[img]http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThyUaeQdJuBcD-pbwjEom_lJHraulQ3Et-80T8spbFH9hAvQQZMcGfKUE[/img] [img]http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSPhkkjMQo9k5fmWkQiHgawzTiUChcjHf7pU2kgZtzZFK6Kar4HjcPif[/img]
Which is better or safer? A girl going
to spend nights at a guy's place or the
guy (her boyfriend in most cases)
comig to spend a wkend at her place?
To me, all na the same thing. But to
most girls, they feel allowing ur guy to spend a wkend or night at her place is
not proper and cud also make the girl
looks slutty. And more so, it could
also give her a bad name among her
neighbors. Thats why most girls
prefer a girl going to spend a wkend at her guy's place rather than the guy
comin to spend the wkend or night at
her place. But are they not the same
thing. There is no how one can
camouflag sin. Cos sin na sin....no
matter how you try to make it look finer or better. Either way, sex will
certainly take place.