in frustration. “I don’t know why you are all worrying your head over nothing! That girl has gone to meet one of her numerous lovers” Linda glided into the room seductively. Her ni.pples was stone hard and they were threatening to burst through her transparent blue body hugging gown. It was either she was feeling cold or she was up to some naughty lone fun before coming downstairs. “Linda please don’t rub your callousness in our faces! Go back upstairs if you have nothing better to say!” her father shouted in anger. “ That is what I said to my mother too, Victoria is enjoying herself somewhere while we are all here worrying about her” Suresh blew her gum into a big bubble, its irritating sound grated heavily on my nerves. I saw her mother elbowed her and she kept her foul mouth shut. “Hi kel” Linda beamed at me. “Mind helping me to check my tab? I don’t know what is wrong with it” her words dripped heavily of something else. “Not now Linda” my nerves were frayed already, another minute of Suresh’s irritating chewing habit, Oyinye’s flirting and Linda’s presence will surely send me to an early grave. My eyes caught Dantata’s gaze, they were fixed on Linda’s bosoms. He licked his lips and I could practically read his thoughts, he wasn’t bothered about the issue at hand, he only came to see if he could get an opportunity of getting into Linda’s pant. ” Has there been any ransom call?” Tosin asked worriedly. “No” Maggie moaned and continued crying. Linda walked seductively towards me. She perched herself between my friend and i on the sofa. I scooted back to give her more room. suddenly a shrill sound pierced the atmosphere, it was the gate man shouting and we all raced outside at the same time as if some invisible force had commanded had us to. To be continued ..
18 Dec 2016 | 10:55
Linda is so heartless
18 Dec 2016 | 15:30
The girl na winch
18 Dec 2016 | 16:28
Linda is an idiot
18 Dec 2016 | 18:10
who is there
18 Dec 2016 | 18:14
I am also not getting this story @sendaros155
18 Dec 2016 | 18:44
0 Likes, u became gay, jst 2 hav money? Chai! matter de condition of de jungle
18 Dec 2016 | 19:19
19 Dec 2016 | 08:34
Episode 9 * Continues* Maggie I played the scene over and over in my head. Victoria had looked so radiant that morning, i remembered the warm smile she had given me before walking out of the house. I wished i had stopped her, i wished i had forseen it but i know if wishes were horses beggers would own a polo club already. I felt like a failure. Jennifer had trusted me with her girls and i have failed in my duties. She was so kind to me when she was alive, she took me in from the street and gave my life a meaning. I was found in a polythene bag by the roadside on a fateful drizzling August morning. I was told, some kind souls had taken me to an orphanage nearby which was where i grew up. Life in the Orphanage was bitter sweet for me. i dreaded the dawn of each new day, i hated the nights most because that was when the repulsive caressing hands seek out my young body in the darkness. Mother Superior Annabel had taken to me since I was brought to the orphanage. She looked out for me, she personally made new dresses for me to the envy of the other girls and she taught me my letters and alphabets. I felt loved in those days, i had someone to talk to, i had a surrogate mother to look out for me but that bliss was short lived. I don't remember precisely when it all started but one particular night stood out in my mind and it would hunt me forever. " Maggie dear " I was in my favorite part of the Orphanage which was the little garden at the back. I got up happily as my surrogate mother approached me. I thought she wanted to give me an early gift since it was the eve of my 14th birthday . " Mother" i called, so very happy to see her. She pressed me into her bosom and held my head close to her chest. Her hand drifted to my lower back as she fondly caressed me lightly. She truly loved me and she always said she would want a daughter just like me if she wasn't a nun. " How are you my child?" She kissed my cheeks. " I am fine mother" " Good. I have something special for you but i don't want the others to see it. When it is light out, i want you to sneak into my quarters and i will give it to you. " I lept up with joy. " What is it mother! tell me! please tell me" " Shhh, you don't want the others to hear, do you?" " No mother" I was so impatient and almost keeling over with curiosity. Immediately after light went off, i threw back the covers and stole out of the room i shared with six other kids. I knocked softly on mother's door and she threw it open but i was rooted to the ground in shock because the person before me looked nothing like the sweet mother i knew. She was in a scarlet nylon panty hose, her lips were painted bright red and she had on heels which made her look like a lead cast from those late night movies we sometimes snuck out of bed to watch. " Come in and lock the door" she commanded in a deep sultry voice. " Mo..mother" i stammered in fear. " It is me dear" She said in her nun voice." We are trying something special tonight, that is why i am dressed this way". " OK mother" my voice trembled slightly as i settled on the long sette in her small living room. She handed me a plate of cookie which i devoured raveneously. " Do you want more?" " No mother. Thank you" She sat down next to me caressing my thighs lightly. I felt uncomfortable and scooted back. " I love you Maggie. I have always loved you right from the first day i set my eyes on you" " I love you too mother" i replied naively. " Come girl" she pressed her lips softly on mine. I jerked back in repulse. " Mother?" " Get on your knees" She commanded taking the tone of the vixen once again. I stood up in fright. " I want to go now" " No you won't! get down on your knees!" She jerked me by my hair and i resisted, trying desperately to pry off her firm grip on my hair.That seemed to annoy her as she landed a hot slap on my face which sent me sprawling across the room. " ungrateful child!" She panted." After all i have done for you! " I whimpered as tears blinded my eyes. She placed her hand on me gently, with the touch of the woman i knew as Mother. " Please help me Maggie..... Please.....i have waited so long for this day. I just want to have a little fun with you and i will even reward you." " What do you want me to do?" " A little fun is all i ask for......." She licked and kissed my earlobe, her hand stole into my threadbare night dress and i scooted away from her touch. " Mother please......i don't want this......this fun " i begged. " Will you at least allow me to suck on your little b.reasts?" She wasn't sane. I could see the madness blazing in her eyes. Some unseen forces had taken over the body of my mother. I made for the door but she suspected that move and blocked my path. " If you step out of this room Maggie, i will look for another young special girl to replace you and i will make you rue the day you were born" " Mother please i beg you........ Please let me go" I cried. A shrill piercing sound resonated in the room and i was jolted back to the present. The voice sounded like that of our gateman. The others got to their feet too and we all ran outside. The cause of the rauckus got my knees weak , i felt my knees giving up on me and Joseph reached for me before i could kiss the ground. Victoria stood outside the gate, her cloth were dirty and there were smudges of dirt on her tear stained face. She lurched herself into my arms sobbing. " I told you all nothing happened to her" Suresh hissed. Her father took her into his arms. The others hovered over her uncertain of what to do but we were all obviously happy she was safe. " Where were you?" Linda screamed at her. " Please don't trouble her" The young man that came with Kelvin said. Tosin. His name was Tosin, there was a scandal in his family five years ago. We led Vicky into the house. I was happy my baby was back home in my arms. Thank the good lord for that. " You owe us some explanation you slut!" Linda spat out. " How could you say that about your sister?" Kelvin asked." I am not surprised tho" I took Vicky upstairs and helped her into the bath. She was visibly shaken and in shock. Joseph knocked softly on the door and i left her in the bath to see him. " Maggie how is she?" " She is shaken but she will be fine" '' I was so worried and scared we will never find her". I touched his cheek gently." Joe Nwosu, she is home now and she is safe. Have you called the doctor? " "Doctor? Mba. I will go give him a call now" I leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips. " She will be fine." " Maggie when do we tell her? " " Obviously not now. We will eventually tell them but it might change things for us" " I want us all to be happy as one big family." " I know my love. Please go give the doctor a call and keep Linda from our backs" He sighed." Why is she so heartless and bitter? She used to be a sweet little angel but she turned sour immediately her mother died. " " Our paths has been laid down for us before we were even born. Linda is just........Linda. We can only continue to love her and pray for her....umn?" He sighed again. " Let me go give that doctor a call now " I returned into the room. Victoria was already on the bed, she looked so small and frightened. The look on her face broke my heart into a million pieces. To be continued ..
19 Dec 2016 | 13:29
19 Dec 2016 | 16:55
Bring m0re on!
19 Dec 2016 | 17:18
20 Dec 2016 | 01:42
What happened to her
20 Dec 2016 | 03:02
20 Dec 2016 | 03:07
20 Dec 2016 | 03:54
20 Dec 2016 | 04:27
20 Dec 2016 | 06:50
Episode 10 *Continues* Tomi I don’t know how I manage to withstand Linda for almost 12 hours. She had even asked me to step out as the meeting was about to kick off. I had a feeling she was up to no good but as usual I shrugged it off. That evening I decided to go see my parents, after freshening up I took a bus to Ojota where my father built his house, my childhood home. I remembered my childhood days as I alighted at Olusosun Bus-stop, those days mom buys China made nylon gown from China Town and Aba made shoes for me, which was my Christmas day outfit. The sole of one of the shoes is usually higher than the second pair of it; the annoying part is both soles will remove after i have trekked from Ojota to Sweet sensation at Allen to buy meat pie and ice cream. One Christmas day i took a short cut through Olusosun, where the boy I was crushing on lived. He was cute and had a brown skin, it was like he escaped from the grips of albino but he came out with the scars. Anyway I liked him, brown skin, red hair and all. I was all decked out in my red and purple readymade gown and I was rocking my Aba made shoes. My jerry curls was also on point, that very morning I had covered my head with the toilet sponge after smearing globs of gel on my fried hair. The relaxer I used on my hair made it look like the hair of a chick which fell into water. I had to use the toilet sponge because I didn’t know where the one I used I for bathing was. So I took a little mirror and picked my hair out of the tiny holes in the sponge with a needle. I was doing it all for Nathan. I saw Nathan and his group of smelling boxers friends at the far end of the street, they had bangers in their hands which they lit and threw at young girls passing by. They were having a good laugh out of it. I heard them arguing as I got closer to them. “I get six sounds, na five sound you give me!” one big headed akpu eating boy said. “Your father Yansh! What of the seven sounds I give you?” My crush was dressed in a faded baggy jean with that two phase fifty cent singlet. The net singlet with two colors. Red and Navy blue. Nathan had worn the red phase all through November and he switched to wearing the Navy blue phase in December. He was busy dancing to Yahooze while his friends argued about the missing seven sounds knock out. I brought out my two shades red and pink rubber eye glasses mom had bought for me, I wore it to compliment my dressing. My palm was sweaty, I was so nervous and the boys had gone quiet. They were giggling while covering their mouth with both hands. Nathan was laughing too. I looked behind me; there was no one behind me, were they laughing at me? “Ayamataga Your shoe don remove” one of the boys called out. Lo and behold! Both soles of my shoes were behind me on the ground. I almost died in shame; I picked up both soles and ran down through the valley which leads to my house. My mother was making Moi Moi in the kitchen when I entered the house. “Tomi! See how dirty you are! Did you roll around on the ground?” It was then that I noticed the ice cream stains on the gown but it was late for me to care. I flung the useless shoes into the dustbin. “Don’t buy me these shoes anymore! Why do you keep buying shoes that I wear only once?” “The sole of these one too removed? Nawa oo……awon Omo Nna are just ripping us off ni o” “How do you expect them to last when they are just 400 hundred naira?” “Who told you they are 400 hundred naira? I bought those shoes for N450 naira o! Oya go and remove it from the dustbin, I will gum it for you and you will use it to do New Year” I walked into my room and banged the door shut. I fumed in my room until I was called for dinner and a crazy thing happened right after dinner. “I am going to my room Tomi, please go and cover the pot of Moi Moi well, if not rat will eat it.” Mom said before heading to her room. After watching the re-run of Lorenzo’s wife and sunset set beach I decided to call it a night, thank the good lord I remembered mummy’s words so I went into the kitchen. I saw a big rat with scalded back trying to get into the moi moi pot, I stood back and watched it get into the pot before I hurriedly got a cover and covered the pot. I was still angry at what happened earlier so I felt I should pour out my anger on the rat. I got another big pot and placed it on the pot cover. The rat was struggling to escape so I got yet another pot which I placed on it .I stood back and watched the pot with satisfaction. Serves him right! The heat from the pot should kill him by morning and I went off to bed. My mom’s shrieks woke me up the next morning. I jumped happily out of bed thinking the rat was dead if not why was mommy shouting? I also screamed in shock when I saw what the foolish rat had done! It ate all the Moi Moi and escaped. Ha! I don’t know what I was thinking! Who would believe anyone would still be that silly at fourteen?! To be continued..
20 Dec 2016 | 10:11
20 Dec 2016 | 13:36
so funny
20 Dec 2016 | 13:41
ha ha ha
20 Dec 2016 | 14:07
20 Dec 2016 | 14:14
20 Dec 2016 | 14:26
Episode 11 * Continues* Tomi " Tomi look at you!" Mom exclaimed. " You are so thin!" " I look alright mom" " No you look starved. Kilode?" I looked around the room. The paint was peeling off, the furniture was so old, the foams in it has long since been replaced with carton papers. Mom had even made a makeshift cover for it. The old TV set was on but the images on the screen were dancing in a zig zag pattern. I hit my palm twice on the top of it to reset it. " Mom please talk to daddy nau! it is embrassing to still have these garbages in one' s home! " " No, no, you can't call the TV my late brother gave to me garbage! that is outright disrespect to the dead! " he removed his glasses and sat down on the hollow sofa." When did you get here?" " Good afternoon dad, i got here some minutes ago" " Daddy Tomi we should change this furniture nau, it is not like we can't afford a new one." Mom said. " Woman don't let these children of now adays fool you. You see these things here have sentimental values for me......i can still remember when my father died in 1950." I groaned inwardly. Dad was about to delve into his famous family history. Mom and i traded looks. How my grandfather fought in the second world war, how he single handedly defeat a lion! most of the stories were lies but who dares to argue with my father? " Dad they are so old!" " My dad willed these furniture to father was a galant soldier......Omo Ekun himself" dad laughed.'' He was a retired soldier at the time he willed these furniture to me" " Dad he gave them to you! he never willed anything to you because he died interstate. We have to change them!" " Whether he willed it to me or gave them to me when he was alive the koko is of all his children i was the only one he honored and that was in 1950 few months before he passed away." " If our daughter brings home a suitor today where will they sit? i can't even invite my friends home because of the way our home is'' Mom complained before going to the kitchen. " You see your mother? ehen..women! they are so erratic! the eracticity of women can be likened to our Nigerian government. They are just too unstable and incomprehensible" You just can't win an argument with my dad. My mother and i had pleaded with him several times to allow us paint the rooms and changed the furniture but he refused. It was like he was afraid to let go of the past or maybe he was afraid to let go of his dear late family members. Old decaying and dusty newspapers from the past, before Nigeria got her independence was on an equally shaky three legged table at a corner of the living room. My father still keeps the old headmaster mustache and afro. He was never seen without his trouser suspenders and grey faded headmaster face cape. I used to be ashamed whenever he comes for my PTA meeting. My class mates would laugh openly and jeered at me. Dad doesn't see anything wrong with the way he dresses. As i grew older i learned to appreciate his kindness and vast knowledge of the world. It doesn't matter if my dad looked like a papa Ajasco replacement. He will always be my father. " When are we meeting him?" Dad asked suddenly. " Who?" " My dear dont feign ignorance and by the way i hope you are still a vargin!" I blushed to the roots of my hair. I wish i wasn't an only child so my parents will have someone else to pester. Ofcourse i was still a virgin, i was pure both in my heart and thoughts. " You should see the big wedding held at church last week! you know Tolulope ? that small girl that i use to send on errands?" Mom asked coming into the room with a tray of steaming hot amala and gbegiri soup. " Omo rada rada yen ti sha ju e loko" ( that useless girl has gotten a husband before you.) " " Woman you should be happy for others so they too can celebrate with you when it is your turn!" Dad spat out. " i know her" i managed to say. " That girl has slept with the whole of Ojota but if you see her wedding ehen! fear will catch you " Mom said with envy. I went to get my food from the kitchen while they continued planning my yet to be wedding, throwing playful barbs at each other. I hugged both of them when i was done eating and went back to my apartment. I had tried my best to transform my apartment, my sofa was neat, i had few clean clothes in my wardrobe and few clean bedsheets as well. my novels were back on my bed instead of the bathroom where they were before. I lowered the volume of my plasma TV. Someone was at the door. " Baby" he said and staggered in as soon as i opened the door. " What are you doing here?" i demanded angrily. " How could you......" He belched loudly. He reeked of alcohol and he looked older, his beards were days old and his shirt looked so rumpled you will think he pulled them out of his a$$. " Rich, you are drunk! Please leave at once!" " Tomi i love you.......but you f*ucked me up! Why?" " Rich please go" He pulled my hand and we both collapsed to the ground, he ended up on me. I struggled to push him off me . he tried to kiss me, I removed my face and the slobbery wet kiss landed on my cheek . " How dare you! See! See what you have done to me!" He slurred out the words. His hands forced apart my legs brutally. I closed my eyes and sank my teeth into the fleshy nook of his neck. He yelped in pain but he still didn't let go of me. He ripped my top, latched his tongue onto my n.ipple. he bit hard on it and raw pain blinded me. I continued struggling with him but i was getting tired. To be continued..
20 Dec 2016 | 15:00
20 Dec 2016 | 15:19
ehya tomi is dis hw you gonna lose it
20 Dec 2016 | 15:27
20 Dec 2016 | 16:16
lol u are nt only dirty Bt dump
20 Dec 2016 | 16:18
20 Dec 2016 | 16:25
next pls
20 Dec 2016 | 16:57
20 Dec 2016 | 17:01
No b 2day ur madness start
20 Dec 2016 | 17:36
silly girl
20 Dec 2016 | 18:44
Realy silly
21 Dec 2016 | 01:00
Episode 12 Continues.. Tomi Richmond' s body weighed me into the hard tiled floor. He had given me some back hand slaps as well which made my temple trob painfully. His erect deek was digging into my tummy, he was still trying to kiss me while i fought back with all my strength. Suddenly, something sent Richie sprawling across the room. Someone. It wasn't something like i thought. He jerked Richie by the collar pulling him towards the door. I sat up, my hand tentatively touching my bruised cheek. He threw Richie out and closed the door. My crazy ex boyfriend pounded on the door calling me names. He got tired and i heard him drag his feet towards the gate. " The last time i saw you, you were in need of rescuing and i just rescued you from your rogue boyfriend. Wow! I' m beginning to feel like superman " he flexed his muscles. I pulled my tattered top up and got up on shaky legs. I was shaken, i couldn't believe Rich would ever attempt to rape me or even hit me. He was drunk. A little voice reminded me that he was intoxicated and he wasn't in his senses. I went into my bedroom, i changed into my PJ and i went back into the sitting room. " What are you doing here?" those weren't the words i had planned to say. I wanted to thank him but somehow those words had flown out of my mouth before i could take them back. He blinked his eyes dramatically. " Who are you? and what planet are you from? i saved you from been raped by that drunk guy! the least you could do is say thank you.'' " He wasn't trying to rape me! he was....... he was drunk like you have pointed out" " Oh great! sorry i came into your home uninvited" he walked towards the door and paused. " by the way, this place look a lot nicer and cleaner.......just like Ceasar ' s crib!" " Who is Ceaser?" " My dog" he said, banging the door after himself. *************************************************** " What happened to your face?" the nosey office secretary asked as soon as i entered into the reception area. " A bike accident " " Oh God!" she exclaimed, dramatically acting like she cared. I briskly walked away before she could ask more questions. He was on my mind. I couldn't get him out of my mind and thought. I don't even know his name or where he lives but twice he had rescued me. What is it about him that brings the worse out of me? i pounded my hand on my head. " Get out! get out of my head!" i muttered. " Are you alright? " Miss Maggie asked, she walked into my office and sat down. " I am fine ma" She gave me a look. " Man Problem?" Miss Maggie was a kind soul. She always had a good word to say to everyone, i couldn't believe she was related to that conniving Linda. I could never forget how Richie was banging her on that fateful day and how she was screaming for more. I needed someone to share my problems with and a shoulder to cry on but i wouldn't dump my problems on Miss Maggie' s shoulders because she was my related to my boss. " No'' i lied. I tried to laugh to cover the lie but it came out as fake as Nicki' a$$. " I came to ask you for a favour" " Me?" What favor could she possibly want from me? " Yes." " Okay ma'am" " Victoria is going through some crises now"she said softly. Victoria was just like her aunt, she was kind and gentle but she was a very quiet person. Too quiet. There was something about her, an aura, maybe i was imagining things but it was like she was afraid of the world. It was like she was guarding an open secret. I know how it feels when i get looks from ladies because my hair wasn't in place, because my dress was just a bit rumpled. They don't know how hard i try to fit in, they don't know how hard i try to be like them but it doesn't last more than a week or two before i go back into my shell. Neither do they know how many relationship i lost just because they judged me before getting to know the real me. I perceived that fear and shame of not been accepted in Victoria too. " Tomi! Are you sure you are alright? " miss maggie was worried. " Yes, yes I' m fine" " Like i said, i want a favour from you. I know you are some few years older than Vicky but i will still beg this favor of you. I want you to befriend her" " Befriend Miss Victoria ?" I asked in surprise. " Like become her friend?" " Yes. She need a friend and someone she could relate with apart from me......... You know how you youngsters are. You know, someone to share boy talks with and all those funky things you young people do." She laughed. " Will you consider it?" On the few occasions i met Victoria she was very polite but quiet. She rarely comes to the office or social events which her sister likes to grace. I knew nothing about her but for Miss Maggie' s sake i will give her a chance. " Yes.......i will be her friend. I will give it a shot." Her face lit up with joy." Oh thank you! i have told her so much about you already! will it be too much trouble if i ask you to see her tonight? " " My boss......" i began. " She's going to a dinner party with her father" " Alright ma". " Tidy up your table on time.......i will pick you up by 4 pm and take you back home by 6 pm. Is that Okay with you?" Miss Maggie was true to her words. She came for me by 4 pm. It was the first time i would be going to their home. The house was so big, my parents' bungalow surely will fit into the grand living room. " what do i offer you?" " I am okay'' " Let me take you to her room" She took me upstairs and knocked lightly on the door. I was surpised. My parents never knocks, they barge and complain about you making them walk into your room after they must have shouted your name twice and the next thing that follows it is a knock on your forehead. " Come in" a soft feminine voice said. We entered the beautiful room. Victoria was on the bed, bent like a foetus in the tummy and her hands were between her thighs. " Sweetie, Tomi wanted to see you so i brought her here.......hope you don't mind." " Its OK" Miss Maggie laughed and gave me a wink. " I will leave you two to discuss ' girl ' stuff. " She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. " I know she cajoled you here" " Its okay. I wanted to talk to someone too......may i sit down? " She nodded her head and i sat on the bed. " What happened to your face?" She must have read the reluctance to reply in my eyes. " I ' m sorry" she said. " My ex_boyfriend hit me" " That's terrible...... you shouldn't let him treat you so." " He' s out of my life now" She sat up. " What does it feel like?" " What? " " Having a boyfriend " I couldn't help laughing. " Surely you must have had boyfriends! you are beautiful and you dress so well unlike me!" " I have never had one." She sighed. " Are you serious? " " Yes." " Is that the crisis Miss Maggie mentioned? " i blurted out foolishly and wished i could take the words back." Sorry, i shouldn't have said that." " No......i was kidnapped. " I gasped. " Thank God you are okay.......we didn't hear it in the office." " My dad wanted it to be kept private......only few family friends knew." I didn't know when i pulled her into my arms. " That must have been a terrible experience for you.....did they hurt you?" " No........i was blindfolded me and held hostage without food or water. They pushed me into the trunk of their car several hours later and they dropped me on the road and sped was so weird. They didn't even demand for ransome" " Thank God you are alright. It was the lord' s doing that they didn't hurt you." " Maybe" No wonder Miss Maggie wanted me to see her. I doubt if Linda has ever uttered a kind word to her own sister. " So how does it feel having a boyfriend?" She asked again. " It feels like jumping off a bridge with a blindfold on....... because you don't know what is below or if there's someone there to catch you." She laughed. " If it is so, i don't want to have one." I laughed. " It isn't always so.....sometimes it feels like taking a walk in the park with your best friend." " Wow! i like that part! the only date i have been on was when i paid Dantata 20 k to be my date. Every other girl had a date except me so i paid for one. " " Did he accept?" " Yes" I sighed. " You are too beautiful to pay for dates " i glanced at the face of my broken wrist watch. " My time is far spent.... I ' m afraid i have to take my leave" " Won't you stay for dinner? " " Some other time." I promised. " Thank you for coming Tomi.......will i see you tomorrow again?" She asked with hope. " You will " That was how my friendship with Vicky started. To be continued..
21 Dec 2016 | 09:12
21 Dec 2016 | 14:13
Hw old she be wer she no get bf
21 Dec 2016 | 14:15
omg dis drama is super intrestin
21 Dec 2016 | 14:24
hmm Vicky is nice
21 Dec 2016 | 14:36
Nice one!
21 Dec 2016 | 15:52
Continue pls
21 Dec 2016 | 15:59
21 Dec 2016 | 17:16
Next pls
21 Dec 2016 | 17:37
21 Dec 2016 | 17:44
Wow... Nice one
21 Dec 2016 | 18:13
I am loving it
22 Dec 2016 | 10:41
Episode 13 * Continues* Dantata I don' t know why thoughts of my late father keep coming to mind. I remembered my sister coming into my room to tell me he was gone.....gone as in dead. I stayed in my room, my beloved father was gone. How could he be alive one minute and gone the next? When I finally left my room and headed to the living room, I met a spectacle. My mother sat on the long settee, I was expecting to see her face flooded with tears but the opposite was the case. She was in a jubilant mood. A glass of wine was perched in her hand while a half full bottle of wine rested on the table. She was chatting excitedly with my sister who was still chewing her bubblegum and blowing into it. I stood by the entrance a little confused looking from mother to daughter, then back to mother again. She must have felt my presence because she lifted up her head and looked at me. "Dante my boy, you must have heard the news." She called her version of my name fondly. Her eyes was a shade darker. She must have stayed awake all through the night. I could only manage a nod as I dragged myself to her side. "I am sorry about your father." Those words pricked a chord inside of me. My emotions was let lose as I started shaking. I was trying my best to control the tears that kept coming with each happy image of my father that flashed through my mind. I was trying my best to act like a man. The ladies in the house were not crying. What did I know? I was only fifteen years old. "Dante, stop crying. Act like the man that you are." My mother said to me dropping her glass of wine on the center table. My sister had gone to the stereo and switched it on. I looked at my mother in shock but she acted like she didn't notice. She patted me on my back and continued drinking. Their nonchalant actions took me back to my room and back to my bed. I only glanced at my desktop with pains imagining how a PlayStation would have fitted perfectly in its position. I sobbed till I fell asleep without even thinking of breakfast. All I had in mind was how I was going to survive my overbearing sister. I must have slept for some hours before finally waking up to wailing voices. It was a cacophony of noise. I sniffed, catarrh ran from my nose dropping in blobs on the bed. Using the back of my palm, I wiped it off. It took me a moment to get it registered as I stood looking at my room. When it came my legs gave way. I had become fatherless. I allowed the tears flow as I made my way to the living room. The spectacle that greeted me was surprisingly more sorrowful than what I had seen in the morning. There, seated on the ground with her legs spread both ways and her hair scattered in a hundred directions was Mrs. Chinenye Aliyu, my mother. Three of her friends were consoling her. At the far corner was my sister who had been doing the wailing that had woken me up. She was rolling hard on the ground, banging at the furniture with her body. She was surprisingly shaking away people who tried to restrict her. Where the strength came from I don't know. "Just let me die. Just let me follow him. I cannot live without my father. I want to join him. Oh father, how can you do this to us? How can you leave us so? Who will look after me? Who will tell me it is okay?" She kept on screaming and crying. "She must have loved her father so much. Poor girl." Those who were consoling her kept saying. She lifted her head and looked in my direction, our eyes locked against each other. Maybe her lips curled in a smile, maybe it was in pain, I just couldn't tell at that moment. "Dantata, baba is dead." The way she said it sounded like I was just hearing the news for the first time. "Who will take care of you and mummy?" Attention moved from her and mother immediately to me. ******************************** "How I wish your father will continue dying over and over again." My mother said looking at the money in front of her. We just came back from the cemetery where we had gone to raise a stone in honour of Alhaji Aliyu my father. Even though no grave was dug, my mother and sister acted like they should be the ones whose names was being chiseled on the stone instead of my father. It took a lot of energy to keep them on leash. I believe if corpses could talk, many of them dead guys would have come out to complain of headache. The screaming was just much. It was also there I discovered that there are professional mourners aka wailing wailers. This lot sang songs and told stories of my father like he was their brother. Stories I have never heard before. Stories of bravery and horse riding and heroic feats and daredevilry. My father's story sounded so much like the story of King Jaja of Opobo, what I had read about in my Intensive English textbook. "Mama, ya za ki ce haka? Father has not been dead for too long and you are wishing him to die again?" I asked my mother. "Dantata, when you grow up, you will understand." I nodded in agreement. I looked at the wads of cash that was in front of her, then at Suresh who was busy chewing gum and making clit-clat sound. "With this money, we will send you to school after you attempt your senior certificate examination this year. I know my son is not dull and he will do me proud. Will you?" Mother asked looking at me. I quickly nodded my head in agreement. "Suresh will also get her school fees and other necessary allowances since she is in her final year. Immediately she comes back, she will get married to Otedola's son or someone with same amount of riches. This will make us rich forever. Or won't you Suraiyya?" My sister blew air with her gum before replying. "Don't you trust me mum?" Typical Naija. "So Dantata, wipe the tears from your face, read your book and make mamma proud." She said looking at me. I only managed a nod. She must be going through a lot, I thought in my mind. ******************************** Seven years later I was back home, armed with a degree in Computer Science. Suraiyya who had finished before me was still at home chewing her bubblegum and waiting for the son of Otedola to come sweep her off her feet. To be continued....
23 Dec 2016 | 10:52
hehehehehe.....surash u still dey chew gum
23 Dec 2016 | 11:17
Shomo leleyi?
23 Dec 2016 | 11:37
like mother like daughter
23 Dec 2016 | 13:50
Episode 14 Continues.. Dantata Being careful made me really observant of things going on around me. Back at the Joseph's residence, I was scared, a little. The turn out of people with goodwill towards that family was much. Those I had seen, those I've heard of and even the so called people that came to mock them whilst putting on sober faces. I saw them all. When the door opened and Kelvin with the vagabond of his friend, Tosin stepped in, I started sweating. Tosin had always made me aware of myself. First, he doesn't speak much so I don't even know what is always going on in his head. Secondly, there is the special glint that flashes through his eyes whenever the name Victoria is mentioned. And the way he looks at her, God, makes me want to choke the life out of him. Who does that? Stares at a lady and forgets his immediate surroundings. Yes, you got it right, Tosin. Do not blame me. I have something for Victoria. Mother had always told me that I should use my charm on Linda but the girl is just too rude and bossy for my liking. When Victoria came to me to be her date, I was taken aback. This is the same girl that I would gladly worship the ground that she steps on. "Dantata, please do this for me. Just for a night." Victoria had said when we met under the umbrella tree in their larger than life compound. Maggie had called me but refused to tell me what was up on the phone. "Boyfriend for a night Victoria? What do you take me for?" I asked staring into her lovely eyes. "I take you as one who would do anything for a price." Maybe she did not intend to say it for she quickly covered her mouth with her palms. I felt hurt all the same, more like a dagger slashing through my tender heart. There was no way in the world I would blame her. My reputation seemed to had preceded me in this case. "200 thousand naira." I called a price with an unsmiling face. "Ah ahn, is it because of what I said? Dantata, remember our family are close to each other." Victoria tried bargaining. "Yes they are but business is business." I replied curtly. She was quiet, as if thinking about what I said. "Okay, pick me up tomorrow by 5:00pm." I nodded, turned back, left the house, got into my mom's car and drove back to the house. The date was awesome but even more awesome was the luncheon we had attended. I saw class and status. People speaking in accent and all the introductions taking place. All through I never left Victoria's side. Like the faithful boyfriend/handbag, I followed her everywhere. I whispered into her ears and made her laugh ceaselessly. Linda was staring at us, I saw jealousy in her eyes but I was past caring. Since her panties were way classier and bossier than me, I would make do with a paid class. "Thank you Dantata. You are the best." Victoria said as I dropped her. I was sad that the day had ended. No hugs, no kisses, not even a peck but I was contented. I had the woman of my dreams by my side. "The pleasure is always mine." I replied. I inched a little closer for her lips staring into her eyes. She looked back into my eyes and slightly shut hers. I moved in, aiming for the kill closing my eyes midway. "Dantata, here is your money. It was such a wonderful experience. We should do it some other time." I heard Victoria's voice. Picture me inched a little sideways, eyes closed and lips a little pouted. I opened my eyes to see Victoria holding an envelope. She dropped it on my dash board, moved close and pecked me on my cheek. I remained in that position till the gate of their mansion shut behind her. ******************************* My ringtone "Maga don pay" by Kelly Handsome brought me back to the present. "Baby Woju" Displayed on my screen. "Hello beautiful angel." I said into the phone. I was only on my boxers as I laid sprawled on my bed. "Pie, I am so wet and can't wait for your tongue on my fat swollen clit." I squirmed away from the phone. Apart from being on the fat side, Baby Woju had the face of a created that had wanted to form a creator. Bleached and distorted for her face is the example of a colour riot aka rainbow. Yellow, black, red (burnt) and green (veins). The only colour missing was indigo and violet and you will have ROYGBIV. "I can't wait to have you straddling me with my tongue buried deep in your honey pot baby." I replied. I had to. Part of the business is keeping a client happy and doing their bidding. "You mean it?" She asked. "Grrrr!" I imitated a lion. "Awww... That's so sexy. Bark like a dog!" She commanded me. "Woof! Woof!!" I complied. "Meow like a cat." I complied. "Baaa like a goat." She commanded. I kept quiet. "I can't hear you..." "Baaaaaaaa!" I hate my job. "I am waiting for you sexy hunk." That boosted my ego. I dropped the call, stood up and walked into my bathroom. Dropping my boxers I stared at my pe.nis and the pain it would go through. I shrugged. I am the man of the house and mother had told me I should provide for the family. The only way I could achieve that was do mother's bidding and they never seemed to end. What do I know, mum is always right. To be continued....
24 Dec 2016 | 00:08
Dantata a business man
24 Dec 2016 | 02:48
Ride on
24 Dec 2016 | 04:27
24 Dec 2016 | 15:56
Ride on...
24 Dec 2016 | 16:20
Mum mum!
24 Dec 2016 | 16:28
Episode 15 * Continues* Dantata Eden Garden is located in Allen, a serene area of Lagos. By night you see commercial sex workers plying their trades on the road, short skirts and fresh laps. Beautiful and classy. You see SUVs parked and men bargaining before they hop into the car. This area had also served as my pick up place. The men of the Nigerian Police don't raid there except on special occasions but who would believe that a man also plies his trade there. I alighted from the taxi that had taken me there. Mum wanted to make use of her car. As soon as I stepped down, I scanned the whole area. Beautiful girls as usual were littered sparsely around and men both on foot and in cars were bargaining. I crossed over to the garden, got frisked by the security guys then found my way down the sloppy road that led into the garden proper. I found Baby Woju seated in a corner with a bottle of Legend in front of her. I walked up towards her as she stood up and met me halfway. Her hug took my breath away for one hand wrapped around me, the other hand found my pe.nis which she squeezed and slapped hard before dropping a wet kiss on my lips. Her breath smelt of alcohol and menthol. "What took you so long?" She asked as she held my hand and dragged me towards her seat. As soon as we sat down another kiss greeted me with her hand lingering on my pe.nis yet again. "What would you like to take?" She asked in a sultry voice. "Something bitter and something peppery to step it down." I replied. She signalled an attendant and asked him to get roasted catfish and two bottles of Udeme (Medium Stout). "I've missed you baby." I said to her. "I've missed you too." She replied patting my pe.nis. I just knew she wasn't really missing me, just my pe.nis. "What have you been up to?" I asked just to keep the communication open. "Nothing, just spending the money my late husband left me." She replied laughing. I had to laugh too even though I found nothing funny in what she said. Why do women find death as something amusing or are they just created to be so? "That's cool. I hope you are ready to be taken to the moon and beyond. Tonight is your night for I will tear you apart and take you to orgasmic heights far beyond your dreams." I drew close and whispered to her ear. She squealed. "You are making me wet baby boy. I can't wait to ride your huge hard" She replied. By then she had pulled my zippers down and her hand was trying to dig into my boxers. I drew back a little bit then relaxed. I washed my balls earlier so the murky smell was in its minimum. "Baby, why don't you wait till we get home?" I said to her caressing her hand gently and trying to pull it out of my boxers at the same time. I was beginning to have an Attention. "Meow... That's my puvssy calling for your" I heaved a sigh as her finger that was wrapped around my came off. The garden attendant was on his way to our table. I quickly adjusted slipping my back into my trousers and zipping up. The attendant dropped a covered dish and two bottles of Udeme. He gave a slight bow and left us. Picking the opener on the table, I opened the drink and took a long gulp directly from the bottle. This was to numb my mind a little. The aroma from the dish was enticing. I delved in and started eating ceasing communication between us. After the second bottle, the third one came. As soon as I opened it, Baby Woju dropped a hand on my arm. "Baby, why don't you go and clear our bill." She squeezed some cash into my hand. I stood up and made my way towards the cashier, paid and returned to my place. "Drink up baby. I can't wait to have you inside of me." Drank I did smacking my lips in satisfaction. Baby Woju stood up and I with her but something was not really right. I was quickly having an Attention that I couldn't control. I hugged Baby Woju from behind, pressing my throbbing between the crack of her arse. "Awwww baby, you are ready." She said using her hand to rub my head from behind. "I was born ready Boo." I replied. ********************************** What I felt when her head moved up and down on my pe.nis was a mixture of pain and pleasure. The pain was much though. "Baby, are you enjoying it?" She asked between mouthful of my huge member in her mouth. "Yessssss baby, you are killing me." I replied. She was truly killing me. We had been on bed for more than three hours. I had sweated, drank water, pumped her hard and made her attain orgasm several times. My pe.nis still remained inflated and seemed to be adding size. The veins around it were bulgy and it was getting painful. "Take me from behind baby." She said as she stood up and laid beside me, her knees on the bed and head buried between two pillows. Her huge arse shot out and vibrated softly as she shook it in excitement. She was definitely enjoying it. I stood up painfully from the bed, held my d.ick in place and penetrated her ever ready puvssy slowly. I started pushing in and out slowly while smacking her buttocks to her delight. The pain in my waist had increased unbearably and I was finding it difficult to breath. One more heave and I left the gaping puvssy and collapsed on the bed. "Hey baby, don't you want maama anymore?" Baby Woju asked. I did not reply. I was only looking at my, the size had grown past what I was used to. "Did you spice my drink up?" I asked weakly. She only laughed. "Next time don't leave your drink unattended to." She replied me. She stood up from the bed and went to her bag which was balanced on the dressing table. I closed my eyes and started vowing to leave the line of work I was currently engaged in. Graduating with a second class upper in computer science plus my affinity for programming should get me a job. Being a call boy was demeaning. My body was also the guinea pig on which women tested their drugs and crazy fantasies. "Hey, swallow this drug, it will ease your pain." Baby Woju's voice cut into my thoughts. I opened my eyes and saw a little white pill and a glass of water in her hand. I collected the tablet, swallowed it and used the water to push it down. Some minutes later Baby Woju catwalked into the bathroom leaving me in a dizzy state but with less pain and a deflating joystick. My phone rang. "Tomi" Displayed on the screen as sleep stole me away. To be continued...
24 Dec 2016 | 17:34
24 Dec 2016 | 18:07
24 Dec 2016 | 20:32
25 Dec 2016 | 09:21
25 Dec 2016 | 09:25
25 Dec 2016 | 10:28
25 Dec 2016 | 10:36
Dis ur business sha
25 Dec 2016 | 12:48
U don suffer!
25 Dec 2016 | 13:52
Nice one....still folowing...are u afraid of pussies?
25 Dec 2016 | 17:35
who is Tomi
25 Dec 2016 | 19:16
Episode 16 Continues.. Tomi I threw my phone on the sofa, while flickering through the channels on my Plasma TV. There was nothing good on Tv or nothing i wanted to see. I don't know why Dantata didn't pick my calls. So much for us being friends! When was the last time that big headed boy checked up on me? I would have gone to see him but i don't want to run into his sister, Suresh, God forbid! I don't know how her family copes with her. And that gum she chews! Urgh! the ta_ta sound she makes while chewing it is enough to give one headache. I needed to talk to someone but what do i do now that my so called friend won't pick my calls and my relationship with Vicky is at its infancy so i don't want to dump my problems on her, besides she has enough of her own already. Richie has also been calling my line non_stop and my nerves was wearing thin.I didnt foresee my weekend going like this, i thought i would curl up on my sofa with a book and lose myself in the romance world since i was destined to be a failure in that department. I heard my door creak open, i turned my head towards the door and jumped up in fright. The Diana Palmer novel flew out of my hand, it landed with a loud thud on the floor. How could i have forgotten to lock the door! I opened my mouth to scream when he walked in but no words came out. He got down on both knees. " I know i am an a$$ and i acted like one. please forgive me. I don't know what came over me, i overreacted when i met that dude here and i mistreated you Tomi......" " Please leave my house!" I tried to sound brave. I was so shaken and scared, i felt sweat trickle down my spine even though the AC was on. " Tomi you caused it all but i am not here to trade blames.... i want you back in my life." he pleaded. " You gave me no chance to explain myself! i never slept with that guy and i don't even know him! He only gave me a ride when i left your parents' s house! on the way i felt sick because i didn't like whatever it was your mother served me!" i felt tears creap into my eyes, i fluttered my lashes trying to will it back. His eyes widened. " are actually telling the truth? i saw your clothes all over the place! your shoes were in the center of this room and there was a cum stain on your bed sheet! Hell! what was i supposed to think?!" " Rich prior to that day, you have never set foot into my apartment. I hung those clothes on the sofa and i forgot to take them inside and my shoes were here because i left them here too!" " Tomi I' m so sorry " " You attempted to rape me! you bruised my cheek! saying sorry doesn't cover it!" i shuddered as i remebered his palm landing on my face. " I was drunk. I don't even know how i managed to drive down here and i didn't remember much of what happened the next day. Did.....did i hurt you much?" He sounded genuine. " Let's come down to the part where i caught you burying your balls in that hoe" " Believe me. it was just that one time! and she seduced me. I can show you our chats. I met her during a family function and somehow she got my number and she hunted me day and night!" he scratched his head. " Tomi if i have to spend the rest of my life atonning for my sins to you believe me i will.....please give me another chance". " Are you still seeing her?" " No! I swear to you! Please give me another chance. " My head screamed no but my heart screamed yes. I can't define my feelings for him anymore, i used to be so sure it was love but now i am just confused. " You didn't even try to reach me when i left your mother' s place...... you watched your family ridicule me!" " Tomi i felt you could hold your own. I' m truly sorry. I had a huge fight with them when you left and i didn't call you because i knew you would be angry and i wanted you to stew it out before i call. That was why i came here very early the next morning to check up on you. " He dipped his hand into his pocket and held out a velvet black box." This wasn't how i planned on proposing. Please give us another chance, i want you in my life Tomi. I love you, Please forgive me " he opened the box. The diamond on the ring glittered. " Will you marry me?" This was what i always dreamt of. I could see my mom jumping up with glee in my mind ' s eye, my dad would fume a bit and complain about him being from the east but he will quickly get over it and regale him with heroic tales of his late father and the good old days. I took a step closer, staring at the glittering diamond ring. I knew it must have cost him a fortune. I also knew it would look so good on my finger, my co_workers would ooh and ahh over it. " Say yes" he whispered. ************************************************ Linda I pulled my duvet over my chest. The darkness of the room comforted me, i hugged my knees to my chest. I was lonely. I was surrounded with people but i felt so alone. I felt tears trickle out of my eyes, it slowly rolled down my cheeks. I missed my mother. I missed her sweet angelic voice, her gentle touch and her comforting words whenever i had bad dreams. The night before she died, she came into my room. I was only eight years old then but it feels just like yesterday. " Baby girl are you awake?" she asked softly. " Yes mummy" " Sit up my love." She pulled me into her arms crying. " Why are you crying mummy?" " Baby girl....Lindy." She wiped tears from her cheeks." Mummy loves you, no matter what happens i want you to know that mummy loves you. Okay?" I nodded my head. I could feel an unknown fear, something bad was about to happen but i didn't know what it was. " I love you too Mummy" " Go back to sleep now my angel. Everything will be alright by tomorrow. " She opened my door gently and walked out of the room. I threw back the covers, waited some seconds before stealing down the stairs. I could hear Mummy crying. " How could you do that to us? to our family! haven't i been a good wife to you?" She cried. " Jenny i ' m sorry " dad said. " Please keep your voice down, Linda might hear us". They lowered their voices and i strained my ears to catch what they were arguing about. " You betrayed me! You betrayed our love! Joseph i trusted you! i made you who you are today! i willed all my father's assets to you because of my heart condition! tomorrow I am going to see my lawyer! i am willing everything back to my child!" " Jenny please.....please hear me out." I ran back into my room. I don't want my parents to get a divorce, Kelvin once told me that when adults start arguing it means they want to get a divorce. I don't want to stand in a court room while a fat chin Judge force me to choose between my parents. My new baby sister was a premie and she would be coming home tomorrow. I told dad to name her Victoria, after my favorite doll. I want to play with Victoria while Mummy and Auntie Maggie are cooking in the kitchen, dad would probably be reading newspaper then. I want us to be together forever. I wiped away my tears, said a little prayer and drifted off to sleep. Dad woke me up the next morning. " Linda" he said solemnly. " Something bad has happened". I sat up in bed. So it was true they were getting a divorce. " Please don't get a divorce! i will be a good girl! i will go into the baththub when it is my bath time and i promise not to argue with Auntie Maggie when she asks me to eat my veggies" i cried. Daddy pulled me into his arms, he cried like a baby. " You are a good girl Linda. You are such a darling child". " Then why are you getting a divorce? " i asked. " Where did you get that idea from? i love your mother" " But.....but you said something bad has happened. " He sighed heavily. " Mummy is gone" I flew out of the bed and he held me back, pulling me against his chest. " Mummy has gone to heaven'' He had said. That day something in me had also died with my mother. I knew the truth but for so long i pretended not to know. My mother was born with a heart condition but i knew that wasn't what took her to her grave. She had threatened to change her will, i heard it myself that night long ago. She had loved him, married him against her parents' wishes because he was from a poor home. She had made him into what he was today, but how did he repay her for loving him? how did he return her kindness? '' Mummy i am sorry for keeping quiet all these years" i whispered into the darkness. How could i love a man who had murdered his own wife! i could still remember him crying openly, Kelvin' s father had taken him into his study to console him. Auntie Maggie had locked herself in her room crying. Nobody remembered that i lost a mother and a friend too. Nobody comforted me . Kelvin' s mother took baby Victoria home with her and when Auntie Maggie finally emerged from her room she had given all her time and love to the baby. '' We must take good care of the baby" Auntie had told me while we were in the nursery. '' She is so tiny Auntie" " Yes she is, Angel. That is why we must take good care of her so she won't miss her mummy" I nodded my head. I missed my mummy too but nobody asked if i missed her or cared about how i was coping. Auntie Maggie played with the baby all day, she sang for her too, read her bed time stories and took her for evening walks. Auntie Maggie used to tell me i was her favorite girl and i was special but since the baby came she barely spared me a glance. As Victoria grew older, dad and Auntie gave her special care because she was so fragile. They were afraid she had a heart condition like mom and they flew her oversea while i was left with Adediwura family. They didn't ask if i wanted to come along, they said i couldn't because school was still in section. They had thrown an elaborate thanksgiving party when they came back because their darling Victoria was Pronounced hale and healthy. When i was twelve years old i overhead my dad and chief Adediwura talking in our living room. " Have you ever considered a union between one of your daughters and my heir?" Chief Johnson Adediwura asked, while sipping from his wine glass. I heard my father laugh heartily before replying. " You know Chief, I think that will be a good idea. Imagine us being grandparents by the time we hit sixty! In fact i think it is a good idea." Chief laughed. " It is a good idea. That way we both won't have to worry about our children falling into the hands of those gold diggers out there. Your Victoria will be a good match for my Kelvin " " No! Linda." My father answered Vehemently. " Why? anyway they are both beautiful girls. So Linda it is!" Chief agreed. My dad had jokingly called Kelvin my husband on some occasions but i never knew he was serious about it. I felt like a faithful dog that was being led to the butcher' s house by his master. Why me? did he hate me so much that he wanted me out of his life? why not Victoria? I pulled the duvet closer. Tears and emotions makes you weak but i am human and i couldn't help crying sometimes, under the cover of darkness. Richmond wasn't picking my calls, i don't know what it was about him that i couldn't let go off. I wish i could go knock on Auntie' s door and talk to her. She has been so good to me, she sacrificed her life for us. I could never repay her back for her kindness but i was afraid to let down my guard. I was afraid of getting hurt and betrayed. My mother had loved with all of her heart, she had trusted blindly and today she is no longer alive. Maybe i should go knock on Vicky' s door. The poor girl must have been so frightened when she was held hostage but i had my reasons for doing what i did. It was for our own good. I will make her understand when it comes to light and i know she will forgive me. I slowly succumbed to sleep. .to be continued .
26 Dec 2016 | 15:48
27 Dec 2016 | 03:04
Now I understand Linda, she needs care nd attention, she need to feel loved
27 Dec 2016 | 03:13
27 Dec 2016 | 03:29
27 Dec 2016 | 03:51
27 Dec 2016 | 04:23
27 Dec 2016 | 05:09
now I understand Linda
27 Dec 2016 | 05:16
27 Dec 2016 | 06:19
hmmm... Very interesting story.
27 Dec 2016 | 07:54
So Linda wasn't the bad girl after all... I learnt something from this story... Never judge a book by it's cover.
27 Dec 2016 | 14:43
Episode 17 *continues* Maggie Joseph kissed me softly on my lips, i opened my mouth a bit welcoming his hot tongue. His hands fondled my b.reasts in a light caress. I pulled back, we were necking in the sitting room like two Hot teenagers. I don't know what it is about him that makes me lose my senses. " What is wrong?" " Joe we are getting careless! Vicky or Linda could walk in on us!" " When will you stop acting this way Maggie? we are two consenting adults for christ sake! and they would understand! Yes i loved their mother but i am a man with needs!" " Is that the only reason you are with me?" " No my dear. You know that i love you and i want to marry you." Why doesn't he understand? Jennifer was like a sister to me, she had rescued me from a life of misery. How could i betray her trust? How will the girls even look at me? " I can't marry you. the girls.........." " The girls! The girls! It is and has always been about the girls! how about me Maggie? " he snapped angrily. " Please give me some time." " That is all i hear from you" he walked out of the room. I loved him. He was the first man i ever loved and he was the first man to treat me right. He was so sensitive to my emotions and needs. He was a good man. " Auntie i need your help with something " Victoria said, she stood on the stairs. I wondered if she had seen us. Thank God I came back to my senses when i did if not she would have surely caught us red handed. i groaned inwardly. " I am here for you" '' What is the name of the hospital i was born? " " Why do you ask? isn't it on your birth cert?" " Dad can't find the certificate. " '' What do you need it for?" She shrugged. " I am only curious to know" " Mercy hospital. It is located in Mende,Maryland" " Why wasn't i born at the hospital Linda was born? Afterall it is our family hospital. " " My dear your late mother will be in a better position to answer that question. " " Thank you Auntie " she turned, and walked back the stairs. Obviously she had too much time on her hand. If not why was she bothered about something so trivial? When i was her age i was hawking on the streets of Lagos. Thoughts of my past make me moody for days. The most unpleasant part of my past were my last days in the orphanage. Mother had suddenly turned against me when i refused to participate in weird fun. I went for days without meals and i was made to do everyone' s lundry and all the back breaking work. She also started coming into my room every night, i tried for so long to fend off her repulsive touch but in the end i gave in. I would lay so still and pale like a piece of paper while she had her way with me. She would revert back to her old loving self afterwards but the nights i refused her touch brings me punishment and hunger. Her soiled hands on my body made me harbor a deep hatred for my fellow women. I thought they were all like mother superior. Until i met Jennifer. The year i turned fifteen, i broke into Mother' s study, i borrowed some money out of the money reserved for our upkeep. I took enough money to last me, when the opportunity presented itself, I left the orphanage without a backward glance. I was able to secure a room in a seedy motel but the money soon ran out, i was turned out and once again i found myself destitute. *********************************** Victoria I will have something from my past, today. I could barely contain my happinesss but i managed to keep a tight lid on it.This was what i needed, for so long, i questioned the circumstances surrounding my birth. It almost drove me crazy and it kept me awake many nights.Every visitor to our residence, when going through our family album, the one question on their lips was" Where is Victoria' s photographs as a baby?" There was no single photo of me as a baby. In that huge family album, there were photographs of my parent' s wedding, photos of Mom' s baby showers, photos of Mom carrying Linda when she was born. Virtually every aspects of their lives had been documented. Each of the photographs had captured their happiness, their smiles and glowing love for each other. The photos of mom and linda when she was a little girl always caught my heart. My mother looked so pretty in each of those photos, her eyes were always full of smiles. I wish i had met that angel, i always wished that i was the happy little girl who clinged to her in each of those Photographs. I yearned for a piece of my mother, anything, which i could boast of linking her with me. Sometimes i ask my Auntie why my mom didn't have a baby shower when she was pregnant with me. Her response was that it was a difficult pregnancy. Another time, i had asked her why i wasn't born in the same hospital as my sister but she said she wasn't in a position to answer it. these questions may seem petty to some others but it mattered a lot to me. I was told my mother died shortly after my birth, i grew up in the loving arms of my Auntie. I couldn't ask for a better surrogate mom but alas i found myself yearning for something which could identify me as the late Jennifer Nwosu' s daughter. My mother' s belongings were locked in a room and only my sister had access to that room. I wanted to have a glimpse into the life of the woman who had brought me into the world. I want to be able to talk about her too, i also want to have a right to her memory. My sister acts like only she had a right to our mother's memory. ****************** This was the first step in my attempt to know who my mother was myself. I needed to do this. When there was a discussion about my late mother i want to have something to say about her too. Something which i hadn't heard or learned from my family. Something which i had discovered by myself. Coming to Mercy hospital was because i wanted something from my past. I parked my car in front of the almost dilapidated hospital building. The two storey building was located in Mende, Maryland. The old matron i met the week before had promised to have the files ready in a week time and that was after i had greased her palm with enough " Something" " I am here to see Mrs. Adekemi. Is she in?" I asked the receptionist. " She is in, do you know where her office is?" I nodded and she asked me to go to her office. The tiny stuffy office smelled of old books and sweat. I knocked lightly on the door and she beckoned me in. " Young lady you have given me serious work! it wasn't easy but i was able to find the files." She smiled at me, indirectly telling me she wanted more cash. I beamed at the good news. " Thank you ma" " Luckily i remembered being on duty on that fateful day and i even helped to deliver both of the little girls born on that night." " How many baby girls were born on the 5th of September 1996?" i wanted to know. "Only two baby girls were delivered here that night. What is that your name again?" " Victoria Ngozi Nwosu'' She flipped through the dusty old files, squinting her eyes. She looked up in bewilderment. " Are you sure those are your names?" How could i not know my own names? i wanted to give her a rude reply but i didn't want to provoke her anger so i answered yes. She placed both of the open files in front of me. Sweat broke out on my forehead as i tried to read the faint biro ink on the papers. ' Joy Ugochi Nmadi.' My eyes darted to the second file. ' Omolola Temilehin Tiamiyu.' " Are you sure these are the right files?" i asked. I was certain there must have been a mistake. where is the file that document my own birth?" " I should be asking you if you are sure you were born here at Mercy Hospital twenty years ago. I have been here for almost thirty years. My late husband and own this place. Besides, you can read the date and month on the files. The month and dates on both files read September, 5th, 1996. Both babies girls were born within an hour of each other. I was born in September. How is this possible? My dad and Auntie Maggie had informed me this was the hospital i was born! i thought i would make a copy of the file and keep it without letting them know. " Victoria Nwosu you say?" She asked again. " Yes" '' I am sorry. No baby girl with those names was born here on the 5th of September 199..." To be continued
27 Dec 2016 | 16:47
Am begining 2 enjoy dis story....Linda, so u abduct Victoria?
27 Dec 2016 | 17:30
haaaa ........
27 Dec 2016 | 18:01
nawao its getting complicated
27 Dec 2016 | 19:59
no mind dem u were born on 29th feburary jooor ...
28 Dec 2016 | 01:49
Does it mean dat victoria is not der child? Am lost
28 Dec 2016 | 02:59
28 Dec 2016 | 03:00
Nawa ooo
28 Dec 2016 | 03:09
Whoa.. Time to unravel the mystery behind your birth
28 Dec 2016 | 03:37
What could be wrong
28 Dec 2016 | 03:50
something wrong somewhere
28 Dec 2016 | 04:38
or they adopt her
28 Dec 2016 | 04:49
I think Victoria nd Linda av only father in common bt diff mother Dats wat dey ar discussing a day b4 Linda mom died
28 Dec 2016 | 05:44
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so who"s playing who?
28 Dec 2016 | 06:06
Getting more complicated
28 Dec 2016 | 06:16
Episode 18 Continues.. Tomi “Victoria” i said in surprise. She stood on the threshold of my apartment. She looked like a little girl who had lost her way home. Her hair was matted to her fore head, her eyes were bloodshot and her blouse stuck to her body. I pulled her in out of the rain and shut the door against the wind blowing in. “I’ am sorry for coming unannounced but I have nowhere else to go” she shivered. “Let me get you out of these wet clothes first. We can talk later” Fortunately I had done my lundry the previous night. The towel was a bit damp but it would do. Atleast it wasn’t brown with dirt and it smell of the lemon detergent I used to wash it. She went into the bathroom to change into the clean pj i gave her. We sat down in silence for a long time while she sipped from the hot mug of tea I had made her. She had a far away look in her eyes and her lips trembled, she was precariously trying to not veer off the cliff of tears. Her eyes drifted downwards and settled on the velvet box on the table. “ He proposed” I answered the unasked question in her eyes. She nodded her head. “ The ex? You said yes?” “ I have not decided ……..i don’t know what i want” I wondered what had landed Victoria Nwosu on my doorsteps this rainy night. ” Have you had something to eat? Should I make some food for you?” She remained stony silent and suddenly she busted into tears. I allowed her cry it out for a while before going to soothe her. ” Tell me what happened Vicky” “ They…….they….. lied to me! My whole life and existence has been a big lie! No wonder Only Linda is allowed to attend the board meetings! She is the only who knows about all the dealings of the companies!” she sobbed out. I patted her gently on the back while she continued rambling. I couldn’t make head or tail of what she was saying but I continued comforting her. ***************************************************************************************************** Linda I was having dinner with the Adediwuras. Everyone was acting like it was the duchess of Cambridge that had come to dine with them. His greedy mother kept on patting my hand and plying more food on my plate while his ever so business minded father asked me one question after the other about my father's companies. I was tired of their eye service, I knew I wasn’t a likeable person but they didn’t have to make it so glaring that they were trying too much to prove that they liked me.The older folks excused themselves after dinner and I was left alone with my soon to be husband. There was a stoic scowl on his handsome, his jaw was so set in obvious anger, he was about happy with the forced union as much as a cat would love being caught in the rain. “If you continue gritting your teeth like that I am afraid you won’t have any left to grit” i said. He flashed me a look of anger. “Linda, why did you say yes to the proposal? I don’t love you and I never will! Why did you even come here tonight?” he replied tersely. I gave him my best smile. Earlier that day my dad had called me into his study. I had something special planned under my sleeve for that evil man he just doesn’t know it yet. I was only waiting for the right moment to struck. “I will accept the proposal on one condition dad”. He sighed heavily before replying.” What is the condition?’’ “You will relinguish every right to our Lagos branch. We will draw up the legal papers and it will be signed in the presence of eye witnesses.” “That is outrageous! I am only doing this for your own good! Chief’s son has a good head on his shoulders, he will make a good husband” he shouted. “Then I will assume we have no deal dad! If you so much want Chief as your in-law then you should consider giving Victoria to them” I said standing up. “Linda please don’t put your father to shame……..Chief and I have already concluded on the matter. How will it seem if I go back on my word now?” “Do I look like I care about that?” “Linda…… giving you the company is not as easy as you think”. “I don’t see any dilemma there, after all it is your company” He sighed heaviily again and for a second I almost pitied him but he deserved no mercy. “I will think about it” he had said. That evening I decided to honor the dinner invitation extended to me by the Adediwuras. For the first in my life, a man had my pulse racing, just the thought of him had my stomach fluttering with butterflies and I found myself checking my phone every second to see if I missed a call from him but that man is not the handsome man sitting across the room from me. “ What the hell do you think you are playing at?” Kelvin asked, clenching his teeth. " Why did you come here tonight". “ I came so we can fix a date for the wedding” I said just to rile him, and the expression on his face brought a smile to mine. “ What?!” he stood up angrily, he walked out of the living room. “ that would be over my dead body” he called over his shoulders. If my dad sign over the company to me another problem which i would have to fix was Kelvin.I wondered if i had gone too far in taunting him over the years. ******************************************************************************** “I have been trying to reach Vicky but her line is not reachable” Auntie Maggie said as soon as I walked in the living room. “She is no longer a baby. You can stop fretting over her” I turned to walk up the stairs but the words that flew out of her mouth surprised me. “Why are you so heartless?” I turned back, giving her my most deadly look. “You said?” “You heard me right Linda! Your little sister left home since noon. It is few minutes to ten and she is yet to be back! How could you not be worried about her? She was kidnapped barely a month ago!”. " Maggie it is just the two of us here so lets do away with the pretense. Why are you desperately playing the caring Aunt role? You were brought here to care for two little girls and those little girls have long since passed the age of needing your care, so why are you still here?”. “I raised you better than this Linda”. “You raised me? That is so laughable! How many times did you come into my room to comfort me when i had night mares as a child? How many times did you bother to ask if I was alright? how many nights did i lie shivering in bed while malaria runs through my veins with no one to care for me?” “I did the best I could and that is no excuse for being so bitter and heartless.” “Yea right! Says the woman who has been riding my father’s deek long before my mother turned cold in her grave” I smirked at her and she paled. “You think you have been so careful?” I mocked. I had a bad dream on the night i caught them in bed. I woke up drenched in sweat, i had gone to seek out my aunt. They had even left the door open, baby Victoria was in her crib beside the bed. For a long time i couldn't comprehend what i had seen that night. My father and my Aunt were both Unclad on the bed and he was doing things to her, things which my young mind couldn't comprehend. But as i grew older the evil of what they were doing that night dawned on me. Maggie had stepped into my mother's shoes as if it was designed for her. She had also taken up the role of a mother to the baby and she had played that role to the hilt. " What do you mean?" she laughed nervously. " Don't insult us both Auntie. You should be proud that you are f*ucking one of the richest dicks in Town" She walked out of the living room. I held no grudge against her, she was a sweet lady and she did her best to raise me right but her only crime was succumbing to my father’s charm. What I had in mind will hurt the both of them terribly but I was only concerned about getting back all that belonged to my late mother. I don't care whose toes i step on to achieve that. To be continued..
28 Dec 2016 | 12:38
Hmmm, something is wrong somewhere!
28 Dec 2016 | 12:44
28 Dec 2016 | 15:29
Hmmm, Linda just take it easy.
28 Dec 2016 | 15:37
28 Dec 2016 | 15:45
Continue ooooooooooooo
28 Dec 2016 | 16:07
Owk na
28 Dec 2016 | 17:13
28 Dec 2016 | 20:54
ride on
29 Dec 2016 | 15:32
Episode 19 Continues.. Tomi Linda brushed past me into my living room, Miss Maggie and her father were closely behind her. " Good evening sir" i called out in greeting to him but he ignored me. " Young lady is my daughter here with you?" " Why is Victoria here Tomi and why didn't you tell me!" Linda huffed like an angry mother duck. " No she isn't here" i replied calmly. " Please if she is here tell us......we are so worried about her." Miss Maggie pleaded with tears in her eyes. " Victoria! Victoria! Please come out if you are here". " I will pull her out wherever she is hiding!" Linda pushed me aside, marching towards my bedroom. " Linda wait" Mr Joseph said. " Come back" " Why dad? someone saw her car parked here just yesterday! Does Victoria think that we have nothing better to do than chasing after her all over the continent! This is the fifth day she has left home without a single word or explanation! I don't have time for this! " she walked out angrily, banging my door with all her might. " You are sure that she wasn't here?" Mr Joseph asked again. " She wasn't here and i had no idea that she was missing." " Thank you" he said. " Maggie let's go" he held her by the arm and they went out. I dropped on my sofa with a deep sigh. That was such a close call. " Vicky! They are gone". She walked in. I had heard their car pull up just in time to warn Vicky and she had locked herself in my bathroom. She still hasn't told me why she won't see her family. " I have to leave here. They might be back" " Vicky i think you should talk it out with them. Whatever it is." " You won't understand Tomi! I can't face them just yet!" " But you can't hide forever " " won't understand please. I have to leave here fast. When will that guy bring back my car?". " He should have brought it back by now." I searched frantically for my phone before i found it inside the sofa. " I will put a call through to him. Where will you go Vicky?" " I.......i will be fine." " You should stay here" " Don't worry about me i will be fine." A knock sounded on the door and we both froze on the spot. " Tomi i am back" We sighed in relieve. My neighbor had begged to take Vicky' s car to pick up a friend from the airport. I wouldn't have it but Vicky didn't think it was a big deal and she had handed over the keys to the car to him but i could say no. I unlocked the door, collected the keys from him and shut it back. " Vicky please stay here" i pleaded, handing the car keys to her. " I know Linda. She will surely come back here......i can't face any of them just yet." " Where will you go?" I asked. But she was already talking softly on her phone, she was giving the person on the other end the direction to my place. ******************************************** Tosin He was her ferociously hitting her,her eyes were almost shut. She pleaded for mercy but his ears were deaf to her plea and heart rendering sobs. I tried to pull him off her but he roughly shoved me aside. I tried to hold his hands, i could feel the tremor in them. " father leave her alone! Let go of her!" " You don't know what she has done" A voice said. I looked up to find my elder brother standing on the staircase, calmly watching his father beat the woman who had brought him into the world black and blue. " Useless woman!" An old voice cracked, the owner of the voice marched into the room. My mother lay writhing on the floor in pain. My heart went out to my poor mother whose only crime was making a Rich man' s son fall in love with her. Ever since i could remember,my paternal grandmother has been a thorn in her flesh. But it has never gotten to this and i won't have it. I pushed the monster pounding her into the ground off her. " Sola how could you watch father do this to our mother! What has she done to deserve this from you father! " My father tried to hit her again and i took hold of his hands, he tried to yank away his hands but my grip on him was firm. " Tosin stay out of it! " Father threatened. " You will have to run through me with a knife before you get to her!" My grandmother let out a dramatic wail, she called me all sorts of names. " Sola go bring out her belongings" father said. Mom got on her knees and held onto his legs. " Yes father" Sola said, leaving to do his father' s bidding. " Please have mercy on me......where will i go?" Mother cried out, pleading with tears and catarrh mixed dropping on her tattered blouse. " Did you think of that when you were cuckolding my son?! I warned my son not to marry an ibo girl but he didn't hear! He said my mouth was smelling and i was talking too much!" " What has she done father?" i shouted. " Ask her! Ask this useless woman yourself!" " I am innocent! I swear with my God in heaven that i am innocent! " my mother sobbed out. " She is not going anywhere! " I said bravely. " Yes she will!" Both mother and son said in unison. " Mom what happened? " My mother bowed her head crying. Sola had already dragged down two of mother' s boxes. How could he not feel for his own mother? i wasn't surprised because he had been brainwashed as a child by our grandmother who always had something bad to say about the eastern people. As we grew older, Sola became just as vicious and malicious as the cunning old woman. '' Tell your favorite son what you did! Tell him! Obirin rada rada oshi!" this was from the old woman again. " What happened father?". " My mother has been telling me about her immoral activities but i refused to believe because of the trust and love i have for her! But today! I caught her red handed in the hotel with another man! Ask her if i am lying against her!" " it is not true! I was at home and an unknown number called me....the caller said my husband was in that hotel with a woman and she gave me the address. Of course no woman will hear that and not react! the last thing i remembered afterwards was talking to the receptionist at the hotel and .........and i don't know what happened" mother explained. " Until your father shook me awake and there was a stranger man beside me on the bed. " " It is a lie! Big lie! We caught you this time around! My God has exposed you! " grandma screamed at her. I knew right then that my mother had played into the hands of my wicked grandmother. Father and my brother were already throwing her belongings outside and the evil woman was beside herself without unconcealed joy. " Father please hear her out. Things are not always what they seem, i think there's more to this matter if only we can dig deep into it." " You may leave with her if you want." My father said. " If you leave this house with her Tosin, it means you are a ba.stard!" His mother seconded. " Tosin, grandma and Father caught her red handed. How could they both be lying against her?" Sola asked, obviously on their side. Grandma was pushing out my mother by this time and i tried to stop her. My mother freed herself from the woman' s hold and walked out of the room. I tried to go after her but my father blocked my path. " If you go with her i will disown you. From today she has ceased to be a member of this family and she is no longer your mother!" My mother signalled me with her finger not to worry, she struggled with the boxes while the gate man opened the gate for her with pity. " Your father will cut you off without a penny if you even contact her again" grandma threatened and she meant every single word. To be continued..
30 Dec 2016 | 08:34
hmmmmm.....thats why i hate all this witchcraft grandmothers
30 Dec 2016 | 09:15
Innocent woman....some grandmothers are usually pain on the neck
30 Dec 2016 | 14:26
Any mother in-law dat wl gv me headache in marriage, I pray u die nw b4 dat time comes. I don talk my own
30 Dec 2016 | 14:57
Tosin, dat means u r nt man enough....I will neva and can neva leave my mother 2b treated dat even annoyed here....if I wer in ur shoes, wat I would hab done 2dat old woman eh! Chai!....
30 Dec 2016 | 15:09
Evil grandmothers
30 Dec 2016 | 17:43
Dis grandma na devil oo
30 Dec 2016 | 17:52
hmmm some in-law dey wicked
30 Dec 2016 | 18:10
Episode 20 * Continues* Tosin '' Where are you going at this time of the night?" I almost jumped out of my skin as the parlour flicked on, i almost jumped with glee when i saw that it was my brother. " Sola i thought you were already asleep". " I was watching a movie and i slept off. You jarred me out of sleep" he said with a bone_cracking yawn. " Where are you going?" " I have to be somewhere now" " Where?" I knew he would persist until i tell him and i didn't want our voices to wake up our father. " Promise me this will only be between us". " I promise." " Mom is ill" I informed him. He suddenly looked pensive. " What happened to her?" " I don't know but her condition is critical " " Tosin you know that i had to throw her things out.....Father expected it of me and i had to." " He sent her away like a dog and he cut her off without a penny! I said with pain." You should have stood with me against Father.'' He had the good sense to bow his head in shame. " I feel so terrible. What should we do now?" " I want to go see now and give her some money too.'' I said. He smiled. " I wish i could also come along but one of us has to stay here so Father won't suspect. Please tell her I' m sorry and give her my love." " I will. Sola you got my back on this?" I asked. " Sure Lil bro. I got it. Oya go quickly and come back before Father wakes up." " Thank you" I drove off to the hospital where my mother was taken by the management of the hotel she lodged. I met her shivering at the reception, and a saucy nurse was shouting on her. I paid the bills and she was given a bed. I left at the break of dawn so my father won't suspect that i had gone to see her. But when i got back,my bags and my family outside. " Tosin so you defied my orders! " he shouted. I looked at Sola, he had a big grin on his face and i felt my hand balled into a fist. I wanted to smash the grin off his face. He had betrayed me. Our Father couldn't have known that i went out or even saw my mother if he hadn't tattle on me. " Father you should have seen how i begged him not to go." Sola lied, his eyes were trained on mine. " Why? Why did you go see her despite my warning? do you have any idea what that woman did to this family? She has dragged our good name through the mud! She soiled our reputations! " Father said, taking a low pain laced tone. " I am sorry dad. She was critically ill and i only went to give her some money." " A married woman who can lie with another is capable of murdering her husband. You have shown where your loyalties lie on countless occasion and i am no longer comfortable with you being under my roof." " Father please. I apologize, it won't happen again." " I am sorry too but i don't want to be strangled in my sleep. I want to sleep with both eyes closed. Take your things and leave." He said with a note of finality. " Where is the key to the car you took out?" Sola demanded. I opened one of the boxes, removed the file that contained my certs. I threw the key at him and my treacherous brother caught it in one fluid motion. I walked out of the gate with just the clothes on my back but i left the young foolish boy in me behind. I knew then that i won't rest until i see my father and brother shed blood from their eyes. To be continued ..
31 Dec 2016 | 10:00
31 Dec 2016 | 10:32
I d ya bak
31 Dec 2016 | 17:35
31 Dec 2016 | 18:35
31 Dec 2016 | 19:14
What!!! Am very angry....hw could a brother do dis 2 his blood broda? Even de woman dat brought her 2dis world?....u deserve 2 rot in jail
31 Dec 2016 | 19:59
Episode 21 *Continues* Tomi " Who did you call?" i asked Vicky as she hung up the call. " I called a family friend. He should be here soon" she replied nervously. " This, this friend, will you be safe with him?" Victoria sighed loudly. " Tomi i will be fine.Thank you so much, you are a wonderful person'' Few minutes later.... A car honked at the gate and we both went outside. The guy parked his car and got out. He was a tall, handsome guy with packs. He certainly looked Like a knight to the rescue. " Is he the one?" i asked. " Yes." He walked over to where we stood and we exchanged pleasantries. " Tomi meet Tosin, he's a family friend" she said, gesturing." Tosin, Tomi" His hand captured mine in a firm handshake. " Hope you didn't tell Kelvin i called you" Vicky asked him. " I don't want anyone to know where i am" " No i didn't." he said. " I will follow behind you in my car." She said. " thank you". " You are welcome". he called, walking towards his car. *********************************** With Victoria gone, my apartment felt so lonely without her. I stood against my door, looking out into the night. A big fat lonely tear dropped down my cheek and i wiped it off with the back of my palm. Life is so lonely when you are a lazy girl, you don't have friends because you are either too lazy to make one or keep the ones you have. Once guys percieve that you are lazy they make it an excuse to give you the dump and most people are under the misconception that a lazy person is a stinky person so they do their best to avoid you. Even My co_workers shy away from me because to them i am ' unfit'. Lord knows i try my best these days to fit in but it is not easy. I heard a car pull up again, the screeching sound of the tires pierced the serene atmosphere and i braced myself. i was so sure it was Linda, but the person who walked through the gate was Richmond. I hate to admit it, but i missed him. The guy deserves some credit for putting up with my shiit for six good months. " Hey" he leaned closer and pecked my cheek softly. " Hi" i whispered back, burying my nose into his shirt. He smelled of soap, sweat and something dark and masculine.My heart fluttered. " Can we go inside?" He asked. I know what he meant. My feelings was still tangled and i don't know how to untangle the sticky hot mess that was my life. Once a cheat, always a cheat right? " No, no, Rich what are you doing here?" " Tomi.......i thought we have settled this." He said. We heard another car pull up and the gate was thrown open with force.Two ladies marched into the compound, in our direction and i cringed inside. This doesn't look good. There was something familiar about the fairer lady and i searched my head until it hit me. Oyinyechi Okafor. She stole my scholarship in high school. " Victoria! I know you are here!" Linda screamed, she spared a glance towards Rich and blanched. Rich looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here and the albino girl was starring daggers at me. " Rich? What are you doing here? and you! Why are you keeping our sister here against her will?" Oyinye asked. " What do you want here? you slut! have you taken to stalking me now?" Rich said, roughly grabbing Linda' s arm. " Richmond please stop it! She is my boss" He tensed up, shock written all over his face before letting go of her. Oyinye' s glaring gaze was fixed on my face." Don't i know you from somewhere?" She asked. " Miss Linda, I am sorry but your sister is not here and i also apologize on behalf of my friend here" " Yes! I remember you now! You are that dirty girl from high school" She shouted like she was announcing an important discovery. " You lost a scholarship due to your dirty nature!" '' Shut the hell up!" Richmond turned his wrath on her. " Oyinye let's go" Boss lady said. " But Linda..." " Let's go!" Linda screamed, already going towards the gate and her puppy hurried after her. I let out a pent up sigh. " Why couldn't you just keep your mouth shut?" I snapped at him angrily. " why didn't you tell me?" he said. " Tell you what?!" " You could have told me that she was your boss" I walked into the house and locked my door. He was the cause of the problem now i have to fix it somehow. I know Linda wasn't pleased to find out that her mousy assistant also had a taste of something she had eaten. ***************************** I woke up earlier than usual, i wore a light make up and ironed my best trouser suit. I needed to look good for the confrontation with Linda at the office. I knew it was inevitable, so i had to prepare myself for it. If i looked good, i would surely feel good i told myself. The receptionist wasn't on seat when i entered the building, it was a good sign. I won't have to endure her false cheerfulness. I saw a large carton box sitting on my desk, a quick glance told me someone had taken the liberty to tidy up my office. I could see my make up brush which had rolled under my desk months ago in it, my tea mug which was carefully hidden under my bottom drawer because of the green mucky stuffs growing in it was also in the box along with some of my books and other junks which i had failed to dispose. I wondered who the kind soul was. I always told myself that i would get around to tidying things up but it always skips my mind. I was so happy to find my things neatly placed in the box that i didn't hear my office door open. I smelled her presence before i turned around to see her. She pulled one of the office chair and sat down, she motioned for me to do same and i fixed my butt on the second chair. " Good morning Miss Linda" i said, rubbing my sweaty palm on my trouser. " Save it. You can see i took the liberty to help you tidy up your office." she said. " I was going to.......... " '' Don't bother. " She handed me an envelope." Sadly, your employment with us has been terminated". " Why? I have done nothing wrong!" I cried out. " You think so?" She smirked." If you want me to give you a reason for firing you, then i will give you one.",She said in a low menacing tone. " Is it because of Rich?" i asked foolishly. " " I don't have time to trade words Tomi. I have a company to run " She stood up regally and cat walked out of the office. She stuck her head in again, " Of course you will be handsomely paid for this month and next month". I picked up the box containing my belongings,I should have expected this from that wicked lady! I wondered if i should get Miss Maggie involved but pride took the better of me and i walked out with my box. To be continued ..
31 Dec 2016 | 21:38
Your brother will surely regret, very big fool!
1 Jan 2017 | 11:46
hmmmmm.....hate this linda.....
1 Jan 2017 | 12:35
Nice One
1 Jan 2017 | 13:30
This Linda sef
1 Jan 2017 | 14:33
Linda is acting lik a bitch
1 Jan 2017 | 15:18
dats lyf deal with it
1 Jan 2017 | 15:52
1 Jan 2017 | 16:17
Hmmm... Linda is a bitch
1 Jan 2017 | 18:41
2 Jan 2017 | 01:33
2 Jan 2017 | 04:13
nawa for Linda. Because of a guy
2 Jan 2017 | 05:50
2 Jan 2017 | 06:55
Make u no slow in posting this story I beg, it very interesting.... Thank d writer
2 Jan 2017 | 09:59
Linda na u oo
2 Jan 2017 | 20:37
Episode 22 Continues.. Tomi Since i was thrown back into the system of unemployment, i found myself getting lazier by the day. All i do is cook, eat, crawl under my duvet and sleep off. Sleeping soothed me, it made me feel a whole lot better. I ignored the foul smell from the days old unwashed plates and pots in the kitchen. Richmond called me several times but i ignored his calls. I missed calls from Victoria and my parents too. Even Dantata had called once or twice i am not sure but i just wanted to stay in my own world forever. I heard someone pounding on my door aggressively, i thought whoever it was would go away but the pounding persisted and i found myself dragging my feet to answer the door. Two men with bushy beards and bloodshot eyes were the cause of the pounding. " Good morning. How may i help you?" " Are you Tomi Adebola?" One of them asked, revealing a set of irritating yellowish brown teeth. " Yes. What do you want?" " We are from Area F police station and we have a warrant to search your house" Brown teeth said, flashing me an Id card. " Why do you want search my house and who sent you?" " We advise that you keep your mouth shut because whatever you say here will be used against you in the court of law". the other one declared. They forced their way into my living room. One of them tripped on my heels which was on the floor and he almost kissed the ground if not for the timely intervention of his partner. They both gave me a look which spoke volumes and started searching the place. " Who sent you? " i asked, following them. My mind was reeling with questions. I had no beef with anyone and i wasn't involved in any iillegal thing so i don't know why they will have a warrant to search my place. One of them carried the box which i had brought home with me into the living room. I was going to sort out the items in it but i forgot to do so. " There's nothing in there! Just junks!" I informed them. They brought out the mug, some devotionals, three dusty novels, broken pencils and a pen. A big spider crawled out of the box and landed on the hand of the police man. It was so hilarious watching him jump up, trying to whisk off the offending thing crawling on his hand. He managed to brush it off and squashed it under his over worn shoes. He continued searching through the box and i suddenly felt fear prick at my heart. Why didn't i sort out this box days ago? A big emerald stone was at the bottom of the box.He held up the emerald ring in his hand, a triumphant smile on his scarred face. Someone had planted a pearl stone in my box. " That is not mine" i shouted. " Of course we know it is not yours!" he scoff. He brought out a sleek shiny handcuffs, he curved my hands behind my back, twisting it very hard. " I don't know who plant it there!" They read me my rights and one of them carried the box in the crook of his arm. " Please i need to take my phone" . " You will use the one at the station. " They pushed me out of the living room. The cold cuffs bit into my flesh, i felt tears sting my eyes. I knew who was behind this set up. Only one name comes to mind. To be continued..
3 Jan 2017 | 13:09
Episode 23 Continues.. Tomi I was locked in a dingy little cell with no air. The only food they pushed under the cell iron gate was a plate of watery beans with a big tse tse fly in the middle of it. They refused to let me call my family. The cell reeked of urine and stale sweat of thousands of people who had been in it before me, i sat in a corner of the tiny cell with no water in my system for almost 48 hours. I wondered if anyone will miss me, will Vicky check up on me if she didn't hear from me? Or Rich? Or Dantata? Several hours later, the cell was opened by a female police, she beckoned me to come out. My legs were wobbly and i smelled like a day old poo. I followed her out on shaky legs, maybe Linda had decided to pardon me or perharps my parents had been notified. Standing across the counter was Linda, Oyinye and a guy. Our gaze met and locked but his face betrayed nothing. " See her! this girl is a crazy girl!" Oyinye screamed. " Officer has she confessed? " " What i can't seem to understand is why you will stoop so low" Linda said. " Haven't i been fair enough to you? " " Ladies we are here to see the DPO. " Kelvin said, his eyes searching my face. " Please take her back to the cell officer " " Thief! after all your boss has done for you! " I saw the guy give Oyinye a look which shut her up immediately. He propelled both ladies towards the DPO' s office and i was led back to my cell. ******************************** That evening i was set free on bail. I don't know who was kind enough to bail me but i was glad to be out of that hell hole. The cool evening breeze raised up my hair, it caressed my face Lightly and i inhaled the sweet air through my nostril trying to clear out the bad one i had inhaled in the cell. I saw him walking towards me and i tensed up. What was he doing here? " I will take you home" he said. " Come with me" I followed him in silence. we got into his car and he drove me home. My door was still ajar, i was ashamed to take him into my apartment knowing how foul smelling it must be by now but i couldn't turn him away. We entered the stinky living room, i was heading towards the kitchen but he asked me to go take my bath instead. By the time i finally shook off shame after having my bath, i Walked into my living room and stopped in shock. The room was smelling so nice and it was neat. He sat down on one of the sofa, his long legs stretched out in front of him. " Tomi are you ready to eat?" He asked. " Eat? where did the food come from?" " I thought you would never come out of the bathroom so i took the liberty of putting this place together and i also drove down the street to get you some bites" " Thank you........" I trailed off, realizing that i didn't even know his name and he had rescued me on several occasions. I wonder what connection he had with Linda and why he had bailed me. " Kelvin'' he drawled out. Kelvin. The name suited him." Thank you" I went into the kitchen and stooped short. The stack of dirty plates and pots in the sink was gone, i couldn't find it anywhere in the kitchen. " Where are my plates and pots!?" " I threw them out." He shouted. I groaned and bit my lips so i won't tell him something i might end up regretting. The food was in a fancy carrier bag on the kitchen counter. I carried it back to the living room, upon inspection i found a plastic spoon in it, i started eating the fried rice, chewing it slowly. I knew he was staring at me, i could feel the hotness spread through me. " Kelvin, i didn't steal that ring....." " I know." He said. I looked at him in surprise. " How do you know that?" " I know what Linda is capable of" I nodded my head. " Are you related to her?" He let out a sigh." She's a family friend. I was at their place when the DPO called her that they had picked up the......the ....." He looked uncomfortable. " The thief? " I guessed. " Errm no. The criminal...... her father insisted that i follow her and i am glad now that i did. " " Did she know you bailed me?" " No but there's nothing she can do about it." " Kelvin...... thank you" " You are welcome." He stood up." Will you be alright? " he asked. " Yes." " Good. See you tomorrow ". He said. " Good night ". " Lock the door and tuck yourself into bed on time " he said, giving me a warm smile. To be continued..
3 Jan 2017 | 13:11
Episode 24 Continues Victoria I started missing home and my family, Tosin kept to himself most of the time and he did his best to keep his inquisitive daughter out of my room. It wasn't like the child bothered me but she never tires of asking questions. She always had a question after another until i feel my head pounding, Tosin would apologize and cart her off to her room. My family kept calling and i was becoming uncomfortable in keeping them in anxiety so i decided to go back home. I was worried about Tomi too, i even had Tosin drive down to her place just to check up on her but she wasn't at home. The strange thing was that her door was wide open, he had pulled it ajar on his way out,after waiting for her for hours. One evening i felt i would go crazy so i confided in him. " I think you should go back home." He had said. " You think so? but they lied to me!" " No matter what happen, they will always be your family and they will be worried about you " he said. " Whose daughter am I? where do i come from?" i said out loud. " I feel lost Tosin" " You can only find the answer to those questions from your father.....a thought just occurred to me" he said, pulling me down on the sofa. " the hospital could have lost your file and it is also possible that the old matron you met there made a mistake. Twenty years is such a long time. " " So what do u suggest i do? go back to that hospital? " " No. You can have a dna test. If you can get a strand of your sister' s hair or your dad' s i will take you to the hospital" " that is a good idea. Thank you so much Tosin" I felt so relived and i flung myself into his arms. " You are welcome." He said. ************************************************ Small madam you don turn wily wily o. You just dey disappear anyhow " the gate man said, opening the gate for me. i parked my car and walked into the living room. Auntie Maggie was watching a movie, she paused it and stood up. She pulled me into her arms. " Victoria! where have you been?" " I went on a little vacation" I said, moving back. " Without telling anyone? do you have any idea how worried i have been?" " Why were you worried?" i asked rudely. " After all i am not even your blood!" She blinked in surprise. " Your father has been worried too and your sister too." she said in a tiny voice. I felt bad,she must have been truly worried. " I am sorry Auntie. I decided to take a little vacation'' " Without telling your family first? that isn't a nice thing to do" '' I am sorry" i said, even though i didn't feel the least bit sorry. " Where is dad and Linda?" " They went to the police station " she replied. " Why? what happened? " " Were you with that girl......Tomi?" " No i wasn't with her and why would you think so?" She let out a sigh. " That girl has been through a lot because of you." " Why did they go to the Police Station?" " Tomi was arrested but someone bailed her and......" " What? why? what did she do?" i cried out. " She stole an emerald ring. I tried to convince your sister that Tomi couldn't have done that but the ring was found with her." '' Is it that pearl stone that belonged to my mother?" '' Yes." My eyes narrowed dangerously as i felt anger rose within me." That ring has never left this house! it was locked in dad' s safe. How could Tomi steal it?" " Linda wore it to the office and she couldn't find it. She thought it slipped off her finger'' " Has Tomi been released?" " Yes." I ran upstairs. I opened Linda' s door gently, i picked some strands of hair from the brush on her drawer, tucked it into my jean pocket and let myself out, i came face- to face with my aunt. '' What were you looking for?" " The ring " i lied. " It is back in the safe" " I want to get something at the mall " i lied. I was actually taking the strands of hair to Tosin who would take it to the hospital. " Please don't run away again " she pleaded. " What do you want? i could go get it for you" " I will be back in few minutes time. Thank you Auntie. That evening, my dad berated me for putting them all in anxiety. Surprisingly, Linda didn't say anything, she looked troubled and i gave a little smile. Whatever got her pertubed must be something that is worth it. I escaped back to my room immediately after dinner, it had become my sanctuary. I would be picking up the DNA result tomorrow,i don't know what i was expecting it to be. But it could change my life forever. ********************************************* Tosin picked me up at noon, Auntie Maggie was beside herself with joy. She thought we were an item or about to become one. Tosin played along so as not to arouse her suspicion. I waited in the car while he went inside the hospital to pick up the DNA result. It was in a big brown envelope and he handed it to me. " Vicky i want you to know that no matter what this result says, it changes nothing. You are and will always be their daughter and it doesn't mean that they love you less blood or not." " Thank you." " You are welcome. Don't let that your sister know about it, that is if it comes out negative." " I am so scared. They are the only people i know as my family, i don't want to believe that my life has been one big lie." my voice was thick with emotions. " The only person you should speak to is your father, he will be in the best position to explain things to you. Cheer up, okay?" he touched my cheek softly." You will be fine." I hoped he was right about that.we drove back in silence, i crept up the stairs so as not to wake up Auntie Maggie who would be taking her nap. I sat on my bed with my heart throbbing, i tentatively brought out the brown envelope from my bag. " What is that in your hand? " Auntie Maggie asked, walking into my room. I threw the envelope behind me on the bed. " Its nothing Auntie. I thought you were napping so i didn't check up on you when i came in" She ignored me and walked towards the bed, i took hold of the envelope and she made to grab it from my hands but missed. " What is inside the envelope? " she asked authoritatively. " I told you it is nothing! why are you so curious to know?" She grabbed it from my hand but i clamped my hands on it tight, refusing to let it go. I couldn't understand why she was acting the way she was. We struggled to have it in our grasp but she slowly gained the upper hand. And it was now in her possession. She brought out the result sheet and gasped. " Victoria! what is wrong with you? why won't you let sleeping dogs lie? " I grabbed the result sheet from her hand and paled as my eyes scanned through.. It was hands trembled and the paper dropped on the floor. My aunt picked it up and tore it into bits. " Why? why did you all lie to me?" I asked, tears rolling down my cheeks." Who am i ?" " Keep your voice down ! Please keep quiet, i will tell you everything." She pleaded, pulling the door close. " Jennifer bought you from a homeless woman" . " Bought? or adopted?" " Bought. She.....she was a very sick person." she whispered. " Her heart condition? " " No. I mean mentally sick, to her, babies are a play thing" " Why did she" " She saw babies as something to play with and dump when she got tired of it. She was already tired of Linda and left the poor child to my care. She tried to conceive but she couldn't, she so desperately craved a play thing that she almost stole a baby" My eyes widened in shock." That's not true! She was.....she was an angel!" " That is the lie we led you to believe. That she was an angel. Why will i lie to you?what do i stand to gain?" " Why?" i cried. " One day she came across a pregnant homeless woman and she begged her to sell the baby she was carrying to her " " That is not true! " I refused to believe what she was saying. It couldn't be true, being adopted is better than being sold off like a pup. " Mr Joseph traveled a lot then on business so she was able to fake a pregnancy. We kept friends away, even Linda wasn't allowed to go see her in her room.'' " That is not true!" i screamed, my voice was hoarse and my eyes were blood shot. " I am telling you the truth.please don't breathe a word of this to anyone. It was a secret Jennifer made me promise to keep. I know this is hard on you but she was a sweet person albeit a sick one." She went out of the room and i sat like that for hours, staring into space. Auntie came to call me for dinner. She asked me to compose myself and act like nothing was wrong. Dad kept staring at me during dinner but i didn't meet his gaze. " Are you alright Victoria?" " I am fine" i mumbled. We continued eating in silence until dad cleared his throat. It means he had something important to say. " I have two good news to share" he announced happily. " The first one is that, i have decided to sign off our Lagos branch to my beautiful and hardworking daughter Linda" Linda squealed with joy, she got up and planted a big kiss on his cheek. " Thank you dad! I have a good news to share too! i will be walking down the aisle soon." I rolled my eyes. " Kelvin?" " Yes " she snapped, sitting down. " What is the other news you want to share dad? " Dad linked his hand through Auntie's, he was smiling happily. " This wonderful woman here has agreed to marry me" . I could see the gigantic ring which had belonged to my mother, sorry, the late Jennifer Nwosu on her finger. Linda was trying her best to keep the frown marring her face away. She choked on the food in her mouth and went into fits of coughing. " Dad isn't that the ring that was stolen?' I asked. " Yes we recovered it back. Maggie had worn it to the office but somehow it had slipped off her finger and that girl stole it." he said. I looked at my aunt in surprise but she lowered her gaze. " I thought Linda wore it to the office " i said in an amused voice. " I have a right to that ring because it belonged to my mother!" Linda spat out. " Auntie had even accused me of stealing it when she couldn't find it, not knowing that it was that Tomi girl! " Auntie laughed nervously and cleared her throat. " You haven't congratulated us yet" " Linda who had Tomi arrested?" I asked, ignoring the older woman. '' Why? Auntie of course! She said she had a hunch that Tomi was the culprit, turns out she was right." I looked at my aunt and i really saw through her for the first time in my life. Why would she lie to me about Linda? i wondered what other lies she must have told me. To be continued..
3 Jan 2017 | 13:14
nxt episode abeg........ nice write up
4 Jan 2017 | 03:07
Haba! Dis ur aunt is like a green snake in a green grass
4 Jan 2017 | 03:15
poor Victoria
4 Jan 2017 | 03:20
I pity you Victoria.....your live is on lies
4 Jan 2017 | 04:24
4 Jan 2017 | 05:04
I love this story the more after reading all it entails what wonderful life some people get. Tomi, Linda best friends that's so cool
4 Jan 2017 | 06:33
4 Jan 2017 | 07:59
Tomi And Vikky Might Be Sisters Thumbs Up Writer
4 Jan 2017 | 08:01
Lie .lie family
4 Jan 2017 | 10:30
Lie lie family
4 Jan 2017 | 10:38
Aunty maggie hmmmm
4 Jan 2017 | 11:20
Aunty maggie is something else
4 Jan 2017 | 11:30
y all this lie
4 Jan 2017 | 11:39
Hmmmm, dat ur aunt na devil o!
5 Jan 2017 | 01:11
Episode 25 Continues.. Tomi The past few days has been Kelvin filled. He was always sending one crazy text message or the other. Or he was calling to check if i had managed to get myself into another trouble so he would come charging to the rescue. The washing machine was still in the box inside my bathroom but the dish washer has been serving its course. Kelvin was picking me up tonight for our first date. " Tomi" someone called out my name. I looked at the time on the wrist watch beside my bed. It was 5.30pm. It was too early for him to be here. I jumped out of bed, i hadn't taken my bath yet. Why would he come so early? i padded barefoot into my living room and let out a sigh of relief. " Victoria" i said, smiling. She sat down pensively. " Tomi i heard what happened. I am so sorry, i apologize on behalf of my family." I sat down beside her. " I hope you know that i am innocent " " Of course i know that. How did you get bail? your parents?" A smile touched my lips. " No. A friend helped me" " Dantata?" " No. His name is Kelvin" i said, throwing caution to the wind. She gasped." Kelvin Adediwura? " I shrugged." Yes. He's your family friend right?" " Ohhh Tomi" She moaned. " How did you guys meet?" " He' s like my knight in shinning armor, always there to rescue me when i am in trouble." " You obviously have feelings for him. how deep does your feelings for him run?" I forced a laugh. " Very deep" She nodded her head. " I am sorry about all that happened. Kelvin is a good guy, don't give up on him easily " she stood up. " I will be on my way now, i only came to check up on you" " Thank you. Hope you have made peace with your family" i asked, walking her towards the door. " Yes i have. Thank you once again" she replied, walking out through the door. *********************************** I was in a sexy black number. My weave was heavily glossed and combed stylishly,it fell down my shoulders. I was munching on peanuts from a tiny bowl while watching Zee World. Saloni was being presented to her American based Aunt in _ law, Kaaki. I moaned out loud as the older woman castigated the young bride for being dark skinned. I reached for the remote on my center table, my quick movement sent the bowl of peanut crashing to the ground. I picked up the remote and tuned up the volume. " My nuts" i cried, squatting to pick them up and popping them in my mouth. Some had rolled under the sofa, i lifted up the sofa with all my might, i picked up six tiny nuts and dusted them on my gown.In they went into my mouth. " Crazy things! you think you can get away from me?" i muttered. I ran after one of the nuts that was bravely rolling towards the door, i gave a triumphant yelp as my hand picked it up before it crossed the threshold. My nose caught his familiar husky scent and i looked face was a mask of vacuous surprise. " Hi. What are you hunting for?" He asked, even though he had seen me throwing the nut into my mouth. " Hi" i stood up. Straightening my spine, my chin lifted up. " Are you ready for the big date?" he asked, smiling. " Of course" i snapped. " How many seconds will it take you to get ready? " " I am ready! " His eyes roamed all over me and i felt flush. He wordlessly took my arm leading me into my bedroom. " Out of the gown " he commanded. " What? how dare you!" i couldn't believe he just asked me to UnCloth. He grinned devilishly. " It is not like i haven't seen you Unclad before " He said. Referring to that day he had seen me unconscious on the bathroom floor. " What are you doing?" i cried out. His big hands had clasped round my waist. One had was pulling the dress down my body. He had the dress down my legs and threw it on the bed. " Sit down" he said. I sat down exasperated. His hands were in my hair, he deftly braided it into a long smooth braid. " Got a pressing Iron?" he asked. I pointed to the wardrobe. He pulled it open and brought out the iron which i hadn't used in a long time. He disappeared with the iron and the black dress while i sat shivering in my undies. Minutes later he returned with the dress, it looked different. He handed it to me and i pulled it on. He placed his hands on my shoulders, propelling me towards the bathroom. We stopped in front of the long mirror which was on the wall. I had to blink thrice before i recognized myself. For once, my weave was in place, my dress was shinning and there wasn't a single crease in it. He gave a wide smile above my head. " Shall we go now?" i asked. " Sure honey. You look breathtaking, what a lucky dude i am" I felt my cheeks burn. " Thank you" His warm hand claimed mine. We went back into my bedroom where i picked up my hand bag and out we went for the big date. To be continued..
5 Jan 2017 | 06:59
Episode 26 Continues.. I parked my car outside her gate. She looked so innocent and beautiful. She had made me laugh so much during dinner, which had earned me glares from other diners. There was something angelic and pure about her. Although i am aware that angels could be so troublesome at times. Especially that cupid, poking his arrow where he wasn't needed. She hadn't known what to order, the menu was strange to her. She dumped the menu on the table. " I will have whatever you are having" she said, her left hand snaking up her cheek to touch an invisible thing. " Wait!" i brought out my hankie which i gave to her. " You will get make up spot on your dress." She accepted it and wiped her hand on it. Dinner was fun, it was the first time i talked during meal time. Talking during dinner is a forbidden thing in my parents' s household, if at all there was a discussion it should be about business. She talked about her parents, her love for them glowed brightly in her eyes. Her vivid discription of her childhood had been laughing at the top of my lungs. My childhood was about my mother hammering it into my ears that i must never soil the family name and my father was only concerned about sealing a match between Linda and I. He desperately wanted a portion of their wealth, why?that's an answer i will never know but it all boils down to greed. After dinner, i signalled to the waiter who brought us our bill. " Fifty thousand naira?" she shrieked. " Why? was it the head of a state we ate?" I quickly slotted my ATM card into the POS machine which the waiter held, i punched in the figures and pressed send. i gave the waiter some tips and while my date gaped at me. " Shall we?" " Kelvin that was too much for just some creamy leaf! the chicken is not even up to my little finger!" She said, holding up the said finger. The ladies in my circle would have demanded for a finer diner or hotel. They would have ordered the most expensive wine on the list. They would cuss out every body from the waiter down to the owner of the place and they would haughtily demand to see the manager if their order was a second late. After dinner, they would would expect a box of the most expensive foreign chocolate money could buy, they would also expect you to compliment them every second. When you drive them home, they would expect you to wrap the most expensive diamonds and pearls round their necks. Tomi hadn't complained when our meal was delayed, she had greeted everyone including the other diners like she knew them.They were initially surprised but they recovered quickly and returned her greetings with a warm smile. The only thing she had complained about was the bill and not the tip i gave to the waiter. " Umm. I should go in now" she said awkwardly. It was that time where you struggle with that strong decision. To kiss or not to kiss. She was already fidgety. If it was any other woman i would have tried my luck, get laid and take her off my mind but this is different. I leaned in, i gave her time to react, either slap me or push me away but she sat so still, her eyes closed. I leaned closer, i could feel her hot breath on my lips, my own lips was only few inches away from hers. Chris brown' s voice revebrated in the car and i let out an expletive. " Hello Mom" i said into the receiver. " Hello Kelvin. Please come home right away, there is an emergency situation that requires your attention " " What happened Mom?" " We will talk when you come. I will wait up for you so hurry" she disconnected. " Is anything the matter?" " An emergency. I will see you tomorrow Tomi " " Thank you for dinner." " Thank you too. I enjoyed myself" She stretched out the make up stained handkerchief. I collected it from her and stuffed it into my pocket. It would serve as a monument of our first date, as little as it was. " Good night Kelvin " " Good Night Sweetheart" I watched her walk into the gate before i drove off to my parent's. My younger siblings were schooling abroad so the house was quiet. I wondered what emergency awaits me but knowing how dramatic my mother could be it could be a trivial matter. I walked up the stairs and knocked on their door. My mother opened it, her eyes were red from sleep. " Kelvin" she murmured. " Mom i am here now. What happened? " " What is the time now?" " Mom its few minutes to eleven" " I am so sleepy son. We will talk tomorrow morning " I didn't want to argue with her so i nodded and walked towards the room i slept in whenever i visited. I opened the door and flicked on the light. A mass of golden curls was on my pillow. I had found Goldilocks in my bed. To be continued..
5 Jan 2017 | 07:01
Episode 27 * Continues* Kelvin " What are you doing here?" " Oh Kel you are back" she said sweetly, she stretched out both hands. " Come to bed'' " You still haven't answered my question! what are you doing here and in my bed Linda? " " Kelvin please grow up! What does it seem like?" She hissed. I turned the door knob. " You have some growing up to do too." She jumped up and hugged me from behind. " I am sorry. Please don't go, don't leave me in here all alone " '' What game are you playing this time?" I asked. " This is no game, i swear. I have decided to honour our Fathers decision. I want to marry you Kelvin". " How much did your father pay you to agree to the marriage proposal? " I felt her flinch as if i had landed a mortal blow on her jaw. She pulled back.. " I know i haven't been a good person. I know i don't deserve a chance but please hear me out. Do you really know who i am Kelvin? do you know how lonely i get? do you know that i cry myself to sleep every night? do you have any idea how much pain and bitterness is in my heart? " she sat down on the bed." I am sorry, i will pick up my things and leave " I felt like a leech. She looked so vulnerable and lonely. So unlike the tough mean lady i knew her to be." No, i will bed down in another room. You stay here." I walked out of the room, i could hear her sniffling back tears. I just couldn't walk away from her. I pushed back the door, pulling it close after me. " What do you want?" she asked, wiping away the tears. " I want to hear your story" " No. You won't believe me anyway." " Trust me" " My life is in danger and this is the only way i could be saved." " Your life is in danger? have you notified the authorities? " ." No. I have my reasons" " Talk to me Linda. Who wants to harm you and why won't you tell the police? " " It was the same person that murdered my mother " " What do you mean? your mother died from the hole in her heart! She wasn't murdered! i should have known you will pull a stunt like this! are you saying all these to buy my pity?" " I am not lying! why would i lie about something like that! I loved my mother!" She picked up her bag and shoes. " I knew you won't believe me". I held her back as she made to brush me aside. " If your life is in danger shouldn't the authorities be aware ? and if you know your mother' s murderer why have you brought him or her to book? why should i believe you Linda?" " Kelvin......feel my heartbeat. Look into my eyes, you will see the truth reflected in them." " Who?" She shook her head. " I can't tell you but marriage to you will keep me safe. Please help me" " How do i know you didn't cook this up? and how will you being my wife keep you safe?" " I know it will. I know. " " How long have you known this?" " I saw him. He stifled the breath out of her with a pillow. and he has promised me similar fate if i breathe a word of it out." " How old were you then? Eight? Are you sure you didn't imagine all that? you were very dramatic as a child." " I have resisted this union for so long! why would i change my mind now?" " Power. You like being in control. I don't know!" I scratched my head. " Your father murdered your mother?" I guessed. Her ashen palor confirmed that wild guess. " Why? what was his motive?" " No. No. He wasn't the one!" She cried out too quickly. " You need to report him Linda". " Kelvin i was only eight years old! who would believe me? my father is an influential man, he has the right connections too! who would fucking believe me?" She burst into tears. I pulled her into my arms.. " It will be fine" '' Do you believe me now?" She choked out. " Yes " " Why do you believe me kelvin?" '' I believe you because Tosin' s mother was shamefully cast out five years ago by his father. It has just come to light that the poor woman was innocent and the whole scandal was masterminded by his grandmother. In this our world., anything is possible. " " Will you keep me safe?" " Yes" i promised. " With my last breath " " Will you marry marry me?" Tomi' s rosy cheeks, her smiles, her trusting heart and warm eyes flashed before my eyes. " I don't know " i said truthfully. To be continued..
5 Jan 2017 | 07:02
5 Jan 2017 | 08:56
5 Jan 2017 | 10:39
deceitful Linda
5 Jan 2017 | 15:30
[b]Linda is a devil.... Watch out kel[/b]
6 Jan 2017 | 04:02
don't trust her
6 Jan 2017 | 05:06
Hmmm... Ride on
6 Jan 2017 | 05:40
Nyc answEr
6 Jan 2017 | 10:32
Linda Is Playing Games Be Careful Kay
6 Jan 2017 | 14:14
Dat drama queen
6 Jan 2017 | 18:31
I really pity Linda, living with the person that murdered ur mum!
6 Jan 2017 | 21:19
Dn't let her force u into marrying her
7 Jan 2017 | 20:10
Episode 28 Continues.. .* Continues* Tomi I was making a cold sand which for myself when Dantata walked in, flashing me a killer grin which i was sure most women fall prey to. I ignored him and continued shredding the boiled chicken breast for the sand which. " Hey pretty. How are you?" he drawled. I started humming a song whilst mixing the chicken with mayornaise in a bowl. I made two wraps, placed them on a tray and sashed out of the kitchen with him trailing behind. '' Tomi I am sorry. Please forgive me buddy" " Dantata i don't know what you are apologizing. Care to enlighten me?" " Awww Tomi! come on!" He said throwing his hands up in frustration. " Alright. I neglected my buddy and i wasn't there for her when she needed me." He said dramatically. " Alright! I will let you off the hook just this one time " " Thank you princess" he said charmingly." So what's up?" I gave him one of the wraps and proceeded to tell him every thing that had happened. He listened attentively and offered advice. I couldn't help forgiving him. The door was forced open and Richie walked in. " Wow! So now you are a classical slut! Who is this one again? " Richie said, walking inside. " Is this why you don't pick my calls anymore?" I went into my bedroom, retrieved his ring. " Take your ring and leave me alone!" i flung the velvet box at him." Go away!" " Tomi why are you doing this?" " You heard her Mister! take your sorry ass out of here!" Dantata said, advancing on him. " You have not seen the last of me!" He spat out, picking up the box and left muttering under his breathe. " was that the crazy ex?" " Yes one and only" " The dude is truly crazy. I think his ego is hurt because it was you who broke things off with him." Dantata said. '' Maybe he's obsessed with you". " I am getting fed up of this drama! I feel like a cast in a Mexican love drama " He laughed. " How about the other guy? The hero. What's up with him?" '' Kelvin? we......we are good i guess. I like him, a lot " " You be careful okay? i don't want you getting hurt" " I will" ***************************************** Kelvin I sat up in bed. My head felt as heavy as lead. I know what goes on in our circles, wives cuckolding their husbands, husbands having mistresses with b.astards outside their home. So many political and business arranged marriages. What i couldnt wrap my mind around is murdering your own wife! the mother of your kids! I wondered what his motive was. Money. That was the only thought that comes to mind. The late Jennifer Nwosu was an only child and an heiress. It made sense that the person who would wish her dead most was her spouse. He stands to benefit more from her death. If he could murder his wife heartlessly, he could also murder his daughter just to keep that secret safe and it would mean one more beneficiary out of the way. My heart went out to the little girl who had witnessed her mother' s murder and there was a rumor that Maggie had easily slipped into the role of mistress as soon she died. My life was becoming complicated. I don't know how to untangle myself from the web of my father' s greed. Tomi. Sweet young girl, without a care in the world. She was so trusting and open minded. My thoughts keeps wandering back to her. I let out a sigh of frustration. " My dad will be on my case till i take that walk of pain down the aisle and someone' s life is also at stake now!" I said outloud, pulling on my shirt." I can't drag Tomi into this mess." i decided. " Son may i come in?" Mom asked, knocking on my door. " Yes mom" She walked in and planted a kiss on my cheek " Good morning dear. How was your night?" " Good morning mom. My night was fine" " Kelvin please sit. I want to talk to you " We sat down. " What is the emergency you spoke of last night?" " My son you know that i love you very much and your happiness is key to me and i will never give you any Ill advice" I nodded. " I overhead your father talking to his lawyer last night. He wants to cut you off, out of his will and he wants to will the companies to only Tolu, your younger brother " she whispered. " O de mo pe eniyara logun gbe" she went on. I felt my blood raising through my vein." He wouldn't dare! I made that company what it is today! I will fight him in court! That company is mine as much as it is his" " My dear. He is your father and this is Africa, Nigeria. Will you listen to me?" I nodded. " You see that girl, Linda, i don't like her too. She's just too rude and sassy. Her tongue is as swift as a new blade and her mother had a condition. How do we know that the children she will give birth to won't have that disease of the heart? Sugbon o da ki a pe werey lo Oga." I nodded my head again. She placed her hand on my thigh. " Kelvin, oko mi, please marry her just to please your father. " she raised up her hands. " I know you have a girl you love somewhere, you are a handsome young man. See, when you marry Linda and your father is happy with you. We can arrange one small wedding between you and that girl you love! " she announced. " She can live abroad while you stay here with Linda" " I can't mom. I can't live a double life". " It is not a new thing! Hope you know that your father has a mistress? when i lay my hands on that tooth pick ashawo ehen she will hear wen. Even Linda' s father has a mistress! that Maggie woman!" " Auntie Maggie?" i couldn't keep the surprise out of my voice. " I have been in this world before you. I know what i am saying." " Thank you mom. I will think about it" " Will you be going to the office today?" " Yes mom. Has Linda left?" " That one? Shior! she's waiting for you downstairs. Remember this situation requires tact. I will go tell cook to make you something." She stood up. " Thank you mom". We had Breakfast in stony silence. I breathe a sigh of relief when Linda announced that she was leaving. I watched mom hug her and invited her to come again. I shook my head. Our world is really crazy and it was filled with false love. I drove down to the office, honked severally but the gateman didn't open it. I got down angrily and banged on the gate loudly. " Yes?" A scarred face mopol asked. " Na Oga son" another one replied him. " Sir we have orders not to let you in" scar face informed me " Who fucking gave you that stvupid order? " " Chief " he replied tersely, before banging the gate in my face. To be continued..
8 Jan 2017 | 02:30
EPISODE 29 Continues.. Tomi I just got off the phone with my parents. Mom was telling me about an upcoming wedding in their church while dad grumbled about me not coming to see them often. Someone knocked on the door. I said a hurried good bye to them and hung up. I unlocked the door and Kelvin pulled me into his muscled arms claiming my lips in a hot searing kiss. We kissed for a long while, he pulled me closer to himself, shutting the door with his other hand. I could have stopped him but i needed to be one with him as much as he needed me too. Our clothes went in several directions, somehow we landed on my bed. He knew where to stroke to drive me wild. Our love making was so intense and magical. I felt like a puddle of warm water. Something i had never felt before, we laid beside each other on the damp bed. Our heart beat was a rhythmic tune to our ears. We were both sated, but an invisible fear hovered over our heads. " What happened kelvin?" " My father want me to marry Linda and Linda' s life is also in danger" i stiffened beside him. " Who want to harm her?" " Its a long story honey. One so complicated. My father has also barred me from stepping foot into the company i slaved for!" he panted. " A company which i worked hard to make an international brand" I reached for his head pulling it against my bosom. " What will you do now?" " I will fight him! I won't accept it! he's doing all this because i refused to bend to his whims ". " He is your father Kelvin. What did your mom say?" " She's on his side of course." " You should listen to your father. Linda isn't entirely a wicked person, she has her own good sides too. " He pulled his head away from my chest. " You are advising me to marry her? have you no feelings for me at all?" he asked in bewilderment. " Tomi I just made love to you! you should at least be a little jealous! " " Sex. It was just sex" i said in a cool voice. " Nothing special " How could i let him throw something he had worked so hard for away? He pulled on his trouser. " I thought i was more than a dick to ride on to you. What was i even thinking? you are all bloody the same!" he spat out. " Please close the door on your way out". He sauntered out without a word. I wanted to shout out his name, i wanted to tell him it was for his own good and mine too. I wanted to run after him and drag him back to the bed, beside me, where he belonged. But in the end i buried my face into my pillow crying my heart out. To be continued..
8 Jan 2017 | 02:32
EPISODE 30 Continues.. * Continues* Tosin I walked out of the only home i knew for twenty five years. How could my own brother betray me? how could a father turn against his own son? i wandered the streets like a mad man with no direction in mind. A part of my heart had died that night. I walked meaninglessly for a long while and i found myself in front of the Adediwura household. How my feet had taken that path, i couldn't say. I pressed the doorbell and the gate was opened by Musa, the gate man. Maybe he perceived the mood i was in, he closed the gate without a word and i went into the house. " Whats up Man. What happened?" Kelvin asked on sighting me. " I need a hot bath" was the only reply i could come up with. He led me to the guest room and i took a hot bath. He lend me a jean and polo, a steamy hot meal was waiting for me on the dinning table. He watched me eat in silent without any asking any question. " Where are your folks?" I asked just to break the silence in the room. " My parents went to visit my siblings in the UK" he replied. I nodded. " Can i go out with your car for some couple of hours?" I asked, pushing back my half eaten meal. " Sure " he said. He picked up the key from the sofa and threw it at me. " Thanks" i said, catching it mid air. I drove to the hospital my mother was admitted. I was glad to be informed that she was responding to treatment and the doctor assured me that she should be discharged in few days time. " Tosin" she whispered. " Thank you for coming son" " How are you feeling now?" " I feel better" '' You will be fine Mom " " How is your brother, Sola? " I clenched my jaw in anger. " Have you eaten Mom?" " Yes my dear" " You should rest now " " Thank you " she whispered again. I stayed with her until evening and i went back. Kelvin was watching Wrestling when i walked in. I sat down on one of the settee. " Want to talk about it?" He asked kindly. " No" " Today is Friday, i say we hit the club." He said. " Rock some big booty girls" " Sound good" i replied half heartedly. We ate dinner and by 10.30pm we headed off to a club in the hood. We entered the smoky lit up place. Girls were grinding on the dance floor, a waitress winked seductively at us as she walked by. We walked into the VIP section, Kelvin' s eyes were on the girls dancing. " Tos this is the right place to be! check out that girl!" He exclaimed pointing at one of the girls. He signalled to the bar girl, he ordered some ciroc and henessy. I ignored him and sat down. The pretty ebony skinned bar girl brought our drinks with ice. I watched kelvin pick up some cubes of ice which he dropped into the front of her top.she giggled before playfully hitting his hand away. " Hey see who just walked in" Kelvin said. " Your bro" I looked up and my eyes met his dark mocking eyes. He had some group of boys behind him. He started in our direction and stopped in front of us. " What's up" Kelvin stretched his hands out but dropped it when he realized the atmosphere was suddenly tensed. " I see your friend was kind enough to lend you some old cloth" Sola mocked. " How does it feel crashing down to the bottom of the pit?" He jeered. " What's going on?" Kelvin asked glancing from me to my brother. " Sola knock it off" " Shut up daddy' s pet." Kelvin signalled to the bar girl. He handed her the bills and turned to me. " Tos let's get out of here" I stood up and we brushed past Sola and his gang. We walked to the car park in silence. " Running away?" Sola called after us. " Tosin you want to know what i was doing earlier today?" He shouted. " I was fucking your girl!" My steps faltered and i felt my hands knot into a tight fist. " Ignore him" Kelvin said, unlocking the car. Three of the boys with sola was standing in front of the car. " You want to see some evidence?" Sola was standing in front of me now. He brought out his phone, swiped the screen with his thumb. He flashed the gory picture of my Unclad girlfriend before my eyes. He swiped it again. There was another one of her on her knees, blowing him. I knocked the phone off his hand, it fell to the ground with a loud thud. Kelvin walked around to the other side of his car. " Its enough! Sola whatever it is we should settle it amicably. But no matter what might have gone wrong you shouldn't have messed with your bro' s girl" " Boy go grow some balls first before you talk to me" He taunted." Still licking your father' s a$$?" Kelvin shoved him so hard he fell like a piece of paper to the ground. The boys drew closer to us menacingly. One of them threw a log of wood at Kelvin' s head. He ducked right in time and it smashed through one of the glasses of his car. A guy was busy fucking his girl or slut in the darkest part of the car lot not minding the ruckus going on. " Deal with them boys! I want to hear the sound of bones breaking! " Sola commanded. The next few minutes was bloody. Hands connected with jaws, tooths flew in every direction. The Tae_kwan_do lessons we were forced to attend as a child really came in handy. Before the bouncers could reach us three of the boys was on the ground, their noses and mouths bloodied. Kelvin and i sustained some bruises and earned ourselves black eyes but nothing major was broken. Their commander, Sola had long since fled when it became obvious that his boys were losing. To be continued..
8 Jan 2017 | 02:34
enjoying the ride
8 Jan 2017 | 07:20
this story is full of up's and down's
8 Jan 2017 | 09:47
Haha y hm run
8 Jan 2017 | 10:26
So sola can run ....that's very bad of him
8 Jan 2017 | 10:27
Loving this.. Ride on
8 Jan 2017 | 13:18
Mehn dis is damn serious, each person with der own trouble of life
8 Jan 2017 | 13:23
Ride on
8 Jan 2017 | 14:21
9 Jan 2017 | 10:31
EPISODE 31 * Continues* Tomi Ever since that night Kelvin walked out my heart ceased to beat. It was like he had forcefully wrenched it out of my chest. For three days, i cried myself to sleep. I despised how weak i had become. I loathe the kind of woman i had turned out to be. When will i start fighting for myself? when will i learn to do away with self pity? why should the spoilt bratty lindas of the world have it all? on the third day i resolved within myself to dust myself up and pick up the shards of my life. I started by cleaning out the whole of my apartment, next phase, was sorting out my wardrobe. I packed up the clothes i no longer had use for and boxed them up for those who truly needed it. I checked my mail on my laptop. There were were tons of messages, one of them was an invite to our high school reunion. Some were friend requests from Facebook, some were pms from a popular forum called Nairaland, some were scam messages from scammers claiming to come from Burkina Faso and being in possession of some mysterious Millions of dollars which they have decided to reward me with. I deleted most of the messages including the friend requests and the pms. I stared hard and long at the reunion invitation. There had been several invites over the years but i didn't honour any of them. I clicked on it and checked the date and venue. There was going to be an award of some sort, the venue was d' renaissance hotel, hall 3. Time was 5 pm to 10 pm. I typed a quick message and pressed send. I scrolled down and saw an interview invite. It was from a company i sent my CV to weeks ago. I checked them out on the internet again. It was a luxury company, they produce wrist watches, shoes, accessories and jewelries. They also make designer wears and had an international fashion magazine. Although the post vacant wasn't something i had experience in but i thought it would look good on my CV so i applied and hoped for the best. The interview was scheduled for the next day at I sent up a quick prayer of thanks to God for reminding me to check my mail. I surfed the net a bit before going to set out what i would wear to the interview tomorrow. *********************************** My alarm woke me up by 5.00am and by 6.45am i was already out of the house so i would beat the Lagos Island traffic. I boarded a taxi so i won't be sandwiched between other commuters in a bus, God forbids, I don't want to endure sweaty and smelling armpits, noise and other passenger_conductor rants. The post i applied for was Human resource personnel, although i had no experience in that area i applied for it anyway. I spent the better part of my night, researching on it and i memorized some of the likely questions to be asked. " We don reach ooo" the taxi driver announced. I counted out four thousand and five hundred naira from my purse which i handed to him " Thank you Oga. You really tried for me" " Nne Wetin man go do? for this buhari condition we haf to helep each others nau ". I struggled not to roll my eyes. I checked the time on my wrist watch, 8.30 am. " Thank you" I walked into the big black gate, endured the routine search and i was directed to go to the third floor. The receptionist was quiet nice and she also directed me to the third floor. I climbed the stairs, I was almost getting to the last stair case when i heard footsteps behind me and i whirled around. " Good morning " i said cheerfully. The handsome young man whose face was a bit familiar gave me a wide smile, revealing his sparkling white set of teeth. " Good Morning Tomi, nice meeting you again" I stood dazed, trying to recollect where we had met before. " Surprisingly we seem to have met each other before but sadly i don't recollect when or where" " I am Victoria' s friend " he replied. " Victoria' s friend...........Tosin! " " Yes. What are you doing here?" " I am here for an interview. You work here?" " Yes i have been working here for five years now" he said with a little laugh. " Wow! that's cool! I am interviewing for the post of an Hr personnel and I have no idea what an Hr personel does and neither do i have any experience of it" He laughed. " Then what are you doing here?" " Well i read up on it althrough the night! anyway i just want to give it a shot." I shrugged. " How about you? Which department do you work in? " " I am the facility Manager. You used to work for Victoria' s sister right?" " Yes. I was her assistant." '' How long did you work with her and did you enjoy working for her?" " 2 years and i loved working there. She was a great boss" " You enjoyed working there?" He asked again. " Yes, as a matter of fact i couldn't ask for a better working environment or remuneration. The other staffs were equally great to work with and i really enjoyed my brief time with them." I checked the time again. " Which aspect of the job did you not like?" I laughed. " I enjoyed and liked every aspect of it because it is the challenges that comes with each task that makes you a better employee and sometimes it even brings out skills which you never knew you had. Oops! I have to go now." I said, checking my wrist watch again. " All the best" " Thank you. Take care" I briskly walked up the stairs. *********************************** The interview wasn't so hard as i expected although there was some tricky questions which i failed to answer and in the end we were asked to go home. I was heating up something for dinner when i got a text message to come the next day. I tried not to be jubilant, it could mean that they wanted to personally tell me i wasn't fit for the job. Who knows? Nigerians could be so funny at times. After dinner i slept off on the couch and woke up there . It made remember my childhood days, those days where you fall asleep on the couch but wake up in your bed. I showered and went to the bus stop to board a brt. I couldn't afford to spent the little money in my account recklessly when i wasn't certain the job was mine yet. I endured the security scrutiny once again and went into the elegant glass building. The nice, lovely receptionist was on duty again. " Good morning" she called. " Good morning" " This time around you are to go to the fourth floor. Turn right, knock on the glass framed door and enter" she said gesturing. " The elevators are also working now" " Thank you." I knocked on the door and entered the elegant office. The decor reeked of masculinity, and wealth. The office definitely belonged to a man with a rich taste and class. I looked around uncertain if i should take a sit or not. The door opened and Tosin walked in wearing a faded jean and polo. " Hi! we meet again" i said cheerfully. " How's work going today?" " Fine. How are you?" " I am fine. " Please sit down". I shook my head. " I will rather wait for the ummm.....boss to come " He laughed. " Do you know how long it will take him to come?" " Well i don't know but i will wait anyway. " He shrugged. " Alright your choice." He went round the table and sat on the leather chair. Unease snaked between my shoulder blades. I didn't want to believe what my mind was telling me. I lowered myself into the seat in front of me. " My name is Tosin Williams and i am happy to welcome you to Williams Enterprise Holdings, Inc. Unfortunately, you can not work as a human resource personel because you have no experience in that area but you would be joining us as an executive assistant to the CEO." he said in a business like manner. He pressed a button on the intercom on his desk. " Mrs Steven.Please come to my office right away." I was just staring at him like a rabbit caught in a trap. A middle aged lady walked in after a rasp knock on the door. " Good Morning sir" she said. " Good morning. Hope you are feeling better now?" " Yes i am much better. Thank you sir " " Good. This is Miss Tomi......." He flipped open a file on the desk." Yes, Miss Tomi Adebola. She's my new assistant. " She gave me a kind smile. " Welcome on board" " Thank you M'aam" i replied in a calm quiet voice. " I want you to brief her about the job, remunerations etc. If she's okay with it then you know what to do next." he said in a voice used to issuing out commands. " Alright sir. Miss Tomi please come with me" I stood up still in bewilderment and followed her out of the office. To be continued..
9 Jan 2017 | 13:04
Nice update Ride on
9 Jan 2017 | 14:07
hehehehe.....surprises wont cease in this world
9 Jan 2017 | 15:23
This ur bros sef, na wa o!
9 Jan 2017 | 16:27
0 Likes enjoying dis story de more....I somuch hate dis guy called Sola
10 Jan 2017 | 01:43
Chei suprize.
10 Jan 2017 | 02:58
wow. so nice
10 Jan 2017 | 03:46
0 Likes found a better job
10 Jan 2017 | 03:56
Nice one... Ride on
10 Jan 2017 | 04:08
still here
10 Jan 2017 | 15:12
Am loving this
10 Jan 2017 | 15:13
10 Jan 2017 | 17:04
Episode 32 Continues.. Kelvin I was on the way to my see my father when my phone buzzed out. I swiped the screen to the right and kept it on speaker. " Hello Tos " " What's up? still nursing your broken heart? he teased. " Come off it dude unless you want to see my fist buried in your nose" He laughed. " Easy boy. What are you doing tonight? Kelly is spending the night with my mom so i am a free man tonight." " I am going to see my father. " " What's up with that issue?" he asked. "" He called to apologize and he want to see me." " Will you marry her? especially now that her life is in danger" " I don't want a murderer for a father in_law and i am going to tell my father that. I will find some other way to keep Linda safe." " I think the best thing is to find a private investigator to dig into his past. Maybe he could find something else which we could use to put him behind bars." " That is a good idea. How's Tomi?" " I thought you would never ask. She's a very talented and dedicated person and a hard worker too" he gushed out. " She's fine" " Tosin she's kind of .........." i scratched my beards uncertain how to begin. " She's um ........." " What?" " She's a bit clumsy and careless. Please be patient with her ". " That doesn't match the description of my executive assistant she's anything but clumsy and careless". " Alright. Just be patient with her, thanks." " What are you going to do about her?" he asked. " To be honest with you, i don't know. I don't want to drag her into this mess especially if i am going to camp down with a murderer' s daughter. Besides she made it plain it was just sex and meanwhile i didn't even f*uck her." I let out a pent up sigh. " She's the first woman i have made love to and that goes to show how much i feel for her." " I understand you. I can't remember the last time i made love to any woman and i don't think i can even remember how to make love to one." I laughed. " So you have only been f* ucking them and moving on to the next. Sharp guy!" " Do you blame me?"He asked. I pressed the horn in front of the gate. " I got to go. Please look out for my girl" " Sure will. Laters" The gate was opened and i drove into the compound. My eyes caught Mr Joseph' s jeep and i felt my blood boiling. How could my father be consorting with a murder? I could hear their loud laughter as i turned the door knob and walked in. Mom got up, a glass of wine in her hand. She welcomed me with a kiss. I exchanged pleasantries with the others present in the room. Mr Joseph and my father were discussing politics while the women were discussing fashion. " Welcome Son" Dad said. " " Thank you sir" I got an empty glass and filled it with the red wine in front of them. They argued on about politics while i observed them. Merely looking at the middle aged Joseph Nwosu with his kind handsome face etched with some fine laugh lines along his jaw you would never know that he had a heart of stone. My glance shifted to my burly father with his loud laugh and jovial ways you would never guess that he was as cunning as the proverbial tortoise and he was just as greedy. Oyinye was vividly describing her time in London to the other women like they had never stepped a foot outside Lagos before. She was a girl who had grown up in the slum and in abject poverty. She had even gone to high school on her church' s charity welfare. How she had wormed her way into high society baffles me. She had no gainful employment yet she lives a lavish life one can only imagine what she does to sustain her expensive lifestyle. Victoria was munching on some snacks. She was a very beautiful girl with angelic features but she could do with some confidence and guts. She was also very timid, insecured and quiet. If i hadn't know how good a person Tosin was i would have gone to pluck her from his place the night he called to tell me she was at his place for some reasons he doesn't even know. What girl in her right mind would go stay with a hot blooded guy who lives alone with just his five year old daughter as chaperone?. My gaze shifted from her and settled briefly on Auntie Maggie. She was equally beautiful but i felt sorry for her, she was sleeping with a murderer and i could only hope she won't be the next to follow the late Jennifer Nwosu. " Kelvin!" Mom shouted my name. " Where is your mind?". " Sorry Mom." " You haven't congratulated Maggie on her engagement " I was stunned by the news but i got up and gave her a hug. " Congrats Auntie. Who is the lucky man? ". She blushed. " I am" Mr Joseph replied happily. " She has finally decided to make an honest man of me". " Congratulations sir" i called out. " Thank you son". " You and Linda should hurry up and pick a date already" My father said. " Maggie we have a lot of planning to do." Mom said. " I am giving my event decorator a call tomorrow. Your wedding has to be the talk of Town since it is your first and Linda' s own has to be just as glamorous. " " Why should she have a glamorous wedding? after all dad has been married before and she's old." Linda said viciously. " Maggie decides if she wants a glamorous wedding or not" her father reprimanded her. " Mind your manners young lady ". " Linda don't forget the reunion is tomorrow " Oyinye said. " Have you informed your fiancé yet?" " Oh Sweetheart. Tomorrow is Linda and Oyinye's school reunion, both pretty damsels have elected you to go with them" Mom said sweetly, she was persuading me to go. " Or i could go with them" Dad said which drew laughter from the others. " Kelvin i was going to tell you when we are alone" Linda said. " You went to the same school with Oyinye? " I asked. " Yes but i was her senior and we met during one of the reunion " She explained. " Please will you come? i will understand if you can't " I said the only logical thing a gentleman would say." Sure i will come" To be continued..
10 Jan 2017 | 19:25
10 Jan 2017 | 20:38
First to comment U will meet Tomi there
10 Jan 2017 | 20:47
And Tomi might b der too
11 Jan 2017 | 02:52
11 Jan 2017 | 03:09
11 Jan 2017 | 04:40
11 Jan 2017 | 04:42
u will see tomi there
11 Jan 2017 | 10:43
11 Jan 2017 | 13:11
still following
11 Jan 2017 | 15:02
tomi would be there
11 Jan 2017 | 16:56
Mehn....things are turning around 4 good
11 Jan 2017 | 17:29
EPISODE 33 * Continues* Tomi The hall was packed with stunning young ladies and gentlemen most of whom were faking foreign accent and assets. Most of the ladies were in little cliques just like the old days. I reminded myself that i didn't come to the reunion because of them. I picked a flute of wine from the tray of a waiter passing by. The laughter of the other women drifted to my ears, they were obviously having fun, reminding me of the fact that i had no friend amongst them. I dropped the empty flute on another waiter' s tray and fled to the ladies. I locked myself in one of the jasmine scented convenience. I heard the door to the ladies swished open and i could hear footsteps and voices. " She won't get away with it " i heard one of the women say. Her companion laughed. " I trust you will put her in her place." I held my breathe and sat so still on the toilet seat. The voices no doubt belonged to Onyinye and Linda. I knew Onyinye would be in attendance but i couldn't understand why Linda would accompany her and i don't remember Linda from high school either. " I don't want that sham wedding to take place! " Linda said in her usual harsh tone. " Once she marries your father you watch and see if she won't throw away her cloak of purity!" Onyinye said. " I want to tear them apart. I trust that you will help me." " You only have to give me the Go_ahead babe" the brown biitch drawled out and they both burst into laughter. I wondered what they were scheming and i made a mental note to ask Victoria later. " Do you think Tomi will be here tonight?" Linda asked. " Her Richie has left the country. I can't help missing him" " Was the dick that good? anyway i heard so too and i am not sure she will be here. What is she coming to do? Nobody wants to suffer from her rare case of fashion malnutrition. She has never attended any of the previous reunions in the past, why will she attend this one? especially when you have shamed her and she's also jobless." " Why do you hate her so much Onyinye?" " Why won't i hate her? that crazy girl reported me to the Principal that i was cheating during one of the exams. The foolish old hag punished me publicly and changed my seat. " Linda laughed mockingly." You told me yourself that you slept with the vice principal then so he would give you the scholarship meant for her and you advised me to plant that ring in her box isn't that enough payment for the wrong she had done you? " " No! It is not enough " " I think we should let her be for now. The most important enemy right now is Maggie " Linda said walking into the first stall to ease herself. They gisted some more before walking out and i breathed a sigh of relief. I was shaken from all what i heard. Those two women were deadly vipers. So Oyinye had slept with the vice principal to make him name her the most brilliant girl, even Linda had admitted to planting that ring in my box. Birds of same feathers truly flock together. My heart went out to my poor Kelvin, he deserved better. A thought popped into my head and took root there. I made my way slowly back to the hall. A lady who i vaguely recalled being the head prefect girl was talking into a mic. " One of our own has promised to build a new library for Blossom high and also give out scholarship to few brilliant students" she said. A round of applause sounded and i joined them in applauding. " That benevolent person is Linda Nwosu. " she called out cheerfully. " We also have some anonymous donors for the school building projects. Whoever they are, we say a big thank you, May the Good Lord reward you. " There were loud cheers and resounding applause. " We have decided to do something different this year. We want to remember some of the old students of blossom high who contributed to the glory of the school and and honour them" she announced, hitting on the mic with her hand. " Gabriel Davies and Adewale Coker will present the first award of honour to the most brilliant girl in 2006 set whose intellect and hard work brought honour to our prestigious school in the past. " Two handsome young men in dazzling suits strolled to the stage. I could remember that they were a year ahead of me in class and they were both science students. " Good evening everyone " Adewale coker said in his deep bariton voice. " The most outstanding and overall brilliant old student honorary award for 2006 graduating set goes to......." He let out a sexy laugh which had the ladies giggling. " Davies can you read it out please.... the name is too sexy for me to pronounce " he joked. " It goes to Adebola Eyitomi " Gabriel Davies announced. I walked to the stage amidst cheers and applause. I said a brief thank you for the honour and walked back. There were several categories of the award, the others were gleefully clapping and cheering their friends who got called to the stage but i was suddenly queasy and i slowly made my way back to the ladies. I felt a hand on my shoulder and i whirled around. " Easy Eyitomi ". My eyes almost popped out of its socket. Why does he always have to look so calm and good? " Kelvin what are you doing here?" I frowned, " You are Linda' date obviously, silly me!" " Are we jealous?" He teased lightly, a smile on his lips. " No" I snapped. " What do you want?" " I thought you were consuming too much wine. Trying to drown your sorrows in liquor? " So he was the one staring at me! no wonder i had a feeling that someone was watching me but i thought it was ridiculous since i was in a crowded place. Everyone was looking at everyone else to judge if they were doing better than them or not and i had pushed the nagging feeling to the back of my mind. " Shouldn't you be with your bride or are you tired of her already?". I quipped. I made to go but he took hold of my arms and pulled me against his chest. He lowered his head dangerously. " Kelvin what are you doing?". " Tell me it was a lie......those words you hurled at me. Tell me you don't mean them" " Kelvin we both know we have no future together so its best we go our separate ways" " You still haven't answered me. Did you mean them?" He lowered his lips and claimed mine. I gently pushed against the hard wall of his chest. " Please Kelvin go back to her". " Come. I will take you home " " I came with my car " I protested. He raised up a brow in question. " My official car." I explained. It feels good having my own ride even if it was an official one. " Give me your car keys" he demanded. " Why?" " Give them to me" I handed the keys to him. '' Good. You are in no condition to drive, i will have someone bring the car to your place tomorrow morning." He loosened his grip my arm " You want to use the convenience right? " I walked into the ladies and banged the door shut. I decided to waste as much time as i could so he would get fed up and leave but i remembered that he had my keys and i walked out in a huff. He was still patiently standing where i left him. He draped his jacket round my shoulders, taking my hand in his and we made our way through the throngs of people now dancing. He was driving a different car, this one was a sleek red car, i am not good with the names of such things because to me they are just means of transporting from one place to the other so i didn't bother to Check its brand. " Kelvin this is not the way to my house." I said when he took a route not familiar to me. " Congrats on your award but i wasn't surprised tho." he said, deliberately ignoring the question i asked. " Thank you. What was Linda doing there? " " It is her alma mater too" He continued driving, his darks eyes were focused on the road. I felt my lashes flutter and i blinked back the sleep threatening to get the best of me. I felt myself lifted up in his strong arms minutes later, he carried me up several steps in my estimation and i found myself being dumped on a warm comfortable king size bed. " Did i fall asleep?" i asked, drifting awake. He laughed softly. " Obviously " " Where is this place?" " My house. Come, get out of those clothes" " Why?" I asked, feebly holding my dress tighly in my hand. " Bath time or do you want to munch on something first?" " No i am okay. I can help myself to the bathroom." I stated. He ignored my protest and peeled the garments off me. He carried me to the baththub filled with warm soapy water. There was no artificial scent, just plain warm water and soap. He sat on the edge of the bath tub watching me while i scrubbed myself clean. When i finished, he wrapped me in a big towel,he carried me back to the bed. He went back in to shower, i could hear the water running and for some unknown reason i suddenly had the impulse to watch him. I walked stealthily on my toes and peered into the bathroom. He was standing in the shower, he had his back to the door so i had a good view of his derriere, his jutted and proud masculine anatomy. I shook my head several times as if i was willing my senses to come back. " It must be the wine" i muttered under my breath, stealing back to the bed. I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep when i heard the bathroom door open. He flicked off the light and climbed into the bed. He pulled me closer to him in a spooning position. I could feel his hot breathe on my back and his heart beat. " If you wanted to watch me, you only had to ask nicely and i would have given you a grand show for free rather than risk breaking your neck to peep at me. Do you know what happens to little girls who peep?" he asked. I yawned and stretched out. " What?" He laughed. " You are such a terrible actress Tomi" He caught my lips in between his and i lost myself in his arms. To be continued..
11 Jan 2017 | 19:34
12 Jan 2017 | 05:34
12 Jan 2017 | 05:35
12 Jan 2017 | 08:12
just wow
12 Jan 2017 | 09:45
dat is nice
12 Jan 2017 | 10:07
12 Jan 2017 | 10:23
So sweet
12 Jan 2017 | 11:39
EPISODE 34 Continues.. A loud banging sound woke me up. I blinked hard trying to recollect where i was, i felt something hard pressing into my lower back, i wiggled my bottom trying to get away from whatever it was but it only seemed to grow bigger.My head was pounding fiercely and there was a bitter taste in my mouth. " Hey Sleeping beauty good morning " he murmured into my ear. " My head" i moaned." Good morning ". " Hangover" he replied tersely. The loud banging sound came again and i felt him stiffen beside me. He got up, pulled on a jean and polo. " What is that noise?" I asked, throwing back the covers. " I don't know. I will go investigate " he said before strolling out of the room. I found my dress and dorned it, I padded down the stairs and stopped midway. Onyinye and Linda were in the living room. " How could you do that to me Kelvin? you left me stranded when you knew i didn't go with my car!" Linda shouted. " Where is the shameless slut you brought back here with you?" Onyinye demanded. " Where is she?" " Oh you again?" Linda shouted, on sighting me." Kelvin you have no idea who you brought home with you! this was the same girl that stole Aunt Maggie' s ring!" " You mean the ring you planted in my box?" i asked. " Linda if your shadow here was born and raised in the gutter shouldn't you know better?" Kelvin asked. " what do you want Linda? why are you acting like we had a deal or a relationship going on?" " Even if you don't love me Kelvin you owe me some respect as your fiancée! " " You still haven't answered my question and i owe you nothing Linda. Don't you have anything better to do or a better way to spend your weekend? please leave my house" Linda' s gaze burned through me like a laser light. She started in my direction, but Kelvin drew her back. " Don't you have any shame at all Tomi?"She asked. " You are a fine one to speak! Please deal with the person you came here to see" i retorted. " Oh so now pigs think they can fly" Onyinye screamed. " You should leave when you are through with your rants" Kelvin said. " Kelvin you think you know her but you don't! What has she done to you? how could you bring yourself so low to the status of this low life?" Linda asked. " Your barks no longer mean anything to me Linda! You planted that ring in my box! I overheard you and your hand bag talking last night. How could you be so cruel?" The duo were stunned and they traded looks, for once they were rendered speechless. " I knew it" Kelvin said. " And to think that i beloved that trash story about your dad! " She took a step closer to him." Don't listen to her! What would she say before? She's only a criminal! ". " What did i ever do to you? Why Linda?" I asked her." I want to know. I caught you sleeping with my boyfriend and i broke up with him. I worked diligently to earn every cent you paid me at the end of the month, you fired me for no just reason and as if all that wasn't enough you framed me up!" " Tomi i have known you since high school so i know how evil minded you are. You are a thief and liar! how could she plant something in your box, what would she gain by doing that?" Onyinye retorted. " You think you know it all?" She scoffed. " Yea she actually thinks that she knows it all" Linda replied, clapping her hands in mockery. " Kelvin why don't you tell her?" " You have had enough fun. Its time you left" Kelvin said correling both of them towards the door. " Tell me what?" " Oh he didn't tell you? Why Kelvin? Afraid her young heart won't be able to take it?" Onyinye taunted. " He's just using you! He's a player and a master at what he does! If not what would he be doing with someone like you?" Linda laughed viciously. " He will soon throw you out like a piece of dirt when he's had his fun with you! " " Kelvin loves me you can both go to hell" They both laughed animatedly. " You think you are the first to have him, don't you? or perhaps you think that you know who he truly is! " Linda asked. " ask him who Jane and jacy are! he bleeped two sisters at the same time" " I also had a taste of him too so don't start feeling fly" Onyinye announced. " I know the sex is good because we have all had a taste of it but is it really worth the pain you will go through when you realize that you have been had? How many times has he tossed a girl he was through with to his friend Tosin?" Linda said dramatically. " Tosin? Tosin Williams?" " Oh she has started riding him too!" Onyinye laughed. " Don't say we didn't warn you little one. He has left a string of broken hearts all over this country, trust me you are not special." Linda said before walking out through the door. I was stunned, something in his expression proved that for once the girls were being truthful. I hurried up the stairs back into the bedroom. I picked up my bag beside the bed, i heard the door swish open and he walked in. " Hey....what are you doing? don't tell me you are actually going to let them win " " What sort of game are you playing with me Kelvin?" " Tomi you know how Linda is......" " Kelvin did you or did you not sleep with either of them? " " Tomi we all have our past and mine wasn't lived in sainthood but believe me all that was in the past." " Did you ever shared a girl with your friend?" " Babe all that happened before i even met you!" " Did you know that i was working for your friend?" " I recommended you to him" he replied exasperatedly. " Its nothing like what Linda implied, i was merely looking out for you." " I don't want to do this anymore! I am fed up of this drama. I want out of whatever it is we have." " Tomi with you its different! you awakened feelings which i never knew i had inside of me. You changed something in me". " Please no more lies" I brushed past him out of the room. I wouldn't let him see me weak, i wouldn't let anyone make me feel worthless. Never again! ******************************** Kelvin " Tomi!" i called after her. I could hear her the sound of her feet running down the stairs. She was hysterical and i couldn't let her go home all by herself. How could i just tell her out of the blues that i bleeped Onyinye at a party on a dare! I despised myself for it the following day. We were at a party and the booze was flowing freely, almost all the guys at that party had seen her panties and i was issued a challenge which i couldn't back down from. The whole nasty stuff had taken less than an hour and i had slipped her panties into my trouser as a proof. " Tomi Please wait!" I caught up with her at the bottom of the stairs. " I am not ready for this sort of drama! " " Tomi i am in love with you!" I blurted out. " I know this is all messy but we can sort it out" " Just let me be!" She darted out of the room like a deer which had caught sight of a hunter. I let out several expletives and ran back the stairs for my car keys. I ran down the stairs once again, Tosin stood with a frown on his face. " What's going on?" He asked worriedly." Linda' s car almost ran me off the road and on getting here i saw or i thought i saw Tomi running down the street" " I am going after her" i called out, running out. He tailed after me without a word and i drove out of the compound. I caught up with her just as a bus pulled up and she got into it. I followed the bus expecting it to make a stop so i would pull her down and talk some senses into her. " Kelvin slow down! I have not written my will yet! " He shouted, clutching his chest. I slowed down the car in frustration." Sorry" i muttered. I followed the bus and got stuck in a little street traffic. The traffic was moving nicely and the bus was still in my sight. It should make a stop at the next bus stop already i thought frustratingly. I followed the bus onto the highway. " My God what is that crazy driver doing?" Tosin shouted in fear. Truly the crazy driver was trying to takeover a fuel tanker. It seems the tanker driver was resisting the overtake. The driver relented and the tanker driver got through. The driver tried to overtake a private car once again, it swerved and hit the pavement causing a traffic light to crash down heavily on it and the bus went up in flames. I got down and started running towards the inferno. People were running helter skelter, some motorists fled down from their cars, some people were already trying to put out the fire with buckets of sands. I forced my way through the onlookers, i kept screaming out her name and i was close to the burning bus when i felt a hard hand on my shoulder. " Kelvin are you mad?" Tosin pulled me back. " Tomi..... My Tomi is in there" i shouted. " Call the fire services!" The crowd was pouring sand and soapy water on the bus. I suddenly remembered the fire extinguisher in the trunk of my car. I stood few feets from the burning bus and trained it on it until the empty can remained in my hand. A distant siren could be heard now, i had thought it was the fire fighters but it was the police men. " Kelvin step back!" Tosin drew me aside as one of the glasses exploded and flew in several directions. The policemen were now pushing onlookers backwards . " Come, Come" Tosin Pulled on my hand. " Its over" " Tosin am i dreaming?" i asked. To be continued..
12 Jan 2017 | 18:04
Next pls!
13 Jan 2017 | 01:54
13 Jan 2017 | 02:11
I pray Kelvin was dreaming.
13 Jan 2017 | 03:04
13 Jan 2017 | 03:48
Tomi cannot die na
13 Jan 2017 | 04:00
Oh she Is dead
13 Jan 2017 | 04:34
Seriously.. ... Am I dreaming ? hope it's not what am thinking ooo ?
13 Jan 2017 | 05:49
Ah... Adebola Eyitomi.. ....... Just like that? ?
13 Jan 2017 | 05:56
Tomi cnt die! Dis cnt b happening
13 Jan 2017 | 06:20
I simply love this story
13 Jan 2017 | 08:33
Please next
13 Jan 2017 | 10:54
13 Jan 2017 | 14:39
No u are nt
13 Jan 2017 | 15:15
EPISODE 35 Continues.. Tosin Kelvin had been in his room for days. He was in such a sorry state after the Iil incident which occured some days ago. His beards were over grown and the only thing he had appetite for was the bottles. He had emptied all the bottles in his bar, his mother had gone to look for him when she didn't hear from him only to find him laying in his own vomit. She called for an ambulance which took him to the hospital and he was admitted but on opening his eyes he had demanded to be discharged at once and he had gone right back to the bottles. For some crazy reasons i decided to ring Tomi' s cell but it was declared not available. Although she had a low self esteem and she lacked confidence she was a hard worker and she was honest. How i wish things had turned out differently for her and Kelvin. I tried to draw him out but he wouldn't even open the door and only God knows what havoc he was wrecking on himself and his liver behind that closed door. His mother too had also gone up again to see if she could at least convince him to open the door. " I still can't believe that she is gone" Victoria sobbed. " Why does Linda wreck havoc wherever she goes? why is she so heartless?" " Vicky there was an accident and your sister wasn't the one behind the wheels of that bus." " She is not my sister! i am actually glad now that she is not my blood!" " Victoria don't " i cautioned her. " What are you saying Child?" My mother asked. " She is your sister and it wasn't her fault." Kelvin' s mother walked into the room and sat down pensively. " Tosin who was this girl....the one that died" She asked ." Who was she to my son?" " She was Kelvin' s woman and he loved her" i replied. " How is Linda involved in this?" she demanded. " I don't know but she must have said some nasty words to her to make her leave here so abruptly on that fateful day. Hell! This is all so fucking crazy! Tomi doesn't deserve to die that way!" " Tosin watch your language" My mother admonished. " I am sorry" " The bus went up in flames before your eyes and nobody survived?" Mrs Adediwura asked with palpable concern, her eyes were misty. " No one deserves such gruesome death. Even animals are not roasted while they still have breath in them". " She was such a good natured and kind hearted person.She wouldn't even hurt a fly." Victoria said. " Does anyone know where her people live? have they been notified?" Mrs Adediwura asked. " Onyinye and Dantata should know where they live." Victoria replied. " I will see to it that she is given a proper burial" Mrs Adediwura said, wiping away tears." Linda will never become my son' s bride as long as i am still alive." She promised. " Have you been to the morgue? and has her body been identified? " " I went to the mortuary yesterday with Dantata. They were all...........they were badly charred. " i replied. not realizing the effect my word would have on the women present. They all burst into tears and i regretted my thoughtlessness. Mrs Adediwura, Kelvin' s mother, left the room to and my mother followed her. I got up from where i sat and sat close to Vicky. I pulled her into my arms gently while she sobbed her heart out. ********************************************************** We all went to the morgue the next day and we were surprised to be informed that all the bodies had been claimed by their families except that of the useless driver. We decided to go see Tomi' s family and lend them our support. We drove down to Ojota where Dantata said they lived and for almost thirty minutes we have been knocking but no one has answered the door yet. " Are you sure this is where they live?" My mother asked. Dantata pounded on the closed door several before replying. " Yes ma. I have been here thrice" " Where could they have gone to?" Mrs Ade asked. " I think we should ask the people in the next house" Victoria said. Two little boys ran into the compound rolling tyres with their hands.They were laughing at the top of their voices about something. I felt a heavy pang in my heart. The young boys reminded me of my brother and i when we were still boys. We used to watch each other' s back, we used to play and climb trees in our yard. We skimmed our knees several times on our adventures and delusional missions to save the world. That was before my paternal grandmother came back from the states and pitted us against each other. I forced back the image of Sola as a young child and whistled to the boys. They came charging towards us in a playful race. " Hello guys. Do you know where Mr and Mrs Adebola lives?" They exchanged looks. " We don't know them " one of them answered. " He means the people residing here" Dantata explained. " In this compound " " Oh okay! Mummy Tomi and Daddy Tomi!" they both chorused. " Yes" Victoria said, in a bid to urge them to reply faster. " They went for a burial" " Burial? Where?" Mrs Ade asked them. " My mummy said they went for a burial. Johnson you know aunty Tomi that gives us sweet and that round thing?" He asked his partner. " She's the one that died." " It is robo joor! Not round thing. I know nau. The burial is in Ibadan even my mother followed them." Young Johnson replied. " Thank you very much" Mrs Ade said, slipping them each a thousand naira. They jumped up happily, thanked her profusely before racing out of the yard. Dantata slipped his hand round Victoria ' s shoulder pulling her firmly to his side.That singular act had my blood raising and i walked angrily out of the compound. To be continued..
13 Jan 2017 | 16:35
Dis Tomi sef dey fuck-up big time! I pray she survive!
13 Jan 2017 | 16:39
Stupid girl. See how she take kill herself
13 Jan 2017 | 16:49
it must be a dream
13 Jan 2017 | 17:07
why now Tomi cannot die, she was my favourite character why!!!!!!!!!
13 Jan 2017 | 17:15
pls whoever is sleeping and dreaming should wake up(weeping)
13 Jan 2017 | 17:19
is tomi really dead cuz I cnt bliv dis
13 Jan 2017 | 17:57
careless driver...hope nothing happens to Tomi!
13 Jan 2017 | 20:08
thy might be burying another person thinking it was Tomi
14 Jan 2017 | 02:06
Dunno wat to say yet. I still dnt believe it
14 Jan 2017 | 03:02
Tomi never die...... She's probably in her house messing things up and eating popcorn
14 Jan 2017 | 03:44
Oh my God
14 Jan 2017 | 05:44
This is a dream!!! Let's go ND search her house nah
14 Jan 2017 | 05:48
14 Jan 2017 | 06:26
What!!!??? No, it can't be....Tomi must not die
14 Jan 2017 | 07:49
EPISODE 36 Continues.. Victoria " Linda! Linda!" I screamed entering the house. She ran down the stairs and paused. " What happened? " she asked in her usual tone of indignation. " You are not worthy to be classed among humans! you are a beast " i screamed at her, because of her Tomi was dead. It was all her fault! Auntie Maggie ran in from the kitchen, with an apron in her hands. " What is going on?" she asked. " You better stay out of this" Linda hissed at her. She turned to me, " Little sister you have something to say to me?" " You killed her! Are you happy now? what did she ever do to you?" " I heard she was roasted like a potato " she smirked. " How was that my fault?" I lunged for her but Auntie Maggie intercepted my movement, pulling me backwards. I wanted to claw out her eyes, i wanted her to feel the pains Tomi must have gone through. " What is wrong with the two of you!" She shouted at us. " Your mother will surely be ashamed at how you have turned out!" I shook my head in pity. " She must be rolling in her grave and regretting ever bringing you into this world!" She folded her arms across her chest, her head tilted slightly to the left, her eyes were fixed on me.she seemed to be reasoning something i must have said or maybe she was thinking of a witty comeback. " My mother?" " It is enough girls." Auntie Maggie said, pleading silently with her eyes. " You know you have been acting weird these past few weeks, disappearing at whim and sneaking around. But i want you to know this Vicky, whatever it is i will dig it out."Linda promised. ' You are sick Linda! Very sick and you disgust me" She brushed past me out of the house and i went into my room, my sanctuary, and wept for Tomi. She was there for me when i needed a shoulder to lean on and i didn't even get to say good bye to her. I decided to have an early dinner so i won't have to endure the presence of my family. I served myself and went back to the dinning. The food sat untouched for so long, i just couldn't bring myself to eat while my friend was being lowered to the cold hard ground.I picked up the food and went to the backyard where our dogs were. I poured the cold food into their food bowl and let them out of their kennel. They wagged their tails, their tongues dropping spittle in excitement. They rushed the food aggressively like they had not eaten all day. I was getting comfy on the sofa with a book when the gateman ran in shouting. " Madam! Madam! Come see ooo" he screamed, running into the living room. " What happened?" i asked him, getting up in fear. " Why are you shouting like the devil is after you?" " Madam my mouth no fit talk am oo" he answered, running out again. I followed him out into the yard and stopped short. My heartbeat was slamming so hard against my chest. Tara and Tania, the dogs, were both on the grass near their food bowl and they were foaming at the mouth. I squatted down, gently touching their fur, they were both stiff. I closed my eyes, as the raw pain of their sudden death hit me with a force, i felt like a bullet had been lodged between my eyes. I glanced back towards the house, someone in that house, someone i call family had poisioned my food and because of me these poor creatures had lost their lives. *************************** Linda I knocked on the door of dad' s study, he looked up as i entered.I felt like running into his arms and sobbing it all out despite everything he had done. Because of him i am addicted to inflicting pains on others, because of him i feel i have to always be in control, because of him i have come to hate myself and how ruthless i am. I might be so tough on the outside but inside i am all mushed up and scared. I cried myself to sleep when i heard of Tomi' s death. Yes, she was encrouching on my property but she didn't deserve such horrible death. Yes, she was messing with my carefully laid out plans but i didn't wish her dead. Everyone held me responsible for her death, Auntie Maggie looks at me like i had suddenly grown a horn on my forehead, Kelvin won't pick my calls and even Victoria had taken to accusing me.I never had a romantic notion towards Kelvin, it wasn't even my wish to saddle him into a marriage we both don't want but he was my key now, the passport to achieving my goal. Once my father feels that i was more responsible he would come to trust me and once his guard is down i will strike. All i wanted was to get back all that belonged to my late mother for my sister and i. I just couldn't let Tomi or anyone else mess up things for me. That is why i won't sit back and watch my father remarry, i wanted to spare Auntie Maggie the pain and shame she would go through when i finally expose him to the world. I know how messy it would get, the media would feed on it and it would impact on each one of us one way or the other. Tomi wasn't supposed to die, nobody was supposed to die. Well, maybe my father could decide to end his own miserable life and save me all the stress i have to go through. " Sit down Linda" My father said. I sat down woodenly, for once doing what i was asked to. " Chief has called off the wedding." He said. I was stunned and i struggled not to break down in front of him. That wedding has to take place! i had put in so much to lose out at this stage. " Why?" i asked, calmly. " You know why. Since you are off the hook be prepared to sign my company back to me" he said. " No. Never! " I pushed back the chair and stood up angrily. " That company belonged to my mother and by right it belongs to me! I am her blood!" " I won't argue with you. I will see you tomorrow in the presence of my lawyers" " You wouldn't dare! i will expose you! I will tell the whole world what you did!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face. Why now? When i was so close to getting it right! " I will air out your stinky laundry to the world! " He removed his eye glasses. " What are you talking about? expose me?" " Joseph Nwosu you might fool everyone else but you don't fool me!" I said, banging my hands on his desk. " I will expose you!". " Care to tell me my crime?" He asked, unconcerned. " You may pretend all you want but i saw you! i saw you!" i cried out. " You have to convince Chief, he can't call off the wedding!" " It is best for everyone involved." He told me. " The only reason you agreed to it in the first was because of your greed. I am ashamed of you Linda! you make my heart ache and i regret that you are my blood." he looked me in the eye." You have brought me nothing but sorrow and shame! if it wasn't because of the love i had for your late mother i would have cut you off without a penny". " Then be prepared to have your name splashed on the headline of every newspaper in Nigeria" I threatened, meaning every single word." I swear it to you that i will bring you down on your knees in shame!". " Is that a threat?" He asked. " Call it whatever you want! if you try to take the company away from me i will let the whole world know how you murdered your own wife in cold blood! " " I murdered Jennifer?" " I saw you! She threatened to cut you out of her will! and the next day she was dead!" He blanched, his jaw slackened and dropped open. That was all the answer i needed. I whirled around and bumped into Victoria. From the ashen look on her face it was obvious that she heard the whole conversation. To be continued..
14 Jan 2017 | 08:10
she just waste herself
14 Jan 2017 | 08:11
this is not good
14 Jan 2017 | 08:16
There is problem oh but one thing is sure,tomi isn't dead
14 Jan 2017 | 08:57
14 Jan 2017 | 09:25
ya shouldn't have told him ya knw abt t Linda
14 Jan 2017 | 10:20
he might kill ya too, ya ain't safe
14 Jan 2017 | 10:21
hmm.. real story is abt to drop
14 Jan 2017 | 11:15
is she truly dead
14 Jan 2017 | 13:06
Threat threat threat
14 Jan 2017 | 13:18
So my Tomi actually died!
14 Jan 2017 | 14:37
I dey suspect aunt Maggie ooo
14 Jan 2017 | 14:39
Tomi isn't dead oo
14 Jan 2017 | 16:04
What a family
14 Jan 2017 | 17:07
Hmmmmm....I can't she is death ooo
14 Jan 2017 | 17:16
this is bad
14 Jan 2017 | 17:20
Tomi can't die just like that
14 Jan 2017 | 18:14
EPISODE 37 Continues.. Three weeks later............ Tomi Dad grumbled all the way home from Ibadan. First, we had to pull over twice for me to throw up, secondly the rickety old taxi we boarded broke down at Ojodu Berger and we had to push it for several hours. My mother and Mama Johnson gossiped about everyone that attended the burial. They kept comparing and arguing about who really sprayed much money and whose lace was truly from dubai, this incessant argument grated heavily on my nerves but i had to clam my mouth shut out of respect for both women. The taxi driver stopped in front of our compound and i lept down rushing to the nearest gutter to throw up. The women carried the things we brought back into the house. I could hear them arguing as they shared the chunks of fried beef from the party. The party had lasted a whole week because Aunt Eyitomi, who i was named after was an influential woman and she was a great philanthropist who had touched many lives positively. Her will was read the second week and i was willed a greater portion of her assests because i was her favorite niece and she had no child of her own. " Your aunt had to die when we least expected it. What is she rushing to heaven for?" Dad muttered under his breathe, she was his only surviving sibling and he was trying to hide how hurt he was. " Let me run home Mama Tomi. I will come back to help you tidy up" Mama Johnson said, she had followed us to Ibadan and spent that first week there. She had come back home and returned just the day before to help my mother. " OK o....Oshey" Mom said. " Wa re ni sefun iwo naa o" I went into my room and collapsed on the bed. My mom opened the door and entered. " Pele oko mi ........i know you are tired." She said with motherly concern. " Thank you Mom" " know you can always talk to me" " Yes mom, i know." " Alright" She said, before walking out of the room. To be continued..
15 Jan 2017 | 02:06
Tomi cnt b dead...i dt bliv daht!
15 Jan 2017 | 02:13
Wow...she z alive!!!
15 Jan 2017 | 02:14
Tomi, here she comes super rich n blah
15 Jan 2017 | 02:43
oooh kumbe it was another Tomi who died? And now she is carrying junior Kelvin in her tummy
15 Jan 2017 | 03:05
So hw did she survive
15 Jan 2017 | 03:25
I know my Tomi will not die
15 Jan 2017 | 03:48
So short
15 Jan 2017 | 05:19
I said it, she was at home, probably eating peanuts
15 Jan 2017 | 05:25
Thank God she survived, she can't die just like that.
15 Jan 2017 | 05:58
ohhh.. am now relieved
15 Jan 2017 | 06:26
How managed she survive such a terrible accident
15 Jan 2017 | 07:17
Next pls, tnk heavens tomi survived.
15 Jan 2017 | 07:21
Great! Next pls
15 Jan 2017 | 07:33
I knew she was gona survive
15 Jan 2017 | 08:02
oh, she's alive, daht great!
15 Jan 2017 | 08:36
15 Jan 2017 | 08:57
EPISODE 38 Continues.. Tomi The letter was the first thing i saw on opening the door, It must have been pushed underneath it. Maybe it was from Kelvin. I have tried to put him out of my mind but he keeps sneaking back into my thoughts. Another thing left for me to do is to send Tosin Williams my letter of resignation. A fat tear dropped out of the corner of my eyes. My life was such a mess and despite my resolve to be strong and fight for what was mine, once again i was running back to my hole to hide. I picked up the envelope, slip out the folded paper encased in it. A smile flickered on my face, the letter was dated three weeks back. Dear Tomi, I know it has been long you heard from me but what can a man do? A man needs to hustle and by hustle I mean, carve out a life for himself. I know I am like one of those regular guys you see in school who had things going on for them. You really do not know me as you think you do. Don’t be scared, I am not a serial killer and my name is still Dantata. But there are many things I did and have done that I am not proud of. I love Victoria and it is only expedient if you know that ever since I had seen her, I wasn’t able to get her out of my mind. There is this tender spirituality that emanates from around her and one can easily get infected with the goodness of her heart. Yes, I had once gone on a paid date with her. I charged her the sum of two hundred thousand naira which she did not hesitate to pay or so i thought until i opened the envelope and saw twenty thousand. Yea i give it to her, she got me good.But do you know the truth? The money and the envelope still lies in my wardrobe in the house. I did not touch a dime in that envelope. What i did for her, I did from the goodness of my heart. I have done things that I am not proud of. Not because I wanted to but because I needed to. By needed, I mean, to satisfy and feed the ego of my mother and sister. We are not really who you think we are and my family do not own a chain of businesses. What we have today is gotten from me selling myself with the help of my mother as a sugar-boy to older women. I have never experienced that thing called love. Meeting Victoria kind of triggered that dormant part of my heart. A feeling that I never knew was there started flowing through my veins and it was like I was born again. I realised that I had believed in a lie all my life that a man got to do what he had to do. Catch your breath Tomi. I have a confession to make. Do not hold it against me for keeping it away from you since you have shared your heart and your utmost fears with me. From that bully of a pompous child called Richie down to that silent killer (I know what I am talking about, I have seen his eyes) of a hunk called Kelvin. Your pains, your gains and your intermediary confusions. You told me everything, yet know so little about me. To you I am Dantata and my father Alhaji Aliyu died in a plane crash many, many years ago. First, how would one die in a plane crash that was not broadcasted on television or even on newspaper? Why was there no government representative on the day of his funeral? And why did my mother overcome the grief of his death so quickly that made her start partying with the bigger women the very next week? All these are questions that are begging for answers. Answers which I shall provide to you. Answers which I just came to find out about some weeks ago. Answers that even made me doubt my very existence. Now I had to leave home, away from those whose heart is set on the ideals and cares of this world. Those who wouldn’t hesitate to put a dagger to my heart when they find out I am about to spill the beans on them. They are my mother and sister, Surraiya. It is painful that I had to leave those who had truly loved me too and would have stood by me through thick and thin. Those in whom I saw hope through in this whole hullabaloo. You and the rest of them. My father is not dead. He is very much alive. Hold on, do not get excited. It is better I tell you the story from the beginning, maybe you might understand the mystery surrounding his death and resurrection. *************************************** Aliyu knew only how to do one thing. Gamble. He was notorious for that in faraway Kano where his roots and origins are. He did not see it as a sin against his religion since to him, it was a sure and easy way to make money. It was also clean money since he wasn’t robbing someone that did not want to get robbed. From rolling dice, to the boring WHOT then to the ever sure poker. He had mastered all the tricks in the game and could easily flip cards without you noticing. This is a man who had spent many a night up, playing against himself and calculating all the possible moves of his opponents. Consider how he could easily make money and carve out a niche for himself on the gambling streets of Kano and the headquarters of all gamblers located at Zoo Road. Aliyu had seen people rise from nothing to something. He had seen rags to riches and riches to rags. People had deliberately jumped into the hyenas cage in the zoo and had gotten torn apart when they realised that they had been soaked in debts that they would not be able to settle even in a hundred years. Men who were once rich and affluent had been reduced to nothing. These same men took the easy way out. A shot of carbide in their drinks of fura da nono. These didn’t deter Aliyu as he learnt the rope and proceeded to climb up the ladder of success. He got his first Kawasaki bike from gambling and instantly became the toast of the town. From the regular karuwai (commercial sex workers) to the dan-daudus (male prostitutes), all wanted to be in good records and flaunted their assets before him. The ladies, their boobs and their buttocks, the men, their flat chests and their ability to cook delicious meals. Then being feminine wasn’t frowned upon by the Kano State government. Late ‘80s, a crack began on the gamblers all through Kano state. The agitation for the full implementation of Sharia laws had begun. Those who were considered unfit for the society, the karuwais and the dan-dandus, were locked up. The Hisbah (Sharia police) constantly raided gambling spots. There was no prolong court cases as the judge had a powerful backup. The holy book. From there judgments were read and meted out to erring individuals. Those whose hands were amputated went through the blade. Those to be beheaded disappeared mysteriously and those to serve jail terms and prison sentences were in their hundreds. The Goron Dutse Prisons was filled to the capacity. Aliyu was one of those who escaped the onslaught of the rampaging religious fanatics as he liked to call them. He packed all his money in a Ghana-must-go bag, shaved his beards and his hairs, went to the train station and boarded a Lagos bound train. He wanted to start afresh in a new environment, away from his past and maybe make some legal money for once. Aliyu landed in Lagos, with the only shirt on his back and a bag full of money. The environment and the language was strange, as everybody spoke Yoruba to you without first considering the fact that you could be from another part of the country. He had to speak English in return to be able to communicate with ease. Ajegunle was his place of little beginnings until he met his wife, Chinenye. It was in a nightclub in the highbrow of Lagos. Beautiful, curvy in the right places and had a sultry voice. She danced with him all night and by 4:00am, took his hand and led him through a dark alley to a point where she went on her knees and gave him an earth shattering orgasm through a blow-job. The sex that followed was one that lingered on Aliyu’s brain for a long long time. He kept going back; taking more money with him for the demands of Chinenye was growing by the nights. It was the fifth week, during one of their rendezvous that she, wrapping her hands around his neck had whispered in his ears: “What’s your name?” Aliyu was taken aback. He knew her name for the bouncers and club attendants always referred to her with it. “Aliyu.” He had replied. A kiss greeted his moist lips. His hands was handling away her breasts. “Alhaji Aliyu you mean?” She asked him. Aliyu smiled from where he sat behind her with her buttocks grinding slowly against his pelvic region. “No. I have not made the pilgrimage to Mecca yet.” She turned to look at his face. Aliyu wondered what was racing through Chinenye's mind. “Mecca or not, to me, you are Alhaji Aliyu.” And so Aliyu was rechristened. Chinenye took him to places he had always dreamed of going. His money was fast going down for the life was fast or Chinenye made it fast. He needed to get money. He only had his National Diploma from Kano State Polytechnic and going after a clerical job wouldn’t make him keep up with the society or so he had thought. He decided to return to the only thing he knew how to do. Gambling. Lagos people were smart but he was smarter. He won cash on the streets, won them in alleys and finally in Casinos. It was a thriving business for him. He hardly lost and recovered all he had spent almost immediately. Chinenye agreed to become his wife on the condition that he moved from Ajegunle to the high brows. He was blinded by love so did not realize that Chinenye was blinded by money and the lust to be among the high and the mighty. He was lucky to have bought a house, furnished it according to the taste of Chinenye and moved in immediately. The first child was given birth to and life was good, no hitch on the fast lane that they were travelling. Chinenye had also made a name for herself parading as the wife of Alhaji Aliyu. Alhaji Aliyu was well known in the inner circle as a great gambler but to the outer circle, he was a great businessman like his distant Cousin, Aliko Dangote. To make people believe he was remotely related to the great business tycoon, he named his second child, a boy, Dantata. This he said was in honour of the cousin of Dangote whose father had provided the capital that had made Dangote the household name he was in the northern part of the country. Instead of progressing as Aliyu had envisaged some three years later after the birth of Dantata, things took a nose dive. The magic touch left Aliyu and the money stopped coming in regularly, they came intermittently. Instead of Chinenye to understand, she became more demanding and also increased her social circle. His daughter was spoilt too like her mother for she demanded for the most expensive toys and new clothes every week to put on show in school in order to showcase the wealth of her father. ******************************************* Aliyu had not planned it. No, he just knew that he took Chinenye with him on one of his gambling spree. There he was, facing Bulla-dabba, an old opponent who had relocated to Lagos too from Kano. The game was going in the favour of Aliyu until he was nudged by Chinenye. He threw all his chips in, every single one. What was the result? Bulla-dabba won that game. Aliyu was devastated. Chinenye kept her cool. Bulla-dabba had been taking lustful glances at Chinenye from the beginning. He brought a suggestion. “Aliyu, why don’t you play your wife to regain your money. If you win, you get your money back. If you lost, I go home with a new bride.” Everybody around the table laughed, except Aliyu. He was seriously considering the offer. “Okay, just a game.” And so Chinenye served as the ointment to soothe the bruised ego of Aliyu. Did his Midas touch help him? No. Instead his wife changed places. Aliyu was devastated, but someone was mortified. Chinenye. Maybe it was a stroke of luck or chance. Chinenye spoke for the first time. “Why don’t I play to bail myself and also make some money for myself?” She asked. Bulla-dabba agreed. Chinenye won her freedom and also money for herself. As for Aliyu, he lost the respect of his wife that day. The money she made, she kept for herself and her children, or just her daughter. The boy, Dantata was Aliyu’s responsibility. He took care of him until he was ready to write his senior certificate examination. That was when he had a huge quarrel with his wife. She told him blankly to his face that he wasn’t a man. He was a woman and she was the man of the house. He was broken but that night, he made a decision. He would leave the house that he had bought and would go ahead to build a legacy for himself using a new name and a new identity. To his son, he travelled but to his wife and daughter, he ran away cowardly. ************************************* I was contacted by my father some weeks ago. It was strange at first but it later dawned on me. A ghost wouldn’t call me from the other side using a Ghanaian zip coded line. I was convinced that my father lives. I had tried my best to win the heart of Victoria in the following weeks but Tosin proved a stumbling block, an obstacle I wasn't able to surmount. Maybe, just maybe, Victoria loves him and I, Dantata, a gigolo (something I am not proud of) is incapable of loving. Who would even believe I have a heart. I have something to be thankful to Victoria though, she opened the channel to which I now view the world. I can now love. Forgive me dear Tomi but also pray for me in return as I include you in my daily prayers. Kelvin is a good man and I know (don't start having silly ideas now) that the altar would be your final destination. Forget Linda. I finally had a go at her but she wasn't worth it. Don't judge me please, a man got to do what he has to do to keep body and soul together. Did I forget to mention that it wasn't worth it? She is arrogant, sick and talks about nothing other than power and being in control. I pray her father realizes this quick and seeks the help of a psychiatrist. That girl needs true love. Ghanaian girls are beautiful my dear but I am too busy making money for my dad (which is same as making money for myself) to care about the king size buttocks that they flaunt. I hear they like Nigerians because of their sexual prowess but what do I know? They may just like us because of the money. I will write to you sooner or later when I find the one that makes my blood pump faster than usual. If I don't find a Victoria here, I will return and add another black eye to Tosin's for stopping me from getting Victoria. I won't tell you how it happened my dear, just know that I have a slight scar underneath my lips. That guy can fight for Africa. He met a match in me though. From the deepest part of my heart, I wish you a great life ahead. Naija and Ghana is one. We would definitely see someday. Love from... Dantata Dangote P.S My father is legal, very legal so don't think that using Dangote is one of those things. He just has a new identity. There are comforts though that comes with parading yourself as the niece and cousin of Africa's richest man. To be Continued..
15 Jan 2017 | 10:38
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm interesting but who"s planning 2 kill victoria?
15 Jan 2017 | 11:17
I said it... Tomi can't die just like that
15 Jan 2017 | 11:32
waw thank God Tomi is alive
15 Jan 2017 | 14:14
Linda, ur dad go kill u o!
15 Jan 2017 | 15:30
She is alive nao
15 Jan 2017 | 15:34
Ah 4 talk oh if tomi die tory dn finish na
15 Jan 2017 | 15:45
EPISODE 39 Continues.. Tosin Although i won the battle with Sola but the war was far from being over. Our father willed his properties and company to him. Overnight, my elder brother became a celebrity, who threw elaborate parties every weekend, he changed cars like wears and he was jetting all round the world. One fateful day, i ran into him and my ex_girlfriend at the mall. They were both surrounded by hefty guys in black outfit. I acted like i didn't see them while i continued perusing the watches on display, from the corner of my eyes i caught her whispering something to him. Someone tapped me on my shoulder and i whirled around. One of the tall muscled guy with mean eyes was standing before me. " You are advised to leave here at once while you still have your legs" he said in a deep gruff voice. " Your presence is irritating boss" I dropped the wrist watch i was admiring and left. I drove off to Adediwura and sons Construction company with an idea taking root in my heart. " I need your help" i said without preamble, on getting into his office. " At Your service" Kelvin said. " I want to loan five million naira" " Sure" he replied, bringing out his check book. " What is your interest rate?" i asked him. " Seriously?" He exclaimed. " Name your first son after me" he joked. **************************** I spent the next few months doing my ground work and getting to know those who matters in the society. I attended every gala and fund raiser, i made friends with people who loathed my father and i shined a lot of ego to get them to invest in my business. With the help of these people i kick started my luxury company. Within the next three months i paid off the loan i took from Kelvin. The right contacts and my determination got me to where i have found myself today but despite all these there was still a big void in my life and a gaping hole in my heart. Three years after establishing my own business, i made sure i went after my father' s clients and i was able to convince them to join my team. I heard the hushed talks during social gatherings that my father was bankrupt. The rumour in Town was that Sola had sold off most of his properties and he had also mismanaged the company. To salvage his dying business, he had cut off Sola and put the family house on sale. Initially, i thought they were just rumours but i investigated and was shocked that our family house was truly up for sale. That house meant a lot to me and i devised a means to get it. Jane. She was the neglected wife of an ambassador, she has been giving me the green light but i didn't even spare her a glance. I needed someone to make the purchase of the house on my behalf and she was the right person for the job. During a cocktail dinner, she started flirting with me as usual and i went along with the flow. Few minutes later, she gave her excuses and left. I waited some few minutes before handing in my own excuses. I followed her car, instead of driving to her own house she had driven to a hotel and checked in. I drove into that same hotel and checked in too. She strolled down to the reception as i was given the key to my room. We both acted like we didn't know each other, she followed me and as i was about closing the door, she rapped lightly on it and slipped in. I slipped my hands around her waist taking her to the bed. " I want you to do something for me" i said, knowing she would do anything i asked her in the moment of heat and passion. " name it " she moaned. " I want you to help me buy a house on sale" " That is quiet easy" she smiled. " Your father' s house?" She guessed. " I trust you will go about it with outmost discreet " i said, nippling on her ear lobes. " Trust me" she replied in a sensual voice. True to her words she bought the house and when my father got to know that i moved in with my mother his animosity towards me intensified. He barged in on our second day in the house, he looked older and thin. " I want my house back!" He shouted. " That Eve deceived me! She said she was buying it on behalf of her friend oversea!" " What are you talking about? i advise that you leave before i unleash my dogs on you " " Tosin! " my mom cautioned. " No matter what happen he still your father! " " Mom please stay out of it! Someone barged into my home, he trespassed on my property and he also threatened me! what do you expect me to do?" I asked " You better advice him to leave before i get back". I said, starting towards the staircase. " You will regret this! I will make you pay for this humiliation! " he threatened, before rushing out of the house. To be continued..
15 Jan 2017 | 16:19
Tosin I know he has hurt u a lot but take it easy his still ur dad
15 Jan 2017 | 16:40
I said it
15 Jan 2017 | 17:41
15 Jan 2017 | 17:44
For ur mind
15 Jan 2017 | 21:25
that serves him right
16 Jan 2017 | 02:00
I know how she cheated death , n I guess she's pregnant too
16 Jan 2017 | 03:22
Dats haw we roll
16 Jan 2017 | 03:33
Tosin your father no get shame
16 Jan 2017 | 03:40
16 Jan 2017 | 03:56
Tosin father no get shame at all u want ur house after u don sell am
16 Jan 2017 | 07:37
Good, I love the way the story goes!
16 Jan 2017 | 07:46
EPISODE 40 Continues.. Tomi The letter slowly slipped out of my hands, my face was drenched with tears and i wish i could see Dantata right then to give him a tight hug. He had been through so much in his young life but he doesn't wear it on his sleeve. If he could go through all that and still maintain a smile on his face then it was time i stop seeing myself as a victim. The world owe me nothing and it was time i stand by my resolution. I wondered if it was too late for me, i wondered if Kelvin and i still had a chance, i grabbed my purse and ran out of the house. My mother was right, she had tried to speak some senses into me. Her words kept ringing in my mind. " Tomi i know that you are lazy and you like to take your time when doing things but you can't go about a relationship in such manner." She had said, " You don't run at the first sight of trouble , it's not a garden or bed of roses there's bound to be obstacles and challenges but in the end all that will bing you both closer and it will make your love for each other wax stronger" " Mom you don't even know half of it or how complicated it is" i replied. " Do you love him and has he been good to you?" " well......" " Yes or no?" " Yes mom." " Then what are you still waiting for? we African women we fight for what belongs to us and we don't mind getting some dirt on us to keep what is ours". I snapped out of my riverie. If Linda can fight dirty to get what she wants then i will too and by God i am not going to back down without a fight this time around. " Please can you go faster?" i asked the cab driver. " OK ma." He answered. ********************************************* I jumped out of the cab and raced for the gate. I pounded on the gate and it was opened by the gate man. I ignored his greetings and raced to the house, i ran into someone and stumbled backwards. He reached to steady me and instantly let go of my hand, his eyes widened in shock or fear. " To.....Tomi" he stuttered moving backwards. " Tosin, i mean Mr.Williams " i said." I am here to see Kelvin" " God! Am i going mad?" He exclaimed. " What are you doing here? could this be?" He kept moving backwards." I am definitely hallucinating " " I don't understand what you are saying. But i suppose you angry with me because i stopped coming to work without formally resigning. I apologize, i planned on bringing the letter this week" " are not dead?" " Dead?" I repeated. " Why would you think so?" " There..... there was an accident. The....the bus caught fire." " Accident? Fire? When?" " My God! I .....I saw your.....your.....corpse with my own eyes" " God forbid " I shouted." Tosin are you......are you alright?" " You are not dead? then what the hell happened?" " Where is Kelvin?" i asked." Maybe you should explain what you are going on about to me" " You ran out of here on that day, Kelvin and i followed you and we saw you got into a bus" he said, expelling out air. " we followed the bus and the bus hit a lamp post and went up in flames" " Oh my God!" I exclaimed, covering my mouth with my hands." Yes i was in the bus but we were stuck in traffic and i got a call from my mom so i got down from the bus and took a bike instead. You thought that i was dead?" He moved closer and drew me into his arms fiercely. " Oh Tomi.....I am so relieved that you weren't in the bus." He abruptly pulled back." We came to your house and we were told that you were being buried in Ibadan by two little boys". " Awww that was my aunt! i was named after her. No wonder Kelvin didn't try to reach me." I moaned." Where is he?" " Tomi a lot has happened in the last three weeks." " he alright?" " He almost went crazy and...." He trailed off. I made to run into the house but he held me back. " Please tell me he's fine!" " He's fine but he's not here" he assured me. " Why didn't anyone contact me?" " Tomi we thought you were dead! that would be the last thing on our minds but i tried your number for days to no avail." " Where is he? where?" " On his way to the church" That was when i took in what Tosin was putting on. He was dressed in a navy blue suit and he was groomed like he was going for his wedding. " Why?" i cried out." What is going on?" " Come. Come with me, it is not too late after all". he said. To be continued..
16 Jan 2017 | 08:27
pay back time
16 Jan 2017 | 08:45
d wedding must nt take place ooo
16 Jan 2017 | 08:53
Tosin u gat to take it easy
16 Jan 2017 | 09:10
He is getting married?
16 Jan 2017 | 09:11
hope it's not what i'm thinking?
16 Jan 2017 | 09:46
This serious
16 Jan 2017 | 12:30
OMG why will Kelvin do that so quick
16 Jan 2017 | 13:11
EPISODE 41 Continues.. Linda " I murdered Jennifer?" My dad asked. " I saw you! She threatened to cut you out of her will and the next day she was dead!" I whirled around and bumped into Victoria.From the ashen look on her face she must have heard the whole conversion. She turned around and ran up the stairs. I followed her up the stairs and knocked on her door. I could hear her crying, i pushed the door and entered the room. I sat down next to her on the bed while she scooted further from me. " Vick I am sorry you heard that. That wasn't the way i planned on telling you " . " You are both the same! You are both murderers" " Please hear me out little sis" " I am not your sister! and i am glad now that i am in no way related to you!" " What are you saying? you are my sister! I know you are angry with me now....." " He poisoned my food! why? what is my crime? " she cried out. " What?" I was stunned." What are you saying?" ' Few minutes ago i dished my food but i lost my appetite and i took it out for the dogs" she sniffed back tears." Tara and Tania are both dead now" I gasped. " Oh my God! they.....they are both dead?" I stood up." Why would he want you dead?" " Because i am not his child!" I sat immobile while she relayed everything to me, i couldn't help the tears drifting down my cheeks. " Are you certain about the result?" I asked when she was done." I remember Mom being sick a lot and when she told me i was going to have a baby sister i thought she was pregnant besides i was only a child then " i said. " Yes i am certain about the DNA result and i guess he found out somehow and that was why he tried to poison me" She shivered. " I am sorry for all i have done to you Victoria and you will always be my sister. I was jealous of the love and attention they showered on you as a child. I felt neglected and i was bitter because i knew my mother' s murderer yet i didn't do anything about it." " You shouldn't have confronted him that way! What do we do Linda?" She asked in fear. " Grab a few clothes. We will go to the Adediwuras" " They don't want to see you Linda". " I know but they will take you in and there's something i think you should know but i will tell you on the way". I helped her pack a few clothes and we went into my room while i also took few clothes and we stole out of the house. On the way i stopped the car and prayed she will understand what i was about to tell her. " Vicky there's something else that i didn't tell you ". She looked so vulnerable and scared that i felt a tug on my heart. " I am listening " she replied quietly. " I......i was behind your abduction " i gave her a quick glance to gauge her reaction but she looked so still and i let out a weary sigh." I had my reasons and i did it in our interest." " OK" " I found our mom' s diary. Several pages was torn out, but in her last entry she wrote that she had called her lawyers on that night she died and she had gone to change the content of her will. I was to be given all the properties after my wedding. She only left the Lagos branch to dad as his punishment. " " What did he do?" " That i don't know but she felt betrayed by him" i replied. " So why was i abducted?" " Dad doesn't know this. He assumed everything was his after her death and he never contacted the lawyers and they also didn't contact him because of her instruction" i said, " Unknown to me, they kept a tab on me all these years, waiting for me to come of age before contacting me and we arranged for a meeting at Abuja. I didn't want to arouse dad's suspicion so i lied that i was meeting with some potential clients and i didn't know if i could trust you with all these so...." " So you had me abducted " she finished for me. " If you are getting all the properties, why were you fighting for the Lagos branch?" " I wanted to beat him at his game! he doesn't deserve to get a pin out of her properties!" " Is that why you were keen on marrying Kelvin? why him? Why not anyone else?" " I know dad will want to contest the will and Chief Adediwura being a greedy man will give me the back up i need as his daughter_in law" I explained, " Secondly, that is the only way i could get him to sign over the Lagos branch to me which he has already done" " In all of these you thought of only yourself and how it will benefit you. " she said, " You didn't give a thought to how emotional stressed i would be before you ordered me abducted. You never even spared a thought for the poor innocent guy you want to drag to the altar! neither did you spared a moment' s thought for Poor Tomi! how are you different from dad?" She spat out. " Do you know how many tortures you have put Auntie Maggie through? even asking her to lie that she ordered Tomi to be arrested just to make you look like a saint before everyone else!". " I know i am a terrible person! I know! but i was doing it for us! you and I". " You and that Onyinye you make me sick. I don't think i will ever forgive you both for Tomi' s death! You pushed her into getting on that bus! never will i forgive the both of you!" " I regret it Vicky. Believe me i do! i was doing it for us" i cried, my cheeks was drenched with my tears." I am not asking for your forgiveness, no i am not that heartless. I don't expect you to forgive me despite all that i have done. I am only asking you to understand." She nodded. " Can we go now?" I drove down to Kelvin' s house. Fortunately, his parents had gone back to their place and the only person with him was Tosin. We met him in the living room watching a football match, he stood up and helped us with the bags, he pulled Vicky to his side protectively. " Linda i don't think Kelvin want you here" he said. " I know" " Tell him Linda. Tell him everything you told me" i heard my sister say. " He's a good guy. Trust him" We sat down and i poured it all out to him. By the time i finished he had a tight expression on his face and his hands were knotted in a fist. I looked up to see Kelvin staring at me intently. He looked like a man inflicted with madness, his beards and hair was shaggy, his eyes were puffy and red and he looked starved. I silently went on my knees, begging his forgiveness. I was selfish and i thought of only myself. I let Onyinye fuel and feed my anger and it grew into hatred. He kept staring at me, his eyes boring holes into me. " You can't go back there" Tosin spoke out." You should both stay here while we figure out what to do". " I couldn't save Tomi' s life and even though i hold you responsible for her death, i will stand before a preacher and give you my last name and protection." Kelvin said solemnly, " After that you are on your own" He walked back the stairs. I stood up and picked up my bag. " What are you doing?" Vicky cried." Are you trying to get yourself killed?" " I will stay in a hotel tonight and i will go back home tomorrow. " i said, " He doesn't see me as a threat yet because he didn't read her last diary entry. I only become a threat when he finds out that he won't be getting anything and he had foolishly signed off his only inheritance to me". I walked out of the house into the darkness. TBC To be Continued..
16 Jan 2017 | 16:02
16 Jan 2017 | 17:07
this is getting serious
16 Jan 2017 | 17:11
next ooooooo plsssssssss
16 Jan 2017 | 18:54
Hmmm, this is really getting tough
17 Jan 2017 | 03:40
17 Jan 2017 | 03:49
Linda needs to be careful
17 Jan 2017 | 03:51
This is getting interesting oooo
17 Jan 2017 | 03:56
This is really tough
17 Jan 2017 | 05:21
17 Jan 2017 | 05:44
More interesting
17 Jan 2017 | 07:53
Thank you all for commenting your views and opinion about this story.. and am here to inform everyone that i can finished the story as quick as possible if you all keep on the good work always try to share your comment each time you read an episode and i also promise to always post the next episode.. thanks..
17 Jan 2017 | 09:20
EPISODE 42 continues.. Tosin I gave a little smile as i watched Mr. Joseph and chief Adediwura pacing up and down outside. Maggie and Kelvin' s mother was wringing their hands in worry. Vicky was also glancing towards the church entrance every second and the pastor has long since fixed himself on the seat behind the pulpit in resignation. They were all agitated because the car conveying Kelvin to the church ought to have arrived several minutes ago. I watched with satisfaction as the people seated in the church whispered amongst each other. Even Kelly, my daughter who was the little flower girl had given up and she had come to sit anxiously beside my mother. I could see thousands of prestigious people in the society seated in the pews, some of them were now thumbing their phones in boredom, while others were gossiping in hushed tones. " Where is Kelvin? he ought to have gotten here by now" Auntie Maggie asked. " He will soon get here, he forgot something important at home and he went back for it" " I thought you went back for it!" His mom said worriedly. " I couldn't find it so i gave him a call and he went back for it" I lied. " What is so important that he had to go back home?" " The rings" i replied tersely. " How could he forget the rings?" His mother asked. " Please go back inside the church, he will get here soon." i replied. The women went back into the church while i walked to the back of the building and knocked on one of the doors. Onyinye, the chief bridesmaid opened the door. " Is Kelvin here now?" She asked. " What took him so long?" I ignored her and entered the room. " Where is he?" Linda asked, " Is he standing me up?" " Tell your friend to excuse us" " Onyinye out!" She ordered. " But...." Onyinye trailed of with her protest, walking out of the room with a huff. " I know he has stood me up" She said to herself. " Tomi is alive" i informed her. She clutched her chest with her left hand, her legs buckled under her and i pulled her close to prevent her from falling. " How? how? how's that possible?" She asked in disbelief. " She.....she is dead." " No she didn't ". " Then why did you all fool me that she died! is this some kind of sick joke? is this Kelvin' s way of punishing me? by deserting me on our wedding day?". " No. He only found out few minutes ago that she was alive and they have reunited" She moved backwards, her chin held up higher. " I will go tell them the wedding has been cancelled" she said, picking up her gown and starting towards the door. " Wait Linda!". She whirled around and paused. Tears of humiliation shinning brightly in her eyes. " Don't you want to know what happened first?" I asked. " There will be tons of questions " She shook her head. " Tomi is alive and that is one guilt off my shoulders. I am not even in love with Kelvin, so he should be with her". She dapped at the tears sneaking out of the corner of her eyes with her finger. " Tosin i have done things which i am not proud of and if given the chance i probably will do them all over again to get what i want. That is just who i am, i always think of myself first before others and i have hurt so many people, innocent people. This time around i want to think of someone else's happiness before mine. If my punishment is to be humiliated in front of thousands of people and be the main dish served for dinner in every home then i think I deserve no lesser punishment." " Your life and property is also at stake here" I reminded her. " No" she shook her head." It no longer matters to me, i will accept it as my fate and i will leave the country " " You can't let your father win. You can't let your mother' s inheritance go to someone who heartlessly squeezed the breath out of her. You have to get back all what belongs to her!" " I don't think it is worth the trouble i have put so many people through " she smiled through her tears. " Vicky was right. You are such a good person. Thank you" she picked up the sides of her flowing white gown again. " I better get this over with before the media gets winds of it". " There will be a wedding" i said, surprising myself. " Whose?" She asked. " Ours" i answered. To be continued..
17 Jan 2017 | 09:22
Tosin marry Linda? complicated
17 Jan 2017 | 09:30
hmmmmm........ wat z he trying 2 do....?
17 Jan 2017 | 09:37
I knew the guy loves her from the beginning ...Nxt pls
17 Jan 2017 | 11:17
17 Jan 2017 | 11:18
Tosin, are yu sure of waht ya sayinq?
17 Jan 2017 | 11:32
What kind of game is this I reall feel like crying for you Linda you are a fighter
17 Jan 2017 | 11:39
Okay....... Dantata abi... Yes beta go 4 tanx giving oh. Victoria is yours now.. .......
17 Jan 2017 | 11:51
17 Jan 2017 | 12:44
oh my God, Tosin and Linda, mmm interesting
17 Jan 2017 | 13:28
EPISODE 43 * Continues* Kelvin After Tomi' s death i lost the will to live. I wanted to drown myself in the bottles so i could join her where she was. I almost succeeded or i thought i did until i opened my eyes in a hospital room with my mother hovering over my bed. I took out the drips and demanded to be discharged. My mother cried and pleaded with me but my mind was made up. For a guy who had played and broken many hearts i was weak. Life had just given me a feel of my own tonic and for the first time in my life i realized what it means to have your heart broken. I kept picturing her face as we made love, her smiles which seems to go all the way to her eyes, her laughter and her voice kept ringing in my ears. Tosin tried his best to draw me out but i had lost all zest for life, it was like my life breath had been sucked out of me. How do you keep breathing when your oxygen tank has been cut off? how do you continue to live when a vital part of your heart has been mercilessly ripped off before your eyes.? How do you survive the thought that you watched helplessly while your heart was being roasted on a pit of fire? I was emotional crippled and i couldn't forgive myself. I had failed to protect the one thing dear to my heart, i failed to protect my woman. My bedroom door creaked open and Tosin, who has been camping at my house ever since the fatal incident occurred came in. " You have to snap out of it Kel" he said." If you continue like this you might end up doing serious damage to your body". " I have heard you " " I made some hot coffee, care for some?" " Yes" He went out of the room and came back with two mugs of coffee. " Has my mom left?" I asked, accepting the mug from his hand. " Yes. They all left like thirty minutes ago" " Have you.....have you seen her corpse?" " Yes and she was buried today" he replied. " Why didn't anyone f*ucking tell me it was today?" I shouted. " My God!" I held my head between my hands in anguish." How could i not get to say good bye to her?" " Sorry man. I didn't know, her parents claimed her body before we could and they took her to their Home Town immediately". He explained. I nodded. " I f*ucked up Tos. I shouldn't have let her out of here in that state.She was so hysterical, i should have tried my best to stop her! This is all my fault!" " It is too late for regrets and blame. Kel, it is time you let go of your guilt" " Hell! " I exclaimed." How are her parents coping? " " I don't know" He said, " My guess is, not too well". " Do you think i should go see them?" " No, that will only cause them more grief." he answered. I fished out a car key under my pillow." I believe this belongs to you. ". He took the key from me." I think we should find a way to lend financial support to her parents but they don't have to know that it came from us". " That is a good idea" i seconded. " I will like to visit her grave" " She wasn't buried here in Lagos" he reminded me know." She was buried in Ibadan " " I will find a way to see her wherever she was laid to rest" i scratched my beards." My life is such a mess! where do i begin from?" " You can start by shaving off those grasses on your jaw " Tosin joked. I laughed for the first time in weeks." How's Kelly?" i asked to change the gloomy atmosphere. " She is fine." He said." She's staying with my mom for now". I nodded. " What is going on in the real world ?" " Dantata" he said between clenched teeth." Nigga thinks he' s God' s gift to women". " He's trespassing on your territory? " I asked " Put him in his place". Tosin looked deep in thought like he was seriously considering what i said. I knew he was deeply thinking of how to put his rival in his place. I couldn't say i was surprised to see him sporting a black eye few days later. I didn't even ask what went down because i knew ' someone' had been put in his place. ************************************* Some days later, i was enjoying the solitude and serenity the darkness of my room provided but Tosin' s shout as he watched a football match downstairs made it impossible for me to surrender myself into the comforting arms of sleep so i decided to go watch it with him but as i opened my door i could hear other voices too. I wanted to go back into my room thinking it was my parents but as i continued to climb the stairs leading to the sitting room downstairs my ear caught the words.... " Tell him Linda. Tell him everything you told me" I crept closer to them and listened as Linda narrated the events that led to her mother' s death and how she had found her mother' s diary only few days after being contacted my her lawyers. She had sounded so vulnerable and lost and i could swear that for once she was scared. " He tried to poison me too!" I heard Victoria cut in. They were all so engrossed in their conversation that they didn't hear me walk into the room. Linda looked up teary eyed and went on her knees before me. " Kelvin i am so sorry for the grief i have caused you. I admit that i was selfish and i thought of only myself." She sobbed." Please find a place in your heart to forgive me". " I couldn't save Tomi's life. Although i hold you responsible for her death i will stand before a preacher and give you my last name and protection " I said." After that you will be on your own". She was still on her knees sobbing as i made my way back the stairs. Yes, she was a terrible person and she allowed her emotions to control her but i couldn't watch her lose her life or lose her inheritance. I have known her since we were children and i knew she would have grown up into a kind and compassionate woman just like her late mother if she hadn't witnessed the death of her mother at the hands of her father. No child deserves to have such weight on their shoulder, nonetheless, she was still a terrible person and i doubt if she could just shed off her wicked character like a new blouse. I owe her nothing but my conscience wouldn't let me watch while another human being is being treated unjustly. I picked up my phone and dialed Chief' s number. " Kelvin, my son how are you?" He asked. " I am fine dad." " Your mother came home an hour ago, she was so worried about you. In fact we all are, you see son, things like this happen and you have to be a man and take heart". " Ok sir" " Women are not worth the trouble son" He said. " It is only a weak man that cries over a woman when there are thousands of beautiful women out there. I presume you called me for a reason". " Dad i want you to call up Mr Joseph and arrange a date for the wedding" " My boy i have called it off. Your mother insisted that she doesn't want Linda in your life anymore so i had to call it off." He said." But i must let you know that Joseph signed off one of his companies to Linda, as her husband you will be in control of it. Marriage to her is a good business i tell you." He laughed loudly. " Set up a date for the wedding and i want it as soon as possible" " That is my son! A lion cannot give birth to a sheep nau. Omo Oko ni e" he laughed heartily." I told your mother that you will soon get over this other girl and that you would come around." He boasted. *********************************** My father contacted Linda' s and a date was fixed for the wedding. I don't know how the women were able to plan an elaborate wedding in such short space of time and they managed to send out thousands of invites too. I couldn't care less if the wedding took place in a rat hole or paradise. All i wanted was to get it done and over with as quick as possible. On the actual day of the wedding i woke up with a nagging headache and i felt like a ram being carted to the slaughter house. Tosin and i were on our way to the church when i realized that i had left the rings back home, I wanted to go back for them but he offered to go back for it with a taxi. Not long after he left i ran into traffic ahead and i was stuck there. My phone buzzed and i picked it up. " Hello. Did you see the rings?" i asked. " I found something better" he said," Where are you?" " Stuck in traffic" i replied. " Wonderful. Find a place to park, i will be with you soon " " What's going on?" I asked." I think i am a little late for the ceremony" " Just trust me Kelvin" When the traffic started moving again, i drove into a car lot just after the traffic light and i dialed his line. " Hello. I am at the car park after the traffic light" I said into the receiver. " Good. Wait for me." Few minutes later, i spotted his car driving into the car park. I walked up to him and stopped in my tracks. I almost fainted at the sight of the person beside him. If Tosin wasn't with her i probably would have thought that i was dreaming. I kept staring at her, in shock and i was lost for words. So many questions were dancing in my mind. " Kelvin" She said, " I am alive" She walked up to me and touched my frozen arm." I wasn't in the bus when it went up in flames, i am so sorry i put you all through stress and emotional turmoil. " She shook my arm gently. " I stayed away because i was angry and i felt used but i have realized that i was wrong. We all have our past and it wasn't right of me to use yours against you ". " Kelvin say something" Tosin said. " You are freaking me out" I was staring at the both of them immobile and my eyes were widened in shock, my jaw hung open and i kept blinking my eyes in confusion. It just couldn't be, i was sure that i was dreaming and i didn't want to succor to the sweet comfort this illusion was giving me that my Tomi was alive. I saw Tosin clenched his fist and before i realized his intent he struck me with his fist, on my jaw. I moved backwards rubbing my aching chin. " Ouch! What was that for?" I moaned. " I told you, you were freaking me out" he replied. " Kelvin i am not dead! " she shouted." Look at me, do dead people look this healthy?" " She's real bro. She wasn't in that bus that caught fire as we thought" " Tomi" My heart was pounding faster. " Tomi" " I am alive Kelvin " I pulled her into my arms, almost squeezing the breath out of her. She was sobbing in my arms while i let a joyfull tear slip out of my eyes. It was a miracle, a gift, that i was holding her in my arms once again. This time around i am never letting go of her again. " Tomi, my love. I almost went crazy when i thought i had lost you forever" i said." Please don't ever do that to me again. Life without you was meaningless, i couldn't sleep, i couldnt eat and i was so lost without you. Don't give me such a fright again. " " I missed you so much too and i was afraid that it was too late for us. Please forgive. " " Just promise never to leave me again. I can't bear it if you leave again" " I promise i will stand by you no matter what happens " She promised. " did it happen?" I asked. " How did you escape unscathed?" She explained how she had gotten a call from her parent about her aunt' s death and she had alighted from the bus to take s bike to her parent's. I wasn't concerned about the details, i was too content and happy to have my Tomi with me, in my arms, where she belongs. Tosin cleared his throat and i released her from my arms but still held her close to my side. " We have another problem" he said. " What happened?,Tomi are you alright? " I asked her. " Your wedding " she replied sadly. " Oh Sh*it! Tomi it is not what you think. I am not in love with her and neither was i happy about it and i wasn't marrying her just to please my family. My father even called off the wedding " I said hurriedly. " I only agreed to it because she needed my last name to get back what belongs to her." " You can't leave her stranded at the altar, no girl deserves that" Tomi said. I pulled her into my arms." Oh my Tomi. You are just too good and you are so kind hearted. I can't Let go of you now that i have found you again. Life has given me a second Chance with you and i am not about to blow it." " What should we do?" She asked. " I will give my father a call" i replied." He will take care of everything " " Don't " Tosin said." I will go take care of everything". I sighed loudly. " Tosin are you sure? It will get messy. Linda will throw fits and her father won't take kindly to the embarrassment. I don't want you to be caught up in the midst of all that " " Trust me buddy. Leave everything to me, take your lady love and sail together" I laughed. " I owe you one buddy". " No you don't. Consider it payment for all the time you came through for me.". I pulled my love closer to me as we both watch him drive out of the park. I bent my head and claimed her soft lips in a kiss. To be continued..
17 Jan 2017 | 13:48
17 Jan 2017 | 14:14
Na wa o, next!
17 Jan 2017 | 14:41
eeishh hmmm
17 Jan 2017 | 14:53
17 Jan 2017 | 15:26
nice 1
17 Jan 2017 | 16:42
What!!!! Mehn....Tosin, am at ur back take it easy...enjoying de ride
17 Jan 2017 | 16:52
Unbelievable... Tosin and Linda?.... Nawa oh
17 Jan 2017 | 17:02
17 Jan 2017 | 17:47
What's Tosin planning to do? I tot he ws in love wt Victora?
17 Jan 2017 | 18:01
getting interesting............................................
17 Jan 2017 | 21:16
I bet tosin is after lindas money,
18 Jan 2017 | 02:44
EPISODE 44 continues * Flash back* Tosin I watched my father storm out of the house in fits of anger. My mother lowered herself into the sofa sobbing gently. I ignored her and went into my room. That night i tossed and turned unable to sleep, i thought being wealthy would make me happy and fulfilled but instead it seemed to ridge i and my loved ones further apart. I no longer had time to sit down to a simple meal with my mother, i started finding Kelvin' s partying and ways childish and i was becoming too obsessed with having my revenge on my father and brother. My phone buzzed beside me rudely interrupting my thoughts, i picked it up and looked at the screen. The caller was an unknown number, i picked it up wondering who would be calling at past 12 am. " Hello" i said. " Tosin Williams" A thick gruff voice growled. " There's someone here you should talk to" I could hear screams and noises in the background. The screams subsided and it was replaced with heart racking sobs. " Who is this?" I questioned. " Relax boy" He replied, hitting someone on the cheek" Talk!" " me" he cried. " They want to kill me, please don't let me die!" The phone was snatched away from him and i could hear him screaming in pain as someone rained down blows on him. I tried to remain calm even though my heart was pounding fiercely in my ears. " Sola? Sola?" I said. " You heard him yourself" the gruff voice replied. " Who the hell are you? and what is going on?" " If i were you i would mind what i say. unless you want the body of your useless brother delivered to you tomorrow morning in five hundred pieces" he threatened. " Do you know who you are talking with? do you have any idea how ruthless and deadly i am?" " That doesn't answer the question i asked you. Who the hell are you and what the hell is going on?" " Your bother, Sola, owe me 1.5 million naira and he has refused to pay. I don't joke with my money, if someone tries to mess with my money it means they messing with their lives. I supplied him goods worth 1 million and the five hundred on it is the interest. " " How's that my business?" I retorted, " Why are you calling? what do you want from me?" He laughed wickely." Why else would i call you? my money ofcourse! " he shouted. " I want my money! and i want it as fast as tomorrow morning!. If i don't get my money by 8. Am tomorrow i will start by breaking every little bone in his body! i won't stop there! i will give the girl to my dogs to ravage and by the time i am through with them i will go after your father! " " You mentioned a girl? which girl?" i asked. " What is your name?" He shouted at someone in the background, i could hear sola pleading with him not to touch her, whoever she is, her sudden scream had me hastily taking the phone away from my ear. I could hear a feminine voice sobbing, i would recognize that voice anywhere, even in my sleep. The voice belonged to Rosa, my girlfriend, no my ex_girlfriend i reminded myself. She had run into the arms of my brother as soon as i was kicked out. She had also told him to order me out of a mall i went to shop. Before i made my money, she had ridiculed me on several occasions and she had sowed disdain and distrust for women in my heart. " Rosa? " i asked. " Yes that's the biitch' s name!" The voice replied me. " Are we on the same page now? will i get my money tomorrow morning? " " What deal did you have with my brother?" " He bought Cokes from me" " Cokes?" " Cocaine!" " For that amount you mentioned? that's ridiculous! " I shouted. " I won't warn you again..........have my 1.5M ready by tomorrow morning else....." He disconnected the call. I threw my phone at the wall in anger, how could Sola get entangled with such person?, what resonable person spends that ridiculous amount on some white powder? I felt like kicking something, preferably his butt. There was no way i would throw away my hard earned money on a traitor. He got me kicked out, he sent boys after Kelvin and i and he also snatched my girl. He had humiliated me on several occasions. I walked out of my bedroom and i went into my gym to let out steam on my punching bag all the while wishing it was my brother' s face i was pummeling. To beat continued Question: Would you help Sola, if you were Tosin?
18 Jan 2017 | 06:17
No oooohhh Sorry to say
18 Jan 2017 | 06:34
First to comment
18 Jan 2017 | 06:34
An eye for an eye
18 Jan 2017 | 07:19
they could have killed Sola and that useless ex girlfriend of his
18 Jan 2017 | 09:45
It better tosin forgives and go and save sola
18 Jan 2017 | 09:55
Even I may not have anything to do with him after that but I will help him so that he will life to shame. Unserious human being
18 Jan 2017 | 09:58
Just help him and forget about him
18 Jan 2017 | 10:56
No he deserves what he got...
18 Jan 2017 | 11:27
18 Jan 2017 | 12:20
Just help him!
18 Jan 2017 | 12:28
18 Jan 2017 | 13:45
Yes i wil. xo dat i can kill dem myslf .it wud be more of a buyin procex
18 Jan 2017 | 14:49
18 Jan 2017 | 14:51
I would he's kelvin blood
18 Jan 2017 | 14:59
18 Jan 2017 | 15:57
waiting ooo
18 Jan 2017 | 16:57
Wow! Wow! Wow!! I so much hate dis Linda
18 Jan 2017 | 17:22
It might be a crap setup u knw..
18 Jan 2017 | 17:24
What!?? Tosin....dnt tel me u r serious....u wanna marry dis diabolic witch? Hmmmm....wat abt Victoria?
18 Jan 2017 | 18:28
EPISODE 45 Continues.. Maggie * Flash back* I sat down in the dingy little room used as reception. The room was stuffy as the little opening meant to let in air has been covered with rags and cartons. The year was 1996, i blew my phlegm stuffed nose into the hankie in my hand. I could hear the loud rumble and clap of thunder as it started to rain. The pitter_patter sound of the rain on the roof was like music to my ears. Despite the many nights i slept outside with just my skin for cover i loved it when it rained. It reminds me of the earlier years of fun at the orphanage. It reminds me of Mother' s care when i sneak out to play in the rain with the other kids, she would stand at the threshold of the orphanage hollering at us at the top of her lungs. She would swat each child on the butt with her bare hand as they made to rush past her but me, she would gather my cold wet body into her arms. She would fret over me and heat up warm water for me. " Why are you crying?" A pot bellied man in tatters, sitting beside me on the wooden bench in the reception room asked. He was fat and ugly, his voice sounded like he was talking through his nose but his eyes were kind. " I think something got into my eyes" i lied. He nodded and looked away. But not before i saw the tears welling in his eyes. He had brought his pregnant wife to the little place known as Mercy hospital. She was still in the labour room when a little girl ran in to tell him that his old mother had fallen sick. He had gone with the little girl and returned not long after with a stoic expression on his face. " How's your mother now?" i asked. " She's fine" he snapped. Then he looked at me and his expression softened." Sorry. I didn't mean it to come out that way". I nodded and focused my gaze on my thighs. I felt a big drop of water land on my thigh, at first i thought it was my tear but i saw the man hurriedly scooting further away from me. There was a leak in the roof. I stood up, we moved the bench to another corner and sat down in silence. It was such an irony that i was scooting away from just little droplets of water. After leaving the orphanage, i ran out of the meager money i took with me. Cold hard ground under bridges become a rare comfort because it wasn't all the time that i was lucky to find one accommodating. On the street, i made friends and became a part of a family of street urchins. Some of my family members were touts and pick pockets, some of them sold their bodies to survive while some choose to hawk and at the end of the day we all find our way back to our various mosquito nets under the bridge. My family kept me safe, just for a little while until Garo, our head of the family took an interest in me. He was a tout. He had lost almost all his upper tooth in one fight or the other. He promised to protect me and take good care of me and i told him to get an apartment and i would become his. A week later we moved into a bedsit in a dilapidated old building. He never laid a finger on me or me caused me a minute' s grief and neither was i in love with him. I only laid down my body to have a roof over my head and regular meals. Few months later i missed my period, although i was just seventeen at the time i knew that i was pregnant. I told Garo who was overjoyed to become a father. He invited over his friends and our families, there was merriment for all little did i know that, that thing which caused him joy will be the same thing that will take him out of life. " Maggie!" I looked up at the sound of my name. The elderly nurse was sweating profusely, her armpit area was dampen and it had taken a yellowish form. She was fanning herself with the white sheet in her hand as i approached her. She trust the sheet into my trembling hands. " That is your pregnancy result. I am sure that you can read.You are four weeks gone already, is your husband here with you?" She asked. " Are you even married? You look too young. Too young." She shook her head. " I am nineteen " i said, my voice was shaky. " That is none of my business.I have other patients to attend to." She turned to the man on the bench." Oga your wife is not cooperating o, you better come talk to her". The man jumped up worriedly and ran to her. I walked out into the rainy evening. Out there in the rain, i let the tears flow out of my eyes freely. I felt so alone, i waved down a taxi and got into it. I paid the fare and alighted in front of the Nwosu' s house. Jennifer Nwosu, had taken me in after Garo died. I started hawking after his death to make ends meet, one day, due to fortune or ill luck i was knocked down by a car. The driver behind the wheels was Jennifer Nwosu. She had taken me to the hospital, she paid a visit to me each day and she was there when i was told by the doctor that i lost the baby. She held my hand and comforted me. I was relieved to hear i lost the baby.She mistook my tears of relief and joy for pain and misery. She had taken me into her arms, patted me on the back and she had promised to help me. When i was declared fit to go home she had taken me into her home and her life. I pushed open the gate and entered into the compound. Little Linda ran to me, a doll in hand. She hugged my legs, i squatted and pulled her into my arms. She was such a sweet little child, so free and full of life. " Let go of my child!" A harsh feminine voice said, She walked up to us and tore the child away from my arms. She pulled the little girl with her into the house and i followed silently. She sent the child to her room and faced me. " Where are you coming from?". " Jen.....jenny you asked me to go do a pregnancy test". " Yes? What was the outcome?". I handed her the sheet, she glanced at it and looked up fiercely. " I won't have it! You hear me? i won't sit back and watch you destroy my Friend's home." I felt a tear stream down my face. " Jenny remember you asked me to, remember you asked me to get pregnant so i could get him to marry me. You pushed me into it and now you want to leave me to my fate". " That was before i found out that your supposed ' Man' was my best friend 's husband! Yes i advised you to do whatever it takes for him to marry you! I wanted to help you! So you can have your own home!" She clutched her heart and sat down, panting heavily. " How could you not know that he was my friend' s husband! " I closed my eyes. I wanted to block out all that was happening, i wished i could just fade into nothing and have some peace of mind. I remembered the day i met him, i was on my way to the supermarket. He stopped to give me a ride. He seemed different, or i thought he was. He had asked me to pick several items for myself which he paid for, afterwards, he gave me some wads of money. I couldn't believe my eyes and my luck. Never in my young life had anyone given me such amount of money and all for nothing. He had simply said " You are pretty " . He asked me to come to his house later that week and i immediately agreed. I showed Jenny the money when i got back and she was happy. She said i deserved a man who will shower me with love and affection. She said i should make sure i get him to marry me by all means. So i could join the circle of the ' rich'. I was so foolish, i desired things beyond my reach. I wanted to go on trips, drink red wine and go to the most expensive restaurant. I never questioned why Johnson didn't introduce me to his family, i never questioned why he didn't even bother to ask me where i live. I didn't question him why he only saw me on some certain days of the week. He gave me the keys to his apartment and on several occasions i noticed that the bedroom was always the way i left it the last time I was there. There was no single kitchen utensils in that apartment and yet i never for once thought otherwise. All i did persistently and constantly was to persuade him to marry me.until one day, when he snapped. " Maggie are you not happy with the money i have been giving you so far?" He asked, trying to pull me onto his thighs but i pushed away his hands. " Why won't you marry me? we have been dating for three months now! All we ever do is to go out at night once a week! Afterwards you slap some money into my hands and cook up some stories which allows you to disappear for the whole week!" I shouted. He rubbed his temple." Maggie you are too young to be talking about marriage. You have your whole life ahead of you. Let's have fun! is it the money? I will give you more if that is what you want". " Johnson Adediwura, i want to spend that ' whole life ahead' with you. I don't want to keep having fun! Why? Why? Why won't you marry me? am i not pretty enough?" He got up and picked up his trouser from the ground. " Maggie you are beginning to get on my nerves! Is marriage all you care about?" He snapped. " What do you know about me? I am tired of your constant nagging! I thought you would be different but sadly you are just like the rest of them!" He pulled on his trouser hastily. " Do you want to know what you are to me? do you even care to know? why couldn't you be satisfied with the way things are? Am i not taking good care of you as my mistress?". " Mis.....mistress?" I stuttered in shock. " What do you mean?". "You are my mistress Maggie. That is what you are to me. I got this place because of you, i was even planning to hand you the keys so you can live here but as it is we are over! My wife does not give me as much trouble as you are giving me!" I blinked back the tears welling in my eyes" Johnson you are married? You are married? " He fished out something from his pocket and held it up. It was a shiny gold band. He was truly married. " See i liked you from the first day i set my eyes on you. I thought you were a young and innocent girl who will be my respite when i need to relax. I thought you were even a virgin with the way Jennifer talks about you when she comes to my house." I felt my jaw drop in surprise." Wait, wait. You know Jennifer?" " I got curious after hearing her sing your praises. She couldn't believe a young girl from the slum could be as refined as you are. She couldn't believe how smart you are considering the fact that you were a homeless orphan. I wanted to meet you, i felt a connection with you even though we hadn't met. I felt you were different and you saw life the same way i view it based on your past. I grew up in the slum too, worked hard to become what i am today. I spied on the Nwosu' s house just to catch a glimpse of you. I didn't want to arouse any suspicion so i continued spying on the house with the hope that you would come out of the house. Several times i give my wife some money to give you when she was going to see Jennifer, her friend. She thought that i was just being kind and i also urged her to be nice to you considering what Jennifer has told us about your unpleasant past." I felt my knees get weak and i held onto the bed. " How could you? said you loved me and i was the only woman for you. How could you! how do i face Jenny? Knowing that i have been sleeping with her friend' s husband?". " Are you crazy? Jennifer must not know about this! do you want to destroy my home and all that i have laboured for? i will write you a check and that would be your settlement! you are no longer the ' comfort' i thought you would be! i thought we would help each other forget our problems but you only seem to add more to it with your constant nagging!" I felt someone tug on my hand and i opened my eyes. Jennifer' s gaze was fastened on my face.She had jarred my riverie before i could undo the hand of time. I wish i could. " You have become so silent. What is going through your mind? I hope you are not blaming me for your woes." She said. " By the way, have you told Johnson about the pregnancy? " " No." " Good. Don't tell him. I will come up with a plan" She reassured me. I nodded." I would like to collect the money i gave to you " She blinked her eyes in surprise. " Which money? you mean the money Johnson Adediwura gave you?". " Yes." " Sweetheart, that money doesn't belong to either you or I. It is wrong for me to keep such money knowing that you got it from my best friend' s husband after sleeping with him. I gave it away, i gave it all to charity. That is the best thing to do. Don't worry, i will make sure you lack for nothing." She said. I felt a sob caught in my throat. She patted my hand softly and i closed my eyes again as i felt a wave of nausea wash over me. My money was gone. Over five million naire, which i had given her over the course of three months was gone. To be continued..
18 Jan 2017 | 18:40
I won't help him at all
18 Jan 2017 | 18:55
that means Anty Maggie might be Victoria's mom. mmm interesting
19 Jan 2017 | 03:15
Am really seeing things. Nw its getting clearer
19 Jan 2017 | 04:01
it's complicated
19 Jan 2017 | 04:23
This is serious
19 Jan 2017 | 05:50
She's not a saint too
19 Jan 2017 | 06:19
EPISODE 46 Continues.. Tomi Kelvin released me from his arms and he went around to the other side of the car to open the door for me. I got into the car and fastened on my seat belt. He sat, staring at me, he leaned forward and claimed my lips again. " I am never letting go of you again Tomi. I don't think i can survive another heart attack such as the one you gave me weeks ago." " I won't ever leave again, i promise you". " I won't have peace of mine until you become mine legally, to hold and love." He rolled the car out of the park, his gaze still on me. He started whistling and grinning happily. We continued the ride in blissful silence, each one of us, happy to have found the other again. He stopped in front of a jeweler' s shop and he drew me closer into his arms. " Baby i know i should ask first. And i never thought i would ask this way but will you marry me?" I remained silent. The stealthy beat of my heart matching his. He drew back, looking at me, his eyes searching my face. " What took you so long?" I asked in mock anger. He let out a pearl of laughter and pulled me into his arms once again. I felt at home, there in his arms, his arms tightened around my shoulders protectively. This was where i belonged, this was my home. " What do you say we look at the rings? I want you to have the most expensive stone they have. If you don't like the types they have i can order it from Italy". I drew him closer, our breathe became one, our heartbeat was a perfect rythmn. " I don't care if you place a rubber ring on my finger kelvin. As long as i can be in your arms forever then i am content. " I kissed him softly on his lips. ******************************************* Linda " There will be a wedding " he said. I whirled around. " Whose?" " Ours" he replied. " Oh Tosin! I can't let you make such a huge sacrifice!" " It will be a marriage in name only and it will only last for the duration of six months or thereabout which i think is enough time to sort out the mess your father created. ' I blinked back tears. How could these people who i have caused one grief or the other in the past put aside their own happiness to ensure mine? I have been so rude to him in the past and i have never regarded him as anything other than a fly on the wall and Kelvin ' s shadow. How many times have i turned my nose down at him? how many times have i said one derogatory word or the other to him? Many times than i could count on my fingers. I wouldn't let him go through with it , i couldn't do that to Victoria, i would be blind not to know that she was sweet on him. " No. Tosin, i appreciate you doing this for me but....." " I am not doing it for you!" He snapped. " I owe it to Kelvin for having my back on countless occasions! that is what friends do! i doubt if you would even understand it." I nodded my head. " I will pay you" i heard the old Linda said, the part of me that liked to always be in control of things " Name your price " He shook his head. " You will never understand. It is not everyone that can easily be bought and i won't have you lump me in with your class of people, who have no conscience " he said, walking towards the door. " I will go see the pastor and i will send your father to bring you out. " " I am sorry. How about Vicky? Isn't she your girlfriend?" " Let that be my headache. You want to wed today or what?" He threw back, walking out of the room slamming the door. Onyinye came in, her eyes dancing with questions. " What happened? What were you discussing and where is Kelvin?" She asked. " He dumped your a$$?" " Onyinye why do i have this feeling that you are gloating? Find something amusing?" She burst into laughter. " Isn't it funny the way you have quickly changed your skin like a chameleon? I have been observing you ever since that Tomi girl died. What's the plan and why wasn't i let in on it? ". I blew out air exasperatedly. " So you didn't feel any remorse at the news of her death? and you thought that i was acting? seriously where is your conscience? "I asked, i decided not to let her know that Tomi was alive. " You can't blame me for thinking so. I have always known you to be a cold biitch and all of a sudden you turned as sweet and easy as a candy." " That is not the real me, Onyinye. That was a facade to hide my true feelings. " " So this all rosy sweet and buttered person is the real you? how many people have you cheated? how many times have you shagged a guy you just met? How many relationships have you wrecked? how many.... " " Its enough! enough! Where are you going with all these? Yes i am not a saint but i feel touched by the kind gestures of those i have hurt in the past! if they can try to help without nailing me first for my past sins then the least i can do is to be just a little bit nicer! Unlike you Onyinye i don't enjoy tormenting others! and whatever i did in the past i did it because i had to! You think that you know me but you don't! " We both turned around as the door creaked open. My father entered the room, he looked so handsome in his white flowing Agbada attire but he had a sad expression on his face. Onyinye sighed rudely and went out of the room. " Baby girl" Dad said quietly. He hadn't called me that since i was a little girl running after grass hoppers and rolling in the grass with my dolls. " Dad" I choked out. He pulled me into his arms and i stood like a wooden statue, stunned. I pulled back, bracing my hands on my hips, staring at him like he had suddenly grown three heads. " You don't have to go through with this. You don't have to" He said. " Are you saying all these because of the company?" I asked, in anger. Why would he care now if not for his greed. He didn't want to let go of that company. " No. This isn't about the company, you can have it all if you want. I get it now, for a long time i tried to find out why my sweet little girl who wouldn't go to bed if her daddy hadn't kissed her good night suddenly loathed the sight of him. At first i thought it was a phase young children go through, i thought you were missing your mother so much and you wanted to mourn her in private. For a long time i tried to reach you, for years i tried to reconnected with my child but it seemed like her hatred for me intensified with each day. So i stayed away Linda, i distanced myself from you even though it was killing me inside. I felt that it was what was best for you." He removed his fila and held it in his hand. " I sent you to the Adediwuras because i thought that you would be more comfortable there in the presence of Kelvin and his siblings. But when you came back home you only withdrew further into yourself and your hatred for your aunt and i grew worse and i watched helplessly while my little angel became a stranger to me." " You pushed me away. You never tried to find out how i was coping after mom died. Victoria became all you cared about. I never got anything i wanted anymore. It was like i was replaced just like an old raggedy doll. For many nights, i woke up frightened and drenched in sweat with no one to take me into their arms and comfort me. There was no more gifts and kisses for me, it was Vicky, Vicky, Vicky. On my birthday i sat in bed all day, nobody remembered my 9th birthday! You never tried! If you think that you tried then you didn't try enough!". " I am sorry my angel. I left you your bicycle which you had always wanted for your 9th birthday. I thought that you didn't want to see anyone of us and that was why you locked yourself in your room all day. I couldn't find the bicycle few days later when i checked the garage so i thought that you hadn't wanted it and you had your aunt give it out. I' m so sorry, i never knew that all these years you held me responsible for mummy' s death." I felt the tears i was keeping at bay slip out of my eyes, it streamed down my face and landed on my chest. " You killed her......why?" " I tried to explain it all to you, the day we had the confrontation in my study but by the time i had recollected myself i was told that you and Vicky had hastily left the house. Since that day, i have been trying to reach you both to no avail. Why would you think that i killed your mother? I loved her.....I loved her more than life itself and it is killing me that you think i could have laid a finger on her, to harm her." " I heard you both arguing! She was threatening to cut you out! She said that you betrayed her! Let me see how you can lie your way out of this! You were probably cheating on her!" " Aww Linda. You are wrong. I never cheated on your mother while she was alive. This was what happened. Maggie told me that your mother seized some money belonging to her. I asked Jennifer and she confirmed it but she wouldn't tell me how she came to owe Maggie 5 million naira. Your aunt was such a young and hard working girl and i felt that your mother was treating her unjustly. There's a lot you don't know about mummy, baby girl." He said. " You were too young to understand". " I don't believe you!" " Your mother was obsessed with self pity and she felt the whole world owe her for being born with a hole in her heart. She always wanted everything to go her own way because according to her she wasn't going to live long. She always flaunted her 'passing away' and she thinks everything should go her own way. Before Maggie came to us, she was pregnant but she was knocked down by your mother and she lost that pregnancy. Mummy was a good woman who loved being kind to others but she easily lose that love and affection for them and she would start looking for ways to send them out of her life. I begged her to return Maggie' s money to her but she refused. I took out the money from the company account and i gave it to Maggie, believe me, that was the betrayal your mother was speaking of. She said i betrayed her trust for giving Maggie the money behind her back and for that reason she wanted to cut me off." " Oh daddy! I .........I thought that...." " I know. The next day she was found dead in bed, i understand why you would think so." He finished. " about Vicky? why did you try to poison her?". " Poison?" He shouted worriedly. " Did someone try to poison your sister? when? Why wasn't i informed? When did this happen?" I flung myself into his arms. " Oh daddy! What is going on?" A knock sounded on the door, Onyinye peered into the room. " The groom is waiting! so the pastor said!. Wait a minute, why did the pastor ask me to fetch you when Kelvin is not here?" She slammed the door once again. " You don't have to go through with this wedding. I only agreed to the union because your mother would have wanted it too and i thought it would make her happy. I never thought of what you wanted or how you felt about it. Another shortcoming on my part." He sighed heavily. " Tosin told me Kelvin couldn't make it and he would take his place to save us the shame. I can't imagine that my baby girl would be left stranded at the altar one day. If i could take this shame on myself to spare you the grief i will. Marriage shouldn't be made mockery of and it isn't something one you be made to endure. No. I will go apologize to everyone and tell them that it is off." " Thank you dad. I will come with you " I agreed, now that i had found out that my father was innocent the prospect of getting married just to secure properties didn't seem appealing to me anymore. " No. You stay here, there will be so much glares and ......." " I will go with you dad." I placed my hand in his and we went out of the room. Onyinye was all the while eavesdropping on our conversation, she looked up guiltily as we opened the door and she trailed behind us. Tosin was standing impatiently on the threshold of the church, looking out for us. He made to go back inside on sporting us but i waved my hand, indicating for him to stop. We walked to him, the people seated in the church were all hushed now, wondering what was going on. " Thank you son but you but you don't have to. I will go speak to everyone" dad was saying. I caught a movement out of the corner of my eyes, i don't know what made me notice him in the first place. Maybe it was because i had seen him trying to fade in to the background since i got to the church. He had on a face cap and he was visibly fidgeting, maybe he was also wondering what was going on i thought. I turned to my dad and Tosin but my eyes caught the man edging closer to us and it all happened so fast. He pulled out the gun hidden under his shirt, aimed it at Tosin. Before i could yell, before i could even open my mouth to call out a warning. A aingle shot had rang out. I found myself on the ground, Onyinye was screaming, the whole church was thrown into chaos. I felt a hand round my shoulders. I blinked my eyes in confusion. I looked up and my eyes met that of Tosin, who had covered my body with his. " Tosin" I said in surprise, I looked down at my feet, the blood was flowing Like a wine jar had been broken. My father was on the ground, his white agbada was soaked in his blood. There was a crimson patch in front of his chest where the bullet had penetrated. I heard someone shouting for the securities at the main gate, someone else was shouting for an ambulance. Victoria and Auntie Maggie were beside him now. I felt his pulse, it was weak. I felt someone pull me up, away from the flood of blood. It was Tosin, the ambulance was already there at the speed of light. Two security men carried him into the van. I wondered where they were before the mad man gained access into the premises. " Please be quick! He's losing too much blood!" I heard Auntie Maggie cry out. I looked at my hands, it was covered in blood. My father' s blood. I got into the van dripping blood from the edge of my gown. Tosin got into the van beside me, Auntie Maggie and Vicky wanted to jump in too but Tosin asked them to stay back. I held up my father' s almost lifeless hand against my cheek. Please give me another chance with him lord, i prayed. For the first time in my life. To be continued..
19 Jan 2017 | 06:38
Na dia problem go kum oh
19 Jan 2017 | 06:59
Hmm how will this turn out. Next pls
19 Jan 2017 | 07:40
Hope he survive
19 Jan 2017 | 07:45
Hope he survives
19 Jan 2017 | 07:46
Who exactly is behind dis one
19 Jan 2017 | 08:57
She doped you!
19 Jan 2017 | 09:37
Hmm na wa o 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
19 Jan 2017 | 11:40
hmmmmmmm na waaa o
19 Jan 2017 | 11:42
who could have sent that man?
19 Jan 2017 | 12:46
hope he survive,this is y I hate revenge
19 Jan 2017 | 17:22
Nyc story I've finally caught up wid it
19 Jan 2017 | 17:48
Nxt pls
19 Jan 2017 | 17:49
Episode 47 Continues... Tosin * Flash back* I threw my phone against the wall, it bounced back, landing on the floor with a loud crashing sound. I walked out of the room, heading to my gym where i let out all the pent up anger and steam on my punching bag all the while wishing it was Sola' s face i was pummeling. I punched the bag until my knuckles hurt and my shoulder blades screamed for mercy. I made my way back into my room again, exhausted, i picked up the broken phone and removed my Sim card from it. I peeled off my shorts and had a cold shower, by the time i was done showering i had made my decision. I borrowed my mother' s phone and inserted my Sim card into it. I didn't have to wait for long before the unknown caller from last night called again. He gave me the direction to the place i was to meet them. I drove down to the bank, cashed out the Ransome and i went to the meeting spot. Few minutes after getting there they also arrived in two cars, bringing with them a billow of cloud and dust. The guys jumped down from their vehicles brandishing their guns, they raced to where i was, they commanded me to raise up my hands and they ordered me to slowly get out of my car. I did as i was told, and they searched my body hurriedly before they led me to where their boss was. " Do you have my money? " he asked, blowing up a cloud of smoke.A cigarette dangled between his stumpy fingers. He was a big, mean looking man with a big nose perched on his grimy double chin face. " Where is the girl and my brother? I need to know they are both alive. There's no way i am paying Ransome for dead bodies". I said bravely. " They are alive albeit a bit roughened up. Brytawon, bring them out". One of the guys ran to the car behind and opened the door. He roughly pulled them out and led them to us. They were both sporting black eyes, their lips were bruised and blood was oozing out of Sola' s nose. Brytawon, roughly let go of them and they both fell to the ground groaning in exhaustion. " Where is the money?" The boss asked. " In my booth" I replied. " Iberibe1 go with him to retrieve it." He commanded. The hefty, tall guy with a big nose ring and a red bandana round his bald head pushed me forward, towards my car, he retrieved the money from the trunk of my car and he shoved me back to the boss, who opened the bag to confirm if there was money in it. " Good. You will hear from me, if the money is not complete" He said. The guys jumped into the cars and they drove away in a fury of dust and smoke. I watched them go until they disappeared from my sight. I turned my gaze to the duo on the floor in disgust, they both scampered to their feet. " Thank you" Rosa said shyly, her eyes were fixed on the ground in shame. " I will pay you back as soon as i can. Don't go thinking that i owe you because of this" Sola said ungratefully. I ignored them, walking towards my car, they both ran after me and got into the back seat. I drove in silence, seething in anger and wishing i could crash the car just to inflict more pains on their bodies but you can't cut off your nose just to spite your face. I drove down onto the main room and parked, waiting for them to alight. I didn't wait for their feets to touch the ground before i zoomed off. After that day, the subsequent months were filled with one call or the other to bail out Sola, it seemed like he incurred debts just by breathing and trouble seem to trail in his wake. I bailed him out of the police custody on several occasions and i settled his debts each them he got into trouble. He was thrown out of the house he rented, i paid the rent and i was getting fed up of cleaning up after him. One rainy night, i got lucky with a lady i was trying to hook up with for weeks. We were smooching on the couch when my phone rang. " Sorry babe. The call might be important " I stood up, off her, reaching for my phone in my trouser. " Hello" " To.....Tosin...." He stuttered, his voice sounded weak and his words were slurred. His jaw quivered like he had a bad case of flu. " Sola" I snapped in anger, i walked out of the room. " What do you want this time around? don't you ever get tired of your useless attitude and life? What do you want this time? Money?" " Y....yes. P..please just......just this one time. I need to get drugs......i am sick". " You know what? I am begining to think you are swindling me! How many times have i bailed your not_so_sorry a$$? how many times have you promised to turn a new leaf and pick yourself up? I am not your father! Neither am i your blood! remember how you ordered guys to beat me up in the past? in case you have forgotten in a haste, let me remind you. You and your father disowned me! You betrayed me! I have had enough of you and your shallow life! Stop ringing my line with different numbers!" He started crying and pleading at the other end. " Just......just this one time please! I .....need my d.....drugs and i am not lying this time. I have been so sick and i haven't had anything to eat all day." " I worked hard for my money so i can't keep giving it to you to waste on some white substance! I won't allow you run me down like you did your father! You can go to hell for all i care!" I said. " Baby! What's keeping you so long!" The lady, whose name i don't remember now called out in a sultry voice. " You don't want me to start without you, do you?" She moaned out, obviously servicing herself in anticipation. I took the phone away from my ear, my hand covering the mouth piece. " Just a minute love!" I placed the phone against my ear." I don't have time for this. Call up your wicked a$$ granny or your father to give you the money you need for your so called ' drugs'" I said, before disconnecting and switching off my phone. I went back to the lady, we had our fun and i settled her at the break of dawn before she left. Thst was when i put on my phone and a call came in immediately. I thought it was Sola calling with another number so i let it ring. The caller persisted so i snatched up the phone in anger. " Sola! Haven't i warned you not to call me again!" I shouted, i heard the person at the other end drew in breath sharply. " Hello....." A feminine voice said shakily, i could hear loud voices all talking at once in the background. " Yes." I snapped, thinking it was Rosa, Sola' s accomplice and lover, calling to plead on his behalf. " We found a young man lying in a ditch and your number was the last dialed number on his phone. He's in a terrible condition and nobody wants to lift a finger to help him. Are you in anyway related to him?" " Damn! Where? Where are you?" I asked, wondering what mess Sola had gotten himself into. She described where they were and i hurried out of the house. My mother had gone to camp ground to pray, i wondered if i should call her to remember to say a prayer for her son. I blamed myself for keeping her in the darkness, i should have told her of the wasteful life he was living but I didn't want to make her think. I only hoped he hadn't done serious harm to himself. When i got to the said place i saw a crowd, i dialed the number and the lady, made her way towards me. Her eyes were puffy from crying. I wondered if she would have wasted even a drop of her tears if she knew how Sola was. We both walked to where the crowd was without a word. We forced our way through the crowd, and i felt tears well up in my eyes at the sore sight before me. His body was on the ground, his skin had turned so black and his face was puffed up like he had been severely beaten. There were some bottles of medicine beside him on the ground. " I didn't want to tell you over the phone. He died before the night guards discovered his body this morning." The lady explained. " Their guess was he died before midnight" ******************************* " Tosin " Linda said, wiping the blood on her hands, on her flowing wedding gown. " Do you think he stands a chance of survival? My father?" I was glad of the distraction, we had been in the hospital reception over an hour. Mr Nwosu was wheeled to the theater as soon as the ambulance got to the hospital. The nurses and doctors kept going up and down without saying a word to us. We were brushed aside when we approached them. I knew Mr.Nwosu, being a wealthy man must have stepped on some toes in the past but that shot which brought him down was clearly meant for me. I wondered who wanted me dead, the only person that comes to mind was my father. My mind went back to the scene of the shot, it happened in a blur, one minute i was talking to Mr.Nwosu, the next minute he had shoved me aside and instinctively i covered my body with Linda' s. I was surprised when i felt no pain, at first i thought the blood flowing on the ground was mine but Linda' s look of horror as she gazed at the floor proved me wrong. So many questions were going through my mind, why did the man fire a shot at me? who paid him to take my life? Why did Mr.Nwosu who supposedly murdered his wife shield me from being hit?. " He was hit in the chest.......let's just keep our hopes up. " i replied her, not wanting to give her false hope and at the same time not being pessimistic. She nodded her head. " Auntie Maggie called me, they are being bugged by the media so she can't come to the hospital." " When did she call you? how are they holding up?" " You were so deep in thought so i excused myself to receive the call. She does not want to lead the media here. Tosin......" Her voice shook." I lied. I lied to you all". " What did you lie about? I don't think i can survive yet another bad news". She wiped away the tears on her cheeks. " I didn't see my dad killing my mom. I only heard them arguing and when she was found dead the next morning i assumed he had killed her." " What makes you think that assumption was wrong?" " He 'fessed' up at the church. He explained everything to me, my mom threatened to cut him off because of Auntie Maggie. It is a long story but my father is innocent." I sighed loudly. " You owe your father a long apology. I only hope that he will forgive you for soiling his name." " We made our peace. He knows that i was only a child, like i said we have made our peace" she replied stubbornly. A doctor walked towards us and we got up, walking towards him. He stopped in front of us, his eyes were sad and there was sweat on his forehead. " How's my father? Will he be alright?" She asked, worriedly. " Is he out of danger now? is he out of the theater now?". I held her hand. Willing her to let the doctor speak, she got the message and kept quiet. " I' m sorry. I' m sorry" was all he said. Linda sat down on the hard cold floor, her eyes vacant, in shock. " How's he?" I asked, hoping he would reassure me and he would prove that we heard him wrong the first time he spoke. " We did our best. Time of death was 3.45 pm" he said. To be continued..
19 Jan 2017 | 18:03
Although the bible said we should 4give...but in dis case...I dnt knw wat 2 tink....I'll neva do dat...unless he shows sign of repentant
19 Jan 2017 | 18:25
no comment
19 Jan 2017 | 20:45
chai, such a pity
20 Jan 2017 | 02:59
20 Jan 2017 | 03:50
I Dnt seems to understand oo... is sola dead? nd Who is d person that fired d shot
20 Jan 2017 | 04:36
20 Jan 2017 | 04:43
Nyc Nxt pls
20 Jan 2017 | 05:35
Oh my goodness
20 Jan 2017 | 05:41
Too bad!
20 Jan 2017 | 05:55
What a pity
20 Jan 2017 | 09:10
EPISODE 48 Continues.. Tomi I got the biggest and the most expensive stone the jeweler had, if i lived to be a hundred years old i would still remember the joy i felt when Kelvin slipped it on my finger. We were slowly making our way to my parent's when his phone rang. He grinned, holding up his phone, so i could see who the caller was. It was Tosin, the knight, who had gone to save the day. " Hello Tos, how did it go? She broke your balls?" He joked, " Or her father pulled a gun on you?" I watched him, his expression suddenly became grave. And he curved his hand on the steering making another turn. He dropped the phone, his expression was tight. " What happened? did Linda do anything rash?" i asked, worried that Tosin had gotten into trouble for going to bail Kelvin out. " Linda' s father is dead." He replied. I gasped. " Oh my God! How?" " There was a shooting at the church." he replied. " Will you be alright going to their place?" " Yes. Yes, i want to" ************************************ We had to park some few distance away from the house because the street was filled with cars and the press. Kelvin held me to his side protectively, he ignored the questions thrown at him and we knocked on the gate. Musa, the gate man, peered out and ushered us in quickly before shutting the gate. He informed us that the family was in the living room upstairs and he took us to the stairs at the back of the house.We entered the elegant and luxuriouly furnished living room, Auntie Maggie was sobbing, her eyes were bloody red and her nose was running. Linda, was still in the gown she would have wed in although it was smeared with blood. Tosin stood against the wall, his expression was hard. They looked up as we entered. Auntie Maggie's eyes widened in shock on seeing me but she didn't say anything about my sudden ' resurrection'. I sat down quietly while Kelvin went to Tosin and they conversed in low tones. A middle aged woman, slender and beautiful entered with two men. " These men are here to see the family, I told them it wasn't a good time to call on us but they insisted on seeing everyone" She said, indicating for them to sit down. " Who are you? we can't speak to the media now." Maggie said. " I am inspector Justice and this is my colleague, inspector Yemi" he replied, pointing to the man beside him. " We are from area G police station, we are here to ask you all a few question. We won't take much of your time and we are sorry for your loss. Please accept our condolences". " My God! What is this? Can't it wait till tomorrow? We just lost someone dear to us and you are already here to trouble us?" The slender woman exclaimed. " Mother let them do what they are here for" Tosin said " Anyone who is not a member of this family should excuse us for now, please " Inspector Yemi said, sitting down. " We are all one" Maggie replied, " Go on". They brought out their note pad. " Is any member of the family absent?" " Yes. She's ward. She's in a bad state now " Maggie said. " Is she in this house as well?" Justice asked. " Yes." " We will like to speak with her later but for now may we know everyone here?" Officer Yemi said. " I am his fiancée, these are our close family friends, Mr. Tosin Williams and his mother. Mr Kelvin Adediwura " She pointed to Tosin, his mother and Kelvin" And this is Linda, his first daughter". " Who was present when the shot was fired?" Officer Justice asked. " I was" Tosin replied. " Did you see the face of the assassin? can you give us a description? " He asked again. " No. I didn't see his face. The officers scribbled something in their note pad before looking up. Officer Yemi' s eyes searched every faces in the room. " Did he have an argument with anyone recently? or are you aware of any threat on his life in the past?" Yemi wanted to know. There was silence in the room. " Madam i am talking to you " Yemi said. " Yes" She replied. " Interesting. Who is the person?" " Linda" Maggie replied. " His daughter" There was a collective gasp of surprise in the room. " Miss Linda or Mrs?" Officer Yemi asked. " Miss" Linda said. " We understand that you had a heated argument with your father before his death, what was it about?" " It is a long story " She replied. " Oh we have the time. Go on" Yemi insisted. " We......we couldn't agree on a business idea, it was just something mild which we were able to settle amicably. " She said. " Hmmm. do you suspect anyone who you think might be behind his death?" Officer Justice asked. " Linda" Maggie said. " My father" Tosin said, at the same time too. The officers sighed and scribbled furiously in their note pad. " Maggie, what are you saying? How could you think such thing of Linda?" Tosin' s mother asked her." And you Tosin, what has gotten into you?" " Madam please, we are trying to get to the bottom of whoever is behind Mr. Nwosu' s death. Please don't interrupt and nobody is allowed to speak unless when spoken to." Justice said. " Let's take it one at a time please. Why do you think that your father was behind it? Was he a friend or foe of the deceased? Mr. Tosin Williams? " Yemi continued. " Neither. The shot was fired at me but i guess it missed its target" Tosin replied. " Why would your father want you dead?" " We have a long standing fued" Tosin replied. " Why do you think Your fiance' was murdered by his daughter? " Yemi asked Maggie. " She has threatened him in the past" Maggie replied. " That is not true Auntie! Why are you saying all these? What do you hope to achieve? " Linda cried out. " You liar! You killed him! You murdered my Joe, why? Why? what did he ever do to you?" Maggie cried. " Auntie Maggie, please" Tosin said, " Linda couldn't have done that. The assailant pointed the gun at me, it was a missed shot and i know my father was behind it." His mother gasped. " Tosin! how could you say that about your own father? your father isn't that cruel!" " Oh really? Mother please stay out of this " he retorted. The detectives stood up. " We will have to take Miss Linda Nwosu in for questioning. And we will like to speak with your father " Justice said, directing the last one at Tosin. " " I will bring her to the station myself" Tosin replied. " We only want to ask her some more questions. It is not like we are arresting her." Yemi said. " You heard him. He will bring her to the station tomorrow " Kelvin snapped. Linda stood up." I will go with them now, but i have to put a call through to my lawyer first." Tosin ' s mother stood up. " This girl just lost her father! She's not going anywhere! Allow her few minutes to mourn him please " " Mom! Where's Kelly?" Tosin asked suddenly. " Kelly? Kelly! My God! " His mother screamed. She ran out of the room, Tosin was closely behind her. Tosin ran inside again. " I can't find Kelly! Nobody remembers seeing her! I have searched all the rooms, the last time i saw her was at the church before the shooting." " Tomi, stay here. Let's go back to the church Tosin". Kelvin said. They both hurried out. Maggie started sobbing loudly. " Who is Kelly?" Justice asked. " His daughter. " Linda replied. " Mr.Tosin's daughter " " How old is she? " Yemi asked. " Officers you may be on your way. She's probably playing in the garden" Maggie said. " Keep us informed if she is not found" Justice said. " Shall we?" Yemi said. Linda nodded and i stood up. " I will come along with you " i said. " No. Tomi, stay here" Linda replied me. " I insist." She picked up her soiled wedding gown, darted a quick glance at Maggie before marching out of the room. The officers followed her and i trailed behind them. To be continued..
20 Jan 2017 | 09:23
I just they suspect aunt Maggie ooo
20 Jan 2017 | 10:07
This is serious
20 Jan 2017 | 11:00
Why did you lie @Linda
20 Jan 2017 | 11:34
there is bigger problem
20 Jan 2017 | 11:42
Maggie or maggi u no try atallllllll
20 Jan 2017 | 12:44
auntie Maggie Na confam winch she be oh
20 Jan 2017 | 13:35
I dnt even knw who to suspect
20 Jan 2017 | 13:48
I suspect aunty maggie
20 Jan 2017 | 14:32
Maggie is a suspect and where is vikky all this while
20 Jan 2017 | 14:39
am suspecting auntie Maggie
20 Jan 2017 | 14:43
who do this
20 Jan 2017 | 15:14
20 Jan 2017 | 15:33
20 Jan 2017 | 15:46
i think its someone that doesnt want a wedding to be hold
20 Jan 2017 | 15:54
oh my.... Whats wrong with this maggi knorr?
20 Jan 2017 | 16:05
Dis is lily lily complicated!
20 Jan 2017 | 17:09
0 Likes lost in dis story
20 Jan 2017 | 17:13
20 Jan 2017 | 17:15
EPISODE 49 continues.. Maggie I watched the officers walk out of the room with Linda. My heart was palpitating so fast, i was afraid someone was going to see through my guise and scream ' murderer' at my face. It wasn't supposed to go down that way. I have just shot my self in the leg! I wasted my youthful days scrubbing after and taking care of a child that wasn't mine. A child whose mother had cruelly snatched my own child from me immediately after birth. She had threatened to make my life hell if i ever come back to her house. I had gone on my knees to beg Jenny to at least allow me nurse my daughter but she had refused. Despite all she had done to me i remained loyal to them over the years until the last straw which broke the proverbial camel' s back. I found her diary. Jennifer' s diary. I didn't think anything of it, i kept it back but one day out of boredom i picked it up again and the content of her diary made me realize that i had to act fast. I didn't want my darling daughter, Victoria, to lose in two ways. Jennifer had callously willed everything to Linda and the only thing Joseph had a right to was the company which he had foolishly signed off to Linda. I knew that once that crazy biitch had everything in her hands she would cut us all off and my poor child and i would find ourselves tossed out by our ears on the street. I decided to act fast so i got something which i mixed into the food i believed Linda had dished out. I had gone upstairs into my room and by the time i got back downstairs the gate man had informed me of the dogs death. He had also told me that it was the food which Victoria gave them that killed them. I couldn't risk poisoning my own daughter again so i choose another tactic which had also backfired all because of that miserable Linda! I will make sure she rots in jail and by the time she sees the sky with her eyes again there won't be anything left for her. I picked up my phone as i let the tears flow freely out of my eyes. My joe was gone and it was all my fault. Since i couldn't kill Linda i had gone to contact some professionals to help me. I picked up my phone and dialed the number saved as ' Agent'. He picked up on the third ring. " You have destroyed me! Is that what i asked you to do?" I said, crying. " Madam calm down" Agent replied. " You killed my fiancé instead!" I wailed. " I asked you to hit the groom! The groom! Oh my God! what have i done?" I wailed." How could your boys make such a mistake after i gave you a picture of the groom!" " Madam Maggie calm down and listen to me! Yes, you asked us to take down your niece' s groom. We are professionals so we don't do slobbery jobs and i assured you that our agents will never breathe out your name if peradventure they get caught which has never happened before." The agent said impatiently. " What nonesense are you saying? Haven't you seen the news? Your man gunned down my fiancé! You have ruined me! My life and my years of hard work! Where do i start from?" I shouted. " If only you would listen to me for just a second! Your man was gunned down before my staff got there! we will refund your money back to you since someone else has done the job!" " What? mean someone else killed him?" I asked, " Hello, hello" I screamed but he had disconnected. " You mean your staff didn't make it to the church?" I said in wonder. ********************************* Onyinye I paced up and down my living room, scratching my head in frustration. Why couldn't people take simple instructions? Why had they chosen to complicate my life when all i wanted was to get some money for my mother' s hospital bills. Linda. It was all her fault. My hatred for Linda began some few months back when i begged her to loan me some money. I could still vividly remember that day, i went to see her at her office. " Hi babes" Linda said, looking up from the file in her hand." What brings you here?" I sat down " What do you mean what brought me here? Can't i say hello to my friend anymore?" She laughed." Onyinye i know want something. See, if it's money. Forget it, I don't have any to give you. " Linda, my mother is critically sick and she needs the sum of five hundred thousand naira for operation." I said, " I will pay you back before the week runs out." " Don't tell me you don't have five hundred thousand naira in your account! Unbelievable!. Anyway, i have a meeting to attend in thirty minutes time." " You didn't even ask how my mother is faring. I thought you are my friend" I said. " You said it yourself. You said she's ' critically' ill, that says how she's doing." She replied. " You are wicked! You are very heartless!" I exclaimed. " How could you be so unfeeling? do you think that you are better than i am? Just because you were privileged to be born with a silver spoon?" " Onyinye if i were you i wouldn't get on my high horse in such a hurry! How many times have i heard that line ' I promise to pay at the end of the week?' Where is the 1 million naira you loaned from me for a supposed business? where is the supposed business you wanted to start? I am not microfinance bank! did i not offer you a job so you can stop pesting on me? She said condescendingly. " You would rather spread your legs like butter for old men to eat or pest off on me! Sorry i don't have five hundred thousand naira to throw away!" I stood up in anger." You are not a good friend! One doesn't need enemies with friends like you Linda. If you can't help me just say you won't, there was no need to add insults to it! " " On your way out please grab some condoms because i' m sure you'll need it" she laughed." I will say some prayer for your poor pvussy." I sighed heavily and sat down on my sofa. My door opened and the fool who couldn't take simple instructions entered. I lept up on seeing, my claws and fangs were out, ready to draw blood. " You fool! Is that what i asked you to do? I asked you to send your boys to kidnap her so we could demand for Ransome and you went to kill her father! " I shouted, I wondered why i had taken the fool as lover, he was so dense, the only things he was good at was f* ucking and killing. " OYi......." He started in a placating tone." Nwa baby" " Shut up! Shut the f* uck up! don't you see what you have done? you have just managed to complicate my life! how could you let such a simple thing go awry? I was going to lead her outside and you and your boys will show up and threaten to kill her, force her into a car and take her away! Then we demand for hundred million naira! we split the money fifty_ fifty and everyone is happy!" I shouted. " I don't know what you are talking about. I only came to apologize that we couldn't make it. We got hint of a very tight deal and we went to bust that one instead. I came here so we could restrategize on how to abduct your friend". " Oh lord! So you mean you didn't even make it to the church premises?" I asked, wondering who had gunned down Mr. Joseph Nwosu. ************************************** Kelvin I parked my car while Tomi walked outside, from the police station. she got into the car and kissed my lips. She sighed and pushed back her seat to rest her spine. She looked so weary, and i wanted to get her to a bed as soon as possible so she could have some decent sleep. The excitement of the day must have gotten to her. I wondered briefly if she was coming down with something because she had been so pale and she hadn't been her usual energetic self. " Have you found Kelly?" She asked quietly. " No dear. We have notified the authorities, it has been such a long day for us all." I replied, navigating my way through the street. " How's Tosin and his mother holding up? " " They are both worried sick. I don't even want to think what that poor child is going through now." " I pray she's found safe and sound." She replied in a sad tone. " How's Linda?" I asked. " She's still strong. She was detained. For now she's a suspect so they are treating her as such, her lawyer came and they spoke in private. He reassured me that she will be out in no time. " " Tosin' s father is also a prime suspect " I said " Why?" " It is a long story, love " She was silent and suddenly she burst into tears. " Tomi, what's wrong? Talk to me love" " I am pregnant " she replied. " Oh my love. That is the most pleasant news i have heard today" I pulled her into my arms while she continued sobbing. To be continued..
20 Jan 2017 | 23:45
who could have killed him now? It seems as if everybody is a suspect
21 Jan 2017 | 02:20
Aunt Maggie is behind all this....she's trying to end that family and inherit everything.
21 Jan 2017 | 02:49
This is really interesting So who now killed him So onyinye also planned to kidnap And maggie to kill kelvin That's so heartless of them And victoria is maggie biological daughter Can't wait for the end ooh Thumps up dear.... Next!!!
21 Jan 2017 | 02:53
And where's kelly?? Now m getting it...tosin's father wanted to kill tosin and missed his target and must've kidnapped kelly to get bk at him
21 Jan 2017 | 02:57
wow she's pregnant.... congrats dear Tomi.
21 Jan 2017 | 03:02
Hmmmm this life na waoh!
21 Jan 2017 | 03:05
More Interesting..
21 Jan 2017 | 03:38
still looking so who kill Mr Nwosu
21 Jan 2017 | 03:43
I see wicked pple everywhr. Maggie is really a green snake in a green grass. Whr is baby Kelly? Dey ar all surrounded by evil pple pretending to b family nd friends wt der fake smiles
21 Jan 2017 | 04:57
I see wicked pple everywhr. Maggie is really a green snake in a green grass. Whr is baby Kelly? Dey ar all surrounded by evil pple pretending to b family nd friends wt der fake smiles. Why is Tomi crying dis time? Her own sef tire me
21 Jan 2017 | 04:57
21 Jan 2017 | 05:55
Tosins dad is the main suspect here
21 Jan 2017 | 06:22
then who is d culprit
21 Jan 2017 | 06:25
EPISODE 50 continues.. Kelly I walked down the street with my lunch box around my neck. My pinafore was stained with blue ink all thanks to Mel and Josh, the evil twins in my class. They had poured it on my seat when i stood up to answer a question asked by Mrs. Wilma. " Spell Mango Kelly" She said, pointing at it on the board. I stared at the picture of the fruits on the white board. " M_A_B__N" I tried. The whole class roared into laughter. She shook her head and asked me to sit down. I sat, smack down on the blue ink Josh and Mel deposited on my seat. Mrs.Wilma, scolded them and handed the three of us a letter to give our parents at the end of class. As i walked down the street, waiting for dadddy' s car to show up i wondered what he would say. He has warned me never to stray far from the school gate but i couldn't wait there for the others to come out and tease me. " Hey Kelly!" I heard Josh called after me. I kept walking, ignoring them. I felt their hands on my shoulder and i whirled around. " Leave me alone!" I cried, swinging my lunch box at them. The duo laughed mockingly. " We just wanted to know what A_P__P_L_E is" Mel said. My face turned beet red in embarrassment. I made to keep going but they blocked my path. Laughing at the top of their lungs. " Where is your dad? he forgot you again?" Josh teased." poor motherless baby". " Awww Josh she's not motherless. Mom said her mother is a biitch! Your mother is a slut!" Mel corrected. " Don't call my mother names! She's better than......than your own mother!" I shouted. They both laughed. " How could your dad keep forgetting you? Maybe he doesn't love you! Maybe he wants to throw you away like your mother did!" Josh said. Some of the other kids were walking towards us, i had to make my escape before they get any closer. " Mrs. Wilma said you will be sent back to reception class! You are just as stupid and dumb like your mother!". Mel said." If not, why would she dump you in a basket in front of your dad' s house?". " Why do you keep saying all these when you don't even know my mother! My dad said she's beautiful and smart just like me. And she didn't dump me, she died and went to heaven". I said bravely. " That's not what our mother says! If your mother is so smart, how come you are so dumb?". Josh asked, sticking out his tongue. " I am not dumb!" I said. " Then what is B_ A_G?". Mel asked. " B_A_G?' I said, trying to guess what it was and hoping my brain won't fail me this time. " Yes. Your dad has been begging so they won't send you back to the baby' s class. But Mrs. Wilma said she's had enough! Come on! tell us!" Josh taunted. " B_ A_G" I said, closing my eyes. " Boat!" I guessed. " Boat? " They both chorused, laughing. " Dumb! Dumb!" " Hey! Mel and Josh! What are you doing here?" Their mother called, walking towards us. She was so light skinned and beautiful. Her face was always made up and she looked like those mega stars i see on TV when dad wasn't around to monitor me. She walked to us, grabbed the ears of her sons twisting it. " Haven't i told you to always wait for me at the gate?" " Ouch Mom! We are sorry! It's Kelly! She was being bullied by some kids so we chased them away" They both lied. Mrs. Alice looked up, her expression was tired and she pouted her red lips. She was daddy' s friend and sometimes she acted so strange when he was present. She would flutter her lashes, blink furiously until i cringe inside, afraid she would hurt her eye balls. Sometimes she would lick her lips, sticking out her tongue in a weird way. " Where are the kids? Kelly is this true?" She asked. " Y....yes Mrs. Alice" I said, and she instantly let go of thier ears. " Do you know them? Their names? " she asked . " No" I replied. " You should tell your father so he would tell the school authorities so those bullies picking on kids would be punished. Where is he?" " He is not here yet." I replied. " Oh you poor child. Want me to drop you home?" She asked. I started thinking of excuses but i saw my dad' s car coming down the street and i sighed in relieve. He stopped the car and started towards us. " Alice" He acknowledged tersely. " Tosin!" She called cheerfully." Your child is being bullied! You should do something about it! The poor child needs a mother! " she laughed, pursing her lips" You know i won't mind taking care of her" My heart skipped a beat, i held my breath waiting for daddy' s response. " No, thank you Alice. Kelly and i are doing just fine. Come on, Kelly" He said, walking towards the car and I followed him. Mrs. Alice and her boys waved at us before walking back to the school gate where she left her car. " How are you Kelly? How was class today?" Daddy asked. " Fine" i muttered, looking down at my feet. " Who are the bullies? Are they in your class?" " No." " Did they hit you? Is this the first time?" " They didn't hit me." " Is today the first time?" He asked again, his hand was clenched on the steering." Why didn't you tell me?" " Where is my mother?" I asked. " Kelly how many times are we going to talk about this? She's in heaven". He replied. " She died while you were a baby". I nodded and kept quiet. When we got up, i ran upstairs and Shut myself in my room. Daddy knocked on the door and walked in. He sat down on the edge of my bed. " Your lunch is ready. You can watch TV for few minutes before your lesson teacher gets here" he said, breaking his rule of no TV on School days. " I am not hungry and i don't want to watch TV". I replied with a long face. " Come on, Princess, if it's about the bullies don't worry i will take care of them. How's your spelling now? or you want me to spell practice with you?" He asked. " What is B_A_R_N?" " Ben" i replied. " No. It's barn" he corrected, " Come downstairs and have your lunch first. Then we can practice some more." I burst into tears.hugging his neck fiercely. " Mrs. Wilma want to send me back to reception class". " She wouldn't dare! She will have me to contend with." He promised, lifting me into his arms" don't let that trouble you.Nobody will send my baby girl back to the babies' s class". All that happened just the week before. Before the wedding, i was happy Aunt Linda wanted me to be her flower girl. I was so happy in my little pink gown, a little basket of flowers in my hand. Now i am not happy because daddy is dead, Great_granny Deb who i only met once the year before entered my room, carrying a big tray of treats and goodies. She had suddenly appeared at the church when daddy was shot. She said Daddy made her promise to look after me. She took myhand and we got into her car.She placed the tray on my bed. " Omolola" She said, " How are you? " " I am fine" I said." When can i see my granny? " I asked. " I want to go back home". " She has left the country. She said you should stay here, after all you belonged to my Sola and not her wayward son. Get up and eat" " Daddy said sweet is bad for my teeth, Great_ granny deb. Where did my granny go? when will she be back? " " What does he know? Eat O jare. Your granny does not care about you. She said you should stay here. I have told the maids to bake you a cake, i have another surprise for you but that will be after you have eaten". " Thank you granny" I said quietly. " Nonsense! don't thank me! I heard you thanking the Maids last night, don't ever thank them again. It is their job and they are being paid for it. I have instructed them not to call you by your name again, make sure you report any of them that flaunts that order " " What should they call me?" I asked. " You are a royalty. You should be treated as one, you are princess Omolola Williams. They are to call you ' My lady' or ' Princess'" She replied. " OK granny" " Oya eat your sweets. Your Daddy is dead, he is not coming back, your useless granny too has left the country without thinking of you. But i will take good care of you " Great_granny deb promised, " You will start a new school soon, but it won't be in this country where that useless Ibo woman will get to see you when she returns.You will be sent to a boarding school oversea". " I don't want to start a new school." I said. " Omolola, You will do as you are told. Now eat your sweets" She said, before sweeping out of the room. I pulled the big pink teddy bear on the bed closer, buried my face into it sobbing. I wanted my daddy back and i wanted to go back home. ****************************** Victoria I have been in my room since the day daddy died and Linda was led away by the police. I knew Linda was behind his death, i thought i would be sad at the news of his death but all i felt was a strange serene happiness. He deserved to die, for all the atrocities he had committed. But i was appalled at myself, he had been so good to me even though he knew i wasn't his child. He had stood up for me on several occasions when Linda bullied me. No, he doesn't deserve to die like a dog, shot without mercy. For that, i couldn't forgive myself, for feeling relief at the news of his death. I was too ashamed to come out of my room for fear that someone would see the relief written all over my face. A part of me wished Linda hadn't taken the law into her own hands but another selfish part reminded me that he had tried to kill me. Now that he was gone, i don't have to look over my shoulder in fright. I wondered how Linda was coping in the cell, how Auntie Maggie was holding up, I knew she would be broken and that saddened me. Tosin had called me, he informed me of Kelly' s abduction and he also told me that Tomi was alive and i drew my strength from that one good news. Linda has been through a lot. She has known for years her mother' s murderer and she did nothing about it. But when it came to the issue of my own security, she had thrown her whole life away just to secure mine. Maybe it was time to pay back the Nwosu family for all the good they have done for me over the years. Linda is the strong one but being locked in a cage with no air and light is bound to make even the strongest of men snap into two. If Linda was out, she would have a better chance to bail out whoever was locked up. She will get me out as there was no one to fight for her. I would do it for her, i decided. I knew i had made the right decision then when i felt calm afterwards. A knock sounded on my door, the door was pushed back and Tosin came in with some Newspapers in his hand. " Hi Vick" he said. " Hi" He handed me the papers. " The media are having a field day. They are sensationalizing everything.This one right here, called Linda the ' Murderer in white Silk' " I stared at the picture of Linda on the front page of each of the national dallies.My heart squeezed as i handed the papers back to him. " I can't read them" I said. " Yes i know. It will only upset you the more, it was Stupid of me to even show them to you" he said." I' m sorry". " No i can't read" I stated. His eyes widened in shock as he got what i said. " How? You have degrees". He said, shocked. " Someone wrote all the exams for me. I am dyslexic " I replied. " But i learnt Braille and I can read the books written in braille". " Oh My God! Kelly!.......I think she has dyslexia too. Why did i not think of it?." He said sadly, " There's no news of her yet. I sit by the telephone all day waiting for a Ransome call. My mother has taken over now, sitting by that telephone, crying her eyes out. Waiting for it to ring." I flung myself into his arms. " Tosin.......Tosin......" My voice was hoarse. " She will be returned to us safe and sound. She's fine. Let's hold onto that hope ". He held me in his arms for a long time while i felt tears drop down my cheeks onto his shoulder. I held him closer, burying my nose in the crook of his neck. " Tosin?" I murmured. " Yes". " Please make love to me" I begged, wanting to bury myself in his arms forever and drown my worries". " Awww Vicky. Your first time should be special, shouldn't be like this" he said. " Please" I cried. His lips settled on mine, his tongue tentatively touching mine and taking control. The papers dropped onto the floor. His right hand cupped my, his thumb circling round my hard n.ipple and i arched my back. Gasping into his mouth, his hot mouth clamped down, on the pebble hard n.ipple, he bit, suckled and licked it through my blouse. I moaned, he gathered me into his arms and laid me on the bed, poised above me, my hands sought out his hard lean muscled body, he gasped as my roving hand found its way under his polo. He leaned down, kissing my full lips while i returned his kiss in_ between little gasps and moans. The door was suddenly pushed open and we both gasped. The intruder was Dantata, he stood at the threshold his eyes brimming with unspoken anger and fire. Tosin stood up, i also got up hastily and ran out of the room as the two of them sized up each other. I ran out of the house, got into my car with my heart slamming against my chest. It has to be now, i had to do it before my liver fails me. I beeped on my horn, Musa opened the gate and i drove out. Few Minutes Later........ The D.P.O instructed his boys to bring Linda out of her cell, she looked so dirty and tired. She smiled weakly on seeing me. She threw herself into my arms, holding me tightly. I gently withdrew from her arms. My hands were trembling, my heart beat was echoing in my ears. I took a deep breathe and exhaled sharply drawing tears to my eyes. " I killed him" I said, my gaze focused on the face of the D.P.O. " I am my father' s murderer". " Shut up! Shut up!" Linda cried, " What are you saying?". " I sent an assassin after dad, i am ready to turn myself in". " No. I killed him" Linda screamed." Officer take me back to my cell! I killed him!" The D.P.O and his boys traded looks. " Don't listen to her! Why do you want to suffer for a crime you didn't commit?" I said, " Please handcuff me now" " Take the both of them to the cell" D.P.O said. The boys clamped a cold hard handcuff on my hands. " Wait!" Somebody said, coming into the office with two other guys and one was in cuffs. We all whirled around and i gasped." Shun sir!" The officer saluted." This man has confessed to being behind the attack on Mr.Nwosu". " What?" Linda and i chorused. " Incredibly " D.P.O shouted. " Dantata please, please don't do this for me" I cried." I killed him, so i should be in jail". " I am ready to confess sir" Dantata said, " I killed him". Tosin sighed heavily." Shut up. My father was the murderer! don't do anything stupid just because you are crushing on Victoria. Do you think you can buy her love and affection by doing something so fool hardy?" The D.P.O shook his head." Take them all into a cell" he commanded. " And get me a Paracetamol for the headache they have given me." To be continued..
21 Jan 2017 | 07:42
Hahahahaha, dey ar all crazy. Pls go nd get Kelly bck b4 doz idiots spoil her
21 Jan 2017 | 09:03
Ehh...... Spiritual jonzing. ??? Ayam seeing things
21 Jan 2017 | 10:53
hehehe ths hell of a drama, so tosin is yo bro Vicky, thank God dantanta walked into ya both
21 Jan 2017 | 11:08
lol.... am sure d DPO is going crazy
21 Jan 2017 | 11:32
Funny. Please go get Kelly back
21 Jan 2017 | 11:42
Funny episode
21 Jan 2017 | 11:56
dis story is just exceptional Pls more update
21 Jan 2017 | 11:58
Lwkmd I killed him!!!! It me
21 Jan 2017 | 12:56
lol ..... Alotta murderers
21 Jan 2017 | 14:37
LOL. Crazy people.
21 Jan 2017 | 14:44
They r sumtin else
21 Jan 2017 | 15:26
21 Jan 2017 | 17:11
Hmm me sef get headache
21 Jan 2017 | 17:13
Really crazy set of pple. But wait o.....they(maggie,onyinye,tosin father) all get plans to ruin d weeding.nawa o...... I said it,victoria is maggie's daughter. But maggie,u re heartless o. Na u nd ur daughter work for d company?shebi na jenny's property and she can decide who shld get it. Ur own pass greed. Y victoria no eat dat food wey u poison sef so u can use ur hand to do ursef. Dantana y u come back so fast?
21 Jan 2017 | 17:15
seriously what is happening here
21 Jan 2017 | 18:07
EPISODE 51 Continues.. Tomi I looked up from the plate of food in front of me. My fork paused midway to my mouth. " What?" I asked, in disbelief. " They've all been locked up " Kelvin repeated, Tosin, Victoria, Linda, the D.P.O said there was another guy with them. They all claimed to be the murderer". " This sound funny even though it doesn't look it. What happened? Why would they do that?" I asked. " I don't know" He replied." I' m going to see if i can bail their assess " " Has Tosin' s father been Arrested? " I asked. " He hasn't been in the country for a long while now." He replied, " So far, Linda is the prime suspect and she's going to court next week. Although the police are still investigating". " I want to go see Tosin' s mother. God knows what the poor woman is going through now". I said. " Are you sure babe? You need to rest" He said. " I am pregnant, I am not crippled." I replied, shoving food into my mouth. " I will be fine dear" He laughed. " Well becareful. My would_ be best man is locked up, I hope i will have some luck getting a bail for him and his ' criminal' gang. Then we can have our wedding." He leaned down and kissed me on my forehead." Be safe, my lazy girl" he joked, walking out of the room. I finished my meal, took my plate to the kitchen sink to rinse it out. I drove down to Tosin' s house. His mother was on the couch when i entered. She smiled and welcomed me. " Tomi how are you?" She asked kindly. " I am fine ma" I replied, sitting down. " I have not seen Tosin. Have you?" She asked, worriedly. " went to the police station with Kelvin" I stammered out the lie. " I have this nagging feeling. I have been trying to put it out of my mind but i can' t" She said. " What is it ma?" I asked. " Come with me" She stood up, picked up a set of keys." My maternal instinct cannot fail me". I stood up and followed her out of the living room, she opened her car and we both entered. She drove out of the compound.We went on, in silence until i saw a car behind us, we took another turn, the car took the same turn. She curved into another street, the strange car did the same. An alarm bell went up in my head. " We are being followed" I shouted . " Are you sure?" She asked. " Yes. What do we do?" I asked, panting in fear. " I will take a wrong turn, let's see if the person will follow " She said, driving faster." Are we still being followed? " She asked after some few wrong turns. I looked into the rear mirror and sighed in relieve. The car wasn't in sight. " No. We lost him. Where are we going?" I asked. "I have a feeling that Kelly is with her great_grandma.The woman is so cunning, for years she and my ex_ husband has tried to get custody of her." " Why? Why would they want to take her from her biological father?" I cried. She was silent for a second before speaking again. " You are family now so there's no harm in telling you. She is the daughter of my late son, Sola. Kelly' s mother dumped the baby on Tosin' s door step one morning with a note." " Awww. How could she do that?" I asked, placing my hand protectively on my tummy. " Does she come to see her?" " Rosa? She died of drug abuse some years ago, after almost milking Tosin dry. He adopted Kelly when she was a year old. Ever since then his father and grandmother has been fighting for custody of her" The older woman replied. " Is she dangerous? I mean should we be going there alone? " I asked. " She's only an old woman with arthritis and regrets." She replied, she entered an estate gate and blared her horn in front of a house. " Stingy woman. I am betting she has no gate man. Let's walk in" She said, killing off the engine of the car. We got down and pushed in the little gate. We entered and closed it back. There was an old model car in the beautifully Flowered house. The compound was so silent, i doubted if anyone lived in it. We knocked on the door and it was opened by a little girl, she shrieked and threw herself into the arms of the older woman. " Kelly!" She screamed holding the child close." Where is great_grandma?". " She's inside. I think she's sick". The cute little girl replied." Hi" she said to me. " Hi yourself, how are you?" I asked, happy to see that she was alright. " I am fine. Thank you " she replied politely. We went into the living room. An old woman was laid up on the couch, she stirred and her eyes flew open. She sat up aggressively. " What are you doing here?" She bellowed. " Omolola get away from her! Come here! Where are my maids? Who left my gate open?" " What did i ever do to you? Why do you hate me so much? " Tosin' s mother asked." Why? You ruined my marriage and you ruined the life of my son! don't you have conscience? how do you sleep at night? " " Get out of my house! I warned you! didn't I? I told you to stick to your kind and leave my son alone! You were so greedy, you wouldn't take the money i offered you. You wanted more! You turned my son against me! My grandsons doesn't even visit me because you turned them against me too! I was so lonely! My only son was gone! Stolen away by an ibo gold digger! " " You chased your son away with your nagging behavior.Your grandsons were scared to visit you because you always hovered around them, you smouldered them, always wanting them to be in your sight. I tried to tell you that the boys were uncomfortable with the petting and smoldering.You didn't even hear me out instead you turned the boys against each other"She said,tears streaming down her cheeks.Everything became a competition and a test of will to determine the weaker child.You and Sola, picked on Tosin. You both shredded his esteem in two. He was not good enough to you because he had a good heart. He was a weakling to you because he stood up for his mother." " You were making him into a little girl with no backbone! How will they one day become the controller of the Williams wealth and enterprises if they are too soft? How will they take good management and business decision if they think with their hearts like a little girl! Instead of thinking with their head like real men! I knew you were unfit to be their mother. I had to take you out of their lives to save them." She said without regret. " So you set me up and sent me away from my matrimonial home. My first son became a drug addict under your tutelage. I guess you are happy and you are satisfied with how things have turned out. Why did you take Kelly without our knowledge? if you wanted to spend some time with her you only have to ask." Tosin' s mother asked bitterly. " I rescued her! I saved her life and brought her here with me!" The oldest woman replied, unrepentant." Where were you when i took her?" We heard the door creak open, the sound of a gun cocking sounded and i whirled around. Tosin' s mother put herself in front of Kelly, Shielding her from harm, the oldest woman in the room stared at him open mouthed. I moved backwards, away from the nozzle of his gun. His eyes were blood shot, his hair was shaggy and his beards were overgrown. He looked sick and high on something. He was the one following us, i realized with a sinking feeling. " Richie......" I said, shakily. " Shut up! Shut up you unfaithful biitch." He shouted, swinging the gun in his hand. " I will kill you all! I will kill you just like i killed your stupid boyfriend. Then i will go after that biitch called Linda. " " What.....what is going on?" Tosin' s mother asked, frightened. " Who is he?" " Shut up woman! I loved you Tomi! I would have done anything for you! You..... allowed Linda to tear us apart.You encouraged her to seduce me so you can use it as an excuse to run to your lover! " He said, crying. " You shamed me! You betrayed me!" " Richie.......listen to me. You are not yourself...... this isn't you. Whatever it is, i will get help for you. I will stand by you and make sure you are alright. " I said. " Liar! Serpent! You won't fool me again. I have been watching and following you all. You have been f* ucking him! You spread your legs for him and your penance is death." He shouted. "You sound sick. Very sick" Great_ granny said." You need medical attention, don't hurt anyone here. It won't solve what ails you." He looked at her and scoffed, tears running down his cheeks. He was acting like a baby, i could see indicision written on his face. This wasn't the Richie i knew. " You sent someone to murder my boyfriend at the church?, he's dead now. There's no need for you to harm anyone else here. I am the one you came for please take me and leave the others alone. They have done nothing to you. I am the one who wronged you " I said. He advanced towards me and i held my breath.He raised up the gun, the others gasped, pleading with him. He lowered the gun,swiftly hitting the butt of it on my head. I staggered backwards, dazed, he brought it down again and i collapsed to the ground. The room was suddenly swamped with darkness, I slowly felt myself slip away, into the arms of that blissful darkness. To be continued..
21 Jan 2017 | 18:31
She b bank?
21 Jan 2017 | 19:49
Tomi pele ooooooooooo This Richie is just so stupid
22 Jan 2017 | 01:04
Hahahahahaha...una de funny ooo...plz ride on
22 Jan 2017 | 02:10
So richie was d one along
22 Jan 2017 | 03:20
22 Jan 2017 | 03:54
So Richie is the killer
22 Jan 2017 | 04:29
He too is a suspect, dat crazy maniac
22 Jan 2017 | 06:38
him do u wel
22 Jan 2017 | 06:45
so Richie is the killer. Chai
22 Jan 2017 | 08:01
Haa so richy is still in the story,he came to revenge
22 Jan 2017 | 08:58
I thought Richie is long gone..
22 Jan 2017 | 09:08
he's not gonna kill you .....
22 Jan 2017 | 09:37
Richie ur r d killer
22 Jan 2017 | 13:09
Richie i think say ur own part don end...... Love every part of ds story. Writer bring it on
22 Jan 2017 | 14:30
22 Jan 2017 | 15:38
EPISODE 52 continues.. Tomi I looked up from the plate of food in front of me. My fork paused midway to my mouth. " What?" I asked, in disbelief. " They've all been locked up " Kelvin repeated, Tosin, Victoria, Linda, the D.P.O said there was another guy with them. They all claimed to be the murderer". " This sound funny even though it doesn't look it. What happened? Why would they do that?" I asked. " I don't know" He replied." I' m going to see if i can bail their assess " " Has Tosin' s father been Arrested? " I asked. " He hasn't been in the country for a long while now." He replied, " So far, Linda is the prime suspect and she's going to court next week. Although the police are still investigating". " I want to go see Tosin' s mother. God knows what the poor woman is going through now". I said. " Are you sure babe? You need to rest" He said. " I am pregnant, I am not crippled." I replied, shoving food into my mouth. " I will be fine dear" He laughed. " Well becareful. My would_ be best man is locked up, I hope i will have some luck getting a bail for him and his ' criminal' gang. Then we can have our wedding." He leaned down and kissed me on my forehead." Be safe, my lazy girl" he joked, walking out of the room. I finished my meal, took my plate to the kitchen sink to rinse it out. I drove down to Tosin' s house. His mother was on the couch when i entered. She smiled and welcomed me. " Tomi how are you?" She asked kindly. " I am fine ma" I replied, sitting down. " I have not seen Tosin. Have you?" She asked, worriedly. " went to the police station with Kelvin" I stammered out the lie. " I have this nagging feeling. I have been trying to put it out of my mind but i can' t" She said. " What is it ma?" I asked. " Come with me" She stood up, picked up a set of keys." My maternal instinct cannot fail me". I stood up and followed her out of the living room, she opened her car and we both entered. She drove out of the compound.We went on, in silence until i saw a car behind us, we took another turn, the car took the same turn. She curved into another street, the strange car did the same. An alarm bell went up in my head. " We are being followed" I shouted . " Are you sure?" She asked. " Yes. What do we do?" I asked, panting in fear. " I will take a wrong turn, let's see if the person will follow " She said, driving faster." Are we still being followed? " She asked after some few wrong turns. I looked into the rear mirror and sighed in relieve. The car wasn't in sight. " No. We lost him. Where are we going?" I asked. "I have a feeling that Kelly is with her great_grandma.The woman is so cunning, for years she and my ex_ husband has tried to get custody of her." " Why? Why would they want to take her from her biological father?" I cried. She was silent for a second before speaking again. " You are family now so there's no harm in telling you. She is the daughter of my late son, Sola. Kelly' s mother dumped the baby on Tosin' s door step one morning with a note." " Awww. How could she do that?" I asked, placing my hand protectively on my tummy. " Does she come to see her?" " Rosa? She died of drug abuse some years ago, after almost milking Tosin dry. He adopted Kelly when she was a year old. Ever since then his father and grandmother has been fighting for custody of her" The older woman replied. " Is she dangerous? I mean should we be going there alone? " I asked. " She's only an old woman with arthritis and regrets." She replied, she entered an estate gate and blared her horn in front of a house. " Stingy woman. I am betting she has no gate man. Let's walk in" She said, killing off the engine of the car. We got down and pushed in the little gate. We entered and closed it back. There was an old model car in the beautifully Flowered house. The compound was so silent, i doubted if anyone lived in it. We knocked on the door and it was opened by a little girl, she shrieked and threw herself into the arms of the older woman. " Kelly!" She screamed holding the child close." Where is great_grandma?". " She's inside. I think she's sick". The cute little girl replied." Hi" she said to me. " Hi yourself, how are you?" I asked, happy to see that she was alright. " I am fine. Thank you " she replied politely. We went into the living room. An old woman was laid up on the couch, she stirred and her eyes flew open. She sat up aggressively. This is incredibly good. To be continued..
22 Jan 2017 | 16:03
so it is Richie
22 Jan 2017 | 16:11
Next bro
22 Jan 2017 | 16:51
Hmmm, another wahala for Tomi!
22 Jan 2017 | 17:02
22 Jan 2017 | 17:08
You repeated it 51 and 52 are d same thing
22 Jan 2017 | 18:26
Next bro
22 Jan 2017 | 19:28
@viciyoung .... 52 is thesame thing as 51 biko amend it am dying of sus....nse
23 Jan 2017 | 02:25
l can no longer edit it oo one of the admins should help me delete the episode 52 please.. so i can reposted another one.. cause i made a mistake.. thanks.
23 Jan 2017 | 03:15
Wia are d admin oo I'm dying of suspense hia
23 Jan 2017 | 03:51
This is a repeat. Pls try and repost today.
23 Jan 2017 | 05:32
If na Richie make d shoot @ the church den he is foolish
23 Jan 2017 | 06:17
EPISODE 52 continues.. Maggie I walked downstairs after a long nap to clear my head and thoughts. Danatata and Tosin were sizing up each other, panting heavily like they had engaged in a scuffle. I shook my head, wondering why love makes us so insane. I was certain whatever they disagreed on had to do with Victoria.They both acknowledged me before walking out without a word. I was about going back into my room when i heard the sound of a car entering the compound. My face lit up as Onyinye walked in. " Mom" Onyinye said, kissing me on both cheeks." How are you?" " I am fine my dear" I replied, so happy to see her. " Mom, i hope you are not just sitting down. We have to leave as soon as possible" She said, " We have to take what we can now and disappear before the alarm goes off." " I cannot leave Victoria behind, She's the only thing holding me back" I replied. " Have you gotten the buyers? " " Yes. I set up a meeting for tomorrow " She replied."What will you do about Chief Adediwura? will you let him go Scott free after all he did to you? Linda is already serving her own punishment" " I don't know what to do Theresa. I just don't know. I am so confused,my Joe is gone,Jennifer willed everything to her daughter, she left nothing to Joe.Although he has expanded the businesses and added more to it, it all belongs to Linda. Johnson Adediwura has also refused to acknowledge Victoria as his child.What will become of us? I wanted to take Kelvin out of the way but i ended up shooting myself in the leg" " Mom let go of the guilt! Someone else gunned Joe down. Someone who had a bone to pick with him." She said. " My guy also said they couldn't make it. If everything had gone according to plan, kelvin would be dead by now, Linda kidnapped and tortured till she dies and you will officially become Mrs. Margaret Nwosu." "If only" I said wistfully. " I feel so guilty accusing Linda of murdering her father." " No Mom.Don't say that. You did what you had to do, at least it took Linda out of the way for us. We no longer have to see each other in secret. Where is Victoria?" She asked. " She went out some minutes ago. Do you think i should i should open up to her?" I asked, " You know, tell her i am her mother" " No Mom! don't! this is not the right time. She will only ask questions you won't be able to answer. We should focus on selling off everything as soon as we can. Any luck getting the documents of the house? " She said. " No." I replied. "I think Linda has the key to her father' s safe. They should be there." I replied sadly. " We will find a way to break that safe. Have you heard from Joe' s lawyers?" She asked, sitting down. " Yes. The will be read next week." I replied. " Before that will is read, we should have been able to sell off some properties. Mom you know i can't lead you astray. Nobody loves you here or cares about you. You have to fight for yourself if not you just might find yourself back on the street." Onyinye said. " Thank you Theresa. What would i have done without you. I remember how you stood by me when Jennifer Nwosu forcefully took Victoria from me. Even though you were only a little child yourself you told me to be strong and fight for what belongs to me.Thank you, for being a shoulder to lean on all these years. Nobody else knows me or understands me like you. " I said, with gratitude. " You are welcome." She stood up, went into the kitchen and returned with two wine glasses and a bottle of wine." This is the time for celebration. The world abandoned us but we stood up for ourselves and we are victorious." She filled the glasses and handed me one. " To us " " To Us" I said. " If Linda finds a way to get out. My boys will be waiting for her." Onyinye promised, sipping her wine. " The girl thinks she is smart but we will prove her wrong. She's so easy to fool". " I can't believe she was planning to destroy my wedding to her father". I said with disgust, " After all i have done for her. Taking care of her since childhood!" Onyinye laughed. " I tell you, this rich people think we are dirts to be trampled upon. It would have served Chief Adediwura right if his son had been gunned down before his very eyes. The battle is far from being over. We won't rest until all those who have wronged you have been served." My eyes misted with tears. I had undying loyalty in her, she had been my pillar, a shoulder to lean on. My informant, confidant and my family. We had a special unbreakable bond, we were both rejected by the world but somehow we found each other and we have held onto each other. We were born to be each other' s backbone. I will forever be grateful that she came into my life. To so many she was ugly and unfit but to me she was angelic and beautiful in my sight. Just like the first time i saw her, waving her little hands and legs in a pink and white shawl on the door steps of the orphanage. I was ten years old when fate brought us together. ******* " Mother!" I cried. " Someone left a baby here!" I picked up the little bundle wrapped in a pink and white shawl. The baby kicked his tiny legs against my tummy, he let out a little baby cry, i hugged him closer, walking into the building. It wasn't a new thing for a mother to dump their little one on the door steps of the orphanage. It wasn't the first time i would be the one coming upon the child either but this little baby snared my young heart in one glance. He looked different too, he was so pale, so tiny and his lips were so pink. He looked lost. Just like me. Two nuns walked up to me, wanting to relieve me of the baby but i ignored their outstretched hands, heading towards Mother' s office. As mother's favorite i got away with a lot of things and this was one of them. She stood up, as i entered into her office. She took the little bundle from me. Frowning. " Yet another one" She sighed heavily." We can barely feed the ones we have, everyday we wake up to find yet another one dumped on us. The government is not forthcoming on their promise to help us, if not for the church and the NGOS supporting us i wonder what would have become of us. This one look so.........." " White" I finished." I think his parents were Onyinbo" " She. Its a baby girl.She's an albino" Mother said, " Take her to the nurses, let them have a look at her to see if she needs any medical attention. Did she come with a note?" " Note? No mother. There was no note in her shawl" I replied, putting on my best smile. " Mother please can i name her?" She sighed " Alright. Take her to the infirmary now" " I will name her Theresa Onyinye after Mother Theresa Onyinye that died" I said, accepting the baby from her. " Off you go now and be careful." Mother shooed me away. " Tell the nurses i will come by shortly" I took the little pale baby to the nurses who pronounced her hale and hearty. I visited her in her nursery as often as i could.Over time she became the little sister i always longed for, a person to call my own. She grew up quickly but she became the butt of the other kids jokes because of her pale complexion and freckles. Fridays were visiting days, Couples and those wanting a child comes to the orphanage, those days, we used to wake up very early and put on our best frocks.Our faces was usually shinning from the vaseline and shear butter we apply on it and our hair duly combed and held up in piggy tails. We would stand according to our age and sex for inspection before marching into Mother's office. The couples would look at our faces carefully searching for the most beautiful or handsome child. They would ask to know how we were each doing academically. None of those women or men ever spared a glance for the little girl with botched skin, freckled face and squinted eyes. The women would move forward, little Theresa will fix her gaze on them pleading with her eyes and perharps praying in her heart. Another little girl on her left would be pointed at, another on her right but never her. At the end of the day, those of us not chosen would make our way back to our various rooms with heavy heart and hope for the coming friday. Those nights, the little four year old would cry herself to sleep. During the next visit, the same thing would repeat itself until one day. The couple was very old but they looked wealthy, mother told me they were one of our benefactors.They had been married for years without a child so they decided to adopt a child in their old age.The old coupled looked at each child and they settled on me. This occured at a time i desperately seek to leave the orphanage. I was fourteen, Mother, who had been so kind to me had suddenly taken a peculiar interest in me which i couldn't understand. " I like this child here" She exclaimed, " What is your name child?" " My name is Margaret " I replied, smiling. The lady was pretty and her eyes seemed kind. " But i am called Maggie". " She's the child i have been looking for" She told her husband who nodded his assent.They turned back to Mother who was no longer smiling,she wasn't pleased with their choice. " When will the paper works be ready? We want to go home with Maggie as soon as we can". " The child has to be willing to go along with you" Mother informed her. The old man walked to me, looking into my eyes." Magaret, i am Benson and this is my wife Anna. We are both good Christians and we have been praying for a child of our own but the good lord is yet to bless us with one. We want to adopt you as our child, you won't lack for anything, we will take good care of you. Will you go with us?" He asked. I glanced at Little Theresa in her faded blue hand_me down gown with her hair in piggytail. She crossed her little hands behind her back like an adult. She was frightened and trying bravely not to cry. She knew that her friend and defender would soon be leaving her.I walked to her, took her hand, leading her back to my would_be father. " This is my little sister, her name is Theresa Onyinye. I cannot leave without her." I said. He exchanged looks with his wife. " My dear. We want only one child, we are too old to be running after a little child. That is why you are the ideal child for us" his wife replied. " We cannot take the both of you. You heard my wife, we need a grown child such as yourself. Your sister can stay here, we will visit her often and when she comes of age we will come for her" He said. " But is she your blood sister? " " No they are not related by blood but they have a special bond" Mother said, " It would be disastrous to separate them." She was unwilling to let me go but she didn't want them to know she was against it since they were our benefactors. ' We cannot take the both of them" He insisted. And they choose another fourteen year old girl. That night while asleep, i felt a little body against mine. I opened my eyes to see Theresa smugly sleeping beside me, her legs were wrapped around mine and she clutched my hand to her chest sleeping soundly. It was the first visiting night that she didn't cry herself to sleep. I promised to come back for her when i left the orphanage. After moving in with the Nwosu, they offered me a job. To be a nanny to their daughter, Linda.That was when i went back for my little sister, She wasn't of the legal age to leave so i found a way to take her away. I got an apartment and someone to look after her. I ensured she went to the best schools just like Linda and she is the only family i have besides Victoria. To be continued
23 Jan 2017 | 08:12
Now m getting
23 Jan 2017 | 12:13
now I got it
23 Jan 2017 | 12:56
this Maggie really has too many secrets
23 Jan 2017 | 14:19
Am observing. Plots upon plots
23 Jan 2017 | 14:35
23 Jan 2017 | 15:23
Maggie is d mother of Victoria? and also know Onyinye Things is going on here o
23 Jan 2017 | 15:35
nawao u see life?
23 Jan 2017 | 15:40
Xo dats it
23 Jan 2017 | 15:42
23 Jan 2017 | 15:43
23 Jan 2017 | 17:15
hmmm this life
23 Jan 2017 | 17:36
23 Jan 2017 | 18:20
mmmm Maggie and Onyinye
24 Jan 2017 | 00:58
Hmmm, secrets upon secrets!
24 Jan 2017 | 05:47
EPISODE 53 continues.. Tomi I moaned and wiped at whatever was trickling down my face with my hand. My head felt so heavy, even opening my eyelids was streneous. I could hear distant voices, the sound of a little girl crying.The room was spinning around, my brain struggled to make sense of the fuzzy images. Two men in black polos were in the room holding a gun. It was pointed at Richie. I raised my sticky wet hand to my face, it was red with my blood. " Don't do anything stupid. Slowly put your gun on the ground and put your hands up where we can see it." One of them said. " Don't even try to act smart because we have the house surrounded.' His partner said." Drop your gun on the floor". Richie dropped his gun to the ground obediently like a child, putting both of his hands up. One of the men handcuffed him and the other picked up his gun. Richie looked so docile and vulnerable as the two men led him out of the room. Tosin' s mother ran to me, helping me up. Kelly flung herself into the arms of her great_grandma. " Tomi are you alright? You had me so worried" She cried out, helping me to the couch." Can you hear me?" " What happened? " i moaned out. " Who are those men?" " I don't know. I was surprised too when they kicked the door open, gun in hand" Tosin' s mother replied. The door opened again, two uniformed women came inside. " Is everybody alright?" One of them asked." Is anyone hurt?" " Where were you all when that mad boy entered?" Great_granny complained. " We are sorry for the delay in getting here ma'am " Is anyone hurt? " the younger uniformed woman asked. " Yes. She' s hurt" Tosin' s mother replied her "Tomi get up,i will take you to the hospital" " No. I am fine" I said." Is everyone else alright? " " Yes. Just a bit shaken" She faced the officers" Thank you for coming to our rescue" Tosin' s mother said." How..... how did you know we were in danger?" " Your son had us watching your house. We followed you when you left the house. We lost you for a while before we caught up once again. We suspected foul play when we saw another car closely tailing after yours and we called for back up" one of the women explained. " Madam isn't this your missing grand daughter?" The other asked, staring at Kelly. " Yes.She came home with her great_grandmother. I am sorry for putting you all through stress.Tomi let' s go.Kelly come along" " Do you want to leave me all alone here? My maids have gone for their off. Do you want that maniac to come here to kill me in my sleep? " Deb complained, getting up from the couch" I will stay with you for the mean time until i am assured he won't be getting out of jail " Tosin' s mother and little Kelly groaned. ********************************* Maggie We had gone through three bottles of wine, we were already on the fourth bottle and i was getting worried about Theresa. She was already tipsy and gulping down more. " Theresa i think you should go before Vicky comes back " I said. She refilled her wine glass. " I will leave soon. Let's celebrate! " She slurred out the words, belching loudly. The door was pushed open and Chief Johnson Adediwura walked in, a furious expression on his face. " Maggie! You tried to kill my son!" He shouted. "Johnson please leave my house" I said in anger, i have nothing to say to you but if i were you i would be very careful" " I know Joe took the bullet meant for my son. I will expose you this time around" He threatened. " I told you i will settle you and your daughter, that you won't lack for anything. I can't write her in my will because it will raise brows but you are just too greedy and self centered to see the wisdom in my word. Do you know how broken she would be if she finds out that her whole life has been a lie? do you know how displaced she would be? She doesn't belong to Nwosu neither will the Adediwuras accept her!" " Don't talk to her like that! It was all your fault! You manipulated and took advantage of her innocence. She was only a child herself......just seventeen years old! you Lied to her! got her pregnant and abandoned her to her fate!" Onyinye said, jumping to her feet. " I paid her off! I gave her five million naira to start up something for herself.I promised to take care of her and the baby. She foolishly told Jennifer who threatened to tell my wife if i so much as lift a finger to help her. Jenny said she would care for the child herself." He explained. " Maggie be warned. I know you are Joe' s murder and i also know his death was a mistake. Stay away from my family........if not i will expose you to the whole world" " Johnson, i trusted you, i loved you. I believed you when you said you loved me. Yes, you promised to care for me if i take the five million naira and leave. I thought Jenny was my friend, i thought she would understand. But she forcefully took my child away from me, i came to you on my knees. I cried, i begged you to plead with Jenny to return her to me and that i would take my child, my little sister and leave forever. You chased me away! you kicked me out like a dog and you said since Jenny has claimed the child you were no longer responsible for me. I had to disappear to hide the fact that i was pregnant, once the baby came, you and Jenny came to see me and you both whisked her away". I said. " You, your sons and your wife deserves to die. I won't rest until i see you all six feet under" He laughed." Young woman, you have bitten the wrong finger. I will make you spit blood. How could you, an uneducated riff raff want to raise my child! i told Jenny to take her away from you. You think Joe wasn't aware of it? he was my friend! he also thought you were too young and too unstable to take care of her!" He spat out." We were all in on it because we fight for our own and we take care of ours." Onyinye pulled out a gun from her bag which was on the sofa, she pointed it at him. " Theresa please put it away. Let the fool live today but he will surely pay for his crimes" I said, afraid she would hurt herself instead. " Mom, how could you let him get away with all he did to you! I remembered how you used to cry yourself to sleep each night. I remembered how you called out his name while groaning in pain with fever. He doesn't care about you! he has never loved you! We were living from hand to mouth while you were too sick and pregnant. Jenny seized your money, her husband gave you a check and she forcefully took that also from you. They all took you for a ride! my blood boils with all the wrongs they have done to you". My loyal sister said. ' Is Maggie as innocent as you claim? What do you know? She's greedy and self centered. She wanted to reap where she didn't sow. She murdered Jennifer Nwosu. She slowly poisoned her even before she took the baby from her. You murdered her! " He said, " You better put away that gun little girl before you hurt your little finger" " She deserved it! She deserved what she got! She made me lose my first pregnancy! She tried to cut me off as soon as she found out that i slept with her friend' s husband. She felt i was beneath her station! she thought i wasn't in her class and i had no one to fight my battles she could thread upon me. I hated her! I loathed her stupid face and pretentious smile and when she turned against me i knew i had to get her out of my way." I shouted, glad to let it all out in the open. " Mom let's do away with him now" Onyinye said," he knows too much" " No Theresa. It will get messy" I replied, " Please put the gun away" Onyinye advanced on him." I won't let you hurt my mom again. I won't " She waved the gun at him, staggering a bit, swinging it. Johnson grabbed the gun from her, she held it with both hands struggling with him. " Theresa no! Let it go for now please!"i shouted." I think you have had too much wine, now isn't the time. Johnson stop it! Let go! Let go of the gun!" They were both struggling with it while i pleaded with them to put an end to the foolishness. The gun went off and the deafening sound of it rocked me to my core. Johnson' s eyes widened in shock and i Let out a piercing scream. The gun dropped to the ground and the smell of blood filled my nostril. " Oh my God!" I screamed." My God!" Onyinye staggered backwards, i grabbed her and she fell into my arms. The bullet had gone through her stomach. Her blouse was soaked with her blood, her mouth hung open, her eyes were widened in shock. We both fell against the sofa, she still in my arms. " Call for an ambulance " I screamed, " Theresa, Theresa please! Please answer me" tears filled my eyes, spilling onto my cheeks. " Theresa Onyinye please " Johnson squatted, took hold of her limp hand, checking her pulse. " She's dead" He said, standing up " You brought this upon yourself" he walked out without a backward glance. " Onyinye, Onyinye " I pressed my face into her chest crying." Please don't leave me" To be continued..
24 Jan 2017 | 07:13
Hmmmm big men and their wahala.
24 Jan 2017 | 08:12
Onyinye brought the death upon herself
24 Jan 2017 | 08:32
Onyinye killed herself
24 Jan 2017 | 12:46
Good for her
24 Jan 2017 | 12:51
She brought it upon herself
24 Jan 2017 | 13:46
Indeed a drama series. Next please
24 Jan 2017 | 13:46
she brought it upon herself
24 Jan 2017 | 14:18
Ha...what a pity we died
24 Jan 2017 | 14:46
There comes the end of smart Onyinye! Evil does not pay!
24 Jan 2017 | 15:21
I taught ax much
24 Jan 2017 | 16:12
One down, dats good news. She deserve it
24 Jan 2017 | 16:22
She killed herself
24 Jan 2017 | 16:25
she deserve it
24 Jan 2017 | 16:28
EPISODE 54 Continues.. Maggie I stood up, propping Onyinye' s body against the sofa. I ran up the stairs to pick up my phone. I knew there would be so many questions which i won't be able to answer so the best thing to do was to call the police and inform them of how Johnson shot and killed my sister.I thought of the possible ways to rope him in, i ran back downstairs. My leg kicked the gun on the floor and i jumped back in fright. I picked up the gun, realized my error and placed it on the ground again. Maybe the best thing to do was to take my sister' s corpse, get the documents to the house and fled. I stood, holding my head with my blood soaked hands, uncertain what to do. The door opened and i jumped back, Johnson came in with two uniformed men. The bastard had set me up. I screamed, pointing to him. " Officers! this man killed my......." " Madam you are under arrest. Anything you do or say here can be used against you" I picked up the gun pointing it at them. " Don't even come a step closer! else i will blow off your brains!' I shouted. " He set me up! he shot her!" Linda, Victoria, Kelvin, Dantata and Tosin walked in. They paused in shock, the ladies shrieked. '' What is going on here? " Linda demanded. " Madam drop the gun and turn yourself in" one of the officers said. " I won't! Johnson Adediwura set me up!" " What's going on dad?" Kelvin asked. " What are you waiting for? Arrest this woman!" Chief shouted. '' Onyinye was my little sister, i loved her! She was the only family i had and you took her away from me!" I shouted, drawing gasps from the others. " Auntie Maggie, Onyinye was your sister?" Victoria asked in shock. " How? you never acted like you knew her or you were even related" " What did i tell you guys? I knew she had skeletons in her cupboard " Linda said, " I am sure you planted her in my life. What i dont understand is what you stand to gain! we all loved you and accepted you as our blood " " Johnson shot and killed Onyinye! He set me up!" I shouted again, " Victoria i am sorry i kept a lot of things from you. It was this b.astard who ruined my life! It was this same ba.stard who deceived me and got me pregnant!. He connived with Jennifer Nwosu and they took my child away from me" "Shut up you liar! Murderer! She murdered Jennifer Nwosu and she also confessed to it. I recorded our little talk earlier" He said, bringing out a recorder from his pocket." I promised you that i would bring you down. I don't make an idle threat" He threw it at the uniformed men, one of them caught it mid air. " Where is that child now? " Kelvin asked, " I believe you'' " That's her over there! Vicky i am sorry. Please forgive me for not telling you earlier. I am your mother and your father is Adediwura Johnson" " What?" Victoria asked, " What?.........." She trailed off as she dropped to the ground unconscious. The others rushed to her, Tosin picked her up in his arms while the others fretted over her. I knew that was it for me, if i was going down then i would pull Johnson along with me. I used that little moment of distraction, to rooster the gun and aimed a shot at him. The sound jolted everyone and he dropped to the ground like a sack of potatoes. I dropped the gun, my hands raised up in surrender. " Victoria" I cried, " Is she alright? " The officers roughly pulled my hands behind me, placing a cuff round my wrists. Kelvin and Tosin were beside him checking his pulse. Tosin was calling for an ambulance while Linda was shaking Victoria. The men led me out, my head was held up high with no regrets.Linda ran after me, shouting why Auntie? I ignored her and got into the police van. To be continued..
24 Jan 2017 | 18:15
0 Likes, dis is hw de world is wicked? Onyinye u r doing dis 2ur best friend?
24 Jan 2017 | 18:34
Nemesis!!!!! Expecting more revelations.
24 Jan 2017 | 18:42
This is serious. Next
24 Jan 2017 | 19:19
you killed urself onyinye
25 Jan 2017 | 00:27
Thank God they have arrested Maggie. I pray Johnson survives it
25 Jan 2017 | 00:58
I hope dhar chief.... wateva hs name is die
25 Jan 2017 | 01:33
25 Jan 2017 | 02:10
I can't accuse Maggie for what she did Those rich people can do anything they want and think they will go Scott free
25 Jan 2017 | 04:02
Your enemies are truly the people you see and take as ur own, people you will never have thought of having the mind to harm you.
25 Jan 2017 | 04:03
25 Jan 2017 | 04:43
What a world,wonders can never seize to end
25 Jan 2017 | 05:40
Speechless.. Watching out for more revelation
25 Jan 2017 | 05:50
Hmmm... Serious matter
25 Jan 2017 | 07:37
hmm.. can't really blame Maggie
25 Jan 2017 | 07:44
Beta oh
25 Jan 2017 | 09:19
Hmmm, so complex a story!
25 Jan 2017 | 10:30
Some secret are unfolding..
25 Jan 2017 | 11:31
EPISODE 55 * Continues* Tosin " Mom is everybody alright? Was anyone hurt?" I asked worriedly." I just got a call from the D.P.0 on my way home." " We are all fine. Thanks to the police women you had watching the house. They followed me when i left here and they called for back up when they noticed someone else was trailing after us. Kelly was with your grandma, she's fine". Mom replied. " The D.P.O informed me." I said, " Kelly!" I was relieved to see Kelly bouncing down the stairs. After a long day at the hospital where Chief was taken, it was a blessing to see my daughter hale and hearty once again.She jumped into my arms happily. Mom asked her to go back to her room and she relunctantly went back upstairs. While my mom was narrating the events of the day to me, i noticed my grandmother was perched on the sofa, her legs propped up on a stool. Her face was covered with a green facial mask. Her eyes were closed in sleep and she was snoring lightly. I drew my mom aside in anger. " What is she doing here?" I asked. " She was scared of being alone after what happened" Mom explained. I burst into laughter. " Tell me that's not true. Do monsters get scared too? I don't want her here" " Oluwatosin Williams i can hear you!" She grumbled." I am very much awake so don't even think of gossiping about me.For your information, i am not going anywhere until i am sure that maniac you all brought into my life is securely behind bars " I sighed in exasperation. " Where is Tomi?" " She had a little cut but she has been treated. She's sleeping now, where is Kelvin? " " A cut? is she alright? Kelvin's at the hospital" " Yes. She's alright. Why is Kelvin at the hospital? What happened? " " Chief was shot" I replied. " Oh My God! Was it that same boy that attacked us?" " No. It was Maggie" " Maggie?......wait........same sweet Maggie? how?" My mother asked in surprise. " It is a long story, mom but she is in the police custody now " I said tiredly, " I will check in on Tomi before going to bed" " How about your dinner?" She asked. " I am fine mom" ************************************* Victoria Linda and i watched in silence as Onyinye' s corpse was zipped up and taken out of the room. We both went back upstairs. Linda followed me into my room and we both sat on my bed in silence. " I knew" She said. " You knew what?" I asked quietly. " I knew she was your mother. I thought it would be better if you heard it from her. I didn't know this would be the way you will find out. I am sorry" " Did dad know too?" " I don't know but he didn't try to poison you and he didn't murder my mom" She said, " We talked before.....before he died. Dad loves us, Vicky" " I want to be alone please" I said. " No you don't have to. We are all we both have now, don't shut me out please " " Please Linda, go" She stood up and walked out silently. I pulled my knees up to my chest, allowing the tears to flow freely. I no longer knew who i was. My mother had been the sweet woman who i had always fondly thought of as an aunt. It was all a lie, none of that sweetness existed. I have lived my whole life thinking i belonged but now i know it was all a big lie. How many times have i walked by my father without knowing he was my sire? how many times have i been in the same room with my half_ siblings without us saying a word to each other. My world had been crumpled with that single revelation. " I am your mother....." She had said, while clutching a gun in her hands. I had no family now and no home. I didn't even know who i was anymore. Onyinye was my supposed aunt and we had barely talked in the past. Who was Auntie Maggie? where did she come from? where were her family? did i have other siblings and relatives out there? will i be shunned by society for my mother's sins? tongues would wag, whispers would trail after me, will Chief die? if he dies will his family blame me too for his death? will they even open their door to me? those were the questions that plagued me, questions i had no answer to. I waited until i was sure the stars would be in the sky. I folded some clothes into a box, took my passports and car key. The blood had been mopped and the room disinfected. One would hardly know someone had been shot and killed in that same living room. I gently shook awake Musa who was sleeping. He opened the gate for me and i drove out into the darkness. Putting a tight lid on the past twenty years of my life. To me, that chapter of my life had been closed. ********************************** Kelvin My mother and i were sitting quietly in the hospital reception. We had been there all day, waiting for news of my father. My mother had been so quiet and lost in thought. I wondered briefly if she was having a mental breakdown because she took the news of her husband being shot and fathering a child with another woman so quietly. " I knew she was his child" My mom said quietly, sipping coffee from a paper cup. " You knew Mom?" I asked, " How long have you known?" "I have always suspected. Have you taken a look at your younger sister and Victoria? they look so much alike. For many years, i pushed it out of my mind. I tried to avoid seeing her because it was a remainder that my husband cheated on me with a minor. Maggie must have been seventeen or eighteen when she had that girl. One day out of the blues, Jenny said she was pregnant. There was no baby showers, no pictures of her while she was pregnant. She avoided everyone and shut herself in her room. Maggie also disappeared after some months and by the time they both resurfaced there was a baby. I knew for sure Victoria was his child when he insisted you marry Linda. At first i thought it was because of her father' s wealth but i realized it was a ploy to keep his love child in sight." I sighed heavily" You also encouraged me mom. Why did you even after knowing all this?" " It was for my own selfish reasons. I thought it would be better if your father keep Victoria close through your marriage to Linda. Rather than him coming out to say it and openly accepting her. I was afraid of the shame, gossip and scandal. How's the poor girl doing?" " Honestly mom i don't know. Tosin called me, he said his mom and Tomi were attacked. He assured me they were alright. He put Tomi on, she also assured me they were alright. The police got there on time and rescued them. The attacker is also behind bars now and he has confessed to being behind the attack in the church" Mom sighed wearily " Thank God they are alright. What should i do, Kelvin? about Victoria ". " What you should have done a long time, mom. Seek Victoria out" I said, " She's the innocent one caught in the middle of this. She's one of us now, she has to know we accept her and we have her back". A nurse walked up to us. We got up, hoping for a good news. " Mrs. Adediwura your husband is out of the theater now and he's also out of danger now " My mom hugged me crying. " Thank you. Can we see him now ?" I asked. " I am sorry you can't see him for now but he's alright" She assured us,before walking away. ***************************** Dantata Death has proven that the ultimate in life is death. It is so unpredictable, it has no respect for anyone irrespective of your fame and wealth. Someone you see alive now, may be dead the next second. Life is too short to keep running away from your problems. I was happy Tomi was alive and i hoped she was using her second chance with Kelvin well. Some of us may not get a second Chance, some of us may not even get to hold the ones we loved in our arms again. For the first time in my life, I was in love. I was in love with someone who was in love with another. I have been running away, trying to hide my pains and bury myself in the arms of different women every night. In the end, i knew none of them could ever quench that fire in me, none could ever make my heart beat faster. None could make me feel alive just with a smile, none would ever take Victoria' s place in my life no matter how i try to deny it. I was ready to stop running, i was ready to shoulder her tears and pain. I was ready to take away her fears, i was ready to be her shield come rain, come shine. Even if she was on the arms of another man, i was ready to wait and help protect her until the dark clouds drifts away. I would take my joy in her joy, my contendment in her happiness, and my happiness in her smiles. True love is when you are ready to let her be with another man because her happiness means more to you than yours. I would no longer run, i would wait, hold her hand when she was about to slip, offer her my shoulder when she wanted to let it all out. A knock sounded on my door, my eyes drifted to my wall clock. It was 11: 45 pm. I went to the door and slidded it open. There she stood, a box beside her, her eyes were darker, there was an unshed tears in them. " Dantata" She said, " Please take me along with you. Take me to Ghana" Life it self is also very unpredictable, i thought, picking up her box. To be continued..
25 Jan 2017 | 12:36
I just pity Victoria
25 Jan 2017 | 15:00
I pity her now. Who wl she even choose btw Dantata nd Tosin?
25 Jan 2017 | 16:35
Victoria don't run away everything will be okay
25 Jan 2017 | 17:04
Hohohohoohhoohhoh....pple are wicked eh! See hw u paid Jennifer back de good thing he did 4u
25 Jan 2017 | 17:40
Victoria I don't think running is d best solution just stay and face ur problems
25 Jan 2017 | 18:19
U can't run from ur problem
25 Jan 2017 | 19:22
Its right o.
26 Jan 2017 | 01:30
Maggie is nt wicked she's jas e bitterd woman, she was robbed everything
26 Jan 2017 | 01:48
hmmmm nxt Dis us getting interesting
26 Jan 2017 | 01:51
Next pls
26 Jan 2017 | 05:57
I pity victoria
26 Jan 2017 | 06:43
sorry Victoria
26 Jan 2017 | 06:48
EPISODE 56 . . *Continues* Tomi Kelvin picked me up the next morning and we went to see his father at the hospital. I was surprised to hear that Miss Maggie was the termite that had been eating up the whole family. For a second, i felt sorry for her. I wondered how she was coping in the dark cage. She must have felt so desperate and helpless for her to murder Jennifer Nwosu. We walked into the hospital building, as my mother-in law- to -be was coming out for fresh air. “Good morning Ma” “Good morning Mom” “How are you my children?” “We are fine Mom” Kelvin replied. “Why did you bring your fiancée here? You know she need to rest, all this stress is not good for the baby” She said with concern. “I am fine ma, i had enough rest yesterday” i replied. “Pele. How’s that cut on your head?. Hope the pain has gone down a bit?” She asked. “I took some pain killers and antibiotics. I don’t feel any pain. How is daddy?” “He’s awake now, he even had his breakfast. The doctors said he should be able to go home in a couple of days” She replied. “Ok Mom. Where were you going?” Kelvin asked his mother. “I wanted to buy airtime. Linda called me. She couldn’t find Victoria. Wasn’t she at Tosin’s place?” “No, mom. I know where she is. I will be back soon” He kissed me on the cheek, before walking away. “Don’t stay too long ooo” His mother called out after him." You know you have to take Tomi back home on time". ********************************************** Victoria A knock sounded on the door. Dantata had gone out to get a taxi and i was the only in the apartment. Our bags were packed and i was dressed up. I wondered who it was as i walked towards the door, I drew the curtains aside, sliding the glass door to the right, i moved aside as he walked in. His eyes settled on the bags in the middle of the room, his gaze drifted upwards and settled on my face. “Going somewhere?” he asked. “What does it look like?” I snapped. “You always run when there is trouble, why?” Kelvin mocked.” Afraid to get your wings singed?” I pursed my lips, i knew what he was doing. He was deliberately trying to rail me. “No. Scared i might actually singed someone’s wings”. He laughed.” I knew you were not a coward. The Adediwuras are known for their bravery, you can’t be an exception.” I rolled my eyes, uncertain what to do or say next. “Why are you here? What do you want?” “I am here to rescue you from that rogue, guys like him can’t be trusted with beauties such as yourself. I am here to protect my little sister” he said, moving closer to me. “ I am also here to officially welcome you to the family, now my headache has been doubled because i have just been given the task of fending off yet another guy. I wonder if I can live to see my fortieth” “Why?” “You offcourse! another female to give me a heart attack.” He replied. “Anyway, i will accept it as my lot in life” He said in a theatrical sad voice. I found myself laughing. He opened his arms and enveloped me. “Welcome to the family, Vicky”. ******************************************************* Linda We laid our father to rest today. At my insistence, Auntie Maggie was brought to the funeral although just for few minutes before She was taken back to the police station. She wore a long black gown, her eyes were downcast. She didn't glance at anyone, she watched quietly as dad was lowered to the ground. When it was time to shove sand into the grave, her cuffs were taken off and she also performed the rites. When we got back home, our living room was bursting at the seam with people; friends, friends of friends, well wishers and those who came just to get some juicy bit of information. The name of our family was on the lips of everyone, we were on every evening news. Our faces were all over the national dallies. Vicky and Dantata were whispering about something in a corner of the living room, those two were always together, one’s mouth always in the ear of the other. I wondered what they were always whispering about. Tomi and Tosin’s mother was serving our guests refreshment. Mrs. Adediwura and grandma Williams were also here, they were arguing about something, animatedly, although their voices were hushed. Grandma Williams was such a feisty old woman; she had the attitude of a bear that had caught its paw in a trap. She could even argue with the dead if she had the chance, i saw her marching towards me and i quickly looked for an escape route. Someone took hold of my arm, propelling me towards the kitchen just as she was almost at my side. I turned with a grateful heart, to thank my savior. “Don’t thank me, i know that feeling” he said, with laughter. “Pheww! I know she is your grandma but…..” “Speak no more. The lady is a royal pain in the butt. How are you?’’ Tosin asked. “I am fine.” I replied. “It was so courageous of you to beg the D.P.O to bring Maggie to the funeral. She really loved your dad and i am sure you letting her come would mean a lot to her.” He said. “Yes she was truly in love with my dad, despite her faults. It feels weird that I hold no grudge against her, despite the fact that she murdered my mother.” i replied. “You have been so strong. I admire your courage” he said. “Thank you” i replied, blushing. There was an awkward silence between us; we were both staring at each other. “I…….i ……should get back to my guests” I said. “Yea you should” he replied me huskily, but made no move to step aside. “Tosin…..” “Linda…….” We both said at the same time. He pulled me closer, into his arms and we stayed like that for some heartbeats. I looked up into his handsome face at the same time he also gazed up. He kissed me lightly, i closed my eyes, savoring the feel and taste of his warm mouth. His tongue locked with mine, i returned his kisses passionately. He suddenly stopped, moving backwards. “I….i….’’ I couldn’t believe i was tongue tied. “I am sorry. That shouldn’t have happened” he said, before walking out of the kitchen. I sighed and rested my back against the kitchen counter, i looked up and my eyes locked with that of Victoria. I looked away guiltily; she walked into the kitchen and leaned her back against the counter too. “Victoria…….” “I know how you feel” She said. “I am sorry” I said. “For what? For kissing him or for loving him?” She asked. ‘’ I don’t know” I replied. “ Don’t be. Love is such a beautiful thing, and kissing is one hell of a thing that follows” She laughed. I blinked my eyes in surprise. “What? You are not angry?” “No. Why should i be?” She asked, perplexed. “You…….you and Tosin” “Hmmn. I thought i was in love with him. It wasn’t love Linda, i merely had a crush on him and he just seemed so right and perfect to me but i couldn’t keep this other guy out of my mind and thought. I knew then that my heart belonged to another. I had a talk with Tosin and he understood. He’s a great guy” She said. “Which other guy?, Dantata?” I asked. She laughed and walked out of the kitchen To be continued..
26 Jan 2017 | 11:35
perfect love match
26 Jan 2017 | 12:31
Am seeing a perfect ending
26 Jan 2017 | 12:48
26 Jan 2017 | 13:25
This is great
26 Jan 2017 | 13:49
26 Jan 2017 | 14:02
wow Linda ND tosin... dantata ND vickky
26 Jan 2017 | 14:27
Love this match
26 Jan 2017 | 15:11
Things are getting better
26 Jan 2017 | 15:33
You girls are growing up!
26 Jan 2017 | 16:23
Wow.. Sooo nice
26 Jan 2017 | 18:49
Cool. Next?
27 Jan 2017 | 00:56
Getting interesting
27 Jan 2017 | 01:02
27 Jan 2017 | 02:19
Perfect match
27 Jan 2017 | 08:10
EPISODE 57 Continues.. Tomi The D.P.O wiped sweats from his brow, sighing heavily.I was sure the poor man was already fed up with the whole drama and sensation we brought to his station in the last couple of days. “My son is not himself” She said, wiping tears from her cheeks with her handkerchief.” He shouldn’t be locked up, he might hurt himself”. “Your son murdered a man and he tried to hurt three innocent women and a little girl” The D.P.O said,“ Your husband was a very good friend of mine and i tried to warn you of the possibility that your son, Richie, could also have what killed his father but you shunned me.” “I took him out of the country. I tried to get help for him” She replied. She turned to me. “That was why i was so cold to you the day he brought you to the house; i was afraid he would go into one of his spells and hurt you and so i wasn't pleased with your relationship with him.. i wanted to keep you out of harm’s way but i didn’t know how to tell you without revealing our secret.” I swallowed hard. “Sickness is not something to be ashamed of. If you had told me about Richie’s………condition i would have known how to deal with him and i wouldn’t do anything to trigger it”. “I felt relaxed when he told me everything was going on fine and i asked him to invite you over. When i saw you i couldn’t….. i couldn’t bring myself to tell you he was suicidal and that he could also get so violent at times. Please i don’t want to lose my son” She cried to the D.P.O “How long have you known that your son had bipolar affective disorder?” Linda asked. “Since when he was fourteen. His father also suffered from it and i had my hands full with him so i didn’t detect it on time and when i realized it i was busy trying to get help for his father, i couldn’t get help for Richie on time .When he was 20, he intentionally drove his car into an electric pole and it was just………a miracle that he survived the crash. I kept him on close watch and i got medical help for him. He seemed alright for a while and he returned back to his studies oversea. One morning, i got a call that he had shut himself in his room, crying, for a whole week. I had to move abroad for his sake and we were getting along fine.” She replied. “The best thing to do is to sign him into a mental institution with quality medical attention and he would be under Surveillance 24/7” Kelvin said. “That is a good idea. He has refused to eat, he stares into space all day and he doesn’t speak when spoken to. I will have a doctor check him to confirm his mental state and declare him mentally unstable before we move him to a state mental institution.” The D.P.O stated wearily. “I brought some of his medications” Richie’s mother said. “They are here, some Benzodiazepines and antimanic agents.” She brought out a white carrier bag filled with medications and placed them on the D.P.O’s desk. “I have decided to drop the charges against him” i said, Kelvin squeezed my hand gently in a supportive manner. “Well that aside, he killed a man so he also has a case with the Federal Government and he is still a danger to the society at large. He has to be locked up” The D.P.O replied,” But as he is mentally unstable he would get a lenient jail term, i am sure”. “We will help you in every way we can” Linda said, to Richie’s mother. “Thank you” the older woman said sadly. To be continued..
28 Jan 2017 | 05:31
So Richie is phyco
28 Jan 2017 | 05:43
Mr physco
28 Jan 2017 | 10:25
28 Jan 2017 | 11:39
nice one but. too short
28 Jan 2017 | 12:10
28 Jan 2017 | 13:17
thank God Tomi did not agree to Richie's proposal
28 Jan 2017 | 14:23
Too short
28 Jan 2017 | 14:43
next pls
28 Jan 2017 | 15:01
28 Jan 2017 | 16:32
EPISODE 58 continues.. * Continues* Victoria I dapped at the tears sneaking out of my eyes with an handkerchief while staring into his beautiful eyes, my hands found his and i gave them a gentle squeeze. We were on our first date, at a cosy little inn which served varieties of Continental dishes. We were on our third course, when i begged Dantata to tell me about his childhood. By the time he was done talking, i knew we had more in common. I couldn't stop my eyes from swelling up with tears when he told me his father' s death was staged and the part his mother played in it. I couldn't imagine how heartbroken he was, only a young boy of fifteen then, when he was told his father had died in a plane crash. There was a certain kind of succor in the news of his father being alive but it also shows his life had been a lie. " Thank you for sharing this with me" i said. " You are welcome" he replied." Since we have ruined our dinner with talk of my family, let's talk about yours. When are you going to see her?" " I......I don't think i am ready to see her" " You know there are three sides to a story. Hers, theirs, and the truth. You deserve to hear hers too." He said. " I only want to hear the truth and i don't know if she is ready to part with it." I said. " You may never know until you see her." He replied. " I....will you....will you go with me?" i asked. " No" He stated." You have to do it on your own" " For the first time in my life i would be meeting my mother. What do i tell her?" i asked. " You don't have to tell her anything. Let her tell you instead" he said, " You will be fine". " You think? " i asked, sadly. " Yea, you will" he replied. *********************** I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. The room was semi dark, there was a long table with two chairs one of which was already occupied. She glanced up, her arms folded across her chest defensively. I sat down on the vacant chair, gently. We both sat in silence until i exhaled deeply. What do you ask someone who murdered another human and pretended to be your aunt your whole life? where do i even start from? " I don't regret it" She said suddenly. " What?' i asked in confusion. " I don't regret killing Jenny. She took my baby away from me, i was only defending my own"She stated. " Why did you keep up the charade of her being.....being my mother even after her death?" i asked, in pain. She sighed heavily." What do you want Victoria?" " The truth. Who are you?, i want the truth." " My name is Margaret. I was left on the doorsteps of St. Micheal' s orphanage as a baby. I grew up in the orphanage, the nuns were my teacher.The mother superior was my mother, the other motherless children were my siblings and Jesus Christ was our father." She said, " I saw Onyinye on the doorsteps of the orphanage when i was ten years old. She was wrapped in a pink shawl". Something flickered on her face briefly." She became my world,my......own. I left the orphanage when i was fourteen". " Why did you leave?" " I was being abused" " By Whom?". " The Mother Superior". " That is terrible. You were so young. How did you survive when you left?" " I made some friends on the street who later became my family.The head of the family, Garo, asked me to marry him and i agreed just so i could have a roof over my head." She went on," Not long after we moved in i became pregnant and Garo died". " father? " i asked." How? Isn't ...isn't Chief my father? " " No that was before i met him. I lost that pregnancy. I was hit by a car while hawking. Jennifer hit me with her car and i lost my pregnancy. " She said. I nodded. No wonder she was so unrepentant. " How did Garo die?". " He threw a party when he found out i was pregnant. They had too much to drink on that day, another friend came by in the evening, with his car and they drove off to celebrate but none of them returned. They drove into a trailer on their way" " You loved him?" " No. But his death hurt me, he was my family" She replied. " I am sorry " " Thank you." " How.... how did you meet him......Chief? " She sighed heavily." I met him while running an errand for Jennifer. He stopped to give me a lift, unknown to me he knew who i was. He knew i was the homeless girl Jennifer took into her home. He knew he was married with kids, he knew he had no plans for me yet he deceived me. I was so naive and foolish. I told Jennifer i met someone and she wanted to know if he was wealthy. She was older, i thought of her like a big sister. I listened to everything she tells me without thinking of it. She never asked to meet him, she never asked who he was or what he does for a living, she was only concerned about his financial status". " You didn't know he was married" i said. " I didn't know he was married and to Jennifer's best friend. Jennifer advised me to get pregnant for him so that he could marry me" " Why? what did she stand to gain? " " She said she wanted me to be financially secured. But i knew she was already tired of me, Perharps she felt guilty for being responsible for the loss of my pregnancy. She wanted me out of her life and she didn't want me to be dependent on her hence her desire to see me married to a wealthy man." She replied. " What did Chief say when you told him about the pregnancy? " " We were no longer together when i found out i was pregnant. I foolishly told Jennifer everything, i thought she would understand and stand by me but she felt insulted that her friend' s husband found me desirable.She felt i was beneath their status. She no longer wanted anything to do with me, she threatened to expose everything to her friend if Johnson tried to help me. She promised to help me financially if i ......if i give you to her." " So you killed her" i said to myself. " I had no choice. I knew she could kick me out without a penny and she seized my money too. I was desperate. " " How did you kill her?" i asked. " I can't answer that" she replied. " Why did you try to poison Linda?" I blurted out. " She is just like her mother. Selfish and self_centered. I found out Jenny changed her will before her death. She gave everything to Linda ". " Linda is her daughter, she ought to be the sole heiress but there's no way she would have turned us out. She was only acting the way she was before, because she was aggrieved. She thought dad killed her mother, she was troubled and it was all your fault. Why are you fighting for something that doesn't belong to you?" i said. " She seized my five million naira! She took away what was rightfully mine! Jennifer betrayed me! i trusted her!" She shouted, agitated. " Please leave". " Did you take Onyinye with you when you left the orphanage?" i asked, ignoring her. " No. I couldn't take her with me when i was leaving. But because of the financial assistance i was getting from Johnson i decided to go back for her. So i went to see my street family. They helped me to get Onyinye out of the orphanage. " " How? " i asked. " My family consisted of different kinds of people who do different kinds of things to survive. I gave them her description, one of the women went there in the day time. She pretended like she was interested in adopting a little girl... say seven years or above. She was able to identify her among the girls. She left with the pretense that she didn't feel connected to any of the girls. Her going there was just a ploy to know if Onyinye was still there. At night, the men went and raided the orphanage." " So they brought her out" " Yes" " Why did you send her to the same school as Linda?" " I wanted her to have the best education. " " You could have sent her to any other school." " I said i wanted her to have the best" She stated. " I thought you were prepared to tell me the truth." I said, " I need to know, i thought i knew you but i don't.....please....." " I wanted to bring her into the family, but i didn't want the others to know because of my past sins. I wanted her to have someone else to lean on if something ever happens to me. I knew one day i would have to pay for my sins and i didn't want to drag her down with me. We had no one else....." She replied." And i wanted her to know the right people, be refined just like those women i admired and i wanted to know every move Linda made so i asked her to introduce herself to Linda during one of their reunions". " I wish you had been honest with us all from the get_go." i said. " I wish so too" She replied, surprising me. I stood up." Linda got you a lawyer, he will come by tomorrow ". She bowed her head. I walked out of the room, closing the door behind me, gently. *************************************** Tosin I walked out of the special kids schools and got into my car. Kelly had been accepted into the school for kids with learning problems. I also signed up for a home tutor who who helped her, her teacher had also reassured me that she would be alright. Before i walked out of the building, i saw a little girl with glasses talking to her, they were both laughing over something. I guess that was a good start. I drove into my compound, parked my car in my garage, my glance shifted to the strange car parked in the compound beside my mother's. " Here he comes" Grandma said, as soon as i walked in. My dad was in the room, he stood up. I ignored him, walking towards the stairs. " Tosin" My mother said, softly." Your father is here to see you. " I stopped and whirled around. " What did you say mother?" I asked, " See, if this is about Kelly, forget it.You are not getting custody of her". I meant the last part for his ears. " No Son. I am not here for that." He said. " Then why are you here? Want to drag me to court again for buying your house?" I asked. " Ohhh!!!! Have some respect for your father! " Grandma shouted. " Mother please" He shunned her," I know you are angry and you have the right to be. Your grandma came clean to me about three years ago. She told me she framed up your mother. I was a coward, i was too self_ centered to confess that i was wrong and to seek for forgiveness." " What changed your mind?" I asked sarcastically." Are you dying?" " I want my family back Tosin. I am sorry for my actions in the past." He said. " I don't know about Mother but as for me it is too late" i said, heading up the stairs To be continued..
29 Jan 2017 | 02:08
He is still ur father
29 Jan 2017 | 03:37
u av to forgive, he is still ur father
29 Jan 2017 | 07:54
Mr Richie the physco
29 Jan 2017 | 13:05
I pity the poor guy!
30 Jan 2017 | 01:33
Don't say dat tosin, u've got to forgive him..
30 Jan 2017 | 02:53
forgive him
30 Jan 2017 | 03:38
Tosin you need to forgive your father
30 Jan 2017 | 03:55
Tosin you have to forgive your father
30 Jan 2017 | 04:49
Well take ur time Tosin ...I know u will still forgive him
30 Jan 2017 | 08:52
EPISODE 59 continues.. * Continues* Victoria The two elderly lawyers stood up and we did same too. Linda and i shook hands with them and we saw them out before coming back inside our living room. " So dad willed everything equally amongst the three of us." I said. " Yea" Linda said, with laughter." I miss him" " Me too" i said. She sighed and dropped on the sofa." I have a lot of work on my hands now. Do you think Auntie Maggie's lawyer did well for her? is five years not too much?She asked, the trial was yesterday. She had gotten five years as a result of the circumstances surrounding the murder and her age at the time of the murder. Onyinye' s death and the attempt on Chief was treated as an accident. " I think that is fair since she was a minor when....when...." " When she poisoined my mother. My heart went to her when she broke down in tears after she heard her sentence. Five years is such a long time to be locked up" Linda said. " I can't believe you feel sorry for her. You were out for blood when you thought dad was the murderer but you have taken it so calm with her and you even got her a lawyer." " I thought dad murdered my mother out of greed.....but Auntie Maggie was only fighting for herself. That's two different things.I still think she could have gotten a lesser term......maybe after six months we can appeal. " Linda said. " What do you think?". The door opened and Chief Adediwura came in. " You are welcome sir" Linda said. " Please sit down" " Thank you. How are you my dear?" He said, sitting down heavily with a loud groan. " I am fine sir. Oops! Vicky! i forgot i have to be somewhere by five!" She said, " please see that Chief is comfortable" She walked out of the room. " Victoria, how are you?" He asked. " Very well. Thank you" i replied in a clipped tone. " I set up a trust fund for you. Which is to be handed over to you on your twenty_fifth birthday" He said, not one to beat about the bush. " Why are you telling me sir?" " I want you to know i had you in mind. I just didn't write you off completely." " OK" " I know you must have heard Maggie's part of the story. I am not here to dispute whatever she might have told you. The truth is i regret my actions and i acted cowardly all these years. I should have come out with the truth a long time ago and acknowledge you. I am also not here to tell you to accept me as your father. No." He said. " I only came to beg you to give your siblings a chance to get to know you." " I have heard you sir" i replied. " Thank you. I will be on my way now". " Alright. How's's your arm now sir?" " It feels much better. Thank you" he said. I stood up and saw him to the door. To be continued..
30 Jan 2017 | 10:10
that's a good one
30 Jan 2017 | 11:58
30 Jan 2017 | 12:22
Things are moving smoothly now
30 Jan 2017 | 13:02
five years better
30 Jan 2017 | 13:29
Five years is okay
30 Jan 2017 | 14:15
Tosin you have to forgive your father..
30 Jan 2017 | 15:39
Better now
30 Jan 2017 | 16:49
LAST EPISODE 60 Continues.. Epilogue Tomi A year later......... " No baby Ade. Bad! Bad" i grabbed the chubby little troublemaker, he was pulling the tray i left on the table.I carried him into my arm while the tray on the table crashed to the floor. My sitting room was a big mess, the cushions were on the floor. There was a puddle of water in the middle of the room, all thanks to baby Adeolu. I shrieked, pulling my hand away. The little devil had bitten my little finger. He was grinning happily while spittle dribbled down his chin. I placed him on the rug, made to retrieve the cushions and the little man pulled down another one. " Daddy will be home soon! we have to tidy up on time " i complained. " naughty Ade" He laughed and i grabbed him into my arms before he could dip his little fingers into the water on the ground. My phone rang, and i picked it up. " Happy anniversary best friend" Linda shouted happily." How are you celebrating your first wedding anniversary? " " Hello best friend" i said, " thank you! I should be sunbathing on some romantic island but here i am chasing after Ade! You won't believe how naughty your godson has been! My nerves are frayed already!" My wedding and Ade' s birth had brought us close. We became even closer during her own wedding ceremony. She was so emotional because both of her parents weren't alive to see her walk down the aisle. Her fiancé' s grandma too didn't help matters. She seemed to find fault with everything Linda did, she always had something to complain about until i advised her to put the old woman in her place. The wedding had been a success in the end, everyone was teary eyed when the beautiful ceremony ended and grandma had cried the most, hugging Linda and welcoming her to the family. She had no choice tho, she had met a match in Linda. Her mother_in law had also reunited with her ex_ husband on the wedding day and they renewed their vows few weeks later although Tosin was yet to embrace his father. She laughed heartily." Why don't you get a maid?" " Someone comes to clean the house thrice a week. The wash man comes for our laundry on weekends. What else do i need a live_ in maid for?. What's up with you?" " Guess!" Linda said, excitedly." " Tosin bought you a new car " i said, " Perfect wedding gift". " No. Its something better. I am pregnant!" She said happily. " Wow! congrats girl! that's so fast.....hmmmn" i said, considering the fact that the wedding took place only five months ago. We both laughed knowingly." We have been hard at work" She said. " I am so happy for you Mrs.Williams. I welcome you to the club of sleepless nights and emotional rollercoaster days but i can assure you it is worth it." i said. She roared with laughter. " Thank you for the warm welcome Ma' am". " You are welcome" i said with laughter. " I could babysit Ade while you go out with your boo tonight." " Awww. Thank you..... His grandma has already offered to babysit him for us. You also need some alone time tonight with your boo or have you told him already?" I replied. " No. Ermmm... well don't tell anyone yet, OK?" " Alright. How's Vicky? i haven't seen her this week and her line is not available. She promised to come take Ade for a walk". I said She sighed." She traveled out of the country with Dantata again. Honestly, i don't know what is going on with her. She has become so.....distanced since i came back from my honeymoon. Do you think she could still be in love with Tosin?" " That is ridiculous! the only guy she has eyes for is Dantata. She has been through a lot and she might still feel displaced and lonely. You are married, Auntie Maggie is in prison and your dad is late. She's bound to feel lonely. I invited her to stay with us as long as she want but she didn't want to be a burden to us so she declined it, although she didn't actually say it. Dantata is good for her, he will treat her well. If junketting all over the world will make her happy then i think she deserves it. Give her time, let her know she has a friend in you and she will come to trust you with her problems in time." I said. " Whew! i was worried sick. Thank you " Linda said. The honk of a car sounded. " Kelvin is back already! " i exclaimed." I still haven't put my sitting room in order". She laughed. " I also have to pick Kelly from school" " Hows she doing?" " She's fine. She can identify her alphabets now. She's also reading little by little. " She replied. " She will eventually overcome" i said. " I am optimistic that she will. Talk to you later bestie! don't get knocked up tonight" she joked. I laughed." I will try not to. Talk to you later" i disconnected the call, squatting down to retrieve the fallen cushions. The door opened and Kelvin walked in. He reached for baby Ade, kissing me on my cheek without batting an eyelid at the mess in the room. " How are you Wifey?" he asked. " I am fine hubby" " Mind stepping out with me?" He said, pulling my hand, i followed him out of the room. I paused in shock, staring at the new sleek black car in the compound. He fished out the key from his pocket, dropped it in my hand. I hugged him happily. " Happy Anniversary baby" he said with a kiss. " i didn't get anything for you..." I trailed off" this is just.....too much" " You did." He replied, pointing to our son in his arms." He's the best gift i have ever received" I hugged him,ran to the car happily and opened the door.The sweet scent of fresh roses filled my nostril. There was a bouquet of it in the car. I picked up the bunch of roses, in amazement. " How? how did you get these my love? fresh roses......" " Nah. Nah" he laughed " i can't tell you about that " " What do you say we start the night early? let's take Ade to his grandma." I said, getting on my tiptoes to kiss him. " That's one grand idea" he laughed. " DA_DA" baby Ade squealed suddenly. We both laughed heartily. " Wow! he just called me dad! i feel on top of the world!" He screamed at the top of his lungs." and i just won myself the sum of fifty thousand naira.I bet he would say DA_DA before MA_MA. Wifey when do i get my money?" " Oh come on! Can't i pay with kisses?" He considered it briefly. " Can i have kisses for breakfast for the rest of our lives?" i pretended to ponder it over." Yes. You got yourself a deal Mr. Kelvin Adediwura " He captured my lips in a kiss." Nice doing business with you, Mrs. Adediwura " " I love you baby". I said, returning his kiss. " I love you more" he replied. We both laughed happily.He placed his arm around my shoulder and we walked back into our messy but love filled home. . THE END..
31 Jan 2017 | 07:48
Awwwww so sweet, with a nice ending
31 Jan 2017 | 12:25
31 Jan 2017 | 12:29
Wow congratulations
31 Jan 2017 | 12:37
0 Likes story ever
31 Jan 2017 | 13:20
wow! so sweet as If the story shouldn't end atal atal
31 Jan 2017 | 14:05
oh my God, such a sweet, romantic and adorable story. keep it up dear. really enjoyed it
31 Jan 2017 | 14:06
Nice story ?????
31 Jan 2017 | 14:07
31 Jan 2017 | 14:13
love this story to pieces great and nice ending
31 Jan 2017 | 14:26
Nice story.. Nice ending... Thumbs up
31 Jan 2017 | 14:43
Wow, such a happy endinq u knw!..
31 Jan 2017 | 14:44
Really nice story....happy end
31 Jan 2017 | 15:08
So at last So so enjoyed dis It was awesome
31 Jan 2017 | 15:31
31 Jan 2017 | 16:29
That was great. Kudos dear writer!!!!!
31 Jan 2017 | 17:49
All is well that ends well... thanks for an intriguing story.
31 Jan 2017 | 18:42
woooaw wat a good ending. more ink to ur pen @viciyoung
31 Jan 2017 | 20:50
Wow nice ending
1 Feb 2017 | 01:30
Things are getting better, five years is not bad at all!
1 Feb 2017 | 01:32
At last! Nice story.
1 Feb 2017 | 01:34
Ya....even 10 years is ok...
1 Feb 2017 | 02:40
congratulations to you all
1 Feb 2017 | 10:07
Love dis story, really enjoyed it while it last!
1 Feb 2017 | 18:42
Wow....wat a nice ending....I so much luv dis story
2 Feb 2017 | 01:15
I said it. A happy ending. So sweet
2 Feb 2017 | 19:17
So intresting reli enjoyed it keep it up
5 Feb 2017 | 12:52
Cool from the beginning through the happenings and full of warmth feelings at the ending.... Happy ending my dear brother. More ink and blood to your pen and finger respectively.
16 Feb 2017 | 19:01
This story is wow
30 Jul 2020 | 04:28


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