

By chimmy in 31 Oct 2018 | 17:38
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Member since: 29 Sep 2016
Ever wished that life could be more fair? That there should be an equal distribution of pain and
happiness? Well I have been there , done it and got myself a T shirt.
But that's not what life should be about. I now believe that everything that happens to anyone is for
a reason a good one for that.
If I hadn't made up my mind to stop wallowing in my pain and misery and make something useful
for my life I probably would have been staring up at the stars waiting for my shooting star so I
could make a wish.
I now realise that sometimes you have to believe in yourself, in your capabilities and in your
dreams to make them a reality. You have to learn to let go of the fears, to shed a few tears and
embrace who you are in order for you to take off and eventually soar.
I was born in a poor-rich family. Poor according to the economic standards ratings by the society
and rich in terms of social standards of my own understanding.I hadn't appreciated the latter much
until at a later stage when I realised that we laughed through the pain and shame and that's what
made us rich.
Some people mocked us for being poor while others mocked our blind parents. Yes both my
parents were blind. My mother became blind shortly after her birth when she contracted congenital
cataracts while my father developed it early in his twenties due to excessive smoking. Both of
them grew up in the same village in Mansa and from very poor backgrounds to afford treatment for
cataracts. The most they got were dark sunglasses to shield them from the effects of the sun.
And they also mocked us for the way we were named. Not that I blame them it was to be
expected. Being blind, the only way my father would remember us well was by linking the time of
births to our names. My name is Kasuba named after the sun because I was born at midday. I
have four siblings with peculiar names as well. My oldest brother is Marvin the only one named
after dad's favourite American musician, then my immediate older sister was named after the
moon obviously because she was born on a night of the full moon, April was my immediate young
sister's name and she was born in April while our last born is Lubuto named after the light and he
was born at the break of dawn. Sometimes my heart used to go out to my parents. They had never laid their eyes on anyone of
us. But they knew us rather exceptionally well. They could tell the difference in the way we walked,
talked and above all by carefully examining our facial features with their hands. They were One of
the reasons I was determined to work hard and lift them out of pover
31 Oct 2018 | 17:38
humm life is full of a lot having both parent blind is not a small challange
31 Oct 2018 | 18:45
Hmmm life can be difficult at times
1 Nov 2018 | 03:03
Carry go
1 Nov 2018 | 04:19
Ride On
1 Nov 2018 | 04:41
Whatever it takes.... Abeg shift, lemme sit
1 Nov 2018 | 07:04
hmmm both parent blind and can still do the thing,get pregnant and nuture a child.not only child but children.wonderful
1 Nov 2018 | 08:51
Ride on
1 Nov 2018 | 10:01
1 Nov 2018 | 10:21
1 Nov 2018 | 10:38
ride on
1 Nov 2018 | 12:11
1 Nov 2018 | 15:01
life will be more difficult ooo wit blind parents available
1 Nov 2018 | 17:19
Insert 1 I took off the empty pot I had been heating up on the brazier and used it to neatly press my uniform. I was excited way too excited I was going to start school. After pressing my uniform I rushed to the open air thatched wall bathroom located a few metres away from the house. I barely did a good job cleaning myself and soon I was done. I took the bottle of Tajili petroleum jelly and applied on my body before pulling on my blue and white collar dress. I then pulled on my very thick stockings cream white in color and later slipped on my black Sofia (plastic)shoes. I grabbed my transparent plastic bag containing my four books and a pencil and bade mum farewell as I dashed out to school. I reached the school and pushed myself through other pupils to get to class in time. Just then I felt a sudden urge to pee and I rushed off to the toilet and started reliving myself. " Iwe Kasuba ulesunda ninshi iwe tawishibe ati wansundila ." ( Kasuba don't you know that you are peeing you've even peed on me) My older sister vigorously hit me and I jumped up immediately. Shame written all over my face. " Fumya ifyakufimbana ukanike usambe nokusamba niwe uleya na ba tata mu town." ( Take out the beddings to dry in the sun and then take a bath its your turn to go with father to town) She shouted I tried putting my finger on my mouth to gesture her to keep it down but it was too late. " Cisusu asunda nalelo asunda." ( The bed wetter has done it again) Chanted my little brother and poked fun at me I shamefully dragged my feet out and spread the beddings outside to dry. I then went back inside and folded the reed mat off the floor and equally took it outside to dry and later quickly took a bath. " Kasuba hurry up your father is ready and the sun is coming up. There is no money for transport today so you just have to walk." Called mother from the sitting room. " I'm ready!" I announced later after I washed up my face and brushed my teeth using a twig. On my feet were oversized worn out flip Flops which were shared amongst my siblings. And I was wearing a floral green dress and a brown polo neck sweater. I helped father with his cane and gently grabbed his hand and led him out of the house and hastily made our way into town chatting here and there. Soon we were at the heart of Mansa town and picked up a perfect spot. We then sat down placing the fedora in front for people to drop in alms. It was our only means of survival then. A lot of people walked by without even as much as sparing us a look while others called us all sorts of names when we asked them for help. I was nine years at the time and there wasn't much I could do. We waited for people to knock off from work before we retired home. We had just enough for a small pack of "Pamela" ( Millie meal in a plastic bag equivalent to 1 kg ), Chisense ( dried sardines), and kerosene for our lamp. By the time we were arriving back home it was dark and I was dog tired. The only good thing was I had three days of rest before my turn came again. Mother and my older sister cooked supper the only decent meal we used to have in a typical day and we ate it cheerfully pleased that we atleast didn't go to bed on empty stomachs. After supper we gathered around the fire and listened to stories from our parents about their past or day's events as well as local the fairytale (utushimi) .it was a family tradition that I appreciate more so now than I ever did back then...... [03/10, 08:37] martin martino: #Whatever_It_Takes
1 Nov 2018 | 18:23
I am smelling two thing either good or bad.
1 Nov 2018 | 20:15
wateva it takes u wil achieve ur goals
1 Nov 2018 | 22:25
1 Nov 2018 | 23:44
@confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com, where is insert 1? Or is the prologue insert 1?
2 Nov 2018 | 00:04
This might be how you would also become a pupil. Who knows
2 Nov 2018 | 00:06
2 Nov 2018 | 04:57
Ride on
2 Nov 2018 | 06:27
i think ur life is abt 2 take a good turn
2 Nov 2018 | 07:56
2 Nov 2018 | 09:43
2 Nov 2018 | 10:28
eyaaa may God make a way for u
2 Nov 2018 | 14:43
Insert 2 I woke up very early the next day, took out the potty, emptied it and left it in the bathroom to dry. I then took the broom and swept the surrounding. After I was done I picked all the dirty dishes and washed them. I had something planned for the day and I didn't want anything or anyone to come in my way or give anyone the benefit of chiding me later. Around 9 ante meridiem I stood by the footpath waiting for Sally Nyirongo a girl I had met a few weeks ago. We had literally clicked in an instant. She had such a bubbly but blunt personality. When I met her she was kicking stones on her way home. She was quite plump and short but we were the same age. She was my friend, my very first friend. Thirty minutes later and sally was no where to be seen. I turned around and almost started walking back home when a voice called me and there she was. Food in hand as usual. The girl ate like a hippo back then no wonder she was chubby. She was eating boiled sweet potatoes and she didn't even bother to give me. I thought that was mean but almost like she read my thoughts she told me that if I wasn't going to ask her for a piece she wasn't going to give me. " If you want something you ask for it ..not just waiting for me to give you. How do I know if you won't waste my precious food?" She said bluntly I swallowed hard before I asked her. I hated begging even though that was our means of survival. " Why can't we be like any normal family?" I often wondered The only good thing was she was generous, you just had to suck up and ask and she will give you a bigger piece than expected. She opened her backpack and took out her lunch box . She picked a generous piece and gave it to me. " Ani nomba totela! ( Here you are now say thank you)" she said as she offered it to me " Natotela sana ( thank you so much)" I said genuinely. I hadn't eaten anything home. In fact breakfast was something we rarely had and if we did then it was usually a very thin porridge with salt which didn't carry much weight. If we were lucky we would have some epsi ( a soya flour, salt and sugar mixture for making porridge that was given out in clinics) and that was the only porridge I used to enjoy. " Tiye twendeshe naucelwa tamuli na banobe abaleya Ku sukulu munshila ( let's hurry up you are late. There aren't any pupils in sight)" I advised " Nangu fye ine necilisukulu nshachitemwa ( who cares I don't even like school) " I couldn't believe her so I glared at her hoping to find that she was only joking but there was no emotion. She seriously hated school and confessed that she only looked forward to going to school the days when I escorted her. Luckily the bell just rang as soon as we reached the school premises. I quickly shoved her in and went behind her class to eavesdrop. That's how I was learning. I had learnt to write my name just by laying low behind her class room and I was beginning to like it.. if only my parents could agree to bring me to school. But No, there was no need for that according to them. They were just waiting for me to come of age to marry me off. Any way the teacher started teaching mathematics and I was following really well. Peeping through whenever I could to see what was written on the board and then squatting to write it down on the ground. I didn't realise that I had answered one of the teacher's questions loudly till I heard her ask for who answered the question that I knew I was busted. I tried to sneak away quietly but she had sent some big boys to find the intruder. I was captured before I even took off on my heels and I was immediately dragged to the head teacher's office. I closed my eyes and mumbled a little prayer. The last thing I wanted was to be shamed in front of the whole school.......
2 Nov 2018 | 15:19
sorry guys I post episode 2 before one
2 Nov 2018 | 15:20
I will tell Oga Val to do something about it
2 Nov 2018 | 15:21
corrected. Now Reading continue
2 Nov 2018 | 17:34
you will surely become a student of the school
2 Nov 2018 | 17:54
No wahala,make una continue jhoor!!!
2 Nov 2018 | 19:53
3 Nov 2018 | 17:20
3 Nov 2018 | 17:33
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 3 I felt her piercing gaze through my skin. In that instance I likened myself to a mote in a grand dead-air space. The air was still and the silence was so deafening you could hear a pin drop. It was moments like that someone would wish for the earth to open up and swallow them or for the wind to just blow them away. I stood a few metres away from her my head bowed down in shame and regret. after what seemed like a long while she cleared her throat to speak and I looked at her meeting her eyes and I dropped my face again only to stare at my ghostly image. I say ghostly because my skin appeared so white and scaly due to the fact that I hadn't applied any lotion. We had run out of Tajili and even the dambo soap that was always a back-up on such instances was not available. Not to talk of saladi ( cooking oil) which I didn't even recall the last time our household was graced with such pleasures. I then covered the little hole that was exposing my skin on my tattered dress by gripping to it hoping that she hadn't noticed. " Take a seat" she offered her voice almost breaking. I slowly slumped to the floor in the kneeling position sitting on my heels like I always did. I stared at her. She was light in complexion with neatly trimmed dark hair and wore some spectacles. She moved with agility that matched her slender stature. " Not there! sit on the chair." She ordered in a soft tone I hesitantly stood up and gingerly sat on the edge of the sofa. It was so soft I had never sat on such a soft chair. Back home we only had two very old bamboo chairs for father and mother plus a roughly made wooden folding chair for father to use in the outdoors. The rest were small goat skin stools which were also reserved for visitors who rarely showed up. Who would visit such a poor house anyway. At most they only visited when they heard of some illnesses in my family "Mmm ." Startled , I answered not sure what the question was. I had drifted away in my thoughts that I didn't even hear her question . " I asked you for your name." She responded sublimely " Ka--ka-- Kasuba " I stammered "Kasuba Mwenya." I finally answered and swallowed heavily my saliva making a sharp hollow sound. My throat was terribly dry and I was so nervous. I kept studying the office and steadying myself. I wondered why she was stalling the punishment. " Just whip me already ." I mused I heard her stand up and bustle about the room and I closed my eyes ready to take the blow. I had heard about how she had a thick rope in her office that she used mercilessly on trouble makers. She walked towards me and I cringed. " Drink " she gestured. I squinched wondering what it was that she wanted me to drink. When I realised it was water, I carefully accepted the cup and took a sip. It was water so cold my teeth numbed for a second but my gullet enjoyed the cooling sensation that came with it. I then drank it all in gulps and returned her cup " How old are you?" She asked me this time joining me on the sofa. " Nine years old ." " Have you ever entered a classroom?" I just shook my head in disagreement " Do you want to start school?" " Yes." I answered enthusiastically * * * * I poured more water on the Jo saka ( a container wrapped with a sisal bag sewn together with a thread or wires for cooling water) trying to get the temperature of the water equivalent to what I had tasted at the head teacher's office. I had narrated the events to my family and delivered the message they had asked me to deliver. " Kasuba uli wabufi pantu iyi Jo saka nangu ilale panse amenshi tayatalala po ifyo ulelanda ( Kasuba you are a liar even if we leave the Jo sack outside it has never produced such cold water as you say.) " Mweshi accused me nonchalantly " Ah lobe kanshi nga ulefwaya wisumina ( that's your problem if you don't want to believe me)" I responded defensively Just then I heard some noise coming towards our house. It was a woman who was annoyed we figured from a distance. she kept on screaming expletives at our direction and as she drew closer we all couldn't believe our eyes " Oh No!" We all chorused and ran to the backyard to hide.....
3 Nov 2018 | 19:48
I don't understand again oow
4 Nov 2018 | 09:36
Tell me, what did the teacher say to you
4 Nov 2018 | 10:42
4 Nov 2018 | 13:35
Who is she
4 Nov 2018 | 13:44
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 4 Every one needs a shoulder to cry on, a pillar to lean on and if the people who are supposed to push you to be a better person, do not inspire you, but take pride and joy in demeaning you and cursing you then probably those people shouldn't be in your lives in the first place. Words have a tendency to scar people forever. Someone may forgive but not forget. There is always a reminder of bad things uttered that create a very bad atmosphere. Most of the times people are reminded about their hurts when they hear another person demean another in their presence and the Pandora box of past hurts zoom in and haunt them like their own shadow. The worst case scenario is when a family member rips you apart instead of putting you back together . A stranger may tell you hurtful words but they won't hurt even half as much as coming from a family member. When aunt Jane charged into our little yard like a rabid dog I couldn't help but wonder how uncle George would sit by and watch his wife spit venom on his own brother and his wife. She was the hurricane that was hell bent to destroy everything in our way . Even if we were not doing as well as they were, they made it clear that we were not welcome in their house. We lived like poor people despite my father having a brother who was doing so well in the business sector with a vampire nurse of a wife. I had heard of men who had become spineless after marriage but I never imagined I could witness one from our own family. Aunt Jane didn't even mince any words when it came to exposing us for our pathetic lives. She gave our parents a tongue lashing and left without much noise. It seemed she had said her heart out and was pleased with herself. My parents had been quite the whole time. Somehow they had learnt to let her mop over them without as little as a poke back at her. To them she was right -they were a cursed people and so were their generation -us. Condemned to failure and cursed to shame and pain. Because to her we deserved nothing less. I knew they had been humiliated because of me so I rushed to my parents to receive whatever punishment they were going to dish out to me but as I caught sight of them, I broke down .They were shattered to a thousand pieces. " I'm sorry mother...father." I said shifting my eyes to each one of them. " I will forget about my desire to learn if it only brings you so much disrespect." I said in between sobs. They called me to get closer to them and I did then we all embraced and cried together. My siblings also joined in. " Hush please don't cry ." My mother said patting each one of us " it will be alright we may be deemed misfits now but we can push through all our trials and make a better name for us." She added with much resolve That day we sat down and discussed the way forward. It was about time we stopped wallowing in self pity and grabbed on to opportunity with both hands but first we had someone to see. * * * * "It's a pity you have come to that decision. I still think you are making a grave mistake. " Mrs kaoma said finally We had gone to her office the very next day and turned down the offer she had given my parents. All efforts to make us change our minds proved futile. If my being in that school would score us insults from my dear aunt, then it was not worth it. Their little prince had to be left alone and not suffer embarrassment because of me. On our way out, we ran into our dear aunt..I guess she came to ask the head teacher to withdraw her offer. I stopped in my tracks and took a good look at her. " Who is it child?" Father asked sensing another person's presence " Uh it's noone important father ." I quickly lied as she walked past us into the office as though we were strangers to her. I guess following the innuendos we were basically strangers. I hurriedly led my parents away and we headed to town to do what was hopefully going to be our last alms collection. Fortunately luck was on our side people were generous that afternoon. We got home late at night and counted the money. "Five hundred and ninety thousand kwacha." I announced triumphantly " What?" Every one asked in disbelief " count it again maybe you made a mistake." Insisted father " Yes.. in fact I made a mistake it's actually six hundred thousand kwacha." I answered later after recounting and I wondered how I miscounted. We had never made such an amount even in a week. Not to talk of a month. That night we prayed and thanked God for bestowing blessings upon us. We may have been called cursed but he seemed to think otherwise. Afterwards we drew a plan of how we were going to spend the money to earn more. It didn't matter if we slept on empty stomachs so long as we pulled through the rubble and earned respect from our society. The only sad part was I had to say goodbye to my education desire that night.....
4 Nov 2018 | 23:59
You guys should have endured the insult and take the offer, who knows
5 Nov 2018 | 04:19
Well! Maybe you should start learning a trade
5 Nov 2018 | 04:51
5 Nov 2018 | 07:42
If you can't afford education, try to learn a trade
5 Nov 2018 | 11:45
new update
5 Nov 2018 | 17:09
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 5 Mrs Kaoma's Perspective: I had barely sat into my chair when another knock came from my door. For a moment I felt relieved when the thought of the Mwenya family having changed their mind crossed my mind. " Come in." I answered Jovially There was no mistaking her. She had been to my office a couple of times in connection with George junior her son. " Good afternoon." She greeted dryly " What was so good about the afternoon?" I wondered before replying "Uh yes good afternoon please take a seat. What may I do for you?" I responded primly " The family that just walked out.. what were they doing here?" She asked in a rather discourteous manner " What?" I retorted. For a moment I thought my mind was playing tricks on me and was hearing things. " The blind couple and a filthy looking kid." "Why ,what has that got to do with you?" I responded coldly " Everything. If you even think of allowing that kid in this school I will see to it that you are transferred from this school to a remote area. My husband knows people in higher places and won't hesitate to rat you out ." She threatened " Sorry who are you?" " I'm Mrs Mwenya." Oh yes it made sense then. That woman was the reason that unfortunate family had turned down my offer. The sad part was that I knew the woman's profession. I had found her several times in uniform at central clinic and I thought she was being too wicked for a woman who is meant to save lives. But I recognised the similitude between us and realised I had no right to judge her. I was just as wicked at some point till my husband left me after his daughter ran away from home but that's along story for another day. I prayed that she would see the light so that she could make amends before it was too late. Due to my past foolish actions, I was now alone without any child nor man just a job that kept me sane. Somehow seeing that child had gushed in old memories and I wanted to help her to make up for the atrocities I committed to an innocent child just because I was jealous of her relationship with her father. That man could love so hard and I hoped that I could face him someday and apologise. " Ok Mrs Mwenya if you can excuse me now I have a school to run and about the people that just left I don't see any reason for you to worry." I said in a condescending tone and rose up to go out gesturing her to do the same. She hesitantly walked out shock written all over her face. I locked up the office and jumped into my old fiat spider and drove off to lunch. I was on my way back to work when I saw Kasuba and her parents standing near the post office collecting alms. I had to think fast, an opportunity to help them anonymously just presented itself so I organised a few people who posed as good Samaritans. I watched as all of them dropped the concealed envelopes into the fedora from a little distance. And after I was sure they had collected all of it, I drove off to work before most teachers left the school premises. I had just come back from the school market place where I was selling some home made lollipops, sweet yambalala (nutty scotch) and Toba umutwe ( head breaker: a finger-like Millie meal fried biscuit). The business had been doing great. While I was selling that my parents and my two little siblings sold charcoal and kerosene at home. My other siblings had started making brooms and they sold them door to door in the areas nearby and sometimes they went and displayed them in town. It was a fortnight since we received the money that changed our lives. " Kasuba is that you?" called mum from inside the house " Yes mum it is I" I responded " Are your older siblings back?" She inquired " No mum...oh they are almost here " I answered when I caught sight of them running back to the house. " That's great you get the food from kitchen and eat. I want to talk to all of you later." We ate our meal excitedly recounting the day's events. We then cleaned up the kitchen and washed the dishes before we joined mum in the sitting room. She was knitting a shawl a skill she had packed up for so long perhaps because she had so much on her hands. And now that we were helping with making ends meet she had bought some knitting wool and hooks and picked it up. She put aside her knitting and asked for the day's sales to be placed at the centre. " How much did you make?" She asked " I made sixty thousand kwacha." I answered " We sold all our brooms and made thirty-five thousand kwacha." My older siblings Chanted in unison " April and lubuto hand your sister the money from our sales at home." " Here you are." They said handing me the money " Fifteen thousand kwacha." I informed her after counting it. " Total sales for today is one hundred and ten thousand kwacha." Some how I was entrusted to keep track of all the sales and costs because I loved doing the math. She then produced two huge bunches of money and handed it to me to count. " I have been saving some money as profits whilst setting aside some as capital as you suggested kasuba. Count it separately and tell me how we are doing." We all couldn't believe it. We had worked so hard. " Do you know what this means?" Asked father who had joined us a little later We nodded and shook our heads in befuddlement. " We have made twice as much as our capital and of course a surprise lie in wait." Announced father proudly " A surprise?" I wondered as we all retired to sleep.........................
5 Nov 2018 | 17:10
Geting interesting next please.
5 Nov 2018 | 17:13
You see, God has heard your cries and sent Mrs Kaoma as your destiny changer.. Now your doing good
5 Nov 2018 | 18:39
Your aunt thinks that nothing good will ever com from your family but its time to surprise her... make her swallow her own vomit
5 Nov 2018 | 19:10
eeyah,,, day education myt be dia gate to breakthrough ooo,, he shouldn't Hav said Gud bye to it
6 Nov 2018 | 14:06
ohhh,,,, I get d reason behind dia success now
6 Nov 2018 | 14:11
hmmmmmm why
6 Nov 2018 | 18:30
Whatever_it_takes Insert 6 The world needs more empathy than sympathy. If you wallow in self pity there is a high probability that sympathy is all you are gonna get. Pity attracts pity but only for so long. A person able to empathise will walk an extra mile in your shoes and he will show you that perhaps there is more than one solution to your problems. Sometimes the negative criticism given out considerately spurs you to act positively. You need people who will annoy you, who will bring you down and eventually push you out of the comfort zone. Very few friends will tell you what you don't want to hear I guess that's why God allows enemies and implores us to love them nonetheless. ** When father announced the surprise, I wasn't quite sure I heard him right or it could have been just another of those dreams I had more often than not. Father had just enrolled me into school and that was the much awaited surprise. "Father are you sure?" "Yes my child it is time we nurture your dreams now that we can" "Oh father you are the best!" I said hugging him. My father was tall, dark and very handsome. I bet before he became blind he was such a looker who turned heads everywhere he went. He had perfect chiseled teeth and very strong arms. " You made us do it and now you deserve it all. I believe in your potential my child." He announced beaming with pride I pinched myself several times just so I could dispel the possibility of what was happening being a mere dream. The news was just too good to be true for me. " Now let's go get the necessary stuff for you." He said gesturing I take his arm to lead him and off we went to Chilyapa market. Monday morning found me at Kombaniya primary school in the head teacher's office. I wore the uniform I had always been dreaming about. On my feet I had the black plastic shoes. My short natural hair was neatly kempt and overall I wore an out of this world smile. I was shaking with ecstasy as my name was written down in the register. " Come let's go show you your class." The head teacher said leading me to the classroom. Even though I was just nine years old I reported on my own to avoid a breakdown in our business back home by carrying an extra person to guide father back home. I felt awkward at first. I had been placed in second grade thanks to the few things I already knew but I towered over everyone in class I was nicknamed 'Tolo Mafupa Yoko Yoko.' ( tall skinny bones) because I was tall and quite skinny . I felt bad that they poked fun at me like that but I was determined to get over any obstacles. ' my parents believe in me.' I mused and went about the rest of the class with more vigour. The teacher couldn't believe it was my first time in class even after I explained my escapades to him. I was by far the brightest pupil in his class. " Sir this girl is very sharp I suggest you put her in third grade with her age group and see how she performs." My teacher told the head teacher later that week " Are you sure Mr Chipanta ?" " Yes sir." " Ok call Miss Likezo to come here meanwhile the girl can go back to class as we discuss." After knocking off I hurried back home to do my bit of the business. " Sally!" I happily screamed " Kasuba is that you?" She responded somewhat in disbelief. "Yes my friend. How are you ? It's been long." I said as we greeted each other " I have missed you my friend. I see you started school. But why didn't you join our school?" " We couldn't afford it at your school." Not that I lied but I figured it was wrong announcing our family troubles to the world " Anyway I'm happy for you and now I have a friend to walk with to school once again." She said placing her hand in mine and trotting off towards home. We chatted as we walked back home till we reached a place where we had to go our separate ways and said our goodbyes. " Wait up." Somebody called from behind me. I looked behind and there she was. She somehow just couldn't leave us alone. Anyway I stood in my tracks seeing as she was an elder and deserved some respect. " Well well what do we have here." She applauded " Welcome aunt let's go inside I'm sure my parents are inside." I responded avoiding her taunts " Wonders shall never end." She said a little louder than she expected because father came rushing out. "So you people thought you were very clever. I heard that you are trying to live like human beings for a change so I just had to confirm for myself." She said sarcastically " Bana Junior please come inside if you have anything to say." " Why would I even step into that ramshackle again. The last time I was here I caught flu from the stench of you people. Anyway I see you heard what I said last time. It's good you stayed in your lane by taking your little rascal to that filthy school." she said and turned to leave before father angrily stopped her. " The next time you want to come and insult us in our own home think again. I'm warning you to stay away from us just like we have stayed away from you." Warned father angrily " Did you just raise your voice at me you pathetic man? Anyway George must hear about this or my mother is a d*g." She hysterically screamed I walked to father who was groping the wall to find his way back in and helped him I then offered him a cup of water to calm him down. Never had I imagined the day when father would put the evil queen in her place and for that I was proud of him. When my mother and siblings returned from the market I couldn't help but narrate how father had put the evil queen in her place. " Oh bashi Marvin you did well. The next time she pushes us I swear I will whip her so hard she won't recognise herself." Mother said while demonstrating how she was gonna whip her adversary and we all laughed...
6 Nov 2018 | 18:31
7 Nov 2018 | 09:26
Thank God Kasuba is in schoo
7 Nov 2018 | 09:27
Am more happy that you are doing well in class. Just your first day in class
7 Nov 2018 | 09:42
Who was that?
7 Nov 2018 | 12:10
if u can't go to school now, u can learn something else that we help u all
7 Nov 2018 | 12:11
new episode
7 Nov 2018 | 15:30
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 7 We sat under the mango tree where I was teaching my siblings a few things I had learnt so far. I was teaching them how to write their names and a little math. Despite all efforts to convince my older siblings to go to school, they had blatantly refused citing their older age but my younger ones were ready so we made plans to enrol them the following year. Being a Saturday we spent most of the time at home and sold in a sido ( makeshift shop) which we had built and only went around the neighbourhood in the evening to sell kerosene and matches. We had by then started repackaging sugar, salt and cooking oil. We had even began rearing chickens and by that I mean we had bought four village chickens for the purposes of rearing then we sold the eggs. Suddenly a car stopped near our house and we all ran to it excitedly. Back then having a car made you the envy of the village. Even if it just packed by your roadside we would brag and show off that "we were not poor after all. We had an uncle who drove a land rover duh!" This was very common amongst our age groups growing up of course you wouldn't recall this if you were rich as everything we admired were pretty much normal in your case. We were all waiting for the driver to come out and finally he disembarked making all the excitement disappear. Just one look at him and you could tell he had another place he'd rather be. He was so cold and rude like he wasn't father's little brother. We couldn't even recall the last time he had visited. It was as if he stayed in another town entirely. " Who has come with a car?" Mother inquired from inside the house. " It's uncle George." We answered drily " Oh get two stools and offer him one under the shade. Your father will be with him shortly." By this time we had decided to keep them outside so that if ever they caught the flu, it wouldn't be attributed to the filthiness of out house. I did as mum had suggested but to my dismay uncle refused to accept a seat and I left him standing there waiting for father. Father later came out with mweshi guiding him to where his brother was. " Welcome brother." Father said " to what do we owe this pleasant surprise?" He faked a smile " Oh just shut up Chris!" He retorted " since when did you have the audacity to insult my wife?" Shocked my father stood still as his brother ranted about everything and anything. After he was done talking father slowly but strongly cut in. " I'm surprised at how you have turned your back on us George not to mention I'm ashamed to call you my brother. I have always hoped that eventually you would come to your senses but looks like that won't be happening anytime soon. Now please do us a favour and warn your wife not to bother us again. For goodness sake we have kept to ourselves now and I believe it wouldn't be so hard for you to do the same.... If we meet we shall smile but if not parting is well made." " Is this it?" " Yes this is it. Now please excuse me." Said father as he gestured to be taken back inside. Who could blame him? As for uncle George, he froze to the ground a couple minutes. I guess he couldn't fathom what had just transpired. he then looked around the yard as though bidding it good-bye and slowly walked to his car and spend off living behind a cloud of dust. Father had before this time, taken every verbal backlash but it seemed he really had enough of it all. Even though it hurt him a great deal such that he spent the rest of the day in the bedroom refusing to eat even as little as a morsel of food. The next day he woke up energised and ordered us all to get ready for church. We never spoke of church at our house and we had not attended any so we were not sure which church we were going to. " We only have us and the Lord. It's time to let him take charge of our little household." Father announced " But which church are we going to father?" Lubuto questioned after we had found some Sunday best clothes and dressed up for the occasion. " We are joining the best evangelists the Jehovah's witnesses." He responded and we all left enroute to church which was quite near our place....
7 Nov 2018 | 15:31
Your aunt thinks that nothing good will ever com from your family but its time to surprise her
7 Nov 2018 | 16:08
dis ur uncle is useless
7 Nov 2018 | 16:14
Kasuba and her family was poor in such a way that the mental poor people will mock and call them poor until their miracle came
7 Nov 2018 | 16:35
Some of their village people do insult them...some of their village people do help and support them...she came and rescued them.
7 Nov 2018 | 18:04
Mrs kaoma came to their rescue and secretly moved them to next level...she has got some past and really wanna make amend.
7 Nov 2018 | 18:11
They are increasing everyday in prosperity...they are no more the blind beggers...some of the kids wanna go to school, some don't wanna
7 Nov 2018 | 18:22
Kasuba has started going to school already...who could have thought of such miracle...shame shame shame shame to their opponent george and wife
7 Nov 2018 | 18:35
Good! I like the way your father acted because they really need to be put in their place. What nonsense!
7 Nov 2018 | 20:16
But wait o, what if George is a money ritualist and probably used his brother and wife's sight for it? Am just asking o
7 Nov 2018 | 20:18
It's time to prove your aunt wrong
8 Nov 2018 | 11:55
wat kind of relative is dis? why is she such a kill-joy
8 Nov 2018 | 16:07
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 8 We grew from strength to strength both spiritually and emotionally. We learnt not to harbour hatred and to live a life full of hope. Each year had its own blessings and downturns but we lived through them all. Even through sicknesses we held up together. My little siblings had joined school while Marvin had taken to farming and Mweshi had started working as a domestic worker in the suburbs. One day I found Mweshi curled up in the corner sobbing softly. I quickly dropped my books and rushed to her. " Mweshi why are you crying what's wrong?" " I'm scared" " Why?" "Promise you will keep a secret." I raised my pinky finger and swore to secrecy. " Have you noticed I have been unwell lately?" " Not really?" " Three months ago Mr Chinyama forced himself on me and warned me not to tell anyone. he threatened that he will kill the entire family if I dared as much as tell anyone." " What?" I asked fearfully " He has been doing it since and now I'm pregnant and madam has fired me from work." She disclosed. " You are what?" Mum interposed and we all shifted our eyes to her. " How is it even possible pantu tawakula ne cisungu ( because you haven't even attained puberty) " I'm sorry I had my first period a few months ago. I thought I had just hurt myself and that's why I didn't tell you " " So how come you know you are pregnant " She asked getting impatient " Mrs Chinyama took me to the clinic after I collapsed at her place. That's when I was told that I'm pregnant." " And did I hear you say her husband is the one responsible?" " Yes." Mweshi responded and broke into a cry begging for forgiveness from mum who had also joined in at that time but was weeping loudly in namwanga. Mweshi kept throwing up each time she ate in the few weeks that ensued and became so frail. However , in a few months her health stabilised and we didn't bother go to mr Chinyama's place for fear of what he would do to us what with the fact that he was a police officer. Mweshi didn't even collect her last pay. I continued with school and juggling business while my brother continued with his farming and piece work ventures. Soon it was time for Mweshi to have a baby and she was taken to Mansa general hospital on the eve of independence day. We all sat anxiously waiting for Mweshi to return with her baby. She spent two days at the hospital and on the third day got discharged. Unfortunately she had lost the baby . A week after the ordeal, Mweshi developed an unusual rash all over her body and sores around her lips. We took her to the clinic and was treated. But no sooner had the rash disappeared than she developed shingles. That became routine for her. She would suffer different kinds of ailments and this prompted my parents to take her to the witchdoctor. As this was against the doctrine of the Jehovah's witness we were excommunicated from the denomination upon the news reaching the church. The witchdoctor gave her some herbs and accused an enemy of the family as being responsible for everything that was happening. Seeing as we were only aware of one enemy we placed the blame on them and father vowed to retaliate. " Now they have gone too far... striking my only source of joy. They will definitely know why my name is Christopher Chishimba Mwenya." he had vowed The herbs didn't do much and in no time Mweshi was back at the hospital where she was admitted. It was while she was in there that my parents learnt of a similar predicament that had befallen Mr Chinyama. He was equally admitted in the hospital and so my parents resolved to see him and rebuke him of his actions. But alas he was a shell of his old self. He was too thin as he lay in his hospital bed such that you wouldn't believe a full grown man lay there. The only thing he had kept was his strong voice even the head somehow had shrunk quite considerably. When my parents felt his body, they were aghast because right in front of them lay a dying man so they simply teared as they imagined Mweshi's similar end.He took that time to confess and beg for forgiveness. He said he had been too ignorant and too arrogant of AIDS and was now learning the hard way. " What? AIDS my goodness!" I mused and tears freely fell. My parents were shattered and lost all hope. There was no medication like anti retrovirals back then so she was only given antibiotics in the hope that her immunity could be boosted. Bad news apparently spreads like fire and Having an HIV and AIDS patient exposed us to so much stigma. People stopped associating with us and even buying from us. At school noone wanted to sit closer to me much worse eat with me. When I spoke they covered their faces for fear that I may accidentally spit them saliva in them. As a result I began absconding school and my grades dropped. To make ends meet we started selling from places where we were not known. April and I would carry the food and chlorine from Chitamba all the way to Mutende's Kasasa market. Sometimes we would even go to Maiteneke market while Marvin sought out employment as well. It was so tiresome but it was the only way we could make ends meet and eventually Marvin landed himself a job as a garden boy in low density at a white man's house. Our lives eventually started improving from the initial setback and we had a little bit more hope.....
8 Nov 2018 | 16:53
Uncle ti jefo
9 Nov 2018 | 02:27
9 Nov 2018 | 04:29
that is good for her, u people shouldn't allow her to be treating you like that again, who is she? is she God?
9 Nov 2018 | 04:30
this ur brother is foolish ooo
9 Nov 2018 | 04:31
That man is really wicked for infecting your sister with aids
9 Nov 2018 | 06:11
Its well
9 Nov 2018 | 06:13
eeyah,,,, such a wicked man
9 Nov 2018 | 10:24
Whatever_it_Takes Insert 9 Mweshi's health improved in the following months. We had dedicated much of our time to making sure she had everything the doctor recommended to boost her immunity. We made sure she had a lot of fruits, vegetables and meat. In order to provide all that we worked even harder. My father started teaching brail at a nearby school for the blind in order to just earn more. Father's job made a tremendous change into our lives thanks to Sr Mercy who had suggested it to him. I decided to return to school but since I had missed a lot of classes I was made to repeat to the sixth grade. In no time I caught up and was back on top despite the stigma which I had learnt to live with. One day I was called to the head teacher's office where I found him in the company of some white ladies. He introduced them as being from world Aids foundation and they were in school for thorough sensitisation on matters concerning the virus. They wanted to hear my side of story upon learning that I had a teen sister who was living with the disease and that I had been subjected to a lot of stigma as a result. We discussed in detail and they decided we go together to my place to meet my sister. Their names were Amber and Sheridan and they were the best thing to ever come our way. They met my family and as they saw Mweshi the two women were overtaken by sorrow and they wept. They requested that they stay with us for a fortnight to monitor our lives. In all that time they ate everything we ate, they used the same thatched wall bathrooms and lived cheerfully. During this period a lot more people started opening up to us. They started greeting us whenever they saw us instead of the pointing fingers we always received. They made people believe in loving and embracing the weak in society. Before they left, they returned with me to school and narrated to everyone on parade about the importance of giving moral support to people living with HIV and AIDS. Afterwards they asked me to say a few words as well. I was nervous but I summoned all my courage and addressed my fellow pupils. " In the past few months I have been subjected to a lot of hatred due to the fact that I have a sister living with the virus. People scattered whenever I approached, they covered themselves whenever I opened my mouth to speak. They shunned me in the most horrible way possible and I suffered greatly. I absconded from school more often than I liked just so I couldn't be judged harshly and as a result I had to repeat a grade. But now I want to inform you that you can't catch the virus by talking to someone, by sharing a cup and neither by being in close proximity of some one infected. People infected need love just like anybody else regardless of how they got infected because they don't stop being human beings. They are still as human as everyone else. Keeping them at bay kills them slowly and just adds to their troubles. So from this day forward I would like to urge you all to show love to everyone living with the virus. Because we can only win by acting together with love and compassion. Thank you!" I concluded and the school went wild with applause and whistling. I felt great that I had a voice, a voice that I could use to bring about change. With that said I was appointed president of the newly formed ' Anti-Aids club' Amber and Sheridan took a lot of photos of my family and our home. They even short videos and recorded their experience with us. When they were about to leave they handed us a lot of gifts and promised to write and think of us all the time. They urged us To go back to church and suggested we join the Roman Catholics as it was going to be easier to implement everything they wanted to do for us . We agreed with them and bade them farewell. Six months passed without any word from Amber and Sheridan and we gave up hope of ever hearing from them...
9 Nov 2018 | 18:03
Thank God for sending them
9 Nov 2018 | 20:33
I assure you that you will hear from them when the time is due... God's time is and will always be the best. a little more patience
9 Nov 2018 | 20:35
i pray dey will cum nd help u pple one day
9 Nov 2018 | 21:33
I am happy for you
10 Nov 2018 | 04:40
hmmm nice one next
10 Nov 2018 | 15:00
don't worry u wil hear from dem,,,, white pple are next to God wen it comes to fulfilling promises unlike we the blacks
10 Nov 2018 | 16:28
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 10 I was now in seventh grade and preparing for my exams. School was getting more and more interesting and the anti aids club had since grown and had a lot of members. The bell rang we had come to the end of our lessons but that also meant it was time for the anti aids club meeting. We met twice a week that being Wednesday and Friday this particular day was Wednesday. I excitedly rushed out to the home economics class where the meetings were always held. Our patron Mr Chipanta was already waiting for us and members were still pouring in. So much had changed since the club was introduced and so many kids had come forth to testify their own experience with the disease. It was so disheartening sometimes but sharing the experience seemed to help heal a lot of broken hearts. We settled down and went through the usual programme which had become routine. We began with sharing any more knowledge we had gained on the ground and how we were all helping those living with aids. A little boy of about ten years old stood up and walked to the front to give his testimony. " Yesterday I overheard my mother telling my uncle that my father died of AIDS and that she was also infected. Is she going to die? Will I lose both my parents like that? Because my father passed on only last month. I'm really scared." I felt pools of water gather in my eyes I had promised myself not to cry. I had promised to be strong in the face of adversity. I stared blankly at the boy and he was so torn up. I blinked causing the tears to drop. " What's your name kid?" Our patron finally asked the boy "My name is Kennedy Chinyama." He answered " Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed inside . That spoiled the rest of the meeting as my thoughts shifted to my sister. You all remember Mr Chinyama right? Well he didn't die the time we had seen him. He had made a miraculous recovery and here I was listening to his son announcing his death. From hearsay, people attributed his recovery to an herbal medicine one of his family members who had travelled from solwezi had given him after they begged he be discharged so he can die peacefully from home. I had no words for the boy but luckily Mr Chipanta took his time to explain gently issues surrounding the virus. And how one being infected with the virus isn't the end of the world. By the time I was getting back home I was drained and all I wanted was to have a siesta. I figured it wasn't necessary to let my family know about one tragic piece of information. I had just entered the yard when lubuto ran to me. He was nine years then. Between us was a five year old difference. He had since been enrolled into school and was doing his first grade while my eleven year old sister was in third grade. " Suba Suba hurry up we've been waiting for you. There are some parcels back inside and a letter." He jumped up in excitement " What did you just say? Lubuto you know I hate it when you pull my legs like that." I reasoned with him . But he quickly grabbed me by my arm and deliriously led me inside the house. My eyes bulged out at the sight of the many parcels that greeted my eyes. " What's happening here?" I questioned " We have received all these and a letter. Father Mambwe said we should first read the letter before opening the parcels." Father answered enthusiastically Instead of going to put my plastic bag containing books in the bedroom, I folded it and sat on it and immediately tore the letter open which I proceeded to read loudly. " To our Zambian Family, hope you are all well We terribly miss you. We know we didn't write in time but this was because we were organising some fundraising events to raise enough to help you and the whole family. How is our best pal 'Moon' ? We hope you are still taking care of her as we instructed you. In each box are specific instructions of how you will split the gifts. We hope you love them and they help you in the long run. P.S let Moon be the first to open then box. Write back to acknowledge receipt. Much love Amber and Sheridan." I finished reading and everyone was jubilant. " Open Mweshi's box hurry up." Mother excitedly instructed and Mweshi slowly opened her box and on top was another letter personally addressed to her. As she couldn't read I also took the liberty of doing it. " Our Full Moon, hope you are well. We have good news for you because we love you and want you to stay alive. Medicine has made tremendous discovery in the treatment of the virus only it's not yet in your country. In your box is a six month supply of stavudine an anti retroviral drug to help boost your immune system. If you take it to the tee you will experience a renewed energy. Coupled with that are supplements to suppress the effects of the drug. These are in form of food. We also send you our favourite toys. Sheridan as sent the blanky to keep you warm as well. The rest are some clothes for you to wear and of course a Nikon camera for you to take pictures with. please make sure you Send us pictures in the follow up correspondence and tell sunshine to write soon." We were all tongue tied it was too much good news for a day. I even forgot about the events that had occurred at school. We all later scurried for our parcels and tore them open. There was jubilation in the house. The funny thing came to trying out the food that was sent . " Yaba mwe Bana muleumfwa te sopo iyi nalya nomba?" (You kids must learn to behave. Haven't I just eaten soap?) Mother said spitting what was in her mouth and we all cracked up with laughter..that was the highlight of the day... *************************** A moment of silence to our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and friends who have lost their lives to AIDS. Indeed if you aren't infected you are most likely affected.
10 Nov 2018 | 18:22
that's too bad
11 Nov 2018 | 10:39
thank God for sending them to u guys
11 Nov 2018 | 10:40
Oga o
11 Nov 2018 | 15:27
thank God those people remember u guys again
11 Nov 2018 | 15:33
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 11 I finished replying to Sheridan and Amber and read out the letter loudly I later enclosed a few of our best photos as per their request. most of those photos were of their favourite friend of course. Every one was happy with everything so I closed the letter and run to the cathedral to give it to Father Mambwe for mailing the very next day. There was quite a distance from home to the cathedral but it didn't bother me much because I was used to walking long distances. On my way back I met aunt Jane who seemed quite happy to meet me so I decided to greet her " Hello aunt Jane how are you?" Immediately I said that I wished I could get my words back because I saw her bleached face turn red and I knew what was coming " Mmm did you just greet me in English? Wonders shall never end indeed." She clapped in wonder perhaps and paused for effect before she continued with her slurs. "Some things are better left to people who are used to them. Don't waste your time with school thinking you will go far. Girls only get married from families such as yours nothing else. I'm sure you will soon be in a scandal just like your sister." She answered in a high pitched tone throwing in a lot of expletives and curses. One would think there was a quarrel taking place. I decided to leave her there without saying goodbye when a small crowd started gathering. Meeting certain people even on a good day leaves a sour taste in your mouth but there was no way I was gonna let her ruin my good mood. I swore to work harder and pictured her coming to beg for help from me. " Lord please let aunt Jane live long because I want her to see how you can move some one from rags to riches, from shame to fame, from curses to blessings." I prayed silently as I ran along to get as far away from her " Have you given the letter to the priest already?" Father asked when I got back home. " Yes dad he also sends greetings." I answered unaware that my voice gave away my sadness " Thank you my child. Now come here." He said and I obeyed " Why do you sound low?" " It's nothing father I think it's just the heat outside. I'm just exasperated." I lied " Okay my child you need to rest now. I hear you begin your exams in two weeks so you should have plenty of rest and study." " Yes father." I Answered getting up to go to my bedroom. Thankfully Mweshi wasn't around she had gone somewhere with mother and so I cried my eyes out to sleep. " Kasuba are you okay?" I heard Mweshi ask as she shook me up in order to awaken me. She sounded worried. " Yes I was just having a nap." I responded as I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I had slept for over two hours. That was two much for me. I knew I would struggle in the night. " I have some good news for you." " Tell me ! now what is it." I frantically urged her on. " Well I have decided to start some literacy classes. I feel so great nowadays such that I no longer feel sorry for myself. God willing if I live long I want to help girls who find themselves in my predicament." She said with so much vigour in her voice " Wow Mweshi I'm so happy for you! Best news ever" I exclaimed and hugged her " and don't worry God will surely make a way." " Mum and I went to the woman who suggested it to her. I also think Marvin should give it a try." She announced " That would even be much better. O lord I'm so happy right now." On Monday evening Mweshi went for her first evening literacy lessons and I helped her prepare. She was glowing and looking at her no one would tell she was living with the virus. She smiled sheepishly as she took her books. I guess she couldn't believe how much her life had turned around. " Now leave already before the nerves get the better of you." " Yeah you are right." She said as she turned and walked off to the literacy centre. I don't know if her teacher was just too good or Mweshi was a natural genius because in just a week, she moved from reading four letter words to reading six letter words. She took her lessons seriously and never absconded. Whenever she had homework, she would make me sit with her so she could read to me. I listened proudly as she went through her work and only corrected her minimally. Two weeks later I was at school for my first paper. I was sure I had prepared adequately And would do well. I took a sit in the third row of the fourth column and waited for the examinations to begin. I went through the paper once it was given and did a happy dance inside. I knew most if not all of the questions in the examination question paper as I had attempted them just a day prior to the exams. It was the same with the rest of the exams in that week and I knew in my heart that I made After my last paper I rushed off to Sally's school and the two of us walked home. Sally had also improved in her school performance as I usually dragged her to the library to read so she too was confident she would make it to secondary level. We were officially done with the primary level and we couldn't wait for the next stage of school life......
11 Nov 2018 | 15:43
Thats very good of your sister
11 Nov 2018 | 21:04
hmmm Thank God
12 Nov 2018 | 01:57
God will see her through with her dreams
12 Nov 2018 | 11:52
that's good news,,,,
12 Nov 2018 | 11:58
why naa
12 Nov 2018 | 16:43
why ooo
12 Nov 2018 | 16:44
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 12 •The Mwenyas celebrate Christmas 1995• We had never prepared for Christmas before like we did this particular year in fact it was the first Christmas we ever celebrated. We always watched as everyone else around us celebrated. But this year was special after so many struggles of life we partook in celebrating it beyond the day itself. We were celebrating good health, success...well to others to call what we had as success was highly ridiculous but to us it was the best we'd ever had. We started preparing a week prior to Christmas so as to experience the Christmas spirit. We bought batteries which were manufactured by a local factory. Spark batteries were the best I had ever seen. in this era they could have given energiser a run for its market share.They were even solar rechargeable. I mean all they needed when they run low on power, was some time in the sun and they were as good as new. We were lucky that even though Mansa Batteries had been closed a year ago, the cells were still readily available on the market at the time. Outfits were not a problem we had plenty from the parcels Amber and Sheridan sent to us. Our examinations results were released two days before Christmas and I had made it to grade eight scoring 872 points. I was apparently one of highest scorers in the whole province and I was selected to go to Fatima girls secondary in Ndola. This added to our celebration but there was one more reason that made this particular Christmas very special and that was our baptism on Christmas eve. We wore white dresses and shoes and carried candles all symbolising purity of faith, the cleansing power of baptism and the light that we were supposed to radiate afterwards. Despite being younger than me, April was considerably taller than both Mweshi and I. She was also a shade brighter than both of us and took after mother's complexion. Prior to the baptism we had undergone Confession.We sat in the front right column together with our friends during mass. The bishop and priests came forth and we were called to join them on the alter.we denounced the devil and professed our faith and the bishop performed the sacrament after which the whole church broke into song and dance. Being a Christmas eve we were also celebrating the birth of our saviour Jesus Christ. It was generally a joyous night such that we didn't even care so much about the time. It was already midnight by the time we reached home and that meant sleeping only for afew hours before the break of dawn. We woke up very early regardless of the period of sleep and cleaned. We were all eager to celebrate but we had budgeted in such a way that we didn't use more than required. We had to be mindful after all considering we had issues of school still pending. After cleaning we prepared our food and set up the table. The feast was a typical Zambian Christmas of rice and chicken. Each one was served with a huge bowl of rice with soup and a piece of chicken with a cup of supa dip juice to wash it down. It was indeed a very merry Christmas in our house. It felt great eating and chatting together. After eating it was time to dance. Christmas- New year period was the noisiest in my neighbourhood as each house competed to play the music the loudest. We inserted the batteries in the stereo and powered it on. we then played some rhumba from father's collection of audio tapes. Koffi Olomide was the artist of the time and we danced our waists out . Each round the best dancer was rewarded with balloons and sweets and so we each shook our tail feathers like our lives depended on it. It was a happy day of joy, dance and song and I still recall it vividly to this very day......
12 Nov 2018 | 16:44
Happy for you
12 Nov 2018 | 18:00
I like your family you celebrate even though you don't have much
13 Nov 2018 | 03:57
thank God for ur life and family
13 Nov 2018 | 09:19
13 Nov 2018 | 17:59
13 Nov 2018 | 18:04
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 13 •five years later • I disembarked from the bus and the warm breeze hit my face. I was home and it felt so good. It was unlike the city where I was coming from but it was a place I called home. I did some reflection about how my life had turned out and how God sent destiny helpers my way to make my dream possible. I knew I wasn't there yet but this was something already. I went around the bus to collect my luggage and then later said goodbye to my friends. I had written to my family two weeks earlier and I hoped that Marvin would come forward to help with the bags. To make it easier, for my brother to spot me I dragged my bags to the front of the post office and settled down on the stairs. " Hi beautiful." A boy saluted as he walked near me " Hello!" I blushed. I was wearing a pair of cargo pants, platform heels (sneakers) and an oversized checked shirt tied into a knot in front. It probably sounds ludicrous but that was in fashion back then. It was an imitation of the spice girls a famous UK girl band at the time and popular among people in high school. " Can I sit next to you?" He asked and my heart started beating fast. All through my life I had never had any boy make me feel that way. I regarded them as a weakness that could set me off course and so I kept boys at bay. As a result I had preserved my innocence and I was so proud of myself " Sure not a problem." I answered and looked away trying to avoid his gaze. Even I couldn't Believe I had actually allowed him to sit. I scolded myself silently for presuming he was interested in me. Looking at him there was no way he was going to be interested in poor old me. " Harry is my name and you are?" He asked extending his hand "Kasuba..Kasuba Mwenya." I Answered dryly also extending my hand " Wow! beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He complimented " Thank you " I responded shyly " So are you waiting for someone?" " Yes my brother is coming to pick me up." " Ok cool . I hope he is not so protective of his sister." " He actually is." I answered firmly " well I have to see for myself. So say I keep you company till he gets here." " Sure no problem." I answered but inside I was like break a leg I'm not that easy. " I suppose you are from school right?" " Yes just completed school." Completing high school was the most exciting thing. One would announce it like society was that easy. You should have seen school leavers in action. " Wow! Congratulations welcome to the real world" he said and I said thank you. " Which school where you at if I may ask?" " Fatima girls." " Good school it is that one." " Yeah I suppose it is." Yes I had managed to actually go to Fatima girls secondary school. Shortly after new year, we received Christmas presents from our two beautiful souls.that time around they sent the phone number saying it was going to be quicker to speak to them directly on the phone besides they missed hearing our voices. So I informed them via phone that I had been selected to grade eight. It's like they sensed the uneasiness in my voice and knew that I was worried and so they encouraged me to grab the opportunity with both hands and not worry about the fees and that the family will always be looked after. I had second thoughts about going so far but I eventually left with all the members of my family backing me up. The first term was the hardest as I was mostly home-sick it only started getting better at the end of the second term. I out performed myself and so my sponsorship kept coming and I equally qualified to grade ten with the highest scores at the school. All through my school years I was pretty much down to earth and I made quite a number of friends even though sally remained my best friend. She had been selected to go to St Mary's secondary school and we kept in touch all through the years. Surprisingly she had stopped being lazy and had discovered that she was brilliant. So despite repeating two grades at primary level, she had quite a smooth run of high school. " And where is home?" Harry asked after Marvin seemed to take so long to arrive " Chitamba" I responded swallowing hard in the process. I could tell he was from the high class area. I knew that telling him I stayed in the slums of Mansa was probably not the best idea. But yet again that was home so I might as well be proud of it. " Oh yes I have been there a couple of times." " Oh that's nice I figured you didn't even know it's location. Anyway what are you doing here? Are you perhaps also waiting for someone?" " Uh no I'm not waiting for anyone just something. I came to pick up some parcels from my sisters but I'm told to wait as the parcels aren't yet sorted " " Oh there is my brother." I said standing up and he did likewise. " Too bad I was thinking maybe I would drop you off." " That won't be necessary thank you. But I had a nice time chatting with you." " Same here anyway hope to see you again." " Welcome my sister sorry I took so long." Marvin said as he grabbed the bags and looked at harry for a second without saying anything as if sizing him up. Those with big brothers can understand that he was just being protective. " It's alright I'm just glad you are here." " Come I have booked a taxi already." Marvin gently announced I waved Harry goodbye and followed my brother not sure if our paths will cross ever again....
13 Nov 2018 | 18:04
Una tried. A living dog is better than a dead lion
14 Nov 2018 | 11:22
The nwenya's has been moving from one level to another wasn't their past life when they were treated like poor poor
14 Nov 2018 | 14:57
When they were told to stay down, they went up...they have a crown in the midst of the crowd that some of the crowd doesn't like them, with their crown many loves them
14 Nov 2018 | 15:03
It was a tough one 4 nweshi but things were getting better 4 her...all the supports she got from family and friends and europe makes things easier.
14 Nov 2018 | 15:16
It's been a little long 4 kasuba without anyone like harry founding her...kasuba is feeling something and harry is feeling something too.
14 Nov 2018 | 15:24
Kasuba the top girl in nwenyas and schools has got a guy who cares...she was waiting 4 marvin a little more when harry came and their chat began.
14 Nov 2018 | 15:41
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 14 I'm of the opinion that wisdom comes in two categories. Most gain it with age while others are born with it though those that are born wise are rare. I also believe that there is a thin line between a Wiseman and a foolish man. A Wiseman can become foolish with the onset of pride while a fool can become wiser with the right influence. One thing that clouds judgement is love and lust. They say love brings both the best and worst out of a person. The best when it's reciprocated and the worst when its lost. A person in love is hard to convince otherwise but the complication comes in when love can't be distinguished from lust. Many are the times people fall in love for all the wrong reasons and this often culminates in heartaches. What I'm I saying? Well I was falling fast the speed , I could tell, was greater than gravity. In fact I breathed Harry, dreamt Harry, ate Harry and only saw Harry. " If this isn't love then i don't know what it is." I mused. We were getting closer and closer yet I knew he hadn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend. I had just come back from a mini picnic that Harry had organised and I was silently singing with joy. I must say I became better. I was always smiling, I laughed more often even at silly things sometimes I could even speak to the trees and chickens. I was clearly losing my mind. The day Marvin picked me up he asked me if Harry was my boy friend and I laughed at his insinuations. I mean it was hilarious because I had just met the guy and even though we chatted nothing was pointing in that direction. I wasn't even sure if I was going to see him again not to talk of identifying him from the streets. But just a few months later I was smitten over the same guy. I replayed all our conversations in my head over and over again. I entered my bedroom and gently closed the door leaning on to it afterwards. I closed my eyes and visualised the picnic that we just had.Harry had surprised me the first time by coming to our neighbourhood. I had spotted him and dodged before he could see me. I did this several times and I was sure he was stalking me but he kept coming. One day he saw me first and there was nowhere for me to run. So we got talking. He started visiting and we would take a stroll around the neighbourhood. He wasn't even mindful of my poor background i figured. As I stood against the door I started imagining things. I imagined he was there with me and was walking slowly towards me. His blue eyes lighting up as he got closer and closer. I should have known he had more than just black blood running through his veins by the color of his eyes but that wasn't quite important then. " mmm Kasuba you can't even sit down sure." Mweshi said snapping me out of my reverie " Umm what are you talking about?" I answered defensively " Well you've been standing against the door for the last fifteen minutes or so and making smiley faces." " No you lie." I argued " We've been here the whole time so who is making you smile like this?" April pointed out " Oh c'mon you are imagining things. There is no such thing." I answered as my heart beat faster if you ever wonder the mechanism of a lie detector test there you have it. . It was true there was a reason behind my smiles and it had a name. In fact it wore trousers and was very handsome. Chocolate in complexion, clean hair cut and a voice capable of making anyone melt. "I'm older than you Kasuba I know. You might think I don't. I have seen the way you smile and are always jovial the past couple of months." " I don't know what you are talking about." I said shyly and joined them on the bed. " Anyway what's for supper?" " See you even cook all the time even though it's not your turn only one thing makes someone like that ." Mweshi said " Yeah even I know what that is" April conquered with Mweshi " Oh shut up April what do you know? I hope you aren't up to no good you are still in school." I snapped mostly because I knew that my little sister needed to be in the clear of boys. " Ok I will tell you ." I said resignedly after they both dropped their faces. I hated seeing them sad. " Is it the guy that was relentlessly following you a couple months ago?" Mweshi asked after I had let them in on a few details carefully leaving out the outings we had already. " Yep the same one." I responded shyly " I knew it." April excitedly said " he is such a catch." She added I hope this is exactly what I feel." I cogitated.....
14 Nov 2018 | 17:53
hmmm thank God
14 Nov 2018 | 19:13
happy for you
14 Nov 2018 | 19:16
dia life really has made a wonderful turn around
14 Nov 2018 | 22:06
wish u d best girl
15 Nov 2018 | 02:25
Just be careful around Harry
15 Nov 2018 | 14:21
15 Nov 2018 | 14:52
don't worry,,, Ur path will definitely cross again
15 Nov 2018 | 17:44
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 15 I rushed back in to change into something better. I knew he would come so I took my bath earlier on but wore a vest and chitenge till such a time as the go-between would call for me. I must state that I was quite nervous this particular day so when the go-between called for me, I nearly rushed out without touching up my face and taking off the chitenge into something fit for a date. Once inside, I slipped into a blue floral knee high dress and tied the belts neatly behind. I then neatly tied up my boxer braids and lightly dabbed my face with a powder puff I cut from the old mattress of course it was the trend back then. All we did was cut a piece off an old mattress or cushion and then trimmed the edges carefully till we got a smoother looking puff. It still felt rough on the face so it was always necessary to soak it in hot water before use. I finished off by moisturising my lips and a dash of Beverly hills perfume. Putting on some sandals, I hurriedly walked out towards the meeting point as I didnt like it if he waited for too long. When I reached the place I couldn't find him. I couldn't understand what had happened. " Did he get tired of waiting?" I wondered as I stood there hoping that he would show up. I didn't even think I had taken that much time dressing up. He had finally officially asked me out and even though I wanted to say yes immediately, I gave the common answer at the time " let me think about it" when there was practically nothing to think about. It was what I wanted, what I waited for over the past few months yet I pretended to play hard to get. I only gave my answer in a week and we hit it off. It seemed we could never have enough of each other. Each time we spent together seemed to be getting shorter it was that sweet and that captivating. Disappointed, I turned and walked back home. I couldn't believe he had just run off like that. I felt cheated Harry had just stood me up. But something strange was happening I kept looking over my shoulder as I felt like I was being followed. ********* ( Introducing Jessy patel) I just had to see the girl that Harry had dumped me for. So I had followed Harry incognito till I was able to see her. I had timed their movements and knew exactly where and what time they met. This particular day I had to turn the tables in my favour. I couldn't sit back and watch a dirty girl from the slums take my boy. I Jessy Patel was not a loser and definitely no quitter. I had invested a lot of time and energy into my relationship with Harry. The past four years we dated were magical even though I cheated on him before I knew the boy I wanted to end up with. I knew the calibre of man Harry really was and to lose him to a nonentity was not going to happen on my watch. It really hurt to know that another girl could get what I couldn't get in all those years we dated. I watched her as she waited patiently for Harry at a good distance and when she eventually turned to leave I slowly followed her. She gazed over her shoulders a couple of times but I made sure to duck each time. She finally reached what I was sure was her home and then I decided to call her back. " Excuse me!" I called and the girl had ears like a bat she immediately stopped and faced me. I hurried off to her and took a nasty look at her from her head to toes. She didn't strike me as someone who could make anyone crazy not to talk of my Harry. The dress she wore was two sizes bigger and didn't complement her in anyway. She was brown in complexion but she was no match for me. I bet she could tell that much by barely looking at me. " Yes how may I help you?" She answered and it struck me that that was perhaps what drew my harry to her. She had a sweet accent and the softness if her voice was admirable I couldn't take that away from her " I just wanted to see the girl who is messing with my boy." I said " Sorry?" She answered " Don't play dumb with me. What makes you think a rich boy could fall for a dirty poor girl from the slums like you?" I asked raising my voice and some people from her house came outside as a result. " By the way not only do you look cheap but smell cheap too. Tsk tsk I'm so disappointed in Harry right now." " Who is there ?" A blind woman asked " Goodness!" I said clapping my hands " it is a blind bunch of filthy people." I spat " I can't believe Harry could insult me like this. I mean of all people he just had to pick the blind poor bunch like these. I bet you are just after his money. Yes I know your pathetic type you want to milk him dry but let me tell you no matter how hard you try you won't be able to separate us. You don't even have anything in common with him yet you proudly prance around town like a fool. He was just using you to get under your skin my dear. He can never love you" " Please leave before I do something I will regret." She said with a tone of anger to it " I will leave just stay away from Harry. He is mine and mine alone. And in case he didn't tell you I'm expecting his child. A normal child not quite like you. What could you give him hey! another blind bunch?" I mocked the people. They were pathetic and I didn't mince any words. The house wasn't even electrified. Did harry need to take ' love is blind ' literally? " I said leave!" She angrily chided and I left I knew my job there was done. My message was loud and clear. ********** " Kasuba what was all that?" Asked my mother " Even I don't seem to understand mum. Please excuse me." I said and run off into the house. How gullible could I get? I couldn't understand a thing about what just happened. Tears streamed down my face as I recalled the ugly truth that had pushed through my heart like an arrow " He can never love you and in case he didn't tell you I'm expecting his child... expecting his child... expecting his child." The statement continuously echoed through my head each time tearing right into me not even covering my hears could help me. Just when I thought we were shooting to the sky like rockets, the same gravity I once said couldn't hold us down begged to differ.....
15 Nov 2018 | 19:56
Kasuba, if Harry loves you Jessy Petal's threat is nothing
16 Nov 2018 | 02:08
So she wants to use pregnancy to scare you away from him.... what does she think she is to insult people like that?
16 Nov 2018 | 02:10
Who she help sef.......tafia
16 Nov 2018 | 10:16
wlcm home girl
16 Nov 2018 | 13:06
Try and talk to him first
16 Nov 2018 | 13:53
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 16 I had heard that nursing a broken heart was tedious but I never thought I would be in this position so soon. People presumed that it hurt even more after becoming intimate yet it hurt just as much without intimacy. Yes I believed in the sanctity of innocence till marriage and I seemed to believe Harry did too. It hurt so much to think that the person I ever gave my heart to could smash it to tiny fragments. The soul wrenching, stomach twisting, mind flooding of what ifs and never ending flow of tears was a little bit too much. I felt like everyone could see through me, that there was something wrong with me and that perhaps I wasn't good enough for him or for anybody for that matter. My family was my only comfort. Somehow they seemed to understand my pain and they allowed me to cry over him till I was strong enough to do anything. I had been through ugly issues yet I always found a way this was different. There was always something that kept creeping into my head that reminded me of Harry , his laughter, his playful nature, his eyes my goodness it was insane. Harry had come looking for me a countless number of times over a week and I turned him away each time. I learnt to drown my sorrows in books and there was no way I was gonna let him play me all over again. I lay on my bed reading a novel when Mweshi walked in her arms folded. " He is back!" She informed me dryly " Well send him away." I answered getting back to my book " I already did he won't budge." " Let him stay there for all I care." " Oh c'mon Kasuba." She said walking to my bed and closing my book " Oh look what you just did now. I didn't mark the last page." I complained " That doesn't matter go hear him out you haven't given him a chance to explain himself. I think he atleast deserves that." " There is nothing for him to explain . I already know what I needed to know." " From a girl who seemed quite nuts if I may say but what about his side of the story." " Mweshi I can't believe you are siding with him after all the expletives his girlfriend showered us. Anyway just so you don't bother me anymore I will see him . But should I do some crazy it's on you" I slowly got up and cleaned up. I wasn't going to give him the benefit of seeing my tears though. He walked up to me as soon as he saw me . He looked devastated but I couldn't care less. " Please make it snappy ." I said sharply arms folded and repeatedly tapped my foot against the ground. " Why are you avoiding me?" He asked " I'm surprised you asked." I answered dryly " If this is about the last day we were supposed to meet I can explain." " I bet you can.. only I'm not interested." " What happened to you? This isn't like you." " Please Harry leave me the hell alone." I said a little louder than intended " Oh so this is it. I should have known. Some people warned me about you. I guess you've foundsomebody bet..." He didn't even finish his sentence when I slapped him so hard on his face. I couldn't believe he just questioned my character like that. " I don't know what type of girls you are used to Harry. But I'm not them. Now it would be better if you just left. It's over." I scolded him as he held onto his cheek no doubt he didn't expect me to slap him. " It's over before it even began." I muttered silently and left him on the spot. *********** *Harry* After my mother's death I had struggled a lot. My mother was my sanity, the only person that drew me back to the ground. She taught me how to be humble and to embrace everyone regardless of their status in society. But I wasn't the only one that was shattered by her death, my father too was just as broken. For a few years I took to the bottle drinking Nikolai, chateau and all the spirits. The thing is I wanted some sanity in my life but I went about getting it the wrong way. When Kasuba pushed me away not to mention slapped me, I fell back into my old habits. She had been the best thing that happened to me following my mother's death. With her I was calm, sober, I laughed a lot and I wasn't afraid to be myself. She never at any point struck me as a girl who was after material things. Her story about her family made me respect her even more. I just couldn't understand what happened between us. A week after I was slapped by my girl, I went to the bar as was my daily routine. I was losing it with each passing day. I had closed myself out from the world and cared less about my appearance. I pulled a chair in the corner and gestured for the barman to serve me. I had become a regular and so there was no need for me to make an order they already knew my drink. I had just downed one bottle of Nikolai when someone joined me. I looked up and recognised him as my close friend Evans. " A little birdie told me I could find you here." He said critically looking at me " Oh yes my man it's good to see you. How have you been?" I asked in my drunken stupor " I've been fine just can't say the same for you. Have you checked yourself in the mirror lately? You are a mess man and damn you stink." He said curtly and figuratively blocked his nose with his fingers " Oh get out man if you are here to drink just drink I'll pay but if you are to pick a fight with me you will be sorry man." I chided " You need to hear the truth man what made you slip back into the zone? You haven't touched a bottle in months man." I stared blankly at him and the heart wrenching pain hit again. They say you are better off not loving so hard but I did it and got burnt. " What wrong did I do? Is it wrong to love someone uh is it Evans my man tell me." I found myself asking him " No it's not. Wait a minute is this about your new girl? You guys looked great together I wanted something just as great." " You know what you guys were right. When you said she was probably just like any girl. I'm sure she found someone who is giving her more than I could." " I would vouch for her on that one. We were wrong she is different. You've taken her to the simplest places and she still stuck with you unlike the girls you dated before her not to mention that witch Jessy." " Anyway it's over man. I told her I should have heeded to your warnings. And can you imagine she slapped me and I couldn't do anything about it?" " What ?no you didn't ! in fact I would do the same if I were in her shoes." " I did I was mad at her man." " You know what I think? You need to stop feeling sorry for yourself. There is likely more to this than meets the eye." He said and stood up to leave " Whatever man!" I said and took a gulp from my drink. It burnt my throat and my lips weren't spared either. I stood up and staggered off to the gents. I eased myself and after I was done I found myself staring at my reflection in the mirror. I looked horrible Evans was right no wonder he didn't wanna hung around so long. I walked back into the bar and took out a hundred thousand kwacha note and paid for the drinks. " Keep the change." I said and floundered away into the night.....
16 Nov 2018 | 15:25
hear him out
17 Nov 2018 | 02:52
harry beta dont kill urslf
17 Nov 2018 | 02:59
Harry Abeg don't kill yourself
17 Nov 2018 | 08:21
Insert 17 "What are you doing here?" I angrily asked Jessy. I didn't understand what she was doing so early at my house. The girl clearly had no shame. I had ended our relationship quietly after learning how she was playing me like isolo. " Good to see you too and I'm fine thanks." She responded with a stupid grin on her face that I wished I could just wipe away with a slap but I couldn't hit a woman or in this case a girl. " As anybody told you that you look awful? Gosh no wonder uncle was quick to point out that I should accompany you to the barbershop." She added. At that moment I felt a twinge of pain in my head. I was hangover and I needed a remedy. But I sank into the chair and held my head it's like she noticed and remembered the hangover portion she used to whip up to cure both our hangovers. Jessy could drink like a duck and even though she said it was typical of coloureds I couldn't agree with her being a coloured myself. I know you only know me by my first name my full names are Harry N'gandwe Dawson. My father is a third generation coloured while I'm the fourth. Apart from my name you wouldn't know I was coloured and that's why I prefer using N'gandwe as my sir name. It saves me the trouble of always explaining myself. I hail from a rich background. My father is a doctor and businessman. We own a number of lodges across Zambia as well as residential properties. Somehow dropping the Dawson name was the best that I ever did. There were a lot of people that got close to me just because of the name and so to have a little bit of normalcy, I made that decision. Jessy came back to the living room with a cup in hand. " Here drink this it will make you feel better." She said handing me the cup " Eww ." I gasped. The stench was horrible you could puke " Pinch your nose and drink it in one gulp." She advised and i reluctantly did. " Urgggh ." I said disgustingly after drinking it. It was a horrible drink but always worked wonders. I never got to know what she added to make it so disgusting yet so powerful. " You are welcome." She responded taking the cup back to the kitchen. Dad walked in as soon as she got back. " Do you see what I was talking about Jessy?" He asked her. Him and Jessy's dad were good friends and business associates. So Jessy and I basically grew up together and I loved her once before such that I thought she was my future wife. But now I would feel sorry for that man who would fall into her snares. I was just glad that after we broke up she had kept her distance which was so unexpected if I must say. If at all anyone needed to know the definition of gaga Jessy was the perfect epitome. " Yes uncle don't you worry leave him to me." She responded cheerfully " Okay I will leave you two to your rendezvous. Harry I have put enough money on your dresser. I hope I won't come back to this when I get back. We have some dignified guests at the executive lodge tonight and they have requested to dine with us." He said and left. We went to the barbershop and had my clean haircut and trimmed my beards after which we we went to downtown boutique and picked out a good pair of shoes. I then went around town in search of good clothes. We finally found some at the Mansa hotel boutique and we sat in one of the huts for a drink. For some reason Jessy was quite touchy this particular day. She kept holding my hand as we moved almost as if marking her territory only I knew there was nothing between us. After the shopping we went back home. It was near town so there was no need to drive. I enjoyed my walks as they allowed me to explore different shortcuts back home. I went to the bedroom and neatly placed my clothes in my closet while I took a shower. I had just finished scrubbing myself when I felt someone envelope me from the back planting a trail of kisses down my spine. I was covered in lather so I quickly rinsed off before I scolded her. " Stop it Jessy." I angrily rebuked and scowled at her " Oh c'mon Harry I know you want it. You've always wanted to. I'm here offering myself willingly to you." She answered so sweetly and got even closer. I couldn't take the heat and for a moment I allowed her beauty to captivate me. She kissed me and I found myself responding with urgency . I felt my man bulge and she dropped her hands to touch me that's when I snapped back to reality. The girl was a player and I wouldn't know what trouble I would land myself in if I allowed this to continue so I withdrew from her kiss and closed the water. I then grabbed my towel and jumped out of the shower leaving her there. " Goodness what did I just do?" I scolded myself as I headed to dad's in-house bar and poured myself a whiskey neat double. " Why do you always push me away?" She asked when she walked in to the bar area and for a moment I felt sorry for her. She was all dressed up by then but looked like she had been crying. All the years we dated I had always ensured we didn't go overboard. She kept throwing sexual hints towards me all the more reason for me to withhold myself till I was so sure about it. " Please just leave." I begged of her my eyes bloodshot with anger. She left without putting up a fight and I locked the door. ************* We had just reached town to pick up a few stuff for the shop and house when I saw Harry walking out of the barbershop walking hand in hand with Jessy. I hid without letting my sisters in on what I had just seen. " Isn't that Harry and that girl who came over?" April asked us as she also laid her eyes on them? " Oh shush April grow up!" Mweshi scolded her trying to protect me " It's alright Mweshi I already saw them." I said " Then let's use another shop so we don't bump into them." Suggested Mweshi " That won't be necessary. As a matter of fact I would prefer to bump into them." And we started walking to fyamu Chalo grocery store but thankfully they headed into a different direction....
17 Nov 2018 | 19:01
don't mind that girl
18 Nov 2018 | 09:53
still following
18 Nov 2018 | 13:05
18 Nov 2018 | 13:12
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 18 You can only mop up so long sometimes the best thing to do is to let go. I had been holding on to all the feeling I had for Harry for so long but I must admit that the day I saw Harry walking hand in hand with the girl who had not even a good word in her mouth for us, was the day it was clear to me that I needed to move on. Besides I still had so much to do with my life. Men will always be there but dreams may not wait for me. Thankfully the winds of change were slowly blowing on my face. I just got my results and I got a total of twelve points in all the eight subjects that I sat for at my ordinary levels examinations . Seven points in six subjects was a little too much even though I would have loved to get straight one's. Anyway I rushed out to go and call Amber and Sheridan who insisted I should inform them of the results once I got them. " Wow sunshine you are so bright." Amber exclaimed on the other side after I had informed them of my marks. " How do you like studying abroad?" Sheridan inquired " That would be wonderful..really wonderful." I said almost in disbelief. If not to avoid the noise I would have screamed my lungs out but I had to atleast act civil. " We have already arranged for your scholarship. We knew you would do well. But first you must attempt the international English language testing system (academic)in order to complete its process. We will book it for you from here and you can go and sit for them at the British council in your country. " Really Sheridan? " I asked incredulously " Yes you deserve it and we know your family is counting on you." " Aww I don't know how to thank you." I said genuinely. We live with angels in this world and if you haven't come across one atleast be one. Sheridan and Amber were heaven sent and I prayed for them to live a long blessed life. At a very young age they were already helping people and doing the unfathomable. " And don't you worry the tests are meant to assess your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. But you have to practice so we will link you up with our colleague that side who can help you prepare and once you are ready he will help you with the logistics." We spoke for close to an hour and chatted about life in the united kingdom. From what I could hear the weather was likely to be very new to me but I was looking forward to the whole new experience. My family broke into a frenzy when I announced the plans Sheridan and Amber had for me. " My daughter you will fly abroad. Oh God is so great." Father had said " Yes father it almost sounds too good to be true." " That's what good news to someone especially if they weren't expecting it." Three weeks later I was at the British council sitting for my IELTS which I must say went really well but I had to wait a fortnight to get my results. During this time I was pleased with the way I blocked harry out of my thought it was as if he never existed. I guess an idol mind is indeed a devil's workshop. Keeping myself busy was all it took to forget about the love gone sour. ******** " Harry are you aware that Jessy is at the hospital?" Evans asked me all of a sudden during some drinks " No man that's news to me." I responded urging him to lay everything on the table " Well she is. She's been there for almost a week." " You don't say!" I answered after taking a sip of my rhino lager. I had by this time chilled with the strong drinks. " Is it that serious?" I asked feeling concerned " I hear she is likely to be out of danger. She had a near fatal abortion." He informed me dryly swallowing the last bit of his drink " Waiter!" I called and he came immediately. We made some fresh orders of beers with snacks " Abortion man that's terrible!" I said at last " Well I thought you knew about her pregnancy man." " No man I had no idea. Well that explains it." " Explains what?" He asked and I recounted the day she tried to corner me in my own shower " Wow man that was your sweet escape. I hear some manager refused responsibility of it. Turns out he is a married man." " Wow!" I said thanking my stars that I wasn't trapped in her scheme. " Girls can be crafty my goodness." I ruminated " You should visit her sometime you know. You two were really close." " you know what? I guess I should . As a matter of fact I will go there." I glanced at my watch and it was 4: 30 PM " now." I finished my sentence and stood to leave. " Sure man sharp!" I gave him a thumbs up and downed the remainder of my drink. I hoped seeing her will give me a bit of closure and so I hurried off to the hospital... only ...will my visit change anything? ................
18 Nov 2018 | 15:12
am sure if u too are meant to b togeda u will end togeda
18 Nov 2018 | 16:45
ride on
18 Nov 2018 | 17:41
19 Nov 2018 | 12:53
am happy for dis family,,,,, I hope good think will continue to happen to dem
19 Nov 2018 | 15:47
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 19 I know I was wondering if my visit to the hospital would change anything and boy did it change everything. I felt like I had failed someone who loved me so much. I failed immensely at being a man. A man is supposed to fight for what is right, for someone who loves him unconditionally and sometimes must take horrible stuff said in anger. A relationship where both partners are tripping becomes stagnant if one isn't brave enough to take the blows and kiss away the tears.If only I had taken my time to find out what transpired before she pushed me away I would probably not have gone down the same road I had trodden, the same road I took to cover up my pain. I replayed every single word Jessy said to me lying so lifelessly on her hospital bed. "You came." She said as she woke up. I had been sitting by her bedside watching her frail image. She was a shell of herself. Her colour had faded and her eyes sunken. In that moment I understood why there is an emphasis against valuing beauty in the physical form. Beauty is fleeting and fragile, something that disappears with age, sickness or life situations. Looking at her no one would know the girl had stunning looks. " Yeah I did." I finally responded and she smiled " How are you?" I asked " As fine as can be." She joked and lightly chuckled as I caught her wincing in pain. " I guess I'm much better." She resignedly said " I'm sorry I only got to hear about your illness a few minutes ago." I apologised genuinely. Even if someone is your enemy you must never wish ill on him and in this case even though we had some bad blood between us it wasn't enough to cause a huge rift and we still saw each other eye to eye occasionally. " It's okay I know I'm no longer your favourite person no two ways about it." She said accusingly and I raised my hands in surrender " Now miss quit talking nonsense. What would you like to have ?" I said showing her a few things I got for her " Wow you know me quite well. Raspberry juice would be great." That was a plus considering how we had grown apart. A part of me thought that she may have even changed her preferences when I was putting her gift together. I was glad I could still do something right for her. After she had drank her juice she asked me to help her sit and I obliged propping up some pillows for her back in the process " I have to tell you something." She said with a tone of seriousness to it. I pulled a chair and sat down " I'm all ears!" I announced I then listened incredulously as she narrated her Neanderthals. She wept as she narrated and I " How does my father come in all this?" I asked " Yeah about that, I made him believe you were falling into wrong teams. You know drugs and all." She regrettably responded " Oh okay." I managed to say. Not sure of what to say and bearing in mind her condition. What she told me was similar to a person's dying Confession you know like the last minute amendment only I knew she was out of danger. " Is that all you can say?" She shockingly asked " What else can I say. You know why you did all that you did. And even if I scold you, the damage is already done." " But you still can rectify your love life. That girl did to you what I failed to do. She was your sanity atleast you can try to make it work." " I don't know !" I said drifting into a reverie... **************** Had I known that the person who so adamantly wanted to see me was Harry, I wouldn't have bothered turning up. I saw him and turned but he begged me to stay. " Hi ." He said as he got close to me. " Hi" I responded nonchalantly " as you can see I have nothing to say to you." " But I do." He answered " Okay you have five minutes." " Please this may take more than five minutes." " Four and a half." I said now folding my arms and continuously tapping my foot against the ground. Somehow i always did that when nervous or try to act serious " Well alright but atleast stop it with your foot." He said forcing me to stop with the tapping He then narrated how Jessy had confessed to being the mastermind behind the confusion in our relationship and how he had been played like a pony in the game of chess the tragic day. " And the child is it yours?" I asked him after I realised he had left that part of the story " Apparently she planned on trapping me with it. We never went beyond the little gestures i guess that's why she sought it elsewhere." " But do you realise it's your word against hers. How do I even know you ain't making this up?" " As we speak Jessy is in hospital. She just survived a near fatal abortion and that's how I came to learn of everything. She confessed it herself." He answered but at that point Mweshi came to us with a huge glow plastered across her face " Hi Harry ." She greeted him and lilted past us without as little as waiting for a response " What was that?" Harry asked perplexed " Even I don't know." I responded and we both laughed " I have missed you, your laughter, your smiles, your lively company you know I miss us." He confessed and waited pleadingly for my response " I don't know Harry. You questioned my character and that's something I can't easily forgive. As my man you were supposed to know the type of girl I really was." I said with a heavy heart " I know you are right I shouldn't have. It was so wrong of me and I'm sorry for it. please forgive me my sunshine. There is no sun in my life anymore. Everyday is cloudy my Baby I need you in my life...I... I love you more than you could ever know." He begged poetically quite typical of him. I'm sure you were expecting him to say the ' I love you like a cup of tea.' nonsense that characterised most poetic speeches then but Harry was eccentric. He always calculated his words nicely and anyway that was what you would tell someone illiterate. I wouldn't have thought twice about slapping him had he uttered that because that was an insult to my intelligence. " I'm not sure But I will think about it." I said. Me and this statement though. Quite whimsical if I must say. Anyway I saw him off and just then I realised he had gone a lot over the time I allocated to him. In my heart, I wanted him just as much, I needed him but I also needed to guard my heart. You know once beaten.........
19 Nov 2018 | 18:24
Once beaten twice fool
20 Nov 2018 | 09:53
next pls
20 Nov 2018 | 10:50
20 Nov 2018 | 10:51
hmmm next
20 Nov 2018 | 12:55
Next pls
20 Nov 2018 | 16:59
twice shy
20 Nov 2018 | 17:25
Insert 20 I found Mweshi giggling and humming to Mariah Carey's 'my heart will go on'. She was too lost in her own world such that she barely acknowledged my presence. For a while I stood there watching her. I enjoyed watching her being that happy. I knew that feeling and I was sure there was a name to her ecstatic behaviour. I slowly crept in to the room and sat beside her and thanks to the bed of springs and the squeaky noise she snapped back to reality. " Oh hi Kasuba has Harry left already?" She spoke as she slowly picked up a dress and fiddled with it. " Yes he has." I responded not once dropping my gaze from her " And?" She asked absently " And what?" " Did you give him another chance?" She asked and continued fiddling with her dress " Do you realise you've been folding the same dress over and over?" I asked instead " What? No way you are just trying to be evasive." She denied " Oh really? Is that why you are giggling and humming to a love song?" Her face lit up brightly with that said and she threw herself onto the bed gazing at the newly installed iron roof and I did likewise putting my hands on the back of my head as I did so. I was all ears but it took an outstretched moment of silence before I heard her speak. " You know, with my condition I thought I will never get to experience this feeling? But here I am now and I know it, I feel it and it's the best feeling ever." She was clearly in love I could see that and was very happy for her. But just to pull her leg I had to feign ignorance. " You know I hate it when you speak in riddles. Can you get to the point already?" "Did you feel some butterflies whenever you spoke to Harry?" She giggled as she asked " Mm so that's what this is all about?" I said teasingly " Of course baby sis your big sister is in love!" She screamed and threw her arms in the air " And how do you know it's love my dear big sis. What if it is all but an illusion." I teased " My heart beats rhythmically in his presence, it's like he carries a tune with him that makes me just wanna dance. I know it's crazy but it's also fulfilling at the same time." " Wow I'm happy for you ..I truly am." " Well thank you and that is why you should give Harry another chance. Love is a beautiful feeling. I know you still love him and He loves you genuinely. You don't easily find such love so when it comes to you, you grab it with both hands." " Mm and didn't you just turn into cupid overnight?" I said immediately Pushing us into fits and starts of laughter " So how did you guys meet?" I asked after we broke off the laughter " Let's see." She answered as she playfully twirled with her long very dark natural hair as though trying to recall the exact details. She then sat up in a yoga pose and I followed suit. " I first met Biemba at the community school where I teach children about avoiding sexual abuse and what to do if you ever suspect any strange behaviour even from people close to them. He came there one day and he listened to my lesson secretly. Apparently he did that for a couple more times and one day he decided to attend my lesson. When I saw him I felt a rush of something, adrenaline or the like. It was those chills that froze me up. My throat run dry and I couldn't let out any word I just gaped. He stood up and walked to me , held my hand and gently asked me to continue. Being so close to him was even more torturous than when he was at a distance. All I managed to do was send the kids out for a short break and that's when he told me about his eavesdropping on my lessons. I could have gotten mad at him but I thought it was so sweet of him. We introduced each other and he told me how much he already knew about me. At that point I thought he would run to the nearest exit but nope he stayed such a beautiful soul. We've been friends since then and even though I was aware of all the butterflies he gave me, I played along with the plutonic kind of friendship. Only today he confessed of all the feelings he has been bottling inside and I couldn't believe it. He loves me Kasuba and not out of pity he loves me for the person I am." She was tearing up by the time she finished narrating and I understood her. My eyes couldn't wait to join in on the teary party only they were tears of joy and we embraced each other like children. " He is a terrific person Kasuba it's so unbelievable." She added making me all the more joyful. " Wow my sister he sure sounds terrific. I hope to meet him one of these days. " Yeah you know me and my blabbermouth I have blurted so much about you and he too can't wait to meet you and my family." " That will be great." I said and just then April who had gone on errands with mum and lubuto entered our room. " Well I could hear from outside the house you sounded very happy. Can I also know what the happy occasion is?" She asked childishly Mweshi and I stared at each other and bursted into more laughter " What Mweshi has is too contagious and I'm afraid we don't want you to catch it. I already did." I answered her " indeed it's highly contagious you are better off not knowing." Mweshi concurred " Why do you always treat me like a child?" April protested " Well that's because you still are a child." We responded in unison and I said " jinx" as a result and Mweshi quickly shouted " buttercup!" As was the case when you said the same thing at the same time. Afterwards I made a mental note to give Harry a second chance but only if he was willing to wait for me for atleast four years and prayed for God to continue blessing us before we all rushed outside to prepare supper under the moonlight which was full and bright....
20 Nov 2018 | 19:55
21 Nov 2018 | 11:04
The humility in this love from harry and biemba is filled with wonder...even when they have found about their background.
21 Nov 2018 | 16:22
They saw them as special because they felt the true love in themselves...biemba takes it her teaching place while harry came back 4 this love.
21 Nov 2018 | 16:28
Once upon a time, Jessy became an opponent of harry&kasuba's love but right now she's a change girl with her positive confession about this love and things she did.
21 Nov 2018 | 16:36
Kasuba and nweshi has come know love and how it feels to fall in love...the moments they shared together with their partner is not forgotten in their hearts.
21 Nov 2018 | 16:44
Kasuba should have listened to harry before her conclusion then but the most important thing is that they are back together in their super love.
21 Nov 2018 | 16:52
wow she finally fall in love
21 Nov 2018 | 17:28
you also have to give Harry a second chance
21 Nov 2018 | 17:32
love is a beautiful feeling indeed
21 Nov 2018 | 18:26
21 Nov 2018 | 19:25
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 21 I watched my sister as she lay lifelessly in her hospital bed. All the machines connected to her didn't even make it easier. It was the third day since she slid in a coma. And now she relied on the respirator to breathe. Some more tubes were connected to her as she was being replenished with water and blood through them. Some Other tubes were for detoxification purposes. I still could not believe that darkness could creep in so fast. One moment she is ecstatic the next she is fighting for her life. How could life be such a hard nut to crack. Soon after we had our supper the day she confessed to being in love, we retired to bed and she became quite all of a sudden. We thought she was just dozing so we continued chatting with April. We all slept eventually but I woke up in the middle of the night to her constant turning and tossing. I lit up the lamp and noticed that she was sweating profusely and her lips had become dry. I quickly left the room to fetch her some water to drink but when I returned I found her gasping for air and holding her stomach so tight. I immediately called for help and soon all the members of the family were in our bedroom. Marvin quickly ran out to get some help and soon we were putting her in a van and rushing to the hospital. Upon seeing her condition, the nurses quickly placed her on a stretcher and took her to the emergency room. We kept bustling about in panic as they tried to stabilise her. A few moments later the doctor rushed in and joined the nurses. They worked tirelessly while we waited outside the room. Finally just a little before dawn, the doctor came out and asked to speak to my parents. " We have done everything we could to save her but for now we can only hope and pray she can fight this" I heard him tell mum and dad " Will she be alright?" Father asked his voice breaking " Just like I said we don't know for sure. For now her condition is stable but she has slid into a coma." he informed us in a professional manner though. " But what happened to her?" Mother found her voice " Please let's discuss that in my office." and he led us to his office normally I would have been left behind but the doctor noticed my parents' need for a guide as Marvin remained behind and did the formalities for Mweshi's hospitalisation. " We don't know exactly what happened but it's like her liver failed abruptly. It's something that can happen to people in her condition when their bodies fail to detoxify." He later told us after we had sat down in his office " Do you believe in miracles?" The doctor asked us after we all seemingly lost hope and we nodded in affirmation. We had experienced so much good in our lives that the only explanation fit was miraculous and so we needed to believe once more in that trying time for a miracle. Even if it was to be the last one we ever experience. We all nodded " Good." He responded " because right now her recuperation depends on some supernatural intervention and her spiritual strength. She must be willing to pull out of this." He added We thanked the doctor and the nurse led us to the ward were she had been admitted. It was then that I noticed the many tubes that she was connected to. I wonder how my parents would have reacted had they seen them. Shortly the nurse informed us that they needed some blood for her and I immediately volunteered to donate. Thankfully my blood was a match and they performed a blood transfusion. Three days on and she was still lying in a coma with no sign of improvement. The side ward was awfully quiet if not for the beeping sound from the respirator. Marvin, April and I, took turns watching her but I preferred staying close by so I only went home to freshen up and I would return thereafter. On this particular day, I was taking over from April who had been in the company of both mother and father. Somehow, it was hard convincing my folks to go home and rest a little as they just couldn't accept to go home without knowing how their daughter was doing. Who would blame the fact that Mweshi was lying unconscious without being able to see her nor get any assurance from her by means of speech. I recall how they constantly called out to her in the hopes that she will atleast say something with their efforts yielding no response at all. It was even melodramatic as fear crept into mum who started weeping thinking that maybe Mweshi had passed on and we were only hiding it from them. It had to take an outsider to convince them. This outsider happened to be a pastor for victory Ministries so he prayed for our situation and for the patient. He later encouraged us to have faith in the Omnipotent one and that was when they calmed down and left with renewed belief in the Lord. After they left I sat by her bedside silently reciting the rosary when someone walked in . I paid no particular attention as I was sure it was one of the medical personnel till he spoke to me. " Hi." He said " Hello." I responded after a short examination of him " I'm sorry but I came as soon as I heard." He said " And who are...?" " Please pardon my manners! " He apologised " my name is Biemba and you must be...." " Kasuba." I interposed at the realisation "I'm sorry we had to meet in such circumstances." I added and shook his hand. " I'm sorry too." He answered " so how is she doing?" He asked " I think she is hanging there." " Do you mind me spending some alone time with her? " No I don't. Please excuse me." I said and stepped out of the room.. ***************************************** *Biemba* I touched her hand hoping for some response but nothing came so I kissed her lightly on lips. They say men don't cry but in that moment all I wanted was to cry. To cry for all the pain she was going through, cry to God to give her another chance, to cry simply because my heart was shattered into a million pieces. How could this be happening soon after I decided to confront my feelings and pour my heart out to her. It was good knowing that she loved me with similar intensity. And now it felt like I procrastinated a little bit too much. If I hadn't taken so much time to come clean about my feelings maybe I could have had a little more time with her. " What am I even thinking." I silently scolded myself. This was not the time for regrets it was time to be hopeful So I pulled my chair even closer to her and spoke to her. From my understanding a person in a coma can hear someone speaking to them and can feel the aura surrounding the room. " My darling I know you can hear me." I began and paused as I realised I didn't even plan my speech but what the heck I decided to speak from my heart. " I love you and still need you in my life. There are so many things I have planned for the both of us. I know you are a fighter and will fight this with all the strength you got because I have never come across a strong young woman like you. Please fight for us, for your family above all fight for our love my sweetness. This fool must have told you how he feels much earlier but please don't deny him a chance to adore you, to make you smile and laugh. Because when you laugh I feel like you are an angel and your smile is brighter than the stars. Please baby please I'm on my knees I want you here with me." I kept on saying whatever came to my head and showered her with little kisses just then I heard something and stood up. " Oh God." I muttered " Help ! Someone please help!" I screamed frantically.....
21 Nov 2018 | 21:25
luv is beautiful
22 Nov 2018 | 06:17
thinl she is now conscoius
22 Nov 2018 | 06:23
Another miracle is happening
22 Nov 2018 | 11:44
Thank God. She is conscious
22 Nov 2018 | 15:59
22 Nov 2018 | 16:31
Thank God o
22 Nov 2018 | 17:51
ride on
22 Nov 2018 | 17:53
love is indeed powerful
22 Nov 2018 | 18:44
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 22 My heart beat so fast when I heard Biemba's cry for help. In that moment I was sure the worst had occurred. " Oh no!" I muttered as I ran back into the ward " What just happened!" I frantically asked him " I think I heard her heart stop. Tell me it's not true please she can't leave me now. She just can't. He panicked " I..I ...I don't....." I said with teary eyes but was cut short by the nurses who came rushing in and immediately ordered us out. I went to the nearest corner and slumped down leaning against the wall. All the time my ears were in that room that was full of nurses. I heard one nurse say " this is it I guess she has given up. Poor girl." " Please get the doctor!" Another one said and one nurse stormed out of the ward to look for the doctor. I immediately saw Biemba sink to the floor and weep. He wept so much you would swear he wasn't a man but I didn't even have the strength to comfort him. I started seeing the wall close down on me and my vision blurred just before I felt myself crushing to the ground. I suddenly felt strong hands catch me. There was something familiar about those hands but I blacked out. I could still hear a masculine voice begging me to get myself together then I felt a splash of cold water across my face. I was trying to wake up but I couldn't. All I could do was continuously hear the nurse's words ring through my head " ...this is it ...she has given up...she has given up...she has given up.." " Oh no Mweshi it can't be true please someone tell me it's not true." I apparently cried out loud " It's not true please be strong for her." I heard someone say to me but it all seemed like a dream so I slowly opened my eyes to see if it was all just a dream... A bad dream " Harry?" I shockingly asked " Yes my love." He answered Wait a minute did he just call me that? And what was he doing here? How did he even find out because we hadn't spoken since the day he came to ask for another chance. I was still lying in his arms so I quickly got back on my feet " How did you get here? How did you know?" I asked him " I went to your house to look for you. I was going crazy waiting for your response so I made my way to your place. And that's how I found out about your sister." " Oh no Mweshi ." I wailed after I remembered where I was and why I was there in the first place. Just then the doctor came out of Mweshi's ward with an expression-less face. He looked like he had a thousand questions on his mind. " Dad?" Harry called out to him " Harry?" He responded and the two walked towards each other and embraced. " What are you doing here?" He asked him " Sorry dad please meet Kasuba. The lady I was telling you about." Harry said enthusiastically " We have already met. I guess we will get better acquainted in a better place." I was dazed I couldn't understand what was going on. Dr Eric Dawson was Harry's father? " Is she...?" I began asking him ready for the worst " Yes she is." He answered without giving away any emotions " Oh no!" I said said sadly " Young lady it's not what you think please get a grip on yourself." " You mean she is still alive?" I asked excitedly and he nodded. " I have never seen such drastic improvement. One moment her heart stopped and then restarted all on its own just when I was about to certify her dead. Your faith is remarkable you must be good people for this type of miracle." He announced this time revealing his emotions " Thank you doctor. Thank you so much. Can I see her?" " Not yet she keeps calling a name I can't just recall at the moment. Bemba or something.." " Biemba?" " Yes that's it." " Did anyone call me?" Biemba asked after he appeared from nowhere " Are you Biemba?" The doctor asked him and he nodded " please follow me." He told him and they both went back into the ward. **************************** "Yes my love." I said grabbing her little hand " Biemba." She kept calling. She was still connected to some drips but this time the respirator and detoxifier were disconnected. She could now breathe on her own " I'm here darling now please rest." I told her " I love you so much." She said " I love you more." I said. It was all so overpowering as she spoke with her eyes still shut almost like she was talking in her sleep The doctor stood aloof intrigued by what was going on. He then encouraged me to ask her to do little things. " She is now in a minimally conscious state but it's crucial that you talk to her and ask her to try and do things like squeezing your hand, blinking or smiling. She is likely to wake up soon because the worst is clearly over." " Thank you doctor." " No don't thank me try thanking God and the love you two share." " But what happened earlier?" " I think her brain was trying to process so much that it caused the heart to shut down and when it picked something to fight for, it rebooted. I know it probably sounds too technical but that's the only explanation I can give to it even though it makes no sense in medical terms." With that said he left and I heard him tell her sister not to worry and wait her turn to see her. " Oh you gave me such a scare. Do you know I wept like a woman ." I said while still gently holding her hand and laughed at myself. I noticed a smile form on her lips as I laughed softly and so I laughed some more " Thank you Lord!" I whispered staring up the roof.......
22 Nov 2018 | 19:11
wow!!! thank you Lord!!
23 Nov 2018 | 12:52
23 Nov 2018 | 13:29
martin martino: #Whatever_It_Takes Insert 23 Looking at father and son I could now see the semblance between the two. They walked in a similar manner, they all had strong chiselled jawlines and both stood with both hands behind the back. The dissimilarities though varied from fairness in complexion to hair texture. While you could easily tell that Dr Dawson was interracial, little could be attributed to his son but once again i felt cheated. I was always upfront with who I was, I didn't even for once hide my poor home nor my blind parents something that I had heard most girls do due to insecurities. But that wasn't top of my priority neither my worries. In as much as I was happy he took sometime to check up on me and my sister, I felt in that moment my sister needed my undivided attention. I was so lost in solicitude such that I didn't hear him walk back towards where I still stood leaning against the wall. For some reason I didn't even think about sitting on the nearest bench. " Please come and sit down on the bench." He advised after I gave him the icy look. I knew he wasn't an horrible person but I still couldn't even begin to imagine what other skeletons he had in his closet. I slowly followed him to the bench with much restraint. My legs were tired out of standing for too long such that they felt quite heavy i had to drag myself to the bench. " Yes don't you have something to tell me?" I asked almost sarcastically after we had both settled into the bench. " You are right I believe I do." He responded in a somewhat defeated tone " Who are you really?" " I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I know I should have told you right from the very start. But for so long I've had to explain why I have an English surname when I'm so black. Nothing about me shows the possibility of my being a mixed race, not my hair nor my complexion thanks to my ancestor's love for dark women. When my great great grandfather met my great great grandmother their love was one at first sight. He was disowned as a result and that's how they settled in Zambia. It turns out all the generations after them couldn't resist dark women . " He narrated but I only furrowed my brow and urged him to keep talking. " To cut the story short, some are lucky to be fair skinned and have curly hair like my father and my two sisters. I'm sure you remember I told you about my sister the first time we met. We are three in my family and I'm the youngest. Both my sisters are in the united kingdom and are now married to whites there. I'm the dark one and people literally mocked me to being the black sheep of the family and that is why I would rather be known by my late mother's maiden name. It really saves me a lot of explanations. " Ok I guess that could be understood. But do you realise our differences in classes? I have a poor background and you are one of the renowned doctor's children. Do you realise that, that on its own spells trouble for our relationship? Why did you deceive me by pretending to be a simple man?" " I know it's looks like deception. I am but a simple man who loves a simple life. I once allowed my family's riches to get to me but that only attracted the wrong people towards me. Take Jessy for instance. But with you it's different I wanted someone to love me for me and you have done that. I don't see myself with any other girl who could understand a simple life as well as you do. I know our differences in class but that matters less to me. You are all that matters to me and I will not let that ruin us. I promise" he softly but confidently assured me I was about to speak when Biemba came out looking so happy. His smile alone could make you think there was good news accompanying it. " She is awake.. Mweshi is awake." He informed us. I was sure if we were in any other place he would have jumped up and down in elation. We equally rushed into the ward with similar vigour as no one would want to be a kill-joy in such a situation. I was glad that atleast my parents weren't aware of that situation. You can imagine if that had occurred in the current era of cellphones, I would have rushed to call them and we would have began mourning prematurely For someone who had been in coma for the last three days, Mweshi was rather a chatter box. She couldn't keep her mouth shut and most of the times we just watched her incredulously. She kept narrating how she was aboard a big happy ship and how when the storm hit, the ship started sinking but someone grabbed her from the sinking ship and placed her into a speed boat that sped off to the nearest shore. a few moments later the nurses were alerted of the new development. They carried out a few tests and ordered her to get some rest to which she protested so they gave her an injection to calm her down. I guess going through death and back makes someone as a matter of fact anyone rapturous. Who wouldn't live to tell their own tale of defying death? Anyway, soon it was visiting hour and I only realised then that I hadn't eaten anything the whole day. It's funny how one doesn't feel any need for food in trying times but would feel the need to eat once harmony is restored. I know there are also emotional eaters who think they can eat their sadness away. I guess everyone handles stress differently. My parents came just around that time with April and Lubuto. Thankfully Mweshi was now sleeping and it only took me a finger on my mouth to gesture everyone to stay quite. I knew they will eventually hear about it one way or another just not at that particular time...........
24 Nov 2018 | 00:16
Thank God you are awake......continue
24 Nov 2018 | 04:46
24 Nov 2018 | 16:29
what is now happening
24 Nov 2018 | 16:30
ok let's go there
24 Nov 2018 | 16:30
Insert 24 *Six months later* Our eyes locked into each other's. None of us saying a word. we allowed the silence to engulf us into bursts of ruminations for we didn't know what the future held for us. All we knew was how we felt in that moment. It was the eve before my flight to the united kingdom. I had won the scholarship and was scheduled to report the following week My family had come along with me to Lusaka and we stayed at a lodge owned by Dr Dawson. But what happened to my sister? Mweshi had recovered and had been discharged a week after she woke up from the dead and Biemba immediately made his intentions to settle with her known to the family to which we gladly received him. Four months later they had a chombela ng'anda ( come together party) and settled in the council housing area. Shortly afterwards, Doctor Dawson gave us a personal invitation to his house for dinner and we almost refrained from going if not for the Doctor's kind heart. I was particularly the most at pains. I was dating his son, his only son. I was horrified that he may not find me good enough for his son. I was so nervous I almost stayed behind. Thanks to my sister who calmed me down when she and her husband came home so as to head to the Dawson's together. She helped me pick an outfit for the occasion, a black maxi dress and white flat shoes. My only accessory was a white bracelet which matched perfectly with the shoes. I barely wore any makeup after which I whispered a prayer softly. Only for someone to order me to hurry up in the midst of my prayer. The doctor had sent a chauffeur to pick us up and we all left together. As we reached his place, the whole family marveled at the beauty of the house. It's exterior was superb and the interior, oh my gosh! I had never even thought such beautiful houses existed in Mansa. I had seen similar in the home magazine and never in my wildest dreams did I see myself entering such an exquisite house. We all stood frozen by the door admiring the house and checking if we were fit to enter it. The floor looked like polished stones which I later learnt were Carrara white polished marble tiles. The lounge had a red and white theme of decor. It was so neat it prompted us to take off our shoes at the door but for the doctor who rushed to receive us and gently stopped us from taking them off as he quickly led us through to the lounge where two helpers immediately served us some refreshments. I looked everywhere expecting to see Harry but he was clearly missing in action. We waited a little while as the doctor took my parents and sat in a different room where they got to know more about each other as we waited for Harry to turn up for dinner as well. When they realised the food was getting cold, they decided to have us settled at the dining table and we quickly said grace. It was no secret that Dr Dawson had no particular church he went to but he allowed us to say grace the Catholic way. " Sorry I'm late!" Harry apologised as soon as we finished praying and joined us on the dinner table while his father quickly cleared his throat gesturing him to take a seat which he did. We ate quietly with various foods being served at intervals. To say we had dinner is an understatement we literally had a three course feast. After dinner Dr Dawson rounded me and his son up and spoke to us privately. I was sceptical about what was likely to be discussed but it turned out he was interested in the relationship we were building. He gave us his blessing and we gave our relationship another shot based on mutual understanding and honesty. So there we were gazing in each other's eyes and holding hands unsure of what the future held for us. He finally spoke; " Wherever you will be, please remember that I will be waiting for you. I love you but I also care about your dreams. Go make me proud and show the British how smart Zambians can be. One thing I won't hide is the fact that you will meet a lot of people and some will no doubt take an interest in you because you are a beauty my darling just remember that someone back in Zambia is hopelessly in love with you. But If at anytime you chose to let go of us, please let me know. However, I won't ever let go. I will wait for you right here till you return to me." His words spoke directly to my heart and I felt my heart melt at their beautiful sound. I then dropped my gaze as I felt tears linger in my eyes to avoid crying. I needed not cry, not when there was so much hope for the future, for us, for my family and for love. He held my chin up so I could look in his eyes and just then I blinked letting the tears that i was trying so hard to control escape. " Baby are you crying?" He asked lovingly as he wiped my tears with his thumb. " No baby it's just I'm so joyful right now. I'm glad God brought you and your family into my life. I can't thank him enough and neither can I thank you enough for fighting for what we have. I'm so glad I met you my love. I also want to promise that I will keep myself for only you." He pulled me in an embrace and we allowed the beating of our hearts to speak. I knew his heart was mine and mine, His. I trusted him and prayed he would keep his words. For the record my belief in the sanctity of marriage was still intact. I shared a room with Mweshi whose husband couldn't make it and my parents' shared one right next to us while Harry's room was located at the far end of the corridor. I woke up very early the next day and got ready for my flight. My boyfriend and family did likewise and soon we were driving to Lusaka international airport. I cleared all formalities, said goodbye to my family and joined the others as we waited to board the plane. An hour later we all boarded and the plane took off shortly as I waved at my family who were frantically waving at the plane. I wished my parents could see me fly in the bird that they so wished to get aboard. As the plane ascended, I felt my fear of heights creep in with every altitude we climbed and so I decided to close my eyes and kept counting till I felt the plane stabilise mid air. I became anxious to know what lay on the other side of the continent. " Only time will tell." I muttered silently.
24 Nov 2018 | 16:31
thank God u are not mourning
24 Nov 2018 | 16:43
everything will work out well for Ur good
24 Nov 2018 | 16:49
What ever it takes u are goin to make it ma dear..goodluck
25 Nov 2018 | 10:11
He lifts the poor from the dung hill and sits them among princes
25 Nov 2018 | 10:57
God is good for u
25 Nov 2018 | 11:14
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 25 We landed at London Heathrow airport and we all slowly alighted from the plane. I went through terminal 5 and presented my landing card, passport and visa as well as the scholarship grant letter from the university to the immigration officer at the point of entry. I then joined a queue going through immigration control where the officer scanned my visa and checked my landing card. She then asked me a few more questions which I answered quite well and honestly. She later stamped my entrance clearance and advised me to proceed to the baggage collection area to collect my baggage. They searched it thoroughly and after discovering I had declared all my items correctly allowed me to pass through the green customs channel . I then walked to the nearest public phone and called Sheridan and Amber to notify them of my arrival and they told me that they were already waiting for me in the waiting area and that I should look for my name placard with a symbol of the sun to locate them. I easily located them and they were in the company of two other ladies and a gentleman who happened to be student ambassadors from the university. I looked frazzled by all the traveling. Who couldn't be? I had literally spent almost the whole day airborne. I was glad they noticed that I was jet lagged so they didn't waste any time as they quickly welcomed and greeted me and led me to their car. I felt chilly and they advised me to wear something warmer with Amber suddenly offering me a spare coat that she apparently carried specifically for me. " Welcome to London. You need to keep warm here most times but I'm sure you will soon get used." She said handing me the coat " Thanks." I said and the three of us got in one car while the student ambassadors got in another. " From here we go to our apartment and the student ambassadors are here because of the special arrangement we made with the school so that we can show you around since you don't report till next week. Normally they pick you up from the airport straight to the university and help you settle in. They will come and pick you up from the bus station near our home in four days time so that you can equally get acquainted with the university." Sheridan announced and I nodded in affirmation. The drive to their apartment wasn't so long and in no time we entered a beautiful apartment. " Welcome to our apartment. Please feel at home." Said Amber " Thank you !" I responded sheepishly. I was nervous and excited at the same time. " Please call father Muma to notify your family about your arrival and ask that they arrange a time when you can personally speak with them." Amber told me as she led me to the phone I successfully called back home and arranged to speak with my family the following day. I later took a bath and was served some food. The food was different from what I mostly ate so I only ate what I could identify. I was later showed my room and they left me to snooze..... [03/10, 08:44] martin martino: #Whatever_It_Takes Insert 26 The four days of getting acquainted with London were over and I was beginning to appreciate the place although I couldn't say the same about the weather. Talking about the weather I remember the first time I felt the snow. The morning after I arrived we woke up to some snow it wasn't much but I was shivering so I had an extra coat causing Amber and Sheridan to laugh at me. "You should see winter perhaps then you will have to go in hibernation" they joked and I was terrified of such cold. For our London tours, we used the hope on hope off bus to visit some of the most famous places which included the tower of London, big ben, Westminster Abbey, Shakespeare's globe, St Paul's cathedral, coca cola London eye, Buckingham Palace to mention only a few. Did you know the queens official residence has a whooping seven hundred and seventy five rooms? Yep I was shocked to know of its grand size. Most of the times outside the summer opening, tourists are allowed to see the iconic exterior and watch the famous changing the guard. Changing the guard of course is a famous ceremony also known as guard mounting which takes place outside the palace and depicts the actual changing of the Queen's guard. It's an event full of pomp and pageantry as a group of soldiers dressed in red tunics and bearskin hats change shifts. The Buckingham palace old guard forms up in the Palace's forecourt guard and is joined by the St James's palace old guard. The new guard then arrives from Wellington barracks in a formal ceremony accompanied by music. It's nothing less than spectacular and most locals come out to watch proudly. I was lucky the palace was open for interior tours at the time and so we had an opportunity to see the Nineteen magnificently decorated state rooms which are usually open for public viewing during summer . I got to appreciate Britain's most treasured arts such as Rembrandt, Rubens and Van Dyck of course I was only hearing of them at the time as Sheridan and Amber proudly shared their British heritage. I was spent just by going through those rooms I wonder how frazzled one could get or how long it would take to visit all seven hundred and seventy five rooms. Even if I was a princess I would frequently get lost in such an enormous place. Anyway we wrapped up the tours with a free boat cruise which was part of the package. It was a whole different scenario with a hint of adrenaline rush especially on the Coca-Cola London eye. As arranged the student ambassadors picked me up from the bus stop four days later and drove me to the campus which was just over a mile away from Camden Town with a drive estimate of around nine minutes via Bayham Street and A400. I then understood how and why it was easy for Amber and Sheridan to organise the four day holiday bit. Three days later , the centre for multidisciplinary and intercultural inquiry organised the induction week for various programs which was superceded by an induction party. There were a lot of foreign students with a few from Africa such that I couldn't help but feel out of place. I wasn't a party person so I sat or stood in isolation most of the time. I was thinking of walking out to my room when a young African student approached me. " Hi there!" She said as soon as she drew closer " Hello" I responded shyly " I'm Ifeoma Richards." She said extending her hand. It felt so great to have someone notice me for a while. Other than the student ambassadors I had no one I could call a friend at the time. " I'm from Nigeria." She added " Kasuba Mwenya from Zambia." I answered and took her hand which she shook rather vigorously scaring the crap out of me. She was most definitely a hard nut to crack. " Heading out?" She asked and I nodded. We then both walked out and found a perfect quite spot where we sat and spoke a bit more about our countries. Ifeoma was quite loud and blunt reminding me of my Sally back home and would often slid into the pidgin English which I found rather amusing and interesting at the same time. We clicked right away and promised to have each other's backs. But we forgot to share the actual courses we were doing so I was surprised to see her walk into my class on Monday. I thought she had just come looking for me till she found a vacant table and chair and settled in. The class began with personal introductions including countries we hailed from. Most students were European and Asian with a few German and only the two of us hailed from Africa. We looked at each other and gestured to each other. Grateful that we had met earlier. The first few lectures in that week were warm and friendly but the following weeks were quite hectic. I found myself getting more and more absorbed into the modules despite being so good at the first year modules which basically included mathematics, statistics and computing. I knew the reason why I was there and so I had to do what I had to do in order to make my family and sponsors proud. It was even more gratifying that Ifeoma was just as focused because then we would study more and chat only after studies....
26 Nov 2018 | 00:53
ride on
26 Nov 2018 | 12:21
gud luck
27 Nov 2018 | 01:22
At first, they were rejected until their lives started changing 4 good. That was how they left begging and became a business family.
28 Nov 2018 | 12:40
They couldn't have made it this far if they rejected themselves too...not looking at what people were saying about them made the difference.
28 Nov 2018 | 12:51
The recovery of nweshi from coma is the believe in miracle the doctor talked about...even when all hope was lost, she woke up.
28 Nov 2018 | 12:58
Biemba's love is another thing that woke her up and they are together right now...harry came looking 4 kasuba in that situation when their love came back strong.
28 Nov 2018 | 13:12
Kasuba and harry has found this love with Dr Dawson's support who is harry's father. Amber and sheridan are another into their lives of international love.
28 Nov 2018 | 13:26
A man integrity like Dr Eric Dawson made his impact in their love. Harry and kasuba made their promises about the love in their future.
28 Nov 2018 | 13:32
It takes their determination and courage to succeed...Right their in United Kingdom, kasuba met Ijeoma...Ijeoma is another focused babe with time 4 everything like fun.
28 Nov 2018 | 13:42
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 26 The four days of getting acquainted with London were over and I was beginning to appreciate the place although I couldn't say the same about the weather. Talking about the weather I remember the first time I felt the snow. The morning after I arrived we woke up to some snow it wasn't much but I was shivering so I had an extra coat causing Amber and Sheridan to laugh at me. "You should see winter perhaps then you will have to go in hibernation" they joked and I was terrified of such cold. For our London tours, we used the hope on hope off bus to visit some of the most famous places which included the tower of London, big ben, Westminster Abbey, Shakespeare's globe, St Paul's cathedral, coca cola London eye, Buckingham Palace to mention only a few. Did you know the queens official residence has a whooping seven hundred and seventy five rooms? Yep I was shocked to know of its grand size. Most of the times outside the summer opening, tourists are allowed to see the iconic exterior and watch the famous changing the guard. Changing the guard of course is a famous ceremony also known as guard mounting which takes place outside the palace and depicts the actual changing of the Queen's guard. It's an event full of pomp and pageantry as a group of soldiers dressed in red tunics and bearskin hats change shifts. The Buckingham palace old guard forms up in the Palace's forecourt guard and is joined by the St James's palace old guard. The new guard then arrives from Wellington barracks in a formal ceremony accompanied by music. It's nothing less than spectacular and most locals come out to watch proudly. I was lucky the palace was open for interior tours at the time and so we had an opportunity to see the Nineteen magnificently decorated state rooms which are usually open for public viewing during summer . I got to appreciate Britain's most treasured arts such as Rembrandt, Rubens and Van Dyck of course I was only hearing of them at the time as Sheridan and Amber proudly shared their British heritage. I was spent just by going through those rooms I wonder how frazzled one could get or how long it would take to visit all seven hundred and seventy five rooms. Even if I was a princess I would frequently get lost in such an enormous place. Anyway we wrapped up the tours with a free boat cruise which was part of the package. It was a whole different scenario with a hint of adrenaline rush especially on the Coca-Cola London eye. As arranged the student ambassadors picked me up from the bus stop four days later and drove me to the campus which was just over a mile away from Camden Town with a drive estimate of around nine minutes via Bayham Street and A400. I then understood how and why it was easy for Amber and Sheridan to organise the four day holiday bit. Three days later , the centre for multidisciplinary and intercultural inquiry organised the induction week for various programs which was superceded by an induction party. There were a lot of foreign students with a few from Africa such that I couldn't help but feel out of place. I wasn't a party person so I sat or stood in isolation most of the time. I was thinking of walking out to my room when a young African student approached me. " Hi there!" She said as soon as she drew closer " Hello" I responded shyly " I'm Ifeoma Richards." She said extending her hand. It felt so great to have someone notice me for a while. Other than the student ambassadors I had no one I could call a friend at the time. " I'm from Nigeria." She added " Kasuba Mwenya from Zambia." I answered and took her hand which she shook rather vigorously scaring the crap out of me. She was most definitely a hard nut to crack. " Heading out?" She asked and I nodded. We then both walked out and found a perfect quite spot where we sat and spoke a bit more about our countries. Ifeoma was quite loud and blunt reminding me of my Sally back home and would often slid into the pidgin English which I found rather amusing and interesting at the same time. We clicked right away and promised to have each other's backs. But we forgot to share the actual courses we were doing so I was surprised to see her walk into my class on Monday. I thought she had just come looking for me till she found a vacant table and chair and settled in. The class began with personal introductions including countries we hailed from. Most students were European and Asian with a few German and only the two of us hailed from Africa. We looked at each other and gestured to each other. Grateful that we had met earlier. The first few lectures in that week were warm and friendly but the following weeks were quite hectic. I found myself getting more and more absorbed into the modules despite being so good at the first year modules which basically included mathematics, statistics and computing. I knew the reason why I was there and so I had to do what I had to do in order to make my family and sponsors proud. It was even more gratifying that Ifeoma was just as focused because then we would study more and chat only after studies.......
30 Nov 2018 | 17:52
1 Dec 2018 | 23:58
wow I'm happy for you
3 Dec 2018 | 07:16
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 27 It was a good thing I grew up hustling and knew how to use my free time profitably. besides my Monthly stipend and yearly travel allowance , we saw the need to work while studying as that way we could support our families back home as well as save for the rainy day. By 'we' I mean Ifeoma and I. While I was lucky enough to have won the scholarship, Ife wasn't as lucky and even though she had paid for the first year using the money her mother raised by selling one of the properties she knew she needed to be proactive so as to earn money for the second year as well as send some back home. Being an international student was quite a challenge as international students paid more than double the fees of local students and when you look at average income in most African households you will understand the meaning of sacrifice. People who love us always sacrifice so much to ensure that we may become self reliant and help bring development at household, community as well as national level. I equally had huge dreams for my family and so I decided to send part of my monthly stipend back home in Order for them to carry out renovations to the house, support my young siblings school and lighten up the living costs which my poor parents could endure if left to it all on their own. I knew I had the capability to change my family's lives and wouldn't stop at nothing. We were lucky to have found two part time jobs vis the university's job shop service. Those two vacancies of course had been at the cafeteria but we applied for them either way despite all the mockery they attracted. We went through interviews successfully and we were hired. Ife also helped me get a family to babysit for through the many people from her country she met. There were a lot of Nigerian nationals in London such that she didn't have a problem getting off campus evening jobs. Despite all our efforts to be useful, we occasionally encountered culture shock which we learnt was normal under the circumstances but if not overcome could lead to anger and stress. We would especially miss our families and friends from time to time and would converse whenever we could but it just wasn't enough. At times we were reminded of our primitivity by some rude locals who thought Africa was a jungle but overtime we gently took the time to smile at people who tried to trample us down. You know repaying evil with kindness is the best anger management strategy anyone could employ. I was used to being taunted but not the same could be said for my friend Ife who was very loud at times and would make sure to put the locals in their place. She would say that the reason why people still think Africa is a jungle is because African immigrants don't do it justice. They are either too scared to face off against the locals or not bold enough to speak proudly about their countries. I couldn't agree with her more and so I found myself asking the people who had never heard of Zambia about our famous natural wonder. I eventually learnt to walk with my head held high even in classes and it seemed to work. I mostly talked proudly about the wonderful people found in my country and our warm climate. One particular old man angered me one time when he equated me with monkey so I found myself telling him to visit Africa and get some real sunshine. That a lack of sunshine was probably the reason he was too grumpy. You should have seen the way he had looked at me like I probably had too much to drink. One fateful day, about a month or so later, the same man came looking for me and had quite a glow on his face ..know why? He had taken my words seriously of course and had visited south Africa. He even informed me that next he was going to visit Zambia after thanking me. You see even in anger you should be able to influence others positively. We were too preoccupied juggling work and studies that we didn't realise that we had come to the end of the academic year as we eased through the exams. After the exams we decided to bypass traveling back and opted for holiday jobs. Ife had by this time earned enough to pay for the the next year and hoped her scholarship application for the rest of the studies could be successful. That holiday I volunteered for a couple of hours each day at the home for the aged with Amber and Sheridan . The jobs included Feeding them, cleaning and providing social company for them. There was always some allowance and I saved every single penny I earned. At first it was quite hard as some refused to have me near them because of racial differences but in time warmed up to me after their friends kept bragging about what terrific company I was. If I wasn't volunteering I was doing my paid up jobs sometimes sorting products in warehouses as well as babysitting a job I discovered came naturally. One day Ife came to visit us in Camden where I stayed with the two terrific ladies who by then had become more than a family as they considered me as their little sister. We were just about to drive to the home for the aged so Amber asked her to tag along. When we reached the centre boy you should have seen how lovely the place became. There was so much humourous noise and the person responsible was no other than Ife. The girl could tell stories nonstop and you should have seen how they all listened attentively as she spoke and broke into raucous laughter frequently. From that day onwards Ife was on our volunteering team and provided the therapeutic laughter necessary for people to feel significant again.
3 Dec 2018 | 10:54
3 Dec 2018 | 18:31
4 Dec 2018 | 13:22
See how things are turning around little by little in your life sha.
5 Dec 2018 | 02:01
I like this Ife's personality
5 Dec 2018 | 09:23
It's a new environment of where different people believe in what they think is all about african. Some of them like while some don't.
10 Dec 2018 | 14:56
Some have come to believe in what they think is all about europe and other part of the world. Some like while some don't like.
10 Dec 2018 | 15:00
Kasuba is not giving up on hardwork. Even in her scholarship, she's ready to work and support her family. Amber and sheridan on her side.
10 Dec 2018 | 15:09
Ifeoma is another genius with hardwork. Getting a support from her family, made up her mind and she's making more money.
10 Dec 2018 | 15:16
Ifeoma is differently talented like kasuba. Imagine her presence around the old people. It was a different healing laughter.
10 Dec 2018 | 15:24
Amber and sheridan still doing their missionary work both home and away. They can only get better with their missionary journey.
10 Dec 2018 | 15:40
It's a perfect communicado 4 ifeoma and kasuba. They have come a long way with their attitude of believing in their ability to succeed.
10 Dec 2018 | 15:48
Insert 28 I had never seen someone get so petrified in the manner that Ife did. When she heard that the results had been posted on the university's website, she literally became sick. It was something I couldn't understand as I watched her develop fever, diarrhoea and menses all at the same time. " Ife perhaps we should take you to the hospital." I informed her " No Suba don't worry I will be okey. Just tell Amber to check my results for me. I can't do it on my own please." She responded " But I don't understand you are so focused and I'm sure you have done exemplary well." I tried to calm her " You don't know. I always get like this oh. I'm just so scared of failing especially that those results will determine if I get a scholarship or not. Chineke me!" She said in pidgin English as she got up and run to the toilet. I stood there for a while shaking my head in disbelief before I decided to walk to Amber's room and informed her of Ife's predicament. Fortunately Amber understood Ife's behaviour so well citing that she had a peculiar case of atychiphobia because most people with atychiphobia allow that fear to thwart their chances of moving forward so they don't even try. She later accepted to check both our results on our behalf and I gave her our student numbers and passwords. When I went back to my room I found her bustling about the room her hands on her head. Ife was a live comedy show and I couldn't help but laugh at her. " Eh Suba don't patronise me oh." She warned " You know for an intelligent girl you are a fool." I told her and continued laughing " Look who's talking mchewwwww ." She pursed her lips and loudly clicked in displeasure " Well I do get nervous of course but your level is overrated." I said as I went to the bed and sat down. "Amber is checking the results. She will be here shortly so perhaps you can drink some water and put yourself together. You are freaking me out." I scolded her after I couldn't take the dragging of her feet to and fro the room. Just then Amber came in carrying a little paper in her hands. " Ife sit down." She commanded after she found her still bustling about and she gingerly joined me on the bed but closed her eyes and put her fingers in her ears to block out hearing. " Yeah!" I screamed jumping up and down as I run to give Amber a big hug and Sheridan walked in . " What's with all the excitement?" Sheridan asked " Look!" Amber responded handing Sheridan the little piece of paper " And what's wrong with Ife?" She asked noting how she had blocked her ears and blabbered continuously " She is scared of getting her results." Amber and I responded " These results? Is she crazy?" Sheridan asked in disbelief before she walked to Ife and sat next to her . She shook her and handed her the paper. She screamed so loud the tables turned as we were the ones who covered our ears that time around. She then proceeded to do the nkwa umu - agbo as well as the ekombi dances. She then pulled us to the open space and asked us to mimic her dance. From someone who had been sick most of the day, Ife was high spirited as she led us into song and dance. Amber and Sheridan enjoyed it so much that they asked that we do some Zambian dances also prompting me to lead them into the two dances I was so good in . We danced imfukutu and the poetic Kalela dance. It was even more fun when I reached my favourite part of the kalela dance, if you have ever danced kalela you probably know what I mean. Anyways for the clueless ones here it is. It's the part where you do the opposite of the instructions such that when one shouts 'forward' you do the reverse moves and when its ' reverse ' you go forward. Hilarious right? But that's why I love it so much you do all sorts of funny stunts including braking and revving about. Oh that dance cracked everyone up. After about an hour we all lay exhausted on the floor. So much had happened that day but the best news was the fact the both Ife and I cleared with distinctions something that was worth celebrating and in the only style befitting..the African style..... *********** Ife was offered the scholarship she so much desired and we went on with our exemplary performances. The school was pleased with our performance such that everyone wanted to hear about where we came from and we proudly told them about our continent as well as countries. We continued doing our part time work and sending money back home to our families. The third and final year ended so quickly that we couldn't believe we were done with our bachelor degree just like that. I couldn't wait to get home but I had to wait for the results and the graduation to take place before I thought of returning home. All through our time we grew both intellectually and emotionally. We cried and laughed. We tasted new things and made others taste our food too. We opened our selves to new culture and spoke about our culture to others. It was a time so wonderful it felt so short at the end but it was a time that changed everything for the better. That I was so sure of..........
12 Dec 2018 | 07:21
Wow congrats to you, Suba for your outstanding performance
12 Dec 2018 | 14:31
wonderful!!! congratulations ooo,,, but hope u Havn't forgotten Ur boyfriend
13 Dec 2018 | 16:16
13 Dec 2018 | 18:50
why oo
19 Dec 2018 | 00:04
you people are not reading this story naa
19 Dec 2018 | 00:05
and no comment
19 Dec 2018 | 00:06
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 29 Graduation took place at Russell Square and we sat in the student auditorium looking like fabulous intellectuals in our graduation gowns. Our hair was perfectly done and our matching outfits made us the more confident. The sitting arrangement was per level of achievement. As the undergraduates we sat in front, next was the master's and finally the doctoral candidates. As outstanding performers, Ife, Janice , Patrick and I sat at the very end of the undergraduates row. The speeches were done and the awarding ceremony began. We sat quietly awaiting our turn. Our guests were Sheridan and Amber and a special family that visited me on rare occasions. Finally my name was called. I was the very last one of the undergraduates and I stood up to receive my degree. I couldn't help but feel proud of my achievement as I gracefully walked to the podium. I had come a long way. Who would have thought that a girl that started off begging on the streets of Mansa with her blind parents would one day be where I was... which was at a graduation ceremony oceans apart from home. I felt tears gather in my eyes . .. tears of joy for sure but they could wait so I swallowed hard and recomposed myself. As I walked there was raucous applause around the square as they listed my achievements. I was an outstanding student, graduating with the highest marks in the school course records as well as a humanitarian champion for all my efforts to draw students together in the past three years and voluntary work. They all chanted my name and for some reason, I felt the graduation was bigger than I was. Finally I shook the Chancellor's hands and got my degree and other prizes that were thrown in as the photographer took various shots of the ceremony. I walked to the other side afterwards and joined the other graduates for a group photograph. After the photographs Amber, Sheridan and my other family came fourth to present more gifts to me. Ife's mother had managed to travel and I met her. She was as bubbly as her daughter making me conclude that Nigerians were naturally friendly people. We were laughing so hard as we took photos. Dawn and Lydia were so full of humour and even though I was scared to be too friendly with them at first, they had opened their hearts to me. I was more than grateful that they showed up for my graduation. I knew my own family wouldn't be able to make it. are you wondering who Dawn and Lydia are? Pardon my manners. Dawn and Lydia are sisters I earned as a result of my relationship with Harry. They were doctor Dawson's daughters who had settled in the united kingdom. We didnt see each other so often because they lived outside London Glasgow to be specific. They had travelled to meet me for the first time during my second year of study and we had met three more times after. " Sorry our little brother couldn't be here." Dawn popularly known as Dee dee apologised " It's alright. I'm glad you came " I answered genuinely. I knew Harry had been working so hard from all our conversations. He told me he had a wonderful surprise for me back home and I was eager to know what the surprise was. Ife's family and my big family then drove out together for dinner at the nearest restaurant as we had to return for the non ceremonial photograph shoot for the school magazine. Dinner was wonderful and we later said goodbye to Dawn and Lydia who were flying back to Glasgow. We returned to the square for the photoshoot later in the afternoon and We only arrived back home late in the evening. I had over hundred and fifty thousand pounds in prizes thanks to my outstanding performance and as for gifts I couldn't even begin to count. I was spoiled rotten by my family and friends. The door bell rang and I heard Sheridan speak to someone with so much respect. Out of curiosity I walked to the living room after I heard my name get mentioned. Ife had gone to celebrate with her mum and were only joining us later. " I'm glad you are here. Please sit down." Sheridan advised and I obeyed " our guest here is Mr Kelly a royal messenger and he has brought something for you!" She added " For me?" I asked shockingly. " Yes for you." She responded as she handed me an envelope. I carefully opened it and read the contents " Is this a dream?" I spoke louder than I planned " What?" Sheridan asked " The queen wants to dine with me ." I informed her as I handed her the note she had personally signed " Please be ready on time. The royal chauffeur will pick you up at 5 PM Dinner is at 6:30 PM" Mr Kelly the royal messenger said before he left leaving behind another invite for Ife. " I will be dining with the queen tomorrow... the queen! Oh my goodness! " I thought to myself " I knew you were destined for greatness Kasuba." Said Sheridan " Oh my gosh! What am I even going to wear?" I found myself asking " Don't stress. Just be yourself that will easily be sorted." When Ife returned, we informed her about the development and she was ecstatic. Her mother had remained with an old friend of hers for some catching up. That night was the longest as I kept tossing and turning. Something within me kept thinking it was just a dream that will go away as soon as I woke the next morning except I couldn't sleep. I only slept very early the next morning......
19 Dec 2018 | 00:08
You are truly born for greatness Suba
19 Dec 2018 | 05:32
Happy for you
19 Dec 2018 | 08:49
I can relate with that kind of feeling
19 Dec 2018 | 10:41
19 Dec 2018 | 16:47
I'm happy for you
19 Dec 2018 | 17:48
next oo
20 Dec 2018 | 18:55
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 30 Dinner with the Queen was fantastic. I never imagined her to adore the simplicity of things. She was friendly and chatted with us like we had known each other for a long time. Something that I didn't expect nor was ever in my wildest of dreams. We spoke mostly about our expectations outside university and how to ensure that we become pioneers for other less privileged girls by being the change that we want to see. She said it was better to do even a little something than nothing at all about any situation. I had never had such a lavish feast in my life and I was pleased to know just how many doors can open up to someone with the right action. Not that these doors are readily open, but with a good heart, determination and perseverance anyone can discover bigger doors behind a small door. She handed us more gifts and wished us the very best. A week later, I said goodbye to the united Kingdom while Ife stayed behind. We had both been offered jobs being outstanding performers but I declined while ife went for it. Unlike Ife whose closest family was only her mother, I on the other hand had a big family that needed me closer to them. A family that was counting on me and valued my input greatly. As I sat in the plane reading a book that was highly recommended to me, I couldn't stop asking myself questions about what my surprise from Harry really was. I felt like a kid who was promised something nice and eagerly awaited the gift. any way I later managed to focus back on the book which basically highlighted how to cope with reverse culture shock after studying abroad. I laughed silently thinking it was hilarious that someone would go through such. I mean what could possibly shock you in your own country? But little did I anticipate what was to befell me shortly after my return. I was so frazzled that I just wanted to reach home in the shortest possible time so I connected flights from Lusaka to Mansa via Ndola international airport. The small plane touched down Mansa airstrip just before dusk and I slowly disembarked. Clearance wasn't as complicated as the London airport at all three airports in Zambia but I noted a huge difference in terms of infrastructure. The city airports seemed to be in such bad shape in comparison with where I was coming from. I guess reverse culture shock made sense in that instance we were indeed living in the third world. I was waiting for my luggage when I felt someone whisk me from behind. I felt scared at first but then I realised that only one person was crazy enough to pull such a stunt. " Harry?" I asked softly He then placed me in his strong arms gently and such that our eyes met. " Oh my babe I'm so glad you are back. I missed you loads my love." He said as he lightly kissed me on the lips. I adored his mannerisms as he wasn't one to push boundaries with acts of love especially in public. We did little things like holding hands, hugging and he loved kissing my nose and that was mostly about it. " Aren't you going to put me down?" I asked after I felt uncomfortable as well as pitied him . " You my love are jet lagged and should not walk on your own till you've had enough rest." He answered a big smile plastered on his face " And what about my bags?" " Already taken care of my love. Look you were only about four of you in that plane I hope you didn't expect to take forever to get your bags." " Oh I missed you honey. Are you alone?" I squeezed him tight He then clicked his fingers and immediately my whole family stood before me " Surprise!" They screamed. They were holding a big sign with a warm welcome written across it and holding colourful balloons as they showered me and Harry with confetti. " Oh I'm so glad to see you all. I want to hug you all but look at this crazy man. " Well your family has the rest of the day to greet you but for now you are my prisoner till you get home." Said Harry They all laughed like they were in on the stunt. He carried me to the car and my parents came with us while Biemba drove with the rest. We drove home and I was pleased with all the renovations that had been done to the house. It was much bigger and we now had electricity. As promised Harry carried me from the car and dropped me only on the new furniture in the livingroom. Afterwards a mini welcome party was thrown and Harry left promising to see me early next day. ********* A week passed and there was no mention of my surprise from Harry and the excuse he gave was that surprise will only be unveiled on our wedding day which was two months later.For some reason people around me were acting peculiar from my family to total strangers such that with my family I wondered what it was they were keeping from me. people in the neighbourhood greeted me more than ever before, fingers were pointed in my direction and they called me by the place where I had studied. I found everything overstretched. I was still the same girl from the hood, I wanted to remain humble and promote education in my community but they rather celebrated me quite too soon It was crazy. I felt idolised which wasn't right to me. I barely moved without people whom I didn't even know calling me by London's name and greeting me. Some went as far as calling me and introducing me to others especially the elderly. I guess that's why some people come back with fake accents and think they are no longer on the same level as the locals, in that instance, I understood reverse culture shock and how it embeds in some people almost without notice because the people back home treat them like gods of some sort. Anyway I decided to brush them off mostly because I remembered that it was all part of my reverse culture shock and it would go away if I didn't entertain it. I decided to visit Sally's place to see if she was within town and to perhaps get a means of communication. We had lost touch after about a year of my being abroad but I missed her and needed her so much. Well my trip didn't go too well as I was met with very cold reception and was simply told that she no longer stayed with her parents. I left without asking much. " What happened to Sally and where could she be ?" I asked myself as I walked back home. I had so many questions such that I vowed to try and find her.......
20 Dec 2018 | 18:57
hmmmmm speechless .......
21 Dec 2018 | 08:53
wlcm home
21 Dec 2018 | 09:00
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 31 Looking for Sally was almost proving futile . Each time I thought I had seen her, I ended up losing her in the crowd it was as if i was hallucinating. But I was adamant. In fact I wanted to seek out all those that contributed to my well being. It was by tagging along Sally's trips to school that exposed me to education in the real form. Otherwise I wouldn't have managed to eavesdrop to every lesson like that. I vividly recalled what happened the day I was caught and taken to the head teacher's office. What was meant to be my doom ended up to be my salvation. Yes I had found out a while ago that the head teacher was the one behind the last alms we ever collected, the one that literally changed our lives. I had gone to look for her and I was told she had been transferred to mutende basic school. I wasted no time as I rushed to find her. I believe as much as there is a reward for good doers in heaven, I feel if you can help it, you should show your gratitude to people who gave you a leap of faith and possibly be a solution to another problem they may face. If not to the same people then you should uplift others the same way you were uplifted and keep the chain of faith going you can even do it anonymously just like Miss Kaoma had done. so it was only right that I see her and thank her for jump-starting our journey to success and so she could have an opportunity to see that her hand did not labour in vain, that her money gave birth to more destiny helpers something that we probably couldn't have done had we continued begging on the streets. I had taken time to find out the best way I could help and I thankfully succeeded. I gently tapped on the office door and she called me in. " Good morning madam!" I said and she seemed not to have recognised me at all as she fixed her gaze on me before responding. " Good morning please sit down." She gestured and I took the nearest seat. " How may I help you?" " My name is Kasuba Mwenya..." I began and paused a bit to see if my name rang a bell but it didn't. See people who do good things without expectations tend to forget about those good acts which of course the Lord does not forget at all. " Have we met before?" She asked wonderingly I slowly helped her recollect as I slowly narrated how I first met her omitting the fact that I knew she helped us with our start up capital. " Wow ! You have really grown. I honestly couldn't recognise you. " She stood up and came to embrace me similar to the manner she had done all those years ago. I could see that she had aged quite like fine wine as she maintained her slender figure and her face barely bore any creases. " It's been ages. How are you?" She asked after we had settled down in one sofa together " I'm fine thank you and how have you been? " The lord has been good to me and I'm grateful. So tell me about yourself. Have you completed school or married? You look splendid by the way." " Thank you so much and thanks to you and others who have come to our aid, I have completed school. In fact I just graduated over a month ago with a bachelor's degree." " Congratulations! I knew you had what it took the moment I laid my eyes on you. What have you read?" " Statistics, economics and finance BSc" " Wow! that is truly impressive. I'm so proud of you." " And it's all thanks to you!" That seemed to ring a bell she was a smart woman after all " Wait, how did you know?" " I met one of the people whose face I couldn't forget. So I approached him to thank him and that's when he revealed that he was merely used by someone who chose to remain anonymous then I remembered that the time coincided with the time you offered to help us out financially." " You are indeed very smart." " I have brought someone here to see you if I may." I asked her as I stood up to go and get my way of repaying her We walked back into her office and the shock that she registered was evident on her face. " Annette!" The man called the head teacher by her first name . She stood up and froze like an ice statue " I'm so sorry I was so hard on you. The truth is my life has never been the same. I couldn't remarry because I was so hang up on you." She walked to where he was and stood inches away " Jeff! After all these years? Oh God! I can't believe you are really here. God knows I have repented for my actions. I did you and your child wrong, when I accepted to be with you I should have understood my role of being a mother to your daughter and I'm so sorry for what she went through all because of me. I'm the one that should be asking for your forgiveness." " Kasuba how did you know?" She turned to me and asked me " People had been talking about how horrible you are as a human being and so I decided to find out why because I knew a side that most didn't know and that's when I came up with this information. It wasn't so hard locating Mr Kaoma but convincing him to meet you was the hardest ." " Thanks young lady! " They said at once " I have to go now and I will be seeing you around." I excused myself to give them some privacy. proud that I atleast did something good for her by reuniting her with her husband. I decided to drive to kasasa market for some refreshments and that's when my luck in my search for Sally changed. I made the sign of the cross and thanked my lucky stars before I stealthily followed her ......
22 Dec 2018 | 16:18
wonderful!!! that's good of u,,,,, its good to appreciate good deeds
22 Dec 2018 | 16:57
that's very kind of you
23 Dec 2018 | 16:11
Why is Sally hiding
23 Dec 2018 | 18:50
I hope it's not Sally's ghost u have bn seeing o?
24 Dec 2018 | 16:48
Why is Sally running away?
6 Jan 2019 | 16:03
wow i luv dis story.Pls am waiting for other episode
24 Jan 2019 | 02:22
Whatever_It_Takes Insert 32 I saw her enter her house first before I followed her. Her door was ajar when I finally got to it so I lightly tapped it and waited. Thankfully, she quickly came to check on it. " Suba you!" She exclaimed with shock plastered across her face " Yes Sally , me or did you think I would give up searching for you and you will keep escaping me?" " It's just that..." her voice trailed off " That what Sally? Friends should never abandon each other." I saw her face relax a bit with that said " well aren't you gonna let me in?" I asked as she was just standing blocking the doorway like I was some kind of stranger. " Oh sorry..please come in" I slowly followed her in to her house. I noticed it was one big room which she had partitioned into two with a big curtain. " I barely have any visitors so I don't have any chairs to offer you." " Well where do you sit yourself?" " I sit on those bricks in that corner while I cook if not I'm mostly lying down on the mattress. " It's alright I will take one and you take one" " What?" " You heard me." I said chuckling as I grabbed the bricks and placed them near the only window in the room. She rushed to the other side and quickly came with a chitenge for me. I got it and thanked her " I'm glad I found you my Sally I really missed you." I said after settling down " I missed you too. I heard you were back a few weeks ago" She said embarrassingly " But you couldn't bother coming to see me." " I'm sorry that area isn't my favourite place anymore." "Consider yourself forgiven ...anyway I saw you with a baby strapped onto your back while following you...." I didn't even finish the sentence when the baby cried. " Sorry let me get her." She came back to the room baby in hand. " Can I hold her?" " Sure?" She answered passing the baby to me "her name is Patience" she added " Beautiful name for a beautiful baby." I said as I held the baby and played with her little tiny fingers. She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen " Thanks." "And the father?" I asked but it was like I had pried into some very sensitive topic " sorry it's alright if you don't wanna talk about it" I quickly added hoping for some damage control. I sensed a huge wall between us and I prayed she would talk it out. There was awful silence in the room for a while and I silently played with her baby as a result " I have made so many mistakes Suba." She began with a cracking voice " It's alright my friend. Everyone makes mistakes." I re-assured her " Just not quite like I have. I thought I was just naive but someone younger nowadays is more sensible than I was. You recall I was accepted to go to the university of Zambia. Well , in the first year I was so focused and cleared with stellar results. In the second year, I started losing focus as questions began clouding my thoughts most times. Can you imagine no man ever looked at me in that way not even my fellow students?" She chortled " so I started isolating myself. I started feeling ugly in my own skin. I figured I wasn't appealing to anyone. But one day, My communications lecturer noticed me that was almost towards the end of the academic year and walked to me. He comforted me and made me see myself in a new light. The following year, we started going out and I was never careful because I didn't want to chase away the only man that ever liked me. To cut the short story I fell pregnant for him and when I informed him..." she now broke into heavy sobs and I got up and walked to her. I held her shoulder and consoled her. " You don't understand Suba, the man literally mopped me up with all the expletives he hurled at me. He said I was too ugly for him and he was only using me to relieve himself. Unfortunately, someone was listening in on our conversation and reported us. Can you believe I took the fall? I was expelled from the university and that lecturer blamed me in his defense. While Ilost my golden opportunity, the most the lecturer got was a warning letter. Anyway you know how bad news travel fast it had already reached my parent's ears by the time I was returning. Automatically making me the black sheep of my family and consequently I was disowned by my father. And every plea from mother fell on deaf ears. That's how I found myself here." " That's so sad to hear my friend but the lecturer was the foolish one by not valuing you and guiding you like an adult he is. So how do you survive?" " I go out in search of odd jobs so that I could atleast have a roof over my baby's head and mine .I will try getting a more stable job when I'm able to pay someone to look after her." We reminisced more after that and Sally seemed to cheer up. By the time I was checking my watch I couldn't believe how long I had spent chatting with Sally. I got worried about the car that I had left parked at kasasa market. So I felt the need to get back to it. " Ok dear I will be going now but I will come to see you tomorrow if it's alright." " There is no problem boi. I'm sorry I hid from you. I thought you would judge me just like everyone else." " You know I can't ever do that ." " Yeah I do. You are a great friend Suba. One who doesn't ever look down on anyone no matter further in life." " Okay enough with the sentimental talk you will make me cry or is that your plan?" We both burst into laughter and for the first time since I had been at her place I felt her bubbly personality come out. " that's my Sally!" I handed the baby back to her. Baby Patience had began crying again and she straight away put her on the breast. We briefly embraced then I hurried to get to the car while hoping Harry hadn't grown impatient......
5 May 2019 | 18:21
No wonder she has been hiding
6 May 2019 | 08:49
Oh my
6 May 2019 | 16:58
ur are a good friend suba indeed
7 May 2019 | 07:30
ur are a good friend indeed ( suba)
7 May 2019 | 07:33
let's go there
7 May 2019 | 08:33
Whatever_It_Takes Pre-finale : " Oh Kasuba look at you." Mweshi said after she had taken her shower. " Mweshi please let me sleep." I yawned " Well not today." She responded and pulled my blankets. I recalled how she had done the same when we were young after I had done the ' waterloo' and protested " Why do you always do that." I asked pulling a straight face " Don't give me that look. Do you realise I just saved you from another ' waterloo'?" We both laughed and I recalled a bit of the past. It was a day like no other that began with a dream. I still vividly recall the dream that caused the 'Waterloo'. The dream that unlocked our blessings and the one I had lived anyway and continue to live. But never in my wildest dreams did I dream of getting married to such a wonderful man. Harry was my cherry on top of my icing, the one that accepted me for me and showed me a love so surreal I felt I could wake up and would find it was just a dream...a beautiful dream. " Snap out of it." Mweshi screamed and brought me back to reality. Just then I remembered a surprise that I was to get only during my wedding. " Sorry please pass me the towel." I said sheepishly " While you are taking a bath, the girls and I will be doing up the final touches so we can come and help you." " Okay." I got the towel and rushed to the bathroom. The girls and I had booked into Mansa hotel for the night while the boys opted for Luka Mumba guesthouse I guess because of all the booze they could have and it's close proximity to ellis and everybody's. My parents had remained at the house in the company of uncle George and aunt Jane. Yes you heard right. After much deliberation we had extended an olive branch to both of them. Unlike them, we didn't want to enjoy God's blessings at their expense. We had found out that their business had gone under thanks to their dearest son who had been robbing them in small portions such that by the time they became aware of it, their son was being transferred to Mukobeko maximum prison for aggravated robbery I'm sure you know the sentence involved there. Our dearest aunt Jane had now started selling rape and tomatoes in Chilyapa market in order to survive she too had lost her job due to her reckless behaviour and fraudulent activities. When they say Khama knows our enemies' address don't laugh it off. in fact story was that one of her colleagues had gotten her fired and she thinly escaped jail time for selling anti-retrovirals to patients and abrogating the patient-nurse confidentiality code. To think I didn't lift any finger to that effect was simply amazing indeed vengeance is for the Lord. When they say tables turn, I didn't expect them to ever occur to them or turn that much. If not for seeing it on my own I would have probably not believed it. Of course they didn't come begging due to shame so we took it upon ourselves to extend the olive branch and they had been so sweet so far such that one wouldn't believe they were ever mean to us. Anyway let me not get into much details about it just be rest assured that we buried the hatchet and now I was glad that they were partaking in my marital union. *** I stood in front of the mirror staring at the beautiful image in it. My wedding gown was perfect and my shoes complimented it so well despite the fact that they weren't to be that visible to others due the long train my dress formed. My hair was styled into an embellished modern updo. For a moment I thought I was alone in the room as the room became dead silent. " You look so beautiful my friend." Sally complimented as her image came into view. She looked splendid in her lavender satin with an illusion neckline bridesmaid dress which had a removable lace bateau jacket. Her hair was styled into a flirty, flawless fishtail just like the other bridesmaids while her white heels made her appear taller than usual "Thank you. You look stunning yourself my friend." I answered still staring in the mirror I later moved away from the mirror and Mweshi walked up to me. She was my maid of honour and was looking so beautiful. " Little sis you make such a beautiful bride." She spoke softly as she held out my hands. I felt her warmth as our fingers intertwined but I also noticed the sadness in her eyes " Have you been crying?" I asked her instead " Who ? Me?" She chuckled but I held my gaze and she added " well, maybe a little but they were only tears of joy." " Are you sure?" " Hmm hmm" she nodded " Well I'm not going to allow any sadness today so cheer up I'm only joining the institution of marriage as you always put it. I will always be close to you." " And we welcome you gladly." She cheered up ' clunk' the doorknob turned and April Jumped up, dashed towards me, grabbed my hand and quickly led me to the bathroom. We were all ready and so we were just waiting for the matron who had gone to check on the boys to return. " Quick hide!" She said as she walked out and shut the door. " Hello everyone, " I heard some familiar voices say. " Where is our bride?" They asked " It's all clear come out." Screamed joy the fourth member of the bridal party. I was surprised to see dawn And Lydia in the room. ' I hope all is well." I mused as I dreaded any bad news " The wedding is not taking place anymore." Lydia announced with a serious face that almost gave me a heart attack. " What?" My eyes bulged out of my sockets " Relax just Kidding." Dawn quickly said and I relaxed a little "Do you realise you could have given me a heart attack?" I sighed and settled down on the bed. " Oh poof." Lidia mocked and sat on the bed beside me. " we brought you something." Dawn said handing me a little box " Open it." Lydia encouraged me and I did. In the box were a set of beautiful pearls. I gaped as I took them out they were so beautiful I couldn't ever imagine having them plus they were original. " For me?" " Of course they are for you. Here let me help you ." Dawn offered. We stood in front of the mirror as she put the jewellery on my neck. " It's beautiful." I said almost chocking with tears " They belonged to mother and she wore them on her wedding. A present from her mother in law. Knowing that she is no longer with us, we decided to give you something that will remind you of her." " Oh thank means so much to me." I struggled the years that threatened to fall. " Always a pleasure my dear. They look perfect on you." Mrs Kaoma the matron walked in at that moment and informed us to get going. The boys were already at the church. **** Mothers were accompanied to their seats and the first piece of music played as the ring bearer entered, followed by the bridesmaids and later the flower girl also walked down the aisle. I sat watching in the car as the events unfolded all the more being curious of my surprise. I heard the second song play, a signal that the bridesmaids had made it to the front and I knew it was my cue to get ready. The matron came and got me out of the car and led me to were my father stood. I warmly greeted him and stood on his left in readiness for my processional. The bridal chorus played softly and I felt the jitters envelope me. My stomach churned and my heart beat so fast. I quickly counted up to ten as was told in a frantic effort to soothe my nerves. I looked at my father and took the first step followed by another and suddenly the processional didn't seem so scary. I walked carefully so as not to trip on my own dress " now that would be a first I could imagine the headline that would sweep through out the town" I smiled and continued with the processional My father looked elegant in his navy suit, white shirt and black tie but was awfully quite. We matched quietly down the aisle beyond the first guest chairs. We stopped and I helped my father take off my veil by holding his hands and guiding him. " You look beautiful." Father said as soon as he he had lifted off my veil. He then took off his glasses " Father!" I gasped much louder than expected "you can see me?" " Surprise!" My whole family chanted in unison " What? Is this my surprise?" I asked Harry as I stood there in disbelief scanning everyone's faces for any sign of pulling my legs. " Yes honey. How do you like the surprise?" Dad asked. He was not kidding. I could actually mirror myself in his iris where the cloudy stuff had been previously. " Like it? oh God Honey, " I held his hands in mine almost kneeling in gratitude "I love it. This is the best surprise ever. it's so unbelievable." I exclaimed as my eyes wondered through the audience in search of mother. I quickly focused them back on my soon to be husband, I swear I would have kissed him there and then before our kissing cue had it not been in church. That was no surprise, It was a miracle "And mother?" I asked excitedly " Her too." He responded with a smile I looked in her direction again and this time she waved at me " Oh Lord Thank you. But how did it happen?" " Will tell you later my child but now you have your wedding to complete." Father interposed " Oh yes.." I remembered the reason why I was there in the first place. I was so happy I started feeling hot but father gently handed me to my man quickly and the situation stabilised. We said our vows, exchanged the rings and we were later declared husband and wife. We reached the kissing part and we readied ourselves. It felt quite odd kissing in front of all those people but it had to be done. We had just locked lips when we felt a shrieking cry followed by shuffling around of feet We opened our eyes brusquely and noticed the commotion. " Oh!" I mused and passed out....
7 May 2019 | 08:38
What was that?
7 May 2019 | 16:40
Now what is it that wants to ruin this happy moment?
7 May 2019 | 16:41
what's happening? who's causing commotion dia???
7 May 2019 | 18:41
no comment
8 May 2019 | 15:23
we are almost there oo
8 May 2019 | 15:23
anyway here is the last episode
8 May 2019 | 15:24
Whatever_It_Takes Finale: I woke up very early and went to the study to perform a ritual that had become synonymous with that particular day. It had been exactly three years since that fateful day. My wedding day. I pulled a chair and unlocked the drawer in which I kept all my most prized possessions. I took out an envelope and opened it gently like I always did. I had read the letter and many others over and over again but I still felt the need to read them more on that day. 'Dear Kasuba, If you are reading this letter then I am no more. I'm sorry that I had to keep my deteriorated health a secret from you. This is because I never wanted you to worry. The rest of the family knows already and that's why your wedding date was set in such a short time. I hope I make it to your wedding day or atleast see how you will look on your special day. Please note that should anything happen to me before or during your wedding that you must go through with the rest of the wedding because I only want you to be happy. wishing you the very best in marriage and I pray you will be very happy.' " Well you made it through our vows." I spoke to noone in particular wiping the tears from the corner of my eyes. It was hard to lose a sister. Especially a sister like Mweshi. We were a powerful duo the two of us. Almost like my parents knew just how much the sun and Moon needed and completed each other when they were naming us. I even thought my parents were the smartest. I drifted back in time to the day of my wedding and recalled a shrieking sound that disrupted my wedding. As I opened my eyes I saw panic from my bridal party and the guests who were trying to understand what had happened. The whole ceremony was marred with confusion. Apparently Joy was the one that had screamed. She had reached out her hand to touch Mweshi only to discover she was stone cold and she slumped off the bench. Luckily someone caught her before she could reach the floor and that's when I had passed out. My sister had passed on peacefully in church In a sitting position. One wonders why there was such a dramatic turn of events at one particular time. Lucky for me we had already said our vows and declared husband and wife so the wedding was practically over and done with. The wedding reception though was cancelled and a day that was promising to be full of celebrations became sombre instead. Four days later, I wept hysterically as we put her to rest in the presence of all our family and friends as well as other sympathisers but one thing her death had created was such an unbearable pain in my heart. Biemba was literally shattered I had not seen a man cry quite that much for someone and it broke my heart further. Theirs was a love beautiful, so full of wonders and so pure I really wished they could have forever.For months I was in a cranky and sour mood because I just couldn't accept her demise. " Oh there you are!" Harry brought me back to the present "if you keep reading that letter we may be late." He walked to my chair and hugged me from behind planting a kiss onto the nape of my neck as he did so. If there was anyone I was so grateful to was my husband, he was so loving and patient with me. " Sorry honey. Good morning and happy third anniversary to us." I said for the first time since the ordeal " Happy anniversary honey. Oh you don't know how happy it feels to hear you say that... finally" I stood up and turned to face him. I then pulled him for a passionate kiss. He really deserved nothing less. It was time I granted Mweshi's wish. When someone dies those of us that live must learn to live without them. No matter how painful it is. The most important thing to know is death is our final destiny . Accepting Mweshi's fate apparently made my heart feel much lighter... like a huge load had just been lifted off me. " Mummy." Our boy called. Oh yes I was a mother by then to a cute baby boy who took after both his father and grandfather though complexion wise he took after his grandfather. " I'm coming my honey bunny ." I shouted back " A mini you is calling." I perked my husband as uncoiled from his hold and dashed to the boy's room. He was a year and a half and we had decided to name him after his grandfather. He was already quite a handful in an amazing way though. " Hey sonny " I greeted him as he jumped on me for a bear hug. " Morning mummy." He lisped then switched into the gibberish mode while I paid particular attention to him to make sense of what he was saying. " Father said you are carrying me with you today ." He lisped again excitedly " Yes honey today is a very special day." As I said that I remembered that I had gained more than I had lost and I ought to be grateful. I discovered that my parents had regained sight and had already sealed my marriage.Talking of regaining sight mum confessed that she had the hardest time hiding the truth from me as all she wanted to do was scream in delight upon laying her eyes on her children for the first time, Seeing the man that had loved her unconditionally and all the bursts of colour was dizzying for her. She was all the more grateful that she had a chance of seeing Mweshi before her demise. And the hero in all that was no Other than my husband. Of course people attributed the wedding scenario to bad luck but I was made to believe that such things are merely myths that manifest when one believes them. Anyway back to the present,we had the entire day planned out and we readied ourselves in order to roll out what we had been working on the past three years. * " Sometimes life throws thorns in your path that prick and hurt you. Some are so deep they leave you scarred for life while others dimininish with time. What my sister went through scarred her for life but she was surrounded by people who made her believe in herself more. People who gave her hope, who inspired her to become the voice for the voiceless. This was her haven a place where she found love. And that love made her live again. She battled death just to have that love and she in turn gave you more love. My sister taught me not to retaliate our pains but to radiate love. And now today we are here to keep my sister's memory alive. This is your go to place. Whatever you go through be rest assured you will find solace in this place, you will find your voice in this place and most importantly know that all members of this place will not only be part of the community but a family to each one of us. Therefore today I would like to declare 'Damsels In Distress ' in honour of my late sister officially open." I read my speech in front of the officials and guests The two father's, Biemba and grandson later cut the ribbon and there was an explosion of applause. I found new meaning to life the time we decided to do something that was to preserve Mweshi's memories. A place that was to continue preaching her message of safety awareness, positive living as well as abuse. " That went well." Harry informed me on our way home " Yes and the fact that father offered to teach brail to the blind was very thoughtful ." The good thing about father was that he knew how to read before he went blind unlike mum who we had organised classes for in order to help her with colours, numbers and letters alike. " I'm sure your sister is so proud of you up there." He pointed to the sky " I'm glad we took the initiative. It's what she would have wanted us to do." " Honey I have one more surprise for you. " But Honey you know I don't like surprises. They freak me out." It's true I had developed a strong phobia for surprises from that day onwards . " Just trust me please." " If you say so." I said looking away from him He drove us to the convent and gave me an elegantly wrapped parcel. "Please see Sr Grace she knows everything. I'm going to be at the parish. When you are ready Sr Grace knows what to do." He instructed after parking the car as he slowly walked to the church premises. Thankfully my family had whisked away Eric Dawson Junior in what seemed like a rush and had evaporated into thin air immediately after the official opening of Damsels in Distress. I was even beginning to smell something because my husband was one helluva romantic man. " Hi honey, I believe we are ready to give our marriage a fresh start." The note that accompanied the parcel read and I couldn't believe what was in the parcel. I was at the convent and the sisters assisted me to get dressed. They later drove me back to the church and asked me to step out just at the entrance. I was a bride once more. Though it all had a bittersweet feel as old memories surged through. I stood frozen for a while just before the bridal chorus echoed through the church and father came out to hold my hand. Memories were still flooding my head and I just couldn't move an inch. " Let's go my child." Father said " it'll all be alright." He assured me " But is this even possible father?" " Yes you are renewing your vows and being blessed so you can have a fresh start." I obliged hesitantly Moments later we stood on the altar with the priest who was ready to officiate. I caught a glimpse of my son and loosened up. We renewed our vows in front of our family, friends and colleagues . Oh yes I had been working with Barclay's for over two years then. From there we had our reception at Mansa hotel where management had offered to host us for free considering the last turn of events. Mauritius was our honeymoon destiny and the place was not only refreshing but magical too. ** If I say life is easy I will be lying as not everyone easily have their doors unlocked. The negative if stroked through becomes positive. Though each one's circumstances differ from the other, all you have to do is give it whatever it takes and you will have more reasons to smile about. because nothing tastes sweeter than the fruits of hard labour. I was once just a girl who went wearing oversized worn out flip-flops in search of alms with so little to take us through the day. somethings start with a dream and turn it into reality. of course dreams won't ever locate you sitting down, do something for yourself, rise up and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Whatever happens be resolute, dream larger than life and position yourself for greatness because in the end you are what you believe in. I believed in education as the key and it surely unlocked the way. The question is what is it that you believe in and are willing to do whatever it takes to soar to new heights and keep soaring? *The end
8 May 2019 | 15:25
wonderful story.... keep it up
9 May 2019 | 09:52
It's such a wonderful and educative piece Welldone the Writer
9 May 2019 | 13:02
nice ending
9 May 2019 | 16:08
All of these joyous experiences came to kasuba and her family that was rejected and neglected in the past. Right now is the time for blessings and joy after their survival from poverty to wealth
9 May 2019 | 17:16
All the London joyous experiences with the queen, amber, sheridan, ifeoma, dawn, lydia to more joyous experiences on her wedding day, renewing her wedding, achievement and memory of mweshi, recovering of her parents sight, sally, the joy of her generous head teacher, Dr dawson and more is all talking about SUPER LOVE between HARRY and KASUBA and their child DAWSON JR.
9 May 2019 | 17:42
9 May 2019 | 17:44
God will lift me up from pit to palace, just like he did to Kasubu and her family? So Wonderful!! Love is a beautiful thing? more ink to the writer's pen!!
22 Aug 2019 | 17:59
9 Sep 2021 | 16:58


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