TWO BUT ONE [part 2]
In my Journey to the world
From the East to the West
From the North to the South
I travel across the globe .
Life is of two phase but one.
There is a time for darkness,
There is a time for Light,
Darkness is Night; Light is Morning,
Darkness is Sorrow; Light is Joy,
Our day is two but one.
Scripture talks about inner and outer man,
I learned about myself and my shadow,
They wakes and sleep together,
Although one may controls the other,
But we are not two but one man.
Relationshp is the union of two,
Born separately but Joined by loved,
They are not related by blood but by trust,
With love and trust they go for marriage,
That joins the two as one.
July twelve always comes a special day,
To celebrate my birth and celebrate you,
My parents and my missing rib,
The missing rib taken from my rib,
Our ribs are two but one.
I dedicate this letter to her,
The beautiful angel created for my sake,
We may pass different route to this world,
We may grow up and trained up differently,
But we are created as two but one.
To the Coolval family,
Male and female we are,
Our thought is Positive or Negative,
Together we share stories and ideas,
We are not two but one family.