

By chimmy in 4 May 2019 | 17:08
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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###Unconditional##Chapter 1

Thelma Mwanza looked at the time once again.. It was past midnight and her husband was nowhere to be seen... She felt more alone than ever... Marriage life was suppose to make one complete but this one felt empty and loveless... She didn't even feel close to being complete... She discarded her bottle of whiskey on the floor and opened her second bottle of whiskey... She needed something strong to burn away her sorrows.... She staggered to her feet swaying a little.. " I hate you Adam, for making my life miserable. " she yelled..

She bumped into the stand, the picture frame fell to the ground making an irritating sound..The frame broke in pieces.. "Damn " Thelma swore as she bent to pick it up... The broken pieces reminded her of her shattered marriage... She looked at the wedding picture with digust and hatred... How could one feel so lonely and empty.. Life could suck at times... If it wasn't for the children she could have left... Thelma looked at the picture.. Adam looked handsome in his blue suit... People always said they were a match made in heaven... Well people said alot of things.. Thelma threw the picture on the floor... She felt like crying her heart out but the tears couldn't come out.

Thelma managed to get to her bedroom, the place that once was filled with happy memories. The room was well decorated, the bed was huge with white beddings and a big plasma TV on the wall. She sat on the floor and took a long swig from her bottle.. the liquid sent a burning sensation down her throat. " I can't live without you honey, you know how to calm my nerves." She spoke to the bottle.. She closed her eyes, the old memories flooding back.
"You are beautiful, Theo" Adam said. He was holding their first born Child in his arms..Favour smiled at her father. Thelma smiled,she couldn't ask for a better husband.. They met when she was in grade twelve at Kamwala secondary school..Adam was a Lawyer, he gave her a lift to school and afterwards they became inseparable.. She stopped school when she discovered she was pregnant. They got married and things were fine until she had her second child five years ago. It wasn't her fault that her child was autistic but Adam and his family blamed her. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the car outside.

She stood up with difficulties and put the bottle of whiskey in the drawer. She didn't want him to see her broken. As she was going to the bed she fell down. Thelma held the bed for support and managed to sit on the bed and waited for Adam.

Adam parked his car and cleared the lip stick stains from his neck. He prayed that he would find his wife asleep. He got out of the car and opened the door slowly. "I wish she can leave already besides, these kids are stressing me out." He thought. Jane was different, she was always sweet and never stressed him.. Adam stopped and looked around the living room,the place was a mess, he picked up the empty bottle of whiskey and threw it in the bin outside the house. He somehow felt guilty that he had driven his wife into that state.

He walked to the bedroom and found Thelma waiting for him. "So you have finally managed to find your way home huh???" Thelma yelled.
"Thelma, spare me tonight, I'm tired and I need some rest,so keep your issues to yourself." He said as he undid his tie.
"You missed your son's appointment today and he needs money for his drugs." Thelma accused.
"Stop referring to that thing as my son and I am not spending my money on him,why can't you just leave with your children." Adam snapped. Thelma was full of rage.. She got out of bed and slapped Adam across the face.. " I am not going anywhere and Mapalo is your son so start behaving like a father." She yelled. Adam became furious,"How dare you hit me woman." He pushed his wife on the floor and started hitting her..Thelma screamed but Adam kept hitting her.

Mapalo was awakened by the screams and yelling from his parents room. He got out of bed and started screaming.. No! No!No!No!. He got out of bed and threw his toys,he covered his ears with his hands, hoping to block the screams. Stop stop stop..he kept repeating the words over and over. He walked to his parents bedroom and stood at the door. He hated violence, stop stop..he screamed.

Favour heard the screams, it was the same every night. One particular sound caught her attention, she rushed out and went to her parents bedroom. She found her brother looking shaken, he was screaming and crying. "Stop it daddy,stop it ." she yelled. She was very tall for a fifteen year old, she went to her father and pulled him from her mother. Adam was breathing heavily, He looked at his daughter with blood shot eyes. He got his car keys and left without saying a word.

Favour helped her mother to her feet,she went to the bathroom and got some cold water. She cleaned her mother's wounds and helped her to get in bed. Thelma didn't want her children to see her in such a state but she was so drunk and as soon as she was in bed she fell asleep.

Mapalo was still traumatised, he kept screaming and started biting his hand. This was his habit when he was upset. Favour covered her mother and went to take care of her little brother. She tried to hug him but he pulled away.. no no no no,he kept repeating. Favour looked at him, she started singing his favorite song. "I love... You.. You.. Love.. Me.. We.. Are... One.. Big.. Happy.. Family.." Favour sang.. Mapalo stopped screaming, he sat on the floor and stared at the ceiling... Mapalo sat next to him and hugged her little brother... She kept singing as tears rolled down her cheeks... Mapalo touched his sister briefly on the hand and withdrew... "It's just you and I
4 May 2019 | 17:08
Good to be here
4 May 2019 | 17:29
nice start
4 May 2019 | 17:44
keep it rolling
4 May 2019 | 17:46
Fire on
5 May 2019 | 09:46
Ride on
5 May 2019 | 10:26
###Unconditional### chapter 2. Not edited.. Favour held her brother in her arms until he fell asleep. She lifted him slowly and took him to his bedroom. The room was big, with alot of posters and yellow paintings most of them done by Mapalo. Mapalo was an intelligent child, he only said a few words and repeated them but at times he could go mute or undress those were the bad days but Favour made sure he was taken care of them. " We will make it through kid." Favour said as she touched his chick. She got in the covers and held him tight. The moment Mapalo was born Favour had vowed to protect her little brother.. Before she slept she said a little prayer.." Lord in heaven, please help daddy so that he can love us and he can stop beating mum...Amen" With that she slept and dreamt of happy memories.. The following day, Favour woke up early. She said her prayers and went to wake her mother. She opened the door to slowly and peeped before she entered.. Thelma was fast asleep with one arm almost touching the floor. Favour immediately knew it was one of those days.. she entered the room and made sure her mother was comfortable.. She opened the top drawer near the bedside and drafted a note.. "Don't forget to pick up Mapalo and his drugs have you." She put the note on the dressing mirror and left... Favour went to the kitchen and made breakfast for Mapalo and herself.. she put a smiley face on Mapalo's pancakes with the golden syrup. He liked them that way and she had got used to making his breakfast. Afterwards she packed the food and juice.. Mapalo came peeping in the kitchen with his teddy bear in his hands which Favour had brought for him. He was naked and didn't seem to mind.. Mapalo ran to his sister and hugged her legs.. Favour smiled at him and lifted him. "Morning big boy." She said.. Mapalo smiled back.. "You need to get clean and go to school." She said as she headed to the bathroom.. An hour later both Favour and Mapalo stood at the road side waiting for a bus. Favour held Mapalo's hand, so as to avoid him running off. Thelma was too drunk to take her children to school and Adam didn't not show up. Finally a bus showed up, the two got in the bus and Favour put Mapalo on her laps.. She had been using a bus as a means of transport for the past two weeks. Sometimes it was difficult especially when Mapalo was in a bad mood. The family house was in Kamwala south, she always disembarked at SDA took Mapalo to UTH special school and then walk back to Libala Secondary school. When they got to UTH special school,Favour kissed her brother goodbye and went to her school. "Favour Zulu, can you look at the time this is past 08,you are always late for class." Her teacher scolded.. Favour looked down at her shoes.." am sorry, Mrs Mubanga I had to take my brother to school, mum is not feeling well." She answered in a tiny voice.. She always covered for her mother and father but her teacher was now becoming concerned.. " Go in class,i need to talk to your parents." Favour walked slowly and sat at the back. Grade nine was not as easy as she thought.. Favour couldn't understand what the maths teacher was explaining, she was too exhausted and all she wanted was to sleep.. Thelma woke up at 11 in morning. "Ouch,my head hurts" she said to herself. She got out of bed and went to the dressing mirror. She picked up the note and read.. "sorry my darlings, I have failed you again, I promise to be a better mother" she said to herself. Thelma got up and went to the bathroom.. She vowed to stop drinking and focus on being a good mother.. Thelma was busy in the kitchen preparing a meal for the children when she heard a knock on the door..She wiped her hands with a tea towel and went to open the door. A short woman with a big belly stood outside.. Thelma analysed her from head to toe.. "How can I help you." She asked. Jane smiled and touched her belly.." I am Jane, well the woman who has been taking care of your husband, I am carrying his child, well a normal child, You see Thelma unlike you am woman enough to give our man a normal child.. point of correction normal male child unlike that.... Thelma stood at the door speechless.. how could Adam do that to her, the man she had loved all her life....She watched as Jane walked away and got in a very expensive car.. Thelma went inside and started looking around.. She finally found a bottle of whiskey and took a full swig.. The whiskey didn't not take away the pain she felt, she needed something strong.. She went to her room and got a paper.. "I am sorry my darlings, I have failed to be a mother to you, please Favour promise me that you will always take care of your brother no matter what." She put the letter in an envelope and addressed it to Favour.. She removed the pills from the drawer and took them all.. I am tired of this life... Thelma fell to the ground and white liquid came out of her mouth...
5 May 2019 | 20:12
Is that the solution, stupid woman
6 May 2019 | 06:49
Now u die 4 nothing becuase a woman like u
6 May 2019 | 09:49
What is the little children faith now
6 May 2019 | 09:59
@chimmy thank you for the i.v i miss u and lov u. Hop ur mum is now strong ?
6 May 2019 | 10:00
What a bad woman Life wasted selfish woman you didn't think about ur children
6 May 2019 | 11:57
this is bad , right here
6 May 2019 | 17:00
what nonsense why would you do such a thing , what do you want these children to do? even when you are around things are bad for them ,how would they survive without you now. ..that was the stupid thing to do,u are selfish and wicked
6 May 2019 | 17:01
the children will never forgive u,,, u should have live for Ur children alone and forget abt ur husband
6 May 2019 | 18:53
I feel like strangling this woman to hell... How can someone be self centered. She can't even think of living for her children
6 May 2019 | 20:31
sharp sharp?
7 May 2019 | 04:09
u allowed the womans news get to you
7 May 2019 | 04:12
and also left your children to face their own fate by themselves
7 May 2019 | 04:13
7 May 2019 | 04:14
7 May 2019 | 04:26
Don't tell me Dis woman just committed suicide na!!!!
7 May 2019 | 08:11
###Unconditional##Chapter 3 Mapalo's teacher, looked at the watch once again. It was almost fourteen and Mapalo was still at school..All his friends had left, it was just him and Mrs Phiri.. Mapalo was running up and down on the green grass.. Mrs Phiri got her phone and dailed Thelma's line but there was no answer.. She was so anxious already she had delayed to pick up her children from school.. She tried again but didn't get any response.. " what's wrong with this woman, she sighed.. Her phone rang, she looked at the caller ID it was Favour.. " Hi Favour, your mother didn't show up, Mapalo is still here with me and am really late." "I will be right there or we can meet at Libala SDA am so sorry, mother is sick,sorry again" Favour answered. I will be at Libala SDA, in 10 minutes and I can give you a lift." Mrs Banda said. She called Mapalo who come rushing, she held his hand as they went to the car.. Ten minutes later they were at Libala SDA. Favour was waiting at the bus station as soon as she saw Mrs Banda's car she rushed over.. Mapalo was so excited to see his sister.. Favour... Favour.. Favour.. He repeated her name.. Favour got in the back seat and hugged him.. "So where do you stay." Mrs Banda asked. "We stay along the ring road, near the SDA church." Favour said. "We are here," Favour pointed at the black gate.. She helped Mapalo out of the car and they said thanks and went inside.. Mrs Banda watched the children for awhile and decided to follow them. She parked the car at the church and walked... "Mummy, we are home where are you?" Favour called out.. she got a snack and gave it to Mapalo and went to look for her mother.. She opened the door and was shocked with what she saw.. She ran to her mother.. "Mummy, wake up please!!" She cried. She got her phone and called her father... Adam looked at the caller ID and ignored it. He wasn't in the mood for family drama. He put the phone on silent and continued talking to his client.. Favour continued calling.. He finally decided to pick up.. " What's is it" he said sounding irritated.. "Mum has fainted, I think she drank something, dad please hurry she needs a doctor." Favour pleaded with her father.. "Call aunty Lilian, am in a meeting and I don't want to be disturbed." Adam snapped and hang up.. Adam thought it was one of those things that Thelma did to get his attention.. he wasn't going to leave his wife for some prank his wife had done several times... After all he didn't care what happened to Thelma anymore..Jane and the unborn baby meant so much more and his mother had supported him.. He smiled just by thinking of her.." He looked at the small velvet black box, tonight he could propose....... Mrs Banda heard the screams, she immediately knew that something was wrong.. She went inside the house.." Favour is everything OK." She asked. Mapalo was sitted on the floor and was enjoying his biscuits.. Favour came out of the bedroom.. cried. Mrs Banda went into the bedroom and found Thelma unconscious on the floor. Thelma heard her child's cry,, she knew she had no right to ask God to save her after all she took her own life.. Favour's cries broke her heart...she thought of all the times she had let her children down.." Lord, give me one last chance to do the right thing.." She pleaded.. Mrs Banda and Favour managed to put Thelma in the car.. Mapalo went with them..he wondered why his mummy was asleep and why his sister was crying.. He touched her hand briefly and put his head on her shoulder.. A few minutes later they arrived at UTH.. Thelma was rushed to the emergency room, the doctor pumped the drugs out of her system.. An hour later her condition stabilized... Favour, Mrs Banda and her Aunt Lilian, Thelma's elder sister were allowed into the room.. Thelma lay in bed with her hand connected to the drip.. "We managed to get the drugs out of her system, she is likely she survived or we could have lost her.." The doctor explained.. Aunty Lilian sat at the bedside.. "Thelma sure..why could you want to take your life, look at your children they need you." Her sister cried.. She will be fine, the doctor assured them before he left.. Favour held her mother's hand and prayed for her to get better. Mapalo stood at Favour's side.. Thelma knew she had to live and be there for her children no matter what...She didn't care whether Adam loved her or not... "Am sorry my darlings, I promise to be a better mother." She said in a weak voice.. Tears filled her eyes and she looked the other side.. Am done being weak, she wiped the tears with the other hand.. Thelma was discharged, the following day.. She was sitting in the living room watching cartoons with her son and daughter when Adam walked in. He didn't say a word to his wife or children. Adam switched off the Tv and asked his children to go to their bedroom.. Favour knew that look, she hesitated and planned to stay and protect her mother. "I said go to your room this instant!!" Adam yelled. Favour stood at looked at her father " I won't let you hurt mummy or Mapalo anymore, when was the last time you came home, have a meal with us, hold Mapalo or play with him daddy... Don't we matter to you anymore...what crime have we committed." Favour cried.. Mapalo sat in his mother's laps and held on tight.. he hated it when his family agrued. Adam had already made up his mind and not even his children's plea could change his mind.. He opened his brief case and drop a pile of papers on the table. "I want a divorce." Adam said.. Thelma spoke for the first time since Adam had arrived.. She told the children to go to their room while she spoke to her husband.. " Adam I stood by you when you had nothing, for the past five years I have lost myself trying to overcome the pain you have inflicted on me,... I almost took my life because of you..well am done trying to fight for someone who doesn't love me or his children.. You can go and marry Jane.. I have two beautiful children and I will live to be the best I can for this house it's ours find your own.." She picked the papers read through and signed.. you are a free man do as you please and leave us alone...
7 May 2019 | 08:53
Wow, you did the right thing thelma
7 May 2019 | 12:34
better,,,, u did d right thing... to hell wit a man dat thinks he is God and can make his woman cry
7 May 2019 | 13:05
Jst be strong for ur children
7 May 2019 | 14:20
I like your courage Thelma
7 May 2019 | 18:34
Thelma,u really did de ryt thing dear,just let him go!!!
8 May 2019 | 20:12
Am happy with u madam what kind of nousence be that ?
8 May 2019 | 21:34
If u did'nt survive this i, will not be happy with u
8 May 2019 | 21:35
oh u did the right thing,let him go na,I pray u find happiness thy after
9 May 2019 | 08:35
###Unconditional###Chapter 4 Adam grabbed the forms from Thelma's hands.. He gave her one last look before he disappeared into the bedroom to pack his belongings.. He got a suitcase and started throwing his clothes, shoes into it.. Mapalo walked into the bedroom and stared at his father who didn't even pay attention to his presence.. He loved his father deeply even though, he didn't know how to show it.. He walked behind his dad and touched his trousers.." What do you want boy?" Adam snapped.. Mapalo unfolded the paper he had in his hands and gave it to his father...Adam got the paper and read the big untidy was a heart shaped with the word dad at the centre of the heart coloured in yellow.. Adam sat on the bed and for the first time, looked at his little boy.. Mapalo avoided eye contact but stood firm.. Mapalo really did look like him and there was no doubt he was his son.. He remembered the first time he held the boy in his arms, he looked strong and healthy but a few years later they realised that there was something wrong with him.. Thelma had devoted her time to their son, she moved from one hospital to another.. He was very devastated when he was told that their son was diagnosed with autism.. Adam didn't want to accept it and he had put the blame on his wife and refused to have anything to do with Mapalo.. The first years he had insisted that the boy should be locked in doors, he was too shamed and didn't want anyone to know that he had a child with special needs.. However, Favour was too stubborn, she was always disobeyed her father.. " daddy he needs fresh air..... Daddy Mapalo needs to go to a special school...daddy did you know that a disability is not inability..if we train Mapalo at an early age than he can live his life just like other children.. Favour always said. Adam patted his son on his shoulder, it was the first time he had touched him after five years... He got the piece of paper and folded it neatly and put it in a file... He needed something to remind him of his first born son.. It was time to go, his mind was made up..he felt nothing for Thelma and his children where like strangers in his sight.. Adam continued packing his stuff. Favour watched as his father packed his belongings. She had overhead the conversation between her parents.. " daddy please... don't leave us...please daddy.." she begged.. Favour went over and knelt before her father... " Dad why are you leaving us, what have we done wrong, please stay." Adam helped her daughter up and hugged her..." Am sorry princess but I can't stay here anymore..., You Haven't done anything wrong.. it's grown up stuff." He pulled away and got his bag, on his way out of the room he gave Mapalo a brief touch on the cheek and left.. Thelma watched as Adam dragged his suitcase outside.. The children tagged behind, Favour was still pleading but her pleas fell on deaf ears.. " I will come and get the rest of my stuff over the weekend." Adam said. He put the suitcase in the boot and drove off without looking back.. He felt relieved and looked forward to starting a brand new life with Jane... "Come here my darlings, we will be OK." Thelma said as she embraced her children..She was hurting inside but she had to be strong for her children.. "Let's say we go out for ice cream." Thelma said. Ice cream, ice cream,ice cream Mapalo repeated the words.. He jumped up and down with excitement.. Thelma and Favour laughed.." As long as you behave, love." Favour said. The three sat at Creamy inn Wood lands mall and enjoyed their ice cream.. Favour saw Adam with Jane leaving pick and pay holding hands and looking so happy..Thelma stopped talking and stared at the couple.. She didn't want her children to see what she saw but it was too late.. Mapalo ran to the car park and stopped in front of Adam... he called out.. Adam and Jane both looked at him..." Please take this boy to his mother, I don't want negative vibes to affect my baby." Jane said as she opened the door to the range rover.. Favour went over and held her brother's hand.. " Let's go Palo, dad doesn't want us anymore." Favour couldn't help it, tears rolled down her cheeks as she went to her Thelma.. people stared at Adam.. He got in the car and drove off.. The ride back home was quiet, Thelma Was lost in thoughts.. divorce didn't not only affect the partners but the children suffered the most.. Seeing your father with another woman was the worst torture any child could go through..Thelma looked at the back sit at her daughter who was staring through the window.. Mapalo was busy playing with his mother's phone and seemed to be in his own world.. When they got home, Favour went straight to her room and locked the door..She looked at the family portrait and held it tight.." daddy why.." she cried.. How could she explain to her friends that her father had left them..The man she had always loved had abandoned......She cried until she fell asleep.... Mapalo went to bed early and Thelma remained alone.. The house felt empty and lonely.. She looked at her husband's remaining clothes..She touched his shirts and inhaled his perfume, how was she going to leave without him...Adam was the only man she had ever own..She didn't want to be strong anymore..The pain was too much even though she had put up a brave face at the mall but seeing Adam looking so happy with another woman broke her heart...This was not the way it was suppose to where was the happy ever after he had promised.. didn't his children mean anything to him... She looked at herself in the mirror, she was only 32 But she felt old...She still looked beautiful but why did Adam find her unattractive....she kept asking herslf.... She opened the cabinet and looked at the bottle of looked good and was very tempting...just one sip won't hurt or a glass of whiskey on the rocks....She thought..
9 May 2019 | 18:06
chai so sorry
10 May 2019 | 03:24
Thelma be strong for your kids
10 May 2019 | 06:05
Be strong for ur children,it's well
10 May 2019 | 06:36
pls don't go bk and feeding urself with dring again. be strong to ur kids
10 May 2019 | 07:50
Hmmm, take it easy on yourself thelma
10 May 2019 | 09:11
Thelma take it easy,u can try so that u we be looking after ur children
10 May 2019 | 18:58
###Unconditional##Chapter 5 Thelma got the bottle of whiskey and opened it.. She smelled it one last time and went to the bathroom and poured the entire whiskey in the sink.. "Am done drinking, I will no longer be a slave to this." Thelma walked to the bedroom and cleared Adam's things and packed them in boxes.. She needed a distraction form the urge she was feeling.. Afterwards she swept the entire house by the time she was done, she was exhausted.. "Oh no, I forgot to take my drugs." she exclaimed.. with the drama that was going on in her life, she had totally forgot.. The reminder of her disease had made her realise she had a few more years with her children.. Her only happiness and pride... She had kept it a secret from everyone even Adam.. she didn't want him to pity her or stay out of pity... She felt her body deteriorate by the day ..her brain tumour was getting worse and the fear of leaving her children alone increased by the day.... Thelma walked to Favour's bedroom, the blanket was on the floor and her thumb was in her mouth.. which was her habit since she was a baby.. Thelma smiled to herself and covered her child.. She knelt down and prayed silently making sure she didn't wake her child.." Lord I know it's been awhile, am not worthy of your grace but I ask that you give me more time to take care of my children and I pray that as I depart, my children will be taken care of and will always stick together.. please father hear my plea..Amen." Thelma stood up and switched off the light.. On her way to Mapalo's room she felt dizzy and almost fell..She touched the wall for support and stayed in the small position until she regained her strength.. This was worse than she thought, "Lord please give me strength" She said. Thelma managed to get to Mapalo's bedroom.. She watched as her youngest child slept.. He looked so peaceful, she went closer and kissed his forehead.." sweet dreams my angel, I love you." Thelma walked out of the room feeling more fulfilled than ever.. Once she was in the bedroom she got her pen and wrote. " To Favour my beloved child, I know by the time you will be reading this I will be far gone.... I don't want you to despair or feel sad...I want you to understand that everything in this world happens for a reason... Your father loves you very much and please forgive him. I don't want you to poison your precious heart with hatred.. The child your father's wife is carrying is also your young brother or sister love him or her as you love Mapalo.. know that I will always be there for you.. I love so much... Yours mum.. She got another piece of paper and wrote.. To Adam, I know things did not end on a good note for us.. my love for you is the same and I will always love you.. I just want to ask you for a Favour promise to take care of our children for the sake of the love you once felt for me..They need you Adam, don't forsake them.. love Thelma.... The last letter was addressed to Mapalo.. my shining star, am sorry I let you down so many times.. Hope you can forgive me.. In life you will meet alot of obstacles but don't let that bring you have potential to became the greatest person if you work hard.. Always remember you are capable of becoming who you wish to be.. Am sorry I won't be there to share your success but remember that wherever I will be, I will watch over you.. Whatever anyone can do you can do it better.. Make mummy proud.. I love you... Yours mum.. Thelma folder the letters and put them away.. The doctor had told her that she might lose her sight because of the tumour.. She wrote the letters in advance when she still had the strength.. Afterwards, she prayed and slept... ****************************************** Somewhere in Misisi compound, seventeen year old Nick, lit a candle to study.. Having been brought up by parents who where both visually impaired and had sacrificed alot to take him to school.. They begged on the streets of Lusaka and the money they got they bought school materials for their son.. Nick opened his biology book and tried to study but his mind drifted away.. He looked around the small one room apartment that he shared with his parents.. His Parents slept on the other side of the curtain.." I will make it through" he said. Nick got back to his book and continued studying.. Jane woke up at three in the morning..she had the same dream that had been haunting for the past years.. Meeting Mapalo reminded her of the secret she had kept for years now..." No one should know...No one No one, it must remain a secret" she thought.. She touched her belly and hoped her past could not catch up with her..Why did I have to meet that boy...
10 May 2019 | 19:08
Is better you confess your sin now before it's too late
11 May 2019 | 05:50
Still following
11 May 2019 | 06:25
just be strong for dos children!!!! the Lord is Ur strength
11 May 2019 | 08:56
So u are the one that do mapola like that. Nemises will soon catch u
11 May 2019 | 09:05
Rip in advance
11 May 2019 | 09:06
what's Jane lil secret???
11 May 2019 | 10:31
hmmmmmm,,,, Jane wat secret are u keeping? is Nick Ur son?
11 May 2019 | 11:08
####Unconditional###chapter 6 Nick woke up at five in the morning, he swept the house and fetched water for his parents.. Afterwards, he cooked and put food in the warms.. " Nick won't you be late for work." His mother asked.. "No mother, I have put the food in the warm.. am off see you in the evenings when I knock off." He called out.. "Thank you son, keep safe ." The mother said.. Nick pushed the door and left.. He worked during the day and went to school in the afternoon at Kamwala secondary school, grade ten was expensive and his parents were too old to help.. He looked at his watch once again.. "I hope I make it on time or that lady will kill me" he said. He got on his bicycle and headed to Salena Chalala... He only stopped when he arrived at the blue gate along the ring road.. The outside was well maintained and the surrounding was clean... Well thanks to Nick because the boss didn't do a thing.. he actually even washed her panties, he had no option but to obey.. He opened the gate and went to change in the guard room... "Nick!!!Nick!!Nick!!" Jane yelled.. She was wearing a short transparent maternity dress and house slippers.. Her fingers were well manicured and her Brazilian hair was so long that it covered her behind.. The price of dating a wealthy man.. "Chi Nick, iwe.. Do you have deaf ears or what." She scolded.. Nick changed quickly into a short and a t.shirt.. " Madam, am coming." He said.. "Iwe come out this minute or I will come and drag you out, silly boy." She yelled.. Nick came out and went to his madam.. "Look at the time, this is past 08, you are so late and you expect to knock off early and go to school.. well today, you won't go to school.. do you hear me.." Jane said.. Nick nodded in agreement.. "I fired the maid so for the time being, you will do all the chores.. To start with, go in the kitchen and make breakfast for my husband." Jane said as she admired her fingers... "Yes, madam." Nick said as he went to the kitchen.. Jane watched as Nick went inside the house.. The boy was quite attractive, he was tall with a well built body due to the hardwork, his skin was smooth... " I don't mind having a piece of that." She said. Nick got to work, he had learnt how to cook at a very tender age.. He warmed some baked beans, fried some beacon and made scrambled eggs.. He got a plate and put the eggs, beacon and beans, He put six slices of bread on a side plate.. Then he got a tray, put the plates and served.. He put Juice and a flask on the table... Jane was now in the living room, she was busy with the remote... Nick knelt before her.. "Chi Nick move away, you are suffocating me with your smell... Do you bath..move..!!!" Jane shouted.. Nick smelled his shirt, he was fine and he had washed his clothes before he went home.. He moved away and knelt at a distance.. " Madam breakfast, is ready." "OK, go and start cleaning the house and make sure it is spotless" Jane said.. "Babe, food is ready" Jane shouted..Adam came from the bedroom.. he still looked good at the age of forty, he sat at the dinning table.. ,"Babe, this food is should cook this often" Adam said. With a mouth of food.. Jane smiled, she didn't want her husband to know that the garden boy did the cooking, as far as Adam was concerned..his new wife did the cooking.. "By the way love, I need some money to buy baby clothes." Jane asked as she walked to the dinning table.. She put her arms around his neck and kissed his ear.. "didn't I give you, three thousand kwacha yesterday for the baby's clothes" Adam asked.. He got a slice of bread and put some baked beans.. ,"What, that money wasn't enough...just give me the money." Jane said.. sounding upset... "Jane, that money was enough and at the moment I don't have money, so manage that for the time being..I will see what I can do but am not promising." Adam said.. Adam, I don't want any excuse, am not Thelma so just send the money in my account or I will turn your office upside down, do you hear me" She said and stormed out of the room.. Adam lost his appetite, he didn't understand Jane anymore.. Maybe it was the hormones.. sometimes women could be so difficult, he got his brief case and left.. Nick cleaned most parts of the house..he hesitated before he knocked on the master bedroom door.. "Who is there ?" Jane asked.. She was laying on the bed and reading people magazine.. "it's me, Nick, I have come to clean the bedroom." Jane pulled her dress exposing her light thighs..she had learnt the tactics of seducing men at her tender age.. She thought of the times when she went hungry and her parents could not do anything about it.. She blocked those memories away.. "Come in" she said... The bedroom was a mess, they were clothes and underwear on the floor.. Nick started picking up the clothes and put them in the washing basket..He avoided looking at the madam who was almost naked.. He swept the room quickly.. He went to the bathroom and knelt down to scrub the toilet.. Jane got out of bed..she was annoyed that Nick didn't look at her, she was used getting her way.. She stood at the bathroom door and watched him clean.." Make sure the toilet is very clean, otherwise.. She pushed him aside and spit in the toilet and she left.. Nick continued with his job... ****************************************** Mapalo woke up early, he got out of bed.. This Friday morning he wasn't in a good mood, his drugs had finished and when that happened he became very hyper.. He started with throwing his clothes on the floor, he undressed and remained with his underwear.. He started making the click sound over and over again, on his way out of the bedroom he picked up a string and started playing with it.. He went to the kitchen and opened the door.. Mapalo played with sand, he got water and poured it on the ground.He dived in the mud and slept in it.. He loved it that way, when he was tired.. He went and opened the gate.. Mapalo started running towards the ring road, he crossed the road, while making the clicking sound and pulling the string... The sound of the cars irritated him, he kept running and throwing dirty.. Favour woke up, an hour late, she went to the kitchen and found the door open.When she went outside, the gate was wide open.. Favour ran into the house and checked Mapalo's bedroom.. He wasn't in his bed, her worst fears where confirmed. "Mum!!Mum!!" She cried out.. She went to her mother's room and woke her up.." mum, Mapalo is missing." She cried.. Thelma, rubbed her eyes.." What do you..he is missing." She said sounding sleepy..
11 May 2019 | 16:14
Haaa be safe
11 May 2019 | 17:12
Oh GOD Save maplo
12 May 2019 | 07:34
Adam u never see anything when she finish dewing with u u will sign the later of death by your self. I, hate nousence
12 May 2019 | 07:36
Thelma what ever u have as a screat will soon be revail
12 May 2019 | 07:41
But wait what did she want to do did she want sleep with nick the gate man
12 May 2019 | 07:43
The time adam will get to himself this will already be late and i, pity ur predicament. Becauase jane will faustrate ur life
12 May 2019 | 07:47
So painful
12 May 2019 | 11:22
12 May 2019 | 15:34
I pray the little boy should come home safe,as for u Adam,u never see anything yet ,u we one day beg ur first wife
12 May 2019 | 16:07
###unconditional##chapter 7 "Mummy, Mapalo is not in his room and the gate is open..I think he has run away." "Oh my God," Thelma got out of bed and put on a wrapper and a coat... Let's go and look for him.. "Please God, protect my baby." She prayed. They got in the car and checked the neighbourhood but found nothing.. "where can he be, my lord.. please help me... please." Thelma cried... Mapalo kept waking, he kicked an empty bottle and smiled.. He was care free, when he was tired he sat on a piece of log..It was now past twelve and he felt hungry...He saw a shop nearby, Mapalo got up from the log and went to the shop.. The shopkeeper was busy attending to the customers and he didn't see Mapalo sneak into the shop... He picked a pack of crispy from the shelf, opened it and started eating. He didn't like the flavour, he spit it out and threw the pack on the floor, he got another pack, when he was satisfied with the taste he continued eating.. " Hi little boy, who are you with." a lady asked.. Mapalo looked at her and spit saliva on her shoes.. He ran to the other end of the shop and started throwing things on the click click click he made the sound as he threw the things on the floor.... "There is a little boy, throwing your things on the floor." The woman reported.. The shopkeeper quickly went to check, he was so mad.. He grabbed Mapalo and shook him hard... "What do you think you are doing, are you crazy." The shopkeeper yelled.. Mapalo, didn't understand why the man was mad.. He didn't like it when people yelled at him..He busted into tears, he looked around for a familiar face but couldn't see anyone he knew... " Mummy... Mummy... Mummy he cried.. The shopkeeper, stopped shaking him..he looked at Mapalo but Mapalo looked down to avoid eye contact... mummy...mummy... mummy..mummy. he kept saying over and over again.. The shopkeeper, got concerned..The boy didn't answer any of his questions, all he did was repeat whatever he said... He got frustrated and asked Mapalo to get out of the shop... Mapalo sat outside and cried.. he wanted his mummy and sister.. The shopkeeper, looked outside and noticed that Mapalo was still there.. He felt sorry for the little boy, he went outside and took him back in the shop.. "Sit on this chair and don't go anywhere understand." The shopkeeper said.. sit..sit..sit..sit.. Mapalo repeated the words.. The shopkeeper gave him a plain paper and a pencil so as to keep him busy.. He asked his son to bring a short and a t.shirt for Mapalo.. Mapalo started writing words that he saw... The shopkeeper was impressed not even his grade seven son could spell the words Mapalo wrote.. Thelma was getting frustrated by the minute her son was no way to be seen and she had a terrible headache.. She parked the car at break point, she felt like crying but didn't want to break down in front of her daughter.. why did things happen like this.. her illness, the divorce and now her only son.. "God help me find my boy." She prayed silently.. "Mum, you look pale.. don't worry we will find Mapalo.. God will keep him safe.." Favour assured her mother.. They prayed for awhile and hugged each other.. Everything will be fine.. Favour said.. Thelma and Favour checked all the shops at break point but couldn't find Mapalo.. They where heading to the car when they stopped and asked a certain lady.. " Have you seen a little boy, he is five years old, light in complexion and he is in his underwear." Thelma and Favour explained at the same time.. "I saw him a few minutes ago, he was in a shop just across the road, as if you are going to UTH near the Morgue." "Thank you so much." Thelma said. Favour was already heading to the car, her mother joined later and they drove off.. Mummy... Mummy..Mummy Mapalo shouted with joy when he saw his mother..He threw the paper on the floor and ran to his mother.. Thelma and Favour embraced Mapalo..they cried as they touched Mapalo..." Are you ok, sonny" Thelma said as she inspected her son.. "Thank you Lord, thank Lord."..She thanked the shopkeeper and they were about to leave when Mapalo let go of her mother's hand and went to the shopkeeper and touched his trousers.. he smiled at the shopkeeper and waved then rushed back to his mother and sister... "Sonny, you should never ever do that again, you scared me.." Thelma said as they drove to UTH to get Mapalo's drugs.. "I will be back, Mapalo be a good boy and Favour take care of your brother am going to buy Mapalo's medicine." She kissed her children and left.. Thelma read the words on the door... "development unit" she had been to this office several times, she thought of the time when Mapalo was very young... Adam had refused to attend any appointment with her.. She visited so many hospitals in an attempt to understand what was really wrong with her son.. By the age of two years, Mapalo could not speak and he showed certain behaviours that she didn't understand.. Doctor Zimba was always their for her, she was depressed when her son was diagnosed with Autism..she had no idea what that meant... All she knew was that it was a white man's disease and she didn't know how to handle it.. However, Dr Zimba explained everything and also introduced her to other parents who had children with autism... "Thelma how are you, long time.. why don't you attend the meetings" Micheal said.. her thoughts were interrupted . "Mr Mwansa, how are you, am sorry I have been busy, how is junior and your wife." "They are fine and how is the family." "We are all fine." She couldn't tell Micheal about the divorce.. "Dr Zimba is out of town, she will be back next week." Micheal said.. They walked out together, Thelma laughed at Michael's jokes.. They talked and laughed... It felt good being with someone who understood her.... Adam watched as Thelma and Micheal talked. His blood was boiling with rage.. He was meeting his girlfriend who was a student at Ridge way and when he saw Thelma with another man, he felt jealous.. He got out of his car and confronted Thelma and Micheal.. "What the heck are you doing flirting with a man, are you not shamed of yourself, Thelma let this sink in your skull.. you are mine and mine alone...So you left the kids so you could chill with your boyfriend.." Adam yelled.. He went and grabbed Michael's collar... Stay away from my you hear me... Stay away from my wife.."
12 May 2019 | 19:39
Have you forgotten that you've divorce her? Adam
13 May 2019 | 06:24
eeyah,,,,, I pray nothing happens to him oooo
13 May 2019 | 06:43
dis Michael must be so stupid
13 May 2019 | 06:50
What the fuck is wrong with this man
13 May 2019 | 06:51
wait ooo what's wrong with this Adam did he forget that he was the one that call for divorce? why is he still calling her his wife na
13 May 2019 | 09:13
Actually i support him becuase from the beginning he love her and like wise do thelma love only when jane barg in with her fake charm things start going bad through them what do expect the old man to do ?
13 May 2019 | 10:56
13 May 2019 | 10:58
###unconditional###chapter 8 "Adam are you insane? Am not your wife or maybe you have forgotten..That you divorced me... Please take your tantrums elsewhere.. am in no mood of your drama..Let go of Micheal..." Thelma said in a calm voice... "Oh because of this man, you now have guts to talk to me like that huh... Well Thelma I will hurt you so bad and you won't even know what will hit you woman.." Adam stormed out and went to the car, he was burning with fiery.. How could Thelma move on so soon, he wanted her to be miserable and depressed... He made a fist and hit the steering wheel... Damnit Thelma.. "Micheal, am so sorry." Said Thelma "It's ok I understand, why didn't you tell me about the divorce, you need to talk to someone.. Am actually going through one, my wife left with another man.. So it's just me and Junior."he said has he brushed his hair with his hand.. Micheal was a male nurse who spent almost of his time at work and whenever he had a free time, he devoted it to being with his son. However, his wife couldn't stand his long hours at work and for some reason she hated their son so much... One day when he got home from work, he found his two year old child who was diagnosed with down syndrome outside alone, he was crying and he looked for his wife but she was gone.. She had left him a note..." This is not what I bargained for, I hate your son and I can't stand your presence... You are so broke and your civil servant pay can't cater for my needs.. am in love with another man, he is more man than you can ever be.. Micheal couldn't believe that the woman he had picked from the streets could do this to him... "Thelma, God has a way of doing things.. don't give up on him, he has your back.. here is my card maybe we can get together and talk." Micheal said.. He removed his business card from his pocket and gave to Thelma.. Thelma got the card and put it in her purse. She had no intention of calling him or even text.. The last thing she needed was another man in her life.. What if he just made up the story about his wife, to get to her. "You have a good day Mr Mwansa." Thelma said.. "No call me Micheal, Mr Mwansa sounds too formal.." he smiled.. showing his left dimple. Micheal watched as Thelma got in her car.. He waved at the children and left to attend to his patients.. ****************************************** "Hey....hey..hey..!!!chi Nick, who the heck told you to get beef.." Jane screamed.. Nick was shaken, he was sitted outside enjoying his first meal at 17:00 after working like a donkey while at least a donkey rested when it was tired.. He moved the plate of nshima and beef to his side.. "Madam.. these are left overs from yesterday..I haven't eaten since sorry" Nick said with a mouth full of food.. Jane held her waist and put her foot on Nick's legs. She bent over and spit saliva in the beef.. She pulled his ears so hard.. he left like they could leave his head.." Listen imbecile, you are not allowed to eat anything from my kitchen.. I pay you so buy your own food.. do you get what am saying.. next time you eat anything I will skin you alive." Jane got the plates and threw the food in the bin.. Nick watched as the food was thrown in the bin.. He wondered why Jane was so cruel.. They had enough food in the house and yet his boss couldn't even spare left overs.. Tears rolled down his cheeks..his ears were still burning with pain.. God where are you, why have you forsaken me.. Is this how life have to go trough pain .. Lord why me... "Hey you, stop crying as if you are at a funeral..Get up and go and prepare dinner my husband will be home soon ." Jane said as she walked past Nick.. She sat in the living room and watched zeeworld.. Nick sang " God will make a way" as he cooked.. He grilled some chicken, cooked pumpkin leaves and Nshima.. when he was done he served the meal.. "Madam am leaving now." Jane didn't even bother to look at Nick neither did she respond.. On his way home Nick passed through, his friend's place to borrow Note books.. His parents had always told him that education could get him out of poverty.. Sometimes he felt like he could just quit and join one of the gangs..His salary was peanuts.. what could he do with a k500.. things were extremely expensive and he had to take care of his parents... He kept thinking and wondered what he could do.. Nick got the books and threw them in his backpack. When he got home he found alot of people outside his house.. His father was put in a wheelbarrow, Nick got off his bike and rushed to his mother's side.. The mother was crying uncontrollable.. "Mother, what's going on." His mother couldn't talk.. Nick went to the wheelbarrow.. his father was unconscious and was bleeding..He panicked and knelt besides him..Nick loved his parents so much and he didn't imagine living without them.. "What happened to him?" Nick asked. "He was involved in an accident, a car ran over him as he was begging on the road.. The driver ran away..Lucky he is still alive but we need to take him to the hospital as soon as possible..." One of the neighbours explained.. Nick got hold of the wheelbarrow and pushed like a mad man... Tears flowed as he pushed the wheelbarrow with each step he prayed that God could spare his father's life.... After a while he arrived at Kamwala clinic, he was thirsty and tired.. "Please help me my father needs help.. please... ." Nick cried.. he watched as his father was taken to the emergency room..Nick sat on the floor and buried his face in his hands... He hated everything about life and why did bad things happen to him.... Men were taught to be strong but could he be.. He couldn't stop the tears from falling....
13 May 2019 | 18:48
oh sorry poor nick. I fell ur pain
14 May 2019 | 04:26
eeyah, take heart, God will not forsake u, Ur time will come
14 May 2019 | 04:33
What a pity
14 May 2019 | 05:06
Nick could be Jane's brother or son, Jane abandoned Michael her husband and her down syndrome son.
14 May 2019 | 05:59
What a pity
14 May 2019 | 07:35
na wa
14 May 2019 | 08:44
eyaaaa sorry,may God heal ur father
14 May 2019 | 16:49
###unconditional##chapter 9 "Oh my God, hope that dirty man is still alive... Oh my ....hope he didn't see me.... damnit... It's your fault Thelma..if I wasn't thinking about you I couldn't have ran over that man... damnit." Adam cursed over and over again... He parked his car, at down town shopping mall.. He looked back to make sure no one was following him.. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned his three first buttons.. Adam was still breathing so fast, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeves...When he was sure no one had followed him, he got out of the car to inspect the damage.. He smiled when he found that the damage was minimal. He got back in the car and drove off.. He was still shaken by the fact that he had killed someone..He couldn't get it out of his mind....It was the damn man's fault why was he standing in the road.. stupid.stupid...stupid man.. He said over and over again.. He decided to go and drink, he didn't care whether it was a Wednesday, he just needed something strong to calm his nerves... " Please stop, don't hurt me...please.. the little girl cried." Her blue dress was torn, her face was dirty, she had no shoes and her feet felt cold on the hard cold ground.. She shivered as she tried to keep warm by rubbing her hands... " I just want to keep warm" she said. The gang of street kids smiled at her,... She pulled the little dress to her knees as she walked towards them.. As she was walking she felt strong hands around her waist, another pair of strong hands pulled her to the ground..the other boys pinned her to the ground.. The little girl screamed for help but who could hear her cries under the bridge.. The first boy removed her panties and forced himself in her, she felt a sharp pain between her legs.. She cried and pleaded with them, when the first one was done his friend took over until all five of them took turns. The little girl couldn't take the pain, she could smell their sweat, the wicked smiles that crossed their dirty faces when they were satisfied.. Their evil laughter.. She just layed still and prayed for them to stop but they kept doing it over and over again.. , "Please stop.. Please am begging you.." Jane kept screaming in her dreams. She woke up and looked around. She felt relieved when she realised she was home and not in the streets.. No one could hurt her one... Why couldn't her past leave her was all their fault..she hated them so much..she hated them all... She checked the time, it was past midnight and Adam was not yet home.. She tried calling him but the call went to voicemail.. Jane became restless, she got out of bed and went to drink water.." Adam, you better come back home" She kept saying to herself.. Just then she heard the sound of the car, she peeped through the window... Adam got out of the car, he looked pale and drank.. He opened the door and knelt before Jane and hugged her legs.. "Babe..I have killed someone.. I swear I didn't mean to do it.. but the man was stupid..he saw the car but kept waking on the road..I ran over him and didn't turn back to take him to the hospital." Adam cried.. Jane pulled Adam and hugged him.. "it's fine babe, you did the right thing, if you stayed or helped him you could have gone to jail and I need you." They hugged for awhile.... "Let's go to the bathroom, I get you cleaned up and we can sleep and forget about this.." They walked hand in hand, Jane helped him out of his clothes, she filled the tab with water.. Adam got into the tab..Jane gave him a massage, she kissed him.. Adam was different from the guys she had met, she felt complete with him.. When he was done she put a towel around his waist and they went to bed... ****************************************** "Am sorry Nick but we lost him...your father is gone." The doctor said.. He put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.. Nick broke down..He it can't ..this is not my papa it can't be I know it's short, don't roast me pliz ?
14 May 2019 | 17:24
The man spirit will come to hunt you, Adam
15 May 2019 | 05:34
Awwu so sorry may his soul rip
15 May 2019 | 05:34
So adam was the one that killed nick father. U wil not go unpunish
15 May 2019 | 05:35
Nick sorry for your lost
15 May 2019 | 06:48
what a loss,
15 May 2019 | 09:10
This Adam sef, how can u be thinking of Thelma when u were d one that filed for divorce
15 May 2019 | 09:12
###unconditional###Chapter 10 Nick tried to rub off the pain he felt...he felt like pulling out his heart from his chest so he didn't feel a thing. He went into the emergency room and uncovered his father's corpse... His dad looked so peaceful.... he didn't deserve to did God always take good people.. He put his head on his dead father's chest, he prayed that he could wake up and tell him that everything was fine but no..he lay so still.....why was this world so cruel... "You have to be strong, everything will be alright." The doctor said as he pulled him away from his father.. Everything will be alright..well he was tried of hearing that word.. Everything will be alright they said..But things got worse everyday.. Something in Nick's heart changed he was tried of doing the right thing... Where did it get him.. all he got was misery after misery..There was so much pain one could handle after that all that was left was emptiness... For a moment he thought he was going insane... Nick walked slowly....He wanted time to stand could he deliver the news to his mother..He just the thought, broke his heart into tiny pieces... When he got home... He hesitated a bit.. his mother was sitted with her neighbours outside the house.. news spread so fast in Misisi compound.. "Mother... gone." Nick said.. The ladies broke down and soon the house was croweded.. It's funny how everyone tries to help when it's too late..Nick watched as neighbours bought food, charcoal, fetched water.. Things that none of them did..they were days when Nick and his parents went without food And none of the neighbours helped out... Weeks later After the burial Nick had made up his mind...There was no way, he was going to live in poverty enough was enough... He vowed to provide the best life for his mother.. Nick pulled his cap making sure his face was covered.. This was it and there was no turning back.. He knocked on the door and a young man with a bread and a bold head come out of the house... He looked at Nick from head to toe.. "Well...well..well..Look who we have here, the one and only school boy, what brings you here." The young man said.. "Can I come inside...I will explain." The young man, opened the door. Nick went inside, he stood and instructed the place.. The place smelt of marijuana, it was a a two roomed house with a small window.. The living room and kitchen was small, with a wooden table at the centre..the table was filled with newspapers, matches and marijuana.. In the far end there was a small television and a fridge.. bottles of beer littered the place.. The young man sat on an arm chair..he put the dry leaves on the newspaper and rolled it nicely.. He licked the edge and sealed the paper, he got the matches and lit it up.. Then took a long drag,..He smiled as he blow the smoke in the air...He pointed to what looked like a sofa and asked Nick to sit.... "Talk"........................................................ " I want in...I promise to do my part as long as get my cut." Nick said with a serious face...He had practised, this speech for weeks and saying it now made him smile.... "Are you sure School boy." "Ba Biggie...I couldn't have come if I wasn't sure, so am I in or not." Nick stood up and leaned close to the table, he grabbed the rolled newspaper from Biggie and took a drag...he choked on the smoke and coughed badly... "Damnit" he yelled.. Giving Biggie back his blunt.. Biggie laughed and took another drag.... "School don't have to prove anything..this stuff is for us but don't worry, I will talk to the boys." Nick left feeling satisfied..This was a part of his life he was willing to keep private.. He could wait but for now he had a horrible boss to please .. He got on his bicycle and left.... ****************************************** Cont 11 Jane played with her phone while her head was lying perfectly on her husband's chest.. She felt a sharp pain in her abdomen.. She had been feeling this pains for awhile.. Another pain come this time with so much force.. "Babe, am in labour." Adam panicked...He hated the feeling of not knowing what to do.. He grabbed his wife's bag and bucket.. Took them to the car and went back to take Jane... This time Jane was moaning in pain, he put her in the back seat and drove like a mad man.. In no time he was at the university teaching hospital.. He helped his wife out of the car... Jane was put on a wheel chair and was taken to the delivery room.. "Push..Push...Jane.. don't..give up.." Jane pushed but she was too weak.. She tried again and finally the baby come.. "It's a baby boy..the nurse said.. The nurse looked at the baby and immediately knew that something was wrong... The nurse held the baby but the baby didn't make any sound..She patted the baby on the back but no sound..This was the hardest part of the job.. telling a woman who had carried a child for nine months that the baby was a still born.. "Nurse, why isn't my baby he ok.." Jane asked sounding worried.. "Am sorry madam, but the baby is dead." "No it can't" Jane cried.. "I want my baby.. please let me hold him.." Jane held the baby..She couldn't stop crying..Was she being punished for her past mistakes..The nurse took away the baby but Jane could not calm down.. The doctor tried talking to her but couldn't calm her down..She was given a sedative and she soon fell asleep.. Adam went to the doctor..he had pacing in the corridor.. "Doctor how is my wife and my baby." "Am sorry sir, we did all we could but we lost the baby." Adam sat on the floor..he thought of the man he had ran over...Was he being punished.. " How is my wife" he finally managed to ask..She is very weak and sleeping at the moment... A week later..... Thelma was cleaning the yard..She wore a hat to hide her hair which was now falling off.. Mapalo and Favour were helping their mother water the plants.... Adam parked at the gate for awhile..he made been thinking and had decided to get his children.. Mapalo was the only male child and he needed him to be close... His friends at work had advised him to accept his child... He got out of the car and knocked on the gate... Favour opened the gate and was very happy to see her dad... Daddy is here..she screamed happily.. Daddy... daddy...daddy.. Mapalo said as he ran to his father.. For the first time Adam lifted Mapalo and hugged him.. Thelma was so surprised with the whole scene.. She put the broom on the ground and folded her arms... "Yes Adam, what can I do for you." "I have come to see my children or am not allowed too.. Actually am taking my children with me...I can't let them leave with a drunk.." "Oh no, Adam you are not taking my children away from me....over my dead body..." Thelma yelled.. Favour and Mapalo moved closer to their mother and held on to her.... "I just came to tell you..we can do this the rough way or the good way you choose." Adam said. "You are not taking my children, Adam just leave us alone." Mapalo couldn't stand the yelling..he started screaming and throwing dirty.... "Look what you have done.." Thelma said while pointing at Mapalo.. Favour managed to calm her brother..The two went inside the house while their parents agrued.. "I will be back soon Thelma and this taking my children..see you in court."
15 May 2019 | 18:43
eyaaaa Nick sorry for ur lost,so that stupid fool was the one who knock ur father down
15 May 2019 | 19:38
eeyah,,, sorry for Ur loss... Adam has wickedness in his system
16 May 2019 | 04:07
Adam you're very stupid
16 May 2019 | 05:17
I hate you Adam
16 May 2019 | 05:52
16 May 2019 | 08:44
Adam is stupid
16 May 2019 | 17:34
###unconditional### Chapter 11 Thelma stood in the yard staring at the gate...She was still absorbing what Adam had just said.. There was no way she was going let Adam take her children from her.. If it might fighting then she was going to fight.. Although at times she felt maybe her children could be better off with Adam.. She felt overwhelmed with everything that had happened...Thelma held her head, the pain was too much..Her legs felt weak and all she could see where blurred visions.. "Am I going this it..Lord this can't be.. please take away my pain..when will it stop..I need to live..give me more time.." Thelma kept talking.. as she slowly fell to the ground. "My head...oh..this pain..My head.." Thelma cried. She saw an image, though it wasn't looked like a male or female.. "Is that you Favour???" The image became dull with each passing moment, finally Thelma couldn't see a thing.. She heard her children cry but couldn't reach out to them.. The voices became faint with each passing moment and finally she heard nothing.... Favour panicked, she didn't understand what was going on.. A few moments ago her mother was fine and now she was lying unconscious on the ground.. Mapalo cried as he tried to wake his mother.. He kissed her forehead but his mummy didn't wake up.. "Mummy.... Mummy... Mummy" He called out.. Micheal who had arrived earlier on to give Thelma, Mapalo's medicine that he had managed to get from the pharmacy. Rushed to Thelma, he lifted her and took her to his car. Favour and Mapalo followed Micheal.. Mapalo's face was stained with tears.. " Mum will be ok, Favour takecare of your brother, he needs you.. I will inform you about your mum's condition." John said. Favour protested, she got in the car and held her young brother close.. " We are going with you and don't think of leaving us behind." Micheal knew there was nothing he could do to change their mind. "Let's get going then." He stepped on the accelerator and drove like a mad man.. Within a short time he was at Uth.. He parked the car and lifted Thelma.. Favour and Mapalo tagged behind. Thelma was taken to the emergency room.. Micheal, Favour and Mapalo remained praying for Thelma.. The wait was taking forever and Micheal was getting impatient.. He asked any nurse who came out of the room..The doctor finally came out.....His face said it all bit Micheal prayed that whatever it was...Thelma could make it through.. He didn't understand why he felt attached to Thelma.... For the past weeks he had been thinking about her and now that he had her close..he wasn't ready to lose her... "Doctor how is she doing." He asked. "Her condition is worse, the tumour has grown and if she doesn't get an operation she will die.. Am sorry nurse but there is nothing we can do in Zambia, she does to go to India.." The doctor explained.. "What do you mean, she has a tumour." Favour and Micheal asked at once.... "She didn't tell you, Thelma has been sick for months now... Am sorry, but she won't be able to see." The doctor said... Favour broke down and cried..she held her brother tight.. Mapalo didn't understand what was going on, he touched his sister and kissed her on the forehead.... Micheal leaned on the wall for support, the news was a blow he wasn't expecting that... "Doctor can we see her." He asked... "Yes, you can go in." Thelma was lying on the bed, she heard footsteps but she had no idea who it was.. "Mummy... Mummy... Mummy" Mapalo called and rushed to his mother's bedside... He climbed on the bed and hugged his mother.. Thelma opened her eyes but she couldn't see her son's face... "What's happening to me?" she asked. Thelma panicked... I can't see...I can't see.. what's happening... Why can't I see my boy... Lord this is not happening.. Mapalo looked at his mother with surprise.. He started crying not knowing what to do... he got out of the bed and hugged his sister. Cont 11part 2 Micheal rushed to Thelma's side and tried to keep her calm.. "Thelma, don't panic everything will be alright.." He held her hand... Thelma went quiet... It's like the wind of death had passed through the room... Favour hugged her brother and hoped that all this was just a nightmare... This wasn't happening... Why did her mother have to go through all this pain... She removed her phone and wrote a text to her father.. She needed both her parents at this moment.. Adam was going through his case files, when his phone buzzed.. He read the text and somehow felt bad.. why didn't Thelma talk about her illness, even though they had parted he still felt something for her.. Feelings didn't just disappear like that.. He stood up and grabbed his keys.. Micheal was still holding Thelma's hand when Adam, came into the room.. "What the hell are you doing here, all I see so Thelma you have started dating this old know what you deserve whatever is happening to you.. since you are no longer fit, I will take my children with me and I promise will never see them again." Adam yelled.. "Adam for goodness sake, this is a hospital and Thelma is sick.. keep your voice down.." Micheal said.. Adam, could not have it, there was no way he was going to let another man take his place in the family.. To him Thelma and the children belonged to him and nobody else.. He grabbed both Favour and Mapalo's hands.. the children struggled to break free but he was too strong.. "I am taking my children and you will never see them again." He yelled as he dragged the children out of the ward.. "Adam, bring back my children..." Thelma yelled.. she tried to get up but fell back on the bed.. she felt so helpless and frustrated.. "Micheal please help me get my babies back.. please..I did to get better so I can have my children..I need my sight back.. I will do whatever it takes." She sobbed. Micheal held her in his arms... ****************************************** "Are you ready, boys?" Biggie asked.. The Nick and the boys had black masks with guns.. This was the first operation Nick was doing and he felt uneasy... What if something went wrong... He brushed off the negative was about risks and he was willing to take this Risk... "Remember, we do this in twenty minutes and don't mess I let's go." Nick and the boys covered their faces with the mask and entered AB bank in Cairo road...Nick went to the teller and removed his gun and pushed a bag... "Put everything in here or I will blow your brains.." Biggie shot all the cameras and made sure that everyone was lying on the floor.. "If anyone, moves or calls the police..I will make sure I track you down and kill your entire family..." Biggie warned.. Nick made sure all the money was packed in the bag..He signalled for the other guys and they left.. They got in the car and drove off.. when they arrived in Misisi they got rid of the car and got in another one.. Once they were in Chawama, they went to Biggie's house they counted the money it was worth five hundred thousand kwacha.. The guys celebrated, they opened some brandy and Vodka and smoked.. Sorry, I had a bad week and I was super busy.... I love writing and I don't like to keep you waiting but sometimes life can get a little......... Crazy..
17 May 2019 | 02:05
God will see you through
17 May 2019 | 05:41
This is sirouse
17 May 2019 | 06:58
chei Thelma, may God be with you
17 May 2019 | 13:33
Thelma, sorry... I wish u Gud recovery,,, and until u recovered, u won't be able to fight Ur for Ur children
17 May 2019 | 16:18
Still observing
17 May 2019 | 19:20
comments ooo
18 May 2019 | 02:15
###Unconditional###Chapter12 "It's been a month now without mum and not a day passes by without thinking about her.. I have frequently gone to our old house and the hospital but mum is no where to be seen.." Favour explained to Nick who was sitted on the chair... The two had became good friends since the day Adam had taken his children.. life was hard and Favour had dropped out of school so she could take care of Mapalo.. "You little brat, who told you to write on my walls, huh do you know the price of paint... I will teach you manners since your mother didn't do a good job" Jane yelled... He was holding Mapalo by the ears.. She got a cooking stick and started wiping Mapalo... Favour heard her brother's cries... Both her and Nick stood up and rushed to the living room.. Favour was very furious, she went between Mapalo and Jane...making sure that the next beating landed on her... "Stop, beating my brother you wicked witch.. can't you see that he is a young boy huh or maybe you are so dumb that you can't understand that he has special needs!!!!" Favour yelled.. she pushed Jane on the floor and grabbed the cooking stick... "Oh so you have the guts to push me and talk back at me in my own house you stupid girl." Jane stood up and grabbed Favour's hand.. She slapped Favour and hit her face... Mapalo screamed and rushed to defend his sister..he bit Jane's legs and ran to Nick who was trying to defend her. Jane finally gave up and went to her bedroom... "Hey let me take care of that black eye, it looks bad." Nick said as he took Favour's hand...He got some ice from the freezer and put it on her face... Jane paced around the room, there was no way am letting that stupid girl and her brother stay in my house over my dead body will they stay here... I have to act now and let those fools out of here... I have to take advantage of the fact that Adam is aboard.. She went to the children's bedroom and packed their clothes... Jane went to the kitchen and dumped the clothes on the floor... "I don't want you in my house...get out this instant!!!!!" Jane yelled. Favour, Nick and Mapalo stood put and looked at Jane in shock... The whole scene was like those in Nigerian movies... "We are not going anywhere, this is my father's leave instead if our presence bothers you so much..." Favour yelled back... Jane was now raging mad...She went to the kitchen drawer and removed a knife... "Get out of my house!!!" She screamed. Favour got the sack bag and held her brother.. They got out of the gate and sat outside... Favour had no idea where they could go next.. it was already dark outside and she had no money... She hugged her little brother and they cried.. "Mummy where are you.....why have you left us.." She stood up and started walking with Mapalo close by... Her face hurt and she felt hungry.. most nights they went to bed without food.. "Hi Favour stop!!!" Nick shouted.. Favour looked behind and saw Nick running towards them... "Where are you going?" He asked... "I have no idea and I have no phone... We will spend a night at one of the churches then tomorrow morning, I will figure out something.." Favour said as she held Mapalo's hand who was becoming restless... "We can go to my house but I warn you my house is small and whatever you have heard about Misisi is true.. it's not paradise but at least you will have a roof on your head..." The three managed to get on a taxi... Favour was quiet the all way.. Nick played games with Mapalo...Nick had not told anyone about his double life and he still lived a simple life even though he had thousands in his account.. They arrived at Misisi police station and from there they walked on foot.. Favour was uncomfortable, she put Mapalo on her back... Women where shouting, insulting...The place was totally different from what she was used to.. They turned a dark corner... A drunk man staggered and fall..He smelled of urine and the local brew( kachasu). A young couple was making out in the dark corner...This was not what she expected but sometimes one had to accept what was served especially if one had no option... We are here.. Nick said.. The house was surrounded by three other houses.. The area smelled of urine and human waste.. There was what looked like a small bathroom at the far end and a latrine which looked like it would fall off.. Nick entered the house first, his mother was sitted on a bed.. The small house was tidy, Mapalo screamed when he saw a big rat.. pass just where Nick's mum was sitting.. This was going to be one long night.. Favour thought.. She greeted Nick's mother and sat next to her... "You will sleep with my mother while Mapalo and I will sleep on the other side of the curtain." Favour couldn't sleep, the noise from outside was unbearable and the rats moved from one end to another.. She kept thinking of her mother, Favour removed the letters she had found at the door step and read them again,as she had done every night.. She felt her mother close by with each word she read..
18 May 2019 | 02:16
It's well with u kids
18 May 2019 | 09:14
God wil see u people true
18 May 2019 | 09:26
This life...
18 May 2019 | 15:03
Adam is very stupid, it's bec ur golden wife child die, that u are here saying u want to take them with u? did u care for them b4?
18 May 2019 | 16:37
God please help Thelma
18 May 2019 | 16:38
oh my God,pls take care of this children
18 May 2019 | 16:38
19 May 2019 | 02:51
comment after reading
19 May 2019 | 02:52
###Unconditional###Chapter 13 When you are living in darkness, the only source of happiness can only come from the ones you love.. I hated the fact that I could not see a thing, Micheal was always there by my side but I missed my children so much, I missed Mapalo's noise, Favour's voice and smile.. I made so many attempts to check on my children but Adam couldn't even allow me to call them..let alone feel them in my arms again.. I had developed a bad temper and I was easily irritated by the fact that I couldn't cook for myself..fight for my children in my current position.. But the word of God strengthed me.. Even if I don't get my sight back I will still find my children..I wasn't going to let anything stand in the way... It has been over a month now but it feels like eternity.. I know for sure that Micheal loves me, which crazy man can sacrifice his work and his life to stand by a blind woman.. You know he sold all his properties so he could bring me here... I will be forever indebted to him.. I owe him my life and I pray this operation will be successful... I need to live at all cost.. death not today.. Thelma narrated her story to the stranger on the other side of the bed.. The woman had gotten used to Thelma's stories, she loved her determination. Just then Micheal walked in the ward. "Micheal is that you?" Thelma asked.. Her other senses had been more enhanced. Micheal smiled, he kissed her forehead and sat next to her.. "How is my queen doing today." "Oh Micheal am no queen, am sure I look pathetic.." Thelma complained.. " beautiful and well any man could be a fool not to fall for you.." Micheal said as he held her hand.. "Thelma I love you and am not giving up on you, do you hear me... I won't let you or never.." Micheal said.. He held her in his arms, it felt good to be wanted by someone but somehow she wasn't ready to give her heart away.. Adam had made so many promises but where was he now, he had transformed into a monster.. She felt guilty that she could not reciprocate the feelings after everything he had done for her. What was she suppose to say when he said he loved her..keep quiet or say thank you..what... because..falling in love was the last option, she only thought of her children.. where they okay.. did they eat.. All these thoughts were driving her crazy.. She decided not to say a thing it was safer that way.. "Thelma Mwanza, it's time." The nurse called out in her Indian accent.. " Micheal, if I don't survive this, promise me that you will find my children and take care of them..tell them I love them.." "Thelma you will make it..God is in control." " I don't know but am scared, just promise me." Micheal kissed her hand and forehead..I will be here waiting and remember am not giving up... You will be fine and we will soon go home, so we can be with Favour and Mapalo.. Fight for them.. Thelma.. Micheal watched as Thelma was taken to the theatre.. She looked scared and he prayed she could make it...He knelt down and prayed.. he let it all out... I leave it to you Lord.. Thelma felt dizzy..the drug was taking over..She imagined laughing and playing with Favour and Mapalo.. Their smiles, she had to fight for her life..Lord give me another chance.. Within a short period of time, she had drifted off into a deep sleep....... ****************************************** Favour couldn't sleep no matter how hard she tried.. The mattress was so uncomfortable and the blanket was so small for two people.. She covered Nick's mother instead while she kept warm by putting on more clothes..This was not how she imagined are life would be.. when she was young her dad could spoil her and she always got what she asked for... She wondered why her dad had changed so much.. They said prayer solved every problem but why was her situation getting worse everyday..How was she going to take care of her brother.. Her thoughts were disrupted by the sound of the door.. She panicked and looked for something she could use to hit the intruder, damnit the only thing she found was a shoe..she got it anyway.. She heard some footsteps and the sound of someone locking the door and then there was silence... "What is this???? Is this house haunted or something....oh my God Mapalo." Favour got out of bed and went to look for her brother..The house was dark and she bumped into a suitcase which was lying on the floor. She finally saw him lying on the small mattress, she felt relieved and kissed his little forehead... Nick was no where to be seen, Favour wondered if he had another job or if he was keeping secrets.. She covered her brother and sat next to him.. " it's you and I against the world." Mummy... Mummy.. mummy.. Mapalo cried in his sleep..shshhhh.. my love am here and am not going anywhere.. Favour sat in that position until she dozed off.. ****************************************** Nick made sure no one was following him..He hated it when Biggie called him at awkward hours... It was three in the morning and all he wanted was to sleep.. He wasn't just working for his mother, now he had to take care of Favour and Mapalo.. Biggie was sitted in his arm chair.. the room was dirty and messy as usual.. He took a long drag from his cigarette and blew the smoke in the air.... "Hi school boy.. we have something new and we need this plan to work out." Biggie pointed to a map on the table, there was an area which was circled in red.. We need to attack this house, however it is highly secured.. I know you can do something about the cameras.. This man is very rich.. he is away and only is wife is home..So it will be easy.. Nick's mouth went dry, he knew the house very well..What if he was recognised or if the job went wrong... "Hi school are so anything the matter.." "Huh boss, I.....I...I... I work there." "That's even better, since you know the place very well... So no excuse.. tomorrow we get the job done.."
19 May 2019 | 02:52
may God be with you, Thelma and her kids
19 May 2019 | 04:59
Nick be careful
19 May 2019 | 05:50
Thea nothing will happen to you
19 May 2019 | 05:52
Thelma, i pray for ur recoverly i pray opretion is sucessful
19 May 2019 | 05:52
Fovour u re a fighter so never give up
19 May 2019 | 05:55
For the first time i think am being to like bad thing the idea of going to robb jane i think i like it
19 May 2019 | 06:21
I wish the robbery be successful.
19 May 2019 | 08:27
All is well
19 May 2019 | 09:26
hmmmmm Nick u we take things easy too,Thelma u I'll be well by God grace
19 May 2019 | 17:39
###Unconditional##Chapter 14 Nick was disturbed and confused.. even though Jane was so wicked he didn't see himself stealing from her and to make matters worse, Adam was Favour's father and despite their differences Adam was a good man but when Biggie made an order... No one could say no... As he walked back home, he debated whether to quit or face the mess he had made.. When he opened the door he noticed that Favour had taken his spot and was fast asleep... He realised that she knew he had gone out and might question him later... he thought of a very good excuse.. However, he wasn't in the mood for confrontations. He cleaned the surrounding, fetched water and made Breakfast. When he was done, he wrote a note and placed it on Favour's bag.. Late that night.................. Nick was so frustrated and to make matters worse Jane had invited a group of her girlfriends over... He worked non stop and the women were too demanding.. He had called Biggie to inform him about the new development and pleaded that they move the attack to the next day but Biggie couldn't hear of it, he wanted it to be done tonight....It was almost 21:00 hours and the women where still drinking and dancing. He took this opportunity to cut the power supply..He then tipped Biggie and the boys to come in through the main gate which he had left open.. "Chi Nick, what's going on has power finished or something.." Jane yelled.. "School boy..we are can switch the power on.." Biggie texted Nick. Nick switched the power on and pretended to be serving beer to the drunk ladies.. Jane was on the dance floor dancing in her tiny bum shorts and crop top.. "Life is for the living my darlings, let's drink there is no tomorrow.." She yelled on top of her voice... Her friends cheered and joined her as they danced to panda.. The ladies were so excited and enclosed in the music that they didn't hear the door open... "Get down this minute, no screaming or I will blow your brains out!!" Biggie shouted.. The women froze on the dance floor and slowly lay on the floor... Nick came into the living room and froze.. He went to one of the guys and punched him in the stomach.. Biggie hit him in the back and he fell to the ground... The ladies screamed and some even started praying.. They watched as Biggie and his men packed their jewellery, money and phones.. "Who is the owner of this house?" Biggie asked Jane was lying on the floor with her face covered..There was no way she was going to admit to being the owner.. "I repeat who is the owner of this house?" Jane lifted her hand slowly and looked at Biggie.. They locked eyes, Jane went pale and she shivered even though it was extremely hot.. She knew those eyes and that face... That crooked smile and the bold head....She couldn't forget, it was impossible to forget the wicked face...she remembered it like it was yesterday.. why did they have to cross paths again..No this time she wasn't going to let him hurt her not again.. Maybe this is the closure she needed... Biggie smiled when he recognised the cute face before had to be her even though many years had past..she still looked beautiful and wild.. The wild part is what drove him crazy the first time.. He thought of how it felt to touch her skin and he still remembered the taste of her kisses.. Here she was body and soul.. No he wasn't going to let her cute face fool him again, after what she had done to him..She had ran away with his child... He never even had a chance to hold his baby., He didn't know whether it was male or female... What he needed now was answers... "Well well..who do we have here, if it is not the wife of my youth..I must say you look quite hot huh... You finally got the life you craved for.." Biggie said.. Yeah Biggie it is me, Nelly... I must say you still look crooked as always and I don't regret leaving you.. I hate you so much.. just look at are still in this filthy life style.. is this the The kind of life you wanted us to raise our child in.. Yes you stood by me when I was raped and had no where to go but abused and still raped me repeatedly...Jane stood up..feeling so courageous..she was done running from Nelson..She took off her crop top, her body was full of scars..Look at my body..these scars remind me, that I did the right thing and I could do it over again....I got tired living a life of fear.. I deserved better and you and that child were a big obstacle.. "Nelly shut up!!!!!.. where is my could have left my child with had no right to hide my child from me..." "Oh really, so you could abuse that boy as well..I did the right thing giving him away after all that blind couple really needed a baby to keep them company..Am sure they gave him what we couldn't.. loving home.." Jane said.. Biggie's anger was slowly building up..Nelly has he called her had the guts to tell him that she gave away their child to a blind couple...He grabbed Jane's neck, all he wanted was to kill her..The women screamed and Biggie's men tired to save Jane but Biggie held firm.. "Tell me, the names of the couple or I will snap your little neck..Which I could have done a long time ago." and Mrs Mulenga..that couple that was usually found under the Kamwala fly over bridge.... Nick who had been lying on the floor all this while.. stood up..he didn't care whether his cover was blown.. Jane had mentioned his parents names..What were they saying that he had lived in a lie all these years.. Both Biggie and Nick looked at each other... Biggie let go of Jane and sat on the floor..he covered his face has he wept.. Lord what have i done,how foolish was I not to recognise my son... He has been right before me all this while... "What are you talking about Nelson?" Jane asked.. Nick spoke for the first time ,am shamed to believe that am your sonThe only parents I know are blind . My father was killed in an accident by some ruthless driver..who didn't even have the audacity to take him to the hospital.. Am Nick Mulenga but I may not be your son since they are so many Mulengas.My parents have been begging under the bridge for many years.. If am really your son then am glad you gave me up.. Jane or Nelly what ever you call yourself you don't deserve to be a mother... You are the most cruel person I you where partying while your step children are on the streets, you mistreated me in ways imaginable..You might have given birth to me but you are not my mother.. Biggie well I have no words... Am just shamed that I gave up all the teachings my parents had taught me..for this.. am shamed that I turned out to be like you.. My father taught me the value of life and sacrificed everything.. They took me to the hospital when I was unwell, fed me even when they barely eat themselves, they sat in the cold streets even when people called them names so they could take me to school so that I could have a bright future.. while you gave up on me.. other people saw me as a treasure.. Even without their sight they provided for my needs... I am a Mulenga and I couldn't ask for anything less.. I have realised that I shouldn't let my situation dictate how my life should be.. Karma always finds a way of knocking on your door.. Am done with both of you.. pretend I don't exist am off to see my family...... " please.." Jane pleaded, she was holding Nick's trousers..Nick pushed her to the floor and left.. Biggie ran after him but Nick had made up his mind.. Biggie's men left the stuff they had packed and also left... Jane sat on the floor.. She didn't feel anything for her son but had to make up a show as she was worried about what her friends would think.. She could go at any extent to maintain her reputation, already she felt humiliated by the fact that her friends knew about her past..She sat crying so her friends could feel pity and not look down on her...
19 May 2019 | 23:25
Humm this is serious how can a mother be like this jane or nelly or what did u call ur name u re not to be a human u re an example of an animal
20 May 2019 | 04:30
And u nelson or kini o pe oruko re as for i reserve my comment
20 May 2019 | 04:32
Useless people
20 May 2019 | 06:36
This getting more hotter and interrsted.
20 May 2019 | 08:14
The bound that want to bring them together . MAKE THINGS TO BE HARD TO NICK . And he no have any other choice than to expect the fate of robber. The blood that have tinner than water have make a connecting between nicke and biggie.
20 May 2019 | 08:32
Nicke is sharterd and lonely . For discovering that his own parents reject him to poor riched melunga. A begger for the CHRIST Sake.
20 May 2019 | 08:36
Now that nick have discover his parents what do u think he will do ?
20 May 2019 | 08:38
Oh my gosh
20 May 2019 | 09:39
####Unconditional###Chapter 15 "Hi how are you doing...does your head still hurt." Micheal asked.. "A bit.... but I feel much better and am so hungry.... Can you please get me something to eat.." Micheal smiled as he removed the small food warmer..It was the first time, Thelma had asked for food since they arrived in India.. He opened the food warmer and got a spoon.. "The food smells so good....did you prepare it or maybe you bought.i don't trust your cooking, Micheal." Thelma smiled, exposing her perfect white teeth and her tiny dimple.. She was in a good mood, the operation was successful but her images were not yet clear.. The doctor said it could take some time before she could clearly see.. She believed that no matter how long it took, her sight could be restored and she could see her children again.. It was almost a year now, at times she could dream of Favour and Mapalo..She had called Adam several times at first he had answered but after he realised it was her, he cut the line and never picked her calls... "No matter what it takes, I will find you my darlings and we will be together again." She whispered.. "Did you say something love.." Micheal asked.. "I was just thinking loud, so am I going to have my food now." She smiled.. Micheal put the warmer on her laps and gave her the spoon..She put the spoon slowly in the food warmer, when she felt she had something, she slowly lifted it to her mouth, a few grains of rice fell on the dress... "Yummy, this tastes so good..I love fried rice.." Micheal looked at her, Thelma had changed and she seemed happy..She had lost alot of weight but she still looked beautiful..if only she could give him a chance..he thought.. "Micheal, you are too quiet, what are you thinking about.. I know you miss Junior, don't worry we will go home soon." "Am thinking about you and how wonderful it could be if you gave me a chance.." Silence............... "Micheal......" Thelma tried to speak but Micheal put a finger on her lips..He got the food warmer and put it on the table.. The desire to kiss her was too much, he tried to push away the thoughts but couldn't he felt possessed with desire...He moved closer and kissed her lips.. "Micheal.... Micheal.... please.. don't." Thelma said not believing her own words..She wanted him so much, it had been awhile since anybody had made her feel this way..Her body was already betraying her. Micheal could feel her nipples responding to his touch..the thin soft blouse didn't help matters.. Her heart was beating so fast, she gave in, to his kiss, she kissed him with so much passion...Adam had not made her feel alive, the way she did at this point.. All she wanted was to lose herself in his passion..... Micheal pulled away and lifted her chin.. "Are you want to do this?" Micheal asked.. Thelma nodded in response, she was short of breath.. "Micheal..stop talking and just kiss me before I change my mind." Thelma managed to speak.. "Alright..boss then we will get to work." Micheal said with a smirk on his face. Thelma pulled him closer and they kissed.. Micheal slowly unbuttoned her blouse and kissed her breasts..She could feel his heart beat, she trembled with each kiss...She could hardly see his face but felt every movement he made... She touched his face and chest.. She wanted to remember it all, lucky they were in the hotel room.. "I will not do anything, you don't want to do.." Micheal said between the two twin towers... They finally made love..Thelma felt complete, she slept in his felt good to be wanted.. Tomorrow, they were going back home..... ****************************************** Favour cleaned the little house they had moved in.. She had not questioned Nick about his decision, he had just come home in the morning..He took his mother aside, they spoke quietly, the conversation looked tense, Favour tried to eavesdrop but couldn't get anything they were discrete.. After what seemed like a long talk..Nick hugged his mother and he shed some tears.. They walked hand in hand, they seemed closer than before.. An hour later they parked their belongings and shifted to kuomboka. So many months had gone by, Mapalo was all grown up.. He sat on a stood and kept writing words while Nick corrected him when he made a mistake.He was hard to control but Nick had a way of getting to him. They had opened up a little shop from the money Nick had gotten from his dealings.. "Favour, I will finish up with the cleaning, get ready and go to school." Nick said. Nick had given up his education so that Favour and Mapalo could go to school. He worked in the grocery shop and also did other businesses. Favour helped out when Nick went out to order things. The new house was a three roomed house, Nick and Mapalo shared a room while Favour and Nick's mother shared a room.. Mapalo left his books and went to pick up the trash. Favour and Nick laughed because he ended up messing the place instead of helping out. Nick had ironed Favour's uniform, she changed quickly kissed Mapalo on the forehead and went to school.. She was determined to do well so she could support her new family, Nick and his mother had been there for them.. ****************************************** Jane paced around the house, it was past midnight and Adam was not yet home.After he had come back from his trip and realised his children were not home he had became distant.. He never came home and when he did he could be so drunk... She got in her car and went to look for him..word had it that he was dating a student at Ridge way, she had once confronted the girl but it seems the girl was not going to leave her man alone..She was going to fight for Adam whatever it took, no woman could have him over her dead body.. She arrived at the bedsitter in Kabwata were the young lady was staying. Adam's Jeep was parked outside, Jane went crazy.. She got a brick and broke the windows on Adam's car, she removed her hair pin and opened the door a trick she had mastered from her ex husband. Jane opened the door slowly, Adam and his side chick were busy in the act.. "Ba Adam, so this is what you have been up to huh, I told you tukafilila mu nsenga." Jane removed a gun and pointed it at the girl, the girl looked scared her eyes most popping out of her sockets.. She pulled the blanket so as to cover herself. Adam pleaded with Jane... I told you Adam....i warned you never to cheat on me.. but.. didn't not Thelma and am not going to take your shit and you bitch didn't I tell you to stay away from my husband..huh..Adam is mine and my mine alone.. Jane said as she wiped the tears from her eyes.. She aimed the gun at Adam and back to the girl.. So now you have gone mute huh, talk back at me..let me hear you say sharing is caring.. Jane said and let out a wicked laugh.. My face is the last thing you will see before you die..see you in hell.. She pulled the trigger and shot the girl in the chest and later she pointed the gun at wasn't suppose to end this way..she said as she shot him twice..
21 May 2019 | 02:45
Hope you're dreaming, Jane
21 May 2019 | 11:21
hmmmmm this is serious
21 May 2019 | 14:52
so sad, Jane u don't want to stop abi
21 May 2019 | 14:53
This one is dreaming
21 May 2019 | 15:13
now Thelma can date Michael with no interruption,,, and dis is wia Adam eventually ends his life,,,,
21 May 2019 | 18:57
###Unconditional##Chapter 16unedited Jane watched the two lifeless bodies.. The man that she had once loved and cared for..well..the money..was covered in the pool of his own blood. She dropped the gun on the floor realising the consequences of her actions.. All the anger she had once felt was replaced with fear.. "There is no way am going to need to leave as soon as possible." Jane turned and opened the door but she was greeted by a crowd. The neighbours had heard the gun shots and a man's pleas they rushed to check what was happening.. Jane was grabbed by the mob and they started beating her, they stripped her naked.. "Man are finishing the men in this world..huh!!!!" The crowd screamed.. Jane was rescued by the police and taken to Kabwata police station.. An ambulance arrived at the crime scene..Adam was still alive but in a very critical condition.He was rushed to the University teaching hospital however. The girl didn't make it.. "I didn't mean to shot him..i was just upset and drunk.please please." Jane pleaded.. "Shut up woman.. stop crying and give me your statement.. ati I was women are becoming very dangerous.. Every time we are getting such cases.." The officer in charge yelled at her... Jane felt helpless..she still blamed Adam for her predicament. She knew that this time she couldn't escape what had befallen her..She had no one to turn to, her parents were dead and Biggie had nothing to do with her.. She held the chitenga close to her body so as to keep warm..She gave her statement and when she was done she was taken to Jail.. The place was filthy with poor sanitation, there was a toilet which was almost full, the floor was disgusting and it smelled badly.. Jane covered her nose with her hand but it didn't help.. She sat on the cold floor and cried.. There was only one person she could call but could he forgive her after what she had done.. She had mistreated her own blood, she never thought she could beg Nick for anything but now she needed him more than ever... ****************************************** Thelma smiled when she landed..It had been a while since she had left home.. Her sight was restored though she had low vision... They walked hand in hand as they headed for the taxi.. Micheal opened the door and made sure she was comfortable.. He sat besides her and held her hand.. "I love you Thelma." He whispered.. "A woman in Lusaka, shot her husband last night after she caught her husband with his girlfriend in the act.. The woman known as Jane Mwansa is now at Kabwata police station but she will be transferred to central prison.. Her husband known as Adam Mwanza sustained severe injuries and he is currently fighting for his life at the University teaching hospital.." The reporter said.. " Driver please increase the volume.." Thelma said.. "As for the girlfriend she died on the spot.." Thelma went quiet, she could only think of her children and Adam as much as he had hurt her she still loved him and he was the father of her children... Micheal held her tight as tears rolled down her cheeks.. How did we get to this point..Adam..she thought... "Driver please take us to UTH." An hour later.............................................. Thelma rushed to the ward. She found Adam's family.. His mother was in tears...when they saw Thelma they stood up so as to give Thelma the way.. Adam was lying on the bed, he looked pale and his head was swollen.. His once handsome face was now unrecognised.. "My daughter..look at what that devil has done to my son. Now he will never walk ." His mother cried.. Thelma felt pity for Adam..She stood by the bedside..Adam opened his eyes and tears rolled down his face as he looked at Thelma.. He felt shamed..... Thelma you sorry.... yyy... He stopped and took a deep breath.. He coughed.... sorry but you brought all this on were never satisfied with what you had I loved you with whole my heart..but you choose to go after other women.. You had children that other people fasted for.. God gave you a wife and children but you treated us like nobodies..your relatives could not even help me out.. Adam you had it all but you decided to throw it away.. look at what the pleasures of life have done to you.... You will now spend the rest of your life on a wheel chair, the life that you once despised.. It's funny how things turn out.. you hated having a grand child with special needs... Mother but now look at your son....I don't have much to say..I have forgiven you because I can't keep hate in me as it may consume my soul as well.. God has given me a second Chance to life and I don't want to ruin it with hate... I used to think I was unworthy of being loved..I almost got used to being treated like trash..But I have someone who appreciates me in ways imaginable..I now know what love really thank you because I couldn't have met Micheal...I pray that God sees you through.. "Where are my children Adam?" Thelma asked.. They.....they....huh... "Adam where are my Children?." Thelma yelled.. I.. don't..know...Thelma...I don't...know.. Adam tried to speak.. "What do you mean you don't know..?" Thelma had now lost her temper she didn't care whether Adam was injured or not.. She went and grabbed his collar and started shaking him.. Micheal tried to pull her away from Adam. His relatives were yelling at Thelma but she didn't care...
22 May 2019 | 02:52
Your children were in save hand
22 May 2019 | 05:48
Thelma stop behaving like that
22 May 2019 | 19:42
###Unconditional###Chapter 17 final "Thelma.. please....let..him..go.. please.." Micheal begged.. Thelma withdrew and sat on the bed..She was still upset and felt like killing Adam.. She looked around hoping that someone could tell her where to find her children. "Get out of want to kill my son..get out this minute!!" Adam's mother yelled.. Mother please..she has the right to be upset...I failed at being a husband and a father..I couldn't even take care of my own children....I have no idea where they are...what type of man am I.. I let a beautiful face come between me and my family..I deserve whatever is happening to me...Thelma please forgive me.. please...find it in your heart to forgive me... Adam lamented... Thelma stood up without saying a word.. Micheal followed her.... She didn't know where to start from but she knew that she had to find her children.. I need to find my babies... Micheal." "We will find them my sure they are fine.." "I hope so..I would die if anything happened to them.." They got on a cab and went to Micheal's place in Kabwata. Micheal's young sister and son welcomed them.. Junior Micheal's son was all over his father, they hugged and talked.. Thelma greeted the boy, he reminded her of little Mapalo and Favour.. She thought of the times when she got home and Mapalo was waiting for her at the door.. He could greet her with a kiss and a painting... She felt empty and incomplete... How was she going to fill up this empty space... "Aunty Theo...look at what daddy brought for me...look..!!!!" Junior yelled as he jumped up and down... Thelma was absent minded and didn't hear the little boy calling..She stared into space and thought of her kids. However Junior was determined to get her attention... Aunty... Aunty... Aunty...!!!!! "Oh sorry baby..Aunty didn't hear it's you want us to try it out.." Thelma said as she lifted him... She put him down and opened the box.... There was a big car with a remote..Thelma removed the car and put some batteries in the remote.. She showed Junior where to press and the car. They played for awhile until they were called to have dinner.. Thelma went to freshen up and later joined them for dinner... Thelma didn't eat much all she could think about was her Children..... "Aunty will you tell me a story.. before I sleep and I want you to sing for me.." Junior asked.. "Of course Love..I will do just that.." Later that night.............................. Thelma tucked Junior in bed, she had just finished telling him a story.. I love me we are one big happy family with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you..................... Thelma couldn't finish the song she broke down..lucky Junior was sleeping.. She sat on the floor and sobbed.... The song reminded her of Mapalo.. They were times when he was in a bad temper but the song could calm his nerves....She was too exhausted and she eventually slept on the floor... Micheal who was on his way to bed saw her, he went into his son's room and lifted Thelma..... ***************************************** I want mummy..... mummy..... mummy... mummy....... Mapalo cried.. He had a bad temper and he kept throwing things at Favour and Nick who were trying to keep him calm.. Mapalo, threw a bag which almost hit the Tv... He hated the sound that was coming from outside.. Everything irritated him, he covered his ears and started screaming. "Mapalo Please.." Favour pleaded.. She was getting impatient with him..she felt like yelling at him..The past days were hectic, Mapalo was not himself and Favour had tried everything to came him down but nothing worked.. Favour just sat down in frustration and cried.. She had played the mother figure for Mapalo but what about her, she took care of everyone.... Her mother and brother but now all she needed was someone to take care of her.. She covered her face and sobbbed.. Mapalo having realised that he had made his sister upset.. Jumped off the chair and went to his sister.. He pulled away her hands from her face and kissed her on the forehead.... Sorry.... sorry...sorry.... He repeated the words.. Mapalo hugged his sister and started humming the I love you song.. Favour signed and held him tight... "I love you too against the world remember that, you and I against them all." Nick who was standing, smiled at the two..He had grown to love Favour and Mapalo..... "Ummmmh..what about me, you are leaving me out.." Nick said... Trying to put up a serious face.. "Come over here..we love you too." Favour said.. They hugged and laughed.. "Nick Nick!!! My son come and hear on the radio.. Something happened to your boss, Mr Adam Mwanza!!!." Nick's mother shouted.. Both Nick and Favour rushed to the bedroom, Nick increased the volume.. Favour was in shock with out she head. Nick leaned on the wall for support.. He didn't know whether to feel bad for Jane, but she was still his birth mother.. He went over and hugged Favour.. "He will be fine..God is in control." He said.. "He is still my father, even though he never cared about us..he is still my dad..Nick I can't loss him too..I need to see him.." "I will take you to him tomorrow but first I have to see Jane..she happens to be my birth mother not that I feel sorry for her, i just need to as her some questions..I have nothing to do with her.." "You mean Jane is your mother.. she is so sorry Nick but that's the truth.. It must be hard for you but know that am always there for you.." ****************************************** Morning........... Favour woke up early she couldn't sleep all she thought about was her mother and father..She knew she could never question her father's decision, she still blamed him for all the problems they faced.. She cleaned Mapalo and played games with him..She had alot of questions to ask him and she hoped she could get some answers from him.. She dressed Mapalo in a blue track suit. Mapalo smiled and kissed her sister on her forehead.. "Guys hurry or we won't be allowed to see him if we are late." Nick called from outside.. "We will be out shortly, just waiting for Palo to tie his shoe laces." Favour called back.... "Palo time to go and see dad.." Favour told Mapalo has they walked out. Daddy.... daddy... daddy.. Mapalo repeated the words.. He seemed so excited and in a good mood.. He kept humming the I love you song.. They got on a bus and an hour later they were at UTH.. Favour hesitated before she got in the ward..If the injury was as serious as they had said on the radio then she was ready to see him in such a state.. "Favour let's go in.." Nick said as he held her hand.. Nick opened the door.. Adam lying on the bed while his mother fed him.. Nick walked in first and Favour and Mapalo followed.. Adam asked his mother to help him sit, he stared at his children without saying a word.. Tears flowed down his face.. They were all grown up now.. "My grand children, come closer and greet me.." Favour and Mapalo moved forward and greeted their grandmother. Adam was still quiet. Favour and Mapalo went closer to their father.. he opened his arms so he could hug them but they children didn't move, they stayed at the same position.. Am sorry my children..for the hurt I cause you.. Favour please forgive my really sorry..I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but please find it in your heart to forgive me...I looked for you..I did try.. You didn't try hard enough dad, we left us when we needed you the most..Every time you hurt also hurt us too..did you ever think of is when you made those decisions.. You never accepted Palo has your son..why dad..did he ask to be born this way.. huh..tell me..all those nights you fought with mum did you ever think that it hurt us too.. My baby am sorry... please.. Favour was now crying, she couldn't pretend that everything was alright..She hated her father but seeing him on that bed hopeless softed her heart.. She went closer and hugged him.. Mapalo also climbed on the bed and joined the group hug.. When Thelma had received a text from her in-law about her children.. she called Micheal and the two rushed to UTH.. Thelma got out of the car before it stopped. With the help of Micheal, Thelma walked very fast..she tripped several times.. When she got to the ward, Mapalo was sitted with his grandmother.. As soon as he saw his mother, he got out of the chair and rushed to his mother lifting his arms in the air... Mummy.... mummy... mummy..mummy Thelma lifted her little boy.. he kissed his face all over her face. My baby...I missed baby.. She said as she cried.. Favour who was sitted next to her father, stood up and hugged her mum.. The three kissed and hugged each other.. "Mum. You are still live..I thought you were gone for good.. Mum I missed you.." "I will never leave you my babies never again...I love you so much.." Years later Thelma sat at the front seat with Micheal by her side.. Adam was sitted in the wheelchair next to Favour who was heavy pregnant.. "Dad and mum..I swear I just want this baby to come..I look just here for Mapalo otherwise.." Favour complained... Shshhhh, your brother will be called soon..I want to hear his name my love..Nick warned his wife.. Mapalo Mwanza...merit in computer science.. The vice Chancellor called.. Mapalo was nervous..he looked around for a familiar face. He looked at his hands and started playing with his string.. he always did that when he was nervous.. "Mapalo go and get your degree." His friends told him.. Mapalo stood up and bumped in a chair. He hated crowds and the noise irritated him.. Thelma, Favour, Nick and Micheal stood up and waved at him.. Mapalo felt relieved when he saw his family..he smiled and went to get his degree. Thelma smiled, his son had finally made it. "Mum I think am in labour..." Favour said has held her belly.. The end.......... Every child has a potential to be successful, let's believe in our children....... disability is not an inability...
23 May 2019 | 01:58
Welldone @chimmy
23 May 2019 | 05:22
Good job,more ink to ur pen
23 May 2019 | 06:24
Nice one More ink to your pen God bless you
23 May 2019 | 07:09
awwnn amaaaaaazzzzzzzing
23 May 2019 | 11:05
nice ending, Weldon @chimmy
23 May 2019 | 18:15
24 May 2019 | 08:21
Wow my best writer kudos to you @chimmy
24 May 2019 | 09:33
Nice ending. What a great work
24 May 2019 | 09:34
Disability is not an inability... Lesson learnt
16 Sep 2019 | 16:08
10 Sep 2021 | 01:24
nice story
10 Sep 2021 | 01:24


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