When the tide of the heart changes by Johnysky

When the tide of the heart changes by Johnysky

By Cool in 18 Jan 2015 | 06:09
Cool Val

Cool Val

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Member since: 17 Jun 2013
by Johnysky
whatsapp: 08147069538




Episode 3

Episode 4&5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9&10

Episode 11

Episode 12 13&14

Episode 15

Episode 16

Episode 17

Episode 18

Episode 19

Episode 20

last episode

18 Jan 2015 | 06:09
This story is originally and sorely by johnysky and written by him, all the names and events of this story are all fictious and fabrications of the author. any similar event that might have occurred in real life is purely coincidental. No unauthorized copying of this story or sharing to other sites without authorization from the author johnysky (08147060538) or my brother and friend coolval... ( Hope you all enjoy my little effort. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WHEN THE TIDES OF THE HEART CHANGES by Johnysky CHAPTER 1 episode one CHANGED TIDE Johny sat wearily resting his tall slim well built frame on a blackish brown wooden back chair which seemed as if it had seen more years than johny himself. dark clouds covered the sky as the grayish glow of twilight slowly surrendered to the domineering command of night. The hurricane lamp in front of him cast a yellowish golden glow over the environment, given an amber look on johny whose heavy face rested on his palms, the brownish singlet hanged loosely on his shoulders with little holes here and there, one can easily make out that it use to be white, the yellowish glow of the gentle flame dancing inside the lamp glove gave it a crisp bright milky colour. A reddish brown mud house stood behind him with the thatch seemingly shimmering in the black intruding yellow shadow casted by the glowing amber. "How did it come to this?" he muttered under his breathe. "who can believe this is me, johny williams, founder and C.E.O of JOHNYSKY group of companies, youngest millionaire in my town. taking an extreme scan of his surrounding taking in the whole settings of his new environment; the thatched reddish mud hut behind him, a sandy brownish soil adorning the earth beneath his feet with fruit trees swaying happily around seemingly saying hello... he could not help but look back when everything was so much brighter and where his hustles began.. John williams or johny as he was normally called by all and sundry began from what could be called THE VERY BEGINING. he was the first and only son of a school teacher father and a petty trader mother, growing up in the ghetto of ugbo-oghe enugu state. had his primary education in the government primary school just few minutes work from their face me i face you yard where his father worked as a teacher. his primary school years went by smoothly and he easily got admitted to another government secondary school not far from his house too but a bit farther than the primary school. he finished his secondary education and came out with one of the best results in S.S.C.E, like one of his teachers once said " he has an alien brain.. Things were looking up until after he got admission into university of Nigeria nsukka disaster struck and the blind cold hearted hands of death touched his life, snatching both his parents in one single fatal blow. his parents were involved in a ghastly motor accident on their way to the village for a traditional wedding. . . johny's life changed forever, bitterness and sorrow sank deep into his life. he blamed God for not been able to save his parents, the government for the poorly built road, the drunk trailer driver that rammed into the bus his parents were and most of all he blamed life for being so fleeting and vulnerable. Through out his parents burial and funeral, friends relatives and neighbours were all around him, sympathizers crying with him and countless promises heaped on him by many promising to see him through school and his well being. Unsurprisingly none of the numerous promise makes were seen after his parents funeral and thus no help came from anybody... His mind was forever shut to taking people's words and even God himself..... continued from episode 2
18 Jan 2015 | 06:10
Episode 2 episode two. Johny sat for sat for a scholarship examination hosted by a reputable charity organization. He was the best overall student of all who sat for the exam and was awarded the scholarship to his university education.. admitted to study accounting in university of Nigeria nsukka. he scaled through swimmingly thanks to his academic brilliance, he was class rep in the his first year in school and was S.U.G president in his final year. his popularity due to academic excellence in school gave him easy access to most females in school coupled with his well built 6'9ft tall figure and well built body as a result of constant gyming and basketball training. his oval face and searching eyes with white set of teeth that gives him a charming smile making him more handsome each time he smiles. he is aware of his charisma hidden in his rugged smiles and he learnt how to apply the deception of flashing smiles with such grace that can melt any lady. He finished his studies with first class in accounting and had his NYSC in Niger state. He joined in the struggles and hustles of everyday graduates, job hunting and everyday survival. from his very excellent academic achievement he was sure he deserved the best and nothing but the best, going from bank to bank, applying in reputable firms and companies. he has gotten many interview appointments and have done marvelously well in all from his own perspective but yet none of the firms called him back even after obviously being impressed with his C.V. managing a one room apartment in enugu through out his job hunting period he decided to move down to abuja and pray for better chances. He managed to secure and decently funish a one room self contain in mararaba. His job hunting continued made miserable by the ever intense hot sun of abuja. Like on a very disappointing day after going to different companies he saw their vacancy adverts on news paper only to be met with one story or another, some even asked him to pay huge amount of money that he know he couldnt raise even if given a year to do it, he was walking home from nyanya junction to mararaba under a very hot sun, his brown suit glittering with noticeable sweat trailing down his face.. "This sun abeg na no be competition, we all know say na u hot past every other thing biko oya no be quarrel, easy abeg" he caused under his breathe while wiping sweat from his face with the back of his suit arm and at the same time looking up sub-consciously to see if their are two suns cus it seems they are. After 3years of fruitless job hunting, Johny settled as a personal driver to a minister in abuja, though the pay was a bit decent it was barely enough to take care of expensive housing fee that plagued abuja. after few months of driving the minister who grew very fond of him due to his hardwork and dedication to serving him. the minister after learning johny was a first class graduate has taken it upon himself to set him up. Alhaji umaru told him in his flowing heavy hausa accent "kai walahi joni pirst qlass is nut a small tin o, in this qountry a pirst class student is doing driver work. du allah i will pind u something to work joni" Johny have flashed him a smile knowing fully well not to trust promises but couldnt help wonder how an illiterate like alhaji managed to be appointed a minsiter of the federation. "Yeye country see the type of ministers we have.." smh. . Not until alhaji got him a federal government contract of 40million that his view on alhaji totally changed for good. He executed the first contract diligently and earned his first few million naira from it though he remained alhaji's boy for 2years more. the foundation for his wealth was laid from there. "Johny please come inside, its late already" the voice of Yvonne jolted him back to reality from his subconscious visit to his past. she was tying a wrapper around her waist with a hand plaited simbi hair style but her beauty radiated easily from what was revealed by the amber rays from lamp. This was his problem and his down fall, Yvonne was the reason he lost his wealth and all but deep down within all the problems and tribulations he found love like no other. He gave a deep sign, stood up wearily from d chair his 6'9 frame stretched with him, he took yvonne in his arms as she sunk deep into his chest. "Even if i have lost so much more cus of her, if i loose her i will loose all" his heart sang as he disappeared into hut with her clutching the lamp with his left hand. Watch out as the drama is about to unfold and how things came to be as they are... continued in next chapter.
18 Jan 2015 | 11:55
Ife ije love na eme.
18 Jan 2015 | 13:30
nice startin, cant wait 4 next update
18 Jan 2015 | 16:38
This episode is dedicated to my dear friend Jessica, ** username Chigal** for her immerse encouragement and inspiration as i wrote down this episode...Thanks Jessy!!! episode three. THE BEGINNING OF THE BEGINNING "Hey young man, mr Williams!" Johnny heard a broad female voice call him from behind.. He knew the voice well, was sure it was mrs bimbo. Johnny hissed and rolled his eyes as he turned round to face the woman as she walked briskly towards him. "What does this witch want from me again?" Johnny muttered to himself facing down to hide the contempt on his face. mrs Bimbo a fat chubby woman with fair skin obviously from much bleaching creams; yellow here, ebony there, white here, she could easily pass for a human version of ripe roasted plantain. her face was chubby with a lot of skins hanging on both sides that passed for cheeks, a nose that looked like that of a day old with mouth that always gives out the letter O when on default. johnny look on as she approached him extending her hand for a handshake. he could smell the pleasant odour oozing out from her body and he smiled inside wishing he knew the name of that perfume. two broad golden ear-rings hung loosely on each ear, an overly exaggerated lash and pink cheeks with red lip stick on her lips, her necklace he could swear was gold with diamond stones perfectly fitted where it is needed. her flowing buba shorn in the sun due to little sparkling materials used on it. she was an epitome of wealth and power in a woman, her wealth gave her a huge aura which went before her. "How are you mr williams?" she asked. "Am fine ma'am" Johnny replied extending his hands to meet hers in a handshake. "Please call me bimbo" she corrected drawing him gently on his perfectly fitted italian designers suit by Andres pregini. "Alright Bimbo" johnny intoned with a smile. "See mr williams, you know you actually stole your last contract from my company, i was the one who was called for that contract before i knew whats up, you already double crossed me and took the contract" Bimbo addressed johnny with seriousness and authority written all over her face. "Mrs bimbo, ... sorry Bimbo, am sorry if you feel that way but this is the world of business and you are not new to it, i stole nothing from you, i brought my quotations and was awarded the contract.. anyway am sorry once again" Johnny replied back applying his deceptive smile and calmness. Bimbo gave a loud sinister chuckle like a nollywood witch. "Mr Williams, **clears throat** i run this FCT, am sure you know that. the president is my boy quote me on it" she gave a mild chuckle and continued "Just consider this contract you got as a kind gesture from me or as a token of my grace. i like you and ready to help you get where you need to be"... Johnny kept wondering the type of guts and impetus this woman spoke with, He had heard about her and most of his business associates have advised him to always avoid her like a plague. some have even said she was the queen mother of a secret cult that had many top politicians and pastors among its members even the president. he have always dismissed it as fallacy, he was not a superstitious man and such things sounded like super story to his ears. but hearing this woman call the president her boy brought something back, but it still doesn't hold water. "See mr williams, i like you or should i say i am interested in you..**her hands were slightly touching his ears** i want you to be my sugar boy, just be mine and make me happy in bed and otherwise and all will be yours, you will sail high in the ship of the business world" To say Johnny was bewildered would be an understatement. What exactly is this frog yapping about? Johnny queried his mind. this woman is lusting after me. what nonsense.!!! "Bimbo, thank you for your interest, am very much honored but i cannot oblige you what you asked for" Johnny said calmly still trying to smile. Bimbo gave a mild chuckle "Mr williams, nobody rejects me, what i want i always get, i will give you time to think about it. "Good day bimbo" Johnny said said as he turned and walk out on her, obviously fuming with anger and disgust. "you dare walk out on me boy, anyways just think about what i told you, consider carefully, you wouldn't wanna mess with me" she called after johnny as he walked back to his car. Who dah hell does she think she is, what insolence! johnny cursed as he walked briskly to his car; a black sleek range rover sport. he yanked the door open and sat down slamming back the door as if the door was his problem. . . "mtcheeew stupid woman, go fuck your son not me, can go to hell for all for all i care" journey kept on ranting as he drove off... not knowing this was the BEGINNING OF THE BEGINNING of his problems!!!
19 Jan 2015 | 12:57
Uuppzz... Dis story is damn interestn... Ur brain iz hota dan faya u knw.. U'r my fav hun..#winkz.. Ride on..
19 Jan 2015 | 14:42
Like Joseph n Potiphar's wife case, while Joseph suffered n later emerge victorious, so will ur case b.
19 Jan 2015 | 16:34
Dz Story Z Gonna B A Wondaful Story Wit A Wondaful Beggining Nd Ending 4rm A Wondaful Writter 2 Sum Wondaful Readers.
19 Jan 2015 | 16:55
episode 4 THE BUDDING ROSE Waking up this Saturday morning was like work to johnny after working his ass off the previous night finishing proposals and approving some, sending emails and replying. It was a very hectic night and he stayed up till 3am, he wouldn't sleep until he was done. Fresh dust-like air filled his subconscious nostrils making him sniff and breathe in hard, he knew it had rained while he was sleeping, the first rain of the year in Abuja and johnny loved the dust-like smell of the air when ever the rain poured. golden rays from the ever radiant sun found its way into his room, the beautiful beams surging through and caressing his still closed eyes making his eye ball adjust deep down behind the eye lid, the white paint of his room coinciding with the sun rays to give it a radiant brighter white look. Johnny gave out a slight groan as he reluctantly opened his eyes shielding it a little with his palm to ward off the invading sun beams. he weakly slipped off from the heavy blanket that covered his body and lazily sat at the edge of the bed with palms covering his face and taking a jiffy look at the alarm clock at the side, it was 11:25am... What a hectic night made worse by the numerous emails he received from bimbo, normally he would have ignored such intruding emails while he worked but he felt like he needed to make his stance clear to this woman. "Bimbo look, stop all this rubbish and stupid threats cus they hold no water, read this letters well 'i will NEVER have anything to do with you, get it? never! you are a married woman for crying out loud so respect ur womanhood and act like one, stop dabbling into this useless lustful folly" he had sent her angrily after he received 4 consecutive emails from her. how could this woman trying to seduce a guy who she is old enough to be his mother. Johnny hissed as he dragged himself to the bathroom the clean up, the words of her last email resounded back in his mind "useless boy, u dare insult me?... we will see what use the butterfly is when it looses it's wings, mark my words" ..."nawa ooo this kind desperation tire me oo" johnny mocked as he stepped into the shower. coming out of the bathroom he dove for his phone and saw 3unread messages in the notification feed, he clicked them open. The first was from diamond bank confirming a deposit of 1.5million into his account by one chief Douglas, johnny smiled to himself and nodded as he muttered "Nice one chief" they had supplied a trailer load of ceramic tiles to chief and this was the balance. The second message was from MTN "dear customer, do you want to get pregnant...........bla bla bla" idiots na ur papa go get pregnant" Johnny cursed as he clicked on the next message, it was from Onyinye "Baby i will be coming today" it clearly read. Johny smiled to himself... Onyi baby is coming here today, thats something to look forward to. Johnny had a sumptuous breakfast of Rice and beans with egg sauce, arranged his room and changed his bed spread in a blissful anticipation of the events to come when onyinye arrives..He fell on his bed with a thud, grabbed his system and logged on to to catch up with some latest trend while he awaits onyinye. Johnny and onyinye met in one seminar in lagos organized by McLewis PLC for young business men and women, the seminar had actually been very boring and tiresome but at the same time was strangely very educating and helped johnny a lot in his business ventures months later. Johnny was stepping out the seminar hall rubbing his eyes, evidence of boredom and tiredness until his ever straying, ever wondering eyes caught a glimpse of a beautiful creature just a few paces away from him. black flowing hairs that goes down the back definitely Brazilian hair, sparkling eyes adorned with a golden mascara and bordered by beautiful eye lashes, her face can be classified as ini edo category, his eyes scanned down to her body; beautiful firm bossoms judging from what he could see and killing hips and bumz all perfectly fitted into a beautiful golden curvy gown that stops just on the knee level, straight legs that goes straight into a pink high heel shoes and pink handbag. she was just Johnny's type.. "Hey...Last night God told me an angel was missing from heaven, now i will have to go tell him i found her" Johnny intoned on getting to where she was standing.. she just smiled, visibly blushing... "Am John williams" he said stretching his hand for a handshake. "Onyinye" she said placing her hands into his. they did more formal introduction and johnny got to know more; she was the secretary of the C.E.O of McLewis Plc, studied mass communication, resides in abuja but came down to lagos with her boss for the seminar. after much discussions, they exchanged numbers and johnny promised to call once they are back in abuja... That was their beginning. Now they have been together for 8months now and she has been a sweet girl and good support to Johnny. A knock on the door jolted johnny up from his eye glued system, he rushes out of the parlour and rushes towards the door.. Johnny owns a 7bedroom, 2living rooms one storeyed duplex in abuja. Onyinye walked in jumping squarely on johnny with their lips finding each other... "i missed you so much baby" She intoned, stealing more kisses. "I missed u more, dont know why this ur boss keeps dragging you along on these long tours..dont he know that someone here always needs you around" he said giving her bumz a little squeeze. "hahaha oloshi commot here no be my boss?" .... she replied laughing.. They walked inside in each others arms, with onyinye giving out loud cracking laughs... This was gonna be a blissful day for Johnny.!!! **Winks**
20 Jan 2015 | 08:52
episode 5 This episode is dedicated to my friend and brother FLAMES... ur encouragements spurs me on bro... thanks odogwu!!! Title[ A TIP OF THE ICE-BERG ] The frosty chilly atmosphere of early morning swayed, the bluish grey sky with retiring stars and weak moon perching in the deep bluish grey sky mat like little torch lights. The silvery retiring rays of the moon sluggishly and gracefully casted a silvery glow on Johnny's room giving it a blackish grey dim look. Johnny just woke up, had a nightmare the previous night; **He just finished a contract he won from the ministry of works, went to the bank to cash his balance of 50million naira with happiness. On stepping out of the bank with a portable Versace bag containing the money with his white teeth glowing in a beautiful radiant smile of fulfilment. a masked man just rushed pass him and the bag was gone, he looked on and saw the man running down with the bag in hand, he mustered as many strength as he could and started chasing him down but his legs was as heavy as one tired with two heavy cement blocks but yet he moved on, how could he loose #50million naira just like that. The whole scenario suddenly changed, the tarred roads became muddy and slippery, the houses gave way to bright green trees as the whistling wind wrecked through them. Chills went down his spine as he tilted his face here and there in utmost fear and confusion. the hooded man in black turned and johnny looked deeper at the creature in front of him with his money, he began to make out a female figure, that thick structure, extra large waist and pig-like cheeks, that plantain-like colour... "What! Bimbo?" johnny yelled in confusion and panic.. Bimbo let out that nollywood type of witch sinister laugh. "I warned you" She replied, with an ear to ear evil grin all over her face. Johnny was jolted back to consciousness as he he registered his surrounding into his brain. the grey shadow littering his room, he scanned his eyes around as he took in the protective four walled corners of his room with black opaque-made shadows "Oh it was just a dream" he signed as he tilted his head backward noticing a figure lying peacefully in bed, Onyinye's naked body lay there motionless lost in her utopia of a beautiful sleep, the glowing moon giving her beautiful naked figure a radiant silvery shimmer. **Who wouldn't sleep peacefully after the wonderful sex they had all night** Johnny smiled to himself as he gave her a kiss on the fore head, grabbed his watch and checked the time; it was 5:45am. He made to go back to sleep but was brought back by a sudden ring of his phone, he gave a loud hiss and he reached and grab the phone from the well polished wooden bed drawer. The name Alhaji Umaru stared back at him from the screen of the phone. "Hiaaa why is Alhaji calling me at this early Odd hour?" He tensed up as he pressed the answer button. "Good morning sir" he intoned on picking the call... "Joni..!" Alhjai's voice rang from the other side of the phone. "Sir" Johnny answered. "Flease joni dontu qoll my numba agen, flease i dont know me agen, amu suri but u willi nut understand..flease dont qoll me and dont qome to my house or my oppise (office)..." Alhaji ranted and the line went dead. Johnny's mouth dropped open as he stared at the phone in his hand. How could my own god-father just break up my relationship with him just like that? Have i done anything wrong to him? Did i disappoint him in anyway? Johnny mulled this questions over and over in his mind trying to figure out what exactly went wrong. marks appeared above his fore- head as it always does when he is worried, he buried his face down into his palms as numerous hissing and sighs escaped his vocal cavity. 'Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh!!! rang the phone again giving out bright glow. Johnny mopped at his white iPhone6 plus as if it was an explosive device. it was an unsaved number, Johnny picked up the phone and reluctantly placed it on his ear. "Hello" he said forcefully letting the word escape from the base of his throat. "Is this Mr Williams?" came a broad baritone voice from the other side of the line. "Yes this is John Williams"....Johnny replied. "Ok mr williams, this is minister of works, i want to inform you that the contract awarded to you have been pulled off" came the voice again. "What? ...No.. How can that be sir? wait we have already started mobilization in order to start work sir" Johnny replied with a throaty and shaky voice, even though the weather was chilly; beads of sweat were running down his face. "Look mr williams...**the voice continued**...this is none of my making, i awarded you this contract because i trust you and your company but i am unplugging it, am very sorry mr williams but my hands are really tired in this matter, the order came from a higher place...sorry once again" the line went dead immediately. Johnny's tongue stuck to the walls of his mouth, his throat felt dry and his eyes wet. he was feeling cold inside but sweat covered his body. ...What type of nonsense is this? ....what type of problem is this? 80million naira contract just slip through my fingers like that.." his mind was drawn to his dream but he shoved it off.. "that's nonsense, dreams means nothing and has nothing to do with reality" he assured himself. His phone gave yet another ring, Johnny sharply took a quick stern look at it, hands trembling as he grabbed his phone.. 'Unknown number' displayed on the screen. "Who is this one again calling me with a hidden number?" .."Hello" ...He blurted out on picking the call still trying to sound as normal as possible. "Hahahahahahaha" came a cracking female voice. **Who is this one again, the voice sounds familiar, it definitely must be Mrs Bimbo** Johnny thought.. "Mr Man i warned you..**the voice went on** this is just A TIP OF THE ICE-BERG"
21 Jan 2015 | 09:47
thumbs up
21 Jan 2015 | 15:20
Johnny, u shld v neutralize d bad drim with powerful prayer cos spiritual controls physical.
21 Jan 2015 | 17:38
Dedicated to my oga NHL 15G of whatsapp chat group. episode 6 DARK TUNNEL Johnny was panting as he ran and panted, his body felt numb and his blood felt like chilled liquid in his veins, his hands felt cold and his legs heavier than a ten ton truck. The darkness around was too deep, he couldnt even see his own hands even if he brought them close to his face as possible. . his breathe echoes slightly inside the hollow vacuum he found himself in, he could hear his heart thumping as if it was a bass drum beating only one fast rhythm... "How did i get into this DARK TUNNEL" he thought as his panting became more and more desperate. he could hear foot steps gaining fast towards him as he struggled to run faster but his numb body structure and heavy feet betrayed his efforts, their was no visible of light at the end of that tunnel but he kept on running to get away from what ever it is. "You can run boy, But you will surely fall" ... He was certain that was bimbo's voice... Johnny's conscious self took control as he sprang up from sleep, "What type of stupid dreams am i having of late?" "Could it be this woman actually possess some supernatural powers?" he kept asking himself. "Thats utter rubbish, i know too well that their is nothing supernatural in this planet" His body was engulfed in a very familiar chilly cold, his head was aching threatening to rip open, he was feeling sour and bitter in his throat and stomach. Onyinye already left after fixing breakfast for him, rushing off there after for her home to get ready for church cus it was sunday morning...Johnny have slumped back to bed after declining Onyinye's invitation to follow her to church. he must have fallen asleep again. Johnny grabbed his phone with shivering hands, even the heavy blanket that now cover his body weren't helping at all..."How did i get this sick all of a sudden" He lamented. took a long weak glance at his phone, it was 11:53am.. He opened his contact search engine and scrolled down searching for nothing in particular. his eyes flashed past a name and he scrolled up a little more clicked on the contact JESSICA on his phone and with a shivering hands slowly placed the ear piece to his right ear as AYE by DAVIDO blared through the tiny speaker, it was her caller tunez. "This idiot why you deh disturb me" Jessica's voice blurted out accompanied with a high cracking sound. "Yeye girl sheey respect don comot ur village okwaya?" Johnny teased back. "hiaaaaa na you i go respect gan? comot here joooor!" she said again still maintaining ever amiable tone. "Jessy abeg come my house come help me" she said this time weakly. "wetin happen? ....ur wife don leave u? She teased yet again. "Please am very sick jessy" Johnny said in an even more weaker tone. "What?..when? ..ok am on my way" jessy blurted out in a startled tone. Johnny and jessy met at the NYSC orientation camp in Niger state. they have started off in a very bad way, jessy was in Johnny's platoon and johnny was d platoon leader. Jessy being a very strong willed girl was always a bit too insubordinate. Johnny nearly punched her in the face on one occasion. they became friends few days before camp was over and as fate may have it they were posted to the same part. they friendship strived and they became somewhat more than friends, no one understood johnny like jessy did and no one understood her more either. In a little more than 30minutes time jessy was already in the house moving straight to johnny's room with brisk and fluid movement of her 5'7 body. she was dark complexioned, average body with a beautiful face and a nice fitting bossom and buttz... "Johnny whats wrong with you?" she asked on entering johnny's well funished room. Johnny looked up, gave up a weak smile and lay back down. Johnny took time to regale her in details all that have been happeneing, ranging from bimbo to the dreams and alhaji and the contract then sickness. "Jesus!!!...John you have to seek a pastors help, i suspect this is spiritual" jessy blurted out with sparkling widened eyes. Johnny looked up at her with that sweet trusted smile, their was no one he trusted more than jessy even tho onyinye hated jessy with passion, she saw her as a competitor for johnny's heart. he has taken time to explain to her over and over again that jessy was only a best friend to him and nothing more but that will always seem to get her even more threatened and angrier. If their was something Johnny hated about onyinye it was her quick jealousy and easy anger. "Johnny did you hear me?... am taking you to see a pastor now" jessy said again stressing the word "now" to make sure it sunk into his thick skull. she has always wondered why the resented johnny had against the church and even God. "Haaa jessy biko leme hear word with you and these thieves you call pastors, am seeking medical attention and not any pastor or any God." johnny said mockingly. "Johnny whats wrong with u, whats it with you and God, God loves you........." "where was God when my parents were ripped from m..**Johnny cut in** where was him all this years, where was him when bimbo spoiled my relationship with alhaji and the minister...please jessy dont even tell me any of that again" Johnny said raising his voice a bit. Jessy gave up the idea cus she noticed the change in his mood. Jessy spent the day with johnny, made him a delicious meal. Johnny was feeling much better with her around and he was already on his feet, they played, laughed, even played games and threw pillows at each other. The fun was just what johnny need, all was beautiful and serene until onyinye walked in and all hell was broke loose. To be Continued
22 Jan 2015 | 15:43
But Johnny u called for d wahala. U shouldn't v called Jessy when u know dat Onyinye doesn't want ha around u.
22 Jan 2015 | 17:17
@wind make she go look bush? If ur bf is xtremely close 2 a gal... U no go jealous? Abeg ride on 4 dis story jae...
23 Jan 2015 | 18:59
Sorry i have not being updating frequently guys. . . i am in lag and its been a bit hectic over here so writing is another thing. Anyways manage this episode 7...Dedicated to my baby boo Jessica (chigal) **winkz** episode 7 CHAOS The shattering sound of a breaking glass is heard hard and loud as something breakable and made of glass shatters in the background. Johnny's heart thumped and skipped as he heard the destructive havoc onyinye was causing all over the house, breaking things, shouting at the top of her voice shrieking like a whipped dog. Johnny sat on a lone chair in the bar, carrying his face in his palms with a bold bottle of whisky in front of him. "must she do this all the time, must she flare up whenever she sees another woman around me? Johnny lamented as he was taken aback to an incident that happened a month ago at the abuja shopping mall, they went to shop and onyinye was busy picking things and he was checking out the wine section when he bumped into an old friend, they greeted warmly and was still in the middle of exchamging numbers when onyinye jumped in, before anyone could say "I" the poor girl's phone was already tiny bits as onyinye sent it to hades with a thunderous shattering sound, slapped the living daylight out her eyes, dropped the items she picked and walked out of the mall shouting at the peak of her voice at no one in particular leaving johnny bewildered. Jessy was clutched just a few steps from him with a little amount of blood tickling down her face. her face was swollen and blank now, lost those sparkling beauty and life it use to beam with. Johnny's heart sank and he watched jessy. he could av sent onyinye sprawling on the floor with slap but jessy have stopped him... the way it starts is always like a flash. "What dah fuck is going on here" Onyinye shouted, as she walked in looking at johnny and jessy dragging one pillow to hit each other with. "John i said what is going on here?" her voiced thundered again as he was moving closer dropping her golden gucci designed bag on the floor. Johnny and jessy just mopped at her, with their hands still subconsciously grabbing the white pillow at the two opposing ends. "So Johnny just because i left barely 5hrs ago you already brought some whore into this house?" she ranted. "Excuss me i am not a ...................." **tawwaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiii** jessy was interrupted as a very angry thunderous slap sent her sprawling on the flour clutching her face with her palms in pains. "Onyinye have u gone mad?" Johnny barked in surprise as he pulled her to himself which she reacted by sending a hot slap from sambisa squarely across his face with a cracking sound "So u thought i had gone back to my house" she barked back. Before he could recover from wave of shock the slap sent through him, onyinye was already hurling tons of breakable things at him and Jessy, it was total CHAOS. a glass flower vase she threw hit the wall and shattered sending tiny debris flying everywhere, one of them hit jenny just beside her eye brow with a piercing certainty. blood tickled as johnny rushed to her side, onyinye changed her tactics as she left the room breaking anything her hands touches as she cursed and swore.. Onyinye left minutes later but the damage she left behind would take days to fix. Johnny boiled some hot water and cleaned Jessy's wound with it, gave her some medicine. he could care and concern in her eyes hidden deep within the pain that surged through her. Johnny clasped her in his arms and she surrendered herself fully into the fleshy wall. his arms sweetly wrapped around her back caressing them. Johnny knew in his mind that He needed peace.
27 Jan 2015 | 06:15
Na woah for dis Onyinye's possessive nature.
27 Jan 2015 | 08:22
Haaaaa dis onyinye jealousy pass me oooo.... Me wey no get liver... If i be man sef i no fit marry dat kind gal..she fit beat person sister tinkn na gal4rnd
27 Jan 2015 | 15:11
9yc 1 Bros,kip It Up
1 Feb 2015 | 02:13
happy new month to all of you, this episode is for all of you dear friends... Johnysky loves y'all episode 8 YVONNE Glimpse of golden lights from car headlamps buttered with dark shadows of the night passed through in waves after waves of proud light. Johnny was driving home, He had taken jessy to the hospital and waited for her to be treated before driving her home to her apartment after jessy turned down his offer of her sleeping in his house so he could keep an eye on her. "No johnny, i have had enough of that girl's wahala, u wan make she kill me?"Jessy said amidst chuckles with the usual sparks in her eyes returning. Johnny wondered how she still maintained a jovial spirit after all that happened today. "Take care of urself dear, i will come tomorrow to check on you" Johnny said with utmost concern and worry written all over his face. "I will be fine sir" Came the near laughter tone of jessy as she slumped into johnny's waiting arms and he in return clasped his arms tightly around her. she could hear his heart beat in an unrhythmized pattern as she placed her head gently on his chest which was the highest her head could go due to his out of the world tall height. Johnny drove home with a worried heart and face, had received 7hate messages from onyinye which he paid no mind to any and one from bimbo which he deleted even before reading everything. The dry chilly air from the car's air conditioner caressed his body making him feel pale, his stomach rumbled as he was reminded he haven't eaten since afternoon. Drove into celebrities restaurant ignoring the waving happy hands of the security guard beaming with ear to ear grin. he had always dropped some tips for him whenever he visited the restaurant but tonight he barely noticed someone was there. The bright white light from inside the restaurant glowed given it a bright glowing look reflecting on the floor and most silver wares. Johnny walked briskly in seating down in his usual table, ordered for his meal. He could make out how lost people were in their own oblivion as they worked their mouth through their meals, couples paying more mind to what they were discussing than the food on their table, little children cracking laughter and cry mixed with excitement as they made sure the food didn't go down their parents throat. As he was taking in the events around him, his eyes were drawn to a figure just two tables away. she was more engrossed in the phone in her hand paying little attention to the plate of chicken and chips in front of her. Johnny's mouth dropped as his eyes fixed on her like a security cam. He could make out the black curly hair beautifully packed to the back shimmering in the white light. he broad white eyes bordered by black eye shadow, long noses that seemed to be pointing at her perky mouth adorned in a light pink lip stick. her yellow sleeveless top holding together a set of wonderfully sized boobs resting heavily on it exposing a lot of cleavage, Johnny's member underneath his trouser throbbed as his vision was glued to those two beauties on her chest for some minutes before proceeding downwards to her flat stomach and an obvious round butt clad in a black tight jean trouser, her fair skin colour was smooth and unafrican making her look like a latin american. She was the definition of perfection from Johnny's own perspective. the sight of that figure seemed to soak away all the problems that ladened his heart, how he was able to forget i still cannot fathom. "Hi, can i seat with you?" Johnny asked with smiles on getting to her table, with a tray containing his meal. She didn't speak, just greeted him a smile and nodded. "Am John williams by the way" Johnny chipped in on seating down with his dark eyes trying everything possible to maintain eye contact instead of looking at the twins on her chest where the gravity works more on his eyes. "So which of the angels are you?" he added trying not to laugh. She gave out a loud chuckle exposing a beautiful set of white teeth, Johnny's heart skipped a beat. "Angel ni? devil ko?" she replied amidst laughter. "Am YVONNE Adesua" "You must be ach-angel Yvonne then cus only ach-angels can be as beautiful as this" Johnny teased again but somehow he meant it. Yvonne gave out another gentle laughter visibly blushing. "Why do i feel so at peace just sitting here looking at this girl? why does it seem everything is perfect" Johnny's heart raced with questions. They engaged in a long conversation, her mild gentle laughs always sounding like music to his ears, when ever she spoke his heart danced, her face glowed under the light. He could stay here forever if its what it takes to keep talking to this angel he just met. suddenly he seem to forget all his problems.. what could this be..? Johnny and Yvonne exchanged numbers as she made to go home with johnny walking her to her car, a sleek ash-silver coloured infinity jeep.. Johnny drove home in a more lighter mood constantly checking his phone to look at her number, somehow he felt it might disappear... What he never knew was "With the greatest treasures comes the greatest challenges...the foundation for his downfall was laid that day" Things are about to get even more complicated and hard for Johnny!!!
1 Feb 2015 | 08:05
D web u created with Onyinye has nt b loosed, u r here fantasysing with Yvonne. U own don pass b careful.
1 Feb 2015 | 13:12
‪‬‪‬‪‬‪‬ chapter 9 THE ACH ANGEL Johnny got home feeling a bit happier with himself and the world. he slumped on the couch on entering his sitting room giving out a heavy sigh. the air condition humming mildly oozing out dry chilly air caressing his body but inside he was feeling warm. He grabbed his phone and dialed Yvonne's number. watching the phone display dialing window, he took long deep breathe to calm himself at the same time mulling over what to say. "Hello" he was jolted back to planet earth by a soft female voice. "Ach-angel Yvonne, its John" He blurted out with his heart racing and thumping. "Oh yes i know it was you ach angel john" Yvonne replied giving out a soft laugh. Johnny and Yvonne talked extensively with yvonne giving out cracking laughs every now and then. They agreed to meet the next tuesday at the Evergreen restaurant at area 10. "Who was that you were talking to Yvonne? a voice came from the background. "Just a friend mum!!!" she intoned letting out a huge sigh, slumping down into her bed with her mind racing back to the events. The way he talked, his soft baritone voice sounding melodious like a singing orchestra. His eyes sparkling as he keeps his eyes on her face but she could swear she caught him a few times taking a nasty look at her boobs which gave her butterflies on her stomach. Those smiles that he always flashes making him her eyes broaden when ever he smiles. She could see his tall frame stretch up from the chair towering much higher than her who was barely 5'9... "Why dah heck am i thinking about a guy i just met a few hours ago" she questioned herself, hitting her hand gently on her fore head.. "So will you be free next tuesday, will like to meet you again" She recalled his voice as he proposed they meet up again. She could still hear herself say "alright thats cool" faster than she would normally do. "silly girl" she muttered to herself with a wide smile...Seriously looking forward to tuesday. Johnny was singing as he took his bath, whistling and giving out little micheal jackson moves with wild spines. He was called by to reality by a wild ring of his phone, he swooped the phone up hoping to see the name Yvonne unfortunately for him the O letter was more like it. "mtcheeeeew" he hissed loud and threw his phone back to his bed with those big grins that filled his face giving way to a slow intruding frown. the phone rang 4more times then a beeb, he checked and it was an apology letter from Onyinye. "This boxer should leave me alone na, maybe it will even be better if she joins boxing since she likes hitting things...mtcheeeew" His heart raced back to yvonne as his smiles slowly returned, then bimbo came into the picture. the thought of her sent slight tingling fear down his spine, he had never been much scared of a woman before, he couldnt even remember being scared of any woman before. "Anyway am so gonna love this tuesday" He reminded himself as he was dragged by nature into the world of dreams.
4 Feb 2015 | 05:45
keep the story rolling. thumbs up 2 u @ johnny
4 Feb 2015 | 07:03
Nyc one
4 Feb 2015 | 07:06
Seriously following. Thumbs up
4 Feb 2015 | 14:18
episode 10 IN A CIRCLE This episode is dedicated to miss Wind.... Tuesday was a wonderfully superb day for Johnny and Yvonne.. they had mad fun, played around, saw movies, had drinks and some little smooching. Johnny ended up getting a first kiss on that day. Yvonne on her own part couldn't understand how she could fall for a guy that fast but she couldn't help it and moreover she was happy she did. Johnny knew he was IN A CIRCLE of complications and had to untangle himself or it will escalate out of control. He was back with Onyinye but the relationship was more shaky than Nigerian nepa. Bimbo on her own part was still on his neck but her grip on him have lessened of late. A breakup was inevitable Johnny knew in his heart but he did not know how to go about it he knew onyinye was a sour looser and feared the consequences. As the saying goes the hands of fate are inevitable; It was on a cloudy moody day, dark clouds filled the sky filling it with a gloomy doom. beads of rains drop from zincs like sparkling tear drops caught in the haze. Johnny was on his bed clad on a white boxer and white singlet that clutched his chest tightly, a female figure is seen resting her head on his chest clad in nothing but a thong, both savoring the blissful feeling of ecstasy after a beautiful bout of love making . A beep from Johnny's phone made her drag herself up before Johnny could make for the phone she was already opening the message. The phone dropped recklessly on the bed as she jolted up on the bed with hands on her waist looking directly at Johnny. "Who dah fuck is Yvonne you shameless dog" she blurted out. Johnny dashed for the phone immediately and a text from Yvonne clearly displayed on the screen in black and white. "Cat got ur tongue you he-goat" those shrieking voice came again. Johnny could see the fire raging in her eyes, the volcano boiling inside her heart waiting to erupt. "I knew it, i knew you were cheating. your attitude changed and i suspected you were cheating on me. it was not even with that whore i saw you with the last time but this time another prostitute that called herself Yvonne...Johnny you are a shameless he-goat." Onyinye's voice was resounding and loud. Their was nothing to say, Johnny just wanted this to pass, he wasn't ready to defend anything to anybody. He sluggishly got up from bed making to get his trouser not knowing what was coming next. "Aaaaaah Onyinye what are you doing" Johnny screamed in pain as he could feel Onyinye's hands grip his dick with utmost roughness threatening to rip it off. "So with this nonsense between your leg, you think you can go around and fuck any hole you find?" she said tightening her grip on him. The stinging pain it was inducing on his lower stomach sent Johnny over the edge. "How dare her try this nonsense with me...I have had enough of all this" He intoned inside. "Onyinye leave my dick or......." "Or what he-goat" she interrupted with a scream... The words barely making it out of her mouth before a thunderous slap descended on her face from no where. her hold on his dick and her balance was thrown off immediately. "Now wear your clothes and take those bags and get the fuck out of my house and my life, i have had enough of all this nonsense." He barked at the crawling onyinye who was squealing on the floor with her face in her palms, his fist clenched in a threatening blow form. Johnny has gotten to the limit of his endurance, his chocolate face grew reddish brown with anger with his eyes fuming like a bubbling soap water. He walked out of the room going straight to his bar just inside the sitting room, ripped open the cork from a bottle of brandy and downed the content direct from the bottle. He was sitting at the lone chair in his bar still gripping the bottle of brandy in his hands and his fore-head on his left palm, Onyinye walked out from the bedroom dressed up fully with her handbag hanging on her arms. She stopped half way through the sitting room, looking at johnny intensely for a minute hissed. "You think you can dump me like that for some cheap whore right?..mark my words Johnny Darling i will make your life miserable, you will never dream of messing with someone like me in your next life" her words sounded with mockery, bitterness and threat as she walked out of the door and left. Johnny called jessy and narrated to her all that happened. "hahahahahahahahaha" her ever vibrant voice wreaked of laughter. "Choi nawa ooo this girl wan kill u? how she come grab ur joystick na...she deh madt?" "No be small thing ooo" Johnny laughingly replied. Jessy always had a way of making him laugh and happy thats why he always called her when it gets tough. "Oya how that ur baby...eeehn whats her name again? eehm..... ehee bimbo?" she teased.. "Is that one baby or my ancestor?" Johnny joked back as tears now formed in his eyes from the long laughter. His face beamed with smiles as he cut the line, then his mind raced to Yvonne.. her soft laughter, her smooth beautiful face, those lips and ahh those beautiful pair of twins on her chest... He smiled as he dragged himself back to bed...Things are looking up but somehow deep down he feared Onyinye's threat.
4 Feb 2015 | 14:26
Onyinye wan pull ur dickson comot.
4 Feb 2015 | 16:43
Johnysky Odogwu,I dey feel dis ur story
5 Feb 2015 | 01:49
Johnney u get luck say she no comot ur dickson,bt thumb up 4 u,i love dix ur story
5 Feb 2015 | 07:55
episode 11 TOUCH OF EROS Her eyes glowed as he entered the bed with her, just the look of his bare hairy chest sent shivers down her spine. Johnny took her in his arms with a searching eyes that adjusted in the dim light casted by the electric bulb above, taking his arms to grab her arms gently and drew it to himself as his body and hers crushed together. Her lips shivered as his found hers sending slight tingles from her spine down to her crotch between her thighs moistening it. Yvonne slid her hands around his neck as she brushed her lips above Johnny's, he tilted his face and deepened the kiss. she felt like someone have poured petrol over them and struck a match igniting a flash fire on them. the sheer gush of lust surged through her and she knew their was no going back. their lips locked again, with his lips on her upper lips while hers were locked on his lower lip as his hands gently lifted her top exposing those beautiful b**bs making his eyes widen and his d**k formed a tent beneath his trouser throbbing hard as his flame of lust raged on. His left fingers popped the hook on her bra, dragged it down her arms and tossed it into the corner. Strong arms banded around her, smashing his naked chest against her breasts in a searing embrace. Somebody moaned. She wasn’t sure which one of them it was. The exquisite rasp of his crisp chest hair over her nipples sent a fresh gush of cream spilling from her folds. Johnny took his lips down to her neck giving them slight kisses and gentle nibbles, kissing all the way up to her ears and collar bone sending moans out of mouth as she slowly lay down on her back. His whole frame was felt spread above her and his kisses was slowly going down to her b**bs as he took her in his mouth, twirling and slurping on one nipple as his hands squeezed and caressed the other. her eyes were clasped shut and mouth agape but no words escaped. his lips traced down to her stomach nibbling through her belly button as her hands sub-consciously dragged his shirt upwards in a bid to yank it off. Johnny smiled as he rose and tore out his shirt in a flash and resumed his position as his lips took hold of her lower abdomen and his hands journeying down through the jean-blue bum-short she was wearing, and his hand disappeared into it and found her p**sy pulsating and warm finding it wet and his hands engulfed in her juices. his fingers rubbed her p**sy through her panties his left hands undoing her zip and his lips tracing downwards more.. He yanked her shorts off and slowly pulled off her panties could see the broad visible wet spot on it, a mischievous smile cast a spell on his face consorting to the TOUCH OF EROS that was at work. his lips found her p**sy as he took her into his mouth, slurping and circling his tongue all over her p**sy lips pushing his tongue deep into her p**sy, sucking on her clit with reckless abandon sending her over the edge as her body pulsated and shivered in orgasmic pressure as the pleasures surged through her making her sub-consciously grabbing his head and pushing it deeper inside her p**sy as waves after waves of orgasmic tingles surged through her, moistening her p**sy more. She grabbed his d**k through his trouser as he hastily kicked out the trouser who was like an enemy at the moment. in a jiffy his trousers and boxer were lost as her warm hands clasped round his throbbing shaft and her lips engulfing it a moment after making him curl his toe as her head went up and down his shaft. the warmness of her mouth deep around his d**k sent groans out of his mouth and he gently grabbed her head watching her mouth slurp up and down is d**k. he gently grabbed her, gently placing her hands on the bed post and her knees bent making her soft protruding round ass shoot out in the air, he slid into her from behind shutting his eyes tight as moans flowed freely from her mouth. his d**k went in and out of her as her p**sy juices gave it a shimmering look under the dim light of the bulb. He groaned deep from the base of his throat as he felt his body begin to spasm. Heavy tingles of pleasure flowed from his upper spine down to the base of his d**k... her p**sy wall tightened its grip on his shaft, juices flowed freely spilling more on his d**k and running down her thighs.. his moans became more intense as he erupted deep inside her sending wads and wads of cum into her and her body quacked and shook as she was sent into another wave of orgasm.. Both of them collapsed into each others arms finding their lips once more as she melted deep into him. "This was definitely one ever made me feel this type of emotion before" Johnny's heart confessed. "I love you Yvonne" Johnny intoned with full emotion and crystalline beads of tears formed in his eyes as he planted a kiss on her fore-head. "I love you more Johnny" She said burying her head deep into his chest as both went into an utopia of their own. This was the day things became even more complicated than ever...!!! (We all will find love once upon a time in our life time, it is all you do when everything goes wrong that determines if you deserve the love you were given ••Johnysky••
5 Feb 2015 | 10:49
kudos to d writter nd coolval
5 Feb 2015 | 13:30
Omo,i love dix story@johnnsky,keep it roaming,more gresse on ur elbow
5 Feb 2015 | 13:43
Dis is too much. Hmmmm!
5 Feb 2015 | 13:50
Thanks guys!!!
5 Feb 2015 | 16:20
For those asking me whats eros on my whatsapp... Eros is the greek god of love husband of aphrodite the goddess of love and father of cupid (the mythological little angel with blindfolded eyes holding a bow nd arrow..used as a symbol of love..y'all are familiar with that one) eros is mythological attributed to the sexual feeling and lust in humans!!!
5 Feb 2015 | 16:54
episode 11 TOUCH OF EROS Her eyes glowed as he entered the bed with her, just the look of his bare hairy chest sent shivers down her spine. Johnny took her in his arms with a searching eyes that adjusted in the dim light casted by the electric bulb above, taking his arms to grab her arms gently and drew it to himself as his body and hers crushed together. Her lips shivered as his found hers sending slight tingles from her spine down to her crotch between her thighs moistening it. Yvonne slid her hands around his neck as she brushed her lips above Johnny's, he tilted his face and deepened the kiss. she felt like someone have poured petrol over them and struck a match igniting a flash fire on them. the sheer gush of lust surged through her and she knew their was no going back. their lips locked again, with his lips on her upper lips while hers were locked on his lower lip as his hands gently lifted her top exposing those beautiful b**bs making his eyes widen and his d**k formed a tent beneath his trouser throbbing hard as his flame of lust raged on. His left fingers popped the hook on her bra, dragged it down her arms and tossed it into the corner. Strong arms banded around her, smashing his naked chest against her breasts in a searing embrace. Somebody moaned. She wasn’t sure which one of them it was. The exquisite rasp of his crisp chest hair over her nipples sent a fresh gush of cream spilling from her folds. Johnny took his lips down to her neck giving them slight kisses and gentle nibbles, kissing all the way up to her ears and collar bone sending moans out of mouth as she slowly lay down on her back. His whole frame was felt spread above her and his kisses was slowly going down to her b**bs as he took her in his mouth, twirling and slurping on one nipple as his hands squeezed and caressed the other. her eyes were clasped shut and mouth agape but no words escaped. his lips traced down to her stomach nibbling through her belly button as her hands sub-consciously dragged his shirt upwards in a bid to yank it off. Johnny smiled as he rose and tore out his shirt in a flash and resumed his position as his lips took hold of her lower abdomen and his hands journeying down through the jean-blue bum-short she was wearing, and his hand disappeared into it and found her p**sy pulsating and warm finding it wet and his hands engulfed in her juices. his fingers rubbed her p**sy through her panties his left hands undoing her zip and his lips tracing downwards more.. He yanked her shorts off and slowly pulled off her panties could see the broad visible wet spot on it, a mischievous smile cast a spell on his face consorting to the TOUCH OF EROS that was at work. his lips found her p**sy as he took her into his mouth, slurping and circling his tongue all over her p**sy lips pushing his tongue deep into her p**sy, sucking on her clit with reckless abandon sending her over the edge as her body pulsated and shivered in orgasmic pressure as the pleasures surged through her making her sub-consciously grabbing his head and pushing it deeper inside her p**sy as waves after waves of orgasmic tingles surged through her, moistening her p**sy more. She grabbed his d**k through his trouser as he hastily kicked out the trouser who was like an enemy at the moment. in a jiffy his trousers and boxer were lost as her warm hands clasped round his throbbing shaft and her lips engulfing it a moment after making him curl his toe as her head went up and down his shaft. the warmness of her mouth deep around his d**k sent groans out of his mouth and he gently grabbed her head watching her mouth slurp up and down is d**k. he gently grabbed her, gently placing her hands on the bed post and her knees bent making her soft protruding round ass shoot out in the air, he slid into her from behind shutting his eyes tight as moans flowed freely from her mouth. his d**k went in and out of her as her p**sy juices gave it a shimmering look under the dim light of the bulb. He groaned deep from the base of his throat as he felt his body begin to spasm. Heavy tingles of pleasure flowed from his upper spine down to the base of his d**k... her p**sy wall tightened its grip on his shaft, juices flowed freely spilling more on his d**k and running down her thighs.. his moans became more intense as he erupted deep inside her sending wads and wads of cum into her and her body quacked and shook as she was sent into another wave of orgasm.. Both of them collapsed into each others arms finding their lips once more as she melted deep into him. "This was definitely one ever made me feel this type of emotion before" Johnny's heart confessed. "I love you Yvonne" Johnny intoned with full emotion and crystalline beads of tears formed in his eyes as he planted a kiss on her fore-head. "I love you more Johnny" She said burying her head deep into his chest as both went into an utopia of their own. This was the day things became even more complicated than ever...!!! (We all will find love once upon a time in our life time, it is all you do when everything goes wrong that determines if you deserve the love you were given ••Johnysky••
6 Feb 2015 | 00:46
Hey guys their was a technical problem but Val have resolved it... so lets get on with our story... here is the next episode.. Episode 12 HEART AND WRATH An alien scare surged through Johnny as he gazed at the phone in his hand. A text message displayed boldly on the screen with the glowing screen casting a silvery ray on his face. "So you have found yourself some cheap whore to mingle with just barely 2weeks you dumped me, my eyes are on you and that bastard called Yvonne, i know she is in your house now... You broke my HEART, now get ready for my WRATH " Johnny's heart trembled as his gazed transcends beyond the phone and yonder. "How did this girl know Yvonne is here with me? Why cant this girl just leave me alone, why must Onyinye always disturb my life" Johnny gave out a loud sigh. "What is it baby, you look worried" Yvonne whispered into his ears clasping him in her arms from behind with her face tilted beside his face. The softness of her body on his back and her hands wrapped around him stopping at his chest gave him a soothing feeling. "Its nothing my love" He whispered back forcing out a weak smile as her lips met his and it seemed all his mind was cleared. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The sudden ring of her phone jolted Yvonne back to the conscious world, her gaze turned to the blackberry passport beside her vibrating and at the same time Dorrobucci by melvin crew blaring through the tiny speakers and an unknown number displaying on the screen. She was in Johnny's bed waiting for his return before she fell involuntarily into this interrupted nap. "Yeah...who is this?" She announced on pressing the answer button. "Is this Miss Yvonne?" A strong calm baritone voice announced from the other end of the phone. "Yes this is Yvonne, who is this?" "This is Doctor frank from the Opus Dei Hospital, please do you know one mr John Williams? Yvonne's heart began to race hard and fast, blood clustering around her veins and arteries. "Why is a doctor calling asking if i know Johnny?" "Is it that he had a car crash on his way to the office"? Yvonne's heart skipped a beat as this questions surged through her in a little more than a millisecond. "Yes i know him, he is my boy friend" She managed to reply with trembling voice and sweats running down her face. " Johnny was shot this afternoon. Can you ple......." "What?....., shot?" Yvonne's shrieking voice interrupted the doctor. "where? who? how? is he ok? where is he? " a thousand and one questions escaped her mouth throwing the doctor into what the catholics call Magna silencia. "Calm down madam, he is ok. please can you please come over to Opus Dei hospital in Area" " i know where it is" Yvonne blurted out interrupting the doctor again before he could say out 'area ten' she cut the line dead as she sprang out of bed dashing straight to the ward rope to put on something. "Hassan!!! Open the gate!!!" she yelled at the hausa man who was the gate man. before hassan could get both of the gates open she was already steering her silvery-ash infinity jeep towards the gate. "Any flovlem (problem) madam, am i fine? Hassan who was standing by the gate as the jeep reflecting the yellowish gold rays of the sun slowly wheeled by, asked in his heavy hausa accent, getting only a confused look from her to manage as a reply. Yvonne zoomed into the compound of Opus Dei Hospital with jet speed to the surprise of the security man at the gate who was busy dozing off in the name of working. The car barely halted to stop before she jumped out rushing into the hospital asking about Dr frank. she was directed by a nurse to doctor frank as she was faced by a young doctor, tall but would be passed as short compared to johnny, he was calm and professional. Dr frank took her to Johnny's room in the private ward. She followed him with trembling fingers and held breathe as the doctor pushed open the door of the room with the number 234 engraved into it. Yvonne was met with a picture of a lifeless Johnny, his tall frame stretched out in the hospital bed, a white sheet covering him up to waist level and this bare chest wrapped in a white bandage with a little trace of blood. To be continued.
8 Feb 2015 | 16:55
episode 13 WELCOME BACK Johnny woke up early in the morning in Yvonne's arms after a divine night of sexual bliss between them. He got ready for work and helped himself with a huge breakfast of grilled egg, toast and tea which Yvonne made. "You are looking very handsome and gentle baby" She said grabbing the neck of his shirt as she adjusted the knot of his deep bluish dotted tie buttered in a white shirt with a silvery shiny suit over them. "Thanks baby" he replied taking her in his arms and giving her a kiss before rushing off to work. The day was hectic at the office for Johnny, he kept glancing at Yvonne's pic which was the wallpaper of his office computer and even his phone. somehow he couldn't wait to go back home to her, he felt complete with her and deep within him he knew he is in for it forever ( if you know what i mean) at 6pm he closed for the day and told Joy his secretary to tidy up his desk as he whisked off for home. Humming to the tune of "The way you kiss me by Shania twain" blaring through the car stereo, nodding his head to the melodious voice of the veteran blues singer. He pulled into the in land road leading to area 1 as a Peugeot 406 blue car zoomed pass him almost smashing his back bonnet. "Look out what this stupid driver is driving, some people need their licenses seized" he cursed. Everything happened fast as the 406 pulled up at the middle the road blocking the road. He was about to get down from his car to tell the stupid driver to get the fuck out of the road, he noticed something with the shape of a gun as 3 men in black flooded out the car. "Whats happening" He said to no one in particular.. "Oh shit...oh my god " he blurted out as the shapes of the men became visible to him. huge men on black with black masks and guns he could easily identify as AK-47. His heart melted into his stomach, sweats flowed freely as he his trembling hands shakily pulled the gear to reverse. There was a crash as he felt a thud at the back the car which nearly made him hit his head on the steering wheel. Johnny looked back in a flash and saw another Peugeot 406 packed behind him. Before he could say 'what' the front window of his car was already shattered to pieces with the bottom of an AK-47. "Common get the fuck down from the car" A huge guy barked at him dragging him forcefully out of the car. He was a black version of John cena, all muscles and veins. "Kneel down there you idiot" another roared sending Johnny sprawling on the floor with a thunderous slap borrowed from Middle east to the back of his head. "Waste that guy sharp sharp make we comot here" The second guy shouted again with the first guy already pointing the muzzle of his gun at Johnny. "Please guys please dont shoot me, i will pay you double of anything you want, please please" Johnny pleaded with sweat and tears flowing freely from his face. Despite his freaky tall height which made him obviously taller than all of them, he still felt like a tiny insect between them all. All of a sudden everything seemed important to him; Yvonne, his business, his village that he never visited since he left enugu. All he heard was a thunderous bang with a bright flash and a sharp piecing pain on his chest and everything went blank. * * * * * * * * * * * Everything was blur and foggy as Johnny weakly opened his eyes. A bright light was shinning, he took a weak look around as the white paint registered into his brain, the beebing sound of a machine, the blue curtains around him and the white ceiling above beaming down at him adorned in bright white florescent bulbs. "Where am i? " he muttered to himself. "You are awake!!...Oh my God...You are finally awake" Johnny heard a familiar voice shout, then his lips intruded by a soft familiar sweet smelling lips making him tilt his face to the direction "Yvonne" he muttered weakly. "Yes my love am here" She replied smiling and tears running down her face. "If this was heaven, so far Yvonne is here then am ok with being dead" Johnny said within him not sure whether his dead or not. "What happened my love" He weakly asked Yvonne trying to smile. "You were shot and have been in coma for 3weeks" she said running her hands all over his face with an assuring smile. Johnny's mind raced back and he recalled pleading not be shot then nothing else. The door cracked open and a bright looking young man clad in a white lab coat walked gently in with a smile on his face. "He is awake Doctor" Yvonne announced happily to doctor frank as if he didn't notice. "Yeah i can see that" He smiled not knowing whether it was to Johnny or Yvonne. "WELCOME BACK mr Williams"
8 Feb 2015 | 16:57
episode 13 WELCOME BACK Johnny woke up early in the morning in Yvonne's arms after a divine night of sexual bliss between them. He got ready for work and helped himself with a huge breakfast of grilled egg, toast and tea which Yvonne made. "You are looking very handsome and gentle baby" She said grabbing the neck of his shirt as she adjusted the knot of his deep bluish dotted tie buttered in a white shirt with a silvery shiny suit over them. "Thanks baby" he replied taking her in his arms and giving her a kiss before rushing off to work. The day was hectic at the office for Johnny, he kept glancing at Yvonne's pic which was the wallpaper of his office computer and even his phone. somehow he couldn't wait to go back home to her, he felt complete with her and deep within him he knew he is in for it forever ( if you know what i mean) at 6pm he closed for the day and told Joy his secretary to tidy up his desk as he whisked off for home. Humming to the tune of "The way you kiss me by Shania twain" blaring through the car stereo, nodding his head to the melodious voice of the veteran blues singer. He pulled into the in land road leading to area 1 as a Peugeot 406 blue car zoomed pass him almost smashing his back bonnet. "Look out what this stupid driver is driving, some people need their licenses seized" he cursed. Everything happened fast as the 406 pulled up at the middle the road blocking the road. He was about to get down from his car to tell the stupid driver to get the fuck out of the road, he noticed something with the shape of a gun as 3 men in black flooded out the car. "Whats happening" He said to no one in particular.. "Oh shit...oh my god " he blurted out as the shapes of the men became visible to him. huge men on black with black masks and guns he could easily identify as AK-47. His heart melted into his stomach, sweats flowed freely as he his trembling hands shakily pulled the gear to reverse. There was a crash as he felt a thud at the back the car which nearly made him hit his head on the steering wheel. Johnny looked back in a flash and saw another Peugeot 406 packed behind him. Before he could say 'what' the front window of his car was already shattered to pieces with the bottom of an AK-47. "Common get the fuck down from the car" A huge guy barked at him dragging him forcefully out of the car. He was a black version of John cena, all muscles and veins. "Kneel down there you idiot" another roared sending Johnny sprawling on the floor with a thunderous slap borrowed from Middle east to the back of his head. "Waste that guy sharp sharp make we comot here" The second guy shouted again with the first guy already pointing the muzzle of his gun at Johnny. "Please guys please dont shoot me, i will pay you double of anything you want, please please" Johnny pleaded with sweat and tears flowing freely from his face. Despite his freaky tall height which made him obviously taller than all of them, he still felt like a tiny insect between them all. All of a sudden everything seemed important to him; Yvonne, his business, his village that he never visited since he left enugu. All he heard was a thunderous bang with a bright flash and a sharp piecing pain on his chest and everything went blank. * * * * * * * * * * * Everything was blur and foggy as Johnny weakly opened his eyes. A bright light was shinning, he took a weak look around as the white paint registered into his brain, the beebing sound of a machine, the blue curtains around him and the white ceiling above beaming down at him adorned in bright white florescent bulbs. "Where am i? " he muttered to himself. "You are awake!!...Oh my God...You are finally awake" Johnny heard a familiar voice shout, then his lips intruded by a soft familiar sweet smelling lips making him tilt his face to the direction "Yvonne" he muttered weakly. "Yes my love am here" She replied smiling and tears running down her face. "If this was heaven, so far Yvonne is here then am ok with being dead" Johnny said within him not sure whether his dead or not. "What happened my love" He weakly asked Yvonne trying to smile. "You were shot and have been in coma for 3weeks" she said running her hands all over his face with an assuring smile. Johnny's mind raced back and he recalled pleading not be shot then nothing else. The door cracked open and a bright looking young man clad in a white lab coat walked gently in with a smile on his face. "He is awake Doctor" Yvonne announced happily to doctor frank as if he didn't notice. "Yeah i can see that" He smiled not knowing whether it was to Johnny or Yvonne. "WELCOME BACK mr Williams"
8 Feb 2015 | 16:59
episode 14 THE PEAK OF COMPLICATIONS Johnny was discharged after 3more weeks in hospital. Doctor Frank made sure he was kept to make full recovery before discharging him. Yvonne on her own part rarely left his side only going home to freshen up and cook him home made meals.. She told her mum she would be staying in her own personal apartment for the meantime so as to be free enough to stay with Johnny as long as it takes. Doctor frank helped all the way through the discharging process. Dropping them off to their apartment and helping him into his house. Johnny took a long missing look at his house as he was guided in by Doctor frank. The compound and his magnificent mansion seemed new to him after being away for such long time. The whole compound was well kept and neat, obviously the handiwork of hassan. He turned and gave Hassan an appreciative smile and nodded on his way in. His only problem was who was responsible for what happened and why? "You know am still trying to figure why someone would want me dead" He told Doctor Frank on getting to his sitting room and relaxing on the white leather cushion that adorned his sitting room. "Seriously Mr Williams, I advice you lay low for now... the person responsible is still a mystery and nobody knows if he or she will attempt it again.." "Attempt it again" Those words echoed into him and sent shivering dread into him. who knows if he will survive it again if such happens again, he thought deep within. It took Johnny about 1 more month to bounce back fully both from the wound and the traumer. He regained his normal self and resumed work a week after. But everything have changed in him, their is a craving deep down him, a yearning that have over taken him and he knew it was all about Yvonne. Suddenly he feels his world is perfect and complete because she was in it. "Baby i want us to go out for dinner tonight" He whispered into her ears as they were watching television in his sitting room. "But you know am about to cook now" She protested. "Baby dont mind doing that today, tomorrow is another day" He said all smiles and teeth... She went in to change wondering why all of a sudden he came up with the idea of them eating dinner outside tonight.. They drove into capelo chinese cuisine with Yvonne looking more radiant than ever clad in a red shinny shimmering long tight dinner gown, red heels and a little diamond tear necklace with her hairs packed to a single pony-tail at the back. They sat at Johnny's specially reserved seat with his name tag on top of the table. Yvonne couldn't help but notice the drastic change in the waiters and attendants, even Johnny himself was slightly different this particular night, wearing a broad grin, shaking hands with most people he greet inside the restaurant. "Your order sir"... the waiter expertly said as a plate of food was place in front of Johnny and Yvonne with the waiter popping a bottle of champaign to fill their glasses. "Uuuuhm is it just me or is this waiters kindof weird tonight" Yvonne commented looking at Johnny. "And i cant remember you ordering anything here.." she said again eyeing him. Johnny smiled mischievously, opened his meal, revealing a well prepare Chinese rice with chicken source. Yvonne followed as she opened hers, her eyes watered at the content which was nothing near food. A gold slim ring with a perky little sparkling diamond stone perched gracefully on it making it reflect tiny bits of light from the surrounding. Yvonne covered her mouth with her hands as he eyes widened transfixed on the ring before her.. Tilting her head up she saw Johnny kneeling on the floor with eyes looking watery and sparkling. "Miss Yvonne Adesua...please will you share the rest of my life with me?.... out of great humility i ask 'Will you marry me" Yvonne stood up casting a glance all around the environment, Most people were now standing and all eyes were on her now. The married women looked on with smiles probably remembering theirs. She could see them asking her to say yes in their eyes, some were even giving slight nod. The young girls were mostly looking, some already wishing their were the one standing there now. She tilted her face downwards at Johnny, looking into his fierce searching eyes, she could make out an ocean of affection inside them, love born out of sincere affection. "Yes...Yes i will marry you" whispered with both laugh and tears on her face. Johnny picked the ring, she offered her fingers and the ring gracefully fitted in perfectly.. He dragged himself up and she jumped into his arms as their lips found each other and a loud ovation oozed from the people around. attendants popping numerous champaign for everyone around and Johnny announcing he would pay the bills of anything everybody takes. (Actually this is exactly the way i have planned my future engagement...Oops just leaked my secret hope my future wifey doesnt see this...lolzzz) "Baby we are going to your house from here, i want to meet your mummy for the first time officially, you know you've never let me meet her before." Johnny and his fiancee drove off to Yvonne's house, yvonne already called her mum to announce she is coming with someone to see her. They got to house and the gate flew open, Johnny drove in and his jaw dropped at the size of the massive compound, the numerous fleet of exotic cars and the crown jewel; a magnificent edifice that can easily pass for a castle. Yvonne ran inside ahead of Johnny as he relaxed himself on the cushion taking in the flawless interior decoration of the house. "Mummy mummy he proposed" Yvonne announced happily on joining her mum in the dinning flaunting her ring at the same time. "woow thats an expensive little angel is no longer a little girl... am happy for you my love" Her mum remarked taking her in for a hug. "mum he is waiting downstairs" Yvonne reminded her... "Oh yes now lets go and finally meet him".. Johnny tensed up, tilting his face forward as he heard foot steps approaching, it was obvious she was approaching with her mum. Ok this woman looks familiar" Johnny thought as the figure approached along side Yvonne. "Noo it cant be" his heart shouted within. He could make out that chubby size and figure, oooh that colour... that fat cheeks.... Johnny was crossed face to face with Bimbo ...To be Continued...
8 Feb 2015 | 17:00
9 Feb 2015 | 10:54
Devil don get phone number 4 dix episode
9 Feb 2015 | 15:59
Hey guys thanks for the hilarious comments. am happy you guys enjoy my little effort. next episode will be up soon and i will start a new story in a few days time. thanks once again lovely friendz
9 Feb 2015 | 17:46
episode 15 THE REVELATION "Johnny please tell me, what is the matter...what is the issue between you and my mum and how did you guys even know each other before" Yvonne asked johnny who was pacing around his sitting room like a whipped horse. "Go and ask your mother" Johnny replied without even making any eye contact with her. "That was exactly the same thing my mum said when i asked her, and here you are repeating the same...**she threw her arms around him** baby please for the sake of our love please tell and my mum are both driving me crazy" She lamented as her hands slipped from him and she broke down on the ground crying. Johnny reached for her immediately getting hold of her, his strong arms wrapped around her. "Why must it be Bimbo?... "Why must this woman be the one to destroy my life" Johnny's heart queried as tears streamed down his cheeks. Johnny knew he cannot leave Yvonne, he knew in his heart that he is caught in this circle of complications and can never back down. Suddenly out of the blur this girl came into his life and everything changed. He knew their was no going back what so ever. "But why must it be Bimbo" Johnny knew within him that his problems just got worse, bimbo will never allow him marry Yvonne, this he was sure of. "Baby i cannot tell you my dealings with your mum, it is for your own good my love... please ask her to tell you if she will be honest" He said giving her a kiss on her fore-head. Everything just fell apart, his world, his hopes, his hearts and future is being ripped from him. Yvonne drove home like a cat being pursued by a dog, leaving her car at the gate as she stormed inside to meet her mum. Her shrieking voice echoed through the house as she yelled "mum" countless times rushing up to meet her mum. "I see you have gone mad Yvonne yelling my name like that...have you lost every respect?" Mrs Adesua (Bimbo) greeted as Yvonne appeared in her room. "Oh mum spare me that trash...You will tell me the truth ..What exactly do you have against Johnny and what was your dealing with him before" Yvonne screamed, traces of off coloured lines were seen all over her face as her make-up was gradually becoming washed away with tears. "Yvonne i have told you this before...You will not marry that bastard not on my life" Mrs Adesua echoed with every air of authority slowly sipping from a flute of champaign, her aura still as powerful as ever. "Mind you Yvonne if you disobey me, you know what i can do, dont bother coming here again for anything" "Too late mother, i am pregnant for him" Yvonne cried as she rushed out of the house again. Mrs Adesua was shocked, this REVELATION just shook the very fabric of her marrows.. "That brat have destroyed my daughter... i will so destroy him this time that he will crawl back to the hole from whence he came" She uttered with clenched fist and teeth. She picked her phone, dialed Johnny's number and waited for him to pick up. "Yes listen up you little bastard, you think you can take my daughter away from me, i will show you why i am Bimbo" Yvonne got back to Johnny's house, looking weak, worn out and pale. hours of crying and frustration have taken much juice from her. Her own engagement is officially the worse in history. She met Johnny seating on a cushion, his eyes shut and head thrown backwards, was sure he was in deep thoughts. She slumped beside him, retiring her head on his chest. Johnny was tired and fed up of everything, he was tired of bimbo always bugging his life and frustrating him, as far as he know she might even be the one behind the attack. He opened up to Yvonne, telling her everything he had with her mum, ranging from the first day bimbo tried to lure him to bed to the call she made to him few minutes ago, he held nothing back. Yvonne was quiet and calm all of a sudden, "You see where my mum's lust have landed me" She lamented. She narrated to Johnny how her dad died of heart attack after catching her mum a number of times in the act of adultery with young men and how she herself have caught her pants down with a young guy in their house. "I am pregnant" she announced calmly peering into his face. Those words echoed into his medualr, calming him and exciting him an the same time. it was strangely both soothing and frightening to him Johnny was both happy and sad about it. Deep within him he feared the consequences that are likely to follow from Bimbo. He took her in his arms and held her assuringly but he knew they were both in for the most trying period of their lives. ..Find out Bimbo's wrath and Johnny's ruin in the next episode...
10 Feb 2015 | 01:02
Bimbo will nt give her Yes to d union. I love d manner n d way Johnny proposed.
10 Feb 2015 | 08:35
Dis too bad o
10 Feb 2015 | 09:40
Pls wen is facebook girl part3 coming up? @ coolval
10 Feb 2015 | 16:36
Dis story z jux da bomb, am likin evry bit of it.. all i knw z knotin z goin to happen 2 johnny, true luv always prevails at d end.. thumbs up man, eagerly awaitin d nxt episodes pls
11 Feb 2015 | 08:32
Uhmmm... Let me also mark d register... Lol.. Been long tho... Keep it coming
11 Feb 2015 | 17:04
Hello guys... am sorry for not updating before now, i have been busy and couldnt put down this episode but here it is finally... Enjoy!!! episode 16 RAGING TIDE "That bastard have crossed the line this time" Bimbo barked shattering the glass cup in her hands. More lines appeared on her face defiling the make-ups she had on. Those cheeks turned red exaggerated more by the pink cheeks she wore. Her chubby face sagged and her eyes blazed with fury turning her roasted plantain colour to that of a red ripe plantain. "I will demolish that boy, i will crush him that he will become poorer than he ever have been before. . . he messed with the wrong woman, he messed with me now he is now using my daughter..." Her eyes widens into a pop, as her clenched fist bangs on the table. A burst of rage waved past her, making her shake and quake with rage. "I will take everything from him, and that stupid prodigal daughter of mine will have no choice than to crawl back here begging" She reaches for her phone. "Hello, am i speaking to chief of custom" She intoned with an aura of authority exhibiting in her every utterance. "Hello madam.. Good afternoon.. yes this is Alhaji danjuma" Came a trembling voice from the other end of the phone.. "What can i do for you ma?" "Their is a shipment of 20containers arriving nigeria from china belonging to one mr John Williams..yes? Bimbo asked in a tone of utmost command. "Yes ma... its tagged XH3628......" The alhaji replied with voice exhibiting much humility and respect. "That ship must not enter Nigeria...Contact the president of Warf... those container should not cross our borders, sink that ship" Bimbo commanded again. "What? ....Yes ma" the helpless alhaji replied again in mixture of utmost confusion and submission and obviously shaking. ** ** ** ** Johnny entered his house in the wee hours of a soft warm friday. His eyes caressed the interior of the building taking in the fine condition of the interior buttered in the greyzish black scene casted by the twilight. The gloom on his heart which clearly showed on his face was nothing to be compared to that which was on Yvonne's face as she sat on a cushion in the sitting room obviously lost in her own thoughts. Johnny's heart bled, You wouldn't need a soothsayer to tell you she was so troubled. who wouldn't be, when its obvious she just lost everything and all for what? to be with the man she so strangely love. He pitied her, and at the same time he pitied himself. his life was turning apart, everything was turning upside down. He just got a call from Mclewis Plc informing him he has lost the contract he was supposed to handle worth over a 200million naira, whats worse was that he needed the money to pay off the bank from whence he borrowed 180million to acquire a shipment from china and he used his house and cars as collateral. His only hope now is for the bank to exercise a little patient so he could distribute the goods in his container then her can easily pay them off since the goods are worth more than 800million. He was sure Onyinye was the architect of him loosing that contract, he had heard rumours that mr Mclewis did everything she asked for even though she was just his secretary, Johnny shuddered to think why. He joined Yvonne on the cushion, taking her in into his arms with his left hands caressing her stomach trying to notice the tiny life that formed inside. He recounted to Yvonne all that happened that day, only stopped when he noticed beads of tears forming on her face. A sudden outburst of the phone took him off his stomach caressing posture as he turned swiftly to answer the call. It was a from warf he was sure judging from the number, just a six digit number. He wasnt expecting his shipment for 2 more months, it was clearly betrayed by the surprise on his face as he picked the call. "Hello...John Williams speaking" He addressed the caller. 6seconds of silence followed making him wonder if the call was still on. "Good day sir" the phone finally gave out a sound. "Good day..How may i help you" he asked betraying his curiosity to find out the motive of the call. "Sir i just called to inform that your shipment with the tag XH3628.. just sunk at the pacific ocean, east african continental shelf area, and nothing was recovered. Johnny's heart stopped beating for a moment, the phone fell from his hands with a thunderous crash jolting Yvonne whose head rested on his chest. This was it, everything he worked for all this years have gone into the shipment and now all his lost in a flash. Johnny was welcomed into the world of dreams..... ...To be Continued..
12 Feb 2015 | 10:46
I pity u johnny...
12 Feb 2015 | 13:28
hmmm what a pity
12 Feb 2015 | 13:51
Haaaaa dis unfair o bimbo, there is God oo.
12 Feb 2015 | 14:04
Dis Madam Bimbo is damn wicked.
12 Feb 2015 | 14:54
Johnysky wishes you all good friends happy valentines day... Enjoy ur day and put a smile on his/her face today.. episode 17 LIKE GOLD The whole scenario was gloomy. a blanket of silent enveloped the house making even the air feel stale. Soft breezes stole its way into the the house, caressing the curtains making them dance slowly like they were moving to the tunes of a soft music. Johnny held his head in his palms with his eyes wide open but rarely blinked, visible tears could be detected but none ran down his face. Yvonne was holding on to him beside him resting her head on his shoulder, the tears on her own face was running freely like there was a highway for tears located through her cheeks slightly past her mouth. A white envelope was on a little side stool in front of them seeming unnaturally brighter beneath the white light of the electric bulbs. "Why must the bank strike when things are falling apart" Johnny lamented hitting his hand on the white envelope on the side stool. The envelope was a notification letter from the bank calling him to notice that his payment date is 2weeks due and he has only a week to pay back his loan of 180million to the bank or relinquish the collateral which happened to be his house and cars. He has been to most of his friends and business partners and none agreed to have even 1,000 in their account. He tried calling Onyinye who greeted him with a "Go to Hell" attitude. "Baby I think you will have to go back to your mum cus where i am about to go you cannot follow" he intoned running his hands through Yvonne's hair. Bimbo already seized the keys to Yvonne's personal apartment, her cars and froze her bank account. "Baby why do you want to go back to east, cant we squat in one of your friend's house for the time being" she queried. "My friends? the ones that have deserted me? I am alone in this Yvonne, i am alone" Johnny sang out stressing the word 'alone' like a nollywood actor would, with intruding hisses every now and then. "Don't say that my love, you are never alone. I am here to swim and sink with you in all situations. Our baby in my womb is with you and God is also with you" Johnny turned to face her, seeing in her a figure of pure and unadulterated love. LIKE GOLD this surely was a test of love and her love have proved to be better than just love. "I will move down to east with you my love, where ever you go i will go, where ever you live i will also live" She preached rubbing his shoulders. ** ** ** Johnny moved down to the east the day after the bank claimed his house and cars. Moving down the east was unbearably hard for him and Yvonne. apparently johnny never visited his home town after the death of his parents 13years ago. Onyinye made matters worse showing over the house to mock them as they moved out of the house leaving one wondering how she even got to know. Johnny regretted never visiting his home town ever since and not even putting up even a one bedroom apartment there when they got to Umunze and Johnny only had a mud house that used to belong to his grand mother. He met little humans running around the whole compound and had not the slightest incline who and where they came from. He and Yvonne were subjected to 2hours of introduction and re-introduction by several of the relatives who came to see the long seen son of williams. They settled in the bright red mud house johnny now called home. the old iron bed in the room could barely take in 2people comfortably and the constant squeaking and creaking sound whenever you moved was enough to give sleepless night. The hut had an inner room after the first one through the entrance. An earthen pot served as the water dispenser and pots black as hell obviously from the long years of toiling under firewood infernos. Gardens of vegetables and coco-yams adorned the back and side of the relatively large compound riddled with weeds. "I know this is just temporarily, i must bounce back no matter what" Johnny muttered to himself as he surrendered to his fate. His only joy and consolation was in Yvonne and his unborn child that grew within her. Thats how Johnny and Yvonne moved to the village as was introduced in the first episode. Watch out as the drama finales unfolds; Will Johnny's condition be permanent? Will Bimbo and Onyinye Go scot free? stay tuned. ..To be Continued..
14 Feb 2015 | 06:29
i kw dey ll never go scot free
14 Feb 2015 | 08:58
Surely onyinye wil greatly regret ever mocking him. "D downfall of a man they say is not d end of his life"
14 Feb 2015 | 10:29
...never knew its a crime 2 be good looking...nw johnny's good looks made bimbo want him..nd she destroyed him... Ppl re really wicked... Waiting... Happy Valentine @johnysky
14 Feb 2015 | 10:54
Happy Val to you too @Tenniebenson
14 Feb 2015 | 11:47
Neva!d 2 brat wil neva go scot free dat 1 sure pass.coz temptation ar nt parmanent buh temporary.
14 Feb 2015 | 13:08
Happy Val to you too @OriginalAnn
14 Feb 2015 | 16:13
Episode 18 LIFE It's been 6months since Johnny and Yvonne moved down to the village. Yvonne whose belly now clearly protruded due the beautiful life that grew within her, with all the inconveniences that goes with it. She now looks paler than normal, tiny bits of black rashes could be detected on her hands and a little part of her face as a result of the constant mosquitoes she had to battle all night and tiny little insects that looks like tse-tse flies that perches unknowingly when ever they see an open flesh. Her swollen legs looking relatively big, like its filled with water which Johnny takes the task of massaging them each night, pregnancy is both the responsibility of both man and woman. Her now hand plaited natural hair still shone like she still uses her foreign shampoos, her beautiful face still ever radiant and undiminished. All the while she still remained a happy creature, graceful and beautiful as ever even though her general appearance changed. Sharp piercing pains that seems to break her pelvic cavities and spinal column into pieces, like those bones are being crushed against rocks, occured almost every two days interval, each pain seeming new all the time keeps her and Johnny awake the greater percentage of the night. Mama Nnenna 'The 2nd wife of Johnny's uncle' quite fund of Yvonne have told her that the pains means it was a boy and he is trying to play football. "Hahahahahaha my womb have now become stamford bridge" Yvonne would joke with an invasive laugh imbedded in pains. Mama Nnenna was also responsible for teaching Yvonne how to live and adapt to the new life she was introduced to. Things like Cooking in a firewood stove, getting firewood, sweeping the compound and many other things, All seemed alien to Yvonne the first couple of months of their move to east. Johnny made several trips to abuja meeting business partners and trying to get his business back on but no help came. It seemed everybody and everything was against him, even the ones he helped turned their backs on him. He couldn't call or contact Alhaji Umaru who already warned him never to contact or visit him. His suites were becoming worn out and shoes a bit old, after 6months of not changing his ward rope, bears growing invasively over his face. Back home, he helped Yvonne with most of the house chores like washing and cooking. She had many times argued that she was only pregnant and not sick so she needed no help in doing the chores. Johnny and Yvonne were hurled into a whole new world, introduced to the other side of LIFE. "Baby can you imagine Mr linus changed his mind just barely 3hours after agreeing to help me" Johnny relayed to Yvonne after another disappointing trip to Abuja. "What? why?" She have blurted out in surprise... "Baby i am beginning to think my mum have a hand in all this" She added with a long hiss. Those words echoed into Johnny's ears like a resounding gong. "Could it be that Bimbo master-minded his downfall?" He is beginning to see things from another dimension but its yet still too unclear to be sure. Yvonne have succeed in dragging him to church and changed his views about God. He learnt to trust God in his situation and rays of hope enveloped him. "Surely in between two dark clouds their's a silver lining" He stressed. Life as we know it holds nothing constant.. their is always the good and the bad that keeps everything in balance. ..To Be Continued..
15 Feb 2015 | 09:15
Hmmm interesting! More grease 2 ur elbow admin!
15 Feb 2015 | 10:29
Nyc one guy,thumbup
15 Feb 2015 | 17:21
Gud intrestin
16 Feb 2015 | 01:17
Everything will soon be ok. Just have alittle faith.
16 Feb 2015 | 02:19
episode 19 TIME FOR RECKONING "Onyi baby...whats up na" Sharon shrieked as she entered Onyinye's room, her smallish body endorsed in an over exaggerated waist line giving her a weird look. Onyinye who was on her bed obviously oblivious of all that happens around her, with her head on a pillow and eyes gazing aimlessly at nothing. Onyi babe na...wetin deh do you?" Sharon asked again this time pushing her slightly on the shoulder jolting her out of her out of the world thought. "Oh Shanty... you are here whats up" she intoned rubbing her eyes with the back of her palm as she took her unfixed gaze to The weird smallish figure that stood as sharon. "I deh jaree... wetin deh do you gurl? why are you now a shadow of yourself, you did not even see me enter" shanty asked, her dim black eyes popping a bit. "Shanty na that bastard ooo John, Do you know this guy beat me up?" she intoned more of a question than a statement. "What?" Sharon shouted seemingly jumping with her over proportioned ass jumping along giving echoing vibrating response. "Hiaaan no be small thing ooo that bastard dumped me for one cheap whore he picked from God knows where" Onyinye barked standing up on her feet this time. "I promised him that i will deal with him and i will, that stupid he-goat will not live to celebrate him dumping me like a cheap rag... he messed with the wrong bitch" She blurted out staring directly at Sharon who nodded in response. Both were high ranking members of a female secret confraternity back in their university days. "Shanty abeg help me talk to spider... tell him to waste that bastard" She added with visible nerves appearing at the side of her face. 3 days after the news was broken. Onyinye was in the office when her phone vibrated signaling a call. "Hello spider wetin deh" She muttered in whispers placing her head underneath her desk to mask the sound of her voice from escaping. "Onyi scatter... sweet babe, we don waste that mugu" Spider announce with a chuckle. "Ewooo... ehee thank you. i go see you later" She blurted as the line went dead. An odd melancholy feeling overtook her, salty tears ran down her face.. "Scatter forget joor that he-goat deserved what he got" she cursed under her breathe. ** ** ** Onyinye was drawn back to her conscious self from the deep flash back she was having. Her environment registered into her; the four windowless wall stared deeply at her, looking dirty and unpainted with drawings of weird figures obviously drawn with a charcoal, strange stains that she make out to be faeces dried and crispy decorated the wall. She was drawn back to reality; SHE WAS IN PRISON. After Johnny move down to east, the police followed up on the case on the insistence of doctor frank who convince his friend the commissioner. On the course of the investigation spider and 3 of his gang mates were busted. spider was shot and killed on the process of trying to escape while the other three were whisked off to be question and that was were onyinye came in. On the heavy afternoon of a sunny Wednesday, police barged into the office complex of McLewis and took onyinye away, the boys had mentioned her name. They were all charged with attempted murder and sentenced to 10years imprisonment with hard labour. Tears rolled freely from her eyes which were already swollen from the numerous hours and nights of crying. "God please forgive me... i know i have been foolish and stupid please i beg you forgive me and grant me mercy" she cried tasting her salty tears as they rolled from the run way on her cheek to the corner of her mouth. "I was even foolish enough to mock him as he packed out of the city even after attempting to kill him" she went on with her lament.."oh i really need to apologize to him i hope he can forgive me, i hope God can forgive me". Surely this was the TIME FOR RECKONING. ..To be Continued..
16 Feb 2015 | 12:35
This jst d begining
16 Feb 2015 | 17:58
Nxt episode plss
16 Feb 2015 | 18:06
17 Feb 2015 | 01:31
Be enjoying your little time there Onyinye... It remain 'Mama Bimbo'... And how things get better for the 'unwanted couples'... Next
17 Feb 2015 | 04:24
Kai.. I kum d pity onyi o.. Considerin d way her nd johnny bin d do their swit swit love.
17 Feb 2015 | 09:35
Dedicated to @freelizzy episode 20 WHAT GOES AROUND Yvonne rushed into the compound carried by her legs at the highest speed it could carry her. Her wrapper was flowing from the wind turbulence her speed created threatening to slip off. Her belly visibly large led the way and were being supported by her right hand and the left grasped the wrappers preventing them from slipping off. "What is it Yvonne, whats wrong?" Johnny bolted up on seeing her rushing into the compound, abandoning the bamboo sticks he was cutting. "Baby what is it?" He asked again taking hold of her in a more calmed manner. "I just got a call, my mum was involved in an accident, her car rammed into a speeding trailer and the driver is dead, the doctor said my mum is in a very critical condition and her chances of surviving are slim" She announced breaking down in tears. Johnny's mind raced back to his parents and how he got the news of their demise, he could still recall how it all happened; He was playing ball with Onyedika his childhood bestie, judging from their sweat you could think they were on a champions league final match. He knew immediately that something was up when he saw people gathered around with his uncles he knew lived down in the village all of sudden were in their yard with their faces wearing a long gloomy look. He could feel the pitying eyes of the crowd as he walked in after being called in by Linda who was the news caster in their childhood days but that day linda too was clueless of what was going on, judging from the way her questioning eyes cast a suspicious glance at everything and everyone around blinking at more interval than others. His uncle's voice still resounded fresh in his mind as the news was broken to him. "Nnaaa, your daddy and mummy were involved in an accident and are in a bad condition nobody knows what will happen." Johnny knew they were already dead judging from the looks and even crying faces of most people there, "Why would such sympathizing crying crowds gather her if they were still alive" But strangely he understood the need for them to try and mask the obvious from him. "Baby am so sorry, please dont cry" he tried calming Yvonne down who was already on the floor, "Am sure she is alright" he added hoping it is the truth. Johnny and Yvonne travelled to abuja the next morning to see Bimbo who lay just like a mummified Egyptian corpse on her hospital bed, the bandage that covered most part of her body shone under the light, her left arm and both legs were hung slightly, face covered except for the openings for her eyes, nostrils and mouth. Bimbo's eyes slowly and weakly cracked open for this first time after 4weeks of being in coma. Her now uncovered face swollen and deep cuts still were visible on it. Her eyes were met by two figures, one was sitting beside her in bed and it looked like a pregnant woman, the other was a very tall male figure stood against the wall looking down at her, he could recognize those sparkling eyes and tall frame. "Yvonne?" She muttered weakly her hands tilting up to hold Yvonne who sat on the bed. "Yes mummy" Yvonne intoned leaning forward and taking her arms in, tears already battering her face like a waterfall on slow motion. "Please you and johnny, my children find a space in your hearts to forgive me...I am so sorry" Tears followed unsummoned tickling down from the corners of her eyes down to the region of her ears. ..Continued in the next episode.. Will Johnny forgive he after learning about all she did? Will bimbo survive? Will Johnny return back to what he used to be? Find out in the final episode... Happy ash Wednesday guys!
18 Feb 2015 | 08:01
thumbs up Johnsky u doing a great job @johnsky.....i need de link to A MAN'S DESTINY Thanks
18 Feb 2015 | 09:36
Hmmm.... Well, i'm in the shoe to ask you all that question! And you can do me a favour in answering that question by posting the GRAND FINAL EPISODE! Nice work
18 Feb 2015 | 09:49
@Elibert here is the link. A man's destiny last episode @khola46 I am sure your questions will be answered in the next episode
18 Feb 2015 | 10:26
Johnny will still forgive Bimbo if not for nothing else, but for d sake of Yvonne her dota n his sweetheart.
18 Feb 2015 | 11:25
U r great johnsky,more grease 2 ur elbow
18 Feb 2015 | 11:36
He will definitely forgive Bimbo afterall, she is d mother of his beloved wife
18 Feb 2015 | 13:05
Uhmmm.... Itz really d law of karma... I jez wish evil ppl gets dia reward diz fast.. It would have been better...but sometimez God will continue watching dem 4 several years... @Shunbaby u better wait o..cos if u go nobody will come nd call u o
19 Feb 2015 | 01:27
johnny u jez hav 2 4giv her so dat God cn also 4giv u of ur sins. johnny mor ink 2 ur pen, more grease 2 u elbow
19 Feb 2015 | 03:17
Thanks to johnny for dedicating that to me thumb up for you big time. Now johnny no more stress let me answer those million dollar questions. Johnny will surely forgive her for the sake of his wife that is carrying his baby. Bimbo will surely die oh yes and johnny as have said earlier he will recover all cox with God all things are very possible if if makes him his master planner. Weldone i really love and enjoy the story waiting for the next episode. Thanks. Happy ash wednesday to you. i hope you fasting? Cheeeeeeerrrrrrssssss!!!
19 Feb 2015 | 05:19
It has been a wonderful journey with you all but today this journey ends but be rest assured it never ends (a new story from me MY FATHER'S WIFE follows immediately after this) This episode is dedicated to Jessica my baby boo , tenniebenson, mray, freelizzy, kohola46 and all of you great friends johnysky thanks u all. episode 21 The finale DAWN Yvonne was clad in a white flowing gown shimmering under the lights as different colours reflected from the little white gems that adorned the dress. Her face shone, deep mascara darkened her artificial eye lashes more, contrasted my light golden eye shadows and pink lip stick. The diamond tear on her neck was held by a white gold necklace and her radiant face could beat that of any goddess. Her belly was masked well by the size of the white dress that flowed downward to her legs clad in a silvery medium heeled shoes. young girls were around her, adjusting things here and there, adding more make ups and doing what they know best. Johnny was in another room adjusting a black tie to go with a white crisp shirt with a shimmering american suit to go over it. The room was filled up with young men clad in similar suit and ties as Johnny who was the center of attraction as they all took turns in hitting and teasing him. names like "baby papa, old man" was given to him by the boy who laughed and joked over him. It Was A Wedding Day The bells of St. theresa catholic cathedral loudly tolled and jimed letting out echoing sounds that seemed to linger. Men and women clad in different exquisite clothes ranging from long flowing agbada that always needs to be packed up to the shoulders, to simple shirt tucked in a trouser for the men folks. Over exaggerated and massive head ties with colourful and ranging native attires to go with it, to normal girl folk dresses were adorned by the female folks. The face of the church wore a colourful and smiling look as people trooped into the massive cathedral. It has been on the Front page of the vanguard, nations, guardian, sun magazines and even on the homepage of; the long awaited day of the couple John Williams and Yvonne Adesua swept the nations trend like a wild fire. Bimbo was seen clad in a golden netty lace with silvery stiff head tie than blends with the silvery shoes she wore, she was seated on a wheel chair. ** ** ** Bimbo have demanded to see a pastor after her apology to Johnny and Yvonne on her hospital bed. The doctor have made it clear her spinal cord were affected and she wouldn't be able to use her legs again. On the pastors admonition she had made an open confession and seek retribution for her sins, no one could doubt the sincerity of her repentance. Her close contact with death changed her life forever and the life of everyone around her. She apologized mainly to Johnny for almost ruining his life, gave him the sum of 1billion naira for his sunk goods so he can rebuild his life. She made Yvonne the sole owner of 70% of her wealth and empire, and handed over all her businesses over to Yvonne as the owner and C.E.O as a wedding gift. She now uses the remaining 30% of her wealth she left for herself to run a charity organisation for the homeless and disabled. And most of all, she gave Johnny Yvonne's hand in marriage. Blessing the union with tears in her eyes and hope for the new life that smiled at her. With Bimbo's help Johnny appealed on Onyinye's behalf and she was granted pardon and was granted bail on a legal bribe of 15million naira. The tears in her eyes as she knelt down and kissed his feet when he came to pick her up from jail after paying her legal bribe. "Johnny i have waited and prayed for months for this one chance of asking for you forgiveness, i am so sorry and ashamed of what i did please find a place in your heart to forgive me" She cried holding his legs with her tears draining the tough fabrics of the jean trouser he wore. "it's ok Onyi i have forgiven you and i am thankful for still being alive. . . THE TIDES OF MY HEART CHANGED but it has taught me many lessons in life" He said pulling her up as she sank deep into his body intensifying the heat of her sobbing. Johnny had already made plans to build a one storeyed duplex back home in the east and have repaid the bank who luckily held off plans of selling his house and cars they acquired. ** ** ** "Johnny found peace in his tribulations and love in his suffering, for within all this he had found something more intense than suffering, more precious than joy and deeper than Love; all this he had found in 'Yvonne". The young deep milky voice of the priest sang out, with his white neat chasuble giving him an angelic look. "Do you John Williams take miss Yvonne as you lawful wedded wife, .............." The priest stated almost aligning with the tune if the church organ that flew off from the speakers. " I do" "And you Miss Yvonne Adesua take John Williams to be your lawful wedded husband, will you stand by him in sickness and in health, in riches and in poverty, for better for worse till death do you part" The priest sang out yet again, casting a look at Yvonne like an examiner would a student. "I do" Her voice rang out, her mouth giving way to an invading smile as her eyes were fixed on Johnny's face brightened with a spell bound smile. "And i now pronounced you Man and Wife...You may kiss your bride" The priest Voice rang out casting a spell of silence and anxiety over the congregation who looked on with popped eyes and large grins as Johnny's lips met Yvonne's with tears rolling down both of their eyes, Bimbo sat on her wheel chair looking on wiping her eyes occasionally with her white handkerchief. Jessy who was Yvonne's Chief brides maid looked on with smiles holding on to the white piece of flowing vail. The ceremony was grand and out of the world, Bimbo spared no dime in making the wedding the best in town. Mr Johnny Williams and his Bride Mrs Yvonne Williams flew to barcelona in spain for their honeymoon with Yvonne's Pregnancy almost due. The world was looking up, Johnny have found a family in place of the one he lost. . . It was him, his wife and the little baby that would open it's eyes to the world of changing tides soon. A bright new DAWN shone on Johnny's life again. **Weeping may endureth through the night but Joy cometh with the dawn** (Love never dies, The love we loose are still always around us and are always reborn in the form of a new love) THE END
19 Feb 2015 | 12:19
Its really heart warming, nice story, more grease 2 ur elbows Johnsky
19 Feb 2015 | 15:29
Tnx 2 u johnsky nd val,more ink 2 ur biro,more data 2 ur device
19 Feb 2015 | 15:54
Johnsky, I doff d cap for u. Thumbs up.
19 Feb 2015 | 16:12
This story was really superb!!!
19 Feb 2015 | 16:45
Wow!!!....johnysky i feel you
19 Feb 2015 | 17:55
Lolzzz..well well well.. Bigger boo...I must say dis is a nice piece!!! D patient dog#....#good to kip hands clean n steer clear from trouble b4 it bcumz too late.. Lawv u mawch!!! Awaitn ur next stuff..
19 Feb 2015 | 18:18
I must confess.... Dis is awesome... Some writers would have said Bimbo died after confessing nd willing her properties.....but seriouzly..i love d way it turned out
20 Feb 2015 | 02:13
Thanks you all, it is for great friends like you all that i write for.. Flames daalu ogaranya ka ibu. The ink in my pen is over flowing from the My Next story **MY FATHER'S WIFE** starts...
20 Feb 2015 | 03:13
Oh men this is a wow really love this but i never knew that witch will not die. Thanks to God sha cox she found the second chance. Johnny weldone more grease to your elbow.
20 Feb 2015 | 04:47
Oh.. A good hearted johny.. Some people won't have considered Onyinye's issue... Thank God Bimbo finaly comes back to her sense and still live to witness your happiness... I'm so happy it ends well.. Well, I'm still looking for my own 'Ynuovene'(hope i get the spelling right?)... Thanks For The Story.. I'm Looking Forward To Reading The Next Story!
20 Feb 2015 | 05:35
Lol @Ofido i am a catholic, have been an alter knight (mass server) for more than 10years, 4 of which was spent living with a priest... I do not know where your own diocese is and i think you are seeing other diocese with the same mind. Anyway lets not go into any catholic doctrine education.
20 Feb 2015 | 10:21
9ce story 4rm start 2 finish..
20 Feb 2015 | 11:29
Omg..§££ gbege ..gobe !....gbosa!!
24 Feb 2015 | 03:26
Sonds kul tho
19 Mar 2015 | 06:10
Mrs Bimbo is really a heartless human being
21 Mar 2015 | 19:35
its getting interesting. Hhhmmmm, next pls!
25 Apr 2015 | 17:06
wonderful story you alwayz on d beat sky thumps up to you big time
29 Apr 2015 | 08:48
Yeye country
6 May 2015 | 15:29
Johny love this story f yrz,man u're good in yr writings.#kudos#
12 May 2015 | 19:40
Nice one Cool story
1 Jul 2015 | 04:04
Good job johnsky,I ENJOY UR WRITE up,wat a creative writeup,more grease to ur elbow wit God on ur side.
17 Jul 2015 | 02:47
Ok! This is nice, really enjoyed every piece.
23 Jul 2015 | 14:38
wow.all is well that ends well.nice write up
13 Aug 2015 | 12:07
last update by ejima most time i wish karma act very fast
26 Aug 2015 | 07:27
Wooo...followin it silently
2 Sep 2015 | 14:30
Nice one
5 Nov 2015 | 03:14
I saw it coming
5 Nov 2015 | 10:27
Oh what a nice story God bless you all
27 Nov 2015 | 12:02
Wow this story is so grate... @johnysky is really doing a great jod
18 Dec 2015 | 06:10
nrce stories, thumb up
23 Dec 2015 | 09:56
WOW i love these story
27 Dec 2015 | 10:34
nice story
15 Jul 2016 | 09:10
Nice story
19 Jul 2016 | 11:52
Nice story
24 Jul 2016 | 09:54
how do I comment pls
26 Sep 2016 | 14:47
wow... Nice torry.
18 Nov 2016 | 03:01
you just did @prospernnatu lolz
18 Nov 2016 | 03:02
21 Nov 2016 | 17:56
infact this story was touching kudos to @johnsky
21 Jul 2017 | 18:34
what a wonderful story
24 Dec 2017 | 09:20
OH!! this is a wonderful story, it's 1 in a million i realy love dis
30 Jan 2018 | 00:28
dats going well
10 Jul 2018 | 01:50
Good one
19 Dec 2018 | 12:57
After all the things You've been through at the end you laugh last. shame to all Ya enemies.
11 Nov 2019 | 17:43
interesting story
9 Sep 2021 | 16:52
Ride on
28 Jan 2022 | 17:12
28 Jan 2022 | 17:19
Bad omens
28 Jan 2022 | 17:28
God is wonderful oga john dnt lose hope
28 Jan 2022 | 17:32
Too bad
28 Jan 2022 | 17:36
Fingers crossed
28 Jan 2022 | 17:40
Nawa indeed it is in circles
28 Jan 2022 | 17:47
28 Jan 2022 | 17:52
Wow johnny u re getting to mrs bimbo's daughter hmmm life is unpredictable
28 Jan 2022 | 18:03
What will be will be meaning whatever destiny has in store for u will meet you everywhere u go Oga johnny
28 Jan 2022 | 18:08
Eyah mrs bimbo you are overreacting or i should i say u over do this wrath of yourself
28 Jan 2022 | 18:15
What goes around comes around remeber this mrs bimbo
28 Jan 2022 | 18:20
Good decision johny
28 Jan 2022 | 18:25
Good decision johnny
28 Jan 2022 | 18:25
Karma is a b***h
28 Jan 2022 | 18:29
Thanks for the encouraging story kudos
28 Jan 2022 | 18:37


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