

By Thecomely in 18 May 2020 | 17:38
Thecomely Thecomely

Thecomely Thecomely

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Member since: 12 May 2018

Episode One

She was moving very fast as she was climbing the stair in the hotel room, her heart was beating heavily, she was thinking of what might happen when she gets there, but why does he needs me, She asked herself. It was a night for her to finalise a deal between herself and an old time l0ver, she needs to be free from all past attachment not now that she has found the man of her dream and whom she is willingly to marry. She has raced her way up to the room where he was.

Helen : Hello, why do you call me all of a sudden? She asked with her face looking stern.

John: wow, you look more beautiful anytime you frown those face.

Helen: Please, am not in for all these useless admiration this evening, I have other things to attend to and mind you, my self and my fiancé together with my friends are having a little party going on now, so be fast with whatever you want.

John: smiles wickedly, you mean you are leaving me for that bush rich for nothing guy.

Helen: you can call him anything but he is not your type and you are not a match to him in all aspect.

John: hmm, is that so, no problem, since you said you are in a rush, I will make my points clear.

Helen: Okay, I am all ears.

John: Good, you see, that one that you said you want to marry , I want you to leave him and come back to me.

Helen : with her eyes opened, what do you mean, I should leave Kelvin and come for a tout like you.

John: anything you like call me, that’s your problem, I still need you for myself, only you can make me a man again.

Helen: see, I don’t have time for all this talks, I am already engaged and would not do anything to hurt my Kelvin.

John: Smiles, if that is your resolution, no problem, but I want you to put an end to all this and come back to me, you know that without you, I am not complete and without me you are not complete.

Helen: That was my past, so I don’t think, you have that right again.

Helen made an attempt to leave but was held back by John who pulled her closely to herself.

John: I still love you and I want your body again in my bed.

Helen: tries to free herself from his grip, hmmm, am not in for that anymore.

As she tries to say anything further John had planted a ki$$ on her lips and the two began to enjoy every moment till they fell on the bed and made out with themselves.

Helen: regaining her senses, what have I done, this is wrong, I have cheated on my own husband to be, what has gotten over me.

John: hmmm, dear, don’t act as if you are innocent, we are all in this game together, that you did this after long time, don’t you feel happy. I am the only man that can satisfy your desire.

Helen: looking at him with a bad eye, you are a home destroyer, I thought I would come here and make things clear between us, but see what that has happened now, am in a total mess.

John: stop that babe, I promise to keep this a secret if only you would be doing according to my wish, as for your bush fiancé, that is his problem, so far I have you to w@rm my bed, there is no issue.

Helen: That cannot be possible, Today is the last time, I will be meeting you, she spat at him.

John: Do anything love, am all yours, licking her saliva.

Helen: Man, you look disgusting

John: No problem.
Helen dashed out of the room after she was dressed and was already half way when she almost fainted at the sight of who she saw, it was Kelvin coming towards her.

Kelvin: Helen Love, What has delayed you in the hotel, is your client giving hard times to buy your goods.

Helen: Trying to force a smile, yes, she was just asking too much questions and she is so slow in testing the clothes.

Kelvin: Ohh, I see, trying to help her adjust her hair, but your hairs looks rough, do you engage in a f1ght with her.

Helen : No dear, I did not, it was the process of trying some of the tights clothes on my self that made me loosen my hairs, she lied.

Kelvin :Okay, lets go home.

Helen: but what brought you here.

Kelvin : ohh, your friends and I were beginning to be afraid, when you said you will spend only thirty minutes but now two hours is gone and we are about to start the dinner, so I had to come and check if you are fine and thank God you are fine, so I have a peace of mind now.

Helen : Smiles that is why I love you, you are a man, I cherish you a lot and would not do anything to harm you.

Kelvin: Thanks my dear, you that, I cant allow you leave my sight for long…he touched her cheeks.

The two made attempts to leave the hotel when they ran into John. He stands there looking at the two like he was a school principal.

Kelvin: Hy man.

John: ignoring him, he walked to Helen and held her by the waist, hy helen, he said.

Helen : trying to act in surprised, hy John, that’s my fiancé over there, Kelvin.

John: still not paying attention, you look beautiful.

Kelvin was feeling uncomfortable with the way things are going between the two, but he kept silent and was boiling within him.

Kelvin: Helen, I think it is time we start going, others are waiting for us.

Helen: Okay love, the two walked pass John who was smiling w1ckedly at them.

Kelvin had tried not to allow the scene at the hotel sin into his head as he drove back home.

Helen, has been a beautiful girl since her university days, that she was the eye of all the men on campus, she was admired anywhere she goes as a result of her hourglass body and was seen as the queen by most men who can do anything to get to her. She had a lot of suitors but she had chosen John then who was her boyfriend then. The two had the sweetest relationship then, until things got worst, during their last days in school, where John told her he can’t keep a run$ girl as a wife. So they separated. It was during her NYSC that she met Kelvin who decided to accept her inspite of all the bad things he heard about her and for the fact that his mother was not in support of the relationship but he had his way and now they are engaged and about to wed. Things was going sweet with the two but only three weeks to the wedding, John has reappeared again in Helen life. Although, Helen loved John, he was a muscular guy that makes her to enter the heavens anytime they are in the game but now she is with Kelvin but still have feelings for John. She had wanted to stop the feelings and stick to only Kelvin who had been there for her but now that John is back….how will she survive this……

18 May 2020 | 17:38
All she need is to forget all about JOHN [hr] [b] LINK TO AVAILABLE EPISODES [/b] scroll down for episode 2 •[url= ][b]Episode 3[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 4-5[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 6[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 7[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 8[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 9[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 10-11[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 12-13[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 14[/b][/url]
18 May 2020 | 17:54
VOICE FROM THE PAST - EPISODE TWO After the dinner, Kelvin mind was so heavy that he had thought about the behavior and attitude of Helen for some days now. Although, he knew that she was into different relationship before they met but she told him that she has broken ties with them and was no longer seeing any one. It was not that Kelvin was having problem with her but he didn’t like the way, John had held her so tight by her waist. He couldn’t stomach it so he decided to ask her who John was. Helen was in her own fashion house and was gisting with two of her friends. Helen: Guys, you see I went to see that yeye guy yesterday. Joan:hmm. That’s is John I guess. Monica: Looking as if she was surprise, what. Helen: Yes, I was there to tell him not to destroy my wedding and to ask for whatever he needs so that he can free me and leave my home. Monica: I see Joan: So, what did he request. Helen: He said he needs me in his bed and he would keep it a secret Monica: What, I thought you have change helen, I am not part to this oo, and I pity you about what the outcome would be. Joan: Shiiiiii, There is nothing new under heaven, if that is what she must do to keep her marriag, there is no problem, don’t you know that these days you have to use what you have to keep what you love the most. Helen: Yes, that was my thought but I didn’t accept that. Joan: What!! Are you saying you would lose, Kelvin over that man. Monica: I think the best thing is to tell Kelvin who John is and that’s settle the case. Joan: Tell what! It would aggravate the issue, ohh, maybe Helen did not inform you, they had $3x together. Monica : What! Helen: Yes, I was having this feelings with him, so I gave myself to him, you know he is strong down there. Monica: How would I know. Joan: smiles, leave that , I hope you gave it all your best… Helen : yes, I……Enters Kelvin. Kelvin: Coughs. The three ladies shocked and were frightened. Kelvin : Why is the perfume so strong Helen: alittle bit relieved. It was because I just applied it, welcome love. Kelvin greeted the three of them as he Joan winks at him seductively, he has been the type of man that Joan loves, he is gentle, kind, caring and can lavish any amount on a woman just to make her happy. Kelvin: please my ladies, I would love to see your friend for some minutes. Kelvin and Helen wen to her other office and talked. Kelvin; I wanted to ask but I am a bit afraid. Helen: Her mind began to pound faster, she was breathing like someone who was about running a 100 meters race. Kelvin: the guy we saw yesterday, who was he. Helen: Ohh, don’t tell me you are jealous, he was an old time friend, but nothing between us . Kelvin: I don’t like the way he held you, it is bad. Helen : smiles, okay, no problem, I will put a stop to that, is that why you came Kelvin : Yes, or is there any other thing you want to give me. Before he finish talking Helen had planted a K1ss on him and they had a quickie. They returned to her friends who were still gisting and Kelvin bade them good bye. After some minutes that he left, a message popped out on her phone screen, it was a multimedia message showing the $3x activities between John and Helen, it was sent by John who added a message that she should make her self available or she sends it to her husband to be and destroy all what she has been trying to gather. Immediately she saw it, her mood change although her friends inquired what happened she could not talk. She was confused and desperate to put an end to this or make it a secret, she later devised a plan and made up her mind to visit John. Tbc
18 May 2020 | 18:25
Devise a means of seeing him, later u will neva kn wat hit u, at d end shift d blame 2 d devil, Ewu can coke. @ele1 @henrxmary @lawman-2 kon en read o.
19 May 2020 | 07:08
She just made d worse decision @ladyg present ma'am
19 May 2020 | 12:44
@LadyG Oya shift 2 meters from me social distancing ...
19 May 2020 | 13:40
[b]***clears throat***[/b] Ladies in the house you see that 'strange little feeling' you get when a man you hate kisses you, thats your sense leaving you... So, Helen i put it to u tat u re just in lust with john, its like de use pweek do u self.. Again, ladies its better to keep guys as best friends than ladies, cuz 95% of ladies are always envious of themselves and it never ends wells, just look at joan admiring kelvin tats hw it starts.. We re in for a thriller i suspect, carry go @adedamola u re doing well
19 May 2020 | 13:49
Wat even trigger d last sex u had wit him wen u know u hv a fiance about 2 b wed... N nw u r going. 4 anoda 1 bcus u still hv feeling 4 him. Lobish. Tanx 4 d iv jaree @ladyg
19 May 2020 | 16:27
Seated No one wanted to invite me abi
20 May 2020 | 05:40
Diz john dat she is planning will blackmail her for d rest of her life... And joan will go behind helen and stab her without her seeing it coming
20 May 2020 | 05:53
Helen. Hmm... Don't start a tune u can't dance to o
20 May 2020 | 15:19
*Voice from the past* - *Episode three.* Helen was buried in her thought as she was driving to the hotel where John was staying. He had told her he was in room 103 and she already believe he was there. Helen: I wonder what this guy is up to, but I have told him there is nothing between us, why is he using our $3x act as a tool to vet back at me. Why is life unfair to me. She said as she was breathing heavily. Although she had devised a means of making him delete the video but she was not sure what the outcome would be. She decided to visit John four days to her wedding. She and her friends had made proper preparation for the wedding to make it glamorous. Joan: I think we should bake a cake that looks like Helen and Kelvin. Helen: hmmm, I see but ins't that too much. Monica : yes it is, but it is also for your glorious day. Helen : okay, what about the clothes, I would like a gown that would cover my chest. Jane: hmmm, Mary the mother of Jesus. Hmmm, serious after useless. Monica: smiles, stop that Jane, we all have our past, so we should not insult others with their past. Helen: that's her problem, so far the past is not catching up with me. Hmmm, Helen sighs, I think my past is coming for me now, what can I do , this is becoming to much, she though as she was moving to room 103. On getting to the room she knocked but didn't find John it was another woman that answer. Helen: sorry, I knocked the wrong room, am sorry. Woman: no problem, take your time . .Helen: thanks , she said smiling. She was about dailing John's number when he came out from another room. John: hello dear , you are around. Helen: looking bitter, but you said , room 103, why the change. John: I was afraid you could attack me with thugs so I played smart by changing my room with the other woman. . Helen: ohhh, is that so, I see. The reason am here is to beg you to delete the videos with you and not release it. I promise to give you a huge amount of money and even warm your bed after my wedding with Kelvin. John: laughs, hmmm, am not a fool, I will not allow the wedding to hold talkless of you marrying that local boy. You are mine and you belong to me. Helen: she spat on him. You must be mad . John: laughs, see I will wait till the priest says is there anyone that want to say something against this union , then I will raise up my hand. Helen: But why are you doing this to me, I promise to have $3x with you. Please, let my wedding hold. John: never, I want to have you only to myself. Helen: okay, what do you need now. John: he rushed to her and planted a k1ss on her mouth ad from there they made out with each other. Helen: What am doing is bad, kelvin should be enjoying this not you. John; so, what will he do if he gets to know. Helen: I have a plan, I will marry kelvin, then I will set up Joan to seduce him since she loves him , then I will break up with him and I will marry you with all his money. John; claps his hand, You think you are wise. I will not allow that to happen. Had you forgotten, you had my child when we were in school, you gave birth to him but you threw him away, see you sins are much and your past are ug1y, I will ruin you if you try rubbish with me. .Helen: open her mouth, she thought she had made the incident about the child a secret and only her two friends knew about it. After John broke up with her at the university, she decided to gave birth to the child she was pregnant with then and after she delivered she wrapped him in newspaper and placed him in a basket and placed him in front of a rich mans house where the wife of the man had showed pity on the poor boy and cater for him since she could not bear a child for twenty years. John: do you see that your life is amess. Helen: sweating, I know please leave my life, . John: I can't, I will stay with you. Inspire of your past, you are mine. Helen: am not yours, John tries to hold her but she struggle with Jim and she flung him across as he hit his head on the tiles and remained still. Helen seeing that , John was lifeless, was scared and decided to pack her things and run. But as she was attempting to run, her phone rang and Kelvin was calling to ask about her whereabout since she was taking long. She could not pick the call and was shivering inside her car as she was driving, drinking beer to clear her head and heading straight to her house.she was trying to settle down and clean up when her phone rang but out of fear, collapsed..... Tbc
20 May 2020 | 18:22
20 May 2020 | 20:07
Oya naa, ur mumu don over riped, look at wat ur over zealousness for amu has gotten u.
21 May 2020 | 04:43
Where ar those judges pls mae una kon choke mouth 4 dis matter,@ele1 @fb-danieledem @henrymary @lawman-2 @emmy01
21 May 2020 | 04:48
Mumunity dey wori her... As a former olosho she shud kw dat john has nothing good to offer Hmmmm..John is wise i must admit He must have recorded their conversation
21 May 2020 | 05:39
This shit keeps getting shitier and deeper @LadyG i rest my case
21 May 2020 | 05:40
Thia helen na Mumu girl, I swr
21 May 2020 | 06:23
@LadyG ah de vex o, muna hold me b4 i break person head 4 here o, imagine putting a child inside newspaper, her sins are damn 2 much and karma is d wife or time, if she don kil john, tats anoda problem, bt as usual, keeping secret frm ur partner is d worst tin tat kan hapen in a waiting to knw wat wil hapen on her weding day
21 May 2020 | 08:19
Any time I see stories like this, I always wonder what kind of head some people carry for their neck, how can some clear the past the creating another past? @LadyG, @HenryMary this case should be better handle by a higher Jury, may be @DanielEdem and @Ele1 and others has better ways to handle this, I rest my case my Lady.
21 May 2020 | 13:17
My pals @henrymary @ele1 nd @emmy01, this case will b adjoined till d next hearin, cou..rt .....
21 May 2020 | 14:54
I really Petty you a lot
21 May 2020 | 15:02
What the heck
21 May 2020 | 17:23
VOICE FROM THE PAST - Episode four. It has been barely two weeks now since the incident with John occurred, Helen has been using different means to get the thought from her head, even when her friends brings up the topic, she will find another discussions. Monica was very worried about the sudden change in the behavior of Helen since she went to the hotel and since there was no news about the where about of John, she became more worried about the situation of things even though she was in the dark, Helen had not reveal anything to her. Monica: girlfriend, what has become of you, since you got the text message from John and went to see him, you have become strange, what is going on? Helen: It is nothing, just stress as a result of the preparation for the wedding. Monica: but we are all into this together, you know am your friend and a problem shared is half solved. Helen: I know but the problem is that, I ……(she wanted to confess, but she stopped) Monica: you what, talk and let your mind be at rest. Helen: I know my dear, (she feigns little headache just to allow Monica free her). Monica has been a friend to Helen since university days and both met again in the camp as a corps member, it was on the third day they met Joan. Monica has always show to be an extragant lady with the kind of clothes she wore and Jewelries she put on. She was known to be a daughter of a rich man by her friends as she always refer to her father as a business man who doesn’t live in Nigeria and because of the she was sent huge money for her upkeep. That was the story she told her friends but on the contrary, Monica was a rich man daughter in the day time but at night she was the lady of the night ( a run$ girl). She had kept this a secret from friends. Joan also was in the game but had almost lost her life during one of her outing. She visited her friend in Lagos and was introduced to an old man who was a business man. Man: Is this the lady, I requested. Joan: Yes, I am sir, Man: looking at her his eye full of Lu$t, okay you can come in. The man had entered to shower while Joan had laid on the bed, waiting for him to come but he was not coming. After some minutes she decided to go in and check on him if nothing was wrong as she was after the $1000 he had promised to pay her. She tiptoed to the bathroom only to see something strange. The man had transformed into a huge $nake and was inside the bathing tub, he later transformed into a human being. On seeing this Joan tiptoed back to the bed since the door was locked and the key was not with her. Man: hello, beauty are you ready? Joan: forcing herself to smile, yes sir, I amm, amm. She began to stammer. The man undressed fully and he brought out a white handkerchief that he would need some blood on it. At first Joan had declined but he promised to give her $5000 and a car. She thought over it that and she agreed. After the incident, she was not herself has she was becoming leaner, it was the timely intervention of her parents who seek spiritual help that had saved her from dying. Since then she had quit the runs work but still have eye on married me, which is one of the reasons she was bent on having affairs with Kelvin. As Helen and Monica were talking, Joan walked in and greeted them in their usual slangs, but because Helen was moody, she asked her what the problem is. Joan: Is it John that is making you moody like this. Monica: Help me ask her oo, Joan: you better cheer up and don’t allow this to weigh you down, your wedding is in three days and tomorrow is the party for you to graduate from spinster to a wife. Helen: Smiles a little, yeah. Monica: But the John issue that has threatened to disrupt the wedding, what are we going to do about that. Joan: Simple, I have come with an idea that we should hire some police men or bouncers that will stand at the entrance and the picture of John being given to them so as to prevent him form entering into the house. Helen: Pretending, wow, that would be nice. Monica: A liitle bit unhappy, why should we waste money because of John. Joan: Looking at her, is it your money. Helen: abi o, it is my husband money so…I should spend it on anything I want that would make my wedding glorious. Joan: Ehhnnn that’s good as for John what was your decision when you went to meet him at the hotel. Hearing the topic brought up again, Helen fakes headache and they stopped saying anything about John but making preparations for the wedding. ****************************************************************** The day of the wedding arrived and everyone were sitted, Monica, Joan were dressing Helen, while Kelvin was chatting with his friend Mike, they were friend since secondary school days. Kelvin: Today is the happiest day of my life, I am marrying the woman I love. Mike: That is it my friend, Love supercedes other things. Kelvin: I feel blessed. Mike: Yeah, but we should be going to the church by now. They both leave the room and headed to the big auditorium. ****************************************************************** Monica and Joan were singing for Helen who was already dressed and was about to move to the altar with her father. They were already at the entrance of the church but Helen was still with her phone when it rang with a strange number calling, she wanted to ignore but her dad encouraged her to pick it since they are yet to enter the church. Helen: Hello, Voice: You are a murderer, a wicked soul, you killed and fled, your soul shall be hunted. You will not rest, Today is your wedding, there is blood stain on your hand……watch your back. The caller hanged up….Helen was not herself anylonger she was sweating profusely that her father was confused. They made attempt to move to the altar but she fell seriously on the floor and fainted. Every where was in pandemonium and the church scattered. Helen was rushed to the hospital and was giben immediate treatment, she was revived but as they were rejoicing in the hospital that she was alive, Joan brought her phone that someone wanted to speak with her. Voice: Bring five million and I close this case, but if you don’t I will forward all your $ex activities with John and the video of how you killed John to your husband and to the world. Immediately the caller hanged, she fainted again and the doctor moved in to revive her………attempts to call the person back was in vain….. Now, this is a mystery, John is dead, there was no CCTV camera in the room, who is this caller, what do the person really want to achieve…… Tbc
21 May 2020 | 17:32
This ladies sha, all of them with their secrets lifestyle, any way @ladyG my lord let @Danieledem call the witness register to hear this case, we're sitted.
21 May 2020 | 18:34
I'm suspecting Joan is behind this blackmail.
21 May 2020 | 18:37
See your life by the time you are doing all the nonsense you don't know it will bansback baa
22 May 2020 | 00:32
She doesn't know what she wants
22 May 2020 | 04:42
Yea my learned frnd @emmy01 let our paddy @fb-danieledem cal d witness so dat we cn hear 4rm dem bt b4 d house will proceed i wil like 2 say smtin, my thot, John is nt dead nd again look at d so called frnds of Helen so secretive,meanwhile lets hear 4rm my broda man @ele1 b4 d hearin kicks off, i rest 4 now.
22 May 2020 | 06:44
*VOICE FROM THE PAST-* EPISODE FIVE Helen was at the hospital on a bed rest, and the doctor had given instruction that no cell phone should be allowed into the room. Kelvin was on the corridor pacing to and fro, he was confused, and he didn’t know what he can do. Who was the caller, he continued to ask himself. Joan was also in the Hospital with Mike as they were trying to calm Kelvin down from thinking too much about the incident. He tried calling the number that had called earlier but it was not reachable But as this was going on, Helen was trying to identify who the caller was as she was lying on the bed. She said to herself, “Is he not dead, who owns that voice”. She was lost in thought when she suddenly became dizzy and fell asleep. ****************************************************************** Joan was in her house when Monica walked in to her, all bright and full of smiles. Joan was not expecting any visitor that day as she had planned to use it to rest from all the troubles she had passed through as a result of Helen. Joan : What brings you here, madame. Monica: Hmmm, don’t tell me you have not heard. Joan: That what? She asked a little bit disturbed. Monica: That Helen has been given bed rest and no one allowed to see her. Joan: I know, dear, is that the news that brought you from your place to this place. Monica: Laughing, not only that, there are more gist, which I will tell you as time goes by. Joan: Mrs gist carrier, can’t you just find a work to keep yourself busy. Monica: Feeling insulted, You should find one for me, the employer of labour. Joan : Okay, don’t be annoyed but you know am not in for this useless gist, I had three days without sleeping. Monica: Mocking her, wow you are such a good friend my dear. But you know what, don’t you feel jealous and env1ous of Helen, she was a Run$ girl that we are aware of, she once had a baby that we don’t know where she had kept it, now she is hiding a secret that no one knows what it was all about. Joan: Hmmm, what is there to be je@lous about dear? Monica: I think you are not getting my point, can’t you see she is lucky, inspite of all the ugly past she is having, she is about to be married to the gentle, cool and loving spouse. Joan: Ahhn ahhn, Monica and you call yourself her friend, I thought I was the only one that was interested in having Kelvin by my side, I never knew you are in love with him also or let me say Lu$t. Monica: Woman, you can’t understand, I just want the best for Kelvin, he is such a darling and I would not like him to have any regrets in his home. It is painful to see a handsome, caring hardworking man like that to fall into the pit of love of one useless girl. Joan: Stop that Monica, I will not take that from you, you can’t stay here and be insulting our friend , it is nonsense. Monica: Ohh, I see, so am not part of you guys again. Joan: Hissed, when all you say is irrelevant. Monica: But, Joan , you don’t even have a man that you can call yours neither do I all the guys coming after us are just taking advantage and leaving us. Also, coming back to the issue of Helen, don’t you see the way she was in shock and collapsed when the caller called. It seems she is hiding a secret from us and brother Kelvin is bl!nd in love that he didn’t see these things. Joan: Woman, who told you. I am seeing someone of recent but I want to prove his love toward me if it is genuine. As for Helen, It is true that there might some secrets she is trying to hid from us but everyone has a secret now. Monica: But not the one that would cause damage to ones health. Joan: Okay, so what do you want Kelvin to do about it. Hmmm I see, I know why you didn’t want the wedding to take place, you were the one who informed John about it . Monica: How can you point an accusing finger at me, we all that the wedding was all over the social media and probably that is where John had seen it and made use of the opportunity to get back at Helen. Joan: Ohh, I see. But why are you always after her matter. Monica: That one is for you to decide. Joan: To be sincere, Kelvin is the type of man I love and I need, he makes me think of cheating on my new boyfriend but am finding it hard to restrain myself. Monica: Laughing, but you were proving hard lady the other time. Joan: But you see, there is nothing to worry about that, since our friend is lucky, I think we should be happy for her. Monica: Okay oooo, she sighs. So any news from John again and how did Helen later resolve the issues with him ,did she agree to be sleeping with him or what was the other way out. Joan: Aunty, please, I think you should be going now, how on earth will I know, since she came back she was behaving strangely and now calls from different quarters, who knows what might have happened there. Monica: Okay madam, no problem, I will mind my business. Monica and John had been a secret lover once when Monica was still into Run$ girl business, she had used John to dupe many clients and enriched herself through that. Although, Helen and Joan were not aware of this, she had kept it from them , all they believe is the she was a daughter of a rich man. It was during an outing that Monica had met John who introduced her into cyber cr!me and he advised her to stop the run$ business she was into and that he would date her provided she give up the job but one thing led to another, John could not fulfil the promise of dating her but they had several $3x together until he became tired of her. Nevertheless they had stick together and still maintained being a close friend and met secretly, she was aware of the meeting of John and Helen, and was even the master mind behind the various options that John was giving to Helen in order to destroy her marriage so as to get close to Kelvin her dreamed man. ****************************************************************** At the hospital, Kelvin and Mike were chatting when a young girl approached them with an envelope. They inquired from the little girl where she has seen it but she told them a man had asked her to give them. She pointed to his direction only to find no one there. Mike was eager to know what was in the envelope and opened it….immediately he opened the envelope, there was a blank picture in there, there was no image but a little sentence was written in another small sheet which reads “ Five million naira or say goodbye”…… Immediately the two friends were anxious as they looked into the envelope to know if there are other content but only saw the necklace which Kelvin had gifted Helen on the bachelor’s night of their wedding. Kelvin: What is the meaning of this? Mike : I am surprised just like you now. Kelvin: Who is after my life and that of my wife? Mike: I think we have to take action now, or else we are going to be framed up. Kelvin: But I need to question Helen first about this necklace and how she lost it. Mike: No need for the stress now, let her be, don’t show her any other thing that would make her B.P to rise again, you know the Doctor has warned against such. Kelvin;I know, but only she has the answer to this riddle. Mike: You know what, just calm down and lets think about the way out to resolve this matter. As the two were still discussing , Kelvin phone rang and he picked. Kelvin: Who is on the line. Voice: You see that envelope and the paper with the necklace, that is just tip of what I have in my possession, if you don’t want me to destroy your life…send that money, I will communicate where you should put it once you are ready. Don’t bother to track this line. Kelvin: But what do you want. Voice: I already told you. Kelvin: But this is a woman’s voice, and a man dropped this package. Voice : It is not your to tell which voice, is speaking with you all I know is that you should pay that money. Kelvin: Already shaking, what will you do. Voice: You live at 3 Avenue, banana Island, Lagos. Your parents are both business folks. You own two other houses, and you use range rover 2018 model. Kelvin: shaking, who are you? Voice: Ask your wife, Ahhhhhhh….he quits the call. As they were talking, Helen was at his back hearing all that was said. Kelvin turned back and finds her, who is that person… Helen ; he is …..Mike caught in, please let her rest…..He led her into the ward… Kelvin stood there with his hands akibo. Tbc
22 May 2020 | 08:55
@LadyG **clears throat*** you knw i have seen different reasons on why ladies are always interested in married men but nothing tangible, like why? Maybe some ladies in the house could help us with the answer @LadyG @queenprecious1 @RoyalGold ... Meanwhile, joan is 1 greedy individual, i wan knw y if she na die for dis novella ,you see person turn to snake but stil agreed to do his bidding, JUST WHY? i de sure say if person like joan become president, she go sell 9ja.. @LadyG Me never sure if john is dead or not, but i think maybe a friend of john or a staff of d hotel is trying to tak advantage of d situation to blackmail Helen.. I rest my case
22 May 2020 | 09:08
22 May 2020 | 14:21
My dear @ele1 see world pple with envy nd jealousy, look at wat frnds ar doin 2 their frnd. Hmmm i cant answer that o cos i ve not dated one b4 o. Though if u cn tell us y married men date single ladies i wil b hapi.
22 May 2020 | 14:35
Kelvin u sef y will u wants marry sum1 without clearing the coast... Dats y i pity those that say they dont want to know about someone past because they luv them... Na lie o u most tell me ur past if i can continue then its fine
22 May 2020 | 15:18
Hmm..this one mike put mouth As for Helen i rest your case
22 May 2020 | 16:49
@LadyG .. No lele na, but i think if u wan knw y married men date single ladies, u fit ask my oga them o @henrymary and @lawman-2 dem get d experience
22 May 2020 | 19:57
That is women for you, they do the thing together and now want to distory her home. one should fear them ooo n q
23 May 2020 | 02:19
Guys who unna see the story .. update coming whenever nepa brings light. Stay tuned and thanks for your love concerning this story I hope we learn one or two things . Good morning
23 May 2020 | 04:23
*VOICE FROM THE PAST -* EPISODE SIX. Kelvin was unhappy about the situation of this and how the whole event is unfolding, he was no longer himself. He stood putting one hand on the door and was thinking loudly to himself. Kelvin : But why this, why am I in all these trouble, I was warned against marrying this woman but I did not listen because of my love for her, now see where this thing called love is taking me too….as he was brushing aside the thoughts another came into him. What is it, you claimed you love her, why are you regretting. You should marry her, don’t you know that these are distracters that want to put an end to your relationship. You were aware of her past, so why are you complaining now, you should fight together with her and mind you love concerns all. Inside the ward where Helen was laid she had told Mike that he should convince his friend of getting them married in the hospital since, church wedding was not going to work, then customary and less noisy marriage would be okay. Mike: are you sure this is a good idea? Helen: Am okay with it, please help me convince him, because I think he is furious with me and I don’t want to lose him,(She began to cry) Mike: No problem, stop crying, I will speak with him and I am sure he would yield but you too must pray along with me. Mike went to where Kelvin was staying with his hand by the chin. Mike: Guy, whats up Kelvin; Am not fine man, things are not going the way I expected, I am now a shadow of myself friend. Mike: Hmmm, it is true but we do things like this for the sake of love. Kelvin: You are right and that is why am confused Mike : Don’t be confused my friend. You know what, it might be those that don’t want this wedding to hold that are behind all this travails but I believe we can outsmart them. Kelvin: In what way my friend. Mike: I suggest you hold a mini wedding right inside this hospital that would be graced by your parent and other close relatives and not the lousy ones. Kelvin: surprised, what do you mean by that, you should know that I love it being loud and this lady like the same thing. Mike: You are right but when things turns out like this, you should also change you method. Kelvin: Okay, but have you discuss this with her Mike : Feeling excited, yeah I have. Kelvin: So what is her reply. Mike: She said yes, and I think since she is okay with it, you should be. Kelvin: But friend there are still some questions she needs to answer about the issues on ground. Mike: guy, you need to save that for another day, lets finalise the issue I brought before you and know the way forward. Kelvin: Okay, am with you. You should know that I will always support your decisions. Mike: Thanks a lot. They both shook hands and left to check on Helen. ***************************************************************** Three day after, every the wedding was conducted with a priest, a court officer and close relatives including Monica and Joan. It was lively even though it was done in the hospital and after some hours she was discharge to her home where she was instructed to abstain from strenuous activities. The following day, Joan came to her house to greet her and on sighting her she was moved with how beautiful Helen had turned. She was looking radiant and the magnificent design of the building has continued to draw much attention to any vistor. Joan: Helen baby, she shouted as she was moving into the house. Helen: Hello, my good friend. She offered her a sit and went in to get two glass and a juice. Joan: You see the beauty in been married my friend, you are now free from any single guys. Helen: smiling yes oo my friend, I am free and I am now Mrs. Not Miss. any longer. Joan : Yeah, she takes some sip from the juice. But you know what, you did not tell me about what transpired between you and John when you went to meet him at the hotel. Helen: Feeling unease but trying to control herself. There is nothing much that happened, I just begged him that’s all. Joan: hmmm, I see, that was why someone was still using calls to disturb your wedding. You need to confine in me as your friend. Helen: But I think by gone is by gone lets find another topic. Joan: Okay, but you know that you need to find a permanent solution to this issue. Helen: Pretending. Like what!! Joan was about to whisper something when Kelvin came down from the stairs. Kelvin: Hello pretty. He greets Joan. Joan: Hello , how are you. She said looking at him seductively. Kelvin: I am fine, I Just need to get to the groceries store to get something for tonight. You know Mike is coming over. Helen: Okay, but let me do that while I see my friend off. Joan: Are you guys having dinner or something, I am free ooo if I am invited. Kelvin: It is my pleasure but not dinner in that sense. We are having a business meeting. Joan: Okay…that is cool. Helen was looking at her with the side eye and eyeing her, she was praying Kelvin would not ask her to come even though Kelvin had lied. They were having a mini party only God knows why Kelvin lied she thought. Nevertheless it was for her own good. Kelvin saw Joan to the gate and he dropped her on the way. He made his move to a gold store where he sighted Monica. Monica: Hello dear. Kelvin: Hy dear, hope you are fine. Monica: Yes I am, what brings you out today at this hour. Kelvin: I am here to get something nice for my wife. Monica : Jealous within her. Hmmm, that’s nice but can I help you in finding something nice. Kelvin: It is my pleasure. Monica moved round the store and got a gold chain which starts with H. I think she will like this. Kelvin: Wow, you are an got the right one.. Monica : It is my pleasure. Kelvin was about going when Monica called him that she has something to tell him. Kelvin: Okay I am all hears. Monica: Stammers abit. It is about your wife….she does not worth the gold chain you want to gift her… Kelvin: What do you mean, my wife is what? He asked with his face squeezed. Monica: See am only helping you, it is true she has a past but her past her hunting her. There is this guy she dated his name is John. He was her past but now her present. Ask her about Johnnn. Kelvin was annoyed the more and stormed out of the store. He entered into his car , thinking aloud, why would Helen lie to me, why why why !!! he kept on saying and was on a high speed until he collided with transformer…… Monica having realized she has achieved her mission went away from the store and headed to her house smilling to her self. Tbc
23 May 2020 | 06:25
VOICE FROM THE PAST – EPISODE SEVEN Tips for all- don't allow the criticism of the world to limit your potentials, build on them and use it for your success. Kelvin was rushed to the hospital by some passerby, he was unconscious as he had lost a large amount of blood from his head. He was taken into the emergency room and two nurses were assigned to him for immediate treatment. After some minutes of stabilizing his health. His phone was searched and a call was made through to Helen who was asked to come for his husband with immediate effect. On hearing the news from the doctor she could not believe her ears as she was doubting if it was her own Kelvin. When she became conscious, she called on her driver who drove her to the hospital. At the hospital, Helen was pacing up and down as she was yet to see him, since he was already in the intensive care unit. Helen: (pacing up and down) Nothing must happen to my husband. She was biting her lower lips and asking herself different question. Kelvin doesn’t smoke nor drink, so what is the cause of this accident, she began to ask herself. As she was thinking, Mike entered with Joan as they had met on the way to the hospital having heard about the news of the accident. Joan: Hello, Hope it is not that serious. Helen : (still occupied in her thought) hmmmm Joan: You have to calm down all these would be under control by the grace of God. Mike: You see, nothing will happen to Kelvin, I know that. Just relax. Three of them were confused and were just staring at the nurses that were going and coming out of the wards. ****************************************************************** Monica who had been suspecting Helen decided to go to the hotel where John had lodged. As she was entering into the hotel she met a lady who was cleaning the floor and decided to ask her if she was aware whether John was there. Monica: Hello miss, please I need your help Angelica: Hello, How can I help you. Monica: My name is Monica (she tries to introduce herself to her) Angelica: it is nice meeting you. I am Angelica Monica : Please are you aware whether a stout man named John lodge her. Angelica: (pretending) Am not sure madame, but hope there is no problem. Monica: There is no major problem but there is a little one. I am his wife and he has not been home since, I learnt from a friend that he was staying here. Angelica: (Feeling pity) I am sorry about your condition. Monica : (Forcing herself to cry) I am the only one taking care of the four children we had together and I really love him, please help me out. Angelica: Okay, ehmm, I will direct you to the next counter, the lady there has full information about the man but before you go, since you claim that he is your husband, I will tell you a secret. Monica: (exicted but pretended to be sober again) Okay I am all hears ma’am. Angelica: You see, the man was with a lady inside the room that fateful day and I heard them shouting at themselves. Later on, I saw the woman walking downstairs like someone that was being pursued, so I went into the room to do cleaning but to my surprise,(she paused) Monica: (Anxious) what surprise dear. Angelica: I met him in his own blood, he was unconscious and gasping for life, so the management had to rush him to hospital. Monica: (breath out) so he is not dead yet. Angelica: Yes, he is not dead but the doctor said his brain is damaged as he suffered a fracture on the head. Monoica: Jesus!!! But where is he now? Angelica: I can’t disclose it o, although his brain is faulty but he still speak some reasonable words sometimes. Monica: What are you trying to say. Angelica: I have been the one taking care of him since the incident as we don’t know his relative. Monica: So? Angelica: I will collect all my money in full for the treatment I applied. This is business. Monica: Ahh, so you are a bad lady, then all those calls who was the one behind it. Angelica: Which call, I am not aware of any call oo, simce he was with me, I have not put a call through, I said I don’t know his relative so who should I call. Monica: (confused) Then who is making those strange calls, who is behind those call, definitely there is another person aware of this. Angelica: See madame since you said , you are his wife, I will release him to you only if you credit my account with one million naira only. Monica: Jesus! That is much now, wher do I get that kind money. Angelica: It is as if you are not ready for your husband. Monica: (trying to calm down) You see I think it is time to be sincere with you. you see am not the wife of the man. I also want to use him to achieve something big which will benefit both of us. Angelica: (Laughs) you must be crazy woman, you think an some kind of old fool that did not go to school, you want to cheat me and disapper. I think you are sick upstairs. Monica : My lady, please understand, I want to use him to get at my friend who came here to meet him and made him unconscious. She married the man I love so I want to spoil the marriage and move in, please help me out. Angelica : See this yeye woman, you must be crazy in the head. Okay, what concerns me with your own problem, mine is that give me the money and use him for whatever you want. Monica: (she dips her hand into the bag and brought out 100,000 naira notes cash.) this is for you for a start…let him stay with you and I will gist you on how we go about it. Angelica: (collected the money and smiles) so you are like this and you are pretending…wait for me and lets meet proper. Monica: No need I don’t want anyone to see me. She dropped her number and business card and left the place. As she left she was happy within herself that her mission is about to be achieve when her phone rang. Joan had call her to inform her about the accident of Kelvin but she sounds unborthered….. Tbc
23 May 2020 | 06:26
What will this monica of a gal stand 2 gain
23 May 2020 | 07:41
Diz monica is something else oh...
23 May 2020 | 08:16
Mischievous sets of anu ofia, there is one jingle dat goes thus; whatever u do ur broda somebody go do u so, somebody 2tms somebody go do u sooooo. Make una no worry karma dey road dey kon, my broda man @ele1 u dey see these ashh... dem?
23 May 2020 | 10:41
Next please
23 May 2020 | 11:20
I love this kind of story oo But wait oo who is behind all the calls Time will tell Ride on bro i'm with you
23 May 2020 | 11:33
There is no friends anywhere...
23 May 2020 | 14:59
**clears throat** i'd be lying if i say i am surprised..95% of ladies are envious of each other, i repeat am, 95% of ladies are envious of each other.. Dnt be surprised if tomorow helen gets maried to john and monica and joan automaticaly fal in luv with tat same john, yoruba kal it *ojukokoro* longertruth, its always best 4 ladies to keep guys as besties cuz even tho they want to betray u they we tel u... @LadyG ur predictions were right, john isnt dead but what does anu ofia mean o?
23 May 2020 | 16:13
Kikikiki my dear na bush meat o @ele1
23 May 2020 | 17:10
This Monica is becoming something else
23 May 2020 | 19:18
Helen you open up TO him. qq
24 May 2020 | 01:09
*Voice from the past –* Episode Eight. Tips for all- Most times we plan but were not achievable, another time it comes naturally. Thus, whatever life brings to you make good use of it….. At the hospital, Helen was pacing up and down on the corridor, Mike was with her waiting for the Doctor to come and tell them about the situation of things. Mike: You see, you have to calm down in this kind of situation; I have been telling you since you came. Helen: I am trying but it is as if I am not myself. Mike: I understand your plight. The doctor walks towards them to brief them about the situation of things. Doctor : Hello sir and ma, Mr. Kelvin had almost damage his neck as a result of the hitting his head on the steering but thank God that he was lucky. Mike & Helen: Thank God, but Doctor, Can we go in to see him. Doctor: sure you can go in and have a chat with him but please don’t say words that would allow him to feel bad as we don’t want him to stress the neck for now. The two made their way into the ward and saw Kelvin who was bandaged from head region to the neck, smiling a bit. Helen: I told you not drink and drive, what has come over you,( She went beside him and was planting some kisses on his face) Mike: Hmmm, woman, have you forgotten that there is no accusation. Helen: (still caressing his hands) I was almost dead, you know am just recovering myself and I can’t do anything without you, my husband. Mike: hmm, sweet love of the latest couples in town. Kelvin wanted to say something but he was unable as a result of the bandage that was used on him. He only signaled for Helen to come closer and he kissed her fore head. Helen: Thanks dear, she said as she withdraw. (Mike was looking at them and thought to himself,) hmm, see life, Kelvin is married to the woman I love but she has her past known to me, even Kelvin knows nothing about this. Helen is such a sweet and nice woman who will be a better wife but will her past leave her or continue to hunt her. He thought back to the previous days when he came in contact with Helen. Helen was moving very fast to the lecture room that fateful day, having slept off and she had a test on that day. She was in haste that she bumped into Mike who was not looking at his front and all his materials fell down. Mike was not a student but had come to see some of his friends in the school. She was rushing that she didn’t wait to say sorry. Mike: What kind of lady is this, is she cr@zy, (he thought to himself), how can she pass falling this things down without looking back to say sorry, she must be a nut. Mike decided to stay alittle longer that day since he was not through with what brought him to the school. Later on, he saw Helen among her friends, he walked up to her. Mike: Hello miss, Helen: Hello, how can I help you. Mike: Wawu, (he blushed at the sight of her beauty) ehmm, you might have forgotten, this morning you bumped into me and threw down my materials without you saying sorry, although I believe you were rushing to class. Helen (with smile on her face) yes I was rushing and I am sorry. Mike fell in love with her from the very first day and they engaged number but one thing led to another, Helen was invited to a birthday bash by Mike were she had seen Kelvin and became friends with him till it later graduated into marriage. There are some secrets about Helen known to Mike but as for Kelvin he was only aware of her having other boyfriends which he asked her stop. Helen inorder to seal her relationship with Kelvin has met with Mike to make a deal. Helen : Hello dear, please I know that you might feel that I jilted you for your friend, please try and understand. Mike : Understand what? Helen ; Please, I Know only you can make my marriage work by keeping all my n@sty secrets with you, I promise to do whatever you asked me to do. Mike : (smiling to himself, he had wanted to request for extra marital affairs but as aresult of the relationship between himself and Kelvin he has decided to keep shut.) Okay, there is no problem ( but he has his own means of dealing with both of them since he felt that Kelvin use his wealth to snatch Helen from him and Helen also followed wealth despite the suffering they had together. Although,he had not propose to her at that time. *************************************************************** Monica after gotten the details about the occurrence at the hotel she decided to use it against her friend and was determined to get rich through her. She made arrangement with Angelica that she should try and get all the pictures that she snapped when John was unconscious and she did. She brought all the photos and it was well arranged with the g0ry sight of the accident. After the preparation she decided to visit Helen and Kelvin at the hospital to as to prove that she care about them when all was a lie. Monica: Hello, Helen Helen: In between her teeth, Hy Monica: I am sorry I came late, I was busy with a project quite recently and it is consuming. Helen: (Still not convenient ) Okay, that’s nice. Monica: You know what, How is Kelvin now, hope he is doing fine and responding to treatment. Helen : He is, but the doctor has instructed that no one should see him now. Monica: Okay if that is the case. As they were discussing, the phone of Helen beeped a message after three calls which she ignores, then she opened the message only to find the sc@ry face of John staring at her looking like a gh0st. Helen: Jesus what is this? Monica: What happen.. Helen : (Trying to control herself) It is just the goods that I ordered that I was told the custom had seized. Monica: (looking at her with her side eye) ohh, I see, but the image on your phone is showing another thing. Helen: Ehhnn, I was on facebook before you arrived. ( Feeling uneasy, she left her presence, thinking in her head about what to do) I think I must finish this Job once and for all, who is the person involved in this matter, I believe no one saw me, or is it Joan, because this days the way she questions me about John is suspicious. I must visit the hotel again and confirm. I am ready to sacrifice anything for my marriage and family. As she was thinking, Monica came by her side and hold her, she made her sit and asked her a question. Monica: Should I advise you as a friend. Helen: For what? Monica: I am aware that John was murdered. Helen: Her eye popped out in shock) how do you know. Monica : Smiles) simple, I got it from Joan. Helen : Jesus!! I said it, that girl is a snitch and I will show her the stuff I am made of. Monica : Calm down, woman…so it is better you tell me all you know now so that I can defend you from her foul play because I don’t want anything that would spoil your marriage. Helen: (sighs) hmmm, you see, it is true that I went to meet John, we had $3x and after that he demanded I stop my wedding to John but I refused and from there I pushed him down. He d1ed and I fled the scene. Monica: What!! And you didn’t tell me all these, why am I your friend. Unknown to Helen, Monica had recorded all her confessions and plan to use it as an evidence against her either in court or in destroying her marriage. Kelvin must be hers or no body else. Monica : But that’s not the issue now, the issue is how can we deal with Joan(she had off the record whenever she wants to speak but plays it when Helen is speaking) . Helen: That girl must suffer, I will make sure I cripple her that she can’t walk again, she must be mad…if I have my ways I will kill her but for old times sake I will not do that. Monica : But isn’t that too harsh? Helen: I can do anything to protect my marriage. Monica: Okay, that’s nice, please, that your husband friend, what is his name? Helen: You mean Mike? Monica: Yes, I think I like him, is he single. Helen: Laughs, ahhhh…Joan has said the same thing, but why do you girls always fight for the same thing…you need prayers. Monica: Again, Joan…I was the first person that told her I love Mike, but what has come over her and she is playing snitch at my back, that is bad. Helen: But Joan is a real trouble , what is her problem. As she was talking Monica was studying her behaviors to know if she was really determined to harm Joan so she devised another means to make her plan faster. Monica: Helen I will be going now and please tell Kelvin and Mike I came. Helen waved her bye and was furious within her, she was about to leave when a call entered, a male voice was heard. Voice: I will get you no matter what, deposite 1.5 million or I reveal your secrets to the world…wicked woman. Helen: Okay, I will but please what is the account I will send it to there. Voice: I don’t use bank, go to Obalende street and put the money down, my boys will pick it up. She was afraid, while all these were happening Mike was looking and hearing all what was happening on the phone but pretended as if he was not aware. He smiled to himself and said “ Women” hmmmm Monica finds her way to Joan’s house and luckily she met her at home. After the casual greetings she told her what brought her there. Monica: Girl, I have something important to tell you o Joan : Hmm, what is it all about. Monica: My friend , may we not have friends that will plan our death o. Joan: speak to me and not in parables. Monica: You see, in spite of all your effort , they want to pay you with evil. Joan: Who are they? Monica: It is Helen o , she has vowed to cripple you oo, that you were aware that John was murdered by her. Joan: What!!, she did what,murdered John, I said it because she has been avoiding any question relating to him. Monica reached for her purse and played the voice record and Joan listen with rapt attention. Joan: I know what I will do the fastest person will be the winner, it is either I kill her first or she kills me but I will kill her first. Monica ( smiles within herself) But you must be careful and act smart o. Joan: Sure , have you forgotten me, Monica: (smiles) I know you now. Joan brought out her phone and made a call. Joan : Hello Baddoo, are you there, please I have an assignment for you, come and see me… Baddoo: Okay madame, I will come right aways. She ends the call. Before they kill me , I will waste them , and she dashed out of the house with Monica smiling to herself… Monica: Now, lets see how it goes…( she laughs).. Questions : what do you think will happen, there is f!re in the city ooo, run run run, is Monica serious about her thre@t, what will happen to her , Joan is ready for w@r,. This story is going to be interesting, so sit back and grab your pop corn and coke. Tbc
24 May 2020 | 16:23
Beta fire 4 mountain Hey @lawson where is the popcorn that i ordered it has not reached my side
25 May 2020 | 05:12
This Monica is a real devil
25 May 2020 | 05:42
Kai monica i kmow wat always happen 2 ur type
25 May 2020 | 07:11
Monica is the real devil.
25 May 2020 | 10:00
VOICE FROM THE PAST – EPISODE NINE. Tips for all – The only person that wishes you success is yourself. Don’t tell people how you achieve your feat; instead tell them they too can achieve it or even more. A secret shared is no longer a secret…. Joan had place a call through to one of the deadly gang in town , she got to know them during one of her outing as a run$ lady. Baddoo : Madame, what do you want us to do for you. Joan: ( still fuming with anger) I need you guys to help delete a friend of my mine. Baddoo: Your friend!! What happened? Joan: I was loyal all through to her and her family but instead of repaying me back with Loyalty, all was a wash, she wants to see me dead. Baddoo: That’s bad madam, but what about her picture so that we can use that to track her down and finish our business. Joan: It is simple, I have as many pictures of hers. Joan went inside and brought out the picture of Helen and gave it to them, with the full details of her address. Baddoo: Just relax madame and put your mind at rest, consider the work done. No one can stop us from taking her down. Jaon: That’s is why I hired you. I know your worth. I will send the part payment to you and once you are done, let me know. The g@ngs left her residence and planned on how to carry out their mission so as to prevent any form of tracing. ****************************************************************** At the hospital, Kelvin was responding fast to treatment and his health was improving. Mike had stayed most of the times with him at the hospital while Helen was going to and fro to prepare meal for them. Mike: Sorry dear, I know last week was bad for you. Helen: Yes, it was, since Kelvin was in this condition, I have not been feeling too well myself. Mike : Eehyah sorry, I think it is the stress of going up and down that caused it. Helen: yes. Helen: Mike, I want to tell you something, it has caused heaviness to my mind these days. Mike: (pretending to be surprised) Hmmm, what is that… Helen: You know that apart from my hubby , I share my secrets with you. Mike: Eventhough you knew that you dump me for Kelvin wealth. Helen: No I did not, I have always loved you, but now that am with Kelvin, I can’t break his heart. Mike: really, but you can break it with other men. Helen : (surprised) what do you mean by that. Mike: See, there is no secret under the heavens, the only thing you can do is to keep it to yourself. Helen: What are you trying to insinuate. Mike: Am just saying my own. Helen: Relieved a bit, I said I wanted to tell you something, but I don’t know how to tell my hubby. Mike: Your secrets are safe with me. Helen: I know that, but I don’t know how to begin or where to start from. Mike : You have to start from somewhere. Helen: ( she was about to talk when her phone rang, it was Monica on the line) wait, I have a call. Monica: Hello, Helen, you life is not safe Helen: What is it , this time. Monica: Joan has planned your death and some gang would invade your premises anytime soon. Helen: What!!, I never knew she meant her threat , I was only joking with mine, what has come over Joan. Monica: See there is no time to lament now, Just pack you things and try to escape. Helen: But to where, you know Kelvin is sick in the hospital, where do I run to. Monica: Okay, what are your plans, I don’t want to lose you neither do I want to lose Kelvin. Helen: I am confused now, what is the meaning of this, I have a issue to solve about John and now, another one is coming for my head. Monica: You have to act fast , so wherever you are hiding just beep me and let me come for your rescue. Helen: (she hangs the call) but why is my life like this, I didn’t bargain for this in life. (She began to sob) As she was crying, Mike was already calculating how he would handle the situation. He knew that right from start something was wrong and he has been studying the movement and body language of Monica, even through her last visit to Helen at the hospital and with the discussion she had with her, he knew she was up to something. Mike: Helen, stop crying, I know what we can do. But do you trust me or your friend Monica. Helen: What do you mean by that, she has been the one telling me what is going on. Mike: I said do you trust me or Monica, choose one. Helen: I trust you ( She said inbetween her teeth) Mike : Okay, There is an answer to all this riddle. Helen : As in, Mike: Let me handle the situation for you. Monica had placed a call through to Joan telling her that Helen was not in her home but still at the hospital and that she should not allow the gangs to go to the hospital premises. Monica: Hello, Monica is at the hospital and not at home. Joan: Okay , I will tell the boys to hold on a bit. Monica: No problem, I will tell you her movement and hint you on when to strike. Joan: thanks babe, I know you want my happiness and not my death. Monica: ( Smiles) It is true my dear. Monica sat on the sofa of her home and was thinking on the next plan of action to take to make the two friends eliminate themselves, as she was thinking she was also having the thought of having Kelvin all to herself. But there was another hindrance, which is Mike. She has to take him out of her way. Monica: That Mike is the only obstacle, I have right now…I must find a means of eliminating him. With the way he was staring at me, I think he also have a soft spot for me and I will use his weakness to get what I want….(she laught out , calling herself the game planner. Mike, had decided to put a call through to Joan, behaving as if he does not know what was going on in the camp of the three girls. He had wanted to call the police but he knew all of them including Helen would be arrested and probably jailed and since he has wanted a way of getting to Helen and punishing Kelvin, he felt it isn’t the best way but he wants to be in control of the game that Monica had started. Mike: Hello, Joan Joan: Hello Mike, why am I receiving your call this day, am not in mood right now. Mike: Please I need to see you, I have an urgent business for you. Joan: Hmm, but am not myself today. Mike : Please, I really want to see you, (Mike said almost crying although he faked it) Joan: okay I will come; Mike texted the location for them to meet . prior to the calling Mike had told Helen to text Monica the same Location and Monica on her side had texted Joan who forwaded the message to the thugs and that they should shoot at sight. But unknow to Joan, she didn’t remember it was the same location that Monica texted to her that Mike had requested her to come. Joan drove all the way to the location, she was waiting for Mike who was around in a nearby bush but was waiting for her to know if she had come alone. Joan was looking around and almost annoyed as trying to reach Mike was proving abortive , then within some minutes, gun shots were fired and Joan was laying on the floor, screaming. Immediately the thugs disappeared, they shot on sight without taking precautions about knowing who was standing there but did as directed since they were to kill a woman and she was the only one at the same location. After the thugs were gone, Mike rushed out and confirm she was still breathing but losing much blood, he carried her in her car and drove speedily to a nearby hospital and luckily she was attended to with rapid attention. Angelica was alone In her little apartment looking at John who was just staring blank to the ceiling. Angelica: But what is this world turning into, how can a fine man like this be rendered useless by a woman and the woman is living freely. Likewise, another woman wants to use him in getting a pay back at someone. Another Man is using him to deal with his friend’s family. What a useless life he got. But here I am taking care of him with little stipends from them. Also, I need to make money from this deal and outsmart all of them one after the other….(She laughs). As she was laughing, Monica entered into her room and exclaimed…. Monica: Thank God, One down already, it remain the second and third… Angelica: What do you mean. Monica: I just achieve a feat of taking one of my friends that obstruct my success down. Angelica: ehn ehn, is that so…that’s pretty nice ooo( although she was scared. ) Monica brought out champagne to celebrate and gift Angelica another #50,000 for upkeep. Monica looked at John and spit on his face. Monica: Idiot you see what you have brought on yourself, I will use you to achieve big and destroy you later on. As she was talking , Angelica was afraid as she thought Angelica: Hmm, this life, if this cr@zy woman can K!ll a friend, then who am I in her sight, I need to act fast before she use and kill me also…she is an idiot. Question: Tr0uble has come to town, will Monica be free from this, what would happen to Joan, what do you think about Mike…. Tbc
25 May 2020 | 10:05
God forgive me, I really hate Monica.... But she will pay for it...
25 May 2020 | 10:17
This is the world we live in, human life is use to do bargaining, to achieving whatever one want, all at the expense of other's life
25 May 2020 | 10:55
Monica will soon meet her doom sha
25 May 2020 | 11:07
Joan might survive Monica will pay with her head Helen will stay with Kelvin as for Mike he might find a true love elsewhere or better still marry joan if she survives
25 May 2020 | 13:55
Nemesis must surely catch up with dat monica, devil's incarnate.
25 May 2020 | 14:31
@ele1 @henrymary @fb-danieledem i ve nt seen u guys, make una show o.
25 May 2020 | 14:39
@LadyG just arived with my private jet o, there was hold up in the sky :whistle: ... My dad you to tell me that "Ele you see this ground we stand on, you can never sow beans and harvest maize" .. joan and monica are stupid sets of anu ofia, they wil fal into the pit they dug 4 themselves, God wil make them stuborn like pharaoh til de perish into the sea.. John wil survive and hook up with angelica, helen is currently reaping d rewards of her past sins bt she wil pul thro, kelvin is the grass in all these @senatordaniel @royalgold @special over here
25 May 2020 | 18:58
But mike case will be bad oo pls who dey serve the pop coRn naw with the coke oooc
25 May 2020 | 20:11
My broda man @ele1 u too much, look at hw u ar speakin my dialect as if say na kilode bt somebody some where that cals himsef my sweet heart dnt even kn wat is amu, Ele did someone tells u dat she's in love with u already? Biko dnt let @fb-danieledem 2 kn o, if nt no choping money 4 me 2day o. Some so called frnds is better 2 keep at arms lenght, thunder 4rm Namaibia will visit dem soon.
26 May 2020 | 03:51
Hmmm monica is really a devil,look at how she ochrested her friend's own death.. To her she is controlling d game nt kwing that she is also a pawn in her own game
26 May 2020 | 08:14
@LadyG me sef had holdup while coming hia
26 May 2020 | 08:15
Hmm... Trust no one
26 May 2020 | 10:01
Monica is a real bad friend.
26 May 2020 | 11:22
@LadyG Please o, anybody whey love me must get enuf ego 4 hand o cuz money na d maggi whey de add taste to d stew of love , be like say @fb-danieledem na frm calabar and i fear dem cuz of their white winsh.. Na aftanun their winsh de operate
26 May 2020 | 13:24
@fb-danieledem i just de gues o or is it akwaibom?
26 May 2020 | 14:05
I trust u my dear @ele1, my boo @fb-danieledem nothing do u, i dey beside u.
26 May 2020 | 14:15
Let wait and see what will now happen...
26 May 2020 | 17:37
VOICE FROM THE PAST- EPISODE TEN Joan was lying on the hospital bed and looking like someone whose kidney demanded. She was just imagining what would have happen if she was dead as she was shot twice, hitting her shoulder. Her hand was bandaged completely and she was wriggling in pain. As she was lying on the bed, Mike came in together with Helen, but before that he has put a call through to Monica, telling her that Helen was in serious trouble. Helen: Joan, See yourself now. Joan: (Trying to ignore) what!! Helen: Because of my husband, you nearly got yourself killed by the thugs you arranged yourself. Joan:(trying to act smart) If it is that you are here to mock me, that is the door, so you can help yourself by leaving this room. Mike: It is not up to that, I need to clarify something. Helen: What is there that you want to clarify, don’t you see that this lady is wicked she almost got me killed ,if not for God. Joan: Idiot woman, You planned to kill me first. Helen: Ehnn, it is true when I was told you were planning to cr!pple me first. Joan: What!! When did I say that and who told you that. Helen: It is Monica of course, she said you were aware of …(she skipped the area) and that you wanted my husband for yourself so you need to kill me first so that you can have him for yourself. Joan: That is a lie, I may be admiring your husband but I tell you, I can’t go to the extent of k!lling you. God will provide mine for me. Helen: So who is the liar here now? Joan: That Monica is a witch, she was the one that recorded your voice and played where you were threatening to have me killed. She was even the one that said I should act fast. She was the one that sent me the location where I can get you, so that the thugs can K!ll you. Helen: What!! You mean all that happened as a result of Monica, but why she was pretending to care for me and now she is the one behind all this travails. Joan: I swe@r she will regret this, as i will make sure she does not go scot free. Helen: Yes , ooo As they were talking Monica walked inside, smiling to her self but she received the greatest shock of her life. She saw Helen standing and Joan on the bed. Immediately she ran outside shouting she is a ghost and left the hospital, all the effort to tame her was to no avail. Helen: You see life now, she can’t wait. Joan: I think she was here to see the level of wickedness she has caused. Helen: Yes that is it but now she has failed, I pray you recover quickly , let me go and see to my husband. Mike can stay with you. Mike: No problem , since am not busy, I will gladly stay around her. Helen: Thanks dear. Joan: Thanks for your love and care. If not for you, I would be dead by now. ******************************************************************* Monica got to her house and sat on the sofa screaming to herself. Monica: No this is not possible, how can Joan be in that position. She was the one that *planned with the boys and I texted the location, why was she hit by the thugs. It is not possible. (she paused) but wait, the two had know that I was the one behind all these, so I have to act fast, since killing will not work on them, I will also use them* against each other once more, I will prove to them that I am a tough girl.( She picks up her phone and called Angelica) Angelica: Hello, hope there is no trouble. Monica: There is my dear, I want us to k!ll John for real now. Angelica: What!! You want to do what, are you normal woman, or are you not in your senses. Monica: I am normal, my plan has changed and I am ready for the real game with those people. Angelica: But what has K!lling John has to do with the game or changed plan. Monica: You can’t understand, send me your account and I will transfer two million to it. Angelica: Two million, but it is too small make it five million since I will be your accomplice in cr!me. Monica: Hmm, please it is too much what about four million. Angelica: It is manageable, I will take that, so let me know when you are ready. Monica : It could be in two days time, so be ready….( She made the transfer of two million naira to Angelica as a start) Angelica: Okay I have gotten the alert….will do as you wish. Monica: Okay thanks. Monica was happy within her for a success in persuading Angelica but she paused and thought. Monica: But wait, if I k!ll John and free this woman, she will expose me later, I must delete her also….she smiled to her self. Kelvin had recovered and discharge to go home, with the support of Helen and Mike, it was easy to carry him on the chair so he can relax. They were happy he was back at home but he still can’t do any thing. They were home rejoicing when a bang was heard on the door. Voice: Open the door. Mike: Who is that, and how do you enter without the gateman questioning you. Voice: the gate was opened, please do quick in letting me in , I have an urgent message for you. As mike moved to the door to open the door, Mike was surprised at the face he was seeing.. Mike : youuuuuuuu……… Tbc
26 May 2020 | 18:24
VOICE FROM THE PAST – EPISODE ELEVEN Tips for all – Your present situation will only strengthen you to take charge of the future ones. As Mike opened the door it was Monica that was standing right in front of him. He was surprised and couldn’t believe his eye. Mike: You!!! Monica : (pretending to be frightened and shaking) yes es yess….it issss me Mike: (he couldn’t belive his eyes) what are you doing here and what is your mission in this place woman. Monica: ( Trying to force her way inside) Something terrible has happened and I need to tell you guys. Mike: (still blocking her way) what is it, you see woman, we are just arriving from the hospital, so this your bad news should be only for you and you alone. Monica: Please just let me in. After some minutes of persuasion, Helen asked her to be allowed in so as to know what really brought her there. Helen: ehn, ehn, what is it this time, woman? Moonica: (Pretending to be afraid ) As I was coming this evening to apologise for the evil I had cause you, your family and our dear friend Joan, I saw something terrible . Helen&Mike: What is it. Monica: Please before I speak I need to see Kelvin to know how better he is. Helen: Am sorry you can’t for now, he is resting. Monica: (Feeling uncomfortable) You see, I know I have offended you guys, please have mercy on me and find a place in your heart to forgive me. Mike: It is okay, we have heard, what is the scary thing you saw…. Monica breathe in deeply and said in a frightful tone. Monica: As I was coming, I saw the dead body of John in a nearby bush , already swollen with a tape beside it….I was shocked. Mike: Taken aback a little, but woman what were you doing in the bush. Monica: I was having fever, so I asked one of my friend to accompany me to get some local herbs since the medicine I was given was not working. As we were in the bush, we stumbled on a stick and almost fell, it will have been fatal if not for the help of my friend. As I was about standing up, behold it was the sight of a man’s corpse. We ran away and went to call some guys to help us and on getting there it was the corpse of John that was there with a video tape. We took the tape and it was played by the time we opened it , Behold…..she paused. Helen: (already shaking and urinating all together in her bum shorts ) and what….(her voice began to stammer) Mike:( Looking at Monica and shivering also) and what Madame ( he was cleaning the sweat that had gathered at his forehead. As these was going on Kelvin had moved nearer to them while they were discussing. Monica: ( on sighting Kelvin she continued) I saw Helen in the video pushing John down and he hit his head on the ground. Kelvin: What is that and what do you mean by that, my own Helen a murderer. Monica: Yes she was in the video…. Mike: (Already frustrated as plan was dashed with the death of John) so are you saying she k!lled him. Monica : I think so but am yet to confirm. As they were speaking policemen like five marched in and ordered the arrest of Helen, who was screaming to her husband and Mike to help her. Kelvin could not stand as a result of his condition, while Mike could not move an inch, maybe because of the threat of the policemen or as a result of the shock he got from John’s death. He thought to himself..(I wanted to use John for my own selfish interest of getting Helen to my side, now she is being taken to the station and since it is mu*dered case, I doubt it if she will be free. Helen: Please don’t allow them take me away. Monica: (smiles a bit seeing her weeping ) please don’t take errr….she faked a collapse. Immediately two other police men took her into the van and carried her to the hospital while Helen was taken to the police station for proper questioning and kept in the prison. It must be noted that prior to the coming of Monica, she had arranged with Angelica and those guy she claimed to have called as witness to kill John and take his dead body to the bush. Likewise, she had told Angelica to doctor the video to make it look like it was Helen in the video and it was done perfectly without any trace of suspicion. Another thing she did with Angelica was to tell her to phone the police station about the incident, which worked out well as planned. After three weeks of questioning and Helen was unable to provide a satisfactory answer she was sentenced to 25 years imprisonment with hard labour. She got this sentence as a result of the argument of her lawyer , if not, she should have been killed. Mike couldn’t bear the loss of Helen and couldn’t face his friend after Monica had accused him of dating Helen when Kelvin was sick with pictures she snapped privately to prove. Monica stole their intimate pictures from Helen wardrobe when she had access to it during the trial of Helen in the court as she was the one taking care of Kelvin as if she was just helping and she stumbled on the pictures and showed Kelvin who fought with Mike and ended their friendship. Mike had to travel to the United States to continue with his life. ************************************************************ Monica could not still find her way into Kelvin’s heart in spite of her hard work and seductive dressings, so she decided to go di@bolical. Monica: This man is giving me tough time, and with all I have done for him when he couldn’t walk , now that he can walk he is not in love with me again. Herbalist: My daughter, no problem, I will give you a ch@rm that you will rub on your eyes and priv@te part, when next you are with him, just make sure he looks into your eyes and by through that he will fall for you and will have $#x with you and then, he will be yours forever, No matter what you tell him to do, he will surely do it without any hesistation. If you ask him to slap his mother, he will do that. Monica: Ha, baba that is too much, I only want him to forget about Helen and let me into his life and I will surprise you if it is done. So what is the price for this and the taboo behind it. Herbalist: It is simple, You will have to have $3x with me first, then you will now apply the charm on your part, mind you, you will be coming here every three months to give gods the $#x and apply this ch@rm or else, you are d0om… Monica: If it is that, it is a small issue and You will enjoy me to the fullest, just let me have Kelvin and his wealth to myself….(she laughs) H@rbalist: Okay , there is no problem, the Job is done… Monica did what she was directed to do and went to visit Kelvin at home, she wore a s3duxtive cloths and when she reached his place, Kelvin couldn’t control himself and he slept with her….the charm began to react… But barely three weeks after she had moved in, there was series of threatening calls to her. Voice: Hello, you thought you are smart, I will hunt you. Monica: Who is on the line. Voice: You don’t need to know… Monica dropped the call and was about moving out of the house when the door and window opened suddenly and a figure emerged… Monica: youuuu……what are you doing ……….. Tbc
26 May 2020 | 18:47
27 May 2020 | 04:06
Your time is up Monica, your reward is at hand. Enjoy dear
27 May 2020 | 08:14
The Evil that men do lives with them
27 May 2020 | 10:08
The evil that men do live with them
27 May 2020 | 18:23
**clears throat** for the records, John aint dead, Angelica just played you to get money, last last u go run mad cuz juju na de last, na just smal tin go make u and kelvin fight, Helen ndo, thank God you werent killed 4 an offence u didnt commit @LadyG @senatordaniel @fb-danieledem @royalgold .. Over here o
27 May 2020 | 18:46
Lovely keep it up and next pls
27 May 2020 | 21:33
I tell you she is the first child of the devil.
28 May 2020 | 04:20
My broda man @ele1, me dey tell u, these na real Naija drama, monica nemesis don already don dey catch up with u ,Ewu hausa.
28 May 2020 | 05:34
wow the end is coming
28 May 2020 | 05:41
VOICE FROM THE PAST – EPISODE TWELVE Tips for all – Never limit yourself, be confident in whatever you are doing and you will be the best. Monica was afraid as the figure was advancing towards her, she was confused. Monica: You, how come you are here, I thought you are……… Angelica: You think you can just use me and dump me, you must be out of your mind. Monica: you should be dead by now, don’t you eat the pizza I sent you. Angelica : You are a wicked woman and c@llous. I wonder…. Monica: But (tries to shift to the back) you should be dead. Angelica: Yes, you are right, I should be dead, after you gave me the balance of my money and brought the pizza, I was suspecting a f0ul play but because you ate out of the Pizza, then I felt I was safe. I never knew you only trick me. I ate it and I sat started having a running stomach, I was at the point of dying when one lady who called her self Joan walked up to me and saved me. Monica: What, you mentioned Joan, how come you two knew each other. Angelica: Hissing) You thought you could eliminate everybody, I killed John because of you, we almost cr1ppled Joan, Helen is in prison because of you, Kelvin is now yours, Mike and Kelvin relationship has crumbled as a result of your selfishness, so woman what other thing do you wish to achieve. Monica: Laughs w!ckedly), you see not until I destr0y every hindrance on my way, am not done and until it is done am not quitting. Angelica: But what will be your gain in all these. Monica: and you what will be your gain, afterall, I gave you 4.5 million, so there is no excuse for you, I already pay for your life , so what is your problem in losing your life. Angelica: (getting annoyed) You must be stup!d for what you just uttered and I will make sure, I d!sgrace you. Monica: My d!sgrace is not in your hand, I will take over the property of Kelvin very soon. Prior to that time, Monica has asked Kelvin to write his will , even though he was not going to die yet. Kelvin: Why should I write my will as this stage. Monica: Because who know what might happen in the future. Kelvin: I believe nothing of evil will happen to any one Monica: (touching his head) but you need to write it and I want you to will almost everything in my name. Kelvin: What !!! impossible. Monica: Afterall I am your wife, so what is bad in it. Kelvin: Does that mean, I should give you all my property. Have you forgotten that my first love is still in prison, I mean your friend Helen. Monica: (she slaps him) How dare you call her name here, I am your wife and that one will rot in jail. Kelvin: Never, she can’t …or have you forgotten that she carries my baby…even though she is in prison. Monica: What!!, are you out of your mind. Kelvin: What do you mean….she is also my wife. Monica: Okay, I know what I will do, how can the b@stard be carrying a baby in the cell. Monica plan to meet with a warder at the prison and inject the food she will give to Helen so that she can have miscarriage. ****************************************************************** Back to the present, Angelica has now threatened to deal with Monica as she plans to reveal the secret to the world and free poor Helen from the prison. Angelica: You should enjoy these while it last, Am telling you that, you will leave to regret you action as I will reveal everything to the world. Monica: (laughs) that’s is if you will live to see tomorrow. Angelica: you cant do anything my friend, I will see your end. Monica: Okay, Tomorrow never dies, I will prove to you that I am a no nonsense woman. Angelica: Lets see who is more smarter between you and myself, you old witch. Monica: I pity your family, I will only waste you my dear. Angelica storms out of the room and was thinking on how to carry out her plot… Five days after, Monica had prepared a delicious meal and gave it to Kelvin who was visiting Helen at the prison, because he still loves her. He carried the food with him not knowing that it was already poisoned. To make the plan work well, Monica had called Kelvin into the kitchen to help apply the powder to the food as she called it to him Andrew Liver Salt that it aids the cooking of meat, unknown to Kelvin it was a poison. To make her plan work better, she had placed a video recorder of the whole situation so as to implicate him and she will be one in charge of his property with no competition from another person. Kelvin: Thanks, Monica for preparing a delicious food like this for Helen, it will give her strength and energy to withstand the rigor in the prison and since she is carrying my child. Monica: It is nothing my dearest husband. Kelvin: Thank love. Kelvin carried the food and went to the prison happily without suspecting anything. He was wondering how it would have been if Helen had been around. ****************************************************************** Monica could not still rest as she has three more people to take down, Angelica is the first, Joan and Mike. She was determined to destroy anyone on her path to achieving her goal. Monica: hmm, now that Kelvin would be implicated for trying to k!ll Helen, I should quickly get rid of Angelica. She took her phone and made a call to some g00ns so as to help her track down Angelica. She promised to pay them huge amount of money if they can accomplish their task. Monica: Hello guys, please this is her picture, I want her de@d with no traces. G00ns: Okay no problem, consider the work done. Monica: Smiles to herself and whisper to herself, I am going to be rich with all these wealth (ahhhhhhhh) ****************************************************************** At the prison , Kelvin brought the food he brought from home and gave it to the warder to give it to Helen but the warder collected it and started to eat…..he told Kelvin Joan had brought a food earlier which Helen has eaten so he would eat the food but before he finished eating he told Kelvin to join him and they both ate it but along the way, Kelvin start feeling pains in his stomach and the warder and both collapse but the timely intervention of the other warder saved them as they were rushed to the hospital. Monica was awaiting the news and when she heard she was happy and quickly positioned herself since she knew a detective would be coming…. She was in her room when a young man walked in to her. James: My name is James Ogbor, I am a detective and working on the case of food poisioning involving Kelvin and the wader. Monica: Staring at the young man….) she was confused as she said in her mind……why is there so much resemblance between him and her…. Monica: afraid,) who are you once again… James : I am detective James, any problem… Monica: No problem, but by the way do you know any one by the name Helen…. James: ;Looking confused) No ma’am ,why do you ask Monica: Why is there so much resemblance between them she thought… Author- This story is now turning to mystery, I think there is a light to every hidden situation……is Helen child the detective or is it just ordinary resemblance, something big is going to happen in the next episode… watch out….. I think it is coming to an end for Monica….. Tbc
28 May 2020 | 17:34
VOICE FROM THE PAST – EPISODE THIRTEEN Kelvin together with the warder were rushed to the hospital and were given immediate treatment at the hospital. Joan was there by his side when she heard that he was suffering from food pois0ning. Kelvin: This is strange, food P0isoning, I cooked this food myself. Doctor: You should be thanking your star that you were brought in quickly before it spreads to every part of your body. Kelvin: Thanks doc. Am really grateful. Joan came into the ward to check on Kelvin who was still lying on the bed. Joan: But how come you were pois0ned, who prepared the food? Kelvin: Myself and Monica that prepared it, but I noticed she asked me to add a particular content which she described as Andrew Liver Salt. (He reaches to his pocket and showed the sachet to the Doctor.) He examined it very well and exclaimed. Doctor: Oh my God, this is suicide , how can you add ab0rtion pill into your food. Kelvin: (His eye widely opened) what do you mean by that doctor. Ab0rtion drugs. Joan was shocked on hearing that and she could hide her surprise. Joan: For what, what is the use of Ab0rtion drug in food, this is really critical. Kelvin: Like I told you, it was Monica that asked me to put it into the food and that was what I knew. Joan: Then there must be a reason to this w!cked action by Monica. Doctor: I think this case should be reported to the police with immediate effect. Kelvin: I was told by the other warder that an investigator had taken up the case and had promised to look into the matter with high level of dexterity. Joan&Doctor : That is nice , if they can do something like that with immediate effect. Joan: But why will Monica want to do this, after all we suffered in her hands. ******************************************************************\ Inside the sitting room , Monica was being questioned rigorously by James and his team. She was being quizzed that all her attempts to lie fell at deaf ears, she was not allowed to make calls and any incoming calls were being monitored to know her conversation. James: you see, madame, with due respect, we should not be conducting this here but at our station, but since you are still a suspect and your husband is a high profile figure in the society, we will not ridicule you. Monica: Thanks officer, but you see the way things are going , I don’t understand and I don’t think I will continue with this interrogation. May be you should meet with my lawyer. James: (smiles) It is better you cooperate madame because we understand your position as being influential, that is why we decided to allow you stay in your house but if you say you are bringing your lawyer, then we should meet at the station and I know you will not like that. Monica: (smiles wickedly) You see officer, all these things you are handling seriously can be solved amicably( She laughs). James: As in? Monica: (readjust herself on the sofa) you just send me your account and I will credit it with fifty million and you will change the case and allow it to favour me. James: Wow, that is very nice of you madame, but am sad to tell you that, am not a corrupt policeman, I am upright, so it is better you watch what you say or else I will be forced to humil!ate you. They continue like that till around 6 pm in the evening. She was questioned on the person that cooked the food and what was added into the food. Monica: You know what , it was Kelvin that cooked it, I only help him in supervising so as not to get it burnt. James : Okay, so what were the thing you felt he added into the food. Monica: You know what officer, since Helen has been in the prison, Kelvin has been saying he needs to get rid of the child in her womb , so he brought out a powder and said we should put it into the food. James: Are you saying he did it deliberately. Monica: Yes , before Helen was convicted, Kelvin was having affairs with me secretly that he professed his love for me, he was always thinking of Helen as an hindrance and he decided that we should find a way of eliminating her. He planned it but I didn’t support the plan. James: Madame, when he was making all these wicked plans and since you were not in support, why didn’t you report the case to the police station. Monica: (Feeling terrible) You see, he cautioned me not to talk, that he will k!ll me just like he was an accomplice to the killing of Angelica a lady. ( she paused) James: What!, you mean he is a murder3r. Monica: More than that, because he wanted to cover his dirty deeds, he fought with his friend Mike and they went their separate way. To shed more light into all his atrocities, he knew that Helen and John were into unholy affairs at his back so he plot his death with the help of his wife Helen. James: But how come he was doing this and was going scot free. Monica: (begging to sob) I only pity for Joan and Helen, he used both women and send thugs to k!ll her through the help of his friend Mike and his wife. I still have the voice of his wife threatening to k!ll Joan and they did but thank God she is not yet de@d. James: So please can we have the tape and the video recording of your cooking together. Monica: why not, she went in and brought them out. James: Thank You madame, you have really tried but you should have reported earlier. Monica( Burst into tears) report what, he threatened to feed me to dogs if I make any statement. Officer, I have been living like a pris0ner here oo. James : Don’t worry we will see to your freedom. Monica: Please that woman at the pris0n , what will you do having known all she has done as an accomplice in cr!me. James: She will spend her life in pris0n. she is W!cked. Monica: Yes, very w!cked…(she smiles and thought to herself, if only you know that Helen is your mother, the resemblance is there, you will send your mother to life impris0nment yourself). James thanked her and was about to leave with his team when the door was flunged opened with force. Angelica marched in with full force and with armed policemen. Angelica: That is the woman, arr3st her. James: What, it is impossible. Police Office: (shows their identity) we are ordered to arre3t this woman. Monica: you can’t do that…in my house. Police Officer: Whatever, you say here would be used against you in court so behave yourself. James was speechless and he allowed her to be taken away with Angelica shouting, W!cked woman….. Tbc
28 May 2020 | 17:53
Still with you @henrymary @timson7373 @ladyG @Iplemloid @Ele1 @fb-danieledem
29 May 2020 | 16:43
Monica the evil that men do, lives with them, imagine d level of evil in monica, gosh.
30 May 2020 | 11:33
Huh woman sha see h0w she plan everything ehhh
30 May 2020 | 12:16
Monica, Lucifer in woman form
31 May 2020 | 16:01
Monica na pure lucifer
2 Jun 2020 | 03:34
VOICE FROM THE PAST – EPISODE FOURTEEN Don’t allow what people say about you get to you; you are more than their criticisms. Prove to them your worth, but never despise anyone. Kelvin was discharged from the hospital having fully recovered and Joan helped in taking him home. He was already briefed about the arrest of Monica from the house. He still could not understand why she would do such w!ckedness to her fellow human. However, the police also were sent to get Kelvin from the house since Monica has accused him of being a partaker in the cr!me. Joan: you can’t just barge in and take him. Where is your identity Policemen: (showed her their identity card ) Please ma, don’t obstruct the justice, as anything you do would be used against you in the court of law. Kelvin: Relax, Joan, there is nothing to worry about, but officer if I may ask why am I to be taken like this to your station considering the fact that I am just coming from hospital. Police: we are just doing our Job, please it is better you answer us. Kelvin dressed and followed the police men whose Van were waiting for them outside. ****************************************************************** Monica was in deep thought in the counter she was in at the police station, she was thinking how can Angelica escape from the hand of the g00ns she had sent, or were they playing her on getting the job done of what was the reason behind Angelica being alive and challenging her just now even to the point of trying to reveal all her secrets. Monica: the g00ns I sent are loyal to me and would carry out any instruction I issue to them, why would things not go as planned. She was deeply in thought when the police men marched in some young men inside the station and looking up, Monica found out that the g00ns were caught. On sighting her, they started shouting. G00n Leader: Officer, it is this madame that sent us (pointing at Monica) G00n2: Officer please release me, I am the only child of my parent, it is this d3vilish woman that sent us on errand that we should kill that woman. Police officer: You better shut up your mouth, by the time we discipline you, you will forget whether you are the only child of your parents. ( he dragged them into the cell as they continued screaming on top of their voices). Monica at this point knew the game was up and that she could see the judgment that was coming nearer. She was confused and was trying to lobby with one of the officer handling her case. Monica: Hello, Officer, please, what if I say the truth about the matter will my punishment be lessened. Officer: It depends on you and the judge but you are claiming you don’t know anything about what happened, so why the sudden change. Monica: Am beginning to think of something now Officer: Like what and what madame. Your interrogation starts tomorrow , so whatever you have to say would be documented and taped so as to present before the judge in the court of law. Monica: ( Beginning to fidget) Okay sir, I have heard you. ****************************************************************** Not long, Kelvin was brought in by the policemen, on sighting Monica , he shook his head and ignored her. He was made to sit opposite her and both of them did not utter a word for a some minutes before Kelvin spoke at last. Kelvin: But why would you do such a thing. Monica pretended as if she was not hearing.. Kelvin: That’s bad of you, now see where you have landed us both, because of your jealousy and envy, you poisoned that food to destroy the pregnancy in Helen. What has the innocent unborn child done for you, why are you so heartless. He made a move to push her since she was not responding but was prevented by the police officers on duty. The two of the were separated and taken to different counter. ****************************************************************** The following day, the interrogation started and all the suspects were interrogated one after the other. The first to be interrogated where the g00ns. Officer: What is your dealings with the woman named Monica. G00n 1: Nothing special, but for the fact that we are hired K1llers she contacted us for the assignment. Officer: Which assignment? Goons 2: (hissing) he told you we are k1llers, she wanted us to k1ll a woman named Monica, she said she was after her klife and wanted to claim what does not belong to her. Join us on telegram through+233544142683 for more stories. Officer: What is the name of the woman, you were asked to kill. Goon1: ehmm, Angelica I think. She gave us her picture, but the police men that arrested us are with the picture. Officer: Okay that nice, so is this the first time she would be giving you some works like this. Goons 2: No, we have know this woman long ago, but officer please if we confess are we going to be free because the punishment in this place is becoming unbearable. Officer: Sure, you will be free and since you are cooperating now, the judge would lessen your judgment. Goons Okay , thanks Officer, we really appreciate. Officer: So is this the first time of working for her. Goon1: No officer, we helped her in the k!lling of one man like that some years back, his name is…..(beating his head) Goon 2: No be John. Goon 1 : Yes, you are right John….she said we should k1ll him, snap and video the corpse and then frame up a woman , but we don’t know her name. Officer: Wow, interesting, this case is really something.. so when you filmed it what happened and were you the only one there. Goons: Nooo Officer: who are the people with you. G00n 1: the woman that she wanted us to kill, that is Angelica, she was with us then, she was the one who gave us sack to pack John’s c0rpse, she was an accomplice, even I learnt that she was the one keeping him right from day one. Officer: Wow, this is nice, so you mean Angelica is also an accomplice in cr!me, fantastic isn’t it. They asked if they knew other things but they said No and they were taken to their cells. Go0ns: Officer but you said , you will release us if we confess the truth, this is unfair o. *************************************************************** The next to be interrogated was Kelvin and he was just looking speechlessly as he does not know what he will say. Officer: You were said to be accomplice in p0isioning the food meant for Mrs. Helen. Kelvin: That is my wife now, how on earth do you want me to do that. Officer: Monica said you were the one who poured the substance into the meal, isn’t it. Kelvin: Yes I did but it was Monica that called it Andrew Liver Salt that it makes meat to cook faster. Officer: Ohh, that’s nice but with the record we have we us it shows that you deliberately put it inside the food. Kelvin: she is trying to frame me up, Monica is such a D3vil. ( he began to sob) The officer asked the policemen to take him to the cell for another questioning the next day… After that Angelica was brought forward for questioning, she narrated how the whole event happened from the time , Helen came into the Hotel and had clash with John, how she had met with Monica and how they were into their shady dealings, she explained how Monica had planned to cause rift between Helen and Joan , by making them clash and how Joan had sent K1llers to Helen which later boomerang on Joan. She explained how Monica had planned to k1ll John and frame Helen up with her Husband Kelvin that it was out of jealousy and the want for all the properties of Kelvin that made Monica closer to him. Officer: Are you saying all these stories are true. Angelica: Yes, for proof, I have some audio recorder of our discussion which I believe will help in this case. Before she stood up she mentioned another personality and that was Mike. Officer: Who is Mike? Angelica: He is a friend to Kelvin but they fought as a result of the antics of Monica. Officer: So what has brought up his issue in this? Angelica: Hmmm, before anyone he was the first person that wanted to use John’s state of coma to punish his friend Kelvin because he took the woman he loves who was Helen. Officer: And so? Angelica: He was frustrated that fateful day he came into the hotel probably to check on Helen but the unfortunate incident had happened so he was aware as he saw me and the management trying to take John to the hospital. He didn’t talk that day but later came along and asked for my contact and told me his plight, so I decided to help him. Officer: But do you know that you are an accomplice in cr!me woman. Angelica: I know officer and I am ready to face the punishment given to me. Officer: Okay, you should note that this case now is a murd3r case. Angelica: I know Officer. Officer: Okay, can you tell us how we can get Mike. Angelica: It is simple, He is back from states last week and he is at the same hotel where I worked so you can get him there with easy. Immediately, the police men were ordered to arrest Mike at the hotel. Mike was busy moving up and down inside his room in the hotel and was deep in thought. Mike: But what kind of useless life is this, I have turned to a fugitive, running from one place to another, as if
4 Jun 2020 | 03:54
The wicked shall have no peace
4 Jun 2020 | 09:38
Monica I hate you with all my heart...
4 Jun 2020 | 15:16
This is super story....
4 Jun 2020 | 15:30
Una neva see anything, the evil that men do lives with them.
4 Jun 2020 | 19:14
VOICE FROM THE PAST – EPISODE FOURTEEN Don’t allow what people say about you get to you; you are more than their criticisms. Prove to them your worth, but never despise anyone. Kelvin was discharged from the hospital having fully recovered and Joan helped in taking him home. He was already briefed about the arrest of Monica from the house. He still could not understand why she would do such w!ckedness to her fellow human. However, the police also were sent to get Kelvin from the house since Monica has accused him of being a partaker in the cr!me. Joan: you can’t just barge in and take him. Where is your identity Policemen: (showed her their identity card ) Please ma, don’t obstruct the justice, as anything you do would be used against you in the court of law. Kelvin: Relax, Joan, there is nothing to worry about, but officer if I may ask why am I to be taken like this to your station considering the fact that I am just coming from hospital. Police: we are just doing our Job, please it is better you answer us. Kelvin dressed and followed the police men whose Van were waiting for them outside. ****************************************************************** Monica was in deep thought in the counter she was in at the police station, she was thinking how can Angelica escape from the hand of the g00ns she had sent, or were they playing her on getting the job done of what was the reason behind Angelica being alive and challenging her just now even to the point of trying to reveal all her secrets. Monica: the g00ns I sent are loyal to me and would carry out any instruction I issue to them, why would things not go as planned. She was deeply in thought when the police men marched in some young men inside the station and looking up, Monica found out that the g00ns were caught. On sighting her, they started shouting. G00n Leader: Officer, it is this madame that sent us (pointing at Monica) G00n2: Officer please release me, I am the only child of my parent, it is this d3vilish woman that sent us on errand that we should kill that woman. Police officer: You better shut up your mouth, by the time we discipline you, you will forget whether you are the only child of your parents. ( he dragged them into the cell as they continued screaming on top of their voices). Monica at this point knew the game was up and that she could see the judgment that was coming nearer. She was confused and was trying to lobby with one of the officer handling her case. Monica: Hello, Officer, please, what if I say the truth about the matter will my punishment be lessened. Officer: It depends on you and the judge but you are claiming you don’t know anything about what happened, so why the sudden change. Monica: Am beginning to think of something now Officer: Like what and what madame. Your interrogation starts tomorrow , so whatever you have to say would be documented and taped so as to present before the judge in the court of law. Monica: ( Beginning to fidget) Okay sir, I have heard you. ****************************************************************** Not long, Kelvin was brought in by the policemen, on sighting Monica , he shook his head and ignored her. He was made to sit opposite her and both of them did not utter a word for a some minutes before Kelvin spoke at last. Kelvin: But why would you do such a thing. Monica pretended as if she was not hearing.. Kelvin: That’s bad of you, now see where you have landed us both, because of your jealousy and envy, you poisoned that food to destroy the pregnancy in Helen. What has the innocent unborn child done for you, why are you so heartless. He made a move to push her since she was not responding but was prevented by the police officers on duty. The two of the were separated and taken to different counter. ****************************************************************** The following day, the interrogation started and all the suspects were interrogated one after the other. The first to be interrogated where the g00ns. Officer: What is your dealings with the woman named Monica. G00n 1: Nothing special, but for the fact that we are hired K1llers she contacted us for the assignment. Officer: Which assignment? Goons 2: (hissing) he told you we are k1llers, she wanted us to k1ll a woman named Monica, she said she was after her klife and wanted to claim what does not belong to her. Join us on telegram through+233544142683 for more stories. Officer: What is the name of the woman, you were asked to kill. Goon1: ehmm, Angelica I think. She gave us her picture, but the police men that arrested us are with the picture. Officer: Okay that nice, so is this the first time she would be giving you some works like this. Goons 2: No, we have know this woman long ago, but officer please if we confess are we going to be free because the punishment in this place is becoming unbearable. Officer: Sure, you will be free and since you are cooperating now, the judge would lessen your judgment. Goons Okay , thanks Officer, we really appreciate. Officer: So is this the first time of working for her. Goon1: No officer, we helped her in the k!lling of one man like that some years back, his name is…..(beating his head) Goon 2: No be John. Goon 1 : Yes, you are right John….she said we should k1ll him, snap and video the corpse and then frame up a woman , but we don’t know her name. Officer: Wow, interesting, this case is really something.. so when you filmed it what happened and were you the only one there. Goons: Nooo Officer: who are the people with you. G00n 1: the woman that she wanted us to kill, that is Angelica, she was with us then, she was the one who gave us sack to pack John’s c0rpse, she was an accomplice, even I learnt that she was the one keeping him right from day one. Officer: Wow, this is nice, so you mean Angelica is also an accomplice in cr!me, fantastic isn’t it. They asked if they knew other things but they said No and they were taken to their cells. Go0ns: Officer but you said , you will release us if we confess the truth, this is unfair o. *************************************************************** The next to be interrogated was Kelvin and he was just looking speechlessly as he does not know what he will say. Officer: You were said to be accomplice in p0isioning the food meant for Mrs. Helen. Kelvin: That is my wife now, how on earth do you want me to do that. Officer: Monica said you were the one who poured the substance into the meal, isn’t it. Kelvin: Yes I did but it was Monica that called it Andrew Liver Salt that it makes meat to cook faster. Officer: Ohh, that’s nice but with the record we have we us it shows that you deliberately put it inside the food. Kelvin: she is trying to frame me up, Monica is such a D3vil. ( he began to sob) The officer asked the policemen to take him to the cell for another questioning the next day… After that Angelica was brought forward for questioning, she narrated how the whole event happened from the time , Helen came into the Hotel and had clash with John, how she had met with Monica and how they were into their shady dealings, she explained how Monica had planned to cause rift between Helen and Joan , by making them clash and how Joan had sent K1llers to Helen which later boomerang on Joan. She explained how Monica had planned to k1ll John and frame Helen up with her Husband Kelvin that it was out of jealousy and the want for all the properties of Kelvin that made Monica closer to him. Officer: Are you saying all these stories are true. Angelica: Yes, for proof, I have some audio recorder of our discussion which I believe will help in this case. Before she stood up she mentioned another personality and that was Mike. Officer: Who is Mike? Angelica: He is a friend to Kelvin but they fought as a result of the antics of Monica. Officer: So what has brought up his issue in this? Angelica: Hmmm, before anyone he was the first person that wanted to use John’s state of coma to punish his friend Kelvin because he took the woman he loves who was Helen. Officer: And so? Angelica: He was frustrated that fateful day he came into the hotel probably to check on Helen but the unfortunate incident had happened so he was aware as he saw me and the management trying to take John to the hospital. He didn’t talk that day but later came along and asked for my contact and told me his plight, so I decided to help him. Officer: But do you know that you are an accomplice in cr!me woman. Angelica: I know officer and I am ready to face the punishment given to me. Officer: Okay, you should note that this case now is a murd3r case. Angelica: I know Officer. Officer: Okay, can you tell us how we can get Mike. Angelica: It is simple, He is back from states last week and he is at the same hotel where I worked so you can get him there with easy. Immediately, the police men were ordered to arrest Mike at the hotel. Mike was busy moving up and down inside his room in the hotel and was deep in thought. Mike: But what kind of useless life is this, I have turned to a fugitive, running from one place to another, as if I don’t have a home. See me living in a hotel just to escape arrest. Helen has served some years now in the pris0n, Monica was arrested, Kelvin was arrested, even Joan crippled at the left hand as a result of the gunshots, Angelica, I don’t know her whereabout, she has not been coming to work…what is happening and here I am living a solitude life. He was thinking when he heard a heavy knock on his door, Officers: Open this door now or we force it open . Mike: who are those. Officers : We are police officers, so it is important you comply. Mike was already sweating and do not know what he can do so, he had to open the door and immediately he was arrested, he was taken to the police station for interrogation…..he was still sitting on the chair he was given when he saw Angelica coming out of the room….his eyes opened widely and he knew he has been exposed…….. Tbc
17 Jun 2020 | 08:43
VOICE FROM THE PAST – EPISODE FIFTEEN (FINAL EPISODE) That you fail does not mean you are failure except if you regard yourself as one. Mike at the police station was confused and knew the game was up as he saw Angelica. He had approached her earlier and wanted to use the state of John then to get back at his friend by extorting him and punishing him for taking Helen who he had love. Officer: Mr. Mike, what is your involvement in the death of John Mike: Pardon? Officer: You heard me quite alright and I will not repeat myself to you or else I will be forced to use the leathers on you. Mike: No, Officer, don’t do that. Concerning John, I knew him but not personally, I got to know him when I went to the hotel as a result of the constant calls that Helen was receiving at that time. Officer: So what is your involvement? Mike: I am not involved in his death, although I wanted to use his ill state to punish my friend because of Helen that he took away from me. Officer: Okay, Is that all, Mike: Yes, but Monica had once told us that Helen was involved but I don’t believe all that. Officer: That’s not for you to judge. Mike was taken to the cell and Monica was brought forward for further questioning. Monica: I think I had been interrogated before hand Officer: It is true but we have to see if all you had said were true. Monica: What is there for me to lie about, I can’t gain anything from lying to you . Officer: It is either you confess now or we use tough ways for you by applying the leather. Monica: No, you don’t have to do that. Female police men were deployed to her case and they started using the leathers on her and she was forced to say the truth. Female police: what is your involvement in all this matter and why did you do all those atrocities. Monica: hmmm, you want to know the truth, I will tell you. It all started when we were together, I, Joan, Helen. We were into the rUn$ business and things were going on fine for everyone till Helen got pregnant from the business, although she disposed the baby, till now we can’t say where she kept him but a sudden re emergency of a young officer is making me to feel whether he is or not but based from our findings she took him to a wealthy family, who knows…After the incident, Kelvin came along and we all loved him most especially myself, I did everything possible to make him mine but he will not yield to me but he was into Helen. These angered me, in spite of all my moves, I was rejected. Although I thought it would not last but I was wrong, they progressed into getting married and this angered me the more and I had no choice than to take the path of destroying the marriage. So I contacted John and we planned to destroy it but along the line, he collapsed and from there I decided to use his state of health against Helen, and it was yielding good result but still there were obstacles on the path so I had to seek the assistance of Angelica and she headed my request and thus we planned the de@th of John to implicate Helen and her husband. This plan went on well as we have a doctored video which we gave the police officers in charge of the case and they believed. Thus Helen was arrested and given 25 years imprisonment with hard labor. On Kelvin’s part, I needed to have all his property and I planned on how I will destroy him since he was just thinking of Helen and not myself, so I made him put poison inside the food he wanted to give Helen , to destroy the baby she was carrying and implicate Kelvin but as fate would have it , it was Kelvin and the warder that ate it. (she paused and look round, every where was silent as all the other suspect were in front of her. Monica burst into tears when Helen was brought in.) Monica: I am sorry, Helen please find place in your heart to forgive me, I need you to forgive me, jealousy has pushed me into all these. Helen: Who am I ( She said crying) While in prison, I have learnt a lot, it is the voice from the past that is affecting my life, you are not the reason for my sufferings, I caused it my self, I was lying trying to protect my marriage , but see where it landed me, I was the cause, If I had opened up from the start, I believe that things would not have gone these ways. I had the opportunity but I gave myself to lies, now look at me and you. ( She said crying, including everyone in the room) Monica: (weeping heavily) I know my end is near, even if I am to be freed , I can’t be free from the diabolic things I had done. Helen: Like what( she was sobbing seriously) Monica: ahhh, my life has finished, because of lack of patience, because of a man, I ruined a whole family, killed a person, would be sending many to jail. Angelica was weeping profusely considering the jail term she would be awarded if not even killing for her part in the death of John and accomplice in cr!me… Angelica: What will I do, this is the end, (she sat on the floor , holding her head) Kelvin just stood hand akimbo and could not even utter a sentence, he was staring from one face to another until he faced Mike, who was weeping and staring at the floor. Monica: Mike, please I need you to forgive me, Joan was the first to develop interest in you, when she told me, I was like no way, So I plot her K1lling but thank God she survived but she is crippled in the hand for ever. Am sorry, ( She made attempt to stand but felt a sharp pain from her Pr!vate part. Everyone including the police officers rushed to her and attended to her medically with the little knowledge they have to stop the blood before she was taken to the hospital. Two weeks after staying at the hospital Monica was discharge and all the parties involved in the case were taken to court where each lawyer representing them argued well but on the long the Jugde came to his Verdict. Judge: Both Lawyers had argued well but I need to add some things before I passed my judgment. You see life is a race and we are mere players, we should play well so as to live better. Don’t allow Jealousy to cloud your sense of loving others to the extent of you k!lling them. We should be guided, Life is precious. Also to the women and men reading this story , don’t keep secret from your spouse in a relationship, when you start your dating and courtship on the foundation of keeping secrets then it is faulty. Tell yourself, what you are passing through so that you can fight together. Two is better than one. Likewise, it is not all that happens in a relationship should be made know to a friend. Not all friends are trustworthy. You have to know which friend is best for you, everyone cannot be your bestfriend. To everyone in the court, when you see someone rising, don’t be unhappy instead be happy and pray for yours to come. Don’t use another persons life to compare your, you are different. More so, it is not all business you see or introduced to are worth doing, learn to decode which one would mar you or make you,. be guided. Likewise, it is important to know that we all have our past and the voice from it will surely come after us but we should be open enough to our loved ones so that we can overcome it or else we would become a slave to it. Now, here is my verdict….. As for the g00ns, because of your past records and dealing in K!lling, you are are sentenced to 30 years imprisonment with hard labor (there was a shout in the court and the guard silence them). A s for Mike, you are a wicked friend, but you realize your mistakes, you are sentence to Seven years imprisonment with hard labor. For Angelica, the accomplice in cr!me and for murder, you are sentenced to 30 years imprisonment with hard labor. And for Kelvin, you are to be careful next time and as a result of your innocence , You are sentenced to two weeks in the remand home and rehabilitation center and you must participate in community cleaning every three months. (The judge coughs) for Joan, you are also at fault, you are also sentenced to two weeks in the remand home and rehabilitation center and you must participate in community cleaning every three months. For Helen, the woman with the past, your sentence is reduced to 15 years imprisonment, for attempted mud@r and assault and fleeing scene. Thank your star and finally for Monica, (The judge paused) With your health condition as at now and with the brilliant argument of your lawyer , You are sentenced to 35 years imprisonment with hard labor for plotting a murd@r and accomplice in cr!me. There was a loud cry in the court and the judge made his leave. Helen bit his finger and said truly the voice from my past had hunted me and it has ruined me as a result of my negligence. Monica was getting a foul smell from her pr!vate part because she could not go to the herbalist every three month again and she was taken to different hospital but all to no avail. There was maggots on her Pr1vate parts and the smell was increasing daily like a dead person and her cell was changed…as the warder could not bear it any longer. After some days she d!ed as a result of the pain and was buried. The End
17 Jun 2020 | 08:45
@ladyg @ele1 @iphemloid @timson7373 @fb-leemass1 @fb-danieledem @ugonnadeyoungestwriter the last episode is here as promised.
17 Jun 2020 | 08:49
***pics mic and clears throat*** Hmm, monica i commend you for your intelligence but for using it wrongly i condemn you... I have said it several times that comparism is the thief of joy, the father of envy and grandfather of delusion.. Never compare yourself to people cuz just like d moon and sun we shine at our own time.. God make things beautiful at its appropraite time.. Thumbs up to the writer, short but life impacting story.. Raising a cup of wine to my fellow readers, more wisdom.. And big ups to my fellow commentators may you be celebrated before the year ends by God's grace.. Shalom *drops mic and leaves*
17 Jun 2020 | 11:28
25 Jun 2020 | 20:37


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