What lies beneath

What lies beneath

By BUKOLAMI in 25 Jun 2021 | 13:36


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Episode one

I looked at her closely, she was neither smiling or frowning.
She suddenly bent down to pick up a leaf from the ground, she was obviously trying to hide her shyness.
I was making her uncomfortable
"... you haven't answered my question Oby? Tell me what you think of me...? I repeated
She managed to raise her head up but did not look into my eyes like I was looking into hers
"I think you are handsome..." She managed to say
"You think? You are not sure... tell me more? I said trying not to laugh with her shy attitude
"You're a good looking man and also...well, I don't really know. We just met last two months and this is the third time we will be talking by the road side. You're not from this village only your friend chuka is. I can only say what I saw... I don't know your attitude or if you are a womanizer or even a...
I couldn't wait for her to finish I started laughing.
"I may not be from this village but because of you this place has also become part of me. I traveled all the way from the city to see you. That should be enough prove that I'm serious. I know almost everything about you. Oby, you're the daughter one of the village teachers ... Mazi Azuka is your father's name. I have made my enquires and atleast know you enough. asides your dashingly beauty you're also a dancer. It was your erotic dance moves that got me searching for you. I traveled all the way down here for my best friend, Chuka's traditional wedding. I never had the intention of getting carried away by a beautiful damsel. It was during the dance performance at Chuka's wedding that I saw your outstanding dance moves. I was glued to you Oby from that moment. I want you to be mine...I will go and meet your father if you don't mind...
She looked up at me and said
"No oo. My father will be angry with me. Please don't put me in trouble. I'm just 18years I don't have any intention of having a boyfriend yet. I want to go to the father is looking for people that will buy his plots of land so that he can send me to school. Instead of staying idle, I decided to learn tailoring until father gets a buyer. As the first child, my family believe if I go to school, finish well and get a good job I will be able to train my younger siblings.
I admire her smart talk and all I saw was a potential wife material in Oby.
She was 18, never had a boyfriend, not wild like the City girls and she was very beautiful and had a perfect body shape. I will be able to mould her to my perfect taste. Oby will be mine forever.
"Do you like me...or love me...? Don't be shy, please answer me... is very important.." I asked
"I like you too but I can't be your girlfriend. My parents won't approve of it and I really want to go to school first. Some of my friends have gotten admission and traveled out of the village to the big City for that. I will be finishing my tailoring training next year. I'm still hoping that by then my father might have sold his land so that I can leave this village too...
I thought of what to do because I really want this girl.
Ever since I set my eyes on her she captured my mind, I have not been able to think straight ever since
I want her, I traveled all the way from Abuja to this village just because of her.
She does not have a phone to reach out, she usually hide and use the father's phone but that is on a rare occasion.
She told me that she can't afford a phone and her father says is not time for her to get one.
If there is any important thing that she needs to be reached for then she will give her father's phone number out because he is the only one that has phone in their family.
"Can I come and see your father... please? I asked trying to take her hands into mine.
"No... no. My father is very strict...if you come what will you tell him? She said withdrawing her hand from me the moment she saw a woman on bicycle passing by.
"Don't be scared, leave whatever I'm going to say to me. I Know how to go about it. But my only problem is do you want me as I also want you...
She nodded shyly with her head bent.
I felt like kissing her at that moment but that will make me look like I'm rushing all over the poor girl.
Anything it takes for me to have her I will.
She later told me she needs to go before her people starts looking for her.
She turned and ran off.
With all my observation, Oby was homely and respectful.
She knew that my name was Austin yet she will hardly call me by name.
Maybe because I'm twenty eight and she is eighteen that's ten years different.
The gap in our age means nothing to me, my heart beat for Oby and I will do anything possible to have her and make her my wife.
But first, I need to go see her father after then I will know what next for me.
My journey all the way from Abuja to this village will not be in vain.
I silently prayed.
25 Jun 2021 | 13:36
26 Jun 2021 | 13:18
No shit for your intended in-laws house oh, next please
26 Jun 2021 | 15:43
26 Jun 2021 | 18:05
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 3 I sat on one side of the chair as I try to raise one part of my buttocks but all the tricks wasn't helping me. Sweat broke out of my forehead, I was not listening to the government or politician talk that Mazi was trying to engage me in. He was only trying to engage me in a conversation while waiting for me to say what brought me. That was the part I failed to do in the beginning. If I have presented the reason I traveled all the way down to meet him before the entertainment or feasting, all of this happening wouldn't have been because the moment I sense my system has changed I will get up and be on my way back to my hotel room. I have eaten all that was presented yet I have not said the reason for my coming. "Are you alright... Do you need anything? Mazi asked when he noticed I kept changing styles of my sitting. "Yes sir... I'm alright. I managed to say. He went back to his previous conversation on politics which I was not interested but I was grinning making him feel the whole talk was interesting me. When I couldn't bear it anymore I spoke up. "Sorry to interrupt you sir, please I need to use the stomach is in serious war... please..." I stood immediately because sitting down seems to be worsening my predicament. He called Oby and she came, he asked her to take me to the toilet. I was already walking ahead of Oby before she can finish receiving the instructions from her father I was moving towards an unknown door that looks rough. "That's not the toilet, that's our bedroom. Please follow me..." I turned from the door and followed her shamelessly. My situation made me so shameless that as we walk out into the main compound and began going towards a tiny part at the back of the building I couldn't take it anymore. "Oby, where exactly are we going to...I said I seriously need to use the toilet. I mean where you go to excrete, poo, urinate and the rest of it... " I know what toilet is... that's where we're going. We don't build toilets close to the main building to avoid odd smell. We take it a bit far from the house. I'm sorry...but is just over there. That house built with aluminum zink and palm leaves... I rushed ahead of her because I couldn't cat walk behind her again. Since i can see where the small zink leavy house is there was no need to waste further time. I ran ahead with my shameless self before I embarrass myself. I opened the small door and big flies greeted me excitedly. It was a pit toilet. Oh my God, what have I gotten myself into. Well, I don't really have a choice The place was neat but I can't overlook the environment. It was all locally made, and no matter how neat it was it was still a pit hole. Oby said something but I wasn't listening, she later stretched out her hand and they were filled with torn written note sheets. I collected it but I don't know what I'm supposed to do with it. Could it be a love note which she secretly wants me to read in private. I began going through it but it appears as an old worn out junior class mathematics and English. It was soft and moist. But what am I supposed to do with it After I was done with my private business I started looking around for either tissue but saw none. "Oby, are you still there... please can I get tissue paper? that's... ehmmm toilet roll..." I shouted out to her. "I'm sorry but we don't have any. That's why I gave you the sheets, if the paper won't be enough I can run down and get more for you... We also have news papers for that..." Oby replied. I told her not to worry that it will be enough. Well, I don't have any choice than to use what was given. I came out and she was still standing and waiting patiently. "Are you feeling better now...or do we need to get you some drugs? The drugs store is not far from here. My parents are worried... maybe your stomach did not accept all that you took in... She looked so worried because of me. Oby was indeed meant for me, she was everything and more. She later led me back to the house, gave me soap and water to wash my hands. Her mother came to apologise for the stomach upset. I told her it wasn't her fault, that I ate too much due to the sweetness of the whole meal. I went back to join Mazi, he also rendered his own apology for the whole ordeal. I equally apologies for breaching our conversation. He gave me a liquid content in a small shot to gulp down, that it will relief me of whatever but I know better that I need to be very careful with whatever I take in. I told him with apology that I feel very alright and wouldn't want my stomach to react again because it can be unpredictable. He didn't take offense which I was glad I was not going to take any more chances. before another stomach rumbling will begin let me present the matter that brought me here. Before I start, Mazi and his wife were seated. "Thank you again sir for welcoming me into your home and for all the entertainment..." I paused and smile while Mazi and his wife went on grinning. I guess our thoughts ran into the same lane. I introduced myself, what I do for a living, also about my parents and every other necessary thing about me. After then I continued. "... without wasting further time, my main reason for traveling all the way from Abuja to this place is because of your daughter...Oby. well, I met Oby few months ago and she really got my attention, after few enquiry I realized she was a daughter of a noble man. Mazi you and your wife did a great job in raising her well. I'm impressed with her character and behavior...and she is only eighteen years of age. I don't want to beat around the bush. I'm interested in your daughter sir...I wish to make her my wife... I paused to feel the atmosphere but it was still warm. Mazi spoke first "Well, my daughter told us about you but we waited for your arrival first to know exactly what was your intentions towards her. Oby is not too young for marriage, I got married to my wife when she was around seventeen years and I was twenty five...a young elementary school teacher back then. Chukwu okike, the God of creation in heaven blessed us with four children. Three girls and the last is a boy. Also, Oby must have told you about furthering her studies which made me put up one of the largest plot of land I have for sale so that I can send her to school. I want her to go to the university so that she can get a better job thereafter to assist in training her siblings...I want her to be somebody out there because this world we live in is changing day by day. Some people may not value education but I can boldly say that education is one of the key to a successful life. I stopped my education as an Ssce holder, I went for teachers training for almost two years before becoming a teacher that's why I want to strive to make sure one or two of my children continue from where I stopped and finish well..." I nodded quietly and did not interrupt. He continued "...I appreciate your clear intention and already I like you as young man. You didn't cut corners rather you came to make your intentions Known to us. I wish to give her out at this young age for marriage but all the plans we put in place for her will be ruined. Is only after competing her education I can boldly do that. After then she can go ahead and marry because by then she will be around twenty three or so, that's if the educational system still works perfectly. Is not like I don't wish for you to marry my daughter right, is my utmost desire to give her out in marriage to a responsible young man like you but her education will be on hold and I don't want that. I'm praying and hoping for a buyer soon so that by next year she will be in school..." I nodded quietly as everywhere became silent. I needed to properly organize the thought running through my mind before speaking them out. "I have heard what you said Mazi, I also appreciate your zeal and effort in sending Oby to school. Since the only obstruction to having her now is furthering her education then I can assist with that... They looked up at me wondering what I meant. I continued "....i will like to take care of Oby's education, you don't have to sell your land or any property to be able to send her to school...I will take care of everything. I'm not so wealthy but I thank God for his blessings. I will sponsor her education and after she graduates we can then get married. I will have to wait until then although that will be changing my plans which is to get married before I clock thirty but is alright. I love your daughter and your entire family and I will also want my woman to be well educated. I'm ready to put in my energy, my time and money in making sure she turns out great, which is exactly what you want. You don't need to wait until next year, the year is still young and I can make calls and enquires concerning it. I will give you feed back ones I finalize with that. Before then, I will like to send money so that she can get a mobile phone which I will be using to reach her instead of always going through you all the time.... I was about saying something else when her mother fell to the ground praying for me and thanking me. Mazi was speechless, he said I was God sent to them. They called Oby and she came out knelt down and also began thanking me. Why is everyone dramatic, I didn't even know how to respond to all the emotions they were pouring out. I kept saying "Amen" My stomach suddenly made a noise, then it went on rumbling. I need to leave immediately before I explode like a time bomb. I can't even go through another embarrassing ordeal again here. I stood and quickly brought out an envelope and hand over to Mazi. I also wanted to give his wife but that will be next time because I came with just one envelope which contains fifteen thousand. I could have taken out five thousand and given to her but my stomach is giving me sign to run. I don't want to waste further time. I thanked them for everything before finally taking my leave. Oby was walking beside me, I deep my hand inside my pocket and squizzed some rough four thousand notes into her hand. The only money left with me was my transport fare back to town and to my hotel. It appears I was suddenly in a haste but they followed up carefully. They escorted me to their bustop and did not stop praying for me until I got into a motorcycle which was generally referred to as "okada" I waved them goodbye and they kept waving until the okada zoomed into another rough street and out to the main road. I asked him to apply more speed and he did despite the rough crazy road. normally, I will never ask an okada man to speed on a bad road but if I have to fly to get to my hotel room, then that's what I will do.
27 Jun 2021 | 14:32
@coolval222-2 pls update me
28 Jun 2021 | 13:42
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 4 Jerome and Chuka went on laughing as I narrated what I went through after consuming the meal at Oby's place. "Guy... so you threw off your big boy level due to stomach upset..." Jerome asked while still laughing. "Mennn... you won't understand. I was sweating seriously. My stomach was in gunfire war. I won't say is one of the worst day of my life because all I went for was decided and agreed in perfect terms. Is just one of those days that I gat to learn in a hard way. Lesson learnt, if you travel to a place try not to eat everything presented to you. And make sure you present your matter first before the merriment. Well, I failed in that aspect but thank God nothing worst happened". I said to my two friends. Chuka replied "Austin, This lesson doesn't apply to someone like me. The day I traveled for my introduction before the proper traditional wedding, my in-laws brought different delicacies, my wife can confirm what I'm saying. I tasted each of them, some were nice while others tasted very strange. I almost finished small jar of palm wine... I also ate grass cutter bush meat mixed with oil bean...ukpa, the meat was dry and crunchy. My wife came to whisper to my ear to take it easy since that was the first time I was trying some of the food. She was afraid the food will react strangely to my system but nothin happened. My stomach has a solid setting unlike yours... We started laughing again. Chuka later continued " the way I'm happy your journey was smooth and everything has been finalized. So Austin, when are we traveling to east again for the main thing and to bring our wife down to Abuja. Since she is the only woman after your heart... Jerome nodded in agreement. I breathed calmly before saying "That won't be soon because she needs to finish school first but Oby is already my wife and that's why I want to see to it that she further her education. It was one of her father's wish and Oby also desires it before the proper marriage can take place. I agreed to do the sponsoring and to wait until she is through before proceeding with marriage rites..." "Guy... you be mumu..." Jerome interrupted with disappointment in his voice. He continued bashing me ".... are you for real Austin? You agreed to train a girl in school with your legit money? What kind of nonsense talk is that, I don't think you are with your right senses. You have lost your mind... because the Austin I know is not stupid but this Austin right here who agreed to sponsor a village girl in school is more than stupid. Who does that this days, nobody is that foolish again. Even if you don't know what to do with money, we can go clubbing everyday and enjoy the best life...carry multiple girls as many times as you please or even get a serious one who will adores the ground you walk on. Chuka did you hear what Austin said or am I having hearing disorder... Chuka gasped out "I heard him, his choice and his money Jerome. He is free to do as he please. But my suggestion is... Austin, why not marry her first, make her your wife and then you can continue sponsoring her from the comfort of your home... knowing fully well that she is yours. Why sponsor her before getting married to her? I'm not saying something will happen, but is very risky... especially with girls of today. You are taking so much risk...but if this is what you really want to do then is fine. Waiting for her to finish school is a long time from now, can you wait...? That's around four to six years man... Jerome interrupted Chuka again. "Can you imagine the years he will be waiting for one village girl to finish university so that he can marry her. The rubbish talk about not seeing a suitable lady in this whole Abuja is a bulshiiit nonsense. Abuja chicks are the most sophisticated, classy and endowed ladies I ever come across. I'm not talking about beauty because they all have it yet Austin here said he didn't see any one to his taste. A village teenage girl who knows nothing about the city life happens to be his taste. No class, no beauty like what I have seen in Abuja, No level at all. I'm damn disappointed in Austin's decision. Stella, your junior sister is studying medicine in a private university in Lagos. Your parents are pouring in money to make sure she lacks nothing, why not tell your Dad not to bother paying your sister school bills, you will take care of it since you are looking for who to train in school? I don't understand you guy... this is absolutely nonsense and I suggest you withdraw yourself from such. Think about it...a village girl, a nobody...oh shit... I have heard enough from Jerome, I had to caution him. ", Enough man. You have said too much on top of my own personal decision. Maybe I shouldn't have said it out. You have to watch your tongue now Jerome, insulting Oby is an insult to me. Is my money for crying out loud, why so angry and bitter over it. Thanks for your concern, I appreciate the bashing but you're blowing it out of proportion. Whenever Stella, my sister needs my help on anything at all I make sure she has it but my parents are responsible for her and she hardly calls me for money. Why even bring in Stella's case to this? I'm gonna make Oby my wife after all, helping her parents sponsor her is no big deal. She is mine after all... and beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. She is a Queen in mine. Get hold of yourself man... there's no point dragging this issue since I'm not asking you for a dime. Please, you all should either respect my decision or let me be in peace..." Chuks who has a way of easing tension began to smile. He later said "You're right Austin, your money your time. Atleast there's also a bonus attached, you will be the first to open her package...her virginity is a bonus gift. Many of us are not lucky like you are..." He suddenly started laughing, Jerome joined in and I couldn't help but also laugh. "Is true man...fresh untapped package straight from the village. You will have to teach her different styles... the horse and the doggy too...." Jerome added while still laughing and demonstrating with his hand "You all are crazy mhennnnn..." I said as we went talking about other things later on. My friends allowed me be in peace over Oby's issue after then. As the year runs, first and second semester was over and I sent in money both for school fees and upkeep. Oby was obedient and continue being herself despite the distance between us. She was schooling over in East, not her state exactly but the next state closer to hers. After a year, I asked if she wants to change her old phone but she said is okay, she doesn't need a new phone. She was contented with what I got her. I sometimes send a stipends to her parents too but my major concerns was Oby. She does not fail to sing my praises, send lovely messages anytime she is free. I doubled up my hustle, got more houses for sale and source for serious buyers Her second year in school, we agreed she was going to travel down to my base and spend her holiday in Abuja. She was excited, I was also very happy. That will be her first time coming to Abuja. I sent her money to buy new wears and to get everything she needed but she said she will do the shopping when she comes to Abuja. Stella, my sister who will be rounding up with meds school the following year also called to let me know that she was coming. I really wanted to have some private time with Oby alone, my sister will interrupt alot of things. I wanted Oby to feel at home and be happy since is her first time visiting me. Stella has always spend most holidays at my side, she was used to Abuja lifestyle and knows all my friends. Jerome was making move on her back then but I warned him off. He should stay clear from my sister and he respected himself. Jerome was a womanizer and doesn't value women. He believes he can use and dump anyone he pleases because he has the money, sweet catchy tongue and fashion sense. And unfortunately, ladies fall cheaply for his charms. If not that Oby was coming, Stella would have been making arrangements of flying down. But she will have to travel home. My parents were also based in Lagos, she should spend the holidays with them or with my cousins. Stella is the baby of the house and the only girl, my elder brother Mike was married and live abroad with wify and daughter. We're just three and my Dad is expecting me to get married soon which I also want to but it all has to wait until Oby is through with school. My people does not know about Oby or the fact that I'm sponsoring her in school. They only know I have a woman who is studying. I use her picture as my display picture sometimes on WhatsApp and Oby has always used mine too. She even idolize me on her status almost all the time Calling me all sorts of sweet name even names like "cute hubby" At the right time, I will introduce her properly to my parents but not yet. Maybe when she is about graduating. I'm happy that a year has gone already and her 20th birthday is around the corner. I will spoil her with so much love and gift when she comes. I found a means to dismiss Stella and she didn't bother me again. I'm looking forward to spending quality time with my future wife. I was very happy that I began counting days to her coming.
29 Jun 2021 | 13:37
@Admin pls approve
30 Jun 2021 | 06:13
interesting let see what oby will turn up to be
1 Jul 2021 | 13:48
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 5 I was at the bus park waiting for her arrival that evening. I have been communicating with her before deciding to drive to the park. It was around 7pm their bus finally arrived. I waited patiently until she came down from the bus looking all exhausted. She rushed into my open awaiting arms as we embraced each other. It was just a hand bag and little handy box which cannot take more than two cloths due to it's portability. I picked it up and led her to where I parked my car, which was outside the bus park. That Saturday, I have tidied up the house even more although my house is always well kept. I hates dirts and dislike when things are in disarray. I also stocked up the house with every necessary thing starting from food and toiletries. I was not much of a great cook but I know I cook well enough. I can prepare most of the everyday delicacies. I learnt well from my Mom and later chef John, who my parents employed back then and he worked happily almost all his youthful life for us. For over ten years before getting married and my parents did a big sent forth for him because he was like a family and carried out his Job perfectly. My Dad settled him well as he got married and moved to a different state. Chef John coached and brushed my cooking skills. All thanks to him and my Mom too who never fails to carry out the kitchen duties whenever she is not working in the hospital. I made food vegetable soup, fish and also chicken stew and kept. I can easily boil rice or spaghetti whenever we gets home. I stocked up my fridge with drinks, fruits and other necessary things which includes white and brown chocolates because Oby ones said she loves eating chocolate. We got home almost 9pm due to few minutes traffic we encountered here and there. Life in Abuja is alot easier when it comes to traffic, especially weekends. I lived most part of my life in Lagos before relocating down here. We probably could have gotten home around pass 9 or even 10pm if this was Lagos. Oby looks tired when we arrived, I asked her to freshen up and she will feel lot better. I quickly put rice on fire first. I showed her the bathroom, told her if she need my help I'm right in the sitting room. She thanked me gladly as usual as she went into the room, took the towel I left for her on the bed, tired around her chest and went into the bathroom. I also dropped one of the nighty i got for her few days ago on the bed. She was very happy when I showed it to her. Before she will finish bathing and getting dressed, the rice was almost done. I brought out the two stew I made and a boiled rice in different bow to my mini family setting dining table. We sat to eat, she ate hungrily and I was happy watching her eat She was obviously enjoying the food and it makes me happy. I was equally eating on the same dining with her but not because I was hungry. I have only eating since 2pm that afternoon and wasn't really hungry. Having Oby around filled me up with joy. She thanked me for the food as she stood to clear the table but I asked her to leave it for me to do, she should rather go and relax in the sitting room and watch some movie. She insisted in clearing it or assisting me in doing it, I allowed her. We cleared up the table together and I asked her to go and relax, she need to rest from her long journey. She thanked me again and left. I tidied up the kitchen, wash off the dirty dishes because I don't like leaving dirty dishes or the kitchen untidy till the following day After I was done, I came out to the sitting room and Oby was there. She was lying in one of the cushion and sleeping. I wondered why she didn't go to the room. I tapped her gently and she awaken in the second tap and stood up. I led her to the room to lie down while I went to refresh. Finished up from the bathroom, turned off everything before going to bed. Since is a two bedroom flat, I thought of using the other bedroom so that Oby can get an adequate rest and not feel uncomfortable with my closeness since is her first night at my place. But watching her sleep beside me will give me an utmost pleasure I quietly climbed the bed beside her, it was almost 12 midnight. She was sound asleep, I looked from her chest and down to her legs. I felt like cuddling her up in my arms for the first time, kissing her and having her all to myself tonight. The urge to do that was high but I cautioned myself and turned away from her. Oby was going to be my wife, there is no need to start fantasizing over her. Oby was my virgin bride, how Lucky I was to have her. When the time is right or whenever she feels ready then I will also be ready. I looked forward to that day. I covered her properly with a duvet due to the air condition. I have always say a night prayer before bed, it has become a habit which was planted at a very tender age by my Mom. No matter how tired I am, I still managed to say few prayers before sleeping off. I sat up from the bed, say a prayer and also thanked God for Oby's safe journey. within few minutes I also dozed to the dream Land. While asleep, I'm always sensitive to my environment, I was hearing sounds but I was deeply asleep and thought it was coming from my sleep. But I suddenly woke up and it was Oby, she was tossing and turning from the bed. I tapped her gently and called her name, as I assumed she was probably having a nightmare. She later quiet down as she went back sleeping. I turned off the air conditioner which wasn't high before but Oby may not be used to it. The weather was not that hot, is was just okay. I removed the duvet which I used to cover her earlier so that she doesn't sweat. I put it aside, went back to bed after checking the time and it was pass 2am. I went back sleeping but I was awoken again for the second time. This time around it wasn't a noise like previous or from nightmare it was rather something more strange. One part of my pajamas was wet, that's strange. It was soaked with water Where did water gets into the bed, how come? I touched the bed and it was all wet. I was shocked. Because this is way too strange, I haven't experienced such before. I quickly sat up from the bed, surprisingly Oby was also up. I turned on the light, as I kept wondering what was going on. I saw the duvet I kept aside on the bed, she was obviously trying to use it to cover up the water. "Are you alright...? That was the first thing I asked. She kept quiet and kept staring at me without word. Was she thinking I was the one that poured water on the bed? What exactly is going through her mind. I can't possibly do that when I'm not crazy. I asked her to get up so that I can cross check how the water gets into the bed. But she hesitated at first, I asked again if she was alright but no reply. I try to touch her and she dodged my hand. What's going on? I thought within me. The bed and duvet was messed up by some strange water, how is this possible. Or could it be all a dream. No, it was not dream, it was happening for real. I asked her again to kindly get off the bed, she hesitated again before she slowly climbed down. She stood troubled and looks scared. Her new nighty was soaked and just then the wrenching smell of urine greeted my nose. The realization hit me right then, it was not water rather urine. I quickly turned on the air condition. I knew she must be feeling troubled after the mess which is obviously not deliberate. I did not want to do anything that will make her feel bad than she was already feeling. I led her to the bathroom and asked her to wash off herself then wrap herself with a thick towel. I left her in there to avoid embarrassing her further, I returned to the room, pulled off the bedsheets, put it all aside with the duvet inside a big laundry bag. I lifted the bed to a standing position, quickly try to clean off the urine smell with soap, air freshener inside the water and a dabbing sponge. I used the visitors bathroom, wash off myself and changed over to something different. This was around 5am in the morning. It took me almost 30minutes and all through this time Oby was not out. I decided to go check her. I knocked on the bathroom door but no sound came. I opened the door and checked her first in the toilet, where I thought I heard a noise. There she was sitting on the toilet seat, wrapped herself in the towel I gave her and staring at nothing. "I'm sorry, I... thought it was all a nightmare. I was pressed and really needed to ease myself in my dream. I went to the toilet in my lodged back in school to pee and as I was doing so I realized I was feeling clothes were getting soaked. After I was done I awaken and saw it wasn't a dream after all, I have actually urinated on the bed. I try to use the blanket to clean it so that you won't find out my shameful deed but the situation was already out of hand. Please... I'm really sorry. I have never done this before, i can't possibly bedwet at my I'm sorry... I gently pulled her out of the seat, led her to the second room which was supposed to be for visitors. But since that's the only available room, we will have to use it. Thanks goodness, my sister did not come around it was just us in the house. I gave her my shirt to wear, she felt a bit shy having me around. I decided to excuse her. After a while I returned and she was sitting on the mouth of the bed. I Went to her, pulled her to myself and said " It wasn't your fault, this can happen to anybody so don't feel bad. You don't need to be shy or scared around me. This house is equally yours, feel free and try not to think about it. We're going to be husband and wife after your studies, try getting to know me and understand my kind of person as I'm also doing so. I love you Oby...with all my entire being and will never hurt you... alright? She replied with a nod at first ",I love you too... maybe more than my heart can hold in, I thank God everyday for you. Sometimes, it feels like you're an angel in human form. thank you for not counting me and background off, and not considering the fact that our levels aren't the same. Thank you for loving me and sacrificing so much for me and my family...I promise to love you forever. Don't worry, in the morning I will make sure I carry the mattress outside for sun to hit it. I will also wash all of the things that was messed up... I smiled and told her that the mattress is heavy, she can't carry it but she shouldn't worry, it will get dry eventually and I will call my laundry guy to come over and pick up the sheets and duvet for washing. I kissed her forehead then slowly to her mouth. She later lossened up from me and turned her face and I knew then that I have to let her be. She looks so innocent and shy. I did not want to rush her rather to let her be herself and feel free with me. She lie down on the bed, my emotions were not settled after kissing her. Maybe because my body wanted more. I asked her to sleep while I moved to the sitting room and lay on the cushion. If I decided to lie bedside her in the room, I may end up pushing her much more than she was willingly to give. I turned on the television, something to distract me. And after watching for sometime I dozed off. This was almost 6am. I slept until 9am the following morning. I first wondered why I was lying in the sitting room until it all came flowing back. I was supposed to be in church today but waking up this late makes it impossible. I checked my phone and saw missed calls from my client. It just occurred to me that I suppose to meet a client, a prospective buyer who I plan to go show a house within the week. What do I do, I'm not the type that goes late to church. But I definitely have to, even if I will miss most part of the service but I won't miss everything and definitely I won't miss the client I was supposed to meet. I wondered if Oby was still sleeping. I checked the room and she wasn't there, I was going to the kitchen when I heard noise coming from my main bathroom She was probably bathing. I decided to set out something to wear for church and to also call the laundry man to come over and pick up the duvet but the laundry bag wasn't there. I searched around before going to the bathroom. I knocked and went inside, Oby was actually washing the duvet. Struggling with it's thickness. She greeted me without looking at my face "But I told you that the laundry man will come and pick it up. Especially the duvet... you can't wash it with your hand. If you insisted in washing the bedspread, the washing machine is by the bathroom corner. You could have used that or put it in there and leave it for me to do it maybe later today... She interrupted with an apology. "I'm sorry, but this was my mess and I decided to clean it up. I won't be able to stand another person washing it. And beside, I'm not used to a washing machine. I was trained with hand... don't worry I will do it... I'm almost through. I didn't know what to do, all I did was to insist she leaves it so that I can complete the washing in the washing machine and also dry it in there later. I used the spare bathroom in the visitors room to have my bath since Oby was still in the main one and i quickly got dressed. I was running late as I rushed out of the room and saw her cleaning the sitting room. She asked if I was going to church and I told her I was supposed to wake up early for it but looking at the time I'm very late. My main reason now is to see a client after service. I showed her where things are kept in the kitchen. And she should take anything she wants to eat, warn it on the gas or microwave it then return the rest to the fridge. She should feel free to eat anything she wants to eat and drink whatever she wants. If she needs anything, she should either chat me up or call. I will be back before 2pm Anybody that looks for me, she should dismiss the person from the door with the excuse that I'm not around. I wasn't expecting anyone though, so nobody will come looking for me. She nodded with smile to everything I said. I picked up my car key, gave her a kiss on her forehead and left. I drove down to church and luckily I met the client after service, we discussed concerning the house and she insisted I take her to the location. She wants to see it, take pictures of the environ which she will send to her husband abroad. I agree, while she drove in her car behind I drove slowly ahead. Showed her the place. We couldn't go inside due to I was not with the keys to the house for sale. I was through around 3pm, I have tried calling Oby earlier but she wasn't picking up. Probably sleeping or carried away with movies. I sent few chats but no reply. I thought of buying grilled fish and chips for her or maybe suya but I couldn't get her to make a choice. I decided to get the two instead before driving straight home. As I drove in, I saw Jerome's Jeep parked. My heart skipped a little because I don't trust that my friend, especially around my future wife. I parked and noticed somebody came to open the door for me. It was Oby, way excited than expected. "Your friend is here. He's been keeping me company and he's very entertaining too... I smiled back but I was not comfortable still. Oby was putting on a short tight gown, showing off her fresh thighs and fine figure. I couldn't looked pass how the cloth grabbed her backside behind. Her bum looked way bigger from the gown. She looks good and sexy too. I asked her when Jerome came and she said since 12pm. That means Jerome has been around for over 3 hours. Doing what exactly and he never called to let me know that he was around and Oby didn't inform me too. She rather looked happy and free than I have seen her since she came. Maybe I shouldn't have this negative thinking crowding up my head. Oby was a discipline and well behaved girl. She was my virgin bride and still a bit naive but she was unafraid when it comes to expressing herself. Jerome wouldn't dare try to woo my woman behind my back knowing fully well she is my future wife. I hand over what I got to her as we walked into the sitting room where Jerome was sitting with an unfinished drink and a plate of chicken straight from the stew I made in a saucer placed on a tray. There were pieces of chocolates and half eaten apple on the same tray. I wondered if they were eating together or what exactly is going on. There was a romantic movie showing on the television screen, Jerome will never be found watching those. He likes wrestling game or war movie but he appears comfortable watching it. He was probably doing so because of Oby. His belt was loosened up, his shirt was half buttoned. It maybe because of the food he ate or he's trying to feel free with himself, or better still to show off his six packs to Oby. I don't even understand the crazy idea running through my head. I try to wave off the idea forming in my head as I took his hand shake calmly but still can't wave off the ideas after seeing things the way it was.
1 Jul 2021 | 14:02
Hmmmm Sponsoring a girl through school is a risk
1 Jul 2021 | 14:34
I don't trust the both of them o
1 Jul 2021 | 18:23
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 6 I couldn't pretend to play cool anymore, Jerome left few minutes after I came in. I asked him why he didn't call and he said he got carried away with my Oby. "You never told me that Oby was a beautiful damsel with full front and back package. Wow, I was taken aback when she answered the door. Mhennnnn, you're very stingy, you couldn't even inform me that your woman was around, you want to have her all alone and not even care to introduce her to your friends. You make her seem like just an ordinary village girl with no class at all... well, I'm glad I saw things for myself. You and Chuka needs to take me to the village where this types of girls are harvested from it's peak... I'm serious. She is beautiful and a great cook too. she has overfed me with her delicious cooking. Look at her... she is a full satisfaction without even touching her. You're really enjoying Austin... Oby was just blushing and bending her face shyly while a fat grin was plastered on the face. I wondered why she was smiling seriously to all Jerome was saying. I was about telling Jerome to leave when he stood, dressed up properly, took his car key and walked out. I was boiling as I quickly took a shower, changed into something simple before coming to the sitting room. Oby was busy watching a comedy live show and laughing loudly I walked to the kitchen and gasped out in total shock. Things were thrown here and there, dirty dishes filled up the sink. Pots were littered with food oil, the ground was scattered with pieces of rice and dirts. I saw the plate of the chicken stew empty in the sink I also saw the bow I used for the vegetable soup and also fish stew on top of the kitchen cabinet. I opened the plate and the fish stew was also touched, no single ice in it which means is been a while it was out of the fridge. I sighed sadly, opened the vegetable, i saw finger prints on it. It smells like it was about to spoil. My anger grew, I was totally disgusted at the sight that greeted me I stood there staring and unknowingly what to do. I was hungry, and really needed to eat. I checked the fridge and shut it angrily. It looks disorganized. I can still hear Oby laughing loudly, I have to find something to eat first before I angrily destroy something. I took plates to the dining where the things I bought was carelessly kept. I quietly started unwrapping them. The grilled fish with chips and suya, all in different paper plates. I looked over at Oby, she was so much into the ongoing show on the television. I called out to her "Oby... Oby...babe... She turned toward me and move back her attention to the television. "... there's suya, fish and chips over here. Come over... let's eat together..." She nodded with a wave of hand that she was coming but her focus was still on the television. I took my laptop and began working, arranging my work plan for the week. Marking out the house that was almost taking, the ones paid for already and the one on lease. I began to eat silently, I didn't bother calling her again as I concentrated on the work I got. I left the fish and chips for her and focus on the suya with some orange juice. After a while the show was over by 7pm exact. She came over to the table, looked around the place with a frown. "When your friend said you're stingy I thought he was just joking. You bought fish and suya and did not even call me or bring mine. You're busy eating and enjoying alone... that's very bad and I'm begining to count on his words... because this is a glaring act of stinginess..." Her word provoked me and I barked angrily at her Unleashing all the stored up anger that I was trying to let go. "You opened your mouth to say I'm stingy? Jerome said so and you went banking on that... you kept surprising me with your behavior Oby. You accommodated my friend for over 3hours without calling to let me know. Aside from pictures, have you met Jerome before, why will you even allow him come in when I specifically asked you to dismiss everyone from the door or call me. You obviously had a great time with him around, my words or presence doesn't count. Anyway, Over there is the fish and chips I bought for you, I should be eating real home made food but everything in the kitchen is messed up. you can also have the remaining suya because I have suddenly lose my appetite... She interrupted angrily with a raise of her voice. "If there is something you want to tell me then say it to my face because I noticed that ever since you came back you have been carrying face like post office. Acting like I'm invisible that I don't exist. If you're not happy having me around then why did you send transport fare for me to come? I think I should be the one angry here, you said you were leaving for church, normally your church supposed to close by 12:30pm but you came home pass 4pm. Who is deceiving who here? You mentioned seeing a client but how many hours does it take to see somebody? You obviously had your classic Abuja babe you went to chill out with then return to your village girl who doesn't have a say over what you do. I'm twenty years, I'm not a baby and you shouldn't play smart around me because you think am a nobody. You told all your friends that I'm just a naive village girl who knows nothing. Jerome said so, he said that you used to belittle me in front of them and he never knew I was this beautiful until he saw for himself. I'm sorry we ate the food you made, he kept me company all through the period that you were away, is only normal to give him food. I was hungry and ate twice plus some chocolate. I'm counting all this because you are stingy and needs to understand how things were used in your absence. I had a great time talking and laughing with Jerome and the truth is he was great at it that I didn't even miss you or remember to call you. He showed up at the door, what do you expect me to do? send one of your bossom friend away? I know Jerome from pictures and I should be able to recognize him in person. My phone is still in the room and I haven't checked it for hours now because I was having a great time here while you were having yours outside. I just remembered I needed to tidy up the kitchen but I seriously had to finish that TV program since you were not in the mood of talking to me. You can also take the news that i...I urinate on the bed to your friends. Tell them I use to bedwet because you have rubbished me enough to them already. Maybe first thing tomorrow morning I will be traveling back... coming here was a mistake...I shouldn't have..." She walked away to the kitchen, I didn't bother going after her. I just sat there speechless. I wasn't expecting all the accusations or bashing. I was supposed to be the angry one here but she is acting like I did her wrong. She never missed me, Jerome fed her with his lies and she believed him. Oby is just gullible, I'm not surprised though. Don't I have right to be angry with her for mismanaging things in my absence. I'm not asking her not to eat or serve Jerome but take the quantity you can finish and return the rest back to the fridge but instead she brought out all the food, finished some and left the rest on the counter. She never bother to call or reply my messages. I grew up with strict parenting, my parents hates wastage or disorganized house. I hate it too and that's why I make sure everything is kept carefully away. I know we haven't live together before but just a day and is looking like we have lived for years in disagreement. I couldn't sit still on my chair, I went to meet her in the kitchen. She was almost through with washing the dishes. I silently took a long broom and began sweeping the kitchen, after then I took mob and clean up the ground. The remaining fish stew and the soup was back to the fridge. She returned them back. I brought out the soup and tasted it, it was tasting spoilt. "This soup is bad. It was out from the fridge for so long... vegetables are meant to be properly preserved...I.. I gasped sadly as I took it towards the wastebag. She suddenly grabbed it from my hand. " Livit...leave it...I will eat it like that. Don't throw it still good. It seems that too much money is begining to shark you like palm wine... I told her she can't eat it because it has spoilt she ignored and return the soup to the fridge. I left her alone as I tidied up the kitchen ground. She suddenly bent down, searching for something in the cabinet. She bent so well that her whole thighs and some part of her undies was showing. I asked her what she was looking for she said I shouldn't mind. She was through with what she was doing and started walking away, I called her and she ignored. I bite my lower lips confused. I made sure everything was properly kept, I removed the spoilt soup from the fridge and pour it into the trash bag with other trash in it. I washed and cleaned up the place before taking the trash outside. After I was done, I went to the living room and she was not there. I went into my main bedroom and she wasn't there too. I saw her lying down in the visitors room. I try talking to her by apologizing first for my initial actions. It was 8:30pm and it will soon be time for my bed. I try to explain the things that i love and hate all over again. She was still angry and refused me touching her. I try kissing her and she turned her face to the wall. After much trying, I left her alone. I asked her if she still cares for the fish and chips and she said she hates fish and chips, she would have prefer the suya but I have eaten out of it already. I try to convince her that there are still some left and I deliberately bought it for her. She refused accepting it. "You stingily bought it for yourself because if you got them for me then you shouldn't have touched them. I'm not eating it...if I'm hungry there are other things I can eat, chocolate, apple, banana bread and the rest of it but I won't touch any of those things you bought. I hate fish and not a fan of potatoes... maybe you should also try to know the things I like and hate. You are not the only one with dos and don't. Go and eat your stingy food and leave me alone... I cautioned her that I wasn't stingy and is high time she stop calling me that. She didn't say anything as I walked out of the room. I won't condone disrespect and arrogant. I don't know what Jerome filled up her head with but Oby should know better. She has to come in terms with her wrongs, I won't bother her again. I put back the rest of the remaining things in the fridge, put off the television and went to my room The bed was dry, thanks to the air condition. I took another bedspread and pillow cases and dressed up the bed. As I was coming out to the sitting room, I saw her with one pack of unopened juice and chocolate heading back to the guest room. She walked past me without a word neither did I say anything. I checked around the house to finally make sure everything was fine before retiring to bed. I answered few calls both from family and business. Why will Oby suddenly starts thinking I'm stingy? Her behavior towards me changed within few hours, all by spending time with Jerome. She was my wife to be, and I have always made sure I defend and respect her both present and absence. She has never suspected or disrespected me before, either in words or action. Is over two years of knowing her. Although it has been a distance relationship and spending time together under the same roof have suddenly turned into war and reveal alot other things. I have never denied her anything she ask and sometimes send money to her without her asking, that's aside paying school fees and other bills she brings to my notice. I make provision ahead of her personal needs, set her money aside because is very important. Even if I don't eat, her bills will have to be paid first before any other thing. That is more of the reasons why I'm angry and worried. I couldn't sleep, I thought of going back to her but that maybe encouraging her ill manners towards me. I continued working far late in the night in bed until I was tired. I packed up and slept off. Morning came, I got ready for office. Took breakfast of tea and bread. I usually leave by 7:30am but I was delaying, hoping Oby will come out from the next room she slept in. I was hearing noises, I decided to go in and check, just then she came out from the room. She was wearing one of my polos not the usual cloth she wore last night. She greeted me coldly and I replied. "How was your night? Did you sleep well I said while trying to let go of yesterday drama. She replied coldly again. I went to hold her but she walked away with an empty pack of juice and chocolate paper wrap in hand which she threw into the trashcan by the dining. ", I'm leaving for work Oby, I could have stayed to iron our minor last night disagreement out but I have alot on my desk today. There's eggs, tomatoes and many other things you can either use to make egg sauce or anything you feel like taking. There's also bread in the fridge and tea with mayonnaise and Nutella. Whichever or whatever you want to eat, please do so. I will buy more things on my way home and I will make sure I come home early because of you. Is there anything you will want me to buy for you...if you can't think of anything then text it to me whenever you remember. Is almost 8:30am. I have to go... I love you, so much... hope you know that? She was standing by the wall and staring at nothing. I bent over and kissed her forehead, remind her again not to open door for anyone and if it becomes complicated she should call me. I took my bag and car key before leaving. Immediately I got to the office which was almost 10am, I had awaiting client waiting for me by the reception. The receptionist already called to inform me. My day got real busy immediately I set feet into the office. During my lunch time, I called Oby to know how she was doing. She said she was just watching the television. She was lively and happy. She asked when I will be coming back, I informed her that i will soon be driving towards the market side so that I can get other things for the house. She mentioned I should buy ice cream, grilled fish with chips. She confessed with laughter that she tasted the one i kept in the fridge and realized it was very delicious. I laughed and asked if she microwave it before eating, she replied that she does not know how to use the microwave and is better she don't touch it in order not to spoil anything. Oby was laughing when she said she enjoyed the fish and chips cold like that. I wondered how she enjoyed it but I ignored though. I promised to buy more for her on my way back. I love the fact that she doesn't pretend or act like she knows everything, she sometimes humbles herself with the truth and sometimes plays like she knows it all. I got home around 5pm after leaving office almost 3pm. I had many other things to do but I had to suspend it because I promised Oby I will come home on time. She washed the bedspread in her room and was just taking it back to the room when I came in. I also bought two Sanders and one sneakers for her since I know her exact size of shoe. She was very happy, she jumped on me like a baby and kissed me passionately. She was a good kisser I must commend. I don't know how she learnt that but it wasn't a big deal. She looks good in my my shirt, which was the only thing she was putting on. She informed me that she made yam with egg sauce. She served it on the dining and I thanked her. It wasn't exactly what I intend to eat but I pretend to enjoy it. We tidied up things together and right from the kitchen our kissing and romantic spree began. We dragged along to the main room. The kissing and romance wears on. I wondered where she learnt such perfection from. I was happy enjoying the moment that I didn't bother to care over any other thing. I wasn't wearing any top except for pjamas trouser which I was ready to fling aside if she wants me to go extra mile. She whispered that she loves my bare chest, I smiled and kissed her the more. She kept pulling at me like she was asking for more. I fling aside my pajamas and ready for the show but she suddenly went Cold. "What is something wrong? I asked confused at her sudden cold reaction. ",Your... She pointed towards my manhood and I suddenly felt embarrassed. "... your third leg is huge. It will shift my womb... I'm kinda scared. I was speechless and embarrassed at first as I stylishly covered up with the duvet. She suddenly began to laugh "...I'm joking... relax. Well, I'm not kidding with it's hugeness but is perfect. I'm only a little scared that's all. I always wanted to do this with you, I have imagined it, practice it in my head... play it repeatedly in my mind. I have envision how interesting it will be. And now... I'm kinda scared... I breathed, kissed her hand and said. "I understand you honey... that's why I did not force you. I allowed you to be ready for it. Is almost three days that you have been pushing me away and I never persuaded. Having your virginity is one of the most precious gift that I will forever cherish. I will love you like my life depends on it. Trust me I will be extra careful in doing it, I know you will feel some pain but it will be for a short period. I have been reading online concerning women's virginity. I wanted to be very careful in other not to hurt you honey. If you are not still ready, then I will wait. Anytime, even if is on our wedding night... there's no need to rush because I cherish you. Maybe we shouldn't do it yet since your mind isn't relaxed. Alright??.. I said picking up my pjamas from where I threw it to wear She suddenly held my hand. "Let's do it. I'm already in the mood for it... you also want me as much as I do. there's no perfect time than now. Let's not pretend to each other. Please be gentle... although I'm still a bit scared. I promised to be gentle, took some lubricant and within minutes it was all over. She lay back panting hard and smiling. I sat up with confusion, so much dissatisfaction and disappointment. "What's it Austin? For the first time she boldly called my name with disgust in her voice. "Nothing... nothing. I'm cool. I replied as I stepped away to the bathroom, cleaned off and returned. "Can we go for another round, I enjoyed it. Let's make it a night of fantasy... c'mon Austin. Give me more... your third leg is magical. Bring it on... I turned to her, trying to hide my disappointment. "Oby, you aren't a virgin? I don't understand... What happened to your virginity...who took it? How come you never mentioned it all this while. I'm..ju... just speechless. What's really going on? I said the last part with a show of rage. She was mute, she didn't say anything as she suddenly went quiet and had this sorry face that I wasn't ready to buy. I need explanation, i need answers. The more I stare at her the angrier I become. Because she knew all this while that she wasn't a virgin like I thought she was yet Kept quiet. Who took my wife's virginity and innocence. I couldn't think straight, as we sat there in total silent. How, who, when did she loose it and to who exactly?. That's exactly what I planned to find out.
2 Jul 2021 | 10:23
@coolval222-2 pls update
2 Jul 2021 | 10:25
I'm also speechless
3 Jul 2021 | 16:01
#enjoying it
4 Jul 2021 | 02:46
maybe your friend
4 Jul 2021 | 06:32
Who knows if Jerome even tested it before you. Next please
4 Jul 2021 | 06:54
Serious wahala Who took Oby's virginity?
4 Jul 2021 | 07:49
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 7 I barked again like a mad dog, I was actually going crazy with the sudden realization. ...start talking Oby...? She saw how serious I was and knew there was no other way out than to say the truth. "...was it before you get into school or after? You told me that you never had a boyfriend before me, you knew no man. You never kissed or had sex before. You were a virgin Oby, filled with innocence. I can no longer find the innocent part of you, your actions and words says otherwise. You have changed from the young lady I met in the your father's house back in the village, the one that sneak out to the street corner just to speak to me. That Oby that was very shy and wouldn't look at my eyes and speak no matter what I do. Her face was mostly bent while talking to me. You couldn't even call me by name because of upbringing and little fear that was instilled in you. That was the Oby that captured my whole heart... what happened to her? What did you do to the Oby i once knew because you have changed from the girl I used to know. Who did you give your innocence and virginity to...I need answers and you better start talking. "I'm sorry... please... I'm sorry..." She said while her face was bent in shame. "I'm sorry isn't the answer to my question Oby. I want answers, I don't need your apology. Tell me what happened...I want to know and I want only the truth. Nothin else.... "I won't call him a boyfriend, he was just my class mate back in secondary school. We kind of got used to each other and became very close from my SS2 to SS3. We only share few kisses in secret and he touched my breast like twice but I warned him not to do that again and he never did. After secondary school we separated and I never had anything to do with any man until you showed up. I was truly a virgin when we met. After I got into university, I had this rich cliche, they were classic girls from rich families, they thought my parents were wealthy too because I had every thing, I lacked nothing in school. You send money to me even when I don't ask or need it. I was living big like the daughter of a very wealthy man. I never told anyone that my parents were not responsible for my education. I did not mention you to anyone either, I was enjoying the fame, moving with this set of girls and meeting different boys too which they introduced me to.... She paused and looked at me with tears glistering in her eyes. I was trying hard to remain patient and not loose my guts. I asked her to continue. ",.... well, in my first year second semester, I met this guy... Rick. he was young , tall and very fine. He likes me and I like... him but it was just normal like not love. He was in his third year in school. We got talking, he invited me to his place one day, I refused to go but those my rich girl friend urged me to go. I later did but I went with one of them who later left after we got there... She paused again, her head remain bent. "Then what happened... I asked impatiently. My heart was already racing at every word she drops. I wish she can stop but I want to hear to the end. She remained mute still with her face bent. "... don't tell me he raped you, did he drugged you. That Rick raped you right? Oh wait... you threw yourself at him cheaply? She looked up and started talking in defence. "No...I did not throw myself at him. We just went talking and drinking and before I knew what was happening I was relaxing in his arms while he fondles me. He made love to me, it happened so fast, I couldn't stop it and when I realized myself it was already late. That was actually the first day I had real sex...I lost my virginity. I'm sorry... I'm really sorry. I couldn't stay still, I stood from the bed and started pacing up and down. I relaxed on the wall watching her and unknowingly what to do. "was that the only time you got intimate with Rick? I asked from where I stood. She looked at me and turned her face away. I already knew the answer to that. "...You're already in second year... right? You are supposed to be in second semester or...I don't know any more. Tell me... "You're correct but I had alot of carryover in my last exam so I have resit for them all. I'm not with Rick again...i broke up from him. he had other girls after him and was taking me for granted. He will even collect money from me without paying back. I left him long time ago...I'm very sorry. I got carried away with school life and it's fun. She said with her face bent. I nodded sadly and suddenly laughed out my frustration. "Wonderful... Oby, that's wonderful. Your parents wish is to see their daughter graduate with good grades, get a good job and assist in helping to train the other siblings. I took it upon myself to save your father the stress of selling his plots of land. I took up the responsibility to sponsor you to any level of your choice since you're going to be my wife. I wanted the best for you Oby...I asked your father to focus on his other children and leave everything about you to me. Is two years in school and I have never failed in that aspect. I worked extra hard for your sake, I woke up very early, slept late, skip meals and mostly stressed out for your sake. I just wanted to give you the best so that you won't have reason to fall into another arm or not concentrate in school. Instead of you to focus on your studies, you decided to join the rich and famous gang, living large and skipping classes. Having numerous carryover... then the worst is getting hitched with a fine, tall, young Rick. You lost your virginity to a play boy, and I guess from the look of things after Rick left, your rich girl friends hooked you up with another rich boyfriend.... uhmmm... I'm actually the one that should be sorry for you. Because I can't...I can't continue with this. I...I can't do this. Please leave my room... She refused leaving. She remained where she was, sobbing. I decided to leave the room for her instead. I went to the guest room. The air condition was turned off from the socket and not from the remote first. The room smell suspecious. I was too angry and tired to start checking. The bed wasn't made but the bedspread was on top of it. It was washed and folded. I took it to spread over the bed and my eyes caught a water sign on the bed. It was not much but it appears the mattress sucked it up. I touched the spot and noticed indeed there was water there. I took my hand to my nose and realize it wasn't water but urine smell. "Not again.... not again.. I said outlouldly. I quickly raise the bed to a standings position of which if the air condition was still on and the mattress was standing it would have dried off. I stormed out of the room to my main bedroom. Oby was lying down. "I really don't know if I should be dealing with your act of betrayal or the Bedwetting part. your baggages just kept increasing and you seem not to be bothered. Or was it another dream back in your lodge just like the first? This whole thing is crazy. You messed up the bed and didn't remember to raise up the matress, clean it up properly to avoid foul smell, turn on the air condition so that it will dry up. Instead you washed only the bedsheets and left the matress like that...." She stood up in fear and said pleadingly "I'm sorry my love. Is because of the one pack of full juice I drank, I finished it all and doozed off. I didn't thought of raising up the matress I could have done so. I'm very sorry my love...I... I quickly shun her "Please, my name is Austin. Don't mistake me for your school boyfriends. I'm not your love...try not to patronize me with anything love because you will end up being disappointed. Go and tidy up that room... there's air freshener, add it inside water with liquid soup, take sponge and go and clean off those formed Mark. Leave the matress standing... She quietly left. I closed the door behind her and lay in bed with a stomach filled of worries. I began to wish she never said anything. I wish I can unhear everything I just heard. I don't even know which to think off, is it the part of she having her breast pressed and mouth kissed back in college. I will count off those because she didn't get intimate. My main focus is Oby using my sweat, my hard earned money to feel large in school. Joining some useless girls to act rich and get laid and at the end her little innocence disappeared. Or should I be thinking about the Bedwetting part. Adding more worries to my basket full. I'm going crazy right now. I don't know what to think, or what to do. I'm having headache and the whole thing is breaking me down. I'm not sure I can continue with her. How do I tell her parents that I'm discontinuing myself from Oby. What do I do? How could Oby, the girl I love and cared for take me for granted. I was not after her virginity, but I wish I was the one that she gave it to. Yet, if she had told me the truth and repent from them I would have let it go but she lied to me. She knew all this while that she wasn't one but pretended and act like she was. She never said anything about it. Did Jerome also touched her? "No... Jerome can't do that. Oby...oh Oby why....why....aaaagggrrrrr! I screamed out like a woman in labour. The pain was too much to bear. The night was getting longer. I don't know how to deal with everything happening around me. What am I supposed to do? "What..what...I need answers. I'm drowning in a deep blue sea of trouble. I can't breath... There was a knock, I asked her to go away but she kept knocking. I stood up and went to the door. I stood by the door without letting her in. "I have done what you asked me to do. I can't sleep on the ground...I don't want to sleep in the sitting room either.... She said with a big frown on her face. "Check the laundry, get a double blanket from there, spread it on the ground and sleep. If you pee on them, then it can be easily washed with the washing machine. I'm not letting you in... She interrupted me " You asked for the truth, I told you everything and now you are acting like I'm the worst sinner. I have said that I'm sorry and I mean it but you choose to be the judge of my life as if you're without sin or do you want to tell me that all through the time I was in school, you never slept with another woman... for two good years? You may try to deny it but I'm not a fool. You obviously loved my virginity and not me. That is Why you're so pained. Do you know how many rich and famous guys I had to turn down because of you...they have fleets of cars, have fine houses of their own, travels abroad like they are going to the backyard. They have everything yet I choose to be with you and this is how you treat me... I scoffed with a curved smile. "Do this wealthy guys waiting in line for you also know that your father is a village elementary teacher who was about to sell his plots of land just to send you to school? Do they also know that you are bedwetting... you pee in bed... She suddenly raised a hand and slapped me. I was shocked to the bone. "This is what you get for for insulting me like you just did. I don't urinate in bed for your information. The first night was because I had a bad dream and the second night was because of the full pack of juice I took. Stop reminding me of my natural was nature that played out with me. I hate to be reminded. That's why Jerome, your friend was a better company than you have ever been for more than two years. You're very boring and annoying too but I still want to be with you... I turned to close my door she held onto it. "...hear everything I have to say first babe. I'm sorry..stop doing this to me. I can't live without you... I'm sorry for slapping you. I did not intentionally urinated in bed... I'm not crazy. I did not mean to hurt you babe. Please forgive me... I'm sorry. Don't shut the door to my face... She started sobbing with tears dropping from her eyes. I wasn't move one bit by her tears Oby hurt me beyond repair. I need to think and know what's next for me. This is just too much My heart is shattered. I don't even want to see her face. Maybe she should move in with Jerome since he is a better man than I will ever be. I pushed her back from the door before shutting it firmly. I went to sit in my room chair, holding my head as if it was about to explode. I can hear her cry and several Knock on the door but I pay no heed to her. I sat there wondering how to move pass my present predicament and what exactly to do with Oby.
4 Jul 2021 | 10:06
Call jerome to come nd carry her
4 Jul 2021 | 11:40
Oby has problem oh Bed wetting, cheating and dirty...guy you try
4 Jul 2021 | 13:01
No one to blame but yourself. Your friends advise you against it but you didn't listen and if care is not taken, Jerome might have slept with her as well. Next please
4 Jul 2021 | 16:15
Women, Chai
4 Jul 2021 | 17:54
call your friend after all she likes him more than you
4 Jul 2021 | 20:02
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 8 I took a sip of the drink and set it down. "Relax man, you looked all worked up... I know you can handle this... Chuka said while sitting opposite me in his living room. We finished watching a live match and decided to watch wrestling. His wife, Helen who was pregnant served us food but I told her that I wasn't hungry. She and her husband try to force me but i truly do not have appetite for food and didn't want to waste their food but when they insisted, I decided to take few spoon of the plate of rice. I dished out a little into a small saucer and ate instead of eating directly from the full plate they placed before me. I thanked them and decided to stick to the wine that Chuka brought. We both sat talking and sipping our drinks. I briefed Chuka about Oby and my decision to opt out of the plan of marrying her. I made sure I left the bedwetting part out of our conversation. he wasn't happy how things turned out as he also tries to calm me down. "... I'm sorry man. This was the exact thing i was saying initially when you told me and Jerome of your plans to sponsor her through school... I mentioned something, I don't know if you can still remember Austin...I said you should have gotten married to her first before sending her to school. In that way she will be committed to you and won't think of misbehaving... "I doubt if marriage will even stop her from acting foolish in school. She will easily be influenced and start misbehaving even while married. Chuka, I'm not angry because she got carried away in school and lose her virginity to another man, I'm just pissed that she pretended and lied to me. Oby has suddenly gone wild, I couldn't place it at first but I understand now why she feels so exposed. No sign of fear or innocence and she is just twenty years. Mhenn I can't do this. I couldn't even talk to my family about it because they are not aware that I was training a girl in school with the intention of marrying her...if my people knew, they will feel indifference about it and I seriously do not want to start giving long explanation over my personal decision. Is only you and Jerome that knows about her. And as for Jerome, he messed up big time. I told him few days ago not to come to my house again. my friendship with him is just at the edge. But he is not even my major problem right now. I'm planning of traveling to Oby's village, I need to see her parents and tell them I have changed my mind about their daughter... Chuka dropped the cup of wine in his hand breathed deeply. "Austin, I know you felt girls in the village are filled with innocence and are not too exposed... while Abuja ladies are opposite. You forgot that my wife is Abuja babe, filled with exposure yet well coordinated and discipline. Is almost three years of marriage and I can confess that she completes me. Even when she was worried sick when she couldn't conceive earlier, I kept encouraging her that at the right time it will happen. Finally, God did it in his own time and she is pregnant. There is no woman that is willing to be committed to a man that won't. Even if she is a harlot, they also make good wives.... the ones that are ready for a change not those struggling with indecisiveness. Oby is beautiful and young, she haven't experienced much in Life, she became a target to many ill things. Please, don't make hash decision because of how you feel right now...think it through. It was during my traditional wedding you first saw her and she captured your mind, you wanted her and we even asked around about her parents to know the background she was coming from. She comes from my wife's village and mine is a neighbouring village to theirs but she is like a sister and I will advise you to think your decision through Austin. We have been friends for far too long, I want the best for you man. If you still can't proceed with her after much thought then is all good, but try not to make up your mind when you're still nursing your hurt. I'm solidly behind you in every decision you take and as for Jerome, you already know the kind of guy he was before now, don't let his dirty lifestyle annoy you because he doesn't worth the attention. Jerome is not even ready for any sort of commitment, marriage is not on his list. Big boy lifestyle and deceiving women, those who want to be deceived with his sweet tongue and fine looks... things like that are still in his main agenda. I support the fact you warned him not to come to your wife doesn't like him one bit. Don't let Jerome's issue bother you. Let me know whatever you decide concerning Oby. I stayed for a longer time watching wrestling match with Chuka and his dear wife. As night approached, i thanked Chuka and his wife before leaving. As I was driving home, I kept thinking about the whole thing. My mind was made up and there was nothing to think again. Is a week and four days since I found out about her crazy lifestyle in school. Is two weeks already from the day she traveled down to spend sometime with me. I also found out the reason she was bedwetting. Another heart wrenching tale. I try to overlook the bedwetting part since she is using the guest room now but I just couldn't. I don't know what to do about it. Is disheartening and shameful. I can't fathom how it started or what went wrong, could it be spiritual attack? Bad nightmare or other illness that one need to take serious. I asked her twice if it was from childhood and she said no. How did it start, Oby can't say. She doesn't even know how. That was the only personal conversation I had few days ago with her. I told her is better she open up if there's any so that I will know how to help her, if is by spiritual, phycological or medical issue She refused saying anything. I left her alone. We have been living like stranger, her school will be resuming next month. I need to take her back to her parents before the resumption. Maybe is a good thing that she is not schooling close. She won't have reason to come and go as she please because I'm placing embargo on everything concerning us after returning her to her parents. she tries to please me and make amend after realizing her mistake but the deed is done. I was a bit relieved after three days she didn't bedwet Only for it to happen a night before yesterday. She came to meet me in the morning while I was on the dining taking breakfast. "Good morning. I know you hate me and still haven't forgiven me. I understand is hard and I'm truly sorry my love. I have been so ashamed and afraid to share something else with you, but since I'm ready to come clean is better I say it all without holding back anything. You were asking about the reason for my bedwetting, it started back in school too. I'm truly sorry...I can't hide it anymore. I think is medical issue. I...I found out that I was pregnant for Rick after sleeping with him, when I didn't see my period I told my girlfriends, they bought a pregnancy test kit. I used it and found out I was pregnant. They took me to a place for D and C... that's to remove it. It was a middle age man, who uses part of his house for such purposes. I paid him and he carried out the act. It was painful, I thought I was going to die. I couldn't go for lecture for days. I told you I wasn't feeling well that period, i lied that it was malaria and you sent money that period. It was after then I found out that I can't no longer hold urine for long. It takes just second and I will either pee on myself... I told my friends and they said with time it will stop but it didn't really stop. I try to control it during the day but at night before I will get up from sleep and rush to urinate is already late. I don't know if the abortion affected my bladder or something more. I'm sorry that.. I quickly stood, pushed the breakfast away and left. I later drove out and came back around 8pm. I heard her crying in the night before bed. I was in the sitting room when she sat on the dining taking Pepsi with the biscuits i left in the fridge after crying. I went to bed only to wake up this morning and she was washing the blankets that she peed on. I have thought her how to use the washing machine but she still choose to use her hands. I make sure there is everything in the house, even if I'm very crossed with her she was under my care and I have to take care of her. I'm done with her baggages and she knew. It scares her because she does not know what I intend to do. I was fed up and needed somebody to talk to which was why I decided to drive to Chuka's place. I feel relief sharing my problem with someone. I will just sit out at an open joint, close to my estate. I will while away time before going home. Ones I get home, it will be straight to the shower then to bed. Holiday continues tomorrow, after then work starts. If I can't stand her presence tomorrow, I will drive out. I made food yesterday and put inside fridge. If she is hungry then she can eat. I parked and went into the open bar, I asked for asun, (goat meat barbecue) with drink. While I was drinking, I saw a lady sitting alone and sipping her drink not too far from me. It was very common to see ladies go to bar or some of the hang out joints just to have good time. It was common both in Lagos and Abuja. They don't necessarily need a man for that, they just believe they can take care of their bills without a man She was looking everywhere, either for someone or for a night catch. she looked towards my direction and looked away. She looked up at me again, fixed her eyes on me. I looked back to my asun which I have just eaten two pieces out of the many in the plate. I drank deeply from my cup of Heineken, brought out my phone and began to browse. "Is just 9pm, I will be leaving by 10. I said to myself as I went back to my phone. A voice startled me and when I looked up it was the lady. "Is that an iPhone 11 or 12? Wow... you're one of the Abuja big boys...." She exclaimed "No, this is not an iPhone is Samsung. I replied as I watch her take a seat beside me and went straight to using toothpick to take my barbecue meat without asking. She looked up at me with her mouth full and said "Wow, you're indeed a big boy. My name is Mimi by the way. I'm very single and ready to mingle. I Came into Abuja a year ago and staying with a friend. I used to reside in plateau state before. This Abuja is whole cruise. Like last Friday, we were at the all Star club... that place is a different world. I have been to many club house but visiting this particular one where big politicians and celebrity come to chill is different ball game for me. This barbecue is so delicious, I'm almost finishing it for you. Will you order for another plate?. I scoffed and took another drink from my cup. I called the barbecue man and asked him to bring another plate. I ordered for an extra drink for her. I was okay with my second bottle. I was feeling a bit tipsy but that was exactly what I wanted to achieve. Get high and drive home to sleep. forgetting Oby and her problem. "...Are you married, I know some married men don't like wearing wedding ring. Although you look young and appear like an eligible bachelor. One of the hottest bachelor in Abuja. By the way before I forget, I must confess that you're very handsome. What tribe are you...oh, I forget to ask. What is your name... She has obviously had enough but continue stuffing herself. I took the last remaining drink from my cup and said "Mimi, it was nice meeting you too. I suppose to look married... with kids, I wonder why you didn't see that..." She smiled and said "Well, you don't look it but again is not written on faces. The woman that has you is damn Lucky. Can I be your second wife... She said like a whisper and suddenly began to laugh. Her guts in saying that is not surprising. Some ladies speak their mind and do not care what you think of them. I chuckled and Checked the time. Without saying a word to her. "... you aren't saying anything. I said if I cannot be your woman can I be your side chick... you mustn't wife me. This Abuja is hustle that pays most. One thing for sure is that I won't come in between you and your family.... you're a ladies spec and I'm only shooting my shot. Which if you want to think it through, there's no problem in it and if you still want to give the answer here I... I interrupted her. "Thanks Mimi, your offer is quiet tempting but I'm not interested... All of a sudden I sighted somebody walking angrily towards our table. She looks familiar. As she came closer, I was surprised as Oby walked upto us. "This is where you are... and this is the lady that has been keeping you company. For days now you have been leaving me, you will abandon me at home and come back late at night. I never complained. This is holiday period and you were atleast supposed to be home but you left since early afternoon and there was power outage after you left, I called you but you refused to pick up. I don't know how to turn on the generator or invater, I decided to come out this night to any nearby hangout joint, I was just sitting alone at the table over there watching people go and come in when I sighted you. I was in doubt at first until I came closer and saw you. This is how you treat me, as if I have a disease. This your lady is obviously better than me, I agree but you pretend like you were faithful and royal to one woman... you are a liar and pretender Austin and you have no right to judge or treat me like a plague but I totally understand since my sin is the greatest and unforgivable one at that. But because you sin differently does not make you better than me...I..I.. She started crying, turned and ran away. The lady with me was not bothered, she continued eating and drinking. "Was that your wife...? Oh my gosh. She is quiet young and beautiful but her out burst is too predictable and childish. I mean no offense but I seriously don't know how to pretend. But I'm glad she isn't toxic or saucy housewife who will scatter this table and threaten to break my head with a bottle. But, no woman tries such shit with me... when I'm not under her roof or on top of her man. You belong to her back at home but ones you're out...any body can claim you as hers and what I'm saying in general is that... I stood, dropped money for her extra bottle incase she still wants more drinks. I left without another word to the lady whom I have even forgotten her name. She was asking for my number and calling out her own but l ignored. Went into my car and drove off. When I got home, Oby was in the sitting room crying. There was light but the television was off. I was too tired and a bit tipsy. All I want is to go to bed. She was talking, saying all kinds of things as I went to the fridge to take chilled water. I just don't know how to pretend or act like everything was alright. Flexing in school and joining bad gangs wasn't enough, she started keeping boyfriend and having unprotected sex. That wasn't enough she became pregnant and had to go for abortion which has affected her urinary track. I seriously don't know how to deal with all of that. I just want to forget it even if is just for a while. I'm going crazy with each realization about her. She was denying at first over the issue with bedwetting. And now before I send her back to her parents I have to get a medical help for her. I never bargained for any of this, no... never did I see all of this baggages coming. Now I'm thrown in between, I have to help her clean up her mess. I took a bottle of water, ignored her nagging as I went straight to my room to refresh and sleep.
5 Jul 2021 | 07:08
Next please
5 Jul 2021 | 08:22
I like this guy's lifestyle
5 Jul 2021 | 09:32
yes I agree with you in helping her about that bedwet ,but after that just take her home is as if she don't want to change with the way she run her mouth
5 Jul 2021 | 12:20
Serious dilemma
5 Jul 2021 | 13:33
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 9. After few days i booked an appointment with doctor pat. I told Oby to get ready that we will be visiting the doctor who will examine her and know what exactly to do so that her medical issue will be corrected. On the said day, I drove her to the hospital all in total silent. Doctor Pat did not waste time in taking her to the examining room where she was checked. She counselled her first before examining her. It took hours before they were out, while I have to wait in her office patiently. "How is she related to you? Doctor Pat asked while writing down things on a receipt kind of note pad. "She is I didn't even know where to place Oby anymore in my life. "She's your what...? The doctor looked up at me with a questioning look. I looked towards where Oby was seated, she was staring at her palm and didn't look up. "Friend... she a friend" I finally said to the doctor "I guess intimate girlfriend, well... when she noticed that her bladder can no longer holds urine, what you should have done is to quickly take her to a hospital not manage the situation. Beside you were aware of the abortion, you both agreed to carry out the act but my anger is why in an unprofessional doom house? Risking her life and womb in the process and now the damaged on her urinary tract is quiet huge and it wouldn't have gotten to this level if something was done on time..." "Excuse me doctor... what are you talking about? Did you try to find out or ask me first who or where the deed was done? Why run into conclusion of what you aren't sure of? Listen, I have been having enough tough time trying to think straight and clear, I really don't want another feather added to my wings. She school in the Eastern part while I'm over here. For the first time in two years she came visiting me two weeks ago and that was when I found out about the bedwetting part, after severally trying to get the truth out of her she finally opened up on what exactly happened back in school. I don't want to go into longer details, I brought her here for a medical solution...if you don't have one for us just tell us so we can go to another hospital. I'm a busy man and I know you equally got other things in your let's not waste each other's time please. Doctor Pat saw that I wasn't out for joke, she began to apologise for her unprofessional conclusion earlier. "My sincere apologies, I'm so sorry sir. I actually thought it was you that encourage such a barbaric operation. I asked her if you were aware of the pregnancy and abortion and she nodded. Anyway, She needs a corrective surgery as soon as possible. According to her is almost or more than a year already when the deed was done. Although it seems late because the act damaged some of her internal organ but majorly on the urinary pipe but is never late for a corrective surgery. The scan results will be here soon so that I can show both of you what exactly I mean...the level of the damage done to her..." "Ok... okay doctor. Go straight to the point... I'm relieved that there is still a way out of this. Hmmm so.... how much will all of this cost? I asked hoping it won't be too expensive. "Four hundred and twenty thousand is the total amount for everything sir... And you have to pay seventy percent before the whole treatment and surgery will commence... I didn't realize that my mouth was still open. Four hundred what? That is way too huge, far beyond my budget. I understand what it is like to make a kobo and how much expenses I run in a week which I try my possible best to manage carefully. But this Oby's hospital bill is outrageous. I'm not into fraud or oil money, real estate Job does come with much benefit all the time but no matter how big or little I don't relent, I hustle for more offers and buyers. The money is far beyond my budget. "... I'm sorry Mr Austin but that is the total price for everything. You can go home think it through before concluding on what exactly you want to do. But I will suggest the early the better. "Is there no other way the price can come down? There should be a discount atleast doctor. Three hundred and twenty thousand naira is way too huge but not as much as having an extra hundred added to it. Four outrageous. Is far beyond my budget... The doctor try to convince me further on why the money was upto that. She said I can try other hospital if I feel that they are too expensive. I drove home in silent and couldn't fathom what to do. Oby came to meet me the following morning while I was making breakfast in the kitchen. "I'm sorry for putting you through so much. I wish that i can support in anyway for the corrective surgery...but I don't have money. I really need to get normal again, is disappointing and shameful for a woman of my age to be in this sort of situation. I wish I can change back the hand of time, I promise to make it better. I didn't see the consequences for my actions meeting up with me this way... I'm sorry si....I... I don't know how to address you again. I want to assist with the burden on your shoulder but how can I do that... I turned from what I was doing, looked at her and said. "Maybe you should begin by calling your Dad to start searching for people that will buy the plot of land he previously wanted to sell for your education. Your life and health is at stake here, or don't you understand what is at stake... what you got yourself into? You heard the amount the hospital is asking for over your treatment.... Four hundred and twenty thousand. That's some people annual rent...and also some workers annual salary. A whole year salary for some that's what the hospital is asking for Oby. I have savings for the raining day does not mean that I should pour it into unbudgeted expenses. Am a young man trying all I can to make a living and not depend on anyone. I didn't agree to sponsor you in school because I'm too bouyant...too wealthy and don't know what to do with my money. I agreed to take up such responsibility because I thought I had future with you and to save your father the stress of selling his properties just for you to go to school. Tell me where I really went wrong Oby, all I did was for you to have a beautiful future...but you turned the table and dragged me into the mud. I want to have breakfast and do not need anything that will spoil my appetite. I dished out the food and carried it to the dining. I left her in the kitchen As I sat to eat, she also dished hers and brought it to the dining. I looked up at her and she was staring at me, I breathed deeply and return my look to the breakfast. "Thank you... for everything. I'm sor.... I interrupted her "Save all the thank you and sorry for another I'm not interested in any of it Oby. I want to eat in peace, another word from you again and I will leave the table and food for you... I enjoyed the silent between us and that was how it continued for days except for her greetings and few other things needed to say. The bedwetting continues, the guest room where she stays has changed it's original smell to unpleasant odour. She sometimes goes around almost naked, parading herself in front of me. She does that alot and it appears awkward and I have started feeling disgusted with her nakedness. I already know her aim but nothing about Oby appeals to me any longer. I warned her to stop going naked around me because is very disgusting. She looked at me angrily and walked away. Ever since then she stopped the naked parades. " It was never intentional, I know you think I deliberately messed up in school. I got carried away with everything I had. haven't you blamed me enough? I'm young and got entangled with friends who deceived me. I have learnt my lesson and suffered enough. Many girls will do the same if they were in my shoes...". She fired the words at me one evening. I was angry that she kept defending her actions everytime she sees opportunity. "Listen to me Oby, many girls are not as stupid as you are. I have a junior sister, I told you about her. she is studying medicine in school and in her four hundred level. She is just around your age. Maybe just few months older than you because she will be turning twenty one in the next four months and also will be in her final year. She is in one of the expensive private universities with alot of rich kids with different exotic rides. Stella is exposed to different things yet my sister never for ones misbehaved. Her Gp... that's her grade is always outstanding right from her fresher stage up till now. She is going to be a medical doctor and do you know what that requires? If she is at home for holidays she hardly sleep most nights, she is either researching or studying... and she is just few months older than you...same age. You're studying economics and you're not even serious with it. Already having carryover, joining the rich and famous gang, sleeping around in school, getting pregnant and have even done abortion just within two years in school. You just crossed hundred level to two hundred and the journey is nothing to write about. Don't ever give me flemxy excuse for your selfish actions. You don't have any. If not for anything your background supposed to be a push up for you yet you threw caution to the air and live as you please. I walked away boiling angrily. I never bargained for any of this drama, never. I'm still looking for means to get money for her medical bills. Instead of encouragement she is reminding me everytime while she is either not the only sinner and why I shouldn't blame her. Since I made up my mind to help her I won't let anything discourage me. But if I can't get the required amount then we will have to either look for another solution or I just bundle her like that to her people. I can't possibly kill myself because of Oby. She will jump to the next rich available guy and spit on my grave. If she can do all of this in school within short period, then she is capable of anything. She is only acting all repentant because it backfired on it. If I never detected that she was no more a virgin and if she never had issue with her urinary tract after the abortion, she will continue her lifestyle and I will never know. Maybe untill she got disease which she may transfer to me too and then I will be doomed for. I'm still thinking of what to do, maybe after I decide then we can proceed to the next page. How to get four hundred and twenty thousand naira is just on my mind right now.
6 Jul 2021 | 07:50
Take her to her people
6 Jul 2021 | 16:01
take her back even if you want to assist in medical bill ,let the family know what is going on instead of you to be suffering alone
6 Jul 2021 | 17:46
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 10 Within a week I was able to deposit money for her treatment to commence. The doctor asked if she has a family member during one of the visit before the main treatment commence and she said no that I was the only family she knows. I couldn't utter a word until we got home. I asked her why she will tell the doctor that I was the only family member she has. I told her that I was going to call her dad to inform him because if anything goes wrong I will be held responsible. "During your early session, you told the doctor that I was the one that got you pregnant and asked you to go for an abortion. If anything happens you will also point at me and deny ever knowing another man...I kept quiet does not make me a fool Oby. Before anything your parents have to be aware. I will be calling your father this evening... I'm not in for long story. " I never told the doctor that you're responsible for anything. She asked me and if you are aware of the pregnancy and the abortion when it all happened and all I did was to nod. I didn't want to start going into much details. The doctor assumed due to the way I replied her... I'm sorry... I was just too tired, I sat hard on the chair as she went on pleading. "But you denied your family and now I have to inform them of what has been happening and my decisions. They have to know... I'm trying my possible best for you Oby. I'm not even part of your family member. We had an agreement and I kept my own part of the arrangements but you blow yours. You have no one to blame that mistake but yourself... She suddenly fell on her knees in front of me holding onto my leg and crying. " please, don't call my parents. If I did not tell the doctor that I have only you they will want me to call another family member which will either be my father or Mother. My parents can't find out about this... please. My Dad will skin me alive, he will kill me if he learnt of what I did back in school that resulted to... this. I beg you in the name of God... don't call my Dad. I will do anything you want, I will even disappeared from your life never to be seen again. I will find something to tell my parents why you broke the engagement between us but I promise it will be to your favor... while I will take all the blames. But please... I'm begging you in God's name that you pray to not to expose me. Let it be a secret between us... I'm pleading. I will rather die than face my parents ridicule...and judgemental eyes.... please. I later had to change my mind from informing her parents. But I hope it was the right thing because I know the risk I was taking because of Oby. The treatment commence few days later. She was in the hospital for a week within and after the whole corrective surgery. I paid off the remaining balance after the whole treatment was done before bringing her home. It took two good weeks for her to fully recover. The bedwetting stopped, she was very happy and kept thanking me. I was also happy even though I didn't show it off. But it was a big relief. I know the money was unplanned for but I was happy to help. And also thanked God that nothing went wrong in the process. I told her about traveling with her to her village to meet her father. My decision still stand. I was not going to tell them any of what she did, I was only going to meet her father to let him know that the initial plan of getting married to Oby has changed but I will assist in her education if need be. I was not interested again in having a future with her. My decisions concerning that was still very strong. My feeling for Oby has drained off, I feel nothing intimate for her again. I just wonder how love can get so cold within a twinkle of an eye. Initially, I was so much in love with Oby that all I think of was her and the beautiful things the future holds for us. I was twenty eight when I took that decision and I have always looked forward in getting married before thirty or by thirty. I'm already thirty years and moving to thirty one with all my hopes shattered to pieces. I will get married some day when I meet the woman for me and is definitely won't be Oby but until then I will be as clever as tortoise. Oby has thought me a big lesson. "You can't do that...why do you want to do this to me? How many times do you want me to say that I'm sorry, what exactly do you want me to do? I know is not just because of the mistake I made in school, is mainly because of that lady I met at the open joint that day with you. I'm not even asking you to marry me again, because I know your mind is made up and you don't want to have anything to do with me ever again but I'm more after my school. What will happen to my parents won't be able to pay by school fees and still care for my younger siblings. I will become a drop out... what will then become of me? Well, i know you have done a whole lot for me and my parents already...I don't have any right to ask for anything else from you. I accept whatever you want to do with me... anything, is my cross...I accept it... She walked away crying. I planned traveling with her the following weekend. On my way back from work within the week, I drove past a boutique where female wears were displayed. I was having double mind stopping. Before Oby came to Abuja, I told her that I will take her shopping before she goes back to school but after she came and the music changed from the normal beat I had to also change with it's rythme. I decided to stop by and get few wears for her. I also got some undies from the female boutique for her. From my observation, she came with just a black bra and just two panties, two wrapping short gown. Nothin else I left some of my wear for her which she uses at home. Since she will be traveling next week it will be like send-off gifts to her even though she does not deserve anything from me again but I did it anyway. When I got home, I was perceiving food aroma. She came out to greet me. ", Good was work today? I cooked...I made jellof rice with fried turkey meat. Can I serve delicious. I used the ingredients at home and it tastes great... please, don't say no... just have a taste... please "Yes, you can put it on the dining let me take my bath first. I got something for, have it. She was reluctant at first as I stretched out the two full boutique bag towards her. She was grinning as she collected it shyly. She muted a thank without opening the bags I walked into my room, showered and came out for dinner. I ate the food she prepared, she came out and was filled with smile. "Everything fits perfectly. I love it... thank you so much. I didn't know how to tell you that I wanted to buy one or two wears...I really wasn't expecting anything after everything you did for me. I'm forever grateful... God bless you mightily... I nooded and try to force a smile. "....Hope you like the food? She asked as I was munching on it. I nodded without looking at her. After dinner, I moved to the sitting room while she cleared the table and washed the dishes. She came to the sitting room "Can I show you how some of the clothes looks on me... hope you don't mind? I asked her to go ahead and wears the clothes. She rushed into the guest room and within a short time came out with one of the jean trouser and top. I nodded with a smirk face without word. She cat walked a little and went back inside, changed into one of the flower flay gown. It was beautiful on her too. I nooded slightly and return my look to the television. She cat walked back into the room and later came out again. This time I had this puzzled face as I looked at her and her appearance. She stood right in front of me and I just stare at her from head to toe. Why will she wear one of the new bra and pant out to show me when she still has like three more clothes she haven't tried on. This are supposed to be undies. "Uhmmm... is okay" I managed to say after staring at her for a while. I suddenly thought of her showing off the same way to some school boyfriend and tightened my fist angrily. I waved off the scene playing in my mind. She was beautiful and has a fine figure. "You like it... can I atleast wear it for you... maybe tomorrow or next before I finally travel back..."Oby asked holding her two palms together. "Do whatever you feel like doing Oby... I'm cool. I managed to look away from her. "Can I hug you... please..."she asked again while moving closer "Go put on some clothes first Ob....yy" I quickly said stopping her before she gets to me. She smiled and left and I didn't see her again. I checked the time and it was 9pm. Time to say night prayer and head to bed. I thought of Oby, I didn't know why I suddenly wanted to check up on her but I ignored the feeling and went into my room. I turned down the air condition because the room was too cold. There was a knock, I know that was Oby. I asked her what she wanted, she said she wanted to show me something. I asked her to come in, she was wearing another cloth from the collection of today's shopping. A Kelvin Jean gown with belt. It was beautiful. "What do you think? "Is fine... I'm happy that all the clothes fit and you like it. Is time for my bedtime Oby, so..I.. She walked up to me and wrapped her hand around me. "You asked me to put on clothe before hugging you, I did exactly that. Thank you once again...I deeply appreciate. She said like a whisper while holding on to me. She was not putting on bra again as her body pressed into my chest She later loosened up and looked up at me. She tried to kiss me but I gently pushed her back. She bit her lips, fighting tears which was clouded up in her eyes. I was already used to her tears and didn't fright. I looked from her eyes to her lips and quickly turned away. She bent her head in shame, muttered another"thank you" before turning to leave. I opened my mouth to call her back but no word came out. It was when she got to the door, her name left my mouth. I called her and she stopped but didn't turn. I guess she was still battling with her emotions and do not want to give in to it. Her hand was on the door knob when I walked up to her. My feeling for her diminished ever since the night I found out what she did in school. I have not looked at her the same way ever since then and never imagined another form of intimacy between us. Even after paying the huge hospital bills for her treatment, and the bedwetting stopped, my Stan continued, I wanted nothing with her. I wasn't moved by whatever thing she does to get my attention. I don't know what I was thinking at this moment as I walked to her. Maybe I was letting my emotions get the best of me too but just a kiss will calm the atmosphere. "Just a kiss and nothing more" I try to assure myself but I was afraid that there will be probably more. I wasn't even sure if I wanted more than just holding and kissing her. I just hope I'm not making a mistake. "Austin, you're the man....Just a kiss..." I assured myself again as I turned her over to me.
7 Jul 2021 | 10:50
Hmmm Okay oh Just a kiss abi
7 Jul 2021 | 13:12
7 Jul 2021 | 20:32
You are in big trouble, Mr. Just kiss. Next please
8 Jul 2021 | 09:06
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 11 I checked the time and saw it has passed my closing time. since I don't really have much work left and today been Friday, is better I finish and start with a fresh one on Monday I relaxed back on my laptop and began working again. I was very mindful of the time, I plan leaving by atleast 7:30pm and it was just 7:15pm I'm obviously the only person left in the building except for the securities downstairs that secures the building. My office is on the second floor, I use just two office space in the second floor the other space is occupied by another agent that are into travel and tour. One part of the third floor is occupied by my competitors. They are big in real estate and older men than I am. That's why I work very hard and remain unrelenting in sourcing for prospective clients. I work even weekend sometimes except if I don't get a call up And for my full four years in real estate I have not come across challenges that I can't handle. I used more than two years to gather enough experience before setting myself up. My Dad supported me greatly during my early days in the business, he has friends around Lagos into the same line of business I appreciate the help that they all rendered to me during my starting point and I have been standing on my own since four years now and I love what I do. Because of how competitive it was I work extra hard to make sure I don't get shut out in the open market. I make sure I don't add lie or greediness to my line of duty. I remain transparent and will even ask my clients to try another estate agent if they are not comfortable with what I'm offering them. They will sometimes go and still return back to me. Properties owner calls me up most times to come check out their assets. I will go take pictures, check what is wrong and right on the property. I will make sure everything is in place which comes with mutual agreement on prices and benefits before putting it out in the open market. I continue getting recommendation from my clients. They tell their friends that also tells another friend. My phone suddenly rang halting me from my work I looked at the caller and relaxed back in my office chair "Mom...hello... how are you? "We're fine over here except for this my leg that suddenly came back with another form of pain even after going through the whole treatment that I went through last month. By the way, Me and your father were talking about you earlier and I decided to call. I know we spoke yesterday night... how's Abuja city today and how's was work too..." "Fine Mom. I'm sorry about your leg... you need to start another treatment or something to suppress the pain. I'm not much of a medical person, you are a retired matron... that's a senior female nurse. You and "doctor" Stella... your daughter are more learned than anyone of us. Abuja is cool and today's work is moving on fine..i will soon be going home. I still have work on my office desk.. but is little... My Mom interrupted me "Yes, I knew it. I was telling your father the same thing that is only work that keeps you busy in that Abuja... when will a woman start keeping you busy or you don't want to marry? Last week we attended Aham's first son's wedding. That's Ndu... your childhood friend. You are the same age with him. You said you have a woman you want to marry for the past two up to three years now. how long do you want to court her before you finally decided to marry her or is she outside the country and delaying the whole thing. Tell me what exactly is keeping you. You're not a baby anymore Austin. Your 31st birthday is on Sunday which is next tomorrow...any way happy birthday in advance, God will bless your new age but you need to get serious with other things aside work. If you don't have any woman then try and hook up with reasonable ones and if you can't find any in Abuja come down to Lagos and I will personally hook you up with one of my friends daughter... they're many over here that her marriageable and also homely too. Your father said I should give you time, maybe you don't want to rush...but time waits for no man. Before you know it you will turn 32 and by the time you close and open your eyes you're 35years. Time flies like no man's business. Larry....Your elder brother married when he was twenty nine and do you know his wife, my daughter in-law is pregnant with another baby? That's the kind of news I want to be hearing. Having grandchildren at this age is the blessings of the old and seeing my children settling down with a good life partner is fulfilling. Hello... hello Austin, are you still there... I gasped out and turn my attention to the phone which was on loudspeaker, placed on my office table while I went back working. I picked up the phone and said "I'm still here Mom... listening to everything you're saying. I have heard you and soon enough I will introduce my woman to you. Patient Mom...I will get married when the time is right. Let me first of all put things in place for my future wife and kids. Thanks for the birthday wishes, I spoke with Larry on video call few days ago and learnt that they are expecting baby number two. Congratulations to them and also to Ndu that recently got married. I need to close for the day is almost 8pm. I love you Mom...greet Dad for me and take care of your yourself.. and Dad too. Please don't forget to get pain reliever or visit the hospital because of the leg pain. I gat to go now...Byee Mom... After the call ended I packed up my things and left the office. I got home late, I was so famished that after bathing I quickly warned up already made food stored in the fridge and ate quietly. I called Oby and she sounded sleepy. I asked her how was her day and lectures too and she assured me that it was great. She complained of two new text book she needed to buy because of her upcoming exam. I asked her how much and she said everything including one other handout is eleven thousand. The upkeep money I sent to her two weeks ago she complained it has finished. I was supposed to send money for more food stuffs last week for her after she complained that the thirty thousand I sent to her wasn't enough to buy all the food items she planned to buy due to how things were expensive. that was the week I paid her school fees and had other expenses. couldn't do the transfer but I promised this week that I will. I had it in mind since Monday but I left it for Thursday. I later did the transfer of 40k for her to buy whatever she needed and keep the remaining change for later needs I previously wanted to ask her to take the textbook money from the remaining upkeep I recently send but she may start complaining over how a lady needs money to survive in school. "My love, I know your birthday is coming up soon. That's on Sunday, I won't be around to celebrate it...I wish I will be in Abuja but since I'm not available can you also send my own cake and drink in form of cash. Add it to the textbook money... please. Don't let my own enjoyment pass me by because I'm in school. Since the textbook and handout is 11k... can you atleast make it 20k. As a special person in your life I must also celebrate your birthday over here in school. cake and drink will be like 9k. I... "Okay..ok Oby. I will send you 15k. But I'm not sending another money for the rest of this month. Today is 16th, half of the month is gone already...manage your money Oby.... She began to sound like she wanted to cry. "The money will not take me for the rest of the month...but no problem. I appreciate everything and I will try and manage like I have been doing despite how expensive everything around here is. I'm going to my 300level, the upcoming exam is my last exam for this semester. I don't want to get distracted because of money or any challenges. I suppose to be in 300level already but due to the old carry-over that I had to resit it delayed me but I'm catching up. That's why I need money, some of this lecturers are thieves, aside buying their handout they sometimes want student to sort them with money. Mostly, the grades doesn't count for some of them...but I'm doing all I can to remain upright for you my love...I love you. Add something to the 15k so that I can also buy drink for my room mate... please" "Alright... I'm transferring 20k. Please Oby don't let me regret my efforts. I'm over here planning for our future...i have left the past to remain in the past as we forge ahead. I don't want you to give me reason to worry. That's why I'm doing all I can for you to be happy. Focus on your studies and make me and your parents proud. I want us to get married immediately you graduate. I don't want any more carryover or keeping of bad companies. Stay away from friends that doesn't contribute positively to your life. I love you... you know I really do. Go back to bed now... you will get the alert in the next 10minutes. Goodnight... I transferred the money after dropping the call. Within two weeks I have sent almost hundred thousand to Oby for just upkeep and textbook. I need to speak to her more next time, I don't want her to start over demanding for money because I noticed that since she went back to school she is always talking about money. I have to make her understand that I don't plug the money from a tree, I work for it and she should learn how to also save and manage whatever I send so that we can plan for the future with the remaining. Is over six months that I decided to forgive her past fault and focus on the future. It wasn't easy at first but I knew I have to free my mind of every hate and bitterness that she caused with her careless living back in school. I forgived her totally and promised to continue as it used to be. Her parents did not have to know of anything, she was my future wife and I have to protect her in anyway possible. Oby was obviously sorry, she pleaded and I knew deep down she meant it. I have to let it all go and move on loving her. My utmost desire is to have a great future with her. When next she visit I will introduce her to my Mom and Dad through video call as the woman that I intend to marry. By then she will have just one year to go in school and the waiting won't be long again. My parents don't have to also know that I met her from the village or sponsoring her in school. My Mom will stop troubling me with marriage issue soon. Oby will make a great wife, she got carried away in the past and have learnt her lesson She won't dare misbehave ever again. I slept all through my Saturday morning. Towards afternoon Chuka called me to come so we can chill out together in one of those exotic joints. I did sanitation around the house before getting ready for the evening outing I later got dressed, took my wallet, car key and left. Getting there Chuka was seated with Jerome, they were drinking. I didn't know he also invited Jerome, is not like that would have stopped me from going because me and Jerome are cool. We put our differences aside few months ago and embrace peace for old time sake. Chuka was the architect of the whole settlement. We all exchanged a hand shake and pleasantries. They ordered drink for me and we went drinking and talking about everything in general. Chuka talked about how he was playing his daddy duty perfectly to his six months old son. He asked us to do and marry so we will also experience the joy of having a family. Jerome laughed and said he will be getting married next year if he sees any woman that will capture his heart. But before then he has to enjoy life to the fullest before any sort of commitment. Ladies in revealing clothes walked pass our table, Jerome beckoned on one of them and she told him that she was coming. "Won't you like to have one too...? He asked me and before I will say anything he continued. "...chuka already got a wife but he can also have a chick who rubs his back outside without his wife's knowledge but is your choice man. My main focus is with Austin who is still very single and successful just like me. Look at all this girls, they're hot and I need them to set my body on fire... hahahaha. He began to laugh as he lifted the bottle of drink to his mouth, gulp it down and took another. He was already drunk but won't admit to it. Chuka asked him to take it easy but he assured him that he was fine. I reminded Jerome of Oby. I told him that I have a serious woman in my life and don't need another. Oby was enough for me I said as I try to change the topic to something else. But Jerome refused to drop it. ", How can one woman be enough, you are not even married to her like chuka. What is even so special with this your Oby... aside the fact that she is fine what other value does she have. You praise the village gir far too much. I'm not hating but I won't pretend. Oby is not any special, she wasn't even a virgin. I personally knew she wasn't... I looked at him puzzled before looking back at chuka who raised up his two hands in defence. "I really don't know where Jerome got that from but but I can assure you Austin I never mentioned anything to him. It wasn't from me he heard it... I looked back at Jerome with questions in my eyes. He was laughing like a crazy person. "Chuka didn't tell me anything, I just knew it. Right from the first day I came and met her while you were away I knew she wasn't. She said you haven't touched her yet when we got talking intimately. She likes me and it wasn't unlikely. I expected it because I know the way ladies fall for me, even my shadow sweeps them off their feet. Oby...she was sweet in the middle and soft that... He paused as the lady he was beckoning earlier cat walked to our table. He pushed the lady to sit on his lap. I was trying to control my temper but I was almost going insane while playing calm. Jerome looked up at me again and said "...Austin, Oby's thigh is almost same with this pretty lady here. But this damsel with me is far prettier than she is and....Oby's "hidden asset" you know what I mean can swallow my fist, this my queen here, her honey room will be more tight than that of your "precious self acclaimed virgin Oby.... Chuka cautioned him that it was enough but Jerome was high and enjoying himself vomiting trash. I couldn't sit still any longer, I pounced on him, punched him hard on the nose. The lady with him flee as Jerome fell heavily on the ground. Chuka came to hold me back. I stormed out of the place angrily and drove back to the house. With so much pain in my heart, I called Oby immediately I stepped down from my car. All i wanted was a honest answer from her, nothing more. She needs to tell me everything she did with Jerome and how Jerome knows so much within few hours of my absence that day. I was afraid of the answers I seek yet I want to know everything she kept as secret that Jerome just blew open to my face. Oby has to tell me all that happened during my absence that Sunday. I remember Jerome's belt was loosened up and his shirt was unbuttoned. They obviously had a great time and I have to know what they did. ",Oh God, let it not be what I'm thinking... let it not be what I'm thinking God... I kept muttering to myself as I waited for Oby to pick up call.
8 Jul 2021 | 11:28
New episode don land guys
8 Jul 2021 | 11:30
hmmmm just a kiss don't say u didn't tell you ooo, well u can forgive her and take her back now ,but can she changed? bec she know how to run her mouth too much
8 Jul 2021 | 13:37
I'm speechless
8 Jul 2021 | 15:47
Return this girl to her parents before you die of heart attack
8 Jul 2021 | 17:44
I wander why you are still with her? I don't think she's going to change with the way she demand for money
8 Jul 2021 | 18:51
I know from the beginning that Jerome slept with her and she is still sleeping around presently in school. Sorry to say this guy, but you are very foolish. Next please
8 Jul 2021 | 20:17
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 12 "...Hey...oh my God! So that's how that your friend is..? He is a big liar, he's lying against me because I'm not presently in Abuja to defend myself. How can you even listen to him say such trash without removing two of his teeth. Oh, wait a second... you believed him..?oh my... She began to cry, I waited quietly and patiently and didn't interrupt both her whimpering cry and her reply to my question. " love, how can you belittle me by thinking I will have a fling with your friend while you're away for just few hours? I acknowledge the fact that he has a catchy tongue and he is handsome too but you're more finer and better than him. Why he try spoiling me is because I refused his advances. He made a move on me but I quickly rebuked him... reminding him that I love you and he shouldn't be doing that knowing fully well that I'm your woman... I...I thought you will atleast defend me... how could you? I'm so angry right now and I feel disrespected too. Your friend vomited nonsense lies about me and all you could do was to call and start asking me rubbish questions when you should be fighting out there for me. Infact, I'm going to bed, I was about taking dinner after going for seven o'clock lecture and returning late. Now, you have ruined my appetite...ooh. I don't expect this from you... She ended the call with a cry Okay, now I'm confused. Why is she playing the victim? I suppose to be the angry one here and ending the call and not her. I try calling her back again but she refused picking up. I couldn't sleep that night as all I can think of is what Jerome said. Everything he said came flashing back to my mind. He knew Oby wasn't a virgin when they got into an intimate talk according to him. She likes him and it wasn't unlikely because Ladies fall for his charms, he said so too. She was sweet in the middle... I rolled to another side of the bed and began punching the pillow hard. Something was fishy, Oby was either lying and crying a pretentious cry or Jerome was hallucinating. The way he described her body fits into Oby's perfect description. I couldn't just let it fly or consider the fact that Oby is forming angry with me and let peace reign I managed to get few hours sleep to the following morning. It was a Sunday and also my birthday, I didn't want to miss church service. I got ready and left for church that morning. After service I drove back home and fix something to eat. Chuka called to check up and I told him that I was alright. He asked if I will like to come over or he should drive down I told him that I was going out. Ofcourse I intend going out, very important outing and nothing was going to stop me. Around 3pm, I got into my car and drove off. It was a bit long drive, I finally got to where I was going. Going over to Jerome's place, I was prepared for whatever the outcome will be but I'm not leaving his place without getting the truth out of him. He has to tell me all that he knows. Everything he said about last night, he will have to repeat it. I parked outside and checked through the gate, saw his two cars. The range Rover Jeep and another small corrolla car. I went straight to his door after the security opened the gate. After the fourth knock he came to open the door. I knew he was in and have seen me from inside but choose to ignored at first. He had a little plaster on his nose, I knew I punched him real hard last night, he went crashing on the ground and it was a great relief after I did that I only wish he got more of it. "Austin, what are you doing here..? Guy, I don't want any trouble if you have come for that..." I stepped past him into his sitting room. He has a male housekeeper that walked past me with some ironed cloths to the room. The young man greeted me respectfully. I stood and face Jerome "On the contrary, I didn't come to make trouble rather to kindly get answers. "If so then sit down let me offer you something atleast. Even though you never called to let me know that you were coming. I did the same some time ago and you complained bitterly...but no qualms, I'm very cool and don't really care. I guess you're here because you felt guilty for breaking my nose? well...that shit you displayed was unexpected Austin...I wouldn't have taking it lightly if it was from another person. Anyways, sit down let me get you something... we're friends afteall..." "I'm not here to sit or get entertained Jerome. I want you to repeat everything you said about Oby last night. Everything... because it appears like I'm going insane already. I want to hear you say it now that your eyes is clear... He moved around uncomfortably. "Austin, I was drunk last night, I can't remember anything aside the fact that you suddenly stood up and angrily descended on me. you can't possibly hold on to what I said during those moments. If that's all your reasons for hitting me, breaking my nose and making me loose the pretty lady that as she sat on my lap I was aroused, she was supposed to entertain me this a weekend but you spoiled everything. if that's all your reason for such ill reaction forgetting that we're friends then guy... you are damn heartless" I walked closer to him and said. "If you can still remember the lady that sat on your lap then you can remember everything you said. I didn't drive all the way down here to talk friendship with you Jerome. Since you can't remember tell me about Oby and how you got to know she is not a virgin. He became quiet, refusing to speak. "...Jerome, if you still have an iota of guilt and have little value of our past friendship then tell me what happened that Sunday. He curved a smile and said. "Is all in the past now. Is better you don't get eaten up by that...let it go Austin. I shouldn't have even said anything but I guess my annoyance was the way you went on hyping her all the time which to me was annoying, she doesn't worth all the hyping... He moved down to his mini bar, poured drink into two cups and brought one to me as he went sipping one. I told him again I wasn't interested in the drink. He sat down and began to talk "...I know you told chuka and i that Oby was coming that weekend. The following day, I decided to drive down to see your "virgin disciplined queen" that we talked so much about. I know I didn't call because I was expecting you to be around but when Oby answered the door, she looked at me with so much joy. She mentioned the great things you said about me and how she usually see my pictures on your status. I can't deny the fact that she was beautiful and fun to be with. She mentioned that you weren't around and offer me some of the food she made. We got talking and laughing, she was very comfortable around me and I was also. Austin, as my friend I didn't want to cross boundary initially with the whole comfort but I kinda loose it...we both got carried away. But i might have done few other things but is not what you're thinking. I stupidly exchange number with her and it was the following day, when she called that you were off to work...I decided to drive down and I only stayed for just an hour before leaving and I never came back to your place again. I was having this guilt feeling after that Monday at your place...I never came back. I can swear it. When she called one day that you were treating her bad and she wasn't happy and want me around, she called like twice to complain over many of your ill treatment towards her and how she regret coming to Abuja, I asked her to come out to the main road and I will pick her from there and take her out to somewhere cool...I waited but she never came out or called me. I didn't call either because I don't want you to see my call on her phone. I removed her number from my phone after you came to warn me to keep off from your home and affairs. I did, truly...I kept off until the period Chuka made us settle our difference. Then most time if I try to introduce another woman to you or speak to you about another Lady you will bring up Oby as miss perfect. I knew how everything with Oby was like and you portraying her to us like she was pure was beyond comprehension. I didn't mean to even caution you or speak about Oby at all like I did, I kinda got carried away and began running my mouth. Is getting to a year already that I had a mistaken clash with her and I would have kept it secret if not your praises of her and Condemnation of other Ladies that blew me up and pushed the words freely out of my mouth. I'm sorry that... I slapped the glass cup out of his hand and the drink in it spilled all over him. my temper was rising, I wanted to destroy everything my eyes touches which includes him but I got hold of myself and began to walk out. I stopped at the door, came back again "You mean that it wasn't only also came to my house on Monday while I was at work...? Aaaarrhhhh! Jerome... Jerome... I shouted out his name in total rage He was on his feet moving back saying he was sorry. I began to walk back to the door, I saw a water dispenser and kicked it hard, it shattered on the ground. I walked out and left, drove back to my house with speed like the house was on fire. Why will Jerome, whom I call friend do such a thing and rub it on my face. Why will Oby, my woman that I trust so much, my wife to be stoop so low to disrespect herself and me by having a fling with my so call friend whom she met for the very first time and within three hours of his present... I'm can't think straight right now I got home called Oby and she picked. before I will say anything she began to talk. "If you want me to forgive you for that blunder you made yesterday... by calling and using accusing voice on me over the lies your friend told you then you have to send me some cash. Money is the only language I understand now and it will make me forgive you faster. I won't collect nothing less than fifty thousand for your apology so that next time you think twice before accusing me of wrongs I know nothing about. Beside, you were supposed to call me since morning... to know if I'm still angry or not. I'm very angry with you, how could you think I have something with your friend... Jerome. You belittle me... seriously Austin. You disrespected me greatly or is it because you are training me in school... is that why I have to be insulted every now and then. I will be twenty two years few months from now, so I know my value as a woman. You can't disrespect me and expect me to remain calm. Is either fifty thousand naira or no forgiveness... you can add something on top. I don't mind. when will you be sending it, now or later...? I managed to remained calm all through her nonsense rant. After she was done, I asked her the only question that I called her for. "Oby, after the Sunday I met Jerome in my house, did he also came back on the Monday... while I was at work? I remember you called me that Monday, sounding more lively than you were feeling before I left for work. You asked me when I was coming back and I gladly told you. It was the same day I bought sandals for you. I remember Oby...and I'm trying to refresh your memory if you have forgotten. So tell me, was my friend Jerome around that Monday...? She was quiet and didn't reply immediately. She finally said "On Monday? Is almost a year... how do you expect me to remember? If he told you that he stopped by is either to check up on you or he missed his way. Please, I'm preparing for my exam, don't stress my brain over unnecessary questions. You are getting me more pissed up by asking me irrelevant questions. How can you even... anyway. When will you be sending the money...? Later or now... I ended the call and she called again and kept calling but I ignored her calls. I was supposed to be happy today, is my 31st birthday for Christ sake. I never expect it will turn out this sour. I try not to overact as I wait for Thursday to come. It was the longest week ever, during the week I couldn't concentrate, I couldn't eat well due to lost of appetite. I took my car to the mechanic and fix it ahead for long distance use as I wait for Thursday. Thursday finally came. Oby got tired of calling and began sending messages, which I totally ignored. Early morning on Thursday I picked up my bag and traveled. This time around I went with my car.
9 Jul 2021 | 09:56
To her parents I guess
9 Jul 2021 | 12:45
Are you now becoming wise ? Continue in your foolishness. Next please
9 Jul 2021 | 14:42
u wan die bec if oby abi,, leave that girl alone she don't even show u some respect,, money is what she talk about as if she paid ur fee while you were in school
9 Jul 2021 | 15:11
Guy you need to wise up
9 Jul 2021 | 18:42
Shabi dis girl neva use juju 4 u ooh... She lies, sleep around n nw u av become her money bag... U c these gender called “women” fear dem ooh
9 Jul 2021 | 22:25
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 13. I arrived late and lodged in a hotel until the following morning. That same morning I was getting several calls from prospective buyers. I told them that I wasn't around, I traveled. I referred them to some of other trusted agent in the same line like I was. Some of them said they wanted me but there is nothing I could do. I was afraid that I will loose some of my good clients doing this sudden travel that wasn't properly planned. I called Mazi and asked him to call his daughter to come back for some emergency meeting. Since her school is just few hours interstate. He later called me back and said Oby said she can't make it until the next day because she has already planned her day before the call. I rested a little, made few calls before leaving the hotel to my car. I drove all the way down to her village, the roads were in terrible shape. So many pot holes that I began to regret why I decided to bring my car along. Years ago that I visited it was a bit better compared to now. It appears like it rained recently. The road was mudy and slippery. I was able to dodge some of the potholes until I got to where I was going. Mazi Azuka and his family were just finishing from their afternoon meal. "My in-law welcome. You were a bit late from joining us for some hot fufu and ogbono soup. But, you're our big inlaw and yours will always be waiting for you... Before I could say anything he called one of his daughter. "Chichi, tell your mother to hurry up, our in-law is here. Bring washing hand first while your mother will bring the food. You people should do fast...our in-law must be hungry. "Uhmmm! Mazi... I'm sorry but I ate before leaving my hotel. I'm filled up and no space for another food... please you and madam shouldn't trouble yourself...." He interrupted with a wave of hand. "What are you na(no way) that's not possible. How can you come to your in-laws place and won't eat anything, is not done anywhere. Even if is done somewhere not in this village and definitely not in this house. Few days ago when you called and said you were coming, I began to prepare for your arrival. You called yesterday to inform us that you will be coming today, I have to send my wife to afiko market with two heads of plantain which she sold to buy enough food items. She took her time to prepare the ogbono soup and fufu, she just finished cooking this afternoon. But due to we didn't have much to eat in the morning we decided to eat early lunch after she was done cooking. We were washing our hands when you drove into the compound and you saw my daughter clearing the plate as you were coming inside. Is freshly made with stockfish and azu mmiri amirami(smoked fish) cow skin is also inside. It was all because of you my in-law, our normal meal doesn't take much effort or too much ingredients like this one. We try to manage and also think of tomorrow too which is another day of having many mouths to feed. At that point I began to imagined Oby spending over fifty thousand for just upkeep within three weeks sometimes while her family are trying to manage with the little they got. Oby's Mom showed up with her daughter. They were carrying plates of food which they placed on the table right in front of me. She greeted me and apologies for the delay. I responded kindly to her as I asked them to leave the food covered. Let me present my reason for coming all the way down before thinking of food. I started by asking Mazi how he was fairing. He replied with a loud breath at first before saying "Hmmm, ogom (my in-law) we thank God for everything. Aside the money you usually send to us every month which has really been helping us and selling our farm product and also getting stipend from the kindred secretary work I usually do when I'm called upon there is no other means. That thirty thousand you send goes a very long way for me and the family. In each of my daughter's school, I pay ten thousand for one and twelve thousand for another. My last born... that's my son. His school fees is just six thousand five hundred. Is very expensive because is the only private school in the village. We have the normal community school but children in this village don't take education serious over there. I know I don't have much but I try to give my children the best despite how much school fees which is like thirty thousand every term. My second daughter will be graduating this year.. the burden will lessen up because she will go and learn catering pending the time there will be money for her to enter higher institution but if we can't get money then she will have to graduate from her catering school and open her own business which will fetch her money. I really thank you my in-law. You have greatly helped this family... words can't express my gratitude. Oby would have still be home if you haven't showed up and change our story. Me and my wife and everyone in this family are indebted to you my in-law. Ever since I retired from teaching and decided to focus on farm work things have been a bit tough. Because before I used to do both the teaching and the farming. I thank you greatly... God will continue to bless you mightily... I nodded without a word. The explanation was taking a very long page. This isn't the reason Why I'm here and I hate to interrupt. He continued "... not withstanding, this your visit seem unusual. Hope we're safe...there is no problem? To what do we owe this August visit? Hope we didn't offend you in anyway my in-law... hope Oby has been a good and appreciative wife... well I know we raised her well. she won't dare misbehave. You wanted Oby around but she insisted in coming tomorrow because of her lectures. Instead of traveling all the way from far North to East you would have spoken to me over the phone. What exactly is the problem...? I cleared my throat and said. "No problem mazi, I will brief you and your wife my reasons for coming. I won't Beat around the bush, rather I'm going straight to the point. I'm not interested in marrying Oby... your daughter again. I'm sorry this may come as a shock but I have lost interest in making her my wife.... A loud scream left the woman's mouth, Mazi opened his mouth and close again. He appears speechless. "Ehmmm... my in-law. Please calm down... what exactly is the problem? Did Oby offend you in anyway or did she go against your orders or is it because of us...? What is our offense my in-law. Please tell us maybe we can make amend and resolve whatever the issue is amicably instead of war. Things have not degenerated to breaking apart. Oby is your wife and if she does anything wrong you have the right to caution her or report her to us. Please my son in-law... Don't let things come to this... He said and I waited as his wife who sat bedside him to chirped in her own plea. "Mazi, I'm sorry but my mind is made up about this. For me to leave my job and travel all the way down from Abuja then you should understand that is not a phone call issue. I needed to see you and your dear wife face to face and make it known just like I did during the early time that I had interest in her. My reasons may look stupid but is the future that I'm more concerned about. Oby suddenly developed so many wild tongue that I can't tame. I tried at first, forgive and look beyond her flaws but things keep resurfacing. I realized that if I happen to marry Oby because of you and her background it will be out of pity and such marriage won't last. I don't want to marry out of pity and end up despising her when I should be loving her. Maybe if Oby comes tomorrow then you can questions over her actions that led to my decision. If she wants to tell you the whole truth fine but if not nothin will change my decision for now. If I'm free I may probably drive down because I will be traveling back very early Sunday morning. I have only if I can drive down here again I will because I need to see her and also tell her this to her face. But don't panic over the fees... I'm not promising that I will continue paying up everything like I used to but I will strive to send my support ones in a while. That's generous enough for somebody who is not interested in the initial agreement and of sponsoring your daughter and getting married to her at the end" Mazi was gasped out sadly. His wife was almost crying and pleading on her daughter's behalf "Please, don't conclude yet with your decision my in-law. Give me a chance to speak to my daughter first. I'm begging you. I don't know what she has done that led to your anger in making such decision but I need your patience. Oby is my daughter and if she suddenly developed wings I will break it off for her. She supposed to be forever grateful for having you in her life. Most of her mates who can't afford university are either married or learning one handwork or the other. How can Oby have sugar in her mouth and decide that stone is better off for her... Who does that? Please be patient until tomorrow when she will be around. If I knew your visit was this serious I would have made her return right away. Because without you, there's no school for her. She can't come and add to my burden when I have already counted her off... she belongs to another and no more my responsibility. Oby won't drag my name to the mud...never. please, give me tomorrow... I later left but not after telling mazi that tomorrow or next doesn't change anything because I have already made up my mind concerning Oby. Not withstanding my anger I was able give them small cash before leaving. How could Oby forget her background so quick and choose to live a hyped life in school. How she allow Jerome touch her, Even before I did still baffles me. Why does she think that she can play the victim on me and I will fall for it. It was my core decision to Forgive her and move on. But that was before the new secret resurfaced about Jerome. Is a heavy blow on my face and I don't think I can overlook this. By tomorrow she will be around to tell her parents with her mouth the kind of lifestyle she embraced. I tried, I did try but whatever got into her ate a junk full out of her.
10 Jul 2021 | 11:10
God knows you have a good heart, but she is playing you for a fool. Next please
10 Jul 2021 | 14:56
I'm happy you did that
10 Jul 2021 | 16:44
She had really fucked up
11 Jul 2021 | 11:31
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 14 On my way out of Oby's village to the main road, I was dodging the pot holes as usual but unknowingly ran into one that I couldn't get off from. rain started dropping, I came out trying to check and figure out a way forward. I was almost out of Oby's village and was heading to the main road when this happened. I was going in out of the car for almost 30minutes. Drained by the rain and temper was rising as the evening was turning into night. Most people that passes by were on motorcycle. Bushes where on both sides of the road which makes it more dangerous. Suddenly I sighted somebody coming down with a leavy umbrella. As the person got closer I realized it was a Lady, she uses cocoyam leave as umbrella to cover her hair that was made with local thread. I wish it was a man, atleast I would have asked for his help. I sighed heavily as I kept looking down for another sign of human walking down. "Good evening sir... your motor enter hole? I quickly turned and looked at the lady that just spoke to me. Why is she asking, isn't it obvious that my car is stock in a pothole. "Yes..." I answered just for the village looking lady to walk pass and leave me alone "What do you want to do now? Are you going to stay here like this? All those okada passing .. you could have waved them to help you. "I don't know anyone, beside this is not my village. Do you know anyone...? She was getting on my nerves and adding to my worries but what if she knows someone that can help me. Before I will say anything The lady said. "Please give me your phone let me call my friend. What if she wants to steal my phone and run away. Well, I really need help and shouldn't be thinking of the negative part now. I went into the car, brought out my phone and gave her. She dailed number and asked me to show her how to send it because she wasn't used to my kind of Android phone I watch her keenly, hoping she won't pick race with my phone. She was modestly dressed and spoke igbo to the person she called before handing the phone back to me. "We will wait because my friend is coming. Me and my friend and you will bring out your car. Don't worry... don't fear your car will be out of this hole when my friend come. She spoke with confident, reassuring me that everything will be fine. It occurs to me that her friend maybe a female too. What if this lady has issue like mental health challenges What if the friend she called is a thief or village kidnapper? I kept thinking of all manners of things. "Your friend? Is a male or female? She looked at me like she didn't hear nor understand my question. I was suddenly feeling uncomfortable, I went into my car and locked it while she stood out alone. The rain was still dropping but I was concerned about my safety. She stood with the cocoyam leave over her head. I know I wasn't safe because they can break my glass and drag me out but for the moment let me remain in there. All of a sudden, two round average guys arrived on a bike. They spoke to her before knocking on my car gently. I have to corporate and come down. Maybe they have locally made guns with them that kills faster. Oby want to send me to my early grave. Oh God, what did I get myself into. I quietly stepped out of the car, ready to raise a hand to show them that I was armless. They greeted me kindly, and asked me to go back in and continue turning the steering while they try and push the car out. I thanked them and quickly went back in and as I looked through the review mirror even the lady joined hand with the two guys in pushing the car. They are undoubtedly strong. They displayed so much strength of five men. My car was out in no time and I was more than grateful. I gave the lady money she refused and said. "Give it to my friends instead because if not for them the car will remain in that hole". I gave the money to the two guys that were about driving off with their bike but they also refused. I insisted and pleaded for them to collect it. One of the them collected one thousand out of the four thousand I was offering. "We did not do it because of money, but I will take this one thousand and give offering tomorrow in church. You should be going, is getting dark and the road is not very good. The one that collected the money said as they said something in igbo to the Lady. They called her Ezi or something that sound unique and nice. She laughed thanked them in igbo before turning to me. "Drive safe... be careful with holes because they plenty on this road. I smiled and thanked her. "What is your name please? I asked her. "Eziaku, but my people call me Ezi..."She repliedv with a smile. "... are you traveling to Lagos or Abuja? I know those are the two big cities people mostly travels to and the good thing is that I will finally be leaving this village tomorrow. I will also be traveling...." I smiled too, she was full of life but I don't have time for conversation. I need to go back to my hotel before it gets late. "Uhmm Eziaku, I'm not traveling rather I'm going to town where I'm staying at the moment. I traveled down to this village for something important. Thank you for everything...I really do appreciate. Please, take this money... I'm asking again. Atleast add it to your transport to wherever you will be traveling to tomorrow... please. "No Sir, I already told you that before. I saved up enough money for my journey. Kindness doesn't have to have a price tag...I know I'm not educated like you but that is my believe and most of my friends believe the same thing. When you want to help somebody don't expect anything in that way it makes the mind free and the world go round. Let me be going before darkeness meet me here. Thank God the rain has stopped...but it looks like it will still fall in the mid night. ... I nodded and entered the car, she stood waving as I started the car. I horned twice to say goodbye before driving off slowly. I looked at the review mirror and saw her running up the hill that sloped me down to the hole where I got stuck. If she was going my way she could have been a great company. I would have given her a lift but she was going up while I was heading out of the village. I carefully drove until I entered the main road and zoomed off. I drove back to my hotel. The following day, Mazi called me that Oby was around. I told him I will be coming later. I got ready but decided not to use my car due to yesterday experience. As I was on motorcycle going to their village, I got to the same spot that my car got stock and remember Ezinne, was it Ezinne or Ezinna she told me her name? Well, I think calling her Ezi will save me from the trouble of thinking of her full name. Why am i even thinking of her? Well, is normal. She showed up and helped me when I was in dare need of help. God bless her heart. Today is about Oby and not Ezi. I still wish I can see her again and maybe thank her for yesterday but she said she was traveling today maybe she was already gone. Where is she even traveling to? What if I see her again, and then what? I reminded myself again that today was about Oby. I will get to tell her to her face and her parents that her wife material is not upto a yard and I can't manage with such a little quantity. I was done, this time for good
11 Jul 2021 | 12:58
A good desicion
12 Jul 2021 | 07:06
is good you tell them ,let her go and look for another money bank
12 Jul 2021 | 07:27
12 Jul 2021 | 08:46
12 Jul 2021 | 13:30
New episode loading.....
12 Jul 2021 | 16:11
WHAT LIES BENEATH. Episode 15 "....yes, she told us some shocking thing that left me disorganized. You traveled all the way down to tell us that you're no more interested in Oby, I pleaded with you not to conclude yet until I talk to my daughter. After talking to her, I and her mother couldn't believe what we're hearing. I will want her to repeat everything she told us... What exactly did Oby told them that will leave them in shock? As far as I'm concerned, I never did anything to hurt Oby rather I used my resources to get her an adequate help which stopped the bedwetting that was caused by the abortion she did back in school. How did I offend her or what exactly does she have to say about me apart from that I have been nice and generous despite her excessive request which I count as nothing. I looked at her and she looked towards me and gave me an annoying roll of eye. The father asked her to talk Oby started running her mouth. "after he invited me to Abuja for the first time last year, I went over and on seeing me he changed totally. I noticed he was always on phone and will sometimes Leave me to go and meet one of his women, I try talking to him and he will tell me that he is paying my fees, I have no say over what he does. Well, I decided to do everything he asked of me so that I won't offend him. That first night, he forced his way to have me, knowing very well that I don't know other man apart from him....he was the first man. Back in school, I mind my studies and focus on making good grades so that I can make you and mama proud. Whenever he calls me in school he will be ordering me around, wanting to know my whereabouts and he calls every passing minute. Choking me with his authoritative attitude yet I never mind or complained. After forcing me to bed at his place, even after I told him that I wasn't ready yet...I later found out that I was pregnant... Her mother clapped her hand and exclaimed in shock. "Jesus Christ". Mazi shake his head pathetically as he wore this sad disappointed look. I was just in total shock and speechless. I will open my mouth and close again as I kept looking at Oby and wondering how she cooked up such lies. "....he asked me to abort it. I refused due to my life and health was at stake but he insisted and threaten to discontinue the relationship if I don't. He said he will neither marry or sponsor me if I keep disobeying him. He took me to a place where I had to do the abortion done. Papa, I almost died...ask him, he's here. He almost killed me. The situation became worst because I found out that I can no longer hold my urine. My bladder was mostly full and if I don't urinate immediately it will pour down on me. It was really that bad papa and I was in pain. He realized the danger he put me through and decided to take me for surgery... Scream left mazi's mouth as he looked from his daughter to me with all his big eye ball. His wife stood from the chair and put her hand on her head in shock too. "She is lying. Your daughter is lying... everything she said Is a total lie. I'm also in shock. I... I can't believe she is accusing me after helping her..." Oby interrupted. "Austin just keep quiet please let me tell my parents all your evil deed. They think you're a saviour sent to save us they don't know that you're a devil. You traveled all the way down to tell them that you're not interested in me after you almost damaged my womb, after you almost succeed in destroying my life. Austin, you are wicked. What did I ever do to you...I was obedient and a nice girl. I refused to follow other well to do men who lined up waiting for me to just say yes, I refused and stick to you yet you used me and want to dump me. You did not even let me know that you're not interested in me anymore. You ran down to tell my parents instead so that they will disgrace me and call me unfortunate child. You didn't tell them what you did... how could you? You are denying and saying that I'm accusing you right? Did you sleep with me or not? I ask you again Austin, did you have sex with me more than ones or not? Did I abort a baby which weakened my urinary tract... according to the doctor? Okay, Austin did you take me for surgery or not... you took me into emergency surgery and refused to inform my parents. Did you inform them that you took me for a corrective surgery...? My mouth was open as I look at her more shock. Mazi spoke quietly yet I can dictate anger in his voice. "How could you do such a thing without informing us. Atleast we're still alive, taking my daughter for any sort of surgery should not just be your decision to make. We're her parents and you supposed to inform us. All of this can send you to prison, because is illegal act and anything could have happened to Oby. What if she died, what if something worst happened in the process of the surgery...I can't believe everything I'm hearing. I thought you are educated and smart...why do such a thing to an innocent girl we gave you to marry? Oby didn't tell us to this extent. She was only briefing us and I feel so disappointed hearing all of this things now... This time I managed to smile sarcastically because my head was almost blown from everything happening. Oby's mother spoke in my defense. "This young man look innocent of all this accusations. He has a loving spirit right from the first day he came into this house and I knew Oby will be in good hands. I'm finding it difficult believing everything Oby is can't all be true. I... Mazi shunned her. "Keep quiet woman if you don't have better thing to say. How can you say your own daughter is lying in front of a stranger? We raised our daughter well and she had never disappointed us. Oby can't possibly cook up all of this lies, is not possible. Okay, let me ask Austin this one question. Did you or did you not take her for surgery? You slept with my daughter, got her pregnant, send her to go and do abortion which damaged her organs and then you pushed her in for surgery to cover up your deeds...chukwu aju (God forbids evil) you think because you have money you can molest an innocent young girl we entrust to you all in the name of marriage. It baffles me because, you men will start feeling like god with your wealth. You think the poor Masses does not have a say... they will remain at your mercy right? Hmmm...Ike ahapulam (strength has left me) "Listen Mazi, I know that I flop by not informing you and madam about the surgery but that was because Oby pleaded. She cried and begged me not to. I wasn't the one that got her pregnant or sent her out for abortion...I never did. It happened back in her... Oby screamed interrupting me outloudly. "Shut up...shhhh..shut your mouth.... She suddenly began to cry, tears where pouring down from her eyes as she turned to her father and said "....papa, this man almost killed me. I begged him to call you because I was so afraid but he refused. He said nothing will happen after all you and mama do not have a say over whatever he does with me. He said I belong to him and he can either make or destroy me and nobody will question him. It breaks my heart to hear him deny it. I know the level of pain he put me through papa. This man is a liar, pretender and a dictator. He dictates everything I do. I thanked God that the surgery went successfully and nothing happened to me. Papa, do you know that I always beg him each time for the school fees which he promised to be paying. I will cry and beg him after they send me out of exam hall due to lack of payment...i will keep pleading before he will send the money. Sometimes I drink only garri for one whole week due to no money for feeding. My friends and roommate got tired of feeding me that they will ask me if my parents are still alive. I will call, send messages to Austin begging him to send me small money for feeding. Sometimes he will send ten thousand naira only...I will manage it for a month plus. Other expenses are included inside the ten thousand naira. I did not want to disturb you or mama because I know how it was back home. I can't start asking you to send me the little that you people are managing with. When I was at his place, one of his friend saw me and liked me...he noticed the harsh way Austin was treating me and adviced him to change. Papa do you know what Austin did, he became angry and jealous, he almost fought his friend, he pushed the fine young man that was defending me out of his house and warned him never to come back again...I...I.. She wiped off tears, blew her nose into her cloth and continued talking. I began taking steps to leave because my head was about exploding for real. Her mother try to call me back. Oby said to her "Mama, let him go...he may look innocent but this man's heart is evil. Don't be deceived by his look. I'm in 300level, I have just a year to go and I will be through. I will go for my Nysc after then, get a job and take care of you people. I have lots of men who are ready to care for me but I keep turning them down because of this man. I'm almost a graduate, don't worry. I have gone three years plus already and will be finishing soon. I have suffered enough in silent. We don't need him...he made me go through so much pain. It really breaks my heart to watch him stand there and deny it all. Let him go and meet his numerous women in Abuja that he brings home every time and I can not say or do anything because of the fear of what he will do. He even starved and maltreat me at his place. The stories are much...if not that papa do not have money will I go through what I went through just because he promised to sponsor and marry me...oh God. This life is not fair... Is so painful.... She began to cry again. Mazi said "Oby, why didn't you call and tell us... why do you wait until now? He is not married to you yet and he did all of this, if he gets married to you that means he will bring back your corpse for us to bury...chukwu aju (God forbids) this kind of thing supposed to be in the news, people needs to be careful with men who pretend to be nice, they go into homes, make mouth watery offers and then try to destroy the entire family. Don't cry my daughter, I thank God that nothing happened to you and you are about rounding up with your school. The devil is a liar and has failed over my family.... Oby's mum said as I took another step toward the exit door. "Austin send thirty thousand to us every month, sometimes he send more. How come is only ten thousand naira he sends to you Oby... which you said happens after much plea. I'm your mother but some of this stories doesn't add up and I'm not buying it all... Mazi screamed at her. "Which makes you a useless mother. Your daughter almost died... this man wanted to kill your daughter and all you have to say is this? Did you hear the part he agreed that he took her for surgery? Do you even know how much surgery is done? He did it all without informing us, because he wanted to cover up his evil deed. Oby finally have the courage to speak up and you are still in doubt. What kind of mother are you mama Oby? Will you rather want her dead...I don't understand this your foolishness. If I have money this man will be heading to jail. I will lock him up and put his name on every news paper and social media. He is very lucky...but one day he will be exposed. His evil deed will come out open. I welcomed you Austin into my home, hand my daughter over to you and you decided to destroy her life. The money you send to us was just for camouflage so that we will be thinking you are really taking care of Oby. After almost destroying her life you have the nerve to travel all the way down here to tell us that you're not interested anymore. I could have organise some village tugs to deal with you for everything you did to my daughter... let me go and call some of this village boys to handle you, let me see how your money will save you... bastard... He stood up. Oby's mother started calling him to calm down. "Calm down Papa Oby, please... don't take laws into your hand. He walked away from her, Oby's mother asked me to take the next available bike and leave the village before her husband will make up his mind. Oby was going after her father asking him to go ahead and make the call or she can run and check for some of them. I stepped out and started leaving. Oby came outside and said to me. "You don't mess with me and go scot-free Austin. Who's head is buried in shame or you? You wanted to disgrace me but I'm always thinking ahead of you.... I told her she will regret her actions some day. She was insulting me as I leave, calling me nasty names. I ignored, I was lucky to get a motorcycle which I borded. It took me to the main road where I took a bus back to my hotel.
12 Jul 2021 | 16:16
It's about time
12 Jul 2021 | 16:21
Austin 0-1 Oby the battle continues
13 Jul 2021 | 04:08
Olon she wicked
13 Jul 2021 | 04:08
next pls, wicked girl God will punish you
13 Jul 2021 | 05:32
Your foolishness is catching up with you. Next please
13 Jul 2021 | 05:39
I'm crying, for real. I feel your pain dude
13 Jul 2021 | 12:00
Oby is an ungrateful brat Thank God your eyes are open now
13 Jul 2021 | 16:13
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 16 As I got to my hotel I fell flat on my bed, staring at the ceiling in terror. I'm still dumb founded at all that transpired at Oby's home today. I never saw it coming, I never imagined it will turn out this way. Sincerely Oby took me by surprise, I never thought she was capable of everything she displayed. I kept staring at the ceiling wishing tomorrow will just come so that I will run without looking back. My phone suddenly beeped, I was reluctant to check at first. I left it there for sometime before picking it up. I noticed it was a message from Oby. "I know the exact hotel that you're lodging Austin. You will be getting visitors any moment from now. I and my Dad sent the tugs after you. Don't worry they won't kill you, they will teach you a bitter lesson of your life. You messed with the wrong person. You will return back to Abuja in different piece I promise with my full chest. Oh Austin, I will deal with you for trying to dump me after getting my hopes high and making me to Chase off other men interested in me. You are very wicked but I will show you that I'm more learned in that area than you are. You can go to hell after they might have dealt with you, you're not even romantic or good in bed. You are so boring to be with. Nothing about you is romantic, I wonder how other women cope with you and I'm glad that I will never see your useless face again. After Spanner with the other two guys finish with you, you will regret ever stepping foot in my land. Next time if you see a woman you will pick race without looking back. Nonsense!! I quickly stood, I walked round the room confused on what next to do. I read the message all over again and knew I had to disappear from here. This was around 6pm. I started packing in a haste. I just throw my things into bags without bothering to arrange or fold them. I have to check out from this hotel immediately before the village bad boys gets to me. I called the reception and informed them that I was checking out Since I paid upfront, I wouldn't need to go over any payment issue again. Any delay can be dangerous. I was walking down to the reception in a total haste when I noticed that my phone wasn't with me. I rushed back to get it but I couldn't find it on the bed or anywhere around. I scattered my bag all over again but is nowhere to be found. "Oh God, don't let this bad boys meet me here..." I said a short prayer I will have to leave the phone, I need to get out of in one piece and not in pieces as Oby and her gang wish. I picked up my bag and left again, when I got to the reception desk I spoke to the receptionist on duty. "I'm checking out....I can't find my phone in my room, I have searched everywhere, I didn't see it. I can't wait any longer, I'm leaving right away...just to let you know... The young lady interrupted me apologetically ." I'm sorry sir, but You paid for three days, you still have a day to go... hope there is no problem? About your phone, we sincerely apologise but if you don't mind I can send the room service to search the room carefully. Is the missing phone the same type with the one in your hand...or a different make? I looked at her puzzled as I wonder what she was talking about. I looked down at my hand and look back at her again then return the shocking look to my left hand. My phone was actually in my hand this whole time. I knew something was occupying my left hand but I was too much in a hurry to care. I can't still believe that I was having my phone in my hand this whole time and didn't know. I thanked her for calling my attention to it. I ran off, heart was pounding as I looked out for my car while still inside. "Hey...hey oga. Stop there... I looked back and saw three guys coming out from the bar side. "... don't scream, just corporate and if you try to play smart we will outsmart you. One said to me like a whisper to my ear. The huge one among them pushed me gently towards the exit door. I try to man up but my guts left me long time ago. It was the search for the phone that delayed me. I would have been gone before they gets here. "Na you Promise to train and marry Mazi's first daughter Oby but instead you try to useless her life. They don brief us as the matter take be and we Promise them that na sorry go be your second name after we deal with you finish I try to talk but the one that spoke the pidgin slapped my head hard as they lead me outside. "...Enter your car and drive us out of this hotel. You go spend your night for bush today...". The first one said to me as I was struggling to open my car "Listen, we don't go after good people, if you were a nice man, we won't come visiting. We deal mercilessly with men like you deceiving vulnerable girls because you have money. You met her a virgin then tries to strip her off every innocence left. We will teach you a bitter lesson that will linger in your brain for long, before you come to my village next time to do another atrocity you will think twice. We are protecting our village and innocent people from scavengers like you. you chose the wrong village to come... The third man among them who was walking round my car came and stood in my front. The pidgin man pushed me forward to enter the car immediately i opened it. "Wait...wait. I knew he looks familiar. Umunnem ( my brothers) wait biko (please) we helped him yesterday when his car entered hole at umuoji road... He began narrating to them in igbo. I heard him mention Ezi's name. He continued talking to them trying to calm the other two hot tempered men down. "... maybe he is innocent. Eziaku said he is a nice man. I guess this whole thing was a set up because after the suffering he suffered yesterday under the rain with his car I see no reason for him to go back to the village again. If he knew he was going into a Lion's den, this man won't smell near our village. I think is a set up... let's think before acting biko. I know look can be decisive and we are fighting to protect our land from evil perpetrators pretending like angel but this man looks innocent to me. Let's hear what he has to say... atleast he can explain his own part of the story too not just what mazi and his daughter told us... I looked up at the guy speaking calmly to the other two. I recognized him, he was one of the guy that Ezi called to help me push out my car from the pothole yesterday. That yesterday, he was the one giving me order on how to turn my hand so that the car will be out and asking me to relax and not worry during the potholes drama. I offered him and his friend money he refused after the car got out, it was his friend that collected just one thousand Naira which he planned to use for church offering today. The other two listened to him speak, they later left me to lock back the car. I closed my car as we all went back to the hotel bar. I bought drinks and a plate full of garnished gizzard for them. We sat round the table as I narrated some of the things Oby did and my reasons for traveling to the village. I even showed them the recent message I got from her. "I talkam. I said it guys that this man maybe innocent. Do you see that we would have beaten this man to stupor without finding out the main truth all because Mazi Azuka told us that he tried to kill his daughter and do not want him to go scot-free. He wanted us to mishandle him and watch him plead for mercy. He wanted to see how his money will save him... The guy from yesterday who's name was Chinonso but his friends call him Nonso said "Na true, oil full your head Nonso. If we go back now eeh, we will tell Mazi that we do our job well. We remove his teeth come break his legs join. He will not walk normal or laugh anytime soon. He was crying and begging for mercy but we no care..." The pidgin guy that they nicked named Spanner said. the other two began to laugh seriously. I couldn't help but laugh too. ...oga, this gizzard make sense... It go well with this bottle of beer. If I drink one more I go they alright. This one na my third bottle. Na beating they send us but na enjoyment we come dey.... Spanner, the pidgin guy said while filling his mouth with the garnished gizzard. I ordered for more of the gizzard and more drinks. ", Small girls this days don wise finish. Can you imagine Mazi daughter that had this kind of opportunity yet misused it. She enter school go tear eyes, as oga lost interest in her she and her papa vex...they want oga to suffer. This Man tried for them, that girl misused her chance and she shouldn't blame anyone for that. Beside, marriage is not by force. This oga doesn't want to have anything to do with her.. period. After everything I just heard I'm in total support of his decision. Raise your glasses if you agree... They all raised their glass. They continued talking and laughing while drinking. they all later apologies for accosting me not knowing that I'm a nice person. I had two bottles too, I didn't feel like drinking or had appetite for anything but I had to join them. I was still feeling a little bit traumatized after the whole ordeal. As they stood to leave, I try to give them transport money but they refused. And said that they came with their "okada" they call it their "Prado" parked outside the hotel. They said the drinks and gizzard was enough. They have all had enough to drink all they need is to go home and sleep. By tomorrow they will tell Mazi anything they want to tell him because he is a very stupid man to have believed his daughter's lies and send them on such errand. They respected him because he is a learned elder but he is a foolish man. His wife is wiser than him. I try to thanked them for giving me a chance to speak and hearing me out but instead They thanked me for the good man I was. Spanner said he has a beautiful sister ready for marriage who will never misbehave like Oby. I thanked him for his kind offer but told him that woman is not on my mind for now. And if in the future I decided to look in the way of a woman it will definitely not be from a village. Ones beaten twice shy. We exchange handshake as they promise me that anytime I feel like coming to the village for anything at all I shouldn't be scared because they will always have my back. I didn't see anything that will ever take me to their village again. I was really done exploring. I still thank God that my body part is still in perfect shape. Only one slap from spanner will send me crashing. That guy's hand was three times mine. He has a very wide palm, tall with hefty muscles. All through the time we all sat together, I couldn't help but imagine what he will do with me. I know I got body weight too but it can't be compared to spanner who will toast me like bacon. Never will I have anything to do with a village girl or any lady with no exposure. I learnt my lesson in a very hard way. I went back to the receptionist and asked if they had checked me out already, she said that she was about doing that when she saw me going into the bar with the three guys. I collected my key and went back to my hotel room. Had a long cold bath, just to relax my brain before going to bed. Early morning the following day around 4am, I got up wash off, dressed up and set out to leave. I checked to make sure I was not leaving anything important behind. Exactly 5am I left. It will be another long drive but I just can't wait to get back to Abuja. I entered road that early morning. Thank God that Oby's land did not consume me. What will my mum and dad say if they hear of all this? Is only Chuka that knew of my travel. I will never go on this kind of expensive journey alone next time. Infact, there will never ever be a next time. Chuka married Abuja babe and they are doing great together, if I can't find reasonable lady in Abuja I will travel to Lagos and allow my Mom introduced the Lagos babe that she thinks is perfect for me. My main focus right now is to travel back to Abuja and bury my head with work. I'm much grateful that I'm alive and well. What couldn't kill me only made me much stronger.
13 Jul 2021 | 18:04
no new episode....
13 Jul 2021 | 19:20
Thank you stars, because if spanner handle you enh,.....
14 Jul 2021 | 03:48
I'm happy for you that nothing happened to you despite your foolishness. Next please
14 Jul 2021 | 05:00
Thank God for you Oby and her father will regret this
14 Jul 2021 | 06:40
14 Jul 2021 | 11:53
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 17 It was indeed a very long drive, I speed pass other travelers who were either inside a bus or private cars going to different destination. I wish to arrive Abuja atleast 8pm so that I can be able to prepare for tomorrow's work. Missing work for days and referring my clients to other agents is not a good thing for my kind of business. Going back now is to focus on building myself and finding a way in getting more reliable clients. Real estate work is very competitive and if you leave out space, my competitors will grab the opportunity without looking back. This few days have been the toughest. the way my journey turned out I never expected it. My peace of mind, my sanity and life was threatened. I was traumatized and still haven't gotten over from all that took place. I thought Oby was going to plead, I thought she will find a way to see if she can right her wrongs, maybe her father will even help in pleading on his daughter's behalf, I wouldn't have been moved to have her back but atleast I will know that she was remorseful and for that fact alone I will continue catering for the family. I will also continue paying Oby's fee and sending a token ones in a while to her parents whenever I have enough. But instead Oby shocked life out of me. She turned the table and called me the evil one. Her father supported her which left me more speechless. Only her mother was on my side partially. She was afraid of the husband and couldn't say much. I appreciate her for speaking in my defense but her husband and daughter's wicked act is too much to overlook. I can't think straight, I haven't had much to eat or had a good night sleep. I wonder why bad things happen to good people. I ones loved Oby sincerely, with all my heart. I saw her as a decent well brought up girl. I was ready to do anything for her. after she visited and I found out what she did back in school, I couldn't think right because I was deeply hurt. I was hurt by her betrayal but I still chose to forgive, I did so gradually by first of all treating her of bedwetting and caring for her like I should. I never knew she and Jerome already had a thing. After finding out and confronting her with the truth she became hostile and wanted to play the victim on me. Demanding for money again instead of being remorseful. "Oh Oby, lying against me wasn't enough you still send men after me. You forgot so soon, everything I did for you... to make sure you lack nothing. For three years plus i know how much I send every month but yet you claimed is only ten thousand... wow! She actually said that. Oby... Oby....I have never felt so hurt and broken in my life like this....I...I... I hit hard on my steering wheel while shaking my head pathetically. I noticed I was struggling with tears and heavy anger that settled on my chest. Suddenly a speeding van brushed my car as it speed pass, the driver threw in insult at me for my careless driving which they have been horning but my mind was too occupied to hear anything. My fuel tank was down, i need to stop at a fuel station and refill. I'm not even in the right frame of mind to travel this long distance I wish I have something distracting my attention. It would have been lots easier than talking and fighting unseen enemies alone. My stomach made a sound, I need to eat something too. I checked the time and it was already 1pm. Yesterday, I ate breakfast of bread with egg sauce and tea in the hotel before leaving for Oby's place. Coming back, after I was accosted and hosted the boys I took two bottles of drink and that was the only thing I took until now. I need to eat, try to clear my head abit before entering the road again. Maybe I will turned on the music station and keep my mind occupied while driving before I loose it. I just hope that the long van that speed pass me after brushing my car did not do much damage to it's body. I was looking out for where to eat and also refill my car tank when I saw a fuel filling station parked with different company transport buses carrying passengers. In the fillin station was an eatery and roadside vendors where there too. Hawkers were seen at every corner trying to sell their wares which was mostly eatables. The passengers from the transport company bus where going all about the place, buying and eating while some of the women went about looking for a discreet place to urinate. The whole place was filled with different activities. I drove in, I was able to find a place to park which was at my own risk. I came down and the first thing I did was to check the level of damage on my car caused by the crazy van driver. There was a deep scratch. I rubbed my hands on it before turning to leave. I won't add it to my worries. The buses and cars where on queue, waiting for their turn to buy fuel. I decided to go and eat first, the queue will reduce by the time I'm done. I try to wave off the hawkers that came showing off their wares to my face. Maybe when I'm done eating I will look at the fresh looking bananas and groundnuts that I was seeing around. I went into the eatery and asked them what they have. I Saw freshly made food from the showglass. I asked for jellof rice with plantain and fish. I was served right away. I sat quietly in a lone table of three and started eating. There where a whole lot of other people eating and some where done eating and got busy talking while waiting for their buses to get fuel. I guess. Two ladies came to sit on the same table with me. One was carrying a tray of yam porridge with beef while the other had a fried rice with moi moi and turkey. Each had a bottle of coke instead of water. The porridge looked good, i saw it earlier but I was not ready to try it out to avoid stomach rumbling on the way. I have learned to stick to the food I know better. If is not made at home, I'm very skeptical trying it out. I learnt a big lesson during the first time I visited Oby's home. When I thought I had seen the one for me. I gasped and drank deeply from my bottle water. I can't let Oby's issue ruin my appetite today. "Hi... The lady with the porridge yam greeted while smiling at me. " name is Amanda and this is Kachi my friend. Which of the buses are you in, we boarded Chike and sons transport bus. Is it the same bus with yours? I don't need this right now. That was why I looked for a lone table. I want to eat without all this unnecessary interruption and leave here quietly. Her friend was smiling with her mouth full while focusing on me. "No. That was the only reply I could give her which was the answer to the question she asked. "Which of the bus are you in? We paid six thousand Naira for Lagos... can you imagine that? This buses are really making money. How much did you pay?You're also traveling to Lagos right... Her fried rice friend asked as she looked me all over before looking at my ring finger. "No..." I replied again. If they are sensitive enough they will see that I'm not interested in their conversation and the best thing to do is to eat their food, converse within thereselves and leave me alone. "...This one you're just replying us with "no" hope we're not disturbing you? You didn't even tell us your name or the bus you borded. Are you married... even if you're married it takes nothin to be friendly. We saw you sitting alone and thought you will be needing company. Where do you stay in Lagos... you are yet to tell us your name... The fried rice lady continued talking. I just have to say something because even the "no" I was forcing myself to reply them seem not enough. "Listen ladies, i appreciate your offer of friendship but sincerely, I'm not interested. I really want to be left alone if you don't mind. Thanks... The porridge lady said to her friend. "Babe let's leave this boring guy. Maybe he is even a ghost... the spirit world must have warned him to keep off from our zone because we're daughters of the living God...holy ghost fire.... She lifted her food tray and walked away with her friend. I went back eating quietly ignoring them and other people looking over my table. After I was done, I bought one more bottle water before leaving. I paid no attention to them as they try to get me to look at their corner. Women are the last thing on mind. I haven't come out at all from the one I got myself into. I'm not ready or in the mood to act friendly with anyone... definitely not ladies. I'm scared and very careful of women now than before. I walked outside and bought banana and few other things. As I was walking back to my car so that I can join the queue, get fuel and enter the road again a lady bumped into me. "Hey where you're going? I shouted at her. She turned and looked at me Her name left my mouth immediately I recognized her "Ezi... Ezinne... right? I said surprise while looking at her. "Is Eziaku. You're the same man that your car entered hole? What are you doing here...? " I'm traveling, I decided to stop here to eat. I replied, she looked tired and troubled. She used a scarf to wrap her hair, she was wearing a long skirt with brown top. A sweater was tied round her waist. A mini handbag hunged on one side of her shoulder. She was holding a roasted corn wrapped in a paper. She kept looking around like she was searching for somebody. "See me see wahala. I bought corn and pear from one boy...i gave him one thousand naira he said that he doesn't have change. That I should wait he will go and look for change and bring. I wait and wait but I didn't see him...I have been searching everywhere for this boy I can't find....see maka chukwu (swearing) if not that my bus is about to leave I will never have left without my balance. I would have Make sure I find that boy. See the small corn and pear he sold for two hundred naira and still disappeared with my eight hundred Naira Change. I know how much work I did both day and night for weeks just to save thirteen thousand that I'm using to travel. They said Abuja is 7000 I paid happily because I had enough money now wayo people (scammers) have minus eight hundred from the money... She was seriously lamenting "Oh, you're traveling to Abuja? I'm based there. Where exactly are you going to in Abuja...? She opened her bag and brought out piece of paper where the address was written. I know the area and is very far from my house. She will have to take another bus when she gets to Abuja to the said area. "Is one aunty from my village that asked me to come. She said anytime I'm ready that I should come because she has job waiting for me. Is over five months since she told me. I later made up my mind, i started working different job to save money before finally traveling. I called the Aunty last week and early this week that I will be coming today. I don't have phone again, so I used my friend phone to call her. Why this whole thing is paining me is because of this boy that ran with my change. He just disorganized me...the thing is vexing me too much. Even looking at this corn and pear i feel like throwing them to the bush but I will eat it. My whole one thousand can't go like that...I will make sure I eat this corn and pear and leave no single seed on it. I'm going...see my bus there... people are already entering. Let me go before they leave me...bye. She began to walk in a haste towards the bus while still looking around. I called her back and asked her if she will like to continue her journey with me since we are both going to Abuja. She was indecisive. "I have already paid seven thousand for this bus. What will now happen to my money when we have not even gone half of the journey. The man will just find another passenger and put on my sit...he will pocket the money... She looked at me and looked at the bus. "Okay... you can go ahead and join the bus. I only suggested but if you are not ok with the idea is fine. Alright then... go on..." I said. I wasn't ready to beg her because women can be unpredictable and cunning. If I convince her to join me for the rest of the journey and something goes wrong along the line they will point their dirty fingers on me. I saw the two porridge and fried rice ladies coming out. The fried rice eater saw me first and tapped her friend. They looked at me, said something before snapping their fingers in the air. They may spiritually be rebuking me still. Women, hmm... they are filled with drama. I started walking away after speaking to Ezi She turned and started going to her bus too.. I later heard somebody shouting, I turned and it was Ezi. She ran up to me and said "Wait for me sir let me carry all my bags out from the bus. Please, I will join you.. don't leave me oo. Because if you leave and this bus leave is village I will be returning back to. I waited as she went ahead, spoke to the driver who helped her carried out her bags. She carried both garri and palm oil with plantain and another smaller bag which I guess contains her personal things She asked me where I parked, I pointed at a little far end. She began struggling with the bags. I called two wheelbarrow boys to help her carry the bags. "No... leave them. I don't have money to pay them and this boys are not even trust worthy. I can Carry them...I will go twice. Don't worry... I ignored her, and asked the boys to Carry the bags. They carried the bag to my car. Ezi was running after them while I followed far behind. I guess the corn boy that went away with her balance made her have a little more trust issue. They waited until I arrived, I opened the boot of the car they packed in her things. I gave them one thousand . They initially said is one hundred naira each person. Giving them one thousand naira and asked them to leave made them so happy that they keep falling to the ground and thanking me. Ezi did not know how much I gave the boys, all she was concerned is that her load is properly kept. I asked her to enter the car she went to the back seat instead of the front to sit. "You don't want to sit in the front? I asked her as I sat and held the steering. ", Not so sir, I don't want you to feel like I don't have respect. Sitting in the front will make it seem we're equal. And I want to stay where I can be seeing the boot of your car to avoid something falling off without us knowing...." I told her that her luggage was very safe and sitting at the back makes it look like I'm her driver while she is the boss. She immediately came down and ran to sit in the front. Just within the time I was with Ezi I have had reason to smile with her words and attitude. I was happy I had partner to travel the rest of the journey with. Unexpected partner like Ezi. I fueled my car and entered the road again. The rest of the journey was easy with Ezi. It was as if I have Known her for far too long than just two days. She felt relaxed with me just like i was with her. "You're a nice man, I told my friend Uche and Nonso and they believed me because I don't talk anyhow... But you don't look happy... I looked at her and returned my look to the road. It was her word that save my ass from being whooped by spanner and his boys. Maybe I will get to properly say thank you to her on a good day.
14 Jul 2021 | 15:57
Wow! what a coincidence
15 Jul 2021 | 04:56
Things are working out for your good, you may not know it for now Next
15 Jul 2021 | 05:03
Very interesting
16 Jul 2021 | 02:24
maybe you and her will become a thin one day
16 Jul 2021 | 03:10
16 Jul 2021 | 03:53
New episode
16 Jul 2021 | 03:54
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 18 "Here... you have to call your Aunty that you're already at the bustop so that she can give you the house number or send somebody to get you... the number is not written on the paper. She nodded, collected my phone and dailed the person's number. I guess she has a lot of numbers stored in her head. I watched her in silent dial the woman's number and asked me to show her where to send the call because she wasn't used to big phones like mine. I send the number and gave it to her when it began to ring. She spoke with the woman in Igbo after introducing herself again and where she was at the moment. After sometime, she hand the phone back to me. "She said is number 13. Is not far from the bustop. Thank you for everything... God will bless you. I will get down here and trek to her place since she said the place is not far from the bustop. But before I go I want to give you some of the plantain, oil and garri that i brought from the village... " thank you Ezi. I can get those things here in Abuja, please don't... I'm alright. You don't have to trek to the place, since there's no taxi around, take a bike instead. This is 9pm, the sign over there says bikes are not allowed into the estate from 11pm... She waved it off and said "I'm not taking any okada. All this big city okada will charge too much. I will carry the big bag on my head, Then carry the other two bags in my hand. Don't worry you will see the way I will carry it. If you know the kind of cassava and firewood I used to carry on my head back in the village you will understand that this load is nothing to me. She opened the door and I followed suit to help her remove her luggage from the back of the trunk. "Will you like to have my number... just in case of anything you call me. And you can aswear visit sometimes whenever you're free... She interrupted and said. "Thank you sir. I have been wanting to ask for your number since but I didn't know how to ask. I thought you will not like it... I try to get pen and paper in my car to write the number ",If you cannot find any biro just call it out. I have alot of numbers registered in my head...ones I get phone now I will start putting them inside the phone. I thank God that this my aunty said she has work waiting for me. I will save enough money from the job to buy phone... I was able to get writing sheet which I used to write the number out for her. I called a bike man, even with her objection I ignored. I paid the bike man, told him the street and number she was going to. It was after the bike man left with her and her luggage I reversed my car and zoomed off into the main road. I got to my house few minutes pass ten. I was exhausted beyond word, the whole house was stuffy. The remaining banana that Ezi and I ate and remained went into the fridge. Other things found their right full place. I turned on the whole air condition, had a long bath before going to bed. I knelt and said prayer of gratitude to God who brought me back safely. I dozed off immediately my body touches the bed. The rest of the days in the week was super occupied for me. I was mostly leaving early and coming back late I had lots of piled up work, as I try to get new client which was a bit difficult. I lost both money and clients within the period that I was away. Some of the Properties owners collected their assets and gave it to another agent. I was still having some properties left even though taking back what entrusted to my care was another big loose for me but I have learn to be grateful in the little. The following weekend, I hanged out with chuka. I gist him how it all went down with Oby. He was dumbfounded. He couldn't hide his shock. He also thanked God that nothing happened to me. It was during the process of relating the whole event to him I mentioned Ezi, that it was the lady that helped me with her friends when my car got stuck in a pothole. and also one of her friend was among the guys set to beat me up but he recognized me and that was my saving grace. It was within the cause of our discussion I thought of Ezi fully. I silently hope she was alright and probably started the job her aunty had waiting for her. The following week I also buried my head with work. Within two weeks going to three that I returned I have not been able to lease or sell any property. Business was indeed looking bad for me no matter how I try and strive to remain afloat I still find myself sinking. I was stressed out and became down, I decided to take a break and rest for sometime. This was after several weeks of hustling and working hard with no positive yield. The following week, I had a client who just returned from California and wanted to acquire a private property for herself. She was one of the first person serious in doing business with me in months. Looking at her she was well to do, very pretty and matured too. I showed her different properties in my care for her to make her Choice. She finally did and paid off immediately. She told me six months from now she will get another one for her dad. She was thinking of gift to give him for his sixtieth birthday she couldn't come up with anything. Her Dad has everything, different cars and expensive paid trip and vacations. The only thing suitable is getting a property for him in Abuja. She owes some of her success story to him and will want to celebrate him with something bigger this time. Her house was worth lots of millions but she wants something more for her Dad in few months from now. I try to avoid getting close or personal with my clients but I noticed that Stefanie wanted to be close. She invited me out for dinner after buying her house. At first I didn't want to go but since it was a harmless invite and most importantly we still have future business deals. I have to secure the bag properly because she was a big clients that other agent will want to talk into doing business with. I went out for dinner and she refused me spending a dime. She told me about her past relationships and how she got married to a very rich man in California but divorce him after two years when she realized that she can't cope with his attitude. She got richer from the divorce settlement and decided to return back to the country, get one or two establishment before thinking about her next move. Stefanie was very pretty and rich too. She has a sweet accent and a lovely body. Most men will not let her slip off from their hands but as for me I didn't want to mix business with pleasure. At the same time I didn't want to loose her due to future business plan we had. I try to play along with her. After dinner date, another weekend came she invited me out to a fine resort and boat riding. After then, She one day called me to come over to her house and see how beautifully she decorated it I knew the whole thing was getting too much but I drove to see her anyway. The whole place was outstanding. I couldn't help but commend her taste of styles. The house had an outside pool, where I sat watching her swim just like she wanted. I declined the offer to join her but agreed to sit and watch with a bottle of chaddon, a very expensive drink. Each time, I find myself drawing more closer to her but I kept warning my eyes not to let her get into my head. She came out of the water with a bikini, walked to where i sat and kissed me. "I have been wanting to ask... when do you intend kissing me, having memorable fun moments in bed and taking me out for a weekend getaway or don't you find me attractive enough... She asked sitting on my lap and caressing my chest. ",uhmmm... no Stefanie. You're very attractive and beautiful too...I.. "Shhh, Let's go inside then and mess up the bed. I gasped out confused as she led me into her well furnished apartment and straight to her bedroom. She carefully unbuttoned my shirt and we went on kissing right on her bed. I paused as it was leading to more deeper intimacy. What was I even thinking by agreeing to follow her in here. "Why do you stop, don't you want me... because I really liked you Austin and want us to be more than just business partner or whatever you maybe more than a month already. You like me and I liked you too what is the problem? You told me you are not married...or is there another woman somewhere. No tell me...I want to know the reason for your withdrawal. Because is hard to see a full blown man rejecting my kinda person... tell me what is it? I rubbed my two palm together and said. "Two months ago I ended my almost four years relationship. It was not a nice story to tell so I made up my mind to trade carefully. Sincerely, I don't think I'm ready for another relationship because I haven't fully gotten over the last one. Stef, this isn't about you but me...I really don't want you to feel dejected later on. I like you a lot and I don't want you to feel hurt... Please try to understand me... She took my hand and put on her thigh before placing hers on top. "Ofcourse I understand you darlin. How will you know if you're ready or not when refused to give another a chance. Like you said is over two months. I'm not your ex and not after what you have rather I'm ready to spend on you. When I like somebody I go for him and I have never gotten rejected before untill now but I understand your Stan and will like you to loosen up and try me out. I'm not like any lady you have had in the past... I'm classic, sophisticated, beautiful and rich. What else can a man want that I don't have. I want you Austin and I hate to be turned off after coming out open to a man with my intention and affection. You wouldn't know what you are missing if you don't try... She began to caress my body all over again after removing her bra and flinging it to the floor No matter how I struggle to stay alert I was loosing it. I don't want to do this yet I find myself falling back to her bed and getting entangled again. Suddenly my phone began to ring. That was a saving call. Whoever was calling was about to save me from this entanglement. Business or not I'm going to pretend like it was a serious call. Even as I try to stand she mount on top of me and continue with her well learned handwork. "Stef... Stef...I need to get the call. It could be a client... I managed to say. "I don't care who the caller is, this was the wrong timing for whoever that might be. I can even pay you double of whatever the client is ready to offer. I want this moment to be for us alone... Look at me... aren't you hungry to eat me? I should be enough and nothin else should matter or come before me or my desires... The call ended. I bite my lips angrily. Stef was playing the head, Lord and Chief over me and making me not to have a say anymore. I don't need this kind of authoritative woman always want to be in charge but yes I need the business she was offering which is acquiring a property for her father. Is a whole big deal for me, counting that I haven't had a fair business ever since I returned from Oby's village aside hers. It was because of all of that I'm playing along but I was getting choked up already. I don't know how much I can take anymore. She was very pretty and all and I like her free spirit but I'm still not ready for a relationship with another woman. Mentally I'm not ready. Women are very unpredictable and I find it difficult trusting any. Stef can turn out tomorrow to become another nightmare for me. I want to stay away from anything woman and do not know how to end this whole thing with Stefanie without hurting her feeling which may even make her withdraw the business offer that I was already counting on. After some seconds the phone began to ring again. "That maybe emergency. Just a second sweetie...I will return back to you. Let me just know who the caller is. My house maybe on fire and somebody is calling to alert me. My parents maybe in trouble and so many other possibilities. I won't concentrate with you if I don't take the call. Is just few second and I will be right back... She straightened and sat aside. "Take the call but don't keep me waiting. I kissed her making her smile as I rushed to my phone. It was three missed call already from a strange number. I quickly called back on the first ring the person picked, a man's voice. he asked me to wait so that he can give the phone to somebody. " Eziaku. Can you hear me Eziaku. Please can you send your address please...I really need your help. It wasn't what i expected I met a long story sir. Please... Can you hear me.. I thought of a way to act so that I can run off from here. "Okay... okay...yes. yes... you said two cars did what? I will call you the line is breaking. You said acci...what? Oh my God... really.. I ended the call without making it known but I continued speaking like I was on phone. "Accident...oh what? Accident... How come. she ok... is she alive? Please I'm coming right away... don't panic I'm coming now. Which hospital are they taking her to... okay... I'm coming... I turned and looked at Stefanie She couldn't wait for me to drop the fake call when she asked. "Who had accident...? I continued with the lie. "Is my cousin sister. She came visiting me few days ago and decided to go out today and get things for herself. I just got a call that she was knocked down. I pray nothin happens to her...oh God. I need to run...I need... I began to button up and readjust myself. "As much as I hate this unnecessary interruption with passion I still have to let you go because your cousin's life is involved. I hope she is ok... maybe I should drive you there so that i bring you back here after seeing her and we can spend the night in each other's warm. I told her not to worry that let me go first and check on her Due to the way the caller sounds I can't predict the situation. But I will let her know when I'm a bit settled. I ran off after getting my car key. That was how i left Stefanie and the premises after she almost lured me to an intimate affair. I called the number again the guy said Eziaku wasn't with him at the moment that I should call back. I told him to flash me when Eziaku is around I waited because I didn't want to drive back home. She later called and gave me the necessary information I needed to get to her. It was quiet a distance to get there. I did not care about that. I was relieved to be out of Stef claws as I also wonder on Eziaku's distress call.
16 Jul 2021 | 03:59
Hmn, am sure Steph has a plan or she may just be horny
16 Jul 2021 | 09:30
16 Jul 2021 | 15:09
thank God you left,,why would she be saying,I'm beautiful,I'm rich etc and so fucking what? u better run for you life ooo she nah second hand material sef, shame no even dey her body again
16 Jul 2021 | 18:08
17 Jul 2021 | 05:06
yesterday episode
17 Jul 2021 | 05:52
New episode loading...
17 Jul 2021 | 15:09
17 Jul 2021 | 15:10
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 19 After picking her with very few of her things she couldn't stop thanking me for coming by myself to get her. She looked totally disorganized. "....i was even scared that after calling you because I thought you won't answer me. I wanted you to send address but instead you came by yourself. God will bless you... I nodded as I kept driving. "You said it wasn't what you expected you met what way? I asked while facing the road. "Is a very long story o, Let me start from how it all started. After a week of staying with my aunty she said that I came late because the work she told me three months ago back in the village when she visited was already taken by somebody. She said that her newly opened supermarket needed staffs back then and when she saw me in the village she wanted me to be one of the staffs but it took me more than three months to get here and by then all the position was filled in by other hardworking ladies and boys. When I called her that I was coming, she wanted to turn me down but decided that if I come she may fix me up somewhere but unfortunately there was no space in her large apartment or her supermarket to put me... She sighed angrily. "But does your aunty own a supermarket for real? I asked expecting more details "Yes, she has a big supermarket which is not upto a year she officially opened it for business. She even used her son's name for it. She asked me to be patient she will look for something to fix me up because I'm matured enough to be earning money and running my life. She has lots of people in her care already and can't add another burden to her shoulder. I totally agreed with her, I hate to be a burden for anyone and I was ready to work any kind of job. I told her I will do anything possible because I'm not the idle or stay at home type. I love doing something...I begged her to also ask some of her friends if they have space where I can fit in...she agreed. I was grateful as I kept hoping. I was happy for the accommodation and feeding but I really did not wish to depend on her for long... She sighed again and continued. "... after sometime she told me that she finally found a Job for me. Her friend who just came back from America and newly bought a house needed a maid. I will live and work for her friend she will be paying me 15k because she will be accomodating and also feeding me. I was very happy, I was just jumping around like cockroach... I scoffed at the last sentence. "Ezi, cockroaches don't jump... they crawl and fly. You would have said frog or... She interrupted "Rat... all that matters is that I was excited. Very happy that I finally get to work. House girl is not difficult to do and 15k was lots of money to me... just for washing and cleaning. She asked her driver to take me there. The place was very far because this man kept driving and I kept wondering if it was another planet. This new Aunty that I will be working with her name is...I can't pronounce it. She used to do like all this American people. She is very fair like oyibo and fine too. Her house is big and very fine and her English is too fast...I don't know which country she came back from but I was not the only maid in her new fine house even though my aunty said is America. She looked at me like I'm a nobody which I agree that I wasn't anybody but the part I couldn't endure is slapping me and hitting me everytime. She said that I'm not even fine and not upto the standard of people she wanted in her new house. She said I was very local and a nobody. She compared me to other two girls that look fine and well polished. I told her not to be angry that I just come from the village a month ago and I'm still trying to adjust to my new life here in Abuja... She sighed heavily again. I turned and looked at her as I wondered why she was suddenly silent but she was looking at the window sadly. I thought she was saddened by the story but she said. "...I just saw one guy that looks like my friend uche in the village. I miss my friends and if I know this is how things will be here I wouldn't have come. I just wanted leave the village and get a good life in the city but all this big cities have too much trouble. Village is peaceful and friendly than here. That my new Aunty is not even married because she lives in that big house alone with the people working for her. she is very rich and live I don't care life. I can't count how many times she slapped me, poured me hot food and used either her shoe or anything she lays her hand on to beat me. I knew she wanted to frustrates me before kicking me out and my only offense was because I was not upto the standard of people that she wanted in her house. Other girls there will even be laughing is only one that said is better I leave before she hurt me beyond repair. I refused to leave o. I was even ready to endure and make small money first until something terrible happened I knew then I had to leave. she said she was looking for her dollars. Me I don't even know the color of dollars. Among everyone in the house I was the one she pointed. She asked them to bring my bag, after pouring my things on the ground and she did not see her dollar, she became more angry and used belt to flog me, she asked them to tie my hands and legs like thief and she flogged me like I was a criminal. She said she will call the police to arrest me if I don't provide her money. After she left I guess to meet her boyfriend because I heard her telling the man she needed a massage, a kiss and something to Cool off. I was trying to listen to every call to know when she will call police because I was afraid. Police will torture me, lock me up and will never ask me if I stole her money or not. They will be more after her rich and big personality. That is life and that's why many unfortunate people are locked up innocently without proper investigation. After she left that day, I ran away with my bag. I worked for a month plus and was hoping to collect atleast a month pay before that thing happened. I had small money with me that I was still managing.... She yawned tiredly, looked at me and asked. ... please, what is the time? I looked at the time and gasped. I left Stefanie's place around 4pm, drove all the way down and picked Ezi almost 7pm and now is few minutes to nine. "Is almost 9pm. Don't worry we will soon get home. You must be hungry... should I buy something for you to eat or we should get home first... what will you like to eat? "Thank you, i will eat if we reach your house. I also need a serious bath too. Let me, I was able to locate my first aunty place. But she started blaming me for leaving and even after my explanation she did not buy it. She said I shouldn't have left I should have endured because I'm not educated, exposed or has any skills that I should just be grateful to work for people like that her American fine friend. She saw all the injuries on my body but still blamed me for provoking her friend. She said she regret sending me there because I want to make her loose that her rich friend. I later found out that the salary I was supposed to be paid wasn't 15k but 30k. Could you believe that, just a house girl job for a whole thirty thousand. My aunty said she should be paying me 15k while the remaining 15k comes to her. But even after working for a month I didn't see a dime to collect yet I did not worry or have the nerve to ask. I still apologies to my main Aunty and told her that I know how to make hair and will be willing to learn more. If she can put me in any salon close to the house so that I can learn new styles but she ignored me. I stayed for two weeks in her place. She changed towards me and started treating me bad... to eat becomes war as she reminds me of how expensive food is. I can't please her anymore... anytime she is around I'm always scared because I don't know what I will do or say that will offend her. As she went out one day, I started going out to look for job...she found out and accused me of going to meet men under her roof. She drove me out. there is one man that has a shop in another street, I stayed there... after briefing him he felt pity for me and told me not to worry that I can stay at his place. He was married and lives in a room with his family but his wife sells soup items in one big market. She leaves early and comes late... the husband told her about my troubles and she was nice to me. I stayed with them and their two small children. I washed and tidy the unkempt house. Cook before going to the market to Join the wife and sell. After about a week, the man started touching me. I can be sweeping and he will come and stand behind with his hand on my buttocks. Ones his wife is not around, he will be trying to sleep with me. I told him that I can't and beside he was married and his wife is very hard working and nice woman. He said he likes me more than the wife and will take care of me. If I want he will even marry me as second wife. Sometimes at night while the wife is deeply asleep, he will stretch down his hand to the mat I share with his children and start touching. He tried severally to forcefully sleep with me many times but it ended in serious fight. He even went naked before me but it was very disgusting to see. I will look away and will stay outside. I knew I can't stay in that house again. I threaten that I will tell his wife but he still continued. I just couldn't stay in that house again, I told the wife that I have one uncle that I will like to go and stay with. She did not want me to go because I became very useful to her and she took me as a sister but I had to leave. Her husband couldn't utter word. I thanked the woman and still thanked the man before leaving. The woman dash me two thousand naira. I refused but she insisted. I took it and left. I don't really know where I was going. I slept in one man store until the following morning when the man came and saw me, he asked me if I don't have any relative. I thought of you but I was afraid...but I still decided to call. The man gave me his phone and that was how I called you... when I thought you won't like the idea I decided to go and buy something to eat first. By the time I came back the man told me that you called...he gave me his phone and I called you back and I couldn't believe when you said that you were coming by yourself... she paused, looked at me and said. "... I'm sorry that the story is a bit long but that's my story. Thank you for listening. If I have money I would have returned to my village. Is already four months in this City and my life has gone from bad to worst. I don't want to go back to the village the same way I came, I know how to make hair and I can cook and clean and many other things. I'm ready to give another chance to working and making money but if things don't go in my favor again I will find a means, get money and travel back to the village peacefully. I don't blame my aunty or anyone for my misfortune. I blame it on myself... maybe I'm just unfortunate in this life. Thank you again for coming for me... "You're not unfortunate Ezi. Those who mishandled you because they thought you're a common village girl are the unfortunate ones. Don't worry, you're safe and everything will be fine. Do you trust me...? She looked at me and nodded. "I trust you and I have always known that you're a nice man. Sorry, don't be offended ..I want to know... are you married or you have a woman? Do you think she will like me or want me around? I turned to her and said. "I don't have any woman in my life and I don't intend having any. What took me to your village was because of a woman... Oby is her name. She almost ruined my life and even sent village thugs after me of which one was Nonso. One of your friends that helped pulled out my car from the pothole back then... She exclaimed surprised. "Ewoo... chinekem o! I'm so sorry sir. Chai...hope they didn't hurt you...? "No... they didn't. Nonso spoke sense to the other two and that was how I got saved. He also mention your name in the process...he said that you told them that I'm a good person. I don't know how you knew but thank you anyway...I owe you big time for that. Women are the lest of my problems Ezi... I'm not giving room for any again. maybe after a year or two I can start thinking towards that but as for now... I'm very careful of them. I don't have any woman and none will trouble you, I promise...You are very safe with me. She smiled and thanked me again. We got home a bit late due to weekend traffic. She was obviously tired and kept looking around the house. "You live here alone? Is very big for just one person. Your house is very fine and neat. Do you have a cleaner or cook... I told her is just me and I clean and cook for myself. She was thrilled. I did not have much food in the fridge but I had enough for just one night. By tomorrow I will go for groceries shopping and fill up the house with foodstuffs and toiletries. Eziaku has been through a lot in the space of four months. She deserves to enjoy the big City of Abuja even if is just little. I will make sure she won't have reason to run off again and write Abuja off, a state that has been a great blessing to me. I showed her the visitor's room where she will be sleeping. She had her bath and by the time she came out her food was ready in the dining waiting for her. She thanked me and carried it, she was going towards the guest room with the plate of food when I Saw her. I asked her why she didn't want to eat on the dining she said because she did not want me feeling bad if she sit to eat there. I told her to feel free and be herself. I'm not like her aunty or her Aunty's American wicked friend or even the man with wife that tried sleeping with her. She nooded and retuned her food back to the table. She ate hungrily and I asked her if she needed more she nooded. Since there was not enough left I poured the remaining that I left for myself for her to eat. I ate fruit and veggies before going to bed Within the week Stef called in severally. She Kept asking me to come over but I was giving her excuses of how busy I was. I kept using one thing or the other to avoid going over. Until she told me that she was coming down that Friday night. I tried to avoid it but I just couldn't she was actually on her way and wanted me to send the actually address because she was within the area I mentioned that I live. Well she wouldn't want to try anything if she sees Eziaku living with me. I asked Eziaku to leave the mobbing and cleaning she was doing in the kitchen and come and watch one television program in the sitting room. She told me that she was about to finish that she will be out soon. I wanted her to see Eziaku as she comes in. Because I know what she was capable of. Stef may start romancing and kissing me right from the door. After few minutes, Stefanie arrived. Immediately she stepped in to the house she turned to me and said. "Your place is looking more like mini family home. You need to upgrade to my kinda large apartment and employed helps to cook and clean just like I did. I have over four ladies and two male helps in the house...I used to have more but I kicked out those I don't like. There used to be one wretched looking village girl, very primitive and uncultured. I hated the sight of her...she just disgusts me each time I see her. I wanted to deal with her before letting her go so I framed her up...that she took my hard currency. Well, it works because she was the one that took to her heels. She ran away the moment i mentioned police. I hate nonsense and I seriously warned the woman that sent her to me never in her life send such an ugly, unexposed girl to me next time. My maid are tush and beautiful and I make the best choice ever since the ugly maid left. So darlin.. you need to upgrade. Get help and live a carefree life...I have miss you. Come here and give me a kiss...I will be missing my bed tonight and I don't fancy your place but I will manage for tonight until tomorrow. I want you to eat me up tonight... I'm sex starved and I need your touch darlin. Come here and kiss me quickly... I remained seated as I thought of what to do and wish Eziaku can just come out already. Stefanie can't spend the night here, I can't be caught in her webs of entanglement again. She stood, walked upto me, sat on my lap and began kissing and using a hand to remove my belt. Somebody suddenly made noise in the background. She stood, annoyed that she was interrupted. she turned to face the person. "Darlin you didn't tell me you have somebody in the house. I thought we're alone because you told me that you live alone and...wait a second...." Her eyes went wide open. Eziaku seems speechless and shocked too. "....What the hell is this ugly local champion doing in your house? Wait..of all the beautuful classic maid to hire in Abuja you ended up hiring this thing. What the hell is this... you need to kick her out. I hate the sight of her and I don't want my man to have this types of useless maid please... Eziaku looked at me like I lied to her of not having a woman in my life. I looked at Stef and began calling her to order. Stef who was already moving towards Eziaku, insulting her and probably to slap her but Ezi ran off immediately with tears glittering in her eyes. I was sad to be in the means of this whole drama trying to calm angry Stefanie down and wishing she can just leave right away but instead she asked me to take her to my bedroom.
17 Jul 2021 | 15:15
18 Jul 2021 | 07:04
Guy, be a man for once and drive that thing you call Steff away. Next please
18 Jul 2021 | 07:40
Dis gee dy eff up o
18 Jul 2021 | 17:47
This is crazy
18 Jul 2021 | 18:17
what kind of man are you,,I hope not the type that women boss around,, can't you tell her to leave what nonsense,,did she know all ur family members, what if she's your sister?
18 Jul 2021 | 18:56
19 Jul 2021 | 02:36
Next episode loading.....
19 Jul 2021 | 13:24
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 20 ... I'm serious..." She turned, stared at me like a devil and began to laugh sarcastically. "No, you can't be serious. You are a joker... big time.You dare not tell me shit like that and expect me... to take it. I dare you... right this minute I dare you to repeat what's you just said Austin. Who do she even think she is to dare me again in my own house that I never invited her but had to forcefully accept her coming. The whole annoying part was the nonchalant act she always pull up. She is rich, beautiful and classic. And so what? Sticking with her and tolerating all her excesses was because of securing the big deal we had planned. Acquiring another property for her Dad which is lots of money will do me alot of good and that was why I kept mute and played all along. But I can no longer tolerate her disrespect for others. She treat people like trash, tramples on them because she got the wealth to do as she please. The money she thinks she has is intoxicating her to misbehave. When Eziaku was narrating her story to me about the American aunty that treated her poorly, it never for ones occur to me that it was Stef all along. I was angry at whoever that was but played cool because Eziaku was safe and out of the wickedness of self centered humans like Stefanie. I only visted Stef ones in her house and that was also the same day i got a distress call from Eziaku. Coming to my house to still threaten and even told me to get rid of Ezi is just too rude and very disrespectful to me. After all she did to the poor girl, the least I expected from her is to be remorseful but instead she was still acting like a demigod. I knew this kind of people and what they are capable of, so I took my phone and act like I was checking something but I actually put it on record. I won't be caught unaware ever again by this kind of heartless women. ... hahahaha, I knew you were just bluffing. You don't have the liver to look me in the eye and repeat what you just said. Do you know who I am... maybe you don't understand the level of authority I command. I have the money and connection that can mess you or anyone up if I wish to and secondly, you wouldn't want to mess things up for you? You obviously know what is at stake if you do things that displeases me. Listen to me Austin, you don't choose me, is rather the opposite...I go for any man I want and none has ever said no or turn me down. Whenever I'm done with the person, I kick off their ass and go for another adventure. So you don't dictate to me...I do all of the dictating and if you aren't cool with it then go to hell. I scoffed and said. "Really..? So you mean I do not have the right to ask you to leave my house Stef? What kind of person are you? you lied and accused an innocent girl working for you of stealing, tied her up and beat her beyond recognition. She ran away and finally living with me. I never knew that it was you that did such to her but it baffles me that you will come to my house uninvited because you're sex starved, saw the same girl you maltreated and still went ahead to threaten her... even asking me to dismiss her because you don't want a wretched looking person working for your man, by the way who told you that i'm your man? The last time I checked you were just a mare client. I have only tolerated your whole nonsense because there's a saying that "customers are always right". As much as I hate to mix business with pleasure I broke that rule because of the mouth watering offer you made concerning getting a house for your father. You have nothing that can move me... you're beautiful and became so wealthy after the divorce settlement with your ex rich husband and you think you can do anything you like and get away with it because you have the money or pretty face? I dislike your dirty attitude Stef. You are the uncultured and rude one not the girl you drove out. you have nothing, absolutely nothing in your body that can entices me. If i wanted you like you want me we would be having countless intimate affair. But I never had sex with you despite how much you try to make it happen... because I see you as a business partner...a client and nothin serious. You are indeed a piece of work... She suddenly raised a hand and slapped me. She raised another but I caught it and held it in the air before letting go. "...You have the gut to slap me Stef? She moved very close to me angrily that I can smell her breath "Yes, what can you do about it. Do you want to challenge me to a fight? I can slap you and thousands of other nuisance that feels they have a say over what I do and nothin will happen. Let me get this right, are you in anyway defending that useless ugly maid that I drove out? Yes, I dislike her, she disgust me with her sight alone. Living under the same roof with such a primitive useless being was just too much to tolerate. I lied that she stole my dollar but she dares not steal from me because I will kill her and throw her dead body to the lagoon and nobody will question me. Seeing her here again is quiet surprising and I told you to get to rid of her but you question me over that. Who are you to question me...? You are playing with fire and if I were you I will be very careful with what I say. Things are done in my terms and it doesn't matter if I'm at your place or at mine. You will do as I say. i mean it except you want me to withdraw the offer of buying a house from you for my Dad and cutting you out because knowing me and taking you as my man is a great privilege that you should be grateful for. Many will kill to have me but I saw you, liked you and want to make you my man but Only for you to start running your useless mouth and calling me a "client". You are trading dangerously and you have to be very careful Austin. No one mess with me and get away with it... She was pointing her long artificial nails to my face. I took several feet back "I'm cutting it all off, you can try other estate agents or other men. I'm done with you Stef, it was nice doing business with you and I'm not interested in doing another business with you ever again. Listen to me, this is my house and environment. You don't have any single right to order anyone you are free to do as you please when you are in your house. Get the hell out of my house or I will force you out. carry your remaining dignity and walk away majestically before I show you the exit door by force which will make you loose every little gut you have left... She blew up like I just broke her pride and began raining abuses and insult. She continued threatening me of how she will deal with me. "You can't do anything madam. You are only barking like dog, get out of my house and never again contact me for any reason whatsoever. Get out... She walked to the door and stopped. "You just digged your grave my darling. You should really be scared because I know enough information about you. I know your house and a whole lot of other thing that I can use to nail you. Hahaha...I promise that I will deal with you and it won't be for long... I smiled while holding onto the door knob. "Are you threatening me Stefanie? "Call it whatever you like but just watch your back because you may not know what will hit you from behind Austin. I talk and do...I now know your house address. No one reject me... for such act alone plus your insult I will make you cry blood. I sighed impatiently. "I will take your threat to the police. I know your house as well, I know about your Dad and lots of other things to pin you to the ground. But first, I won't take your threat like a pinch of salt. I'm reporting you to the police and they must call you in for questioning. She laughed out sarcastically again "Almost all the police in this Abuja are my friend... police is my friend and I can buy them all over with my money. But aside that, what evidence do you have because they will need prove of the threat. You have none obviously, is my word against yours my darling Austin. If You can go to the police, you will be dismissed because no concrete evidence.... I interrupted as I raised my phone to her face and show her that she was on record. ,",Enough talk already madam. Everything you said is on record and you have said a whole lot and they're in here. Since police is your friend and you can always buy them over with your money let's see how that goes. For the last time get the hell out of my house... She was dumbfounded as I opened the door and gently pushed her out. I locked my door and saved the recordings. I was so happy with my little achievement. after listening to some of the things she was vomiting during our altercation I smiled. I can't be caught unaware with women. Not again and I will try to be a foot ahead of them. Oby caught me unaware but i will try not to let such happen again. I had few police friends, I quickly forwarded the record to them after I might have called like two of them. She was going in for questioning where she will write undertaking to stay far off from me and mine and if anything happens to me she will be held responsible. I wanted to go and check up on Eziaku, but by the time I finished up with all I was doing it was already late. It was pass midnight. I decided to wait until morning before meeting Ezi. I hope she will understand and still trust me after my explanation. As I lay back in bed which was pass 1am. Stefanie began calling, I ignored the caill and decided to switch off my phone instead. I said few prayer before trying to sleep When I woke up the following morning, I saw alot of chats from Stefanie. She pleaded that I shouldn't take the record to the police that she was only angry that I rejected her and felt humiliated because it was rare to see a man turning her down like I did. She explained that she truly likes me and ready to apologise to Eziaku if that will make me happy and she will also still buy the house from me but only with the condition that I don't send out the record. I didn't reply any of her chats. I stood up from my bed, went into the bathroom, brushed and decided to go check up on Eziaku and to explain everything to her. I went to the guest room and knocked severally but got no response. I gently opened the door and was surprised that she wasn't there. I became a little scared as I rushed to the kitchen and laundry but she was not in any of the places. I rushed back to her room, called her name several maybe she was in the bathroom or so. I went in to check when I didn't hear any noise and the whole place was empty. I looked around for her bag but I only saw a nylon bag in the wardrobe that has few of her things which I felt probably she isn't using anymore. I ran out, I became so worried as I grabbed my car key maybe I will catch up with her before she goes far. Eziaku ran away again because of Stefanie. "Oh God, and I promise I was going to take care of her and nobody will ever hurt her again. I failed her... where will I even go now to look for her. She doesn't even have phone or money. is she going back to the village or wanted to be Faraway from me...? oh God please don't let her get into the wrong hands again... please help me to find her. Let me find her... God please...let.... As I rushed out if the house and was running towards my car something strange happened that left me speechless.
19 Jul 2021 | 16:18
what is that, make he no be bad thing o. God please
20 Jul 2021 | 07:58
what happened? this kind suspend can kill
20 Jul 2021 | 12:38
What could that be?
20 Jul 2021 | 16:45
New episode loading....
21 Jul 2021 | 06:37
What happened??
21 Jul 2021 | 07:32
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 21 She was singing as I approached and tapped her gently. She startled, straightened from what she was doing and turned to me. "What do you think you're doing...? She looked back and returned her full gaze to me. "Good morning sir, I didn't know you were going out this early I could have woken up on time. But.... give me small minutes let me finish up. It remains only one tyre.. that back one there, then I will wash off the soap on its body. If you don't mind, you can also open the car for me to sweep inside with broom before cleaning it... She bent over carried her bucket of soapy water and ran to the tyre at the back and began to wash. I stood there watching her act like she was getting paid for the whole seriousness she added to washing the car. "Ezi...Ezi... stop... you can't wash my car.. She straightened again with the brush still in her hand and frowned. "I'm sorry sir, I know I'm not upto the standard of people that wash your car, I'm not worthy but I saw it was dusty after you came back yesterday and I decided to wash... I interrupted "Listen... that's not what I mean. When I said you can't wash my car is because you are a lady and washing of car is mostly for guys. Already, I plan taking my car to a car wash later today. I wasn't expecting to see you... doing it... She smiled, looked at the car and said. "Do you used to pay those people after they wash the car? "Yes, I pay them each time and sometimes extra if they clean the interior too... She looked at me surprised before laughing out. "You people in this city know how to waste money o. Washing of car is not that difficult, it only takes time if you want it properly washed... like when I put my hand under that tyre side, there was sand but after washing it was all gone. Maybe I should go and start working as a car washer since I have idea of how to wash it... She started grinning from ear to ear. I joined her "Car washing is done by those who are professional at it. They have the skills and experience and knows how to handle each car and if they dictate a problem along the line they alert the owner. So, is deeper than just sponging and spraying water on it. But... thank you Ezi... you really surprised me this morning. I was not expecting this. You did well and the car is looking Sharp. But next time don't stress yourself doing this, let those who are very good at it do their job and get paid because is through that means they take care of thereselves and families... alright? She nodded and said "But... please allow me finish for today. It remains small and I will be through... She went back washing, I went inside to tidy up other things. She later came in and walked to the kitchen where I was trying to make omelette as part of the breakfast meal. "I thought you were going out... She asked while moving to wash off the dirty dishes in the sink. "No... actually I was going to look for you. I thought you ran off because of Stef, I never knew that you were outside washing my car. She paused and looked at me. "I actually over heard both of you last night. Not everything but atleast to some extent. I did not sleep, how can i even sleep well when action madam that tormented me was around. I put my ears to the door listening. I didn't mean to eavesdrop...I wanted to know if I was safe or not. I was confused at first when I ran into the room after recognizing her, that woman scares me too much and I never know that you knew who she was and was even very close to her. I started hearing quarrel and her voice was very loud that even the ants in the hole can hear her and get scared. I knew when she slapped you and you she shouted that she will slap you again and nothin will happen. I know it was because you asked her to leave your house caused the fight... I'm sorry... She went back with what she was doing. After she was done she began cutting the tomatoes that I brought out from the fridge. We were silent. I had a lot of things I wanted to say yet I played cool and concentrated in my cooking. ...I like the way you turn that egg. I like men that can cook..Uche my friend in the village can cook. I have few others too but watching you cook some special meal sometimes makes me want to ask if you can teach me. I like men that are... good in almost everything. Is rare and unique... My eyes was still on my cooking when I asked her one question that made her go silent. "So... does that mean that you like me? She blushed for the very first time. I have never seeing her blushing. I wiped my hand with towel, carried the cut tomatoes and onions and began to stir on fire. She watched in silent without saying any other thing. I decided not to say another thing to avoid making her shy. We later moved to the dining and began to eat. We ate in silent as her head remain bent on her plate of food all through. After food she thanked me before clearing the table, wash off the plates and was going towards the laundry when I called her "... I'm sorry about Stef. I never knew she was the wicked American aunty. I didn't know at all. I only visited her at her place ones and that was same day I got a call from you. I don't know and I'm you still trust me. She was silent and kept her eyes on the ground. I moved closer to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. " okay if you don't. I totally understand... I promised that i was going to protect you all through your time with me and that's exactly what i will do. Please feel relax and one will hurt you under my watch. She grinned a little and said while looking at me. " thank you sir... For everything. Was it because of me you asked her to leave your house? Because I noticed that you were very fine with her, I saw you kissing her while she was sitting on your lap but after I showed up, the atmosphere changed and the next thing I was hearing was quarrel. I'm sorry for causing the fight between two of you...if I knew she was the one I could have remain in the kitchen maybe until you take her to the room or maybe after I... " Eziaku. You didn't caused anything. She wasn't anything to me aside client and while I stick with her was because I wanted to sell another house to her father and that would have Make me a little more richer but her self centeredness was becoming too much and the last thing I couldn't tolerate is knowing she was the same person that hurt you in the past. I will continue sourcing for other better client and whatever I get is enough. Stefanie wasn't my woman...I told you I don't have a woman and that was true. Stef is just my client...and whatever business we have is over. I have already forwarded all she said to the police and by next week they will be going after her... you have nothing to fear. She looked up at me and said "Thank you sir. I really appreciate... God will bless you.... I looked into her eyes while she was still talking and down to the lips. Ezi may not be as beautiful as Oby but I feel at peace whenever she is close to me. She makes me relax with her presence. She has a lovable spirit, I wonder how anybody will want to hurt such a loving person. "...eeeh? You didn't hear me. I was carried away in my thoughts and didn't hear a thing she said after saying thank you. "What did you say? I asked still looking at her and had already withdraw my hand from her shoulder. "I said, is that how you used to kiss your clients. Like what I saw you and madam staff doing...? The question took me off guard. "Ooh..uhmmm! You mean Stef... she was actually the one kissing me and not the... uhmmm...I sound like a child explaining that. I don't kiss my clients neither do I mix business with pleasure. Stef case was different. Like I explained earlier...I needed something very important from her so I had to play along...I don't know if you understand... "Yes, I understand and...I still trust you. You're a good man. I knew from the very first day we first spirit connected with yours and offered to help you. If your heart wasn't pure, I will feel distress the moment I got to that pot hole place and I will pass without saying anything to you. I trust you sir and I hope and pray that soon enough you will have a good woman not like madam staff or the girl that brought you to the village. But a nice person just like you are... This time I was actually grinning just like she was "Thank you Ezi.... for still trusting me. She went into the laundry and I went to my room to tidy up myself. I had my bath and tidied up some other things. After I was done, I decided to relax back and rest a little on my bed After sometime she knocked on the door and I answered from inside. "Sir, I'm through with the whole washing and cleaning. I want to know if you have any dirty clothes that needs washing or... I asked her to come inside she did and stood close to the door "No, I don't. I dropped off my office wears at the laundry station yesterday. I will do my other stuffs by myself later... thank you anyway... She nodded and said "That washing machine is very fast o. After washing, it drys the cloth fast fast. I can wash all the clothes in this house within a twinkle of an eye. Oyibo will not kill somebody with different technology... Some of the things we used to do with our hands before is taken over by all this new technology. Hmmm... thank God that they have not made machine that will be cooking food and feeding somebody. Some people will just become extra lazy... I laughed at the sarcasm in her voice. " What happened to your cloths? When I opened your wardrobe, I only saw nylon that contains some of your stuff... what happened to the rest? I asked her while putting my phone aside and sitting up from the bed. "Nothing happened to my clothes sir. everything is in that bag. I didn't come with too much cloth from the village. I even threw away two of my clothes that tore while I was struggling with that man that took me in after my aunty drove me out. That my small Ghana must go bag also tear so i threw it away and took nylons to put my clothes instead of putting them in the wardrobe like that. If you don't like it then I will look for something else to put it... I told her it was okay. She nodded and left. I planned doing small window shopping with her next week. She will pick nice wears for herself. There was another knock again, I asked her to come in "Sorry to disturb you Sir, please can I go out next week and see if I can get a job? I'm just in this house eating food and not contributing anything. I'm very grateful for that but I wish I can also get a Job and make money no matter how small... please? I told her to hold on that i wasn't complaining. Beside she was helping me tidy up the house. I don't have to cook or clean every time. I have enough time to rest. I told her she will work but she should try and be patient concerning that. She nodded and said that she was going to have her bath after which she will watch the television. She thanked me again and left. I went back chatting with chuka and even sent him Stef voice recording drama. He was surprised that I could put up with such aggressiveness. He said since is already with the police they will take it up from there. That evening Stef kept calling and sending apology chat but after ignoring for sometime I decided to block her. The next day I went to church, Ezi did not have anything reasonable to wear for church, I left her and went alone. Work resumed on Monday and a busy week began. I found out that I was gradually getting comfortable playing Ezi scene on my head while I'm at the office and smile each time that happened. I cautioned myself from that severally Why was I suddenly thinking of her. Her thoughts was filling up my head and I always feel happy going home to meet her smiling and welcoming mood. I don't know what I'm supposed to make out of the whole thing. I knew I had to stop myself from doing that before it gets out of hand.
21 Jul 2021 | 17:07
You can't stop thinking about her cos you are falling in love already
22 Jul 2021 | 05:42
Love things. Next please
22 Jul 2021 | 14:50
It's called love
22 Jul 2021 | 19:35
Love oo
23 Jul 2021 | 01:14
if u fall for her it's not a bad thin nah
23 Jul 2021 | 06:41
New episode loading
23 Jul 2021 | 18:02
23 Jul 2021 | 18:22
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 22 After telling me about this salon that she saw in the second estate and how she spoke with the owner who asked her to come back and start work because they are short staff I was not cool with it. I have told her to hold on that she was going to work but I needed to be sure of the kind of work she was very good at To avoid getting bullied or insulted like the last ones. But here she was leaving the house in my absence and going around searching for job. What if she gets lost or something bad happens to her out there. She was under my care and since I took responsibility of accomodating her, I prefer she also stay home for the moment to avoid danger lurking around. She neither has a phone nor any means to be reached. If something happens, I won't be able to even know where to start searching for her. How do I reach her or how can she contact me without a phone. Her only means is dailing my number on another stranger's phone which I'm not even cool with. I looked up at her with a frown plastered on my face. I don't know how to pretend or hide my displeasure when I'm not pleased with the situation at hand. My facial expressions says it all and I'm glad she was smart enough to understand that I was not happy with her. Even though she was looking so nice in one of the outfit I got for her two weeks ago when I took her for shopping. I still had to say things as it is "I told you that you should hold on for now Ezi...I thought we discussed this, why did you still have to leave the house while I was at work, without letting me know and go around searching for job...? Her head was bent to the ground as she stood in front of where I sat. Her hands folded behind her. She looked up at me and said apologetically "Is not like I wanted to disobey you, I really needed a job so that I can also make money of my own and buy anything I wanted without depending on you for everything. I could have told you but I don't how you will feel so I decided to wait until I get the job first... maybe when I tell you that I got a job you wouldn't really mind. I hate to depend on people, I will rather work and have a little money of my own than to be given freely all the time. You feed and accommodate me, you buy me personal stuffs and sometimes drop money for me for no reason. I deeply appreciate it all but I can't live off on you sir, you have your life and other important responsibility, I shouldn't add mine to that. All of this wasn't in your plan, but when I suddenly called for your help... you answered without hesitating. Giving me a roof over my head and treating me like you will do to your a blessing that I will never take for granted. I will never be comfortable sitting, eating and sleeping all day when I should be out there doing something that will fetch me small money. I hate relying on people, I don't like collecting anything from anyone...I will rather work and merit it. I'm really sorry sir... don't be offended. Have I mentioned to you that Eziaku was outspoken Oh yes, she always expresses herself without fear of anyone or anything. Some people will say " if you remove a girl from the village, you can't remove the village from her" That's a naysay, a packaged lie and nobody should believe that because is not true. Eziaku has proven that to me. Many city girls is not as outspoken as Eziaku, despite all the freedom they have. I discovered that Eziaku is not the type anyone should cage. If she feels threaten by her environment she crawls up and stay down but that's not the kind of person she is. She try to adapt to all situation thrown at her. Right from the first day of meetings her, she never pretend or act what she wasn't. She was real and speak out boldly when she have to. She was different village kind of girl and I like it. "Is fine Ezi. I will get you a small phone something you can operate. You will also give me your Madam's or whoever is in charge contact and the address to the salon. Do you understand.... She nooded with a fat grin "Yes sir, I understand. Thank you sir but I wish to buy the phone whenever I get paid from the salon. I will be learning at the same time working. My madam said that she will pay me small money of ten thousand naira due to I will be learning too. But to me the money is not small... I was happy but my fear was that I didn't know how you will feel about it. And now that we have resolved that... I'm very happy but I don't want to bother you with my phone problem... you have done enough. Let me get it please... "Is okay...I would have let you buy the phone but that will take you a month before you get your pay. Don't look at it like I'm buying the phone for you... rather see it like I lend the money to you. Since you want to do problem which means I have to get the phone under loaning you which you will pay back... I began to smile with the look on her face. "... why do you have a strange face on? "Please sir... buy cheap phone of ten thousand or fifteen so that I can pay back. If you buy expensive will take me months to pay you... "Alright then. I will get an affordable phone. Go ahead and continue what you where doing. Don't forget to get the contact of your employer and one more a good girl..." She laughed out so loud. "Yes sir. I'm always a good girl... thank much. She turned and left and I watched her leave. Eziaku later started her work, I got the phone for her and taught her how to operate it. I also got a new sim card for her. After a month, she brought her salary of twelve thousand five hundred. She added that customers gave her tips after they saw the way she was doing her job Her salary was ten thousand plus the tips she got. I asked her to keep the money for me. She should keep seven thousand for me and take the rest. The phone that I got for her was just thirty-five thousand. An Android that she can operate and after teaching her she learned how to use it. She knew the phone was more than that but played along. I like that about her. Wait a second, why am I even liking everything about Eziaku? Maybe because she has a likable personality. She stayed for two months with me before starting work and has worked for a month plus Almost eight months in Abuja which is close to a year and ever since I have come to know her she has not given me reason to worry or fright. I was begining to think of giving another chance to love again. But, I needed an educated straight forward woman. A humble and modest lady with understanding and kindness for others. Good appearance is a plus, although beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and friendliness is another added plus I'm not settling for anthing less this time, Abuja babes aren't all bad. Whenever I'm ready I will get somebody that will fit into my dream woman. It may not get 100percent of everything but atleast I can bank with 70percent. Eziaku is not really educated like I wish, she still has traces of not being exposed and that is a no for me. She has other good quality except for the education part I like her, maybe a little bit more but I can't let my emotions or her closeness gets in the way of my core desires in a dream woman. I don't want somebody like Stef that is over exposed. Or Oby that played the red card on me and one of the reasons I still have fear in women. Everything must be in moderate. Talking about Stefanie, she was called by the police and had to sign the undertaking. Ever since nothin was heard of her. I have gotten lots of good clients and things are moving well unlike before. I even employed a personal assistant who goes with me to different site seeing and doing some little job when I'm occupied with the big ones. Angela is a BSC holder, very fluent in English, beautiful and smart. She comes into my office sometimes to ask if I will like lunch or need anything. Angela was caring and I like that. Eziaku only worked for another three months when she came back one day with a jean trouser, two t-shirt and three singlet for me. Eziaku went shopping for me to my bewilderment. She also brought suya and juice home. "Today isn't my what do I owe all this gift...? I asked as she handed the bags to me. "Is a thank you gift sir...I know is not upto the designers you wear but please accept it. I appreciate you... words can't describe how much grateful I am to you. God will continue to bless you... I breathed deeply while looking at her. I felt deeply emotional. I can't remember the last time I received a sincere gift from a lady. Eziaku kept surprising me. I opened my arms and beckoned her to come for a hug. She was reluctant at first but came slowly. I hugged her for the first time and it felt real good holding her. I released her and thanked her for the gifts. She brought the suya and drink to me. She was going back after dropping the tray i asked her if she wasn't eating. "No, I bought it for you sir. She replied. I urged her to come over let's eat together She came and sat beside me and we went eating and drinking like cool friends. After few days all I can think of is Eziaku. I used to hear her talking over the phone in her room, I wondered who she was talking to. I stood up one night to go and knock on her door when I couldn't control myself anymore. I couldn't knock as I stood by her door, I turned and left Does this mean that I have fallen in love with her. I gaze at her while she eats or do anything. I can't take my eyes off her. I want to hug her again, I want to kiss her lips and hold her to myself. Oh God, I think I'm going crazy. What is wrong with me. I don't want to scare off Eziaku yet I can't help thinking of her. She blushed more this days when she caught me looking at her. She obviously likes me, so I thought. Whenever my skin brushes hers, I feel like my head will explode. I wondered why I'm worried over telling her how I feel, maybe due to my past drama with women Eziaku likes me and this time it won't be like the others. She will help me erase my fear of women. I'm ready to overlook whatever she lacks as a woman. I wanted her to be mine. That Saturday evening was different. I couldn't hide my feeling anymore, while sitting in the living room, I try to play different scene of how to express myself to her. When she came to sit in a next arm chair close to mine. I stare at her, she turned and looked at me, smile and looked away before standing up. "I will just go..go and... check if my phone is ringing... She made attempt to leave "Please wait Ezi, you have some particles on your cheek..." I said and it was actually true but that wasn't what I had in mind to say. She try to remove it, I stood and went to her. I stood very close to her that I can even feel her heartbeat. I gently removed the particles and other invisible dirts. My hands travelled round face, i straightened her eye brow before bringing it down to her nose and lips. I cupped her face and kissed her, she didn't withdraw back. I kissed her hungrily, like I have never kissed a woman before. She was panting when she took a step away from me. I was panting too, my emotions where at rage. I wanted her so much that I can't hold back myself. I try to touch her but she took another step away and said. "I have a boyfriend sir..." "Whaaat..." Was the only word that left my mouth as she ran off to her room and left me standing in my confuses state.
23 Jul 2021 | 18:23
Hmm, next please
24 Jul 2021 | 04:59
hahahaha maybe she's lying
24 Jul 2021 | 17:35
What? Next
24 Jul 2021 | 19:14
Next ?
25 Jul 2021 | 03:14
25 Jul 2021 | 18:06
WHAT LIES BENEATH. Episode 23 "Sir, do you need anything... you want me to get something for you... maybe lunc.... I quickly interrupted annoyingly. "This is the third time you will be asking me this same question today and my answer remains No. I don't want anything Angela, I'm fine... please don't come asking the same thing again. Thank you... She nooded and left. I understand she meant well, but her constant asking was getting on my nerves. Everyone and everything is becoming more annoying. "Eziaku has a boyfriend... hahaha. She threw it to my face like that. "I have a boyfriend sir... you can go and die...". That's how I read the tone in her voice. I breathed deeply, held my head in my hands. I stood and move to my window blind, rolled it up and stood there looking out to the main road. I saw the car park filled with cars and my exact parking space where my car was parked. If I'm able to get more reliable clients from now till next year, I will change the car to something better. I'm craving for a different ride. Stella called yesterday that she was coming to Abuja by weekend. Is been a while I saw my sister, I looked forward to having her. She can either stay in the same room with Eziaku or come to mine if she isn't comfortable staying with Eziaku in the guest room. "Eziaku has a! She already has a man just within months of going to her work place... I can not understand how I did never thought she will fall for another man. When did she enter a relationship and took me unaware? Yes, I love the fact that she told me but I wish she never did. I can't even reason straight over that realization. I see her differently from the way I used to see her before. How can she have a boyfriend, I mean she can but I'm angry because of the whole thing. When I think I have already seen a lady to give my heart to, To love wholeheartedly, Cherish and transform into my perfect spec then boom she surprised me by having a boyfriend. I believe the same man she speaks over the phone with and laugh loudly with most nights while I sucked up like a child. I wish I understand everything she was telling the man or he was telling her. She uses her dialect and it makes it a bit difficult to grab And also I don't want to mingle in her private life. Going home and seeing her after the whole revelation is no more enjoyable. I used to be happy going home to meet her smiling face but she has a boyfriend and that alone turns me off. Women keep surprising me. Maybe I'm just unlucky with them. She closes from work 5:30pm and gets home before me. She uses 30minutes to get home. I wondered when and where she met her "boyfriend" I close 5pm too and gets home by 7pm or 7:30pm. Since the "I have a boyfriend" saga started, I deliberately stay late in the office and gets home by 8 to 9pm. I don't want to have anything to discuss with her. Just greetings and we are cool that way. Why did she allowed me kiss her before telling me of her boyfriend. Almost two weeks later and I still can't get her off my mind. Why, why is she driving me crazy. She has a boyfriend for crying out loud. She obviously can't cheat on her man which was the only logic reasons she put me in my place so that I don't cross boundary. She was faithful, obviously. But Oby couldn't turn down a common school boyfriend. She couldn't say no, "I have a man" she allowed herself to be laid, got pregnant, did abortion which resulted to other complicated health issue that I had to clean. I managed her bedwetting part before i summoned courage to take her for treatment. I gave another chance to her after forgiving her and spending so much on her surgery. what did she do instead, she threw me off the bridge with the little chance she got. She did so without any iota of regrets. Women! I should not have think of going for another village girl, definitely not one from Oby's village because nothing good comes from that place. I hate myself for being unfortunate to love. I blame myself for stooping low to love an ordinary girl with no good educational background or exposure. I hate myself for trying to give another chance to love. Anytime I did, it ends in disaster. I shouldn't have fallen. I made a huge mistake that I wish I can undo. There was a knock, Angela came in. I turned and asked her what she wanted angrily. She interrupted my thought. "Mr Gwasi called, he wants to know if we have placed his property at JoJo estate for sale. He has a bungalow in the same estate and will want us to put it on lease... "Alright, I will call him. Thanks. She didn't leave, I raised an eyebrow to ask her if there's another thing. "No Sir, is almost 6pm. You're not leaving yet... again today? I told her she can go, I will leave anytime I feel like. She bid me goodnight and left. I waited in the office until 7pm before leaving. I got home around 9pm. And Eziaku was rounding up with dinner She greeted me and I replied coldly which I have been doing for the past one week. I went into my room, showered and came out for dinner. She brought my food, I tasted it and do not like it. I looked up at her with a frown "You're just making dinner...and it taste so bad? She breathed deeply. "I closed late today, we have been having so many customers visiting. My madam asked me to wait and assist a little before going. I'm sorry...I Came back by 8pm and try to hurry up with the food before you come back. Maybe I... I moved the food back and stood. " You're lying, I don't believe you Eziaku. You probably went visiting your boyfriend... Her face turned pale that I almost regretted my word "I'm not lying, I can't lie to you sir.... I waved a hand to the air and stopped her from talking. "Do you want to tell me you have never visited your boyfriend in his house... ever since you started dating him? Answer me... She bent her head and replied. "I have sir but that... I interrupted her angrily after realizing she has gone visiting the so called boyfriend. " How many times and what did you both do while you were at his place... She was quiet and didn't say anything ",...Cat got your tongue or you have suddenly gone deaf and dumb. She frowned and I can see she was struggling with tears. She finally let the tears out but quickly wiped it off. She said with a calm voice "If you don't want me around here anymore, I will totally understand. And that doesn't change the fact that you're still a nice man. I will go and stay with my friend... I clasp my hand together more angry than before. I was angry at her calmness and she wanting to leave my place maybe to her boyfriend's house. "You want to go and stay with your boyfriend? Wow.. Eziaku wow. And I thought you're different, I thought you were different from other girls. This is a shocking discovery that you are just the same like bunch of other girls. I try to catch my breath before I continued "... maybe is better you go because anything that happens now I will be held responsible. Your boyfriend may get you pregnant and you will tell those that cares to listen that am the one responsible for the pregnancy. He may ask you to go for an abortion and if anything goes wrong you will say is me. I don't trust you or any lady... you people are capable of killing. Go and live with your boyfriend, you should have thought of that since... rather than trying to get me all worked up. She kept looking at me with a surprised face. she was wondering If i was the same man she used to know or something has taking over me. I walked away from her to the fridge to take some chilled water. She was still standing there when I walked past. I was heading to my room when she said something that made me pause. "You made it all looked like you were helping me for a reason and when you couldn't achieve your aim you started throwing tantrum. Hating me for no good reason... Her word angered me the more. I turned and replied. "You're very stupid for saying that I was helping you for a selfish reason... She was not moved by my insult. She continued "You maybe right about me being stupid, but your whole action says it all. Ever since the day you kissed me and I told you that I have a boyfriend you changed unrecognizable. It seems that I don't know you again. You changed from the sweet man you used to be sir. But deep down you're still the same man that rushed down to pick me up from the lonely street of Abuja. You're kind and has loving soul. I'm sorry that my single word got you all worked up, maybe if I knew things will turn out this way I shouldn't have said anything at all... I turned again to leave and then she continued. "....Yes, I have a boyfriend but he is not in Abuja. He is in the village and is the second guy that helped you that day at the pothole. Is not Nonso as you may think... his name is Uche. We were two years in our relationship when I came to Abuja and I have stayed a year plus here making us three years. So sir is not what you think. I will be going to stay with a colleague... who happens to be my friend too. Her name is Kamsi. She is a lady and not a man. Thanks for everything...I will forever be grateful and wouldn't mind coming around to visit if that's okay with you. I'm saving money to get a mini flat like Kamsi. Later, I may think of getting a form to enrol in college of education... like Kamsi. But I will have to save up first for that... aside having a skill I also want to have a small degree too. If I have NCE I will be able to teach. I have plans and I'm gradually working towards that...all thanks to you for making something good out of me. Believing in me when no one does and caring for me like you will do to your own. I will leave by morning... She breathed again, looked at me for a long time before walking away. I stood transfixed at that spot. I don't even know what to do or think. I'm still pained, still sad. I managed to walk to my room, sat hard on the bed and kept thinking. Why did I allow myself to fall so much deeply for her. The emotional trauma I'm going through is unquestionable. I never knew how much effect she had on me until she told me to my face that she belongs to another and now knowing who the man is makes me powerless. I can still remember the taste of her lips, the way she felt in my arm. I crave for another chance to hold her, to kiss her again. She belongs to Uche, Uche her village boyfriend who helped me with his friend Nonso when I desperately needed help. Eziaku was slipping off from my hands and I just can't do anything. What do I do now. Why did I allow her thought to mess up my emotions. I can't think of anything except her both at the office and home. How did I get into this kind of triangle. What can I do, oh God. I feel so broken right now.
25 Jul 2021 | 19:06
As e dey hot
25 Jul 2021 | 19:07
hmmmm plead with her to stay now
26 Jul 2021 | 07:50
I feel you pain It will be well with you
26 Jul 2021 | 09:13
Its gonna be alright
26 Jul 2021 | 19:15
Hmmm speechless
27 Jul 2021 | 02:49
Next episode loading...
27 Jul 2021 | 16:51
27 Jul 2021 | 16:52
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 24 Eziaku was gone that early morning, I checked her immediately after waking up to apologise for my outburst of anger and to let her know that such will not repeat itself. But she was gone and so was all her luggage. She left without saying goodbye or even knocking on my room door to let me know that she was leaving. I sat on her bed which was properly made and everything in the room was arranged. I sat there trying to figure out what next? I later stood and left the guest room. I dressed up for work and left. There was no appetite for breakfast but when Angela asked me if I will like her to get lunch in the afternoon. I was glad she asked. I try to get busy with work and channel my mind and energy to it as the days go. It wasn't easy doing that without thinking of Eziaku but I had no choice than to move on. I come home without the usual presence of Eziaku. It was saddening but yet I have to get used to it. I miss her so much and wish to hear her voice but is better I stay off anything concerning her so that I can be able to really move on. She can't be mine, Eziaku belongs to another. A guy that was good to me in the past. That alone will discourage me if I intended having a thing for Ezi again. She made it very clear and I will be very stupid to still want to have anything with her after knowing her stand. First, she will never give me a chance Secondly, is a waste of time, just like chasing a shadow. I will get more hurt and I wouldn't want that. I knew I overreacted towards her, I wasn't thinking straight. When she rejected me, it felt like everything was against me I was even against myself. I felt so unfortunate. I'm growing older, I'm not a kid anymore. I need to settle down. Chuka's wife is expecting baby number two. And I'm yet to get a nice woman to settle with. My mistake maybe wanting a village kind of girl, whom I thought was filled with innocence and good upbringing. I was ready to give her the best of everything but got the worst disappointment of my life. Oby was neither cool headed and no iota of innocence in her. After getting over with Oby, I should stick to my words and not ever have anything to do with another village girl But I fell and another disappointment greeted me. Enough lessons learnt already, is time to redirect my heart to an entire different view. That Saturday, i closed early and drove to the airport to pick Stella. Her flight landed exactly 4:35pm and I was at the airport by 4pm and waited untill her airplane landed. I waited for her until she came into view. I was waving my hand when she saw me She left her box, ran like a deer and threw her whole body on me. Thank God for my good balance skill and size, if not we will both go crashing on the ground. She released me and said "I have missed you...I miss you so much biggy... "I miss you more sweetie... you have added extra weight. Looking all pretty and classy. Lagos looks good on you... She laughed out loudly. I walked past her to retrieve her boxes before leaving for the car. "You're equally looking good, Abuja is doing you well. Mum and Dad especially mummy want to know the woman keeping you very busy down here and when you will be introducing her to us. "That won't be soon because I don't have any ... Stella, your brother haven't been lucky with women. I replied while focusing and speeding down the express road. "Awww, I'm sorry biggy. Without going into details I feel the sadness from your eyes and voice. You're still one of the hottest bachelor... handsome, brilliant and doing well for yourself... I scoffed at her "Thanks for the flatter, you will need to work harder if you want to give me hope..." I said smiling. She laughed and continued talking. "I'm done with medical school, it was the longest five years of my life. Mum and Dad are making arrangements... I'm traveling out of the country for my master degree program and PhD. I have a long list of schools I applied for the programs. Until next year before I will start getting a feedback... after then you can boldly address me as Doctor Stella. I was grinning with the way she went on and on narrating the schools she applied and her struggle back in the university. I adore my little sister, she reminds me of Eziaku. Very expressive and interactive too. Eziaku, who knows what she will be doing right now. I really miss her but I will be alright, maybe with time. "...I have a friend, she will be getting married next week Saturday right here in Abuja. I will like us to attend together... please biggy? Stella said I looked over at her before refocusing on the road. "Your coming to Abuja, is it to visit me or to attend your friend's wedding? I asked calmly. "Is for the both. Is been long I saw you.. we're only talking on video calls and phone. I wanted to come visiting...I truly miss you biggy. While preparing to come, I learnt that Katrin is based in Abuja and will be getting married. This is like using a stone to kill two birds... She continued talking while I chirped in ones in a while and laughed more at her jokes. Stella had grown to a full woman. She is twenty three years. The same age with Oby. I used ten years for her. I was around nine when my Mom whom everyone thought has closed childbearing chapter after two boys. She gave birth to Stella and I have loved her ever since then. She calls me biggy right from when she was a little girl. I'm used to the name. Stella is closer to me than with my elder brother in abroad. We finally got home and she settles in. We had a lot of catching up to do as I briefed her on the lady that used to stay in the room but left a week ago due to some misunderstanding. Stella and I went to this her friend's wedding. It was glamorous and she also introduced me to Bukky another of her friend who attended the wedding and was among the bridesmaids. Bukky is tall and beautiful with fine body shape. She likes me from the instant she asked Stella who I was and Stella told her that I was her elder brother. She was always looking towards my direction until it was time for the reception and she came to my seat and we went talking. She also finished from the same university as Stella and read account. She was free spirited and we even exchanged numbers. Bukky may help me move on, she may turn out to be the woman for me. Within the week she came visiting and even stayed the weekend. the following weekend again she came Bukky stays in Stella's room which is the guest room. While Stella sleeps at night, Bukky sneak into my room one night and I couldn't resist the urge of being with her. But I was careful enough to use protection during our intimacy. I like her alot but she does not have the vibe and uniqueness like Eziaku has. But she was helping me to move on and that's a good thing. One day, Stella talked about making her air which she will carry and travel back to Lagos and she did not want to go far. She asked if there is a salon around or any of my friends into salon business that can do home service. I told her that I don't know of any. Immediately after saying that I thought of Eziaku. She was into hair business and should be able to either make Stella's hair or know someone that can do that. I decided to give her a call, this was after a whole month of not hearing anything from her. She picked my call on the first ring, it was as if she has been expecting my calls. "Hello, Good afternoon sir... "Hello Eziaku..." I managed to say. "How are you doing sir, how's work and everything...? Hope you are eating well and not over stressing yourself...? I can sense smile in her voice. She always had this sweet aura around her. I felt it from my end and began grinning. I told her that I was alright, I asked how she was doing and she assured me that she was equally fine. I wondered why I have not been able to call her after all this while. Many times I have thought of calling but will later have a change of mind. Talking with her makes it seems we are cool and she holds no grudge against me. I told her about my sister and how she wish to get a home service. Eziaku without hesitating said she was coming over that weekend. Deep down I was pleased, I will get to see her again despite that Bukky also said she will be coming around before traveling to her state to see her retired parents. "Sir, can I cook for you when I come?...I can buy food stuffs and bring down please... don't say no... please... "Ehmmm..." Okay... that's alright Ezi. Thanks. I managed to say. She was very happy and thanked me for not refusing her request. Between Eziaku and Bukky, I can't help but looked forward to seeing one person than the other. And that's Eziaku Her sweet presence will warm me up. She has a boyfriend and I haven't forgotten that. I have Bukky, that is kind of a soothing balm on my wounded heart. Nevertheless, I still looked forward to seeing Eziaku. I just hope that her coming and cooking for me will not cause any issue with Bukky.
27 Jul 2021 | 16:59
28 Jul 2021 | 07:07
hmmmm next pls
28 Jul 2021 | 09:05
Please continue, it's interesting
28 Jul 2021 | 17:14
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 25 Bukky came way too early for my liking. I was just waking up to go and brush my teeth when somebody started knocking on the door. the person was both ringing the doorbell and knocking. My first thought was it could be Eziaku. But Eziaku can't be acting like a nuisance knocking and pressing the door bell at the same time. Even if she wasn't so learned but she doesn't behavior like a street touts or act like one without home training. I answered the door still hoping is Eziaku, probably she forgot how to use the door bell. And she Came way too early which I don't mind, I will be very happy if she is the one. I didn't bother checking the security hole because my guts told me is Eziaku. I opened the door with a smile and wish I haven't shown up with a smile. I wish I have checked the security hole before opening. It was Bukky. Just then her phone rang, she picked up and started speaking to the person in her dialect. I couldn't understand a single thing she was saying. I closed back the door after she came inside, Left her in the sitting room where she stood talking on the phone. I went straight to my room to brush. Just as I was going towards my bathroom Bukky barged into my room unannounced. "Hey handsome... She was grinning from ear to ear as she rushed towards me and wrapped her hands around my waist. "Hey babe! Morning...I wasn't expecting you this early... I said trying to hide my displeasure. "Well, aren't you happy that I came...? all I was thinking of last night was you, your soft smooth skin and the way you touches me, sending me to cloud nine each time you do. I just can't get enough of you my love. don't you Miss me like I did? Don't lie... "Oh sure, I miss you... I lied. I was looking forward to having Eziaku around not Bukky. Even if I miss anybody is definitely not Bukky but Eziaku whom I'm looked forward to seeing. I continued speaking as I try to pull up her hands that was traveling down my pajamas trouser. " ... babe relax first. Does Stella knows that you're here? She frowned and dropped her hands to her side. "I came all the way down to see you this early morning but you are acting opposite of what I expected. I try touching and feeling you... to show you how much I miss you and you are removing my hands and pushing me away. I can't come in to see my boyfriend anytime I pleases? She was ranting and I seriously don't understand her reasons for that. "Hey...babe, calm down please. I'm super excited to see you and I miss you too. A day missing because you were around two days ago or so. Alright... don't take my actions personal. I'm just waking up from sleep and wasn't expecting you this early but is all good. I only wanted to know if my sister... your friend knows that you're around? Which is very necessary for he.... She interrupted me "I'm here to see you not your sister. I Came to see my boyfriend not his little spoilt brat sister. Let's not get it twisted," I looked at her trying to understand what she meant by her statement. "Did you just say that Stella is a spoilt brat... was that for real or just one expensive jokes...? She saw the stern warning on my face and quickly readjusted. "You look like you are ready to eat me raw... I was just kidding. Baby Stop taking everything personal. Nawa for You... between me and your sister who do you even love the most and by the way your sister is a little spoilt. Even back in school she act like she has it and knows it all. But that's not even my problem... the issue is the way you put that defensive look when it comes to Stella. During our first meeting, When I was in your arms while you go riding me like bicycle you confessed to my ears that you love me... can't you remember? So, between me and Stella who do you love the most? I left her and walked to the bathroom. I guess she already knows the answer to her questions. A reasonable lady will not ask such a nonsense question. My day was just starting and I don't want anything that will ruin it. I can say stuffs to please her but that doesn't actually mean I'm serious with it. While i was tidying up in the bathroom I can hear my wardrobe door I wondered what she was doing but I took my time to finish up before coming out. "Walaah... She said laughing while standing close to my wardrobe wearing just a top and nothin underneath. She spread out her arms as she turned to show off. This was one of the tops I haven't worn but still intended to maybe on a special day because it was from a special person, Eziaku. This was one of the T-shirt Ezi bought for me. I have only worn one of it during the time Eziaku was living here but haven't touched the other. " do I look? I love this and I'm taking it. hope you wouldn't mind though because I know you have so many stuffs in there that looks very new... cloths that you haven't even touched. The way you look at me like a this from a special someone? Who could be more special than me? "No one. Come over here and sit... I asked her and she came. I guess is time to address this before it gets out of hand "I don't know if Stella told you a little bit about me, and I shouldn't push my dos and don't down your truth because you are smart and learned... so I expected better from someone like you. I expect you to atleast respect my stuff. And if you must touch them then asking me first before doing so won't be bad. Invading in my privacy just after a month of knowing you speaks volumes to me babe. Even Stella my sister doesn't come into my room without knocking and I don't go to hers or touch her stuffs without asking. That's how we were raised and I have grown that way and feel disrespected when somebody I expected better behavior from misused that privilege. I'm a private person and very sincere too. The truth is we haven't define this our relationship...we just went on getting intimate starting from the first day you sneaked into my room. I don't really understand what we're doing seriously...but I decided to go with the flow. Don't misinterpret me, I really like you Bukky and I would have falling more if you could just be more matured and stop showing up unexpectedly, trying to dish off your friend because you met a bigger fish who happens to be her brother....then getting into my Private things. Those are turn off for me and please don't ask me what I mean after this or start a nagging spree because that will be another turn off for me. don't forget that I like you a lot and that's why I have to tell you the truth..." I bent over kissed her cheek before going to make my bed while she sat there. "Okay..okay I get you and I'm sorry.... I love you still. Can I still have this tshirt? I like it and plus I want early breakfast my stomach is almost empty. Hope that's not a turn off... I almost scoffed aloud but I nodded instead. She came and hugged me from behind, caressing my chest. "...babe will you atleast touch me this morning. I really miss you... please. I turned to her and said. "Maybe later... I'm not in the mood for that now. I kissed her lips and asked her to go get something to wear underneath. "I don't have anything aside the gown and pants I wore to this place and I don't want to wear that until I'm leaving. I want to be free, maybe you should give me one your knickers to wear underneath this top" I end up giving her one of my short. She did not wear it, instead she climbed up the already made bed, exposing her bum. "...i will rest a little in here first before stepping out. Is too early to do anything... beside i wouldn't mind breakfast in bed until you're in the mood for the main action. I closed up my wardrobe before stepping out. I saw Stella was already up tidying up the sitting room. "Biggy... Good morning. I was hearing voices coming from your room. I didn't know you had a guest...a lady right? Hmmm biggy... this Abuja has really changed you... I Smile as I walked past her to the fridge, grabbed an apple and came back. "Is your friend... Bukky. She came this morning. Stella turned to me and reduced her voice. "What's going on? I mean with you and Bukky...I don't really understand this your relationship with her. Biggy, I know you don't love her like she wish but why are you leading her on. Look now, she is sneaking through my back to come see you... she wants you. If you know this is just a fling then get it define .. don't make her feel indifference or make her feel used... "Jeezz Stella. I will never do that... give me some credit. few minutes ago I try defining it all to her to avoid "you used me" phrase in future. but I'm not sure she understands anything I took my time to say. Maybe you should try talking her... Stella nodded. "What are you having for breakfast? Will you like some pancakes or I should do a toast? I miss mom's pancakes... Dad prefers her waffles with jam..." I told her that a toast will be fine for me. She can do pancakes for herself if she still want that. I'm not a pancakes kind of person but Stella loves it. She was about going into the kitchen when she turned and asked "When is the lady for the hair coming? This is 8:40am already. Hope her place isn't far... atleast I'm expecting her from 10 or 11am so that we can finish on time... I was about to say something when we heard a Knock on the door. That must be Eziaku, I can't mistake the way she Knocks. In a well mannered and intelligent style. I stood from the chair to go answer the door but Stella was already close to the door. I wish I was the first to see her. She peeped through the security hole before opening the door. I heard her greetings and laughing before saying something to the person. She later closed the door. I frowned as she closed the door. ",Is the waste management guy, he dropped a cleared ticket. He probably thinks I'm your wife... hahaha. He said "good morning madam, what of your husband"? I laughed before telling him that I'm your sister, he quickly apologize...some of this guys are well coordinated.... I nodded with a disappointed smile because it wasn't who I thought it will be. I bite deeply into my Apple while turning on the television. Stella dropped the ticket on the table, she stood a little to watch one of the shows showing on the TV stations. She said something about it before turning to leave. Few feet to the kitchen and there was another knock 9:07am I stood up and went to the door. Hope is not the waste management guys or another set of people. "Good morning sir... Finally, it was Eziaku with her Charming smile. She was panting like she ran a marathon race "Ezi... how are you doing? Bring the bags let me help you to... I said trying to grab the bags from her hand. ", is not heavy the cooking things I got from the market and this other bags contains the hair extensions I brought for your sister's hair. Hope she is not angry that I came late...? I ushered her inside and told her Stella is not angry even though Stella was standing by the dining side and watching but Eziaku didn't see her. "I'm really sorry, I left since 6am and went to the market. Before I could finish up and rush down here is already 9am. You're looking good sir, but a little lean... you haven't been eating very well. Don't worry I will make one of your favorite delicacy for you. By the way, you're still fresh and handsome. i miss you sir... I swallowed hard and wish I can tell her that no day passes by without me thinking of her no matter how I try to forget and focus. "I miss you too Ezi. Is good to see you again...I also miss your cooking. You're looking good as usual... I'm glad life is treating you well. She smiled and nodded sheepishly. Can I hug her, maybe a little. Just to feel her warms and breath her in. A little hug, that is all I ask. I was talking to myself. my hopes were dashed when she said. "Is your sister in the room? I will be very happy to meet her. Can I take the food stuffs to the kitchen first? "Ofcourse. Ezi, this is equally your house.. please always feel free whenever you're around. My si... "I'm over here... Ezi" Stella said waving as Eziaku turned to go meet her. "... aside the fact that my brother said nice things about you and I even get to know your name before finally meeting you, I can't hide the fact that you have a special kind of effect on my big brother and just listening to you alone I like you already. Please, I will also like the taste of your food. Stella said to Eziaku as she walked up to her. Eziaku laughed out and the sound feel so good to my ears. "thank you ma...I like you too! Eziaku responded back. "My name is Stella please. Not ma... Since you're my brother's friend you're equally my friend. So we address each other by name. can i see the hair extensions that you bought. Eziaku was grinning as she hands the bag over to her before going into the kitchen. She returned back in no time. "They're nice, exactly what I needed. Stella said "I'm happy that you like it. Have you had breakfast yet? The kitchen looks like it haven't been used today or should we start your hair immediately then after I will do the cooking... Stella told her that she was about going to make breakfast before she came in. "Can I assist or even do it alone if that won't be a problem? What are you people having? Stella told her as they both entered the kitchen together After sometime Stella came out and came to sit beside me. "Ezi is the real vibe...I like her. Biggy, I see the way you look at her, is beyond just likeness. Are you in love with her? "No... c'mon Stella..." I try to deny but I got caught. Stella was smart to know when I was lying. "... okay... okay. I used to...but Ezi has a boyfriend who I also happens to know. So, there's no point craving for what you can't have. She nodded, as I turned my face back to the television sad that I spoke the reality. Eziaku will never be mine. I wonder why I haven't come to a full reality of that. "Do you mind helping her in the kitchen while I tidy up my room? She needs extra hand... I know what Stella was trying to do. Her room was well tidied which is the first thing she does every morning. She probably noticed the sadness that crossed my eyes and decided the best idea will be getting close to Eziaku again. I love the idea anyway and stood before she could say another thing. She started laughing while heading back to her room I paid her no heed. I joined Eziaku in the kitchen. "What can I help with, Stella said you needed help around here and she got busy with other stuffs.." She startled a little when I suddenly showed up and spoke behind her ears as she was bent cutting the onions. "Uhmm... Nothing really. I can do it...but if you must assist maybe you should start by telling me how you have been doing ever since I left... I moved closer to her. "I was sad at first that you left without saying goodbye but I got used to coming home without your presence. Eziaku listen, I know I overreacted back then... I'm truly sorry. I respect your decisions and I won't trespass. Thanks for telling me the truth and not holding my offense over my head. I'm glad that we're friends again and nothin will come in the way of that... you will always have my support. I promise.... She nooded shyly without looking up. "Do you have a woman now? I mean like a girlfriend....? She asked an unexpected questions. "Ehmmm...not really. That is all I could say. I felt uncomfortable answering that as i thought of Bukky. I don't know where exactly to place Bukky in my life. My sister's friend, a cool intimate friend or are we really in a relationship? I really can't tell. " I'm sorry I left the way I did. I was afraid that you wouldn't want to see me again. I try calling severally...if I should come around and check up but I don't know how you will feel about that. I also waited for your call... for so long. I was very happy when you finally called, I couldn't hide my excitement in front of my colleagues. Kamsi is a nice friend but the issue is that I feel very uncomfortable whenever her fiancee visits. I will have to excuse them and will sit outside for a very long time until the guy leaves. But aside that we're cool. Those times I will wish that i can come over here and spend sometime with you in that way I will give Kamsi and her man enough space and time to spend together as they want. I'm happy seeing you again... She turned to me. My heart was already racing. Our closeness has ignited the fire of passion in me. Maybe staying far off is the best. I can't think right when I'm close to her. I touched her and she smiled as she wrapped her arms around me and buried her head on my chest. This was the exact hugs I needed. I thanked the heavens for granting me my wish finally. My body was speedily responding to her warmth. I lost my control and kissed her neck, I moaned quietly as I kissed the curve of her neck again and then her cheek. She didn't push me off, I noticed she was shaking but still clung to me. "I love you Eziaku...I can't think straight when you're around me. I...I.. don't know what to do. I love you so much... I was about kissing her mouth when a voice startled us from behind. "What's the meaning of this? Eziaku quickly loosened up and rushed back to what she was doing with her head bent. She was feeling ashamed already. But we did not do anything bad to warrant such feeling. It was just a kiss on the neck and cheek. Although I wish it was more. I wish we had more time alone but here was Bukky, acting like an angry bird and ready to swallow Eziaku alive. ".... who is this? Austin... answer me. You left me in the room, I was thinking you're bringing breakfast and kept waiting only to come down here and caught you cuddling and kissing another Lady. A foolish one who does not know how to respect boundaries or understand the fact that your girlfriend is around. Eziaku looked up at her and quickly looked away. She looked back at her again. This time more closely. She recognized the top that Bukky was wearing. It looks all new and she knew it was part of the things she got for me. She breathed deeply as she looked up at me and then back to her cooking. I told Bukky let's leave the kitchen, I will explain clearly to her in the room but she was ready for a big fight and refused to listen. Eziaku was trying to stay calm even as Bukky went on insulting her. I try dragging Bukky out but she grabbed on the kitchen rail and refused leaving. Stella ran down to the kitchen from her room. She tried to pacify Bukky but she just wanted to have a chance to fight. She was putting on my short and Eziaku's gift t-shirt and appeared like an aggressive actress in movies She threw blow to my face and legs in the air while trying to get to Eziaku who wasn't moved by her drama and doesn't looked scared as she continued what she was doing unbothered. If they're giving a chance to fight, is very obvious that Eziaku will definitely beat the hell out of her. But Bukky kept acting like she was going to unleash harm on Eziaku. I was the culprit and she should be fighting me not Eziaku. But Bukky was majorly targeting Eziaku whom she believes want to take her man from her.
29 Jul 2021 | 17:08
New episode Don land ooo
29 Jul 2021 | 17:09
Please like and comment
29 Jul 2021 | 17:10
you cause it Austin,u don't use to put people were they belong always acting gentleman where you are not supposed to,, ask that girl to leave ur house final
30 Jul 2021 | 07:37
Eziaku will beat her like a kid. Next please
30 Jul 2021 | 13:53
Austin you need to put your house in order
30 Jul 2021 | 17:11
Stupid bukky, chase her away jare
30 Jul 2021 | 19:37
Happy New month friends
1 Aug 2021 | 12:25
New episode next
1 Aug 2021 | 12:27
1 Aug 2021 | 12:31
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 26 I wasn't expecting things to turn out so hot, maybe I wasn't expecting Bukky to fight like a tigress yet it feels like she was fighting the air. She kept screaming and shouting down the roof. She refused to be pacified or hear anyone out. "How could you be cheating on me...eeeh? How dare you.. what does she has that I lack? She is not even looking like a a real Abuja chick, what did you see in her? She not as beautiful as I am. I don't understand... what is happening. Even your sister Stella? Stella... I thought you're my friend...I thought you value our friendship enough to tell me that there's another woman secretly coming to see your brother... you could have told me that some stupid lady is trying to steal my man from me. Why did you not tell me? I can't let another woman have my man and there's nothing you all will tell me that will make sense because I know what I saw... Stella suddenly fled up to my surprise. She faced Bukky who kept jumping up and down like frog in the living room after I managed to pull her out of the kitchen. "Why are you creating a scene Bukky? What is even your problem...did you catch my brother on top of a woman? And besides I never knew that you were already throwing yourself at him, did you for ones told me anything except to chat me up and ask if my brother was around or what he was doing? You didn't value our friendship enough to let me know that you have fallen for my brother instead you bypass me and began your situationship or whatever this whole thing is called but is definitely not a relationship. We're even trying to calm you down yet you want to keep acting like a child... I watched as Bukky sat hard on a chair, looked at me angrily before turning to Stella. "You're defending him? Even if I tell you about me and your brother being an item what difference would it make? isn't it very obvious... can't you see that something was actually going on? Since your brother didn't tell you why did you expect me to say anything to you? He confessed to me that he loves me, since he doesn't want me why then was he having sex with me? Stella gasped out and said. "I don't give a damn of whatever both of you do behind closed doors Bukky. He is my elder brother, an adult who can do whatever he pleases and you're also an adult. He never forced you to do anything that you didn't want to... instead you are to be blamed, because you kept forcing yourself on him and he was only dancing to the music you played. Or did he forced you to his bed? Everywhere went so quiet. Stella was not done, she continued. ".... Bukky, get hold of yourself for ones. This is a residential area and we're not troublesome people. I know my brother is a very private person and with this attitude you are putting is definitely going to be a turn off for him. Why are you fighting a woman because of a man that isn't fully yours? That lady in the kitchen, her name is Ezi, she is our best friend way back in time and she has been in the picture with my brother before you showed up a month ago. If you had cool down and asked him about his love life he would have mentioned Ezi to you. She is the one that supposed to be kicking your ass right now for sleeping with her man. You're even wearing my brother's cloth and acting like a chair lady. Bukky, since you came early morning and wanted breakfast, the best you could have done is come out and assist in making it but instead you relaxed in the room waiting for breakfast in bed. Ezi is making food for the house and if you're still interested after all of this then you should be ready to apologise to her. After the food, Ezi will prepare special delicacy for my brother before finally making my hair. Can you see how close we are? You can't beat that and let me warn you, if you try to create another scene, I will call the estate security on patrol to throw you out...they will bundle you out of this house and that will be your end here. Behave yourself around here and leave peacefully with your pride and respect just as you came before we start our own fresh drama.... She rolled her eyes at Stella before saying. "I'm not going anywhere. When I came this morning I didn't meet your brother with any woman so that means Ezi or whatever her name is met me here, she should be the one leaving. I'm famished and I will like to have not only breakfast but also whatever special delicacy she will prepare for your brother. Me, I don't have shame when it comes to fighting for what is mine. I plan going to the salon next week... since Ezi can make your hair she should also do mine. After all she is a great friend of the family and won't be charging me. Stella, I don't have anything to be ashamed of. Pride and respect can wait let me finish eating and taking my man back. Your brother is mine and no lady will take him from me...if he wants me out of his house then he should say so to my face. Let him speak for himself. I won't make any trouble neither am I leaving like both of you expects... the only person deserving of apology is one else. She crossed her leg in my sitting room Stella looked from me to her. She shakes her head sadly as she walks to the kitchen. I can hear her saying something to Eziaku. I was happy that Stella spoke in my defense like that but at the same time she left no room for me to speak. I was actually more worried about Eziaku. Who knows what she will be thinking right now. Seeing the cloth she got for me on a lady's body who claims to be my girlfriend and also listening to all the attacks and insult. It must be too much I was to be blamed for all of this, I deserved to be bashed and insulted not Eziaku. I could have put Bukky in her place long before now, I could have spoken to her candidly and make her understand the kind of man I was I told her but what's the use when she isn't the type that understand simple things. What's the use now that everything has escalated. I should have stopped her from wearing the T-shirt, I saw the look on Eziaku's face. I hated myself for it. I hope she won't take another offense from that. Having a clash in the past, this was a good time to resolve our difference only for another clash to happen again. I could have swear back in the kitchen that she has feeling for me, I saw the way she cling tightly to me. I saw the way she looks at me with so much love mixed with either fear or uncertainty. I finally get to tell her how I feel about her But what exactly is the use now. She may never take me serious after asking if I have a girlfriend and I told her not really which indirectly means "no, I don't". And is true, I don't. Bukky case is totally different. Initially, I couldn't stop thinking about Eziaku, I needed to forge ahead and Bukky showed up. I thought with her presence she will help me forget but that never helps. "Breakfast is served" Stella announced from the dining, halting me from my thought I looked over at Bukky who was also getting ready to stand. I liked her but never saw the danger warning around her. She is indeed a real drama queen. I went over to the dining, I saw Eziaku carrying plates to the dining. She refused looking at me. i don't have appetite for any breakfast but because it was Eziaku that prepared it I will force myself to eat. Stella brought out two bottle water and placed on the table. Bukky was sitting down opposite me waiting for hers. After dropping the plate, Eziaku went back to the kitchen. Stella dished out breakfast for me with a cup of tea. She took the remaining in the cover tray and made a cup of tea for herself. "What of she not joining us? I said after holding my silent for so long. "I try to persuade her to join us but she refused. I pleaded but she said that she wasn't hungry... well, with all that happened I wouldn't blame her. I only wish she is part of this morning breakfast but we can't force her. She is back making the delicacy she promised you... after we will make my hair...." I breathed deeply. I wish I can go over to the kitchen and talk to her but I hate drama and Bukky may want to start another. Speaking of Bukky, why is her front empty with no breakfast? "Helloooo! Am I invisible or what? Where is my own breakfast... why is no one serving me? Bukky finally said Stella turned to her, acting surprised. "Oh Bukky, you're still here? Forgive my manners, I thought you were gone already. We didn't include your mouth in the breakfast...sorry. but if you desperately need to eat you can eat bread with water that's the highest we can offer. Nothin more than just bread with water my dear friend. You know, nobody is a slave in this house, if you really wanted to eat then you could at least shown some helping hand or appreciate with a kind word. When I was growing up, my parents mandated that we must tidy our rooms and clean up the house during the weekend before we can eat. We had paid maids and yet they refused us from acting lazy. Ask my brother we grew up like that. We don't need to be told to tidy the house, clean all the rooms both upstairs and downstairs before sitting for food. The only person that deserves breakfast apart from my brother and Ezi but she turned it down due to your unwarranted drama.... I told Stella to serve her. ", All this are not necessary Stella... please Serve her the right breakfast... Bukky snapped her finger and rolled her eyes at Stella. "You heard him. The rightful owner of the house has spoken... Quick, bring my breakfast and stop talking too much. I dislike talkatives... because all they do is to talk, No money is added... Stella looked from her and back to me I wish Bukky had kept quiet instead of pulling another annoying attitude now I will leave Stella to decide. " I'm sorry to disobey you biggy but Bukky aren't getting any breakfast here today. With this dirty attitude she just displayed even the bread and water I offered initially is cancelled. She should go to her house or wherever she came from. Bukky, This is my brother's house, go to your own brother's house and display your madness as you like. You can sit and watch us eat but you won't get even the tiniest crumb from this table. Stella went eating, I decided not to interfere. "You from this day cease to be my friend. I hate you and I hate your brother. Two of you are stingy goats... plus you're a spoilt brat. I'm too expensive and your brother can never get my type ever..... Bukky barked. Stella laughed out "Please go, generous Bukky. Continue with your generosity and keep giving men for free. I just hope my brother used condom on you. Generous giver like you. I unfriend you long time ago and was waiting for the right time to tell you, I'm glad this opportunity finally came. You are beautiful, educated and smart please use it well and stop disgracing the women folks. If my brother is afraid of asking you to get out of his, I'm not afraid of you Bukky. Get out and don't ever call me or my brother... She stood and began walking towards my room while Stella follows suit. "...I will follow you to make sure you don't take any of my brother's stuffs. Just pick your things and leave. After sometime, Bukky came out wearing the same t-shirt and a slim jean trouser which was probably tucked in her handbag because that wasn't what she wore in the morning. Eziaku came out, she saw Bukky leaving. She looked over at me and I stare back at her pleadingly. Bukky walked out while cursing and bashing everyone with words. Why is my life like this? The women I recently deals with starting from Oby ended up with trouble. Is either with a fight or something close. Drama with Bukky isn't difference or new from the usual. I'm tired and my most desires is to settle down soon with a nice woman and there is no one that can make me happy except Eziaku. I want Ezi with everything I got in me and will do whatever it takes to have her. That's a promise. I no longer care if she has a boyfriend or not. Eziaku has feeling for me, I wonder why she was holding back. After all of today's display is put to rest, Eziaku won't be able to escape again from me. I don't know how I'm going to do that but I'm ready to do whatever it takes.
1 Aug 2021 | 13:23
You have to act fast o, so that you won't loose her again.
2 Aug 2021 | 04:47
Bulky the drama queen ???
2 Aug 2021 | 07:23
good for you,,so if not for ur sister that bukky would've been an ass for you
2 Aug 2021 | 11:48
New episode...
3 Aug 2021 | 16:34
3 Aug 2021 | 16:36
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 27. Stella returned back to the table. "I wish she had dropped the top she had on... I said sipping my almost cold tea. Stella looked at me weird. "you can get another biggy or I can even go shopping for t-shirts and tops for you. What's special about the top, nothin really...let Bukky go with her problem. If goin with the T-shirt will heal her saddened heart so be it. I'm happy she is gone. You owe Ezi a big apology...I hope she forgives you. That drama was just too much for her sanity... the happiness I saw when she came in disappeared.... I told Stella that the T-shirt Bukky wore was one of the gifts Eziaku bought for me and she will really be sad seeing another lady wearing it. "Why didn't you tell me this before now...I would have made Bukky remove the cloth inside. Biggy, since you know that the cloth was special you shouldn't have allowed Bukky wear it in the first place. There's nothing we can do now... except to apologise to Ezi. Stella cleared the table. I couldn't even eat the breakfast. She parked it up while I remained seated on the dining. After sometime I went to the kitchen to speak to Eziaku. She did not respond to anything I said. I try to touch her but she warned me off. She was done cooking in no time. I even threaten that I won't eat the food if she doesn't forgive me. She did not respond as she cleared the kitchen and walked out She started Stella's hair around 2pm. I sat in the sitting room staring at her and hoping she will see that I was truly sorry It was around 9pm she was finally through with everything. Stella pleaded for her to stay but she insisted on going. Even if she had intentions of staying before, it all changed because of me. I followed her outside as she was leaving and insisted that I was going to drop her off. She refused, I have to apply force because she was been stubborn. Immediately she sat down I went over to the driver seat. Started the car and zoomed off. She showed me road that lead to her friend's house. I was doing the whole talking which she refused to respond As we got close she asked me to drop her. "What is wrong with you Ezi.. I'm taking you straight to your gate. Stop trying to stop me because is of no use... "Thank you sir, I have already gotten home. My house is just over there...I will trek down. Please stop the car now... I parked, turned over to her and said. "Stop with the sir, please stop replying me with sir...enough of that already. Eziaku, I don't understand... you said you had a boyfriend and I decided to move on too. What then is the problem... She looked at me. ", You lied that there was no woman, if you have told me that you have one resting in your room I would have trade with caution. You gave her one of the tops I specifically got for you because you don't value the gift... "That's not true...I value everything about you Ezi. Bukky took it and to be sincere I did not know how to ask her to take it off. I'm sorry... Bukky is just a friend... nothing serious. She laughed sarcastically. "Wow... just a friend but you were sleeping with her. Did you sleep with her or not? I became quiet as I breath in shakily. She has this jealousy in her tune that makes me wonder if she was actually jealous. "... after I left your place, I couldn't think of another man aside you. I mean that was why I missed you so much...I was hoping you also miss me. Not knowing you already had another woman warming your bed. Me and Uche concluded that we will be doing our introduction last three weeks but I kept postponing it because I can't be thinking of another man and be getting married to another. If you know how happy I was when you called and when I finally hugged you in that kitchen. Anyway to cut the long story short... I'm going for my introduction next week. If I wasn't sure before, I am now. Uche will make a better husband and father to our future kids. Today's drama confirmed everything... I'm still on the right track. I looked at her as my mood changed and my heart began to race. ", You can't do that Ezi. Please... don't do this to me...think it through. I love you Eziaku... with all my heart. you're my life... can't you see? Don't leave me please... let's make this work. I have had enough heart breaks please don't add yours to the list...I beg of you. I can go down on my knee...I will do anything. Eziaku please... I'm sorry. Just reconsider... don't go on with the wedding plans... I'm pleading. Bikoooo... Ezi... She blinked severally, she was fighting back the tears. "I'm also sorry but I'm getting married to Uche. Me and you are not in the same league or class. I will be reminded in the future of how unworthy I am to probably be in your life. Beside... Uche and I have history...we have come over the years. Three years... almost four. Two was spent close with him, while a year and half was spend here in Abuja without him in it. We drift apart during the period of no phone or better means to communicate but we later reconnected. He is a hard-working fine man and I wish to spend the rest of my life with a man that will give me peace of mind not from one drama to another. I'm sorry...let me go and marry in my class.. She unlocked the door and was about going down I drawed her back and forcefully kissed her. She struggled under my arms but I refused to let go. I was not even thinking, I just don't want Eziaku to leave. I don't want to loose her. She managed to push me off. "You're hurting me... Jesus Christ. What kind of man are you? You don't consider my feeling here... you just want things to be done your way... 'im sorry...I...I.." I stuttered. She stepped out and left. I sat in my car for a very long time before driving off. The following day after service I drove down to see her but her friend came out and told me that she wasn't around. She was probably lying but I waited for sometimes before leaving. I close early at work on Wednesday to go and see her at her salon. They told me that she traveled on the Tuesday of that week. Kamsi, her friend said she traveled for her wedding introduction and no one knows if she is coming back or not But Eziaku told her that she may not be coming back after her marriage ritual is over. I try calling her severally but she has refused picking my call ever since Bukky drama. I drove back home and fell face down on the cushion. Stella said I have to try to move on but I can't. How do I move on? I tried before but I ended up with Bukky. Which was a disaster. I can't think straight or do anything reasonable. I allowed myself to break down for the very first time. I hit hard on the cushion but the pain remained. The sadness refused to go away. I picked up myself and dragged to the room. I slept for the first time without showering. I slept in my work clothes. I looked like a total mess in the morning. I couldn't get to work the following day or the next. I fell sick, seriously sick. Stella try all she could to nurse me back to health. I was very happy that she was around. I kept throwing up like a pregnant woman all around the house. She also try calling Eziaku but she wouldn't answer her calls or reply her message. The following weekend, Stella who postponed her traveling because of me finally decided to travel back to Lagos. I assured her that I was alright, Because she was very worried. I pleaded with her not to say anything to Mom and Dad and she promised. She was not very sure of leaving me all by myself due to the condition of my heart. I kept assuring her that I was alright but she didn't buy it. She decided to stay another two weeks in Abuja because of me After a month passed, I knew I had to move on. Eziaku was already married or almost. There was no point crying over a spilled milk. Stella can see the improvement in me that I was sound. She started making arrangements to leave. I may have to travel to Lagos with her and make use of my mom's initial advice if necessary Which is getting to meet the reserved ladies she spoke off. Sincerely, I wasn't in the mood for another relationship. I just don't want to be alone and probably start thinking after Stella leaves. I needed break from everything to be able to heal properly. Eziaku really hurt me beyond measure, yet I don't want to blame her but myself. at the same time she refused all my plea because of what happened with Bukky. I really do not know I was deeply into her, I never experienced what I felt with her. It was difference and unusual. It was as if life was taken from me. Love isn't favorable for someone like me. I'm a faithful lover, I put in my all in a relationship. My heart and finance but none ever worked out no matter how I try. I have never cheated in a relationship, I try as much as possible to respect my partner both present and absent. Yes, I can boldly say I'm a good person. I deserve the credit but what is the use because at the end I'm still lonely. I don't know what comes next after now but I know someday real love will find me. A lady worth all the trouble will come around but until then I will continue living and being me. Lagos may have a new story for me and I'm not afraid to try again. Mom will definitely have something on her sleeve. Hooking me up with Lagos babe, thereby matching making us. I really don't know but I'm ready for the ride. Wherever Eziaku is, I just hope she is happy and enjoying her marriage or honeymoon. Whatever, I really don't want to care of think about it. I feel bitterness and hurt when I think of her but I had to let go and wish her the best of life. I later booked our flights and traveled to Lagos with my sister Stella. I handed work load to Angela and will follow up with calls and mail chats. Since Abuja or even village people couldn't offer me much, I hope Lagos got better things for me.
3 Aug 2021 | 17:40
hmmmm ezi would've understand why was she acting up,u guys were not in relationship she even make it clear she had a boyfriend, when she change her mind did she tell you, how on Earth did she want you to know...I pray God should give better wife,if ezi love you she can come back.
5 Aug 2021 | 07:11
Ezi is stubborn Sha Good luck in Lagos
5 Aug 2021 | 09:38
I wish to here from oby what happened to her afterwards
5 Aug 2021 | 10:32
New episode..
6 Aug 2021 | 17:51
6 Aug 2021 | 17:53
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 28 "All lies, maybe just a little bit of truth in there. He was the one following me around like hawk... Mother said giggling like a little girl. Stella laughed, while my Dad took another sip from his drink and said "I'm glad she didn't totally deny it. I wasn't expecting her to agree to the whole truth but deep down she knows what am saying. Your mom and her sister will stand at the corridor looking out for me. She will tell her sister to alert her whenever I'm passing by. I usually drive my dad's Volkswagen then after finishing from the University, did youth service over in East before coming to join my dad's business here in Lagos. I remember that turtle car, sky blue in color and comfy, that was my very first car. The first time I met your Mom was at her mother's vendors. Very big, her mother is a big woman and runs this big restaurant where I usually go to eat. I went there twice it was on the third visit that I saw her. She has her mother's resemblance. She looked at me shyly and was very friendly around me. I liked her from that day and later found out that they live two street away from us. I told my father that I have seen a woman I want to marry. And that's how my quest began. and we later got married after much toss and turn. married for almost forty years... and she still amazes me... Stella was grinning seriously, she turned to Mom and said. "So Mom, you liked Dad back then but was forming hard to get. This time Mom laughed out so loud. Dad was equally grinning as he took another sip before setting his cup down. "Your father was quiet a charmer. Even my Mom and sister likes him. Just like your brother Austin, he has almost every of your father's feature when he was around his age except Austin is a bit taller and more calmer. Speaking of you, son... All eyes turned towards me. I knew it was going to get to this and I was prepared for anything. Is been few days already in Lagos and mother gave me enough time to rest I guess is time for the obvious question that I wish I can dodge right now. My Mom continued "....we have talked so much about other things but I was still waiting for the very thing my ears crave to hear. I will start by asking... how's your woman... my daughter in-law to be? Stella tries to speak in my defense but I asked her not to. "Mom...still, no real daughter in-law yet. Let me say that I haven't been very lucky with women. After much try, I have decided to take a break for now and rest from any form of relationship. Dad looked at me before returning his look to my Mom. "Didi, maybe is high time you leave the young man alone with all this marriage talk. Let him take his time and be ready emotionally. Since he decided to visit us after many years, let's allow him enjoy his stay in his home. Austin knows what he wants and I don't think he needs to rush or be forced to do so. Larry, his elder brother got married in his late twenties and it doesn't mean Austin must follow in the same pattern. During my time I had people I'm far older than getting married before me and had grown kids before I got father never forced me instead he encouraged me to take my time and find the one for me. If I had decided to follow the trend I wouldn't have met you. Didi, You were around twenty an... " aaah! you can still remember but that was wrong..." Mom interrupted as she suddenly began to laugh. "... I was around nineteen plus, I still have about four months to be twenty and you were twenty seven when we got married...a bit too old for me but I decided to manage you like that. Dad stood from the chair and said while walking away "Thanks for managing me Didi but it was quiet obvious that you couldn't do without me back then. How lucky you and your family are to have me as an inlaw... Dad walked away before Mom will fire back at him with her own words. Stella who couldn't stop grinning from their banter walked away leaving me and Mom alone. I know Mom was only waiting for Dad to leave the table so that she can face me properly. And now that we are alone I already know what to expect. "Ehee! son...If you go listening to your father you will clock forty without a family of your own. You're thirty three Austin... do you remember Ndu? Aham's son that got married few years ago, him and his wife have a baby that is almost a year old old... time waits for no one... " please try to understand me first, I haven't been folding my hands and looking. I have actually tried my possible best to get a good woman but it all prove more of a disaster. Don't make it sound I don't want to get married or have a a matter of fact I'm taking break on that. Let me rest from the whole trauma I have experience so far. It comes easy for some people but for some of us is easier said than done. I don't mind getting upto forty, if that's how long it takes to settle well then I'm ready for the ride... My Mom snapped her finger in the air and replied. "God forbids it. I reject it for you... marriage at forty will never be your portion in Jesus name... Amen. Maybe I need to channel more energy into praying for you to break every power delaying you from settling down with a well deserved woman. She suddenly grabbed my hands into hers and began to cast and bound. She kept praying for about 5minutes before letting go of my hands All I did was to keep replying with an Amen. "...I will still need to do more prayers for you in private. But you also need to be praying. "I do pray Mom" I replied calmly. "...I really don't know what I'm not doing right. I can't tell what exactly I need to do differently because I have tried all measure and it never works. Mom, did you know When I was twenty eight years, I followed my friend to a village for traditional wedding. I met a girl there, about eighteen years then. I fell in love with her, as funny as it may it may seem I wanted to marry her but the issue was her parents insisted that she must finish university first. they were struggling family. Mom, because of the level of my love for this particular girl I was determined to marry her. I took up the responsibility of training her... My Mom looked at me weird, like I wasn't serious. "....yes Mom. I trained her for three and half years in school before the whole relationship scattered. I don't want to go into much of her details but only to let you know the level I have gone in getting a reasonable woman to settle with. There's nothing to my understanding that I haven't done. I might have done one or two mistakes in the process but I never intentionally hurt a woman. The case with the girl I was training is two years passed mom. I have moved on, met few others even the one I fell deeply for recently but it ended in hurt. Stella is aware of the recent one and that's my reason of taking break with women. My coming to Lagos is to breath in a different air Mom... My Mom gasped "I'm sorry son, it will all work out for your best at the end. I can see that you haven't really been folding your hands when it comes to future partner. I have somebody, a friend's daughter... her mother is a disciplined woman and brought up her children uprightly. The girl is not always around but the little I have seen and observed her she is well behaved. Will you like to go with me tomorrow in visiting her Mother and also you will get to meet the girl? I shakes my head as I made attempt to stand. "No Mom, I don't want to jump into another woman or even a relationship yet. Thanks but I will rather pass... hmmm! I will love to go to my room now Mom. She nooded as I stood and retuned back to my room upstairs. I had so many missed calls. Chuka, Angela, two other different numbers. I called Angela immediately and found out she only wanted to check up on me and nothing serious. I called chuka We went on and on talking. I told him I was in Lagos to see my parents and will be back soon. Anytime I travel back to Abuja we will get to see. I called the first unknown number and it didn't go through. I called the second unknown number and somebody picked and didn't say a word. I called back thinking is bad network. The person whom I found out was a lady. But she only gets to say hello and refused saying any other thing before ending my call. I decided to go and join my Dad in his private sitting room to watch the wildlife station which was one of his favorite shows. We get to gist while watching the television but it was nothing serious. After a week and three days in Lagos passed, I decided to take a walk alone around the neighborhood. From our street I crossed into another. I remember every street in our housing close. With my headphone and music I continued my sight seeing which was over an hour already. I was tired and decided to stop at a mini shop within one of the street to buy a chilled bottle water. I was about paying for my water when another customer stepped in, a lady. She greeted the shop owner like a well known person to her. I turned and looked at her absent minded before opening my water to drink. Just then the shop owner stretch hand to hand my balance over to me and at the process collecting it the opened bottled water spilled out with uncontrollable speed, some poured on my body, on the ground and on the lady standing beside me "Oh shit... I'm so sorry! I quickly apologise to her "No problem, i know it wasn't intentional... but it could also be that you are probably looking for a means to get my attention... The shop attendant started grinning just as the Lady was. She looks a little bit familiar, like I have seen her before. But since I don't reside in Lagos that will be impossible except maybe during my growing up days in Lagos. She was really beautiful and well endowed but I will be the last person at this stage and level of countless painful drama with women tries to get her attention. "No dear, I wasn't. Like you said it was never intentional. I apologise ones again..." I asked the shop owner to give me another bottle water. Since the first one spilled I did not feel like taking it again. After paying for the second one, I turned to leave. "Excuse me, I have seen you before... your face looks familiar. I waited hoping she will tell me because I felt I had seen her before too. She mentioned schools and event asking if I attended any I told her no that I didn't. She said her name was Amanda and I told her that mine was Austin. I couldn't wait anymore. I waved her goodnight and left. I had another moment with my Dad within my stay. He asked if I will like to travel out to Join my brother or maybe to a different country of my choice. I will travel out only for a visit or vacation not to base there. I have a successful company i intended expanding in the nearest future and I'm doing quiet well for myself. I see no reason in running off. I told my Dad that I was alright and don't want to. If I wanted to I would have done so long time ago and not now On the following Sunday, mom said she invited some people for after church lunch. She has a female cook who assisted her in the kitchen. Stella who was making arrangements to travel for her master program help out in the kitchen too. I was trying to get something casual to wear after returning from church service with my Dad when Stella knocked on my door, informing me that mom was calling me to come down and say hello to the visitors. I told her that I was coming. I changed up and as I was leaving my room, I saw my Mom coming. "I sent your sister to call you since. Lunch is served and we have visitors. My friend came with her two daughters. The older one I told you about and youngest one who just got into university... I turned to her and said. "Mom...we talked about this. I told you that i needed time before having anything to do with a woman. I spread it all out to you... She slapped my shoulder hard. "Keep quiet. Did anybody die...? why are you acting as if you're mourning. Those ladies in the past that left is their lost not yours. You're a charming young man. I raised you well and never had cause to worry over you. Don't allow any woman to determine your happiness. If it didn't work out with the first that doesn't mean it won't work with another. You want to keep punishing yourself for up your mind and be ready to love another worthwhile. Beside I didn't say much about you to them... only that my second son was around. C'mon... let's go and put on a cheerful face.... I followed her downstairs to the dining room. I was grinning from ear to ear as my mom wanted. I suddenly paused and looked at the older girl who also turned and was staring at me. "You again?.. She exclaimed smiling and exposing her fine set of teeth. She was the lady from the shop that I spilled water on. My Mom and hers where surprised. "Oh, you two have met before? My mom asked excitedly. "Yes, few days a shop where I went to buy a bottle water" I replied. I greeted her Mom and the girls before taking my seat. Mom and her friend went on and on talking about us when we were little and other stuff that I think wasn't necessary. I know what my Mom was trying to do I just wish I wasn't on the same table with them I looked over at the girl who's name happens to be Amanda. Our eyes met and i curved a smile, she blushed and looked away. I stood from the table and left my half eaten lunch because I wasn't comfortable or hungry. I moved to the general sitting room leaving them to continue gisting and laughing. Amanda joined in no time. Is probably my Mom or hers that pushed her to come and sit beside me. "Can we take a short walk, away from this elderly women's scrutinizing eyes. She asked and I obliged. Immediately we were out of hearing, she slapped my hand hard. I turned to her shocked "Is you... you are the guy in that restaurant. I raised an eyebrow confused. "... you're the ghost guy. You were ghosting for us and forming all mute. knew it. I knew that I will definitely figure out where I have met you and I finally did. Me and my friend Kachi met you on our way back to a filling station park where we went to eat.... She went on and on explaining, I quickly recollect. She was the porridge yam lady while her friend is the fried rice lady. "Oh yeah...I remember. Uhmmm... I'm sorry about that day. I wasn't in a very good mood to converse. She smiled and nodded. "Wait until I tell my friend, Kachi that I met the ghost guy. She will be shocked. We got talking a little bit more before going back to the house. She later left with her Mom and sister but that was after we exchanged numbers. Mom was eager to know how we connected. I told her that we're just friends, there's no real connection for me. But she's cool to be with. After few days, I got another missed call from the same unknown number. This was making it five times in two weeks. Who is the Lady that kept calling without saying anything. It makes me wonder even as I got ready to travel back. I received chats from Amanda a day before traveling back to Abuja. After asking how I was doing, she went ahead to inform me that she will love to see me off to the airport and also Promise to visit me in Abuja. She ended with love emojis. After replying her chat and dropped my phone, the unknown number called. This time I picked the call and spoke harshly to whoever it was. There was a lot of noise in the background. ", Stop calling this line madam or whoever you are. If you can't speak then send a message. Stop calling my number and acting dumb. I will block you straight up if I get another... "Is don't block. you're no more living in your apartment in Abuja? please I need to see you.... " The unknown caller said quickly. ", You who... who are you...? I asked. She ended the call. That voice, could it be Eziaku? No, Eziaku was married. But the voice seem similar to hers. Wait a second, it sounds like that of Oby. Oby wouldn't dare call me in her entire life. I try calling back but the line was switched off.
6 Aug 2021 | 17:55
New episode, pls like and comments
6 Aug 2021 | 17:56
Go, on
6 Aug 2021 | 19:40
Go on, try looking for someone in Lagos
6 Aug 2021 | 19:41
Hmmm Next
7 Aug 2021 | 08:02
I believe is ezi
7 Aug 2021 | 08:56
I believe is ezi.
7 Aug 2021 | 09:02
I believe is ezi, next pls
7 Aug 2021 | 09:03
Let it not be what am thinking
7 Aug 2021 | 13:45
New episode loading..
8 Aug 2021 | 15:31
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 29 arriving Abuja was on a Sunday, but I was just in time to clean and tidy up the house. Set out working cloths for the week. My Mom called to know if I arrived safely. "Yes Mom, I got home by 3pm. "That's great... thank God for journey mercies. Austin, my dearest boy, if you don't fancy Amanda, that my friend's daughter I have another I will like you to check out. Like two different ladies... I shaked my head saddly, I can't believe I still have to go through this with my mom's again. "No... no Mom... Please I'm serious. I don't feel any real spark with Amanda... Like I told you back in Lagos I'm taking my mind away from women for now until I'm emotionally balanced. Dad's right...I need time Mom. Stop worrying or trying to hook me up with ladies, I'm not ready and if I try to force it just to please you I may end up hurting the Lady. You wouldn't want that neither do i. please, allow me to be for now Mom. I don't want to keep going over this with you. I'm no more your teenage son... I'm grown Mom. I'm a man...let me make my own decisions and if I need you or dad's help I will definitely ask.... My Mom agreed to leave me alone for that period but she promise to come for me if after sometime she found out that I was still slow in making decisions. I was very happy that I had that conversation with her and she agrees to let me be. That was a great relief, I can finally breath from all the talk over women and marriage. Another thing I was happy for is that Amanda sent a message that she couldn't make it as promised. She intended seeing me off to the airport but didn't show up. She told me that she had rift with her old boyfriend but he called saying he was coming around that day and will like them to work out things. I told her to take care and also wish her the best. I was already planning on leaving earlier to avoid her before her message came in. I hate to be pushed over the edge, I don't like hurting people's feeling natural. Especially those close to me. That is the kind of life I have lived and tired of already. Caring about what others feel and making sure I try to handle each situation well without hurting anyone but at the end I'm the one that gets hurt. Some of them don't care about my own feeling. They sometimes hurt me beyond word. Maybe I need to put on more tough skin and put everyone in their rightful place. Enough of all the whole unwanted drama that keeps popping up in my life. I resumed work the following day which was a Monday. Angela was happy to have me back as she couldn't hide her excitement. I spent three weeks in Lagos and I enjoyed my journey except for Mom's marriage talk every now and then. My head is cleared and am in a whole new mood. My Mom was right, acting like I was mourning was totally unnecessary. I'm done with all of that. I did not know how I got myself into all of the mess I recently experienced two months ago with Eziaku. That was the hight of it all, no more such emotional and physical breakdown because of a woman. I have been dealt with because I open my heart freely to everyone. That too is changing. I'm embarking more on Mom's keenly advise. To seek God more than before and focus on being me At the right time every other thing will fall in perfect place which includes having a family of my own. Which will be a prayer answered for my Mom and ofcourse for me too. After two weeks in Abuja, the unknown caller started calling again. I decided to block the number after trying to call back and no response. I didn't back down on my life to do list. I created time to study and pray. I needed God more than anything and I believe so much that he had the best interest at heart for me. I starts my day by asking him to take control and I end each day with total Thanksgiving to him. I hanged out with chuka few times and also got to meet his new born baby. Baby number two. I got real busy with work and focused on it. I noticed the kind of clothes Angela wears to work, it was more like a clubbing attire not work clothes. I called her attention to it and asked what was going on with her new line of clothing, she was just smiling sheepishly without a good answer to the real question. I asked to readjust back to appropriate dressing to avoid seducing our clients with her looks. She began to laugh seriously. I made it sound funny but I never laughed so she will see that I was serious. One Thursday, I was working late as usual when she knocked and came to announce that she was leaving. I said okay without looking up from my laptop which I was working on. She stood for sometime, I did not really pay much attention how long she was standing in front of my office table but what I noticed is that she walked to where I was and stood. I looked up from my laptop and looked at her. Her shirt buttons where down, revealing alot of cleavage and even the stripers bra she was putting on. "What's the problem? I asked confused on why she was standing very close to me. "I'm about to do something, hope you won't mind? She said moving even more closer. I raised an eyebrow and was about to ask her what it was when she bent over and tries to kiss me. "Hey...hey Angela. What are you trying to do.... are you sure you're okay? I asked as I gently pushed her away from me before standing. "Sir, I have waited for so long hoping you will ask me out...but that's not forth coming. I know you're my boss but you're also single just like me. I can't keep quiet anymore or keep hiding my feelings. I like you a lot and is more than likeness. I can't keep it anymore... I know this is kind of awkward because I'm a female and is mainly a man's duty to ask a woman out but I have waited far too long...if I don't express how I feel I may explode inside. I thought you will notice the flag i kept waving but it seems you didn't or you did but choose to ignore. Forgive me if you feel offended with the way I come at you...I wish you will put my feelings into consideration. You probably likes me but don't know how to go about it...I can't hold it in anymore.... I scoffed and took several feet away from her. "Angela, listen... you're a very beautiful lady, Smart, intelligent and almost every man's dream. I enjoy working with you and trust you enough to handle things in my absence for several weeks. That's the level I rate you in my affairs and haven't done so with anyone. One of the things about me is that I don't mix work with pleasure and it won't start now. But that does not make you irrelevant or your beautiful words unnoticed. Thank you for liking me but I will like our togetherness in this office to remain work relationship... please. Can you do that for me? I said the last part smiling, she smiled back and nodded before saying. "I can resign if that's okay by you. If you feel we working together is hindering our togetherness then I can resign right now so that nothing will come in the way of our happiness. I can't think of another man... all I think of is you...I don't know how to work normal around you. I don't know... I gasped out "Is okay... maybe you should start by buttoning up, readjusting your skirt and taking your mind off me entirely because Angela I won't lie to you nothin is going to come out from the whole fantasy you created of me in your head. If you want to resign is alright, nothin will happen...I will go ahead and employ another person to replace you. Angela, there must be a man out there who will love and adore you but I'm not that man. Let's stick to work only and God too to bring that special someone that is our soulmate on our way... alright? She nooded again, gently turned and left the office while buttoning up. I breathed deeply and sank hard on my office chair. Some ladies will be wanting who doesn't want them while the ones I want will rather choose another. Irony of life. Very pathetic. Angela came to apologise the following day for her words and actions yesterday. She also thanked me for the advice and promised to stick to only work and nothin else. Three months later I traveled to kaduna state to finalize a business deal with one Alhaji, a new recommended client who has several houses in one big estate in Abuja but was based in kaduna. He put me in charge of his properties and entrusted some others to my care. That was huge and a big win. I promoted Angela, increased her pay and added more allowance. I also employed another staff. At the end of five months I had three staffs which includes Angela heading the new employees. She was doing her job more better than before and I was truly impressed for such good performance I was able to finally change my car to something more better. I didn't sell my old car, having two cars in my garage is not really a bad idea. I can drive anyone I choose or feels like. I celebrated with my staffs on the arrival of my new ride. I was driving back from work one night, just as I got to my gate i noticed someone was standing beside it. This was around 9pm in the night. I noticed that it was a female. I flashed my car light on the person, she used her hand to shed from the light. "Who are you and what do you want? I shouted out to her from my car, she sluggishly moved closer to where I parked. I saw who the person was. What in God's name is she doing here? She knelt down beside my car and started pleading while crying heavily. "My father is critically ill, we try using native medicine but instead of getting better it got worst...I don't know who to go to or where. I have been the one calling you all this while...I even traveled all the way down to plead on my knees for your forgiveness. I know we wronged you deeply and probably left a deep scar I'm begging you in the name of God that you severed to find it in your heart and Forgive especially. My father is dying...he has been admitted in the hospital for the past three months and doctors are demanding for big money before they will commence the full treatment on him. They gave us just a month to look for the money or they will throw him out. My mother has high blood pressure because of too much thinking...I have gone through every means but couldn't find a help. I can't even graduate from school due to some financially and personal problem. Our lives are in mother is dying due to thinking and nobody to help. Please...I don't want to lose my both parents... please, I'm crying and begging you to save us... help my father. I'm begging you... please sir... please... I replied back to her with a tone I wish will sound like thunder strike to her ear drum. This Oby really have gut to come to my house and ask for my help. "I don't have any business with you, I'm not sure I even understand anything you just said. let this be the last time I will see you around my vicinity. Take this warning serious for your own good because I won't look back in getting you arrested for trespassing. infact I'm calling the estate security right this minute... As brought out my phone to call, her cry started going high. "Please don't call oo. I'm begging you... forgive me sir. my parents are going to die if nothing is done. I have not eaten and I don't have anywhere to sleep tonight. Please allow me to come inside and sleep, first thing tomorrow I will leave. I'm so hungry... I'm going to faint soon.. my eyes is turning me, I'm really hungry... My intestines are at war inside my stomach. Please, I'm pleading for the sake of my parents Forgive me... forgive oo.... She was wailing heavily like a professional mourner as I called the estate security line to quickly come over and take her away. I wined up my glasses and waited for the securities to arrive right inside my car. I sat inside watching her perform her numerous drama. She even rolled on the ground while crying heavily and shouting that she was hungry and also needed a place to sleep for the night.
8 Aug 2021 | 17:05
Oby again Hope she isn't lying this time
9 Aug 2021 | 14:41
If you like, foolishly take her in. Next please
9 Aug 2021 | 16:42
Hungry kwa? wonders shall never end
9 Aug 2021 | 16:49
hmm if u have small money give her let her go I don't she's they for good ooo,she can even sleep with the security next day she will go back to the village,,I don't believe that girl
9 Aug 2021 | 17:28
Lol.... Oby,,, u tink u can eat ur cake n have it? Wat if dose thugs u called to deal with him den, killed him, wud u av come back to ask of his forgiveness in his grave? It serves u n ur father right
10 Aug 2021 | 03:44
I love to hear that
10 Aug 2021 | 12:19
Next episode
10 Aug 2021 | 18:15
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 30 The estate security arrived just in time and saw Oby still performing her drama. She was crying heavily and sitting right in front of my car while demonstrating how she was going to die with her parents if I don't help her. I asked them to take her away and as the two security men were going towards her she rushed and hold onto my car and refused going with them. "I'm not going anywhere with this men. You're the only one I know and trust. Please help me... don't do this to me because of my past wrongs. I only need to stay this night and by morning I will leave, I'm very hungry and helpless please. But if you choose not to help me then I will rather stay outside here and wait for whatever will kill me tonight. My father is critically down in the hospital and may not make it, my Mom blood pressure is on a deadly stage...if you can't help my parents I have no reason to live anyway... because they will die without proper care. Maybe is better we all die together. if our death will make you feel you have taken a pound of your flesh from what we did to you... if it will truly make you happy then so be it. I'm not following this men anywhere...I will rather starve and die right here in front of your gate so you will see my dead body by morning and jubilat that you have succeeded in killing both my parents and I due to your hatred and lack of forgiveness... She continued crying seriously and refused to let any of the security touch her. "Oby, I don't care if your dad is dying or not and I'm obviously not moved by those tears of yours. Is this not the same tears you were seriously shedding in your house while vomiting all manners of lies against me? You and the same Dad sent tugs to beat me up of which if they have succeeded I would have either be dead or left with body injuries. you are capable of anything and I'm not moved by all this your display. You're definitely leaving here tonight and will never step your feet to this estate again because I will make sure of that. The security will bundle you out of here either by choice or by force. for humanity sake I will ask them to find means and give you food or whatever you care to eat before sending you off to whenever you came from in the morning. Her cried turned into a whimper as she knelt down pleading beside my car at the driver side where I remained seated and unmoved by her actions. I asked the security to take her away by any means that will make her leave my vicinity. I also instructed them to feed her if necessary and give me the bill later on. She refused going, they said they were going to apply force so I gave them permission to use force and take her. They should use whatever means possible and drag her out of my environment. I also warned that I never want to see her in the estate again. They should make sure that they mark her face and don't allow her cross the estate gate ever again. While I waited and watched them trying to apply force on Oby who was becoming aggressive and refused to be moved. They had to call for the security patrol car and when it arrived they dragged her into the car and moved I gave a sigh of relief as I drove into my gate. It took more than two hours for all the drama with Oby to finally come to an end. I really don't understand the kind of guts somebody like her has. After all this years, she finally remembered that I'm her only saviour. Thoughts about her still hurts like yesterday, I will rather try and think of something else. I slept late that night and did not bother waking in time as usual. Angela called around 9am that I have a client waiting to see me in the office that morning. I remembered that I was supposed to have a 10am appointment with somebody. The person was an hour earlier than the agreed time. Issue with Oby disorganized me last night and making me wake up late. I even saw several missed calls from the security. They should handle her and stop calling me. Last night I got into the house by almost 12am before I could refresh and sleep it was around 1:30am. Waking early was out of the deal for me because of that. I quickly got ready and left after asking Angela to find means and keep the client untill I arrived. She promised to do so and send a chat that she was already entertaining him and he was obviously enjoying it all. "That's my girl" I muttered with a smile after reading her chat. I got to the office past 11am and Saw that the young fine man in an English suit, speaks polish English was still waiting and was obviously taking by Angela's style. His was focused on the CNN news showing on the big television screen and holding a cup of coffee that Angela served him. Angela who left her own office to sit at the reception desk pretend to be working. She quickly stood immediately she saw me enter, collected my office bag and went into my office to drop it while I apologized to the young man for my lateness. Angela came out, paused and said there was something on my cheek. I turned from the client and looked at her with a knowing look while wiping my face with a face towel. She came very close, placed a hand on my arm as she removed a strand of my facial towel thread from my face. I thanked her as she walked away to her office while the receptionist returned his seat. I Saw the discomfort in the clients eyes even as he smiled. We exchange a handshake as I led him into my office. Angela must have her reasons for acting the way she did and I didn't want to turn her down in front of a client. It felt inappropriate for her to do that before a client yet I fizzled inwardly from her soft touch. After my meeting with the client, it appears it was going to be another success but we haven't finalized our agreement. If after next week we come to a mutual consensus then I can undoubtedly call it another successful addition. Mr Peter recently returned from UK and wants to acquire not only a residential building but he also wants a bigger assets in less crowded location where he will establish his company. He will be back by next week and until then I just have to remain hopeful that it will all work out. After he Left, I called Angela into my office and caution her. "You don't do that in front of a client, is not officially right and it send a wrong ideas to them. Even if you have to do that find a better means to pass the message and not the way you went about it. She apologized as expected but I need her to understand that this was an office and certain behavior will not be overlooked. She opened her mouth like she was going to say something and then close it. turned and walked away. I noticed all through that day and the following days she was all cold and tries to avoid me by all means. She wasn't her usual cheerful self and doesn't look happy either. I missed the real happy Angela and I knew something must be wrong. Probably I was too harsh in my approach and generally the way I go about things in the office. I need to loosen up a bit. Angela has been a great personal assistant and I enjoy working with her. I planned on buying her lunch or given her a small treat. I hope she doesn't get the wrong idea from my little act. I met with my estate security during the weekend as they kept calling my line non-stop. I asked them how it went with Oby. They told me she left the following day and they also warned her never to return back to the estate. They told me how she felt relaxed most part of the night in the security lodge where they put her. I asked if they fed her and how much was the bill if necessary and they said they did and gave me a receipt of the bill. I glanced at it and saw thirty five thousand naira on the first receipt and another was sixteen thousand. I turned to the man I was speaking to with a confused face. "Thirty five thousand naira? Seventeen thousand? How... please explain this, because I don't understand. I said to the security who started explaining. "Sir she was the one that ordered for the food and it got delivered to her. We planned going to buy food for her at a restaurant close to the estate gate but after asking her what she wants she told us not to worry that her food was on the way. We didn't understand until a dispatcher brought the package which was around seventeen thousand and she asked me to pay that after all you asked us to give her whatever she wants. We are not the one sorting the bills so we should pay. It was my colleague that paid with his card and the following morning she ordered for something else. When they brought the package again it was around thirty five thousand. I try calling you but you didn't pick up. We wanted to inform you before paying for any other thing but after several calls and you didn't respond we had to pay. another delivery man came with a package for her and she said is twenty nine thousand but my colleague and I on duty sent the delivery man back with his package. As she was leaving with her bags that mid day, she asked for some cash that we should add it to the bill. My colleague refused because we still haven't informed you about the whole ordering she made. But just to make her leave I had to give her the only cash with me and that was nine thousand thousand naira. The total bill summoned up to sixty one thousand naira sir. I scoffed as I looked from the receipt to the security man. What where they thinking by paying for Oby's orders when they could have send back the dispatcher rider. What exactly did she buy aside food. This girl really wanted to use her last opportunity to her satisfaction. I asked the security if they have an idea of the second thing she ordered aside food. The man said that Oby told them is some medical stuffs and drugs for her sick hypertensive Mother but one of the boxes she claims was medicine box looks like a shoe box. While the other bigger one appears like a dress box with a symbol of wears on it. He said it could be what she said and it may not because they did not see the items inside the package. Well, it was my fault by asking them to give her whatever she wants and she decided to use that opportunity to her favour. I transferred money to the security guard but that was after I angrily caution them. How could they be paying for everything Oby bought without informing me first. Do they think I grow money on trees, they felt I was capable to handle the bills because I ones in a while tip them most weekends if I'm driving out just to encourage them for their job. They all came to apologise. I told them if I ever see Oby in my environment I will not only get her arrested they will also be included in the arrest. I drove off after the transfer was confirmed. I can't believe I just part with over a sixty thousand because of Oby. It could have been more if they have foolishly paid the twenty nine additional bill which would have made it almost a hundred thousand. Wow! Oby really used her last advantage well. Which made me wonder if her parents where truly sick. She said her mother had a high blood pressure and her father was dying in the hospital. How true is even all this story. If she can without conscience order for over sixty thousand naira worth of items within few hours then her story needs to be investigated. I have better things on my list I needed to focus on. Is better I leave Oby with her trouble. Mr Peter came as agreed but we still didn't finalize and had to set up for another meeting whenever he comes back from his travel. I noticed the way he looks at Angela and Angela in turn react cheerfully around him. It makes me wonder yet I choose to ignore and just watch. I treated Angela to some treats just like i wanted to do. She was thrown beyond excitement and freely hugged me. I'm glad she was back to her usual self but it seems I'm going to keep a closer look on her and Mr Peter. I still wonder why I was bothered with whoever she chose to fleet with. Maybe. just maybe my concern was because the young Mr Peter, good looking with fine polished English was a prospective client. After weeks passed, I have managed to put Oby's drama behind me when my phone started ringing that Sunday evening. I checked the caller and was stunned at first. Is probably a mistaken call because this person can't possibly be calling me. After three missed calls, she didn't call again until after two hours later. She started calling again. I decided to pick up. "Hello... good evening sir. Longest time... how have you been and how is work? ", Very well... and you? I managed to ask "I'm fine o. I just wanted to check up on you sir. I was afraid you won't ever pick my call... thanks for finally answering the call. "No problem Ezi. How's married life like... and how's your husband? "I'm not married sir. She replied back and I can sense sadness in her voice. I was quiet surprised but I try not to show it or ask her what happened. "Oh really. Okay... thanks for checking up Ezi. Nice hearing from you again... She replied back before ending the call. I guess she was waiting for me to ask what happened but I disappointed her on that. As a matter of fact I moved on with life and put everything about Ezi behind me. As much as I want to know why she wasn't married after pushing me away and saying her Uche was a better man than I will ever be and she will rather be with him than me. I really do not care about what happened. Everybody should just stay in their lane and live as they please. I thought of Oby, maybe Eziaku could help me check if truly Oby's parents were critically ill and about to die. Not for anything just to confirm my curiosity about Oby. I began to doubt her after what she recently did again. I called Eziaku back and she quickly answer and responded like somebody expecting something from me. "Hello Ezi, can you do something for me since you're in the village... "I'm not in the village sir" she quickly interrupted and continued. "...but tell me what you want me to do I have people that I can call in the village that will help me out. I told her what I wanted to investigate and she promised to get back to me. After the call, I moved on with my usual activities. Wether Oby's story is true or not it absolutely changes nothing. And If is a lie, it only confirms who she has always been from onset. I silently wondered why Eziaku wasn't married and where exactly she was since she wasn't in the village like I thought. But I'm not asking her to avoid getting into another emotional mess. Let me wait for her feedback concerning Oby.
10 Aug 2021 | 18:25
New episode, pls like and comments..
10 Aug 2021 | 18:27
this oby is mad ooo,she no get shame sef,I believe her father is not sick imagine, let her not come close to you again by all means
11 Aug 2021 | 06:21
be posting two episodes in a day nah plsss
11 Aug 2021 | 06:22
Shameless Oby
11 Aug 2021 | 18:14
New episode.
12 Aug 2021 | 16:37
12 Aug 2021 | 16:44
12 Aug 2021 | 16:46
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 31 My mind was finally made up after three weeks of indecisiveness. I asked her to wait after work that I will like to see her whenever she was free. She agreed, I waited through out that afternoon but no news from her. She only came to inform me that she will like to leave early due to some emergency. It was on a Friday, which means all through the weekend I won't get an answer from her until Monday again. I said okay and she left. I was still trying to exercise patient until Monday but at the same time I kept wondering to myself if what I planned to do was right. I trust her and feel very comfortable around her so that's a go ahead key for me. During that weekend Eziaku called to inform me about the task I asked her to help me sort. "The person I sent has gotten back to me. Sir, Would you like me to come over to your place or I should just say it over the phone..." I wonder what is up with her adding sir to every sentence even after I asked her not to but rather see me as a friend. On the other hand is cool. We're just on a casual mood, nothing serious attached. "Over the phone will be fine Ezi. Kindly tell me what you were able to dig up..." I replied calmly. wanting to come over to my place shows that Eziaku had been in Abuja all this while. She can be so unpredictable. I don't want such closeness again. I regretted the first one and wouldn't want another love triangle with her. "I thought as much that you may not want to see me but I'm coming over by next week Saturday. I have three nice customers that I need to attend to this weekend if not I would have rushed down today. What I discovered is not something we can talk over the phone. It will also be an opportunity to see you again..." "My woman is around Ezi and I'm not in for any drama after the last one that we both experienced... I said trying to discourage her because I really don't want any closeness with her again. I don't care how she feels or takes the news, I want everything with Eziaku to be normal, no emotions attached. I was still trying to say something when she interrupted. "I know that may be the reason for you not wanting me to come over or in general you just kind of hate me after what happened in the past but me I don't care. I'm not coming to fight or take you from your woman. Tell her I used to work for you as a cleaner and wants to come and say hello. Also tell her that I can make different international and local hairstyle incase she wants a stylist or she knows people that might be interested. I can cook, wash and clean, not for free but my charges are fair. Tell her anything that won't put negative thoughts in her head. I don't even fall into you people's class or league so nobody will see me as a threat. I'm coming o. Tell your girlfriend or wife that one of your house help wants to come and clean up the house... I kept quiet as I marvel at this girl's boldness. She will speak her mind without fear whenever she feels like and does not care what anyone thinks. That is one of the fun fact about her and a rare quality I admire in women. Not the ones that will blab on and on without making proper sense. Anyway, she won. She sounds unstoppable and another deep part of me wants to see her ".... hello sir. Hope you're hearing me? I would have love to buy something and come but you may end up throwing it into the dustbin and wasting my money. If you still want something, tell me so that I can buy it for you and I can also buy for your woman or wife. You will see me next weekend... I asked her not to buy anything and she agreed. Since her coming is next weekend, I will have enough time to think her coming over properly. If I change my mind and don't want her around I will tell her straight up or inform her that I won't be around through out the weekend and I'm busy during the week days. She can even choose to keep whatever she finds out about Oby to herself. I'm not too eager to know and i don't need it for anything except to clear my doubts. Let her not feel like the news is too important for me because is not. On Monday, Angela appeared lively and happy. I caught her smiling to herself, I wonder what was new on her list and while she seems so happy. She had a new hairdo, a new wristwatch, a different nail polish. I'm begining to notice alot of things about her lately. Things I don't even take knowledge of before. The treat I gave her sometime back that she was over excited was a gift bag that contained a dinner dress and a mini box of jewelry, a dot diamond ear ring and neck chain. It was quiet expensive but Angela deserves it. She put so much efforts to her job and make sure we don't loose clients. She tries to be on top of her performance and does not do eye service as some staff will do. Angela was real and hard-working. I increased her pay few months ago after traveling to kaduna and signing the big deal with Alhaji. After noticing that she was sad at some point, it made me decide to give her a treat and I couldn't think of anything except to buy a fine dinner dress and top it with the jewelries. I can't remember when last I went shopping for a woman. That was during the time of Eziaku. I also used to do that for Oby before things took another turn. I enjoys buying things for any woman I love, like or admire. Angela case was different, I know I was beginning to find myself thinking about her ones in a while but I only gave her those things to encourage her for several jobs well done. If anything ever happens between us which is very possible due to the way she keeps coming into my thoughts. I will love to see her in that dinner dress. Is a lovely gown and she also confirmed it. If I ever planned on having anything with her, I will ask her to wear that dinner gown for our first outing. I know she will really look beautiful in it. Mr Peter have finally concluded and we both sealed the deal. He even wanted a virgin plots of land for a big project he planned to build on. After the conclusion, he paid up twice without further delay. I was happy as usual for a huge sell as I transferred the main money to the former assets owners and keep my interest just as agreed. It was after then I made up my mind to talk to Angela which took me sometime in concluding if I truly want to do that. When I finally asked to see her was on Friday and it was the same day she left early due to some emergency. Resuming this Monday, I was wondering if she still remember me asking to see her for personal reasons not official. That was the same time she knocked and entered my office. I asked her to sit down and she did. "Sir, I'm sorry that I couldn't wait up on Friday. I seriously needed to rush to somewhere. And since you said anytime I'm free and it wasn't about work and nothin so serious I was relaxed a little... now I'm here, hope is not too late? I smiled and try not to show how uneasy what I'm about to ask her may seem. "The emergency you rushed out to attend to hope is not very serious... I asked while trying to get my mind ready for the question. She replied that it wasn't really serious. Is something she handled perfectly. I breathed deeply and looked up at her fully "Okay, I have something I want to ask and I really do want you to feel free with me and answer. I'm good with any reply you give but be sincere with it... alright? She nodded with a straight face. ",...What I'm about to ask you is... what do you think of... I paused and breathed before trying to continue. But as I try to continue she began to speak. Mistaken the whole thing I wanted to say. ", Well sir, I knew you might be suspecting but true. I guess he spoke to you about me... Mr Peter is a nice man aside the fact that he's very cute. We connected so well from the first day he came and we have been talking and chatting over the phone. You want to know what I think about him, I like him alot too. We went on our second date this Saturday. I'm sorry but my running off on Friday is to go mini shopping for the lunch date and it was awesome. I couldn't think of what to wear and there was no time to make my hair, do manicure and pedicure and also get my dress with shoe ready. I end up wearing the beautiful dress you got for me with it's chain...he loves it and wouldn't stop flattering me... She blushed and continued "...I know I shouldn't be saying so much but is worth sharing. Is been a very long time I went on an actual date with a caring man like Peter and this one was really good, we had a great time. He ones said he will speak to you about me but I asked him not to. Because I really don't know how you will feel about me and a client having a thing. I don't know that he finally did... Words dry off from my mouth as i listened to her. I can't believe I was about to ask her what she thinks of going on a date with me. Which I know she will say yes since she had always shown interest in me. My next would have been asking her to wear the dinner dress I got for her. I was late to the show because she did is not only dating one of our young fine clients, she also wore the dress I bought for her on a lunch date with him. I felt somehow jealous as she talks about the guy but she seems happy and that is something I shouldn't overlook because of my selfishness. I was beginning to like and admire her recently and since is been a while I had anything with a woman, trying another relationship with her won't be a bad idea. She will only needs to stop working with me in order to keep the flame of passion burning and not mix work with pleasure. Angela would have been a good start, I have worked with her for about two years now and she is a happy soul and lovely lady in every aspect. She was bold enough to come to make her feelings known to me when i had no interest in her at all. And when I finally did, she was already taken. I can only wish her well and kick my feelings for her into the trashcan. She was only my worker not a maid. She should go live her best life with whoever she likes and who will also reciprocate the same feeling she has. I never had any conversation with Peter concerning her but somethings are better left unsaid "Is alright Angela. I'm not a bit offended... I'm happy for you. Just be careful out there and don't allow anyone to toil with your heart and emotions... "Thank you so much sir. God bless you for everything... She showered me with lots of praises before finally leaving my office to hers. I gasped out while staring at nothing. This was another kick on the butt. A good thing that I haven't concluded with what I was saying before she started spilling her weekend getaway with her Mr Right. Work continued until weekend came. Eziaku called to remind me that she was coming that Saturday. I did not have much to say, I only replied with "alright" I had no serious plan that Saturday except to relax at home and watch soccer game show just like most Saturdays. She finally came, I went to the door and opened for her. She looks a little different on a fine Ankara made gown with a beautiful hairdo. "Hey Ezi.. how're you doing? I managed to say as she walked in. "Good morning Sir, I'm nice seeing you again. I curved a smile as I ushered her into the sitting room. "... you added a little weight from the last time I saw you. Eating well and living a healthy life must have gotten you like this. You also changed the sitting room setting and chairs too... God has been good to you in the aspect of business... the evidence is written everywhere around you..." I was grinning as she went on and on talking after sitting down. " your woman around, let me greet her first before anything! "No, I'm home alone Ezi... She sat properly and dropped her mini handbag on the arm of the chair and a yellow colorful bag that looks like it has a plate inside beside her leg. I was happy seeing her but I refused to show it fully. Watching her get comfortable was satisfying. "What can I offer you Ezi...? I stood up and began moving towards the refrigerator. "Anything but to be sincere I want to eat, can I... am I allowed, is okay by you... I turned to her and said. "Uhmmm, I will have to heat up the food in the microwave. I only took a simple breakfast. But I have food stored in the fridge. You will have to give me some minutes..." She quickly interrupted while lifting the yellow bag up. "No sir...I have my food here. I brought my own food, I was only asking if is okay for me to eat it. I didn't cook at home, planned goin to the market whenever I leave here. I bought this food from a special African kitchen around my side. Should I go ahead and start eating... I was stunned at first by Eziaku bringing her own food. Why will she do that? "You don't trust me enough to give you the least thing as food.. that's why you brought your food along? I said, a little bit crossed with her. " No...ah ah, why will you think like that.. I used to eat here before. I even enjoy your cooking so much and also love watching you cook too. I only decided to buy my food because I don't know if you have any cooked food available and also if your woman is around I will not want to start demanding for food... I really didn't want to bother you by asking you to give me food but the main reason for bringing this food is because is being a while I have been wanting to buy that woman's roasted plantain and fish. I was the first set of people to buy it this morning and if I don't I may not be able again this weekend until next one. Hope you understand now... I waved all her explanation off. "Whatever! go to the dining and eat your food please. She stood, thanked me and carried the food to the dining. "... will you also like some juice or water or did you bring your own drinks. She began to laugh, I smiled back as I brought a pack of juice and a bottle water from the fridge to her. As I was about to turn she opened the plate of rosted plantain and grilled fish. The aroma and the whole food package was mouth watering. They added some sliced green leaf on top like vegetable. She turned to look at me, I quickly looked away but my curiosity was on a high level. "Where did you say you bought this... and for how much? She took the first plantain with her disposable fork and looked up at me. "You mean this food, is around that bustop close to where I live. A plate like this is six hundred naira. But if you go with a your own plate then is five hundred. I eat it like three times last month, is very good... you need to try it. Please come and join me so you will understand what I'm saying... or let me take out some into a different plate for you just for tasting... I asked her not to, I will look for the place whenever I'm ready and buy mine. I left her to eat while I returned to the sitting room. I went on watching my soccer game untill she was done and came to sit in the sitting room. "I really enjoyed that good to eat a different thing ones in a while. If you have joined me it wouldn't have been enough for me but I wouldn't mind. I smiled and said "Let's get to the main business of the day... what did you find. "Nothin serious, Oby's father was ill after falling from a coconut tree. The local massager helped to straighten his kneecap that was affected but after then he uses a walking stick for support as he goes around his daily business. Oby's mother now frys and sell garri in ekwu market to support the family. The second daughter got pregnant for one man and had to move in with him but she opened a restaurant in front of her husband house after giving birth to her baby. I don't really know much about Oby only that no one is sure if she is still in school or not because over a year now she has not come home to see her parents. Even as some of her mates went for Nysc after graduation she wasn't among and we don't know where exactly she is or which man she moved in with... She suddenly stood and stand attention like an officer with a saluting posture. "... reporting from Eziaku of the most high, this was the information I was able to gather sir. Hope our work is done or should we proceed to another location in search of Oby? I began to laugh at her acting. "No, thanks for the report. that will be all for now officer Eziaku of the most high". She saluted me while battling with laughter. She took her sit and went on laughing. "Thanks for the information Ezi. I appreciate... She nodded while grinning seriously. I was already enjoying her presence and wish she can stay longer. But she said she was going to the market. She asked if I'm still interested in the plantain and fish. I nooded quietly and told her I will look for the place and get it. Eziaku stopped at the door, looked up at me and said. "I will buy and bring it for you next weekend...if you don't mind. I told that it was fine and asked if I should give her money or not. She didn't answer the last part as she smiled and left. I was already counting days to weekend where I will get to see her again. I didn't ask about her supposed husband to be, Uche or what exactly happened. She will talk when she is ready. Let me wait until weekend again before seeing her. As for the information on Oby, I have already disposed it. She finally confirmed my doubts.
12 Aug 2021 | 18:02
New episode, please like and comments
12 Aug 2021 | 18:02
you love her don't let her go again nah,stop forming jor
13 Aug 2021 | 09:25
Oby the scammer Her dad wasn't ill at all
13 Aug 2021 | 15:38
no new episode?
14 Aug 2021 | 10:07
It's better you find out about her relationship and give her second chance
14 Aug 2021 | 13:16
15 Aug 2021 | 01:00
15 Aug 2021 | 01:03
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 32 We talked about several things but she still did not mention anything about her relationship which was the big question on my mind. Since she did not want to talk about the main thing neither am I going to ask. And if I will ever ask is definitely not now. I listened with a smile as she continued speaking freely "... this is my third time here and I haven't still met your woman... she must be very scarce and does not come around often... "Yeah.." That's the only answer I could give her. "You don't look so lively today... hope there's no problem? Last week plate of plantain and fish you liked it right?...I brought another one for you is on the dining table... "Thanks Ezi..but you could have asked me first before buying it. "I know, sorry sir but if you're not interested I will take it home and eat. Nothin to waste. I looked at her and she started grinning. I wonder what was funny "I will have to suspend what I planned to eat today and have the plantain later. But if you desperately want it then you can go ahead and have it. No hard fine. "No sir... is yours. I was only pulling your legs. I nodded quietly and return my look to the television. I noticed she was looking at me and when I turned to check she looked away. "Maybe I should be on my way now..." She said but she was not making any attempt to grab her handbag or get up from where she sat. "Eehmm... okay..." I replied back and watched her as she slowly took her bag. As she was about to stand I said. "...or do you mind we...w... I paused to watch her reaction. She was too eager to hear the rest of the things I was about to say. "We do what...? She said as she couldn't wait for me to complete the sentence. "We eat the plantain you bought together...I may not be able to enjoy it like the last time but if we eat together it will be more fun... "If that's ok with you then am in sir. I gasped out then smile as I started moving towards the dining, she followed. I set up the table and she waited until I was done. We sat beside each other as I opened the food, said short prayer and began to eat. She didn't join me. "What's wrong... you are not eating. I asked and she moved uneasy in her sit. "Sir,Do you mean we should eat together right from the same plate? Hope you won't feel disrespected...I mean, you can dish out mine in a different plate. It looks somehow eating with you sir... I straightened from the plate and looked at her. ", What's wrong with us eating together, we have done it in the past. Like the days we ate suya and barbecue you remember? ", yes sir, that one was suya. This is food and... I quickly interrupted. "You know what Ezi, if you're not comfortable then is fine. Take out a disposable plate over there and dish out for yourself. Do whatever you want... alright. Is okay by me... She remained seated, after sometime she picked up a fork and glare at me. "Hope you don't mind sir... I may also end up eating more than you. Ones you notice that I'm rushing the food please tap me because I may get carried away with this plantain... I nodded jokingly. She began to eat and she didn't say anything again neither did I. Alot must be going through her mind. She took out pieces of the grilled fish and stare at it as if she was checking for bone. Then point it towards me. I raised an eyebrow with a question of "what is it? Hope she was not trying to feed me. No, Ezi wouldn't do that. "I wanted to eat the fish, I noticed you haven't eaten fish yet, you have been eating plantain only and you should be the first tasting the fish because is your food. So you deserve the first bite... please take it. Or you can take yours while I wait for you before going ahead to eat it... She wanted me to eat the one in her fork, or take the first bite before she it. Eziaku literally wanted to feed me, that is funny yet serious. I took a cup of water, drank then set it down. I stare at her while she stare back for sometime before looking away. "You can have yours, I will take the fish whenever I feel like. I'm more interested in the plantain... She nodded silently and withdraw back her fork straight into her mouth. She took two more spoon before dropping it. Drank a glass of juice and stood up. "You haven't really eaten much Ezi... I said reminding her that there were still alot of food left in the plate. "I'm not comfortable sir, that's the truth. I'm not satisfied...I still want to eat more but I will rather not. You're making me uncomfortable with your closeness and even to chew feels somehow for me. I don't want to chew loudly because you dislike it and I can't chew too quietly because that will be unlike me. I will eat when I get home where i can be myself and eat any quantity I pleases... I scoffed loudly as I went back eating. I was beginning to enjoy the whole meal. "When does my closeness becomes an issue? I mean when do sitting next to you starts bothering you so much? It never bothers you before so why now... what is going on with you... because I don't have issue with you.. I took a serviette and wipe my oily mouth before I continued with the food. "Well, it does not bother me it only put thoughts in my head. Please do not ask me what thought... I will sit in the parlour and wait for you to finish. She moved to the sitting room and sat down. I couldn't finish the food at ones, I put back the remaining in the fridge for later. I finished one small bottle water before going to Join her. I walked to the room, took my wallet, counted money and brought to her but she refused to collect "What for? What's the money meant for? She said without collecting it. "For the food, you bought a plate last week without collecting money and today again. You can't be spending the little you have for me when i can aswell pay for the food. She stood and stare at me with a funny look "I will be rich someday too... you know. You freely buy things for others but when they try to reciprocate the same kindness you want to show off that you are capable of affording anything you want. If I wanted money, trust me I will ask you to pay me for the food. Even in my little I feel like a big woman... don't belittle me please because yours is in millions and mine is in thousands... I looked around to be sure she was actually talking to me "Wait a second...all this long talk for me because I offered you money which you could have simply said no to and I will return the money back with a thank you smile... She picked up her bag from the chair and said. "I'm sorry for my use of words Sir. I didn't mean it to sound like an insult and wasn't expecting you to pay me for buying something this little for you. You took me in, accommodated me for a long period, feed and even cloth me. You never asked for any payback, the food is nothing Sir compared to many of your uncountable kindness. She paused, bent her head and continued. ".... I pray to be very good at what I do and make big living out of it. Meet a good man, get married and have a family someday...but until then, I will continue chasing the stars for brighter tomorrow... She sat back, looked at me and try to smile but I can see her struggle. I was pushed to ask her "What happened to the man you wanted to marry. Your Uche...I can still remember his name. The man who will make a better husband and father to your kids than I will ever be..." I paused and sat on the arm of a chair while glaring at her. She started grinning and I kept wondering what exactly was making her laugh at this point "I thought you will never ask. I have been waiting patiently for you to ask me since. I said I wasn't going to tell you until you ask and you finally did. Well, I was going to say it someday anyway but I was wishing that you will care to know and I'm happy you finally did... but I never said Uche was better than you, I said things out of anger doesn't mean I meant them all. I nodded with a twist in my mouth. I wish I never asked and wait until she is ready to spill. "Okay... I finally asked as you wished. Tell me what happened. I care to know... She breathed uneasy and began to speak. " Well... nothing serious happened. I did not travel for my introduction as I told you or my colleagues. I only traveled home to see Uche. Maybe seeing him will rekindle our love for each other which seems cold as of then. Maybe we could even take our relationship to another level...all this was my thought. I traveled and nothin really changed. I couldn't still love him like i used to seriously do, him on the other side had one or two issue bothering him. He was not also concentrating in the relationship. His uncle was about to sell his late father's land and Uche was fighting all he can to stop the man. The case was at the village head court which they go almost everyday to settle their land dispute issues. I know I can't keep forcing myself to remain in the relationship and he had no time for me really. I even had there was a girl from another village he was secretly seeing while I was away. I met the girl ones and he introduced her as just a friend. I spent a week trying to work out things but my mind was not with him anymore. I was the first to approach him and told him that I can't continue with the whole thing. He felt relieved from his appearance. I guess he has been finding means to say the same thing too. He nodded and began to confess about this other girl and why how the lady has been there for him physically, emotionally and when he desperately needed warmth and a somebody to share things with. I told him I totally understand. I was able to even give him 10k as support to make sure he win his uncle and collect his father's land. He was dumbfounded...he couldn't believe that I could afford to give out such a very huge amount... I raised one brow and looked at her in a funny way. She began to laugh. "... see, I understand that 10k isn't huge to you but for someone like Uche it was like ten million and the good thing is that he won the case and claim back his father's land. When he called me few weeks ago to let me know I was very happy for him. He asked if I was dating I said no, I was more busy making money and trying to better my life. He wished me the best and said that I had a clean spirit and a pure heart...a man well deserving of me will find me someday because he does not deserve my kind of person. He said I'm too good for him... and... I waved her to stop talking and she did. "And you bought his lies...I mean I'm not disputing the fact that you're nice Ezi but Uche was only saying all of that so you won't feel bad about the whole break up thing. A smart person won't fall for that... "Listen sir, I was the one that approached Uche for a break up not him. If anyone has to feel bad is him not me. I wasn't interested in the relationship anymore...I know we have come a long way but there was nothing holding us again, not love or physical intimacy. We were world apart after two years, spent more than half a year without really communicating and when I finally got a phone our relationship wasn't strong as it used to be yet I try to see if it will return back to life. I wanted it to...I remained faithful and kept hoping Uche is the man for me but at the end my heart was saying different thing while my mouth was saying another. We ended things amicably and wished each other well. There was nothing to be smart about there because we're still friends. The only difference is he had this other girl and I had my God and my self. We're both happy like that...I spent just two weeks before coming back to Abuja. My grandma did not want me to return back to Abuja again, but I promise her that I will be back by this December to see her... "Your grandma... what of your parents and siblings... I asked calmly, she frowned at the question. I watched her facial expression changed. But I still wanted to know more about her so I remained quiet. "I grew up with my grandma. My mother had me at home before getting married to a man from another village and abandoned me with my grandmother. She had a family and they don't really fancy me. Nne, like I used to call my grandma raised me. She was a very difficult, tough woman and I learnt to adapt and learn a great deal from her. That's the end of my story sir, hope you enjoyed it. I smiled, nodded quietly before looking away from her. "I will be leaving now... this time around, I'm really more sitting down and talking... She stood with her bag again and began walking towards the door. I followed her behind. "Will you like to come around next weekend? We can cook together or you buy what to cook while coming... I asked, hoping she will be around more often. "I'm not sure sir, I will be starting a weekend class next weekend. Is a part time study in one college of education. I have been running around to get them to accept me, sitting for different exams and they finally did and my class starts next Saturday. Atleast I will also get a small degree too... not just a skill. I'm putting my time and my little money to a good use. I haven't paid all the acceptance fee but I promised to do so before exam starts. "Wow.. that's nice. I'm happy for you Ezi... really proud of you. Can I assist no matter how little... please? "Thank you sir, I wouldn't mind but I can handle my own financial problems. Before starting school, I know what was required and I'm ready to juggle through it. I try to touch her but suddenly withdraw back my hand. "I insist Ezi. I know you're the boss lady and you got it all covered. Allow this little boy to assist you small ma. She slapped my arm playfully while laughing at my joke and I pretend to be in pain. She immediately apologize, robbed a hand at the spot she slapped. We stood close to each other, she held her two hands together like she was cold ", You don't really have a woman... you only wanted to scare me away...or do you? She asked me out of the blues. "No, I don't. I'm as single as you're right now. Haven't been able to love again ever since you walked away from my life. But is ok...I actually moved passed those days..." She looked up, straight into my eyes and said. ", I'm really sorry sir. I did not meant to do that...I was actually hurt too...That I felt being with you will hurt me even more... Her words were sincere and I believed her "Is alright, is all in the past now. We have all moved on. I replied back. "After class next week, I will probably stop by if that's okay with you. I told her it was fine by me. My emotions began to wage war within me as we stood close to the door together. I looked from her eyes down to her lips and back to her eyes again. I took few feet away from her and held the door knob. "I will see you next week Ezi. Take good care of yourself. I will also transfer a token to your account. Please, don't forget to send the account details to me today... thanks for the plantain. Don't buy another next week, we will cook ours... "That sound great Sir. Thank you...byee. I opened the door and she walked out. I stood at the window watching her leave and wishing I could call her back. I got hold of myself and went back to the living room. the following weekend, Eziaku told me she couldn't make it down because she closed late and had to rush to make hair for one of her customers who have been calling her. She promised to come the following week. I really miss her and looked forward to having her around again. When I resumed work that Monday, Angela was not on seat. After some hours she came and walk straight to my office crying. "What happened to you? I asked concerned. She was crying heavily and tears kept running down her face. " Peter. He dumped me...he broke my heart. I caught him with another babe yesterday as I went to pay him a surprise weekend visit like I normally do. There was another chick in his apartment, I was very angry that I began shouting at him and he didn't make attempt to come after me and apologies, instead he said if I was going to create a scene in his house I should quietly leave. He never called since then and when I try calling he did not pick up. I fell for him and he hurt me...he broke my heart....oh Peter. It hurt so much...I can't bear the pain... She kept crying uncontrollably. I felt so bad for her but I was not really into her again she no longer interest me like initially when I try to see if things will work out between us. All I did was to try and console her before she cried to her own office in peace. I know she will be alright because I have been there, I know how it feels to be heart broken. I only wish I can help her beyond just spoken words because she was seriously hurting and wouldn't go home.
15 Aug 2021 | 01:07
Please like and comments
15 Aug 2021 | 01:08
I really like this Eziaku of a girl
15 Aug 2021 | 18:38
It will be well with Angela
16 Aug 2021 | 05:30
you see now you are happy again seeing ezi,, next pls
16 Aug 2021 | 10:31
A man with misfortune i know you loose ezi again to her fellow student! You have to think other wise and act fast before you get another kick on the butts
16 Aug 2021 | 15:40
17 Aug 2021 | 06:05
17 Aug 2021 | 06:12
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 33 Eziaku said she was coming that weekend, so I decided to go and get more grocery from my normal grocery store where I buy majority of my food items and other supplies. It was a very big place beside an express road that is an easy connect link to my office route. I took a cart and wheeled it around picking the needed things and throwing inside the cart. I was just about to turn into another corner of the shop when I bumped into a lady. She had things filled up in her hands and almost all fell to the ground. "Oh my goodness..." She screamed quietly while bending down to pick her groceries. "I'm really sorry...i didn't see you coming. I got carried away checking around for what I need... I said as I bent to assist her gather up her things. "No problem..." That's all she said without looking up at me. She was more interested in making sure she picked everything that fell off her hand. "You could have taken a shopping basket or a small cart. Is better than filling up your hands with things. She straightened from the ground, looked at me and try to say something but suddenly paused. "I have seen you before, in this place..." ',"really..." I asked looking at her charming smile. I have not taken notice of her before now. Maybe because I don't go staring at ladies. Seeing beautiful women and go staring at them none stop feels like a disrespect to their person. Is better you walked up to them than a continuous stare. I admire good looking ladies when I see one but I try to avoid disrespecting any of them with my eyes. I probably might have seen her but I did not take record of her face. "Yes, few weeks ago you were at the beverage section, I try to pick up a tin of milk but couldn't get to it and you helped and passed it down to me. I thanked you and didn't really looked at me maybe that could be the reason you couldn't mark my face..." I remembered helping a lady get a tin of milk from an upper shelf of the store, exactly the spot I was buying my beverage that day. She was struggling to reach it but couldn't. She was right, I did not really see what she looks like. Neither did I turned to look at her as she thanked me and left. I went back checking what I needed that day, and only nooded to her thanks. She continued "....I was supposed to take a cart but I only came here for just two items. My hair kit and perfume. I did not need a cart or basket for just two items. But along the lines I saw things that I needed at home and decided to pick them. I saw a shop attendant and asked him to help me get a cart, he promised to do that but he told me he was attending to a customer and ones he's out he will send it...I guess he forgot. I will just manage to the counter... ",Oh...ok. you can share with me. I mean I have two steps cart. Put yours below while mine stays up... that's if is okay by you. I said as I offered her my cart to put her things "Yes, I'm cool with that. Thank you..." After packing in her stuffs, I wheeled it out. she was walking beside me as we went talking. I picked the things I needed and she did also. It felt like I was shopping with my partner or best friend. The way we go talking and laughing while walking round, picking things and throwing into the cart. After we were done, I wheeled the cart to the cashier. Removed my items for scanning and total cost. She does the same. We paid for our items differently. I waited for her until she was through with hers. I Picked up the bags and packs back into the cart and wheeled to the parking lot where I parked my car. She was holding her two bags in her hand as she followed behind. She followed me to the parking lot and pointed at her car. Her car was three cars before mine. After putting in her stuffs inside her car, she came back to where I was. I was just rounding up from putting mine in my car trunk before closing it up. I wheeled the cart to where other carts where lined outside, close to the Park. "By the way, thanks again for assisting me in there..." This time I looked at her closely, she could pass for miss beauty. Her charming beauty glitters like the sun. Her smile will penetrate into the saddest soul. She appears humble and modest in her appearance yet she speaks of high class. Her car was one of the latest models and among the expensive car list. Is hard to see a lady who has it all and still appears humble. well, I can't tell how much of a humble person she is until I get to know her better. "I'm Austin, please...what's your name? "Alisha Dad owns one of the biggest car dealership in this state and other states. You might have heard of Danka's cars... "Wow, yes I have. It was one the trusted recommendation I came across when I wanted to buy a car few months ago. Oh, Danka is your father...? "Yes, I'm the last of four girls and have a younger brother. Came back to Nigeria after finishing my PhD. You can call me doctor Alisha Dankaku... She began to laugh and I looked on her like an idol. "...I run a company which I started last year after returning home from Portland. We deal in hospital equipment and also into consultant... Here's my card... She brought out a complimentary card from her purse and stretch it towards me. I took it and glare throughout it. ", I will give you a call. I'm into real estate. I used to work with one of the famous group of companies in real estate before starting mine. The journey haven't been easy but is been worth the try. Incase you want properties or you know someone that does... Don't fail to holla me. I'm always available for business... I took out my business card from the car and gave her. She took it and Promised to do so. ",I got to go a pleasure to meet you Austin. "Same here Doctor Alisha..." She laughed with the way I added the title. She waved me goodbye and walked back to her car. I entered mine, I saw her drive out of the parking lot. I drove back home and got ready for the weekend. Eziaku came the following weekend, I was happy to have her around. We cooked together, sat on the dining and ate while she gist me of all that is going on around her. She thanked me for the huge amount I sent to her for her school. she said it was way beyond her expectations. I asked her not to fail to let me know anytime she needs anything. After food we sat in the living room, watched a family kind of love movie together for about two hours. After the movie, I lowered the volume of the television and we started discussing. "So, are you seeing anyone now..." I asked amidst our talk. "Yes... I'm seeing someone. She replied back while staring at me. "Oh, really... that was quiet fast. Last week you were very single and this week you're already seeing someone. Hmmm! I sounded disappointed and did not know how to react anymore with her new relationship status. She started grinning and I was not in the mood for that. ", I'm seeing you.... She began to laugh, I looked at her confused. ",I don't understand Ezi... what do you mean by your seeing me? ", You asked me if I'm seeing someone...and the only person I can see right now, sitting next to me is you. As for relationship, I'm not into any...but for seeing, you already know that there is no other person in this house except you and I... I smiled after I understood what she meant I stood up and moved to the same long couch where she sat. "Ezi...I don't want to make a mistake twice. I just wanted to be sure you're not into anyone and no one is into you before saying what am about to say... She was eager to hear what I was about to say as she assured me that she was very single and wasn't into anyone. "What do you think of me...? I mean, I have always wanted you, I felt very hurt when you choose Uche and walked out of my life. I have ever since try to trade with caution and be certain of my next woman. But then you showed up again and rekindling back the feeling I thought was dead. Even when I try to scare you off with another woman being in my life, you did not look threatened... you kept coming. I'm not a kid anymore Ezi, I want a woman who truly loves me and ready for a ride with me. My past relationships history haven't been something to write about, I want to get it right this time and don't give a damn if the lady is from a poor or rich background, beauty or no beauty... Class or no class. Things like that does not move me into love. I just want a homely, trustworthy... loving lady. Is okay for you to say no better off than giving me reasons to worry or give my whole heart to you only for it to be shattered. I'm done with all of that and want to define everything before it starts. Ezi, I hope I'm making sense to you...? She nodded and said. "I understand you very well. When I started having feeling for you I was afraid because we're not in the same not even close to the kind of girls you will date. But I couldn't stop the feeling no matter how I try. That was one of the reasons i ended things with Uche... though it was on a mutual ground. I couldn't stop thinking about you...When I returned back I try to make sure I move on and keep a clean distance, I tried for some months.... I'm here with you now which means my whole trying still did not yield fruit. I'm sorry for whatever hurt I caused you in the past. I was crossed and maybe jealous seeing another lady in your house, putting on the clothes I specially bought for you. I felt disregarded and you did not value me that much or my gifts.... that was how I felt. Like you all in the past now and moving on I will be at my best behavior like the good girl I have always been... She was grinning again. I joined her, took her hands into mine and said. "I love you Ezi...I have always loved you. She bent her head and then said "I love you maybe a bit more..." I kissed her hands before kissing her lips. She responded as we went crashing on the couch. I loosed my hold and began to kiss her all over. I slowly unzipped her cloth, slide my hand into her body. I noticed she was shivering. She moaned silently, straightened and removed my hands from her. "Let's move to the room Ezi... please. I want much. Let's go to my room, we will be more comfortable there..." I said while panting. She was reluctant, i try to lift her but she resisted. "... what are you afraid of...I love you Ezi and will never hurt you. I want to be with you...I want to feel your warm and make love t...I... She stood up, readjusted her cloth. "I can't. I'm sorry... we're rushing things faster than it should be. Can we take it slowly... She said still standing. I stood up and took her hands again. "We're not rushing anything Ezi. I want you as much as you do... what is the point of denying our passion for each body yawns for you heart beat for you, can't you feel it...? I pulled her into my body and began to kiss her again but she stepped away from me and said. "Maybe next time, I'm not ready now. I have to go please... "Okay... fine. I took a long breath and try to think clear. " alright Ezi. I'm sorry for pushing you. will you come over and spend the next weekend with me? I want you around often and will come and pick you up on Friday evening... She nodded. I gently draw her into My body and held her very closely for sometime while I try to steady my own heart beat. Hers was racing with speed. She later left after sometime. After I saw her off to the gate, I came inside, sat hard on a chair and try to replay the whole scene. I can't resist the fact I want her not just as my girlfriend or whatever, I want more than that. I looked forward to next weekend, I will get a better chance to express how exactly I truly feel. I will eat every part of her and make love to her like she has never experienced with her ex boyfriends. This was my thought as I started my week. I make sure I speak to her twice or three times in a day. Alisha called me within the week, we spoke cordially and she said her father will be celebrating his 60th birthday next upper week Sunday and she wanted to specially invite me . Also she spoke to her father about me and he may likely want to meet me concerning more properties he plans to acquire for his car dealership outlets. I suppose to be free then, this weekend I will be with Eziaku. I should be free in the next. I asked her if I can come with a friend. She said it was okay to come with anyone I feel like coming with. I will be going with Eziaku then. I will have to ask her first. That will be our first outing together and I will love go with her to this big occasion. Except if she doesn't want to but I don't see any reason Why she wouldn't. I asked Eziaku and she said she will go with me. If she comes around this weekend we will go shopping together. I will get her beautiful outing wears and accessories. On Friday, I called Eziaku that I will be coming in the evening to get her. "I won't be able to spend the weekend again. I have to be in school. I have important class which I wouldn't want to miss. But I promise to come in the next one. My mood was ruined and I had no choice than to agree. We kept up with the communication until the following week finally came. It was slow but it still came after all. Alisha called to remind me of the party. I was not much of a party person but I was ready to honor her invitation. I picked Eziaku on Friday and we went home. That Friday night, she kept resisting me and did not allow me touch her. I took her out on a shopping spree on Saturday. got different things for her and picked the best outfit for the tomorrow event. That Saturday evening, I made attempt on her again but she wouldn't let me. "What's the problem Ezi? I want you so much... what do you want me to do to prove to you how much I desire to be with you. Don't you want me? "I do, but not in that other aspects. I mean not right now...I can't get intimate with you yet. I gasped and held her more closely. "So when, when do you want to do it. Intimacy is part of what people in love, in a relationship do. I have tried to exercise patient but I don't know how long I can go. Do you want me to get involve with another woman and start craving for what you can aswell give me? I want to be dedicated, faithful to you alone. I don't need any other satisfaction aside from you. No other woman will appeal to me this way like you will do... when do you want to do it? She looked troubled. "When I'm ready and that could be with my husband. Doing this doesn't seem right now... "Says who? I said trying not to get angry? " doesn't seem right with me but seems right with Uche or the rest of your past men? If you're still in love with Uche or whoever maybe is better you stick with them. Because this is you trying to punish me for what I don't understand. The words Left my mouth before I could get hold on myself. She stared at me with a serious look. ", Do you claim to love me because you want to get under my pants or you truly love me for who I am? Your whole reaction seems you want to use and dump me as fast as possible. I said I was not ready for it what is difficult to understand. I will respect your decision any day any time but you are finding it difficult to respect mine... I stood up and walked round, trying to control my temper. "You think I want to use and dump you? the reason I claim to love you is because I want to get under your skirts... really Eziaku? okay. Believe whatever you want to believe. I'm done trying to explain or expressing how much I feel for you. Have it your way Ezi... I'm cool. She tries to say something but I stopped her "... no, is okay with whatever you think. Know this about me atleast, women don't freak me like they do to other guys. I can stay as long as possible without any intimacy with a woman. But ones I'm in a relationship, my emotions and body needs come knocking and if I can't get a satisfaction from the woman I claim to love and that loves me too, I wonder where I will get it then. But if me wanting to touch you is taking advantage of you so that i can dump you thereafter then your mindset needs cleansing. And this kind of mindset won't get us far. Did you also say the same thing to Uche and co when he was sleeping with you. Or .. let me guess, you felt he was in your class and will neither leave nor cheat on you...? Why are you acting like a old are you again? She scoffed loudly at me. I felt disrespected buy kept calm. "I'm twenty eight this year, I'm not a kid and I know what exactly I'm saying. and my decision has nothing to do with my age sir. Wow, Eziaku was twenty eight and all this while I was thinking she was around twenty three to twenty five years. Looks can be decisive. "You're twenty eight and acting like under twenty. Maybe if not for this your kind of mindset you should have been married by now. But you act like you know it all, don't have any fear or reserve in general. All this attitude of yours is village mentality and I'm not in for it. She stood up and moved closer to me. "You're angry, becoming an aggressive bully because I refused sleeping with you. Your type is the reason why ladies hide their age or pretend what they're not. Your type is the reason why they will succumb to pressure, break their principles just to please your egoistic nature. You can aswell break up with me let me know that is all over again. Maybe is also this your mindset that kept you single up till now. I think that your chuka friend is married with two children while you're still single. You said with my age I should be in a husband's house but we're birds of the same feather. The difference is I can't bend or be threaten by you or anyone to do what I don't want to. Anyway, I'm leaving... I asked her to go if she wants to. I hate her damn guts. I hate myself more for trying again, giving another chance to the same lady that threw me offshore before. I hate myself for believing all of this will work and she was the one for me. She picked up her bag that she came with, looked over at the new bags that has the new wears I recently bought for her. "...Can I still take those things you bought for me along? Or you intend giving it to the next lady that will be warming your bed..." I stare at her, her last statement deeply cut through me. She reduced me to a garbage that sleeps with anything. She saw my hurt through my eyes and quickly retraced, dropped her bag and walked up to me. "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry. I did not mean to say that please. I'm sorry for everything... for this misunderstanding and every word we have thrown at each other this evening out of anger and frustration. I apologise for everything and take the whole blame for it. But I'm still not going to sleep with you if I stay... "Ezi, please Leave... She looked at me wondering if I was serious. "What? you want me to leave your house? Seriously... "Isn't that what you wanted to do before? Why are you sounding surprised? we have had enough of this drama and I seriously need to think this whole thing through. I don't care about your apology, when a glass is broken it can't be gumed back no matter what. That's how I feel right now. I just want to be left alone. Take whatever you want to take and leave me in peace. You're not worth all this emotional headache I kept getting everytime. My peace of mind comes first for me Ezi. Please leave... She couldn't hide her tears again as they dropped down. "Are you ending the relationship that just started? I truly love you... please don't do this. For God sake... Austin... please. She called me by my name for the very first time. I walked away so I won't be moved by her tears. I sat in the living room, increased the volume of the television. She wiped off a tear from her face as she began walking towards the door with just her bag. She left the new wears behind and left with only her stuffs. I locked the door after she left, turned off the television and went to bed at 8pm which was early bed for me. I kept awake most part of the night, a text message came into My phone. It was from Alisha. The venue for the party address and she apologized for sending it late and asked me to make sure I come. I was already disorganized with the whole Eziaku's drama. I intended going with her but not again. I don't even feel like going to church the following day. I want to stay in door but since I have promised Alisha that I was going to come I will have to go. The following day, I got ready for church and when I returned from service I got ready for Alisha's father's party. I called to let her know that I was coming alone. She said okay and sound more excited. I left and drove to the venue, it was about one and half hours drive with no traffic. She was standing outside the event hall that was well docorated, waiting for me With her charming smile and dashing outfit. exotic cars where lined up at the car park. She hugged me happily when I got closer to her. I took her hands into mine, like the queen that she was and walked inside the hall filled with different dignitaries.
17 Aug 2021 | 06:31
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17 Aug 2021 | 06:33
18 Aug 2021 | 13:00
Ezi might be a virgin
18 Aug 2021 | 17:24
the problem with this Austin of a guy is too judgemental,,why don't you ask her if she has never done it before instead saying so many hurtful words to her. ezi sef can't open her mouth and explain well?
18 Aug 2021 | 18:23
19 Aug 2021 | 03:36
Episode loading
19 Aug 2021 | 12:14
19 Aug 2021 | 12:22
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 34 ".... she slapped off the drink from his hand before giving him a proper slap on the cheek. He was frozen like Christmas chicken... I was laughing hysterically as he continued talking. "... Austin it was like a movie, I didn't want to go when he invited me that he planned to propose to his babe. It was supposed to be a surprise proposal. He needed senior boys to be there for him, my wife said I shouldn't go but I can't turn him down. I went and the whole clubhouse was rent off for his proposal. Only for the girl and her two friends to show up and it happened that he was also running under ground dirty job with one of his babes friend. After the main babe collected the ring, everyone went drinking and dancing to the day only for the other girl to call out the main babe. Say something to her and even showed her stuffs on the phone.... Jerome came to me and whispered that he does not feel too good with the two ladies talking in a corner. I asked him to relax only for the main girl who got the ring to angrily walk up to him, slapped off the drink from his hand before landing him a correct slap. She removed the ring and throw at his face before leaving the clubhouse. The whole party scattered, I asked Jerome what happened he began to explain that he never knew that the other lady will betray him even after settling her with money. He slept with the second lady severally when his girlfriend traveled and they had several fling and it stopped when his babe returned.... Chuka took a sip from his cup of drink before continuing "... story too much Austin. I felt ashamed for even honoring his invite. If I know I would have stayed home like my wife suggested. I don't know what is too difficult in staying faithful to one partner. Now, his cheating lifestyle came into play when he was about getting serious with his life. By the way... how far man? Any lucky woman yet or you're still not ready to settle down? I breathed as I set down the drink in my hand. "I don't know man. Really, I have tried but it seems not working out. The one I recently started a thing with refused me touching her when she came to spend the weekend. Chuka, this same girl has caused me so much heartache in the past but we settled out and started again and she is acting up..." "If she does not want you to touch her then why not let her be. What exactly is her she a small girl, maybe a virgin.. she must probably have her reasons. Is not something to fight over Austin. I know you as a principled man who does not get carried away with women. Your girl should have a core reasons for refusing your touch... I took a long breath before saying. "She has none. No single reason chuka. She have had boyfriend in the past which I know off. They dated for about three to four years before breaking up. She can't possibly be a virgin... chuka she is twenty eight and not afraid to express herself anytime any day. This Lady is outspoken and will talk whenever she wants to. But she never said a thing or reasons for her refusal except she only wants to do it with her future husband. She went on insulting me of how my only interest is to use and dump her. Chuka I don't understand women and I really don't care anymore. I have had enough of their hurt, I won't let anyone of them get into me. If I was a rough player like Jerome, I will have any kind of woman I desire then kick her out when I'm done with her. I respect women generally, but they keep toiling with my feelings... I drank deeply from my cup of wine. "Don't write love out man. At the right time it will definitely happen. Don't even try to be anything like Jerome, every expensive play has a payback time. That's the case with Jerome now. Mhen... you need to get serious in settling down, I want to attend your wedding before next year runs out.... I smiled and replied. "That's exactly what my Mom said. I'm presently avoiding her calls, she troubles me with this get married thingy. Last two weekend I attended an was a grand birthday party celebration. The lady that invited me is classic chic. It was her dad's 60th birthday party. I met him and several other dignitaries. Just last Tuesday I sent pictures of a landing properties and the man selected two. He transferred half of the money the following day and later sent the remaining one. I was very happy and this lady is very beautiful, I mean her beauty is outstanding. I met her sisters they're all beautiful but Alisha's beautiful outsmart them all. She invited me to her place last weekend but I couldn't make it I told her I will see her this week. I will go over tomorrow, to her house personally for a visit..." Chuka scoffed in a funny way. "Slow down man. have you already slept with her, because that will mean a commitment. You're already committed with the whole connection she is getting you...but just make sure she is not trouble personified and avoid getting intimate if you are not sure of her. Try to settle things with your real woman. Don't let the lady's beauty get into your head. I began to laugh. "C'mon chuka, what do you take me for? No serious intimacy yet but how can I say no if she offers. She is one hot babe and worth any trouble. I'm ready to take my chances with her..if you know this girl I'm talking about you will also want to try your luck. Alisha is not just with a pretty face and cute body, she is lively, fun to be with, a PhD holder who already owns her own company. She told me of her past relationships, how guys only fall for either because of her money or her looks but such relationship doesn't last. Her ex who is also a billionaire is begging to come back, but she was not sure if she wants him back. His only sin was being too jealous and over protective and she will never let any man to cage her. We have been speaking over the phone and getting into a serious chat. I may not be able to say no if she offers me intimacy, because she is Worth the try. And to be sincere is been a while I meet a women. Not that they're not available if I so desire it but I'm very selective and mostly wants to get serious with one woman but that too is far fetched... I and chuka talked extensively before he left my place. He spent half of his Saturday with me and I was glad he came. Things I couldn't tell anyone I expressed it freely with him. The following day, as evening approached I left the house to Alisha's place. She prepared different dish through the help of her paid cooks. After dining together, she pooped open Hennessy bottle and poured for me and herself. Before taking me round her two storey building. She stopped in a room, a fine built glass room with a disco light upstairs She dropped her drink and went to the window, raised the curtains and began staring at something. I also dropped my drink before going to her and she pointed at one of her dad's outlet that's is on a faraway end of the road. I gently place a hand on her waist. She turned to me and said ", What in going on in your mind right now... don't lie to me Austin. I moved closer to her, properly placed my two hands on her waist and said. "Nothin else except you my queen. Who will dare disagree that you're the fairest of them all... She smiled and also held my waist lightly. Her pink lips was inviting and very hard to resist. She appears to be waiting for me to make the first move and I did. I kissed her slowly but steadily. Her succulent lips was like mint in my mouth. She responded without resistant as we clung to each other. I slide down my hand to her body, got hold of her boobs which was so soft. Her hand was on my belt in no time trying to loosen it. I wish she can be faster, I was almost loosing control. Her king size bed was just beckoning on us. I assisted her in loosing the belt because it seems to be taking almost forever. We kissed romantically to the bed and fell into it like stupid teenagers in love. I unhooked her bra and helped her fling it to one corner. The long fashion single hand gown she wore was obstructing our moments. But she finally pulled it off. I pulled down my trouser, unbuttoned my shirt in a hurry like a hungry lion ready to devour. Alisha was offering me what Eziaku failed to give me. "Is there any cd around? I suddenly asked as I thought of it. She nodded, walked naked only in pant to her wardrobe and brought it. I was high like on a horse and wish she could hasten up her steps. What was really special about Eziaku's that she refused me touching her? Somebody that was more special than her was about to get laid. The thought of Eziaku keep pumping up in my mind. I try as much as possible to wave it off and concentrate on the moment. For the past two weeks, I have try to avoid thinking about her or wondering. She called twice last week but I didn't pick up. That was the period I was chatting with Alisha. Eziaku should just move on and leave me alone. She has an annoying guts that gets on my nerves. I kiss her she shivers, I try to touch her she pushes me away and now she has pushed me into a better loving arm of a beautiful woman. I and Alisha lay panting when the whole hotness was cooled off. I felt stupid immediately after the deed. I felt really bad for no reason. Could it be because of I kept thinking of Eziaku just as the whole thing was going on. "Are you alright? Alisha asked as she lay on my chest, using her hand to play around my body. ",Yes...yeah... I'm fine. I said forcing a smile. "What do you think of you want more. She asked again. "Uhmmm... you are sweet. I enjoyed every part of you. I will have to go now... maybe next time we can try some more..." I replied while trying to get up from the bed. I wonder where I threw off my wears. I will need to go around the big room to pick each of my clothes scattered around. "I wish you stay longer. There is still time... what's the rush about.? Please stay for sometime with me... don't leave right away. By the way I still have a pack of CD in my drawer. My ex used to buy them down when we were together. We broke up seven months ago and I have not been with any man ever since. Having you now means a whole lot to me...I like you Austin and wish you can have eye for only me. I believe you're not a womanizer starting from the first day we met and you never gave me a second look after helping me with the tin of milk until the second time. Your type is rare and I want us to be more than just friends... what do you think? I forced a smile and said "Eziiii... sorry Alisha I also likes you alot. I would love to stay in your arms forever, kissing your soft lips and making love to you all day but I wouldn't want us to wear out ourselves with each others constant present. I will like us to take things slowly and allow nature takes it curse. Please my you agree? She nodded while withdrawing her hand from rubbing my back. "Do you have a girlfriend? You mentioned Eziiii or some lady's name earlier. I heard it clearly. Is she your woman.. please tell me the truth. At this stage I was blown. Why is Eziaku's name popping out of my mouth in such a time as this. Why am I suddenly thinking about her. ",Aaaah...! Ezi... that was a mistake in mentioning her name. I'm sorry about that. I won't lie, yes Ezi is my girlfriend or was because we're presently having issue and is been on for sometime now and.. "Do you love her? She suddenly asked again, interrupting me. ",What? I replied, pretending like i didn't hear her well and wishing she can change the topic. "I said do you love the lady...I mean Ezi? " don't know any more. I...I don't know. Maybe if I love her or she loves me enough to bend her rules to favor us both...if there was real love with Ezi I won't be here with you... She did not say anything immediately. "She is or was very lucky to have you anyway. If i was Ezi I will do all I can to protect my relationship and to keep my man only to myself. What was the rules she refused to break and is causing the whole rift... can you tell me? I smiled, kissed her lips and said. "Can we stop talking about Ezi and focus on our moments. I had a great time... you made me feel like a real man and you are indeed irresistible my queen. Permit me to go tonight but I will be back for some more honey... you're sweet and satisfying..." I kept praising her so that she won't mention Eziaku's name again. I don't want to talk about her it makes me angry. "Next two weekends is my eldest sisters birthday. Although she is married but she wants to throw a party like my Dad did. my two sisters who are still around, and my big cousin Stef will be there . My ex will likely come because he has refused to let me be and my sisters likes him. He is also a friend to my big sis husband. I want you to be around, please come...if he sees that I have moved on and already with a new man he will leave me alone. You will also get to meet my cousin, she is a sassy Queen of slayers. We call her Stef Barbie. You will get to like her because she is very lively... I nodded and told her I will have to check my schedule first. But she kept pleading and insisting that I must come. I had to agree. Driving home that night, I couldn't think straight. I missed Eziaku's calls again. It could be when the action with Alisha was going on. Why is she even calling me? Hope she is not in any kind of trouble. She maybe in trouble which is the only reason I couldn't stop thinking about her today and even mistakenly mentioned her name to Alisha's hearing. "Jeeezzzz"... I screamed out to the silent car while still driving. I felt guilty in a way but I seriously have no reason to feel bad. Eziaku caused it and besides we are not even talking or settled our differences yet. I have to act as Alisha's boyfriend in front of her ex, her cousin and sisters. The whole thing keep getting deeper. I got home around 10pm that Sunday and saw Eziaku outside waiting for me. ",I have been waiting since 7pm. I called severally but You did not pick up. Good have you been? "Fine... and you? I asked as I try as much as possible to avoid looking at her eyes. Guilt will trap me down if I look into her innocent eyes. "Not really fine...but I feel better knowing you are alright. Are you still angry with me after all this weeks... don't you truly want me again? I..I can't stop worrying or thinking about you. I kind of miss her even though I have been trying to shut her off. "Do you want to come inside? I asked moving ahead. She followed behind as I unlocked the door and went in with her. "Were you at chukas place? That's your only friend I know off..." I nodded still without looking at her "I need to shower, check out the fridge and make something to eat if you're hungry.... only for yourself please. I seriously need a long bath" She nodded with a smile as I walked away feeling more guilt stricken than ever. Why did she come tonight, why... why? I can't even look at her face. How will I face her now. She caused what happened with Alisha and now she is here to punish me more with her presence. I sat in the bathroom tub thinking of what to do. The intimacy with Alisha, the invite for another party where I have to act as her man Then Eziaku showing up in my house all of a sudden same day. I can't wrap my head around it all. My conscience kept hitting me hard no matter how I try to defend my action.
19 Aug 2021 | 12:26
Pls Like and comments
19 Aug 2021 | 12:27
How about discussing with Ezi about her reasons
20 Aug 2021 | 05:59
Ezu is the best thing for you, your lust for sex is blinding your thinking ability. Next please
20 Aug 2021 | 06:03
This is getting more interesting
20 Aug 2021 | 08:00
Austin you are not using ur sense well, I prefer ezi then other girl,she will soon start acting like that rich one
21 Aug 2021 | 10:25
22 Aug 2021 | 03:06
22 Aug 2021 | 03:07
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 35. There was a knock on the door, I already knew that she was the one. I only wish she will leave me alone at this time, I'm reclined to my conscience dealing with me. Her presence tormenting me and now I have to struggle at looking into her eyes while talking to her or whatever reason she was knocking. Her closeness will frighten my guilt self the more. I was done bathing about 20 minutes ago, I went straight to bed just to avoid her. Maybe if she did not see me come out of my room she will also go and sleep. Is not like we have ever gotten intimate before so I see no reason for her wanting me except maybe to talk and sometimes our talk or trying to sort things may end up in disaster. Eziaku need to understand that from every look of things I was not in the mood to talk or want her closeness. Especially not tonight. I wish to be left alone. The meeting with Alisha kept eating me up. I wish I never indulged her but at that moment I wasn't even thinking straight. I was thinking through the trunk in between my legs and nothin else makes sense at that time except to get laid. I suppose to be satisfied and happy but guilt won't leave me alone. Eziaku's thought refused to go away. I thought that was punishments enough until I came home only to meet her waiting outside for me. And now she was at the door, knocking and I'm pretending right now to be asleep but she kept knocking. "Yes...come in. I finally said, trying to sound sleepy and tired. She came in and began walking towards me. What is she doing right now for heaven sake? She should keep her distance from me. I can't deal with her closeness. "I thought you will be coming out after bath. Hope I didn't wake you up...? I yawned tiredly, trying to show her how exhausted and sleepy I was. "Yea...I fell asleep immediately my back touched the bed. Sorry... I couldn't come out. Do you need anything...? I asked, acting like sleep was about to knock me off the bed. Let her be going already. "Ok...I will let you sleep then. I thought we can talk and maybe I...I mean sort out our differences but that can wait for some other time... I will go to sleep then. I nodded without a word. She turned to leave, but stopped. I watched as she opened her mouth to say something but thought against it. She walked back to the door and pause. "I just want to know something, do you truly love me? Oh God! What is all this. If replying her will make her leave me alone so be it. "Yes.... Eziaku" I said wishing she can just leave. "I also love very much. I don't want to loose you, I'm ready to do anything to prove how much I adore you and want us to be together. I have never loved anyone the way I fell and love you. Is crazy to say but that is truth from my sincere heart. I find it difficult to carry on for days...I can't eat or sleep. I kept thinking about you and hoping you will call while praying that you won't stop loving me. I couldn't take it anymore and that's why I came over. I know I turned down your intimacy plea but you won't understand how scared I was deep down... But I Came because I'm willing to do anything to save our relationship... which I so much value. It sounds odd but I have never done it with anyone before. I want to be good enough for you and worthy to be your woman. I'm working towards achieving that academically. I want to be the woman you will be proud to call yours in the future. I'm sorry for whatever wrongs or hurt you are holding against me. I'm willing to prove to you how much I love you... that is the reason I Came. But I beg you in the name of God... please don't leave me. Don't break up with me or cheat on me. Is going to really hurt real bad if you do...I don't know if I can take it... I was quiet all through as she kept talking. I'm not sure I understand anything she just said except "don't cheat on me" which I kinds did already. I was not even thinking straight, i feel bad listening to her and wishing I had nothing intimate with another woman. I fell for Alisha, I wanted it, I fantasize it in my mind and looked forward to the day. After it happened I started wishing I never desired such. Eziaku was slowly walking back to the bed again. I see tears trying to fall off from her eyes but she quickly wiped it off. ".... can i...I...come over. I mean can I climb the bed... beside you? I blinked severally, is she alright. Eziaku in her right mind won't ever ask to get into bed with me. "Why...why do you want to do that? I managed to ask as the whole atmosphere gets serious. She bent her head and said. "I thought you will want me...I thought that will make you happy... "Ezi, will sleeping in the same bed with me make you happy? I asked and she became silent after sometime she said "Not really. Especially since we're not married but if it will make you happy I'm willing to give it to you... I hope God understand... I scoffed and sat up from the bed. "Give what to me Ezi? She became silent again with her face bent. For the first time I see her fear clearly and struggle. Maybe she does not know what she was saying, I decided to elaborate it for her. "... Ezi, do you know that sleeping in same bed will warrant me touching you.. like getting intimate. Making love to you.... do you understand what you are asking...? "I understand...I have thought it through and decided to do it. You said it will make you happy and I really want you to be happy and let things get back as we used to be... Eziaku could be acting all insane but I won't fall for that. I'm not even in the mood for all of this. "I don't want you to sleep close to me, I may end up touching you and you wouldn't want that because I'm not your husband. Only your husband is legible for such. I don't even understand you or anything you said earlier. I have had a long day and you know tomorrow is Monday, work starts. I need to rest. Please go Ezi... the guest room is vacant. I'm too tired and sleepy...we will talk better tomorrow or some other time. I turned my back on her, shut my eyes and wait for her to leave. It took few more minutes before she finally walked out. I turned, gasped out in relief. If she had offered herself to me earlier before I went to meet Alisha or even yesterday I could have jumped at the offer without caring if she in her right mind or not. But I have had intimacy with Alisha and had enough guilt to deal with especially with her presence. That is enough trouble for one night. Eziaku must have had something to drink before coming here. Was she offering herself to me in a platter of gold which she thinks is the only ticket to fully having me back? I doubt she knew what she was saying. She was high on something. I'm happy she finally left me alone. After sometime I managed to pray before finally sleeping. The following day, I got ready early for work. I knocked on the guest room, she came out. I told her that I was leaving for the office. She should drop my house key at the normal spot whenever she was leaving. She nodded without looking at me. Yesterday, I couldn't look at her and I'm still struggling within me to stare at her even now but she was not even making effort to look at me. I did not touch her or asked her to jump into the bed with me. I don't understand her not wanting to look at me. She only said good morning to me before saying she will drop the key as I instructed. I guess the alcohol she had before coming here yesterday that was pushing her to Join me in bed last night has cleared from her eyes and she felt stupid or ashamed for it. I turned and was about leaving she called me by name. Halting my moves as she began to talk while avoiding my eyes. "Does this mean we're never going to sit and talk. You're tired of me or obviously don't want me again... isn't it? She asked with all seriousness. "Uhmmm Ezi... our talk doesn't do much good. We talk things out now and the next day we're no more in talking terms. I hate headache and as old as I am I also don't want stress...I have had enough of it in the past and won't want anything or anyone stressing me again. Since the talking is important to you, fine...we will but is either this coming weekend or next but definitely not within the week because I wouldn't want anyone to interrupt my rest after a hectic day" I turned and left for work. Angela who has bounced back from her heart break that Peter caused her was already in office. She looked a little bit light headed and tacky that morning as she walked into my office "Good morning was your weekend? "Fine Angela. Looks like your weekend was need to ask how it went. You seem to be in a happy mood... She started grinning seriously. "He called to apologise..." I raised an eyebrow in question. "...I mean Peter. I already know who she was referring to but wanted to be sure. "So... what was your response...? I asked, bringing my laptop and setting it on the table while listening to her. "Anyway...I kinda forgive him. He took me out on Saturday night and from there to his place. I spent the night at his house and came back yesterday evening. I had fun and he showered me with gifts and praises of how much he adores me and will never hurt me again. I believe him and we're cool.." I made a face not knowing how to respond to the whole quickie apology and acceptance like she has been looking forward to it. "Okay Angela... that's good then. That was the only thing I can say as she later left for her office. Her mood was in different level. Although, her eyes looks like it was deprived of sleep but she was happy. I spoke with Alisha that afternoon. She was acting all pissed because I didn't check up on her oh which I apologise. I went home that evening and Eziaku was gone. She cleaned every where in the house. When I opened the fridge to make dinner, I realized that she prepared dinner for me. After eating I try calling her but her number was busy for a long time. I wonder who she was talking with. She did not call back that night or even the next. My week quickly run into the weekend. I called her on Saturday and she didn't pick immediately but later called back that she was in class and will be finishing late. She asked me to call her later and I did around 9pm but her line was busy. I was angry and put my phone aside. I settled within me that I wasn't going to call her again. Who is she always Speaking to at night while ignoring me. I shouldn't care but I took it all personal. Does it mean she was seeing someone else or what. I moved on with my life, ignored her calls within the week I continue interacting with Alisha until the event weekend arrived. Alisha mentioned that she already told her sisters and cousin about me and they will love to meet me too I drove down that early afternoon to the event place. Matching the address she sent to me. People filled inside the event hall. The celebrant was together with her husband and two kids. Their was a huge customized birthday cake in front of her. Alisha on seeing me, came out and gave me a kiss which lasted for about few seconds. She whispered to my hearing that her ex was already around and will be watching her like hawk. All I need to do was to be all over her. i don't understand if she wants to get him jealous or to scare him off. She described the ex to me and exactly what he was putting on and where he was sitting. I saw him staring at me with fire in his eyes. Alisha introduced me to the two single sisters first, one was wearing an engagement ring. Which means she was probably engaged to be married. they pretend to welcome me but I looked past all the glamour and fake friendly laughter. They don't look too please to meet me. It was obvious that they prefer Alisha's ex because he seems to be a friend to the family. She was about taking me around when I got a hard tap on my shoulder. I turned in shock and guess who was standing right in front of me. Stefanie, the one i had issue with in the past. "What the hell are you doing here... Austin? She asked angrily. Alisha looked from me to her. She asked if we have met before and Stefanie ignored as she stared at me angrily The two sisters walked upto where the drama was going on. "What's going on...? they chorused "Is better we take this outside in other not to start a scene and attract people's attention. I don't want my big sis party to be ruined due to unnecessary drama" Alisha said concerned They started going outside, Alisha took me by hand and asked me how I happened to know her cousin, Stef Barbie. I could have known two weeks ago when she mentioned Stef but I never thought it will be Stefanie the shrewd lady that Eziaku ones worked with and I had my share of her shrewdness back then. My refusal to sleep with her or dance to her rules made us to be at war with each other. I told Alisha that she used to be my client I was unstable been in the means of all this people. seeing Stef again and being in her corner makes me a little nervous and more worried but since I have Alisha nothing will go wrong. The good thing is that I never slept with Stefanie. She would have want to hold that down my head Stefanie began to rant on getting outside. "This stupid fool called the police on me and made me write an undertaking never to bug him or his househelp. Alisha, where in the world did you see this nonsense guy. He is a total bad news. We had a fling in the past, he took the advantage that I liked him and began to misbehave. he has been in my bed before, invited me to his place for a weekend get together. When I went over, I met this ugly, primitive maid that worked for me in the past, I never liked the maid and because I asked this fool to get the maid fired he picked an offence. Which only explain he was equally sleeping with the maid... Alisha looked shocked. The sisters laughed sarcastically. I try to say something but Stefanie shunned me. ...hey shut the hell up. I'm not done talking yet. Did y'all know what this guy did, he recorded my ranting and forwarded to the police. I was called upon for statement never to bother him again. I stayed out of his space but What exactly is he doing in my own space again because I never wanted to set eyes on him after what he did... Alisha turned to me and said. "And I thought you're decent...I thought you're different. You slept with my cousin and was also sleeping with your maid? Oh gosh! I feel like a fool right now allowing you to touch me... "No Alisha...I did not sleep with your cousin... Stef is not totally saying the Truth....I The next thing that I hard was a serious slap on my cheek. Another one follows "Are you calling me a liar Austin? Stefanie was seriously barking as Alisha sisters tries to hold her back. I felt a sharp pain as I looked at her hand and realized almost all her finger has a ring. Maybe the rings must have broken my cheek bone because the pain felt unbearable. "...I can kill you here because you stepped into my circle. I stayed away from your space but as kamar will have it you came right into my space with my own baby cousin... trying to deceiv her right? Stefanie continue talking Alisha who was looking like she was about to blow off my head after listening to her cousin said. "Dauda was better off than you...his only crime was being over protective but yours is sleeping with anything that greeted your eyes... you disgust me Austin... I saw her ex coming with two men towards us. One of the sisters had already gone to inform him. I know I have to find a means and get out in one piece. The pain from the two hot slap from Stefanie is not subsiding anytime soon. I dislike all of this people which includes Alisha. They're spoilt brats that wants things done in their terms and ways. How did I find myself in this corner again. Watching Alisha's supposed ex coming with his two body guards sent chill down my spine. More trouble was brewing. I either have to run or stay to fight. How many of them will I even fight. Stefanie is ready to tear me into pieces. I was caught in her trap and don't know how to get off at this moment. I remember Ezi said she was coming today I told her that I won't be around. if I knew I would have stayed home with her and talk things through like she had always wanted. All this people smell of trouble and I need to disappear from their means before something worst happens.
22 Aug 2021 | 03:23
Pls Like and comments...
22 Aug 2021 | 03:26
Guy run for your life
22 Aug 2021 | 18:03
you were forming nah, even when ezi told you that he had never done it,u still didn't understand her
22 Aug 2021 | 18:17
more episodes please
22 Aug 2021 | 18:17
Life is cruel
22 Aug 2021 | 18:29
Good for you, next please
23 Aug 2021 | 09:58
24 Aug 2021 | 04:27
Next ....
24 Aug 2021 | 04:28
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 36 I tried calling her line again for the second time and this time around she finally picked up. "Hey are you? "I'm alright... and you? I was quiet for few seconds thinking if to tell her the truth or not. "I'm not really ok but... is not something to worry over. I have time tomorrow, will you like to come around? we can talk..." "Tomorrow is Monday... aren't you going to work? She asked with no concerned tone in her voice. "Ezi, Like I said earlier...I don't feel too good. I will be taking some days off work to get back myself. I can hear her long gasped from the phone before she finally replied. "Alright...I will come around in the morning... I waited hoping she will say something else but she didn't. "Alright then... Goodnight. I love you Ezi..." I added the last part hoping to get a reply but all she said was. ", Okay...I have heard you" Woah, her reply baffles me. She even used to be the first to say that before and I will reply. I sometimes say it and get a very quick reply from her but now all she threw back at me was "okay....I have heard you" " someone there with you? I asked her because I did not understand her reply except somebody was there and she was either shy to say it or afraid. "No... nobody is here. I'm alone... why did you ask? "Because I said that i love you and you rep.... She quickly interrupted me before I will finish my line. "I know what I replied because that is what I feel like saying. I have to go now, my battery is almost flat. I will see you tomorrow Austin... Goodnight..." She ended the call. I held my phone in my hand staring at it for close to five minutes. The ice block, wrapped in a clean pieces which I was using on my face was already gushing out water. I walked back to the fridge, got another ice wrapped up and continue massaging my face with it. Alisha and her cohorts must be having a drink together fun moments with my name in their mouths. I will be the major topic of their discussion. I flashed back again to everything that happened that evening. Alisha's boyfriend, Dauda like she called his name was trying to scare me off with his men. I wasn't moved one bit. I had to wear a thick skin and show them that I wasn't going to let them break me no matter how they try. He stupidly asked me of my net worth, how much money I got, how many cars, houses or asset that will make me to think of competiting with him over his girlfriend. He said I was a nobody and he does not ever want to see me close to his woman ever again. I remember him holding Alisha's arm and drawing her to himself while asking "Baby are you okay... what are you even doing with him. I said I was sorry and kept pleading but you try to move on...with this guy that his total money is not upto my shoe closet. I have missed you honey. Hope he didn't hurt you in anyway"? The stupid spoilt brat called Alisha wrapped her arms around him and said. "He almost deceived me... thanks to Stef Barbie for exposing the kind of man he was. I don't even know what is special about him... or the reason I was moving with him. Dauda, You are far better off than him and I have really miss you too. I will tell you a whole lot of things tonight... The Dauda said something like a praise in hausa and held her more closer. Alisha looked at me angrily and began saying. "...he slept with Stef Barbie, recorded her and forward to the police. He is an imposter, a liar and pig. The slaps Stef Barbie gave him is small compared to what I could have done if I was in Stef's shoe. I feel so bad and disgusted right now for letting him close to me... Stefanie suddenly gave me another hard hit close to my eyes. Maybe she was energised from what Alisha said. I held onto my face as the pain traveled round my body. She deliberately position her ring properly before hitting me After which she began to rant. "You coward, cat got your tongue... you can't talk again. You can also take this to the police... tell them you got into my private space and I did this to you. Don't forget to bring them over to arrest me...I will be ready and waiting. You're just unfortunate being, you're not upto the standard of men that I have dealt with in the past. The same trap you set for me caught you and threw you off guard.... look at where you landed, inside my cooking pot... hahaha. You're Lucky that today is a good day, I would have mess you up big time so that when next you hear of Stef... you will run without looking back. Rubbish... She walked back to the party hall with Alisha's sisters Dauda asked his men to throw me out and that was what they did. I flashed back to how it all happened. I shaked my head sadly as i continued massaging my face. One of my eyes was so swollen before I got home. I managed to drive home amidst headache and heaviness in my heart. The only one I kept thinking off was Eziaku. Her thought gave me hope and strength. I wish she could even come over tonight. I felt battered and needed somebody to talk to. I called her and at the end she couldn't even reply my "I love you" Nothin else surprises me. No woman has ever taken me off guard except Eziaku maybe. I don't know how I fell in love with her back then. I never wanted to not after what Oby did to me. And at the end of the day I was still hurt by her rejection. I suffered emotional breakdown for days turned weeks. Thanks to Stella for helping me get back on my feet during then. I moved on only for her to resurface. I started again hoping it will be something beautiful and she pushed me off by her refusal for me to get intimate with her. No tangible reason. She allowed me to kiss her, she responded to some extent until I wanted more and off she goes again, spicing it up with her saucy sharp tongue. I still love her, I hate myself for getting involved with Alisha. I will tell her about it tomorrow I will confess all about Alisha's intimate affair and ask for her forgiveness. I will be guilt free and start another phase with her. I hope she forgives me. I was really tired as I went to bed that night. I did not even have appetite for food at all. Within the night I had serious headache. My head kept echoing, I had to look for pain reliever to take. The medicine didn't do much but I managed to sleep until the following day. The swollen eye became obvious. It could have been worst but all thanks to the ice I used last night. I freshened up, quickly drive to a pharmacy and got some penicillin with some other drugs. I got back, fixed a quick breakfast before taking the drugs. I made calls to the office to inform them that i won't be coming. I felt sleepy around 11am and dozed off on the sitting room couch. I woke up around 2pm and felt a little bit better. Eziaku was still not around after saying she will come over today, she will come in the morning precisely. Is already 2pm and no sign of her . I called the office to know if there was any important update. Angela informed me that there was none and if any comes up she will call to inform me. She also mentioned that she can handle majority of the things and I shouldn't worry over anything. I try calling Eziaku but she kept busying my line. I went into the kitchen to fix a quick lunch. I made pasta with sause and ate. I was retiring back to the sitting room after clearing the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door. I stood and went over to open and it was Eziaku. "Hey... Ezi. I thought you're not coming again? I said happy to see her and while ushering her into the house. "Sorry, I was busy with some all other important things. But I'm here now. How's your health? Does she really care, because if she does Eziaku would have been here in the morning like she told me. I would leave everything aside to attend to her health first if the table was turned. She was coming almost 4pm. Never called or texted to know how I was doing within the day. "I'm getting better" I replied back. She looked at me closely as we sat opposite each other. "What happened to your face? There was no sign of true care in her voice. I answered anyway because i still owe her the truth "Is a long story Ezi, but I will tell you everything.... I breathed deeply at first before I continued. "...promise me that you won't be mad at me please.... She nodded without saying anything. She have every right to be mad but I only wish it won't cause further problem between us. ".... before I start, do you wish to eat anything...or maybe drink...? Let me fix you something to eat... ", I'm not hungry. I didn't come here for food or drink... just to check up on you and go back to my place..." Her harsh tone was like a stone thrown to my heart. ",Did I do something wrong Ezi, you're acting all harsh with me. I know...i haven't been giving you a listening ear or paying much attention but you wouldn't blame me... Or let me say I wasn't stable as of then. I'm sorry... very sorry. Please don't be mad at me....I need you and I truly miss you Ezi. You're very important to me and that was the reason I called you first yesterday as I got home...I... She stood up interrupting me. She went to the fridge, poured herself a cup of juice and returned back with it. "I'm not angry Austin. Go ahead and tell me what you were about telling me.... concerning your swollen eyes. I swallowed hard before I continued. ", wit... I began stuttering. I kept thinking of a better way to say it so it wouldn't sound offensive to her ears. My heart beat was beating fast as I bent my face to avoid looking at her eyes. "You slept with.... what? Another woman...? I looked up and couldn't decipher anything from her look. ".... okay continue. You slept with another woman and then what happened... she beat you up and gave you a black eye? What is going on with Eziaku. This wasn't what I was expecting from her. She drank deeply from her juice and looked up at me. Urging me to continue and stop staring at her like a ghost. "Well...yes and no...not exactly. The lady I got intimate with was related to Stefanie... your former boss. I never knew until yesterday when I got to the party that I was invited to, only for Stefanie to resurface and she was the one that did this to me. She lied that I slept with her and also want to sleep with her cousin which I... She interrupted again. ", She is right. Or didn't you have sex with stefa or whatever her name is....? She did this to you and after your senses came back you remembered me and that's why you called me right? If this did not happen...I think you would have moved on with the Stef relative that you slept with and leave me to my fate... I try to apologise but it appears she was prepared for me and wouldn't let me talk. "...I also have a bad news for you Austin. I slept with someone too and it was good. I enjoyed it more than I ever imagined. I stared at her puzzled and she stare back daring me to talk so that she will fire back with her own words. "Ezi...I don't understand you? Who did you got intimate with... I try not to sound angry. I was boiling inside but I acted composed. "Is none of your business Austin. All that matters is that we both did it. You had your fun and I had mine... I blinked severally trying hard to digest it all. "Ezi, is that why your number have been busy? Recently, Like almost everytime I try to call, you are either on phone with somebody or you don't answer my calls. Is it the guy that you're always on phone with? "I said is no more your business and you shouldn't worry who I speak to on phone and who I don't. I'm not married to you... stop acting like a dictator to me... I bit my lips hard trying to suppress my emotions. " okay. I didn't call you over here for a fight. I only wanted us to sort things out...I wasn't expecting any of this Ezi. I said that I'm sorry... I'm sincerely sorry for everything... "You're only sorry because Stef and the lady you went having sex with gave you a black eye. You are not sorry because you really want to be. You don't seem to have a choice than to say those words. Anyway... I'm equally sorry. I comfortably got entangled in the arm of another. I got lots of love from him and not a black eye. He caressed me, held me to himself, kissed me like you never did and made love to m.. "Stop... stop it Ezi..." I screamed at her. I couldn't keep my cool anymore. "...stop this madness. What has come over you? Tell me... what has gotten into you... I wasn't expecting an answer because I was still talking but she replied. "Austin nothin... did anything get into you when you were busy sleeping with other ladies...? She was obviously getting all ready for me too. She was indeed prepared for a fight no doubt about that. "I begged to touch you Ezi but you pushed me away... I'm shocked to learn that you slept with another man. I don't know how to react to that. "Then don't react at all. Do you remember that I later offered myself to you, I told you how important it all means to me but instead you made me feel cheap and turned your back on me. I tried, I pleaded just to make things work out, have a talk with you and explain myself clearly, I wanted us to understand each other but no, you refused and wouldn't even pick my calls or reply my messages. You couldn't even look at me like you used to, yet you claimed to love me. I'm not fooled...I will not be your second choice. I have a choice of my own... and since you shunned me off...I have also bulshit you. I was quiet, I have had enough headache and wouldn't want to add another to it. I couldn't talk as I kept staring at her. Since she came in for a fight, I wasn't ready for that. Is better to let her rant. she refused hearing me out. How could she even sleep with another man and rub it on my face. No sign of remorse or emotions. Deep down, I don't know why I felt she was lying to me. What if she was actually saying the truth. She became quiet too. Only our breathing can be hard since the television was on soundless. I bit my lips again, my emotions was just about to get the best of me in front of Eziaku. I can't break down now. I need to be strong even though is quiet obvious that I have losed her. I looked down at my palm, trying to count the lines in it. I was just trying hard to get distracted from my raging heart. She did not utter a word either, I did not look at her too as my head remains bent. I feel like a big failure when it comes to relationship. I'm a failure and there is no better feeling like what I feel now. ", Can I go... since you don't have something else to say? She asked while still sitting. With my head bent, I nodded. She was free to leave, free to go back to her man. Free to do as she please. She owes me nothing like she already made it clear. she remained seated. I wondered why she was still sitting. I breathed in and out severally just to steady myself and be able to talk without breaking down. "You're free to leave Ezi..." I said very calmly and calculated Let her go so that I can have time to suck over my internal and external wound in peace "Isn't it what you always do? Asking me to leave your house every time we have misunderstanding... I didn't reply. I'm not in for another round of word with her. Her phone rang, i looked up at her. She began to smile. I can see she enjoys tormenting me. she picked up her phone and went over to the kitchen area to answer. I thought of following her but another part of me wanted her to be. I couldn't sit still. I walked over to the kitchen side. She ended the call before I will get to hear anything. "Who are you speaking to..." I asked feeling betrayed. She opened her eyes wide and with an annoying expression on her face said while looking straight into my eyes. ",Is none of your business but if you're too eager to know then is my new man. The one I made out with the other day.... I breathed deeply, scratched my beard roughly. "Let me see your phone? I don't even know what i was doing anymore. I felt so hurt that holding myself from breaking down in front of her was the only dignity left in me. "For what... Why will you want to see my phone. Please, leave the way let me pass... I grabbed her hand trying to take the phone from her but she kept struggling with me. "If anything happens to my phone you will buy a new one for me.. Leave me alone Austin... you're hurting my hand. You cheat freely but can't take the same when is done to you. Leave me alone... you will never have my phone.. Just when I was about to collect it, she bite my hand, grabbed her phone and smashed it on the wall. I pushed her off angrily to walk pass. I was very angry this time around and couldn't hide it. My head was pounding heavily. I was not thinking at all. She fell to the ground and began to cry loudly. I held onto the dining chair from falling, as my head hurt real bad. I went to where she fell and try to lift her up. "Stay away from me... don't touch me Austin. Don't come close to me... aside being a cheat you're also a woman beater.. God of heavens! How could she say that? I have never laid a finger on a woman before. No matter how I'm treated or beaten I have never retaliated back to any lady. I will rather walk away. How could she tag me a "woman beater"? I only pushed her and it was not intentional. "I'm sorry Ezi... please stop doing this to me. Stop hurting my feelings...I love you. I truly do... I'm tired of this whole thing. I don't want to loose you Ezi...I can't bear the thought of you with another man. I'm broken inside... please.... I'm begging you...." "stay away from me... you are going to buy me a new phone for destroying this one. You're just like every other ill mannered men out there... cheating and physical hurting their women... She said standing up from the floor and wiping her eyes. "Jesus Christ... Ezi. How can you say that...? I never raise a hand on any woman before and I don't go sleeping with anything in skirt like you ones said. I made a mistake... maybe with few women. I regret it all... I'm not proud of any of that. But what about you... you slept with another man... where you doing that to hurt me or you truly loves this man. Don't you love me... at all... Ezi answer me...? She walked to where she smashed her phone, removed her Sim card and went over to her hand bag. She put her hand bag on her shoulder and started walking towards the door. I stood at the door preventing her from leaving. She asked me to leave the way but I refused. I try to touch her but she took a step back "I'm going to buy a new phone for you. I will do anything... anything you want Ezi please don't leave. Is this new guy better off than me... what is he offering you, what did you see in him. Ezi... listen... listen to me first... I'm going to be committed to only you, I'm ready for your terms. No sex, no kissing, no closeness at all... is fine by me...I will abide. Please... don'.... She pushed me off aggressively. I moved away from the door as she opened and walked out. I sat hard on the floor holding my head in my hand. I need a dose of pain reliever. My head is about to explode. Eziaku was gone. She belongs to another. I loosed her again. At the end I'm left alone to nurse my heart and held on tight without breaking down because I'm supposed to be a man. I'm a total failure. "Women... women... I'm done. I muttered to myself. "...She left... she left me... Eziaku is gone. Why is life so unfair? why am I very unfortunate with women. I'm just tired God... I'm tired and helpless... please help me... I sat there on the floor whispering to myself and holding my head in my hand.
24 Aug 2021 | 04:48
PL like and comments.
24 Aug 2021 | 04:49
Nice one I really love this story
25 Aug 2021 | 05:58
It hurt to see you guys fighting like this
25 Aug 2021 | 14:27
I'm tired of this two
25 Aug 2021 | 17:11
No comment
25 Aug 2021 | 18:33
I'm sorry for the late post, I was unable to login to coolval
30 Aug 2021 | 16:18
New episode loading.........
30 Aug 2021 | 16:19
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 37 I can hear the knock while bathing in the bathroom. I wondered who it was. I hope is not Eziaku again. Yesterday after she left me very broken, just when I was about getting up from the ground to go to my room she came knocking again. That was about 20minutes later after she left. "Who's there? I angrily asked because I wasn't expecting anyone and not in the mood for anybody. I was done with women in general and have already made up my mind before the knock came. "Is me.. Eziaku... please open. "leave me the hell alone... go away. I have counted you as my lost and do not want to see you again. I'm done Eziaku... for real this time..." She was quiet for sometimes while I properly locked my door. "Listen to me first, I never left, I was within the compound...I was only very angry because of what you did. I did not sleep with any... I quickly interrupted loudly and more angrier. "I don't care... I'm using the same line of words you used on me and i repeat it loud and clear...I don't care anymore Eziaku. You're no more my business. Go back to the guy that got you better than I do... the guy that you respect more than you respects me, the one that touches you differently, caresses and kisses you specially than I ever would. As much as those things you said to me some minutes ago still hurts so badly I promise you I will get over you in no time. I did before you showed up and try to mess up my life after I reopened it again. No more... I'm very done and I'm not looking back this time. You walked out by yourself and refused every of my plea....remain out and do not come back to my house or to my life. Take your sharp tongue and annoying self to your special man that you are always busy on phone with and have already slept with you after you denied me. I'm not even angry because of that... I'm angry because I foolishly allowed you into my life again and look at how you mess it up... worst than ever. I was fine... very fine before you resurfaced, I never wanted to give another chance to any one yet especially not you but you managed to crept in and devastated every thing in me. I'm really done... no more. I mean my every word... I turned and started walking away. She was saying something else and knocking gently for me to open but I no longer care. Anytime she is tired of knocking then she can go. She was trying to tell me that she did not sleep with any one after behaving and acting like she has a secret lover, smashing her phone so that I won't see who she speaks with. I don't believe anything she says and like I have already made it clear that is how I want things now. I managed to take my drugs that night as my head kept banging. The headache was just too much. I finally slept off until the following morning. My Mom called around 6am Why is my Mom calling me so early, hope there is no problem. Or did she see me in her dream getting married. I thought within myself. "Hello...Mum, Good everything okay? "Morning son, off course everything is fine. How are you doing...and how's Abuja in general? I replied and she continued. "I'm still waiting for the well anticipated news but none from you...yet. Your brother and sister are in abroad now, you're atleast the one close to us. Do you remember Amanda, the one I try to match make with you...her mother told me that she is already engaged and will be getting married soon. You asked me not to interfere in your relationship life and I stayed out of it but as a mother I can no longer be silent. My darling son... what is going on...? If I tell my Mom that I don't care about women she will be mad and disappointed. Is too early and as much as I'm dealing with a whole lot I will find a better ground to dismiss her. "Nothin Mom. I haven't find my spec yet but I will someday but for now women are not my problem. But Mom stop getting bothered because of me... I'm very much alright and at the right time it will happen. You called me this early because of this...? I was afraid that it was something very important... I'm glad is nothing to worry about... She was obviously saying something to my Dad and I heard him say "no matter how much you worry you can't force a grown man into what he isn't ready for" She put back the phone to her ear and said. "Your father kept supporting you. I just hope it will end well for you because all my prayers on your head can't be in vain. You will end up with a well behaved, nice Lady who is everything you ever wanted in a woman. God is already working on that and I know he won't fail me. Beside this is not the reason I called... I'm flying down to Abuja tomorrow, and before you say anything is not because of you. My church has an outreach program going on every year and I wanted to be part of it this year. They provided hotel but I have already made it clear that I will be staying at my son's place. Is just for two days... don't worry I won't worry you much over your private affairs. I just want to stay with my darlin boy for the period of the church program. You will come to the airport and pick me up tomorrow evening... Hope I'm welcomed...or should I go ahead and join the people in staying at a hotel? I gasped out quietly. "No Mom...I will love to have you around. Please send more details of your arrival time, the exact airport and other necessary info. I will be at the airport to get you" She later ended the call and I breathed loudly. I know what it intakes in having my overbearing Mom in the same house, breathing down on my neck and preaching family to me. She may even notice a sign of my black eye which was healing up and will want to know everything. I will find a means to dismiss some of her questions. Her program is just for two days, highest she stay for a week or so. It won't hurt to have my Mom around. Maybe it will even be a good distraction. Around 9am, I heard a knock went to answer the door when I was through with what I was doing inside. The person kept knocking none stop. This was around 9am in the morning. I was just finishing from getting dressed after freshining up. The whole traumatizing moment with Eziaku yesterday haven't left me fully but my mind was made up. I'm totally done with women, I feel the anger sucking through me anytime I flashed back to my whole saddening journey with them. True Love no longer exist in my dictionary and I'm purging my mind from thinking about anything love. I will live a neutral life and careless of the other gender. They have knocked me to the ground enough and used me as footmat. I gave that chance and a wide range room in my life and heart for them to toss and turn me as they wish. Enough is enough. I don't care how old I get I'm much more interested in my self acclaimed esteem and happiness that I seem to be loosing because of how much I try to please others. I love and respect my Mom, I know she only wants the best for me and her desires for me to settle down and have a family of my own just like my elder brother, is a fantastic idea but heaven can bear me witness that I have tried. Anyone that thinks I didn't try enough probably walked in a different size of shoe. They won't understand anything untill they go through my hard and struggling moment. All that matters now is I'm totally done with them all. Women in general. I can no longer deal with their excess baggages. I know I'm not perfect but I try as much as possible to respect and value women in my life but they will rather throw me to a trash without a second look. Look at Eziaku? The lady I love and value so much. She speaks with a tongue as sharp as razor blade. I will sometimes wish she slaps me instead than say those words to my hearing. Not only that, she denied me from touching her and that caused a big rift between us that pushed me out to meeting Alisha The so annoying part is that she gave her body freely to another man and then came back to rub it in my face. "Women...! I muttered outloudly. "...Who's there... I asked but got no reply. I checked through the security hole and a hand was covering it up so I won't see clearly. I opened the door and there she was again and my first question was. "Why are you tampering with my security door check? "I'm sorry... you may not want to open the door if you notice that I'm the one. She said, her eyes was puffy, a little bit swollen like someone who did not sleep all through the night. "But I asked you specifically not to ever come back here? Which part of I don't want to see you or have anything with you again that you don't understand Ezi? I'm very serious and I expect you to respect that and stay off. You ladies are bunch of trouble and I won't be caught unaware again. Leave... don't come back... I'm totally done...I said I'm done with you and women in general. I turned to walk back inside and she stopped me and began to speak. "I blew hot yesterday because it hurts really bad to know that you were with another woman and neglected me all through my period of trying to make things work. I was hurt beyond words and said lots of things that I later regretted. I'm sorry...I never got intimate with any man. And nobody called me at your place...i deliberately touched the ringing tone of my phone to make it ring, I bite you, smashed the phone because you will find out that I was only pretending and no serious caller in my list except customers and my school course mates. I have even try to move on after several cold feet from you but I can't seem to. If it was easy with me I won't be back here. I acted all of that yesterday to hide how I was hurting inside and to also get back at you for sleeping with another woman...I.. I waved a hand to her face to stop talking "I don't care, I don't want to know... I'm not interested anymore. All of this information would have been very necessary if you stayed back yesterday and talk things through. I know I was a jerk and was covered with guilt when I got intimate with another lady. I couldn't move on without confessing to you of how much I messed up. You Came and saw me with bruises but never showed any empathy...even little. Ok...I felt I deserved that and it was not just your attitude it was every word you said, even calling me a woman beater a liar and the rest of other God forsaken things. You walked out and then showed up again after about 20minutes to do what tell me that your whole drama was your way of showing how hurt you felt. And now you are back..I no longer care or give a damn to whatever you say or do. Ezi, I'm never like your gender and that includes you that hardened me up. You played a huge role in that and I won't tolerate or allow that again... never again. Don't come back here Eziaku I don't want to use force on you but if you keep coming i will have no choice than to push you real hard and it will be deliberate and wouldn't care of whatever happens next. Leave and stay out of my house and life... Is over. I turned to go back inside and she said. "Okay...I will stay out of your life but I no longer have a phone and you promised to get another for me. Are you also going to walk out on your Promise to get me one... phone is not in my budget because I have school and other personal affairs to care about. Please...I need the phone and I promise to stay away after then. She was the one that destroyed her phone but i will get her another phone so that she can keep off from me. "You should have thought of not having budget for a phone before smashing the only one you got on the wall but you were thinking through your anus while performing your drama..." She wanted to say something maybe to get back at me but decided to stay quiet. "... I'm not going anywhere today especially not because of your phone. I will be out tomorrow and will buy the phone for you. Come down on Thursday and take it and after then I never want to see you or have you come to my house again..." "I have heard you. You have said that severally already and I get it. I won't bother you again... after collecting the phone on Thursday. Thanks anyway... She turned and walked away. I went back inside. The following day I drove out in the afternoon to get the phone for her. After buying a good phone that was better off than her old one, like a goodbye kind of gift, I drove to the airport to get my Mom. I drove back home with my Mom as we kept talking over other less important thing. The guest room was in place for her arrival and so was everything in the house. I fixed her a meal after she got refreshed. She was pleased to see my comfortable apartment and wonder why I'm still single. She also applaud my new car and wondered why I'm not married or in a serious relationship with my whole successful life. I try not to reply as I listen to her talk on and on. It was well expected and I was only patient. She saw the sign of bruise on my face and asked what happened I said something different to stop every other interrogation from her. She prayed fervently with me that night before bedtime. The following day, i drove her out to the program venue within the day and was forced to stay for a session. I'm glad I did because it was awesome moment in God's presence. After the day program I drove back home and we arrived around 8pm in the night that Thursday. I saw Eziaku outside the gate. Who knows how long she had been waiting. She doesn't have a phone she could have called. I will go inside and give her the phone and she can quickly be on her way. "Who is she...? My Mom asked while looking at Eziaku. "Is an ex friend Mom. Nobody serious... I said it without a care in my tone but my sensitive Mom wanted to know more but I choose not to say anything about it again. We got in and Eziaku entered the gate and stood at one corner. I started walking inside with speed so that I can get the phone out. I heard my mum called her to come and she came and greeted my Mom respectfully. "I'm Austin's Mom... are you single? What is your name... you have been waiting for him right? please come inside. What do my Mom thinks she is doing now. This is the part of her I dislike Why is she asking Eziaku to come in. I hurried up before they will enter. I picked the phone from where I kept it and was hurrying out again Just when I was about getting to the door I saw my Mom coming inside with her. She looked at me and said. ", she told me that you have already broken up with her few days ago Austin...? Why... did she cheat on you....I guess not because Ezi like she told me is her name does not look wayward or such kind of lady. She is a decent girl and have been waiting outside for over five hours after you asked her to come but did not inform her that you won't be around. Do you want to stay single forever Austin ... why will you break up with a decent girl like this? I don't want to know what the issue is but she is not leaving tonight... "Mom... please...I.. She shut me up "Shut up your mouth Austin. I'm your mother and you will have to respect my decision because I will always mean well for you. Ezi has a good Dearing spirit and she stays until both of you sort your differences. Maybe this was the reason God wanted me to join in this year outreach because I have never wanted to go farther than Lagos until the program was announced. I'm glad I honored it this year. I refused to be pulled down and have anything with Eziaku or any woman. "I'm done with her Mom and I'm very serious about it. I don't want her in my life... there is nothing you will say that will make me have a change of heart. she should stay away from me... I'm tired of them all..." "Why...? My mom asked and I did not reply. "....I asked again why don't you want her? What is her offense...if you tell me what exactly she did maybe I will reason with you and understand the angle your anger is coming from.... she turned to Eziaku and said ....or Ezinne... did my son catch you with another man? What did you do to him that made him this angry... Eziaku was quiet at first. She looked at me and saw how fierce and angry I was. "No ma. I never cheated on him rather he was the one that... She paused and my Mom already grabbed what she was about saying. "Oh... you mean Austin cheated and still have the nerve to break up with you? Where is the son I raised...I raised you well, to be respectful of others, in a Godly way and care about people's feeling before making any harsh decision. Can't you see Ezi loves you, What happened to you son... why have you become so hardened over this lovely innocent girl...? I looked at Eziaku and found out she was struggling with tears. She kept blinking severally with her face bent until she could no longer hold it in. I was not moved. Oby also cried her heart out while vomiting lies. Women are loaded with drama. Eziaku's tears poured down her face while my Mom was still bashing me with words. Eziaku suddenly said. "Please let him be ma. Is probably for the best...if he does not want to have anything to do with me then is okay... please don't force him. I have already accepted the end of our relationship I was only here to pick up something. He was the one that asked me to come today and after which I will never bother him again...I agreed ma and I won't bothe... Mom interrupted her. "Keep quiet Ezi... wipe your eyes and don't cry. I can understand your pain and if Austin does not want you one of his unmarried cousin who is also doing well but based in Lagos is looking for a decent girl like you to settle down. Don't worry you will like him... his name is Olisa. A very nice young man. my son is not serious and I'm already tired of talking over his issue. I will give Olisa your contact...I like you and want you close to the family Ezinne. If my son can't see the goodness in you another will appreciate you better. are you not hungry because I am. Go to the kitchen and fix something for us to eat... after eating you can go and freshen up. You're not going tonight... you will stay in his room... sleep well and don't worry over anything because I'm right here with you... I couldn't stay still anymore I said to my Mom. "She can't stay in my room... where will I sleep? Or do you want us to sleep in the same room...what if we get intimate because I know you preach against that and wouldn't want such or do you Mom? I try to discourage her from letting Eziaku stay in my room tonight My Mom began to laugh. She later said "Haven't you been getting intimate before now? I won't tell you what to do because you are grown. But, what I will tell you is that you're staying in the same room with her... after all she no longer interest you and sleeping together in the same room makes no difference. She is just going to be your roommate. A given chance also for both of you to talk things through but if there is no desires for that then just accommodate her tonight. She won't disturb you so don't disturb her either. Is already late for her to go... the night is dangerous for a beautiful soul like Ezi to walk in. She turned to Eziaku and took her by hand while they began to go towards the kitchen side. I sat hard on the chair feeling defeated.
30 Aug 2021 | 16:33
Pls like and comments..
30 Aug 2021 | 16:41
Austin's mom is using strategy Love it
31 Aug 2021 | 09:28
I nr fit laugh ooh... Well love story shall,,, very very complicating
31 Aug 2021 | 12:25
I nr fit laugh ooh... Well love story shall,,, very very complicating.
31 Aug 2021 | 12:25
I love this your momma
31 Aug 2021 | 16:03
31 Aug 2021 | 17:37
New episode loading.......
31 Aug 2021 | 17:54
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 38 I silently sat in the sitting room watching Eziaku set the dining while my Mom was back to her room and I can hear her making calls. Ezi looked towards my end and I quickly returned my eyes to the television. I saw her coming but i pretended like never noticed her. "The dinner is set on the dining... please come and eat" she said as she stood close enough for me to feel her presence to my very skin. I did not reply as I keep watching the television without turning to look at her. From the corner of my eyes I can still see her standing. She made attempt to tap me but held back her hand. "... sir... Austin... Aus... She was about calling my name again when I turned. "What is it... what do you want? I barked with a harsh voice. "I said that the dinner is ready and the table is set..." " What do you want me to do with this information now..? I asked with an annoying smirk She breathed speedily and replied. "To go over to the dining and eat. I returned my attention to the television without another word. "...can I go and inform your Mom? I don't know if is okay by you... should I... The guest room opened and my Mom came out at that moment. She walked towards us and said "Ahaa! Just within few minutes two of you're already talking. I wonder why my son was acting all of that drama in my presence when he obviously wants to settle things. dear daughter is the food ready? I can perceive the fine aroma... Eziaku told her that it was ready. She turned and followed her towards the dining. I can hear her whispering something. ", He's still not talking to me ma" My Mom gently tapped her shoulder and asked her to relax that I will come around. I sighed and went back watching the television. Come which around? I'm not talking to her she shouldn't talk to me either. It may seem childish but I'm loving my childishness. They should all leave me alone. I'm very hungry but going over to that table to sit with them and eat the food Eziaku prepared will make my Mom think I'm cool and I actually came around like she predicted or make Eziaku feels I have soften up. I'm not going anywhere, I will endure the hunger until tomorrow morning. "Son... aren't you eating? Please come over let's have dinner..." My Mom beckoned on me to come over to the table. "I'm not hungry Mom... I'm fine" I replied, trying not to show any sign of how hungry I was really. I wanted to check out the face of the food and why the aroma was directed to my nose. I stood, walked over to the fridge , and pretend like I wanted to take water. I stretched out my neck to check out their meal and just then my Mom caught me. I quickly looked back to the fridge as she began to laugh. "My dear son, don't allow pride keep you away from this delicious meal Ezi prepared. I know you're hungry because you did not eat the food offered to you at the program hall this afternoon. Because you are careful of eating outside food. Come and have a taste is very yummy... come, just take a spoon and if you don't like it then you're free to go. My Mom was already wining me over. I'm seriously salivating, my stomach chose that exact time to make a sound. Eziaku turned and looked at me, I stared back at her to stop looking at me. She returned her face back to the food in front of her. My Mom kept urging me with her sweet words. I made a face as I sluggishly went over to the table and join them. I took a spoon, then another followed and so it continues. "It tastes great right? My Mom asked and hope she was not expecting me to answer that. "...Ezi is not just a beautiful, caring, loving lady... she is also a great cook. Ezi began to blush shyly as she stylishly turned to look at me again. Why is she even looking at me instead of my Mom that was filling her head with praise. I focused more on my food as I took a bite of my fried fish and began to munch quietly. "...who taught you how to cook like this Ezi? My Mom continued Ezi who never stopped smiling and was not really eating much maybe because of my presence turned and looked at me again. "Austin taught me some of the things I know. Especially, how to prepare some of this English food which I was not really used to because I didn't grow up in the city. Ma, your son is a fantastic cook..." Eziaku said and my Mom laughed out before saying. "He learnt from the best. I thought him well....Right from his younger age he was always ready to learn both how things are done in the kitchen and in general. Austin is not only a good listener, he also grab things fast. Just like his father. My husband is very patient... I won't be able to last a year in marriage with an inpatient man. That's where Austin got part of his nature from.... My Mom continued laughing as she drank water from a glass cup before setting it down. I couldn't help but smile because the whole atmosphere was changing for my good and I was enjoying the whole gist Maybe because they were both praising me like a little boy that came home with a good grade. "Dad was not very patient when we were young Mom, I can still remember how he will send us to our room upstairs anytime we play around the house... maybe he becomes more bending with age". I said as I wiped my mouth with a serviette. "Your father had always been cool headed... maybe more with me. I can get on his nerve sometimes but that man will never raise his voice. He has always been calm and patient with everyone. You and your brother at a younger age usually disturbs his study time with your noises and that's why you are mostly sent off to your rooms. A drank water before getting up from the table. My Mom was done too. So we stood up together. I was happy that I ate because I feel light headed now. The wonders of food. Thank God that my Mom persuaded me, I would have allowed my pride get in the way of my stomach. I stood without saying a words to Eziaku. My Mom called me back as I was walking away and asked. "Won't you atleast say thank you to Ezi for making the delicious dinner? I raised an eyebrow as I looked at my Mom. "..yes, thank her for the meal. That was how I raised you..." "Mom, I have lots of email to reply tonight. I need to go please... I said pleadingly to my Mom that was holding my hand and stopping me from leaving. "Not after you have thanked her. She deserved it Austin and you have to show some gratitude and stop all this peacock pride on your shoulder. Anyway, Olisa will be very pleased to have her as a wife. She is a great cook...I know that your cousin likes food. He will be delighted when he learn that Eziaku is the woman he has been searching for all this while. alright, you can go and attend to your mail..." My Mom left my hand to go. I hate it whenever she brings Olisa to our conversations. I don't like it because is annoying. Can't Olisa find wife for himself. Why must it be... I paused from my thought and said more like a whisper to Ezi "Thanks" I don't care if she heard me or not. I know Ezi actually heard me because mare looking at her ears they were positioned like radio antenna. My Mom smile as I walked away to my room. I replied some office mail and sent out some. I also sent messages to Angela on what to do tomorrow that is Friday. It took me about an hour before shutting down my laptop. I went into the bathroom and had my bath then brush my mouth for the night. I wiped off my body and was wrapping my waist with the big towel while stepping out of my bathroom. I suddenly exclaimed out as I saw a figure sitting on a cushion close to my bedside. It was Eziaku. "What they... what are you doing She quickly said defensively "I didn't see anything, I was not even looking at you as you stepped out of the bathroom...". she replied while looking from my face to my chest. I felt embarrassed and wondered why. "That wasn't the question I asked you Ezi, I said what do you want and why didn't you knock before coming inside? "I knocked ones before your Mom asked me to go inside. You were in the bathroom when I entered not quiet long. Can I atleast have my bath and get something different to wear for the night? Mom said I should sleep in your room... I looked at her before going over to my wardrobe to get dressed. When I picked up my night wear, I turned to look at her and she was staring at me "Can you excuse me? as you can see I want to dress up... She apologized as she stood up and walked out of the room. I got dressed, set out new towel because I don't share my personal towel with anyone. I brought out new toothbrush for her before stepping out of the room for her to go and bath. She was sitting in the sitting room as I came out. I asked her to go and use only the stuffs I kept on top of the bed for her. She thanked me and went in. After about 20minutes my Mom came out and asked me to go and call Ezi for night prayer. I went inside after a double knock to avoid walking into her while she was dressing. She was standing in the middle of the room confused with a towel wrapped around her chest. She was done bathing and washed the cloths she wore earlier. "What is it? My Mom is calling you for night prayer. "Okay... can i get something to wear for the night.. please? "You disturb a whole lot Eziaku? I said acting frustrated. "Or maybe you shouldn't worry, I will go and ask your Mom if she have cloth that will size me. She asked me not to hesitate to ask for whatever I need..." I looked at her puzzled. Isn't it weird asking my Mom for such? I asked her to hold on. I walked back to my wardrobe checked through my things. I saw the remaining T-shirt she ones got for me in the past, I pulled out a material short that I have not worn before and tossed it towards her before walking out. And did not reply her thanks. She came out after few minutes. We all did a night prayer as my Mom led. After the prayer my Mom said goodnight and went to the guest room. Eziaku after sometime stood up and went to the room. I lay on the couch for some time before going in to take a duvet. I have decided to sleep in the parlour. Getting into the room, Eziaku has already spread a blanket on the ground and lie down on it with one of my pillows. She was literally lying on the ground and the air condition was on. I couldn't ignore, I called her to climb the bed because I will be sleeping in the living room. She told me that she was fine sleeping on the ground that I should not worry. As much as I want to pretend like I don't care but I know she can't possible sleep on the ground when I have a family size kind of bed that is wide enough to take atleast three adults. After a little more persuasive words she agreed and climbed the bed. I left the room and slept in the sitting room like I intended. I really don't want any problem. My Mom woke up early, she came out to the sitting room and saw me with a duvet. She smiled as I greeted her. I didn't have a good sleep because I wasn't comfortable on the couch but I refused going inside the room. My Mom surprisingly did not say anything about me sleeping in the sitting room. She asked me to call Ezi for morning devotion. I walked back to the room after double knocking. Ezi was already awake and was about coming out. She greeted me and we walked back to the sitting room and had our morning devotion. My Mom asked me to lead and I did. Ezi began to tidy up the house while I went back to my room to freshen up for the day because I will be driving my Mom out again. Mom asked Ezi to come with us after having breakfast. She agreed to do that. She wore the washed clothes that was already dry by morning. We went to the program and it was a long day before it finally ended. I was gradually getting back my ground with Ezi. I felt free talking to her now and responding like we never had issue. I assisted as we made dinner that night and even laughed together. She mentioned of going to school the following day and even when my Mom asked her to come back to the house after her class I was silently hoping she will say yes. But she had excuses and said she had a customer to attend to after class and won't be able to come. Mom mentioned that she maybe going back to Lagos on Monday. Eziaku promised to come back on Sunday. With the calm atmosphere unlike Thursday night, I was already contemplating in sleeping in the room that Friday night with Eziaku. I'm getting all emotional attached and the way Eziaku has been getting close and we are having body contact again I don't know how the night with her will go. But I can only wait and see, hoping it goes well this time unlike before.
31 Aug 2021 | 18:03
Like and comments....,.
31 Aug 2021 | 18:04
1 Sep 2021 | 07:00
Austin you better stop pretending jor
1 Sep 2021 | 08:33
1 Sep 2021 | 15:27
Next please
1 Sep 2021 | 17:10
New episode loading......
2 Sep 2021 | 18:30
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 39. I stayed back in my room while going through my laptop.l Eziaku was out tidying things and she also volunteer to help Mom fix two buttons on her cloth instead of taking it to the tailor tomorrow. I can hear them talking and laughing loudly in the guest room. I wish my Mom can release her already so that she can come take her bath and rest. We have already done our night prayer before I Came to my room. I was done with what I was doing, I shut down my laptop, picked up my phone and began browsing the internet. I kept checking the door to know when she will come inside because I can no longer hear noises coming from the guest room. Which means she has left there and was probably coming inside. Finally, there was a knock. Why is she knocking, she should open the door and come in. She is not a visitor to be knocking before coming into my room. I asked her to come in, and told her not to knock next time because she is already part of me and the house too. She smiles with a nod before asking if I have had my bath. I told her that I did after dinner which was over an hour already. She went into the bathroom and took almost 25minutes before she finally came with a towel wrapped around her chest She picked the clothes she wore the previous night and went back to the bathroom to change up. I frowned, what exactly is she hidding from me. Can't she freely dress up in my presence. Am I not her man? Why is she shy changing clothes in my presence. I pretend to be browsing but I was looking forward to spending romantic night with her. I needed something to drink. I walked out, grabbed a bottle water and return back to the room. She was sitting on the bed. I sat on the chair without a word because I don't really know what kind of conversation to start at that moment. "Where are you sleeping? She asked "Uhmmm anywhere.... maybe I will sleep on the bed with you tonight. I stared at her to see her reaction, she was trying to avoid my gaze. "You're not angry with me again... right? She asked as she managed to look at me. ",No... I'm not Ezi. I'm rather grateful that you're around. I kinda overacted in a way but you wouldn't blame me. You really broke me into pieces that Monday with your attitude and sharp tongue. I'm glad we're putting all of that behind us... and moving ahead like we should..." "Yes, I'm also happy that you finally let go of your anger. I'm sorry for everything but I was truly hurt and did not know a better way to react than do what I did. You won't understand how it feels like telling me that you slept with another woman and sustain injury from same person and it was after then you remembered me. I couldn't pretend to be cool with still hurts when I think of it but I have let go too. I'm glad we're fine and moving on... I stood up and went to sit beside her on the bed. Took her right hand and placed on my chest. ", You own my entire heart Ezi. What happened before won't repeat itself...I promise. I'm truly sorry that such even happen in the first place. I can't stop loving you... even when I'm angry I still can't forget you. I hated the fact that Mom kept mentioning Olisa... She began to laugh, I joined her while releasing her hand. "...I will disown my cousin and challenge him to a fight for your heart if the situation warrants it. My Mom knows exactly how to get me. I'm so happy she came if not you won't be sitting here with me tonight. You're beautiful...others may see you as neutral but you're the most beautiful lady in my eyes. My Mom also confirms it. I'm happy you came into my life when I needed a caring, calm yet a no nonsense lady in my life... She blushed as she bent her face. "My mouth almost ruined things for us. I'm very happy hearing you say all of this. I have miss you and I'm glad you're back to being you again. I promise to control my words and actions to avoid offending you. I can't bear to see an angry you again. Those moments were scary, but I was silently praying that you Forgive me and let it go..." I cupped her face and assured her that I love her wholeheartedly. I wish to kiss her that moment but she replied that she loved me too before standing up. "I don't know...but maybe I should sleep on the ground with a blanket. Is not a problem for me... I'm fine sleeping anywhere. I don't want to inconvenience you on the bed... I interrupted "If you sleep on the floor I will sleep beside you, if you choose the kitchen I will be there beside you. Anywhere you want to sleep tonight I also want to be there my love. I missed you so much and wish to cuddle and hold you to myself... Except you're afraid of something...or are you scared of sleeping next to me? "Not" she was stuttering and I can see from her eyes that she was troubled. I moved closer to her and gently draw her close. "What are you always afraid of...I have told you times without number that I will never hurt you. I promise...try and trust me. I cupped her face again and kissed her slowly but steady. She did not respond immediately but later did. Within a second we were on the bed, we continued kissing. I couldn't let go anymore as I put my hands under her top and moaned happily when I freely grabbed the boobs. I moaned quietly again at how soft and inviting it feels in my hand. I was about pulling off her clothes when She suddenly began to shake and she stepped away from me while panting. Oh no, not now and not again. My pajamas was already burged. 'i can't...I can't do this... I'm sorry...I can't... please...! She said repeatedly while still walking to sit on the chair. I don't understand what exactly is going on or why she kept shaking. "What is the problem to me. I promise I won't be angry or react negatively. I won't force you either despite how blown I am right now but I will always respect whatever you decide. She sat on the chair and held her face in her hand. I moved towards her and sat on the arm of the chair. Urging her to speak. "I have already told you before...I haven't done it... and I so much desire that it will be with my husband... I'm really sorry that... She paused. " love, What is it that you have not done... what are you talking about? Do you mean you haven't make love before or is there another thing you're talking about that I'm not understanding..." ",,Yes, no man has climbed me before. I don't want it to happen now... I'm afraid that I may give in if you persuade but I'm truly not ready. Please... don't.. I stopped her from talking. "Please stop... stop... stop it Ezi. What do you mean that you haven't made love before...are you trying to tell me that you're a virgin? She tries to nod her head but suddenly stopped because of the look in my eyes. I suddenly burst into laughter. It was a whole funny scenario to know that Eziaku claims to be a virgin. I wouldn't have mind if she told me that she was practicing celibacy until her wedding night. I wouldn't have cared if she said "I have done it severally before but I have decided not to do it again until I'm married. That's celibacy and I will respect her decision but claiming to be a virgin got me rolling seriously. Or she may be confusing herself and do not understand what being a virgin or practicing celibacy means. She looked at me annoyingly the way I kept laughing but I just couldn't help it. I got hold of my self and said. ",Ezi, you can't be a virgin, you're not only twenty eight but have had boyfriend in the past. Is Uche your first man? She look very serious. "No, Uche is the second man I dated" She answered looking away. "Then you can't possibly be a virgin Ezi. I see no reason for lying because I'm not after your body count, I mean I'm not after how many men you have slept with in the past. I don't give a damn about that I only want you and that should matter most. She went quiet and it felt like she has losed all her defense guard. She replied with all seriousness in her voice. "I'm not saying it for you to believe or clap for me. I'm saying it because is true... I'm not lying and I see no reason to lie. The first man I dated agreed to my terms of no intimacy but later started disturbing me for sex. I refused which led to a serious fight. And we broke up and went our separate ways. Uche was from the church that I attended with my grandmother. He was the drummer boy and also sings in the choir. From normal friendship we fell in love and he was ready to abide to whatever I want. He actually did for over two years and never disturbs me for sex. But I knew he sometimes wish he can have me even ones. He was also principled and we never had intimacy. I traveled out of the village and we fell apart. He met another free lady and they connected both physically and emotionally. You already know how we ended things mutually without fight or malice. We're cool and will always be friends. "Okay... Ezi...I don't understand where all of this story is going. So you mean that none of the men you dated make out with you? That's crazy, I'm sorry...but I don't believe you. Let me tell you a little bit about Oby. I met her when she was 18years and a virgin... well, so I was told. After about two to three years she visited from school and ofcourse she was still supposed to be a virgin...I never touched her before and I was eagerly looking forward to making out with my virgin wife to be. I was patient and waited until she was ready... she confirmed to me that she was still very intact, I believed so. How proud I was and happy that night when we were about to make out. I even assured her severally that I was going to be gentle on her and if she still felt like she can't do it... I was going to wait. After all she was mine and I see no reason to rush her especially with the fact she never had a man before and wouldn't know how that feels. We finally did it and at the long run Oby wasn't a virgin, she was about 20 to 21years then. At that young age she have not only loosed her virginity but also gotten pregnant for another guy and did abortion that damaged her uterus...her bladder. I spent a lot of money on surgery just to correct it. The point I'm trying to make here is that a naive teenage village girl wasn't naive after all. She was a good liar and very manipulative. Ever since then is hard for me to even trust all this village girls. I don't even believe that there is a virgin among them... especially those from eighteen and above. You're 28 Eziaku... you're neither a kid or naive. You have had ex's and still claims to be a virgin.... hahahaha... that's why this whole thing is funny to me. But let's talk about another thing... because you can't possibly convince me. I can only pretend to believe you so that you will drop the topic. She nodded quietly and climbed up the bed again. She lie down facing up, I sat in the bed but didn't lie down. "...Does this mean that I can't touch you Ezi? you wanted to use the virginity thing to scare me off? You should have told me straight out that I shouldn't touch you and I will keep off, not trying to lie to me. I don't know you as a liar Ezi but is okay. I lie down leaving space between us. She suddenly began to speak again. "Maybe if not for how I decided to live my life I would have ended up like my mother who had me out of wedlock... and even at this age i don't know how my father looks like except that he was one of those womanizers from the city that sweet talk my Mom into his bed and later abandoned her while moving on with another woman. Or I could have be married by now with children, living a poverty stricken life with no choice or exposure. I never wanted to get pregnant and have a child without a responsible father...I took this decision at a very tender age and even though some of the things I wanted never worked out... like getting married at early twenty and other desires but I'm glad I took this part. You're the first man that I have loved to the extent of wanting to bend my principles to please you. The first man I ever cried for and prayed over. You're the first man to do alot of things to me... like to the way you kiss or handles my body that makes me want to throw off everything I believed in and have a sexual moment with you. But...I have come this far and despite how I sometimes get scared of loosing you or other important things... I'm not ready to let down my guard yet. I will wait for the man for me. I'm sorry but this is my stand... I didn't reply and she did not say another word. she turned her back to me. My body still yawns for her. I can't even sleep knowing she was in the same bed with me. I looked over at her, trying to think of some other things but it wasn't helping. I waited and kept trying to distract my mind but nothin was working. I looked down at my pajamas trouser and my manhood was not ready to reason with the fact that she wants to be left alone. I breathed deeply before moving closer to her in bed. I touched her gently before placing my head on her shoulder as I whispered. "Can you let me just this night... please. I won't disturb you again. I can't body desires you. love. Making love to you tonight will really make me happy and I will continue to cherish you honey... I kissed her ears, her neck and slowly turned her to face me, I pulled off my top and continued kissing her while my hands were all over her body. She struggles but I held her tight. As I slipped down my hand to her cloths. She kept struggling but I pinned her down to the bed while pleading for her to corporate. "You're hurting me Austin... she said quietly but I was not ready to come to reasoning. "Leave me alone..." She screamed out loudly and slap my eyes. I quickly covered her mouth from screaming again while blinking severally. I was trying to catch my breath. I said quietly to her "What is wrong with you? Jesus Christ... My Mom could hear you...I wasn't going to rape you. What...uhhh God... I felt stupid and embarrassed. I just realized I was literally forcing her beyond her wish. She immediately jumped out of the bed with speed while readjusting herself. She was scared and angry. And just then there was a knock. "Austin... everything okay in there? I heard Ezi screaming... what is going on? I held my mouth as I began walking around the room like a crazy person. I begged Ezi not to say anything. "Yes Mom... she is alright. She... she was having a nightmare..." That was the first lie that came to my mind. My heart was beating unstoppable. "Are you sure son? If she is not comfortable in there she can come over to my side. The bed is big enough for two people.... "She is fine Mom... please go back to bed. Eziaku is alright..." I replied wishing my Mom will leave. "Can't she speak...let her speak for herself. Ezi... my daughter are you alright in there? Hope my son is not disturbing you..? You can come and sleep in my room if you're not comfortable.... Eziaku gasped out before replying my mom. "I'm alright here ma. Thank you...! My Mom later left. I opened the door a little to make sure she was gone. Before going over to Eziaku. ", I'm really sorry Ezi...I don't know what came over me. I almost forcefully had you which is beyond your wish. Oh my God...I couldn't control my urge... please, forgive me... I knelt down and placed my head on her body. She was shocked to see me knelling but I needed to prove to her that I was truly sorry. What I try to do was totally wrong and very inappropriate. I have never in my life forced a woman into bed. I don't know what came over me tonight. Mostly everytime I'm with Ezi, it feels like I'm going to explode if I don't touch her. She assured me that it was alright and also believed me. I told her to go back to bed, I will go and sleep in the sitting room. She wanted to leave rather but I insisted as I reminded her that my Mom won't be happy if she found out that I was the cause and may get suspicious. I left with a duvet to the sitting room and remained awake almost all through the night. I kept replaying the scary scene on my mind and shaking my head pathetically. What was I even thinking? That was not man like. A responsible man will never force a lady for sexual pleasure. I really messed up in there and will never again ask Ezi to get intimate until she feels ready to offer freely. It was my mom's tap that woke me up in the morning. It was time for devotion. I was still very sleepy as Eziaku led the morning prayer. After prayer, i walked back to the room while she was out tidying things. I dozed off again immediately my back hit the bed. She did not wake me up. When I finally woke up and came out, my Mom was in the sitting room. I asked of Eziaku she told me that she has left already. She did not want to wake me up. I wish she had, I would have gone to drop her since she will be having class today. I'm out to pleasing her and making it up to her. My Mom asked me to come and sit down she wanted to speak to me. My heart skipped. I hope she did not find out or did Eziaku told her? I breathed shakily as I sat to listen to her. My mind is not settled. I still feel guilty because of last night.
2 Sep 2021 | 18:39
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2 Sep 2021 | 18:41
Everything will soon be alright
3 Sep 2021 | 05:53
you don't want to believe ezi now
3 Sep 2021 | 07:34
Austin blood too hot Next
3 Sep 2021 | 09:10
4 Sep 2021 | 16:41
4 Sep 2021 | 16:42
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 40 My Mom tried to find out what transpired between me and Eziaku last night I told her that nothing serious happened and even though the question seems childish because i and Eziaku are both matured adults I still have to answer her mainly because she is my mother. "Austin, I'm not asking to make you feel embarrassed or to belittle you, not asking for you to give me details of everything going on in your private life. Is because I'm concerned...I want the best for you son and can't keep quiet when I sense something going wrong. How long do you want to continue eating the forbidden fruit before getting married? I know you have had several before Ezi and bedding different women never does good to any man. Is a total downfall for a man who chose that part. Exchanging all manners of spirit with women you know little or nothing about all in the name of satisfying sexual pleasure Or don't you know whenever you sleep with a lady that is not your wife you indirectly open up your spirit man to be mishandled... thereby blindly digging your own grave. Son, don't you know sexual intercourse is a spirit and can bring down a man to dust. Is just like exchanging your good spirit with a bad also applies to women who does the same. Austin, you supposed to jealously guard your divine doors securely not giving room to scavengers that crept in through forbidden affairs... I breathed, my Mom was right but sometimes is easier said than done. I don't sleep with every lady that crosses my part, I have tried to discipline myself in that area but I fall off once in a while. Not intentionally though. I need to say something or my Mom won't stop talking. "Mom...I understand you totally. God will never allows such to be my portion. And also...I never slept with Eziaku. over the years that I have come to know her, I never had sex with her, I won't lie Mom...I did tried to but she wouldn't let me. She claims to be a virgin but I don't believe her... Mom looked at me surprised. "Why...why don't you believe her? "Maybe because...of many reasons. She is almost thirty years, and have had boyfriends in the past...I don't know Mom but my gut tells me that she is lying and do not want me to touch her. My Mom smiled and said. "Is probably because you have not been lucky enough to come across a truthful lady because I see no reason for you to doubt her when you haven't even confirmed it. Ezi, can't be joking around with That, many ladies around her age will want to jump into bed with you and even tries to pin you down with pregnancy or entitlement stunt but not Ezi. Give her the benefit of doubt son and don't make her feel like keeping her virginity is some stupid ideas. Because when you bluntly doubt her or ridicule her it may make her feel worst with herself. I knew deep within me that she was very special, despite how much she loves you, she was still willing to keep herself until marriage... that is a very hard thing to do. Eziaku is disciplined and open minded... she will make a great home. Don't you like her enough for marriage...? My Mom asked with all seriousness while staring at me. I couldn't utter a word, I really don't know what to reply. When she saw that I was quiet she asked again. "...She is not your spec... the kind of woman you will like to settle down with? You don't love her to that extent Austin...? Say something... anything and I promise not to push because I can't force you into a life time commitment, it has to be your whole decision. I rubbed my face while breathing outloudly. "I don't know Mom...I love Eziaku. She is a nice lady but I haven't really sat down to think over settling down with her. The thought crossed my mind in the past but I never entertained it. Now that you mentioned it I'm begining to think it through again, I don't know if she will be truly happy to settle down with me. I can't tell of her exact plan or the kind of man she wants. Is not just about me...her feelings also counts. I can't tell Mom... "You wouldn't know untill you ask or try to son. If you want her then don't waste further time in doing the right thing. Before another man that has good eyes take her away from you, is better you do the right thing by asking her to marry you soon enough.... I looked at my Mom puzzled. Isn't it too direct and soon, I have cold feet towards that. what if she turns me down again? I wondered within me. But my Mom is not ready to back down. "...If you are not certain or scared of rejection which I doubt greatly if Ezi will reject you, but... just in case you are... then I can help you and ask her. That way you won't have anything to loose. I told my Mom that I will do it. I wasn't scared to ask Eziaku anything. I have been rejected before and wouldn't be surprised if it happened again but I will love to take the honor in such a bold step. I will like to think it through again, maybe a week or a month highest. If I ask her such question now, she will feel the reason I'm asking is because I want to get intimate with her. I also need time to make sure I'm fully ready for such. My Mom agreed and I went about my day. I called Eziaku within the day to check on her, she did not pick. She is probably angry with me because of last night. I concluded within me. It was towards evening she called back and told me that she was in the class then and couldn't pick. We talked generally and she even asked what I ate within the day. She never mentioned last night drama but I still find the need to apologise again to her. She asked me to stop apologizing that it was okay. We later spoke again that night, when I called to know how her day went and she told me she was just getting home from the customer's house where she went to after school. She asked how Mom was doing and I love the way she takes my Mom like hers. The following day, Ezi visited but did not sleep over. She came in time for church service and we went to church together, came back and had lunch. Relaxed in the sitting room with drinks and movies. My Mom was with us as we talked freely like a family. She later announced that she was leaving after wishing my Mom journey mercies because my Mom will be traveling back to Lagos the following day, Monday. My Mom hugged her warmly, Eziaku couldn't hide her tears when they separated. I asked her if she was alright and she said. "I'm sorry...I can't remember ever getting a hug from a mother figure. It feels really good... like a dream come through for me having someone like Mom who takes me like her own daughter and even hugs me. i feel honored. Thank you so much ma... God bless you. She said to Mom who equally prayed for her and told her never to worry because she will always be a good mother to her. All I could do was to smile and pray within me that it ends well with Eziaku and I. I later went to drop her off that night. The following day, I took my Mom to the airport and watch her flight take off before driving to work. Angela was happy to see me as she gives me more update on what went on during my one week absent. I spoke with my Mom later in the day and she was safely back to Lagos My Dad's company car picked her on her arrival to Lagos and took her straight home. My Mom did not fail to remind me of our discussion and I assured her that I'm still working on it The week runs on into another. Eziaku came during the weekend but she did not sleep over. I guess that is the best thing because whenever we are close to each other my mind is not always settled. I want to respect her decision but at the same time I don't want to be tempted into getting romantically involved. I don't care about her virginity like she said and still has my doubt but i want to respect her as a lady and a very special one at that. Within two weeks the closest we have gotten is a forehead kiss and a quick peck on the lip when I went to drop her. My mom's words rings like bell to my ears, sex is not love. If I cherish Eziaku enough then I should be able to respect her every decision and wait untill she is ready. I also have to discipline myself around her to avoid what happened before. Eziaku on the other hand was getting very comfortable and happy around me. Sometimes she lies on my chest while we watch television and I try to work on my mind not to think of intimacy during such moments. Is hard I must confess but I was getting good at it. I make sure I go to drop her off whenever she visits during the weekend. Angela came into my office one day to tell me that she broke up with Mr Peter again and this time it was really over. Angela said Peter does not worth her tears or emotions. After finding out that he has this girlfriend that is based abroad and they are really into each other, she decided to call it quit. She wanted to still wait and see if he will choose her over but looking at it all Peter only takes her as a substitute whenever he needs intimacy and care. I told her not to worry that a real man out there is waiting to cherish and love her like she deserves. She should just be patient. After few days she came back again to ask. "I have been finding it difficult to forget Peter, I don't know if I should text him that I'm pregnant for him maybe in that way he will come back to me..." I scoffed loudly and asked her if she was pregnant and she said no, she wasn't but she is ready to do anything to have him back to only herself. I sat her down and talked to her like I will do to my sister. She needs to understand that Peter does not value her and there is nothing she will do that will change him overnight. To avoid getting more hurt is better she let go and move on. I was even surprised that I can give such a good relationship advice. Years of experience thought me hard lessons. Angela promised to move on after talking to her. She is not just my staff anymore, she is someone I trust with my business and she has never disappoint. Angela, aside the fact she works for me I also see her as a good friend. After 9 weeks, that is about two months and one week I knew I was ready. I don't need God to come down from heaven and confirm it to me. Eziaku was the one for me. I have spoken to her and asked her indirectly of what she thinks in general about me or about us and her answer was satisfying. I drove down to a jewelry store, browsed around until I was able to get something fitting. An engagement ring. After paying and going back into my car. I didn't drive off immediately. I kept staring at it like one very special ornament. I couldn't believe that I was finally doing this. I did little more shopping for her before driving home She visited that weekend and I took her out on a date. She wore the new dress and moderate beautiful heel shoe I got for her which sized her perfectly. It was a cool evening at this couples joint. After our drinks and food, I couldn't get myself to pop the question. I brought her to this expensive place for such purpose but I just couldn't do it. She was very happy and kept smiling all through the time we were there. She trust me fully and loves the whole special attention I continued showering on her. I touched my breast pocket where the tiny box is but I was reluctant and at to ask her if she will marry me. while we were back home and relaxed in the sitting room, she was obviously going to sleep over and the guest room was where she kept her things. I decided to try again with the question. I called her name and she looked at me expectantly. I suddenly asked her a total different thing from what I intended. That night as she went to the guest room to sleep after we had our night prayer together just like Mom thought us. I returned back to my room, knelt down with the ring in front of me and prayed. I haven't prayed fervently in a long time and I know the big decision I was trying to take was going to change i and Eziaku's Life forever. I confessed my sins thoroughly and prayed it will never be a hindrance to my marital blessings with Ezi. Anything discouraging me from going forward with Ezi should be cancelled. I was ready and I needed God more than ever to step in. I have succeeded in erasing the ill thought of intimacy with Ezi. I cherish and value her more than before and was no more in a rush to have her. That midnight as I lie down to sleep I can hear Eziaku whispering in her room. I stood and decided to go closer to listen closely by her door She was also praying. i couldn't here any word except "in Jesus name" I went back and decided to practice on my own in how to propose to her. I did great with myself in front of a mirror and hope it goes the same way tomorrow. The following day, we got ready for church and it was after service that evening that I finally knelt down and asked if she will marry me while presenting the ring. It seems unbelievable to her, I got few tears drop, an emotional moment that equally engulfed my every being and a big yes. Finally my fear have been conquered. She said she had been praying over it too and even told God if I was not the man for her that God should separate her from me. She never knew the miracle will happen so soon. Eziaku seems to be the happiest woman alive after I told her that the ring was not to get access to what she carries in between her legs. That I will wait no matter how long it takes. I was willing to wait until marriage just like she wanted. I love and respect her and it will be my utmost joy to spend forever with her. That Sunday night, I drove her home. She couldn't stop staring at her ring finger and thanking me like I did her a favor. In the actual facts, I think I'm the luckiest one. I don't know what will come after now but I'm glad that I have been able to conquer my first fear. I later called and told my Mom and she was super excited. She invited us to Lagos. So that I can introduce Eziaku to my Dad. Is a normal thing to be done. I informed Eziaku and we got ready to travel to Lagos. She was very excited. There are many things she was looking forward to and is not just meeting my Dad but also flying in an airplane for the very first time in her life. Seeing how happy she was, gives me pleasure. It makes me feel alive. After meeting my Dad, then we can proceed to her village for the normal marriage rite. I know my parents will want to meet Eziaku's real mother not just her grandmother. My Dad specially who is a practical man will want to meet Eziaku's biological father if possible. We will see how all of this unfold. at the main time, Lagos is on our mind and we will be leaving tomorrow.
4 Sep 2021 | 16:48
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4 Sep 2021 | 16:51
5 Sep 2021 | 04:26
hmmmm I hope your father is not her father also
5 Sep 2021 | 10:13
Great step you took, continue I'm enjoying this story
5 Sep 2021 | 16:26
Ready for new episode
6 Sep 2021 | 17:34
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6 Sep 2021 | 17:34
WHAT LIES BENEATH Episode 42 We all sat after exchanging pleasantries with the village men and women gathered to witness the introduction. I saw my Dad and his friend whispering something to themselves. Mr Benson said something and my Dad nod in return. Then my Dad was doing most of the whispering while Mr Benson will continuesly nod his head. I wondered what they were talking about. Whispering among themselves like two gossipers. Just the thought of it makes me want to laugh. My Mom was surprisingly calm and collected. She appears like a woman that carries herself with charisma. Kolanut and garden eggs with groundnut pepper source were offered to us first. After blessings, my Dad gave Mr Benson who broke the kolanut and passed it round. I don't know if it was my head playing tricks on me but right in there, something was amidst with either my Dad or Mr Benson. Either one of them but my assumption was probably because we were seated among strange people. After sometime, my Dad stepped outside with Mr Benson, I can see that even my Mom was already getting suspicious. What is this men's problem? I thought within my mind as my Dad walked out with his friend. I was about standing to go and ask my Dad what was going on when Eziaku's mother came to welcome us. Eziaku was her replica. She so much looks like her mother even the way they talks. Their voice sounds the same. She was all smiles as she greeted my Mom and then me before going back. She couldn't greet my Dad because he was out with his friend. We have already met Eziaku's grandma. She was seated among the village men and women's gathered. They said we have to eat first before we can proceed with the main reason that brought us. It was tradition and the way things are done in their place. I just hope the food won't affect me because ever since the days of Oby, that I ate all manner of things during my first visit and my stomach went into war with me. Ever since them I made up my mind to be sure of whatever I take in. As they were presenting the whole food that was prepared, I silently hope with the ill feeling I kept having is not a sign of warning. Maybe I will eat the simple ones I understand and Skip the rest. I looked towards the direction my Dad and his friend went to and they are still not coming. Eziaku's Mom were among the people that served the food I whispered to my mom that I was going to call my Dad and his friend. She nooded. I went outside towards where we parked the cars and there they were. "Dad... what's going on. Eziaku's people are calling you in there. Is everything alright? "Yes son, everything is fine...we only came out to discuss something important which we can't do in the presence of our in-laws. is there a problem? He replied calmly and asked me the last question with so much worries in his eyes "I don't know dad..I don't know why I feel weird. Let me excuse my whole feeling to be marriage fever. finally getting married after a very long toss and turn and it was this same village I had my first failed marriage encounter many years ago... My Dad spoke. "Are you having cold feet over proceeding with the Marital rit? He sounds like he was trying to discourage me from getting married to Eziaku. But my Dad endorsed her already as the right woman for me, he said she has an aura that connects with his person, he doesn't know why but she was going to make a great wife and mother. I remember his every word back in Lagos, what I don't understand is why he was trying to sound discouraging at this dying minutes. Or was it my mind making the tune of his word to sound like he was trying to discourage me. "No Dad, I'm not having cold feet. My mind is totally made up. Please let's go back and join the gathering so we can finalize with the main purpose of why we came... Mom is the only one in there and is not right..." My Dad nodded while his friend responded. "That's right Austin. Go ahead we are coming behind you..." I went back inside and just when my Mom was asking of my Dad we saw them coming. Food was served round and we ate the little that we can. I avoided the Palm wine. Mr Benson drank little but my Dad didn't. He apologized that he was okay with the malt because his system does not go well with palmy. After the food and drinks like they insisted they feed their visitor first before main discussion. We entered into the introduction proper. Eziaku's grandma was there except Eziaku and her Mom. Mr Benson introduced us, he spoke on our behalf and the main reason that brought us. We were welcomed ones again, Eziaku was called inside and she sat at a far end with two other ladies. I looked over at her and our eyes met. I smiled and she returned the smile. They appreciated us again for coming and the man who was like a spoke person or the villagers representative stood and addressed us all as he listed the required things that needs to be presented for the introduction and if we are ready for the list negotiation is also available. I love the way they were doing things. I know is the required traditional rite, they makes it very easy for everyone to Understand. My Dad was quiet, Mr Benson was doing little of the contribution in response. Is not proper for me to speak when my parents are around, I decided to keep quiet. I will only speaks when I'm asked to do so. We were ready to pay up everything today so that next time we come down it will be for the traditional wedding. Considering where we are coming from, is better we finalize properly today and move on to the next step. Mr Benson after whispering sometime with my Dad. I saw my Dad shaking his head. I don't understand the shaking of head which supposed to be a no. Maybe he does not agree with what Eziaku's people are saying or what Mr Benson said. I was happy that everything was already moving on fine. I silently hope it ends well for us all. Just then, Eziaku's Mom came in with two other women to clear off the table filled with used plates. I have seen how she glance towards where my Dad sat. I never made a big deal out of it until she came again. Stood behind her mother that's Eziaku's grandma. I'm a very observant person, she looked from my Dad side, looked at my Mom and back to me. I can't tell if she was looking at my Dad or Mr Benson. She looked at me again and our eyes met and she looked away. She Looked towards my Dad again before whispering something to her mother. Her mother looked up at her, shocked was written all over her. Eziaku's grandma looks towards my Dad. My Dad seems to be avoiding their gaze as he tries to concentrate as Eziaku's people went on listing out things and the amount in place of the items needed for marriage rites. I remember my Dad discussing with Mr Benson that he has been to Eziaku's village. It sound more like him trying to remind his friend of the time. I still wonder what brought him all the way down here. Eziaku's grandma and Mother walked away. Eziaku's mother glanced back towards my dad's side before finally leaving. I guess Eziaku sensed it and followed behind. I wish right where I was seated I could also follow to know what exactly was going on. My Dad excused himself to receive a call. My gut tells me that something was fishy. My Dad probably used the phone call to step out. Suddenly, everything started making sense. Fear gripped me, as my heart began to summersaults. I felt cold all of a sudden. Eziaku never knew her Dad who was from the City and moved back to the city after mating with her Mom. Many years ago my Dad came to this village from the city. My dad seems uncomfortable ever since we were seated here and his discomfort became obvious when Eziaku's Mom showed up. "God please forbid it... don't let it be what I'm thinking" please God. Erase this disturbing thoughts and fear in my head. When I was thinking of going outside to confront my Dad and hope silently he denies my fear, just then he came back inside and sat down. The list was finalized and was agreed on by my parents. Alot of thinking was running through my mind and I wondered why this very important time of my life. I can't explain my fear in words and I silently hope is not true yet more sickening ideas kept swimming in my mind. Eziaku came back inside, she was moody and looks troubled. I guess her grandmother sent her back inside. This is the time I only wish for one thing which is to become a mind reader. My Dad stood to speak as he tries to negotiate with the given list. Why is he negotiating? he has the money, I have the money and we can even give them double of whatever they were requesting without feeling any lost. My Dad was only looking for a way to opt out of the whole thing, I already know what was going on even though I wish is not true but his attitude kept putting him off. I love Eziaku so much, I have come a very blong way and just when things were begining to look greeny another strike hit hard. Never, I won't accept this. They should rather kill me because I won't back down on this. How exactly will I start all over again Where will I start from? I prayed fervently for this day. I implored God to take absolute control. I begged God to take charge and not let anything to go wrong. Why has he decided to forsake me and make me a laughing stalk. Why did he watch things keep going from bad to worst without doing anything to help me out. I confessed my wrong doings, condemned them all, pleaded for his mercies. I try to be upright and seek him more than ever. I did everything I can yet bad luck kept following me up and down. I won't be able to survive this kind of blow staring right in front of me. No, I won't. Everything pressing me down to frustrates my life should save their strength and take the life instead because I'm truly done trying. Suddenly Eziaku's grandma rushed in. She pointed at my Dad who was still standing and speaking. "Your son can not marry my o (no), is not possible. Over my dead body will such happen..." She mixed up her Igbo with pidgin English but everyone understands what she was talking about. It was as if everyone gathered stopped breathing at that moment. Everywhere fell silent only our competitive breathing and heart beats can be hard. My Dad was not looking surprised. everything was confirming my fear. Is better I run off from here than to watch the unfolded drama to unfold right under my eyes. The men there who did not understand what came over her asked her what was the problem. they said she was happy earlier, she welcomed us happily when we arrived, Sat and watched how everything was being processed only for her daughter, who happens to be the bride's mother to take her outside and she came back inside with so much anger. "... is a total abomination before God and man. His son can't marry my Eziaku... My Mom stood up and asked her Why. She challenged the elderly woman to state her reasons. My Dad remained standing he neither looks surprised or shocked. He looked at Mr Benson who seems a little bit uptight. "...Your sin has finally caught with you, we recognized you. You may look older but your face haven't changed one bit, is almost thirty years and our parts crosses again... this is what you men do and thought you will always get away with it. Look at the implications of your deed twenty eight years ago... I hope my grand daughter haven't gotten intimate with your son oo. Oh Chim oo...chukwu aju. (God forbids it) She turned to Eziaku and asked her to stand. From all indication, Eziaku was right when she she said her grandmother was a tough woman. She mixed both the Igbo and English so that everyone can atleast understand. "... Ezi, my precious daughter. biko, don't lie to me or to the people here. Say the whole truth so that we can know where to start from. Have you in anyway, knowingly or unknowingly gotten intimate with this man's son, who was supposed to be your husband? Eziaku was confused but she shakes her head that she haven't. "... Good, I trust you. You have never lied to me...I believe you. Let God be praise" the elderly woman said to Eziaku as she sat back down. It was like my spirit left me and it was only my body seated there. I couldn't believe that this was happening to me again. I'm not sure I will be able to survive this time because I'm truly tired. Even as my Mom kept asking what was the problem. Eziaku's grandma replied. ".... maybe you should start asking your husband what exactly he did to my daughter twenty eight years ago. He came to this village from the city with his friend, deceived and impregnate my daughter. He lied that he was single and not married but looking at your son, he is older than my granddaughter. After my daughter missed her monthly flow two weeks later, she traced him down to the hotel he was lodging with his friend and was able to get him but he refused taking responsibility for it. He said my daughter was lying and wants to pin him down with pregnancy, he already has a woman in Lagos that he planned to get married to. My daughter told me that his friend was there and witnessed everything. His friend even try talking to him to atleast take responsibility of the child or give some money to my daughter for upkeep but he kept insisting that it was all a cooked up lie from my daughter which he won't fall for. It was his friend that later gave some money to my daughter and they left that hotel that same day, either returned back to the city or they went to another hotel. Nothin was heard of them ever since... untill now. My Mom looked from my Dad to the elderly woman who was vibrating and ready for a blow. Everyone exclaimed, The whole place became noisy. Our introduction was obviously ruined. Eziaku sat hard on chair with total shock. Her body was shaking as she placed her two hands on her head like she was mourning for a loved one's death. "You're mistaking my husband for someone else mama. I trust him with my entire being... and I can tell you clearly that he is not the one and will never do such. Even if he fell somehow and got entangled with your daughter, he won't abandon her like you stated. My husband has his fault but there are things I know he will never do. There's a mix-up somewhere mama, and we have been married for over thirty-five years. He was not a bachelor twenty eight years ago and I know he can't deny his family like you mentioned that the man that got your daughter pregnant did. One of the men asked my Mom to stop defending my Dad and let him speak for himself. "... ofcourse he will speak but just to let everyone know that my dear husband is innocent. I know the man I married and have lived with for almost forty years. It can't possibly be him...or... My Mom turned to my Dad and called him his pet name like she used to do. "...Je, did you by chance got drunk twenty eight years ago and did everything this people accused you off? I know you are not much of a drinker, so getting drunk is even out of the question. I know you did not do it and my spirit confirms it but I want you to tell me the truth in the presence of this whole people gathered...did you in anyway do any of this things they accuse you off? My Dad sat hard on a chair and held his head. I felt like going over there and strangling him. What has he done. His past come back to destroy us all. I was deeply troubled for myself, for my Mom who trusted my father and for Eziaku who appears unstable. What else lies beneath this life that I haven't encountered. What could be higher than this blow. "Oh God, this was not in our agreement. You have brought me to dust, you have watched my enemies gloat over me and made a feast over my head. What else is worth living for...oh God, how gravy is my unforgivable fault that is beyond cleansing. Where can I go from here... take my life instead because I really don't know what I'm living for. I...I.. Emotions choked through my throat with my head bent and tears began to drop to the ground. I felt transfixed in my seat. It was as if I needed a hard kick to get up. My Mom continued "...Je. say something. Take a look at your son, take a look at Ezi... they're both devastated. They don't deserve this... is too much to bear. I trust you Je, please tell me none of this is true. I'm ready to pay for a DNA test to ascertain the truth if you're truly the father of Ezi...deep within me my spirit is undeniable strong. There is a mistake... but you need to say something. Even if it was you... tell everyone here, let's know the way forward. I can't bear to watch our son go through this too much for Christ sake..." My Dad suddenly cleared his throat and said "I'm not the one wasn't me..." That was all my Dad said while looking at my Mom and she believed him. Eziaku's grandma flew into action as he called my Dad a liar. "You're lying, if you didn't then who did? You're lying and God bear me witness today that you won't get away with this. Your sin finally visited you after twenty eight years and is going to eat like a rust in your family. It has already started with your son...looked at what a short pleasure and denial have caused you and everyone dear to you. My happiness is that my granddaughter never got intimate with your son... there would have been a big problem if they have unknowingly gotten intimate. Mr Benson stood as he tries to calm the situation that was looking escalated already. "My friend, Jerry is right...he wasn't the one... There was another uproar, it seems everyone was talking at the same time. Mr Benson tries to get their attention but they wouldn't let him speak because they felt he was trying to defend his friend and cover him up. I wondered why my Mom was still believing my Dad and also defending him. Eziaku suddenly screamed so loud making the whole place went dead quiet. She held her head as tears ran down her face.. Just then her mother who has been outside and had refused to come back inside after stepping out earlier rushed inside when she heard Eziaku's scream. Eziaku's grandma seeing her daughter started saying. "Oluchi, he is denying it. He said he was never the one. His wife and friend supported him... did you see now? The man is denying it..." Oluchi, Eziaku's mother charged towards Mr Benson. "Ben, how could you still lie, you and your friend were on business trip and we met in town where i was learning how to sew cloth, we went talking Ben...and you asked your friend to please drive me back to my village that day and he agreed. He was the owner of the car and while he drove on, we sat at the back and you went touching me and promising me heaven and Earth. You people dropped me right in this my compound and you asked me to visit you in the hotel and I foolishly agreed. We got intimate and I never saw you again and when I discovered I was pregnant I Came searching for you in the hotel but you refused to accept the pregnancy. I remember your friend calling you aside and asking you not to deny me like that because we both had a thing together and your friend was a witness but you refused and said I wanted to rub the pregnancy on you. You mentioned how you have a fiance in Lagos that you planned to marry ones you go back. You left the hotel with your friend that same day because, I came back looking for You the following day and you were both gone. I still recognized your friend... I'm surprised that both you are still friends even till date. Because after what you did to me, I was never expecting anything good to come from you or even to have a nice person as this your friend to still be by your side. Ben, you almost made me commit suicide, I almost killed myself after everything...I couldn't continue with my apprenticeship program that I was doing. I have to stay home because the shame was too much. After giving birth to Eziaku I had to abandon her with my mother. It was mama that named her, nursed her, cared for her like her own. Without wasting time, I thought my life was over and got married to the first man that showed interest in me. You ruined my life Ben... you ruined my life and still have the gut to deny it... Now, I was not the only person confused here. Eziaku's mother was referring to Mr Benson not my Dad. My Dad's name is Jeremiah, everyone calls him Jerry except my Mom that calls him Je. He was seated why Mr Benson who tries to explain things earlier couldn't get through because people thought he was trying to defend his friend, he was the one standing. Eziaku's mother, Oluchi was referring to Mr Benson not my Dad and that got us all confused. Even her mother asked her. ", Oluchi wait...wait. which of the men are you really taking about. Because it was the one sitting down that I thought was the Ben. Which one did you say is Eziaku's father...? Oluchi pointed at Mr Benson. "Is this one mama, his name is Ben. Is this one right here, even after hundred years I will still recognize him. His friend was married but Ben wasn't. He told me he had a woman he wanted to marry that time, she was in Lagos. I thought he will never set foot in this village again. So he even had a son then and now he's here to marry his sister...chai, umunwoke (men) is only God that will judge you for everything you made me go through and still denying it... Ben...aah, this life is deeper than we thought o. Ben, so fate brought you down to my village again with your son...? Heeeyyy...! This was a total misunderstanding. All this time I was thinking my Dad was the one and how he has ruined our lives with his past mistakes but I suddenly felt relieved after realizing it was actually Mr Benson. It was Mr Benson she was referring to and not my Dad. Oh my goodness! My Mom was right then, she knows her husband so well to have stood strong and defend him like she did. Mr Benson continued standing while my Dad remained seated. They both seem calm and quiet as Oluchi went on ranting. Our introduction today is obviously ruined with this whole misunderstanding and drama. I'm already exhausted from all that happened and still happening.
6 Sep 2021 | 17:40
Pls Like and comments.........
6 Sep 2021 | 17:42
next please
8 Sep 2021 | 01:53
Ah... Even me self,,,, tnk God it's nt ur dad
8 Sep 2021 | 04:40
Ah... Even me self,,,, tnk God it's nt ur dad..
8 Sep 2021 | 04:40
Infact, I don dey cry for this guy since. Thank God things go soon settle.
8 Sep 2021 | 05:46
Thank God she isn't your sister Next
8 Sep 2021 | 05:56
Better, next please
8 Sep 2021 | 08:01
thank God it was not ur father Austin,,why I you not posting everyday? @BUKOLAMI
8 Sep 2021 | 09:10
8 Sep 2021 | 17:39
WHAT LIES BENEATH. SEMI FINAL I felt so proud of my Dad, it was so relieving to know it was not my father after all. I wish I can stand up and scream hallelujah, while waving my hands in the air. That was exactly how I felt at that moment. Revived, energised, strong and happy. I felt ashamed that I doubted God's word and questioned him countless times. I looked towards Eziaku and I can still see her struggle. It all seems too much for her to digest at ones. But I know deep down she is relief that we are not related in anyway like it was initially believed. Mr Benson went on apologizing to Oluchi, Eziaku's Mom. He said he never lied about having a woman and I was his friend's son not his son. He does not have any child back then and was not married. He told her to everyone's hearing, that he actually lost his wife many years ago and never remarries. His eldest son is about twenty five years while the second is twenty two and they are both studying abroad. He so much wish he can rewrite his past wrongs. He never thought that their parts will cross again until they drove into the state and my Dad reminded him of the state. And just as fate will have it, he was led to this village and my Dad reminded him again of the event that brought them down many years ago. He did not even recognize the village or the compound, it was still my Dad that kept reminding him He was in shock as every thing came playing back. He was speechless and although he managed to contribute one or two words at the request of his friend but he was not himself. He sincerely apologies to Oluchi and her mother for the trouble he caused them all. He looked over at Eziaku and said. "I don't deserve to be your father but I will love to play that role in your life if only you will let me ...I don't think I deserve anything. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I will step foot in this village again or ever meet my own daughter.. only girl child because I only have boys. When Jerry my friend asked me to join him in this journey, I happily obliged because is a good thing and Jerry have always been there for me. Back in Lagos when I first met you, something about you stroke me and I was ready to support you and Austin in anyway possible. My friend Jerry said you were special and he can't place what was it about you but there was a connection and God will lead us or unveil whatever it was. He said so and I have known Jerry to be upright and he had this close relationship with God unlike me. I believed him and now I can only attest that God had finally led us here, for me to witness this day and watch you get married to my very good friend's son... who is also like a son to me. I know this whole thing is hard to assimilate at once, I plead that we all give it time and chance. Let God alone who directed our paths to this place guide our ways forward. I told Jerry that I was scared when we went outside that I don't know a way out of this or what exactly to do and he encouraged me to be a man and take responsibility this time. The responsibilities I failed to take twenty eight years ago came back to hunt me down. I'm ready to make it up to you. I know I can't quantify the losed years but going forward, please allow me to be a father to you. I will train you to any level of your choice and any school of your choice around the globe. You will also get to meet your brothers studying abroad. I'm ready for any task Ezi...I will also support your mother financially to set up any business of her choice and also her husband if is okay by him. I can't make up for the lost years but I can start from now and play a fatherly role in your life... Suddenly there was a round of applause coming from villagers that were gathered. Why are they clapping and rejoicing happily? Even the Oluchi was smiling. They can't all decides for Eziaku, she will need time and I know it will all be in her favor because I will always be right beside her. I guess the villagers were happy that Eziaku's father is a wealthy man and that was all they are after nothing else. Nobody was thinking of the emotional effect of everything. Money rules the world and can buy over an entire community of people. I can't imagine not knowing who my father was for twenty eight years and all of a sudden I found him and realized he denied me from pregnancy and after decade he wants to play the role of a father. I will serious need time to think it through. I will want to know if I truly need him now or not. Eziaku is an adult and know what she wants. Is the village clappers that I didn't understand. They were hailing Mr Benson and making him seems like a demigod. Even though he is my father's friend but he did not do well. Despite he was sorry for his past deed but it was only because he had no choice than to be sorry and my Dad encouraged him in taking responsibility like a man. If not, all this people clapping and hailing him won't see reason to do that. He never even bother to search for Oluchi and knows what becomes of the pregnancy or the child. If not that my Dad encourage and pushed him to do the right thing he would have still chickened out because of fear. Well, I'm happy Eziaku finally get to meet her biological father and he is a close friend of my Dad. Her grandmother came to apologise to my Dad and to my Mom for accusing my Dad wrongly. She did not get the information properly, she thought Oluchi was referring to my Dad and that was why she missed it. My parents waved it off and said they understand. I trust my Dad, he won't even take it to heart despite how embarrassing it looks that even made me wept sadly and almost loose the respect I had for my Dad. My Mom knows her man very well and pulled a good defense for him. My father is very lucky to have my Mom and I know Eziaku will always have my back. She was outspoken, fearless and I know for sure she loves me enough to accommodate my excesses. We had to postponed the introduction and paying for the list items untill when Eziaku will be in a stable condition. As much as I wanted the intro done right away so that I can take my wife and leave, I just had to consider her emotional state. Mine too was not organized, my emotions were tampered with and I suggested we postponed it. So that we can balance ourselves. I spoke with Eziaku outside, beside my car as we were about to go that day. she wrapped her arms around me thanking God that it was not my Dad like we all thought. She said the thought of loosing me was too much to bear and realizing that she finally met her real father was heavy on her heart. She truly does not know how to take it all in at ones. It was a good thing when I suggested the introduction to be postponed. We left day and retuned back to the hotel. After two days we drove back and the proper introduction was carried out smoothly. Everything was paid off. We fixed the traditional wedding before traveling back to our base. After another month passed by, we traveled back to Eziaku's state for traditional marriage. Through out this time Eziaku and Mr Benson was getting along little by little like father and daughter kind of relationship. Chuka came along, my Dad, Mom and their few relatives and friends were among and we all lodged in the same hotel that we used during introduction. I called the hotel and booked it ahead even before we Came. We almost filled all the rooms in the hotel except for few remaining. Mr Benson was there and it has been agree he will be the one to give out Eziaku in marriage traditionally. He was happy and had been trying to please his daughter and her mother ever since the discovery that he was Eziaku's father. Tomorrow is the traditional wedding and I will finally take my wife back home. We planned to do Court wedding instead of church wedding back in Abuja. Only few family and friends. No huge party or big gathering. That's how I and Eziaku wants it done. The traditional wedding will be big merriment enough for party lovers. Eziaku called me that night and said. She doesn't know how Oby heard about the upcoming traditional marriage. That the news traveled round the village and almost all the villagers are aware Even her ex boyfriend, Uche came to congratulate her. "...Oby came few days ago and also yesterday and was acting all friendly. Did you know what she asked me on the first day? She asked me if I was truly getting married to "her own Austin"? I told her no, that i was getting married to "my very own Austin" I told her to go and look for where she kept her own. She came again yesterday Morning and said she will love to join my asoebi train. She wants to be among the young ladies following me about on the traditional wedding day, she also wants to be my good friend and will be giving me advice when I need it...then she added that she will also follow me to Abuja so that she can either be my chief bridesmaids or among the bridal train for my church wedding..." Eziaku began to laugh and I joined in. Oby serious have gut to even refer to me as"her Austin". wanting to join Eziaku's train and be her advicer sound very funny to my ears. "Then what was your reply... what did you tell her after she presented all this request to you..."? I asked Eziaku while waiting to hear more. "I told her that the train was filled and I don't need a conductor to help me out because I have able hands. She came late and can't fit into any of my choice in ladies. Maybe she should wait for her own Austin to come so that she can follow him to anywhere she own Austin won't be happy seeing her among my overfilled train. I told her to back off. she felt bitter and humiliated and said I snatched her boyfriend from her and still have the guts to insult her. She said if you did not come looking for her in the village years ago that I wouldn't have known you or even getting married to you. She supposed to be the one getting married and not me... ". I laughed sarcastically over what Ezi was telling me. Eziaku said Oby planned to come tomorrow to scatter the whole traditional wedding. Oby said is either I also get married to her too or no wedding will hold in her village tomorrow. She will make sure she brings doom to me and Eziaku. I asked Eziaku not to be threatened by Oby. We have overcome bigger temptation, Oby's case is small and will be properly handled if she tries anything funny. I may even be coming with escorts because of her. Eziaku asked me not to stress myself that she had already spoken to Uche her ex. Uche promises to come with Nonso, Spanner and two other guys to guard the day. That Oby can't do anything and she doesn't feel threatened in anyway because God was involved in our lives. I was happy hearing her assured me all over and I know our traditional wedding will be smooth. Oby can't interrupt our day like she planned to do. She is too small to even try. I know she is capable of anything and I'm not under rating her but I'm confidence that our tomorrow will go down well. As I lay in my bed that night after speaking with Eziaku all I could say was "finally, life was begining to make sense. It can only be you Lord... it can only be you. Thank you God for stepping into my affairs and turning all situation around to our favour...not just for me but also for Eziaku who now has someone to call Dad after twenty eight years of living without a father. I know tomorrow is already taken care of and our forever is blessed because you are the architect of our Union. Thank you God for everything..." I don't feel worried anymore because I believe that whatever happens from now onwards is God's will and I'm ready to follow his leading.
8 Sep 2021 | 17:44
Pls like & comments
8 Sep 2021 | 17:46
Thank God that all is well now Congratulations
9 Sep 2021 | 05:50
When oby go finally reveal and confess all d wrong she n her family did to Austin? Congratulations bro
9 Sep 2021 | 08:34
At least, you are now happy and felt loved by someone special.
9 Sep 2021 | 09:23
I'm loving this story more
9 Sep 2021 | 10:13
WHAT LIES BENEATH FINAL EPISODE. Our wedding was great and we had a beautiful moment dancing and getting congratulated. The traditional marriage went so well and ofcourse I saw Oby among the crowd and she did absolutely nothing. She stood there with a pitiful sorry face but she doesn't deserve any pity at all. I saw her parents seated among the villagers looking loss and haggard. The only person I pity among them was Oby's mother. She is a wise woman and hard-working mother. I know someday one of her children will make her proud. I can't say Oby or the second daughter who got pregnant and already living with the father of her child as husband and wife but not withstanding anything can happen. I can't write them all off because the future is unpredictable. Life changing transformation may come from anyone which includes Oby or her sisters. Life is deep. Oby may decide to change her ways and things will start working out for her. She is beautiful, well endowed and smart and can still make a better name for herself. She may even get to meet a nice man who she will value, love and respect like it should. A man who may change her life for good. I'm just here hoping things turn out well for them because I do want her mother to be truly happy. Let one or two of the children she suffered to bore greet her face with a smile that comes deep within. She deserves it and I know it will happen someday. That's my wish and prayer for them. I got married to Eziaku traditionally, she automatically became my wife and I sometimes can't still believe that "I Austin is a married man" Our first night together, was... hahahaha! I look back today and laugh real hard because it seems like a fairy tale, like in a movie or fiction. Eziaku is golden, she was God'sgift to me. I sometimes calls her that without mincing word, it is what it is. ",My Godsgift". I'm still in shock and speechless at the discovery. Ezi, my lovely wife blew me off. It seems God gave me double blessings for all my troubles. I remember that first night with her, I kissed her passionately like I have never done before. I poured out my emotions into her and caressed her entire body without fear. She belongs to me just like I belongs to only her. She freely submitted her body to me without withdrawal. There was no fear or worries in her anymore. She felt free and happy. For the first time I did not see her shaking or pulling back from me like she used to do before. It was one night that is boldly written in my memory for life. At first I couldn't believe what I was getting as feedback during our intimacy. But I forcefully pushed forward and she winced in serious pain. A strong unbroken layer, tight and impenetrable. She was in pain each time I forced myself to get pass. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it can't be true that Ezi was truly a virgin like she said. She was already twenty nine after her birthday. "Please be gentle, it hurts seriously..." She cried out and I was dumbfounded when I realized that Ezi, my God'sgift was truly a virgin. A virgin, a real... original virgin with real prove. I almost jumped off the bed with a scream. I couldn't just believe it. I sat down and stare at her without word. "...Did I do or say something wrong... what happened? You keep staring at me strangely"? She said confused. "I...I can't believe it. You are truly a virgin? How... how come...I mean how did you do it? Ohh... Ezi... this is too good to be true. I rubbed a hand on my head roughly still trying to stabilize my emotions. It was indeed too good to be real. what adjective Can I really use to qualify what was going on in my mind. I did try to go gentle on her the second time but while everything was going in it was still a shock to me. I carried her to the bathroom like a baby treated her to a warm bath and massage. She was in slite pain but it fades off after few days. All through this our sweet honey moon period, I served her breakfast in bed, pampered her sweetly. Did not allow her pick a pin. I did not want to go into much details on how our first night went because Ezi may feel embarrassed but how will you understand the sweet magic of one night that got me deeply and even after three years I can still remember every details. I'm overwhelmed with happiness having Eziaku as my wife. Saying that I'm the happiest man alive is understatement. I loves my wife very much not just because Ezi kept herself undefiled but because she was real to the core. She never hide who she truly was. She was quick to take correction, ready to learn. Ezi wanted to be a better version of herself and strive towards that. She was truthful right from time and never hide anything about herself. She was loving and forgiving, very accommodating with interesting personalities. Ezi despite having boyfriends in the past, despite how ladies of her age will want to do anything to keep a promising young man riped for marriage. Despite many other things surrounding her that could make her throw caution to the wind and do as she pleases with herself and body but Ezi chosed not to. She disciplined herself in a world that hardly acknowledges or give a second thought to ladies of her caliber. She made it known that she was neither after my money or after what I got. Eziaku loves me for who I am and even if I got nothing she will still love me, that's certain because she was never moved or carried away by my personality. I love my wife for many reasons and even if she was not a virgin my love for her will neither change or grow cold. I love and respect her because Eziaku was too real and open minded. I got one of the best among women and I can only thank God for that. Is been three years and counting and everything still feels new. I bought another bigger apartment and we moved in two years ago when she was pregnant for our first son. Being a sharp shooter, I think I scored on the second week of our honey moon and she became pregnant. We journey together all through the pregnancy until she had our first child. My Mom came over to spend time and also assist in nursing the baby. Her Dad, Mr Benson also visited with lots of gift for both Ezi and the baby. And after a year plus I scored another goal and she became pregnant again. Well, you wouldn't blame me for my sharp shooting. I'm too blessed like that. Three years later, I'm a husband to the most industrious, beautiful woman on earth and a father of two kids. I feel fulfilled and blessed. Eziaku also completed her schooling and applied for a higher degree. She plan to own a school later in future and I'm ready to support her dream to the very end. Angela got married last year to another man entirely and she is heavily pregnant and I had to give her a maternity leave. I employed three more staff after expanding my company. My elder brother is inviting I and my family for the next summer holiday and we will be leaving the country for that purpose and will be back ones the vacation is over. Stella who is based in England is so eager to see us, we will also meet her fiance. They plan getting married next year. we will be using that opportunity to also meet with Eziaku's step brothers abroad who had been communicating with her. Chuka is now a family friend, Jerome finally settled down early this year. I hope and pray he remains a faithful husband because that is very much required. I really don't know what becomes of Oby or other exs. I hope they all progress and become a better version of theirselves. My Dad never stopped praising me for indirectly following the lead of God to pick Eziaku as my wife because through our meeting alot of hidden things have been revealed and many incredible things have happened in our lives. But the actual facts is that Eziaku is the one that followed the leading of God to stick with me. There are situation that our relationship could have ended without a second thought yet she stayed and loved me despite how foolish I can be sometimes. I'm a happy man because of the woman God finally gift to me, my God'sgift and I hope this happiness continues in our lives and family. I can hear my wife calling me from the kitchen where she is making dinner. she wants me to check up on the kids that are watching animation in the sitting room. "They're fine honey... we're all waiting for dinner. Do you need help in there? I can suspend what I'm doing on the laptop to take over while you watch the kids... I heard her laughing. "I'm almost through darlin... dinner will soon be served. Please, help and set the table..." I told her that I have already done that ten minutes ago. This my wife is intoxicating me like alcohol. While in the office, I'm watching the time so that I can come home to her and the kids. Life is making a big sense and I can no longer remember the days of old. My loss, my pain, fear, tears and sad days because God had indeed blessed me with double blessings for every trouble. I will stop here, my wife is coming with dinner. Let me round up and shut down my laptop so that i can help her. We are a team and she is my helpmate not a slave, I will assist her in running the house to make it a loving home. I'm not just going to be making the money, my family's happiness matters a whole lot. Is been a very long journey and we finally arrived here peacefully. Is been only God our pioneer who upholds us in his mercies. I'm not scared of the future because I know for a truth that God is always in charge. I have many reasons to be forever grateful to Him. For as long as I have breath, i and my family will serve the Lord. THE END!
10 Sep 2021 | 05:51
Thank you all for comments and like
10 Sep 2021 | 05:53
@coolval222-2 please update
14 Sep 2021 | 06:08
15 Sep 2021 | 02:48
From the begining to the end, this story is really fascinating
15 Sep 2021 | 06:46
Wonderful Congratulations once again
15 Sep 2021 | 08:48
what a lovely story, how I wish it continue
15 Sep 2021 | 11:45
Better to marry late than marry wrongly
20 Sep 2021 | 18:44


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