Unfulfilled promises season 2

Unfulfilled promises season 2

Episode 1 Oleng stared at the paper again and wept. She really felt suicidal now. All the joy she had felt at going to the hospital had abated. She felt like tearing the paper to pieces but knew she had to show Dave first. How disappointed he would be. She had missed her monthly period some weeks back and because she had thrown up twice when she was ill some days back which was unusual for her, she had suspected she was pregnant though she didn’t feel the way she had felt when she was pregnant some years back. She had kept hoping and hoping and had decided to go for a pregnancy test that day and had insisted on waiting for the result only to be told that the test had turned out negative; she wasn’t pregnant and the doctor had told her some mumbo jumbo story as to why she threw up and missed her period and said something about hysterical pregnancy. Because she wanted to have a child badly, her body had mimicked the symptoms of pregnancy. She stared at the paper again and regretted telling Dave about it. It would have been better if she had borne this alone. She sat helplessly on the sofa thinking of how she would tell her husband when he returned from the office. That was how Dave met his wife when he came into the living room. “Angel, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” he asked with concern as he sat beside her on the sofa. For an answer, she thrust the paper of her failure under his chin. “Oh! Angel,” he cuddled her after reading its contents. “I’m sorry to say this but I knew your anxiety was for nothing. I didn’t want to dash your hopes but I knew you weren’t pregnant.” “How?” she enquired. “The symptoms were too poor. I hoped also but inwardly, I knew it was a false alarm.” She sniffed. “O Dave! I don’t know what to do anymore. I desperately want a baby.” “Don’t worry. We’ll have one.” he soothed. She jolted out of his arms in anger. “When? You keep saying that. When are we going to have a child? I’m sick and tired of you telling me not to worry and we’ll have a child. We’ve been married for over four years now yet I haven’t been able to conceive yet you keep telling me not to worry. Why shouldn’t I?” she was exasperated with frustration. “Am I God that you should ask such a stupid question?” He was furious also. “I know you’re not God but what effort have you made? Ever since we relocated here six months ago, you’ve rarely been around. It’s always your job. Your job has taken precedence over our marriage. When was the last time you touched me? When was the last time we made love? If I’m going to get pregnant, do you think it is God that will plant the seed in my womb? No wonder you knew I wasn’t pregnant because you knew it would be impossible since we haven’t made love in months.” Oleng raved. Dave got up in anger. “Oh! So it’s now my fault that you can’t get pregnant. All the love we’ve been making for four good years, where has that gotten you?” he asked harshly. “Are you not still as barren as ever? Let us adopt a child, no; you want to carry your own baby even though you know you’re not capable of conceiving. Don’t blame me for anything because I know even if I take you to bed from now till next week, the result would still be the same, no pregnancy.” he wickedly threw at her. He was about stalking away when he paused and turned to look at his wife who was staring at him in horror at what he had just told her. “You know, I’m beginning to think you’re right afterall. Maybe that damned baby you had for that bastard Eric really destroyed your womb, rendering you barren for life. The sooner you start thinking of adoption, the better for you.” He walked angrily away leaving his wife numb on the sofa. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Dave blamed her for their inability to have a baby. He thought her barren. Fresh tears dripped from her eyes. What an unhappy world this is. She was so unhappy. She actually began to rue the day she married him. Life was so unfair to her. Her own husband had called her barren. They didn’t speak to each other for days. Dave even spent more time in the office than before just to spite her she suspected. Ever since they came to Port Harcourt six months back, it had always been from one off shore to the other to the extent that she had started suspecting he was having an affair but decided not to voice it out. She wasn’t sure if he was but prayed against it because she knew that would be the end of her unhappy marriage. She wasn’t always busy like him because her job was by far more lucrative than the one she had had in Calabar. He had encouraged her to make friends; at least visiting friends would keep her busy. The only real friend she had there and visited was Marvy who was back in Nigeria and seriously planning her wedding with her fiancé, Kelechi. Oleng woke up on the day of her twenty-seventh birthday with tears when she noticed she was alone on the bed. It was a Saturday but Dave had gone to the office which he often did. He had always woken her up with a kiss and gifts on her previous birthdays but now, he wasn’t even around not to talk of kissing her and flooding her with gifts. She wept before she got up from the bed thinking he meant to surprise her like he did on one of her birthdays after he pretended to have forgotten; but surprised her with gifts. When evening came and he still hadn’t come home or called, she knew he had really forgotten. She felt her marriage was about to hit the rocks for this singular act of forgetfulness of his. Her tears knew no bound. She took his favorite meal away and poured it in the dustbin. She stared at the way she had romantically set the dining table and called herself a fool. She angrily pushed everything on the floor; unlit candles, glasses, breakable plates and all. She felt better after doing that but wept as she crumbled on the sofa to wait for him. He came back late as usual and flicked the light on she had put off earlier to create an effect on the romantically arranged table. He was shocked to see her on the sofa. Her eyes were red from weeping. To be CONTINUED
27 Jan 2015 | 07:48
I really pitty this little young lady like oleng
27 Jan 2015 | 08:17
Oh dear, this is d beginning of her ordeal in d hands of Dave and her family. May God give U d strength that U need my dear Oleng.
27 Jan 2015 | 08:29
So sori 4 u oo.....try to calm down
27 Jan 2015 | 12:23
eyah i am beginin to feel rili sowie 4 her.dou i wasnt in suport of her marriage with dave,,bt i most say i pity her nw
27 Jan 2015 | 13:54
I knew dave was too good 2 be true....
27 Jan 2015 | 14:35
Haa can u c life, oleng u rily nid 2 b prayerful
27 Jan 2015 | 15:51
Sum Guys Ar Dangerous,dey Wil B Peeling Ur Skin Wit A Knife Nd Stil Ask U Dat Y Ar U Bleeding.Dave Cn Nt Produce Baby
27 Jan 2015 | 16:54
nt surprised tho. life is full of ups nd down. dis is indeed d beginning of an unfulfilled promise
28 Jan 2015 | 06:10
Episode 2 “Where are you coming from?” The first words she had spoken to him in days. “What do you care?” he replied and was about making his way to the room when she asked. “What’s today’s date?” “June 24th. So?” “So? You’re asking me? I can’t believe this. My friends, all my friends, both old and new ones called. Aunt Vien. Even Eddy and Kelechi but my own husband, the one who claims to love me, didn’t remember my birthday.” she croaked with pain. His breath came up sharply. He had forgotten. How could he? “Angel…” he began but was cut off. “If you want a divorce, why don’t you just tell me? Stop tormenting me. Afterall, I told you before to marry someone else who would give you a child.” she retorted and fled to her room. He followed her at a slower pace. He sat on the bed beside his sobbing wife. “Angel…….I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to forget your birthday. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” he softly said. “How won’t you forget?” she questioned as she sprang up on the bed. “When you were so busy with your girlfriend, how won’t you forget your barren wife’s birthday?” He was so shocked he quickly turned around to look at her. “Girlfriend? What are you talking about?” “O yes! Go ahead; pretend as if you’re not having an affair.” “Of course I’m not having an affair. Why would you think that?” he was amazed. “What are all the late nights for? The offshore almost every week?” “Sincerely, I’ve been working. My work here is different from the one in Calabar. I explained everything to you when you came to join me here. Where are all these accusations coming from? Simply because I forgot your birthday?” “What am I to think? Today, a Saturday for that matter, you went to the office and returned late. What am I supposed to think?” “I didn’t go to the office.” he yelled in anger and got up to face her. “Oh! Good. Confession time.” She clapped her hands in mock jubilation. “Where were you then? From 7am to 9pm. Where were you?” she yelled angrily also. “I was at the hospital.” he yelled back. “What!” she was shocked. “Why…Why were you there? Are you sick?” He looked sorry for voicing out his whereabouts. “Forget it.” “Now you’re hiding things from me. Good.” she said with a hurt tone and sat on the bed and stared at their wardrobe. He looked at his wife for a while before sitting on the bed and taking her hands in his. “Angel, I went there to rest. I’ve been under a lot of pressure in the office due to my being new and all. So sometimes when things get too tough for me, I normally go there to rest before coming home to you. I never knew it was making you suspicious.” He put his hand under her chin and lifted it. “Angel, you know I can never cheat on you. I love you too much for that.” “Why didn’t you tell me? You should have simply told me.” she accused softly. “I didn’t want to alarm you. I know how worried you were when I told you about my asthma. I didn’t want you to call me five times a day like you did then when you saw me taking drugs.” She smiled then. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.” “Nothing will.” he smiled and they kissed and hugged. “Angel, I’m sorry for those hurtful things I said to you last week. I didn’t mean them. Blame it on stress in the office.” She smiled. “I’m sorry too for accusing you of folding your arms over the pregnancy issue.” “It’s okay. I wasn’t really performing my husbandly duties. Well, we can correct that now.” he said and kissed her but her face was edged with worry. “Are you sure you are strong enough?” “You see why I didn’t want to inform you about my visits to the hospital? You would smother me with concern.” She laughed. “You know I can’t help it.” “I love you.” “I love you too.” “You’re not barren. Let’s see if we can make a baby tonight.” She laughed at that. He gazed deeply into her eyes. “But I need you to promise me something.” She gulped. “What is it?” “If after trying for three months and you still don’t get pregnant, we are going to adopt a baby. Promise me that.” he solemnly told her. Tears welled up in her eyes but she nodded her head. “Okay. If that’s what you want.” “It’s not what I want but we don’t have a choice. Come here.” he said kissing her and laying her on the bed. ########## Marvy’s wedding was in a few days. Oleng had gone to her friend’s house to help with the preparations. Marvy resided in her own state so she didn’t have to travel very far for her traditional marriage preparations. Her home town, Omoku was about an hour and half from Port Harcourt so she didn’t really have a problem with transportation. Zinny and her baby had come into town some days ago for the wedding. She was residing in her family house while Eddy would join her later. It was a happy reunion. She had caught Zinny and Marvy whispering behind her back and when she had asked them what they were talking about, they had looked guilty and told her she didn’t want to know. When she had pressed, they had told her that Eric would be coming for the wedding. She had been shocked. She had not for once thought he would be coming afterall Marvy was still his friend. She hadn’t been able to say anything concerning it but informed them she was going home. Now in her car, she thought about the prospect of seeing him again after so many years. Oleng had to admit that she didn’t feel like seeing him. She prayed something would come up to make him unable to attend the wedding. She wanted him to remain in her past. Little did she know that the object of her thoughts was already in Nigeria and was making his way to her house having been told where his long lost friend Dave lived by Eddy. He was impressed by the house after he parked his car, a Mercedes Benz opposite the house and knocked on the gate. The gateman allowed him in and led him to the sitting room to meet a very surprised Dave. Eric didn’t give him an opportunity to say anything before he enveloped him in a bear hug in the middle of the living room. “I can’t believe this. Is this really you Eric?” Dave was stunned. “In flesh and blood. I’m really pleased to see you.” Dave noticed Eric’s American accent again and was tripped by it.“Men! You look good!” Eric grinned. “You don’t look bad yourself.” Dave laughed. “Come off it! Me? Here in Nigeria? Of course not.” Eric countered with a bright smile. “No. Truly. You look good and I heard you’re really doing well in the oil company where you work.” “Rumors. Rumors. A false one at that.” Dave laughed and Eric did too. Just then, Oleng drove her car into the compound and blasted her horn as usual to signify she was home. “Who’s that?” Eric innocently asked and was surprised at the uneasy look on Dave’s face. “My… My wife.” he stammered. “Aha! That’s true. Eddy told. That’s unfair, doug. How could you have gotten married without informing me? Why did we even lose contact in the first place?” Dave faltered. He didn’t know what to say then. He just shrugged. “By the way, who did you marry? You sly fox. Did you get her pregnant before the wedding? Was that why you had a shotgun wedding?” Eric teased, smiling broadly but frowned when he noticed Dave’s gaze was focused directly behind him. He turned around to follow his friend’s gaze. He stared at the wedding portrait on the wall in great shock. To be Continued
28 Jan 2015 | 06:50
hmmmm, interesting.
28 Jan 2015 | 07:10
awwwww, next episode pls vallllllll
28 Jan 2015 | 07:23
Abeg o pls post o suspense can kill o pls o... Ok wait for me i wan piss
28 Jan 2015 | 08:07
Way val,,me i don start dey VEX, how i go see nxt,nxt nd nxt page, small go appear 4 ma face tinkin dat na oda episodes of d story full dia,,i no go knw say all na mere COMMENTS......VAL I DEY VEX OO
28 Jan 2015 | 10:46
small grin ah mean
28 Jan 2015 | 10:47
my gudnex,,its gettin more interestin,,,dats exal3 wat i was waitin 4
28 Jan 2015 | 12:45
Plz upload d nxt episode
28 Jan 2015 | 15:29
Interestin,nxt pls
28 Jan 2015 | 18:03
Episode 3 “Oleng! You married Oleng?” he turned to stare at his friend with accusing eyes. At that precise moment, Oleng entered the living room. Great was her shock when her past turned to stare at her, standing in her living room beside her husband. Drop dead gorgeous was an understatement to describe him. He was taller and more handsome. His black hair still had waves in it even though closely cropped. His skin shone and the expensive looking designer shirt, trousers, wristwatch and Italian shoes he had on told of his immense wealth. They stood there transfixed, staring at each other. Their past flashed before their eyes. Eric couldn’t believe he was seeing the woman who had haunted his dreams all these years. He had known she would grow up to be a beauty but not this beautiful. God! She was captivating. Her curves were awesome not to talk of her skin. She had an hour glass figure and of course she was still cutely petite. The casual top and skirt she had on didn’t hide her great figure. Desire for her licked through his veins but he had to remind himself that she had married one of his closest friends. They continued to stand there and stare at each other until Dave cleared his throat and said, “Yes Eric, Oleng is my wife. Do you have a problem with that?” he asked defiantly. Eric had to forcefully drag his eyes from the gorgeous view of his childhood girlfriend to look at his friend. “Do I have a problem with that?” he asked his friend in surprise and Oleng noted his strong accent also. “Of course I don’t have a problem with that. She is the reason you didn’t inform me of your wedding and you cut me off, right? Because of her.” he spared his ex- girlfriend a glance. “I’m disappointed in you for allowing her come between us.” He sounded bitter and replaced his aviator glasses on his eyes. “See you around.” he said and walked briskly out of the house, not even stopping where Oleng was standing transfixed. She caught a whiff of his exotic perfume as he brushed past. She had to stop herself from reaching out to touch him. When he had gone, she stared at her husband. They stared at each other for some minutes before she asked, “What was he doing here?” “For old times’ sake.” he replied, looking drained. “Are you alright?” she questioned with concern when she saw his pale face. “I’m fine.” he said but collapsed on the floor and she screamed. Meanwhile, outside in his car, Eric was thumping his fist on the steering wheel. He felt like ripping it out. His face was flushed with anger. He picked up his iPhone on the passenger’s seat and dialed Eddy’s number. “When are you coming to Port Harcourt?” he asked between clenched teeth when his friend answered his call. Eddy told him in a few days. “Good ‘cause your gonna find yourself in a hospital when I’m through with you.” He spoke with vehemence. There was a pause at the other end of the line. “I take it you went to see Dave. Dude, I told you not to go, didn’t I?” “How could I not have gone to see my long-lost friend?” “Long-lost friend indeed! Now you know why he decided to be your long-lost friend. As for being a friend, I hope you now realize what he is.” Eric clenched his fist. “Why didn’t you tell me? How could you and Zinny have kept such a thing from me? You’re my closest friends in the world.” “Eric, when you left Nigeria the last time you visited, you made up your mind to marry Yolanda. So we decided to let sleeping dogs lie.” “Surely not where she’s concerned. You know…lets have this conversation later. I’m still in front of the house, I don’t want them to meet me here.” “Okay. Take it easy though.” “You’re still going to get a black eye from me.” He promised before ending the call on Eddy’s chuckle. He glanced at the house again. He still couldn’t believe what he’d seen. Dave married Oleng. Dave, his close friend, married Oleng, his ex. He felt like going back in there to beat Dave to a pulp. He was seething with rage. There was just one word for Dave- traitor. ########## Marvy’s wedding was a huge success. There were lots to eat and drink and a lot of entertainment. She had Oleng and Zinny to thank for it because they selflessly made sure everything was running smoothly. Dave couldn’t attend the traditional wedding but he made it to the white wedding. Oleng was grateful that she had so much to do that she didn’t have time to dwell on Eric’s presence at both parties. She knew his gaze was always hovering around her but refused to meet it. She was so tensed that she had to rely on Dave’s presence for stamina which was not much comfort because Dave was also tensed. It was quite painful for her to note that both Eddy and Eric ostracized him. They didn’t speak to him much. They only greeted him and went their separate ways. She knew she was the cause of the feud and was even more hurt when she saw how distressed Dave was at their alienation. “Why don’t we just go home?” she told him when she saw the way he looked at his childhood friends chatting and obviously enjoying themselves without him. “No, Marvy won’t be happy with us.” He smiled a little. “I already told her about your illness. She’ll understand if we decide to leave now.” “I’m fine. I know I gave you quite a scare when I fainted last week but what did the doctor tell you?” She reluctantly said, “There’s nothing to worry about. You were just stressed out and need a lot of rest.” “So you see, I’m okay. Don’t worry about me, angel.” he said smiling and touched her pointed nose playfully on her oval face. Oleng looked up just then and saw Eric watching them tight lipped on the dance floor. She was surprised at the anger she saw on his face. He said something to Eddy and walked away. She didn’t have time to wonder about it because her attention was needed somewhere. She excused herself and left. When she was through and was coming back to join her husband, she saw Eric talking to him. At first she was glad but when she saw Dave’s face tighten all of a sudden, she was alarmed. She hastened her steps to get to them but by the time she got there, Eric had already moved away. “What did he tell you?” she questioned immediately she got to her husband. “Nothing, we were just discussing old times.” he shrugged nonchalantly. “Really? Then why were you so tense all of a sudden?” He looked at her in surprise. “Do I look pale?” “Yes. Why are you lying to me? What are you hiding from me?” She sounded hurt. “All right, angel. He came to offer his condolences on my dad’s death. He brought back painful memories. Maybe that’s why I became tense. I didn’t even notice.” he offered but she didn’t say anything. “I think you are right. It’s getting late so we should get going.” “Okay. Let me inform Marvy and Zinny.” she said and walked away knowing Dave had lied to her. She felt murderous anger towards Eric for hurting Dave. She informed Zinny and Marvy that she was leaving due to Dave’s ill health but she would be back to help clean up and put things in order. She and Dave went home but she later returned to help Zinny out. Marvy and Kelly had gone to say thanks to the couple who helped to sponsor the wedding before retiring for the night. “Where’s Emeka?” Oleng asked as she put away some breakable plates. “With his dad, let him trouble him also.” Zinny replied and they laughed. “I’m so happy for Marvy. I forgot to tell her, ‘welcome to the club.’” “Me too. We still have a chance of doing that. I hope we won’t forget again.” “Let me save it in my phone as a reminder.” Olng said as she paused in her arranging to pick up her phone. “Zinny,” she called a while later. “Yes,” Zinny was alerted at her serious tone of her voice. “Where’s Eric staying?” “What?” Zinny was surprised. “Is he staying in his family house?” “Yes. Why do you ask?” “I need to pay him a visit.” “What for? For old times’ sake.” she teased and laughed but cut it when she saw Oleng’s solemn face. “I need to warn him to stay away from my husband and I.” Oleng firmly said, shocking her friend. “Why?” “Everyone has ostracized Dave for no just cause. Just because he married me. I’m equally disappointed in you too for following their footsteps. I know you all wish Eric and I were married but it didn’t work out so why can’t you all just accept it?” Oleng’s anger ignited Zinny’s. She held up a hand. “Before you throw accusations around, why don’t you ask that your so-called angel of a husband why everyone has been ignoring him?” “Dave is sick and I don’t intend to worsen his situation by asking him foolish questions about the past.” “If you refuse to question him then how will you know why we’ve decided according to you to ostracize him?” “I don’t care why you have done that. All I want you to know is that, it’s not fair. We have all been friends since childhood, so no matter what he did, he doesn’t deserve such a treatment from you all.” “Okay then. If you want us to forgive his past, why don’t you forgive Eric also even though he’s innocent?” Oleng was scandalized. “I can’t believe you just said that. You of all people know what Eric did to me yet you stand there talking as if all he did was slap me in the face. What has blinded you I wonder?” “Oleng, listen to me. Things are more than what meets the eye.” “Definitely not in this case! You know what; I’m sick and tired of arguing with you concerning this matter. You all can forget about us, I don’t care! Dave and I can live without you all.” with that, she threw the plate she was holding in the sink and rushed out of the kitchen. “Oleng! Oleng!” Zinny called and called after her but she drove off in her car. To be continued
29 Jan 2015 | 06:26
wateva, am tired of dis story.
29 Jan 2015 | 06:54
hmmm jst readin ooo,,,wish 2 see hw it wll all end up
29 Jan 2015 | 08:39
Oleng dere is something u need 2 kno
29 Jan 2015 | 10:25
Lyk seriously am tired of this story being pushed n pushed till enternity....anyways#stilFollowing Lo
29 Jan 2015 | 12:17
next please
29 Jan 2015 | 12:55
29 Jan 2015 | 15:38
eehyyaaahh .... but Dave is a great lair since she has married d guy for five years now...nah for beta for worse ooh...y eric come dey vex too much sef wen eddy talk say he dey make plans to marry becoz say i no work out for dem is dat d reason oleng shud not get married again
29 Jan 2015 | 16:48
hmmm speechless
29 Jan 2015 | 18:10
wt happd? Have been trying since friday to log in. No upload yet?
31 Jan 2015 | 17:00
plz coolval since u av successfully solve d problem affectin d web,plz poste d 2 episode dat was skipd due 2 d fault u were avin at ur web
31 Jan 2015 | 17:15
31 Jan 2015 | 18:41
Episode 4 ########## Oleng got to Eric’s family house and wondered for the umpteenth time if she was doing the right thing. When she remembered Dave’s weak countenance when he left for the office in the morning, she knew she was doing the right thing. After putting her work up to date, she took permission from her boss to leave the office. She wanted to catch Eric before he left for the states since it was already two days after the wedding. With a firm resolve, she knocked on the gate. The gateman opened it and she asked of Eric. She was led inside the impressive living room and stood there waiting for him even though she was offered a seat. Her breath came up sharply when she saw him walking slowly down the stairs on a white singlet and blue jean as if he didn’t have a care in the world. She was disappointed in herself for reacting to his gorgeous figure. She had told herself before she left the office that she would be immune to his charms. He smiled when he approached her and she had to look away. He was just too handsome for his own good. “To what do I owe the honor of this visit? Did you hear that I was all alone at home and decided to come keep me company?” he inquired, flashing white teeth. “On the contrary, I came to warn you to stay away from my husband.” her anger reflected on her face. Eric wasn’t smiling anymore. “I’m very much disappointed in Dave. So he couldn’t come here himself to warn me, he had to send a woman…his wife.” he said the word, ‘wife’ like an insult. Oleng saw red. “My husband is sick. That’s why I personally came here to warn you to leave him alone.” “I don’t have time for this. I’ve got an appointment in a few minutes. You know where the door is.” with that, he left her standing mouth agape and he jogged up the stairs. Oleng was amazed at his audacity. When he didn’t return in the ten minutes she stood there waiting impatiently for him, she threw caution to the wind and went up the stairs to look for him. She heard him whistling and followed the sound. She banged the door open and was surprised to see him laying out some clothes on the bed and whistling in the process. She was hit by another shocker when she saw that her enlarged portrait still graced his wall. She turned to look at Eric who was surprised to see her in his room. “My, my, the dutiful wife is serious. For her to come up to my room which she refused doing when we were still friends is really…what do I call it now?…emm…endearing.” he teased, disdainfully. Oleng blew her top then. “Don’t you dare dredge up the past because that’s where it is- the past. Listen to me and listen very carefully. I’ll not have you come back from the states to give my husband and I trouble. I married Dave, one of your closest friend, so what? I’ve put you in the past where you belong, so tell your goons, Zinny and Eddy to live Dave alone. Comprehend?” When he didn’t reply but looked at her with pain in those beautiful eyes of his, she walked away. She was at the door when he quietly said, “What happened to my baby?” She was so stunned she turned back to stare at him. “What did you do to my baby?” he enquired looking at her fully for the first time since she came to his house. She walked back to him in disbelief. “You dare to ask me such a question? You?” “Who else?” he threw at her. “How could you have kept such a thing from me? If Eddy hadn’t made a slip yesterday, I would never have known. Or maybe the baby wasn’t mine. Was that why you broke up with me? Was that why you sent me those damn messages? So you didn’t trust me enough to know that I would have stood by you through thick and thin? The way I loved you then, I would have damned all consequences and married you whether the baby was mine or not but you decided to hide it from me. We promised each other we would always be together and not hide anything from each other or even lose contact no matter what! Those were definitely unfulfilled promises made by you! You aborted the baby, didn’t you?” he accused. Oleng was so numb she just stared at him as if he had gone bonkers. “Wait a minute.” she finally said raising up her hands to stop him from continuing, “I broke up with you?” she asked amazed. “Oh! You want to deny it? I still have those damn messages you sent to me! You thought I wouldn’t find out about the baby? When Eddy made the slip yesterday, I pressurized him to tell me everything but he refused. He said Zinny had sworn him into secrecy all these years. Even Zinny was tight lipped about the matter. They both told me to go and ask you. I planned doing that later on in the evening because of my appointment but as luck would have it, you came here. When I heard you were married, I thought you married the guy you told me you had fallen in love with; I still have that horrifying message in my mailbox. I refused to delete it because it was a constant reminder to me. Only for me to find out that day in your house that you had married Dave. Dave of all people! One of my closest friends. How could you?” It was all too much for Oleng to handle. She didn’t know when she raised her hand and slapped him hard across the face. “You liar! You filthy liar! How dare you stand before me and lie to my face like this?” she raged. Eric held his sore cheek which was beginning to turn red. He felt like killing her. No woman had ever slapped him before. He wanted to hurt her but all he could see was her beauty. Despite her anger, she still looked heavenly beautiful and sexy. Desire licked through his veins and since he had been celibate for over two years now, he gripped her by the arm, pulled her to him and fastened his lips on hers. Oleng struggled to get free but Eric held her tightly and continued kissing her, forcing her lips open. Passion and desire they had shared yesteryears came rushing back to her veins. She didn’t know when she moaned. It had been so long she had been kissed like this; thoroughly. Dave hadn’t made love to her in a long time. The last time they had made love was after they had reconciled when they had quarreled and that was about four months ago. Dave always came home looking tired and she never had the heart to initiate it because of his illness. When Eric kissed her passionately, she drowned in it. She put her arms around his neck and stood on tip toes to deepen the kiss. When he started opening the buttons on her blouse, she knew he had to stop but she didn’t have the strength to tell him. She kept telling herself, ‘One more kiss, just one more kiss.’ She continued reciting it in her mind even when he removed her blouse. The tingling sensations moving around her body made her want to go mad. She had never felt such with Dave before, not even after five years of marriage. The sensations made her feel wild, so wild that she tore Eric’s singlet off his body. He in turn unclasped her bra and put his lips on her nipple. She moaned again. Then he started sucking and caressing her breasts as if his life depended on it. She came with a loud voice. He lifted her from her feet, carried her to his work table and laid her on it after pushing all the documents and his laptop to the ground. He pushed her skirt up her waist and tore her panties while she unbuckled and unzipped him. She was amazed at the aroused sight of him. He was big. When he finally penetrated her, filling her completely, tears actually dropped from her eyes. He pushed harder into her and she wrapped her legs around his waist urging him to go deeper. He rode her rough and hard and she enjoyed every minute of it as she said unintelligible things to him. They both shouted each other’s name as they came. With them still joined, he carried her gently to the bed and held her in his arms murmuring sweet nothings to her. Basking in the euphoria of been properly made love to, she slept in his arms with her last thought being that Dave wasn’t really good in bed. To be continued
31 Jan 2015 | 20:29
OMG this is serious. Happy re-union Oleng and Eric. Anoda Baby Eric on d way. I tink dave is impotent joor, anyways cant wait 2 4 d next episode. Welcome back coolval. u r doing a great job. really missed dis site
31 Jan 2015 | 21:03
She will surely get pregnant
31 Jan 2015 | 23:11
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. I love dis turnout of event. When I said nobody have heard Eric side of d story, it seems I felt nothing abt Olengs ordeal. I can't wait 2 read d messages d 'imaginary' oleng sent 2 him cos I'm pretty sure sm1 manipulated that, same way some other 'imaginary' Eric sent those hrt brking messages 2 her. Her enlarged portrait still hanging on Erics wall though. Decisions r best not made when emotional. Aunt Vien and Mrs Akpan should equally be ready 2 produce d Child. Dave's secret will soon be out in d open. Let d drama keep unfolding pls.
1 Feb 2015 | 00:11
Tnk God,my Favourite Website Z Back Onlyn.
1 Feb 2015 | 00:51
This is super story
1 Feb 2015 | 02:13
men dis is smthn else,,,hahhaha seriously in bed is eric nd i neva thouht or even imagined dat such cud happen one day,,,d story begins 2 get more interestin wit d mentionin of eric,,,nyz nd interestin story,,i av waited so long 4 dis part of it,cant believe it ryt here nw,,,more greece 2 ur elbow val,,
1 Feb 2015 | 03:09
nizzy u dnt nid wrry abt dat,,it was her own mum,,base on ma thinkin,,bt dnt wrry d train is still on locomotive force,,so we will get dere sooner dan u espect
1 Feb 2015 | 03:12
happy new month 2 u all,,,wishn u all d best dis love mnth can offer...stay blessed trout,,
1 Feb 2015 | 04:04
1 Feb 2015 | 05:53
Oh my! okay okay........maybe thats my wish coming true......... that dave guy is devious! there is nothing like true love......... #more plz!
1 Feb 2015 | 06:39
Mehn! Cnt believe i missed all dis episodes sha.. Anyway i'm loving aw things re ryt nw... D fact is its nt possible 2 resist some1 u truly matter d offence... I guess i'm a living witness
1 Feb 2015 | 09:12
Hmm, am sure Dave send dose msgs to oleng, who knws if he knws Eric password or oleng password......... Still observing
1 Feb 2015 | 09:36
Abeg dnt insult her jawe.....wetin be oleng why?.....dave is hiding sumtin and apart 4rm dat we dnt knw d reason y his frndz ignore him and i guess dat he is part of d problem dat ruin dere relationship...she rili try coz sex is part of d happiness in marriage, we are al human being nah...she rili try 4 gud 5yrs haba!!!...destiny can be delayed bt it cannever be denied...i rep #team eric....
1 Feb 2015 | 10:33
@ u think its an easy task resistin sm1 u so mach love nd wants 2 be wit 4eva?..stop talkin nonsense joh,,d truth is dave neva hav tym 4 her,,can u imagined a woman who despira3 nid a child bin denial sex 4 lyk a whole 4mnth,, ppl hear jst read witout understndin,,,mind d typ of comment sm of u do comments hear oo,,if u dnt understnd d story jst kip dint even start d story 4rm d very beginin nd yet dey still comment rubish even wen every1 is thinkin positive
1 Feb 2015 | 11:42
1 Feb 2015 | 15:52
Somebody's wife? Oleng
1 Feb 2015 | 16:58
0 Likes seriouzly.... I see no reason why we shld insult eachoda...somebdy commented based on her own understandn...let her be! Datz d way she wana see tinz... All u need 2 do is post ur own thought nd let d story continue... Like i alwyz say... Ur comments wont change d pattern of d story.. So plz ya'll shld grow up nd ignore annoying comments...
1 Feb 2015 | 17:25
comment is too much abeg allow val 2 post d seriously oleng will get pregnant again nd dave will find waiting abeg
1 Feb 2015 | 18:16
U knw dis story neva got intresting until dave died n oleng n eric finally came togeda tew search for their son n u guyz nid to see d way dave treated oleng wen she got....#enuffSaid dnt wanna kill d suspense
1 Feb 2015 | 23:07
oga val abeg try post smthn nah,,,mnah d suspens is killin me oo
2 Feb 2015 | 02:34
@sedrick nt all gurl out there is useless,dat u hv bangged every gurl dat u were able 2 decieve does nt mean u hv bangged all nd getting emotional is nt a bad tin as lng as nature is concern,try 2 correct urself by saying sum gurls pls
2 Feb 2015 | 02:59
Episode 5 “Sunshine. Sunshine. Are you awake?” Eric pressed tiny kisses around her face and she giggled. He smiled and kissed her lips then and she became fully awake. “Sunshine, I want us to talk.” Oleng looked at him then albeit sleepily then everything came crashing down. The real world struck her with a heavy blow. She sprang up on the bed. “Jesus! What have I done? My God! What have I done?” she lamented and quickly got up from the bed to pick up her clothes. She dashed into the bathroom to hurriedly dress up. She tried to finger comb her weave which was in a disheveled state. She kept asking herself what she had done. “Sunshine.” Eric called when she came out of the bathroom. He had had the decency to put on his jean. “Don’t call me that, you bastard! I’m not your sunshine. You are my nightmare. Please stay away from me from now on. I regret what we just did. What was I thinking?” Tears rolled down her lovely face. “I think you were in your right senses for the first time since I went abroad.” he quietly told her. “You’re sick, you hear me? You’re sick. Maybe all the dope you’ve been taking over there has finally caught up with you.” she threw at him. He had to laugh at that inspite of himself. “Okay, I’m on dope. What about you? It is either you’re a nymphomaniac or Dave is lousy in bed, considering your performance just now.” She glared at him in horror but he continued, “Before you run out of here playing your role of the aggrieved adulteress,” he ignored her gasp at his harsh words. “Just tell me one thing. What happened to my baby?” “You’re really a bastard. You want to pretend you didn’t send me a message informing me to abort the baby if it was yours because you had a bright future ahead of you and didn’t want to be saddled with an unwanted baby and also forget about you when I sent you a text and e-mail telling you about the pregnancy?” “Me?” he was stunned. Oleng didn’t bother replying him. She ran out of the room and ran out of the house, leaving the gateman to wonder if she was being chased by the devil. She was glad she had brought her car. She sped the car all the way home. Immediately she got home, she ran to her room, took off her clothes and ran into the bathroom. She scrubbed and scrubbed as if she could scrub away the memory of making passionate love with her ex-boyfriend. She wept as she scrubbed. She had betrayed Dave. She had been unfaithful to her ever faithful husband. How would she face him? How would she pretend as if nothing happened? She kept chastising herself for going up to his room in the first place but she had wanted to make sure he got the message. She hadn’t bargained for what she got in return. She squelched the little voice in her head that kept reminding her that she had enjoyed Eric’s love making and it couldn’t be compared to Dave’s’. “Stop it!” she screamed to herself and placed her hands over her ears as if she could stop the voice from talking by doing that. “I love Dave. I don’t care if he is lousy in bed. I’ve managed for five years and I’m not about to stop now. I made a mistake with Eric but I don’t love him. I don’t love him.” she continued to tell herself and weep. “Angel, what’s the problem?” Dave asked his wife. They were in the living room watching television. “Hmm?” she replied. “Something’s wrong with you. I’ve asked you countless times but you refuse to tell me the problem.” “But nothing’s wrong with me.” she countered. “Angel, I’m your husband and I know something’s wrong with you. For the past two weeks, you haven’t been yourself. Have you looked at the mirror lately, you’re a shadow of your former self. You’ve lost weight, you’re always staring into space and you think I don’t know but at night I hear you cry when you think I’m asleep. And you tell me nothing’s wrong? Come on, I’m not a fool.” Oleng burst into tears for an answer. Her guilt was eating away inside her. Dave cuddled her. “Angel, don’t cry. You can tell me what’s wrong.” “I’ve failed you.” she sobbed. “I’m no longer worthy to be called your wife.” “Just because we don’t have a child?” he deduced wrongly. “O Angel, I’ve told you so many times to stop worrying. You’ll give yourself a heart attack over this issue. Do you want to die and leave me all alone in this cruel world?” Oleng simply stared at him as more tears dripped from her eyes. She couldn’t correct him. She couldn’t tell him she had committed adultery with Eric of all people. Dave continued to soothe his wife not knowing that her trauma wasn’t what he thought it was. ########## “You’re pregnant. Possibly three months.” The doctor informed Oleng holding out the test result for her to see. Pregnant! Oleng put a hand on her forehead. She was finished! She knew she ought to be happy considering the fact that this was what she had wanted to hear for the past five years but she couldn’t. She knew without doubt that it was Eric’s baby. She was pregnant for Eric. Dave made love to her only a month ago, two months after she made love with Eric and she was three months pregnant. If she had known there was the remotest chance of her getting pregnant, she would have seduced Dave to make love to her that period but she had been feeling so guilty that she was glad Dave didn’t come near her until a month before. Even at that, she had been so scared. She kept thinking he would find out some changes in her and make her confess which she would have done because the guilt had and was still killing her. And now to worsen matters, she was pregnant but not for her husband but her ex-boyfriend. She felt like a whore. Dave being intelligent would immediately discover the discrepancy when she put to bed three months early a healthy baby and not a premature because he would calculate from when they had last made love. Or was she making a mountain out of a molehill? Was she getting paranoid? Would he even remember such? Could she even pass another man’s child as her husband’s? Guilt was already eating her up. Could she add more to it? “Mrs. Sokari, I must say I’m surprised at your reaction to this wonderful news. Didn’t you tell me you’ve been hoping for a child for five years now?” The doctor was amazed at the conflicting emotions on her patient’s face. Oleng smiled uneasily. “Doctor, I’m so numb with shock. I was thinking about the past.” “No need to think anymore, my dear. You’re pregnant so you should be happy and avoid thinking for health purpose.” “I know, doctor…emm…Doctor, are you sure about how far gone I am?...I mean am I really three months pregnant or just one month?” She felt stupid asking when she already knew how far gone she was but she was hoping for a miracle. The doctor stared at her as if she’d lost her senses. “You told me of the date of your last menstruation, didn’t you? And from your symptoms and my examination, yes, you’re at least twelve weeks pregnant.” she explained carefully. Oleng forced a smile on her face and got up, taking the test result along with her. “Thank you very much doctor. My husband will be pleased to hear this.” “You’re welcome. Make sure you come and register for your antenatal very soon.” “I will, doctor. Thank you very much. Bye.” “Goodbye.” she said to the queer woman. She had thought she would grasp her hand in great joy but had been surprised at the look of horror on her face. She shrugged. Humans, no one could really understand them. She pressed the buzzer for her next patient. To be continued
2 Feb 2015 | 05:35
What r u going 2 do nt oleng
2 Feb 2015 | 05:42
chaiii!!!! see gobe ohh. I said it dat anoda eric jnr wz on d way. God help you dear oleng
2 Feb 2015 | 05:58
Baby Erica on the way! hurrayy!!!!!!
2 Feb 2015 | 06:10
God hv mercy. Oleng has fail on her own prt of her promise she mk. Bt 2 4give is devine. Is only God dat can intervend on dis situatn
2 Feb 2015 | 06:25
Olenge have really betrayed her husband. she shouldn't have done that
2 Feb 2015 | 06:46
The stories has lots of twist, suspense, romance, betrayals, trust issues and am really enjoying it
22 Jan 2021 | 17:48
Please the link to read unfulfilled promise 2 pleaseeeeeeee because I can't wait to complete it
3 Aug 2021 | 05:38
Unfulfilled promise
11 Mar 2022 | 11:06


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