Am sorry guys for my absence for a long time,am a kind of busy since... I hope my apology is accepted?
Boulders of the great void.
Blows from well wielded humanoid,
Are unfit to pull its might,
Because white is in the winter night
Slanty showers of reason,
Raining to form treason.
Are not enough to form plight,
Because white is in the winter night.
Our souls are close to home.
For we are bounded in dome.
Hunted us,shall remain tight,
Because white is in the winter night.
Those memories can't be washed in a twinkle.
Because they had poisoned them with a sprinkle.
Somewhere in the winter night,
The angels begin their flight.
No footsteps to be lost in snow.
Because white is in the winter night.
(Dedicated to hearts bereft of love).