When Trouble Meets Trouble

When Trouble Meets Trouble

By Shaxee in 7 Apr 2015 | 15:03
Shaxee Shaxee

Shaxee Shaxee

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Posts: 2461
Member since: 19 Oct 2014
Here i come again guys... I miss you all... I hope you'd like this story.

[ P r o l o g u e ]

Prologue (Savannah's Point Of View.)
“I’m heading off to the library,” I called out to my
mother. She looked shocked that I even knew what a
library was. Gee, thanks mom.
“You’re going to the library? You mean the place with
books?” she questioned, her eyebrows rising slightly.
I let out a chuckle before nodding.
“Yes, Mom. That’s the one; I need a book for a
report. If I don’t get it, I’m definitely failing,” I replied.
“Okay, well, have fun," my mother snorted. The
amusement was clear on her face. Her dark brown
hair, something I inherited, was tied back into a
messy bun and she had on a large t-shirt and
I waved at her before getting into my car, a black
Jeep Grand Cherokee that I worked so hard for. My
parents had chipped in for it, too but I managed to
get my half of it. It was way better than sharing a car
with my older brother Jeremiah.
Speaking of the idiot, we had gotten into a fight this
morning. I scowled at the memory before pulling
into the parking lot of the library. It was empty aside
from a few cars. Whistling and twirling my keys
around my index finger, I walked over to the
entrance, opening the door and allowing the warm
air to fan over me as I walked to the counter.
“I’m Beverly, how may I help you?” a blonde girl
squealed. I smiled at her, automatically sensing that
she was one of those girls that is too nice for her
own good. Not because she's blonde, but because
she seems like she cares about other people's
opinions more than she does about her own I bet
more people walk all over her than they do to the
library’s welcome mat. That's sad, really.
“I’m just looking for a book on Adolf Hitler," I
casually spoke, leaning on the counter. She clacked
away on the keyboard, scanning the computer
I adjusted my glasses on my nose. Don’t let my
appearance fool you; I am no nerd, if that’s what
you’re assuming. Unfortunately, in 8th grade, I spent
so much time playing video games that my vision
went to crap and I was prescribed glasses. There is
no way I’m sticking a contact on my finger and
stabbing myself in the eye with it. Besides, I have
really sensitive eyes and they water a lot. My finger
won't even reach my eye and I'm blinking and my
eye is creating it's own Niagra Falls.
“It’s in the fourth row, on the second shelf," she
smiled cheerfully as she pointed in the direction of
the shelf. I nodded, muttering a ‘thank you’ as I
shuffled across the tiled floor.
The library was nice and I don’t know why I don’t
spend more time here. Ha, who am I kidding? Sure,
the library’s nice, but I’m not one to spend my time
with my face buried in a book. I’d rather be at home,
playing video games or sitting on my bed with my
laptop placed on my lap. Or at the mall, watching hot
guys shop and laugh with their friends. Or even out
somewhere, maybe with my family, or my friend
I looked up and noticed that the ceiling was high and
that the library had a second floor, or at least a
wraparound balcony with glass windows and
couches for you to read on, I’m guessing. I noticed a
sign for Free Wi-Fi and I raised an eyebrow with a
slow nod. Maybe I could spend my time here.
When I reached the fourth row, I heard the door
opening. Or at least I think it was the door, this was
my first or second time being in the library for my
whole 16, soon to be 17, years of being alive.
“I’m Beverly, how may I help you?” the lady at the
front desk's voice echoed throughout the lonely
library. Yeah, I was right. That was the door.
Someone else was here. It was probably an old lady
coming to return a book that she’d checked out in
1975. Instead of an old, fragile voice responding, it
was a guy’s. He didn’t sound too old; it didn’t have
that wise ring to it.
7 Apr 2015 | 15:03
I made my way to a table, opening one of several books about Hitler that I’d grabbed from the shelf. I started reading one and surprisingly, it was interesting. I heard whispering and I didn’t bother looking up, it was probably the guy and Beverly. He most likely didn’t have a sense of direction. If he did, there’s no way he’d be here. No one comes to the library anymore, mainly because whatever you need to know, you can look up on your phone or your computer. I don’t even know why I’m here. Oh wait, yes I do; I don’t have a library card so I can’t check out any books; I should have just went to a bookstore and bought the darned book. I heard shoes walking across the tile floor. When they stopped a few feet away from me, I came out of the trance that I was in while I was reading. I heard the chair across from me screech out. It echoed loudly as I looked up. I raised an eyebrow at the sight. A guy was standing there with black hair and coffee colored eyes. He had a smirk present on his face and he was wearing a blue flannel shirt that he left unbuttoned; it revealed a gray shirt underneath it. “What?” I asked him, already annoyed with his presence. This surprised him but he still had that smirk on. His aura was enough to tell me, ‘player,’ or something along those lines. I guess I'm good at reading people. “Well, I’m here. What are your other two wishes?” he asked and I narrowed my eyes at him, taken by surprise. “For Channing Tatum, and then for you to go back to where you came from,” I retorted. “Your eyes are like the ocean, and I think I’m lost at sea," he stated. I was confused. My eyes are brown. Is this idiot colorblind? “My eyes are brown, moron,” I retorted. I know it’s not kind or polite to insult strangers but I can’t help it. “Can I take a picture of you? I want to show Santa Claus exactly what I want for Christmas," he continued, leaning in slightly. I leaned away, confused as to why this guy is even talking to me. “Can I take a picture of you? I want to show the police exactly who I’m filing a restraining order against,” I snapped. “How was Heaven when you left it?” he persisted, starting to creep me out. “When I left I didn’t have any proof that God had a sense of humor, now I’ve found it,” I barked. “Don’t you need a license to be that good looking?” he pushed, eyes glinting. For whatever reason, I was having an intense stare off and verbal battle with this strange guy. “Don’t you need a license to be that ugly?” I spat. He raised an eyebrow before continuing. “Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?” he asked. “No, but it hurt when I crawled up from Hell,” I bickered. “Do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you," the nameless guy replied, unwilling to give up. This is a battle I'm not willing to lose. “No, but I have some salt,” I snorted. Who knew you’d get into conversations this amusing at the library? “Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious," he winked jokingly. “No, I had a bowl of nails… without any milk,” I responded. “What would you say if I asked you to marry me?” he leaned forward.
7 Apr 2015 | 15:04
Lmao... Re we dealing with a gay here??? We re ryt hia with u Shaxee.....but how come most of ur stories re alwyz foreign?
7 Apr 2015 | 18:55
Uhmmm...... Nice conversation... I'm just smiling. @Tenniebenson It isn't gay, its a conversation between a lady & a guy...only ladies like calling their siblings some abusive name(i.e calling Jeremiah an idiot) & lemme add to your question Why do Shaxee stories always held to one destination?.
7 Apr 2015 | 19:49
i alwayz gbandun ur tori!!! Continue i dey follow u
7 Apr 2015 | 19:58
“Nothing, I can’t laugh and talk at the same time,” I spoke, raising an eyebrow. “Do you think it was fate that brought us together?” he inquired, his coffee colored eyes swirling. “Nope, it was just plain bad luck," I replied before he could finish. “If you were a stop light, I’d turn red every time you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer,” he ran a hand through his dark locks. “Red lights are the only things I run,” I countered. I turned my gaze towards my phone which sat on the table beside the book. It was already 7:35 and the library was closing at 8. Curse the weekday schedule and my procrastination problem. “If you give me your number, I’ll leave," he told me. I eyed him, narrowing my eyes. I weighed my options. I really need to finish this paper. “Fine,” I replied, ripping a sheet of paper out of my notebook. I scribbled my brother’s phone number onto it. It’ll serve my brother right and it’ll get this kid off of my back. “I’ll call you," he replied, standing up and walking over to a guy leaning casually against the wall opposite to the counter, talking to Beverly with a smirk on his face. “Don’t count on me answering,” I honestly said, getting back to work on my essay. Like I needed a distraction.'
8 Apr 2015 | 08:35
[ C h a p t e r - O n e ] The classroom was quiet as Mr. Gonzales walked around collecting our reports. I managed to do my report last night; I was up until 3 in the morning. The teacher made his way to my desk in the last row; I sat alone by choice. “Ms. Harp?” he spoke as he looked at me. His voice was questioning as he saw my neatly typed paper in the corner of my desk. Grinning, I picked it up and placed it into his hands, on top of the other papers. “Here you go, Mr. Gonzales.” It wasn’t often that I didn’t do my work; I do it, I just don't hand it in on time. I did about eighty-five percent of my homework and projects, and I somehow manage to maintain a B+ average. A few gasps sounded throughout the classroom and I gave them flat looks. Can they be any more dramatic? Mr. Gonzales continued teaching and a few moments into his lesson, the door was opened slowly. “Mr. Gonzales?” Where did I recognize his voice? “Ah, Mr. Davis, come in. Take a seat,” Mr. Gonzales greeted as he opened the door for the mystery guy. The boy walked in and I instantly recognized him- the guy from the library yesterday. His eyes gazed over the classroom and I tried to duck my head but I wasn’t fast enough. I heard girls gasp at his appearance and the once quiet classroom turned into a lunchroom, minus the food of course. Mr. G would never allow food in his classroom, aside from his own. The gasps grew louder as his feet walked along the aisle. I couldn’t help but look up and he noticed me. If I didn’t look up, he wouldn’t have noticed me! “Is this seat taken?” 'Mr. Davis' asked as he held the back of the seat. I had the urge to say ‘yes’ and watch in victory as he walked away defeated, however, Francis Martin beat me to it. The idiot turned around in his chair and gave a large grin. “Nope and it never is, not like it's surprising. Sitting there is social suicide,” he snorted, laughing along with his friends. Francis never was a big fan of me and vice versa. “Nobody likes you, Franny,” I hissed rather childishly. He glared at me and gave me the one finger salute. I rolled my eyes while Mr. Gonzales practically had a near death experience. His hand went to his heart and he stared at us. “Mr. Martin! Ms. Harp! Another interruption and I’m sending you both to detention for a week. That seat happens to be available, Mr. Davis,” Mr. Gonzales nodded at ‘Mr. Davis.’ ‘Mr. Davis’ sat down with a smirk. He pulled the seat from under the desk and flopped down comfortably. His books sat on the table as he yanked his chair closer to the desk and rested his head on his entwined hands. Mr. Gonzales got on with his lesson and I felt the new boy's eyes on me. “What?” I asked as I turned to glare at him. “You know, I didn’t catch your name yesterday," he replied, a sly smirk spreading across his lips. “That’s because I didn’t toss it," I bit back, watching as Mr. G scribbled along the board; my eyes made out a timeline. My glasses wouldn’t help in this case; Mr. G happens to be a terrible artist. “Well, can you toss it? I’m open,” I glowered at him before rolling my eyes with a sigh. “Savannah,” I announced. “What about you, Mr. Davis?” “Jonah," he simply introduced. The rest of the class went by smoothly aside from the not-so-subtle elbowing or chair kicking on my part; it serves him right for sitting beside me, especially after his daring acts yesterday. When the bell rang, I was up and nearly sprinting out of the classroom before someone grabbed my shoulder, causing me to jerk backwards. I ripped my arm out of his grip, my face contorting into one of disgust. “What?” I groaned.
8 Apr 2015 | 08:36
“Can you please bring me to my next class?” Jonah inquired. I realized that we were the only ones left in classroom and Mr. Gonzales was watching us intently. He's probably expecting me to be a good citizen. Well, you're in for a surprise, Mr. G. Right as I was about to stomp on Jonah's request and bury it six feet under the ground, Mr. G cut me off. “You’d love to, right Ms. Harp?” he asked me, sending me a threatening look that practically screamed detention; I forced a smile before nodding and grabbing Jonah’s forearm in a death grip. When we got out of the classroom and out of Mr. G’s hearing range, I let go of his forearm, wiping my palm on my jeans. “Find your next class yourself," I muttered. “That’s not nice, Savannah,” Jonah mocked as I turned and started walking towards my own class. “I never said I was nice,” I snapped over my shoulder. *** I was thankful when it was lunch time; I could finally be away from students and an aggravating teacher for 30 whole minutes. When I got into the lunch line, I quickly bought my food and made my way through the cafeteria. Word of the new boy had spread rather quickly. Instead being elated by his presence, I was irritated. Another thing spread rather quickly too; the fact that he actually sat next to me by choice. We rarely get new kids in our school, probably because no one wants to move into our town because it's a scientifically proven fact that once you're here- you're here to stay. People rarely get out of this town. But I can assure you that I will be among the few that do make it out. I heard footsteps behind me and I prayed it wasn’t him. The stares I was getting intensified and I knew it was him. “Hi, Savannah," Jonah greeted as if we were long time friends. “What?” I growled, not bothering to hide my annoyance. I exited the cafeteria and walked out into the courtyard, not bothering to hold the door if he was following me. “Somebody left their manners at home,” Jonah smirked as he followed me to the picnic table that I ate at every day. I sat down and stared up at him; he involuntarily shivered. Despite his obvious lack of heat, he sat down across from me. “How do you eat out here? It’s f-freezing.” I motioned to the jacket I had on and he nodded. “You can always go inside and eat. Nobody said that you had to follow me out here like a lost puppy,” I told him as I rolled the sleeves of my jacket up in order to eat. “I don’t know anybody else," he managed to control his chattering teeth. “You could always try talking to people. I’m sure they’d like you,” I retorted, biting into my sandwich. “And you don’t?” he questioned me with a smile. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Am I that see through?” I told him with a flat look. “Who is that?” his eyes were fixated on something behind me. I turned around and saw Jeffrey Shaw walking into the cafeteria. The guy was a walking train; it’s a safety hazard just being in the vicinity of the boy. I'm actually scared for my life at this very moment. “Why? Are you gay?” I asked, looking back at him. He shook his head as he watched the guy. “He’s a walking rock. Wonder what he’s having for lunch, steroids maybe?” he snorted.
8 Apr 2015 | 08:37
“He’s a football player,” I explained. “That explains absolutely nothing. You don’t have to look like a rock to be a football player,” he replied, watching as Jeffrey entered the cafeteria. "I wonder if Patrick Star lives under him." “You also don’t have to be a wimp,” I snorted, looking at Jonah. I ignored his remark about Spongebob Squarepants. How old is this kid? Seven? “Who are you talking about?” he asked, looking around him. “You, your arms are spaghetti,” I told him and he rolled his eyes. “I am not. I go to the gym 6 times a week,” he replied and I shook my head, rolling my eyes. “I’ll believe it when I see it,” I responded on instinct. “You want to see me sweating and shirtless?” he asked, eyebrows furrowed together. “I see naked spaghetti boil all the time,” I replied and he smirked even wider. “You want to see me naked and in a hot tub?” he asked as his eyebrows shot up. “No, that’s disgusting,” I shuddered. He smirked before frowning. “So when are you going to give me a real phone number?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. “That was a real phone number- my brother's,” I told him and he nodded. “Your brother has a colorful vocabulary; I don’t think he likes me much,” he bit his lip. I just shrugged. “He was probably just cranky," I suggested. “At 10 at night?” he raised an eyebrow. “He goes to college and work, so he has to go to sleep early and wake up early,” I replied, biting into my apple. “He’s not going to beat me up for talking to you, right?” he asked, one eyebrow higher than the other. “No, but no promises with me,” I told him. “You’re going to beat me up?” he snorted. “You’d be surprised,” I told him. He shook his head, a smile on his lips. “You’re so beautiful that you give the sun a reason to shine,” he sighed. “The sun isn’t out,” I glared at him and he smirked. “Exactly,” he rejoined. I kicked him under the table. He groaned as I stood up and walked into the cafeteria, tossing my trash into the nearest can. I began walking towards the exit when I saw Jonah walking in, his books under his arm. He smirked at me, something he seems to do very often. “Jeffrey Shaw!” I called out and the guy looked at me, confusion clear on his face. “He said you’re a walking rock who takes steroids!” I called out whilst pointing in Jonah's direction and Jeffrey turned to look at the new boy who was now walking towards me at an alarming speed. “I don’t take steroids!” Jeffrey called, starting to run after Jonah. I'm guessing that's something the jock gets often. “Help!” Jonah nearly screeched, grabbing my arm as he ran past me. Okay, so maybe my plan backfired. Okay, it did backfire. A steroid obsessed senior is now chasing me and Jonah through the hallways. In the words of Jonah: help.
8 Apr 2015 | 08:38
Hmmm Shaxee have come again with another nice story. Let see how d two trouble will meet. well done, this is great.
8 Apr 2015 | 10:42
Trouble Meet Trouble indeed.
8 Apr 2015 | 11:19
[ C h a p t e r - T w o ] “Run!” the word escaped my mouth without a trace of hesitation. I looked back to see Shaw chasing after us with two other football players on our heels. “I’m not stupid!” Jonah snapped back, his grip on my arm digging into my skin so hard that it hurt. “I beg to differ!” I retorted, trying to keep up with the guy. If it isn’t obvious, I’m not physically fit. This guy, on the other hand, was like an Olympic runner or a zombie from Dawn of the Dead, same thing. “You’re the one that told him what I said!” Jonah told me, looking back over his shoulder as the loud footsteps came closer. “You’re the one who started dragging me! I wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for you!” I ranted, becoming winded. We halted to a stop, or at least Jonah did and I came smashing into his hard back. I peeked out from behind him to see a football player nearing us with a malicious grin on his face. When he saw me, his eyebrows raised. “Savannah Harp?” he asked, shock clear in his voice. The football players may or may not like me. I’m leaning towards the latter. It all goes back to a prank I pulled on them when I first earned my reputation, which was around mid-sophomore year. I put itching powder all over their new uniforms right before a big game. I put dish soap in their water coolers and I put freshly chewed gum in their helmets. We lost that game. “The one and only,” I replied sheepishly. His glare deepened while his pace quickened. “Hey, look! Free footballs!” I shouted, pointing over his shoulder. Surprisingly, he looked and I pushed Jonah to run into the corridor to the right of us. The hallway was dark and it was used for music classrooms and storing unused instruments. I heard the jock swear and start after us into the pitch black hallway. “In here!” I hissed, yanking Jonah, whose hand was still locked around my wrist, into a large supply closet. I quietly closed the door. My lungs were on fire and so were my legs. I walked towards the corner of the room and leaned over, my hands on my knees. “You’re such an idiot!” I hissed once I heard the three jock’s footsteps pass by. “Me? How?” he replied instantly. It was like he was expecting it. “You’re the one who wants to grab onto me and go all Speedy Gonzales off into the hallways. I don’t run!” I exclaimed, swinging my hand at my last sentence even though he couldn’t see me. “How should I know that?” he hissed. “Exactly, you shouldn’t know that, now shove off before you get me into even more trouble,” I snapped, ready to leave the closet. When my hand reached for the door, I was yanked back. “Get off of me, you creep!” I started to shout. “Shut up!” he hissed, placing his large hand over my mouth. I was going to go as far as to bite his palm and kick him where no boy should be kicked until I heard footsteps. “They’re not there?” Shaw’s voice entered my hearing and I instantly cringed, pushing Jonah’s hand away from my face. “No, we checked every classroom,” a winded voice replied. How did a football player get winded from running a 60 foot hallway? “Somebody needs to shed a few pounds,” I whispered to no one in particular as we listened to them. Jonah snorted but shushed me. “Did you check the supply closets?” Shaw responded, obviously he was annoyed. The guys stayed quiet for a minute. “How did you guys not check the supply closets?”
8 Apr 2015 | 14:50
“They’re probably in there making out!” a new voice proposed; he sounded disgusted. “Never going to happen,” I snapped with a shake of my head. “I don’t care, go check!” Shaw demanded. I heard footsteps nearing the door we were leaning against. I began to panic, turning to see Jonah doing the same thing I was. The outline of his body was looking frantically for a hiding spot. I felt around on the floor until I met a stray trombone; I stuffed it under the door handle before diving behind a few boxes. Jonah squeezed into the spot beside me, too close for my liking. I didn’t complain though. I’d like him to be alive when he faces my wrath. “It’s locked," one of the voices informed him. “Locked?” Shaw was now storming over to the door and shaking the floor that his feet touched. “Try harder!” he demanded. “How is he going to try harder to unlock a locked door?” I whispered. Shaw’s stupidity shocked me. “Shut up,” Jonah hissed, pushing me up against the wall with his arm. I smacked into the wall arm first and Jonah snickered quietly. “Sorry.” He didn’t sound a bit sorry. “I’ll give away your spot. They can’t hit a girl.” “It doesn’t mean they won’t," he snorted. “I’ll just hide under your dead body,” I whispered while they jiggled the doorknob violently. I was just counting the moments until they opened the door, ripped our bodies from behind these boxes, and beat us to a bloody pulp. “Necrophilia is sick, Savannah," Jonah whispered. “You’re sick," was my amazing reply. The instrument fell and the door cracked open. A shimmer of light peeked in and I realized somebody either had a flashlight or a cell phone. My thoughts were confirmed when a shiny iPhone was pushed into the room followed by three large bodies. I almost let out a whimper but I held it back. “I don’t see them, Jeff,” somebody announced turning back. “Are you sure? What about behind those boxes?” Shaw snapped and the guys made a weird nose. “There are spiders behind there!" an idiot informed him. The thought occurred to me and I shifted towards Jonah a bit but then realized my actions and moved back. “You guys are such wimps, get out,” Shaw demanded. They did as they were told, exiting the room. “Go check the other closets.” Again, they followed his command while he walked over to the boxes we were tucked behind. He kneeled down and removed the box near my face. When he saw me, he smirked. “Where’s your little boyfriend?” I quickly jutted out my hand in the form of a fist and it came in contact with his face; a sickening crack and a groan sounded from the boy while I pushed Jonah who was watching in complete shock. “Go!” I shouted, pushing him out of the closet. A light flashed behind us and I growled. “Saltines. Saltines. Saltines," I improvised for swear words. “You just punched a guy in the face, yet you don’t swear?” Jonah asked, his voice was one of astonishment. “Yes. Just go!” I told him, pushing his back as I ran behind him. The footsteps neared us and I let out a sound that I make when I leave a dark room. Why did I have to leave lunch fifteen minutes early? Why couldn't I sit outside at the stupid picnic table with this idiot beside me? Why am I so easily offended by stupid insults yet I dish them out like a diner? Saltines, saltines, salt-fudging-tines
8 Apr 2015 | 14:52
We arrived at the end of the hallway, the option of stairs or the elevator greeting us. We could either hobble up the dark steps or wait a good 25 seconds for the elevator to meet us. I quickly started pressing the elevator button. “What are you doing? The stairs are right here!” Jonah hissed into the darkness. “Those stairs haven’t been used in ages! There could be a dead body in there!” I told him, watching as the elevator left the top floor and made it to the second, then the first, and finally the basement. The doors opened and Jonah and I jumped into the enclosed space, rapidly pressing the "close doors" button. The light from the elevator illuminated the hallway, which revealed the football players running full speed like bulls towards the elevator. They were 20 feet away. I started pressing the "close doors" button even harder. “Come on!” I screeched at the buttons. They were about 10 feet away and the doors were slowly closing. I grabbed a textbook that was lying lifelessly in the corner of the elevator and tossed it at one of them, hitting one of them in the foot. He toppled over, followed by the other football player. Strike! The doors stopped closing for a moment from the movement between them before starting to close again. I saw a light from a phone in the distance and Jeff, the human train, was barreling towards us at full speed, an ounce of blood trickling from his nose. “HERE’S JEFFREY!” Normally, I would’ve laughed at the fact that an idiot like Shaw would have made a comment like that but at that moment, I couldn’t. The only thing I was capable of was pressing a button and praying for the best. “HOLY SALTINES!” I screeched and the doors finally closed. I let out a breath of relief as the elevator started moving. I leaned against the elevator door, running my hands through my hair repeatedly. We were silent before Jonah had a look of terror etched onto his features. “What if he’s at the top?” he propsed. “What if he knows that we think that he’s going to be at the top, so he stays at the bottom while we think he’s going to be at the top, so we come back down to the bottom and he’s already there?” I asked and he looked visibly pained by my realization. He was probably thinking of the bloody mess he’s going to be once Shaw gets his hands on him. “Should we get off at the second floor?” Jonah asked me, his eyes wide. I shrugged, stammering stupidly. I haven't been in a situation like this since last year! I'm a little rusty when it comes to making up plans on the spot. “I have an idea. How about we skip? We just go to an abandoned warehouse and make out?” he asked. I wasn’t sure whether he was serious or not. He didn’t crack a smile. “You’re such an idiot! I’m no star student but I know better than to just ditch!” I told him and he threw his hands up. “So we can make out after school?” he asked “I can punch you in the throat right now," I threatened. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do! It’s my first day and I’m already hated by 3 people!” he sighed. “4,” I piped. “Shut up,” he retorted. The doors opened at the third floor and I peeked my head out. I was surprised to see that Jeff wasn’t there. Maybe I was right. I exited the elevator the moment the bell rang. I hiked my bag over my shoulder and began walking to class.
8 Apr 2015 | 15:13
“I left my books outside of the cafeteria!” Jonah let out a frustrated groan. “Not my problem,” I told him as I walked to class, letting out a sigh of relief when I realized that neither Jonah nor Shaw had this class with me. But Francis did. “Where’d you go during lunch?” he snorted the moment I sat in my seat, which also happened to be in the secluded part of the room. What can I say? I'm a sucker for desolated areas. The room was near empty, like Francis's head. “Your face,” I retorted, grabbing my text book out of my bag. Francis glared at me before flipping me the bird. I just snorted in reply, listening to the teacher talk about tardiness as students filed in. *** Still on edge, the walk to my jeep was nerve wracking. The twist and turns of the parking lot were a maze. I was waiting for Shaw to just pop out, rip my head off of my shoulders, and use it as a football for their next game. “Nervous?” I nearly Superman jumped to Heaven and back at the sound of a voice, no matter who it belonged to. “Not quite,” I snapped. Jonah was leaning against a bright blue car. I continued walking towards my jeep which was a few cars down. “I think you’re stalking me,” I told him. “Me? Stalking you? Yeah, I’ll stalk you when Hamilton moves out of that box,” he chuckled. I turned and stared at him. Did he just-? “Did you just refer to Maggie and the Ferocious Beast?” I asked. My eyebrows rose. “Did you just catch me referring to Maggie and the Ferocious Beast?” he asked, his eyes darting from car to car. “Obviously or else I wouldn’t have said anything,” I glared. “Is that your car?” he changed the subject swiftly, pointing to a red small buggy. I looked at the car and shook my head, adding in a snicker. “No,” I answered him. I continued walking and he followed me, trailing behind. I arrived at my Jeep and smiled at it, patting the front. I walked over and unlocked the driver’s side door. “This is your car?” he asked. “Nope, I just have the keys to somebody else’s car, you know?” I sarcastically replied. “This car is expensive. I kind of expected you to have a small car, like a buggy or a smart car," he told me, eyes widened as he ran his hand on the shiny black exterior. I nodded. “I worked two jobs for a year and a half managed to save up $3,000. I was fired from one of them and managed to make a bit more. I also dipped into my savings account. In the end, I had $6,000 and my parents paid for the rest," I explained. “This car is around $28,000 if you get it new," he told me and I laughed. “This car is used and was a family friend’s,” I told him and he furrowed his eyebrows as he examined it. “It still would go for a lot since it’s in nearly perfect condition,” he responded. “My dad’s friend sold it to him for $12,000. They worked together for a while and he knew about my car situation with my brother,” I sighed. Jonah stared at me for a minute before going back to admiring my car. I rolled my eyes but buckled myself in and closed the door. My bag was sitting in the passenger’s seat as I shoved the keys in the ignition. The car roared to life and I smiled at the familiar sound. As I backed out of the lot, Jonah walked forward. He was standing in front of the car, about 10 feet away, and he was staring at me. I moved forward a foot and he fell backwards from surprise, hitting the pavement with his bottom. I snorted, pointing to him while I laughed loudly with a grin on my face. His face was red and he glared at me while I drove out of the parking lot laughing. He’s such an idiot.
8 Apr 2015 | 15:15
dis one na real trouble o...
8 Apr 2015 | 15:37
Uhmmmmm.... The duo are not yet free from that football-guy....he will still look for them...Jonah Vs Savannah
8 Apr 2015 | 15:56
Trouble indeed
9 Apr 2015 | 03:02
Trouble after trouble, Dat jonah of a guy talk too much. Nice one @shaxee
9 Apr 2015 | 04:30
Ride on Bro. I dey feel u
9 Apr 2015 | 08:13
[ C h a p t e r - T h r e e ] My family isn’t rich but we aren’t poor. We’re high class like most of my classmates, but we didn’t buy a super huge house that doesn’t suit our family; it's big, but my family manages to fill it up quite well. We inherited this house from my mother's parents. Originally, my parents were going to buy a small house but my grandfather convinced my mom to take the house, so she did. My mother, my father, Jeremiah, and I all live here. Our house is large, including five bedrooms and four bathrooms; we originally had two but my father put one into Jeremiah's room because we used to share the same bathroom and when he would go number two, it would have to be cleared out for a day. We have a larger living room and a larger kitchen but the dining room is medium sized. My father has a den, too, which originally was a bedroom. Our house has three floors, but it's an older house, which means it's narrow; on the bottom floor is the living room and the kitchen, which connects to the dining room. There’s also a bathroom and a balcony. Of course, the two car garage is there, too. The second floor has a guest bedroom, a bathroom, and my parent’s bedroom. My father’s office is also on the second floor, too. He also has a sitting area in his office; the guest room on that floor is used for adult family friends and family members who need a place to speak, which is conveniently my father’s office. The third floor is where Jeremiah’s room and my room are located. There’s also a guest bedroom which is usually occupied by one of Jeremiah’s friends from college who pays no attention to me and vice versa; unless, of course, they’re hot. It's a rare occurrence, but when it does happen- they don’t pay me any attention so there isn’t any communication. There’s a separate bathroom that Jeremiah uses, and if he has a friend over, that friend does, too. I have my own bathroom. When I was 12, I was given that room because Jeremiah’s friends would constantly tease me about my feminine items in the separate bathroom. Prior to my settling in, the bedroom with the bathroom was a guest room. On my way to my bedroom, I was stopped by my idiot brother. “Van!” he shouted. I turned and looked at him; it was obvious that he was annoyed. “Yes?” I grinned innocently. “Can you not give my number to random strangers?” I smirked at his comment. “I’ll try not to,” I turned to walk to my room but he stopped me again by grabbing my arm. Instead of shrugging it off, I turned and looked at him. “The guy said that he met you at the library. What were you doing there?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. He dropped his hand from my arm and stood there, his blue eyes curious. His brown hair was disheveled, telling me that he’d gotten up from a nap recently and was most likely studying. “I was getting a book on Adolf Hitler,” I replied, blinking a few times at him. He nodded. “He just walked up to my table, sat down and hit me with a bunch of pick-up lines.” “Do you need me to beat the guy up?” Jeremiah asked, crossing his arms. He was over protective of me. He wasn’t a player in high school, the place he’d been only two years before. He was actually a nice jock, one who looked over the younger students to make sure they weren’t being harassed. He was a peer mediator, too. As you can tell, we're complete opposites.
9 Apr 2015 | 08:15
“No, I think I got it covered," I told him with a smirk. He furrowed his eyebrows and wrinkled his nose. “Do you like this guy?” he asked. I scoffed at the question while shaking my head. “No, not at all; he’s a new student and he follows me around. He’s aggravating," I explained. “Just like you," my brother snorted, a smile on his lips. He started retreating back to his room. “If he calls me again, I’m giving him your number.” “No, you’re not!” I snapped, desperation in my voice. “Right?” “Tell him to try me," my brother turned in his doorway with a challenging look. I wrinkled my nose. “Not that I have anything against it, but that’s a bit gay, don’t you think Jer?” I couldn’t help but smirk as my brother rolled his eyes. “You're such a loser.” He sighed, shaking his head while I just smiled and began walking towards my room. *** My room is an array of different colors; containing a bit of pink. I know, I know; I don’t strike you as the girl who loves pink. That’s because I don’t. I just like the color; it goes well with other colors, too. There's also green, black, white, and blue. I settled onto my bed and turned on my television, ready to play videogames when a knock came from the door. “Hey, honey. It’s mom,” she called. I was surprised she didn't just barge in. She does that a lot. I opened the door to be greeted with my mother who had a box of half-eaten chocolate chip cookies. I immediately accepted her peace offering, not that there was a need to have one- my mother and I rarely argue. She laughed and entered my bedroom, closing the door behind her while I sat on my bed eating the cookies like a pig. “How was school?” my mother asked and before I had the chance to close the door, there was another knock. I groaned, putting the cookies down and walking to the door to see my brother standing there. “Phone call for you," he told me, holding out his iPhone. I took it in my hands. “You have 2 minutes to talk and tell him to stop calling for you.” “Hello?” I asked, leaning against my doorway. “Hey, Savannah.” Jonah greeted. “Stop calling my brother’s phone," I snapped, annoyed. I was hoping he’d say yes and hang up the phone but instead he laughed. “Him?” my mother piped in, sounding excited. I glared at Jeremiah who just shrugged, mentally telling me that he had no clue our mother was in my room. I held up my hand, giving her a polite smile and she rolled her eyes. She’d just wasted a good fifteen seconds. “Why should I?” he teased and I glared at the floor. “I told you to, that’s why,” I retorted and he laughed again. “I’m afraid that’s not a good enough answer," he replied. I clenched my teeth and rubbed the bridge of my nose. “I will punch you in the face if you call again,” I threatened and he laughed, again. “Van!” my mother hissed and I shook my head in her direction. “That’s a chance I’m willing to take,” he was obviously smirking. “Don’t you have someone else to annoy?” I responded.
9 Apr 2015 | 08:15
“Not until four," he casually stated. “Isn’t that a line from Spongebob?” I asked him, my eyebrows furrowed. “Yes," he answered. “Is that what you do all day? Just sit around and watch children’s television shows?” I snapped. “And I think about you," he replied. I narrowed my eyes at the floor before my brother took the phone out of my hands. “Times up," he pressed the phone against his ear. “If he calls again, Van, I’m giving him your number.” I had a feeling that my brother did that purposely so that the idiot would call again. I glared at my brother. “You wouldn’t," I hissed. “I didn’t catch your name," my brother spoke, earning the attention of my nosy mother. “Jonah, you say?” my brother asked, smirking at me. A moment later, my brother hung up the phone and what do you know? About 10 seconds after, his phone rang in his pocket and he gladly picked it up. “Jonah? How unexpected.” He then proceeded to deliver my number through the phone. I just watched in horror while my mom giggled girlishly. I tossed a glare her way and she winked. My phone started to ring from my bed. Your subtleties, They strangle me, I can't explain myself at all. And all the wants, and all the needs, All I don't want to need at all. The walls start breathing, my mind's unweaving, Maybe its best you leave me alone, a weight is lifted, on this evening, I give the final blow. When darkness turns to light, it ends tonight, it ends tonight. My ringtone, It Ends Tonight by The All American Rejects, was blaring. I stared at my phone in horror before I picked it up. “Savannah?” “Eh, no, you’ve reached the pizza parlor!” I replied changing my accent from American to British to Italian mid-sentence. Let’s hope he’s as stupid as I assume. “You mean the one in Saint Geraldo’s place?” Jonah asked, amusement in his tone. “Yes, that is the one!” I continued. I tried to make all of the words sound like the ones I hear from the imitators on television; it was hard when you’re saying a different range of words. “This isn’t the number; we have the same area code. Saint Geraldo’s is a town over,” he explained. “Aren’t you a fat boy? You remember the pizza place’s phone number?” I continued, earning a chiding remark from my mother and a snort from my brother. Jonah laughed, too. “I can picture you now, sitting there with your many rolls squished into a small computer desk as you scroll on Google images, displaying pictures of pizza while you ingest boxes of the meal at a time.” After Jonah laughed, he replied. “I love that you’re imagining me,” he told me. “I’m not. Who said I was?” I replied, my eyes frantically searching the room.
9 Apr 2015 | 08:16
“You just did. But no, I’m actually sitting on my bed with my MacBook, lying on my stomach while scrolling on Facebook. By the way, do you have one?” He admitted. “No, I do not have a Face-a-book. Why would an Italian female co-owner of a thre star pizza place add a random blabbering idiot on this, uh, Face-a-book?” I even winced at my terrible accent. “I am not blabbering! Lose the accent; it’s hard to understand what you’re saying,” Jonah snorted. “It is hard to lose an accent after having it for 15 years. That is like asking you to drop eating pizza; you’re so used to it," I grimaced at my worsening accent. “You’re 15?” he inquired. “16 and 9 months, I don’t know about you but I didn’t pop out of the womb screaming ‘pizza’ in a thick Italian accent,” I dropped the accent. My mother was staring at me with an eyebrow raised and my brother just shook his head before walking away, followed by my mother. “That’s a really nice image,” he laughed and I rolled my eyes, turning on my MacBook. There’s something we have in common; we both have MacBooks. That's probably one of the only things we have in common. “I would love to think so,” I responded. “So do you?” He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows at his question. “Do I what?” I asked. “Have a Face-a-book?” I rolled my eyes. “Why would I add you? I barely know you; you could be a stalker. Oh wait, you are," I told him. “I’m a bit scared of you, actually," he admitted. “And why is that?” I smirked. “I’ve seen you make a guy bleed with one punch on the second day of knowing you; well, technically the first," he shivered. “Well, have you made any friends?” For some reason, I didn’t want to end this conversation. It’s been a while since I talked on the phone. Aside from the odd conversation with Mere or my mother, it's been quite a while. “I’d like to say two, but knowing you, you’d say ‘one.’ So, yes, I made one friend,” he responded. “Who?” I asked him, logging into my Facebook. I typed in his name in the search bar. Okay, he did his share of stalking. Can’t I do mine? “Some girl named Lindsay, or at least she gave me her number. She told me to text her," he explained and I let out a quiet ‘Ahh’ sound. “That’s Lindsay for you, jumping on anything fresh and male,” I replied with a snort. “What are you doing sitting on the phone with me? Call her.” I was scrolling through his pictures, feeling super creepy. I looked back to make sure my door was closed. “No thank you. I thought she seemed a bit… easy, but now that you’ve said it, my thoughts are confirmed.” “I speak the truth and nothing but the truth,” I replied, clicking on the ‘Profile Pictures’ box. “Jonah, where’d you move from?” “California. Why do you ask?” he was amused; did he know what I was doing? “No reason, just curious. Why’d you move?” I asked. It just occurred to me that I could seem pushy. His parents could’ve died or something and here I am, pushing into his personal life like a bulldozer, or a human train. Someone say Jeffrey Shaw? “My parents travel so much that my aunt and uncle decided to take us in. It wasn’t much of a change seeing as I’m with my cousins and sisters, but I don’t have any of my friends here.” I felt a tinge of guilt for being so mean to him, but I wasn’t going to apologize. Odds are I’m going to do it again if he stays around me.
9 Apr 2015 | 08:18
Also read stories in my blog
9 Apr 2015 | 08:41
Interesting.....Seems they are now started to understand each other bit by bit.... Great work on that Dear Diary.....Though I couldn't comment there...thats why I does it here...
9 Apr 2015 | 11:39
It seems der get well nw. I knw both van nd jon wil make i gud frd.
9 Apr 2015 | 13:58
Khola... I do appreciate if you comment there please... Its necessary
9 Apr 2015 | 15:08
“You have sisters?” I asked him. My eyes scanned the screen. It was pictures of him and a few guys hanging out around a bonfire; his hair soaking wet and a towel was draped around his shoulders. He stuck his tongue out at the camera. The weather must have been a big change for him. “Yes, two actually.” When he said those words, I landed on a picture of two girls who looked exactly the same. “They’re twins, Sabrina and Sierra. They’re fourteen.” That explains it. “Are they in high school?” I asked him. “Yeah, they start tomorrow. They were too scared this morning. They weren’t ready either," he snorted and I rolled my eyes. “They wanted to see how I took it.” I smiled at that. He seems like a good older brother. “So I told them that it was terrible and that the food was disgusting and that all the freshman guys were ugly and stupid,” he laughed maniacally. I let out a loud laugh. That was unexpected. I continued laughing the more I thought about it; the look of horror on the girl’s faces must’ve been worth it. “That was funny,” I told him. “But then I told them that it was pretty okay. I left out the part about people already hating me and chasing us down a hallway,” he laughed. “WHAT?” A girl screeched in the background and I let out another stomach aching laugh. “I was only joking, Sabrina!” he shouted when I heard a door slam and he sighed. “Whatever, I’m not getting up to comfort her. She has a twin for that.” I was still laughing; I just laughed harder and it interrupted my stalking. “Anyway, the weather must have changed a lot from California, right?” I asked once I caught my breath. He was laughing just as hard as I was and he finally calmed down. “Yes, that’s for sure. That’s another reason why my sister’s couldn’t make it to school. They’d yet to go shopping for appropriate attire,” he informed me. “Have you ever sees snow?” I asked him, clicking through his pictures. A picture of him in a large pool with one eye squinted closed and his hair over his face as he smiled up at the camera greeted me and I wrinkled my nose. “Not before last week, no,” he informed me and I let out a sigh. "It was hot where I lived; it wasn't cold enough for snow." “It must’ve been nice in California,” I rested my head on my pillow. “Are you completing this year? Or are you leaving before it’s over?” I asked him, staring up at the ceiling for a moment before turning back to the computer. “I’m staying here; I’m not going back to California. My parents didn’t like it there, anyway. They had to travel too often. So you can get as attached to me as you want," he joked and I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t mean it like that, you idiot,” I snorted, clicking through his pictures. I exited them after a moment when a shirtless picture of him came up. Talk about awkward. “Sure you didn’t. What are you doing?” he asked me and I coughed awkwardly. “I can hear the clicking of your computer.” “I’m just on Facebook,” I admitted. I was lying by omission. I didn’t include the part about me stalking him. “Send me a friend request,” he told me and I waited a moment before clicking the ‘Add Friend’ button. He laughed loudly.
9 Apr 2015 | 15:10
“I didn’t hear you typing in my name. Were you stalking me?” I felt my face warm up, meaning it was red with embarrassment. “No,” I replied, looking and noticing that he had one mutual friend. I wonder who it is. Jeremiah Harp. I stared at the name for a moment before groaning in frustration. “You have my brother as a friend?” I asked, annoyed. Jeremiah is such a liar; I thought he didn't know Jonah's name. “Yes, yes I do,” he admitted and I exited his profile page. I’d done enough creeping for now. “We had a pretty long conversation last night.” “Then he did know your name,” I said that more to myself but Jonah made a noise of agreement. “I have a question.” Before letting me reply, he continued. “If you’re 16 and 9 months, then how did you have a job for a year and a half?” “I had a job at an after school program for middle school students during sophomore year and I got paid $200 a week so I gladly dealt with their problems. I was a counselor; I know, terrible job choice. You only needed to be a sophomore to have that job, so I took it,” I replied, chewing on my lip as I logged out of Facebook. “Was that the job you got fired from?” he asked. “Yes,” I told him, turning off my computer. “How?” he asked and I let out a hiss of air. “One day, I was really annoyed and some 14 year old seventh grade girl went in there complaining about her boyfriend, mind you; I’m only 15 at the time and the only boyfriend I had was some jerk. I was already agitated and she just made it worse. She was complaining about how he didn’t love her back and when I asked how long they’d been dating, she said a week.” Jonah was laughing. “I got so angry and I told her that she can’t really love a guy she’s only been dating for a week. She then told me that I knew nothing about love because I was just some ugly female dog. So I hit her,” I told him and he stopped laughing. A minute later, his question was asked. “Are you serious?” he asked. “Yes, I slapped her in the face. I was physically removed from the premise immediately and told not to come back and I could forget about ever working there. But I was satisfied with what I’d done; I had another job cleaning up at a game store that my mother’s friend owns,” I admitted. “That’s a pleasant story,” I smirked at his reply, looking at my digital clock. It was 4:32 P.M. “Oh saltines, I have to go. I have work,” I stated, standing up and running over to my dresser. “I’ll talk to you sometime," he replied and I replied with a laugh and a ‘you wish’ before hanging up the phone and stuffing it in my pocket. I grabbed my wallet, my keys and my name-tag. Off to work. *** “You’re late," my coworker and best friend Meredith sang from behind the counter. She jumped over it and walked over to the anime games aisle and started reorganizing them. “I know, I’m sorry. I lost track of time and ended up staying on the phone for too long. It won’t happen again, Mere,” I apologized, rushing over to stand behind the counter. “On the phone? With a hottie?” Mere giggled and I shook my head. “What’s his name? I’m going to look him up on Facebook. You always lie about who’s a hottie and who’s not," she giggled and I told her his name before looking at the door. A young boy walked into the store.
9 Apr 2015 | 15:11
“Hey babe, got any Mario Kart?” he asked. I furrowed my eyebrows at the ten year old standing in front of me, barely managing to see over the counter. Nobody can sound manly while asking for Mario Kart. “Mario Kart is over there and my name is not Babe; it's Savannah. But to you it’s Ms. Savannah,” I snapped, glaring at the little boy. “You’re a babe, not my teacher," he retorted, looking back at his friends who snickered. “I’m old enough to be your mother,” I responded. Okay, it was a lie. I’m pretty sure that it’s unlikely for a six or seven year old to even know the process of having children; never mind making one and pushing it out of her. “Go buy your Mario Kart,” I snapped. The boy checked out with Mario Kart and I watched as he exited the store and got into his mommy’s car. Did she know that she raised a disrespectful little saltine? “He is hot! I’ve just spent the last fifteen minutes looking at his pictures. You think it’d be weird if I just added him? You think he’d accept?” Mere asked, sitting on the counter cross legged. I shrugged carelessly. Her first sentence caught me off guard and I thought she was talking about the little boy. “It’s worth a shot,” I shrugged. She nodded, clicking the ‘add’ button. “He’s still a minor as far as I know,” I warned and she laughed. “I’m looking for a few dates, Van,” she told me and I shrugged again. "Unless... he's into you." I ignored the latter statement. “I just felt the need to let you know,” I warned the 19 year old. It wasn’t any major age difference. By the way he questioned my age; I knew he was older than me. He might be seventeen or maybe eighteen. “When are you going to let me meet your brother? He’s hot, too,” Mere squealed and I shook my head. “Never,” I smiled and she rolled her eyes.
9 Apr 2015 | 15:12
Guys also read updates in my blog
9 Apr 2015 | 15:25
Shaxee I do try to drop comment but it doesn't seems to shown....
9 Apr 2015 | 17:14
Great work here shaxee, am really lovin dis.
9 Apr 2015 | 17:46
Khola... Only ur name is required... Don't type any email when trying to make a comment... After typing ur name just scroll to the big box.. Type ur comment and submit
10 Apr 2015 | 05:53
[ C h a p t e r - F o u r ] “Maybe we should sit somewhere else,” Jonah stated, causing me to jump. He laughed before approaching me. “It’s snowing.” “Thank you, Mr. Weatherman,” I retorted, biting into my burger. The flurries were falling lightly onto the table, melting before they could stick. “Can we eat inside?” he involuntarily shivered. I raised my eyebrows. “You can. I’m going to eat out here,” I tipped my head back as I swigged my chocolate drink. Surprisingly, he sat down across from me and started eating his lunch. I gave him an annoyed look and he just smiled back. “I think something’s wrong with you.” “What do you mean?” he asked, eating his burger. He drenched it in mustard. “Well, first of all you keep sitting around me and talking to me when I told you I don’t want to be your friend and two, you like mustard,” I explained and he just shrugged. “Mustard's good," he didn’t acknowledge my first statement so I just continued eating. It’s Monday, his fourth day at this school. Since Wednesday, he’s been talking to me and hanging around me, ruining my image to the school. I was going soft to them when in fact I’m not. “Did you make any friends?” I inquired. “Just one,” I glared at my plate but continued eating. “I don’t know what’s so bad about me hanging around you. You don’t hang out with anybody else here, so," he sighed. “I’m not looking for your pity,” I snapped. “And I don’t hang out with anybody else here because they’re all idiots.” He frowned, taking this as offense. “I’m not an idiot.” “I’m pretty sure you are; you’re sticking to me like glue,” I hissed, finishing the rest of my chocolate drink. “Maybe I just like your company,” he shrugged again. I snorted, tipping my head back and letting out a laugh. “And Channing Tatum will be sitting at my door tonight," I sighed. Jonah wrinkled his nose. “I thought you were more of a Gosling type of guy," he tilted his head sideways and I shook my head. “No, are you?” I smirked and he just rolled his eyes. Although they’ve been here since Thursday, I hadn’t met his sisters yet. I’ve seen them in the hallways but I didn’t approach them. “When am I going to meet your sisters?” I asked, changing the subject. Jonah furrowed his eyebrows before he smirked. “Why? Do you want to meet them?” “I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to," I gave him a flat look and he shrugged. “That’s funny, they asked about you too,” he sipped his Sprite. I furrowed my eyebrows. “They know about me?” I questioned. “They know about the girl that I talk to on the phone sometimes and who I hang out with at school, yes,” he nodded. “You mean the girl you harass on the phone and in person repeatedly?” I raised an eyebrow. “The one and only,” I blinked at his response before angling my head. “Do you ever get angry?” I asked him and he glanced at me over the bottle he was chugging. “Doesn’t every human?” he replied once he placed the bottle back onto the table.
10 Apr 2015 | 05:55
“I’m not quite sure if you’re human," I countered. “Why? Am I too hot to be human?” he turned his head slightly and ran his hand through his hair while biting his lip. Somebody say model? “No, you’re a bit creepy, though,” I informed him, eating a Pringle. He frowned, pouting out his lower lip. The guy was admittedly cute but I had a thing for bad boys like almost every other teenage girl known to man; the kind of guy that drives a motorcycle and wears leather jackets on a daily basis. “You’re really nice, you know that?” he sighed. I smiled at his sarcasm. “Thanks, I get that a lot," I muttered. “I bet you do," he smirked. The smirk disappeared once he looked over my shoulder. I turned my head to see Shaw making his way towards us. I turned to look at Jonah. “Run,” his voice was a whisper, but I heard it loud and clear. Leaving our food at the table, (rude and disrespectful, I know) we quickly dashed inside the cafeteria, quickly walking towards the exit of the large room. I felt people’s eyes trained on us and I adjusted my bag on my shoulder. We heard the same doors we entered a moment ago open and close loudly. I let out a whimper and before I knew it, the bell rang and everyone got up, walking to the cafeteria’s exit. “Thank God,” Jonah sighed once we entered the classroom. I can't help but be a bit grateful that we actually have this class together today. We made our way towards the back of Mr. G’s classroom. Francis was leaning back in his seat, although his chest was on the back of the chair and his hands were resting on my desk. As I slumped into my seat, my eyes fixed on Francis. “What do you want, Franny?” He just smirked at me. I raised an eyebrow and leaned back in my seat. “Arthur wants to know how you’re doing," he told me. I felt my teeth clench and my eyes narrowed. “What’s your problem, Francis?” I bit. He let out a loud laugh and as he sobered up; he threaded his fingers together and rested his chin on them. “My problem is-.” I didn’t let him finish. Instead, I kicked the chair’s legs and he fell forward, his face connecting with my desk on the way down. Jonah was bent over in laughter, his hand holding onto the desk to keep him from falling over. I heard a groan from Francis. “Ms. Harp!” I looked up at Mr. G. “Yes?” I innocently asked. “What happened to Francis?” he walked over to the desk and surveyed the area. His eyes darted back to me, then to Jonah, and back to me. “I’m not sure, sir; it seems as if he fell when he was laughing,” I frowned, looking down at Francis. I couldn’t help but smirk down at him before contorting my face into one of sympathy when my eyes met Mr. G’s. “Well then, he needs help to the nurse. Savannah, please take this boy to the nurse,” he instructed. My eyes widened slightly. “But I can’t carry him,” I explained, watching as he struggled to get up. He looked disoriented. Maybe he was just a good actor. “Then Jonah, can you accompany Savannah to the nurse's office?” Mr. G smiled down at Jonah who just sobered up from his laughter. “Of course,” Jonah smiled up at the teacher. “Why can’t he bring Francis himself?” I fought. “I’m sure that Jonah can’t find his way to the nurse's office on his own; it’s only his fourth day here, Ms. Harp,” Mr. G looked down at Francis before glancing back up at the two of us. “Get going now.”
10 Apr 2015 | 05:56
Jonah heaved Francis up, breathing heavily as he did so. Someone’s unfit. “A little help here?” he said in a strained tone. I glared at him as we exited the classroom. I had my bag over my shoulder. I was planning on ditching classes. “No, I’d rather not.” “Don’t let that crazy witch touch me,” Francis hissed, holding his jaw in his hands. I stared at him for a minute before snorting. “I wouldn’t touch you for a million dollars, Franny,” Jonah lifted him up slightly. Francis stared at me before mumbling something. “What was that?” “I didn’t say anything, Ms. Violent,” Franny snapped and I scowled. “Anyway, I’m going to go to the bathroom,” I started to walk away but Jonah stopped me. “Who’s going to show me to the nurse’s office?” he asked, readjusting Francis’s hold on him. “He looks pretty conscious to me,” I halfheartedly pointed to the boy slouching on Jonah’s arm. “Besides, I’ll only be gone a minute,” I started walking again. “You’re ditching?” Jonah asked. I halted and turned around with a raised brow. “No, I’m going to the bathroom,” I lied, placing a hand on my hip. “No, you’re ditching," he retorted, mocking my voice. I glared at him. “What’s it to you?” I snapped. “I could always tell Mr. G,” he replied in a song-song voice. I wiggled my fingers in the air, feigning a frightened look. “Oh, you’re going to tattletale? I’m so scared," I countered. “Aren’t you the one that said you don’t believe in ditching?” Jonah’s eyebrow rose. I shrugged. “I also said that Channing Tatum’s my husband,” I told him. Francis let out a snort at this. “You’re going back on your word,” he convinced and I shrugged. “I don’t really care," I rejoined. “We only have one class left," he told me and I sighed, running my hand through my hair before joining them. “Fine,” I sighed when Jonah smirked at me. “He’s your kryptonite?” Francis snorted and I punched his shoulder. “Ow, you’re inflicting more pain upon me?” *** “Well, you just hurt your jaw pretty badly. You’ll need to ice it or it’ll swell,” Nurse Cadence smiled at him. She turned towards the sink to wash her hands. “How’d this happen anyway?” He went to open his mouth so I nudged his side and he yelped rather girlishly. “I, uh, fell and hit my chin on the desk,” Francis glared at me. “Well, you’re welcome to lie down or go back to class. There’s only one class left and I advise you go but it’s up to you. You two, get back to class- wouldn’t want you to miss any valuable education," she smiled at Jonah and I and we nodded, exiting the room. *** “You work today?” I nodded at Jonah's question. “When do you get off?” he asked again. “At 8 o’clock. Why?” I asked.
10 Apr 2015 | 05:57
Guys updates in my blog.
10 Apr 2015 | 05:58
Can't stop laffing. Double trouble
10 Apr 2015 | 06:31
Shaxee, I visited your blog and was so confused. Where is episode 1 of dear diary?
10 Apr 2015 | 08:28
Hmmmmm dis is real trouble
10 Apr 2015 | 09:43
@Jencute try and check the general forum at my blog at the top... You find all episode of dear diary series
10 Apr 2015 | 14:21
“When do you have off?” Jonah casually asked, sticking his hands in his pockets. “I work every day this week except for Sunday," I told him as we walked to my car. He was trailing behind me like a lost puppy. “That stinks," he told me and I shrugged. “I get paid so I don’t mind.” In all honesty, it’s kind of a bummer. I do the homework I can in the 2 hour gap between the end of my school day and the start of work. I have no other time for anything. “Why do you ask?” “Well, you said you wanted to meet my sisters,” he shrugged. “And I know you won’t meet them in school because well, you don’t even want to meet me in school.” “Maybe next week,” I shrugged before getting into my car. He waved at me while he backed up. I smirked as my car roared to life. I don’t even know what type of car he drives, if he drives. *** “What’s up with the hottie that you’ve been talking to lately, he ask you out yet?” Mere asked while flipping through her magazine. I shook my head, a look of disgust clear on my features. “I’m barely the guy’s friend never mind love interest, Mere. Besides, he’s quite annoying if you ask me,” I scoffed and she furrowed her eyebrows. “But he’s hot," she countered. I shook my head with a sigh. “As long as he’s hot he can be as annoying as he wants.” “Not everything’s about looks, Mere, personality is important, too,” I informed her. “But his personality’s saltines, too.” “And why is that?” she spit her gum into the trash bin. “He can’t take an insult if it’s served to him on a silver platter. He brushes them off like fuzz on a shirt,” I leaned on the counter, my arms folded. “How’s that bad?” Mere asked in confusion. “He won’t stop bothering me! Even if I tell him to ‘lay off,’ he keeps following me and sitting next to me,” I placed my head on the counter. “Maybe he just wants to be friends," she suggested. I looked up at her and scoffed, shaking my head. “Why would he choose me to be friends with? Of all people?” I hoisted myself onto the counter, sitting beside Mere. “You’re funny and pretty," she smiled and I let out a bark of laughter. My glasses fell down the tip of my nose and I quickly adjusted them. “You’re funny and a liar," I countered. “I’m being serious, Van,” she rolled her eyes, closing her magazine and turning to me. “What happened to the guy at the library? You never finished that story.” “That’s him," I told her. “You mean the hottie is the library guy, too?” she asked, her eyes widening slightly. “Jonah is the library guy,” I clarified. She gave me a flat look before letting out a frustrated groan. “You have it so easy with guys!” I gaped at her. “Easy? The last boyfriend I had dumped me after 2 months,” I told her and she rolled her eyes. “You were 15; when somebody tells you they love you, you’re going to believe it,” she sighed. I furrowed my eyebrows. “Did you just recite Taylor Swift lyrics?” I asked. “That’s not the point, Van!” she cried out. “This guy is destined to be yours. Trust me! I mean, don’t you see the signs? You see him at the library where he shamelessly flirts with you and then you-,” she was cut off by my ringtone.
10 Apr 2015 | 14:23
I looked at my phone and sighed. “It’s him.” “Speaking of the devil, answer it!” she insisted. I pressed the phone to my ear. “What?” I hissed, earning a glare from Mere. ‘Be nice,’ she mouthed to me. I rolled my eyes at her. “What are you doing?” he sounded casual, chirpy almost. “Why are you calling me?” This is how our normal conversations go. I’m snappy and angry and he doesn’t even mind. “Can’t I just talk to you? I don’t know many people here,” he sighed. “I constantly tell you to make friends but you follow me around like a lost puppy,” I countered. Suddenly the phone was ripped from my hand and Mere was leaping off of the counter. “Hello?” she waited a minute. “You’re library boy, right?” she sighed before replying. “You’re the boy that flirted with her at the library, right?” “Meredith Alexandra Turner!” I snapped and she glared at me before running behind a game cart. I advanced toward her. “Yes, she did tell me about that,” she replied. “Yeah, that’s me. I was surprised that you accepted my request!" she said cheerfully. “Mere!” I hissed, trying to grab onto her but she slowly backed away from me. She had a height and speed advantage but I had anger and an annoyance advantage. “I’m her best friend and her co-worker, future sister in law, too," she smirked. “No, I’m not dating her brother yet but I will, soon enough," she explained. “Meredith, give me back my cell phone!” I tried to jump but tripped. She laughed loudly as if he said a joke. “You know him? You’re so lucky! She won’t let me talk to him. She even blocked me on his Facebook and Twitter," she waited a moment. “Yes, because she thinks I’m using her to get to him," she told him. I told Mere why I didn’t want her to meet my brother a while back but I don’t believe that anymore. It’s like she’s my sister now and it’d be weird to walk into my house to see her and my brother playing tonsil tennis on the couch. “Yeah, you get used to her threats and jabs and after a while, she stops,” Mere convinced. “Meredith Alexandra Turner, I will grab you by your hair and I will slice your stomach open and use your intestines as a noose,” I threatened her, approaching her slowly. “And eventually, she’ll start them back up again," she informed him, letting out a nervous laugh. “Yeah, she tells me how you follow her around like a lost puppy, too. I think it’s adorable," she informed him. “Meredith!” How can she spill my secrets to him like that; even though they’re not secrets, they’re close to it. “You have a cousin? He’s the one that told you to go flirt with Van?” she waited a minute. “Yeah, I call her Van. Anyway, your cousin told you to flirt with her?” she changed the subject again. I stood there with my hand on my hip, glaring at Meredith. “I hate you so much Meredith," I told her as I tried to grab my phone again. She quickly dodged me and I continued to glare at her. “He’s a guy?” Mere frowned after a minute. “He’s gay? That stinks, I mean, it’s good for him but it stinks for me.”
10 Apr 2015 | 14:24
“Meredith!” I snapped. “We could have gone on double dates,” she laughed. “She would’ve loved it.” “I hate you more than life itself,” I snapped. “Maybe you should stop by the store sometime,” Mere persisted. “No, she wouldn’t mind a bit.” “Yes, I would!” I’m going to defend myself against her lies, at least. “No, she’s just saying that. The more she denies it, the more she wants it,” Mere giggled. “Sure, you want to talk to her?” she asked. Slowly and cautiously, Mere slid my phone across the counter and I picked it up. “What?” “She’s funny," he laughed. “She’s funny,” I imitated him. I glared at Meredith who just smiled at me innocently. “So she’s like your feeling bank? You tell her all of your feelings and boy encounters? Girl’s really do that? I thought you didn’t have any friends.” “Hardy-har-har, you’re so funny. I do have friends, for your information," I snapped. “How many?” he asked and I tightened my grip on my phone. “That’s none of your business,” I snapped. “Somebody’s overprotective," he chuckled and I bit my lip. “Bye, Jonah,” I slammed my phone down onto the counter before taking off my nametag. I always thought Monday’s are absolutely terrible. Now they’re horrendous. Guys also read update in my blog
10 Apr 2015 | 14:25
this is mah first comment so far and am really enjoying d drama... Next pls #leggo
10 Apr 2015 | 16:01
Meredith is another trouble herself. Next plsss
10 Apr 2015 | 18:24
Meredith is damn funny
10 Apr 2015 | 19:04
Roll it...
11 Apr 2015 | 02:44
[ C h a p t e r - F i v e ] I was sweeping the floor out of pure boredom. Saturdays are usually our busiest day here at Game Island yet we only had 2 customers so far, maybe it was the terrible weather. I hate to admit it but I’d rather be at school with Jonah. Although we had to dodge Shaw every day last week, it was still pretty fun. I heard the familiar dinging of the bell above the door but when I looked over the rack of games I was behind, my heart leaped in my chest and my hands became clammy. “Mere, can you take this one? Please,” I whispered to the blonde who was sitting on the counter chewing gum and texting. She looked up and me and sighed before dropping onto the ground. “Is there a Savannah here?” Shaw’s deep voice asked and I gave Mere a quick shake of my head. “No, she doesn’t work here anymore. She quit yesterday," Mere lied, blinking up at Shaw. “That’s a shame because I really need to talk to her; do you happen to have her number?” I shook my head again and her eyes traveled from me to Shaw quickly. “No, she doesn’t have a cell phone,” she continued to lie. “Well, I guess this was another dead end. If you happen to see her, tell her Jeff Shaw is looking for her, would you?” Shaw snapped before walking out of the store. I let out a sigh of relief before striding back over to Mere. “What was that about?” she asked. “Remember that Jonah kid I was telling you about? Well in the week and half he’s been here, I already have a few new enemies and they’re steroid obsessed idiots,” I sighed, leaning against the glass counter. “Well, I have to go. I have class in an hour. You’re going to be alright here by yourself, right?” I simply nodded in response and she smiled before leaving the store. I sat in the chair behind the desk doing absolutely nothing. Times like these, I wish I had more friends to actually hang out with at the store. My phone went off, making me jump. It’s most likely Jeremiah asking me where I put the ketchup. Surprise coursed through me when I realized that it was Jonah instead of Jeremiah. I picked up the phone cautiously. “What?” “What’s up?” he casually replied. We’d only known each other for eight days, nine if you count the situation at the library last Tuesday; he was already casually calling me. “I’m at work,” I replied grumpily. This didn’t bother him. That was the annoying thing about him; he never was annoyed by me! I rarely got a glare out of him. I only received jokes and sarcastic replies but never a serious insult. “Oh, sorry,” he apologized and I sighed, resting my head in my hand. “It’s nothing, the stores empty anyway,” I replied. “Guess who showed up about ten minutes ago?” “Jesus?” he suggested. I tossed a flat look at the wall I was staring at. “No, the opposite; Jeffrey Shaw,” I stated. Silence came from the other end. “What did he want?” he asked. “I hid and had Meredith deal with him. He was looking for me; he heard that I worked here,” I replied, drumming my fingers along the glass. “Where do you work?” he questioned. “At a game store called Game Island,” I replied casually as I watched the rain pour from the sky. “Is that in Northvalley?” his voice was curious.
11 Apr 2015 | 06:13
“Yes, way out on the edge, near the shops,” I replied. “Are you even allowed to be on the phone?” he inquired and I sighed. “No, but am I one to follow rules? Besides, we have no customers and I’m here alone,” I complained. “When does your shift end?” he inquired. I looked at the clock hanging from the ceiling. I pursed my lips. “It ends in about an hour, fifty-four minutes to be exact," I shrugged. “What are you doing after work?” he asked another question. “I’m probably going to go home and play video games,” I left out the part about taking a shower; like we needed that type of awkwardness in this conversation. “It’s only noon," he stated. “It’s raining cats and dogs. There’s nothing fun to do in the rain besides sit inside,” I replied, listening to the rainfall on the roof of the building. “You can always go somewhere that has fun indoors," he stated and I sighed again. “Like where, the mall?” I laughed, watching as people raced by the windows with umbrellas in their hands. “Yeah, the mall; my sisters and I are supposed to be heading there in about an hour. Do you want to join us?” he invited me. I weighed my options. It wasn’t like we’re going to be alone; his sisters are going to be there. But you can’t really insult the guy with his sisters around. Who says I can’t? Would you like to leave that impression on them that you’re a jerk? Well, I am. “Sure,” I responded. Silence came from the other end of the phone and I raised an eyebrow. “Seriously?” he asked, shock flowing through the phone. “Do you not want me to go?” I asked, flipping through a game magazine. “Would I have invited you if I didn’t want you to go?” he sarcastically retorted. He stole my words. “Then why do you sound like you’re shocked?” I asked. “I didn’t expect you to want to go. I thought you were going to make some slick comment about not wanting to hang out with me because I’m annoying,” he replied, amused. “You know me so well. Anyway, I’ll meet you in the food court. I have a customer,” I hung up quickly and shoved my phone in my pocket. I really didn’t need another bad review. “Hello, young lady. How much for the game of Halo?” an old man asked. I blinked a few times. I was surprised by his request. I was expecting him to ask for Trivial Pursuit for Nintendo or something. “A used game is $40.00 and a new game us $60.00,” I told him. “I’ll take a new one, please,” he smiled and I nodded, grabbing the game and placing it on the counter. He reached forward to grab it and I stopped him. “I’m sorry sir; you’re going to have to pay me to get the game,” I informed him and he furrowed his eyebrows. “Can I get a trivial pursuit game, too?” he asked me and I nodded, turning around. That’s more like it. I heard footsteps and I turned to see the old man making a run for it with the game. I hopped over the counter (okay, maybe I took the long way and walked around it but that doesn’t sound as cool) and stood in front of the door. I snatched the game out of the old hag’s hand and told him to exit the store.
11 Apr 2015 | 06:14
“I only wanted to see if you have good security,” he swung his walker around. “You need to leave or I’ll report you to the police,”I told him. I sat in the chair, spinning around. I took my DSi out of my purse and started playing it, glancing up every so often to see if anyone was here. I looked at the clock and I realized that I had ten minutes until closing time. I took off my glasses and rubbed them on my shirt before placing them back on my face. When the clock struck 12:55, I quickly got up and took off my name tag, sticking it into my pocket and grabbing my bag. I swung on my jacket and put my bag over my shoulder. I locked up the shop and quickly walked to my car, rain getting on my glasses. I wiped them off before driving to the large shopping center. *** When I arrived, I entered through the food court, where Jonah said he and his sisters would be waiting. I took out my phone and shot him a quick text as I leaned against the wall. I suddenly saw a teenage boy and a girl stand up and start waving their hands crazily. I looked around to see if anyone noticed; they hadn’t. It took me a minute to realize that it was Jonah and his sister. “Hi,” I smiled politely when I reached the table. Jonah furrowed his eyebrows. “What? No insult?” he asked. “The ‘hi’ was for your sisters, you stupid saltine,” I snapped before smiling at the twins who were watching us. One of them had a fry in her mouth and the other was clacking away on her pink blackberry. “I’m Sierra,” Sierra introduced, extending her hand. She was the one with the fry dangling from her mouth. I shook it, her hand not the fry. I realized that she had glasses similar to mine and her style was much like mine, too. It was quite creepy if I’m being honest. “I’m Sabrina,” the other girl smiled, shaking my extended hand. I noticed that she was more of a girly girl; she had a pink streak in her brown hair and she was wearing lighter colors while her sister was wearing the exact opposite. From what I could tell, they might be twins but they’re so different. “I’m Savannah,” I smiled at the two girls and they nodded. “We know,” Sabrina smiled before turning her gaze to her phone which just vibrated on the table. “How?” I asked. “News travels fast about which girl helped our brother tick off some big steroid induced guy,” Sierra replied this time. “Yeah, that’s me,” I replied with clenched teeth as I looked at Noah. “A stunt like that and you’re still friends with my brother?” Sabrina snorted. “Is that what he told you?” I asked, looking at Jonah who had his face stuffed into a cheeseburger. “It’s quite the opposite, girls. I actually don’t like your brother. He follows me around like a lost puppy and I have to restrain myself from punching him about 99.9% of the time that I’m with him.” “Then why are you here?” Sierra raised an eyebrow. I shrugged. “I have nothing better to do this fine Saturday so I accepted the invite.” “Are you hungry?” Jonah asked and I shrugged. I could go for a taco right about now. “I’ll be back; I’m going to go get a taco,” I excused myself. I walked to the taco booth, staring at the options. “Can I get a spicy soft taco?” I asked. The guy nodded.
11 Apr 2015 | 06:15
Guys also read update in my blog
11 Apr 2015 | 06:16
Nice story
11 Apr 2015 | 08:30
Mehn! I alwyz enjoy reading ur stories..... Even though i realised dat majority of d stories alwyz have a common Kola stated b4.... For example... A guy nd lady ...its either dey both hate eachoda...or dey re both pretending 2 ignore demselves...or maybe one is interested nd d oda isn't....nd after all things dey come back 2geda nd realised dey love each oda... But still it alwyz have diffrnt wrd construction...nd dats what i call creativity.... When will a ugly guy or gal get 2 date d hotest dude or babe? U knw...not all guyz re dat d hotest catch dsnt need 2 alwyz get d best... Good wrk Shaxee.... Aqain i really need 2 ask how u come up with dis names expecially d ones in "bride" nd "my possesive billioniare" ... Its really intruiging reading foreign names of ppl nd places...u must be a novel lover.... ;)
11 Apr 2015 | 10:19
@Tenniebenson the more you read.. The more you know dear... Am even read Reflections On The Nigerian Civil War Facing The Future now... And Its Written By Raph Uwechue... I love books dear... The more you keep reading the more you know things around the world or within a country
11 Apr 2015 | 12:59
As I approached the table, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small packet of hot sauce. Jonah furrowed his eyebrows. “Did you just pull hot sauce out of your pocket?” I nodded. “Yes, I can’t go without it,” I replied calmly, devouring the taco in about 3 seconds. Okay, maybe it took about 4 minutes. Once I finished, Sabrina’s head darted up. “Let’s get shopping!” she smiled widely and Sierra frowned, pointing to her unfinished fries while Jonah scarfed down the rest of his burger. *** “No, no, and no,” Jonah glared at Sabrina who just stepped out of the changing room with a low cut top, high wedges and extremely short shorts. Sure she had leggings under them but the outfit shouldn’t be worn by a twenty year old, never mind a fourteen year old. “Why not? I have leggings on,” she whined, leaning her weight on her left foot. Her hand was placed on her hip and she was chewing her gum obnoxiously loud. “I don’t care if you have leggings on. If you bend over, everything will be on view," he snapped. “So?” my jaw went slack at this comment and I obviously wasn’t the only one. When Sierra saw my expression, she glanced at me with an equally surprised look, mouthing the words 'I swear I'm not like that.' I almost laughed. Jonah was just as shocked. He also had a hint of anger on his face. “Go change,” he groaned in frustration. She went to argue but he glared at her and she stomped back into the fitting room. “Goodness, that girl is aggravating.” “Just like you," I smiled at him. He smiled and rolled his eyes at me before glaring at the changing room his sister was in. I don’t know why, maybe it was the perfume in the air, but seeing him angry made me a bit sad. He was usually a happy person but now that he was angry, the aura of the room changed. He was leaning against the wall and tapping his foot with an annoyed look on his face. He actually looked quite hot while doing so and that was another thing I didn’t like. It caught me off guard that he could look hot. Even though he’s already good looking, it’s weird to just openly admit it. Especially since the boy is as annoying as he is. “It’s different, I don’t go around wearing short shorts and low cut tops with wedges,” he replied, a small smile hinting at his lips. I winced at the mental image. “Jonah, I can imagine you leaning on your motorcycle like the girls on the magazines. Oh my God, the mental images. Ew, why Jonah?” Sierra was holding her head between her hands. My ears perked up. “Motorcycle?” I asked, turning to face Jonah who was laughing at his sister’s expense. “I have a motorcycle. And a car; I have a car and a motorcycle.” How come I never heard of this? “He had this whole bad boy thing going on in California. That’s half of the reason why we moved; he kept getting into trouble,” Sierra groaned, shaking her head. He just stayed silent for a moment. I thought he was offended or maybe even annoyed at his sister’s lack of filter. “I was a hot bad boy.” I don't doubt it. I let out a loud laugh, buckling over. I placed my hands on my knees as I guffawed. Sierra was laughing, too. “You? A bad boy? And a hot one at that? Yeah, right.” When I finally stopped laughing, Sabrina exited the stall. “Is this okay?” she was wearing red super skinny jeans, I was afraid they’d cut off her circulation. She had a black crop top on without a shirt underneath it and she had red flats on.
11 Apr 2015 | 13:01
next plss
11 Apr 2015 | 13:01
“No. Go change,” Jonah waved her off. “This isn’t fair!” Sabrina stomped, leaving us to go find more clothes. “No, you know what isn’t fair? How I can’t get my clothes because we’re too busy shopping for her. In the last ten minutes here, we’ll stop at a store that doesn’t have my size and you’ll say something like ‘oh well, maybe tomorrow,’” Sierra exclaimed. “I could always bring you somewhere,” I shrugged. “A dark alleyway? No thank you,” Jonah snorted and I glared at him. “We have the same fashion sense or so it seems; I know a few stores that are actually tolerable,” I shrugged and Sierra grinned, nodding her head. “Really? You’d do that?” I nodded, shrugging again. “That’s if Jo-bro lets us,” I turned my head to face Jonah. “Did you just call me Jo-bro?” I nodded and he sighed. “Sure, fine, whatever. How about we make this a competition?” “Okay," I nodded. I’m not one to turn down a challenge. “The one who is the most successful in purchasing clothes wins. We’ll each get the same amount of money and we’ll have the same amount of time. Whoever gets the most clothes and is most satisfied with them wins,” he smirked and I shrugged. He handed over the money and I nodded. “Do they need to get shoes?” I asked and he nodded. “Good luck,” I laughed over my shoulder. “Let’s beat them,” I said to Sierra and she nodded.
11 Apr 2015 | 13:02
[ C h a p t e r - S i x ] “What size are you?” I asked Sierra. “I’m size 11/12 in jeans and a medium in shirts.” “Black jeans?” I asked her and she nodded. I thumbed through the rack of jeans. “What about dark blue?” I questioned as I stared at a clot of dark blue jeans. “That’s fine," she replied. I grabbed a handful of 11/12 jeans and handed them to her. She examined each of them before smiling and nodding. So we have 5 pairs of jeans now. “Do you see any shirts you like?” I asked her, resting back and she nodded. She grabbed a long sleeve shirt and a red vest. “Here, go pay for it,” I told her, handing her the money. When we walked towards another store that suited our fashion sense, I asked her how much cash was left. “We have about $313.89,” She told me, doing mental math. I nodded. “Where’d you get this money?” my eyebrows rose. Did she rob a bank? When I go shopping, I get $200. “My parents gave us money to get clothes; $500 each," she told me and I nodded. "That's a lot of money," I told her. "That's only because we have about four pairs of normal jeans and we only own tank tops and sandals," she told me. "We need coats and shoes and jeans and long sleeve shirts; my parents didn't think it through when they decided to send us here." “Just get any shirts,” I told her and she nodded, handing me her bag. I leaned against the wall, staring out of the doorway as she went to the changing room. I saw Sabrina and Jonah walking, obviously arguing. “How many shirts did you buy?” I inquired. “I bought eight more and then two more pairs of jeans,” she told me and I nodded. “We can go to any shoe store that sells Converse or DC’s.” After we bought her two pairs of shoes, we had to go to Target to buy undergarments. I looked at her. “You can do that yourself, right?” She laughed before nodding. “Yes, I’m not 3,” I rolled my eyes. My ringtone went off and I quickly picked up the phone. I was earning dirty looks from other customers. Did they not appreciate The All American Rejects? “What?” I stated into the phone. “Are you guys done?” Jonah asked. I watched as Sierra awkwardly walked to the checkout line. “Yes, are you?” I asked. He sighed loudly. “No, we aren’t even close. I bought her one outfit and one fourth of the money is gone.” “Why don’t you pick out clothes for her?” I asked. He was quiet for a minute. “I’m going to do that. I’ll call you back," he told me. “Are they finished?” Sierra piped from beside me. I shook my head. “He’s going to get the clothes for her," she nodded her head while we began aimlessly walking around the mall. When Jonah called back, Sierra and I were talking about which band was better; Pierce the Veil or Sleeping with Sirens. “What?” I asked. “We’re ready,” I turned to Sierra and nodded. “We’re in the food court.” Sierra and I made our way to the food court, looking around for the boy and the twin. When we found them, Sabrina was pouting and Jonah was glaring at her.
11 Apr 2015 | 13:03
Lol.... All people here are troublesome....
11 Apr 2015 | 13:39
“How many outfits did you get?” I asked once I plopped down. Sabrina wrinkled her nose. “5 and one pair of shoes; I hate them.” “We got about 7 or eight outfits and two pairs of shoes,” I grinned and Jonah frowned. “You got the easier twin!” he snapped before furrowing his eyebrows. “I mean the twin that's easier to shop for.” I just rolled my eyes. “Well, I won. What’s my prize?” I raised an eyebrow. “We never discussed a prize," he smiled. “I want a prize," I crossed my arms. “Jonah’s your prize,” Sierra giggled. I wrinkled my nose. “No thank you.” Jonah looked offended. “What’s so wrong with me?” he asked. “Everything, Jonah,” I smirked. "I want my prize.” “I’ll think about it," Jonah winked. *** When I got back home, my brother was waiting for me in front of my door. “Van?” “Yes?” I slowed to a stop as I waited a few feet away from him. “Some girl named Meredith called. She said she tried your cell phone but you didn’t pick up," he explained. I nodded my head, placing a hand on my hip. “I was hanging out with someone,” I shrugged. My brother’s eyebrows shot up. “Who?” he asked with a smirk on his face. “It was nobody really," I tried to bypass him. “It was Jonah, wasn’t it?” I blinked a few times before shrugging. “Do you like that kid?” “No,” I sighed. “I think you do!” my brother barked out a laugh. “No, I don’t!” I groaned in frustration. He smirked. “You do like him!” “No, I don’t,” I seethed. My brother backed up a bit before pointing at me. “Look at you! You’re all choked up. You don’t know how to express your feelings for him so you have to act like you hate him!” I curled my fingers into a fist and swung it at my brother’s face. When it connected, it made a loud thump. My brother groaned before he got angry. My eyes widened in realization before I darted down the stairs, my brother calling me from a few feet behind me. “Get back here you little-.” “Language, Jer!” I snorted as I raced down the stairs. It’s bad to taunt him when he already wants to kill me but maybe I’ll have a bit of fun before I die in approximately .2 seconds. At some points, I was scared that my legs were going to give out on me. They were already burning from all the running I was doing. When we reached the second floor I had to run down another hallway before I reached the stairs. “I’m going to kill you, Savannah!” my brother was really angry; the only time he calls me by my full name is when he is angry, really angry. He usually calls me Van or Vanna. “That’s murder, Jer!” I called when I felt his hand hovering behind my back. I was panting heavily. I wasn’t made for running. I dived towards the stairs, falling and sliding down them on my back. I quickly stood up, avoiding the pain coursing through my legs. “Mom!” I called when I saw my mom standing in the kitchen, right in front of the garage door. “Help me!” My brother let out a warrior cry before I dived behind my mother who stopped Jeremiah. “What are you doing?” “I didn’t do anything mom, I swear!” I whimpered as Jeremiah tried to reach over my mother’s shoulder. “Don’t believe her! She’s lying!” Jeremiah growled as I reached for my keys. I escaped out of the garage door. As soon as I was in my car, I quickly started it up. The garage door opened up quickly and I tried to back out but my brother appeared in the doorway I’d just escaped through. He had his keys in his hand. I don’t think he was planning on driving. The bruise was forming on his face. I quickly pulled out of the garage and my brother was chasing after my car. I pressed on the gas and he soon disappeared. I let out a sigh of relief. How was I going to get back inside tonight?
12 Apr 2015 | 04:26
[ C h a p t e r - S e v e n ] I slowly peeked out from behind the tree. I was hiding in my front yard, avoiding Jeremiah’s rage. It was 9:26 PM and I’m waiting for him to bring out the trash. When he does that, I’ll dart inside and all will be well. Well, that’s if I make it to my room. Jeremiah exited the house, whistling cheerfully. He glanced around for my car; which I sneakily parked a block away, which is out of sight from here. When he reached the trashcan, I dived out from behind the bush and raced inside. I heard my brother’s footsteps behind me but I continued running. When I reached the third flight of stairs, I was already tired. Sneak attacks take a lot out of you. The only thing I want to be attacking is my bed. “Come back here, Savannah!” I whimpered as I slipped out of his grip and raced into my room, slamming my back against the door. I heard the blood pounding in my ears and my heavy breathing was the only other thing making noise in the room. I quickly locked the door before sliding my back down the wooden barrier. I know one person scarier than Jeffrey Shaw when he’s angry. Jeremiah Harp. *** I sat down at the lunch table, a fresh layer of snow coating the floor lightly. I ignored it and continued opening my juice. I heard the familiar squeaking of the bench beneath someone, and that someone is Jonah. “Hey," his cheerful voice annoyed me even more. I barely got out of the house today because of him. My brother is still harassing me about how he thinks I have a crush on this idiot. I had to stay in my room all of Sunday, which I don’t mind much but having to have my mother squeeze a plate through the door wasn’t so pleasant. Times like these, I’m glad I have a connected bathroom. “What?” my usual snappy retort had been long gone, now I was just being vicious. I glanced up at him. His nose is red and his hair is blowing with the heavy winds. Snowflakes dropped onto his hair before slowly melting away. His cheeks are grazed with a light pink due to the cold. His light pink lips were pursed and his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. He’s so hot. I clenched my teeth. Idiot, idiot, idiot. And I don't know if I'm talking about him or me. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked as he unwrapped his burrito. I rolled my lips into my mouth and tore my gaze from him. “Yes,” I hissed, glaring at the table. “What did I do this time?” he asked. I felt his eyes fix on me but I ignored them as I moved my burger around on my plate. I lost my appetite, which I spent all day building up. My stomach had formed some other filler the moment I looked at Jonah and I wasn’t too happy about it. “Well, firstly, you’re still hanging around me and it’s the third week of school for you. Secondly, you talk to my brother. And thirdly, he thinks I like you,” I tightened my grip on the ketchup packet in my hand. It threatened to pop so I loosened my grip on it, but still kept it nestled in my hand. Jonah was silent. “Isn’t it obvious that you don’t like me?” he asked. “Yes, but he thinks I like you," I let out an annoyed sigh. “Liking as in a crush?” Jonah sounded amused. The idiot sounded amused. Of all things, amusement was not the right thing in this situation. My head snapped up; another wrong thing to do in this situation. Jonah’s lips were pulled back into an open mouthed smile, revealing his white teeth. How many times does he brush them? He had a bottle of Sprite in his right hand. His left hand was under his chin. His playful eyes locked with my narrowed, angry ones; he quirked an eyebrow before running his tongue across his lips.
12 Apr 2015 | 04:28
I shook my head before glancing back at my burger. My stomach feels weird. I think I might be getting sick. “We all know that’s not going to happen, right Savannah? You totally don't like me, right?” I kicked Jonah in his shin at his implication. He thinks I like him. “I’m going to tell you something right now, Jonah, the reason why I’m always mean to you is because I don’t like you. Would it really make sense for me to be mean to you if I had a crush on you? I insist that you find some friends because I’m done talking to you. Stay away from me, okay?” Instead of waiting for a reply, I opened the ketchup packet and unleashed it in his dark, fluffy hair. Fluffy? I then stormed off into the school building and to my next class. *** Jonah didn’t sit next to me in history. Instead, he sat next to Waverly who was drooling in his presence. Jonah's hair was damp and it was obvious that he got the ketchup out, but I bet his hair still smells like it. I turned my glare from Waverly to my paper. Why was I even glaring at Waverly? She didn't do anything wrong! I wasn't the only one glaring at her, though. Lindsay was tucked in the back of the room with a sour look on her face. Mr. G was a bit confused, too, like myself. He thought that Jonah and I were ‘besties.’ I know what I did was bad. I realized that five seconds after I did it. But then again, he would've assumed I was crazy if I dumped ketchup in his hair and then frantically apologized before helping him get cleaned up. Right now, I feel like slamming my head on a table. Why did I do that? Francis found the pained and annoyed loook on my face amusing. He even looked happier than usual. “What happened with you and lover-boy?” I glared at the boy in front of me, my eyes narrowed. “We were never ‘lovers’ and I told him to get lost.” “Waverly happily found him, don’t you think?” Francis snorted as my gaze turned to Jonah and Waverly. Waverly was giggling and curling her hair around her finger. She was honestly a pretty girl, maybe she wore a bit too much eye makeup but she was pretty, nonetheless. She had curly brown hair, unlike my frizzy, untamed brown curls, and her blue eyes were way better than my dark brown ones. Her eyes held curiosity and kindness while mine held anger and danger. Why are you comparing yourself to Waverly? She laughed at something Jonah said. I can’t see Jonah, just his back. I narrowed my eyes and glared at my desk; she didn't do anything wrong. I did this to myself. I'm the one that wrecked Jonah's fluffy hair with ketchup. He could be sitting next to me right now if I hadn't done that. “Do I sense jealousy?” Francis laughed. I turned to him and glared at him. “Why would I be jealous?” I asked, genuinely curious. “You’re no longer of his interest. He’s replaced you with Waverly, who is, no doubt, hotter than you are,” he looked at Waverly before looking back at me. “Whatever, good to know," I rolled my eyes. Me? Jealous of Waverly? For Jonah’s attention? No thank you. *** The looks I got in the hallway were different, too. Instead of people ignoring me like they did when I was with Jonah, they were now staring at me as if I was the cover of a new Seventeen or ESPN Magazine. I even heard a few remarks, ‘Jonah finally came to his senses and ditched her.’ I also heard my fair share of, ‘Jonah’s on the market? Great.’
12 Apr 2015 | 04:30
Their words annoyed me. I felt my anger flowing as I slammed my car door. I tossed my bag into the backseat carelessly before turning to see Francis watching me with amusement from outside of the car. I rolled down the window. “Are you sure you’re not jealous?” I clenched my teeth as I glared down at Francis. Instead of answering him, I just pulled out of my space in the parking lot and drove onto the road, heading home. *** Another thing that isn’t helpful is the fact that my brother still has a burning hatred against me ever since I gave him a shiner. It’s still there, just not as prominent. I still have to sneak around the house. When I walked inside, I accidentally slammed the door out of anger. I looked over at the dining room doorway to see my brother sitting at the table, staring at me. He had a bowl of cereal in front of him and from the looks of it, it’s soggy. I immediately panicked. I don’t know where to go. I have this huge jacket to weigh me down. It can also block out hits pretty well. Good point. My eyes darted around the living room for a place to hide. “Calm down, I’m not mad at you anymore,” he sighed. I gave him a curious look. Is it safe? “Come here.” I slowly walked over towards him, my feet dragging along the floor. I dropped my bag down beside the chair across from my brother. “How was school?” he asked me. Confused with his question, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind: “Terrible.” “Why?” My brother motioned for me to take a seat. I shed my large coat and placed it on the back of the chair before sitting down. I rested my hands on my face. “I got into an argument,” I blew a strand of hair out of my face. My brother furrowed his eyebrows. “With Francis? Again? Do I have to beat this kid up?” he asked protectively. I shook my head, allowing a small smile to slip onto my face. “No, it wasn’t with Francis. It was with Jonah.” I shrugged, sitting on my right leg. My feet didn’t touch the floor. I was only 5’2”. If anybody asks though, I’m 5’3”. “What happened?” Jeremiah inquired. “I told him that you think I like him and he insinuated that I did, but I don’t! So I told him to stay away from me and I kicked him in the shin and then I poured a packet of ketchup on his head. So later on, he sat with Waverly instead of me,” I explained, realizing that I sounded like a first grader. “Don’t get angry; but do you think that you might have a tiny, teensy weensy, miniscule, microscopic, diminutive, infinitesimal sized crush on him?” My brother asked, scooting away from me slightly. I glared at him, patting my pockets for hot sauce packets. I came up empty. “Think of it this way, every day you have a little puppy following you around. This goes on for three weeks, and one day; the puppy just starts following someone else,” I explained. “Well, maybe if you didn’t kick the puppy he would still be following you,” my brother muttered. “What’s that supposed to mean?” I snapped. “All I’m saying is that you need to learn how to treat someone nicely, especially if they’re trying to be your friend,” my brother sighed. I glared at him. He wiggled his eyebrows. “So…does this puppy happen to be cute?” “Bye, Jeremiah,” I told him, standing up and walking away. “He’s cute, isn’t he?” my brother called after me. “Bye, Jeremiah!” I shouted as I ran up the steps.
12 Apr 2015 | 04:30
Guys also read update in my blog
12 Apr 2015 | 04:32
Savannah is gettinq jealous(hope she didn't see this sha, ah didn't want any bruish o) when she had already qet down to it that she had nothinq for Jonah........When time qoes on, she would surely admit to her feelinqs
12 Apr 2015 | 05:09
[ C h a p t e r - E i g h t ] Chapter 8 I didn’t talk to him this whole week. By him, I mean Jonah. Maybe today will be different. Or maybe it’ll be realistic. I blew my only chance at friendship for the rest of my high school life, maybe even college. And this may sound cliché and sappy but I think I blew whatever chances I had at…romance, too. No, I don’t have a crush on him but I do think he’s cute, like the majority of the girls here (I’d unfortunately learned that, too this week). I also learned that Waverly is planning on asking him to Winter Wonderland on Tuesday or Wednesday, too, but it’s not like I can stop that from happening. “Have a good day, today," my mom grinned at me. Today, I decided to actually eat breakfast. If I’m going to talk to him, I want to be able to focus on something other than lunch while I was conversing. “Maybe,” I muttered as stirred my cereal around. My mother frowned at me while I heard a groan come from the stairway. Jeremiah is up. “Morning," he mumbled as he rubbed his face. “Pancakes,” he smiled at the pile of pancakes on the table. I was never a big fan of pancakes. “So when am I going to meet this boy?” my mother asked, raising an eyebrow. “What boy?” Jeremiah asked through a mouthful of food. “You’re done fighting with Jonah?” This is what I dislike about my family; nothing is private. And when I say nothing, I mean nothing. One time, in fourth grade- I walked into my room to see my family sitting on my bed. They’d read my diary and were curious about how things with River (my old crush) were going. My father was reading it in a high pitched girly voice, too. Turns out, they had been reading my diary every day since the day they’d found out I had it. “You’re in an argument with that boy? Why?” my mother frowned deeper. Jeremiah snorted. “She’s fighting with him because she doesn’t want to admit that she has a crush on him.” “You have a crush on him?” she gasped. She believes everything Jeremiah says. That’s a problem because half of the things he says are lies about my love life, or lack thereof. “No, I don’t,” I nearly shouted at the same time Jeremiah vigorously nods. “Don’t listen to her; you know how she is, she’s so mean to him because she doesn’t know how to treat him…she does have a humongous crush on him and all. The feeling isn’t mutual so her expressing her love for him would be insane and awkward," my brother blabbed. “When are you going to move out?” I snapped. My brother smirked at me. “Never," he answered. “Mom, can you please kick him out?” I whined. “Honey, would you look at the time? I have to get to work and you have to get to school,” she smiled. Classic favoritism at its finest. I got up and slung my bag over my shoulder, one strapping it. I have to follow Jenko’s advice…from 21 Jump Street. Get it? *** During all of second period, I was anxiously tapping my foot. I have next period with Jonah and I plan to talk to him then. Waverly isn’t in that class, thankfully. Maybe I’ll meet up with him in the hallway. When the bell rang, I was out of that classroom before the teacher could even breathe out the breath that she was holding. I strained to remember what class Jonah had prior to this one. A moment later, a loud locker slamming to my right pulled me away from my thoughts. As if an angel is on my side, I turned to see Jonah readjusting his books in his arms.
12 Apr 2015 | 16:37
The angel decided to kick me in the face because Waverly started making her way down the hallway to my left. The angel proceeded to kick me while I was down because Shaw just so happened to turn down the hallway, right behind Jonah and he was gaining speed. Before I could make a decision, the people behind me were urging to get to class and they pushed me straight into Jonah’s path. I stumbled slightly before regaining my balance. I let out a frustrated sigh before turning to see Jonah who had an eyebrow quirked upwards. I waved my hand slightly as I pasted a smile on my face. “Hi.” “Not the usual ‘what?’” Jonah asked as I peeked beyond his shoulder. Shaw was gaining on us. I discreetly turned and looked back at Jonah. He was smirking. “No, I’m trying to be a nicer person,” I stated, glancing over his shoulder again. I casually glanced behind me to see Waverly chatting with a blonde. I decided to just cut to the chase. “Anyway, do you want to walk to class together?” This surprised Jonah and he shrugged. “Sure, why not?” We walked in silence for a moment and after we passed Waverly, whose back was turned as she continued talking to the blonde girl. “I’m sorry…” He looked confused for a moment. “Why?” “I said a lot of mean things that I didn’t mean and I feel really bad about it,” I apologized. “If you didn’t mean them, then why did you say them?” he asked. “After spending a year with only talking to teachers, the occasional student, my family and Mere- it’s weird having a boy come up to you at a library that you rarely go to and just talk to you; although it wasn’t much of a conversation. It was even weirder seeing him at school and realizing that he’s a totally different person, or hopefully, than you assumed,” I shrugged. “Is it that hard to believe that I wanted to be your friend?” he asked. “I assumed you had bad intentions,” I frowned. He furrowed his eyebrows. As we continued walking, I glanced over his shoulders and saw that we lost Shaw in the crowd of people walking from class to class. “Intentions like I wanted to play you? I mean, I know I’m hot and all but I’m not like that," he smirked. I rolled my eyes. “I’m more of a bad boy.” “Actually, I thought you might’ve been a visiting friend of a student here that I may have angered and you were going to embarrass me or something,” I bit my lip. “Embarrass you? How would I do that if I was a visiting friend?” he asked and I shrugged, staring at the floor. Because if you would’ve charmed me and then laughed in my face; that’d be pretty embarrassing. “I’m not sure.” I lied. “So are we on good terms?” “Sure,” he nodded. “So, what I’m gathering from this is that you missed me.” I stared at him for a minute. His smirk widened. “You missed me, didn’t you?” he asked. “Sure, call it what you want," I shrugged. His smirk formed into a grin as he stared down at me. “You missed me," his voice was accusing and amused at the same time. We entered the classroom and people’s eyes were glued to us. He didn’t realize it, though. I did, well, because I felt the familiar feeling of eyes on me and when I looked up, people were staring at us with curious and questioning eyes.
12 Apr 2015 | 16:39
When I sat down, he pulled a chair out from beside me and plopped into the seat like it was an everyday thing. He continued talking to me and I tried my best to hold back from saying any rude responses. I managed well. We talked until the teacher started teaching. I fought off a smile. It felt better like this. *** When I got to lunch, I looked out the window while standing in the lunch line and realized that it was snowing really hard, too hard to eat out there, without freezing to death, that is. The table that I ate at was covered in 2 inches of snow already. We were supposed to be getting a storm this weekend. It wouldn’t be anything that a snowplow couldn’t fix but it was going to be enough to have people complaining about the walk to their mailbox. I sighed when I looked around to see no empty tables. “Deciding to be civilized today?” I turned around to see Jonah holding his tray in one hand and his other stuffed in his pocket. Is that really necessary? Does he have to show off and hold the tray with one hand? I had the sudden urge to bump into him but knowing him; he’d probably contort and grab the tray with his tongue while still managing to look cool. “I’d rather not be but it has come to this,” I frowned. “My table is covered in snow.” I bit my lip. “We could always sit with Waverly and her friends,” he shrugged. We? “As far as I know, they don’t have a problem with you.” But I have a problem with her. I weighed my options: go to the bathroom, pick a stall and hope nobody left a little gift, or sit with Waverly’s group and hope they’re as nice as Jonah says they are. “Are you sure they’d be okay with it?” I asked him. Jonah grinned. “Of course.” *** “Hi!” Waverly was surprisingly okay with me sitting with them. I sensed falseness to her large grin. It’s like she was expecting it, almost. She probably doesn’t see me as competition; I don’t even see me as competition. “Hello,” I plastered a smile on my face. I slowly sat down beside Jonah. I was stuck between a guy I didn’t know and Jonah. I expected the table to be full of gossiping girls. That’s what I’d seen in the movies, at least. “I’m Waverly; this is Ainsley, Hailey, Jacob, Wyatt, Greg, and of course you know Jonah,” Waverly introduced. Ainsley was a small blonde girl who was snuggled up against Greg. I think she was the one who Waverly was talking to in the hallway. And as far as Greg goes, I recognize him from the student council; he constantly gave speeches and such. His hair was as black as the black beans on his plate. The couple was seated beside Hailey, a taller Asian girl who had a pixie cut, she was giggling at something Wyatt said to her. Wyatt had chocolate colored skin and a shaved head. He had a bright smile which he was showing me. Jacob was the boy I was sitting next to. Raising his head from his entwined arms on the table, he looked up at me and flashed me a breathtaking smile. It surprised me. He had brown cropped hair and kind green eyes. How come I hadn’t noticed him before? “I’m Savannah,” I smiled at the group of people. They all said their hellos before casually turning and talking to the person they were sitting next to. I was awkwardly excluded from conversation as Waverly leaned over Jacob in order to talk to Jonah. “Hey, J,” She called him J? How original. He better not call her ‘Wave;’ that’s an action, Jonah, not a nickname. “Hey, Waverly,” he smiled. Thank goodness.
12 Apr 2015 | 16:41
I internally groaned. I was sandwiched between the three people. Jacob was playing a game on his phone while Waverly was technically lying on the table and Jonah was eating as if this were a normal thing- girls lying across tables to communicate with him. Normally, I’d ask if she wanted to switch seats but something inside of me was urging me not to. “I have something to ask you," she smiled at him. He nodded, encouraging her to continue. And proving the rumors to be true, she continued speaking. “This isn’t as romantic as I wanted it to be, sorry about that, but-,” I cut her off accidentally. How did I cut her off? Well, I cut her off by choking on my food. I was going to witness what I’d been dreading (for reasons unknown). The piece of bread I’d been nervously nibbling on was now lodged in my throat. Waverly looked at me, slightly concerned but mostly annoyed. Jonah turned to me with wide eyes before he started patting my back. He handed me his Sprite and I took a sip, tasting mint along the rim of the bottle. This move angered Waverly, maybe it was because he didn’t take his sweet time opening my drink while I was coughing and instead, handed me his already opened sprite. His action meant nothing, he just didn’t want me to keel over and die right on the table. That'd be a mess to clean up; I should know. I've done it before. “Sorry about that,” I apologized halfheartedly. Waverly blinked at me a few times before turning back to Jonah. “Anyway, I wanted to know if you wanted to go to-,” this time, I wasn’t the one who cut her off. The principal did, thankfully. “Good Afternoon juniors and seniors; I’d like to announce that your last class has been cancelled due to the worsening weather conditions. Lunch is over in five minutes and the buses are already outside, so you’re welcome to either get onto your assigned bus or get into your cars and drive home. We are still unsure whether or not school will be in session on Monday or Tuesday but we have yet to cancel the Winter Wonderland. It is this Wednesday and I’d love to see you all attend. Tickets will be sold at the exit doors, if you plan to go, you’ll need to purchase one beforehand because the tickets will not be sold at the dance. We encourage you all to attend. Thank you, get home safely and have a wonderful weekend,” the principal placed the microphone back down and I was already placing my bag on my shoulder. “Jonah, would you like to go to-,” Waverly started again but the sound of the bell ringing cut her off. She glared at the speaker before turning back to Jonah. She tried shouting over the sound of the bell: “I’ll call you and ask my question!” I waved to the people at the table as I got up and walked over to the trashcan. I tossed my food into the bin before hurriedly walking over to the exit doors. “Wait up!” Jonah called towards me. I turned to see Jonah jogging behind me. “Yes?” I asked rather than saying ‘what.’ “Let’s walk together," he shrugged, falling in step beside me. When we made it into the parking lot I decided to say something. “You do realize what she was going to say, right?” I asked him. He gave me a sheepish look before he shook his head. “You’re hopeless.” “What was she going to say?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as if he doubted me. “She was going to ask you to Winter Wonderland,” I shrugged simply. I ignored the panging in my chest as I repeated the words in my head. Was I getting sick? “Oh… how do you know?” he asked. I shrugged again. “It’s common sense,” I shrugged simply. It was silent for a moment. “Are you going to go?” he asked.
12 Apr 2015 | 16:42
Guys also read update in my site
12 Apr 2015 | 16:43
Nawa oooo van. Beta grab jonah b4 anoda pesin does. Nice story shaxee.
12 Apr 2015 | 16:44
Uhmmmm..... Love in the air.
12 Apr 2015 | 17:20
Datz really beautiful @shaxee .... Indeed readers re leaders... Ok i'll ask u oda questions on whatsapp... (make dem no talk sey i don turn hia 2 chattn site aqain) uhmmmm...Van is loving up... I think i need 2 hold down dia shoulders 2 stop dem 4rm shrugging all da time...
12 Apr 2015 | 18:29
Hmmmmm Van u better wise up ooo next plsss
13 Apr 2015 | 11:22
“Go where?” I questioned as we approached the corner where our cars are parked. “Winter Wonderland,” he clarified. I snorted, shaking my head. Just the name was enough to spark me ‘let’s sit at home in our pajamas and watch movies’ nerve. “No…are you?” I asked as I dug my hands into my jacket pockets. “I don’t want to," he shrugged. “I’m probably going to make an excuse as to why I can’t go…or maybe I won’t answer her calls.” “Why?” I asked, an unexplained hopefulness rising in my chest. "That's rude, you know. She likes you," I told him. “A whole three and a half hours listening to her go on about how much her dress costs doesn’t seem like much fun to me,” he shrugged. Was that a good enough answer for me? Did that determine if he likes her or not? “She’ll probably ask you to dance," What are you trying to do? Get him to go with her? I thought you don’t want them to go together! I don’t. Then what are you doing? Shut up; this is how I get more information. “I don’t like to dance," he gave me a flat look. “Sorry, you just come off as a samba and salsa type of guy,” I smiled. He rolled his eyes but I could see the corners of his lips rising. “I would go if, I don’t know, maybe somebody else asked-," he started to say but was cut off by Sabrina’s high pitched shout. I internally cursed the girl. What was he going to say? Don’t get your hopes up. Aren’t you in charge of that, brain? “Come on, Jonah! I’m freezing!” She shouted as she hugged herself. The girl was wearing a thin pair of jeans and a white long sleeved shirt, no sweater in sight. Sierra, on the other hand, was lying on the back of the car, making snow angels in the four inches that gathered since 7 this morning. “Get off of my car!” Jonah squealed as he yanked Sierra off of his prized possession. “And it’s not my fault you didn’t bring a jacket.” “Fashion doesn’t involve a large, puffy jacket!” Sabrina cried out as she yanked on the door handle. He still didn’t unlock the car yet. “But freezing to death does," Sierra muttered under her breath. Jonah unlocked the car and his sister got in. He started wiping off the windows while Sierra walked over to me. “How are you?” I smiled. She groaned. “I have to deal with Jonah, the neat freak, and Sabrina, the whiner, every single day.” I puckered out my lower lip. “My brother is like Sabrina, a whiner, but he’s extremely messy.” “I just can’t wait until I get home. I can go and barricade myself in my room, away from Sabrina,” she sighed. “There has to be some good points about her,” I smiled slightly. “There are, I guess," she frowned. “Sierra?” a boy, who I’m assuming is a freshman, spoke. Sierra turned and as if she was hit with a love spell, she stuttered and nodded. “Yeah, that’s me," she nodded, brushing her hair out of her face. The boy smiled. How romantic. “Where’s Sabrina?” As soon as the romance appeared, it left. Sierra sighed and pointed to the car. I found myself clenching my teeth at the boy. I suddenly felt bad for Sierra. Although the two girls were twins and looked exactly alike, guys always went for girls that are…girlish instead of girls that are ‘one of the guys.’ I watched as Sabrina opened the car door and looked at the boy. She didn’t even bother to stand up.“Yes?” she asked as she raised an eyebrow.
13 Apr 2015 | 14:55
“I was wondering if you’d like to go to the Winter Wonderland with me,” he suggested, switching from one foot to the other. My eyes found Sierra’s who mumbled something along the lines of, ‘this always happens.’ Sabrina pursed her lips as she looked at Sierra, sympathy shining through her eyes. “No,” she responded. Sabrina closed the car door while the boy stood there, eyes widened slightly and his stance slumped over. I let out a laugh. “Get out of here,” Sabrina snapped, opening the door just a crack. The boy followed her commands and walked away with his hands shoved in his pockets. Sierra smiled slightly. “That’s good about her, isn’t it?” I asked. Sierra nodded, watching as the boy walked away. “He wasn’t that cute anyway," she snorted. “And even the ones that are cute are too stupid to realize what’s right in front of them,” I sighed. The sound of snow crunching surprised us all. Didn’t we just tell the boy to leave? “Jonah, glad I could catch you!” Waverly smiled. Her face was red and her hair was disheveled. The cold isn’t kind to her. I hope I don’t look like that…who am I kidding? I don’t care. Jonah smiled slightly. “Yeah?” “This girl hates me, watch this," Sierra whispered to me as she rubbed her eyes under her glasses slightly before taking them off. “Hi, Waverly!” “Which one are you? Sadie or Sara?” Waverly furrowed her eyebrows as if thinking hard. “I’m Sara,” Sierra said as she stuffed her glasses in her jacket pocket. Sabrina got out of the car, an amused look on her face. “No, I’m Sara,” Sabrina said. I realized how similar the girls looked when Sierra has her glasses off. If you put them in the same clothes and do their hair the same, and ignore Sabrina’s pink highlight, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. They continued bickering while Waverly looked back and forth between the two, an annoyed look on her face. I was laughing loudly at the twins while Jonah was sighing; I could see a faint smile playing on his lips though. Now, I never said that Waverly was smart- she's just kind of nice, when she wants to be. And obviously, when she wants a guy, she'll get him. I guess I admire that about her. I wish I had that trait about me. Waverly tore her gaze from the twins who wouldn’t quit, now they were arguing about who was Sadie. “Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you would go to Winter Wonderland with me.” “I would but I can’t. I have to watch the twins,” Jonah looked awkward as he shifted from one foot to another. He isn’t a good liar. “Aren’t they old enough to watch themselves?” Waverly whined. Jonah shook his head. “Can’t they watch each other?” Jonah shook his head again. “Why can’t you hire a sitter? Savannah, are you doing something on Wednesday?” Jonah’s pleading eyes found mine and I nodded. “Yeah, sorry, I have plans.” Honestly, I have to work. “I just bought my dress yesterday; it’s blue and it’s a high-low. I even got heels to match. You don’t think that maybe you could cancel them and watch the kids," she started saying but Sabrina cut in. Her statement annoyed me because one, they aren’t kids; two, she’s saying it as if they’re her own children; the kids; and three, if she expects me to cancel my plans just for her, she’s mistaken.
13 Apr 2015 | 14:56
“He has to watch us or we’ll set the house on fire again,” Sabrina said as she hugged herself to stay warm. They finally quit arguing. “Butt out Sadie,” Waverly snapped at Sabrina. “See? I’m Sara,” Sierra stated and they were back at their playful bickering again. “I’m sorry, I have to get home,” Jonah smiled apologetically as he held onto the driver’s side door. “If you change your mind, I’m just a call away,” Waverly looked almost desperate. I sighed in relief as she walked away. Jonah sighed at the same time I did. “I heard that; relieved, are we Savannah?” Sierra whispered to me. I gave her a warning look and she held her hands up in defeat. “As much as I’d like to sit out here and freeze to death, because believe me, I wouldn’t want to do anything more than sit outside and freeze on a Friday night, but seeing as they’re having Teen Wolf reruns on all night, I have to get home,” Sabrina stuffed herself inside of the car. Sierra quickly hugged me before getting into the car. Jonah walked me to my jeep, although it was only about 15 feet away; it was still a sweet gesture. “Thanks for that.” “For what?” I asked as I unlocked the car door. “Lying for me," he clarified. “I wasn’t lying. I do have plans,” I nodded. “If watching ‘Breaking Bad’ from the minute I get home until January 2nd count as plans.” Jonah smirked. “I have a feeling that you didn’t want me to go with Waverly.” I decided to try my hand in playing it off. I rolled my eyes. “Puh-lease, I’ll call her back over here and say that my plans are off. I’ll tell her that I can babysit Sierra and Sabrina. I’ll do it,” I pretended that I was going to shout her name by opening my mouth but Jonah quickly covered it with his hand. I’m guessing he bought my bluff. “No, no, no, don’t do that," he shoved me into my car. His hand still over my mouth and his other hand behind my head. I blinked a few times while staring at his hand. He'd make a great kidnapper. “Sorry about that, anyway, I’ll see you Monday, if there's school?” he asked while removing his hands and I simply shrugged. “Say it.” I stared at him with furrowed eyebrows. “I’ll see you Monday?” “No, not that, say that you missed me,” he smirked, earning a glare from me. “No,” I shook my head. “Say it," he told me. “No, I’m not a liar," I crossed my arms. “I missed you,” he smiled. “I know you did but I’m not going to say it,” I smirked while my car roared to life. He narrowed his eyes. “I hate you.” “I doubt it,” I smirked before closing the door and pulling out of the parking lot, a goofy grin plastered on my face.
13 Apr 2015 | 14:57
[ C h a p t e r - N i n e ] Chapter 9 My mother is not cliché; she is not the type of mom that will fold all of your clothes and place them in your dresser after she washed and dried them, and then clean your room. She is the type of mom that will cook dinner and watch movies with us, and even though she may be a bit moody, I love our talks and I love her as a whole. That is why I’m seated on my bed, waiting for her to come in my room. “Want some hot cocoa?” she asked as she pushed open my door. She had two mugs of hot cocoa in her hands. I got up and took one out of her hand, bringing it to my lips and sipping it. “Saltines!” I shouted as I retracted the sweltering mug from my lips. “Why didn’t you tell me it was hot?” “I didn’t think I’d have to; it is called hot chocolate," she snorted as she closed the door. She placed her mug down on my nightstand and smiled at me. “So…tell me about your day.” So I did. I told her about Jonah and Waverly, and then spent a good twenty minute talking about just Waverly and how evil I think she is. I also found myself talking about Francis and how the two would make a perfect pair, and then I brought up Shaw. I spoke about the twins and how different the girls are. I tried not to talk about Jonah all that much because I didn’t want to make it seem like I like him, because I don’t. And since my brother decided to feed my mother lies this morning, I have to watch what I say or else I’ll come home from school to see her talking to a wedding planner. “How’s Jonah?” my mother brought the mug to her lips and sipped the drink, encouraging me to speak. “He’s cool, I guess. We’re cool; we’re on good terms again,” I shrugged, picking up my mug. “Holding back, eh?” she laughed. I rolled my eyes at her but shrugged. “You already think I’m in love with this boy, thanks to Jeremiah,” I glared at my rug. The door swung open, revealing Jeremiah himself. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. “What about me?” he asked, leaning into the door slightly. He gripped the door frame and the doorknob, swaying back and forth slightly. “We were guessing how many STD’s you have,” I snorted. My mother smacked my arm but laughed. “I guessed three.” “You’re so wrong; it’s actually nine,” he laughed and my mom gasped. “Jeremiah!” she exclaimed, her mouth agape but a smile threatened to expose itself. “Gotta run,” he laughed as he exited my room, leaving the door ajar. I groaned as I stood up to close it. The familiar ringtone that I haven’t heard in a week sounded throughout my bedroom. My mom’s eyes darted towards my phone. Before I could make any move to grab it, she was already holding it in her hands. “Mom, give me the phone,” I requested, advancing towards her with an open hand. My mom handed me back my phone with a smirk. I quickly answered it before it stopped ringing. “Hello?” Jonah replied with a similar but more cheery reply. “You may be my daughter but you obviously didn’t inherit my ninja like reflexes…or my coolness. You got my looks though," my mom told me. “Unfortunately,” I smirked. My mom punched my arm lightly while she walked out of the room. “Love you!” “Love you, too,” I furrowed my eyebrows. I forgot I was on the phone with Jonah. Wait; did he just say what I think he said?
13 Apr 2015 | 14:58
“What?” I asked, closing my door and slumping on my bed. “You said ‘Love you,’ so I replied with ‘Love you, too,’” Jonah responded. I bit my lip as my face warmed up. “Makes sense, anyway, why are you calling?” I asked, attempting to not sound rude. “I just wanted to make sure you got home safely but I didn’t know what time you usually got home. I didn’t want to call you ten minutes after school ended because I didn’t know if you were in the car or not. And if you would have read the text and swerved off the road, I would have felt bad,” Jonah blabbed. “You would have felt ‘bad’? Not guilty? Not, maybe, I don’t know- like a murderer?” I laughed. “No, just bad; but did you get home safely?” Jonah asked. I felt myself smile as I rolled my eyes. “If I didn’t, do you think I’d be on the phone right now?” I asked with a flat look on my face. “I thought you were going to be a nicer person," Jonah chided. “Sorry, I just assumed you had common sense, won’t happen again,” I snorted. “I see you’re back to your old ways,” Jonah laughed. “But its okay, it’s weird when you say things like ‘hello and thank you.’” “Are you saying that I have bad manners?” I asked as I lay back on my bed. “I’m not saying you have good manners," he corrected. “You’re weird, you know that?” I asked him. “Yeah, I know," he answered. *** I hung up the phone because I had to go eat dinner. After dinner, I decided to play video games, because thanks to work, school, and being worried about becoming friends with Jonah again, I’ve been slacking. My phone rang and I automatically picked it up and shoved it against my shoulder, expecting it to be Jonah. He was the only one who called me. “Hello?” “Hey, Savannah, it’s me, Waverly," I furrowed my eyebrows for a moment. How did she get my number? I glanced at the television screen and noticed that I’d been killed. “Savannah? You there?” “Yeah, Waverly…how did you get my number?” I asked, sitting up. “Don’t worry about it. I was wondering if you had plans on Wednesday, after school," she asked me again. Didn’t I tell her that I did? Even though it was a lie, I remember it. Did she expect me not to? “Yeah,” I answered, pausing my game. I heard her sigh. “Can you please cancel? You don’t understand how much I want to go to this dance with Jonah. He's, like, the only cute and nice junior guy in our school,” she begged. You don’t understand how much I don’t want you to go to this dance with Jonah. “I can’t,” I stated, picking at a loose string on my blanket. “Why not?” she whined. I grit my teeth. “I can’t,” I stated, my voice more firm. “Why not?” she asked again. “Listen, Waverly, do you really believe that Jonah needs to babysit his younger sisters? Maybe he doesn’t want to go with you to the dance,” I snapped, ending the call. I stared at my phone in horror for a few moments. What have I done? After about five minutes, my phone started to ring. This time, it was Jonah. I decided to answer the phone stating my problem, hopefully side tracking him. “Did you give out my number?” “What?” he asked. “Did you tell her I didn’t want to go to the dance with her?” “Answer my question first!” I exclaimed. “No, I didn’t give out your number. Now answer my question,” he stated. “Yes, I did," I quickly replied. “But I only said that because she called me begging that I cancel my nonexistent plans to babysit Sierra and Sabrina. I don’t even know how she got my number!” I stated. “Well, now, I have to go to the dance with her,” he announced. I felt something inside of me sink and I frowned. What did I do?
13 Apr 2015 | 14:59
Guys update in my site
13 Apr 2015 | 15:01
Uhmmmmm... Hatred. Love. Adoration. Admiration. What again? so interesting....
13 Apr 2015 | 18:03
13 Apr 2015 | 18:48
Dis Van of a gal sef ehn! Character
13 Apr 2015 | 19:26
Ar u asking me? Well, u just sold off ur bf!
13 Apr 2015 | 21:16
Chapter 10 My phone rang and I immediately reached for it, pressing it to my ear as I answered the call. “Savannah? I had a great time with Waverly.” “Really?” I asked, slightly disappointed. I tried not to show it. So what if he had a good time with her? It doesn’t mean that they’re dating. “Yeah, I asked her to be my girlfriend,” Jonah told me. Who cares? Not me. “You did?” I heard my voice quaver. I heard him laugh. “Yes, I realized her beauty a while ago, but I thought she was shallow. Turns out, she’s smart, likes video games, and she speaks her mind.” “That’s me! I like video games! I speak my mind! I’m not very smart though, but Waverly isn’t smart! She’s shallow!” I cried out. My alarm shook me awake and I immediately sat up, my eyes bugging out of my head. Did I just dream about Jonah? And Waverly? Being together? And I was jealous? I shook the thoughts out of my head and stood up. It’s Wednesday, the day where I could be spending the hours after school talking to Jonah but instead I have to report to work. Monday and Tuesday were snow days and I either sat on my bed playing video games, scrolling on the internet, or talking on the phone with Jonah. At first, our conversations were about how he was going to get out of his date with Waverly. After that topic passed, it was him asking me what the dance was like. Seeing as I’ve been to the dance once with my ex and it was last year, I wasn’t exactly sure. I spent the whole night ogling my then boyfriend instead of hanging out with the friends I did have. *** When I got to school, it went by in a blur. I talked to Jonah every now and then but I avoided him whenever Waverly was by his side, which was always. In all of the classes, the teachers went on about their plans for the holidays which usually included flying out to see family. When lunch came around, I realized that my table was still buried under at least a foot of snow and I had no place to sit unless I sat with Waverly. “Hey," Jonah greeted me. I turned to see Jonah, who was finally alone, standing beside me in the lunch line. Waverly was already at the table, her salad placed in front of her. “Hey.” “Are you still angry about the salad joke?” Jonah winced at the memory. Earlier today, Jonah was talking to me and Waverly decided to hobble over (like a little witch) and I ignored how she protectively latched onto Jonah like he was her property. He asked what we were having for lunch today and Waverly laughed and replied that she was having a salad. She then proceeded to poke my stomach and say ‘maybe you should have one, too, Samantha.’ She even got my name wrong, for crying out loud. “No, I’m okay,” I shrugged carelessly. I wasn’t lying but I wasn’t telling the truth; what she did embarrassed me and that’s what she wanted to happen. I'm not going to give her the satisfaction of getting upset. After we paid for our lunches, Jonah already convinced me to sit at the table with him. I just shrugged and sat down, trying to ignore Waverly’s glare. 10 minutes into the conversation, I learned that Waverly’s dress was a teal color and she had gray pumps, she also had her dress in the locker room because she knew her mother wouldn’t approve of the dress. She explained how she was going to get ready at school aside from going home to shower and do her hair and makeup. I couldn’t take the talk of her dress anymore and Jonah’s matching tie so I abruptly stood up, giving them the excuse that I had to use the bathroom and walked away, in the direction of the exit. I tossed my food in the trash can before I began aimlessly walked around. We had twenty minutes left until lunch was over.
14 Apr 2015 | 10:44
I saw two familiar faces in the nearly empty hallway. All of the sophomores and freshman were (supposed to be) in class while the juniors and seniors are (supposed to be) in lunch. “Sierra! Sabrina!” The two girls turned to face me; it was obvious that they were hiding something. “What are you girls doing?” Sabrina looked around nervously before sighing. “Just come with us!” she grabbed my hand and dragged me in the direction of the girl’s locker room. “What are you doing?” I asked. Sierra looked back at me and smiled widely. “Sabotaging something.” I just followed them into the room where they quickly began opening and closing lockers until they reached one with a lock on it. Sierra peeped into the small holes of the locker. “She has a lock on it!” “Thank you, captain obvious,” Sabrina snapped back to Sierra. Sabrina flipped the lock and gave Sierra an annoyed look. “The bimbo left the piece of tape with the combination on the back.” “It’s probably there just in case she forgets,” Sierra snorted. I watched as Sierra entered the combination. “What are you guys doing?” I hissed as Sabrina opened the locker to reveal a teal dress. Sierra pulled scissors out of her bag. “Recognize this dress?” Sierra asked, laying the dress on a bench. I looked over the piece of cloth. It was short and teal, at the bottom of the locker, gray heels were sitting on a small box. My eyes widened slightly. “That’s Waverly’s dress?” I asked, watching as Sierra made the first cut on it. She was cutting from the bottom up, creating a square. She allowed the scissors to glide up the dress about 8 inches up and about 6 inches across. She then cut down it again. “Yes," she replied while she cut a large square out of the bottom. I heard voices enter the gymnasium hallway and I began to freak out. The girls quickly placed the dress back on the hanger and put it into the locker, grabbing the large teal square and shoving it into Sabrina’s bag. They clutched my hand and pulled me into one of the small showers with them, closing the curtain. “My dress is in that locker; don’t take it out or touch it. The combination is on the back of the lock, just in case I forget,” Waverly’s voice entered the small room. I stifled a laugh along with the other two girls. Sierra was right; she did keep in there just in case she forgets. “Can we go now?” Hailey asked, her voice impatient. “I want to get back to Wyatt.” “Not everything revolves around Wyatt,” Waverly snapped. “Fine, let’s just go.” We waited a moment after they left the room before we let out our laughter. “She’s not going to be able to wear her dress,” Sierra told me. I furrowed my eyebrows. “We cut off the whole back of it,” Sabrina snorted as she held up the teal square. “How do you know she doesn’t have a backup?” I questioned. “Last night, right before she called Jonah, he made us record him saying stuff like ‘Yeah,’ and ‘I’m listening,’ and then he went out to skate. She didn’t even notice that the voice started to stutter from being played back too much. We learned that she paid 200.00$ to get it custom made and that she was keeping it in the locker room,” Sabrina laughed.
14 Apr 2015 | 10:45
I could imagine how Waverly was freaking out right now, tears were probably rolling down her face. I couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty but slightly happy. Although we ruined a 200.00$ dress, I saved whatever chances I had at friendship, right? I arrived at work with a huge smile on my face that not even Shaw could wipe off. “Why are you so cheery? Isn’t your dream boy off prancing around at Winter Wonderland with some other girl?” Mere asked once I entered the store. I shrugged as my phone started to go off. Jonah’s name popped up. I turned to look at Mere. “He’s going to call back. When he does, say that I’m busy working. If he tries to blame anything on me, give me an alibi. Say I was here working since the moment school let out,” I threatened her. She nodded and I sat on the counter beside her. The phone rang again and Mere answered it with a smile. “This isn’t Vanna. Yes, it is I, the great Meredith.” Mere joked. Before I could even wonder what he was saying to her, Ms. Antoinette, my boss, appeared and beckoned me. I slowly made my way over to her. “Can you take inventory?” I pursed my lips before nodding and staring at Mere before I walked into the small square room. The clipboard hung on a tack and I placed it in my hands, preparing to count the wide stacks of videogames and consoles that lined the numerous amounts of shelves. *** 30 minutes into the job, I heard footsteps approaching the door. My back was turned and I let out a relieved sigh. “Finally, Mere, now can I get some help?” I asked with a sigh. “It’s not Mere,” I turned slightly to see Jonah standing in the doorway with his eyebrows raised and his arms crossed. “Hey…Jonah,” I smiled at him, laughing nervously. He decided to cut right to the chase. “What did you do?” “What do you mean?” I asked as he took out his phone. He dialed a number and pressed a few more buttons before I heard loud sobbing. It was a voicemail. “Jonah! Pick up the phone! We can’t go to Winter Wonderland! Someone ruined my dress! They cut a huge square out of it!” I scratched the back of my neck. “That’s…tragic,” I bit my lip to stop from laughing. Why would she send a message, to the guy she likes, crying and sobbing? “Do you know what I’m wondering?” he asked as he took a step forward. I took a step backwards before realizing that’s how stupid girls in movies get cornered. “Why you sent her to voicemail?” I offered with a small smile on my lips. He shook his head as he took a step forward. I took a step sideways, in an attempt to exit the room but he blocked my path. “Guess again,” he hissed. I’ve never seen this side of Jonah; it’s scary…yet attractive. Now, I can see the bad boy thing working out. “Why you’re so close to me?” I asked as I moved to the side but it was to no avail; he simply moved along with me. It was like we were dancing. “Not quite,” he told me, leaning in slightly. I leaned back so my back was at a tilt. It was causing pain to shoot up my spine. He moved his head so that he was whispering in my ear. “Where’d you go when you left during lunch?”
14 Apr 2015 | 10:46
“To the bathroom,” I quickly answered. He slowly leaned back, eyes meeting mine as he pursed his lips and tilted his head to the side. I slowly allowed my back to straighten out as he examined my face. “I don’t believe that," he replied, clicking his tongue. His eyes traveled down to my jeans. “What’s that sticking out of your pocket?” My mind began to race. I didn’t empty out my pockets at home or in my car. “My underwear,” I told him. Horrified by my ‘on the spot’ lie, my jaw clenched at how stupid I sounded. “Can I see them?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow. He went to reach his hand down to my pocket but I slapped it away. “No, you pervert,” I scoffed. I lifted my chin slightly as I crossed my arms. Before I could even say anything, he reached his hand down and swiped the small square of teal cloth out of my pocket and held it in front of my face. In an attempt to get it back from it, I swiped my hand and tried to grab it but he quickly turned around. I jumped onto his back and reached my hand over his shoulder in an attempt to get the cloth back. “Give me back my underwear!” “It’s not your underwear!” he replied, trying to wriggle me off of him by moving. I latched onto him like one of those monkeys you win at a fair. “Give it back!” I replied, reaching over him a bit too far. I started to fall over his shoulder and into a pile of empty boxes. He tried to make a run for it but I wrapped my hands around his leg. “Let go of me," he reached down and tried to pry my hands off of him, dropping the cloth onto the floor. I grabbed it with my mouth and dived away from him, accidentally trapping myself in the corner. “Give me the cloth.” I started growling at him with the cloth in my mouth. He took a step back and I took that time to shove the cloth into my back pocket and sit back down. “Give me the cloth, Savannah.” “No,” I told him and he tried to yank my arms so I’d stand up but I quickly laid down. He tried to grab my hands but I put them under my back. He glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. “Loser.” In a second’s time, he was leaning over, tickling me like a lunatic and I was laughing loudly. I cringed away from him when the tickling became painful and he was smirking down at me. “Stop!” I barked through laughs. “No, I don’t want to,” Jonah laughed evilly. “This is fun.” “G-get off of m-me,” I laughed loudly, pushing him but he wasn’t moving. Ms. Antoinette cleared her throat. “Employees only, young man.” Jonah slowly stood up and nodded while I sat up on the floor, trying to catch my breath. A small smile was playing on her lips. “Who are you?” “I’m Jonah,” he quickly replied, standing up straight and smiling at her. When I finally stood up, Jonah stood beside me. “Well, I better get going. Have fun, Savannah,” Jonah said mischievously. I furrowed my eyebrows as I watched him pull the teal cloth out of his pocket. My mouth was gaping open. “Close your mouth dear, you’ll catch flies,” Ms. Antoinette smiled.
14 Apr 2015 | 10:53
Guys update in my site
14 Apr 2015 | 10:55
loving this. ride shaxee you are such an interesting writer.
14 Apr 2015 | 11:14
i cant stop laughing kip it roll
14 Apr 2015 | 12:00
Lol...... The last chapter was just to funny... Interesting...
14 Apr 2015 | 12:24
Lol...... The last chapter was just too funny... Interesting...
14 Apr 2015 | 12:25
Chapter 11 I wonder what Jonah is doing. The dance is just now starting and I’m sitting at work, beside Mere, waiting for Ms. Antoinette to dismiss us. We’ve had a bunch of customers today because we’ve been closed ever since Friday due to the snow storm. Bunches of parents were rushing in here buying last minute gifts for their children, video games galore. “Wipe that look off of your face,” Mere snapped as I sighed. I looked up at her, my eyebrows furrowed. “What look?” “That look of despair,” Mere complained, scowling. I narrowed my eyes at her. “It’s not despair, its curiosity.” “Curiosity killed the cat, so I suggest you stop being curious,” Mere smirked, earning a frustrated sigh from me. I didn't bother to complete the quote. “Anyway, what are you wondering about, girly?” “I wonder what Jonah’s doing,” I replied, biting my lip. “He might be at the dance or he might be at home; he’s only a call away, you know?” Mere replied, swinging her legs as she sat halfway off of the counter. I groaned. “Yeah, but he’s angry at me,” I buried my face in my hands. “Who says you have to be the one to call him?” she asked mischievously. She clutched my phone in one hand and her own in the other, dialing Jonah’s number on her iPhone. “Hello?” his familiar voice asked. Meredith pinched her nose, causing her voice to go up a few octaves, which resulted in her sounding nasally. “Hello there, this is Caroline Chrysanthemum and I’m from Chrysanthemum Company, we sell Chrysanthemum Crayons. Would you like to make a purchase?” I held back my laughter. The background was quiet. “Excuse me?” Jonah asked. “Can you not hear me? Are you in a crowded place?” Meredith asked him, sitting cross legged on the counter. “Actually, I’m not," he replied. A voice in the background caused my ears to perk up. “Jonah? Who is that? That isn’t Savannah, is it? We’re supposed to be on a date!” Waverly snapped. I felt my stomach clench and I suddenly felt sad. Before we could hear Jonah’s response, Meredith hung up the phone. It was quiet for a moment as I drew circles on the desk, in deep thought. Mere decided to speak up. “Vanna, do you…like him?” I slowly shook my head, biting the inside of my cheek. “I just don’t want to lose a friend to someone like Waverly," I told her. Was I telling the truth? I know what I said was true but was I answering Mere’s question honestly? Both of my mistakes caused even worse consequences. First, I snapped at Waverly over the phone and she ended up getting Jonah to go to Winter Wonderland with her. Then, I tag along with the twins who destroyed her $200.00 dress and I end up getting caught by Jonah himself, who ends up going on a date with the girl. I’m guessing Mere decided to change the subject. “So…what are your plans for Christmas?” I pursed my lips as I shrugged. “Spending it with my family, I guess. What about you?” I looked up to see Mere staring at her lap. She shrugged slightly while fiddling with her hands. “My mom and dad left for vacation, so I’ll be spending this Christmas alone.” I can’t believe I’m doing this; I know it’s going to be a bad idea. “Mere…do you, maybe, want to spend Christmas with my family?”
14 Apr 2015 | 15:45
Her head perked up and her eyes shimmered with excitement. Then her smile widened even more; I’m guessing she realized that my family included my brother, the one she’s been dying to meet for the entirety of our friendship. “Really?” I nodded and she vigorously bobbed her head, her eyes widening slightly. Although the girl is nearly 20 years old, she acts like a five year old sometimes. “We’re having a Christmas party, so bring a dress.” “I will!” Mere smiled widely as she nodded her head again. Ms. Antoinette exited the backroom with two gift bags in her hands and a motherly smile on her face. The sight of the gifts made me smile, instantly shooing the thoughts of Jonah and Waverly aside momentarily. She handed the purple bag to me and the pink one to Mere. I slowly opened mine while Mere ripped hers apart. I was greeted with the sight of two new video games; one that I went and talked to Ms. Antoinette about how it was supposedly great and had perfect graphics. It also had a gift card to a store in the mall that I was going to use soon. I furrowed my eyebrows as I realized that she gave me two of the same games. She walked over to me and smiled. “That Jonah boy was eyeing it, figured you weren’t one to buy gifts. Consider it a push; it’s time you get into another relationship.” I smiled at Ms. Antoinette and nodded. “Thank you, Ms. Antoinette, but I’m not going to be in a relationship with that boy anytime soon.” “Liar,” Mere pretended to cough and I glared at her before smiling at Ms. Antoinette. “Anyway, have a good Christmas and New Year’s, Ms. A. I’ll see you at the party, Mere,” I called as I exited the store, my body shivering slightly as the darkness surrounded me. *** When I got home, it was 8:30 P.M. and the dance would be ending in an hour and a half. I should’ve gotten up the guts to ask Jonah as a friend. It’s better than sitting at home. I’m sure Ms. A would’ve let me have the day off if I just asked. I decided to play my new video game with Jer after I showered and changed into my pajamas. I walked over to my brother’s room and knocked on the door. He opened it and gave me a questioning look. I simply held up the game and nodded towards the living room. He nodded excitedly, nearly diving down the stairs. I rolled my eyes. He reminds me of Mere in so many ways. When we got downstairs, I placed the game into the disk holder with a small smile on my face. Jer tossed me a controller while furrowing his eyebrows. “What’s wrong with you?” “It’s nothing,” I shrugged, waving a hand carelessly. When the startup screen came up, I went to click ‘Begin Game’ but Jer had other thoughts in mind and paused it. I glared at him. “Unpause the game," I demanded. “No, not until you tell me what’s got you so down in the dumps,” he crossed his arms tightly over his chest. I glared at him for a moment before sighing. “You’re infuriating.” “Just tell me and we can start the game,” he replied, waving his controller around in the air mockingly. “It’s Jonah,” I muttered. “When is it not?” he murmured. “Shut up and let me speak,” I told him. He nodded his head as if encouraging me to talk. I explained the story to my brother who listened intently, nodding along and muttering, ‘wow’ and ‘you’re stupid’ occasionally.
14 Apr 2015 | 15:46
My brother scratched the back of his neck before squinting his eyes. “You sure you don’t like this guy?” “I don’t like him,” I barked while I glared at him. “I just don’t want him to be manipulated and hurt by Waverly. Believe it or not, he’s a pretty good person.” “You could always invite him to the Christmas party.” He told me and I looked at him as if he was insane. I was seriously contemplating whether I should chuck my controller at his head or not. “Are you stupid?” I hissed. “Mom and dad would be all over him like Nutella on toast!” “Great analogy sis," he snorted. “And I’m sure Dad would just ask him a few questions; it’d be no big deal. If it’s that much of a problem, then I could invite him as my friend.” “No," I quickly answered. My brother smirked mischievously. “Jeremiah Harp, you better not.” “I better not what?” my brother asked as he tilted his head to the side as if he was innocent. I balled my fists up angrily. “If you invite him to the Christmas party, I’ll punch you in the throat. I’m not even kidding," I threatened My brother pretended to gasp, placing a hand over his mouth. “Is that a threat, little sister?” “No, it’s a promise,” I growled. My brother grinned before ruffling my hair. “You have a good idea though; those come once in a lifetime with you. Why not make the idea a reality?” my brother asked, leaning his face on his left palm. I reached out and kicked his left arm, causing him to tip over and hit his face on the wooden floor. “Invite him and that’s the last thing you’ll do," I hissed. *** “You’re stupid!" my brother shouted. “You’re a cheater!” I slammed my controller down onto the floor. My brother glared at me. “I am not. You’re just mad because you don’t know how to play," he scowled. “You’re the one who taught me!” I exclaimed, tossing my hands up into the air. This caused my brother to roll his eyes and stand up. He started stretching while looking down at me. “Well, if you’ll excuse me; I have homework to do and people to invite to parties.” I glared up at him. “You do not!" I hissed as I got up. Instead of replying, my brother raced around the house, up the stairs and into his room. I was close behind him, threatening to twist his leg around his head twice and use it as a jump rope. I stood outside of his door, pounding on the wood like a mad woman. “Open the door!” “No!” my brother replied. “Open the door!” “You’re going to hit me!” my brother reasoned. I stomped my foot before walking to my room, glaring at the floor as I went. I closed the door loudly behind me and slumped on my bed. I looked at the time. The dance ended a half hour ago. I looked at my phone, which I left upstairs, and realized that Mere had texted me twice. One of them was asking about the Christmas party and the other asking me to call her as soon as I get the message. Dialing her number, I waited only two seconds before hearing her loud voice squeal into the phone. “Hello?”
14 Apr 2015 | 15:47
“Guess what?” she repeatedly shrilled. Wincing slightly, I pressed the phone back to my ear. “What?” “He called back!” she hissed into the phone and I furrowed my eyebrows. “Jonah called back! I didn’t block the number!” “You idiot, why didn’t you block the number?!” I asked. She groaned loudly. “I don’t know, I was only thinking about helping you,” she told me, annoyance laced in her voice. “Hold on, he’s calling back again!” She waited a moment before dialing his number. I was told to go on mute, so I did so. This reminded me of 4th grade, whenever I liked a boy, I’d have a friend of mine call him and ask him if he liked me. The whole time, I’d be on the phone, though. Jonah’s voice entered the conversation. “Caroline Chrysanthemum?” “No, this is Sally Saddle-seller, owner of Sally’s Saddle Selling Supply. You need it, we got it. How may I help you?” she put on her best western accent and I snorted. Her accent was terrible, to put it nicely. “I need to speak to whoever the real owner of this number is,” Jonah replied. “Well, you are, young man. I am Sally, the owner of this fine telephone and this even finer establishment,” Mere continued. He sighed. “Let’s count the amount of people I gave my phone number to, Waverly and Savannah. This voice sounds awfully familiar, almost like Meredith.” “You must be incorrect, boy, because my name is Sally, I am also the owner of the fine establishment and this fine telephone, which you are currently holding up; the business is unbelievable. It's horse riding season and our prices are way down there so our amount of customers is way up there,” Mere continued blabbing. I face palmed. It’s winter! How is it horse riding season? “It’s winter, Meredith,” Jonah sighed. Meredith just laughed. “Not where I’m at, champ.” “We have the same area code!” he exclaimed in a frustrated tone. “Just give it up, Meredith.” Surprisingly, Mere took his advice. “What do you want?” “Why’d you call me earlier?” he asked. Mere sighed, I could imagine her shrugging. “Since Vanna was working, I decided to take her phone and look through her contacts. I recognized your name and decided to call you.” “Why not call her brother? Aren’t you obsessed with the guy?” Jonah drawled. “I’m not obsessed!” she sounded shocked that Jonah would say that. “It’s just a small crush.” “Anyway, why’d you call?” he asked. “Since you like to harass Vanna, she didn’t get her job done so she had to finish. I promised her I’d wait up so we could receive our gifts together and I had no work to do, so I just decided to do some prank calling," Mere lied. She’s such a good liar, better than I’ll ever be. Wait… has she ever lied to me? Jonah was quiet so Mere spoke up again. “Was I interrupting something?” “Not exactly,” Jonah trailed off. Mere made a confused sound. “Was I interrupting your date?” “It wasn’t a date…” Jonah replied. I grabbed my drink and started sipping on it. I decided to try and chug the whole thing since the conversation wasn’t going in the direction that I wanted it to be going in.
14 Apr 2015 | 15:48
I was halfway through chugging the drink when Mere’s blunt reply caught my attention. “Of course, but if it were with Vanna, it would have been a date, right?” I started choking on my drink. I’m sure my face was bright red as my throat burned and my eyes watered. I managed to keep the phone to my ear at the same time. “What?” Jonah asked. I apparently wasn’t the only one shocked by her bluntness. “I don’t recall stuttering," Meredith responded. “That was just…surprisingly blunt,” Jonah muttered and I nodded as I began breathing normally. “Anyway, what’d you do on this date?” Mere asked. She didn’t even get the answer to the last question! What is she doing?! Why do you care? I don’t! “It wasn’t a date; all we did was see a movie.” Remind me to never assume that Jonah and I go on a ‘date’ if we happen to see a movie. “That’s not considered a date?” Mere pressed. “Not in my book, no,” Jonah replied. Mere let out a breath. “Did you tell this girl that it wasn’t a date?” Jonah was hesitant for a moment. “You’re leading this girl on," she told him. “I’m not! At least, I don’t mean to! I just don’t want to seem like a jerk," he excused. “While not acting like a jerk to one girl, you’ve been acting like a jerk to another,” Meredith chided. Jonah seemed confused. “What?” he asked. “Well, I’ve got to get going,” she quickly ended his call and I took myself off of mute. “What’s wrong with you?” I hissed. “Well, a lot of things," she replied sassily. I let out a frustrated cry. “You made it sound like I like him!” I explained. “So? Why would he believe me?” she asked casually. “You’re my best friend, I tell you everything!” I snapped. “Oh well, if he asks- deny it and laugh,” Mere instructed. I frowned slightly at her terrible advice. “Anyway, I’m going to go,” I muttered. “Deny and laugh, Vanna! Deny and laugh!” Mere shouted as I hung up the phone.
14 Apr 2015 | 15:48
Deny nd laugh, d@ sounds lyk an interesting title, u cld work on it @shaxee as 4 dis particular story, its really really interestin, kip up d good work.
14 Apr 2015 | 17:44
waiting for next update
15 Apr 2015 | 07:04
Chapter 12 “Can you do me a favor?” my mother asked me and I nodded. She struggled to decorate the highest part of the Christmas tree so Jeremiah grabbed the decorations and started decorating it. “What is it?” I asked her, quirking an eyebrow. “Make a run for me,” she told me and I furrowed my eyebrows. “Aren’t the stores closed? It’s Christmas Eve, mom,” I told her and she shook her head. “I don’t mean the stores, hun; I mean downtown,” she informed me. I gave her a confused look. “What? Why?” I asked, staring at her as she continued cooking dinner. “Just go; they’re having something for the teenagers there; your cousin's going to be there,” she told me. “Percy?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. She nodded. “But he’s not a teenager.” “I know. He’s the DJ; it’s in the minor's club,” she told me and I gave her an annoyed look. “Why can’t I just stay home?” I asked, letting out a huff as I sat on the couch. “I promised Percy that you’d go,” she told me and I sighed. “Now go change into something warm.” I went upstairs and changed from my pajamas into a pair of jeans and a large sweater. I put on my boots and I grabbed my purse, galloping downstairs after I French braided my hair in the mirror. I rarely dress up and when I do, my brother makes a big deal about it. “Are you going to try and win Jonah back?” I glared at him. “Shut up, you idiot.” He laughed before stealing a cookie and running back upstairs. I wonder if Jonah’s going. Yeah, probably with Waverly. My mother smiled at me. “Go and have fun, call me before you come home,” she grinned. “When’s my curfew?” I asked as I stole a cookie. She narrowed her eyes but the playful smile never left her face. She pursed her lips. “10,” I raised my eyebrows and my jaw dropped slightly. “It takes an hour to get downtown, mom. It’s 7,” I told her and she did the math before sighing. “Can I trust you?” she asked, pulling her lips into her mouth. I nodded…hopefully she can. “Yes,” I assured her verbally. She closed her eyes before looking at me. “Midnight, but if you’re home a minute later, I’ll skin you alive,” she threatened and I nodded, a smile finding its way across my face. ~~~ I took sixty dollars with me. I hope that’s enough. It’s all I had. Well, I only had thirty dollars and my mom helped me out with the other thirty. Actually, I had seventy. I forgot about the ten dollars that I won from Jeremiah because I beat him in checkers. I decided to call Sierra back after I noticed that she called me. “Hello?” “Hey, you finally returned my call,” Sierra laughed as I got into my car. It was dark and I wasn’t a big fan of driving in the dark. I turned on my car and turned up the heat to let it warm up. “Yeah, anyway, why’d ya call?” I asked her. I heard her tell someone she’d be back. “Did you hear about that thing downtown for teenagers? Are you going?” she asked and I smiled. At least I’d know someone there. “Yeah, I’m actually getting ready to go. Are you there?” I asked her.
15 Apr 2015 | 07:51
“Yeah, Sabrina and I forced Jonah to come.” She laughed. “It’s actually pretty fun; there are a lot of cute guys here.” She explained. So Jonah is there. “When are you guys leaving?” I asked her as I started driving. I know it’s bad to drive and talk on the phone but these streets are dead at this time, anyway. “After midnight, something special is going on at midnight that the club refuses to tell us. What about you?” She asked. “At eleven, most likely, because I need to be home by twelve,” I told her. She made a sound of understanding. “Maybe I’ll ask my mom to let me stay until 12:30,” I told her and she started telling me that I should. I told her that I’d call her back. I dialed my mom’s number and she answered immediately. “Hello?” “Mom, can I stay a bit later?” I asked her. “Why?” she asked. “Well, turns out that I have a friend there and she told me that they’re having a special event at 12 and in order to be there for the event, I’ll have to get a home a bit later,” I replied. She thought for a moment. “You have to call me before you leave," she demanded and I confirmed before telling her that I love her and hanging up. ~~~ I don’t understand why they are having this thing on the 24th of December. Then again, they can’t have it on the 23rd because that’s Winter Wonderland. They can’t have it on the 22nd because that’s the day before Winter Wonderland and nobody would stay out that late; parents wouldn’t let their kids stay out that late on a school night, anyway. I continued driving, listening to music and singing along. Once I got to the more city-like area, I realized that it was a bit livelier. I smiled slightly at the sign of other life. After a while, driving in a secluded part of town was creepy, especially when you’re alone in the car. Once I reached the minor's club, I parked my car across the street. The parking lot was already filled and I walked towards the entrance. Thankfully, the line wasn’t all that long and I began digging around in my purse, locating my wallet. The bouncer started letting people in and once I got to the front, he smiled at me. He didn’t look much older than me; maybe he was around Jer’s age. “Hello.” “Hi,” I smiled at him, awkwardly shifting from foot to foot. “How much is the entrance fee?” “It’s free, babe, it’s Christmas Eve,” he smiled and I nodded as he opened the small gate. “Can I get your number on the way out?” I smiled at him before shrugging. I laughed and entered the club. That was a bit weird. I rarely get flirted with…ever. The last time a guy flirted with me, and actually meant it, I poured soda on his potato salad…accidentally, of course. But that was in the 6th grade. Jonah doesn't count. I felt someone’s hand on my arm and I looked to see Sierra smiling at me. She had her hair up in a ponytail but it was straightened. She had the small bump in the front of it, giving it volume. She was wearing jeans and a button down shirt. She looked pretty. “Hey.” “How are you?” she asked, eyes lighting up as she glanced over the crowd. I shrugged. “I was just flirted with by the bouncer,” I smiled while wriggling my eyebrows. “He’s cute! Did he ask for your number?” she asked me and I nodded. “Did you give it to him?”
15 Apr 2015 | 07:52
“No, he asked me to give it to him when I left,” I shrugged and she smirked. “I got a boy’s phone number, too!” she smiled as she held up her phone happily. My mouth opened slightly and a squeal escaped. “How old is he? What’s his name?” “He’s 15 and his name’s Blake. He goes to our school but he’s a sophomore. Is that bad?” she asked, eyes innocently looking at me. I shook my head. “Not in my book, I mean, he’s a year older. So what?” I giggled girlishly and she joined in. Sabrina’s loud voice entered the picture. “Sierra! Some boy named Blake is looking for you. He asked me if I was you and I told him I’d find you. He’s waiting for you by the drinks,” Sabrina turned her attention to me. “Savannah, I didn’t know you were going to be here. You look so pretty.” I smiled at Sabrina. She was wearing a pair of pink skinny jeans and a black crop top. She was also wearing a shirt under it, though (Jonah has been around, I see). She left her hair down, though. “Thank you, you do too.” “Have you seen Jonah?” she asked and I shook my head, biting my lip. “Are you guys in an argument again?” I shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know.” “What happened?” she asked. “He found out about the sabotaging of Waverly’s dress. He came to my job and snatched the cloth out of my pocket,” I told her. Her mouth was gaping open. “Is he angry at you?” she asked and I shrugged. “He called me once but I didn’t answer,” I sheepishly admitted. “Anyway, I have to go to the bathroom.” She pointed in the direction and I began making my way over there. I had to push through a crowd of people but I was okay with it. I even received a wink from a guy so it wasn’t all bad, I guess. When I left the bathroom, I walked over to the DJ stand and saw my cousin Percy. He smiled at me. “Hey, Vanna.” “Hey Perce,” I grinned. “How are you? Seen any cute guys?” he imitated a girl’s voice and I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, the bouncer,” I shrugged and he furrowed his eyebrows. “Let me remind you that you’re a minor,” he told me and I laughed. “I just think he’s cute, Percy,” I defended and he smiled. “Well, go have fun, but not too much fun. I’ll be here if you need me," he told me and I nodded, walking through the crowd. I walked over to the food tables and I ordered a slice of pizza. I sat down at the only empty table and began eating. About two minutes into my meal, I heard the chair across from me scrape across the floor noisily. “May I sit here?” I looked up at the guy and nodded. Yes you may, you beautiful gift from the heavens, you. Thinking the conversation was over; I awkwardly went back to eating my food. “What’s your name?” I looked up at him, my eyebrows rising. “Savannah, what’s yours?” He smiled. “I’m Caleb.” I noticed that he had braces. They made him even more adorable. I fixed my glasses, nodding. He’s tall and has blonde hair. He looks like a skater. “How old are you?” he asked me. “I’m 16. How old are you?” I asked him, smiling slightly.
15 Apr 2015 | 07:52
“I’m 16, too. I’m turning 17 in January,” he grinned. “February,” I laughed. “I’m older than you," he teased and I pouted playfully. “What school do you go to?” I asked. “Your school, NV; I’m in your English class. You always have your head in a book though, probably texting, but I'm not one to judge," he smiled and I closed my eyes for a moment. “You’re Caleb Quinn! You sit in the back and constantly tap your pencil,” I exclaimed and he nodded. “I play the drums for the band too,” he told me and I smiled. “You’ll have to play for me, some day,” I told him. I hope I sound flirty and not desperate. “That’s if you want to.” He nodded. “Of course.” I nodded along with him. “I’ll play the drums for you if you dance with me. Sound fair?” I just laughed before nodding. “Fair enough.” ~~~ After dancing with Caleb for a few songs, he apologized for having to leave. We even exchanged numbers! I internally screamed but managed to look cool on the outside even though I’m 99.9% sure I was smiling like an idiot. I searched for Sierra and I found her giggling with the boy named Blake. She introduced me to him. “Blake, this is Savannah; Savannah, this is Blake.” “Hello, Savannah,” Blake smiled at me. “Hey, Blake,” I waved at him before turning to Sierra. “I got this boy’s number.” She giggled with me. “Really? What’s his name?” she asked. “Caleb!” I smiled and she nodded, giving me a high five. I coolly nodded before turning back to Blake who had an amused look on his face. “I’ll leave you two to whatever it is you were doing before I showed up…keep it PG,” I winked and Sierra blushed before kicking me in the leg. I stumbled away from them, groaning from the pain in my leg. The DJ announced that in just 25 minutes, we’re going to be doing the secret event. It was already 11:30? What would happen if I really had to go home by 12? I would be late! I walked over to Percy who just put down the microphone. “Have a song request, little cousin?” Percy asked as he scrolled through the list of songs. I shook my head but smiled hopefully. He sighed, blowing out a breath of air. “What is it?” “What is happening at midnight?” I asked him, loitering around the DJ stand. He watched as I innocently leaned against the table. “I can’t tell you that,” he responded. I furrowed my eyebrows. “Why not?” I frowned. “You’ll leave," he casually said. I was slightly shocked. Was it something bad? Was a drug trade going down here? Would I be caught in gunfire? “It’s not anything dangerous so stop imagining.” I glared at him for a moment. “I wasn’t imagining that. I was actually imagining Channing Tatum.” “Good to know…are you having a good time? I mean here, not imagining about Channing Tatum. That would be a weird question,” my cousin asked as he played a different song. I nodded my head as I chuckled. “I even got someone’s phone number.” He narrowed his eyes. “Is he a minor?” I nodded.
15 Apr 2015 | 07:53
“He’s four,” I told my cousin. His eyes widened slightly while I laughed loudly. “I’m joking. He’s 16. He’s also cute,” I nodded my head. I turned around to see Jonah making his way through the people, or at least the top of his head. I quickly dived behind the DJ stand. “You’re not supposed to be back here,” Percy hissed. I glared up at him and covered my mouth with my finger. “I know him, we’re in an argument because of something me and his sisters did.” I whispered. “Can I request a song?” Jonah asked Percy. This song was only about 15% through. “You’re going to have to wait until this song’s over. What song would you like to request?” Percy casually asked. I wonder what Jonah was wearing; peeking out would be a bad idea. “Panic! At the Disco? Hurricane?” his voice was hopeful. I smiled. I know that song. “That song will be on in 7 minutes,” Percy told him. “Wait, aren’t those girls your sisters?” It was such a vague question but Jonah was already groaning. “Whatever they did, I didn’t know about it. I’ll pay to fix it.” “No, no, no. Is your name Jonah?” Percy asked curiously. I internally panicked. What is he doing? “Yes that’s me,” Jonah replied. “And if my little sisters did anything… I’m sorry.” “They didn’t; they’re little angels.” Cue Jonah’s hysterical laughter. “Anyway, I saw them talking to some girl and they mentioned your name.” “What’d she look like?” Jonah asked, sobering up from his laughing fit. “She was short and had brown hair. I think she had brown eyes, too. They called her Savannah, I think. Anyway, they mentioned your name.” Percy blabbed. I punched him in the calf and he howled in pain. “Hiya!” He imitated a karate chop as his face contorted in pain. “I’m a karate master," he explained. I snorted in laughter as he kicked my side. “Did you happen to hear what they said?” Jonah asked curiously. Did my cousin’s random outburst not faze him? Percy made a concentrating face. “Something about you being here; Savannah said something about you two being in an argument or something… so are you?” Jonah sighed. “I don’t know. Anyway, thanks for that piece of information. I’m going to go find my sisters, now.” When Jonah’s footsteps fell in with the crowd, I crawled away from Percy before standing up. “Where are you going?” he asked as I began jogging away. I looked at him over my shoulder. “To find his sisters, duh!” *** I searched the crowd for the two girl’s familiar faces. I finally saw Sabrina and she was dancing with a guy. I grabbed her hand and apologized to the guy but continued yanking her in the direction where Sierra was last time. “What was that about?” I glanced back at Sabrina with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry; I just need you to be with your sister for just one moment.” She gave me a confused look before I turned back around and eased our way through the crowd. When we finally reached, Sierra, she was having a chocolate milk drinking contest with Blake. “She’s such a nerd,” I glared at Sabrina before tapping Sierra’s shoulder. Sierra held up one finger, telling me to wait, as she gulped down her drink. A moment later, Jonah walked over. Sabrina looked at me with narrowed eyes and I gave her a pleading look. She sighed before smirking. She started to make kissing faces and I glared at her.
15 Apr 2015 | 07:54
“Sierra, Sabrina, were you guys talking to… oh, hey Savannah,” Jonah awkwardly waved. “Hey,” I waved my hand at him. Why did I do that? I’m so stupid. He stared at the group for a minute before looking at me. “Can we talk?” “Speak,” I nodded and he looked at his sisters and Blake. “In private," he corrected. I shrugged, standing up. He grabbed my shoulders and started to steer me out of the club and onto the back patio. His hands were warm on my shoulders and I couldn’t help but smell him from how close he was to me. I’m sure my face is as bright as a tomato. When he finally turned me around, he glanced at his phone. It was 11:42 PM. “Do you think we’re in an argument?” I shrugged, nodding for a moment. “You haven’t been talking to me as much but I assumed it was because of the whole dress thing.” I couldn’t help but smirk at what I’d done. “The twins confessed about it, too. They told me that they dragged you into it,” he said. “But I didn’t stop them,” I shrugged while leaning against the wooden fence around the patio. I saw him shrug while I avoided his gaze. “I wouldn’t have either.” I looked up at him, slightly confused. “What?” “I know that they had good intentions but in the long run, it just made things a bit worse,” he sighed as he ran his hand through his hair. Did he mean the date? “What do you mean?” “Well, when you asked why I sent her to voicemail, it made me feel a bit bad. I decided to answer the phone and she was just crying so I decided to try and make it up to her by bringing her flowers but she took it the wrong way. Or should I say her mother did? She started jumping up and down and assumed I was taking her out on a date,” he awkwardly told me. So I caused the whole date thing? “So I was the cause of all of this?” I asked him, waving my hand around. “All because I made a stupid comment about voicemail, you decided to call her and then all of that happened? Every single thing I do causes a huge problem!” I snapped with a tinge of annoyance in my voice. Everything I did resulted in him progressing whatever he had with Waverly! He had a small smirk on his face. “Do my ears deceive me or is Savannah Harp jealous?” I rolled my eyes at him, hearing the familiar song play through the open door. “Oh, would you look at the time? Your song is playing.” “My song?” he asked and I nodded. “The song you requested," I told him. He furrowed his eyebrows and I realized my mistake. “Were you…stalking me?” he asked, a small smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Of course not; the DJ is my cousin,” I told him. I realized that I was making the situation worse by admitting to the fact that my cousin lied to him for me. Jonah’s eyebrows rose as he watched me dig myself into a deeper hole with an amused look on his face. “Forget about that; why don’t you go inside and dance?” “Do you want to dance with me?” he asked me. I felt my face warm up and I curled my lips into my mouth.
15 Apr 2015 | 07:55
“As cliché as this may sound, but I can’t dance," I told him and he laughed, rolling his eyes. “Well, you’re in luck. I’m the best dancer this club has ever seen," he told me and it was my turn to do the eye rolling. "I thought you said you didn't like dancing," I told him. "And you said you can't dance but that didn't stop you from dancing with that blonde guy earlier," he responded. Suddenly, he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the middle of the balcony. He put my hands on his shoulder and he placed his hands on my waist. I furrowed my eyebrows. “Jonah?” “Hm?” he asked, glancing down at me. When our eyes connected, I automatically looked away. “This is slow dancing; that song is fast paced,” I explained. “This is the only dance I know that’s suitable for public places,” he told me. I automatically assumed that by ‘suitable,’ he meant that he was secretly a stripper. “Jonah…are you a stripper?” I asked him. It was quiet for a moment as we swayed back and forth in this totally unromantic cold air. But for some reason, the air was warm, maybe it’s because of how close Jonah and I were. “Yes," he said with all seriousness in his voice. I muffled my laugh into his chest. I felt my face warm up. I facepalmed at my stupidity. Instead, I just rested my head against his chest, rather than pulliing away and letting him see how that little movement affected me so much. I don’t even know why it affected me that much. Maybe it’s because it’s cold outside and the blood rushes to my face. Yeah, that’s believable. When we finally stopped dancing, we heard the announcements from inside of the club. It was 11:55 P.M. and we were all called into the room. Slipping inside from the patio, we listened to Percy tell us what was going on. “When the lights go off, you’re going to find your partner and you’re going to kiss them. We know it’s not New Year’s Eve but it’s about to be Christmas! So when the lights go out, you’re going to kiss them but you’re going to have to stop before the lights come back on. It’s the mystery that makes this fun.” Now I understood why Percy said that I was going to want to leave, because I want to leave now more than ever. I’d rather be in a torture chamber than here. It’d be way too awkward, sitting here while everybody else kisses. I’d be glued to my spot in fear of getting in the way of a couple’s kiss. I tried to slowly back away but Sabrina grabbed my arm. “You can’t leave now; this is the best part," she smirked. “Yeah, you have to stay,” Sierra smiled at me and I shook my head. “Yeah, of course I do,” I muttered as the twins pushed me back into my spot. The countdown started at 60 and people were rushing to find their boyfriends and girlfriends while I just stood there awkwardly. The lights were dimming slowly. The twins made sure that their crushes were close enough to them so that they can kiss but far enough so it’d look natural. I just stood awkwardly beside Sierra and Jonah, who was casually talking to Sabrina. The lights started to dim at 20 seconds and I sighed. It stinks being single.
15 Apr 2015 | 07:55
Lol..... This story is wow.. more than interestin.... Great Work Shaxee.
15 Apr 2015 | 10:01
khola,u dey here dey comment,no follow go look for tennis {oops,scratch dat} tennie o!
15 Apr 2015 | 10:21
Whew!!!!! Finally I'm here.
15 Apr 2015 | 11:11
Mehn this story is So So interesting and wonderful.... Just like I'm watching a seasonal film. More please.....
15 Apr 2015 | 11:16
@Jasmine1 How you take wan see Jonathan without his hat?? @Tenniebenson is already here with me nah......ah don call everybody from the beginning of this story.....
15 Apr 2015 | 11:44
Chapter 13 It was dark and awkward. I was just standing there, tempted to make a run for it towards the door. The worst part is that it wasn’t silent; you actually heard people kissing. I heard someone mutter something before I felt them lightly grab my shoulder. They turned me toward them and I placed my hands in front of me to see who it was. Instead of them tossing me to the floor like I’d expected, they pressed their lips to mine gently. I stood there frozen for a minute. Although I don’t know who kissed me; I know that it was all I could ever want in a kiss. Their mouth tasted like Skittles and it sent shivers down my spine, but my entire body felt like it was on fire. It was like a movie kiss but better. I slowly reached up and put my hands on his broad shoulders and stood on the tips of my toes. His hands were on my waist. I felt warm like I had when Jonah touched me. I suddenly wondered who this guy that I’m kissing is. I have an idea! I’ll touch their hair and try and compare it to whoever is around me. I attempted to reach my hands up but he grabbed my hands gently and returned them to his shoulders, shaking his head slightly. The timer was ticking for when the lights were going to come back on. Percy was counting along to it and it was at 38 seconds. I pulled away from the mystery guy at 27 seconds and tried to fix my hair. Suddenly, I was pulled back by the same guy at 13 seconds and he kissed me one last time before letting me go, leaving a trace of cologne around as he moved towards me. “Merry Christmas," his voice was breathless and I couldn’t find a trace of familiarity in it no matter how hard I racked my brain. Maybe it was because of all of my nerves, or maybe it was because the only sound I could hear was the pounding of my heart. I doubt a random stranger would kiss me, of all people. I was breathing rapidly and I’m sure my face was on fire. When the lights came back on, everybody was apart from their partner aside from the odd few. I also noticed another peculiar thing when the lights came back on; Francis was a few feet away from me. I felt my stomach clench. He couldn’t have been the one that kissed me right? Jonah was also beside me. Of course he wasn’t the one that kissed me! I’m insane to even think that. I looked around me to see people coupled up. I turned to see Sierra bright faced and Sabrina smirking. Sierra looked at me and her eyes widened. “Who kissed you?” she whispered. I shrugged. “I don’t know," I replied a bit panicky. “I have to go,” I announced a bit louder. I didn’t turn to look at Jonah or anybody else and instead, I quickly made it out of that building. I let the cold air hit my cheeks. I dialed my mother’s number and let her know that I was coming home. When I got into my car, I wanted to cry out in frustration. Who was that? I buried my face in my hands before driving home. ~~~ “Get up! Get up!” Jer shouted at the top of his lungs. I sat up quickly, my mind traveling to all the possibilities. Is there a fire? Did someone die? “What? What happened?” I asked once I sat up, panting heavily. “It’s Christmas!” my brother shouted, tossing himself on my bed. I placed my hand on my heart as I glared at my brother. “You idiot! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” I exclaimed. My brothers eyes widened and he took on an innocent look. He reminded me of a 6 year old. “But… it’s Christmas,” he told me, eyebrows furrowed like he was going to cry. I sighed, getting up. “Merry Christmas,” I told him. He pushed me back onto my bed.
15 Apr 2015 | 12:31
“Race you down the stairs!” he shouted and I glared at him. I walked to the bathroom and washed my face. I brushed my teeth and my hair and then put on some deodorant. Changing into some warm clothes, I walked downstairs. I noticed that my mom already set up for the Christmas party although it was only 10 in the morning and the party wasn’t until 7 at night. My mom and dad were sitting on the couch. I ran over and hugged my dad. “You’re home!” “Of course I am, darling. I promised that I’d be, didn’t I?” He asked, smiling down at me. I nodded before sitting on the couch between them. I felt like a kid again. My brother was already digging under the Christmas tree, splitting the gifts into four piles based on names. My mother has three gifts like my father while Jer and I had a few more. “Open mine first!” Jeremiah told me as I dug through my gifts. I looked at the box where Jeremiah wrapped it in bright pink wrapping paper. How manly. I looked at him nervously. He looked at me with a serious expression on his face. “Open it or it’ll die.” I quickly started unwrapping the gift in fear of it being an animal and knowing Jer, he’d forget to poke holes in the box and feed it. I smiled at the gift before I became confused. “Ice packs?” “For when you blush around Jonah!” my brother grinned at me as if his gift was a great idea. I stared at him, horrified. Not only did he waste money on ice packs; he said that in front of my father! “Who’s Jonah?” my father asked. “He’s Jeremiah’s friend, you see,” I smiled nervously at my father and kicked Jeremiah in the process. My father rolled his eyes but let it go. “Open my gift, Jeremiah,” I told him. Recently Jeremiah has found out that he has an obsession with bow ties. He has a collection of them, including twelve already. He opened the small box and saw the bow tie I’d given him. He smiled at me. “I love it!” he exclaimed, throwing the empty box behind him. It hit a vase and my mother looked at Jer with a glare. Merry Christmas from the Harp family. ~~~ Opening gifts is tiring, I can tell you that. To me, it’s better when we're finished and enjoying Christmas breakfast. “What’s the theme of this year’s Christmas party?” My mother stared at me for a moment before glaring at Jeremiah. He looked at the table. “You didn’t tell her?” “Well, I forgot,” Jeremiah replied sheepishly as he glanced up. “You were supposed to buy a gift for someone. We’re doing secret santa this year. He was supposed to give you an index card with someone’s name on it and you were supposed to buy them a gift," my mother explained. I frowned and stared at Jeremiah. “Did you even get a gift for your secret santa?” my mother asked him. “I barely know the girl!” he exclaimed. “Who is she?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. “Since we both invited someone a bit later than we should have, mom thought I should get your friend a gift and you get mine one,” he told me as he soaked his pancakes in syrup. “Who’d you invite?” I asked him cautiously. He smiled at me nervously. “Who’d you invite?” he copied me. “I think you know who I invited!” I slammed my hands down on the table. “Seriously? I told you not to, Jer; it’s going to be awkward.” I still don’t know who kissed me and my brother is, inviting Jonah over willy-nilly.
15 Apr 2015 | 12:33
“I think it’s a sweet gesture. Even though I already know the answer to this question, I’m still going to ask it; did you get a gift for Jonah?” my mom asked me, furrowing her eyebrows. I groaned and nodded. “How? You didn’t know.” “Ms. Antoinette helped me out; she gave me two of the same games and told me that he was looking at it. I can only hope that he didn’t get it yet,” I shrugged. “Do you know a last minute gift that I can get for Meredith?” he asked, giving me an innocent look. I glared at him, a smirk making its way onto my face. “Sure.” ~~~ “Is she pretty?” he asked me as he lay on the floor of my room. I was texting Meredith right now. “Yes, she’s pretty. Trust me, she’ll like the gift,” I told him and he sighed, flipping onto his stomach. “Do I know her? Did she graduate with me?” he asked and I shook my head. “The year before you,” I told him casually. He wriggled his eyebrows. “An older woman; don’t I feel like Harry Styles right about now?” I rolled my eyes but smiled. “She’s going to love this gift.” “How do you know?” he asked me as he lifted his legs into the air. I gave him a flat look. “She thinks you’re adorable.” He stared at me for a moment. “How does she know what I look like?” “She found your Facebook one time while she was on mine. She saw you listed as my brother,” I informed him. He was listening intently. “So I went onto your account and blocked her.” “What?” my brother asked, sitting up. I glanced at him. “Why?” he questioned. “I had to be sure that she was being my friend for me, not for you,” I told him and he narrowed his eyes at me. “When did that ever happen?” he asked, glaring at me. “Well, it happened with Melanie Turner, Timothy Trinket, and Louise Harnett,” I told him, listing them on my fingers. “Little Timmy was gay?” his eyebrows rose as I nodded my head. “I always knew he batted for the other team.” “Yeah, well, I didn’t want that to happen with Mere so I hid her from you for a year or two,” I shrugged. “So this girl’s liked me for two years?” he asked and I nodded. “She didn’t lose interest?” I shook my head. “That’s so cool; and creepy, but mostly cool!” “Well, she hasn’t learned your personality yet. I give her two weeks," I shrugged and my brother hit me with a pillow. ~~~ “Why are you so against Jonah coming to the Christmas party tonight?” Jer asked me as I sat on the couch playing video games. I stared at him for a minute. “I think he kissed me.” “What?” my brother looked at me as if I’d just said that bread was the new fashion trend. “How do you think he kissed you?” I told him about the event that took place last night and my brother gagged. “Too much information, I don’t care about how you shivered and such. Ew, gross.”
15 Apr 2015 | 12:34
“I think it’s a sweet gesture. Even though I already know the answer to this question, I’m still going to ask it; did you get a gift for Jonah?” my mom asked me, furrowing her eyebrows. I groaned and nodded. “How? You didn’t know.” “Ms. Antoinette helped me out; she gave me two of the same games and told me that he was looking at it. I can only hope that he didn’t get it yet,” I shrugged. “Do you know a last minute gift that I can get for Meredith?” he asked, giving me an innocent look. I glared at him, a smirk making its way onto my face. “Sure.” ~~~ “Is she pretty?” he asked me as he lay on the floor of my room. I was texting Meredith right now. “Yes, she’s pretty. Trust me, she’ll like the gift,” I told him and he sighed, flipping onto his stomach. “Do I know her? Did she graduate with me?” he asked and I shook my head. “The year before you,” I told him casually. He wriggled his eyebrows. “An older woman; don’t I feel like Harry Styles right about now?” I rolled my eyes but smiled. “She’s going to love this gift.” “How do you know?” he asked me as he lifted his legs into the air. I gave him a flat look. “She thinks you’re adorable.” He stared at me for a moment. “How does she know what I look like?” “She found your Facebook one time while she was on mine. She saw you listed as my brother,” I informed him. He was listening intently. “So I went onto your account and blocked her.” “What?” my brother asked, sitting up. I glanced at him. “Why?” he questioned. “I had to be sure that she was being my friend for me, not for you,” I told him and he narrowed his eyes at me. “When did that ever happen?” he asked, glaring at me. “Well, it happened with Melanie Turner, Timothy Trinket, and Louise Harnett,” I told him, listing them on my fingers. “Little Timmy was gay?” his eyebrows rose as I nodded my head. “I always knew he batted for the other team.” “Yeah, well, I didn’t want that to happen with Mere so I hid her from you for a year or two,” I shrugged. “So this girl’s liked me for two years?” he asked and I nodded. “She didn’t lose interest?” I shook my head. “That’s so cool; and creepy, but mostly cool!” “Well, she hasn’t learned your personality yet. I give her two weeks," I shrugged and my brother hit me with a pillow. ~~~ “Why are you so against Jonah coming to the Christmas party tonight?” Jer asked me as I sat on the couch playing video games. I stared at him for a minute. “I think he kissed me.” “What?” my brother looked at me as if I’d just said that bread was the new fashion trend. “How do you think he kissed you?” I told him about the event that took place last night and my brother gagged. “Too much information, I don’t care about how you shivered and such. Ew, gross.”
15 Apr 2015 | 12:34
I smacked his arm, laughing at his reaction. “I’m not sure if it was him.” “Who else was there?” he asked me as he sprawled out on the couch, putting his legs on my lap. I casually lifted the controller above his legs and continued hitting my opponent. I thought for a moment. “Francis, well, at least he’s the only one I knew.” “Don’t you hate that guy? And doesn’t he hate you?” Jer asked me. “Pretty much,” I told him. My brother made a ‘duh’ noise. “Then isn’t it obvious who it is?” “Jesus?” I asked him with a smirk on my lips. My brother and I laughed together before I groaned. “But seriously, Jonah doesn’t like me. He’d probably kiss Francis before he’d kiss me.” My brother let out a howling laugh before he fell off of the couch, distracting me from my game. He caused me to lose and I tossed the controller at his head. It bounced off like a bouncy ball and he didn’t even acknowledge it. “I can imagine that right now.” “You don’t know what Francis looks like though,” I replied. “I imagine him as Tom Felton," he told me and I scoffed. “That’s not right at all," I replied and he rolled his eyes while getting up. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready? It takes a long time to transform from an ape to a princess right? Well, too bad, we don’t have that much time," my brother snorted. “You’re mean,” I snapped. “Don’t worry; I’ll make it up to you. I’ll help you solve your kissing mystery.” The thought of him meddling in my love life scared me so I just walked upstairs, taking his advice. It would take a while to get ready. ~~~ As I’m telling you this, I realize how cliché I sound. I don’t dance well. I hate dresses. And I’ve had one boyfriend before in my life and it ended terribly. But they’re all totally true. The second one is the one that I’m focusing on right now. Let me tell you the story of why I hate dresses okay. I was in the 6th grade and it was picture day; everything tragic happens on picture day. My mom dressed me in a bright yellow dress and I actually liked it. I had black ballet shoes on, too. I had my hair in pig tails and I was ready to take on the camera. There was one problem, though. We had recess before picture time and I, being the hyperactive child that I was, decided that girls can play sports too, even if they’re wearing dresses without shorts on under it. I was playing football, when I fell and ripped the dress down the back. Long story short, I flashed my underwear to all of the six and seventh grade that day. Anyway, I looked at the dress my mother picked out for me for the first time today and I hate it. It’s red and sparkly and I hate it. It splits into two and wraps around the neck and I hate it. It comes down to about two inches above the knee and I hate it. It’s a horrible dress and I still wonder why my mother would even look at the thing, never mind purchase it. I wonder why my father didn’t make her return the stupid thing, either. “Are you ready yet, Van?” my father asked from outside of my door. I’d styled my hair already and even went as far as to put on mascara and eyeliner, not for my sake; but for the sake of procrastination. I didn’t want to see this dress and I now regret even looking at the thing. “Yeah, I’m putting on the dress,” I lied. My mother forgot to buy stockings, too, so now I’m going to have to wear the dress without them. I groaned. What’s the point of even wearing a dress for a Christmas party? Isn’t Christmas in the winter? And isn’t it cold in the winter? Can my mother and father apply logic before inviting guests to spend the day at our humble abode wearing things that they’ll freeze in?
15 Apr 2015 | 12:35
When I finally got into the dress, I looked into the mirror and rolled my eyes. My hair was straightened and is parted to the side and my makeup is kept to a minimum. My mother realized that I can’t walk in heels so she bought me black flats, thankfully. I was even more nervous about the fact that Jonah is going to be here in approximately four minutes. I’m already late. My parents expected me downstairs about ten minutes ago so I could collect gifts and place them under the tree but I told them I couldn’t because I was wearing a dress and I didn’t want to bend over. I had Jonah’s gift in a little gift bag, wrapped in blue wrapping paper and neatly perfected. I even looked up a DIY to wrap the darned thing. I am nervous, to put it simply. I even called Sierra and Sabrina, who were both sick. They forgot to bring jackets last night about had to wait twenty minutes in the blistering cold while Jonah searched for his keys in his jacket. Mere already told me that she was on her way. I reminded her that when she gets here to come upstairs to my room. I looked out my window nervously and I noticed my brother making a snow man. “What are you doing?” I shouted out of my window. He looked up at me. “All our relatives want to do is hug and kiss me! I don’t want that!” he shouted back before going back to work on his snowman. I rolled my eyes before shutting my window. I heard someone knock on my door and I rushed over. “Hello? Is this Savannah’s room?” I heard Mere on the opposite side. I opened the door to see the hyper blonde wearing a green dress. It wasn’t sparkly but it was just as lively. Her dress had the white fluff at the hem so it’ll look like a santa hat. She also had a large white bow protruding from her bouncy ponytail. I quickly yanked her inside of my room. “Hi," I told her as I closed my door. “You look pretty, girl," she complimented me. “You do too, but the reason you’re in here is because I have a problem.” “What is it?” she asked me and I told her about the club. The whole time, she sat there with her jaw slack. When I finished the story, she started squealing loudly. “He kissed you!” “Stop jumping to conclusions; I don’t even know if it was him. Keep your voice down, he’s here,” I snapped. “Oh shut up,” she rolled her eyes. She was grinning widely. We fell into a comfortable silence aside from her creepy grinning. “What?” I asked. “Your brother’s here!” she grinned girlishly. I rolled my eyes. “I didn’t see him when I came inside though.” “That’s because he’s outside building a snowman,” I told her. “How old is he?” she asked and I rolled my eyes. “18 and a half,” I told her and she smirked and wriggled her eyebrows. ~~~ After panicking upstairs and watching Mere redo her makeup, my mother’s voice was opposite to my door. “Meredith? Savannah? Open the door.” I walked to the door and opened it with a smile on my face; it was obviously fake. My mom squealed. “You girls look gorgeous, now come downstairs!” “We’ll be downstairs in a minute,” I told her, walking around to find my shoes. She confirmed and walked downstairs. “You go first, Mere.” “Whatever," she rolled her eyes as she walked down the steps. I sighed, pressing my hands to my face. Man up. That’s hard to do when you’re a woman. Taking a deep breath, I walked towards my closed door but a knocking sound cut me off. I held my breath. Oh no.
15 Apr 2015 | 12:36
0 Likes who is at the door? you won't die of expectation oo.......
15 Apr 2015 | 16:17
Chapter 14 “Van, open up, it’s your father," my dad knocked loudly. I opened the door with one shoe in my hand. He smiled at me while I slipped the shoe onto my foot. “Yes, dad?” I asked as I stood up. Jeremiah inherited his height, around the six foot area while I inherited my mother’s fragile stature. “I talked to that Jonah boy,” he told me with an approving smile. I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to play it innocent. “What does that have to do with me?” I asked him and he smiled at me. “Jeremiah told me you like this boy,” I groaned loudly, shaking my head as my hands buried themselves in my hair. “Why does everyone believe everything Jeremiah says? He has the mentality of a six year old!” I asked him and he shrugged. “I have to go downstairs now or else mom will cut my legs off and make them for dinner," I told him as I stepped out of my room. “As long as she fries them, I’m okay with it,” my dad joked and I rolled my eyes. I walked down the stairs and saw Mere at the bottom, talking to my brother. I sighed, shaking my head as I walked over towards the tree. I placed Jonah’s gift under the it before turning around. My eyes met Jonah’s and he looked shocked. Did the wrapping paper start to peel? What if he recognized the bag? “Savannah, hey,” he smiled. I waved. “Hi, Jonah.” “You look pretty," he complimented me and I felt my face warm up. I glared at the floor. “Thanks, you look pretty, too,” I told him as he furrowed his eyebrows with a smile on his face. “I meant nice; you look nice.” “You clean up nice," he nudged me and I glared at him, punching his shoulder. He stared at me, shocked for a moment before he laughed. “You hit like a girl!” I punched him harder and he winced. “I’d like to retract my statement. Anyway, what’d you get for Christmas?” I looked at him and shrugged. “I got some more clothes, a pair of shoes, a new headset, hair stuff, a new backpack, and some other stuff. What’d you get?” “I got a new pair of shoes, a few new memory cards, more membership for XBOX 360, a new headset, and a few new games,” my eyes widened slightly at the latter part of the sentence. What if he’d gotten the game I’d gotten him already for Christmas? “What games?” I asked him. He shrugged. “A few games, sports games, really," he told me and I nodded. Thank goodness the game I got him wasn’t a sports game. I’d have to beat around the bush so badly that there wouldn’t be any bush to beat when I’d be done. “Any games you wanted that you didn’t get?” I asked him and he nodded. “The new STF game but I’ll get it eventually," he shrugged and I nodded, containing my smile. “I have it," I smiled smugly and he glared at me. “Christmas gift from Ms. Antoinette; it’s one of the many perks of working at a video game store.” “Yeah, I saw it there," he nodded. “I’d invite you to play it but one, it’d be rude to just up and leave the party and two, my mother and father wouldn’t approve of me being alone in my room with a guy,” I shrugged. He laughed and I smiled before curiously looking at him. “Did you meet my brother yet?” He nodded his head. “Yeah, when I came inside, your mother was yelling at him to come inside and get ready,” he shrugged while I nodded.
15 Apr 2015 | 17:47
“What about Mere?” I asked. He pursed his lips. “Not exactly.” I beckoned him towards the kitchen. We entered to see the two of them eating cookies and drinking milk. “Jer, Mere,” I smiled when I realized that their names rhymed. “Jonah, Vanna,” Jeremiah smirked and I glared at him, telepathically sending my brother the message not to say anything. My brother just laughed before hopping down from the counter. Mere was staring dreamily at him and I held back from vomiting everywhere. “Mere?” “Oh, yeah, hey Jonah,” she snapped back to reality. She was busy watching Jeremiah bend over to refill his milk. I wanted to puke. “Vanna? Can I talk to you for a minute out there?” “I don’t think that’s the best idea, Mere,” I warned her, discreetly glancing from Jer to Jonah. “Too bad, Vanna," she yanked me out of the kitchen and I turned to face her once we were in the clear. “I want to kiss him.” “Who?” I asked her. “Your brother!” she snapped as if it was obvious. I shrugged. “Then do it.” “I don’t know if he likes me!” she complained and I sighed, taking out my phone. “What are you doing?” “Asking him if he likes you, duh,” I replied as I brought up Jeremiah’s contact. She smacked my phone out of my hand, causing it to drop to the floor. I stared at it. “If it’s broken, you’re paying for the damages.” “That’s not a big deal right now, Vanna! Can you find out if he likes me without being obvious? Please?” she asked and I sighed before nodding. “This isn’t a one man job,” I told her and she shrugged. “Just get it done.” ~~~ After filling Jonah in on the plan, we split up and I went to the backyard. Jonah is supposed to tell Jeremiah that my mother needs him in the yard and Jeremiah will casually walk into the backyard where I’ll corner him and ask if he likes Mere. It’s not obvious, right? After waiting a moment, I heard footsteps coming towards the balcony. Jeremiah was whistling as he closed the door. He looked around and saw me, furrowing his eyebrows. “Can I talk to you?” I inquired. “About?” Jeremiah raised his eyebrow. “If it’s about how you’re pregnant, I noticed. Your stomach got a little bigger; I was just waiting for you to tell me; I didn’t want to press-,” I cut off my brother. “No, you dimwit; I’m not pregnant! I wanted to talk to you about Mere,” I told him. I noticed he started looking away. “What about her?” “Well, do you like her?” I asked him and he shrugged. “She’s okay," his response was dull. I leaned in slightly. “Okay? What does okay mean?” “It means, she’s okay,” he told me. I frowned. “Just okay? Not fantastic? Extraordinary?” He looked at me for a moment before sighing. “She’s cool.”
15 Apr 2015 | 17:48
He changed the adjective and I narrowed my eyes. “What’s wrong, baby brother?” “Firstly, I’m older than you, and secondly, nothing. Nothing is wrong," he told me as he blew out a breath, causing a white fog to surround his face momentarily. I placed my hands on my hips. “Something’s wrong, spill,” I told him. He just sighed in response. “Is it how she looks?” He shook his head. “She’s pretty.” “Is it her personality?” I asked. He shook his head again, chuckling lightly. “She’s funny, sweet, and can eat a lot; all the things I look for in a girl.” I pursed my lips. “What is it?” He was silent for a moment. “Are you sure she likes me?” I stared at him for a moment. His question caught me off guard. “Of course she likes you. Why do you think I’m out here? Not because I want to be, that’s for sure.” “Are you sure?” he asked. “Yes, I’m sure!” I snapped. Jeremiah nodded before turning to enter the house. Why is it always other people that think their problems are gigantic when in reality, they’re miniscule? Why is it me that always has problems with relationships? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a class I can attend that’ll help me with this? “And sis?” he asked and I turned to look at him. “I’m still going to help you find out who your mystery kisser is.” I groaned and placed my head on the banister, my ears filling with the sound of my brothers mocking laughter. ~~~ I was sitting on the couch when my aunt came over and plopped down beside me. “Hey honey.” “Hi, Aunt Sylvia,” I smiled at her. She grinned at me. “Got any boyfriends I should be worrying about?” She winked at me and I groaned. “No, Aunt Sylvia.” “Are you sure?” she questioned. Why is everyone always questioning my statements? “What has my mother told you?” I asked her. She laughed before shaking her head. “Your mother hasn’t told me anything. But may I ask you a question?” I shrugged in response. “Who is that boy that Jeremiah is talking to?” I didn’t even need to look in their direction. I furrowed my eyebrows. “Jonah?” she nodded her head vigorously. “That’s the one! Who is he?” She asked with a smile on her face. “He’s Jeremiah’s friend,” I vaguely responded. She laughed, rubbing her chin slightly. “That’s funny, because I asked Jeremiah the same thing; he said that Jonah is going to be your next boyfriend," she chuckled. “What?” I asked, my voice raising a few octaves. I looked in Jonah and Jeremiah’s direction to see Jer wave at me and indiscreetly wink. I turned and looked at my Aunt in horror. She just smiled before standing up and walking away. ~~~ When it was time to open gifts I was surprised when my mother handed me mine. I didn’t expect a gift, seeing as the party was at my house. Jonah obviously had the same expression as me because he turned to me. “I didn’t realize I was getting a gift, too," I muttered. I rolled my eyes, opening my gift slowly. I stared at the beanie. It wasn’t just any beanie, though. It was the same material from Waverly’s dress. I stared at it for a minute before a smile tore across my face. “Is this the cloth?” Jonah nodded with a small smile on his lips as he opened his gift. When he saw the game, he stared at it for a minute. I was nervously biting at my lip. “I'm totally playing this when I get home," he nodded with a grin. I looked at him and nodded. “It’s so awesome!” I found myself scooting closer to him on the couch, flipping the game over on my lap and then holding it closer so he could see it. “You can play with three other people. It’s so cool; you can trash houses, crash cars, and even have your own custom made house. You can make a family; you can kill your family. You can have pets.” I fixed my glasses as Jonah smiled. “Sierra and I are going to be playing this all day tomorrow. Thanks, Savannah.” I frowned. “How’d you know it was me?” I asked. “You made it so obvious. A normal person doesn’t gnaw on their lip like a woodchuck while someone is opening a gift,” I bumped his shoulder with my own while I stared at the game. I felt our legs touching and I felt a shiver run down my spine. Someone coughed and I looked up. I assumed it was my father and I thought he was going to push me over onto the couch and sit between us immaturely but I looked up to see Jeremiah with a smirk on his face. His arm was extended outward and he had a mistletoe in his hand, holding it right above me and Jonah. Uh oh. He told you he’d help you.
15 Apr 2015 | 17:48
Chapter 15 A normal brother would be tackling a guy if he even looked at his sister with bad intentions, but no, Jeremiah wants Jonah to kiss me. He’s like the mother in mean girls. He was still standing right in front of us with the mistletoe waving slightly above our heads. I was silent, frozen nearly. “Obey the mistletoe.” Jer smacked me across the face with the fake, plastic plant. I didn’t hit him back; I just stared at him, horrified. I’m sure my face was bright red from embarrassment. I don’t even want to know what Jonah’s thinking. He probably thinks my family’s insane. I already had to save him from both of my aunt’s squeezing his face, cooing about how adorable he is. As if I don’t already know, Aunt Sylvia and Aunt Loraine. “Jeremiah, stop hitting your sister and come here and help me with this,” my mother chided and Jeremiah frowned before stomping away like a kid. I let out a breath of relief. Thank goodness he took the mistletoe with him. “I’m so sorry about that, Jeremiah can be… childish at times,” I apologized as I turned to look at Jonah. “Well, that may be true but you owe me a kiss," he smirked. I stared at him, horrified as I jumped away from him on the couch. “I’m only joking, Savannah.” I let out a sigh of relief while he continued smirking at me. He wriggled his eyebrows manically. “Or am I?” ~~~ “Thanks for coming,” I was shouting out the door at all of our guests who were making their way home. I slumped against the door. I sighed in relief before letting the cold air hit my face. “Good luck with that boy!” my Aunt Sylvia yelled and I slammed the door. I heard her laughter on the other side while I stared at my friends and brother who sat comfortably on the couch. “Why are you guys still here?” I asked Jonah and Mere. Mere gasped as if she’d been offended while Jonah just smiled at me. “No, don’t give me that Mere; you’d try and sneak into Jeremiah’s room at night. And he’d probably let you.” My brother and my best friend looked embarrassed. I turned and picked up my father’s work shoe before chucking it at Jeremiah. It hit him in the forehead and he hissed in pain. “What was that for?” “For hitting me in the face with the mistletoe, and for pulling that inane stunt altogether!” I snapped. “Why are you hitting only me? Jonah’s the one that didn’t kiss you!” I grabbed my father’s other work shoe and chucked it at Jeremiah. This time he caught it and threw it back at me. I caught it and it became a game of ‘who can hit the other person in the face with the shoe.’ My mother appeared in the doorway to the living room. “Okay guys, you have to go now, unless you’d like to stay and help Jer and Vanna clean," she smiled widely and laughed as Meredith looked terrified. This whole cleaning portion of her sentence was new to me but according to the mop and broom in her hand, she wasn’t lying. Mere was the first one up. She wiped off her dress before walking to the door, Jeremiah trailing behind her. I waited a moment before Jeremiah entered the house, his face a light pink color and his smile wide. Look at that, they’ve only known each other one day and they’re already in love! Don’t I work miracles? If only they worked on myself. The door was still open and Jonah walked towards it before turning and waving his hand as if to call me over. “Aren’t you going to walk me to my car?” “No offense, but shouldn’t it be the other way around?” I asked him with a quirked eyebrow as I slowly walked behind him while he shrugged. He opened the door and we entered the cold air.
15 Apr 2015 | 17:50
He turned abruptly and I slammed into his chest. I backed away, my face warm. “Sorry about that,” I muttered. Jonah laughed. “I guess I’ll see you soon, right? I mean, if we hang out this vacation, which is totally up to you. In fact, Sierra and Sabrina wanted me to invite you to our New Year’s gathering. It’s nothing big, just me, my sisters, and a few of my cousins. But it’s totally up to you," he rambled and I furrowed my eyebrows. Did he ramble when he was nervous? I placed my hand up to stop him. “Sure, that’d be fun,” I told him. He nodded his head vigorously which caused a smile to appear on my lips. “I hope so; if my cousin's don't make it embarrassing. I had a great time tonight; I’ll see you in a few days,” he told me and I nodded while smiling. “I’ll see you, then,” I waved as he began slowly walking backwards. He was approaching the steps and I was about to tell him to watch out but he cut me off. “I’m still expecting that kiss, Savannah,” he winked and I rolled my eyes. As soon as I remembered the stairs, he was already at the bottom of them. His body was in a crumpled heap and I was laughing loudly. He groaned in pain before getting up. I was still laughing while he awkwardly walked away, smacking his forehead as if calling himself stupid repeatedly. ~~~ “Did you kiss him?” That was the first thing that Mere asked when she called me an hour later. I just finished cleaning the living room and I was in need of a shower, although it was 2 in the morning. “No, I didn’t,” I told her. She was asking about the mistletoe situation, turns out Jeremiah wasn’t the only one that planned that. Mere was his accomplice but he is too love-stricken to rat her out. “What about when you walked him out of the house?” she asked and I replied with a negative answer. “You were given so many opportunities! Why didn’t you use any of them? You could’ve blamed it on the mistletoe!” I stared down at my bare feet. “I don’t know how I feel.” “It’s not a matter of how you feel; it’s a matter of knowing who kissed you. And as you describe the kiss, it sounds pretty good! Why wouldn’t you want to know who it was that kissed you? Maybe, if you found out, you’d kiss him again!” she babbled. I sighed. “I don’t know if I want to find out who it was; it’ll just complicate things.” “So you’ll just sit here every day, wondering, thinking, questioning? Does that sound fun? Always being unsure?” The way she put it made it sound worse than it actually is. I sighed again. “Maybe, I just need some sleep. Can I call you tomorrow?” “You better.” ~~~ “So was it him?” I stared at my brother as he asked this question, cereal dripping from his mouth as he spoke. My parents went out for a romantic breakfast since my father’s only going to be here for another week before he goes back to New York for his job. “I don’t know,” I admitted. My brother stared at me as if I was stupid. “Can you not compare kisses?” “There aren’t any kisses to compare,” I told him. “What do you mean? If there aren’t any kisses to compare, why’d you come into the house last night all smiling and happy?” my brother asked.
15 Apr 2015 | 17:51
Hmmmmmm interesting ride on bro
15 Apr 2015 | 19:04
Lol.....Jer sef is enough to frustrate a whole Nigerian life..... "Trouble In A Circle"......
16 Apr 2015 | 03:43
Bravo!!! Interesting.... Ride on bro
16 Apr 2015 | 07:05
Behold a Wndaful story....facical indeed.... I really love dis story@shakee, even ur way of writing ,u av got a great talent.... "Inspiration".
16 Apr 2015 | 09:39
Behold a Wndaful story....farcical indeed.... I really love dis story@shakee, even ur way of writing ,u av got a great talent.... "Inspiration".
16 Apr 2015 | 09:40
Behold a Wndaful story....farcical indeed.... I really love dis story@shaxee, even ur way of writing ,u av got a great talent.... "Inspiration".
16 Apr 2015 | 09:40
I smiled at the memory. “Because Jonah fell down the stairs.” My brother stared at me for a moment. “I don’t know if I can say this enough times, you’re weird.” I grinned at him, nodding my head. “I know.” ~~~ At noon, I decided to call Sierra. Instead of being greeted by the glasses wearing gamer girl, I was greeted by Sabrina. “Hello?” “Did I dial the right number?” I asked and Sabrina made a sound of confirmation. “Sierra told me to get her phone because she’s playing video games with your boyfriend,” she said. I was silent for a minute. “Channing Tatum's there?” I asked. "Jonah, are you aware that your girlfriend is in love with another man? In her defense, it's Channing Tatum- but still!" she called. I didn't hear what Jonah said in response but I really wanted to. "Wait, who's my boyfriend?" I asked her. “Jonah, silly,” Sabrina laughed. I heard Sierra say something. “Yeah, she didn’t know. She is so oblivious.” Instead of taking the insult to heart, I just rolled my eyes. “You’re feeling better?” I asked. “Yeah, I’m just coughing a lot," Sabrina replied. “I heard that Jonah invited you to our New Year’s gathering.” I laughed at the memory. “Yeah, he did. And then he fell down the stairs.” “He what?” Sabrina chuckled. “He was walking backwards and then he fell down the stairs,” I told Sabrina and she howled in laughter before relaying the story to Sierra. I heard another female voice in the room. “Let me talk to her!” she exclaimed and Sabrina sighed before I heard shuffling and then a voice. “Hi.” “Hello?” I asked with curiosity in my voice. “I’m Georgia," she introduced herself. I frowned slightly. Who is she? “I’m the twins and Jonah’s cousin.” I let out a silent breath of relief. “I’m Savannah, the twins and Jonah’s friend,” I told her and she giggled. “I know," she told me and I couldn’t help but smile. I stretched out on my bed, turning on my XBOX 360. “How?” “You’re all they ever talk about," she laughed and I rolled my eyes. “I doubt it,” I told her and she let out a dramatic sigh. “They totally do! ’Where is Savannah?’ ‘You’re going to her Christmas party, right, Jonah?’ ‘Do you think Savannah is going to the Christmas Eve thing, Sierra and Sabrina?’ ‘Are you and Savannah in an argument, Jonah?’ See what I mean?” she complained and I laughed. “I doubt it’s to that extent but okay,” I joked and she laughed. I heard a male voice swear and I gasped. “Jonah!” “Savannah said, ‘Jonah!’” Georgia chided for me and I laughed. I heard Jonah’s apology and I rolled my eyes. Mouth like a sailor, body like a model. ~~~ “Mom? Dad?” I smiled as I entered the living room. They turned to look at me simultaneously, which was a bit creepy. “Can I talk to you both for a moment?” My father slowly nodded. I walked over and sat on the couch beside theirs, earning their attention. “Are we doing anything for New Years?” My mother thought for a moment before slowly shaking her head. “No, why?” “I got invited to something and I was wondering if I could go," I smiled hopefully and my mom narrowed her eyes. “Where is it? Who’s going to be there? Will there be alcohol?” my father asked. I pursed my lips. “It’s at Jonah’s house; Georgia, Sierra, Sabrina, and Jonah are the only ones going to be there as far as I know; and no, there will not be alcohol present,” I informed my father who stared at me for a moment before slumping back in his seat. “Your curfews 9:30 PM," my father informed me and I furrowed my eyebrows. “Dad, in order for it to be a New Year’s party, I need to be there until midnight," my father sighed, running a hand through his graying hair. My mother kissed his cheek. “I think it’s a good idea, babe,” I gagged slightly, placing my hand over my mouth. “It’ll be fun; she’s branching out and making new friends.” My father clicked his tongue before slowly nodding. I felt my smile widen. “But, you have to call before you leave and answer all of my calls. If I even smell a hint of alcohol on you when you walk through the door, you’re never going to talk to that Jonah boy ever again,” I nodded my head. Hopefully, Waverly won’t show up.
16 Apr 2015 | 16:47
Chapter 16 I glanced at my closet; I should be getting ready right about now. I’m supposed to be heading to Jonah’s house in an hour but here I am procrastinating. It’s 7 o’clock in the evening and I’m watching television reruns. My phone starting ringing and I groaned. “Are you getting ready or are you watching Breaking Bad?” I winced at Mere’s accusations. “It’s sad that you’d think so low of me," I muttered as I brushed through my wet hair. “Seriously, Savannah, get ready," she hung up before I could even protest and I grumbled as I stood up and walked towards my closet. I swung open the door and thumbed through my sweaters. Finding my blue ‘Free Hugs’ sweatshirt and tossing it onto my bed, I went to the other side of my closet and grabbed a pair of black jeans. I quickly dressed in the clothes before grabbing my straightener and fixing my hair. With only fifteen minutes left, I raced toward my closet again and pulled out my blue winter boots. The things are made to walk in the snow. I grabbed my coat out of the closet before stuffing my arms into it. Filling my pocket with my phone, lip balm, gum, and some cash, I exited my room. “Have fun, love you!” my mom and dad cheered from the living room. As I exited the house, I saw Jeremiah leaning against the side of my car. “What?” I asked as I approached him. He shrugged. “I just wanted to tell you to have fun, but not too much fun," he narrowed his eyes at me and I rolled my eyes before getting in my car. “Don’t forget to get your New Year’s kiss.” I scowled while driving away. Jonah texted me the address and I realized that I have no clue where it is. I pursed my lips as I strained my mind; if I don’t know where it is, I’ll end up going in circles. And it'll only make me dizzy. Putting my phone on speaker and placing it in the dashboard holder, I dialed Jonah’s number. “Hello?” “Are you on your way?” Jonah’s eager voice asked. I laughed. “I’m attempting to get there; I don’t know where your street is,” I told him sheepishly. He chuckled. “Where are you?” he asked me. “I’m on the corner of Grimes and Dixon,” I told him and he began giving me directions. “Do you want me to just pick you up?” he asked and I battled with myself for a minute. What if, let’s say, we do kiss at the party, wouldn’t it be awkward when we drive back together? “Yeah, that’d be great,” I told him. “I’m already 30 minutes away. I hope you don’t mind if we have to make a stop at the store," he told me and I told him it was no big deal before I started driving back home. When I got home, I entered the house and my parents turned to look at me. “Did he cancel on you?” “Honey, it’s okay. Plenty of guys cancelled on me," my mother started to say but I furrowed my eyebrows. “Actually, he’s coming to pick me up because I have no clue where I’m going and the GPS on my phone doesn’t work," I informed them, taking off my coat. They both nodded before turning back to the television. ~~~ When Jonah arrived at my house, I quickly exited. I was trying to avoid my father, who was eager to come outside and make conversation. I dived into the passenger’s seat. “Hurry up! Drive!” “What?” Jonah asked as he started driving away from my house. I glanced out the back window to see my dad watching the car as it drove away. “What happened?”
16 Apr 2015 | 16:54
“My father wanted to talk to you,” I said between breaths. “What? So you make me look like I’m some rude guy who just picks up his daughter and leaves?” Jonah asked, turning to look at me as we arrived at a red light. I shook my head. “He wanted to talk to you about…other things, not about sports," I told him and it clicked in his mind. His cheeks tainted pink and he nodded, silence overtaking the car. When we were approaching the store, I decided to break the silence. “What are we getting?” “Just a few things,” Jonah replied with a mysterious look on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows. “There isn’t going to be a party there, right?” I asked him and he shook his head. “My Aunt and Uncle would never allow that; it’s just going to be 6 people,” he told me and I furrowed my eyebrows. Jonah, Sabrina, Sierra, Georgia, Me, and…who else? “Who else is going to be there?” I curiously questioned. “Their name starts with a ‘W',” he informed me. I felt my heart sink for some reason. Waverly. When we got out of the car and went into the store, the Christmas decorations helped to distract me. Why are they still out? It’s December 31st. “Let’s go," Jonah murmured from beside me. Jonah led me to the toy isle and he began searching for something. He wouldn’t tell me what it was so I couldn’t help him. When he found it, he put it into the basket. When I tried to peek into the basket, he pushed my shoulder away. “Nu-uh-uh.” I glared at him before slowly letting myself fall behind. He continued getting things and placing them in the black basket. When we finally reached the checkout line, he turned to look at me, taking my hand and placing something in it. “Can you please go start the car?” “You trust me to start your car?” I asked him with raised eyebrows and he stiffly nodded his head as if he regretted his decision. I smirked. “I’ll try not to crash it,” I walked out of the store and approached the car. I unlocked it before getting into it. I shivered slightly; it’s so cold. Thank you, captain obvious. I put on my seat belt, so we can be safe. I revved the engine, listening to the soft purring before I turned on the heat and drove up to the entrance of the store. Jonah looked utterly terrified. When I switched sides, Jonah quickly placed the bags in the backseat before getting into his car. “Did the bad lady hurt you, baby?” I furrowed my eyebrows as he pet his steering wheel. “Overreacting, all I did was waste 95% of your gas.” Immediately, his eyes darted to me. “I told you to start the car not bring her around.” “I drive like a pro, anyway,” I snorted and I could see a ghost of a smile on his face but he maintained his angry look. “We all ‘drive like a pro’ until we crash into a building,” he muttered as he drove out of the parking lot. I winked at him before turning towards the window. Why’d you do that, you idiot? ~~~ “How much longer?” I asked as he drove down what seemed to me like endless roads. He rolled his eyes. “10 minutes," he replied casually as he drummed against the steering wheel to a song on the radio.
16 Apr 2015 | 16:55
“You said that ten minutes ago!” I snapped and he rolled his eyes again. “No, ten minutes ago, I said ‘shut up and wait,’” he reminded me and I glared at him. Finally, we pulled up to a house that was pretty big. Well, it has to be. As far as I know, 6 people live here. I suddenly remembered that Waverly’s here and I slumped my shoulders. When we walked up the stairs, Jonah turned to me. “Are you ready?” “For what?” I asked curiously. I hope he wasn’t planning to have Waverly try and attack me or something. I’d hate to have to choke slam her on such a nice porch. Instead of replying, he turned the doorknob to reveal four teenagers arguing. They turned their heads towards the door. My gaze swept over them. An unfamiliar guy was there, a girl who I’m assuming is Georgia was there and the twins were seated on the same couch. “Savannah!” I turned to see the girl Georgia running towards me at full speed, knocking me backwards as she flung herself onto me. You’d think I was her long lost sister. “I’ve heard so much about you!” “You weren’t ready,” Jonah smirked down at me. Georgia quickly stood up before helping me up. I groaned as my back throbbed in pain. “I’m sorry, I just get so excited,” Georgia started jumping up and down with a huge smile on her face. We stood on the porch for a moment before she motioned for me to come inside. “Well come in; let’s get this party started!” I smiled as I stepped into the house. They had a large leather couch but the guy was sprawled on the floor. He sat up and smiled at me. He looked just like Georgia but more masculine. I’d hope so. “I haven’t introduced myself, I’m Weston.” I nodded; he must be the person whose name starts with a W. “I’m Savannah,” I awkwardly replied. “I know," he grinned before standing up. I remembered when Mere was on the phone with Jonah and said something about a gay cousin. “Are you the gay one?” I blurted out. I instantly covered my mouth while Georgia howled in laughter. Weston narrowed his eyes at Jonah. “Did you tell her that I was gay?” he asked Jonah who sheepishly looked away. Weston turned towards me with a smile on his face. He approached me and picked up my hand in his own, pressing his lips gently on my hand. “In fact, Savannah, I am completely straight.” I stared at him for a moment. I’m sure my face was warm but not like it gets with Jonah. It was warm out of pure embarrassment. “That’s good for you.” I sounded rude. Of course, I didn’t mean to but I did. This caused Jonah and Georgia to laugh loudly. I even saw the twins crack a grin. “Shot down!” I stared at Sierra for a moment while she snickered at her own comment. It just made everyone laugh louder. “I didn’t mean to sound rude.” “You didn’t," I turned to look at Weston who was smiling at me. “I see you’re all for Jonah.” He’s lucky that I’m the only one who heard him over the sound of everybody’s laughter. I sent him a threatening glare. “I never said that," I retorted. “Hey, you should be thanking me,” he stated. “Why is that?” I asked, pursing my lips. He smirked. “I’m the one that told him to go talk to you.” He did look familiar. He was the one chatting up the blonde at the front desk. I rolled my eyes as I watched everyone laugh at the jokes Sierra kept saying. “Want a tour? They’re not going to be coming around for another ten minutes.”
16 Apr 2015 | 16:56
I shrugged and followed Weston as he walked throughout the house, pointing out the kitchen and bathrooms. We walked through the dining room before we walked back into the living room where we bypassed the laughing group and up the stairs. He pointed to bedrooms before opening the door slightly. The twin’s room was split in half, really. Half of the rectangular room was red and the other half was pink. I could tell that the pink side belonged to Sabrina. Georgia’s room is yellow and orange, bright like her personality while Weston’s is a burgundy color. He pointed out their Aunt and Uncle’s room and then the study before he stopped. “And this is the last room on the floor and I saved it for last because it has value to you.” “It's normally so clean that you'd think no one lives here.” he opened the door to Jonah’s room and I was greeted by a clean, blue room. It had a white fluffy rug and band posters on the wall; I recognized all of them. He had a large king sized canopy bed in the middle of the room but it was against the wall opposite to where I was standing. In the corner, there was a large television with a game system beside it and a couch across from it. A bookshelf that had actual books in it was beside the dresser. On the nightstand, he had a lamp and a bottle of water. He looked at me for a moment before awkwardly shutting the door and kicking the carpet. “If you need anything…you know, Georgia’s bathroom and the twin’s bathroom is pretty stocked, I think,” he explained. I pressed my hand against my forehead before nodding. As we walked back downstairs, the twins were grinning at us. “Let’s get this party started!” they spoke, synchronized. They rarely speak synchronized, only when they’re causing trouble. Uh oh.
16 Apr 2015 | 16:57
16 Apr 2015 | 17:52
So nw d@ u knw d whole family(except 4 dad nd mum of course) i bet we'l be hearin d weddin bells ringin soon. I'll be lookin 4ward 2 d@ part.
16 Apr 2015 | 20:16
Just too fun to read...
17 Apr 2015 | 04:57
Nice one Shaxee
17 Apr 2015 | 06:40
Chapter 17 I stared the twins, slightly confused as they reached behind their backs. Before I knew it, screams were exiting their mouths. “Ready! Set! Aim!” I was being sprayed with party string and I was struggling to cover my face. I heard laughter and I recognized it as Jonah’s. “Help me, you moron!” I exclaimed “Say I’m amazing," Jonah mocked and I continued taking the strands of party string to my face and torso. It was coming from two sides. “No!” I called back. “Say it," he laughed and I bit my tongue. “I’m amazing,” I replied and I heard Weston’s laughter. “No, say that I’m amazing, as in me, Jonah,” Jonah corrected and I growled. “Fine, Jonah’s amazing,” I felt the string come to a halt. I finally looked down and noticed that my jacket was covered in the pink and purple party string. I glared at Sabrina who innocently tucked the can into her pocket. Sierra was spraying Weston who was trying to battle the spray as if his life depended on it. It was actually pretty funny. I sighed and pushed the bottle to the floor. Weston opened one eye before opening them both and pushing Sierra who stumbled backwards onto the couch. I just rolled my eyes and began taking off my coat. Before I could even get my left arm out of the sleeve, Georgia, the seventeen year old girl, flung herself at me, wrapping her arms around my torso yet again. “What are you doing?” I asked her, laughing lightly. I wasn’t used to this much affection, not that I’m neglected at home; we just don’t hug every ten minutes. “Your sweater,” Georgia replied, letting go of me. I looked down at my sweater before nodding; it says "Free Hugs." Before I could even recuperate from the last hug attack, I was lifted into the air while being swung around like a rag doll. This is a first. Weston, the 6’4” giant was swinging my 5’2”- 5’3” figure around like I was a doll. I wrapped my arms around his neck for fear of falling while he just continued swinging me. When he put me down, I let out a sigh of relief. I groaned when I felt another pair of arms wrap themselves around my torso. This hug was calmer and warmer; I wasn’t being squeezed too tightly or swung around like Raggedy Ann. I actually felt myself hugging back for a moment. The smell was familiar: Jonah. I awkwardly retracted from the hug and was yanked towards Georgia who plopped me down on the spot beside her on the floor. Weston took my coat from me and hung it up wherever he did. “I’m hungry,” Jonah complained. “Why don’t we make snacks?” I asked. Georgia shrugged. “You two can; we’ll move everything around in here so we have enough room to move around.” I stood up with Jonah and we walked in the direction of the large kitchen. “What should we make?” I asked. “Let’s start off with something sweet,” Jonah told me and I nodded. “Like what?” I asked and he shrugged. “How about Reeses Squares?” He nodded. I read off the ingredients and he searched the cabinets for them before placing them on the counter. I began working while telling him what I was doing and he would occasionally nod. When we finished, we placed it on the table to harden the chocolate and he stared at me for a minute. “Anything else you can make, Betty Crocker?” he asked me and I glared at him before sighing and nodding.
17 Apr 2015 | 07:48
After I made Reeses Squares, brownies, tacos, pizza bites, smoothies, homemade dip, and a bunch of other finger foods with no help from Jonah. Well, he did help me get the ingredients and emptied the chips into the bowls but other than that, he just watched me with this look on his face. “You’re a closet chef," he told me once I sat down. Most of the food was in the oven, microwave, or fridge. I stared at him for a minute before shaking my head. “You are. You just made all of that within an hour,” he nodded. I shrugged, slightly embarrassed. It was hard to uphold a reputation of being a gamer girl when you know how to cook and bake, so I usually only cook for Jeremiah, my parents, and I. “Don’t worry, it’s cute," his comment made me blush so I stood up and walked over to the fridge and started checking on the homemade dip and smoothies. I then walked over to the sink to start on the dishes but Jonah stopped me. “Don’t worry, I can do these.” I nodded before going back to sit at the table. After about ten minutes, the food was finished and I began taking it out of the oven and placing it on the top of the stove. ~~~ When all the food cooled off, Jonah and I placed them in separate bowls and plates. We brought them to the living room with help from the twins. Georgia and Weston were currently fighting over the remote to the television. When we placed the food down on the table, they dived for it. I quickly slipped the bowl of Cheetos off of the table and walked over to the couch that they moved back slightly. I sat down and began eating. “Those are my favorites,” Jonah pouted and I shrugged, pointing to the array of food that was no longer crowded. Everyone had their favorite on their laps while we waited for Weston to find the remote. “Too bad, get your own,” I smiled and he rolled his eyes before plopping down beside me. His hand starting reaching for the bowl and I quickly retracted it. “No, mine.” He grinned before nodding. When Weston found the remote, we agreed on a movie. As I was watching the movie, I looked down and noticed that all of the Cheetos were gone. I frowned and tilted my head in confusion. I looked over and noticed Jonah who had orange hands and a grin on his face. “You ate them all!” I frowned and he smiled before heading towards the bathroom to wash his hands. I walked back over to the table and grabbed a plate and put a few pizza bites onto it. I moved to the floor beside Georgia who was watching the scary movie with a pillow blocking her face. Good, at least she won’t steal my food. When Jonah exited the bathroom, he sat on the couch behind me. I made sure I glanced down at my food every so often to make sure it was still there. I tossed a glare behind me to Jonah who was smiling innocently. I felt a light tugging on my hair and I looked back to see Jonah playing with my hair. It wasn’t normal playing; it was him holding two strands and tossing them at each other violently. When he saw that I was watching him, he sheepishly put my hair down. But when I turned back around, I felt my hair being tugged again but I didn’t mind. ~~~ “It’s ten thirty, what do we do now?” Georgia asked as she turned on the lights. Jonah, who just finished playing with my hair, fell off of the couch and rolled onto the floor in a small heap. “I don’t know.”
17 Apr 2015 | 07:48
“We can have a dance party,” Georgia suggested as she stood up. She pushed the table of food against the wall and plugged in her iPod speaker. She started playing music and flailing her arms wildly. Weston was next to join her and then surprisingly Sabrina. I was grinning now and Sierra was slowly shaking her head, as if disappointed. Jonah crawled back onto the couch and I decided to sit between him and Sierra. “Why aren’t you dancing?” I asked him. He turned to look at me with a deadpanned expression. “I told you; I can’t dance the moves I know in public.” I rolled my eyes as Sierra looked at me with an annoyed expression. “He constantly says that; he actually can’t dance.” “I can, too! Just give me a pole, a speedo and a stack of ones!” Jonah retorted and I started laughing loudly. Sabrina and Georgia came over to the couch and Sabrina grabbed Sierra’s arm and Georgia yanked mine. I was tugged towards the middle of the living room where Georgia proceeded to flail her arms. Weston was no better at dancing; he was attempting to do the running man. I watched as he fell and smacked his face on the carpet but he got up and continued trying while nobody acknowledged his slipup. You know what they say: If you fall face first into a carpet, get up and try again. Sabrina was shaking her head wildly in beat of the song and I winced, that’s going to give her a headache. Sierra was doing the Hokey Pokey and fist pumping. I realized that the whole group of teenagers in this room can’t dance. I looked over at Jonah who had the exact same expression on his face, cringing in pain. I looked back at Weston who was now keeled over in pain. I slowly made my way over to the couch but with no intentions of sitting down. “Hey,” I smiled as I reached Jonah. He was casually seated on the couch, staring at the dancers. His eyes met mine and he smiled. “Hello,” he greeted. I reached down and grabbed his hand, yanking him upward. Luckily, he wasn’t expecting that or else he would’ve put up a fight. I pulled him towards the group of people and he stumbled forward. “These people can’t dance.” “I’ve noticed,” I replied as I bumped my shoulder into his. He stared at me for a moment before bumping his shoulder into mine. “You’re crazy, you know that?” ne asked me and I nodded. “Yes, yes I do,” I replied as I bumped his shoulder one last time. ~~~ We were seated on the carpet, talking. The dance party didn’t last long. It took twenty minutes for Weston to get tired of his failures and Georgia to get tired of her arm flailing. “What’s your middle name?” I asked Georgia and she sighed. “Rose,” she admitted in a defeated tone. “Is your dad a dentist?” I asked her and she rolled her eyes at me but smiled. “Why don’t you guys go to our school?” Weston was casually inch-worming across the carpet while Georgia scrolled on her phone. “We go to school down the street.” “Which is where we were going to go, but it was full,” Jonah replied and I frowned. “I wish it had one spot left,” I sighed while Jonah turned to look at Sabrina. “She wants you to switch to JHS, Sabrina," he said as he looked at her. She snorted before shaking her head.
17 Apr 2015 | 07:49
“I meant you, genius.” I punched his arm and he looked at me. “We all know you don’t mean that," he stared at me while I nodded my head. “Oh, but I do,” I told him and he narrowed his eyes. “What can we do?” Sabrina interrupted our stare-off with her whining. “We can always play spin the bottle.” Weston suggested. “You guys are related!” I stared at him as he nodded his head, frowning. “Don’t blame me, Miss Kill-My-Ideas. I’m just trying to help!” West frowned, causing Jonah to sigh. “He lacks in brain cells,” Jonah whispered to me and I laughed. “But my body makes up for it,” Weston winked while I rolled my eyes. “Speaking of my beautiful body, JHS’s football team is playing against your school’s football team when we go back to school.” “We should all go!” Georgia grinned and I frowned. Shaw is on the football team. I glanced at Jonah and his face mirrored my own. “We made an enemy, or two, or three who just so happen to be on the football team,” Jonah laughed awkwardly. “Who?” Weston asked us and I bit my lip. “Jeffrey Shaw and friends,” I informed him. “I know him; the guys indestructible,” Weston laughed. “Didn’t he have a bruise on his face not too long ago? Somebody can take him down," Georgia retorted. “Yeah, the girl to my right,” Jonah muttered. “What’s that supposed to mean?” West asked. “She gave him the bruise; she punched the guy straight in the face with no remorse,” Jonah told West whose eyes were wide. “Seriously? This pipsqueak punched him?” West asked and I nodded. “Then how did he become your enemy?” West asked Jonah. “She shouted at the guy that I said he takes steroids and the next thing you know, we’re in a high speed chase. We ended up in a closet and when he came in, she punched him,” Jonah explained. As if imagining the scene break out in their minds, the four listeners laughed loudly. Georgia was holding her stomach. I rolled my eyes. “Glad our adventures amuse you.” “I just wish we could witness some of your hilarity first hand,” Weston chuckled. I smirked. “I have an idea.” ~~~ “Hello?” Waverly’s voice entered the phone. I had her on speaker and I was planning on pranking her. “Is this Waverly?” I asked in a nasally voice. “Yes," she replied. I made a loud coughing sound. “Where have you been? Your appointment was at 6!” I snapped. Hopefully, she didn’t catch onto the fact that it’s New Year’s Eve and almost all stores and offices are closed. “What appointment?” “Your breast implants; it was today!” I explained and Weston placed a fist in his mouth. Jonah was sitting beside me, his arms wrapped around his legs and his head buried in them, shaking with laughter.
17 Apr 2015 | 07:50
“I don’t have breast implants!” Waverly shrieked. “I know, because you skipped your appointment. Your A cups would have been D’s,” I explained and Sabrina let out a snort of laughter but quickly covered it up. “What? Who told you my bra size?” she hissed and I bit my tongue to hold back my laughter. “You did, when you filled out a form at,” I replied. Georgia covered her face with a pillow and Jonah buried his face in the crook of my neck. I felt shivers run down my spine and I ignored the warmth that spread through my body. I continued focusing on the problem at hand: Waverly’s A cups. “I’m hanging up!” she snapped. “Don’t be angry, Flat Stanley. Embrace it,” I retorted before she hung up the phone. We all let out hoots of laughter as we shook on the carpet. “Maybe we should get to the living room; the ball is about to drop,” Georgia informed and I smirked before nodding. We all sat down on the couch, the twins beside each other, then Jonah beside them; I was next to Jonah, Georgia was beside me and Weston at the end. It was 11:55 PM and we watched the television anxiously. When it reached 11:59, they showed all the kissing couples and Weston groaned. “Alright, get on with it!” Georgia nudged me and winked. I furrowed my eyebrows. What’s that supposed to mean? “Jealous? They’re actually kissing the hot guy that they like.” Rather than denying it like I should be, I furrowed my eyebrows. “Did you just call your cousin hot?” ~~~ “I’m going to bring Savannah home,” Jonah called out to his cousins as he fetched my sweater. I hung up the phone with my mother and took my party string covered jacket. I hugged everyone and told them I’d see them soon. Weston convinced me to go to his football game. He asked me to convince Jonah to go and I said I’d try. Georgia continuously dropped hints about my supposed crush on her cousin while the twins acted like civil people and told me they’d see me at school. I exchanged numbers with Georgia and West. When we got into Jonah’s car, he stared at me for a minute. “What was Georgia telling you on the couch?” I shrugged, hoping he doesn’t see through my lie. “I don’t remember; it wasn’t important, just some joke about kissing.” Jonah eyed me for a moment suspiciously before starting the car. “I don’t believe you but if you don’t feel the need to tell me, fine.” He turned his head away childishly. I rolled my eyes. “Jonah?” He ignored me and I sighed. “Jonah?” He continued ignoring me. “If you want to know, ask Georgia when you get back,” I told him and he looked at me. “She’ll tell me?” he asked and I shrugged. “I don’t see why not.” ~~~ When Jonah came to a stop at my house, I unbuckled my seatbelt, not yet ready for the night to end. “I had a really fun time.” “Yeah, I did, too, Betty Crocker,” Jonah grinned and I rolled my eyes but couldn’t fight the smile that reached my face. I got out of the car but looked into the rolled down window. “Let me know that you got home safely.” He nodded. “I will.” He waited until I was inside until he drove off, which I found adorable although almost every guy does it. The first words I heard when I got into the house were unfortunately my brother's. “Did you kiss him?” I just rolled my eyes and shook my head. But I was sure of one thing, I really wanted to.
17 Apr 2015 | 07:51
So so interesting.
17 Apr 2015 | 10:11
I'm in love with this story.
17 Apr 2015 | 13:15
Chapter 18 Normally, going back to school is terrible, but it’s so much worse now. For one, I still didn’t figure out who my mystery kisser is and two, I have to deal with Waverly’s pestering about my whereabouts during lunch on Wednesday, December 23rd, the day that her dress was sabotaged. As I got out of my car, I yawned, imitating a baby dinosaur. I laughed at that thought before heaving my bag out of the passenger’s seat. I groaned, muttering about the stupid thing as it got caught on the head rest. “Saltines,” I snapped as I finally managed to yank it out of the passenger’s seat. The amount of strength I put into the tug was more than enough, it caused me to fall backwards into the empty parking spot beside mine and I glared at my car. I was currently sitting in snow that was drenching my pants as we speak, or should I say as I speak? I got up and slammed the door, making sure the vehicle was locked. As much as I hate the car right now, I can’t deal with it getting stolen. “Having fun there?” I turned around to see Jonah, taunting me, as usual. Isn’t it the other way around? “So much, why don’t you join me?” I glared as I pulled my bag over my shoulders and slowly walked to the entrance to the school, partially because I was tired and partially because I wanted to spend a bit more time with Jonah before Waverly rips him away from me. Jonah wrinkled his nose and furrowed his eyebrows. “I would but it seems that I’m busy.” “With what?” I curiously asked as I glanced at him. He smirked. “Not helping you.” I bumped into his shoulder with my own, too lazy to lift my arm and bring it down on his upper arm, hitting him and feeling his muscles. “You know what? Day by day, you’re getting crueler.” “You seem to be rubbing off on me,” he replied, bumping his shoulder with my own. I couldn’t reply because a loud screeching came from the middle of the parking lot. We turned to see Waverly barreling towards us, ignoring the snow under her feet and jumping into Jonah’s arms. He just stood there with her in his arms, staring at me with a stunned look plastered on his face. I smiled slightly before waving and walking off towards the school entrance, picking up speed. I noticed Sierra watching me with a knowing look but I just turned and entered the school, ignoring the feeling of hurt. ~~~ During the class before lunch time, I found myself worrying. Where am I going to sit? Because I’m definitely not welcome at Waverly’s table. As I finished my work early, I waved my hand in the air, beckoning the teacher. “Yes, Savannah?” the teacher asked tiredly. I’m guessing he assumed that I’m going to ask of some tiring favor that includes him walking to Asia and back, carrying an elephant on his back. I put on an innocent smile. “Do you think you could let me out of class early?” He glanced at the clock before looking around the classroom. There were five minutes left before the bell would ring and he sighed. “For what?” I frowned slightly. “I have to call my father to make sure he landed safely. I can’t exactly call him in the hallway in 5 minutes because it’d be loud and so would the bathrooms.” Even though I lied slightly, he gave me a sympathetic look while he sighed. He nodded his head, taking my paper to his desk as I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked out of class. I even took out my phone but put it back as soon as I exited the classroom.
17 Apr 2015 | 16:31
I quickly scrambled to the cafeteria, ordering my lunch and sighing in content as I exited just as soon as the bell rang. I had approximately 2 minutes to get to the library; that’s when the students will begin diving down the stairs. I entered the library, slipping past the oblivious librarian who had her head in a book. It was rare she had visitors…or maybe I rarely passed by the library so I wouldn’t know. I made my way to the back of the library, sitting down at a table meant for two. I placed my bag beside me as I dug into the pasta. It was weird eating alone for once; I haven’t eaten alone in a while. Other than the time Jonah and I were in an argument, I ate with Jonah or Waverly’s friends (Which thankfully came to a quick end). And now, if I'm caught eating in the library, I'll be eating alone in the hallways, or even worse- the smelly bathroom. Once I finished eating, I decided to look at the books. Maybe they have a few Manga books or comics that I haven’t read yet. I walked down the aisles of books, my hand trailing down each of their spines. Most of them are in extremely good condition; people rarely use the library anymore. I looked at the books that my hand was touching and slowed down as I came across an interesting title. I pulled the book out, memorizing the spot I’d taken it from. My eyes skimmed the back of it. “That one’s good," a voice approved. My head snapped up at the sound of the voice. My eyes met Franny's and he looked shocked. His face contorted into annoyance. “What are you doing here?" he asked. “I could ask you the same thing, Frankie,” I retorted, placing the book back onto the shelf. I probably wouldn’t read it if I checked it out anyway. He glared at me for the use of his unfitting nickname. “Unlike you, I knew that we actually have a library.” “I knew we did, too,” I retorted. Honestly, I didn’t know we had a library in the school until the beginning of this school year. I didn’t step foot into a library until my encounter with Jonah, and that was the public library. He rolled his eyes. “You’re not a good liar, Savannah.” “I’m not lying,” I retorted and he smirked before he pushed himself off of the bookshelf. “Why are you here?“ His eyes were curious and I shrugged, turning back to the bookshelf. I looked up at him momentarily before deciding to look away. “Maybe I want to check out a book; that’s what a library is for, right?” “Yeah, Savannah checking out a book; that’s as likely as your chances at getting a boyfriend," he snorted while I glared at the book on the shelf. I continued walked, running my hand over the spines of the books. “I’m here to check out a book,” I repeated. His laugh went quiet as I pulled another book out of the shelf. It was about Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust, something I found surprisingly interesting. “Yeah, for a project, I bet.” “Actually, no, it’s just to read, Francis,” I replied formally. I stood up straighter and began approaching the librarians desk. Francis surprised me by grabbing my shoulder. I shrugged his hand off and turned to look at him. “What?” I snapped. I lost the formality the moment his hand touched my shoulder. “I saw you at that dumb teen thing on Christmas Eve.” My eyes widened slightly. Is he the one that kissed me? Please don’t be, it’ll just complicate things more. Iswallowed the lump in my throat. “Yeah? So?” He stared at me, his eyes intense. I noticed the swirling green of them; a girl could get lost in them. He was no Jonah but he wasn’t ugly. Definitely not ugly. What am I saying? This is Francis! The boy who annoys me all the time by just being in the same room as me! Get a grip, Savannah.
17 Apr 2015 | 16:31
“You looked pretty,” I felt my stomach flip in anxiousness. Please don’t be him. Please don’t be him. “Pretty…pretty ugly.” I shoved away from him, listening to his condescending laughter. Despite the cruel insult, I felt a sense of relief run through my body. Maybe even a little hope. ~~~ I entered my job, sighing loudly. Mere glanced at me and grinned. Her date with my brother is this Friday and she can’t be happier. Lucky her. “How are you?” I grinned at her. “Just peachy,” I replied in a sarcastic voice. She sat on the counter with a grin on her face, except this one was real. “What am I going to wear?” she asked me and I shrugged carelessly. I placed my name tag on my shirt. “Well, seeing as this person is my brother, you could wear a Barney costume and win him over.” Her eyes sparkled and I took a step forward, holding my hands out. “I’m not saying that you should, though.” She groaned. “Then what should I wear?” I rolled my eyes. “Anything, wear anything,” I retorted, grabbing the broom and casually sweeping. Mere is on register duty today. “What’s wrong with you?” she asked me and I shook my head. “It’s nothing,” I sent her a warning glare and thankfully, she didn’t press. ~~~ Once I got home, I took a shower. I always bring my phone into the bathroom and today, I proved that it’s a mistake. My phone was incessantly ringing and I couldn’t answer it in fear of ruining the cellular device. Once I got dressed, I decided to call whoever decided to spam my phone with calls. I didn’t bother to glance at the number and just clicked around until I heard the familiar ringing. Whatever it is, it better be important. “Hello?” “Savannah? I’ve been calling you nonstop!” Waverly’s annoying voice caused me to face palm. I internally debated whether I should just hang up and not answer her calls again. I decided against it because she must be calling for something important. “I have to talk to you about Jonah.” And there goes my theory out the window. “What?” I snapped angrily. My eyes widened slightly. Where had that come from? Waverly didn’t take a second to reply. “Watch your tone with me. As of right now, you’re in the clear thanks to Jonah.” “What are you talking about?” I retorted, staring at myself in the mirror. My hair was up in a messy bun and I was making funny faces. She sighed exaggeratedly. “My dress! Of course you heard about it! It was ruined, ripped, shredded!” “Your dress?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. I felt a smirk tugging at my lips. “You mean the one you went on and on about?” “Yes, that dress!” she snapped. “My first suspect was you! But Jonah said you weren’t anywhere near my dress.” “And you believed Jonah?” I asked her slowly. She made a sound of confirmation. Jonah had lied for me. He had lied for me to Waverly. “He wouldn’t lie to me," she replied jauntily. I rolled my eyes, pursing my lips.
17 Apr 2015 | 16:32
I casually ran my hand down the side of my mirror. “So…what are you and Jonah now?” “Well, he hasn’t exactly asked me to be his girlfriend yet but I think he’s going to pop the question sometime this week," she said confidently. I winced at the thought of Waverly and Jonah holding hands, walking down the hallways, kissing before and after each class. The last one made me want to vomit more than it made me want to wince. “Really? That sounds nice," my voice wavered and I pressed my lips together. “Yeah, I just have a favor to ask of you. Since you and Jonah are friends, do you think you can ask him when he’s going to ask me out?” she casually requested with a tinge of hope in her voice. Her hope burned my hope to ashes. “Yeah, sure,” I replied, ending the phone call immediately. I pressed my hands against my face, shaking my head slowly. ~~~ Once I was fully composed and ready for a conversation, I dialed Jonah’s number. It rang twice before he answered it. “Hello?” His voice was chirpy and it made me a bit more anxious. “Hey, Jonah.” “Hello, Savannah," he replied. It was quiet for a moment. “Any particular reason why you’re calling me? Not that I don’t want to talk to you; it’s just that I usually call you and you reply with ‘what.’” I smiled slightly before I frowned, remembering the task at hand. “Well, I’m calling on behalf of the girl with an enormous crush on you,” I started kicking my floor. “I know you’re calling for yourself, silly," he replied, laughing. I glared at the floor before I slumped down onto my bed. “I don’t mean me, moron; I mean Waverly. She called me personally to ask me to do a favor that she was too much of a wimp to do herself,” I retorted, glaring up at my ceiling. “What is this favor?” he asked. I sighed, pressing my hand to my forehead. “She wants me to ask when you’re going to ask her out,” I replied, trying to sound casual. I’m pretty sure I sounded pained. Jonah was silent for a moment. “I’m not going to,” I felt relief course through my body and I almost laughed. In fact, I did laugh. I felt myself laughing out of relief, humor, and embarrassment. I was relieved that Jonah wasn’t going to date Waverly, but only because she’s my enemy and I can’t have my friend dating my enemy; that’d be bad. I was laughing out of pure humor because she was so confident that she was going to be Jonah’s girlfriend. I’m laughing out of embarrassed because I was so worried for nothing. “Did you really need to ask me that to know my answer?” he asked, laughing slightly. I sighed, letting out my last chuckles. “I didn’t want to seem possessive and tell her that you aren’t going to ask her out.” “Possessive? You think you own me, Savannah?” he asked me jokingly and I rolled my eyes. “No, Jonah, I don’t think that," I replied. “I’m the man of this relationship,” he joked and I grinned widely. I heard laughter from the background and I recognized it as Weston’s. “Please, Savannah would wear the pants in the relationship. You’d wear a skirt.” “Is it a frilly skirt?” Jonah asked in a feminine tone. I rolled my eyes. Why do you put up with this boy? I’m not quite sure why but I know that he makes me happy and isn’t that a good enough reason? 
17 Apr 2015 | 16:37
Updates in my blog
17 Apr 2015 | 17:10
Lovely storyline @Shaxee
18 Apr 2015 | 03:06
jex too sweet.
18 Apr 2015 | 05:02
18 Apr 2015 | 05:06
Chapter 19 I rubbed my hands together nervously. After a long conversation with my brother last night, I came up with a plan. It has to do with my mystery kiss, which has been driving me completely and utterly insane these past few days. I haven’t been getting the right amount of sleep at night and I’ve been like a zombie. But this will all come to an end because I have the perfect plan. If I can’t kiss Jonah, then I’ll have to try and kiss Francis. I stared at the gymnasium door from afar. I got some firsthand insight from a few jocks that were in front of me in the cafeteria lunch line; they were complaining about how the boy’s locker room bathroom is messed up so they constantly have to use the bathroom down the hallway. I already switched the signs on the doors; the one for the boy’s bathroom is now screwed onto the janitor’s closet door. I really hope he can’t tell the difference. Or maybe he won’t care and he’ll pee on the floor. I shuddered at the thought. I saw the door opening and Francis casually walked out, dressed in his football uniform. He was whistling casually and I stood up, out of his view and darted into the janitor’s closet. I switched the lights off and hid. Light entered the room along with Francis’s bulky figure. He stopped whistling as he looked around and I leaped forward, pressing my lips to his. Bad things were running through my mind; what if he pushes me off of him because he thinks I’m a guy? What if he doesn’t let me leave and finds out who I am and assumes I have a major crush on him? I was analyzing the kiss although it was pretty one sided. Francis seemed frozen and I was just standing in front of him, standing on my tippy toes, kissing him. When I realized that that was as far as I was going to get, I jumped back and exited the janitor’s closet, running as fast as I could to get away. I ran down the hallway and around a bend, making sure I got to the parking lot. I ran out to the parking lot where there were about fifteen cars. I found mine and I ran over to it, panting heavily. I placed my hands on my knees when I heard sneakers hitting asphalt behind me. How’d he catch up with me? “Savannah, what’s wrong?” I turned to see Sabrina who had on sweatpants and a tank top. I looked around at the snow. Did she not feel the cold? I had a reason not to; I mean, I just ran through nearly half of the school. “I can’t breathe,” I was panting. My legs are burning as if they’re on fire. She patted my back as I stood up. She handed me a water bottle and I chugged it, my vision was blurry. “Were you following me?” She shook her head. “I was at a track meet.” I stared at her, wide eyed. She runs track? The girl who wears pink and high heels runs track? I would assume she cheerleads. “You run track?” “Cross country," she smiled proudly and I nodded. “Now what were you running from?” “I...just wanted to run!” I lied, giggling nervously. She nodded. “Of course, that’s why you were running with a terrified look on your face. I run like that, too. Now seriously, why were you running?” “I kissed Francis,” I replied quietly. She stared at me for a moment. “Come again?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. “I kissed Francis,” I told her a bit louder. She placed her hand on her forehead. “What? Why?” I explained the situation about Christmas Eve to her and the mystery kisser and she was staring at me with a frown on her face. “Well, was it him?”
18 Apr 2015 | 15:11
“I don’t know! He wasn’t kissing back! He was just standing there like a brick wall!” I snapped. She sighed. “It must be Jonah then.” “It isn’t! He doesn’t like me! It had to be somebody else,” I explained. “Well, why don’t we find out?” she starting digging in her pocket and fished out her cell phone. I wrestled it away from her and shook my head. “You aren’t calling him!” I snapped and she rolled her eyes. “Why not?” she asked. “It’ll make things so awkward!” I replied and she narrowed her eyes. “’Hey Jonah, I was just wondering if you nearly made out with Savannah at that thing we went to on Christmas Eve,’” I imitated her. “You’re scared that it’s Francis, aren’t you? You want it to be Jonah,” she accused. “What!? No!” I began to defend myself but she cut me off. “You like Jonah, don’t you, Savannah? As in like like. You have a crush on him!” she squealed and I shook my head vigorously. “I don’t, Sabrina. I just rather it’d be him, someone I could tolerate, rather than Francis, someone who’s a complete jerk!” My theory was mostly to convince myself and it just so happened to convince Sabrina. She pursed her lips before she sighed. “Okay, fine.” I stared at her. “Okay? Fine? What’s that supposed to mean?” “It means exactly what it is," she replied, placing her hands on her hips. I furrowed my eyebrows. “You’re going tell Jonah about this, aren’t you?” She shrugged. “I am… unless, you do something for me.” I ran my hands down my face before I sighed. “What do you want me to do?” She grinned. “Wait right here.” ~~~ Where is she? Sabrina told me to ‘wait right here’ twenty minutes ago and I’m getting impatient. I heard a mass amount of giggling and I watched as Sabrina emerged from the large crowd of 6 girls with large bags. “What are you doing?” I hissed as she ran ahead of them. “Jonah’s car isn’t big enough to fit all of us and we need to get to the mall," she replied and I narrowed my eyes. “And you expect me to bring you there?” I asked her and she nodded. “Your car is huge!” she exclaimed, pointing to my baby. I shook my head. “No, I’m not doing it. Have fun walking,” I replied, walking towards my car. She pulled out her phone. I turned and watched as she pressed ‘speaker.’ “Hey, Jonah?” “Yes?” Jonah’s tired voice replied. “I have something to tell you about Savannah,” she said and I ripped the phone out of her hand. “I’m bringing her to the mall, don’t worry; she’s in safe hands,” I quickly ended the call and gave the phone back to her. “Okay, I’ll do it but I have rules.” “Girls,” I earned the girls attention by just saying that. “I have some rules. There will be no eating in my car; no putting on makeup in my car; no perfume in my car; no gum in my car; no smoking in my car; no drinking in my car; and absolutely no dirty shoes in my car.”
18 Apr 2015 | 15:12
I saw a few girls spit out their gum and others began dragging their shoes across the floor or taking them off. One of the girls put a water bottle away and another finished off a bag of chips. “Now, what are your names?” Sabrina began pointed to the girls as she went. “This is Valerie, Peyton, Jessie, and Hilary. They’re on the cheer squad. Cheyenne, Cara and I are on Cross Country.” I waved at the girls. “I’m Savannah and I don’t do sports,” I replied as I opened the back door. The girls began to pile into the car, giggling as they sat down. Sabrina took the passenger’s seat and I sat in the driver’s seat. Before I could even tell them that there will be no music, Sabrina began blasting pop music. They all started singing, or should I say screaming, along to the song. I felt like a soccer mom. ~~~ When we reached the mall, the girls began to file out of the car. “Are you guys going to need rides home?” I asked and Sabrina smiled sheepishly. “Valerie and I do,” she smiled and I nodded. “How long will you guys be?” I asked and Sabrina placed a finger on her chin. “About 2 or 3 hours," she replied and I groaned loudly. “What am I supposed to do for 2 or 3 hours?” I complained. “You could always call Jonah,” Cara sang. The other girls laughed and I rolled my eyes. “I’m not going to call Jonah,” I imitated the way she said Jonah’s voice. The girls let out loud laughs. Sabrina took out her phone and began clacking away. “I’m pretty sure Georgia’s here; I think she works today.” I shrugged and sat down at a table in the food court while the girls ran off. A few moments later, I heard someone shout my name. “Savannah!” I looked up to see Georgia flying through the air, her arms outspread. “Hey, Georgia,” I stood up and allowed her to latch herself onto me. It was awkward how everyone was staring at us but when she grinned at me, I just rolled my eyes. “How are you? I haven’t seen you in forever!” she continued and I rolled my eyes again. I’ve been doing a lot of eye rolling. “I saw you less than a week ago,” I told her, motioning for her to sit down. “Anyway, what are you doing here?” “I work here," she told me with a grin. I noticed her ‘Cinnamon Cart’ outfit. Both of my eyebrows rose and I held back a laugh. “I know, I know, it’s a nerdy outfit but it pays well!” “How much?” I asked her and she shrugged. “A bit more than minimum wage and I work 4 days for 3 hours each," she told me. I nodded my head; I make about the same amount but I work more. “Sounds fun.” She shrugged. “I also get to see the hot guys eat cinnamon treats.” I smiled. “Are you on break?” I asked her and she shrugged, glancing at her phone. “I have 5 minutes," she grinned. “How about we go back to your job and not get you fired?” I laughed while she continued to smile.
18 Apr 2015 | 15:13
I was seated in a chair beside the ‘Cinnamon Cart’, spinning in circles while Georgia took orders. “I’m Georgia. Welcome to the ‘Cinnamon Cart’, what can I get you?” “Make me a sandwich,” I heard Georgia’s laughter and I felt someone start to spin my chair faster and faster. I looked up and saw a blur of Weston laughing loudly. “West! What are you doing?” I asked as the chair slowed down. “I’m here to make sure that you remember to come to my football game," he told me and I nodded. I noticed his Varsity Jacket with his school’s emblem on it. “Is that tonight?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. “No, it’s Friday, silly,” hHe grinned, reaching out to spin my chair again but I kicked at his hand. I’m already dizzy enough. “It’s so weird how you’re here and Jonah’s at home. Everyone else is here.” “Sierra's here?” I asked, looking around. West shook his head. “She’s at home, too,” I nodded my head. “What are you doing here?” I asked West and he shrugged. “It gets boring at home," he muttered and I shook my head. “I doubt it; you have so many people there! It’s like a party every day!” I told him and he let out a laugh. “It’s a household not a club. Besides, Jonah is usually playing videogames, talking on the phone to you, talking about you, or reading. Sierra is either on the phone with Blake, who I don’t like, or playing videogames, Sabrina is always painting her nails or is on the computer. And Georgia is well… busy being Georgia.” “I doubt that’s all Jonah does and why don’t you like Blake?” I asked curiously. I tried to avoid Jonah as a topic of conversation; I was already blushing so much at what West said. “It is, trust me and Sierra is too young to have a boyfriend or to even want one,” he stuck his nose into the air. “She’s 14! How old were you when you got your first girlfriend?” I asked. He placed a finger to his chin. “Technically, I was 7 but I had my first real girlfriend when I was 11. But it’s different!” he told me. I raised an eyebrow. “Really? And how is it different?” “Sierra is innocent and nice," he replied and I rolled my eyes. “How do you know that?” I asked him and he shrugged. “She doesn’t always gossip about boys and worry about how she looks. She’s innocent and I don’t want some 15 year old boy to corrupt her,” West replied. I cooed. “Aw, you’re protective.” “I am not," he retorted but then sighed. “Maybe I am, I just don’t want her to get hurt.” “It’s bound to happen sometime; you can’t tell her when she’s ready to date,” I told him and he groaned. “I know. Help me out here, when did you have your first boyfriend?” he asked me and I pursed my lips. “I was 15,” I told him with a sour expression on my face. “End badly?” he offered. “Terribly,” I told him. “But it’s different.” “How?” he challenged and I shrugged. I didn’t want to tell him the whole story so I just shook my head. “I don’t know; just give Blake a chance.”
18 Apr 2015 | 15:13
hmm speechless
18 Apr 2015 | 15:59
next pls
18 Apr 2015 | 16:01
wowistic,ride on bro
18 Apr 2015 | 17:10
Wow, keep it flowin
18 Apr 2015 | 17:52
Amazing..... Incredible.
19 Apr 2015 | 03:47
West sighed before glaring at me. “If I do and he messes it up, I’m going to mess him up.” ~~~ I ended up having to stuff Georgia, Weston, Valerie, and Sabrina into my car. Georgia and Weston had gotten here by taking the city bus. After telling them the rules, we were off. I decided to drop off Valerie first. When we arrived at Valerie’s house, I noticed girls from school sitting around on her porch. I recognized Hailey and Ainsley. I cringed when I saw Waverly. I cringed even more when I heard Waverly tell Valerie that their mother is looking for her. I immediately stepped on the gas and flew down the street. “What was that about?” Georgia asked. I looked at her in the rearview mirror. “Remember the girl that we prank called?” “Yes,” Weston chuckled. “That’s her…let’s just say, we don’t get along too well,” I replied. ~~~ When I finally reached Jonah’s house, (or should I say everyone’s house, seeing as almost all of my friends live there) everyone said their goodbyes and Georgia even forced me out of the car where they all hugged me. I rolled my eyes. “I’m going to see you guys sooner or later.” “Let’s hug now; hugs are cool,” Georgia replied with a smile. Weston pushed his sister and she stumbled. She glared at him before she started chasing him. They ran into the house, screaming and shouting. Jonah poked his head outside and I saw his bare shoulders. I immediately reddened and he ducked back inside. “I saw that,” Sabrina sang before she giggled. I glared at her. “Say something and I’ll stab you.” “Threats, threats, threats, luckily you already paid me off. I’ll be going now,” she whistled. I walked towards my car when I heard footsteps against the pavement. Here she comes again, ready to blackmail me even further. “Sabrina, I swear, if you tell a single soul anything I said about him, I will rip each and every piece of hair out of your head with tweezers and duct tape; don’t test me,” I whipped around to see Jonah standing there, fully clothed, with furrowed eyebrows and a smirk on his face. He held his hair down onto his head, which caused it to be messier than it already was. “I love my hair, though.” I rolled my eyes before pushing my hair out of my eyes. “What do you want?” He grinned. “Well, I want to know what you were just talking about but I know you won’t tell me. So I just wanted to thank you for making my life easier. If you wouldn’t have brought them home, I would’ve had to pause my game and drive all the way to the mall and back.” I shrugged. “Your sister blackmailed me into bringing some other girl home. Turns out the girl's older sister is Waverly,” I shuddered while Jonah furrowed his eyebrows. “Waverly has a sister?” Jonah asked and I nodded my head vigorously. “And now her sister knows a lot more about me than I want her to and she’s going to tell Waverly,” I groaned, placing my head in my hands. Jonah tilted his head sideways. “Like what?” I shook my head. “It’s nothing. Can I ask you something?” “It depends on what it is,” Jonah gave me a curious look as I blew off his question. I rocked back and forth on my feet and smiled innocently. “Are you going to the football game this Friday?” Jonah smiled and wrinkled his nose, his eyebrows furrowing together. “If I’m not mistaken, Savannah, it seems as if you’re asking me out on a date.” I gasped, shaking my head while he laughed at me. “I’m not! I just wanted to know, I don’t even know if I’m going! But it’s not like if you went I’d change my mind!” Jonah continued laughing before he just smiled at me. “Do you really want to set us up for that?” “For what?” I asked. “Shaw is going to be there, and he’s going to be in his prime,” Jonah replied and I bit my lip as I stared at the grass. “I’m willing to throw a few punches if it comes down to it,” I grinned and Jonah rolled his eyes before nodding. “I’ll go," he replied and I nodded, a small smile tugging at my lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” I replied and he nodded. “See you then!” I slowly got into my car, driving down the road with a grin on my face. I let out a small squeal. Is this what it feels like to have a friend? You don’t feel like this when it’s Mere. Maybe you have a crush on Jonah. Maybe you’re an idiot. Jonah’s my friend and I have absolutely no feelings for him whatsoever. Keep telling yourself that.
19 Apr 2015 | 05:47
Chapter 20 I’m glad that the football game is at the other school because they have an indoor field, unlike my school. I was currently dressed in the warmest yet ‘fashionable’ clothes that I could find. Meredith said something about looking cute but staying warm. I was wearing a blue sweater and an undershirt with the thickest pair of jeans in my closet. I was wearing my snow boots and I had my hair up in a messy bun. Since tickets are available at the stand, Jonah and I are getting there early so we can make sure we actually get tickets. The game starts at 7 but Jonah’s already on his way and its only 5:30. My stomach felt like mush as I stood in front of the mirror and examined myself. I brushed my eyelashes with mascara and I put eyeliner on. My door flew open to reveal my brother whose face was covered in brown stuff, which I’m hoping is chocolate, and he was grinning childishly. “Why aren’t you ready? You have a date in two hours!” My brother stared at me for a minute before he frowned. “I know.” “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re going to cancel on Mere! She’s going to be crushed!” I exclaimed and he shook his head. “I don’t know what to wear; I haven’t been on a date since junior year,” he told me as he kicked the carpet. “Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll pick something out for you?” I told him and he nodded. I walked into my brother’s room, heading towards his closet. I flipped through the various clothes before I grabbed a black t-shirt and black jeans. Deciding to go from emo to casual, I grabbed a red, black and gray button down shirt and tossed that beside it. I grabbed his red Converses and threw them beside the clothes before I went downstairs, waiting for Jonah to show up. ~~~ About 20 minutes after I set up my brother’s clothes, he came downstairs, dressed fully with a grin on his face. “You look nice…thanks to me.” My brother rolled his eyes but didn’t bother wiping the grin off of his face. “You do, too, I guess. You look like a penguin.” I looked down at my outfit. “How? I don’t resemble a penguin at all.” “Yeah you do, you waddle because your clothes are too thick,” he told me while scarfing down a cookie. I just scowled at him. “What are your plans for tonight?” “I made reservations at this restaurant and after that, we’re going to go walking along the boardwalk," he told me with a shrug. I stared at my brother, who knew he was a closet romantic? I nodded my head. “That actually sounds nice.” I smiled. He nodded his head enthusiastically. “Bring an extra sweater.” “Why?” he asked me as he ate another cookie. I grinned. “Mere isn’t going to wear a sweater and she will only break the rules of fashion if you give her your sweater.” He nodded as soon as a car horn honked outside. He looked at me and grinned before wriggling his eyebrows. “Get that kiss.” I escaped the house while he continuously made kissing noises. When I got into Jonah’s car, he smiled at me. “You look like a penguin.” “Just drive, boy.”
19 Apr 2015 | 05:49
Jonah glanced at the clock. “We’re going to be so early.” “You can always drop me back home and then go drive around,” I responded with a serious expression. He looked at me with a sad look. “You don’t want to go?” I let out a loud laugh, falling into a fit of chuckles. “You should have seen your face, so vulnerable.” Jonah growled. “I hate you.” “We both know that isn’t true,” I replied as I stopped laughing. I glanced at him before starting to laugh again. “Yeah, yeah, yeah; what do you want to do? We have thirty minutes to kill,” he told me. I shrugged, turning to look at Jonah. “Do we have a song?” I said jokingly. He grinned and nodded. He remembers when he said that our song was ‘Hurricane’ by Panic! At The Disco? He glanced at me with a deadpan expression. “Our song is a slamming screen door, sneaking out late, tapping on your window; when we’re on the phone and you talk real slow cause it’s late and your momma don’t know.” I let out a howling laugh, clutching my stomach as tears streamed down my face. He had his laughter under control, most likely because he was driving. I attempted to speak but I gave up and rested my head in my hands as my body trembled with laughter. When I finally stopped laughing, I glanced at him and started laughing again. That’s the best kind of laughter- when you’re around someone you’re comfortable with and they make you laugh genuinely; they aren’t trying too hard. I don’t know why but that’s the best laugh I’d had in a while. ~~~ When we reached the football field, we were still early but not as early as we would’ve been. Jonah and I managed to get seats near Georgia, who was seated in the third row from the bottom because she claims you get a better view of the football player’s butts. We were seated in the first row at the bottom and the twins were seated on the second row from the bottom. “I’ll be right back,” I told Jonah as I stood up. I needed to use the bathroom. Jonah nodded as I walked right by him and out of the stands. I walked towards the school where the doors were open. They were selling snacks and drinks but they also had a set of bathrooms open. I felt someone grab my arm and I turned around to see Francis. I’d been avoiding him ever since the janitors closet incident. He couldn’t possibly know it was me, right? “What?” He kept his hand on my forearm as he stared at me. “What are you doing here?” “I have a friend playing,” I snapped, attempting to rip my arm out of his grip. He furrowed his eyebrows. “As far as I know, you have no friends other than that Jonah kid and he isn’t on the football team,” he replied and I narrowed my eyes. “No, it isn’t Jonah; his names Weston,” I retorted, managing to yank my arm out of his grip. He tilted his head sideways before he nodded his head, his eyebrows rising slightly. “You’re here rooting for the other team, huh?” he asked. I scowled at the second meaning behind it but answered it nonetheless. I shrugged. “It’s not like I like anyone on the school’s team.” “You liked Arthur,” Francis smiled innocently and I gritted my teeth. “Liked, past tense, idiot,” I snapped.
19 Apr 2015 | 05:50
He grinned. “Shaw seems to have a thing for you.” I glared at him before rolling my eyes and walking to the bathroom. ~~~ When I sat back down, Jonah frowned at me. “I’m really sorry to tell you this.” Now it was my turn to frown. “What?” He sighed, looking down at his hands. “Savannah, Sierra drank all of your soda and ate your chocolate bar!” Sierra gasped. “I didn’t, he did!” I laughed but rolled my eyes. I turned to Jonah and frowned. I pronounced his name slowly. “Jonah.” He looked at me with a guilty look on his face. “Yes?” “Can you please go get me a soda and another chocolate bar? And this time, some Skittles?” I asked and he stared at me for a moment before he nodded and got up. I smirked, turning to look at Sierra and Sabrina. I winked at them, making a motion with my hands that meant ‘wrapped around my finger.’ “I saw that,” Jonah shouted to us and I grinned innocently at him. The football players came barreling onto the field. Weston ran in our direction, with his helmet in his hands. He was grinning and making stupid faces as he ran towards us. He tripped slightly on the turf and he turned and glared at it before he reached the 3 foot barrier keeping us from being tackled by the towering players. “Hi!” he grinned at us, his eyes looking at each one of us. He found Jonah’s empty spot and he frowned. “Couldn’t get him to come?” As if on cue, Jonah came walking through the isles, apologizing quickly to people as he held his arms in front of them, filled with snacks and drinks. I raised both of my eyebrows. “I said to bring me a chocolate bar, a drink, and Skittles, not the entire vendors stand.” “I know, they just restocked and I couldn’t help myself,” he replied before he saw Weston. He smiled at him. “Hello.” “Can I have some?” Weston asked as Jonah sat down. Jonah smacked his hand away. “You know you’re not allowed sweets before a game, or ever,” Jonah replied as he opened a candy bar. I took it out of his hands and began eating it. He glared at me before he opened another. Sierra took that one and this continued on until everybody in our small group of friends aside from Weston had candy. Weston was currently frowning. “I want candy.” Jonah slowly ate a Starburst. “Too bad.” Weston snatched the entire pack of Starbursts from Jonah and continued to open the small squares, shoving them into his mouth as Jonah watched in shock. The coach blew the whistle and Weston ran over, still chewing the candy. I turned to Jonah who was still staring at Weston. “What’s wrong?” “He gets really hyper when he eats candy before a game. Last time, he was ramming into players and laughing like a maniac. Every time he made a touchdown, he’d roll on the floor giggling.” I stared at Jonah before I looked at the field, ready for the hilarity that is a sugar high Weston to break out. It turns out that Jonah was right. Weston is a nutcase on the field when he’s hyped up on sugary snacks. Currently, he’s rolling around on the floor because his team got a touchdown. People were laughing at him and he was oblivious. Jonah sighed. “He’s going to regret this.”
19 Apr 2015 | 05:50
I nodded my head, my eyes glued on the game. “Who do you think is going to win?” Jonah turned to me. “The score is currently 21 to 0. Who do you think is going to win?” Our school’s football team is terrible. I nodded. Francis was currently glaring at Weston, his fists curled into a ball. Shaw was also glaring at someone, but it wasn’t Weston. It was me and Jonah. I inconspicuously nudged Jonah. “Jo-bro.” Jonah turned to me with a small smile on his lips. “Yes?” “Shaw is glaring daggers at us,” I muttered as I stared at him. “Look slightly to your left, but don’t be obvious.” Jonah nodded but despite my warning, he snapped his head to the left and made continuous eye contact with Shaw. Neither of them was looking away anytime soon but Shaw had to eventually because his team was calling him over to the field. ~~~ Weston and his teammates were cheering. The majority of the crowd was cheering, including Jonah, Sabrina, Sierra, Georgia, and me. Weston’s team had won. I turned my head slightly as my eyes met Francis’s. Every time I made eye contact with Francis, I felt a tinge of guilt spiraling through me, not for being a jerk to him but for kissing him and then coming here with Jonah. It’s not like we’re in a relationship, Jonah and I or Francis and I, it just feels wrong. Especially when I didn’t even tell Jonah about it, we’re friends so he should know. Right? I shoved the thought to the back of my mind; it’s not my problem right now. He doesn’t know and I’m going to pretend I don’t. Instead, I attempted to make my way through the crowd to the trash can. I needed to fully clear my mind and being around Jonah and in Francis’s line of vision wasn’t helping. I had to walk towards the parking lot to find a secluded trash can, but not too secluded; I don’t want something bad to happen to me. When I reached the trashcan, I dumped all of the empty water bottles, soda cans, chip wrappers, candy wrappers, and other items into it with a sigh of relief. I turned around to see Francis only about a foot and a half away from me. I glanced over my shoulder to see the indoor stadium in the distance, people slowly exiting it. I could hear the excitement from all the way over here. Before I could even process what was happening, Francis filled the gap between us and was pressing his lips to mine in a persistent manner. I was standing there in shock, like he was doing when I kissed him in the janitor’s closet. I gasped audibly and I felt him pause for a minute before he continued kissing me. Does he know? Did he realize it was me? When he finally pulled away, I was staring at him but he was looking over my shoulder. He leaned in slightly so that his mouth was near my ear. “You weren’t that bad of a kisser before.” Before he walked away, he lightly pressed his lips to my cheek and walked towards the stadium which left me staring in the empty space where he just was. I heard footsteps behind me and I closed my eyes tightly. Please don’t tell me that’s who I think it is. “So, you and Francis, huh?” Jonah.
19 Apr 2015 | 05:52
19 Apr 2015 | 07:48
Chapter 21 I slowly turned around, avoiding eye contact. “No.” “No?” Jonah asked, eerily calm. I didn’t trust myself to look at him. I shook my head. “No, he kissed me.” Jonah was silent so I continued to speak: “I just came over here to throw away the food and…he followed me, I guess, and he kissed me.” “Okay, cool,” I looked up and saw Jonah looking towards the stadium behind him. His hands were in his pockets and he was impatiently tapping his foot. “It’s not cool,” I replied, shaking my head. “I didn’t want him to kiss me.” Jonah whipped his head towards me, his face blank of emotion. “But you let him.” “What was I supposed to do?” I snapped. “Push him away?” Jonah’s eyes bugged out of his head at my stupidity. “That’s exactly what you were supposed to do!” I glared at him, my arms crossed over my chest. “I don’t see why you’re so angry. It’s not like we’re in a relationship.” Jonah’s glare was worse than mine; I can tell you that. It seems like he’s had a lot of practice. “I know, thankfully.” Before I could reply, he turned and walked away. I was left standing there, staring at his retreating figure, with a gaping hole in my heart. ~~~ I was sitting in front of the high school, watching people get into their cars and drive away. Jonah’s car was still there, though. I heard footsteps as I placed my head on my knees, wrapping my arms around them tightly. I felt something poke my shoulder and I lifted my head up. I turned to see West standing their awkwardly. He let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God you’re not crying,” he muttered. I furrowed my eyebrows as I stared at him. “Do you want a ride home?” I shook my head. “Jonah’s not going to be in the car, besides; it’ll be just you and me. We can go get ice cream," he replied and I looked at him. “I’m not taking no for an answer, you’ll be walking for hours if you try and walk home.” I stood up slowly, placing my hands in my pockets. Weston stringed his arm through mine and walked with me. He opened the passenger’s door. “M’lady.” I nodded as I sat down in the car, buckling my seatbelt and staring ahead. Weston whistled as he got into the driver’s side. He smiled at me as he started the car. “Can I ask you a question?” he asked. I nodded as he continued. “Why was Jonah so upset?” he inquired. I stared ahead as I frowned. “I think it’s because I kissed Francis.” It was quiet for a moment. “You kissed Francis?” I nodded. “Well, it’s a long story but this time, he kissed me,” I replied. “’This time’, meaning that you kissed him before?” West asked and I nodded. “Why?” I explained the whole Christmas Eve gathering to Weston and then I explained the closet situation. He listened to me, nodding occasionally. “But you don’t like Francis?” I shook my head. “Not at all; I actually despise him.” “That’s good,” Weston replied before he glanced at me. “Do you like Jonah?”
19 Apr 2015 | 09:48
“Am I that obvious?” I muttered loud enough for Weston to hear. Weston laughed. “Actually, no, you balance out your flirting with a sense of hatred.” “I hate crushes, especially mine; they’re usually one sided and when they aren’t, it ends up being a joke,” I told Weston. “Let’s get to a happier subject,” He suggested. I simply nodded. “Let’s talk about my failed relationships.” I furrowed my eyebrows. “Sabrina tells me that they’re funny so hopefully, they’ll cheer you up. I dated this girl named Diana in 10th grade and I went to a party with her. She told me she was going to the bathroom. After ten minutes, I decided to go check on her. Turns out, she was in a room nearby making out with a guy. It wasn’t the first time she cheated on me, either. I cried for 6 days.” I stared at Weston. “That’s not funny; that’s cruel.” Weston laughed. “I’m over it now. Cheaters are terrible, though.” I pursed my lips. “I feel like a cheater.” Weston gave me a confused look so I continued. “I like Jonah but I kissed Francis, technically twice; and I didn’t even tell him about the first one. And I probably wouldn’t have told him about the second one if I didn’t need to. I’m a terrible person.” “You’re not a terrible person, Savannah. You were just confused,” Weston replied. I truly hope that Jonah believes that. ~~~ I walked into my house silently. “Did you get that ki- Ew, what happened to your face?” I ignored my brother and walked upstairs. He was right, though. My eyeliner and mascara were in streaks down my face from the breakdown I had in Jonah’s car. Weston struggled and failed to comfort me but its okay. At least he tried. I feel terrible, like a cheater. I feel like Arthur. I decided to call Mere to ask her how her night went; some good news would be nice. “Hello?” “Hey Mere, how was your date?” I asked her, trying to keep my voice light. She squealed loudly. “It went perfect! We kissed and everything. Your brother is the best kisser! Speaking of kisses, did you get yours?” she asked me. I was quiet. “Not with Jonah, no, in fact, he’s angry at me. I understand why though; I kissed Francis not once, but twice, because I’m stupid,” I hung up the phone quickly and ignored her next few texts and calls. ~~~ The idea of school scared me. If Francis told anybody, which he most likely had, about how we kissed, then they’ll put two and two together; why Jonah and I aren’t speaking and the kiss between me and Francis. They’d think Jonah and I were dating, and that I cheated on Jonah, and that’s why he doesn’t want to talk to me. Waverly will be so happy; I can already hear her squealing. I got out of my car, my pace slow. When I saw Waverly, I sped up. I entered the school and was greeted by hundreds of eyes. They know. I ignored the whispers and went straight to my locker, taking out my text books and placing them in my bag. For emphasis, I slammed my locker shut. I felt the eyes leave me and I turned to see them staring at Jonah, who just entered the building. His eyes met mine and I felt a shiver race down my spine, but it wasn’t from excitement. His usual warm eyes were gone, replaced with cold, hurt ones. I turned on my heel and began making my way to my first class before the bell even rang.
19 Apr 2015 | 09:49
My ideas were squashed by Francis intervening. Before I could even exit the hallway that Jonah was in, Francis stood in front of me. I heard people gasp and some people even laughed. The tension in the air was thick; the three of us were in the same hallway for crying out loud. “Hey,” Francis smirked and I glared at him, trying to walk past him but he blocked me. “How are you doing?” I glared at him. “Move,” I attempted to push past him again but he just blocked me. I asked him to please move again but he ignored me and continued smirking. “How are you?” “Move," he ignored my request once more. I raised my hand and let it come in contact with his face. He let out a cry of pain and I walked around him, leaving him behind while he cradled his face. I really needed to stop hitting people willy-nilly; one day, a teacher will see and I’ll be sent to the principal’s office. ~~~ Before I could even blink, people knew about how I hit Francis. I decided that first period wasn’t important and hightailed it to the bathroom. Assuming that every girl in the school is an angel and would be in class was a mistake because the moment I entered the bathroom, Waverly was standing there putting lip gloss on. “Hey, Savannah," she glanced at me in the mirror. She scowled at my outfit as I stood there awkwardly. “You know, you should stop hitting people and focus on what you wear to school.” I just stared at her. “Listen, Savannah, I know that you like Jonah and I also know that you two are in a fight. I’m asking you, no, I’m telling you to back off. I don’t see you as competition; I’ll stomp you," she told me as she capped up her lip gloss. She went to exit the bathroom but I spoke up. “If you don’t see me as competition, why are you telling me to back off?” She glared at me before she stormed up to me. “I’m not scared of you Savannah so don’t try and threaten me.” “It wasn’t a threat, it was a question. You didn’t answer it,” I retorted, narrowing my eyes at her. She glowered at me for one last moment before she stormed out of the bathroom. I decided I’d better get to class. When I walked into first period ten minutes late, people’s eyes were stuck on me like Elmer’s glue. “Why are you late, Ms. Harp?” “Maybe she was busy punching someone else," someone muttered and I ignored it. “I had to return to my locker to get my textbook,” I lied simply before walking over to my seat in the back of the classroom. A piece of paper flew onto my desk and I stared at it before unraveling it. ‘Are you okay?’ I looked around the classroom, trying to see if it was anyone I knew; nope. I tried to see if anyone was staring at me; only half of the class. I held up the note and waved it slightly. A girl with glasses like my own smiled and waved her hand slightly. I nodded, scribbling a quick response on the paper. ‘Yeah, thank you for asking.’ I flicked the paper back to her and she read it before smiling at me. I smiled in response before sitting back in my seat, listening the teacher drone on about assignments due in the next few days. ~~~ If I thought that the classes were bad, lunch was thirty times worse. I had nowhere to sit. Jonah was nowhere to be found, not that I’d sit with him, and I had nowhere to even go. Francis was most likely in the library or in the hallways and I didn’t want to have to deal with him.
19 Apr 2015 | 09:50
“You can sit with me,” I turned around at the quiet girl from my English class. “Thanks,” I replied, following her to her table. She also sat alone, much like me. “What’s your name?” “Dana,” the quiet girl replied as she put ketchup on her fries. I nodded. “I’m Savannah,” I told her and she laughed. “I know," she responded. We ate in silence and it felt good to not eat alone, even if it was with someone I barely knew and we didn’t even bother to talk to each other. When the bell rang, I told her I’d see her again; she invited me to sit with her tomorrow and I agreed. I’m glad that she doesn’t stare at me as if I’m some type of homicidal maniac. I made my way to last period, a class I have with Waverly, Jonah. and Francis. When I got to the classroom, Mr. Gonzales was greeting people at the door and his smile faltered when he greeted me. “Ms. Harp.” “Mr. Gonzales,” I replied with a smile on my face. When I passed him, it turned into a scowl. I made my way to the seat in the back of the class. I noticed that Francis was absent from his seat in the row in front of mine. The football player can’t take a punch? Jonah walked into the classroom, taking a seat in the back of the classroom, away from me and away from everyone else. I was in the right corner and he was in the left. Waverly looked back at him and went to go sit next to him but he put his books on the chair beside him. At least I know he’s not going to try and hurt me by dating Waverly. “Now class, I’ve been telling you about the project for a long time and now it’s finally here! It’s about one infamous person of the past and you’re writing a biography about them; it is a partner project and I’ve decided to let you choose your own partners,” I cringed. I hope he makes an exception for a lone worker. “Now you have the rest of the period to find a partner and chose who you’re going to do your project on. At the end of class, you’ll write your names and who you’re doing your project about on a piece of paper- I expect one per pair!” Mr. G announced. Immediately, people began getting up and asking people to work with them. I raised my hand and Mr. G walked over. “May I work alone?” “Did you not just hear what I said?” he queried, an annoyed look on his face. “I did but I can do the project on my own,” I replied and he shook his head. “You need a partner and I advise you go get one before they’re all taken,” he replied and I frowned as he walked away. But if they’re all taken, doesn’t that mean I’ll be able to work alone? I put my head on my desk, closing my eyes. The oncoming headache was stressing me out and the talking people weren’t helping me in the slightest. I’m going to do my project on Adolf Hitler; I already know enough about him and I can just wing it. I won't have to go to another stupid library again; bad things happen there. About ten minutes later, Mr. G called my name. “Savannah?” I looked up and he frowned at me. “Did you find a partner yet?” I shook my head and he sighed. “I found a partner for you; someone also wanted to work alone. You have one thing in common already.” I looked at him slightly worried. “Well, who am I working with?” I asked. “Jonah Davis.”
19 Apr 2015 | 09:52
Jonah y ar u dulling urself,ask her out nw,she luvs u but she dnt want to make dy 1st move. : : : Interesting totori.
19 Apr 2015 | 12:48
Chapter 22 I sat up immediately. “Excuse me?” “Jonah Davis will be your partner," he repeated. “Are you sure about this?” I asked him. “I mean, did he even approve of this?” “He nodded his head, that’s enough approval," the teacher replied casually. “Now, we have 5 minutes left and you have a project to start, get to it.” I watched as he walked away and I stood up, slowly walking towards Jonah. I waited for Waverly to tackle me down the nearest flights of stairs but she didn’t. She only glared at me from her seat beside Ainsley. I felt people’s eyes on me as I took a seat next to Jonah. “Hey,” I waved my hand as I glanced at him. He nodded his head but looked the other way. “So who do you want to do the project on?” “Listen, I’ll choose the person and I’ll do the project, but I’ll put your name on it. Okay? Great,” he snapped. The bell rang and he quickly stood up, exiting the classroom. I was trailing behind him as he attempted to go to the parking lot; I quickly moved and stood in front of him. He tried to walk around me but I moved with him. “Go away.” “No, I’m doing the project, too,” I replied and he narrowed his eyes at me. “Fine, you do the project,” he snapped and walked around me. I grabbed his arm and he turned around with an annoyed look on his face. “We’re both going to do the project; your anger isn’t going to stop me from getting a good grade,” I hissed and he ripped his arm out of my hold. “Fine," he started storming off but I jumped in front of him again. “What? What do you want?” “Fine? What does that mean?” I asked. “It means fine; we’ll do the project,” he told me, impatiently tapping his foot. “Why are you mad at me?” I asked and he turned to look at me. “Who said I was mad at you?” he asked with an annoyed look on his face. I gave him a flat look. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s the way you’re acting towards me. You don’t even have the decency to look at me when I’m talking to you!” He just glared at me. “Happy now?” I rubbed the bridge of my nose. “Can you just tell me why you’re so angry at me?” “You tell me," he demanded. I stared at him. “That’s the thing! I don’t know why you’re angry at me! Is it because of Francis?” “Just forget about it okay?” his voice was calmer and I narrowed my eyes. “What if I don’t want to forget about it?” I snapped. “I forgive you," he ignored me. “For what? What did I do that needs to be forgiven?” I asked him, crossing my arms. He just forced a smile. “Forget about it; it’s behind us now.” “Is it?” I asked him. He nodded his head. “Are you sure?” “Positively," he assured me. “Okay. Then hug me,” I instructed him, holding out my arms. He didn’t make a move to hug me. “If it’s all okay, hug me.” He slowly took a step forward and hugged me. It was a quick hug and he barely even touched me. I ground my teeth. “See? It’s not okay and it won’t be unless you tell me why you’re angry at me.”
19 Apr 2015 | 14:47
“Not here,” he muttered. I looked around to see the people watching us. I glared at him. “Where then?” I asked and he tapped his foot. “The library,” he responded. I rubbed my forehead. “The library? Why would we go to a place where it’s completely quiet when we’re most likely going to be yelling?” “Because the majority of them don’t even know this town has a library," he whispered and I pursed my lips. “Fine. When?” I asked and he lifted his arms up in the air and ran his hands through his hair. “Three hours, I need to bring the twins home; you want to talk so badly, right?” he asked and I glared before bypassing him and getting into my car. ~~~ The three hour wait at home was nerve-wracking and I felt my blood boiling at the idea of him being angry about me kissing Francis. He has no reason to be angry. Francis kissed me that time; I didn’t even want to kiss him! The first time I only did it to see if it was Jonah who kissed me! I didn’t think about the possiblity that maybe it was a stranger that kissed me accidentally! I didn’t look around me! It could’ve been a guy who thought I was his girlfriend and I was delusional when I said that it was the best kiss I ever had. I did every possible thing to occupy myself; I played video games, cleaned my glasses, took a shower, changed clothes, did my hair, undid my hair because I felt too girly, picked up my room, made my bed, and I even played two games of Uno with Jer. There was even a point where I questioned whether Jonah would show up to the library. When the clock struck 5 o’clock, I got in my car and drove to the library. I noticed Jonah’s car in the parking lot along with a few other cars. When I entered the building, I saw Jonah slumped over on a table. I noticed that the table he was at was the table where we sat when we first talked. I resisted the urge to coo at that small thought and slammed my bag down onto the table, causing him to flinch. “Explain yourself,” I demanded as I sat down. He looked at the table and began drawing circles against the fake wood. “I guess I was just angry.” “Yeah, I know that. We didn’t talk for four days because you were angry. Why were you angry?” I asked him and he gave me an annoyed look. “I guess you can say I was slightly jealous,” he admitted and I raised an eyebrow. “Not because I like you or anything, though.” That totally wasn't a stab to the heart or anything. I'll just try and ignore the pain. “Yeah, you made that pretty clear when you snapped at me,” I replied casually. Another stab to the heart. He winced. “Sorry about that,” he apologized and I just shrugged. “Not that this is any of my business, but do you…you know, like Francis?” I shook my head. “No, I don’t. That time, he kissed me.” “So you kissed him before?” he asked and I nodded my head. “When?” “You remember that thing on Christmas Eve, right? Well, someone kissed me when the lights went out and when they came back on, Francis was right there so I thought maybe it was him. So the other day, I ended up kissing him in the janitor’s closet. I’m guessing he found out it was me and that’s why he kissed me in the parking lot,” I replied.
19 Apr 2015 | 14:47
Jonah was quiet for a minute. I decided to speak up. “So, are we okay?” Jonah nodded. “Yeah, I guess.” “You guess?” I asked and he nodded. “Yeah, we’re okay.” “So are you going to hug me now? And not like a scared little girl?” I asked him and he smiled. I stood up and he wrapped his arms around me. “You’re hard to stay mad at,” he stated. “So I’ve heard,” I joked. “Your hair smells good, like strawberries," he murmured, inhaling deeply. “Thank you?” I smirked. “I have a feeling that you like my hugs," he muttered as he rested his chin on my head. “Shut up,” I muttered, causing him to laugh. It felt better knowing that we were on good terms. “It’s okay to be a little jealous.” Jonah pulled away from me. “You were the jealous one! You wanted to stab Waverly!” I felt my face warm up. “No I didn’t!” “Don’t lie,” he smirked, earning a punch from me. “Did you know that you gave Francis a black eye?” “I was so close to giving you a black eye,” I muttered and he looked at me. “What stopped you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow as a smirk played on his lips. Because I like you, you idiot. I cringed at the bluntness of those words. I’m still not comfortable at the fact that I have a crush on him. It’d be easier to deny it if his cousin didn’t know. Stupid move. “I don’t like to hit my friends,” I replied, lying through my teeth. “You just punched me in the shoulder!” he exclaimed, rubbing his shoulder. “You can hide that bruise, though,” I retorted. “Francis can’t hide his face.” ~~~ “I made a new friend,” I grinned at Jonah. “Did you kiss him, too?” he muttered with a smirk and I glared at him. “She’s a girl!” I replied. “Her names Dana; she invited me to sit with her at lunch.” “What happened to your table?” he asked me, a tinge of happiness in his voice. “Still covered in snow?” I frowned. “I think that table and I have had our times together but we’re done,” I replied. “Good because it was cold out there," he replied and I glare at him. “Okay, back to our project,” I stated. “What? We were never talking about our project,” he stated and I kicked him under the table. “You’re abusive.” “I say we do a project on Adolf Hitler,” I announced. “Didn’t you already do a project on Adolf Hitler?” he asked while rubbing his shin under the table and I nodded. “I have a lot of background knowledge; it's less work,” I grinned. “Surprised you have any knowledge," he muttered and I glared at him. Despite out constant banter, I’m glad we’re friends again. “Shut up.” “Did you kiss your knowledge in a janitor’s closet, too?” Okay, maybe I’m not so happy. Who am I kidding? I’m ecstatic.
19 Apr 2015 | 14:48
19 Apr 2015 | 15:16
Nyc 1, next pls
19 Apr 2015 | 15:40
Nawa ooooo,just enjoyin dis story.
19 Apr 2015 | 16:10
am loving please
19 Apr 2015 | 18:28
Funny....So kiss had now turn to what Jonah would be using against her..?
19 Apr 2015 | 19:54
So funny nd interesting.
19 Apr 2015 | 20:29
Wheeeeew!!!! Finally i'm here! All da way 4rm page 12.... Nw i need 2 update my reading on "my possesive billonaire" Shaxee no go kill us with stories....
19 Apr 2015 | 20:57
Chapter 23 I stared at the clock, waiting for it to strike 5 o’clock. I wanted, no I needed, to get out of work. I’ve been here since school let out which was 3 and a half hours ago and I’ve been working nonstop. I also have to start up my project, which Jonah and I have procrastinated on this entire week. It’s not due anytime soon; I’d just rather finish it sooner rather than later. And if I’m being honest, I kind of want to spend some time with Jonah…which will be happening once the clock strikes 5. It was 4:55 PM when the customer walked in. They quickly shuffled to the video game rack and grabbed about 5 games and a new charger. As they made their way over to the checkout, it was 4:59 P.M. and I still have to help them check out. The little boy placed the games onto the counter and began reaching for his wallet as his mother stood impatiently beside him. I began ringing up the games and the small charger. The games were for a DSI and so was the charger. When I finally finished ringing them up, the total cost was 108.48$. I was standing there with clenched teeth and a fake smile on my face as the kid dug around for the forty eight cents. He already placed the hundred dollar bill, a five and three ones onto the counter, leaving me to wonder where he even received such large bills, yet he struggled to gather the change. I noticed two quarters in his wallet but he rifled over them and began grabbing a few pennies. I glanced at the clock and realized that I’ve been waiting for four minutes. Finally, the mother, the only sane person of the two, ripped the wallet out of the son’s hands and placed the quarters on the counter. I grabbed the two pennies and handed him the change and his bag. I put the money into the cash register before I walked over to Mere, who was sitting in the employee lounge with a magazine sprawled across her lap. “My time is up! Now, if you don't mind, I'll be hanging out with Jonah,” I winked at her. That’s another thing I worked on; mending our friendship- not that it needed to be mended. I just felt like I was neglecting Mere. I even listened to her three hour gossip about my brother and I feigned interest as she went on about their date. I couldn’t take another minute as she talked with intricate detail, might I add, about how they kissed. By the time that conversation was over, I wished I hadn’t eaten lunch. As I got into my car, I started thinking about my birthday that’s in three and a half weeks. It’s on February 17th and I’m turning the great age of 17, finally. I wonder if Jonah knows. I wonder if he even cares. He should, right? That’s what friends do, right? They care about birthdays. I care about Mere’s birthday and I’m pretty sure that she cares about mine. Is it different with guys? Speaking of birthdays, I missed Caleb's. I guess it's not a big deal- we hung out for twenty minutes one night. He was cute and a drummer, but I guess that's all he is and will be to me. I started the long trip to Jonah’s house, only stopping once to get a candy bar and a bottle of soda. As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed another car there. It’d been absent on New Year’s Eve. I stared in confusion. Was I at the right house? It looked just like it. I’m pretty sure it is. I checked the address I had written on a sticky note. I looked at the street sign and then back at the address on the mailbox. This is it. Jonah jogged out of the house in jeans and a long sleeved shirt. He walked over to the driver’s side window. “Excuse me, ma’am? Are you lost?” I glared at him before opening the car door, coming very close to hitting him. “Whose car is that?” He looked at the car before turning back to me. “It’s my Aunt and Uncle’s, who by the way, want to meet you.” “You couldn’t have given me, I don’t know, a warning? You could’ve prepped me for this!” I explained and he rolled his eyes.
20 Apr 2015 | 05:08
“You don’t need prepping; you’re perfectly fine,” he explained as we stood in the doorway. I felt my face warm up but luckily, I could blame it on the cold air. When he opened the door, Georgia, West, and the twins were all ready to leave. They had their coats on and were lingering by the door. West was smirking at me and I glared at him. I’m guessing he heard what Jonah had said just a moment ago. Georgia, on the other hand, was grinning and flung herself at me, wrapping me in a tight hug. “Where are you guys going?” I asked as Georgia released me and she quickly replied. She held up her pink sled. “We’re going sledding!” The twins had a two person sled that was purple, most likely the only color the two could agree on and West had an orange sled. “Well, have fun.” “We will. You guys have fun,” West replied as they all exited the house. West peeked his head back inside. “But not too much fun, remember- my mother and father are home.” Speaking of the two, they walked into the living room with warm smiles on their faces. “So you’re Savannah?” I smiled and nodded. “I am.” “I’m Diane and this is my husband Gregory,” she introduced. “We’ve heard a lot about you.” Glancing at Jonah, I shook her hand before shaking Gregory’s. I hope they heard good things about me. “I’ve heard a lot about you two, too.” “Well, we’ll let you two get to work,” Diane replied. Jonah awkwardly switched feet. “I was wondering if we could work in my room.” I felt my face burn warmer and this time I couldn’t blame it on the cold air; we were inside. “Yes, but leave the door open.” Jonah nodded. “Of course.” “No funny business!” Gregory shouted with humor in his voice. Jonah led me to his familiar room; I remember it when West gave me the tour of the house. As we entered the room, he followed his guardian’s orders and left his door open just a crack. “I think they meant wide open,” I replied as he walked over to the place where I was standing. “It’s not like we’re going to be doing anything," he shrugged before he looked at me with a smirk. “You’re a pervert.” I felt my face burn and I shook my head vigorously. “I’m not! I was just saying!” Jonah laughed. “Sure,” he drawled. I stared at his white fluffy carpet before my eyes searched his walls. I stared at the band posters, all of which were familiar to me. I noticed his game systems and I had the urge to sit down and play them but instead I turned to look at his bookshelf. My eyes drifted from his bookshelf to his canopy bed with different shades of blue blankets and sheets. “Why are you staring at my bed, you pervert?” I glared at him as he smirked. “Anyway, let’s get started,” I explained, opening my bag and taking out the pile of books on Martin Luther King Jr. I spent about 28.99$ on the books. They were on the clearance rack and I quickly scooped them up. “We don’t have to sit on the floor, you know? I have a couch,” he motioned towards the leather couch beside the television and gaming system. I shook my head. “Too tempting.” Jonah stared at me before he let out loud shrieks of laughter. I thought for a moment before I realized what he’d thought I meant. He thought that I was tempted by him. I felt my face warm up even more. Just when my blush calmed down! “No! I meant the video games were tempting!”
20 Apr 2015 | 05:08
“Sure you did,” Jonah replied as he placed his hands on his knees and coughed up a few more laughs. “I did," I muttered as he grabbed my bag and placed it onto the blue, leather couch. I sat down on the couch and crossed my legs Indian style. “Let’s get started before I embarrass myself even more.” ~~~ We worked on the project for about an hour, completing half of it. I sighed when I stared at the finished half. He’d been writing while I read off paragraphs. He would take out the important information and make small notes. All we have to do now is type it up and add in pictures. “I’ll type it and add in the pictures,” I told him as I placed the books into my backpack. He was rolling his wrists around as he looked at me with a confused face. “No, it’s okay. I’ll do it,” he explained and I shook my head. “I’ll do it; I mean, you wrote all of that. I might as well make myself useful and type it,” I shrugged as I looked at the four pages of writing. It came from 8 books, most of which were 24 pages long. Jonah sighed when he realized I wasn’t going to give up the papers. I placed my bag on my shoulder as I went to stand up. “What are you doing?” he queried. I turned to look at Jonah. “Well, leaving,” I shrugged. Jonah furrowed his eyebrows. “But you didn’t even eat dinner. My Aunt’s cooking right now.” I looked at him. “I don’t want to be a burden; your Aunt and Uncle have to cook for 7 people already.” “Actually, Georgia, West, and the twins are going to eat out for dinner,” Jonah persuaded and I stared at the carpet. “Is it okay with your Aunt and Uncle?” I asked. The last thing I want to be is an intruder. “Trust me; they’re perfectly fine with it,” Jonah replied while I nodded. “Okay,” I sat back down on the couch and placed my bag beside me. Jonah handed me a controller and turned on the XBOX. I stared at the screen in a trance and began playing the game intensely. I occasionally punched him whenever he knocked my player down. He would constantly complain. “One more game?” Jonah asked as I glared at him. He beat me twice out of three games. “Yes. Don’t expect to win this time, Davis,” I sneered. “Davis? Since when are we on a last name basis, Princess?” he asked me. I stared at him. “Since when do you call me Princess?” I questioned. I haven’t heard that nickname for a while. “Do you not want me to?” he inquired and I shrugged. “I’m not a princess, and that's an overused nickname; choose something original,” I retorted and he visibly bit his lip. I averted my gaze awkwardly. "Melon?" he suggested a few seconds later. "What?" I asked him. "Melon, it's original and cute," he told me as he swore under his breath. "I'd rather be called princess," I muttered. "Melon it is," he nodded with a grin.
20 Apr 2015 | 05:09
After we finished eating dinner, it was only 8 o’clock and my curfew wasn’t until 11. I decided that I liked Diane and Gregory; I see where West gets his sense of humor from. They also didn’t interrogate me; they asked casual questions which consisted of my grades and hobbies. Maybe it’s because I’m just Jonah’s friend and I’m not his girlfriend. I wish I could add the word ‘yet’ to the end of that sentence. Jonah and I went back to his room and I was preparing to crush his spirit and his soul in the game. When we got into his room and sat down on the couch, he turned to look at me. “Can I ask you a question?” I immediately started thinking about the possible things he wants to talk about. Maybe West told him! Maybe Georgia hinted to him and he actually understood! Maybe he’s going to tell me to leave! Maintaining a calm demeanor, I replied with a nod. “Sure.” “Who is Arthur?” he asked me, taking me by surprise. I stared at him, only capable of blinking. He shook his head after a moment. “Forget it; it’s not my place to ask.” “No, it’s okay,” I replied, shaking my head. “Arthur was my boyfriend,” I explained as I pressed my back into the arm rest and lifted my knees to my chest. I rested my head on my them. “So he’s your ex-boyfriend?” he questioned, earning a nod from me. The unasked question sat in the air for a moment. “You’re wondering why he’s my ex-boyfriend,” I stated and Jonah nodded. “At first, I thought he was a bully. And he moved away, so I assumed that…Francis tried to take over but when…Francis started bringing it up and you kept getting angry- I thought that maybe something else happened," he explained, struggling to speak about Francis. He was still a touchy subject because it’s the reason that our friendship deteriorated slightly. “Well, Arthur cheated on me,” I clarified. “Actually, he cheated on me twice: One time with my ex best friend, and the other time was with my worst enemy. It turned out that his sudden interest in me was all a prank and he embarrassed me in front of the student body by breaking up with me.” Instead of letting silence take over, I continued: “He was the head football player, which was amazing because he was only a sophomore, and he was the sophomore president. I should’ve suspected that a guy like him couldn’t like a girl like me but no, I was on cloud nine. I thought that maybe he might actually like me but he didn’t. As one of his jobs as president, he was supposed to do morning announcements. He would talk about upcoming events, fundraisers, and other important things pertaining to the sophomore class.” I sighed and looked at Jonah who was listening intently. “One day, instead of announcing the usual messages, he called me out. Everyone knew who I was; I was the sophomore class president and head football player’s girlfriend. He told me that it all was a joke and that I meant nothing to him. He explained how he cheated on me, too. Everyone took pity on me and the football players laughed in my face.” I rested my head on my knees for a minute, trying to block out the memories of what they’d say. “Anyway, he was leaving the state a week and a half later. I spent the whole weekend coming up with a plan. He convinced his parents to let him stay for the biggest football game of the year. A few hours before the football game, I snuck into the boy’s locker room and put itching powder in all of their football equipment.” Jonah winced at the thought of being itchy all over. I laughed lightly. “Anyway, I snuck out of the locker room without being seen, or so I thought. Anyway, I attended the game, which surprised many people. They constantly apologized for what happened and I just shrugged it off. When the game started, our team came onto the field and not even five minutes into the game, they started itching themselves.”
20 Apr 2015 | 05:10
“They were so itchy; they had to forfeit the game and somebody ended up saying that I did it, that I planted the itching powder for revenge. Of course this was just an accusation, but then the person who saw me came forward with this piece of information and before you know it; the majority of the school was shunning me. I made the football team lose their place at the state championships all because of a ‘lousy breakup.’” “That’s why you sat alone outside?” he asked me and I shook my head. “It was partially the reason, but it was also because everyone inside is an idiot; or most of them, at least,” I explained and Jonah sighed. I was staring at the rug, void of emotion. “That kid was a jerk,” I nodded my head at his statement. “If I would’ve been there, I would've beaten him up.” I turned to look at him before I laughed. “Seriously, I would’ve. I would’ve beaten him up just like I beat your character up," he joked. I went to punch his shoulder playfully but he caught it in his hand, wrapping his fingers around my fist. “You didn’t deserve that, Savannah. What he did was wrong and cruel. You’re better than him. Any guy is lucky to have you.” I stared at him, shocked at his words. Did he really mean that? If any guy is lucky to have me, is he a part of that group? He’s a guy, right? As far as I know. So he qualifies, right? I was pulled away by the sound of my phone ringing. I answered it quickly, my face blushing. I seemed to blush a lot around Jonah now. “Mom wants you home,” Jer stated in a sing-song voice. I went to speak but my voice cracked. Jonah let out an unattractive (but still very attractive snort) “What I meant to say was: I will be home in about an hour.” “Whatever,” Jeremiah replied before hanging up the phone. I turned to Jonah. “Well, I have to go,” I explained, standing up. He stood up beside me, grabbing my bag and walking with me down the stairs silently. After saying bye to Diane and Gregory, Jonah walked me to my car. I turned to him. “Thanks.” “For what?” he asked me, shivering slightly. I shrugged, staring at him. “For listening.” He stared at me before suddenly wrapping his arms around me tightly. It took me by surprise but I too wrapped my arms around him; I felt his shivering stop as I held him for a moment. It felt good to be able to tell someone about Arthur without them saying that what I did was wrong or something along those lines. He didn’t push me to tell him sooner and I appreciate that. I really do.
20 Apr 2015 | 05:11
Interesting.....Getting more fun....
20 Apr 2015 | 07:13
Chapter 24 “Do you like me Jonah?” I questioned him as I stared into his coffee colored eyes. He slowly nodded. I watched as his dark hair fell in front of his eyes. I reached out and tried to push it away but my hand went right through his skin. I looked at my hand in confusion. “I do," he replied and I let out a sigh of relief, ignoring the previous event with his hair and my hand. “That’s great!” I exclaimed before I heard another female voice. “I do,” I whipped my head around to see Waverly wearing a long white dress. She was grinning widely at Jonah who was smiling right back. I stared at the two, shaking my head. I turned around and saw a crowd of people smiling. They were seated in what looked like wedding chairs. I saw Diane and Gregory with proud smiles on their faces. Sierra, Valerie, and Sabrina were standing a few feet away from Waverly with matching blue dresses. West, Francis, and my brother were beside Jonah. Francis turned to look at me with a loving smile on his face. “Sit down honey, and enjoy the ceremony,” he instructed. I glanced down at my hands to see a wedding ring. I wanted to hurl. “You may now kiss the bride," the priest announced as the smiling couple leaned towards each other. “No! No, you can’t! Jonah, I like you! You can’t marry Waverly! Remember how she was in high school? Do you remember?” I exclaimed as their lips touched. I immediately sat up in bed, panting heavily. What an amazing way to wake up on a Saturday morning. I ran my hands down my face before I glanced at my alarm clock. 10:19 A.M. I sighed before my head snapped up again. 10:19? I’m late for work! I jumped out of bed and ran towards my dresser, grabbing a random pair of jeans, a random sweater, and undergarments. I raced over to my bathroom and jumped into the shower, washing and rinsing. I quickly brushed my teeth while trying to put on my pants, which was the ultimate struggle. I finally got my clothes on and I quickly put on my shoes, making sure they were on the right feet. As I yanked my hair into a bun, I grabbed my bag and keys before racing out of my room. “You’re late,” Jeremiah sang as he sat at the kitchen table. He had a bagel in his hand while he looked at his cell phone. I stared at him, shocked. How can he be so casual? I’m late for work and he knew I had to get up at 9 in order to make it by 10:15! “You didn’t wake me up!” I snapped as he walked over to the kitchen window and opened the curtains. Snow was falling heavily to the floor. “I didn’t wake you up because Ms. Antoinette called and told me that you don’t have to go to work today," he responded as he sat back down at the table and continued to devour his bagel. I stood there for a minute, a frown taking over my face. “So…I woke up for nothing?” I asked and my brother nodded. I walked back up the stairs and started changing back into my pajamas. Just as I got into bed, my phone started ringing. I stared at the ceiling, the noise slowly silencing. As I closed my eyes, the ringing started again. I quickly answered it with an annoyed look on my face. “What?” “Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Jonah muttered as I sat up. Try not to be awkward, be yourself. Be the person you were before you realized your feelings for Jonah. “I thought I had to work today but no, turns out that my boss called and due to the snow, the store is closed today,” I explained. “You’re mad because you can’t work?” Jonah asked slowly.
20 Apr 2015 | 08:25
“Don’t do stuff like that!” he breathed. "I thought you were crying or something." “Why? Were you a scared little saltine?” I asked. Jonah groaned. “Shut up.” “Well, the smart and pretty girl has to go make breakfast because the smart and pretty girl is hungry,” I stated before hanging up the phone. I didn’t bother to listen to his response. ~~~ After I ate breakfast, Jeremiah and I decided to play Monopoly. I was a bit nervous to play because Jeremiah likes to get angry if anybody is doing better than him. He also gets angry if you take the small dog piece. He claimed that as his player the day we bought the game. The snow was still going strong at noon and Jeremiah and I were still playing the game. “You’re cheating, Jer!” “I’m not! I’m the banker so whatever I say goes!” he snapped as he took a couple of hundred bills from the bank. I glared at him. “No, that’s not the case! You can’t randomly take money out of the bank!” I snapped. He gave me a ‘duh’ look. “I know! It’s called a loan! Besides, I’ll pay it back.” He retorted as he continued playing. I smacked his hand as he reached for more money. “How much money did you take from the bank?” I asked and he looked at his pile of money. He was stacking more bills than the bank was! The doorbell rang and I cautiously stood up while eyeing my brother. “Put the money back.” I walked towards the door and the bell was rung again. “Hold your horses; I’m coming!” I opened the door and a boy stood there with a group of his friends behind him. They all had shovels and I raised an eyebrow. They had hats and gloves on, along with snow suits. I wasn’t dressed any better. Way to look pretty with your sweatpants and Tinkerbell shirt. Yeah, yeah, yeah. “How may I help you?” I asked. Maybe they’re Jer’s friends. Who am I kidding? Jer doesn’t have any friends. The boy in the front took off his hat and I immediately recognized him. “Caleb.” “Hey, Savannah; I didn’t think you’d remember me,” he grinned and I nodded. Although I remember him, it doesn’t explain why he’s at my house with a group of boys and a couple of shovels. “We’re here to see if you need your walkway shoveled.” I stared at them. “Uh, no, it’s fine. That’s my brother’s job whenever it snows,” I replied casually. “Okay," he turned around before turning back with a teasing smile on his face. “You never called me, by the way.” Although he had a flirtatious tone to his voice, I felt guilty. I racked my brain for an excuse. “I looked for you at school but I couldn’t find you.” “I just got back from vacation. My family went out of the country for New Year’s. We got back a few days ago. I stayed home because of jet-lag…and I didn’t finish the work I got before vacation," he explained with a sheepish expression on his face. I frowned. “Didn’t your birthday pass?” I asked awkwardly and he nodded. His friends started walking away, growing impatient. “Yeah, and yours is coming up," he smiled and I nodded my head, kicking the snow off of my porch. “Happy belated birthday; I’m sorry I couldn’t say it on the day," I apologized.
20 Apr 2015 | 08:27
“It’s no biggie," he scraped the shovel against the soft snow, making a pile at the bottom of the stairs. He smiled up at me. “Anyway, if you want to…you can repay me with a date.” I bit my lip. Lie, lie, lie, lie. “Actually, Caleb…I have a boyfriend,” I lied. I felt so guilty but relieved. “Who? Francis?” he asked with furrowed eyebrows and I bit my lip as I shook my head. So he’d heard about what happened, probably from his friends. “He goes to our school,” I feigned a smile. “You probably don’t know him.” “Show me him on Monday…at lunch. I'd love to meet the lucky guy,” he smiled as he slowly walked away. I nodded my head. “Will do,” I replied as I closed my door. I…will do no such thing! “You lying liar, you don’t have a boyfriend!” my brother snapped once I closed the door. I jumped from surprise and glanced at my brother who had his hands on his hips in a parent-like manner. “What was I supposed to do? Let him take me on a date?” I asked. “No, because that’s so crazy! Who even does that? Nobody goes on dates anymore,” my brother sarcastically retorted. “You should have just told him you weren’t interested.” “It’s not that easy!” I replied as I walked past him into the living room. “What’s so hard about it? ‘Sorry, Caleb, I’m just not into you," my brother mocked as he followed me into the living room. “Who are you going to pretend your boyfriend is? You already said it wasn’t going to be Fra-.” My brother paused mid-sentence and I turned around to face him. “Are you dating Jonah?” I shook my head. “Do you like Jonah?” I was quiet as I stared at my brother. “You like Jonah! Finally, you admit it! What are you going to do? Are you going to tell him?” He sounds just like Mere when I told her! “I’m not going to do anything. I’m going to wait until my feelings for him pass!” I replied as he stared at me. I sure hope they pass soon. “You’re going to pretend he’s your boyfriend, right?” my brother asked and I shook my head. “Yes, you are!” “No, I’m not!” I exclaimed as I shook my head again. “At least ask him to do it," my brother replied. “It wouldn’t be for long, just a day.” “No, I will do no such thing,” I crossed my arms over my chest in a stubborn manner. “Now if you’ll excuse me. I’m going to go search the yearbook for a potential rent-a-boyfriend. Okay? Thank you.” I walked up the stairs and face palmed. Why did I have to lie? What did I get myself into?
20 Apr 2015 | 08:28
20 Apr 2015 | 09:16
i dnt knw. wel done shaxee
20 Apr 2015 | 09:33
It ll soon cm 2 reality nw@jer,just be patience
20 Apr 2015 | 10:00
Its just a matter of time.....
20 Apr 2015 | 10:17
Jonah wld be more dan willin 2 act as ur boyfriend 4 a day nd beyond buh all you need do is "ask nd it shall be given unti thou".
20 Apr 2015 | 13:02
Chapter 25 I stared at the school as teenagers entered the building; some were coupled up. It’s highly likely that they’re talking about the Valentine’s Day dance that’s in only two short weeks. Girls are going shopping and guys are buying roses and chocolates; well, not now at least; the chocolates would probably go bad and the roses would die. Anyway, it’s Monday, February 2nd. It’s only 11 days away from the Valentine’s dance, 12 days from Valentine’s Day, and 15 days until my birthday. I got out of the car, taking my bag with me. I struggled to get through the hallways without bumping into couples. I also noticed Shaw exiting the office and I quickly decided to take the crowded stairwell because that’s what my logical mind was thinking. I made my way to my locker where Dana was waiting with a smile on her face. “Hello, Dana,” I smiled widely as I opened my locker. She waved at me. “Are you going to the Valentine’s Day dance?” she asked. I laughed, shaking my head. “Why would I?” “Jonah didn’t ask you?” Dana asked me curiously as we began walking to first period, a class we share. I shook my head. “We are just friends, Dana.” “You wish you were more though,” Dana giggled and I rolled my eyes. Dana had found out about my crush on Jonah when I accidentally let it slip. She said she suspected it since day one, like everybody else that knows. “Wait…are you going to the Valentine’s Day dance?” I asked her. She looked away sheepishly. “Yeah…I was asked.” “What? By who?” I asked excitedly. “You probably don’t know him, his name is Jacob,” she grinned girlishly. Jacob? As in Waverly’s friend Jacob? “Lucky you, did you get your dress yet?” I asked her and she shrugged. As we entered the classroom, she looked at me. “I have this red and pink dress that I never wore and I think it’s cute. I’ll text you a picture of it later.” I nodded my head and walked to my assigned seat. I rested my head on the desk, letting the cold surface cool my face. Although it was cold outside, it’s hot inside. “Sleepyhead, get up, the teachers coming.” I sat up with both of my eyebrows furrowed, expecting to see Jonah, I was surprised when I saw Caleb. I felt my blood run cold. I’m supposed to show him my (fake) boyfriend, today! I was so stressed about it on Saturday that I tried and succeeded at erasing it from my mind. It’s not like you were going to ask Jonah anyway. I groaned inwardly. “Hey…Caleb,” I put on a smile. He smiled back at me. “I’m excited to meet the lucky guy that stole you from me. Curse the vacation!” He laughed and I pressed a laugh out of myself. “You’ll meet him at lunch time.” “Or whenever I see you two together, I mean, it’d be cool to just hang out, right?” he asked and I nodded my head, silently screaming. Call it off. Call it off! Just as I was about to take my own advice, the teacher began talking and I slumped in my seat. What am I going to do? ~~~ “I’ll walk you to second period,” Jonah smiled at me as I rushed out of the classroom in hopes of ditching Caleb who had to hand in his over-vacation work. I nodded my head, grabbing Jonah’s arm and running in the opposite direction of my next class. “Where are you going? Don’t you have Algebra 2?”
20 Apr 2015 | 14:00
I nodded. “Let’s take a detour, shall we?” I asked as I glanced over my shoulder, I saw Caleb’s head poke out of the classroom. He looked around the crowded hallway and I squealed, yanking Jonah around the corner to the stairwell. “Are we seriously going all the way around?” he asked me, attempting to look behind himself but almost falling down the stairs. I nodded again. “Who are you avoiding?” “Someone,” I replied as we reached the second floor. The sophomores were parting their ways and I noticed someone at the end of the hallway: someone big, someone who was on the football team. Shaw. “Shaw!” I hissed as Jonah and I came to a halt. “He’s right there!” “Where?” Jonah asked as he looked around. I didn’t understand how I could see him and I’m the same height as the sophomores while Jonah towered over them like a skyscraper. “Right there,” I replied, standing on my tiptoes and turning his face in Shaw’s direction. I turned around and went back to the way we came. Jonah was right in tow. As we ran back up the stairs, someone’s voice entered my hearing range. Caleb. I attempted to turn around but I bumped into Jonah who just pushed us further into the junior hallway which was mostly empty. “Savannah?” I coughed and turned to see Caleb who had a confused look on his face. “Caleb!” I exclaimed as if I hadn’t ran from him two minutes ago. “Is this-?” I cut him off midsentence. I nodded my head. “Yes. Jonah - Caleb, Caleb - Jonah.” Jonah smiled at Caleb and shook his hand while giving me a confused look. “It’s good to finally meet Savannah’s-,” I cut him off again. “Friend, one of Savannah’s friends is what Caleb was about to say,” I nodded my head again. Caleb gave me a confused look. “No I was about to say boyfriend.” “Boyfriend?” Jonah furrowed his eyebrows. I felt my face redden as I nodded again. I might as well play the part. I wrapped both of my arms around his torso in a bear hug. “Yes, boyfriend, right Jo-Bro? Of course I’m right!” I pinched his side and glared up at Jonah which must’ve looked like a loving look from Caleb’s point of view, or so I hoped. Jonah grinned through the pain and nodded his head. “Anyway, Caleb, we’ll see you at lunch. We can’t be late to class!” I nervously giggled as I let go of Jonah and grabbed his arm, running down the hallway. Once we were out of earshot, Jonah looked at me. “What just happened?” he asked me and I sighed. I pointed in the direction where Jonah and I had that awkward, uncomfortable encounter with Caleb. “That boy asked me out on a date and I’m not, nor will I ever be, interested. Being the super smart girl that I am told him that I have a boyfriend rather than saying that I’m not interested. I flirted with him for the first twenty minutes or so at that Christmas Eve party before he had to leave. It was fun at the time but now it’s not so fun. He asked to meet my boyfriend and I didn’t have time to order one on so I just winged it.” “So you played that boy?” Jonah asked with a smirk. I thought about it for a moment. “Unintentionally, yes.” “So now I’m your boyfriend?” Jonah asked and I felt my face redden. Please don’t notice, please don’t notice. His smirk widened and I’m guessing he noticed.
20 Apr 2015 | 14:01
“Only until Caleb’s convinced; this should take a day. We’re going to sit with him at lunch and talk all about our two week relationship,” I explained as the late bell rang. Jonah nodded his head, the smirk still clear on his lips. “I really hope you’re a good actor, Davis," I told him. “I am…girlfriend,” Jonah replied which caused my stomach to erupt in butterflies. I nodded before rushing off to Algebra 2. That went better than I expected. ~~~ Lunch time came around quickly and I was still working out the details of me and Jonah’s short relationship. We’ve been a couple for two weeks. We made it official at the bakery downtown. We’re waiting to have our first kiss on our one month anniversary. Jonah told me that saying that would seem a bit weird; he thought that a month was a bit late for a first kiss; I told him that in the movies, they always ask to see the couple kiss, which I'm not sure if that happens in real life, but I just want to make sure that no lip action happens here. As I rehearsed my lines, I searched for Jonah. I waited outside of his classroom and when he walked out whistling, I yanked on his arm. I guess I surprised him because he started choking on his spit. Instead of helping him, I said the first thing that came to my mind. “How unattractive, boyfriend.” My statement caused a few people to look at us, well more at me since Jonah was choking on his own spit. I patted his back and he finally stopped. “You scared me," he muttered once he regained the ability to breathe. He was hunched over with his hands on his knees as he inhaled sweet oxygen, something he’d been missing out on for the past 2 minutes. I leaned down and whispered in his ear. “I think the rumor is going to spread that we’re dating,” I murmured and he shrugged as he stood up. “The more people that believe and can confirm it, the better, right?” Jonah asked as he took my hand in his own and walked us down to lunch while swinging our hands. He talked casually about his day. I didn’t bother to reply; my voice was gone and I was just sitting upon cloud nine. I wonder if this is what it feels like to be in a healthy relationship. When we reached lunch, we sat down next to Dana who raised both of her eyebrows. Her face was as readable as a book. She was asking if we were together without using words. She finally decided to ask. “You two are together?” While I was looking around, in search of Caleb to see if he would hear my short and sweet explanation, Jonah answered instead. “Yes.” “Finally, I thought it’d never happen,” I urged Dana not to say anything with my eyes and she seemed to get the message. I turned to see Jonah staring at me with a small smile on his face. Once Caleb arrived with his food, Jonah excused himself to order our food. When I reached for my money, he put his hand on my forearm and shook his head. I’m going to pay him back later. “You guys seem happy together,” Caleb stated and I nodded. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I read the text message. ‘Any information I should know?’ I looked up to see Jonah standing in line while he looked at me. I quickly typed a response. Though we went over it earlier, it won't hurt to refresh his memory: ‘We’ve been a couple for two weeks. We made it official at the bakery downtown. We’re waiting to have our first kiss on our one month anniversary.’ Not even a moment later, my phone vibrated again and I checked the text message. ‘Why a bakery?’ was his stupid response. He always has to have questions.
20 Apr 2015 | 14:01
Ho my GOD. interesting next pls.
20 Apr 2015 | 14:47
‘I like muffins. That’s why,’ I replied. 'I still think we should say we've already had our first kiss,' he told me. 'No one cares what you think,' I replied before putting my phone away. Caleb was patiently waiting while Dana gave me a confused look. She knew something was up. When Jonah finally came back, he handed me my plate which consisted of a chocolate chip muffin and a bottle of cherry cola. I smiled at it. “Thanks.” He just nodded his head before looking at Caleb. “So…why are you so curious about our relationship?” He was blunt, blunter than I could’ve been. Caleb also was surprised by his frankness. “Well…I asked Savannah out on a date and said she couldn’t make it because she had a boyfriend. I assumed it was Francis by what my friends told me; you probably know the rumors that went around. They also told me how you guys stopped talking. I didn’t think it was you but it seems as if you guys made up and are the best of friends.” “Yeah, well, the feelings were always there," Jonah stated simply. I held back from squealing by taking a large bite of my muffin. I silently reminded myself that this isn’t a real relationship and I shouldn’t get so worked up about it. Caleb looked to me for confirmation and I just nodded my head. “How long have you guys been dating?” Caleb nosily inquired. Dana was listening perceptively. From the looks I was sending her and she’d been returning, she knows it’s fake. I trusted myself to answer this question. I sipped my soda. “We’ve been dating for two weeks.” Dana, knowing that I like Jonah, decided to speak up. “Kiss.” My head snapped in her direction and I glared at her. “We would but we’re waiting for our one month mark to have our first kiss." See? This is exactly why I said that detail! If I hadn't thought of that, we'd probably we staring at each other awkwardly. “Sure, our first kiss,” Jonah chuckled. I turned to look at Jonah, a confused look on my face as I looked up at him. He glanced down at me and flashed me a smile. What’s that supposed to mean? “That’s a stupid rule,” Dana grumbled and I stuffed my face with more of the muffin, which was almost gone. I need to learn how to ration better. Jonah sighed. “She came up with it,” he blamed. I felt my face redden as I continued chewing the muffin. “You guys seem like you have a good relationship,” Caleb stated as the bell rang and I sighed in relief. “Just one teeny kiss?” Dana asked and before I could deny her request, I felt Jonah’s lips peck my cheek. My face was red and my body felt like it was on fire due to the fact that his lips touched my face. I turned my gaze to the floor and allowed Jonah to walk me to class as he swung our hands together. ~~~ “You guys are dating?!” Mere squealed and I tried to calm her down. She was scaring some of the customers. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her slightly. Like a doll, her eyes rolled around a bit more before they focused on me. “No, Mere, we’re only ‘dating’ so we can convince Caleb that I’m in a relationship so he’ll stop bothering me.” Mere stared at me. “So? Who cares? You’re in a relationship with Jonah!” “A fake relationship, Mere, it’s not the same,” I replied as I rubbed my temples. I looked up to see Ms. Antoinette standing in the doorway of the employee lounge. She pointed behind her, an amused look on her face.
20 Apr 2015 | 16:23
“Savannah, your locker is ringing," I tilted my head back and let out a frustrated groan, earning the attention of more customers. I looked at Mere and she nodded, mentally agreeing to work the register until I get back. I stomped to the employee lounge and opened my locker, allowing the door of the locker to crash into the one beside it. I looked at the calls. They were a mixture Sabrina, Waverly, and Jonah. I have no clue why Sabrina’s calling but it might be her trying to tell me to answer my phone for Jonah so he’d stop complaining. I know exactly why Waverly’s calling; it might have something to do with the fact that I almost ran her over while backing out of the parking lot. It’s not my fault she ran full speed at my car, demanding I explain why the rumor that Jonah and I are dating was floating around. It also wasn’t helping that Jonah openly held my hand and walked me to my car. He even went as far as to peck my cheek…again. I sighed and called Jonah. The phone didn’t even ring; Jonah’s voice was the first thing I heard: “Savannah.” He sounded panicked and I furrowed my eyebrows. “Jonah," I mimicked. “I-I don’t know what to do. It’s Sierra; she’s crying and she doesn’t want anybody to go near her. She locked Sabrina out of their room and she’s threatening us if we try and go into the room. I don’t know why she’s doing this!” Jonah explained and I sat down in a chair beside the vending machine. I thought for a moment. “Does it have something to do with Blake?” Jonah was quiet. “I’ll murder him.” “Calm down and ask her, Jo-Bro,” I replied and I heard a knock. I heard a loud, muffled cry and I winced. “Does this whole shenanigan have something to do with Blake?” “Don’t say his name!” I exclaimed and Jonah groaned. “Does this have something to do with he who shall not be named?” Jonah asked and I snorted. “Since when is she in a relationship with Lord Voldemort?” I asked. “Lord Voldemort?” a quiet voice asked. I could tell that it was Sierra. “No…Blake,” Jonah replied and Sierra started sobbing again. “Savannah,” he drawled tiredly. “Yeah?” I asked and he groaned. “What do I do?” he inquired. I thought for a moment. “Can you try and get her on the phone?” "That requires her opening the door," he told me. “Can you try?” I asked. I tapped on the vending machine rhythmically. “Please?” He sighed before knocking on the door. “Sierra… Savannah wants to talk to you.” I heard a door opening and slamming shut. I heard shuffling as I patiently waited. “Hello?” “Sierra?” I asked. She sounded tired, like she’d been crying…a lot. I frowned. “Yeah," she confirmed and I frowned deeper. “What’s wrong?” I asked her. I was greeted with the response of silence. “Sierra.” “Why are boys so stupid?” Sierra replied and I sighed. “I wish I knew; trust me,” I muttered.
20 Apr 2015 | 16:24
“You have it easy; you like my brother and he likes you- you just don’t realize it. I have to put up with a sister who’s prettier than me and who constantly gets called the better looking twin when we’re identical! You’re not commonly mistaken for a guy because of the way you dress! You’re pretty! You don’t understand!” Sierra exclaimed. “Sierra, what happened?” I asked her. She sobbed. “Blake was talking to other girls.” “Were you guys dating?” I asked her and she sobbed again. “Yeah, he cheated on me with Ann the Man,” I heard the hatred in her voice as she talked about Annabel Manhattan, a sophomore who is nicknamed ‘Ann the Man’ because she’s always around guys. “I was cheated on before,” I admitted. Sierra was silent. “You were?” she questioned. I made a sound of confirmation. “By a guy named Arthur; I thought he was the best person ever. He was athletic, smart, and hot.” She laughed halfheartedly at that. “It turns out that he wasn’t really into me; it was a prank. He didn’t like me. He never did. He cheated on me with my worst enemy and my ex-best friend.” “But… you seem okay?” Sierra responded. I made another sound of verification. “Yeah, I am. And you will be, too. And don’t listen to whoever says that Sabrina is prettier than you because you guys are identical; you just have different styles and personalities. You’re two different people who happen to look exactly alike,” I replied. “We are, aren’t we?” she asked me. “You are. Forget about Blake; he’s stupid," I responded. She was quiet. “He really was; he was taking a seventh grade class because he failed it three years in a row.” “And he’s a sophomore?” I asked. “Yeah," she replied. “You can do way better than that, Sierra. Just wait,” I told her. “I will,” she replied. “Thanks.” “For what?” I asked. “For listening,” I smiled at the familiar words before hanging up the phone. Now to call Waverly because if I don't, she'll blow up my phone…okay, that can wait until later.
20 Apr 2015 | 16:25
hmmmmm interesting pls continue
20 Apr 2015 | 20:49
21 Apr 2015 | 01:29
Chapter 26 “Savannah Harp!” I heard the screeching voice from all the way down the hallway. I sighed, turning around to see Waverly approaching me quickly, her heels sounding from all the way down the hall. I waited patiently until she reached me. Everyone’s eyes were on us. “What’s your problem?” I asked. “What’s my problem? My problem is that you’re dating my man!” she snapped and I stared at her for a minute before I quirked an eyebrow. “Why are you so quiet? Huh? Did you realize that you’re making Jonah cheat on me?” I sighed. “Actually, I was waiting for you to realize how stupid you sound. I’m not dating your man; you’re crushing on mine,” I replied calmly as I closed my locker. Call me possessive. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get to class.” I bypassed Waverly who was glaring daggers into the side of my head. “We’re not finished here!” “We’re just about as finished as your imaginary relationship with my boyfriend,” I responded as I walked down the hallway. I heard people whispering as Waverly stormed off in the other direction. I noticed Jonah walk down the hallway towards me with a smirk on his face. I winked as my face reddened. I hope he didn’t see that. “You’re cute when you’re possessive.” I rolled my eyes as he grabbed my hand and turned to walk with me. I tried to hide the redness of my face even though it’s impossible. He swung our hands casually as we walked to class. He pecked me on the cheek before I entered the classroom. People stared at me as if I was a foreigner. I was counting the days until Jonah and I ‘break-up’ and even though we didn’t think it fully through at the time, we need to decide how long we’re going to stay away from each other before we become friends again. It’d look a bit suspicious if we break up and the next day, we’re best buds again. Plus, the break up should give me some time to think and decide whether or not I’ll take Caleb up on his offer to go on a date; if he offers again. The teacher began talking but I couldn’t focus. Our friendship after this stunt is going to be awkward. Every time I look at his lips, I go red and eventually, he probably catch on that I have a crush on him, that’s if he doesn’t already know. I’m just a confused teenage girl. ~~~ “You guys can use this time in the computer lab to look up information about your biography subject or you can type the paper,” Mr. G announced while Jonah had his hand raised. “Yes, Mr. Davis?” Mr. G asked as his eyes glanced at me worriedly. He probably assumed that I didn’t want to work so Jonah was going to demand he gets to work independently. Jonah took the stack of papers from my hand and handed them to Mr. G. “We’ve already completed the project.” Mr. G seemed shocked. His eyes grazed the papers before he looked up. “Then I guess you have a free period.” We slowly exited the library, our bags in our hands. “Where do you want to go?” “I don’t know about you, but-," Jonah cut me off. “I’m feeling 22,” he smirked and I rolled my eyes. I have a feeling that this boy has an obsession with Taylor Swift. He grabbed my hand in his own, swinging them playfully. I looked around to see no one else in the hallway. He didn’t need to act. I’m not complaining though; I enjoy the feeling of his hand in my own, how they fit perfectly together. How his fingers wrapped around my hand comfortably and how- okay, we get it.
21 Apr 2015 | 02:26
“I was going to say, I don’t know about you but I’m going to the library,” I sped up the latter of my sentence in fear that he’d cut me off again. He smirked. “Then I’m going, too.” We walked in silence, approaching the gym hallway. The doors swung open and a fuming Shaw exited. His eyes landed on us and they darkened. I turned to look at Jonah who was already in a sprinting position. “Aw, not again.” “Tell me about it," Jonah replied as we broke into a run. I heard Shaw’s huffing and puffing from behind us. We had a better chance at escaping because he’d just got out of gym class where he ran 10 laps. “This… is… painful,” I stated as I started to slow down. Jonah looked back and shook his head. “What’s going to be painful is each of your ribs snapping when Shaw punches you. Hurry up,” Jonah replied and I scowled as I caught up to him. He grabbed my hand; this time, he held onto it tighter. “Wait,” I muttered as I halted. Jonah was still running so he jerked me slightly but caught me when I almost tipped over. I felt my face heat up as I squirmed out of his grip. Shaw was right there, breathing heavily and I was starting to regret my decision of stopping but there was no way we’d get away now. “Are you finally giving up?” I shook my head. “I’m asking for a truce.” Shaw’s booming laughter filled my ears. “A truce?” “Yes, a truce as in a treaty, a settlement,” I replied as I stared at him. He narrowed his eyes at me. “I know what a truce is.” “I never said you didn’t,” I hastily replied before I pursed my lips. “Watch your attitude when you’re around me. Give me a minute to think about it,” Shaw stated. I was about to reply before Jonah’s hand found its way over my mouth. I turned to look at him. “As funny as your comment may be, our physical wellbeing is on the line right now.” I nodded and he retracted his hand from my mouth, pulling me back and looping an arm around my waist. I stood there, red faced and awkward. Finally, almost 3 minutes later, Shaw turned to look at us. He scoffed. “Okay, truce," he grinned a toothy smile. I stared at him, slightly confused. He sighed. “I have to take down 8 of the basketball players and 6 nerds; wiping two nerds off of my plate would do me some good.” I held back a remark and just nodded my head. He extended his hand and I immediately took a step back. I then realized he wanted me to shake his hand. I took a cautious step forward, my hand ready to protect my face in case I needed to. I shook his hand for a second before stepping back and allowing Jonah to take my place. Jonah shook Shaw’s hand and I saw Shaw press his nails into Jonah’s hand. Jonah winced before slowly attempting to shake the pain out of his hand. Jonah and I started walking down the hallway, waiting until we were out of his range to let out relieved sighs. “What was that?” “Aren’t you happy I did that or else we’d still be running?” I asked him and he nodded his head. “You just saved my ribs and my lungs,” Jonah laughed and I smiled. I sighed. “Well, you might have to let me borrow one of your lungs because mine just ripped in half.”
21 Apr 2015 | 02:27
“I talked to Waverly in third period,” Jonah announced as he swung our hands together. I turned to look at him, a confused look on my face. “Well, at first, she started yelling at me for cheating on her.” I snorted. “What’d you say?” “I told her that I don’t like her and that there wasn’t anything going on between me and her. She glared at me before she decided to start ignoring me," he replied with a shrug. “That’s it?” I asked him and he shook his head. “A minute later, she turned and asked me why I’m dating you to which I replied because I like you; you’re smart, funny, and pretty," he replied casually, as if his words were nothing. I felt my face reddening. He doesn’t mean it, Savannah. Stop blushing like a lunatic, please, you’re embarrassing me. “And what happened next?” I asked him. He looked at me, taking in my red face before he smiled. “She walked out of the classroom.” We walked around aimlessly until the bell rang. He walked me to my car, while swinging our hands- something I’ve become accustomed to. “My parents are coming home this weekend. They want to meet you.” “They know who I am?” I asked and he nodded. He looked at the ground sheepishly. “I may or may not have told them that we’re dating.” I felt a proud feeling form in my stomach. He told them that we’re dating? “Why?” He shrugged. “Technically, we are.” I thought for a moment before nodding. “Okay. Anything I should know?” “The exact day that we started dating is January 17th and you may or may not be questioned,” Jonah stated innocently. I sighed. “What else may or may not happen?” I asked. He thought for a moment. “I may or may not ask you to go to the Valentine’s Day dance with me. Just in case you were wondering, that was me asking you to the Valentine’s Day dance.” “No,” I stated and his face fell. “But we can hang out that day. I’m not a dancer…and going to the dance will mean I have to buy a dress…and I’m not a shopper, either.” His face lit up again. “Okay, let’s hang out on Valentine’s Day, okay?” I nodded my head. “That sounds good to me.” “So… are you my valentine?” he asked me and I chuckled. “I guess I am," I replied and he nodded excitedly. I had the urge to smile and this time I didn’t fight it. I also didn’t fight the blush that rushed to my face as his lips pecked my cheek. I could get used to this. Don’t.
21 Apr 2015 | 02:27
Guys also read updates in my site
21 Apr 2015 | 02:28
Waverly had now started getting jealous on what she owns not..... Jonah & Van? valentine?...interesting.
21 Apr 2015 | 05:12
When trouble jam trouble...d lesa trouble shal bend rily fndin it intrestin Next plzzzz
21 Apr 2015 | 06:17
So interesting....
21 Apr 2015 | 08:52
Chapter 27 I fixed my purple dress; it was uncomfortable as it lumped up beneath me. I nervously pulled at my hair which was curled. “Calm down, Savannah.” My eyes flickered to Jonah who was giving me a reassuring smile. His smile helped me a little bit but I was still scared that I was going to mess up and say something they wouldn’t like. “I’m trying.” “I know you are,” he replied, squeezing my hand as he pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant we were going to be eating at. The place was intimidating, with the fancy valet service and the large building. “This is… fancy,” I whispered as I stared out of the window. As we got out of the car, Jonah gave the man his keys. “Your name sir?” the valet man asked with a pompous look on his face. Why is he so arrogant? The only thing he does is park cars! “Jonah Davis,” Jonah replied as he stared at the man. The man was short, only a few inches taller than me but at least 6 inches shorter than Jonah. Jonah and I were ushered in by a lady who offered a friendly smile. We stood near the man who was standing on a podium. “Reservation?” “The Davis Family, seating for 10,” Jonah stated in a professional voice, as if he’s done this before. I stared at him and he winked at me, causing me to blush and look away. The guy at the podium smiled at us. “Right this way,” a man announced as he brought us to a large table. It had ten seats and I furrowed my eyebrows; Sierra, Sabrina, Weston, Georgia, Diane, Gregory, Jonah, His mom, His dad, and me. I hadn’t realized it was this many people. He pulled the chair out for me and allowed me to sit down. I smiled at him as he did. He took the seat to my left which happened to be at the end of the table. I wonder who’s going to sit across from us. I hope it’s not West and Georgia, they’d make me laugh and by the looks of it, laughing in this restaurant is frowned upon. Jonah looked at me with a smile. “They should be here shortly.” “Do you do this often?” I asked him and he smiled at me. He furrowed his eyebrows. “What?” “You know? Go out to fancy-schmancy restaurants?” I replied as I took in the sight. Most of the people here are middle aged, most likely wealthy and they probably own businesses that I buy things from. Jonah shrugged again. “I used to do this a lot when I was in my early teens, and then I stopped around age 15.” I wonder why. “Why?” I hope I’m not being nosy. “Well, because I got sick of having to do this once a week when I could be skateboarding and playing videogames with my friends," he shrugged and I nodded. I looked down at the silverware. The spoons looked the same. Should I know the difference? I looked at the tablecloth which seemed to be silk or some other fabric. It was red, a pretty shade of it. I looked up and saw Jonah staring at me. I felt my face warm up as his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. Was he… blushing? I laughed and managed to keep it at a sane level, only earning a few glares from people around us. “You’re blushing.” He glared at me. I turned in my chair to face Jonah. I furrowed my eyebrows as I reached out and grabbed his tie. I began fixing it and he stared at me while I did. It’s been irking me since we sat down. I looked up at him once I was finished and noticed that he had a small smile on his lips. “Thanks.” I shook my head. “It’s no problem.”
21 Apr 2015 | 15:13
I heard footsteps reach the table and I looked up to see a large group of people approaching us. It was the familiar six that I know and two unfamiliar faces. Well, I can’t say unfamiliar because I see where Jonah gets his looks from, and the twins. They both inherited the dark hair from their father, who looked like an older version of Jonah. “You name sir?” I heard Weston mocking and I couldn’t help but chuckle. Jonah laughed, too and we smiled at each other as the two sat down beside us. Georgia was right beside me and Weston was next to her. I looked directly in front of me to see Jonah’s mother sitting there. She was examining me as if I was something that had been sent to a laboratory. She finally stopped and met my gaze with a large smile. “You must be Savannah.” “I am, you must be Jonah’s mother and father,” I smiled at the two. They gave me genuine smiles. If I’m being honest, I’d rather be spending my Friday night playing Halo and eating as much chips as my stomach could hold- which was a lot. “You can call us Matilda and Tony.” I noticed the twins at the end of the table, sitting across from each other and Jonah’s aunt and uncle were across from their children. I felt Jonah squeeze my hand and I sent him a nervous smile. “Shall we order?” Mr. Davis piped up. ~~~ We spent about a half hour ordering. I'm not sure how much the bill came up to because Mr. Davis said he'd cover it; but I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty when I ordered a meal that was a bit more expensive than what I'm used to. Jonah assured me that it was okay but I felt bad just taking their money in the form of food. We made small talk until our meals arrived, Jonah’s parents were telling us about their flight here and we listened intently. They flew first class and I wondered if Jonah and the twins did, too. When the food arrived, I felt a wave of relief crash over me. I’d been starving and I was scared that my stomach grumbling would get louder and it’d ruin my first impression on Jonah's parents. “So, Savannah, how are your grades in school?” I thought about the question. The last time I checked my grades- which I struggled to bring up, they were all B’s and two A’s. “I have the majority of ‘B’s’ but I have a few ‘A’s’,” I explained and Tony winced. He placed his glass down. “What classes do you have ‘B’s’ in and why?” “I have a ‘B’ in physical education because I’m terrible at that and in Algebra 2 but I’m bringing that up thanks to your son. I have a ‘B’ in art also because the teacher says I don’t have on artistic eye,” I admitted. Tony frowned but Matilda decided to speak up. “What classes do you have ‘A’s’ in?” “I have ‘A’s’ in all of my core classes aside from Algebra 2. I also have ‘A’s’ in almost all of my electives aside from art,” I informed them. They nodded their heads. Matilda decided to speak up again. “What do you like to do in your spare time?” “Well, I like to play video games and I like to cook," I held back the urge to admit to stalking their son’s Facebook page night and day. Matilda nodded. “You sound a lot like Jonah aside from the fact that he can’t cook.” I smiled and nodded. “I realized that; he burns everything.” We laughed at Jonah’s expense while he smiled at me. Tony gave me a grin. “Do you have a job?”
21 Apr 2015 | 15:14
I nodded. “I do have a job; I often work 10-14 hours a week depending on my school schedule; school always comes first.” Tony and Matilda looked impressed and I held back from fist pumping. I stole a glance at Jonah and he was chewing a piece of his steak. He grinned at me and the juice from the steak spilled out of his mouth. He quickly wiped it with a napkin and I smiled. “How old are you, Savannah?” Matilda asked me curiously. I wiped my mouth with a napkin. “I’m turning 17 in 11 days,” I smiled happily. “Your birthday is so soon; what are you going to do?” Matilda asked and I shrugged. “I honestly have no plans; I just want to sit at home and play videogames. I might hang out with my friends and family, but I’m not planning on having a party," I confessed and Matilda nodded. “I understand; Jonah was always like that; he never wanted a grand birthday party. I don’t understand why; he had plenty of friends in school,” Tony stated as they stared at their son in confusion. He just sheepishly looked away. “What do you like about my son?” Matilda cut to the chase, there was no beating around the bush with her and I appreciated that. I stuttered slightly. “W-well, I like how he academically and athletically excels. He’s funny, too, so that’s a plus. We also have common interests which is always good. Overall, he’s pretty cool. He’s cute, too.” I can’t believe I added that last part. You guys aren’t really dating! You can’t just say stuff like that! Don’t you think I realized that about .2 seconds after it slipped? Georgia nudged me under the table and I wanted to bury my face in this expensive food. “I’d like to think so.” I looked up at Matilda as she explained that with a grin. Jonah smirked at me. “You’re pretty cute, too.” I wanted to crawl under the table and die. Tony rolled his eyes before laughing. “Okay, enough of that.” Tony smiled at us as we continued eating, making casual conversation. ~~~ “I think that went well, don’t you?” Jonah asked as we drove to my house. I let out a sigh of relief the moment we sat in the car and I hadn’t talked since. I nodded my head tiredly. “I felt like I was a loser. ‘I like to play video games in my free time,’” I mocked myself in a slurred voice. Jonah laughed. “Are you calling me a loser? That’s all I do! At least you have a job, I’m still searching.” “I heard the ice cream place in the same plaza as my job is hiring,” I replied and he looked at me with an interested look. “Same plaza as your job, you say?” he questioned me and I nodded. “Yes," I replied with a smile. “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the dance?” Jonah asked me with a frown. I sighed, shaking my head. “I don’t dance or shop; what happened to just hanging out?” “Fine, you can’t see my dance moves anyway; you’re under 18. You’ll need a permission slip,” Jonah responded and I laughed. "I'm starting to think that you really can't dance," I told him. He smiled at me as he pulled up to the front of my house. I rolled my eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” Updated stories in my website
21 Apr 2015 | 15:15
I just like this story...more than interesting.
21 Apr 2015 | 16:30
Savannah mocking herself just made my day.
21 Apr 2015 | 17:19
So nice n interesting
21 Apr 2015 | 18:54
this is hilarious:-):-)
21 Apr 2015 | 19:59
Am hapi readin dis........continue bro shaxEE.....
22 Apr 2015 | 09:55
“You’re working tomorrow, right?” he asked me and I nodded. “Mind me stopping by your job?” I shook my head. “That’d be nice; Mere isn’t working and sometimes, I get bored,” I explained as I fiddled with my hands. His eyes were boring into mine as he spoke slowly. He enunciated every word. He nodded his head. “I’m going to go apply for that job, too.” “Good luck,” I smiled as he leaned in and kissed my cheek. “I can’t wait for that one month mark," he jokingly whined. I felt my face redden. “Cheeseburger.” “What?” Jonah asked me, eyebrows furrowed and a small smirk on his lips. “Did you just say cheeseburger?” “Bye!” I muttered as I got out of the car, wanting to slam my face into a wall for embarrassing myself like that. As I entered the house, my brother was casually sitting there. “Did you get that kiss yet?” I frowned. “Not quite.” My brother groaned. “Tell me when you do.” I rolled my eyes. “Why can’t I have a normal brother?” “Why can’t I have a sister that can tell a guy that she likes him?” my brother asked. “Maybe the same guy who’s keeping me from telling Jonah that I like him is the same guy that’s keeping me from having a normal brother,” I remarked and Jeremiah glared at me. I just smiled in response before walking upstairs. ~~~ “How’d it go?” Mere asked as I put her and Dana on a three-way call. I pressed the phone between my shoulder and my ear as I played on the XBOX. “Hello? Earth to Savannah! I asked you a question!” Dana giggled, not at all intimidated by the longer friendship of Mere and I. “I…heard you. I’m… busy...killing people on…Call of Duty. You cheater!” I screamed as I slammed the XBOX controller down onto my bed. It bounced a bit before settling between my arms. I grabbed at my hair. “Are you sure they aren’t just better than you?” Dana questioned and I glared at the television screen as I was returned to the lobby. I scowled. “Are you sure they aren’t just better than you? Of course they’re not better than me Dana; they’re noobs,” I mocked her voice. Mere was in a full on laughing fit but she sobered up to ask me her question. “How’d it go?” “Oh, it went well. Jonah said his parents like me. I guess it’s good,” I muttered as I rolled onto my back. “If it’s good then why are you so upset?” Dana asked me and I sighed. I rolled back onto my stomach. “I want it be real!” “Make it real,” Mere stated and Dana made a sound of agreement. I groaned, running my hand over my face. “It’s not that easy!” I complained. “Caleb was convinced about 3 days ago! Yet Jonah still kisses your cheek and holds your hand. Answer me this, does he do it when nobody’s around?” Dana’s question caught me off guard and I was silent for a minute. He does, like he did when we were in the car. “Yes,” I muttered. “Was that a yes I heard? It was, right? Of course it was because he likes you! Just tell him that you like him and he’ll make it official," Dana continued. “Or you can man up and demand that the relationship is real. Don’t give him an option to disagree; if he tries to fight it- put him in a plastic bag and put him in your basement. Don’t forget to use chloroform,” Mere stated as if it was the obvious answer. It seemed as if she spoke from experience. I was silent. “I think I’d rather go with Dana’s answer. But I’m not going to go with either. What I’m going to do is go to sleep. Goodnight!” I exclaimed before I hung up with a sigh. Why are relationships so challenging?
23 Apr 2015 | 05:25
Chapter 28 “What are you going to wear?” my mother asked me. I shrugged as I rested my head in my hands. “I don’t know,” I muttered. “Where are you going to go?” my mother questioned. I groaned, shaking my head. “I don’t know.” “What are you guys going to do?” my mom inquired and I sat up. “I don’t know, mom,” I hastily muttered. She raised an eyebrow at me. “I’m sorry; I just don’t know what to do.” “What do you mean, baby?” my mom asked me. I ran a hand through my hair, my fingers escaping through the damp, tangled curls. “I really like him.” “I know," she replied. “No, you don’t. He doesn’t like me. Dad was your high school sweetheart so you have no idea what it’s like to truly like somebody and have them deny you,” I snapped. My mother shook her head. “You’re right, I don’t know what it was like but I do know that he didn’t deny you.” “Not yet, mom, but I can tell that he’s going to soon,” I muttered and my mother rolled her eyes. She stood up. “I doubt he will.” “You also assumed that Jer would pass the third grade with straight A’s,” I muttered as my mom glared at me. “He was close!” “Straight C’s is nowhere near close, mom!” I replied as she exited my room. ~~~ “Where are we going?” I asked Jonah as he continued driving in silence. “Somewhere fun; don’t worry,” he stated as he continued driving. I sighed as we drove in silence. I was quiet for a few moments before I groaned loudly. “Just tell me where we’re going.” “I said don’t worry,” Jonah muttered in a sing-song voice. I glared at him. “You expect me not to worry?” I drawled as I rested my head dramatically onto the headrest. Jonah sighed before turning on the radio. I turned to look at him as the station blasted Taylor Swift. You see, I have nothing against Taylor Swift; in fact- I enjoy her music. It’s quite catchy. The thing is, Taylor Swift seemed to be Jonah’s favorite artist…but I doubt he’d admit it. He fumbled to turn off the radio but I swatted his hand away. “Do you like this song?” I asked Jonah and he scoffed overdramatically. He even tossed an eye roll in before his answer. “No, this station was left on when the twins were in the car," he lied. I gave him a flat look. “Oh really?” “Yeah, really,” he fibbed as he looked at the radio anxiously. A familiar tune came on the radio and I smirked. “So, you don’t know every word to this song?” I asked Jonah and he shook his head. I began humming along to the beginning notes. He was humming quietly and I decided to start singing. “I was driving shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car; he had a one hand feel on the steering wheel, the other on my heart!” I turned to Jonah as he mumbled the next verse. I nudged him and he sang louder. “He looked around, turned the radio down and said ‘baby is something wrong?’”
23 Apr 2015 | 05:29
“I said nothing; I was just thinking how we don’t have a song. And he said...” I exclaimed as we pulled up to a stop light. “Our song is a slamming screen door, sneaking out late, tapping on your window! When we’re on the phone and you talk real slow cause it’s late and your momma don’t know! Our song is the way you laugh, the first date, man I didn’t kiss her and I should have!” he belted out. We continued singing along, ignoring the odd stares from people beside us at the red light. When we finally stopped singing, I turned to Jonah with a smirk on my face. “Don’t know the song, huh?” He gave me a sheepish smile. “I may have remembered the lyrics.” I rolled my eyes as I rested my head against the window. It’s the 14th, Valentine’s Day, the day after the Valentine’s Day dance, and three days before my seventeenth birthday. Jonah's still holding my hand and kissing my cheek, even though Caleb was convinced a while ago. Now, it just seems like we’re a couple, a normal couple, one that shares kisses and talks about their future. Although our kisses are on the cheek and our plans about the future usually include upcoming projects and what we want to do when we turn 21. Even though Jonah was still holding my hand and kissing my cheek, I was upset. Not because I didn’t enjoy the butterflies that erupted in my stomach each time I looked at him or when our hands touched, or even when his lips pecked my cheek; no, I just don’t want this to end. We slowed to a stop at a wooden area. I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned to look at Jonah who grinned at me. “A nature park?” “Yes,” Jonah replied as he opened his car door. Before I could open mine, Jonah beat me to it, holding the door open while his other hand was extended to help me up. I guess Jonah wanted to take advantage of this nice weather, it was 60 degrees Fahrenheit and it was actually sunny. Rather than the usual cloudy weather; it was bright and the sun was in the sky. I allowed Jonah to take my hand as we walked over a small bridge, one that was above a running river. We saw small fish jumping out of the water before abruptly landing back into the stream. I pointed to a frog that was resting on a rock and Jonah laughed as its tongue extended to capture a fly. We continued walking and we came upon a lake. I realized that the bridge we were on was higher up and we could see over the lake. “Do you see it?” I turned to look at Jonah with a confused look on my face. I looked over at the lake again before meeting Jonah’s gaze once more. I plastered an impatient look on my face. “No, what is it?” Instead of pointing like a normal person, Jonah stood beside me, his side pressed against mine. His head was beside mine, his breath fanning against my ear. He lifted his hand and turned my face in the direction of whatever it was that he wanted me to look at. He leaned down to whisper in my ear. “It’s a deer." I ignored the shivers that ran down my spine and narrowed my eyes. I saw a light colored figure hidden in the trees. Jonah’s breath fanned across my neck and I held back a shiver. I didn’t trust myself to speak so instead, I just nodded. We moved on after about five minutes of watching the deer watch us. We moved on towards a wooded area. I heard soft patters of feet as Jonah loudly stomped across the bridge. I reached out and grabbed his arm as I stared at a fox that was standing straight. Jonah turned to look at me, a confused look on his face. “Do you see it?” Jonah looked around before shaking his head. “See what?”
23 Apr 2015 | 05:30
Update in my site
23 Apr 2015 | 05:30
Cari on bro...... Jona nd van on valentine's day
23 Apr 2015 | 05:53
Shaxee pls finish the heartbroken heartbreaker. I'm begging you my favorite writer.
23 Apr 2015 | 08:45
Fox of cos
23 Apr 2015 | 08:49
@jencute... That story is already completed
23 Apr 2015 | 10:01
next please
23 Apr 2015 | 14:31
Dis is gettin more interesting.
23 Apr 2015 | 17:42
23 Apr 2015 | 18:59
I stood on my tiptoes and turned his face towards the direction of the fox. I let my hand linger on his cheek while the other hand rested on his shoulder, mainly for balance but it was also warm under my fingers. “See it now?” Jonah nodded as he watched the fox. It slowly trotted away and I smirked as we continued walking, hand in hand. It was silent as we looked at the plants and the trees. “What’s your middle name?” I turned to look at Jonah before I furrowed my eyebrows. “Taylor, why?” “Nothing…Savannah Taylor Harp,” Jonah was obviously thinking about something as he nodded his head, a small smile appearing on his lips. I ignored the burning curiosity in the pit of my stomach. It was the curiosity that killed the cat. Instead, I continued thinking about the thoughts that wafted through my mind. I repeated the words in my head over and over again. Savannah Taylor Davis. Savannah Taylor Davis. “What are you thinking about?” Jonah asked me, pulling me away from my thoughts. I looked up at him, shrugging. “Nothing, why do you ask?” “You’re smiling creepily; you’re ruining our chances of seeing anymore wildlife,” he joked and I bumped my shoulder into his, or at least I tried to. He rolled his eyes at my failed attempt to hit his shoulder. “You’re too short.” “Or maybe you’re just too tall,” I retorted and he playfully glared at me. I liked our playful banter. I hope he did, too. ~~~ We ended the trail and got back into the car, driving to our next location slowly. Before I even had the chance to ask where we were going, Jonah cut me off. “Want to play a game?” “What is this? Saw?” I asked him, laughing. He chuckled before shaking his head. He gave me a sideways glance. “Would you rather? That game, want to play it?” “That game, yes I would.” I mocked him and he glared at me for a moment before smiling. “Would you rather kiss a homeless man’s foot or lick a dirty sidewalk?” he asked me and I scowled in disgust. “You’re disgusting! What’s your problem?” I asked him and he gave me an innocent look. “Bring on the dirty sidewalk.” “You’re so gross! You can forget about that one month kiss if you go around licking sidewalks for fun!” he exclaimed as he inched away from me. “You’re the one asking! I had to answer!” I replied. “Shut it, you sidewalk licker. I don’t want your dirty sidewalk breath invading my car," he smirked at me, earning a glare in response. “Now ask me a question.” “Would you rather kiss Alex Pettyfer or Channing Tatum?” I asked him out of pure interest. He thought for a moment. “This doesn’t mean I like guys…but I’d have to say Channing Tatum," he replied as he rubbed his chin with one hand. “But I don’t like guys.” I snickered. “I pictured you as a Channing Tatum sort of guy.” He shrugged. “Well he’s magic…Magic Mike.” I let out a loud laugh, shaking my head at his stupid joke. “Your turn, loser.” “Okay, um, would you rather eat a giraffes tongue or make out with an old man?” Jonah asked. “Is it cooked?” I questioned as I bit my lip.
24 Apr 2015 | 09:50
“Well…if we cooked an old man, it’d be considered cannibalism,” he replied and I furrowed my eyebrows. “What are you talking about? I was asking about the giraffe tongue,” I stated and Jonah nodded, making an ‘oh’ sound. Jonah thought for a moment while I stared at him. “No, you have to eat the giraffe’s tongue raw… but it’s warm from the blood inside of it.” I curled my upper lip in disgust. “Do I get utensils?” “Why would you need utensils? You just bite it,” Jonah replied. “I can cut it into bite size pieces,” I responded as I nearly gagged. Jonah sighed but nodded. “Then, I’d eat the giraffe tongue.” “What if the old man was a really good kisser?” he asked and I shook my head vigorously. “Would you rather be able to read minds or fly and why?” I asked Jonah as I rested my hand against my face. He thought while tapping the steering wheel as we waited at the red light. “I’d rather be able to read minds; it’d be easier to see what people think of you. You’d be able to be better friends with someone.” I nodded my head. “That’s good reasoning.” “Would you rather eat a bucket full of live cockroaches or a dead pigeon?” he asked me casually, as if he was asking what I wanted for dinner. “Seriously, dude, what's wrong with you? That’s disgusting,” I drawled as I imagined both of the things sitting in front of me. “I’m not answering it.” “You have to,” Jonah whined. “No! Give me a dare or something; I’m not answering it.” Jonah groaned. “You’re over-dramatic.” "I'm not answering it, and that's final," I told him. Glaring at me, he sighed. “Now for your dare,” Jonah stopped the car. I noticed that we were beside a park. I furrowed my eyebrows as he opened my car door. “You’re going to propose to me.” “In front of all these people?” I hissed. Obviously, it’s completely normal for a teenager to propose…as long as it’s not in front of a group of people. Jonah nodded his head and entwined our fingers, swinging our hands back and forth. I groaned as he walked to the middle of the park. I sighed as I turned to look at him. I backed up a few steps before I knelt down on one knee. This drew attention from people and I felt my face go red. Jonah placed a hand over his heart as he gasped. “Jonah Davis, will you marry me?” I asked and a chorus of ‘aw’ went around, laced with a few remarks of ‘they’re so young.’ Jonah smiled before he frowned. “No," he responded. He casually strode off and I got up, embarrassed as people started whispering. I chased after him and punched his shoulder. “You jerk! You just embarrassed me!” I replied and he bumped his shoulder into mine. “You’re the one that requested a dare,” he casually spoke, earning a glare from me. ~~~ We ended up driving to a roller skating rink and I stared at him as if he was growing a third head. “Roller skating?” “Have you ever been?” he asked me and I shook my head. “No… I haven’t,” I replied as I looked at the place. It was ‘Lover’s Day and Night.’ This means that tickets are half off if you come with two people. They even play romance songs and host competitions for the cutest couple.
24 Apr 2015 | 09:50
Jonah laughed. “There’s a first time for everything.” “Yeah, like murder,” I muttered as he walked around the car. When we went to rent the skates, the lady was keen on loudly asking me what size skate I was. Jonah was right beside me and I tried to whisper but she insisted I speak up. “I’m a size 9.” “Excuse me?” the lady asked, cupping her ear. I groaned. “Size 9,” I replied a bit louder and the lady nodded. “The size 9 skates are right over there!” she exclaimed, pointing towards a rack labeled ‘nine.’ Jonah snickered as I glared at the floor. I walked over and grabbed a pair of the neon green skates, putting them on my feet. The wheels were glow in the dark for the dim lit skating rink. I gulped and internally screamed. I can’t skate; I’m going to end up ripping my pants. While I struggled to stand up, Jonah casually walked over as if his feet weren’t clad in rolling death traps. “Why roller skating?” I groaned as I stood up. I felt myself slipping and Jonah caught me, holding me beside him. “Why not?” he asked me, a mischievous smirk on his face. I groaned again as I regained my balance. “I can think of a few reasons.” We made our way out to the roller skating rink, well; Jonah did while I was technically dragged there. He slowly let go of me once we reached the outside of the rink and my ankles threatened to give out. I stared at the rink, pursing my lips. It was mostly empty, which was good because the less people to see me fail- the better. “Just hold my hand,” Jonah whispered and I gave him a flat look. “Because your hand is a magical force that will hold me up when I nearly slam my face on the floor?” I snapped and he laughed. “Way to have a good attitude," he muttered and I gave him a fake grin. I groaned as they started playing ‘Teenage Dream’ by Katy Perry. I was a fan of the artist; I just wasn’t in the mood to hear this song- especially when Jonah and I are roller skating on Valentine’s Day at a place where today is called ‘Lover’s Day and Night.’ I gripped onto the side rail the moment I stepped into the rink. Jonah held my other hand while he stood there, waiting for me to let go of the railing. “It’s fun, I promise. Just let go of the railing.” “What if I fall?” I asked as I clutched the metal. He smiled. “I won’t let you.” I slowly let go of the railing, allowing him to slowly pull me along beside him. ~~~ I limped back towards the car. “What happened to not letting me fall?” “I didn’t see the old couple!” he excused. “What about the other 3 times?” I retorted. “The first two times, you tried to escape!” he replied and I rolled my eyes as I sat in the passenger’s seat. “At least you didn’t hit your face.” I rolled my eyes again as I stared out of the window. “Are you hungry?” I looked at him and nodded. “Starving.” “What do you want to eat?” he asked and I thought for a moment.
24 Apr 2015 | 09:51
“We can always get Chinese food,” I muttered and he nodded. When we arrived at the Chinese Buffet, I felt the pain wash out of me. The moment Jonah opened the door; I dived out and ran to the door like a small child. Jonah approached me with an amused look on his face. “What happened to your limp?” I glared at him. “Ow…the pain, it’s unbearable,” I pretended to groan. Jonah laughed as he opened the door for me. “So…you know, your birthdays coming up,” Jonah casually said as we sat down at our table, our plates stacked high with food. I laughed. “I do know that.” “What are you planning to do?” he asked me and I shrugged. “Nothing, I’m probably going to play video games,” I responded as I took a piece of shrimp off of my plate. He frowned. “You don’t have plans? With your family?” he asked. I shook my head. “Nope…we’ll probably eat cake but we’re not having a party. Besides, it’s a Wednesday, a school day.” “Well…cake can’t take up the whole day…neither can school,” he mischievously stated. I furrowed my eyebrows. “What do you mean?” “I mean…we can hang out on your birthday, um, if you want to,” he awkwardly muttered as he stared at his food. I gave him an amused look. “Yeah, I guess,” I smiled. Jonah looked up at me with a smile of his own. “It’s supposed to be sunny right? Why spend a sunny day locked inside of school?” “You mean…skip school?” Jonah smirked. I simply nodded. “Why not?” I replied. He grinned before nodding. “It’s a plan," he told me.
24 Apr 2015 | 09:52
Lovey dovey smtin
24 Apr 2015 | 11:57
Still on point.....
24 Apr 2015 | 14:51
Chapter 29 I technically ruined the plan…or my mother did. Instead of waking up at 6 o’clock and pretending to attend school like Jonah and I planned, my mother allowed me to sleep in until 8, an hour into the school day. “Wake up, birthday girl,” my mother sang as she entered my room. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I’d been up all night on the phone with Jonah and then my father. I stayed up until 2 in the morning just talking to my dad. My dad was the first one to tell me happy birthday; he said he wishes he was here with us to say it in person but his job wouldn’t allow that. I told him that it was okay and that it’s only a birthday. I'll have plenty more in the future. I groaned and laid back down, putting a pillow over my face. My mother just laughed. “Birthday girl breakfast is on the stove; you better hurry up or else Jer will finish it before you; it’s your favorite.” I sat up immediately and rushed to the bathroom. After showering, I realized that I had to call Jonah. I checked my phone to see text messages from my friends saying ‘Happy Birthday’ and a voice mail that I’m scared to open from Mere. She tends to be loud about birthdays. “You’re late, birthday girl,” Jonah said. Why is everyone calling me that? I groaned. “I know, my mother let me sleep in. Can the plan wait until ten? I have breakfast on the table; it’s my favorite.” I grinned at the thought of eating my favorite breakfast and then spending the day with my favorite guy. Francis…kidding. “Fine, just know that we’re going to be eating, too, so don’t eat too much,” Jonah told me and I rolled my eyes. “That’s impossible,” I retorted and he laughed. We hung up and I ran down the stairs, or at least I tried but I was encased in a bear hug by my only brother, Jeremiah. “Hello, birthday sister!” Okay, I prefer birthday girl. “How does it feel to be 17?” “That’s a stupid question. I’ve only been seventeen for a few hours; besides, it’s not like you feel like you’re flying once you turn a certain age.” “Oh yeah? Wait until you turn 18,” my brother patted my head as we walked down the stairs. At the table, I was greeted with bacon, eggs, bagels, muffins, and chocolate chip pancakes. My mom went all out. She made pancakes for my idiot brother, but added chocolate chips for me. Remembering Jonah’s reminder, I groaned. Forget that! I dove into the plate of pancakes, placing three onto my plate before buttering them up and soaking them in the thick syrup. Thank you, Canadians. After I finished eating, I felt stuffed and was convinced that I couldn’t move. “Well, I’m off to class. I’ll see you guys in two hours," Jer stood up and walked out of the house, grabbing his bag that was on the couch. I realized that my mother allowed me to say home, something she never did. “Mom…why am I here?” “Well, your father and I loved each other-,” I cut her off immediately, disgust taking over my features. “No, no, no, not that! Please, not that. What I meant was why am I home? It’s 9:30 AM and it’s a Wednesday, meaning it’s a school day yet here I am, eating like a pig,” I explained as she stood up and walked over to the sink. My mother shrugged. “I heard you talking to Jonah about skipping school, which I do not appreciate young lady, so I decided to allow you to sleep in and stay home- with my approval. You barely miss school and when you do, it’s because you’re sick, so why not?” I was quiet for a minute. “Does this mean I can stay home any day?”
24 Apr 2015 | 17:00
My mother scoffed. “Yeah, right.” I groaned and my mother shook her head. I exited the house and got into my car before I realized I had no idea where I was going. Taking out my phone and dialing Jonah’s number, I waited patiently in my car. “Yes?” Jonah asked. I licked my lips. “Well, Jonah, I’d love to spend the day with you but I don’t know where I’m supposed to be going.” “You’re supposed to be sitting inside your house because I’m 5 minutes away,” Jonah stated and I sighed before getting out of my car. “How about sitting on my porch?” I asked him. He made a disapproving sound. “Not quite, you need to be in your living room, on the couch.” “Not going to happen, babe,” I felt my face redden as I realized what I said. “Since when do you call me babe?” Jonah questioned. I scoffed. “I never said that.” “I’d further my assumption but I’m scared you’re going to shout ‘cheeseburger’ and hang up.” Jonah laughed and I glared at the ground. I sighed. “You stupid saltine.” “That’s me,” Jonah muttered. I heard the sound of tires on gravel and I stood up to see Jonah’s familiar blue car in my drive way. I grinned as I walked over to it. Jonah opened his door and got out, holding me in a tight hug. I grinned into his chest as the sun shone down on my face. I’m glad it’s a sunny day, today. Well, any day with Jonah is a good day. “Happy Birthday, Savannah.” I smiled up at him. “Thank you.” He opened the passenger’s side door for me and closed it after me. I sat there and waited for him to get into the driver’s side. When he did, he closed the door and pulled out of the driveway. “Where are we going?” I questioned and he was quiet, I figured he wasn’t going to tell me so I sighed melodramatically. “It’s my birthday and you’re keeping secrets from me?” He laughed. “Well… where do you think we’re going?” I shrugged. “I don’t know; if I did, would I have asked you?” I sarcastically retorted. “Where is a fun place to go on a sunny day?” he asked me as if the answer was obvious. “Chuck E. Cheese?” I suggested and he scoffed. “Well, yeah, but a different place.” He replied and I shrugged. “I don’t know…the beach?” I asked him and he sighed. “Yes, but….?” he was still hopeful that I’d get it. Third times the charm, right? “The carnival?” I questioned and he grinned. “Ding, ding, ding.” He exclaimed and I furrowed my eyebrows. “Where’d you find one of those?” I questioned. I swore the carnivals started coming here around April, not mid-February. Jonah shrugged. “I did a little digging, and it turns out that there is a carnival only two towns over. They’re open today!” I rolled my eyes and smiled. “I thought they were closed.” Jonah scowled. “Are you always this sarcastic on your birthday?”
24 Apr 2015 | 17:01
“Only to you,” I replied while he laughed. ~~~ “Why are there so much people here?” I asked Jonah as he shrugged. “I don’t know; I don’t live in this town,” Jonah shrugged as we looked around at the large groups of people. I’m pretty sure that a high school took a field trip here because there seemed to be a bunch of stray teenagers walking around. Jonah and I approached the Ferris wheel. He looked down at me, squeezing my hand a bit tighter. “I hope you’re not scared of heights.” “In your dreams, Davis,” I stated as we got in line. Only a few people were in line, most of them in groups and pairs of friends and the rest were couples. I didn’t know which one Jonah and I fit into. I mean, are we still dating? We hold hands, like we are right now, and he kisses me on the cheek. We also hug for long periods of time but we’ve never had real kisses and we don’t speak about our ‘relationship.’ As we boarded the small cart, I decided that now wasn’t the time to ask him. “You’re thinking about something, aren’t you?” “Aren't we always, technically?” I asked Jonah. He shrugged. “It seems as if some people don’t.” This remark earned a laugh from me. As the cart moved up, Jonah stare at the bottom, watching as the people shrunk. “I know this is cliché and all, you know, taking you to the carnival on your birthday and then going on a Ferris wheel but I promise that I have more plans.” I shrugged. “I think it’s sweet.” Jonah frowned. “Most girls would be upset that I wasn’t more original.” And cue the most overused line in history of all females. “I’m not like most girls.” Jonah chuckled. “That's because you're a man, right?” I punched his shoulder and laughed as he started to chuckle. We maintained eye contact before I looked away, my face red. I hate how he makes me blush just by looking into my eyes. I hate how he doesn’t realize the full effect that he has on me and how I’m hopelessly falling for him. ~~~ “Look, it's bumper cars!” I pointed out. I was currently drinking my weight (which was a lot, trust me) in soda. Jonah was holding my hand in his own, swinging them casually. He looked in the direction I was pointing and looked at me. “You want to crash my car into the wall, don’t you?” he asked, amusement clear on his face. I nodded as I sipped the drink. “You know me so well.” We walked over to the colorful cars and I let go of his hand and ran to the purple car. “I call the purple car!” “I call the blue car, not that it matters,” Jonah replied as he gave the ticket lady our tickets. He walked over and sat in the blue cars. We put on our seatbelts and waited for the lady to turn on our cars. I laughed evilly as the lady turned on the bumping vehicles and we slowly started moving forward. Once the cars were fully on, I went full speed into Jonah’s car. His car swerved and spun in circles before it hit a wall. I laughed loudly as he swung around the car like a rag doll. While I was leaned over laughing, I didn’t realize that Jonah had come from his wedged position and hastily slammed his bumper into the front of my car, sending me shooting backwards. I stared at him as my car refused to move forwards. When the car came to a complete stop, I stepped on the gas pedal.
24 Apr 2015 | 17:02
I slammed into Jonah’s car and he whimpered as he struggled to stop the spinning. “I’m going to puke by the end of this game.” “This is not a game.” I exclaimed as I sped up and hit his car again. “This is Sparta!” Jonah laughed loudly at my aggression. “No, this is Patrick!" “You're such a nerd!” I replied as I sent my car hurdling into his once more. The cars slowed to a stop as the round of bumper cars ended. We got out of the cars and walked over to each other, entwining our hands. “I totally won,” I stated as we exited the rink. Jonah rolled his eyes and imitated an obnoxious girl. “Totally.” ~~~ When we finished riding all of the rides in the carnival, Jonah and I made our way to the car. He attempted to win me a stuffed animal for nearly an hour but eventually I had to drag him away from the stand when he started saying that he was going to dip into his savings account. It was almost 6 o’clock and Jonah said that we were going to go eat; we just had to swing by his house for a minute. I was complaining that I had to use the bathroom and Jonah told me as soon as we get to his house, I can go. “It’s only a thirty minute drive to my house.” “Only 30 minutes? Gee, I’ve only been holding my pee for about an hour! What’s thirty more minutes?” I gave him a flat look and he frowned. “You could’ve gone in a portable bathroom,” he stated and I scoffed. “Do you realize how stupid that sentence sounded?” I asked him and he shrugged. We slowed to a stop in front of his house and he tossed me the keys. I ran out of the car and to the house, hopping around as I unlocked the door. His aunt and uncle are at work; his sisters are at an after school club; Georgia is at work; Weston is at football practice, and his parents are currently house- searching. I put the keys on the table beside the door and ran to the nearest bathroom. I heard the door closing downstairs as I rushed into the bathroom. After washing my hands, I exited the bathroom and went downstairs. I left the house to see Jonah leaning against his car. I locked the door and walked over to him, tossing him the keys. He opened the passenger side door for me. “Where are we going?” I asked as he got into the driver’s seat. I noticed an old fashioned picnic basket in the backseat. “The beach," he replied casually. I nodded my head, internally screaming. Isn’t the beach the place of romance? Or is that France? Same thing, right? According to Mere, if a guy takes you to the beach, it means he likes you! I hope her statement was correct because if not, then I don’t know what I’ll do. My brother took her to the beach for their 4th date, where he asked her to be his girlfriend. Why can’t it be that easy for me and Jonah? When we arrived at the beach, Jonah insisted on opening the door for me. I bet if he got hit by a car, he’d crawl to the door and open it before he allows me to open it myself. He also opened the backdoor and took out the picnic basket. He took ahold of my hand with his free one and walked us to a nice spot on the beach, not too close to the water but close enough that it’s walking distance. When I looked at him, he smiled at me. He opened the basket and took out a red and white striped beach blanket. He laid it out on the sand and tried to make it straight but eventually got frustrated and gave up on that. He motioned for me to sit down so I did.
24 Apr 2015 | 17:03
@Shaxee welldone....... Two lovebirds hidin their true feelings.........savannah, jex accept yhu guys are datin, cos this sham's not endin anytime soon. If yhu wanna join the wahsapp account for coolvallers, add me on 08168591134
24 Apr 2015 | 20:22
Nyc one@shaxee
25 Apr 2015 | 04:32
He plopped down across from me and put the basket beside us. He dug his hand into the basket and pulled out boxes of sweets. He had a box of chocolate chip cookies, a pan brownies, and red velvet cupcakes. I stared at the food in delight before my gaze met his. I stared at him in amazement. Not even five minutes into the picnic and it’s already perfect. He then pulled out a 12 pack of cherry cola and then bags of various chips. “I would light a candle but I’m afraid it’ll fall because of the lumpy sand and light everything on fire,” Jonah explained while I smiled at him. I opened the box of cookies and began eating them. He took my free hand and held it while we watched the sun slowly go down. I decided to speak up and quench my burning curiosity. “Jonah?” “Hm?” he asked, turning his attention to me. “Why are we still doing this?” I asked him and he looked confused. I raised our entwined hands. “This?” “I was wondering when you’d ask. Why didn’t you ask sooner?” he asked me, turning to face me fully. I looked down sheepishly; now’s as good a time as any. Man up and tell him that you like him. Okay, Mere. “I was worried you’d stop.” Jonah was quiet before he replied. “I wouldn’t have.” I lay down on the blanket beside him, watching the sky change colors. I’d be officially seventeen at 8:22 PM and it’s 8 o’clock. Although, technically as of 12:00 AM on February 17th, I’m 17, I was born at 8:22 PM. I let out a satisfied sigh as Jonah put our entwined hands on his chest. His soft breathing calmed me down. The silence was beautiful, the whole night was beautiful. Nothing could ruin it. “Did you realize that if we were to get married, your initials would be STD?” Jonah asked me. I stifled a laugh as I nodded my head. “I did realize that.” “Are you admitting to thinking about marrying me?” Jonah inquired and I shrugged. “I guess I am,” I replied, leaving out the part about repeating my first and middle name with his last name: Savannah Taylor Davis. "But I promise I'm not creepy," I told him, earning a laugh in response. At 8:18 PM, I sighed loudly. Jonah turned his attention to me. “Savannah, can I ask you something?” I shrugged. “Sure.” “You have to promise to answer it honestly,” he stated as he sat up, pulling me along with him. I groaned as I propped myself up. “I promise,” I nodded and he gave me an unsure look. “Just say it.” “Do you like me?” his question caught me off guard. I assumed he was going to say something like ‘did you eat all of the cookies?’ because I was feeling guilty about eating them and coming clean would do my conscious some good. I didn’t expect him to ask the question he did. I sighed before nodding. “Yeah, I do.” It was silent between us as I stared at my hands that were placed on my lap. I just did it. I just confessed my not-so-undying love for him. Okay, maybe it’s not love. Maybe it’s just like…but he didn’t say anything back. I felt my heart slowly deflating. Is this what it feels like to be rejected? “Savannah?” I looked up, meeting Jonah’s gaze. His fingers slowly reached out and found their way under my chin. Isn’t this what happens when two people are about to kiss in movies? I hope my breath doesn’t stink! It probably tastes like cookies! What am I saying? Cookies are amazing! He’s lucky if he tastes my cookie breath!
25 Apr 2015 | 08:25
Before I could process what was going on, Jonah’s hands were tangled in my hair as his lips were softly pressed against mine. I felt my stomach erupt in tingles; the same tingles that I felt on Christmas Eve at the party. His lips were soft and they were on mine. They were on mine! He’s kissing me! His lips felt familiar. Was he my mystery kisser? Was I right this whole time? When the kiss ended, he entwined both of our hands, holding them up as if they were against a wall. “Happy one month.” I furrowed my eyebrows. “What?” “We never did break up,” Jonah replied, breathing heavily. “That was technically our second kiss.” “You were the person who kissed me at the Christmas Eve party, weren’t you?” I asked him and he nodded. “You’ve been looking for the last piece to the puzzle in all the wrong places; it’s been in front of you the whole time," he explained, his breathing slowing down. I blinked a few times, processing the information. “That was so cheesy.” He imitated Chester Cheeto. “It ain’t easy being cheesy.” I laughed loudly before smiling at him. “So…does this mean we’re official?” “We’ve been official since the day Caleb saw us in the hallway…at least to me we were,” he replied as he shrugged sheepishly. “Then this isn’t one month,” I stated and he shrugged. “I couldn’t wait," he grinned. “I’ve liked you for a long time.” I told him. “I’ve liked you longer," he told me. “I mean, you’ve caused me so much trouble, I didn’t think that liking someone could do this much to you.” “You’ve turned me into a good person. You’re trouble, yourself,” I replied. “I guess you can say when trouble meets trouble it ends up pretty well," he responded and I nodded my head. “I’d say that.” __A/N__ Did you like it? Did you see why I felt it was going to end? Did you guys realize that I wrote this whole entire story to put that sentence about 'If we get married, your initials would be STD' into it? (No lie.) Do you guys have any questions about the story or whatever? Because if you do, I'll post a Q&A chapter. Then I'll post the chapters about Jonah's P.O.V. Thank you guys so much for reading this. Although the journey isn't fully over (Jonah P.O.V chapters) it still is sad because... well, I really enjoyed writing this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it.
25 Apr 2015 | 08:26
wow what a Nice story.
25 Apr 2015 | 08:45
Yea I enjoy it.
25 Apr 2015 | 11:49
Epilogue “Jonah!” I giggled as he nearly slipped on the freshly mopped floor. He turned around abruptly and glared at me. “How’s work?” I leaned on the counter and he walked over, mirroring my actions. He lightly pressed his lips to my cheek. “It’s perfect now that you’re here," he whispered. “You’re so cheesy, you know that?” I asked him. “I know. So what brings you around this fine area?” he asked me as he looked around the nearly empty ice cream shop. I shrugged. “I just got out of work; I thought I’d stop by and pay my boyfriend a visit,” I could never get used to saying that. Boyfriend, Jonah is my boyfriend. My boyfriend. Mine. Jonah laughed. “Do you want anything?” I thought for a minute, puckering my lips and rubbing my chin. “A vanilla sundae sounds good right about now.” Jonah nodded as he walked over to the machine and started creating my sundae. We’ve only been dating for a month, considering we made it "officially official" on my birthday. I like to say that we’ve been dating for two considering we started ‘dating’ on January 17th, according to Jonah. It’s already March 20th and we’re still going strong. “Do you want sprinkles on it?” Jonah asked and I nodded my head excitedly as he grabbed the ladle and dipped it into the sprinkles. He dumped them onto my sundae. “Chocolate fudge? Chocolate chips? Caramel? Nuts?” I smirked at the latter and giggled. He rolled his eyes but laughed none the less. “Chocolate fudge should do.” He drizzled on the fudge and handed it to me, giving me a spoon, too. I sighed as I felt the cold ice cream hit my tongue. “It’s amazing. And Jonah?” “Yes?” he asked me, a smile on his face. “This one is on you,” I smiled as I walked over to a table. He followed me to the table, taking a seat. “What happened to working?” “I’m taking my thirty minute break. Jer can cover for me,” he smirked as my brother groaned and stood up. I looked at Mere who sighed and walked over to our table. “Really? You have to take my boyfriend away from me?” she complained. “I want to hang out with my boyfriend. Get your own,” I muttered as I flicked a bit of vanilla ice cream at her. It landed on her cheek and she gasped. “You better not find a new boyfriend!” Jer exclaimed as he walked behind the counter. “You’re evil!” Mere cried as she hastily wiped away the ice cream. She turned towards Jer and grinned. “I won’t, babe, trust me.” I pretended to gag as I glared at the two. “We’re in public, you guys.” “Says the one making out with her boyfriend the moment she walks in; watching your sister kiss her boyfriend is a really disturbing sight,” Jer shivered as he put his gloves on. I rolled my eyes at him and winked at Jonah again, earning a scowl from my brother. A little boy around the age of nine or ten walked into the ice cream shop and approached the counter. “Hey little boy, want some ice cream?” The boy stared at Jer horrified. “Stranger danger!” he screamed as he exited the ice cream shop. Jer frowned. “What’d I do wrong?” “You were creepy,” I smirked and he frowned deeper. After a minute, he smiled. “There are always other little boys that I can give ice cream to.”
25 Apr 2015 | 12:16
Jonah and I fell into fits of laughter while Mere shook her head, a horrified look on her face. ~~~ “Can you please stop?” Georgia threw popcorn at me and Jonah as we laughed together. He kept kissing my cheek and I’d tell him to stop but he wouldn’t; it’s a stupid reason to laugh but I can’t help it. I’m just so happy! I laughed again. “Make us.” Jonah shook his head. “No, no, make her!” he exclaimed as he shook his head. He stood up, pushing me away from him in the process and ran away. Georgia got up off of her spot on the couch, storming over to us and grabbing me in a headlock. “I told you to stop!” Georgia hissed as she tightened her grip on my neck. I coughed and sputtered, attempting to tell her to stop. Weston was doubled over in laughter while Jonah ran away. What a help. I heard the front door open and I tried to squeal louder, but it was hard when your throat had only a little bit of air entering it. I heard a gasp and heels clacking over to us. “Georgia, let go of Savannah!” I was grateful when Matilda pried the crazy girl off of my neck. I inhaled deeply, sighing in content when the fresh air reached my lungs. “Tell her to stop making out with your son!” Georgia complained as she walked over and sat on the couch beside Weston. Jonah’s parents recently purchased a house; it was large and homey. I liked it and apparently so did Georgia and Weston; they spend all of their time here. Diane laughed from beside Matilda, shaking her head. “Somebody’s jealous that," Diane sang. I cackled as Georgia glared at Diane, her mother. “There is no way that I’m jealous.” “Somebody’s jealous,” Weston snickered. Georgia punched his arm. “Is that jealousy I smell?” Sierra laughed as she sniffed the air and Georgia glared at her. “Why, I think it is, Sierra,” Sabrina giggled as she smelled the air for confirmation. Georgia flung a pillow in their direction. They dodged it and went back to laughing at her. Matilda laughed as well. “Speaking of Jonah, where is he?” “I don’t know; he ran off during my time of need,” I muttered as she laughed loudly. Jonah peeked out from behind a corner. “I’ll protect you from anything…but Georgia.” I laughed. “Even spiders?” He thought for a moment before he shook his head. “I’ll protect you from everything except for Georgia and spiders,” he corrected with a shiver. I just rolled my eyes. I heard a loud, rapid knocking on the door and Jonah walked over to the door and opened it. Dana was standing there with her fist held up in the air as if she was about to knock again. “Come on in.” Dana smiled at Jonah before she stood there awkwardly. She hadn’t met any of my friends yet, aside from Mere and Jonah, but he's my boyfriend, so I guess that doesn't count. She knew about them, but she’s yet to meet them…until now at least. She said that Weston’s name sounded hot when we were on the phone. “Dana, this is Georgia and Weston,” I introduced. She already knew the twins. They waved at her and she smiled at them. She giggled once she looked at Weston who waved his hand at her before turning his attention back to the television. “I was right," she whispered in my ear and I pretended to vomit as I shook my head. She giggled again.
25 Apr 2015 | 12:17
Georgia bounced up from her seat. “What’s so funny?” I smirked and opened my mouth but Dana quickly covered it with my hand. She shook her head before leading me towards the corner of the room, where Georgia followed. She let go of my hand, allowing the words to spew out of my mouth. “She likes your brother.” “No, I don’t; he could be a jerk. I just think he’s hot,” Dana replied in a serious tone but lost it once her eyes landed on the back of Weston’s head. I stared at her with a scared expression on my face. It was slightly creepy as she smiled at the back of his head. Georgia let out a loud laugh. “Yeah, Weston, hot.” “Did I hear my name and the word hot in the same sentence?” Weston asked, turning around on the couch. His knees were drilling into the back of the couch; his elbows on the couch’s back; and his fingers rested excitedly on his cheeks. He had his chin resting on his palms as he stared at us. He moved so quickly; it reminded me of a cat. Georgia laughed but nodded. Weston looked at Georgia before shaking his head, and then his eyes drifted to me. He wiggled his eyebrows and Jonah punched his arm as he walked by. Weston laughed before his eyes fell on Dana who was blushing furiously. Ding, ding, ding! I guess she was over Jacob. I glanced at her again; her face was bright red as she fidgeted with her hands. Was I like that around Jonah? I sure hope not. As if reading my mind, Georgia nodded and groaned. Weston was still staring at Dana, as if assessing her. She tried to hide behind me but I pretended to look at my watch. “Would you look at the time?” I quickly rushed back over towards Jonah and pecked his lips. Georgia groaned for what seemed like the 80th time tonight and began running towards the couch with her arm in a headlock position and I squealed and ran away. Georgia let out a warrior cry as I ducked into the kitchen. I could get used to this family. ~~~ Jonah ran to his car while Georgia stood in the doorway, shaking her fist at me while Weston was holding onto her arm. I was leaning against Jonah’s car, I managed to escape her rage and Jonah, thankfully, blocked the door while I exited the house. I grinned as Jonah started the car. I was standing outside of it, taunting her and Jonah got out of the driver’s seat to walk me to the passenger’s seat. Instead of letting him, I reached my arms around his neck and I pressed my lips to his. I giggled into the kiss and I felt his lips quirk up. I heard Georgia let out another warrior cry and I knew that I had to get into the car or else I wouldn’t be so lucky this time. When we reached my house, Jonah turned to look at me. “I know it’s hard to say this…but I just want to say that I like you, a lot. I don’t know what love is… and I’m not going to rush things but I want you to know that I like you…a lot.” I nodded my head as the words were like music to my ears. “I like you a lot, too.” Jonah nodded with a grin on his face as he got out of the car and walked over to my side of the car. He knew I wasn’t one for talking about my feelings; I was surprised that I actually admitted to liking him. He opened the door and held my hand. We walked up to my porch to see my mother in her window. I gave Jonah a sheepish grin and he shrugged, leaning down and kissing my cheek. I hugged him for a second. He sighed before walking down the steps, except he wasn’t falling this time. I waved at him while he walked towards the car. I opened the door to my house and let out a satisfied sigh. “Did you get that kiss yet?” Jer asked me with a smirk on his lips. I nodded my head. “Yes, yes, I did.”
25 Apr 2015 | 12:18
Hmmm,d story is so intresting,troube meets trouble indeed,hapi ending
25 Apr 2015 | 13:49
0 Likes to read.
25 Apr 2015 | 13:52
Uhnmmmn..... How may I start my question??.... alrt... There must be a reason behind you writting this interesting story just to bring out a funny-conc sentence like "If we get married, your initials would be STD"......if its not a personal matter...may I ask of what brings about the sentence?????? Does it means Jonah's parent had relocate to that state finaly??? How about Francis(because Van had not settle the issue about the kissess stuff with him)????? What about Waverly, has Jonah made things clear between each other???
25 Apr 2015 | 14:47
its been an interesting story!!! good work shaxee!!
25 Apr 2015 | 15:05
@shaxee.......this is 10-daful.....I no fit praise yhu reach wahalahi.......xo amazing, keep it up. Abeg yhu fit yan me tht yhur wahsapp no again, mke I add yhu to the group, misplaced the first one
27 Apr 2015 | 10:09
@Olesev this my whatsapp number 2349021151077
27 Apr 2015 | 11:26
0 Likes @Chuks
27 Apr 2015 | 17:58
Chapter 1: Jonah's Perspective “Jonah, Jonah, Jonah," Weston grinned at me as I stood in the doorway of my room with my hand on the door. I raised an eyebrow as he smirked, pushing past me. He walked over and closed my book that was lying on my bed, not even bothering to remember the page number. “What?” I asked suspiciously. I picked the book back up but he tossed it back down casually. He grinned at me, eyes twinkling mischievously. I feel a bit girly noticing these details. “Since you love books so much, why don’t we make a run to the library?” “I have all the books I need for now, maybe some other time,” I pointed towards my filled bookcase I’d recently unpacked. “Not enough! Besides, maybe there’s a nerdy girl there for you to make friends with,” Weston winked at me and as I went to reply, he cut me off. “Get dressed, we’re leaving in twenty.” He exited my room with a slam of the door. I glared at the door. “Get ready we’re leaving in twenty,” I mocked in a nasally voice. The door opened and Weston poked his head in. “I heard that,” he muttered. I tossed my book at the door and he quickly closed it. Idiot. ~~~ “I’m Beverly, how may I help you?” the pretty blonde at the counter asked. Her voice was a bit high but I still smiled at her. Be friendly but not too friendly; you don’t want to seem creepy. My eyes grazed over the library as I took in the sight of a girl reading, or studying, I'm not sure which one. “I’m looking for a book,” Weston stated, leaning on the counter flirtatiously. She grinned at him. “About horses.” Her smile faltered and she typed, what I assumed was the word ‘horses’ into the computer, sighing lightly. While she was busy, West turned to me. “It looks like I was right. Go over there,” West pushed me slightly towards the girl I was looking at earlier. She had curly brown hair and glasses that rested on her nose. I shook my head and twisted around, away from his hands. “No! She’ll think I’m weird!” I whispered and West thought for a moment. “Go flirt with her; be confident; smirk a little; you’ll get her number,” West stated and I shook my head. I stood my ground. “No, I’m not doing it.” “Do it,” Weston pleaded. I frowned slightly as he gave me doe eyes. I grumbled under my breath as I walked over to the girl. I ruffled my hair slightly. Hopefully that’s attractive. I stopped at her table and yanked the noisy chair out from under the table. I winced at the sound. I took Weston’s advice and smirked. I noticed that she was reading a book about Adolf Hitler. As she looked up, her eyes met mine and I avoided raising my eyebrows. She was pretty. Her hair, although its messy curls were surrounding her face like a lion, it suited her. “What?” she snapped, causing me to raise my eyebrows. I wasn’t expecting that. I thought she was nerdy…the glasses gave off that nerdy vibe. “Well, I’m here. What are your other two wishes?” I asked her as I sat down. I racked my brain for more pick-up lines. I shouldn’t have to use that many, right? Soon enough, she’ll be blushing, right? Instead of giggling and blushing like I expected, she narrowed her eyes at me. “For Channing Tatum, and then for you to go back to where you came from," she barked at me and I didn’t miss a beat. That was expected.
27 Apr 2015 | 18:01
“Your eyes are like the ocean, and I think I’m lost at sea,” I stated before I realized that her eyes are chocolate brown. I also noticed that her eyelashes were long; they brushed against her cheeks when she blinked. “My eyes are brown, moron," she retorted. “Can I take a picture of you? I want to show Santa Claus exactly what I want for Christmas,” I leaned in slightly. Why isn’t this working? “Can I take a picture of you? I want to show the police exactly who I’m filing a restraining order against,” she was obviously annoyed. I noticed how one of her eyes closed a bit when she was annoyed. Normally, it’d give off a psycho look but she pulled it off…just like her wild hair. “How was Heaven when you left it?” I continued. “When I left, I didn’t have any proof that God had a sense of humor, now I’ve found it," she easily replied. How does she know these pick-up lines and comebacks? “Don’t you need a license to be that hot?” I maintained eye contact as one of her eyes twitched. I was scared she was going to hop out of her chair and drop kick me. “Don’t you need a license to be that ugly?” she spat. I raised my eyebrows. Right to the ego. “Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?” I replied, ignoring her insult. “No, but it hurt when I crawled up from Hell,” she snapped viciously. “Do you have a Band-Aid? I just scraped my knee falling for you," I smiled at her. “No, but I have some salt," she snorted. I wanted to wince. That would hurt. “Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious,” I winked at her and she held back a laugh. I saw the way her lips quirked slightly. Okay, I’m getting somewhere. “No, I had a bowl of nails… without any milk.” Did she just quote Spongebob? “What would you say if I asked you to marry me?” I leaned forward. “Nothing, I can’t laugh and talk at the same time,” she raised her eyebrows. “Do you think it was fate that brought us together?” I replied, blinking slowly as I stared into her eyes. Instead of swooning, like Weston prepared me for, she cut me off mid-pick-up line. “Nope, it was just plain bad luck," she casually replied. “If I was a stop light, I’d turn red every time you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer,” I was running out of things to say! I ran my hand through my hair worriedly. “Red lights are the only things I run," she leaned forward slightly. She smelled like vanilla. I wanted to bury my face in her hair and just inhale; I love the smell of vanilla. I noticed her eyes wander to her phone and she pursed her lips. She was late for something. “If you give me your number, I’ll leave,” I piped. She narrowed her eyes at me. “Fine," she replied, ripping a sheet of paper out of her notebook. She scribbled her phone number onto it. “I’ll call you,” I replied, standing up and walking over to Weston who was leaning casually against the wall opposite to the counter, talking to Beverly with a smirk on his face. “Don’t count on me answering," she called from behind me.
27 Apr 2015 | 18:02
I grabbed Weston’s shoulder and yanked him out of the library. “Did you get her number?” I held up the paper and did a little happy dance. He grabbed my shoulder and shook it lightly as a smile spread on his face. “You player.” I shook my head. “I’m not a player.” He smirked. “You just got a nerd’s number, congrats," sis voice was sarcastic and I frowned deeper. “She’s definitely not a nerd,” I snickered as we walked over to his car. ~~~ “Call her.” “No.” “Call her.” “No!” “Call her.” “No!” I groaned as I slammed my XBOX control down on my bed; he made me lose my game. I turned and glared at Weston who was sitting in the middle of my floor, whining. He’s urging me to call the girl I met at the library today even though I don’t want to. I annoyed her enough. It’s not that she’s not pretty, she really is; it’s just that she obviously didn’t want to talk to me at the library so what makes him think she’d want to talk to me while she’s at her house? Oh, I forgot, I didn’t tell Weston about how I had to blackmail her to get her number. “Call her,” Weston stated. I started rubbing the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache coming on. “If I call her, will you leave?” I snapped. Weston nodded his head as he stared at me excitedly. He quickly dived onto my bed and sat beside me. I put the phone on speaker and dialed the number that I read off of the piece of paper. “Hello?” a male voice asked after a few rings. Weston gave me a confused look. “Hi," I replied awkwardly. Where had my confidence gone? “May I ask why a guy that I don’t know is calling me?” the person replied and I frowned. I don’t even know the girl’s name! I stuttered. “S-some girl at the library gave me this number.” “Girl at the library? Who do I know that goes to a li- Savannah!” His shouting caused me to wince away from the phone that sat on my bed. Imagine if that was pressed against my ear. “Uh, I don’t know her name,” I admitted. “She has curly brown hair, crazy brown eyes? Glasses? Super violent?” the boy questioned and I made noises of affirmation as he asked. “Yeah, that’s my sister. Speaking of her, why’d she give you my number?” I grit my teeth. “I flirted with her and she gave me, what I assumed, was her number.” The guy started laughing…he laughed for about 5 straight minutes. “Dude…my sister gave you the wrong number?” “Why do you say it like that?” I frowned. He’s saying it as if his sister isn’t a prize. I wouldn’t want some random guys dating my sisters. I’d want a good guy to treat my sister like a princess, even though I’d never admit it to the little brats. “What do you mean?” he asked. “You say it like she’s…well, nothing. You say it like she’s not special,” I stated and the boy thought for a moment. “I guess you’re right. There has to be a reason why she didn’t give you the right number. Were you creeping on her?” he asked casually. I thought for a moment before I felt my face warm up. “That’s the creeper silence. Do I have to call the police?” “No, I wasn’t creeping on her, just…harmless flirting," I admitted shyly. The guy sucked his teeth. “Harmless flirting? What’d you do?” “I used a bunch of cheesy pick-up lines,” I admitted. The guy let out a wild laugh and I heard Weston scoff from beside me. I looked over at him and he shook his head at me. “Didn’t you realize that pick-up lines don’t work?” “Well…yeah, today,” I muttered and the guy laughed. “My name’s Jeremiah. Hey, you know what? I’ll put her on the phone,” Jeremiah stated. “No!” I hastily responded. “What? Why not?” he asked. I started stuttering again, something I do when I’m nervous around someone I don’t know. “I just don’t want to seem like a super creep. Odds are we’ll go to the same school. North Valley?” “Yeah, she goes to North Valley. I never caught your name, by the way,” Jeremiah replied. “That’s because I didn’t toss it,” I let out a corny laugh and the guy on the other end let out a sarcastic chuckle. “Davis, Jonah Davis.” “Bond, James Bond," Jeremiah muttered under his breath. “Ah! I found you on Facebook. You have that weird hat on in your profile picture?” "Yes," I responded. Remind me to change that. I furrowed my eyebrows. Isn’t that technically stalking? “I have to keep my little sister safe… from a surfer?” he snorted. I frowned. “Surfing is cool!” “Yeah, in the eighties,” Jeremiah snorted and Weston let out a laugh while I frowned. Surfing is cool…right? 
27 Apr 2015 | 18:04
I like it!!!!
28 Apr 2015 | 05:40
28 Apr 2015 | 06:26
It seems we ar repeating wat we hv read b4.....continue.
28 Apr 2015 | 07:02
Chapter 13 & 14: Jonah's Perspective The lights were completely out and the sound of people licking each other’s mouths (okay, maybe that’s a bad description) filled the air. Should I kiss Savannah? I want to but would she? What if the lights go on and she sees it’s me? Then it’ll be weird between us; that’s if we’re still friends! Who knows? After I kiss her, she might realize what a creep I am! I internally debated with myself when I sighed. “I’m gonna go for it,” I muttered under my breath. I reached out in the direction she was in a few seconds before the lights went out. I’m praying that she didn’t move and, God forbid, my sister is right there. Just the thought of that makes me want to vomit. I grabbed her shoulders and leaned down. I heard her breathing get heavier and I smirked slightly. I pressed my lips to hers and wanted to sigh in content. They were soft, like I’d expected, and her mouth tastes like soda, but it’s nice. My body felt warm. She stood still for a minute before she started to kiss me back. I hope she doesn’t think this is someone else…like, maybe, Francis? I’d seen him aimlessly walking around, flirting with girls. Why am I thinking about Francis when I’m kissing Savannah? Talk about weird. I hope she likes the taste of skittles. I ate two packs before I found her on the balcony. She reached her hands up and placed them on my shoulders. I felt her shift and she was standing on the tips of her toes, using my shoulders for support. What if I stepped back? She’d fall straight on her face, landing in a heap on the floor. I suppressed a laugh. My hands were on her waist, holding her in place. She took her hands off of my shoulders and went to touch my hair but I grabbed her hands and placed them on my shoulders again, shaking my head. It’s not like I don’t want her to touch my hair (does this make me sound creepy?) but it’s just that my hair would give it away. When the counter was at 27 seconds, she slowly backed up. I realized that this was probably the last time I’d get a chance to anonymously kiss her. Cocky now, are we? I mean, maybe the last chance I’d get to kiss her…ever. I grabbed her shoulders once more and pressed my mouth to hers before I let her go. “Merry Christmas," my voice came out raspier than I planned it to but it’s better. She won’t know it was me. I hoped that my lips weren’t red and swollen. I noticed that Francis was standing right across from us. I clenched my teeth as he looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I gave him a glare before turning to see people around us coupled up. Savannah had a panicked look on her face. I don’t regret it. Sierra’s face was red and she was wiping her hair out of her eyes. I narrowed my eyes at Blake. Sabrina was smirking and she caught my gaze. Her eyes widened slightly and she took a step closer, scrutinizing my appearance. I heard Sierra whisper something to Savannah and Savannah shrugged; her eyes had a tint of crazy in them. “I have to go," she muttered a bit louder. She didn’t turn to look at me and she hastily made it out of the party. I frowned slightly before realizing that if you went to a party alone and you were anonymously kissed, you’d be freaked out, too. Sierra turned to look at me, her eyes curious. “Did you kiss her?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I stated as I turned and walked away. I walked out to the balcony and looked over the edge. “What a far drop,” I heard Francis declare. If he was trying to make an entrance, he failed. It’s not even that far of a drop. “Not really,” I replied casually as I turned around to look at him. He stared at me for a moment before he narrowed his eyes. “You like her, don’t you?”
28 Apr 2015 | 07:30
“What?” I asked him. Okay, maybe playing stupid was…well, stupid. But I can’t just openly admit to Savannah’s enemy that I may or may not have a crush on her. He gave me a flat look. “I asked if you have a crush on her.” I scoffed. “Who?” He ran his hands down his face. “Savannah, the girl you just made out with.” I glared at him. “I didn’t make out with her. Besides, you don’t know a thing…unless you have night vision.” He rolled his eyes. “Your face says it all. Your eyes are panicked and confused and your lips… they’re swollen.” Why was he looking at my lips? Awkward. I raised both of my eyebrows. “That doesn’t mean I kissed her.” “Unless you kissed one of your sisters, then you had to have kissed Savannah,” I glared at him. “Fine,” I shrugged. He smirked. “But that doesn’t mean that I like her.” “Really? So, you know, kissing her doesn’t mean you like her?” he asked and I shook my head. “Nope, not at all,” I shrugged. “So… if I kissed her, you wouldn’t mind one bit?” he asked and I felt my stomach clench. If he kissed her, I’d be very angry. I’m not one to be possessive but I doubt that anyone would want to see their crush kissing someone else. I shrugged again. “Nope, we’re just friends.” Francis nodded before turning around. He turned back for a moment. “So you wouldn’t mind at all?” “Nope,” I reassured. I decided to bring Sierra and Sabrina home. It was getting late and tomorrow, well, today is Christmas. We should be getting a call from our parents sometime today, too. I walked into the party and quickly located Sierra standing a bit too close to Blake for my liking. He was leaning in as I approached them. I quickened my pace. “Sierra!” I shouted a bit too enthusiastically. Blake groaned and leaned away from my little sister. She shot me a glare. “We’re leaving.” “Where’s Sabrina?” Sierra asked me, giving me an annoyed look. I plastered on a fake smile. “She’s out by the car,” I lied. Sierra snorted. “Oh really? Does the car happen to be a senior who she’s dancing on?” “What?” I whipped around and bounded towards the part of the floor where people were dancing. I looked around, searching for my sister. I turned and saw her sitting at the place where they serve drinks, nonalcoholic of course. I narrowed my eyes. Sierra lied to me! I turned around and stormed over to Sierra and Blake and quickly separated them. I turned to look at Sierra. “Go to the car.” She rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” I glared at Blake before I walked over to where Sabrina was. I told her we were leaving and she calmly got up and walked towards the exit. That was easier than I thought. I exited the party, following my sisters. “Did you do it?” Sabrina asked me as she put her phone away. I turned to look at her, slightly confused. “Did I do what?” I questioned. She wiped her hair out of her eyes as she shivered. “Did you kiss Savannah?” I shrugged. “Yeah, I did.”
28 Apr 2015 | 07:31
Sabrina nodded. “I know.” I sighed as I reached for my keys that I left in my jacket pocket. I frowned when I didn’t find them. “Uh oh.” ~~~ I heard a loud knocking on my door as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I heard my aunt’s voice calling me. “Jonah! Wake up, you lazy bum!” I groaned. “I’m awake.” “Good, West is complaining about not being able to open his gifts yet. Be downstairs in ten minutes,” she replied and I frowned before I got up and walked to the bathroom. I’ve never been so grateful for warmth. Last night, we were stuck outside for twenty minutes because I couldn’t find my keys. Turns out, they were in the back pocket of my pants. The twins had gotten the worst of it though, unlike me, they didn’t have jackets. I was only slightly cold in mine but they were shivering and their teeth were chattering. I wonder if they’re okay. As I finished up my morning routine, I walked downstairs to hear Weston’s cheer. “Finally!” I smiled and walked over to the Christmas tree where my aunt, uncle, cousins, and sisters sat with smiles on their faces. Well, the twins didn’t have smiles on their faces. They had scowls and blankets wrapped around them. I guess they’d gotten sick. It’s not my fault they didn’t bring jackets. I averted my gaze from my sisters, who were glaring at me, to the main decoration of the living room- the tree that took three and a half hours to decorate. It was big and it had a few gifts under it. “Open our gifts first,” the twins muttered unenthusiastically. Rather than arguing, we all reached for the purple presents. I opened the present and smiled widely. “Thank you,” I grinned at the new book series. “I’m going to start it today.” ~~~ Opening gifts went well…I’d received a new pair of shoes, some video games, a few new memory cards, a new headset for my XBOX 360, and another few months of membership for my XBOX. I was sitting in my room, reading the books that the twins had purchased for me when my phone rang. I stared at the caller ID for a minute before answering it. “Merry Christmas.” “Merry Christmas! Now, are you still coming to the Christmas Party?” Jeremiah asked, quickly getting to the point. I laughed. “Of course,” I replied. “But my sisters can’t.” “Why not?” Jeremiah asked. “They’re sick,” I stated and he made a sound of understanding. “Anyway, I’ll be there.” “Good. I’ll see you,” he responded before I looked at the clock. It was 5:00 PM and the party was at 7. I’d need an hour to drive there so I might as well get ready now. After showering and dressing in a red button down and black jeans, I shook my hair like a dog. It wasn’t exactly drying it, but it was fun. I grabbed my jacket and keys before I went to exit the room but I remembered Savannah’s gift. I’d spent days trying to find someone to make the hat out of the material and finally I found someone. It took a while but it came out very nice, so I’m glad. I grabbed the bag in my hands and walked out of my room. My aunt smirked at me. “Where are you going?” I looked at her with a smile. “To Savannah’s house, remember?” I asked her and she nodded before lifting up a bag. I felt my stomach lurch.
28 Apr 2015 | 07:32
So dis all ll hv missed bf,tnx 4 dat @Shaxee
28 Apr 2015 | 08:55
Ok now I love this!!!!
28 Apr 2015 | 13:03
“Without your pretty new sweater?” She asked me. She bought me a Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer sweater and expects me to wear it for every Christmas occasion that I attend. I laughed sheepishly before taking the bag. “Of course not,” I exited the house and got into my car, stuffing the bag deep under the seats. I let out a sigh of relief. Hopefully nobody finds that. ~~~ When I arrived at Savannah’s house, it was packed to the brim with her relatives. We used to have parties like this when I was younger but it was usually for my parent’s business deals and other professional occasions, which meant I wasn’t allowed to leave my room. I walked up the steps and was greeted by Savannah’s father. “You must be the infamous Jonah.” His eyes crinkled when he smiled and I found myself smiling back. “Yes, I’m Jonah.” “I hear that you like my daughter, is that true?” he asked me with a serious look on his face. I felt myself gulping. Should I lie to him and get off on the wrong foot with her father? What kind of question is that? Of course you can’t lie to him! I smiled before nodding sheepishly. I felt my face warm up. “Y-yes.” The man laughed and patted my back. “Good luck with her, son.” I grinned widely. He called me son; that has to be good right? You’re overthinking things. Oh, right. I walked further into the house and heard shouting coming from the far end of the house. “Jeremiah! Get inside of the house! There is a party going on; you can make snowmen later!” a woman yelled and I held back a chuckle. “It’s actually a snow family!” I assumed she was giving him a glare because he quieted down. “You promise?” “Yes, Jeremiah,” the woman replied with a tired voice before she walked in my direction. She smiled at me, all traces of exhaustion disappearing. “You must be Jonah.” “That’s me,” I smiled at her and she returned the gesture. “I hear a lot about you," she grinned and I laughed. “I hope it’s good,” I responded and she chuckled before nodding. “You know what? How about I go get Savannah? It shouldn’t take her two hours to get into a dress,” she muttered the latter and I felt my eyes widen. She’s going to be wearing a dress? I watched as Jeremiah entered the house, stripping off of his extra layers. He left his snowy coat out on the porch before he walked over to me. “Hey, Jonah, you made it.” “Didn’t I say I was going to?” I asked with a grin. He nodded, holding out his fist. I punched his fist lightly and he snorted, punching my shoulder. “Did you talk to any of our relatives yet?” he asked me and I nodded. “I talked to both of your parents,” I replied and Jeremiah sighed in relief. “Thank God you didn’t talk to our Aunt Sy- Hey, Aunt Sylvia!” he put on a fake smile as he looked at someone behind me. “Who is this adorable young man?” the lady grinned at me. Her hair was brown and short, cut to a bob. She reached out and encased my cheek between her index finger and her thumb. “I’m Jonah," my words came out slurred and she let go of my face, asking me to repeat myself. I slowly rubbed my cheek before I spoke again. “I’m Jonah.” “Yeah, this is Savannah’s future boyfriend,” I felt my face warm up at his words but his aunt grinned.
28 Apr 2015 | 14:12
“I’ll have to talk to you a bit later but right now, those cookies are calling me!” she quickly ran off to the kitchen. Jeremiah let out a sigh of relief. “That lady can talk for years.” I laughed. “I know the type.” ~~~ I put my gift under the Christmas tree and approached Jeremiah, who said he’d meet me by the stairs. I walked over to them as a blonde girl raced down them, almost tripping and falling. I had a feeling that was Meredith. Jeremiah seemed as if he was in a trance. He was staring at the girl and she seemed to take notice, blushing and giggling. I wanted to puke. It was embarrassing to see. “Savannah should be coming downstairs shortly,” she told me. I felt my heart start to beat quicker. Finally, the girl I’ve been waiting for, not in that context. I’ve actually been waiting for her to come downstairs for a while now. I watched as she came down the stairs. She was wearing a sparkly red dress that fit her nicely, better than anything she’s worn to school, that’s for sure. It splits into two and wraps around her neck. It suits Christmas but it’ll definitely make her stand out, in a good way. It reached her mid-thigh and revealed the rest of her legs. She was wearing black flats, too. Her hair was done nicely and she had a small amount of make up on. She had a gift bag in her hands and she didn’t seem to notice me as I leaned against the wall across from Jeremiah and Mere, who were in her line of vision. She rolled her eyes as she came down the stairs completely. She walked over to the Christmas tree and placed her gift under it before she turned around, her gaze catching mine. I’m sure I looked like a deer in the headlights as I stared at her. I walked towards her, grinning widely. “Savannah, hey.” She waved at me, a small smile on her face. “Hi, Jonah.” “You look pretty,” I replied as she turned her gaze to the floor and her face turned a light shade of red. How cute. “Thanks, you look pretty, too," she complimented. I furrowed my eyebrows as I smiled at her. “I meant nice, you look nice.” “You clean up nice,” I nudged her, earning a glare from her. She punched my shoulder pretty hard and I held back a cringe at the pain. I stared at her, slightly shocked before I laughed. “You hit like a girl!” She punched me harder and I winced even more. “I’d like to retract my statement. Anyway, what’d you get for Christmas?” She shrugged. “I got some more clothes, a pair of shoes, a new headset, hair stuff, a new backpack, and some other stuff. What’d you get?” “I got a new pair of shoes, a few new memory cards, more membership for XBOX 360, a new headset, and a few new games,” I shrugged casually, leaving out the part about the ugly sweater. I noticed how her eyes widened slightly. “What games?” she asked me, attempting to be casual. I shrugged. “A few games, sports games, really,” I told her and she nodded. A relieved look took over her face. “Any games you wanted that you didn’t get?” she questioned me and I nodded my head. “The new STF game but I’ll get it eventually,” I shrugged again and she nodded her head, a small smile finding its way onto her face. “I have it,” she bragged and I glared at her. “Christmas gift from Ms. Antoinette; it’s one of the many perks of working at a video game store.”
28 Apr 2015 | 14:13
“Yeah, I saw it there," I admitted. “I’d invite you to play it but one, it’d be rude to just up and leave the party and two, my mother and father wouldn’t approve of me being alone in my room with a guy,” she shrugged and I held back a smirk at the latter part of the sentence. Of course she'd think like that. I laughed and she smiled before a look of curiosity made its way onto her pretty face. “Did you meet my brother yet?” I nodded my head. “Yeah, when I came inside; your mother was yelling at him to come inside and get ready,” I shrugged and she nodded. “What about Mere?” she asked. I pursed my lips. “Not exactly.” She beckoned me towards the kitchen. We entered to see the two of them eating cookies and drinking milk. “Jer, Mere,” she smiled. “Jonah, Vanna,” Jeremiah spoke and he and his sister seemed to have a telepathic debate. Mere was staring dreamily at Jeremiah and I raised an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah, hey Jonah,” she snapped back to reality. She was busy watching Jeremiah bend over to refill his milk. I just watched in amusement as Savannah covered her mouth with her hand in disgust. “Vanna? Can I talk to you for a minute out there?” “I don’t think that’s the best idea, Mere,” Savannah spoke with a warning tone. “Too bad, Vanna,” she yanked her out of the kitchen and the two disappeared. Jeremiah turned around from the fridge and frowned. “Where’d they go?” he asked and I shrugged. “To talk,” I muttered as I sat down on a stool. It even spun! A few moments later, I was called out of the kitchen, towards the hallway near the backyard. “Jonah, I need your help,” Savannah whispered and I leaned forward slightly. She squealed quietly before taking a step back and raising her voice. “As you know, Mere likes Jer but she doesn’t know if he likes her so she’s making me find out. Can you help me?” I thought for a moment, even though the answer was quiet clear. “Yeah, I will.” “Okay, you’re going to tell Jer that my mom needs him in the yard in a few minutes, if he asks, just say that she told you on your way back to the kitchen and that’s all you know,” she informed me and I nodded. I entered the kitchen with a smile on my face. Jeremiah gave me a confused look. “Jeremiah, your mom wants you in the yard.” “Call me Jer, I only hear Jeremiah when I’m in trouble," he muttered. “Wait? What?” “Your mom needs you in the yard,” I replied after I nodded. He stood up and left his plate there. I watched as Mere slipped around the corner after he’d exited the house. She took his spot and continued eating his cookies, giggling as if she was doing something wrong. I just shook my head. “So, you and Vanna, huh?” she asked me and I just stared at her. She was Savannah’s best friend; of course she’d say something if I admitted anything! “Eh, you’re not going to talk, huh?” I was still quiet when she pushed the plate away from her and motioned for me to sit down. I took a seat across from her and she cracked her knuckles and placed her hands flat on the table. “Listen here, Jonah, I know you may not be interested in dating Vanna now but when you are, remember, if you hurt her- I swear to God, I’ll rip your fingers off and eat them like fish sticks. I will take you onto a boat where I will rip your arms off and use them as oars. I will toss you overboard with a cement block tied to your ankle and you will drown. I will toss your arms into the water, too, hopefully attracting sharks. I will then row back home with my extra pair of oars and tell everyone on land that you decided to swim to Italy," she threatened me; all the while I had my eyes opened wide.
28 Apr 2015 | 14:14
I just nodded my head, afraid to speak. “Okay?” I nodded again. “O-okay.” She grinned at me. “Great.” ~~~ When we were all called over to open our gifts, I was surprised when I was handed one. It was the bag I’d seen Savannah bring downstairs and place under the tree. Savannah obviously wasn’t expecting a gift by the way she grinned happily when one was shoved into her hands. “I didn’t realize that I was getting a gift, too," she murmured. She opened the bag and her eyes widened slightly. Her fingers pulled the cloth from the bag, examining it closely before she turned to me. “Is this the cloth?” I nodded with a small smile on my lips as I opened my gift. I glanced over at her from the corner of my eye and saw her biting her lip, gnawing on it like a hamster. Instead of frowning like she’d expected, I grinned widely. “I'm totally playing this when I get home," I announced. She looked at me and nodded excitedly. “It’s so awesome!” she exclaimed. She scooted closer to me on the couch, flipping the game over on her lap and then holding it closer so I could see it. “You can play with three other people. It’s so cool; you can trash houses, crash cars, and even have your own custom made house. You can have a family; you can kill your family. You can have pets.” She fixed her glasses as I smiled. “Sierra and I are going to be playing this all day tomorrow. Thanks, Savannah.” She frowned. “How’d you know it was me?” “You made it so obvious. A normal person doesn’t gnaw on their lip like a woodchuck while someone is opening a gift,” she bumped my shoulder with her own while I examined the game. I noticed that our legs were lightly touching, causing me to involuntarily shiver. I hope it wasn’t noticeable. I looked over at Jer who was on the opposite couch; he snorted in laughter. Someone coughed and I looked up. I thought it was going to be her father, maybe telling us that we were sitting a bit too close and remind us that this is a family gathering. I was surprised when I saw Jeremiah, a smirk sitting on his face as his extended arm shook above our heads. I looked up and saw a mistletoe in his grip, right above Savannah and I. Kiss her, kiss her, kiss her. Instead of actually kissing her, I watched as she awkwardly laughed and blushed before turning away. I wish I would’ve kissed her.
28 Apr 2015 | 14:15
Dis lovely
28 Apr 2015 | 14:35
28 Apr 2015 | 17:57
[b][color=#000099]Chapter 20: Jonah’s Perspective I stared at my cousin who was currently dancing around my bedroom. “Weston, stop.” My protest was drowned out by the sound of his singing. “Story of my life! I take her home! I drive all night to keep her warm!” I wanted to cry. Weston sounded like a dying goat. “Please, Weston.” “I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want; so tell me what you want, what you really, really want!" he continued to switch up songs. I was begging him now. “Weston, don’t do this to me.” “My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they're like- it's better than yours!” he danced around my room before he glared at me. “Tell me!” “Fine, okay, I’ll tell you,” I snapped and he grinned before coming to a full stop. I let the silence sink in for a moment. “I do.” “I knew it!” he cheered. I glared at him. “Yay, you know it, congratulations. Now go, I have to get ready.” “What, you’re not going to tell her?” Weston asked me as I walked towards my dresser; I turned around to look at him. “No,” I shook my head. “Well, why not? If I were Savannah, I’d want to know that you like me,” Weston placed his hand on his hip and twisted his neck around, attempting to do his best Savannah impression. I glared at him. “But you’re not Savannah and she never does that.” Weston returned my glare. “Well, remember this, if she ends up dating someone else…don’t be surprised,” he warned. I registered his words, knowing that they were true, very true. I was still curious as to whom Arthur is but I know that he isn’t a good guy, I also know that he is no longer in our school. I glared at Weston before watching him unlock my door and exit the room, closing it on his way out. I just walked towards my closet and yanked a pair of dark jeans and a blue shirt out of it. I grabbed my jacket and another one, too, just in case. I got into my car and started the drive to Savannah’s house, a weird feeling in my stomach. It was a good feeling, like butterflies, almost. Is that what they call it? Do they call them butterflies? When I pulled up to her house, I honked the horn and waited patiently for her to come out of her house. When she did waddle out of her house, I found myself grinning from ear to ear. She definitely had layers on. She was wearing a large blue sweater and a thick pair of jeans. She had snow boots on, too, and her hair was in a pile on her head. Her cheeks were tinted red along with her nose from the nippy air and she looked beautiful. “You look like a penguin,” I smiled at her. She got into the car as I opened the door. “Just drive, boy.” She turned on the music and sang along to it while I drove. I just kept smiling, probably looking a bit sketchy to people on the sidewalks but I didn’t care. I was happy. ~~~ I looked at the clock and narrowed my eyes. “We’re going to be so early.” “You can always drop me back home and then go drive around," she retorted with a serious look on her face. I frowned. She didn’t want to be here? I looked at her. “You don’t want to go?” She laughed loudly, chuckling as if what had just happened was hilarious. “You should have seen your face, so vulnerable.” [/color][/b]
29 Apr 2015 | 05:26
[b][color=#000099]I glared at her. “I hate you.” She let out a loud laugh. “We both know that isn’t true.” Yeah, I know. “Yeah, yeah, yeah; what do you want to do? We have thirty minutes to kill,” I questioned her. She shrugged, turning to look at me. “Do we have a song?” she asked. I grinned and nodded. I looked at her with a serious face. “Our song is a slamming screen door, sneaking out late, tapping on your window, when we’re on the phone and you talk real slow cause it’s late and your momma don’t know.” She let out a howling laugh, holding her stomach as tears streamed down her face. I laughed lightly but kept my eyes on the road, or else I’d swerve off of it. She opened her mouth to say something but was consumed by laughter. She covered her face with her hands and shook with laughter. I couldn’t fight the smile that was pasted onto my face. Eventually she stopped laughing but when she looked at me, she started again, and I couldn’t fill my car with a better sound. ~~~ We got to the football field early. We managed to get seats near Georgia and the twins, who were directly above us, in the second and third row. We were on the first row. “I’ll be right back,” Savannah stated as she smiled at me. I nodded as she walked by me and out of the bleachers, towards the bathrooms. I looked at the scrumptious chocolate bar resting on her seat and I looked at the delicious soda bottle in the cup holder; so tempting. No, Jonah, don’t. I looked at my candy bar wrapper and empty soda bottle. I quickly unwrapped her chocolate bar and sighed in content once I bit into it. I gulped down her soda, too. I felt a sense of guilt wash over me and I sat back in my seat after wiping my face. I’m going to tell her it was Sierra. I watched as she made her way back to the seat. I frowned, giving her an innocent look. “I’m really sorry to tell you this.” She frowned. “What?” I sighed, glancing down at my hands to make sure they weren’t covered in chocolate. That would ruin my lie. “Savannah, Sierra drank all of your soda and ate your chocolate bar!” Sierra gasped and glared at me. “I didn’t, he did!” She laughed but rolled her eyes, turning to look at me. She enunciated my name slowly. “Jonah.” I looked at her with a guilty look on my face. “Yes?” “Can you please go get me a soda and another chocolate bar? And this time, some Skittles?” I stared at her for a moment before I nodded. I got up and reached down to make sure my wallet was in my pocket. I walked a few feet before I turned around to see her motioning that I was wrapped around her finger. You got that right. “I saw that,” I shouted and earned an innocent grin in response. I walked over to the vendor’s stand and saw Francis chugging a bottle of water, some of it dripping out of his mouth. He breathed heavily once he retracted the bottle. I ignored the taunting look he was giving me and began ordering from the vendor. “I’d like two bottles of Sprite, six Hershey bars, four Kit Kats, three Twix bars, three Reeses, two packs of Skittles, and two Starbursts,” I pointed to the candy bars as I announced what I wanted. After paying for it, I grabbed it all and returned to my seat just in time to talk to Weston. [/color][/b]
29 Apr 2015 | 05:28
[b][color=#000099]“I said to bring me a chocolate bar, a drink, and Skittles, not the entire vendors stand,” Savannah laughed, her eyebrows furrowing cutely. “I know, they just restocked and I couldn’t help myself," I responded innocently. I smiled at Weston. “Hello.” “Can I have some?” Weston asked as I sat down. I smacked his hand away. “You know you’re not allowed sweets before a game…or ever.” I replied as I opened a candy bar. Savannah took it out of my hands and began eating it. I glared at her while I opened another one. Sierra took this one out of my hands and this process continued until everyone in our small group of friends, aside from Weston, had candy. Weston was currently frowning as his eyes jumped from each candy bar. “I want candy.” I slowly chewed a Starburst, grinning at my cousin. “Too bad.” Weston snatched the king-sized package of Starbursts from me and continued to open the small squares, shoving them into his mouth as I watched in shock. The coach blew the whistle and Weston ran over, still chewing the candy. Savannah turned to me, with a curious look on her face. “What’s wrong?” “He gets really hyper when he eats candy before a game. Last time, he was ramming into players and laughing like a maniac. Every time he made a touchdown, he’d roll on the floor giggling," I explained. She glanced at me before she turned to the field, her eyes watching as Weston jumped up and down excitedly. Weston is a nutcase on the field when he’s hyped up on sugary snacks. As we speak, he’s rolling around on the floor because his team got a touchdown. People were laughing at him and he was oblivious, like he usually is. I sighed tiredly. “He’s going to regret this.” Savannah nodded her head, her eyes glued on the field. “Who do you think is going to win?” I turned to her. “The score is currently 21 to 0. Who do you think is going to win?” Savannah nodded. “Jo-bro.” I smiled at the nickname before I turned to look at her. “Yes?” “Shaw is glaring daggers at us," she muttered as I looked at her. “Look slightly to your left, but don’t be obvious.” I nodded but despite her warning, I snapped my head to the left and my eyes met with Shaw’s. He eventually was forced to look away when his teammates and the coach were calling his name. ~~~ I jumped up and cheered as Weston’s team won. I glanced at Savannah to see she was smiling but looked slightly worried. I wonder why. The urge to kiss her was strong so I looked away and continued cheering. Savannah lifted up the trash and nudged me. Assuming she was going to the trashcan, I nodded and moved to let her pass by me. I watched as she struggled to bypass the people but eventually she managed to get through. I figured that I should tell her, now. I should tell her that I like her now; I’ve been thinking about Weston’s words. What if she does wonder if I like her? Even if she doesn’t, wouldn’t it be nice to know? Not in a conceited way, but in a ‘someone cares’ type of way? I grabbed my jacket and told the twins that I’d see them at home. I waved at Georgia who had her eyes glued to the football players. I wanted to puke; she was probably thinking about how good their butts look in their pants. I felt proud when I realized that throughout this whole entire game, I didn’t look at the cheerleaders. In fact, I’d forgotten that they were here. Weston hadn’t, though. [/color][/b]
29 Apr 2015 | 05:29
[b][color=#000099]I made my way through the crowds of people exiting the stadium. Savannah was dumping the trash in the trash can. I noticed someone behind her and I immediately started to panic. It was a good hundred feet away and they could easily get her into a car. I quickened my pace to a jog and was about 20 feet away from the trash can when I realized who it was. It was Francis. He wasn’t speaking and instead, he had this determined look on his face. We made eye contact for a minute before he turned back to Savannah, who was now facing him. I saw Savannah glance back towards the stadium, but her eyes skipped over me. She hadn’t seen me. I slowed to a walk while I watched as Francis pressed his lips to hers, crushing my heart in the process. She didn’t push him away; instead, she just stood there. A wave of pain shot through me and I felt my stomach clench. I stared at the two as he retracted and leaned forward, so his lips were beside her ear. I didn’t hear what he said and I didn’t want to. I had a feeling I wouldn’t like it, just like I don’t like him. Is this what heartbreak feels like? I felt my breathing quicken and I stopped about five feet away from them. Francis made eye contact with me and smiled smugly before he kissed Savannah’s cheek, all the while she just stood there. I pushed the pain into the back of my mind and tried my hardest to sound normal. “So, you and Francis, huh?” [/color][/b]
29 Apr 2015 | 05:31
[b]Questions & Answers[/b] [b][color=#000099]You guys can ask questions in the comments and I will answer them in this chapter. <><><> Question 1: Will there be a sequel? Answer 1: No, there will not be a sequel. I apologize if you assumed that there would be but there will not be a sequel. Please do not comment asking me to make a sequel because I’m not going to. <><><> Question 2: How do you come up with stories so quickly? Answer 2: Instead of actually working in class, I think about things that you guys would like to read about and things that I would like to write about. I’m only kidding about the not paying attention in class part, but I do get ideas for stories anywhere and I usually write them down and then look at them a few days later. I decide if I like the idea and if I do, I’ll make a story about it. <><><> Question 3: What actually inspired you to write the story? Answer 3: Well, what I said about the STD thing was true! It inspired me to create Savannah's name (Savannah Taylor) and then Jonah's name with the last name of D (Davis). I just didn't have a plot so I decided that maybe I should just type, see what comes to mine, and go with it. And that's what I did. I wanted a main character that was slightly edgy but can have a heart when she needs to. And I think I did pretty well with that, hopefully... <><><> Question 4: Will you do more chapters in Jonah's Point of View? Answer 4: No, I will not. I love this story and all but if I'm being honest, writing in Jonah's perspective is hard. I have to make sure everything matches up and I can't talk about something that hasn't happened yet (For example, I can't write about them getting together when I'm writing chapter 3). And that's very hard to do because I already completed the story. It's also tiring because It takes a while to read the chapter I'm re-writing, write it in Jonah's perspective, read it, edit it, re-read it, and then post it. I love the story, I just think it's over. :) <><><> Question 5: Are you going to keep writing? Answer 5: In case you guys didn't realize it, I have other stories too! Some are completed, some are on their way there! :D So... y'know, you can always check them out. Currently, I'm writing 'The Art Of Hustle *The Movie* <><><> I want to thank you guys so much for reading this story. It's been amazing to write and I've enjoyed it so much. I hope you liked the story, too.[/color][/b]
29 Apr 2015 | 05:43
Seriously dude you can't do this, just finish what you started.
29 Apr 2015 | 06:10
Tanks so much SHAXEE u ar dy best writer here.......lookin forward 4 more of dis.
29 Apr 2015 | 07:04
Yu ar di best!
29 Apr 2015 | 07:24
I really lyk dis story,even all ur story dey r one in a million,welldon @Shaxee
29 Apr 2015 | 08:45
9ice 1 shaxee,luv readin ur stories
29 Apr 2015 | 11:09
A big thanks to you all...
30 Apr 2015 | 09:26
pls shaxee how do i get to ur blog pls link me to ur blog.
31 Jul 2015 | 03:22


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