Way Of Love

Way Of Love

By Mohai in 5 Dec 2018 | 13:47
Mohai Mohai

Mohai Mohai

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Posts: 8
Member since: 6 Oct 2016
I quickly crossed the road without looking back
"Òrí è tí dárú" an old woman with beady eyes shouted from the bus
I know I didn't follow the "look left,look right,look left again rule" but it doesn't mean I had put myself in danger
"Caution!!" I mumbled to myself
"Caution!!!" I repeated
I guess you know that feeling of starting a new school,meeting knew people, getting to know the stubborn boys in the class,meeting the new teachers,putting on their school uniform and facing the girly girls...I guess that's what am about to face again today
we just moved to this environment and I hope it's going to favour me.
I'm from a family of four, my dad,mum brother, and I.
I got to the school gate, painted with dark brown,boys running and girls walking in peers.
"I guess this is it,finially"I said staring at my wrist watch smiling back at me.
"it's time to start all over again 7:55am"I added slowly breathing the fresh air from yesterday's rain.
you must be wondering who's talking???
Am a tall,slim,black handsome boy,(that's what my mum says) having two deep die_for dimples.
am kinda friendly but I don't talk much
one more fact about me
"I never leave home without my earpiece"
"Aren't you part of the students???" a voice said making me realize I was standing astride between the school leg in the school compound and the other outside
"I am"I quickly answered..
"Then you should be part of the assembly, new or old you are a member of this school"he said walking away.
"Yeah!! I am a member of this school" I repeated to myself smiling
lest I forget
"my name is BRIGHT"

5 Dec 2018 | 13:47
new story don land oo. Make una come oo. I have already taken my seat ______________________________________ Link to Available Episodes •Episode 2 Episode 3-5 Episode 6-8
5 Dec 2018 | 14:12
Seated and ready for the drive Where is the D-R-I-V-E-R?
5 Dec 2018 | 14:49
Nice start... Continue
5 Dec 2018 | 15:23
Nice start but too short
5 Dec 2018 | 17:20
Ride on
5 Dec 2018 | 18:14
nice one
5 Dec 2018 | 21:59
6 Dec 2018 | 01:59
6 Dec 2018 | 02:11
6 Dec 2018 | 04:50
go on
6 Dec 2018 | 04:54
Nice start
6 Dec 2018 | 12:14
This one gonna be a bad boy o
6 Dec 2018 | 14:23
Nice one bring it on #following
7 Dec 2018 | 15:10
"Yeah!! I am a member of this school" I repeated to myself smiling lest I forget "my name is BRIGHT" ___________________________ "we have a new class mate,we have a new classmate" Harriet shouted running into our class "who??"one of her friends asked curiously "I don't know,a tall handsome boy, and when he smiled at the principal gush!!! his dimples sent me a signal" she answered smiling "how did you know he was going to be in this class??" another girl asked "stop asking so many questions and listen, when the principal asked him to pick a class gold or diamond,he chose sss2 diamond" she answered as they all gave a loud laughter making other classmates turn to face them "maybe just maybe he could be mine"I thought as I smiled to myself "hey!! why smiling???" Harriet asked giving me a larger frown "Nothing" I answered,taking one of my novel from my bag *** "Yeah!! this is sss2 diamond,where the Rich kids intimidate the poor and the poor have no choice but to go with the flow or else we face detention .. school being controlled by money...sss2 diamond is the worst class,i regret joining this class" " ATTENTION!!!everyone" Mrs Mariam shouted hitting a desk at the front row covering the face of the boy who stood behind her "we have a new student, and I will like you all to welcome him well"she said turning to face him "I could see why Harriet rushed in like that,he was really handsome,he was standing there with his well brushed hair, smiling at everyone except me,he probably wouldn't notice me"I thought bowing my head to continue reading my novel. "My name is BRIGHT"his voice outered How could one person be so perfect??? I asked myself raising my head as our eyes met, those eyes melted my heart,even if I was the shy type, I wanted to take a second glance at him but my heart was breathing too fast. "Jane!!! there's a vacant seat at your place Right??"Mrs Mariam asked drawing my attention away from my day dream. everyone could see how confused I was, I was the weirdo in the class,that girl that never speaks no matter what,that girl sitting alone would have a seatmate as handsome as the young boy standing there. "ummh!!"I answered nodding my head "sit with her"she added as my heart paused. "
8 Dec 2018 | 15:32
"sit with her"she added as my heart paused "No this must be a dream" I said to myself "Jane let him sit"Mrs Mariam repeated before walking out of the class. "Hey!!"he said sitting beside me "Hhh..he..heyyyyyy" I replied bashfully without looking at him "can I have your timetable??" "why not??"Harriet quickly answered giving him hers and also pointing at the wall where the time table had been pasted. "Thanks!!!"he added bringing out his phone "we..we aren't allowed to do that in class" I blurted "yeah I know I was gonna turn it off"he answered smiling at me. "Oh!!!"I mumbled "Come on don't tell me you are shy,even in your own class???" "At least everyone one thinks I am"I answered "but...." "Hey!!! Bright let me tell you our activities"Harriet quickly cut in "okkkk" "we have, music class, debates and quiz,drama class,that one is compulsory, and we have sport every Friday" she answered jamming her hands "OK.. thanks for the info"he replied "where do you stay??"she asked revealing her tiny gap teeth "that's personal"he answered "oh! OK.. I'm Harriet"she added before turning to face the teacher writing on the board _______________________ The time keeper jingled the bell as everyone ran out of the class "Aren't you going to the cafeteria??"I asked Jane still sitting " I don't"she answered "oh!! I see you eat in the class I like it"I said smiling at her "really???"she asked smiling at me too "Yeah I do, I don't eat in school, but not today" I answered..also walking out of the class ** "Hey!! Bright"Harriet called from where she was standing "Hey!!!"I said waving at her "Come join us"she added I got to their table where she was sitting with a boy frowning at me... "Are you really going to do this,you just sent Michael away and you adding someone else??"he asked this time looking at me from head to toe "Jude,but he's my class mate" "Michael is also my classmate" he added "Hey chill!!! I don't like couple's fight"I said smiling "Then why don't we fight,just the two of us, man to man"he shouted as everyone turned to face us "" More likes for NEXT
8 Dec 2018 | 15:42
"Hey chill!!! I don't like couple's fight"I said smiling "Then why don't we fight,just the two of us, man to man"he shouted as everyone one turned to face us "Hey!! easy I don't fight"I added leaving the cafeteria. _____________ "we have drama after break??"he asked "yes!!"I answered "is this how everyone behaves in this school??"he asked cleaning the board "I guess that's why am alone,but they think am shy"I answered standing up moving closer to him "And they took it for shyness??" "I guess so,you see in this school you have to stay away from everyone one,especially the girls"I answered "My seatmate isn't boring after all" he added throwing the duster to me "Nice catch,lets go for drama class"he said taking the duster from me" "but we are still on break" "I want to see the class at least"he added making the first move. **** "This is the class"I said opening the door "hmmmmm!! it's kinda big though,so what do you guys do here??" "we rehearse"I answered "Do you join them??"he asked sitting on an empty seat "As if they even notice my presence,they never do"I answered "Am sorry for asking"he added "it's no big deal, but the class is kinda fun"I answered smiling "seems so"he answered smiling at me ___________________ "Why are you two the only ones here??"a fat woman putting on glasses that never seemed to fit asked coming in with some other students "I asked her to show me the drama class"I quickly answered "You are a new student,you are welcome.let's being"she added moving closer to the board. "So today we...." "Heyyy Jane why did you suddenly become mute??"I asked "nothing,she doesn't like us talking when we are in her class"she whispered to me "Hey Jane,what are you doing??" Harriet shouted making everyone murmur in shock "who are those??"the drama teacher asked turning to face us with a frown on her face "It's Jane,she's disturbing the class"Harriet quickly answered "Jane leave the class"she ordered "but I, I wasn't"Jane tried saying "leave,now"she ordered "But ma,she wasn't talking,she was..." "That's the way out"she cut in pointing at the door "I want the both of you out of my class" she repeated... " More likes for NEXT
8 Dec 2018 | 15:44
"I want the both of you out of my class" she repeated. "But ma,she didn't do anything"I tried not to bellow "You are a new student,that doesn't mean I will take rubbish from you....."she added facing the board ***** "Am sorry!! for letting her send you out of her class"I apologized to Jane slowly walking with misty eyes "You don't have to,am used to it,she doesn't like me any way"she said forming a fake smile which faded in less than 30sec "so what is she going to do??"I asked "Mark deduction!!"she answered "You mean, she's just going to reduce our marks for nothing, asserting fake right??" "yep.... she's Mrs kemi "Jane added "kemi the wonder woman"I said as we both laughed. "let's go to the class before she comes out" "sure!!"she answered as we both walked into the class "so tell me who is Jude??"I asked "Jude???" "yeah Jude,the one with Harriet" "OH!!! the bully?? don't get close to him, he's scary and harmful" "what class??"I asked "sss2 gold"she answered still smiling "why are you smiling??"I asked "nothing, just that he wouldn't let anyone get closer to Harriet,so stay far away from him so you would leave the school in peace" "Thank God i didn't choose gold class"I added "so let's get to know ourselves better" I suggested walking to our seat. "I'm Bright from a family of four my dad,mum,elder bro and I "I said sitting on the desk while she sat on the chair "I am from a family of two" "Two???"I asked feeling bemused "My dad and I" she answered facing the window "Am sorry!!!"I said "Don't be, I still have a mum"she added "I don't mean to pry,they divorced???"I asked "No,they never did, they didn't,they never did,but to me she doesn't exist"she answered facing the window "" More likes for NEXT
8 Dec 2018 | 15:46
Wow Next pls
9 Dec 2018 | 09:53
9 Dec 2018 | 11:17
9 Dec 2018 | 13:11
I love the way you too are getting along
9 Dec 2018 | 14:53
10 Dec 2018 | 17:58
"Don't be, I still have a mum"she added "I don't mean to pry,they divorced???"I asked "No,they never did,they never did,but to me she doesn't exist"she answered facing the window "Am sorry to hear that"I said sitting on the chair as some other students came rushing in... ________________________ "Heyyyyyy!! Bright am sorry about what happened earlier"Harriet said resting on our desk "you shouldn't tell me that,tell that to Jane"he answered putting on his earpiece "There's no need to apologize"I quickly told Harriet "whatever!!!"she muttered before leaving before the bell for closing sounded making everyone shout in amusement. ____________ "Heyyyyyy!! aren't you going home now??"I asked Jane "No!!! it's my turn to clean the class,you can leave"she answered "No not while am here,besides am your seat mate"I suggested "But you just joined today,so no problem" "Come on!!! let's stop arguing about this, I insist let me help you,then you can also join me to collect my uniform" "Hmmmmm!! OK it's a deal then"she answered ************ "So how do I look??"I asked Jane who kept smiling without a word "it's looks nice but you look great"she answered "should I take it???" "It's kinda big try something else" "what about this one??"I asked coming out with another uniform "this is great"she answered "Then I'll go with this one then"I said to the lady smiling at me. **** "Didn't you see the way she was smiling at me, I think she likes me"I teased "Hey!! she's married oo" "May God forgive me"I Said as we both laughed "I think this is where we draw the curtain" "yes I think so,it was nice meeting you"I answered "yeah,same here tomorrow byeeee"she waved slowly walking away *** "Stick with the nerd" a voice said holding my shoulder "Jude!!!"I said as I frowned "Stop it she's not"I bellowed "no need to panic, stay with your nerd seat mate and stay far away from Harriet"he said as he gave a loud laughter "who do you think you are??,Mind what you say,am not as cool as you take me to be"I said clenching my fist walking away.
10 Dec 2018 | 20:13
"who do you think you are??,Mind what you say,am not as cool as you take me to be"I said clenching my fist walking away. ______________ "How was school today???"my dad asked bringing a plate of rice "it was okay dad,how about work??"I asked avoiding his gaze "Jenny!! hope Harriet isn't giving you a hard time??" "No dad she isn't,am fine"I answered "You don't have to be the good girl all the time you know"he added standing up "Your mum called today" "I don't have mum dad please" "you still can't change the fact that she's your mum you know??" "After all she did??,dad if you still see her as your wife,then to me she doesn't exist" "I love you" "I love you too"I replied as he closed the door *********** "welcome!! you are kinda late today" Bright whispered as everyone turned to face me "yeah!! I over_slept"I answered "sleep!! hmmmmm!" "yep!!"I answered nodding my head "Heyyyyyy Bright GM, you look great on uniform"Harriet shouted facing back "Do you guys stay this long on assembly ground??"he asked ignoring Harriet "yes!!! sometimes we stay longer"I answered before the matching song started.. as all the boys marched into the class * "Did you turn Bright against me??"Harriet asked pushing me two steps backwards "no I didn't" "oh!!! I see ,you aren't the shy nerd anymore hmm??"she shouted "I don't get you,what.. what do you want???" "let's exchange seats"she answered giving me a devilish smile "I can't " "you will,wether you like it or not or tell your dad to kiss his job good bye"she added slowly pushing my shoulder "I will,i will do it, I will leave the seat"I quickly answered making her stop to give me a last look before climbing the stairs with her friends Stella and Tracy ***** I slowly walked into the class, still with different sizes of eyeballs staring at me.. yeah I should bow my head as usual and slowly walk to my seat.. "Jane the nerd, Jane the weirdo"I mumbled to myself avoiding Bright's gaze "Heyy!!! you were the fourth person on the row why did you come in last??"Bright asked this time his smile faded maybe he had notice my sadness,maybe he cares about me "nothing!"I answered packing my books "where to??"he asked standing up from the chair I couldn't dare answer that question,i wouldn't dare to show him how weak I was,maybe this was really good bye from my side.....I thought as I gave Harriet a signal to come have her "dream" seat "wait don't tell me you are leaving this seat for someone else"he asked frowning at me I could tell he was angry. "it's only for a few days"I answered "few days??? did you just say few days?? don't you know I will be uncomfortable??" he asked with a louder voice making everyone murmur in excitement.. I knew this wouldn't end well "But she doesn't want to seat with you"Harriet said standing beside me "And what makes you think I want to sit with you either??"he fired "Am sorry but I have no choice"I answered cutting in "I have no choice either, if you want to leave then Harriet wouldn't sit with me "he answered switching off his phone "where are you going to??"I quickly asked preventing him from walking away "To the staff room,if you want to settle things let's do it the right way"he answered as everyone started clapping.. " More likes for NEXT
10 Dec 2018 | 20:23
"To the staff room,if you want to settle things let's do it the right way"he answered as everyone started clapping. "The righ..righ.. right way??"Harriet stammered "Yes!! you will tell them why you want her to leave her seat just to please you"he answered "No Bright, I was the one who wanted to leave" I added "Jane don't make me laugh"he answered collecting my bag from me "Jane???"Harriet called looking at me "Jane come sit,the mathematics teacher will come in anytime"he added Yeah!! I felt so special, no one had ever taken me so serious in school,so this was how it feels to be protected by a boy,like Harriet.. "Heyy stop smiling and have your seat"he whispered Into my ears. ******** "Thanks!!!"I said not looking at him "No Thanks,how can you leave me?? even if she threatened you with only God knows what,you still have to Have your own say" "Thanks!!!" "if you were someone else, I wouldn't care but not you, definitely not Jane let's go for a walk during break"he added, taking my mathematics note to the teacher. _____________ we both went outside immediately the bell was cool having someone who you care about me,someone you get attached to,someone I could stay with,without thinking about my earpiece. "Hey!!! tell me where we are heading to???"she asked gently giving me a slight blow "I don't know,You tell me,this is my second day in school"I answered "let's go back upstairs" "why are you shy,you don't want anyone to see us ummmhh??"I asked as we both kept quiet "Bright!!"A voice called from the back "Dave!!!"I called back smiling at my brother approaching us "Hi!!!"he said to Jane "Hello"she Answered waving back at him "I will be leaving,now, I will,will see you later"she added "Hey!!! I was leaving, I only wanted to take a glimpse at the girl, my lil bro talked about from yesterday till today morning"he added winking at me "stop it, she's shy"I whispered Into his ears "oh!! i see, it was nice meeting you Jane" "yea.. yeah same here"she answered "Bright!! your principal asked you to come during closing hour for your ID card,i will be taking my leave now,bye Jenny"he added before leaving. ** "You talked about at home??"she asked forming a frown "hey don't feel too special hmm"I teased as we both walked silently into the classroom "Thank God we aren't having drama today" "but that doesn't change the fact that our marks had been deducted,does it??"she asked "who drama Mark help?? to me the mark shouldn't be our probs, I don't see any reason why we should be forced to act"I answered "She doesn't like me"Jane said smiling "she doesn't need to,when I do"I answered "she sees me like the daughter of a........." "Jane your dad is here"Harriet said cutting in before packing her books to leave "I will be back" Jane said walking away with Harriet. *** I went to the balcony to take a look at Jane's dad...she was a simple girl with great charisma,but why does she have low self-esteem?? I wondered sighting a man in white and the other on black suit.. followed by Harriet along side Jane who walked with them with her head facing the ground..was that man her dad?? I wondered as Harriet dad hugged Harriet standing behind him..then the man on black rushed to open the car door for Harriet and her dad... "oh!! I see why no one wanted to get closer to Jane, they already judged her..."I thought to myself slowly walking back to my seat. ** The door opened as Jane walked in smiling,at me "she was strong,even when she had so many reasons to break down and cry her heart out,being judged by so many people who had no right to do so"I thought "hey,have you been day_dreaming??"she asked snapping at me "is your dad a driver???"I asked as the lovely smile on her lips faded. "Yes!! he is"she answered as she turned to leave " more likes for NEXT or we keep looking each other.
10 Dec 2018 | 20:25
eeyah,,,, she will feel like he is mocking her ooo,,,,, but d writer should try and be writing out d speaker, so dat we can know who is speaking
11 Dec 2018 | 09:56
Harriet is such an idiot .must she tell every one that jane is not rich? Nonsense
12 Dec 2018 | 01:17
Don't let that weaken you
12 Dec 2018 | 03:29
Chai I feel for you Jane
13 Dec 2018 | 03:05
Nothing is wrong with Jane na Her dad is a real hustler. Not doubt she really have a low self esteem
19 Dec 2018 | 16:34


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